4 values
44 values
NAME = rqmd.f absorb.f achain.f angel.f angin.f angnp.f antibb.f barwgh.f\ bele.f bplist.f bresdc.f bwdist.f casca.f cgks.f cgksq1.f chains.f\ chkmsc.f clphh.f clustr.f cmass.f cnstst.f cohere.f coll.f coload.f\ coltim.f comprs.f contnt.f conver.f cqpfrc.f cross1.f cross2.f cupdat.f\ dcr.f dcratc.f dcratd.f dcratn.f dcrato.f dcrm.f delten.f detbal.f\ diffra.f dnscal.f dupdat.f dwidth.f emexc.f emuls.f errex.f fctact.f\ fill12.f fillca.f fillom.f flavor.f fndnxt.f fndq.f fndxsm.f frzcor.f\ gamcon.f gamind.f getbb.f getifo.f getinp.f getmas.f getms4.f getpar.f\ gpair.f hit.f hit34.f hprop.f hyper.f ianout.f ibspin.f ictype.f\ idnbar.f idnmes.f idres.f idtmes.f imsed.f imspin.f initev.f initfa.f\ intfac.f iqqrnd.f iqqsto.f isocgk.f ispect.f issers.f iswap.f itrip.f\ jetcon.f jets.f jrtime.f kfcrev.f kfindb.f klbar.f klu.f kmass.f\ kpote.f kqqret.f kresb.f kresm.f lchar.f lddec.f lmass.f lu1jet.f\ lu2jet.f lu3jet.f lu4jet.f luchge.f lucons.f ludata.f ludecy.f luedit.f\ luexec.f luifld.f luiflv.f lulist.f luname.f luonej.f lupart.f lupos.f\ luprep.f luptdi.f lurobo.f lusysj.f luupda.f luzdis.f enlk.f makjet.f\ mbafnd.f mbtage.f mescon.f mesmes.f mesres.f mlt810.f mmann.f mmefnd.f\ mscstr.f mstime.f ndmed.f ndstar.f newcqe.f newlcp.f newmas.f nghbor.f\ notsto.f ofshel.f oldnew.f onshel.f output.f paulin.f pcmsr.f piweg.f\ piynkb.f plasto.f plu.f potyes.f prcms.f pribd.f probdl.f probn2.f\ propag.f pspsv.f pssbar.f qdrot.f qinvrt.f qmass.f ran0.f rrrr.f\ redcqi.f regsup.f reject.f relham.f rend.f resdat.f resdec.f retcgk.f\ rlu.f rqmd.f rqmdat.f rqmdec.f rstall.f rstart.f s10108.f s1088.f\ s8108.f s888.f scattr.f seed.f seteos.f shift.f sigasy.f sigkan.f\ sigptr.f slopet.f spctat.f sppban.f spspsv.f start.f store.f string.f\ strist.f subst2.f substi.f sveifo.f swap.f systim.f tboard.f timelf.f\ torsts.f transl.f trobo.f tubdat.f tube.f twodec.f ulangl.f ulmass.f\ velo12.f vquasi.f widr.f wqdnch.f wqdnnn.f xsesti.f xtupdt.f tblfit.f\ rsign.f timex.f datimh.f secnds.f ipet3e.f dpet3e.f OBJS = $(NAME:.f=.o) GBJS = $(NAME:.f=.g.o) .SUFFIXES : .f .o .g.o .f.o : f90 -c $< @echo ' ' .f.g.o : mv -f $*.o $*.oo f90 -g -c $< mv -f $*.o $*.g.o mv -f $*.oo $*.o @echo ' ' rqmd : $(OBJS) f90 -o $@ $(OBJS) rqmdg : $(GBJS) f90 -g -o $@ $(GBJS) include Makefile.depend
# Appendix A. Glossary of Terms **Access category --** A term that identifies the level of accessibility to an item (e.g., viewing copy, service copy, master, archival master). **Accompanying materials** -- Collateral material (e.g., maps, CD) related to the main work but not cataloged separately. The item may be issued in a container housing both or the publisher may put the supplementary materials in a pocket at the back of the book. In some cases, the Library constructs a housing to contain both. **Architectural and technical drawing** -- Precise graphical representation of a structure, machine, or its component parts that communicates the intent of a design to the fabricator or the prospective buyer of the product. **Assignment** -- Permanent or temporary location associated with an item. **Barcode** -- A pattern of bars of various widths, with varying spaces between them, representing a number or other code used for item identification, which can be read optically by wand, scanner, or similar device. **Book** -- A monograph or serial made up of text pages bound together in some fashion. **Call number** -- The notation used to identify and locate a particular item on the shelves that is classified; it may consist of the assignment (location and sublocation, if known), classification number, cutter, enumeration, chronology or publication date. **CD (Compact Disc)** -- Type of computer storage medium that is read optically using a low-power laser beam to read digital data that has been encoded onto an optical disc in the form of tiny pits. **CD-R** -- Recordable compact disc. **CD-ROM** -- A compact disk with read-only memory. **Classification** -- Alphanumeric system of arrangement, based primarily on subject matter, enabling efficient retrieval of materials in the Library's collections. **CLC (Collection level cataloging)** -- Materials grouped together and cataloged as a collection or set rather than individually. **Cutter** -- A book number created from the Cutter, or Cutter-Sanborn, Tables which further specify author and genre. Follows the more general classification number based primarily on subject. **Data element** -- Discrete piece of information contained in an electronic record. **Direct ship** -- Library material that is shipped directly to the custodial divisions, bypassing normal acquisition receipt work flows. Because Direct Ship materials go directly to the custodial area, the process is often used for faster receipt of current serial issues. **Directory** -- A reference work that typically provides access to names and addresses of individuals or businesses of a specific locale or common focus, as a trade or professional directory. Because the information contained is highly subject to change, directories often receive reduced or minimal processing. Storage and retrieval is often based on alphabetic or geographic arrangement prompted by annotations on the first page or cover. **DVD (Digital Versatile Disc)** -- A type of compact disc capable of storing any kind of data, including movies, music, text, and graphical images. DVDs are available in single- and double-sided versions, with one or two layers of information per side. A double-sided, dual-layer version can store about 30 times as much information as a standard CD. **Edge stamp** -- Property stamp applied to the top edge of a book (head of the text block). **Format** -- Physical manifestation of an item, e.g., printed book, CD, microform, video. **45** -- 45 rpm phonograph record. **Image + Text** -- A Paper--Unbound format in which the item may consist of both photographic and pamphlet material with neither predominating necessarily. **Item** -- The term item refers to any kind of library material managed as a single physical unit for purposes of circulation (external, internal, and reading room service); inventory control; processing; labelling; storing; and tracking. An item consists of one or more separate parts, called **pieces**. Single item examples: bound monographic or serial volume; separately bound part of a volume, e.g., Vol 1, part 2; box of manuscripts; box with software diskettes and manual; book with map in pocket; jewel case with 2 compact discs; folder of 10 photographs. **Item barcode** -- An item barcode provides symbology that can represent a unique or shared PIN (personal identification number). **Item record** -- The item record provides item-level information that encompasses all of the pieces covered by the item record. **Kit** -- A group of individual objects, usually components in different formats, packaged together that form a constructed whole when assembled. **Lasermark** -- The lasermark is the engraving of data elements on a format or the case of a format. **Legacy format** -- A physical manifestation of an item that is either obsolete, or no longer actively acquired by the Library, e.g., 8-track tape. **Library bound serial** -- Collection of individual serial issues bound together by the Library. **Licensing information** -- Contractually imposed limitations that are specified by the publisher and applied to the Library\'s use of certain CD-ROM copyright deposit copies. The publisher selects either a stand-alone or central file server configuration and specifies restrictions on the number of simultaneous users, the downloading of data and disposal of the copies. **LP** -- Long playing phonograph record. **Manuscript** -- A document written by hand or in typescript form. **Masthead** -- The top section of the front page of a newspaper listing the newspaper title, date of issue, and enumeration information. **Map** -- a representation, on a flat surface, of a part or the whole of the earth's surface, the heavens, or a heavenly body. **Material composition** -- the physical make-up of components of a label. For example, the face stock is generally polyester or polypropylene and the adhesive is an acrylic polymer. **Mixed media** -- A collection of subject-related material in more than one medium intended for use as a unit. No one medium is so clearly dominant that the others are dependent or accompanying. **MLC (Minimum level cataloging)** -- Material not given full descriptive or subject analysis. **Monograph** -- A complete bibliographic unit, it may be issued in successive parts at regular or irregular intervals, but it is not intended to continue indefinitely. **Newspaper** -- A serial publication which is designed to be a primary source of written information on current events connected with public affairs, that are local, national, and/or international in scope. **Pamphlet** -- Unbound printed publication with a paper cover or no cover. Usually limited in size to less than 50 pages. **Photograph** -- An image produced on sensitized surfaces by the chemical action of light. **Piece** -- The term piece refers to the part(s) of an item managed as a single physical unit. The pieces are packaged in a binding, box, folder, wrapper, jewel case, sleeve, canister, or some other kind of container to form a physical unit to be treated at the item-level. The prices may have individual characteristics (i.e., one is a floppy disk; another a CD), but they can be controlled effectively with a single Item Record. The number of pieces in an item record may change as material moves through such life cycle stages as acquisitions, processing, binding, conservation, re-evaluation, and re-processing. Not everything in a package has to be counted as a piece. For example, if an instruction sheet in a software package is not now mentioned as a separate price in the bibliographic description, it would not have to be counted as a piece in an Item Record. **PIN (Piece Identification Number)** -- A unique barcode identifier placed on each item or piece for the purpose of inventory and routine retrieval of associated online records. Preservation specifications > 700-702-9/1/00 -- Specifications for pressure sensitive adhesive > labels for application to covers of bound books for use in laser > printers > > 700-703-9/5/00 -- Specifications for pressure sensitive adhesive > labels for application to plastic and metal substrates for use in > laser printers > > 700-704-1/12/00 -- Specifications for pressure sensitive adhesive > labels for application to text pages of bound books for use in laser > printers > > 700-701-9/1/00 -- Specifications for pressure sensitive adhesive > labels for application to box-board for use in laser printers > > 700-711-9/1/00 -- Specifications for pressure sensitive adhesive > labels for application to box-board for use in thermal transfer > printers > > 700-712-9/1/00 -- Specifications for pressure sensitive adhesive > labels for application to covers of bound books for use in thermal > transfer printers > > 700-713-1/12/00 -- Specifications for pressure sensitive adhesive > labels for application to plastic and metal substrates for use in > thermal transfer printers > > 700-714-9/5/00 -- Specifications for pressure sensitive adhesive > labels for application to text pages of bound books for use in thermal > transfer printers **Processing type** -- A method of categorization which distinguishes within a format by the manner in which the material is handled, often used for cataloging (e.g., CLC, MLC, full/core cataloging). **Production method** -- The process of creating the label specified. Methods may include thermal transfer or laser printing; printing onto adhesive label stock & affixing the label to the item or container; printing directly onto a flag or container stock without an adhesive label; preprinting label stock for later use vs. on-demand printing. **Publisher statement** -- Text printed in each issue of a serial providing information such as the publication name, owner, staff, and frequency. This is generally found within the first few pages of text. **Rare collected item** -- A category unique to RBSCD, it is a processing type which allows items to be housed together in a standard archival container. **Realia** -- Objects or artifacts, including both natural objects and those produced by human workmanship (e.g., sculpture, fabric, a message in a bottle). **Retrieval label** -- Any label placed on an item to assist in its methodical storage and retrieval by use of an imposed retrieval system. Retrieval labels include call numbers, shelf numbers, accession numbers, shelf assignments, etc., alphabetic, numeric, and geographic arrangements. **Score** -- An intellectual format for the presentation of music. A score arranges all of the parts of a musical composition in one notational system; from it all of the parts can be determined. Individual instrumental or vocal parts are often broken out for specific performers, the conductor uses the full score to understand and interpret the interaction of melodic lines and orchestral resources called for in the composition. Scores are often published or bound like other printed books. **Security strip** -- A mechanical device placed in a Library asset with the intention of triggering an alarm system if the asset is removed from the Library without proper authorization. **Self-contained serial unit** -- A unit of serial publication that is complete at publication. By contrast periodical publications anticipate the addition of one or more units over a specified period of time. The self-contained unit may, or may not, reproduce substantial quantities of the same data in each iteration; almanacs, directories, legal codes, manuals, etc. **Serial** -- A publication in any format issued in successive parts bearing numeric and/or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials include periodicals (published more frequently than annually); newspapers; annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.); the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc. of societies; and numbered monographic series. **Sheet music** -- A publication mode for presenting printed music. Sheet music generally provides all the elements necessary for the performance of a single selection and does not anticipate the simultaneous publication of individual parts for soloists or ensemble performers. **Slide** -- Transparent material on which there is a two-dimensional image, usually held in a mount, and designed for use in a projector or viewer. **Special format** -- A category of general collections books that require additional handling to allow them to be shelved alongside standard books. An example is a book shaped like a slice of pizza. **Still image** -- A pictorial rather than textual representation recorded on a paper-based medium. Examples include maps, photographs, posters, prints, architectural/technical drawings, and other drawings. **Transcription** -- A handwritten copy of a data element, such as the item's call number, from the online record to the item itself. **Transliteration** -- Rendering the characters or script of one language in the characters or script of another. Transliteration although not a translation, it carries no inherent meaning once rendered in the alien script, generally attempts to exploit the conventions of pronunciation to reproduce the sound of the original language. The transliteration of Chinese characters, Arabic or other exotic scripts into the Roman alphabet is also called Romanization. **Verso** -- The left-hand page of an open book; the verso is the back side of a recto. # Appendix B. Formats Broken Down by Custodial Division <table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 31%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><strong>FORMAT</strong></td> <td colspan="9"><strong>Custodial Division</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><strong>AMED</strong></td> <td><strong>AFC</strong></td> <td><strong>ASIAN</strong></td> <td><strong>ChLit</strong></td> <td><strong>CALM</strong></td> <td><strong>DCSU<sup>1</sup></strong></td> <td><strong>EUR</strong></td> <td><strong>G&amp;M</strong></td> <td><strong>HISP</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>PAPER -- BOUND -- BOOK</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Non-rare book and bound serial</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Non-rare special format</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>Book with accompanying</p> <p>material</p></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Directory</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Copyright paperback collection</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>PAPER -- UNBOUND</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Collection level cataloging (CLC)</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Serial issue</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Newspaper</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Copyright comic book collection</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Copyright moving image descriptive material</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>PAPER -- SHEET</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Still image including architectural/ technical drawing, poster, photograph, map</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>DISC -- DIGITAL</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>CD and CD-R</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>CD-ROM</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>DVD</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>DISC -- MAGNETIC</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Floppy disk</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>DISC -- VINYL</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Vinyl disc</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>FILM</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Microfilm</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Microfiche</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Slide</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Motion picture film</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>MAGNETIC TAPE</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Audio cassette tape</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Video cassette tape</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Video open reel</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>MIXED MEDIA</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>COPYRIGHT REALIA</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 1. Represents published materials; for unpublished materials every format is represented except serial issues and newspapers. <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 35%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><strong>FORMAT</strong></td> <td colspan="9"><h4 id="custodial-division">Custodial Division</h4></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><strong>HSS</strong></td> <td><strong>LAW</strong></td> <td><strong>MS</strong></td> <td><strong>MBRS</strong></td> <td><strong>MUS</strong></td> <td><strong>P&amp;P</strong></td> <td><strong>RBSC</strong></td> <td><strong>ST&amp;B</strong></td> <td><strong>SER</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>PAPER -- BOUND -- BOOK</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Non-rare book and bound serial</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Non-rare special format</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Book with accompanying material</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Directory</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Copyright paperback collection</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>PAPER – UNBOUND</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Collection level cataloging (CLC)</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Serial issue</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Newspaper</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Copyright comic book collection</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Copyright moving image descriptive material</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>PAPER – SHEET</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Still image including architectural/ technical drawing, poster, photograph, map</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>DISC -- DIGITAL</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>CD and CD-R</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>CD-ROM</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>DVD</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>DISC -- MAGNETIC</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Floppy disk</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>DISC -- VINYL</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Vinyl disc</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>FILM</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Microfilm</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Microfiche</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Slide</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Motion picture film</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>MAGNETIC TAPE</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Audio cassette tape</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Video cassette tape</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Video open reel</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>MIXED MEDIA</td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>X</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>COPYRIGHT REALIA</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> # Appendix C. JIG-L Team Membership --------------------- ------------------------------------------------- **Labelling JIG **Organization** Member** Ginny Kass CO Operations Directorate Deb McKern LS Public Service Collections; Baseline Inventory Program Kim Brown CO Receiving & Processing Division; Receipt & Correspondence Control Section Megan Caverly LS African/Asian Acquisitions & Overseas Operation Division; Japanese, Korean, South & Southeast Asian Acquisitions Section Dexter Fox LS Operations Directorate; Automation, Planning & Liaison Office Victor Holmes CO Receiving & Processing Division Barbara Humphrys LS Public Service Collections; Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division Eileen Lowry CO Copyright Acquisitions Division --------------------- ------------------------------------------------- # Appendix D. Relationship of Item and Piece by Format Audience = ACQ (when materials are received) > CAT, BCCD (when materials are processed) > > PSC, AREA (when materials used, or when direct ships are > received/processed) +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | | **Format** | **P | **Examples** | **Item | **Unit | | | | rocessing | | Record =** | Se | | | | Type** | | | rved** | +===+===============+===========+===============+============+========+ | 1 | Paper -- | Non-rare | - Hardcover | Item | Item | | | Bound -- Book | ( | | | | | | | full/core | - Paperback | | | | | | c | | | | | | | ataloging | - Bound | | | | | | and MLC) | pamphlet | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | | | Serial | - Library | Item | Item | | | | | bound | | | | | | | serial | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - S | | | | | | | elf-contained | | | | | | | serial | | | | | | | unit | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 2 | Paper -- | Special | - | Item | It | | | Bound -- Book | format | Unshelvable | | em/box | | | | | item | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | Odd-shaped | | | | | | | book | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 3 | Paper -- | Acc | - Book | Item | It | | | Bound -- Book | ompanying | w/CD-ROM | (number of | em/box | | | | material | | pieces | | | | | | - Book | recorded | | | | | | w/toy | in both | | | | | | | Copyright | | | | | | | and ILS | | | | | | | databases) | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 4 | Paper -- | Directory | - Phone | Item | Item | | | Bound -- Book | | book | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - City | | | | | | | directory | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Social | | | | | | | register | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 5 | Paper -- | Copyright | - Romance | Item  | Item | | | Bound -- Book | Paperback | novels | stored | | | | | C | | together | | | | | ollection | | in box | | | | | | | with other | | | | | | | items | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 6 | Paper -- | CLC | - Miniature | Box  | Box | | | Unbound | ( | book | containing | | | | | collected | | multiple | | | | | pieces | - | pieces | | | | | that | Playscript | | | | | | receive | | | | | | | C | - Pamphlet | | | | | | ollection | | | | | | | Level | collection | | | | | | Ca | | | | | | | taloging) | - | | | | | | | Uncataloged | | | | | | | sheet | | | | | | | music | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 7 | Paper -- | Serial | - | No | Piece | | | Unbound | issue | | (Receipt | | | | | | | noted in | | | | | | | check-in | | | | | | | record) | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ +---+---------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----------+ | | **Format** | **P | ** | **Item | **Unit | | | | rocessing | Examples** | Record =** | Served** | | | | Type** | | | | +===+===============+===========+============+============+===========+ | 8 | Paper -- | Newspaper | - | No | Piece | | | Unbound | | | | | +---+---------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----------+ | 9 | Paper -- | Copyright | - | Box  | Item | | | Unbound | comic | | containing | | | | | book | | multiple | | | | | c | | items in | | | | | ollection | | mylar | | | | | | | sleeves | | +---+---------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----------+ | 1 | Paper -- | Copyright | | Box  | Box | | 0 | Unbound | moving | | containing | | | | | image | | multiple | | | | | de | | items and | | | | | scriptive | | formats in | | | | | material | | folders | | +---+---------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----------+ | 1 | Paper -- | Still | - | Box  | B | | 1 | Sheet | image | Photograph | containing | ox/folder | | | | | | multiple | | | | | | - | items in | | | | | | | mats or | | | | | | - | pieces in | | | | | | | folders | | +---+---------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----------+ | | | | - Poster | Folder/Box | Folder | | | | | |  | | | | | | | containing | | | | | | | single | | | | | | | items | | +---+---------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----------+ | | | | - Map | Folder  | Folder | | | | | | containing | | | | | | | multiple | | | | | | | pieces, | | | | | | | some in | | | | | | | mylar | | | | | | | sleeves | | +---+---------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----------+ | | | | - Arch | Folder/Box | Folder | | | | | itectural/ |  | | | | | | | containing | | | | | | technical | multiple | | | | | | | pieces | | | | | | drawing | that | | | | | | | become | | | | | | | items in | | | | | | | individual | | | | | | | folder | | | | | | | once | | | | | | | served | | +---+---------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----------+ +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | | **Format** | **P | **Examples** | **Item | **Unit | | | | rocessing | | Record =** | Se | | | | Type** | | | rved** | +===+===============+===========+===============+============+========+ | 1 | Disc -- | CD/CD-R | - CD, CD-R | Jewel Case | \* | | 2 | Digital | | |  | | | | | | | containing | | | | | | | 1 or more | | | | | | | discs & | | | | | | | text | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | | | | - CD set in | Contai | \* | | | | | con | ner/Binder | | | | | | tainer/binder |  | | | | | | | containing | | | | | | | multiple | | | | | | | discs | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | | | CD-ROM | - CD-ROM | Jewel Case | Jewel | | | | | |  | Case | | | | | | containing | | | | | | | 1 or more | | | | | | | discs & | | | | | | | text | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | | | | - CD-ROM | Contai | Con | | | | | set in | ner/Binder | tainer | | | | | con |  | | | | | | tainer/binder | containing | | | | | | | multiple | | | | | | | discs | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 1 | Disc -- | DVD | - DVD | Container | \* | | 3 | Digital | | |  | | | | | | | containing | | | | | | | 1 or more | | | | | | | discs & | | | | | | | text | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 1 | Disc -- | Floppy | - Floppy | Container | Con | | 4 | Magnetic | | |  | tainer | | | | | - Floppy | containing | | | | | | set in | 1 or more | | | | | | con | discs & | | | | | | tainer/binder | text | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 1 | Disc -- Vinyl | Vinyl | - 45 | Jacket  | \* | | 5 | | disc | | containing | | | | | | - LP | 1 or more | | | | | | | discs in | | | | | | | sleeves | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 1 | Film | Microfilm | - Newspaper | Box  | Box | | 6 | | | reel | containing | | | | | | | multiple | | | | | | | pieces on | | | | | | | a reel | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | | | | - Brittle | Item  | Box | | | | | books | stored | | | | | | | together | | | | | | reformatted | on reel | | | | | | to | with other | | | | | | microfilm | items | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 1 | Film | M | - Si | Sleeve  | Sleeve | | 7 | | icrofiche | ngle/multiple | containing | | | | | | fiche in | singl | | | | | | jacket | e/multiple | | | | | | | pieces | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | | | | - Fiche set | Bo | Box | | | | | in | xes/Binder | | | | | | con |  | | | | | | tainer/binder | containing | | | | | | | multiple | | | | | | | pieces in | | | | | | | sleeves | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 1 | Film | Slide | - Slide set | Contai | Con | | 8 | | | in | ner/Binder | tainer | | | | | con |  | | | | | | tainer/binder | containing | | | | | | | multiple | | | | | | | pieces | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ \* Sound recordings and moving images are not served directly to users. Users hear or view them at audiovisual booths, but do not handle the item. +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | | **Format** | **P | **Examples** | **Item | **Unit | | | | rocessing | | Record =** | Se | | | | Type** | | | rved** | +===+===============+===========+===============+============+========+ | 1 | Film | Reel | - Motion | Canister | \* | | 9 | | | picture | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 2 | Magnetic tape | Audio | - Single | Case | \* | | 0 | | cassette | cassette | | | | | | | or set in | | | | | | Video | con | | | | | | cassette | tainer/binder | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 2 | Magnetic tape | Video | | Canister | \* | | 1 | | open reel | | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 2 | Mixed media | | - Kit | Container | Con | | 2 | | | |  | tainer | | | | | - Software | containing | | | | | | package | range of | | | | | | | formats | | | | | | - Video | | | | | | | w/audio | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ | 2 | Copyright | | - Greeting | Item  | Item | | 3 | realia | | card | stored | | | | | | | together | | | | | | - | in box | | | | | | Fabric/carpet | with other | | | | | | | items | | | | | | - Calendar | | | +---+---------------+-----------+---------------+------------+--------+ \* Sound recordings and moving images are not served directly to users. Users hear or view them at audiovisual booths, but do not handle the item. # Appendix E. IT Needs JIG-L identified IT needs to support the implementation of labelling recommendations. These IT needs state the initial IT issues and concerns related to labelling from a business user perspective. These needs are not comprehensive, but rather state clearly at a high level IT concerns that are already recognized by the JIG-L members. JIG-L recommends that these needs be further vetted and defined to develop full IT requirements necessary to design and implement an IT system. 1. The proposed materials processing system must support the selection process of the Library. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Selected items are documented b. Selected items are identified c. Rejected items are identified d. Rejected items are not directed into Library processing streams ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. The proposed materials processing system will supply and maintain the date of receipt in association with the record of each deposit/registration/receipt. 3. The proposed materials processing system will provide a capability for documenting (recording and maintaining) PIN numbers with the record of each receipt and any appropriate accompanying documentation (order correspondence, registration documentation, etc.) 4. The proposed materials processing system will maintain a unique index of assigned PIN labels and will extend that index of piece identification numbers as library receipts, or copyright deposits and registrations are received and documented. 5. The proposed materials processing system should provide a capability to document the physical condition of received items (e.g., damaged\--retained; damaged\--replaced) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Damaged items will be documented b. Documentation will identify damaged receipts ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 6. The proposed materials processing system will be capable of changing/deleting PIN information. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. PIN assignments b. Registration detail c. Receipt status ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 7. The proposed materials processing system will maintain an interface to the Library's piece identification number (PIN) source file capable of generating new item numbers as required, or of reproducing (duplicating) existing piece identification numbers: > a\. To support and extend item receipt processing > > b\. To support subsequent item processing > > c\. To extend piece level control to additional materials 8. The proposed materials processing system will support the association of multiple PINs to one service request (e.g., copyright claim). Several configurations are proposed for review: > a\. One PIN assigned to the item and to its support documentation. b\. Each item and any associated documentation may be pinned separately, a request to review a copyright registration would require retrieval of multiple documents and items. 9. The proposed materials processing configuration will support the association of related item records. > a\. As specific pieces associated with one record. > > b\. As specific registrations associated with one item. c\. As numerous items stored and served together; so that if one of the items is in use all of the related items will be reported as unavailable for use. d\. As a number of associated items whose status is governed by a single transaction. Processing of any one item in the associated set updates all members of the set. 10. The proposed materials processing system will provide the capability to address and process data at the item level. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. To support Library collection control and circulation activity. b\. To uniquely describe and manage specifically identified materials and resource documentation. > c\. To provide aggregate control of collected sets and kits. > > d\. To provide access to specific items, registrations, and related > documentation. 11. The proposed materials processing system will support an interface with other local systems at the most granular (item) level. a\. Full compliance with bibliographic (Z39.50) and commercial (X-10) communication standards. > b\. System safeguards will regulate external access to the copyright > data. > > c\. System safeguards will regulate remote modification of copyright > data. > > d\. System safeguards will regulate the receipt of electronic > deposits. > > e\. System safeguards will filter and refer outside requests for > copyright information. f\. System safeguards will filter and pass requests for library information to library processors. 12. The proposed materials processing system will be capable of monitoring requests for information concerning specific items by several measures, including: > a\. Multiple requests for a single item, or item segment, and the > status of each request. > > b\. Multiple requests for multiple items, or item segments, and the > status of each request. > > c\. Frequency of requests for specific items. > > d\. Total number of requests for specific items. 13. The proposed materials processing system will maintain a history of activities (retrieval, review, judgement, etc.) associated with each item or associated component (registration, claim, request, etc.). > a\. For pre-determined periods of time. > > b\. Until purged or replaced by transaction age, expiration date, > periodic review, etc. c\. For the maintenance of material status assessments to determine culpability for damage or loss. 14. The proposed materials processing system will provide search capability for copyright content, deposits and items. > a\. From outside web-based sources. > > b\. From internal copyright reference queries. > > c\. From a variety of library based searches passed to the integrated > processing system. 15. The proposed integrated processing system will provide a capability to document item status reporting across an interface with Library inventory: > a\. Lost items. > > b\. Missing items. > > c\. Withdrawn items. > > d\. Damaged items. > > e\. Replacement requests. 16. The proposed materials processing system will permit continuous location and status tracking of items. > a\. See No. 13 preceding. > > b\. Periods of status retention may expire routinely, be replaced or > purged. 17. The proposed materials processing system will provide a capability to distinguish and track each item or associated piece described in the system. 18. The proposed materials processing system will track requests and items identified to the processing system for replacement use. (See No. 15 preceding.) 19. The proposed materials processing system will direct output to interfaced printing equipment and permit different content and formatting for specific applications. Users may elect specific formats, or accept default formatting based on defined physical types (microfilm, printed items, digital media, etc.). 20. The proposed materials processing system will store and format data to generate laser marks using interfaced marking equipment. (See No. 19 preceding.) 21. The proposed materials processing system will offer the capability to select content and element layout for use with interfaced label printing equipment. 22. The proposed materials processing system will offer the capability to format and pass data to a variety of interfaced print devices to produce either standard label products, or to imprint paper, Mylar, or other media. (See No. 19 preceding.) 23. The proposed materials processing system will generate copyright registration numbers or other specially formatted sequentially numbered series as required. (See No. 19 preceding.) 24. Data available in the proposed materials processing system may be used to produce various management reports.
# Presentation: 209559 ## Model collaboration, coordination and... the Model Web for ecological forecasting - 1 May 2008 ## From Yesterday **Need to assess impacts of change...** **“****A new generation of integrated modeling is needed” (Tony Janetos)** **“****Major investment in impact models is needed”** **“****Need integrated research” (Ex: biofuels/food/crop)** **Need “Model comparisons...multi-model analyses...coordinated agenda”** **“****Need to develop an infrastructure”** **“****Need to investigate alternative futures”** **“****Need a new NASA program”** - 1 May 2008 ## Overview **Bring people together** **Review Model Web concept** **Discuss strawperson approach to doing it** **Focus on: Initial Framework Infrastructure** **Right models?** **Right people?** - 1 May 2008 ## Current Modeling Environment **Very limited model-model communication ** **Technical and especially non-technical barriers** **Response** **Try a “web of models” analogous to the WWW** **Can’t just plan and build it** **Facilitate and encourage ** - 1 May 2008 **Notes:** GEOSS philosophy and architecture include the basic concepts of the Model Web, though in a more generic way. The Model Web specifically applies that philosophy to the modeling environment. ## Demonstration System **Global Climate** **Dataset** **Regional** **Climate Dataset** **Species Distribution Model** **Species ** **distribution** **TOPS** - 1 May 2008 ## System Growth **Global Climate** **Dataset** **Regional** **Climate Dataset** **Fire** **Model** **TOPS** **Species ** **distribution** **Species Distribution Model** - 1 May 2008 ## System Growth **Global Climate** **Dataset** **Regional** **Climate Dataset** **Fire** **Model** **Landscape** **Model** **TOPS** **Species ** **distribution** **Fire risk,** **Intensity, etc** **Possible** **Landscapes** **Species Distribution Model** - 1 May 2008 ## Distributed network of interoperating models (and datasets and sensors) Using web services Models are harmonized Multi-disciplinary scope **Using web services** **Models are harmonized** **Multi-disciplinary scope** **Model Web: 5-10+ Year Vision (1/2)** - 1 May 2008 ## Model Web: 5-10+ Year Vision (2/2) **Grows organically within framework of broad goals and data exchange standards** **Models and datasets maintained, operated, and served independently ** **Web access provided to researchers, managers, policy makers, public** - 1 May 2008 ## Model and Data Space **Model and Data Space** - Portal - Portal **Model A** **Model B** **Model C** **Dataset 1** **Dataset 2** **Model D** **Model E** **Model F** **Dataset 3** **Dataset 4** **Model G** - 1 May 2008 ## Slide 11 | Model Web | "Traditional" | | --- | --- | | Harmonization of components a lot of work | Harmonization of components a lot of work | | Communication by web services | Communication by API/system calls | | Dynamic, interoperable system of systems | Static, isolated, integrated systems | | Loosely coupled components | Tightly coupled components | | Distributed system lacking centralized control | Centralized system controlled by developers | | Open system. New components added without permission | Closed system. New components only added by system developers | | Organic and opportunistic growth, similar to WWW (but guided) | All growth planned | | High level of component reuse—once harmonized with other components a component is available to everyone | Low level of reuse; once harmonized with other components remains within the tightly coupled system | | Generally high level of data sharing | Generally lower level of sharing; focus is on specific questions and tightly coupled components so that only final products are shared | | Indeterminate growth | Determinate growth as defined by developers | | Long term evolutionary process that gradually converges on higher levels of interoperability | Shorter term development process with complete interoperability at delivery | | Leads to a shared modeling infrastructure accessible by all | Leads to isolated model systems available to a few | | Untrained users may misuse model or outputs | Misuse rarer because users and developers are typically the same | | Unsuitable for systems that require high levels of data exchange between components | High levels of data exchange less of a problem due to co-location of components | - 1 May 2008 ## Next Step **Think about an initial “framework infrastructure”** **Expand demo system** **Include additional basic components** - 1 May 2008 ## Strawperson Initial Framework Infrastructure ** ****Landscape** **Ecotype** **Tree density** **Biomass** **Disturbance** **Succession** **Composition** **Species ** **Distribution** ** **** ****Fire** **Risk** **Frequency** **Intensity** **Behavior** **Emissions** **Environment** **(eg, TOPS)** ** ****Carbon** **Accounting** **Allocation** **Flows** **Sequestration** **Ecosystem** **Services** **Species ** **Abundance** **All kinds** **of data** **Invasive Species** **Community-level** **Biodiversity** **(Ferrier)** ***Role TBD*** **Public Health** **Socio-economic** - 1 May 2008 ## Selection Criteria **Model developer is engaged** **Model developer is broad thinker and shares vision of a model infrastructure** **Models have potential for harmonization** - 1 May 2008 ## Slide 15 | Model or Category | Modeler | Model information | | --- | --- | --- | | NASA TOPS | Rama Nemani (NASA) | Environmental information past, present, future, including temperature, rainfall, radiation, LAI, soil moisture, stream outflow, ET, vegetation stress, primary productivity | | GEOSS GBIF IP3 demo system | Stefano Nativi (Italian National Research Council) | Uses OpenModeler and GBIF to produce range maps based on the provided climate | | Community models | Simon Ferrier (CSIRO, Australia) | TBD | | Carbon | Yiqi Luo (Univ of Kansas) | TBD | | Fire | TBD | Many options; Nativi has a Mediterranean model, TOPS will likely add an emissions model; USFS has many models; risk, intensity, frequency, coverage, emissions are of interest | | Landscape | eg, LANDIS--Rob Scheller (Conservation Biology Institute) | LANDIS has a fire module as well as other components that are loosely coupled and available as DLLs. Should also check into the Ecosystem Demography model (Paul Moorcroft, George Hurtt) | | Socioeconomic | Robert Costanza's group (Gund Inst for Env Economics) | Ecosystem services, predicted landcover change; roads; etc | | Public health | EPA--Gary Foley’s group | TBD | | Ecosystem services | EPA—Rick Linthurst’s group, with John Johnston | TBD | | Invasive species | Jeff Morisette and John Schnase (NASA) | NASA Invasive Species Forecasting System; predicts likely spread of invasives | - 1 May 2008 ## Related Topic **Chris Field and Modeling Breakout group** **Coordination in assessing impact of change** **Would enhance application of model results ** **Form a working group?** - 1 May 2008 ## Next Steps **Expand demo system to Initial framework system** **Finalize models and participants** **Submit proposals?** **Plan Model Web Workshop** **Impact modeling WG for coordination?** - 1 May 2008 ## Principle of Gradual Convergence **Vision cannot be achieved quickly** **Gradually converged upon** **Cannot be achieved completely** **Not necessary** **Follow path of organic growth ** **Organized around general framework** **Facilitated by tools and technologies** **Lubricated by interested sponsors** - 1 May 2008 ## Barriers to Interoperability **Data format** **Data terminology** **Missing data** **Temporal/spatial gridding** **Standards** **Sponsor goals** **Model purpose** **Effort required** **Proprietariness** **Acceptance** **Cultural differences** - } - } **Technical** **Non-technical** - 1 May 2008 ## Larger infrastructure **Global** **Climate** **Public Health** **Human Population Density ** **and Distribution** **Socioeconomic** **Poverty** **Technology** **Economy** **Behavior** **Regional Environmental** ** ****Change** **Habitat Alteration** **Deforestation/Disturbance** **Agricultural Intensification** **Urbanization** **Fire** **Carbon** **Landscape** **Ecosystem Services** **Species & Habitat** **Range** **Abundance** **Functions** **Interactions** **Local/Regional** **Climate** ***These*** ***interact*** **All kinds** **of data** ***Includes vectors & hosts*** - 1 May 2008
By D.P. *\"Bracken\"* Bracken ***\"Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation.\"* \-- Milton Friedman, noted American economist.** **Place:** *The Nation\'s Capital* **Time:** *Early 20th Century* **Scene:** *A dimly lit room, furnished with only a table and two chairs. The blinds are drawn tightly, as if to ward away any outside eyes from peering inside the darkened chamber. Seated at the table are two opulent figures, "Government" and "Business".* *"Government" is the smaller of the two, but it is obvious from the deference paid to him by "Business", that he is the one wielding all of the power. "Business" was \'invited\', putting it mildly, to this meeting by \"Government\". After \'polite\' greetings are exchanged between the two, we join the conversation in progress:* **Government:** *(talking to 'Business')* "I need to raise more money to fund myself." **Business:** "Why do you need more money?" **Government:** \"Because I\'m growing so much larger.\" **Business:** \"But the wise men who created you warned us about the dire consequences of you becoming too big.\" **Government:** \"Don\'t you worry, I\'ll keep my size well under control!\" **Business:** \"I don\'t know. I have a bad feeling about all of this.\" **Government:** \"Put all of your fears aside and listen to my plan. The plan is: I want, I mean, I need more money. I have come up with a bright idea of how to get more money from the public using a new type of tax system.\" **Business:** "Individuals are already taxed too much. If you tax them any more, they might revolt!" **Government:** "I have a plan which will tax the public without their knowledge. It\'s a very devious plan, and you, 'Business', will play a significant part." **Business:** "Is there any danger in it for me?" **Government:** "No, in fact the public will sympathize with you, for this plan will make it appear that you are paying a large percentage of the tax burden." **Business:** "OK, I\'ll listen to your plan. Tell me how it will work." **Government:** "First, I will convince the public that you, 'Business', should pay your fair share of the taxes in this country. Of course, the public will agree. Then I will initiate a 'Corporate Income Tax' on all businesses and corporations." **Business:** "Now hold on! I\'ve already made it clear that I will not contribute any more money to your inefficient bureaucracy!!" **Government:** "Wait, just be quiet and listen! Here\'s where the devious part comes into play." "You increase the price on the goods and services you produce, to cover the cost of the \'Corporate Income Tax\' and all associated expenses. You and I both know that businesses never have and never will pay taxes, you just pass them on to your customers." "I will make regular announcements that the increase in prices is due to \'inflation\'. In this way, the public is actually paying both the \'Individual Income Tax\' and the \'Corporate Income Tax\' but they will honestly believe they are only paying the \'Individual Income Tax\'. So, everyone will actually be paying a hidden income tax of \$25 for every \$100 that they spend." **Business:** "But the majority of people spend almost all of the money they make. Under this plan, they would be paying more in the hidden income tax than they pay in the visible income tax." "Even the person making only \$10,000 a year, who pays no visible income tax, will in reality end up paying about \$2,500 a year in this devious, concealed income tax. That\'s one-fourth of his entire income. What a plan!! You are the shifty one!" **Government:** "Thank you, but flattery will get you nowhere! Now remember, you must play along with this plan by acting outraged at the excessive amount of business income tax you are forced to pay, in order for it to work." **Business:** "What\'s in it for me, by the way?" **Government:** "You play along, I will cut you in for a piece of the action. 'Subsidies', 'exemptions', 'grants', etc., you will be surprised at what I can do for you. Just don\'t let on that this is the greatest tax scheme ever devised." **Business:** "What if someone figures this all out someday?" **Government:** "The public is dim-witted and slow to act, besides most people will not believe that their own government would betray them. How many of them could actually conceive that such a plan was ever devised in the first place. So what if they do! By that time, the income tax will be as much a part of life as baseball, mom, and apple pie." **Business:** "Wow!, If the public ever catches on to how much they are really paying in taxes, there could be hell to pay! Even the people who think they aren\'t paying any income tax are really paying an awful lot in income tax. Your plan is a most evil idea, indeed! I bow to your wickedness." **Government:** "Thank you. You may go now." *\"Business\" leaves the room and closes the door behind him. \"Government\" waits a few moments and then goes to the door, looks out to make sure that he is alone.* *\"Government\" closes the door and then says softly to himself,* "Like the saying goes: 'There's a sucker born every minute'. Stupid public, they\'ll never know what hit them. With this greater tax burden, they\'ll spend all of their time and energy just to survive day-to-day." "Foolish 'Business', he doesn\'t even realize that this plan will affect all business-to-business transactions, as this \'Corporate Income Tax\' will be concealed in everything. Even goods and services exchanged between businesses at the wholesale level." "Prices will just keep going up, and the poor, pitiful consumer, who has no one else to pass the tax on to, will foot the bill for the entire cost of me\... the great\... the powerful\... 'Government'!" **"\...HA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAA-HAAAAAAAA-HA!!"** *The bloodcurdling evil laugh is heard for miles around, but the unsuspecting citizens of the greatest country on Earth are unaware of what the wicked laugh portends for them, their children, and for unborn generations yet to come.* (Fade to black) # The End **Narrator:** *"Are you tired of being a victim of **'The Greatest Tax Scheme on Earth'**? There is a better alternative - a fair, simple way for the government to collect taxes. A system whereby you will be able to see how much of your money government takes. Would you like to find out more? Would you care to learn what you can do to change this unfair system? Or are you happy just being a 'sucker' of this income tax system?"* **To learn more, contact:** > **Citizens for an Alternative** > > **Tax System (CATS)** > > **1-800-767-7577** > > **or contact:** > > **Citizens for an Alternative** > > **Tax System (CATS)** > > **Las Vegas Chapter** > > **5181 Gains Mill St.** > > **Las Vegas, NV 89122** > > **(702) 454-5736** > > **** > > **[email protected]** © 2000 by D.P. *\"Bracken\"* Bracken > (Permission to use all or part, as long as credit is given to author > and Citizens for an Alternative Tax System.)
! Started logfile: difmap.log on Thu May 10 13:08:55 2001 obs 0201+113_S.edt ! Reading UV FITS file: 0201+113_S.edt ! AN table 1: 29 integrations on 3 of 3 possible baselines. ! AN table 2: 12 integrations on 6 of 6 possible baselines. ! Apparent sampling: 0.572327 visibilities/baseline/integration-bin. ! Found source: 0201+113 ! ! There are 4 IFs, and a total of 4 channels: ! ! IF Channel Frequency Freq offset Number of Overall IF ! origin at origin per channel channels bandwidth ! ------------------------------------------------------------- (Hz) ! 01 1 2.22497e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 02 2 2.24497e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 03 3 2.33497e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 04 4 2.36497e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! ! Polarization(s): RR ! ! Read 1558 lines of history. ! ! Reading 364 visibilities. select ! Selecting polarization: RR, channels: 1..4 ! Reading IF 1 channels: 1..1 ! Reading IF 2 channels: 2..2 ! Reading IF 3 channels: 3..3 ! Reading IF 4 channels: 4..4 radpl ! Using default options string "m1" ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help mapsize 1024,0.4 ! Map grid = 1024x1024 pixels with 0.400x0.400 milli-arcsec cellsize. uvweight 2,-1 ! Uniform weighting binwidth: 2 (pixels). ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. mappl ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.024 mas, bmaj=4.085 mas, bpa=-27.62 degrees ! Estimated noise=10.9532 mJy/beam. ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help clean 50,0.03 ! clean: niter=50 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.5471 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 50 components = 0.5471 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.098330 max=0.152575 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000006 rms=0.028412 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.5471 Jy selfcal false,true,0.5 ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.5 minute time intervals ! Adding 1 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 1 components and 0.5471 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! A total of 84 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 12 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! A total of 78 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 15 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! A total of 72 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 15 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! A total of 78 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 12 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.227481Jy sigma=1.216926 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.223432Jy sigma=1.222016 clean ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.038 mas, bmaj=3.991 mas, bpa=-27.35 degrees ! Estimated noise=11.7154 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=50 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.117385 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 50 components = 0.117385 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.045546 max=0.042561 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000002 rms=0.012435 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.664485 Jy selfcal ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 7 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 7 components and 0.664485 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.159673Jy sigma=0.876417 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.159243Jy sigma=0.873747 clean ! Inverting map ! clean: niter=50 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0422822 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 50 components = 0.0422822 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.035935 max=0.035224 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000003 rms=0.010047 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.706767 Jy selfcal ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 3 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 7 components and 0.706767 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.147851Jy sigma=0.814945 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.147692Jy sigma=0.813980 mappl ! Inverting map ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help uvweight 0,-1 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. loglevs -1,2048,2 ! The new contour levels are: ! -1 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 cmul = imstat(rms)*3 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=1.958 mas, bmaj=4.538 mas, bpa=-25.72 degrees ! Estimated noise=8.61073 mJy/beam. mappl cln ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 1.958 x 4.538 at -25.72 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.037104 max=0.70578 Jy/beam ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help mappl ! Inverting map ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help clean ! clean: niter=50 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00334028 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 50 components = 0.00334028 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.023548 max=0.023302 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000003 rms=0.008295 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.710107 Jy selfcal ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 16 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 23 components and 0.710108 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.138724Jy sigma=0.762896 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.138589Jy sigma=0.762270 mappl ! Inverting map ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help uvweight 0,-1 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. loglevs -1,2048,2 ! The new contour levels are: ! -1 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 cmul = imstat(rms)*3 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=1.958 mas, bmaj=4.538 mas, bpa=-25.72 degrees ! Estimated noise=8.61073 mJy/beam. mappl cln ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 1.958 x 4.538 at -25.72 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.029746 max=0.69866 Jy/beam ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help clean ! Inverting map ! clean: niter=50 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00418853 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 50 components = 0.00418853 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.017311 max=0.016993 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000002 rms=0.006334 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.714296 Jy selfcal ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 20 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 33 components and 0.714296 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.134166Jy sigma=0.736470 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.134085Jy sigma=0.736108 mappl ! Inverting map ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help ! Mean=-2.21268e-06 rms=0.0062996 min=-0.0182954 max=0.0179419 Jy/beam uvweight 0,-1 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. loglevs -1,2048,2 ! The new contour levels are: ! -1 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 cmul = imstat(rms)*3 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=1.958 mas, bmaj=4.538 mas, bpa=-25.72 degrees ! Estimated noise=8.61073 mJy/beam. mappl cln ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 1.958 x 4.538 at -25.72 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.024122 max=0.69453 Jy/beam ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help clean ! Inverting map ! clean: niter=50 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00268105 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 50 components = 0.00268105 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.013468 max=0.013414 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000002 rms=0.005072 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.716977 Jy selfcal ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 24 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 45 components and 0.716977 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.131558Jy sigma=0.721267 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.131507Jy sigma=0.721054 mappl ! Inverting map ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help ! Mean=-2.20287e-06 rms=0.00507289 min=-0.0139062 max=0.0138279 Jy/beam uvweight 0,-1 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. loglevs -1,2048,2 ! The new contour levels are: ! -1 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 cmul = imstat(rms)*3 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=1.958 mas, bmaj=4.538 mas, bpa=-25.72 degrees ! Estimated noise=8.61073 mJy/beam. mappl cln ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 1.958 x 4.538 at -25.72 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.020526 max=0.69232 Jy/beam ! ! Move the cursor into the plot window and press 'H' for help save 0201+113_S ! Writing UV FITS file: 0201+113_S.uvf ! Writing 45 model components to file: 0201+113_S.mod ! wwins: Wrote 2 windows to ! Writing clean map to FITS file: 0201+113_S.fits ! Writing difmap environment to: 0201+113_S.par device ! Attempting to open device: '' mappl cln device,1,2 ! Attempting to open device: '' radpl ! Using default options string "m1" uvplot quit ! Quitting program ! Log file difmap.log closed on Thu May 10 13:13:55 2001
![](media/image1.jpeg){width="1.2708333333333333in" height="10.166666666666666in"} **FLORIDA** **Livestock, Dairy and Poultry** **November 13, 2023** +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **TOPICS IN THIS REPORT** | | | | > July 1 U.S. Cattle and Calf Inventory Hatchery production | | > | | > Cattle on Feed - July 1 Milk Production | | | | Chickens and Eggs Livestock Slaughter: Auction prices | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ **JULY 1 CATTLE INVENTORY DOWN SLIGHTLY** All cattle and calves in the United States as of July 1, 2005, totaled 104.5 million head, 1 percent above the 103.6 million on July 1, 2004 and 1 percent below the 103.9 million two years ago. All cows and heifers that have calved, at 42.8 million, were 1 percent above the 42.5 million on July 1, 2004 and slightly above the 42.7 million two years ago. 1. Beef cows, at 33.8 million, were up 1 percent from July 1, 2004 and up slightly from two years ago. 2. Milk cows, at 9.05 million, were up 1 percent from July 1, 2004 but down 1 percent from two years ago. Other class estimates on July 1, 2005 and the changes from July 1, 2004, are as follows: 3. All heifers 500 pounds and over, 16.2 million, up 2 percent. 4. Beef replacement heifers, 5.0 million, up 4 percent. 5. Milk replacement heifers, 3.7 million, up 3 percent. 6. Other heifers, 7.5 million, down 1percent. 7. Steers weighing 500 pounds and over, 14.4 million, up 1 percent. 8. Bulls weighing 500 pounds and over, 2.1 million, up 2 percent. 9. Calves under 500 pounds, 29.0 million, up slightly. 10. All cattle and calves on feed for slaughter, 12.0 million, up 2 percent. **CALF CROP DOWN 1 PERCENT** The 2005 calf crop is expected to be 37.8 million, up slightly from 2004 but down slightly from 2003. Calves born during the first half of the year are estimated at 27.5 million, up slightly from 2004 but down 1 percent from 2003. +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | **[Cattle and | | | | | | Calves]{.smallcaps}:** | | | | | | By class, and calf crop, | | | | | | United States, July 1, | | | | | | 2003-05 | | | | | +==========================+===========+=========+=========+===========+ | Class | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2005 | | | | | | | | | | | | as % of | | | | | | | | | | | | 2004 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | | 1,000 | | | | | | head | | | | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | Cattle and calves: | 103,900 | 103,600 | 104,500 | 101 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | Cows and heifers that | 42,700 | 42,500 | 42,800 | 101 | | have calved | | | | | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | > Beef cows | 33,600 | 33,500 | 33,750 | 101 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | > Milk cows | 9,100 | 9,000 | 9,050 | 101 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | Heifers 500 pounds and | 15,900 | 15,950 | 16,200 | 102 | | over: | | | | | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | > Beef cow replacement | 4,600 | 4,800 | 5,000 | 104 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | > Milk cow replacement | 3,600 | 3,600 | 3,700 | 103 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | > Other heifers | 7,700 | 7,550 | 7,500 | 99 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | Steers 500 pounds and | 14,200 | 14,200 | 14,400 | 101 | | over | | | | | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | Bulls 500 pounds and | 2,100 | 2,050 | 2,100 | 102 | | over | | | | | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | Calves under 500 pounds | 29,000 | 28,900 | 29,000 | 100 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | Calf crop ^1/^ | 37,903 | 37,625 | 37,800 | 100 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | Cattle on Feed | 11,810 | 11,800 | 12,000 | 102 | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ | ^1/^ For the current | | | | | | year, the calf crop is | | | | | | the number of calves | | | | | | born before July 1 plus | | | | | | the number expected to | | | | | | be born on and after | | | | | | July 1. | | | | | +--------------------------+-----------+---------+---------+-----------+ Number range CHAPTER **CATTLE ON FEED** Cattle and calves on feed for slaughter market in the United States for feedlots with capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 10.4 million head on July 1, 2005. The inventory was 3 percent above July 1, 2004 and 5 percent above July 1, 2003. The inventory included 6.81 million steers and steer calves, up 7 percent from the previous year. This group accounted for 65 percent of the total inventory. Heifers and heifer calves accounted for 3.53 million head, down 5 percent from 2004. Placements in feedlots during June totaled 1.77 million, 7 percent above 2004 and 6 percent above 2003. Net placements were 1.71 million. During June, placements of cattle and calves weighing less than 600 pounds were 412,000, 600-699 pounds were 347,000, 700-799 pounds were 480,000, and 800 pounds and greater were 530,000. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **[Cattle on Feed]{.smallcaps}**: Number on feed, placements, marketings, and other disappearance, July 2003-2005 ---------------------- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Item Number 2005 as % of 2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 1,000 head On feed June 1 10,539 10,640 10,769 102 101 Placed on feed during June 1,672 1,647 1,769 106 107 Fed cattle marketed June 2,227 2,085 2,073 93 99 during Other disappearance June 61 70 63 103 90 during On feed July 1 9,923 10,132 10,402 105 103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **CHICKENS AND EGGS** **[Florida]{.smallcaps}** Table eggs sold in mid-July 2005 averaged 34.0 cents, an increase from mid-June of 9.0 cents. Table egg production in Florida during June was 233 million eggs, down five percent from the previous month. **[United States]{.smallcaps}** U.S. egg production totaled 7.34 billion during June 2005, up 1 percent from last year. Production included 6.25 billion table eggs, and 1.10 billion hatching eggs, of which 1.03 billion were broiler-type and 61 million were egg-type. The total number of layers during June 2005 averaged 341 million, down slightly from a year earlier. June egg production per 100 layers was 2,151 eggs, up 1 percent from June 2004. All layers in the U.S. on July 1, 2005, totaled 340 million, down 1 percent from a year ago. The 340 million layers consisted of 281 million layers producing table or market type eggs, 56.0 million layers producing broiler-type hatching eggs, and 2.59 million layers producing egg-type hatching eggs. Rate of lay per day on July 1, 2005, averaged 72.3 eggs per 100 layers, up 1 percent from a year ago. +-------------------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | **[ | | | | | | Florida]{.smallcaps}**: | | | | | | Layers on hand first of | | | | | | month; | | | | | | | | | | | | percentages by molting | | | | | | stage | | | | | +=========================+==========+==========+==========+==========+ | | July | May | June | July | | | | | | | | | 2004 | 2005 | 2005 | 2005 | +-------------------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | > Total layers on | | | | | +-------------------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | > hand: Thous | 11,750 | 10,566 | 10,818 | 10,935 | +-------------------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | > Percent of layers: | | | | | +-------------------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | > Being molted | 3.0 | 6.0 | 7.5 | 6.5 | +-------------------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | > Molt completed | 28.0 | 23.0 | 23.5 | 25.0 | +-------------------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | **[Layers and | | | | | eggs]{.smallcaps}**: | | | | | Selected States and | | | | | U.S. | | | | +=======================+===============+==============+==============+ | Selected | Avg. layers | Eggs | | | | | produced | | | States | on hand, | | | | | | | | | | June 2005 | | | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | | | June | Year to | | | | | | | | | 2005 | date ^1/^ | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | | Thousands | Millions | | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Alabama | 9,191 | 173 | 1,220 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Arkansas | 14,653 | 278 | 1,973 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | California | 19,676 | 427 | 3,114 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | **Florida** | 10,877 | 241 | 1,706 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Georgia | 19,072 | 389 | 2,874 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Indiana | 23,292 | 517 | 3,621 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Iowa | 47,989 | 1,036 | 9,540 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Maine | 4,206 | 45 | 280 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Maryland | 2,939 | 64 | 473 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Michigan | 8,024 | 187 | 1,225 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Minnesota | 10,838 | 244 | 1,724 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Mississippi | 6,976 | 138 | 954 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Missouri | 7,270 | 163 | 1,134 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Nebraska | 11,919 | 267 | 1,863 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | New York | 4,204 | 97 | 688 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | North Carolina | 10,811 | 212 | 1,493 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Ohio | 27,955 | 615 | 4,356 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Pennsylvania | 22,988 | 538 | 3,896 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | South Carolina | 5,018 | 99 | 758 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Texas | 17,215 | 375 | 2,805 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Virginia | 3,331 | 73 | 458 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Washington | 4,994 | 116 | 787 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | Other States | 47,908 | 459 | 3,335 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | **United States** | 341,352 | 7,342 | 52,244 | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ | ^1/^ Production year | | | | | begins December 1. | | | | +-----------------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+ +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | **[Mid-month table egg prices | | | | received]{.smallcaps}** | | | | | | | | **[by florida egg | | | | producers.]{.smallcaps}** | | | +===================================+================+================+ | Month | Cents per | | | | dozen | | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | | 2004 | 2005 | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | January | 81.0 | 40.0 | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | February | 81.0 | 36.0 | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | March | 101.0 | 33.0 | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | April | 67.0 | 30.0 | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | May | 52.0 | 27.0 | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | June | 53.0 | 25.0 | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | July | 46.0 | 34.0 | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | August | 40.0 |   | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | September | 34.0 |   | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | October | 36.0 |   | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | November | 46.0 |   | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | December | 53.0 |    | +-----------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ **HATCHERY PRODUCTION** **[Florida]{.smallcaps}** The June hatch of broiler-type chicks, at 4,901,000 was four percent above a year earlier. Broiler-type eggs in incubators on July 1, at 4,145,000 were one percent above a year ago. Egg-type hatch during June at 443,000 chicks was 39 percent below last year. Egg-type eggs in incubators on July 1, at 314,000, were 43 percent below a year ago. **[United States]{.smallcaps}** Broiler-type chicks hatched during June 2005 totaled 796 million, up 1 percent from June 2004. Eggs in incubators totaled 658 million on July 1, 2005, down slightly from a year earlier. Leading breeders placed 7.11 million broiler-type pullet chicks for future domestic hatchery supply flocks during June 2005, up 3 percent from June 2004. Egg-type chicks hatched during June 2005 totaled 34.5 million, down 8 percent from June 2004. Eggs in incubators totaled 33.0 million on July 1, 2005, down 7 percent from a year ago. Domestic placements of egg-type pullet chicks for future hatchery supply flocks by leading breeders totaled 184,000 during June 2005, down 13 percent from June 2004. +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | **[Hatchery production, United | | | | | States]{.smallcaps}** | | | | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | Item | 2004 | 2005 | 2005% | | | | | of | | | | | | | | | | 2004 | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | | *- - | | | | | T | | | | | housands - | | | | | -* | | | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | **[Egg-Type:]{.smallcaps}** | 35,588 | 32,991 | 93 | | | | | | | > Eggs in incubators: Jul 1 | | | | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | > Chicks hatched during June | 37,508 | 34,537 | 92 | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | > Pullets hatched during June | 212 | 184 | 87 | | > | | | | | > for intended placements | | | | | > | | | | | > in hatchery supply flocks | | | | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | > 7-18 months earlier ^1/^ | 3,139 | 3,006 | 96 | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | **[Broiler-Type]{.smallcaps}**: | | | | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | > Eggs in incubators: Jul 1 | 659,248 | 657,631 | 100 | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | > Chicks hatched during June | 786,603 | 796,001 | 101 | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | > Pullets hatched during Jun | 6,890 | 7,109 | 103 | | > | | | | | > for intended placements | | | | | > | | | | | > in hatchery supply flocks | | | | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | > 7-15 months earlier ^2/^ | 61,930 | 63,008 | 102 | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ | ^1/^ 2005 includes pullet chicks | | | | | hatched December 2003 through | | | | | November 2004. | | | | | | | | | | ^2/^ 2005 includes pullet chicks | | | | | hatched March 2004 through | | | | | November 2004. | | | | +-----------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+ **MILK PRODUCTION** **[Florida]{.smallcaps}** Florida dairy farms produced 201 million pounds of milk during June 2005, up four percent above the previous June. Produc­tion per cow of 1,470 pounds was five percent above last year. Milk cow numbers on Florida dairy farms in June totaled 137,000, one percent below last year. **[United States]{.smallcaps}** Milk production in the 23 major States during June totaled 13.7 billion pounds, up 5.4 percent from June 2004. May revised production, at 14.3 billion pounds, was up 4.6 percent from May 2004. The May revision represented an increase of 26 million pounds or 0.2 percent from last month\'s preliminary production estimate. Production per cow in the 23 major States averaged 1,683 pounds for June, 76 pounds above June 2004. The number of milk cows on farms in the 23 major States was 8.13 million head, 47,000 head more than June 2004, and 9,000 head more than May 2005. Milk production in the U.S. during the April-June quarter totaled 45.6 billion pounds, up 4.1 percent from the April-June quarter last year. The average number of milk cows in the U.S. during the quarter was 9.04 million head, 34,000 head more than the same period last year. +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | **[Milk cows and | | | | | | production, Florida | | | | | | and | | | | | | U.S.]{.smallcaps}** | | | | | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | Month | | Milk | Monthly | | | | | | milk | | | and year | | cows | | | | | | | p | | | | | | roduction | | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | | | | Per cow | Monthly | | | | | | Total | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | | | *Thous.* | *Lbs.* | *Mil. Lbs.* | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | **[Flo | | | | | | rida:]{.smallcaps}** | | | | | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | June | 2004 | 139 | 1,395 | 194 | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | May | 2005 | 138 | 1,580 | 218 | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | June | 2005 | 137 | 1,470 | 201 | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | **[23 Major | | | | | | St | | | | | | ates]{.smallcaps}**: | | | | | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | June | 2004 | 8,083 | 1,607 | 12,988 | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | May | 2005 | 8,121 | 1,757 | 14,265 | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | June | 2005 | 8,130 | 1,683 | 13,684 | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | **[United | | | | | | St | | | | | | ates]{.smallcaps}**: | | | | | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | June | 2004 | 9,014 | 1,586 | 14,293 | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | May | 2005 | 9,035 | 1,732 | 15,650 | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ | June | 2005 | 9,048 | 1,659 | 15,012 | +----------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+-------------+ <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 20%" /> <col style="width: 14%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 14%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="10"><strong><span class="smallcaps">Milk production by quarters, United States</span></strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2">Month</td> <td colspan="3">Milk cows <sup>1/</sup></td> <td colspan="3">Milk per cow <sup>2/</sup></td> <td colspan="3">Milk Production</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>2004</td> <td colspan="2">2005</td> <td colspan="2">2004</td> <td>2005</td> <td colspan="2">2004</td> <td>2005</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="3"><em>Thousand</em></td> <td colspan="3"><em>Pounds</em></td> <td colspan="3"><em>Mil. Lbs.</em></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Jan-Mar</td> <td colspan="2">8,993</td> <td>8,996</td> <td>4,755</td> <td colspan="2">4,807</td> <td>42,759</td> <td colspan="2">43,242</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Apr-Jun</td> <td colspan="2">9,001</td> <td>9,035</td> <td>4,869</td> <td colspan="2">5,051</td> <td>43,824</td> <td colspan="2">45,633</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Jul-Sep</td> <td colspan="2">9,027</td> <td></td> <td>4,679</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>42,239</td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Oct-Dec</td> <td colspan="2">9,019</td> <td></td> <td>4,655</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>41,983</td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>Annual</p> <p>Total</p></td> <td colspan="2">9,010</td> <td></td> <td>18,957</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>170,805</td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="10"><p><sup>1/</sup> Includes dry cows. Excludes heifers not yet fresh.</p> <p><sup>2/</sup> Excludes milk fed to calves.</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> **LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER** Commercial red meat output in Florida for June 2005 was 5.2 million pounds, 13 percent above the same month last year. Commercial production of red meat in the United States for June at 3.96 billion pounds, was one percent above 2004. +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | **[Commercial slaughter | | | | | | | and red meat production, | | | | | | | Florida and United | | | | | | | States]{.smallcaps}** | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | Source | June | May | June | Year | Year to | | | | | | to | | | and kind | 2004 | 2005 | 2005 | date | date | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2004 | 2005 | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | * | | | | | | | *[Florida]{.smallcaps}** | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > [Hogs]{.smallcaps}: | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | Head slaughtered (1,000 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 48 | 44 | | head) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Total liveweight | 1,334 | 1,466 | 1,579 | 8,228 | 8,262 | | > (1,000 pounds) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > [Sheep and | | | | | | | > Lambs:]{.smallcaps} | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Head slaughtered | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 1.4 | 1.3 | | > (1,000 head) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Total liveweight | 10 | 11 | 12 | 94 | 76 | | > (1,000 pounds) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | Red meat production | 4.6 | 4.9 | 5.2 | 27.6 | 50.1 | | (million pounds) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | **[United | | | | | | | States]{.smallcaps}** | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > [Cattle]{.smallcaps}: | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | Head slaughtered (1,000 | 2,994 | 2,792 | 2,937 | 1 | 15,882 | | head) | | | | 6,405 | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Total liveweight | 3,668 | 3,417 | 3,658 | 2 | 19,697 | | > (million pounds) | | | | 0,025 | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Average liveweight | 1,225 | 1,224 | 1,246 | 1,221 | 1,240 | | > (pounds) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Beef production | 2,227 | 2,075 | 2,228 | 1 | 11,919 | | > (million pounds) | | | | 2,051 | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > [Calves]{.smallcaps}: | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Head slaughtered | 66 | 59 | 59 | 429 | 377 | | > (1,000 head) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Total liveweight | 22 | 22 | 22 | 146 | 130 | | > (million pounds) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | Average liveweight | 337 | 376 | 368 | 333 | 346 | | (pounds) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Veal production | 13 | 13 | 13 | 86 | 78 | | > (million pounds) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > [Hogs]{.smallcaps}: | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Head slaughtered | 8,505 | 8,030 | 8,554 | 5 | 50,557 | | > (1,000 head) | | | | 0,454 | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Total liveweight | 2,246 | 2,167 | 2,296 | 1 | 13,647 | | > (million pounds) | | | | 3,477 | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | Average liveweight | 264 | 270 | 268 | 267 | 270 | | (pounds) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Pork production | 1,672 | 1,611 | 1,707 | 1 | 10,158 | | > (million pounds) | | | | 0,028 | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > [Sheep and | | | | | | | > Lambs]{.smallcaps}: | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Head slaughtered | 232 | 208 | 223 | 1,416 | 1,356 | | > (1,000 head) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > Total liveweight | 31 | 30 | 31 | 197 | 190 | | > (1,000 pounds) | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | > [Lamb and | 16 | 15 | 15 | 99 | 95 | | > Mutton:]{.smallcaps} | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | Red meat production | 3,928 | 3,714 | 3,963 | 2 | 22,249 | | (million pounds) | | | | 2,303 | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | . | | | | | | +--------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-------+---------+
+---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ! | **DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS** | | [](medi | | | a/image | **REGIONAL LOAN CENTER** | | 1.emf){ | | | width=" | **NORRIS COTTON FEDERAL BUILDING** | | 0.86458 | | | 3333333 | **275 CHESTNUT STREET** | | 3334in" | | | heig | **MANCHESTER NH 03101** | | ht="0.8 | | | 375in"} | | +---------+------------------------------------------------------------+ In Reply Refer to: 373/263 **[Regional Loan Center Release No. 06-06]{.underline}** TO: ALL SERVICERS AND HOLDERS SUBJ: EXPENSES FOR PRESERVATION OF SECURITY & LIQUIDATION **WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS RELEASE?** The purpose of this release is to describe the minimum requirements for securing vacant properties and the maximum expenses allowed for properties located in **Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.** It is not our intent to regulate the amounts that holders pay to protect and preserve properties or to decide what measures a holder must take to preserve a property. **WHAT IS THE EFFECTIVE DATE?** > This policy is effective for all VA loan foreclosures on or after > September 1, 2006. **IS PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED?** [Prior approval is not required and will not be given]{.underline}. If an item is not covered by this release or there are unusual circumstances that support additional expense, you may submit complete information to justify the additional expense with the Claim Under Loan Guaranty and request reimbursement at that time. The holder is responsible for measures needed to protect and preserve the security of the loan. The decision as to what action to take to preserve and protect the property is the holder's decision, and it is independent of the amount of the costs that VA will reimburse. **WHAT ARE THE RESPONSIBLITIES OF THE HOLDER?** > The holder is responsible to protect and preserve properties when they > become vacant and abandoned. [Holders are to ensure compliance with > all city, county, or other ordinances in accordance with the terms of > the mortgage loan agreement.]{.underline} > > A holder may advance any reasonable amount necessary and proper for > the maintenance or repair of the security and such advance may be > added to the guaranteed indebtedness. Most security instruments have a > provision to protect the property securing the loan. The removal of > hazardous materials, the correction of hazardous conditions, and the > avoidance of liens are primary concerns. **WHAT IF THE PROPERTY IS NOT PROTECTED AND PRESERVED?** > If a property is damaged due to a holder's failure to take proper and > reasonable action to protect and preserve, the claim will be reduced > accordingly. Failure to protect and preserve that results in a > decreased value may also cause VA not to specify an amount for credit > to the indebtedness in the event of foreclosure (no bid). A holder may > utilize the protection and preservation services of any individual or > company, but the holder will remain fully responsible for the actions > of any such agent. **WHAT IF THE PROPERTY IS ABANDONED?** > If a loan is more than 30 days delinquent and the property is > abandoned, the holder must take appropriate action to protect the > property from vandalism and the elements. Within 15 days after > confirming abandonment, the holder must report the abandonment to the > VA and immediately initiate appropriate action to terminate the loan. **WHAT EXPENSES WILL BE REIMBURSED?** > At the time of claim payment holders will be reimbursed for property > inspections and preservation costs incurred before the interest cutoff > date or foreclosure sale date, whichever occurs first. Evidence of > payment must be submitted with the claim. A description of each > service and the date the service was performed should also be > provided. Maximum allowable amounts can be found on Attachment B. > (Attachment A provides additional guidelines on specific property > preservation issues.) If expenses were incurred above these amounts > through no fault of the holder or if a holder paid an expense not > referred to on Attachment B, a well documented request should be > submitted with the claim in order for payment to be considered. **WHOM SHOULD YOU CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION?** If you have any questions regarding this release, please contact Terry Cere, Loan Administration Officer, at 603-222-5803 or by e-mail at [email protected]. William Dallmann Loan Guaranty Officer Attachments: Exhibits A and B **EXHIBIT A -** **Property Preservation Guidelines** **1. [PROPERTY INSPECTIONS]{.underline}** Inspections should be conducted whenever the holder becomes aware that the physical condition of the security may be in jeopardy. Unless a repayment agreement is in effect, a property inspection shall also be made: a. Before the 60th day of delinquency or before initiating action to liquidate a loan, whichever is earlier; and b. At least once each month after liquidation proceedings have been started, unless servicing information shows the property remains owner occupied. c. In the case of an abandoned property, inspections should be made at least monthly to prevent deterioration due to vandalism or neglect. d. VA should be notified immediately if any substantive damage to the property is found. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. **[LOCKSET INSTALLATION]{.underline}** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. An acceptable lock shall be installed in the door nearest the street. Existing lock and lock hardware on the door shall be removed and the door frame repaired prior to installation. All other exterior doors shall be secured and existing locks used when in good working order. b. All windows shall be closed and locked. c. On all vacant properties, the holder must arrange access so that the appraiser can conduct the liquidation appraisal. [Failure to do so could result in VA being unable to issue bidding instructions for a pending sale]{.underline}. **3. [WINTERIZATION]{.underline}** (authorized between October 1^st^ through April 30^th^) a. [Required services for **all properties**]{.underline}: b. The water shall be shut off at the meter valve; the meter disconnected (not cut) and drained. c. Drain all water lines by opening all valves and faucets. d. Drain the hot water tank and open the safety relief valve from same. e. All commodes shall be flushed to drain all water from tank and bowl. Remaining water must be siphoned out. f. All drain traps must be siphoned of excess water. g. All water lines shall be blown clear of all water using a minimum 50 lb. of air pressure. h. Permanent, non-staining anti-freeze suitable for plastic piping shall be poured into each commode bowl and all drain traps. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` b. [Required services for properties with **hot water or steam heating systems**]{.underline}: c. Open all drain cocks on boiler. d. Open all valves and air bleeders on expansion tanks and radiators. e. All return lines shall be disconnected at the lowest point of the system and at boiler return entry, allowing all lines to drain. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` c. [Required services for properties with **hot water radiant heating systems, water lines in concrete floor**]{.underline}: d. Drain boiler completely. e. Disconnect distribution lines at boiler and blow all lines free of water using minimum of 50 lb. of air pressure. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` d. [Required services for properties with **hot water baseboard heating systems**]{.underline}: e. Drain boiler completely. f. Open all air bleeder valves. g. Disconnect distribution lines and blow all lines free of water using minimum of 50 lb. of air pressure. h. If heating system is multi-zoned, each zone or loop must have lines blown. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` e. A tag noting the date of winterization will be attached to the hot water tank, meter shut-off valve, all commodes and kitchen faucets. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` f. **Failure to properly winterize a property could result in substantial damage to the property, thereby increasing the risk of a No Bid/No Election case or claim adjustment**. **4. [LAWN CARE]{.underline}** (authorized April 1^st^ through September 30^th^) a. Initial Service: ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1) Overgrown shrubs or tree branches that are hazardous or obstruct doorways, public walks and driveways shall be trimmed or removed. All observed trash and debris in the yard shall be removed as a part of the initial service. 2) Lawns shall be cut to a height of two inches. The lawn shall be properly raked and the cuttings removed whenever the height of the grass exceeds six inches. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` b. Scheduled cuttings other than the initial service: ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1) Scheduled lawn care shall begin on April 1st and end on September 30th. Cutting every fourteen (14) days is considered reasonable. 2) The entire lawn shall be cut to a height of two inches, unless area exceeds square feet (see Exhibit B for instructions). Grass and weeds shall be trimmed around the foundation of all structures, planting beds and fences. **5. [CLEAN-UPS AND DEBRIS REMOVAL]{.underline}** Generally, cleanup of the property or removal of debris will be the responsibility of VA once the property is conveyed following a foreclosure sale. A holder should only proceed to remove items or materials that are considered to be health or safety hazards. Personal items such as furniture and appliances should not be removed. Reimbursement for debris removal is at the rate of \$35 per load, with a load defined as a ½ ton pickup truck. Additional cleanup will be done only if there are existing violations against the property. For reimbursement, such cleanup must be substantiated by a copy of the violations notice. **6. [SUMP PUMPS]{.underline}** a. Replacement must be substantiated by photos and will be verified by reviewing the liquidation appraisal. b. The holder is authorized to maintain the electricity on those properties where there is a sump pump. Reimbursement for this payment will be made on the Claim Under Guaranty when a paid receipt is provided. **7. [SCREENING AND BOARDING]{.underline}** a. Screening and/or boarding should be done only in those areas where previous experience has shown vandalism and/or theft to be a regular problem or where special conditions exist that make it necessary. b. If VA screening/boarding guidelines are in conflict with local codes or ordinances, the local code or ordinance guidelines will be controlling. c. Windows with broken glass will be covered with 4 mil. plastic sheeting. d. Fees for services are expressed in terms of united inches, that is, the sum of the height and width of the window. A 30 inch by five foot window would be equivalent to 90 united inches. e. Screening - all windows on the first floor and basement level shall be covered with 4 mil. plastic sheeting and ¼" square wire mesh affixed to the frame with 5/8" staples. f. Boarding - Nail boarding is not acceptable. Boarding shall include doors, windows and other areas of the structure open to vandals or to the elements. Openings shall be secured by exterior graded plywood no less than ½" thick, or other material of equal strength, cut to fix into the openings. Openings in excess of 48" wide must be framed with 2" x 4" lumber 24" on center. The plywood or equivalent material shall be fastened into the openings by screws or lag screws. On metal casement windows, the openings will be bolt boarded. **8. [ROOF REPAIR]{.underline}** Damaged areas of roof should be covered with tarp. Repairs should be made only when cost to repair will not exceed cost to tarp. **9. [SWIMMING POOLS]{.underline}** a. Inground pools are to be adequately covered and secured to prevent entry into the pool. Entry gates are to be locked and damaged security fences are to be repaired to prevent access to the pool area. Pools are to have sufficient water to ensure that proper pressure is maintained to prevent cracking and failure to the bottom or side walls. Inground pools should not be drained. b. If in poor condition, above ground pools should be drained and removed. Otherwise, pools are to have sufficient water to prevent damage and should be properly covered to prevent entry. Holders are to ensure compliance with all ordinances pertaining to swimming pools. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 10. **[UTILITIES]{.underline}** Utilities should be turned off unless required to protect the property. This typically involves the maintenance of electrical service for homes to maintain operation of a sump pump. All utility charges should be well documented and justified on your claim for reimbursement to be considered. Delinquent utility charges incurred by the owner will not be reimbursed unless they are lienable charges. \*This release rescinds all previous Loan Guaranty information letters or releases issued on this subject by the Manchester Regional Loan Center. \*\*For the purpose of this release, the term "holder" refers to both the actual loan holder and any designated servicer/servicing agent.
1999.355.17:08:33.61;Log Opened: Mark IV Field System Version 9.4.1 1999.355.17:08:33.61;location,GILCREEK,A,147.50,64.98,315.0,40479302,102,35,80,1990 1999.355.17:08:33.62;horizon1,0.,15.,10.,13.,20.,10.,40.,8.,100.,10.,130.,13.,170.,15.,190.,13. 1999.355.17:08:33.62;horizon2,200.,10.,210.,8.,300.,10.,330.,13.,350.,15.,360. 1999.355.17:08:33.63;head0,all,even,all,even,adaptive,no,5.0000,1 1999.355.17:08:33.63;head1,263.1,20.7,-179.9,247.2,19.9,-17.5,163.30,163.30 1999.355.17:08:33.64;head2,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.00,0.00 1999.355.17:08:33.64;antenna,25.9,60.0,60.0,-85.7,85.7,-73.3,73.3,XYEW 1999.355.17:08:33.65;equip1,102,330,270,8450.0,80,35,vlbag,vlba,101 1999.355.17:08:33.65;equip2,11.000,1473.700,224.000,-1.027,0.010,152,11.000,54625 1999.355.17:08:33.66;equip3,500.10,3,a/d,15.000,268,10.000,10.000,10.000 1999.355.17:08:33.66;time,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.17:08:33.67;sw,no,dqa 1999.355.17:08:33.67:" NA347 1999 GILCREEK A Gc 1999.355.17:08:33.67:" A GILCREEK XYNS 7.3152 60.0 0 -86.0 86.0 60.0 0 -73.5 73.5 25.9 Gc 101 1999.355.17:08:33.68:" Gc GILCREEK -2281547.29145 -1453645.07155 5756993.15313 40476601 1999.355.17:08:33.68:" 101 MOJ-VLBA 1217640 1999.355.17:08:33.69:" drudg version 990910 compiled under FS 9.4.1 1999.355.17:08:33.69:" Rack=unknown Recorder=unknown 1999.355.17:08:33.70:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.355.17:08:40.30:nw2c1=1 1999.355.17:08:40.30&nw2c1/tapefrmnwc 1999.355.17:08:40.31&nw2c1/pass=$ 1999.355.17:08:40.31&nw2c1/bbcnw2 1999.355.17:08:40.32&nw2c1/ifdnw 1999.355.17:08:40.32&nw2c1/form=c,4.000 1999.355.17:08:40.32&nw2c1/!* 1999.355.17:08:40.33&nw2c1/bit_density=56250 1999.355.17:08:40.33&nw2c1/systracks= 1999.355.17:08:40.34&nw2c1/tape=low 1999.355.17:08:40.34&nw2c1/enable=g0,g2 1999.355.17:08:40.35&nw2c1/repro=byp,6,22 1999.355.17:08:40.35&nw2c1/!*+8s 1999.355.17:08:40.36&tapefrmnwc/tapeform= 1,-330, 2,-330, 3,-275, 4,-275, 5,-220, 6,-220 1999.355.17:08:40.36&tapefrmnwc/tapeform= 7,-165, 8,-165, 9,-110, 10,-110, 11, -55, 12, -55 1999.355.17:08:40.37&tapefrmnwc/tapeform= 13, 0, 14, 0, 15, 55, 16, 55, 17, 110, 18, 110 1999.355.17:08:40.37&tapefrmnwc/tapeform= 19, 165, 20, 165, 21, 220, 22, 220, 23, 275, 24, 275 1999.355.17:08:41.86/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-330.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.17:08:41.86&bbcnw2/bbc01=582.89,a,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.87&bbcnw2/bbc02=622.89,a,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.87&bbcnw2/bbc03=822.89,a,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.88&bbcnw2/bbc04=962.89,a,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.88&bbcnw2/bbc05=602.99,c,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.88&bbcnw2/bbc06=702.99,c,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.89&bbcnw2/bbc07=762.99,c,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.89&bbcnw2/bbc08=782.99,c,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.90&bbcnw2/bbc09=672.89,b,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.90&bbcnw2/bbc10=682.89,b,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.91&bbcnw2/bbc11=717.89,b,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.91&bbcnw2/bbc12=757.89,b,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.92&bbcnw2/bbc13=777.89,b,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:41.92&bbcnw2/bbc14=782.89,b,2.000,2.000 1999.355.17:08:42.49&ifdnw/ifdab=0,0,nor,nor 1999.355.17:08:42.49&ifdnw/ifdcd=0,0,nor,nor 1999.355.17:08:42.50&ifdnw/lo= 1999.355.17:08:42.50&ifdnw/lo=loa,7600.10,usb 1999.355.17:08:42.51&ifdnw/lo=lob,1540.10,usb 1999.355.17:08:42.51&ifdnw/lo=loc,8080.00,usb 1999.355.17:08:51.08:ready 1999.355.17:08:51.08&ready/sxcts 1999.355.17:08:51.09&ready/clocks 1999.355.17:08:51.09&ready/rxmon 1999.355.17:08:51.09&ready/newtape 1999.355.17:08:51.10&ready/rec=load 1999.355.17:08:51.10&ready/!+10s 1999.355.17:08:51.11&ready/tape=low,reset 1999.355.17:08:51.11&ready/st=for,120,off 1999.355.17:08:51.12&ready/!+11s 1999.355.17:08:51.12&ready/et 1999.355.17:08:51.13&ready/!+3s 1999.355.17:08:51.13&ready/label 1999.355.17:08:51.14&ready/check=*,rc 1999.355.17:08:51.14&ready/rec 1999.355.17:08:51.15&sxcts/bbcman 1999.355.17:08:51.15&sxcts/tpi=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u,ifa,ifc 1999.355.17:08:51.15&sxcts/tpi=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u,ifb 1999.355.17:08:51.16&sxcts/ifdab=20,20,*,* 1999.355.17:08:51.16&sxcts/ifdcd=20,20,*,* 1999.355.17:08:51.17&sxcts/!+2s 1999.355.17:08:51.17&sxcts/tpzero=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u,ifa,ifc 1999.355.17:08:51.18&sxcts/tpzero=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u,ifb 1999.355.17:08:51.18&sxcts/ifdab=0,0,*,* 1999.355.17:08:51.19&sxcts/ifdcd=0,0,*,* 1999.355.17:08:51.19&sxcts/calon 1999.355.17:08:51.20&sxcts/!+2s 1999.355.17:08:51.20&sxcts/tpical=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u,ifa,ifc 1999.355.17:08:51.20&sxcts/tpical=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u,ifb 1999.355.17:08:51.21&sxcts/bbcagc 1999.355.17:08:51.21&sxcts/caloff 1999.355.17:08:51.22&sxcts/caltemps 1999.355.17:08:51.22&sxcts/tsys1=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u,ifa,ifc 1999.355.17:08:51.23&sxcts/tsys2=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u,ifb 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc01=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc02=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc03=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc04=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc05=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc06=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc07=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc08=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc09=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc10=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.23&bbcman/bbc11=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.25&bbcman/bbc12=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.25&bbcman/bbc13=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.25&bbcman/bbc14=*,*,*,*,*,man 1999.355.17:08:51.91/tpi/15808,15366,16165,16224,16120,15912,15964,16354,43501,10760 1999.355.17:08:51.98/tpi/15808,16328,15979,16068,16172,15912,26829 1999.355.17:08:54.13/tpzero/232,342,274,323,303,296,383,404,740,219 1999.355.17:08:54.20/tpzero/353,336,359,382,292,294,461 1999.355.17:08:54.24&calon/mat=96,5 1999.355.17:08:54.24&calon/rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,on 1999.355.17:08:56.42/tpical/20536,19946,21121,21470,21886,22250,22016,22576,56970,14531 1999.355.17:08:56.49/tpical/21072,21498,21809,22433,22169,21694,35094 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc01=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc02=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc03=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc04=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc05=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc06=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc07=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc08=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc09=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc10=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc11=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc12=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc13=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:56.49&bbcagc/bbc14=*,*,*,*,*,agc 1999.355.17:08:57.07&caloff/mat=96,5 1999.355.17:08:57.07&caloff/rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,off 1999.355.17:08:57.15&caltemps/caltempa=19 1999.355.17:08:57.15&caltemps/caltempb=18 1999.355.17:08:57.15&caltemps/caltempc=0 1999.355.17:08:57.16/tsys1/62.6,62.3,60.9,57.6,52.1,46.8,48.9,48.7,60.3,53.1 1999.355.17:08:57.16/tsys2/52.8,55.7,48.2,44.4,47.7,48.6,57.4 1999.355.17:08:57.16&clocks/hpib=ca,as0 bs0 tr1 at+4 bt+4 fn2 re 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/mat=96,5 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rxx=front 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rx 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rxx=lo 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rx 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rxx=dcal 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rx 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rxx=lo5mhz 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rx 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rxx=pres 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rx 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rxx=20k 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rx 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rxx=70k 1999.355.17:08:57.20&rxmon/rx 1999.355.17:08:57.22&rxx/rx=$,*,*,*,*,*,* 1999.355.17:08:57.32/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.55 1999.355.17:08:57.42/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 1999.355.17:08:57.52/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.16 1999.355.17:08:57.62/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.970 1999.355.17:08:57.72/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.728 1999.355.17:08:57.82/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.38 1999.355.17:08:57.93/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.16 1999.355.17:08:57.93/newtape/"to continue, use label command" 1999.355.17:08:58.95;xyoff 1999.355.17:08:58.95/xyoff/0.00000,0.00000 1999.355.17:09:01.15;wx 1999.355.17:09:06.06/wx/-10.0,963.2,74.8 1999.355.17:10:09.72;bread 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc01 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc02 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc03 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc04 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc05 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc06 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc07 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc08 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc09 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc10 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc11 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc12 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc13 1999.355.17:10:09.72&bread/bbc14 1999.355.17:10:09.81/bbc01/582.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.53, -6.34,lock,15562,15720,540,1pps 1999.355.17:10:09.89/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15433,15945,545,1pps 1999.355.17:10:09.97/bbc03/822.89,a,2,2,1,agc, 1.10, 2.11,lock,16136,15934,542,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.05/bbc04/962.89,a,2,2,1,agc, 3.84, 3.21,lock,15923,15958,548,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.13/bbc05/602.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.80, -3.49,lock,15423,16040,556,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.21/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16043,15974,554,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.29/bbc07/762.99,c,2,2,1,agc, 4.82, 4.97,lock,15940,16111,544,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.37/bbc08/782.99,c,2,2,1,agc, 6.25, 6.25,lock,16384,16255,551,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.45/bbc09/672.89,b,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.36,lock,15822,15732,546,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.53/bbc10/682.89,b,2,2,1,agc, -2.91, -3.30,lock,16090,15844,549,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.61/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16244,15928,550,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.69/bbc12/757.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.22, 0.86,lock,16063,16312,553,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.77/bbc13/777.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.01,lock,15983,16150,543,1pps 1999.355.17:10:10.85/bbc14/782.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.42, 3.02,lock,16139,16049,552,1pps 1999.355.17:10:19.85#setcl#time/60581532,1,1999,355,17,10,21.00,0.934,28.519,119 1999.355.17:10:19.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.17:11:24.85#setcl#time/60588032,1,1999,355,17,11,25.00,0.093,28.537,19 1999.355.17:11:24.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.17:12:03.16;"subtracted one (1) second from formatter 1999.355.17:12:53.99;"gps - maser 7.12 micro 1999.355.17:13:03.92;"gps - fmout 7.6 micro 1999.355.17:13:13.36;"now doing cable length check 1999.355.17:13:18.29;cable 1999.355.17:13:18.45/cable/+3.82819E-02 1999.355.17:13:32.58;"adding extra cable 1999.355.17:14:20.66;cablelong 1999.355.17:14:20.69/cablelong/+3.75779E-02 1999.355.17:14:49.57;"removing extra cable 1999.355.17:15:38.62;cable 1999.355.17:15:38.77/cable/+3.82692E-02 1999.355.17:16:03.53;"shorter cable is higher measurement 1999.355.17:16:20.31;label=hst00279,3c73 1999.355.17:16:44.48/label/HST00279,3C73 1999.355.17:16:44.52/rec/123,18305,109,18414,8 1999.355.17:16:44.52:nw2c1=1 1999.355.17:16:44.82/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-330.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.17:16:53.94:!1999.355.17:59:50 1999.355.17:25:23.46;"Session na347 ready message for fbks. 1999.355.17:25:23.48;"------------------------------------- 1999.355.17:25:23.50;"Comments: Ready for na347 1999.355.17:25:23.51;" 1999.355.17:25:23.52;"First source: 1726+455 at 1800 UT 1999.355.17:25:23.53;"FMOUT-GPS: 7.12 microseconds 1999.355.17:25:23.55;"Wx: Temperature (C): -10.0 Pressure (mBar): 963.2 Humidity (%): 74.8 1999.355.17:25:23.56;"Sky Conditions: Overcast skies, light snow, some snow sticking to antenna 1999.355.17:25:23.57;"Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading smaller by 1999.355.17:25:23.58;" 691.3 microseconds and is nominal 1999.355.17:25:23.59;"Pointing values: 1999.355.17:25:23.61;"SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 1999.355.17:25:23.62;" 889/742 Cas-A 16/35 -.010 .016 1999.355.17:25:23.63;" 770/750 Cygnus-A 61/32 -.001 .022 1999.355.17:25:23.64;"Tsys (x1/s/x2): 60/57/53 1999.355.17:25:23.65;"Recorder Humidity (%): 20 1999.355.17:34:03.66@wx 1999.355.17:34:07.81/wx/-9.8,963.3,75.5 1999.355.17:56:16.48;toso 1999.355.17:56:16.48&toso/source=*,*,* 1999.355.17:57:23.44;"weather - overcast skies, light snow sticking to antenna 1999.355.17:58:31.92;"Session na347 ready message for fbks. 1999.355.17:58:31.96;"------------------------------------- 1999.355.17:58:31.98;"Started recording with source: 1726+455 at: 1800 UT 1999.355.17:58:57.99;list 1999.355.17:59:50.00:preob 1999.355.17:59:50.00&preob/"nsource 1999.355.17:59:50.00&preob/bbcman 1999.355.17:59:50.00&preob/calon 1999.355.17:59:50.00&preob/!+2s 1999.355.17:59:50.00&preob/tpical=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u,ifa,ifc 1999.355.17:59:50.00&preob/tpical=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u,ifb 1999.355.17:59:50.00&preob/caloff 1999.355.17:59:52.74/tpical/20889,20124,21349,21799,21386,22497,22318,22716,54487,14167 1999.355.17:59:52.81/tpical/21000,21343,21853,22684,22210,21839,33913 1999.355.17:59:52.88:!1999.355.18:00:00 1999.355.18:00:00.00:tape 1999.355.18:00:00.07/tape/low,00123,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:00:00.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:00:00.11:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:00:00.11:midob 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/tpi=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u,ifa,ifc 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/tpi=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u,ifb 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/bbcagc 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/caltemps 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/tsys1=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u,ifa,ifc 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/tsys2=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u,ifb 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/wx 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/cable 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/ifdab 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/ifdcd 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/bbc02 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/bbc06 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/bbc11 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/sy=run setcl & 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/gpsfm 1999.355.18:00:00.11&midob/onsource 1999.355.18:00:00.22/tpi/15819,15466,16217,16034,15717,16085,16025,16344,41292,10410 1999.355.18:00:00.29/tpi/15846,16064,15945,16342,16099,16004,25967 1999.355.18:00:00.85/tsys1/58.4,61.7,59.0,51.8,51.7,46.8,47.2,47.5,58.4,51.5 1999.355.18:00:00.85/tsys2/54.1,53.6,47.5,45.3,46.6,48.5,57.8 1999.355.18:00:05.20/wx/-9.6,963.2,75.8 1999.355.18:00:05.33/cable/+3.82711E-02 1999.355.18:00:05.38/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41281,25970,0,1pps 1999.355.18:00:05.43/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10411,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:00:05.51/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15446,15578,545,1pps 1999.355.18:00:05.59/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16084,15989,554,1pps 1999.355.18:00:05.67/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,15944,16130,550,1pps 1999.355.18:00:05.70&gpsfm/hpib=c3,as0 bs0 tr1 at+1.3 bt+.3 fn2 1999.355.18:00:05.70&gpsfm/!+1s 1999.355.18:00:05.71&gpsfm/mat=#aa=e800003f$; 1999.355.18:00:05.71&gpsfm/!+1s 1999.355.18:00:05.72&gpsfm/gps-fmout=c3 1999.355.18:00:07.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.18:00:08.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:00:08.05:!1999.355.18:04:22 1999.355.18:00:08.85#setcl#time/60880432,1,1999,355,18,00,09.00,0.090,29.350,19 1999.355.18:00:08.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:04:03.66@wx 1999.355.18:04:08.95/wx/-9.5,963.3,75.9 1999.355.18:04:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:04:22.00:et 1999.355.18:04:22.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:04:25.05:tape 1999.355.18:04:25.12/tape/low,01869,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:04:25.12:postob 1999.355.18:04:25.13:source=0642+449,064253.0,445430.9,1950.0 1999.355.18:04:31.65:checkf80 1999.355.18:04:31.65&checkf80/check=*,-tp,-hd 1999.355.18:04:31.66&checkf80/parity=,,ab,on 1999.355.18:04:31.66&checkf80/sfastr=8s 1999.355.18:04:31.67&checkf80/!+5.1s 1999.355.18:04:31.67&checkf80/repro=raw,6,8 1999.355.18:04:31.67&checkf80/!* 1999.355.18:04:31.68&checkf80/st=for,80,off 1999.355.18:04:31.68&checkf80/!+1.5s 1999.355.18:04:31.69&checkf80/parity 1999.355.18:04:31.69&checkf80/!*+33.15s 1999.355.18:04:31.69&checkf80/et 1999.355.18:04:31.69&checkf80/!+1.5s 1999.355.18:04:31.69&checkf80/repro=byp,6,8 1999.355.18:04:31.69&checkf80/check=*,tp,hd 1999.355.18:04:31.71&sfastr/srw 1999.355.18:04:31.71&sfastr/!+$ 1999.355.18:04:31.71&sfastr/et 1999.355.18:05:01.71/parity/2.,2.,0.,0.,0.,8.,6.,0.,0.,0.,0.,8.,0.,0. 1999.355.18:05:01.71/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.355.18:05:19.74:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:05:20.04/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-330.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.18:05:29.16:!1999.355.18:06:35 1999.355.18:06:35.00:preob 1999.355.18:06:37.74/tpical/20963,20099,21371,21998,21546,22821,22580,22638,54650,14297 1999.355.18:06:37.81/tpical/21696,21370,22592,22514,22541,22518,32050 1999.355.18:06:37.88:!1999.355.18:06:45 1999.355.18:06:45.00:tape 1999.355.18:06:45.07/tape/low,01869,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:06:45.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:06:45.11:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:06:45.11:midob 1999.355.18:06:45.21/tpi/15777,15417,16182,16165,15859,16295,16194,16270,41347,10499 1999.355.18:06:45.28/tpi/16260,15952,16271,16037,16130,16284,24205 1999.355.18:06:45.84/tsys1/57.0,61.2,58.2,51.6,52.0,46.6,47.0,47.3,58.0,51.4 1999.355.18:06:45.85/tsys2/52.7,51.9,45.3,43.5,44.5,46.2,54.5 1999.355.18:06:50.91/wx/-9.5,963.2,75.9 1999.355.18:06:51.09/cable/+3.82683E-02 1999.355.18:06:51.14/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41343,24240,0,1pps 1999.355.18:06:51.19/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10500,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:06:51.27/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15438,15497,545,1pps 1999.355.18:06:51.35/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16308,16223,554,1pps 1999.355.18:06:51.43/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16283,16185,550,1pps 1999.355.18:06:53.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.18:06:54.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:06:54.05:!1999.355.18:08:23 1999.355.18:06:54.85#setcl#time/60921032,1,1999,355,18,06,55.00,0.090,29.462,19 1999.355.18:06:54.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:08:23.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:08:23.00:et 1999.355.18:08:23.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:08:26.05:tape 1999.355.18:08:26.12/tape/low,02522,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:08:26.12:postob 1999.355.18:08:26.13:source=1219+044,121949.3,042953.8,1950.0 1999.355.18:08:32.67:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:08:32.97/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:08:42.09:!1999.355.18:10:53 1999.355.18:10:53.00:preob 1999.355.18:10:55.74/tpical/21388,20610,21350,21696,21026,22566,22400,22215,55920,14677 1999.355.18:10:55.81/tpical/21350,20849,22204,22593,22498,22056,32624 1999.355.18:10:55.88:!1999.355.18:11:03 1999.355.18:11:03.00:tape 1999.355.18:11:03.07/tape/low,02522,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.18:11:03.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:11:03.11:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:11:03.11:midob 1999.355.18:11:03.22/tpi/16238,15911,16342,16087,15628,16334,16249,16160,42618,10893 1999.355.18:11:03.29/tpi/16075,15699,16154,16244,16295,16110,24803 1999.355.18:11:03.85/tsys1/59.1,63.0,61.0,53.4,53.9,48.9,49.0,49.4,59.8,53.6 1999.355.18:11:03.86/tsys2/53.6,53.7,47.0,45.0,46.4,47.9,56.0 1999.355.18:11:07.74/wx/-9.4,963.2,76.0 1999.355.18:11:07.89/cable/+3.82707E-02 1999.355.18:11:07.94/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42620,24793,0,1pps 1999.355.18:11:07.99/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10884,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:11:08.07/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15904,16002,545,1pps 1999.355.18:11:08.15/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16324,16229,554,1pps 1999.355.18:11:08.23/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16166,16065,550,1pps 1999.355.18:11:10.92/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.355.18:11:11.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:11:11.05:!1999.355.18:13:04 1999.355.18:11:11.85#setcl#time/60946732,1,1999,355,18,11,12.00,0.089,29.534,19 1999.355.18:11:11.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:13:04.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:13:04.00:et 1999.355.18:13:04.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:13:07.05:tape 1999.355.18:13:07.12/tape/low,03330,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.18:13:07.12:postob 1999.355.18:13:07.13:source=1555+001,155517.7,000643.6,1950.0 1999.355.18:13:13.67:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:13:13.97/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:13:23.09:!1999.355.18:14:51 1999.355.18:14:51.00:preob 1999.355.18:14:53.75/tpical/20794,20290,20867,21887,21643,21686,22103,22141,57537,15119 1999.355.18:14:53.82/tpical/20866,21313,22169,22298,22144,22058,34544 1999.355.18:14:53.90:!1999.355.18:15:01 1999.355.18:15:01.00:tape 1999.355.18:15:01.07/tape/low,03330,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.18:15:01.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:15:01.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:15:01.12:midob 1999.355.18:15:01.23/tpi/15936,15819,16125,16389,16276,15864,16230,16299,44277,11349 1999.355.18:15:01.30/tpi/15887,16197,16361,16283,16263,16350,26527 1999.355.18:15:01.86/tsys1/61.4,65.8,63.5,55.5,56.5,50.8,51.3,51.7,62.4,56.1 1999.355.18:15:01.87/tsys2/56.2,55.8,49.6,47.6,48.9,50.6,58.5 1999.355.18:15:06.59/wx/-9.4,963.5,76.1 1999.355.18:15:06.77/cable/+3.82669E-02 1999.355.18:15:06.82/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44271,26529,0,1pps 1999.355.18:15:06.87/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11346,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:15:06.95/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15841,16263,545,1pps 1999.355.18:15:07.03/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -1.84,lock,15876,16290,554,1pps 1999.355.18:15:07.11/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.11,lock,15961,16082,550,1pps 1999.355.18:15:09.92/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.18:15:10.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:15:10.05:!1999.355.18:17:19 1999.355.18:15:10.85#setcl#time/60970632,1,1999,355,18,15,11.00,0.089,29.600,19 1999.355.18:15:10.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:17:19.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:17:19.00:et 1999.355.18:17:19.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:17:22.05:tape 1999.355.18:17:22.12/tape/low,04249,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:17:22.12:postob 1999.355.18:17:22.13:source=1144+402,114421.0,401514.6,1950.0 1999.355.18:17:28.66:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:17:28.96/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:17:38.08:!1999.355.18:18:56 1999.355.18:18:56.00:preob 1999.355.18:18:58.75/tpical/20601,21159,21593,22114,21167,22333,22530,22829,53809,14042 1999.355.18:18:58.82/tpical/21039,21482,22328,22276,22205,21902,32357 1999.355.18:18:58.89:!1999.355.18:19:06 1999.355.18:19:06.00:tape 1999.355.18:19:06.07/tape/low,04249,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:19:06.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:19:06.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:19:06.12:midob 1999.355.18:19:06.23/tpi/15450,16175,16343,16142,15476,15836,15988,16280,40534,10246 1999.355.18:19:06.30/tpi/15744,16023,16098,15865,15894,15862,24466 1999.355.18:19:06.86/tsys1/56.1,60.4,58.2,50.3,50.7,45.4,45.3,46.1,57.0,50.2 1999.355.18:19:06.87/tsys2/52.3,51.7,45.5,43.5,44.5,46.4,54.8 1999.355.18:19:11.97/wx/-9.3,963.4,76.2 1999.355.18:19:12.05/cable/+3.82705E-02 1999.355.18:19:12.10/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40531,24464,0,1pps 1999.355.18:19:12.15/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10246,99,4095,1pps 1999.355.18:19:12.23/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16168,16309,545,1pps 1999.355.18:19:12.31/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15821,15743,554,1pps 1999.355.18:19:12.39/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16096,15998,550,1pps 1999.355.18:19:14.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.18:19:15.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:19:15.05:!1999.355.18:20:44 1999.355.18:19:15.85#setcl#time/60995132,1,1999,355,18,19,16.00,0.089,29.668,19 1999.355.18:19:15.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:20:44.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:20:44.00:et 1999.355.18:20:44.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:20:47.05:tape 1999.355.18:20:47.12/tape/low,04902,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:20:47.12:postob 1999.355.18:20:47.13:source=1004+141,100500.0,141111.1,1950.0 1999.355.18:20:53.67:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:20:53.97/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:21:03.09:!1999.355.18:21:32 1999.355.18:21:32.00:preob 1999.355.18:21:34.75/tpical/21401,20570,21333,21681,20965,22555,22365,22534,55886,14666 1999.355.18:21:34.82/tpical/21246,21723,22053,22452,22504,22457,32538 1999.355.18:21:34.89:!1999.355.18:21:42 1999.355.18:21:42.00:tape 1999.355.18:21:42.07/tape/low,04902,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:21:42.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:21:42.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:21:42.12:midob 1999.355.18:21:42.23/tpi/16230,15902,16305,16056,15558,16282,16191,16349,42562,10858 1999.355.18:21:42.30/tpi/15999,16292,16014,16113,16248,16378,24712 1999.355.18:21:42.86/tsys1/58.8,63.3,60.6,53.1,53.6,48.4,48.6,49.0,59.6,53.1 1999.355.18:21:42.87/tsys2/53.7,52.9,46.7,44.7,45.9,47.6,55.8 1999.355.18:21:47.38/wx/-9.2,963.3,76.3 1999.355.18:21:47.57/cable/+3.82713E-02 1999.355.18:21:47.62/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42553,24728,0,1pps 1999.355.18:21:47.67/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10857,99,4095,1pps 1999.355.18:21:47.75/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15900,15979,545,1pps 1999.355.18:21:47.83/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16286,16187,554,1pps 1999.355.18:21:47.91/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.53,lock,16010,16267,550,1pps 1999.355.18:21:50.92/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.18:21:51.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:21:51.05:!1999.355.18:26:04 1999.355.18:21:51.85#setcl#time/61010732,1,1999,355,18,21,52.00,0.089,29.712,19 1999.355.18:21:51.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:26:04.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:26:04.00:et 1999.355.18:26:04.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:26:07.05:tape 1999.355.18:26:07.12/tape/low,06647,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:26:07.12:postob 1999.355.18:26:07.13:source=da426,165211.8,395025.3,1950.0 1999.355.18:26:13.65:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:26:13.95/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:26:23.07:!1999.355.18:27:50 1999.355.18:27:50.00:preob 1999.355.18:27:52.74/tpical/20816,20001,21084,21701,21277,22490,22296,22686,54140,14129 1999.355.18:27:52.81/tpical/21044,21343,21872,22633,22073,21756,33789 1999.355.18:27:52.89:!1999.355.18:28:00 1999.355.18:28:00.00:tape 1999.355.18:28:00.07/tape/low,06647,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.18:28:00.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:28:00.11:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:28:00.11:midob 1999.355.18:28:00.22/tpi/15664,15311,15995,15897,15594,15986,15916,16241,40911,10338 1999.355.18:28:00.29/tpi/15884,16077,15962,16285,16006,15885,25914 1999.355.18:28:00.85/tsys1/56.9,60.6,58.7,51.0,51.1,45.8,46.3,46.7,57.7,50.7 1999.355.18:28:00.86/tsys2/54.2,53.8,47.5,45.1,46.6,47.8,58.2 1999.355.18:28:05.28/wx/-9.1,963.3,76.6 1999.355.18:28:05.33/cable/+3.82705E-02 1999.355.18:28:05.38/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40910,25919,0,1pps 1999.355.18:28:05.43/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10342,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:28:05.51/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16338,15432,545,1pps 1999.355.18:28:05.59/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15982,15936,554,1pps 1999.355.18:28:05.67/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,15962,16138,550,1pps 1999.355.18:28:07.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.18:28:08.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:28:08.05:!1999.355.18:30:15 1999.355.18:28:08.85#setcl#time/61048432,1,1999,355,18,28,09.00,0.089,29.816,19 1999.355.18:28:08.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:30:15.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:30:15.00:et 1999.355.18:30:15.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:30:18.05:tape 1999.355.18:30:18.12/tape/low,07547,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.18:30:18.12:postob 1999.355.18:30:18.13:source=0955+476,095508.5,473928.6,1950.0 1999.355.18:30:24.66:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:30:24.96/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:30:34.08:!1999.355.18:31:34 1999.355.18:31:34.00:preob 1999.355.18:31:36.75/tpical/21521,20863,21317,22229,22088,22157,22754,23035,53095,13903 1999.355.18:31:36.82/tpical/21541,21200,22384,22895,22713,22330,31762 1999.355.18:31:36.90:!1999.355.18:31:44 1999.355.18:31:44.00:tape 1999.355.18:31:44.07/tape/low,07547,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.18:31:44.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:31:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:31:44.12:midob 1999.355.18:31:44.23/tpi/16067,15866,16067,16189,16068,15658,16143,16393,39904,10119 1999.355.18:31:44.30/tpi/16060,15741,16085,16206,16209,16090,23884 1999.355.18:31:44.86/tsys1/55.2,59.0,57.2,49.9,49.8,44.9,45.3,45.7,56.4,49.7 1999.355.18:31:44.87/tsys2/51.6,50.8,44.9,42.6,44.1,45.6,53.5 1999.355.18:31:49.40/wx/-9.0,963.3,76.9 1999.355.18:31:49.49/cable/+3.82707E-02 1999.355.18:31:49.54/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39893,23883,0,1pps 1999.355.18:31:49.59/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10114,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:31:49.67/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15883,16005,545,1pps 1999.355.18:31:49.75/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.36,lock,15644,16158,554,1pps 1999.355.18:31:49.83/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16061,15978,550,1pps 1999.355.18:31:52.92/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.18:31:53.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:31:53.04:!1999.355.18:33:22 1999.355.18:31:53.84#setcl#time/61070931,1,1999,355,18,31,54.00,0.096,29.879,20 1999.355.18:31:53.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:33:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:33:22.00:et 1999.355.18:33:22.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:33:25.05:tape 1999.355.18:33:25.12/tape/low,08199,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:33:25.12:postob 1999.355.18:33:25.13:source=0014+813,001404.5,811828.2,1950.0 1999.355.18:33:31.67:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:33:31.97/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:33:41.09:!1999.355.18:34:21 1999.355.18:34:03.66@wx 1999.355.18:34:08.45/wx/-8.9,963.5,77.0 1999.355.18:34:21.00:preob 1999.355.18:34:23.75/tpical/20993,20156,21382,21964,21559,22704,22534,22603,54719,14297 1999.355.18:34:23.82/tpical/21103,21441,22420,22587,22441,22176,33646 1999.355.18:34:23.89:!1999.355.18:34:31 1999.355.18:34:31.00:tape 1999.355.18:34:31.07/tape/low,08199,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:34:31.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:34:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:34:31.12:midob 1999.355.18:34:31.23/tpi/15872,15493,16283,16187,15865,16229,16157,16254,41502,10510 1999.355.18:34:31.30/tpi/15938,16084,16263,16197,16171,16135,25616 1999.355.18:34:31.86/tsys1/58.0,61.7,59.7,52.2,51.9,46.8,47.0,47.4,58.6,51.6 1999.355.18:34:31.87/tsys2/54.3,52.9,46.5,44.5,45.6,47.2,56.4 1999.355.18:34:36.26/wx/-9.0,963.5,76.9 1999.355.18:34:36.37/cable/+3.82679E-02 1999.355.18:34:36.42/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41486,25620,0,1pps 1999.355.18:34:36.47/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10505,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:34:36.55/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15489,15607,545,1pps 1999.355.18:34:36.63/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16199,16173,554,1pps 1999.355.18:34:36.71/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16252,16134,550,1pps 1999.355.18:34:38.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.18:34:39.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:34:39.05:!1999.355.18:37:40 1999.355.18:34:39.85#setcl#time/61087532,1,1999,355,18,34,40.00,0.088,29.925,19 1999.355.18:34:39.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:37:40.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:37:40.00:et 1999.355.18:37:40.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:37:43.05:tape 1999.355.18:37:43.12/tape/low,09458,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:37:43.12:postob 1999.355.18:37:43.13:source=0444+634,044442.3,632655.7,1950.0 1999.355.18:37:49.66:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:37:49.96/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:37:50.13?ERROR mc -2 Interface b5 responded, but did not ACKnowledge. 1999.355.18:37:59.05:!1999.355.18:38:18 1999.355.18:38:18.00:preob 1999.355.18:38:20.75/tpical/21652,20933,21434,21920,22190,22286,22502,22858,53355,13993 1999.355.18:38:20.82/tpical/21449,21891,22141,22905,22311,22374,32527 1999.355.18:38:20.90:!1999.355.18:38:28 1999.355.18:38:28.00:tape 1999.355.18:38:28.07/tape/low,09458,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:38:28.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:38:28.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:38:28.12:midob 1999.355.18:38:28.23/tpi/16209,15969,16159,15988,16183,15791,16025,16330,40108,10193 1999.355.18:38:28.30/tpi/16024,16263,15888,16198,15913,16101,24460 1999.355.18:38:28.86/tsys1/55.8,59.8,57.2,50.2,50.2,45.3,45.9,46.4,56.5,49.9 1999.355.18:38:28.87/tsys2/52.0,50.9,44.7,42.4,43.9,45.4,53.5 1999.355.18:38:33.47/wx/-8.9,963.4,76.9 1999.355.18:38:33.65/cable/+3.82668E-02 1999.355.18:38:33.70/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40104,24465,0,1pps 1999.355.18:38:33.75/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10194,99,4095,1pps 1999.355.18:38:33.83/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15945,16059,545,1pps 1999.355.18:38:33.91/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15806,15707,554,1pps 1999.355.18:38:33.99/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.53,lock,15894,16118,550,1pps 1999.355.18:38:36.92/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.18:38:37.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:38:37.05:!1999.355.18:40:06 1999.355.18:38:37.85#setcl#time/61111332,1,1999,355,18,38,38.00,0.088,29.991,19 1999.355.18:38:37.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:40:06.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:40:06.00:et 1999.355.18:40:06.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:40:09.05:tape 1999.355.18:40:09.12/tape/low,10112,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:40:09.12:postob 1999.355.18:40:09.13:source=1508+572,150845.2,571402.4,1950.0 1999.355.18:40:15.66:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:40:15.96/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:40:25.08:!1999.355.18:41:13 1999.355.18:41:13.00:preob 1999.355.18:41:15.75/tpical/21148,20291,21005,21672,21663,22006,22605,22726,55100,14383 1999.355.18:41:15.82/tpical/21617,20937,21791,22453,22000,22093,34269 1999.355.18:41:15.90:!1999.355.18:41:23 1999.355.18:41:23.00:tape 1999.355.18:41:23.07/tape/low,10112,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:41:23.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:41:23.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:41:23.12:midob 1999.355.18:41:23.23/tpi/16020,15666,16005,15958,15982,15722,16226,16303,41868,10592 1999.355.18:41:23.30/tpi/16270,15841,16010,16223,15976,16225,26314 1999.355.18:41:23.86/tsys1/58.5,63.0,59.8,52.0,52.4,46.6,47.2,47.0,59.1,52.0 1999.355.18:41:23.87/tsys2/53.6,54.8,48.7,45.8,46.9,48.9,58.5 1999.355.18:41:28.51/wx/-8.9,963.4,76.9 1999.355.18:41:28.69/cable/+3.82712E-02 1999.355.18:41:28.74/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41885,26335,0,1pps 1999.355.18:41:28.79/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10592,99,4095,1pps 1999.355.18:41:28.87/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15697,15827,545,1pps 1999.355.18:41:28.95/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15754,15692,554,1pps 1999.355.18:41:29.03/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16017,16100,550,1pps 1999.355.18:41:31.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.18:41:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:41:32.05:!1999.355.18:46:13 1999.355.18:41:32.85#setcl#time/61128832,1,1999,355,18,41,33.00,0.088,30.040,19 1999.355.18:41:32.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:46:13.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:46:13.00:et 1999.355.18:46:13.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:46:16.05:tape 1999.355.18:46:16.12/tape/low,12044,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:46:16.12:postob 1999.355.18:46:16.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.355.18:46:22.66:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:46:22.96/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:46:32.08:!1999.355.18:47:29 1999.355.18:47:29.00:preob 1999.355.18:47:31.75/tpical/20530,20923,21109,21506,21331,22076,22133,22157,56785,14901 1999.355.18:47:31.82/tpical/20927,21337,22194,22327,22203,22132,34644 1999.355.18:47:31.90:!1999.355.18:47:39 1999.355.18:47:39.00:tape 1999.355.18:47:39.07/tape/low,12044,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:47:39.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:47:39.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:47:39.12:midob 1999.355.18:47:39.23/tpi/15674,16304,16274,16082,15958,16065,16225,16243,43589,11137 1999.355.18:47:39.30/tpi/15938,16229,16378,16272,16290,16367,26601 1999.355.18:47:39.86/tsys1/60.4,65.7,62.9,55.2,55.4,49.8,50.9,50.9,61.7,55.1 1999.355.18:47:39.87/tsys2/56.2,56.0,49.6,47.2,48.7,50.2,58.5 1999.355.18:47:44.77/wx/-9.1,963.4,77.3 1999.355.18:47:44.85/cable/+3.82642E-02 1999.355.18:47:44.90/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43592,26604,0,1pps 1999.355.18:47:44.95/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11147,100,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:47:45.03/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15554,16026,545,1pps 1999.355.18:47:45.11/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16072,15911,554,1pps 1999.355.18:47:45.19/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.11,lock,15963,16055,550,1pps 1999.355.18:47:47.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.18:47:48.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:47:48.05:!1999.355.18:49:17 1999.355.18:47:48.85#setcl#time/61166432,1,1999,355,18,47,49.00,0.088,30.144,19 1999.355.18:47:48.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:49:17.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:49:17.00:et 1999.355.18:49:17.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:49:20.05:tape 1999.355.18:49:20.12/tape/low,12696,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:49:20.12:postob 1999.355.18:49:20.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.355.18:49:26.65:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:49:26.95/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:49:36.07:!1999.355.18:51:32 1999.355.18:51:32.00:preob 1999.355.18:51:34.74/tpical/20701,21121,21212,22150,21484,22235,22239,22633,57137,15001 1999.355.18:51:34.81/tpical/21745,21263,22532,22895,22337,22369,33244 1999.355.18:51:34.89:!1999.355.18:51:42 1999.355.18:51:42.00:tape 1999.355.18:51:42.07/tape/low,12696,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:51:42.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:51:42.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:51:42.12:midob 1999.355.18:51:42.23/tpi/15853,16440,16368,16577,16103,16214,16278,16572,43926,11227 1999.355.18:51:42.30/tpi/16514,16094,16489,16571,16272,16429,25410 1999.355.18:51:42.86/tsys1/61.2,65.3,63.1,55.4,55.8,50.2,50.7,50.7,62.1,55.4 1999.355.18:51:42.87/tsys2/55.6,54.9,48.0,46.1,47.4,48.9,57.3 1999.355.18:51:46.88/wx/-9.1,963.2,77.4 1999.355.18:51:46.93/cable/+3.82650E-02 1999.355.18:51:46.98/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43914,25387,0,1pps 1999.355.18:51:47.03/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11227,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:51:47.11/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15687,16141,545,1pps 1999.355.18:51:47.19/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16233,16080,554,1pps 1999.355.18:51:47.27/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16125,16005,550,1pps 1999.355.18:51:49.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.18:51:50.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:51:50.05:!1999.355.18:53:20 1999.355.18:51:50.85#setcl#time/61190632,1,1999,355,18,51,51.00,0.087,30.211,19 1999.355.18:51:50.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:53:20.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:53:20.00:et 1999.355.18:53:20.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:53:23.05:tape 1999.355.18:53:23.12/tape/low,13349,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.18:53:23.12:postob 1999.355.18:53:23.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.355.18:53:29.66:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:53:29.96/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:53:39.08:!1999.355.18:55:09 1999.355.18:55:09.00:preob 1999.355.18:55:11.75/tpical/21707,20963,21386,21867,21073,22227,22457,22757,53423,13983 1999.355.18:55:11.83/tpical/21061,21417,22335,22613,22634,22250,33446 1999.355.18:55:11.90:!1999.355.18:55:19 1999.355.18:55:19.00:tape 1999.355.18:55:19.07/tape/low,13349,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.18:55:19.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:55:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:55:19.12:midob 1999.355.18:55:19.23/tpi/16297,16048,16223,16006,15453,15822,16031,16316,40325,10233 1999.355.18:55:19.31/tpi/15913,16103,16294,16265,16380,16276,25435 1999.355.18:55:19.87/tsys1/56.4,60.7,58.7,50.8,51.2,46.1,46.3,46.9,57.4,50.7 1999.355.18:55:19.88/tsys2/54.4,53.4,47.5,45.0,46.3,48.2,56.1 1999.355.18:55:24.46/wx/-9.0,963.2,77.4 1999.355.18:55:24.53/cable/+3.82678E-02 1999.355.18:55:24.58/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40343,25428,0,1pps 1999.355.18:55:24.63/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10238,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:55:24.71/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16062,16195,545,1pps 1999.355.18:55:24.79/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15793,15745,554,1pps 1999.355.18:55:24.87/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16289,16105,550,1pps 1999.355.18:55:25.84#setcl#time/61212131,1,1999,355,18,55,26.00,0.095,30.271,20 1999.355.18:55:25.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.18:55:28.92/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.18:55:29.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:55:29.05:!1999.355.18:57:53 1999.355.18:57:53.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.18:57:53.00:et 1999.355.18:57:53.04:!+3s 1999.355.18:57:56.05:tape 1999.355.18:57:56.12/tape/low,14375,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.18:57:56.12:postob 1999.355.18:57:56.13:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 1999.355.18:58:02.65:nw2c1=1 1999.355.18:58:02.95/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.18:58:12.07:!1999.355.18:59:13 1999.355.18:59:13.00:preob 1999.355.18:59:15.75/tpical/21571,20899,21341,22232,22042,22834,22708,22950,53144,13897 1999.355.18:59:15.82/tpical/21362,21760,22189,22627,22571,22202,32822 1999.355.18:59:15.90:!1999.355.18:59:23 1999.355.18:59:23.00:tape 1999.355.18:59:23.07/tape/low,14375,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.18:59:23.07:st=for,80 1999.355.18:59:23.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.18:59:23.12:midob 1999.355.18:59:23.23/tpi/16137,15922,16069,16174,16050,16118,16072,16309,39925,10103 1999.355.18:59:23.30/tpi/15885,16168,15934,16020,16097,16005,24699 1999.355.18:59:23.86/tsys1/55.6,59.5,56.9,49.7,49.9,44.8,44.9,45.5,56.3,49.5 1999.355.18:59:23.87/tsys2/51.0,51.0,44.8,42.6,43.9,45.6,53.7 1999.355.18:59:28.20/wx/-9.1,963.1,77.5 1999.355.18:59:28.37/cable/+3.82704E-02 1999.355.18:59:28.42/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39927,24381,0,1pps 1999.355.18:59:28.47/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10103,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.18:59:28.55/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15910,16083,545,1pps 1999.355.18:59:28.63/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16102,16093,554,1pps 1999.355.18:59:28.71/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16075,15959,550,1pps 1999.355.18:59:30.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.18:59:31.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.18:59:31.05:!1999.355.19:01:01 1999.355.18:59:31.85#setcl#time/61236732,1,1999,355,18,59,32.00,0.087,30.339,19 1999.355.18:59:31.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:00:18.54;"weather - overcast skies, light snow sticking to antenna 1999.355.19:00:45.65;dqac1 1999.355.19:00:45.65&dqac1/dqa=1 1999.355.19:00:45.66&dqac1/repro=*,18,4,*,*,* 1999.355.19:00:45.66&dqac1/dqa 1999.355.19:00:45.67&dqac1/repro=*,20,6,*,*,* 1999.355.19:00:45.67&dqac1/dqa 1999.355.19:00:45.68&dqac1/repro=*,22,8,*,*,* 1999.355.19:00:45.68&dqac1/dqa 1999.355.19:00:45.69&dqac1/repro=*,24,10,*,*,* 1999.355.19:00:45.69&dqac1/dqa 1999.355.19:00:45.69&dqac1/repro=*,26,12,*,*,* 1999.355.19:00:45.70&dqac1/dqa 1999.355.19:00:45.70&dqac1/repro=*,28,14,*,*,* 1999.355.19:00:45.71&dqac1/dqa 1999.355.19:00:45.71&dqac1/repro=*,30,16,*,*,* 1999.355.19:00:45.72&dqac1/dqa 1999.355.19:00:47.22/dqa/1, 1us,18,0.,0,0,11.0, 10, 2us,04,0.,0,0,11.1, 171 1999.355.19:00:48.71/dqa/1, 3us,20,0.,0,0,10.9, 60, 4us,06,0.,0,0,10.6, 39 1999.355.19:00:50.20/dqa/1, 5us,22,0.,0,0,12.4, 30, 6us,08,0.,0,0,12.5,-163 1999.355.19:00:51.69/dqa/1, 7us,24,0.,0,0,13.2, 139, 8us,10,0.,0,0,13.0, -64 1999.355.19:00:53.18/dqa/1, 9us,26,0.,0,0, 8.8, 177,10us,12,0.,0,0, 8.6, -60 1999.355.19:00:54.67/dqa/1,11us,28,0.,0,0, 8.7,-160,12us,14,0.,0,0, 9.1, 104 1999.355.19:00:56.16/dqa/1,13us,30,0.,0,0, 9.2,-160,14us,16,0.,0,0, 8.4, -88 1999.355.19:01:01.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:01:01.00:et 1999.355.19:01:01.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:01:04.05:tape 1999.355.19:01:04.12/tape/low,15028,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:01:04.12:postob 1999.355.19:01:04.13:source=3c371,180718.6,694857.2,1950.0 1999.355.19:01:10.66:nw2c1=1 1999.355.19:01:10.96/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.19:01:20.08:!1999.355.19:01:56 1999.355.19:01:56.00:preob 1999.355.19:01:58.74/tpical/21211,20367,21056,21705,21743,22053,22720,22431,55260,14437 1999.355.19:01:58.81/tpical/21542,20971,21877,22509,22041,22145,34835 1999.355.19:01:58.89:!1999.355.19:02:06 1999.355.19:02:06.00:tape 1999.355.19:02:06.07/tape/low,15028,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:02:06.07:st=for,80 1999.355.19:02:06.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:02:06.12:midob 1999.355.19:02:06.23/tpi/16090,15730,16102,16070,16090,15814,16364,16184,42078,10659 1999.355.19:02:06.30/tpi/16341,15856,16096,16319,16075,16275,26773 1999.355.19:02:06.86/tsys1/58.8,63.1,60.7,53.1,53.1,47.3,47.8,48.0,59.6,52.5 1999.355.19:02:06.87/tsys2/55.3,54.6,49.0,46.3,47.6,49.0,58.7 1999.355.19:02:11.79/wx/-9.2,963.3,77.6 1999.355.19:02:11.89/cable/+3.82694E-02 1999.355.19:02:11.94/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42079,26740,0,1pps 1999.355.19:02:11.99/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10664,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:02:12.07/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15738,15879,545,1pps 1999.355.19:02:12.15/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15821,15783,554,1pps 1999.355.19:02:12.23/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16062,16232,550,1pps 1999.355.19:02:14.92/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.19:02:15.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:02:15.05:!1999.355.19:04:15 1999.355.19:02:15.85#setcl#time/61253132,1,1999,355,19,02,16.00,0.087,30.385,19 1999.355.19:02:15.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:04:03.66@wx 1999.355.19:04:07.94/wx/-9.1,963.0,77.6 1999.355.19:04:15.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:04:15.00:et 1999.355.19:04:15.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:04:18.05:tape 1999.355.19:04:18.12/tape/low,15887,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:04:18.12:postob 1999.355.19:04:18.13:source=1611+343,161147.9,342020.0,1950.0 1999.355.19:04:24.65:nw2c1=1 1999.355.19:04:24.95/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.19:04:34.07:!1999.355.19:05:23 1999.355.19:05:23.00:preob 1999.355.19:05:25.74/tpical/20913,20081,21258,21834,21438,22553,22359,22726,54430,14218 1999.355.19:05:25.81/tpical/21115,21430,21911,22098,22191,21851,33601 1999.355.19:05:25.89:!1999.355.19:05:33 1999.355.19:05:33.00:tape 1999.355.19:05:33.07/tape/low,15887,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:05:33.07:st=for,80 1999.355.19:05:33.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:05:33.12:midob 1999.355.19:05:33.23/tpi/15763,15419,16137,16001,15728,16061,15990,16306,41198,10425 1999.355.19:05:33.30/tpi/15930,16127,15999,15954,16067,16002,25625 1999.355.19:05:33.86/tsys1/57.3,61.4,58.9,51.1,51.3,46.1,46.6,47.1,58.1,51.1 1999.355.19:05:33.87/tsys2/54.1,53.6,47.6,45.6,46.4,48.3,56.8 1999.355.19:05:37.92/wx/-9.1,963.0,77.7 1999.355.19:05:37.97/cable/+3.82695E-02 1999.355.19:05:38.02/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41201,25654,0,1pps 1999.355.19:05:38.07/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10426,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:05:38.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15428,15576,545,1pps 1999.355.19:05:38.23/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16044,16010,554,1pps 1999.355.19:05:38.31/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16008,16209,550,1pps 1999.355.19:05:40.92/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:05:41.05/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:05:41.05:!1999.355.19:07:11 1999.355.19:05:41.85#setcl#time/61273732,1,1999,355,19,05,42.00,0.087,30.442,19 1999.355.19:05:41.85#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:07:11.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:07:11.00:et 1999.355.19:07:11.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:07:14.05:tape 1999.355.19:07:14.12/tape/low,16539,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:07:14.12:postob 1999.355.19:07:14.13:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 1999.355.19:07:20.66:nw2c1=1 1999.355.19:07:20.96/pass/1,,auto,-330.0,,-329.6,,0.4, 1999.355.19:07:30.08:!1999.355.19:07:47 1999.355.19:07:47.00:preob 1999.355.19:07:49.75/tpical/20720,21222,21102,22177,21376,22602,22781,22811,53992,14176 1999.355.19:07:49.82/tpical/20983,21397,22324,22101,22279,21811,33468 1999.355.19:07:49.89:!1999.355.19:07:57 1999.355.19:07:57.00:tape 1999.355.19:07:57.07/tape/low,16539,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:07:57.07:st=for,80 1999.355.19:07:57.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:07:57.12:midob 1999.355.19:07:57.23/tpi/15564,16271,15990,16231,15687,16127,16339,16407,40788,10394 1999.355.19:07:57.30/tpi/15819,16079,16287,15943,16193,16024,25513 1999.355.19:07:57.86/tsys1/56.5,61.1,58.4,50.8,51.4,46.5,47.1,47.5,57.6,51.1 1999.355.19:07:57.87/tsys2/53.9,53.3,47.5,45.5,47.0,48.9,56.7 1999.355.19:08:01.87/wx/-9.1,963.3,77.9 1999.355.19:08:01.96/cable/+3.82670E-02 1999.355.19:08:02.01/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40794,25523,0,1pps 1999.355.19:08:02.07/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10397,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:08:02.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16275,15355,545,1pps 1999.355.19:08:02.23/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16139,15996,554,1pps 1999.355.19:08:02.31/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16305,16126,550,1pps 1999.355.19:08:04.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:08:05.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:08:05.04:!1999.355.19:09:35 1999.355.19:08:05.84#setcl#time/61288132,1,1999,355,19,08,06.00,0.087,30.482,20 1999.355.19:08:05.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:09:35.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:09:35.00:et 1999.355.19:09:35.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:09:38.05:tape 1999.355.19:09:38.12/tape/low,17192,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:09:38.12:postob 1999.355.19:09:38.13:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.355.19:09:44.68:midtp 1999.355.19:09:44.68&midtp/bbcman 1999.355.19:09:44.69&midtp/ifdab=max,max,*,* 1999.355.19:09:44.69&midtp/ifdcd=max,max,*,* 1999.355.19:09:44.70&midtp/!+2s 1999.355.19:09:44.70&midtp/tpzero=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u,ifa,ifc 1999.355.19:09:44.70&midtp/tpzero=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u,ifb 1999.355.19:09:44.71&midtp/bbcagc 1999.355.19:09:44.71&midtp/ifdab=0,0,*,* 1999.355.19:09:44.72&midtp/ifdcd=0,0,*,* 1999.355.19:09:44.72&midtp/rxmon 1999.355.19:09:47.44/tpzero/231,352,276,330,296,297,392,404,711,215 1999.355.19:09:47.51/tpzero/350,333,365,379,295,296,446 1999.355.19:09:48.21/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.82 1999.355.19:09:48.31/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 1999.355.19:09:48.41/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.16 1999.355.19:09:48.51/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.968 1999.355.19:09:48.61/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.048 1999.355.19:09:48.71/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.59 1999.355.19:09:48.81/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.64 1999.355.19:09:48.81:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:09:48.82&nw2c2/tapefrmnwc 1999.355.19:09:48.82&nw2c2/pass=$ 1999.355.19:09:48.83&nw2c2/bbcnw2 1999.355.19:09:48.83&nw2c2/ifdnw 1999.355.19:09:48.83&nw2c2/form=c,4.000 1999.355.19:09:48.84&nw2c2/!* 1999.355.19:09:48.84&nw2c2/bit_density=56250 1999.355.19:09:48.85&nw2c2/systracks= 1999.355.19:09:48.85&nw2c2/tape=low 1999.355.19:09:48.86&nw2c2/enable=g1,g3 1999.355.19:09:48.86&nw2c2/repro=byp,7,23 1999.355.19:09:48.87&nw2c2/!*+8s 1999.355.19:09:49.64/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:09:58.76:fastf=0m28s 1999.355.19:09:58.76&fastf/ff 1999.355.19:09:58.77&fastf/!+$ 1999.355.19:09:58.77&fastf/et 1999.355.19:10:26.86:!1999.355.19:10:50 1999.355.19:10:50.00:preob 1999.355.19:10:52.75/tpical/19952,19520,20323,21070,21082,21012,21641,21344,62615,16477 1999.355.19:10:52.82/tpical/20435,20868,21439,21773,21564,21241,36675 1999.355.19:10:52.89:!1999.355.19:11:00 1999.355.19:11:00.00:tape 1999.355.19:11:00.07/tape/low,17822,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:11:00.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:11:00.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:11:00.12:midob 1999.355.19:11:00.23/tpi/15747,15653,16175,16312,16337,15902,16405,16191,49479,12752 1999.355.19:11:00.30/tpi/15873,16193,16196,16261,16193,16055,28730 1999.355.19:11:00.86/tsys1/70.1,75.2,72.8,63.8,64.2,58.0,58.1,58.2,70.5,63.9 1999.355.19:11:00.87/tsys2/61.2,61.1,54.4,51.9,53.3,54.7,64.1 1999.355.19:11:05.09/wx/-9.1,963.2,77.8 1999.355.19:11:05.16/cable/+3.82651E-02 1999.355.19:11:05.21/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,49457,28743,0,1pps 1999.355.19:11:05.26/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12746,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:11:05.34/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15649,16067,545,1pps 1999.355.19:11:05.42/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.36,lock,15895,16187,554,1pps 1999.355.19:11:05.50/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.32, 1.79,lock,16192,16249,550,1pps 1999.355.19:11:07.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:11:08.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:11:08.04:!1999.355.19:14:21 1999.355.19:11:08.84#setcl#time/61306432,1,1999,355,19,11,09.00,0.086,30.533,20 1999.355.19:11:08.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:14:21.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:14:21.00:et 1999.355.19:14:21.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:14:24.05:tape 1999.355.19:14:24.12/tape/low,16483,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:14:24.12:postob 1999.355.19:14:24.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.355.19:14:30.66:checkr80 1999.355.19:14:30.66&checkr80/check=*,-tp,-hd 1999.355.19:14:30.67&checkr80/parity=,,ab,on 1999.355.19:14:30.67&checkr80/sfastf=8s 1999.355.19:14:30.68&checkr80/!+5.1s 1999.355.19:14:30.68&checkr80/repro=raw,6,8 1999.355.19:14:30.68&checkr80/!* 1999.355.19:14:30.69&checkr80/st=rev,80,off 1999.355.19:14:30.69&checkr80/!+1.5s 1999.355.19:14:30.70&checkr80/parity 1999.355.19:14:30.70&checkr80/!*+33.15s 1999.355.19:14:30.71&checkr80/et 1999.355.19:14:30.71&checkr80/!+1.5s 1999.355.19:14:30.72&checkr80/repro=byp,6,8 1999.355.19:14:30.72&checkr80/check=*,tp,hd 1999.355.19:14:30.73&sfastf/sff 1999.355.19:14:30.73&sfastf/!+$ 1999.355.19:14:30.74&sfastf/et 1999.355.19:15:00.75/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,4.,0.,4.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,24. 1999.355.19:15:00.75/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.355.19:15:18.78:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:15:19.08/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:15:28.20:!1999.355.19:16:35 1999.355.19:16:35.00:preob 1999.355.19:16:37.75/tpical/20310,20724,20838,21733,21104,21875,21911,22265,56136,14760 1999.355.19:16:37.82/tpical/21505,21009,21850,22465,22262,22170,34170 1999.355.19:16:37.90:!1999.355.19:16:45 1999.355.19:16:45.00:tape 1999.355.19:16:45.07/tape/low,16483,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:16:45.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:16:45.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:16:45.12:midob 1999.355.19:16:45.23/tpi/15506,16125,16056,16192,15790,15906,16022,16325,43029,11017 1999.355.19:16:45.30/tpi/16341,15934,16041,16265,16197,16307,26107 1999.355.19:16:45.86/tsys1/60.4,65.2,62.7,54.4,55.4,49.7,50.4,50.9,61.3,54.8 1999.355.19:16:45.87/tsys2/55.7,55.3,48.6,46.1,47.2,49.2,57.3 1999.355.19:16:50.27/wx/-9.0,963.3,78.0 1999.355.19:16:50.44/cable/+3.82608E-02 1999.355.19:16:50.49/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43034,26126,0,1pps 1999.355.19:16:50.54/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11017,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:16:50.62/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16110,16209,545,1pps 1999.355.19:16:50.70/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15907,15802,554,1pps 1999.355.19:16:50.78/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16043,16192,550,1pps 1999.355.19:16:52.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:16:53.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:16:53.04:!1999.355.19:18:31 1999.355.19:16:53.84#setcl#time/61340932,1,1999,355,19,16,54.00,0.086,30.629,20 1999.355.19:16:53.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:18:31.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:18:31.00:et 1999.355.19:18:31.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:18:34.05:tape 1999.355.19:18:34.12/tape/low,15777,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:18:34.12:postob 1999.355.19:18:34.13:source=0718+793,071808.7,791722.7,1950.0 1999.355.19:18:40.66:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:18:40.96/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:18:50.08:!1999.355.19:19:31 1999.355.19:19:31.00:preob 1999.355.19:19:33.75/tpical/20890,20103,21273,21859,21467,22579,22408,22477,54495,14243 1999.355.19:19:33.82/tpical/20906,21239,22212,22482,22395,22162,33429 1999.355.19:19:33.90:!1999.355.19:19:41 1999.355.19:19:41.00:tape 1999.355.19:19:41.07/tape/low,15777,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:19:41.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:19:41.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:19:41.12:midob 1999.355.19:19:41.23/tpi/15840,15458,16211,16106,15830,16199,16107,16200,41411,10499 1999.355.19:19:41.30/tpi/15774,15950,16141,16118,16119,16110,25399 1999.355.19:19:41.86/tsys1/58.7,61.8,59.8,52.1,52.4,47.4,47.4,47.8,59.1,52.2 1999.355.19:19:41.87/tsys2/54.1,53.1,46.8,44.5,45.4,47.0,55.9 1999.355.19:19:46.95/wx/-9.0,963.2,77.9 1999.355.19:19:47.08/cable/+3.82662E-02 1999.355.19:19:47.13/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41411,25417,0,1pps 1999.355.19:19:47.18/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10495,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:19:47.26/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15497,15626,545,1pps 1999.355.19:19:47.34/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16205,16160,554,1pps 1999.355.19:19:47.42/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16135,15997,550,1pps 1999.355.19:19:49.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:19:50.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:19:50.04:!1999.355.19:22:13 1999.355.19:19:50.84#setcl#time/61358632,1,1999,355,19,19,51.00,0.086,30.678,20 1999.355.19:19:50.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:22:13.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:22:13.00:et 1999.355.19:22:13.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:22:16.05:tape 1999.355.19:22:16.12/tape/low,14765,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:22:16.12:postob 1999.355.19:22:16.13:source=4c39.25,092355.3,391523.8,1950.0 1999.355.19:22:22.67:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:22:22.97/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:22:32.09:!1999.355.19:23:59 1999.355.19:23:59.00:preob 1999.355.19:24:01.75/tpical/20653,21169,21582,22141,21305,22442,22614,22625,53839,14120 1999.355.19:24:01.82/tpical/21568,21263,22428,22966,22829,22345,31821 1999.355.19:24:01.90:!1999.355.19:24:09 1999.355.19:24:09.00:tape 1999.355.19:24:09.07/tape/low,14765,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:24:09.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:24:09.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:24:09.12:midob 1999.355.19:24:09.23/tpi/15495,16185,16323,16199,15582,15972,16158,16198,40611,10329 1999.355.19:24:09.30/tpi/16135,15847,16173,16292,16342,16124,24000 1999.355.19:24:09.86/tsys1/56.2,60.4,58.0,50.7,50.7,46.0,46.4,46.7,57.3,50.7 1999.355.19:24:09.87/tsys2/52.3,51.6,45.5,42.9,44.5,45.8,54.2 1999.355.19:24:13.60/wx/-9.0,963.2,77.9 1999.355.19:24:13.64/cable/+3.82695E-02 1999.355.19:24:13.69/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40594,23996,0,1pps 1999.355.19:24:13.74/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10327,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:24:13.82/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16154,16297,545,1pps 1999.355.19:24:13.90/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15957,15892,554,1pps 1999.355.19:24:13.98/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16165,16092,550,1pps 1999.355.19:24:14.83#setcl#time/61385031,1,1999,355,19,24,15.00,0.094,30.751,21 1999.355.19:24:14.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:24:17.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:24:18.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:24:18.04:!1999.355.19:25:47 1999.355.19:25:47.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:25:47.00:et 1999.355.19:25:47.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:25:50.05:tape 1999.355.19:25:50.12/tape/low,14112,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:25:50.12:postob 1999.355.19:25:50.13:source=0955+476,095508.5,473928.6,1950.0 1999.355.19:25:56.66:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:25:56.96/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:26:06.08:!1999.355.19:26:20 1999.355.19:26:20.00:preob 1999.355.19:26:22.75/tpical/21406,20718,21672,22081,21963,22743,22628,22912,52784,13848 1999.355.19:26:22.82/tpical/21407,21056,22245,22698,22564,22119,31561 1999.355.19:26:22.90:!1999.355.19:26:30 1999.355.19:26:30.00:tape 1999.355.19:26:30.07/tape/low,14112,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:26:30.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:26:30.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:26:30.12:midob 1999.355.19:26:30.23/tpi/15965,15744,16254,16048,15994,16046,16010,16244,39584,10052 1999.355.19:26:30.30/tpi/15952,15632,15937,16048,16081,15895,23710 1999.355.19:26:30.86/tsys1/54.9,58.8,56.0,49.5,50.0,44.7,44.8,45.1,56.0,49.2 1999.355.19:26:30.87/tsys2/51.5,50.8,44.4,42.4,43.8,45.1,53.3 1999.355.19:26:35.93/wx/-8.9,963.2,78.0 1999.355.19:26:36.04/cable/+3.82710E-02 1999.355.19:26:36.09/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39590,23703,0,1pps 1999.355.19:26:36.14/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10060,100,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:26:36.22/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15746,15894,545,1pps 1999.355.19:26:36.30/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16033,16051,554,1pps 1999.355.19:26:36.38/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.73,lock,15932,16272,550,1pps 1999.355.19:26:38.91/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.19:26:39.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:26:39.04:!1999.355.19:28:08 1999.355.19:26:39.84#setcl#time/61399532,1,1999,355,19,26,40.00,0.086,30.792,20 1999.355.19:26:39.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:28:08.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:28:08.00:et 1999.355.19:28:08.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:28:11.05:tape 1999.355.19:28:11.12/tape/low,13459,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:28:11.12:postob 1999.355.19:28:11.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.355.19:28:17.66:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:28:17.96/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:28:27.08:!1999.355.19:30:24 1999.355.19:30:24.00:preob 1999.355.19:30:26.75/tpical/20717,21259,21111,22188,21437,22596,22444,22502,54068,14205 1999.355.19:30:26.82/tpical/21103,21397,22340,22583,22608,22177,33524 1999.355.19:30:26.90:!1999.355.19:30:34 1999.355.19:30:34.00:tape 1999.355.19:30:34.07/tape/low,13459,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:30:34.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:30:34.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:30:34.12:midob 1999.355.19:30:34.23/tpi/15612,16302,16041,16327,15810,16190,16150,16257,40980,10462 1999.355.19:30:34.30/tpi/15906,16104,16242,16220,16308,16152,25462 1999.355.19:30:34.86/tsys1/57.2,61.1,59.1,51.9,52.4,47.1,47.6,48.2,58.5,52.0 1999.355.19:30:34.87/tsys2/53.9,53.6,46.9,44.8,45.8,47.4,55.9 1999.355.19:30:39.69/wx/-8.9,963.2,78.0 1999.355.19:30:39.88/cable/+3.82641E-02 1999.355.19:30:39.93/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40980,25450,0,1pps 1999.355.19:30:39.98/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10459,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:30:40.06/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16343,15387,545,1pps 1999.355.19:30:40.14/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16216,16115,554,1pps 1999.355.19:30:40.22/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16229,16110,550,1pps 1999.355.19:30:42.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:30:43.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:30:43.03:!1999.355.19:33:21 1999.355.19:30:43.83#setcl#time/61423931,1,1999,355,19,30,44.00,0.093,30.859,21 1999.355.19:30:43.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:33:21.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:33:21.00:et 1999.355.19:33:21.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:33:24.05:tape 1999.355.19:33:24.12/tape/low,12347,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:33:24.12:postob 1999.355.19:33:24.13:source=2356+385,235700.0,383400.1,1950.0 1999.355.19:33:30.67:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:33:30.97/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:33:40.09:!1999.355.19:34:38 1999.355.19:34:03.66@wx 1999.355.19:34:07.46/wx/-8.7,963.3,77.9 1999.355.19:34:38.00:preob 1999.355.19:34:40.74/tpical/20367,20760,20933,21749,21193,21955,22031,22000,56365,14806 1999.355.19:34:40.81/tpical/20837,21216,22140,22158,21957,21864,34362 1999.355.19:34:40.89:!1999.355.19:34:48 1999.355.19:34:48.00:tape 1999.355.19:34:48.07/tape/low,12347,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:34:48.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:34:48.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:34:48.12:midob 1999.355.19:34:48.23/tpi/15568,16157,16125,16249,15848,15970,16088,16131,43248,11063 1999.355.19:34:48.30/tpi/15857,16125,16309,16117,16080,16152,26328 1999.355.19:34:48.86/tsys1/60.7,65.2,62.6,55.0,55.3,49.8,50.2,50.9,61.6,55.1 1999.355.19:34:48.87/tsys2/56.0,55.8,49.2,46.9,48.3,50.0,58.0 1999.355.19:34:53.26/wx/-8.8,963.2,77.9 1999.355.19:34:53.32/cable/+3.82628E-02 1999.355.19:34:53.37/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43250,26332,0,1pps 1999.355.19:34:53.42/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11062,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:34:53.50/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16179,16292,545,1pps 1999.355.19:34:53.58/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15998,15839,554,1pps 1999.355.19:34:53.66/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16318,16025,550,1pps 1999.355.19:34:55.91/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.19:34:56.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:34:56.04:!1999.355.19:38:48 1999.355.19:34:56.84#setcl#time/61449232,1,1999,355,19,34,57.00,0.085,30.930,20 1999.355.19:34:56.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:38:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:38:48.00:et 1999.355.19:38:48.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:38:51.05:tape 1999.355.19:38:51.12/tape/low,10748,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:38:51.12:postob 1999.355.19:38:51.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.355.19:38:57.66:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:38:57.96/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:39:07.08:!1999.355.19:40:49 1999.355.19:40:49.00:preob 1999.355.19:40:51.75/tpical/21464,20778,21692,22129,21991,22808,22681,22936,52908,13869 1999.355.19:40:51.82/tpical/21429,21082,22343,22969,22438,22504,31783 1999.355.19:40:51.89:!1999.355.19:40:59 1999.355.19:40:59.00:tape 1999.355.19:40:59.07/tape/low,10748,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:40:59.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:40:59.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:40:59.12:midob 1999.355.19:40:59.23/tpi/16036,15812,16342,16112,16013,16140,16082,16342,39738,10088 1999.355.19:40:59.30/tpi/16046,15729,16099,16277,16032,16197,23984 1999.355.19:40:59.86/tsys1/55.3,59.2,57.1,49.8,50.0,45.1,45.2,45.9,56.3,49.6 1999.355.19:40:59.87/tsys2/52.5,51.8,45.4,42.8,44.2,45.4,54.3 1999.355.19:41:04.62/wx/-9.0,963.3,77.8 1999.355.19:41:04.68/cable/+3.82720E-02 1999.355.19:41:04.73/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39729,23985,0,1pps 1999.355.19:41:04.78/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10086,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:41:04.86/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15829,15968,545,1pps 1999.355.19:41:04.94/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16142,16108,554,1pps 1999.355.19:41:05.02/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16077,15992,550,1pps 1999.355.19:41:07.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:41:08.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:41:08.04:!1999.355.19:42:43 1999.355.19:41:08.84#setcl#time/61486432,1,1999,355,19,41,09.00,0.085,31.033,20 1999.355.19:41:08.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:42:43.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:42:43.00:et 1999.355.19:42:43.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:42:46.05:tape 1999.355.19:42:46.12/tape/low,10055,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:42:46.12:postob 1999.355.19:42:46.13:source=1555+001,155517.7,000643.6,1950.0 1999.355.19:42:52.67:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:42:52.97/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:43:02.09:!1999.355.19:44:47 1999.355.19:44:47.00:preob 1999.355.19:44:49.75/tpical/21306,20539,21229,21968,22018,22507,22293,22441,55620,14632 1999.355.19:44:49.82/tpical/21140,21572,22053,22326,22024,22021,33698 1999.355.19:44:49.89:!1999.355.19:44:57 1999.355.19:44:57.00:tape 1999.355.19:44:57.07/tape/low,10055,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:44:57.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:44:57.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:44:57.12:midob 1999.355.19:44:57.23/tpi/16188,15891,16261,16285,16360,16248,16149,16290,42413,10848 1999.355.19:44:57.30/tpi/16040,16305,16152,16184,16091,16230,25771 1999.355.19:44:57.86/tsys1/59.2,63.5,61.1,53.3,53.9,48.4,48.7,49.1,60.0,53.4 1999.355.19:44:57.87/tsys2/55.4,54.6,48.2,46.3,47.9,49.5,57.5 1999.355.19:45:01.83/wx/-8.9,963.4,77.9 1999.355.19:45:01.96/cable/+3.82683E-02 1999.355.19:45:02.01/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42414,25750,0,1pps 1999.355.19:45:02.07/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10853,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:45:02.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15889,15980,545,1pps 1999.355.19:45:02.23/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16268,16125,554,1pps 1999.355.19:45:02.31/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16165,15962,550,1pps 1999.355.19:45:04.91/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.19:45:05.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:45:05.04:!1999.355.19:47:12 1999.355.19:45:05.84#setcl#time/61510132,1,1999,355,19,45,06.00,0.085,31.099,20 1999.355.19:45:05.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:47:12.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:47:12.00:et 1999.355.19:47:12.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:47:15.05:tape 1999.355.19:47:15.12/tape/low,09156,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:47:15.12:postob 1999.355.19:47:15.13:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 1999.355.19:47:21.66:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:47:21.96/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:47:31.08:!1999.355.19:47:45 1999.355.19:47:45.00:preob 1999.355.19:47:47.74/tpical/20537,21100,21520,21986,21150,22387,22568,22562,53572,14059 1999.355.19:47:47.81/tpical/21546,21088,22018,22386,21988,22073,33221 1999.355.19:47:47.88:!1999.355.19:47:55 1999.355.19:47:55.00:tape 1999.355.19:47:55.07/tape/low,09156,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:47:55.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:47:55.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:47:55.12:midob 1999.355.19:47:55.23/tpi/15380,16109,16256,16062,15477,15906,16115,16154,40365,10269 1999.355.19:47:55.30/tpi/16169,15810,16004,16092,15904,16094,25316 1999.355.19:47:55.86/tsys1/55.8,60.0,57.7,50.5,50.8,45.8,46.3,46.7,57.0,50.4 1999.355.19:47:55.87/tsys2/53.0,52.8,46.8,44.9,46.2,47.6,56.6 1999.355.19:48:00.15/wx/-8.9,963.5,77.9 1999.355.19:48:00.20/cable/+3.82693E-02 1999.355.19:48:00.25/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40370,25279,0,1pps 1999.355.19:48:00.30/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10271,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:48:00.38/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16126,16249,545,1pps 1999.355.19:48:00.46/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15942,15794,554,1pps 1999.355.19:48:00.54/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.42,lock,15989,16245,550,1pps 1999.355.19:48:02.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:48:03.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:48:03.03:!1999.355.19:49:33 1999.355.19:48:03.83#setcl#time/61527931,1,1999,355,19,48,04.00,0.092,31.148,21 1999.355.19:48:03.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:49:33.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:49:33.00:et 1999.355.19:49:33.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:49:36.05:tape 1999.355.19:49:36.12/tape/low,08503,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:49:36.12:postob 1999.355.19:49:36.13:source=1219+044,121949.3,042953.8,1950.0 1999.355.19:49:42.65:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:49:42.95/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:49:52.07:!1999.355.19:50:59 1999.355.19:50:59.00:preob 1999.355.19:51:01.74/tpical/20559,20988,21123,21596,21386,22216,22192,22264,56854,14968 1999.355.19:51:01.81/tpical/21547,21087,21939,22249,22226,22304,32945 1999.355.19:51:01.89:!1999.355.19:51:09 1999.355.19:51:09.00:tape 1999.355.19:51:09.07/tape/low,08503,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:51:09.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:51:09.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:51:09.12:midob 1999.355.19:51:09.23/tpi/15707,16314,16289,16152,16018,16213,16240,16319,43612,11184 1999.355.19:51:09.30/tpi/16308,15916,16043,16063,16173,16343,25148 1999.355.19:51:09.86/tsys1/60.6,64.9,62.9,55.2,55.6,50.4,50.6,50.9,61.6,55.1 1999.355.19:51:09.87/tsys2/54.8,54.2,47.9,45.6,47.2,48.5,57.0 1999.355.19:51:14.83/wx/-8.9,963.6,78.1 1999.355.19:51:14.91/cable/+3.82710E-02 1999.355.19:51:14.96/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43627,25213,0,1pps 1999.355.19:51:15.01/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11188,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:51:15.10/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,16330,16038,545,1pps 1999.355.19:51:15.18/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16243,16056,554,1pps 1999.355.19:51:15.26/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16063,16087,550,1pps 1999.355.19:51:17.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:51:18.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:51:18.04:!1999.355.19:53:14 1999.355.19:51:18.84#setcl#time/61547432,1,1999,355,19,51,19.00,0.085,31.202,20 1999.355.19:51:18.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:53:14.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:53:14.00:et 1999.355.19:53:14.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:53:17.05:tape 1999.355.19:53:17.12/tape/low,07671,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:53:17.12:postob 1999.355.19:53:17.13:source=1334-127,133500.0,-124209.7,1950.0 1999.355.19:53:23.66:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:53:23.96/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:53:33.09:!1999.355.19:53:51 1999.355.19:53:51.00:preob 1999.355.19:53:53.74/tpical/18756,19470,19682,20095,20068,20225,20699,20776,$$$$$,20032 1999.355.19:53:53.82/tpical/19833,20273,21043,21204,20760,20959,38687 1999.355.19:53:53.90:!1999.355.19:54:01 1999.355.19:54:01.00:tape 1999.355.19:54:01.07/tape/low,07671,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:54:01.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:54:01.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:54:01.12:midob 1999.355.19:54:01.23/tpi/15507,16294,16368,16319,16334,16126,16462,16556,63140,16287 1999.355.19:54:01.30/tpi/15799,16114,16289,16292,16057,16280,30910 1999.355.19:54:01.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.355.19:54:01.87/tsys1/89.3,95.4,92.3,80.5,81.6,73.4,72.1,72.7,$$$$$$$$,81.5 1999.355.19:54:01.88/tsys2/68.9,68.3,60.3,58.3,60.3,61.5,70.5 1999.355.19:54:06.60/wx/-9.0,963.7,78.0 1999.355.19:54:06.76/cable/+3.82707E-02 1999.355.19:54:06.81/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,63107,30928,0,1pps 1999.355.19:54:06.86/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,16281,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:54:06.94/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -8.21,lock,16288,15473,545,1pps 1999.355.19:54:07.02/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.10, -3.49,lock,16133,16117,554,1pps 1999.355.19:54:07.10/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.01, 1.34,lock,16277,16103,550,1pps 1999.355.19:54:09.91/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.19:54:10.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:54:10.04:!1999.355.19:55:39 1999.355.19:54:10.84#setcl#time/61564632,1,1999,355,19,54,11.00,0.084,31.250,20 1999.355.19:54:10.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:55:39.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:55:39.00:et 1999.355.19:55:39.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:55:42.05:tape 1999.355.19:55:42.12/tape/low,07017,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:55:42.12:postob 1999.355.19:55:42.13:source=1116+128,111620.8,125106.9,1950.0 1999.355.19:55:48.66:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:55:48.96/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:55:58.08:!1999.355.19:56:34 1999.355.19:56:34.00:preob 1999.355.19:56:36.74/tpical/20438,19898,20955,21436,21253,22060,22002,22398,56477,14858 1999.355.19:56:36.81/tpical/21470,21000,21810,22117,22109,22156,32827 1999.355.19:56:36.89:!1999.355.19:56:44 1999.355.19:56:44.00:tape 1999.355.19:56:44.07/tape/low,07017,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:56:44.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:56:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:56:44.12:midob 1999.355.19:56:44.23/tpi/15575,15430,16105,15975,15843,16036,16038,16396,43225,11069 1999.355.19:56:44.30/tpi/16236,15845,15928,15933,16042,16218,25019 1999.355.19:56:44.86/tsys1/59.9,64.1,62.0,54.4,54.6,49.6,49.8,50.6,61.0,54.4 1999.355.19:56:44.87/tsys2/54.6,54.2,47.6,45.3,46.7,48.3,56.6 1999.355.19:56:50.20/wx/-8.9,963.8,78.1 1999.355.19:56:50.28/cable/+3.82718E-02 1999.355.19:56:50.33/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43243,25038,0,1pps 1999.355.19:56:50.38/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11073,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:56:50.46/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15453,15861,545,1pps 1999.355.19:56:50.54/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16015,15891,554,1pps 1999.355.19:56:50.62/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.42,lock,15945,16155,550,1pps 1999.355.19:56:52.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:56:53.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:56:53.03:!1999.355.19:58:39 1999.355.19:56:53.83#setcl#time/61580931,1,1999,355,19,56,54.00,0.092,31.296,21 1999.355.19:56:53.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.19:58:39.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.19:58:39.00:et 1999.355.19:58:39.04:!+3s 1999.355.19:58:42.05:tape 1999.355.19:58:42.12/tape/low,06251,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.19:58:42.12:postob 1999.355.19:58:42.13:source=1351-018,135132.0,-015120.1,1950.0 1999.355.19:58:48.65:nw2c2=2 1999.355.19:58:48.95/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.19:58:58.07:!1999.355.19:59:32 1999.355.19:59:32.00:preob 1999.355.19:59:34.75/tpical/20601,21018,21173,21618,21466,22316,22272,22325,56963,15009 1999.355.19:59:34.82/tpical/20800,21206,22035,22264,22152,22258,33228 1999.355.19:59:34.90:!1999.355.19:59:42 1999.355.19:59:42.00:tape 1999.355.19:59:42.07/tape/low,06251,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.19:59:42.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.19:59:42.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.19:59:42.12:midob 1999.355.19:59:42.23/tpi/15734,16363,16316,16199,16078,16258,16291,16376,43721,11229 1999.355.19:59:42.30/tpi/15785,16029,16163,16153,16192,16390,25462 1999.355.19:59:42.86/tsys1/60.5,65.4,62.7,55.6,55.7,50.1,50.5,51.0,61.7,55.4 1999.355.19:59:42.87/tsys2/55.4,54.6,48.4,46.5,48.0,49.4,58.0 1999.355.19:59:46.88/wx/-8.9,963.8,78.2 1999.355.19:59:46.92/cable/+3.82719E-02 1999.355.19:59:46.97/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43734,25460,0,1pps 1999.355.19:59:47.02/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11230,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.19:59:47.10/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,16386,16051,545,1pps 1999.355.19:59:47.18/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16297,16162,554,1pps 1999.355.19:59:47.26/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16160,16037,550,1pps 1999.355.19:59:49.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.19:59:50.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.19:59:50.04:!1999.355.20:02:18 1999.355.19:59:50.84#setcl#time/61598632,1,1999,355,19,59,51.00,0.084,31.345,20 1999.355.19:59:50.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:00:28.18;"weather - overcast skies, light snow sticking to antenna 1999.355.20:00:50.36;dqac2 1999.355.20:00:50.36&dqac2/dqa=1 1999.355.20:00:50.37&dqac2/repro=*,19,5,*,*,* 1999.355.20:00:50.37&dqac2/dqa 1999.355.20:00:50.38&dqac2/repro=*,21,7,*,*,* 1999.355.20:00:50.38&dqac2/dqa 1999.355.20:00:50.39&dqac2/repro=*,23,9,*,*,* 1999.355.20:00:50.39&dqac2/dqa 1999.355.20:00:50.40&dqac2/repro=*,25,11,*,*,* 1999.355.20:00:50.40&dqac2/dqa 1999.355.20:00:50.40&dqac2/repro=*,27,13,*,*,* 1999.355.20:00:50.41&dqac2/dqa 1999.355.20:00:50.41&dqac2/repro=*,29,15,*,*,* 1999.355.20:00:50.42&dqac2/dqa 1999.355.20:00:50.42&dqac2/repro=*,31,17,*,*,* 1999.355.20:00:50.43&dqac2/dqa 1999.355.20:00:51.93/dqa/1, 1us,19,0.,0,0,10.4, 35, 2us,05,0.,0,0,10.8,-165 1999.355.20:00:53.42/dqa/1, 3us,21,0.,0,0,10.4, 85, 4us,07,0.,0,0, 9.9, 61 1999.355.20:00:54.91/dqa/1, 5us,23,0.,0,0,11.6, 54, 6us,09,0.,0,0,11.9,-140 1999.355.20:00:56.40/dqa/1, 7us,25,0.,0,0,12.5, 164, 8us,11,0.,0,0,12.5, -39 1999.355.20:00:57.89/dqa/1, 9us,27,0.,0,0, 8.6,-178,10us,13,0.,0,0, 8.5, -57 1999.355.20:00:59.38/dqa/1,11us,29,0.,0,0, 8.3,-156,12us,15,0.,0,0, 8.9, 108 1999.355.20:01:00.87/dqa/1,13us,31,0.,0,0, 8.9,-155,14us,17,0.,0,0, 8.3, -84 1999.355.20:02:18.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:02:18.00:et 1999.355.20:02:18.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:02:21.05:tape 1999.355.20:02:21.12/tape/low,05212,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:02:21.12:postob 1999.355.20:02:21.13:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 1999.355.20:02:27.66:nw2c2=2 1999.355.20:02:27.96/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.20:02:37.08:!1999.355.20:04:21 1999.355.20:04:03.66@wx 1999.355.20:04:08.64/wx/-8.9,963.8,78.3 1999.355.20:04:21.00:preob 1999.355.20:04:23.74/tpical/21263,20765,20678,21415,21019,22223,22284,22068,58864,15513 1999.355.20:04:23.81/tpical/21309,20839,22024,22117,21995,21931,35192 1999.355.20:04:23.89:!1999.355.20:04:31 1999.355.20:04:31.00:tape 1999.355.20:04:31.07/tape/low,05212,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:04:31.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.20:04:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:04:31.12:midob 1999.355.20:04:31.23/tpi/16458,16364,16152,16189,15959,16457,16538,16415,45706,11767 1999.355.20:04:31.30/tpi/16370,15959,16464,16354,16336,16410,27244 1999.355.20:04:31.86/tsys1/64.2,69.1,66.6,57.7,58.8,53.3,53.4,53.8,65.0,58.6 1999.355.20:04:31.87/tsys2/58.4,57.6,52.1,49.9,51.0,52.5,60.7 1999.355.20:04:36.45/wx/-8.8,963.8,78.4 1999.355.20:04:36.52/cable/+3.82673E-02 1999.355.20:04:36.57/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45694,27261,0,1pps 1999.355.20:04:36.62/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11760,99,4059,1pps 1999.355.20:04:36.70/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15396,15772,545,1pps 1999.355.20:04:36.78/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.01,lock,15854,16232,554,1pps 1999.355.20:04:36.86/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.53, 2.01,lock,16056,16210,550,1pps 1999.355.20:04:39.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:04:40.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:04:40.04:!1999.355.20:06:09 1999.355.20:04:40.84#setcl#time/61627632,1,1999,355,20,04,41.00,0.084,31.425,20 1999.355.20:04:40.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:06:09.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:06:09.00:et 1999.355.20:06:09.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:06:12.05:tape 1999.355.20:06:12.12/tape/low,04560,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:06:12.12:postob 1999.355.20:06:12.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.355.20:06:18.68:nw2c2=2 1999.355.20:06:18.98/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.20:06:28.10:!1999.355.20:07:06 1999.355.20:07:06.00:preob 1999.355.20:07:08.75/tpical/20996,20242,21349,21908,21483,22671,22460,22491,54705,14286 1999.355.20:07:08.82/tpical/21131,21429,21968,22130,22559,21785,33546 1999.355.20:07:08.90:!1999.355.20:07:16 1999.355.20:07:16.00:tape 1999.355.20:07:16.07/tape/low,04560,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:07:16.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.20:07:16.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:07:16.12:midob 1999.355.20:07:16.23/tpi/15905,15599,16291,16139,15852,16231,16146,16233,41555,10523 1999.355.20:07:16.30/tpi/16022,16153,16111,16023,16387,16021,25625 1999.355.20:07:16.87/tsys1/58.5,62.4,60.2,52.1,52.5,47.0,47.4,48.1,59.0,52.0 1999.355.20:07:16.88/tsys2/55.2,54.0,48.4,46.1,46.9,49.1,57.2 1999.355.20:07:21.68/wx/-8.9,963.9,78.5 1999.355.20:07:21.80/cable/+3.82692E-02 1999.355.20:07:21.85/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41545,25649,0,1pps 1999.355.20:07:21.90/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10523,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:07:21.98/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15574,15724,545,1pps 1999.355.20:07:22.06/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16242,16184,554,1pps 1999.355.20:07:22.14/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16108,16312,550,1pps 1999.355.20:07:24.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:07:25.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:07:25.04:!1999.355.20:08:54 1999.355.20:07:25.84#setcl#time/61644132,1,1999,355,20,07,26.00,0.084,31.471,20 1999.355.20:07:25.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:08:54.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:08:54.00:et 1999.355.20:08:54.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:08:57.05:tape 1999.355.20:08:57.12/tape/low,03908,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:08:57.12:postob 1999.355.20:08:57.13:source=1351-018,135132.0,-015120.1,1950.0 1999.355.20:09:03.67:nw2c2=2 1999.355.20:09:03.97/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.20:09:13.09:!1999.355.20:10:43 1999.355.20:10:43.00:preob 1999.355.20:10:45.74/tpical/20675,20142,20749,21765,21545,22383,21990,22051,57216,15066 1999.355.20:10:45.81/tpical/20850,21221,22173,22396,22344,21942,34356 1999.355.20:10:45.88:!1999.355.20:10:53 1999.355.20:10:53.00:tape 1999.355.20:10:53.07/tape/low,03908,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:10:53.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.20:10:53.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:10:53.12:midob 1999.355.20:10:53.23/tpi/15835,15706,16007,16279,16177,16347,16114,16198,43970,11288 1999.355.20:10:53.30/tpi/15812,16055,16380,16238,16308,16148,25727 1999.355.20:10:53.86/tsys1/61.3,65.8,63.0,55.2,56.2,50.5,50.8,51.3,62.1,55.7 1999.355.20:10:53.87/tsys2/55.2,54.8,49.8,46.4,47.8,49.2,52.7 1999.355.20:10:57.63/wx/-8.8,964.0,78.6 1999.355.20:10:57.80/cable/+3.82704E-02 1999.355.20:10:57.85/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43984,29120,0,1pps 1999.355.20:10:57.90/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11291,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:10:57.98/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15709,16131,545,1pps 1999.355.20:10:58.06/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16372,16209,554,1pps 1999.355.20:10:58.14/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.01,lock,16393,16304,550,1pps 1999.355.20:11:00.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:11:01.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:11:01.04:!1999.355.20:13:30 1999.355.20:11:01.84#setcl#time/61665732,1,1999,355,20,11,02.00,0.084,31.531,20 1999.355.20:11:01.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:13:30.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:13:30.00:et 1999.355.20:13:30.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:13:33.05:tape 1999.355.20:13:33.12/tape/low,02862,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:13:33.12:postob 1999.355.20:13:33.13:source=3c274,122817.6,124002.0,1950.0 1999.355.20:13:39.67:nw2c2=2 1999.355.20:13:39.97/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.20:13:49.09:!1999.355.20:14:08 1999.355.20:14:08.00:preob 1999.355.20:14:10.75/tpical/20604,21017,21104,21982,21292,22063,22595,22440,56867,14899 1999.355.20:14:10.82/tpical/20351,20666,22058,22032,22064,21774,36243 1999.355.20:14:10.90:!1999.355.20:14:18 1999.355.20:14:18.00:tape 1999.355.20:14:18.07/tape/low,02862,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:14:18.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.20:14:18.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:14:18.12:midob 1999.355.20:14:18.23/tpi/15774,16384,16266,16380,15903,16028,16476,16351,43631,11118 1999.355.20:14:18.30/tpi/15888,16106,16690,16476,16598,16511,28376 1999.355.20:14:18.86/tsys1/61.1,65.7,62.8,54.4,55.0,49.5,49.9,49.8,61.6,54.8 1999.355.20:14:18.87/tsys2/62.7,62.3,54.7,52.2,53.7,55.5,63.9 1999.355.20:14:23.76/wx/-8.8,963.9,78.7 1999.355.20:14:23.88/cable/+3.82725E-02 1999.355.20:14:23.93/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43649,28388,0,1pps 1999.355.20:14:23.98/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11120,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:14:24.06/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15643,16066,545,1pps 1999.355.20:14:24.14/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16021,15906,554,1pps 1999.355.20:14:24.22/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.42, 1.79,lock,16306,16078,550,1pps 1999.355.20:14:24.83#setcl#time/61686031,1,1999,355,20,14,25.00,0.091,31.587,21 1999.355.20:14:24.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:14:27.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:14:28.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:14:28.04:!1999.355.20:15:56 1999.355.20:15:56.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:15:56.00:et 1999.355.20:15:56.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:15:59.05:tape 1999.355.20:15:59.12/tape/low,02207,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:15:59.12:postob 1999.355.20:15:59.13:source=1803+784,180339.3,782754.4,1950.0 1999.355.20:16:05.65:nw2c2=2 1999.355.20:16:05.95/pass/2,,auto,-330.0,,-328.9,,1.1, 1999.355.20:16:15.07:!1999.355.20:17:27 1999.355.20:17:27.00:preob 1999.355.20:17:29.75/tpical/21249,20490,21026,22141,21759,22028,22735,22450,55313,14447 1999.355.20:17:29.82/tpical/21516,20929,21875,22442,22331,22001,34103 1999.355.20:17:29.89:!1999.355.20:17:37 1999.355.20:17:37.00:tape 1999.355.20:17:37.07/tape/low,02207,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:17:37.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.20:17:37.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:17:37.12:midob 1999.355.20:17:37.23/tpi/16144,15871,16074,16366,16077,15807,16362,16196,42149,10668 1999.355.20:17:37.31/tpi/16308,15818,16072,16243,16234,16157,26089 1999.355.20:17:37.87/tsys1/59.2,63.8,60.6,52.8,52.8,47.4,47.6,48.0,59.8,52.6 1999.355.20:17:37.88/tsys2/55.2,54.5,48.7,46.1,47.1,48.9,57.6 1999.355.20:17:41.72/wx/-8.8,964.0,78.7 1999.355.20:17:41.80/cable/+3.82692E-02 1999.355.20:17:41.85/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42162,26143,0,1pps 1999.355.20:17:41.90/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10670,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:17:41.98/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15782,15983,545,1pps 1999.355.20:17:42.06/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15839,15813,554,1pps 1999.355.20:17:42.14/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16079,16223,550,1pps 1999.355.20:17:44.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:17:45.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:17:45.04:!1999.355.20:19:15 1999.355.20:17:45.84#setcl#time/61706132,1,1999,355,20,17,46.00,0.083,31.643,20 1999.355.20:17:45.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:19:15.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:19:15.00:et 1999.355.20:19:15.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:19:18.05:tape 1999.355.20:19:18.12/tape/low,01554,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:19:18.12:postob 1999.355.20:19:18.13:source=1101+384,110140.6,382843.3,1950.0 1999.355.20:19:24.67:midtp 1999.355.20:19:27.39/tpzero/236,347,275,326,299,292,386,402,724,218 1999.355.20:19:27.46/tpzero/350,331,361,383,296,298,452 1999.355.20:19:28.16/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.19 1999.355.20:19:28.26/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 1999.355.20:19:28.36/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.16 1999.355.20:19:28.46/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.969 1999.355.20:19:28.56/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.301 1999.355.20:19:28.66/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.64 1999.355.20:19:28.76/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.11 1999.355.20:19:28.76:nw2c1=3 1999.355.20:19:29.68/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.20:19:38.80:fastr=1m3s 1999.355.20:19:38.80&fastr/rw 1999.355.20:19:38.81&fastr/!+$ 1999.355.20:19:38.81&fastr/et 1999.355.20:20:41.90:!1999.355.20:20:57 1999.355.20:20:57.00:preob 1999.355.20:20:59.75/tpical/21575,20886,21267,22203,22070,22919,22750,22670,53083,13930 1999.355.20:20:59.82/tpical/21741,21204,22343,22827,22667,22214,31756 1999.355.20:20:59.90:!1999.355.20:21:07 1999.355.20:21:07.00:tape 1999.355.20:21:07.07/tape/low,00204,low,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:21:07.07:st=for,80 1999.355.20:21:07.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:21:07.12:midob 1999.355.20:21:07.23/tpi/16146,15901,16047,16184,16071,16210,16164,16158,39907,10148 1999.355.20:21:07.30/tpi/16221,15745,16028,16117,16178,16016,23932 1999.355.20:21:07.86/tsys1/55.7,59.3,57.4,50.1,50.0,45.1,45.5,46.0,56.5,49.9 1999.355.20:21:07.87/tsys2/51.8,50.8,44.7,42.2,44.1,45.6,54.0 1999.355.20:21:12.76/wx/-8.7,963.9,78.6 1999.355.20:21:12.83/cable/+3.82703E-02 1999.355.20:21:12.88/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39935,23932,0,1pps 1999.355.20:21:12.93/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10146,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:21:13.01/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15932,16084,545,1pps 1999.355.20:21:13.10/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16202,16187,554,1pps 1999.355.20:21:13.18/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16025,15944,550,1pps 1999.355.20:21:15.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:21:16.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:21:16.04:!1999.355.20:25:45 1999.355.20:21:16.84#setcl#time/61727232,1,1999,355,20,21,17.00,0.083,31.702,20 1999.355.20:21:16.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:25:45.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:25:45.00:et 1999.355.20:25:45.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:25:48.05:tape 1999.355.20:25:48.12/tape/low,02057,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:25:48.12:postob 1999.355.20:25:48.13:source=1144+402,114421.0,401514.6,1950.0 1999.355.20:25:54.66:checkf80 1999.355.20:26:24.67/parity/0.,2.,0.,0.,2.,2.,0.,0.,2.,2.,0.,0.,0.,2. 1999.355.20:26:24.67/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.355.20:26:42.70:nw2c1=3 1999.355.20:26:43.00/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.20:26:52.12:!1999.355.20:27:58 1999.355.20:27:58.00:preob 1999.355.20:28:00.75/tpical/21450,20732,21201,22113,22021,22823,22653,22950,52864,13879 1999.355.20:28:00.82/tpical/21386,21920,22626,22690,22492,22515,31469 1999.355.20:28:00.90:!1999.355.20:28:08 1999.355.20:28:08.00:tape 1999.355.20:28:08.07/tape/low,02057,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:28:08.07:st=for,80 1999.355.20:28:08.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:28:08.12:midob 1999.355.20:28:08.23/tpi/16038,15792,15950,16071,16001,16109,16106,16303,39693,10091 1999.355.20:28:08.30/tpi/15939,16294,16200,16050,16022,16210,23672 1999.355.20:28:08.86/tsys1/55.5,59.4,56.7,49.5,49.6,44.8,45.6,45.5,56.2,49.5 1999.355.20:28:08.87/tsys2/51.5,51.1,44.4,42.5,43.8,45.4,53.6 1999.355.20:28:13.21/wx/-8.7,963.9,78.3 1999.355.20:28:13.32/cable/+3.82716E-02 1999.355.20:28:13.37/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39684,23669,0,1pps 1999.355.20:28:13.42/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10092,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:28:13.50/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15801,15926,545,1pps 1999.355.20:28:13.58/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16131,16106,554,1pps 1999.355.20:28:13.66/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16218,16246,550,1pps 1999.355.20:28:15.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:28:16.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:28:16.04:!1999.355.20:30:53 1999.355.20:28:16.84#setcl#time/61769232,1,1999,355,20,28,17.00,0.083,31.819,20 1999.355.20:28:16.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:30:53.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:30:53.00:et 1999.355.20:30:53.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:30:56.05:tape 1999.355.20:30:56.12/tape/low,03157,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:30:56.12:postob 1999.355.20:30:56.13:source=1745+624,174548.2,622755.9,1950.0 1999.355.20:31:02.65:nw2c1=3 1999.355.20:31:02.95/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.20:31:12.07:!1999.355.20:32:14 1999.355.20:32:14.00:preob 1999.355.20:32:16.75/tpical/21181,20361,21026,22089,21726,22068,22693,22431,55197,14434 1999.355.20:32:16.82/tpical/21508,20934,21893,22459,22400,22044,34492 1999.355.20:32:16.90:!1999.355.20:32:24 1999.355.20:32:24.00:tape 1999.355.20:32:24.07/tape/low,03157,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:32:24.07:st=for,80 1999.355.20:32:24.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:32:24.12:midob 1999.355.20:32:24.23/tpi/16091,15727,16026,16316,16067,15822,16309,16163,41991,10646 1999.355.20:32:24.30/tpi/16326,15834,16062,16265,16261,16184,26441 1999.355.20:32:24.86/tsys1/59.2,63.1,59.9,52.6,52.9,47.2,47.4,47.8,59.4,52.3 1999.355.20:32:24.87/tsys2/55.5,54.7,48.5,46.2,46.8,48.8,58.1 1999.355.20:32:30.06/wx/-8.8,964.0,78.0 1999.355.20:32:30.11/cable/+3.82712E-02 1999.355.20:32:30.16/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41992,26449,0,1pps 1999.355.20:32:30.21/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10646,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:32:30.29/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15708,15869,545,1pps 1999.355.20:32:30.37/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15860,15805,554,1pps 1999.355.20:32:30.45/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16050,16244,550,1pps 1999.355.20:32:30.82#setcl#time/61794630,1,1999,355,20,32,31.00,0.098,31.889,22 1999.355.20:32:30.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:32:33.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:32:34.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:32:34.04:!1999.355.20:38:54 1999.355.20:34:03.66@wx 1999.355.20:34:08.22/wx/-8.8,963.9,78.0 1999.355.20:38:54.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:38:54.00:et 1999.355.20:38:54.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:38:57.05:tape 1999.355.20:38:57.12/tape/low,05757,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:38:57.12:postob 1999.355.20:38:57.13:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 1999.355.20:39:03.67:nw2c1=3 1999.355.20:39:03.97/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.20:39:13.09:!1999.355.20:41:19 1999.355.20:41:19.00:preob 1999.355.20:41:21.74/tpical/19869,19410,20241,20942,21040,20982,21555,21251,62291,16413 1999.355.20:41:21.81/tpical/20291,20718,21312,21605,21821,21569,36370 1999.355.20:41:21.88:!1999.355.20:41:29 1999.355.20:41:29.00:tape 1999.355.20:41:29.07/tape/low,05757,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:41:29.07:st=for,80 1999.355.20:41:29.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:41:29.12:midob 1999.355.20:41:29.23/tpi/15624,15522,16052,16157,16243,15804,16287,16087,49087,12662 1999.355.20:41:29.30/tpi/15734,16000,16008,16060,16296,16248,28343 1999.355.20:41:29.86/tsys1/68.9,74.2,71.6,62.9,63.2,56.9,57.3,57.7,69.6,63.0 1999.355.20:41:29.87/tsys2/60.8,59.8,53.1,50.9,52.1,54.0,62.5 1999.355.20:41:34.84/wx/-8.9,963.9,77.9 1999.355.20:41:34.92/cable/+3.82659E-02 1999.355.20:41:34.97/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,49072,28330,0,1pps 1999.355.20:41:35.02/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12660,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:41:35.10/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15515,15964,545,1pps 1999.355.20:41:35.18/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.36,lock,15816,16092,554,1pps 1999.355.20:41:35.26/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.32, 1.79,lock,16015,16081,550,1pps 1999.355.20:41:35.84#setcl#time/61849132,1,1999,355,20,41,36.00,0.082,32.041,20 1999.355.20:41:35.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:41:38.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:41:39.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:41:39.04:!1999.355.20:43:07 1999.355.20:43:07.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:43:07.00:et 1999.355.20:43:07.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:43:10.05:tape 1999.355.20:43:10.12/tape/low,06409,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:43:10.12:postob 1999.355.20:43:10.13:source=1611+343,161147.9,342020.0,1950.0 1999.355.20:43:16.66:nw2c1=3 1999.355.20:43:16.96/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.20:43:26.09:!1999.355.20:44:46 1999.355.20:44:46.00:preob 1999.355.20:44:48.74/tpical/20825,21369,21107,22167,21322,22494,22627,22605,54143,14151 1999.355.20:44:48.81/tpical/20995,21290,22277,22554,22378,22130,33384 1999.355.20:44:48.89:!1999.355.20:44:56 1999.355.20:44:56.00:tape 1999.355.20:44:56.07/tape/low,06409,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:44:56.07:st=for,80 1999.355.20:44:56.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:44:56.12:midob 1999.355.20:44:56.23/tpi/15696,16409,16031,16283,15676,16037,16220,16254,41028,10393 1999.355.20:44:56.30/tpi/15817,15999,16219,16201,16197,16185,25393 1999.355.20:44:56.86/tsys1/57.3,61.5,59.0,51.5,51.7,46.3,47.0,47.4,58.4,51.4 1999.355.20:44:56.87/tsys2/53.8,53.3,47.1,44.8,46.3,48.1,56.2 1999.355.20:45:00.97/wx/-9.0,964.0,77.7 1999.355.20:45:01.16/cable/+3.82690E-02 1999.355.20:45:01.21/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41040,25387,0,1pps 1999.355.20:45:01.26/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10399,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:45:01.34/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15376,15476,545,1pps 1999.355.20:45:01.42/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16017,15964,554,1pps 1999.355.20:45:01.50/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16198,16057,550,1pps 1999.355.20:45:03.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:45:04.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:45:04.04:!1999.355.20:46:34 1999.355.20:45:04.84#setcl#time/61870032,1,1999,355,20,45,05.00,0.082,32.099,20 1999.355.20:45:04.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:46:34.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:46:34.00:et 1999.355.20:46:34.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:46:37.05:tape 1999.355.20:46:37.12/tape/low,07061,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:46:37.12:postob 1999.355.20:46:37.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.355.20:46:43.65:nw2c1=3 1999.355.20:46:43.95/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.20:46:53.09:!1999.355.20:48:02 1999.355.20:48:02.00:preob 1999.355.20:48:04.75/tpical/20716,21238,21669,22232,21482,22686,22885,22914,54105,14252 1999.355.20:48:04.82/tpical/21758,21377,22601,23025,22831,22402,32065 1999.355.20:48:04.90:!1999.355.20:48:12 1999.355.20:48:12.00:tape 1999.355.20:48:12.07/tape/low,07061,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:48:12.07:st=for,80 1999.355.20:48:12.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:48:12.12:midob 1999.355.20:48:12.23/tpi/15706,16377,16527,16406,15864,16339,16510,16570,41102,10517 1999.355.20:48:12.30/tpi/16354,16031,16382,16452,16425,16249,24227 1999.355.20:48:12.86/tsys1/58.7,62.7,60.1,52.4,52.6,48.0,48.1,48.4,59.0,52.4 1999.355.20:48:12.87/tsys2/53.3,52.9,46.4,44.0,45.3,46.7,54.6 1999.355.20:48:17.28/wx/-9.1,964.0,77.8 1999.355.20:48:17.32/cable/+3.82663E-02 1999.355.20:48:17.37/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41105,24212,0,1pps 1999.355.20:48:17.42/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10522,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:48:17.50/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16386,15444,545,1pps 1999.355.20:48:17.58/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16298,16253,554,1pps 1999.355.20:48:17.66/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.63,lock,16046,16284,550,1pps 1999.355.20:48:19.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.20:48:20.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:48:20.04:!1999.355.20:49:50 1999.355.20:48:20.84#setcl#time/61889632,1,1999,355,20,48,21.00,0.082,32.153,20 1999.355.20:48:20.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:49:50.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:49:50.00:et 1999.355.20:49:50.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:49:53.05:tape 1999.355.20:49:53.12/tape/low,07715,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:49:53.12:postob 1999.355.20:49:53.13:source=ngc6251,163757.1,823818.7,1950.0 1999.355.20:49:59.67:nw2c1=3 1999.355.20:49:59.97/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.20:50:09.09:!1999.355.20:51:15 1999.355.20:51:15.00:preob 1999.355.20:51:17.75/tpical/21202,20342,21019,22128,21805,22110,22734,22474,55244,14461 1999.355.20:51:17.82/tpical/21468,20890,21861,22464,22387,22066,34198 1999.355.20:51:17.89:!1999.355.20:51:25 1999.355.20:51:25.00:tape 1999.355.20:51:25.07/tape/low,07715,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:51:25.07:st=for,80 1999.355.20:51:25.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.20:51:25.12:midob 1999.355.20:51:25.23/tpi/16097,15706,16038,16361,16108,15833,16372,16211,42021,10661 1999.355.20:51:25.30/tpi/16281,15768,16015,16247,16275,16212,26142 1999.355.20:51:25.86/tsys1/59.0,62.9,60.1,52.8,52.7,47.0,47.7,48.0,59.3,52.2 1999.355.20:51:25.87/tsys2/55.3,54.2,48.2,45.9,47.1,48.9,57.4 1999.355.20:51:30.32/wx/-9.1,964.1,77.7 1999.355.20:51:30.44/cable/+3.82691E-02 1999.355.20:51:30.49/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42011,26125,0,1pps 1999.355.20:51:30.54/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10663,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.20:51:30.62/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15700,15852,545,1pps 1999.355.20:51:30.70/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15825,15814,554,1pps 1999.355.20:51:30.78/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16025,16167,550,1pps 1999.355.20:51:32.91/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.20:51:33.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.20:51:33.03:!1999.355.20:58:05 1999.355.20:51:33.83#setcl#time/61908931,1,1999,355,20,51,34.00,0.089,32.207,21 1999.355.20:51:33.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.20:58:05.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.20:58:05.00:et 1999.355.20:58:05.04:!+3s 1999.355.20:58:08.05:tape 1999.355.20:58:08.12/tape/low,10380,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.20:58:08.12:postob 1999.355.20:58:08.13:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 1999.355.20:58:14.66:nw2c1=3 1999.355.20:58:14.96/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.20:58:24.08:!1999.355.20:59:57 1999.355.20:59:57.00:preob 1999.355.20:59:59.75/tpical/21767,21173,21079,22237,21433,22627,22842,22841,53893,14228 1999.355.20:59:59.82/tpical/21096,21581,22024,22437,22306,21933,32419 1999.355.20:59:59.90:!1999.355.21:00:07 1999.355.21:00:07.00:tape 1999.355.21:00:07.07/tape/low,10380,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:00:07.07:st=for,80 1999.355.21:00:07.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:00:07.12:midob 1999.355.21:00:07.23/tpi/16315,16191,15924,16293,15716,16100,16309,16368,40624,10407 1999.355.21:00:07.30/tpi/15881,16159,15980,16083,16136,15997,24607 1999.355.21:00:07.86/tsys1/56.0,60.4,57.7,51.0,51.2,46.0,46.3,46.9,57.1,50.7 1999.355.21:00:07.87/tsys2/53.6,52.5,46.5,44.5,46.2,47.6,55.7 1999.355.21:00:12.19/wx/-9.3,964.1,78.1 1999.355.21:00:12.36/cable/+3.82698E-02 1999.355.21:00:12.41/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40637,24615,0,1pps 1999.355.21:00:12.46/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10408,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:00:12.54/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16179,16350,545,1pps 1999.355.21:00:12.62/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16107,16043,554,1pps 1999.355.21:00:12.70/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.53,lock,15960,16244,550,1pps 1999.355.21:00:15.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.21:00:16.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:00:16.04:!1999.355.21:01:45 1999.355.21:00:16.84#setcl#time/61961232,1,1999,355,21,00,17.00,0.082,32.352,20 1999.355.21:00:16.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:01:44.54;"weather - overcast skies, light snow sticking to antenna 1999.355.21:01:45.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:01:45.00:et 1999.355.21:01:45.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:01:48.05:tape 1999.355.21:01:48.12/tape/low,11033,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:01:48.12:postob 1999.355.21:01:48.13:source=1357+769,135742.2,765753.8,1950.0 1999.355.21:01:54.66:nw2c1=3 1999.355.21:01:54.96/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:02:04.08:!1999.355.21:03:16 1999.355.21:03:16.00:preob 1999.355.21:03:18.75/tpical/21239,20351,21065,21776,21852,22112,22466,22520,55302,14486 1999.355.21:03:18.82/tpical/21383,20809,22242,22294,22248,21904,34233 1999.355.21:03:18.89:!1999.355.21:03:26 1999.355.21:03:26.00:tape 1999.355.21:03:26.07/tape/low,11033,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:03:26.07:st=for,80 1999.355.21:03:26.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:03:26.12:midob 1999.355.21:03:26.23/tpi/16079,15702,16048,16045,16080,15852,16145,16226,42033,10675 1999.355.21:03:26.30/tpi/16213,15702,16277,16115,16123,16080,26183 1999.355.21:03:26.86/tsys1/58.3,62.8,59.7,52.1,51.9,47.2,47.4,47.8,59.2,52.1 1999.355.21:03:26.87/tsys2/55.2,54.2,48.0,45.8,46.5,48.8,57.5 1999.355.21:03:31.78/wx/-9.3,964.1,78.3 1999.355.21:03:31.87/cable/+3.82701E-02 1999.355.21:03:31.92/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42031,26182,0,1pps 1999.355.21:03:31.97/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10679,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:03:32.05/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15698,15877,545,1pps 1999.355.21:03:32.13/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15846,15842,554,1pps 1999.355.21:03:32.21/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16299,16066,550,1pps 1999.355.21:03:34.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.21:03:35.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:03:35.04:!1999.355.21:05:04 1999.355.21:03:35.84#setcl#time/61981132,1,1999,355,21,03,36.00,0.081,32.407,20 1999.355.21:03:35.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:04:03.66@wx 1999.355.21:04:07.77/wx/-9.4,964.1,78.3 1999.355.21:05:04.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:05:04.00:et 1999.355.21:05:04.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:05:07.05:tape 1999.355.21:05:07.12/tape/low,11685,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:05:07.12:postob 1999.355.21:05:07.12:source=2234+282,223401.7,281323.0,1950.0 1999.355.21:05:13.65:nw2c1=3 1999.355.21:05:13.95/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:05:23.07:!1999.355.21:06:27 1999.355.21:06:27.00:preob 1999.355.21:06:29.74/tpical/21088,20405,21095,22127,21925,22195,22594,22295,55129,14518 1999.355.21:06:29.81/tpical/21360,20899,22259,22387,22466,22022,33873 1999.355.21:06:29.88:!1999.355.21:06:37 1999.355.21:06:37.00:tape 1999.355.21:06:37.07/tape/low,11685,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:06:37.07:st=for,80 1999.355.21:06:37.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:06:37.12:midob 1999.355.21:06:37.23/tpi/15983,15748,16138,16359,16276,16004,16324,16158,41963,10744 1999.355.21:06:37.30/tpi/16154,15759,16290,16153,16358,16153,25815 1999.355.21:06:37.87/tsys1/58.6,62.8,60.8,52.8,53.7,48.2,48.3,48.8,59.5,53.0 1999.355.21:06:37.88/tsys2/54.6,54.0,48.0,45.5,47.3,48.6,56.7 1999.355.21:06:43.18/wx/-9.3,964.3,78.3 1999.355.21:06:43.24/cable/+3.82649E-02 1999.355.21:06:43.29/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41957,25812,0,1pps 1999.355.21:06:43.34/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10739,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:06:43.42/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15708,15809,545,1pps 1999.355.21:06:43.50/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16006,15905,554,1pps 1999.355.21:06:43.58/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16271,16059,550,1pps 1999.355.21:06:45.91/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.355.21:06:46.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:06:46.04:!1999.355.21:09:25 1999.355.21:06:46.84#setcl#time/62000232,1,1999,355,21,06,47.00,0.081,32.460,20 1999.355.21:06:46.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:09:25.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:09:25.00:et 1999.355.21:09:25.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:09:28.05:tape 1999.355.21:09:28.12/tape/low,12805,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:09:28.12:postob 1999.355.21:09:28.12:source=1116+128,111620.8,125106.9,1950.0 1999.355.21:09:34.67:nw2c1=3 1999.355.21:09:34.97/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:09:44.09:!1999.355.21:11:56 1999.355.21:11:56.00:preob 1999.355.21:11:58.74/tpical/20890,21676,21638,22479,21995,22396,22933,22753,61087,16106 1999.355.21:11:58.81/tpical/21796,21337,22579,22833,22504,22413,35178 1999.355.21:11:58.88:!1999.355.21:12:06 1999.355.21:12:06.00:tape 1999.355.21:12:06.07/tape/low,12805,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:12:06.07:st=for,80 1999.355.21:12:06.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:12:06.12:midob 1999.355.21:12:06.23/tpi/16717,17629,17444,17539,17182,17084,17488,17367,49210,12689 1999.355.21:12:06.30/tpi/16902,16509,16951,16914,16776,16807,27434 1999.355.21:12:06.86/tsys1/75.0,81.1,77.8,66.2,66.6,60.1,59.7,59.8,77.6,69.3 1999.355.21:12:06.87/tsys2/60.9,60.3,53.1,50.3,51.8,53.0,62.7 1999.355.21:12:12.02/wx/-9.4,964.3,78.0 1999.355.21:12:12.20/cable/+3.82690E-02 1999.355.21:12:12.25/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,49229,27522,0,1pps 1999.355.21:12:12.30/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12690,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:12:12.38/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15543,15983,545,1pps 1999.355.21:12:12.46/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.36,lock,15813,16148,554,1pps 1999.355.21:12:12.54/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.11,lock,16149,16353,550,1pps 1999.355.21:12:14.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.21:12:15.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:12:15.04:!1999.355.21:14:01 1999.355.21:12:15.84#setcl#time/62033132,1,1999,355,21,12,16.00,0.081,32.552,20 1999.355.21:12:15.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:14:01.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:14:01.00:et 1999.355.21:14:01.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:14:04.05:tape 1999.355.21:14:04.12/tape/low,13571,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:14:04.12:postob 1999.355.21:14:04.12:source=0955+476,095508.5,473928.6,1950.0 1999.355.21:14:10.65:nw2c1=3 1999.355.21:14:10.95/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:14:20.07:!1999.355.21:14:44 1999.355.21:14:44.00:preob 1999.355.21:14:46.74/tpical/20649,21163,21561,22183,21459,22714,22493,22870,53882,14215 1999.355.21:14:46.81/tpical/21704,21315,22542,22450,22315,22340,32003 1999.355.21:14:46.88:!1999.355.21:14:54 1999.355.21:14:54.00:tape 1999.355.21:14:54.07/tape/low,13571,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:14:54.07:st=for,80 1999.355.21:14:54.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:14:54.12:midob 1999.355.21:14:54.23/tpi/15473,16204,16289,16217,15707,16142,16061,16344,40612,10399 1999.355.21:14:54.30/tpi/16236,15874,16226,15908,15950,16085,24089 1999.355.21:14:54.86/tsys1/55.9,60.8,57.7,50.6,50.9,45.8,46.3,46.4,57.1,50.7 1999.355.21:14:54.87/tsys2/52.3,51.4,45.2,42.7,44.3,45.4,53.8 1999.355.21:14:58.88/wx/-9.4,964.4,78.1 1999.355.21:14:58.92/cable/+3.82685E-02 1999.355.21:14:58.97/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40623,24101,0,1pps 1999.355.21:14:59.02/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10401,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:14:59.10/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16180,16292,545,1pps 1999.355.21:14:59.18/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16135,16094,554,1pps 1999.355.21:14:59.26/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16226,16137,550,1pps 1999.355.21:15:01.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.21:15:02.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:15:02.04:!1999.355.21:16:32 1999.355.21:15:02.84#setcl#time/62049832,1,1999,355,21,15,03.00,0.081,32.598,20 1999.355.21:15:02.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:16:32.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:16:32.00:et 1999.355.21:16:32.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:16:35.05:tape 1999.355.21:16:35.12/tape/low,14223,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:16:35.12:postob 1999.355.21:16:35.12:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.355.21:16:41.67:nw2c1=3 1999.355.21:16:41.97/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:16:51.09:!1999.355.21:19:09 1999.355.21:19:09.00:preob 1999.355.21:19:11.74/tpical/20542,21112,21505,21978,21281,22497,22398,22764,53674,14126 1999.355.21:19:11.81/tpical/21104,21420,22329,22519,22440,21996,33535 1999.355.21:19:11.88:!1999.355.21:19:19 1999.355.21:19:19.00:tape 1999.355.21:19:19.07/tape/low,14223,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:19:19.07:st=for,80 1999.355.21:19:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:19:19.12:midob 1999.355.21:19:19.23/tpi/15445,16179,16307,16129,15635,16024,16008,16344,40559,10358 1999.355.21:19:19.30/tpi/15905,16072,16267,16115,16159,16038,25528 1999.355.21:19:19.86/tsys1/56.7,61.0,58.6,51.3,51.6,46.2,46.5,47.2,57.7,51.1 1999.355.21:19:19.87/tsys2/53.9,53.0,47.2,44.2,45.5,47.6,56.4 1999.355.21:19:23.91/wx/-9.3,964.4,78.1 1999.355.21:19:24.03/cable/+3.82641E-02 1999.355.21:19:24.08/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40556,25456,0,1pps 1999.355.21:19:24.13/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10359,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:19:24.21/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16186,16333,545,1pps 1999.355.21:19:24.29/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16016,15950,554,1pps 1999.355.21:19:24.37/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16254,16119,550,1pps 1999.355.21:19:26.91/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.21:19:27.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:19:27.04:!1999.355.21:22:06 1999.355.21:19:27.84#setcl#time/62076332,1,1999,355,21,19,28.00,0.081,32.672,20 1999.355.21:19:27.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:22:06.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:22:06.00:et 1999.355.21:22:06.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:22:09.05:tape 1999.355.21:22:09.12/tape/low,15335,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:22:09.12:postob 1999.355.21:22:09.12:source=1351-018,135132.0,-015120.1,1950.0 1999.355.21:22:15.69:nw2c1=3 1999.355.21:22:15.99/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:22:25.11:!1999.355.21:24:09 1999.355.21:24:09.00:preob 1999.355.21:24:11.74/tpical/20616,20108,21363,22108,21718,22127,22175,22461,60605,15994 1999.355.21:24:11.81/tpical/21683,21157,22460,22644,22235,22160,34379 1999.355.21:24:11.88:!1999.355.21:24:19 1999.355.21:24:19.00:tape 1999.355.21:24:19.07/tape/low,15335,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:24:19.07:st=for,80 1999.355.21:24:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:24:19.12:midob 1999.355.21:24:19.23/tpi/16087,15909,16759,16862,16572,16464,16557,16783,47376,12218 1999.355.21:24:19.30/tpi/16581,16174,16639,16583,16425,16493,26515 1999.355.21:24:19.86/tsys1/66.5,70.4,68.0,59.9,60.1,54.3,54.7,54.8,67.0,60.4 1999.355.21:24:19.87/tsys2/57.3,57.2,50.3,48.1,50.0,51.4,59.7 1999.355.21:24:24.93/wx/-9.3,964.5,77.9 1999.355.21:24:24.99/cable/+3.82690E-02 1999.355.21:24:25.04/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47365,26501,0,1pps 1999.355.21:24:25.09/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12219,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:24:25.17/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15940,16366,545,1pps 1999.355.21:24:25.25/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.18,lock,15836,16193,554,1pps 1999.355.21:24:25.33/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16277,16042,550,1pps 1999.355.21:24:26.49?ERROR ib -524 GPIB/232 converter timed out, W1 1999.355.21:24:31.53?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.355.21:24:31.66/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:24:31.66:!1999.355.21:27:07 1999.355.21:24:31.83#setcl#time/62106731,1,1999,355,21,24,32.00,0.088,32.756,21 1999.355.21:24:31.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:27:07.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:27:07.00:et 1999.355.21:27:07.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:27:10.05:tape 1999.355.21:27:10.12/tape/low,16455,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:27:10.12:postob 1999.355.21:27:10.12:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 1999.355.21:27:16.65:nw2c1=3 1999.355.21:27:16.95/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:27:26.07:!1999.355.21:27:47 1999.355.21:27:47.00:preob 1999.355.21:27:49.74/tpical/21608,20925,21356,21857,21107,22319,22569,22887,53278,14025 1999.355.21:27:49.81/tpical/21556,21164,22428,22911,22701,22255,31849 1999.355.21:27:49.88:!1999.355.21:27:57 1999.355.21:27:57.00:tape 1999.355.21:27:57.07/tape/low,16455,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:27:57.07:st=for,80 1999.355.21:27:57.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:27:57.12:midob 1999.355.21:27:57.23/tpi/16144,15938,16090,15951,15402,15801,16038,16303,40055,10213 1999.355.21:27:57.30/tpi/16082,15780,16121,16196,16207,16040,24007 1999.355.21:27:57.86/tsys1/55.3,59.4,57.1,50.3,50.3,45.2,45.5,45.9,56.5,49.8 1999.355.21:27:57.87/tsys2/51.7,51.6,45.0,42.4,44.1,45.6,54.1 1999.355.21:28:02.52/wx/-9.2,964.5,77.9 1999.355.21:28:02.59/cable/+3.82722E-02 1999.355.21:28:02.64/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40062,24018,0,1pps 1999.355.21:28:02.69/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10218,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:28:02.77/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15950,16056,545,1pps 1999.355.21:28:02.85/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15808,15761,554,1pps 1999.355.21:28:02.93/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16115,16058,550,1pps 1999.355.21:28:04.06?ERROR ib -524 GPIB/232 converter timed out, W1 1999.355.21:28:09.10?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.355.21:28:09.31/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:28:09.31:!1999.355.21:29:35 1999.355.21:28:09.84#setcl#time/62128532,1,1999,355,21,28,10.00,0.080,32.817,20 1999.355.21:28:09.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:29:35.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:29:35.00:et 1999.355.21:29:35.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:29:38.05:tape 1999.355.21:29:38.12/tape/low,17107,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:29:38.12:postob 1999.355.21:29:38.12:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.355.21:29:44.67:nw2c1=3 1999.355.21:29:44.97/pass/3,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:29:54.09:!1999.355.21:30:08 1999.355.21:30:08.00:preob 1999.355.21:30:10.74/tpical/20908,20087,21294,21961,21662,22054,22719,22789,54572,14374 1999.355.21:30:10.81/tpical/21808,21452,22267,22653,22520,22556,32155 1999.355.21:30:10.88:!1999.355.21:30:18 1999.355.21:30:18.00:tape 1999.355.21:30:18.07/tape/low,17107,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:30:18.07:st=for,80 1999.355.21:30:18.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:30:18.12:midob 1999.355.21:30:18.23/tpi/15766,15417,16164,16146,15937,15778,16279,16377,41296,10563 1999.355.21:30:18.30/tpi/16355,16050,16081,16132,16151,16299,24324 1999.355.21:30:18.86/tsys1/57.4,61.3,58.8,51.7,51.9,46.9,46.9,47.3,58.1,51.6 1999.355.21:30:18.87/tsys2/52.8,52.4,45.7,43.5,44.8,46.0,54.9 1999.355.21:30:23.21/wx/-9.3,964.6,77.9 1999.355.21:30:23.39/cable/+3.82706E-02 1999.355.21:30:23.44/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41310,24334,0,1pps 1999.355.21:30:23.49/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10566,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:30:23.57/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15429,15508,545,1pps 1999.355.21:30:23.65/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15778,16298,554,1pps 1999.355.21:30:23.73/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.63,lock,16058,16348,550,1pps 1999.355.21:30:24.86?ERROR ib -524 GPIB/232 converter timed out, W1 1999.355.21:30:29.90?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.355.21:30:30.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:30:30.03:!1999.355.21:32:07 1999.355.21:30:30.83#setcl#time/62142631,1,1999,355,21,30,31.00,0.088,32.856,21 1999.355.21:30:30.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:32:07.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:32:07.00:et 1999.355.21:32:07.03:!+3s 1999.355.21:32:10.04:tape 1999.355.21:32:10.11/tape/low,17834,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:32:10.11:postob 1999.355.21:32:10.11:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.355.21:32:16.67:midtp 1999.355.21:32:19.38/tpzero/230,351,276,325,296,290,388,404,713,215 1999.355.21:32:19.45/tpzero/349,333,361,381,296,303,431 1999.355.21:32:20.15/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.94 1999.355.21:32:20.25/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 1999.355.21:32:20.35/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.04 1999.355.21:32:20.45/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.966 1999.355.21:32:20.55/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.132 1999.355.21:32:20.65/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.22 1999.355.21:32:20.75/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.64 1999.355.21:32:20.75:nw2c2=4 1999.355.21:32:21.46/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:32:30.58:!1999.355.21:35:13 1999.355.21:34:03.66@wx 1999.355.21:34:08.97/wx/-9.2,964.5,77.8 1999.355.21:35:13.00:preob 1999.355.21:35:15.74/tpical/21458,20645,20794,21640,21112,21887,21948,22342,56011,14765 1999.355.21:35:15.81/tpical/20758,21121,22028,22037,22258,21720,34207 1999.355.21:35:15.88:!1999.355.21:35:23 1999.355.21:35:23.00:tape 1999.355.21:35:23.07/tape/low,17834,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:35:23.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.21:35:23.11:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:35:23.11:midob 1999.355.21:35:23.22/tpi/16344,16025,15967,16121,15746,15856,15976,16282,42852,10999 1999.355.21:35:23.29/tpi/15791,16006,16209,15993,16258,15997,26155 1999.355.21:35:23.85/tsys1/59.9,64.5,61.8,54.4,54.7,49.0,49.6,49.8,60.8,54.4 1999.355.21:35:23.86/tsys2/56.0,55.2,49.0,46.5,47.9,49.4,57.5 1999.355.21:35:29.13/wx/-9.2,964.6,77.8 1999.355.21:35:29.31/cable/+3.82655E-02 1999.355.21:35:29.36/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42841,26158,0,1pps 1999.355.21:35:29.41/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10996,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:35:29.49/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15995,16129,545,1pps 1999.355.21:35:29.57/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.68,lock,15877,16350,554,1pps 1999.355.21:35:29.65/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16184,16313,550,1pps 1999.355.21:35:30.78?ERROR ib -524 GPIB/232 converter timed out, W1 1999.355.21:35:35.82?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.355.21:35:35.95/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:35:35.95:!1999.355.21:38:14 1999.355.21:35:36.84#setcl#time/62173232,1,1999,355,21,35,37.00,0.080,32.941,20 1999.355.21:35:36.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:38:14.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:38:14.00:et 1999.355.21:38:14.03:!+3s 1999.355.21:38:17.04:tape 1999.355.21:38:17.11/tape/low,16694,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:38:17.11:postob 1999.355.21:38:17.11:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.355.21:38:23.64:checkr80 1999.355.21:38:53.65/parity/12.,20.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,6.,0.,14. 1999.355.21:38:53.65/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.355.21:39:11.68:nw2c2=4 1999.355.21:39:11.98/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:39:21.10:!1999.355.21:40:27 1999.355.21:40:27.00:preob 1999.355.21:40:29.74/tpical/20717,21275,21046,22095,21352,22555,22451,22794,54006,14185 1999.355.21:40:29.81/tpical/21197,21536,22078,22715,22221,22225,33558 1999.355.21:40:29.88:!1999.355.21:40:37 1999.355.21:40:37.00:tape 1999.355.21:40:37.07/tape/low,16694,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:40:37.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.21:40:37.11:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:40:37.11:midob 1999.355.21:40:37.22/tpi/15609,16328,15981,16233,15711,16114,16083,16374,40861,10415 1999.355.21:40:37.29/tpi/15987,16201,16086,16334,16068,16252,25493 1999.355.21:40:37.85/tsys1/57.2,61.4,58.9,51.6,51.9,46.7,46.8,47.3,58.0,51.4 1999.355.21:40:37.86/tsys2/54.0,53.5,47.2,45.0,46.1,48.1,55.9 1999.355.21:40:41.60/wx/-9.3,964.7,77.6 1999.355.21:40:41.63/cable/+3.82660E-02 1999.355.21:40:41.68/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40861,25497,0,1pps 1999.355.21:40:41.73/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10421,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:40:41.81/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16320,15393,545,1pps 1999.355.21:40:41.89/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16106,16040,554,1pps 1999.355.21:40:41.97/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16101,16246,550,1pps 1999.355.21:40:43.10?ERROR ib -524 GPIB/232 converter timed out, W1 1999.355.21:40:48.14?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.355.21:40:48.36/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:40:48.36:!1999.355.21:43:48 1999.355.21:40:48.83#setcl#time/62204431,1,1999,355,21,40,49.00,0.087,33.027,21 1999.355.21:40:48.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:43:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:43:48.00:et 1999.355.21:43:48.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:43:51.05:tape 1999.355.21:43:51.12/tape/low,15421,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:43:51.12:postob 1999.355.21:43:51.12:source=0642+449,064253.0,445430.9,1950.0 1999.355.21:43:57.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.21:43:57.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:44:07.09:!1999.355.21:45:16 1999.355.21:45:16.00:preob 1999.355.21:45:18.74/tpical/21728,20896,21069,21989,21398,22189,22268,22657,56603,14927 1999.355.21:45:18.81/tpical/21136,21568,22372,22511,22443,22530,33763 1999.355.21:45:18.88:!1999.355.21:45:26 1999.355.21:45:26.00:tape 1999.355.21:45:26.07/tape/low,15421,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:45:26.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.21:45:26.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:45:26.12:midob 1999.355.21:45:26.23/tpi/17059,16697,16686,16854,16457,16622,16683,17050,44669,11485 1999.355.21:45:26.30/tpi/16249,16533,16599,16446,16521,16723,26721 1999.355.21:45:26.86/tsys1/68.5,74.0,71.1,61.2,62.1,55.7,55.4,56.4,70.0,62.2 1999.355.21:45:26.87/tsys2/58.6,57.9,50.6,47.7,49.3,50.9,67.2 1999.355.21:45:31.16/wx/-9.3,964.6,77.5 1999.355.21:45:31.23/cable/+3.82624E-02 1999.355.21:45:31.28/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44637,26118,0,1pps 1999.355.21:45:31.33/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11475,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:45:31.41/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,15943,15406,545,1pps 1999.355.21:45:31.49/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,16030,15802,554,1pps 1999.355.21:45:31.57/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16184,16070,550,1pps 1999.355.21:45:32.73?ERROR ib -524 GPIB/232 converter timed out, W1 1999.355.21:45:37.77?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.355.21:45:37.90/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:45:37.90:!1999.355.21:47:04 1999.355.21:45:38.82#setcl#time/62233430,1,1999,355,21,45,39.00,0.094,33.108,22 1999.355.21:45:38.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:47:04.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:47:04.00:et 1999.355.21:47:04.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:47:07.05:tape 1999.355.21:47:07.12/tape/low,14769,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:47:07.12:postob 1999.355.21:47:07.12:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.355.21:47:13.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.21:47:13.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:47:23.09:!1999.355.21:49:34 1999.355.21:49:34.00:preob 1999.355.21:49:36.74/tpical/20862,20053,21252,21871,21605,21989,22293,22410,54462,14332 1999.355.21:49:36.81/tpical/21323,20844,22157,22323,22407,21973,33880 1999.355.21:49:36.88:!1999.355.21:49:44 1999.355.21:49:44.00:tape 1999.355.21:49:44.07/tape/low,14769,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:49:44.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.21:49:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:49:44.12:midob 1999.355.21:49:44.23/tpi/15790,15436,16168,16134,15922,15760,16078,16197,41339,10564 1999.355.21:49:44.30/tpi/16154,15700,16202,16070,16257,16098,25797 1999.355.21:49:44.86/tsys1/58.3,62.1,59.4,52.4,52.2,47.2,48.0,48.3,58.8,52.2 1999.355.21:49:44.87/tsys2/55.0,53.8,47.9,45.2,46.7,48.4,56.5 1999.355.21:49:49.63/wx/-9.4,964.7,77.4 1999.355.21:49:49.79/cable/+3.82636E-02 1999.355.21:49:49.84/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41344,25805,0,1pps 1999.355.21:49:49.89/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10568,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:49:49.97/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15428,15543,545,1pps 1999.355.21:49:50.05/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15786,16317,554,1pps 1999.355.21:49:50.13/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16205,16005,550,1pps 1999.355.21:49:51.29?ERROR ib -524 GPIB/232 converter timed out, W1 1999.355.21:49:56.33?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.355.21:49:56.46/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:49:56.46:!1999.355.21:51:29 1999.355.21:49:56.84#setcl#time/62259232,1,1999,355,21,49,57.00,0.080,33.180,20 1999.355.21:49:56.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:51:29.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:51:29.00:et 1999.355.21:51:29.04:!+3s 1999.355.21:51:32.05:tape 1999.355.21:51:32.12/tape/low,14069,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:51:32.12:postob 1999.355.21:51:32.12:source=3c371,180718.6,694857.2,1950.0 1999.355.21:51:38.66:nw2c2=4 1999.355.21:51:38.96/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:51:48.08:!1999.355.21:52:29 1999.355.21:52:29.00:preob 1999.355.21:52:31.74/tpical/21243,20409,21029,22111,21781,22086,22293,22400,55265,14444 1999.355.21:52:31.81/tpical/21414,20842,21825,22437,21983,22070,34546 1999.355.21:52:31.88:!1999.355.21:52:39 1999.355.21:52:39.00:tape 1999.355.21:52:39.07/tape/low,14069,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:52:39.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.21:52:39.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:52:39.12:midob 1999.355.21:52:39.23/tpi/16216,15842,16096,16366,16119,15848,16089,16229,42148,10678 1999.355.21:52:39.30/tpi/16286,15796,16048,16266,16026,16263,26456 1999.355.21:52:39.86/tsys1/60.4,64.4,60.9,53.1,53.1,47.4,48.1,48.7,60.0,52.8 1999.355.21:52:39.87/tsys2/55.9,55.2,48.9,46.3,47.5,49.5,57.9 1999.355.21:52:44.68/wx/-9.4,964.6,77.3 1999.355.21:52:44.83/cable/+3.82684E-02 1999.355.21:52:44.88/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42135,26455,0,1pps 1999.355.21:52:44.93/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10678,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:52:45.01/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15824,15959,545,1pps 1999.355.21:52:45.10/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15846,15827,554,1pps 1999.355.21:52:45.18/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16056,16182,550,1pps 1999.355.21:52:46.31?ERROR ib -524 GPIB/232 converter timed out, W1 1999.355.21:52:51.35?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.355.21:52:51.48/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:52:51.48:!1999.355.21:54:45 1999.355.21:52:51.83#setcl#time/62276731,1,1999,355,21,52,52.00,0.087,33.228,21 1999.355.21:52:51.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.21:54:45.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.21:54:45.00:et 1999.355.21:54:45.03:!+3s 1999.355.21:54:48.04:tape 1999.355.21:54:48.11/tape/low,13230,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:54:48.11:postob 1999.355.21:54:48.11:source=1508+572,150845.2,571402.4,1950.0 1999.355.21:54:54.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.21:54:54.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.21:55:04.09:!1999.355.21:55:42 1999.355.21:55:42.00:preob 1999.355.21:55:44.74/tpical/21134,20450,21384,21970,21644,21922,22217,22650,54927,14351 1999.355.21:55:44.81/tpical/21177,21475,22018,22124,22120,21763,33680 1999.355.21:55:44.88:!1999.355.21:55:52 1999.355.21:55:52.00:tape 1999.355.21:55:52.07/tape/low,13230,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.21:55:52.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.21:55:52.11:data_valid=on 1999.355.21:55:52.11:midob 1999.355.21:55:52.22/tpi/16012,15636,16282,16187,15954,15671,15933,16264,41649,10556 1999.355.21:55:52.29/tpi/16004,16148,16052,15937,16015,15965,25698 1999.355.21:55:52.85/tsys1/58.5,60.3,59.6,52.1,52.3,46.8,47.0,47.2,58.6,51.8 1999.355.21:55:52.86/tsys2/54.5,53.4,47.3,45.3,46.3,48.6,57.0 1999.355.21:55:57.72/wx/-9.5,964.6,77.0 1999.355.21:55:57.79/cable/+3.82710E-02 1999.355.21:55:57.84/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41685,25685,0,1pps 1999.355.21:55:57.89/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10557,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.21:55:57.97/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,15687,15453,545,1pps 1999.355.21:55:58.05/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15649,16236,554,1pps 1999.355.21:55:58.13/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16036,16237,550,1pps 1999.355.21:55:59.26?ERROR ib -524 GPIB/232 converter timed out, W1 1999.355.21:56:04.30?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.355.21:56:04.43/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.21:56:04.43:!1999.355.22:03:44 1999.355.21:56:04.84#setcl#time/62296032,1,1999,355,21,56,05.00,0.079,33.282,20 1999.355.21:56:04.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:00:32.47;"weather - overcast skies, light snow sticking to antenna 1999.355.22:03:44.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:03:44.00:et 1999.355.22:03:44.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:03:47.05:tape 1999.355.22:03:47.12/tape/low,10084,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:03:47.12:postob 1999.355.22:03:47.13:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 1999.355.22:03:53.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:03:53.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:04:03.09:!1999.355.22:06:58 1999.355.22:04:03.66@wx 1999.355.22:04:08.49/wx/-9.6,964.9,76.8 1999.355.22:06:58.00:preob 1999.355.22:07:00.74/tpical/20654,20200,20776,21837,21639,22399,22073,22084,57274,15124 1999.355.22:07:00.81/tpical/21323,20874,21708,21811,22014,22005,35782 1999.355.22:07:00.88:!1999.355.22:07:08 1999.355.22:07:08.00:tape 1999.355.22:07:08.07/tape/low,10084,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:07:08.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:07:08.11:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:07:08.11:midob 1999.355.22:07:08.22/tpi/15805,15693,16034,16330,16179,16330,16122,16213,43951,11318 1999.355.22:07:08.29/tpi/16261,15865,16018,15944,16169,16314,29458 1999.355.22:07:08.85/tsys1/61.0,64.7,63.1,55.2,55.3,50.2,50.2,51.2,61.7,55.4 1999.355.22:07:08.86/tsys2/56.6,55.8,49.5,47.7,48.9,50.6,82.6 1999.355.22:07:13.36/wx/-9.7,965.0,76.7 1999.355.22:07:13.47/cable/+3.82671E-02 1999.355.22:07:13.52/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43946,27258,0,1pps 1999.355.22:07:13.57/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11312,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:07:13.65/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15715,16132,545,1pps 1999.355.22:07:13.73/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16327,16201,554,1pps 1999.355.22:07:13.81/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16036,16199,550,1pps 1999.355.22:07:16.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.22:07:17.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:07:17.04:!1999.355.22:08:46 1999.355.22:07:17.84#setcl#time/62363332,1,1999,355,22,07,18.00,0.079,33.469,20 1999.355.22:07:17.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:08:46.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:08:46.00:et 1999.355.22:08:46.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:08:49.05:tape 1999.355.22:08:49.12/tape/low,09431,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:08:49.12:postob 1999.355.22:08:49.13:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 1999.355.22:08:55.70:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:08:56.00/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:09:05.12:!1999.355.22:10:35 1999.355.22:10:35.00:preob 1999.355.22:10:37.75/tpical/21694,21001,21444,22004,21212,22441,22694,22689,53474,14086 1999.355.22:10:37.82/tpical/21644,21271,22499,22434,22336,22363,35516 1999.355.22:10:37.90:!1999.355.22:10:45 1999.355.22:10:45.00:tape 1999.355.22:10:45.07/tape/low,09431,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:10:45.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:10:45.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:10:45.12:midob 1999.355.22:10:45.23/tpi/16221,16003,16158,16035,15469,15882,16116,16140,40203,10260 1999.355.22:10:45.30/tpi/16191,15856,16178,15929,15976,16152,26333 1999.355.22:10:45.86/tsys1/55.5,59.5,57.1,50.0,50.2,45.2,45.4,45.7,56.5,49.9 1999.355.22:10:45.87/tsys2/52.3,51.6,45.0,43.0,44.4,45.9,50.8 1999.355.22:10:50.94/wx/-9.9,964.9,76.9 1999.355.22:10:51.07/cable/+3.82712E-02 1999.355.22:10:51.12/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40194,24521,0,1pps 1999.355.22:10:51.17/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10261,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:10:51.25/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16001,16126,545,1pps 1999.355.22:10:51.33/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15889,15831,554,1pps 1999.355.22:10:51.41/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16179,16128,550,1pps 1999.355.22:10:53.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.22:10:54.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:10:54.04:!1999.355.22:12:23 1999.355.22:10:54.84#setcl#time/62385032,1,1999,355,22,10,55.00,0.079,33.529,20 1999.355.22:10:54.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:12:23.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:12:23.00:et 1999.355.22:12:23.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:12:26.05:tape 1999.355.22:12:26.12/tape/low,08779,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:12:26.12:postob 1999.355.22:12:26.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.355.22:12:32.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:12:32.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:12:42.09:!1999.355.22:13:30 1999.355.22:13:30.00:preob 1999.355.22:13:32.75/tpical/21136,20326,21559,22259,21971,22426,22733,22844,55230,14587 1999.355.22:13:32.82/tpical/21392,21790,22640,22952,22803,22366,33103 1999.355.22:13:32.90:!1999.355.22:13:40 1999.355.22:13:40.00:tape 1999.355.22:13:40.07/tape/low,08779,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:13:40.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:13:40.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:13:40.12:midob 1999.355.22:13:40.23/tpi/15999,15655,16409,16418,16255,16104,16406,16523,41925,10764 1999.355.22:13:40.30/tpi/16092,16379,16430,16427,16395,16257,24828 1999.355.22:13:40.86/tsys1/58.3,62.3,59.5,52.3,53.0,47.5,48.1,48.5,58.9,52.4 1999.355.22:13:40.87/tsys2/53.5,53.4,46.6,44.3,45.2,47.0,53.1 1999.355.22:13:45.99/wx/-9.9,964.9,76.9 1999.355.22:13:46.11/cable/+3.82643E-02 1999.355.22:13:46.16/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41934,24739,0,1pps 1999.355.22:13:46.21/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10766,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:13:46.29/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15658,15757,545,1pps 1999.355.22:13:46.37/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16136,16062,554,1pps 1999.355.22:13:46.45/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.53,lock,16075,16327,550,1pps 1999.355.22:13:48.91/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.22:13:49.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:13:49.04:!1999.355.22:15:18 1999.355.22:13:49.84#setcl#time/62402532,1,1999,355,22,13,50.00,0.079,33.578,20 1999.355.22:13:49.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:15:18.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:15:18.00:et 1999.355.22:15:18.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:15:21.05:tape 1999.355.22:15:21.12/tape/low,08126,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:15:21.12:postob 1999.355.22:15:21.13:source=1101+384,110140.6,382843.3,1950.0 1999.355.22:15:27.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:15:27.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:15:37.09:!1999.355.22:15:58 1999.355.22:15:58.00:preob 1999.355.22:16:00.75/tpical/20929,20112,21277,21985,21667,22058,22340,22464,54556,14387 1999.355.22:16:00.82/tpical/21108,21554,22397,22805,22734,22221,32347 1999.355.22:16:00.89:!1999.355.22:16:08 1999.355.22:16:08.00:tape 1999.355.22:16:08.07/tape/low,08126,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:16:08.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:16:08.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:16:08.12:midob 1999.355.22:16:08.23/tpi/15767,15420,16122,16173,15930,15768,16030,16159,41287,10570 1999.355.22:16:08.30/tpi/15870,16147,16196,16243,16332,16124,24484 1999.355.22:16:08.86/tsys1/57.2,61.0,58.4,51.8,51.8,46.8,47.1,47.5,58.1,51.5 1999.355.22:16:08.87/tsys2/53.3,52.6,46.0,43.5,45.1,46.7,55.1 1999.355.22:16:13.22/wx/-9.9,964.9,77.0 1999.355.22:16:13.31/cable/+3.82680E-02 1999.355.22:16:13.36/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41302,24504,0,1pps 1999.355.22:16:13.41/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10575,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:16:13.49/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15417,15513,545,1pps 1999.355.22:16:13.57/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15789,15740,554,1pps 1999.355.22:16:13.65/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16190,16093,550,1pps 1999.355.22:16:15.91/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.22:16:16.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:16:16.04:!1999.355.22:20:09 1999.355.22:16:16.84#setcl#time/62417232,1,1999,355,22,16,17.00,0.079,33.619,20 1999.355.22:16:16.84#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:20:09.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:20:09.00:et 1999.355.22:20:09.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:20:12.05:tape 1999.355.22:20:12.12/tape/low,06520,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:20:12.12:postob 1999.355.22:20:12.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.355.22:20:18.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:20:18.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:20:28.09:!1999.355.22:24:09 1999.355.22:24:09.00:preob 1999.355.22:24:11.75/tpical/21710,21055,21427,21899,21156,22363,22629,22897,53466,14051 1999.355.22:24:11.82/tpical/21055,21349,22359,22653,22138,22211,33499 1999.355.22:24:11.90:!1999.355.22:24:19 1999.355.22:24:19.00:tape 1999.355.22:24:19.07/tape/low,06520,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:24:19.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:24:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:24:19.12:midob 1999.355.22:24:19.23/tpi/16312,16083,16202,15992,15511,15874,16154,16369,40319,10272 1999.355.22:24:19.30/tpi/15855,16030,16293,16267,16020,16244,25430 1999.355.22:24:19.86/tsys1/56.6,60.1,57.9,50.4,51.2,45.6,46.3,46.5,57.2,50.6 1999.355.22:24:19.87/tsys2/53.7,53.1,47.3,44.8,46.3,48.1,55.8 1999.355.22:24:24.00/wx/-9.9,964.9,77.1 1999.355.22:24:24.19/cable/+3.82660E-02 1999.355.22:24:24.24/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40331,25435,0,1pps 1999.355.22:24:24.29/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10276,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:24:24.37/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16101,16225,545,1pps 1999.355.22:24:24.45/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15882,15811,554,1pps 1999.355.22:24:24.53/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16315,16119,550,1pps 1999.355.22:24:26.90/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.22:24:27.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:24:27.03:!1999.355.22:27:29 1999.355.22:24:27.83#setcl#time/62466331,1,1999,355,22,24,28.00,0.085,33.755,21 1999.355.22:24:27.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:27:29.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:27:29.00:et 1999.355.22:27:29.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:27:32.05:tape 1999.355.22:27:32.12/tape/low,05255,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:27:32.12:postob 1999.355.22:27:32.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.355.22:27:38.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:27:38.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:27:48.09:!1999.355.22:28:30 1999.355.22:28:30.00:preob 1999.355.22:28:32.75/tpical/21171,20313,20981,22068,21708,22044,22314,22381,55041,14413 1999.355.22:28:32.82/tpical/20667,20949,21896,21948,22031,22189,34238 1999.355.22:28:32.89:!1999.355.22:28:40 1999.355.22:28:40.00:tape 1999.355.22:28:40.07/tape/low,05255,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:28:40.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:28:40.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:28:40.12:midob 1999.355.22:28:40.23/tpi/16035,15680,15976,16289,16036,15768,16046,16160,41873,10632 1999.355.22:28:40.30/tpi/15706,15833,16079,15911,16053,16307,26274 1999.355.22:28:40.86/tsys1/58.5,62.9,59.6,52.5,52.7,46.9,47.5,48.1,59.4,52.3 1999.355.22:28:40.87/tsys2/55.7,54.5,48.6,46.3,47.4,49.0,58.4 1999.355.22:28:45.75/wx/-9.9,964.8,77.4 1999.355.22:28:45.79/cable/+3.82678E-02 1999.355.22:28:45.84/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41880,26277,0,1pps 1999.355.22:28:45.89/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10635,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:28:45.97/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15701,15815,545,1pps 1999.355.22:28:46.05/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15789,15792,554,1pps 1999.355.22:28:46.13/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16097,16229,550,1pps 1999.355.22:28:48.90/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.22:28:49.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:28:49.03:!1999.355.22:30:18 1999.355.22:28:49.83#setcl#time/62492531,1,1999,355,22,28,50.00,0.085,33.828,21 1999.355.22:28:49.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:30:18.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:30:18.00:et 1999.355.22:30:18.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:30:21.05:tape 1999.355.22:30:21.12/tape/low,04601,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:30:21.12:postob 1999.355.22:30:21.13:source=1803+784,180339.3,782754.4,1950.0 1999.355.22:30:27.66:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:30:27.96/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:30:37.08:!1999.355.22:31:23 1999.355.22:31:23.00:preob 1999.355.22:31:25.74/tpical/21254,20391,21079,21785,21835,22112,22431,22472,55322,14488 1999.355.22:31:25.81/tpical/20688,20959,21928,22575,21995,22121,35516 1999.355.22:31:25.88:!1999.355.22:31:33 1999.355.22:31:33.00:tape 1999.355.22:31:33.07/tape/low,04601,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:31:33.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:31:33.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:31:33.12:midob 1999.355.22:31:33.23/tpi/16137,15769,16098,16091,16152,15865,16144,16238,42138,10705 1999.355.22:31:33.30/tpi/15690,15831,16123,16330,15987,16267,27257 1999.355.22:31:33.86/tsys1/59.1,63.4,60.4,52.6,53.0,47.4,47.6,48.3,59.7,52.7 1999.355.22:31:33.87/tsys2/55.2,54.4,48.9,46.0,47.0,49.1,58.5 1999.355.22:31:39.16/wx/-9.8,964.7,77.4 1999.355.22:31:39.23/cable/+3.82680E-02 1999.355.22:31:39.28/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42126,27323,0,1pps 1999.355.22:31:39.33/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10703,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:31:39.41/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15746,15891,545,1pps 1999.355.22:31:39.49/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15850,15895,554,1pps 1999.355.22:31:39.57/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16129,16279,550,1pps 1999.355.22:31:41.91/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.22:31:42.04/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:31:42.04:!1999.355.22:33:11 1999.355.22:31:42.81#setcl#time/62509829,1,1999,355,22,31,43.00,0.099,33.876,23 1999.355.22:31:42.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:33:11.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:33:11.00:et 1999.355.22:33:11.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:33:14.05:tape 1999.355.22:33:14.12/tape/low,03949,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:33:14.12:postob 1999.355.22:33:14.13:source=1611+343,161147.9,342020.0,1950.0 1999.355.22:33:20.66:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:33:20.96/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:33:30.08:!1999.355.22:33:58 1999.355.22:33:58.00:preob 1999.355.22:34:00.75/tpical/21571,20937,21358,22282,22176,22953,22488,22769,53233,13982 1999.355.22:34:00.82/tpical/21085,21516,22414,22885,22694,22335,32282 1999.355.22:34:00.89:!1999.355.22:34:08 1999.355.22:34:03.66@wx 1999.355.22:34:08.03/wx/-9.8,964.8,77.4 1999.355.22:34:08.03:tape 1999.355.22:34:08.11/tape/low,03949,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:34:08.11:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:34:08.16:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:34:08.16:midob 1999.355.22:34:08.27/tpi/16161,15981,16062,16239,16145,16221,15956,16191,40002,10170 1999.355.22:34:08.35/tpi/15820,16084,16206,16339,16315,16212,24398 1999.355.22:34:08.91/tsys1/55.9,59.9,56.6,50.0,49.9,45.0,45.3,45.6,56.4,49.6 1999.355.22:34:08.92/tsys2/52.9,52.2,45.9,43.9,45.2,46.8,54.7 1999.355.22:34:12.94/wx/-9.8,964.8,77.4 1999.355.22:34:12.99/cable/+3.82701E-02 1999.355.22:34:13.04/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40013,24410,0,1pps 1999.355.22:34:13.09/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10173,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:34:13.17/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15961,16117,545,1pps 1999.355.22:34:13.25/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16218,16223,554,1pps 1999.355.22:34:13.33/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16210,16111,550,1pps 1999.355.22:34:13.82#setcl#time/62524930,1,1999,355,22,34,14.00,0.092,33.918,22 1999.355.22:34:13.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:34:16.90/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.22:34:17.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:34:17.03:!1999.355.22:35:46 1999.355.22:35:46.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:35:46.00:et 1999.355.22:35:46.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:35:49.05:tape 1999.355.22:35:49.12/tape/low,03297,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:35:49.12:postob 1999.355.22:35:49.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.355.22:35:55.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:35:55.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:36:05.09:!1999.355.22:36:41 1999.355.22:36:41.00:preob 1999.355.22:36:43.75/tpical/21441,20524,21280,22073,22175,22630,22489,22592,55817,14720 1999.355.22:36:43.82/tpical/21461,21034,22259,22634,22560,22124,32884 1999.355.22:36:43.89:!1999.355.22:36:51 1999.355.22:36:51.00:tape 1999.355.22:36:51.07/tape/low,03297,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:36:51.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:36:51.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:36:51.12:midob 1999.355.22:36:51.23/tpi/16270,15846,16256,16361,16431,16314,16249,16382,42508,10896 1999.355.22:36:51.30/tpi/16218,15805,16206,16244,16322,16120,24987 1999.355.22:36:51.86/tsys1/58.9,62.9,60.4,53.3,53.4,48.2,48.3,48.9,59.7,53.1 1999.355.22:36:51.87/tsys2/54.5,53.3,47.1,44.7,46.2,47.4,56.0 1999.355.22:36:56.53/wx/-9.8,964.8,77.4 1999.355.22:36:56.67/cable/+3.82681E-02 1999.355.22:36:56.72/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42508,24978,0,1pps 1999.355.22:36:56.77/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10897,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:36:56.85/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15868,15949,545,1pps 1999.355.22:36:56.93/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16311,16223,554,1pps 1999.355.22:36:57.01/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16229,16119,550,1pps 1999.355.22:36:57.83#setcl#time/62541331,1,1999,355,22,36,58.00,0.085,33.963,21 1999.355.22:36:57.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:37:00.90/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.22:37:01.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:37:01.03:!1999.355.22:38:45 1999.355.22:38:45.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:38:45.00:et 1999.355.22:38:45.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:38:48.05:tape 1999.355.22:38:48.12/tape/low,02536,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:38:48.12:postob 1999.355.22:38:48.13:source=1144+402,114421.0,401514.6,1950.0 1999.355.22:38:54.68:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:38:54.98/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:39:04.10:!1999.355.22:39:18 1999.355.22:39:18.00:preob 1999.355.22:39:20.75/tpical/20737,21232,21088,21804,21538,22728,22597,22678,54075,14267 1999.355.22:39:20.82/tpical/21113,21498,22318,22674,22542,22093,32280 1999.355.22:39:20.89:!1999.355.22:39:28 1999.355.22:39:28.00:tape 1999.355.22:39:28.07/tape/low,02536,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:39:28.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:39:28.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:39:28.12:midob 1999.355.22:39:28.23/tpi/15588,16264,15972,15982,15759,16210,16144,16249,40812,10448 1999.355.22:39:28.31/tpi/15798,16045,16098,16139,16152,15955,24401 1999.355.22:39:28.87/tsys1/56.7,60.9,58.3,51.1,50.8,46.4,46.4,46.8,57.4,50.9 1999.355.22:39:28.88/tsys2/52.3,51.9,45.5,43.4,44.7,45.9,54.8 1999.355.22:39:33.57/wx/-9.8,964.8,77.4 1999.355.22:39:33.63/cable/+3.82689E-02 1999.355.22:39:33.68/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40810,24374,0,1pps 1999.355.22:39:33.73/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10450,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:39:33.81/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16274,16379,545,1pps 1999.355.22:39:33.89/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16191,16126,554,1pps 1999.355.22:39:33.97/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16086,15986,550,1pps 1999.355.22:39:36.90/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.355.22:39:37.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:39:37.03:!1999.355.22:41:14 1999.355.22:39:37.83#setcl#time/62557331,1,1999,355,22,39,38.00,0.085,34.008,21 1999.355.22:39:37.83#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:41:14.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:41:14.00:et 1999.355.22:41:14.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:41:17.05:tape 1999.355.22:41:17.12/tape/low,01830,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:41:17.12:postob 1999.355.22:41:17.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.355.22:41:23.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:41:23.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:41:33.09:!1999.355.22:42:11 1999.355.22:42:11.00:preob 1999.355.22:42:13.76/tpical/21080,20188,21363,21987,21668,22846,22669,22672,54812,14366 1999.355.22:42:13.83/tpical/20959,21188,22234,22481,22261,22057,33346 1999.355.22:42:13.91:!1999.355.22:42:21 1999.355.22:42:21.00:tape 1999.355.22:42:21.07/tape/low,01830,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:42:21.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:42:21.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:42:21.12:midob 1999.355.22:42:21.23/tpi/15902,15542,16248,16154,15915,16269,16209,16270,41529,10546 1999.355.22:42:21.30/tpi/15849,15942,16226,16204,16164,16128,25434 1999.355.22:42:21.86/tsys1/57.5,62.1,59.3,51.6,51.6,46.2,46.5,47.1,58.4,51.4 1999.355.22:42:21.87/tsys2/54.6,53.6,47.5,45.4,46.8,48.0,56.9 1999.355.22:42:26.97/wx/-9.7,964.9,77.3 1999.355.22:42:27.06/cable/+3.82710E-02 1999.355.22:42:27.11/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41503,25447,0,1pps 1999.355.22:42:27.16/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10542,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:42:27.24/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15536,15664,545,1pps 1999.355.22:42:27.32/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16243,16217,554,1pps 1999.355.22:42:27.40/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16252,16068,550,1pps 1999.355.22:42:29.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.22:42:30.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:42:30.02:!1999.355.22:43:59 1999.355.22:42:30.82#setcl#time/62574631,1,1999,355,22,42,31.00,0.085,34.056,22 1999.355.22:42:30.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:43:59.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:43:59.00:et 1999.355.22:43:59.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:44:02.05:tape 1999.355.22:44:02.12/tape/low,01177,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:44:02.12:postob 1999.355.22:44:02.13:source=da426,165211.8,395025.3,1950.0 1999.355.22:44:08.67:nw2c2=4 1999.355.22:44:08.97/pass/4,,auto,-275.0,,-273.8,,1.2, 1999.355.22:44:18.09:!1999.355.22:44:57 1999.355.22:44:57.00:preob 1999.355.22:44:59.74/tpical/20760,21278,21100,22149,21384,22505,22397,22727,54052,14178 1999.355.22:44:59.81/tpical/21356,21733,22206,22612,22470,22194,32819 1999.355.22:44:59.89:!1999.355.22:45:07 1999.355.22:45:07.00:tape 1999.355.22:45:07.07/tape/low,01177,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:45:07.07:st=rev,80 1999.355.22:45:07.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:45:07.12:midob 1999.355.22:45:07.23/tpi/15602,16275,15951,16210,15631,15949,15923,16238,40779,10355 1999.355.22:45:07.30/tpi/16070,16286,16127,16204,16192,16146,24903 1999.355.22:45:07.86/tsys1/56.6,60.5,57.8,50.8,50.6,45.4,45.6,46.4,57.4,50.4 1999.355.22:45:07.87/tsys2/53.5,52.7,46.7,44.4,45.6,47.2,55.6 1999.355.22:45:12.20/wx/-9.7,965.0,77.4 1999.355.22:45:12.34/cable/+3.82706E-02 1999.355.22:45:12.39/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40788,24929,0,1pps 1999.355.22:45:12.44/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10362,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:45:12.52/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16279,15371,545,1pps 1999.355.22:45:12.60/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15944,15928,554,1pps 1999.355.22:45:12.68/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16144,15997,550,1pps 1999.355.22:45:14.90/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.22:45:15.03/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:45:15.03:!1999.355.22:47:21 1999.355.22:45:15.80#setcl#time/62591129,1,1999,355,22,45,16.00,0.099,34.102,24 1999.355.22:45:15.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:47:21.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:47:21.00:et 1999.355.22:47:21.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:47:24.05:tape 1999.355.22:47:24.12/tape/low,00285,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:47:24.12:postob 1999.355.22:47:24.13:source=nrao530,173013.6,-130245.8,1950.0 1999.355.22:47:30.65:midtp 1999.355.22:47:33.37/tpzero/229,350,279,327,293,293,388,408,706,213 1999.355.22:47:33.44/tpzero/353,334,362,381,296,299,437 1999.355.22:47:34.14/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.58 1999.355.22:47:34.24/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 1999.355.22:47:34.34/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.04 1999.355.22:47:34.44/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.968 1999.355.22:47:34.54/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.796 1999.355.22:47:34.64/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.54 1999.355.22:47:34.74/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.64 1999.355.22:47:34.74:nw2c1=5 1999.355.22:47:36.04/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.22:47:45.16:fastr=0m6s 1999.355.22:47:51.24:!1999.355.22:49:34 1999.355.22:49:34.00:preob 1999.355.22:49:36.75/tpical/20275,20015,19647,20316,20503,21289,21062,20762,$$$$$,18079 1999.355.22:49:36.82/tpical/20766,20211,21114,21393,21079,21292,37055 1999.355.22:49:36.90:!1999.355.22:49:44 1999.355.22:49:44.00:tape 1999.355.22:49:44.07/tape/low,00209,low,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:49:44.07:st=for,80 1999.355.22:49:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:49:44.12:midob 1999.355.22:49:44.23/tpi/16303,16318,15931,16068,16243,16475,16301,16100,55091,14274 1999.355.22:49:44.30/tpi/16290,15824,16098,16146,15991,16262,29156 1999.355.22:49:44.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.355.22:49:44.87/tsys1/76.9,82.1,80.0,70.4,71.1,63.9,63.5,64.0,$$$$$$$$,70.2 1999.355.22:49:44.88/tsys2/64.1,63.6,56.5,54.1,55.5,57.1,65.4 1999.355.22:49:48.67/wx/-9.7,965.1,77.2 1999.355.22:49:48.82/cable/+3.82689E-02 1999.355.22:49:48.87/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,55106,29155,0,1pps 1999.355.22:49:48.92/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14278,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:49:49.00/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.54,lock,16336,15632,545,1pps 1999.355.22:49:49.08/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.72, -2.91,lock,16475,16087,554,1pps 1999.355.22:49:49.16/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.68,lock,16100,16238,550,1pps 1999.355.22:49:51.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.22:49:52.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:49:52.02:!1999.355.22:51:22 1999.355.22:49:52.82#setcl#time/62618831,1,1999,355,22,49,53.00,0.084,34.179,22 1999.355.22:49:52.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:51:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:51:22.00:et 1999.355.22:51:22.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:51:25.05:tape 1999.355.22:51:25.12/tape/low,00861,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:51:25.12:postob 1999.355.22:51:25.13:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.355.22:51:31.67:checkf80 1999.355.22:52:01.68/parity/0.,2.,0.,2.,0.,10.,4.,0.,0.,4.,0.,2.,0.,0. 1999.355.22:52:01.68/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.355.22:52:19.71:nw2c1=5 1999.355.22:52:20.01/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.22:52:29.14:!1999.355.22:53:35 1999.355.22:53:35.00:preob 1999.355.22:53:37.75/tpical/20917,20140,21252,21914,21706,22089,22395,22510,54521,14391 1999.355.22:53:37.82/tpical/21818,21831,22183,22388,22391,22122,33883 1999.355.22:53:37.90:!1999.355.22:53:45 1999.355.22:53:45.00:tape 1999.355.22:53:45.07/tape/low,00861,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:53:45.07:st=for,80 1999.355.22:53:45.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:53:45.12:midob 1999.355.22:53:45.23/tpi/15766,15448,16189,16113,16020,15836,16142,16226,41317,10596 1999.355.22:53:45.30/tpi/16125,16331,16256,16116,16249,16083,25772 1999.355.22:53:45.86/tsys1/57.3,61.1,59.7,51.7,52.6,47.2,47.9,47.8,58.4,52.0 1999.355.22:53:45.87/tsys2/49.9,52.4,48.3,45.2,46.8,47.0,56.2 1999.355.22:53:50.78/wx/-9.6,965.0,77.3 1999.355.22:53:50.90/cable/+3.82665E-02 1999.355.22:53:50.95/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41316,25782,0,1pps 1999.355.22:53:51.00/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10596,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:53:51.08/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15481,15556,545,1pps 1999.355.22:53:51.16/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15846,16375,554,1pps 1999.355.22:53:51.24/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16213,15989,550,1pps 1999.355.22:53:53.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.22:53:54.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:53:54.02:!1999.355.22:55:23 1999.355.22:53:54.82#setcl#time/62643031,1,1999,355,22,53,55.00,0.084,34.246,22 1999.355.22:53:54.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:55:23.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:55:23.00:et 1999.355.22:55:23.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:55:26.05:tape 1999.355.22:55:26.12/tape/low,01513,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:55:26.12:postob 1999.355.22:55:26.13:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 1999.355.22:55:32.65:nw2c1=5 1999.355.22:55:32.95/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.22:55:42.07:!1999.355.22:57:10 1999.355.22:57:10.00:preob 1999.355.22:57:12.75/tpical/20579,20993,21216,21711,21546,22388,22409,22463,56991,15068 1999.355.22:57:12.82/tpical/21173,21514,21952,22076,22083,22108,33632 1999.355.22:57:12.90:!1999.355.22:57:20 1999.355.22:57:20.00:tape 1999.355.22:57:20.07/tape/low,01513,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:57:20.07:st=for,80 1999.355.22:57:20.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:57:20.12:midob 1999.355.22:57:20.23/tpi/15731,16295,16339,16192,16120,16302,16383,16453,43689,11257 1999.355.22:57:20.30/tpi/16119,16328,16153,16066,16149,16340,25840 1999.355.22:57:20.86/tsys1/60.8,64.5,62.6,54.6,55.4,50.0,50.4,50.7,61.4,55.1 1999.355.22:57:20.87/tsys2/56.2,55.5,49.0,47.0,48.1,50.1,58.7 1999.355.22:57:25.08/wx/-9.6,964.9,77.1 1999.355.22:57:25.14/cable/+3.82675E-02 1999.355.22:57:25.19/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43690,25809,0,1pps 1999.355.22:57:25.24/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11252,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:57:25.32/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16306,16355,545,1pps 1999.355.22:57:25.40/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16307,16163,554,1pps 1999.355.22:57:25.48/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16144,15955,550,1pps 1999.355.22:57:25.82#setcl#time/62664131,1,1999,355,22,57,26.00,0.084,34.304,22 1999.355.22:57:25.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.22:57:28.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.22:57:29.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.22:57:29.02:!1999.355.22:58:58 1999.355.22:58:58.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.22:58:58.00:et 1999.355.22:58:58.04:!+3s 1999.355.22:59:01.05:tape 1999.355.22:59:01.12/tape/low,02166,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:59:01.12:postob 1999.355.22:59:01.13:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 1999.355.22:59:07.65:nw2c1=5 1999.355.22:59:07.95/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.22:59:17.07:!1999.355.22:59:40 1999.355.22:59:32.24;check=all 1999.355.22:59:40.00:preob 1999.355.22:59:42.75/tpical/21166,20514,21099,21468,20901,21766,21848,22252,55305,14611 1999.355.22:59:42.82/tpical/20639,21001,21858,22087,21943,22028,32756 1999.355.22:59:42.90:!1999.355.22:59:50 1999.355.22:59:50.00:tape 1999.355.22:59:50.07/tape/low,02166,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.22:59:50.07:st=for,80 1999.355.22:59:50.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.22:59:50.12:midob 1999.355.22:59:50.23/tpi/15769,15565,15859,15604,15232,15392,15538,15842,41396,10621 1999.355.22:59:50.30/tpi/15452,15635,15794,15711,15749,15984,24678 1999.355.22:59:50.86/tsys1/54.7,58.4,56.5,49.5,50.1,45.0,45.6,45.7,55.6,49.6 1999.355.22:59:50.87/tsys2/52.4,51.3,45.8,43.3,44.9,46.7,54.0 1999.355.22:59:55.58/wx/-9.6,965.0,77.1 1999.355.22:59:55.70/cable/+3.82704E-02 1999.355.22:59:55.75/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41152,24606,0,1pps 1999.355.22:59:55.80/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10554,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.22:59:55.88/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15465,15531,545,1pps 1999.355.22:59:55.96/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15823,15757,554,1pps 1999.355.22:59:56.04/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16049,15937,550,1pps 1999.355.22:59:58.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.22:59:59.02?ERROR an -103 Pointing computer tracking errors are too large. 1999.355.22:59:59.02?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 1999.355.22:59:59.03/onsource/SLEWING 1999.355.22:59:59.03:!1999.355.23:01:28 1999.355.22:59:59.80#setcl#time/62679529,1,1999,355,23,00,00.00,0.098,34.347,24 1999.355.22:59:59.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:00:05.14;"weather - overcast skies, light snow sticking to antenna 1999.355.23:00:07.25;oso 1999.355.23:00:07.25&oso/onsource 1999.355.23:00:07.38/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:01:28.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:01:28.00:et 1999.355.23:01:28.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:01:31.05:tape 1999.355.23:01:31.12/tape/low,02820,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:01:31.12:postob 1999.355.23:01:31.13:source=0718+793,071808.7,791722.7,1950.0 1999.355.23:01:37.68:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:01:37.98/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:01:47.10:!1999.355.23:02:49 1999.355.23:02:49.00:preob 1999.355.23:02:51.75/tpical/21196,20313,21030,21722,21799,22139,22448,22537,55151,14465 1999.355.23:02:51.82/tpical/21375,20769,21709,22180,22120,21826,33748 1999.355.23:02:51.89:!1999.355.23:02:59 1999.355.23:02:59.00:tape 1999.355.23:02:59.07/tape/low,02820,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:02:59.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:02:59.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:02:59.12:midob 1999.355.23:02:59.23/tpi/15800,15459,15830,15840,15912,15675,15975,16073,41390,10523 1999.355.23:02:59.30/tpi/15937,15445,15593,15718,15763,15670,25272 1999.355.23:02:59.86/tsys1/54.8,59.1,56.8,50.1,50.4,45.2,45.8,46.0,56.2,49.7 1999.355.23:02:59.87/tsys2/51.6,51.1,44.8,42.7,43.8,44.9,52.7 1999.355.23:03:03.71/wx/-9.6,965.0,77.2 1999.355.23:03:03.86/cable/+3.82676E-02 1999.355.23:03:03.91/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41008,25464,0,1pps 1999.355.23:03:03.96/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10441,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:03:04.04/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16342,15412,545,1pps 1999.355.23:03:04.12/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16119,16074,554,1pps 1999.355.23:03:04.20/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16098,15950,550,1pps 1999.355.23:03:06.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.23:03:07.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:03:07.02:!1999.355.23:05:43 1999.355.23:03:07.82#setcl#time/62698331,1,1999,355,23,03,08.00,0.084,34.399,22 1999.355.23:03:07.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:04:03.66@wx 1999.355.23:04:07.51/wx/-9.5,965.1,77.1 1999.355.23:05:43.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:05:43.00:et 1999.355.23:05:43.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:05:46.05:tape 1999.355.23:05:46.12/tape/low,03913,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:05:46.12:postob 1999.355.23:05:46.13:source=3c446,222311.1,-051217.9,1950.0 1999.355.23:05:52.67:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:05:52.97/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:06:02.09:!1999.355.23:11:03 1999.355.23:11:03.00:preob 1999.355.23:11:05.75/tpical/19944,19594,19922,20349,20188,20787,20691,20637,$$$$$,17703 1999.355.23:11:05.82/tpical/20183,20832,20886,21548,20990,20758,38508 1999.355.23:11:05.90:!1999.355.23:11:13 1999.355.23:11:13.00:tape 1999.355.23:11:13.07/tape/low,03913,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:11:13.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:11:13.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:11:13.12:midob 1999.355.23:11:13.23/tpi/16005,15932,16089,15985,15934,16016,15984,15963,53842,13942 1999.355.23:11:13.30/tpi/15870,16307,15938,16319,15963,15881,30418 1999.355.23:11:13.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.355.23:11:13.87/tsys1/76.1,80.8,78.4,68.2,69.9,62.6,63.0,63.2,$$$$$$$$,69.4 1999.355.23:11:13.87/tsys2/64.8,63.5,56.7,54.9,56.1,57.5,66.7 1999.355.23:11:17.74/wx/-9.5,964.9,77.3 1999.355.23:11:17.78/cable/+3.82624E-02 1999.355.23:11:17.83/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,53815,30384,0,1pps 1999.355.23:11:17.88/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13937,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:11:17.96/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.54,lock,15934,15238,545,1pps 1999.355.23:11:18.04/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.54, -2.72,lock,15998,16230,554,1pps 1999.355.23:11:18.12/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.01, 1.45,lock,15952,16086,550,1pps 1999.355.23:11:20.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.23:11:21.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:11:21.02:!1999.355.23:12:51 1999.355.23:11:21.82#setcl#time/62747731,1,1999,355,23,11,22.00,0.083,34.537,22 1999.355.23:11:21.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:12:51.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:12:51.00:et 1999.355.23:12:51.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:12:54.05:tape 1999.355.23:12:54.12/tape/low,04565,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:12:54.12:postob 1999.355.23:12:54.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.355.23:13:00.66:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:13:00.96/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:13:10.08:!1999.355.23:14:52 1999.355.23:14:52.00:preob 1999.355.23:14:54.75/tpical/20585,20998,21450,21947,21219,22312,22598,22884,53455,14043 1999.355.23:14:54.82/tpical/21213,21527,22052,22141,22143,21852,33666 1999.355.23:14:54.89:!1999.355.23:15:02 1999.355.23:15:02.00:tape 1999.355.23:15:02.07/tape/low,04565,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:15:02.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:15:02.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:15:02.12:midob 1999.355.23:15:02.23/tpi/15463,16068,16199,16037,15514,15833,16132,16384,40327,10268 1999.355.23:15:02.30/tpi/16002,16179,16068,15897,16034,15925,25558 1999.355.23:15:02.86/tsys1/56.5,60.6,57.6,50.5,50.7,45.6,46.3,46.7,57.3,50.6 1999.355.23:15:02.87/tsys2/54.1,53.3,47.2,44.7,46.4,47.5,55.8 1999.355.23:15:06.76/wx/-9.6,964.9,77.3 1999.355.23:15:06.90/cable/+3.82660E-02 1999.355.23:15:06.95/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40335,25590,0,1pps 1999.355.23:15:07.00/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10269,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:15:07.08/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16080,16183,545,1pps 1999.355.23:15:07.16/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15843,15789,554,1pps 1999.355.23:15:07.24/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16066,16269,550,1pps 1999.355.23:15:09.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.23:15:10.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:15:10.02:!1999.355.23:17:48 1999.355.23:15:10.82#setcl#time/62770631,1,1999,355,23,15,11.00,0.083,34.600,22 1999.355.23:15:10.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:17:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:17:48.00:et 1999.355.23:17:48.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:17:51.05:tape 1999.355.23:17:51.12/tape/low,05672,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:17:51.12:postob 1999.355.23:17:51.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.355.23:17:57.67:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:17:57.97/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:18:07.09:!1999.355.23:19:52 1999.355.23:19:52.00:preob 1999.355.23:19:54.75/tpical/21754,20929,21318,22185,22156,22171,22458,22769,53164,13954 1999.355.23:19:54.82/tpical/21144,21449,22043,22205,22280,21940,34280 1999.355.23:19:54.89:!1999.355.23:20:02 1999.355.23:20:02.00:tape 1999.355.23:20:02.07/tape/low,05672,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:20:02.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:20:02.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:20:02.12:midob 1999.355.23:20:02.23/tpi/16282,15957,16130,16185,16174,15721,16006,16237,40056,10187 1999.355.23:20:02.30/tpi/15936,16106,16017,15963,16173,16076,26160 1999.355.23:20:02.86/tsys1/55.7,59.6,58.1,50.2,50.4,45.4,46.0,46.0,57.0,50.3 1999.355.23:20:02.87/tsys2/53.9,53.1,46.8,44.9,46.8,48.4,57.0 1999.355.23:20:07.76/wx/-9.7,964.7,77.5 1999.355.23:20:07.86/cable/+3.82676E-02 1999.355.23:20:07.91/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40043,26154,0,1pps 1999.355.23:20:07.96/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10184,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:20:08.04/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15972,16090,545,1pps 1999.355.23:20:08.12/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15716,15663,554,1pps 1999.355.23:20:08.20/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16046,16238,550,1pps 1999.355.23:20:10.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.23:20:11.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:20:11.02:!1999.355.23:23:11 1999.355.23:20:11.82#setcl#time/62800731,1,1999,355,23,20,12.00,0.083,34.684,22 1999.355.23:20:11.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:23:11.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:23:11.00:et 1999.355.23:23:11.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:23:14.05:tape 1999.355.23:23:14.12/tape/low,06931,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:23:14.12:postob 1999.355.23:23:14.13:source=0202+149,020207.4,145950.8,1950.0 1999.355.23:23:20.65:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:23:20.95/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:23:30.07:!1999.355.23:24:09 1999.355.23:24:09.00:preob 1999.355.23:24:11.74/tpical/20080,19682,20494,20792,20054,21242,21465,21225,63067,16644 1999.355.23:24:11.81/tpical/20704,21085,21240,21442,21301,21551,37120 1999.355.23:24:11.89:!1999.355.23:24:19 1999.355.23:24:19.00:tape 1999.355.23:24:19.07/tape/low,06931,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:24:19.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:24:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:24:19.12:midob 1999.355.23:24:19.23/tpi/15845,15757,16310,16106,15572,16049,16268,16105,49827,12888 1999.355.23:24:19.30/tpi/16115,16377,16051,16055,15996,16341,29050 1999.355.23:24:19.86/tsys1/70.1,74.6,72.8,64.0,64.8,57.6,58.1,58.3,70.5,64.1 1999.355.23:24:19.87/tsys2/61.8,61.3,54.4,52.4,53.3,55.4,63.8 1999.355.23:24:24.60/wx/-9.7,964.8,77.4 1999.355.23:24:24.66/cable/+3.82652E-02 1999.355.23:24:24.71/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,49802,29036,0,1pps 1999.355.23:24:24.76/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12881,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:24:24.84/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15750,16195,545,1pps 1999.355.23:24:24.92/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.36,lock,16041,16364,554,1pps 1999.355.23:24:25.00/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.68,lock,16032,16165,550,1pps 1999.355.23:24:25.82#setcl#time/62826131,1,1999,355,23,24,26.00,0.083,34.754,22 1999.355.23:24:25.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:24:28.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.23:24:29.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:24:29.02:!1999.355.23:25:57 1999.355.23:25:57.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:25:57.00:et 1999.355.23:25:57.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:26:00.05:tape 1999.355.23:26:00.12/tape/low,07583,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:26:00.12:postob 1999.355.23:26:00.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.355.23:26:06.65:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:26:06.95/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:26:16.07:!1999.355.23:27:01 1999.355.23:27:01.00:preob 1999.355.23:27:03.74/tpical/20498,21246,21197,21884,21521,21870,22088,22313,60345,15900 1999.355.23:27:03.82/tpical/21049,21400,22194,22021,22034,21889,36209 1999.355.23:27:03.90:!1999.355.23:27:11 1999.355.23:27:11.00:tape 1999.355.23:27:11.07/tape/low,07583,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:27:11.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:27:11.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:27:11.12:midob 1999.355.23:27:11.23/tpi/16025,16915,16691,16727,16496,16341,16546,16702,47152,12137 1999.355.23:27:11.30/tpi/16248,16454,16587,16252,16379,16392,28104 1999.355.23:27:11.86/tsys1/67.1,72.7,69.2,60.4,61.3,55.1,55.4,55.2,66.9,60.2 1999.355.23:27:11.87/tsys2/59.6,58.7,52.1,49.5,51.2,52.7,61.4 1999.355.23:27:16.36/wx/-9.7,964.6,77.3 1999.355.23:27:16.50/cable/+3.82591E-02 1999.355.23:27:16.55/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47138,28118,0,1pps 1999.355.23:27:16.60/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12132,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:27:16.68/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15904,16346,545,1pps 1999.355.23:27:16.76/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16312,16048,554,1pps 1999.355.23:27:16.84/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.42, 1.90,lock,16188,16306,550,1pps 1999.355.23:27:17.82#setcl#time/62843331,1,1999,355,23,27,18.00,0.083,34.802,22 1999.355.23:27:17.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:27:20.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.23:27:21.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:27:21.02:!1999.355.23:28:49 1999.355.23:28:49.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:28:49.00:et 1999.355.23:28:49.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:28:52.05:tape 1999.355.23:28:52.12/tape/low,08236,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:28:52.12:postob 1999.355.23:28:52.13:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 1999.355.23:28:58.67?ERROR st -1 Antenna got the wrong angles 1999.355.23:29:05.26?ERROR st -3 Commanding angles okay now. 1999.355.23:29:05.26:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:29:05.56/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:29:14.68:!1999.355.23:35:21 1999.355.23:34:03.66@wx 1999.355.23:34:08.61/wx/-9.8,964.5,77.0 1999.355.23:35:21.00:preob 1999.355.23:35:23.75/tpical/21268,20473,21190,21901,20957,22490,22377,22428,55475,14642 1999.355.23:35:23.82/tpical/20812,21164,22099,22157,21998,21941,34430 1999.355.23:35:23.90:!1999.355.23:35:31 1999.355.23:35:31.00:tape 1999.355.23:35:31.07/tape/low,08236,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:35:31.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:35:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:35:31.12:midob 1999.355.23:35:31.23/tpi/16149,15822,16223,16238,15556,16237,16205,16313,42252,10850 1999.355.23:35:31.30/tpi/15809,16036,16266,16114,16074,16195,26316 1999.355.23:35:31.86/tsys1/59.1,63.2,61.0,53.4,53.7,48.4,48.7,49.4,59.7,53.3 1999.355.23:35:31.87/tsys2/55.6,55.1,49.1,46.9,47.9,49.8,57.4 1999.355.23:35:36.95/wx/-9.7,964.5,76.9 1999.355.23:35:36.98/cable/+3.82659E-02 1999.355.23:35:37.03/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42252,26302,0,1pps 1999.355.23:35:37.08/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10854,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:35:37.16/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15829,15902,545,1pps 1999.355.23:35:37.24/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16250,16169,554,1pps 1999.355.23:35:37.32/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16260,15982,550,1pps 1999.355.23:35:39.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.23:35:40.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:35:40.02:!1999.355.23:37:09 1999.355.23:35:40.82#setcl#time/62893631,1,1999,355,23,35,41.00,0.082,34.942,22 1999.355.23:35:40.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:37:09.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:37:09.00:et 1999.355.23:37:09.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:37:12.05:tape 1999.355.23:37:12.12/tape/low,08889,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:37:12.12:postob 1999.355.23:37:12.13:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.355.23:37:18.67:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:37:18.97/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:37:28.09:!1999.355.23:37:42 1999.355.23:37:42.00:preob 1999.355.23:37:44.74/tpical/20708,21295,21099,21675,21457,21883,22192,22566,53952,14235 1999.355.23:37:44.81/tpical/21280,20821,22225,22366,22047,22070,33863 1999.355.23:37:44.89:!1999.355.23:37:52 1999.355.23:37:52.00:tape 1999.355.23:37:52.07/tape/low,08889,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:37:52.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:37:52.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:37:52.12:midob 1999.355.23:37:52.23/tpi/15567,16349,16004,15931,15791,15634,15955,16259,40808,10462 1999.355.23:37:52.30/tpi/16109,15664,16236,16146,16025,16212,25779 1999.355.23:37:52.86/tsys1/56.7,61.5,58.6,51.6,52.0,46.6,47.4,47.8,58.0,51.6 1999.355.23:37:52.87/tsys2/54.8,53.5,47.7,45.6,47.0,48.9,56.4 1999.355.23:37:57.63/wx/-9.8,964.5,76.9 1999.355.23:37:57.78/cable/+3.82666E-02 1999.355.23:37:57.83/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40801,25779,0,1pps 1999.355.23:37:57.88/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10461,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:37:57.96/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16329,15392,545,1pps 1999.355.23:37:58.04/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15639,16163,554,1pps 1999.355.23:37:58.12/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16222,16001,550,1pps 1999.355.23:38:00.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.23:38:01.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:38:01.02:!1999.355.23:41:19 1999.355.23:38:01.82#setcl#time/62907731,1,1999,355,23,38,02.00,0.082,34.981,22 1999.355.23:38:01.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:41:19.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:41:19.00:et 1999.355.23:41:19.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:41:22.05:tape 1999.355.23:41:22.12/tape/low,10267,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:41:22.12:postob 1999.355.23:41:22.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.355.23:41:28.66:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:41:28.96/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:41:38.08:!1999.355.23:43:29 1999.355.23:43:29.00:preob 1999.355.23:43:31.75/tpical/21715,21036,21482,21912,21163,22333,22670,22560,53465,14057 1999.355.23:43:31.83/tpical/21202,21539,22037,22757,22203,22317,33698 1999.355.23:43:31.91:!1999.355.23:43:39 1999.355.23:43:39.00:tape 1999.355.23:43:39.07/tape/low,10267,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:43:39.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:43:39.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:43:39.12:midob 1999.355.23:43:39.23/tpi/16309,16067,16234,16014,15480,15872,16168,16186,40302,10266 1999.355.23:43:39.31/tpi/15986,16168,16069,16315,16030,16272,25617 1999.355.23:43:39.87/tsys1/56.5,60.1,57.8,50.5,50.8,45.8,46.1,47.0,57.2,50.4 1999.355.23:43:39.88/tsys2/53.9,53.1,47.4,44.5,45.9,47.6,56.1 1999.355.23:43:44.45/wx/-9.6,964.4,76.7 1999.355.23:43:44.50/cable/+3.82659E-02 1999.355.23:43:44.55/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40286,25626,0,1pps 1999.355.23:43:44.60/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10268,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:43:44.68/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16053,16201,545,1pps 1999.355.23:43:44.76/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15873,15811,554,1pps 1999.355.23:43:44.84/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16076,16245,550,1pps 1999.355.23:43:45.82#setcl#time/62942131,1,1999,355,23,43,46.00,0.082,35.077,22 1999.355.23:43:45.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:43:48.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.23:43:49.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:43:49.02:!1999.355.23:45:23 1999.355.23:45:23.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:45:23.00:et 1999.355.23:45:23.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:45:26.05:tape 1999.355.23:45:26.12/tape/low,10960,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:45:26.12:postob 1999.355.23:45:26.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.355.23:45:32.67:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:45:32.97/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:45:42.09:!1999.355.23:46:13 1999.355.23:46:13.00:preob 1999.355.23:46:15.75/tpical/21163,20332,20986,22070,21699,21975,22325,22411,55021,14403 1999.355.23:46:15.82/tpical/20760,21056,22022,22011,22105,21727,34298 1999.355.23:46:15.90:!1999.355.23:46:23 1999.355.23:46:23.00:tape 1999.355.23:46:23.07/tape/low,10960,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:46:23.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:46:23.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:46:23.12:midob 1999.355.23:46:23.23/tpi/16085,15688,16054,16284,16011,15750,16078,16158,41879,10634 1999.355.23:46:23.30/tpi/15809,15948,16216,16002,16103,16010,26214 1999.355.23:46:23.86/tsys1/59.3,62.8,60.8,52.4,52.5,47.2,47.7,47.9,59.5,52.5 1999.355.23:46:23.87/tsys2/56.2,55.0,49.2,46.8,47.4,49.5,57.4 1999.355.23:46:28.04/wx/-9.6,964.3,76.7 1999.355.23:46:28.18/cable/+3.82692E-02 1999.355.23:46:28.23/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41855,26196,0,1pps 1999.355.23:46:28.28/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10621,98,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:46:28.36/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15691,15792,545,1pps 1999.355.23:46:28.44/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15758,16335,554,1pps 1999.355.23:46:28.52/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16202,15950,550,1pps 1999.355.23:46:28.81#setcl#time/62958430,1,1999,355,23,46,29.00,0.089,35.122,23 1999.355.23:46:28.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:46:31.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.23:46:32.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:46:32.02:!1999.355.23:48:01 1999.355.23:48:01.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:48:01.00:et 1999.355.23:48:01.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:48:04.05:tape 1999.355.23:48:04.12/tape/low,11613,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:48:04.12:postob 1999.355.23:48:04.13:source=3c446,222311.1,-051217.9,1950.0 1999.355.23:48:10.67:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:48:10.97/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:48:20.09:!1999.355.23:51:28 1999.355.23:51:28.00:preob 1999.355.23:51:30.75/tpical/19975,19564,20397,21087,19933,21088,21320,21417,62526,16521 1999.355.23:51:30.82/tpical/20592,20962,21126,21394,21729,21432,36841 1999.355.23:51:30.89:!1999.355.23:51:38 1999.355.23:51:38.00:tape 1999.355.23:51:38.07/tape/low,11613,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:51:38.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:51:38.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:51:38.12:midob 1999.355.23:51:38.23/tpi/15677,15647,16177,16216,15424,15885,16128,16232,49282,12751 1999.355.23:51:38.30/tpi/15968,16245,15933,15940,16268,16187,28747 1999.355.23:51:38.87/tsys1/68.3,74.2,71.6,62.0,63.8,56.9,57.6,58.0,69.7,63.2 1999.355.23:51:38.88/tsys2/60.8,60.7,54.0,51.3,52.6,54.5,63.0 1999.355.23:51:43.77/wx/-9.6,964.3,76.8 1999.355.23:51:43.86/cable/+3.82636E-02 1999.355.23:51:43.91/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,49263,28753,0,1pps 1999.355.23:51:43.96/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12746,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:51:44.04/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15613,16069,545,1pps 1999.355.23:51:44.12/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.36,lock,15889,16209,554,1pps 1999.355.23:51:44.20/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.68,lock,15930,16036,550,1pps 1999.355.23:51:46.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.23:51:47.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:51:47.02:!1999.355.23:53:16 1999.355.23:51:47.82#setcl#time/62990331,1,1999,355,23,51,48.00,0.082,35.211,22 1999.355.23:51:47.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:53:16.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:53:16.00:et 1999.355.23:53:16.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:53:19.05:tape 1999.355.23:53:19.12/tape/low,12265,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:53:19.12:postob 1999.355.23:53:19.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.355.23:53:25.66:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:53:25.96/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:53:35.08:!1999.355.23:55:01 1999.355.23:55:01.00:preob 1999.355.23:55:03.75/tpical/20828,21241,21123,21778,21380,22522,22402,22791,54168,14196 1999.355.23:55:03.82/tpical/21009,21333,21814,22591,21994,22179,33359 1999.355.23:55:03.90:!1999.355.23:55:11 1999.355.23:55:11.00:tape 1999.355.23:55:11.07/tape/low,12265,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:55:11.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:55:11.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:55:11.12:midob 1999.355.23:55:11.23/tpi/15714,16298,16036,15983,15679,16012,16020,16304,40972,10402 1999.355.23:55:11.30/tpi/15827,15969,15857,16201,15852,16183,25316 1999.355.23:55:11.86/tsys1/57.5,61.3,58.9,51.3,51.3,45.9,46.5,46.6,58.0,51.0 1999.355.23:55:11.87/tsys2/53.7,52.5,46.8,44.6,45.6,47.7,55.7 1999.355.23:55:16.44/wx/-9.4,964.3,76.7 1999.355.23:55:16.50/cable/+3.82698E-02 1999.355.23:55:16.55/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40972,25347,0,1pps 1999.355.23:55:16.60/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10400,99,4063,1pps 1999.355.23:55:16.68/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16287,15373,545,1pps 1999.355.23:55:16.76/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16010,16012,554,1pps 1999.355.23:55:16.84/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16175,16019,550,1pps 1999.355.23:55:19.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.355.23:55:20.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:55:20.02:!1999.355.23:56:49 1999.355.23:55:20.82#setcl#time/63011631,1,1999,355,23,55,21.00,0.082,35.270,22 1999.355.23:55:20.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:56:49.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:56:49.00:et 1999.355.23:56:49.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:56:52.05:tape 1999.355.23:56:52.12/tape/low,12918,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.23:56:52.12:postob 1999.355.23:56:52.13:source=3c371,180718.6,694857.2,1950.0 1999.355.23:56:58.68:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:56:58.98/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:57:08.10:!1999.355.23:57:22 1999.355.23:57:22.00:preob 1999.355.23:57:24.75/tpical/21300,20275,21093,22213,21807,22154,22489,22581,55238,14484 1999.355.23:57:24.82/tpical/20828,21076,22081,22079,22152,21831,34385 1999.355.23:57:24.90:!1999.355.23:57:32 1999.355.23:57:32.00:tape 1999.355.23:57:32.07/tape/low,12918,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.355.23:57:32.07:st=for,80 1999.355.23:57:32.12:data_valid=on 1999.355.23:57:32.12:midob 1999.355.23:57:32.23/tpi/16130,15657,16086,16350,16105,15834,16138,16236,41957,10664 1999.355.23:57:32.30/tpi/15835,15924,16225,16020,16131,16059,26332 1999.355.23:57:32.86/tsys1/58.4,63.0,60.0,51.9,52.7,46.7,47.1,47.4,59.0,52.0 1999.355.23:57:32.87/tsys2/55.8,54.5,48.8,46.5,47.3,49.1,57.9 1999.355.23:57:37.13/wx/-9.4,964.3,76.4 1999.355.23:57:37.30/cable/+3.82696E-02 1999.355.23:57:37.35/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41945,26341,0,1pps 1999.355.23:57:37.40/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10664,99,4095,1pps 1999.355.23:57:37.48/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15629,15794,545,1pps 1999.355.23:57:37.56/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15832,15836,554,1pps 1999.355.23:57:37.64/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16226,15977,550,1pps 1999.355.23:57:39.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.355.23:57:40.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.355.23:57:40.02:!1999.355.23:59:38 1999.355.23:57:40.82#setcl#time/63025631,1,1999,355,23,57,41.00,0.082,35.309,22 1999.355.23:57:40.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.355.23:59:38.00:data_valid=off 1999.355.23:59:38.00:et 1999.355.23:59:38.04:!+3s 1999.355.23:59:41.05:tape 1999.355.23:59:41.12/tape/low,13758,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.355.23:59:41.12:postob 1999.355.23:59:41.13:source=1418+546,141806.2,543658.4,1950.0 1999.355.23:59:47.67:nw2c1=5 1999.355.23:59:47.97/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.355.23:59:57.09:!1999.356.00:00:18 1999.356.00:00:18.00:preob 1999.356.00:00:20.74/tpical/21493,20742,21267,22171,22104,22949,22479,22753,52957,13942 1999.356.00:00:20.82/tpical/21704,21268,22151,22493,22381,22469,31975 1999.356.00:00:20.89:!1999.356.00:00:28 1999.356.00:00:28.00:tape 1999.356.00:00:28.07/tape/low,13758,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:00:28.07:st=for,80 1999.356.00:00:28.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:00:28.12:midob 1999.356.00:00:28.23/tpi/16035,15804,15965,16148,16067,16153,15913,16157,39717,10126 1999.356.00:00:28.30/tpi/16198,15835,15901,15936,15968,16182,24092 1999.356.00:00:28.86/tsys1/55.0,59.5,56.2,49.9,49.6,44.3,44.9,45.4,56.0,49.4 1999.356.00:00:28.87/tsys2/51.8,51.4,44.8,42.7,44.0,45.5,54.0 1999.356.00:00:33.81/wx/-9.4,964.4,76.5 1999.356.00:00:33.94/cable/+3.82680E-02 1999.356.00:00:33.99/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39715,24102,0,1pps 1999.356.00:00:34.04/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10130,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:00:34.12/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15805,15925,545,1pps 1999.356.00:00:34.20/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16170,16181,554,1pps 1999.356.00:00:34.28/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.63,lock,15885,16148,550,1pps 1999.356.00:00:36.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.00:00:37.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:00:37.02:!1999.356.00:06:58 1999.356.00:00:37.82#setcl#time/63043331,1,1999,356,00,00,38.00,0.081,35.358,22 1999.356.00:00:37.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.00:04:08.12/wx/-9.3,964.4,76.5 1999.356.00:06:58.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:06:58.00:et 1999.356.00:06:58.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:07:01.05:tape 1999.356.00:07:01.12/tape/low,16357,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:07:01.12:postob 1999.356.00:07:01.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.00:07:07.67:nw2c1=5 1999.356.00:07:07.97/pass/5,,auto,-220.0,,-220.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.00:07:17.09:!1999.356.00:07:56 1999.356.00:07:56.00:preob 1999.356.00:07:58.75/tpical/21446,20629,21363,22146,21196,22760,22748,22512,56037,14822 1999.356.00:07:58.82/tpical/21553,21051,22393,22362,22464,22485,34593 1999.356.00:07:58.90:!1999.356.00:08:06 1999.356.00:08:06.00:tape 1999.356.00:08:06.07/tape/low,16357,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:08:06.07:st=for,80 1999.356.00:08:06.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:08:06.12:midob 1999.356.00:08:06.23/tpi/16304,15969,16353,16441,15754,16479,16486,16377,42733,11002 1999.356.00:08:06.30/tpi/16361,15936,16392,16160,16336,16475,26642 1999.356.00:08:06.86/tsys1/59.4,63.7,61.0,53.7,54.0,49.0,48.8,49.5,60.0,53.7 1999.356.00:08:06.87/tsys2/55.5,54.9,48.1,45.8,47.1,48.4,59.3 1999.356.00:08:11.87/wx/-9.2,964.4,76.7 1999.356.00:08:12.02/cable/+3.82628E-02 1999.356.00:08:12.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42740,26584,0,1pps 1999.356.00:08:12.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11001,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:08:12.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15969,16038,545,1pps 1999.356.00:08:12.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15926,15741,554,1pps 1999.356.00:08:12.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16042,16158,550,1pps 1999.356.00:08:14.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.00:08:15.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:08:15.02:!1999.356.00:09:44 1999.356.00:08:15.82#setcl#time/63089131,1,1999,356,00,08,16.00,0.081,35.485,22 1999.356.00:08:15.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:09:44.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:09:44.00:et 1999.356.00:09:44.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:09:47.05:tape 1999.356.00:09:47.12/tape/low,17009,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:09:47.12:postob 1999.356.00:09:47.13:source=0202+149,020207.4,145950.8,1950.0 1999.356.00:09:53.68:midtp 1999.356.00:09:56.40/tpzero/236,347,276,323,295,291,379,398,725,219 1999.356.00:09:56.47/tpzero/348,331,359,379,295,296,449 1999.356.00:09:57.17/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.45 1999.356.00:09:57.27/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 1999.356.00:09:57.37/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.04 1999.356.00:09:57.47/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.965 1999.356.00:09:57.57/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.963 1999.356.00:09:57.67/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.43 1999.356.00:09:57.77/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.59 1999.356.00:09:57.77:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:09:58.54/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:10:07.66:fastf=0m39s 1999.356.00:10:46.74:!1999.356.00:11:57 1999.356.00:11:57.00:preob 1999.356.00:11:59.74/tpical/20184,19724,20440,21143,21257,21645,21823,21736,59420,15691 1999.356.00:11:59.82/tpical/20931,20379,21696,22060,21562,21356,36220 1999.356.00:11:59.90:!1999.356.00:12:07 1999.356.00:12:07.00:tape 1999.356.00:12:07.07/tape/low,17887,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:12:07.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:12:07.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:12:07.12:midob 1999.356.00:12:07.23/tpi/15640,15570,15988,16060,16179,16061,16251,16208,46206,11916 1999.356.00:12:07.30/tpi/16104,15664,16213,16270,16015,15965,28646 1999.356.00:12:07.86/tsys1/64.4,69.6,67.1,58.8,59.4,53.7,54.1,54.3,65.4,58.9 1999.356.00:12:07.87/tsys2/58.8,58.5,52.0,49.4,51.0,52.3,67.0 1999.356.00:12:12.36/wx/-9.1,964.6,76.7 1999.356.00:12:12.50/cable/+3.82631E-02 1999.356.00:12:12.55/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46225,28212,0,1pps 1999.356.00:12:12.60/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11924,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.00:12:12.68/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15585,16016,545,1pps 1999.356.00:12:12.76/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16069,15765,554,1pps 1999.356.00:12:12.84/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.42, 1.79,lock,16341,16338,550,1pps 1999.356.00:12:15.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.00:12:16.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:12:16.02:!1999.356.00:14:32 1999.356.00:12:16.82#setcl#time/63113231,1,1999,356,00,12,17.00,0.081,35.552,22 1999.356.00:12:16.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:14:32.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:14:32.00:et 1999.356.00:14:32.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:14:35.05:tape 1999.356.00:14:35.12/tape/low,16920,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:14:35.12:postob 1999.356.00:14:35.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.00:14:41.65:checkr80 1999.356.00:15:11.66/parity/0.,14.,0.,2.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,4.,0.,2.,0.,18. 1999.356.00:15:11.66/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.00:15:29.69:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:15:29.99/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:15:39.11:!1999.356.00:16:45 1999.356.00:16:45.00:preob 1999.356.00:16:47.75/tpical/20732,21235,21043,21952,21222,22419,22692,22653,53707,14079 1999.356.00:16:47.83/tpical/21080,21393,21965,22143,22200,21882,33586 1999.356.00:16:47.91:!1999.356.00:16:55 1999.356.00:16:55.00:tape 1999.356.00:16:55.07/tape/low,16920,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:16:55.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:16:55.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:16:55.12:midob 1999.356.00:16:55.23/tpi/15566,16222,15923,16064,15528,15923,16184,16182,40534,10294 1999.356.00:16:55.31/tpi/15961,16081,15994,15926,16048,15977,25551 1999.356.00:16:55.87/tsys1/56.4,60.2,58.1,50.8,50.8,45.7,46.1,46.3,57.4,50.6 1999.356.00:16:55.88/tsys2/54.9,53.4,47.1,45.0,46.1,47.8,56.2 1999.356.00:17:00.28/wx/-9.2,964.4,76.8 1999.356.00:17:00.34/cable/+3.82663E-02 1999.356.00:17:00.39/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40531,25544,0,1pps 1999.356.00:17:00.44/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10294,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.00:17:00.52/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16236,16392,545,1pps 1999.356.00:17:00.60/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15901,15843,554,1pps 1999.356.00:17:00.68/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,15987,16190,550,1pps 1999.356.00:17:02.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.00:17:03.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:17:03.02:!1999.356.00:18:33 1999.356.00:17:03.82#setcl#time/63141931,1,1999,356,00,17,04.00,0.081,35.632,22 1999.356.00:17:03.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:18:33.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:18:33.00:et 1999.356.00:18:33.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:18:36.05:tape 1999.356.00:18:36.12/tape/low,16267,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.356.00:18:36.12:postob 1999.356.00:18:36.13:source=1357+769,135742.2,765753.8,1950.0 1999.356.00:18:42.67:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:18:42.97/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:18:52.09:!1999.356.00:22:34 1999.356.00:22:34.00:preob 1999.356.00:22:36.74/tpical/21142,20290,21437,22077,21733,22092,22402,22491,54982,14416 1999.356.00:22:36.81/tpical/21331,21592,22186,22245,22243,21952,33734 1999.356.00:22:36.89:!1999.356.00:22:44 1999.356.00:22:44.00:tape 1999.356.00:22:44.07/tape/low,16267,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:22:44.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:22:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:22:44.12:midob 1999.356.00:22:44.23/tpi/15971,15608,16329,16228,16020,15731,16092,16154,41697,10595 1999.356.00:22:44.30/tpi/16114,16225,16154,15967,16051,16031,25635 1999.356.00:22:44.86/tsys1/57.8,61.9,59.7,51.7,52.3,46.1,47.3,47.2,58.6,51.6 1999.356.00:22:44.87/tsys2/54.4,53.3,47.1,44.7,45.8,47.8,56.0 1999.356.00:22:48.74/wx/-9.3,964.5,76.8 1999.356.00:22:48.82/cable/+3.82680E-02 1999.356.00:22:48.87/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41703,25630,0,1pps 1999.356.00:22:48.92/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10600,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:22:49.00/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15596,15742,545,1pps 1999.356.00:22:49.08/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15763,15763,554,1pps 1999.356.00:22:49.16/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16169,15942,550,1pps 1999.356.00:22:51.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.00:22:52.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:22:52.02:!1999.356.00:24:22 1999.356.00:22:52.82#setcl#time/63176831,1,1999,356,00,22,53.00,0.081,35.729,22 1999.356.00:22:52.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:23:56.29;"weather - overcast skies, light snow sticking to antenna 1999.356.00:24:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:24:22.00:et 1999.356.00:24:22.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:24:25.05:tape 1999.356.00:24:25.12/tape/low,15615,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:24:25.12:postob 1999.356.00:24:25.13:source=da426,165211.8,395025.3,1950.0 1999.356.00:24:31.66:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:24:31.96/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:24:41.08:!1999.356.00:25:08 1999.356.00:25:08.00:preob 1999.356.00:25:10.74/tpical/21624,20946,21348,22287,22148,22200,22544,22827,53148,13971 1999.356.00:25:10.81/tpical/21022,21444,22337,22767,22654,22290,32255 1999.356.00:25:10.89:!1999.356.00:25:18 1999.356.00:25:18.00:tape 1999.356.00:25:18.07/tape/low,15615,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:25:18.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:25:18.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:25:18.12:midob 1999.356.00:25:18.23/tpi/16178,15907,16032,16204,16113,15659,15982,16189,39880,10152 1999.356.00:25:18.30/tpi/15728,15973,16086,16170,16207,16138,24392 1999.356.00:25:18.86/tsys1/55.6,58.7,56.3,49.6,49.8,44.6,45.2,45.2,56.1,49.4 1999.356.00:25:18.87/tsys2/52.3,51.5,45.3,43.1,44.4,46.4,54.8 1999.356.00:25:24.15/wx/-9.3,964.5,76.9 1999.356.00:25:24.34/cable/+3.82704E-02 1999.356.00:25:24.39/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39881,24403,0,1pps 1999.356.00:25:24.44/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10149,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:25:24.52/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15892,16056,545,1pps 1999.356.00:25:24.60/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15660,15651,554,1pps 1999.356.00:25:24.68/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16070,15994,550,1pps 1999.356.00:25:27.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.00:25:28.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:25:28.02:!1999.356.00:27:34 1999.356.00:25:28.82#setcl#time/63192431,1,1999,356,00,25,29.00,0.081,35.772,22 1999.356.00:25:28.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:27:34.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:27:34.00:et 1999.356.00:27:34.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:27:37.05:tape 1999.356.00:27:37.12/tape/low,14709,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:27:37.12:postob 1999.356.00:27:37.13:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.356.00:27:43.68:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:27:43.98/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:27:53.10:!1999.356.00:29:07 1999.356.00:29:07.00:preob 1999.356.00:29:09.75/tpical/20645,21291,21080,22087,21429,22675,22556,22619,53870,14202 1999.356.00:29:09.82/tpical/21144,21514,22071,22264,22389,22007,33718 1999.356.00:29:09.89:!1999.356.00:29:17 1999.356.00:29:17.00:tape 1999.356.00:29:17.07/tape/low,14709,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:29:17.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:29:17.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:29:17.12:midob 1999.356.00:29:17.23/tpi/15494,16267,15955,16175,15682,16109,16106,16181,40608,10387 1999.356.00:29:17.30/tpi/15935,16156,16079,16053,16234,16112,25669 1999.356.00:29:17.86/tsys1/56.3,60.2,58.1,50.9,50.9,45.8,46.3,46.6,57.1,50.6 1999.356.00:29:17.87/tsys2/53.9,53.2,47.2,45.4,46.6,48.3,56.4 1999.356.00:29:23.00/wx/-9.4,964.5,76.7 1999.356.00:29:23.06/cable/+3.82668E-02 1999.356.00:29:23.11/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40618,25657,0,1pps 1999.356.00:29:23.16/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10386,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:29:23.24/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16268,15332,545,1pps 1999.356.00:29:23.32/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16125,16035,554,1pps 1999.356.00:29:23.40/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16074,16263,550,1pps 1999.356.00:29:25.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.00:29:26.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:29:26.02:!1999.356.00:30:55 1999.356.00:29:26.82#setcl#time/63216231,1,1999,356,00,29,27.00,0.080,35.838,22 1999.356.00:29:26.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:30:55.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:30:55.00:et 1999.356.00:30:55.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:30:58.05:tape 1999.356.00:30:58.12/tape/low,14056,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.356.00:30:58.12:postob 1999.356.00:30:58.13:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 1999.356.00:31:04.67:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:31:04.97/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:31:14.09:!1999.356.00:32:40 1999.356.00:32:40.00:preob 1999.356.00:32:42.74/tpical/20595,20958,21113,21697,21473,22384,22421,22458,56964,15037 1999.356.00:32:42.81/tpical/21035,21376,22291,22568,22544,22101,33571 1999.356.00:32:42.89:!1999.356.00:32:50 1999.356.00:32:50.00:tape 1999.356.00:32:50.07/tape/low,14056,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.9,85,okay 1999.356.00:32:50.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:32:50.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:32:50.12:midob 1999.356.00:32:50.23/tpi/15713,16265,16216,16164,16042,16247,16317,16363,43592,11207 1999.356.00:32:50.30/tpi/15938,16191,16321,16318,16394,16232,25687 1999.356.00:32:50.86/tsys1/60.2,64.4,61.8,54.4,55.1,49.4,49.6,49.8,60.9,54.5 1999.356.00:32:50.87/tsys2/55.1,55.1,48.1,45.9,47.1,48.9,57.6 1999.356.00:32:55.68/wx/-9.5,964.6,76.8 1999.356.00:32:55.86/cable/+3.82701E-02 1999.356.00:32:55.91/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43587,25682,0,1pps 1999.356.00:32:55.96/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11203,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:32:56.04/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,16259,15995,545,1pps 1999.356.00:32:56.12/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16233,16145,554,1pps 1999.356.00:32:56.21/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16318,16167,550,1pps 1999.356.00:32:56.80#setcl#time/63237229,1,1999,356,00,32,57.00,0.094,35.896,24 1999.356.00:32:56.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:32:58.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.00:32:59.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:32:59.02:!1999.356.00:34:28 1999.356.00:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.00:34:07.66/wx/-9.5,964.6,76.9 1999.356.00:34:28.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:34:28.00:et 1999.356.00:34:28.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:34:31.05:tape 1999.356.00:34:31.12/tape/low,13404,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:34:31.12:postob 1999.356.00:34:31.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.00:34:37.66:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:34:37.96/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:34:47.08:!1999.356.00:43:08 1999.356.00:43:08.00:preob 1999.356.00:43:10.75/tpical/20617,21104,21487,22011,21255,22431,22367,22708,53664,14105 1999.356.00:43:10.82/tpical/21251,21532,22158,22202,22210,22318,33730 1999.356.00:43:10.90:!1999.356.00:43:18 1999.356.00:43:18.00:tape 1999.356.00:43:18.07/tape/low,13404,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:43:18.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:43:18.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:43:18.12:midob 1999.356.00:43:18.23/tpi/15490,16157,16267,16084,15558,15923,15989,16249,40478,10309 1999.356.00:43:18.30/tpi/16011,16186,16111,15943,16074,16311,25648 1999.356.00:43:18.86/tsys1/56.5,60.7,58.2,50.5,50.9,45.6,46.5,46.6,57.3,50.5 1999.356.00:43:18.87/tsys2/53.8,53.4,46.9,44.8,46.3,48.0,56.1 1999.356.00:43:23.88/wx/-9.5,964.1,77.1 1999.356.00:43:24.02/cable/+3.82658E-02 1999.356.00:43:24.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40480,25663,0,1pps 1999.356.00:43:24.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10324,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:43:24.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16150,16282,545,1pps 1999.356.00:43:24.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15925,15867,554,1pps 1999.356.00:43:24.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16134,16293,550,1pps 1999.356.00:43:26.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.00:43:27.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:43:27.02:!1999.356.00:45:02 1999.356.00:43:27.82#setcl#time/63300331,1,1999,356,00,43,28.00,0.080,36.072,22 1999.356.00:43:27.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:45:02.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:45:02.00:et 1999.356.00:45:02.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:45:05.05:tape 1999.356.00:45:05.12/tape/low,12711,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:45:05.12:postob 1999.356.00:45:05.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.00:45:11.67:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:45:11.97/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:45:21.09:!1999.356.00:46:00 1999.356.00:46:00.00:preob 1999.356.00:46:02.74/tpical/20979,20093,21238,21906,21573,22705,22627,22612,54509,14307 1999.356.00:46:02.82/tpical/21508,20889,21900,22437,22378,22047,34471 1999.356.00:46:02.90:!1999.356.00:46:10 1999.356.00:46:10.00:tape 1999.356.00:46:10.07/tape/low,12711,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:46:10.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:46:10.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:46:10.12:midob 1999.356.00:46:10.23/tpi/15820,15449,16152,16088,15851,16198,16250,16267,41309,10513 1999.356.00:46:10.30/tpi/16279,15755,16016,16203,16246,16164,26402 1999.356.00:46:10.86/tsys1/57.4,61.8,59.3,51.5,51.7,46.4,47.3,47.5,58.4,51.6 1999.356.00:46:10.87/tsys2/54.8,54.1,47.9,45.7,46.8,48.6,57.9 1999.356.00:46:15.65/wx/-9.5,964.2,77.1 1999.356.00:46:15.70/cable/+3.82666E-02 1999.356.00:46:15.75/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41294,26403,0,1pps 1999.356.00:46:15.80/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10507,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:46:15.88/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15446,15544,545,1pps 1999.356.00:46:15.96/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16181,16175,554,1pps 1999.356.00:46:16.04/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16014,16186,550,1pps 1999.356.00:46:18.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.00:46:19.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:46:19.02:!1999.356.00:48:55 1999.356.00:46:19.82#setcl#time/63317531,1,1999,356,00,46,20.00,0.080,36.119,22 1999.356.00:46:19.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:48:55.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:48:55.00:et 1999.356.00:48:55.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:48:58.05:tape 1999.356.00:48:58.12/tape/low,11612,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:48:58.12:postob 1999.356.00:48:58.13:source=0718+793,071808.7,791722.7,1950.0 1999.356.00:49:04.66:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:49:04.96/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:49:14.08:!1999.356.00:50:22 1999.356.00:50:22.00:preob 1999.356.00:50:24.75/tpical/20808,21357,21170,21828,21503,22638,22189,22586,54297,14261 1999.356.00:50:24.82/tpical/21031,21276,22275,22457,22281,22013,33243 1999.356.00:50:24.90:!1999.356.00:50:32 1999.356.00:50:32.00:tape 1999.356.00:50:32.07/tape/low,11612,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:50:32.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:50:32.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:50:32.12:midob 1999.356.00:50:32.23/tpi/15721,16428,16097,16046,15800,16160,15896,16265,41128,10477 1999.356.00:50:32.30/tpi/15851,15986,16184,16063,16033,16004,25201 1999.356.00:50:32.86/tsys1/57.8,62.0,59.3,51.7,51.7,46.5,46.8,47.7,58.3,51.5 1999.356.00:50:32.87/tsys2/53.9,53.3,46.8,44.2,45.3,47.1,55.4 1999.356.00:50:37.40/wx/-9.4,964.2,77.0 1999.356.00:50:37.46/cable/+3.82652E-02 1999.356.00:50:37.51/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41133,25208,0,1pps 1999.356.00:50:37.56/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10479,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:50:37.64/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15364,15488,545,1pps 1999.356.00:50:37.72/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16156,16151,554,1pps 1999.356.00:50:37.80/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16172,16051,550,1pps 1999.356.00:50:40.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.00:50:41.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:50:41.02:!1999.356.00:53:59 1999.356.00:50:41.82#setcl#time/63343731,1,1999,356,00,50,42.00,0.080,36.192,22 1999.356.00:50:41.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:53:59.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:53:59.00:et 1999.356.00:53:59.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:54:02.05:tape 1999.356.00:54:02.12/tape/low,10232,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:54:02.12:postob 1999.356.00:54:02.13:source=1144+402,114421.0,401514.6,1950.0 1999.356.00:54:08.68:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:54:08.98/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:54:18.10:!1999.356.00:55:23 1999.356.00:55:23.00:preob 1999.356.00:55:25.75/tpical/20878,20287,20864,21443,21779,21753,21981,22297,57661,15228 1999.356.00:55:25.82/tpical/21164,21520,21977,22126,22247,22255,33719 1999.356.00:55:25.89:!1999.356.00:55:33 1999.356.00:55:33.00:tape 1999.356.00:55:33.07/tape/low,10232,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:55:33.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:55:33.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:55:33.12:midob 1999.356.00:55:33.23/tpi/15995,15849,16121,16073,16327,15911,16086,16351,44322,11406 1999.356.00:55:33.30/tpi/16072,16313,16091,16012,16219,16355,25812 1999.356.00:55:33.86/tsys1/61.3,66.4,63.5,55.7,55.9,50.8,50.6,51.0,62.1,55.6 1999.356.00:55:33.87/tsys2/55.6,55.2,48.1,46.0,47.6,49.0,57.7 1999.356.00:55:38.41/wx/-9.5,964.1,77.1 1999.356.00:55:38.58/cable/+3.82640E-02 1999.356.00:55:38.63/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44328,25791,0,1pps 1999.356.00:55:38.68/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11404,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.00:55:38.76/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15838,16296,545,1pps 1999.356.00:55:38.84/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,15907,15730,554,1pps 1999.356.00:55:38.93/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16109,16329,550,1pps 1999.356.00:55:41.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.00:55:42.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:55:42.02:!1999.356.00:57:53 1999.356.00:55:42.82#setcl#time/63373831,1,1999,356,00,55,43.00,0.079,36.276,22 1999.356.00:55:42.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.00:57:53.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.00:57:53.00:et 1999.356.00:57:53.04:!+3s 1999.356.00:57:56.05:tape 1999.356.00:57:56.12/tape/low,09300,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:57:56.12:postob 1999.356.00:57:56.13:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 1999.356.00:58:02.67:nw2c2=6 1999.356.00:58:02.97/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.00:58:12.09:!1999.356.00:58:26 1999.356.00:58:26.00:preob 1999.356.00:58:28.75/tpical/20882,20332,20913,21486,20639,21828,21995,22353,57738,15243 1999.356.00:58:28.82/tpical/21234,20735,22012,22175,21889,21790,34462 1999.356.00:58:28.90:!1999.356.00:58:36 1999.356.00:58:36.00:tape 1999.356.00:58:36.07/tape/low,09300,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.00:58:36.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.00:58:36.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.00:58:36.12:midob 1999.356.00:58:36.23/tpi/16041,15875,16147,16106,15462,15929,16103,16379,44403,11421 1999.356.00:58:36.30/tpi/16132,15683,16146,16057,15949,16029,26434 1999.356.00:58:36.87/tsys1/62.0,66.2,63.3,55.7,55.7,50.4,50.7,50.8,62.2,55.7 1999.356.00:58:36.88/tsys2/55.7,54.7,48.4,46.1,47.4,49.2,58.3 1999.356.00:58:41.64/wx/-9.7,964.1,77.1 1999.356.00:58:41.78/cable/+3.82670E-02 1999.356.00:58:41.83/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44390,26357,0,1pps 1999.356.00:58:41.88/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11417,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.00:58:41.96/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15840,16288,545,1pps 1999.356.00:58:42.04/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,15932,15762,554,1pps 1999.356.00:58:42.12/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16148,15967,550,1pps 1999.356.00:58:44.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.00:58:45.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.00:58:45.02:!1999.356.01:00:14 1999.356.00:58:45.82#setcl#time/63392131,1,1999,356,00,58,46.00,0.079,36.327,22 1999.356.00:58:45.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:00:14.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:00:14.00:et 1999.356.01:00:14.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:00:17.05:tape 1999.356.01:00:17.12/tape/low,08647,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:00:17.12:postob 1999.356.01:00:17.13:source=0202+149,020207.4,145950.8,1950.0 1999.356.01:00:23.67:nw2c2=6 1999.356.01:00:23.97/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.01:00:33.09:!1999.356.01:03:07 1999.356.01:03:07.00:preob 1999.356.01:03:09.75/tpical/20684,20220,20811,21841,21688,21741,22245,22280,57389,15172 1999.356.01:03:09.83/tpical/21305,20806,21595,22073,21946,21888,35107 1999.356.01:03:09.91:!1999.356.01:03:17 1999.356.01:03:17.00:tape 1999.356.01:03:17.07/tape/low,08647,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:03:17.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.01:03:17.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:03:17.12:midob 1999.356.01:03:17.23/tpi/15904,15765,16089,16354,16281,15884,16339,16385,44163,11383 1999.356.01:03:17.30/tpi/16254,15857,15997,16163,16113,16234,27004 1999.356.01:03:17.86/tsys1/62.3,65.8,63.6,55.5,56.2,50.6,51.3,51.5,62.4,56.0 1999.356.01:03:17.87/tsys2/56.7,56.5,50.3,48.1,48.8,50.7,59.0 1999.356.01:03:23.01/wx/-9.6,964.1,77.0 1999.356.01:03:23.06/cable/+3.82644E-02 1999.356.01:03:23.11/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44172,26998,0,1pps 1999.356.01:03:23.16/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11384,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.01:03:23.24/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15773,16231,545,1pps 1999.356.01:03:23.32/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -1.84,lock,15883,16310,554,1pps 1999.356.01:03:23.40/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.53, 2.01,lock,15975,16095,550,1pps 1999.356.01:03:25.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.01:03:26.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:03:26.02:!1999.356.01:05:52 1999.356.01:03:26.82#setcl#time/63420231,1,1999,356,01,03,27.00,0.079,36.405,22 1999.356.01:03:26.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.01:04:08.82/wx/-9.7,964.2,77.1 1999.356.01:04:08.82;"weather - overcast skies, light snow sticking to antenna 1999.356.01:05:52.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:05:52.00:et 1999.356.01:05:52.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:05:55.05:tape 1999.356.01:05:55.12/tape/low,07615,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:05:55.12:postob 1999.356.01:05:55.13:source=3c446,222311.1,-051217.9,1950.0 1999.356.01:06:01.65:nw2c2=6 1999.356.01:06:01.95/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.01:06:11.07:!1999.356.01:07:00 1999.356.01:07:00.00:preob 1999.356.01:07:02.75/tpical/21418,20925,20826,22082,21229,22517,22268,22409,59302,15680 1999.356.01:07:02.83/tpical/20870,21235,22057,22013,22438,21824,35867 1999.356.01:07:02.90:!1999.356.01:07:10 1999.356.01:07:10.00:tape 1999.356.01:07:10.07/tape/low,07615,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:07:10.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.01:07:10.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:07:10.12:midob 1999.356.01:07:10.23/tpi/16602,16487,16259,16712,16158,16659,16541,16639,46045,11894 1999.356.01:07:10.31/tpi/16037,16289,16461,16229,16630,16318,27740 1999.356.01:07:10.87/tsys1/64.6,69.1,66.5,58.0,59.4,53.1,53.6,53.5,65.0,58.6 1999.356.01:07:10.88/tsys2/58.4,58.1,51.8,49.3,50.6,52.4,60.4 1999.356.01:07:15.31/wx/-9.6,964.1,77.1 1999.356.01:07:15.38/cable/+3.82610E-02 1999.356.01:07:15.43/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46027,27724,0,1pps 1999.356.01:07:15.48/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11889,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.01:07:15.56/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15519,15915,545,1pps 1999.356.01:07:15.64/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16030,15760,554,1pps 1999.356.01:07:15.72/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.42, 1.90,lock,16064,16136,550,1pps 1999.356.01:07:16.82#setcl#time/63443231,1,1999,356,01,07,17.00,0.079,36.469,22 1999.356.01:07:16.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:07:19.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.01:07:20.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:07:20.02:!1999.356.01:08:48 1999.356.01:08:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:08:48.00:et 1999.356.01:08:48.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:08:51.05:tape 1999.356.01:08:51.12/tape/low,06962,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:08:51.12:postob 1999.356.01:08:51.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.01:08:57.65:nw2c2=6 1999.356.01:08:57.95/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.01:09:07.07:!1999.356.01:10:18 1999.356.01:10:18.00:preob 1999.356.01:10:20.75/tpical/21705,20981,21508,22019,21247,22400,22373,22725,53557,14102 1999.356.01:10:20.82/tpical/21118,21461,22378,22793,22579,22266,32284 1999.356.01:10:20.89:!1999.356.01:10:28 1999.356.01:10:28.00:tape 1999.356.01:10:28.07/tape/low,06962,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:10:28.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.01:10:28.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:10:28.12:midob 1999.356.01:10:28.23/tpi/16238,16053,16184,16040,15474,15839,15881,16152,40262,10269 1999.356.01:10:28.30/tpi/15794,15968,16123,16178,16138,16086,24395 1999.356.01:10:28.86/tsys1/55.6,60.6,56.8,49.9,50.0,45.0,45.4,45.5,56.5,49.8 1999.356.01:10:28.87/tsys2/52.2,51.2,45.4,43.0,44.3,46.0,54.6 1999.356.01:10:33.26/wx/-9.6,964.1,77.3 1999.356.01:10:33.30/cable/+3.82689E-02 1999.356.01:10:33.35/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40261,24376,0,1pps 1999.356.01:10:33.40/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10272,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.01:10:33.48/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15963,16149,545,1pps 1999.356.01:10:33.56/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15821,15795,554,1pps 1999.356.01:10:33.64/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16125,16020,550,1pps 1999.356.01:10:33.80#setcl#time/63462929,1,1999,356,01,10,34.00,0.092,36.523,24 1999.356.01:10:33.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:10:35.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.01:10:36.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:10:36.02:!1999.356.01:12:06 1999.356.01:12:06.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:12:06.00:et 1999.356.01:12:06.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:12:09.05:tape 1999.356.01:12:09.12/tape/low,06310,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:12:09.12:postob 1999.356.01:12:09.13:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.356.01:12:15.65:nw2c2=6 1999.356.01:12:15.95/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.01:12:25.07:!1999.356.01:13:07 1999.356.01:13:07.00:preob 1999.356.01:13:09.74/tpical/21641,21027,21475,21971,21225,22471,22780,23095,53488,14110 1999.356.01:13:09.81/tpical/21769,21210,22269,22562,22489,22166,33371 1999.356.01:13:09.89:!1999.356.01:13:17 1999.356.01:13:17.00:tape 1999.356.01:13:17.07/tape/low,06310,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:13:17.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.01:13:17.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:13:17.12:midob 1999.356.01:13:17.23/tpi/16192,16029,16194,16027,15493,15876,16195,16446,40183,10272 1999.356.01:13:17.30/tpi/16305,15897,16139,16152,16229,16134,25396 1999.356.01:13:17.86/tsys1/55.6,59.6,57.3,50.2,50.4,44.9,45.6,45.9,56.3,49.8 1999.356.01:13:17.87/tsys2/52.6,52.7,46.3,44.3,45.8,47.3,56.3 1999.356.01:13:21.76/wx/-9.6,964.2,77.3 1999.356.01:13:21.94/cable/+3.82668E-02 1999.356.01:13:21.99/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40183,25480,0,1pps 1999.356.01:13:22.04/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10271,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.01:13:22.12/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16014,16143,545,1pps 1999.356.01:13:22.20/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15881,15820,554,1pps 1999.356.01:13:22.28/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16125,15949,550,1pps 1999.356.01:13:24.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.01:13:25.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:13:25.02:!1999.356.01:14:55 1999.356.01:13:25.82#setcl#time/63480131,1,1999,356,01,13,26.00,0.079,36.571,22 1999.356.01:13:25.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:14:55.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:14:55.00:et 1999.356.01:14:55.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:14:58.05:tape 1999.356.01:14:58.12/tape/low,05657,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:14:58.12:postob 1999.356.01:14:58.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.01:15:04.65:nw2c2=6 1999.356.01:15:04.95/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.01:15:14.07:!1999.356.01:17:48 1999.356.01:17:48.00:preob 1999.356.01:17:50.75/tpical/20699,20087,21215,21664,21564,22346,22140,22173,57080,15059 1999.356.01:17:50.82/tpical/21245,20731,22058,21986,22282,21746,35208 1999.356.01:17:50.89:!1999.356.01:17:58 1999.356.01:17:58.00:tape 1999.356.01:17:58.07/tape/low,05657,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:17:58.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.01:17:58.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:17:58.12:midob 1999.356.01:17:58.23/tpi/15858,15646,16320,16177,16139,16280,16246,16228,43821,11258 1999.356.01:17:58.30/tpi/16228,15756,16274,16015,16314,16087,27105 1999.356.01:17:58.86/tsys1/61.3,65.5,62.3,54.9,55.5,50.1,51.1,50.6,61.8,55.2 1999.356.01:17:58.87/tsys2/57.0,55.8,49.5,47.1,48.3,50.2,59.2 1999.356.01:18:03.13/wx/-9.4,964.1,77.5 1999.356.01:18:03.22/cable/+3.82596E-02 1999.356.01:18:03.27/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43826,27142,0,1pps 1999.356.01:18:03.32/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11258,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.01:18:03.40/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15662,16088,545,1pps 1999.356.01:18:03.48/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16247,16162,554,1pps 1999.356.01:18:03.56/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,16265,16021,550,1pps 1999.356.01:18:03.82#setcl#time/63507931,1,1999,356,01,18,04.00,0.079,36.648,22 1999.356.01:18:03.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:18:06.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.01:18:07.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:18:07.02:!1999.356.01:19:36 1999.356.01:19:36.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:19:36.00:et 1999.356.01:19:36.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:19:39.05:tape 1999.356.01:19:39.12/tape/low,05004,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:19:39.12:postob 1999.356.01:19:39.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.01:19:45.66:nw2c2=6 1999.356.01:19:45.96/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.01:19:55.08:!1999.356.01:20:56 1999.356.01:20:56.00:preob 1999.356.01:20:58.75/tpical/20278,20606,20823,21691,21200,21971,22112,22455,55993,14801 1999.356.01:20:58.82/tpical/20825,21130,22033,22030,22224,21735,34518 1999.356.01:20:58.90:!1999.356.01:21:06 1999.356.01:21:06.00:tape 1999.356.01:21:06.07/tape/low,05004,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:21:06.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.01:21:06.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:21:06.12:midob 1999.356.01:21:06.23/tpi/15399,15980,15980,16139,15772,15906,16061,16365,42766,11002 1999.356.01:21:06.30/tpi/15808,15968,16114,15882,16139,15914,26344 1999.356.01:21:06.86/tsys1/59.0,64.2,61.6,54.1,54.2,48.9,49.2,49.8,60.4,53.9 1999.356.01:21:06.87/tsys2/55.5,54.5,47.9,45.4,46.9,48.3,57.0 1999.356.01:21:11.26/wx/-9.4,964.2,77.6 1999.356.01:21:11.38/cable/+3.82588E-02 1999.356.01:21:11.43/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42766,26338,0,1pps 1999.356.01:21:11.48/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11003,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.01:21:11.56/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,15957,15687,545,1pps 1999.356.01:21:11.64/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15916,15807,554,1pps 1999.356.01:21:11.72/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16126,16289,550,1pps 1999.356.01:21:13.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.01:21:14.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:21:14.02:!1999.356.01:24:37 1999.356.01:21:14.82#setcl#time/63527031,1,1999,356,01,21,15.00,0.078,36.701,22 1999.356.01:21:14.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:24:37.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:24:37.00:et 1999.356.01:24:37.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:24:40.05:tape 1999.356.01:24:40.12/tape/low,03598,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:24:40.12:postob 1999.356.01:24:40.13:source=1749+096,174910.4,093942.9,1950.0 1999.356.01:24:46.69:nw2c2=6 1999.356.01:24:46.99/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.01:24:56.11:!1999.356.01:26:23 1999.356.01:26:23.00:preob 1999.356.01:26:25.75/tpical/21508,20678,21384,22207,21174,22734,22698,22443,56089,14809 1999.356.01:26:25.82/tpical/21643,21077,22505,22307,22216,22356,32991 1999.356.01:26:25.89:!1999.356.01:26:33 1999.356.01:26:33.00:tape 1999.356.01:26:33.07/tape/low,03598,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:26:33.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.01:26:33.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:26:33.12:midob 1999.356.01:26:33.23/tpi/16372,16027,16405,16483,15746,16451,16482,16323,42817,10998 1999.356.01:26:33.30/tpi/16328,15873,16372,16030,16088,16286,25070 1999.356.01:26:33.86/tsys1/59.7,64.1,61.5,53.6,54.1,48.9,49.2,49.4,60.3,53.7 1999.356.01:26:33.87/tsys2/54.1,53.8,47.0,44.9,46.4,47.4,55.9 1999.356.01:26:38.44/wx/-9.1,964.1,77.7 1999.356.01:26:38.58/cable/+3.82685E-02 1999.356.01:26:38.63/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42816,25066,0,1pps 1999.356.01:26:38.68/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10990,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.01:26:38.76/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16025,16085,545,1pps 1999.356.01:26:38.84/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15911,15800,554,1pps 1999.356.01:26:38.92/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.42,lock,16045,16318,550,1pps 1999.356.01:26:41.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.01:26:42.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:26:42.02:!1999.356.01:28:11 1999.356.01:26:42.82#setcl#time/63559831,1,1999,356,01,26,43.00,0.078,36.792,22 1999.356.01:26:42.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:28:11.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:28:11.00:et 1999.356.01:28:11.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:28:14.05:tape 1999.356.01:28:14.12/tape/low,02946,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:28:14.12:postob 1999.356.01:28:14.13:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 1999.356.01:28:20.65:nw2c2=6 1999.356.01:28:20.95/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.01:28:30.07:!1999.356.01:30:24 1999.356.01:30:24.00:preob 1999.356.01:30:26.75/tpical/21419,20628,21315,21689,21114,22648,21969,22338,55840,14751 1999.356.01:30:26.82/tpical/21120,21498,22038,22208,22229,21814,33696 1999.356.01:30:26.89:!1999.356.01:30:34 1999.356.01:30:34.00:tape 1999.356.01:30:34.07/tape/low,02946,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:30:34.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.01:30:34.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:30:34.12:midob 1999.356.01:30:34.23/tpi/16207,15899,16273,16017,15646,16284,15900,16171,42434,10900 1999.356.01:30:34.30/tpi/15932,16145,16073,16034,16135,16015,25649 1999.356.01:30:34.86/tsys1/58.2,62.5,60.3,52.6,53.3,47.7,48.6,48.6,59.1,52.7 1999.356.01:30:34.87/tsys2/54.1,53.2,47.4,45.6,46.8,48.8,56.4 1999.356.01:30:38.92/wx/-9.2,964.0,77.7 1999.356.01:30:39.06/cable/+3.82660E-02 1999.356.01:30:39.11/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42399,25595,0,1pps 1999.356.01:30:39.16/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10891,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.01:30:39.24/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15881,15953,545,1pps 1999.356.01:30:39.32/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16265,16227,554,1pps 1999.356.01:30:39.40/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16081,16294,550,1pps 1999.356.01:30:41.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.01:30:42.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:30:42.02:!1999.356.01:32:12 1999.356.01:30:42.82#setcl#time/63583831,1,1999,356,01,30,43.00,0.078,36.859,22 1999.356.01:30:42.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:32:12.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:32:12.00:et 1999.356.01:32:12.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:32:15.05:tape 1999.356.01:32:15.12/tape/low,02292,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:32:15.12:postob 1999.356.01:32:15.13:source=0014+813,001404.5,811828.2,1950.0 1999.356.01:32:21.67:nw2c2=6 1999.356.01:32:21.97/pass/6,,auto,-220.0,,-219.6,,0.4, 1999.356.01:32:31.09:!1999.356.01:33:41 1999.356.01:33:41.00:preob 1999.356.01:33:43.75/tpical/21414,20566,21215,21952,22077,22394,22308,22421,55769,14636 1999.356.01:33:43.83/tpical/20920,21113,21620,22152,22083,21725,34440 1999.356.01:33:43.91:!1999.356.01:33:51 1999.356.01:33:51.00:tape 1999.356.01:33:51.07/tape/low,02292,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:33:51.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.01:33:51.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:33:51.12:midob 1999.356.01:33:51.23/tpi/16251,15884,16177,16238,16277,16003,16079,16171,42426,10800 1999.356.01:33:51.30/tpi/15867,15968,15862,16012,16039,15981,26361 1999.356.01:33:51.86/tsys1/58.9,63.1,60.0,52.9,52.4,46.7,47.9,47.9,59.4,52.4 1999.356.01:33:51.87/tsys2/55.3,54.7,48.5,45.8,46.9,49.2,57.7 1999.356.01:33:56.86/wx/-9.2,964.1,77.7 1999.356.01:33:56.98/cable/+3.82660E-02 1999.356.01:33:57.03/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42428,26376,0,1pps 1999.356.01:33:57.08/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10801,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.01:33:57.16/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15884,16012,545,1pps 1999.356.01:33:57.24/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16011,16036,554,1pps 1999.356.01:33:57.32/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16282,16046,550,1pps 1999.356.01:33:59.89/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.356.01:34:00.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:34:00.02:!1999.356.01:37:35 1999.356.01:34:00.82#setcl#time/63603631,1,1999,356,01,34,01.00,0.078,36.914,22 1999.356.01:34:00.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.01:34:08.31/wx/-9.2,964.1,77.7 1999.356.01:37:35.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:37:35.00:et 1999.356.01:37:35.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:37:38.05:tape 1999.356.01:37:38.12/tape/low,00799,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:37:38.12:postob 1999.356.01:37:38.13:source=2356+385,235700.0,383400.1,1950.0 1999.356.01:37:44.65:midtp 1999.356.01:37:47.36/tpzero/237,348,276,329,303,295,386,401,728,219 1999.356.01:37:47.43/tpzero/351,332,362,378,291,299,453 1999.356.01:37:48.14/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.96 1999.356.01:37:48.24/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 1999.356.01:37:48.34/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.92 1999.356.01:37:48.44/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.965 1999.356.01:37:48.54/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.048 1999.356.01:37:48.64/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.33 1999.356.01:37:48.74/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.59 1999.356.01:37:48.74:nw2c1=7 1999.356.01:37:50.04/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.01:37:59.16:fastr=0m27s 1999.356.01:38:26.24:!1999.356.01:39:21 1999.356.01:39:21.00:preob 1999.356.01:39:23.74/tpical/20984,20153,21284,21918,21645,21958,22314,22734,54648,14345 1999.356.01:39:23.81/tpical/21308,21553,22226,22259,22187,21940,33830 1999.356.01:39:23.90:!1999.356.01:39:31 1999.356.01:39:31.00:tape 1999.356.01:39:31.07/tape/low,00204,low,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:39:31.07:st=for,80 1999.356.01:39:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:39:31.12:midob 1999.356.01:39:31.23/tpi/15875,15526,16172,16159,15941,15699,16034,16334,41440,10549 1999.356.01:39:31.30/tpi/16106,16232,16296,16081,16084,16137,25785 1999.356.01:39:31.86/tsys1/58.2,62.3,59.1,52.2,52.1,46.8,47.3,47.3,58.6,51.7 1999.356.01:39:31.87/tsys2/54.5,53.8,48.4,45.8,46.6,49.1,56.7 1999.356.01:39:37.12/wx/-9.3,964.1,77.4 1999.356.01:39:37.30/cable/+3.82674E-02 1999.356.01:39:37.35/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41455,25817,0,1pps 1999.356.01:39:37.40/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10555,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.01:39:37.48/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15535,15653,545,1pps 1999.356.01:39:37.56/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15680,15674,554,1pps 1999.356.01:39:37.64/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16264,15997,550,1pps 1999.356.01:39:39.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.01:39:40.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:39:40.02:!1999.356.01:44:34 1999.356.01:39:40.82#setcl#time/63637631,1,1999,356,01,39,41.00,0.078,37.009,22 1999.356.01:39:40.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:44:34.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:44:34.00:et 1999.356.01:44:34.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:44:37.05:tape 1999.356.01:44:37.12/tape/low,02224,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:44:37.12:postob 1999.356.01:44:37.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.01:44:43.68:checkf80 1999.356.01:45:13.69/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,4.,0.,4. 1999.356.01:45:13.69/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.01:45:31.72:nw2c1=7 1999.356.01:45:32.02/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-166.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.01:45:41.15:!1999.356.01:46:47 1999.356.01:46:47.00:preob 1999.356.01:46:49.75/tpical/21064,20253,21355,22008,21734,22067,22475,22504,54839,14418 1999.356.01:46:49.82/tpical/21293,21538,22203,22274,22231,21894,33759 1999.356.01:46:49.89:!1999.356.01:46:57 1999.356.01:46:57.00:tape 1999.356.01:46:57.07/tape/low,02223,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:46:57.07:st=for,80 1999.356.01:46:57.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:46:57.12:midob 1999.356.01:46:57.23/tpi/15935,15588,16255,16213,16068,15806,16130,16224,41613,10616 1999.356.01:46:57.30/tpi/16100,16188,16221,16071,16114,16084,25696 1999.356.01:46:57.86/tsys1/58.2,62.1,59.5,52.1,52.9,47.1,47.1,47.9,58.7,52.0 1999.356.01:46:57.87/tsys2/54.6,53.3,47.7,45.5,46.6,48.9,56.4 1999.356.01:47:02.09/wx/-9.4,963.9,77.2 1999.356.01:47:02.26/cable/+3.82665E-02 1999.356.01:47:02.31/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41605,25673,0,1pps 1999.356.01:47:02.36/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10616,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.01:47:02.44/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15589,15660,545,1pps 1999.356.01:47:02.52/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15781,15770,554,1pps 1999.356.01:47:02.60/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16211,16000,550,1pps 1999.356.01:47:02.80#setcl#time/63681829,1,1999,356,01,47,03.00,0.090,37.131,24 1999.356.01:47:02.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:47:04.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.01:47:05.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:47:05.02:!1999.356.01:48:41 1999.356.01:48:41.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:48:41.00:et 1999.356.01:48:41.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:48:44.05:tape 1999.356.01:48:44.12/tape/low,02917,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:48:44.12:postob 1999.356.01:48:44.13:source=1101+384,110140.6,382843.3,1950.0 1999.356.01:48:50.66:nw2c1=7 1999.356.01:48:50.96/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.01:49:00.08:!1999.356.01:50:21 1999.356.01:50:21.00:preob 1999.356.01:50:23.75/tpical/19101,18500,19893,20221,19302,20169,20836,20695,$$$$$,19245 1999.356.01:50:23.82/tpical/20643,20932,21537,21280,21449,21196,36947 1999.356.01:50:23.90:!1999.356.01:50:31 1999.356.01:50:31.00:tape 1999.356.01:50:31.07/tape/low,02917,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:50:31.07:st=for,80 1999.356.01:50:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:50:31.12:midob 1999.356.01:50:31.23/tpi/15555,15315,16376,16191,15496,15864,16406,16270,59520,15441 1999.356.01:50:31.30/tpi/16139,16314,16327,15966,16170,16079,29026 1999.356.01:50:31.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.01:50:31.87/tsys1/82.1,89.3,87.0,74.8,75.8,68.7,68.7,68.1,$$$$$$$$,76.0 1999.356.01:50:31.88/tsys2/63.1,62.3,55.2,52.8,54.1,55.5,64.9 1999.356.01:50:36.39/wx/-9.4,963.8,77.0 1999.356.01:50:36.50/cable/+3.82609E-02 1999.356.01:50:36.55/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,59666,29091,0,1pps 1999.356.01:50:36.60/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,15482,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.01:50:36.68/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -7.86,lock,15350,15746,545,1pps 1999.356.01:50:36.76/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.91, -3.30,lock,15913,15987,554,1pps 1999.356.01:50:36.84/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.32, 1.68,lock,16337,16059,550,1pps 1999.356.01:50:39.89/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.01:50:40.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:50:40.02:!1999.356.01:54:39 1999.356.01:50:40.82#setcl#time/63703631,1,1999,356,01,50,41.00,0.077,37.192,22 1999.356.01:50:40.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:54:39.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:54:39.00:et 1999.356.01:54:39.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:54:42.05:tape 1999.356.01:54:42.12/tape/low,04570,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:54:42.12:postob 1999.356.01:54:42.13:source=1144+402,114421.0,401514.6,1950.0 1999.356.01:54:48.67:nw2c1=7 1999.356.01:54:48.97/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.01:54:58.09:!1999.356.01:55:12 1999.356.01:55:12.00:preob 1999.356.01:55:14.75/tpical/20423,19902,20085,20765,20441,20807,21129,21292,63996,16967 1999.356.01:55:14.82/tpical/21114,20547,21748,21816,21590,21522,35101 1999.356.01:55:14.89:!1999.356.01:55:22 1999.356.01:55:22.00:tape 1999.356.01:55:22.07/tape/low,04570,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:55:22.07:st=for,80 1999.356.01:55:22.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:55:22.12:midob 1999.356.01:55:22.23/tpi/16158,16024,16014,16137,15916,15783,16095,16180,50689,13179 1999.356.01:55:22.30/tpi/16213,15716,16149,16011,15906,16028,27111 1999.356.01:55:22.86/tsys1/70.9,76.8,73.5,64.9,65.6,58.6,59.3,58.6,71.3,65.0 1999.356.01:55:22.87/tsys2/58.3,57.3,50.8,48.5,49.4,51.5,60.1 1999.356.01:55:27.58/wx/-9.5,963.8,77.1 1999.356.01:55:27.70/cable/+3.82631E-02 1999.356.01:55:27.75/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,50754,27127,0,1pps 1999.356.01:55:27.80/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13194,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.01:55:27.88/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -7.22,lock,16028,15394,545,1pps 1999.356.01:55:27.96/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.36, -2.54,lock,15813,16113,554,1pps 1999.356.01:55:28.04/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,16152,15951,550,1pps 1999.356.01:55:30.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.01:55:31.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:55:31.02:!1999.356.01:57:42 1999.356.01:55:31.82#setcl#time/63732731,1,1999,356,01,55,32.00,0.077,37.273,22 1999.356.01:55:31.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.01:57:42.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.01:57:42.00:et 1999.356.01:57:42.04:!+3s 1999.356.01:57:45.05:tape 1999.356.01:57:45.12/tape/low,05503,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:57:45.12:postob 1999.356.01:57:45.13:source=1611+343,161147.9,342020.0,1950.0 1999.356.01:57:51.66:nw2c1=7 1999.356.01:57:51.96/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-166.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.01:58:01.08:!1999.356.01:58:46 1999.356.01:58:46.00:preob 1999.356.01:58:48.75/tpical/20350,20735,20907,21448,21313,22064,21852,22475,56281,14889 1999.356.01:58:48.82/tpical/21266,21647,22112,22497,22403,22480,32540 1999.356.01:58:48.90:!1999.356.01:58:56 1999.356.01:58:56.00:tape 1999.356.01:58:56.07/tape/low,05503,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.01:58:56.07:st=for,80 1999.356.01:58:56.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.01:58:56.12:midob 1999.356.01:58:56.23/tpi/15483,16019,15984,15891,15844,15916,15833,16330,42921,11038 1999.356.01:58:56.30/tpi/15963,16159,15984,16026,16071,16297,24672 1999.356.01:58:56.86/tsys1/59.5,63.1,60.6,53.2,54.0,48.3,48.8,49.3,60.0,53.4 1999.356.01:58:56.87/tsys2/53.0,51.9,45.9,43.5,44.9,46.6,55.4 1999.356.01:59:01.89/wx/-9.5,963.7,77.3 1999.356.01:59:01.94/cable/+3.82692E-02 1999.356.01:59:01.99/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42892,24659,0,1pps 1999.356.01:59:02.04/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11039,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.01:59:02.12/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,15996,15718,545,1pps 1999.356.01:59:02.20/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15914,15844,554,1pps 1999.356.01:59:02.28/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.53,lock,15961,16245,550,1pps 1999.356.01:59:04.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.01:59:05.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.01:59:05.02:!1999.356.02:00:34 1999.356.01:59:05.82#setcl#time/63754131,1,1999,356,01,59,06.00,0.077,37.332,22 1999.356.01:59:05.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:00:34.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:00:34.00:et 1999.356.02:00:34.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:00:37.05:tape 1999.356.02:00:37.12/tape/low,06155,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:00:37.12:postob 1999.356.02:00:37.13:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 1999.356.02:00:43.66:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:00:43.96/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:00:53.08:!1999.356.02:01:09 1999.356.02:01:09.00:preob 1999.356.02:01:11.75/tpical/19846,19443,20042,20241,20063,20585,20408,20709,$$$$$,18863 1999.356.02:01:11.82/tpical/20332,20630,21267,21649,21331,21603,37088 1999.356.02:01:11.89:!1999.356.02:01:19 1999.356.02:01:19.00:tape 1999.356.02:01:19.07/tape/low,06155,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:01:19.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:01:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:01:19.12:midob 1999.356.02:01:19.23/tpi/16068,15969,16359,16119,16013,16062,15932,16172,57786,15016 1999.356.02:01:19.30/tpi/15866,16003,16062,16179,16006,16314,29163 1999.356.02:01:19.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.02:01:19.87/tsys1/79.6,85.4,83.0,72.8,73.7,66.2,66.0,66.0,$$$$$$$$,73.1 1999.356.02:01:19.88/tsys2/62.5,61.0,54.3,52.0,53.1,54.5,65.2 1999.356.02:01:24.21/wx/-9.6,963.8,77.4 1999.356.02:01:24.34/cable/+3.82685E-02 1999.356.02:01:24.39/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,57587,29149,0,1pps 1999.356.02:01:24.44/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14968,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.02:01:24.52/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.54, -7.86,lock,15936,15184,545,1pps 1999.356.02:01:24.60/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.72, -3.10,lock,15998,16152,554,1pps 1999.356.02:01:24.68/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.32, 1.79,lock,16058,16192,550,1pps 1999.356.02:01:26.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.02:01:27.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:01:27.02:!1999.356.02:02:57 1999.356.02:01:27.82#setcl#time/63768331,1,1999,356,02,01,28.00,0.077,37.372,22 1999.356.02:01:27.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:02:57.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:02:57.00:et 1999.356.02:02:57.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:03:00.05:tape 1999.356.02:03:00.12/tape/low,06807,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:03:00.12:postob 1999.356.02:03:00.13:source=1418+546,141806.2,543658.4,1950.0 1999.356.02:03:06.65:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:03:06.95/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:03:16.07:!1999.356.02:03:51 1999.356.02:03:51.00:preob 1999.356.02:03:53.74/tpical/20825,21283,21151,21910,21699,22083,22504,22539,54339,14387 1999.356.02:03:53.81/tpical/21126,21410,22424,22759,22519,22162,32258 1999.356.02:03:53.89:!1999.356.02:04:01 1999.356.02:04:01.00:tape 1999.356.02:04:01.07/tape/low,06807,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:04:01.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:04:01.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:04:01.12:midob 1999.356.02:04:01.23/tpi/15708,16366,16044,16108,15986,15773,16133,16175,41114,10571 1999.356.02:04:01.30/tpi/15827,15946,16165,16124,16087,15975,24405 1999.356.02:04:01.86/tsys1/57.4,61.9,58.7,51.7,52.2,46.6,47.0,47.1,58.0,51.5 1999.356.02:04:01.87/tsys2/52.6,51.4,45.4,42.7,44.2,45.6,54.9 1999.356.02:04:06.17/wx/-9.5,963.8,77.3 1999.356.02:04:06.17@wx 1999.356.02:04:11.08/wx/-9.6,963.8,77.2 1999.356.02:04:11.22/cable/+3.82679E-02 1999.356.02:04:11.27/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41189,24396,0,1pps 1999.356.02:04:11.32/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10592,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.02:04:11.40/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16398,15437,545,1pps 1999.356.02:04:11.48/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15799,15785,554,1pps 1999.356.02:04:11.56/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16144,16033,550,1pps 1999.356.02:04:13.89/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.02:04:14.02/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:04:14.02:!1999.356.02:11:44 1999.356.02:04:14.82#setcl#time/63785031,1,1999,356,02,04,15.00,0.077,37.418,22 1999.356.02:04:14.82#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:11:44.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:11:44.00:et 1999.356.02:11:44.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:11:47.05:tape 1999.356.02:11:47.12/tape/low,09894,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:11:47.12:postob 1999.356.02:11:47.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.02:11:53.66:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:11:53.96/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:12:03.08:!1999.356.02:15:47 1999.356.02:13:47.13;"weather - overcast skies 1999.356.02:15:47.00:preob 1999.356.02:15:49.75/tpical/21752,21044,21465,22077,21343,22502,22452,22776,53556,14152 1999.356.02:15:49.82/tpical/21017,21311,22293,22698,22419,22601,32111 1999.356.02:15:49.90:!1999.356.02:15:57 1999.356.02:15:57.00:tape 1999.356.02:15:57.07/tape/low,09894,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:15:57.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:15:57.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:15:57.12:midob 1999.356.02:15:57.23/tpi/16275,16015,16178,16085,15582,15878,15983,16186,40247,10304 1999.356.02:15:57.30/tpi/15672,15796,16000,16046,15948,16267,24132 1999.356.02:15:57.86/tsys1/55.6,59.2,57.1,50.0,50.4,44.7,45.8,45.5,56.4,49.8 1999.356.02:15:57.87/tsys2/51.6,50.5,44.7,42.4,43.6,45.4,53.4 1999.356.02:16:02.69/wx/-9.6,963.7,77.4 1999.356.02:16:02.73/cable/+3.82698E-02 1999.356.02:16:02.78/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40260,24129,0,1pps 1999.356.02:16:02.83/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10310,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.02:16:02.91/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16032,16129,545,1pps 1999.356.02:16:02.99/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15901,15917,554,1pps 1999.356.02:16:03.07/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.63,lock,16009,16289,550,1pps 1999.356.02:16:05.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.02:16:06.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:16:06.01:!1999.356.02:17:35 1999.356.02:16:06.81#setcl#time/63856231,1,1999,356,02,16,07.00,0.077,37.616,23 1999.356.02:16:06.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:17:35.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:17:35.00:et 1999.356.02:17:35.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:17:38.05:tape 1999.356.02:17:38.12/tape/low,10546,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:17:38.12:postob 1999.356.02:17:38.13:source=3c371,180718.6,694857.2,1950.0 1999.356.02:17:44.66:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:17:44.96/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:17:54.08:!1999.356.02:18:12 1999.356.02:18:12.00:preob 1999.356.02:18:14.75/tpical/20444,20783,20914,21832,21327,22751,22091,22411,56434,14861 1999.356.02:18:14.82/tpical/21176,21374,22086,22141,22424,22202,33499 1999.356.02:18:14.89:!1999.356.02:18:22 1999.356.02:18:22.00:tape 1999.356.02:18:22.07/tape/low,10546,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:18:22.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:18:22.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:18:22.12:midob 1999.356.02:18:22.23/tpi/15561,16077,16003,16194,15834,16327,15980,16221,43039,11003 1999.356.02:18:22.30/tpi/16043,16026,16095,15937,16162,16242,25458 1999.356.02:18:22.86/tsys1/59.6,63.5,60.8,53.5,53.7,47.4,48.5,48.6,60.0,53.1 1999.356.02:18:22.87/tsys2/55.0,52.8,47.3,45.1,45.6,48.2,56.0 1999.356.02:18:26.65/wx/-9.6,963.5,77.3 1999.356.02:18:26.73/cable/+3.82688E-02 1999.356.02:18:26.78/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43105,25461,0,1pps 1999.356.02:18:26.83/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11019,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.02:18:26.91/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16090,16248,545,1pps 1999.356.02:18:26.99/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.84,lock,16340,15773,554,1pps 1999.356.02:18:27.07/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16086,16325,550,1pps 1999.356.02:18:29.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.02:18:30.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:18:30.01:!1999.356.02:20:34 1999.356.02:18:30.81#setcl#time/63870631,1,1999,356,02,18,31.00,0.076,37.656,23 1999.356.02:18:30.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:20:34.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:20:34.00:et 1999.356.02:20:34.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:20:37.05:tape 1999.356.02:20:37.12/tape/low,11425,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:20:37.12:postob 1999.356.02:20:37.13:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.356.02:20:43.67:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:20:43.97/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:20:53.09:!1999.356.02:21:51 1999.356.02:21:51.00:preob 1999.356.02:21:53.75/tpical/20868,21418,21373,22121,21803,23023,22585,22981,54695,14499 1999.356.02:21:53.82/tpical/21273,21579,22221,22596,22376,22076,32775 1999.356.02:21:53.90:!1999.356.02:22:01 1999.356.02:22:01.00:tape 1999.356.02:22:01.07/tape/low,11425,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:22:01.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:22:01.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:22:01.12:midob 1999.356.02:22:01.23/tpi/15752,16553,16259,16331,16099,16444,16230,16509,41429,10673 1999.356.02:22:01.30/tpi/15945,16047,16105,16151,16025,16052,24737 1999.356.02:22:01.86/tsys1/57.6,63.3,59.4,52.5,52.6,46.6,47.4,47.3,58.3,51.9 1999.356.02:22:01.87/tsys2/52.7,51.1,46.3,44.1,44.6,47.1,54.4 1999.356.02:22:05.86/wx/-9.6,963.6,77.2 1999.356.02:22:05.93/cable/+3.82664E-02 1999.356.02:22:05.98/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41464,24729,0,1pps 1999.356.02:22:06.03/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10686,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.02:22:06.11/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15493,15551,545,1pps 1999.356.02:22:06.19/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15857,15861,554,1pps 1999.356.02:22:06.27/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16119,16016,550,1pps 1999.356.02:22:08.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.02:22:09.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:22:09.01:!1999.356.02:23:39 1999.356.02:22:09.81#setcl#time/63892531,1,1999,356,02,22,10.00,0.076,37.717,23 1999.356.02:22:09.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:23:39.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:23:39.00:et 1999.356.02:23:39.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:23:42.05:tape 1999.356.02:23:42.12/tape/low,12078,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:23:42.12:postob 1999.356.02:23:42.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.356.02:23:48.67:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:23:48.97/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-166.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.02:23:58.09:!1999.356.02:25:54 1999.356.02:25:54.00:preob 1999.356.02:25:56.74/tpical/21020,20439,21049,21571,20686,21746,22010,22352,58004,15293 1999.356.02:25:56.81/tpical/21256,21387,22104,22155,22312,22190,33632 1999.356.02:25:56.89:!1999.356.02:26:04 1999.356.02:26:04.00:tape 1999.356.02:26:04.07/tape/low,12078,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:26:04.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:26:04.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:26:04.12:midob 1999.356.02:26:04.23/tpi/16075,15886,16149,16090,15435,15715,15987,16257,44429,11393 1999.356.02:26:04.30/tpi/16136,16115,16194,16021,16135,16265,25645 1999.356.02:26:04.86/tsys1/60.9,64.8,61.5,54.6,54.8,48.6,49.2,49.4,61.2,54.4 1999.356.02:26:04.87/tsys2/55.5,53.9,48.2,45.9,46.2,48.5,56.8 1999.356.02:26:09.61/wx/-9.6,963.7,77.1 1999.356.02:26:09.77/cable/+3.82698E-02 1999.356.02:26:09.82/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44352,25572,0,1pps 1999.356.02:26:09.87/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11367,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.02:26:09.95/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15848,16291,545,1pps 1999.356.02:26:10.03/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -1.84,lock,15682,16234,554,1pps 1999.356.02:26:10.11/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16184,16037,550,1pps 1999.356.02:26:10.79#setcl#time/63916629,1,1999,356,02,26,11.00,0.089,37.784,25 1999.356.02:26:10.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:26:12.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.02:26:13.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:26:13.01:!1999.356.02:27:42 1999.356.02:27:42.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:27:42.00:et 1999.356.02:27:42.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:27:45.05:tape 1999.356.02:27:45.12/tape/low,12731,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:27:45.12:postob 1999.356.02:27:45.13:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 1999.356.02:27:51.67:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:27:51.97/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-166.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.02:28:01.09:!1999.356.02:29:00 1999.356.02:29:00.00:preob 1999.356.02:29:02.75/tpical/20461,19506,21012,21341,20879,21705,21846,21722,$$$$$,23904 1999.356.02:29:02.82/tpical/21330,21705,22538,22596,22540,22191,41689 1999.356.02:29:02.89:!1999.356.02:29:10 1999.356.02:29:10.00:tape 1999.356.02:29:10.07/tape/low,12731,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:29:10.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:29:10.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:29:10.12:midob 1999.356.02:29:10.23/tpi/18339,17677,18900,18795,18368,18713,18794,18612,$$$$$,20710 1999.356.02:29:10.30/tpi/18061,18291,18534,18322,18349,18056,34815 1999.356.02:29:10.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.02:29:10.87/tsys1/162.1,180.0,167.5,137.8,136.7,117.0,114.6,111.3,$$$$$$$$,121.9 1999.356.02:29:10.88/tsys2/97.5,94.7,81.7,75.6,77.6,77.3,90.0 1999.356.02:29:16.10/wx/-9.5,963.6,77.1 1999.356.02:29:16.17/cable/+3.82632E-02 1999.356.02:29:16.22/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,34911,0,1pps 1999.356.02:29:16.27/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,20780,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.02:29:16.35/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,16193,15196,545,1pps 1999.356.02:29:16.43/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.12, -4.57,lock,16376,16083,554,1pps 1999.356.02:29:16.51/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.34, 0.74,lock,15985,15953,550,1pps 1999.356.02:29:18.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.02:29:19.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:29:19.01:!1999.356.02:30:48 1999.356.02:29:19.81#setcl#time/63935531,1,1999,356,02,29,20.00,0.076,37.836,23 1999.356.02:29:19.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:30:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:30:48.00:et 1999.356.02:30:48.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:30:51.05:tape 1999.356.02:30:51.12/tape/low,13383,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:30:51.12:postob 1999.356.02:30:51.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.02:30:57.65:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:30:57.95/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:31:07.07:!1999.356.02:33:06 1999.356.02:33:06.00:preob 1999.356.02:33:08.74/tpical/21012,20518,20614,21573,21032,21786,21708,21709,61812,16413 1999.356.02:33:08.81/tpical/21004,21185,22374,22391,22355,21976,34628 1999.356.02:33:08.89:!1999.356.02:33:16 1999.356.02:33:16.00:tape 1999.356.02:33:16.07/tape/low,13383,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:33:16.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:33:16.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:33:16.12:midob 1999.356.02:33:16.23/tpi/16341,16197,16135,16447,16074,16212,16208,16249,48171,12518 1999.356.02:33:16.30/tpi/15939,15973,16422,16222,16228,16169,26431 1999.356.02:33:16.86/tsys1/65.5,69.7,67.3,59.7,60.4,54.3,54.7,55.1,66.1,60.0 1999.356.02:33:16.87/tsys2/55.4,54.0,48.6,46.2,46.8,49.2,57.0 1999.356.02:33:21.49/wx/-9.4,963.5,77.3 1999.356.02:33:21.61/cable/+3.82612E-02 1999.356.02:33:21.66/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,48051,26439,0,1pps 1999.356.02:33:21.71/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12484,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.02:33:21.79/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,16157,15599,545,1pps 1999.356.02:33:21.87/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.36,lock,16158,15892,554,1pps 1999.356.02:33:21.95/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.11,lock,15994,16128,550,1pps 1999.356.02:33:24.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.02:33:25.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:33:25.01:!1999.356.02:34:54 1999.356.02:33:25.81#setcl#time/63960131,1,1999,356,02,33,26.00,0.076,37.904,23 1999.356.02:33:25.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.02:34:08.93/wx/-9.4,963.5,77.3 1999.356.02:34:54.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:34:54.00:et 1999.356.02:34:54.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:34:57.05:tape 1999.356.02:34:57.12/tape/low,14036,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:34:57.12:postob 1999.356.02:34:57.13:source=1357+769,135742.2,765753.8,1950.0 1999.356.02:35:03.66:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:35:03.96/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:35:13.08:!1999.356.02:38:01 1999.356.02:38:01.00:preob 1999.356.02:38:03.75/tpical/21000,20365,21028,21522,20748,21853,22100,22433,58102,15338 1999.356.02:38:03.82/tpical/21272,21395,22081,22714,22828,22194,33952 1999.356.02:38:03.89:!1999.356.02:38:11 1999.356.02:38:11.00:tape 1999.356.02:38:11.07/tape/low,14036,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:38:11.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:38:11.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:38:11.12:midob 1999.356.02:38:11.23/tpi/16456,16251,16570,16462,15896,16269,16527,16771,45538,11725 1999.356.02:38:11.30/tpi/16013,15989,16014,16224,16356,16123,25779 1999.356.02:38:11.86/tsys1/67.8,73.4,69.4,60.6,61.1,54.4,55.0,54.9,67.8,60.5 1999.356.02:38:11.87/tsys2/53.6,52.1,46.4,43.9,44.7,46.9,55.8 1999.356.02:38:15.95/wx/-9.3,963.3,77.6 1999.356.02:38:16.01/cable/+3.82641E-02 1999.356.02:38:16.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45735,25794,0,1pps 1999.356.02:38:16.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11783,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.02:38:16.21/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16316,15798,545,1pps 1999.356.02:38:16.29/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,16354,16221,554,1pps 1999.356.02:38:16.37/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,16029,16242,550,1pps 1999.356.02:38:18.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.02:38:19.01?ERROR an -103 Pointing computer tracking errors are too large. 1999.356.02:38:19.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 1999.356.02:38:19.02/onsource/SLEWING 1999.356.02:38:19.02:!1999.356.02:39:49 1999.356.02:38:19.79#setcl#time/63989529,1,1999,356,02,38,20.00,0.088,37.986,25 1999.356.02:38:19.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:39:49.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:39:49.00:et 1999.356.02:39:49.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:39:52.05:tape 1999.356.02:39:52.12/tape/low,14688,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:39:52.12:postob 1999.356.02:39:52.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.02:39:58.67:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:39:58.97/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:40:08.09:!1999.356.02:42:02 1999.356.02:42:02.00:preob 1999.356.02:42:04.74/tpical/20966,20364,20925,21402,20670,21747,21937,22306,57817,15245 1999.356.02:42:04.82/tpical/20721,21634,21981,22036,22380,21720,34812 1999.356.02:42:04.90:!1999.356.02:42:12 1999.356.02:42:12.00:tape 1999.356.02:42:12.07/tape/low,14688,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:42:12.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:42:12.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:42:12.12:midob 1999.356.02:42:12.23/tpi/16060,15849,16130,15990,15445,15777,16023,16288,44330,11379 1999.356.02:42:12.30/tpi/15651,16255,16096,15942,16180,15950,26697 1999.356.02:42:12.86/tsys1/61.3,65.2,62.8,55.0,55.1,49.3,50.2,50.2,61.4,54.8 1999.356.02:42:12.87/tsys2/54.3,53.3,48.1,46.0,46.1,48.8,58.2 1999.356.02:42:18.06/wx/-9.4,963.4,77.6 1999.356.02:42:18.25/cable/+3.82654E-02 1999.356.02:42:18.30/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44234,26811,0,1pps 1999.356.02:42:18.35/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11350,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.02:42:18.43/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15809,16299,545,1pps 1999.356.02:42:18.51/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -1.84,lock,15739,16217,554,1pps 1999.356.02:42:18.59/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16085,16264,550,1pps 1999.356.02:42:18.79#setcl#time/64013429,1,1999,356,02,42,19.00,0.088,38.052,25 1999.356.02:42:18.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:42:20.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.02:42:21.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:42:21.01:!1999.356.02:43:56 1999.356.02:43:56.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:43:56.00:et 1999.356.02:43:56.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:43:59.05:tape 1999.356.02:43:59.12/tape/low,15381,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:43:59.12:postob 1999.356.02:43:59.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.02:44:05.68:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:44:05.98/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:44:15.10:!1999.356.02:46:29 1999.356.02:46:29.00:preob 1999.356.02:46:31.75/tpical/20848,20203,20764,21734,21627,22262,22156,22466,57454,15124 1999.356.02:46:31.83/tpical/20925,20935,22206,22264,22478,21825,34396 1999.356.02:46:31.91:!1999.356.02:46:39 1999.356.02:46:39.00:tape 1999.356.02:46:39.07/tape/low,15381,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:46:39.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:46:39.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:46:39.12:midob 1999.356.02:46:39.23/tpi/16084,15909,16164,16335,16324,16325,16301,16542,44429,11386 1999.356.02:46:39.31/tpi/15916,15809,16294,16144,16315,16077,26303 1999.356.02:46:39.87/tsys1/63.2,68.9,65.6,56.3,57.4,51.3,51.6,51.8,63.7,56.8 1999.356.02:46:39.88/tsys2/55.9,54.3,48.5,46.4,46.8,49.4,57.5 1999.356.02:46:44.72/wx/-9.4,963.3,77.6 1999.356.02:46:44.81/cable/+3.82657E-02 1999.356.02:46:44.86/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44240,26340,0,1pps 1999.356.02:46:44.91/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11334,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.02:46:44.99/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15807,16272,545,1pps 1999.356.02:46:45.07/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16259,16172,554,1pps 1999.356.02:46:45.15/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16314,16083,550,1pps 1999.356.02:46:45.80#setcl#time/64040130,1,1999,356,02,46,46.00,0.082,38.127,24 1999.356.02:46:45.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:46:48.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.02:46:49.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:46:49.01:!1999.356.02:48:17 1999.356.02:48:17.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:48:17.00:et 1999.356.02:48:17.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:48:20.05:tape 1999.356.02:48:20.12/tape/low,16034,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:48:20.12:postob 1999.356.02:48:20.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.02:48:26.66:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:48:26.96/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:48:36.08:!1999.356.02:49:21 1999.356.02:49:21.00:preob 1999.356.02:49:23.75/tpical/20165,20856,20817,21578,21281,21701,21949,21863,59316,15724 1999.356.02:49:23.82/tpical/21074,21064,22358,22350,22619,21909,34466 1999.356.02:49:23.90:!1999.356.02:49:31 1999.356.02:49:31.00:tape 1999.356.02:49:31.07/tape/low,16034,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:49:31.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:49:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:49:31.12:midob 1999.356.02:49:31.23/tpi/15672,16467,16275,16392,16194,16107,16346,16314,46160,11956 1999.356.02:49:31.30/tpi/16087,15864,16359,16161,16433,16110,26355 1999.356.02:49:31.86/tsys1/65.3,69.8,66.9,58.9,59.4,53.7,54.1,54.5,65.6,59.2 1999.356.02:49:31.87/tsys2/56.8,53.8,48.0,45.9,47.0,49.1,57.5 1999.356.02:49:36.49/wx/-9.2,963.3,77.6 1999.356.02:49:36.65/cable/+3.82592E-02 1999.356.02:49:36.70/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46232,26382,0,1pps 1999.356.02:49:36.75/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11984,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.02:49:36.83/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15544,15974,545,1pps 1999.356.02:49:36.91/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16144,15901,554,1pps 1999.356.02:49:36.99/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16372,16155,550,1pps 1999.356.02:49:39.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.02:49:40.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:49:40.01:!1999.356.02:51:09 1999.356.02:49:40.81#setcl#time/64057631,1,1999,356,02,49,41.00,0.075,38.175,23 1999.356.02:49:40.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:49:45.89;xyoff 1999.356.02:49:45.89/xyoff/0.00000,0.00000 1999.356.02:51:09.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:51:09.00:et 1999.356.02:51:09.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:51:12.05:tape 1999.356.02:51:12.12/tape/low,16686,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:51:12.12:postob 1999.356.02:51:12.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.02:51:18.66:nw2c1=7 1999.356.02:51:18.96/pass/7,,auto,-165.0,,-166.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.02:51:28.08:!1999.356.02:52:41 1999.356.02:52:41.00:preob 1999.356.02:52:43.74/tpical/20771,20242,20283,21247,20528,21251,21533,21514,60754,16033 1999.356.02:52:43.81/tpical/21309,21380,22142,22362,22149,22005,33668 1999.356.02:52:43.89:!1999.356.02:52:51 1999.356.02:52:51.00:tape 1999.356.02:52:51.07/tape/low,16686,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:52:51.07:st=for,80 1999.356.02:52:51.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:52:51.12:midob 1999.356.02:52:51.23/tpi/15744,15579,15489,15764,15187,15371,15581,15606,46263,11918 1999.356.02:52:51.30/tpi/15930,15846,15954,15897,15880,15931,25338 1999.356.02:52:51.86/tsys1/58.6,62.1,60.3,53.5,52.9,48.7,48.5,48.9,59.7,54.0 1999.356.02:52:51.87/tsys2/52.1,50.5,45.4,43.2,44.8,46.3,53.8 1999.356.02:52:56.06/wx/-9.2,963.1,77.8 1999.356.02:52:56.17/cable/+3.82667E-02 1999.356.02:52:56.22/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46689,25362,0,1pps 1999.356.02:52:56.27/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12037,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.02:52:56.35/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15718,16141,545,1pps 1999.356.02:52:56.43/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16135,15874,554,1pps 1999.356.02:52:56.51/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,15949,16268,550,1pps 1999.356.02:52:58.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.02:52:59.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:52:59.01:!1999.356.02:54:29 1999.356.02:52:59.81#setcl#time/64077531,1,1999,356,02,53,00.00,0.075,38.231,23 1999.356.02:52:59.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:54:29.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:54:29.00:et 1999.356.02:54:29.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:54:32.05:tape 1999.356.02:54:32.12/tape/low,17338,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:54:32.12:postob 1999.356.02:54:32.13:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.356.02:54:38.66:midtp 1999.356.02:54:41.38/tpzero/232,343,270,322,300,294,376,387,762,230 1999.356.02:54:41.45/tpzero/351,330,361,382,295,299,444 1999.356.02:54:42.15/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.11 1999.356.02:54:42.25/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 1999.356.02:54:42.35/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.92 1999.356.02:54:42.45/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.962 1999.356.02:54:42.55/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.880 1999.356.02:54:42.65/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.98 1999.356.02:54:42.75/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.06 1999.356.02:54:42.75:nw2c2=8 1999.356.02:54:43.52/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:54:52.64:fastf=0m25s 1999.356.02:55:17.72:!1999.356.02:55:33 1999.356.02:55:33.00:preob 1999.356.02:55:35.74/tpical/20511,20039,20727,21170,20490,21298,21604,21560,60416,16042 1999.356.02:55:35.81/tpical/21529,21667,22385,22292,22580,22344,32759 1999.356.02:55:35.89:!1999.356.02:55:43 1999.356.02:55:43.00:tape 1999.356.02:55:43.07/tape/low,17901,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:55:43.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.02:55:43.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:55:43.12:midob 1999.356.02:55:43.23/tpi/15981,15872,16299,16175,15690,15840,16139,16118,47239,12270 1999.356.02:55:43.30/tpi/16171,16170,16242,15981,16261,16265,24795 1999.356.02:55:43.87/tsys1/66.1,70.8,68.8,60.3,60.9,54.1,54.8,54.9,67.0,60.6 1999.356.02:55:43.88/tsys2/53.1,51.9,46.5,44.5,45.5,47.3,55.0 1999.356.02:55:47.84/wx/-9.1,963.1,78.2 1999.356.02:55:48.01/cable/+3.82671E-02 1999.356.02:55:48.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46841,24775,0,1pps 1999.356.02:55:48.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12162,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.02:55:48.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15771,16168,545,1pps 1999.356.02:55:48.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.18,lock,15727,16097,554,1pps 1999.356.02:55:48.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16256,16192,550,1pps 1999.356.02:55:50.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.02:55:51.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:55:51.01:!1999.356.02:57:21 1999.356.02:55:51.81#setcl#time/64094731,1,1999,356,02,55,52.00,0.075,38.278,23 1999.356.02:55:51.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.02:57:21.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.02:57:21.00:et 1999.356.02:57:21.04:!+3s 1999.356.02:57:24.05:tape 1999.356.02:57:24.12/tape/low,17249,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:57:24.12:postob 1999.356.02:57:24.13:source=1749+096,174910.4,093942.9,1950.0 1999.356.02:57:30.66:checkr80 1999.356.02:58:00.67/parity/26.,0.,2.,2.,0.,2.,0.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,2. 1999.356.02:58:00.67/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.02:58:18.70:nw2c2=8 1999.356.02:58:19.00/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.02:58:28.12:!1999.356.02:59:34 1999.356.02:59:34.00:preob 1999.356.02:59:36.75/tpical/19126,18536,19358,19890,19500,20428,20333,20325,$$$$$,19438 1999.356.02:59:36.82/tpical/21261,21380,21883,21964,22103,21590,35055 1999.356.02:59:36.89:!1999.356.02:59:44 1999.356.02:59:44.00:tape 1999.356.02:59:44.07/tape/low,17248,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.02:59:44.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.02:59:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.02:59:44.12:midob 1999.356.02:59:44.23/tpi/15521,15253,15804,15865,15610,16016,15943,15924,59383,15533 1999.356.02:59:44.30/tpi/16308,16298,16266,16132,16224,16071,27017 1999.356.02:59:44.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.02:59:44.87/tsys1/80.6,86.3,83.0,73.4,74.8,67.7,67.4,67.1,$$$$$$$$,74.5 1999.356.02:59:44.88/tsys2/58.0,56.6,51.0,48.6,48.8,51.4,59.5 1999.356.02:59:49.95/wx/-9.0,963.1,78.4 1999.356.02:59:50.08/cable/+3.82701E-02 1999.356.02:59:50.13/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,59343,27075,0,1pps 1999.356.02:59:50.18/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,15525,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.02:59:50.26/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -7.86,lock,15234,15634,545,1pps 1999.356.02:59:50.34/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.91, -3.30,lock,15993,16104,554,1pps 1999.356.02:59:50.42/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,16243,16099,550,1pps 1999.356.02:59:52.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.02:59:53.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.02:59:53.01:!1999.356.03:01:22 1999.356.02:59:53.81#setcl#time/64118931,1,1999,356,02,59,54.00,0.075,38.346,23 1999.356.02:59:53.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:01:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:01:22.00:et 1999.356.03:01:22.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:01:25.05:tape 1999.356.03:01:25.12/tape/low,16596,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:01:25.12:postob 1999.356.03:01:25.13:source=2128-123,212852.7,-122020.6,1950.0 1999.356.03:01:31.69:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:01:31.99/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:01:41.11:!1999.356.03:02:33 1999.356.03:02:33.00:preob 1999.356.03:02:35.75/tpical/19715,18916,20022,20740,20119,20643,20929,21076,$$$$$,21340 1999.356.03:02:35.82/tpical/20931,21021,21843,22159,22095,21894,37018 1999.356.03:02:35.90:!1999.356.03:02:43 1999.356.03:02:43.00:tape 1999.356.03:02:43.07/tape/low,16596,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:02:43.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:02:43.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:02:43.12:midob 1999.356.03:02:43.23/tpi/16465,16028,16849,17104,16603,16739,16965,17044,$$$$$,17586 1999.356.03:02:43.30/tpi/16388,16392,16622,16709,16682,16671,29090 1999.356.03:02:43.87?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.03:02:43.88/tsys1/94.9,103.2,99.3,87.7,88.1,80.0,79.5,78.5,$$$$$$$$,87.8 1999.356.03:02:43.89/tsys2/63.5,62.5,56.1,53.9,54.5,56.4,65.0 1999.356.03:02:48.27/wx/-8.8,962.9,78.8 1999.356.03:02:48.33/cable/+3.82679E-02 1999.356.03:02:48.38/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,29079,0,1pps 1999.356.03:02:48.43/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,17541,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.03:02:48.51/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,15997,15117,545,1pps 1999.356.03:02:48.59/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.49, -3.91,lock,15996,15879,554,1pps 1999.356.03:02:48.67/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.57,lock,16202,16024,550,1pps 1999.356.03:02:50.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:02:51.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:02:51.01:!1999.356.03:04:21 1999.356.03:02:51.81#setcl#time/64136731,1,1999,356,03,02,52.00,0.075,38.395,23 1999.356.03:02:51.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.03:04:08.43/wx/-8.7,962.8,78.9 1999.356.03:04:21.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:04:21.00:et 1999.356.03:04:21.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:04:24.05:tape 1999.356.03:04:24.12/tape/low,15943,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:04:24.12:postob 1999.356.03:04:24.13:source=3c446,222311.1,-051217.9,1950.0 1999.356.03:04:30.68:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:04:30.98/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:04:40.10:!1999.356.03:05:08 1999.356.03:05:08.00:preob 1999.356.03:05:10.75/tpical/19524,19327,20236,20682,19982,20695,21040,21004,$$$$$,17630 1999.356.03:05:10.82/tpical/20919,21054,21562,22193,22117,21723,34240 1999.356.03:05:10.90:!1999.356.03:05:18 1999.356.03:05:18.00:tape 1999.356.03:05:18.07/tape/low,15943,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:05:18.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:05:18.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:05:18.12:midob 1999.356.03:05:18.23/tpi/15688,15756,16402,16358,15820,15979,16305,16262,53300,13932 1999.356.03:05:18.30/tpi/15973,15983,15957,16229,16259,16154,26353 1999.356.03:05:18.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.03:05:18.87/tsys1/76.6,82.0,79.9,70.5,70.9,63.2,63.9,63.6,$$$$$$$$,70.4 1999.356.03:05:18.88/tsys2/56.9,55.6,50.1,47.8,49.1,51.2,59.1 1999.356.03:05:23.69/wx/-8.8,962.8,79.2 1999.356.03:05:23.85/cable/+3.82678E-02 1999.356.03:05:23.90/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,53634,26355,0,1pps 1999.356.03:05:23.95/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14023,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.03:05:24.03/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15869,16219,545,1pps 1999.356.03:05:24.11/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.54, -2.91,lock,16095,15772,554,1pps 1999.356.03:05:24.19/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.11,lock,15970,16198,550,1pps 1999.356.03:05:26.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:05:27.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:05:27.01:!1999.356.03:06:56 1999.356.03:05:27.81#setcl#time/64152331,1,1999,356,03,05,28.00,0.075,38.438,23 1999.356.03:05:27.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:05:52.75;"weather - overcast skies 1999.356.03:06:56.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:06:56.00:et 1999.356.03:06:56.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:06:59.05:tape 1999.356.03:06:59.12/tape/low,15290,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:06:59.12:postob 1999.356.03:06:59.13:source=2356+385,235700.0,383400.1,1950.0 1999.356.03:07:05.67:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:07:05.97/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:07:15.09:!1999.356.03:08:20 1999.356.03:08:03.38;"weather - overcast skies, rain/sleet falling 1999.356.03:08:20.00:preob 1999.356.03:08:22.74/tpical/20143,19646,20752,21529,21060,21447,22104,21927,59145,15602 1999.356.03:08:22.81/tpical/20774,21601,21919,22456,22238,22029,34154 1999.356.03:08:22.89:!1999.356.03:08:30 1999.356.03:08:30.00:tape 1999.356.03:08:30.07/tape/low,15290,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:08:30.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:08:30.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:08:30.12:midob 1999.356.03:08:30.23/tpi/15575,15473,16164,16281,15912,15748,16291,16164,45794,11774 1999.356.03:08:30.31/tpi/15704,16261,16024,16191,16065,16182,25945 1999.356.03:08:30.87/tsys1/63.8,68.9,65.8,57.8,57.6,51.5,52.0,52.0,64.1,57.3 1999.356.03:08:30.88/tsys2/54.5,53.7,47.8,45.4,46.0,48.9,55.9 1999.356.03:08:35.09/wx/-8.6,962.9,80.0 1999.356.03:08:35.21/cable/+3.82687E-02 1999.356.03:08:35.26/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45718,25886,0,1pps 1999.356.03:08:35.31/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11753,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.03:08:35.39/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15448,15829,545,1pps 1999.356.03:08:35.47/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.01,lock,15739,16168,554,1pps 1999.356.03:08:35.55/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.22,lock,16018,16250,550,1pps 1999.356.03:08:35.81#setcl#time/64171131,1,1999,356,03,08,36.00,0.075,38.491,23 1999.356.03:08:35.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:08:38.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:08:39.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:08:39.01:!1999.356.03:12:23 1999.356.03:12:23.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:12:23.00:et 1999.356.03:12:23.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:12:26.05:tape 1999.356.03:12:26.12/tape/low,13738,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:12:26.12:postob 1999.356.03:12:26.13:source=0202+149,020207.4,145950.8,1950.0 1999.356.03:12:32.69:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:12:32.99/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:12:42.11:!1999.356.03:14:18 1999.356.03:14:18.00:preob 1999.356.03:14:20.75/tpical/20663,20184,20788,21258,20535,21314,21579,21544,60778,16098 1999.356.03:14:20.82/tpical/20758,21699,22127,22122,22140,21798,34294 1999.356.03:14:20.89:!1999.356.03:14:28 1999.356.03:14:28.00:tape 1999.356.03:14:28.07/tape/low,13738,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:14:28.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:14:28.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:14:28.12:midob 1999.356.03:14:28.23/tpi/16247,16120,16462,16368,15824,15987,16219,16223,47792,12388 1999.356.03:14:28.30/tpi/15763,16340,16207,16061,16088,16067,26145 1999.356.03:14:28.86/tsys1/68.9,73.8,71.1,62.3,62.6,56.0,56.2,56.5,68.8,62.3 1999.356.03:14:28.87/tsys2/55.5,53.8,48.2,46.6,47.0,49.5,56.8 1999.356.03:14:33.37/wx/-8.1,962.6,81.3 1999.356.03:14:33.44/cable/+3.82631E-02 1999.356.03:14:33.49/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,48024,26123,0,1pps 1999.356.03:14:33.54/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12453,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.03:14:33.62/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,16207,15586,545,1pps 1999.356.03:14:33.70/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.36,lock,16096,15806,554,1pps 1999.356.03:14:33.78/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16214,16008,550,1pps 1999.356.03:14:34.79#setcl#time/64207029,1,1999,356,03,14,35.00,0.087,38.590,25 1999.356.03:14:34.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:14:37.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.03:14:38.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:14:38.01:!1999.356.03:16:58 1999.356.03:16:58.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:16:58.00:et 1999.356.03:16:58.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:17:01.05:tape 1999.356.03:17:01.12/tape/low,12739,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:17:01.12:postob 1999.356.03:17:01.13:source=0229+131,022902.5,130940.6,1950.0 1999.356.03:17:07.66:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:17:07.96/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:17:17.08:!1999.356.03:17:45 1999.356.03:17:45.00:preob 1999.356.03:17:47.75/tpical/20877,20340,20386,21106,20695,21515,21739,21732,61299,16224 1999.356.03:17:47.82/tpical/20864,20934,22202,22238,22226,21898,34442 1999.356.03:17:47.90:!1999.356.03:17:55 1999.356.03:17:55.00:tape 1999.356.03:17:55.07/tape/low,12739,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:17:55.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:17:55.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:17:55.12:midob 1999.356.03:17:55.23/tpi/16276,16147,16018,16111,15867,16033,16267,16269,47912,12413 1999.356.03:17:55.30/tpi/15836,15791,16312,16180,16214,16157,26446 1999.356.03:17:55.86/tsys1/66.3,71.6,68.5,60.1,61.3,54.5,55.2,55.2,66.9,60.7 1999.356.03:17:55.87/tsys2/55.4,54.1,48.7,46.9,47.7,49.7,58.5 1999.356.03:18:01.15/wx/-7.9,962.6,82.2 1999.356.03:18:01.29/cable/+3.82633E-02 1999.356.03:18:01.34/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47873,26440,0,1pps 1999.356.03:18:01.39/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12403,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.03:18:01.47/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,16136,15514,545,1pps 1999.356.03:18:01.55/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.36,lock,16015,15732,554,1pps 1999.356.03:18:01.63/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16310,16097,550,1pps 1999.356.03:18:03.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:18:04.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:18:04.01:!1999.356.03:23:24 1999.356.03:18:04.81#setcl#time/64228031,1,1999,356,03,18,05.00,0.075,38.649,23 1999.356.03:18:04.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:23:24.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:23:24.00:et 1999.356.03:23:24.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:23:27.05:tape 1999.356.03:23:27.12/tape/low,10546,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:23:27.12:postob 1999.356.03:23:27.13:source=0048-097,004810.0,-094524.3,1950.0 1999.356.03:23:33.68:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:23:33.98/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:23:43.10:!1999.356.03:24:47 1999.356.03:24:47.00:preob 1999.356.03:24:49.75/tpical/19086,18542,19268,20172,19308,20355,20536,20509,$$$$$,19289 1999.356.03:24:49.82/tpical/20655,20070,20794,20831,21307,20752,38792 1999.356.03:24:49.90:!1999.356.03:24:57 1999.356.03:24:57.00:tape 1999.356.03:24:57.07/tape/low,10546,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:24:57.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:24:57.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:24:57.12:midob 1999.356.03:24:57.23/tpi/15587,15382,15849,16216,15525,16020,16196,16195,59588,15511 1999.356.03:24:57.30/tpi/16263,15724,15955,15853,16256,15992,30668 1999.356.03:24:57.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.03:24:57.87/tsys1/83.4,90.4,86.6,76.3,76.5,68.9,69.3,69.6,$$$$$$$$,76.8 1999.356.03:24:57.88/tsys2/65.2,63.8,58.0,55.9,56.9,59.3,67.0 1999.356.03:25:01.60/wx/-7.5,962.4,83.4 1999.356.03:25:01.76/cable/+3.82623E-02 1999.356.03:25:01.81/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,59558,30695,0,1pps 1999.356.03:25:01.86/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,15499,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.03:25:01.94/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -7.86,lock,15372,15693,545,1pps 1999.356.03:25:02.02/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.91, -3.30,lock,16010,16069,554,1pps 1999.356.03:25:02.10/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.90, 1.34,lock,15965,16168,550,1pps 1999.356.03:25:04.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:25:05.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:25:05.01:!1999.356.03:26:35 1999.356.03:25:05.81#setcl#time/64270131,1,1999,356,03,25,06.00,0.074,38.766,23 1999.356.03:25:05.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:26:35.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:26:35.00:et 1999.356.03:26:35.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:26:38.05:tape 1999.356.03:26:38.12/tape/low,09894,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:26:38.12:postob 1999.356.03:26:38.13:source=2234+282,223401.7,281323.0,1950.0 1999.356.03:26:44.67:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:26:44.97/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:26:54.09:!1999.356.03:28:09 1999.356.03:28:09.00:preob 1999.356.03:28:11.75/tpical/20825,21348,21093,21790,21405,22641,22592,22622,54124,14250 1999.356.03:28:11.82/tpical/21559,21725,21993,22238,22565,22333,32950 1999.356.03:28:11.89:!1999.356.03:28:19 1999.356.03:28:19.00:tape 1999.356.03:28:19.07/tape/low,09894,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:28:19.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:28:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:28:19.12:midob 1999.356.03:28:19.23/tpi/15692,16371,15969,15964,15692,16080,16146,16206,40869,10440 1999.356.03:28:19.30/tpi/16134,16134,15903,15877,16160,16218,24890 1999.356.03:28:19.86/tsys1/57.2,61.2,58.2,51.0,51.2,45.7,46.5,46.8,57.5,50.9 1999.356.03:28:19.87/tsys2/52.4,50.9,45.9,43.8,44.6,46.9,54.6 1999.356.03:28:24.47/wx/-7.3,962.4,83.5 1999.356.03:28:24.65/cable/+3.82675E-02 1999.356.03:28:24.70/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40899,24859,0,1pps 1999.356.03:28:24.75/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10448,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.03:28:24.83/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16376,15398,545,1pps 1999.356.03:28:24.91/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16114,16045,554,1pps 1999.356.03:28:24.99/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.42,lock,15890,16217,550,1pps 1999.356.03:28:27.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:28:28.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:28:28.01:!1999.356.03:32:01 1999.356.03:28:28.81#setcl#time/64290431,1,1999,356,03,28,29.00,0.074,38.822,23 1999.356.03:28:28.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:32:01.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:32:01.00:et 1999.356.03:32:01.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:32:04.05:tape 1999.356.03:32:04.12/tape/low,08414,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:32:04.12:postob 1999.356.03:32:04.13:source=0003-066,000340.3,-064017.4,1950.0 1999.356.03:32:10.68:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:32:10.98/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:32:20.10:!1999.356.03:33:45 1999.356.03:33:45.00:preob 1999.356.03:33:47.75/tpical/19802,19355,20608,20859,20851,21701,21566,21607,61957,16368 1999.356.03:33:47.82/tpical/20791,20916,21521,22034,21823,21320,35684 1999.356.03:33:47.90:!1999.356.03:33:55 1999.356.03:33:55.00:tape 1999.356.03:33:55.07/tape/low,08414,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:33:55.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:33:55.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:33:55.12:midob 1999.356.03:33:55.23/tpi/15526,15404,16248,15996,16029,16249,16184,16248,48603,12563 1999.356.03:33:55.30/tpi/15973,15965,16055,16291,16178,16001,27613 1999.356.03:33:55.86/tsys1/68.0,72.4,69.6,61.2,62.0,55.6,55.8,56.2,68.1,61.6 1999.356.03:33:55.87/tsys2/58.4,56.8,51.7,49.9,50.6,53.1,60.6 1999.356.03:33:59.86/wx/-7.3,962.5,83.5 1999.356.03:34:00.01/cable/+3.82647E-02 1999.356.03:34:00.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,48566,27617,0,1pps 1999.356.03:34:00.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12556,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.03:34:00.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15405,15781,545,1pps 1999.356.03:34:00.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.36,lock,16228,15909,554,1pps 1999.356.03:34:00.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.42, 1.90,lock,16022,16192,550,1pps 1999.356.03:34:02.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:34:03.01?ERROR an -103 Pointing computer tracking errors are too large. 1999.356.03:34:03.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 1999.356.03:34:03.02/onsource/SLEWING 1999.356.03:34:03.02:!1999.356.03:35:33 1999.356.03:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.03:34:08.04/wx/-7.3,962.4,83.4 1999.356.03:34:08.80#setcl#time/64324430,1,1999,356,03,34,09.00,0.080,38.916,24 1999.356.03:34:08.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:35:33.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:35:33.00:et 1999.356.03:35:33.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:35:36.05:tape 1999.356.03:35:36.12/tape/low,07761,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:35:36.12:postob 1999.356.03:35:36.13:source=0119+115,011903.1,113409.2,1950.0 1999.356.03:35:42.67:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:35:42.97/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:35:52.09:!1999.356.03:36:14 1999.356.03:36:14.00:preob 1999.356.03:36:16.75/tpical/21188,20356,20965,21844,20809,22399,22330,22515,55172,14605 1999.356.03:36:16.82/tpical/21256,21347,21756,22461,21949,21663,33877 1999.356.03:36:16.90:!1999.356.03:36:24 1999.356.03:36:24.00:tape 1999.356.03:36:24.07/tape/low,07761,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:36:24.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:36:24.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:36:24.12:midob 1999.356.03:36:24.23/tpi/15978,15693,15970,16107,15378,16085,16103,16252,41858,10777 1999.356.03:36:24.30/tpi/16079,16027,15895,16243,15922,15905,25810 1999.356.03:36:24.86/tsys1/57.4,62.5,59.7,52.3,52.7,47.5,48.0,48.1,58.6,52.3 1999.356.03:36:24.87/tsys2/54.7,53.1,47.7,45.9,46.7,48.8,56.6 1999.356.03:36:28.74/wx/-7.5,962.4,83.0 1999.356.03:36:28.81/cable/+3.82655E-02 1999.356.03:36:28.86/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41858,25784,0,1pps 1999.356.03:36:28.91/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10773,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.03:36:28.99/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15678,15698,545,1pps 1999.356.03:36:29.07/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16070,16060,554,1pps 1999.356.03:36:29.15/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16251,16101,550,1pps 1999.356.03:36:31.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:36:32.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:36:32.01:!1999.356.03:38:38 1999.356.03:36:32.81#setcl#time/64338831,1,1999,356,03,36,33.00,0.074,38.956,23 1999.356.03:36:32.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:38:38.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:38:38.00:et 1999.356.03:38:38.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:38:41.05:tape 1999.356.03:38:41.12/tape/low,06869,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:38:41.12:postob 1999.356.03:38:41.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.03:38:47.65:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:38:47.95/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:38:57.07:!1999.356.03:39:43 1999.356.03:39:43.00:preob 1999.356.03:39:45.74/tpical/21216,20409,21477,22111,21700,22151,22512,22627,55098,14480 1999.356.03:39:45.81/tpical/21486,21499,22365,22514,22281,22184,34353 1999.356.03:39:45.88:!1999.356.03:39:53 1999.356.03:39:53.00:tape 1999.356.03:39:53.07/tape/low,06869,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:39:53.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:39:53.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:39:53.12:midob 1999.356.03:39:53.23/tpi/16064,15712,16333,16269,15987,15815,16141,16255,41802,10657 1999.356.03:39:53.30/tpi/16262,16167,16333,16287,16146,16306,26225 1999.356.03:39:53.86/tsys1/58.4,62.2,59.3,51.9,52.2,46.5,47.0,47.3,58.6,51.8 1999.356.03:39:53.87/tsys2/54.8,53.5,47.7,46.0,46.5,49.0,57.1 1999.356.03:39:58.16/wx/-7.6,962.3,82.3 1999.356.03:39:58.25/cable/+3.82666E-02 1999.356.03:39:58.30/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41773,26171,0,1pps 1999.356.03:39:58.35/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10648,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.03:39:58.43/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15704,15742,545,1pps 1999.356.03:39:58.51/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15785,15789,554,1pps 1999.356.03:39:58.60/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16372,16254,550,1pps 1999.356.03:39:58.80#setcl#time/64359430,1,1999,356,03,39,59.00,0.080,39.014,24 1999.356.03:39:58.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:40:01.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.03:40:02.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:40:02.01:!1999.356.03:41:31 1999.356.03:41:31.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:41:31.00:et 1999.356.03:41:31.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:41:34.05:tape 1999.356.03:41:34.12/tape/low,06216,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:41:34.12:postob 1999.356.03:41:34.12:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.03:41:40.67:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:41:40.97/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:41:50.09:!1999.356.03:42:31 1999.356.03:42:31.00:preob 1999.356.03:42:33.75/tpical/20602,21148,21465,22009,22235,22359,22749,23042,53544,14102 1999.356.03:42:33.82/tpical/21163,21348,22064,22498,22261,22099,32438 1999.356.03:42:33.90:!1999.356.03:42:41 1999.356.03:42:41.00:tape 1999.356.03:42:41.07/tape/low,06216,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:42:41.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:42:41.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:42:41.12:midob 1999.356.03:42:41.23/tpi/15430,16097,16170,16022,16183,15774,16128,16355,40219,10255 1999.356.03:42:41.30/tpi/15874,15866,15908,16079,15951,16070,24507 1999.356.03:42:41.86/tsys1/55.8,59.3,57.1,49.8,49.9,44.7,45.2,45.4,56.3,49.5 1999.356.03:42:41.87/tsys2/52.8,51.0,45.5,44.0,44.7,47.1,54.6 1999.356.03:42:46.67/wx/-7.6,962.6,82.4 1999.356.03:42:46.73/cable/+3.82690E-02 1999.356.03:42:46.78/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40221,24549,0,1pps 1999.356.03:42:46.83/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10256,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.03:42:46.91/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16119,16188,545,1pps 1999.356.03:42:46.99/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15794,15723,554,1pps 1999.356.03:42:47.07/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,15906,15920,550,1pps 1999.356.03:42:47.81#setcl#time/64376331,1,1999,356,03,42,48.00,0.074,39.061,23 1999.356.03:42:47.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:42:50.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:42:51.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:42:51.01:!1999.356.03:44:19 1999.356.03:44:19.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:44:19.00:et 1999.356.03:44:19.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:44:22.05:tape 1999.356.03:44:22.12/tape/low,05564,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:44:22.12:postob 1999.356.03:44:22.13:source=1418+546,141806.2,543658.4,1950.0 1999.356.03:44:28.65:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:44:28.95/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:44:38.07:!1999.356.03:49:31 1999.356.03:49:31.00:preob 1999.356.03:49:33.75/tpical/21165,20291,21496,22239,21924,22497,22490,22603,55166,14630 1999.356.03:49:33.83/tpical/21430,21550,22204,22554,22644,22499,32748 1999.356.03:49:33.91:!1999.356.03:49:41 1999.356.03:49:41.00:tape 1999.356.03:49:41.07/tape/low,05564,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:49:41.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:49:41.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:49:41.12:midob 1999.356.03:49:41.23/tpi/15986,15603,16371,16340,16184,16132,16185,16290,41796,10772 1999.356.03:49:41.30/tpi/16085,16041,16043,16108,16189,16281,24718 1999.356.03:49:41.86/tsys1/57.8,61.8,59.7,51.6,52.6,47.3,47.6,47.9,58.3,51.9 1999.356.03:49:41.87/tsys2/53.0,51.3,45.8,43.9,44.3,46.3,54.4 1999.356.03:49:47.14/wx/-7.9,962.3,82.1 1999.356.03:49:47.20/cable/+3.82635E-02 1999.356.03:49:47.25/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41808,24706,0,1pps 1999.356.03:49:47.30/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10782,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.03:49:47.38/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15632,15722,545,1pps 1999.356.03:49:47.46/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16113,16080,554,1pps 1999.356.03:49:47.54/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16072,16023,550,1pps 1999.356.03:49:49.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.03:49:50.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:49:50.01:!1999.356.03:56:03 1999.356.03:49:50.81#setcl#time/64418631,1,1999,356,03,49,51.00,0.074,39.178,23 1999.356.03:49:50.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.03:56:03.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.03:56:03.00:et 1999.356.03:56:03.04:!+3s 1999.356.03:56:06.05:tape 1999.356.03:56:06.12/tape/low,03017,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:56:06.12:postob 1999.356.03:56:06.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.03:56:12.68:nw2c2=8 1999.356.03:56:12.98/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.03:56:22.10:!1999.356.03:58:16 1999.356.03:57:04.44;"weather rpt. overcast light sleet 1999.356.03:58:16.00:preob 1999.356.03:58:18.74/tpical/20702,21207,21593,22161,21403,22734,22712,22733,53906,14280 1999.356.03:58:18.81/tpical/21324,21216,22325,22730,22413,22168,32275 1999.356.03:58:18.89:!1999.356.03:58:26 1999.356.03:58:26.00:tape 1999.356.03:58:26.07/tape/low,03017,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.03:58:26.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.03:58:26.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.03:58:26.12:midob 1999.356.03:58:26.23/tpi/15511,16166,16262,16163,15649,16113,16137,16215,40530,10414 1999.356.03:58:26.30/tpi/15830,15725,16038,16125,15971,15966,24297 1999.356.03:58:26.86/tsys1/55.9,59.6,57.0,50.2,50.7,45.4,45.5,46.1,56.5,50.1 1999.356.03:58:26.87/tsys2/50.7,50.5,44.9,42.9,43.8,45.5,53.8 1999.356.03:58:30.69/wx/-8.0,962.5,82.2 1999.356.03:58:30.72/cable/+3.82672E-02 1999.356.03:58:30.77/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40540,24274,0,1pps 1999.356.03:58:30.82/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10415,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.03:58:30.90/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16158,16270,545,1pps 1999.356.03:58:30.98/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16124,16075,554,1pps 1999.356.03:58:31.06/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16022,16010,550,1pps 1999.356.03:58:33.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.03:58:34.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.03:58:34.01:!1999.356.04:00:04 1999.356.03:58:34.81#setcl#time/64471031,1,1999,356,03,58,35.00,0.073,39.324,23 1999.356.03:58:34.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:00:04.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:00:04.00:et 1999.356.04:00:04.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:00:07.05:tape 1999.356.04:00:07.12/tape/low,02363,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:00:07.12:postob 1999.356.04:00:07.13:source=da426,165211.8,395025.3,1950.0 1999.356.04:00:13.66:nw2c2=8 1999.356.04:00:13.96/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.04:00:23.08:!1999.356.04:00:37 1999.356.04:00:37.00:preob 1999.356.04:00:39.74/tpical/21259,20397,21096,21894,22005,22539,22488,22638,55340,14673 1999.356.04:00:39.81/tpical/21384,21560,22265,22623,22360,22093,32803 1999.356.04:00:39.89:!1999.356.04:00:47 1999.356.04:00:47.00:tape 1999.356.04:00:47.07/tape/low,02363,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:00:47.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.04:00:47.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:00:47.12:midob 1999.356.04:00:47.23/tpi/16083,15716,16049,16133,16223,16145,16213,16308,41989,10821 1999.356.04:00:47.30/tpi/16086,16091,16105,16192,16036,16030,24819 1999.356.04:00:47.87/tsys1/58.2,62.4,59.4,52.1,52.3,47.1,48.0,47.8,58.7,52.2 1999.356.04:00:47.88/tsys2/53.5,51.9,46.0,44.3,44.8,46.7,55.0 1999.356.04:00:53.03/wx/-8.2,962.4,81.8 1999.356.04:00:53.13/cable/+3.82658E-02 1999.356.04:00:53.18/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41977,24838,0,1pps 1999.356.04:00:53.23/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10816,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.04:00:53.31/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15688,15781,545,1pps 1999.356.04:00:53.39/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16162,16107,554,1pps 1999.356.04:00:53.47/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16107,16062,550,1pps 1999.356.04:00:55.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:00:56.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:00:56.01:!1999.356.04:03:20 1999.356.04:00:56.81#setcl#time/64485231,1,1999,356,04,00,57.00,0.073,39.363,23 1999.356.04:00:56.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:03:20.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:03:20.00:et 1999.356.04:03:20.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:03:23.05:tape 1999.356.04:03:23.12/tape/low,01344,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:03:23.12:postob 1999.356.04:03:23.13:source=3c371,180718.6,694857.2,1950.0 1999.356.04:03:29.67:nw2c2=8 1999.356.04:03:29.97/pass/8,,auto,-165.0,,-165.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.04:03:39.10:!1999.356.04:10:14 1999.356.04:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.04:04:07.73/wx/-8.4,962.3,81.6 1999.356.04:10:14.00:preob 1999.356.04:10:16.75/tpical/21044,20190,21302,21978,21635,22090,22507,22603,54678,14441 1999.356.04:10:16.82/tpical/20916,20990,22104,22359,22531,22357,33040 1999.356.04:10:16.90:!1999.356.04:10:24 1999.356.04:10:24.00:tape 1999.356.04:10:24.07/tape/low,01344,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:10:24.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.04:10:24.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:10:24.12:midob 1999.356.04:10:24.23/tpi/15863,15489,16134,16111,15887,15729,16060,16182,41340,10583 1999.356.04:10:24.30/tpi/15743,15670,16037,15979,16148,16289,24983 1999.356.04:10:24.86/tsys1/57.3,61.2,58.3,51.1,51.5,46.1,46.2,46.7,57.8,51.0 1999.356.04:10:24.87/tsys2/53.6,51.9,46.5,44.0,44.7,47.4,54.8 1999.356.04:10:28.93/wx/-8.3,962.1,81.7 1999.356.04:10:28.97/cable/+3.82673E-02 1999.356.04:10:29.02/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41355,25003,0,1pps 1999.356.04:10:29.07/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10590,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.04:10:29.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15495,15579,545,1pps 1999.356.04:10:29.23/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15724,15700,554,1pps 1999.356.04:10:29.31/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16051,15966,550,1pps 1999.356.04:10:31.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:10:32.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:10:32.01:!1999.356.04:12:39 1999.356.04:10:32.81#setcl#time/64542831,1,1999,356,04,10,33.00,0.073,39.523,23 1999.356.04:10:32.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:12:39.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:12:39.00:et 1999.356.04:12:39.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:12:42.05:tape 1999.356.04:12:42.12/tape/low,00445,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:12:42.12:postob 1999.356.04:12:42.13:source=0642+449,064253.0,445430.9,1950.0 1999.356.04:12:48.65:midtp 1999.356.04:12:51.37/tpzero/234,345,279,329,299,292,387,402,720,217 1999.356.04:12:51.44/tpzero/352,331,364,381,299,304,444 1999.356.04:12:52.14/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,23.99 1999.356.04:12:52.24/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 1999.356.04:12:52.34/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 1999.356.04:12:52.44/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.963 1999.356.04:12:52.54/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.471 1999.356.04:12:52.64/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.73 1999.356.04:12:52.74/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.59 1999.356.04:12:52.74:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:12:54.12/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:13:03.24:fastr=0m10s 1999.356.04:13:13.32:!1999.356.04:14:58 1999.356.04:14:58.00:preob 1999.356.04:15:00.75/tpical/20827,20048,21144,21799,21542,22003,22378,22513,54281,14350 1999.356.04:15:00.82/tpical/21411,21507,22313,22477,22324,22065,33889 1999.356.04:15:00.89:!1999.356.04:15:08 1999.356.04:15:08.00:tape 1999.356.04:15:08.07/tape/low,00220,low,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:15:08.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:15:08.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:15:08.12:midob 1999.356.04:15:08.23/tpi/15718,15399,16042,15977,15821,15706,16051,16173,41057,10538 1999.356.04:15:08.30/tpi/16144,16113,16267,16161,16060,16115,25711 1999.356.04:15:08.86/tsys1/57.6,61.5,58.7,51.1,51.6,46.5,47.0,47.3,58.0,51.4 1999.356.04:15:08.87/tsys2/54.0,52.7,47.3,45.0,45.3,47.8,55.6 1999.356.04:15:13.61/wx/-8.2,961.9,82.2 1999.356.04:15:13.76/cable/+3.82609E-02 1999.356.04:15:13.81/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41037,25712,0,1pps 1999.356.04:15:13.86/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10533,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.04:15:13.94/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15400,15435,545,1pps 1999.356.04:15:14.02/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15716,16201,554,1pps 1999.356.04:15:14.10/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16261,16097,550,1pps 1999.356.04:15:16.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:15:17.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:15:17.01:!1999.356.04:17:39 1999.356.04:15:17.81#setcl#time/64571331,1,1999,356,04,15,18.00,0.073,39.602,23 1999.356.04:15:17.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:17:39.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:17:39.00:et 1999.356.04:17:39.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:17:42.05:tape 1999.356.04:17:42.12/tape/low,01226,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:17:42.12:postob 1999.356.04:17:42.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.04:17:48.66:checkf80 1999.356.04:18:18.67/parity/0.,2.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,4.,0.,0.,0.,0.,2. 1999.356.04:18:18.67/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.04:18:36.70:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:18:37.00/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:18:46.12:!1999.356.04:19:52 1999.356.04:19:52.00:preob 1999.356.04:19:54.74/tpical/21232,20362,21456,22111,21784,22201,22549,22648,55125,14521 1999.356.04:19:54.81/tpical/20250,21629,21955,22025,22311,21732,34267 1999.356.04:19:54.89:!1999.356.04:20:02 1999.356.04:20:02.00:tape 1999.356.04:20:02.07/tape/low,01226,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:20:02.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:20:02.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:20:02.12:midob 1999.356.04:20:02.23/tpi/16067,15727,16375,16307,16052,15870,16215,16308,41846,10692 1999.356.04:20:02.30/tpi/15403,16281,16066,15928,16195,15990,26245 1999.356.04:20:02.86/tsys1/58.2,63.1,60.2,52.3,52.2,46.8,47.5,47.7,58.8,52.0 1999.356.04:20:02.87/tsys2/55.9,53.7,48.0,45.9,46.8,49.2,57.9 1999.356.04:20:08.10/wx/-8.0,962.0,82.2 1999.356.04:20:08.17/cable/+3.82648E-02 1999.356.04:20:08.22/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41852,26159,0,1pps 1999.356.04:20:08.27/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10689,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.04:20:08.35/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15727,15761,545,1pps 1999.356.04:20:08.43/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15879,15848,554,1pps 1999.356.04:20:08.51/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16090,15917,550,1pps 1999.356.04:20:08.80#setcl#time/64600430,1,1999,356,04,20,09.00,0.079,39.683,24 1999.356.04:20:08.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:20:11.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:20:12.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:20:12.01:!1999.356.04:21:40 1999.356.04:21:40.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:21:40.00:et 1999.356.04:21:40.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:21:43.05:tape 1999.356.04:21:43.12/tape/low,01878,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:21:43.12:postob 1999.356.04:21:43.13:source=ngc1052,023837.3,-082809.0,1950.0 1999.356.04:21:49.68:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:21:49.98/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:21:59.10:!1999.356.04:26:08 1999.356.04:26:08.00:preob 1999.356.04:26:10.75/tpical/18202,18745,19227,19431,18663,19646,19785,19700,$$$$$,21126 1999.356.04:26:10.82/tpical/20341,19644,20825,20739,20811,20805,39764 1999.356.04:26:10.89:!1999.356.04:26:18 1999.356.04:26:18.00:tape 1999.356.04:26:18.07/tape/low,01878,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:26:18.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:26:18.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:26:18.12:midob 1999.356.04:26:18.23/tpi/15162,15806,16166,15974,15383,15809,15980,15918,$$$$$,17374 1999.356.04:26:18.30/tpi/16140,15526,16107,15900,15995,16154,31694 1999.356.04:26:18.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.04:26:18.87/tsys1/93.3,100.0,98.6,86.0,87.4,76.8,77.9,77.9,$$$$$$$$,86.9 1999.356.04:26:18.88/tsys2/67.6,66.4,60.1,57.7,58.7,61.3,69.7 1999.356.04:26:22.76/wx/-7.7,961.8,82.8 1999.356.04:26:22.88/cable/+3.82591E-02 1999.356.04:26:22.93/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,31661,0,1pps 1999.356.04:26:22.98/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,17361,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.04:26:23.06/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.21, -8.21,lock,15816,16215,545,1pps 1999.356.04:26:23.14/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.49, -3.91,lock,15819,15735,554,1pps 1999.356.04:26:23.22/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.79, 1.22,lock,16112,16263,550,1pps 1999.356.04:26:25.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:26:26.01?ERROR an -103 Pointing computer tracking errors are too large. 1999.356.04:26:26.01?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 1999.356.04:26:26.02/onsource/SLEWING 1999.356.04:26:26.02:!1999.356.04:30:03 1999.356.04:26:26.79#setcl#time/64638229,1,1999,356,04,26,27.00,0.084,39.788,25 1999.356.04:26:26.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:30:03.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:30:03.00:et 1999.356.04:30:03.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:30:06.05:tape 1999.356.04:30:06.12/tape/low,03379,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:30:06.12:postob 1999.356.04:30:06.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.04:30:12.65:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:30:12.95/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:30:22.07:!1999.356.04:32:00 1999.356.04:32:00.00:preob 1999.356.04:32:02.75/tpical/20878,20026,21163,21895,21506,21911,22326,22754,54346,14334 1999.356.04:32:02.82/tpical/21189,21315,22502,22368,22520,22298,32510 1999.356.04:32:02.90:!1999.356.04:32:10 1999.356.04:32:10.00:tape 1999.356.04:32:10.07/tape/low,03379,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:32:10.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:32:10.11:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:32:10.11:midob 1999.356.04:32:10.22/tpi/15666,15317,15963,15979,15687,15516,15892,16244,40902,10463 1999.356.04:32:10.29/tpi/15852,15814,16233,15908,16048,16153,24621 1999.356.04:32:10.85/tsys1/56.3,60.4,57.3,50.3,50.2,45.2,45.8,46.2,56.8,50.3 1999.356.04:32:10.86/tsys2/52.3,50.7,45.6,43.3,43.8,46.4,55.2 1999.356.04:32:16.16/wx/-7.4,961.7,83.4 1999.356.04:32:16.32/cable/+3.82682E-02 1999.356.04:32:16.37/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40936,24619,0,1pps 1999.356.04:32:16.42/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10473,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.04:32:16.50/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16362,15416,545,1pps 1999.356.04:32:16.58/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16135,16097,554,1pps 1999.356.04:32:16.66/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16214,16199,550,1pps 1999.356.04:32:18.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:32:19.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:32:19.01:!1999.356.04:33:48 1999.356.04:32:19.81#setcl#time/64673531,1,1999,356,04,32,20.00,0.072,39.886,23 1999.356.04:32:19.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:33:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:33:48.00:et 1999.356.04:33:48.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:33:51.05:tape 1999.356.04:33:51.12/tape/low,04031,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:33:51.12:postob 1999.356.04:33:51.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.356.04:33:57.67:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:33:57.97/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.04:34:07.41/wx/-7.2,961.7,83.6 1999.356.04:34:07.41:!1999.356.04:34:25 1999.356.04:34:25.00:preob 1999.356.04:34:27.74/tpical/20997,20166,21243,21955,21593,22882,22825,22843,54631,14405 1999.356.04:34:27.82/tpical/21441,21555,22206,22549,22624,22468,32527 1999.356.04:34:27.90:!1999.356.04:34:35 1999.356.04:34:35.00:tape 1999.356.04:34:35.07/tape/low,04031,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:34:35.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:34:35.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:34:35.12:midob 1999.356.04:34:35.23/tpi/15813,15435,16067,16086,15826,16214,16306,16336,41232,10545 1999.356.04:34:35.30/tpi/16106,16049,16088,16129,16240,16326,24596 1999.356.04:34:35.86/tsys1/57.1,60.6,58.0,51.0,51.2,45.4,46.4,46.5,57.4,50.8 1999.356.04:34:35.87/tsys2/53.2,51.4,46.3,44.2,44.9,47.0,54.8 1999.356.04:34:40.14/wx/-7.2,961.6,83.6 1999.356.04:34:40.33/cable/+3.82697E-02 1999.356.04:34:40.38/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41208,24584,0,1pps 1999.356.04:34:40.43/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10535,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.04:34:40.51/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15451,15474,545,1pps 1999.356.04:34:40.59/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16214,16188,554,1pps 1999.356.04:34:40.67/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16089,16090,550,1pps 1999.356.04:34:42.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.04:34:43.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:34:43.01:!1999.356.04:36:13 1999.356.04:34:43.81#setcl#time/64687931,1,1999,356,04,34,44.00,0.072,39.926,23 1999.356.04:34:43.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:36:13.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:36:13.00:et 1999.356.04:36:13.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:36:16.05:tape 1999.356.04:36:16.12/tape/low,04685,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:36:16.12:postob 1999.356.04:36:16.13:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 1999.356.04:36:22.66:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:36:22.96/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:36:32.08:!1999.356.04:37:05 1999.356.04:37:05.00:preob 1999.356.04:37:07.75/tpical/20449,20842,20968,21927,21291,22176,22390,22385,56581,14987 1999.356.04:37:07.82/tpical/21600,21765,22428,22841,22497,22255,32849 1999.356.04:37:07.90:!1999.356.04:37:15 1999.356.04:37:15.00:tape 1999.356.04:37:15.07/tape/low,04685,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:37:15.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:37:15.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:37:15.12:midob 1999.356.04:37:15.23/tpi/15634,16226,16150,16381,15939,16165,16349,16384,43393,11194 1999.356.04:37:15.30/tpi/16285,16290,16355,16448,16263,16281,24951 1999.356.04:37:15.86/tsys1/60.8,65.4,62.6,55.0,55.5,50.2,50.2,50.6,61.5,55.0 1999.356.04:37:15.87/tsys2/54.0,52.5,47.4,45.2,46.1,48.1,55.9 1999.356.04:37:20.47/wx/-6.8,961.6,84.1 1999.356.04:37:20.64/cable/+3.82694E-02 1999.356.04:37:20.69/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43425,24960,0,1pps 1999.356.04:37:20.74/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11200,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.04:37:20.82/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16214,16295,545,1pps 1999.356.04:37:20.90/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16151,16050,554,1pps 1999.356.04:37:20.98/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16361,16360,550,1pps 1999.356.04:37:23.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:37:24.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:37:24.01:!1999.356.04:38:53 1999.356.04:37:24.81#setcl#time/64704031,1,1999,356,04,37,25.00,0.072,39.971,23 1999.356.04:37:24.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:38:53.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:38:53.00:et 1999.356.04:38:53.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:38:56.05:tape 1999.356.04:38:56.12/tape/low,05337,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:38:56.12:postob 1999.356.04:38:56.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.04:39:02.67:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:39:02.97/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:39:12.09:!1999.356.04:41:54 1999.356.04:41:54.00:preob 1999.356.04:41:56.75/tpical/21273,20474,21031,21724,21755,22216,22570,22702,55326,14552 1999.356.04:41:56.82/tpical/20927,20941,22159,22148,22390,21753,34321 1999.356.04:41:56.90:!1999.356.04:42:04 1999.356.04:42:04.00:tape 1999.356.04:42:04.07/tape/low,05337,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:42:04.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:42:04.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:42:04.12:midob 1999.356.04:42:04.23/tpi/16185,15810,16069,16049,16076,15938,16243,16370,42098,10737 1999.356.04:42:04.30/tpi/15907,15774,16281,16064,16265,16071,26258 1999.356.04:42:04.86/tsys1/59.6,63.0,60.5,52.6,52.8,47.4,47.6,47.9,59.4,52.4 1999.356.04:42:04.87/tsys2/55.8,53.8,48.7,46.4,46.9,49.9,57.6 1999.356.04:42:10.06/wx/-6.4,961.6,84.9 1999.356.04:42:10.24/cable/+3.82700E-02 1999.356.04:42:10.29/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42121,26260,0,1pps 1999.356.04:42:10.34/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10745,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.04:42:10.42/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15815,15861,545,1pps 1999.356.04:42:10.50/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15904,15918,554,1pps 1999.356.04:42:10.58/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16270,16143,550,1pps 1999.356.04:42:12.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:42:13.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:42:13.01:!1999.356.04:43:42 1999.356.04:42:13.81#setcl#time/64732931,1,1999,356,04,42,14.00,0.072,40.051,23 1999.356.04:42:13.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:43:42.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:43:42.00:et 1999.356.04:43:42.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:43:45.05:tape 1999.356.04:43:45.12/tape/low,05989,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:43:45.12:postob 1999.356.04:43:45.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.04:43:51.67:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:43:51.97/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:44:01.09:!1999.356.04:45:47 1999.356.04:45:47.00:preob 1999.356.04:45:49.75/tpical/18887,17623,18621,19405,19121,19465,19548,19624,$$$$$,23091 1999.356.04:45:49.82/tpical/19781,19655,20265,19935,20568,19995,43611 1999.356.04:45:49.89:!1999.356.04:45:57 1999.356.04:45:57.00:tape 1999.356.04:45:57.07/tape/low,05989,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:45:57.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:45:57.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:45:57.12:midob 1999.356.04:45:57.23/tpi/15978,15123,15890,16225,16045,15980,16038,16086,$$$$$,19335 1999.356.04:45:57.30/tpi/16097,15894,16048,15682,16208,15868,35437 1999.356.04:45:57.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.04:45:57.87/tsys1/102.8,112.3,108.6,95.0,97.3,85.5,84.7,84.2,$$$$$$$$,96.7 1999.356.04:45:57.88/tsys2/76.9,74.5,66.9,64.8,65.7,67.9,77.1 1999.356.04:46:02.38/wx/-5.9,961.4,85.8 1999.356.04:46:02.56/cable/+3.82591E-02 1999.356.04:46:02.61/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,35367,0,1pps 1999.356.04:46:02.66/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,19348,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.04:46:02.74/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15118,15527,545,1pps 1999.356.04:46:02.82/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.91, -4.34,lock,16000,15714,554,1pps 1999.356.04:46:02.90/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.22, 0.61,lock,16034,15955,550,1pps 1999.356.04:46:05.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:46:06.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:46:06.01:!1999.356.04:49:06 1999.356.04:46:06.81#setcl#time/64756231,1,1999,356,04,46,07.00,0.072,40.116,23 1999.356.04:46:06.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:49:06.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:49:06.00:et 1999.356.04:49:06.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:49:09.05:tape 1999.356.04:49:09.12/tape/low,07248,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:49:09.12:postob 1999.356.04:49:09.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.04:49:15.65:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:49:15.95/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:49:25.07:!1999.356.04:50:45 1999.356.04:50:45.00:preob 1999.356.04:50:47.75/tpical/21214,20353,20923,21975,21720,22088,22447,22575,54964,14460 1999.356.04:50:47.82/tpical/21294,21360,22239,22264,22113,21893,33857 1999.356.04:50:47.89:!1999.356.04:50:55 1999.356.04:50:55.00:tape 1999.356.04:50:55.07/tape/low,07248,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:50:55.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:50:55.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:50:55.12:midob 1999.356.04:50:55.23/tpi/16071,15704,15963,16222,16043,15856,16180,16313,41790,10687 1999.356.04:50:55.30/tpi/16070,15997,16195,16029,15976,16022,25653 1999.356.04:50:55.86/tsys1/58.5,62.8,60.1,52.5,52.7,47.5,47.9,48.3,59.2,52.7 1999.356.04:50:55.87/tsys2/54.2,52.6,47.1,45.2,46.0,48.2,55.3 1999.356.04:51:00.16/wx/-5.5,961.4,86.1 1999.356.04:51:00.32/cable/+3.82655E-02 1999.356.04:51:00.37/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41902,25714,0,1pps 1999.356.04:51:00.42/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10711,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.04:51:00.50/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15756,15800,545,1pps 1999.356.04:51:00.58/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15911,15844,554,1pps 1999.356.04:51:00.66/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16156,16093,550,1pps 1999.356.04:51:02.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.04:51:03.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:51:03.01:!1999.356.04:52:33 1999.356.04:51:03.81#setcl#time/64785931,1,1999,356,04,51,04.00,0.072,40.198,23 1999.356.04:51:03.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:52:33.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:52:33.00:et 1999.356.04:52:33.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:52:36.05:tape 1999.356.04:52:36.12/tape/low,07902,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:52:36.12:postob 1999.356.04:52:36.13:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 1999.356.04:52:42.69:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:52:42.99/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:52:52.11:!1999.356.04:54:09 1999.356.04:54:09.00:preob 1999.356.04:54:11.74/tpical/18708,19255,19057,19432,19165,20002,19690,19639,$$$$$,21637 1999.356.04:54:11.81/tpical/20087,20305,21008,21038,20993,20921,39245 1999.356.04:54:11.89:!1999.356.04:54:19 1999.356.04:54:19.00:tape 1999.356.04:54:19.07/tape/low,07902,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:54:19.07:st=for,80 1999.356.04:54:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.04:54:19.12:midob 1999.356.04:54:19.23/tpi/15687,16332,16055,16037,15878,16258,15995,15983,$$$$$,17882 1999.356.04:54:19.30/tpi/15909,15974,16195,16078,16061,16193,31195 1999.356.04:54:19.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.04:54:19.87/tsys1/97.2,103.9,99.8,87.9,90.1,81.0,80.3,81.0,$$$$$$$$,89.4 1999.356.04:54:19.88/tsys2/67.0,65.0,59.2,57.0,57.5,60.5,68.8 1999.356.04:54:24.67/wx/-5.1,961.1,86.6 1999.356.04:54:24.80/cable/+3.82637E-02 1999.356.04:54:24.85/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,31153,0,1pps 1999.356.04:54:24.90/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,17836,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.04:54:24.98/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,16294,15410,545,1pps 1999.356.04:54:25.06/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.49, -3.91,lock,16193,16084,554,1pps 1999.356.04:54:25.14/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.90, 1.22,lock,16199,15991,550,1pps 1999.356.04:54:27.88/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.356.04:54:28.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.04:54:28.01:!1999.356.04:59:27 1999.356.04:54:28.81#setcl#time/64806431,1,1999,356,04,54,29.00,0.072,40.255,23 1999.356.04:54:28.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.04:59:27.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.04:59:27.00:et 1999.356.04:59:27.04:!+3s 1999.356.04:59:30.05:tape 1999.356.04:59:30.12/tape/low,09954,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.04:59:30.12:postob 1999.356.04:59:30.13:source=1418+546,141806.2,543658.4,1950.0 1999.356.04:59:36.64:nw2c1=9 1999.356.04:59:36.94/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.04:59:46.06:!1999.356.05:01:15 1999.356.05:01:15.00:preob 1999.356.05:01:17.75/tpical/20426,20829,21020,21847,21269,22150,22279,22277,56630,14972 1999.356.05:01:17.82/tpical/20503,21081,22246,22387,22565,22388,33221 1999.356.05:01:17.89:!1999.356.05:01:25 1999.356.05:01:25.00:tape 1999.356.05:01:25.07/tape/low,09954,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:01:25.07:st=for,80 1999.356.05:01:25.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:01:25.12:midob 1999.356.05:01:25.23/tpi/15703,16278,16233,16384,15966,16181,16318,16367,43549,11226 1999.356.05:01:25.30/tpi/15437,15789,16157,16044,16227,16292,25250 1999.356.05:01:25.86/tsys1/62.2,66.5,63.3,55.8,56.1,50.6,50.8,51.3,62.2,55.8 1999.356.05:01:25.87/tsys2/53.6,52.6,46.7,44.4,45.2,47.2,56.0 1999.356.05:01:30.06/wx/-4.5,961.1,86.8 1999.356.05:01:30.24/cable/+3.82644E-02 1999.356.05:01:30.29/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43549,25242,0,1pps 1999.356.05:01:30.34/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11225,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:01:30.42/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16267,16378,545,1pps 1999.356.05:01:30.50/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16180,16056,554,1pps 1999.356.05:01:30.58/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16178,16072,550,1pps 1999.356.05:01:32.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.05:01:33.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:01:33.01:!1999.356.05:07:47 1999.356.05:01:33.81#setcl#time/64848931,1,1999,356,05,01,34.00,0.071,40.373,23 1999.356.05:01:33.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.05:04:08.76/wx/-4.2,960.9,87.3 1999.356.05:05:39.70;"weather rpt. overcast light sleet 1999.356.05:07:47.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:07:47.00:et 1999.356.05:07:47.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:07:50.05:tape 1999.356.05:07:50.12/tape/low,12499,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:07:50.12:postob 1999.356.05:07:50.13:source=da426,165211.8,395025.3,1950.0 1999.356.05:07:56.66:nw2c1=9 1999.356.05:07:56.96/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.05:08:06.08:!1999.356.05:08:51 1999.356.05:08:51.00:preob 1999.356.05:08:53.75/tpical/20405,19902,19969,20611,20184,21345,21098,21352,63788,16849 1999.356.05:08:53.83/tpical/20879,20919,22048,22339,22016,21809,33045 1999.356.05:08:53.91:!1999.356.05:09:01 1999.356.05:09:01.00:tape 1999.356.05:09:01.07/tape/low,12499,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:09:01.07:st=for,80 1999.356.05:09:01.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:09:01.12:midob 1999.356.05:09:01.23/tpi/16159,16011,15953,16026,15730,16216,16069,16260,50609,13108 1999.356.05:09:01.30/tpi/15857,15763,16125,16139,16021,16015,25206 1999.356.05:09:01.86/tsys1/71.3,76.5,74.2,65.0,65.8,59.0,59.2,59.2,71.9,65.5 1999.356.05:09:01.87/tsys2/55.6,53.9,47.9,45.7,47.2,48.8,56.9 1999.356.05:09:06.53/wx/-3.8,960.9,87.6 1999.356.05:09:06.57/cable/+3.82689E-02 1999.356.05:09:06.62/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,50476,25194,0,1pps 1999.356.05:09:06.67/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13073,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.05:09:06.75/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -7.22,lock,15969,15350,545,1pps 1999.356.05:09:06.83/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.54,lock,16164,15820,554,1pps 1999.356.05:09:06.91/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16154,16083,550,1pps 1999.356.05:09:07.80#setcl#time/64894330,1,1999,356,05,09,08.00,0.077,40.499,24 1999.356.05:09:07.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:09:10.88/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.05:09:11.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:09:11.01:!1999.356.05:11:32 1999.356.05:11:32.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:11:32.00:et 1999.356.05:11:32.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:11:35.05:tape 1999.356.05:11:35.12/tape/low,13505,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:11:35.12:postob 1999.356.05:11:35.13:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 1999.356.05:11:41.65:nw2c1=9 1999.356.05:11:41.95/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.05:11:51.07:!1999.356.05:14:01 1999.356.05:14:01.00:preob 1999.356.05:14:03.75/tpical/19486,19139,19611,20202,19553,20004,20791,20477,$$$$$,18456 1999.356.05:14:03.82/tpical/20986,21044,21729,21782,21964,21585,34566 1999.356.05:14:03.90:!1999.356.05:14:11 1999.356.05:14:11.00:tape 1999.356.05:14:11.07/tape/low,13505,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:14:11.07:st=for,80 1999.356.05:14:11.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:14:11.12:midob 1999.356.05:14:11.23/tpi/15826,15782,16063,16115,15630,15653,16290,16068,56969,14755 1999.356.05:14:11.30/tpi/16074,15977,16104,15946,16162,16054,26570 1999.356.05:14:11.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.05:14:11.87/tsys1/80.9,87.4,84.5,73.4,74.3,67.1,67.1,67.5,$$$$$$$$,74.6 1999.356.05:14:11.88/tsys2/57.6,55.6,50.4,48.0,49.2,51.3,58.8 1999.356.05:14:15.76/wx/-3.5,960.7,88.0 1999.356.05:14:15.84/cable/+3.82692E-02 1999.356.05:14:15.89/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,56916,26559,0,1pps 1999.356.05:14:15.94/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14737,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:14:16.02/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,15760,16194,545,1pps 1999.356.05:14:16.10/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.54, -3.10,lock,15607,15786,554,1pps 1999.356.05:14:16.18/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.11,lock,16080,16334,550,1pps 1999.356.05:14:18.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.05:14:19.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:14:19.01:!1999.356.05:15:49 1999.356.05:14:19.81#setcl#time/64925531,1,1999,356,05,14,20.00,0.071,40.586,23 1999.356.05:14:19.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:15:49.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:15:49.00:et 1999.356.05:15:49.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:15:52.05:tape 1999.356.05:15:52.12/tape/low,14159,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:15:52.12:postob 1999.356.05:15:52.13:source=1357+769,135742.2,765753.8,1950.0 1999.356.05:15:58.67:nw2c1=9 1999.356.05:15:58.97/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.05:16:08.09:!1999.356.05:17:08 1999.356.05:17:08.00:preob 1999.356.05:17:10.75/tpical/20661,20127,20658,20885,20094,21490,21204,21223,60452,15804 1999.356.05:17:10.82/tpical/20752,21722,21910,22662,22267,22160,32774 1999.356.05:17:10.90:!1999.356.05:17:18 1999.356.05:17:18.00:tape 1999.356.05:17:18.07/tape/low,14159,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:17:18.07:st=for,80 1999.356.05:17:18.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:17:18.12:midob 1999.356.05:17:18.23/tpi/16148,16000,16267,15958,15346,15996,15823,15845,47316,12077 1999.356.05:17:18.30/tpi/15586,16160,15834,16148,15943,16114,24703 1999.356.05:17:18.86/tsys1/67.0,72.1,69.2,60.3,60.2,54.3,54.5,54.6,67.4,60.5 1999.356.05:17:18.87/tsys2/53.1,51.2,45.8,43.6,44.5,47.1,54.1 1999.356.05:17:23.91/wx/-3.1,960.7,88.5 1999.356.05:17:24.00/cable/+3.82689E-02 1999.356.05:17:24.05/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47207,24712,0,1pps 1999.356.05:17:24.10/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12046,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.05:17:24.18/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,15959,15421,545,1pps 1999.356.05:17:24.26/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,15963,15725,554,1pps 1999.356.05:17:24.34/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16159,16196,550,1pps 1999.356.05:17:26.88/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.05:17:27.01/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:17:27.01:!1999.356.05:18:56 1999.356.05:17:27.81#setcl#time/64944331,1,1999,356,05,17,28.00,0.071,40.638,23 1999.356.05:17:27.81#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:18:56.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:18:56.00:et 1999.356.05:18:56.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:18:59.05:tape 1999.356.05:18:59.12/tape/low,14811,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:18:59.12:postob 1999.356.05:18:59.13:source=0718+793,071808.7,791722.7,1950.0 1999.356.05:19:05.67:nw2c1=9 1999.356.05:19:05.97/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.05:19:15.09:!1999.356.05:20:56 1999.356.05:20:56.00:preob 1999.356.05:20:58.74/tpical/20155,19634,20620,21210,20683,21691,21732,22141,58911,15376 1999.356.05:20:58.81/tpical/20926,20919,22173,22379,22469,21907,33256 1999.356.05:20:58.88:!1999.356.05:21:06 1999.356.05:21:06.00:tape 1999.356.05:21:06.07/tape/low,14811,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:21:06.07:st=for,80 1999.356.05:21:06.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:21:06.12:midob 1999.356.05:21:06.23/tpi/15659,15531,16150,16098,15722,16011,16079,16414,45863,11666 1999.356.05:21:06.30/tpi/15858,15699,16179,16134,16242,16085,25329 1999.356.05:21:06.86/tsys1/65.2,70.3,67.5,58.6,59.1,52.6,52.7,53.1,65.7,58.6 1999.356.05:21:06.87/tsys2/55.1,53.0,47.5,45.4,46.1,48.8,56.5 1999.356.05:21:11.34/wx/-2.9,960.6,88.7 1999.356.05:21:11.52/cable/+3.82706E-02 1999.356.05:21:11.57/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45800,25330,0,1pps 1999.356.05:21:11.62/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11653,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:21:11.70/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15487,15918,545,1pps 1999.356.05:21:11.78/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,16004,15850,554,1pps 1999.356.05:21:11.86/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16184,16204,550,1pps 1999.356.05:21:14.87/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.05:21:15.00/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:21:15.00:!1999.356.05:24:29 1999.356.05:21:15.80#setcl#time/64967130,1,1999,356,05,21,16.00,0.077,40.702,24 1999.356.05:21:15.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:24:29.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:24:29.00:et 1999.356.05:24:29.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:24:32.05:tape 1999.356.05:24:32.12/tape/low,16164,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:24:32.12:postob 1999.356.05:24:32.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.05:24:38.66:nw2c1=9 1999.356.05:24:38.96/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-110.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.05:24:48.08:!1999.356.05:26:21 1999.356.05:26:21.00:preob 1999.356.05:26:23.75/tpical/21305,20506,21042,21712,21692,22037,22331,22426,55398,14512 1999.356.05:26:23.82/tpical/21386,21612,22162,22691,22719,22049,31340 1999.356.05:26:23.89:!1999.356.05:26:31 1999.356.05:26:31.00:tape 1999.356.05:26:31.07/tape/low,16164,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:26:31.07:st=for,80 1999.356.05:26:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:26:31.12:midob 1999.356.05:26:31.23/tpi/16256,15906,16153,16170,16146,15912,16188,16315,42384,10797 1999.356.05:26:31.30/tpi/15973,16034,15946,16101,16205,15926,23602 1999.356.05:26:31.86/tsys1/60.3,64.3,61.7,54.3,54.3,48.5,48.9,49.5,60.8,54.1 1999.356.05:26:31.87/tsys2/51.9,50.7,45.1,42.9,44.0,45.9,53.9 1999.356.05:26:36.93/wx/-2.8,960.3,88.9 1999.356.05:26:36.96/cable/+3.82748E-02 1999.356.05:26:37.01/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42398,23607,0,1pps 1999.356.05:26:37.07/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10799,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:26:37.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,15911,15616,545,1pps 1999.356.05:26:37.23/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15924,15899,554,1pps 1999.356.05:26:37.31/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,15950,15988,550,1pps 1999.356.05:26:37.78#setcl#time/64999328,1,1999,356,05,26,38.00,0.088,40.791,26 1999.356.05:26:37.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:26:39.87/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.05:26:40.00/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:26:40.00:!1999.356.05:28:09 1999.356.05:28:09.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:28:09.00:et 1999.356.05:28:09.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:28:12.05:tape 1999.356.05:28:12.12/tape/low,16816,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:28:12.12:postob 1999.356.05:28:12.13:source=2243-123,224339.8,-122240.3,1950.0 1999.356.05:28:18.67:nw2c1=9 1999.356.05:28:18.97/pass/9,,auto,-110.0,,-109.5,,0.5, 1999.356.05:28:28.09:!1999.356.05:30:49 1999.356.05:30:49.00:preob 1999.356.05:30:51.75/tpical/18145,18074,18439,18864,18363,19398,19367,19318,$$$$$,25583 1999.356.05:30:51.82/tpical/19411,19268,19935,20198,20090,20186,44413 1999.356.05:30:51.90:!1999.356.05:30:59 1999.356.05:30:59.00:tape 1999.356.05:30:59.07/tape/low,16816,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:30:59.07:st=for,80 1999.356.05:30:59.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:30:59.12:midob 1999.356.05:30:59.23/tpi/15757,15867,16110,16192,15766,16390,16338,16305,$$$$$,21975 1999.356.05:30:59.30/tpi/16111,15917,16184,16216,16200,16350,36792 1999.356.05:30:59.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.05:30:59.87/tsys1/123.5,133.6,129.1,112.8,113.2,101.7,100.1,100.3,$$$$$$$$,114.6 1999.356.05:30:59.88/tsys2/86.0,83.7,75.9,71.6,73.6,75.3,85.9 1999.356.05:31:03.63/wx/-2.7,960.1,89.1 1999.356.05:31:03.68/cable/+3.82744E-02 1999.356.05:31:03.73/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,36870,0,1pps 1999.356.05:31:03.78/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,22030,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:31:03.86/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15886,16310,545,1pps 1999.356.05:31:03.94/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.57, -4.80,lock,15612,16057,554,1pps 1999.356.05:31:04.02/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.10, 0.49,lock,16178,16091,550,1pps 1999.356.05:31:06.87/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.05:31:07.00/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:31:07.00:!1999.356.05:32:37 1999.356.05:31:07.80#setcl#time/65026330,1,1999,356,05,31,08.00,0.076,40.866,24 1999.356.05:31:07.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:32:37.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:32:37.00:et 1999.356.05:32:37.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:32:40.05:tape 1999.356.05:32:40.12/tape/low,17469,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:32:40.12:postob 1999.356.05:32:40.13:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.356.05:32:46.66:midtp 1999.356.05:32:49.37/tpzero/202,317,225,265,272,266,323,324,884,263 1999.356.05:32:49.44/tpzero/329,312,327,351,260,265,470 1999.356.05:32:50.14/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.43 1999.356.05:32:50.24/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 1999.356.05:32:50.34/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.16 1999.356.05:32:50.44/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.965 1999.356.05:32:50.54/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.132 1999.356.05:32:50.64/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.38 1999.356.05:32:50.74/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.11 1999.356.05:32:50.74:nw2c2=10 1999.356.05:32:51.52/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.05:33:00.64:fastf=0m20s 1999.356.05:33:20.72:!1999.356.05:33:36 1999.356.05:33:36.00:preob 1999.356.05:33:38.74/tpical/20779,20249,20707,21190,21453,21436,21892,21915,57389,15098 1999.356.05:33:38.81/tpical/20909,21064,22098,22539,22199,22000,31821 1999.356.05:33:38.89:!1999.356.05:33:46 1999.356.05:33:46.00:tape 1999.356.05:33:46.07/tape/low,17919,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:33:46.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.05:33:46.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:33:46.12:midob 1999.356.05:33:46.23/tpi/16057,15954,16107,16027,16201,15792,16165,16231,44470,11413 1999.356.05:33:46.30/tpi/15749,15697,16038,16144,15965,15998,24120 1999.356.05:33:46.86/tsys1/63.8,69.2,65.6,58.0,57.6,52.3,52.6,53.2,64.1,57.5 1999.356.05:33:46.87/tsys2/53.8,51.6,46.7,44.5,45.3,47.2,55.3 1999.356.05:33:52.16/wx/-2.5,960.1,89.1 1999.356.05:33:52.32/cable/+3.82762E-02 1999.356.05:33:52.37/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44514,24119,0,1pps 1999.356.05:33:52.42/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11425,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:33:52.50/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,15933,15395,545,1pps 1999.356.05:33:52.58/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -1.84,lock,15809,16297,554,1pps 1999.356.05:33:52.66/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16055,16075,550,1pps 1999.356.05:33:54.87/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.05:33:55.00/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:33:55.00:!1999.356.05:35:24 1999.356.05:33:55.80#setcl#time/65043130,1,1999,356,05,33,56.00,0.076,40.913,24 1999.356.05:33:55.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.05:34:08.52/wx/-2.5,960.1,89.2 1999.356.05:35:24.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:35:24.00:et 1999.356.05:35:24.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:35:27.05:tape 1999.356.05:35:27.12/tape/low,17266,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:35:27.12:postob 1999.356.05:35:27.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.05:35:33.68:checkr80 1999.356.05:36:03.69/parity/0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,4.,0.,4.,14.,0.,2.,0.,0.,18. 1999.356.05:36:03.69/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.05:36:21.72:nw2c2=10 1999.356.05:36:22.02/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.05:36:31.14:!1999.356.05:38:53 1999.356.05:38:53.00:preob 1999.356.05:38:55.75/tpical/21345,20474,20916,21581,21577,21860,22499,22268,55226,14422 1999.356.05:38:55.83/tpical/21111,21064,21844,22486,22013,22038,33219 1999.356.05:38:55.90:!1999.356.05:39:03 1999.356.05:39:03.00:tape 1999.356.05:39:03.07/tape/low,17266,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:39:03.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.05:39:03.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:39:03.12:midob 1999.356.05:39:03.23/tpi/16247,15909,16041,16041,16032,15784,16285,16146,42235,10707 1999.356.05:39:03.31/tpi/16024,15858,16009,16265,15954,16205,25336 1999.356.05:39:03.87/tsys1/59.8,64.9,61.6,54.1,54.0,48.5,48.8,49.1,60.5,53.4 1999.356.05:39:03.88/tsys2/55.5,53.8,48.4,46.0,46.6,49.2,56.8 1999.356.05:39:07.94/wx/-2.3,959.8,89.3 1999.356.05:39:08.00/cable/+3.82766E-02 1999.356.05:39:08.05/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42172,25340,0,1pps 1999.356.05:39:08.10/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10692,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.05:39:08.18/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15874,15969,545,1pps 1999.356.05:39:08.26/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15759,15734,554,1pps 1999.356.05:39:08.34/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,15985,15927,550,1pps 1999.356.05:39:13.44?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.356.05:39:13.57/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:39:13.57:!1999.356.05:40:41 1999.356.05:39:13.80#setcl#time/65074930,1,1999,356,05,39,14.00,0.076,41.001,24 1999.356.05:39:13.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:40:41.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:40:41.00:et 1999.356.05:40:41.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:40:44.05:tape 1999.356.05:40:44.12/tape/low,16613,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:40:44.12:postob 1999.356.05:40:44.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.05:40:50.67:nw2c2=10 1999.356.05:40:50.97/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.05:41:00.09:!1999.356.05:41:14 1999.356.05:41:14.00:preob 1999.356.05:41:16.75/tpical/21194,20366,20830,21892,21495,22631,22448,22462,54947,14354 1999.356.05:41:16.82/tpical/21040,21001,22210,22371,22564,21962,33136 1999.356.05:41:16.90:!1999.356.05:41:24 1999.356.05:41:24.00:tape 1999.356.05:41:24.07/tape/low,16613,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:41:24.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.05:41:24.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:41:24.12:midob 1999.356.05:41:24.23/tpi/16212,15846,16004,16268,15981,16345,16239,16318,42084,10670 1999.356.05:41:24.30/tpi/15978,15815,16221,16154,16321,16137,25240 1999.356.05:41:24.86/tsys1/61.1,65.3,62.1,54.1,54.1,48.6,48.7,49.5,60.9,53.7 1999.356.05:41:24.87/tsys2/55.6,53.8,47.8,45.8,46.3,49.0,56.5 1999.356.05:41:28.65/wx/-2.3,959.8,89.4 1999.356.05:41:28.80/cable/+3.82756E-02 1999.356.05:41:28.85/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42076,25250,0,1pps 1999.356.05:41:28.90/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10668,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:41:28.98/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15849,15927,545,1pps 1999.356.05:41:29.06/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16353,16288,554,1pps 1999.356.05:41:29.14/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16227,16253,550,1pps 1999.356.05:41:34.24?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.356.05:41:34.37/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:41:34.37:!1999.356.05:43:02 1999.356.05:41:34.78#setcl#time/65089028,1,1999,356,05,41,35.00,0.088,41.040,26 1999.356.05:41:34.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:43:02.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:43:02.00:et 1999.356.05:43:02.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:43:05.05:tape 1999.356.05:43:05.12/tape/low,15961,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:43:05.12:postob 1999.356.05:43:05.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.05:43:11.67:nw2c2=10 1999.356.05:43:11.97/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.05:43:21.09:!1999.356.05:47:33 1999.356.05:47:33.00:preob 1999.356.05:47:35.75/tpical/21120,20296,21234,21785,21519,21821,22389,22141,54797,14346 1999.356.05:47:35.82/tpical/21424,21488,22260,22544,22229,22108,32512 1999.356.05:47:35.90:!1999.356.05:47:43 1999.356.05:47:43.00:tape 1999.356.05:47:43.07/tape/low,15961,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:47:43.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.05:47:43.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:47:43.12:midob 1999.356.05:47:43.23/tpi/16131,15756,16318,16215,16027,15817,16295,16128,41956,10685 1999.356.05:47:43.30/tpi/16139,16096,16217,16202,16028,16150,24669 1999.356.05:47:43.86/tsys1/60.7,64.6,62.2,54.4,54.5,49.2,49.8,49.9,60.8,54.1 1999.356.05:47:43.87/tsys2/53.8,52.7,47.3,45.0,45.8,48.0,55.5 1999.356.05:47:48.24/wx/-2.1,959.6,89.4 1999.356.05:47:48.32/cable/+3.82723E-02 1999.356.05:47:48.37/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42067,24681,0,1pps 1999.356.05:47:48.42/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10713,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:47:48.50/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15810,15878,545,1pps 1999.356.05:47:48.58/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15855,15817,554,1pps 1999.356.05:47:48.66/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16243,16182,550,1pps 1999.356.05:47:53.76?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.356.05:47:53.89/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:47:53.89:!1999.356.05:49:21 1999.356.05:47:54.80#setcl#time/65127030,1,1999,356,05,47,55.00,0.076,41.146,24 1999.356.05:47:54.80#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:49:21.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:49:21.00:et 1999.356.05:49:21.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:49:24.05:tape 1999.356.05:49:24.12/tape/low,15308,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:49:24.12:postob 1999.356.05:49:24.13:source=0642+449,064253.0,445430.9,1950.0 1999.356.05:49:30.66:nw2c2=10 1999.356.05:49:30.96/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.05:49:40.09:!1999.356.05:52:34 1999.356.05:52:34.00:preob 1999.356.05:52:36.74/tpical/21072,20256,20658,21660,21373,21647,21819,22281,54562,14248 1999.356.05:52:36.81/tpical/21457,21465,22251,22516,22176,22049,32473 1999.356.05:52:36.89:!1999.356.05:52:44 1999.356.05:52:44.00:tape 1999.356.05:52:44.07/tape/low,15308,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:52:44.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.05:52:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:52:44.12:midob 1999.356.05:52:44.23/tpi/16107,15725,15857,16144,15899,15704,15901,16257,41814,10625 1999.356.05:52:44.30/tpi/16134,16040,16197,16168,16003,16126,24630 1999.356.05:52:44.86/tsys1/60.9,64.6,61.9,54.7,54.2,49.4,50.0,50.3,61.0,54.3 1999.356.05:52:44.87/tsys2/53.4,52.2,47.2,44.8,45.9,48.2,55.4 1999.356.05:52:49.29/wx/-1.8,959.6,89.7 1999.356.05:52:49.43/cable/+3.82744E-02 1999.356.05:52:49.48/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41745,24617,0,1pps 1999.356.05:52:49.53/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10599,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:52:49.61/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15708,15806,545,1pps 1999.356.05:52:49.69/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15677,16189,554,1pps 1999.356.05:52:49.77/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16192,16172,550,1pps 1999.356.05:52:54.87?ERROR ib -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c3 1999.356.05:52:55.00/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:52:55.00:!1999.356.05:54:22 1999.356.05:52:55.77#setcl#time/65157128,1,1999,356,05,52,56.00,0.087,41.229,27 1999.356.05:52:55.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:54:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:54:22.00:et 1999.356.05:54:22.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:54:25.05:tape 1999.356.05:54:25.12/tape/low,14655,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.05:54:25.12:postob 1999.356.05:54:25.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.356.05:54:31.65:nw2c2=10 1999.356.05:54:31.95/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.05:54:41.07:!1999.356.05:55:56 1999.356.05:55:39.63;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.05:55:56.00:preob 1999.356.05:55:58.75/tpical/21012,20181,21160,21753,21362,21642,22230,22328,54587,14278 1999.356.05:55:58.82/tpical/22664,21332,22268,22764,22796,22130,30913 1999.356.05:55:58.90:!1999.356.05:56:06 1999.356.05:56:06.00:tape 1999.356.05:56:06.07/tape/low,14655,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.05:56:06.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.05:56:06.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.05:56:06.12:midob 1999.356.05:56:06.23/tpi/16043,15695,16252,16208,15931,15683,16165,16250,41794,10634 1999.356.05:56:06.30/tpi/15919,15831,16047,16171,16255,15987,23223 1999.356.05:56:06.86/tsys1/60.6,65.1,62.0,54.6,54.8,49.2,49.6,49.8,60.8,54.1 1999.356.05:56:06.87/tsys2/41.6,50.8,45.5,43.2,44.0,46.1,53.3 1999.356.05:56:12.17/wx/-1.6,959.6,89.8 1999.356.05:56:12.31/cable/+3.82773E-02 1999.356.05:56:12.36/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41844,23313,0,1pps 1999.356.05:56:12.41/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10650,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.05:56:12.49/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15702,15782,545,1pps 1999.356.05:56:12.57/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15713,16290,554,1pps 1999.356.05:56:12.65/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16057,16165,550,1pps 1999.356.05:56:14.86/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.356.05:56:14.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.05:56:14.99:!1999.356.05:57:44 1999.356.05:56:15.79#setcl#time/65177130,1,1999,356,05,56,16.00,0.076,41.285,25 1999.356.05:56:15.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.05:57:44.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.05:57:44.00:et 1999.356.05:57:44.04:!+3s 1999.356.05:57:47.05:tape 1999.356.05:57:47.12/tape/low,14003,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.05:57:47.12:postob 1999.356.05:57:47.13:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 1999.356.05:57:53.67:nw2c2=10 1999.356.05:57:53.97/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.05:58:03.09:!1999.356.06:01:28 1999.356.06:01:28.00:preob 1999.356.06:01:30.75/tpical/20018,19601,20546,21164,20781,21035,21387,21597,58779,15413 1999.356.06:01:30.82/tpical/20937,20953,21773,22387,22120,21951,33062 1999.356.06:01:30.90:!1999.356.06:01:38 1999.356.06:01:38.00:tape 1999.356.06:01:38.07/tape/low,14003,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.06:01:38.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:01:38.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:01:38.12:midob 1999.356.06:01:38.23/tpi/15587,15507,16086,16134,15854,15649,15989,16159,45842,11752 1999.356.06:01:38.30/tpi/15874,15792,15967,16240,16122,16213,25289 1999.356.06:01:38.86/tsys1/66.0,70.5,67.6,59.9,60.1,54.3,55.1,55.3,66.0,59.6 1999.356.06:01:38.87/tsys2/55.3,54.0,48.5,46.5,47.6,50.0,57.5 1999.356.06:01:42.68/wx/-2.1,959.4,90.1 1999.356.06:01:42.87/cable/+3.82746E-02 1999.356.06:01:42.92/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45806,25252,0,1pps 1999.356.06:01:42.97/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11743,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.06:01:43.05/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15514,15885,545,1pps 1999.356.06:01:43.13/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.01,lock,15659,16062,554,1pps 1999.356.06:01:43.21/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,15960,16226,550,1pps 1999.356.06:01:45.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:01:45.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:01:45.99:!1999.356.06:04:31 1999.356.06:01:46.79#setcl#time/65210230,1,1999,356,06,01,47.00,0.075,41.377,25 1999.356.06:01:46.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.06:04:08.30/wx/-1.5,959.5,90.0 1999.356.06:04:31.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:04:31.00:et 1999.356.06:04:31.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:04:34.05:tape 1999.356.06:04:34.12/tape/low,12850,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.06:04:34.12:postob 1999.356.06:04:34.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.06:04:40.68:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:04:40.98/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:04:50.10:!1999.356.06:06:44 1999.356.06:06:44.00:preob 1999.356.06:06:46.75/tpical/19877,19666,19760,20149,19930,20542,20645,20607,$$$$$,17637 1999.356.06:06:46.82/tpical/21099,21107,21283,21698,21820,21524,34550 1999.356.06:06:46.90:!1999.356.06:06:54 1999.356.06:06:54.00:tape 1999.356.06:06:54.07/tape/low,12850,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.06:06:54.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:06:54.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:06:54.12:midob 1999.356.06:06:54.23/tpi/16009,16085,16056,15995,15849,15960,16073,16080,54209,14007 1999.356.06:06:54.30/tpi/16249,16155,15891,16088,16203,16125,26765 1999.356.06:06:54.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.06:06:54.87/tsys1/77.6,83.7,81.2,71.9,72.5,65.1,65.5,66.1,$$$$$$$$,71.9 1999.356.06:06:54.88/tsys2/59.1,57.6,52.0,50.5,51.1,52.9,60.8 1999.356.06:07:00.10/wx/-1.4,959.5,89.9 1999.356.06:07:00.15/cable/+3.82737E-02 1999.356.06:07:00.20/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,53965,26746,0,1pps 1999.356.06:07:00.25/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13943,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.06:07:00.33/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.54,lock,16047,15371,545,1pps 1999.356.06:07:00.41/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.54, -2.72,lock,15906,16168,554,1pps 1999.356.06:07:00.49/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.53, 2.01,lock,15896,16102,550,1pps 1999.356.06:07:00.78#setcl#time/65241629,1,1999,356,06,07,01.00,0.081,41.464,26 1999.356.06:07:00.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:07:03.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:07:03.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:07:03.99:!1999.356.06:09:46 1999.356.06:09:46.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:09:46.00:et 1999.356.06:09:46.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:09:49.05:tape 1999.356.06:09:49.12/tape/low,11704,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.06:09:49.12:postob 1999.356.06:09:49.13:source=0955+476,095508.5,473928.6,1950.0 1999.356.06:09:55.64:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:09:55.94/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:10:05.06:!1999.356.06:11:14 1999.356.06:11:14.00:preob 1999.356.06:11:16.74/tpical/20474,20013,20821,21145,21072,21606,21570,21969,56454,14766 1999.356.06:11:16.81/tpical/21275,21309,22125,22316,22429,21828,32327 1999.356.06:11:16.89:!1999.356.06:11:24 1999.356.06:11:24.00:tape 1999.356.06:11:24.07/tape/low,11704,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.8,85,okay 1999.356.06:11:24.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:11:24.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:11:24.12:midob 1999.356.06:11:24.23/tpi/15846,15763,16209,15975,15960,15961,15985,16293,43792,11177 1999.356.06:11:24.30/tpi/16069,15950,16102,16076,16196,15961,24466 1999.356.06:11:24.86/tsys1/64.2,69.1,65.8,57.7,58.3,52.8,53.3,53.5,64.4,57.8 1999.356.06:11:24.87/tsys2/54.4,52.5,47.1,45.4,46.0,48.2,54.9 1999.356.06:11:30.07/wx/-1.3,959.6,89.8 1999.356.06:11:30.23/cable/+3.82737E-02 1999.356.06:11:30.28/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43973,24561,0,1pps 1999.356.06:11:30.33/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11229,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.06:11:30.41/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15801,16254,545,1pps 1999.356.06:11:30.49/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16011,15912,554,1pps 1999.356.06:11:30.57/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16117,16053,550,1pps 1999.356.06:11:32.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:11:32.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:11:32.98:!1999.356.06:15:44 1999.356.06:11:33.78#setcl#time/65268929,1,1999,356,06,11,34.00,0.081,41.540,26 1999.356.06:11:33.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:15:44.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:15:44.00:et 1999.356.06:15:44.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:15:47.05:tape 1999.356.06:15:47.12/tape/low,09972,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:15:47.12:postob 1999.356.06:15:47.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.06:15:53.65:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:15:53.95/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:16:03.07:!1999.356.06:16:28 1999.356.06:16:28.00:preob 1999.356.06:16:30.75/tpical/21001,20201,21058,21604,21314,22297,21999,22109,54409,14185 1999.356.06:16:30.82/tpical/20985,21023,22200,22504,22580,22021,31777 1999.356.06:16:30.90:!1999.356.06:16:38 1999.356.06:16:38.00:tape 1999.356.06:16:38.07/tape/low,09972,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:16:38.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:16:38.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:16:38.12:midob 1999.356.06:16:38.23/tpi/16029,15745,16208,16097,15899,16171,16060,16152,41728,10582 1999.356.06:16:38.30/tpi/15739,15679,16133,16102,16215,16039,24013 1999.356.06:16:38.86/tsys1/60.5,65.8,62.6,54.6,54.8,49.3,50.3,50.5,61.2,54.4 1999.356.06:16:38.87/tsys2/52.9,51.8,46.9,44.3,45.1,47.5,54.6 1999.356.06:16:44.22/wx/-1.2,959.6,90.0 1999.356.06:16:44.31/cable/+3.82767E-02 1999.356.06:16:44.36/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41735,24010,0,1pps 1999.356.06:16:44.41/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10584,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:16:44.49/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15738,15794,545,1pps 1999.356.06:16:44.57/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16204,16183,554,1pps 1999.356.06:16:44.65/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16104,16084,550,1pps 1999.356.06:16:46.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:16:46.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:16:46.99:!1999.356.06:19:36 1999.356.06:16:47.79#setcl#time/65300330,1,1999,356,06,16,48.00,0.075,41.627,25 1999.356.06:16:47.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:19:36.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:19:36.00:et 1999.356.06:19:36.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:19:39.05:tape 1999.356.06:19:39.12/tape/low,08786,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:19:39.12:postob 1999.356.06:19:39.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.06:19:45.66:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:19:45.96/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:19:55.08:!1999.356.06:20:27 1999.356.06:20:27.00:preob 1999.356.06:20:29.75/tpical/20627,19818,21192,21517,20772,21737,22306,22174,53284,13850 1999.356.06:20:29.83/tpical/20982,21024,22243,22580,22655,22052,31796 1999.356.06:20:29.91:!1999.356.06:20:37 1999.356.06:20:37.00:tape 1999.356.06:20:37.07/tape/low,08786,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:20:37.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:20:37.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:20:37.12:midob 1999.356.06:20:37.23/tpi/15674,15370,16199,15942,15388,15645,16094,16069,40651,10258 1999.356.06:20:37.31/tpi/15776,15671,16145,16180,16283,16135,24089 1999.356.06:20:37.87/tsys1/59.4,64.3,60.8,53.4,53.3,48.0,48.2,49.0,59.8,52.9 1999.356.06:20:37.88/tsys2/53.4,51.6,46.7,44.5,45.3,48.3,55.2 1999.356.06:20:43.10/wx/-0.8,959.5,90.1 1999.356.06:20:43.19/cable/+3.82775E-02 1999.356.06:20:43.24/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40661,24087,0,1pps 1999.356.06:20:43.29/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10256,99,4095,1pps 1999.356.06:20:43.37/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,15360,15420,545,1pps 1999.356.06:20:43.45/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.36,lock,15654,16223,554,1pps 1999.356.06:20:43.53/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16163,16159,550,1pps 1999.356.06:20:45.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.06:20:45.99?ERROR an -103 Pointing computer tracking errors are too large. 1999.356.06:20:45.99?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 1999.356.06:20:46.00/onsource/SLEWING 1999.356.06:20:46.00:!1999.356.06:22:15 1999.356.06:20:46.77#setcl#time/65324228,1,1999,356,06,20,47.00,0.086,41.694,27 1999.356.06:20:46.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:22:15.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:22:15.00:et 1999.356.06:22:15.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:22:18.05:tape 1999.356.06:22:18.12/tape/low,08133,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:22:18.12:postob 1999.356.06:22:18.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.06:22:24.67:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:22:24.97/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:22:34.09:!1999.356.06:26:17 1999.356.06:26:17.00:preob 1999.356.06:26:19.75/tpical/20655,20188,20039,20812,20158,21562,21448,21118,60495,15820 1999.356.06:26:19.82/tpical/20526,21388,21720,21647,21663,21428,33625 1999.356.06:26:19.90:!1999.356.06:26:27 1999.356.06:26:27.00:tape 1999.356.06:26:27.07/tape/low,08133,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:26:27.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:26:27.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:26:27.12:midob 1999.356.06:26:27.23/tpi/16202,16110,15860,16040,15563,16249,16228,15975,47648,12205 1999.356.06:26:27.30/tpi/15713,16281,16166,15945,15965,15981,25904 1999.356.06:26:27.86/tsys1/68.3,73.6,71.1,62.8,63.2,57.2,57.9,57.8,69.2,62.8 1999.356.06:26:27.87/tsys2/57.5,56.3,51.3,49.2,49.6,51.9,59.3 1999.356.06:26:31.61/wx/-0.6,959.5,90.4 1999.356.06:26:31.67/cable/+3.82762E-02 1999.356.06:26:31.72/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47560,25900,0,1pps 1999.356.06:26:31.77/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12177,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:26:31.85/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,16067,15491,545,1pps 1999.356.06:26:31.93/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16208,15950,554,1pps 1999.356.06:26:32.01/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16147,15964,550,1pps 1999.356.06:26:34.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:26:34.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:26:34.99:!1999.356.06:29:17 1999.356.06:26:35.79#setcl#time/65359130,1,1999,356,06,26,36.00,0.075,41.791,25 1999.356.06:26:35.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:29:17.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:29:17.00:et 1999.356.06:29:17.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:29:20.05:tape 1999.356.06:29:20.12/tape/low,07000,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:29:20.12:postob 1999.356.06:29:20.13:source=1144+402,114421.0,401514.6,1950.0 1999.356.06:29:26.67:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:29:26.97/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:29:36.09:!1999.356.06:30:09 1999.356.06:30:09.00:preob 1999.356.06:30:11.74/tpical/20424,19997,20362,20998,21113,21254,21674,21520,59890,15652 1999.356.06:30:11.81/tpical/21081,21050,21857,21896,22113,22044,33234 1999.356.06:30:11.89:!1999.356.06:30:19 1999.356.06:30:19.00:tape 1999.356.06:30:19.07/tape/low,07000,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:30:19.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:30:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:30:19.12:midob 1999.356.06:30:19.23/tpi/16063,15999,16140,16214,16305,16030,16382,16302,47212,12073 1999.356.06:30:19.30/tpi/16091,15962,16329,16013,16225,16347,25529 1999.356.06:30:19.86/tsys1/69.1,74.5,71.6,63.3,63.4,57.3,57.7,58.2,69.4,62.7 1999.356.06:30:19.87/tsys2/56.9,55.4,52.1,47.9,48.8,50.8,58.5 1999.356.06:30:23.94/wx/-0.3,959.2,90.5 1999.356.06:30:23.99/cable/+3.82726E-02 1999.356.06:30:24.04/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47197,25519,0,1pps 1999.356.06:30:24.09/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12078,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:30:24.17/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,16005,15400,545,1pps 1999.356.06:30:24.25/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16046,15796,554,1pps 1999.356.06:30:24.33/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16174,16038,550,1pps 1999.356.06:30:26.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:30:26.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:30:26.99:!1999.356.06:31:57 1999.356.06:30:27.79#setcl#time/65382330,1,1999,356,06,30,28.00,0.075,41.855,25 1999.356.06:30:27.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:31:57.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:31:57.00:et 1999.356.06:31:57.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:32:00.05:tape 1999.356.06:32:00.12/tape/low,06348,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:32:00.12:postob 1999.356.06:32:00.13:source=3c371,180718.6,694857.2,1950.0 1999.356.06:32:06.67:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:32:06.97/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:32:16.09:!1999.356.06:34:55 1999.356.06:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.06:34:08.10/wx/-0.4,959.2,90.6 1999.356.06:34:55.00:preob 1999.356.06:34:57.75/tpical/21195,20505,21071,21675,21190,21930,22369,22516,51804,13470 1999.356.06:34:57.82/tpical/21175,21339,22374,22731,22715,22116,30912 1999.356.06:34:57.90:!1999.356.06:35:05 1999.356.06:35:05.00:tape 1999.356.06:35:05.07/tape/low,06348,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:35:05.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:35:05.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:35:05.12:midob 1999.356.06:35:05.23/tpi/15977,15735,15994,15939,15591,15677,16039,16216,39266,9905 1999.356.06:35:05.30/tpi/15796,15809,16083,16137,16137,15925,23272 1999.356.06:35:05.86/tsys1/57.4,61.4,59.0,51.9,52.0,46.8,47.2,47.9,58.2,51.4 1999.356.06:35:05.87/tsys2/51.8,50.4,45.1,43.1,43.4,45.5,53.7 1999.356.06:35:10.28/wx/-0.4,959.1,90.6 1999.356.06:35:10.39/cable/+3.82771E-02 1999.356.06:35:10.44/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39272,23182,0,1pps 1999.356.06:35:10.49/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9904,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:35:10.57/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15770,15874,545,1pps 1999.356.06:35:10.65/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15683,15650,554,1pps 1999.356.06:35:10.73/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16079,16184,550,1pps 1999.356.06:35:12.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:35:12.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:35:12.98:!1999.356.06:37:32 1999.356.06:35:13.78#setcl#time/65410929,1,1999,356,06,35,14.00,0.080,41.934,26 1999.356.06:35:13.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:37:32.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:37:32.00:et 1999.356.06:37:32.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:37:35.05:tape 1999.356.06:37:35.12/tape/low,05369,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:37:35.12:postob 1999.356.06:37:35.13:source=0642+449,064253.0,445430.9,1950.0 1999.356.06:37:41.68:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:37:41.98/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:37:51.10:!1999.356.06:41:20 1999.356.06:41:20.00:preob 1999.356.06:41:22.75/tpical/21455,20785,21258,21928,21417,22053,22137,22354,52377,13597 1999.356.06:41:22.82/tpical/21462,21597,22303,22183,22261,22181,31329 1999.356.06:41:22.89:!1999.356.06:41:30 1999.356.06:41:30.00:tape 1999.356.06:41:30.07/tape/low,05369,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:41:30.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:41:30.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:41:30.12:midob 1999.356.06:41:30.23/tpi/16267,16062,16205,16181,15812,15834,15950,16185,39872,10040 1999.356.06:41:30.30/tpi/16118,16072,16194,15913,16001,16184,23718 1999.356.06:41:30.86/tsys1/58.8,63.3,60.1,52.6,52.7,47.6,48.0,48.9,59.2,52.2 1999.356.06:41:30.87/tsys2/53.2,51.3,46.8,44.7,45.3,47.8,55.0 1999.356.06:41:34.78/wx/-0.3,959.1,90.7 1999.356.06:41:34.87/cable/+3.82791E-02 1999.356.06:41:34.92/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39870,23719,0,1pps 1999.356.06:41:34.97/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10041,99,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:41:35.05/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16065,16157,545,1pps 1999.356.06:41:35.13/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15835,15821,554,1pps 1999.356.06:41:35.21/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16190,16202,550,1pps 1999.356.06:41:37.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:41:37.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:41:37.99:!1999.356.06:44:20 1999.356.06:41:38.79#setcl#time/65449430,1,1999,356,06,41,39.00,0.074,42.041,25 1999.356.06:41:38.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:44:20.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:44:20.00:et 1999.356.06:44:20.03:!+3s 1999.356.06:44:23.04:tape 1999.356.06:44:23.11/tape/low,04236,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:44:23.11:postob 1999.356.06:44:23.11:source=4c39.25,092355.3,391523.8,1950.0 1999.356.06:44:29.63:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:44:29.93/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:44:39.05:!1999.356.06:45:40 1999.356.06:45:40.00:preob 1999.356.06:45:42.74/tpical/20943,20192,21026,21452,21125,22141,22180,22208,54239,14112 1999.356.06:45:42.81/tpical/20982,21071,22337,22647,22299,22119,31888 1999.356.06:45:42.89:!1999.356.06:45:50 1999.356.06:45:50.00:tape 1999.356.06:45:50.07/tape/low,04236,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:45:50.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:45:50.11:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:45:50.11:midob 1999.356.06:45:50.22/tpi/16015,15700,16157,16006,15803,16124,16197,16257,41633,10538 1999.356.06:45:50.29/tpi/15859,15750,16277,16353,16109,16236,24223 1999.356.06:45:50.85/tsys1/61.0,65.1,62.2,54.9,55.4,50.1,50.4,50.9,61.4,54.6 1999.356.06:45:50.86/tsys2/54.6,52.2,47.4,45.8,46.1,48.9,55.8 1999.356.06:45:54.94/wx/0.0,959.1,90.7 1999.356.06:45:55.03/cable/+3.82765E-02 1999.356.06:45:55.08/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41609,24218,0,1pps 1999.356.06:45:55.13/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10533,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:45:55.21/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15673,15757,545,1pps 1999.356.06:45:55.29/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16098,16036,554,1pps 1999.356.06:45:55.37/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16299,16266,550,1pps 1999.356.06:45:57.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.06:45:57.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:45:57.99:!1999.356.06:47:28 1999.356.06:45:58.79#setcl#time/65475430,1,1999,356,06,45,59.00,0.074,42.114,25 1999.356.06:45:58.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:47:28.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:47:28.00:et 1999.356.06:47:28.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:47:31.05:tape 1999.356.06:47:31.12/tape/low,03583,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:47:31.12:postob 1999.356.06:47:31.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.06:47:37.67:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:47:37.97/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:47:47.09:!1999.356.06:49:09 1999.356.06:49:09.00:preob 1999.356.06:49:11.74/tpical/21397,20755,21202,21809,21300,21922,22324,22525,52173,13515 1999.356.06:49:11.81/tpical/21653,21819,22101,22453,22516,21993,31658 1999.356.06:49:11.88:!1999.356.06:49:19 1999.356.06:49:19.00:tape 1999.356.06:49:19.07/tape/low,03583,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:49:19.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:49:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:49:19.12:midob 1999.356.06:49:19.23/tpi/16236,15983,16144,16076,15723,15690,16056,16228,39678,9970 1999.356.06:49:19.30/tpi/16306,16275,16067,16148,16273,16112,24003 1999.356.06:49:19.86/tsys1/59.0,62.4,59.8,52.4,52.6,47.0,47.7,48.0,59.0,52.0 1999.356.06:49:19.87/tsys2/53.8,51.8,47.0,45.1,46.2,48.5,55.3 1999.356.06:49:24.37/wx/0.0,959.0,90.7 1999.356.06:49:24.47/cable/+3.82790E-02 1999.356.06:49:24.52/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39679,24010,0,1pps 1999.356.06:49:24.57/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9971,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:49:24.65/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15994,16105,545,1pps 1999.356.06:49:24.73/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15705,15704,554,1pps 1999.356.06:49:24.81/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16052,16067,550,1pps 1999.356.06:49:27.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:49:27.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:49:27.99:!1999.356.06:50:57 1999.356.06:49:28.79#setcl#time/65496430,1,1999,356,06,49,29.00,0.074,42.172,25 1999.356.06:49:28.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:50:57.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:50:57.00:et 1999.356.06:50:57.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:51:00.05:tape 1999.356.06:51:00.12/tape/low,02931,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:51:00.12:postob 1999.356.06:51:00.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.06:51:06.68:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:51:06.98/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:51:16.10:!1999.356.06:52:28 1999.356.06:52:28.00:preob 1999.356.06:52:30.75/tpical/19957,19450,20396,20992,20518,21524,21800,21835,58393,15266 1999.356.06:52:30.82/tpical/21244,21425,22027,22427,22416,22243,31058 1999.356.06:52:30.89:!1999.356.06:52:38 1999.356.06:52:38.00:tape 1999.356.06:52:38.07/tape/low,02931,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:52:38.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:52:38.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:52:38.12:midob 1999.356.06:52:38.23/tpi/15566,15431,16001,15992,15718,16091,16308,16353,45672,11670 1999.356.06:52:38.30/tpi/16064,16051,16062,16158,16172,16226,23630 1999.356.06:52:38.86/tsys1/66.5,71.5,68.2,59.8,61.1,55.3,55.3,55.6,66.9,60.3 1999.356.06:52:38.87/tsys2/54.7,52.7,47.5,45.4,45.9,47.7,56.1 1999.356.06:52:43.99/wx/-0.1,958.8,90.7 1999.356.06:52:44.15/cable/+3.82752E-02 1999.356.06:52:44.20/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44994,23602,0,1pps 1999.356.06:52:44.25/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11488,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:52:44.33/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16157,15629,545,1pps 1999.356.06:52:44.41/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,15837,15639,554,1pps 1999.356.06:52:44.49/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16049,16071,550,1pps 1999.356.06:52:46.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:52:46.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:52:46.99:!1999.356.06:54:16 1999.356.06:52:47.79#setcl#time/65516330,1,1999,356,06,52,48.00,0.074,42.227,25 1999.356.06:52:47.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:54:16.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:54:16.00:et 1999.356.06:54:16.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:54:19.05:tape 1999.356.06:54:19.12/tape/low,02277,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:54:19.12:postob 1999.356.06:54:19.13:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 1999.356.06:54:25.67:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:54:25.97/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:54:35.09:!1999.356.06:56:21 1999.356.06:55:02.73;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.06:56:21.00:preob 1999.356.06:56:23.74/tpical/20503,18922,20607,20469,20175,20572,20759,21288,$$$$$,26137 1999.356.06:56:23.81/tpical/21014,20603,21442,21500,21680,21184,50013 1999.356.06:56:23.89:!1999.356.06:56:31 1999.356.06:56:31.00:tape 1999.356.06:56:31.07/tape/low,02277,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:56:31.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:56:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:56:31.12:midob 1999.356.06:56:31.23/tpi/17934,16752,18199,17770,17465,17516,17652,18094,$$$$$,22661 1999.356.06:56:31.30/tpi/17816,17360,17854,17806,17960,17601,42537 1999.356.06:56:31.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.06:56:31.87/tsys1/131.1,143.9,141.8,123.2,120.5,107.2,106.0,105.7,$$$$$$$$,122.4 1999.356.06:56:31.88/tsys2/98.4,94.6,87.9,85.1,85.6,87.1,101.3 1999.356.06:56:36.33/wx/0.0,958.9,90.7 1999.356.06:56:36.47/cable/+3.82723E-02 1999.356.06:56:36.52/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,42281,0,1pps 1999.356.06:56:36.57/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,22652,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:56:36.65/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15242,15630,545,1pps 1999.356.06:56:36.73/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.57, -4.80,lock,15798,16265,554,1pps 1999.356.06:56:36.81/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 0.49, -0.18,lock,16288,16351,550,1pps 1999.356.06:56:39.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.06:56:39.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:56:39.99:!1999.356.06:58:09 1999.356.06:56:40.79#setcl#time/65539630,1,1999,356,06,56,41.00,0.074,42.292,25 1999.356.06:56:40.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:58:09.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.06:58:09.00:et 1999.356.06:58:09.04:!+3s 1999.356.06:58:12.05:tape 1999.356.06:58:12.12/tape/low,01625,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:58:12.12:postob 1999.356.06:58:12.13:source=0444+634,044442.3,632655.7,1950.0 1999.356.06:58:18.66:nw2c2=10 1999.356.06:58:18.96/pass/10,,auto,-110.0,,-110.4,,-0.4, 1999.356.06:58:28.08:!1999.356.06:59:24 1999.356.06:59:24.00:preob 1999.356.06:59:26.74/tpical/20485,21028,21045,21739,21565,22179,22560,22419,52932,13699 1999.356.06:59:26.81/tpical/21233,21179,21997,22262,22307,21852,32130 1999.356.06:59:26.88:!1999.356.06:59:34 1999.356.06:59:34.00:tape 1999.356.06:59:34.07/tape/low,01625,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.06:59:34.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.06:59:34.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.06:59:34.12:midob 1999.356.06:59:34.23/tpi/15582,16315,16109,16098,15987,15968,16338,16289,40466,10163 1999.356.06:59:34.30/tpi/16061,15950,16099,16122,16146,16070,24447 1999.356.06:59:34.86/tsys1/59.6,64.5,61.1,53.3,53.5,48.0,48.9,49.5,60.3,53.2 1999.356.06:59:34.87/tsys2/54.8,53.8,48.1,46.2,46.4,49.2,56.2 1999.356.06:59:39.58/wx/0.2,958.6,90.7 1999.356.06:59:39.67/cable/+3.82785E-02 1999.356.06:59:39.72/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40467,24431,0,1pps 1999.356.06:59:39.77/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10167,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.06:59:39.85/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16314,15355,545,1pps 1999.356.06:59:39.93/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15974,15991,554,1pps 1999.356.06:59:40.01/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16090,16124,550,1pps 1999.356.06:59:40.77#setcl#time/65557628,1,1999,356,06,59,41.00,0.085,42.342,27 1999.356.06:59:40.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.06:59:42.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.06:59:42.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.06:59:42.98:!1999.356.07:01:12 1999.356.07:01:12.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:01:12.00:et 1999.356.07:01:12.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:01:15.05:tape 1999.356.07:01:15.12/tape/low,00971,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:01:15.12:postob 1999.356.07:01:15.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.07:01:21.66:midtp 1999.356.07:01:24.37/tpzero/231,352,279,330,299,295,395,413,709,212 1999.356.07:01:24.44/tpzero/351,331,363,381,297,296,433 1999.356.07:01:25.14/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.63 1999.356.07:01:25.25/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 1999.356.07:01:25.35/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.41 1999.356.07:01:25.45/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.975 1999.356.07:01:25.55/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.900 1999.356.07:01:25.65/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.01 1999.356.07:01:25.75/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.69 1999.356.07:01:25.75:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:01:27.06/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:01:36.18:fastr=0m33s 1999.356.07:02:09.26:!1999.356.07:02:24 1999.356.07:02:24.00:preob 1999.356.07:02:26.75/tpical/20499,20041,20830,21091,20925,21531,21877,21685,56454,14728 1999.356.07:02:26.82/tpical/20760,21629,22071,22274,21931,21868,32774 1999.356.07:02:26.90:!1999.356.07:02:34 1999.356.07:02:34.00:tape 1999.356.07:02:34.07/tape/low,00229,low,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:02:34.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:02:34.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:02:34.12:midob 1999.356.07:02:34.23/tpi/15918,15837,16340,16074,15948,15983,16324,16205,44040,11217 1999.356.07:02:34.30/tpi/15824,16383,16329,16290,16069,16203,25136 1999.356.07:02:34.86/tsys1/65.1,70.0,68.0,59.6,59.7,53.7,54.5,54.8,66.3,59.6 1999.356.07:02:34.87/tsys2/56.4,55.1,50.1,47.9,48.4,50.5,58.2 1999.356.07:02:39.56/wx/0.0,958.5,90.6 1999.356.07:02:39.67/cable/+3.82773E-02 1999.356.07:02:39.72/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44058,25129,0,1pps 1999.356.07:02:39.77/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11219,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.07:02:39.85/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15872,16298,545,1pps 1999.356.07:02:39.93/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16000,15899,554,1pps 1999.356.07:02:40.01/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16292,16203,550,1pps 1999.356.07:02:42.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.07:02:42.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:02:42.98:!1999.356.07:05:22 1999.356.07:02:43.78#setcl#time/65575929,1,1999,356,07,02,44.00,0.079,42.393,26 1999.356.07:02:43.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.07:04:07.91/wx/0.0,958.5,90.6 1999.356.07:05:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:05:22.00:et 1999.356.07:05:22.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:05:25.05:tape 1999.356.07:05:25.12/tape/low,01348,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:05:25.12:postob 1999.356.07:05:25.13:source=0317+188,031700.0,185041.8,1950.0 1999.356.07:05:31.66:checkf80 1999.356.07:06:01.67/parity/2.,6.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,4.,0.,0.,2.,0.,2. 1999.356.07:06:01.67/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.07:06:19.70:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:06:20.00/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:06:29.12:!1999.356.07:07:35 1999.356.07:07:35.00:preob 1999.356.07:07:37.75/tpical/20547,19982,21039,21530,20607,21890,21902,22060,50450,13099 1999.356.07:07:37.82/tpical/21654,21960,22217,22281,22367,22263,30767 1999.356.07:07:37.90:!1999.356.07:07:45 1999.356.07:07:45.00:tape 1999.356.07:07:45.07/tape/low,01348,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:07:45.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:07:45.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:07:45.12:midob 1999.356.07:07:45.23/tpi/15732,15610,16245,16128,15434,15941,16037,16173,38850,9794 1999.356.07:07:45.30/tpi/16197,16290,16058,15888,16030,16195,23169 1999.356.07:07:45.86/tsys1/61.2,66.3,63.3,55.6,55.6,50.0,50.7,50.9,62.5,55.1 1999.356.07:07:45.87/tsys2/52.3,50.7,45.9,43.7,44.7,47.2,53.9 1999.356.07:07:50.44/wx/0.0,958.4,90.6 1999.356.07:07:50.55/cable/+3.82777E-02 1999.356.07:07:50.60/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,38853,23160,0,1pps 1999.356.07:07:50.65/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9797,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:07:50.73/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15588,15686,545,1pps 1999.356.07:07:50.81/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,15933,15988,554,1pps 1999.356.07:07:50.89/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16033,16134,550,1pps 1999.356.07:07:53.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.07:07:53.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:07:53.99:!1999.356.07:14:25 1999.356.07:07:54.79#setcl#time/65607030,1,1999,356,07,07,55.00,0.073,42.479,25 1999.356.07:07:54.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:14:25.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:14:25.00:et 1999.356.07:14:25.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:14:28.05:tape 1999.356.07:14:28.12/tape/low,04015,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:14:28.12:postob 1999.356.07:14:28.13:source=0229+131,022902.5,130940.6,1950.0 1999.356.07:14:34.68:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:14:34.98/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:14:44.10:!1999.356.07:15:22 1999.356.07:15:22.00:preob 1999.356.07:15:24.75/tpical/20810,20257,20800,21464,20926,22256,21931,22142,51119,13310 1999.356.07:15:24.82/tpical/21505,21717,22402,22560,22656,22049,30437 1999.356.07:15:24.90:!1999.356.07:15:32 1999.356.07:15:32.00:tape 1999.356.07:15:32.07/tape/low,04015,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:15:32.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:15:32.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:15:32.12:midob 1999.356.07:15:32.23/tpi/15975,15846,16118,16155,15768,16319,16131,16279,39523,10012 1999.356.07:15:32.30/tpi/16041,16104,16199,16101,16276,16073,22986 1999.356.07:15:32.86/tsys1/61.9,66.7,64.3,56.6,57.0,51.3,51.5,51.4,63.6,56.5 1999.356.07:15:32.87/tsys2/51.7,50.6,46.0,43.8,45.1,47.5,54.5 1999.356.07:15:36.75/wx/-0.1,958.3,90.8 1999.356.07:15:36.79/cable/+3.82789E-02 1999.356.07:15:36.84/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39606,22978,0,1pps 1999.356.07:15:36.89/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10037,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:15:36.97/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15884,15990,545,1pps 1999.356.07:15:37.05/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.36,lock,16336,15829,554,1pps 1999.356.07:15:37.13/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.73,lock,16189,15968,550,1pps 1999.356.07:15:39.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.07:15:39.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:15:39.99:!1999.356.07:17:20 1999.356.07:15:40.79#setcl#time/65653630,1,1999,356,07,15,41.00,0.073,42.609,25 1999.356.07:15:40.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:17:20.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:17:20.00:et 1999.356.07:17:20.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:17:23.05:tape 1999.356.07:17:23.12/tape/low,04735,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:17:23.12:postob 1999.356.07:17:23.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.07:17:29.67:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:17:29.97/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:17:39.09:!1999.356.07:19:04 1999.356.07:19:04.00:preob 1999.356.07:19:06.75/tpical/20900,20320,20724,21306,20823,21443,21826,21995,51087,13244 1999.356.07:19:06.82/tpical/21277,21398,22139,22561,22572,22056,31110 1999.356.07:19:06.89:!1999.356.07:19:14 1999.356.07:19:14.00:tape 1999.356.07:19:14.07/tape/low,04735,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:19:14.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:19:14.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:19:14.12:midob 1999.356.07:19:14.23/tpi/16087,15913,16049,16005,15659,15646,15984,16192,39501,9949 1999.356.07:19:14.30/tpi/16003,15986,16105,16188,16249,16086,23554 1999.356.07:19:14.86/tsys1/62.6,67.1,64.1,56.2,56.5,50.3,50.7,51.7,63.6,56.1 1999.356.07:19:14.87/tsys2/53.4,52.1,47.0,44.6,45.4,47.6,55.1 1999.356.07:19:19.28/wx/0.2,958.2,90.8 1999.356.07:19:19.35/cable/+3.82790E-02 1999.356.07:19:19.40/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39503,23567,0,1pps 1999.356.07:19:19.45/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9949,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:19:19.53/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15952,16017,545,1pps 1999.356.07:19:19.61/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15690,15664,554,1pps 1999.356.07:19:19.69/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16097,16124,550,1pps 1999.356.07:19:21.86/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.356.07:19:21.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:19:21.99:!1999.356.07:20:52 1999.356.07:19:22.79#setcl#time/65675830,1,1999,356,07,19,23.00,0.073,42.670,25 1999.356.07:19:22.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:20:52.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:20:52.00:et 1999.356.07:20:52.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:20:55.05:tape 1999.356.07:20:55.12/tape/low,05387,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:20:55.12:postob 1999.356.07:20:55.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.07:21:01.67:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:21:01.97/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:21:11.09:!1999.356.07:22:43 1999.356.07:22:43.00:preob 1999.356.07:22:45.75/tpical/21329,20676,21240,21893,21319,22678,22701,22512,52235,13573 1999.356.07:22:45.82/tpical/21048,21366,22216,22524,22424,22272,30037 1999.356.07:22:45.90:!1999.356.07:22:53 1999.356.07:22:53.00:tape 1999.356.07:22:53.07/tape/low,05387,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:22:53.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:22:53.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:22:53.12:midob 1999.356.07:22:53.23/tpi/16131,15901,16173,16193,15741,16293,16365,16284,39721,10019 1999.356.07:22:53.30/tpi/15779,15856,16045,16073,16035,16167,22545 1999.356.07:22:53.86/tsys1/58.1,61.9,59.6,52.9,52.6,47.6,47.9,48.4,59.2,52.4 1999.356.07:22:53.87/tsys2/52.7,50.7,45.7,43.8,44.3,46.8,53.1 1999.356.07:22:58.53/wx/0.2,957.7,90.8 1999.356.07:22:58.71/cable/+3.82797E-02 1999.356.07:22:58.76/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39715,22832,0,1pps 1999.356.07:22:58.81/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10017,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:22:58.89/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15917,16041,545,1pps 1999.356.07:22:58.97/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.36,lock,16290,15760,554,1pps 1999.356.07:22:59.05/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16068,16107,550,1pps 1999.356.07:23:01.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.07:23:01.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:23:01.99:!1999.356.07:24:31 1999.356.07:23:02.79#setcl#time/65697830,1,1999,356,07,23,03.00,0.073,42.731,25 1999.356.07:23:02.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:24:31.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:24:31.00:et 1999.356.07:24:31.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:24:34.05:tape 1999.356.07:24:34.12/tape/low,06040,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:24:34.12:postob 1999.356.07:24:34.13:source=0642+449,064253.0,445430.9,1950.0 1999.356.07:24:40.65:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:24:40.95/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:24:50.07:!1999.356.07:26:14 1999.356.07:26:14.00:preob 1999.356.07:26:16.75/tpical/21319,20630,21049,21690,21172,21775,22153,22341,51968,13462 1999.356.07:26:16.82/tpical/21369,21502,21775,22151,22205,21715,31353 1999.356.07:26:16.89:!1999.356.07:26:24 1999.356.07:26:24.00:tape 1999.356.07:26:24.07/tape/low,06040,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:26:24.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:26:24.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:26:24.12:midob 1999.356.07:26:24.23/tpi/16154,15947,16042,16011,15628,15619,15978,16144,39545,9934 1999.356.07:26:24.30/tpi/16117,16081,15869,15924,16016,15896,23786 1999.356.07:26:24.86/tsys1/58.6,63.3,59.8,52.5,52.5,47.3,47.9,48.2,59.4,52.4 1999.356.07:26:24.87/tsys2/54.0,52.3,47.3,44.9,45.7,48.3,55.6 1999.356.07:26:29.60/wx/0.0,958.0,90.8 1999.356.07:26:29.75/cable/+3.82791E-02 1999.356.07:26:29.80/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39548,23803,0,1pps 1999.356.07:26:29.85/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9936,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:26:29.93/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15939,16045,545,1pps 1999.356.07:26:30.01/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.36,lock,16149,15625,554,1pps 1999.356.07:26:30.10/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16210,16225,550,1pps 1999.356.07:26:32.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.07:26:32.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:26:32.98:!1999.356.07:28:02 1999.356.07:26:33.78#setcl#time/65718929,1,1999,356,07,26,34.00,0.079,42.790,26 1999.356.07:26:33.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:28:02.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:28:02.00:et 1999.356.07:28:02.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:28:05.05:tape 1999.356.07:28:05.12/tape/low,06693,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:28:05.12:postob 1999.356.07:28:05.13:source=ngc6251,163757.1,823818.7,1950.0 1999.356.07:28:11.67:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:28:11.97/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:28:21.09:!1999.356.07:31:00 1999.356.07:31:00.00:preob 1999.356.07:31:02.75/tpical/20347,20912,20920,21605,21462,22032,22392,22297,52674,13643 1999.356.07:31:02.82/tpical/21288,21408,22062,22460,22357,21932,31030 1999.356.07:31:02.90:!1999.356.07:31:10 1999.356.07:31:10.00:tape 1999.356.07:31:10.07/tape/low,06693,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:31:10.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:31:10.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:31:10.12:midob 1999.356.07:31:10.23/tpi/15519,16225,16037,16035,15936,15934,16232,16209,40299,10131 1999.356.07:31:10.30/tpi/16013,16005,16009,16085,16045,16004,23505 1999.356.07:31:10.86/tsys1/60.2,64.3,61.3,53.6,53.8,48.7,48.8,49.3,60.8,53.7 1999.356.07:31:10.87/tsys2/53.4,52.2,46.5,44.3,44.9,47.7,55.2 1999.356.07:31:15.94/wx/0.4,957.4,91.0 1999.356.07:31:15.99/cable/+3.82775E-02 1999.356.07:31:16.04/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40287,23506,0,1pps 1999.356.07:31:16.09/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10128,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:31:16.17/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16202,16318,545,1pps 1999.356.07:31:16.25/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15922,15940,554,1pps 1999.356.07:31:16.33/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16033,16078,550,1pps 1999.356.07:31:16.77#setcl#time/65747228,1,1999,356,07,31,17.00,0.084,42.869,27 1999.356.07:31:16.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:31:18.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.07:31:18.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:31:18.99:!1999.356.07:37:50 1999.356.07:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.07:34:07.74/wx/0.5,957.4,91.3 1999.356.07:37:50.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:37:50.00:et 1999.356.07:37:50.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:37:53.05:tape 1999.356.07:37:53.12/tape/low,09359,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:37:53.12:postob 1999.356.07:37:53.13:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 1999.356.07:37:59.67:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:37:59.97/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-56.1,,-1.1, 1999.356.07:38:09.09:!1999.356.07:40:49 1999.356.07:40:49.00:preob 1999.356.07:40:51.75/tpical/18828,18282,19342,19762,19494,19727,20236,19959,$$$$$,18446 1999.356.07:40:51.82/tpical/19881,20040,20766,20924,20682,21056,37065 1999.356.07:40:51.89:!1999.356.07:40:59 1999.356.07:40:59.00:tape 1999.356.07:40:59.07/tape/low,09359,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:40:59.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:40:59.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:40:59.12:midob 1999.356.07:40:59.23/tpi/15511,15320,16046,16016,15822,15659,16110,15866,58864,14964 1999.356.07:40:59.30/tpi/15775,15848,16046,16049,15883,16298,29493 1999.356.07:40:59.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.07:40:59.87/tsys1/87.5,96.0,90.9,79.6,80.3,71.8,72.4,71.7,$$$$$$$$,80.5 1999.356.07:40:59.88/tsys2/67.6,66.6,59.8,57.9,58.5,60.5,69.1 1999.356.07:41:04.96/wx/0.4,957.2,91.3 1999.356.07:41:05.11/cable/+3.82743E-02 1999.356.07:41:05.16/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,58856,29452,0,1pps 1999.356.07:41:05.21/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14967,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:41:05.29/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -7.86,lock,15304,15717,545,1pps 1999.356.07:41:05.37/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.72, -3.10,lock,15677,15820,554,1pps 1999.356.07:41:05.45/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.11, 1.57,lock,16024,16235,550,1pps 1999.356.07:41:07.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.07:41:07.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:41:07.99:!1999.356.07:43:49 1999.356.07:41:08.79#setcl#time/65806430,1,1999,356,07,41,09.00,0.073,43.033,25 1999.356.07:41:08.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:43:49.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:43:49.00:et 1999.356.07:43:49.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:43:52.05:tape 1999.356.07:43:52.12/tape/low,10491,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:43:52.12:postob 1999.356.07:43:52.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.07:43:58.66:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:43:58.96/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:44:08.08:!1999.356.07:46:15 1999.356.07:46:15.00:preob 1999.356.07:46:17.75/tpical/21086,20365,20755,21249,21365,21547,21902,21982,54815,14287 1999.356.07:46:17.82/tpical/21149,21196,22002,22276,22010,21934,32192 1999.356.07:46:17.89:!1999.356.07:46:25 1999.356.07:46:25.00:tape 1999.356.07:46:25.07/tape/low,10491,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:46:25.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:46:25.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:46:25.12:midob 1999.356.07:46:25.23/tpi/16287,15986,16130,16042,16134,15879,16144,16256,42460,10790 1999.356.07:46:25.30/tpi/16050,15963,16189,16213,16059,16186,24598 1999.356.07:46:25.86/tsys1/63.6,67.8,65.1,57.3,57.5,52.2,52.0,52.6,64.2,57.5 1999.356.07:46:25.87/tsys2/55.4,53.8,49.0,47.0,47.7,49.8,57.3 1999.356.07:46:30.56/wx/0.1,956.8,91.2 1999.356.07:46:30.71/cable/+3.82789E-02 1999.356.07:46:30.76/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42443,24614,0,1pps 1999.356.07:46:30.81/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10781,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:46:30.89/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,15999,15691,545,1pps 1999.356.07:46:30.97/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15861,15812,554,1pps 1999.356.07:46:31.05/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16184,16114,550,1pps 1999.356.07:46:33.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.07:46:33.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:46:33.99:!1999.356.07:49:11 1999.356.07:46:34.79#setcl#time/65839030,1,1999,356,07,46,35.00,0.072,43.124,25 1999.356.07:46:34.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:49:11.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:49:11.00:et 1999.356.07:49:11.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:49:14.05:tape 1999.356.07:49:14.12/tape/low,11597,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:49:14.12:postob 1999.356.07:49:14.13:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 1999.356.07:49:20.64:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:49:20.94/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:49:30.06:!1999.356.07:50:04 1999.356.07:50:04.00:preob 1999.356.07:50:06.75/tpical/21275,20694,21206,21898,21461,22078,22362,22278,52220,13620 1999.356.07:50:06.82/tpical/21481,21657,22429,22334,22522,21947,31540 1999.356.07:50:06.90:!1999.356.07:50:14 1999.356.07:50:14.00:tape 1999.356.07:50:14.07/tape/low,11597,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:50:14.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:50:14.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:50:14.12:midob 1999.356.07:50:14.23/tpi/16109,16004,16257,16258,15940,15934,16230,16209,39858,10112 1999.356.07:50:14.30/tpi/16180,16233,16370,16135,16326,16111,23966 1999.356.07:50:14.86/tsys1/58.4,63.4,61.3,53.7,53.8,48.4,49.1,49.5,60.2,53.6 1999.356.07:50:14.87/tsys2/53.7,52.8,47.6,45.7,46.6,48.8,55.9 1999.356.07:50:19.62/wx/0.1,956.8,91.2 1999.356.07:50:19.67/cable/+3.82786E-02 1999.356.07:50:19.72/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39831,23959,0,1pps 1999.356.07:50:19.77/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10102,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:50:19.85/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16003,16091,545,1pps 1999.356.07:50:19.93/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15965,15921,554,1pps 1999.356.07:50:20.01/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16366,16364,550,1pps 1999.356.07:50:22.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.07:50:22.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:50:22.98:!1999.356.07:51:52 1999.356.07:50:23.78#setcl#time/65861929,1,1999,356,07,50,24.00,0.078,43.187,26 1999.356.07:50:23.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:51:52.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:51:52.00:et 1999.356.07:51:52.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:51:55.05:tape 1999.356.07:51:55.12/tape/low,12250,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:51:55.12:postob 1999.356.07:51:55.13:source=ngc1052,023837.3,-082809.0,1950.0 1999.356.07:52:01.67:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:52:01.97/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:52:11.09:!1999.356.07:53:46 1999.356.07:53:46.00:preob 1999.356.07:53:48.75/tpical/20364,19923,20291,20998,20882,21098,21345,21513,59721,15573 1999.356.07:53:48.82/tpical/21097,21153,21819,22150,21815,21616,32048 1999.356.07:53:48.90:!1999.356.07:53:56 1999.356.07:53:56.00:tape 1999.356.07:53:56.07/tape/low,12250,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:53:56.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:53:56.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:53:56.12:midob 1999.356.07:53:56.23/tpi/16035,15969,16124,16231,16171,15958,16185,16332,47187,12046 1999.356.07:53:56.30/tpi/16167,16088,16249,16288,16061,16129,24707 1999.356.07:53:56.86/tsys1/69.4,75.0,72.2,63.4,64.0,57.9,58.1,58.4,70.5,63.7 1999.356.07:53:56.87/tsys2/57.7,56.0,51.3,48.8,49.3,51.9,59.5 1999.356.07:54:02.14/wx/0.3,956.7,91.2 1999.356.07:54:02.23/cable/+3.82787E-02 1999.356.07:54:02.28/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47181,24752,0,1pps 1999.356.07:54:02.33/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12046,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.07:54:02.41/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,15968,15365,545,1pps 1999.356.07:54:02.49/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,15953,15714,554,1pps 1999.356.07:54:02.57/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16228,16241,550,1pps 1999.356.07:54:04.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.07:54:04.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:54:04.99:!1999.356.07:55:35 1999.356.07:54:05.79#setcl#time/65884130,1,1999,356,07,54,06.00,0.072,43.249,25 1999.356.07:54:05.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:55:35.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:55:35.00:et 1999.356.07:55:35.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:55:38.05:tape 1999.356.07:55:38.12/tape/low,12909,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:55:38.12:postob 1999.356.07:55:38.13:source=0202+149,020207.4,145950.8,1950.0 1999.356.07:55:44.66:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:55:44.96/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:55:54.08:!1999.356.07:56:16 1999.356.07:56:16.00:preob 1999.356.07:56:18.75/tpical/21028,20443,20958,21673,21125,22455,22131,22619,51622,13437 1999.356.07:56:18.83/tpical/21127,21357,22303,22670,22482,21900,29899 1999.356.07:56:18.90:!1999.356.07:56:26 1999.356.07:56:26.00:tape 1999.356.07:56:26.07/tape/low,12909,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:56:26.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:56:26.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:56:26.12:midob 1999.356.07:56:26.23/tpi/15871,15726,15922,15955,15563,16094,15943,16329,39184,9894 1999.356.07:56:26.31/tpi/15810,15864,16110,16187,16124,15930,22582 1999.356.07:56:26.87/tsys1/57.6,61.9,59.0,51.9,52.1,47.2,47.7,48.1,58.8,51.9 1999.356.07:56:26.88/tsys2/52.3,50.9,45.8,43.9,44.8,47.1,54.5 1999.356.07:56:31.04/wx/0.1,956.7,91.1 1999.356.07:56:31.19/cable/+3.82790E-02 1999.356.07:56:31.24/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39172,22619,0,1pps 1999.356.07:56:31.29/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9892,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.07:56:31.37/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15728,15816,545,1pps 1999.356.07:56:31.45/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,16089,16165,554,1pps 1999.356.07:56:31.53/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16094,16068,550,1pps 1999.356.07:56:33.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.07:56:33.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:56:33.99:!1999.356.07:58:04 1999.356.07:56:34.79#setcl#time/65899030,1,1999,356,07,56,35.00,0.072,43.290,25 1999.356.07:56:34.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:58:04.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.07:58:04.00:et 1999.356.07:58:04.04:!+3s 1999.356.07:58:07.05:tape 1999.356.07:58:07.12/tape/low,13562,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:58:07.12:postob 1999.356.07:58:07.13:source=2136+141,213637.4,141000.5,1950.0 1999.356.07:58:13.67:nw2c1=11 1999.356.07:58:13.97/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.07:58:23.09:!1999.356.07:59:09 1999.356.07:59:09.00:preob 1999.356.07:59:11.75/tpical/19577,19378,19991,20460,20411,20535,21169,21013,$$$$$,17102 1999.356.07:59:11.82/tpical/20513,20461,21569,21659,21636,21338,33745 1999.356.07:59:11.89:!1999.356.07:59:19 1999.356.07:59:19.00:tape 1999.356.07:59:19.07/tape/low,13562,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.07:59:19.07:st=for,80 1999.356.07:59:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.07:59:19.12:midob 1999.356.07:59:19.23/tpi/15889,15936,16320,16272,16237,15978,16504,16375,53415,13592 1999.356.07:59:19.30/tpi/15987,15866,16316,16255,16268,16208,26469 1999.356.07:59:19.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.07:59:19.87/tsys1/80.7,86.0,83.0,72.3,72.5,65.4,65.6,65.4,$$$$$$$$,72.4 1999.356.07:59:19.88/tsys2/62.2,60.9,54.7,52.9,53.6,55.8,64.4 1999.356.07:59:24.47/wx/0.0,956.7,91.1 1999.356.07:59:24.63/cable/+3.82772E-02 1999.356.07:59:24.68/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,53428,26478,0,1pps 1999.356.07:59:24.74/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13600,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.07:59:24.82/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.54,lock,15961,15302,545,1pps 1999.356.07:59:24.90/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.36, -2.54,lock,15961,16271,554,1pps 1999.356.07:59:24.98/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16333,16188,550,1pps 1999.356.07:59:25.78#setcl#time/65916129,1,1999,356,07,59,26.00,0.078,43.338,26 1999.356.07:59:25.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.07:59:28.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.07:59:28.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.07:59:28.99:!1999.356.08:00:57 1999.356.08:00:57.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:00:57.00:et 1999.356.08:00:57.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:01:00.05:tape 1999.356.08:01:00.12/tape/low,14214,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:01:00.12:postob 1999.356.08:01:00.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.356.08:01:06.66:nw2c1=11 1999.356.08:01:06.96/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.08:01:16.08:!1999.356.08:01:46 1999.356.08:01:46.00:preob 1999.356.08:01:48.75/tpical/21079,20427,20947,21641,21172,22509,22130,22625,51651,13456 1999.356.08:01:48.82/tpical/21127,21384,22237,22537,22430,22252,29839 1999.356.08:01:48.90:!1999.356.08:01:56 1999.356.08:01:56.00:tape 1999.356.08:01:56.07/tape/low,14214,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:01:56.07:st=for,80 1999.356.08:01:56.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:01:56.12:midob 1999.356.08:01:56.23/tpi/15919,15708,15936,15950,15598,16136,15935,16342,39202,9912 1999.356.08:01:56.30/tpi/15800,15867,16022,16038,15991,16094,22481 1999.356.08:01:56.86/tsys1/57.8,61.8,59.4,52.1,52.1,47.2,47.7,48.2,58.7,52.0 1999.356.08:01:56.87/tsys2/52.2,50.7,45.4,43.4,43.9,46.2,53.9 1999.356.08:02:01.54/wx/0.1,956.5,91.1 1999.356.08:02:01.59/cable/+3.82787E-02 1999.356.08:02:01.64/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39185,22485,0,1pps 1999.356.08:02:01.69/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9911,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.08:02:01.77/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15702,15809,545,1pps 1999.356.08:02:01.85/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,16120,16196,554,1pps 1999.356.08:02:01.93/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.92,lock,16043,16268,550,1pps 1999.356.08:02:04.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:02:04.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:02:04.99:!1999.356.08:03:34 1999.356.08:02:05.79#setcl#time/65932130,1,1999,356,08,02,06.00,0.072,43.382,25 1999.356.08:02:05.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:03:34.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:03:34.00:et 1999.356.08:03:34.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:03:37.05:tape 1999.356.08:03:37.12/tape/low,14867,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:03:37.12:postob 1999.356.08:03:37.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.08:03:43.68:nw2c1=11 1999.356.08:03:43.98/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.08:03:53.10:!1999.356.08:04:07 1999.356.08:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.08:04:07.52/wx/0.1,956.5,91.1 1999.356.08:04:07.52:preob 1999.356.08:04:10.27/tpical/20444,20977,21085,21828,21665,22364,22277,22238,53033,13793 1999.356.08:04:10.35/tpical/21250,21515,22393,22749,22662,22502,30107 1999.356.08:04:10.43:!1999.356.08:04:17 1999.356.08:04:17.00:tape 1999.356.08:04:17.07/tape/low,14867,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:04:17.07:st=for,80 1999.356.08:04:17.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:04:17.12:midob 1999.356.08:04:17.23/tpi/15571,16293,16151,16260,16136,16195,16207,16199,40582,10258 1999.356.08:04:17.30/tpi/15930,15982,16184,16257,16253,16326,22748 1999.356.08:04:17.86/tsys1/59.8,64.7,61.1,54.4,54.4,49.0,49.5,49.7,60.8,54.0 1999.356.08:04:17.87/tsys2/52.7,50.9,45.9,44.0,44.8,46.7,54.6 1999.356.08:04:22.25/wx/0.2,956.5,91.1 1999.356.08:04:22.39/cable/+3.82809E-02 1999.356.08:04:22.44/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40584,22754,0,1pps 1999.356.08:04:22.49/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10259,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.08:04:22.57/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16265,16397,545,1pps 1999.356.08:04:22.65/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16153,16147,554,1pps 1999.356.08:04:22.73/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16219,16116,550,1pps 1999.356.08:04:24.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.08:04:24.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:04:24.99:!1999.356.08:05:55 1999.356.08:04:25.79#setcl#time/65946130,1,1999,356,08,04,26.00,0.072,43.421,25 1999.356.08:04:25.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:05:55.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:05:55.00:et 1999.356.08:05:55.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:05:58.05:tape 1999.356.08:05:58.12/tape/low,15519,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:05:58.12:postob 1999.356.08:05:58.13:source=0119+115,011903.1,113409.2,1950.0 1999.356.08:06:04.68:nw2c1=11 1999.356.08:06:04.98/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.08:06:14.10:!1999.356.08:06:57 1999.356.08:06:57.00:preob 1999.356.08:06:59.75/tpical/21288,20683,21239,21910,21406,22760,22404,22606,52276,13618 1999.356.08:06:59.82/tpical/21934,21362,22320,22732,22664,22529,30013 1999.356.08:06:59.90:!1999.356.08:07:07 1999.356.08:07:07.00:tape 1999.356.08:07:07.07/tape/low,15519,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:07:07.07:st=for,80 1999.356.08:07:07.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:07:07.12:midob 1999.356.08:07:07.23/tpi/16135,15964,16215,16246,15856,16407,16212,16399,39842,10084 1999.356.08:07:07.30/tpi/16400,15888,16128,16245,16238,16358,22678 1999.356.08:07:07.86/tsys1/58.6,62.9,60.3,53.4,53.3,48.2,48.5,48.9,59.8,53.1 1999.356.08:07:07.87/tsys2/52.2,51.2,45.8,44.0,44.7,46.9,54.6 1999.356.08:07:12.41/wx/0.1,956.7,91.1 1999.356.08:07:12.47/cable/+3.82806E-02 1999.356.08:07:12.52/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39858,22673,0,1pps 1999.356.08:07:12.57/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10089,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:07:12.65/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15983,16084,545,1pps 1999.356.08:07:12.73/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15916,15894,554,1pps 1999.356.08:07:12.81/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16142,16096,550,1pps 1999.356.08:07:13.79#setcl#time/65962930,1,1999,356,08,07,14.00,0.072,43.468,25 1999.356.08:07:13.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:07:16.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:07:16.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:07:16.99:!1999.356.08:08:45 1999.356.08:08:37.56;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.08:08:45.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:08:45.00:et 1999.356.08:08:45.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:08:48.05:tape 1999.356.08:08:48.12/tape/low,16173,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:08:48.12:postob 1999.356.08:08:48.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.08:08:54.66:nw2c1=11 1999.356.08:08:54.96/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.08:09:04.08:!1999.356.08:09:34 1999.356.08:09:34.00:preob 1999.356.08:09:36.75/tpical/21441,20809,21261,21895,21348,22616,22598,22417,52407,13572 1999.356.08:09:36.82/tpical/21498,21671,22262,22315,22335,22295,30303 1999.356.08:09:36.90:!1999.356.08:09:44 1999.356.08:09:44.00:tape 1999.356.08:09:44.07/tape/low,16173,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:09:44.07:st=for,80 1999.356.08:09:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:09:44.12:midob 1999.356.08:09:44.23/tpi/16294,16127,16280,16220,15817,16284,16322,16232,40006,10050 1999.356.08:09:44.30/tpi/16156,16187,16176,16025,16081,16292,22954 1999.356.08:09:44.86/tsys1/59.3,64.0,61.0,53.2,53.3,48.0,48.2,48.6,60.2,53.1 1999.356.08:09:44.87/tsys2/53.3,52.0,46.8,44.8,45.4,48.0,55.2 1999.356.08:09:49.48/wx/0.5,956.2,91.3 1999.356.08:09:49.59/cable/+3.82817E-02 1999.356.08:09:49.64/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40045,22962,0,1pps 1999.356.08:09:49.69/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10059,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:09:49.77/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16138,16222,545,1pps 1999.356.08:09:49.85/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.36,lock,16291,15767,554,1pps 1999.356.08:09:49.93/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.73,lock,16180,16008,550,1pps 1999.356.08:09:52.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:09:52.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:09:52.98:!1999.356.08:11:22 1999.356.08:09:53.78#setcl#time/65978929,1,1999,356,08,09,54.00,0.077,43.512,26 1999.356.08:09:53.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:11:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:11:22.00:et 1999.356.08:11:22.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:11:25.05:tape 1999.356.08:11:25.12/tape/low,16825,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:11:25.12:postob 1999.356.08:11:25.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.08:11:31.67:nw2c1=11 1999.356.08:11:31.97/pass/11,,auto,-55.0,,-55.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.08:11:41.09:!1999.356.08:11:55 1999.356.08:11:55.00:preob 1999.356.08:11:57.74/tpical/20473,21033,20973,21701,21531,22117,22441,22335,52888,13694 1999.356.08:11:57.81/tpical/21659,20990,22475,22547,22502,21970,30524 1999.356.08:11:57.89:!1999.356.08:12:05 1999.356.08:12:05.00:tape 1999.356.08:12:05.07/tape/low,16825,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:12:05.07:st=for,80 1999.356.08:12:05.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:12:05.12:midob 1999.356.08:12:05.23/tpi/15594,16324,16086,16122,16026,15966,16282,16216,40478,10169 1999.356.08:12:05.30/tpi/16444,15795,16492,16297,16322,16155,23266 1999.356.08:12:05.86/tsys1/59.8,64.4,61.5,53.8,54.3,48.4,49.0,49.1,60.9,53.7 1999.356.08:12:05.87/tsys2/55.5,53.6,48.5,45.8,46.7,49.1,56.6 1999.356.08:12:10.19/wx/0.3,956.3,91.3 1999.356.08:12:10.23/cable/+3.82816E-02 1999.356.08:12:10.28/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40495,23272,0,1pps 1999.356.08:12:10.33/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10177,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:12:10.41/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16312,16435,545,1pps 1999.356.08:12:10.49/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15939,15965,554,1pps 1999.356.08:12:10.57/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16161,16309,550,1pps 1999.356.08:12:12.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.08:12:12.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:12:12.98:!1999.356.08:13:43 1999.356.08:12:13.78#setcl#time/65992929,1,1999,356,08,12,14.00,0.077,43.551,26 1999.356.08:12:13.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:13:43.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:13:43.00:et 1999.356.08:13:43.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:13:46.05:tape 1999.356.08:13:46.12/tape/low,17477,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:13:46.12:postob 1999.356.08:13:46.13:source=1357+769,135742.2,765753.8,1950.0 1999.356.08:13:52.67:midtp 1999.356.08:13:55.39/tpzero/232,352,278,331,299,296,394,413,709,212 1999.356.08:13:55.46/tpzero/352,332,366,387,304,302,420 1999.356.08:13:56.16/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.36 1999.356.08:13:56.26/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 1999.356.08:13:56.36/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.53 1999.356.08:13:56.46/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.979 1999.356.08:13:56.56/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.386 1999.356.08:13:56.66/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.35 1999.356.08:13:56.76/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.74 1999.356.08:13:56.76:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:13:57.49/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:14:06.61:fastf=0m20s 1999.356.08:14:26.69:!1999.356.08:14:42 1999.356.08:14:42.00:preob 1999.356.08:14:44.75/tpical/21308,20688,21245,21793,21324,21940,22271,22445,52272,13565 1999.356.08:14:44.82/tpical/21169,21276,22417,22785,22698,22184,30841 1999.356.08:14:44.90:!1999.356.08:14:52 1999.356.08:14:52.00:tape 1999.356.08:14:52.07/tape/low,17927,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:14:52.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:14:52.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:14:52.12:midob 1999.356.08:14:52.23/tpi/16208,16040,16266,16182,15825,15804,16134,16313,39928,10057 1999.356.08:14:52.30/tpi/15866,15818,16184,16235,16212,16103,23270 1999.356.08:14:52.86/tsys1/59.5,64.1,61.0,53.7,53.6,48.0,48.7,49.3,60.4,53.3 1999.356.08:14:52.87/tsys2/52.7,51.1,45.7,43.6,44.1,46.8,54.3 1999.356.08:14:57.07/wx/0.6,956.2,91.3 1999.356.08:14:57.11/cable/+3.82781E-02 1999.356.08:14:57.16/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39937,23260,0,1pps 1999.356.08:14:57.21/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10065,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.08:14:57.29/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16051,16151,545,1pps 1999.356.08:14:57.37/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15820,15830,554,1pps 1999.356.08:14:57.45/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16178,16320,550,1pps 1999.356.08:14:59.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:14:59.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:14:59.99:!1999.356.08:18:15 1999.356.08:15:00.79#setcl#time/66009630,1,1999,356,08,15,01.00,0.072,43.597,25 1999.356.08:15:00.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:18:15.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:18:15.00:et 1999.356.08:18:15.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:18:18.05:tape 1999.356.08:18:18.12/tape/low,16575,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:18:18.12:postob 1999.356.08:18:18.13:source=2356+385,235700.0,383400.1,1950.0 1999.356.08:18:24.67:checkr80 1999.356.08:18:54.68/parity/0.,18.,2.,0.,0.,6.,0.,0.,0.,4.,0.,0.,2.,2. 1999.356.08:18:54.68/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.08:19:12.71:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:19:13.01/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:19:22.14:!1999.356.08:20:40 1999.356.08:20:40.00:preob 1999.356.08:20:42.75/tpical/20536,19767,21155,21500,21739,22331,21949,22242,53260,13831 1999.356.08:20:42.83/tpical/21702,22030,22473,22940,22727,22564,29652 1999.356.08:20:42.91:!1999.356.08:20:50 1999.356.08:20:50.00:tape 1999.356.08:20:50.07/tape/low,16575,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:20:50.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:20:50.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:20:50.12:midob 1999.356.08:20:50.23/tpi/15683,15376,16274,16035,16208,16210,15985,16237,40832,10313 1999.356.08:20:50.30/tpi/16129,16273,16103,16218,16120,16231,22227 1999.356.08:20:50.86/tsys1/60.5,65.0,62.3,54.6,54.7,49.4,49.7,50.1,61.3,54.6 1999.356.08:20:50.87/tsys2/51.0,49.8,44.5,42.4,43.1,45.3,52.9 1999.356.08:20:55.39/wx/0.8,956.2,91.2 1999.356.08:20:55.51/cable/+3.82816E-02 1999.356.08:20:55.56/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40802,22228,0,1pps 1999.356.08:20:55.61/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10300,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.08:20:55.69/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,15357,15445,545,1pps 1999.356.08:20:55.77/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16189,16213,554,1pps 1999.356.08:20:55.85/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.57, 2.92,lock,16100,16015,550,1pps 1999.356.08:20:58.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.08:20:58.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:20:58.99:!1999.356.08:24:52 1999.356.08:20:59.79#setcl#time/66045530,1,1999,356,08,21,00.00,0.071,43.697,25 1999.356.08:20:59.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:24:52.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:24:52.00:et 1999.356.08:24:52.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:24:55.05:tape 1999.356.08:24:55.12/tape/low,14962,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:24:55.12:postob 1999.356.08:24:55.13:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 1999.356.08:25:01.66:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:25:01.96/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:25:11.08:!1999.356.08:26:27 1999.356.08:26:27.00:preob 1999.356.08:26:29.75/tpical/19840,19436,20228,21260,20360,21272,21366,21524,58106,15141 1999.356.08:26:29.82/tpical/21099,21163,21996,22335,22077,21935,32193 1999.356.08:26:29.89:!1999.356.08:26:37 1999.356.08:26:37.00:tape 1999.356.08:26:37.07/tape/low,14962,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:26:37.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:26:37.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:26:37.12:midob 1999.356.08:26:37.23/tpi/15544,15497,16004,16330,15677,15991,16094,16230,45711,11651 1999.356.08:26:37.30/tpi/16030,15983,16185,16318,16147,16261,24675 1999.356.08:26:37.86/tsys1/67.7,73.1,70.7,61.7,62.4,56.5,56.6,56.8,69.0,62.3 1999.356.08:26:37.87/tsys2/55.7,54.4,49.0,47.7,48.1,50.6,58.1 1999.356.08:26:42.25/wx/0.5,956.2,91.2 1999.356.08:26:42.39/cable/+3.82781E-02 1999.356.08:26:42.44/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45677,24670,0,1pps 1999.356.08:26:42.49/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11642,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:26:42.57/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15497,15894,545,1pps 1999.356.08:26:42.65/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,15987,15798,554,1pps 1999.356.08:26:42.73/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16211,16153,550,1pps 1999.356.08:26:44.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:26:44.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:26:44.99:!1999.356.08:28:15 1999.356.08:26:45.79#setcl#time/66080130,1,1999,356,08,26,46.00,0.071,43.793,25 1999.356.08:26:45.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:28:15.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:28:15.00:et 1999.356.08:28:15.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:28:18.05:tape 1999.356.08:28:18.12/tape/low,14309,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:28:18.12:postob 1999.356.08:28:18.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.08:28:24.67:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:28:24.97/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:28:34.09:!1999.356.08:29:24 1999.356.08:29:24.00:preob 1999.356.08:29:26.75/tpical/20952,20246,20981,21418,20935,21893,22229,22176,54181,14031 1999.356.08:29:26.82/tpical/21561,21698,22406,22272,22341,22268,31486 1999.356.08:29:26.90:!1999.356.08:29:34 1999.356.08:29:34.00:tape 1999.356.08:29:34.07/tape/low,14309,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:29:34.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:29:34.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:29:34.12:midob 1999.356.08:29:34.23/tpi/16110,15860,16246,16081,15707,16020,16293,16300,41844,10540 1999.356.08:29:34.30/tpi/16306,16302,16358,16086,16145,16387,23953 1999.356.08:29:34.86/tsys1/62.3,67.2,64.1,56.1,56.0,50.9,50.9,51.4,63.4,56.2 1999.356.08:29:34.87/tsys2/54.6,53.3,47.6,45.7,46.0,49.2,56.2 1999.356.08:29:38.95/wx/0.5,956.1,91.1 1999.356.08:29:39.03/cable/+3.82803E-02 1999.356.08:29:39.08/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41888,23957,0,1pps 1999.356.08:29:39.13/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10550,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:29:39.21/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15836,15899,545,1pps 1999.356.08:29:39.29/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16023,16024,554,1pps 1999.356.08:29:39.37/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.53,lock,16352,16058,550,1pps 1999.356.08:29:41.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:29:41.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:29:41.99:!1999.356.08:31:12 1999.356.08:29:42.79#setcl#time/66097830,1,1999,356,08,29,43.00,0.071,43.842,25 1999.356.08:29:42.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:31:12.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:31:12.00:et 1999.356.08:31:12.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:31:15.05:tape 1999.356.08:31:15.12/tape/low,13656,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:31:15.12:postob 1999.356.08:31:15.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.356.08:31:21.67:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:31:21.97/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:31:31.09:!1999.356.08:32:24 1999.356.08:32:24.00:preob 1999.356.08:32:26.75/tpical/20489,20112,20416,21028,21015,21196,21423,21306,60074,15658 1999.356.08:32:26.82/tpical/19828,19731,20939,21144,20901,20819,31369 1999.356.08:32:26.89:!1999.356.08:32:34 1999.356.08:32:34.00:tape 1999.356.08:32:34.07/tape/low,13656,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:32:34.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:32:34.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:32:34.12:midob 1999.356.08:32:34.23/tpi/16208,16179,16277,16339,16337,16102,16316,16278,47630,12170 1999.356.08:32:34.30/tpi/15883,15654,16307,16237,16080,16184,25169 1999.356.08:32:34.86/tsys1/70.9,76.5,73.4,64.9,65.1,59.0,59.2,60.0,71.6,65.1 1999.356.08:32:34.87/tsys2/70.9,67.6,61.9,58.1,58.9,61.7,71.9 1999.356.08:32:38.93/wx/0.4,956.2,91.1 1999.356.08:32:39.03/cable/+3.82771E-02 1999.356.08:32:39.08/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47609,25155,0,1pps 1999.356.08:32:39.13/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12158,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:32:39.21/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,16165,15539,545,1pps 1999.356.08:32:39.29/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16113,15837,554,1pps 1999.356.08:32:39.37/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16284,16191,550,1pps 1999.356.08:32:39.78#setcl#time/66115529,1,1999,356,08,32,40.00,0.077,43.892,26 1999.356.08:32:39.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:32:42.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.08:32:42.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:32:42.98:!1999.356.08:37:22 1999.356.08:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.08:34:08.92/wx/0.5,956.2,91.1 1999.356.08:37:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:37:22.00:et 1999.356.08:37:22.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:37:25.05:tape 1999.356.08:37:25.12/tape/low,11738,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:37:25.12:postob 1999.356.08:37:25.13:source=1418+546,141806.2,543658.4,1950.0 1999.356.08:37:31.68:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:37:31.98/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:37:41.10:!1999.356.08:38:10 1999.356.08:38:10.00:preob 1999.356.08:38:12.75/tpical/20639,20189,20421,21156,20993,21588,21299,21746,56823,14811 1999.356.08:38:12.82/tpical/19855,20699,20866,21191,21222,20726,30172 1999.356.08:38:12.89:!1999.356.08:38:20 1999.356.08:38:20.00:tape 1999.356.08:38:20.07/tape/low,11738,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:38:20.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:38:20.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:38:20.12:midob 1999.356.08:38:20.23/tpi/16148,16089,16134,16235,16149,16191,16025,16391,44611,11368 1999.356.08:38:20.30/tpi/15723,16292,16033,16032,16136,15940,23978 1999.356.08:38:20.86/tsys1/67.3,72.9,70.3,61.4,62.2,56.0,56.3,56.7,68.3,61.6 1999.356.08:38:20.87/tsys2/67.0,65.2,58.4,54.6,56.0,58.8,68.5 1999.356.08:38:25.79/wx/0.5,956.0,91.2 1999.356.08:38:25.91/cable/+3.82759E-02 1999.356.08:38:25.96/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44720,23991,0,1pps 1999.356.08:38:26.01/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11397,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:38:26.10/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16123,15572,545,1pps 1999.356.08:38:26.18/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16207,16147,554,1pps 1999.356.08:38:26.26/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16056,16012,550,1pps 1999.356.08:38:28.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:38:28.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:38:28.99:!1999.356.08:44:38 1999.356.08:38:29.79#setcl#time/66150530,1,1999,356,08,38,30.00,0.071,43.989,25 1999.356.08:38:29.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:44:38.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:44:38.00:et 1999.356.08:44:38.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:44:41.05:tape 1999.356.08:44:41.12/tape/low,09218,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:44:41.12:postob 1999.356.08:44:41.13:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 1999.356.08:44:47.68:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:44:47.98/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:44:57.10:!1999.356.08:45:24 1999.356.08:45:24.00:preob 1999.356.08:45:26.75/tpical/20325,19959,19798,20604,19835,20800,21043,20822,63505,16574 1999.356.08:45:26.82/tpical/20111,20086,20804,20920,20778,20702,31815 1999.356.08:45:26.89:!1999.356.08:45:34 1999.356.08:45:34.00:tape 1999.356.08:45:34.07/tape/low,09218,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:45:34.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:45:34.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:45:34.12:midob 1999.356.08:45:34.23/tpi/16377,16345,16087,16317,15741,16140,16364,16223,51211,13139 1999.356.08:45:34.30/tpi/16175,16048,16285,16174,16121,16199,25641 1999.356.08:45:34.86/tsys1/77.7,84.1,80.9,70.9,71.7,64.6,64.8,65.3,78.0,71.5 1999.356.08:45:34.87/tsys2/72.4,70.1,63.4,59.9,61.1,63.5,73.5 1999.356.08:45:39.37/wx/0.8,956.3,91.3 1999.356.08:45:39.51/cable/+3.82767E-02 1999.356.08:45:39.56/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,51327,25647,0,1pps 1999.356.08:45:39.61/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13167,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.08:45:39.69/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -7.22,lock,16369,15677,545,1pps 1999.356.08:45:39.77/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.54,lock,16184,15826,554,1pps 1999.356.08:45:39.85/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16310,16132,550,1pps 1999.356.08:45:42.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:45:42.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:45:42.98:!1999.356.08:48:17 1999.356.08:45:43.78#setcl#time/66193929,1,1999,356,08,45,44.00,0.076,44.109,26 1999.356.08:45:43.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:48:17.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:48:17.00:et 1999.356.08:48:17.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:48:20.05:tape 1999.356.08:48:20.12/tape/low,08132,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:48:20.12:postob 1999.356.08:48:20.13:source=0229+131,022902.5,130940.6,1950.0 1999.356.08:48:26.65:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:48:26.95/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:48:36.07:!1999.356.08:50:25 1999.356.08:50:25.00:preob 1999.356.08:50:27.75/tpical/21051,20270,21097,21581,21231,22268,22183,22230,54604,14210 1999.356.08:50:27.82/tpical/20174,20344,21151,21499,21380,21295,28604 1999.356.08:50:27.89:!1999.356.08:50:35 1999.356.08:50:35.00:tape 1999.356.08:50:35.07/tape/low,08132,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:50:35.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:50:35.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:50:35.12:midob 1999.356.08:50:35.23/tpi/16197,15919,16385,16268,15973,16382,16371,16464,42248,10712 1999.356.08:50:35.30/tpi/15881,15915,16150,16173,16170,16249,22634 1999.356.08:50:35.86/tsys1/62.5,68.0,64.9,57.0,56.6,51.9,52.2,52.9,63.9,57.0 1999.356.08:50:35.87/tsys2/65.1,63.3,56.8,53.4,54.8,56.9,67.0 1999.356.08:50:40.43/wx/0.8,956.2,91.3 1999.356.08:50:40.47/cable/+3.82810E-02 1999.356.08:50:40.52/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42240,22617,0,1pps 1999.356.08:50:40.57/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10711,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:50:40.65/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15907,15971,545,1pps 1999.356.08:50:40.73/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.52,lock,15781,16300,554,1pps 1999.356.08:50:40.81/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16137,16095,550,1pps 1999.356.08:50:43.86/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.08:50:43.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:50:43.99:!1999.356.08:52:13 1999.356.08:50:44.79#setcl#time/66224030,1,1999,356,08,50,45.00,0.071,44.193,25 1999.356.08:50:44.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:52:13.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:52:13.00:et 1999.356.08:52:13.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:52:16.05:tape 1999.356.08:52:16.12/tape/low,07480,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:52:16.12:postob 1999.356.08:52:16.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.08:52:22.67:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:52:22.97/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:52:32.09:!1999.356.08:53:00 1999.356.08:53:00.00:preob 1999.356.08:53:02.74/tpical/21141,20398,20657,21612,21189,22173,22083,22137,54743,14193 1999.356.08:53:02.82/tpical/20298,20448,21170,21516,21358,21317,28668 1999.356.08:53:02.90:!1999.356.08:53:10 1999.356.08:53:10.00:tape 1999.356.08:53:10.07/tape/low,07480,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:53:10.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:53:10.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:53:10.12:midob 1999.356.08:53:10.23/tpi/16299,16004,16051,16294,15939,16259,16270,16311,42341,10684 1999.356.08:53:10.30/tpi/16002,16012,16192,16204,16110,16292,22685 1999.356.08:53:10.86/tsys1/63.0,67.7,65.1,57.0,56.6,51.3,51.9,51.8,63.8,56.7 1999.356.08:53:10.87/tsys2/65.6,63.6,57.2,53.6,54.2,57.3,67.0 1999.356.08:53:15.86/wx/0.6,956.0,91.2 1999.356.08:53:15.99/cable/+3.82826E-02 1999.356.08:53:16.04/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42336,22686,0,1pps 1999.356.08:53:16.09/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10678,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:53:16.17/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16020,16066,545,1pps 1999.356.08:53:16.25/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16256,16183,554,1pps 1999.356.08:53:16.33/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16186,16133,550,1pps 1999.356.08:53:18.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:53:18.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:53:18.99:!1999.356.08:54:48 1999.356.08:53:19.79#setcl#time/66239530,1,1999,356,08,53,20.00,0.071,44.236,25 1999.356.08:53:19.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:54:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:54:48.00:et 1999.356.08:54:48.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:54:51.05:tape 1999.356.08:54:51.12/tape/low,06826,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:54:51.12:postob 1999.356.08:54:51.13:source=3c371,180718.6,694857.2,1950.0 1999.356.08:54:57.65:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:54:57.95/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:55:07.07:!1999.356.08:55:48 1999.356.08:55:48.00:preob 1999.356.08:55:50.75/tpical/21075,20299,20678,21160,21207,21445,21820,21892,54673,14213 1999.356.08:55:50.82/tpical/19979,20060,20954,21326,21293,21284,29165 1999.356.08:55:50.89:!1999.356.08:55:58 1999.356.08:55:58.00:tape 1999.356.08:55:58.07/tape/low,06826,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:55:58.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:55:58.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:55:58.12:midob 1999.356.08:55:58.23/tpi/16247,15918,16044,15960,15997,15757,16090,16172,42295,10711 1999.356.08:55:58.30/tpi/15675,15671,15903,15968,15954,16135,22969 1999.356.08:55:58.86/tsys1/63.0,67.5,64.6,57.1,57.2,51.6,52.0,52.3,63.8,57.0 1999.356.08:55:58.87/tsys2/64.1,62.9,55.4,52.3,52.8,55.3,65.5 1999.356.08:56:02.75/wx/0.7,955.8,91.3 1999.356.08:56:02.87/cable/+3.82785E-02 1999.356.08:56:02.92/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42301,22974,0,1pps 1999.356.08:56:02.97/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10713,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:56:03.05/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,15934,15630,545,1pps 1999.356.08:56:03.13/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15762,15678,554,1pps 1999.356.08:56:03.21/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,15951,15997,550,1pps 1999.356.08:56:05.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:56:05.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:56:05.99:!1999.356.08:58:11 1999.356.08:56:06.79#setcl#time/66256230,1,1999,356,08,56,07.00,0.070,44.282,25 1999.356.08:56:06.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.08:58:04.66;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.08:58:11.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.08:58:11.00:et 1999.356.08:58:11.04:!+3s 1999.356.08:58:14.05:tape 1999.356.08:58:14.12/tape/low,05941,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:58:14.12:postob 1999.356.08:58:14.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.08:58:20.65:nw2c2=12 1999.356.08:58:20.95/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.08:58:30.07:!1999.356.08:59:11 1999.356.08:59:11.00:preob 1999.356.08:59:13.75/tpical/20308,20728,20461,21488,21512,21643,22008,21759,55629,14404 1999.356.08:59:13.82/tpical/19849,19941,20825,21300,21299,20834,29054 1999.356.08:59:13.89:!1999.356.08:59:21 1999.356.08:59:21.00:tape 1999.356.08:59:21.07/tape/low,05941,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.08:59:21.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.08:59:21.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.08:59:21.12:midob 1999.356.08:59:21.23/tpi/15742,16341,15927,16230,16285,15969,16274,16151,43199,10893 1999.356.08:59:21.30/tpi/15705,15649,15977,16132,16114,15961,23070 1999.356.08:59:21.87/tsys1/64.5,69.2,65.6,57.5,58.1,52.5,52.6,53.3,64.9,57.8 1999.356.08:59:21.87/tsys2/66.7,64.2,58.0,54.8,54.9,57.8,68.1 1999.356.08:59:25.65/wx/0.5,955.6,91.2 1999.356.08:59:25.75/cable/+3.82825E-02 1999.356.08:59:25.80/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43220,23075,0,1pps 1999.356.08:59:25.85/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10894,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.08:59:25.93/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,16349,16023,545,1pps 1999.356.08:59:26.01/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15977,15907,554,1pps 1999.356.08:59:26.09/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,15966,16093,550,1pps 1999.356.08:59:28.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.08:59:28.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.08:59:28.99:!1999.356.09:00:59 1999.356.08:59:29.79#setcl#time/66276530,1,1999,356,08,59,30.00,0.070,44.339,25 1999.356.08:59:29.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:00:59.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:00:59.00:et 1999.356.09:00:59.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:01:02.05:tape 1999.356.09:01:02.12/tape/low,05289,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:01:02.12:postob 1999.356.09:01:02.13:source=0718+793,071808.7,791722.7,1950.0 1999.356.09:01:08.67:nw2c2=12 1999.356.09:01:08.97/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.09:01:18.09:!1999.356.09:01:46 1999.356.09:01:46.00:preob 1999.356.09:01:48.75/tpical/20428,19928,20547,21166,20559,21830,21771,21917,55982,14497 1999.356.09:01:48.82/tpical/20037,19942,21138,21413,21339,21008,30398 1999.356.09:01:48.89:!1999.356.09:01:56 1999.356.09:01:56.00:tape 1999.356.09:01:56.07/tape/low,05289,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:01:56.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.09:01:56.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:01:56.12:midob 1999.356.09:01:56.23/tpi/15851,15727,16040,16065,15602,16117,16146,16304,43574,10995 1999.356.09:01:56.30/tpi/15928,15742,16308,16343,16236,16210,24230 1999.356.09:01:56.86/tsys1/64.8,69.5,66.4,58.6,58.7,52.6,53.2,53.8,65.6,58.5 1999.356.09:01:56.87/tsys2/68.2,66.0,59.4,56.6,56.2,59.7,69.5 1999.356.09:02:01.07/wx/0.6,955.4,91.2 1999.356.09:02:01.11/cable/+3.82803E-02 1999.356.09:02:01.16/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43575,24232,0,1pps 1999.356.09:02:01.21/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10990,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:02:01.29/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15715,16170,545,1pps 1999.356.09:02:01.37/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16115,16073,554,1pps 1999.356.09:02:01.45/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16318,16357,550,1pps 1999.356.09:02:03.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.09:02:03.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:02:03.99:!1999.356.09:05:19 1999.356.09:02:04.79#setcl#time/66292030,1,1999,356,09,02,05.00,0.070,44.382,25 1999.356.09:02:04.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.09:04:08.69/wx/0.5,955.4,91.3 1999.356.09:05:19.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:05:19.00:et 1999.356.09:05:19.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:05:22.05:tape 1999.356.09:05:22.12/tape/low,03936,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:05:22.12:postob 1999.356.09:05:22.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.09:05:28.66:nw2c2=12 1999.356.09:05:28.96/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.09:05:38.08:!1999.356.09:06:46 1999.356.09:06:46.00:preob 1999.356.09:06:48.75/tpical/19593,19149,20186,20906,20216,20806,21042,21062,61133,15943 1999.356.09:06:48.82/tpical/20414,20430,20651,21312,20988,20912,31039 1999.356.09:06:48.90:!1999.356.09:06:56 1999.356.09:06:56.00:tape 1999.356.09:06:56.07/tape/low,03936,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:06:56.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.09:06:56.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:06:56.12:midob 1999.356.09:06:56.23/tpi/15601,15469,16213,16323,15806,15902,16152,16162,48729,12460 1999.356.09:06:56.30/tpi/16312,16241,16038,16369,16102,16199,24898 1999.356.09:06:56.86/tsys1/73.1,78.0,76.2,66.3,66.8,60.5,61.2,61.1,73.6,66.8 1999.356.09:06:56.87/tsys2/70.0,68.4,61.2,58.2,58.2,60.7,71.7 1999.356.09:07:02.13/wx/0.6,955.2,91.2 1999.356.09:07:02.23/cable/+3.82767E-02 1999.356.09:07:02.28/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,48752,24887,0,1pps 1999.356.09:07:02.33/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12464,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.09:07:02.41/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15478,15931,545,1pps 1999.356.09:07:02.49/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.18,lock,15895,16262,554,1pps 1999.356.09:07:02.57/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.42,lock,16037,16313,550,1pps 1999.356.09:07:04.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.09:07:04.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:07:04.99:!1999.356.09:08:49 1999.356.09:07:05.79#setcl#time/66322130,1,1999,356,09,07,06.00,0.070,44.466,25 1999.356.09:07:05.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:08:49.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:08:49.00:et 1999.356.09:08:49.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:08:52.05:tape 1999.356.09:08:52.12/tape/low,03183,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:08:52.12:postob 1999.356.09:08:52.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.356.09:08:58.67:nw2c2=12 1999.356.09:08:58.97/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.09:09:08.09:!1999.356.09:09:40 1999.356.09:09:40.00:preob 1999.356.09:09:42.75/tpical/20313,19764,20504,21193,20634,21933,21839,22017,55771,14526 1999.356.09:09:42.82/tpical/20500,20702,21176,21219,21294,21186,28983 1999.356.09:09:42.90:!1999.356.09:09:50 1999.356.09:09:50.00:tape 1999.356.09:09:50.07/tape/low,03183,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:09:50.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.09:09:50.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:09:50.12:midob 1999.356.09:09:50.23/tpi/15754,15602,16014,16066,15643,16260,16254,16412,43391,11027 1999.356.09:09:50.30/tpi/16191,16249,16214,16001,16094,16160,22970 1999.356.09:09:50.86/tsys1/64.7,69.6,66.6,58.3,58.4,53.5,54.0,54.2,65.5,58.7 1999.356.09:09:50.87/tsys2/66.2,64.3,57.5,53.9,54.7,56.8,67.5 1999.356.09:09:55.56/wx/0.6,955.3,91.2 1999.356.09:09:55.67/cable/+3.82783E-02 1999.356.09:09:55.72/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43403,22979,0,1pps 1999.356.09:09:55.77/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11027,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.09:09:55.85/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15600,16060,545,1pps 1999.356.09:09:55.93/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16238,16172,554,1pps 1999.356.09:09:56.01/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.82,lock,16193,16331,550,1pps 1999.356.09:09:58.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.09:09:58.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:09:58.99:!1999.356.09:11:28 1999.356.09:09:59.79#setcl#time/66339530,1,1999,356,09,10,00.00,0.070,44.514,25 1999.356.09:09:59.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:11:28.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:11:28.00:et 1999.356.09:11:28.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:11:31.05:tape 1999.356.09:11:31.12/tape/low,02529,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:11:31.12:postob 1999.356.09:11:31.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.09:11:37.66:nw2c2=12 1999.356.09:11:37.96/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.09:11:47.08:!1999.356.09:12:50 1999.356.09:12:50.00:preob 1999.356.09:12:52.74/tpical/20548,20033,20779,21367,20717,21994,21917,21692,56366,14599 1999.356.09:12:52.81/tpical/19992,19953,20576,20879,21073,20661,30422 1999.356.09:12:52.89:!1999.356.09:13:00 1999.356.09:13:00.00:tape 1999.356.09:13:00.07/tape/low,02529,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:13:00.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.09:13:00.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:13:00.12:midob 1999.356.09:13:00.23/tpi/16031,15917,16285,16257,15786,16309,16292,16188,44081,11117 1999.356.09:13:00.31/tpi/15894,15773,15922,15949,16120,15996,24320 1999.356.09:13:00.87/tsys1/66.5,71.9,67.7,59.2,59.7,53.5,53.7,54.5,67.1,59.5 1999.356.09:13:00.88/tsys2/68.3,66.5,60.2,56.8,57.5,60.6,70.5 1999.356.09:13:05.36/wx/0.6,955.3,91.2 1999.356.09:13:05.43/cable/+3.82809E-02 1999.356.09:13:05.48/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44095,24307,0,1pps 1999.356.09:13:05.53/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11122,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:13:05.61/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15932,16368,545,1pps 1999.356.09:13:05.69/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16311,16274,554,1pps 1999.356.09:13:05.77/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,15912,15921,550,1pps 1999.356.09:13:08.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.09:13:08.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:13:08.99:!1999.356.09:14:38 1999.356.09:13:09.79#setcl#time/66358530,1,1999,356,09,13,10.00,0.070,44.567,25 1999.356.09:13:09.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:14:38.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:14:38.00:et 1999.356.09:14:38.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:14:41.05:tape 1999.356.09:14:41.12/tape/low,01876,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:14:41.12:postob 1999.356.09:14:41.13:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 1999.356.09:14:47.67:nw2c2=12 1999.356.09:14:47.97/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.09:14:57.09:!1999.356.09:16:48 1999.356.09:16:48.00:preob 1999.356.09:16:50.74/tpical/20156,19834,20091,21168,20692,21617,21383,21254,59119,15409 1999.356.09:16:50.81/tpical/20484,20580,20804,21179,20889,20751,30059 1999.356.09:16:50.89:!1999.356.09:16:58 1999.356.09:16:58.00:tape 1999.356.09:16:58.07/tape/low,01876,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:16:58.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.09:16:58.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:16:58.12:midob 1999.356.09:16:58.23/tpi/15894,15861,15937,16368,16016,16320,16164,16078,46684,11905 1999.356.09:16:58.30/tpi/16332,16294,16131,16222,16040,16107,24063 1999.356.09:16:58.86/tsys1/69.8,74.2,71.6,63.5,63.9,57.5,57.4,57.5,70.2,63.4 1999.356.09:16:58.87/tsys2/69.3,67.0,60.7,57.5,58.4,61.3,71.0 1999.356.09:17:02.61/wx/0.6,955.2,91.2 1999.356.09:17:02.71/cable/+3.82808E-02 1999.356.09:17:02.76/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46687,24059,0,1pps 1999.356.09:17:02.81/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11908,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:17:02.89/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15870,16267,545,1pps 1999.356.09:17:02.97/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,16306,16118,554,1pps 1999.356.09:17:03.05/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16146,16163,550,1pps 1999.356.09:17:05.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.09:17:05.99?ERROR an -103 Pointing computer tracking errors are too large. 1999.356.09:17:05.99?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 1999.356.09:17:06.00/onsource/SLEWING 1999.356.09:17:06.00:!1999.356.09:18:36 1999.356.09:17:06.77#setcl#time/66382228,1,1999,356,09,17,07.00,0.081,44.632,27 1999.356.09:17:06.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:18:36.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:18:36.00:et 1999.356.09:18:36.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:18:39.05:tape 1999.356.09:18:39.12/tape/low,01224,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:18:39.12:postob 1999.356.09:18:39.13:source=1116+128,111620.8,125106.9,1950.0 1999.356.09:18:45.66:nw2c2=12 1999.356.09:18:45.96/pass/12,,auto,-55.0,,-56.2,,-1.2, 1999.356.09:18:55.08:!1999.356.09:21:30 1999.356.09:21:30.00:preob 1999.356.09:21:32.75/tpical/20583,18903,19962,20329,19904,20910,20733,20613,64068,16693 1999.356.09:21:32.82/tpical/20032,19951,20565,20528,20686,20433,32880 1999.356.09:21:32.90:!1999.356.09:21:40 1999.356.09:21:40.00:tape 1999.356.09:21:40.07/tape/low,01224,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:21:40.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.09:21:40.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:21:40.12:midob 1999.356.09:21:40.23/tpi/16557,15437,16219,16080,15809,16223,16135,16041,51684,13234 1999.356.09:21:40.30/tpi/16172,16055,16261,16065,16177,16107,26678 1999.356.09:21:40.86/tsys1/77.0,82.7,80.9,70.4,72.0,64.6,65.0,64.9,78.2,71.5 1999.356.09:21:40.87/tsys2/73.8,72.6,66.5,63.2,63.4,65.8,76.2 1999.356.09:21:45.67/wx/0.6,955.2,91.3 1999.356.09:21:45.75/cable/+3.82798E-02 1999.356.09:21:45.80/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,51650,26683,0,1pps 1999.356.09:21:45.85/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13225,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.09:21:45.93/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15442,15807,545,1pps 1999.356.09:21:46.01/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.54,lock,16210,15869,554,1pps 1999.356.09:21:46.10/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,16270,16081,550,1pps 1999.356.09:21:46.78#setcl#time/66410229,1,1999,356,09,21,47.00,0.075,44.710,26 1999.356.09:21:46.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:21:49.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.09:21:49.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:21:49.99:!1999.356.09:23:18 1999.356.09:23:18.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:23:18.00:et 1999.356.09:23:18.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:23:21.05:tape 1999.356.09:23:21.12/tape/low,00571,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:23:21.12:postob 1999.356.09:23:21.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.09:23:27.66:midtp 1999.356.09:23:30.38/tpzero/230,334,260,309,288,283,367,377,790,234 1999.356.09:23:30.45/tpzero/349,326,353,376,286,292,448 1999.356.09:23:31.15/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.60 1999.356.09:23:31.25/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 1999.356.09:23:31.35/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.53 1999.356.09:23:31.45/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.979 1999.356.09:23:31.55/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.386 1999.356.09:23:31.65/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.49 1999.356.09:23:31.75/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.74 1999.356.09:23:31.75:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:23:33.07/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:23:42.19:fastr=0m15s 1999.356.09:23:57.27:!1999.356.09:24:12 1999.356.09:24:12.00:preob 1999.356.09:24:14.75/tpical/20591,20123,20236,21037,20785,21353,21621,21798,56480,14676 1999.356.09:24:14.82/tpical/19990,19986,20670,20982,21223,20682,30487 1999.356.09:24:14.89:!1999.356.09:24:22 1999.356.09:24:22.00:tape 1999.356.09:24:22.07/tape/low,00234,low,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:24:22.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:24:22.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:24:22.12:midob 1999.356.09:24:22.23/tpi/16057,15938,15890,16037,15883,15928,16157,16370,44155,11206 1999.356.09:24:22.30/tpi/15847,15756,15960,15959,16200,15946,24295 1999.356.09:24:22.86/tsys1/66.3,70.8,68.3,59.8,60.4,54.8,54.9,56.0,66.9,60.1 1999.356.09:24:22.87/tsys2/67.3,65.7,59.6,55.8,57.0,59.5,69.3 1999.356.09:24:27.65/wx/0.8,955.2,91.3 1999.356.09:24:27.83/cable/+3.82807E-02 1999.356.09:24:27.88/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44158,24296,0,1pps 1999.356.09:24:27.93/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11206,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:24:28.01/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,15966,15387,545,1pps 1999.356.09:24:28.10/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15915,15817,554,1pps 1999.356.09:24:28.18/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.53,lock,15945,16283,550,1pps 1999.356.09:24:30.86/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.09:24:30.99/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:24:30.99:!1999.356.09:27:05 1999.356.09:24:31.79#setcl#time/66426730,1,1999,356,09,24,32.00,0.070,44.756,25 1999.356.09:24:31.79#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:27:05.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:27:05.00:et 1999.356.09:27:05.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:27:08.05:tape 1999.356.09:27:08.12/tape/low,01319,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:27:08.12:postob 1999.356.09:27:08.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.09:27:14.66:checkf80 1999.356.09:27:44.67/parity/0.,2.,2.,6.,0.,4.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,2. 1999.356.09:27:44.67/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.09:28:02.70:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:28:03.00/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:28:12.12:!1999.356.09:29:18 1999.356.09:29:18.00:preob 1999.356.09:29:20.74/tpical/20785,20299,20352,21047,20781,21321,21606,21756,56798,14682 1999.356.09:29:20.81/tpical/20191,20086,20768,21070,21255,20800,30766 1999.356.09:29:20.89:!1999.356.09:29:28 1999.356.09:29:28.00:tape 1999.356.09:29:28.07/tape/low,01319,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:29:28.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:29:28.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:29:28.12:midob 1999.356.09:29:28.23/tpi/16226,16134,16000,16098,15865,15894,16160,16291,44489,11215 1999.356.09:29:28.30/tpi/16135,15879,16087,16087,16202,16091,24635 1999.356.09:29:28.86/tsys1/66.7,72.1,68.7,60.6,60.2,54.7,55.1,55.3,67.5,60.2 1999.356.09:29:28.87/tsys2/70.1,66.5,60.5,56.8,56.7,60.4,71.0 1999.356.09:29:33.60/wx/0.4,955.2,91.2 1999.356.09:29:33.74/cable/+3.82819E-02 1999.356.09:29:33.79/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44494,24647,0,1pps 1999.356.09:29:33.84/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11216,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:29:33.92/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16154,15573,545,1pps 1999.356.09:29:34.00/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15890,15789,554,1pps 1999.356.09:29:34.08/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16062,16086,550,1pps 1999.356.09:29:36.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.09:29:36.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:29:36.98:!1999.356.09:32:54 1999.356.09:29:37.78#setcl#time/66457330,1,1999,356,09,29,38.00,0.070,44.841,26 1999.356.09:29:37.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:32:54.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:32:54.00:et 1999.356.09:32:54.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:32:57.05:tape 1999.356.09:32:57.12/tape/low,02694,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:32:57.12:postob 1999.356.09:32:57.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.09:33:03.66:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:33:03.96/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:33:13.08:!1999.356.09:34:52 1999.356.09:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.09:34:08.48/wx/0.4,955.0,91.2 1999.356.09:34:52.00:preob 1999.356.09:34:54.75/tpical/19375,20189,19926,20640,19917,21320,21438,21370,60398,15709 1999.356.09:34:54.82/tpical/19726,19743,20768,21268,21025,20870,30184 1999.356.09:34:54.90:!1999.356.09:35:02 1999.356.09:35:02.00:tape 1999.356.09:35:02.07/tape/low,02694,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:35:02.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:35:02.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:35:02.12:midob 1999.356.09:35:02.23/tpi/15397,16262,15923,16090,15478,16207,16369,16315,47993,12227 1999.356.09:35:02.30/tpi/15739,15671,16140,16265,16102,16181,24183 1999.356.09:35:02.86/tsys1/72.4,77.1,74.3,65.9,65.0,59.2,60.0,59.9,72.3,65.4 1999.356.09:35:02.87/tsys2/69.5,67.8,61.4,57.2,57.8,61.0,71.2 1999.356.09:35:07.38/wx/0.5,955.1,91.2 1999.356.09:35:07.49/cable/+3.82800E-02 1999.356.09:35:07.54/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,48006,24205,0,1pps 1999.356.09:35:07.59/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12238,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:35:07.67/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,16284,15698,545,1pps 1999.356.09:35:07.75/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16225,15979,554,1pps 1999.356.09:35:07.83/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16130,16109,550,1pps 1999.356.09:35:10.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.09:35:10.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:35:10.98:!1999.356.09:36:40 1999.356.09:35:11.78#setcl#time/66490730,1,1999,356,09,35,12.00,0.069,44.934,26 1999.356.09:35:11.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:36:40.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:36:40.00:et 1999.356.09:36:40.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:36:43.05:tape 1999.356.09:36:43.12/tape/low,03346,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:36:43.12:postob 1999.356.09:36:43.13:source=0119+115,011903.1,113409.2,1950.0 1999.356.09:36:49.66:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:36:49.96/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:36:59.08:!1999.356.09:37:42 1999.356.09:37:42.00:preob 1999.356.09:37:44.75/tpical/19988,19549,20361,20894,20399,21404,21185,21634,58518,15222 1999.356.09:37:44.82/tpical/20153,20229,20791,21320,21348,20787,29611 1999.356.09:37:44.90:!1999.356.09:37:52 1999.356.09:37:52.00:tape 1999.356.09:37:52.07/tape/low,03346,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:37:52.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:37:52.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:37:52.12:midob 1999.356.09:37:52.23/tpi/15731,15635,16168,16084,15712,16130,15972,16341,46131,11732 1999.356.09:37:52.30/tpi/15992,15950,16041,16181,16295,16020,23617 1999.356.09:37:52.86/tsys1/69.2,74.3,72.1,62.3,62.5,57.1,56.9,57.3,69.5,62.6 1999.356.09:37:52.87/tsys2/67.7,65.7,59.4,55.4,57.0,59.4,69.6 1999.356.09:37:57.55/wx/0.4,955.2,91.3 1999.356.09:37:57.74/cable/+3.82816E-02 1999.356.09:37:57.79/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46132,23625,0,1pps 1999.356.09:37:57.84/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11734,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:37:57.92/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15615,16067,545,1pps 1999.356.09:37:58.00/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,16132,15937,554,1pps 1999.356.09:37:58.08/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16035,16090,550,1pps 1999.356.09:38:00.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.09:38:00.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:38:00.98:!1999.356.09:40:13 1999.356.09:38:01.78#setcl#time/66507730,1,1999,356,09,38,02.00,0.069,44.981,26 1999.356.09:38:01.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:40:13.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:40:13.00:et 1999.356.09:40:13.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:40:16.05:tape 1999.356.09:40:16.12/tape/low,04286,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:40:16.12:postob 1999.356.09:40:16.13:source=ngc1052,023837.3,-082809.0,1950.0 1999.356.09:40:22.66:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:40:22.96/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:40:32.08:!1999.356.09:40:52 1999.356.09:40:52.00:preob 1999.356.09:40:54.75/tpical/19369,19022,19702,20153,20252,19352,20670,20704,$$$$$,18007 1999.356.09:40:54.82/tpical/19926,19844,20291,20434,20563,20235,32730 1999.356.09:40:54.90:!1999.356.09:41:02 1999.356.09:41:02.00:tape 1999.356.09:41:02.07/tape/low,04286,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:41:02.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:41:02.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:41:02.12:midob 1999.356.09:41:02.23/tpi/15898,15807,16300,16281,16325,15347,16363,16403,56811,14541 1999.356.09:41:02.30/tpi/16211,16114,16122,16045,16179,16046,26727 1999.356.09:41:02.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.09:41:02.87/tsys1/85.8,91.4,89.6,78.4,77.6,71.5,70.6,70.8,$$$$$$$$,78.4 1999.356.09:41:02.88/tsys2/76.9,76.2,68.1,64.3,65.3,67.7,78.8 1999.356.09:41:07.34/wx/0.4,955.0,91.3 1999.356.09:41:07.50/cable/+3.82818E-02 1999.356.09:41:07.55/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,56817,26742,0,1pps 1999.356.09:41:07.60/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14535,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.09:41:07.68/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,15789,16245,545,1pps 1999.356.09:41:07.76/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.72, -2.91,lock,16470,16103,554,1pps 1999.356.09:41:07.84/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,16146,16025,550,1pps 1999.356.09:41:10.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.09:41:10.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:41:10.98:!1999.356.09:42:52 1999.356.09:41:11.78#setcl#time/66526730,1,1999,356,09,41,12.00,0.069,45.034,26 1999.356.09:41:11.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:42:52.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:42:52.00:et 1999.356.09:42:52.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:42:55.05:tape 1999.356.09:42:55.12/tape/low,05018,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:42:55.12:postob 1999.356.09:42:55.13:source=0202+149,020207.4,145950.8,1950.0 1999.356.09:43:01.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:43:01.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:43:11.09:!1999.356.09:43:25 1999.356.09:43:25.00:preob 1999.356.09:43:27.75/tpical/20683,20170,20413,21152,20966,21538,21848,21663,56882,14790 1999.356.09:43:27.82/tpical/20525,20716,20830,21362,21429,20843,29128 1999.356.09:43:27.89:!1999.356.09:43:35 1999.356.09:43:35.00:tape 1999.356.09:43:35.07/tape/low,05018,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:43:35.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:43:35.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:43:35.12:midob 1999.356.09:43:35.23/tpi/16141,16024,16040,16145,15986,16051,16337,16256,44479,11287 1999.356.09:43:35.30/tpi/16237,16273,15951,16162,16266,15958,23133 1999.356.09:43:35.86/tsys1/66.6,71.9,68.6,60.1,59.9,54.6,55.1,55.8,66.9,60.0 1999.356.09:43:35.87/tsys2/66.7,64.6,57.5,54.6,55.7,57.7,68.1 1999.356.09:43:41.14/wx/0.5,955.1,91.3 1999.356.09:43:41.25/cable/+3.82820E-02 1999.356.09:43:41.30/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44535,23134,0,1pps 1999.356.09:43:41.35/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11301,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:43:41.43/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16057,15540,545,1pps 1999.356.09:43:41.51/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16080,15971,554,1pps 1999.356.09:43:41.59/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,15950,16063,550,1pps 1999.356.09:43:43.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.09:43:43.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:43:43.98:!1999.356.09:45:13 1999.356.09:43:44.78#setcl#time/66542030,1,1999,356,09,43,45.00,0.069,45.076,26 1999.356.09:43:44.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:45:13.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:45:13.00:et 1999.356.09:45:13.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:45:16.05:tape 1999.356.09:45:16.12/tape/low,05671,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:45:16.12:postob 1999.356.09:45:16.13:source=0014+813,001404.5,811828.2,1950.0 1999.356.09:45:22.64:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:45:22.94/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:45:32.06:!1999.356.09:46:21 1999.356.09:46:21.00:preob 1999.356.09:46:23.74/tpical/19713,20465,20588,21271,21139,21588,21314,21730,57429,14871 1999.356.09:46:23.81/tpical/20480,20481,21162,21521,21472,21096,29921 1999.356.09:46:23.89:!1999.356.09:46:31 1999.356.09:46:31.00:tape 1999.356.09:46:31.07/tape/low,05671,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:46:31.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:46:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:46:31.12:midob 1999.356.09:46:31.23/tpi/15427,16266,16204,16312,16137,16135,15940,16292,45046,11375 1999.356.09:46:31.30/tpi/16298,16178,16350,16421,16380,16311,23915 1999.356.09:46:31.86/tsys1/67.4,72.1,69.1,61.3,60.2,55.2,55.1,55.6,67.9,60.5 1999.356.09:46:31.87/tsys2/68.6,66.3,59.8,56.6,56.9,60.3,70.3 1999.356.09:46:36.21/wx/0.5,954.9,91.3 1999.356.09:46:36.29/cable/+3.82805E-02 1999.356.09:46:36.34/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45065,23932,0,1pps 1999.356.09:46:36.39/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11384,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:46:36.47/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16306,15791,545,1pps 1999.356.09:46:36.55/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16142,16021,554,1pps 1999.356.09:46:36.63/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.53,lock,16360,16061,550,1pps 1999.356.09:46:38.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.09:46:38.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:46:38.98:!1999.356.09:48:31 1999.356.09:46:39.78#setcl#time/66559530,1,1999,356,09,46,40.00,0.069,45.125,26 1999.356.09:46:39.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:48:31.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:48:31.00:et 1999.356.09:48:31.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:48:34.05:tape 1999.356.09:48:34.12/tape/low,06470,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:48:34.12:postob 1999.356.09:48:34.13:source=da426,165211.8,395025.3,1950.0 1999.356.09:48:40.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:48:40.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:48:50.09:!1999.356.09:50:05 1999.356.09:50:05.00:preob 1999.356.09:50:07.75/tpical/19826,19588,19533,20205,19588,20016,20724,20702,$$$$$,17354 1999.356.09:50:07.82/tpical/19445,20149,20244,20747,20809,20529,33084 1999.356.09:50:07.90:!1999.356.09:50:15 1999.356.09:50:15.00:tape 1999.356.09:50:15.07/tape/low,06470,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:50:15.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:50:15.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:50:15.12:midob 1999.356.09:50:15.23/tpi/16156,16212,16028,16195,15693,15712,16289,16272,54366,13906 1999.356.09:50:15.30/tpi/15806,16295,16053,16255,16336,16238,26917 1999.356.09:50:15.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.09:50:15.87/tsys1/82.5,89.4,85.5,75.3,75.1,68.1,68.2,68.2,$$$$$$$$,75.3 1999.356.09:50:15.88/tsys2/76.5,74.6,67.4,63.6,64.6,66.9,77.3 1999.356.09:50:20.37/wx/0.6,955.2,91.3 1999.356.09:50:20.45/cable/+3.82744E-02 1999.356.09:50:20.50/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,54363,26939,0,1pps 1999.356.09:50:20.55/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13904,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.09:50:20.63/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.54,lock,16206,15544,545,1pps 1999.356.09:50:20.71/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.54, -2.72,lock,15730,15994,554,1pps 1999.356.09:50:20.79/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.53, 2.01,lock,16040,16232,550,1pps 1999.356.09:50:23.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.09:50:23.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:50:23.98:!1999.356.09:52:45 1999.356.09:50:24.78#setcl#time/66582030,1,1999,356,09,50,25.00,0.069,45.187,26 1999.356.09:50:24.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:52:45.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:52:45.00:et 1999.356.09:52:45.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:52:48.05:tape 1999.356.09:52:48.12/tape/low,07470,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:52:48.12:postob 1999.356.09:52:48.13:source=1803+784,180339.3,782754.4,1950.0 1999.356.09:52:54.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:52:54.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:53:04.09:!1999.356.09:53:52 1999.356.09:53:52.00:preob 1999.356.09:53:54.75/tpical/20829,20334,20529,21206,20994,21481,21192,21620,57151,14809 1999.356.09:53:54.82/tpical/20442,20494,21092,21441,21443,20996,29808 1999.356.09:53:54.90:!1999.356.09:54:02 1999.356.09:54:02.00:tape 1999.356.09:54:02.07/tape/low,07470,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:54:02.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:54:02.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:54:02.12:midob 1999.356.09:54:02.23/tpi/16314,16209,16204,16266,16133,16107,15963,16303,44911,11359 1999.356.09:54:02.30/tpi/16165,16093,16152,16236,16199,16078,23632 1999.356.09:54:02.86/tsys1/67.7,73.1,70.0,61.4,61.9,55.9,56.7,56.9,68.5,61.3 1999.356.09:54:02.87/tsys2/66.6,64.5,57.6,54.8,54.6,57.8,67.6 1999.356.09:54:07.80/wx/0.6,955.0,91.4 1999.356.09:54:07.98/cable/+3.82779E-02 1999.356.09:54:08.03/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44898,23625,0,1pps 1999.356.09:54:08.08/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11360,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.09:54:08.16/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16213,15664,545,1pps 1999.356.09:54:08.24/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16114,16000,554,1pps 1999.356.09:54:08.32/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16156,16192,550,1pps 1999.356.09:54:10.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.09:54:10.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:54:10.98:!1999.356.09:55:40 1999.356.09:54:11.78#setcl#time/66604730,1,1999,356,09,54,12.00,0.069,45.251,26 1999.356.09:54:11.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:55:40.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:55:40.00:et 1999.356.09:55:40.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:55:43.05:tape 1999.356.09:55:43.12/tape/low,08122,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:55:43.12:postob 1999.356.09:55:43.13:source=1144+402,114421.0,401514.6,1950.0 1999.356.09:55:49.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:55:49.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:55:59.09:!1999.356.09:56:43 1999.356.09:56:43.00:preob 1999.356.09:56:45.75/tpical/20813,20332,20564,21185,21018,21538,21232,21672,57120,14815 1999.356.09:56:45.82/tpical/20604,20661,20944,21308,21043,20983,30276 1999.356.09:56:45.90:!1999.356.09:56:53 1999.356.09:56:53.00:tape 1999.356.09:56:53.07/tape/low,08122,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:56:53.07:st=for,80 1999.356.09:56:53.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.09:56:53.12:midob 1999.356.09:56:53.23/tpi/16342,16226,16257,16271,16174,16182,15988,16344,44929,11381 1999.356.09:56:53.30/tpi/16325,16288,16155,16219,16030,16165,24080 1999.356.09:56:53.86/tsys1/68.5,73.5,70.6,61.7,62.3,56.4,56.6,56.9,68.8,61.7 1999.356.09:56:53.87/tsys2/67.2,65.7,59.4,56.0,56.5,59.3,68.7 1999.356.09:56:57.96/wx/0.4,955.1,91.3 1999.356.09:56:58.05/cable/+3.82804E-02 1999.356.09:56:58.10/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44971,24079,0,1pps 1999.356.09:56:58.15/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11391,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.09:56:58.23/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16214,15674,545,1pps 1999.356.09:56:58.31/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16184,16071,554,1pps 1999.356.09:56:58.39/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16162,16097,550,1pps 1999.356.09:57:00.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.09:57:00.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.09:57:00.98:!1999.356.09:59:11 1999.356.09:57:01.78#setcl#time/66621730,1,1999,356,09,57,02.00,0.069,45.298,26 1999.356.09:57:01.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.09:59:11.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.09:59:11.00:et 1999.356.09:59:11.04:!+3s 1999.356.09:59:14.05:tape 1999.356.09:59:14.12/tape/low,09041,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.09:59:14.12:postob 1999.356.09:59:14.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.356.09:59:20.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.09:59:20.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.09:59:30.09:!1999.356.09:59:58 1999.356.09:59:58.00:preob 1999.356.10:00:00.75/tpical/20031,19609,20402,20831,20430,21311,21438,21533,58551,15205 1999.356.10:00:00.83/tpical/20249,20211,20967,21294,21077,20981,30846 1999.356.10:00:00.91:!1999.356.10:00:08 1999.356.10:00:08.00:tape 1999.356.10:00:08.07/tape/low,09041,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:00:08.07:st=for,80 1999.356.10:00:08.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:00:08.12:midob 1999.356.10:00:08.23/tpi/15792,15722,16235,16097,15807,16077,16233,16331,46279,11753 1999.356.10:00:08.31/tpi/16126,15996,16267,16282,16182,16275,24670 1999.356.10:00:08.87/tsys1/69.8,75.2,72.8,63.4,63.8,57.3,57.9,58.3,70.4,63.4 1999.356.10:00:08.88/tsys2/68.9,66.9,60.9,57.1,58.5,61.1,70.6 1999.356.10:00:12.66/wx/0.3,955.2,91.3 1999.356.10:00:12.77/cable/+3.82800E-02 1999.356.10:00:12.82/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46325,24660,0,1pps 1999.356.10:00:12.87/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11769,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.10:00:12.95/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15732,16132,545,1pps 1999.356.10:00:13.03/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,16115,15915,554,1pps 1999.356.10:00:13.11/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16266,16173,550,1pps 1999.356.10:00:15.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:00:15.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:00:15.98:!1999.356.10:06:13 1999.356.10:00:16.78#setcl#time/66641230,1,1999,356,10,00,17.00,0.069,45.352,26 1999.356.10:00:16.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.10:04:08.27/wx/0.2,955.1,91.3 1999.356.10:06:13.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:06:13.00:et 1999.356.10:06:13.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:06:16.05:tape 1999.356.10:06:16.12/tape/low,11473,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:06:16.12:postob 1999.356.10:06:16.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.10:06:22.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.10:06:22.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:06:32.09:!1999.356.10:07:05 1999.356.10:07:05.00:preob 1999.356.10:07:07.75/tpical/19737,20470,20668,20994,20104,20916,21441,21538,57603,14970 1999.356.10:07:07.82/tpical/19901,20760,21062,21464,21214,21144,30421 1999.356.10:07:07.89:!1999.356.10:07:15 1999.356.10:07:15.00:tape 1999.356.10:07:15.07/tape/low,11473,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:07:15.07:st=for,80 1999.356.10:07:15.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:07:15.12:midob 1999.356.10:07:15.23/tpi/15460,16326,16313,16106,15464,15701,16095,16208,45251,11495 1999.356.10:07:15.30/tpi/15760,16390,16255,16356,16229,16315,24280 1999.356.10:07:15.86/tsys1/67.7,73.3,70.0,61.4,62.1,56.2,55.9,56.4,68.4,61.6 1999.356.10:07:15.87/tsys2/67.0,66.2,59.5,56.3,57.6,59.7,69.9 1999.356.10:07:19.71/wx/0.2,955.1,91.3 1999.356.10:07:19.81/cable/+3.82805E-02 1999.356.10:07:19.86/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45220,24241,0,1pps 1999.356.10:07:19.91/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11485,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.10:07:19.99/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16323,15764,545,1pps 1999.356.10:07:20.08/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -1.84,lock,15696,16192,554,1pps 1999.356.10:07:20.16/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16254,16167,550,1pps 1999.356.10:07:22.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.10:07:22.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:07:22.97:!1999.356.10:09:58 1999.356.10:07:23.77#setcl#time/66683929,1,1999,356,10,07,24.00,0.074,45.471,27 1999.356.10:07:23.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:09:58.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:09:58.00:et 1999.356.10:09:58.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:10:01.05:tape 1999.356.10:10:01.12/tape/low,12560,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:10:01.12:postob 1999.356.10:10:01.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.10:10:07.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.10:10:07.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:10:17.09:!1999.356.10:10:59 1999.356.10:10:59.00:preob 1999.356.10:11:01.75/tpical/20041,19556,20366,20748,20280,21077,21568,21373,58418,15095 1999.356.10:11:01.82/tpical/19971,19951,21041,21429,21195,21154,30501 1999.356.10:11:01.89:!1999.356.10:11:09 1999.356.10:11:09.00:tape 1999.356.10:11:09.07/tape/low,12560,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:11:09.07:st=for,80 1999.356.10:11:09.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:11:09.12:midob 1999.356.10:11:09.23/tpi/15781,15681,16160,16019,15630,15899,16289,16135,46099,11636 1999.356.10:11:09.30/tpi/15897,15756,16259,16339,16168,16369,24368 1999.356.10:11:09.86/tsys1/69.4,75.2,71.8,63.1,62.7,57.3,57.3,57.2,69.9,62.6 1999.356.10:11:09.87/tsys2/68.7,66.2,59.9,56.5,56.9,60.5,70.2 1999.356.10:11:13.68/wx/0.0,954.8,91.3 1999.356.10:11:13.73/cable/+3.82808E-02 1999.356.10:11:13.78/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46117,24339,0,1pps 1999.356.10:11:13.83/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11641,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.10:11:13.91/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15705,16095,545,1pps 1999.356.10:11:13.99/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,15910,15729,554,1pps 1999.356.10:11:14.07/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16253,16275,550,1pps 1999.356.10:11:16.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:11:16.98?ERROR an -103 Pointing computer tracking errors are too large. 1999.356.10:11:16.98?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 1999.356.10:11:16.99/onsource/SLEWING 1999.356.10:11:16.99:!1999.356.10:12:47 1999.356.10:11:17.76#setcl#time/66707328,1,1999,356,10,11,18.00,0.079,45.536,28 1999.356.10:11:17.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:11:19.79;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.10:12:47.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:12:47.00:et 1999.356.10:12:47.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:12:50.05:tape 1999.356.10:12:50.12/tape/low,13212,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:12:50.12:postob 1999.356.10:12:50.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.10:12:56.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.10:12:56.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:13:06.09:!1999.356.10:13:41 1999.356.10:13:41.00:preob 1999.356.10:13:43.74/tpical/19731,20461,20633,20934,20030,20906,21372,21762,57537,14917 1999.356.10:13:43.81/tpical/20337,20539,21048,21253,21411,20891,28957 1999.356.10:13:43.89:!1999.356.10:13:51 1999.356.10:13:51.00:tape 1999.356.10:13:51.07/tape/low,13212,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:13:51.07:st=for,80 1999.356.10:13:51.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:13:51.12:midob 1999.356.10:13:51.23/tpi/15436,16285,16289,16042,15353,15664,16043,16375,45174,11434 1999.356.10:13:51.30/tpi/16038,16120,16095,16030,16197,15985,22956 1999.356.10:13:51.86/tsys1/67.3,72.6,70.1,61.1,61.2,55.7,55.9,56.4,68.2,61.1 1999.356.10:13:51.87/tsys2/65.7,64.3,57.2,53.9,54.9,57.6,67.5 1999.356.10:13:55.66/wx/0.1,954.7,91.3 1999.356.10:13:55.81/cable/+3.82822E-02 1999.356.10:13:55.86/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45166,22971,0,1pps 1999.356.10:13:55.91/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11433,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.10:13:55.99/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16304,15768,545,1pps 1999.356.10:13:56.07/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -1.84,lock,15625,16076,554,1pps 1999.356.10:13:56.15/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.82,lock,16108,16217,550,1pps 1999.356.10:13:58.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:13:58.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:13:58.98:!1999.356.10:15:29 1999.356.10:13:59.78#setcl#time/66723530,1,1999,356,10,14,00.00,0.068,45.581,26 1999.356.10:13:59.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:15:29.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:15:29.00:et 1999.356.10:15:29.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:15:32.05:tape 1999.356.10:15:32.12/tape/low,13865,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:15:32.12:postob 1999.356.10:15:32.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.10:15:38.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.10:15:38.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:15:48.09:!1999.356.10:16:02 1999.356.10:16:02.00:preob 1999.356.10:16:04.74/tpical/20866,20353,20570,20836,21082,21575,21331,21710,57276,14853 1999.356.10:16:04.81/tpical/20106,20302,21116,21617,21282,21171,28724 1999.356.10:16:04.89:!1999.356.10:16:12 1999.356.10:16:12.00:tape 1999.356.10:16:12.07/tape/low,13865,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:16:12.07:st=for,80 1999.356.10:16:12.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:16:12.12:midob 1999.356.10:16:12.23/tpi/16317,16195,16238,15959,16156,16124,15964,16283,44934,11372 1999.356.10:16:12.30/tpi/15831,15878,16117,16276,16071,16182,22719 1999.356.10:16:12.86/tsys1/67.2,72.5,70.1,61.0,61.2,55.2,55.2,55.7,68.0,60.8 1999.356.10:16:12.87/tsys2/65.2,63.3,56.8,53.6,54.5,57.3,66.8 1999.356.10:16:18.01/wx/0.3,954.5,91.4 1999.356.10:16:18.05/cable/+3.82825E-02 1999.356.10:16:18.10/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44962,22727,0,1pps 1999.356.10:16:18.15/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11380,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.10:16:18.23/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16223,15704,545,1pps 1999.356.10:16:18.31/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16107,16022,554,1pps 1999.356.10:16:18.39/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16099,16013,550,1pps 1999.356.10:16:20.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:16:20.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:16:20.98:!1999.356.10:17:50 1999.356.10:16:21.78#setcl#time/66737730,1,1999,356,10,16,22.00,0.068,45.620,26 1999.356.10:16:21.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:17:50.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:17:50.00:et 1999.356.10:17:50.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:17:53.05:tape 1999.356.10:17:53.12/tape/low,14517,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:17:53.12:postob 1999.356.10:17:53.13:source=0444+634,044442.3,632655.7,1950.0 1999.356.10:17:59.66:nw2c1=13 1999.356.10:17:59.96/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:18:09.08:!1999.356.10:18:32 1999.356.10:18:32.00:preob 1999.356.10:18:34.74/tpical/19798,19289,20218,20887,20114,21379,21170,21160,61325,15863 1999.356.10:18:34.82/tpical/19821,20640,20857,21372,21095,20708,30351 1999.356.10:18:34.90:!1999.356.10:18:42 1999.356.10:18:42.00:tape 1999.356.10:18:42.07/tape/low,14517,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:18:42.07:st=for,80 1999.356.10:18:42.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:18:42.12:midob 1999.356.10:18:42.23/tpi/15906,15786,16409,16482,15862,16475,16365,16355,49378,12511 1999.356.10:18:42.30/tpi/15867,16406,16259,16425,16214,16131,24415 1999.356.10:18:42.86/tsys1/76.5,83.8,80.6,69.8,69.6,62.7,63.3,63.2,77.3,69.6 1999.356.10:18:42.87/tsys2/70.6,68.4,62.3,58.4,58.7,62.3,72.7 1999.356.10:18:46.90/wx/2.2,954.6,91.6 1999.356.10:18:47.01/cable/+3.82840E-02 1999.356.10:18:47.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,49786,24408,0,1pps 1999.356.10:18:47.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12626,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.10:18:47.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15903,16362,545,1pps 1999.356.10:18:47.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.36,lock,16016,16422,554,1pps 1999.356.10:18:47.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16291,16320,550,1pps 1999.356.10:18:49.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:18:49.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:18:49.98:!1999.356.10:20:20 1999.356.10:18:50.78#setcl#time/66752630,1,1999,356,10,18,51.00,0.068,45.661,26 1999.356.10:18:50.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:20:20.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:20:20.00:et 1999.356.10:20:20.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:20:23.05:tape 1999.356.10:20:23.12/tape/low,15170,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:20:23.12:postob 1999.356.10:20:23.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.10:20:29.67:nw2c1=13 1999.356.10:20:29.97/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:20:39.09:!1999.356.10:21:37 1999.356.10:21:37.00:preob 1999.356.10:21:39.74/tpical/19400,18696,19538,19493,19424,19766,20008,20207,$$$$$,20800 1999.356.10:21:39.81/tpical/20272,20220,20938,21211,21181,21014,32199 1999.356.10:21:39.89:!1999.356.10:21:47 1999.356.10:21:47.00:tape 1999.356.10:21:47.07/tape/low,15170,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:21:47.07:st=for,80 1999.356.10:21:47.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:21:47.12:midob 1999.356.10:21:47.23/tpi/16646,16234,16880,16534,16503,16473,16632,16807,$$$$$,17581 1999.356.10:21:47.30/tpi/16476,16331,16602,16622,16618,16612,26241 1999.356.10:21:47.87?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.10:21:47.88/tsys1/113.3,122.7,118.8,104.2,105.5,93.4,91.5,91.8,$$$$$$$$,102.4 1999.356.10:21:47.89/tsys2/76.5,74.1,67.5,63.7,64.4,66.7,77.9 1999.356.10:21:51.79/wx/2.6,954.5,91.1 1999.356.10:21:51.97/cable/+3.82784E-02 1999.356.10:21:52.02/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,26250,0,1pps 1999.356.10:21:52.07/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,17658,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.10:21:52.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,16321,15459,545,1pps 1999.356.10:21:52.23/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.49, -3.91,lock,15846,15745,554,1pps 1999.356.10:21:52.31/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16242,16041,550,1pps 1999.356.10:21:54.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:21:54.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:21:54.98:!1999.356.10:23:40 1999.356.10:21:55.78#setcl#time/66771130,1,1999,356,10,21,56.00,0.068,45.713,26 1999.356.10:21:55.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:23:40.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:23:40.00:et 1999.356.10:23:40.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:23:43.05:tape 1999.356.10:23:43.12/tape/low,15922,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:23:43.12:postob 1999.356.10:23:43.13:source=1357+769,135742.2,765753.8,1950.0 1999.356.10:23:49.66:nw2c1=13 1999.356.10:23:49.96/pass/13,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:23:59.08:!1999.356.10:25:56 1999.356.10:25:56.00:preob 1999.356.10:25:58.75/tpical/18586,17140,18742,18774,18726,19232,18921,19179,$$$$$,24284 1999.356.10:25:58.82/tpical/19904,19802,20357,20558,20852,20604,33138 1999.356.10:25:58.89:!1999.356.10:26:06 1999.356.10:26:06.00:tape 1999.356.10:26:06.07/tape/low,15922,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:26:06.07:st=for,80 1999.356.10:26:06.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:26:06.12:midob 1999.356.10:26:06.23/tpi/16201,15124,16487,16242,16197,16392,16140,16307,$$$$$,21002 1999.356.10:26:06.30/tpi/16198,16042,16153,16125,16375,16350,26912 1999.356.10:26:06.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.10:26:06.87/tsys1/127.2,139.4,136.7,119.6,119.5,107.8,107.8,105.4,$$$$$$$$,120.2 1999.356.10:26:06.88/tsys2/77.0,75.2,67.6,63.9,64.7,67.9,76.5 1999.356.10:26:11.95/wx/1.5,954.8,89.1 1999.356.10:26:12.13/cable/+3.82816E-02 1999.356.10:26:12.18/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,26998,0,1pps 1999.356.10:26:12.23/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,21089,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.10:26:12.31/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15195,15627,545,1pps 1999.356.10:26:12.39/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -4.57,lock,15618,16106,554,1pps 1999.356.10:26:12.47/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,16170,16083,550,1pps 1999.356.10:26:14.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:26:14.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:26:14.98:!1999.356.10:29:28 1999.356.10:26:15.78#setcl#time/66797130,1,1999,356,10,26,16.00,0.068,45.785,26 1999.356.10:26:15.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:29:28.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:29:28.00:et 1999.356.10:29:28.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:29:31.05:tape 1999.356.10:29:31.12/tape/low,17268,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:29:31.12:postob 1999.356.10:29:31.13:source=0119+115,011903.1,113409.2,1950.0 1999.356.10:29:37.66:midtp 1999.356.10:29:40.38/tpzero/233,348,255,289,295,279,347,346,1141,329 1999.356.10:29:40.45/tpzero/350,328,355,378,286,292,475 1999.356.10:29:41.15/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.12 1999.356.10:29:41.25/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 1999.356.10:29:41.35/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.53 1999.356.10:29:41.45/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.979 1999.356.10:29:41.55/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.900 1999.356.10:29:41.65/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.42 1999.356.10:29:41.75/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.74 1999.356.10:29:41.75:nw2c2=14 1999.356.10:29:42.52/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:29:51.64:fastf=0m29s 1999.356.10:30:20.72:!1999.356.10:31:50 1999.356.10:31:50.00:preob 1999.356.10:31:52.74/tpical/17620,17411,17809,18559,17809,18112,18568,18930,$$$$$,26709 1999.356.10:31:52.81/tpical/18753,19804,19989,19851,20118,20066,35320 1999.356.10:31:52.89:!1999.356.10:32:00 1999.356.10:32:00.00:tape 1999.356.10:32:00.07/tape/low,17921,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:32:00.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.10:32:00.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:32:00.12:midob 1999.356.10:32:00.23/tpi/15499,15455,15781,16185,15537,15562,15940,16216,$$$$$,23299 1999.356.10:32:00.30/tpi/15593,16367,16232,15988,16247,16319,29414 1999.356.10:32:00.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.10:32:00.87/tsys1/136.8,146.7,145.5,127.2,127.5,113.9,112.7,111.1,$$$$$$$$,128.0 1999.356.10:32:00.88/tsys2/86.8,84.0,76.1,72.7,74.2,77.0,88.2 1999.356.10:32:05.37/wx/0.2,954.8,88.0 1999.356.10:32:05.41/cable/+3.82841E-02 1999.356.10:32:05.46/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,29400,0,1pps 1999.356.10:32:05.51/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,23292,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.10:32:05.59/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15463,15848,545,1pps 1999.356.10:32:05.67/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.80, -5.04,lock,15548,15927,554,1pps 1999.356.10:32:05.75/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.57,lock,16262,16100,550,1pps 1999.356.10:32:08.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.10:32:08.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:32:08.98:!1999.356.10:34:16 1999.356.10:32:09.78#setcl#time/66832530,1,1999,356,10,32,10.00,0.068,45.883,26 1999.356.10:32:09.78#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.10:34:08.09/wx/-0.1,954.8,88.0 1999.356.10:34:16.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:34:16.00:et 1999.356.10:34:16.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:34:19.05:tape 1999.356.10:34:19.12/tape/low,17015,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:34:19.12:postob 1999.356.10:34:19.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.10:34:25.67:checkr80 1999.356.10:34:55.68/parity/0.,0.,22.,8.,0.,2.,0.,2.,0.,2.,0.,2.,0.,12. 1999.356.10:34:55.68/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.10:35:13.71:nw2c2=14 1999.356.10:35:14.01/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:35:23.15:!1999.356.10:36:29 1999.356.10:36:29.00:preob 1999.356.10:36:31.75/tpical/18342,18310,18505,18827,18395,19179,18850,18901,$$$$$,25578 1999.356.10:36:31.83/tpical/18916,19064,20086,19935,20284,20228,35536 1999.356.10:36:31.90:!1999.356.10:36:39 1999.356.10:36:39.00:tape 1999.356.10:36:39.07/tape/low,17014,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:36:39.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.10:36:39.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:36:39.12:midob 1999.356.10:36:39.23/tpi/16053,16232,16307,16329,15909,16316,16081,16074,$$$$$,22175 1999.356.10:36:39.31/tpi/15619,15688,16184,15909,16252,16333,29361 1999.356.10:36:39.87?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.10:36:39.88/tsys1/131.3,145.2,138.8,122.0,119.3,106.4,108.0,105.7,$$$$$$$$,122.0 1999.356.10:36:39.89/tsys2/83.4,81.9,73.0,69.4,71.3,74.1,84.2 1999.356.10:36:45.18/wx/-0.2,954.7,88.5 1999.356.10:36:45.25/cable/+3.82824E-02 1999.356.10:36:45.30/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,29376,0,1pps 1999.356.10:36:45.35/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,22159,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.10:36:45.43/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,16241,15146,545,1pps 1999.356.10:36:45.51/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -4.80,lock,16349,15988,554,1pps 1999.356.10:36:45.59/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.57,lock,16192,16110,550,1pps 1999.356.10:36:45.76#setcl#time/66860128,1,1999,356,10,36,46.00,0.078,45.960,28 1999.356.10:36:45.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:36:48.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:36:48.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:36:48.98:!1999.356.10:38:17 1999.356.10:38:17.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:38:17.01:et 1999.356.10:38:17.05:!+3s 1999.356.10:38:20.06:tape 1999.356.10:38:20.13/tape/low,16362,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:38:20.13:postob 1999.356.10:38:20.14:source=1030+074,103057.1,072655.8,1950.0 1999.356.10:38:26.67:nw2c2=14 1999.356.10:38:26.97/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-1.1,,-1.1, 1999.356.10:38:36.09:!1999.356.10:39:23 1999.356.10:39:23.00:preob 1999.356.10:39:25.75/tpical/17413,17230,18390,18327,17605,18825,18769,19069,$$$$$,26395 1999.356.10:39:25.82/tpical/18973,19107,20065,19715,19902,19827,37094 1999.356.10:39:25.90:!1999.356.10:39:33 1999.356.10:39:33.00:tape 1999.356.10:39:33.07/tape/low,16362,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:39:33.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.10:39:33.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:39:33.12:midob 1999.356.10:39:33.23/tpi/15343,15318,16270,15973,15344,16133,16095,16336,$$$$$,23017 1999.356.10:39:33.30/tpi/15796,15802,16301,15913,16135,16169,30861 1999.356.10:39:33.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.10:39:33.87/tsys1/138.7,148.8,143.5,126.6,126.5,111.9,111.9,111.2,$$$$$$$$,127.6 1999.356.10:39:33.88/tsys2/87.5,84.3,76.3,73.5,75.7,78.1,87.8 1999.356.10:39:38.62/wx/-0.4,954.9,88.8 1999.356.10:39:38.69/cable/+3.82782E-02 1999.356.10:39:38.74/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,30861,0,1pps 1999.356.10:39:38.79/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,23009,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.10:39:38.87/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15323,15747,545,1pps 1999.356.10:39:38.95/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.57, -5.04,lock,16139,15714,554,1pps 1999.356.10:39:39.03/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.01, 1.34,lock,16323,16201,550,1pps 1999.356.10:39:39.77#setcl#time/66877529,1,1999,356,10,39,40.00,0.073,46.008,27 1999.356.10:39:39.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:39:42.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:39:42.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:39:42.97:!1999.356.10:47:03 1999.356.10:47:03.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:47:03.00:et 1999.356.10:47:03.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:47:06.05:tape 1999.356.10:47:06.12/tape/low,13363,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:47:06.12:postob 1999.356.10:47:06.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.10:47:12.65:nw2c2=14 1999.356.10:47:12.95/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:47:22.07:!1999.356.10:47:47 1999.356.10:47:47.00:preob 1999.356.10:47:49.75/tpical/18743,17327,18271,18833,18682,19153,18813,19036,$$$$$,24245 1999.356.10:47:49.82/tpical/19363,19376,20066,20570,20368,20321,34673 1999.356.10:47:49.89:!1999.356.10:47:57 1999.356.10:47:57.00:tape 1999.356.10:47:57.07/tape/low,13363,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:47:57.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.10:47:57.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:47:57.12:midob 1999.356.10:47:57.23/tpi/16248,15187,15951,16178,16056,16186,15884,16031,$$$$$,20797 1999.356.10:47:57.30/tpi/15857,15807,16034,16330,16210,16291,28432 1999.356.10:47:57.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.10:47:57.87/tsys1/122.0,131.7,128.5,113.7,114.0,101.9,100.8,99.2,$$$$$$$$,112.8 1999.356.10:47:57.88/tsys2/79.6,78.1,70.0,67.7,68.9,71.5,80.6 1999.356.10:48:02.60/wx/-1.3,954.6,88.6 1999.356.10:48:02.69/cable/+3.82777E-02 1999.356.10:48:02.74/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,28426,0,1pps 1999.356.10:48:02.79/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,20785,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.10:48:02.87/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15172,15558,545,1pps 1999.356.10:48:02.95/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.12, -4.57,lock,16167,15809,554,1pps 1999.356.10:48:03.03/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.32, 1.68,lock,16035,15927,550,1pps 1999.356.10:48:03.77#setcl#time/66927929,1,1999,356,10,48,04.00,0.073,46.148,27 1999.356.10:48:03.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:48:06.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:48:06.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:48:06.98:!1999.356.10:49:35 1999.356.10:49:35.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:49:35.00:et 1999.356.10:49:35.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:49:38.05:tape 1999.356.10:49:38.12/tape/low,12709,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:49:38.12:postob 1999.356.10:49:38.13:source=1116+128,111620.8,125106.9,1950.0 1999.356.10:49:44.66:nw2c2=14 1999.356.10:49:44.96/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:49:54.08:!1999.356.10:50:51 1999.356.10:50:51.00:preob 1999.356.10:50:53.75/tpical/17607,17601,18561,18619,17670,18517,19160,18981,$$$$$,24645 1999.356.10:50:53.83/tpical/18949,19163,20239,20070,19980,19502,35687 1999.356.10:50:53.90:!1999.356.10:51:01 1999.356.10:51:01.00:tape 1999.356.10:51:01.07/tape/low,12709,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:51:01.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.10:51:01.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:51:01.12:midob 1999.356.10:51:01.23/tpi/15300,15494,16212,16044,15223,15663,16203,16014,$$$$$,21207 1999.356.10:51:01.31/tpi/15634,15730,16290,16035,16013,15741,29446 1999.356.10:51:01.87?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.10:51:01.88/tsys1/124.1,136.6,129.1,116.3,115.9,102.4,101.9,100.3,$$$$$$$$,115.4 1999.356.10:51:01.89/tsys2/83.0,80.8,72.6,69.8,71.4,73.9,83.6 1999.356.10:51:05.87/wx/-1.5,954.4,88.7 1999.356.10:51:06.05/cable/+3.82772E-02 1999.356.10:51:06.10/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,29432,0,1pps 1999.356.10:51:06.15/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,21195,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.10:51:06.23/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15484,15886,545,1pps 1999.356.10:51:06.31/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -4.57,lock,15657,16133,554,1pps 1999.356.10:51:06.39/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.57,lock,16287,16223,550,1pps 1999.356.10:51:08.85/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.10:51:08.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:51:08.98:!1999.356.10:53:01 1999.356.10:51:09.75#setcl#time/66946527,1,1999,356,10,51,10.00,0.083,46.200,29 1999.356.10:51:09.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:53:01.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:53:01.00:et 1999.356.10:53:01.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:53:04.05:tape 1999.356.10:53:04.12/tape/low,11911,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:53:04.12:postob 1999.356.10:53:04.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.10:53:10.66:nw2c2=14 1999.356.10:53:10.96/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:53:20.08:!1999.356.10:55:30 1999.356.10:55:30.00:preob 1999.356.10:55:32.75/tpical/18625,18396,18758,19486,18619,19879,19752,19671,$$$$$,27995 1999.356.10:55:32.82/tpical/20638,20767,21087,21249,20942,20862,40070 1999.356.10:55:32.89:!1999.356.10:55:40 1999.356.10:55:40.00:tape 1999.356.10:55:40.07/tape/low,11911,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:55:40.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.10:55:40.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:55:40.12:midob 1999.356.10:55:40.23/tpi/16544,16490,16742,17139,16325,17187,17083,16983,$$$$$,24542 1999.356.10:55:40.30/tpi/17572,17614,17555,17586,17317,17352,34115 1999.356.10:55:40.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.10:55:40.87/tsys1/148.9,160.9,155.4,136.4,132.8,119.3,119.1,117.6,$$$$$$$$,133.2 1999.356.10:55:40.88/tsys2/101.1,98.7,87.7,84.6,84.6,87.5,101.7 1999.356.10:55:45.68/wx/-1.4,954.6,88.8 1999.356.10:55:45.73/cable/+3.82756E-02 1999.356.10:55:45.78/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,34064,0,1pps 1999.356.10:55:45.83/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,24558,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.10:55:45.91/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.14,-10.14,lock,14946,15284,545,1pps 1999.356.10:55:45.99/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.80, -5.28,lock,16344,15777,554,1pps 1999.356.10:55:46.07/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.45, 0.86,lock,16019,16119,550,1pps 1999.356.10:55:48.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:55:48.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:55:48.98:!1999.356.10:57:18 1999.356.10:55:49.75#setcl#time/66974527,1,1999,356,10,55,50.00,0.083,46.278,29 1999.356.10:55:49.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.10:57:18.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.10:57:18.00:et 1999.356.10:57:18.04:!+3s 1999.356.10:57:21.05:tape 1999.356.10:57:21.12/tape/low,11258,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:57:21.12:postob 1999.356.10:57:21.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.10:57:27.66:nw2c2=14 1999.356.10:57:27.96/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.10:57:37.08:!1999.356.10:59:31 1999.356.10:59:01.96;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.10:59:31.00:preob 1999.356.10:59:33.75/tpical/18309,18476,18470,18922,18391,18884,19023,19230,$$$$$,23832 1999.356.10:59:33.82/tpical/19565,19503,20204,20627,20311,20319,35503 1999.356.10:59:33.90:!1999.356.10:59:41 1999.356.10:59:41.00:tape 1999.356.10:59:41.07/tape/low,11258,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.10:59:41.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.10:59:41.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.10:59:41.12:midob 1999.356.10:59:41.23/tpi/15841,16159,16085,16184,15714,15903,16015,16158,$$$$$,20374 1999.356.10:59:41.30/tpi/16045,15904,16128,16326,16108,16249,29090 1999.356.10:59:41.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.10:59:41.87/tsys1/120.2,129.7,126.1,110.3,109.4,99.6,99.0,97.8,$$$$$$$$,110.1 1999.356.10:59:41.88/tsys2/80.3,77.9,69.7,66.7,67.8,70.6,80.3 1999.356.10:59:46.22/wx/-1.5,954.6,88.9 1999.356.10:59:46.37/cable/+3.82727E-02 1999.356.10:59:46.42/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,29037,0,1pps 1999.356.10:59:46.47/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,20365,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.10:59:46.55/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,16161,15178,545,1pps 1999.356.10:59:46.63/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.12, -4.57,lock,15889,15547,554,1pps 1999.356.10:59:46.71/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.32, 1.68,lock,16114,16071,550,1pps 1999.356.10:59:48.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.10:59:48.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.10:59:48.98:!1999.356.11:01:34 1999.356.10:59:49.75#setcl#time/66998527,1,1999,356,10,59,50.00,0.083,46.344,29 1999.356.10:59:49.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:01:34.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:01:34.00:et 1999.356.11:01:34.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:01:37.05:tape 1999.356.11:01:37.12/tape/low,10506,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:01:37.12:postob 1999.356.11:01:37.13:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 1999.356.11:01:43.67:nw2c2=14 1999.356.11:01:43.97/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.11:01:53.09:!1999.356.11:03:41 1999.356.11:03:41.00:preob 1999.356.11:03:43.74/tpical/18962,17738,19072,19234,18910,19044,19719,19729,$$$$$,22958 1999.356.11:03:43.81/tpical/20047,20019,20342,20523,20746,20443,32890 1999.356.11:03:43.89:!1999.356.11:03:51 1999.356.11:03:51.00:tape 1999.356.11:03:51.07/tape/low,10506,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:03:51.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.11:03:51.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:03:51.12:midob 1999.356.11:03:51.23/tpi/16358,15474,16544,16391,16136,15967,16487,16516,$$$$$,19539 1999.356.11:03:51.30/tpi/16419,16294,16215,16256,16433,16361,26975 1999.356.11:03:51.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:03:51.87/tsys1/117.7,126.9,122.4,107.6,108.5,96.9,94.9,95.6,$$$$$$$$,106.8 1999.356.11:03:51.88/tsys2/79.7,77.2,69.2,67.0,67.4,70.9,80.6 1999.356.11:03:56.59/wx/-1.6,954.7,88.9 1999.356.11:03:56.77/cable/+3.82773E-02 1999.356.11:03:56.83/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,26982,0,1pps 1999.356.11:03:56.88/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,19528,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:03:56.96/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15463,15890,545,1pps 1999.356.11:03:57.04/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.91, -4.34,lock,15964,15738,554,1pps 1999.356.11:03:57.12/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,16236,16223,550,1pps 1999.356.11:03:59.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:03:59.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:03:59.98:!1999.356.11:05:29 1999.356.11:04:00.76#setcl#time/67023628,1,1999,356,11,04,01.00,0.078,46.414,28 1999.356.11:04:00.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.11:04:08.04/wx/-1.6,954.7,88.9 1999.356.11:05:29.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:05:29.00:et 1999.356.11:05:29.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:05:32.05:tape 1999.356.11:05:32.12/tape/low,09852,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:05:32.12:postob 1999.356.11:05:32.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.356.11:05:38.67:nw2c2=14 1999.356.11:05:38.97/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.11:05:48.09:!1999.356.11:07:31 1999.356.11:07:31.00:preob 1999.356.11:07:33.75/tpical/18155,18567,18935,19330,19394,19166,19825,19744,$$$$$,22023 1999.356.11:07:33.82/tpical/20287,20263,20724,20984,20956,20811,33410 1999.356.11:07:33.89:!1999.356.11:07:41 1999.356.11:07:41.00:tape 1999.356.11:07:41.07/tape/low,09852,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:07:41.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.11:07:41.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:07:41.12:midob 1999.356.11:07:41.23/tpi/15775,16310,16597,16569,16656,16153,16717,16599,$$$$$,18869 1999.356.11:07:41.30/tpi/16809,16721,16701,16733,16723,16792,26625 1999.356.11:07:41.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:07:41.87/tsys1/124.1,134.4,132.8,112.0,113.5,100.1,100.1,98.2,$$$$$$$$,111.7 1999.356.11:07:41.88/tsys2/85.2,83.3,73.1,69.3,69.9,73.9,69.4 1999.356.11:07:45.67/wx/-1.1,954.5,89.8 1999.356.11:07:45.73/cable/+3.82748E-02 1999.356.11:07:45.78/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,26532,0,1pps 1999.356.11:07:45.83/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,18853,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:07:45.91/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16290,15327,545,1pps 1999.356.11:07:45.99/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.70, -4.12,lock,16127,15976,554,1pps 1999.356.11:07:46.07/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,15929,16036,550,1pps 1999.356.11:07:48.85/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:07:48.98/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:07:48.98:!1999.356.11:09:19 1999.356.11:07:49.75#setcl#time/67046527,1,1999,356,11,07,50.00,0.083,46.478,29 1999.356.11:07:49.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:09:19.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:09:19.00:et 1999.356.11:09:19.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:09:22.05:tape 1999.356.11:09:22.12/tape/low,09200,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:09:22.12:postob 1999.356.11:09:22.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.11:09:28.67:nw2c2=14 1999.356.11:09:28.97/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.11:09:38.09:!1999.356.11:10:53 1999.356.11:10:53.00:preob 1999.356.11:10:55.74/tpical/18549,17318,18564,19178,18419,19343,19606,19548,$$$$$,22319 1999.356.11:10:55.81/tpical/19878,19846,20170,20368,20743,20471,32651 1999.356.11:10:55.89:!1999.356.11:11:03 1999.356.11:11:03.00:tape 1999.356.11:11:03.07/tape/low,09200,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:11:03.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.11:11:03.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:11:03.12:midob 1999.356.11:11:03.23/tpi/15867,15008,16013,16223,15576,16084,16281,16242,$$$$$,18860 1999.356.11:11:03.30/tpi/16074,15945,15866,15857,16178,16141,26452 1999.356.11:11:03.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:11:03.87/tsys1/110.8,120.6,117.4,102.5,102.1,92.1,91.1,91.4,$$$$$$$$,101.8 1999.356.11:11:03.88/tsys2/74.4,72.1,64.9,61.8,62.7,65.9,75.4 1999.356.11:11:08.58/wx/-0.4,954.5,90.3 1999.356.11:11:08.77/cable/+3.82813E-02 1999.356.11:11:08.82/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,26475,0,1pps 1999.356.11:11:08.87/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,18897,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:11:08.95/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15034,15453,545,1pps 1999.356.11:11:09.03/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.70, -4.12,lock,16093,15949,554,1pps 1999.356.11:11:09.11/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16284,16285,550,1pps 1999.356.11:11:11.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:11:11.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:11:11.97:!1999.356.11:12:41 1999.356.11:11:12.77#setcl#time/67066829,1,1999,356,11,11,13.00,0.072,46.534,27 1999.356.11:11:12.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:12:41.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:12:41.00:et 1999.356.11:12:41.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:12:44.05:tape 1999.356.11:12:44.12/tape/low,08548,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:12:44.12:postob 1999.356.11:12:44.13:source=1219+044,121949.3,042953.8,1950.0 1999.356.11:12:50.65:nw2c2=14 1999.356.11:12:50.95/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.11:13:00.07:!1999.356.11:14:48 1999.356.11:14:48.00:preob 1999.356.11:14:50.75/tpical/17618,17429,17840,18563,17903,18215,18751,19103,$$$$$,26798 1999.356.11:14:50.82/tpical/18849,18775,19709,19620,19925,19489,38066 1999.356.11:14:50.89:!1999.356.11:14:58 1999.356.11:14:58.00:tape 1999.356.11:14:58.07/tape/low,08548,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:14:58.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.11:14:58.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:14:58.12:midob 1999.356.11:14:58.23/tpi/15564,15552,15833,16270,15631,15740,16120,16440,$$$$$,23457 1999.356.11:14:58.30/tpi/15779,15655,16170,16012,16282,16025,31880 1999.356.11:14:58.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:14:58.87/tsys1/141.8,153.9,147.5,132.4,128.2,118.7,113.9,114.8,$$$$$$$$,131.5 1999.356.11:14:58.88/tsys2/90.5,88.4,80.4,78.0,79.0,81.8,91.4 1999.356.11:15:04.21/wx/-0.6,954.4,90.2 1999.356.11:15:04.29/cable/+3.82783E-02 1999.356.11:15:04.34/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,31916,0,1pps 1999.356.11:15:04.39/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,23508,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:15:04.47/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15586,15944,545,1pps 1999.356.11:15:04.55/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.80, -5.04,lock,15752,16135,554,1pps 1999.356.11:15:04.63/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.79, 1.10,lock,16178,16069,550,1pps 1999.356.11:15:06.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:15:06.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:15:06.97:!1999.356.11:16:47 1999.356.11:15:07.77#setcl#time/67090329,1,1999,356,11,15,08.00,0.072,46.599,27 1999.356.11:15:07.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:16:47.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:16:47.00:et 1999.356.11:16:47.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:16:50.05:tape 1999.356.11:16:50.12/tape/low,07821,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:16:50.12:postob 1999.356.11:16:50.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.11:16:56.66:nw2c2=14 1999.356.11:16:56.96/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.11:17:06.08:!1999.356.11:18:53 1999.356.11:18:53.00:preob 1999.356.11:18:55.75/tpical/17512,17521,18404,18642,17738,18607,18845,19105,$$$$$,24700 1999.356.11:18:55.82/tpical/19390,19352,20446,20612,20481,20127,33048 1999.356.11:18:55.90:!1999.356.11:19:03 1999.356.11:19:03.00:tape 1999.356.11:19:03.07/tape/low,07821,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:19:03.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.11:19:03.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:19:03.12:midob 1999.356.11:19:03.23/tpi/15258,15396,16164,16037,15267,15768,15940,16178,$$$$$,21271 1999.356.11:19:03.30/tpi/15509,15411,15924,15904,15848,15726,26553 1999.356.11:19:03.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:19:03.87/tsys1/126.7,134.5,134.9,114.9,115.1,103.7,102.0,102.8,$$$$$$$$,116.0 1999.356.11:19:03.88/tsys2/70.3,68.9,62.0,59.4,60.5,63.1,72.3 1999.356.11:19:08.01/wx/-0.1,954.5,90.5 1999.356.11:19:08.13/cable/+3.82798E-02 1999.356.11:19:08.18/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,26520,0,1pps 1999.356.11:19:08.23/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,21271,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:19:08.31/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15400,15816,545,1pps 1999.356.11:19:08.39/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -4.80,lock,15770,15439,554,1pps 1999.356.11:19:08.47/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,15920,15905,550,1pps 1999.356.11:19:10.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:19:10.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:19:10.97:!1999.356.11:20:41 1999.356.11:19:11.77#setcl#time/67114729,1,1999,356,11,19,12.00,0.072,46.667,27 1999.356.11:19:11.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:20:41.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:20:41.00:et 1999.356.11:20:41.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:20:44.05:tape 1999.356.11:20:44.12/tape/low,07169,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:20:44.12:postob 1999.356.11:20:44.13:source=2235+731,223524.4,730716.9,1950.0 1999.356.11:20:50.67:nw2c2=14 1999.356.11:20:50.97/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.11:21:00.09:!1999.356.11:21:14 1999.356.11:21:14.00:preob 1999.356.11:21:16.75/tpical/17861,17834,18013,18927,18025,18858,19121,18991,$$$$$,25069 1999.356.11:21:16.82/tpical/19440,20191,20509,20697,20493,20673,33114 1999.356.11:21:16.90:!1999.356.11:21:24 1999.356.11:21:24.00:tape 1999.356.11:21:24.07/tape/low,07169,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:21:24.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.11:21:24.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:21:24.12:midob 1999.356.11:21:24.23/tpi/15628,15766,15835,16335,15578,16050,16237,16130,$$$$$,21679 1999.356.11:21:24.30/tpi/15916,16466,16366,16300,16203,16524,27126 1999.356.11:21:24.87?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:21:24.88/tsys1/131.0,141.7,135.9,117.6,118.7,106.7,104.7,104.8,$$$$$$$$,119.7 1999.356.11:21:24.89/tsys2/79.5,78.0,69.6,65.2,66.8,70.4,80.1 1999.356.11:21:28.74/wx/0.9,954.2,91.0 1999.356.11:21:28.93/cable/+3.82797E-02 1999.356.11:21:28.98/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,27171,0,1pps 1999.356.11:21:29.03/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,21723,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:21:29.11/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15772,16204,545,1pps 1999.356.11:21:29.19/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -4.80,lock,16086,15739,554,1pps 1999.356.11:21:29.27/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.01,lock,16384,16359,550,1pps 1999.356.11:21:31.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:21:31.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:21:31.97:!1999.356.11:28:54 1999.356.11:21:32.77#setcl#time/67128829,1,1999,356,11,21,33.00,0.072,46.706,27 1999.356.11:21:32.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:28:54.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:28:54.00:et 1999.356.11:28:54.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:28:57.05:tape 1999.356.11:28:57.12/tape/low,04169,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:28:57.12:postob 1999.356.11:28:57.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.11:29:03.65:nw2c2=14 1999.356.11:29:03.95/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-0.3,,-0.3, 1999.356.11:29:13.07:!1999.356.11:29:58 1999.356.11:29:58.00:preob 1999.356.11:30:00.75/tpical/17998,17765,18098,18278,18131,18394,18955,18841,$$$$$,27151 1999.356.11:30:00.82/tpical/19237,19432,19828,20218,20232,19656,36070 1999.356.11:30:00.89:!1999.356.11:30:08 1999.356.11:30:08.00:tape 1999.356.11:30:08.07/tape/low,04169,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:30:08.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.11:30:08.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:30:08.12:midob 1999.356.11:30:08.23/tpi/15918,15867,16076,16000,15862,15849,16317,16183,$$$$$,23769 1999.356.11:30:08.30/tpi/15924,16007,16028,16174,16242,15937,29828 1999.356.11:30:08.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:30:08.87/tsys1/143.3,155.4,148.7,131.0,130.4,116.2,115.0,113.2,$$$$$$$$,131.7 1999.356.11:30:08.88/tsys2/84.6,82.4,74.2,70.3,72.0,75.7,84.6 1999.356.11:30:13.99/wx/2.1,954.0,90.5 1999.356.11:30:14.05/cable/+3.82830E-02 1999.356.11:30:14.10/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,29827,0,1pps 1999.356.11:30:14.15/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,23770,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:30:14.23/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15856,16297,545,1pps 1999.356.11:30:14.31/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.80, -5.04,lock,15880,16255,554,1pps 1999.356.11:30:14.39/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.11, 1.45,lock,16027,16022,550,1pps 1999.356.11:30:14.77#setcl#time/67181029,1,1999,356,11,30,15.00,0.072,46.851,27 1999.356.11:30:14.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:30:17.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:30:17.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:30:17.97:!1999.356.11:31:46 1999.356.11:31:46.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:31:46.00:et 1999.356.11:31:46.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:31:49.05:tape 1999.356.11:31:49.12/tape/low,03517,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:31:49.12:postob 1999.356.11:31:49.13:source=1030+074,103057.1,072655.8,1950.0 1999.356.11:31:55.66:nw2c2=14 1999.356.11:31:55.96/pass/14,,auto,0.0,,-1.1,,-1.1, 1999.356.11:32:05.08:!1999.356.11:34:23 1999.356.11:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.11:34:07.98/wx/0.2,954.2,87.0 1999.356.11:34:23.00:preob 1999.356.11:34:25.75/tpical/17219,16816,18184,18535,17504,18217,18804,18834,$$$$$,28359 1999.356.11:34:25.82/tpical/19552,18799,19620,19590,20003,19911,38058 1999.356.11:34:25.90:!1999.356.11:34:33 1999.356.11:34:33.00:tape 1999.356.11:34:33.07/tape/low,03517,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:34:33.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.11:34:33.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:34:33.12:midob 1999.356.11:34:33.23/tpi/15323,15110,16256,16353,15429,15818,16344,16323,$$$$$,24999 1999.356.11:34:33.30/tpi/16365,15677,16087,15945,16344,16348,31887 1999.356.11:34:33.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:34:33.87/tsys1/151.2,164.4,157.7,139.9,138.6,123.1,123.6,120.9,$$$$$$$$,139.5 1999.356.11:34:33.88/tsys2/90.5,88.5,80.2,76.9,79.0,81.1,91.6 1999.356.11:34:39.07/wx/-0.1,954.0,86.4 1999.356.11:34:39.17/cable/+3.82785E-02 1999.356.11:34:39.22/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,31914,0,1pps 1999.356.11:34:39.27/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,25015,98,4095,1pps 1999.356.11:34:39.35/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.14,-10.14,lock,15110,15491,545,1pps 1999.356.11:34:39.43/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -5.04, -5.28,lock,15834,16134,554,1pps 1999.356.11:34:39.51/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.79, 1.10,lock,16087,15968,550,1pps 1999.356.11:34:41.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:34:41.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:34:41.97:!1999.356.11:42:03 1999.356.11:34:42.77#setcl#time/67207829,1,1999,356,11,34,43.00,0.072,46.926,27 1999.356.11:34:42.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:42:03.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:42:03.00:et 1999.356.11:42:03.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:42:06.05:tape 1999.356.11:42:06.12/tape/low,00516,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:42:06.12:postob 1999.356.11:42:06.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.356.11:42:12.66:midtp 1999.356.11:42:15.37/tpzero/227,337,244,285,289,279,338,337,1250,357 1999.356.11:42:15.44/tpzero/347,328,348,371,276,279,514 1999.356.11:42:16.14/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,27.90 1999.356.11:42:16.24/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 1999.356.11:42:16.34/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.41 1999.356.11:42:16.44/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.974 1999.356.11:42:16.54/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.557 1999.356.11:42:16.64/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.01 1999.356.11:42:16.74/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.22 1999.356.11:42:16.74:nw2c1=15 1999.356.11:42:18.49/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.11:42:27.61:fastr=0m13s 1999.356.11:42:40.69:!1999.356.11:42:55 1999.356.11:42:55.00:preob 1999.356.11:42:57.74/tpical/17283,16855,18168,18483,17447,18095,18717,18714,$$$$$,28278 1999.356.11:42:57.81/tpical/19444,18724,19906,20065,19902,19777,37806 1999.356.11:42:57.89:!1999.356.11:43:05 1999.356.11:43:05.00:tape 1999.356.11:43:05.07/tape/low,00224,low,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:43:05.07:st=for,80 1999.356.11:43:05.11:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:43:05.11:midob 1999.356.11:43:05.22/tpi/15365,15152,16265,16310,15335,15690,16205,16191,$$$$$,24883 1999.356.11:43:05.29/tpi/16236,15575,16240,16269,16237,16197,31603 1999.356.11:43:05.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:43:05.86/tsys1/150.0,165.3,160.0,140.1,135.4,121.8,120.0,119.4,$$$$$$$$,137.3 1999.356.11:43:05.87/tsys2/89.2,87.2,78.0,75.4,78.4,80.0,90.2 1999.356.11:43:09.58/wx/1.0,953.8,87.4 1999.356.11:43:09.73/cable/+3.82817E-02 1999.356.11:43:09.78/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,31635,0,1pps 1999.356.11:43:09.83/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,24897,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:43:09.91/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.14,-10.14,lock,15145,15526,545,1pps 1999.356.11:43:09.99/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -5.04, -5.28,lock,15710,16068,554,1pps 1999.356.11:43:10.07/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.90, 1.22,lock,16259,16229,550,1pps 1999.356.11:43:10.75#setcl#time/67258627,1,1999,356,11,43,11.00,0.082,47.067,29 1999.356.11:43:10.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:43:12.84/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.11:43:12.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:43:12.97:!1999.356.11:44:47 1999.356.11:44:47.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:44:47.00:et 1999.356.11:44:47.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:44:50.05:tape 1999.356.11:44:50.12/tape/low,00903,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:44:50.12:postob 1999.356.11:44:50.13:source=da426,165211.8,395025.3,1950.0 1999.356.11:44:56.66:checkf80 1999.356.11:45:26.67/parity/28.,4.,0.,0.,2.,0.,4.,2.,0.,2.,2.,2.,0.,2. 1999.356.11:45:26.67/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.11:45:44.70:nw2c1=15 1999.356.11:45:45.00/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.11:45:54.12:!1999.356.11:47:00 1999.356.11:47:00.00:preob 1999.356.11:47:02.74/tpical/18254,17805,17596,18247,18304,17956,18637,18736,$$$$$,29680 1999.356.11:47:02.81/tpical/18659,19332,19658,19745,19404,19312,40799 1999.356.11:47:02.89:!1999.356.11:47:10 1999.356.11:47:10.00:tape 1999.356.11:47:10.07/tape/low,00903,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:47:10.07:st=for,80 1999.356.11:47:10.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:47:10.12:midob 1999.356.11:47:10.23/tpi/16342,16093,15842,16182,16219,15718,16255,16321,$$$$$,26301 1999.356.11:47:10.30/tpi/15801,16354,16377,16318,16108,16100,34627 1999.356.11:47:10.87?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:47:10.88/tsys1/160.1,174.9,169.0,146.3,145.2,131.1,127.0,125.8,$$$$$$$$,145.9 1999.356.11:47:10.89/tsys2/97.3,96.9,87.9,83.8,86.5,88.7,99.5 1999.356.11:47:15.02/wx/3.0,953.3,86.3 1999.356.11:47:15.17/cable/+3.82782E-02 1999.356.11:47:15.22/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,34622,0,1pps 1999.356.11:47:15.27/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,26311,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:47:15.35/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.14,-10.59,lock,16094,14872,545,1pps 1999.356.11:47:15.43/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -5.28, -5.53,lock,15705,15928,554,1pps 1999.356.11:47:15.51/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.34, 0.74,lock,16390,16081,550,1pps 1999.356.11:47:17.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:47:17.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:47:17.97:!1999.356.11:49:35 1999.356.11:47:18.77#setcl#time/67283429,1,1999,356,11,47,19.00,0.071,47.136,27 1999.356.11:47:18.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:49:35.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:49:35.00:et 1999.356.11:49:35.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:49:38.05:tape 1999.356.11:49:38.12/tape/low,01870,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:49:38.12:postob 1999.356.11:49:38.13:source=1508+572,150845.2,571402.4,1950.0 1999.356.11:49:44.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.11:49:44.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.11:49:54.08:!1999.356.11:51:50 1999.356.11:51:50.00:preob 1999.356.11:51:52.75/tpical/17844,17384,17840,18367,17789,18395,18475,18574,$$$$$,28860 1999.356.11:51:52.82/tpical/19063,19040,19307,19380,19664,19429,40121 1999.356.11:51:52.90:!1999.356.11:52:00 1999.356.11:52:00.00:tape 1999.356.11:52:00.07/tape/low,01870,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:52:00.07:st=for,80 1999.356.11:52:00.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.11:52:00.12:midob 1999.356.11:52:00.23/tpi/15931,15668,16014,16225,15683,15999,16043,16134,$$$$$,25471 1999.356.11:52:00.30/tpi/16134,16088,16032,15963,16278,16135,33972 1999.356.11:52:00.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.11:52:00.87/tsys1/156.0,169.7,164.1,141.4,138.9,124.7,122.7,123.0,$$$$$$$$,140.8 1999.356.11:52:00.88/tsys2/97.0,96.1,86.2,82.1,85.1,86.6,97.9 1999.356.11:52:04.64/wx/4.6,953.4,76.0 1999.356.11:52:04.77/cable/+3.82833E-02 1999.356.11:52:04.82/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,34001,0,1pps 1999.356.11:52:04.87/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,25480,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.11:52:04.95/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.14,-10.14,lock,15675,16073,545,1pps 1999.356.11:52:05.03/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -5.04, -5.28,lock,16010,16335,554,1pps 1999.356.11:52:05.11/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.45, 0.86,lock,16027,16156,550,1pps 1999.356.11:52:07.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.11:52:07.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.11:52:07.97:!1999.356.11:59:30 1999.356.11:52:08.77#setcl#time/67312429,1,1999,356,11,52,09.00,0.071,47.216,27 1999.356.11:52:08.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.11:59:30.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.11:59:30.00:et 1999.356.11:59:30.04:!+3s 1999.356.11:59:33.05:tape 1999.356.11:59:33.12/tape/low,04871,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.11:59:33.12:postob 1999.356.11:59:33.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.11:59:39.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.11:59:39.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.11:59:49.08:!1999.356.12:01:43 1999.356.12:01:43.00:preob 1999.356.12:01:45.75/tpical/17789,17336,17690,18170,17511,18056,18601,18638,$$$$$,28481 1999.356.12:01:45.82/tpical/19116,19036,19266,19134,19215,19454,42103 1999.356.12:01:45.90:!1999.356.12:01:53 1999.356.12:01:53.00:tape 1999.356.12:01:53.07/tape/low,04871,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:01:53.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:01:53.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:01:53.12:midob 1999.356.12:01:53.23/tpi/15829,15568,15822,16022,15398,15688,16126,16126,$$$$$,25091 1999.356.12:01:53.30/tpi/16309,16248,16196,15995,16125,16363,35999 1999.356.12:01:53.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:01:53.87/tsys1/151.2,163.7,158.4,139.2,135.9,123.6,121.2,119.4,$$$$$$$$,138.6 1999.356.12:01:53.88/tsys2/102.4,102.8,92.9,89.6,92.3,93.7,104.6 1999.356.12:01:58.60/wx/5.8,953.6,65.2 1999.356.12:01:58.69/cable/+3.82860E-02 1999.356.12:01:58.74/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,36015,0,1pps 1999.356.12:01:58.79/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,25089,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:01:58.87/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.14,-10.14,lock,15577,15951,545,1pps 1999.356.12:01:58.95/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -5.04, -5.28,lock,15691,16029,554,1pps 1999.356.12:01:59.03/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.22, 0.61,lock,16214,16211,550,1pps 1999.356.12:01:59.77#setcl#time/67371529,1,1999,356,12,02,00.00,0.071,47.381,27 1999.356.12:01:59.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:02:02.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.12:02:02.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:02:02.97:!1999.356.12:03:31 1999.356.12:02:12.83;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.12:03:31.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:03:31.00:et 1999.356.12:03:31.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:03:34.05:tape 1999.356.12:03:34.12/tape/low,05523,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:03:34.12:postob 1999.356.12:03:34.13:source=0955+476,095508.5,473928.6,1950.0 1999.356.12:03:40.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:03:40.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:03:50.08:!1999.356.12:04:13 1999.356.12:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.12:04:07.87/wx/6.0,953.3,63.9 1999.356.12:04:13.00:preob 1999.356.12:04:15.75/tpical/17904,17424,17780,18259,17573,18128,18687,18724,$$$$$,28611 1999.356.12:04:15.82/tpical/18525,18315,19500,19319,19343,19056,42581 1999.356.12:04:15.90:!1999.356.12:04:23 1999.356.12:04:23.00:tape 1999.356.12:04:23.07/tape/low,05523,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:04:23.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:04:23.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:04:23.12:midob 1999.356.12:04:23.23/tpi/15972,15711,15924,16125,15469,15751,16229,16199,$$$$$,25220 1999.356.12:04:23.31/tpi/15894,15673,16400,16154,16230,16043,36468 1999.356.12:04:23.88?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:04:23.89/tsys1/154.8,170.5,160.5,141.0,137.1,123.7,122.8,119.4,$$$$$$$$,139.3 1999.356.12:04:23.90/tsys2/106.4,104.5,93.2,89.8,92.2,94.2,105.9 1999.356.12:04:29.14/wx/6.0,953.2,63.7 1999.356.12:04:29.25/cable/+3.82873E-02 1999.356.12:04:29.30/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,36523,0,1pps 1999.356.12:04:29.35/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,25221,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:04:29.43/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.14,-10.14,lock,15675,16080,545,1pps 1999.356.12:04:29.51/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -5.04, -5.28,lock,15745,16093,554,1pps 1999.356.12:04:29.59/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.10, 0.49,lock,16002,15981,550,1pps 1999.356.12:04:31.84/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.12:04:31.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:04:31.97:!1999.356.12:06:01 1999.356.12:04:32.77#setcl#time/67386829,1,1999,356,12,04,33.00,0.071,47.423,27 1999.356.12:04:32.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:06:01.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:06:01.00:et 1999.356.12:06:01.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:06:04.05:tape 1999.356.12:06:04.12/tape/low,06175,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:06:04.12:postob 1999.356.12:06:04.13:source=0202+149,020207.4,145950.8,1950.0 1999.356.12:06:10.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:06:10.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:06:20.08:!1999.356.12:07:48 1999.356.12:07:48.00:preob 1999.356.12:07:50.74/tpical/17099,18244,17907,18523,18345,17972,18564,18675,$$$$$,29893 1999.356.12:07:50.82/tpical/18935,18586,19108,19426,19200,19271,45491 1999.356.12:07:50.90:!1999.356.12:07:58 1999.356.12:07:58.00:tape 1999.356.12:07:58.07/tape/low,06175,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:07:58.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:07:58.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:07:58.12:midob 1999.356.12:07:58.23/tpi/15343,16483,16119,16430,16279,15698,16202,16254,$$$$$,26510 1999.356.12:07:58.30/tpi/16461,16130,16344,16504,16310,16482,39435 1999.356.12:07:58.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:07:58.87/tsys1/163.6,174.2,168.7,146.6,147.1,128.8,127.6,124.9,$$$$$$$$,146.9 1999.356.12:07:58.88/tsys2/117.2,115.8,104.2,99.4,99.9,104.6,115.7 1999.356.12:08:03.49/wx/6.3,953.0,61.5 1999.356.12:08:03.65/cable/+3.82873E-02 1999.356.12:08:03.70/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,39547,0,1pps 1999.356.12:08:03.75/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,26510,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:08:03.83/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.59,-10.59,lock,14858,15216,545,1pps 1999.356.12:08:03.91/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -5.28, -5.53,lock,15693,15950,554,1pps 1999.356.12:08:03.99/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 0.86, 0.23,lock,16332,16237,550,1pps 1999.356.12:08:06.84/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.12:08:06.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:08:06.97:!1999.356.12:09:36 1999.356.12:08:07.77#setcl#time/67408329,1,1999,356,12,08,08.00,0.071,47.483,27 1999.356.12:08:07.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:09:36.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:09:36.00:et 1999.356.12:09:36.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:09:39.05:tape 1999.356.12:09:39.12/tape/low,06828,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:09:39.12:postob 1999.356.12:09:39.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.12:09:45.67:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:09:45.97/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:09:55.09:!1999.356.12:10:38 1999.356.12:10:38.00:preob 1999.356.12:10:40.75/tpical/17555,17087,18293,18489,18626,18766,18751,18711,$$$$$,28078 1999.356.12:10:40.82/tpical/18917,18827,19431,19448,19368,19105,41659 1999.356.12:10:40.89:!1999.356.12:10:48 1999.356.12:10:48.00:tape 1999.356.12:10:48.07/tape/low,06828,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:10:48.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:10:48.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:10:48.12:midob 1999.356.12:10:48.23/tpi/15597,15333,16342,16264,16366,16195,16209,16135,$$$$$,24657 1999.356.12:10:48.30/tpi/16207,16073,16329,16214,16259,16066,35619 1999.356.12:10:48.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:10:48.87/tsys1/149.1,162.4,156.8,136.4,135.2,117.6,118.6,116.5,$$$$$$$$,135.0 1999.356.12:10:48.88/tsys2/105.3,102.9,92.7,88.2,92.5,93.5,104.6 1999.356.12:10:53.66/wx/6.4,952.9,60.0 1999.356.12:10:53.73/cable/+3.82893E-02 1999.356.12:10:53.78/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,35653,0,1pps 1999.356.12:10:53.83/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,24652,98,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:10:53.91/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.14,-10.14,lock,15325,15713,545,1pps 1999.356.12:10:53.99/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.80, -5.28,lock,16213,15675,554,1pps 1999.356.12:10:54.07/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.34, 0.74,lock,16309,16356,550,1pps 1999.356.12:10:56.84/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.12:10:56.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:10:56.97:!1999.356.12:12:26 1999.356.12:10:57.77#setcl#time/67425329,1,1999,356,12,10,58.00,0.071,47.530,27 1999.356.12:10:57.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:12:26.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:12:26.00:et 1999.356.12:12:26.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:12:29.05:tape 1999.356.12:12:29.12/tape/low,07481,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:12:29.12:postob 1999.356.12:12:29.13:source=0727-115,072758.1,-113452.5,1950.0 1999.356.12:12:35.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:12:35.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:12:45.08:!1999.356.12:14:35 1999.356.12:14:35.00:preob 1999.356.12:14:37.75/tpical/17224,16580,18064,18121,17029,18141,18288,18445,$$$$$,30229 1999.356.12:14:37.82/tpical/18639,18109,18579,18632,18583,18543,46634 1999.356.12:14:37.90:!1999.356.12:14:45 1999.356.12:14:45.00:tape 1999.356.12:14:45.07/tape/low,07481,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:14:45.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:14:45.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:14:45.12:midob 1999.356.12:14:45.23/tpi/15462,14994,16300,16094,15121,15874,15955,16096,$$$$$,26818 1999.356.12:14:45.30/tpi/16242,15785,15976,15923,15966,15917,40637 1999.356.12:14:45.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:14:45.87/tsys1/164.3,175.6,172.9,148.2,147.7,130.7,127.2,127.5,$$$$$$$$,147.4 1999.356.12:14:45.88/tsys2/119.4,119.7,108.1,103.3,107.9,107.2,120.4 1999.356.12:14:50.92/wx/6.3,952.7,60.5 1999.356.12:14:51.01/cable/+3.82878E-02 1999.356.12:14:51.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,40630,0,1pps 1999.356.12:14:51.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,26812,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:14:51.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc,-10.59,-10.59,lock,14998,15342,545,1pps 1999.356.12:14:51.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -5.28, -5.53,lock,15871,16110,554,1pps 1999.356.12:14:51.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 0.61, 0.09,lock,15970,16296,550,1pps 1999.356.12:14:51.77#setcl#time/67448729,1,1999,356,12,14,52.00,0.071,47.595,27 1999.356.12:14:51.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:14:54.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.12:14:54.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:14:54.97:!1999.356.12:16:23 1999.356.12:16:23.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:16:23.00:et 1999.356.12:16:23.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:16:26.05:tape 1999.356.12:16:26.12/tape/low,08133,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:16:26.12:postob 1999.356.12:16:26.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.12:16:32.64:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:16:32.94/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:16:42.06:!1999.356.12:18:13 1999.356.12:18:13.00:preob 1999.356.12:18:15.75/tpical/17011,18229,17717,18479,18065,18196,18657,18561,$$$$$,27216 1999.356.12:18:15.83/tpical/18645,18564,19614,19598,19418,19166,40984 1999.356.12:18:15.90:!1999.356.12:18:23 1999.356.12:18:23.00:tape 1999.356.12:18:23.07/tape/low,08133,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:18:23.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:18:23.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:18:23.12:midob 1999.356.12:18:23.23/tpi/15127,16376,15773,16229,15846,15705,16055,15947,$$$$$,23874 1999.356.12:18:23.30/tpi/15991,15890,16464,16346,16282,16108,35077 1999.356.12:18:23.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:18:23.87/tsys1/150.3,164.5,151.8,134.6,133.2,117.7,114.8,113.5,$$$$$$$$,133.7 1999.356.12:18:23.88/tsys2/106.1,104.8,92.1,88.4,91.9,93.2,105.3 1999.356.12:18:28.55/wx/6.5,952.8,59.2 1999.356.12:18:28.61/cable/+3.82867E-02 1999.356.12:18:28.66/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,35089,0,1pps 1999.356.12:18:28.71/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,23856,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.12:18:28.79/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72,-10.14,lock,16366,15183,545,1pps 1999.356.12:18:28.87/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.80, -5.04,lock,15685,16100,554,1pps 1999.356.12:18:28.95/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.34, 0.74,lock,16014,16069,550,1pps 1999.356.12:18:31.84/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.12:18:31.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:18:31.97:!1999.356.12:20:01 1999.356.12:18:32.77#setcl#time/67470829,1,1999,356,12,18,33.00,0.071,47.656,27 1999.356.12:18:32.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:20:01.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:20:01.00:et 1999.356.12:20:01.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:20:04.05:tape 1999.356.12:20:04.12/tape/low,08786,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:20:04.12:postob 1999.356.12:20:04.13:source=0718+793,071808.7,791722.7,1950.0 1999.356.12:20:10.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:20:10.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:20:20.08:!1999.356.12:20:57 1999.356.12:20:57.00:preob 1999.356.12:20:59.74/tpical/17051,16551,17692,18438,18058,18136,18667,18951,$$$$$,27205 1999.356.12:20:59.81/tpical/18623,18385,18989,19309,19334,18983,42745 1999.356.12:20:59.89:!1999.356.12:21:07 1999.356.12:21:07.00:tape 1999.356.12:21:07.07/tape/low,08786,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:21:07.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:21:07.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:21:07.12:midob 1999.356.12:21:07.23/tpi/15110,14806,15779,16171,15796,15610,15983,16254,$$$$$,23815 1999.356.12:21:07.30/tpi/15949,15726,15966,16137,16234,15961,36590 1999.356.12:21:07.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:21:07.87/tsys1/145.7,157.5,154.3,133.1,130.3,115.3,110.8,112.1,$$$$$$$$,131.5 1999.356.12:21:07.88/tsys2/105.0,104.2,93.0,89.5,92.7,93.4,105.5 1999.356.12:21:12.18/wx/7.1,952.9,55.9 1999.356.12:21:12.29/cable/+3.82887E-02 1999.356.12:21:12.34/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,36604,0,1pps 1999.356.12:21:12.39/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,23802,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:21:12.47/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72,-10.14,lock,16359,15190,545,1pps 1999.356.12:21:12.55/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.80, -5.04,lock,15602,16025,554,1pps 1999.356.12:21:12.63/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.10, 0.49,lock,15992,15959,550,1pps 1999.356.12:21:14.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.12:21:14.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:21:14.97:!1999.356.12:23:30 1999.356.12:21:15.77#setcl#time/67487129,1,1999,356,12,21,16.00,0.070,47.702,27 1999.356.12:21:15.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:23:30.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:23:30.00:et 1999.356.12:23:30.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:23:33.05:tape 1999.356.12:23:33.12/tape/low,09739,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:23:33.12:postob 1999.356.12:23:33.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.12:23:39.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:23:39.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:23:49.08:!1999.356.12:30:44 1999.356.12:30:44.00:preob 1999.356.12:30:46.75/tpical/17346,17047,17950,18812,18207,18850,19047,18900,$$$$$,25510 1999.356.12:30:46.82/tpical/19005,19006,19089,19847,19445,19135,40083 1999.356.12:30:46.89:!1999.356.12:30:54 1999.356.12:30:54.00:tape 1999.356.12:30:54.07/tape/low,09739,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:30:54.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:30:54.11:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:30:54.11:midob 1999.356.12:30:54.22/tpi/15235,15107,15820,16319,15769,16042,16169,16040,$$$$$,22088 1999.356.12:30:54.29/tpi/16127,16134,15880,16368,16116,15898,33950 1999.356.12:30:54.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:30:54.86/tsys1/135.1,144.7,138.9,122.2,120.6,106.7,104.5,104.3,$$$$$$$$,120.7 1999.356.12:30:54.87/tsys2/98.7,99.1,87.1,82.8,85.6,86.9,98.1 1999.356.12:30:59.62/wx/7.3,953.0,47.8 1999.356.12:30:59.65/cable/+3.82904E-02 1999.356.12:30:59.70/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,33945,0,1pps 1999.356.12:30:59.75/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,22065,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.12:30:59.83/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15106,15521,545,1pps 1999.356.12:30:59.91/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -4.80,lock,16003,15692,554,1pps 1999.356.12:30:59.99/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.45, 0.86,lock,15877,15899,550,1pps 1999.356.12:31:02.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.12:31:02.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:31:02.97:!1999.356.12:32:32 1999.356.12:31:03.77#setcl#time/67545929,1,1999,356,12,31,04.00,0.070,47.865,27 1999.356.12:31:03.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:32:32.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:32:32.00:et 1999.356.12:32:32.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:32:35.05:tape 1999.356.12:32:35.12/tape/low,10391,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.7,85,okay 1999.356.12:32:35.12:postob 1999.356.12:32:35.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.12:32:41.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:32:41.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:32:51.08:!1999.356.12:33:34 1999.356.12:33:34.00:preob 1999.356.12:33:36.75/tpical/17366,17032,17936,18774,18213,18756,18944,19187,$$$$$,25463 1999.356.12:33:36.82/tpical/18857,18807,19387,19332,19293,19490,41658 1999.356.12:33:36.89:!1999.356.12:33:44 1999.356.12:33:44.00:tape 1999.356.12:33:44.07/tape/low,10391,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:33:44.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:33:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:33:44.12:midob 1999.356.12:33:44.23/tpi/15274,15113,15845,16294,15740,15968,16105,16319,$$$$$,22073 1999.356.12:33:44.30/tpi/16082,16012,16253,16051,16036,16330,35492 1999.356.12:33:44.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:33:44.87/tsys1/136.7,146.3,141.8,122.6,118.7,106.9,105.5,105.9,$$$$$$$$,121.7 1999.356.12:33:44.88/tsys2/102.1,101.0,91.3,86.0,87.1,91.4,102.1 1999.356.12:33:49.80/wx/7.5,953.0,43.9 1999.356.12:33:49.89/cable/+3.82910E-02 1999.356.12:33:49.94/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,35499,0,1pps 1999.356.12:33:49.99/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,22052,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:33:50.07/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15141,15536,545,1pps 1999.356.12:33:50.15/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -4.80,lock,15978,15638,554,1pps 1999.356.12:33:50.23/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.34, 0.74,lock,16241,16290,550,1pps 1999.356.12:33:50.76#setcl#time/67562628,1,1999,356,12,33,51.00,0.075,47.911,28 1999.356.12:33:50.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:33:53.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.12:33:53.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:33:53.97:!1999.356.12:35:25 1999.356.12:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.12:34:07.80/wx/7.5,953.0,43.9 1999.356.12:35:25.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:35:25.00:et 1999.356.12:35:25.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:35:28.05:tape 1999.356.12:35:28.12/tape/low,11063,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:35:28.12:postob 1999.356.12:35:28.13:source=1101+384,110140.6,382843.3,1950.0 1999.356.12:35:34.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:35:34.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:35:44.08:!1999.356.12:36:12 1999.356.12:36:12.00:preob 1999.356.12:36:14.75/tpical/18288,18098,18036,18688,17635,18240,18880,19109,$$$$$,24700 1999.356.12:36:14.83/tpical/18710,18638,19287,19192,19137,19373,41372 1999.356.12:36:14.91:!1999.356.12:36:22 1999.356.12:36:22.00:tape 1999.356.12:36:22.07/tape/low,11063,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:36:22.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:36:22.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:36:22.12:midob 1999.356.12:36:22.23/tpi/15989,16009,15848,16177,15184,15406,15966,16130,$$$$$,21297 1999.356.12:36:22.31/tpi/15960,15881,16134,15946,15946,16195,35248 1999.356.12:36:22.87?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:36:22.88/tsys1/130.3,142.5,135.5,120.3,115.5,101.4,101.9,100.7,$$$$$$$$,116.9 1999.356.12:36:22.89/tsys2/102.2,101.5,90.1,86.4,88.4,90.1,102.1 1999.356.12:36:26.89/wx/7.6,953.0,42.7 1999.356.12:36:27.01/cable/+3.82905E-02 1999.356.12:36:27.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,35253,0,1pps 1999.356.12:36:27.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,21268,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:36:27.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15968,14942,545,1pps 1999.356.12:36:27.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -4.57,lock,15399,15917,554,1pps 1999.356.12:36:27.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.34, 0.74,lock,16159,16159,550,1pps 1999.356.12:36:29.84/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.12:36:29.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:36:29.97:!1999.356.12:43:52 1999.356.12:36:30.77#setcl#time/67578629,1,1999,356,12,36,31.00,0.070,47.956,27 1999.356.12:36:30.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:43:52.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:43:52.00:et 1999.356.12:43:52.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:43:55.05:tape 1999.356.12:43:55.12/tape/low,14063,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:43:55.12:postob 1999.356.12:43:55.13:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 1999.356.12:44:01.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:44:01.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:44:11.08:!1999.356.12:45:49 1999.356.12:45:49.00:preob 1999.356.12:45:51.74/tpical/18425,18314,18272,18972,17860,18563,19239,19438,$$$$$,25081 1999.356.12:45:51.81/tpical/18988,18976,19507,19427,19284,19505,41929 1999.356.12:45:51.89:!1999.356.12:45:59 1999.356.12:45:59.00:tape 1999.356.12:45:59.07/tape/low,14063,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:45:59.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:45:59.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:45:59.12:midob 1999.356.12:45:59.23/tpi/16122,16203,16061,16404,15430,15760,16306,16472,$$$$$,21669 1999.356.12:45:59.30/tpi/16280,16242,16394,16208,16173,16424,35928 1999.356.12:45:59.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:45:59.87/tsys1/131.1,142.8,135.9,119.3,118.4,104.9,103.4,103.4,$$$$$$$$,118.7 1999.356.12:45:59.88/tsys2/105.9,104.8,92.8,88.6,92.0,94.3,106.2 1999.356.12:46:04.52/wx/7.8,952.9,34.7 1999.356.12:46:04.61/cable/+3.82912E-02 1999.356.12:46:04.66/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,35896,0,1pps 1999.356.12:46:04.71/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,21639,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:46:04.79/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,16192,15125,545,1pps 1999.356.12:46:04.87/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -4.57,lock,15740,16302,554,1pps 1999.356.12:46:04.95/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.22, 0.61,lock,15964,15976,550,1pps 1999.356.12:46:07.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.12:46:07.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:46:07.97:!1999.356.12:47:38 1999.356.12:46:08.77#setcl#time/67636429,1,1999,356,12,46,09.00,0.070,48.116,27 1999.356.12:46:08.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:47:38.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:47:38.00:et 1999.356.12:47:38.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:47:41.05:tape 1999.356.12:47:41.12/tape/low,14722,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:47:41.12:postob 1999.356.12:47:41.13:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 1999.356.12:47:47.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:47:47.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:47:57.08:!1999.356.12:48:11 1999.356.12:48:11.00:preob 1999.356.12:48:13.75/tpical/18229,18322,18060,18813,18857,18824,19050,19078,$$$$$,23035 1999.356.12:48:13.82/tpical/18949,19168,19695,19594,19504,19279,38513 1999.356.12:48:13.89:!1999.356.12:48:21 1999.356.12:48:21.00:tape 1999.356.12:48:21.07/tape/low,14722,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:48:21.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:48:21.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:48:21.12:midob 1999.356.12:48:21.23/tpi/15761,16007,15687,16062,16031,15727,15898,15889,$$$$$,19606 1999.356.12:48:21.30/tpi/16008,16126,16223,16067,16081,15930,32479 1999.356.12:48:21.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:48:21.87/tsys1/119.6,128.6,123.6,109.0,105.8,94.8,93.8,92.7,$$$$$$$$,106.7 1999.356.12:48:21.88/tsys2/95.9,93.5,82.3,80.1,83.1,84.1,95.4 1999.356.12:48:26.89/wx/7.9,952.9,33.9 1999.356.12:48:27.01/cable/+3.82935E-02 1999.356.12:48:27.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,32444,0,1pps 1999.356.12:48:27.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,19593,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:48:27.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15995,15022,545,1pps 1999.356.12:48:27.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.91, -4.34,lock,15737,15517,554,1pps 1999.356.12:48:27.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.79, 1.10,lock,16236,16064,550,1pps 1999.356.12:48:29.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.12:48:29.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:48:29.97:!1999.356.12:49:59 1999.356.12:48:30.77#setcl#time/67650629,1,1999,356,12,48,31.00,0.070,48.156,27 1999.356.12:48:30.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:49:59.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:49:59.00:et 1999.356.12:49:59.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:50:02.05:tape 1999.356.12:50:02.12/tape/low,15375,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:50:02.12:postob 1999.356.12:50:02.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.356.12:50:08.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:50:08.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:50:18.08:!1999.356.12:54:17 1999.356.12:54:17.00:preob 1999.356.12:54:19.75/tpical/17735,17749,18185,18721,18342,19155,19347,19272,$$$$$,22408 1999.356.12:54:19.82/tpical/18872,18955,19585,19693,19755,19431,39981 1999.356.12:54:19.89:!1999.356.12:54:27 1999.356.12:54:27.00:tape 1999.356.12:54:27.07/tape/low,15375,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:54:27.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:54:27.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:54:27.12:midob 1999.356.12:54:27.23/tpi/15251,15435,15727,15877,15553,15913,16061,16010,$$$$$,18972 1999.356.12:54:27.30/tpi/15909,15980,16195,16133,16257,16053,33629 1999.356.12:54:27.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:54:27.87/tsys1/114.9,124.0,119.7,104.2,104.0,91.6,90.9,91.3,$$$$$$$$,102.9 1999.356.12:54:27.88/tsys2/94.5,94.7,84.1,79.7,82.2,84.1,93.8 1999.356.12:54:31.80/wx/7.9,952.7,32.2 1999.356.12:54:31.97/cable/+3.82871E-02 1999.356.12:54:32.02/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,33639,0,1pps 1999.356.12:54:32.07/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,18960,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.12:54:32.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15443,15874,545,1pps 1999.356.12:54:32.23/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.70, -4.12,lock,15883,15767,554,1pps 1999.356.12:54:32.31/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.57, 0.98,lock,16148,16353,550,1pps 1999.356.12:54:34.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.12:54:34.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:54:34.97:!1999.356.12:56:18 1999.356.12:54:35.77#setcl#time/67687129,1,1999,356,12,54,36.00,0.070,48.257,27 1999.356.12:54:35.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:56:18.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:56:18.00:et 1999.356.12:56:18.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:56:21.05:tape 1999.356.12:56:21.12/tape/low,16114,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:56:21.12:postob 1999.356.12:56:21.13:source=0202+149,020207.4,145950.8,1950.0 1999.356.12:56:27.65:nw2c1=15 1999.356.12:56:27.95/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.12:56:37.08:!1999.356.12:58:03 1999.356.12:58:03.00:preob 1999.356.12:58:05.74/tpical/19645,17790,19473,19635,19010,19727,19835,20122,$$$$$,26688 1999.356.12:58:05.81/tpical/19655,19474,19973,20266,20257,19844,45062 1999.356.12:58:05.89:!1999.356.12:58:13 1999.356.12:58:13.00:tape 1999.356.12:58:13.07/tape/low,16114,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:58:13.07:st=for,80 1999.356.12:58:13.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.12:58:13.12:midob 1999.356.12:58:13.23/tpi/17323,15887,17262,17139,16600,16901,17022,17229,$$$$$,23308 1999.356.12:58:13.30/tpi/17082,16895,17055,17155,17219,16906,39101 1999.356.12:58:13.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.12:58:13.87/tsys1/139.9,155.3,146.2,128.3,128.6,111.8,112.7,110.9,$$$$$$$$,129.0 1999.356.12:58:13.88/tsys2/117.1,115.6,103.1,97.1,100.4,101.9,116.5 1999.356.12:58:17.62/wx/8.2,952.6,30.9 1999.356.12:58:17.73/cable/+3.82900E-02 1999.356.12:58:17.78/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,39145,0,1pps 1999.356.12:58:17.83/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,23304,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.12:58:17.91/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15859,16271,545,1pps 1999.356.12:58:17.99/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.57, -5.04,lock,16098,15673,554,1pps 1999.356.12:58:18.07/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 0.86, 0.23,lock,16111,16063,550,1pps 1999.356.12:58:20.84/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.12:58:20.97/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.12:58:20.97:!1999.356.12:59:51 1999.356.12:58:21.77#setcl#time/67709729,1,1999,356,12,58,22.00,0.070,48.320,27 1999.356.12:58:21.77#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.12:59:51.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.12:59:51.00:et 1999.356.12:59:51.04:!+3s 1999.356.12:59:54.05:tape 1999.356.12:59:54.12/tape/low,16767,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.12:59:54.12:postob 1999.356.12:59:54.13:source=0727-115,072758.1,-113452.5,1950.0 1999.356.13:00:00.66:nw2c1=15 1999.356.13:00:00.96/pass/15,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.13:00:10.08:!1999.356.13:01:27 1999.356.13:01:27.00:preob 1999.356.13:01:29.75/tpical/18155,18238,18640,19246,18851,19738,19461,19870,$$$$$,23081 1999.356.13:01:29.82/tpical/19587,18859,19858,19586,19592,19823,39741 1999.356.13:01:29.89:!1999.356.13:01:37 1999.356.13:01:37.00:tape 1999.356.13:01:37.07/tape/low,16767,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:01:37.07:st=for,80 1999.356.13:01:37.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:01:37.12:midob 1999.356.13:01:37.23/tpi/15986,16224,16507,16740,16352,16823,16578,16907,$$$$$,19974 1999.356.13:01:37.30/tpi/17012,16364,16965,16549,16585,16847,34395 1999.356.13:01:37.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:01:37.87/tsys1/138.0,149.9,144.9,124.8,122.1,107.8,107.0,106.3,$$$$$$$$,120.0 1999.356.13:01:37.88/tsys2/116.5,115.7,103.4,95.9,97.6,100.2,114.1 1999.356.13:01:42.16/wx/8.3,952.5,30.2 1999.356.13:01:42.20/cable/+3.82906E-02 1999.356.13:01:42.25/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,34388,0,1pps 1999.356.13:01:42.30/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,19963,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.13:01:42.38/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,16228,15257,545,1pps 1999.356.13:01:42.46/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.91, -4.34,lock,16042,15841,554,1pps 1999.356.13:01:42.54/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.45, 0.86,lock,16130,16255,550,1pps 1999.356.13:01:44.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:01:44.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:01:44.96:!1999.356.13:03:15 1999.356.13:01:45.76#setcl#time/67730129,1,1999,356,13,01,46.00,0.069,48.377,28 1999.356.13:01:45.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:03:15.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:03:15.00:et 1999.356.13:03:15.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:03:18.05:tape 1999.356.13:03:18.12/tape/low,17420,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:03:18.12:postob 1999.356.13:03:18.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.13:03:24.65:midtp 1999.356.13:03:27.37/tpzero/222,337,249,290,288,273,344,350,1026,294 1999.356.13:03:27.44/tpzero/340,322,341,364,273,280,514 1999.356.13:03:28.14/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,27.28 1999.356.13:03:28.24/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 1999.356.13:03:28.34/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.29 1999.356.13:03:28.44/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.966 1999.356.13:03:28.54/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.132 1999.356.13:03:28.64/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.28 1999.356.13:03:28.74/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.69 1999.356.13:03:28.74:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:03:29.51/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:03:38.63:fastf=0m22s 1999.356.13:04:00.71:!1999.356.13:06:05 1999.356.13:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.13:04:07.80/wx/8.2,952.5,30.3 1999.356.13:06:05.00:preob 1999.356.13:06:07.75/tpical/18580,19066,18904,19250,18919,19811,19599,19684,$$$$$,20363 1999.356.13:06:07.82/tpical/19037,19482,20089,19804,19855,19964,35820 1999.356.13:06:07.89:!1999.356.13:06:15 1999.356.13:06:15.00:tape 1999.356.13:06:15.07/tape/low,17914,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:06:15.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:06:15.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:06:15.12:midob 1999.356.13:06:15.23/tpi/15705,16307,16074,16037,15726,16148,15937,16023,$$$$$,16930 1999.356.13:06:15.30/tpi/15801,16137,16301,15946,16067,16223,29787 1999.356.13:06:15.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:06:15.87/tsys1/102.3,110.0,106.2,93.1,91.9,82.3,80.9,81.3,$$$$$$$$,92.1 1999.356.13:06:15.87/tsys2/86.0,85.1,75.8,72.7,75.1,76.7,87.3 1999.356.13:06:20.36/wx/8.4,952.5,30.1 1999.356.13:06:20.44/cable/+3.82920E-02 1999.356.13:06:20.49/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,29774,0,1pps 1999.356.13:06:20.54/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,16919,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:06:20.62/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,16315,15476,545,1pps 1999.356.13:06:20.70/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.10, -3.49,lock,16124,16200,554,1pps 1999.356.13:06:20.78/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.57,lock,16289,16231,550,1pps 1999.356.13:06:20.84;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.13:06:23.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:06:23.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:06:23.96:!1999.356.13:07:53 1999.356.13:06:24.76#setcl#time/67758029,1,1999,356,13,06,25.00,0.069,48.454,28 1999.356.13:06:24.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:07:53.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:07:53.00:et 1999.356.13:07:53.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:07:56.05:tape 1999.356.13:07:56.12/tape/low,17262,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:07:56.12:postob 1999.356.13:07:56.13:source=1611+343,161147.9,342020.0,1950.0 1999.356.13:08:02.65:checkr80 1999.356.13:08:32.66/parity/18.,0.,0.,0.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,2.,10. 1999.356.13:08:32.66/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.13:08:50.69:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:08:50.99/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:09:00.11:!1999.356.13:10:06 1999.356.13:10:06.00:preob 1999.356.13:10:08.75/tpical/18324,18817,18673,19430,18731,19585,19810,19919,$$$$$,20144 1999.356.13:10:08.82/tpical/19341,18803,19851,19887,19662,19925,37918 1999.356.13:10:08.90:!1999.356.13:10:16 1999.356.13:10:16.00:tape 1999.356.13:10:16.07/tape/low,17261,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:10:16.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:10:16.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:10:16.12:midob 1999.356.13:10:16.23/tpi/15470,16093,15897,16140,15586,15978,16117,16221,$$$$$,16738 1999.356.13:10:16.30/tpi/16150,15697,16251,16134,16024,16291,31704 1999.356.13:10:16.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:10:16.87/tsys1/101.5,109.9,107.1,91.5,92.4,82.7,81.2,81.5,$$$$$$$$,91.7 1999.356.13:10:16.88/tsys2/89.2,89.1,79.6,75.6,77.9,79.3,90.3 1999.356.13:10:20.91/wx/8.3,952.6,29.6 1999.356.13:10:21.08/cable/+3.82871E-02 1999.356.13:10:21.13/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,31697,0,1pps 1999.356.13:10:21.18/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,16726,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:10:21.26/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,16081,15264,545,1pps 1999.356.13:10:21.34/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.10, -3.49,lock,15961,16030,554,1pps 1999.356.13:10:21.42/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.90, 1.22,lock,16215,16140,550,1pps 1999.356.13:10:23.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:10:23.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:10:23.96:!1999.356.13:11:54 1999.356.13:10:24.76#setcl#time/67782029,1,1999,356,13,10,25.00,0.069,48.521,28 1999.356.13:10:24.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:11:54.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:11:54.00:et 1999.356.13:11:54.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:11:57.05:tape 1999.356.13:11:57.12/tape/low,16609,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:11:57.12:postob 1999.356.13:11:57.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.13:12:03.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:12:03.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:12:13.07:!1999.356.13:16:32 1999.356.13:16:32.00:preob 1999.356.13:16:34.75/tpical/18440,19121,18801,19365,18807,20025,20116,19862,$$$$$,19034 1999.356.13:16:34.83/tpical/19610,19030,19730,20140,20035,19785,35276 1999.356.13:16:34.91:!1999.356.13:16:42 1999.356.13:16:42.00:tape 1999.356.13:16:42.07/tape/low,16609,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:16:42.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:16:42.11:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:16:42.11:midob 1999.356.13:16:42.22/tpi/15402,16218,15811,15918,15409,16072,16118,15938,61873,15618 1999.356.13:16:42.29/tpi/16167,15702,15921,16074,16109,16007,29236 1999.356.13:16:42.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:16:42.86/tsys1/94.9,103.9,98.9,86.1,84.5,75.9,75.0,75.5,$$$$$$$$,85.2 1999.356.13:16:42.87/tsys2/82.7,83.2,73.6,69.5,72.6,74.9,85.6 1999.356.13:16:47.11/wx/8.2,952.8,30.5 1999.356.13:16:47.16/cable/+3.82898E-02 1999.356.13:16:47.21/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,61835,29164,0,1pps 1999.356.13:16:47.26/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,15604,96,4095,1pps 1999.356.13:16:47.34/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -8.21,lock,16188,15421,545,1pps 1999.356.13:16:47.42/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.72, -3.10,lock,16059,16279,554,1pps 1999.356.13:16:47.50/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.68,lock,15923,16194,550,1pps 1999.356.13:16:49.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:16:49.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:16:49.96:!1999.356.13:18:20 1999.356.13:16:50.76#setcl#time/67820629,1,1999,356,13,16,51.00,0.069,48.628,28 1999.356.13:16:50.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:18:20.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:18:20.00:et 1999.356.13:18:20.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:18:23.05:tape 1999.356.13:18:23.12/tape/low,15957,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:18:23.12:postob 1999.356.13:18:23.13:source=1357+769,135742.2,765753.8,1950.0 1999.356.13:18:29.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:18:29.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:18:39.07:!1999.356.13:19:36 1999.356.13:19:36.00:preob 1999.356.13:19:38.75/tpical/18494,19215,19366,19714,18750,19966,20073,20165,$$$$$,19000 1999.356.13:19:38.82/tpical/19072,19457,19735,19980,19900,20189,36028 1999.356.13:19:38.89:!1999.356.13:19:46 1999.356.13:19:46.00:tape 1999.356.13:19:46.07/tape/low,15957,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:19:46.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:19:46.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:19:46.12:midob 1999.356.13:19:46.23/tpi/15492,16246,16257,16215,15363,16035,16100,16233,61949,15585 1999.356.13:19:46.30/tpi/15838,16142,16006,16049,16036,16360,29937 1999.356.13:19:46.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:19:46.87/tsys1/96.6,101.8,97.8,86.5,84.6,76.2,75.3,76.7,$$$$$$$$,85.1 1999.356.13:19:46.88/tsys2/86.3,85.9,75.6,71.8,73.4,75.6,87.0 1999.356.13:19:52.03/wx/8.3,952.8,30.1 1999.356.13:19:52.12/cable/+3.82899E-02 1999.356.13:19:52.17/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,61845,29928,0,1pps 1999.356.13:19:52.22/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,15559,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:19:52.30/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -8.21,lock,16213,15456,545,1pps 1999.356.13:19:52.38/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.72, -3.10,lock,16024,16225,554,1pps 1999.356.13:19:52.46/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.11, 1.45,lock,16026,15998,550,1pps 1999.356.13:19:54.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:19:54.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:19:54.96:!1999.356.13:21:24 1999.356.13:19:55.76#setcl#time/67839129,1,1999,356,13,19,56.00,0.069,48.679,28 1999.356.13:19:55.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:21:24.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:21:24.00:et 1999.356.13:21:24.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:21:27.05:tape 1999.356.13:21:27.12/tape/low,15303,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:21:27.12:postob 1999.356.13:21:27.13:source=0718+793,071808.7,791722.7,1950.0 1999.356.13:21:33.66:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:21:33.96/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:21:43.08:!1999.356.13:21:57 1999.356.13:21:57.00:preob 1999.356.13:21:59.75/tpical/18173,18814,18990,19409,19572,19630,20143,19857,$$$$$,18689 1999.356.13:21:59.82/tpical/19154,19612,19889,20048,19954,20162,36144 1999.356.13:21:59.89:!1999.356.13:22:07 1999.356.13:22:07.00:tape 1999.356.13:22:07.07/tape/low,15303,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:22:07.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:22:07.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:22:07.12:midob 1999.356.13:22:07.23/tpi/15157,15879,15887,15883,16006,15693,16101,15886,60677,15274 1999.356.13:22:07.30/tpi/15879,16215,16109,16055,16055,16366,30012 1999.356.13:22:07.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:22:07.87/tsys1/94.1,100.6,95.8,84.0,83.7,74.4,74.1,74.3,$$$$$$$$,83.3 1999.356.13:22:07.88/tsys2/85.4,84.2,75.1,70.7,72.9,76.3,86.6 1999.356.13:22:12.77/wx/8.4,952.9,30.0 1999.356.13:22:12.92/cable/+3.82921E-02 1999.356.13:22:12.97/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,60645,30019,0,1pps 1999.356.13:22:13.02/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,15258,97,4095,1pps 1999.356.13:22:13.10/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -8.21,lock,15883,15140,545,1pps 1999.356.13:22:13.18/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.72, -3.10,lock,15692,15896,554,1pps 1999.356.13:22:13.26/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.11, 1.45,lock,16071,16031,550,1pps 1999.356.13:22:15.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:22:15.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:22:15.96:!1999.356.13:25:01 1999.356.13:22:16.76#setcl#time/67853229,1,1999,356,13,22,17.00,0.069,48.719,28 1999.356.13:22:16.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:25:01.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:25:01.00:et 1999.356.13:25:01.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:25:04.05:tape 1999.356.13:25:04.12/tape/low,14145,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:25:04.12:postob 1999.356.13:25:04.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.13:25:10.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:25:10.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:25:20.07:!1999.356.13:25:47 1999.356.13:25:47.00:preob 1999.356.13:25:49.75/tpical/18722,19475,19386,19649,20134,20398,20290,20257,$$$$$,18042 1999.356.13:25:49.82/tpical/19630,19090,20327,20341,20006,20212,33857 1999.356.13:25:49.90:!1999.356.13:25:57 1999.356.13:25:57.00:tape 1999.356.13:25:57.07/tape/low,14145,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:25:57.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:25:57.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:25:57.12:midob 1999.356.13:25:57.23/tpi/15452,16282,16129,15967,16327,16163,16069,16098,58003,14612 1999.356.13:25:57.30/tpi/16108,15651,16226,16067,15935,16174,27803 1999.356.13:25:57.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:25:57.87/tsys1/88.5,94.9,92.6,80.9,80.0,71.3,70.8,71.9,$$$$$$$$,79.3 1999.356.13:25:57.88/tsys2/80.6,80.2,69.7,66.1,69.2,70.8,81.1 1999.356.13:26:01.88/wx/8.3,952.9,30.2 1999.356.13:26:02.04/cable/+3.82923E-02 1999.356.13:26:02.09/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,57969,27771,0,1pps 1999.356.13:26:02.14/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14604,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:26:02.22/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.54, -7.86,lock,16271,15594,545,1pps 1999.356.13:26:02.30/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.54, -2.91,lock,16136,15854,554,1pps 1999.356.13:26:02.38/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.53, 1.90,lock,16214,16101,550,1pps 1999.356.13:26:04.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:26:04.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:26:04.96:!1999.356.13:27:35 1999.356.13:26:05.76#setcl#time/67876129,1,1999,356,13,26,06.00,0.069,48.782,28 1999.356.13:26:05.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:27:35.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:27:35.00:et 1999.356.13:27:35.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:27:38.05:tape 1999.356.13:27:38.12/tape/low,13491,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:27:38.12:postob 1999.356.13:27:38.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.13:27:44.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:27:44.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.13:27:54.07:!1999.356.13:28:13 1999.356.13:28:13.00:preob 1999.356.13:28:15.75/tpical/18888,18292,19579,19806,19063,20577,20448,20463,$$$$$,18212 1999.356.13:28:15.82/tpical/19361,19565,19964,20314,20039,20297,34694 1999.356.13:28:15.90:!1999.356.13:28:23 1999.356.13:28:23.00:tape 1999.356.13:28:23.07/tape/low,13491,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:28:23.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:28:23.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:28:23.12:midob 1999.356.13:28:23.23/tpi/15623,15339,16267,16099,15453,16303,16223,16222,58612,14758 1999.356.13:28:23.30/tpi/15938,16104,16059,16170,16038,16356,28671 1999.356.13:28:23.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:28:23.87/tsys1/89.6,96.5,91.9,81.0,79.8,71.3,71.4,71.1,$$$$$$$$,79.6 1999.356.13:28:23.88/tsys2/82.0,82.1,72.5,68.7,70.9,73.4,84.1 1999.356.13:28:29.16/wx/8.4,953.1,29.7 1999.356.13:28:29.24/cable/+3.82935E-02 1999.356.13:28:29.29/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,58584,28635,0,1pps 1999.356.13:28:29.34/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14752,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:28:29.42/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -7.86,lock,15330,15745,545,1pps 1999.356.13:28:29.50/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.54, -2.91,lock,16316,16021,554,1pps 1999.356.13:28:29.58/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.32, 1.79,lock,16074,16337,550,1pps 1999.356.13:28:31.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:28:31.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:28:31.96:!1999.356.13:30:05 1999.356.13:28:32.76#setcl#time/67890829,1,1999,356,13,28,33.00,0.069,48.823,28 1999.356.13:28:32.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:30:05.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:30:05.00:et 1999.356.13:30:05.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:30:08.05:tape 1999.356.13:30:08.12/tape/low,12812,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:30:08.12:postob 1999.356.13:30:08.13:source=1101+384,110140.6,382843.3,1950.0 1999.356.13:30:14.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:30:14.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:30:24.07:!1999.356.13:31:06 1999.356.13:31:06.00:preob 1999.356.13:31:08.75/tpical/18607,19376,19298,20024,20073,20318,20228,20235,$$$$$,17979 1999.356.13:31:08.82/tpical/19555,19833,20226,19999,20309,20094,35102 1999.356.13:31:08.89:!1999.356.13:31:16 1999.356.13:31:16.00:tape 1999.356.13:31:16.07/tape/low,12812,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:31:16.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:31:16.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:31:16.12:midob 1999.356.13:31:16.23/tpi/15349,16197,16018,16208,16229,16079,15983,15986,57660,14540 1999.356.13:31:16.30/tpi/16102,16294,16277,15899,16231,16150,28940 1999.356.13:31:16.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:31:16.87/tsys1/88.2,94.8,91.3,79.3,78.8,70.8,70.0,69.9,$$$$$$$$,78.7 1999.356.13:31:16.88/tsys2/82.2,81.2,72.6,68.2,70.4,72.4,83.0 1999.356.13:31:20.99/wx/8.5,952.9,29.5 1999.356.13:31:21.08/cable/+3.82929E-02 1999.356.13:31:21.13/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,57534,28918,0,1pps 1999.356.13:31:21.18/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14504,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:31:21.26/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.54, -7.86,lock,16179,15466,545,1pps 1999.356.13:31:21.34/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.54, -2.91,lock,16015,15773,554,1pps 1999.356.13:31:21.42/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.32, 1.68,lock,16286,16165,550,1pps 1999.356.13:31:23.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:31:23.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:31:23.96:!1999.356.13:35:37 1999.356.13:31:24.76#setcl#time/67908029,1,1999,356,13,31,25.00,0.069,48.871,28 1999.356.13:31:24.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.13:34:07.91/wx/8.5,952.8,29.6 1999.356.13:35:37.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:35:37.00:et 1999.356.13:35:37.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:35:40.05:tape 1999.356.13:35:40.12/tape/low,11073,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:35:40.12:postob 1999.356.13:35:40.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.13:35:46.64:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:35:46.94/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:35:56.06:!1999.356.13:36:48 1999.356.13:36:48.00:preob 1999.356.13:36:50.75/tpical/19180,18704,19680,20219,19494,20623,20544,20781,$$$$$,17465 1999.356.13:36:50.82/tpical/20045,19456,20417,20186,20393,20176,34775 1999.356.13:36:50.89:!1999.356.13:36:58 1999.356.13:36:58.00:tape 1999.356.13:36:58.07/tape/low,11073,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:36:58.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:36:58.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:36:58.12:midob 1999.356.13:36:58.23/tpi/15752,15596,16284,16332,15696,16255,16192,16386,55564,14060 1999.356.13:36:58.30/tpi/16432,15949,16342,15990,16209,16145,28594 1999.356.13:36:58.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:36:58.87/tsys1/86.1,93.3,89.7,78.4,77.1,69.5,69.2,69.3,$$$$$$$$,76.8 1999.356.13:36:58.88/tsys2/80.2,80.2,70.7,67.0,68.6,70.8,81.8 1999.356.13:37:03.02/wx/8.4,953.1,30.1 1999.356.13:37:03.16/cable/+3.82868E-02 1999.356.13:37:03.21/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,55538,28450,0,1pps 1999.356.13:37:03.26/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14047,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:37:03.34/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,15605,16028,545,1pps 1999.356.13:37:03.42/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.36, -2.72,lock,16247,15956,554,1pps 1999.356.13:37:03.50/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.42, 1.79,lock,16325,16186,550,1pps 1999.356.13:37:05.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:37:05.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:37:05.96:!1999.356.13:38:36 1999.356.13:37:06.76#setcl#time/67942229,1,1999,356,13,37,07.00,0.069,48.966,28 1999.356.13:37:06.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:38:36.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:38:36.00:et 1999.356.13:38:36.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:38:39.05:tape 1999.356.13:38:39.12/tape/low,10420,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:38:39.12:postob 1999.356.13:38:39.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.13:38:45.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:38:45.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:38:55.07:!1999.356.13:40:11 1999.356.13:40:11.00:preob 1999.356.13:40:13.75/tpical/19898,19524,19831,20160,20185,20141,20783,20602,$$$$$,17028 1999.356.13:40:13.82/tpical/19742,20050,20616,20632,20501,20394,32821 1999.356.13:40:13.89:!1999.356.13:40:21 1999.356.13:40:21.00:tape 1999.356.13:40:21.07/tape/low,10420,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:40:21.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:40:21.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:40:21.12:midob 1999.356.13:40:21.23/tpi/16236,16169,16264,16183,16172,15776,16273,16133,53837,13622 1999.356.13:40:21.30/tpi/16045,16277,16308,16116,16123,16143,26750 1999.356.13:40:21.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:40:21.87/tsys1/83.1,89.7,85.3,75.9,75.2,67.5,67.1,67.1,$$$$$$$$,74.3 1999.356.13:40:21.88/tsys2/76.5,76.1,66.7,62.8,65.2,67.2,77.8 1999.356.13:40:25.94/wx/8.4,953.2,30.6 1999.356.13:40:26.04/cable/+3.82879E-02 1999.356.13:40:26.09/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,53850,26623,0,1pps 1999.356.13:40:26.14/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13626,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:40:26.22/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.54,lock,16197,15536,545,1pps 1999.356.13:40:26.30/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.36, -2.54,lock,15766,16129,554,1pps 1999.356.13:40:26.38/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16237,16165,550,1pps 1999.356.13:40:28.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:40:28.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:40:28.96:!1999.356.13:41:59 1999.356.13:40:29.76#setcl#time/67962529,1,1999,356,13,40,30.00,0.069,49.022,28 1999.356.13:40:29.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:41:59.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:41:59.00:et 1999.356.13:41:59.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:42:02.05:tape 1999.356.13:42:02.12/tape/low,09768,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:42:02.12:postob 1999.356.13:42:02.13:source=2356+385,235700.0,383400.1,1950.0 1999.356.13:42:08.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:42:08.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:42:18.07:!1999.356.13:42:34 1999.356.13:42:34.00:preob 1999.356.13:42:36.75/tpical/19138,18523,19323,19648,19393,19575,20469,20124,$$$$$,18543 1999.356.13:42:36.82/tpical/19363,19659,19977,20342,20111,19789,34804 1999.356.13:42:36.90:!1999.356.13:42:44 1999.356.13:42:44.00:tape 1999.356.13:42:44.07/tape/low,09768,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:42:44.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:42:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:42:44.12:midob 1999.356.13:42:44.23/tpi/15883,15580,16111,15999,15790,15623,16325,16089,59565,15100 1999.356.13:42:44.30/tpi/16009,16214,16118,16245,16157,15967,28835 1999.356.13:42:44.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:42:44.87/tsys1/91.4,98.4,93.8,81.8,81.7,73.8,73.3,74.1,$$$$$$$$,81.7 1999.356.13:42:44.88/tsys2/84.1,83.0,73.6,69.8,72.3,73.9,85.4 1999.356.13:42:49.95/wx/8.4,953.0,30.7 1999.356.13:42:50.04/cable/+3.82877E-02 1999.356.13:42:50.09/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,59567,28802,0,1pps 1999.356.13:42:50.14/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,15101,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:42:50.22/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.86, -7.86,lock,15567,15991,545,1pps 1999.356.13:42:50.30/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.72, -3.10,lock,16777,15859,554,1pps 1999.356.13:42:50.38/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.32, 1.68,lock,16106,16049,550,1pps 1999.356.13:42:52.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:42:52.96?ERROR an -103 Pointing computer tracking errors are too large. 1999.356.13:42:52.96?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 1999.356.13:42:52.97/onsource/SLEWING 1999.356.13:42:52.97:!1999.356.13:46:51 1999.356.13:42:53.74#setcl#time/67976927,1,1999,356,13,42,54.00,0.078,49.062,30 1999.356.13:42:53.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:46:51.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:46:51.00:et 1999.356.13:46:51.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:46:54.05:tape 1999.356.13:46:54.12/tape/low,08122,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:46:54.12:postob 1999.356.13:46:54.13:source=0444+634,044442.3,632655.7,1950.0 1999.356.13:47:00.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:47:00.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:47:10.07:!1999.356.13:47:48 1999.356.13:47:48.00:preob 1999.356.13:47:50.74/tpical/19596,19232,19522,20310,19894,20589,20840,20895,65060,16782 1999.356.13:47:50.81/tpical/20164,19574,20627,20808,20844,20496,32072 1999.356.13:47:50.89:!1999.356.13:47:58 1999.356.13:47:58.00:tape 1999.356.13:47:58.07/tape/low,08122,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:47:58.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:47:58.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:47:58.12:midob 1999.356.13:47:58.23/tpi/15940,15870,15942,16195,15806,16001,16191,16249,52830,13336 1999.356.13:47:58.30/tpi/16311,15821,16291,16202,16338,16162,26063 1999.356.13:47:58.86/tsys1/81.7,87.8,83.3,73.4,72.1,65.1,64.8,65.0,80.5,71.9 1999.356.13:47:58.87/tsys2/74.6,74.3,66.2,61.9,64.2,66.0,76.5 1999.356.13:48:04.16/wx/8.4,953.2,30.7 1999.356.13:48:04.28/cable/+3.82906E-02 1999.356.13:48:04.33/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,52805,26062,0,1pps 1999.356.13:48:04.38/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13332,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:48:04.46/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15868,16295,545,1pps 1999.356.13:48:04.54/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.54,lock,15982,15754,554,1pps 1999.356.13:48:04.62/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16292,16248,550,1pps 1999.356.13:48:06.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:48:06.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:48:06.96:!1999.356.13:49:36 1999.356.13:48:07.76#setcl#time/68008329,1,1999,356,13,48,08.00,0.068,49.149,28 1999.356.13:48:07.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:49:36.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:49:36.00:et 1999.356.13:49:36.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:49:39.05:tape 1999.356.13:49:39.12/tape/low,07470,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:49:39.12:postob 1999.356.13:49:39.13:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 1999.356.13:49:45.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:49:45.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,53.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.13:49:55.07:!1999.356.13:52:01 1999.356.13:52:01.00:preob 1999.356.13:52:03.75/tpical/19664,19388,19668,20065,20063,20868,20694,20841,65450,16942 1999.356.13:52:03.82/tpical/20065,19546,20557,20760,20451,20453,32001 1999.356.13:52:03.89:!1999.356.13:52:11 1999.356.13:52:11.00:tape 1999.356.13:52:11.07/tape/low,07470,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:52:11.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:52:11.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:52:11.12:midob 1999.356.13:52:11.23/tpi/16015,15966,16085,16044,15990,16280,16104,16248,53219,13500 1999.356.13:52:11.30/tpi/16264,15775,16213,16159,16012,16147,25980 1999.356.13:52:11.86/tsys1/82.2,86.8,84.0,74.4,73.2,66.3,65.2,65.8,81.1,72.9 1999.356.13:52:11.87/tsys2/75.4,73.8,65.8,61.8,63.8,66.3,76.1 1999.356.13:52:16.19/wx/8.5,953.3,30.3 1999.356.13:52:16.28/cable/+3.82933E-02 1999.356.13:52:16.33/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,53200,25970,0,1pps 1999.356.13:52:16.38/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13494,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:52:16.46/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.54,lock,15985,15311,545,1pps 1999.356.13:52:16.54/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.54,lock,16255,16034,554,1pps 1999.356.13:52:16.62/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.22,lock,16193,16184,550,1pps 1999.356.13:52:18.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:52:18.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:52:18.96:!1999.356.13:53:49 1999.356.13:52:19.76#setcl#time/68033529,1,1999,356,13,52,20.00,0.068,49.219,28 1999.356.13:52:19.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:53:49.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:53:49.00:et 1999.356.13:53:49.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:53:52.05:tape 1999.356.13:53:52.12/tape/low,06817,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:53:52.12:postob 1999.356.13:53:52.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.356.13:53:58.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:53:58.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:54:08.07:!1999.356.13:55:38 1999.356.13:55:38.00:preob 1999.356.13:55:40.74/tpical/20309,18547,19943,20356,20266,20646,20848,20841,62557,16147 1999.356.13:55:40.81/tpical/19558,19732,20474,20508,20657,20253,32386 1999.356.13:55:40.89:!1999.356.13:55:48 1999.356.13:55:48.00:tape 1999.356.13:55:48.07/tape/low,06817,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:55:48.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:55:48.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:55:48.12:midob 1999.356.13:55:48.23/tpi/16349,15144,16168,16071,15978,15886,16022,16051,50364,12725 1999.356.13:55:48.30/tpi/15765,15916,16105,15943,16184,15990,26207 1999.356.13:55:48.86/tsys1/77.4,82.7,80.1,70.0,69.5,62.3,61.7,62.3,76.9,69.0 1999.356.13:55:48.87/tsys2/73.2,73.6,64.9,61.4,64.0,66.3,74.8 1999.356.13:55:53.84/wx/8.5,953.2,30.0 1999.356.13:55:53.88/cable/+3.82909E-02 1999.356.13:55:53.93/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,50414,26237,0,1pps 1999.356.13:55:53.98/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12734,96,4095,1pps 1999.356.13:55:54.06/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -7.22,lock,16209,15575,545,1pps 1999.356.13:55:54.14/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.36,lock,15917,15715,554,1pps 1999.356.13:55:54.22/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16109,16016,550,1pps 1999.356.13:55:56.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:55:56.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:55:56.96:!1999.356.13:57:32 1999.356.13:55:57.76#setcl#time/68055329,1,1999,356,13,55,58.00,0.068,49.280,28 1999.356.13:55:57.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.13:57:32.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.13:57:32.00:et 1999.356.13:57:32.04:!+3s 1999.356.13:57:35.05:tape 1999.356.13:57:35.12/tape/low,06124,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:57:35.12:postob 1999.356.13:57:35.13:source=1030+074,103057.1,072655.8,1950.0 1999.356.13:57:41.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.13:57:41.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.13:57:51.07:!1999.356.13:58:15 1999.356.13:58:15.00:preob 1999.356.13:58:17.75/tpical/15445,15468,15989,16119,15455,16323,16140,16208,51403,13030 1999.356.13:58:17.82/tpical/16371,15971,16151,16007,16261,16048,26261 1999.356.13:58:17.89:!1999.356.13:58:25 1999.356.13:58:25.00:tape 1999.356.13:58:25.07/tape/low,06124,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.13:58:25.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.13:58:25.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.13:58:25.12:midob 1999.356.13:58:25.23/tpi/15434,15464,16011,16126,15463,16341,16139,16204,51426,13039 1999.356.13:58:25.30/tpi/16357,15969,16164,15999,16236,16039,26254 1999.356.13:58:25.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:58:25.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:58:25.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:58:25.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:58:25.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:58:25.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ic overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:58:25.88/tsys1/26275.3,71853.2,-13612.6,-42983.4,-36040.6,-16960.7,300105.0,75306.5,-41634.8,-26906.1 1999.356.13:58:25.89?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device bu overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.13:58:25.89/tsys2/20593.3,140823.0,-21908.8,35178.8,11493.4,31518.0,66188.6 1999.356.13:58:30.95/wx/8.5,953.3,30.1 1999.356.13:58:31.00/cable/+3.82889E-02 1999.356.13:58:31.05/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,51548,26272,0,1pps 1999.356.13:58:31.10/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13070,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.13:58:31.18/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15479,15901,545,1pps 1999.356.13:58:31.26/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.36,lock,15743,16149,554,1pps 1999.356.13:58:31.34/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.73, 2.11,lock,16128,16004,550,1pps 1999.356.13:58:33.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.13:58:33.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.13:58:33.96:!1999.356.14:05:55 1999.356.13:58:34.76#setcl#time/68071029,1,1999,356,13,58,35.00,0.068,49.324,28 1999.356.13:58:34.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.14:04:08.07/wx/8.3,953.7,31.1 1999.356.14:05:55.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:05:55.00:et 1999.356.14:05:55.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:05:58.05:tape 1999.356.14:05:58.12/tape/low,03125,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:05:58.12:postob 1999.356.14:05:58.13:source=1219+044,121949.3,042953.8,1950.0 1999.356.14:06:04.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.14:06:04.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.14:06:14.07:!1999.356.14:06:53 1999.356.14:06:34.47;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.14:06:53.00:preob 1999.356.14:06:55.75/tpical/18981,18722,19486,20586,20594,20967,20753,20824,63146,16369 1999.356.14:06:55.82/tpical/19691,19970,20225,20764,20544,20585,32732 1999.356.14:06:55.89:!1999.356.14:07:03 1999.356.14:07:03.00:tape 1999.356.14:07:03.07/tape/low,03125,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:07:03.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.14:07:03.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:07:03.12:midob 1999.356.14:07:03.23/tpi/15325,15362,15838,16340,16308,16224,16087,16140,51001,12959 1999.356.14:07:03.30/tpi/15961,16178,15972,16256,16180,16315,26659 1999.356.14:07:03.86/tsys1/78.5,85.0,81.2,71.8,71.0,63.9,64.1,64.0,78.2,70.6 1999.356.14:07:03.87/tsys2/75.4,75.3,66.2,63.5,65.6,67.6,77.5 1999.356.14:07:08.08/wx/8.4,953.6,31.1 1999.356.14:07:08.12/cable/+3.82895E-02 1999.356.14:07:08.17/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,51004,26650,0,1pps 1999.356.14:07:08.22/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12966,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:07:08.30/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15344,15746,545,1pps 1999.356.14:07:08.38/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.36,lock,16268,16074,554,1pps 1999.356.14:07:08.46/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.11,lock,15985,16289,550,1pps 1999.356.14:07:10.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:07:10.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:07:10.96:!1999.356.14:09:05 1999.356.14:07:11.76#setcl#time/68122729,1,1999,356,14,07,12.00,0.068,49.467,28 1999.356.14:07:11.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:09:05.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:09:05.00:et 1999.356.14:09:05.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:09:08.05:tape 1999.356.14:09:08.12/tape/low,02311,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:09:08.12:postob 1999.356.14:09:08.13:source=3c274,122817.6,124002.0,1950.0 1999.356.14:09:14.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.14:09:14.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.14:09:24.07:!1999.356.14:09:45 1999.356.14:09:45.00:preob 1999.356.14:09:47.75/tpical/19214,18981,19727,20425,19603,20345,20919,20969,63848,16521 1999.356.14:09:47.82/tpical/19661,19101,19899,20084,20367,20107,35218 1999.356.14:09:47.89:!1999.356.14:09:55 1999.356.14:09:55.00:tape 1999.356.14:09:55.07/tape/low,02311,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:09:55.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.14:09:55.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:09:55.12:midob 1999.356.14:09:55.23/tpi/15535,15595,16082,16225,15578,15785,16235,16291,51743,13117 1999.356.14:09:55.30/tpi/16289,15797,16078,16054,16351,16237,29146 1999.356.14:09:55.86/tsys1/79.1,85.6,82.5,72.1,72.2,64.6,64.5,64.7,79.6,71.6 1999.356.14:09:55.87/tsys2/85.1,84.3,74.1,70.1,72.1,74.2,84.9 1999.356.14:09:59.91/wx/8.3,953.4,31.2 1999.356.14:09:59.96/cable/+3.82899E-02 1999.356.14:10:00.01/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,51711,29148,0,1pps 1999.356.14:10:00.07/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,13110,96,4095,1pps 1999.356.14:10:00.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15593,15995,545,1pps 1999.356.14:10:00.23/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.36,lock,15761,16183,554,1pps 1999.356.14:10:00.31/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.22, 1.68,lock,16053,16292,550,1pps 1999.356.14:10:02.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:10:02.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:10:02.96:!1999.356.14:11:33 1999.356.14:10:03.76#setcl#time/68139929,1,1999,356,14,10,04.00,0.068,49.515,28 1999.356.14:10:03.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:11:33.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:11:33.00:et 1999.356.14:11:33.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:11:36.05:tape 1999.356.14:11:36.12/tape/low,01658,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:11:36.12:postob 1999.356.14:11:36.13:source=1116+128,111620.8,125106.9,1950.0 1999.356.14:11:42.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.14:11:42.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.14:11:52.07:!1999.356.14:12:09 1999.356.14:12:09.00:preob 1999.356.14:12:11.75/tpical/19818,19353,19996,20329,19917,21102,20872,20852,61137,15848 1999.356.14:12:11.82/tpical/19733,20047,20405,20539,20565,20330,31605 1999.356.14:12:11.90:!1999.356.14:12:19 1999.356.14:12:19.00:tape 1999.356.14:12:19.07/tape/low,01658,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:12:19.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.14:12:19.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:12:19.12:midob 1999.356.14:12:19.23/tpi/15858,15729,16133,15943,15634,16166,15989,15970,48962,12423 1999.356.14:12:19.30/tpi/15866,16090,15972,15926,16055,15936,25545 1999.356.14:12:19.86/tsys1/75.0,80.7,78.1,67.8,68.1,61.2,60.9,60.8,74.8,67.3 1999.356.14:12:19.87/tsys2/72.3,71.7,63.5,60.7,63.0,64.1,74.3 1999.356.14:12:23.92/wx/8.2,953.4,31.9 1999.356.14:12:23.96/cable/+3.82896E-02 1999.356.14:12:24.01/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,48916,25534,0,1pps 1999.356.14:12:24.07/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12409,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:12:24.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15735,16131,545,1pps 1999.356.14:12:24.23/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16132,15991,554,1pps 1999.356.14:12:24.31/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.82, 2.32,lock,15972,16288,550,1pps 1999.356.14:12:26.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:12:26.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:12:26.96:!1999.356.14:13:57 1999.356.14:12:27.76#setcl#time/68154329,1,1999,356,14,12,28.00,0.068,49.555,28 1999.356.14:12:27.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:13:57.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:13:57.00:et 1999.356.14:13:57.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:14:00.05:tape 1999.356.14:14:00.12/tape/low,01005,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:14:00.12:postob 1999.356.14:14:00.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.14:14:06.65:nw2c2=16 1999.356.14:14:06.95/pass/16,,auto,55.0,,54.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.14:14:16.07:!1999.356.14:15:28 1999.356.14:15:28.00:preob 1999.356.14:15:30.75/tpical/19424,18907,20181,20664,20565,21342,21447,21441,59863,15491 1999.356.14:15:30.82/tpical/19633,19973,20716,21064,20869,20567,30235 1999.356.14:15:30.89:!1999.356.14:15:38 1999.356.14:15:38.00:tape 1999.356.14:15:38.07/tape/low,01005,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:15:38.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.14:15:38.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:15:38.12:midob 1999.356.14:15:38.23/tpi/15453,15321,16165,16099,16049,16209,16346,16333,47705,12065 1999.356.14:15:38.30/tpi/15706,15963,16129,16200,16108,16016,24310 1999.356.14:15:38.86/tsys1/72.9,79.4,75.3,65.8,66.3,59.0,59.6,59.5,72.9,65.3 1999.356.14:15:38.87/tsys2/70.4,70.2,62.0,58.6,59.9,62.2,72.3 1999.356.14:15:43.57/wx/8.3,953.6,31.1 1999.356.14:15:43.64/cable/+3.82914E-02 1999.356.14:15:43.69/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47734,24313,0,1pps 1999.356.14:15:43.74/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12073,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:15:43.82/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15299,15734,545,1pps 1999.356.14:15:43.90/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,16207,16166,554,1pps 1999.356.14:15:43.98/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16120,16148,550,1pps 1999.356.14:15:46.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:15:46.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:15:46.96:!1999.356.14:17:16 1999.356.14:15:47.76#setcl#time/68174329,1,1999,356,14,15,48.00,0.068,49.611,28 1999.356.14:15:47.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:17:16.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:17:16.00:et 1999.356.14:17:16.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:17:19.05:tape 1999.356.14:17:19.12/tape/low,00353,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:17:19.12:postob 1999.356.14:17:19.13:source=0727-115,072758.1,-113452.5,1950.0 1999.356.14:17:25.65:midtp 1999.356.14:17:28.37/tpzero/236,337,270,316,296,290,376,397,773,227 1999.356.14:17:28.44/tpzero/349,329,360,380,297,296,427 1999.356.14:17:29.14/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,27.65 1999.356.14:17:29.24/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 1999.356.14:17:29.34/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.29 1999.356.14:17:29.44/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.968 1999.356.14:17:29.54/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.301 1999.356.14:17:29.64/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.56 1999.356.14:17:29.74/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.69 1999.356.14:17:29.74:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:17:31.09/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:17:40.21:fastr=0m6s 1999.356.14:17:46.29:!1999.356.14:18:20 1999.356.14:18:20.00:preob 1999.356.14:18:22.75/tpical/18145,18472,18621,19218,18810,19263,19927,20122,$$$$$,21578 1999.356.14:18:22.83/tpical/18971,19184,19293,19592,19463,19650,38668 1999.356.14:18:22.91:!1999.356.14:18:30 1999.356.14:18:30.00:tape 1999.356.14:18:30.07/tape/low,00218,low,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:18:30.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:18:30.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:18:30.12:midob 1999.356.14:18:30.23/tpi/15549,16032,16045,16257,15871,15991,16490,16625,$$$$$,18195 1999.356.14:18:30.31/tpi/16054,16195,15975,16125,16064,16309,32763 1999.356.14:18:30.87?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.14:18:30.88/tsys1/112.1,122.2,116.4,102.3,100.7,91.2,89.1,88.2,$$$$$$$$,100.9 1999.356.14:18:30.89/tsys2/96.9,95.5,84.7,81.7,83.5,86.3,98.6 1999.356.14:18:35.40/wx/8.5,953.8,31.0 1999.356.14:18:35.48/cable/+3.82924E-02 1999.356.14:18:35.53/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,32736,0,1pps 1999.356.14:18:35.58/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,18195,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:18:35.66/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16030,15048,545,1pps 1999.356.14:18:35.74/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.49, -3.91,lock,15989,15961,554,1pps 1999.356.14:18:35.82/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 1.68, 1.10,lock,16049,16247,550,1pps 1999.356.14:18:38.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:18:38.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:18:38.96:!1999.356.14:20:08 1999.356.14:18:39.76#setcl#time/68191529,1,1999,356,14,18,40.00,0.068,49.658,28 1999.356.14:18:39.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:20:08.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:20:08.00:et 1999.356.14:20:08.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:20:11.05:tape 1999.356.14:20:11.12/tape/low,00871,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:20:11.13:postob 1999.356.14:20:11.13:source=0642+449,064253.0,445430.9,1950.0 1999.356.14:20:17.65:checkf80 1999.356.14:20:47.66/parity/0.,0.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,4.,2.,4.,0.,0. 1999.356.14:20:47.66/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.14:21:05.69:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:21:05.99/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:21:15.11:!1999.356.14:23:05 1999.356.14:23:05.00:preob 1999.356.14:23:07.75/tpical/20393,19868,20360,20782,20248,20972,21108,21390,58963,15235 1999.356.14:23:07.82/tpical/20288,19850,20893,20868,21079,20803,30024 1999.356.14:23:07.90:!1999.356.14:23:15 1999.356.14:23:15.00:tape 1999.356.14:23:15.07/tape/low,00871,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:23:15.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:23:15.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:23:15.12:midob 1999.356.14:23:15.23/tpi/16229,16040,16307,16166,15755,15885,16015,16259,46930,11829 1999.356.14:23:15.30/tpi/16181,15807,16245,15951,16207,16186,24096 1999.356.14:23:15.86/tsys1/73.0,77.9,75.2,65.2,65.4,58.2,58.3,58.7,72.9,64.7 1999.356.14:23:15.87/tsys2/69.4,68.9,61.5,57.0,58.8,61.9,71.9 1999.356.14:23:20.15/wx/8.7,953.7,29.5 1999.356.14:23:20.28/cable/+3.82952E-02 1999.356.14:23:20.33/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46867,24063,0,1pps 1999.356.14:23:20.38/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11816,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:23:20.46/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,16047,15447,545,1pps 1999.356.14:23:20.54/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,15842,15776,554,1pps 1999.356.14:23:20.62/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16221,16290,550,1pps 1999.356.14:23:22.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:23:22.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:23:22.96:!1999.356.14:24:53 1999.356.14:23:23.76#setcl#time/68219929,1,1999,356,14,23,24.00,0.068,49.737,28 1999.356.14:23:23.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:24:53.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:24:53.00:et 1999.356.14:24:53.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:24:56.05:tape 1999.356.14:24:56.12/tape/low,01524,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:24:56.12:postob 1999.356.14:24:56.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.14:25:02.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:25:02.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:25:12.07:!1999.356.14:25:26 1999.356.14:25:26.00:preob 1999.356.14:25:28.75/tpical/20183,19640,20162,20984,20040,21552,21208,21528,58355,15086 1999.356.14:25:28.82/tpical/20096,20567,20736,21147,20886,20616,29803 1999.356.14:25:28.90:!1999.356.14:25:36 1999.356.14:25:36.00:tape 1999.356.14:25:36.07/tape/low,01524,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:25:36.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:25:36.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:25:36.12:midob 1999.356.14:25:36.23/tpi/16004,15817,16063,16254,15491,16242,16051,16292,46284,11673 1999.356.14:25:36.30/tpi/16030,16334,16022,16143,16052,15987,23840 1999.356.14:25:36.86/tsys1/71.7,76.9,73.2,64.0,63.5,57.1,57.8,57.7,71.6,63.7 1999.356.14:25:36.87/tsys2/69.4,68.1,59.8,56.7,58.7,61.0,70.7 1999.356.14:25:40.89/wx/8.8,953.7,29.5 1999.356.14:25:41.08/cable/+3.82940E-02 1999.356.14:25:41.13/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46295,23829,0,1pps 1999.356.14:25:41.18/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11675,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:25:41.26/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,15834,15266,545,1pps 1999.356.14:25:41.34/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16284,16248,554,1pps 1999.356.14:25:41.42/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16024,16091,550,1pps 1999.356.14:25:43.83/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.14:25:43.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:25:43.96:!1999.356.14:27:14 1999.356.14:25:44.76#setcl#time/68234029,1,1999,356,14,25,45.00,0.068,49.776,28 1999.356.14:25:44.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:27:14.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:27:14.00:et 1999.356.14:27:14.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:27:17.05:tape 1999.356.14:27:17.12/tape/low,02176,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:27:17.12:postob 1999.356.14:27:17.13:source=1101+384,110140.6,382843.3,1950.0 1999.356.14:27:23.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:27:23.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:27:33.07:!1999.356.14:28:18 1999.356.14:28:18.00:preob 1999.356.14:28:20.75/tpical/20543,20031,19998,20827,20349,21093,21231,21519,59393,15328 1999.356.14:28:20.82/tpical/19638,19881,20687,20796,20614,20401,31429 1999.356.14:28:20.90:!1999.356.14:28:28 1999.356.14:28:28.00:tape 1999.356.14:28:28.07/tape/low,02176,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:28:28.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:28:28.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:28:28.12:midob 1999.356.14:28:28.23/tpi/16401,16188,16021,16254,15838,15979,16130,16384,47326,11920 1999.356.14:28:28.30/tpi/15834,15947,16197,16077,16011,16012,25340 1999.356.14:28:28.86/tsys1/74.2,78.4,75.2,66.2,65.5,58.3,58.7,59.2,73.3,65.2 1999.356.14:28:28.87/tsys2/73.3,71.5,63.5,59.9,61.4,64.5,73.6 1999.356.14:28:32.72/wx/8.8,953.7,29.7 1999.356.14:28:32.76/cable/+3.82939E-02 1999.356.14:28:32.81/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,47321,25367,0,1pps 1999.356.14:28:32.86/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11921,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:28:32.94/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,16210,15641,545,1pps 1999.356.14:28:33.02/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,15980,15904,554,1pps 1999.356.14:28:33.10/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16205,16170,550,1pps 1999.356.14:28:35.83/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.14:28:35.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:28:35.96:!1999.356.14:32:48 1999.356.14:28:36.76#setcl#time/68251229,1,1999,356,14,28,37.00,0.067,49.824,28 1999.356.14:28:36.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:32:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:32:48.00:et 1999.356.14:32:48.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:32:51.05:tape 1999.356.14:32:51.12/tape/low,03911,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:32:51.12:postob 1999.356.14:32:51.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.356.14:32:57.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:32:57.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:33:07.07:!1999.356.14:33:21 1999.356.14:33:21.00:preob 1999.356.14:33:23.75/tpical/19980,19460,19993,20716,20931,21268,21539,21612,57730,14906 1999.356.14:33:23.82/tpical/20371,19657,20354,21116,20950,20711,31013 1999.356.14:33:23.90:!1999.356.14:33:31 1999.356.14:33:31.00:tape 1999.356.14:33:31.07/tape/low,03911,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:33:31.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:33:31.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:33:31.12:midob 1999.356.14:33:31.23/tpi/15769,15643,15895,16020,16162,16021,16236,16285,45688,11503 1999.356.14:33:31.30/tpi/16259,15708,15871,16272,16215,16178,24944 1999.356.14:33:31.87/tsys1/70.1,76.2,72.4,63.5,63.2,57.0,56.8,56.7,70.9,63.0 1999.356.14:33:31.87/tsys2/69.6,70.1,62.3,59.1,60.5,63.1,72.7 1999.356.14:33:37.11/wx/8.8,953.8,29.8 1999.356.14:33:37.24/cable/+3.82929E-02 1999.356.14:33:37.29/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45662,24934,0,1pps 1999.356.14:33:37.34/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11503,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:33:37.42/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15625,16067,545,1pps 1999.356.14:33:37.50/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15998,15984,554,1pps 1999.356.14:33:37.58/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.42,lock,15883,16203,550,1pps 1999.356.14:33:39.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:33:39.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:33:39.96:!1999.356.14:35:14 1999.356.14:33:40.76#setcl#time/68281629,1,1999,356,14,33,41.00,0.067,49.909,28 1999.356.14:33:40.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.14:34:08.21/wx/8.8,953.9,29.7 1999.356.14:35:14.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:35:14.00:et 1999.356.14:35:14.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:35:17.05:tape 1999.356.14:35:17.12/tape/low,04596,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:35:17.12:postob 1999.356.14:35:17.13:source=0718+793,071808.7,791722.7,1950.0 1999.356.14:35:23.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:35:23.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:35:33.07:!1999.356.14:37:59 1999.356.14:37:59.00:preob 1999.356.14:38:01.75/tpical/20284,19742,20268,20546,20115,20776,21255,21535,58654,15135 1999.356.14:38:01.82/tpical/19716,20016,20710,20853,20682,20474,31470 1999.356.14:38:01.90:!1999.356.14:38:09 1999.356.14:38:09.00:tape 1999.356.14:38:09.07/tape/low,04596,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:38:09.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:38:09.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:38:09.12:midob 1999.356.14:38:09.23/tpi/16107,15933,16174,15971,15605,15728,16104,16344,46589,11727 1999.356.14:38:09.30/tpi/15857,16052,16205,16108,16028,16030,25375 1999.356.14:38:09.86/tsys1/72.2,77.8,73.8,65.0,64.5,58.1,58.0,58.4,72.2,64.1 1999.356.14:38:09.87/tsys2/72.3,71.4,63.3,59.7,60.8,63.7,73.7 1999.356.14:38:13.68/wx/8.6,953.7,30.1 1999.356.14:38:13.72/cable/+3.82934E-02 1999.356.14:38:13.77/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46570,25370,0,1pps 1999.356.14:38:13.82/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11726,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:38:13.90/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.92,lock,15934,15363,545,1pps 1999.356.14:38:13.98/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -1.84,lock,15672,16286,554,1pps 1999.356.14:38:14.06/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.92, 2.32,lock,16233,16192,550,1pps 1999.356.14:38:16.83/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.356.14:38:16.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:38:16.96:!1999.356.14:40:33 1999.356.14:38:17.76#setcl#time/68309329,1,1999,356,14,38,18.00,0.067,49.986,28 1999.356.14:38:17.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:40:33.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:40:33.00:et 1999.356.14:40:33.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:40:36.05:tape 1999.356.14:40:36.12/tape/low,05556,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:40:36.12:postob 1999.356.14:40:36.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.14:40:42.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:40:42.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:40:52.07:!1999.356.14:41:20 1999.356.14:41:20.00:preob 1999.356.14:41:22.74/tpical/20202,19716,20184,21020,20162,20938,21386,21378,58439,15175 1999.356.14:41:22.81/tpical/20372,20004,20980,20915,20792,20909,30178 1999.356.14:41:22.89:!1999.356.14:41:30 1999.356.14:41:30.00:tape 1999.356.14:41:30.07/tape/low,05556,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:41:30.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:41:30.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:41:30.12:midob 1999.356.14:41:30.23/tpi/16005,15842,16102,16328,15642,15863,16210,16222,46395,11773 1999.356.14:41:30.30/tpi/16272,15965,16305,16033,16051,16233,24197 1999.356.14:41:30.86/tsys1/71.4,76.0,73.7,64.8,64.5,58.3,58.1,58.3,72.0,64.5 1999.356.14:41:30.87/tsys2/69.9,69.7,61.4,57.7,59.8,61.3,71.5 1999.356.14:41:34.98/wx/8.6,953.9,30.5 1999.356.14:41:35.16/cable/+3.82899E-02 1999.356.14:41:35.21/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,46330,24207,0,1pps 1999.356.14:41:35.26/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11749,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:41:35.34/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15801,16287,545,1pps 1999.356.14:41:35.42/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.68, -2.01,lock,15839,15745,554,1pps 1999.356.14:41:35.50/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.53,lock,16311,16008,550,1pps 1999.356.14:41:37.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:41:37.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:41:37.96:!1999.356.14:43:08 1999.356.14:41:38.76#setcl#time/68329429,1,1999,356,14,41,39.00,0.067,50.041,28 1999.356.14:41:38.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:43:08.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:43:08.00:et 1999.356.14:43:08.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:43:11.05:tape 1999.356.14:43:11.12/tape/low,06208,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:43:11.12:postob 1999.356.14:43:11.13:source=2356+385,235700.0,383400.1,1950.0 1999.356.14:43:17.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:43:17.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:43:27.07:!1999.356.14:43:41 1999.356.14:43:41.00:preob 1999.356.14:43:43.74/tpical/19179,18755,19633,20232,19519,20644,20463,20668,$$$$$,17501 1999.356.14:43:43.81/tpical/19475,19756,20162,20647,20484,19960,33590 1999.356.14:43:43.89:!1999.356.14:43:51 1999.356.14:43:51.00:tape 1999.356.14:43:51.07/tape/low,06208,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:43:51.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:43:51.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:43:51.12:midob 1999.356.14:43:51.23/tpi/15768,15655,16245,16353,15730,16318,16162,16316,55612,14119 1999.356.14:43:51.30/tpi/16023,16189,16146,16359,16314,15968,27652 1999.356.14:43:51.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.14:43:51.87/tsys1/86.5,93.9,89.6,78.6,77.4,70.4,69.7,69.5,$$$$$$$$,78.0 1999.356.14:43:51.87/tsys2/81.7,80.0,70.8,67.1,69.1,70.7,82.5 1999.356.14:43:55.72/wx/8.5,953.9,31.0 1999.356.14:43:55.80/cable/+3.82887E-02 1999.356.14:43:55.85/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,55610,27629,0,1pps 1999.356.14:43:55.90/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,14122,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:43:55.98/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,15649,16084,545,1pps 1999.356.14:43:56.06/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.36, -2.72,lock,16317,16014,554,1pps 1999.356.14:43:56.14/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.53, 1.90,lock,16167,16040,550,1pps 1999.356.14:43:58.83/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.14:43:58.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:43:58.96:!1999.356.14:47:58 1999.356.14:43:59.76#setcl#time/68343529,1,1999,356,14,44,00.00,0.067,50.081,28 1999.356.14:43:59.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:47:58.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:47:58.00:et 1999.356.14:47:58.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:48:01.05:tape 1999.356.14:48:01.12/tape/low,07854,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:48:01.12:postob 1999.356.14:48:01.13:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 1999.356.14:48:07.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:48:07.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:48:17.07:!1999.356.14:50:26 1999.356.14:50:26.00:preob 1999.356.14:50:28.75/tpical/19877,19373,19966,20629,20045,21129,20872,21104,61285,15909 1999.356.14:50:28.82/tpical/19661,20011,20150,20729,20519,20524,32722 1999.356.14:50:28.90:!1999.356.14:50:36 1999.356.14:50:36.00:tape 1999.356.14:50:36.07/tape/low,07854,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:50:36.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:50:36.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:50:36.12:midob 1999.356.14:50:36.23/tpi/15975,15842,16164,16308,15836,16316,16115,16317,49327,12550 1999.356.14:50:36.30/tpi/15926,16227,15947,16201,16132,16266,26623 1999.356.14:50:36.86/tsys1/76.6,83.4,79.4,70.3,70.1,63.3,62.9,63.2,77.1,69.7 1999.356.14:50:36.87/tsys2/75.1,75.6,66.8,62.9,65.0,67.5,77.3 1999.356.14:50:41.58/wx/8.5,953.8,30.8 1999.356.14:50:41.72/cable/+3.82899E-02 1999.356.14:50:41.77/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,49299,26627,0,1pps 1999.356.14:50:41.82/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12550,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:50:41.90/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15823,16238,545,1pps 1999.356.14:50:41.98/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.84, -2.18,lock,16313,16155,554,1pps 1999.356.14:50:42.06/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.11,lock,15934,16245,550,1pps 1999.356.14:50:44.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:50:44.96?ERROR an -103 Pointing computer tracking errors are too large. 1999.356.14:50:44.96?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 1999.356.14:50:44.97/onsource/SLEWING 1999.356.14:50:44.97:!1999.356.14:52:30 1999.356.14:50:45.74#setcl#time/68384127,1,1999,356,14,50,46.00,0.077,50.193,30 1999.356.14:50:45.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:52:30.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:52:30.00:et 1999.356.14:52:30.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:52:33.05:tape 1999.356.14:52:33.12/tape/low,08613,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:52:33.12:postob 1999.356.14:52:33.13:source=1351-018,135132.0,-015120.1,1950.0 1999.356.14:52:39.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:52:39.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:52:49.07:!1999.356.14:53:18 1999.356.14:53:18.00:preob 1999.356.14:53:20.75/tpical/19928,19500,20027,20782,20135,20466,20972,20937,61573,15997 1999.356.14:53:20.82/tpical/19709,19998,20160,20749,20581,20572,32796 1999.356.14:53:20.90:!1999.356.14:53:28 1999.356.14:53:28.00:tape 1999.356.14:53:28.07/tape/low,08613,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:53:28.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:53:28.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:53:28.12:midob 1999.356.14:53:28.23/tpi/16031,15932,16226,16409,15925,15806,16225,16210,49576,12629 1999.356.14:53:28.30/tpi/16144,16233,15980,16250,16183,16314,26704 1999.356.14:53:28.86/tsys1/77.0,83.0,79.8,69.9,70.5,63.3,63.4,63.6,77.3,70.0 1999.356.14:53:28.87/tsys2/79.8,76.0,67.3,63.5,65.0,67.7,77.6 1999.356.14:53:33.42/wx/8.6,954.0,31.0 1999.356.14:53:33.56/cable/+3.82879E-02 1999.356.14:53:33.61/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,49569,26773,0,1pps 1999.356.14:53:33.66/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,12629,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:53:33.74/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15914,16354,545,1pps 1999.356.14:53:33.82/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -2.01, -2.18,lock,15834,16262,554,1pps 1999.356.14:53:33.90/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.63, 2.11,lock,15980,16293,550,1pps 1999.356.14:53:36.83/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.14:53:36.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:53:36.96:!1999.356.14:56:48 1999.356.14:53:37.76#setcl#time/68401329,1,1999,356,14,53,38.00,0.067,50.241,28 1999.356.14:53:37.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.14:56:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.14:56:48.00:et 1999.356.14:56:48.04:!+3s 1999.356.14:56:51.05:tape 1999.356.14:56:51.12/tape/low,09946,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:56:51.12:postob 1999.356.14:56:51.13:source=3c418,203707.5,510835.6,1950.0 1999.356.14:56:57.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.14:56:57.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.14:57:07.07:!1999.356.14:58:36 1999.356.14:58:36.00:preob 1999.356.14:58:38.74/tpical/20720,20304,20420,21090,20563,21711,21592,21711,56454,14661 1999.356.14:58:38.81/tpical/19947,20270,20973,21242,21092,20815,30601 1999.356.14:58:38.89:!1999.356.14:58:46 1999.356.14:58:46.00:tape 1999.356.14:58:46.07/tape/low,09946,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.14:58:46.07:st=for,80 1999.356.14:58:46.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.14:58:46.12:midob 1999.356.14:58:46.23/tpi/16458,16387,16324,16413,16013,16514,16425,16554,44944,11401 1999.356.14:58:46.30/tpi/16133,16277,16449,16472,16403,16326,24739 1999.356.14:58:46.86/tsys1/72.3,77.9,74.5,65.4,65.6,59.3,59.0,59.5,72.9,65.1 1999.356.14:58:46.87/tsys2/74.5,71.9,64.0,60.7,61.8,64.3,74.7 1999.356.14:58:50.90/wx/8.4,953.9,31.8 1999.356.14:58:51.00/cable/+3.82876E-02 1999.356.14:58:51.05/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44929,24718,0,1pps 1999.356.14:58:51.10/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11395,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.14:58:51.18/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15431,15860,545,1pps 1999.356.14:58:51.26/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15910,15906,554,1pps 1999.356.14:58:51.34/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16093,16097,550,1pps 1999.356.14:58:53.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.14:58:53.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.14:58:53.96:!1999.356.15:00:24 1999.356.14:58:54.76#setcl#time/68433029,1,1999,356,14,58,55.00,0.067,50.329,28 1999.356.14:58:54.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:00:24.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:00:24.00:et 1999.356.15:00:24.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:00:27.05:tape 1999.356.15:00:27.12/tape/low,10599,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:00:27.12:postob 1999.356.15:00:27.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.15:00:33.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.15:00:33.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.15:00:43.07:!1999.356.15:01:07 1999.356.15:01:07.00:preob 1999.356.15:01:09.75/tpical/20362,19856,20662,21107,20180,21260,21540,21571,55408,14361 1999.356.15:01:09.82/tpical/20369,19960,20734,21039,20858,20614,30234 1999.356.15:01:09.89:!1999.356.15:01:17 1999.356.15:01:17.00:tape 1999.356.15:01:17.07/tape/low,10599,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:01:17.07:st=for,80 1999.356.15:01:17.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:01:17.12:midob 1999.356.15:01:17.23/tpi/15950,15815,16266,16163,15449,15895,16113,16171,43517,10992 1999.356.15:01:17.31/tpi/16206,15844,16032,16059,15988,15930,24143 1999.356.15:01:17.87/tsys1/67.7,72.8,69.1,60.9,60.9,55.3,55.1,55.5,68.3,60.7 1999.356.15:01:17.88/tsys2/68.6,67.8,60.0,56.7,58.0,60.1,70.1 1999.356.15:01:23.10/wx/8.3,953.9,31.7 1999.356.15:01:23.16/cable/+3.82892E-02 1999.356.15:01:23.21/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43499,24156,0,1pps 1999.356.15:01:23.26/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10988,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:01:23.34/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15821,16252,545,1pps 1999.356.15:01:23.42/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15875,15910,554,1pps 1999.356.15:01:23.50/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,16032,16014,550,1pps 1999.356.15:01:23.76#setcl#time/68447929,1,1999,356,15,01,24.00,0.067,50.371,28 1999.356.15:01:23.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:01:26.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:01:26.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:01:26.96:!1999.356.15:02:55 1999.356.15:01:49.46;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.15:02:55.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:02:55.00:et 1999.356.15:02:55.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:02:58.05:tape 1999.356.15:02:58.12/tape/low,11251,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:02:58.12:postob 1999.356.15:02:58.13:source=1030+074,103057.1,072655.8,1950.0 1999.356.15:03:04.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.15:03:04.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.15:03:14.07:!1999.356.15:07:59 1999.356.15:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.15:04:08.39/wx/8.2,954.2,32.6 1999.356.15:07:20.45;"weather rpt. overcast 1999.356.15:07:59.00:preob 1999.356.15:08:01.75/tpical/20266,19809,20657,21258,21312,21287,21531,21913,55362,14401 1999.356.15:08:01.83/tpical/20350,20129,21162,21348,21131,20863,29355 1999.356.15:08:01.91:!1999.356.15:08:09 1999.356.15:08:09.00:tape 1999.356.15:08:09.07/tape/low,11251,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:08:09.07:st=for,80 1999.356.15:08:09.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:08:09.12:midob 1999.356.15:08:09.23/tpi/15807,15704,16259,16248,16284,15858,16042,16338,43358,11001 1999.356.15:08:09.30/tpi/16149,15921,16311,16259,16173,16095,23419 1999.356.15:08:09.86/tsys1/66.3,71.1,69.1,60.4,60.4,54.5,54.2,54.3,67.4,60.2 1999.356.15:08:09.87/tsys2/67.7,66.7,59.2,56.2,57.6,59.6,69.7 1999.356.15:08:13.87/wx/8.1,954.2,33.2 1999.356.15:08:14.03/cable/+3.82914E-02 1999.356.15:08:14.08/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43360,23432,0,1pps 1999.356.15:08:14.13/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10999,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:08:14.21/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15711,16155,545,1pps 1999.356.15:08:14.29/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15839,15892,554,1pps 1999.356.15:08:14.37/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.73,lock,16313,16101,550,1pps 1999.356.15:08:16.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:08:16.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:08:16.96:!1999.356.15:15:39 1999.356.15:08:17.76#setcl#time/68489329,1,1999,356,15,08,18.00,0.067,50.486,28 1999.356.15:08:17.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:15:39.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:15:39.00:et 1999.356.15:15:39.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:15:42.05:tape 1999.356.15:15:42.12/tape/low,14251,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:15:42.12:postob 1999.356.15:15:42.13:source=1116+128,111620.8,125106.9,1950.0 1999.356.15:15:48.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.15:15:48.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.15:15:58.07:!1999.356.15:16:12 1999.356.15:16:12.00:preob 1999.356.15:16:14.74/tpical/19823,20353,20708,21230,20843,21606,21859,22074,54279,14091 1999.356.15:16:14.81/tpical/20267,20005,21107,21222,21442,21173,29231 1999.356.15:16:14.89:!1999.356.15:16:22 1999.356.15:16:22.00:tape 1999.356.15:16:22.07/tape/low,14251,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:16:22.07:st=for,80 1999.356.15:16:22.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:16:22.12:midob 1999.356.15:16:22.23/tpi/15415,16049,16210,16085,15808,15956,16178,16359,42280,10684 1999.356.15:16:22.30/tpi/16014,15808,16241,16085,16375,16313,23339 1999.356.15:16:22.86/tsys1/65.4,69.4,67.3,58.2,58.5,52.7,52.8,53.1,65.7,58.3 1999.356.15:16:22.87/tsys2/66.3,66.4,58.7,55.0,57.1,59.3,70.0 1999.356.15:16:28.10/wx/8.1,954.5,33.2 1999.356.15:16:28.27/cable/+3.82923E-02 1999.356.15:16:28.32/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42279,23236,0,1pps 1999.356.15:16:28.37/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10685,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:16:28.45/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,16077,15746,545,1pps 1999.356.15:16:28.53/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15959,15962,554,1pps 1999.356.15:16:28.61/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.73,lock,16216,15980,550,1pps 1999.356.15:16:30.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:16:30.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:16:30.96:!1999.356.15:18:13 1999.356.15:16:31.76#setcl#time/68538729,1,1999,356,15,16,32.00,0.066,50.623,28 1999.356.15:16:31.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:18:13.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:18:13.00:et 1999.356.15:18:13.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:18:16.05:tape 1999.356.15:18:16.12/tape/low,14990,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:18:16.12:postob 1999.356.15:18:16.13:source=1219+044,121949.3,042953.8,1950.0 1999.356.15:18:22.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.15:18:22.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.15:18:32.08:!1999.356.15:19:02 1999.356.15:19:02.00:preob 1999.356.15:19:04.74/tpical/20284,19896,20699,21200,21354,21402,21636,21685,55476,14424 1999.356.15:19:04.81/tpical/20130,19764,20949,20887,21175,20937,30019 1999.356.15:19:04.89:!1999.356.15:19:12 1999.356.15:19:12.00:tape 1999.356.15:19:12.07/tape/low,14990,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:19:12.07:st=for,80 1999.356.15:19:12.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:19:12.12:midob 1999.356.15:19:12.23/tpi/15891,15818,16301,16253,16344,15983,16146,16231,43512,11035 1999.356.15:19:12.30/tpi/16003,15726,16201,15973,16314,16241,24022 1999.356.15:19:12.86/tsys1/67.7,72.1,69.3,61.2,60.9,55.0,54.6,55.2,67.9,60.6 1999.356.15:19:12.87/tsys2/68.3,68.6,60.1,57.1,59.3,61.1,70.8 1999.356.15:19:16.66/wx/8.1,954.7,33.7 1999.356.15:19:16.76/cable/+3.82919E-02 1999.356.15:19:16.81/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43522,24024,0,1pps 1999.356.15:19:16.86/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11032,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:19:16.94/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15788,16208,545,1pps 1999.356.15:19:17.02/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15983,15980,554,1pps 1999.356.15:19:17.10/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16207,16242,550,1pps 1999.356.15:19:19.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:19:19.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:19:19.96:!1999.356.15:21:13 1999.356.15:19:20.76#setcl#time/68555629,1,1999,356,15,19,21.00,0.066,50.670,28 1999.356.15:19:20.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:21:13.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:21:13.00:et 1999.356.15:21:13.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:21:16.05:tape 1999.356.15:21:16.12/tape/low,15796,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:21:16.12:postob 1999.356.15:21:16.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.15:21:22.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.15:21:22.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.15:21:32.07:!1999.356.15:22:41 1999.356.15:22:41.00:preob 1999.356.15:22:43.75/tpical/20966,20183,20579,21484,20691,21479,21748,21965,53969,14001 1999.356.15:22:43.82/tpical/20530,20322,21231,21651,21168,20892,28438 1999.356.15:22:43.89:!1999.356.15:22:51 1999.356.15:22:51.00:tape 1999.356.15:22:51.07/tape/low,15796,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:22:51.07:st=for,80 1999.356.15:22:51.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:22:51.12:midob 1999.356.15:22:51.23/tpi/16274,15915,16083,16319,15711,15873,16099,16289,42007,10610 1999.356.15:22:51.30/tpi/16166,16002,16259,16341,16100,16037,22591 1999.356.15:22:51.86/tsys1/64.9,69.3,66.8,58.9,58.8,52.8,52.9,53.2,65.5,58.2 1999.356.15:22:51.87/tsys2/65.2,65.3,57.6,54.1,56.1,58.4,68.2 1999.356.15:22:55.96/wx/8.0,954.6,33.6 1999.356.15:22:56.11/cable/+3.82935E-02 1999.356.15:22:56.16/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42002,22596,0,1pps 1999.356.15:22:56.21/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10607,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:22:56.29/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,15929,15649,545,1pps 1999.356.15:22:56.37/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15893,15909,554,1pps 1999.356.15:22:56.45/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.57, 2.92,lock,16237,16158,550,1pps 1999.356.15:22:58.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:22:58.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:22:58.96:!1999.356.15:24:29 1999.356.15:22:59.76#setcl#time/68577529,1,1999,356,15,23,00.00,0.066,50.731,28 1999.356.15:22:59.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:24:29.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:24:29.00:et 1999.356.15:24:29.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:24:32.05:tape 1999.356.15:24:32.12/tape/low,16448,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:24:32.12:postob 1999.356.15:24:32.13:source=4c39.25,092355.3,391523.8,1950.0 1999.356.15:24:38.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.15:24:38.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.15:24:48.07:!1999.356.15:25:07 1999.356.15:25:07.00:preob 1999.356.15:25:09.75/tpical/20220,19722,20590,21039,21026,21784,21700,21923,55089,14250 1999.356.15:25:09.82/tpical/20324,19871,21227,20990,21095,20916,28950 1999.356.15:25:09.90:!1999.356.15:25:17 1999.356.15:25:17.00:tape 1999.356.15:25:17.07/tape/low,16448,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:25:17.07:st=for,80 1999.356.15:25:17.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:25:17.12:midob 1999.356.15:25:17.23/tpi/15787,15659,16164,16064,16040,16151,16093,16273,43097,10847 1999.356.15:25:17.30/tpi/16057,15746,16332,15948,16133,16141,23107 1999.356.15:25:17.86/tsys1/66.7,71.7,68.2,60.1,60.0,53.5,53.3,53.4,67.1,59.3 1999.356.15:25:17.87/tsys2/66.3,67.3,58.7,55.6,57.4,59.7,69.9 1999.356.15:25:21.61/wx/8.0,955.0,33.5 1999.356.15:25:21.71/cable/+3.82927E-02 1999.356.15:25:21.76/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43103,23186,0,1pps 1999.356.15:25:21.81/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10844,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:25:21.89/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15660,16120,545,1pps 1999.356.15:25:21.97/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16153,16181,554,1pps 1999.356.15:25:22.05/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16337,16273,550,1pps 1999.356.15:25:24.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:25:24.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:25:24.96:!1999.356.15:26:55 1999.356.15:25:25.76#setcl#time/68592129,1,1999,356,15,25,26.00,0.066,50.771,28 1999.356.15:25:25.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:26:55.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:26:55.00:et 1999.356.15:26:55.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:26:58.05:tape 1999.356.15:26:58.12/tape/low,17101,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:26:58.12:postob 1999.356.15:26:58.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.356.15:27:04.65:nw2c1=17 1999.356.15:27:04.95/pass/17,,auto,110.0,,110.5,,0.5, 1999.356.15:27:14.07:!1999.356.15:28:01 1999.356.15:28:01.00:preob 1999.356.15:28:03.75/tpical/19970,20347,20820,21204,20852,21597,21853,22040,54413,14091 1999.356.15:28:03.82/tpical/19849,20347,21034,21053,21187,20964,29626 1999.356.15:28:03.90:!1999.356.15:28:11 1999.356.15:28:11.00:tape 1999.356.15:28:11.07/tape/low,17101,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:28:11.07:st=for,80 1999.356.15:28:11.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:28:11.12:midob 1999.356.15:28:11.23/tpi/15548,16092,16312,16143,15819,15941,16189,16335,42432,10691 1999.356.15:28:11.30/tpi/15768,16144,16233,16022,16219,16222,23667 1999.356.15:28:11.86/tsys1/65.8,70.4,67.6,59.4,58.6,52.6,53.0,53.1,66.1,58.5 1999.356.15:28:11.87/tsys2/68.0,67.7,59.5,56.0,57.7,60.5,70.2 1999.356.15:28:16.72/wx/8.0,955.1,34.5 1999.356.15:28:16.76/cable/+3.82929E-02 1999.356.15:28:16.81/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42437,23659,0,1pps 1999.356.15:28:16.86/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10696,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:28:16.94/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,16095,15800,545,1pps 1999.356.15:28:17.02/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15924,15949,554,1pps 1999.356.15:28:17.10/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16229,16336,550,1pps 1999.356.15:28:19.83/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.15:28:19.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:28:19.96:!1999.356.15:29:52 1999.356.15:28:20.76#setcl#time/68609629,1,1999,356,15,28,21.00,0.066,50.820,28 1999.356.15:28:20.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:29:52.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:29:52.00:et 1999.356.15:29:52.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:29:55.05:tape 1999.356.15:29:55.12/tape/low,17774,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:29:55.12:postob 1999.356.15:29:55.13:source=1101+384,110140.6,382843.3,1950.0 1999.356.15:30:01.65:midtp 1999.356.15:30:04.36/tpzero/228,349,278,326,297,291,389,413,727,215 1999.356.15:30:04.43/tpzero/351,334,365,381,302,301,421 1999.356.15:30:05.13/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.63 1999.356.15:30:05.23/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 1999.356.15:30:05.33/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.41 1999.356.15:30:05.43/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.970 1999.356.15:30:05.53/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.471 1999.356.15:30:05.63/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,27.06 1999.356.15:30:05.73/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.22 1999.356.15:30:05.73:nw2c2=18 1999.356.15:30:06.50/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,109.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.15:30:15.62:fastf=0m6s 1999.356.15:30:21.70:!1999.356.15:30:37 1999.356.15:30:37.00:preob 1999.356.15:30:39.75/tpical/20203,19698,20586,21410,21060,21754,21656,21885,55028,14221 1999.356.15:30:39.82/tpical/20131,19701,20862,21204,20926,20704,29867 1999.356.15:30:39.89:!1999.356.15:30:47 1999.356.15:30:47.00:tape 1999.356.15:30:47.07/tape/low,17909,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:30:47.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.15:30:47.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:30:47.12:midob 1999.356.15:30:47.23/tpi/15793,15635,16161,16331,16021,16147,16106,16281,43071,10828 1999.356.15:30:47.30/tpi/16038,15666,16149,16226,16062,16072,23927 1999.356.15:30:47.86/tsys1/67.1,71.5,68.2,59.9,59.3,53.7,53.8,53.8,67.3,59.4 1999.356.15:30:47.87/tsys2/69.0,68.4,60.3,57.3,58.3,61.3,71.2 1999.356.15:30:52.19/wx/7.9,955.0,34.2 1999.356.15:30:52.27/cable/+3.82941E-02 1999.356.15:30:52.32/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43075,23929,0,1pps 1999.356.15:30:52.37/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10826,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:30:52.45/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15644,16122,545,1pps 1999.356.15:30:52.53/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16163,16171,554,1pps 1999.356.15:30:52.61/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16152,16190,550,1pps 1999.356.15:30:54.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:30:54.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:30:54.96:!1999.356.15:35:06 1999.356.15:30:55.76#setcl#time/68625129,1,1999,356,15,30,56.00,0.066,50.863,28 1999.356.15:30:55.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.15:34:08.57/wx/8.2,955.0,32.9 1999.356.15:35:06.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:35:06.00:et 1999.356.15:35:06.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:35:09.05:tape 1999.356.15:35:09.12/tape/low,16183,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:35:09.12:postob 1999.356.15:35:09.13:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 1999.356.15:35:15.65:checkr80 1999.356.15:35:45.66/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,2. 1999.356.15:35:45.66/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.15:36:03.69:nw2c2=18 1999.356.15:36:03.99/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,109.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.15:36:13.11:!1999.356.15:37:19 1999.356.15:37:19.00:preob 1999.356.15:37:21.75/tpical/19660,19235,20296,20995,20910,21271,21460,21259,57112,14852 1999.356.15:37:21.82/tpical/19466,19068,20112,20439,19968,20146,30143 1999.356.15:37:21.90:!1999.356.15:37:29 1999.356.15:37:29.00:tape 1999.356.15:37:29.07/tape/low,16183,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:37:29.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.15:37:29.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:37:29.12:midob 1999.356.15:37:29.23/tpi/15529,15468,16151,16251,16153,16078,16235,16096,45202,11488 1999.356.15:37:29.30/tpi/16153,15801,16250,16297,15986,16191,25050 1999.356.15:37:29.86/tsys1/70.4,76.3,72.8,63.8,63.3,57.8,57.6,57.7,71.0,63.7 1999.356.15:37:29.87/tsys2/85.9,85.2,74.0,69.2,70.9,72.3,87.0 1999.356.15:37:34.78/wx/8.1,955.0,32.6 1999.356.15:37:34.83/cable/+3.82915E-02 1999.356.15:37:34.88/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,45182,25028,0,1pps 1999.356.15:37:34.93/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11482,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:37:35.01/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15460,15826,545,1pps 1999.356.15:37:35.10/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,16069,16009,554,1pps 1999.356.15:37:35.18/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16280,16275,550,1pps 1999.356.15:37:37.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:37:37.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:37:37.96:!1999.356.15:39:07 1999.356.15:37:38.76#setcl#time/68665429,1,1999,356,15,37,39.00,0.066,50.975,28 1999.356.15:37:38.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:39:07.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:39:07.00:et 1999.356.15:39:07.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:39:10.05:tape 1999.356.15:39:10.12/tape/low,15530,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:39:10.12:postob 1999.356.15:39:10.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.15:39:16.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.15:39:16.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.15:39:26.07:!1999.356.15:41:05 1999.356.15:41:05.00:preob 1999.356.15:41:07.75/tpical/20216,19698,20562,21108,21228,21263,21862,21872,55094,14341 1999.356.15:41:07.82/tpical/19617,19385,20207,20315,20558,20228,28174 1999.356.15:41:07.89:!1999.356.15:41:15 1999.356.15:41:15.00:tape 1999.356.15:41:15.07/tape/low,15530,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:41:15.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.15:41:15.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:41:15.12:midob 1999.356.15:41:15.23/tpi/15816,15655,16162,16113,16226,15885,16354,16369,43162,10959 1999.356.15:41:15.30/tpi/16134,15951,16166,15950,16246,16108,23244 1999.356.15:41:15.86/tsys1/67.3,71.9,68.6,60.1,60.5,55.1,55.1,55.1,67.6,60.4 1999.356.15:41:15.87/tsys2/81.6,81.9,70.4,64.2,66.6,69.1,83.3 1999.356.15:41:20.62/wx/7.9,955.0,33.5 1999.356.15:41:20.75/cable/+3.82882E-02 1999.356.15:41:20.80/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43145,23197,0,1pps 1999.356.15:41:20.85/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10954,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:41:20.93/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,15651,16084,545,1pps 1999.356.15:41:21.01/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,15864,15913,554,1pps 1999.356.15:41:21.10/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.73,lock,16170,15973,550,1pps 1999.356.15:41:23.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:41:23.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:41:23.96:!1999.356.15:42:53 1999.356.15:41:24.76#setcl#time/68688029,1,1999,356,15,41,25.00,0.066,51.037,28 1999.356.15:41:24.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:42:53.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:42:53.00:et 1999.356.15:42:53.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:42:56.05:tape 1999.356.15:42:56.12/tape/low,14877,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:42:56.12:postob 1999.356.15:42:56.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.15:43:02.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.15:43:02.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.15:43:12.07:!1999.356.15:43:26 1999.356.15:43:26.00:preob 1999.356.15:43:28.75/tpical/20755,19972,20965,21190,20544,21349,21605,21832,53333,13874 1999.356.15:43:28.82/tpical/19198,19771,20094,20407,20488,20232,27639 1999.356.15:43:28.89:!1999.356.15:43:36 1999.356.15:43:36.00:tape 1999.356.15:43:36.07/tape/low,14877,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:43:36.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.15:43:36.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:43:36.12:midob 1999.356.15:43:36.23/tpi/16047,15709,16312,16066,15528,15764,15971,16155,41426,10493 1999.356.15:43:36.30/tpi/15718,16156,15924,15908,16084,15985,22637 1999.356.15:43:36.86/tsys1/63.8,68.5,65.5,58.4,57.7,52.6,52.5,52.7,64.9,57.8 1999.356.15:43:36.87/tsys2/79.5,78.8,67.2,62.1,64.5,66.5,79.9 1999.356.15:43:41.36/wx/8.0,955.1,34.1 1999.356.15:43:41.56/cable/+3.82894E-02 1999.356.15:43:41.61/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41421,22649,0,1pps 1999.356.15:43:41.66/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10490,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:43:41.74/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,15744,15421,545,1pps 1999.356.15:43:41.82/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15750,15751,554,1pps 1999.356.15:43:41.90/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.92,lock,15929,16196,550,1pps 1999.356.15:43:44.83/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.15:43:44.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:43:44.96:!1999.356.15:45:14 1999.356.15:43:45.76#setcl#time/68702129,1,1999,356,15,43,46.00,0.066,51.077,28 1999.356.15:43:45.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:45:14.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:45:14.00:et 1999.356.15:45:14.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:45:17.05:tape 1999.356.15:45:17.12/tape/low,14225,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:45:17.12:postob 1999.356.15:45:17.13:source=0014+813,001404.5,811828.2,1950.0 1999.356.15:45:23.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.15:45:23.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.15:45:33.07:!1999.356.15:45:48 1999.356.15:45:48.00:preob 1999.356.15:45:50.75/tpical/19861,20291,20718,21499,20753,21475,21761,21912,54150,14024 1999.356.15:45:50.83/tpical/19241,19641,20234,20726,20403,20250,28640 1999.356.15:45:50.90:!1999.356.15:45:58 1999.356.15:45:58.00:tape 1999.356.15:45:58.07/tape/low,14225,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:45:58.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.15:45:58.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:45:58.12:midob 1999.356.15:45:58.23/tpi/15485,16075,16225,16352,15766,15903,16134,16310,42263,10647 1999.356.15:45:58.31/tpi/15781,16098,16146,16223,16069,16050,23549 1999.356.15:45:58.87/tsys1/66.2,70.9,67.4,59.2,58.9,53.2,53.2,53.9,66.4,58.7 1999.356.15:45:58.88/tsys2/80.3,80.1,69.5,63.3,65.5,67.5,81.8 1999.356.15:46:03.74/wx/8.0,955.1,33.6 1999.356.15:46:03.79/cable/+3.82910E-02 1999.356.15:46:03.84/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42252,23574,0,1pps 1999.356.15:46:03.89/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10647,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:46:03.97/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16091,16179,545,1pps 1999.356.15:46:04.05/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15890,15921,554,1pps 1999.356.15:46:04.13/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16115,16284,550,1pps 1999.356.15:46:06.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:46:06.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:46:06.96:!1999.356.15:49:07 1999.356.15:46:07.76#setcl#time/68716329,1,1999,356,15,46,08.00,0.066,51.116,28 1999.356.15:46:07.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:49:07.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:49:07.00:et 1999.356.15:49:07.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:49:10.05:tape 1999.356.15:49:10.12/tape/low,12966,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:49:10.12:postob 1999.356.15:49:10.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.15:49:16.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.15:49:16.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.15:49:26.07:!1999.356.15:50:12 1999.356.15:50:12.00:preob 1999.356.15:50:14.75/tpical/20810,20005,21032,21322,20574,22064,21919,22053,53503,13903 1999.356.15:50:14.82/tpical/19649,19541,20266,20693,20783,20437,27366 1999.356.15:50:14.89:!1999.356.15:50:22 1999.356.15:50:22.00:tape 1999.356.15:50:22.07/tape/low,12966,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:50:22.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.15:50:22.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:50:22.12:midob 1999.356.15:50:22.23/tpi/16137,15792,16421,16215,15604,16308,16227,16349,41659,10542 1999.356.15:50:22.30/tpi/16028,15934,16054,16118,16272,16117,22379 1999.356.15:50:22.86/tsys1/64.7,69.6,66.5,59.1,58.5,52.9,52.9,53.1,65.7,58.4 1999.356.15:50:22.87/tsys2/77.9,77.8,67.0,61.9,63.7,65.9,79.3 1999.356.15:50:27.22/wx/7.9,955.1,33.5 1999.356.15:50:27.31/cable/+3.82920E-02 1999.356.15:50:27.36/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41751,22385,0,1pps 1999.356.15:50:27.41/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10563,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:50:27.49/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15808,15960,545,1pps 1999.356.15:50:27.57/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.52,lock,16358,15828,554,1pps 1999.356.15:50:27.65/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.57, 3.02,lock,16049,16301,550,1pps 1999.356.15:50:29.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.15:50:29.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:50:29.96:!1999.356.15:52:00 1999.356.15:50:30.76#setcl#time/68742629,1,1999,356,15,50,31.00,0.066,51.189,28 1999.356.15:50:30.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:52:00.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:52:00.00:et 1999.356.15:52:00.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:52:03.05:tape 1999.356.15:52:03.12/tape/low,12314,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:52:03.12:postob 1999.356.15:52:03.13:source=1611+343,161147.9,342020.0,1950.0 1999.356.15:52:09.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.15:52:09.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.15:52:19.07:!1999.356.15:56:18 1999.356.15:56:18.00:preob 1999.356.15:56:20.75/tpical/20669,19902,20820,21458,21434,21794,21727,21847,53043,13737 1999.356.15:56:20.82/tpical/19905,19657,20277,20764,20580,20301,28680 1999.356.15:56:20.89:!1999.356.15:56:28 1999.356.15:56:28.00:tape 1999.356.15:56:28.07/tape/low,12314,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:56:28.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.15:56:28.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:56:28.12:midob 1999.356.15:56:28.23/tpi/16016,15711,16270,16203,16236,16082,16057,16174,41256,10396 1999.356.15:56:28.30/tpi/16313,16080,16190,16309,16240,16153,23572 1999.356.15:56:28.86/tsys1/64.5,69.6,66.8,57.4,58.3,52.5,52.5,52.8,65.3,57.9 1999.356.15:56:28.87/tsys2/80.0,79.2,69.7,64.4,66.1,68.8,81.6 1999.356.15:56:33.81/wx/7.5,955.1,35.2 1999.356.15:56:33.87/cable/+3.82911E-02 1999.356.15:56:33.92/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41249,23562,0,1pps 1999.356.15:56:33.97/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10398,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.15:56:34.05/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15700,15787,545,1pps 1999.356.15:56:34.13/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16085,16073,554,1pps 1999.356.15:56:34.21/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16176,16271,550,1pps 1999.356.15:56:36.83/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.15:56:36.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.15:56:36.96:!1999.356.15:58:06 1999.356.15:56:37.76#setcl#time/68779329,1,1999,356,15,56,38.00,0.066,51.291,28 1999.356.15:56:37.76#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.15:58:06.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.15:58:06.00:et 1999.356.15:58:06.04:!+3s 1999.356.15:58:09.05:tape 1999.356.15:58:09.12/tape/low,11660,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:58:09.12:postob 1999.356.15:58:09.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.15:58:15.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.15:58:15.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.15:58:25.07:!1999.356.15:59:46 1999.356.15:59:46.00:preob 1999.356.15:59:48.75/tpical/20542,19781,20714,21352,21387,21746,21638,22103,52841,13703 1999.356.15:59:48.82/tpical/19789,19526,20135,20568,20419,20151,28492 1999.356.15:59:48.90:!1999.356.15:59:56 1999.356.15:59:56.00:tape 1999.356.15:59:56.07/tape/low,11660,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.15:59:56.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.15:59:56.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.15:59:56.12:midob 1999.356.15:59:56.23/tpi/15893,15589,16149,16144,16156,16031,16005,16369,41042,10356 1999.356.15:59:56.30/tpi/16212,15937,16046,16132,16043,15979,23383 1999.356.15:59:56.86/tsys1/64.0,69.1,66.1,57.7,57.6,52.3,52.7,52.9,64.9,57.6 1999.356.15:59:56.87/tsys2/79.8,78.3,69.0,63.9,64.7,67.6,80.9 1999.356.16:00:01.65/wx/7.1,955.2,38.0 1999.356.16:00:01.72/cable/+3.82895E-02 1999.356.16:00:01.77/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41035,23381,0,1pps 1999.356.16:00:01.82/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10357,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:00:01.90/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15583,15650,545,1pps 1999.356.16:00:01.98/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16022,16056,554,1pps 1999.356.16:00:02.06/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16076,16142,550,1pps 1999.356.16:00:04.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.16:00:04.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:00:04.96:!1999.356.16:01:46 1999.356.16:00:05.73#setcl#time/68800126,1,1999,356,16,00,06.00,0.079,51.349,31 1999.356.16:00:05.73#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:01:46.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:01:46.00:et 1999.356.16:01:46.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:01:49.05:tape 1999.356.16:01:49.12/tape/low,10928,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:01:49.12:postob 1999.356.16:01:49.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.16:01:55.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:01:55.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:01:57.21;"weather - overcast 1999.356.16:02:05.08:!1999.356.16:02:49 1999.356.16:02:49.00:preob 1999.356.16:02:51.75/tpical/20808,19879,20430,20834,19750,20833,21469,21377,$$$$$,22721 1999.356.16:02:51.82/tpical/19415,19431,20623,20512,20753,20323,42866 1999.356.16:02:51.90:!1999.356.16:02:59 1999.356.16:02:59.00:tape 1999.356.16:02:59.07/tape/low,10928,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:02:59.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:02:59.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:02:59.12:midob 1999.356.16:02:59.23/tpi/18042,17372,17778,17797,16819,17442,17921,17878,$$$$$,19349 1999.356.16:02:59.30/tpi/17130,17122,17928,17641,17899,17545,37708 1999.356.16:02:59.86?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ia overflowed or were less than zero. 1999.356.16:02:59.87/tsys1/122.4,129.0,125.4,109.3,107.1,96.1,93.9,94.8,$$$$$$$$,107.8 1999.356.16:02:59.88/tsys2/132.2,130.9,117.3,108.2,111.0,111.7,130.1 1999.356.16:03:04.94/wx/7.0,955.2,39.9 1999.356.16:03:05.07/cable/+3.82859E-02 1999.356.16:03:05.12/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,65535,37652,0,1pps 1999.356.16:03:05.17/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,19318,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:03:05.25/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15885,16320,545,1pps 1999.356.16:03:05.33/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -3.70, -4.12,lock,15946,15817,554,1pps 1999.356.16:03:05.41/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 0.98, 0.49,lock,16084,16357,550,1pps 1999.356.16:03:07.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.16:03:07.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:03:07.96:!1999.356.16:04:37 1999.356.16:03:08.73#setcl#time/68818426,1,1999,356,16,03,09.00,0.079,51.400,31 1999.356.16:03:08.73#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.16:04:08.76/wx/7.1,955.3,40.5 1999.356.16:04:37.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:04:37.00:et 1999.356.16:04:37.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:04:40.05:tape 1999.356.16:04:40.12/tape/low,10275,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:04:40.12:postob 1999.356.16:04:40.13:source=1357+769,135742.2,765753.8,1950.0 1999.356.16:04:46.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:04:46.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,109.7,,-0.3, 1999.356.16:04:56.07:!1999.356.16:05:53 1999.356.16:05:53.00:preob 1999.356.16:05:55.75/tpical/20133,20629,20560,21359,21060,21741,21607,21830,54917,14211 1999.356.16:05:55.82/tpical/19364,19759,20015,20437,20099,19993,28847 1999.356.16:05:55.90:!1999.356.16:06:03 1999.356.16:06:03.00:tape 1999.356.16:06:03.07/tape/low,10275,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:06:03.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:06:03.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:06:03.12:midob 1999.356.16:06:03.23/tpi/15757,16390,16187,16361,16099,16193,16122,16365,43074,10857 1999.356.16:06:03.30/tpi/15957,16260,16068,16143,15946,15952,23822 1999.356.16:06:03.86/tsys1/67.4,71.9,69.1,61.0,60.5,54.5,54.5,55.5,67.9,60.3 1999.356.16:06:03.87/tsys2/82.5,81.9,71.6,66.1,67.8,69.7,83.8 1999.356.16:06:08.23/wx/7.0,955.3,41.4 1999.356.16:06:08.27/cable/+3.82911E-02 1999.356.16:06:08.32/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,43034,23825,0,1pps 1999.356.16:06:08.37/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10846,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:06:08.45/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,16382,16074,545,1pps 1999.356.16:06:08.53/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16154,16184,554,1pps 1999.356.16:06:08.61/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16105,16142,550,1pps 1999.356.16:06:10.83/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.16:06:10.96/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:06:10.96:!1999.356.16:07:41 1999.356.16:06:11.73#setcl#time/68836726,1,1999,356,16,06,12.00,0.079,51.451,31 1999.356.16:06:11.73#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:07:41.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:07:41.00:et 1999.356.16:07:41.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:07:44.05:tape 1999.356.16:07:44.12/tape/low,09623,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:07:44.12:postob 1999.356.16:07:44.13:source=1418+546,141806.2,543658.4,1950.0 1999.356.16:07:50.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:07:50.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:08:00.07:!1999.356.16:08:14 1999.356.16:08:14.00:preob 1999.356.16:08:16.75/tpical/19944,20393,20343,21119,20879,21538,21409,21962,54388,14067 1999.356.16:08:16.83/tpical/19361,19765,20025,20442,20155,19993,28911 1999.356.16:08:16.91:!1999.356.16:08:24 1999.356.16:08:24.00:tape 1999.356.16:08:24.07/tape/low,09623,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:08:24.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:08:24.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:08:24.12:midob 1999.356.16:08:24.23/tpi/15584,16179,15980,16122,15872,15969,15919,16357,42537,10711 1999.356.16:08:24.30/tpi/15944,16274,16066,16111,15963,15947,23833 1999.356.16:08:24.86/tsys1/66.9,71.4,68.4,60.1,59.1,53.5,53.7,54.0,67.0,59.4 1999.356.16:08:24.87/tsys2/82.1,82.2,71.4,65.4,67.2,69.6,83.0 1999.356.16:08:28.97/wx/6.8,955.6,43.0 1999.356.16:08:29.07/cable/+3.82926E-02 1999.356.16:08:29.12/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42550,23822,0,1pps 1999.356.16:08:29.17/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10713,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:08:29.25/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.34,lock,16219,15895,545,1pps 1999.356.16:08:29.33/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,15958,15987,554,1pps 1999.356.16:08:29.41/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 2.63,lock,16058,16099,550,1pps 1999.356.16:08:31.82/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.356.16:08:31.95/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:08:31.95:!1999.356.16:15:48 1999.356.16:08:32.75#setcl#time/68850828,1,1999,356,16,08,33.00,0.070,51.490,29 1999.356.16:08:32.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:15:48.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:15:48.00:et 1999.356.16:15:48.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:15:51.05:tape 1999.356.16:15:51.12/tape/low,06664,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:15:51.12:postob 1999.356.16:15:51.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.356.16:15:57.64:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:15:57.94/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:16:07.06:!1999.356.16:16:29 1999.356.16:16:29.00:preob 1999.356.16:16:31.78/tpical/20481,19766,20736,21350,21245,21597,21870,21961,52694,13631 1999.356.16:16:31.85/tpical/19385,19127,20150,20358,20148,20387,28092 1999.356.16:16:31.93:!1999.356.16:16:39 1999.356.16:16:39.00:tape 1999.356.16:16:39.07/tape/low,06664,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:16:39.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:16:39.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:16:39.12:midob 1999.356.16:16:39.23/tpi/15849,15542,16169,16130,16042,15886,16113,16180,40892,10291 1999.356.16:16:39.31/tpi/15954,15742,16114,15991,15925,16227,23123 1999.356.16:16:39.87/tsys1/64.1,68.3,66.1,57.5,57.5,51.9,51.9,51.8,64.7,57.3 1999.356.16:16:39.88/tsys2/81.9,81.9,70.2,64.3,66.6,68.9,82.2 1999.356.16:16:44.84/wx/7.0,955.4,41.3 1999.356.16:16:44.91/cable/+3.82913E-02 1999.356.16:16:44.96/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40862,23116,0,1pps 1999.356.16:16:45.01/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10281,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:16:45.10/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15521,15594,545,1pps 1999.356.16:16:45.18/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15846,15895,554,1pps 1999.356.16:16:45.26/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.82,lock,16098,16229,550,1pps 1999.356.16:16:45.73#setcl#time/68900126,1,1999,356,16,16,46.00,0.079,51.627,31 1999.356.16:16:45.73#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:16:47.82/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.16:16:47.95/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:16:47.95:!1999.356.16:18:18 1999.356.16:18:18.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:18:18.00:et 1999.356.16:18:18.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:18:21.05:tape 1999.356.16:18:21.12/tape/low,06004,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:18:21.12:postob 1999.356.16:18:21.13:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 1999.356.16:18:27.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:18:27.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:18:37.07:!1999.356.16:20:12 1999.356.16:20:12.00:preob 1999.356.16:20:14.74/tpical/19896,20371,20301,21165,20929,21735,21494,21778,54310,14111 1999.356.16:20:14.82/tpical/19493,19195,19832,20279,20282,19924,29208 1999.356.16:20:14.90:!1999.356.16:20:22 1999.356.16:20:22.00:tape 1999.356.16:20:22.07/tape/low,06004,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:20:22.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:20:22.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:20:22.12:midob 1999.356.16:20:22.23/tpi/15528,16159,15963,16182,15991,16179,16008,16298,42524,10773 1999.356.16:20:22.30/tpi/16176,15870,16018,16094,16145,15983,24193 1999.356.16:20:22.86/tsys1/66.6,71.3,68.7,60.5,60.4,54.3,54.1,55.1,67.4,60.1 1999.356.16:20:22.87/tsys2/85.9,84.1,73.9,67.6,68.9,71.6,85.3 1999.356.16:20:27.41/wx/7.2,955.6,40.2 1999.356.16:20:27.47/cable/+3.82923E-02 1999.356.16:20:27.52/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42518,24197,0,1pps 1999.356.16:20:27.57/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10773,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:20:27.65/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16174,16209,545,1pps 1999.356.16:20:27.73/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16183,16139,554,1pps 1999.356.16:20:27.81/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.11, 2.53,lock,15998,16000,550,1pps 1999.356.16:20:30.82/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.16:20:30.95/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:20:30.95:!1999.356.16:22:00 1999.356.16:20:31.75#setcl#time/68922728,1,1999,356,16,20,32.00,0.070,51.689,29 1999.356.16:20:31.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:22:00.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:22:00.00:et 1999.356.16:22:00.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:22:03.05:tape 1999.356.16:22:03.12/tape/low,05352,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:22:03.12:postob 1999.356.16:22:03.13:source=0059+581,005943.5,580804.5,1950.0 1999.356.16:22:09.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:22:09.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:22:19.07:!1999.356.16:23:36 1999.356.16:23:36.00:preob 1999.356.16:23:38.75/tpical/20399,19624,21084,21260,21239,21652,21876,21956,52458,13624 1999.356.16:23:38.82/tpical/19310,19905,20215,20526,20727,20414,27844 1999.356.16:23:38.90:!1999.356.16:23:46 1999.356.16:23:46.00:tape 1999.356.16:23:46.07/tape/low,05352,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:23:46.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:23:46.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:23:46.12:midob 1999.356.16:23:46.23/tpi/15877,15564,16545,16221,16174,16087,16284,16361,41016,10381 1999.356.16:23:46.30/tpi/15910,16390,16166,16095,16351,16192,22924 1999.356.16:23:46.86/tsys1/65.8,71.2,68.1,59.9,59.6,53.9,54.0,54.2,66.9,59.6 1999.356.16:23:46.87/tsys2/82.4,82.2,70.2,63.8,66.0,67.7,82.3 1999.356.16:23:51.97/wx/7.7,955.7,35.6 1999.356.16:23:52.11/cable/+3.82901E-02 1999.356.16:23:52.16/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40986,22939,0,1pps 1999.356.16:23:52.21/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10367,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:23:52.29/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15542,15643,545,1pps 1999.356.16:23:52.37/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16074,16126,554,1pps 1999.356.16:23:52.45/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16142,16069,550,1pps 1999.356.16:23:54.82/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.16:23:54.95/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:23:54.95:!1999.356.16:25:24 1999.356.16:23:55.75#setcl#time/68943128,1,1999,356,16,23,56.00,0.070,51.746,29 1999.356.16:23:55.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:25:24.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:25:24.00:et 1999.356.16:25:24.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:25:27.05:tape 1999.356.16:25:27.12/tape/low,04699,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:25:27.12:postob 1999.356.16:25:27.13:source=0133+476,013355.1,473612.5,1950.0 1999.356.16:25:33.64:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:25:33.94/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:25:43.06:!1999.356.16:26:01 1999.356.16:26:01.00:preob 1999.356.16:26:03.75/tpical/19974,20433,20343,21274,21063,21846,21632,21613,54500,14187 1999.356.16:26:03.82/tpical/19586,19400,20236,20340,20202,20307,28236 1999.356.16:26:03.89:!1999.356.16:26:11 1999.356.16:26:11.00:tape 1999.356.16:26:11.07/tape/low,04699,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:26:11.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:26:11.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:26:11.12:midob 1999.356.16:26:11.23/tpi/15569,16172,15975,16256,16077,16290,16143,16172,42637,10819 1999.356.16:26:11.30/tpi/16186,16024,16213,15991,16009,16149,23316 1999.356.16:26:11.86/tsys1/66.2,70.6,68.3,60.3,60.1,54.7,54.5,55.0,67.1,59.8 1999.356.16:26:11.87/tsys2/83.8,83.7,70.9,64.6,67.4,68.6,83.8 1999.356.16:26:15.99/wx/7.9,955.5,33.8 1999.356.16:26:16.11/cable/+3.82902E-02 1999.356.16:26:16.16/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,42599,23283,0,1pps 1999.356.16:26:16.21/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10814,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:26:16.29/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16183,16294,545,1pps 1999.356.16:26:16.37/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.20, -1.52,lock,16281,16291,554,1pps 1999.356.16:26:16.45/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.73,lock,16226,16048,550,1pps 1999.356.16:26:18.82/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.16:26:18.95/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:26:18.95:!1999.356.16:27:49 1999.356.16:26:19.75#setcl#time/68957528,1,1999,356,16,26,20.00,0.070,51.786,29 1999.356.16:26:19.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:27:49.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:27:49.00:et 1999.356.16:27:49.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:27:52.05:tape 1999.356.16:27:52.12/tape/low,04047,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:27:52.12:postob 1999.356.16:27:52.13:source=0804+499,080458.4,495923.2,1950.0 1999.356.16:27:58.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:27:58.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:28:08.07:!1999.356.16:31:17 1999.356.16:31:17.00:preob 1999.356.16:31:19.75/tpical/20192,20777,20871,21458,21054,22002,21945,22302,51973,13467 1999.356.16:31:19.82/tpical/19303,19919,20344,20889,20797,20513,26921 1999.356.16:31:19.89:!1999.356.16:31:27 1999.356.16:31:27.00:tape 1999.356.16:31:27.07/tape/low,04047,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:31:27.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:31:27.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:31:27.12:midob 1999.356.16:31:27.23/tpi/15543,16258,16161,16148,15809,16121,16096,16346,40182,10120 1999.356.16:31:27.30/tpi/15862,16298,16138,16267,16284,16167,22085 1999.356.16:31:27.86/tsys1/62.6,66.9,64.1,56.6,56.2,51.1,51.0,50.8,63.6,56.2 1999.356.16:31:27.87/tsys2/81.1,79.4,67.5,61.9,63.7,65.7,80.6 1999.356.16:31:31.83/wx/8.3,955.6,30.8 1999.356.16:31:31.95/cable/+3.82942E-02 1999.356.16:31:32.00/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40180,22092,0,1pps 1999.356.16:31:32.05/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10121,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:31:32.13/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16262,15330,545,1pps 1999.356.16:31:32.21/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,16086,16311,554,1pps 1999.356.16:31:32.29/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.02,lock,16138,16065,550,1pps 1999.356.16:31:34.82/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.16:31:34.95/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:31:34.95:!1999.356.16:33:05 1999.356.16:31:35.75#setcl#time/68989128,1,1999,356,16,31,36.00,0.069,51.874,29 1999.356.16:31:35.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:33:05.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:33:05.00:et 1999.356.16:33:05.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:33:08.05:tape 1999.356.16:33:08.12/tape/low,03394,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:33:08.12:postob 1999.356.16:33:08.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.16:33:14.65:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:33:14.95/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:33:24.07:!1999.356.16:33:38 1999.356.16:33:38.00:preob 1999.356.16:33:40.75/tpical/20331,20877,20907,21603,21138,22234,22020,22064,52217,13544 1999.356.16:33:40.82/tpical/19399,19268,20425,20458,20602,20629,27058 1999.356.16:33:40.90:!1999.356.16:33:48 1999.356.16:33:48.00:tape 1999.356.16:33:48.07/tape/low,03394,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:33:48.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:33:48.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:33:48.12:midob 1999.356.16:33:48.23/tpi/15662,16358,16226,16296,15918,16279,16199,16256,40400,10194 1999.356.16:33:48.30/tpi/15902,15769,16230,15971,16165,16287,22256 1999.356.16:33:48.86/tsys1/62.8,67.3,64.7,57.2,56.9,51.0,51.6,51.8,63.8,56.6 1999.356.16:33:48.87/tsys2/80.0,79.4,68.1,62.5,64.4,66.3,81.8 1999.356.16:33:54.21/wx/8.4,955.6,30.3 1999.356.16:33:54.35/cable/+3.82922E-02 1999.356.16:33:54.40/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40431,22226,0,1pps 1999.356.16:33:54.45/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10200,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:33:54.53/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16363,15427,545,1pps 1999.356.16:33:54.61/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.36,lock,16311,15844,554,1pps 1999.356.16:33:54.69/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.02,lock,16224,16112,550,1pps 1999.356.16:33:56.82/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.16:33:56.95/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:33:56.95:!1999.356.16:35:26 1999.356.16:33:57.75#setcl#time/69003328,1,1999,356,16,33,58.00,0.069,51.913,29 1999.356.16:33:57.75#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.16:34:08.94/wx/8.5,955.5,30.2 1999.356.16:35:26.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:35:26.00:et 1999.356.16:35:26.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:35:29.05:tape 1999.356.16:35:29.12/tape/low,02741,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:35:29.12:postob 1999.356.16:35:29.13:source=0642+449,064253.0,445430.9,1950.0 1999.356.16:35:35.64:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:35:35.94/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:35:45.06:!1999.356.16:35:59 1999.356.16:35:59.00:preob 1999.356.16:36:01.75/tpical/21215,20613,20646,21284,20879,21938,21787,22146,51599,13386 1999.356.16:36:01.82/tpical/19798,19747,20078,20628,20627,20276,26675 1999.356.16:36:01.89:!1999.356.16:36:09 1999.356.16:36:09.00:tape 1999.356.16:36:09.07/tape/low,02741,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:36:09.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:36:09.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:36:09.12:midob 1999.356.16:36:09.23/tpi/16327,16106,15959,16046,15682,16016,15950,16245,39829,10044 1999.356.16:36:09.30/tpi/16192,16107,15897,16011,16123,15948,21799 1999.356.16:36:09.86/tsys1/62.6,66.4,63.6,57.0,56.2,50.5,50.7,51.0,63.1,55.9 1999.356.16:36:09.87/tsys2/79.1,78.0,66.9,60.9,63.2,65.1,78.9 1999.356.16:36:14.95/wx/8.6,955.7,29.8 1999.356.16:36:15.14/cable/+3.82946E-02 1999.356.16:36:15.19/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39798,21813,0,1pps 1999.356.16:36:15.24/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10034,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:36:15.32/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16125,16229,545,1pps 1999.356.16:36:15.40/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,15989,16172,554,1pps 1999.356.16:36:15.48/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.11,lock,15907,16140,550,1pps 1999.356.16:36:17.81/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.16:36:17.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:36:17.94:!1999.356.16:37:47 1999.356.16:36:18.74#setcl#time/69017428,1,1999,356,16,36,19.00,0.069,51.952,30 1999.356.16:36:18.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:37:47.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:37:47.00:et 1999.356.16:37:47.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:37:50.05:tape 1999.356.16:37:50.12/tape/low,02087,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:37:50.12:postob 1999.356.16:37:50.13:source=oj287,085157.2,201758.6,1950.0 1999.356.16:37:57.80:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:37:58.10/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:38:07.22:!1999.356.16:38:34 1999.356.16:38:34.00:preob 1999.356.16:38:36.75/tpical/20406,20978,21035,21695,21240,22332,22140,22212,52478,13619 1999.356.16:38:36.82/tpical/19895,19878,20701,20852,20840,20490,26923 1999.356.16:38:36.89:!1999.356.16:38:44 1999.356.16:38:44.00:tape 1999.356.16:38:44.07/tape/low,02087,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:38:44.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:38:44.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:38:44.12:midob 1999.356.16:38:44.23/tpi/15751,16462,16383,16422,16040,16434,16356,16413,40730,10283 1999.356.16:38:44.30/tpi/16280,16266,16428,16248,16370,16213,22147 1999.356.16:38:44.86/tsys1/63.4,67.8,65.8,58.0,57.5,52.0,52.5,52.4,64.7,57.3 1999.356.16:38:44.87/tsys2/79.3,79.4,67.7,62.0,64.7,67.0,81.9 1999.356.16:38:48.78/wx/8.4,955.6,30.1 1999.356.16:38:48.90/cable/+3.82942E-02 1999.356.16:38:48.95/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40775,22069,0,1pps 1999.356.16:38:49.00/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10294,96,4095,1pps 1999.356.16:38:49.08/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15453,15581,545,1pps 1999.356.16:38:49.16/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,15931,16002,554,1pps 1999.356.16:38:49.24/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.11,lock,16080,16330,550,1pps 1999.356.16:38:51.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.16:38:51.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:38:51.94:!1999.356.16:40:22 1999.356.16:38:52.74#setcl#time/69032828,1,1999,356,16,38,53.00,0.069,51.995,30 1999.356.16:38:52.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:40:22.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:40:22.00:et 1999.356.16:40:22.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:40:25.05:tape 1999.356.16:40:25.12/tape/low,01435,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:40:25.12:postob 1999.356.16:40:25.13:source=0444+634,044442.3,632655.7,1950.0 1999.356.16:40:31.64:nw2c2=18 1999.356.16:40:31.94/pass/18,,auto,110.0,,108.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.16:40:41.06:!1999.356.16:41:27 1999.356.16:41:27.00:preob 1999.356.16:41:29.75/tpical/21195,20547,21024,21185,20783,21835,22055,22078,51379,13324 1999.356.16:41:29.82/tpical/19142,19805,20167,20635,20578,20241,26681 1999.356.16:41:29.89:!1999.356.16:41:37 1999.356.16:41:37.00:tape 1999.356.16:41:37.07/tape/low,01435,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:41:37.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.16:41:37.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:41:37.12:midob 1999.356.16:41:37.23/tpi/16262,16065,16252,15886,15577,15898,16148,16158,39606,9974 1999.356.16:41:37.30/tpi/15672,16200,15983,16000,16105,15923,21865 1999.356.16:41:37.86/tsys1/61.8,66.6,63.6,55.8,55.8,49.9,50.7,50.5,62.7,55.3 1999.356.16:41:37.87/tsys2/79.5,79.2,67.2,60.7,63.6,65.1,80.1 1999.356.16:41:42.25/wx/8.6,955.5,29.4 1999.356.16:41:42.34/cable/+3.82926E-02 1999.356.16:41:42.39/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39603,21867,0,1pps 1999.356.16:41:42.44/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9974,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:41:42.52/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16033,16153,545,1pps 1999.356.16:41:42.60/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,15909,16092,554,1pps 1999.356.16:41:42.68/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.11,lock,15977,16221,550,1pps 1999.356.16:41:44.81/gps-fmout/T +7.5E-06 1999.356.16:41:44.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:41:44.94:!1999.356.16:43:26 1999.356.16:41:45.74#setcl#time/69050128,1,1999,356,16,41,46.00,0.069,52.043,30 1999.356.16:41:45.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:43:26.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:43:26.00:et 1999.356.16:43:26.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:43:29.05:tape 1999.356.16:43:29.12/tape/low,00709,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:43:29.12:postob 1999.356.16:43:29.13:source=0014+813,001404.5,811828.2,1950.0 1999.356.16:43:35.64:midtp 1999.356.16:43:38.36/tpzero/236,349,284,334,296,292,395,419,699,209 1999.356.16:43:38.43/tpzero/351,335,365,384,304,303,403 1999.356.16:43:39.13/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.85 1999.356.16:43:39.23/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.92 1999.356.16:43:39.33/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.53 1999.356.16:43:39.43/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.975 1999.356.16:43:39.53/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.728 1999.356.16:43:39.63/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.70 1999.356.16:43:39.73/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.74 1999.356.16:43:39.73:nw2c1=19 1999.356.16:43:40.69/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.16:43:49.81:fastr=0m22s 1999.356.16:44:11.89:!1999.356.16:44:27 1999.356.16:44:27.00:preob 1999.356.16:44:29.74/tpical/20798,20044,20357,21244,20535,21832,21753,21889,53455,13826 1999.356.16:44:29.81/tpical/19408,19107,20353,20700,20405,20569,27993 1999.356.16:44:29.89:!1999.356.16:44:37 1999.356.16:44:37.00:tape 1999.356.16:44:37.07/tape/low,00214,low,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:44:37.07:st=for,80 1999.356.16:44:37.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:44:37.12:midob 1999.356.16:44:37.23/tpi/16159,15812,15903,16083,15564,16099,16091,16214,41602,10467 1999.356.16:44:37.30/tpi/15966,15679,16250,16215,16025,16304,23006 1999.356.16:44:37.87/tsys1/65.2,69.4,66.6,58.0,58.4,52.4,52.7,52.9,65.6,58.0 1999.356.16:44:37.88/tsys2/81.7,80.6,69.7,63.5,64.6,67.5,81.6 1999.356.16:44:42.27/wx/8.9,955.5,28.9 1999.356.16:44:42.34/cable/+3.82935E-02 1999.356.16:44:42.39/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,41583,23015,0,1pps 1999.356.16:44:42.44/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10465,97,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:44:42.52/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15814,15900,545,1pps 1999.356.16:44:42.60/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16079,16210,554,1pps 1999.356.16:44:42.68/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16242,16180,550,1pps 1999.356.16:44:44.81/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.16:44:44.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:44:44.94:!1999.356.16:46:46 1999.356.16:44:45.74#setcl#time/69068128,1,1999,356,16,44,46.00,0.069,52.093,30 1999.356.16:44:45.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:46:46.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:46:46.00:et 1999.356.16:46:46.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:46:49.05:tape 1999.356.16:46:49.12/tape/low,01073,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:46:49.12:postob 1999.356.16:46:49.13:source=1116+128,111620.8,125106.9,1950.0 1999.356.16:46:55.64:checkf80 1999.356.16:47:25.65/parity/0.,4.,0.,2.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,6.,2.,0. 1999.356.16:47:25.65/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.16:47:43.68:nw2c1=19 1999.356.16:47:43.98/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.16:47:53.10:!1999.356.16:48:59 1999.356.16:48:59.00:preob 1999.356.16:49:01.75/tpical/21136,20574,20601,21294,20875,21901,22139,22146,51491,13372 1999.356.16:49:01.82/tpical/19883,19842,20307,20819,20398,20446,26841 1999.356.16:49:01.89:!1999.356.16:49:09 1999.356.16:49:09.00:tape 1999.356.16:49:09.07/tape/low,01074,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:49:09.07:st=for,80 1999.356.16:49:09.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:49:09.12:midob 1999.356.16:49:09.23/tpi/16225,16067,15920,16007,15675,15997,16214,16258,39721,10033 1999.356.16:49:09.30/tpi/16308,16243,16151,16248,15996,16165,22031 1999.356.16:49:09.86/tsys1/61.9,66.3,63.5,56.3,56.2,50.5,50.7,51.1,63.0,55.9 1999.356.16:49:09.87/tsys2/80.3,79.6,68.4,62.5,64.2,66.7,80.9 1999.356.16:49:13.93/wx/8.8,955.3,29.0 1999.356.16:49:14.02/cable/+3.82947E-02 1999.356.16:49:14.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39731,22022,0,1pps 1999.356.16:49:14.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10037,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:49:14.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16053,16176,545,1pps 1999.356.16:49:14.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,16009,16148,554,1pps 1999.356.16:49:14.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.02,lock,16134,16022,550,1pps 1999.356.16:49:16.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.16:49:16.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:49:16.94:!1999.356.16:50:47 1999.356.16:49:17.74#setcl#time/69095328,1,1999,356,16,49,18.00,0.069,52.169,30 1999.356.16:49:17.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:50:47.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:50:47.00:et 1999.356.16:50:47.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:50:50.05:tape 1999.356.16:50:50.12/tape/low,01726,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:50:50.12:postob 1999.356.16:50:50.13:source=1030+074,103057.1,072655.8,1950.0 1999.356.16:50:56.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.16:50:56.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.16:51:06.06:!1999.356.16:51:20 1999.356.16:51:20.00:preob 1999.356.16:51:22.76/tpical/20460,19736,20614,21422,21319,21723,21921,21758,52699,13695 1999.356.16:51:22.83/tpical/19297,19166,20381,20906,20467,20499,26985 1999.356.16:51:22.91:!1999.356.16:51:30 1999.356.16:51:30.00:tape 1999.356.16:51:30.07/tape/low,01726,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:51:30.07:st=for,80 1999.356.16:51:30.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.16:51:30.12:midob 1999.356.16:51:30.23/tpi/15832,15548,16100,16213,16172,16026,16246,16143,40958,10367 1999.356.16:51:30.30/tpi/15852,15728,16229,16338,16106,16232,22152 1999.356.16:51:30.86/tsys1/64.0,69.0,66.6,57.9,58.6,52.5,53.1,53.2,65.1,58.0 1999.356.16:51:30.87/tsys2/81.0,80.6,68.8,62.9,65.2,67.2,81.0 1999.356.16:51:34.67/wx/8.8,955.3,29.1 1999.356.16:51:34.82/cable/+3.82950E-02 1999.356.16:51:34.87/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40954,22157,0,1pps 1999.356.16:51:34.92/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10369,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.16:51:35.00/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15519,15616,545,1pps 1999.356.16:51:35.08/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.05, -1.36,lock,16053,16142,554,1pps 1999.356.16:51:35.16/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.02,lock,16212,16152,550,1pps 1999.356.16:51:37.81/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.16:51:37.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.16:51:37.94:!1999.356.16:59:00 1999.356.16:51:38.74#setcl#time/69109428,1,1999,356,16,51,39.00,0.069,52.208,30 1999.356.16:51:38.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.16:59:00.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.16:59:00.00:et 1999.356.16:59:00.04:!+3s 1999.356.16:59:03.05:tape 1999.356.16:59:03.12/tape/low,04727,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.16:59:03.12:postob 1999.356.16:59:03.13:source=1156+295,115657.8,293126.1,1950.0 1999.356.16:59:09.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.16:59:09.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.16:59:19.06:!1999.356.16:59:54 1999.356.16:59:33.69;"weather - overcast 1999.356.16:59:54.00:preob 1999.356.16:59:56.75/tpical/21033,20457,20973,21463,21743,22261,21891,22144,51101,13224 1999.356.16:59:56.82/tpical/19797,19755,20220,20784,20615,20341,26727 1999.356.16:59:56.89:!1999.356.17:00:04 1999.356.17:00:04.00:tape 1999.356.17:00:04.07/tape/low,04727,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:00:04.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:00:04.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:00:04.12:midob 1999.356.17:00:04.23/tpi/16113,15942,16201,16044,16245,16197,15940,16175,39322,9874 1999.356.17:00:04.30/tpi/16241,16162,16075,16155,16175,16070,21945 1999.356.17:00:04.86/tsys1/61.3,65.6,63.4,55.1,55.1,49.8,49.6,50.2,62.3,54.8 1999.356.17:00:04.87/tsys2/80.4,79.3,68.2,61.3,64.3,66.4,81.1 1999.356.17:00:10.19/wx/8.6,955.5,29.4 1999.356.17:00:10.34/cable/+3.82968E-02 1999.356.17:00:10.39/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39349,21943,0,1pps 1999.356.17:00:10.44/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9883,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:00:10.52/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15975,16075,545,1pps 1999.356.17:00:10.60/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.75, -1.20,lock,16193,15853,554,1pps 1999.356.17:00:10.68/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.11,lock,16084,16361,550,1pps 1999.356.17:00:12.81/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.17:00:12.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:00:12.94:!1999.356.17:01:43 1999.356.17:00:13.74#setcl#time/69160928,1,1999,356,17,00,14.00,0.069,52.351,30 1999.356.17:00:13.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:01:43.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:01:43.00:et 1999.356.17:01:43.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:01:46.05:tape 1999.356.17:01:46.12/tape/low,05386,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:01:46.12:postob 1999.356.17:01:46.13:source=1144+402,114421.0,401514.6,1950.0 1999.356.17:01:52.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:01:52.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:02:02.06:!1999.356.17:02:16 1999.356.17:02:16.00:preob 1999.356.17:02:18.75/tpical/20345,19666,20951,21514,21015,21945,21916,22267,52272,13494 1999.356.17:02:18.82/tpical/19683,19465,20341,20756,20691,20471,27418 1999.356.17:02:18.90:!1999.356.17:02:26 1999.356.17:02:26.00:tape 1999.356.17:02:26.07/tape/low,05386,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:02:26.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:02:26.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:02:26.12:midob 1999.356.17:02:26.23/tpi/15750,15469,16306,16254,15864,16094,16099,16368,40555,10166 1999.356.17:02:26.30/tpi/16155,15996,16262,16293,16289,16232,22548 1999.356.17:02:26.86/tsys1/64.1,68.4,65.5,57.5,57.4,51.3,51.3,51.4,64.6,56.8 1999.356.17:02:26.87/tsys2/80.6,81.3,70.2,64.2,65.4,67.6,81.9 1999.356.17:02:30.93/wx/8.6,955.5,29.4 1999.356.17:02:30.98/cable/+3.82957E-02 1999.356.17:02:31.03/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40593,22568,0,1pps 1999.356.17:02:31.08/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10178,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:02:31.16/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15474,15532,545,1pps 1999.356.17:02:31.24/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,16114,16305,554,1pps 1999.356.17:02:31.32/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.57, 2.92,lock,16275,16185,550,1pps 1999.356.17:02:33.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:02:33.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:02:33.94:!1999.356.17:04:04 1999.356.17:02:34.74#setcl#time/69175028,1,1999,356,17,02,35.00,0.069,52.390,30 1999.356.17:02:34.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.17:04:07.49/wx/8.6,955.6,29.5 1999.356.17:04:07.49:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:04:07.50:et 1999.356.17:04:07.53:!+3s 1999.356.17:04:10.54:tape 1999.356.17:04:10.61/tape/low,06063,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:04:10.61:postob 1999.356.17:04:10.62:source=1418+546,141806.2,543658.4,1950.0 1999.356.17:04:17.21:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:04:17.51/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:04:26.63:!1999.356.17:04:51 1999.356.17:04:51.00:preob 1999.356.17:04:53.74/tpical/20510,19793,20654,21270,21174,22143,22064,22114,52639,13589 1999.356.17:04:53.82/tpical/19714,19413,20045,20465,20209,20440,28447 1999.356.17:04:53.90:!1999.356.17:05:01 1999.356.17:05:01.00:tape 1999.356.17:05:01.07/tape/low,06063,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:05:01.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:05:01.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:05:01.12:midob 1999.356.17:05:01.23/tpi/15852,15576,16078,16054,15968,16218,16247,16288,40827,10240 1999.356.17:05:01.30/tpi/16261,15966,16071,16138,15970,16290,23460 1999.356.17:05:01.86/tsys1/63.7,68.6,65.6,57.3,57.2,51.1,51.8,51.8,64.5,56.9 1999.356.17:05:01.87/tsys2/82.9,81.6,71.1,65.5,66.5,69.3,83.2 1999.356.17:05:06.40/wx/8.6,955.6,29.7 1999.356.17:05:06.50/cable/+3.82948E-02 1999.356.17:05:06.55/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40830,23428,0,1pps 1999.356.17:05:06.60/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10239,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:05:06.68/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15565,15632,545,1pps 1999.356.17:05:06.76/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.36,lock,16188,15853,554,1pps 1999.356.17:05:06.84/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16051,16218,550,1pps 1999.356.17:05:07.73#setcl#time/69190327,1,1999,356,17,05,08.00,0.073,52.433,31 1999.356.17:05:07.73#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:05:10.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:05:10.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:05:10.94:!1999.356.17:12:21 1999.356.17:12:21.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:12:21.00:et 1999.356.17:12:21.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:12:24.05:tape 1999.356.17:12:24.12/tape/low,08995,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:12:24.12:postob 1999.356.17:12:24.13:source=2201+315,220101.5,313105.7,1950.0 1999.356.17:12:30.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:12:30.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:12:40.06:!1999.356.17:13:35 1999.356.17:13:35.00:preob 1999.356.17:13:37.75/tpical/19527,20317,20197,20764,20715,20989,21182,21287,56629,14707 1999.356.17:13:37.83/tpical/19332,18895,19964,20286,19916,20024,30012 1999.356.17:13:37.91:!1999.356.17:13:45 1999.356.17:13:45.00:tape 1999.356.17:13:45.07/tape/low,08995,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:13:45.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:13:45.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:13:45.12:midob 1999.356.17:13:45.23/tpi/15428,16307,16080,16124,16094,15903,16076,16160,44875,11400 1999.356.17:13:45.30/tpi/16154,15739,16222,16248,16007,16178,25033 1999.356.17:13:45.86/tsys1/70.4,75.6,72.9,64.7,65.0,58.3,58.4,58.3,71.4,64.3 1999.356.17:13:45.87/tsys2/89.5,87.9,76.3,70.7,72.3,74.3,89.0 1999.356.17:13:50.10/wx/8.6,955.7,29.3 1999.356.17:13:50.18/cable/+3.82911E-02 1999.356.17:13:50.23/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44889,25024,0,1pps 1999.356.17:13:50.28/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11406,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:13:50.36/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16324,15781,545,1pps 1999.356.17:13:50.44/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.84,lock,15910,15866,554,1pps 1999.356.17:13:50.52/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.02, 2.42,lock,16232,16253,550,1pps 1999.356.17:13:52.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:13:52.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:13:52.94:!1999.356.17:15:23 1999.356.17:13:53.74#setcl#time/69242928,1,1999,356,17,13,54.00,0.068,52.579,30 1999.356.17:13:53.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:15:23.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:15:23.00:et 1999.356.17:15:23.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:15:26.05:tape 1999.356.17:15:26.12/tape/low,09647,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:15:26.12:postob 1999.356.17:15:26.13:source=1219+044,121949.3,042953.8,1950.0 1999.356.17:15:32.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:15:32.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:15:42.06:!1999.356.17:17:17 1999.356.17:17:17.00:preob 1999.356.17:17:19.75/tpical/20760,20218,21008,21808,21711,22278,22180,22435,50771,13227 1999.356.17:17:19.82/tpical/19791,19757,20182,20778,20319,20365,26786 1999.356.17:17:19.89:!1999.356.17:17:27 1999.356.17:17:27.00:tape 1999.356.17:17:27.07/tape/low,09647,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:17:27.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:17:27.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:17:27.12:midob 1999.356.17:17:27.23/tpi/16022,15909,16380,16495,16441,16422,16385,16562,39416,9988 1999.356.17:17:27.30/tpi/16301,16248,16128,16325,16084,16235,22113 1999.356.17:17:27.86/tsys1/63.3,68.6,66.1,57.8,58.2,52.3,52.4,52.2,64.8,57.4 1999.356.17:17:27.87/tsys2/82.3,81.6,70.0,64.4,67.1,69.4,83.6 1999.356.17:17:32.68/wx/8.6,955.8,29.5 1999.356.17:17:32.74/cable/+3.82931E-02 1999.356.17:17:32.79/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39402,22128,0,1pps 1999.356.17:17:32.84/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9986,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:17:32.92/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15891,16017,545,1pps 1999.356.17:17:33.00/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,15899,16042,554,1pps 1999.356.17:17:33.08/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.02,lock,16127,16043,550,1pps 1999.356.17:17:35.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:17:35.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:17:35.94:!1999.356.17:19:28 1999.356.17:17:36.74#setcl#time/69265228,1,1999,356,17,17,37.00,0.068,52.641,30 1999.356.17:17:36.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:19:28.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:19:28.00:et 1999.356.17:19:28.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:19:31.05:tape 1999.356.17:19:31.12/tape/low,10453,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:19:31.12:postob 1999.356.17:19:31.13:source=1611+343,161147.9,342020.0,1950.0 1999.356.17:19:37.65:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:19:37.95/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:19:47.07:!1999.356.17:20:49 1999.356.17:20:49.00:preob 1999.356.17:20:51.75/tpical/20904,20349,20897,21626,21477,22053,21983,22216,50675,13099 1999.356.17:20:51.82/tpical/19754,19589,20062,20423,20549,20314,27661 1999.356.17:20:51.90:!1999.356.17:20:59 1999.356.17:20:59.00:tape 1999.356.17:20:59.07/tape/low,10453,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:20:59.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:20:59.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:20:59.12:midob 1999.356.17:20:59.23/tpi/16010,15833,16099,16161,16046,16015,16043,16218,38991,9780 1999.356.17:20:59.31/tpi/16235,16089,16029,16003,16214,16105,22728 1999.356.17:20:59.87/tsys1/61.2,65.1,62.6,55.0,55.1,49.5,50.1,50.0,62.3,54.8 1999.356.17:20:59.88/tsys2/81.2,81.0,69.9,63.6,66.1,67.6,81.5 1999.356.17:21:03.80/wx/8.6,955.9,29.4 1999.356.17:21:03.94/cable/+3.82958E-02 1999.356.17:21:03.99/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,38996,22707,0,1pps 1999.356.17:21:04.04/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9779,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:21:04.12/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15851,15956,545,1pps 1999.356.17:21:04.20/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.75, -1.05,lock,16019,16230,554,1pps 1999.356.17:21:04.29/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.92,lock,15995,16301,550,1pps 1999.356.17:21:06.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:21:06.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:21:06.94:!1999.356.17:22:37 1999.356.17:21:07.73#setcl#time/69286327,1,1999,356,17,21,08.00,0.073,52.699,31 1999.356.17:21:07.73#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:22:37.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:22:37.00:et 1999.356.17:22:37.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:22:40.05:tape 1999.356.17:22:40.12/tape/low,11106,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:22:40.12:postob 1999.356.17:22:40.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.17:22:46.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:22:46.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:22:56.06:!1999.356.17:23:16 1999.356.17:23:16.00:preob 1999.356.17:23:18.75/tpical/20918,20363,20965,21660,21549,22139,22051,22325,50782,13131 1999.356.17:23:18.82/tpical/19760,19600,20054,20941,20500,20210,27607 1999.356.17:23:18.90:!1999.356.17:23:26 1999.356.17:23:26.00:tape 1999.356.17:23:26.07/tape/low,11106,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:23:26.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:23:26.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:23:26.12:midob 1999.356.17:23:26.23/tpi/16029,15875,16163,16190,16103,16052,16120,16281,39095,9810 1999.356.17:23:26.30/tpi/16264,16085,16020,16358,16140,16029,22725 1999.356.17:23:26.86/tsys1/61.4,65.7,62.8,55.1,55.1,49.2,50.4,49.9,62.4,54.9 1999.356.17:23:26.87/tsys2/81.9,80.7,69.9,62.7,65.4,67.7,82.3 1999.356.17:23:31.09/wx/8.6,956.0,29.4 1999.356.17:23:31.14/cable/+3.82954E-02 1999.356.17:23:31.19/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39083,22689,0,1pps 1999.356.17:23:31.24/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9810,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:23:31.32/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,15891,15953,545,1pps 1999.356.17:23:31.40/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.75, -1.05,lock,16053,16262,554,1pps 1999.356.17:23:31.48/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.92,lock,16018,16303,550,1pps 1999.356.17:23:33.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:23:33.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:23:33.94:!1999.356.17:25:16 1999.356.17:23:34.74#setcl#time/69301028,1,1999,356,17,23,35.00,0.068,52.740,30 1999.356.17:23:34.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:25:16.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:25:16.00:et 1999.356.17:25:16.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:25:19.05:tape 1999.356.17:25:19.12/tape/low,11838,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:25:19.12:postob 1999.356.17:25:19.13:source=1803+784,180339.3,782754.4,1950.0 1999.356.17:25:25.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:25:25.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:25:35.06:!1999.356.17:26:10 1999.356.17:26:10.00:preob 1999.356.17:26:12.75/tpical/20394,19694,20687,21504,21049,21960,21906,21955,52374,13519 1999.356.17:26:12.82/tpical/19473,19131,20154,20747,20340,20524,28097 1999.356.17:26:12.89:!1999.356.17:26:20 1999.356.17:26:20.00:tape 1999.356.17:26:20.07/tape/low,11838,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:26:20.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:26:20.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:26:20.12:midob 1999.356.17:26:20.23/tpi/15779,15517,16105,16290,15912,16091,16174,16201,40675,10205 1999.356.17:26:20.30/tpi/16058,15755,16145,16318,16074,16353,23193 1999.356.17:26:20.86/tsys1/64.0,69.0,65.6,58.1,57.8,51.1,52.3,52.1,64.9,57.3 1999.356.17:26:20.87/tsys2/82.8,82.2,70.9,64.8,66.5,69.3,83.7 1999.356.17:26:26.20/wx/8.5,955.7,29.6 1999.356.17:26:26.34/cable/+3.82940E-02 1999.356.17:26:26.39/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40680,23213,0,1pps 1999.356.17:26:26.44/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10213,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:26:26.52/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15478,15556,545,1pps 1999.356.17:26:26.60/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.36,lock,16106,15754,554,1pps 1999.356.17:26:26.68/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.73,lock,16136,15985,550,1pps 1999.356.17:26:28.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:26:28.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:26:28.94:!1999.356.17:27:58 1999.356.17:26:29.74#setcl#time/69318528,1,1999,356,17,26,30.00,0.068,52.789,30 1999.356.17:26:29.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:27:58.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:27:58.00:et 1999.356.17:27:58.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:28:01.05:tape 1999.356.17:28:01.12/tape/low,12491,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.5,85,okay 1999.356.17:28:01.12:postob 1999.356.17:28:01.13:source=3c371,180718.6,694857.2,1950.0 1999.356.17:28:07.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:28:07.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:28:17.06:!1999.356.17:28:31 1999.356.17:28:31.00:preob 1999.356.17:28:33.75/tpical/20255,20815,20500,21384,20920,21821,21758,22111,51983,13426 1999.356.17:28:33.82/tpical/19350,19052,20047,20631,20264,20454,27961 1999.356.17:28:33.89:!1999.356.17:28:41 1999.356.17:28:41.00:tape 1999.356.17:28:41.07/tape/low,12491,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:28:41.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:28:41.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:28:41.12:midob 1999.356.17:28:41.23/tpi/15604,16330,15903,16092,15739,15958,16005,16271,40257,10102 1999.356.17:28:41.30/tpi/15977,15670,16056,16224,16003,16259,23151 1999.356.17:28:41.86/tsys1/62.8,67.7,64.6,56.6,56.6,50.8,51.6,51.6,64.1,56.5 1999.356.17:28:41.87/tsys2/83.4,81.6,70.8,64.7,66.3,68.5,85.1 1999.356.17:28:46.95/wx/8.4,955.8,29.7 1999.356.17:28:47.14/cable/+3.82946E-02 1999.356.17:28:47.19/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40233,23162,0,1pps 1999.356.17:28:47.24/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10094,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:28:47.32/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -6.06,lock,16311,15402,545,1pps 1999.356.17:28:47.40/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,15944,16180,554,1pps 1999.356.17:28:47.48/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.73,lock,16060,15912,550,1pps 1999.356.17:28:49.81/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.17:28:49.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:28:49.94:!1999.356.17:34:47 1999.356.17:28:50.74#setcl#time/69332628,1,1999,356,17,28,51.00,0.068,52.828,30 1999.356.17:28:50.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:34:03.66@wx 1999.356.17:34:07.72/wx/8.4,955.7,30.2 1999.356.17:34:47.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:34:47.00:et 1999.356.17:34:47.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:34:50.05:tape 1999.356.17:34:50.12/tape/low,14930,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:34:50.12:postob 1999.356.17:34:50.13:source=0552+398,055201.4,394821.9,1950.0 1999.356.17:34:56.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:34:56.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:35:06.06:!1999.356.17:36:16 1999.356.17:36:16.00:preob 1999.356.17:36:18.75/tpical/20286,20854,21033,21567,21094,22149,22040,22047,52242,13578 1999.356.17:36:18.83/tpical/19937,19889,20249,20767,20438,20364,26898 1999.356.17:36:18.91:!1999.356.17:36:26 1999.356.17:36:26.00:tape 1999.356.17:36:26.07/tape/low,14930,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:36:26.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:36:26.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:36:26.12:midob 1999.356.17:36:26.23/tpi/15668,16382,16345,16284,15940,16316,16250,16287,40518,10245 1999.356.17:36:26.30/tpi/16406,16401,16176,16255,16117,16168,22152 1999.356.17:36:26.86/tsys1/63.5,68.1,65.1,57.4,57.7,52.2,52.0,52.3,64.5,57.2 1999.356.17:36:26.87/tsys2/81.8,82.9,69.9,63.3,65.9,68.1,82.5 1999.356.17:36:31.74/wx/8.4,955.7,30.1 1999.356.17:36:31.78/cable/+3.82931E-02 1999.356.17:36:31.83/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40503,22195,0,1pps 1999.356.17:36:31.88/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10240,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:36:31.96/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15362,15465,545,1pps 1999.356.17:36:32.04/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.36,lock,16307,15856,554,1pps 1999.356.17:36:32.12/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.66, 3.02,lock,16179,16110,550,1pps 1999.356.17:36:34.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:36:34.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:36:34.94:!1999.356.17:38:04 1999.356.17:36:35.74#setcl#time/69379128,1,1999,356,17,36,36.00,0.068,52.957,30 1999.356.17:36:35.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:38:04.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:38:04.00:et 1999.356.17:38:04.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:38:07.05:tape 1999.356.17:38:07.12/tape/low,15583,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.5,85,okay 1999.356.17:38:07.12:postob 1999.356.17:38:07.13:source=0642+449,064253.0,445430.9,1950.0 1999.356.17:38:13.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:38:13.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:38:23.06:!1999.356.17:38:37 1999.356.17:38:37.00:preob 1999.356.17:38:39.75/tpical/21067,20458,20620,21534,20743,21742,22032,22289,51220,13314 1999.356.17:38:39.82/tpical/19651,19635,20360,20940,20419,20784,26528 1999.356.17:38:39.90:!1999.356.17:38:47 1999.356.17:38:47.00:tape 1999.356.17:38:47.07/tape/low,15583,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.5,85,okay 1999.356.17:38:47.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:38:47.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:38:47.12:midob 1999.356.17:38:47.23/tpi/16187,15991,15946,16178,15543,15885,16128,16345,39539,9989 1999.356.17:38:47.30/tpi/16042,16022,16082,16253,15956,16335,21706 1999.356.17:38:47.86/tsys1/62.1,66.5,63.7,56.2,55.7,50.6,50.6,50.9,63.2,55.9 1999.356.17:38:47.87/tsys2/78.3,78.2,66.1,60.9,63.1,64.9,79.5 1999.356.17:38:52.49/wx/8.5,955.7,30.0 1999.356.17:38:52.58/cable/+3.82938E-02 1999.356.17:38:52.63/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,39553,21710,0,1pps 1999.356.17:38:52.68/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,9997,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:38:52.76/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16010,16121,545,1pps 1999.356.17:38:52.84/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,15901,16048,554,1pps 1999.356.17:38:52.92/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.75, 3.11,lock,16098,16032,550,1pps 1999.356.17:38:55.81/gps-fmout/T +7.7E-06 1999.356.17:38:55.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:38:55.94:!1999.356.17:40:25 1999.356.17:38:56.74#setcl#time/69393228,1,1999,356,17,38,57.00,0.068,52.996,30 1999.356.17:38:56.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:40:25.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:40:25.00:et 1999.356.17:40:25.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:40:28.05:tape 1999.356.17:40:28.12/tape/low,16236,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:40:28.12:postob 1999.356.17:40:28.13:source=1357+769,135742.2,765753.8,1950.0 1999.356.17:40:34.64:nw2c1=19 1999.356.17:40:34.94/pass/19,,auto,165.0,,165.5,,0.5, 1999.356.17:40:44.06:!1999.356.17:41:29 1999.356.17:41:29.00:preob 1999.356.17:41:31.75/tpical/20375,19625,20668,21508,21087,21983,21955,21971,52386,13536 1999.356.17:41:31.82/tpical/19674,19355,20050,20491,20668,20421,28439 1999.356.17:41:31.90:!1999.356.17:41:39 1999.356.17:41:39.00:tape 1999.356.17:41:39.07/tape/low,16236,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:41:39.07:st=for,80 1999.356.17:41:39.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:41:39.12:midob 1999.356.17:41:39.23/tpi/15770,15459,16074,16258,15876,16116,16151,16203,40652,10204 1999.356.17:41:39.30/tpi/16273,15938,16084,16126,16337,16242,23461 1999.356.17:41:39.86/tsys1/64.1,68.9,65.3,57.6,56.8,51.2,51.6,52.0,64.7,57.0 1999.356.17:41:39.87/tsys2/84.3,82.2,71.3,64.9,66.6,68.7,83.4 1999.356.17:41:44.33/wx/8.4,955.7,30.1 1999.356.17:41:44.42/cable/+3.82949E-02 1999.356.17:41:44.47/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40707,23462,0,1pps 1999.356.17:41:44.52/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10216,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:41:44.60/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15462,15568,545,1pps 1999.356.17:41:44.68/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.36,lock,16142,15780,554,1pps 1999.356.17:41:44.76/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.73,lock,16080,16211,550,1pps 1999.356.17:41:47.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:41:47.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:41:47.94:!1999.356.17:43:17 1999.356.17:41:48.74#setcl#time/69410428,1,1999,356,17,41,49.00,0.068,53.044,30 1999.356.17:41:48.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:43:17.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:43:17.00:et 1999.356.17:43:17.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:43:20.05:tape 1999.356.17:43:20.12/tape/low,16888,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:43:20.12:postob 1999.356.17:43:20.13:source=0718+793,071808.7,791722.7,1950.0 1999.356.17:43:26.64:midtp 1999.356.17:43:29.36/tpzero/230,341,278,330,296,293,391,416,708,210 1999.356.17:43:29.43/tpzero/348,329,361,381,302,302,417 1999.356.17:43:30.13/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.60 1999.356.17:43:30.23/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 1999.356.17:43:30.33/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.53 1999.356.17:43:30.43/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.974 1999.356.17:43:30.53/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.987 1999.356.17:43:30.63/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.83 1999.356.17:43:30.73/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.74 1999.356.17:43:30.73:nw2c2=20 1999.356.17:43:31.50/pass/20,,auto,165.0,,163.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.17:43:40.62:fastf=0m46s 1999.356.17:44:26.70:!1999.356.17:44:42 1999.356.17:44:42.00:preob 1999.356.17:44:44.75/tpical/20311,19566,20603,21476,21064,21932,21945,21969,52248,13522 1999.356.17:44:44.83/tpical/19359,19855,20002,20609,20343,20457,27931 1999.356.17:44:44.91:!1999.356.17:44:52 1999.356.17:44:52.00:tape 1999.356.17:44:52.07/tape/low,17923,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.5,85,okay 1999.356.17:44:52.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.17:44:52.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:44:52.12:midob 1999.356.17:44:52.23/tpi/15650,15336,16006,16179,15855,16066,16120,16143,40458,10171 1999.356.17:44:52.30/tpi/15963,16283,15957,16147,15983,16208,22982 1999.356.17:44:52.86/tsys1/62.9,67.4,65.0,56.8,56.8,51.1,51.3,51.3,64.1,56.5 1999.356.17:44:52.87/tsys2/82.8,80.4,69.4,63.6,64.7,67.4,82.1 1999.356.17:44:57.45/wx/8.5,955.6,30.1 1999.356.17:44:57.54/cable/+3.82937E-02 1999.356.17:44:57.59/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40487,22972,0,1pps 1999.356.17:44:57.64/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10180,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:44:57.72/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,16402,15456,545,1pps 1999.356.17:44:57.80/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,16078,16332,554,1pps 1999.356.17:44:57.88/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.39, 2.82,lock,15990,16116,550,1pps 1999.356.17:45:00.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:45:00.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:45:00.94:!1999.356.17:47:45 1999.356.17:45:01.74#setcl#time/69429728,1,1999,356,17,45,02.00,0.068,53.098,30 1999.356.17:45:01.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:47:45.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:47:45.00:et 1999.356.17:47:45.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:47:48.05:tape 1999.356.17:47:48.12/tape/low,16771,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:47:48.12:postob 1999.356.17:47:48.13:source=da426,165211.8,395025.3,1950.0 1999.356.17:47:54.64:checkr80 1999.356.17:48:24.65/parity/0.,6.,0.,2.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,2. 1999.356.17:48:24.65/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1999.356.17:48:42.68:nw2c2=20 1999.356.17:48:42.98/pass/20,,auto,165.0,,163.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.17:48:52.10:!1999.356.17:49:58 1999.356.17:49:58.00:preob 1999.356.17:50:00.74/tpical/20138,20701,20822,21227,20836,21794,21718,22074,51712,13380 1999.356.17:50:00.82/tpical/19123,19603,20063,20467,20243,20359,27758 1999.356.17:50:00.90:!1999.356.17:50:08 1999.356.17:50:08.00:tape 1999.356.17:50:08.07/tape/low,16771,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:50:08.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.17:50:08.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:50:08.12:midob 1999.356.17:50:08.23/tpi/15560,16262,16208,16025,15725,15997,16027,16288,40109,10087 1999.356.17:50:08.30/tpi/15706,16095,16031,15993,15954,16125,22826 1999.356.17:50:08.86/tsys1/63.6,68.1,65.6,57.3,57.4,51.5,52.2,52.1,64.5,57.0 1999.356.17:50:08.87/tsys2/80.9,80.9,70.0,62.8,65.7,67.3,81.8 1999.356.17:50:13.31/wx/8.4,955.7,30.2 1999.356.17:50:13.38/cable/+3.82949E-02 1999.356.17:50:13.43/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40121,22813,0,1pps 1999.356.17:50:13.48/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10089,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:50:13.56/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.79, -5.79,lock,16284,16379,545,1pps 1999.356.17:50:13.64/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,15969,16151,554,1pps 1999.356.17:50:13.72/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16030,15965,550,1pps 1999.356.17:50:14.73#setcl#time/69461027,1,1999,356,17,50,15.00,0.072,53.185,31 1999.356.17:50:14.73#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:50:17.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:50:17.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:50:17.94:!1999.356.17:52:54 1999.356.17:52:54.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:52:54.00:et 1999.356.17:52:54.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:52:57.05:tape 1999.356.17:52:57.12/tape/low,15665,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:52:57.12:postob 1999.356.17:52:57.13:source=1749+096,174910.4,093942.9,1950.0 1999.356.17:53:03.64:nw2c2=20 1999.356.17:53:03.94/pass/20,,auto,165.0,,163.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.17:53:13.06:!1999.356.17:55:10 1999.356.17:55:10.00:preob 1999.356.17:55:12.75/tpical/20477,20031,20483,20955,20521,21487,21332,21389,55987,14574 1999.356.17:55:12.82/tpical/19161,19665,20236,20318,20258,20356,28722 1999.356.17:55:12.90:!1999.356.17:55:20 1999.356.17:55:20.00:tape 1999.356.17:55:20.07/tape/low,15665,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:55:20.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.17:55:20.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:55:20.12:midob 1999.356.17:55:20.23/tpi/16107,16041,16258,16219,15851,16221,16135,16167,44239,11263 1999.356.17:55:20.30/tpi/15854,16222,16253,16037,16110,16258,23748 1999.356.17:55:20.86/tsys1/69.0,74.8,71.9,63.7,63.3,57.5,57.6,57.3,70.4,63.4 1999.356.17:55:20.87/tsys2/84.4,83.1,71.8,65.8,68.6,70.1,84.4 1999.356.17:55:25.91/wx/8.4,956.0,30.4 1999.356.17:55:26.02/cable/+3.82935E-02 1999.356.17:55:26.07/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,44231,23750,0,1pps 1999.356.17:55:26.12/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,11266,95,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:55:26.20/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.34, -6.62,lock,16048,15502,545,1pps 1999.356.17:55:26.28/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -1.36, -1.68,lock,16231,16199,554,1pps 1999.356.17:55:26.36/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.30, 2.63,lock,16264,15968,550,1pps 1999.356.17:55:28.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:55:28.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:55:28.94:!1999.356.17:56:58 1999.356.17:55:29.74#setcl#time/69492528,1,1999,356,17,55,30.00,0.068,53.272,30 1999.356.17:55:29.74#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:56:58.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.17:56:58.00:et 1999.356.17:56:58.04:!+3s 1999.356.17:57:01.05:tape 1999.356.17:57:01.12/tape/low,15012,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:57:01.12:postob 1999.356.17:57:01.13:source=1726+455,172601.2,453304.7,1950.0 1999.356.17:57:07.64:nw2c2=20 1999.356.17:57:07.94/pass/20,,auto,165.0,,163.9,,-1.1, 1999.356.17:57:17.06:!1999.356.17:58:04 1999.356.17:58:04.00:preob 1999.356.17:58:06.75/tpical/20254,19550,20949,21373,20955,21951,21899,21910,52076,13480 1999.356.17:58:06.82/tpical/19279,19802,20310,20603,20802,20492,27948 1999.356.17:58:06.90:!1999.356.17:58:14 1999.356.17:58:14.00:tape 1999.356.17:58:14.07/tape/low,15012,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.17:58:14.07:st=rev,80 1999.356.17:58:14.12:data_valid=on 1999.356.17:58:14.12:midob 1999.356.17:58:14.23/tpi/15673,15408,16359,16166,15876,16150,16186,16201,40492,10188 1999.356.17:58:14.30/tpi/15861,16240,16171,16150,16363,16245,22954 1999.356.17:58:14.86/tsys1/64.1,69.1,66.6,57.8,58.3,51.9,52.5,52.5,65.3,57.6 1999.356.17:58:14.87/tsys2/81.7,80.4,68.8,63.7,65.1,67.6,81.2 1999.356.17:58:19.39/wx/8.5,955.9,30.3 1999.356.17:58:19.46/cable/+3.82952E-02 1999.356.17:58:19.51/ifdab/0,0,nor,nor,1,40474,22980,0,1pps 1999.356.17:58:19.56/ifdcd/0,0,nor,nor,1,10188,96,4063,1pps 1999.356.17:58:19.64/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15444,15503,545,1pps 1999.356.17:58:19.72/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,16138,16330,554,1pps 1999.356.17:58:19.80/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16195,16093,550,1pps 1999.356.17:58:20.72#setcl#time/69509626,1,1999,356,17,58,21.00,0.077,53.320,32 1999.356.17:58:20.72#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.17:58:22.81/gps-fmout/T +7.6E-06 1999.356.17:58:22.94/onsource/TRACKING 1999.356.17:58:22.94:!1999.356.18:00:03 1999.356.17:58:26.78;"weather - overcast 1999.356.17:58:31.55;dqac2 1999.356.17:58:33.05/dqa/1, 1us,19,0.,0,0,10.2,-144, 2us,05,0.,0,0,10.4, 15 1999.356.17:58:34.54/dqa/1, 3us,21,0.,0,0,10.2, -93, 4us,07,0.,0,0, 9.9,-107 1999.356.17:58:36.03/dqa/1, 5us,23,0.,0,0,11.6,-105, 6us,09,0.,0,0,11.6, 61 1999.356.17:58:37.52/dqa/1, 7us,25,0.,0,0,12.3, 5, 8us,11,0.,0,0,12.2, 163 1999.356.17:58:39.01/dqa/1, 9us,27,0.,0,0, 7.3,-111,10us,13,0.,0,0, 7.0, 13 1999.356.17:58:40.51/dqa/1,11us,29,0.,0,0, 7.0, -86,12us,15,0.,0,0, 7.6,-177 1999.356.17:58:42.00/dqa/1,13us,31,0.,0,0, 7.7, -81,14us,17,0.,0,0, 7.0, -10 1999.356.17:58:46.98;bread 1999.356.17:58:47.07/bbc01/582.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -5.28, -6.06,lock,15703,15902,540,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.15/bbc02/622.89,a,2,2,1,agc, -6.06, -6.06,lock,15414,15490,545,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.23/bbc03/822.89,a,2,2,1,agc, 1.57, 2.53,lock,16348,16111,542,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.31/bbc04/962.89,a,2,2,1,agc, 4.34, 3.75,lock,16174,16305,548,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.39/bbc05/602.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -4.34, -3.10,lock,15895,16272,556,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.47/bbc06/702.99,c,2,2,1,agc, -0.90, -1.20,lock,16135,16298,554,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.55/bbc07/762.99,c,2,2,1,agc, 5.35, 5.49,lock,16162,16237,544,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.63/bbc08/782.99,c,2,2,1,agc, 6.70, 6.70,lock,16209,16190,551,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.71/bbc09/672.89,b,2,2,1,agc, -1.52, -1.68,lock,15864,15980,546,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.79/bbc10/682.89,b,2,2,1,agc, -2.18, -2.54,lock,16260,15930,549,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.87/bbc11/717.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.48, 2.82,lock,16209,16116,550,1pps 1999.356.17:58:47.95/bbc12/757.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 2.01, 1.57,lock,16152,16282,553,1pps 1999.356.17:58:48.03/bbc13/777.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.84, 2.73,lock,16022,16183,543,1pps 1999.356.17:58:48.11/bbc14/782.89,b,2,2,1,agc, 3.21, 3.75,lock,16260,16339,552,1pps 1999.356.17:58:56.09;rxmon 1999.356.17:58:56.20/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.85 1999.356.17:58:56.30/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 1999.356.17:58:56.40/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.53 1999.356.17:58:56.50/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.974 1999.356.17:58:56.60/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.557 1999.356.17:58:56.70/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,27.37 1999.356.17:58:56.80/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.74 1999.356.17:59:44.73#setcl#time/69518027,1,1999,356,17,59,45.00,0.072,53.343,31 1999.356.17:59:44.73#setcl#model/old,945190329,7557,50314543,-0.067,64.940,rate 1999.356.18:00:03.00:data_valid=off 1999.356.18:00:03.00:et 1999.356.18:00:03.04:!+3s 1999.356.18:00:06.05:tape 1999.356.18:00:06.12/tape/low,14286,off,stopped,unlocked,ready,10.6,85,okay 1999.356.18:00:06.12:postob 1999.356.18:00:06.13:fastr=10m25s 1999.356.18:00:34.69;"gps - maser 7.07 micro 1999.356.18:00:45.52;"gps - fmout 7.6 micro 1999.356.18:01:01.85;"now doing cable length check 1999.356.18:01:06.13;cable 1999.356.18:01:06.18/cable/+3.82957E-02 1999.356.18:01:15.38;"adding extra cable 1999.356.18:02:06.16;cablelong 1999.356.18:02:06.34/cablelong/+3.76166E-02 1999.356.18:02:30.90;"removing extra cable 1999.356.18:03:10.67;cable 1999.356.18:03:10.82/cable/+3.83150E-02 1999.356.18:03:42.40;"shorter cable is higher measurement 1999.356.18:04:03.66@wx 1999.356.18:04:07.99/wx/8.6,956.0,29.8 1999.356.18:10:31.21:unlod 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/bell 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/!+5s 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/enable=, 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/check=*,-rc 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/tape=off 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/rec=unload 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/xdisp=on 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/"**dismount this tape now**" 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/wakeup 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/xdisp=off 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/!+40s 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/rel 1999.356.18:10:31.23&unlod/clocks 1999.356.18:10:31.24&bell/mat=#aa=d8000002$ 1999.356.18:10:31.24&bell/!+7s 1999.356.18:10:31.24&bell/mat=#aa=d8000000$ 1999.356.18:10:49.82/ !!!! wake up !!!! 1999.356.18:11:29.83&rel/rec=release 1999.356.18:11:29.83&rel/!+3s 1999.356.18:11:29.83&rel/rec=release 1999.356.18:11:32.93:*end of schedule 1999.356.18:12:48.27;"Session na347 stop message for fbks. 1999.356.18:12:48.28;"------------------------------------ 1999.356.18:12:48.30;"Comments: Recorded all 344 scans. Overcast skies. 1999.356.18:12:48.31;"gps - maser 7.07 micro gps - fmout 7.6 micro 1999.356.18:12:48.33;"File: na347gc.log is in DEC99 Subdirectory 1999.356.18:12:48.35;"Tape: hst00279 will be Fedex to WACO today. 1999.356.18:12:48.36;" 1999.356.18:12:48.37;"Problem scans: 1999.356.18:12:48.39;"Source Scan start Explanation of problem 1999.356.18:12:48.40;"none 0 none 1999.356.18:12:48.42;"Tape Inventory: 9 thin 0 thick 1999.356.18:12:48.43;"Observation finished at: 1800 UT 1999.356.18:13:34.91;log=wx356
MARCH 1935 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 85 4. A relatively low quartile deviation is usually con- sidered favorable. A small departure below median probably would not often be disastrous. In areas where the quartile deviation is low we say the rainfall is of a dependable type. 5. A knowledge of departure below the median es- pressed in perc,entage of the time should be helpful especially in subhumid and semiarid areas, or in places where there is a tendency for a wide departure from the median. 6. A knowledge of departure above median expressed in percentage of the time should be helpful especially where superabundance of rainfall may be harmful to crops or produce floods. 7. Intelligent long-time planning always takes into account as many factors as possible. Rainfall is a vari- able factor in Nebraska that always must be consid- ered. The more we know about it the better planning we can do. An area with a wide rainfall variability may present fewer hazards if the percentage of variability is known and considered when plans for the future are being made. This variability series of rainfall maps of Nebraska may offer some possibilities in this connection that previously could not so well be taken into account. THE HURRICANE WARNING SERVICE AND ITS REORGANIZATION By EDGAR B. CALVERT [Weather Bureau, Washington, April 19351 Tropical cyclones are the meteorological monsters of the sea. No other type of ocean storm approaches them in violence and dest>ruc tiveness, nor in t,lie persistency with which they maintain their form and force. I t is a thing for one of then1 that has fully developed to dissolve and disappear over water surfaces in the Tropics. TVitli few esceptions t,liey conbinue as violent stornis until they strike land or pass out of the tropics. They are cudled hurricanes when they occur in the Ablantic. Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea., and the Pacific Ocean ofl the coast of Central America and Mexico; they are known as ty hoons in the China Sea; baguios in t.he water gal and other portions of the Indian Ocean. By whntever name they are known and wherever tiiey occur they strike terror into the hearts of seamen and of people who reside along the low-lying shores subject to their visitation. No one person or organization can surely be c.reclite,d with being the first to engage in a systematic forecasting program for the purpose of giving warning of the approach of hurricanes. William Reid began his studies of them when on duty on the island of Barbados in 1831. His work published in 1838 is stsill held in esteem as a book of reference. He studied hurricanes, plotted their courses, o.nd formulated his law of storms, including rules for niariners to maneuver so as to avoid their centers; and in 1847 he established the earliest system of displaying warnings when tlie approach of a storm was indicated by tlie barometer. The credit for the next warnings is probably due to Fat,her Benito Vifies, who for ninny yeaas was associ- ated with Belen College a.t Habma, Cuba. It is known that in 1870, when Father Vitie.s became director of the college, he began to grapple wibh the problem of fore- warning tlie people of tlie advent of hurricanes whic.11 threatened them. Before that time the inhabit,ants of Cuba were accustomed to hear of these phenomena only upon their new approach. This WRS tlie same year that the United States Congress made appropiiations for orgnnizing a nationa.1 meteorological service, control of whch wa,s vc.sted in the Signal Corps of the Army (lat,er transferre,cl to the Agricultural Depart,ment as the Weather Bureau). The Signa.1 Service was scarcely in posibion to issue hurricane warnings until A u p s t 6, 1873. On that date arrangements for securing dally weather reports by cable from Cuba and other islands of the West Indies went into effect with rec.eipt of observations from Habana. Daily reports from Kingston began Sept,ember 18, and from Smtiago de Cub?, on September 29 of the same year. Plans for obtnirung reports from Puerto mea o P the Philippines and cyclones in the Bay of Ben- Rico, Guadeloupe, and Barbados did not materialize that year as was espectecl. The met,eorological service of the Signal Corps did not start functioning until 1870, but almost from the begin- ning the need for issuing warnings of hurricanes to the people along the southern coasts of the United States WB,S recognized; also that t,liis could be accomplished only by obt,aining current observat,ions from islands in the West Indies. Plans for obhining such observations were dis- cussed in the reporbs of the Chief Signal Officer for t,he fiscal years 1578, 1873, and 1874. Father Viiies had nearly 3 years start on the Signal Service in organizing l i s hurricane warning service. According to one of his conimentators (Rev. Walter hcf. Drum, S. J.), the earliest authenticated date on which he issued a warning was September 11, 1875, but it seems likely that he did so prior to that time. There, too, is uncertainty as to the date of the first hurricane wwning issued by the Signal Corps. Father Viiies is generally conceded to be the first meteorologist to fore- cast hurricanes from observations of the upper as well as the lower clouds; also, he was the first to announce that both the place of formation and the direckion of movement of hurricanes change as the season advances. The August 1873 issue of the MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW refers to a forecast issued on August 23, 1873, of stormy weather for tlie New England and Middle L4tlanticz coasts with cautionary signals at Cape May, New Tork, and New London. This article contains a statement to tlie effect that the storni was of tropical origin, that it was by far the worst one since the estab- lishment of the Signal Corps and that it did not occur within the limits of our stations. It is a safe deduc- t,ion that August 23, 1873, was the date of the first warning issued in connection with a storm of tropical ori,gin but it would not be proper to claim that it was a hurricane warning because the storm was extratropid when the warnings were put out. Fa,ther Vifies is justly pla.ced in the front, rmlr of those wlio have contributed to. our knowledge of tropical storms and have been untiring in their efforts to develop means for forecasting them. Father Vifies hurncane forecasting studies were in four directions: First, to find some sign or group of signs tha.t would invariably prove the existence of a cyc.lone while it was yet a t a great distance from the observer; second, to get bearings in regard to the whirl- wind, i. e., to determine what part of the horizon it was coming from; third, to locate the trajectory or curve along which the cyclone would move, and to do this in MONTHLY m A T H E R REVIEW MARCH 1935 time for the observer to betake himself to a safe distance from that fatal curve; fourth, to determine the distance of tlie hurricane from tlie observer, its intensity, area, nncl velocity. A serious setback in the developnient of the hurricane wnrniiig servke occurred in 1S76 be.cause of discon- tinuance of observa.tions from the Rest Indies, due to lack of funds for cabling, but, this difficulty wns pa.rt8inlly overc,oine by tlie generosit,y of the cable c,ompanie,s in granting recluc,ed m 6e,s of one-third to one-half of com- nie,rcial ra t8e,s. In lssl tlie reports from the Inclies again were suspe.nded partly because of lack of funds but principally becmise of "doubt being thrown on the legality of spend- ing any part of the sppropriations in mzi.intnining a stsation outside of tlie 1iniit.s of the United States." This diffi- culty appears to have been reniored before the nest se:i,son began. At that time reports were being received from six West 1ndia.n localities, namely, Bn.rbados, Guadeloupe, H:tbann, Kingston, Snnt8in.go de Cuba and St. Thonias. In 1SSS or 1889 other reports, from Puerto Rico, S:mt,a Cruz, and Antigua., we,re se.c.urec1 t,hrough bhe newly organized Cuban hiet,eorologic:il Service wliic,li wis estsblishecl Janusry 15, 1889, under hhe directmion of t81ie N a i d Observatory of Cuba. Froni thst t,irne on- ward unt8il t8he ou hbre,n.k of the Sp".nish-Anieiic,nii JV:i,r tlie records do not clisclose m y material chmge in tlie general operating plans of the hurricane warning service,. In 189s there W'RS 1vha.t niny he termed the first reorgan- ization of the hurricane warning service. It was clue to the Spmish-Aniericnn War. Prior to thn.t time warnings had been confined to our own coa,stal areas, a.lt81iough there wa.s court,esy exchange of hurricme infornia t,ion bet8ween the Weather Bureau and the Cuban Rleteoro- logjcal Service and Belen College. bince 1Si3 observers a t West Indian points had been local residents. They were pnid for taking the observa- tions but were not subject to any officinl control by our Government. When war was declared in lS9S, it was recognized a t once that tlie hurricme warning servic,e on the old basis would be wholly inadequate to proleck t.he large fleet of nnral craft, transports and Unitfed States rnerc,linnt,nien opera t,ing in t8he waters subject to hurricme visitations. Accordingly, a bill was drafted and sub- mitted to Congress on June 16, 1S9S, authorizing the Weat,her Bureau to establish and opern.te observing sba- tions t,liroughout the West Inclies and along the shore,s of the Caribbean Sea. The n.ct niaking nppropriations for t'he service was not approved unt8il July 7, 1895. Per- mission had to be 0btaine.d from vniious goveimment's for placing trained obse~rvers and citizens of the United States a t places from which observations were desired. It was obvious that only those whose loyalty and efficiency were beyond question could be given responsibility in such n.n important undertaking. Much of this preliniinary work wa.s clone before the appropriation act was passed on July 7, lS98. By vigorous action the first party wis st,arted on July 22, 189S, and before the iniddle of August trained observers of the Weather Bureau had opened stntions a t Kingston, Jamaica; Port of Spain, Triiiitliid; Willenistad, Curaca.o ; Santo Doniingo, Santo Doniingo ; and a t Snntia.go de Cuba. Before the middle of Scp- tember additional stat'ions were operating a t Bnsse-Terre, St. Kitts; and Bridgetown, Barbados. The Weather Bureau forecasting center in the West Indies was located a t Kingston, Jamaica. The war soon was over; in fnc.t, before there was 011- port,unity to issue warnings to our conibat8ant8 fleet. Nevertheless, there neve.r was quest,ion as to the wisdom of the nc.tion to provide means for guarding our ships against, hurricnnes, one of which unannounc,ed might have ca,usecl eiiornious damage. Notwithsta.nding the ce,ssa.tion of liosbilities it was clec.idec1 60 complete the original orgaaization plan. Stations were established a t Roseau, Doiriiiiica; a t San Juan (soon nfter Puerto Rico came under Unit'ecl St,ilt,es cont,rol) and at Colon. Original intentions to place st'nt'ions a t St. Thomas and Barran- clnills were abandoned and the station a t Colon was closed early in lS99. Hen.dqnarters of the forec.asting service was transferred t,o Hnbana on February 1, 1899. At bhe same t,iine plans were perfecte,cl for giving all parts of the West 1ndie.s mid ships of all nationalit,ies the bene- fit, of the hurricnne warning service of the Weather Burenu. This responsibilit,y lins internationnl recogni- tion t'o this c1a.y. Wit>liin a year t.he declnra.tion of pence on De- ceinber 12, lSOS, observers began t,o be withdrawn from t81ie West, Indian sta.t,ions n.s fast as capable local persons co!ilcl be t,ra.ineel and qua.lifie,cl to tdie t,he observations. ln 1902, at, t8he t,erniination of t,he American occupation, tlie hurricane foremstsing work for the West Indies was t misferred froin Habana to Washington. All Weather Bureau employees were wiblidrttwn escep t one who re- mained for t,he purpose, of comple,ting t,he substitution of local observers for t>liose sent, froin tlie 'CTnit>ed States. A forecast center for tlie issuing of hurricane warnings and advices for Puerto Rico and contiguous areas was e,st&lishecl a t Snn Juan on June 1, 1919. St,eady improvements were made in the efficiency of the se,rvic.e nfter t,he Spanish War. The largest factor in this iniprovenient has been the development of the radio. It hn.s added treimndously to t8he field of observa- t'ion. Far greater dependence now is placed on ship re- ports than on observations froin island stations. Ships make regular contribut,ions of two observations a day and additional ones when needed. Last year more than 2 1,000 observat,ioiis were, received from ships in tlie soubh- ern portions of t8he Nort81i Atlant,ic, tlie Gulf of Mexico aad the Caribbenn Sea during t,lie G months which con- st,itute what, is known as tlie hurricane sea.son. A third epochal change in the hurricane warning service will occur on July 1, 1935. Change,s a,s contemplated on that dat,e, ninde. possible by an item of $80,000 contained in t8he Weather Bureau portion of the agri- cultural approprintmion bill for the nest fiscal year. Since the beginning of t,he hurricane warning servic.e in 1873, warnings and advices concerning tropical storms hnve been issued from Washington, e,scept for the short period during the Spanish War when warnings for the West Indies area w-ere issued from Kingston and Habana, m d the service re,nde,red a t San Juan since 1919. Under t.lie new reorganization e.ffective on July 1, 1935, no warn- ings of hropical storms will be issued froni Washington except for such ns have moved north of labitude 35"N. It is believed that more espe,clitious, sat,isfactory, and e,ffic,ient service cmi be rendered from forecast centers located nearer to the scene of action than is Washington. Strictly speaking, nfter that dat,e there will be three liurricane warning centers as follows: Sun Jua,n.-Cnrihbe,an Sen nncl islands east of longi- hide i5OW. and south of 1at)itude 20N. New Orleans, La..-That portion of the Gulf of Mexic.0 and it,s c.oast,s of longitude 85"W. Ja.cksonville, Fla.-Re.maining port,ions of the Atlantic, Cnribbean Sea and Gulf of Mesico areas, islands and coasts south of labitude 35ON. MARCH 1935 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 87 Jacksonville also will be a district forecast center to include the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and the Florida Peninsula. From that center will emanate all daily weather forecasts, warnings of cold waves, frosts, weekly outlooks, etc., for the States named in addition to storm and hurricane warnings. At present all of this work is being done a t thewashington forecast center. Jacksonville also will take over from the Washington center twice daily wind and weather fore- casts for the coastal and contiguous ocean zones, Hatteras to Jacksonville; Jacksonville to the Florida Straits; the eastern Gulf of Mexico (east of longitude 85OW.) and the Western Caribbean Sea (west of longitude 75OW.) New Orleans is now a forecast center for extreme north- west Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas and storm warnings for the Gulf Coast from Apalachicola westward to Brownsville. Its principal additional work to be transferred from the Washington center will be the hurricane service for the area as heretofore described; also daily wind and weather forecasts for the middle Gulf of Mexico (between longi- tude 85"W. and 9OoW., north of the Yucatan Channel) and for the Western Gulf of Mexico (west of longitude 9O"W.) will emanate twice daily from New Orleans in- stead of from Washington. The reorganization program involves material changes in the collection of observations from ships. Under existing arrangements observations are secured regularly twice a day throughout the year by radio from a limited number of selected ships in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea. These reports are now transmitted only to Washington. On and after July 1, 1935, selected ships routed south of latitude 35ON. will transmit their observations addressed both to Washington and to Jacksonville. The North Atlantic ships will continue to report only to Washington. Another class of ships, known as cooperative, supplies observations only during the hurricane season, June to November, inclusive. Hereto- fore service from this class of vessel consisted of two obser- vations a day, taken at 0000 and 1200 G.C.T., and con- taining only the universal group of data (day of week, octant of globe, latitude, longitude, direction of wind, state of weather, wind force, barometric pressure, visi- bility and temperature). After July 1, and during the period June 16 to November 15, inclusive, they will take 2 additional observations, a t 0600 and 1800, G.C.T., making 4 in all. Observations from cooperative ships will contain the universal data group and also a supple- mental group (swell, clouds, temperature difference between air and water, ship's course, barometer change, and past weather). Cooperative ship reports will be addressed only to Jacksonville. A system of direct calls for special observations from ships when a hurricane is in progress was inaugurated in 1934. It proved to be successful and it will be continued in the reorganization program. This plan, briefly stated, is as follows: The southern portion of the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mesico, and the Caribbean Sea is divided into 5O squares which are numbered. When a hurricane is known to be in progress, commercial radio stations at Galveston, Port Arthur, Tampa, West Palm Beach, and Ensenada (Puerto Rico) are informed of the areas (squares) from which special ship reports are desired and the time the observations should be taken. Operators a t these sta- tions contact all ships in the speciiied squares and ask that the observations be radioed to a specsed Weather Bureau forecast center. In this way many valuable 134307-35---2 reports are secured which otherwise would not be avail- able. Another feature, not strictly new but on a more system- atized basis, will be cooperation with the Coast Guard, whereby weather observations, including data on swells and tides, will be obtained from Coast Guard life saving stations. As a rule observations from Coast Guard stations are not needed until the storm has approached within a few hundred miles of the coast. They will be collected by telephone, telegraph, and radio and speedily will be made available to the forecast centers a t New Orleans and Jacksonville. I n a similar way there will be cooperation with Coast Guard ships both in forwarding observations taken on board and also in collecting ob- servations from other ships. By a like plan reports from Coast Guard stations, from Cape Fear River northward to the Delaware Breakwater, will be secured for the fore- casters a t Washington. An incidental but important part of the program will be the exchange of warnings and advices issued a t Washing- ton, Jacksonville, and New Orleans so that each may have knowledge of what the others have done and thereby avoid conflict and confusion. The Weather Bureau maintains storm warning display stations a t numerous ports along the coasts affected by hurricanes. A systematic plan for obtaining special weather, tide and swell observations from those places ie a part of the program. At the present time all hurricane warnings and adviso- ries are included in a bulletin specially designed for the use of masters of ships at sea and are broadcast twice daily through the naval radio station (NAA) a t Arling- ton, Va. This bulletin is copied by other naval stations and rebroadcast so that all ships in waters subject to tropical storms are warned. This service will be con- tinued. Warnings issued from San Juan, Jacksonville, and New Orleans will be telegraphed to Washington for inclusion in the bulletin. In addition, a special bulletin containing weather information, forecasts, hurricane warnings, etc., will be broadcast twice daily during the hurricane season and on fixed schedules from the naval radio station a t Key West, Fla. It is expected that com- mercial radio stations will cooperate similarly in the dis- tribution work. A unique and important feature of the reorganization will be a teletypewriter set-up during the five active hurricane months. This system is designed for speedy collection of observations f r o p life saving and storm warning stations, the distribution of land and ship reports from one forecast center to the other, including inter- vening first order stations, and immediate dissemination of warnings and advices to the entire coastal area. This teletype circuit will connect bhe Weather Bureau forecast centers at Jacksonville and New Orleans and its offices at Tampa, Miami, Key West, Pensacola, Mobile, Port Arthur, Houston, Galveston, Corpus Christi, and Browns- rille. The teletype circuit will operate 24 hours a day, every day in the week, including Sundays and holidays, and will be used exclusively by the Weather Bureau. A forecaster will be on duty night and day a t Jackson- ville and New Orleans and trained observers will be on watch constantly a t all the other offices having teletype installations. In this way advantage will be taken of every weather report that has signiiicance, the forecaster will be in continuous touch with the local Weather Bureau officials and through the latter the newspapers and the public will be kept fully and promptly informed. 88 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW MARCH 1935 CHRONOLOGY 1831. Capt. William!Reid began hurricane studies on the island of 1838. Reid published his laws of storms. 1847. Reid established display of signals at approach of storms. 1870. Father Benito Vifies became director of Belen College and inauguratu a hurricane-forecasting service, for Cuba. 1870. February 9: United States Congress made appropriations for a national meteorological service,. 1873. August 6: Daily reports from Cuba and other West Indies islands first received. 1875. September 11: Father Vifies issued first hurricane warning. 1876. Set-back in development of hurricane-warning service due to discontinuance of reports from West Indies. 1881. West Indian reports again suspended; legality of expendi- tures outside of United States questioned. 1889. January 1: Meteorological service for Cuba organized under direction of Naval Observatory of Cuba. Barbados. 1898. First reorganization of hurricane-warning service to protect American fleet during Spanish-American War; bill for providing funds submitted to Congress June 16; approved July 7. 1898. July 25: First observing station opened a t Kingston, Jamaica, which was made headquarters of hurricane- warning service. 1899. February 1: Headquarters of forecasting service transferred to Habana. 1902. Forecasting service for hurricanes transferred from Habana. 1902. National Meteorological Service of Cuba established. 1919. June 1: Hurricane-warning center for Puerto Rico established a t San Juan. 1935. July 1: Second reorganization of hurricane-warning service; service transferred from Washington to centers at Jack- sonville and New Orleans. EFFECT OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN ON TEMPERATURES IN EASTERN UNITED STATES AS SHOWN BY TEMPERATURE-WIND ROSES' By KATHARINE B. CLARKE [5814 Thirty-sewnd Street NW., washington, D. C., March 19351 In the preparation of a thesis concerned with some effects of the Atlantic Ocean upon the climate of eastern United States, a study was made of the effectiveness of the ocean in moderating temperatures at various stations. The decrease in temperature ranges along the Atlantic coast is obvious from maps of the average daily range of temperature (figs. 82,83, and 84, p. 25, Atlas of American Agriculture, Pt. 11, Climate, Sec. B, Temperature, Sun- shine, and Winds, United States Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C., 1925); there is a very much smaller daily range along the immediate seashore than inland. The Brownsville region, southern tip of Florida, Cape Hatteras and Cape Cod have in spring, summer, and fall the small daily range of 9' to 13' F. A comparison of the highest and the lowest recorded temperatures (fig. 3, p. 7, and fig. 6, p. 8, Atlas of American Agriculture, loc. cit.) shows a pronounced moderating effect of the Atlantic Ocean along the coast, but indicates that this does not extend westward beyond the Appalachian Mountains. To show, by some quantitative and graphical means, the influence of winds from the direction of the Atlantic Ocean upon the temperatures of coastal and inland sta- tions, temperature-wind roses were constructed: Data used for these roses were the 8 a. m. readings of tempera- ture and wind-direction published on the Washington daily weather maps. Seventeen stations in eastern United States were chosen, and data for 20 years (1906- 25) for the months of January and July were compiled and averaged. For each station the following data were obtained: (1) Average 8 a. m. temperature; (2) fre- quency of winds from the cardinal and semicardinal points; (3) average temperatures with winds from each direction; (4) the departure, from the 8 a. m. average temperature , of these average temperatures for each wind-direc tion. From this information the roses were constructed, as illustrated by figure 1 , the January and July roses for Boston: The center part is a simple frequency wind rose. On the 620 January days, Boston had a northwest wind 149 times and a southeast wind 23 times. At a con- venient distance from the center of the rose (the same distance for all directions and for all roses), a point was chosen as a zero from which to plot temperature depar- tures; minus departures were represented inside the zero 1 A part of a thesis submitted to the Faculty of Clark University, Worcester, Mass., June 1930, in partid fulNment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in the department of geography. point, and plus departures outside. A polygon, which is a perfect octagon, connects the zero points and repre- sents the simple average 8 a. m. temperatures for the 620 days. A heavy line connects the points that repre- sent the departures; i t forms the temperature-wind rose, a distorted polygon. The amount and kind of distortion represents the effect upon temperature of winds from the different directions; on the Boston January rose, for example, the mean departure with a northwesterly wind is minus 7.7', and with a southeasterly wind, plus 7.5'. Unfortunately i t is almost impossible to make a cor- rection for the difTere,nt latitudes from which the winds come; southerly winds usually bring warmer air, and northerly winds colder air. The greatest interest is in winds from easterly directions, as the purpose of the JULY I FIGURB I roses is to measure, if possible, marine influence. Local conditions of topography will affect almost every station; Albany, for example, has a very decided minus departure in winter with southeasterly and easterly winds as well as with northeasterly winds, since easterly winds bring colder air from the nearby highlands. These temperature-wind roses were placed on a map of the eastern United States in their respective positions. Figure 2 shows the roses for January so placed; for pur- poses of better reproduction, the zero polygons have been changed to broken lines. The distortion of the solid-line polygons indicates that departures from the average are greatest along the New England coast. The roses very clearly show the plus departures with easterly, south- easterly, and even northeasterly winds. This plus depar- ture with an easterly wind in January does not appear a t
**INSPECTOR GENERAL'S MESSAGE TO CONGRESS** We are pleased to provide this semiannual report on the activities and accomplishments of the Office of Inspector General (OIG), U.S. Department of Education (Department) from April 1, 2006, through September 30, 2006, as required by the *Inspector General Act of 1978*. The audits, inspections, investigations, and other activities highlighted in this report illustrate our on-going commitment to promoting accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness in federal education programs and operations. America's students and taxpayers deserve nothing less. Over the last six months, OIG issued 41 audit, inspection, and related reports, memoranda, and letters. We identified over \$283,590,000 in questioned costs, over \$19,800 in unsupported costs, and \$882 million in funds that could be better put to use. Summaries of our work are highlighted in this report, including our inspection of the Department's Reading First grant application process; our audit of special allowance payments the Department made to Nelnet, a participant in the Department's student financial assistance programs; and our audit of Financial Partners, a division within the Office of Federal Student Aid that is responsible for the oversight of the Federal Family Education Loan program. While our work is a valuable tool for the Department, it is not a substitute for good management and organizational accountability. The lack of effective management and organizational accountability can place taxpayer dollars at risk of waste, fraud, abuse, or non-compliance, and can impact the public's trust in the Department's ability to effectively and fairly carry out its programs and mission. During this reporting period, we closed a number of cases involving individuals who abused their positions of trust for personal gain. Work conducted by our Special Agents led to the sentencing of a former Georgia Superintendent of Education and her co-conspirators, who concocted a scheme to funnel over \$500,000 in federal education dollars into her failed 2002 gubernatorial campaign. Our work also led to the sentencing of the former Financial Manager for the West Virginia Regional Education Service Agency-1 for embezzling over \$1.3 million in education funds. Overall, we closed 92 investigations, with over \$7.5 million in recoveries, restitution, fines, and settlements over the last six months. You will find more information on a number of these cases in the pages of this Semiannual Report. While my office has been very productive over the last six months, we do face a significant challenge in conducting all of the work necessary to help ensure the integrity of the Department's programs and operations. Throughout this year, a number of the audits we planned to conduct were put on hold, as staff was reassigned to our Congressionally-directed efforts related to hurricane recovery, or as required by our on-going work, such as Reading First. We remain, however, ever vigilant and committed to working with the Department to ensure that its operations and programs provide the best service to the American public. Thank you for your continued support of our efforts. I look forward to working with you and the Department in furthering our goals and achieving our mission. John P. Higgins Jr. **CONTENTS** **Overview** **1. Management and Accountability in State and Local Programs** - No Child Left Behind - Reading First - Migrant Education - Arkansas - Supplemental Education Services - California - Parental Involvement Funds - School District of the City of Detroit - Data Quality - South Dakota Department of Education - Grantee Accountability - Connecticut - New Haven After School Programs - Puerto Rico-Salinas School District - Education Leaders Council - Investigations - Georgia - Minnesota - New York - Texas - West Virginia **2. Management and Accountability in Student Financial Assistance Programs** - Financial Partners - Special Allowance Payments to Nelnet - MCed Career College - Investigations - Fraud by School Officials - Fraud by Government Contractors - Identity Theft/Falsification of Identity - Foreign School Fraud **3. Management and Accountability in Department's Internal Operations** - Information Security - Federal Information Security Management Act - System Security Review of the Department's Education Data Center - System Security Review of FSA-Managed Data Centers - Review of the Department's Incident Handling Program and Intrusion Detection System - On-line Privacy and Protection of Sensitive Information - Additional IT Reviews - Personally Identifiable Information - Intrusion Detection System - Other Internal Operations - Recovery Audit Efforts - Institute of Education Sciences Contractor Employee Personnel Security Screenings - Reimbursable Work Authorization Process - Purchase Cards - Contract Proposals - Investigations **4. Hurricane-Related Efforts** - Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning **5. Other Noteworthy Activities** - Nonfederal Audits - President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency - PCIE Audit Committee - National Single Audit Sampling Project - Revisions to Audit Bulletin - *FISMA* Framework - FAEC Annual Conference - PCIE IT Roundtable - IT Roundtable Expansion - Protecting Sensitive Agency Information - PCIE Homeland Security Roundtable on Hurricane Recovery - President's Task Force on Identity Theft **6. Reporting Requirements of the Inspector General Act of 1978** > Table 1: Recommendations Described in Previous SARs > > on Which Corrective Action Has Not Been Completed > > Table 2: OIG Audit Reports on Department Programs > > and Activities (April 1, 2006, to September 30, 2006) > > Table 3: Other OIG Reports on Department Programs > > and Activities (April 1, 2006, to September 30, 2006) > > Table 4: OIG Issued Audit Reports with Questioned Costs > > Table 5: OIG Issued Audit Reports with Recommendations > > for Better Use of Funds > > Table 6: Unresolved Reports Issued Prior to April 1, 2006 > > Table 7: Administrative Appeals of Final Audit Determinations Pending > > Before the Secretary as of September 30, 2006 > > Table 8: Statistical Profile: April 1, 2006, to September 30, 2006 **OVERVIEW** The Office of Inspector General (OIG), for the period April 1, 2006, through September 30, 2006, continued its work to promote efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity in the programs and operations of the U.S. Department of Education (Department). As discussed in this Semiannual Report (SAR), we concluded a number of high-visibility audits and inspections and closed a number of significant investigations. While our work continues to identify areas of concern and recommends actions the Department must take to address weaknesses in its operations and programs, our work is not a substitute for good management and organizational accountability. The lack of effective management and organizational accountability can place taxpayer dollars at risk of waste, fraud, abuse, or non-compliance, and can impact the public's trust in the Department's ability to effectively and fairly carry out its programs and mission. In the first section of our report, we provide a summary of the work conducted in the area of elementary and secondary education programs over the last six months. This includes our inspection of the Department's Reading First grant application process, where we found that program officials failed to maintain a control environment that exemplifies management integrity and accountability. In addition, recently concluded audits in the area of elementary and secondary education continue to show that the Department lacks effective oversight of and accountability in its state and local programs. This is particularly true in the areas of migrant education and the monitoring of elementary and secondary programs and grantees, which are discussed in more detail in this section of the report. You will also find summaries of cases of theft and fraud by individuals placed in positions of trust in the preschool, elementary, and secondary education arena that OIG closed during this reporting period. For 26 years, helping the Department identify and reduce waste, fraud, abuse, or non-compliance in the student financial assistance programs has been a top OIG priority. With over \$70 billion awarded annually through the student financial assistance programs and an outstanding loan portfolio of nearly \$400 billion, the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) must provide adequate oversight and demand accountability from its staff, partners, and participants to help protect these taxpayer dollars from waste, fraud, abuse, and non-compliance. The second section of our report details the student financial assistance-related audits we concluded during this reporting period. Our findings show that effective management and accountability still challenge FSA. One example of this challenge is detailed in our audit of Financial Partners, the division within FSA responsible for the oversight of the multi-billion dollar Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program. Further, our audit of special allowance payments made to Nelnet, a participant in the Department's student financial assistance program, estimated that FSA has improperly paid Nelnet more than \$278 million in special allowance payments for the quarter ended March 31, 2003 through the quarter ended June 30, 2005, and could improperly pay Nelnet about \$882 million after June 2005, unless its billings are corrected. Also provided in this section are summaries of some of the investigative cases we closed involving theft of student financial aid funds by those in a position of trust in schools, as well as by students themselves. In the third section of this report, we highlight the audits and reviews we completed on the Department's internal operations, including the results of our annual *Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)* audits. We provide summaries of the internal investigations we conducted or closed during this reporting period, which show several individuals abused their positions of trust within the Department. In the fourth section of our report, we provide an update on our hurricane-related efforts. Like most federal agencies, we consider stewardship of these funds to be one of our highest priorities. As the initial outlay of education-related funding is still under way, the bulk of our work has not yet been completed. It is our long-standing policy to keep confidential the details of our ongoing work; therefore, we report only on our completed work in this section of the report. OIG constantly strives to improve its operations through our work with the IG community. In the fifth section of this report, we highlight a number of our contributions and the work we accomplished over the last six months within the IG community. In the sixth and final section of this report, there is a compilation of tables of the audits, inspections and investigations we concluded during this reporting period, as required by the *Inspector General Act of 1978,* as amended. For more information on the work or activities discussed in this report, please contact the OIG Congressional Liaison at (202) 245-7023, e-mail us directly at <[email protected]> or visit our website <>. **SECTION 1:** **MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN** **STATE AND LOCAL PROGRAMS** The Department\'s elementary and secondary programs serve more than 14,600 school districts and approximately 54 million students attending more than 94,000 public schools and 27,000 private schools each year. During this reporting period, we concluded an audit of the Department's Reading First grant application process, and continued our audits into state educational agency (SEA) and local educational agency (LEA) compliance with the diverse programs associated with the *Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965,* as amended by the *No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB*). Our work identified an on-going need for improvements in accountability by Department management and staff, as well as the need for additional guidance and monitoring of *NCLB* programs and program participants. In addition, we closed a number of significant investigative cases of theft of federal education dollars by those in positions of trust to educate our children. Below you will find a brief summary of some of the more high-profile reports and investigative cases we closed over the last six months. **[No Child Left Behind]{.underline}** **[Reading First]{.underline}** Title I, Part B, subpart A of *ESEA*, as amended by the *NCLB*, established the Reading First program aimed at helping every child in every state become a successful reader by the end of third grade. The Congress appropriated nearly \$5 billion for this program over its first five years \-- monies to be allotted to SEAs based on the proportion of children aged 5 to 17 who reside within the state from families with incomes below the poverty line. SEAs submit applications to the Department to receive the funds. In accordance with the law, the applications are to be reviewed by an expert review panel composed of, at a minimum, three individuals nominated by three different groups plus the Department, and each application had to meet all statutory requirements before the state would receive any funds. The Department's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) is responsible for administering the Reading First program. During this reporting period, we concluded an inspection of the Department's Reading First program grant application process. Our effort had three objectives, to determine: (1) if the Department selected the expert panel in accordance with *NCLB,* and if it screened the panel members for possible conflict of interest issues; (2) if the panel reviewed the applications in accordance with established criteria; and (3) if the panel adequately documented its reasons for denying funding. We found that the Department did not select the expert review panel in compliance with the requirements of *NCLB* in that it did not ensure that each state application was reviewed by a properly constituted panel. Although not required by statute to screen panel members for possible conflicts of interest, we found the Department used a process that was not effective. It also did not follow its own guidance for the peer review process for state applications. The Department also awarded grants to states without documentation that the expert review panels had approved the final applications, and included requirements in the criteria used by the expert review panels that went beyond the statutory requirements of *NCLB*. In addition, Department officials obscured the statutory requirements of the law, acted in contravention of Government Accountability Office (GAO) *Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government*, and took actions that call into question whether they violated the language of the *Department of Education Organization Act* that prohibits Department officials from exercising any direction, supervision or control over the curriculum or program of instruction of any educational institution, school, or school system. Our findings underscore the Department's lack of an appropriate control environment around the implementation of this program. We made a number of recommendations, including that the Department review the management and staff structure of the Reading First program office and make changes, as appropriate, to ensure that the program is managed and implemented consistent with the statutory requirements of *NCLB*. The Department did not agree with all key points made in our findings, but did concur with all of our recommendations. [Click here]( for a copy of our report. **[Migrant Education]{.underline}** **Arkansas:** SARs 50 and 52 provided information on the first three reports in a series of audits we are conducting on SEA compliance with the child count provisions of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) statute. During this reporting period, we concluded a fourth audit: to determine if the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) implemented systems to accurately count the children eligible to participate in the MEP. Our audit found that 96 percent (114 out of 119) of the migrant children in our sample were ineligible to participate in the program. Based on the sample results, we project that ADE had 3,127 ineligible migrant children in the districts we reviewed, and we estimate that ADE inappropriately spent about \$877,000 in MEP grant funds for those children. Federal regulations define a MEP eligible migratory child as a child who is, or whose parent, spouse, or guardian is, a migratory agriculture worker, including a migratory dairy worker, or a migratory fisher, and who, in the preceding 36 months, has moved from one school district to another, to obtain temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work. MEP funds are allocated by formula to SEAs based on each state's per pupil expenditure for education and counts of eligible migratory children, aged 3 through 21, residing within the state. In our sample, we identified 68 children that did not meet the migrant eligibility requirement. We also identified 46 ineligible migrant children whose families did not work in temporary or seasonal positions, as required. Although the Department's guidance allows a state to complete an industrial survey to establish that work that is available year-round can be considered temporary positions for the MEP, ADE did not complete an industrial survey, nor did it have any adequate alternative documentation to show how permanent jobs were considered to be temporary for MEP purposes. Based on our findings, we recommended that the Department require ADE to conduct a statewide migrant child count for the \$5.1 million of MEP funds allocated to Arkansas in FY2003-2004, as well as for all subsequent years; to return to the Department any funds expended for ineligible children; and to establish adequate internal controls to ensure federal requirements are followed by migrant officials when identifying and recruiting children into the program. ADE strongly disagreed with our audit approach and our finding. [Click here]( to review our report. **[Supplemental Education Services]{.underline}** **California:** Title I, Part A of the *ESEA*, as amended by *NCLB*, requires LEAs to offer supplemental education services (SES) to students from low-income families attending Title I schools in their second year of school improvement status, or that have been identified for corrective action or restructuring under the statute. State-approved SES providers, selected by the individual student's parents, provide SES to eligible students under agreements that the LEAs are required to develop. These agreements, which should be developed in consultation with the parents and the provider, are required to include a statement of specific achievement goals, identify how the student's progress will be measured, and set a timetable for improving the student's achievement. The SEA is responsible for evaluating potential providers, maintaining a current list of approved providers, and monitoring all providers delivering services in the states. > We conducted five SES audits of providers in California, including > for-profit providers, non-profit providers, and an LEA provider. We > also looked at a variety of delivery modes---individual, small group, > and online---to identify and understand specific issues associated > with each type of provider. In September, we released a Management > Information Report to provide the Department with information > identified in our audits. Our intent was to provide insight to the > Department on selected issues identified in our audits, and offer > suggestions for enhancing the Department's SES Non-Regulatory Guidance > published in June 2005. Our report noted four areas of concern in > California: (1) improper LEA prioritization of students who received > SES; (2) LEA preparation of student learning plans; (3) provider > payments for SES; and (4) SES provider effectiveness. We made a number > of suggestions for each area, including that the Department take > actions to enhance its guidance related to SES provider effectiveness. > It should also continue to monitor implementation of the > prioritization provisions of the *ESEA* and be prepared to further > enhance its guidance if LEAs continue to misinterpret the application > requirements. This may include a step-by-step process that LEAs can > follow to ensure consistent determinations on whether an LEA should > prioritize. While the suggestions in our report were directed to the > Department, we recognized that the SEAs also play an important role in > ensuring that LEAs comply with the SES provisions, through SEA > monitoring activities. The Department concurred with the information > presented in our report, and has subsequently placed conditions > related to SES on California\'s Title I Part A grant. [Click > here]( > for a copy of our report. **[Parental Involvement Funds]{.underline}** **School District of the City of Detroit**: We conducted an audit to determine whether the School District of the City of Detroit (Detroit) consulted with parents in determining how to use parental involvement funds under Title I of the *ESEA* during the 2004-2005 school year, and if it properly accounted for these funds during the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 school years. While we found that Detroit consulted with parents, its policy did not include all required elements. In addition, it did not properly account for or use the funds. Based on our findings, we made a number of recommendations, including that the Department require the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to ensure that Detroit returns over \$930,000 in unallowable costs to the Department, as well as develop and implement policies and procedures that provide reasonable assurance that Title I parental involvement non-personnel expenditures are necessary, reasonable, allocable, and adequately documented. MDE and Detroit did not dispute most of our findings and recommendations. [Click here]( to review our report. **[Data Quality]{.underline}** **South Dakota Department of Education:** We concluded an audit to determine whether the South Dakota Department of Education's (SDDE) required reporting of dropout and graduation rates in the 2003-2004 Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) were supported by reliable data and met the requirements of Title I, Part A of the *ESEA,* as amended by *NCLB*. The *ESEA* provides states the option of applying for and reporting on multiple *ESEA* programs through a single consolidated application and report, known as the CSPR. While we found that SDDE met the requirements of Title I by reporting dropout and graduation rates, the state reported its 2003-2004 graduation rates by using a one-year cohort definition, instead of the four-year cohort definition, as suggested by the Department. We also determined that for the schools reviewed, SDDE collected unreliable data to support the graduation and dropout rates reported in the 2003-2004 CSPR. We recommended that the Department require SDDE to develop and implement a graduation definition that meets Title I requirements, as well as develop and implement improved procedures on classifying and documenting graduate and leaver data, training data-reporting staff, and data collection oversight and monitoring. SDDE did not agree with one of our findings and recommendation. [Click here]( to review the report. **[Grantee Accountability]{.underline}** **Connecticut - New Haven After School Programs:** We conducted an audit of the New Haven School District's (New Haven) administration of the program under Title I, Part A of the *ESEA*, Summer and After School Program funds to determine whether it properly administered the funds in accordance with federal laws and regulations. We found that New Haven did not properly administer the \$3.78 million it expended on summer and after school programs. New Haven supplanted funds from other nonfederal sources; and 15 of its 21 summer programs lacked documentation and were held in ineligible schools. In addition, the City of New Haven's accounting system, the official accounting system for New Haven, identified expenditures in the aggregate and could not identify individual expenditures for its 21 summer programs. Based on our findings, we made a number of recommendations, including that the Department instruct the Connecticut Department of Education (CDE) to require New Haven to identify Title I expenditures associated with ineligible programs and return those funds to the Department, or return the entire \$3.78 million of Title I funds used to pay for the summer programs. CDE did not concur with our finding or recommendations. [Click here]( to review our report. **Puerto Rico -- Salinas School District:** We conducted an audit to determine if the Puerto Rico Department of Education Salinas School District's (PRDE-Salinas) properly administered non-salary funds under Title I, Part A of the *ESEA,* in accordance with grant requirements, federal laws, and regulations. We found that PRDE-Salinas failed to provide proper documentation to support several small disbursements totaling approximately \$28,000, and lacked appropriate supervisory oversight of its cash management activities. Based on our findings, we made several recommendations, including that the Department require PRDE to submit the missing documentation to account for the expended funds, or return the money to the Department. PRDE generally concurred with our findings and recommendations. [Click here]( to review our report. **Education Leaders Council (ELC)**: We conducted an audit to determine if the Education Leaders Council's (ELC) subcontracting activities complied with the procurement standards set forth in the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), if its subcontract costs for Achievement Technologies, Incorporated (ATI) and The Princeton Review (TPR) charges to the federal grants were reasonable and allocable, and if there was any conflict of interest between ELC and its subcontractors. We found that ELC's subcontracting activities did not comply with the procurement standards set forth in EDGAR, nor did it perform and document an adequate cost or price analysis. As a result, we were unable to determine if the costs charged by ATI and TPR were reasonable relative to other vendors' prices. Additionally, while ATI and TPR made significant contributions to ELC and its affiliates in 2003, we found no conflicts of interest issues between ELC and the subcontractors. We made several recommendations, including that ELC ensure that it complies with procurement and documentation standards set forth in Department regulations when renewing or awarding any federally funded contract. ELC, which has changed its name to "Following the Leaders," concurred with our findings and did not disagree with our recommendations. [Click here]( to review our report. **[INVESTIGATIONS]{.underline}** Our investigations into suspected fraudulent activity by SEAs, LEAs, and other federal education grantees have led to the arrest and conviction of a number of high-ranking state and local education employees---individuals who were in positions of public trust---for misuse of federal education funds. We will continue to aggressively pursue those who seek to defraud federal education programs at the expense of our nation\'s students. Here are a few examples of our work in this area over the last six months. **Georgia:** The former State Superintendent of Education and 2002 gubernatorial candidate and five co-conspirators were sentenced for their roles in a scheme to funnel over \$500,000 in federal education dollars from the Georgia Department of Education (GDOE) into several companies owned by one of the co-conspirators. Portions of those funds were funneled into the former official's gubernatorial campaign, and used for personal expenses of the candidate, including cosmetic surgery. Our investigation revealed that the former official ordered GDOE officials to issue checks totaling \$500,000 to various companies, purportedly to provide computer licenses and services to the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf, the Georgia School for the Deaf, and the Governor's Honors Program. The co-conspirator who owned those companies, transferred substantial portions of those funds to the gubernatorial campaign. Other co-conspirators included the owner's former Chief Financial Officer, a former Deputy State School Superintendent for GDOE, a former Federal Programs Manager for GDOE, and the former manager of the former official's gubernatorial campaign. The former State Superintendent/candidate was sentenced to eight years in prison, and ordered to pay restitution of more than \$414,000. Her co-conspirators received sentences ranging from eight-years in prison to one-year probation, and were ordered to make financial payments, ranging from a fine of over \$3,000 to restitution of over \$382,000. **Minnesota:** The former owners of the Right Step Academy, one of the first charter schools in Minnesota, were sentenced for defrauding the school in order to finance their extravagant lifestyle. They were given prison sentences ranging from 30-37 months, followed by probation, and were ordered to pay nearly \$490,000 in restitution. Our investigation, conducted jointly with the IRS-Criminal Investigation Division (IRS-CID), uncovered evidence that the couple set up a dummy corporation and diverted school funds to the corporation---funds that were used to purchase luxury cars, vacations, personal real estate, clothing, and house furnishings. **New York:** The former Assistant Superintendent for Personnel at the William Floyd Union Free School District pled guilty, was sentenced to community service, lost his employment license, and was fined for falsifying records. The former official obtained a letter from William Floyd's former Certified Public Accountant firm falsely indicating that his daughter-in-law was qualified for an accounting position at William Floyd. This resulted in her being hired for a position in which she was responsible for the preparation of final expenditure reports for federal grants received by William Floyd. Our investigation uncovered evidence that the daughter-in-law prepared 15 false expenditure reports that were filed with the New York State Department of Education, that enabled William Floyd to fraudulently obtain over \$530,000 in federal education grant funds. **Texas:** During this reporting period, three former officials of the Prepared Table Charter School in Texas were ordered to pay \$2 million in restitution for defrauding a number of federal and state agencies. A task force consisting of OIG staff, the FBI, IRS-CID, the U.S. Department of Agriculture OIG, and the Texas Education Agency, found that officials misreported student attendance data in order to receive federal and state funds. From 1999 through 2002, the school received over \$2.5 million in federal funds. The task force found that the school also commingled its finances with a church in Houston, which is against the law. The school's charter was revoked in August 2002. The three officials each pled guilty and were sentenced to prison in 2005. **West Virginia:** The former Financial Manager and Executive Secretary for the West Virginia Regional Education Service Agency 1 (RESA-1) was sentenced to 64 months in prison and ordered to pay over \$1.5 million in restitution for embezzling education funds and filing a false tax return. RESA is a state educational agency that receives funds under Title I, Part A of the *ESEA* to provide a broad spectrum of services and support for local educational agencies to improve student achievement and maximize economies of scale in staff development, purchasing, and administrative services. Our investigation, conducted in partnership with the FBI, IRS CID, and the Beckley Police Department, revealed that the former official embezzled over \$1.3 million dollars in education funds from RESA-1 and filed a false tax return with the IRS. **SECTION 2:** **MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN** **STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS** The Department's student financial assistance programs are large and complex. The loan and grant programs rely on over 6,000 postsecondary institutions, more than 3,000 lenders, 35 guaranty agencies and many contractors. With over \$70 billion awarded annually through the student financial assistance programs and an outstanding loan portfolio of over \$400 billion, the Department must ensure that all entities involved in the programs are adhering to statutory and regulatory requirements. As the office responsible for administering the student aid program, FSA must provide adequate oversight and demand accountability from its staff, partners, and participants to help protect these dollars from waste, fraud, abuse, and non-compliance. Audits concluded during this reporting period show that effective management and accountability challenge FSA. In addition, we closed a number of investigative cases of theft of student financial aid funds by both those in positions of trust in schools, as well as by students themselves. Our reports and more significant cases are highlighted below. **Financial Partners:** Financial Partners is the division within FSA that is responsible for the oversight of the FFEL program---a program that in 2005 guaranteed \$43 billion in loans to 5.8 million FFEL recipients, paid \$5.1 billion to lenders for interest and special allowance subsidies, and paid \$4 billion to guaranty agencies. It has staff located in Washington, DC, and regional offices across the country. The regional offices are responsible for providing oversight of, and technical assistance to, the guaranty agencies, lenders, and servicers, and other organizations participating in the FFEL program. During this reporting period, we concluded an audit to evaluate the adequacy of Financial Partners' processes for monitoring guaranty agencies, lenders, and servicers. We found that it has not implemented an acceptable level of internal control for monitoring and providing oversight of FFEL program participants, as required by the *Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (FMFIA*). According to *FMFIA*, internal accounting and administrative controls of each executive agency shall be established in accordance with GAO's *Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government*. During our audit period, we identified internal control weaknesses relating to five of the internal control standards---control environment, control activities, monitoring, information and communications, and risk assessment. Based on our review, Financial Partners did not provide adequate oversight and consistently enforce FFEL program requirements. Specifically, we found that: program monitoring and oversight were not in the tactical goals of FSA's Strategic Plan for Financial Partners; its reporting structure created an inherent organizational conflict of interest, with the advocate for guaranty agencies supervising the staff responsible for compliance and oversight of those entities; it overstated the number of program reviews performed in the Postsecondary Education Participation System and did not consistently quantify liabilities in program reviews; and it did not ensure that the Department's policies regarding delegation of authority for waiving liabilities were followed. In addition, Financial Partners did not adequately review, test, identify, and report significant instances of non-compliance in its program reviews and technical assistance. It does not have an effective information and communications process for requesting assistance on policy issues and communicating resolution to staff. As a result, Financial Partners staff does not receive timely policy guidance to determine whether guaranty agencies, lenders, and servicers are in compliance. And lastly, Financial Partners has not fully implemented its scorecards as a risk assessment tool and does not have sufficient information to evaluate whether the scorecard elements are useful in assessing risk. Based on our findings, we made a number of recommendations, including that FSA include compliance monitoring of guaranty agencies, lenders, and services in the tactical goals of FSA's strategic plan. FSA did not concur with all of our findings, but did concur with several of our recommendations. [Click here]( for a copy of our report. **Special Allowance Payments to Nelnet**: Special allowance payments are made to lenders in the FFEL program to ensure that lenders receive an equitable return on their loans. In general, the amount of a special allowance payment is the difference between the amounts of interest the lender receives from the borrower or the government and the amount that is provided under requirements in the *Higher Education Act of 1965*, as amended *(HEA)*. The *HEA* includes a special allowance calculation for loans that are funded by tax-exempt obligations issued before October 1, 1993. The quarterly special allowance payment for these loans may not be less than 9.5 percent, minus the interest the lender receives from the borrower or the government, divided by four. In April 2003, Nelnet implemented a process to increase the amount of its loans receiving special allowance under the 9.5 percent floor. Known as Project 950, Nelnet transferred loans into and out of an eligible tax-exempt obligation from taxable obligations, continuing to bill under the 9.5 percent floor for those loans after they were transferred to the taxable obligations. Nelnet repeated this process many times, increasing the amount of loans it billed under the 9.5 percent floor from about \$551 million in March 2003 to about \$3.66 billion in June 2004. Nelnet terminated Project 950 in May 2004, after the introduction of the *Taxpayer Teacher Protect Act,* which when passed, amended the *HEA* to make loans that were transferred, sold, or refinanced by taxable obligations after September 30, 2004, ineligible for the 9.5 percent floor. In 2005, we initiated an audit to determine whether Nelnet's use of Project 950 to increase the amount of its student loans billed under the 9.5 percent floor complied with *HEA* requirements, regulations, and other guidance issued by the Department. We found that Nelnet's Project 950 did not comply with applicable laws, regulations, or Department guidance; therefore, the increased amount of loans created by Project 950 was ineligible to be billed under this 9.5 percent floor. We estimated that Nelnet was improperly paid more than \$278 million in special allowance payments for these loans from the quarter ended March 31, 2003 through the quarter ended June 30, 2005. Nelnet could be improperly paid about \$882 million for the ineligible loans after June 2005, if its billings are not corrected. Based on our finding, we made several recommendations, including that FSA instruct Nelnet to exclude all Project 950 loans from its claims for payment under the 9.5 percent floor, as well as require the return of the overpayments described in our report. Nelnet strongly disagreed with our findings and recommendations, asserting that its actions were in accordance with the *HEA*, regulations, and guidance issued by the Department. While we received no official comments from the Department prior to issuing our final audit report, the Secretary is currently considering the Department's response to the findings and recommendations in this report. [Click here]( for a copy of our report. **MCed Career College:** Our audit of MCed Career College's (MCed) administration of student financial assistance programs sought to determine whether its administration of *HEA* Title IV programs was in compliance with applicable laws and regulations governing institutional eligibility, program eligibility, student eligibility, awards calculations, disbursements, and return of *HEA* Title IV funds. While we concluded that MCed met requirements governing institutional and program eligibility, it did not consistently comply with Title IV requirements governing student eligibility, award calculations, disbursements, and the return of Title IV funds. Specifically, MCed did not have adequate controls in place to ensure that verification of student eligibility data was properly documented, Title IV award calculations were accurate, and the timing of Title IV disbursements was appropriate. In addition, MCed did not have adequate controls in place to ensure that return of Title IV calculations were performed correctly, or that the unearned Title IV funds were returned in a timely manner and to the proper Title IV program. We made a number of recommendations, including that FSA require MCed to have its independent public accountant, as a part of the institution's next annual audit, and provide an attestation that the described internal control procedures and changes in its accounting system were fully implemented. We also recommended that MCed identify all amounts of unearned Title IV funds that have not been returned to the appropriate Title IV program for students and return the funds to the applicable Title IV program. MCed concurred with our findings and described corrective actions to address our recommendations. [Click here]( to review our report. **[INVESTIGATIONS]{.underline}** ### Identifying and investigating fraud and abuse in the student financial assistance arena has always been a top OIG priority. The following are summaries of the most egregious cases of student financial aid fraud that were closed over the last six months. **[Fraud by School Officials]{.underline}** - The former Dean of Education at the Western School of Health and Business Careers, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to two years of probation and 50 hours of community service for forging accrediting agency documents. Our investigation revealed that the former Dean forged four Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT) program approval letters. The letters were never issued by ACCSCT, and the programs were not approved. Our investigation further determined that there were four other programs that were never approved by ACCSCT. As a result of his criminal conduct, the school received and disbursed over \$5 million of federal financial aid to which it was not entitled. - The former financial aid director of the Troy School of Beauty Culture (TSB), located in New York, was sentenced to 18 months in jail and two years of supervised release for embezzlement. Our investigation, conducted jointly with the FBI, disclosed that the former director embezzled over \$410,000 in Pell Grant funds over a four-year period. He used the identities of at least 25 individuals, including a co-worker, to substantiate drawdowns of funds into the TSB Pell Grant account. He then wrote checks to "cash" and converted them for his personal use. - The three former owners of the Moler Beauty College (MBC), located in Louisiana, were sentenced and fined for conspiracy to commit student financial aid fraud.  Our joint investigation with the FBI disclosed that the three owners, along with a financial aid administrator and a contracted Ability-To-Benefit (ATB) tester, engaged in a scheme to fraudulently obtain Title IV funds by falsifying student and school records.  MBC officials also engaged in a scheme to prevent the return of Title IV funds to the Department. The owners received prison sentences ranging from 12 to 27 months, and were ordered to jointly pay over \$164,000 in restitution to the Department. **[Fraud by Government Contractors]{.underline}** - A former ATB tester in Illinois was sentenced to six months in prison, three years supervised released, and was ordered to pay over \$156,000 in restitution for falsifying ATB tests. Our investigation found that from 1997 through 1999, the former tester falsified ATB tests to make it appear that students were eligible for financial aid, causing over \$150,000 in Pell Grant and Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant funds to be disbursed on behalf of ineligible students. **[Identity Theft/Falsification of Identity]{.underline}** - As a follow-up to a case we reported in our last *SAR*, another family member received a prison sentence for his role in a nearly \$1 million financial aid fraud scheme. The man was sentenced to serve 24 months in prison. He was one of seven family members who participated in the scheme, orchestrated by his grandmother, in which the participants used the identities of more than 65 people to obtain almost \$1 million in student financial aid at various colleges in Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Nevada, and Texas through distance education programs. - The ringleader and his intermediaries were sentenced for their roles in a \$200,000 financial aid fraud kickback scheme at Texas Tech University (TTU). The ringleader, a former student worker in the TTU financial aid office, devised a scheme whereby he submitted fraudulent Free Applications for Federal Student Aid (FAFSAs) on behalf of students to qualify them for student aid, and received a kick-back of up to half the amount each student received. Two intermediaries helped recruit students to participate in the scheme and provided student names and Social Security numbers (SSN) to the ringleader. The ringleader also used the identities of 13 other students to obtain federal Pell Grant funds for himself. He was sentenced to over two years imprisonment, three years supervised release, and was ordered to pay over \$122,000 in restitution. Both intermediaries were sentenced to a period of home confinement, followed by probation. One of the intermediaries was ordered to pay over \$29,000 in restitution, and the other over \$14,000 in restitution. Three other students were sentenced for participating in the scheme, while two others were acquitted. - A former Ohio public school employee was sentenced to two years probation and ordered to pay \$142,000 in restitution for financial aid fraud. Our investigation revealed that for nearly 22 years, the woman assumed the identity of a high school friend who died in 1969. From 1990 until 2001, she used the false identity to attend various universities and apply for and receive federal financial aid. After completing her schooling and using the false identity, the woman applied for and obtained a teaching certification to teach in Ohio public schools. She had previously defaulted on student loans using her identity and SSN, which left her ineligible to receive further financial aid. - A former New York University student was sentenced to 20-months imprisonment, three years supervised release, and ordered to pay over \$103,000 for his role in an identity theft/student aid fraud scheme. Our investigation found that the individual used a false identity and an SSN assigned to another person to apply for and receive federal and private student financial aid to which he was not entitled. He also applied for and received---under false pretenses---private scholarship and grant funds reserved for victims of the September 11^th^ attacks. - A former Temple University student was sentenced to two years probation and ordered to pay over \$83,000 in restitution for theft of education funds and credit card fraud. Our investigation disclosed that the former student forged her mother\'s signature to apply for and receive nine Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) loans totaling nearly \$55,000, as well as used her mother's identity to fraudulently obtain various credit cards. **[Foreign School Fraud]{.underline}** - An Indiana man was sentenced to six months incarceration, three years supervised released, and was ordered to pay over \$83,000 in restitution for financial aid fraud. From May 2001 to May 2002, the man received student loan funds in order to attend Bond University, located in Australia. Our investigation revealed that the man did not attend Bond during the time period he received financial aid. **SECTION 3:** **MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN DEPARTMENT'S INTERNAL OPERATIONS** OIG's reviews of the Department's internal operations are designed to help improve the overall operation of this mission-focused agency. Our reviews seek to help the Department accomplish its objectives by ensuring the reliability and integrity of its data, its compliance with applicable policies and regulations, its ability to safeguard its assets, and that it is effectively and efficiently utilizing the taxpayer dollars with which it has been entrusted. Work concluded during this reporting period shows that there are significant inadequacies with the Department's management of and accountability for its internal operations. In addition, enforcement of its policies and procedures continues to challenge the Department. **[INFORMATION SECURITY]{.underline}** In 1998, GAO released a report noting that deficiencies in federal information security are a growing concern. Eight years and countless technological advancements later, it remains a concern throughout the federal government. **[Federal Information Security Management Act]{.underline}** The *E-Government Act of 2002*, signed into law by President George W. Bush, recognized the importance of information security to the economic and national security interests of the United States. Title III of the *E-Government Act*, entitled the *Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002,* requires each federal agency to develop, document, and implement an agency-wide program to provide information security for the information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency, including those provided or managed by another agency, contractor, or other source. It also requires the Inspectors General to perform independent evaluations of the effectiveness of information security control techniques and to provide assessments of the agency's compliance with *FISMA*. We issued a series of reports to address the 2006 *FISMA* requirement: a system security review of the Department's Education Data Center; a system security review of FSA-managed data centers; a review of the Department's incident handling program and intrusion detection system; and a report on the Department's online privacy policy and protection of sensitive information. Our findings in these reviews, some of which had been previously reported, were brought to management's attention for its determination as to whether the findings represent a "significant deficiency," as defined in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123, *Management's Responsibility for Internal Control*. In response to each of these audits, the Department generally concurred with our findings and recommendations and provided a proposed correction action plan to address our recommendations; however, FSA did not concur that the deficiencies rose to the level of significant deficiency, as defined in OMB\'s FY 2005 Instructions for Preparing the *FISMA* report and Privacy Management Report." Our *FISMA* and other IT security audits fall under exemption (b)(2) of the *Freedom of Information Act*. For security purposes and to maintain the integrity of the Department's critical data, these audits are not posted on our Web site or shared outside of official channels. Below we discuss only the general/public aspects of our work and findings. **System Security Review of the Department's Education Data Center:** > We performed a security review of the information technology > infrastructure at the Department's Education Data Center (EDC). EDC > supports major applications that are vital to the Department's > success. Our review identified significant security weaknesses that > must be addressed in order for the Department to maintain the security > certification and accreditation (C&A) of its systems. We also > identified a deficiency in the Department's configuration management > program that restricts its ability to reasonably maintain its systems > in a secure manner. Based on our findings, we determined that the > Department lacks certain management, operational, and technical > security controls to adequately protect the confidentiality, > integrity, and availability of systems and data residing at the EDC. > We recommended that the Department develop a plan to address the > security vulnerabilities at the EDC, and that it implement procedures > to verify that resulting corrective actions fully addresses these > security weaknesses. > > **System Security Review of FSA-Managed Data Centers**: Our audit > sought to evaluate the operational, management, and technical controls > of FSA's system security program at its data centers to determine if > those controls adequately reduce the likelihood that system security > weaknesses can be exploited, and if those controls effectively prevent > unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction to mission critical > systems and data. Our audit scope, however, was limited to FSA's > Rockville Data Center (RDC), because an FSA subcontractor responsible > for managing the Common Origination and Disbursement system (COD)---a > \$100 million financial processing operation---refused to provide > information necessary for our audit. From the information we were able > to review at RDC, we determined that FSA must improve its controls to > adequately protect its systems. We made a number of recommendations, > including that FSA develop a plan to address the security > vulnerabilities at the RDC, and that it implement procedures to verify > that resulting corrective actions fully addresses these security > weaknesses. > > **Review of the Department's Incident Handling Program and Intrusion > Detection System:** We conducted a review to evaluate the > effectiveness of the Department's Incident Handling (IH) and Intrusion > Detection System (IDS) in identifying and responding to aggressive > Internet-based attacks in accordance with applicable laws and > regulations. We identified a significant deficiency in the > Department's management control structure in IH and IDS that restricts > its ability to reasonably identify and report suspicious activity. In > addition, other identified deficiencies must be addressed in order to > maintain the security C&A of its systems. Based on our findings, we > determined that the Department's IH program and IDS are not effective > in ensuring identification and responsiveness to malicious attacks > against its systems, a determination we have identified in previous > FISMA audits and reported to the Department. We recommended that the > Department develop a plan to address the security vulnerabilities > identified in our audit, and implement procedures to verify that > resulting corrective actions fully address the security weaknesses. > > **Online Privacy and Protection of Sensitive Information:** Our audit > sought to assess the Department's compliance with federal regulations > requiring federal agencies to take all necessary/reasonable measures > to swiftly eliminate significant vulnerabilities to the sensitive > information entrusted to them. Through interviews, documentation > reviews, and testing of the Department's external websites for privacy > policy conformance, we found that it has not ensured compliance with > privacy laws and guidance as specified by OMB and Departmental > directives as they relate to establishing protection controls for > privacy. In addition, our reviews identified potential areas of > non-compliance with OMB directives. We recommended that the Chief > Information Officer of both the Department and FSA ensure its publicly > accessible websites comply with OMB regulations, and that controls are > in place to ensure its online privacy policies are consistent. **[Additional IT Reviews]{.underline}** **Personally Identifiable Information:** Personally identifiable information (PII) is generally defined as any piece of information that can potentially be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single person. Because IT and the Internet have made it easier to collect PII, it has become much more important to protect PII. During this reporting period, we issued a memorandum to the Department to alert it to weakneses we identified in a Financial Management System Software (FMSS) application that impacts its protection of PII. The goal of the memorandum was to expedite corrective action. We found that poor internal controls exist over the FMSS application, resulting in reduced accountability, violation of the principles of "Least Privilege" (granting users only mimimal access to systems in order to perform their duties), and unncessary access to sensitive PII. We also found that improper levels of security clearances exist for application users, creating unnecessary risk that could potentially lead to the compromise of sensitive PII. **Intrusion Detection System:** On February 27, 2006, the Department contacted OIG to report that the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) sensors for the Department's network, EDNet, had been non-operational since February 17, 2006. As the IDS is a critical component of the Department's IT security program, and its non-operation could significantly impact the Department's ability to identify a computer intrusion, OIG agreed to look further into the matter. Although we did not conduct a full audit, we reviewed the IDS sensors, status reporting, and the configuration of the network and identified three concerns that we shared with the Department via an alert memorandum in order for Department staff to research the issues further and take appropriate action. First, we found that the IDS sensors were operating properly (providing intrusion alerts) an average of only 44 percent of the time, which put the Department at a substantial risk of an undetected intrusion. Second, we determined that this situation happened and remained unresolved for a substantial period of time either due to the Department's inadequate oversight of the EDNet contractor responsible for managing the IDS, or because Department personnel were aware of the problem and chose not to press the EDNet contractor to correct the problem, or inform higher level management of the issue. Lastly, we found that the EDNet contractor may not have met its Service Level Agreement for IDS. Based on our findings, we recommended that the Department look for indications of previously undetected intrusions on its computer systems; review procedures/processes for oversight and management of its contractors as it pertains to IDS; and determine if there are contractual remedies against the EDNet contractor that may not have met the IDS service level agreement. **[OTHER INTERNAL OPERATIONS]{.underline}** **Recovery Audit Efforts:** Since 2002, federal government agencies that enter into contracts of more than \$500 million in a fiscal year are required to identify possible errors made in paying contractors, and for recovering any over-payments or other erroneous payments. A required element of such a program is the use of recovery audits and recovery activities. To complete this work, the Department contracted with a consulting company (contractor) to conduct an audit of possible duplicate payments. As the contractor's initial review identified only two duplicate payments, it refocused its efforts on any interest penalties the Department overpaid. In this effort, the contractor identified 184 vendors that were overpaid interest penalties by the Department, totaling approximately \$269,000. We conducted an audit to determine the methodology used by the contractor to identify erroneous interest payments, whether the identified exceptions were accurately assessed as overpayments, and if the contractor delivered services as set forth in its contract with the Department. Our audit revealed that the methodology used by the contractor was not reliable in calculating interest penalties; the contractor did not correctly assess interest payments as overpayments or correctly calculate interest overpayments; nor were all of the services delivered as required by the contract. We also found that the Department did not follow its own policy regarding contract monitoring; thus the Department was unaware that the contractor inaccurately calculated interest overpayments, and that the contractor had not delivered all of its contracted services. Based on our findings, we made a number of recommendations, including that the Department consider recouping fees paid to the contractor for claims that were erroneously collected, and that it take steps to ensure that its contract monitoring policies are followed in order to provide assurance that its contractors are performing the work they are being paid to do. The Department concurred with our recommendations, and provided a proposed corrective action plan to address our recommendations. [Click here]( to review our report. **Institute of Education Sciences Contractor Employee Personnel Security Screenings.** The *Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002* established the Institute of Educational Sciences (IES), a division within the Department, to provide rigorous evidence on which to ground education practice and policy. During this reporting period, we reviewed 10 IES contracts, totaling nearly \$194 million in payments for FY2005, and issued a memorandum to alert the Department that the IES has not fully implemented Departmental policy regarding contractor employee screenings. As a result, the Department lacks assurance that contractor employees with access to Department-controlled facilities, and/or with access to sensitive or *Privacy Act*-protected information, are suitable for the access granted. Department Directive OM 5-101states that all contractor employees must undergo personnel security screening if they will be employed for 30 days or more, and that the screenings will be commensurate with the risk and magnitude of harm the individual could cause. It provides a definition of "contract employee," and directs offices to establish and maintain procedural documentation for complying with this directive, including determining the risk levels for each contractor position, and ensuring contractor employees receive appropriate screening. While IES developed procedures implementing the Directive, it did not maintain a list of contract positions and current risk level designations; thus it cannot ensure that its contractor employees received the appropriate screening. Further, without this key component, IES cannot assess potential harm or exposure should an incident with a contractor employee occur. We made a number of suggestions, including that IES take immediate action to ensure that contractor employees receive appropriate security screening. IES agreed with our suggestions and proposed corrective action to implement all of our suggestions. **Reimbursable Work Authorization Process:** The *Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949* gave the General Services Administration (GSA) the responsibility to manage the government's real property. The Public Buildings Service (PBS) was established by the *Public Buildings Act of 1959*, which sets forth the functions of PBS, including "providing for repairs and alterations of Government owned or leased space on a reimbursable basis." This function is the basis for the Reimbursable Work Authorization (RWA) program, which was established to capture and bill the costs of altering, renovating, repairing, or providing services in space managed by GSA over and above the basic operations financed through rent. The Office of Management/Facilities Services (OM/FS) manages the Department's RWA function, working directly with GSA. We conducted an audit to determine the adequacy of the Department's oversight of the RWA process, if RWA funds are tracked and accounted for properly, if a systemic issue exists with the tracking and accounting of the RWA funds, and the reasonableness of employee overtime pertaining to the process. We found that there is a lack of clarity of roles and responsibilities for the various personnel governing the RWA process, inadequate financial accountability and ineffective reporting of RWA activities, and a lack of compliance with the Department's guidance on premium pay. In addition, our audit work revealed that no individual appeared to have earned excessive overtime pay when compared to all other individuals in OM/FS. We made a number of recommendations to correct the identified weaknesses. The Department agreed with our findings and recommendations. [Click here]( to review our report. ## ## Purchase Cards: As discussed in our previous SARs (No. 51 and No. 52), we conducted a Department-wide audit of its purchase card program. We issued reports to Department program offices, addressing specific issues noted in each specific program office review. In April we issued a final audit, summarizing the results of all work performed and presented recommendations to improve the overall management of the Department's purchase card program. The scope of our review included purchases made by Washington, DC, cardholders during the period July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004. We identified a total of 6,474 purchases valued at over \$2.8 million. While we found that the Department had improved controls over the purchase card program and implemented corrective actions in response to prior OIG reviews, there were still several areas where improvements were needed. Based on the findings in our 2002 review, we recommended that the Department develop guidelines and conduct on-site reviews of purchase card activities. While Department staff performs quarterly reviews of selected purchase card activity, it stated that it does not have the resources to perform on-site reviews. Additionally, while we did not identify any inappropriate purchases, we did find that internal controls over documentation required to support purchases needed improvement -- a repeat finding from our 2002 audit. The Department concurred with our findings, and provided a proposed corrective action plan to address each of our recommendations. [**Click her**]([e]{.underline} to review our report. **Contract Proposals:** OIG conducted "pre-award reviews" of proposals for a number of the Department's contracts over the last six months. We reviewed 12 proposals from contractors covering three pending awards and identified overstated costs of approximately \$649,000 and understated costs of approximately \$1.3 million. **[Investigations]{.underline}** During this reporting period, OIG Special Agents were involved in two cases involving employees who abused their positions of trust for personal gain, be it financial gain or other, as well as the case of an individual who illegally gained access to the Department's information system. Here is a brief summary of each of these cases. - A former OIG employee was sentenced to five months in prison followed by five months of home confinement, and was ordered to pay \$40,000 in restitution for computer hacking and unauthorized access. Our investigation disclosed that the former staffer installed software on his supervisor\'s computer enabling him to view the supervisor\'s e-mail and Internet activity, as well as other communications, at-will. He continued his illegal activity for nearly two years. - A former Department program specialist pled guilty in federal court to accepting \$10,000 from the president of a company that had been awarded a contract from a Department grantee to install computer systems at schools in California and Oregon. He was sentenced to six months home detention, three years probation, and was ordered to pay \$10,000 in restitution on October 20. - An individual was sentenced to two years probation and fined \$1,000 for obtaining information from a Department computer without authorization. Our investigation revealed that the individual intentionally gained unauthorized access to EDNET and illegally obtained information from it. He was able to gain access by using keystroke-monitoring software to capture an employee's user name and password. **SECTION 4: HURRICANE RELATED EFFORTS** The *Hurricane Education Recovery Act (HERA),* passed as part of Public Law 109-148 in 2005*,* authorized three new grant programs to assist school districts and schools in meeting the educational needs of students displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and to help schools closed as a result of the hurricanes to re-open as quickly and effectively as possible. These programs are: (1) the Immediate Aid to Restart School Operations program, funded at \$750 million; (2) the Assistance for Homeless Youth program, funded at \$5 million; and (3) the Temporary Emergency Impact Aid for Displaced Students (Emergency Impact Aid) program, funded at \$645 million. In addition, *Public Law 109-148* included \$200 million for students and institutions of postsecondary education affected by the hurricanes. In June 2006, Congress appropriated an additional \$235 million for the Emergency Impact Aid programs, and an additional \$50 million for postsecondary institutions and students in the *Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery 2006*. OIG has worked closely with the Department, providing assistance and advice in matters to help ensure that hurricane-related funds are expended in accordance with the terms of the grants and applicable laws, regulations, policies, and procedures. During this reporting period, OIG completed one audit, seven ongoing audits are near completion, and four additional audits are planned to begin in FY2007. The OIG also was an active participant in creating a new section for the March 2006 Compliance Supplement to OMB Circular A-133 to cover the new HERA programs. This addition to the Compliance Supplement, issued in April 2006, applies to all audit periods that begin after June 30, 2005. As it is our long-standing policy to keep confidential the details of our ongoing work, below you will find a summary of our completed audit. When the other audits are finalized, we will report our findings to the U.S. Congress, the Department, and the general public. **Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning:** We initiated an audit to evaluate the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning's (IHL) administration of the \$95 million appropriation authorized by *Public Law 109-148*. Our audit sought to assess IHL's methodology for allocating hurricane relief funds to schools, evaluate the adequacy of the information provided by schools to IHL, and to identify and assess IHL's controls over the accounting for the hurricane relief funds and compliance with laws and regulations. We found that IHL has implemented methodologies to allocate hurricane relief funds to its institutions and to make hurricane relief assistance awards to eligible students through the Special Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program. For the \$50.5 million in hurricane relief funds spent through this program as of July 20, 2006, IHL appears to have implemented an adequate internal control system. We were, however, unable to fully meet our audit objectives, as the funding period had not yet ended, and material events may occur in IHL's administration of the hurricane relief funding that could impact our final assessment. We will begin a separate audit to assess IHL's full distribution of its hurricane relief funds and perform additional audit work after the completion of the funding period, which ended September 30, 2006. **SECTION 5: OTHER NOTEWORTHY ACTIVITIES** # [Nonfederal Audits]{.underline} Participants in Department programs are required to submit annual audits performed by independent public accountants (IPAs). We perform quality control reviews (QCRs) of these audits to assess their quality. We completed 44 QCRs of audits conducted by 42 different IPAs, or offices of firms with multiple offices. We concluded that 16 (36 percent) were acceptable, 22 (50 percent) were technically deficient, and 6 (14 percent) were substandard. We have made 3 referrals of IPAs to State Boards of Accountancy for substandard work, based on QCRs reported in a prior SAR, and to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), if they were AICPA members. **[President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency]{.underline}** ## PCIE Audit Committee: Inspector General Higgins continues to chair the Audit Committee of the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE). Highlights this reporting period include: **[National Single Audit Sampling Project]{.underline}** > OIG continues to lead an intergovernmental project to accurately > assess the quality of all audits conducted under the *Single Audit > Act.* During this reporting period, the core work of the project > continued, as we conducted QCRs of selected audits. We will compile > the results over the next six months, and issue a report in the next > SAR. ##### ##### Revisions to Audit Bulletin > During this reporting period, several members of the Federal Audit > Executive Council's (FAEC) Financial Statement Audit Network > participated in a workgroup led by OMB to revise OMB's audit Bulletin > No. 01-02. The revised Bulletin, No. 06-03, *Audit Requirements for > Federal Financial Statements*, is a vital guide for OIG offices. The > workgroup's changes included revising the definition of material > weakness, reportable condition, and significant deficiency to be > consistent with SAS 112, *Communicating Internal Control Related to > Matters Identified in an Audit*, and proposed conforming changes to > the *Government Auditing Standards,* issued by the Comptroller > General. **[*FISMA* Framework]{.underline}** > The FAEC Information Technology Committee issued a proposed framework > for implementing the requirements of *FISMA*. The framework will > enhance the consistency, comparability, and completeness of annual > independent evaluations of agencies' information security program and > practices. OIG Assistant Inspector General for Audits, Helen Lew, > chairs the FAEC. # [FAEC Annual Conference]{.underline} > In July, the FAEC hosted its annual conference in Charlottesville, > Virginia. Speakers included Danny Werfel, Deputy Controller, OMB, on > the Financial Management Line of Business; Dr. Ron Ross, National > Institute of Standards and Technology, described *FISMA* > implementation; Dave Richards, President, Institute of Internal Audit, > discussed recent internal audit activities; and Marcia Buchanan, > Assistant Director, GAO, talked about the proposed changes to the > *Government Auditing Standards*. **PCIE IT Roundtable**: Inspector General Higgins is also the Chair of the PCIE IT Roundtable, and Charles Coe, the OIG Assistant Inspector General for Information Technology Audit and Computer Crime Investigations, continues as the Roundtable's Coordinator. Highlights this reporting period include: **[IT Roundtable Expansion]{.underline}** > In September 2006, the IT Roundtable announced that it would broaden > its scope and overall mission. To facilitate a change in scope and > mission, the PCIE IT Roundtable Advisory Council was established. The > Council includes representatives from all IG disciplines: audits; > inspections; investigations; and a liaison from the CIO Council, as > well as the IT Security Advisory Board. The Advisory Council will help > enhance and expand the IT Roundtable's overall effort in devising > strategies to ensure adequate and coordinated IG oversight for > initiatives with high fraud potential, and recommending strategies to > enhance IT training and IG internal infrastructure capabilities, > including knowledge transfer, shared infrastructures, and > secure/intelligent documents. **[Protecting Sensitive Agency Information]{.underline}** > The PCIE IT Roundtable worked diligently to coordinate the IG > Community's efforts to comply with OMB Memorandum M-06-16, *Protection > of Sensitive Agency Information*. During this reporting period, the IT > Roundtable assisted in developing the final data collection instrument > and guide for assessing agency's efforts to protect sensitive > information. The IT Roundtable will consolidate the information into > one report and submit to OMB in October. **[PCIE Homeland Security Roundtable on Hurricane Recovery]{.underline}** After the devastating hurricanes of 2005, the PCIE formed the PCIE Homeland Security Roundtable on Hurricane Recovery in order to share information and provide updates to Congress in the form of monthly data compilations and semiannual reports. Our office is a participant in this roundtable and contributed to the Roundtable's reports. [Click here]( to review a copy of the Roundtable's most recent reports. **[President's Task Force on Identity Theft]{.underline}** In May, President Bush signed an Executive Order establishing an Identity Theft Task Force: a government-wide effort to help combat identity theft. The Task Force will make recommendations as to how the federal government can: (1) increase aggressive law enforcement actions to prevent, investigate, and prosecute identity theft crimes, recover the proceeds of such crimes, and ensure just and effective punishment of those who perpetrate identity theft; (2) improve public outreach to better educate the public about identity theft and measures they can take to protect themselves, as well as address what steps the public sector can take to protect personal data; and (3) increase safeguards that federal departments, agencies, and instrumentalities can implement to better secure government-held personal data. OIG Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations (DAIG-I), Mike Deshields, was selected as a member of the Task Force---one of only two U.S. Department of Education representatives. DAIG-I Deshields is currently serving on a special subgroup focused on Education and Outreach. The Task Force will present a strategic plan to the President in November.
REMARKS OF FCC COMMISSIONER ROBERT M. McDOWELL MEDIA INSTITUTE LUNCHEON FOUR SEASONS HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D.C. November 19, 2007 As prepared for delivery Thank you for having me here today. Many thanks to Dick and Patrick for inviting me. When I agreed several months ago to speak here, I didnt realize just how timely my visit would be. Patrick and Dick must have been clairvoyant to have known last summer that Id be speaking just a few days after Chairman Martin released his de- regulatory idea for softening of the newspaper/broadcast cross ownership ban, and at the same time, laying the foundation for unprecedented regulation of the cable industry. If this were a classic novel, it might be entitled, A Tale of Two Regimes. It is the best of times, and it is the worst of times. Maybe newspaper publishers and smaller broadcasters in the top 20 markets feel as though it could be the best of times (well, at least since 1975). But maybe not; they dont seem too excited by the Chairmans proposal. The cable industry says it is the worst of times. But their critics are saying that they arent facing any competition, so they should stop their bellyaching. Perhaps theyd prefer the classic title Hard Times. And I dont know if its true, but Ive heard that a graffiti artist emblazoned across NCTAs door the motto: the beatings shall continue until morale improves. Anyway, here we are just a couple of weeks before some Congressional hearings on these matters, and only a few days before some big votes. The debates are reaching a fever pitch and we have before us tinder boxes of controversy. Im not here today to spark a firestorm. Im too late. That has already happened. The flames are rising, and 2 the heat is on. But Im hoping that cooler heads will prevail. So, today Id like to give you my perspective on these proceedings. Lets look at how we got here, the process of the past several months, and what Congress and the courts have told us to do. But first, lets look at the concept of competition, which is at the heart of all of these decisions. In the business context, Websters Dictionary defines competition as a, rivalry between two or more businesses striving for the same customers or market. Increased competition among newspapers, broadcast radio and television, cable television, satellite radio and TV, and the Internet have all been cited by many, including the Chairman, over the years as the evidentiary basis for updating or eliminating the newspaper/broadcast cross ownership ban. These media, he maintains, are all competing for the attention of the same customers and, therefore, advertising dollars. At the same time, however, he is asserting that the cable industry, and the cable industry alone, is facing less competition and should be subject to more regulation. This is a radical departure for the Commission a departure being made without sufficient chance for public comment. In fact, just last year, the FCC determined that cable subscribership was at about 60% penetration. Nielsen and Kagan numbers support this figure. According to the vast majority of other analyses, the cable industrys share of video customers has declined steadily in recent years. In fact in just the last year, six of the largest cable operators lost nearly 200,000 video customers. These are figures that cable companies have to report under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, so presumably they are accurate -- seeing as how prison time could otherwise be involved. In the meantime, the two satellite companies, DirecTV and EchoStar, gained 1.8 million customers in the last year and are now the second and third largest multichannel video program distributors. 3 AT&T, Verizon and other incumbent telephone companies, are now also competing for video customers. Verizon is rapidly approaching 1 million video subscribers. But now the Commission is proposing to throw out that data and insert new studies from Warren Communications even though Warren Communications Managing Editor says that his figures arent well suited for determining whether the 23-year-old 70/70 rule has been triggered. He says he had no idea that the information he provided to the mysterious FCC staffer who requested it would be used for such purposes. And, had he known, he said he would have used footnotes and caveats to put his study in the proper factual and analytical context. All of this uncertainty is precisely why Commissioner Tate and I sought more data to illuminate this mysterious development. I have a lot of questions that need answering. Why is the FCC suddenly changing its evidentiary standard and methodology just for this one industry? How will this abrupt and radical departure affect other analyses and proceedings? Doesnt this shift weaken arguments for updating the cross ownership ban? Does our proposed change affect our analysis of the proposed XM-Sirius merger? How do we reconcile decades of data showing more convergence and more competition among more delivery platforms with this sudden reversal? I am searching for credible answers to these and many other questionsthus far to no avail. But let me get back to the original topic of this now verbose speech: media ownership. In contrast, we are rushing toward a decision in media ownership the way a slug races across a garden. Lets review the procedural history. 4 The current proceeding began at my first open meeting as a Commissioner, 17 months ago. This proceeding has been unprecedented in scope and thoroughness. We gathered and reviewed over 130,000 initial and reply comments and extended the comment deadline once. We released a Second Further Notice in response to concerns that our initial notice was not specific enough about proposals to increase minority and female ownership of stations. We gathered and reviewed even more comments and replies in response to the Second Notice. We traveled across our great nation to hear directly from the American people during six field hearings on ownership in: Los Angeles and El Segundo, Nashville, Harrisburg, Tampa-St. Pete, Chicago, and Seattle. We held two additional hearings on localism, in Portland, Maine and here in our nations capital. In those hearings, weve heard from 115 expert panelists on the state of ownership in those markets and weve stayed late into the night, or early into the next morning, to hear from concerned citizens who signed up to speak. We also commissioned and released for public comment ten economic studies by respected economists from academia and elsewhere. These studies examine ownership structure and its effect on the quantity and quality of news and other programming on radio, TV and in newspapers; on minority and female ownership in media enterprises; on the effects of cross-ownership on local content and political slant; and on vertical integration and the market for broadcast programming. We received and reviewed scores more comments and replies in response. Some commenters did not like the studies and their critiques are part of the record. So, during my entire term as a Commissioner, we have been reviewing this matter. But our review didnt begin last year. The previous round began in 2002. At 5 that time, the Commission received thousands of formal comments and millions of informal comments. The Commission held four localism hearings across the country to gather additional evidence. The FCC also produced twelve media ownership working group studies. We all know that the 2002 review ended badly for the Commission with both the legislative and judicial branches reacting through a Congressional override of the national ownership cap, and a reversal and remand from the Third Circuit in the Prometheus case. By the way, while the court threw out almost all of the Commissions order, it concluded that, reasoned analysis supports the Commissions determination that the blanket ban on newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership was no longer in the public interest. But our story didnt begin in 2002 either. In 2001, the FCC issued a rulemaking focused on the newspaper-broadcast cross ownership ban a concept that has been around since at least 1975. Comments and replies were gathered there too. That proceeding sprouted up as the result of a June 2000 report from a Democrat-controlled FCC, which found that the ban may not be necessary to protect the public interest in certain circumstances. That report was the result of yet another proceeding, which commenced in 1998. The 1998 proceeding stemmed from a 1996 proceeding; which was sparked by legislation; which was engendered by an overwhelming and bi-partisan vote of a Republican-controlled Congress and signed into law by a Democrat President. In my 17 years of being in and around the FCC, I cant think of any issue that has been examined more thoroughly. I cant remember any proceeding where the Commission has solicited as much comment and given the American people as much opportunity to be heard. If anyone knows of an FCC proceeding where there has been 6 more opportunity for debate over an 11-year period, please let me know. I just hope the Commission doesnt fumble the procedural ball now that its fourth down and goal. One of the many things I have learned during my adventure at the FCC is that opponents of any further de-regulation have been far more vocal and organized than proponents of more relaxed rules. In fact, while broadcasters have prioritized their opposition to the XM-Sirius merger and the use of TV white spaces over their advocacy for relief under media ownership rules, their opponents have skillfully recast the debate into whether old and new media should live under additional regulations, not fewer. In the meantime, at our hearings, witnesses on behalf of broadcasters prefer to discuss the positive contributions broadcasters make to their communities rather than the competitive threats they may face that might warrant deregulation. Dont get me wrong, broadcasters community involvement and support are beneficial endeavors. But the legal question before us involves some measurement of the competition faced by broadcasters. Much of their oral testimony fell short of shedding light on that subject. Fortunately, the voluminous written record is considerably more data-rich and offers a more dispassionate discussion of the facts. The public hearings have been a better measurement of emotion than dispassionate data; but they have been very valuable. At a minimum, they have provided our fellow Americans with the chance to vent their frustration with the federal government. We have been yelled at about the Iraq war, global warming, the tyranny of Americas copyright laws, and the need to legalize drugs, among other topics. And then there was the fellow in Los Angeles who had a very strong opinion about the Peloponnesian War. Now, I dont mean for this to sound like a cop- out, but that was before my time at the Commission. But in all seriousness, Ive greatly 7 valued hearing directly from the thousands of people who have traveled to these hearings, often on short notice. While we have been the object of a great deal of anger, being on the frontlines of democracy in this way has deepened my love for our country and its diverse peoples. We are truly the greatest nation on earth. But, a point that gets lost in the emotion over these issues is that the directly elected representatives of the American people, the Congress, enacted a statute that contains a presumption in favor of modifying or repealing the ownership rules as competitive circumstances change. Section 202(h) states that we must review the rules and determine whether any of such rules are necessary in the public interest as the result of competition. The Commission shall repeal or modify any regulation that it determines to be no longer in the public interest. This section appears to upend the traditional administrative law principle requiring an affirmative justification for the modification or elimination of a rule, and it is crucial for everyone involved in this debate to recognize this important presumption. But before I go further on this point, just a reminder, and full disclosure: both of my parents were print journalists. My father, Bart McDowell, was a senior editor of National Geographic Magazine. He met my mother, Martha Shea McDowell, after World War II at the University of Missouris famed School of Journalism where she was on the faculty. She went on to become a reporter for the Chicago Daily News at a time when almost no women held such jobs. She went on to work for the Washington Post and was there when the cross ownership ban went into effect. So I found it especially remarkable, when I was sorting through her estate - after she passed away in 2005 - to find a book entitled The Fading American Newspaper. Ive read through it and Ive 8 come across some timely quotes. Heres one: As journalism migrates into new areas of communication, its practitioners, too, are on the move. The commerce in information flourishes and quickens its tempo, new skills are developed, and the major problem for the newspaper journalist is to keep his readers from migrating, too. So when was this book written? 2005? 1975? No, it was written in 1960. Its author is Carl Lindstrom who was executive editor of the Hartford Times and a journalism professor at the University of Michigan. But the point is that there is not a general concept before us in this proceeding that hasnt been debated for decades. Even though the newspaper industry was already facing challenges in 1960, it has undergone dramatic change in the 32 years since the newspaper-broadcast cross ownership ban went into effect. Now we have five national networks, not the three I grew up with. Today we have hundreds of cable channels spewing out of a multitude of video content produced by more, not fewer, but more entities than existed 32 years ago. In 1975, cable was in its infancy and had yet to develop programming. Now we have DBS, telephone companies offering video, cable overbuilders, the Internet and its millions of websites, iPods, satellite radio, cell phones, Wi-Fi, video-on-demand, digital video recorders, pay-per-view, etc. There is no disputing that the marketplace has been transformed by technological advances and business innovations into the most competitive multimedia environment in human history. Consumers have more choices and more control over what they read, watch and listen to than ever. As a result, at least 300 daily newspapers have gone out of business in the last 32 years because people are looking elsewhere for their content. Newspaper circulation has declined year after year. Since just this past spring, average daily circulation has declined 2.6%. Newspapers 9 share of advertising revenue has shrunk while advertising for online entities, which are not subject to cross ownership restrictions, has surged. Is the cross-ownership ban still in the public interest, or is it a millstone around the neck of a drowning industry? The statute demands an answer. Has this new era of competition been helpful or harmful to localism and diversity? Audiences seeking news, local information and entertainment are more fragmented than ever before. But combinations allowed by the 1996 Act have occurred. What these changes mean for localism and diversity remains an unanswered question. On the one hand, some argue that combinations that may have been dangerous to diversity in 1975 are no longer any threat due to the existence of an unlimited number of delivery platforms and content producers. Not only are there more hoses to deliver the information, there are more spigots to produce the information. On the other hand, most people still rely primarily on television broadcasts and newspapers for their local news and information. With local broadcasters and newspapers still producing a large share of local online content as well, are there really more diverse sources of local journalism than before? All of us must handle this question with great care. That question begs yet another question that is vexing to me: what can the FCC do to promote ownership among people of color and women? Many positive ideas put the Commission into a legal vice grip, with Supreme Court prohibitions against race- specific help on one side, and a lack of statutory authority for doing much more on the other side. Like it or not, whatever the FCC or Congress does must withstand constitutional muster. The strict scrutiny standard adopted by the Supreme Court in Adarand v. Pe??na applies to all racial classifications imposed by the federal government. 10 It is a difficult standard to satisfy. Like it or not, post-Adarand, regulators have to walk a constitutional tight rope when considering how to define the class that should benefit from policies intended to encourage ownership diversity. Adopting rules that would be struck down on appeal would only provide false and fleeting hope to the very people the rules were intended to help. So lets focus on the possible -- and the legally sustainable. One of our ownership studies (Study #7) finds that women and people of color are clearly underrepresented in the radio, TV and newspaper industries no surprise there, sadly. But it also finds that this pattern holds across a broad sampling of industries at relatively similar rates, so that the radio, TV and newspaper businesses are not unique. The study also finds that access to capital is the primary cause of under-representation. Or, to quote Jack Kemp, you cant have capitalism without capital. Accordingly, the study recommends several improvements to the FCC data collection process to track race and gender in ownership. Gathering better data could easily be fixed. Putting incentives in the right place so that its in the economic interest of businesspeople to solve the access to capital problem? Not so simple. The most promising idea may be renewal of the tax certificate program, which permitted deferral of gain realized upon the sale of a broadcast station to a minority- owned or controlled entity. It was successful in increasing the number of minority owners. During the programs lifespan, 364 tax certificates were issued for transactions involving sales to minorities: 290 radio, 43 television, and 31 cable television. But it was repealed in Congress by an overwhelmingly bi-partisan vote in 1995. Today, Chairman Rangels bill to restore it allows for a tax deferral of up to $50 million from a sale to small businesses that own 10 or fewer broadcast stations. Chairman Rushs bill permits a 11 taxpayer to exclude from gross income some of the gain for a sale to an eligible purchaser, such as an economically and socially disadvantaged business. While our role at the Commission is not to lobby for any particular legislation, I am encouraged that Congress is considering tax incentives to bolster minority ownership. Putting the incentives in the right place so that sellers have an economic interest to sell stations to minorities or small businesses may be the most effective means of increasing minority ownership. But here we are, in the middle of another public comment period. Soon the Commission might be testifying before both Houses of Congress. Further deliberation ensues. While the FCC races ahead like a runaway glacier, as one analyst put it, the private sector has been busy working around the regulations of yore. Is it any wonder that most of the energy, creativity, capital and growth have been focused on areas that are less regulated? The ironic truth is: in many cases, media consolidation has actually become media divestiture. Companies such as Disney, Citadel, Clear Channel and Belo actually have been shedding properties to raise capital for new ventures. They are directing new capital investment toward new media ventures. Thats where Americas eyeballs are looking; so that means thats where the ad dollars are flowing. The Hollywood writers strike is all about the concept of following the eyeballs and ad dollars. For instance, over one-third of Americans go online to get their news. That number is growing. Traditional medias numbers are shrinking. While heavily-regulated newspapers and broadcast properties decline, unregulated new media is in its ascendancy. This new frontier is especially promising for people of color and women. The rise of so-called niche markets is benefiting people who have 12 been underserved in the past. The low barriers to entry and low capital requirements to get started have spawned a plethora of minority and women oriented new media outlets such as:, a minority owned online destination that connects people interested in African American culture and lifestyle; or, which provides daily hot topics for women; or Womens, an online source for news and perspectives of particular concern to women. The exciting news is that all Americans will benefit from this new paradigm because new technology empowers the sovereignty of the individual regardless of who you are. While this new era is in its infancy, and we have a long way to go before it matures, I am confidently optimistic that the media ownership debates of the early 21st Century will fade into obscurity as technology and competition advance. Thank you again for inviting me here today. Please have a happy Thanksgiving. And I look forward to taking your questions.
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# Presentation: 911514 ## E-Competencies and Development of Standards: the American Association of Law Libraries’ Competencies of Law Librarianship - Timothy L. Coggins, Chair - AALL Professional Development Committee - Federal Depository Library Conference - October 22, 2002 – 2:00 – 3:15 p.m. ## American Association of Law Libraries - Some facts – - Founded in 1906 - Approximately 5,000 members who work in nearly 1,900 libraries serving government officials, the bench, the bar, legal scholars and the public - Approximately 2,000-2,200 attend annual meeting and conference - Headquarters in Chicago – staff of 14 - Educational Programming staff - Washington Affairs Office ## AALL Mission - “The American Association of Law Libraries supports and serves its members, promotes and enhances the value of law libraries, fosters law librarianship, and provides leadership and advocacy in the field of legal information and information policy.” (AALL 2000-2005 Strategic Plan) ## AALL Vision - “ ... thriving professional association whose members and libraries ... are recognized as critical to the success of their organizations and as central to society. ... AALL members possess the knowledge and skills to maintain effectiveness in a constantly changing legal environment. ....” (AALL 2000-2005 Strategic Plan) ## Professional Development Committee - Charge: - Long-range planning - Programming priorities - Educational-related policies for AALL - Needs assessment - Collaborative educational endeavors - Educational standards - “Competencies of Law Librarianship” - Approved by AALL Executive Board, March 2001 ## Definitions - Competencies: “the knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics that help distinguish superior performance.” - E-competency: “... acquiring the systems and skills within the enterprise at both the managerial and operational levels needed to engage in e-business, e-commerce and e-trade.” (Alwyn Didar Singh, _E-Commerce for Managers_)(also defines e-commerce, e-trade, e-democracy, e-governance, and e-shirking) ## Purposes of the Document - Librarians - Coordinate continuing education and professional growth - Employers - Hiring, evaluation & promotion decisions; make recommendations for professional development - AALL - Framework to structure professional development program (including Annual Meeting and Conference programs) ## Organization of the Competencies - Core Competencies - Apply to all law librarians - Acquired early in one’s career - Specialized Competencies - Five different categories - Library management - Reference, research, and client services - Information technology - Collection care and management - Teaching ## Core Competencies - Examples - 1.1: Demonstrates a strong commitment to excellent client services - 1.6: Demonstrates knowledge of library and information science theory, information creation, organization, and delivery - 1.10: Acts with the organization to implement the principles of knowledge management ## Specialized Competencies - Library Management - Planning; budgeting; personnel; leadership; trends; facilities; policy/legislation; etc. - Reference, Research, and Client Services - Reference services; legal research with print and electronic; quality, authenticity, accuracy, cost, etc. of traditional and electronic sources; etc. ## Specialized Competencies - Collection Care and Management - Collection development policies; evaluation of information resources in all formats; selection decisions; arrangement and access; etc. - Teaching - Educational needs of clients; teaching clients with different needs and technological skill levels; training; effective use of new technologies; etc. ## Specialized Competencies – Information Technology - Creating, accessing & managing information - Need for new and evolving technology - Long-range planning/policy formulation - Evaluating, testing, etc. software & hardware - Assisting and educating clients in IS - Hardware, software, website, network issues - Library website ## “Master” Competencies - Professional Development Committee - AALL Special Interest Sections - Examples - Computing Services SIS - Government Documents SIS - Online Bibliographic Services SIS - Research Instruction and Patron Services SIS - Technical Services SIS - Types of libraries SIS (Academic; Private; State, Court & County) ## Performance Measures - Special Committee to Develop Performance Measures (appointed in 2001) - Help law librarians attain the competencies - Measure progress toward that goal - Create a list of key elements or criteria derived from list of competencies ## Critical Competency Criteria - Functional Expertise/Knowledge/ Abilities - Personal Attributes/Qualities - Professional Perspective - Leadership - Communication Skills - ( ## Conclusion - AALL - March, 2001 approval of Competencies of Law Librarianship - Competencies designed primarily to help law librarians review needs, plan how to meet them, evaluate own professional development; not designed to test knowledge - Master competencies in specific areas - Special Committee to Develop Performance Measures (developing measurable criteria) - Thank you ([email protected])
============= Page 1 of 5 ============= MINUTES MEETING OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ENRON CORP. FEBRUARY 12, 2001 Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee ("Committee") of the Board of Directors of Enron Corp. ("Company"), noticed to begin at 4:00 p.m. C.S.T., but actually begun at 4:05 p.m., C.S.T., at the Enron Building, Houston, Texas. The following Committee members were present constituting a quorum: Mr. Herbert S. Winokur, Jr., Chairman Mr. Robert A. Belfer Mr. Ronnie C. Chan Mr. Jerome J. Meyer Mr. Paulo V. Ferraz Pereira Mr. Frank Savage Mr. John A. Urquhart Committee member Norman. P. Blake, Jr. was absent from the meeting. Directors Wendy L. Gramm, Ken L. Harrison, Kenneth L. Lay, John Mendelsohn, and Jeffrey K. Skilling, Messrs. William S. Bradford, Richard B. Buy, Richard A. Causey, Timothy A. DeSpain, Andrew S. Fastow, Ben F. Glisan, Jr., David G. Gorte, Mark E. Koenig, and Jordan H. Mintz, and Ms. Rebecca C. Carter, all of the Company or affiliates thereof, and Mr. Richard N. Foster, of McKinsey & Company, Inc., also attended the meeting. The Chairman, Mr. Winokur, presided at the meeting, and the Secretary, Ms. Carter, recorded the proceedings. Mr. Winokur called the meeting to order, noted that a draft of the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on December 11, 2000 had been distributed to the Committee members, and called for any corrections or additions. There being none, upon motion duly made by Mr. Winokur, seconded by Mr. Meyer, and carried, the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on December 11, 2000 were approved as distributed. Mr. Winokur called upon Mr. Fastow to present the Chief Financial Officer's report, a copy of which is filed with the records of the meeting. Mr. Fastow discussed the Company's current and projected key financial ratios, E0004400790 EXH006-00339 GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 287 Crim. No. H-04-25 (S-2) ============= Page 2 of 5 ============= including coverage and leverage ratios, and stated that the ratios were based on the current plan. He noted that during January the Company had purchased approximately one million shares of the Company's stock now held in treasury. He presented a chart depicting the Company's interest rate exposure and noted the dollar amounts at fixed and at floating interest rates. He then reviewed the Company's cost of capital, utilizing the CAPM Black Scholes valuation method, and discussed changes from the last report to the Committee. Mr. Winokur changed the agenda to discuss the Company's transactions with LJM later in the meeting and called upon Mr. Glisan for the Treasurer's report, a copy of which is filed with the records of the meeting. Mr. Glisan reviewed the liquidity report as -of January 29, 2001 and noted that the Company's total liquidity was currently over $8.3 billion. He then reviewed the Company's outstanding letters of credit and discussed the changes since year end. He presented the Company's guarantee portfolio as of year end and noted that required guarantees continued to be higher than normal due to the significant increase in the volumes transacted by the Company. He then stated that there had not been any change in the Company's ratings by the rating agencies but noted that the Company was working on being upgraded to "positive outlook" by Standard & Poors. Mr. DeSpain joined him for a discussion of the zero coupon convertible debt security recently issued by the Company. Mr. Winokur called upon Mr. Buy to present the Chief Risk Officer's report, a copy of which is filed with the records of the meeting. Mr. Buy distributed a handout titled "Supplemental Schedules", a copy of which is filed with the records of the meeting. He reviewed the Company's major relationship credit exposures and all of the Company's trade credit exposures that were in excess of $50 million. He then discussed the Company's internal rating of each company, the Company's total exposure, and any collateral held by the Company. He noted that only three of the major relationship credit exposures had a below investment grade rating. He then reviewed the cash and other collateral that the Company had received from or paid to its counterparties as of February 8, 2001. Mr. Skilling joined him for a lengthy discussion of the situation in the California energy markets and the efforts by the Company to mitigate its credit exposure. Mr. Buy then began a discussion of the Company's merchant portfolio and noted that there had been a significant increase in the Company's gross and net credit exposure since the end of the third quarter 2000. He then moved to a discussion of the Risk Assessment and Control ("RAC") group's analysis of Enron Energy Services LLC- ("EES"). He noted that EES had made significant progress in continuing to develop projects and obtaining customer approvals and that EES's project installation phase was now ahead of the plan. He stated that the RAC group had completed an energy asset management verification project to evaluate 2 E0004400791 EXH006-00340 ============= Page 3 of 5 ============= EES's actual performance relative to its initial engineering estimates. He stated that the total net present value of all projects was close to the original projected value but that the standard deviation was quite high. He noted that the RAC group had determined that the issues facing EES included a wide range of distribution of the energy efficiency of the outcomes.and an increased need for a premeasurement process to validate actual energy savings on individual projects. He reviewed the additional steps that were being undertaken by the RAC group to complete the analysis of EES's business and commented on the impact of the California energy crisis on the business efforts. He updated the Committee on the efforts of the EES and RAC task force and Mr. Skilling joined him for a discussion of certain recent management changes at EES. Mr. Buy then began the market risk update by discussing the profit or loss that each commodity group had earned during 2000 compared to the average Value at Risk ("VAR") it had taken. He then presented the same information by business unit and specific commodity. He reviewed the VAR limit utilization by commodity for each quarter of 2000 and gave an overview of the VAR backtesting. He then presented four stress scenarios that had been analyzed by the RAC group and commented on the potential impact of each scenario on the Company's earnings. He noted that the potential impact of one of the scenarios had already been somewhat mitigated since the analysis was done. He then presented stress testing of the Company's exposure under "worst case" scenarios of 5% and 25% shifts in commodity prices. Mr. Buy then discussed the Company's foreign exchange exposure by business unit and commented on the amounts that would be recorded in the Company's currency translation account and income statement. He reviewed a sensitivity analysis comparing the Company's foreign currency exposure in South America to that of all the other business units and provided an update on the status of the RAC group's overall foreign exchange project. He then began a discussion of the proposed changes to the Enron Corp. Risk Management Policy ("Policy"). He noted that the first change was to increase the aggregate VAR limit by $25 million and Mr. Skilling joined him for a discussion of the reason for the purposed increase. Mr. Buy then stated that the remaining changes to the Policy related to the following areas: 1) increases to the net open position limit, maturity /gap limit, and/or VAR for certain existing commodity groups, 2) establishing permanent net open position limits, maturity/gap limits, and/or VAR limits for certain commodities currently under the interim limit section of the Policy, 3) providing for notification of limit violations and loss notifications to the President and CEO ("CEO") at the discretion of the Chief Risk Officer ("CRO"), rather than the existing structured reporting, 4) delegation to the CRO of the authority to allocate the discretionary VAR to facilitate a new market-driven allocation framework, rather than requiring both the CRO and the CEO to approve, 5) clarifying certain E0004400792 3 =XH006-00341 ============= Page 4 of 5 ============= aspects related to the cross-commodity trading section of the Policy, and 6) specifying the operational control requirement that all trades executed over the telephone must be recorded electronically. Following a lengthy discussion, upon motion duly made by Mr. Ferraz Pereira, seconded by Mr. Chan, and carried, all of the proposed changes to the Policy with the exception of items 3 and 4 above were approved for recommendation to the Board. Mr. Winokur then called upon Mr. Buy to discuss the proposed changes to the Transaction Approval Process ("TAP"). Mr. Buy stated that the proposed changes to the TAP were recommended to take into account certain reorganizations at the Company and to add capital expenditures to the risk adjusted capital definition to determine the aggregate exposure in transactions. Following a discussion, upon motion duly made by Mr. Ferraz Pereira, seconded by Mr. Urquhart, and carried, the proposed changes to the TAP as presented at the meeting were approved for recommendation to the Board. Mr. Winokur then called upon Mr. Gorte to begin the Eli Lilly presentation. Mr. Gorte noted that the Board had approved a transaction with Eli Lilly in December of 2000 and stated that the Company was recommending adjustments to the deal structure to: 1) decrease the approved energy asset project capital, 2) add LLC capital and mobilization costs, and 3) add a lease component to finance capital replacement expenditures. He reviewed each of the recommended adjustments and noted that it would not cause a significant increase in the risks of the project. Following a discussion, upon motion duly made by Urquhart, seconded by Mr. Savage, and carried, the proposed adjustments to the Eli Lilly project presented at the meeting were approved for recommendation to the Board. Mr. Winokur then called upon Mr. Glisan to begin the Project Crane presentation. Mr. Glisan stated that when the Board initially approved Project Crane the resolution did not provide the Company the flexibility to close the transaction on balance sheet and that management was recommending an additional resolution to provide this flexibility. Following a discussion, upon motion duly made by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Urquhart, and carried, the modification to Project Crane as presented at the meeting was approved for recommendation to the Board. Messrs. Bradford, DeSpain, Glisan, Gorte, and Koenig and Directors Gramm and Skilling left the meeting. Mr. Winokur called upon Messrs. Causey and Fastow to review the Company's procedures regarding transactions with LJM and the transactions completed in 2000. Mr. Fastow began with a discussion of the Company's 4 E0004400793 EXH006-00342 ============= Page 5 of 5 ============= utilization of the LJM vehicles. Mr. Causey reviewed each of LJM's investments with the Company that were made during 2000. He categorized the investments into four areas, balance sheet, hedges, income statement, and other, and presented a brief description of each transaction and the notional dollar amount. He then reviewed the Company's internal policies and procedures that were in place to monitor transactions between the Company and LJM, stated that the items had also been discussed with the Audit and Compliance Committee, and commented that the process was working effectively. He also noted that the Company had implemented supplemental efforts to complement the Board-established guidelines regarding transactions between the Company and LJM. There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m., C.S.T. n L_' H:\a Minutes\2001 Minutes\021201 F.doc 5 E0004400794 EXH006-00343
From: Hope Damon [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 9:21 PM To: FDA Chief Counsel Daniel Troy Subject: RE: FDA Docket # 02N-0209 Hope Damon 447 Old Springfield Rd. Sunapee, NH 03782 September 9, 2002 FDA Chief Counsel Daniel Troy , Dear FDA Chief Counsel Troy: On behalf of US children, I urge you to implement stronger regulation of commercial advertising aimed at children. As you know, the average US child sees more than 40,000 advertisements a year on TV alone, and food commercials account for most TV advertising during children's peak viewing hours. On Saturday mornings, children see one food commercial about every five minutes. As a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator, I daily see the impact of this marketing. Children are growing up believing that super-size meals are normal, that quick meals are good enough, that it is cool to eat mostly fatty foods. There are many influences on any individual's eating choices but the power of advertising to sway children's beliefs is unparalleled. We can expect continued increases in diabetes, heart disease, obesity and eating disorders if the current marketing is allowed to continue. I urge you to limit advertising time and require a balance of commercial marketing and public service announcements directed at promoting healthy choices and realistic body image. From 1992 to 1999 the amount spent marketing to children shot from $6.2 billion to $12 billion. It is time for FDA to be much more assertive in regulating marketing aimed at children. Such regulation poses no real threat to freedom to do business. We're still free, productive, capitalistic - and the biggest economy in the world -- even after 30 years of pollution regulation by the EPA. Chemical companies haven't gone out of business just because they can't dump carcinogens into Love Canals anymore. Consumers, government -- even chemical companies themselves - expect those companies to operate without blatantly threatening our health and well-being. It's time to adopt the same attitude with the marketers who dump toxic messages and products into the stream of US childhood. It is past time that we hold advertisers accountable for their commercial exploitation of children. Please think about your children and grandchildren's beliefs about food as you consider this issue. It is ethically wrong to buy children's food preferences when there health is at stake. Sincerely, Sincerely, Hope Damon, R.D., CDE
SURFACE TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY REFERENCE SYSTEM (SurTHRef) Users' Manual Table of Contents Overview..........................................................................................2 Corrective Maintenance.........................................................................4 Depot Maintenance...........................................................................\....5 Shipment Notification...........................................................................5 Logistics...........................................................................................6 Routine Maintenance............................................................................6 Appendix A: Bi-Weekly Procedures.........................................................7 Appendix B: Six-Month Procedures..........................................................9 Sensor Verification Form.............................................................12 Appendix C: Sensor Replacement Procedures..........................................\....14 Appendix D: LoggerNet Set-Up..............................................................21 Appendix E: PERL Script Set-Up.........................................................\...30 Appendix F: NL-100 Set-Up............................................................\......34 Appendix G: Wiring Diagrams.........................................................\......37 SURFACE TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY REFERENCE SYSTEM Overview [Purpose:]{.underline} The Surface Temperature and Relative Humidity Reference Station (SurTHRef) is intended to provide accurate reference values of ambient temperature and relative humidity for comparison with radiosonde pre-launch values. [References]{.underline}: ECR-00319 (Modify BBSS surface reference system at SGP) ECO-00319 (Modify the Chilled Mirror/BBSS surface reference system at SGP) [Components]{.underline}: - Meteorological Instrument Shelter. The shelter is a standard NWS "Stevenson screen" modified to allow for operator access on two sides. The shelter dimensions are 20" x30" x34". - Instrument Shelter stand. - Aspirated Chamber. The chamber is fabricated from white polypropylene plastics. Its dimensions are 11"x13"x18" (volume = 1.49 ft^3^). One end is open and covered with a removable plate containing a 7" x7.5" access port. Two muffin fans, each rated at 115 cfm are mounted at the far end. The fans produce an estimated face flow of 10.49 fps or 3.2 m/s. The chamber has 6 sensor ports on its top surface to accommodate standard temperature and relative humidity probes. - Sonde positioning platform. A polypropylene platform is mounted approximately 1" above the bottom of the aspirated chamber. The platform is equipped with moveable guides for positioning radiosondes. A user-controlled switch is mounted on the side of the Aspirated Chamber to indicate when a radiosonde is placed in or removed from the chamber. - Temperature and relative humidity probes. - Vaisala HMP45D probes -- four each, one spare. - Rotronics MP100H probes -- four each, one spare. - Data logger. The system uses a Campbell Scientific Instruments CR23X data logger. - Dell Computer. The computer is configured to conform to ARM Core-PC standards. [Power Requirements:]{.underline} - Muffin fans use 110V AC. - Data logger uses 110V AC through an AC/DC converter. - Probes use 12V DC supplied by the data logger. The Vaisala probes require \< 4 mA; the Rotronics probes \< 10 mA. - Enclosure heater uses 110V AC - Enclosure cooling fan uses 110V AC - Micro-switch uses 5V DC supplied by the data logger. ##### Corrective Maintenance The Surface Temperature and Humidity Reference System, SurTHRef, is designed to require a minimum amount of routine maintenance. If the system does not operate properly or conform to the routine checks, the following action steps should be taken. 1\) On-site check. The site operator should check for obvious problems like battery voltage out of operating range (9.6 to 16 V) and loose connections. > If the system is not operating, try restarting by turning off the > power and then turning it back on. The program is automatically > reloaded on power-up. > > If one sensor is not operating properly, replace it using the > Installation Manual as a guide. A spare of each sensor type has been > supplied. When a sensor is replaced, verification will need to be > performed and documented. Updates to the program will need to be > accomplished to capture the serial number change. 2\) Inform the instrument mentor. If the site operator is unable to correct the problem, inform Michael Ritsche or Barry Lesht, the instrument mentors. They may be contacted at: Michael T. Ritsche Argonne National Laboratory Building 203 9700 S. Cass Ave Argonne IL 60439 \(630\) 252-1554 Office \(630\) 252-5498 FAX \(630\) 264-2898 Home <[email protected]> Email > Dr. Barry M. Lesht Argonne National Laboratory Building 203 9700 S. Cass Ave Argonne IL 60439 \(630\) 252-1554 Office \(630\) 252-5498 FAX <[email protected]> Email ##### Depot Maintenance Some components that have been replaced due to malfunction or being out of tolerance will be returned to the vendor and/or manufacturer for service and/or repair. Normally this will be done after consultation with the instrument mentor. Many items can and will be repaired in the Repair Lab at the Central Facility. All sensors will be returned to the SGP CF and given to George Sawyer. He will either have them repaired under warranty, repaired in-house in the Repair Lab, or send them to the appropriate vendor. If a unit or system has to be shipped to the SGP, ship to the address listed below. An ARM SGP shipment notification form '**must'** be filled out and sent to SGP before the shipment arrives. A link to that form is attached below. > George Sawyer > > ARM SGP CART Site > > 309600 EW 28 > > Billings, OK 74630 > > \(580\) 388-4053 Voice > > \(580\) 388-4052 FAX > > <[email protected]> Email > > <> The phone numbers below are the contact numbers to get the RMA numbers required for return of the sensors. Serial numbers and the reason for return are required. Vaisala 1-888-824-7252 (follow prompts) Rotronic 1-800-628-7101 ext. 20 ###### ###### Shipment Notification All returns will be evaluated in the lab and/or repaired. If the unit cannot be repaired in the lab it will be sent to the manufacturer or appropriate vendor. An RMA number must be obtained from the vendor. A SGP PR must be filled out with all of the appropriate information including the obtained RMA number. The PR will list the quoted repair cost and/or a not to exceed cost. The PR must be signed by all of the appropriate managers and then faxed to Laurel Chapman at Argonne National Lab. When notified by Argonne that a PO is in place, pack the unit appropriately and ship it to its repair destination. > Laurel Chapman > > ERD Building 203 Rm# J013 > > Argonne National Laboratory > > 9700 S. Cass Ave > > Argonne IL 60439 > > \(630\) 252-2887 Voice > > \(630\) 252-9792 FAX > > <[email protected]> Email ###### Logistics The following expendables are used with the SurTHRef systems: 1. The Vaisala HMI31/HMP35 Temperature and Relative Humidity Meter using 9V batteries. 2. A desiccant pack, CSI type DSC20/4, is used in the enclosure. The desiccant packs will require replacement approximately every two months. The site operators should maintain an adequate inventory of this item. Contact Laurel Chapman to obtain replacement packs when the supply level falls. ###### Routine Maintenance ####### Every Two Weeks The following are required to perform the checks and preventative maintenance (See Appendix A): 1. A desiccant pack. 2. A second person. If equipment of sensor replacement is required, the following additional items may be needed: 1. Replacement parts or sensors 2. The Users Manual 3. HMI31/HMP35 Temperature and Relative Humidity probe. ####### Every Six Months The following are required to perform the six-month checks, maintenance and sensor verification (See Appendix B): 1. A desiccant pack. 2. A second person and radios. 3. HMI31/HMP35 Temperature and Relative Humidity probe. 4. Assorted tools (wrenches, screwdrivers). If equipment of sensor replacement is required, the following additional items may be needed: (see Appendix C) 1\. Replacement parts or sensors > 2\. The Users Manual ###### Appendix A **Bi-Weekly Procedures** SurTHRef Preventative Maintenance Procedures Frequency: Bi-Weekly Mentor: Michael Ritsche, Barry Lesht The following procedures are for performing the scheduled bi-weekly maintenance. All results should be recorded on the PM checklist. INSPECTION OF SITE GROUNDS NEAR THE INSTRUMENT Visually inspect the site grounds around the instrument shelter for hazards such as rodent burrows, buried conduit trench settling, and insect nests. Checklist Response: No problems noted. Problem: See CM Report Problem: See Comments VISUAL INSPECTION OF INSTRUMENT COMPONENTS [Stevenson Screen]{.underline} Check that the Stevenson Screen is in good working order. Ensure that the paint is in good shape and that all hardware (hinges, latches, etc) is in good shape. Check for excessive rust on moving metallic parts, cracked components and/or slats of the Stevenson Screen Checklist Response: No problems noted. Problem: See CM Report Problem: See Comments [Conduit, Cables and Connectors]{.underline} Check that all conduits and cables on the bottom of the control box are secure. Check all cables and conduits for damage. Check all sensor and electrical wires inside the control box for damage. Check the tightness of all sensor connection at the data logger. Check for water intrusion and that the fan or heater is working. Checklist Response: No problems noted. Problem: See CM Report Problem: See Comments Appendix B Six-Month Procedures SurTHRef Six-Month Calibration Procedures Frequency: Twice a year Mentor: Michael Ritsche, Barry Lesht To verify the accuracy and installation of the six temperature and relative humidity probes the following will need to be accomplished: Remove the humidity cap from each of the sensors and clean or replace. The Vaisala probe humidity cap is replaced on a similar time frame to the SMOS replacement. The Rotronic humidity cap is made of wire mesh. This cap should be gently cleaned using a mild detergent and soft bristled brush. It will need to dried thoroughly before re-installation. If major damage has occurred the humidity cap should be replaced. Verification of the sensors is done with the Vaisala HMI31/HMP35 T/RH meter. Set or hold the measuring portion of the meter inside the polypropylene aspirated chamber. Ensure that the meter is centered and at similar height to the measuring portion of the six probes. Turn on the meter and allow it to stabilize so that the meter readings are changing by less than 0.2 ^o^C and 1% RH. When the meter has stabilized, wait an additional five minutes before taking readings. The readings from the sensors are available inside the sonde trailer and are located on the PC in the program called BBSSRef.RTMC. ![](media/image1.png){width="5.9944444444444445in" height="4.495833333333334in"} SURFACE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY REFERENCE SYSTEM #### SENSOR VERIFICATION > Tested by:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Date: > \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_/\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_/\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > Started: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_GMT > Ended:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_GMT 1. Vaisala HMP-45D Temperature and Relative Humidity > (The temperature readings, once stabilized should match within +/- 0.5 > ^o^C) > > (The RH readings, once stabilized should match within +/- 3% RH for 0 > -- 90% RH and +/- 4% for 90 -- 100% RH) > > V1 HMP-45D Serial Number:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > Temperature: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_V1 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > RH%: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_V1 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > V2 HMP-45D Serial Number\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > Temperature: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_V2 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > RH%: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_V2 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > V3 HMP-45D Serial Number\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > Temperature: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_V3 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > RH%: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_V3 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F 2. ROTRONIC MPH100H Temperature and Relative Humidity > (The temperature readings, once stabilized should match within +/- 0.5 > ^o^C) > > (The RH readings, once stabilized should match within +/- 3% RH for 0 > -- 90% RH and +/- 4% for 90 -- 100% RH) > > R1 MPH100H Serial Number\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > Temperature: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_R1 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > RH%: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_R1 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > R2 MPH100H Serial Number\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > Temperature: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_R2 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > RH%: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_R2 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > R3 MPH100H Serial Number\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > Temperature: > > HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_R3 HMP-45D > Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F > > RH%: HMI31 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_R3 HMP-45D Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P/F ######### Appendix C **Sensor Replacement Procedures** ######### Sensor Replacement Procedures ######### Both the Rotronic and Vaisala probes have removable sensing units. To access the sensing unit it is necessary to remove the probe from the Aspirated Chamber. - Turn the copper retaining screw counter clockwise to loosen and remove the sensor from the chamber. - Grasp the sensor body firmly and remove the sensing unit. - Replace the sensing unit with a recently calibrated unit. - Return the sensor to the Aspirated Chamber and tighten the copper retaining screw by turning it clockwise. - Check the BBSSRef.rtmc Overview screen to ensure the new unit is working properly and compare the new sensors readings to the readings of the other sensors in the Aspirated Chamber. The CR23X program will need to be updated with the new sensors serial number. To change the program you will need to log onto the collector PC as administrator. Once logged on as administrator, double click on the shortcut "Shortcut to Administrative Tools" located on the desktop. Next, double click on "Services". Find LoggerNet in the list of services and highlight by left clicking on it. On the left hand side two menu choices will show up in blue text. Choose "Stop" to stop the service. ![](media/image2.png){width="5.9944444444444445in" height="4.495833333333334in"} Once the service has been stopped, go to "Start" and choose "LoggerNet" to start the program. When the LoggerNet menu bar is active click on "EdLog". ![](media/image3.png){width="5.995138888888889in" height="1.4319444444444445in"} When Edlog starts go to "File\>\>Open" and navigate to the C:\\SurTHRefPgm folder and choose the .csi program (.csi should be default) and open it. Navigate to the lower section of the program where the DAILY OUTPUT and LOGISTICS section is located. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*DAILY OUTPUT and LOGISTICS\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ; ;This output, once per day, captures the serial number ;of the 6 probes; three Vaisala HMP-45D\'s and three Rotronic MP100H. ;The Rotronic probe serial numbers are: 92781, ;92782, 92783. The Vaisala probe serial numbers are: Y3110012, ;Y3110013, Y3110014. Campbell doesn\'t allow for text values ;to be entered so we capture the Vaisala probes SN\'s as 0012, 0013, 0014. ;The locations of the probes in the box are also captured in variables called ;XXlocate, where XX corresponds to V1, V2, V3 for the Vaisala probes and R1, R2, R3 ;for the Rotronic probes. The location of a particular probe and the serial number ;should match. For example, if Vaisala probe 0012 is V1 and it is in ;location 1 then the value of V1probeSN should be 0012 and the value of V1locate ;should be 1. The ranges of values for locations are 1 - 12. The number ;of the location is as follows, if looking down on top of the ;box with the open end at the bottom. ; ; ; fan fan ; ; ; 3 6 ; ; ; 2 5 ; ; ; 1 4 ; ; ; OPEN END ; ; ;\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* 22: If time is (P92) 1: 0 Minutes (Seconds \--) into a 2: 1440 Interval (same units as above) 3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0) 23: Set Active Storage Area (P80)\^17083 1: 1 Final Storage Area 1 2: 2 Array ID 24: Real Time (P77)\^22655 1: 1220 Year,Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 2400) ;V1 probe serial number 25: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) **1: 0012** F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 31 Z Loc \[ V1probeSN \] ;V1 probe location 26: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) 1: 1 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 32 Z Loc \[ V1locate \] ;V2 probe serial number 27: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) **1: 0013** F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 33 Z Loc \[ V2probeSN \] ;V2 probe location 28: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) 1: 5 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 34 Z Loc \[ V2locate \] ;V3 probe serial number 29: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) **1: 0014** F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 35 Z Loc \[ V3probeSN \] ;V3 probe location 30: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) 1: 3 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 36 Z Loc \[ V3locate \] ;R1 probe serial number 31: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) **1: 92781** F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 37 Z Loc \[ R1probeSN \] ;R1 probe location 32: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) 1: 4 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 38 Z Loc \[ R1locate \] ;R2 probe serial number 33: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) **1: 92782** F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 39 Z Loc \[ R2probeSN \] ;R2 probe location 34: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) 1: 2 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 40 Z Loc \[ R2locate \] ;R3 probe serial number 35: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) **1: 92783** F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 41 Z Loc \[ R3probeSN \] ;R3 probe location 36: Z=F x 10\^n (P30) 1: 6 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 42 Z Loc \[ R3locate \] ######### Change the serial number in location 1 (see bold values above) of the appropriate instruction number for a particular probe or location. For example, if the probe located in V2 was changed go to Instruction 27 and change the serial number in location 1 of Instruction 27 (0013 above). The same holds true for moving sensors or changing the location. If the probes in located in V2 and V3 are swapped the serial numbers also have to be swapped in the program. Once the program has been changed, click on "save" and when the warning banner comes up asking you to compile click on "yes". If there are errors or warnings stop and contact the mentor(s). If there are no warnings proceed with loading the program to the data logger. EdLog can be closed at this time. Go back to the main LoggerNet menu bar and click on "Connect". When the "Connect" screen is active choose "BBSSRef" from the left hand menu location under **Stations**. Once the BBSSRef logger is highlighted, click on the "connect" button under **Control**. When communication with the logger has been established (wires connect) click on "Send" under **Program**. Choose the program that was just updated above (C:\\SurTHRefPgm) and send it to the logger, click on "Ok" when the warning banner appears. Click on "Disconnect" under **Control** to stop communication with the data logger and close the "Connect" screen. After the program has been sent, view the Overview screen of the BBSSRef.rtmc program to ensure the data appear reasonable and that everything appears to be working properly. Notify the mentor(s) of the probe and program change so that they can verify that the changes appear during the next daily output. Once the changes have been made and the new program sent LoggerNet needs to be set as a Service again. Close the LoggerNet menu bar and double click on "Shortcut to Administrative Services" and double click on "Services" again. Navigate to LoggerNet and choose "start" from the two choices listed in the left hand window. Once LoggerNet has started as a service close all screens and log off as administrator. ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### ######### Appendix D **LoggerNet Set-Up** **LoggerNet Setup** 1. Setup and start PC. Ensure the PC is connected to the network and the loggers and NL-100's are connected and running. 2. Create the following directories on the PC: A. C:\\ARM\\bin B. C:\\SendDir\\SurTHRef C. C:\\SurTHRefData D. C:\\SurTHRefPgm 3. Start LoggerNet if it not already running (task bar will be on desk top if it is) 4. Click on the *Setup* icon ![](media/image3.png){width="5.686111111111111in" height="1.4270833333333333in"} 5. Once the *Setup* interface starts click on the *Add Root* button and choose *IPPort*. ![](media/image4.png){width="5.20625in" height="4.699305555555555in"} 6. Once the *IPPort* has been added, enter the IP address Ensure the [Communications Enabled]{.underline} box is checked. Set [Extra Response]{.underline} time to 0 s if not already done. [Call-back Enabled]{.underline} should not be checked. ![](media/image5.png){width="5.614583333333333in" height="4.946527777777778in"} 7. Once the *IPPort* has been added you can change the name. Suggestion would be to change the name to IPPort.Sur.19. This is not necessary but may help in identification. 8. Click on the *Add* button to add a datalogger under the *IPPort*. Choose [CR_23X]{.underline}. Once you highlight the logger type, click on the *Add Now* button. You must click on close afterwards to shut down the [Add Device]{.underline} window. Clicking the *Add Now* button will add multiple loggers if done more than once. If this occurs, highlight the unwanted loggers by clicking on them and clicking on the *delete* button. ![](media/image6.png){width="5.884027777777778in" height="4.676388888888889in"} 9. Once the logger has been added you should rename it to SurTHRef either using the *Rename* button or highlighting and using right mouse button 10. Left click on a logger to access the remaining connection information so that it can be reconfigured. ![](media/image7.png){width="3.8631944444444444in" height="3.3409722222222222in"} 11. Ensure the [Communications Enabled]{.underline} box is checked and leave all settings under hardware tab as default. 12. Click on the [schedule]{.underline} tab and change the following settings: ensure [Scheduled Collection Enabled]{.underline} box is checked. Change *Collection Interval* to 01m, rest 0's. Change *Primary Retry Interval* to all 01m and *Number of Primary Retries* to 1. Uncheck *Secondary Retry Interval* and *Collect Ports and Flags*. Leave everything else as defaults. ![](media/image8.png){width="5.872222222222222in" height="5.01875in"} 13. Click on [Final Storage Area 1]{.underline} tab and make the following changes to the settings: check the *Enable for Collections* box and change the destination of the data file to the directory created in step 2 (SurTHRefData) and change the name of the data file to SurTHRef.dat. Uncheck the *Use Default Name* box. Under [File Output Option]{.underline} click the *Append to End of File* radio button. Under [Output Format]{.underline} click the *ASCII, Comma Separated* radio button. Under [Collect Mode]{.underline}, click on *Data Logged Since Last Call* radio button and check the *Collect All on First Call* box. ![](media/image9.png){width="5.833333333333333in" height="5.872222222222222in"} 14. Click on the [Clock]{.underline} tab to make changes to the following settings: *Leave Time Zone Offset* as 0h 00m. Under [Automated Clock Check]{.underline} click the box *Enabled*. You can leave *Initial Date* as default but make sure *Initial Time* is XX:XX:30 so that any clock check occurs at 30 sec past a minute. Set *Interval* to 01 d, for once per day. Set the *Allowed Clock Deviation* to 1 sec. > ![](media/image10.png){width="5.653472222222222in" > height="5.759027777777778in"} 15. You will not need to make any changes to the settings in the [Final Storage Area 2]{.underline} tab. Just ensure that the *Enabled for Collections* box is not checked. 16. Once the above steps are complete you should be able to connect to the logger using the *Connect* button of the main menu. ![](media/image3.png){width="5.622916666666667in" height="1.4270833333333333in"} ![](media/image11.png){width="5.798611111111111in" height="3.8944444444444444in"} 17. The logger you added in the above steps will be located in the Stations menu. Highlight the logger you wish to connect to and click on the *connect* button on the bottom. If everything is connected and correct the wires of the [Control]{.underline} display will connect. To send a program to the logger click on the *Send* button under the [Program]{.underline} portion of the [Connect]{.underline} screen. Navigate to the directory where the program is stored (should be C:\\SurTHRefPgm) and select the appropriate program. Once the program has been selected, click on the *Send* button. A warning banner will be displayed stating that continuing will cause all data to be lost. Continue to send the program by clicking on the [Ok]{.underline} button. Once the send is complete and the logger has compiled the program, another message banner will be displayed, click on [Ok]{.underline} to finalize the transmission. Once connected and a program is running (assuming sensors connected) you can view the raw data and final stored data by clicking on the numbers in the [Data Displays]{.underline} section of the [Connect]{.underline} screen. > \*\*\*\*A NOTE OF WARNING: CONNECTING TO A LOGGER USING THE CONNECT > SCREEN WILL DISABLE COMMUNICATIONS TO OTHER LOGGERS ON LOGGERNET. NO > DATA WILL BE COLLECTED WHILE YOU ARE CONNECTED THIS WAY. REGULAR > COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE RESTORED WHEN THE CONNECTION IS SEVERED. > > **Appendix E** > > **Perl Script Set-Up** > > **PERL SCRIPT SET-UP** > > \${DataDir} = The name of the output directory used by LoggerNet > > \${DataFile} = The name of the output file used by LoggerNet > > \${DataDir} = SurTHRefData > > \${DataFile} = SurTHRef.dat > > 1\. Create directories: > > \- C:\\ARM\\bin > > \- C:\\SendDir\\SurTHRefData > > 2\. Copy script to C:\\ARM\\bin > > 3\. Install ActivePerl- > > \- Choose default options > > 4\. Schedule script in LoggerNet Tasks: > > 5\. Click on *Setup* button on main LoggerNet task bar. > > 6\. Click on the *Task* button. > > ![](media/image8.png){width="5.997222222222222in" height="5.01875in"} > > 8\. Click on *Add Scheduled* button on lower left hand side of window. > > ![](media/image12.png){width="5.997222222222222in" > height="4.467361111111111in"} > > 9\. Rename the task in the window by right clicking on the highlighted > task and rename as SplitSurTHRef 10. Change the following in the "**Scheduled Event**" section > Base Date: any previous date (i.e. 5/7/2004) > > Base Time: 12:00:50 AM ######## Event Interval: 0 d 01 h 00m 00 s 11. In the "**What Task Does**" section do the following for each task. > Check box for *Execute File*: > > File Name: C:\\ARM\\bin\\ > > Command Line Options: > > -f SurTHRef.dat --i /SurTHRefData --o /SendDir/SurTHRefData The generic format is: -f \${DataFile} --i /\${DataDir} --o /SendDir/\${DataDir} ![](media/image13.png){width="5.997222222222222in" height="4.467361111111111in"} > Working Directory: ######## C:\\SurTHRefData > The generic format is: ######## C:\\\${DataDir} > When finished, click on the *Apply* button. > > **Appendix F** > > **NL-100 Set-Up** > > **NL-100 SET-UP** In order to communicate with the NL-100 you need a Null-modem cable and a PC or Laptop with a terminal communication package. It is assumed for the rest of this document that HyperTerminal is used. You will also need 12VDC to power the NL-100. Connect the null modem cable to the PC and the NL-100. You will need a cable with female connections at both ends. Use gender adaptors if necessary. If this is the first time communicating with the NL-100 after receipt from factory go to step 1b. 1a. Open NL-100 by removing four screws. Connect boot jumper across both terminals. ![](media/image14.png){width="5.997222222222222in" height="5.932638888888889in"} 1b. Connect power to NL-100 and connect Null Modem cable. 1c. Open hyperterminal and use following settings: baud: 115200 databits: 8 parity: none stop bits: one flow control: none 2\. Strike the Enter button a few times to get the attention of the NL-100 once the following is returned you may continue: NL100/105 (ver, show, edit, defaults, reset, help, bye): 3\. Type E to Edit and make sure the following is set: Tlink config \[dis\] RS485 \[dis\] CS I/O \[dis\] RS232 Config \[TCPServ\] RS232 bps \[19K\] RS232 Serial Server Port \[6781\] ### Ethernet 10-baseT \[enabled\] 10-baseT port IP# \[\] \*\*this value is logger IP address mask \[\]\*\*whatever mask is used default gateway \[yes\] default gateway IP \[\] Pakbus node \[678\] Clock neighbor node ID \[0\] PakTcp Server config \[dis\] PakTcp client config \[dis\] Modbus/Tcp gateway config \[dis\] Config monitor telnet port \[23\] Telnet Session password \[nl100\] Serial Server Watchdog \[2\] # Save You can progress through the menu by pressing \<ENTER\>. If you make a mistake after entering a setting, the up arrow can be used to move backwards. If you need help for a particular setting, press the F1 key or the ? key. You can also choose to select \<cancel\> at the end instead of save if you want to start over. **\*\***If the jumper was used it must be disconnected before returning the NL-100 to use. If this is not done, the NL-100 will always be at the boot prompt and will be inaccessible for remote communications. ###### Appendix G **Wiring Diagrams** [Rotronics MP100H-1 wiring table (three sensors)]{.underline} ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ Campbell CR23X Wire Color Function Connection Power Out -- 12V Green +12V SE18, SE20, SE22 White RH out SE17, SE19, SE21 Brown T out SEGnd, SEGnd, SEGnd Gray Ground N/C Blue DIO (not used) N/C Yellow Sig_0 (not used) ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ [Vaisala HMP45D wiring table (three sensors)]{.underline} ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Campbell CR23X Wire Color Function Connection EX1, EX2, EX3 Yellow Pt100 DH2, DH4, DH6 White Pt100 DL2, DL4, DL6 Green Pt100 DH1, DH3, DH5 Black Pt100 Power Out - 12V Blue +12V SE13, SE14, SE15 Brown RH out Power Out - Ground Violet Ground Power Out - Ground Red Ground Earth Ground Grey Shield ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- [Vaisala HMP45D sensor units]{.underline} ------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Sensor Identifier Sensor Serial Number V1 Y3110012 V2 Y3110013 V3 Y3110014 V4 Y3110015 (spare) ------------------------------- --------------------------------------- [Rotronics MP100H-1 sensor units]{.underline} ------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Sensor Identifier Sensor Serial Number R1 92781 R2 92782 R3 92783 R4 92784 (spare) ------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ![](media/image15.jpeg){width="5.991666666666666in" height="5.3125in"} ## AC Power Wiring Diagram ![](media/image16.jpeg){width="5.9944444444444445in" height="5.5in"} --- --- --- --- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 H L G H L H L G H L G H L G H L G E1 E2 E3 --- --- --- --- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 100Ω 100Ω 100Ω Wh Grn Wh Grn Wh Grn V1 Ylw V2 Ylw Red V3 Ylw Blk ---- ---- -- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- -- -- --- -- -- --- ---- ---- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q Q Q T Q T Q T Q \+ \+ \+ \+ \+ G \+ \+ G \+ \+ G H G 5 G 12 12 G ---- ---- -- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- --- -- -- --- -- -- --- ---- ---- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 100K Brn Wh Gry Brn Wh Gry Brn Wh Gry V1 Brown V3 Brown To aspirator box V2 Brown ![](media/image17.jpeg){width="8.82986111111111in" height="6.364583333333333in"}
# Presentation: 3OBXSIPZFNVDADGVW2453TTKZAYG4OMO ## Creation of a NOAA Standing Data Archiving and Access Requirements SAB Working Group - A Proposal for: NOAA’s Science Advisory Board - November, 8 2005 - Presented by: Dr. Thomas Karl - NOAA – Satellite & Information Services - Co-Chair, NOAA’s Data Management Committee - Director, National Climatic Data Center ## Outline - Purpose of Working Group - Rationale - Immediate issues to address - Working group member qualifications - FY06 Priorities ## NOAA Standing Data Archiving and Access Requirements Working Group Purpose **Purpose:**** **Provide recommendations to NOAA: - Help prioritize specific data sets & products that NOAA should archive and; - Make specific recommendations with respect to data access consistent with established principles and guidelines, e.g., see below. **SAB Working Group other reports** - NRC letter report to outline principles and guidelines as to what NOAA should archive (due May 2006) - Longer NRC report completed in FY07 would include principles and guidelines regarding data & information access - Government Internal Review of CLASS (May 2006) ## NOAA Standing Data Archiving and Access Requirements Working Group Rationale **Dept. of Commerce directive**: - NOAA to complete study on data archive requirements with focus on Comprehensive Large Array Data Stewardship System (CLASS) **Exponential growth** in data volume projected: - Current and planned observing systems - NOAA and partners ability to generate new data products **Value of ongoing advice** from SAB group of external users and experts ## NOAA Standing Data Archiving and Access Requirements Working Group Immediate Issue for Working Group - **Evaluate: CLASS data archive/access requirements (Comprehensive Large Array Stewardship System)** - CLASS is expected to be evolve into the preferred architecture for all NOAA data archive and access systems - All NOAA Goals rely on data that will be within the CLASS data environment - CLASS will provide the storage, archive, and access to large-array data sets: - Satellite (POES, DMSP, GOES, EOS-MODIS, NPOESS, NPP, Metop) - Radar (NEXRAD and future dual polarized and phased-array radars) - Model Data Sets (Weather and Climate) - Provide access to smaller scale ancillary data sets that are essential for these large array data sets - Build upon systems already in place and to coordinate with those being planned that contribute to an integrated GEO data environment ## NOAA Standing Data Archiving and Access Requirements Working Group Membership Qualifications - Working Group Membership Qualifications - Representation from the many science disciplines across NOAA - Knowledge of data management principles ***Data Management**** consists of two major activities conducted in coordination: data management services and data stewardship. They constitute a comprehensive end-to-end process including movement of data and information from the observing system sensors to the data user. This process includes the acquisition, quality control, metadata cataloging, validation, reprocessing, storage, retrieval, dissemination, and archival of data.* ***NOAA Observing System Council*** ***Approved Definition*** ## NOAA Standing Data Archiving and Access Requirements Working Group FY06 Priorities - Form SAB working group by April 2006 to coincide with May 2006 NRC report on archive principles and guidelines - Address CLASS data requirements as first task - Issue preliminary recommendations on CLASS by Fall 2006 ## The End
# Presentation: 080764 ## Surviving and Maintaining a Viable Program - When Your Federal Funding Ends! - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick **Notes:** The lead organizations of the Empowerment Zones, Enterprise Communities, REAP Zones, and Champion Communities may have as much need for organizational development as their communities have for community development. Some lead entities have discovered ways to build internal capacity that will carry their organization not only through, but beyond the ten-year designation time. Strategies for consistently and constantly developing administrative funds are a key element to building long-term sustainability for these organizations. However, leadership principles, organizational development and established daily operating philosophy and vision also play a key role. This part of the workshop will explore how organizational development techniques reinforce program support functions and result in not only a healthy organization, but a solvent one as well. ## Let’s Pick up from Last Year’s Program... Remember this? - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## The Tao of Victory - One who knows when he can fight, and when he cannot fight, will be victorious - One who recognizes how to employ large and small numbers will be victorious - One whose upper and lower ranks have the same desires will be victorious - One who, fully prepared, awaits for the unprepared will be victorious - One whose general is capable and not interfered with by the ruler will be victorious - -- Sun-tzu, from The Art of War, ca. 500 B.C. - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## “The purpose of planning, like the purpose of organization and of most managerial work, is to keep building capability. Build institutional skill. Build corporate capability. Create what the theorists call distinctive competence or sustainable competitive advantage.” Waterman -- The Renewal Factor: How the Best Get and Keep the Competitive Edge - Waterman -- _*The Renewal Factor: How the Best Get and Keep the Competitive Edge*_ - Management Strategy - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## In other words, - In other words, - Sustainable Community Development - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## What and Why of Sustainability - Rural communities need someone to be with them for the long haul - Discard notion that EZ/EC is “just a grant” & focus on your vision and your plan - “Whole-systems” thinking - Key is learning and innovation - A single vision can be achieved through multiple paths - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick **Notes:** Whole-systems thinking in the sustainability movement context* an approach which, surprisingly, seems to more profoundly define the sustainability movement than even the concern for sustainability. What distinguishes whole-systems thinking is a keen awareness of the importance of interconnections, relationships, consequences, and feedback loops. It involves a willingness to consider all significant aspects of an issue, and not to jump to appealing (but usually wrong) simplifications ## Elbert Hubbard Was a Wise Man - “Parties who want milk should not seat themselves on a stool in the middle of a field in hopes that the cow will back up to them.” - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## One Path - Foundation Largesse **Endless cycles of grantsmanship** **The Wachovia Foundation, Inc.** **The Pew Charitable Trusts** **Charles Stewart Mott Foundation** **Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Foundation, Inc** **Bert & Mary Meyer Foundation, Inc.** **John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation** **W. K. Kellogg Foundation** **Gannett Foundation, Inc.** **CP&L Foundation, Inc.** **Ben & Jerry's Foundation, Inc.** **BellSouth Corporate Giving Program** **AT&T Foundation** - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## One Path - Foundation Largesse Endless cycles of grantsmanship - One Path - Foundation LargesseEndless cycles of grantsmanship - Your word processor is your best friend -- construction and reconstruction - Learn the cycles - Cultivate your contacts in this sector with tailored information - Believe that every task in every benchmark is ripe for funding - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick **Notes:** We ran a search through the Foundation Center’s CD-ROM and discovered 110 foundations whose published field of interests are community development and who fund general or operating support. We found 15 foundations who fund similar purposes and whose specific interest is rural development. (Brief commercial for foundation search feature). ## Another Path - Federal Trough - 10.855 Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loans and Grants - 94.016 Senior Companion Program. (SCP) 94.011 Foster Grandparent Program. (FGP) - 93.570 Community Services Block Grant-Discretionary Awards - 94.011 Foster Grandparent Program. (FGP) - 94.002 Retired and Senior Volunteer Program. (RSVP) - 14.219 Community Development Block Grants/Small Cities Program. (Small Cities) - 10.420 Rural Self-Help Housing Technical Assistance. (Section 523 Technical Assistance) - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## EZ/EC designation is a plus for many Federal programs The funding cafeteria -- look for ways to build capacity one small piece at a time Stay on top of minor program changes Take advantage of the “stovepipe”; multiply-fund projects so the admin cut is bigger - The funding cafeteria -- look for ways to build capacity one small piece at a time - Stay on top of minor program changes - Take advantage of the “stovepipe”; multiply-fund projects so the admin cut is bigger - Another Path - Federal Trough - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick **Notes:** Fewer Federal programs have money specifically directed at organizational sustainability. Reason is probably that the federal programs are more concerned with “building projects” than with capacity-building. ## A Third Path - Co-lateral Duty **Partnershipping arrangements mean achieving multiple goals simultaneously, sometimes by using pieces of positions ** - Volunteers and Citizen Committees - Special Hires to City or County compatible programs - Tribal Gov’t Business Development Office - Program Staff in an existing not-for-profit - County/City Economic Development Staff - Councils of Government Staff - “Other Duties as Assigned” - CDC Staff - College/University Staff - Combinations of any or all of the above! - Private Sector Loaned Executives? - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## A Third Path - Co-lateral Duty - The whole can be greater than the sum of its parts - Get it in writing! Working for free is not freedom - Keep the letterheads straight - Cafeteria approach works here too -- one trip down the line - Virtual Staff and Culture -- Invisible no longer - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick **Notes:** The Whole can be greater -- When first picking up pieces of people to contribute to the organization, be fairly selective. Look for monomanics who have your mission in mind. Later, when the organization is more established and has firmer culture and written procedures you may be less demanding. Get it in writing -- job descriptions, contracts, formal split time (which days or hours you’ll be wearing which hat) Working for free -- For it is truly written that a man cannot serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, etc. Generally and eventually, the free work gets subordinated to the paid work or the person who pays you become resentful. There are exceptions -- like when your boss is working for the EZ/EC is working for free also. Keeping the letterheads straight -- When you represent yourself to the public as an EZ/EC, use your title and role in the EZ/EC, not your other job. Get separate business cards. Cafeteria approach -- If you are building an organization out of pieces of other organizations’ time, try to match up the “critical mass” so that unified coordination takes place. “Catch as catch can” only works for defined tasks done by independent self-starters. Virtual Staffing -- When using co-lateral bodies, treat them as you would a permanent staff. Formalize the informal. Build a functioning organization, but with appropriate structure. Just because they are “virtual” doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve rewards and recognition, time and attendance, service and support, desks and space, and accountability and oversight. ## And a Fourth Path **Entrepreneurial Outlook, but beware of legal restrictions** - Rental from Business Incubators - Speculative Buildings - Niche Business Startups - Fee-for-service - Venture Capitalization - Selling or Renting Your Organizational Skills - Patents and Inventions - Grantsmanship for Hire - Cooperative Marketing - Bartering skills, information, expertise - Royalties from publishing what you know - Angel Investors - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## The Fourth Path, Entrepreneurism - Profitable Proceeds Plowed Publicly in Progress - Creative local brainstorming sessions might yield unexpected results - Find your organization’s niche in the local, regional, or national economy - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick **Notes:** Plow Proceeds -- Nip mistrust and backbiting in the bud. Keep all your entrepreneurial transactions public and out in the open. Issue frequent press releases (good advice whenever). Make sure to make the connection that the proceeds are increasing the nonprofit’s capacity to return value to the community. Show that connection whenever possible. Brainstorm Creatively -- Find new ways to be entrepreneurial. Add some “free thinkers” to your usual cast of dreamers and doers. Grab some young people who don’t know “it can’t be done” or “we tried it before and it didn’t work.” Listen to these new thoughts without judgement. Find your niche -- Throw out any old notion that to be an economic player you have to manufacture, market and sell a widget. Today’s economy is service and the widgets it produces are mostly invisible and intangible. Discover what your own invisible widget is by exploring what it is you do best as an organization. Dot Com Incubators -- a niche of finding your niche. If you have space and any kind of access to large bandwidth, you can play. Develop the ancillary services as part of your ongoing organization, rent the space, charge fees. ## The Fun Part **Any, or ALL of these strategies work ** - Singly, or in combination, coordination is the key - Unfortunately, it takes time, but... - Payoff is a self-perpetuating organism - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## The Fun Part -- Activated! - Find out how your organization spends its time - Inventory your resources -- physical, capital, human - Analyze by comparing #1 against #2. If less than about 20% of your organization’s time is being spent producing resources for your outfit, reorder some priorities - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick ## Discussion Questions - Prime Question: _DO_ you want to survive as a distinct organization? Pros & Cons? - How do you set your own organizational development goals and do they contribute to sustainabilitiy? - What paths can you design that have the greatest payoffs? - How do you claw your own way to the top of the local/state/regional/national food chain - June 2001 -- OCD/EPD -- Dr. Rick
4.3 Warning illumination patterns and preliminary DVI design review study 4.3.1 Goal of the study To obtain operator feedback on four different DVI warning illumination methods and on where optimal warning threshold onsets should be set. 4.3.2 Method In this session PATH researchers met with operators and trainers in a meeting room at the SamTrans Maintenance Yard in October 2001. The operators and trainers were given a background of the FCWS program and shown pictures of what the DVI would look like both physically and installed on the bus. The operators were given an explanation of Time-To-Collision (TTC) and the circumstances under which the display may be of assistance to them. Operators were then shown a working simulated version that depicted a bus driving from the bus operators' perspective (Fig. 70) with four different warning illumination methods (Table 22 and 23). In addition to the different warning illumination patterns operators were shown different warning activation thresholds. The simulation was run for as long as was requested by the operators/trainers on each of the display/timing combinations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ![](media/image1.wmf) Fig. 1 Simulated FCWS DVI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #### {#section .LABEL} +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Table 1 Top down illumination method | | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | The LED\'s are lit downwards from the | Warning Illumination | | top as the TTC becomes shorter. The | Description | | growing of the bars is intended to | | | mimic that the target range is becoming | | | shorter and shorter. | | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | ![](media/i | Multiple colors are | | mage2.jpeg){width="3.577777777777778in" | displayed as TTC gets | | height="2.3319444444444444in"} | shorter. This scheme gives | | | a good feeling of warning | | | grades as the earlier-lit | | | LED\'s stay on the | | | original colors. | | | | | | The first three segments | | | are yellow (going from top | | | to bottom), the next two | | | are orange and the last | | | two are red. | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | ![](media/im | One color is displayed at | | age3.jpeg){width="3.7333333333333334in" | a time. This scheme | | height="2.433333333333333in"} | emphasizes the urgent | | | warnings by changing the | | | color of all the bars as | | | TTC becomes shorter. | | | | | | The first three segments | | | are yellow (going from top | | | to bottom), when the next | | | two segments light up the | | | whole bar turns to orange, | | | when the last two segments | | | light up the whole bar | | | turns to red. | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------+ #### {#section-1 .LABEL} +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Table 2 Looming illumination method | | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | The LED\'s are lit from the middle | Warning Illumination | | to both the top and the bottom. The | Description | | growing of the bars is intended to | | | convey the sense that the visual | | | angle of the target is becoming | | | wider and wider. | | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ![](media/image | Multiple colors are displayed | | 4.jpeg){width="3.7333333333333334in" | as TTC gets shorter. This | | height="2.636111111111111in"} | scheme gives a good feeling | | | of warning grades as the | | | earlier-lit LED\'s stay on | | | the original colors. | | | | | | The center three segments are | | | yellow, the next two segments | | | (one either side of the | | | yellow) are orange and the | | | remaining two segments are | | | red. | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ![](media/image | One color is displayed at a | | 5.jpeg){width="3.7333333333333334in" | time. This scheme emphasizes | | height="2.433333333333333in"} | the urgent warnings by | | | changing the color of all the | | | bars when TTC becomes | | | shorter. | | | | | | When TTC is long the center | | | three segments are yellow, as | | | TTC gets shorter if five | | | segments are on the color is | | | orange, if seven segments are | | | on the color is red. | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ 4.3.3 Feedback Feedback from the operators indicated that the operators unanimously preferred the top down mono-color illumination method, as this was the least distracting/annoying and the easiest to interpret. There was some concern over the yellow color with some operators reporting that they found it irritating and were interested in the possibility of canceling this color out. Some operators also reported that they did not associate the color yellow with a threat or a warning. One operator wanted only red to be used. The operators reported that the three colors made the display too visually busy at a time when their attention was needed outside of the bus. The operators were reluctant to comment on the warning activation thresholds as they felt that this really needed to be tested by driving with a real system. 4.3.4 Outcome -- DVI Refinements A decision was made to use the top-down mono-color warning illumination pattern. It was decided that a decision on canceling out one of the colors and determining optimum parameters for warning activation would wait until the prototype system was tested on a bus. 4.4 Advisory committee meeting 4.4.1 Goal of the Meeting To gather feedback from the advisory committee members on the FCWS project progress. 4.4.2 Method In December, 2001 PATH hosted a FCWS program review meeting for operators, trainers and members of the advisory committee. At this meeting attendees were given talks on the following subject areas: IVI program status, program overview, and review of technical development, algorithm development, prototype data collection system hardware, DVI design considerations, DVI development, data analysis, data analysis tools, integration project plan and given a demonstration. The demonstration was conducted on a bus driving on both local and freeway streets in the Richmond (California) vicinity with a working prototype system on the bus. After the demonstration feedback was collected from the meeting attendees on the program in general as well as the DVI development. Only the DVI development feedback will be discussed here. 4.4.3 Feedback Feedback from this meeting was that: - The location of the display was deemed to be "perfect". - That the current DVI is too large. Operators would like to see the display reduced in both height and width "to about the size of Christmas tree lights" was a common comment. - Optimal sensitivity level(s) for when warning activation should be further refined. - That the radar or lidar sensor needed to work when the bus is stopped (if possible). - That three colors in the display required too much visual attention and that removal of the yellow color should be further investigated. - Night operators expressed concern at the amount of potential glare from the DVI. The night operators reiterated their request for an audible DVI. 4.4.4 Outcome -- DVI refinements A decision was made to reduce the size of the DVI for the DVI to be installed in the second bus and then to compare longer term operator evaluations of the two different size DVIs. The DVI for the second bus was reduced by approximately two thirds in length and consists of a single row of seven stacked LED segments. In addition the yellow color was removed from the DVI. 4.5 Test-Drive Study 4.5.1 Goal of the Study To obtain test-drive operator feedback from the working prototype DVI. 4.5.2 Method Six operators (one female and five males) were introduced to the system in February 2002. Five operators attended two 1.45 hour sessions. One operator attended only the first session as he was unavailable for the second. The operators' bus driving experience ranged from 2.5 to 27 years with a mean of 14.1 years experience. One operator indicated that they drove predominantly on day shifts, one on night and the other four operators were extra board so drove both day and night shifts as required. The test drive sessions occurred over a four-day period with the second session occurring after a one day break. The test drive sessions were conducted in two blocks, the first block began at 10 am and the second began around 4:30 pm finishing around 9 pm (we encountered some system problems on the first day so the schedule ran on later into the evening). The intention was to give drivers exposure to the system in both daylight and lowlight conditions. All sessions began in the SamTrans maintenance yard. Session one Each operator was first given an overview explanation of the FCWS, this included how objects were detected, conditions that the system worked well in and not well in and what the different display illumination methods meant. The operators were then given a system walk-through; they adjusted the display brightness and had their questions regarding the system answered. The operators were then asked to drive the bus in the SamTrans Maintenance Yard and approach stationary objects so that they could see the system working, after which any further questions were answered. The operators were then asked to drive on a local route that they were familiar with (their normal route, if they had one). All of the routes included both local streets and freeway driving. Operators were asked to drive the way that they normally would, including pulling into bus stops where it was practical and safe to do so. Operators did not pull into bus stops where there were buses entering and exiting or where there was groups of people waiting for a bus as we did not want to frustrate and/or confuse SamTrans patrons. A range of different warning thresholds were tried over the approximately 1.5 hours of driving time. At the end of each session the operators were asked questions about the system. Responses to the questions can be seen in the table in section 4.5.3. Session two In the second session operators were encouraged to test the system in any way that they were interested in order for them to see how the system performed. This session took approximately 1.45 hours and again was conducted on both local streets and on the freeway. Areas that operators were interested to test the system on included a section around San Francisco International Airport that was under construction, as they wanted to see how it performed with the construction equipment, concrete pillars and overhead roads, down narrow windy streets and to a hospital exit that had a large dip at the bottom. At the end of both sessions operators were asked for their feedback on the visual DVI. Answers from both sessions are combined below. Table 3 Operator Feedback of FCWS System +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | Question to operators | Number | Response | Comments | | | of | | | | | ope | | | | | rators | | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | Did the system | 6 | "Yes" | "It gave alarms | | function the way that | | | close to the | | you thought it would? | | | distance I | | | | | would stop at" | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | Please describe any | 1 | "Cars cutting | "It doesn't | | instances where you | | in" | always pick up | | felt you should have | | | cars cutting in | | received a warning but | | | soon enough" | | didn't? | | | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | Can you describe any | 1 | "Picking up | "Is a problem | | instances where you | | reflective road | particularly in | | received a warning but | | signs" | construction | | felt that you | | | areas" | | shouldn't? | | | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "Picks up | "Picks up too | | | | parked cars in | many parked | | | | narrow windy | cars on this | | | | residential | (particular) | | | | streets" | street " | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "Off ramp guard | "This is | | | | rails -- where | dangerous at | | | | the off ramp | night as the | | | | has a curve, it | light impedes | | | | picks up the | vision when | | | | outside curve" | need to be able | | | | | to see the | | | | | outside curve" | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "Sometimes if | "This directs | | | | on freeway and | your attention | | | | change lane to | away from | | | | the left lane | looking over | | | | it picks up the | your left | | | | car in front on | shoulder to see | | | | right hand side | if the lane you | | | | as you go past" | are moving into | | | | | is clear" "This | | | | | is distracting" | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | Did you like the | 5 | "Yes" | "cool concept" | | system? | | | "help drivers | | | | | to reduce some | | | | | accidents" "get | | | | | their | | | | | attention" | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "Overall | | | | | impression -- | | | | | concept (is) | | | | | good -- but | | | | | need | | | | | audible | | | | | /vibration/blue | | | | | light" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | Did you find the | 6 | "Yes" | | | system easy to use? | | | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | Would you like to | 5 | "Yes" | "False alarm | | drive with the system | | | level seems -- | | the way it currently | | | ok" | | is? | | | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "No" | "I do not want | | | | | a visual | | | | | display" | | | | | | | | | | "To many false | | | | | alarms" | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | How long do you think | 1 | "No time" | | | an operator would need | | | | | to become comfortable | | | | | with the system | | | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "1 hour" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "1 time | | | | | driving" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "A couple of | | | | | hours" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "A couple of | | | | | days" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "Unsure" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | When did the system | 1 | "Construction | | | provide you with the | | areas" | | | most assistance? | | | | | (note: some operators | | | | | indicated more than | | | | | one response) | | | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "Cut in's on | | | | | the freeway" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 2 | "With | | | | | pedestrians" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "In heavy | | | | | traffic" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "When operator | | | | | is inattentive" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "When turning | | | | | slowly" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | If you could | 6 | "Creeping after | | | change/add one feature | | bus has | | | what would it be? | | stopped" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "Give | | | | | sound/vibration | | | | | warnings" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "Would like | | | | | speech "slow | | | | | down" "your to | | | | | close"" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | 1 | "To always pick | | | | | up kids in the | | | | | gutter" | | +------------------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------+ 4.5.3 General Comments It was generally felt that the FCWS could assist operators in avoiding forward collisions. Operators indicated that passengers in some seats could observe the display and that some negative comments had been made by passengers. One operator felt that there was too much glare from the DVI, the other five operators felt that there was not too much glare. Two drivers noted that there is less glare from the DVI than from many of the other systems on the bus. In evaluating the DVI it is apparent that the following two main factors affect the operator's acceptance of the DVI: the false alarm rate of the system and the degree to which individual operators are either affected by glare or would prefer not to have a visual display. While the operators felt that it took a short time to become used to the system (responses ranged from zero time to a couple of days) they did recommend that operators needed to be trained with the system prior to use. The operators did not report any difficulty understanding the top down mono color illumination method. Operators' comments varied when asked about the different ranges of warning activation thresholds that they experienced. Some drivers could not tell the difference between the different thresholds, so had no comments (probably due to the short nature of their exposure). Two drivers said that they wanted the maximum amount of warning time possible, while two operators said they wanted the minimum number of warnings. In these drive-alongs it was observed that all of the operators changed on occasion their driving behavior to perform a thorough test of the system. This included speeding up and slowing down behind traffic to test where the alarms were activated. It was observed by the researchers that there was a wide range of driving styles amongst the six operators (some operators were more aggressive than others). The different driving styles resulted in the operators receiving differing numbers of warnings. This taken with the above differences in operator preferences for alarm warning onset thresholds seems to suggest that operators should have the ability to change the sensitivity of a FCWS. It was also observed that when operators could explain why a false alarm occurred (e.g., the system picked up a fence) they were more satisfied than when they could not tell what an alarm was for. 4.5.4 Outcome -- DVI refinements The decision that future iterations should include alternative display modalities was further confirmed. It was also further confirmed that operators should be allowed the ability to fully shut off one mode. Alternative diffuser covers for the display will be further investigated to see if glare from the DVI can be further reduced. A decision was made to allow the operators to adjust the sensitivity level of when warnings come on and to monitor what their preferences are. 4.6 Ongoing operator review 4.6.1 Goal of the Study To obtain operator feedback after operators have some "in service" experience with the prototype FCWS and the DVI. 4.6.2 Method Due to changes in bus assignment two new operators were assigned to the bus in March, 2002. As none of the operators who were available to meet from the previous test drive study had been driving the bus in normal service we were unable to do a follow-up assessment of their opinions at this time. The two operators were meet by a researcher on the bus with the prototype system after they had been driving with the system for approximately two weeks. Both operators are very experienced, one with 18.5 and the other with 20 years. Both operators had driven with the system for a little over two weeks. The operators were both driving bus 600, which has the original larger DVI. One operator had been given only a brief description of the system prior to driving, the other had not been given any training prior to using the system for the two week period. While this situation was not ideal it did allow us to get a better understanding of what would happen if deployment occurred without training. In this session the operators were given an explanation of the FCWS asked questions and completed a questionnaire. In addition a limited amount of driving was done in the SamTrans maintenance yard to try out some different diffuser covers in attempt to reduce the glare from the DVI. 4.6.3 Feedback It should be noted that as this feedback is only from two operators it should be considered preliminary at best, the intention is to gather further feedback both from these two operators and additional operators as time goes forward. Operators generally felt that they would need a few months of driving before they could fully evaluate the system for issues such as annoyance. One operator reported "tuning out" the "orange warnings" when they went off "too often". The operator was not able to define what period of time was too often. One operator felt that it would take 2-3 weeks to become comfortable with the system. One driver reported that the system had been helpful in busy downtown traffic (at 6pm) and that it had helped make some driving decisions. **Neither operator reported any situations where the system was distracting or led them to make an inappropriate maneuver or error in judgment.** Both operators were interviewed together and filled out the surveys separately. One operator wanted sound and the other operator did not. Both operators had driven the system in day and night conditions. One operator did report that passengers had asked "what's with the lights", but said that avoiding passenger comments about anything new is near impossible. Both operators said that they did not have a problem with glare from the DVI. The operators also agreed that out of the alternative diffuser covers tried they preferred the original one. Operators were asked to rate the DVI on the scale as is shown below: Table 4 Operator ratings sheet of the visual DVI +----------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | Question | Mean | Rating Scale Used | | | Rating | | +----------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | > How easy is the system | 5 | (not easy) 1 2 3 4 5 (very | | > to use overall? | | easy) | +----------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | > How much do you like the | 4.5 | (not at all) 1 2 3 4 5 (a | | > system overall? | | lot) | +----------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | > How well do you think | 4.5 | (not at all) 1 2 3 4 5 (a | | > the warnings conveyed a | | lot) | | > sense of urgency? | | | +----------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | > If you had more time | 5 | (no) 1 2 3 4 5 (yes) | | > with the system, would | | | | > you like it more? | | | +----------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | > Do you think that they | 5 | (not at all) 1 2 3 4 5 | | > system is beneficial in | | (extremely) | | > terms of increasing your | | | | > safety? | | | +----------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | > How annoying was the | 1 | (not at all) 1 2 3 4 5 | | > system? | | (extremely) | +----------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | > How distracting was the | 1 | (not at all) 1 2 3 4 5 | | > system? | | (extremely) | +----------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ 4.6.4 Outcome -- DVI Refinements A decision was made not to change the diffuser covers at present, but to investigate other ways to decrease the brightness of the display. Arrangements were made to develop a laminated "cheat sheet" that would explain the FCWS that could be left on the bus. Arrangements are being put in place to provide training to a larger number of SamTrans operators. 4.7 Future Work 4.7.1 Operator Acceptance Ongoing research will be conducted on long term operator acceptance of the current visual DVI interface, this will involve further meetings and drive-alongs. Research will be conducted to further refine optimal levels of false positive alarms. Visual lab studies are planned to determine optimum timings for the sequencing of colors used in the display. Operator feedback will also be collected to compare the larger DVI on the first bus and the smaller DVI on the second bus. Efforts will also be made to further reduce the level of glare and the amount of passenger observation from the visual DVI. 4.7.2 Operator Driving Performance Analysis of operator driving performance data will be performed to determine if the FCWS changes operators driving in any way. Where possible driver performance data will be compared prior to the introduction of the FCWS and after the introduction of the FCWS. Comparisons will also be conducted between performance with the larger DVI on the first bus and the smaller DVI on the second bus to see if they elicit any different driving behaviors. 4.7.3 Multimodal Displays Alternative display modalities will be further investigated in future research this will include determining the benefit of implementing redundancy coding with some form of \"only one modality can be off\" logic. This approach appears to be a simple, yet effective method of resolving the daytime/nighttime paradox. 4.7.4 False Alarms / Display Annoyance A false alarm is a warning issued when there is no threat to the subject bus at all. A nuisance alarm is a warning given in the case that a collision is correctly forecasted, but the bus operator does not consider it to be a true potential threat for the bus \[8 & 9\]. Both false and nuisance alarms are incorrect warnings (false positives). While this assessment was intended to address the DVI it is difficult to parse out what operators find annoying about the display from annoyance at the false and nuisance alarm rate. Put another way, even the best display will quickly become annoying if a majority of the alarms are false or thought not to be required by the operator. In addition to the false positive rate of the system \[10\] suggests that the false alarm rate (false positives) of other devices in the system must also be considered. This has important implications and should be revisited when the FCWS is combined with other collision avoidance systems. In discussing the acceptable number of false positives a majority of operators felt that they would need to drive with the system for at least a couple of months to be able to determine how annoying the system would be. Previous research has not provided guidelines for determining acceptable rates \[5\]. A study to determine acceptable levels of false positive when people are driving their own passenger cars by \[11\] suggests that individuals show a wide range of annoyance sensitivity. Lerner \[11\] also suggests that annoyance of false positives rates may change over time. In the same study Lerner et al \[11\] found that a 4 per hour tone and a one per hour voice false alarm was significantly more annoying than a 1 per hour, 1 per 4 hours or a 1 per 8 hours tone. However, it is unclear how this finding could be applied in the transit bus FCWS environment given the different nature of the vehicle, driver, task and environment. A number of the operators commented that they felt that their driving patterns would probably change over time with the system so that the number of annoying alarms would probably decrease with time as they "kept better distances from traffic in front". Such a change in driving patterns when collision warning systems have been implemented was found in commercial trucks \[12\] and in a separate field review \[13\] of collision warning systems for heavy trucks it was revealed that out of 171 drivers 80 percent reported changing their way of driving. Observation of the operators while testing the system suggested that they quickly learnt points at which they would receive a warning and then changed their driving to keep from getting an alarm. This was particularly true on the freeway, possibly because fewer false positives occurred on the freeway than on local streets. Given the different driving styles and the differing requests for levels of warning time we suggest that operators be given the ability to change the sensitivity threshold of when alarms are activated. This is consistent with previous researcher's recommendations for CWS \[10\]. This issue will be further investigated in the next phase of this project. Another factor that became apparent was that false positives were more tolerable if the operators could determine what their cause was. For example, when the system picked up a fence post this appeared to be more tolerable than when the operators could not determine what the system was detecting. It would be interesting to know how this affects long-term use of the system. It would be useful to know if operators adapt by tuning out all alarms or if they ignore alarms that occur in situations that produce the largest numbers of false alarms. This does suggest the need for all operators to be trained on the system so that they can fully understand what situations are likely to cause false alarms. It was also confirmed at this point that operators were less concerned about the level of false positives if they occurred in the orange warning condition, as the number of false positives increased in the red warning condition operators were more frustrated. One operator reported that they "tuned out" the orange warnings. This is also consistent with previous human factors recommendations that providing a graded warning decreases the tradeoff between giving as few false positives as possible with providing the maximum time for the operator to react \[10\]. 4.8 Conclusions At this point it appears that operator acceptance of the visual DVI and the FCWS as a whole is very high. Operators have indicated that they feel that the system could potentially increase their safety. It is clear going forward that there is a need to determine what effect (if any) the DVI and the FCWS have on longer term operator performance. It will be particularly of interest to know how the operators use the system, preliminary feedback suggests that there is some tuning out of the orange "advisory" alerts. It will be necessary to determine what long term effect this will have on the viability of the system. Feedback from operators emphasizes that for operator acceptance the following three elements are important: - Need to reduce/minimize the false positive rate, - Need to provide the option of alternative display modalities and that operators must have the ability to switch modalities - Need to allow the operator to adjust the sensitivity of alarm activation thresholds - Need to provide training to operators prior to their using the system These studies (though somewhat preliminary) suggest that the iterative design process meet its objective of developing a DVI that supports the operator primary driving task and has a high user acceptance rating. References 1. Reinach, S., & Everson, J. (2000). Development of a Preliminary Driver Vehicle Interface for a Transit Bus Longitudinal and Lateral Collision Avoidance System (Contract No.:DTRS57-99-C-00083). Washington, DC: Federal Transit Administration. 2. Reinach, S., & Everson, J. (2001). The Preliminary Development of a Driver-Vehicle Interface for a transit Bus Collision Avoidance System. Intelligent Transportation Society of America. Eleventh Annual Meeting and Exposition. 3. Delphi-Delco Electronic Systems, Final Report -- Automotive Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) Program (DOT HS 809 080). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2000. 4. Seller, P., Song, B., & Hedrick, K. (1998). Development of a Collision Avoidance System. Automotive Engineering International. 109, 24-28 5. Hancock, P., Parasurman, R & Byrne, E. "Driver-Centered Issues in Advanced Automation for Motor Vehicles" in Parasurman, R & Mouloua, M. (Eds). Automation and Human Performance: Theory and Applications. (pp337-364). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996. 6. <> 7. Steinfeld, A., Tan, H.-S., & Bougler, B. (2000). Naturalistic findings for assisted snowplow operations. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 8. Hirst S., Graham R. The format and presentation of collision warnings, cha.11 in Ergonomics and Safety of Intelligent Driver Interfaces, edited by Noy Y., 1997. 9. Burgett, A.L. DOT's approach to ITS safety evaluation, Proceedings of ITS America Workshop on ITS Safety Evaluation, May 1995. 10. Comsis Corporation, Preliminary Human Factors Guidelines for Crash Avoidance Warning Devices. NHTSA Project No. DTNH22-91-C-07004. 11. Lerner, N.D., Dekker, D. K., Steinberg, G.V., and Huey, R.W. Inappropriate Alarm Rates and Driver Annoyance. (DOT HS 808 533). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1996. 12. Woll, J. (editor), radar-based adaptive cruise control for trucks, 1998 13. Fukuhara, H., & Kunihiko, K. Essential issues involved in radar-based collision warning/avoidance system. Proceedings of IVHS America, 1994. # Section Three {#section-three .SECTION} Development of Preliminary Specifications 5 DEVELOPMENT OF PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATIONS A number of parties have studied the basis of frontal collision warning/avoidance systems. Eaton VORAD™ developed and commercialized the EVT- series automotive collision warning systems. DELCO and GM, through the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) under the administration of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), have been working on the Automotive Collision Avoidance Systems (ACAS). DENSO and IBEO developed laser scanners for collision warning/avoidance applications. NHTSA also sponsored a number of projects under the ITS Crash Avoidance Research Program to develop the requirements, specifications and relevant techniques for read-end collision warning/avoidance systems. Publications \[14--18\] and reports (refs of Burgett \[14\]) discuss collision warning system requirements. Although the specifications for collision warning radars can be found in the literature, they may not be suitable for transit bus applications due to the different application environments, host vehicles and driver populations. Each of these elements is considered in further detail below. \(A\) Application environment differences Most of the commercial collision warning systems and sensors were primarily developed for highway applications. Transit buses usually run at lower speed in urban streets for public transportation services. The movement of buses is typically stop-and-go. The traffic environment in urban streets is more complex than that of freeways and highways. Along bus routes, more objects, such as trees, poles, traffic signs, parked cars, pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, and other vehicles, may be encountered. The stationary objects in urban streets, e.g. the parked cars, cannot be simply discarded, because it is possible that the bus is on a collision course with them. \(B\) Host vehicle differences Most of the commercial collision warning systems and sensors were designed for passenger cars and freight trucks. Transit buses are designed with lower maneuverability in comparison with cars and trucks to ensure reliability and safety. The acceleration/deceleration, steering sensitivity and capability are restricted to prevent on-board passenger injuries. It takes more time to maneuver a bus to avoid a crash. \(C\) Driver differences The bus operators are professional drivers. They are well trained. Their reaction to a critical situation may be more efficient than usual individual passenger car drivers. But their workload is relatively high during driving. The drivers need to: operate the bus, collect fares, respond to passenger requests and dispatching commands, keep up with the schedule, pull the bus in and out the bus stops and take care of passengers. If not designed appropriately, a collision warning system on the bus can distract the driver and increase their workload. Driver acceptance should be emphasized in transit applications. The following sections provide supporting documentation on the performance specifications. It should be noted that this document is based on the developers' knowledge and understanding about FCWS at this time. As the project continues into the next phase, additional specification items may be added. 5.1 Development of technical specifications 5.1.1 Subject Vehicle-Status-Sensing Capability For a collision warning system mounted on a transit bus, the subject vehicle is the bus, in other words, the bus is the platform for the collision warning system. Motion of the subject vehicle obviously will influence the performance of the collision warning system. The motion of the subject vehicle can be characterized by longitudinal and lateral kinematical states. The longitudinal states can be represented by speed and acceleration. The lateral states can be described by lateral speed, yaw rate, or front wheel angle. Given the wheelbase of the bus, if the longitudinal speed (one of the longitudinal states) is known, these three quantities are equivalent to each other. We choose front wheel angle to represent the lateral states. \(A\) Speed The maximum bus speed is restricted. The Gillig bus design specification has a maximum speed of 64mph (28.5m/s). In the data that PATH collected, the maximum recorded bus speed is 31.5m/s (70.8mph), this occurred when the bus was moving on a downhill highway. The maximum bus speed that the system can measure is specified to be at least **33.3m/s** (75mph), this should ensure that the FCWS will cover all maximum possible bus speeds. When a bus is stopped the bus speed is zero. The minimum bus speed that the system can measure is specified to be no greater than 0.5m/s (1mph). The reason that the minimum speed is not specified as zero but 0.5m/s is that when the bus speed is below this minimum value but greater than zero, the bus is creeping. If the creeping continues, a creeping warning should be issued, regardless of whether there is an obstacle in a collision course with the bus. It is optimal though not a requirement that the FCWS functions if a creeping warning is issued. The EVT-300 Eaton VORAD™ collision warning system has host vehicle speed coverage of 0.5-120 mph (0.8-190 km/hr, or 0.2\~52.8m/s). \(B\) Acceleration The accelerating performance of the bus is restricted. The Gillig bus takes at least 2.05sec to speed up to 10mph from rest, 6.33sec to 20mph, 12.87sec to 30mph, 23.0sec to 40mph, 38.2sec to 50mph, 60.37sec to 60mph; the peak deceleration (slowing down) of Gillig bus is 23.8ft/sec^2^ (7.25m/s^2^), average deceleration usually is between 6.4-9ft/sec^2^ (1.95-2.74m/s^2^) (J. Moon of Gillig). Average acceleration of Gillig bus in the first two seconds is 2.17m/s^2^. In the data that PATH collected, the maximum bus acceleration recorded is 0.523g (1g=9.8m/s^2^); the maximum bus deceleration is 0.692g. The maximum acceleration/deceleration that the system can measure is specified be at least **0.55g/-0.75g** (negative for deceleration). The minimum bus acceleration/deceleration that the system can measure should be no greater than ±0.05g. It is better if all possible accelerations /decelerations are covered. \(C\) Wheel angle In the data that PATH collected, the maximum front wheel angle recorded is 45.5 degrees to the right, 50 degrees to the left. The maximum front wheel angle that the system can measure is specified to be at least 50 degrees for both right and left. Note that a real FCWS doesn't necessarily have to measure these states to fulfill the warning function. However, the system must be functioning when the bus states are within these specified ranges. 5.1.2 Object-Sensing Capability Spatial coverage and resolution As is shown in the specifications the spatial coverage of transit FCWS is illustrated in Fig. 71. The coverage proposed herein is the minimum system requirement for object detection. The system may cover larger areas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ![](media/image6.wmf) Fig. 2 Spatial coverage illustration ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on the Stopping Distance Algorithm (SDA) and Closing Rate Algorithm (CRA), Kenue \[18\] conducted Monte-Carlo simulation to assess how the maximum range and azimuth angle selection affects the accident detection rate of a FCWS. The decelerations of both the lead vehicle and the host vehicle, and total delay time, including the driver reaction, sensor processing, and brake reaction time were taken into account in the simulation. The conclusion is that "further increasing the range beyond 300 feet does not increase the potential accident warning rate and that multi-beam sensors have a higher probability of accident warning as the number of beams increase." (p 497). Where micro-wave sensors are used multiple beams cover adjacent lanes. The recommended azimuth angle coverage at 250-275 feet is 8-9 degrees, as this can cover adjacent lanes on a curved road. The EVT-300 Eaton VORAD™ collision warning system has a range coverage of 0.9-110 meters (typical); azimuth angle coverage of 12 degrees (6 degrees to both the right and the left). The Denso laser scanner covers up to 160m with 10 degrees to both the right and the left (20 degrees in total). \[17\] suggests that multiple beam micro-wave sensors should have a range coverage of 100-150 meters with +/-1m resolution, and 10-14 degrees azimuth Field Of View (FOV). We specify the maximum range as 100 meters. This can be calculated from the extreme situation given bus speed 28 m/s, deceleration 5m/s^2^, facing a static object, driver's typical reaction time .75s. The distance that is needed to stop the bus is 28\*28/5/2+28\*0.75=28\*3.55=99.4 meters. This calculation shows 100m maximum range shall cover most of the potential accidents. We specify the azimuth coverage as 30 degrees with a coverage range of 12 meters at the maximum angle. The wider angle is for early detecting cut-in vehicles. Review of the accident data and field data suggests that cut-ins happens more often in front of a bus and that passenger car drivers usually pass a bus rather than follow it. The 30 degree coverage assures that the system can detect the front half of a passenger can in the next lane when the car's back is in line with the bus front bumper. It should be noted that the 30 degrees is not necessarily the nominal azimuth angle coverage of a specific sensor, because the range requirement at the maximum angle, that is 6\*2=12 meters, is much shorter than that for the forward direction. For a microwave radar, the nominal azimuth FOV is usually defined as the 3dB beam width. The lateral coverage is specified as 6 meters to cover one and half lanes. Timing and update rate \(A\) Delay See (A) for delay specifications explanation. \(B\) Update Rate The sensor data update rate is specified to be at least 10 Hz. This update rate is required because the tracking algorithm shall associate consecutive measurements to refine the object state estimations. This update rate assures that the association area will not exceed 3 meters, which is approximately half the size of a passenger car. 5.1.3 Warning system Power supply \(A\) Voltage The power supply should be compatible with the bus battery, i.e. 12V or 24V DC as this provides the most convenient power supply interface. High voltage is prohibited on transit buses because of safety considerations. \(B\) Power consumption The Gillig buses can provide 300+ watts power capacity for extra electronic equipments. The total warning system power consumption should be no greater than 100W to reserve some capacity for other systems, such as side- and rear- collision warning systems. The Eaton VORAD™ EVT-300 power requirement is 20W. Processing capability \(A\) Delay The processing delay from system input to output should be no longer than 0.5 s (this includes the maximum 0.3s sensor delay). The sensor delay is needed to collect data to estimate speed from position measurements or acceleration from velocity measurements. The extra 0.2s system delay is needed to assess the situation. Longer delay may help to improve the accuracy of estimation and assessment; however it is unacceptable because the human driver will realize the system delay. Too much system delay will negatively affect the system performance as warnings may either be displayed too late for the operator to respond to them or they may arrive after the operator is responding to the potential threat which will either distract the operator (which could have hazardous consequences) and/or decrease operator trust in the system. Any decrement in operator trust may lead the operator to ignore the system. Previous research on the development of a lane change, merging and backing collision avoidance system \[25\] found that drivers did not notice a delay of .5 seconds. \(B\) Update rate The system processing batch rate should be at least 2 Hz. More frequent update of warning information may improve the timeliness of the warning, but warnings that are shorter than half a second will be annoying. Once a warning is detected, the signal sent to the DVI is suggested to keep on for about half a second. 5.2 Development of Performance Specifications 5.2.1 Object Presence Detection Performance The object presence detection performance is a matter of output Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), i.e. how well the system can suppress noise and clutters. It is convenient to use probability of detection (P~d~, true object detection) and probability of false alarm (P~fa~, false object detection) to describe detector performance. The relationship between SNR and (P~d~, P~fa~) can be found in the *Radar Handbook* \[19\]. False alarm time is defined as the average time between false alarms. False alarm time is a more practically useful concept, which is equivalent to P~fa~. Colgin \[20\] reported a mathematic model for simulating FMCW radar performance at 76.5GHz working frequency. The model calculates radar performance in distributed background clutter, along with atmospheric attenuation, due to air, rain, snow or fog. Multi-path effect and target fluctuations are taken into account. The model was calibrated assuming that a 1m^2^ non-fluctuating target at 100m produces a SNR of 24.1dB at the peak of the beam and the peak of an FFT filter. The report shows the Signal-to-Clutter plus Noise Ratios (SCR) in: ground only clutter, ground plus rain clutter, ground plus snow clutter and ground plus fog clutter, at 24.1dB, 21.2dB, 22.8dB are 24.0dB respectively. The *Radar Handbook* reports that for non-fluctuating targets, this level of SNR can bring P~d~ to almost 100% and lower than 10^-12^ P~fa~, for the Swerling case 1 fluctuating targets, this level of SNR can bring to 90% P~d~ and 10^-6^\~10^-12^ P~fa~. We specified the average P~d~ and P~fa~ in all possible atmospheric conditions, with 99% P~d~ allowing one false alarm in every two hours. Atmospheric condition is a critical factor that affects the detector performance. In rainy, foggy or snowy days, P~d~ may be a little bit lower than the specification, or false alarm time may be slightly shorter than the specification. The specification is based on the assumption that there are 10% of rainy days, 10% of foggy days, 10% of snowy days and 70% of clear days. To avoid confusion the terms true object detection and false object detection are used in the specification. 5.2.2 Collision Detection Performance A false alarm is a warning issued when there is no threat to the subject bus at all. A nuisance alarm is a warning given in the case that a collision is correctly forecasted, but the bus operator does not consider it to be a true potential threat for the bus (see Burgett's interpretation \[9\] and \[10\]). Both false and nuisance alarms are incorrect warnings (false positives). Traffic safety facts show that nationally 1.8 million rear-end crashes happen annually, while the same drivers brake perhaps 10 trillion times to prevent a crash \[14\]. This indicates that the probability of a real crash is very low, approximately 10^-7^. The probability of a false object detection is very low as well, see the previous section for false object detection probability. It is therefore evident that most of the warnings will be nuisance alarms. Prior Human Factors research reports that drivers try to match their response rates to the reliability of the warnings (\[23\] and refs). It will be distracting and disturbing to the driver if warnings are issued too frequently, as most of the warnings are nuisance alarms which bring little information to the driver. But if the system never emits a warning, the driver may be startled by first warning and not respond appropriately \[24\]. This implies that the appropriate warning rate must be within a range, and the warning rate is driver-dependent. In the development work for this project operators felt that they would need to drive with the system for at least a couple of months to be able to determine appropriate levels of nuisance alarms. Previous research has not provided guidelines for determining acceptable rates \[26\]. A study to determine acceptable levels of false positive when people are driving their own passenger cars by Lerner et al \[26\] suggests that individuals show a wide range of annoyance sensitivity. Lerner et al also suggests that annoyance of false positives rates may change over time. In the same study \[26\] found that a 4 per hour tone and a one per hour voice false alarm was significantly more annoying than a 1 per hour, 1 per 4 hours or a 1 per 8 hours tone. However, it is unclear how this finding could be applied in the transit bus FCWS environment given the different nature of the vehicle, task, driver and environment. In the absence of any specific guidelines we suggest setting a preliminary warning rate range of within 1 to 4 warnings per hour. This rate will be updated as further studies are conducted in this area. References 14. Burgett, A.L.; Miller, R.J. A new paradigm for rear-end crash prevention drving performance. 2001-01-0463 15. Woll, J.D. Monopulse Doppler radar for vehicle applications. M+RF97 Microwave and Communications Technologies Conference Proceedings, Swanley, UK: Nexus Information Technology, 1997. p.234-8. 16. Morenc, N.P.; Lajiness, G.G. 76 GHz collision warning transceiver component requirements and current status, Intelligent Transportation System, 1997. ITSC \'97, IEEE Conference on, 1997, Page(s): 439 --445. 17. Dixit, R.; Rafaelli, L. (Edited by: Koepf, G.A.) Radar requirements and architecture trades for automotive applications. 1997 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1997. p.1253-6 vol.3. 18. Kenue, S.K. Selection of range and azimuth angle parameters for a forward looking collision warning radar sensor. Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles \'95. Symposium, New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1995. p.494-9. 19. Skolnik, M.I. (ed) Radar Handbook, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1990. 20. Colgin, R.C. FMCW radar math model report for radar sensor simulations, Dec. 1999, GM Confidential. 21. Burgett, A.L. DOT's approach to ITS safety evaluation, Proceedings of ITS America Workshop on ITS Safety Evaluation, May 1995. 22. Hirst S., Graham R. The format and presentation of collision warnings, cha.11 in Ergonomics and Safety of Intelligent Driver Interfaces, edited by Noy Y., 1997. 23. Lehto, M.R., Papastavrou, J.D., Ranney T.A., Simmons L.A. An experimental comparison of conservative versus optimal collision avoidance warning system thresholds, Safety Science 36, 185-209, 2000. 24. Hancock, P.A., Parasuraman R., Byrne E.A. Driver-centered issues in advanced automation for motor vehicles, chapter 16 in Automation and Human Performance: Theory and Applications, edited by Parasuraman R. and Mouloua M., 1996. 25. Eberhard, C., Moffa, P., Young, S., & Allen, R. (1995). Development of Performance Specifications for Collision Avoidance Systems for Lane Change, Merging and Backing -- Interim Report. DOT HS 808 430. 26. Lerner, N.D., Dekker, D. K., Steinberg, G.V., and Huey, R.W. Inappropriate Alarm Rates and Driver Annoyance. (DOT HS 808 533). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1996. ######### {#section-2 .Reference .unnumbered} 6 Transit Bus Frontal Collision-Warning Systems: Preliminary Performance Specifications 6.1 Interface Requirements This performance specification represents the research conducted under the Transit Bus Frontal Collision Warning System project sponsored by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in 1999. The goal of this project is to develop performance specifications for transit bus frontal collision warning systems (FCWS). This work was undertaken in conjunction with the FTA by California PATH of UC Berkeley, in partnership with San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans) in California, California State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and bus manufacturer Gillig Corporation (Gillig). PATH began this project by conducting the following tasks: 1. A literature review to determine the impact of frontal collisions on the transportation industry and to determine if any similar systems are currently deployed 2. A review of transit bus accident statistics in the San Francisco Bay Area (California) 3. Development of a kinematical model showing movements of the bus and surrounding vehicles prior to a collision 4. The development and implementation of a data collection system including sensors, cameras, and data recording devices on a SamTrans bus 5. Ongoing industry discussion with San Francisco Bay Area transit agency advisory committee members 6. Ongoing Bus Operator meetings with SamTrans employees In conjunction with the above tasks, PATH developed a prototype FCWS on a Gillig manufactured SamTrans owned bus to verify the specifications for the FCWS (see the final project report for further details). It is important to note that as these specifications are based in part on information collected from the PATH developed prototype used by SamTrans employees on regular normal services in the SamTrans service area, it has not been validated in any other area, on any other bus, or with operators outside of SamTrans employment. Some items in this document are expressed in terms of sensing capabilities, these are not requirements for specific sensors, they should be considered as the working condition requirements for a FCWS. Other items (for example, the collision detection and driver vehicle interface characteristics) are given as design considerations rather than specifications due to the complex nature of the issues involved and the fact that there may not be one best way to specify for future developers or that the issue requires further verification in a longer term study with a working system. It is envisaged that in these cases the function of the system should be recommended and that developers should meet those functional requirements. This document represents the developers' current understanding of FCWS requirements. It might not be a complete set of requirements for FCWS. As the development efforts continue, additional specification items may be added. 6.1.1 Definitions System functions The functional goals of the FCWS are to address imminent potential crashes, by providing a warning to the operator in unsafe situations and to provide environmental guidance for smoother maneuvering. The primary goal of the frontal collision warning system is to predict imminent potential crashes, or collisions with objects. To achieve these goals the collision warning system must have the sensing capability to gather information from both the subject vehicle and the surrounding environment (subject and object sensing). The system then must fulfill the following five basic signal and data processing functions: object detection, object status estimation, collision detection, collision severity assessment, and generation of warning signals. \(a\) Subject and object sensing A FCWS may need to: assess the bus status, detect operator actions, obtain environment information, and measure object status. Sensors will be used to provide the necessary inputs to the system. The system sensing capability can be divided into two categories: subject vehicle status and object status sensing. \(b\) Subject vehicle status sensing Subject vehicle status sensing refers to the acquisition of information on operator operations and the current kinematical states of the bus. Examples of subject vehicle status sensors are: speedometers, accelerometers, brake pressure sensors, steering angle sensors, and GPS receivers. \(c\) Object status sensing Object sensing refers to the acquisition of information from the environment (for example, road curvature), the presence of other objects (for example, vehicles and pedestrians) and the current kinematical states of the objects. Examples of sensors for object status sensing are microwave radars, laser radars, imaging sensors and ultrasonic sensors. Signal and data processing \(a\) Object detection The function of object detection is to tell if there is an object within the monitoring coverage of the collision warning system. \(b\) Object status estimation The function of object status estimation is to determine the kinematical states of an object; these states may include such information as spatial position, velocity and acceleration of an object. \(c\) Collision detection The function of collision detection is to determine if the bus and an object will collide in a certain period of time. \(d\) Collision severity assessment The function of collision severity assessment is to determine the potential severity of a collision by assessing such factors as the probability of a collision, time to the potential collision and the likely damage of a collision. \(e\) Generation of warning signal This function generates the warning signals that are displayed to the operator. **Note:** Some radars and lidars may already implement functions (a) and (b) as preprocessing functions. 6.1.2 Driver-Vehicle Interface (DVI) The DVI reports the outputs of the FCWS to the operator for appropriate corrective action. These signals are presented via displays whose modalities may include any of the following: visual, auditory, tactile (vibration), and/or haptic (force). Displays may use a combination of binary and graded warnings. \(a\) Binary warnings Binary warnings are those which are either on or off. They may include a ramp-up in amplitude or other characteristics; however, these ramp-ups are independent of the scenario (e.g., the volume increases quickly over 0.5 seconds every time the alarm sounds). \(b\) Graded warnings Graded warnings indicate multiple levels of warning and may be continuous or discrete in nature. The level of warning is tied to the measure of warning necessity. 6.2 Technical Specifications 6.2.1 Transit Bus Status Sensing Capability The following items specify the sensing capability requirements. The transit bus interface should include signals for speed, steering angle, and provide system power. All system interfaces should be non-invasive to prevent interference with transit bus operation. The FCWS should be functioning in the following given conditions. Speed The maximum bus speed that the system can measure should be at least 33.3m/s (75mph). The minimum bus speed that the system can measure should be no greater than 0.5m/s (1mph). It is more preferable if all possible speeds are covered. The scalar speed sb of the bus should be known to within 5 %. Acceleration The maximum subject vehicle acceleration/deceleration that the system can measure should be at least 0.55g/-0.75g (1g = 9.8m/s^2^, negative for deceleration). The minimum bus acceleration that the system can measure should be no greater than ±0.05g. It is more preferable if all possible accelerations/decelerations are covered. Wheel angle The maximum front wheel angle that the system can measure should be at least 50 degrees to both right and left. It is more preferable if all possible front wheel angles are covered. The Yaw-rate ${\overset{˙}{\theta}}_{b}$of the bus should be known to within +/- 1 deg/sec. 6.2.2 Object-Sensing Capability Spatial coverage and resolution Spatial coverage is illustrated in Fig. 72. The coverage proposed herein is the minimum system requirement for object detection. The system may cover larger areas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ![](media/image7.wmf) Fig. 3 Spatial coverage illustration ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Range The farthest detectable range in the same lane should be at least 100m (330ft). The closest detectable range in same lane should be no greater than 3m (10ft). The resolution should be finer than 1m (3.3ft). Range-rate The maximum detectable range-rate should be at least 20m/s (45mph, separating). The minimum detectable range-rate should be no greater than -44m/s (--100mph, approaching). It is more preferable if all possible range-rates are covered. Azimuth or lateral position The maximum detectable side-looking angle from the front bus corners should be at least 30 degrees. The maximum lateral position should be at least 6m (20ft). Elevation field of view The field of view in the forward looking direction is 4DEG. Timing and update rate \(a\) Delay The sensing delay from sensor input to output should be shorter than 0.1 s. \(b\) Update rate The sensor data update rate should be at least 10 Hz. Sensor alignment requirements \(a\) Spatial alignment Most sensors for object sensing measure the environment in their own coordinate frames. These measurements need be transformed to a common system coordinate frame which is fixed with the subject bus. Calibration may be needed to determine the spatial relationship between the sensor coordinate frames and the common system coordinate frame. It should be easy to do field calibration of these systems. \(b\) Temporal alignment Sensors and computers may have their own timing clocks which are running independently. Different sensors may have different delays or update rates. From the system point of view, sensor measurements should be aligned in time to ensure that the data collected simultaneously from all sensors is describing the same scenario at the same instant. \(c\) Metrological alignment All measurements should be converted into the same metrological system. Sensor protrusion All sensors shall not protrude more than 6 inches outside the envelope unless a sufficient guard is put into place. Sensor cleaning All sensors shall be operational with only one daily cleaning. The cleaning procedure should be provided in the systems operational procedure. 6.2.3 ICWS Power Requirements Power supply \(a\) Voltage The power supply should be compatible with the bus battery, i.e. 12V or 24V DC. \(b\) Power consumption The total ICWS power consumption should be no greater than 350W. 6.2.4 ICWS Processing Capability Latency The processing delay from system input to output should be no longer than 0.3 seconds (this includes the maximum 0.1 second sensor delay). The ICWS shall compensate for this computational latency in the probability calculations and generate the safety level at the correct time Update rate The system processing batch rate should be at least 2 Hz. 6.3 Performance specifications 6.3.1 Object Presence Detection Performance Probability of true object detection The probability of true detection of a passenger-car-like object should be greater than 99.9%. False object detection time False object detection is defined as a target detected without any substantial object presence. The mean time between two consecutive false object detections should be at least 2 hours. It should be noted that a false object detection does not necessarily lead to a false collision detection, because a warning is issued only if the system determines that the falsely detected object is on a collision course with the bus. 6.3.2 Collision Detection Performance A false alarm is a warning issued when there is no threat to the subject bus at all. A nuisance alarm is a warning given in the case that a collision is correctly forecasted, but the bus operator does not consider it to be a true potential threat for the bus. Both false and nuisance alarms are incorrect warnings (false positives). Given that by definition what constitutes a nuisance alarms is determined by operators it can be expected that nuisance alarm rates will be driver-dependent. Previous human factors research suggests the need to balance the total number of alarms with the number of false alarms. False positive rate Previous human factors research suggests that too many false alarms will result in a loss of operator confidence and trust in a system. This loss of confidence and trust can lead operators to either ignore the system or spend valuable time verifying each alarm; both of these options will decrease the effectiveness of the system. The FCWS shall generate less than 5% False Positives. Total number of alarms If the total number of false and nuisance alarms is kept to a minimum and given that the probability of a real crash is very low, it is likely operators will not receive any alarms for long periods of time. In this case when an operator does receive an alarm the alarm may produce a startled response resulting in a longer response time which will decrease the effectiveness of the FCWS. It has been suggested that some false and nuisance alarms will minimize this effect. This implies that the appropriate warning rate must be within a range, and the warning rate is driver-dependent, i.e. the optimal warning rate for different drivers may be different. The acceptable warning rate issue is still under investigation in the field of human factor. See for considerations of correct warning performance. 6.3.3 Warning Algorithm Performance Safety levels for FCWS The FCWS shall generate the appropriate safety level as defined below based on object type, probability of collision, and time to collision, as given by the following charts **Alert --- Potential obstacles exist and may pose a collision hazard.** **Warn --- Collision is imminent without evasive action.** Warning thresholds Whatever safety measures are used, warning thresholds which are to be compared with the safety measures should be able to match with drivers' normal operational performance. Diversity of driver performance should be taken into account, thus multiple sensitivity levels may be needed to provide sensitivity options for drivers. Warning algorithm hysteresis The FCWS shall provide hysteresis in generating safety levels to prevent toggling of the DVI Inputs. Safety levels will be output for a minimum of 0.5 seconds unless overridden by a higher safety level. 6.4 Suggested Design Considerations 6.4.1 Correct Warning Performance Correct warning probability Under the condition in section 5.2.2, the total detection probability of correct warnings should be as high as possible, and the warning should be displayed to the operator as early as possible, so to minimize any potential damage. Odds of a correct warning A correct warning occurs when the situation (including the operator) requires a warning. The specification of odds of a correct warning shall be determined in the field test. The odds of a correct warning should be as high as possible. We will investigate this issue further in phase two of this project. 6.4.2 Operator behavior performance Response time It will be necessary for a transit bus FCWS to induce a response no slower than under normal conditions. Even small savings in response time can be considered beneficial as they will impact on the probability of a crash. In the event of a crash, small improvements in response time will reduce the severity as the speed of the bus will likely be lower. Braking behavior Due to the risk of passenger falls the system should promote earlier braking rather than harder braking. Swerving behavior Due to the size and mass of transit buses it is preferred that the system does not induce excessive, swerving behavior. Swerves that are executed with complete situational awareness are not as risky, but in surprise conditions the operator may not be fully aware of objects to the side of the bus. Passenger considerations ######### A major concern of transit agencies is passenger falls. The system displays (visual, audible, etc.) should not be readily observable by the passengers. This will reduce the risk of fraudulent passenger fall claims and causing unnecessary surprise or concern from passengers. {#a-major-concern-of-transit-agencies-is-passenger-falls.-the-system-displays-visual-audible-etc.-should-not-be-readily-observable-by-the-passengers.-this-will-reduce-the-risk-of-fraudulent-passenger-fall-claims-and-causing-unnecessary-surprise-or-concern-from-passengers. .Reference .unnumbered} 7 Summary Analysis of accident data collected from selected Bay Area and California transit agencies indicates that frontal collisions constitute 20-30% in statistics and 30-40% of cost of all transit related accidents. These collisions typically result in property damage, service interruptions and personal injuries while contributing to an increase in traffic congestion. This projects accident analysis, feedback from transit agency representatives from the Bay Area Transit Advisory Committee, and driver feedback indicate that an effective collision warning system could help to reduce the likelihood of accidents and facilitate smooth driving. Previous collision warning and collision avoidance systems have focused exclusively on highway applications for trucks and light-duty passenger cars. No previous work was found on frontal collision warning systems for transit buses. The research for this project suggests that there are two fundamental differences between a transit collision warning system need and that of a highway truck or light-duty passenger car system. The first is the operating environment, an urban and suburban operating environment is dramatically different from those targeted in previous studies. The different environment presents a considerable challenge with respect to the presence of a much larger number of objects needing to be screened for hazards and due to the more complicated traffic patterns. Secondly as transit bus drivers are professional drivers they may have different needs from and sensitivities to a collision warning system. In the process of the developing requirement specifications, both of these issues were addressed. The primary goal of this project was to develop the performance requirement specifications for the frontal collision warning system for transit buses. To accomplish this goal, the FCWS team has applied System Engineering Process (SEP) in the requirement analysis process. To support the primary goal, research was conducted in the areas of data collection and analysis. In addition the team maintained a driver needs focus in all phases of the study and verification of requirements through field-testing. Each of these activities are further described below. **Accident Data Analysis:** In order to define the operational environment and the bus operation scenarios, thorough data collection and analysis was conducted. In addition to reviewing national accident statistics, accident records collected by SamTrans and 34 additional transit agencies were analyzed. The accident data analysis revealed that bus frontal collisions mostly occur at low velocity on suburban corridors, local streets and near bus stops, traffic lights, or intersections. Many incidents involved the bus making contact with a neighboring vehicle at the front corners at relatively low speeds. In addition to frontal collisions, passenger falls resulting from emergency braking also contribute to an increased potential for passenger injuries and liability. **Field Data Collection and Analysis** was an essential element of this project. The accident data provides a knowledge base for determining the type and frequency of frontal collision accidents. However, because transit accident data are heavily dependent on the recollection of the involved operator, most data may not accurately describe the cause and the time sequence of accidents. In order to further understand the environment that a CWS will operate in, data acquisition systems were developed and instrumented on three SamTrans buses. The data acquisition system collected several types of data, including sensor data such as detecting the presence and relative motion of obstacles in front of the bus, vehicle status (i.e., velocity, acceleration and steering angle), and video data. A data analysis tool was developed to overlay the sensory data onto the video data to enable us to see what sensors detect. A second tool is being developed for automating the data analysis process. The team was not expecting to acquire actual collisions during the course of this project, However, the abundant data collected on these buses provides us with an accurate description of the relative movement of the buses, the surrounding vehicles and potential crash scenarios. In the absence of collisions, hazardous conditions that potentially can lead to accidents have been identified and driver reactions to these hazardous conditions have been analyzed. The in-depth understanding of bus operating environment and hazardous conditions helped to establish scenarios under which accidents may occur and provide a foundation for the determination of sensor performance, and system specifications. Currently there are over 200 gigabytes of video and sensory data stored on a Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID). Additional data is being collected and data will continuously be analyzed in the Phase Two project. **A Prototype Frontal Collision Warning System** was also developed. The hardware platform was based on the data collection system hardware in order to evaluate the preliminary functional requirements and technical specifications. A preliminary collision-warning algorithm was specifically designed for bus operation in an urban environment. Significant efforts were devoted to deal with problem areas revealed through the data collection process using the playback tool and the collected data. The current warning algorithm, which was evolved through different stages of the project, has much better performance in dealing with most of false positive patterns. It has been realized that the probability of a true collision is so small that suppression of false alarms or nuisance alarms is the central point for developing a FCWS, particularly for operation in urban environment. The project team recognized that several signal processing and sensor fusion techniques such as object recognition and classification, GPS map utilization, driver status monitoring may all be helpful for reducing nuisance alarms in the future. Random models may be better than deterministic models in terms of describing the evolution of vehicle states. These techniques will be considered in the second phase of the FCWS. The **Driver Vehicle Interface (DVI)** is a critical element for effective communicating the warning information to the driver. Through iterative studies of the driver needs and desires, a prototype visual DVI was developed. So far, field tests have shown that operator acceptance of the visual DVI and the FCWS as a whole is very high. Operators have indicated that they feel that the system could potentially increase their safety. The project team has determined that there is a need to determine what effect (if any) the DVI and the FCWS have on longer-term operator performance. It is particularly of interest to know how the operators use the system. Preliminary feedback suggests that there is some "tuning out" of the amber "advisory" alerts. It is necessary to determine what long-term effect this will have on the viability of the system. Feedback from operators emphasizes that the acceptance of the system relies on the reduction/minimization of the false-positive rate, options for alternative display modalities, ability to adjust the sensitivity of the alarm activation thresholds, and training to operators prior to their using of the system. The DVI study under this project (though somewhat preliminary) suggests that the iterative design process meet its objective of developing a DVI that supports the operator primary driving task and has a high user acceptance rating. The FCWS team will continuously use this approach to ensure that the collision warning system can indeed help to reduce both the frequency and severity of collisions. Topics that need further examination include warning thresholds for both advanced cues and critical warnings, alternative modalities, and the impact of transit specific driving tasks. As the final product of this project, the **preliminary performance requirement specifications** for transit FCWS are developed. Based on the research separately conducted on advanced technologies for frontal and side collisions, starting late 2002, Caltrans, CMU, PennDOT, PAT, Samtrans and UC PATH, in partnership with FTA have committed to conduct further development on an integration of the advanced side collision warning and frontal collision warning systems into a unified whole with one transit operator interface. This work will lead to a unified collision warning system specification of Integrated Collision Warning System (ICWS) and two prototypes for limited operational testing. The goals identified by the ICWS team are to (1) develop a Functional ICWS, (2) create a system acceptable to operators (drivers & operations), (3) demonstrate a potential for reduction in the severity and frequency of collisions and (4) prove technical feasibility through field test of prototype system(s). Under the ICWS project, the FCWS are being improved and as part of the ICWS performance requirements, the FCWS performance requirement specifications will be finalized. The ICWS project is scheduled to be complete by mid 2005. # Section Eight {#section-eight .SECTION} # Appendix Appendix I: List of 32-CalTIP Members 1. AMODOR Regional Transit System 2. City of Arcata & Mad River Transit System 3. City of Auburn 4. City of Azusa 5. Butte County 6. Central Contra Costa Transit Authority 7. Culver City 8. City of Dixon 9. El Dorado County Transit Authority 10. City of Folsom 11. Golden Empire Transit District 12. Humboldt Transit Authority 13. City of Lincoln 14. Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 15. City of Lodi 16. Mendocino Transit Authority 17. Monterey-Salinas Transit 18. Morongo Basin Transit Authority 19. Napa County Transportation Planning Agency 20. Nevada County 21. Placer County Transit 22. Riverside Transit Agency 23. San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority 24. Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District 25. Siskiyou County 26. South Coast Area Transit 27. South County Area Transit 28. City of Vacaville 29. City of Vallejo Transit 30. Western Contra Costa Transit Authority 31. City of Whittier 32. Yolo County Transportation District Appendix II: Sample JGAA Cost Report Div ALL Select Period: As of: Activity Period: Printed: 09/11/2002 Page: 1 07/01/1994 - 09/11/2002 09/11/2002 - Selected by: Claims With Incurred from: Examiner ID: ALL DATE OF LOSS -\$999,999,999 thru \$9999999999 Leg/Oth: YES Recovs: NO Proc Off: ALL ALL CLAIMS IN CLAIM NUMBER ORDER FOR CALENDAR YEARS 1994-2002 Info-Only: YES Late-Rpt: YES Maint-Only: YES \*HistSumm: N/A ==================================================================================================================================== Claim Sts Carrier Loss Reported Entry Denied Closed Reopen Paid in \-\-\-\-\-\-\--TOTALS AS OF: 09/11/2002\-\-\-\-\-\-- No No Date Date Date Date Date Date Pay Period Paid Reserve Incurred ==================================================================================================================================== 0053740 C 01/09/00 01/14/00 01/18/00 01/31/01 Loss: 63 ON BRD-STOPPING Desc: ABRUPT STOP PAX FELL Claimant: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Bod Inj: 0.00 400.00 0.00 400.00 Totals: 0.00 400.00 0.00 400.00 \-\--CLAIM SUMMARY\-\-- Totals: 0.00 400.00 0.00 400.00 \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- NET: 400.00 0053750 C 01/13/00 01/17/00 02/01/00 03/15/00 Loss: 8 TRN LFT-OTH LFT Desc: UNSAFE LANE CHANGE VEHICLE COLLI Claimant: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Totals: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 \-\--CLAIM SUMMARY\-\-- Totals: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- NET: 0.00 Appendix III: Loss Code Description [Property damage (code 1\~49)]{.underline} 1. Intersection: Bus straight ahead - other vehicle from left 2. Intersection: Bus straight ahead - other vehicle from right 3. Intersection: Bus turning right - other vehicle from ahead 4. Intersection: Bus turning right - other vehicle from left 5. Intersection: Bus straight ahead - other vehicle from opposite direction turns left 6. Intersection: Bus turning right - other vehicle from rear 7. Intersection: Bus turning left - other vehicle from ahead 8. Intersection: Bus turning left - other vehicle from left 9. Intersection: Bus turning left - other vehicle from right 10. Intersection: Bus turning left - other vehicle from rear 11. Intersection: Other vehicle turns right in front of bus 12. Intersection: All other intersection collisions 13. Head-on - vehicles from opposite directions 14. Sideswipe - bus passing other vehicle 15. Sideswipe - other vehicle from opposite direction 16. Sideswipe - other vehicle passing bus 17. Cutting in - by other vehicle 18. Other vehicle pulling from curb hit bus 19. Collision with standing vehicle (includes opened doors, parked auto) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 22. All other accidents between intersections 23. Rear end - bus hit vehicle 24. Rear end - other vehicle hit bus 25. Loading zone: Bus pulling into zone involved with standing vehicle 26. Loading zone: Bus pulling from zone involved with standing vehicle 27. Loading zone: Bus pulling from zone involved with moving vehicle 28. Loading zone: Other vehicle involved with bus standing in zone 29. Loading zone: Bus pulling into zone involved with moving vehicle 30. Miscellaneous: All other collisions with other vehicles, bikes. 31. Scrapes at corners. Intersection sideswipes (includes right turn squeeze) 32. Sideswipes between intersections other than opposite direction 33. Opposite way sideswipes between intersections 34. Collisions between company passenger vehicles: end to end - in loading zones 35. Collisions between company passenger vehicles: end to end other than loading zones 36. Collision between company passenger vehicles: on company property, yards, terminal company parking 37. All other collisions between company passenger vehicles. 38. Collision with stationary object while bus backing. 39. Pedestrians - Intersection/crosswalks 40. Pedestrians - loading zones 41. Pedestrians - hit by overhang (bus turning) 42. Pedestrians - Between intersections 43. Pedestrians - all others 44. Miscellaneous collision: alleges - location - division or department unknown 45. Collisions with (fixed) stationary objects 46. Collision due to bus mechanical failure. 47. Collision due to bus leaving road 48. Collision not classified 49. Bus backing collision with moving vehicle. ### Passenger injury (code 50\~118) 50. Falls boarding 51. Miscellaneous boarding 52. Struck by front door - boarding 53. Falls alighting - front door 54. Handi Lift 55. Falls alighting - rear door 56. Falls alighting - rear door (push type) 57. Fall alighting not otherwise classified 58. Struck by front door - alighting 59. Struck by rear door - alighting 60. Struck by rear door - alighting (push type) 61. Struck by door not otherwise classified 62. On board: bus starting 63. On board: bus stopping 64. On board: bus turning 65. On board: bus running straight 66. On board: caught/struck by doors 67. On board: injuries from arms, head, etc. out of window 68. On board: accidents not otherwise classified ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 70. Property damage caused by defective equipment 71. Injuries caused by defective equipment 72. Disturbances, ejectments fainting, sickness, fits, deaths on vehicles, etc. 73. Injuries or prop damage caused by other passengers or other person except bus motion 74. Falls - approaching to board or after alighting 75. Clothing soiled off bus (splashed water, etc.) 76. Thrown missiles (injuries/damage) 77. Thrown missiles (no injuries/damage) 78. Incidents not otherwise classified 79. Observation or witness reports (operator\'s vehicle not involved) 80. Non-operating vehicle accidents (supervisor cars, co. trucks, vehicles operated by mechanics, vandalism) 81. Other alleged 82. Other alleged ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 88. Bicycle ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 90. Employee accidents ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 99. Public accidents on company property - not defined 100. Striking and injuring or killing animal 101. Wheelchair: Falls boarding 102. Wheelchair: Door hit 103. Wheelchair: Miscellaneous boarding 104. Wheelchair: Lift stand 105. Wheelchair: Lift WC PAX 106. Wheelchair: Fall alighting 107. Wheelchair: Fall alighting 108. Wheelchair: Fall alighting 109. Wheelchair: PAX start 110. Wheelchair: PAX stop 111. Wheelchair: PAX curve (turning) 112. Wheelchair: PAX straight 113. Wheelchair: PAX door 114. Wheelchair: PAX window 115. Wheelchair: On board 116. Wheelchair: Tie down 117. Wheelchair: Tie down 118. Wheelchair: Lift ### ### Violation (code 119, 120) 119. Civil right 120. ADA violation Appendix IV: Accident Data as Shown in Bar Charts For Table 26 and 27 the percentages shown in black are actual cost data, and those in blue are generated by the statistics from Agency IV and V. Table 5 Claim and cost distributions for collision accidents with cost less then 10K ------------ --------- ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ **Agency** **Total **Total **Percent of **Percent of claim** cost** claims** costs** **F** **S** **R** **N** **F** **S** **R** **N** I 324 \$665,044 29.0 55.2 11.1 4.6 36.1 49.5 11.1 3.4 ***26.0*** ***48.7*** ***13.7*** ***11.6*** ***35.1*** ***44.4*** ***10.7*** ***9.8*** II 1,109 \$1,108,053 13.3 40.8 6.3 39.5 18.5 36.6 4.0 40.9 ***19.5*** ***54.4*** ***13.8*** ***12.4*** ***27.5*** ***50.8*** ***9.9*** ***11.8*** III 346 \$263,970 16.2 46.2 24.3 13.3 20.7 51.1 15.9 12.3 ***18.7*** ***44.7*** ***23.9*** ***12.7*** ***25.3*** ***45.3*** ***16.8*** ***12.6*** IV 243 \$343,870 27.6 35.4 25.5 11.5 34.4 32.4 22.7 10.5 ***24.0*** ***37.6*** ***26.0*** ***12.4*** ***30.9*** ***36.9*** ***22.0*** ***10.2*** ------------ --------- ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ # Table 6 Claim and cost distributions for all collision accidents ------------ --------- ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ **Agency** **Total **Total **Percent of **Percent of claim** cost** claims** costs** **F** **S** **R** **N** **F** **S** **R** **N** I 353 \$2,904,763 31.7 52.4 10.2 5.7 70.6 22.4 2.5 4.4 ***29.0*** ***46.4*** ***12.6*** ***12.1*** ***70.4*** ***21.3*** ***2.4*** ***5.9*** II 1,146 \$6,319,107 14.7 40.2 6.2 38.9 20.5 45.0 0.9 33.6 ***20.6*** ***53.3*** ***13.4*** ***12.7*** ***22.1*** ***47.5*** ***1.9*** ***28.5*** III 358 \$997,982 17.3 45.3 23.7 13.7 22.4 17.5 5.7 54.5 ***19.7*** ***43.8*** ***23.4*** ***13.1*** ***23.6*** ***15.9*** ***5.9*** ***54.6*** IV 261 \$1,032,796 29.9 34.1 24.9 11.1 61.4 19.6 14.3 4.7 ***26.6*** ***36.1*** ***25.4*** ***12.0*** ***60.2*** ***21.1*** ***14.0*** ***4.6*** ------------ --------- ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ # # [Table 7 Transit agencies: General collision accident costs by initial point of impact]{.underline} ------------ --------- -------------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- **Agency** **Total **Total **Percent **Percent claim** costs** of claims** of costs** **F** **S** **R** **N** **F** **S** **R** **N** I 348 \$1,186,535 31.0 52.9 10.3 5.7 45.2 37.8 6.2 10.7 II 1,137 \$1,826,183 14.4 40.4 6.2 39.0 31.2 31.8 3.0 34.0 III 357 \$543,490 17.4 45.4 23.8 13.4 41.1 32.1 10.4 16.4 IV 260 \$796,180 29.6 34.2 25.0 11.2 49.9 25.5 18.5 6.1 V 1,731 \$3,098,536 25.2 48.1 16.2 10.6 18.4 18.8 1.8 20.0 CalTIP(30) 1,391 \$3,339,754 22.5 43.4 19.0 15.1 38.2 29.4 8.5 24.0 All (35) 5,224 \$10,790,680 22.2 44.6 15.3 17.9 40.2 33.4 8.2 18.1 ------------ --------- -------------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- [Table 8 Transit agencies: General collision accident costs by collision object]{.underline} ------------- ---------- -------------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- **Collision **Total **Total **Percent **Percent object** claims** costs** of claims** of costs** **F** **S** **R** **N** **F** **S** **R** **N** Vehicle 4,762 \$9,313,621 22.6 46.0 16.2 15.2 41.3 34.6 9.2 14.9 Pedestrian 184 \$1,027,244 26.3 17.5 1.6 54.6 37.2 21.4 0.2 41.2 Stationary 278 \$449,815 12.4 38.8 9.5 39.2 24.7 35.7 6.7 32.9 object Total 5,224 \$10,790,680 22.2 44.6 15.3 17.9 40.2 33.4 8.2 18.1 ------------- ---------- -------------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- # [Table 9 Transit agencies: General vehicle collision costs by accident scenario]{.underline} ------------ ---------- ------------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- **Accident **Total **Total **Percent **Percent scenario** claims** costs** of claims** of costs** **F** **S** **R** **N** **F** **S** **R** **N** S1 668 \$1,697,209 31.5 49.0 5.1 14.4 40.2 43.1 4.9 11.9 S2 461 \$2,174,890 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 S3 486 \$432,289 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 S4 852 \$1,243,354 12.0 55.8 5.8 26.5 22.7 52.0 4.5 20.8 S5 752 \$935,215 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 S6 230 \$340,937 25.2 49.3 4.5 20.9 31.5 50.4 6.2 11.9 S7 432 \$407,126 19.6 48.4 22.8 9.1 13.8 44.8 23.8 17.5 S8 382 \$873,890 12.6 42.1 12.9 32.3 28.2 34.8 5.3 31.7 S9 499 \$1,208,711 22.0 31.0 9.0 38.1 18.9 28.3 9.8 43.0 **Total** 4,762 \$9,313,621 22.6 46.0 16.2 15.2 41.3 34.6 9.2 14.9 ------------ ---------- ------------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- [Table 10 Transit agencies: Passenger injuries by bus movements]{.underline} +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | **Bus movement** | **C | **Cost** | **Percent | **Percent | | | laim** | | of | of | | | | | claims** | costs** | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | # Boarding | 499 | \$1,013,907 | 11.6 | 7.5 | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | Alighting | 770 | \$1,816,013 | 18.0 | 13.4 | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | Starting | 168 | \$567,644 | 3.9 | 4.2 | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | Stopping | 849 | \$3,820,606 | 19.8 | 28.1 | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | Turning | 115 | \$387,192 | 2.7 | 2.9 | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | Going straight | 136 | \$521,322 | 3.2 | 3.8 | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | Moving (others) | 561 | \$2,259,218 | 13.1 | 16.6 | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | Others | 1,187 | \$3,199,336 | 27.7 | 23.6 | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ | **Total** | 4,285 | \$13,585,239 | | | +-------------------+--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+ #
# Presentation: 293053 ## DOCLINE Update - Medical Library Association 2007 - Philadelphia, PA - Maria Elizabeth Collins - National Library of Medicine, NIH/HHS **Notes:** Good afternoon and thank you for joining us. My name is Maria Collins and I am the DOCLINE and Loansome Doc Team Lead. We have a couple members of the DOCLINE Team with us as well. I’ll ask them to stand so I can introduce them. Deena Acton, our serials holdings expert, and Barbara Nicholson from the National Network Office. Additionally, we have several more staff back at NLM continuing work on the next release of DOCLINE and responding to customer inquiries. I’d also like those RML staff in the audience to stand so we can acknowledge their long hours of dedicated service to DOCLINE and all of you. ## Agenda - DOCLINE today - Recent enhancements - Changes currently in progress - Upcoming development plans **Notes:** This afternoon I’d like to highlight the achievements of the year and let you know what is coming up for the rest of the year. There will be time at the end for questions. ## DOCLINE Today - 3,166 libraries participating - Over 1.47 million serial holdings records - 2.31 million ILL Requests in FY06 - Fill Rate is 92.2% - Average number of routes is 1.24 **Notes:** I’m going to just briefly run through some of our standard statistics before moving on to system changes. We have over 3,100 participating libraries reporting over 1.47 million serial holdings. In fiscal year 2006, there were 2.31 million ILL requests – a decrease of 7% over last year. The fill rate improved by 1% to 92.2% over last year which we attribute to the changes to routing introduced with DOCLINE 2.7 in March of last year. The average number of routes continues to be low at 1.24 libraries. ## DOCLINE Libraries - (Federal and special libraries) **Notes:** DOCLINE libraries are broken down as follows: 63% hospital libraries, 19% are academic libraries, and 16% are “Other” libraries which consist mainly of federal libraries, including NLM, special libraries and associations. We also have a small number of public libraries. ## ILL Requests **Notes:** As you can see here, the number of items requested in DOCLINE increased steadily, then flattened out. ILL demand peaked in 2002 at 3.03 million requests, and has decreased 5-6% per year for the last 5 years. We attribute the decline to the good collection development practices and increased availability and visibility of full-text online. ## Network Delivery Methods - 40 Day Snapshots **Notes:** This is one of my favorite diagrams that illustrates the remarkable shift to electronic delivery of documents over the past 4 years. These numbers only include delivery by Network libraries, excluding NLM. For the Network, you can see that mail delivery has dropped from 64% to just over 12%, with a 48% decrease since just last year. Email delivery has jumped from 4.5% in 2003 to 56.15% this past month. Ariel and fax delivery continue to be relatively flat ## Network Delivery Methods - 40 Day Snapshot **Notes:** To illustrate the trend another way, this shows the breakdown of delivery methods over the last 40 days for requests filled by Network members... ## NLM Delivery Methods - 40 Day Snapshot **Notes:** ...and at NLM. Mail has fallen to less than 1% Just a reminder that NLM prefers to deliver via Email or Web. ## DOCLINE Routing - 84% of requests completed on first route - 96.5% of requests completed on second route - Only 3.5% of requests require more than 2 routes **Average number of routes = 1.24** **Notes:** This is another statistic which has remained stable over the years. 96% of requests are completed by the second route, meaning it went to only two libraries. The average number of routes to complete a request is only 1.24. ## A Day in the Life ... - 8,566 requests were completed on 5/10/2007 - 25% were completed in less than 3 hours - 36% were completed in less than 6 hours - 70% were completed in less than 24 hours - 92% were completed in less than 48 hours - Average time to fill a normal request = 0.89 days - Average time to fill a rush request = 0.31 days - Average time to fill an urgent request = 0.15 days **Notes:** This year’s day in the life slide shows that more than 8,500 requests were completed Thursday, May 10th. 70% were completed in less than 24 hours. The average time to fill a request was only 0.89 days for a normal request, 0.31 days for a rush request which is roughly 7 hours, and 0.15 days for an urgent patient care request which is about 3.5 hours. For rush requests, 325 DOCLINE requests were completed. The time from entering the request until it was marked completed was: 28% - 92 completed in less than 1 hour 56% - 181 less than 3 hours 67% - 219 less than 6 hours 93% - 302 less than 24 hours Average time to fill (and complete) = .31 (7 hrs) For urgent patient care requests, 75 DOCLINE requests were completed. The time from entering the request until it was marked completed was: 47% - 35 completed in less than 1 hour 80% - 60 less than 3 hours Average time to fill (and complete) = .15 (3.5 hrs) ## DOCLINE Fill Rates **Notes:** The fill rate for Epub ahead of print requests improved from 79.19% last year to 85.3% this year, while at the same time that the number of epub requests increased 20%. We attribute the improvement in the fill rate to the changes in routing, and the LinkOut messages shown in Borrow. However, we still urge borrowers to consider their options before requesting epub articles as the fill rate is lower than the average. If you are prefixing requests, please note the fill rate for these requests is also noticeably lower than the average request. Prefixing means you are forcing the request to a particular library, rather than using the algorithm in the software. Remember that holdings are ignored during routing of Prefixed requests. Use prefixing with care. ## DOCLINE 2.7 (March 2006) - Fill rate improved 1% to 92.2% - Routing by library group - Total: 1,144 - FreeShare: 520 - Service Level - Rush: 1,740 providers (86.7% fill rate) - Urgent patient care: 566 providers (89.5% fill rate) - Multiple delivery methods - Refer On **Notes:** DOCLINE 2.7 was such a major release that I wanted to touch again on some of its features and their impact on libraries. The fill rate improved 1% over last year. A small number, but a noticeable improvement when the rate is in the 90s. We’re still looking for ways to improve this number further. The addition of Routing by Library Group was a significant change to the routing algorithm. So far over 1,000 libraries have placed a library group in their routing table, with more than 500 FreeShare libraries doing so. In checking the data, we see that 1226 libraries have not updated their routing table in more than a year. The changes in DOCLINE 2.7 should encourage all libraries to update their routing table. We also added the ability to define a level of service for a borrow request. Rush requests are defined as same day service. If you receipt a request at 8:01am and fill it by 4:59pm, then you’ve fulfilled the definition and thus the expectation of the borrower. Borrowers and Lenders should have this definition in mind when working with Rush requests. The Time-Triggered Action rules are more generous than the policy statement by rerouting a request not acted upon the following day. For example, if you receipted a rush request today Monday, the request would reroute Wednesday at 5 minutes after midnight. Lenders should be trying to fill (or reject) on the same day they receive the request to fulfill borrowers expectations. We may shorten the time in Time-Triggered Actions in the future, but felt we needed the 'next day' rule in the beginning as libraries adjusted to the service and any additional software needs were identified. Urgent Patient Care requests are defined as “process & ship immediately” which is vague and led to the many questions. After discussions with the RMLs, we announced a 2 hour rule at the last MLA. Lenders stating they provide Urgent Patient Care service must check DOCLINE at least every 2 hours and if a Urgent Patient Care request is awaiting receipt, must act on it immediately. This 2 hour rule should cut down on the need for searching serial holdings, phone calls to lenders and prefixing. We understand that there may be cases where a phone call is still needed, but want to reduce the need for standard requesting. On the question of routing based upon time and time zone, we will look at this in the future, but felt that it was too much to take on for the initial implementation. For those utilizing Rush or Urgent Patient Care regularly, you may wish to consider establishing a “west coast cell” filled with libraries on the west coast providing Rush or Urgent service; and “east coast cell” so you can select the appropriate cell when routing a request early OR late in the day. The cells could be de-selected by default, and then selected when needed. We suggest putting them in low cell, and leaving your normal routing cells selected so the requests can route through your entire routing table if necessary. The multiple delivery methods feature was a long time coming, but has been received well. This is where libraries can indicate their delivery preferences. Go to Institutions, then Update, then DOCLINE Options. Lastly, we changed Refer On so that it now includes “Other” libraries which are the Canadians and some special libraries. Refer On will now evaluate ALL 3,100 DOCLINE participants when routing a request. We encourage borrowers to utilize this feature. ## DOCLINE 2.8 (June 2006) - Cosmetic improvements to LD Ordering - Ability for libraries to remove Loansome Doc patrons from their patron list display - Improvements to Loansome Doc registration - Limit search results to libraries serving the public by default - Greater visibility to “Contact Library” - Ability to require an “authorization code” **Notes:** At the end of June last year, we released the following changes to Loansome Doc. We made minor improvements to the duplicate alert to make it more visible, and allowed libraries to remove unauthorized patrons from their search results. Primarily, this release addressed library concerns about the registration process of LD patrons. We added an optional “authorization code” that libraries could prompt patrons for during the registration process which helped ensure that the patron had actually contacted the library. ## Institution Update - LD **Notes:** This is the Loansome Doc page of the Institution record. This is where a LD library can customize the registration process for their library. If a library wishes to ensure that patrons contact them before registration, the “Require Authorizations” setting is the solution. Please remember that this code has to be communicated to patrons who then have to type it during registration so be careful not to get too creative. Most libraries use their LIBID. 517 of our 1,590 LD libraries are prompting users for an authorization code. ## LD Registration **Notes:** This is what the patron would see if the library chooses to require the new authorization code. The value can be anything the library desires, and modified as often as needed. The patron will not be able to proceed without entering the correct authorization code. ## DOCLINE 3.0 (October 2006) - LinkOut information in Borrow - Display library holdings in Borrow - Display PMC author manuscripts in Borrow - Ability to individually review retired requests - Annual report of titles filled by institution - EFTS file builder **Notes:** Last fall, NLM released DOCLNE 3.0 which added the display of a library’s LinkOut information during Borrow, as well as their serial holdings in DOCLINE. These messages alert libraries to titles they own or subscribe to that might have been missed when checking their OPAC or could replace OPAC checking for some libraries. We are also now displaying links to author manuscripts in PubMed Central during Borrow. In DOCLINE 3.0, we also added a new annual report which will list titles filled by an institution. This is a new 1-8 report which is produced twice a year and should assist libraries in collection development review. The other major enhancement included with DOCLINE 3.0 was the EFTS File Builder... ## EFTS File Builder **Notes:** I want to highlight the new EFTS File Builder that allows EFTS members to create the transaction file that is uploaded to EFTS to bill EFTS borrowers. DOCLINE displays all transactions from EFTS borrowers. Libraries can exclude transactions by their library groups if they don’t charge them. Lenders enter their charges and DOCLINE creates the file. Libraries then upload it to EFTS. NLM prefers to bill via EFTS since it saves us time and money in our invoicing. We encourage all libraries to consider joining. Your RML can provide information about EFTS or you can contact EFTS directly. EFTS is hosting a session on Monday at 2pm. ## ISO ILL Protocol - DOCLINE ended support Jan 2007 - Only 3 libraries converted to protocol - Very labor intensive - Difficult to scale - Standard currently up for re-affirmation vote - DOCLINE looking for other opportunities **Notes:** In January, NLM ended its support for the ISO ILL protocol. After more than a year in service, just 3 libraries had adopted the protocol for exchanging requests. Each customer required individual testing to implement and had unique issues to overcome. Given the low usage, the high development and customer support costs, and the lack of support for patron initiated requests by the protocol, NLM decided to end support for the ISO ILL protocol. Recently, ISO put out call for a re-affirmation vote on the protocol. NLM participated in a conference call among NISO members active in the protocol to discuss the U.S. vote. Most agreed that the protocol was not the ideal technical or functional solution for interoperability among systems, and wanted a new standard developed. The group was split as to whether affirming or withdrawing the protocol was the best course of action for achieving that goal. NLM voted to withdraw the protocol since we feel it is not technically sufficient and failed to meet our users needs by not accommodating Loansome Doc. We feel that only by withdrawing the existing protocol will vendors and libraries be motivated to start again. We have heard that the US votes were mixed, but there is no word yet from ISO. NLM believes in interoperability among systems. We know that many of our DOCLINE libraries supplement DOCLINE functionality with local ILL systems and would like to more seamlessly pass data between them. We’ll be talking to the vendors and working with the standards organizations to ensure the best functionality possible for DOCLINE libraries. ## DOCLINE 3.1 (April 2007) - User account creation and maintenance (RMLs and NLM) - NLM administrative functions - Single lend – ability to view / print receipt - Library Groups in Routing Table report - Ability to set mail delivery = No **Notes:** Last month, we released DOCLINE 3.1. This release was primarily for the RMLs and for NLM administrative functions, however we did include a few user enhancements. We added the ability to view and print the receipt from Single Lend. At user’s requests, we also added the ability to set mail delivery to No. Previously, mail delivery had always been assumed. Given the huge shift to electronic delivery, some libraries wanted to stop providing copies via mail. As of Thursday, just 29 libraries have set Mail to No, however, this gives me the opportunity to remind libraries of the borrow preferences in their institution record. When considering this change, NLM was concerned by the number of libraries that indicate Mail as the preferred delivery option. Borrowers are encouraged to indicate their actual preferred delivery method, and indicate their acceptable alternate delivery methods so DOCLINE can best route your requests. Currently, 1,671 libraries have Mail as preferred delivery method 1,339 libraries have Mail as ONLY delivery method And this leads me into my “housekeeping” slide ... ## Housekeeping - Review institution record - Address and contact info - Services & Fees - DOCLINE Options - Borrowing preferences - Routing Table & M/A/N Map - Delivery Methods - Loansome Doc Options - Registration - Delivery methods - Review serial holdings ## Plans for the future ## DOCLINE 3.2 (Summer 2007) - Technical release - Preparation for Oracle 10g - Security upgrades - PubMed technical changes - SSL for DOCLINE - _[]( - Automatic redirect from _[http://]([]( **Notes:** This summer we will be releasing DOCLINE 3.2 which is purely a technical release to address the issues shown here, and a few others. The one change that users will see is the move to secure socket layer (SSL) which means that all DOCLINE data passed between NLM servers and local PCs will be encrypted – that’s any data that is shown on your screens – requests, institution and people info, etc. ## DOCLINE 3.3 (Fall 2007) - Optional email notification when a request routes to your library - Separate Yes/No settings for Normal, Rush, Urgent - Email delivery address - Borrow / Manual - Alert users to other request options - Remove NLM UI and call number fields - Requests by library group membership report **Notes:** In the fall of this year, we will releasing DOCLINE 3.3. We will be adding a new optional email notification system that will send the library an email when a request routes to them. Libraries will be able to separately indicate whether they want email for normal, rush, and urgent patient care requests. The email would be sent to your email delivery address listed in your institution record – DOCLINE Options. We also plan to add an alert message to borrowers using the Manual method indicating better ways to request an item. From analyzing the requests, we can see that many requests ordered via Borrow / Manual would be better off being sent via Borrow / UniqueKey or Borrow / LocatorPlus so the request can route on a library’s routing table. We are also looking at ways to show requests by library group membership. Users have been requesting this recently, but what exactly is needed isn’t always communicated. On the next slide ... ## Proposed Report **PAUMMM as Borrower** - Lenders: Requests Filled Fill Rate - ABCD 60 50 83.3% - FreeShare 80 75 93.75% - All others 50 45 90.0% - Totals: 190 175 92.1% **PAUMMM as Lender** - Borrowers: Requests Filled Fill Rate - ABCD 50 45 90.0% - FreeShare 100 90 90.0% - All Others 200 175 87.5% - Totals: 350 310 88.5% **Notes:** a draft of a planned report. It is a summary report by library group for a library as both a lender and borrower. It only lists library groups to which the library belongs. One note here is that a library could belong to multiple library groups and would be counted twice. Libraries should use the other quarterly reports for their borrow and lend counts, and this planned report for an overview of library group activity. ## DOCLINE 4.0 (Future...) - Requests & Serial Holdings - Efficiency *Time is money and libraries do not have enough of either* - Ease of use - E-journals - Embargos - ePub ahead of print - Licensing restrictions - Diverging content - Interoperability with 3rd party systems **Notes:** Beyond the upcoming releases of DOCLINE 3.2 and 3.3 that I’ve mentioned, we are discussing plans for the Requests and Serial Holdings modules. We will be reviewing all of the screens and workflows to figure out how we can make things more efficient and easier to use. We are reviewing all of the enhancement requests you have sent us in the past. We will be talking with libraries in the metro Washington area to observe their processes and learn from them what issues and concerns the software could possibly address so we can continue to bring you the best possible product. We will be analyzing the big issues of today – ejournals, licensing, epub ahead of print, and diverging content. We want to hear from you at this conference – in this meeting, or after at the booth. Or send us a Contact DOCLINE request upon your return. ## DOCLINE Best Practices - Etiquette guidelines – user suggestions - Software guidelines - Accurate institution record - Borrow - Use software options - Use correct request method (avoid Manual) - Receipt in a timely manner - Lend in a timely manner - Update DOCLINE accurately (delivery methods!) - Update DOCLINE after actual fill & same day **Notes:** I want to end the presentation by touching on some best practices. Occasionally on DOCLINE-L, we’ll see postings from users asking their fellow DOCLINE users to follow one guideline or another, for example, putting the DOCLINE request number in the email subject line when sending an article. As many of you probably saw, one of our RMLs asked users to contact her with these suggestions. The RMLs are working through these and will be posting something on the nnlm site in the future. In terms of DOCLINE system, I want to point out a few things: I’ll again encourage users to review their institution record In Borrow, use the system options Use your actual preferred delivery method and alternate delivery methods Let the system route the request. It works. Really. Use the correct request method. Borrow / UniqueKey if you know an ID, Borrow / LocatorPlus to find a record when you don’t know the ID. Avoid the Manual method. Receipt in a timely manner Lend in a timely manner. Update DOCLINE only after you have filled (or not filled) the request BUT the same day to avoid accidental reroutes. Please update to the correct delivery method to let the borrower know when and where to look for the request. Accurate records always help NLM determine system trends so we know where to focus our development efforts. ## Learn More - NLM Online Update - Monday Sunrise Seminar 7:00am - Grand Ballroom, Salons A and B - PubMed, LinkOut, Indexing, MedlinePlus, etc. - Analysis of DOCLINE ILL data from FY2005 - EFTS Users Group Meeting - Monday, 2pm – 3pm - Rooms 309 and 310 **Notes:** I’d like to invite everyone to the NLM Online Update which is bright and early tomorrow morning at 7am. Bring your favorite coffee and hear about NLM systems updates and a presentation of the data analysis we conducted on the fiscal year 2005 ILL data in DOCLINE. I again encourage everyone to consider joining EFTS to save time and money with billing. You can attend the EFTS users group tomorrow after at 2pm. ## Talk With Us - NLM Booth - Sunday, 4pm – 5pm - Monday, 10am - 12pm - DOCLINE Team Members at MLA - Deena Acton - Maria Collins - Barbara Nicholson **Notes:** To talk to one of the DOCLINE team members, visit the NLM booth or you can find one of us after this presentation of after tomorrow’s sunrise seminar. Deena Acton will be at the booth today from 4 to 5pm. I will be at the booth tomorrow from 10am until noon. Please stop by with any comments or questions. Thank you. ## Questions & Answers **Notes:** I’d like to open the floor to questions.
# Presentation: 342289 ## Emailing your way into Conflict Conflict generation, escalation, and resolution in an electronic age - Mary McGoldrick - Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties - U.S. Department of Homeland Security - October 16, 2008 ## What is conflict? Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement, Pruitt and Kim: 7-8 - “Conflict means perceived divergence of interest or a belief that the parties’ current aspirations cannot be achieved simultaneously.” ## Storytelling ## Traditional Conflict Resolution Theory Pruitt and Kim, Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement , McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2004 - Latent Conflict - Conflict Emergence - Contentious Behavior - Escalation - Stalemate - De-escalation - Conflict Resolution - Reconciliation ## Stages of Conflict (Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement, Pruitt and Kim) ## There’s a new weapon out there - THE CYBER-SPEAR ## Electronic Conflict Resolution Theory - Conflict Emergence - Conflict Escalation – contentious behavior - Stalemate - De-escalation - Resolution with some of the parties (retraction, apology to party and all recipients) - Some damage cannot be undone - It all reflects on you! ## Contentious Email Examples - Inappropriate use of **BOLD **lettering, underlining or punctuation - Messages that are mean-spirited “This product is laughable.” - Demeaning phrases “I guess you’re not smart enough to do this.” - Exaggeration or hyperbole “You always do this wrong.” “You’ve never done anything right around here.” “This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” - Personal insults “You’re incompetent, stupid, and lazy” - Sending copies to people who don’t need to receive the message---for the purpose of embarrassing the recipient - Passive-aggressive messages “I frankly don’t care if you come to work or you don’t.” ## Contentious Email Cont. - Sarcasm – “Thank you so much for including me in the meeting” - Dismissive statements – “You weren’t included in the address line because - no one thought you would know about this topic.” - Loss of face – Alerting others to your inadequacies. - Forming coalitions – cc: all your support group (external intervention) - Sabotaging other’s efforts - Defensive behavior – “It’s not my fault” - Retaliatory emails – Getting even – and upping the ante ## Examples of De-escalation - Conciliatory behaviors - Forgiveness - Direct / Honest expression of thoughts - Engagement in problem-solving - Group unification toward joint goals - Speaking for oneself - Supporting others / offering constructive ideas - Cooperative behaviors ## Extent of Damage - Anger or de-motivate the recipient - Create a retaliatory attitude on the part of the recipient - Create retaliatory attitude on recipient’s coalition - Create evidence to be used against you in a grievance, EEO complaint, performance appraisal, or court case – or in the “court of public opinion” - Create a harassing environment ## What Can I Do? - Model “conflict competent” email behavior - Begin the process of de-escalation - Think before you hit the send button – if you’re unsure – give it some time in your draft box - When creating new email, insert the address last - Train everyone – new employees, current workforce about email dangers - Remind often and explain why important - Take appropriate action when you become aware of “conflict-producing” email - Apologize if you send it, and make rapid restitution for damage you caused ## What About a Mistake? - Work as quickly as you can to correct the error in judgment or the error in sending a message prematurely or to the wrong recipient - Express your regret to all recipients or cc: addressees - Inform your supervisor – he/she hates to hear about this from someone else first! - If honest mistake and the good you do outweighs the bad, you’ll probably be forgiven ## How Big is this Problem? - Morale does matter - New equipment brings new opportunities to damage morale, limit productivity, cause conflict escalation, reduce trust and cooperation among employees - All the above cost money ## News Bulletin - Email is a tool; it is not a substitute for good judgment ## A Good Policy: - If you’re not sure how an email message is likely to be received, let it have a 24-hour “time-out” in your draft box. ## 3 Elements of Communication - First, there are basically 3 elements in any face-to-face communication - Words – 7% - Tone of Voice – 38% - Body Language – 55% - Second, the non-verbal elements are particularly important for communicating feelings and attitude, especially when they are incongruent: if words and body language disagree, one tends to believe the body language. - (Email gives us words (7%) and some of the tone (?%)). - Albert Mehrabian – emeritus professor of Psychology, UCLA – best known for his publications on the relative importance of verbal and non-verbal messages. Mehrabian, A. (1971) _Silent Messages_. Wadsworth, Belmont, California. ## Read More About It - Pruitt and Kim, *Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement, *McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2004 - Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, and Switzer, *Crucial Conversations: tools for talking when the stakes are high, *McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2002* * - Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, and Switzer, *Crucial Confrontations: tools for resolving broken promises, violated expectations, and bad behavior, *McGraw-Hill New York, NY, 2005 - LeBaron, *Bridging Troubled Waters: Conflict resolution from the heart, *Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 2002 - Shipley and Schwalbe, *SEND The Essential Guide to Email for Office and Home, *Alfred A Knopf, New York, NY, 2007
**SPECIAL SPECIFICATION** **SECTION 02372** **[DRILLED SHAFT FOUNDATIONS]{.underline}** [Page]{.underline} PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 References 1 1.02 Submittals 1 1.03 Quality Assurance 2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials 3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Preparation 4 3.02 Construction Methods 4 3.03 Reinforcing Steel 4 3.04 Concrete 4 3.05 Cleaning 5 **SPECIAL SPECIFICATION** **SECTION 02372** **[DRILLED SHAFT FOUNDATIONS]{.underline}** [PART 1 - GENERAL]{.underline} 1.01 [REFERENCES]{.underline} A. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (ACI) ACI 336.1 Construction of Drilled Piers, Standard Spec. for the B. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) ASTM A501 Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing, Standard Spec. for 1.02 [SUBMITTALS]{.underline} A. Submit drilling log to include the following: > 1\. Pier depths for each pier. > > 2\. Final centerline location at top. > > 3\. Variation of shaft from plumb. > > 4\. Date of excavation completion. > > 5\. Date of concrete placement. > > 6\. Diameter of shaft. 1.03 [QUALITY ASSURANCE]{.underline} A. [Tolerances]{.underline} 1\. Centerline of drilled shafts: Within 3 in. of plan location. 2\. Vertical drilled shafts: Plumb to within 1-1/2 in. first 10 ft., plus 1 percent of depth greater than 10 ft. 3\. Tolerance for shaft top elevations: Plus 1 in., minus 3 in. B. [Codes and Standards]{.underline} 1\. Perform drilled shaft work in compliance with applicable requirements of governing authorities having jurisdiction. C. [Inspection Control]{.underline} 1\. SDR will determine that shafts are properly clean and dry before placing concrete. 2\. All drilled pier excavations shall be inspected and approved prior to placing the concrete. 3\. Notify SDR no later than 24 hours before drilling is to begin. [PART 2 - PRODUCTS]{.underline} 2.01 [MATERIALS]{.underline} A. [Concrete and Reinforcing]{.underline} 1\. All concrete shall be 3000 psi and shall conform to Division 3, Section 03300 \"Cast-in-Place Concrete.\" [PART 3 - EXECUTION]{.underline} 3.01 [PREPARATION]{.underline} A. Excavation shall be free of water and loose material. 3.02 [CONSTRUCTION METHODS]{.underline} A. [Excavation]{.underline} 1\. Excavate to dimensions and elevations shown on Drawings or required by site conditions. B. [Caving]{.underline} 1\. When drilling operation reaches a point where caving conditions is encountered, do not drill further until construction method is employed which will minimize caving. 3.03 [REINFORCING STEEL]{.underline} A. Assemble and place reinforcing steel cage in shaft as unit. B. Place concrete after cage is positioned and secure against movement. C. Use side spacer blocks of concrete at intervals along shaft to ensure concentric spacing for entire length of shaft, or place metal chair-type spacers vertically at intervals around steel cage to ensure concentric spacing inside shaft. 3.04 [CONCRETE]{.underline} A. Place concrete as soon as possible after excavation is complete. B. In any event, holes shall not remain open for more than 8 hours. C. Place concrete continuously without cold joints. D. Place concrete through suitable tremie or other means to prevent segregation of concrete materials and splashing reinforcing steel cage. E. The top 5 feet of concrete shall be vibrated to ensure proper compact. 3.05 [CLEANING]{.underline} A. Dispose of excavated material from shafts off site. END OF SECTION
# Presentation: 075449 ## Update NOAA September 2005 * Update**NOAA**September 2005* *Managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services**Fulfilling the President’s Management Agenda* ## The Program... - Is a cross-agency initiative spanning 900 grant programs from the 26 grant-making agencies, and over $360 billion in annual awards - Is a simple, unified “storefront” for all customers of Federal grants to electronically - Find Grant Opportunities - Apply for Grants - Is one of the Federal cross-agency E-Government initiatives to improve access to services via the Internet - Is managed by the Department of Health and Human Services, the largest provider of Federal grants ## Delivers Significant Value to the Grant Community - provides a single source to find Federal government-wide competitive grant opportunities - Helping the grant community learn about available opportunities in a standardized manner, saving time and money - It provides a secure and reliable source to apply for Federal grants, simplifying the grant application process,reducing paperwork - Avoiding the need to learn multiple agency or program-specific application processes/systems **Dummy bullet for transition** **Notes:** Objectives: Participants will... Understand the benefits to applicants and recipients – the Grant Community. Recognize that the grant is the “customer”.. Instructional Flow: Projector On. PCs off. Present bullets. Solicit questions and comments ## Offers Many Advantages - An organization only needs to register once to be able to submit all future applications via - Applications are simple to submit and are more accurate due to built-in error checking and editing functionality - Submitting applications via ensures prompt receipt by grantors – including NOAA – avoiding delays sometimes experienced through postal or courier services ## Provides Robust Functionality for the Grant Community **Dummy bullet for transition** - Find Grant Opportunities allows users to: - Search for available grant opportunities - Register to receive notification of grant opportunities - Apply for Grants allows users to: - Search for and download application packages - Complete application packages offline - Submit completed application packages - Track the status of submitted applications ## Flexibility to search on numerous criteria Active and archived documents Funding opportunity number Dates and time frames CFDA number Funding activity category Funding instrument type Agency Email subscription service to receive email notification of all or select funding opportunities (e.g., CFDA #, agency, activity category) - Active and archived documents - Funding opportunity number - Dates and time frames - CFDA number - Funding activity category - Funding instrument type - Agency - Email subscription service to receive email notification of all or select funding opportunities (e.g., CFDA #, agency, activity category) *“**Find Grant Opportunities” Features* ## Downloadable electronic forms Download and review any application Complete applications offline, when and where convenient, without being connected to the Internet Share and route applications through organizations for review or completion as an email attachment Manage and save applications and components on the desktop - Download and review any application - Complete applications offline, when and where convenient, without being connected to the Internet - Share and route applications through organizations for review or completion as an email attachment - Manage and save applications and components on the desktop *“**Apply for Grants” Features* ## Submit applications electronically "Submit" button on application cover page activates after all required forms are completed and saved Application summary provided to allow confirmation that the completed application will be submitted to the intended program Application packages automatically upload to Application confirmation and tracking number provided online and via email - "Submit" button on application cover page activates after all required forms are completed _and saved_ - Application summary provided to allow confirmation that the completed application will be submitted to the intended program - Application packages automatically upload to - Application confirmation and tracking number provided online and via email *“**Apply for Grants” Features (cont.)* ## Usage Highlights - Over 15,000 Electronic Submissions Received – OMB Performance Goal Met!!!! - Registered Users Exceeds 16,500 - 1,400+ Agency Postings - FIND - 1.5M Hits per Week - 1.1M Emails per Week **Notes:** 13,000 Applications Received Since April 2005 ## Some useful links... - Download the PureEdge viewer: _[]( - Register for notices of issuances of new grants in Find: _[]( - Access User Guide, FAQ and on-line Tutorial assistance: _[]( - Worksheet located on the CCR website to aid you with the CCR registration: _[]( - Obtain a credential from the Credential Provider:_ - Register with register: _ - CFDA: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance ## Some useful links... (cont.) - Find current Grant opportunities in Apply: _ - Application System-to-System Interface - Applicant Training Demonstration - Complete Application Package _ - Customer Online User Support - Succeed Newsletter Subscription _ - Outreach Communication Resources _ - Customer Feedback Findings Reports _ _ ## Dummy bullet for transition **Dummy bullet for transition**
Clinical Guidance For the Assessment and Implementation of Bed Rails **In Hospitals, Long Term Care Facilities, and** **Home Care Settings** ######### ######### ######### ######### ![](media/image1.jpeg){width="2.4256944444444444in" height="2.4256944444444444in"} ######### ######### ######### ######### Developed by the ######### Hospital Bed Safety Workgroup Table of Contents Preface........................................................................................ ii Introduction................................................................................... 1 Guiding Principles.........................................................\.................. 3 Policy Considerations...................................................................... 4 Process/Procedure Considerations..................................................... 5 Risk Intervention............................................................................. 9 Individualized Environmental Changes................................................ 10 Patient Choice................................................................................ 10 Bed Rails as Restraints.................................................................... 10 Education /Training......................................................................... 10 Bed Rail Safety Guidelines............................................................... 11 Appendix 1: Glossary...................................................................... 12 Appendix 2: Bed Rails - Intended Purpose and Potential Risks................ 14 Appendix 3: Bed Side Rail Types....................................................... 15 Appendix 4: Hospital Bed Safety Workgroup Member Organizations that Signed on to the Clinical Guidance............................................... 17 Appendix 5: Authors........................................................................ 18 Clinical Guidance For The Assessment and Implementation of Bed Rails **In Hospitals, Long Term Care Facilities, and Home Care Settings** # [Introduction]{.underline} Every patient, regardless of care setting, deserves a safe and comfortable sleeping and bed environment. The goal of this clinical guidance is the provision of such an environment to patients in hospitals, long term care facilities, and home care settings. (Note: The term *patient* as used in this document refers to patients in hospitals, residents in long term care facilities, and clients in home care settings.) The purpose of this guidance is to provide a uniform set of recommendations for caregivers in hospitals, long term care facilities, and home care settings to use when assessing their patients' need for and possible use of bed rails. The guidance is deliberately basic in design and content to allow each setting to adapt it to meet the unique needs of their respective patients and environments. The guidance that follows is intended to assist caregivers in making decisions about the care for their patients. Its components are not intended to serve as clinical standards or requirements for care. They are not intended to serve as applicable federal, state or local regulations or guidelines governing care in respective settings. Likewise the recommendations should not be interpreted as the best or only options, professional standards of care, or legal protection for the users. The term *bed rails* is used in this document. Commonly used synonymous terms are *side rails, bed side rails, and safety rails*. Bed rails are adjustable metal or rigid plastic bars that attach to the bed and are available in a variety of shapes and sizes from full to half, one-quarter, and one-eighth in lengths.[^1] In the spectrum of care including hospital, long term care and home care settings, bed rails serve a variety of purposes, some of which are in the best interest of the patient's health and safety. Bed rails: - are used on stretchers or beds while transporting patients following surgery or when relocating a patient to a new room or unit; - can facilitate turning and repositioning within the bed or transferring in or out of a bed; - may provide a feeling of comfort and security, or facilitate access to bed controls; and - may be used as a physical barrier to remind the patient of the bed perimeters, to ask for nursing assistance, or to restrict voluntary movement out of bed.[^2],[^3] Achieving the goal of a safe and comfortable bed and sleeping environment may necessitate the reduction or elimination of bed rail use in cases in which the bed rail is not in the best interests of the patient's health and safety. Although various types may be used depending on a patient's medical and functional needs, bed rails may pose increased risk to patient safety. Clinical research suggests that bed rails may not be benign safety devices. For example, evidence indicates that half-rails pose a risk of entrapment and full rails pose a risk of entrapment as well as falls that occur when patients climb over the rails or footboards when the rails are in use.[^4],[^5] Recognizing this risk, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), formerly known as the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), have taken action aimed at reducing the likelihood of injuries related to bed rails. The FDA MedWatch Reporting Program receives reports of entrapment hazards.[^6] In 1995 the FDA issued a Safety Alert entitled, "*Entrapment Hazards with Hospital Bed Side Rails*."[^7] In 1997, the FDA authored an article, based on the reported hospital bed adverse events, that identified potential risk factors and entrapment locations about the hospital bed. The FDA continues to receive reports of patient deaths and injury that provide documentation of patient entrapment.[^8] CMS has imposed performance expectations on hospitals and nursing facilities. For example, in implementing federal regulations that apply to the use of physical restraints, CMS issued guidance in June 2000 for surveyors to determine hospitals' compliance with these regulations. One section of the guidance states, "*It is important to note that side rails present an inherent safety risk, particularly when the patient is elderly or disoriented. Even when a side rail is not intentionally used as a restraint, patients may become trapped between the mattress or bed frame and the side rail. Disoriented patients may view a raised side rail as a barrier to climb over, may slide between raised, segmented side rails, or may scoot to the end of the bed to get around a raised side rail. When attempting to exit the bed by any of these routes, the patient is at risk for entrapment, entanglement, or falling from a greater height posed by the raised side rail, with a possibility for sustaining greater injury or death than if he/she had fallen from the height of a lowered bed without raised siderails."*[^9] In September 2000 CMS (then HCFA) issued revisions to surveyor guidance for determining nursing facilities' compliance with federal Medicare and Medicaid regulations governing the use of restraints, which similarly describes the potential risks of using bed rails.[^10] For example, the guidance states, "*The same device may have the effect of restraining one individual, but not another, depending on the individual resident's condition and circumstances. For example, partial rails may assist one resident to enter and exit the bed independently while acting as a restraint for another."* **[Guiding Principles]{.underline}** National surveys of patient deaths occurring in the bed environment demonstrate the risk of entrapment when a patient slips between the mattress and bed rail or when the patient becomes entrapped in the bed rail itself. The population at risk for entrapment are patients who are frail or elderly or those who have conditions such as agitation, delirium, confusion, pain, uncontrolled body movement, hypoxia, fecal impaction, and acute urinary retention that cause them to move about the bed or try to exit from the bed. The absence of timely toileting, position change, and nursing care are factors that may also contribute to the risk of entrapment. The risk may also increase due to technical issues such as the mis-sizing of mattresses, bed rails with winged edges, loose bed rails, or design elements such as wide spaces between vertical bars in the rails themselves. The principles that follow are intended to guide the development of patients' care plans. 1. The automatic use of bed rails may pose unwarranted hazards to patient safety. When planning patient care the following should be considered: - The potential for serious injury is more likely to be related to a fall from a bed with raised bed rails when the patient attempts to climb over, around, between, or through the rails, or over the foot board, than from a bed without rails in use. - Evaluation is needed to assess the relative risk of using the bed rail compared with not using it for an individual patient. - Bed rails sometimes restrain patients. When used as restraints, bed rails can pose the same risk to patient safety as other types of physical restraints. - Patient safety is paramount. In an emergent situation the caregiver needs to do whatever is necessary in his or her professional judgment to secure the patient's safety. Consider that using a bed rail or other device to restrain the patient could place the patient's safety at risk. - Physical restraints such as vest/chest, waist, or leg/arm restraints used simultaneously with raised bed rails may be medically indicated in certain limited circumstances in the acute care environment. Consider that when physical restraints and bed rails are used simultaneously: ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - the risk to patient safety, e.g., suffocation or accidental suspension, may increase; - patients should be monitored closely; - appropriate care such as toileting should be provided; and - reassessment for medical necessity and removal is needed on a regular basis. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Strangling, suffocating, bodily injury, or death can occur when patients or parts of their bodies are caught between rails or between the bed rails and mattresses. 2. Decisions to use or to discontinue the use of a bed rail should be made in the context of an individualized patient assessment using an interdisciplinary team with input from the patient and family or the patient's legal guardian. 3. The patient's right to participate in care planning and make choices should be balanced with caregivers' responsibility to provide care according to an individual assessment, professional standards of care, and any applicable state and federal laws and regulations. **[Policy Considerations]{.underline}** 1. Regardless of the purpose for which bed rails are being used or considered, a decision to utilize or remove those in current use should occur within the framework of an individual patient assessment**.** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. Because individuals may differ in their sleeping and nighttime habits, creation of a safe bed environment that takes into account patients' medical needs, comfort, and freedom of movement should be based on individualized patient assessment by an interdisciplinary team. - The composition of the interdisciplinary team may vary depending upon the nature of the care and service setting and the patient's individual needs. Team members for consideration should include, but are not limited to: nursing, social services, and dietary personnel; physicians (or their designees); medical director; rehabilitation and occupational therapists; patient; family (or authorized representative); and medical equipment suppliers. - The patient and family (or authorized representative) play a key role in the creation of a safe and comfortable bed and sleeping environment. These individuals can provide information about the patient's previous sleeping habits and bed environment that caregivers need to design the bed environment. Their participation in discussions facilitates creation of a bed and sleeping environment that meets patients' needs. 3. Use of bed rails should be based on patients' assessed medical needs and should be documented clearly and approved by the interdisciplinary team. - Bed rail effectiveness should be reviewed on a regular basis. - The patient's chart should include a risk-benefit assessment that identifies why other care interventions are not appropriate or not effective if they were previously attempted and determined not to be the treatment of choice for the patient. (See Appendix 1: Glossary for patient/caregiver assist items.) 4. Bed rail use for treatment of a medical symptom or condition should be accompanied by a care plan (treatment program) designed for that symptom or condition. - The plan should present clear directions for further investigation of less restrictive care interventions. - The documentation should describe the attempts to use less restrictive care interventions and, if indicated, their failure to meet patients' assessed needs. 5. Bed rail use for patient's mobility and/or transferring, for example turning and positioning within the bed and providing a hand-hold for getting into or out of bed, should be accompanied by a care plan. - The patient should be encouraged to participate in care planning to help design a safe and comfortable bed environment. - The care plan should: ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - include educating the patient about possible bed rail danger to enable the patient to make an informed decision; and - address options for reducing the risks of the rail use. 6. The process of reducing and/or eliminating existing use of bed rails should be undertaken incrementally using an individualized, systematic, and documented approach. 7. Creating a safe bed environment does not necessarily preclude the use of bed rails. However, a decision to use them should be based on a comprehensive assessment and identification of the patient's needs, which include comparing the potential for injury or death associated with use or non-use of bed rails to the benefits for an individual patient. In creating a safe bed environment, the following general principles should be applied: - Avoid the automatic use of bed rails of any size or shape. - Restrict the use of physical restraints, including chest, abdominal, wrist, or ankle restraints of any kind on individuals in bed. - Inspect, evaluate, maintain, and upgrade equipment (beds/mattresses/bed rails) to identify and remove potential fall and entrapment hazards and appropriately match the equipment to patient needs, considering all relevant risk factors. - Re-assess the patient's needs and re-evaluate the equipment if an episode of entrapment or near-entrapment occurs, with or without serious injury. This should be done immediately because fatal "repeat" events can occur within minutes of the first episode. **[Process/Procedure Considerations]{.underline}** The items listed below are not meant to be all-inclusive. Caregivers may identify other concerns that need to be addressed. 1. Individualized Patient Assessment > Any decision regarding bed rail use or removal from use should be made > within the framework of an individual patient assessment. If a bed > rail has been determined to be necessary, steps should be taken to > reduce the known risks associated with its use. The individual patient > assessment includes[^11],[^12],[^13],[^14],[^15],[^16],[^17],[^18] # Medical diagnosis, conditions, symptoms, and/or behavioral symptoms # Sleep habits - Medication - Acute medical or surgical interventions - Underlying medical conditions - Existence of delirium - Ability to toilet self safely - Cognition - Communication - Mobility (in and out of bed) - Risk of falling 2. Sleeping environment assessment > This assessment includes elements or conditions that may affect the > patient's ability to sleep and may be considered in evaluating areas > to address in a patient's care plan. # Comfort - pain - hypoxia - grieving - loneliness - hunger, thirst - hydration - calorie intake and protein calories - boredom - amount of time spent in bed - light levels - temperature # Understanding of self and family - hobbies, interests, religion - pictures of family # Proximity to toilet - toilet within view - toilet accessible - strategy (patient with or without help from caregiver) for toileting # Appropriate bed - comfortable - safe - height - mattress/overlay - mattress edge definition (if necessary) - support for turning (if necessary) - strategy for safe egress - elevation for head of bed # Support by Caregivers - individualized toileting schedule - routine comfort assessment - skin care and hygiene - emotional and physical support # Medical Stabilization - treatment of underlying acute medical problems - dosages and types of medication - effects of long-term use of hypnotics - pain treatment strategy - caution with orthostatic medications (diuretics, short-acting antihypertensives) - diuretics (if indicated) not given at night - diabetic snack given at night - treatment for nocturnal esophageal reflux - bowel elimination plan for regularity 3. Treatment Programs/Care Plans # Address diagnoses, symptoms, conditions, and/or behavioral symptoms for which the use of a bed rail is being considered. # Identify nursing/medical and environmental interventions (e.g., for a patient with a life-long habit of staying up at night, provide nighttime activity). # If clinical and environmental interventions have proven to be unsuccessful in meeting the patient's assessed needs or a determination has been made that the risk of bed rail use is lower than that of other interventions or of not using them, bed rails may be used. Documentation of the risk-benefit assessment should be in the patient's medical chart. # The team should review the treatment program and determine its effects on the patient through an ongoing cycle of evaluation that includes assessment of outcomes and adverse effects. # When planning care for the patient for whom a low bed is selected, consideration should be given to potential effects on the patient such as restraining desired voluntary movement or creating an unwanted psychological effect by being placed close to the floor. The individualized care plan and risk benefit considerations should address these issues and the plan modified accordingly. # General guidance: a. A patient is assessed to be at low risk for injury, as defined by these factors: - transfers safely to and from the bed to a wheelchair without assistance; - ambulates without assistance to and from the toilet without falling; - has not fallen, or is unlikely to fall, out of bed; and - notifies staff appropriately using call system. > *Consider using a bed for this patient without a bed rail.* b. A patient is assessed to be unsafe in bed, or at high risk for injury, as defined by these factors: - inability to transfer safely to and from the bed to a wheelchair; - previous entrapment or near-entrapment episode; - inability to ambulate to and from the toilet without falling; - history of bed-related serious injury; - episodes of falling out of bed, or likelihood that such episodes will occur; or - inconsistent in notifying staff of needs or unable to access the call system. > *Consider placing this patient in an adjustable height bed that can go > very low to the floor for sleeping and raised for transfers and > activities of daily living care, or an alternative such as a concave > mattress as determined by the interdisciplinary care team. Use a > high-impact mat next to the bed.* c. A patient is assessed to require a bed in a low position but has difficulty getting into the low bed from the standing position: > *Consider an adjustable-height bed. If this is not available, consider > adding a quarter rail or transfer device (See Appendix 1: Glossary) to > a low bed for the patient to hold for support while entering the low > bed.* When selecting a support hold, consider: - Such rails should contain cross bars close enough to prevent the passage of the patient's head or body part through the rail and fit closely enough to the mattress to prevent entrapment. - Other interventions exist, such as secured vertical poles used for transferring in and out of bed. These poles, which are secured into the ceiling and floor, have weight limits. Tape applied to the pole may increase traction. They are generally used with more cognitively functional individuals. d. A patient is assessed to need a low bed, but an assessment determines that the patient is in danger of hurting him/herself while exiting from the low bed or is in danger of an unstable transfer after standing up by grabbing onto a bed side table or sink: > *Consider using a bed alarm to alert nursing staff when patient is > leaving the bed*. - Base the decision on the individual patient's clinical condition and assessment. - Carefully consider the use of bed alarms for the patient who is agitated or confused. e. Steps should be taken to reduce risk of injury to patients and caregivers. Keep the bed in the lowest position with the wheels locked when occupied, adjusting the level for activities such as administering care or for patient transfers in/out of bed: - Place a high impact mat next to the low bed to cushion falls from the low bed as long as this does not create a greater risk of accident to the patient or caregivers. - Raise the bed to give care and lower it when finished. If the bed is not adjustable, utilize body mechanics techniques such as kneeling on one or both knees on the high impact mat rather than bending over. - Store the high impact mat when it is not in use. - Assess area for objects that may cause injury. - Move furniture far enough away from the bed to avoid risk of injury. - Train caregivers on the proper use of low beds and proper body mechanics. **[Risk Intervention]{.underline}** Assessment of risk should be part of the individual patient's assessment, and steps to address the risk should be incorporated into the patient's care plan. The following are examples of risk intervention approaches. 1. [Nursing]{.underline} - Provide individually scheduled toileting. - Develop a schedule for turning and positioning. - Clean urine and/or feces promptly. - Elevate head of bed for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), reflux, and actively infusing enteral fluids. - Position patients to maximize comfort and change positions in a timely manner, maintaining comfort and reducing risk for skin breakdown. - Accommodate patients' preferred bedtime habits whenever possible. - Restrict use of physical restraints on patients in bed. - When medically indicated, use padded bed rails for individuals with an active seizure disorder or active movement disorder. - Provide distractions such as music, television, or food and fluids for patients who do not sleep through the night. - Provide calming interventions and pain relief. - Plan time during the day to provide periods of physical activity that help promote a restful sleep. - Re-evaluate and revise patient's treatment program as needed if an episode of entrapment or near-entrapment occurs with or without serious injury. 2. [Medical]{.underline} - Minimize use of medications that alter mental status. - Use alternatives to sleeping medications. - Dispense diuretics before the late afternoon/evening. - Treat pain. - Screen and treat for hypoxia. - Assess the clinical status of delirious patients to rule out reversible etiologies. - Promote mobility and fitness, e.g., restorative care to enhance abilities to stand safely and to walk. 3. [Patient and Family]{.underline} - Seek and utilize input about the patient from the patient and family (or authorized representative) to assist in identifying nursing and medical risk interventions. - If patients or family members ask about using bed rails, encourage them to talk to the health care team about whether bed rails are indicated. - Since the patient and family are integral members of the team, they should be encouraged to learn about bed safety and appropriate care options. # [Individualized Environmental Changes]{.underline} The environmental changes listed below are suggestions for consideration. Whether they will be used for an individual patient depends on the patient's assessment. 1. Use of low beds with adjacent mat on the floor (with consideration given to using mechanical lifts and proper lift technique training for caregiver staff). 2. Use of low beds that can be elevated electronically for transfer and activities of daily living (ADL) care. 3. Placement of the patient's call bell within easy reach and provision of visual and verbal reminders to use the call bell when necessary. 4. Use of bed alarms to warn of patients' attempts to exit from bed. 5. Use of "perimeter reminders" or "border definers" such as body pillow/cushions or mattresses with lipped/raised edges. #### Use of a trapeze affixed to bed to increase patient's bed mobility. (For patients with shoulder conditions, trapeze use should be carefully scrutinized.) 6. Placement of inconspicuous signs, without patients' names, to inform caregivers of interdisciplinary care team recommendations. ###### Patient Choice As with any other device that may be used as a restraint, if a patient, family member, or authorized representative requests the inappropriate use of side rails, then the interdisciplinary care team has a responsibility to discuss the risks involved, as well as the benefits of any clinical and/or environmental interventions that may be safer in meeting the patient's assessed needs, individual circumstances, and environment. The patient's right to participate in care planning and make choices should be balanced with caregivers' responsibility to provide care according to an individual assessment, professional standards of care, and any applicable state and federal laws and regulations. # [Bed Rails as Restraints]{.underline} When bed rails have the effect of keeping a patient from voluntarily getting out of bed, they fall under the definition of a physical restraint. If they are not necessary to treat medical symptoms, and less restrictive interventions have not been attempted and determined to be ineffective, bed rails used as restraints should be avoided.[^19],[^20] Bed rails used on the bed of a patient who is completely immobile do not serve as restraints, but may not be medically necessary. It is recommended that they be avoided. ## Education /Training Hospitals, long term care facilities, and home health care providers should provide education and training about bed rail use to assist in creating and implementing a safe and comfortable sleeping environment for their patients. It is recommended that the education and training be directed toward the following groups: - Staff - Patient/family - Physicians, including medical directors and physician extenders such as physician assistants and nurse practitioners - Long term care ombudsman - Regulatory agencies or representatives **[Bed Rail Safety Guidelines]{.underline}** If it is determined that bed rails are required and that other environmental or treatment considerations may not meet the individual patient's assessed needs, or have been tried and were unsuccessful in meeting the patient's assessed needs, then close attention must be given to the design of the rails and the relationship between rails and other parts of the bed. 1. The bars within the bed rails should be closely spaced to prevent a patient's head from passing through the openings and becoming entrapped. 2. The mattress to bed rail interface should prevent an individual from falling between the mattress and bed rails and possibly smothering. 3. Care should be taken that the mattress does not shrink over time or after cleaning. Such shrinkage increases the potential space between the rails and the mattress. 4. Check for compression of the mattress' outside perimeter. Easily compressed perimeters can increase the gaps between the mattress and the bed rail. 5. Ensure that the mattress is appropriately sized for the selected bed frame, as not all beds and mattresses are interchangeable. 6. The space between the bed rails and the mattress and the headboard and the mattress should be filled either by an added firm inlay or a mattress that creates an interface with the bed rail that prevents an individual from falling between the mattress and bed rails. 7. Latches securing bed rails should be stable so that the bed rails will not fall when shaken. 8. Older bed rail designs that have tapered or winged ends are not appropriate for use with patients assessed to be at risk for entrapment. 9. Maintenance and monitoring of the bed, mattress, and accessories such as patient/caregiver assist items (See Appendix 1: Glossary) should be ongoing. **Appendix 1: Glossary** **Adjustable height bed** -- A bed with "hi-low" function such that the height of the sleep surface can be adjusted. **Automatic contour** - A feature of a bed where the thigh section of the sleep surface articulates upward as the head section travels upward thereby reducing the likelihood of patient/resident mattress from migrating toward the foot end of the bed. **Bed alarms** -- Alarms intended to notify caregivers of either an unwanted patient/resident egress or that the patient/resident is near the edge of the mattress. **Bed rail extender** -- A detachable device intended to bridge the space between the head and foot bed rail. **Bed rails** --Adjustable metal or rigid plastic bars that attach to the bed. They are available in a variety of types, shapes, and sizes ranging from full to one-half, one-quarter, or one-eighth lengths. Synonymous terms are *side rails, bed side rails, and safety rails.* (See attached *Bed Side Rail Types* for illustrated definitions.) **Control bed rail** -- A bed rail that incorporates bed function controls for patient/staff activation. **Fireman's pole** -- A pole secured (floor and ceiling mooring) next to the bed that acts as a support for the patient to get into and out of the bed. **Handgrips** -- Devices attached to either side of the bed to provide the patient/resident the ability to reposition themselves while in bed as well as an aid to enter and leave the bed. **High-impact mat (bed-side mat)** -- A mat placed next to the bed that absorbs the shock if the patient falls from the bed. **Entrapment** -- An event in which a patient is caught, trapped, or entangled in the spaces in or about the bed rail, mattress, or hospital bed frame. Entrapment can result in serious injury or death. **Interdisciplinary team** \-- The interdisciplinary team may vary in constituency depending upon the nature of the care and service setting and the individual patients' needs. Members may include, but are not limited to: patient; family member (or patient's legal representative); nursing, social services, and dietary personnel; attending physician (or designee); medical director; rehabilitation and occupational therapists; and medical equipment suppliers. **Lifting pole** -- A device suspended above the bed intended to allow the patient to change position by gripping it. **Low bed** -- This bed is defined according to the patient: The bed is considered "low" if, when the patient is sitting on the side of the bed with feet on the floor, the angle of the patient's bent knees is 90 degrees or less. **Mattress with raised edges** -- A mattress that has a perimeter configured in a manner to allow the patient/resident to be "cradled" in the center of the mattress and reduces the likelihood of unwanted patient egress. It has a central area on either side of the mattress that is not raised and is used for egress. **Patient assessment** -- The assessment provides ongoing information necessary to develop a care plan, to provide the appropriate care and services for each patient, and to modify the care plan and care/services based on the patient's status. Details about the components of the assessment are found on pages 5 and 6 of this document. **Pediatric rail** -- A rail in which the bar spacing is no larger than two and three-eighths inches. **Pendant control** -- A means used by either the patient or the operator to control the drives that activate various bed functions and is attached to the bed by a cord. **Physical restraint** -- Any manual method or physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment attached or adjacent to the resident's \[patient's\] body that the individual cannot remove easily that restricts freedom of movement or normal access to one's body. (Source: Health Care Financing Administration State Operations Manual, Rev. 274, Guidance to Surveyors at 42 CFR Subpart B, Requirements for Long Term Care Facilities, 483.13(a).) **Sleeping environment** -- Includes physical components such as the bed size and height and mattress, the accessibility of personal items and accessories such as a call bell, and the room temperature and noise or light levels. The environment also includes nonphysical aspects such as comfort and security. These aspects may be related to the physical features of the bed such as the degree of mattress firmness, or features that facilitate freedom from physical pain, or a feeling of safety and privacy. **Transfer device** - Support for transfers such as half - or quarter-length upper bed rails, bed grab bars, bed handles attached to the bed frame, or fireman's transfer pole. **Treatment program (care plan)** -- The treatment program includes measurable objectives and timetables to meet the patient's medical, nursing, and mental and psychosocial needs that are identified through the assessment process. The effectiveness of the treatment program is evaluated and modified as necessary. The interdisciplinary team reviews, revises, and initiates changes to the program as needed in accordance with professional standards of practice after each assessment. **Seizure pads** - Padded covers for bed rails that may be used to prevent unwanted patient/resident cuts and bruising from repeated contact with the bed rails. Also used to cover openings within the perimeter of the side rails and space between the head and foot rails. **Side rails** -- See *Bed rails*. **Stuff pads** -- Plastic covered pads used to obliterate open spaces between bed rails and mattresses, mattresses and head/foot boards. **Transfer bar** -- A one-piece device, attached to the bed frame on one or both sides of the bed, that is grasped to aid in bed entry and exit. Appendix 2: Bed Rails - Intended Purpose and Potential Risks Intended Purpose of Bed Rails 1. One of several methods utilized to prevent patient from falling out of bed. - Reminds patient not to get out of bed when medically contraindicated and/or medical equipment is attached to the patient. - Defines the bed edge. - Helps to protect patient from falling out of bed during transport. 2. May assist patient with movement. - Moving within the bed. - Getting in and out of bed. 3. One of several methods to provide the patient with easy access to bed controls. 4. One of several methods to provide a feeling of comfort and security. Potential Risks of Bed Rails 1. Create a source of known morbidity and mortality such as: - Strangling, suffocation, serious bodily injury,\*\* or death when patients or parts of their bodies are caught between rails, the openings of the rails, or between the bed rails and mattress. 2. Impede patients from safely getting out of bed: - Patients crawl over rails and fall from greater heights increasing the risk for serious injury. - Patients attempt to get out of bed over the foot board. 3. Restrain patients in many circumstances: - Hinder patients from independently getting out of bed thereby confining them to their beds. - Create a barrier to performing routine activities such as going to the bathroom. 4. Can create negative psychological effects: - Create undignified personal image. - Alter patient self-esteem. - Contribute to patient isolation. - Confinement can cause patients to be incontinent. The potential risks can be exacerbated by: - Improper match of the bed rail to bed frame. - Improper installation. - Objects such as holders or supports that remain when the bed rail is removed. \*\* May include head trauma; bruising, contusions, and/or skin lacerations; and fractures and/or dislocations. The drawings below are intended only to illustrate the design of bed rails. They are not intended to represent actual or recommended dimensions. > ![](media/image2.png) > > ![](media/image3.png){width="2.873611111111111in" > height="1.0104166666666667in"} > > ![](media/image4.png){width="2.873611111111111in" > height="1.0097222222222222in"} ![](media/image5.png){width="2.873611111111111in" height="1.0104166666666667in"} ![](media/image6.png){width="2.873611111111111in" height="1.0104166666666667in"} > ![](media/image7.png){width="2.879861111111111in" > height="1.0097222222222222in"} > > ![](media/image8.png){width="2.873611111111111in" height="1.0in"} > > ![](media/image9.png){width="3.145138888888889in" > height="0.9993055555555556in"} # Appendix 4: Hospital Bed Safety Workgroup Member # Organizations that Signed on to the Clinical Guidance +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ## AARP | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ## American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | American Health Care Association | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | American Medical Directors Association | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | American Nurses Association | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | American Society of Healthcare Risk Management | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Basic American Metal Products | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Care Providers of Minnesota | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Carroll Health Care | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ECRI | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hard Manufacturing | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Health Safe, Incorporated | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Iona Senior Services | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kinetic Concepts Incorporated | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Law Offices of Julie A. Braun | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MC Healthcare | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Medical Devices Bureau, Health Canada | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | National Association of Home Care | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | National Patient Safety Foundation | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Orange Grove Habilitation Center | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | RN Systems + | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Span American | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sunrise Medical | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tactilics, Inc. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Untie the Elderly, The Kendal Corporation | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Vail Products, Incorporated | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Veterans Administration National Center for Patient Safety | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ HBSW member, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has determined that the Clinical Guidance does not conflict with current standards in the JCAHO *Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals* *2002,* *2002 Standards Manuals for Home Care*, or the *2002-2003* *Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Long Term Care*. **Appendix 5: Authors** Doug Beardsley Administrator/CEO Valley Hospital at Hidden Lakes Golden Valley, Minnesota   Mary Bias Vice President Hard Manufacturing Company Buffalo, New York Sarah Greene Burger, RNC, MPH National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform Washington, DC Elizabeth Capezuti, PhD, RN, CS, FAAN Associate Professor Independence Foundation Wesley Woods Chair in Gerontologic Nursing Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing Emory University Atlanta, Georgia Fred M. Feinsod, MD, MPH, CMD American Medical Directors' Association Colorado Springs, Colorado Rita Munley Gallagher, PhD, RN, C Senior Policy Fellow Department of Nursing Practice and Policy American Nurses Association Washington, DC Beryl Goldman, RN, MS, NHA Director for Health Services The Kendal Corporation Kennett Square, Pennsylvania Doni Haas, RN, LHRM National Patient Safety Foundation Stuart, Florida Stephanie B. Hoffman, PhD Director, Interprofessional Team Training and Development Department of Veterans Affairs James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Tampa, Florida Bill Kubat, MA Vice President for Care Management, Clinical and Quality Affairs Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Sioux Falls, South Dakota Evvie Munley Senior Health Policy Analyst American Association of Homes & Services for the Aging Washington, DC Janet Myder, MPA Director of Regulatory Systems American Health Care Association Washington, DC Mary Lou Pijar #### Public Health Advisor Office of Health and Industry Programs Center for Devices and Radiological Health U.S. Food and Drug Administration Rockville, Maryland Georgene Saliba (through 2001) American Society of Healthcare Risk Management Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, Pennsylvania Paul English Smith, JD, CPHRM, ASHRM American Society of Healthcare Risk Management Vice President and General Counsel Cabell Huntington Hospital, Inc. # Huntington, West Virginia Joan Ferlo Todd Senior Nurse Analyst #### Office of Surveillance and Biometrics Center for Devices and Radiological Health U.S. Food and Drug Administration Rockville, Maryland [^1]: Capezuti, E. & Lawson, WT III (1999). Falls and restraint liability issues. In P. Iyer (Ed.) [Nursing Home Litigation: Investigation and Case Preparation]{.underline}. Tucson, AZ: Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company. [^2]: Braun, J.A. & Capezuti, E. (2000). The legal and medical aspects of physical restraints and bed side rails and their relationships to falls and fall-related injuries in nursing homes. [DePaul Journal of Healthcare Law, 3 (1) 1-72.]{.underline} [^3]: Capezuti, E., Talerico, K.A., Cochran, I., Becker, H., Strumpf, N., & Evans, L. (1999). Individualized interventions to prevent bed-related falls and reduce side rail use. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 25, 26-34.]{.underline} [^4]: Parker, K., Miles, SH. (1997). Deaths caused by bed rails. [Journal of the American Geriatrics Society]{.underline} 45:797-802. [^5]: Feinsod, F.M., Moore, M., Levenson, S. (1997). Eliminating full-length bed rails from long term care facilities. [Nursing Home Medicine]{.underline} 5:257-263. [^6]: [MedWatch]{.underline}, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's medical products reporting program. [^7]: Food and Drug Administration. FDA Safety Alert: Entrapment Hazards with Hospital Bed Side Rails (Aug 23, 1995). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. [^8]: Todd, J., Ruhl, C., & Gross, T. (1997). Injury and Death Associated with Hospital Bed Side-Rails: Reports to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration from 1985 to 1995. [American Journal of Public Health]{.underline} 87 (10): 1675-1677. [^9]: Health Care Financing Administration guidance to surveyors in the implementation of 42 CFR Part 482 Medicare and Medicaid Programs. State Operations Manual Provider Certification Transmittal 17. June 2000. A-182-183. [^10]: Health Care Financing Administration guidance to surveyors in the implementation of 42 CFR Part 483.13(a). Medicare and Medicaid Programs. State Operations Manual Provider Certification Transmittal 20. September 7, 2000. PP-45. [^11]: Capezuti, E., Talerico, K.A., Strumpf, N., & Evans, L. (1998). Individualized assessment and intervention in bilateral side rail use. [Geriatric Nursing]{.underline}, 25, 26-34. [^12]: *See* Capezuti et al., *supra* note 1. [^13]: Donius, M. & Rader, J. (1994) Use of Side rails: Rethinking a Standard of Practice, [Journal of Gerontological Nursing]{.underline} 23, 23-27. [^14]: Rader, J. (1995). Creating a supportive environment for eliminating restraints. In Rader, J. & Tornquist, E.M. (Eds.) [Individualized Dementia Care]{.underline}, New York: Springer Publishing Company. [^15]: Donius, M., & Rader, J. (1996). Side rails: Rethinking a Standard Practice. In Burggraf, V. & Barry, R. (Eds.), [Gerontological Nursing Current Practice and Research]{.underline}. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, Inc. [^16]: O'Keeffe, S., Jack, C.I.A., & Lye, M. (1996). Use of restraints and bed rails in a British hospital. [Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 44, 1086-1088.]{.underline} [^17]: Frengley, J.D. (1999), Bedrails: Do They Have A Benefit?, [Journal of the American Geriatrics Society]{.underline}, 47(5): 627-628. [^18]: Hammond, M., Levine, J.M. Bedrails: Choosing the Best Alternative. [Geriatric Nursing]{.underline}. 20(6):297-300. 1999 Nov. -- Dec. [^19]: *See* Health Care Financing Administration *supra* note 10. [^20]: *See* Health Care Financing Administration *supra* note 7 at A-182.
**Before the** **Federal Communications Commission** **Washington, D.C. 20554** +----------------------------------+---+------------------------------+ | In the Matter of | * | CC Docket No. 96-45 | | | * | | | All West Communications, Inc., | ) | | | Carbon/Emery | * | | | | * | | | Telecom, Inc., Central Utah | | | | Telephone, Inc., Hanksville | * | | | Telecom, Inc., Manti Telephone | * | | | Company, Skyline Telecom, UBET | ) | | | Telecom, Inc. | * | | | | * | | | And | | | | | * | | | USQwest Corporation | * | | | | ) | | | Joint Petition for Waiver of the | * | | | | * | | | Definition of "Study Area" | | | | Contained | * | | | | * | | | in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary | ) | | | | * | | | of the Commission's Rules; | * | | | | | | | Petition for Waiver of Sections | * | | | 61.41(c), 61.41(d) and | * | | | 69.3(e)(11) | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | ) | | | | * | | | | * | | +----------------------------------+---+------------------------------+ **ORDER** **Adopted: February 27, 2001 Released: February 27, 2001** By the Chief, Accounting Policy Division: # INTRODUCTION 1. In this Order, we grant a request from All West Communications (All West), Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc. (Carbon/Emery), Central Utah Telephone (Central Utah), Hanksville Telecom, Inc. (Hanksville), Manti Telephone Company (Manti), Skyline Telecom (Skyline), and UBET Telecom, Inc. (UBET) (collectively, Acquiring Companies), and USQwest Corporation (Qwest) for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules.[^1] This waiver will permit Qwest to remove telephone exchanges comprising approximately 35,600 access lines from its Utah study area. This waiver will also permit All West, Central Utah, Manti, and Skyline to add 1,920 access lines, 2,077 access lines, 1,887 access lines, and 1,407 access lines, respectively, to their existing Utah study areas. Additionally, this waiver will permit Carbon/Emery, Hanksville, and UBET to add 12,105 access lines, 170 access lines, and 16,161 access lines, respectively, to their parent companies' existing study areas. 2. We also grant the request of All West, Carbon/Emery, Central Utah, Hanksville, and UBET for a waiver of section 61.41(c) of the Commission's rules to permit these companies to operate under rate-of-return regulation after acquiring the exchanges from Qwest that are currently under price cap regulation. In addition, we grant Manti's and Skyline's request for a waiver of section 69.605(c) of the Commission's rules to allow Manti and Skyline to continue operating as average schedule companies after the exchange acquisitions from Qwest. Finally, we grant the Acquiring Companies' request for a waiver of the tariff pooling rules included in section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` I. **STUDY AREA WAIVER** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` A. **Background** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. *[Study Area Boundaries]{.underline}*. A study area is a geographic segment of an incumbent local exchange carrier's (LEC's) telephone operations. Generally, a study area corresponds to an incumbent LEC\'s entire service territory within a state.[^2] Thus, incumbent LECs operating in more than one state typically have one study area for each state. The Commission froze all study area boundaries effective November 15, 1984[^3][^4] and an incumbent LEC must apply to the Commission for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze if it wishes to sell or purchase additional exchanges. 4. *[Transfer of Universal Service Support]{.underline}*. Section 54.305 of the Commission's rules provides that a carrier acquiring exchanges from an unaffiliated carrier shall receive the same per-line levels of high-cost universal service support for which the acquired exchanges were eligible prior to their transfer.[^5] For example, if a rural carrier purchases an exchange from a non-rural carrier that receives support based on the Commission's new universal service support mechanism for non-rural carriers,[^6] the loops of the acquired exchange shall receive the same per-line support as calculated under the new non-rural mechanism, regardless of the support the rural carrier purchasing the exchange may receive for any other exchanges.[^7] In adopting section 54.305, the Commission sought to ensure that a selling carrier does not artificially inflate the price of an exchange in anticipation of the buyer's receipt of increased universal service support as a result of the transfer.[^8] High-cost support mechanisms currently include non-rural carrier forward-looking high-cost support,[^9] interim hold-harmless support for non-rural carriers,[^10] rural carrier high-cost loop support,[^11] local switching support,[^12] and Long Term Support (LTS).[^13] To the extent that a carrier acquires exchanges receiving any of these forms of support, the acquiring carrier will receive the same per-line levels of support for which the acquired exchanges were eligible prior to their transfer. 5. As described in the Commission\'s recent order adopting an integrated interstate access reform and universal service proposal put forth by the members of the Coalition for Affordable Local and Long Distance Service (CALLS), beginning July 1, 2000, if a price cap LEC acquires exchanges from another price cap LEC, the acquiring carrier will become eligible to receive interstate access universal service support for the acquired exchanges.[^14] Because the interstate access universal service support mechanism is capped at \$650 million, transactions involving the transfer of support will not increase the mechanism\'s overall size.[^15] If a non-price cap LEC acquires exchanges from a price-cap LEC, per-line interstate access universal service support will not transfer.[^16] 6. *[The Petition for Waiver]{.underline}*. USOn October 6, 2000, Qwest and the Acquiring Companies filed a joint petition for waiver of the definition of "study area" as set forth in Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules.US The requested waiver would permit Qwest to alter the boundaries of its existing Utah study area by removing 12 exchanges that it is transferring to the Acquiring Companies. The waiver would also permit the purchased exchanges to be added to the study areas of All West (acquiring 1,920 access lines), Central Utah (acquiring 2,077 access lines), Manti (acquiring 1,887 access lines), Skyline (acquiring 1,407 access lines), Emery Telephone (the parent company of Carbon/Emery and Hanksville)(acquiring 12,185 access lines), and Uintah Basin Telecommunications Association (the parent company of UBET)(acquiring 16,161 access lines).[^17] The Acquiring Companies are based in Utah.[^18] USOn October 18, 2000, the Common Carrier Bureau (Bureau) released a public notice seeking comment on the Petition[^19][^20] The United States Telecom Association (USTA) and the National Telephone Cooperative Association (NTCA) filed comments in support of the Petition. Beehive Telephone Co., Inc. (Beehive) filed comments opposing the Petition.[^21] Qwest and the Acquiring Companies filed reply comments. 7. *[Beehive's Objections]{.underline}*. Beehive objects to the instant waiver requests.[^22] First, Beehive contends that Qwest failed to adequately consider Beehive as a buyer of certain of the Utah exchanges that were sold to Central Utah, Skyline, and Hanksville. As a result, Beehive has requested that the Commission suspend and remand this matter to the Utah Public Service Commission (Utah Commission) for further investigation and recommendation. Second, Beehive requests that the Commission delay action on the waiver requests of Central Utah and Skyline until the conclusion of a proceeding currently pending before the Utah Commission involving the approval of the transfer of all outstanding shares of stock from Central Utah and Skyline to Lynch Telephone Corporation X (Lynch). **B. Discussion** 8. We find that good cause exists to waive the definition of study area contained in Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules to permit Qwest to alter the boundaries of its existing Utah study area to remove twelve exchanges that it is transferring to the Acquiring Companies. We also find that good cause exists to permit the Acquiring Companies to add these exchanges to their Utah study areas. US 9. Generally, the Commission's rules may be waived for good cause shown.[^23] As noted by the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, however, agency rules are presumed valid[^24][^25] The Commission may exercise its discretion to waive a rule where the particular facts make strict compliance inconsistent with the public interest[^26][^27] In addition, the Commission may take into account considerations of hardship, equity, or more effective implementation of overall policy on an individual basis[^28][^29] Waiver of the Commission's rules is therefore appropriate only if special circumstances warrant a deviation from the general rule, and such a deviation will serve the public interest. In evaluating petitions seeking a waiver of the rule freezing study area boundaries, the Commission traditionally has applied a three-prong standard: (1) the change in study area boundaries must not adversely affect the universal service fund; (2) no state commission having regulatory authority over the transferred exchanges may oppose the transfer; and (3) the transfer must be in the public interest.[^30] For the reasons discussed below, we conclude that petitioners have satisfied these criteria and have demonstrated that good cause exists for waiver of the Commission's study area freeze rule. 10. First, we conclude that Qwest and the Acquiring CompaniesUS have demonstrated that the proposed change in the study area boundaries will not adversely affect any of the universal service fundsmechanisms. Because, under the Commission's rules, carriers purchasing exchanges from an unaffiliated carrier currently can only receive the same level of per-line support that the selling company was receiving for those exchanges prior to the sale, there can, by definition, be no adverse impact on the universal service fund resulting from this transaction[^31][^32] As such, the Acquiring Companies will receive the same per-line levels of support, including high-cost loop support, local switching support, and LTS, for which the acquired exchanges were eligible prior to their transfer. The Acquiring Companies' existing Utah access lines will continue to receive support based on the average schedule cost of those lines or the average schedule formulas, whichever is applicable. Therefore, we conclude that this transaction will not adversely affect the universal service mechanisms. We note that, as a result of this transaction, access lines in the Acquiring Companies' pre-acquisition study area boundaries will be eligible for different amounts of high-cost support than the access lines being transferred from Qwest's study area. We therefore direct the Acquiring Companies to submit, as part of their annual universal service data submissions,[^33] a schedule showing their methodology for excluding the costs associated with the acquired access lines from the costs associated with their pre-acquisition study areas. 11. Second, no state commission with regulatory authority over the transferred exchanges opposes the transfer. The Utah Commission indicated that it does not object to the grant of the study area waiver.[^34] 12. Finally, we conclude that the public interest is served by a waiver of the study area freeze rule. First, in its petition, Qwest and the Acquiring Companies indicate considerable public support for the exchange transfers from customers served by the exchanges of the telecommunications services provided by the exchanges.[^35] Also, in its order approving the transfer of the exchanges to the Acquiring Companies, the Utah Commission concluded that the transfer will result in "greater opportunities for service and operating efficiencies"[^36] for all customers in the exchanges.[^37] The public interest benefits also include facilities improvements and investment in the new exchanges by the Acquiring Companies.[^38] Finally, inclusion of the exchanges in the study areas of the Acquiring Companies will provide customers with the benefit of voicing their concerns to locally based companies. Based on these representations, we conclude that Qwest and the Acquiring Companies have demonstrated that grant of this waiver request serves the public interest. 13. We reject Beehive's request to deny the instant waiver request in light of its objections. Beehive claims that Qwest refused to consider Beehive as a potential buyer for the Utah exchanges that were sold to Central Utah, Skyline, and Hanksville, and requests that the Commission suspend this matter and remand it to the Utah Commission for further investigation and recommendation. The transfer of these exchanges has already been approved by the Utah Commission and as noted above, the Utah Commission has indicated that it does not object to the grant of the study area waiver requests.[^39] Absent an objection from the Utah Commission, we have no basis for denying the waiver requests at issue here. [^40] It is well settled that the Commission does not involve itself in private contractual matters when other forums exist for resolving those matters.[^41] The Utah Commission and the Utah courts are the proper forums for addressing Beehive's claims that it should have been considered by Qwest as a potential buyer. For these reasons, we also reject Beehive's request that the Commission withhold action on the waiver requests of Central Utah and Skyline until the conclusion of a proceeding pending before the Utah Commission regarding the sale of all outstanding shares of stock from Central Utah and Skyline to Lynch.[^42] The transaction between Central Utah, Skyline, and Lynch is not at issue here and, as noted above, Beehive's objections to such a transfer should be made to the Utah Commission or the appropriate state or local court.[^43] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` II. **PRICE CAP WAIVER** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` A. **Background** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 14. Section 61.41(c)(2) of the Commission's rules provides that a non-price cap carrier that acquires access lines from a price cap carrier shall become subject to price cap regulation and must file price cap tariffs within a year.[^44] In addition, Section 61.41(c)(3) of the Commission's rules provides that an average schedule company that acquires exchanges from a price cap company is permitted to retain its average schedule status.[^45] Section 61.41(d) of the Commission's rules further provides that local exchange carriers (LECs) that become subject to price cap regulation are not permitted to withdraw from such regulation.[^46] 15. In the *LEC Price Cap Reconsideration Order*, the Commission explained that section 61.41(c), the "all-or-nothing" rule, is intended to address two concerns regarding mergers and acquisitions involving price cap companies.[^47] The first concern was that, in the absence of the rule, a LEC might attempt to shift costs from its price cap affiliate to its non-price cap affiliate, allowing the non-price cap affiliate to charge higher rates to recover its increased revenue requirement, while increasing the earnings of the price cap affiliate. The second concern was that, absent the rule, a LEC might attempt to game the system by switching back and forth between rate-of-return regulation and price cap regulation. For example, a price cap company may attempt to "game" the system by opting out of price cap regulation, building a large rate base under rate-of-return regulation so as to raise rates and then, after returning to price caps, cutting costs back to an efficient level, thereby enabling it to realize greater profits. It would not serve the public interest, the Commission stated, to allow a carrier alternately to "fatten up" under rate-of-return regulation and "slim down" under price cap regulation, because the rates would not decrease in the manner intended under price cap regulation.[^48] 16. The Commission nonetheless recognized in the *LEC Price Cap Reconsideration Order* that narrow waivers of the price cap "all-or-nothing" rule might be justified if efficiencies created by the purchase and sale of exchanges outweigh the threat that the system might be subject to gaming.[^49] The Commission stated that waivers of section 61.41(c) will be granted conditioned on the selling price cap company's downward adjustment to its price cap indices to reflect the sale of exchanges.[^50] The Commission explained that such an adjustment is needed to remove the effects of transferred exchanges from rates that have been based, in whole or in part, upon the inclusion of those exchanges in a carrier's price cap indices. [^51] In addition, waivers of the all-or-nothing rule have been granted subject to the condition that the acquiring carrier obtain prior Commission approval of any attempt to return to price cap regulation.[^52] 17. The Acquiring Companies operate under rate-of return regulation, while Qwest is subject to price cap regulation.[^53] All West, Carbon/Emery, Central Utah, Hanksville, and UBET seek a waiver of section 61.41(c)(2)[^54] to permit them to continue to operate under rate-of-return regulation,[^55] stating that the application of these rules will not serve the purpose of the price cap rules, which is to prevent LECs from shifting costs between price cap and non-price cap affiliates and from increasing rates by switching back and forth between rate-of-return regulation and price cap regulation.[^56] NTCA and USTA support this waiver request. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` B. **Discussion** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 18. For the reasons discussed below, we find that good cause exists for us to waive section 61.41(c)(2) of the Commission's rules, and that it would be in the public interest to grant the waiver request of All West, Carbon/Emery, Central Utah, Hanksville, and UBET.[^57] As discussed previously, the courts have interpreted section 1.3 of the Commission's rules to require a petitioner seeking a waiver of a Commission rule to demonstrate that special circumstances warrant a deviation from the general rule, and that such a deviation will serve the public interest.[^58] 19. We find that special circumstances warrant a waiver of section 61.41(c)(2). In evaluating requests for waiver of section 61.41(c)(2), the Bureau has taken into account the company's preferences and, in particular, the preferences of small carriers.[^59] In fact, the Commission traditionally has been sensitive to the unique administrative burdens imposed on small telephone companies by the application of its rules.[^60] In the *LEC Price Cap Order*, the Commission decided that small telephone companies would not be required to operate under a regulatory regime that was designed largely on the basis of the historical performance of the largest LECs.[^61] The Commission explained that small and mid-size LECs may have fewer opportunities than large companies to achieve cost savings and efficiencies and may be less productive than the seven Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) and GTE.[^62] The Commission, therefore, limited the mandatory application of price cap regulation to the eight largest LECs -- the seven RBOCs and GTE. 20. All West, Carbon/Emery, Central Utah, Hanksville, and UBET are all small telephone companies and have expressed a preference for operating under rate-of-return regulation.[^63] After the proposed transaction, All West will serve approximately 5,900 access lines; Carbon/Emery will serve approximately 17,200 access lines; Central Utah will serve approximately 3,600 access lines; Hanksville will serve approximately 200 access lines; and UBET will serve approximately 18,700 access lines.[^64] These operations will be smaller than other carriers that have been granted waivers of the Commission's price cap rules.[^65] Further, these companies are the types of small carriers which the Commission has previously found to be inappropriate candidates for price cap regulation.[^66] For these reasons, we find that of All West, Carbon/Emery, Central Utah, Hanksville, and UBET present special circumstances to support their waiver request. 21. We also find that a waiver of section 61.41(c)(2) serves the public interest. First, we find that the first concern identified by the Commission in adopting section 61.41(c) -- cost shifting between affiliates -- is not at issue here. Upon completion of the transaction, All West, Carbon/Emery, Central Utah, Hanksville, and UBET will operate separate and apart from Qwest.[^67] Since there will be no affiliation between these entities and Qwest, there will be no opportunity or incentive to shift costs between price cap and rate-of-return companies. Second, to safeguard against possible gaming that could result from attempts to elect price-cap regulation at a later time, we will require All West, Carbon/Emery, Central Utah, Hanksville, and UBET to seek prior Commission approval if they seek to elect price cap regulation. At that time, we can make a determination if the transaction raises concerns that we seek to address in section 61.41(c). 22. In accordance with section 61.45 of the Commission's rules, we also require Qwest to adjust its price cap indices to reflect the removal of the transferred access lines from its Utah study areas. Section 61.45 grants us discretion to require price cap carriers to make adjustments to their price cap indices to reflect cost changes resulting from rule waivers.[^68] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` III. **AVERAGE SCHEDULE WAIVER** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` A. **Background** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 23. Incumbent LECs that participate in National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) pools collect access charges from interexchange carriers at the rates contained in the tariffs filed by NECA. Each pool participant receives revenues from the pools to recover the cost of providing service plus a pro rata share of the pool\'s earnings.[^69] NECA pool participants\' interstate access charge settlements are determined either on the basis of cost studies or average schedule formulas. Average schedule companies are those incumbent LECs that receive compensation for use of their interstate common carrier services on the basis of formulas that are designed to simulate the disbursements that would be received by a cost study company that is representative of average schedule companies.[^70] In electing average schedule status, average schedule companies are able to avoid the administrative and financial burdens of performing interstate cost studies. 24. Section 69.605(c) of the Commission\'s rules provides, in pertinent part, that \"a telephone company that was participating in average schedule settlements on December 1, 1982, shall be deemed to be an average schedule company.\"[^71] The definition of average schedule company includes existing average schedule incumbent LECs, but does not allow the creation of new average schedule companies or the conversion of cost-based carriers to average schedule status without a waiver of the Commission's rules. The limitation on the creation of new average schedule companies reflects the Commission's finding that cost studies produce the most accurate financial information, and consequently, the most accurate interstate telephone rates.[^72] 25. The special circumstances that the Bureau has found to justify waivers of section 69.605(c) fall into broad categories.[^73] First, the Bureau has granted limited opportunities for carriers serving 5,000 or fewer access lines to convert from cost‑based to average schedule settlements when faced with "industry-wide changed circumstances."[^74] Second, the Bureau has granted waivers to certain small carriers that lacked the resources to operate on a cost‑study basis.[^75] Third, to ensure a smooth settlement process, the Bureau has granted section 69.605(c) waivers to average schedule companies that have acquired another company, and allowed the combined companies to merge into one average schedule study area.[^76] 26. Skyline and Manti have requested a waiver of section 69.605(c) of the Commission's rules in order to continue operating as average schedule companies following the proposed transaction.[^77] Skyline and Manti argue that a waiver permitting them to retain their average schedule status is justified due to "their small size and the savings that will be realized by their not having to perform cost studies."[^78] Skyline and Manti also argue that a continuation of their average schedule status will not affect their tariffed access rates or cause any concern that the two companies may "game the system."[^79] NTCA and USTA support this waiver request. ## Discussion 27. We are persuaded that good cause exists for us to grant Skyline's and Manti's request for a waiver of section 69.605(c). The Commission has explained that the definition of "average schedule company" in section 69.605 was premised upon a policy determination that carriers with the financial resources and expertise to conduct cost studies without undue hardship should be required to measure the actual costs they incur in providing interstate service.[^80] Here, Skyline and Manti have demonstrated that because of their size, they would suffer undue hardship if required to operate on a cost study basis.[^81] The high cost of completing cost studies relative to the small size of Skyline and Manti establishes the special circumstances that warrant granting their request for a waiver of section 69.605(c) of the Commission's rules. We note that we have previously granted waivers of section 69.605(c) to similarly-sized carriers.[^82] We therefore find that Skyline and Manti's requested waiver of section 69.605(c) of the Commission rules should be granted. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` IV. **WAIVER OF SECTION 69.3(e)(11)** ### Background 28. Under section 69.3(e)(11) of Commission's rules, any change in NECA carrier common line tariff participation and LTS resulting from a merger or acquisition of telephone properties is effective on the next annual access tariff filing effective date following the merger or acquisition.[^83] Section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules was implemented to minimize the complexity of administering the LTS program.[^84] Because the next annual access tariff filing effective date is not until July 1, 2001,[^85] the Acquiring Companies would be required to file their own interstate tariffs for the acquired access lines until July 1, 2001. In order to avoid the burdens associated with filing their own tariffs, the Acquiring Companies have requested a waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules to enable the acquired access lines to participate in the NECA carrier common line tariff upon the date of the closing of the transaction.[^86] NTCA and USTA support this waiver request. ### Discussion 29. We find that the Acquiring Companies have demonstrated that special circumstances warrant a deviation from section 69.3(e)(11) of our rules and that it would be in the public interest to grant the Acquiring Companies' waiver request. First, the inclusion of the acquired access lines in the NECA carrier common line tariff represent a minimal increase in NECA common line pool participation.[^87] Second, we believe that it would be administratively burdensome for the Acquiring Companies to file interstate tariffs for a relatively small number of access lines until July 1, 2001. Consequently, we find that the Acquiring Companies present the special circumstances to justify a waiver of section 69.3(e)(11). Moreover, we believe that a waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) will be in the public interest because the Acquiring Companies will be able to devote additional resources to providing improved telecommunications services to the affected rural areas that otherwise would normally be spent on tariff filings. We also note that, according to NECA, \"inclusion of the acquired access lines in NECA\'s tariff, effective on March 1, 2001 . . . , will create no undue administrative burden for NECA, nor will it result in any disadvantage to other tariff participants.\"[^88] We, therefore, conclude that good cause exists to grant a waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) to the Acquiring Companies. **VI. ORDERING CLAUSES** 30. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 5(c), 201, and 202 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151, 154(i), 155(c), 201, and 202, and sections 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3 of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3, that the petition for waiver of Part 36, Appendix‑Glossary, of the Commission\'s rules, filed by All West Communications, Inc., Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc., Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Hanksville Telecom, Inc., Manti Telephone Company, Skyline Telecom, UBET Telecom, Inc., and the Qwest Corporation on October 18, 2000, IS GRANTED, as described herein. 31. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 5(c), 201, and 202 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151, 154(i), 155(c), 201, and 202, and sections 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3 of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3, that the petition for waiver of section 61.41(c) of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 61.41(c) filed by All West Communications, Inc., Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc., Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Hanksville Telecom, Inc., and UBET Telecom, Inc., IS GRANTED, as described herein. 32. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 5(c), 201, and 202 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151, 154(i), 155(c), 201, and 202, and sections 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3 of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3, that the petition for waiver of section 69.605(c) of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 69.605(c), filed by Manti Telephone Company and Skyline Telecom, IS GRANTED, as described herein. 33. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 5(c), 201, and 202 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151, 154(i), 155(c), 201, and 202, and sections 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3 of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3, that the petition for waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 69.3(e)(11), filed by All West Communications, Inc., Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc., Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Hanksville Telecom, Inc., Manti Telephone Company, Skyline Telecom, and UBET Telecom, Inc., IS GRANTED, as described herein. 34. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 5(c), 201, and 202 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151, 154(i), 155(c), 201, and 202, and sections 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3 of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.91, 0.291, and 1.3, that All West Communications, Inc., Emery Telephone and its subsidiaries; Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc. and Hanksville, Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Manti Telephone Company, Skyline Telecom, Uintah Basin Telecommunications Association, and its subsidiary; UBET Telecom, Inc., SHALL SUBMIT, as part of their annual USF data submission to the fund administrator, a schedule showing the methodology for excluding costs associated with the acquired access lines from costs associated with their pre-acquisition study areas. 35. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 5(c), 201, and 202 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151, 154(i), 155(c), 201, and 202, and sections 0.91, 0.291, 1.3, and 61.43 of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.91, 0.291, 1.3, and 61.43, that the Qwest Corporation SHALL ADJUST its price cap indices in its annual price cap filing to reflect cost changes resulting from this transaction, consistent with this Order. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Katherine L. Schroder Chief, Accounting Policy Division # {#section .unnumbered} [^1]: All West Communications, Inc., Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc., Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Hanksville Telecom, Inc., Manti Telephone Company, Skyline Telecom, UBET Telecom, Inc. and USQwest Corporation Joint Petition for Waiver of the Definition of "Study Area" Contained in Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's Rules, Petition for Waiver of Section 61.41(c) and (d), 69.3(e)(11) and 69.605(c) of the Commission's Rules (filed Oct. 6, 2000) (Petition). [^2]: 47 C.F.R. § 36 app. (defining \"study area\"). [^3]: ^,^ [^4]: *See* *MTS and WATS Market Structure, Amendment of Part 67 of the Commission\'s Rules and Establishment of a Joint Board*, CC Docket Nos. 78-72, 80-286, Recommended Decision and Order, 49 Fed. Reg. 48325 (1984); Decision and Order, 50 Fed. Reg. 939 (1985); *see also* *Amendment of Part 36 of the Commission\'s Rules and Establishment of a Joint Board*, CC Docket No. 80-286, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 5 FCC Rcd 5974 (1990). [^5]: 47 C.F.R. § 54.305. [^6]: On November 2, 1999, the Commission released two orders finalizing implementation plans for high-cost reform for non-rural carriers. *Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service*, Ninth Report and Order and Eighteenth Order on Reconsideration, CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 99-306 (rel. Nov. 2, 1999); *Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service*; *Forward-Looking Mechanism for High Cost Support for Non-Rural LECs*, CC Docket Nos. 96-45, 97-160, Tenth Report and Order (rel. Nov. 2, 1999). The new mechanism, which went into effect on January 1, 2000, does not apply to rural carriers. The new mechanism for non-rural carriers directs support to carriers based on the forward-looking economic cost of operating a given exchange. *See* 47 C.F.R. § 54.309. The Commission's forward-looking methodology for calculating high-cost support for non-rural carriers targets support to states where the statewide average forward-looking cost per line exceeds 135 percent of the national average forward-looking cost. *See* *id.* The total amount of support directed to non-rural carriers in a high-cost state equals 76 percent of the amount the statewide average forward-looking cost per line exceeds the national cost benchmark, multiplied by the number of lines served by non-rural carriers in the state. Carriers serving wire centers with an average forward-looking cost per line above the national cost benchmark shall be eligible to receive support. The amount of support provided to a non-rural carrier serving a particular wire center depends on the extent to which per-line forward-looking economic costs in that wire center exceed the national cost benchmark. [^7]: *See Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service*, CC Docket No. 96-45*,* Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 8776, 8942-43 (1997) (*First Report and Order*); as corrected by *Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service*, Errata, CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 97-157 (rel. June 4, 1997), *affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded in part sub nom. Texas Office of Public Utility Counsel v. FCC*, 183 F.3d 393 (5^th^ Cir. 1999). [^8]: *See, e.g.,* *id*. [^9]: *See* 47 C.F.R. § 54.309. [^10]: In the event that support provided to a non-rural carrier in a given state is less under the forward-looking methodology, the carrier is eligible for interim hold-harmless support, which is equal to the amount of support for which the non-rural carrier would have been eligible under the Commission's existing high-cost support mechanism. *See* 47 C.F.R. § 54.311. The Commission recently adopted the recommendations of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service (Joint Board) for phasing down the interim hold-harmless support for non-rural carriers. *See Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service*, CC Docket No. 96-45, Thirteenth Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 00-428 (rel. Dec. 8, 2000). The Commission adopted measures to phase down interim hold-harmless support, excluding LTS, through \$1.00 reductions in average monthly, per-line support beginning January 1, 2001, and every year thereafter until there is no more interim hold-harmless support. *Id.* at para. 1. The Commission also adopted the Joint Board's recommendation not to phase down interim hold-harmless support for eligible exchanges transferred to rural carriers until the Commission reexamines section 54.305 or until rural high-cost reform is complete. *Id.* at para 21. Interim hold-harmless support for exchanges transferred to non-rural carrier will be phased down over the same time period as the seller's support would have been phased down. *Id.* at para. 22. The Commission also sought comment on whether to continue applying section 54.305 to transfers of telephone exchanges between non-rural carriers following phase-down. *Id.* at paras. 23-24. [^11]: Rural carriers receive high-cost loop support when their reported average cost per loop exceeds the nationwide average loop cost. *See* 47 C.F.R. §§ 36.601-36.631. [^12]: Incumbent LECs that are designated eligible telecommunications carriers and serve study areas with 50,000 or fewer access lines receive support for local switching costs. 47 C.F.R. § 54.301. Local switching support enables participants to assign a greater proportion of local switching costs to the interstate jurisdiction. [^13]: Carriers that participate in the NECA common line pool are eligible to receive LTS. *See* 47 C.F.R. § 54.303. LTS supports interstate access rates for carriers that are members of the NECA pool, by reducing the amount of interstate-allocated loop costs that such carriers must recover through carrier common line charges. *See First Report and Order,* 12 FCC Rcd at 9163-9165. [^14]: *See* *Access Charge Reform*, Sixth Report and Order in CC Docket No. 96-262 and 94-1, Report and Order in CC Docket No. 99-249, Eleventh Report and Order in CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 00-103, at para. 225 (rel. May 31, 2000) (*Interstate Access Universal Service Order*). [^15]: *See* 47 C.F.R. § 54.801(a); *see also* *Interstate Access Universal Service Order* at para. 201. [^16]: Section 54.801 of the Commission\'s rules states that, if \"all or a portion of a study area served by a price cap LEC is sold to an entity other than a price cap LEC, and the study area or portion thereof was not offered for sale prior to January 1, 2000, then the support that would otherwise be provided under this subpart, had such study area or portion thereof not been sold, will not be distributed or collected.\" 47 C.F.R. § 54.801(b). We note that the agreement for purchase and sale of the portions of Qwest\'s study area to the Acquiring Companies was entered into in October, 1999. *See Before the Public Service Commission of Utah, In the Matter of the Joint Application of U.S. West Communications, Inc., All West Communications, Inc., Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc., Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Hanksville Telecom, Inc., Manti Telephone Company, Skyline Telecom, and UBET Telecom, Inc. for Approval of Purchase and Sale of the Various Exchanges and Associated Matters*, Docket No. 99-049-65, Stipulation to Approve Purchase and Sale of Various Exchanges, para. 1 (rel. Sept. 6, 2000). Therefore, because the parties entered into an agreement to sell the exchanges prior to January 1, 2000, section 54.801 does not apply. [^17]: Qwest's Coalville exchange will be added to All West's study area; Qwest's East Carbon, Hanksville, Helper and Price exchanges will be added to Emery Telephone's study area; Qwest's Mt. Pleasant exchange will be added to Central Utah's study area; Qwest's Ephraim exchange will be added to Manti's study area; Qwest's Dugway and Wendover exchanges will be added to Skyline's study area; Qwest's Duchesne, Roosevelt and Vernal exchanges will be added to Uintah Basin Telecommunications Association's study area. *See* Petition at Attachment A. [^18]: *See* Comments of the National Telephone Cooperative Association, CC Docket 96-45 (filed Nov. 2, 2000) at 3. [^19]: ^.^ [^20]: *ALL WEST Communications, Inc., Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc. Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Hanksville Telecom, Inc., Manti Telephone Company, Skyline Telecom, UBET Telecom, Inc. and Qwest Corporation Seek a Waiver of the Definition of "Study Area" in Part 36 and Sections 61.41(c), 69.3(e)(11), and 69.605(c) of the Commission's Rules*, Public Notice, DA 00-2349 (rel. Oct. 18, 2000)(*Qwest/Acquiring Companies* *Public Notice*). [^21]: *See* Electronic Filing of Beehive Telephone, Inc., CC Docket No. 96-45 (filed Nov. 2, 2000) (Beehive Comments). Beehive incorrectly styled its filing as a petition for reconsideration. Under the Commission's rules, petitions for reconsideration are entertained after a final decision has been issued by the Commission. *See generally* 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.101, 1.102, 1.103, 1.104 and 1.106. The Commission has not issued a decision regarding the waivers at issue here and, therefore, Beehive's petition for reconsideration is premature. We nevertheless will treat Beehive's filing as comments and will address below Beehive's objections to the waiver requests. [^22]: We note that except for Beehive's petition for reconsideration, which we are treating as comments, all of Beehive's filings were submitted outside the comment cycle established in this proceeding and outside the pleading cycle under section 1.45 of the Commission's rules. *See* *Qwest/Acquiring Companies* *Public Notice* (establishing November 13, 2000, as the deadline for reply comments); 47 C.F.R. § 1.45. In the interest of establishing a complete and comprehensive record on this matter, we believe it is in the public interest to accept these further pleadings and will treat them as ex parte presentations. *See* 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1200(a), 1.1206. *See also*, *In the Matter of Mobile Relay Systems*, Order on Further Reconsideration, FCC File No. D100478, DA 01-113, n. 22 (rel. Jan. 16, 2001). [^23]: 47 C.F.R. § 1.3. [^24]: ^.^ [^25]: *WAIT Radio v. FCC*, 418 F.2d 1153, 1159 (D.C. Cir. 1969), *cert. denied*, 409 U.S. 1027 (1972). [^26]: ^.^ [^27]: *Northeast Cellular Telephone Co. v. FCC*, 897 F.2d 1164, 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990). [^28]: ^.^ [^29]: *WAIT Radio*, 418 F.2d at 1159; *Northeast Cellular*, 897 F.2d at 1166. [^30]: ^?^ *See e.g., U S WEST Communications, Inc., and Eagle Telecommunications, Inc., Petition for Waiver of the Definition of "Study Area" Contained in Part 36, Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's Rules*, AAD 94-27, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 10 FCC Rcd 1871, 1872 (1995). [^31]: ^.^ [^32]: *See* 47 C.F.R. § 54.305. [^33]: *See* 47 C.F.R. § 36.611. [^34]: *See Before the Public Service Commission of Utah,* *In the Matter of the Joint Application of U.S. West Communications, Inc., All West Communications, Inc., Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc., Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Hanksville Telecom, Inc., Manti Telephone Company, Skyline Telecom, and UBET Telecom, Inc. for Approval of Purchase and Sale of the Various Exchanges and Associated Matters*, Docket No. 99-049-65, Report and Order (rel. Sept. 6, 2000) (*Utah Order*). [^35]: ^?^ *See* Petition at 17. [^36]: ^?^ *See id.* (*citing* Utah Order at 8-9)*.* [^37]: ^?^ *See id.* [^38]: ^?^ *See* USTA Comments at 7. Over the next two years, Carbon/Emery plans to spend approximately \$4 million on upgrades; All West plans to spend approximately \$1.4 million on upgrades; Central Utah plans to spend approximately \$2 million on upgrades; Hanksville plans to spend approximately \$1.1 million on upgrades; Manti plans to spend approximately \$800,000 on upgrades; Skyline plans to spend approximately \$2 million on upgrades; and UBET plans to spend approximately \$4.5 million on upgrades. *See* Petition at Attachments B, C, D, E, F, G and H. [^39]: *See* *generally, Utah Order*. [^40]: To the extent Beehive claims that Qwest violated the Commission's competitive bidding rules, we note that the competitive bidding regulations and related cases cited by Beehive stem from a specific and limited congressional mandate directing the Commission to develop a system for allocating *radio spectrum licenses*, not the sale of wireline exchanges. *See* 47 U.S.C. § 309(j). [^41]: *See In re Applications of Lee Optical and Associated Companies Retirement and Pension Fund Trust*, 2 FCC Rcd 5480, para. 7 (1987) ("the Commission has historically declined to involve itself in jus privatum disputes, leaving the resolution of such claims to local court (or other appropriate forums)"); *Allgreg Cellular Engineering*, 75 RR 2d 957, 970 (Rev. Bd. 1994); *Listeners' Guild, Inc. v. FCC*, 813 F.2d 465, 469 (D.C. Cir. 1987). [^42]: *See* Letter from Arthur Brothers, President, Beehive Telephone Co., Inc. to the Federal Communications Commission, dated Jan. 5, 2002\[sic\], at 1; All West Communications, Inc., Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc., Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Hanksville Telecom, Inc., Manti Telephone Company, Skyline Telecom, UBET Telecom, Inc. and USQwest Corporation Joint Petition for Waiver of the Definition of "Study Area" Contained in Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's Rules, Petition for Waiver of Section 61.41(c) and (d), 69.3(e)(11) and 69.605(c) of the Commission's Rules, *Joint Motion to Strike Petition or, Alternatively, Accept Response* (filed Jan. 22, 2001) (*Joint Motion to Strike*); *Opposition to Joint Motion to Strike*; All West Communications, Inc., Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc., Central Utah Telephone, Inc., Hanksville Telecom, Inc., Manti Telephone Company, Skyline Telecom, UBET Telecom, Inc. and USQwest Corporation Joint Petition for Waiver of the Definition of "Study Area" Contained in Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's Rules, Petition for Waiver of Section 61.41(c) and (d), 69.3(e)(11) and 69.605(c) of the Commission's Rules, *Supplemental Reply to Opposition to Joint Motion to Strike and Reply Response* (filed Feb. 16, 2001) (*Supplemental Reply*). [^43]: Qwest and the Acquiring Companies have noted that the Utah Commission has already rendered moot many of the issues raised by Beehive concerning the Lynch proceeding. *See Supplemental Reply* and Attachment. [^44]: 47 C.F.R. § 61.41(c)(2). *See Policy and Rules Concerning rates for Dominant Carriers*, CC Docket No. 87-313, Second Report and Order, 5 FCC Rcd 6786 (*Price Cap Order*), Erratum, 5 FCC Rcd 7664 (Com. Car. Bur. 1990) (*LEC Price Cap Order*), *modified on recon*., Order on Reconsideration, 6 FCC Rcd 2637 (1991) (*LEC Price Cap Reconsideration Order*), *aff'd sub nom.* *National Rural Telecom Ass'n v. FCC*, 988 F.2d 174 (D.C. Cir. 1993), *petitions for further recon. dismissed*, 6 FCC Rcd 7482 (1991), *further modification on recon.*, *Amendments of Part 69 of the Commission's Rules Relating to the Creation of Access Charge Supplements for Open Network Architecture, Policy and Rules Concerning Rates for Dominant Carriers*, Report and Order and Order on Further Reconsideration and Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 6 FCC Rcd 4524 (1991), further recon., Memorandum Opinion and Order of Second Further Reconsideration, 7 FCC Rcd. 5235 (1992). [^45]: 47 C.F.R. § 61.41(c)(3). [^46]: 47 C.F.R. § 61.41(d). [^47]: *See LEC Price Cap Reconsideration Order*, 6 FCC Rcd at 2706. [^48]: *Id.* [^49]: *Id.* at 2706 n. 207. [^50]: *See* *Price Cap Performance Review for Local Exchange Carriers*, CC Docket No. 94-1, First Report and Order, 10 FCC Rcd 8961, 9104-06 (1995) (*LEC Price Cap Review Order*). The Price Cap Indices, which are the upper bounds for rates that comply with price cap regulation, are calculated pursuant to a formula specified in the Commission\'s rules for price cap carriers. *See* 47 C.F.R. § 61.45. [^51]: *See* *LEC Price Cap Review Order*, 10 FCC Rcd at 9105-9106. [^52]: *See, e.g.,* *Rye Telephone Company, Inc. and U S WEST Communications, Inc., Joint Petition for Waiver of Definition of "Study Area" Contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's Rules and Petition for Waiver of Section 61.41(c)(2) of the Commission's Rules*, CC Docket No. 96-45, Order, DA 00-1585, at para. 17 (Acc. Pol. Div. rel. Jul. 18, 2000); *ALLTEL Corp. Petition for Waiver of Section 61.41 of the Commission's Rules and Application for Transfer of Control*, CCB/CPD No. 99-1, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Rcd. 14191, 14202 (1999) (*ALLTEL/Aliant Merger Order)*. [^53]: *See* Petition at 2. *See id.* [^54]: *See* Petition at 3-10. [^55]: We note that the Acquiring Companies have also requested a waiver of Section 61.41(d) which provides that LECs that become subject to price cap regulation are not permitted to withdraw from such regulation. 47 C.F.R. §§ 61.41(d). Because the Acquiring Companies are not currently subject to price cap regulation, a waiver of this rule is unnecessary at this time. [^56]: ^?^ *See Policy and Rules Concerning Rates for Dominant Carriers*, CC Docket No. 87-313, Second Report and Order, 5 FCC Rcd 6786, 6821 (1990), Erratum, 5 FCC Rcd 7664 (Com. Car. Bur. 1990) (*LEC Price Cap Order*), *modified on recon*., Order on Reconsideration, 6 FCC Rcd 2637 (1991) (*LEC Price Cap Reconsideration Order*), *aff'd sub nom. National Rural Telecom Ass'n v. FCC*, 988 F.2d 174 (D.C. Cir. 1993), *petitions for further recon. dismissed*, 6 FCC Rcd 7482 (1991), *further modification on recon.*, *Amendments of Part 69 of the Commission's Rules Relating to the Creation of Access Charge Supplements for Open Network Architecture*, *Policy and Rules Concerning Rates for Dominant Carriers*, Report and Order on Further Reconsideration and Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 6 FCC Rcd 4524 (1991), *further recon*., Memorandum Opinion and Order on Second Further Reconsideration, 7 FCC Rcd 5235 (1992). [^57]: Although Skyline and Manti seek a waiver of section 61.41(c), we find that it is unnecessary to grant a waiver of 61.41(c) in this instance. Section 61.41(c)(3) states, "\[n\]otwithstanding the provisions of § 61.41(c)(2) above, when a telephone company subject to price cap regulation acquires, is acquired by, merges with, or otherwise becomes affiliated with a telephone company that qualifies as an 'average schedule' company, the latter company may retain its 'average schedule' status or become subject to price cap regulation . . ." 47 C.F.R. § 61.41(c)(2). Under this rule, we have held that a company that acquires exchanges from a price cap company is permitted to retain its average schedule status and avoid any price cap regulation. *See, e.g.,* *In the Matter of Petition for Waivers filed by East Plains Telecom, Inc., Fort Randall Telephone Company, U.S. West Communications, Inc., and Vivian Telephone Company*, 12 FCC Rcd 24422, (Acc. Aud. Div. 1997); *In the Matter of Petitions for Waivers filed by Farmers Mutual Telephone Company Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Ass'n, Inc. and U.S. West Communications, Inc.*, 11 FCC Rcd 9380, para. 17 (Acc. Aud. Div. 1996). Because Skyline and Manti are currently average schedule companies, and wish to retain their average schedule status, they are not required to become subject to price cap regulation after acquiring exchanges from Qwest and therefore do not need to seek a waiver of section 61.41(c). [^58]: *See supra* discussion at para. 9. [^59]: ^?^ *See, e.g*., *ALLTEL/Aliant Merger Order*, 14 FCC Rcd at 14204-05. [^60]: ^?^ *See*, *e.g*., *id.* at 14204; *In the Matter of Minburn Telecommunications, Inc., Petition for Waiver of Sections 61.41(c) and (d) of the Commission's Rules*, CCB/CPD No. 99-16, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Rcd 14184, 14187 (Com. Car. Bur. 1999). [^61]: ^?^ *See Price Cap Order*, 5 FCC Rcd at 6799-6801, 6818-19. [^62]: ^?^ *Id.* [^63]: ^?^ *See* Petition at 2. [^64]: *See* USTA Comments at 2-5. These acquisitions will have little impact on the exchanges of the Acquiring Companies at the state and national level. For example, All West's access lines represent only .35% of Utah's access lines and .0022% of the nation's access lines; Carbon Emery's access lines represent only .45% of Utah's access lines and .0029% of the nation's access lines; Central Utah's access lines represent only .13% of Utah's access lines and .0008% of the nation's access lines; Manti's access lines represent only .13% of Utah's access lines and .0008% of the nation's access lines; Skyline's access lines represent only .13% of Utah's access lines and .00082% of the nation's access lines; and Uintah Basin Telecommunication Association's (UBET's parent) access lines represent only .0027% of Utah's access lines and .0017% of the nation's access lines. *See* Petition at 4-7. [^65]: *See*, *e.g.*, *CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC et al., Joint Petition for Waiver of Definition of \"Study Area\" Contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission\'s Rules, Petition for Waiver of Sections 61.41(c) and 69.3(g)(2) of the Commission\'s Rules*, CC Docket No. 96-45, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 00-1434 (Acc. Pol. Div. rel. June 27, 2000) (approving the conversion of 214,270 access lines from price cap to rate-of-return regulation); *ALLTEL/Aliant Merger Order* (approving the conversion of approximately 300,000 access lines from price cap to rate-of- return regulation); *In the Matter of ALLTEL Service Corporation, Petition for Waiver of Section 61.41 of the Commission\'s Rules*, Order, 8 FCC Rcd 7054 (Com. Car. Bur. 1993) (approving the conversion of approximately 285,000 access lines from price cap to rate-of-return regulation). [^66]: *See* LEC Price Cap Order at para. 6 (limiting mandatory price cap participation to the eight largest LECs at that time -- the seven Bell Operating Companies and General Telephone and Telegraph Company). [^67]: *See* Petition at 9. [^68]: ^?^ *See* 47 C.F.R. § 61.45(d). [^69]: *See* 47 C.F.R. §§ 69.601-69.612. [^70]: ^?^ *See* 47 C.F.R. § 69.606(a). [^71]: ^?^ 47 C.F.R. § 69.605(c). [^72]: ^?^ *See MTS and WATS Market Structure: Average Schedule Companies*, CC Docket No. 78-72, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 3 FCC Rcd 6642 (1986) (MTS and WATS Order). The Bureau also has observed that cost company conversion to average schedule status may result in higher than reasonable interstate revenue requirements. *See* NECA\'s Proposed Waiver of Section 69.605(c) of the Commission\'s Rules, CC Docket No. 78-72, *Memorandum Opinion and Order*, 2 FCC Rcd 3960 (Com. Car. Bur. 1987) (*5,000 Line Waiver Order*). [^73]: ^?^ *See* BPS Telephone Co. Petition for Waiver of Section 69.605(c) of the Commission\'s Rules, AAD No. 95-67, *Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration*, 12 FCC Rcd 13820, 13824 (Acc. Aud. Div. 1997) (*BPS*). [^74]: ^?^ *See* *5,000 Line Waiver Order* where the Commission granted carriers with 5,000 or fewer access lines an opportunity to elect to be compensated under the interstate average schedules. The opportunity to make such an election expired on August 1, 1987, and the election was effective January 1, 1988. [^75]: ^?^ *BPS*, 12 FCC Rcd at 13824. *See, e.g.*, *Dumont Telephone Company, Inc. and Universal Communications, Inc., Request for Extraordinary Relief*, AAD 96-94, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 17821 (Acc. Saf. Div. 1998) (waiver granted to Dumont Telephone Company, Inc. and Universal Communications, Inc., which had approximately 1,544 access lines); Wilderness Valley Telephone Company, Inc., Petition for Waiver of Sections 69.605(c) and 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's Rules, AAD 96-99, Order, 13 FCC Rcd 4511 (Acc. Aud. Div. 1998) (waiver granted to Wilderness Valley Telephone Company, Inc., which had approximately 75 access lines); *Petitions for Waiver Filed by Accent Communications, et al.*, AAD No. 95-124, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 11 FCC Rcd 11513 (Acc. Aud. Div. 1996) (waiver granted to Mobridge Telecommunications Company, which had approximately 2,400 access lines); *National Utilities, Inc. and Bettles Telephone Co., Inc. Petition for Waiver of Section 69.605(c) of the Commission\'s Rules*, Report and Order, 8 FCC Rcd 8723 (Comm. Car. Bur. 1993) (waiver granted for National Utilities, which had 2,350 access lines, and Bettles, which had 50 access lines); *Newcastle Telephone Co. Petition for Waiver of Section 69.605(c)*, AAD No. 90-18, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 7 FCC Rcd 2081 (Com. Car. Bur. 1992) (waiver granted for small company with 1550 access lines, two exchanges); *Papago Tribal Utility Authority Petition for Waiver of Section 69.605(c) of the Commission\'s Rules*, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 2 FCC Rcd 6631 (Com. Car. Bur. 1987) (waiver granted to small company serving fewer than 400 lines in a 700 square mile area and lacking operational expertise). [^76]: ^?^ *BPS*, 12 FCC Rcd at 13825. *See, e.g.,* Petition for Waivers Filed by Baltic Telecom Cooperative, Inc. *et al.*, AAD No. 96-95, *Memorandum Opinion and Order*, 12 FCC Rcd 2433 (Acc. Aud. Div. 1997); Petitions for Waiver Filed by Accent Communications, *et al.*, AAD No. 95-124, *Memorandum Opinion and Order*, 11 FCC Rcd 11513 (Acc. Aud. Div. 1996). In these situations, we have attached three conditions to minimize the impact of the conversion and reduce the incentive to manipulate Commission rules. Waiver recipients must (1) report to NECA on a combined basis for interstate average schedule and USF purposes, and receive distributions on that basis as a consolidated company; (2) convert to cost‑based settlement status if an average schedule affiliate in that study area converts to cost‑based settlements, or elects section 61.39 treatment; and (3) maintain common control over average schedule affiliates, so that average schedule status terminates when any of the affiliates are sold, transferred, or otherwise assigned. *See BPS*, 12 FCC Rcd at 13825. We have always intended for these conditions to ensure that the waivers will not result in unintended effects on the petitioners\' interstate revenue requirements or result in an administrative burden on the Commission or NECA. *Id.* [^77]: ^?^ *See* Petition at 10. [^78]: ^?^ *See* Petition at 11. Skyline is adding 1,407 access lines to its existing 1,609 access lines. Manti is adding 1,887 access lines to its existing 1,605 access lines. *See id.* at Attachment A*.* [^79]: ^?^ *Id.* at 12-13. [^80]: ^?^ *See* *MTS and WATS Order*, 3 FCC Rcd at 6642. [^81]: *See supra* note 72. [^82]: *See supra* note 69. [^83]: ^?^ 47 C.F.R. § 69.3(e)(11). We note that section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules is also applicable to changes in Transitional Support resulting from a merger of acquisition. In accordance with section 69.612 of the Commission's rules, Transitional Support expired on June 30, 1994. *See* 47 C.F.R. § 69.612(b). [^84]: ^?^ *See Amendment of Part 69 of the Commission's Rules Relating to the Common Line Pool Status of Local Exchange Carriers Involved in Mergers or Acquisitions*, CC Docket No. 89-2, Report and Order, 5 FCC Rcd 231, 248 (1989) (Common Line Pool Order). [^85]: ^?^ *See* 47 C.F.R. § 69.3(a). [^86]: ^?^ *See* Petition at 13-14*.* [^87]: ^?^ *See* Petition at 14. Petitioners note that the 35,600 access lines in the transaction would represent an increase of only .34% of the approximate 10.5 million access lines with in the NECA common line pools reported by NECA in its 1999 Access Charge Filing. *See* Petition at 14 n. 25. [^88]: *See* Letter from R. A. Askoff, National Exchange Carrier Association to Jerry D. Fenn, Attorney for the Acquiring Companies, dated February 2, 2001.
. CANNELTON INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED Docket No. WEVA 2000-113 August 23, 2002 FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION 1730 K STREET, N.W., Room 6003 WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006-3867 Telephone No.: 202-653-5454 Telecopier No.: 202-653-5030 August 23, 2002 SECRETARY OF LABOR, : CIVIL PENALTY PROCEEDING MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH : ADMINISTRATION (MSHA), : Docket No. WEVA 2000-113 Petitioner : A. C. No. 46-03317-03655 v. : : Mine: Lady Dunn Preparation Plant CANNELTON INDUSTRIES, : INCORPORATED, : Respondent : DECISION Appearances: Robert S. Wilson, Esq., U. S. Department of Labor, Office of the Solicitor, Arlington, Virginia, for the Secretary; David J. Hardy, Esq., Heenan, Althen & Roles, Charleston, West Virginia, for the Respondent. Before: Judge Barbour This civil penalty proceeding is brought by the Secretary of Labor (Secretary) on behalf of her Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) pursuant to sections 105 and 110 of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. 815, 820). The Secretary is seeking the assessment of civil penalties against Cannelton Industries, Incorporated (Cannelton) for three alleged violations of mandatory training and safety standards. The case arises out of MSHA's investigation of a fatal accident that occurred at Cannelton's Lady Dunn Mine, a facility that includes the Dunn Coal and Dock Strip Mine, the Dunn Hollow Haulroad and the Lady Dunn Preparation Plant, on June 28, 1999. The accident took the life of Roy Whitt, an employee of Cannelton's contractor, Wiggles Trucking Company (Wiggles). Cannelton denied the violations occurred, and the parties engaged in extensive pretrial discovery. The case was tried in two sessions in Charleston, West Virginia. During the first session, the testimony of nonexpert witnesses was heard. During the second session, the expert witnesses testified. STIPULATIONS At the commencement of the first session the parties agreed to the following 16 stipulations: 1. Cannelton . . . is the operator of the [Lady Dunn Mine;] 2. Operations of the [mine] are subject to the jurisdiction of the [Mine Act;] 3. [The] case is under the jurisdiction of the . . . Commission and its designated Administrative Law Judge pursuant to . . . the Mine Act [;] 4. William Uhl was acting in his official capacity as an authorized representative of the Secretary . . . [i.e., as a federal mine inspector] when [the] citation[s] . . . were issued[;] 5. True copies of [the] citation[s] . . . were served on . . . [Cannelton] or its agent as required by the Mine Act[;] 6. The total proposed penalty . . . will not affect . . . [Cannelton's] ability to continue in business[;] 7. [Gov. Exh. 1] is an authentic copy of [C]itation No. 7157394 . . . and may be admitted into evidence for the purpose of establishing its issuance[;] 8. [Gov. Exh. 2] is an authentic copy of [C]itation No. 7157395 . . . and may be admitted into evidence for the purpose of establishing its issuance[;] 9. [Gov. Exh. 3] is an authentic copy of [C]itation [N]o. 7187482 . . . and may be admitted into evidence for the purpose of establishing its issuance[;] 10. Assuming that the violations . . . are affirmed . . . [they] were abated in good faith[;] 11. The Proposed Assessment . . . [Gov. Exhibit 5], accurately sets forth[:] a. [T]he size of Cannelton . . . in production tons or hours worked per year[;] b. [T]he size, in production tons or hours worked per year, of . . . [the mine] in which the citations . . . were . . . issued[;] c. [T]he total number of assessed violations for the period of July 1998 through May 2000, and[;] d. [T]he total number of inspection days for that same period[;] 12. [Gov. Exh.6], the . . . printout of prior violations, may be admitted into evidence and may be used for determining the assessment of a penalty if the citations at issue are affirmed[;] 13. Coal was hauled from the Dunn Coal [and] Dock Strip [M]ine to the preparation plant via the Dunn Hollow haulroad on June 28, 1999[;] 14. On June 28, 1999, the Dunn Coal [and] Dock Strip [M]ine, the Dunn Hollow [H]aulroad and the Lady Dunn [P]reparation [P]lant were all on property leased or owned by Cannelton . . .[;] 15. On June 28, 1999, at approximately 6:00 p.m., while driving a loaded haulage truck on the Dunn Hollow [H]aulroad, going from the Dunn Coal [and] Dock Strip [M]ine to the Lady Dunn [P]reparation [P]lant, Roy E. Whitt was involved in a haulage accident and received fatal injuries [;] 16. The decline grade of the Dunn Hollow [H]aulroad in the vicinity of the accident ranged from 10.6 to 17.4 percent[;] [Gov. Exh. 8] . . . is an accurate depiction of the grade of the haulroad in the vicinity of where the accident occurred and may be admitted into evidence. (Tr. 14; see also Joint Exh. 1). THE FACTS The mine is a surface complex where bituminous coal is extracted, hauled and processed. As the stipulations indicate, the mine includes the Dunn Coal and Dock Strip Mine (the pit), where the coal is mined and stockpiled, and the Lady Dunn Preparation Plant, a coal preparation and tipple facility. The pit and the processing area are connected by the Dunn Hollow [H]aulroad (the road). The pit's elevation is considerably higher than that of the processing area. As a result the connection road has several areas of steep decline. If the company's speed limits are observed, it takes approximately 15 minutes to drive from the pit to the processing area. Due to the elevation difference the route is somewhat circuitous. The road leaves the pit and, after its initial descent, reconnects with a public road before resuming its course on mine property and descending to the processing area. Primarily, the road is used by coal haulage trucks. However, the road also is used by other mine vehicles, and the short public part of the road is open to general traffic (Tr. 119, 688). Jack Hatfield, the safety manager of Cannelton since 1977, explained that the mine began operating in late 1992 or early 1993 (Tr. 569). After it opened, the road was used intermittently. As 1999 began, the road which had been out of service was upgraded and reopened (Tr. 573). Cannelton then contracted with Bridgeport Trucking Company (Bridgeport) to haul coal from the pit to the processing area (Tr. 575-576). However, on June 13, 1999, Bridgeport informed Cannelton it no longer would haul (Tr. 578, 676). Because Cannelton could not get its coal to the processing area without trucks, Cannelton immediately sought to replace Bridgeport with another firm (Tr. 676). On June 18, Cannelton selected Big G Trucking Company as its new contractor. After the company decided on Big G, Hatfield told George Arthur, Big G's president, that all of Big G's drivers, mechanics, and bosses should come to the mine for training. A training class was scheduled to be held on Saturday, June 19. Hatfield maintained that he assembled the men and began a hazard training session in which he reviewed hazards associated with the road and the processing area (Tr. 584). Hatfield discussed escape ramps with the drivers (Tr. 586) and explained that they should rely on their citizens' band (CB) radios to report trouble and request assistance (Tr. 588-589). Also, Hatfield emphasized the drivers should wear seat belts and should not pass on the road (Id.). In the meantime, George Arthur's relative, William Arthur, heard about the job at the mine. William Arthur owned Wiggles Trucking Company, a coal haulage firm that owned 11 trucks and employed approximately 30 persons.[1] William Arthur wanted the work for his company. After discussing the matter, Wiggles subcontracted the work from Big G (Tr. 30-32). Thus, it was Wiggles' drivers who actually hauled for Cannelton. After Hatfield's training session ended, William Arthur, who was at the mine, introduced himself to Hatfield. As the owner of Wiggles, William Arthur was in charge of all work done by his employees. As he put it, he was responsible for "run[ning] the jobs" (Tr. 29). After the two men met, Hatfield got in William Arthur's pickup truck and guided Arthur up the road to the pit. Along the way, Hatfield spoke to Arthur about various aspects of the road, including the escape ramps and the berms. Hatfield noted that there was a flat area near the top of the hill where the drivers could pull over. He told Arthur to instruct the drivers that when they left the pit and began to descend toward the tipple, they could stop in that area, gear down and then proceed down the hill (Tr. 682). When the tour of the road was finished, Hatfield felt that Arthur "could lead the trucks . . . and . . . talk to [the] drivers" (Tr. 590-591). Hatfield believed Arthur would tell the drivers which gears to use when they came down the hill (Tr. 591). Arthur agreed that Hatfield gave a good overview of the road. "He showed me the whole road . . . all the escape ramps and everything" (Tr. 191). Hatfield testified he told Arthur that if Arthur was going to bring in drivers other than those Hatfield already had met, Arthur should "make sure they have all their training, they have been hazard trained, [and] . . . they're legal" (Tr. 598). Hatfield felt certain Arthur understood Cannelton did not want untrained persons on its property and that Cannelton was concerned about safety (Tr. 656). For his part, Arthur was not clear what Cannelton officials asked about Wiggles' safety program. At first, he seemed to agree that representatives of Cannelton asked whether his company had a safety training program (Tr. 216), but a short time later he stated he did not recall whether or not anyone asked (Tr. 218). Arthur was sure, however, that the representatives of Cannelton made it clear that Wiggles' drivers had to be trained as MSHA required (Tr. 218). Hatfield also testified he told Arthur that Cannelton needed copies of Form 5000-23 for the drivers to show they had been trained.[2] According to Hatfield, Arthur responded that a person named Greg Holestin conducted training for Wiggles, that Arthur would contact Holestin, and that Holestin would provided the documents. Hatfield felt comfortable that Wiggles' drivers had the required training (Tr. 593). After Hatfield's and Arthur's conversation ended, Wiggles' drivers went up the hill to the pit. Hatfield believed Arthur would lead the drivers down the road to the processing area and the tipple. Hatfield did not accompany the drivers because he "felt confident [Arthur] had seen the road, and escape ramps, and . . . [would] convoy . . . [the drivers] . . . and show them these things" (Tr. 681). The next day, June 20, the mine did not operate. The drivers returned to the mine for work on Monday, June 21, and they worked the rest of the work week. Hatfield stated that during this week he was not aware of any safety issues at the mine involving the drivers (Tr. 596). Arthur agreed that things went well. However, because of a large amount of coal in the pit, Hattfield kept asking Arthur for more drivers, and Arthur testified he felt pressure to provide them (Tr. 34, 194-195).[3] A short time later Wiggles hired two laid-off former employees, one was Whitt and the other was David Fields (Tr. 34-35). Arthur had known Whitt for 20 years (Tr. 36). Whitt was then working in the Cleveland, Ohio area (Id.). Holestin called Whitt on June 24 or June 25, and left a message for Whitt to return to West Virginia, if he wanted to work at the mine (Tr. 196). Whitt agreed to report for work on Monday, June 28 (Tr. 83-84, 197). Fields also agreed to come to work that Monday. Holestin testified that he let Cannelton officials know Whitt and Fields would be reporting for work by writing their names on a piece of paper and leaving the paper on a desk at Cannelton's mine office (Tr. 75). Holestin stated he did not sign the paper (Tr. 87).[4] Whitt and Fields reported for work around 5:00 p.m. on June 28 (Tr. 198). The men stopped where Wiggles' trucks were parked. Arthur estimated that he spent approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour "training" both men (Tr. 38, 163).[5] He explained that the training was the same he had "done for 15, 16 years or 20 years" (Tr. 164-165). It involved him and the men preshift examining the trucks by checking their brakes, lights, horns, and other components (Tr. 165). Arthur had great confidence in the men's driving abilities, and he noted that neither asked any questions regarding the trucks (Tr. 165-166, Tr. 170). After he was finished with the "training," Arthur filled out Whitt's and Fields' task training papers. Arthur completed the forms even though he was not certified by MSHA to provide training (Tr. 38-39, 158). He stated he did not know he was required to be certified, that he had provided training "for 23 years," and that prior to the accident "[e]very inspector in West Virginia ha[d] looked at it and it was fine" (Tr. 38).[6] After the papers were signed, Whitt and Fields got in their trucks and headed for the pit. Arthur told them when they reached the pit, they should not try to take their trucks down the road on their own. Rather, the first time they descended the road, they should follow another driver, Ronald Hunt (Tr. 41). Arthur viewed Hunt as an "excellent truck driver" (Tr. 38), "one of the best . . . on the job" (Tr. 167). Hunt was "head strong when it [came] to safety" (Id.). Whitt and Fields did as they were told. When they reached the pit, their trucks were loaded, and they formed a "convoy" with other trucks. Hunt lead the way down the hill followed by Fields, Whitt, a driver named John Harless, and another Wiggles driver (Tr. 126-127). Fields understood that Hunt would explain the "lay of the land" to him and Whitt (Tr. 127). As the trucks proceeded down the hill, Hunt spoke to the drivers over their CBs (Tr. 108, 127-128 ). Fields remembered Hunt telling them to stay in first gear. According to Fields, Hunt talked to the men all of the way down the hill (Tr. 130). Once the trip was completed, Fields believed he was introduced to the haulage road and that he understood what was required to drive it (Tr. 112). In the meantime, another driver, Randy Halstead, had stayed from the previous shift to work during the evening shift. Halstead was assigned to use Wiggles' Truck No. 425. Halstead checked the truck's brakes and tires, and found nothing wrong (Tr. 375). He was not surprised the brakes exhibited no problems because approximately 2 1/2 months previously new brake shoes had been installed on the truck (Tr. 365-366). Halstead proceeded to the pit in Truck No. 425 where the truck was loaded. Truck No. 425 was equipped with a "Jake brake," a devise for slowing the engine and hence the truck. It also was equipped with a retarder.[7] Prior to starting down the hill, Ron Hunt told Halstead that he only should use the Jake brake and that he should stay in first gear (Tr. 377, 378). As he began his descent, Halstead put the truck into first gear and applied the Jake brake. He had no trouble getting down the hill. In addition, when he applied the truck's service brakes at the bottom of the hill, they worked as they should (Tr. 379-380). After Halstead reached the bottom and dumped his coal at the tipple, he heard someone on the CB tell Whitt that something was hanging underneath Whitt's truck. Halstead pulled up beside Whitt, got out of Truck No. 425, and looked under Whitt's truck. A brace for a fuel line had come loose and was hanging below the truck. Halstead told Whitt to use Truck No. 425, that he, Halstead, would take Whitt's truck and have it repaired (Tr. 356-357). Whitt agreed to switch trucks with Halstead. Halstead explained to Whitt that Truck No. 425 had a larger engine than the truck Whitt had been driving. Whitt responded that he could "handle it" (Tr. 357). As the men drove up the hill and before Halstead went to the repair area, Halstead remained in touch with Whitt over the CB. Whitt reported no problems with Truck No. 425 (Tr. 381). Near the top of the hill, Halstead turned off to go to the repair area, and Whitt continued to the pit. A short time later, Whitt asked over the CB how to work the retarder. Halstead was not surprised. He believed a driver would not necessarily know how to use a retarder, especially if he or she never had driven a truck equipped with one (Tr. 371). Halstead thought it was dangerous for such a driver to use the retarder. If the driver tried to shift and go out of gear, he or she could stall the engine. The result would be "just like putting . . . [the] truck in neutral" (Tr. 363). Once the engine stalled, the driver instinctively would apply the service brakes, but the truck would be traveling at such a speed it would require repeated application of the brakes to even begin to slow it, which in turn would make the brake drums hot and the brakes quickly would loose their effectiveness (Tr. 367). Therefore, Halstead told Whitt "you don't need the retarder . . . use your Jake brake . . . and first gear . . . until you get to the bottom of the mountain" (Id.). Whitt again replied he could "handle" the truck, and Halstead had the impression that Whitt was comfortable driving it (Tr. 372).[8] When Whitt reached the pit, Cannelton miner Tommy Campbell was loading trucks with a front-end loader (Tr. 401- 402). Whitt pulled his truck into the wrong place, and Campbell called him on the CB and asked him to move the truck closer to the front-end loader, which Whitt did (Tr. 404-405). Campbell testified that Cannelton officials had told him and other loader operators that new drivers would be coming and had asked them to "make sure . . . [the new drivers] were . . . task trained before . . . [the operators] loaded them" (Tr. 406). As a result, Campbell believed when a new driver arrived in the pit, the front-end loader operators always asked if the driver was task trained (Id.).[9] Because Whitt was a new driver, Campbell maintained that he loaded Whitt's truck "lighter" than he loaded the other trucks (Tr. 407). Campbell was certain he had been told to "to do that" by the mine superintendent (Tr. 407). Because the coal was not piled above the truck's side rails, Campbell estimated Whitt's load was about 75 percent that of an experienced driver (Tr. 408). After Field's truck was loaded, the men were ready to make their second trip down the hill to the tipple. Fields proceeded Whitt. Because he was ahead of Whitt, Fields did not see what happened next (Tr. 107). However, John Harless did. Harless had been working at the mine for about a week. On June 28, he too was hauling coal from the pit to the tipple on the evening shift. When Whitt and Fields left the pit, Harless also started for the tipple. Harless reach a spot where he had a good view of the road. Harless described what happened: [I] slowed down and looked . . . I saw a truck break away, and I saw it flip over . . . coal dust went up . . . 30, 40 feet in the air.[[10]] I started . . . hollering at Roy [over the CB]. [There was] no response. And I thought Roy was still in the truck because Roy always wore a seat belt . . . I hollered back up to the strip. I said you need to get 911 up here there's been an accident (Tr. 233; see also Tr. 240)). Harless drove to a level spot and parked. He got out and began running down the road toward Whitt's truck. He rounded a curve and saw Whitt laying in the middle of the road. The truck had traveled on for a considerable distance before running off the road and overturning. Harless took off his shirt and covered Whitt. He told Whitt that everything was going to be all right. Whitt did not respond. Another miner arrived and checked Whitt's pulse. The other miner told Harless to return to his truck and there was nothing Harless could do. Whitt was dead (Tr. 234-235). MSHA was notified of the accident, and later that evening, Inspector Uhl arrived at the mine. He made sure that an order was issued under section 103(k) of the Act (30 U.S.C. 813(k)) to "freeze" the accident site until MSHA's investigation was completed. He traveled the haulroad to familiarize himself with the road, and he requested that representatives of MSHA's technical support unit come to the mine and inspect the overturned truck. Uhl also arranged for MSHA to interview those who had information about the accident, and he requested the truck's maintenance records and the road's shift examination reports (Tr. 423). Finally, he asked to see the training records of Wiggles' and Cannelton's employees (Tr. 424). In addition to Uhl, MSHA sent to the mine supervisory investigator Dennis Ferlich, who holds a BS degree in mechanical engineering from Penn State University (Tr. 834-835). Ferlich arrived on June 30, and spent the next 3 days inspecting the truck (Tr. 748).[11] He took photographs and kept notes of his findings (Tr. 749). Although, Ferlich found the steering, the transmission, the gears, the electronic system, the pneumatic system, and the structure of the truck to be sound, he believed there were defects in the trucks' service braking system (Tr. 778-779, 843, 867-868). He explained there were six service brakes on the truck. Two wheels on the truck's front steering axle each had brakes, and four wheels on the truck's back axles each had brakes. The brakes were applied through hydraulic air pressure which was activated when the driver pushed the brake pedal. The brakes worked as follows: When the driver stepped on the brake pedal, the air pushed forward the pushrods, which contacted the slack adjusters, which pushed the S-cams, which pushed against the rollers, which pushed the brake shoes outward and into the inside of the brake drums. Since this happened virtually simultaneously on the six wheels, the contact between the brake shoes and the brake drums caused the wheels to slow and, if need be, to stop (Tr. 755, 766-767, 768; see Gov. Exh. 20-7). In Ferlich's view, the nature of the contact between the pushrods and the slack adjusters was critical to the effective functioning of the brakes. The distance the pushrods moved (the pushrod stroke) determined whether the slack adjusters adequately caused the S-cams to move sufficiently to cause the rollers to propel the brake shoes out against the brake drums. Ferlich stated that the goal was to keep the pushrod strokes to a minimum so that a S-cams "didn't have to turn too far to push the [brake] shoes . . . against the drum[s]" (Tr. 770). The strokes should extend no more than 2 inches (Id.). Ideally, each stroke should be "in the neighborhood of an inch and a half" (Tr. 771). Ferlich found the pushrod stroke on the right middle brake to be 2 1/4 inches, which, in Ferlich's view "reduced the braking force on that brake" (Tr. 781). In addition, two of the three other rear brakes were at or near their limit. The left-rear brake had a stroke of 2 inches and the right rear brake had a stroke of 1 15/16 inches. (The stroke on left middle brake was 1 9/16 inches (Tr. 781; see also Tr. 843-844).) Ferlich also testified there were limits to allowable wear on the brake drums. He measured the wear and found that "all of the brake drums were over the maximum allowable wear limits" (Tr. 783). The drums were "severely worn . . . beyond what the manufacture[r] allow[ed]" (Id.). In his view, the wear was so great the drums should have been "throw[n] . . . out" (Tr. 799). Each drum had a "ridge build up on the edges" and the ridge showed that excessive use had worn the drums down (Tr. 783). In addition, each drum was discolored by scorching, which indicated to Ferlich that the drums had been subjected to temperatures "anywhere above 6 to 8 hundred degrees Fahrenheit" (Tr. 783). Finally, a piece measuring approximately 2 1/4 inches had broken off the edge the right middle brake drum (Tr. 782; see Gov. Exh. 20-10). Upon the completion of his on-site inspection of the truck, Ferlich returned to his office where he prepared a report summarizing his findings (Id.). Then, after consulting with Ferlich, Uhl issued the subject citations to Cannelton. THE ALLEGED VIOLATIONS Citation No. Date 30 C.F.R. 7157394 9/21/99 48.26 Citation 7157394, which alleges a significant and substantial violation of section 48.26, states: Based upon testimony and records obtained during this accident investigation, adequate experienced miner training was not provided to Roy Whitt, driver and victim of the . . . haulage accident which occurred June 28, 1999. The training he received did not provide adequate information and instruction about the recognition and avoidance of hazards he would encounter at the mine, more specifically on the haul road where he was assigned to drive. This inadequate training was determined to be a factor contributing to the accident which resulted in fatal injuries to the driver (Gov. Exh. 1). At the time the alleged violation occurred (June 28, 1999), section 48.26(a) required newly employed experienced miners to complete a training course as "prescribed in the section" before beginning work duties. Section 48.26(b) specified the topics for the course, which included: (1) an introduction to the work environment (section 48.26 (b)(1)); (2) mandatory health and safety standards pertinent to the task(s) the miner [would] be assigned (section 48.26(b)(2)); (3) review of the line of authority of supervisors and miners' representatives, and an introduction to the operator's rules and procedures for reporting hazards at the mine (section 48.26(b)(3)); (4) instruction on the procedures for riding on and in mine conveyances, the controls for the transportation of miners and materials, and the use of communication systems, warning signals and directional signs at the mine (section 48.26(b)(4)); (5) escape and emergency evacuation plans and fire warning and firefighting procedures at the mine (section 48.26(b)(5)); (6) instruction in work procedures around highwalls and pits (section 48.26(b)(6)); (7) the recognition of hazards in the mine and their avoidance (section 48.26(b) (7)); (8) and such other courses of instruction as may be required by MSHA's District Manager based on the circumstances and conditions of the mine (section 48.26(b)(8)).[12] The citation charges that "adequate experienced miner training was not provided to Roy Whitt" (Gov. Exh. 1). The parties accept the fact that Whitt was an "experienced miner" (as defined in section 48.22 (30 C.F.R. 48.22)), who was newly employed. As such, section 48.26 required that he be trained according to its mandates. There is no dispute that Cannelton did not provide Whitt with training. Thus, whatever training Whitt received was provided by Wiggles. I credit Arthur's testimony that on the afternoon of June 28, the trucks that Whitt and Fields were going to drive were preshift examined in Whitt and Fields presence (Tr. 106, 159, 165). I also find that after the trucks were examined, Whitt and Fields drove them to the pit where they were loaded, that the men then followed Hunt down the hill (Tr. 41), and that on the way down, Hunt pointed out the escape ramps and other safety-related features of the road (Tr. 167). I conclude, however, that none of this "training" complied with the existing requirements of the standard. There is nothing in the standard indicating that miners observation of and/or participated in preshift examination of trucks they would be driving in and of itself met any of the prescribed training requirements. Further, even if Whitt's "convoyed" introduction to the road qualified as instruction in "the recognition and avoidance of hazards present in the mine" (section 48.26 (b)(7)), a dubious assumption given the rather imprecise description of the content of Hunt's instruction given in the testimony (See Tr. 126-130), section 48.26(a) required the training to be given before Whitt was "assigned to work." Here, the journey down the road did not occur before Whitt was assigned to work, that is to carry a load of coal to the tipple. Rather, it followed his visit to the pit and it coincided with his first trip down the road in a loaded truck (Sec. Br. 10). Moreover, the training requirements for newly employed experienced miners were premised on the requirement that most of the training would be provided by MSHA approved instructors (See section 48.23(g)). Arthur acknowledged that he was not certified by MSHA to provide training. Nor was Arthur authorized to sign a certificate of training (Tr. 38, 41, 542-543). Hunt, too, was not authorized by MSHA to provide training. For these reasons, I find the Secretary proved that Whitt was not provided with experienced miner training as required and that section 48.26 was violated. Having found a violation, the question arises whether Cannelton can be held responsible for it, and I conclude it can. The law is clear. In a case whose facts resembled those at hand, the Commission stated: Operators are liable without regard to fault for violations of the Mine Act and its standards. E.g. Fort Scott Fertilizer-Cullor, Inc. 17 FMSHRC 1112, 1115 (July 1995); Western Fuels-Utah, Inc., 10 FMSHRC 256, 260-61 (Mar. 1988) aff'd on other grounds, 870 F.2d 711, 716 (D.C. Cir. 1989); Asarco, Inc. - Northwestern Mining Dept., 8 FMSHRC 1632, 1634-36 (Nov. 1986), aff'd, 868 F.2d 1195, 1198 (10th Cir. 1989). . . .[T]he mine operator . . . is strictly liable for all violations of the Act that occur at its mine, including those committed by its contractors' employees. See Bulk Transportation Services, Inc., 13 FMSHRC 1354, 1359-60 (Sept. 1991) ("the Act's scheme of liability provides that an operator, although faultless in itself, may be held liable for the violative acts of its employees, agents and contractors"); see also Cyprus Indus. Minerals Co. v. FMSHRC, 664 F.2d 1116, 1119 (9th Cir. 1981) (mine operators are strictly liable for the actions of independent contractor violations") (Bluestone Coal Corporation, 19 FMSHRC 1025, 1032) (June 1997)). Thus, a production-operator may be liable without regard to fault for violations committed by its contractor's employees, and it is within the Secretary's discretion to cite the production-operator, the contractor, or both. The Commission and its judges may review the decision of the Secretary in order to guard against an abuse of discretion. (Bluestone, 19 FMSHRC at 1032 (citing to W-P Coal Co., 16 FMSHRC at 1404, 1411 (July 1994)). The facts support the Secretary's decision to cite Cannelton. As the Commission has pointed out, a factor indicative of a proper exercise of the Secretary's discretion is whether the violation affects the safety of the production-operator's employees (Mingo Logan Coal Co., 19 FMSHRC 246, 250 (Feb. 1997); aff'd 133 F3d 916 (4th Cir. 1998)). Whitt did work alone or only with Wiggles' drivers. His operated his truck in areas where Cannelton's employees and the public occasionally were present. Employees of Cannelton worked in the pit and the processing area (Tr. 243), and at times equipment other than haulage trucks was driven by Cannelton's employees on the haulage road. Finally, the public had access to the small part of the road that belonged to the state (Tr. 589). An untrained driver, such a Whitt, was a danger to Cannelton's employees as well as to the public when he had to travel in the pit, the processing area, and on Cannelton's and the state's parts of the road (Tr. 244). Cannelton had a duty to protect those employees and citizens by ensuring that its contractor's employees were properly trained. Moreover, as the Court noted in Mingo Logan, "holding production-operators liable for the training violations of their independent contractors encourages production-operators to employ only those independent contractors with exemplary health and safety records, thereby promoting the protective purposes of the Mine Act" (Mingo Logan, No. 97-1392, slip op 8 (4th Cir. Jan. 8, 1998)). In addition, holding production-operators liable for the training violations of their independent contractors promotes production-operator oversight and, thus, encourages contractor compliance. Training prescribed by the regulations is vital to ensuring a safe work place and the ultimate responsibility for ensuring a safe workplace lies with the production-operator. SIGNIFICANT AND SUBSTANTIAL (S&S) AND GRAVITY Inspector Uhl found that the violation was S&S. He based his finding on the fact that the lack of training meant hazards associated with descending the road and ways to avoid such hazards were not properly pointed out to Whitt. Uhl believed the violation directly contributed to Whitt's death. (Tr. 480-481). Although the evidence does not establish an unequivocal causal link between the accident and Whitt's lack of experienced miner training, I agree with Uhl's conclusion as to the S & S nature of the violation. A condition or practice is S&S if: (1) it is a violation of a mandatory safety standard; (2) if it contributes to a discrete safety hazard; (3) if there is a reasonable likelihood that the hazard contributed to will result in an injury; and (4) if there is a reasonable likelihood that the injury will be of a reasonably serious nature (Cement Division, National Gypsum Co., 3 FMSHRC 822, 825 (Apr. 1981); Mathies Coal Co., 6 FMSHRC 1, 3-4 (Jan. 1984)). When evaluating the "reasonable likelihood" element, "likelihood" is viewed in terms of continued normal mining operations without any assumption as to abatement (U.S. Steel Mining Co., Inc. 6 FMSHRC 1573, 1574 (July 1984); Halfway, Inc., 8 FMSHRC 1, 12 (Jan. 1986); Southern Ohio Coal Co., 13 FMSHRC 912, 916-917 (June 1991)). I have found a violation of section 48.26. The failure to provide Whitt with required experienced miner training made him a danger to himself and to others, specifically to those at the mine who worked in the pit and tipple areas, who drove on the road, and to those members of the public who used the state's part of the road. This was especially true given the fact that Whitt had not driven a loaded coal haulage truck for a number of months and the fact that he was totally unfamiliar with the steeply graded road. The situation created by Whitt's lack of training was an accident waiting to happen. Finally, given the weight of the truck, the speed at which the truck could move, the steepness of the road, as well as the other vehicles the truck could encounter as mining continued, it was reasonably likely that any injuries resulting from Whitt's lack of training would be serious or worse. In addition to being S&S, the violation was very serious. As I have noted, training is critical to maintaining a safe work place. Whitt was not given the training required. He had not driven a coal haulage truck for months, and he was unfamiliar with the conditions at the mine, the most potentially hazardous of which was the steep descent of the haulage road. He was expected to work in the vicinity of other miners and, to a limited extent, in the vicinity of the public. Allowing him to work under such conditions without first providing him the required prescribed training placed him and others in a very dangerous situation. NEGLIGENCE Negligence is the failure to exercise the care required by all of the circumstances. I conclude that although Cannelton tried to exercise some oversight of contractor training, it did not implement sufficient procedures to make the oversight effective and, therefore, did not exhibit the care required. In finding Cannelton negligent, I note, again, that it is the production- operator who bears the ultimate responsibility to ensure training is given as required. Essentially, Cannelton relied on Wiggles to be responsible for the training of new drivers. Cannelton's reliance was exemplified by the fact that Hatfield showed William Arthur the haulage road so that Arthur could instruct the new drivers in its hazards (Tr. 590-591), and by Hatfield telling Arthur to make sure the Wiggles' drivers were trained properly (Tr. 598, see also Tr. 28). For his part, I am persuaded that Arthur lead Hatfield to think all of Wiggles' drivers were trained as required (Tr. 616). I am also persuaded that Arthur was asked by a Cannelton representative whether Wiggles had a training program. Arthur testified this "probably" happened, and it is something a production- operator, relying on its contractor to provide training, would have done (Tr. 216-217). Moreover, I credit Arthur's testimony that Cannelton officials had made it clear to him Wiggles' drivers had to be current in their training (Tr. 218). This also would have been consistent with Cannelton's reliance. There was nothing wrong with Cannelton relying on Wiggles. Required training can be provided by the contractor, the production-operator, or by both. The problem was that Cannelton's efforts to monitor Wiggles' compliance were woefully inadequate. In fact, there is no indication that Cannelton instituted any systematic checks to ensure that before a contract miner was assigned work, he or she was properly trained by a certified trainer. For example, Cannelton did not insist that prior to beginning work a newly employed contract employee review his or her training status with someone from the company and from Wiggles.[13] True, Hatfield requested copies of Wiggles' employees training certificates (Tr. 610), but this was not enough because it left Cannelton in the position of relying on what the certificates stated without attempting to confirm their accuracy. Further, even if rank-and-file front-end loader operator, Tommy Campbell, and other loader operators were told by Cannelton officials to make sure new drivers were trained before they loaded the drivers' trucks (Tr. 406), by the time the loader operators would have asked, untrained newly employed experienced drivers would have been assigned to work and would have embarked upon their duties. In other words, the loader operators' questions would have come too late to further full compliance with section 48.26(a). ("A newly employed experienced miner shall receive and complete training . . . before such miner is assigned to work duties" (30 C.F.R. 48.26(a)).[14] Citation No. Date 30 C.F.R. 7157395 9/21/99 48.27 The citation, which alleges a S & S violation of section 48.27, states: Based on the testimony obtained and the failure to provide records of task training for operating the Mack RD-854-SX coal haulage truck, it is determined that task training was not proved for Roy Whitt, driver and victim of the fatal powered haulage accident which occurred on June 28, 1999. This was the victim[']s first day of employment at this mine site and his first trip on the haulage road with this particular type vehicle. He was operating it in the production process and was not under direct supervision. This failure to provide training was determined to be a factor contributing to the accident which resulted in fatal injuries to the driver (Gov. Exh. 2). With regard to Whitt, section 48.27 then required he be: (1) instructed in an on-the-job environment in the health and safety aspects of safe operating procedures relating to the operating of the coal haulage trucks at the mine and relating to the hauling of coal (30 C.F.R. 27(a)(1)); and, (2) because he was to begin work immediately, be instructed in the supervised operation of the coal haulage truck during production (30 C.F.R. 48.27(a)(2)(ii)). Whitt was required to abstain from driving a truck until the training "ha[d] been completed" (30 C.F.R 48.27(a)). It is clear that Uhl based the citation on the fact that after Whitt's first trip down the haulage road, he changed to Truck No. 425, a truck that was equipped with a retarder. In Uhl's opinion, the presence of the retarder required new task training because the regulation required training whenever a miner used a new or modified piece of equipment that he or she had not used before.[15] In Uhl's view, the retarder qualified as such a modification because if a miner was unfamiliar with its purpose and use the miner's ignorance could create a serious safety hazard for himself or herself and others (Tr. 487, 526). Uhl believed Whitt did not understand the function of the retarder because Whitt asked Halstead over the truck's CB about the retarder's purpose (Id., see also Tr. 360). I agree with Uhl that Whitt needed new task training (Tr. 487, 523). The regulation encompasses the exact situation in which Whitt found himself when it requires operators of equipment to be "instructed in safe operating procedures applicable to . . . modified . . . equipment[,] . . . which requires . . . new or different operating procedures" (section 47.27(a)(3)). The retarder's purpose, as stated by Wiggles' driver, John Harless, was to slow the truck (Tr. 239). However, while the testimony establishes that a retarder can be helpful in keeping a truck under control as it descends an incline, the record also reveals the retarder can be dangerous if its purpose and function are not understood. As Halstead and others explained, a driver must realize if the retarder is engaged and he or she tries to shift, the transmission can go out of gear and the engine can stall. If this happens, and the truck is loaded and starts to run away, the truck's brakes will not hold it on steep grades such as those of the haulage road (See e.g. Tr. 363). I accept as a fact that Whitt asked Halstead over the CB radio how to work the retarder since there is no testimony discrediting Halstead's assertion that this is what happened and since Halstead's description of the conversation was essentially confirmed by Fields (See e.g. infra (Tr. 360)). Whitt's question reveals that the retarder was new to him and that training was required - training he did not receive. Other than being told by Halstead not to "fool around" with the retarder, there is no indication Whitt was advised about the device's purpose, function and safe use (or, nonuse, as the case may be (Tr. 360)). Thus, Whitt was placed in a situation where misuse of the retarder easily could cause the truck to run away. Therefore, I find that a violation of section 47.27 occurred as charged. S&S and GRAVITY The violation was S&S. The lack of training contributed to the hazard that Whitt would try to use the retarder and would endanger himself and/or others. Given the particular circumstances under which the violation occurred - the grades of the road, the necessity to maintain complete control of the truck when on the road, Whitt's general lack of familiarity with the road, the fact that shifting gears with the retarder "on" could cause the truck to go into neutral and stall, and the fact that Whitt was likely to downshift to try to control the speed of the truck - it was reasonably likely that lack of training in the purpose and function of the retarder could lead to a runaway situation which, in turn, could result in an accident causing injury to Whitt or to anyone the uncontrolled vehicle hit. Finally, such an accident was reasonably likely to at least cause serious injury to Whitt and perhaps to others as well. In addition, to being S & S, the violation very serious. While I am not holding that the accident was caused by misuse of the retarder - no one knows for certain its cause - it is clear to me that lack of training in the purpose and function of the retarder created the conditions under which the accident or one like it easily could have happened. This alone is sufficient to make the violation very serious. NEGLIGENCE I also find that the violation was due in part to Cannelton's negligence. Cannelton's management representatives did not know that Whitt had started work, changed trucks, and was unfamiliar with a retarder. However, Cannelton knew that new employees of Wiggles were likely to be arriving and especially that they might be present on June 28. (I credit Arthur's testimony that Cannelton was anxious to have more drivers on the job (Tr. 195-196) and that Arthur told Hatfield more drivers would be coming to work that Monday (Tr. 195)). As I have already noted, Cannelton made some general efforts to check on the training of its contractor's employees, but what the testimony does not reveal and what I conclude did not exist was systematic, effective and ongoing oversight by Cannelton to make sure all of the employees of its contractor were trained as required. There were things that a production-operator exercising reasonable care might have done, and which Cannelton did not do, to exercise effective oversight. Had Cannelton systematically overseen training compliance by its contractor, Arthur would have been more likely to make certain that Whitt be properly trained before he drove a truck like Truck No. 425. Although Arthur, acting for Wiggles, assumed the primary duty of making sure all required training was provided, Cannelton also had a duty that it fully failed to meet. Its negligence was less than Wiggles', but Cannelton's lack of a systematic and (most importantly) effective effort to make sure the training requirements were enforced, means that the violation of section 48.27 also was due to its negligence. Citation No. Date 30 C.F.R. 7187482 9/21/99 77.404(a) The citation, which alleges a S & S violation of section 77.404(a), states: [The truck] that was being driven by Roy Whitt to haul coal at the mine on June 28, 1999, was not maintained in a safe operating condition in that: 1. One brake on the axles was beyond the maximum allowable adjustment range[;] 2. The other three brakes on the drive axles were at or near the maximum allowable adjustment range[;] 3. The brake drums of all four drive axle brake units and the two front steering axle brake units were worn beyond the maximum allowable wear limit stamped on the drums by the manufacturer. These conditions decreased the braking capacity of the truck. This reduced braking capacity, in combination with the fact that the truck was operating on a steep grade that ranged from 10.6 to 17.4 percent over a distance of approximately 1000 feet in the area of the accident site and the fact that the truck was routinely carrying significantly more than its rated capacity, contributed to the accident that resulted in fatal injuries to the driver (Gov. Exh. 3). Section 77.404(a) requires in pertinent part that "[m]obile . . . equipment . . . be maintained in safe operating condition and . . . equipment in unsafe condition . . . be removed from service immediately." The Commission has held that section 77.404(a) imposes two duties: (1) to maintain equipment in safe operating condition; and (2) to remove unsafe equipment from service immediately (Peabody Coal Company, 1 FMSHRC 1494, 1495 (Oct. 1979)) and that "[d]erogation of either duty violates the regulation" (1 FMSHRC at 1495; see also Ambrosia Coal & Construction Co., 18 FMSHRC 1552, 1556 (Sept. 1996)). Truck No. 425 was mobile equipment. Obviously, it was not removed from service before the accident. Therefore, if the conditions cited by Uhl existed, and if they singly or in combination rendered it unsafe to operate the truck, a violation occurred.[16] The issue of whether the truck was unsafe must be determined by deciding whether "a reasonably prudent person familiar with the factual circumstances surrounding the allegedly hazardous conditions, including any facts peculiar to the mining industry, would recognize a hazard warranting corrective action" (See Alabama By-Products Corporation, 4 FMSHRC 2128, 2129 (Dec. 1982) (involving identical standard applicable to underground coal mines)). The burden of proof is on the Secretary. Ferlich was the only witness who conducted a detailed, post-accident investigation of the state of the subject truck's braking system, and I find that the conditions he found, particularly the pushrod stroke lengths, the brake drum wear and discoloration, and the missing piece of the right rear middle brake drum, existed as he described them. Would a reasonably prudent person consider these conditions to have rendered Truck No. 425 unsafe? The question must be answered based on the testimony of Ferlich and Steven Chewning, President of Traffic Safety Consultants of Richmond, Virginia. (Chewing conducted a study of the accident for Cannelton (Tr. 906-907)). Having considered the testimony of both, I conclude that the Secretary established the violation. My conclusion is based upon a combination of conditions as they affected the brakes and upon the circumstances under which the truck was used. In my view, together they created a situation in which a reasonably prudent person would have recognized a hazard and would have withdawn the truck from service. Ferlich believed the braking capacity of the truck was diminished by what he found. He stated that the pushrod for the brake on the right rear axle being 1/4 inch above the limit reduced its braking capacity. Ferlich persuasively and logically explained why a stroke exceeding the 2 inch limit meant the S-cam could not propel the right rear brake shoe far enough so it had adequate contact with the brake drum (Tr. 770-771, 781). Ferlich was a credible witness, and I accept his testimony that the braking capacity of the right rear brake was lessened. I am also persuaded that, due to wear, all of the brake drums were thinner than they should have been (Tr. 783, 786-788, 799). I credit Ferlich's testimony that because they were thin, the drums had less structural integrity and a tendency to heat faster than brake drums with lesser wear. Further, I credit his explanation that as the temperature rose, the drums then expanded and, when the brakes were applied to the expanded drums, the brake shoes could not maintain effective contact with the drums because the drums had pulled away from the shoes (Tr. 786-787, 789-790). (This is the phenomenon Ferlich referred to as "brake fade" (Tr. 788)). The credibility of Ferlich's testimony regarding the condition of the drums and the consequences to the braking system is supported by the fundamental and unchanging rule of physics that friction produces heat and that heat causes metal to expand. Ferlich was less convincing when he testified regarding the hazard posed by the three pushrods that were "at or near the limits" (Tr. 781). The stroke of the three pushrods measured 2 inches, 1 15/16 inches, and 1 9/16 inches (Id.). Although he believed the length of these strokes minimized a driver's ability to stop, he did not satisfactorily explain why (Tr. 786), and the fact remains that the strokes' distances were within an allowable range. I cannot conclude that a perfectly permissible condition would have signaled a hazard to a reasonable miner. Also, while I accept as a fact that a piece measuring approximately 2 1/4 inches in length was missing from the right middle drum, I am not convinced the missing "chunk" posed a hazard (See Tr. 791). In his testimony Ferlich did not connect the missing piece to any particular hazard. His general view seemed to be that somehow the missing chunk compromised the integrity of the braking system, but he did not fully explain why. Without an adequate explanation I cannot find that the missing piece posed or contributed to a hazard, especially when, as here, the missing chunk was not mentioned in the citation as a cause of the violation.[17] Thus, during the course of a work day, Truck No. 425 - a truck, with diminished braking capacity on one wheel and with six worn brake drums - would have been required to descend a haulage road carrying a load of coal. The question is whether a reasonable miner would have concluded that travel down the road in such a loaded truck posed a hazard warranting correction. I conclude the answer is "yes" because the pushrod stroke being above the limit on one of the rear brakes reduced the capacity of that brake to function as it should, and, therefore, the full force of the truck's braking system could not be applied when needed. In addition, the record fully supports finding that the thin brake drums meant they were more likely to crack or to loose a piece because their integrity was less than when they were manufactured and that they would heat up and expand faster and lead to brake fade (Tr. 786-789). Not only does Ferlich's credible testimony support this conclusion, so do elementary physical principles. Ferlich's description of the brakes as "the "last line of defense in an emergency" was accurate (Tr. 809). As he explained, if the Jake brake and the retarder did not slow the truck sufficiently, the service brakes had to be used (Tr. 808). For example, if the drive shaft broke, the truck would have nothing to slow it but its service brakes (Tr. 809). Also, Ferlich persuasively testified that brakes in pristine condition are designed to stop the truck on a 20 percent grade (Tr. 879). Here, the grade was approximately 17 percent at its steepest, close to the maximum grade on which the truck could be safety operated. The fact that the brakes were in far from pristine condition meant that Truck No. 425 had diminished braking capacity where it might be needed most. While the diminished capacity might not have been a problem if the truck had been operated on generally level roads, on a road with grades as steep as those at the mine, diminished capacity presented a definite hazard. Therefore, I conclude Truck No. 425 was in an unsafe condition, and a reasonably prudent person familiar with the truck and the conditions under which it was operating would have fixed or adjusted the pushrod stroke and installed new brake drums or would have removed the truck from service. S&S and GRAVITY The violation was S&S. The violation of section 77.404(a) contributed to the hazard that the truck would be unable to stop. Given the particular circumstances under which the violation occurred - the grade of the road, the necessity to maintain control of the truck, the need to make frequent trips down the road with the truck, the driver's unfamiliarity with the road and with the truck - I conclude that as mining continued it was reasonably likely that the lack of full braking capacity could contribute to a situation which was reasonably likely to result in an accident causing serious injury to Whitt and/or to anyone the uncontrolled vehicle hit. Obviously, the violation also was serious. NEGLIGENCE William Arthur testified that, prior to the accident, no one from Cannelton inquired about Wiggles' truck maintenance program (Tr. 42-43). There is no testimony to refute this assertion, nor any testimony that Cannelton made any independent checks of Wiggles' trucks. While primary responsibility for the violation lay with Wiggles, Cannelton also exhibited negligence. Cannelton could have - and should have - instituted some sort of systematic check (perhaps a periodic spot check) to ensure its contractor's equipment was in compliance with applicable safety standards. In particular, Cannelton had a duty to ensure its contractor used equipment that either was maintained in safe condition or, if it could not be so maintained, was removed from service. In the case of Truck No. 425, Cannelton did not meet this duty. ABILITY TO CONTINUE IN BUSINESS The parties stipulated that the total of the proposed penalties would not affect Cannelton's ability to continue in business (Stip. 6). SIZE The parties stipulated that the proposed assessments were based, in part, on accurate figures regarding Cannelton's size (Stip. 11(a),(b); Gov. Exh. 5). The figures reveal that Cannelton has an annual tonnage of 43,607,666 (See Gov. Exh. 5; Petition For Assessment of Civil Penalty, Exh. A). Cannelton is a large operator. GOOD FAITH ABATEMENT The parties stipulated that if the violations are affirmed, they were abated in good faith (Stip. 10 infra). HISTORY OF PREVIOUS VIOLATIONS The parties stipulated that the printout of the mine's prior violations for June 27, 1997 through June 27, 1999, "may be used determining the assessment of a penalty" (Stip. 12). The printout indicates that there were 34 applicable violations during this period, a number which represents a moderate history of pervious violations. CIVIL PENALTY ASSESSMENTS Citation No. Date 30 C.F.R. Proposed Assessment 7157394 9/21/99 48.26 $25,000 I have found the violation was very serious and was in part the result of Cannelton's negligent failure to effectively oversee Wiggles' training of its employees. The violation was abated in good faith, and any penalty assessed will not affect the ability of Cannelton, which is a large company with a moderate history of previous violations, to continue in business. Given the factors and especially in view of Cannelton's shared negligence and moderate history of prior violations, I conclude an assessment of $5,000.00 is appropriate. Citation No. Date 30 C.F.R. Proposed Assessment 7157395 9/21/99 48.27 $20,000 I have found the violation was very serious. I also have found that it was in part the result of Cannelton's failure to effectively oversee Wiggles' training of its employees. The violation was abated in good faith, and any penalty addressed will not affect the ability of Cannelton, which is a large company with a moderate history of previous violations, to continue in business. Given these factors and especially in view of Cannelton's shared negligence and a moderate history of previous violations, I conclude an assessment of $4,000 is appropriate. Citation No. Date 30 C.F.R. Proposed Assessment 7187482 9/21/99 77.404(a) $20,000 I have found the violation was serious. I also have found it was, in part, the result of Cannelton's failure to meet its duty to ensure the equipment operated by its contractor was either safe or removed from service. The violation was abated in good faith, and any penalty assessed will not affect the ability of Cannelton, which is a large company with a moderate history of previous violations, to continue in business. Given these factors and especially in view of Cannelton's shared negligence and moderate history of previous violations, I conclude an assessment of $1,500.00 is appropriate. ORDER Within 30 days of the date of this decision, Cannelton SHALL pay to the Secretary a total of $10,500.00 for the violations found above, and upon payment of the penalties this proceeding is DISMISSED.[18] Payment may be sent to: Mine Safety and Health Administration, U. S. Department of Labor, Payment Office, P. O. Box 360250M, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251. David Barbour Chief Administrative Law Judge Distribution: Robert S. Wilson, Esq., U. S. Department of Labor, Office of the Solicitor, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, 22nd Floor, Arlington, VA 22209-2296 (Certified Mail) David J. Hardy, Esq., Heenan, Althen & Roles, BB & T Building, P. O. Box 2549, Charleston, WV 25329-2549 (Certified Mail) dcp [1] Subsequent to the accident, Wiggles filed for bankruptcy. It no longer engages in trucking (Tr. 27-28). [2] Upon completion of a miner's training, an operator is required to record and to certify that the miner has received the training specified. The operator does so on MSHA Form 5000-23, a copy of which is given to the miner and a copy of which is retained by the operator (30 U.S.C. 48.9). [3] Arthur maintained that Hatfield told him if Wiggles could not provide more drivers, Cannelton would let someone else do the job (Tr. 41). [4] The paper was not addressed to anyone, and Holestin had no knowledge of what happened to it (Tr. 74-75). Cannelton's witnesses testified that they never saw it. [5] Arthur later seemed to hedge his testimony regarding the time he spent with the men. He agreed that when he met with Inspector Uhl and a representative of the State of West Virginia after the accident, he might have said he spent 10 to 15 minutes with Whitt and Fields (Tr. 52, 163). [6] Fields described how his training papers were completed. Fields placed his social security number and the date on the forms, and Arthur filled out the rest (Tr. 110, 125). As Fields recalled, it took about 5 minutes (Tr. 108, see also Tr. 125). He believed that the same procedure was followed with regard to Whitt (Tr. 110). [7] A "retarder" is generally defined as a device for restraining movement (See e.g. U. S. Department of the Interior A Dictionary of Mine, Mineral & Related Terms (1968 at 918). William Arthur, descried the function of a retarder as being to "hold you back on the hill where you don't have to use your brakes and get them hot" (Tr. 49). Fields explained that a retarder "slows the drive shaft down and [thus] help[s] to slow the truck down" (Tr. 114). Fields cautioned - and almost all of the other witnesses who addressed the point agreed - that if a driver tried to down-shift and to take the truck out of gear while the retarder was engaged, the driver could not get the truck back into gear and the retarder would have no effect on controlling the truck's speed (Tr. 114-115). [8] Fields overheard the discussion. Fields version of what was said essentially tracked Halstead's. He stated that Whitt "asked [Halstead] something about the . . . retarder and [Halstead] told him not to fool with it, just [to] put the truck . . . in first gear and do down the hill" (Tr. 113). Fields did not know whether Whitt had prior experience driving a truck equipped with a retarder (Tr. 189). [9] Campbell never specifically stated he asked the question of Whitt (See Tr. 405-407). Rather, he testified that he was "sure he . . . would have [asked Whitt] or I wouldn't have loaded him" (Tr. 412). Compbell also stated he had no first hand knowledge Whitt actually received such training (Id.). [10] Harless described the truck as traveling faster than if it had been in first or second gear. In fact, it was going so fast, he believed it could have been totally out of gear (Tr. 241, 261). [11] On June 30, the truck was still located where it had come to rest after it careened off the road. The only change in the truck's physical condition since the accident was that it had been returned to an upright position (Tr. 862). [12] Effective July 1, 1999, section 48.26 was revised. Among other things additional requirements for a "minimum course of instruction" were add to the regulation (30 C.F.R. 48.26 (July 1, 1999)). [13] This is not to say that the mechanics of a production-operator's oversight must include such a check. Oversight methods are up to the operator. However, whatever methods it chooses to employ, they must be effective, and Cannelton's were not. [14] While I conclude Cannelton was negligent because it failed to exercise effective oversight of Wiggles' compliance, I recognize Wiggles also did not exercise the care rquired. Indeed, Wiggles' lack of care was greater than Cannelton's. Arthur was primarily responsible for failing to see that Whitt was trained properly before he was assigned work. Wiggles' greater negligence, however, does not excuse Cannelton's failure. [15] Uhl also testified that the truck's larger engine size also required new task training (Tr. 526), but he did not explain why, and the entirety of his testimony abundantly indicates he based the citation almost solely upon the presence of the retarder. [16] Equipment may be defective and not be in violation of the standard if the defect does not affect safe operation of the equipment during its normal intended use (See Hobet Mining, Inc., 19 FMSHRC 411, 414 (Feb. 1997) (ALJ Maurer)). [17] In addition, there was much discussion by Ferlich and by Chewning about the significance of the brake drums' blue color. Their testimony revolved around the issue of whether "bluing" was indicative of bake fade (Tr. 820) and thus, indicative of the immediate cause of the accident. Very little, if any, of the testimony concerned whether a reasonable miner would have noted the bluing as indicating a hazard prior to the accident. In fact, Ferlich agreed he could not say for certain if the "bluing" was present prior to the accident and thus would have been seen by such a miner (Tr. 856, 885). Therefore, I will not consider it as a condition that would have signaled a hazard. [18] In issuing this order, I note that the Secretary chose to propose very substantial penalties for these violations. In so doing the Secretary presumably was attempting to "send a message" to Cannelton and to other production-operators that they must increase oversight of their contractors' compliance efforts and proactively encouraging compliance. While I do not disagree with the Secretary regarding production-operators overall responsibility for compliance and their need to effectuate that responsibility, I question whether the assessment of substantial penalties without a prior "warning" is equitable. It is clear from the testimony of Bowman and Hatfield that before the accident they discussed Cannelton's responsibility for contractors' violations including the operator's need for oversight (Tr. 272-273, 282-283, 296-297; 648-649). What is not clear from this record is whether there has been a prior consistent effort on MSHA's part to enforce oversight by Cannelton and/or other production-operators. For example, MSHA might have insisted that operators include in their training plans provisions for effective oversight . . . something MSHA apparently did not do when it came to Cannelton (Tr. 659), or MSHA might have sent cautionary letters to production-operators, something about which the record is silent.
+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | # ITEM | DESCRIPTION | +==============+=======================================================+ | ### | Instructs DOI and U.S. Forest Service employees how | | | to perform their job safely while working around | | ### | helicopter and airplane operations. Topics include | | Module Goal | passenger responsibilities, ground safety, air | | | safety, "5 Steps to a Safe Flight," and flight | | | following. | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | * | To provide a foundation for aviation safety awareness | | *Performance | for employees, who use aircraft for "special use | | Objective** | activities". | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | **Pre | **Employees who use aircraft for "special use | | requisites** | activities" are required to receive this module.** | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | **Class | Limited to classroom size. | | Size** | | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | **Course | See the sections below on Class Time and Unit | | Structure** | Instructor Guide. | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | **Class | Follow this time frame to complete the module. | | Time** | | | | | | ### Total | | | = 1-1.5 hrs | | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | **Instructor | Instructors should meet 1 hour before class to | | Prep Time** | prepare classroom. | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | **Instructor | Level I, Interagency Aviation Trainer. | | Qual | | | ifications** | | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | **Module | **[NOTE]{.underline}**: The Instructor notes are in | | I | plain type with the action verbs in **bold**; the | | nstructor\'s | items to be read aloud are in regular *italics*. | | Guide** | | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | **Materials, | Unit Instructors are responsible for obtaining the | | Equipment & | necessary training materials. | | Handouts** | | | | [Equipment]{.underline}: **[NOTE]{.underline}**: | | **Items to | Check the equipment at least 60 minutes before class | | be provided | to ensure that it's operational. | | by the | | | Students** | 1. Laptop computer | | | | | | 2. Digital Projector | | | | | | 3. Screen | | | | | | 4. TV, Monitor | | | | | | 5. VHS Tape Deck | | | | | | [Handouts]{.underline}: | | | | | | 1. Basic Aviation Safety Booklet (NFES 2097) and/or | | | Interagency Aviation User Pocket Guide (NFES | | | 1373) | | | | | | 2. OAS 103 Card, "5 Steps to a Safe Flight" (NFES | | | 1399) | | | | | | 3. Student Slide Reference (Power Point) | | | | | | 4. OPM-29 | | | | | | 5. Pilot/Aircraft Data Card Handout | | | | | | 6. A-101 Test | | | | | | [Items provided by the Students]{.underline}: | | | | | | # Pencil & Paper | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | # ITEM | DESCRIPTION | +=============+========================================================+ | #### | | | Activities | | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 1. | **Welcome** everyone. | | **Welcome** | | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 2. | **Introduce** yourself (your aviation background and | | **Intros.** | your role in presenting this course) and **introduce** | | | the teaching team and their backgrounds. | | | | | | **Ask** the Students to introduce themselves (where | | | they\'re from and how their aviation background | | | brought them to this module). | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | **Give** a brief overview of the module to include the | | . **Course | following: | | | | | Overview: | Module goal: To provide a foundation in aircraft | | Goals & | safety awareness for employees and those supervised by | | O | Government employees who use aircraft for "special use | | bjectives** | activities." | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 4. * | **Provide** a transition to module. **Say** something, | | *Transition | such as: | | to | | | | *Safe airplane and helicopter operations can only be | | Module.** | accomplished when the employee is aware of and follows | | | proper safety procedures. Many accidents and near | | ![](me | mid-air collisions could have been prevented if the | | dia/image1. | established policies and procedures were followed. | | jpeg){width | This module is designed to provide you the basic | | ="1.2298611 | information and skills to perform your job safely in | | 11111111in" | and around aircraft.* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | **GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (PRE-FLIGHT)** | | 2222223in"} | | | | **Provide** students with overview of preflight | | ![](me | precautions. | | dia/image2. | | | jpeg){width | **[What is Special Use?]{.underline}** *Operations | | ="1.2298611 | involving the use of airplanes and helicopters in | | 11111111in" | support of DOI and U.S. Forest Service programs which | | height=" | are not point-to-point flight activities, which | | 0.922222222 | require special considerations due to their functional | | 2222223in"} | use. These special considerations include special | | | pilot qualifications and techniques, special aircraft | | ![](me | equipment, and personal protective equipment.* | | dia/image3. | | | jpeg){width | **[EXAMPLE:]{.underline}** *Flying low-level (below | | ="1.2298611 | 500 ft.) in an aircraft doing a wildlife survey | | 11111111in" | (black-footed ferret survey, eagle egg count, etc.). | | height=" | Herding wild horses with a helicopter would require | | 0.922222222 | special pilot technique.* | | 2222223in"} | | | | *Special use activities require that everyone aboard | | ![](me | the aircraft wear a full complement of personal | | dia/image4. | protective equipment (PPE).* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | - *Aviator\'s Flight Helmet* | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | - *Fire Resistant Clothing* | | 0.922222222 | | | 2222223in"} | - *Leather or Nomex Gloves* | | | | | ![](me | - *Leather Boots* | | dia/image5. | | | jpeg){width | *Before any flight, you must ensure the pilot and | | ="1.2298611 | aircraft are approved for the planned mission.* | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | **[Pilot Qualification Card]{.underline} -** *The | | 0.922222222 | Pilot Qualification Card provides information about | | 2222223in"} | the types of aircraft and missions the pilot is | | | approved to fly. For many missions the pilot must | | ![](me | demonstrate the ability to perform to the satisfaction | | dia/image6. | of an OAS or U.S. Forest Service pilot inspector.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | *The back of the card will display a list of special | | 11111111in" | use missions. The pilot inspector will initial the | | height=" | card, identifying the missions the pilot is approved | | 0.922222222 | to perform.* | | 2222223in"} | | | | ***If a type of mission has a slash through it and is | | ![](me | not initialed, Do Not Fly That Mission!*** | | dia/image7. | | | jpeg){width | **[Note to Instructor:]{.underline} All helicopter | | ="1.2298611 | pilots are approved for some type of special | | 11111111in" | mission.** | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | In addition, employees should know the pilot has | | 2222223in"} | flight and duty limitations. The pilot cannot fly more | | | than 8 hours and cannot be on duty more than 14 hours | | ![](me | during the day. When a pilot acquires 36 or more | | dia/image8. | flight hours in a consecutive six-day period, the | | jpeg){width | pilot shall be given the following 24-hour period of | | ="1.2298611 | rest (off duty) and a new six-day cycle shall begin. | | 11111111in" | It is required that the pilot receives two days off in | | height=" | a fourteen-day period. We want to make sure the pilot | | 0.922222222 | has sufficient rest to safely accomplish the demanding | | 2222223in"} | task of flying the aircraft. | | | | | ![](me | **[Note to Instructor:]{.underline} If needed, refer | | dia/image9. | to the Departmental Manual, Flight Crew Member Policy, | | jpeg){width | 351 DM 3.5A(2). There are different standards for a | | ="1.2298611 | two-pilot and augmented flight crew.** | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | **[Aircraft Data Card]{.underline} -** *The Aircraft | | 0.922222222 | Data Card contains information about the aircraft and | | 2222223in"} | authorized uses. An OAS or U.S. Forest Service | | | aircraft inspector will inspect aircraft used for | | ![](med | special use activities. The aircraft will be checked | | ia/image10. | for \"special use\" needs and equipment. A helicopter | | jpeg){width | data card with a red \"Interagency Fire\" stamp on it | | ="1.2298611 | indicates that it has the necessary equipment required | | 11111111in" | for Interagency fire use.* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | If the mission has a slash through it and is not | | 2222223in"} | initialed, DO NOT FLY THAT MISSION! | | | | | ![](med | *Airplanes [not approved]{.underline} for special use | | ia/image11. | missions are issued a* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | *Separate card. The card will state, \"Rental Only - | | 11111111in" | Not For Special Use\" or "Point-to-Point" Use. These | | height=" | aircraft can be used only for \"point-to-point\" | | 0.922222222 | flights (airport to airport). It is noted on the card | | 2222223in"} | a technical inspection has not been performed on the | | | aircraft.* | | ![](medi | | | a/image12.j | ***Cooperator aircraft and pilots may not receive | | peg){width= | "cards" but shall be approved to fly DOI or U.S. | | "1.15972222 | Forest Service missions* *through a letter of | | 22222223in" | agreement or memorandum of understanding.*** | | height=" | | | 0.869444444 | It should be noted that mechanics also have duty | | 4444445in"} | limitations. Maintenance of the aircraft is as | | | important as the ability of the pilot to perform the | | ![](med | mission without fatigue. According to policy, | | ia/image13. | mechanics cannot work more than 16 hours within any | | jpeg){width | 24-hour period. Mechanics will have 2 days off during | | ="1.2298611 | any 14-day period. The mechanic is also restricted to | | 11111111in" | Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations for | | height=" | driving the service truck. | | 0.922222222 | | | 2222223in"} | **[Note to Instructor:]{.underline} If needed, refer | | | to the Departmental Manual, Flight Operations | | ![](med | Standards and Procedures, 351 DM 1.11.** | | ia/image14. | | | jpeg){width | **[Do you have a flight plan?]{.underline}** *Flight | | ="1.2298611 | plans are required for all flights. Exceptions are | | 11111111in" | local flight training and maintenance test flights | | height=" | within a 25-mile radius of the base of operations. | | 0.922222222 | Exempt flights must maintain continuous radio contact | | 2222223in"} | with the base of operations. Flight plans shall be | | | specific as to routing and filed prior to takeoff | | ![](med | whenever possible. An agency flight plan may be used | | ia/image15. | in lieu of FAA flight plans provided:* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | *Flight following will be accomplished under the | | 11111111in" | bureau/agency-written flight following policy.* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | *Radio contact can be made at pre-determined intervals | | 2222223in"} | not to exceed one hour. (Most bureaus/agencies use | | | pre-determined intervals of much less than one hour). | | ![](med | Position reports or amendments are communicated and | | ia/image16. | recorded.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | **[Note:]{.underline} Personnel tasked with flight | | 11111111in" | following responsibility must monitor the | | height=" | communications radio at all times during the flight.** | | 0.922222222 | | | 2222223in"} | *An FAA study on general aviation accidents found that | | | the response time for search and rescue (SAR) units to | | ![](med | arrive at the accident scene was significantly | | ia/image17. | decreased when a flight plan was used. Filing a | | jpeg){width | written flight plan may double your odds of surviving | | ="1.2298611 | an aircraft mishap.* | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | ***A flight plan is a \"Request for Search & | | 0.922222222 | Rescue.\"*** | | 2222223in"} | | | | *When flight following is accomplished, the | | ![](med | aircraft\'s flight route is known and a pre-determined | | ia/image18. | check-in time is established.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | *The average time for a SAR response is about 30* | | 11111111in" | minutes. | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | *Average time for SAR units to arrive on scene is | | 2222223in"} | about 4 hours.* | | | | | ![](med | *A written flight plan with no flight following | | ia/image19. | dramatically increases the response time for SAR | | jpeg){width | efforts. It may require more than 5 hours for | | ="1.2298611 | individuals to check and confirm there is a missing | | 11111111in" | aircraft.* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | *The search area may be massive because only written | | 2222223in"} | information is available to determine the flight route | | | and destination. Deviation from a flight plan only | | ![](medi | complicates the potential of locating a downed | | a/image20.j | aircraft. By the time SAR efforts locate the aircraft | | peg){width= | and arrive on scene, an average time of 38 hours has | | "1.15972222 | passed. What is the potential of surviving a trauma | | 22222223in" | injury if it takes more than a day to get to you?* | | height=" | | | 0.869444444 | > *Without a flight a plan, in a downed aircraft, if | | 4444445in"} | > you have even minor injuries, the chances of your | | | > survival are slim. It may take more than a day for | | ![](medi | > someone to acknowledge that you\'re missing (FAA | | a/image21.j | > average of 35.5 hours).* | | peg){width= | > | | "1.15972222 | > *More than 3 days (FAA average of 82 hours) may pass | | 22222223in" | > before someone arrives to the scene of the accident. | | height=" | > What are your chances for survival?* | | 0.869444444 | | | 4444445in"} | **(combined on above slide**) - ***Post-Crash Survival | | | Time** - After an accident in a remote area, an | | ![](med | injured person may survive for 1 day. An uninjured | | ia/image22. | person may survive for 3 days.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | Always consider the environment that you will be | | 11111111in" | flying in. Even on routine flights, remember to bring | | height=" | clothing and/or supplies commensurate with the | | 0.922222222 | conditions in the event you have a mishap. | | 2222223in"} | | | | ***PREFLIGHT BRIEFINGS*** | | ![](med | | | ia/image23. | *A preflight briefing must take place prior to the | | jpeg){width | start of each mission. Employees are responsible for | | ="1.2298611 | providing the pilot with a briefing specific to the | | 11111111in" | mission.* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | *The pilot should be provided a manifest with names | | 2222223in"} | and accurate weights of who will be on the flight. In | | | addition, cargo should be weighed and accurate weights | | ![](med | provided to the pilot.* | | ia/image24. | | | jpeg){width | ***[Weigh All Cargo Before Loading]{.underline}** - It | | ="1.2298611 | is our responsibility to provide the pilot with | | 11111111in" | accurate weights of cargo to be transported. The pilot | | height=" | needs to be notified of the total weight and any | | 0.922222222 | hazardous material being transported.* | | 2222223in"} | | | | ***[Hazardous Materials]{.underline}** can only be | | ![](med | transported in accordance with the Aviation Transport | | ia/image25. | of Hazardous Materials Handbook/Guide. We must | | jpeg){width | transport hazardous materials according to the | | ="1.2298611 | Handbook/Guide. Additionally, an exemption is issued | | 11111111in" | by the Department of Transportation in accordance with | | height=" | the Handbook/Guide. Both the Handbook/Guide and the | | 0.922222222 | exemption should be onboard the aircraft when | | 2222223in"} | transporting hazardous materials.* | | | | | ![](med | ***Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations | | ia/image26. | require an oral safety briefing be provided to | | jpeg){width | individuals prior to each flight. The pilot usually | | ="1.2298611 | provides it. [Do not fly without a safety | | 11111111in" | briefing!]{.underline}*** | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | ***A safety briefing should consist of the following | | 2222223in"} | items:*** | | | | | ![](med | ***[No Smoking]{.underline}**. No smoking in the | | ia/image27. | aircraft.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | ***[Use of oxygen masks.]{.underline}** How do you use | | 11111111in" | the masks? Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) require | | height=" | that passengers be provided with supplemental oxygen | | 0.922222222 | when the cabin pressure is above 15,000 feet; the | | 2222223in"} | pilot must have oxygen when the cabin pressure is | | | 12,500 feet for flights longer than 30 minutes. Most | | ![](med | aircraft are equipped with supplemental/emergency | | ia/image28. | oxygen when flights are conducted above 12,000 feet. | | jpeg){width | **Personnel with breathing problems should notify the | | ="1.2298611 | pilot immediately.*** | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | ***[Loading and Securing Cargo]{.underline}**. The | | 0.922222222 | pilot is responsible for weight and balance of the | | 2222223in"} | aircraft and should specify how much weight can be | | | carried and where cargo is placed.* | | ![](med | | | ia/image29. | - *The pilot should load wing and nose | | jpeg){width | compartments.* | | ="1.2298611 | | | 11111111in" | - *The doors should be locked before takeoff.* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | ***[Restrain All Cargo Before Flying.]{.underline}** | | 2222223in"} | Cargo straps or nets must restrain all cargo or | | | baggage. Small items, such as cameras, canteens, or | | ![](med | hand-held radios can become lethal projectiles during | | ia/image30. | a crash or heavy turbulence.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | ***[Cargo in baskets must be secured.]{.underline}** | | 11111111in" | Secure cargo using tie-down straps or stretch cords by | | height=" | running cords through handles or pack straps. Check | | 0.922222222 | cords for wear or cracks in rubber. If it is in | | 2222223in"} | questionable condition, don\'t use it. Do not exceed | | | weight indicated on placard of each basket.* | | ![](med | | | ia/image31. | *[**Cargo doors** **must be secured before | | jpeg){width | takeoff.**]{.underline} The pilot should brief you on | | ="1.2298611 | how the doors operate. You may be the person loading | | 11111111in" | or unloading. Do not exceed weight on placard on | | height=" | inside of door. Check and double-check that the door | | 0.922222222 | is closed and secure. A loose door in flight can have | | 2222223in"} | catastrophic results.* | | | | | ![](medi | ***[Fasten Seatbelts]{.underline}** Seatbelt operation | | a/image32.j | is different for many aircraft. You should be briefed | | peg){width= | on correct procedures. Seatbelts should be fitted snug | | "1.15972222 | and low around the pelvic area. Front seat occupants | | 22222223in" | (including pilot) must wear shoulder restraints.* | | height=" | | | 0.869444444 | ***[Secure Seatbelts Behind You When Leaving | | 4444445in"} | Aircraft.]{.underline}** A good habit to develop is to | | | fasten seatbelt buckles before exiting the aircraft. A | | ![](med | loose seatbelt buckle hanging out of the aircraft will | | ia/image33. | damage the exterior and **you may be held responsible | | jpeg){width | for the costs of repair**.* | | ="1.2298611 | | | 11111111in" | ***[First Aid & Survival Equipment]{.underline}**. | | height=" | Know the location of the first aid and survival kits | | 0.922222222 | before you need them. DOI and the U.S. Forest Service | | 2222223in"} | require survival kit for \"special use\" activities. | | | Ideally, survival kits should be designed to meet the | | ![](med | needs of surviving in the environment you are flying | | ia/image34. | over and the weather conditions you are likely to | | jpeg){width | encounter.* | | ="1.2298611 | | | 11111111in" | ***[Personal Floatation Devices (PFD).]{.underline}** | | height=" | Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) Handbook | | 0.922222222 | (3.2A): PFDs must be worn by occupants aboard flights | | 2222223in"} | operating beyond gliding distance from shore. In | | | addition to complying with applicable FARs, occupants | | ![](med | must wear PFDs aboard flights when performing takeoffs | | ia/image35. | or landings on water (including float and boat-hulled | | jpeg){width | aircraft) and when performing water bucket dipping or | | ="1.2298611 | snorkeling operations.* | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | > *You should be briefed on how a PFD is worn, how to | | 0.922222222 | > inflate it, and procedures in exiting from an | | 2222223in"} | > aircraft in the event of the aircraft is forced to | | | > land in water.* | | ![](med | | | ia/image36. | ***[Fire Extinguisher.]{.underline}** The pilot should | | jpeg){width | brief you on the location of the fire extinguisher and | | ="1.2298611 | how to operate it. To operate a typical fire | | 11111111in" | extinguisher; pull the safety pin, point the | | height=" | extinguisher nozzle at the base of the flame and press | | 0.922222222 | the handle until empty. If the flame is not | | 2222223in"} | extinguished, move away!* | | | | | ![](med | ***[Emergency Shut-off Procedures.]{.underline}** | | ia/image37. | During the briefing, make sure the pilot instructs you | | jpeg){width | on how to shut off the fuel and electrical system. | | ="1.2298611 | (Most aircraft require the fuel to be shut off prior | | 11111111in" | to shutting off the battery.) Accidents have occurred | | height=" | where the pilot is incapacitated and nobody knows how | | 0.922222222 | to shut off the engine. If the pilot is unconscious, | | 2222223in"} | we want to minimize the potential for a post-crash | | | fire.* | | ![](med | | | ia/image38. | ***[Emergency Locator Transmitter | | jpeg){width | (ELT)]{.underline}** - ELTs are required to be onboard | | ="1.2298611 | all DOI and U. S. Forest Service aircraft. The | | 11111111in" | transmitter is designed to be activated upon impact | | height=" | during a hard landing or crash, and can be manually | | 0.922222222 | turned on. They are usually located in the front of | | 2222223in"} | helicopters and in the back of airplanes. It transmits | | | on an emergency radio frequency of 121.5 Megahertz | | ![](medi | (MHz) for civilian aircraft or 243 MHz for military. | | a/image39.j | The frequency is monitored by civilian and military | | peg){width= | aircraft, and aided by a satellite tracking system | | "1.15972222 | called, Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking | | 22222223in" | (SARSAT).* | | height=" | | | 0.869444444 | *If the ELT can be removed, the pilot should brief you | | 4444445in"} | on how to remove and activate it.* | | | | | ![](med | *A couple of things to remember:* | | ia/image40. | | | jpeg){width | - *If in distress, manually turn on the ELT and | | ="1.2298611 | leave it on.* | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | - *Only test the ELT during the first five minutes | | 0.922222222 | of any hour and limit your test to 3 audio beeps.* | | 2222223in"} | | | | *It is important to provide the pilot with a map of | | ![](med | the intended flight route with known hazards | | ia/image41. | identified. Encourage everyone onboard the aircraft to | | jpeg){width | look for hazards while in flight and alert the pilot. | | ="1.2298611 | Aerial hazards such as other aircraft, wires, and | | 11111111in" | large birds continue to cause aircraft accidents* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | *Can your mission or flight be accomplished during | | 2222223in"} | daylight hours? Most pilots and aircraft are approved | | | and equipped to perform according to FAA Visual Flight | | ![](med | Rules (VFR). Normally, VFR conditions require flights | | ia/image42. | to be accomplished only during hours between, ½ hour | | jpeg){width | before official sunrise to a ½ hour after official | | ="1.2298611 | sunset. Don't fly during poor visibility!* | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | *If your flight requires low-level flight, complete a | | 0.922222222 | high reconnaissance flight before flying at lower | | 2222223in"} | altitudes. Everybody should be looking for wires or | | | other aerial hazards. Look for poles or towers | | ![](med | indicating there may be wires in the vicinity. Wires | | ia/image43. | become invisible under certain light conditions or | | jpeg){width | when the background is similar in contrast. If you are | | ="1.2298611 | looking only for the wire, it may be too late to | | 11111111in" | avoid.* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | *[**Look for aerial hazards and alert the | | 2222223in"} | pilot.**]{.underline}* | | | | | ![](medi | *We can help the pilot by:* | | a/image44.j | | | peg){width= | - *Using a hazard map showing known hazards.* | | "1.15972222 | | | 22222223in" | - *Not flying during poor visibility.* | | height=" | | | 0.869444444 | - *Helping to look for hazards and alerting the | | 4444445in"} | pilot.* | | | | | ![](medi | - *Staying above 500 feet whenever possible. If you | | a/image45.j | must accomplish a low-level flight, do a high | | peg){width= | level reconnaissance above 500 feet before | | "1.15972222 | descending.* | | 22222223in" | | | height=" | ##### | | 0.869444444 | | | 4444445in"} | ##### IN-FLIGHT EMERGENCY | | | | | ![](med | *During flight, it is important that we are always | | ia/image46. | prepared for an emergency.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | - ***Pilot Declares the Emergency*** | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | - ***Protective Clothing in Use*** | | 0.922222222 | | | 2222223in"} | - ***Collars up, sleeves down*** | | | | | ![](med | - ***Visors down on flight helmet*** | | ia/image47. | | | jpeg){width | - ***Gloves on*** | | ="1.2298611 | | | 11111111in" | - ***Seat Restraints Snug*** | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | - ***Keep Away From Controls*** | | 2222223in"} | | | | - ***SECURE LOOSE GEAR*** (All capitalized to place | | ![](med | emphasis on the importance of securing loose | | ia/image48. | items.) | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | - ***Locate Emergency Exits*** | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | - ***Assume the Crash Position*** | | 0.922222222 | | | 2222223in"} | - ***WAIT FOR ALL MOTION TO STOP BEFORE EXITING*** | | | (All capitalized to emphasize the importance of | | ![](medi | waiting before exiting the aircraft.) | | a/image49.j | | | peg){width= | ***[Crash Positions.]{.underline}** Keep clear of the | | "1.15972222 | controls, secure loose gear, and note emergency | | 22222223in" | exits.* | | height=" | | | 0.869444444 | - ***Front Seat Occupant With Shoulder Harness*** | | 4444445in"} | | | | - *Chin down.* | | ![](med | | | ia/image50. | - *Arms crossed.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | - *Hold onto shoulder straps.* | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | - *Sit in upright position.* | | 0.922222222 | | | 2222223in"} | - *Prepare for impact.* | | | | | ![](med | - ***Rear Seat Occupant Facing Forward*** | | ia/image51. | | | jpeg){width | - *Bend at the waist.* | | ="1.2298611 | | | 11111111in" | - *Tuck head between legs.* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | - *Wrap arms around back of knees.* | | 2222223in"} | | | | - *Prepare for impact.* | | ![](med | | | ia/image52. | - ***Rear Seat Occupant Facing Rear*** | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | - *Chin down.* | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | - *Sit in upright position.* | | 0.922222222 | | | 2222223in"} | - *Elbows locked.* | | | | | ![](med | - *Hands clasping knees.* | | ia/image53. | | | jpeg){width | - *Prepare for impact.* | | ="1.2298611 | | | 11111111in" | ***[Wait Until All Motion Stops Before Exiting Unless | | height=" | \...]{.underline}** there is a post-crash fire. The | | 0.922222222 | safest environment during a crash is in the aircraft. | | 2222223in"} | If there is a fire, it is important to get away as | | | soon as practical. Time may be required to help those | | ![](med | in need. The fire extinguisher may buy added time to | | ia/image54. | help others.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | **Provide** students with overview of General Safety | | 11111111in" | Precautions. | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | ***[Determining Wind Direction,]{.underline}** It is | | 2222223in"} | important that aircraft takeoff and land into the | | | wind. A person on the ground can greatly improve | | ![](medi | helicopter safety by providing the pilot indication of | | a/image55.j | wind direction. A person can:* | | peg){width= | | | "1.15972222 | - *Use standard hand signal or radio.* | | 22222223in" | | | height=" | - *Use a windsock, flagging streamer or item of | | 0.869444444 | clothing.* | | 4444445in"} | | | | - *Throw dry dirt in the air.* | | ![](med | | | ia/image56. | - *Use smoke grenade.* | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | ***[NOTE:]{.underline}** Use caution when using hand | | 11111111in" | signals around larger helicopters. The rotor wash can | | height=" | be extremely hazardous in dry, dusty conditions. Wear | | 0.922222222 | personal protective equipment (PPE). It may be best to | | 2222223in"} | stay away and use a radio to provide wind direction | | | and direct the helicopter.* | | ![](med | | | ia/image57. | ***[Secure Loose Items!]{.underline}** - During | | jpeg){width | takeoffs and landings, light items such as clothing, | | ="1.2298611 | sleeping bags, ponchos, tarps, or visqueen can be | | 11111111in" | blown into the main rotor system and have catastrophic | | height=" | results.* | | 0.922222222 | | | 2222223in"} | ###### | | | | | ![](med | *Wait for the pilot to indicate it is safe before | | ia/image58. | moving forward or leaving. The pilot may use a hand | | jpeg){width | signal, a nod, or the radio to let you know it is safe | | ="1.2298611 | to move around the helicopter. The helicopter may not | | 11111111in" | be secure on the ground and the pilot may attempt to | | height=" | reposition to a more secure location. If the pilot | | 0.922222222 | attempted to do a pedal turn, unaware of your | | 2222223in"} | presence, you could be exposed to the tail rotor.* | | | | | ![](med | ***[Approach & Departure Around | | ia/image59. | Helicopters]{.underline}*** | | jpeg){width | | | ="1.2298611 | - *Always approach and depart a helicopter in view | | 11111111in" | of the pilot.* | | height=" | | | 0.922222222 | - *Carry tools and long objects parallel to the | | 2222223in"} | ground. A tool handle or long object, such as a | | | ski, can have disastrous results if hit by a main | | ![](med | rotor blade.* | | ia/image60. | | | jpeg){width | - *Always crouch when approaching and departing in | | ="1.2298611 | full view of the pilot or as directed.* | | 11111111in" | | | height=" | - Don\'t run! | | 0.922222222 | | | 2222223in"} | - *Never approach or depart to the rear! The pilot | | | can\'t see you, and you may be walking into an | | | invisible and deadly tail rotor.* | | | | | | ***[Don\'t Chase Loose Items!]{.underline}** Wear a | | | hard hat with chinstrap or carry headwear when | | | approaching and departing a helicopter. If something | | | should be blown away, don\'t chase it. Chasing a ball | | | cap into a moving tail rotor can be fatal.* | | | | | | ***[Always Approach & Depart From the Downhill | | | Side]{.underline}** Main rotor blades can reach below | | | head height. Think when you're walking uphill around a | | | helicopter: you\'re walking into the main rotor | | | system.* | | | | | | ***[Approach & Departure Around | | | Airplanes]{.underline}** Avoid the area of the engine | | | and propeller, even if the engine is not running. DOI | | | and the U.S. Forest Service require that single-engine | | | airplanes be turned off and the propeller stopped | | | before individuals enter or leave the airplane.* | | | | | | *For multi-engine aircraft, it is required that the | | | engine(s) on the passenger door side be turned off and | | | the propellers stopped. On some aircraft, an engine on | | | the opposite side of the airplane may be left running | | | to aid in restarting.* | | | | | | *Some airplanes have propellers in the front and back. | | | This reinforces the importance of approaching and | | | leaving after the engines have stopped and the | | | propellers have quit turning.* | | | | | | ***[Use designated steps or wing walkways when | | | entering or exiting.]{.underline}** Placing your | | | weight on wings, flaps, or struts not designed for | | | stepping can damage the aircraft. The pilot should | | | brief you on proper entering and exiting procedures.* | | | | | | ***[How do the doors operate?]{.underline}** The | | | operation of doors may vary for different aircraft. | | | You need to be briefed on opening and closing.* | | | | | | ***[Note emergency exits.]{.underline}** Where are | | | they located and how do they operate?* | | | | | | ***[Hold onto the door after opening.]{.underline}** | | | Aircraft doors are fragile; a wind gust can damage an | | | unattended door. Do not use the door to support your | | | weight as you enter the aircraft. Front seat | | | passengers in helicopters should use caution, placing | | | feet by the plastic chin bubble (window by feet\--do | | | not place daypacks or equipment there).* | | | | | | ***[Do not use sliding Plexiglas window as a door | | | handle!]{.underline}** Plexiglas is fragile and easy | | | to break. Close doors gently. An aircraft door should | | | not be slammed like a car door.* | | | | | | ***[Seats must be in upright position during takeoff | | | and landing.]{.underline}*** | | | | | | ***[Do not interfere with flight | | | controls.]{.underline}** Passengers sitting in the | | | front or in tandem aircraft (Super Cub) must avoid | | | interfering with the flight controls. Only approved | | | pilots are allowed to manipulate rudder pedals, pilot | | | yoke, fuel switches, etc.* | | | | | | ***[Don\'t Pressure the Pilot.]{.underline}** Each of | | | us has a different comfort level and different | | | abilities. We can alter the safety of a flight by | | | impressing or comparing the ability of pilots. If a | | | pilot appears uncomfortable or objects to performing a | | | mission request, respect their decision.* | | | | | | *The reverse is also true; if you feel uncomfortable, | | | you have a right and personal obligation to have the | | | pilot stop the mission.* | | | | | | ***Remember that [everyone]{.underline} has a right to | | | a safe work environment!*** | | | | | | ***FUELING SUMMARY*** | | | | | | - ***No Passengers Onboard*** | | | | | | - ***No Smoking Within 50 Feet*** | | | | | | - ***Propellers or Rotors Stopped*** | | | | | | - ***Engine(s) Off\--Except for Closed Circuit | | | System*** | | | | | | - ***Fuel Container & Aircraft Bonded*** | | | | | | - ***Fire Extinguisher Available*** | | | | | | *[**SUMMARY** **-- "5 Steps to a Safe | | | Flight"**]{.underline}* | | | | | | 1. ***Pilot/Aircraft Data Card -- Approved & | | | Current*** | | | | | | 2. ***Flight Plan/Flight Following Initiated*** | | | | | | 3. ***PPE in Use When Required*** | | | | | | 4. ***Pilot Briefed on Mission & Flight Hazards*** | | | | | | 5. ***Crew & Passenger Briefed*** | | | | | | ***Remember! -- To Report Any Mishap Call: | | | 1-888-464-7427*** | | | | | | ***1-888-4MISHAP*** | | | | | | ***Anyone can refuse or curtail a flight when an | | | unsafe condition may exist.*** | | | | | | ***Never let undue pressure (expressed or implied) | | | influence your judgment decisions. Avoid mistakes | | | don't hurry!*** | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
! Started logfile: 0135-247_X.log on Thu Jul 14 11:23:54 2005 observe 0135-247_X.edt ! Reading UV FITS file: 0135-247_X.edt ! AN table 1: 46 integrations on 171 of 171 possible baselines. ! AN table 2: 92 integrations on 171 of 171 possible baselines. ! Apparent sampling: 0.165734 visibilities/baseline/integration-bin. ! *** This seems a bit low - see "help observe" on the binwid argument. ! Found source: 0135-247 ! ! There are 4 IFs, and a total of 4 channels: ! ! IF Channel Frequency Freq offset Number of Overall IF ! origin at origin per channel channels bandwidth ! ------------------------------------------------------------- (Hz) ! 01 1 8.40997e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 02 2 8.47997e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 03 3 8.79497e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 04 4 8.89997e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! ! Polarization(s): RR ! ! Read 1818 lines of history. ! ! Reading 15644 visibilities. ![@gonzo8-0.1 0135-247_X] print "***********************************" ! *********************************** print "*** Using gonzo instruction set ***" ! *** Using gonzo instruction set *** print "***********************************" ! *********************************** float field_size field_size = 1024 float field_cell field_cell = 0.1 integer clean_niter clean_niter = 50 float clean_gain clean_gain = 0.03 float dynam dynam = 8.0 float win_mult win_mult = 1.8 float solint solint = 3.6/6.0 logical doflt doflt = true logical doamp float new_peak float flux_cutoff mapsize field_size,field_cell ! Map grid = 1024x1024 pixels with 0.100x0.100 milli-arcsec cellsize. select ! Selecting polarization: RR, channels: 1..4 ! Reading IF 1 channels: 1..1 ! Reading IF 2 channels: 2..2 ! Reading IF 3 channels: 3..3 ! Reading IF 4 channels: 4..4 startmod ! Applying default point source starting model. ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 1 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 1 components and 1 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! A total of 687 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 1018 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! A total of 687 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 1027 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! A total of 687 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 1023 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! A total of 687 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 1019 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.709483Jy sigma=0.011725 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.702947Jy sigma=0.011577 ! clrmod: Cleared the established, tentative and continuum models. ! Redundant starting model cleared. uvweight 2,-1 ! Uniform weighting binwidth: 2 (pixels). ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. doamp = false flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=0.5234 mas, bmaj=2.088 mas, bpa=-7.439 degrees ! Estimated noise=795.36 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal doamp, doflt, solint new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! Added new window around map position (0, 0). ! clean: niter=50 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.189103 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 50 components = 0.189103 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.021228 max=0.064735 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000093 rms=0.008204 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.189103 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.6 minute time intervals ! Adding 6 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 6 components and 0.189103 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.219575Jy sigma=0.003704 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.219516Jy sigma=0.003703 ! Inverting map ! clean: niter=50 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0770995 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 50 components = 0.0770995 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.017990 max=0.052663 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000102 rms=0.006306 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.266202 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.6 minute time intervals ! Adding 16 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 19 components and 0.266202 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.174839Jy sigma=0.002928 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.174706Jy sigma=0.002925 ! Inverting map ! Added new window around map position (0.8, 0.3). ! clean: niter=50 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0585009 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 50 components = 0.0585009 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.014097 max=0.035235 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000102 rms=0.004904 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.324703 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.6 minute time intervals ! Adding 10 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 27 components and 0.324703 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.143773Jy sigma=0.002381 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.143563Jy sigma=0.002378 ! Inverting map print "****************************************" ! **************************************** print "*** Finished Uniform Weighting CLEAN ***" ! *** Finished Uniform Weighting CLEAN *** print "****************************************" ! **************************************** uvweight 0,-1 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. win_mult = win_mult * 1.6 clean_niter = clean_niter * 2 dynam = dynam - 0.5 doamp = false flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=0.6644 mas, bmaj=2.364 mas, bpa=-6.873 degrees ! Estimated noise=387.666 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal doamp, doflt, solint new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=100 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0855845 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.130999 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 100 components = 0.130999 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.008307 max=0.027016 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000503 rms=0.004403 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.455702 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.6 minute time intervals ! Adding 37 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 50 components and 0.455702 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.091702Jy sigma=0.001432 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.091185Jy sigma=0.001424 ! Inverting map print "****************************************" ! **************************************** print "*** Finished Natural Weighting CLEAN ***" ! *** Finished Natural Weighting CLEAN *** print "****************************************" ! **************************************** gscale true ! Performing overall amplitude self-cal ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.00* FD 0.94 GC 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.00* KK 1.00* KP 0.98 LA 0.94 ! MC 1.00* MK 1.13 NL 1.00* NY 1.00* ! ON 1.00* OV 1.02 PT 0.95 SC 1.00* ! TS 1.00* WF 1.00* WZ 1.00* ! ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 2: ! BR 1.00 FD 0.97 GC 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.08 KK 0.98 KP 0.97 LA 0.88 ! MC 1.00* MK 1.05 NL 1.00 NY 1.00* ! ON 1.00* OV 1.01 PT 0.93 SC 1.02 ! TS 1.36 WF 1.00* WZ 1.00* ! ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.00* FD 0.93 GC 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.00* KK 1.00* KP 0.99 LA 0.94 ! MC 1.00* MK 1.07 NL 1.00* NY 1.00* ! ON 1.00* OV 1.02 PT 0.95 SC 1.00* ! TS 1.00* WF 1.00* WZ 1.00* ! ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 2: ! BR 0.97 FD 0.94 GC 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.05 KK 1.00 KP 0.96 LA 0.86 ! MC 1.00* MK 1.01 NL 0.99 NY 1.00* ! ON 1.00* OV 1.01 PT 0.95 SC 1.00 ! TS 1.29 WF 1.00* WZ 1.00* ! ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.00* FD 0.91 GC 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.00* KK 1.00* KP 0.98 LA 0.94 ! MC 1.00* MK 1.04 NL 1.00* NY 1.00* ! ON 1.00* OV 1.02 PT 0.93 SC 1.00* ! TS 1.00* WF 1.00* WZ 1.00* ! ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 2: ! BR 0.98 FD 0.95 GC 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.06 KK 0.96 KP 0.95 LA 0.86 ! MC 1.00* MK 0.99 NL 0.99 NY 1.00* ! ON 1.00* OV 1.00 PT 0.93 SC 1.00 ! TS 1.26 WF 1.00* WZ 1.00* ! ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.00* FD 0.91 GC 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.00* KK 1.00* KP 0.96 LA 0.93 ! MC 1.00* MK 0.96 NL 1.00* NY 1.00* ! ON 1.00* OV 1.00 PT 0.92 SC 1.00* ! TS 1.00* WF 1.00* WZ 1.00* ! ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 2: ! BR 0.95 FD 0.95 GC 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.05 KK 0.96 KP 0.95 LA 0.85 ! MC 1.00* MK 0.99 NL 0.98 NY 1.00* ! ON 1.00* OV 1.02 PT 0.93 SC 0.96 ! TS 1.27 WF 1.00* WZ 1.00* ! ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.091185Jy sigma=0.001424 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.078700Jy sigma=0.001246 dynam = dynam - 0.5 doamp = false flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=0.6928 mas, bmaj=2.38 mas, bpa=-7.124 degrees ! Estimated noise=368.306 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal doamp, doflt, solint new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=100 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00420076 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00420084 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 100 components = 0.00420085 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.005036 max=0.009366 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000004 rms=0.001560 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.459903 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.6 minute time intervals ! Adding 17 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 65 components and 0.459903 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.077960Jy sigma=0.001234 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.077879Jy sigma=0.001232 ! Inverting map dynam = dynam - 1.0 doamp = true solint = solint * (6.0/3.6) flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal doamp, doflt, solint new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=100 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.000745015 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.000618684 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 100 components = 0.000618684 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.004766 max=0.008923 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000007 rms=0.001507 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.460522 Jy ! Performing amp+phase self-cal over 1 minute time intervals ! Adding 11 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 74 components and 0.460522 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.077613Jy sigma=0.001227 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.075477Jy sigma=0.001184 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=0.6913 mas, bmaj=2.354 mas, bpa=-7.237 degrees ! Estimated noise=367.195 mJy/beam. doamp = false solint = solint / (6.0/3.6) flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal doamp, doflt, solint new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=100 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00206035 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00196102 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 100 components = 0.00196102 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.003984 max=0.008150 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000121 rms=0.001360 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.462483 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.6 minute time intervals ! Adding 11 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 77 components and 0.462483 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.075284Jy sigma=0.001181 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.075247Jy sigma=0.001181 ! Inverting map print "***********************************" ! *********************************** print "*** Finished Amplitude Self-Cal ***" ! *** Finished Amplitude Self-Cal *** print "***********************************" ! *********************************** save 0135-247_X ! Writing UV FITS file: 0135-247_X.uvf ! Writing 77 model components to file: 0135-247_X.mod ! wwins: Wrote 2 windows to ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 0.6913 x 2.354 at -7.237 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.0039565 max=0.2788 Jy/beam ! Writing clean map to FITS file: 0135-247_X.fits ! Writing difmap environment to: 0135-247_X.par print "****************************" ! **************************** print "*** Now, make some plots ***" ! *** Now, make some plots *** print "****************************" ! **************************** ![@gonzo_plot 0135-247_X] device,1,2 ! Attempting to open device: '' radplot ! Using default options string "m1" uvplot ! Using default options string "" device ! Attempting to open device: '' uvweight 0,-1 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. loglevs -1,2048,2 ! The new contour levels are: ! -1 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 cmul = imstat(rms)*3 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=0.6913 mas, bmaj=2.354 mas, bpa=-7.237 degrees ! Estimated noise=367.195 mJy/beam. mappl cln ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 0.6913 x 2.354 at -7.237 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.0039565 max=0.2788 Jy/beam ![Exited script file: gonzo_plot] ![Exited script file: gonzo8-0.1] quit ! Quitting program ! Log file 0135-247_X.log closed on Thu Jul 14 11:24:44 2005
**INITIATIVE TOWARDS MORE AFFORDABLE FLIGHT SIMULATORS** **FOR U.S. COMMUTER AIRLINE TRAINING** Thomas Longridge, Manager, Advanced Qualification Program Paul Ray, Manager, National Simulator Program Federal Aviation Administration, Washington D.C. Edward Boothe, Consultant, Flight Simulation and Training Atlanta, Georgia Judith Bürki-Cohen, Engineering Psychologist, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Department of Transportation Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America **[Abstract]{.underline}** Recent regulatory action, coupled to a policy of encouraging commuter airlines to conduct all pilot training and checking activities in ground based equipment, has created an impetus to consider how best to ameliorate the conditions which have discouraged the use of such equipment for pilot recurrent training by commuter airlines in the United States. This paper compares the relative merits of permitting additional recurrent training credit for enhanced flight training devices versus revising the qualification standards for Level B full flight simulators to achieve enhanced affordability. The current status of an ongoing Level B flight simulator qualification standards review, results to date, and future plans, including plans for the development of a comprehensive applied research program, are discussed. **[Background]{.underline}** The use of flight simulators for initial and recurrent pilot training by U.S. major airlines is universal, and its effectiveness is well recognized. However, the use of such equipment by smaller U.S. commuter airlines is mixed. While many commuter airlines use approved simulator resources available from aircraft manufacturers and training centers for initial pilot certification, smaller airlines frequently do not make use of such equipment for recurrent pilot training, due to various considerations, such as cost, convenience, and flight simulator availability. For airlines employing small aircraft, the per hour cost of operating an aircraft for training may compare favorably with the cost of contracting for simulator time. For some commuter aircraft, simulator resources may be very limited in availability, and they may be inconveniently located geographically for U.S. operators. On 20 December 1995, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a new regulation (Ref 1) applicable to all airlines that operate scheduled air carrier service in airplanes having ten or more passenger seats. This new regulation, Part 119 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations ( 14 CFR), encompasses all scheduled commuter airlines that operate airplanes of 10 or more seats under 14 CFR, Part 135. Among its provisions, it requires all such airlines to conduct pilot training and evaluation in accordance with the same provisions of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) that apply to major airlines, namely 14 CFR, Part 121. These changes are intended to encourage one standard of safety for all air carriers, regardless of the size of their aircraft or the range of their flight operations. In concert with these new rules, the FAA has adopted a policy of encouraging commuter airlines to transition their pilot training programs out of the aircraft and into ground-based training equipment. However, it is likely the effective realization of this policy will not occur until the major obstacles which have historically restricted access of commuter airlines to such equipment, namely cost, convenience, and availability, are removed. If this is to occur on a timely basis, the FAA must act proactively in meeting the needs of the commuter airlines for affordable training equipment. The FAA has also concluded that for any such effort to be successful without compromising safety, it must be accomplished without degradation in the qualification standards for such equipment. The FAA qualification requirements for a flight training device (FTD) are defined by Advisory Circular (AC) 120-45A (Ref 2), which defines seven levels of such equipment. The credit permitted for a corresponding FTD level is proscribed as an appendix to the FAA Practical Test Standards, as revised (Ref 3). Within the U.S., the Regional Airline Association has proposed that the FAA consider expanded options for the use of FTDs, a proposal which has also been enthusiastically endorsed by those equipment manufacturers for whom FTDs constitute a principle product line. The proposed strategy would entail an upgraded Level 5 or Level 6 FTD, consisting of an enhanced aeromodeling package and the addition of some type of visual image generation and display system. In some proposals, the addition of a low cost, small throw, three or four degree-of-freedom motion platform has also been discussed, although design specifications and associated capabilities have yet to be clearly defined. This enhanced FTD alternative is considered appealing by its proponents, because, provided the FAA were to agree to allow full credit for the use of such equipment in recurrent training and checking, it appears that this proposal would have the potential of addressing all of the major obstacles discussed above. From a regulatory perspective, however, there are certain drawbacks to this proposed approach. The first such drawback concerns the need for standardization in equipment qualification, in order to maintain acceptable standards of safety for pilot training and checking. As the purposes for which the FAA established the category of equipment called FTD did not incorporate an intent to address the full spectrum of pilot training needs, the existing FTD qualifications standards are not applicable to the use of these devices for such broad purposes. FTDs were established for use within an overall air carrier pilot training curriculum, which must either employ a full flight simulator (FFS), or the aircraft itself, as an essential component. The FFS provides an FAA-qualified vehicle for training and testing the skill integration required for the full range of flight operations. The FTD provides an FAA-qualified vehicle for mastering the skills associated with individual flight tasks, particularly procedural skills. Use of an FTD better enables matching training objectives to training equipment, by virtue of permitting training on lower level enabling objectives to occur on lower level equipment. This practice clearly permits more efficient use of FFS time, by concentrating use of the latter on those skills for which the FTD is not a suitable vehicle - namely, flight operations training and evaluation, in which the training equipment must be capable of presenting a full representive range of operational tasks, conditions, and contingencies. While the FAA has authorized training and checking credit for certain individual flight maneuvers to be accomplished in an FTD, the FAR also require that the demonstration of pilot proficiency for certain other tasks be completed in an appropriately qualified FFS, or in an aircraft, as part of the air carrier's approved overall training program. For recurrent pilot training proficiency checks, unless the landing maneuvers are accomplished in a Level B or higher FFS, evaluation of proficiency on these maneuvers must be conducted in the aircraft, typically accomplished by the satisfactory completion of at least two landings during the required operational (line) evaluation. In addition, 14 CFR Part 121 requires that recurrent windshear training be accomplished annually in a FFS. In 1990 the FAA issued Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) 58, Advanced Qualification Program (AQP), which created a voluntary alternative to the traditional 14 CFR Part 121 requirements for pilot training and checking (Ref 4). SFAR 58 provides a regulatory mechanism on which basis the FAA may approve significant departures from traditional requirements, including the authorized use of equipment for training. It has been argued by some in the training development community that "\..... qualification of ground-based devices for training needs to be based on their effectiveness for that purpose, not solely on their verisimilitude to an airplane" (Ref 5), and that "\.....what an effective simulation requires is as many of the psychophysical, cockpit management and communications demands as possible, rather than technical, physical, or aerodynamic fidelity to a particular aircraft type. Suitable simulation devices thus need "functional" fidelity and the simulation scenario must ensure appropriate "operational" and "embodied" fidelity." (Ref 6). Under AQP it is possible to conduct pilot training which is fully consistent with this philosophy, and to obtain FAA approval for the use in an AQP curriculum of equipment based upon such functional considerations, rather than on engineering criteria. It is not possible, however, to conduct the evaluation of end-level pilot proficiency in such equipment. In the U.S., as in many other countries today, regulations permit pilot training, qualification, and certification to be conducted entirely in ground-based equipment. Pilots qualified on such a basis are permitted to perform immediately as cockpit crewmembers in aircraft which fly passengers in revenue operations, albeit under the supervision of a check airman during the initial operating experience which follows upgrade or transition training. Recurrent training for continuing qualification of pilots can be accomplished entirely in ground-based equipment. Consequently, it is critical to safety that the ground-based equipment employed to evaluate end level proficiency for such purposes be qualified as replicating the aircraft over the full range of operational tasks, conditions, and contingencies. Even in AQP, therefore, there are clear restraints on the use of equipment for assessing terminal proficiency. Such equipment must be qualified by the FAA, and it must be approved for its intended use as AQP proficiency evaluation media. AQP does offer considerably flexibility with respect to the use of FTDs for the progressive sign-off of proficiency on individual objectives, including training to proficiency on technical and/or cognitively oriented objectives. However, the final criterion for successful completion of an AQP curriculum is the formal evaluation of proficiency in realistic operational scenarios that test a diagnostic sample of technical and cognitive skills in a systematically developed Line Operational Evaluation (LOE), which is designed to test both sets of skills together. The FAA has determined that only a qualified FFS is an acceptable media for LOE. Authorization of an "enhanced" FTD to accomplish recurrent training and checking, whether for credit on specific maneuvers under a traditional 14 CFR Part 121 program or under SFAR 58 with respect to evaluation on specific proficiency objectives, would require the development of appropriate equipment qualification standards for the modified configuration of devices to be employed for those purposes. Alternatively, it would necessitate the application of existing FFS qualification standards to the enhanced components of that equipment. It would also require modification to, or exemption from, the existing FAR pertaining to the requirements for FAA approval of an air carrier's pilot training program under Part 121. Since the enhancements to an FTD necessary to justify these actions would in effect be identical to those required to upgrade the device to a FFS, it is highly questionable whether this proposed course of action is warranted. From an FAA perspective, a more rationale course of action would be to take the existing qualification standards for a Level B simulator as a starting point, and determine (a) whether more affordable means of meeting those equipment standards can be achieved, and (b) if certain revisions to those qualification standards can be accomplished which would enhance affordability without degrading the quality of equipment performance. AC 120-40B (Ref 7) defines four FFS levels - A, B, C, and D. Of these, Level B appears to be the most logical target for this endeavor, because it can be used for 100% of recurrent training, equipment for recurrent training use is among the most significant cost considerations for U.S. commuter airlines, and the engineering requirements for a Level B simulator are such that the likelihood of a successful outcome for this review is higher than would be the case for a Level C or D simulator. Most U.S. regional airlines are already using a Level C or D FFS for initial and transition pilot training. Their use for that purpose is recognized as cost effective, but the cost of purchasing or leasing access to that level of equipment for pilot recurrent training is not considered to be acceptable by many commuter airlines, which continue to find it financially advantageous to conduct recurrent training and checking in the aircraft. Few, if any, Level B (or Level A) simulators are presently available for use with commuter class aircraft in the U.S.. The choice of a Level B simulator as a target system is driven by the stated policy of the FAA to encourage commuter airlines to conduct all of their training in ground-based equipment, rather than in the aircraft. While a Level A simulator can be employed under 14 CFR Part 121 to accomplish most of the requirements for aircraft specific recurrent pilot training and checking, the regulations require that if limited to that level of equipment, then two landings under the observation of a check airman must also be accomplished in the aircraft within the due period of the proficiency check for a given pilot. As previously noted, the two landings are typically observed during the required operational (line) evaluation, thereby necessitating at least two flight segments. If a Level B simulator is utilized for the proficiency check, the line checking requirement may be satisfied with a single flight segment, thereby potentially reducing the workload on check airmen by 50%. Another consideration for choice of Level B as the starting point concerns the feasibility of generalizing between equipment levels. Downward extension from Level B to Level A would appear to be more practical than attempting to extrapolate in the opposite direction.. Accordingly, the FAA is undertaking a comprehensive review of the equipment qualification standards for Level B FFS. This effort constitutes the initial phase of a systematic, multi-year program of FAA-sponsored flight simulator applied research, intended to provide empirical data on the relationships between training equipment engineering characteristics, pilot cueing requirements, equipment cueing effectiveness, and equipment pilot training and evaluation effectiveness. As results become available, they will be presented by the FAA for discussion and potential application internationally. FAA efforts regarding this issue are supportive of ongoing international initiatives to improve the quality of simulation and its use. The FAA actively supports the recently adopted international standards for Level I and II simulators, as exemplified by their incorporation into FAA Level C and D simulator qualification standards. This paper will describe the current status of the Level B flight simulator qualification standards review, progress to date, and future plans, including plans for the development of a comprehensive applied research program. The paper constitutes a description of work in progress. **[Review of Level B Simulator Qualification Standards]{.underline}** The baseline for this review is AC120-40B and the simulator validation tables therein. The review is being conducted on a progressive basis, beginning with the data requirements for validation of the aeromodel for a Level B flight simulator, since this consideration is fundamental to the fidelity of the simulator's handling characteristics, and is crucial for pilot acceptance of such equipment as a substitute for the aircraft. The second priority for this review is Level B flight simulator motion cueing. The third priority is Level B flight simulator visual display technology. Although there are other considerations to simulator validation, the FAA has determined that these three priorities have the biggest potential for success relative to achieving increased flight simulator affordability. To date, however, only the aeromodel review has been initiated. [Aeromodel Validation]{.underline} In initiating a review of those portions of AC120-40B pertaining to the validation of the aeromodeling for a Level B simulator, each test was examined with regard to the following questions: Given a commuter class aircraft with wing mounted turboprop engines, (a) what is the objective of this test? (b) is the test important to simulator fidelity from the perspective of what the pilot actually sees and feels in the cockpit? (c) are there modifications to the test that would reduce costs without seriously impacting simulator handling characteristics? and (d) are there modifications to the flight data instrumentation requirements that would reduce costs without seriously impacting the reliability and validity of the aeromodel verification process? A meeting of selected subject matter experts from industry, academia, and government in the disciplines of aerodynamic modeling, aircraft flight test instrumentation, simulator qualification, aircraft certification, and air carrier pilot training was convened to examine the tests in light of the above questions. The results of this review are summarized in Table I, and the verbatim transcript of the proceedings from this meeting has been documented (Ref 8). As Table I indicates, changes were proposed to more than half of the existing tests. Of 48 total tests, 27 were changed, including two which were deleted entirely - (2.d.(2): Roll Response Rate, and 2.e.(4): Rudder Effectiveness with Reverse Thrust. The most significant change was the elimination of angle-of-attack and control-surface-position measurements from all flights tests. While these recommendations do not depart dramatically from the existing requirements of AC120-40B, it is estimated that the net effect of adopting these proposed changes would be a savings of at least 25% in the cost of flight simulator validation, by virtue of reduced requirements for certain flight test instrumentation. For example, for Crosswind Landing - 2.e.(2), and Engine Inoperative-2.e.(3), the replacement of angle-of-attack and sideslip measures with normal and lateral acceleration measures would result in a significant instrumentation savings. While all these proposed changes would simplify flight testing and thereby reduce costs, it was the consensus of the review team that the quality of Level B simulator performance would not be adversely affected for pilot recurrent training purposes. In addition to a review of FAA simulator qualification requirements as embodied in the AC120-40B validation tables, consideration was given to the feasibility of using predictive modeling as a substitute for the flight test data typically required by the simulator manufacturer in order to tune an aeromodel to better match aircraft handling characteristics throughout the maneuver envelope. The use of flight data for this purpose is not a requirement of the objective tests specified in the FAA validation tables, which tend to reflect the acquisition of data taken from the middle of the flight envelope during steady state conditions. Nevertheless, simulator manufacturers have historically required flight data beyond that required for FAA objective tests, in order to refine the equations of motion so that simulation of aircraft dynamics is acceptable for the purposes of FAA-required subjective tests, and ultimately, for pilot acceptance. This requirement can add to the overall cost of the data package for a given flight simulator. Considerable progress has been made in recent years in the use of predictive modeling techniques to generate estimated flight data. In conjunction with increased accessibility to very high-powered computer technology, these techniques have become quite sophisticated. Moreover, it has been possible to refine the precision of such models by comparisons of their output with actual flight data on an iterative basis over a period of years. Indeed, the use of such techniques has become standard practice for simulator manufacturers, as a means of establishing new simulator configurations pending the availability of actual flight test data. These techniques are also gaining acceptance as a means for transport category aircraft manufacturers to reduce the amount of actual flight testing required for certification of variants from a previously flight-tested aircraft make and model. If predictive modeling can be successfully used to significantly reduce the requirement for flight data needed for aerodynamic model programming, it is estimated that an additional reduction of 25% in the cost of a simulator data package could be achieved. It was the consensus of the review team that this proposal has merit, and warrants further exploration, though it remains to be satisfactorily demonstrated that this approach would produce sufficiently accurate results for commuter class turboprop aircraft. The net cost savings for the flight test data package, which would result from the proposed validation table changes, and the use of predictive modeling as the primary source for supplemental flight data, is estimated to be 50%. [Motion Cueing]{.underline} There is probably no topic in the domain of flight simulation in more dire need of a unified approach to the quantitative analysis of flight simulator cueing requirements than that of motion cueing. In the absence of tools for that purpose, the continuing controversy over motion extends to diametrically opposing arguments (Ref 9, 10, 11, and 12), resolution of which is unlikely to ever occur unless a systematic program of properly designed research is undertaken to develop the requisite methodologies and to conduct the necessary critical studies. Surprisingly little satisfactory progress has occurred toward that end in recent years. The presently described FAA program is committed to the application of resources to address this need, but this effort is only in an early planning stage, and it remains to be determined whether such a program will be more successful than previous endeavors in this arena. In the meantime, the FAA must move forward to address the motion cueing considerations that would be applicable to updating the qualification requirements for a Level B flight simulator. Pending the availability of new scientific data, decisions in this regard must be based on the existing literature, and on best expert judgment. In light of the current state of knowledge (Refs 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17), the FAA has determined that both Level A and B full flight flight simulators must continue to be equipped with full-body-motion capability. Remaining at issue is whether the existing standards for motion platform performance for a Level B simulator should be left unchanged, or whether, in the interest of equal or better fidelity at reduced cost, modifications may be warranted. The objective tests in AC120-40B only directly address motion platform hardware performance, not motion drive software, which is only indirectly assessed by virtue of subjective acceptance testing. Consequently, there is presently no defined standard which validates that the motion system *per se* provides appropriate cueing. Nor is there a requirement for objective tests which specifically address acceptable phase lag relationships between flight simulator visual and motion systems, though there is ample data that the lack of simulator fidelity for onset cueing therein can not only impact motion perception (Refs 14, 15, and 17), but it can be a contributor to simulator sickness (Ref 18). While consideration of additional standards or guidelines along these lines might on the surface appear to risk increasing rather than reducing the costs for a Level B simulator, it is entirely possible that the establishment of such standards could enable increased regulatory flexibility with respect to approval criteria for alternative full-body-motion simulator system configurations. For this reason, these issues will be addressed as part of the FAA's comprehensive Level B simulator qualifications standards review. [Visual Image Generation & Display Technology]{.underline} The existing requirements in AC120-40B for simulator visual image generation systems could be considered to be minimal, given the progress that has occurred in the capabilities of commercial off-the-shelf technology (COT), and the associated significant drop in the cost of such systems during the past decade. Not only are relatively inexpensive full-color, photo-texture-capable image generation systems suitable for Level B simulator use available in the marketplace, but user friendly, relatively inexpensive data base modeling systems are also available, as a result of which there does not appear to be any requirement to address image generation from either the perspective of the FAA Level B qualification standards review, or planned research. On the other hand, progress in the development of affordable visual system display technology, though evident, has been less dramatic. Until recently, there have been few alternatives to calligraphic displays, or to hybrid rastergraphic/calligraphic displays, suitable for meeting FAA Level B qualification standards for approach and runway lights. Similarly, although Level B standards do not explicitly call out a requirement for collimated optics, it is unlikely that a display system without such optics could qualify with respect to simultaneous field-of-view, sink rate cueing, and depth perception. Although Level B qualification standards only specify a requirement for a 45 H by 30 V degree field-of-view for each pilot, the provision of such displays systems can be relatively expensive. No change in the existing standards for Level B simulator display systems is contemplated. However, it is planned to seek the recommendations of subject matter experts concerning alternatives for more affordable display technology capable of meeting existing Level B standards. **[Future Plans]{.underline}** ### [Practical Applications]{.underline} ### Plans for the immediate future include convening groups of recognized subject matter experts in the areas of simulator motion cueing, as well as simulator visual display technology, respectively, for the purposes of reviewing the existing AC120-40B qualification standards for Level B flight simulators in light of the considerations discussed above, and formulating recommendations to the FAA that could enhance simulator affordability without degrading quality of performance. ### Following FAA review, collation, and integration of expert input on aeromodeling, motion systems, and visual display systems, the FAA will publish an addendum to AC120-40, as revised, which will incorporate any appropriate revisions to qualification standards for Level A and B full flight simulators. [Planned Research Program]{.underline} Planning for an FAA-sponsored comprehensive simulator research program is still in development. The research plan will not be finalized until the recommendations from the remaining subject matter expert groups discussed above are available, and a presently ongoing review of the pertinent scientific literature in these areas has been completed. However, certain research priorities have already emerged for the immediate future. First, with regard to the use of predictive modeling as a substitute for the supplementary flight data used to tune the math model, the FAA will sponsor research to compare the results of predictive modeling with actual flight data for commuter class turboprop aircraft. Provided the results of that endeavor are positive, the characteristics of effective strategies for the use of predictive models to generate valid data estimates, and the properties of effective models for that purpose, will be documented. This information will be disseminated to industry. Concommitantly, the FAA will seek recommendations on whether guidelines for the application of such models to flight data estimation should be incorporated into agency advisory materials. Secondly, a research program to address the key unanswered issues in flight simulator motion cueing for transport category aircraft will be designed and initiated. Such a program must advance our state of knowledge regarding the critical interactions between the human visual/somatosensory/vestibular senses relating to motion, simulator hardware characteristics, simulator software-drive algorithms, and the transfer of pilot performance to the aircraft. As a minimum, this research must resolve the question of whether whole-body cueing information is needed for performance of particular flight tasks in the simulator, and if so, whether its presence or absence impacts transfer of pilot performance on those tasks from the simulator to the aircraft. If simulator motion is needed for particular maneuvers, then research must establish the nature of the translational, linear acceleration, and angular acceleration motion cueing required for those maneuvers. Since it is known that there exists a powerful interaction between visual perception and motion perception (Ref 9), if motion cueing is needed, then research must address the requirements for the synchronization between visual and motion cueing systems. Given that a Level B simulator only requires a 45 H by 30 V degree field-of-view per pilot eye point, the research must include consideration of field-of-view size effects on visually induced motion perception, and the associated interaction of visual field size with whole-body motion cueing. And in particular, since a flight simulator is restricted in its physical capacity to provide translational and acceleration motion cues, if motion cueing is warranted, research is needed on to how to optimize motion system design, so as to most effectively provide the essential cues, while minimizing false cues. Though none of these questions are new, all of them remain controversial, despite the existing body of research literature. It is therefore appropriate that they should be reexamined in light of the most recent improvements in simulator visual and motion system technology, with a focus on better quantifying the relationships between the pertinent engineering and behavioral variables. **[Conclusions]{.underline}** The FAA is undertaking a proactive effort to increase the accessibility of flight simulators to commuter airlines for use in recurrent pilot training in the United States. This strategy entails examining the qualification standards for a Level B simulator, to determine whether revisions which enhance affordability without degrading fidelity may be feasible. The most immediate product of this ongoing effort will be an update to AC120-40, as revised, addressing modified qualification standards for Level A and B flight simulators. It is hoped that this will serve as an enabling initiative for industry, by virtue of providing advance notice of FAA acceptance of more streamlined qualification criteria for such equipment. Whether such equipment will in fact ever be built must be determined by the marketplace. While the FAA encourages the use of FTDs as a means of increasing training efficiency, the FAA does not anticipate any change in the requirement to utilize an approved FFS for accomplishing certain pilot evaluation requirements. The FAA has no plans to authorize the use of an enhanced FTD to substitute for use of a FFS to accomplish those requirements. In conjunction with its review of Level B qualification standards, the FAA is in the process of initiating a comprehensive program of flight simulator research. The short term goals for this program entail the acquisition of data needed to support the Level B initiative, such as the feasibility of using predictive modeling to generate estimated flight data suitable for use in tuning the simulator aeromodel. On a more long term basis, the research will address certain fundamental issues in flight simulation, such as the contribution of whole-body motion cueing to effective flight simulation training in transport category aircraft. Although still in an early planning stage, the FAA has elected to announce its intentions for such a program in the interest of soliciting suggestions on how it should best be formulated, and for the purpose of seeking partnerships in its execution. The FAA welcomes the recommendations and participation of interested parties to this endeavor. **[References]{.underline}** 1\. Office of the Federal Register, [Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Part 119 - Certification: Air Carriers and Commercial Operators]{.underline}, Federal Register, Vol 60., No. 244, 20 December 1995, pp 65913-65925. 2\. Federal Aviation Administration, [Airplane Flight Training Device Qualification]{.underline}, Advisory Circular 120-45A, 5 February 1992. 3\. Federal Aviation Administration, [Airline Transport Pilot and Type Rating Practical Test Standards]{.underline}, FAA-S-8081-5B, July 1995. 4\. Office of the Federal Register, [Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Special Federal Aviation Regulation 58-Advanced Qualification Program]{.underline}, Federal Register, Vol 55, No. 191, 2 October 1990, pp 40275-40277. 5\. Roscoe, Stanley N., [Simulator Qualification: Just as Phony as It Can be]{.underline}, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, Vol 1, Issue 4, 1991, pp. 335-339. 6\. Johnston, Neil, [Simulation and Training: Perspectives on Theory and Practice]{.underline}, Unpublished Manuscript, Aerospace Psychology Research Group, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, August 1995 7\. Federal Aviation Administration, [Airplane Simulator Qualification]{.underline}, Advisory Circular 120-40B, 29 July 1991. 8\. Federal Aviation Administration, [Transcript of the Joint FAA/Industry Symposium on Level B Airplane Simulator Aeromodeling Validation Requirements]{.underline}, unpublished transcript, 14 March 1996. 9\. Waag, Wayne, L., [Training Effectiveness of Visual and Motion Simulation]{.underline}, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, AFHRL-TR-79-72, January 1981. 10\. Staples, K. J., [Motion, Visual, and Aural Cues in Piloted Flight Simulation]{.underline}, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Technical Memo Aero 1196, January 1970. 11\. Ashworth, Billy R., McKissick, Burnell T., and Parrish, Russel V., [Effects of Motion Base and G-Seat Cueing on Simulator Pilot Performance]{.underline}, NASA Langley Rese-arch Center, NASA Technical Paper 2247, March 1984. 12\. Nataupsky, Mark, Waag, Wayne L., Weyer, Douglas. C., McFadden, Robert W., & McDowell, Edward, [Platform Motion Contributions to Simulator Effectiveness]{.underline}, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, AFHRL-TR-79-25, November 1979. 13\. Heffley, Robert K., Clement, Warren F., Ringland, Robert F., Jewell, Wayne, F., Jex, Henry R., McRauer, Duane, T., & Carter, Vernon, E., [Determination of Motion and Visual System Requirements for Flight Training Simulators]{.underline}, U.S. Army Research Institute, ARI-TR-546, August 1981. 14 Boothe, Edward, [A Case for Simulator Motion Standards]{.underline}, In the Proceedings of the European Forum on Matching Technology to Training Requirements, Royal Aeronautical Society, May 1992. 15\. Rolfe, John M., and Staples, K.J., (Editors), [Flight Simulation]{.underline}, Cambridge University Press, 1986 16\. Cardullo, Frank M., [An Assessment of the Importance of Motion Cueing Based on the Relationships between Simulated Aircraft Dynamics and Pilot Performance: A Review of the Literature]{.underline}, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA-91-2980-CP, August 1991. 17\. Luijt, Ralph S., and Van de Moesdijk, Gerrit A. J., [Some Considerations for the Definition of Motion Cue Validation Tests]{.underline}, In the Proceedings of the European Forum on Matching Technology to Training Requirements, Royal Aeronautical Society, May 1992. 18\. McCauley, Michael E., (Editor), [Research Issues in Simulator Sickness]{.underline}: Proceedings of a Workshop, National Research Council Committee on Human Factors, National Academy Press, 1984. **Table 1** PROPOSED VALIDATION TEST DATA SOURCES AND TEST TECHNIQUES FOR LEVEL **B** FLIGHT SIMULATOR (Multi-engine Turboprop Aircraft) +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ | 1 | Test | Ex | | **Test Objective (Obj)** | | Com | | 20- | Name | is | | | | ment | | 40B | | ti | | Proposed Test Technique and | | | | | | ng | | Instrumentation | | | | t | | | | | | | | est | | Da | | | | | | No | | ta | | | | | | | | So | | | | | | | | ur | | | | | | | | ce | | | | | +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ | **P | | | | | | | | ERF | | | | | | | | ORM | | | | | | | | ANC | | | | | | | | E** | | | | | | | +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ | ** | | | | | | | | TAX | | | | | | | | I** | | | | | | | +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ | 1 | Min | A | | **Obj: Verify ground | | NC | | .a. | Rad | FM | | handling and required | | | | (1) | turn | /O | | ground maneuvering surface | | | | | | ps | | area.** | | | | | | Ma | | | | | | | | nu | | None Required | | | | | | al | | | | | +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ | 1 | Rate | | | **Obj: Verify that steering | | Rev | | .a. | of | | | is commensurate with | | | | (2) | Turn | | | airplane steering .** | | | | | vs | | | | | | | | Nos | | | Tiller protractor and video | | | | | ewheel | | | of heading indicator during | | | | | St | | | steady state turn or [full | | | | | eering | | | rudder pedal steady state | | | | | angle | | | turn]{.underline} and | | | | | | | | video. If less than full | | | | | | | | rudder pedal is used, pedal | | | | | | | | position must be recorded. | | | | | | | | (A single test procedure | | | | | | | | may not be applicable to | | | | | | | | all airplane's steering | | | | | | | | systems, therefore | | | | | | | | appropriate measurement | | | | | | | | procedures should be | | | | | | | | devised and proposed for | | | | | | | | FAA concurrence.) If | | | | | | | | heading change rate and | | | | | | | | speed are constant, ground | | | | | | | | speed can be calculated, | | | | | | | | otherwise groundspeed must | | | | | | | | be measured by accepted | | | | | | | | methods. | | | +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ | ** | | | | | | | | TAK | | | | | | | | EOF | | | | | | | | F** | | | | | | | +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ | 1 | Ground | Ce | | **Obj: Confirm the | | Rev | | .b. | Accele | rt | | simulator model ground | | | | (1) | ration | Da | | performance during | | | | | | ta | | acceleration.** | | | | | | T | | | | | | | | IR | | As currently permitted by | | | | | | | | 40B. Also, could use stop | | | | | | A | | watch, calibrated A/S and | | | | | | FM | | rwy markers to acquire data | | | | | | | | during a takeoff with power | | | | | | | | set before brake release. | | | | | | | | Power settings hand | | | | | | | | recorded. If an inertial | | | | | | | | measurement system is | | | | | | | | installed, speed and | | | | | | | | distance may be derived | | | | | | | | from acceleration | | | | | | | | measurements. | | | +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ | 1 | Min | Ce | | **Obj: Confirm the | | NC | | .b. | Cont | rt | | simulator on ground | | | | (2) | Spd, | Da | | aerodynamic controls, | | | | | Grd | ta | | thrust and control | | | | | | T | | models.** | | | | | | IR | | | | | | | | | | Available in AFM, Required | | | | | | A | | Certification Test | | | | | | FM | | | | | +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ | 1 | Alter | No | | **Obj: Confirm the | | \*\* | | .b. | native | ne | | simulator on ground | | | | (2) | to Min | | | aerodynamic controls, | | Rev | | | Cont | | | thrust and control | | | | | Spd, | | | models.** Rapid throttle | | | | | Gnd | | | reductions at speeds near | | | | | | | | Vmcg recording yaw rate, | | | | | | | | control inputs etc. The | | | | | | | | nose wheel must be free to | | | | | | | | caster, or equivalently | | | | | | | | freed of sideforce | | | | | | | | generation. The applicant | | | | | | | | for simulator qualification | | | | | | | | must demonstrate that the | | | | | | | | simulator yawing moment due | | | | | | | | to asymmetric thrust and | | | | | | | | the rudder yawing moment to | | | | | | | | compensate are the same as | | | | | | | | those of the airplane. | | | | | | | | Inertial measurement system | | | | | | | | and cockpit control force | | | | | | | | and position measurement | | | | | | | | device. | | | +-----+--------+----+---+-----------------------------+--------+------+ (Con't) +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Test | Ex | **Test Objective (Obj)** | Com | | 20- | Name | isting | | ment | | 40B | | | Proposed Test Technique and | | | | | Data | Instrumentation | | | t | | Source | | | | est | | | | | | No | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Min | Cert | **Obj: Confirm low speed elevator | \*\* | | .b. | U | Data | effectiveness in ground effect and | | | (3) | nstick | TIR | confirm lift model at high angle of | NC | | | Speed | | attack in ground effect.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Required speed definition for Part | | | | | | 25, not defined for Part 23 Commuter | | | | | | Category. Rotate, using full | | | | | | elevator input, at a speed less than | | | | | | VR , hold a constant attitude until | | | | | | lift off etc. The test and procedure | | | | | | are described in AC 25-7 para 10. | | | | | | B.(5) which should be consulted for | | | | | | the test procedure. An equivalent | | | | | | test may be used for Part 23 | | | | | | Commuter Category airplanes for | | | | | | which VMU is not an airplane | | | | | | certification requirement. The | | | | | | elevator effectiveness and lift | | | | | | computation for the simulator must | | | | | | be verified by comparison to the | | | | | | airplane. Inertial measurement | | | | | | system and control input measurement | | | | | | devices. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Normal | Cert - | **Obj: Confirm the overall | \*\* | | .b. | T | Perfo | performance and handling of the | | | (4) | akeoff | rmance | simulator model during ground, lift | NC | | | | Only | off and transition through ground | | | | | | effect, and initial climb | | | | | | operations.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Calculate AOA from pitch attitude | | | | | | and flight path. Inertial | | | | | | measurement system, radio altimeter, | | | | | | video of calibrated aircraft | | | | | | instruments, Force and position | | | | | | measurement on cockpit controls. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Cr | Perfo | **Obj: Confirm simulator model | \*\* | | .b. | itical | rmance | response to a critical engine | | | (5) | Engine | data | failure during the take off run, | Rev | | | F | ava | corrective control inputs, effect on | | | | ailure | ilable | takeoff distance, and initial climb | | | | on | from | with one engine inoperative.** | | | | T | c | | | | | akeoff | ertifi | Need is aircraft dynamic response to | | | | | cation | engine failure and control inputs | | | | | | required to correct flight path. | | | | | | Inertial measurement system and | | | | | | video system. Omit AOA measurement. | | | | | | Measure heading and lateral | | | | | | acceleration. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Cro | None, | **Obj: Confirm proper response of | \*\* | | .b. | sswind | except | simulator model, including flight | | | (6) | T | li | controls, to a crosswind during take | Rev | | | akeoff | miting | off and post lift off.** | | | | | cro | | | | | | sswind | Inertial measurement system, video | | | | | | of calibrated aircraft instruments, | | | | | | Control forces measurement device, | | | | | | Omit AOA. Measure heading and | | | | | | lateral acceleration. The wind | | | | | | profile should be specified. The 1/7 | | | | | | law to 10 meters is suggested as an | | | | | | acceptable wind profile model that | | | | | | is now in use. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Re | None | **Obj: Confirm simulator model | Rev | | .b. | jected | | overall on ground performance and | | | (7) | | | modeled wheel brake effectiveness | | | | | | during maximum wheel braking.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Use ground acceleration per 1.b.(1) | | | | | | and stopping per 1.d.(1) except that | | | | | | take off flap settings must be used | | | | | | which may effect the stopping | | | | | | distance. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | **C | | | | | | LIM | | | | | | B** | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Normal | C | **Obj: Confirm simulator model climb | Rev | | .c. | Climb, | ertifi | performance.** | | | (1) | all | cation | | | | | e | data, | As now permitted by 40B, could also | | | | ngines | TIR, | do with stop watch and calibrated | | | | | AFM, | ships airspeed system. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Second | C | **Obj: Confirm simulator model climb | Rev | | .c. | S | ertifi | performance in airplane take off | | | (2) | egment | cation | configuration with one engine | | | | Climb, | data, | inoperative.** | | | | One | TIR, | | | | | Engine | AFM | As now permitted by 40B, could also | | | | Inope | | do with stop watch and ships | | | | rative | | calibrated airspeed system. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ (Con't) +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Test | Ex | **Test Objective (Obj)** | Com | | 20- | Name | isting | | ment | | 40B | | | Proposed Test Technique and | | | | | Data | Instrumentation | | | t | | Source | | | | est | | | | | | No | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Ap | C | **Obj: Confirm simulator model climb | Rev | | .c. | proach | ertifi | performance in airplane approach | | | (3) | Climb, | cation | configuration with one engine | | | | one | data, | inoperative.** | | | | engine | TIR, | | | | | inope | AFM | As now permitted by 40B, could also | | | | rative | | do with stop watch and ships | | | | | | calibrated airspeed system. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | **S | | | | | | TOP | | | | | | PIN | | | | | | G** | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Decele | C | **Obj: Confirm simulator overall | Rev | | .d. | ration | ertifi | lift, drag and wheel braking model | | | (1) | Time | cation | on the ground.** | | | | and | data, | | | | | Dis | l | None Required if time to stop is | | | | tance, | anding | available in certification data. | | | | Wheel | di | | | | | Brakes | stance | | | | | | tests, | | | | | | TIR, | | | | | | AFM | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Decele | None | **Obj: Confirm simulator on ground | Rev | | .d. | ration | | overall lift, drag and thrust | | | (2) | Time | | modeling with reverse thrust.** | | | | and | | Landing Tests, stop watch, runway | | | | Dis | | markers, video, calibrated aircraft | | | | tance, | | instruments. Thrust control lever | | | | R | | positions and engine output | | | | everse | | (pertinent parameters) must be | | | | Thrust | | recorded. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | ** | | | | | | ENG | | | | | | INE | | | | | | S** | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Accele | None | **Obj: Demonstrate that the | Rev | | .e. | ration | | simulator engine model responds | | | (1) | | | correctly during the specified | | | | | | condition.** Calibrated aircraft | | | | | | instruments, video with time read | | | | | | out. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Decele | None | As above | Rev | | .e. | ration | | | | | (2) | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | * | | | | | | *HA | | | | | | NDL | | | | | | ING | | | | | | QU | | | | | | ALI | | | | | | TIE | | | | | | S** | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | ** | | | | | | STA | | | | | | TIC | | | | | | C | | | | | | ONT | | | | | | ROL | | | | | | CH | | | | | | ECK | | | | | | S** | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Column | Maint | **Obj: Confirm model of flight | \* | | .a. | Po | enance | control system force, position and | | | (1) | sition | Manual | friction relationships.** | Rev | | | vs | for | | | | | Force | s | Control force and position | | | | | urface | measurement device and x - y | | | | | to | recorder needed. Surface position | | | | | column | could be measured from FDR sensor | | | | | calib | or, if no FDR sensor, at selected | | | | | ration | column positions using a control | | | | | | surface protractor. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Wheel | Maint | Same as above | \* | | .a. | Po | Man as | | | | (2) | sition | above | | Rev | | | vs | | | | | | Force | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Pedal | Maint | Same as above | \* | | .a. | Po | Man as | | | | (3) | sition | above | | Rev | | | vs | | | | | | Force | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Nos | None | **Obj: Confirm important nosewheel | Rev | | .a. | ewheel | | steering metrics of the simulator | | | (4) | St | | model which are important to ground | | | | eering | | handling.** | | | | Force | | | | | | and | | Use 45A. Measure breakout with hand | | | | Po | | held force gauge. Use hand held | | | | sition | | gauge to measure force after | | | | | | breakout for small arc. Predict | | | | | | remainder. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Rudder | Acft | **Obj: Confirm important nosewheel | \* | | .a. | Pedal | Design | steering metrics of the simulator | | | (5) | St | Data | model which are important to ground | Rev | | | eering | | handling.** Force pads on pedals, | | | | Calib | | pedal position measurement device*,* | | | | ration | | design data for nose wheel position. | | | | | | (Turn radius will be compared to AFM | | | | | | at full pedal, and possibly other*,* | | | | | | deflections also) \[ See 1.a.(2) | | | | | | above\] | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Pitch | None | **Obj: Validate the simulator model | NC | | .a. | Trim | | pitch trim calculation.** | | | (6) | Calib. | | | | | | In | | Calculated | | | | dicate | | | | | | vs | | | | | | C | | | | | | ompute | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ (Con't) +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Test | Ex | **Test Objective (Obj)** | Com | | 20- | Name | isting | | ment | | 40B | | | Proposed Test Technique and | | | | | Data | Instrumentation | | | t | | Source | | | | est | | | | | | No | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Power | None | **Obj: Confirm that given engine | Rev | | .a. | Lever | | control lever positions result in | | | (7) | and | | the proper engine performance | | | | other | | indications.** | | | | engine | | | | | | c | | Fabricate scale to use on throttle | | | | ontrol | | quadrant. Video camera to record | | | | levers | | steady state instrument readings or | | | | Angle | | hand record steady state engine | | | | vs | | performance readings. | | | | Engine | | | | | | Indi | | | | | | cation | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Brake | Acft | **Obj: Assure that the brake pedal | \* | | .a. | Pedal | Design | produces the appropriate force | | | (8) | Po | Data | feedback for a given brake pedal | Rev | | | sition | | position.** | | | | vs | | | | | | Force | | Use design/predicted data. As for | | | | | | Level 6, measure only at 0 and | | | | | | maximum and use acft design data | | | | | | curve for deflections between | | | | | | extremes. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | * | | | | | | *LO | | | | | | NGI | | | | | | TUD | | | | | | INA | | | | | | L** | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Power | None | **Obj: Confirm the correct simulator | \*\* | | .c. | Change | | model dynamic response to an in | | | (1) | Dy | | flight airplane power or | NC | | | namics | | configuration change.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Do as per AC120-40B. Inertial | | | | | | measurement system would then be | | | | | | required. Transient data is needed | | | | | | therefore the dynamic case must be | | | | | | done. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Fla | None | Same as above | \*\* | | .c. | p/Slat | | | | | (2) | Change | | | NC | | | Dyn | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Sp | None | Same as above | \*\* | | .c. | oiler/ | | | | | (3) | Spee | | | NC | | | dbrake | | | | | | Change | | | | | | Dyn | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Gear | None | Same as above | \*\* | | .c. | Change | | | | | (4) | Dy | | | NC | | | namics | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Gear | Design | **Obj: Assure that the simulator | Rev | | .c. | Flap | Data, | model configuration change time | | | (5) | Slat | C | increment corresponds to that of the | | | | Ope | ertifi | airplane.** | | | | rating | cation | | | | | Time | Tests | Measure in conjunction with | | | | | | acquisition of data for 2.c.(1), | | | | | | (2), (3), (4) above. Statement of | | | | | | compliance referencing an | | | | | | appropriate data source*.* \[Such as | | | | | | design data, production flight test | | | | | | schedule, maintenance test | | | | | | specification etc.\] | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Longit | C | **Obj: Confirm that simulator model | \*\* | | .c. | udinal | ertifi | parameters are correct in level | | | (6) | Trim | cation | flight steady state conditions.** | Rev | | | | Tests | | | | | | (li | Inertial measurement system for | | | | | mited) | pitch attitude, cockpit controls | | | | | | position measurement equipment with | | | | | | a calibration of cockpit controls | | | | | | positions and surface positions, | | | | | | ships engine instruments, do a | | | | | | number of level runs in accordance | | | | | | with the guidance of AC120-40B. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Longit | C | **Obj: Confirm the simulator model | \*\* | | .c. | udinal | ertifi | longitudinal control force as a | | | (7) | Ma | cation | function of normal acceleration.** | NC | | | neuver | Tests, | Ships calibrated airspeed indicator. | | | | Sta | TIR | Apply a temporary high resolution | | | | bility | | bank angle scale to attitude | | | | | | indicator, inertial measurement | | | | | | system and wheel/column force | | | | | | measurement device. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Longit | C | **Obj: Confirm the simulator model | NC | | .c. | udinal | ertifi | longitudinal control force as a | | | (8) | Static | cation | function of airspeed increments from | | | | sta | Tests | trim airspeed.** | | | | bility | | | | | | | TIR | Ships instruments, hand held force | | | | | | gauge. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Stick | TIR, | **Obj: Confirm that the simulator | NC | | .c. | S | AFM | model produces stall at the correct | | | (9) | haker, | | airspeed and incorporates the | | | | Ai | | appropriate warning modeling at | | | | rframe | | airspeeds approaching the stall.** | | | | B | | | | | | uffet, | | Acquire using stop watch, ships | | | | Stall | | calibrated airspeed, and video, hand | | | | Speeds | | record flight condition and | | | | | | configuration. The speeds are | | | | | | available in the TIR and AFM. | | | | | | Consideration should also be given | | | | | | to stall characteristics | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ (Con't) +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Test | Ex | **Test Objective (Obj)** | Com | | 20- | Name | isting | | ment | | 40B | | | Proposed Test Technique and | | | | | Data | Instrumentation | | | t | | Source | | | | est | | | | | | No | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2. | P | None | **Obj: Confirm that the phugoid is | \*\* | | c.( | hugoid | | correct as this mode is indicative | | | 10) | | | of certain features of the | NC | | | | | longitudinal aerodynamic model and | | | | | | is very important to longitudinal | | | | | | trim ability.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Inertial measurement system is | | | | | | necessary to accurately measure this | | | | | | important response. Cockpit | | | | | | controller positions are also | | | | | | important, especially in cases where | | | | | | the dynamics of flight control | | | | | | system components alter the | | | | | | character of the response. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2. | Short | None | **Obj: To assure that this primary | \*\* | | c.( | Period | | longitudinal maneuvering mode is | | | 11) | | | correctly produced by the simulator | NC | | | | | model.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Inertial measurement system, | | | | | | measuring primarily accelerations | | | | | | (normal), video. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | **L | | | | | | ATE | | | | | | RAL | | | | | | D | | | | | | IRE | | | | | | CTI | | | | | | ONA | | | | | | L** | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | M | C | **Obj: Confirm the minimum airspeed | \*\* | | .d. | inimum | ertifi | at which control can be maintained | | | (1) | C | cation | with one engine inoperative. Control | NC | | | ontrol | Tests, | force and deflection, asymmetric | | | | Speed, | TIR, | thrust and overall handling | | | | Air | | approaching and at the minimum | | | | | | control speed are important and | | | | | | should be recorded.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Inertia measurement system, cockpit | | | | | | control force and position | | | | | | measurement device. An alternative | | | | | | procedure to measuring just the | | | | | | minimum speed at which control can | | | | | | be maintained is to measure the | | | | | | needed control deflections and other | | | | | | parameters at several speeds as the | | | | | | speed approaches the minimum control | | | | | | speed and as close as possible to | | | | | | the minimum speed in order to | | | | | | develop several simulator validation | | | | | | points at progressively lower | | | | | | speeds. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Roll | None | Stop watch, ships calibrated | \* | | .d. | Re | | instruments, high resolution scale | | | (2) | sponse | | on attitude indicator, FDR sensor | De | | | (Rate) | | for lateral control (wheel) | lete | | | | | deflection. Do roll in both | | | | | | directions using a number of wheel | | | | | | deflections and measure only the | | | | | | steady state rates. Video of | | | | | | instruments | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Roll | None | **Obj: Confirm that the simulator | \*\* | | .d. | Re | | model properly produces this primary | | | (3) | sponse | | lateral-directional dynamic response | Rev | | | to | | mode and produces the correct steady | | | | Step | | state roll rate.** | | | | Input | | | | | | | | Inertial measurement system to | | | | | | obtain rates. Lateral control input | | | | | | measurement device, video . Cruise | | | | | | case in addition to flight | | | | | | conditions specified in AC120-40B. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Spiral | None | **Obj: Confirm that the simulator | NC | | .d. | Sta | | model properly produces this primary | | | (4) | bility | | lateral-directional dynamic response | | | | | | mode.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Stop watch, ships calibrated | | | | | | instruments, high resolution scale | | | | | | on attitude indicator or video. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Engine | None | **Obj: Validate simulator trim or | Rev | | .d. | Inope | | control deflections required to | | | (5) | rative | | counterbalance engine inoperative | | | | Trim | | asymmetric forces and moments.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Apply high resolution scales to trim | | | | | | controls and perform a ground | | | | | | calibration using protractors on the | | | | | | control/trim surfaces (ignores | | | | | | airloads). Use control scales for | | | | | | in-flight measurements. Very system | | | | | | dependent, but similar methods for | | | | | | other controls. Alternatively | | | | | | measure cockpit control force and | | | | | | position, especially during second | | | | | | segment climb where trimming is not | | | | | | a certification requirement and not | | | | | | a task to be accomplished in flight | | | | | | until the proper altitude and | | | | | | conditions are satisfied. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ (Con't) +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 1 | Test | Ex | **Test Objective (Obj)** | Com | | 20- | Name | isting | | ment | | 40B | | | Proposed Test Technique and | | | | | Data | Instrumentation | | | t | | Source | | | | est | | | | | | No | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Rudder | None | **Obj: Validate simulator model | \*\* | | .d. | Re | | short term transient response to | | | (6) | sponse | | rudder inputs.** | NC | | | | | | | | | | | Inertial measurement system, Rudder | | | | | | pedal input position measurement | | | | | | device. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Dutch | None, | **Obj: Confirm the | \*\* | | .d. | Roll | maybe | lateral-directional simulator | | | (7) | | TIR | modeling as manifest by this coupled | NC | | | | | primary response mode.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Inertial measurement system. Record | | | | | | with and without yaw damper. Rudder | | | | | | pedal input position measurement | | | | | | device*.* | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Steady | None, | **Obj: Confirm the relationships | \* | | .d. | State | maybe | that exist between sideslip and | | | (8) | Si | TIR | rolling moment and secondarily the | Rev | | | deslip | | rudder and roll control power.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Use ground reference (a long | | | | | | straight path) for track and heading | | | | | | indicator for sideslip angle. | | | | | | Cockpit controller force and | | | | | | positions measurement device. If | | | | | | inertial measurement system is | | | | | | installed, measure lateral | | | | | | acceleration. Video. This test was | | | | | | not discussed during SME meeting. | | | | | | Revisions have been made based on | | | | | | the overall discussions. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | **L | | | | | | AND | | | | | | ING | | | | | | S** | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Normal | None | **Obj: Confirm the overall | \*\* | | .e. | L | | performance and handling of the | | | (1) | anding | | simulator model during descending | NC | | | | | flight near the ground, transition | | | | | | through ground effect, landing flair | | | | | | and touch down.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Inertial measurement system, cockpit | | | | | | control force and position | | | | | | measurement device. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Cro | None | **Obj: Confirm proper response of | \*\* | | .e. | sswind | | simulator model, including flight | | | (2) | La | | controls, to a crosswind during | NC | | | ndings | | descending flight near the ground, | | | | | | transition through ground effect, | | | | | | decrab and touchdown/rollout.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Inertial measurement system, cockpit | | | | | | controller positions and forces, | | | | | | record normal and lateral | | | | | | acceleration in lieu of AOA and | | | | | | sideslip. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | One | None | **Obj: Confirm proper response of | \*\* | | .e. | Engine | | simulator model, including flight | | | (3) | Inope | | controls, with one engine | NC | | | rative | | inoperative during descending flight | | | | L | | near the ground, transition through | | | | anding | | ground effect, touchdown and | | | | | | rollout.** | | | | | | | | | | | | Same as above | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Rudder | None | **Obj: Demonstrate that the rudder | De | | .e. | E | | effectiveness during reverse thrust | lete | | (4) | ffecti | | on landing in the simulator is | | | | veness | | representative of the airplane.** | | | | with | | | | | | Rev | | No test recommended since the test | | | | Thrust | | was specific to airplanes with aft | | | | | | fuselage mounted engines. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | ** | | | | | | GRO | | | | | | UND | | | | | | EF | | | | | | FEC | | | | | | T** | | | | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ | 2 | Ground | None | **Obj: Confirm the simulator | \*\* | | .f. | Effect | | modeling and proper aerodynamic | | | (1) | Demon | | modeling changes as a function of | Rev | | | strate | | height and rate of change of height | | | | G.E. | | in ground effect.** Level fly-by | | | | | | trim runs. Use high resolution scale | | | | | | on elevator trim control. Ground | | | | | | calibrate Trim control with trim | | | | | | surface. Use ships calibrated flight | | | | | | instruments and engine instruments, | | | | | | video of trim controls and aircraft | | | | | | instruments. Or fly low angle | | | | | | constant pitch attitude approach and | | | | | | landing at constant power and record | | | | | | trim, control displacement and | | | | | | airspeed changes as ground is | | | | | | approached (not applicable to all | | | | | | airplanes). Inertial measurements | | | | | | system, cockpit controller force and | | | | | | positions, radio altitude and | | | | | | altitude rate are needed. | | +-----+--------+--------+--------------------------------------+------+ **Comments Legend** \*\* tests for which an inertial data acquisition system is recommended - 20 tests \* tests for which some instrumentation less than inertial is recommended - 6 tests Total number of tests requiring installation of instrumentation - 26 Total number of tests listed - 48 NC no change from the current AC120-40B guidance Rev revision of the current AC120-40B guidance, usually by the use and acceptance of existing data sources or the use of more basic (less sophisticated and complex) flight test methods. Notes: 1\. Measurement of [angle of attack and sideslip]{.underline} have been omitted for all tests. Also measurement of control surface positions is not required, however, cockpit controller positions must be measured where indicated and tolerances comparable to those for the control surfaces determined. These measurements alone result in revision to most Level B validation tests. 2\. With the exception of the alternative, and in some cases relieving, techniques and instrumentation recommendations given above, all tests should be done to comply with the guidance of AC120-40B. 3\. Measurements of control surface deflections/positions have been omitted in the above table, however, cockpit controller positions must be substituted and equivalent tolerances will have to be used when complying with AC120-40B Level B simulator qualification guidance. 4\. To accommodate the recommended test methods and techniques, some measurements would be replaced with pilot's notes. 5\. Certification/TIR data points are usually at the extremes of weight and CG, but still lie on the locus of a given parameter and are useful for model validation. 6\. TIR data may be proprietary and should not be relied upon until known to be available ***This paper was published in the [Proceedings of the Royal Aeronautical Society Conference on]{.underline} ­[Training - Lowering the Cost, Maintaining the Fidelity]{.underline}, 15-16 May 1996, London, UK, pages 2.1-2.17***
# Presentation: 815659 ## Michael Weingarten Director, NCI SBIR Development Center **Michael Weingarten** **Director, NCI SBIR Development Center** **An Overview of the ****NCI SBIR Program** *April 14, 2008* ## Today’s Presentation **Overview** **Eligibility Requirements** **Move to More Focused Solicitations** **New SBIR Bridge Award** **Submitting An Application** ## Overview ## Why are SBIR and STTR Important? **NIH’s primary resource for enabling commercialization of innovative high impact technologies, such as:** **Research tools** **Medical devices** **Therapeutics** **Provides incentive to academic investigators to translate technology (new company formation)** **One of the largest sources of early-stage life sciences financing** ## Reasons to Seek SBIR & STTR Funding **Intellectual property rights are retained by the small business concern** **Not a loan – no repayment is required** **Doesn’t impact stock or shares in any way (no dilution of capital)** **Provides recognition, verification and visibility** **Can be a leveraging tool to attract other funding (VC, etc.)** **Reasons to Seek SBIR & STTR Funding** ## SBIR & STTR: Three-Phase Program **PHASE I – R41, R43** **Feasibility Study ** **$100K and 6-month (SBIR) *** ***or***** 12-month (STTR) Award** - * **These funding levels are guidelines. You should request the budget appropriate to accomplish the goals of the project**. ## Program Descriptions **Program Descriptions** **SBIR: Set-aside Program for ****Small Business Concerns to engage ****in Federal R&D with potential for commercialization** **STTR: Set-aside Program to facilitate Cooperative R&D between Small Business Concerns and U.S. Research Institutions with potential for commercialization** **2.5%** **0.3%** **Set Aside** **A $100M Program at the NCI** ## Eligibility Requirements ## SBIR Eligibility Requirements **Organized for-profit U.S. business** **500 or fewer employees, including affiliates** **Must be:** **At least 51% U.S.- owned by individuals and independently operated**** ****or** **At least 51% owned and controlled by another (one) business concern that is at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more individuals** **Principal Investigator’s primary employment must be with the Small Business Concern** **SBIR Eligibility Requirements** ## STTR Eligibility Requirements **Formal Cooperative R&D Effort ** **Minimum 40% by small business** **Minimum 30% by U.S. research institution** **U.S. Research Institution** **College or University** **Other non-profit research organization** **Federal R&D center**** ** **Intellectual Property Agreement** **Allocation of IP rights and rights to carry out follow-on R&D and commercialization**** ** **Principal Investigator’s** **primary employment may be with either the Small Business Concern or the research institution** **STTR Eligibility Requirements** ## Award always made to small business **SBIR** **SBIR and STTR Programs****(Critical Differences)** **Award always made to small business** _**Permits**_** research institution partners (e.g., universities)** **Small business concern may outsource ****~****33% of Phase I activities and 50% of Phase II activities ** **STTR** _**Requires**_** research institution partners (e.g., universities)** **40% of the work should be conducted by the small business concern (for profit) and 30% by a U.S. research institution (non-profit)** ## NCI SBIR Funding Opportunities ## For more information visit: *** ******Release:****** *****January** ** *****Receipt Dates:****** *****April 5, August 5, and December 5** **SBIR Contract Solicitation (NIH, CDC)** *** ******Release:****** *****August** *** ******Receipt Date:****** *****Early November**** ** **NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts** *** ******Release:****** *****Weekly** *** ******Receipt Dates:*** **Various** **For more information visit:** **** **NIH Issues Multiple SBIR Solicitations** ## NCI is Moving to More Focused Solicitations **Goal is to improve success in commercialization by focusing on more directed research.** **Invest in the technology priorities of NCI that also have potential for commercialization** **Catalyze targeted technology development and draw private sector investment in areas such as drug development and assays that measure treatment response** **Significantly increase the use of SBIR contracts. ** ## NCI SBIR Technology Priorities ** ****Development of Molecular Pharmacodynamic Assays for Targeted Therapies** ** ****System to Analyze and Support Biomarker R&D Strategies** ** ****Development of Anticancer Agents** ** ****Innovative Methods for Manufacturing Safe, Effective Cancer Therapeutics** ** ****Biopsy Instruments and Devices that Preserve Molecular Profiles in Tumors** **Innovative Strategies to Protect Radiosensitive Organs and structures During Radiation Therapy** ** ****Quantitative Tissue Imaging For Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment** ** ****Antibody Array for Cancer Detection and Diagnosis** ** ****Novel and Improved Assays fir Detecting Epigenetic Modifications** ** ****Nanotechnology Imaging and Sensing Platforms for Improved Diagnosis of Cancer** ## Multifunctional Therapeutics Based on Nanotechnology High Level Programming Language to Expedite Development of User Interfaces Mobile Computing for Consumer-centered Cancer Prevention and Control Health Information Technology to Facilitate Patient-centered Communication in Cancer-related Care Development of shRNA Library Screening Technology for Cancer-Related Targets Novel Antibody Epitope Mapping Technologies Development of Novel Protein Expression Technologies for Glycosylated Cancer Related Proteins Peptide Aptamers: New Tools to Capture and Study Protein Interactions in Lieu of Immunological Reagents **High Level Programming Language to Expedite Development of User Interfaces** **Mobile Computing for Consumer-centered Cancer Prevention and Control** **Health Information Technology to Facilitate Patient-centered Communication in Cancer-related Care** **Development of shRNA Library Screening Technology for Cancer-Related Targets** **Novel Antibody Epitope Mapping Technologies** **Development of Novel Protein Expression Technologies for Glycosylated Cancer Related Proteins ** **Peptide Aptamers: New Tools to Capture and Study Protein Interactions in Lieu of Immunological Reagents** **NCI SBIR Technology Priorities** ## More Information on NCI SBIR & STTR Website ## New SBIR Bridge Award ## Phase II SBIR and Commercialization Success **Significant resources are required for getting through the FDA approval process** **This funding gap is known as the “Valley of Death”** **Today, many awardees complete the SBIR Phase II award without advancing the technology far enough to attract private investment** ## SBIR Phase II Bridge Award **Follow-On Award to the SBIR Phase II Award** **Goal is to help early-stage companies cross the “Valley of Death” by:** **Helping to facilitate partnerships with third party investors/strategic partners** **Incentivizing partnerships earlier in the development process by sharing in the investment risk** **The Bridge Award is modeled after NSF’s “Phase IIB Option” and has the same key feature:** ## Phase II Bridge Pilot at NCI **Third-party funds are expected to equal or exceed NCI funds being requested** **Third-party investors are expected to bring:** **Rigorous commercialization due diligence** **Commercialization guidance during the award** **Additional financing beyond the initial third-party investment** ## Phase II Bridge Pilot at NCI RFA-CA-08-021 **Phase II Bridge Pilot at NCI****RFA-CA-08-021** **Pilot will focus on cancer therapies and cancer imaging** **Budgets up to $1 million per year for ****up to**** 3 years from NCI** **Development efforts must be predicated on a previous SBIR Phase II grant and may include:** **Pre-clinical R&D needed for regulatory filings (e.g. IND or IDE) ** **Clinical trials** **Application Dates: September 19, 2008 and February 27, 2009** **NCI intends to commit up to $10M in FY 2009 to Bridge Awards** **Open to current and recently expired NIH SBIR Phase II projects** ## Example: How the Bridge Award Would Apply in the Area of Drug Development **Commercialization** **NDA** **Review** **Clinical** **Trials** **Safety** **Review** **Preclinical Development** **(Lead Development, Animal Studies, File IND)** **Target Identification** **& Validation** **Private Investment** ## Example: How the Bridge Award Would Apply in the Area of Drug Development **Commercialization** **NDA** **Review** **Clinical** **Trials** **Safety** **Review** **Preclinical Development** **(Lead Development, Animal Studies, File IND)** **Target Identification** **& Validation** **SBIR Bridge Award addresses the problem by bridging the “****Valley of Death****”** **SBIR Bridge Award**** ****allows NIH to share investment risk by incentivizing investors or strategic partners to evaluate projects and commit funds much earlier** **Private Investment** **SBIR Bridge Award** ## Example: How the Bridge Award Would Apply in the Area of Drug Development **Commercialization** **NDA** **Review** **Clinical** **Trials** **Safety** **Review** **Preclinical Development** **(Lead Development, Animal Studies, File IND)** **Target Identification** **& Validation** **Private Investment** **SBIR Bridge Award** ## Establishing a new SBIR Development Center - Establishing a new SBIRDevelopment Center ## Development Center Goals **Development Center Goals** **Assemble the scientific and business expertise needed to optimally manage the SBIR program** **Integrate all SBIR initiatives with NCI’s program priorities** **Foster collaborations with other Institutes at NIH which share common technology needs** **Offer services on a reimbursable basis** ***Increase the return on investment for the SBIR program*** ## Key Activities and Metrics **Innovation Metrics** - Invention disclosures, patents, publications **Commercialization Metrics** - Number of products impacting the cancer community, cumulative sales, license agreements - FDA approvals for marketing - Company sold or merged, acquisition of outside capital **Improvement Over Previous Rounds** - Number and quality of proposals received - Achievement of technical and commercial milestones - Number of Phase I awardees who successfully compete for a Phase II award **Key Activities and Metrics** **Long-term Metrics (3-5 years)** **Near-term Metrics (1-3 years)** **Market the program to attract the best companies** **Relationship building with stakeholders** **Active management of projects and better oversight** **Facilitate success through mentorship** **Create investor networks focused on commercializing cancer technologies** **Examine correlations between activities and outcomes; fine tune the program** **Center Activities** ## Submitting an Application ## Keys to a Strong Application **Significant, innovative, and focused science** **Significant product and/or commercial potential** **A product-focused application is more likely to have support of business reviewers** **A project with sound financial projections is more likely to attract a partner** **Translational research/clinical applications projects should involve the appropriate collaborators** **Oncologists** **Pathologists** **Statisticians** ## Know NIH Review Criteria **Significance** **Does the study address an important problem and have commercial potential?** **Innovation** **Are there novel concepts or approaches? Are the aims original and innovative?** **Investigator** **Is the investigator appropriately trained and capable of managing the project?** **Approach** **Are design and methods well-developed and appropriate? Are problem areas addressed?** **Environment** **Does the scientific environment contribute to the probability of success? Is the environment unique?** **Commercialization** **Is the company’s business strategy one that has a high potential for success? ** ## Key #1 Start Application Process Early! **Start no less than **_**3 months**_** before due date** **Seek help of experienced applicants early in process** **Assemble a strong scientific team** - If you have a weakness or gap in expertise, fill it early ## Key #2 Consider Your Company’s Strengths and Weaknesses **Consider your company’s strengths** - Try to exploit those strengths to address a specific NIH Program initiative **Consider your weaknesses too** - It is rare that a small company will have all the necessary expertise for a strong application - If you have no track record of commercialization, consider getting a partner who does **Partner with other companies or academics to fill gaps** **Contact NIH Program Director in advance to discuss your proposal and receive feedback** **Review similar currently funded projects in the NIH CRISP database (********)** ## Key #3 Always Consider the Reviewers **Who is going to review your application?** - 10 or more on the Review Panel who will score your application - However, _primary review_ by 2-4 persons with appropriate expertise assembled by SRA - Combination of academic and business professionals ## Key #3 Always Consider the Reviewers **What are they looking for?** - Readable and understandable application - Do not assume they will know everything you know - You understand your application best so convey it to them - Clear and concise language, “lay summary” - Clear plan for Phase I, II and commercialization - Feasible methods - Appropriate objective tests of success for each Specific Aim - Promising preliminary data are very influential - Solid letters of support for commercialization ## Key #3 Always Consider the Reviewers **Read your material critically as if you were the Reviewer** - What are the weaknesses? - Point out potential difficulties, do not hide them - Suggest ways to address them or provide rationale - Recruit an independent reader **Provide alternative methods if a particular approach is not successful** **Help the Reviewer write his analysis** ## Key #3 Always Consider the Reviewers **Be realistic about your goals** - Provide a feasible timetable for key objectives **Be realistic about your budget** - Ask Program Director for early guidance ## Have you honestly assessed the commercial viability of your technology? **Do you have a talented professional to be a PI?** **Is the PI supported by the right team? Does he or she have the time?** **Do you have the resources to write the grant application or contract proposal?** **Do you have the resources and capabilities to execute?** **Do you have the business resources needed for a successful launch?** **Application Checklist** ## Success Stories - _Success Stories_ ## Success Stories **Naviscan **(San Diego, Calif.) **PEM Flex****TM**** PET Scanner has unprecedented 2 mm imaging capability enabling detection of the earliest stages of breast cancer (in situ) and tumors less than 2 millimeters in size with very high accuracy and sensitivity (93%). This cannot be achieved by any other modality, including MRI and is important for early detection.** **Highlights** **SBIR funding received from 1994-2005** **FDA-Cleared in July 2003** **Venture-backed capital received in 2005** **40 Employees** - Tomographic PEM ## Success Stories **Xenogen and Spectros** **Dr. Benaron has founded five optical imaging systems companies since 1986. Three companies that received NCI SBIR funding succeeded; two that did not, failed. Xenogen’s In Vivo Imaging System and Spectros T-Stat ischemia detection device have both achieved success.** **Highlights** **Xenogen sold for $80 million to Caliper Life Sciences in 2006; remains a leader in drug discovery/research optical molecular imaging systems** **Spectros T-Stat first device approved by U.S. FDA for ischemia detection.** - Spectros T-Stat Monitoring Infant ## Success Stories **NovaRx **(San Diego, Calif.) **Patented vaccine technology that blocks ****the effects of TGF-β so that the vaccine is more potent in amplifying the immune system’s ability to destroy cancerous cells. As compared to current approved therapies, LucanixTM(lung cancer vaccine) shows dramatic increase in median survival time (581 days vs. 240 days) and 2-year survival rates (47% vs. < 20%). It has received fast-track status from the FDA to accelerate the speed to which this promising vaccine reaches patients. ** **Highlights** **SBIR funding received from 2002 through 2010 ** **2 Phase III clinical trials (lung cancer and glioma)** **Venture capital raised matches SBIR funding ** **Additional vaccines for other tumor sites are being explored and show great promise.**** ** - Post-Therapy - Pre-Therapy ## Michael Weingarten **Michael Weingarten** **Director** **NCI SBIR Development Center** **Phone: 301-496-4413** **[email protected]** **Andrew Kurtz, Ph.D.** ** ****Program Manager** **NCI SBIR & STTR Programs** **Phone: 301-594-6846** **[email protected]**
January 2007 Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States Program: New York Final Report Prepared for Lori Stalbaum, M.S.W. Administration on Aging 1 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001 Prepared by Deborah S. Osber, M.P.H. Kristin Siebenaler, M.P.A. Joshua M. Wiener, Ph.D. RTI International Health, Social, and Economics Research 1440 Main Street, Suite 310 Waltham, MA 02451 RTI Project Number 09351.002.008 **ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE DEMONSTRATION GRANTS TO STATES:** **New York** Deborah S. Osber, M.P.H. Kristin Siebenaler, M.P.A. Joshua M. Wiener, Ph.D. Administration on Aging Project Officer: Lori Stalbaum, M.S.W. RTI International[^1] Contract No. GS-10F-009L MOBIS Delivery Order No. HHSP233200400143U January 2007 This project was funded by the Administration on Aging under contract number GS-10F-009L MOBIS, delivery order number HHSP233200400143U. This report is a product of the Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States National Resource Center. The statements contained in this report are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Administration on Aging or RTI International. RTI assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this report. The authors would like to thank the ADDGS grant staff, other state officials, providers, consumers, researchers, educators, and others who gave so generously of their time to provide information about grant activities. CONTENTS Section Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY [1](#executive-summary) SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION [5](#section-1-introduction) SECTION 2 COORDINATED CARE GRANT (JULY 1, 2002--JUNE 30, 2005) [10](#section-2-coordinated-care-grant-july-1-2002june-30-2005) Background [11](#background) Grant Partners [13](#grant-partners) Bureau of Chronic Disease Services within the New York Department of Health [13](#bureau-of-chronic-disease-services-within-the-new-york-department-of-health) Office for Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities [13](#office-for-mental-retardation-and-developmental-disabilities) The Albany County Office for the Aging and Monroe County Department of Health and Human Services, the Area Agencies on Aging in Albany and Monroe Counties, Respectively [14](#the-albany-county-office-for-the-aging-and-monroe-county-department-of-health-and-human-services-the-area-agencies-on-aging-in-albany-and-monroe-counties-respectively) Northeastern NY Alzheimer's Association Chapter (covering Albany County) and the Rochester Alzheimer's Association Chapter (covering Monroe County) [14](#northeastern-ny-alzheimers-association-chapter-covering-albany-county-and-the-rochester-alzheimers-association-chapter-covering-monroe-county) Developmental Disabilities Service Provider Network [15](#developmental-disabilities-service-provider-network) The State University at Albany's Center for Excellence in Aging Services [15](#the-state-university-at-albanys-center-for-excellence-in-aging-services) Grant Strategies and Activities to Provide Services [15](#grant-strategies-and-activities-to-provide-services) Enhancing Access to Dementia-Appropriate Services [15](#enhancing-access-to-dementia-appropriate-services) Grant Partner Role and Activities [15](#grant-partner-role-and-activities) Partners' Perceptions of the Impact of the ADDGS Grant [16](#partners-perceptions-of-the-impact-of-the-addgs-grant) Enhancing the Availability and Quality of Services [17](#enhancing-the-availability-and-quality-of-services) Separate Dementia Programming [18](#separate-dementia-programming) Environmental Modifications [18](#environmental-modifications) Enhancing the Quality and Availability of a Competent Workforce [19](#enhancing-the-quality-and-availability-of-a-competent-workforce) Influencing State and Local Policies, Procedures, and Funding for Services [22](#influencing-state-and-local-policies-procedures-and-funding-for-services) Dissemination [22](#dissemination) Partner Relations [22](#partner-relations) Policies and Procedures [23](#policies-and-procedures) Funding [24](#funding) SECTION 3 POINT-OF-ENTRY GRANT (JULY 1, 2005--JUNE 30, 2008) [25](#section-3-point-of-entry-grant-july-1-2005june-30-2008) Background [26](#background-1) Grant Partners [29](#grant-partners-1) Bureau of Chronic Disease Services within the New York Department of Health [29](#bureau-of-chronic-disease-services-within-the-new-york-department-of-health-1) The Area Agencies on Aging in Fulton and Oneida County, respectively the Fulton County Office for the Aging and the Oneida County Office for the Aging [29](#the-area-agencies-on-aging-in-fulton-and-oneida-county-respectively-the-fulton-county-office-for-the-aging-and-the-oneida-county-office-for-the-aging) Northeastern NY Alzheimer's Association Chapter (covering Fulton County) and the Central New York Chapter (covering Oneida County) [30](#northeastern-ny-alzheimers-association-chapter-covering-fulton-county-and-the-central-new-york-chapter-covering-oneida-county) Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Centers [30](#alzheimers-disease-assistance-centers) Grant Advisory Committees [30](#grant-advisory-committees) The State University at Albany's Center for Excellence in Aging Services [30](#the-state-university-at-albanys-center-for-excellence-in-aging-services-1) Grant Strategies and Activities to Integrate Services [31](#grant-strategies-and-activities-to-integrate-services) Enhancing Access to Dementia-Appropriate Services [31](#enhancing-access-to-dementia-appropriate-services-1) Provider Relationships [31](#provider-relationships) Enhancing the Availability and Quality of Services [32](#enhancing-the-availability-and-quality-of-services-1) Enhancing the Quality and Availability of a Competent Workforce [33](#enhancing-the-quality-and-availability-of-a-competent-workforce-1) Influencing State and Local Policies, Procedures, and Funding for Services [33](#influencing-state-and-local-policies-procedures-and-funding-for-services-1) Policies and Procedures [34](#policies-and-procedures-1) Funding [34](#funding-1) SECTION 4 CONCLUSION [35](#section-4-conclusion) Coordinated Care Grant [35](#coordinated-care-grant) Point-of-Entry Grant [36](#point-of-entry-grant) REFERENCES [39](#references) [List of Exhibits]{.underline} Exhibit ES-1. Coordinated Care Grant Key Findings and Point-of-Entry Grant Intended\ Outcomes [2](#__RefHeading___Toc157920270) Exhibit 1. Coordinated Care Grant Key Findings and Point-of-Entry Grant Intended Outcomes [7](#__RefHeading___Toc157920271) Exhibit 2. Key Objectives of New York's ADDGS Coordinated Care Grant [11](#__RefHeading___Toc157920272) Exhibit 3. Organizational Flow of First ADDGS Grant [13](#__RefHeading___Toc157920273) Exhibit 4. ADDGS Coordinated Care Grant: Rochester Alzheimer's Association Services\ for Participants [18](#__RefHeading___Toc157920274) Exhibit 5. Components of the Staff Training Tool Kit [21](#__RefHeading___Toc157920275) Exhibit 6. Key Objectives of New York's ADDGS Point of Entry Grant [26](#__RefHeading___Toc157920276) Exhibit 7. Point of Entry Flow Chart [28](#__RefHeading___Toc157920277) Exhibit 8. Key Partners of the Point of Entry Grant [29](#__RefHeading___Toc157920278) # EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In July 2002, the New York State Office on Aging (NYSOFA) implemented its first 3-year Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States (ADDGS) grant designed to increase the ability of persons with developmental disabilities and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease to age in place in spite of their disease progression. NYSOFA selected this dual-diagnosis population because of the growing body of research indicating that individuals with developmental disabilities, particularly those with Down Syndrome, have a much larger risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease (Janicki and Dalton, 1999). Furthermore, because of advances in medical care, the longevity of this population has increased and a growing number of New York State residents will require services from both the aging and developmental disabilities networks. The two primary goals of this grant included: (1) creating a model for providing home and community-based services to persons with both developmental disabilities and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers; and (2) demonstrating the effectiveness of an approach that blended Alzheimer's disease, aging, and developmental disabilities support and management strategies, and increased collaboration and cross-agency responses to the home and community-based service needs of this population (McCallion and McCarron, 2002). In July 2005, NYSOFA began implementing the second ADDGS grant, which is designed to create a dementia-capable single point of entry (POE) that utilizes a county-based long-term care central assessment system and works with existing state-funded Alzheimer's disease screening and service delivery system in rural areas and ethnically diverse small cities (McCallion and Harazin, 2005; New York State Office for the Aging, 2006). Through the grant, two counties integrated dementia services, education, and training with the existing county-based long-term care POE system. Previously, an individual with Alzheimer's disease or family member requesting supports or services would have received fragmented care or been referred to the Alzheimer's Association for Alzheimer's disease-related assistance. Within the newly integrated system, the Alzheimer's Association staff and Area Agency on Aging case manager provide information and access to a full range of services related to long-term care. Individuals living in rural areas and persons who are ethnically diverse and living in small cities are of particular concern to NYSOFA officials because few services and supports are currently available to them. Additionally, some services available to individuals in large urban areas are not necessarily available to those individuals residing in small cities or rural areas (McCallion and Harazin, 2005). **Exhibit ES-1** summarizes findings for the Coordinated Care grant and intended outcomes for the Point-of-Entry grant with respect to the four key study questions for each grant. []{#__RefHeading___Toc157920270 .anchor}Exhibit ES-1. Coordinated Care Grant Key Findings and Point-of-Entry Grant Intended Outcomes +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Coordinated Care Grant---Key Findings** | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How has the grant enhanced access to services for individuals with | | developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease? | | | | The grant: | | | | - Trained developmental disabilities providers and family members | | to recognize the symptoms of dementia, secure a diagnosis of | | dementia, identify levels of need for dementia-appropriate | | services and supports and environmental modifications, and create | | dementia-specific care plans. | | | | - Surpassed the stated goal of allowing 150 individuals with | | developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease to age in | | place in community residences with direct services, supports, and | | environmental modifications. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How has the grant enhanced the availability and quality of services | | for individuals with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's | | disease? | | | | The grant: | | | | - Created a network of providers offering dementia-appropriate | | direct services (e.g., staff time to help get ready for attending | | a day program) and supports (e.g., support groups). | | | | - Changed physical surroundings at day programs and community | | residences that provided a more appropriate space (e.g., simpler | | environment) and augmented the value of the more traditional | | direct services administered through the grant. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How has the grant enhanced the quality and availability of a | | competent workforce for those with developmental disabilities and | | Alzheimer's disease? | | | | The grant: | | | | - Provided dementia-specific training and education to more than | | 1,000 individuals, including direct care workers, family members, | | and social workers. | | | | - Enhanced capacity of staff to identify early signs of Alzheimer's | | disease in the developmental disabilities population and become | | more skilled at working with this population, | | increasing referrals by developmental disabilities providers for | | dementia-appropriate long-term care services. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued) Exhibit ES-1. Coordinated Care Grant Key Findings and Point-of-Entry Grant Intended Outcomes (continued) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Coordinated Care Grant---Key Findings (continued)** | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | What impacts has the grant had on state and local policies, | | procedures, and funding for services for individuals with | | developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease? | | | | The grant: | | | | - Leveraged additional funding for grant partners from other state | | agencies and foundations to continue dementia services to the | | aging developmental disabilities population. | | | | - Led to a care planning process for Medicaid day program services | | for people with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's | | disease that maintain skills and ensure quality of life, rather | | than aim to increase skills. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Point of Entry Grant---Intended Outcomes** | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How will the grant enhance access to services for individuals with | | Alzheimer's disease, particularly among rural and ethnically diverse | | populations? | | | | The grant will: | | | | - Provide Alzheimer's disease services through the | | single-point-of-entry system creating an environment where | | individuals no longer have to seek services from multiple | | locations or providers. | | | | - Enable individuals with Alzheimer's disease to remain in the | | community longer because of comprehensive needs assessments, the | | development of dementia-specific service plans, and provision of | | caregiver supports. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How will the grant enhance the availability and quality of services | | for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, particularly among rural | | and ethnically diverse populations? | | | | The grant will: | | | | - Provide dementia-appropriate services and coordinate services | | between providers and clients. | | | | - Meet the needs of persons with Alzheimer's disease and their | | family caregivers in rural and small ethnically diverse cities by | | hiring a dementia-specific case manager to manage and deliver all | | diagnostic and direct care services. | | | | - Develop a directory for targeted geographic areas listing | | available support resources. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued) Exhibit ES-1. Coordinated Care Grant Key Findings and Point-of-Entry Grant Intended Outcomes (continued) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Point of Entry Grant---Intended Outcomes (continued)** | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How will the grant enhance the quality and availability of a | | competent workforce for those with Alzheimer's disease, particularly | | among rural and ethnically diverse populations? | | | | The grant will: | | | | - Establish a competent workforce for people caring for persons | | with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias by connecting | | families, long-term care service providers, case managers, | | clergy, and medical providers with dementia-specific training; | | providing informational and educational materials, and serve as a | | portal to access community resources, information, and other | | long-term care service options. | | | | - Support the ongoing education of a dementia-capable workforce by | | producing train-the-trainer modules. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | What impacts will the grant have on state and local policies, | | procedures, and funding for services for individuals with Alzheimer's | | disease, particularly among rural and ethnically diverse populations? | | | | The grant will: | | | | - Create a dementia services network within the long-term care | | system and a replicable program model based on the collaboration | | among grant partners, specifically between dementia-appropriate | | service providers and POE staff. | | | | - Move intensive dementia case management facilitated by the | | integration of point-of-entry staff with Alzheimer's disease | | expertise and knowledge of related services into the long-term | | care point-of-entry case management team, resulting in a more | | comprehensive care plan. | | | | - Install a formal mechanism for addressing dementia needs in | | long-term care planning through commitments by POE system leaders | | to sustain the position of dementia specialists on case | | management teams. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Alzheimer's disease is a devastating degenerative disease that causes memory loss, challenging behavior problems, and severe functional limitations. A person with late-stage Alzheimer's disease requires constant supervision, support, and hands-on care. While many persons with Alzheimer's disease are admitted to nursing homes, the majority of people with the disease live in the community, where their families provide most of the care. To improve services to persons with Alzheimer's disease, Congress established the Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States (ADDGS) program, which is administered by the U.S. Administration on Aging. The program focuses on serving hard-to-reach and underserved people with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders (U.S. Administration on Aging, no date). This report describes one of four case studies conducted by the ADDGS National Resource Center in 2006 on the activities of selected State programs.[^2] The New York State Office on Aging was selected because of the State's concerted efforts to: (1) develop an innovative approach to provide services to persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers; and (2) incorporate persons with Alzheimer's disease into the population being served by county long-term care point-of-entry (POE) systems, especially people in rural and ethnically diverse communities. The U.S. Administration on Aging has awarded New York two ADDGS grants. The State's first grant (2002-2005), the Coordinated Care grant, resulted in a better understanding by developmental disabilities providers and caregivers of the impact of dementias on the developmental disabilities population; an increase in the number of referrals to long-term care providers; and the provision of dementia-appropriate long-term care services to persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease in the Rochester and Albany (Capital Region) areas. The second ADDGS grant (2005-2008), the Point-of-Entry grant, is including persons with Alzheimer's disease in Fulton and Oneida Counties' long-term care single point-of-entry systems. The report addresses the following four research questions for each grant: *Coordinated Care Grant* - How has the grant enhanced access to services for individuals with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease? - How has the grant enhanced the availability and quality of services for individuals with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease? - How has the grant enhanced the quality and availability of a competent workforce for individuals with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease? - What impacts has the grant had on state and local policies, procedures, and funding for services for individuals with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease? *Point-of-Entry Grant* - How has the grant enhanced access to services for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, particularly among rural and ethnically diverse populations? - How has the grant enhanced the availability and quality of services for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, particularly among rural and ethnically diverse populations? - How has the grant enhanced the quality and availability of a competent workforce for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, particularly among rural and ethnically diverse populations? - What impacts has the grant had on state and local policies, procedures, and funding for services for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, particularly among rural and ethnically diverse populations? **Exhibit 1** summarizes findings for the Coordinated Care grant and intended outcomes for the Point-of-Entry grant with respect to the four key study questions for each grant. Information for this case study came from reviews of administrative files at the U.S. Administration on Aging and various Web sites, an in-person site visit in Utica and Rochester, New York, from July 25--26, 2006, and several telephone interviews with grant partners. An RTI International staff member and a consultant met in person with or spoke by telephone to staff representing the following entities: - New York State Office on Aging (State Unit on Aging), - Bureau of Chronic Disease Services within the New York Department of Health, - Finger Lakes Developmental Disability Service Office (DDSO) (a regional office of the State Office for Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability (OMRDD), - Four Area Agencies on Aging, - Three New York State chapters of the Alzheimer's Association, - State University at Albany's Center for Excellence in Aging Services, - University of Rochester's Program in Aging & Developmental Disability within the Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities, and - Monroe and Wayne County ARCs. They also attended an advisory board meeting for the Oneida County Point-of-Entry grant. []{#__RefHeading___Toc157920271 .anchor}Exhibit 1. Coordinated Care Grant Key Findings and Point-of-Entry Grant Intended Outcomes +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Coordinated Care Grant---Key Findings** | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How has the grant enhanced access to services for individuals with | | developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease? | | | | The grant: | | | | - Trained developmental disabilities providers and family members | | to recognize the symptoms of dementia, secure a diagnosis of | | dementia, identify levels of need for dementia-appropriate | | services and supports and environmental modifications, and create | | dementia-specific care plans. | | | | - Surpassed the stated goal of allowing 150 individuals with | | developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease to age in | | place in community residences with direct services, supports, and | | environmental modifications. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How has the grant enhanced the availability and quality of services | | for individuals with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's | | disease? | | | | The grant: | | | | - Created a network of providers offering dementia-appropriate | | direct services (e.g., staff time to help get ready for attending | | a day program) and supports (e.g., support groups). | | | | - Changed physical surroundings at day programs and community | | residences that provided a more appropriate space (e.g., simpler | | environment) and augmented the value of the more traditional | | direct services administered through the grant. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How has the grant enhanced the quality and availability of a | | competent workforce for those with developmental disabilities and | | Alzheimer's disease? | | | | The grant: | | | | - Provided dementia-specific training and education to more than | | 1,000 individuals, including direct care workers, family members, | | and social workers. | | | | - Enhanced capacity of staff to identify early signs of Alzheimer's | | disease in the developmental disabilities population and become | | more skilled at working with this population, | | increasing referrals by developmental disabilities providers for | | dementia-appropriate long-term care services. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued) Exhibit 1. Coordinated Care Grant Key Findings and Point-of-Entry Grant Intended Outcomes (continued) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Coordinated Care Grant---Key Findings (continued)** | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | What impacts has the grant had on state and local policies, | | procedures, and funding for services for individuals with | | developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease? | | | | The grant: | | | | - Leveraged additional funding for grant partners from other state | | agencies and foundations to continue dementia services to the | | aging developmental disabilities population. | | | | - Led to a care planning process for Medicaid day program services | | for people with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's | | disease that maintain skills and ensure quality of life, rather | | than aim to increase skills. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Point of Entry Grant---Intended Outcomes** | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How will the grant enhance access to services for individuals with | | Alzheimer's disease, particularly among rural and ethnically diverse | | populations? | | | | The grant will: | | | | - Provide Alzheimer's disease services through the | | single-point-of-entry system creating an environment where | | individuals no longer have to seek services from multiple | | locations or providers. | | | | - Enable individuals with Alzheimer's disease to remain in the | | community longer because of comprehensive needs assessments, the | | development of dementia-specific service plans, and provision of | | caregiver supports. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How will the grant enhance the availability and quality of services | | for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, particularly among rural | | and ethnically diverse populations? | | | | The grant will: | | | | - Provide dementia-appropriate services and coordinate services | | between providers and clients. | | | | - Meet the needs of persons with Alzheimer's disease and their | | family caregivers in rural and small ethnically diverse cities by | | hiring a dementia-specific case manager to manage and deliver all | | diagnostic and direct care services. | | | | - Develop a directory for targeted geographic areas listing | | available support resources. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued) Exhibit 1. Coordinated Care Grant Key Findings and Point-of-Entry Grant Intended Outcomes (continued) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Point of Entry Grant---Intended Outcomes (continued)** | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | How will the grant enhance the quality and availability of a | | competent workforce for those with Alzheimer's disease, particularly | | among rural and ethnically diverse populations? | | | | The grant will: | | | | - Establish a competent workforce for people caring for persons | | with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias by connecting | | families, long-term care service providers, case managers, | | clergy, and medical providers with dementia-specific training; | | providing informational and educational materials, and serve as a | | portal to access community resources, information, and other | | long-term care service options. | | | | - Support the ongoing education of a dementia-capable workforce by | | producing train-the-trainer modules. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | What impacts will the grant have on state and local policies, | | procedures, and funding for services for individuals with Alzheimer's | | disease, particularly among rural and ethnically diverse populations? | | | | The grant will: | | | | - Create a dementia services network within the long-term care | | system and a replicable program model based on the collaboration | | among grant partners, specifically between dementia-appropriate | | service providers and POE staff. | | | | - Move intensive dementia case management facilitated by the | | integration of point-of-entry staff with Alzheimer's disease | | expertise and knowledge of related services into the long-term | | care point-of-entry case management team, resulting in a more | | comprehensive care plan. | | | | - Install a formal mechanism for addressing dementia needs in | | long-term care planning through commitments by POE system leaders | | to sustain the position of dementia specialists on case | | management teams. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ The remaining sections of the report highlight the main features of the two New York ADDGS projects. Section 2 describes the Coordinated Care grant which began in July 2002 and ended in June 2005; section 3 describes the Point-of-Entry grant which started in July 2005 and will end in June 2008. The fourth section includes the conclusion. # SECTION 2 COORDINATED CARE GRANT (JULY 1, 2002--JUNE 30, 2005) In July 2002, the New York State Office on Aging (NYSOFA) implemented its first 3-year Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States (ADDGS) grant, which was designed to increase the ability of persons with developmental disabilities and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease to age in place. NYSOFA selected this dually diagnosed population because of the growing body of research indicating that individuals with developmental disabilities, particularly those with Down Syndrome, have a much larger risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease (Janicki and Dalton, 1999). Furthermore, because of advances in medical care, the longevity of this population has increased and a growing number of New York State residents will require services from both the aging and developmental disabilities service networks. NYSOFA responded to this need by creating a consortium of providers in two counties to implement the grant. Both counties had a large number of providers and a readiness to collaborate to provide services (McCallion and McCarron, 2002). The two primary goals of this grant included: (1) creating a model for providing home and community-based services to persons with both developmental disabilities and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers; and (2) demonstrating the effectiveness of an approach that blended Alzheimer's disease, aging, and developmental disabilities support and management strategies, and increased collaboration and cross-agency responses to the home and community-based service needs of this population (McCallion and McCarron, 2002). The target population for the grant comprised individuals with development disabilities who attended social and medical adult day care facilities and day programs and who resided in community settings (e.g., group homes and family-based care \[foster family care\]).[^3] These individuals constituted a diverse group of persons aging with a range of developmental disabilities who experienced symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Many clients had not been formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and the majority of people were considered at risk for placement in more restrictive settings (Harazin and McCallion, 2005). **Exhibit 2** lists the key objectives of the Coordinated Care grant. []{#__RefHeading___Toc157920272 .anchor}Exhibit 2. Key Objectives of New York's ADDGS Coordinated Care Grant +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - Increase access to dementia-appropriate long-term care services | | for persons with developmental disabilities and symptoms of | | Alzheimer's disease by creating the capacity of developmental | | disabilities providers and family members to: recognize the | | symptoms of dementia, secure a diagnosis of dementia, and assess | | the need for dementia-appropriate services and environmental | | modifications, and create plans of care. | | | | - Enhance the availability and quality of direct services for | | persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease | | by creating a network of providers offering dementia-appropriate | | direct services (e.g., staff time to help get ready for attending | | a day program) and supports (e.g., support groups) and | | implementing environmental modifications at day programs and | | community residences. | | | | - Establish a competent workforce and educated caregiver community | | for persons caring for persons with developmental disabilities | | and Alzheimer's disease. | | | | - Increase referrals by developmental disability providers for | | dementia-appropriate long-term care services because staff are | | better able to identify early signs of Alzheimer's disease in the | | developmental disabilities population and become more skilled at | | working with this population. | | | | - Disseminate the model of services and training, the results of | | the evaluation, and the lessons learned to other regions of the | | state. | | | | - Leverage ADDGS funds to sustain the program after grant funding | | ends. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ## Background Nationally, an estimated 140,000 adults have a diagnosis of developmental disability (including Down syndrome) and are potentially affected by Alzheimer's disease (Janicki and Dalton, 1999). In 1999, the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in adults with developmental disabilities was 3 percent of adults age 40 and older and 6 percent of adults age 60 and older; for adults with Down syndrome, the rates were 22 percent and 56 percent, respectively (Janicki and Dalton, 1999). Because the number of people with Alzheimer's disease is expected to increase in coming years as this population's longevity increases, the growing concern among developmental disabilities and aging stakeholders prompted the examination of the availability of services for the aging developmental disabilities population by New York State officials. To address the aging population, the Governor implemented Project 2015, which involves planning, engagement, and action by 36 New York State government agencies to prepare for the impact of the aging population and the increasing diversity of the state's population. NYSOFA is one of the agencies participating in this project. In 2001, NYSOFA became aware that developmental disabilities and aging stakeholders[^4] had formed a consortium to examine the needs of the aging developmental disabilities population. The consortium produced a white paper describing this special population's needs and possible solutions to meet those needs. The following is a selected list of issues identified in the report: - access to specialized medical assessment/treatment; - appropriate housing, including environmental assessments/modifications; - caregiver supports; - quality of life gaps; - end of life issues; and - advocacy and influence in the development of public policy (Community Partnership in Aging and Developmental Disabilities Services, 2000). Based on the work of the consortium and at the direction of the Governor, NYSOFA and the State University at Albany's Center for Excellence in Aging Services developed a model to provide home and community-based services for individuals with both developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease, including low-income areas. The model presented in the grant application included two primary strategies to enable persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease to age in place: - Train a range of staff including administrators, supervisors, direct care staff, and family members on Alzheimer's disease and developmental disabilities-related topics. The intent was to give staff a better understanding of the impact of Alzheimer's disease on the developmental disabilities population and to make appropriate referrals for services. - Create a provider network of professionals skilled at working with this population. The Alzheimer's Association created this network by subcontracting with providers known to the Area Agency on Aging and offering training to staff. After the grant began, the grant stakeholders including NYSOFA, realized that providing funding for environmental assessments and modifications in community residences and day programs to ensure a safe physical environment was critical to maintaining the grant participant in the community. The U.S. Administration on Aging agreed to this strategy during the course of the grant. The NYSOFA provided grant funds from the state to two Area Agencies on Aging which then subcontracted with two Alzheimer's Association chapters. These chapters provided education and training and subcontracted with long-term care providers for dementia-appropriate direct services. Additionally, each chapter used funds to support a local impact evaluation. ## Grant Partners The primary partners for the grant are list on **Exhibit 3** and described below. []{#__RefHeading___Toc157920273 .anchor}Exhibit 3. Organizational Flow of First ADDGS Grant ![](media/image2.wmf){width="6.466666666666667in" height="4.215972222222222in"} ### Bureau of Chronic Disease Services within the New York Department of Health As requested by the Governor, the State Department of Health (DOH) provided the federally-required state match funding and assisted with initial grant implementation. Additionally, DOH provided NYSOFA with the names of local community service providers with relevant expertise. Often, these providers were already collaborating with the Area Agencies on Aging. ### Office **f**or Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities The State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) and its regional offices provided input in the planning process and supported grant initiatives. Across the state, OMRDD oversees the funding options, availability, and coordination of services for individuals with developmental disabilities. The state is divided into 13 regions, and each region has a Developmental Disabilities Service Office (DDSO) responsible for monitoring and evaluating Medicaid services provided by day programs/workshops and residences to individuals with developmental disabilities. A regional OMRDD/DDSO staff person was assigned to provide technical assistance to the grant stakeholders who were not as familiar with how the OMRDD system operates. ### The Albany County Office for the Aging and Monroe County Department of Health and Human Services, the Area Agencies on Aging in Albany and Monroe Counties, Respectively The role of the Area Agencies on Aging was largely administrative. Each agency served as the funding mechanism for education, training, and direct services to persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease, providers, and community caregivers, and monitored the contract with the Alzheimer's Association chapters. As stated above, each agency funded its local Alzheimer's Association chapter to provide dementia-specific education and training to community caregivers and Area Agency on Aging, developmental disabilities, and long-term care service provider staff and to broker services to meet dementia care needs of the participants.[^5] The agencies provided lists of existing long-term care service providers and contract templates to the Alzheimer's Association chapters. ### Northeastern NY Alzheimer's Association Chapter (covering Albany County) and the Rochester Alzheimer's Association Chapter (covering Monroe County) The chapters secured contracts with direct services providers. The Alzheimer's Association chapter in each region[^6] managed the project at the local level by: - identifying participants; - developing care plans to address Alzheimer's disease-related needs; - coordinating direct services; - providing training to direct care staff working at community residences and day programs, and family members and group home caregivers; - monitoring program effectiveness at the local level; and - providing support groups for staff at group homes and family caregivers by recruiting facilitators and training them (Alzheimer's Association Fact Sheet, 2004). ### Developmental Disabilities Service Provider Network The providers targeted for this grant included social and medical adult day care centers and vocational work and sheltered workshop sites (hereinafter known as day programs), and caregivers of persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease regardless of community arrangement (e.g., group home and adult foster care). These providers are primarily funded through the Medicaid home and community-based services waiver within the OMRDD system. For this grant, the role of providers was to provide staff to participate in training from the Alzheimer's Association, identify and refer potential service beneficiaries, and make changes to programming or the physical space to address Alzheimer's disease-related needs. ### The State University at Albany's Center for Excellence in Aging Services Each Alzheimer's Association chapter hired the State University at Albany's Center for Excellence in Aging Services (hereinafter known as the SUNY evaluators) to provide the Alzheimer's Association chapters with assistance in the initial stages of grant implementation, help conduct trainings, and conduct the evaluation of both sites. The SUNY evaluators analyzed quantitative information regarding the impact of services on caregiver stress (through questionnaires with caregivers) and the qualitative results of focus groups regarding the perceived impact of the demonstration project. They also examined perspectives of agency administrators, the impact of the delivery of training and services, environmental modification, and end-of-life issues. Their findings are summarized in a final grant report, "New York State Coordinated Care Alzheimer's Demonstration Project Evaluation" (Nickle and McCallion, 2005). ## Grant Strategies and Activities to Provide Services In order for NYSOFA to achieve project goals, grant staff implemented several strategies. The following subsection describes efforts to increase access and availability of dementia-appropriate long-term care services, to develop the workforce, and to influence policy, procedures, and funding. It also presents grant stakeholders' impressions about the grant's success. ## Enhancing Access to Dementia-Appropriate Services According to grant staff, enhancing access to services for individuals and families was an essential component of the success of the grant to individuals and families. ### Grant Partner Role and Activities To improve access to dementia-appropriate services, the Alzheimer's Association chapters in each county trained developmental disabilities providers and family members to recognize the symptoms of dementia, securing a diagnosis of dementia, identifying needs, assessing the levels of need, creating plans of care, and making referrals for services in coordination with the chapter's subcontracted direct service providers. Several developmental disabilities provider sites also implemented dementia screening programs for persons with developmental disabilities. For example, one day program provider reported that the Alzheimer's Association chapter helped develop a new dementia screening process for beneficiaries that became mandatory for participants age 40 and older. In addition to utilizing local resources, as necessary, grant partners made referrals to the regionally-based Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Centers (ADACs) to obtain diagnoses of the disease---an eligibility requirement for gaining access to services and supports. Funded by DOH, the nine statewide ADACs provide diagnostic and consultative services to primary care providers in making initial assessment of patients, including the development of comprehensive care plans, assistance with the management of complex patient situations, and referrals of patients to specialty care (New York State Department of Health Web page, no date).[^7] Ultimately, based on the low numbers of grant participants who received services from the ADACs and lack of formal diagnostic work-ups among grant participants, the SUNY evaluators recommended identifying funding mechanisms to increase the number of formal work-ups and to develop the capacity for assessments. As much as possible, grant services wrapped around existing Medicaid- or state-funded services. For example, in an instance where an individual was already receiving evening personal care assistance through the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver, the grant funded morning personal care assistance services to ensure that a participant could attend a day program. This additional time allowed the individual to remain in a community residence and day program. ### Partners' Perceptions of the Impact of the ADDGS Grant Stakeholders reported limited access to services and education for persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease and their families before the grant. The limitations existed, in part, because providers and informal caregivers were not familiar with the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and did not know how to reach beyond the developmental disabilities network (and traditional OMRDD resources) to the aging network for services and training, or whether such resources were even available. One of the Alzheimer's Association chapters remarked that the families caring for persons with developmental disabilities form a tight-knit community where families support each other, requiring the chapter to work especially hard to build the trust of the families to accept information on Alzheimer's disease. A developmental disabilities provider noted that family members and group home operators were reluctant to admit that persons in their care had the disease because of the potential stigma. Additionally, because of the grant, both of the participating Alzheimer's Association chapters gained experience in developing direct services plans, managing and budgeting supportive services, and providing case management for these services. This expanded role was beyond the Alzheimer's Association traditional role of providing consumer and caregiver education, training, and support groups. One developmental disabilities provider at a day program reported that before the grant it did not have staff trained to recognize the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease or physical space able to accommodate persons with Alzheimer's disease, forcing it to make difficult choices about whether or not to discharge a participant. This same provider was grateful that the grant gave the organization the ability to continue to serve individuals known to staff, in many cases for over a decade. One of the Area Agencies on Aging noted that it did not have programs targeted to the aging developmental disabilities population until the grant. This agency did not routinely identify needs or process requests for aging services from the developmental disabilities population. After the grant was implemented, however, the agency began to inform family caregivers and other caregivers about the services available and the benefits of the services. The agency felt that the grant resulted in caregivers having an increased awareness of available supports and services, including congregate and home-delivered meals, home care, and companion services. This same Area Agency on Aging also noted that, as a result of the grant, the agency received matching funds from the DOH to provide services to individuals age 50 and up. Typically, Area Agencies on Aging only provide services to individuals age 60 and older because of the requirements of the Older Americans Act (although the ADDGS program does not have this age limitation). And finally, the Area Agency on Aging reported that many of its case managers began to see the long-term care community as one that includes seniors and younger adults. ## Enhancing the Availability and Quality of Services The ADDGS provided staffing, personal care assistance, and environmental modification to persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease as well as their family members. The chapters handled care consultation and arranged for services between the individual/family member and the following types of services: home health care, transportation, respite, personal care, adult day care, companion services, short-term care in health facilities and other respite settings, and environmental modifications. Using grant funding, the Alzheimer's Association chapters also provided directly or subcontracted for environmental assessments and provided adaptive tools to promote independence. The chapters also facilitated discussion and established support groups for consumers at residential and day sites. **Exhibit 4** shows the Rochester Alzheimer's Association chapter's program model. Over the 3-year period, 177 individuals received grant services at a cost of approximately \$5,000 per individual per year. Of the 177 participants, 21 individuals (approximately 12 percent of the total) required a change in residential placement, 7 individuals moved from a residential setting to a skill nursing facility, and the remaining individuals remained in the same place but required a higher level of care (Nickle and McCallion, 2005). []{#__RefHeading___Toc157920274 .anchor}Exhibit 4. ADDGS Coordinated Care Grant: Rochester Alzheimer's Association Services for Participants ![](media/image3.wmf){width="6.204166666666667in" height="2.761111111111111in"} SOURCE: Monroe Area Agency on Aging, 2006, based on internal Area Agency on Aging documents. ### Separate Dementia Programming In close consultation from the Alzheimer's Association chapter staff, both developmental disabilities day programs interviewed established separate dementia program areas. One day program noted that instead of moving clients from room to room (as was done previously), staff rotated through the dementia program area during the day to reduce clients' disorientation. Before the grant, if behavioral problems developed, the person could not remain with the general developmental disabilities population and was considered at high risk for discharge. To address these problems, the programs used environmental modifications to change their physical space and provided staff training. The programs reported the staff's sense of relief and comfort knowing that these individuals could now remain at the center safely and engaged in activities. One of the recommendations of the SUNY evaluation was increasing coordination between residential and day sites. The SUNY evaluators indicated that DDSO Medicaid service coordinators helped the Alzheimer's Association implement the services and recommendations from the dementia-specific care plans into the larger care planning process that guides Medicaid funding of developmental disabilities providers. However, the evaluators saw a need for a more systematic approach to ensure that dementia-related recommendations were included in care plans. ### Environmental Modifications As the grant progressed, it became evident to the partners that physical changes at day programs and residential settings augmented other direct services to ensure the persons with Alzheimer's disease and developmental disabilities could successfully age in place (Nickle and McCallion, 2005). NYSOFA did not originally include environmental modifications as part of the grant; however, the U.S. Administration on Aging later approved these changes either in residential or facility settings (e.g., day programs). The types of changes included lowering ceilings (to diminish room noise), carpeting floors, using neutral paints (to decrease visual stimulation), renovating bathrooms, creating parlor spaces and Snoezelen rooms,[^8] and establishing gardens and wandering paths (Harazin and McCallion, 2005). One of the Alzheimer's Association chapters remarked on the importance of a support environment stating that, "If you bring someone with dementia home who cannot walk and cannot move around their environment independently, it does not matter who you bring in to help. They are not going to be able to thrive in the environment, regardless of staff training and the number of available staff." The SUNY evaluation noted the environmental modifications made to day programs improved staff effectiveness and client engagement (Nickle and McCallion, 2005). The findings reiterated that the project was successful in improving programming, reducing stress on individuals with Alzheimer's disease and developmental disabilities and the staff who work with them, and maintaining the person at risk for discharge. However, researchers found that the staff ratings of likelihood of discharge did not always reflect what actually occurred (Nickle and McCallion, 2005). ## Enhancing the Quality and Availability of a Competent Workforce To support family members and staff in their work with this population, the Alzheimer's Association, SUNY, and other partners (i.e., physicians or environmental modifications specialists) provided education and training on a range of topics related to working with individuals with Alzheimer's disease (described below). SUNY did not track referrals, but the grant partners believed this increased knowledge translated into more referrals. Separate from the grant, SUNY evaluators also conducted trainings for the DDSO Medicaid service coordinators on Alzheimer's disease, the disease progression, and effective methods of working with individuals who have Alzheimer's disease. Depending on who was in attendance, the trainings were often co-led by the Alzheimer's Association and SUNY or another specialist (e.g., a physician or environmental modifications specialist from the University of Rochester Program in Aging & Developmental Disabilities within the Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities). Individuals receiving training included agency directors, administrative support staff, group home managers and staff, service coordinators, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and family members. To facilitate ongoing training at the provider level, the trainers used train-the-trainer modules. Trainings often occurred at day programs (e.g., day habilitation programs) and at residential sites (e.g., group homes) to maximize participation. In Rochester, the Alzheimer's Association chapter trained more than 800 caregivers across four key education areas including aging, intellectual disability, and dementia; effective communication; understanding behaviors; and meaningful activities. In Albany, the Alzheimer's Association chapter targeted training on dementia services and resources to different audiences including agency directors, managers, direct care staff (e.g., certified nursing assistants), and families. Over 500 direct care staff and 100 administrators received training in: - project awareness, - risk factors, - dementia assessment, - disease symptoms and progression, - communication, - responses to problem behaviors, - recreation and activity planning, and - environmental modifications. In partnership with the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, grant staff from SUNY developed and disseminated a tool kit to train staff (e.g., direct care and professional staff in residential and day programs) to support people with developmental disabilities to live as independently as possible. The two-compact-disc tool kit is available to agencies across the state to supplement staff training (**Exhibit 5**). []{#__RefHeading___Toc157920275 .anchor}Exhibit 5. Components of the Staff Training Tool Kit +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - **A video and CD-ROM**, "Dementia and People with Intellectual | | Disabilities: What Can We Do?" | | | | - **A two CD-ROM self-instructional** in-service and education kit | | | | - **Fact sheets and other informational sheets** issued by | | Alzheimer Disease International, The ARC of the United States, | | the Alzheimer's Association, the University at Albany, the | | University of Illinois at Chicago, and the International | | Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities | | | | - **The Edinburgh Principles** for community care of adults with | | intellectual disabilities affected by dementia | | | | - A 20-item **Quiz on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia** | | | | - A **Web-based bibliography** on Alzheimer's disease and | | intellectual disabilities and a hard copy of a bibliography from | | the Greenfield Library at the Alzheimer's Association | | | | - **Websites** on Alzheimer's disease and Intellectual Disabilities | | | | - **Protocol for recording baseline information** on behaviors of | | adults with intellectual disabilities (Harazin and McCallion, | | 2005) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ SOURCE: SUNY Albany Center for Excellence in Aging Services, The SUNY evaluation reported that caregivers commented that the trainings (and the project overall) had made a positive difference in their lives and the lives of the individuals with Alzheimer's disease and developmental disabilities. Caregivers reported less perceived difficulty in caregiving with corresponding improvement in dementia symptoms, reduced time spent caregiving, and less burnout (Nickle and McCallion, 2005). The evaluators reported that the trainings made a difference in the quality, confidence, morale, and competence of direct care workers. In focus groups, these individuals reported greater awareness of the signs/symptoms of dementia, and how to more effectively interact and communicate with individuals and family members. To determine the impact of the training and services supported by the grant, SUNY staff randomly selected 69 grant project participants in both regions (encompassing 8 counties) and interviewed caregivers on two occasions (6 months apart) concerning the participants in their care. SUNY administered two interview instruments and a survey regarding the project participant. The evaluation presented three statistically significant primary findings: (1) caregivers reported less perceived difficulty/burden in caregiving with no corresponding improvements in ADD symptoms; (2) the grant services (and supports) provided a reduction in behavior perceived as difficult (yelling, swearing, wandering, confusion, assisting with exercises, daytime supervision, not having knowledge/training in dementia care, and conflicts on care needs); and (3) caregivers noted that the grant had made a positive difference in their lives and the lives of the individual (Nickle and McCallion, 2005, p. 19). ## Influencing State and Local Policies, Procedures, and Funding for Services The State Office on Aging believed that using the lessons learned from the grant to help shape state and local policies, procedures, and funding for services for individuals with developmental disabilities, Alzheimer's disease, and other dementias was a key component of the grant. The State led the dissemination of information about the grant to other communities to encourage local Alzheimer's Association, developmental disabilities provider, and caregiver networks to work collaboratively. Grant partners recognized changes in state care planning requirements which allowed persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease to remain at day programs with Medicaid funding, essentially allowing them to age in place. Additionally, several grant partners leveraged their participation in the grant to receive additional grants from the state and foundations in order to continue serving persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers. ### Dissemination Grant partners had the opportunity to successfully disseminate information in several forums, including two conferences sponsored by NYSOFA and the Alzheimer's Association at the conclusion of the grant. The two conferences were attended by more than 100 professionals from day programs, Area Agencies on Aging, Alzheimer's Association chapters, and State agencies at each. Additionally, in spring 2006 NYSARC, Inc.[^9] invited the state grant project director and the lead SUNY evaluator to present at a symposium which highlighted grant efforts and outcomes; they also briefed the Governor's and OMRDD and DOH staff on several occasions. The dissemination conferences energized local discussion and planning efforts. NYSOFA reported that many counties have requested trainings and materials and at least 10 counties have offered training on assessments in the post-grant period. Several of the individual ARCs in the state have contracted with SUNY for technical assistance. The NYSARC Association implemented a special conference specifically on aging in spring 2006 (as mentioned above); also, NYSARC developed a strategic plan on aging and has several regional committees working on this topic. Additionally, OMRDD convened a Commissioner's Advisory Council on Aging to provide input on program design and NYSOFA is participating on this council. ### Partner Relations Overall, grant partners felt that the stronger relationships between Alzheimer's Association staff, OMRDD regional staff, developmental disabilities and long-term care service providers, and Area Agency on Aging staff resulted in increased access for persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease to services, supports, and training. All partners reported that after the grant was implemented, the relationships with other participating providers was strengthened. Partners commented that the interest and availability of other partners was an asset; staff reported that they could call any of the providers and receive answers to their questions in a timely manner. Additionally, with the implementation of the grant, relations between the aging and developmental disability network improved. Each was viewed by the other as a viable and contributing community partner. Even so, the SUNY evaluation recommended more joint planning and program development between the aging, health, and developmental disabilities service sectors. ### Policies and Procedures One important result of the grant's influence on state policies and procedures was approval of the OMRDD sanctioned care plans that allowed the participants with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease in day programs and adult day sites to remain at the same location with Medicaid funding as their disease progressed. The OMRDD, and subsequently the DDSOs, generally require that all individuals improve/increase their level of functioning annually in order to qualify for and receive ongoing funding. Several providers in the developmental disabilities network recognized through their participation in the grant that this philosophy was not appropriate for individuals with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease as they were not capable of making functional improvements. Grant partners successfully advocated to the local DDSOs that instead of skill acquisition, skill maintenance and support for decline was a more appropriate approach for this population. The OMRDD changed its policies for both regions involved in the grant to approve care plans that promoted maintenance of activities and quality of life instead of improved skills for individuals with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease. (NYSOFA reported that other regions in the state have implemented a similar policy but does not have definitive information.) Thus, for example, the goal for an individual to make eye contact to acknowledge a friend was now approved, whereas before the onset of the Alzheimer's disease, the individual's goal was to regularly converse with others. Making eye contact was considered a success because the individual participated in the activity to the best of his or her ability. Another example of the skill maintenance/support for decline was the decision by OMRDD to allow day programs to provide a daybed for individuals to take naps. Previously, day programs were not allowed to have beds available to clients, as sleeping was not considered a productive activity. However, once day program staff and state case managers at OMRDD better understood that taking naps was therapeutic and helps maintain skills, the agency approved day beds and allowed naps if there was a note from a physician. Often, staff placed the daybeds in the Snoezelen rooms. The grant also influenced other grant partners at the agency level. Because of the success in working with the developmental disabilities population through this grant, the Albany County Area Agency on Aging decided to include persons with mental retardation/developmental disabilities and persons with mental illness into the population served by the point-of-entry long-term care system that is being developed. Including these populations was not a state requirement under the NYANSWERS initiative, but the Area Agency on Aging felt that all persons with disabilities should be included in the system, rather than just individuals over 65. ### Funding The Alzheimer's Association chapters have tried to sustain care consultation, direct services, and training for persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease by leveraging other funding sources or absorbing costs into existing budgets. The developmental disabilities providers remain committed to training their own staff, seeking dementia-appropriate services for their clients, and implementing environmental modifications and other life enrichment services (e.g., memory and sensory adaptations). The trainings developed by both Alzheimer's Associations for families and staff are now a component of their training repertoires and available to interested agencies or individuals. The Rochester Alzheimer's Association chapter also received grant funding from OMRDD to continue dementia support services. The ADDGS grant essentially served as a pilot for the subsequent grant which allowed the Alzheimer's Association to sustain many of the ADDGS grant services. The New York State-Options for People Through Services (NYS-OPTS) grant program funds the follow-on grant, which requires projects to focus on building person-centered services in the areas of employment, transitional services, community inclusion in social activities, independent living skills and educational opportunities (Commission on Quality of Care Web page, 2005). With the \$5 million OPTS grant, the Alzheimer's Association is providing care consultation, discussion groups (formerly referred to as support groups), education for providers and family caregivers, and life enrichment (e.g., environmental modifications, transportation, and respite). The same day program providers mentioned above have also sought additional funding from state and community foundations. For example, the Monroe County ARC, which runs a day program, received two small grants from a local foundation to create a music and exercise program and additional money for further environmental modifications, totaling over \$100,000. # SECTION 3 POINT-OF-ENTRY GRANT (JULY 1, 2005--JUNE 30, 2008) In July 2005, the New York State Office on Aging (NYSOFA) began implementing the second Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States (ADDGS) grant, which is designed to create a dementia-capable single point of entry (POE) that utilizes a county-based long-term care central assessment system and works effectively with existing state-funded Alzheimer's disease screening and service delivery system in rural areas and ethnically diverse small cities (McCallion and Harazin, 2005; New York ADDGS Project Summary, 2006). Through the grant, two counties integrated dementia services, education, and training to the existing Area Agency on Aging-based POE system. Previously, an individual with Alzheimer's disease or family-member requesting supports or services would have received fragmented care and been referred to the Alzheimer's Association for Alzheimer's disease-related assistance. Within the newly integrated system, the Alzheimer's Association staff and Area Agency on Aging case manager provide information and access to a full range of services related to long-term care. Individuals living in rural areas and persons who are ethnically diverse and living in small cities are of particular concern to NYSOFA officials because few services and supports are currently available to them. Additionally, some services available to individuals in large urban areas are not necessarily available to those individuals residing in small cities or rural areas (McCallion and Harazin, 2005). NYSOFA's primary criteria for selecting the two counties to pilot this initiative were that the counties have a high concentration of rural and ethnically diverse communities and have exhibited a commitment to and demonstrated progress toward meeting the goals of the NYANSWERS initiative. In 2004, the Governor established the Access New York Service With Effective Responsive Supports (NYANSWERS); it is designed to change the design and delivery of state, private, and publicly funded long-term care programs. The intent is to create a point of entry system offering long-term care including screening, information, assistance, assessments, and access to public and private community based care (McCallion and Harazin, 2005). In the first year of the second grant, the grant partners in both counties developed the policies and procedures that facilitated the inclusion of persons with Alzheimer's disease into the existing POE systems and began providing direct services to this population. In the spring of 2006, both counties began serving clients[^10] and providing trainings to agency administrators, direct care staff, caregivers, and grant service providers. As of June 30, 2006, the two POEs received a combined 80 referrals and deemed 27 individuals eligible to receive services.[^11] **Exhibit 6** presents the key objectives of the Point-of-Entry grant. Efforts in the second and third years of the grant are focused on increasing referrals of persons with Alzheimer's disease residing in rural and ethnically diverse communities and attracting primary care physicians and other medical staff to trainings on dementia and to increase their level of referrals to the POE system. []{#__RefHeading___Toc157920276 .anchor}Exhibit 6. Key Objectives of New York's ADDGS Point of Entry Grant +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - Increase access to dementia-appropriate long-term care services | | for persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias by | | creating a dementia-capable point-of-entry and service delivery | | system supported by Area Agencies on Aging, Alzheimer's | | Association chapters, and Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Centers | | (ADACs are described on page 11). | | | | - Enhance the availability and quality of direct services for | | persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and for | | family caregivers by contracting with a well-known dementia care | | and advocacy organization to subcontract with providers to offer | | dementia-appropriate services and to coordinate services between | | the providers and clients. | | | | - Meet the needs of persons with Alzheimer's disease and their | | family caregivers in rural and small ethnically diverse cities by | | hiring a dementia-specific case manager to manage and deliver all | | diagnostic and direct care services. | | | | - Establish a competent workforce for those caring for persons with | | Alzheimer's disease and other dementias by connecting families | | and long-term care service providers with dementia-specific | | training, providing informational and educational materials, | | serving as a portal to access community resources, information, | | and other long-term care service options. | | | | - Disseminate the POE services model, trainings, and examples of | | systems change to other regions in the state. | | | | - Leverage ADDGS funds to sustain the program after grant funding | | ends. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ## Background The NYANSWERS statewide initiative directs counties to create a POE system for long-term care consumer access. The POE system provides consumers with impartial screening, information, assistance, assessment, and access to appropriate and timely public and private community-based care options. Similar in philosophy to the U.S. Administration on Aging's Choices for Independence initiative, the approach of the POE is to support self-determination, promote personal responsibility, and provide needed services that are both high quality and efficient.[^12] In advance of the mandatory statewide implementation of the POE effort, NYSOFA and the SUNY Albany Center for Excellence in Aging Services applied for an ADDGS grant. The purpose of this grant is to enable New York State to integrate services for persons with Alzheimer's disease living in rural areas and ethnically diverse small towns into the county-based long-term care central assessment programs and to integrate services offered by Area Agencies on Aging, Alzheimer's Association chapters, and ADACs. Both counties selected for the ADDGS grant had established, mature POE systems in place. The grant funding supported the addition of a staff with dementia expertise and familiarity with dementia services to the POE. As depicted in **Exhibit 7**, the intent of the project is to integrate services offered by Area Agencies on Aging, Alzheimer's Association chapters, and ADACs in areas where a large number of rural and ethnically diverse residents resided. Furthermore, grant services are designed to wrap around existing Medicaid and state-funded services and intended to be the payer of last resort for all services. NYSOFA targeted individuals with Alzheimer's disease living in rural areas and ethnically diverse individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their families under this grant because neither group is highly integrated into the long-term care continuum and few services or supports are in place to assist them (McCallion and Harazin, 2005, p. 3). Focus groups conducted with Area Agency on Aging and adult protective services staff by SUNY prior to the start of the grant found that while increased services and family supports are critical to maintain individuals with Alzheimer's disease in the community, lack of assessment, lack of services, and poorly coordinated services and supports increase the likelihood of these individuals requiring institutionalization (McCallion, 2004). Furthermore, state initiatives designed to provide services to individuals with Alzheimer's disease are implemented in large urban areas, the same services and initiatives are not necessary adaptable to smaller towns (McCallion and Harazin, 2005, p. 3.). An increasing number of aging and ethnically diverse individuals are moving into small towns and cities; thereby reinforcing the importance of and need for an integrated POE that includes Alzheimer's disease-related assistance. According to the 2000 census, nearly 16 percent of New Yorkers are African American; 6 percent are Asian; 15 percent are Hispanic and more than 10 percent identify themselves as either multiracial or another race (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000a). In terms of urbanization, in 2000, approximately 13 percent of all residents live in rural areas where accessing health care can be challenging (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000b). Of the 62 counties in the state, 44 are rural (New York State Office for the Aging, 2004). Because of these data, the state recognized the importance of developing policies to address the needs these individuals in its POE design. As with the Coordinated Care grant, the current ADDGS grant is led by the New York State Office on Aging. Also similar to the first grant, NYSOFA provided funding to the Area Agencies on Aging. These agencies subcontracted with the local Alzheimer's chapters which in turn subcontracted with long-term care providers. []{#__RefHeading___Toc157920277 .anchor}Exhibit 7. Point of Entry Flow Chart ![](media/image4.wmf){width="8.199305555555556in" height="5.634722222222222in"} SOURCE: New York State Office for the Aging, 2006. ## Grant Partners The primary partners for the grant were the following organizations portrayed in **Exhibit 8** and described below. []{#__RefHeading___Toc157920278 .anchor}Exhibit 8. Key Partners of the Point of Entry Grant ![](media/image5.wmf){width="6.495833333333334in" height="3.123611111111111in"} ### Bureau of Chronic Disease Services within the New York Department of Health Similar to the first ADDGS grant, the Department of Health provided the grant's state match funding. Additionally, DOH assists with the dissemination of grant information; for example, DOH hosted an Alzheimer's disease conference in June 2006 and invited NYSOFA staff to present. ### The Area Agencies on Aging in Fulton and Oneida County, respectively the Fulton County Office for the Aging and the Oneida County Office for the Aging In both counties, the Area Agency on Aging administers the POE and works with Alzheimer's Association chapters and ADACs to provide services. At the agency level, managers and case manager supervisors developed the structure for how to handle referrals for persons with Alzheimer's disease, utilizing the knowledge of the Alzheimer's Association and integrating the referrals into the existing POE system. Case managers are responsible for working closely with Alzheimer's Association grant staff to handle the referrals and to assess the needs of individuals with Alzheimer's disease, develop a services plan, and arrange for caregiver supports. In some counties, case managers at Area Agencies on Aging are partially funded by Medicaid; across the state, case managers are trained in Medicaid home and community-based services waivers and state plan services, and private pay service options. ### Northeastern NY Alzheimer's Association Chapter (covering Fulton County) and the Central New York Chapter (covering Oneida County) The Alzheimer's Association grant staff are responsible for providing care consultation to the POE system case managers, for training staff (e.g., agency case managers and service provider management and staff) and brokering direct services to individuals. ### Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Centers The regional ADACs serve as a community resource for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their family members and, as necessary, provide diagnosis and assessment services. The ADACs also provide patient management and care, training, education, and consultation, and serve as a clearinghouse of Alzheimer's disease information. Securing a diagnosis is needed in order to facilitate the delivery of long-term care services, including grant-funded services. ### Grant Advisory Committees In each county, the work of the key partners is supported by a local advisory committee composed of representatives of aging and dementia services, long-term care, the medical community, local government, and other community agencies. The role of the committee is to provide the following: - information on the status of the partners and their ability to develop and sustain project goals, - assistance in the development of work plans on key project issues, and - ongoing support of project implementation at the local level (Harazin and McCallion, 2005). ### The State University at Albany's Center for Excellence in Aging Services The Center evaluates the program and provides technical assistance and staff trainings. Thus far, technical assistance from the SUNY staff has included working with the Area Agencies on Aging, Alzheimer's Association chapters, and members of the Advisory Board on design and implementation of changes in policies and procedures; organizing the advisory board meeting plans; and designing the program logo used by one of the counties. The program evaluation plan includes: - collecting data on people with Alzheimer's disease identified, diagnostic work-ups completed, care plans developed and implemented, caregivers trained, individuals with Alzheimer's disease maintained in the community and associated costs; - determining changes in service delivery that reflect a better relationship between assessment and delivery of services and the impact of case management on individuals with Alzheimer's disease or family members through interviews with stakeholders and review of case files; - collecting data on collaborative efforts between grant partners by observing meetings and interviewing stakeholders; - evaluating the impact of training and direct service delivery on family caregivers using pre- and post-administration caregiver burden surveys; and, - conducting semi-structured interviews with project staff to assess expectations of the project (at initiation), ongoing experiences (on an annual basis) and satisfaction with outcomes (at the end of the project) (McCallion and Harazin, 2005). ## Grant Strategies and Activities to Integrate Services As a way to achieve the primary goal of incorporating persons with Alzheimer's disease into county long-term point-of-entry systems, grant staff has begun to implement several strategies. These strategies are described below. ### Enhancing Access to Dementia-Appropriate Services In order to create a dementia-capable POE that will increase access to dementia services for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their families, each county developed a model of integrated case management and dementia services for persons with Alzheimer's disease that fit into the existing POE system. The goal is to enable rural or ethnically diverse persons or caregivers to go to one place to obtain necessary services, education, and training and centralize care planning and service delivery to individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their families, and training for the staff in aging and dementia networks. The intent of the POE grant is to integrate dementia needs and services into other aging-related services; increasing access to services while decreasing duplication of intake information (i.e., repeating intake information to multiple staff). By providing needs assessments, care plans, and caregiver support, the knowledge of POE staff to bring resources to these individuals and their families will increase and will help persons with Alzheimer's disease live longer in the community. The grant partners plan to incorporate the expertise of the local Alzheimer's Association into the Area Agency on Aging case manager teams in order to: (1) provide training programs for caregivers and agency staff; and (2) develop new direct services for persons with Alzheimer's disease and their families. In Oneida County, the Alzheimer's Association employee (the Alzheimer's disease case manager) is located at the Area Agency on Aging as a case manager for dementia cases. The Alzheimer's Association employee is part of the intensive case management team and is responsible for managing the dementia services. In Fulton County, the Alzheimer's Association staff meet with Area Agency on Aging case managers weekly. ### Provider Relationships Partners reported the grant thus far has served to strengthen and expand the relationships between the various parties. Area Agency on Aging and Alzheimer's Association staff had a prior relationship because of collaboration on the National Family Caregiver Support Program and in the case of Fulton County, the Area Agency on Aging and the Alzheimer's Association collaborated on the Coordinated Care grant. All parties appreciate the accessibility of NYSOFA and SUNY staff in developing the policy and procedures and noted the Area Agency on Aging case management staff were an essential component of reviewing and improving the policies and procedures. ## Enhancing the Availability and Quality of Services Before the provision of direct services, the Area Agencies on Aging and Alzheimer's Association chapters, in conjunction with NYSOFA staff and SUNY evaluators, spent a significant portion of the first year training staff and implementing the policies and procedures necessary to integrate Alzheimer's disease-appropriate services into the POE. Both counties began to offer direct services in the spring of 2006. Prior to the implementation of the grant, when dementia was suspected, the Area Agency on Aging referred the individual or caregiver to the Alzheimer's Association for assistance; now, the two work together to provide services and case management. Under the grant, the Alzheimer's Association contracts with the service providers and is responsible for arranging service provision. The Alzheimer's Association is working to develop community partnerships that lead to greater awareness of service availability and to increased interagency activities and cooperation, ultimately building capacity of the aging network. The types of services available to individuals include social adult day care, medical adult day care, transportation,[^13] personal care assistance, home health aides, housekeeping services, companion services, respite services, case management, bill payer program, environmental modifications and representative payee assistance. As part of the training, Area Agency on Aging case managers are directed to utilize Medicaid or state-funded services prior to authorizing grant funds for these services; hence, where possible, the grant is to be used as payer of last resort and to supplement existing services. If a dementia diagnosis exists or is expected,[^14] the case manager develops and implements a plan for services. First, the case manager conducts a home visit and needs assessment and drafts a care plan. Second, a case conference is held with staff at the Area Agency on Aging and Alzheimer's Association to review the service plan; the case manager communicates with the family, if necessary, to obtain approval for the care plan. Third, the Alzheimer's Association brokers services with relevant providers and conducts follow-up with the client/family and providers. As reported earlier, as of June 30, 2006, 27 individuals in both counties had begun to receive grant services. Individuals receiving services live in both rural and urban settings. Outreach to the ethnically diverse communities is a second year goal of the grant; staff want to ensure that integration of Alzheimer's disease expertise and familiarity with Alzheimer's disease services into the POE is complete prior to including this population. Representatives from these communities (e.g., refugee resettlement communities for immigrants from Belarus, Bosnia, and Vietnam) are members of the advisory committee and are aware of the grant progress to date. ## Enhancing the Quality and Availability of a Competent Workforce The Alzheimer's Association chapters and SUNY are in the process of training a range of professionals, including Area Agency on Aging case management staff, administrators, and direct service providers, including physicians, nurses, social workers, and community members (e.g., police, transportation providers, and representatives of religious organizations). Some of the topics that have been addressed include: - grant information including research components, service contracting and payment procedures with providers, and general outreach; - the benefits of an active mind in relation to lowering the risk of Alzheimer's disease; - communication strategies for providers to individuals with Alzheimer's disease; - key principals of Alzheimer's disease; and - cross-agency collaboration and outreach (Harazin and McCallion, 2005; New York State Office for the Aging, 2006). The goal of the grant's training component is to reach as many people as possible who come in contact with the dementia population. In Oneida, the Area Agency on Aging Alzheimer's disease case manager travels to the provider agencies to conduct the training to encourage as many staff as possible to attend the trainings. Families have received in-home education, training, and referrals to support groups. Grant staff noted that significant time is spent learning the struggles and challenges of caregivers and providing assistance to work through them. Trainings and support groups are available and free to the attendee though not funded with grant funds. Grant partners in both counties seek to reach local medical providers and are actively engaged in outreach to the medical community. One of the Alzheimer's Association chapters conducted a brown bag training for physicians, support staff, and community providers during which a physician in charge of a dementia unit in Albany discussed the benefits of referring individuals for services; another training will discuss hands-on care and communication for persons with Alzheimer's disease. The grant will provide scholarship funds for nurses to attend the training. ## Influencing State and Local Policies, Procedures, and Funding for Services As with the first grant, the State Office for the Aging plans to disseminate information about how to integrate services for persons with Alzheimer's disease into the state's point-of-entry long-term care system, particularly in rural and ethnically diverse communities and smaller cities. This will be accomplished during the last year of the grant by conducting two regional conferences describing the lessons learned from the pilot program. SUNY will also develop a manual, which will be used to help other communities develop and implement a dementia-capable POE. The timing of the grant is fortuitous because all counties in the State have to develop a POE system for long-term care and information from this grant will help them develop a dementia-capable POE from the outset. Finally, NYSOFA will organize meetings statewide to identify replication sites throughout the state. ### Policies and Procedures Both counties report that a more intensive form of case management exists now because of the grant. Case managers assess clients, develop a care plan, refer individuals to service providers, and monitor the progress and changing needs of individuals with Alzheimer's disease and family members. Before the grant, the case manager would visit the client, develop a plan, and broker the service but not see the client again for 6 months. One case manager said this intensive case management has resulted in more time spent on identifying community resources and maximizing traditional services. Because of grant funding, the POE staff are more comfortable working with individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers; staff has adequate time to work with individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their families, educate them about the disease, and inform them of direct service options. One Area Agency on Aging reported that the weekly case conferences are a strength of the system. The brainstorming component and ready access to services are seen as a make or break point for a family in crisis. ### Funding One of the grant objectives is to leverage ADDGS funds to sustain the program after funding ends. Grant partners have not yet discussed continuation funding, since the project is still in a beginning phase. The advisory councils are tasked with researching funding possibilities. Some of the possible options include: - seeking greater Medicaid reimbursement for case management services, - seeking funding from the national Alzheimer's Association, and - requesting funding from local foundations. The Oneida Area Agency on Aging intends to fund the Alzheimer's disease case manager position from general revenue after the completion of the grant. Furthermore, the Oneida Area Agency on Aging has recently received \$230,000 from the Community Elder Wellness Council which will be used in conjunction with grant funds to provide home modifications for seniors and persons with Alzheimer's disease. # SECTION 4 CONCLUSION ## Coordinated Care Grant The Coordinated Care grant implemented an innovative approach to provide services to persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers. Grant stakeholders reported that the grant successfully created a model for providing home and community-based services to persons with both developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers; and demonstrated effectiveness of an approach that blended Alzheimer's disease, aging, and developmental disabilities service and support systems, and increased collaboration and cross-agency responses to the home and community-based service needs of this population. The SUNY evaluation noted that services and training positively influenced caregivers who reported less perceived difficulty in caregiving with corresponding improvement in dementia symptoms, reduced time spent caregiving, and less burnout. The evaluation noted that environmental modifications made to day programs improved staff effectiveness and client engagement. Finally, the evaluation stated that trainings made a difference in the quality, confidence, morale, and competence of direct care workers. The grant approach utilized a number of strategies: - *Creating the capacity for developmental disabilities providers and family members to recognize the symptoms of dementia, secure a diagnosis of dementia, assess levels of need for dementia-appropriate services and supports and environmental modifications, and create dementia-specific care plans.* Local chapters of the Alzheimer's Association served in a consultant capacity to the developmental disabilities provider network that had not been aware of the symptoms of the disease and the resources available to help their clients. - *Creating a network of providers offering dementia-appropriate direct services (e.g., staff time to help get ready for attending a day program) and supports (e.g., support groups).* Local chapters of the Alzheimer's Association, using Area Agency on Aging lists of aging providers, brokered service agreements with many of the same providers to offer dementia-appropriate services and supports. Over the 3-year period, 177 individuals received grant services at a cost of approximately \$5,000 per individual per year including home health care, transportation, respite, personal care, adult day care, companion services, short-term care in health facilities and other respite settings, and environmental modifications. - *Modifying the physical space at day programs and community residences to provide a more appropriate space, augmenting the value and utility of the more traditional direct services administered through the grant.* The provision of environmental assessments and modifications was integral to ensuring the person with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease remained at day programs and community residences (e.g., group homes). - *Providing dementia-specific training and education to more than 1,000 individuals including direct care workers, family members, and social workers.* Grant stakeholders believed that the increased knowledge base led to more referrals by developmental disabilities providers for dementia-appropriate long-term care services. This increase was possible because staff were better able to identify early signs of Alzheimer's disease in the developmental disabilities population and were more skilled at working with this population. - *Leveraging additional funding for grant partners from other state agencies and foundations to continue providing dementia services to the aging developmental disabilities population.* Several grant stakeholders successfully applied for funding from foundations and the state to support this population with services, supports, and environmental modifications and to retain dementia-specialist staff positions. - *Increasing the flexibility and capacity of the Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities care planning process for Medicaid services to the developmental disabilities population at day programs.* Providers utilized their increased knowledge of working with the population of persons with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease to push for the approval of care plans that incorporate activities that maintain skills and ensure quality of life, rather than aim to increase skills for individuals with developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease. ## Point-of-Entry Grant The Point-of-Entry grant is implementing a model to incorporate persons with Alzheimer's disease into the population being served by county long-term care point-of-entry systems, especially those in rural and ethnically diverse communities. Through the grant, two New York counties are integrating dementia services, education, and training to the existing long-term care point-of-entry systems. The local Alzheimer's Association chapters are providing consultation on care planning for persons with Alzheimer's disease to Area Agency on Aging case managers; providing education and training to family caregivers, direct care staff, and other professionals (e.g., medical providers); and arranging for a full range of dementia-appropriate services for the clients in the point-of-entry system. Both entities are working with the state-funded Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Centers to secure a formal diagnosis of dementia, and to facilitate patient management and care. The grant approach is utilizing a number of strategies: - *Providing Alzheimer's disease services through the single-point-of-entry system creating an environment where individuals no longer have to seek services from multiple service systems.* In the first year of the grant, the Area Agencies on Aging staff in the two pilot counties consulted with staff from the SUNY Center on Excellence in Aging Services, the State Office on Aging, the Alzheimer's Association, and other relevant community providers to develop the policies and procedures to integrate persons suspected of Alzheimer's disease into the existing point-of-entry system. - *Enabling individuals with Alzheimer's disease to remain in the community longer through the administration of comprehensive needs assessments, the development of dementia-specific service plans, and provision of caregiver supports.* The Area Agencies on Aging are collaborating with local Alzheimer's Association chapters and Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Centers to ensure that the assessment and care planning process reflects an understanding of the unique needs and challenges of the population of persons with Alzheimer's disease. - *Providing dementia-appropriate services and coordinating services between the providers and clients.* Both pilot counties began serving persons with Alzheimer's disease in the spring of 2006. The point-of-entry systems received a combined 80 referrals and deemed 27 individuals eligible to receive services including social adult day care, medical adult day care, transportation, personal care assistance, home health aides, housekeeping services, companion services, respite services, case management, bill payer program, and environmental modifications and representative payee assistance. - *Meeting the needs of persons with Alzheimer's disease and their family caregivers in rural and small ethnically diverse cities by hiring a dementia-specific case manager to manage and deliver all diagnostic and direct care services.* Outreach to rural communities is ongoing; staff at the Alzheimer's Association and POE are meeting to brainstorm and strategize about how to reach out to the rural regions. Outreach to the ethnically diverse communities is a second year goal of the grant and representatives from several of these communities (e.g., refugee resettlement communities for immigrants from Belarus, Bosnia, and Vietnam) are members of the local advisory committee in Oneida. - *Developing a directory for targeted geographic areas listing available resources to support persons with Alzheimer's disease to assist consumers and professionals in locating available service providers.* Having a current listing of resources will expedite the process of obtaining needed services and decrease the unnecessary stress of caregivers in having to seek assistance from multiple service systems. - *Establishing a competent workforce for those caring for persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias by connecting families, long-term care service providers, case managers, clergy, and medical providers with dementia-specific training, providing informational and educational materials, and serving as a portal to access community resources.* The Alzheimer's Association and the Center for Excellence in Aging Services are offering train-the-trainer modules in an effort to support the ongoing education of a dementia-capable workforce once the grant ends. - *Moving toward intensive dementia case management facilitated by the integration of point-of-entry staff with Alzheimer's disease expertise and knowledge of related services into the long-term care point-of-entry case management team, resulting in a more comprehensive care plan.* The Area Agency on Aging staff have reported that case management of dementia clients has become significantly more comprehensive with the support of the local Alzheimer's Association chapters and an increasingly knowledgeable case manager staff. - *Working to retain the position of dementia specialists on case management teams to ensure the sustainability of a formal mechanism for addressing dementia needs in long-term care planning*. One Area Agency on Aging has already made the commitment to keep a dementia specialist on the intensive case management team. With funding from the U.S. Administration on Aging, the New York State Office for Aging and its partners created and implemented replicable methods for (1) delivering dementia services for the developmentally disabled population which allows this population to age in place**;** and (2) creating a model for incorporating dementia services into dementia-capable single point of entry (POE).** **The completed Coordinated Care grant and the ongoing Point-of-Entry grant have shown success in developing and delivering resources and services to meet the needs of individuals with Alzheimer's disease, their caregivers, and staff working in different settings. # REFERENCES Alzheimer's Association Fact Sheet, Administration on Aging Grant (Coordinated Care), 2004. Commission on Quality of Care Web page, 2005. Available at: Accessed August 28, 2006. Community Partnership in Aging and Developmental Disabilities Services, 2000. Harazin, M. and P. McCallion (March 8, 2005). NY State Office for the Aging Presentation to the Governor's Staff. "New York State Office for the Aging Update and Opportunities for Collaboration: The Alzheimer's Demonstration Grant." Hepburn, K.W., M. Lewis, C.W. Sherman, and T. Tornatore (2003). "The Savvy Caregiver Program." *Gerontologist* 43(6):908-915. International Snoezelen Association website, 2006. Available at: Accessed August 27, 2006. Janicki, M.P., and A.J. Dalton (Eds.) (1999). *Mental Retardation, Aging, and Dementia: A Handbook*. New York: Taylor & Francis. McCallion, P. (2004). "Facing the Challenges of Dementia." Albany, New York: NYS OCFS. McCallion, P. and M. Harazin (2005). "Point of Entry and Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias in Rural Areas: A System Change Project." pp. 1-23. McCallion, P. and M. McCarron (2002). "The Caregiving Hassles Scale -- DD Modification. Albany, NY: Center for Excellence in Aging Services. New York State Department of Health Web page. Available at: Accessed August 27, 2006. New York State Office for the Aging, AoA Project Semi Annual Report, June 2004. New York State Office for the Aging, AoA Project Semi Annual Report, June 2006. Nickle, T. and P. McCallion (2005). *New York State Coordinated Care Alzheimer's Demonstration Project Evaluation*. Center for Excellence in Aging Services, University of Albany, NY. NYSARC Website. Available at: Accessed August 28, 2006. U.S. Administration on Aging (no date). About the Administration on Aging (AoA) Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grant Program. Washington, DC. Available at: Accessed August 14, 2006. U.S. Census Bureau (2000a). "American FactFinder: New York State Fact Sheet." Available at: [\_event=&geo_id=04000US36&\_geoContext=01000USpercent7C04000US36&\_street=&\_county=&\_cityTown=&\_state=04000US36&\_zip=&\_lang=en&\_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=&\_useEV=&pctxt=fph&pgsl=040& submenuId=factsheet_1&ds_name=ACS_2005_SAFF&\_ci_nbr=null&qr_name=null&reg=&\_keyword=&\_industry=](|04000US36&_street=&_county=&_cityTown=&_state=04000US36&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=&_useEV=&pctxt=fph&pgsl=040&_submenuId=factsheet_1&ds_name=ACS_2005_SAFF&_ci_nbr=null&qr_name=null&reg=&_keyword=&_industry=). Accessed September 21, 2006. U.S. Census Bureau (2000b). "American FactFinder: New York -- Urban/Rural and Inside/Outside Metropolitan Area." Available at: <>. Accessed September 21, 2006. [^1]: ^\*^ RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute. [^2]: Two case studies are of the Michigan and Minnesota ADDGS grants, and a fourth report is focusing on minority populations across a number of states. [^3]: Within the Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) system, three models of care provision are funded for persons with developmental disabilities: individualized residential alternatives (e.g., group home), community residences, and intermediate care facilities. Additionally, adult foster care is funded as a family-based care model. [^4]: The stakeholders included: Rochester area developmental disabilities and aging providers, the Golisano Foundation (a local foundation supporting programs for individuals with developmental disabilities), and Developmental Disability Service Organization (DDSO) staff in two communities (the Finger Lakes and Central New York regions). [^5]: The role of the Alzheimer's Association chapter as a service broker was to assist families and individuals to make informed decisions about what will work best for them, identify providers of the services, and ensure that the service is in fact provided to the individual or family. [^6]: During the grant, both the Rochester and the Northeastern New York chapters of the Alzheimer's Association provided services to individuals in nine counties in their respective regions. [^7]: For more information see [^8]: Snoezelen is derived from the words "snuffeln" (to sniff, to snuffle) and "doezelen" (to doze, to snooze). This treatment was developed in the Netherlands in the 1970s by facilities caring for severely disabled people. A Snoezelen room is designed to use light and sound to create a relaxing and activating effect. The specific design directs and arranges the stimuli; it creates interest, brings back memories, and guides relationships. A Snoezelen room is intended to induce well-being, diminish fear, and increase an individual's sense of security (International Snoezelen Association Web site, 2006) [^9]: NYSARC is a statewide advocacy organization for individuals with developmental disabilities that provides early intervention, health care, education, preparation for employment, help in finding and keeping a job, independent living, skill training, leisure and recreation activities and spirituality (NYSARC Web site, no date, [^10]: As of June 30, 2006, services have included home health care (personal care and respite), referrals to both social and medical model adult day care, companion services, transportation, enrollment in the Safe Return program, the purchase of a "Med Ready" pill box, and environmental modifications. [^11]: The grantee anticipated enrolling 40 individuals with Alzheimer's disease during the first year and 80 individuals in each of the second and third years; these numbers are combined totals for both counties. [^12]: For more information on Choices for Independence, see: <>. [^13]: In addition to transportation to and from the home and day programs, the grant also reimburses participants for transportation to and from the ADACs. Because the ADACs are located far from the grant service area, individuals cited the lack of and cost of transportation as a barrier to obtaining dementia assessments and diagnosis. Providing for transportation to the ADACs was viewed as a way to increase access to services. [^14]: Grant staff will approve the implementation of services to individuals prior to a dementia diagnosis; however, authorization is granted with the understanding that services will be stopped if there is not a dementia diagnosis.
Number range CHAPTER**FILE NAME:** **Pytech.wpt (9/08/06)** **ATTENTION: All commodity terms must comply with the Food and Feed Commodity Vocabulary database (**/**).** **COMPANY FEDERAL REGISTER DOCUMENT SUBMISSION TEMPLATE** **(9/1/2002)** **EPA Registration Division contact: \[[Marion Johnson (7505C), 703-305-6788]{.mark}\]** ***INSTRUCTIONS:*** Please utilize this outline in preparing tolerance petition documents. In cases where the outline element does not apply please insert "NA-Remove" and maintain the outline. The comment notes that appear on the left margin represent hidden typesetting codes designed to expedite the processing of the **Federal Register** document. Please do not remove or alter these comment notes or change the margins, font, or format in your document. Simply replace the instructions that appear in italics and brackets, i.e., "\[*insert company name*\]," with the information specific to your action. **Summary of Petitions** EPA has received a request from **\[Pytech Chemicals GmbH****\]**, **\[9330 Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268\]** proposing, pursuant to section 408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C. 346a(d), to amend 40 CFR part 180.438, section 3 by adding gamma-cyhalothrin to lambda-cyhalothrin. The residue definition under section 3 should read as follows: **(3) A food additive tolerance of 0.01 part per million is established for residue of the insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin ((S)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(Z)-(1R,3R)-3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-enyl)-2,1-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate and (R)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(Z)-(1S,3S)-3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-enyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylate), or the isolated active isomer gamma-cyhalothrin ((S)--cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl(Z)-(1R,3R)-3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoripropenyl)-2,2-dimethyl cyclopropanecarboxylate).** EPA has determined that the petition contains data or information regarding the elements set forth in section 408(d)(2) of the FFDCA; however, EPA has not fully evaluated the sufficiency of the submitted data at this time or whether the data supports granting of the petition. Additional data may be needed before EPA rules on the petition. *A. Residue Chemistry* 1\. *Plant metabolism*. **\[Gamma-cyhalothrin relies on the metabolism data conducted on lambda-cyhalothrin, which has been thoroughly tested and is adequately understood.\]** 2\. *Analytical method*. **\[An adequate analytical method is available for enforcement purposes.\]** 3\. *Magnitude of residues*. **\[Gamma-cyhalothrin, the isolated active isomer, will be applied at half the application rates of lambda-cyhalothrin. Comparison studies of gamma-cyhalothrin versus lambda-cyhalothrin used on the representative crops of tomatoes, sweet corn, broccoli and cottonseed prove that the established tolerances for lambda-cyhalothrin will be sufficient to cover the potential residues of gamma-cyhalothrin.\]** *B. Toxicological Profile* 1\. *Acute toxicity*. **\[The acute oral LD50 was \>50 mg/kg bw in male rats and 55 mg/kg bw in female rats, acute dermal LD50 was \>1500 mg/kg bw in male rats and 1643 mg/kg bw in female rats and the 4 hr-LC50 for male rats was 40.2 mg/m3 and, for female rats, 28.2 mg/m3.\]** 2\. *Genotoxicty*. **\[The following genotoxicity tests were all negative:** ***Salmonella- E.coli* Reverse Mutation Assay, Mouse Bone Marrow Micronucleus Test, *in vitro* chromosomal aberration in rat lymphocytes and mouse lymphoma forward mutation assay.\]** 3\. *Reproductive and developmental toxicity*. **\[A developmental toxicity study in rats given gavage doses of 0, 0.1, 0.5, and 2 mg/kg/day with no developmental toxicity observed under the conditions of the study. The developmental NOAEL is greater than 2 mg/kg/day, the highest dose tested. The maternal NOAEL and LOAEL are established at 0.5 and 2 mg/kg/day, respectively, based on reduced body weight, body weight gain and feed consumption.\]** 4\. *Subchronic toxicity*. **\[A 90-day feeding study in rats fed doses of** **0, 2.5, 10, 50 and 100 ppm with a NOAEL of 50 ppm and a LOAEL of 100 ppm based on mortality, decreased feed consumption, decreased body weights and increases relative liver and kidney weight at 100 ppm.\]** 5\. *Chronic toxicity*. **\[Gamma-cyhalothrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin are contained within the chemical cyhalothrin. Cyhalothrin consists of four isomers, lambda-cyhalothrin consists of two of these isomers and gamma-cyhalothrin is the single active isomer contained in both. The chronic studies were conducted on cyhalothrin*.*\]** 6\. *Animal metabolism*. **\[NA-Remove.\]** 7\. *Metabolite toxicology*. **\[The Agency has previously determined that** **the metabolites of lambda-cyhalothrin are not of toxicological concern** **and need not be included in the tolerance expression. Given this** **determination, it is concluded that there is no need to discuss** **metabolite toxicity.\]** 8\. *Endocrine disruption*. **\[No studies have been conducted to investigate the potential of gamma-cyhalothrin to induce estrogenic or other endocrine effects. However, no evidence of such effects has been noted in the battery of toxicity studies which have been conducted on cyhalothrin/lambda-cyhalothrin, and there is no reason to suspect that any such effects would be likely.\]** *C. Aggregate Exposure* **The Agency has conducted an extensive assessment of the aggregate exposure for lambda-cyhalothrin. Results are reported in the Federal Register: September 27, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 188, page 60902-60915). In the Federal Register: April 8, 2004 (Volume 69, No. 68, page 18480) the Agency has also concluded that lambda-cyhalothrin's risk assessment is sufficient to cover gamma-cyhalothrin.** 1\. *Dietary exposure*. **\[NA-Remove\]** i\. *Food*. **\[NA-Remove\]** ii\. *Drinking water*. **\[NA-Remove\]** 2\. *Non-dietary exposure*. **\[NA-Remove\]** *D. Cumulative Effects* **\[For purposes of this request, it has been assumed that cyhalothrin (i.e. gamma-cyhalothrin and lambda-cyhalothrin) does not have a common mechanism of toxicity with other substances. \]** *E. Safety Determination* **\[The Agency has conducted an extensive assessment of the aggregate exposure. Results are reported in the Federal Register: September 27, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 188, page 60902-60915).\]** 1\. *U.S. population*. **\[NA-Remove\]** 2\. *Infants and children*. **\[NA-Remove\]** *F. International Tolerances* **\[There are Codex maximum residue levels (MRL) established or pending** **for residues of cyhalothrin, as the sum of all isomers, in or on the** **following crops and commodities.** **\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\--** **Crop MRL (mg/kg)** **\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\--** **Apricots\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... 0.2** **Cabbage, head\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... 0.2** **Cherries\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... 0.2** **Cotton seed\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... 0.02** **Cotton seed, oil\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... 0.02** **Oil seed (including rapeseed oil)\.... 0.02** **Peaches\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... 0.2** **Plums\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... 0.1** **Pome fruit\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... 0.1** **Potatoes\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... 0.02** **Tree nuts (shelled and unshelled).. 0.05** **\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\--** **Canadian MRLs of 0.1 ppm for pome fruit, stone fruit and canola are** **established in Canada for lambda-cyhalothrin based on the \`\`negligible\'\'** **residue clause of Canadian Food & Drug Act Regulations (B.15.002(1)).\]**
# Presentation: 662440 ## FDA AAC: Discussion of **SLE Concept Paper** **State of the Art: HRQOL, Fatigue and Function** **Vibeke Strand, MD****Biopharmaceutical Consultant** **Adjunct Clinical Professor, ** **Division of Immunology, Stanford University** ## Disclosures - Abbott - Alexion - Amgen Corporation - Aventis Pharmaceuticals - Celltech - Centocor - Genelabs - Genentech - Genzyme - Hoffman LaRoche - IDEC - Incyte - La Jolla Pharmaceuticals - Novartis - Pfizer - Procter and Gamble - Scios - SKK - SumitomoXoma Corporation - Abgenix - Affymax - Alza Corporation - Astra Zeneca - Becton Dickinson - Biogen - Boeringher Ingelheim - Entelos - Geron, Inc. - Glaxo SmithKline - Immune Response Corp - RWJohnson PRI - Eli Lilly and Co - Medarex - Organon - Otsuka - Schering Plough - Targeted Genetics - Current Clients Previous Clients ## Lessons Learned: It is Difficult to Assess Outcome in SLE RCTs - Disease Activity Indices do NOT necessarily reflect OUTCOME - Disease activity ≠ Disease severity - Variability in weighting different organ manifestations - Variability in scoring and scoring items [eg, fatigue] - Only BILAG designed to reflect need for change in treatment - Few have been used / validated in RCTs - Poor correlation between patient and physician assessments of disease activity - Responder analyses do NOT function well if they are proposed in absence of data from RCTs - Changes in medical practice may confound treatment effects ## OMERACT 4 SLE Module 1998 Goal - To develop consensus on required outcome domains to be assessed in clinical trials in SLE: Randomized Controlled Trials [RCTs] and/or Longitudinal Observational Studies [LOS] - Organizing Committee: D. Gladman D. Isenberg M. Petri J. Smolen V. Strand **Strand et al: J Rheum 1999; 26: 490-497** **Smolen et al: J Rheum 1999; 26: 504-507** ## Outcome Domains Recommended by OMERACT 4 **Strand et al: J Rheum 1999; 26: 490-497** **Smolen et al: J Rheum 1999; 26: 504-507** - Disease activity: - Damage: - HRQOL: - Should also include: - Adverse events - Economic costs including health utilities ## What is Health Related Quality of Life? - NOT the economy... - NOT the geopolitical situation... - NOT status or access to resources... - “In all the ways your disease affects you, how are you doing today?” - SLE affects all domains of health related quality of life - Patients complain of fatigue, inability to plan ahead, and changes in appearance ## SF-36: Short Form 36 Health Survey - Validated, widely used generic measure of HRQOL - 8 Domains: - Scored 0 - 100; age, gender adjusted norms - 2 Summary Scores: Normative based scoring - Mean: 50, SD: 10 - Physical Component: PCS - Measures how decrements in physical function affect day to day activities - Impact of physical impairment / disability on HRQOL - Mental Component: MCS - Impact of mental affect, symptoms of pain on HRQOL - Facilitates comparison with other disease states ## SF-36 Domains and Summary Scores - Physicalcomponent **SF-36 Domains and Summary Scores** ## SLE Impacts all Domains of HRQOL - Coping mechanisms most consistently associated with HRQOL, but not morbidity– Ethnicity and socioeconomic status are important – Variable - Social support consistently associated with reported mental health - Organ damage less associated with reported HRQOL than disease activity - Data in patients receiving care from rheumatologists: - In cohort studies or enrolled in RCTs - May underestimate influences of access to care and treatment adherence **Sutcliffe et al: Rheumatol 1999; 38:1130-7****Ward: Arth Rheum 2001; 44:2711-4** ## Disability in SLE Encompasses all Domains of HRQOL - Fatigue and Depression important — and are quantifiable - Disease activity, damage ± health related quality of life - Disability ± Impairment in physical function: - 106 SLE pts in Baltimore: mean HAQ DI = 0.66 - > 25% had HAQ DI scores of 0 - <10% required assistance or assistive aids - 120 SLE pts in Cleveland: mean HAQ DI = 0.83 - 125 in Canada: mean HAQ DI = 0.61 **Hochberg et al JRheum 1988; 15:959-964** **Milligan et al JRheum 1993: 20:972-6** **Gladman et al: Lupus 1996; 5:190-5** ## HRQOL in SLE compared with RA - RA and SLE patients complain of: loss of energy, unpredictable course of disease - SLE patients complain of fatigue; ‘inability to plan ahead’ - SLE patients have more dissatisfaction with perceived control of their bodies, and body image - SLE patients dissatisfied with understanding about their condition on the part of MDs and other individuals **«Handicap invisible to others»** **Burckhardt et al JRheum 1993; 20:997-81****Archenholtz et al: Qual Life Res 1999; 8:411-6** ## HRQOL in SLE Compared with RA - Prospective study of 82 patients with RA, 82 with SLE matched for age, gender, disease duration and 74 age and gender controls - Both diseases impact all dimensions of health status - Less disability in RA, and lower VAS pain scores– but no difference in bodily pain domain scores - SF-36 correlated best with: patient global assessment accumulated damage index **Gilboe et al JRheum 1999; 26:1694-700** ## SF-36: Short Form 36 Health Survey - Baseline domain scores low in SLE - v. age/gender norms for Canada, Norway, UK, US - v. serious medical problems (IDDM, CAD) - In cohort studies reflects changes in disease activity (SLAM, BILAG, SLEDAI): -  disease activity in PF, BP, GHP - disease activity  SF-36 domain scores, esp. PF - damage in PF, GHP **Gladman et al: J Rheum 1995; 23:1953-5** **Gordon et al: A+R 1997; 40:487 Gladman et al: Clin Exp Rheum 1995; 14:305-8** **Stoll et al: J Rheum 1997; 24:309-13 and 1608-14 Fortin et al: Lupus 1998; 7:101-7** ** ****Sutcliffe et al: J Rheum 1999; 26:2352-6 Wang et al: J Rheum 2001; 28: 525-32** ## SF-36 is Sensitive to Change in SLE - Demonstrated valid and sensitive to change in RCTs and LOS in SLE - Decrements in multiple domains correlate with increases in disease activity and damage – although generally weak correlations - Immunosuppressive use - Reflect ESRD **Abu-Shakra et al J Rheum 1999; 26:306-9** **Thumboo et al J Rheum 1999; 26:97-102****Thumboo et al J Rheum 2000; 27:1414-20** **Wang et al J Rheum 2001; 28:525-32 ** **Stoll et al: J Rheum 1997; 24: 309-13 and 1608-14**** ** **Fortin et al: Lupus 1998; 7:101-7**** **** ** **Sutcliffe et al: J Rheum 1999; 26:2352-6**** ****Strand et al: J Rheum 1999; 26:495-503 ** **Thumboo et al: J Rheum 2000; 27:1414-1420** **Wang et al: J Rheum 2001; 28: 525-32** **Rood et al J Rheum 2000; 27:2057-9** **Vu, Escalante ****J Rheum 1999; 26:2595-2601**** ** ## SF-36 is Sensitive to Change in SLE - Changes in domain scores in general best correlated with changes in disease activity, higher glucocorticoid doses, use of cytotoxic agents - Greatest variability in Role Physical and Role Emotional domains - Taking the mean of the 4 physical domains = PHSand 4 mental domains = MHS - PHS negatively correlated with ↑ steroid doses ↑ BILAG score - MHS negatively correlated with ↑ steroid doses use of cytotoxics ↑ BILAG scores **Thumboo et al J Rheum 1999; 26:97-102****Thumboo et al J Rheum 2000; 27:1414-20** ## Minimum Clinically Important Differences [MCID] - Degree of improvement in various outcome measures - Perceptible to patients - Considered clinically important / meaningful - Defined by patient query, delphi technique HAQ DI: 0.22 improvement - Confirmed by statistical correlations with clinical responses in placebo RCTs, using patient global assessments - When group median (and mean) changes well exceed MCID, it can be expected that a majority of patients will attain clinically meaningful improvement ## Minimum Clinically Important Differences [MCID] **Wells et al. J Rheumatol. 1993; 20:557-60 ** **Guzman et al. Arth Rheum. 1996; 39:5208** **Kosinski et al. Arth Rheum. 2000; 43:1478-87** **Samsa et al. Pharmacoeconomics. 1999; 15:141-155 ** **Thumboo et al. J Rheumatol. 1999; 26:97-102.** **Zhao et al: Pharmacotherapy 1999; 19:1269-78** **Angst et al: Arth Care Res 2001; 45:384-91** **Minimum Clinically Important Differences ****[MCID]** - HAQ DI 1-4 0 - 3 – 0.22 - SF-36 2, 4-8 0 - 100 + 5 - 10 points - PCS/MCS mean 50 ± 10 + 2.5 - 5 points - Score Direction MCID - Range of Scoring ## Other Points: Confounding Issue of Fatigue - 2° to active SLE or fibromyalgia? - Associated fibromyalgia in cohort series: - Petri: 25 - 30% - Gladman: 20% - Gordon, Isenberg: <10% - Capable of treatment independent of SLE? - Significantly impacts SF-36, - Other patient reported measures? - Fatigue assessed by MD included in SLAM; SLAM-R - Krupp Fatigue Severity Score reflects alterations - NOT 2° to psychological stress - Different than reported in other ds states, eg MS **Gladman et al J Rheum 1997; 24:2145-8****Taylor et al A+R 1998: 41: 1797-85** **Krupp et al Arch Neurol 1989: 46: 1121-3** ## Αnti dsDNA Ab levels Predict Disease Flares - Swaak: in 143 SLE patients followed for up to 6 years: - 2x **↑** αdsDNA Ab levels within 10 weeks predicted 33 major ‘exacerbations’: 21 renal; 12 non-renal - 80% renal ‘flares’ predicted by **↓** C4 levels - Ter Borg: in 17/72 SLE patients followed over mean 18.5 months - 24/33 ‘exacerbations’ predicted by **↑** αdsDNA Ab levels - 13 renal; 20 non-renal flares - Bootsma: 156 patients; αdsDNA Ab levels measured monthly - When **↑↑**: randomized to conventional Rx or addn 30 mg prednisone - In 46: relapses in 20/24 v 2/22 p<0.001 - Bijl: in 36 patients: αdsDNA Ab levels measured monthly - When ↑↑ in 10: MMF 2000 QD → no clinical relapses in 6 months **TerBorg et al: A+R 1990; 33:634-43** **Bootsma et al: Lancet 1995; 345:1595-9** **Swaak et al: Ann Rh Ds 1986; 45:359-66** **Bijl et al: Ann Rh Ds 2003: 62:534-9** ## Changes in dsDNA Ab; Complement 3 Levels - LJP 394 - Placebo **C3** - % change - % change - % change in C3 - % change in C3 ** **** ****100 mg**** ****50 mg**** ****50 mg** **0** **10** **20** **30** **40** **50** **0** **10** **20** **30** **40** **50** **Changes in ********dsDNA Ab; Complement 3 Levels** **Study week** ## HRQOL Analysis - All patients enrolled in LJP 394 phase 2/3 clinical trial who completed one baseline and follow-up SF-36 - Mean scores at endpoint and change scores in SF-36 domains; PCS and MCS summary scores compared between active and placebo - End of Induction [week 16] vs baseline (BL): ITT [n=179] and ‘high affinity’ populations [n=157] - Post vs Pre documented renal flare values; +/- patients receiving high dose steroids and/or cytotoxics [HDCC] prior to flare [n=37; n=30] **Strand et al: Lupus 2003; 12:677-86** ## SF-36 Scores at Baseline Compared with Age, Gender Matched US Norms **SF-36 Scores at Baseline Compared with ****Age, Gender Matched US Norms** **Strand et al: Lupus 2003; 12:677-86** ## Mean Changes in SF-36 Domain Scores from Baseline to 16 Weeks [ITT] **Mean Changes in SF-36 Domain Scores from ****Baseline to 16 Weeks [ITT]** **Strand et al: Lupus 2003; 12:677-86** ## Mean Changes in SF-36 Domain Scores Pre and Post Renal Flare **Strand et al: Lupus 2003; 12:677-86** ## Conclusions - Patients with clinically stable SLE reported impaired HRQOL compared with age and gender matched US norms. - During induction [16 weeks], SF-36 scores improved with active treatment, despite stable disease activity. - Following a renal flare, patients receiving active treatment reported maintenance or improvement in HRQOL compared with deterioration in placebo; omitting patients who received HDCC prior to flare did not alter results. - Differences in change scores in Role Emotional between treatment groups were replicated in all populations analyzed; are clinically meaningful, and may reflect changes in anti-dsDNA Ab levels. **Strand et al: Lupus 2003; 12:677-86** ## Longitudinal Changes in anti dsDNA Abs in 2 RCTs, Regardless of Treatment Group **Longitudinal Changes in anti dsDNA Abs in****2 RCTs, Regardless of Treatment Group** **Responder: ****≥****10% reduction in anti-dsDNA antibodies **** **** in ****≥****2/3 of all determinations** **Non -** **responder** - 30% - 20% - 10% - 0 - -10% - -20% - -30% - % change from BL **Responder** - Time (months) ## HRQOL Scores at Month 4 in «Responders» in 230 Patients with SLE **PFI ROLP**** **** PAIN**** **** GHP**** **** VITAL**** **** SOC**** **** ROLE**** **** MHI** **Mean change scores** ## HRQOL Scores at Month 6 in «Responders» in 298 Patients with SLE **Mean change scores** **PFI ROLP**** **** PAIN**** **** GHP**** **** VITAL**** **** SOC**** **** ROLE**** **** MHI** ## HRQOL Scores at Month 12 in «Responders» in 298 Patients with SLE **Mean change scores** **PFI ROLP**** **** PAIN**** **** GHP**** **** VITAL**** **** SOC**** **** ROLE**** **** MHI** ## HRQOL Scores at Months 6 and 12 in «Responders» in 298 Patients with SLE - Excluding 14 patients with renal flares ≤ 6 months do not change these results - Excluding 41 patients with renal flares ≤ 12 months do not change these results - Excludes use of high dose glucocorticoids and/or cyclophosphamide - Are they clinically meaningful? - → Analysis of “minimally clinically important differences” ## Mean Changes From Baseline in Patient Global VAS **Week** **Mean change +/-SEM** ## MCID in SF-36 Domains, PCS and MCS - Correlation of change in 15 point scale by Guyatt et al:“In the past 3 months, has there been any change in your overall quality of life related to your lupus?” - “a little better” = 6 on 15 point scale - “a little worse” = 10 - Improvements → mean change scores - Domains of SF-36: 6.7 – 11.4 - PCS and MCS: 3.4 – 3.9 - Worsening → mean change scores - Domains of SF-36: +1.7 – -14.7 - PCS and MCS: -0.8 – -2.0 ## Conclusions: - Yes, it IS difficult to assess Outcomes in SLE - Limited data derived from RCTs ― Yet to result in an ‘approved therapy’― Over a broad variety of promising interventions - Patient Reported HRQOL is an IMPORTANT OUTCOME - Reflects improvements in disease activity - Deterioration due to use of high dose glucocorticoids and/or immunosuppressives - Has correlated with longer term clinical outcomes - May improve w/ sustained reductions in α dsDNA Abs - Which are clinically meaningful** **
# Presentation: 318921 ## Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? **Should there be a Residential (and Commercial)****Tropical Code?** **Howard C. Wiig** *Institutional Energy Analyst* - Strategic Industries Division - Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism - State of Hawaii **2005 National Workshop on State Building Energy Codes** - June 28, 2005 - Austin, Texas ## Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? - Summary - Hot, humid climates have been neglected - Result: - Poorly insulated structures - Oversized AC units - Wasted energy - Mold-friendly conditions ## Summary – cont. - Zone 1 was good first step - “Tropical Code”: Best of ... - Guam Building Model Energy Code - Latest national codes - High-albedo, hurricane-resistant envelopes - Properly-sized AC systems - Utility incentives for ‘beyond code’ measures - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Worldwide need - More than 25% of world’s people live between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn - Population, economies, and building activities continue to grow - Tropical Code: - Energy efficiency - Occupant comfort - Health and safety - Durable buildings - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Envelope Design - Withstand hurricanes - Concrete structures - Minimize mold growth - Alternative heat mitigation measures - Foam cores - Interior radiation controls - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Insurance Discounts and Homeland Security Incentives - 2001 USDOE Energy Codes Workshop - Hurricane damage cause tremendous insurance costs - Codes compliance reduces losses - Tropical Code - Address insurance industry concerns - Concrete envelopes - Shatter-resistant dual-pane low-e windows - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Insurance Discounts and Homeland Security Incentives - U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security:*“Homeland security covers ... natural disasters. Building officials ... have an important role in assuring that state and local jurisdictions are able to ... recover from a wide range of disasters ....”* - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Insurance Discounts and Homeland Security Incentives - Possible Homeland Security support - Minimize impact of natural disasters - Maximize energy efficiency, durability, and occupant health and comfort - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Air Conditioning - Oversized AC systems push electrical demand during peak times - Most AC systems are oversized - Typical oversized AC systems continually cycle on and off - They do not remove enough moisture from the air inside a room - Warm, moist air condenses on cold surfaces - Ideal conditions for mold growth - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Air Conditioning – cont. - Tropical Code - Programmable controls - High SEER ratings - R-8 ducts, <2% leakage rates - USDOE: Minimum SEER 13 as of January 2006 - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Lighting - Imperative: Minimize heat gain - Incandescent lamps: 90% heat, 10% light - Some residential fixtures: 60% source light - Tropical Code - High-reflectance hard-wired fixtures - House lamps: 45 lumens/watt minimum efficacy - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## For more information - Howard C. Wiig, Institutional Energy Analyst - Strategic Industries (Energy) Division - Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism - State of Hawaii - P.O. Box 2359 - Honolulu, HI 96804-2359 - 808-587-3811 - 808-587-3820 (fax) - [email protected] - - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Questions? - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code? ## Mahalo! - Should there be a Residential (and Commercial) Tropical Code?
260 Life of Father Jogues. Marquette explored the Mississippi River, and who was one of the best and most accurate hydrographers of his time, as his many maps show, left one on which Osser-nenon is shown in the angle between the Mohawk and Schoharie rivers, where Auriesville railway-station now is. 2. Father Jogues, in his account of the captivity and journey of himself and Ren6 Goupil to the villages in 1642, says: "We arrived at a small river distant about a quarter of a league from the first Iroquois village" (Relation 1647, p. 22). A quarter of a French league was considerably less than three quarters of a mile; the same distance is given in the MS. of 1652, taken from the lips of Father Jogues himself by his Superior, Father Buteux). In the account as given by Bressani, who had been a captive in the same place, the words are: "On the Eve of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, about three o'clock, we reached a river which flows by their first village; . . . both banks were filled with Iroquois, who received us with clubs, sticks, and stones. They then led us to their village on the top of the hill." The MS. of 1652 says: "On the other side of this river were many Iroquois who were waiting for the prisoners." This locates the village south of the Mohawk, on a hill a quarter of a league distant from the river. 3. In his account of the death of Ren6, Father Jogues says: " They told me that the body had been dragged to a river a quarter of a league distant, with which I was not acquainted." This can only apply to the Schoharie, as the Mohawk was in plain view of the village, and Father Jogues must certainly have been thoroughly well acquainted with it at this time; whereas the Schoharie was separated from the village by the hills and woods between. The village then must have been on a hill at a point between the Mohawk and Schoharie rivers, about a quarter of a league distant from each. At this exact point, on the hill near Auriesville Station,
# Presentation: 237922 **Dissecting**** ****Dark Energy** **Eric Linder ** **Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory** ## Our Tools **Expansion rate of the universe**** a(t) ** **ds****2 ****= ********dt****2****+a****2****(t)[dr****2****/(1-kr****2****)+r****2****d********2****]** ** ****Einstein equation***** *** **(å/a)****2**** = H****2**** = (8********/3) ********m**** + ********H****2****(z)** ** **** **** ****= (8********/3) ********m**** + C exp{********dlna [1+****w(z)****]}** **Growth rate of density fluctuations***** *****g(z)**** ****= (********m****/********m****)/a ** **Poisson equation**** ********2********(a)****=4********Ga****2 ********m****= 4********G********m****(0) g(a)** ## Tying HEP to Cosmology **Accurate to 3% in EOS back to *****z=1.7***** (vs. 27% for *****w******1*****). ** **Accurate to 0.2% in distance back to *****z******lss******=1100*****!** **Linder *****Phys.Rev.Lett.***** 2003 following **** **** ****Corasaniti & Copeland 2003** ***w(a) = w******0******+w******a******(1-a)*** ## All w, All the time **Suppose we admit our ignorance:** ** ****H****2**** = (8********/3) ********m**** + ********H****2****(z)** **Effective equation of state:** **w(z) = -1 + (1/3) d ln(********H****2****) / d ln(1+z)** **Modifications of the expansion history are equivalent to time variation w(z).**** ****Period.**** ** **Time variation w**** ́ is a critical clue to fundamental physics.** **Alterations to Friedmann framework ******** *****w(z)*** - gravitational extensions or high energy physics - Linder 2003 ## The world is w(z) **Don’t care if it’s braneworld, cardassian, vacuum metamorphosis, chaplygin, etc. ** **Simple, robust parametrization** ** ****w(a)=w****0****+w****a****(1-a)** **Braneworld**** ****[DDG]**** ****vs.**** ****(w****0****,w****a****)=(-0.78,0.32)** **Vacuum metamorph**** ****vs.**** ****(w****0****,w****a****)=(-1,-3)** **Also agree on m(z) to 0.01 mag out to z=2** ## Revealing Physics **Some details of the underlying physics are not in w(z).**** ** **N****eed an underlying theory - ********? beyond Einstein gravity?** ** ****Growth history and expansion history work together. ** **w****0****=-0.78 w****a****=0.32** - Linder 2004 *cf.* Lue, Scoccimarro, Starkman Phys. Rev. D69 (2004) 124015 for braneworld perturbations ## Questions **How does ****a(t)**** teach us something fundamental (beyond w(z))? ** **Benchmarks:**** à la energy scale for inflation models; rule out theories tying DE to inflation; scalar tensor ********2****; slow roll parameters of V(********) like linear potential** **Predictive power:**** Albrecht-Skordis-Burgess w(z); naturalness constraints ; flatness and w(z) ** **w<-1: ****Crossing w=-1**** with hybrid quintessence** **Other tools:**** astronomy (strong gravity, solar system), accelerator, tabletop experiments** ## Lambda, Quintessence, or Not? **Lambda, Quintessence, or Not?** **Many models asymptote to w=-1, making distinction from ******** difficult. Can models cross w=-1? *****(Yes, if w<-1 exists.)*** **All models match CMB power spectrum for ********CDM** ## Naturalness and w ́ **Consider the analogy with inflation. ** **Tilt**** ****n=1**** (Harrison-Zel’dovich) is roughly predicted; profound if n=1 exactly (deSitter, limited dynamics). ** **Same:**** ****w=-1**** exactly is profound, but w≈-1 maybe not too surprising. Small deviation w********-1 important so precision sought. ** **However,**** while n=0.97, constant without running, is possible, *****w=-0.97 constant is almost ridiculous*****. ** **Thus, searching for**** ****w ́**** ****is critical even if find w very near -1. ** ## Predictions & Benchmarks **Linear potential ****[Linde 1986]** **V(********)=V****0****+****** **leads to collapsing universe, can constrain t****c** **curves of ****** **Would like predictions of w(z)**** - or at least w ́. **** ****In progress for Albrecht-Skordis-Burgess model **** ****V(********) = (1+ ********/b + ********/b****2****) exp(-********)** ## Predictions & Benchmarks **Extensions to gravitation** **E.g. scalar-tensor theories: ****f/2********-********(********)********;************;********-V**** **** ****Take linear coupling to Ricci scalar R: ****f/******** = F R**** **** ****Allow nonminimal coupling ** ** **** ****F=1/(8********G)+ ********2** **R-boost (note R********0 in radiation dominated epoch) gives large basin of attraction: solves fine tuning yet w ≈ -1. ****[Matarrese,Baccigalupi,Perrotta 2004]** **But growth of mass fluctuations altered: S********0 since G ******** 1/F.** ## Questions **How does ****a(t)**** teach us something fundamental (beyond w(z))? ** **Benchmarks:**** à la energy scale for inflation models; rule out theories tying DE to inflation; scalar tensor ********2****; slow roll parameters of V(********) like linear potential** **Predictive power:**** Albrecht-Skordis-Burgess w(z); naturalness constraints ; flatness and w(z) ** **w<-1: ****Crossing w=-1**** with hybrid quintessence** **Other tools:**** astronomy (strong gravity, solar system), accelerator, tabletop experiments**
Voluntary Report - public distribution **Date:** 10/17/2006 **GAIN Report Number:** PL6067 PL6067 **Poland** **Strawberries** **Anti-dumping protective measures against Chinese frozen strawberries** **2006** **Approved by:** ![](media/image1.wmf)Ed Porter U S Embassy **Prepared by:** JF **Report Highlights:** Polish officials are pleased that the EU, on October 18, 2006, will implement temporary anti-dumping protective measures against imports of Chinese frozen strawberries. Includes PSD Changes: No Includes Trade Matrix: No Unscheduled Report Warsaw \[PL1\] \[PL\] Polish officials are pleased that the EU, on October 18, 2006, will implement temporary anti-dumping protective measures against imports of Chinese frozen strawberries. The protective measures are being introduced in response to a request from the Polish government made in early 2005. In their complaint, Polish officials claimed that Chinese frozen strawberry exports to Poland and other EU countries were unfairly undermining the Polish strawberry sector. The temporary anti-dumping protective measures will be in the form of a customs duty of 34.2 percent, in addition to the regular tariff of 14.4 percent. The Commission has 15 months to complete its investigation started January 2006, and implement permanent protective measures, if warranted. > In 2004, the export price for Polish frozen strawberries was about > 1,800 EUR/MT (USD 2,230) and dropped to about 720 EUR/MT (USD 890) in > 2005. In contrast, the price of competing Chinese frozen strawberries > exported to the EU in 2004 was about 610 EUR/MT (USD 750) and fell to > about 460 EUR/MT (USD 570) in 2005. For over 100,000 Polish farms strawberry cultivation is a basic source of income, especially for those in low-income areas. Average annual exports of fresh and processed strawberries from Poland are valued at EUR 100 million (USD 124 million) and constitute about 16 percent of all Polish fresh and processed fruit exports annually. > Polish government officials and industry representatives hope that the > Commission will decide to extend the temporary duties for up to the > 5-year maximum permitted under EU regulations. Many sector experts are > of the opinion that five years of protection could give enough time to > the Polish strawberry sector to create strong producer organizations > and to establish contract production (currently, very rare), which > they believe would help stabilize production levels and prices in > Poland. > > Experts also noted that should EU anti-dumping duties stay in place, > Chinese exporters will seek out other markets, which could affect > other world suppliers, such as the United States.
HQ 555032 September 23, 1988 CLA-2 CO:R:C:V 555032 DJG CATEGORY: Valuation Joseph F. Donohue, Esq. Donohue and Donohue 26 Broadway Suite 111 New York, New York 10004 RE: Applicability of duty-free treatment to certain petroleum products pursuant to General Headnote 3(a), TSUS Dear Mr. Donohue: This is in response to your May 20, 1988, application on behalf of for duty-free entry under General Headnote 3(a), Tariff Schedules of the United States (TSUS), of certain petroleum products imported from the Virgin Islands (VI). FACTS: You maintain in your application (a resubmission of an application dated August 8, 1985), that each of the subject products, made from crude petroleum, has been substantially transformed in the VI, by a process called \"crude or primary distillation,\" into a variety of new products with names, characteristics and uses differing from the crude oil (crude) from which they were manufactured. Further, you claim that the resulting products produced from the \"crude distillation\" are then manufactured, by processing and/or blending operations, into several new products with new names, characteristics and uses. Your letter provides the following description of the processing involved in producing each product: Stage 1: The crude from which the subject products are derived is imported into the VI from U.S. and foreign sources. After it is received at the refinery, the crude is stored to permit water to settle and be drained off. It is then pumped to the distillation facility where it is heated to a temperature of about 250 degrees Fahrenheit and is mixed with water. The water and oil mixture passes through an emulsifying valve. The emulsion then goes through a -2- high voltage electric field within a vessel called a \"desalter\". This causes the excess water to coalesce and settle to the bottom of the desalting drum. The salt and water mixture are removed to an effluent treating system. Small amounts of demulsifying chemicals are introduced to aid in breaking the emulsion within the desalter. The solution of water, salt and other inorganic matter (sand, sediment, etc.) settle to the bottom of the desalter while the crude oil rises to the top. The crude is then ready to proceed to the \"crude distillation tower\" where the process of separating the crude oil into \"cuts\" or \"fractions\" of different boiling points is accomplished. After the crude is desalted, it is heated to a temperature of approximately 650 degrees Fahrenheit, forming liquid cuts. These primary cuts include so-called \"light ends,\" such as butane, pentane, naphthas, kerosene, gas oils and residuum. Light ends also consist of hydrocarbon gases like propane, methane and ethane, which are consumed as fuel and, therefore, are not involved in your ruling request. Butane is used as a component in gasoline and gasoline blendstocks as well as refinery fuel. It can also be mixed with toluene and xylene to make refinery blendstocks. Pentanes are used in the manufacture of gasoline as are light straight run naphthas (LSR) and the light and heavy naphthas. The light naphtha cut is also used in the manufacture of benzene, toluene, xylene, heavy aromatics and raffinate. Kerosene is manufactured into commercial grades K-1 and K-2 kerosene and/or jet fuel. Light gas oil is manufactured into No. 2 oil. Heavy atmospheric gas oil (HAGO) is manufactured into No. 6 oil or catalytic cracker feedstock (catfeed) used in the U.S. to make gasoline. Resid, a mixture of hydrocarbons is further manufactured into vacuum gas oil, pitch, catfeed and No. 6 oil. Pitch can be processed into naphtha, gas oil and tar. Tar is blended with either light gas oil, heavy gas oil, vacuum gas oil, desulfurized gas oil, No. 2 oil or resid to make No. 6 oil. Stage 2: This processing stage involves the conversion of the primary distillation products produced in stage 1 into products such as motor fuel, jet fuel, heating oil, catfeed, etc. -3- Propane, butane, pentane and fuel gas are manufactured from light ends produced in stage 1. The light ends are chemically treated to remove hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans. They are then fractioned into fuel gas, propane, butane and pentane. All types of gasoline are manufactured from naphtha and other components. The naphtha cuts produced in stage 1 are sent to desulfurizing units where hydrogen is introduced and chemically combines with the sulfur attached to hydrocarbon molecules of the naphtha to form hydrogen sulfide gas. The hydrogen sulfide is removed and the sulfur is separated out. The desulfurized naphtha is sent to a \"platformer\" where a platinum catalyst and a temperature of approximately 950 degrees Fahrenheit combine to reform the naphtha molecules and to increase its octane quality. The reforming process involves a change in molecular structure which increases the octane rating. The kerosene distillate, produced in stage 1, is used to manufacture jet fuel. Like naphtha after distillation, kerosene usually contains sulfur and, in some cases, nitrogen and oxygen compounds. The kerosene is then sent to a desulfurizer where it is reacted with hydrogen to remove these contaminates and any remaining light ends and hydrogen sulfide. This process causes physical changes and chemical reactions of hydrocarbon molecules. Kerosene can also be manufactured into K-1 and K-2 heating oil in much the same way as it is made into jet fuel. Light gas oil produced in stage 1 is manufactured into No. 2 oil. After primary distillation, the gas oil is desulfurized and subsequently stripped of light ends (the same process to which kerosene is subjected in the production of jet fuel). The gas is treated with a pour point depressant - a chemical additive that inhibits crystallization of waxes. Resid, which is the portion of the crude oil that did not vaporize in the crude distillation unit during stage 1, is used as feedstock or as blendstock in the manufacture of No. 6 fuel oils. A vacuum distillation process is used to separate the resid into light vacuum gas oil (LVGO), heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) and pitch. The separation is performed in a vacuum at a pressure of 60 mmHg and a -4- temperature in excess of 700 degrees Fahrenheit. The products produced from the vacuum distillation process differ from resid in both chemical and physical properties. The vacuum gas oil is usually sent to a vacuum gas oil desulfurizer for sulfur removal, resulting in feedstock for a catalytic cracking unit known as \"catfeed\". Alternatively, the vacuum gas oil is used in the manufacture of catfeed and No. 6 oil without processing in the desulfurizer unit. Pitch is sent to a \"visbreaker\" and subjected to thermal cracking wherein larger hydrocarbon molecules are thermally broken into smaller molecules that boil in the naphtha, middle distillate and gas oil boiling range. The visbreaker naphtha is mixed with crude naphtha, desulfurized, and reformed into reformate. The visbreaker light and heavy gas oils are similarly mixed and desulfurized. Each is blended with its respective counterpart from the stage 1 primary distillation process. The unconverted portion of the pitch, called \"tar,\" is blended with cutterstock, resid and, in some cases, pitch to produce a residual fuel oil of specified sulfur content. Variations in sulfur content identify distinct grades of No. 6 oil. Blendstocks and feedstocks, such as heavy aromatics, penexate, platformate, raffinate, toluene, xylene and catfeed, are further manufactured in the manner described below. Isomerate and penexate is created when light straight run naphtha (LSR) from the crude distillation unit is sent to the LSR desulfurizer where hydrogen is introduced to chemically remove sulfur and nitrogen. The desulfurized LSR then goes to the \"PENEX unit\" to increase the octane. This process chemically converts straight chain hydrocarbons (paraffin) into branched hydrocarbons (isoparaffins). These blendstocks are components in the manufacture of gasoline (i.e., they are mixed with light catalytic cracker naphtha, heavy catalytic cracker naphtha, alkylate, dimate and butanes, to make gasoline.) Reformate and platformate are manufactured from light and heavy naphthas which are sent to the desulfurizing units where sulfur and nitrogen are removed by chemical reaction with hydrogen. The desulfurized naphthas are then sent to platformers to increase the octane rating. Platformate, made from light naphtha, often is subjected to an aromatics extraction process involving a sulfolane unit. -5- Sulfolane, a liquid solvent, absorbs the aromatic components of the plaltformate (e.g., benzene, toluene, xylene and heavy aromatics). The remaining product, raffinate, is used as a component in JP4, a naphtha grade jet fuel, or in gasoline. ISSUE: Whether the described distillation of foreign crude oil into primary cuts (e.g., light ends, light straight run (LSR), light naphtha, heavy naphtha, kerosene, light gas oil, heavy gas oil (HAGO), resid, etc.) and its further processing into finished products (e.g., butane, penexate, gasoline, platformate, jet fuel, k-1 kerosene, No. 2 oil, catfeed, No. 6 oil, etc.) effects a double substantial transformation such that the crude will not be considered foreign material for purposes of computing the 50 percent maximum foreign materials value limitation set forth under General Headnote 3(a), TSUS. LAW AND ANALYSIS: Duty-free treatment under General Headnote 3(a), TSUS, is accorded to eligible articles imported directly from any insular possession if such articles, the growth or product of any such possession, or manufactured or produced in any such possession from materials the growth, product, or manufacture of any such possession or of the customs territory of the United States, or of both, do not contain foreign materials to the value of more than 70 percent of the articles\' total value. In the case of articles not eligible for duty-free treatment under the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), such as products made from petroleum, the foreign value limitation is 50 percent. Customs has decided that, for the purpose of determining whether products of an insular possession meet the foreign value limitation, if foreign material is substantially transformed in an insular possession and then that product is substantially transformed again in that insular possession, its cost will be considered part of the value of materials produced in the insular possession. See, Federal Register notice published April 13, 1988, 53 FR 12145. In the present case, a portion of the raw materials used in the production of the finished products are of foreign origin. Therefore, in order for the foreign crude to be considered part of the value of material produced in the VI, it must undergo a double substantial transformation in the VI. The double substantial transformation concept has its origins in the administrative and judicial interpretations of 19 CFR 10.177(a) defining materials \"produced in the beneficiary -6- developing country\" for purposes of the GSP 35 percent value content requirement. See, T.D. 76-100, 10 Cust. Bull. 176 (1976) for an explanation of the application of this regulatory provision. Customs application of the double substantial transformation requirement in the context of the GSP received judicial approval in The Torrington Company v. United States, 8 CIT 150, 596 F. Supp. 1083 (1984), aff\'d 764 F. 2d 1563 (Fed. Cir. 1985). The court, after affirming Customs application of the double substantial transformation concept, stated the following: Regulations promulgated by Customs define the term \"material produced\" to include materials from third countries that are substantially transformed in the BDC into a new and different article of commerce. 19 CFR 10.177(a)(2). It is not enough to transform substantially the non-BDC constituent materials into the final article, as the material utilized to produce the final article would remain non-BDC material. There must first be a substantial transformation of the non-BDC material into a new and different article of commerce which becomes \"material produced\", and these materials produced in the BDC must then be substantially transformed into a new and different article of commerce. It is noted that 19 CFR 10.176(a) distinguishes between \"merchandise produced in a BDC\" and the cost or value of the \"materials produced in the BDC\" which demonstrates the contemplation of a dual substantial transformation requirement. In determining that the double substantial transformation concept should be applied to General Headnote 3(a), TSUS, Customs recognized the interrelationship of the GSP, CBI and General Headnote 3(a), TSUS, in terms of the parallel intent and similar language of these special tariff treatment programs. Therefore, an evenhanded approach in administering these programs was deemed appropriate and desirable. See, 53 FR 12143 at 12145. The well-established test for determining whether a substantial transformation has occurred is derived from language enunciated in Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association v. United States, 207 U.S. 556, 562 (1908), defining the term \"manufacture\" as follows: Manufacture implies a change, but every change is not manufacture and yet every change in an article is the result of treatment, labor and manipulation. But something more is necessary, as set forth and illustrated in -7- Hartranft v. Wiegmann, 121 U.S. 609. There must be transformation; a new and different article must emerge, having a distinctive name, character or use. Simply stated, a substantial transformation occurs when an article emerges from a process with a distinctive name, character or use, different from that possessed by the original material that was processed. See, Torrington Co. v. United States, 764 F. 2d 1563, 1568 (1985) (citing Texas Instruments, Inc. v. United States, 681 F. 2d 778 at 782). Applying this principle to the circumstances in this case, we conclude that the distillation process performed on the imported crude oil in the primary distillation tower does create new products with new names, characters and uses. The distillation process (described in stage 1) separates the crude into fractions according to boiling points. These primary cuts include so-called \"light ends\" (mostly hydrocarbon gases like propane), naphthas, kerosene, gas oils and residuum. The crude undergoes physical and chemical changes in the formation of new products with qualities and capabilities distinct from the original crude. Thus, it is substantially transformed into new articles of commerce. Converting these primary distillation products into finished products (described in stage 2), such as motor fuel, etc., involves a variety of processing steps and equipment. The various naphthas, gas oils, etc., may be subjected to desulfurization (removing sulfur compounds, oxygen and nitrogen), cracking (breaking larger molecules into smaller ones), hydrogenation (adding hydrogen to unsaturated molecules), and similar treatments. The resulting materials are themselves marketable products, or can be blended to produce various other products such as gasoline. In either case, additional additives such as deicers, pour point depressants, etc., may be added to create new products with distinct properties and applications. As a result of these processes, the primary distillation products have been substantially transformed into new and different articles of commerce (the finished products). In some cases, the constituent material\'s molecular structure is altered while in other cases a significant additive is introduced or a compound is removed creating new products with characters, uses and names differing from the material from which it was produced. The various naphthas, gas oils and other finished products, and the constituent primary distillation fractions from which the finished products are derived, are more than \"ready to be put into a stream of commerce,\" they are generally recognized in the -8- field as independent articles. These articles are frequently marketed as distinct products with unique uses and are reqularly bought and sold for specific purposes. See, Torrington Co. v. United States, 764 F. 2d at 1570. It is clear in this case that at least two critical manufacturing steps separate three classes of articles, each of which is markedly different from the others. The initial raw material (crude) is a distinct product with a unique character quite apart from either the cuts or the final products. The intermediate products - the cuts - have qualities and attributes which render them suitable for further manufacture into the subject finished products. At each stage of manufacture, the products which emerge are more refined, possessing unique characteristics specifically applicable to a given use, having lost the identifying characteristics of the material from which it derived. Therefore, we are of the opinion that under the circumstances described above the requisite double substantial transformation has been established. HOLDING: We are satisfied that the extensive manufacturing operations performed in the VI results, as described above, in the double substantial transformation of the imported raw material (into each of the described finished articles). Therefore, the imported foreign crude will not be considered a foreign material for purposes of computing the 50 percent maximum foreign materials value limitation set forth in General Headnote 3(a), TSUS, but will be considered a material produced in the VI. Sincerely, John Durant Director, Commercial Rulings Division
Voluntary Report - public distribution **Date:** 1/13/2005 **GAIN Report Number:** E35008 E39999 **EU-25** **Biotechnology** **The EU\'s Biotech Regulatory System -- Who's Being Protected?** **2005** **Approved by:** ![](media/image1.wmf)Norval Francis U.S. Mission to the EU **Prepared by:** Stan Cohen **Report Highlights:** European policymakers unfailingly invoke consumer concerns and food scares (BSE and dioxin) to justify the EU\'s onerous regulatory system for biotech products. NGOs repeatedly assert that consumers distrust the safety of biotech food products and will not buy them. The EU views its all encompassing labeling and traceability regulations as critical to assuaging consumer concerns. Or so it seemed. But then in a change of heart, the Commission relented and exempted from labeling a number of products produced from genetically modified microorganisms, including vitamins. With sales estimated at nearly US\$ 6 billion, Europe\'s vitamin and mineral supplement manufacturers were thus spared the fate of slapping a GM label on a product so widely consumed in Europe. Includes PSD Changes: No Includes Trade Matrix: No Unscheduled Report Brussels USEU \[BE2\] \[E3\] European policymakers unfailingly invoke consumer concerns and food scares (BSE and dioxin) to justify the EU's byzantine regulatory system for biotech products. However, the authors of a recent World Bank Report suggest that the commercial interests of European farmers also explain the EU's resistance to agricultural biotechnology: "Our results suggest that heightened domestic consumer or environmentalist opposition to genetically modified (GM) crops is not the only reason why there has been a moratorium on the production and sale of GM foods in regions like the EU. Rather, differences in comparative advantage in the adoption of GM crops may be sufficient to explain the trans-Atlantic difference in GM policies. On the one hand, it is rational for producers in the EU (whose relatively small farms would enjoy less gains from the new biotechnology than broad-acre American farms) to reject GM technologies if that enables them, with the help of consumer and environmental lobbyists, to argue for restraints on GM-adopting countries. ... When faced with a more efficient competitor, the optimal response of farmers in countries with a comparative disadvantage in GM adoption is to lobby for (or at least not resist) more stringent GM standards." [^1] Similarly, a University of California report cites the commercial interests of the EU's large chemical industry to explain the EU's anti-biotech stance: "The European rejection of agricultural biotechnologies cannot be explained as simply a case of consumer preferences; it also reflects the self-interest of the European agricultural inputs industry and farmers. European chemical firms have the advantage in agricultural chemicals while U.S. firms have the advantage in biotech..." [^2] While the EU may lag behind the United States in agricultural biotechnology, European pharmaceutical companies are world leaders in the use of biotechnology to produce vitamins and supplements. As "a more efficient competitor" in this sector, the European pharmaceutical industry has lobbied the EU Commission to exempt its products from the labeling requirements that apply to the products of agricultural biotechnology. In particular, the EU's position on products (vitamins such as riboflavin) derived from genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs) has been an area of great concern to the European industry. The Commission's original view was that these products would have to be labeled like any other product derived from a GMO. That is, they fell within the scope of the EU's new labeling requirements as spelled out in Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003. Thus an EU committee on food safety on April 30, 2004 took the unequivocal position that "...substances such as food/feed additives, vitamins or processing aides produced by fermentation of microorganisms fall in the scope of the legislation (authorization and labeling) when produced from a genetically modified microorganism (GMM), irrespective of the whether the substrate used for the fermentation is genetically modified or not." [^3] But in an abrupt about face on September 24, 2004, this same committee reversed its position and in a bravura display of sophistry declared "food and feed (including food and feed ingredients such as additives, flavorings and vitamins) produced by fermentation using a GMM which is kept under contained conditions and is not present in the final product are not included in the scope of Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003. These food and feed have to be considered as having been produced with the GMM, rather than from the GMM." [^4] Thus white biotechnology\--the contained use of GMMs\--emerged victorious: less stringent standards for Europe's most advanced GM sector. While the products of agricultural or green biotechnology would still have to be labeled in the interests of informing consumers. Oddly enough, the EU's new position on GMMs failed to provoke an outcry from the NGO community. Not the typical polemics about caving in to the interests of huge multinationals and abandoning the interests of consumers. Calling attention to this decision might have revealed just how pervasive biotech products already are in the food chain. And without any ill-effects. Biotech foes have also paid scant attention to the EU's flexible and relaxed regulatory attitude toward the use of the GM enzyme chymosin in the making of cheese. Chymosin is used as an alternative to rennet which comes from calve stomachs. The EU's Directive 2000/13/EC on general labeling specifically exempts from labeling chymosin and other GM lactic products, enzymes or micro cultures. Likewise in the case of GMMs such as yeast used in alcoholic beverages, the Commission doesn't require labeling if the GMM is not present in the final food. Like vitamins, the EU justifies its stance on the basis that the "...resulting food is considered to have been produced with a GMM, but not from a GMM". While one would think that the same logic would apply to a highly refined soybean oil where no modified DNA is detectable, the EU's watch guards of public health have deemed otherwise. **Visit our website:** our website **[]{.underline}** provides a broad range of useful information on EU import rules and food laws and allows easy access to USEU reports, trade information and other practical information. **Related reports from USEU Brussels:** +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | **Report | **Title** | **Date | | Number** | | Released** | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | E34096 | The EU's Biotech Regulatory | 12/3/04 | | | Process--- | | | | | | | | A New Tower of Babel | | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | E34078 | EU Commission Approves Monsanto's | 11/1/04 | | | Biotech Corn, NK603 | | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | E34057 | MON810 Biotech Corn Enters EU | 9/9/04 | | | Common Catalogue | | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | E34009 | Update on the EU's Biotech | 5/6/04 | | | Approval Process | | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | E24069 | Antibiotic Resistance Marker Genes | 4/21/04 | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | E24045 | Safe as Conventional Rapeseed | 4/4/04 | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | E23234 | Bt11 Sweet Corn | 12/9/03 | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | E23233 | Safe as Conventional Corn | 12/8/03 | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ [^1]: Trade, Standards, and the Political Economy of Genetically Modified Food, Anderson, Damania, and Jackson, <> [^2]: Explaining Europe's Resistance to Agricultural Biotechnology, Graff and Zilberman, []( [^3]: <> [^4]: <>
**6th ITPA meeting on SOL/divertor physics** The meeting was held over the period July 4-7, 2005 at the Facultat de Ciències Jurídiques de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona. The local coordinator was Carlos Hidalgo. The meeting lasted 3-1/2 days and concentrated primarily on materials issues (see agenda in Appendix A). There were \~ 42 participants (Appendix B). There is an executive summary (section 1) followed by a more detailed summary of the talks themselves (section II). #### I Executive Summary **D/T inventories and methods for D/T removal from surfaces:** At the time of the 2004 Naka meeting it was recognized that fuel retention in the gaps between tiles is significant (up to 50% of total retention). At this meeting the results of IEA/ITPA collaborative work investigating this further was reported. The deposition depth down the gap varied with gap type (toroidal vs poloidal). The amount of deposition appeared to correlate with fluence to the front surface. These observations along with the driving physical process, assumed to be hydrocarbon neutrals) will be tested in future work. D/T removal was an emphasis of this session. Four types of oxygen cleaning have been investigated with glow discharge cleaning appearing to be the most efficient. However, ICRF was almost as good and could be applied with the magnetic field on in ITER. More work is needed on the recovery of good plasmas (time taken and the level of O in surfaces and plasmas) following the cleaning, the efficacy at lower temperatures, the applicability to mixed material layers, whether it properly cleans down tile gaps, and whether the removal rate can be increased to that needed for ITER. The removal rates for photo-cleaning are approaching that needed for ITER. When the deposits are thick high deposited energies are needed which raises worries about dust creation and how much T would be retained in the dust. There are three potential methods -- flashlamps, lasers, and disruptive discharges. Besides the question of dust the group is planning to look into questions of power requirements, the applicability to mixed material surfaces and compatibility to magnetic fields. **Dust:** Dust is a concern for ITER from the point of view of safety. A secondary question is how the dust affects the core plasma in terms of impurity level. The amount of work in this area has rapidly increased over the last year. A range of presentations covered the formation of dust (e.g. agglomeration in the plasma, diffusion-limited aggregation on surfaces, and formation of quasi-homogeneous films). Modelling shows acceleration of dust particles to very high speeds (up to a km/s) which allows them to penetrate through the separatrix. Novel diagnostic techniques were shown which allow measurements of the dust falling on surfaces and in the plasma. The level of dust needed to halt operation was found to be substantially higher than normally found in current tokamaks. More work is needed to better understand the distribution of dust sizes, how the use of mixed materials affects their behavior, and how the dust affects the core plasma. **High-Z experience:** The effects of a variety of materials is being addressed at different levels within the world program; from JET, with the initial mix of materials, to ASDEX-Upgrade with steadily increasing amounts of W mixed with C (and B), to C-Mod (fully high-Z, with B coatings). In all cases we need a better understanding of D retention for individual materials, the effect of mixed materials on retention/removal, and the effect on core plasma operation (impurities and confinement). All current tokamaks utilize wall-conditioning (e.g. boronization, Be gettering) to achieve the best energy confinement regimes. ITER performance is based on these results while at the same time it is unlikely that ITER will have any wall conditioning similar to current machines. Lastly, since it is currently thought that any reactor will have all high-Z PFCs to reduce neutron damage and radiation levels, it is considered important by the committee that at some point ITER convert to all high-Z PFCs. To address the importance of conditioning C-Mod removed all B from the machine (full coverage with Mo PFCs). Unfortunately, operation without B was much poorer in terms of energy confinement and core high-Z levels. Positive results were reported for minimal adsorption of water after a vacuum break and general D retention. ASDEX-Upgrade results show clearly that the intermediate case of W, C, and boronized surfaces can work well; low W level H-mode discharges can be achieved with boronization and central heating to keep impurity accumulation down. However, when there is no boronization, as after the initial installation of W surfaces in the main chamber, core plasma performance was degraded. ASDEX-Upgrade plans to finish the conversion to all W PFCs over the next several years. He bubble and blister formation in W has been shown to be dangerous for W surfaces in plasma simulators. Tokamak experimental results do not reflect this. Further work is needed to clarify the importance of this process. **First wall loadings (joint meeting with MHD group):** During the last several years the committee has worked towards a better understanding of first-wall particle and heat loadings. Much progress has been made in identifying the various channels: a) steady state, fluctuation drive fluxes; b) ELM fluxes; & c) disruptions. Based on a review of disruption power loadings it was apparent that the original assumptions used by the ITER group are incorrect in a number of points; e.g., the fraction of core plasma stored energy arriving at first-wall surfaces, the time scales. The understanding of first-wall loadings during ELMs has advanced considerably in the past year. The filamentary structure (toroidal/poloidal number, rotation velocities) as well as the transmission through the SOL have been characterized. New measurements of the localized heat loads on first-wall structures have begun to emerge. The ELM energy that goes to the wall is localized toroidally and poloidally leading to localized erosion/melting of limiter structures. The localized nature of the power loading makes the characterization of heat loads (frequency, total heat load) difficult. Disruption mitigation is being demonstrated to be an important tool for extending divertor lifetime. It was shown that gas could be successfully used to penetrate plasmas with pressures similar to ITER. New measurements (imaging, MHD, Thomson scattering, bolometry) are providing much-needed data for comparison with codes being applied (MHD and plasma evolution). Given the importance of this session's subject it was agreed that position papers summarizing recent progress would be written for the ITER group on disruption power loads, ELM power loads and disruption mitigation strategies. **Mixed materials** Utilizing different materials for different surfaces has the advantage of being able to tailor their capabilities for different applications. Recently it has been noted that there are unintended consequences as well; both positive and negative. Be deposited on C tends to reduce C chemical erosion. Be layers will retain less T than C layers and the T can be removed at lower temperatures. However, Be layers on W have negative consequences. Thin layers of Be~12~W form which, if they remain, have low melting temperatures and poor thermal contact to the bulk W below. What is not clear is whether such layers will form in regions where the deterioration of surface characteristics will reduce divertor lifetime. In other words it is possible that in high heat flux areas the layers will not form because Be will be re-eroded before it can diffuse into the W. **Be operation in ITER** This session was aimed at taking current knowledge of first-wall heat loads, material erosion and migration, and predicting the performance of the Be first wall in ITER. The goal was to examine whether the community could reach agreement of how Be would affect ITER operation. We also hoped to examine the basic assumptions going into these estimates and determine if more work could be done to verify them. Both extrapolations of current experimental results and modelling were presented. The current estimates of first-wall erosion cover a wide range from low to 1 μm/discharge, thus placing some limit on first-wall lifetime and being a significant impurity source. The general expectation is that if ELM heat loads on the divertor can be reduced to acceptable levels, the same may be true for ELM erosion of the first-wall surfaces. The same cannot be said about disruptions where, even if the energy is spread over a large fraction of the first-wall during the thermal quench (mitigated or not) there is likely to be significant melting. It was generally agreed that the majority of the eroded Be goes to the inner divertor region. This is of course based on current C and Be migration measurements. However, the details of how it reaches that location and whether the differences in ITER divertor will affect the prediction are certainly highly uncertain. The replacement of C with Be as the main eroded material is likely to reduce T retention from that predicted for a full C ITER. The concentration of T in Be is typically in the 1-5% level (can be 40-100% in C). T is released from Be at lower temperatures (600 oK) than for C. Finally, once Be migrates to the inner divertor, it does not appear to migrate to sheltered areas that are difficult to access with T cleaning techniques. That said, it is not clear how well T can be removed from mixed T/W/C layers and whether Be-W alloys will lead to a degradation of the W divertor capability in high heat flux areas. Once first-wall Be surfaces are damaged (by ELMs of disruptions) we are concerned about how much the heat-handling capability is reduced. This is a particular concern for the upper divertor and the startup limiter. Be (and W) melt-layer dynamics in real tokamak situations need to be better understood as well as the resiliency of the core plasma to absorb large amounts of low-Z ions for short periods. **Discussion of the ITER dome** No consensus was reached on whether removal of the dome would enhance or hurt ITER operation. There exists no experimental evidence or modelling results indicating that the dome reduces neutral backflow to the plasma (part of the original motivation). At first glance this result together with concerns about dust and T collecting under the dome would seem to argue for its removal. However, a detailed engineering design for the dome replacement does not exist. It is thus difficult to assess whether dust removal and shadowed areas would be significantly reduced. Finally, the removal of the dome has very negative implications for diagnostics that will be compromised or removed. If a replacement for the dome is designed and can retain diagnostics the SOL/divertor committee stands willing to help evaluate its performance. Next ITPA meeting and topics It was agreed thatsince the meeting had not been held in Asia for at least a year we should have one there. The most convenient time is to combine it with the Plasma Surface Interaction meeting abstract selection meeting which already includes a number of our members. If Jiangang Li agrees to this it will likely occur either in China or Japan in late January or early February. Now that the US is being allowed to host meetings again it is possible that the following meeting would be held somewhere in the US in the Summer of 2006. A number of topics were suggested for the next meeting. They include D/T retention in surfaces, wall conditioning, startup studies, flow characterization, melt layer stability, vapor shielding, and spectroscopy of hydrocarbons in low-T plasmas. We are preparing position papers advising ITER or revised assumptions for first-wall and divertor loadings under ELM and disruption conditions. We are also planning to revise the high-priority task list to reflect an ITPA CC request for more near-term goals. ### ### II. Detailed session summaries ### Session 1: 'D/T inventories (surfaces and sides of tiles) and their removal ### 1.2 'Recent results on carbon deposition and fuel retention in gaps of plasma facing structures', K. Krieger Plasma facing components for the ITER divertor and baffle regions will likely be manufactured with macrobrush structures or castellated surfaces. Material samples with gaps of similar geometry were exposed to different plasma conditions in ASDEX Upgrade, TEXTOR and DIII-D. In all devices an exponential decrease of both carbon and deuterium inventories at the side faces from the gap entry into the gap is found. The scale length is mainly related to the gap width and the orientation of the B-field. The fraction D^+^ incident on the front surface which is retained in the gaps is in the range of a few percent. Extrapolation of growth rates under low flux conditions to ITER dimensions shows no significant contribution to the total tritium inventory. Growth rates observed in gaps exposed to high fluxes such as near the strike point zones are 100 times higher, which might be of concern for ITER operation with carbon PFCs. On the other hand, experiments with samples kept at elevated temperature (200ºC) show a decrease of retained D by a factor of up to 10, although this observation is restricted to detached plasma conditions. 1.3 'Boron & Deuterium down tile gaps in C-Mod', D. Whyte Ion beam analysis was used to measured boron and deuterium deposition down tile gaps of the C-Mod Mo tiles after \~7 years of exposure. Boron is applied frequently to Mo tiles using ECDC of He + diborane with a weak magnetic field (\~900 Gauss) Boron layers up to \~1 micron thick were found on edges near the plasma-facing side with typical e-folding distances of 1-3 mm down the gaps, which is 2-6x the distance between tiles (0.5 mm). Deuterium deposition clearly correlated to B, indicating codeposition with B as the main reason for D retention. The D/B ratio varied from \~2-10% with an average value of 5% in most cases. The D/B ratio is similar to those found on the plasma-facing tiles. It is estimate that 10-20% of the deuterium retention was found in the gaps for the C-Mod tiles. Toroidal running gaps were found to have deeper penetration of boron and deuterium down the gaps than in the poloidal running gaps. Variation was also found in e-folding distance as a function of poloidal location of the tiles. This suggests that B deposition, along with D codeposition, is occurring during plasma discharges. 1.4 - 'Recent results on carbon migration and deposition in ASDEX Upgrade', V. Rohde During the 2002/03 campaign a divertor marker experiment to get a complete data set on the carbon migration and deposition was performed in ASDEX Upgrade. Even below the divertor structure deposition and erosion are observed. As the erosion is direction sensitive, it is assumed that ions play an important role. Parasitic plasma observed below the roof baffle can produce these ions. The surface loss probability at remote areas is determined by cavity probes: gamma = 0.65-0.75. This value is consistent with the observation that deposition on the qmb\'s is strongest if the strike point position is in the line of sight of the qmb location. The temperature dependence of the deposition was investigated by heated and cooled probes. As expected for re-erosion by atomic hydrogen the layer thickness can by reduced by a factor of 50 for a probe temperature of 200 C. Probes mounted at the LN2 shield of the in vessel cryo pump measure a factor of 100 enhanced deposition. The deposition on the target plates shows significant differences for short term (^13^CH~4~ puffing) and long term deposition. A peak at the inner baffle, caused by direct ionisation of the injected ^13^CH~4~ is not observed on long term data. Whereas the ^13^CH~4~ data shows a stronger deposition at the outer divertor, the long term data shows the dominant deposition at the inner divertor. Obviously redistribution of the deposited carbon has to be taken into account to understand the long term deposition pattern. QMB data show constant layer growth at the inner divertor structure. At the outer divertor erosion and deposition phases are observed. 1.5 - '^13^C injection at the outer divertor in JET', V. Philipps ^13^CH~4~ injection into the outer SOL of JET under identical H-mode discharges show about 10% of injected ^13^C deposited on the inner tiles, preferentially on the horizontal tile, while the strike point was on the vertical tiles. The transport towards the inner divertor seems to originate from ^13^C that has entered the confined plasma , diffused to the SOL and driven by SOL flows to the inner divertor. Interestingly the ^13^C has undergone further transport in the inner divertor from the vertical strike point tile to the horizontal tile which was in the PFR which is probably due to Elms. The amount found on the vertical tiles near the outer injection is comparably small (about 15%), but 2 horizontal outer divertor tiles have not been analysed so far. 1.6 - 'Recent activities on photocleaning in the EU', C. Grisolia In the EU, photon detritiation using flash lamp or laser ablation techniques is under strong development. Flash lamp detritiation has been tested in JET and films have been removed with a rate of 2.5 to 10 m^2^ of 10µm co-deposited films per hour with the flash lamp in the ablation regime at 250 Joules per pulse. Laser detritiation technique has been proven at a laboratory scale with a rate of 1 m^2^ of 50µm deposited per hour using a 100 W laser. However, more R&D is necessary to meet the constraints of ITER. 1.7 - \"Oxygen cleaning activities in TEXTOR\", A. Kreter Oxygen cleaning techniques were applied in TEXTOR to remove co-deposited carbon/hydrogen layers. The following table gives an overview of achieved C removal rates, main advantages and drawbacks of the techniques as well as possibilities to increase the C removal rates. C removal rates have to be compared with an integral TEXTOR carbon redeposition rate of 2.7·10^20^ C/s +-----------+-------------+----------------+--------------+-----------+ | Technique | C removal | Advantages | Drawbacks | Possible | | | rate | | | imp | | | | | | rovements | +-----------+-------------+----------------+--------------+-----------+ | Oxygen | 2.5·10^18^ | > Simplicity | > Low | > Higher | | venting | C/s for 0.3 | > | > removal | > O | | | mbar, | > Access to | > rates | > | | | Twall=620 K | > all wall | > | pressure | | | | > areas | > T~wall~ \> | | | | | > | > 600 K | | | | | > Selective | > needed | | | | | > removal of | | | | | | > redeposited | | | | | | > layers | | | +-----------+-------------+----------------+--------------+-----------+ | Glow | 2-3·10^19^ | > Higher | Incompatible | > Higher | | discharge | C/s | > removal | with steady | > GD | | con | | > rates | state B | > current | | ditioning | | > | n | > | | | | > Applicable | on-selective | > Higher | | | | > for low | carbon | > pumping | | | | > T~wall~ | removal | > rate | | | | | | | | | | | > Limited | | | | | | > wall area | | | | | | > access | | +-----------+-------------+----------------+--------------+-----------+ | ICRF | 1.8·10^19^ | > Higher | > O | > higher | | con | C/s for | > removal | > injection | > pumping | | ditioning | 1:10 duty | > rates | > limited by | > rate | | | cycle for | > | > pressure | > (also | | | pump out | > Applicable | > limit at | > for | | | | > for low | > antenna | > steady | | | | > T~wall~ | > box | > state | | | | > | > | > ICRF) | | | | > Compatible | > N | | | | | > with steady | on-selective | | | | | > state | > carbon | | | | | > magnetic | > removal | | | | | > field | > | | | | | | > Limited | | | | | | > wall area | | | | | | > access | | +-----------+-------------+----------------+--------------+-----------+ 1.8 - 'Oxidation experiment in HT-7', J.S Hu The oxidation experiments, including O-ICR conditioning, O-GDC and O-baking have been done in the HT-7 superconducting tokamak. The temperature of the limiter is 402-425K and that of the liners is 435-470K. The higher pressure and conditioning power are favorable for removal of hydrogen and carbon. Pure oxygen and gas mix of He/O were used. The highest removal rates of H, D and C-atoms in pure O-ICR experiment up to 2.64x10^22^, 7.76x10^21^ and 1.49x10^22^ atoms/hour respectively were obtained in 40kW 9x10^-2^Pa O-ICR cleaning, corresponding to the removal rate of co-deposits of about 317nm/day (7.2g/day for carbon). The highest removal rates of H and C atoms in gas mix He/O-ICR experiment up to 5.4x10^21^ and 7.2x10^21^ atoms/hour, respectively, were obtained in 4:1 40kW 9x10^-2^Pa He/O-ICR cleanings. Average removal rates, 5.2×10^22^ H-atoms/hour, 5.65x10^21^ D-atoms/hour and 5.53x10^22^ C-atoms/hour, respectively, were obtained in 145min O-GDC experiment in a pressure range of 0.5\~1.5 Pa.. Only O-ventilation has very little effect to remove co-deposited layers and hydrogen. By correct cleaning, most oxygen retained on the wall was sufficiently removed before plasma discharge. Plasma discharges could be recovered after a few tens of shots with large disruptions. Even though the impurities, such as C, O increased, the hydrogen recycling was largely reduced by He/O~2~-ICR experiment. No apparent damage in the torus after oxidation experiment was observed. 1.9 - 'ICRF H/D removal in LHD', N. Ashikawa, ICRF wall conditioning under high magnetic fields has been started in LHD. Operation was achieved with P~icrf~ from 8 to 149 kW and helium pressure from 10^-2^ to 10^-1^ Pa. In these initial experiments sufficient power was absorbed by hydrogen as determined from electron density and FNA data. An increase in hydrogen pressure with RF power was observed. LHD did not have RF breakdown in the range 10^-2^ to 10^-1^ Pa in He pressure. The hydrogen removal rate by GDC is larger than with ICC. Optimization of the ICC with RF phasing is an important part of future work. 1.10 - 'Summary of nitrogen injection experiments in AUG', P. Tabares Nitrogen injection experiments at the subdivertor region of Asdex Upgrade have shown for the first time that a decrease of up to a factor of 5 can be achieved in the carbon deposition rate at positions not accessible directly by the plasma. Furthermore, the required nitrogen flows are fully compatible with the unperturbed operation in H mode discharges. No change in the deduced carbon concentration in the divertor plasma has been detected so far, in line with the expected scavenger effect of the injected species. 1.11 - 'Effects of wall saturation on plasma operation', E. Tsitrone The main effects of saturation of carbon walls on plasma operation are : 1) loss of the density control during a discharge; 2) difficulties to start up the plasma (no sustained breakdown). The first effect has been clearly observed in all tokamaks going to long pulse operation with a non or partly actively cooled machine (Tore Supra before the CIEL upgrade, JT60U, HT7 ...), resulting in an uncontrolled density rise (typically \< 1 minute); temperatures of the plasma facing components rise during the entire discharge. The CIEL upgrade to a completely actively cooled machine dramatically improved the density control in Tore Supra, allowing discharges up to 6 minutes/3 MW/1 GJ and 1 minute/7 MW/0.4 GJ. Conditioning is needed before reaching reproducible conditions for the high power/high density shots. This is attributed to plasma facing components not in direct interaction with the plasma, with long thermal time constants. Wall saturation experiments running repetitive discharges have been performed on JT60U and Tore Supra. The wall pumping capacity is seen to decrease from shot to shot, and the series of shots end up with a disruption, and subsequent not sustained breakdowns. To overcome this problem, techniques to monitor the wall saturation status have been successfully developed in Tore Supra. Cleaning techniques to restore the wall pumping capacity use cycles of very low current (\< 40 kA) successive breakdowns. This process is compatible with the toroidal field, but is not directly applicable to ITER as the magnetic coils system is different. In ITER, which will run under very high D fluence within one discharge, the consequences of wall saturation on plasma operation should be better assessed. Operation of most present day machines relies heavily on conditioning techniques (boronisation, Be evaporation, He glow discharges ...), and that the best performances in terms of confinement, on which the extrapolation for ITER is based, have generally been obtained with pumping walls. ITER relevant techniques to monitor the wall saturation status and optimise the start up should therefore be developed. 1.12 - 'Summary of the Session 1 discussion', V. Philipps **Material and fuel retention in gaps:** all the present data show that material and fuel deposition in gaps of ITER wall components will seriously contribute to the tritium retention. In order to extrapolate more quantitatively from present data to ITER, the mechanism of how the material and fuel penetrate into the gaps must be better clarified. An important question is whether this migration is mainly restricted to carbon, due to the special carbon chemistry, or is also expected e.g for Be. Presently, it is believed that the hydrocarbon chemistry is important for the gap deposition, but more studies are necessary. The other important question is how to extrapolate from present data to ITER. The fraction of fuel deposited on top of the tile surfaces compared to that in gaps is sometimes used. A perhaps more appropriate quantity to use is the fraction of material and/or plasma fuel arriving on the surface compared to that trapped in gaps. Some data presented showed 0.2 % of the surface D fluence being retained in the gaps of an ITER-like wall component (TEXTOR) but the field line inclination was steeper (20°) than that expected in ITER More experiments elucidating the transport mechanism are necessary. **Material migration**: while the overall tendency for the inner divertor to be a deposition dominated area is common to all divertor tokamaks, the behaviour of the outer divertor is still difficult to predict. DIID and ASDEX-Upgrade data show that erosion and deposition dominated phases are both observed at the outer divertor. Recent data show consistently in DIID and AUG a strong influence of the substrate temperature on deposition rates, with a decrease by about one order of magnitude from ambient to 200°C. This calls for hot surfaces at the deposition area in ITER, mainly the dome and PFR region. The transport of material from the outer to the inner divertor is still an open issue and needs further clarification. In particular, particle flow through the PFR may play a role. Analysis of recent 13C injection into the outer divertor region of JET is not yet available. **Fuel removal**: development of fuel removal methods that are applicable in ITER environment is most important. Photo-cleaning has been demonstrated on larger areas in JET but concerns remain about the concurrent production of dust (both for T retention and for safety issues of large quantities of C dust). Dust collection in parallel with photo-cleaning is absolutely mandatory but may be difficult and not 100% efficient. Oxygen cleaning can only be used for carbon layers. It is assumed presently that GDC and ICRH will clean only the plasma facing sides. The removal action of these standard methods in hidden areas should be investigated. Oxygen molecule oxidation of C layers needs temperatures above 250-350°C, as shown again in the HT-7 tokamak. Such temperatures are extremely difficult for ITER to achieve. Plasma recovery after oxygen treatment needs to be documented and scaled to ITER. Scavenger techniques like the use of N may be of use but are far away from being a proven technique for ITER. **Density control and wall saturation** becomes more and more important with increasing pulse length as seen in Tore Supra and other machines. However, based on our present understanding, the importance of such effects for ITER which has a larger particle throughput (needed for He exhaust) is not clear. More experiments are needed to develop a proper understanding of the processes involved, how to control them, and how to prepare the walls for such long pulses. **Session 2: 'Dust'** 2.2 'Results of Dust in JT-60U & LHD' , N. Ashikawa Based on dust measurements we have extrapolated the amount of dust in the whole vessel as 7 g in JT-60U and 3-10g in LHD. The production rates normalized to discharge time are 0.2 mg/s in both devices. The total amount and production rate are similar in both devices. But the particle size distribution was different. In JT-60U, dust deposition was found in remote areas of the outer divertor region. Small dust with nm order size can not be bypassed to the total amount by large dust with glowing process. Moving particles were observed by high speed IR camera and this transport time in the camera FOV is about 40ms and estimated transporting speeds are about 20 m/s at the outside edge. 2.3 Development of dust diagnostics', R. Maingi, C. Skinner: ITER safety will depend on knowing and controlling the inventory of dust on interior surfaces, but diagnostics to estimate the dust inventory need to be developed. A novel electrostatic dust detector has been demonstrated in both air and vacuum environments in the laboratory \[Rev. Sci. Instrum., 75 (2004) 370\]. A fine grid of interlocking traces with spacing down to 25 µm is biased with 30-50 v DC. Impinging dust produces a short circuit and the resulting current pulse both vaporises the dust and produces a pulse that is recorded with standard nuclear counting electronics.  Particle size information can be obtained from the electrical waveform. A detector has been installed at the NSTX at a port under divertor. Such detectors could be adapted for specific areas in ITER. (Maingi for Skinner et al.) 2.5: \"Modelling of Dust Formation in Plasmas\" - Xavier Bonnin. A new edge plasma physics group has been formed at Université Paris XIII, to work on issues at the confluence of industrial cold plasmas and edge fusion plasmas. One such common research area is dust. We have built a model for dust formation and nucleation, via carbon cluster chemistry, and compared it to a DC Argon discharge experiment in Marseilles where Ar sputters a Carbon cathode and dust is collected at the anode. The dust is cauliflower-like and reaches cluster sizes of order 40 nm. The model can reproduce such a formation by agglomeration of C2 and C3 sputtered clusters onto larger ones and its experimental time evolution to within a factor of two. More accurate chemistry rates (in particular for negatively charged clusters) is expected to improve the match to experiment. Additionally, a new plasma Chemical Ablation, Sputtering, Ionization, Multi-wall Interaction and Redeposition (CASIMIR) device is currently being built to address issues related to hydrocarbon erosion products chemistry, transport and redeposition in parasitic plasma environments as those expected under the ITER divertor dome. 2.6: 'Dust in DIII-D', M. Fentermacher, D. Rudakov, P. West Intrinsic dust in DIII-D has been characterized using signals from the Rayleigh scattering channel of the core and divertor Thomson scattering systems. A small particle (about 60 nm) distribution and a large particle distribution (\> 300 nm) are indicated by the data. Average dust particle density ranges from 0.005 particles/cc in the upper part of the vessel to 10 times that level in the lower part of the vessel. Dust injection experiments have also been done using 1-10m particles on a DiMES sample. Tracks of dust particle motion when the dust encounters the OSP show a preferential direction that is about 15-45 degrees inboard of the magnetic field direction. Drag force caused by plasma flows, ExB drift in the pre-sheath electric field can explain this direction. Some curvature is also observed in the particle trajectories. These measurements provide a test dataset to validate dust particle transport codes. 2.7: 'Operational recovery from enormous amounts of titanium dust', B. Lipschultz Because of an unfortunate degradation of the font end of the new C-Mod LH coupler (made of Ti) a very large amount of Ti dust was created in C-Mod., After removal of the waveguide \~ 300 g remained in the vessel affecting startup and operation. This is equivalent to something in the range of 24 kg (scaling by area) to 220 kg (scaling by volume) in an ITER-size device. The length of plasma discharges increased and reached full length over \~ 200 shots. The Ti level and the gas retained by the dust dropped over a similar amount of time. Given the comparison to Mo levels in the plasma it appears that normal amounts of dust are not directly affecting the discharge impurity levels. Only when the dust levels get very large is it a problem. 2.8 - 'Dust dynamics in MAST', GF Counsell (UKAEA Fusion, EU) A model has been developed in association with Imperial College, London which allows the motion and thermal properties of dust to be evaluated in the fusion plasma environment. The code takes 2D data of plasma properties (temperatures, densities, plasma flows etc) and the magnetic equilibrium from standard output of the B2SOLPS5.0 fluid code. Monte Carlo test particles can then the launched with an arbitrary mass and velocity distribution from any poloidal location and followed until they either evaporate in the plasma or strike a wall. Both tungsten and carbon dust has so far been modelled. The dust charge at each time step is calculated from OML theory, allowing for the impact of secondary electron emission, using the local plasma parameters and the acceleration is then evaluated using an equation of motion including the Lorentz, pressure gradient, flow pressure and gravitational forces. Temperature evolution of the dust is evaluated taking into account all significant heating and cooling mechanisms (e.g ion, electron and neutral bombardment, radiative and ablative cooling etc.). For a typical dust trajectory, flow pressure is the dominant force when the grain is large, with the Lorentz force dominating as the dust moves into regions where evaporation occurs. For MAST plasmas, dust launched from a toroidally and poloidally localised source is widely redistributed around the vessel by the plasma and some dust trajectories can lead to evaporation occurring inside the separatrix. Modelling of dust transport in ITER plasmas is on-going, with the eventual aim of predicting regions where dust is likely to accumulate in the vessel. 2.9 - 'Summary of discussion' - S. Krasheninnikov **In situ experiments with dust:** Intrinsic dust in DIII-D has been characterized using signals from Thomson scattering systems. Average dust particle density ranges from 0.005 particles/cc in the upper part of the vessel to 10 times that level in the lower part of the vessel. Dust injection experiments have also been done using 1-10 micron particles on a DiMES sample. Tracks of dust particle motion show a preferential direction that is about 15-45% inboard of the magnetic field direction and the estimates of dust particle speed give \~10-100m/s. A similar magnitude for dust speed was also observed in JT-60. In C-Mod a huge generation of dust due to Ti structures of antenna resulted in a very short, resistive plasmas with no density control etc. After removing Ti structures and boronization, and following a few hundred shots, standard core performance was recovered. \~ 300g of dust still remains in vessel which  may indicate that the remaining dust is localized in the regions with rather small exposure by plasma. Since the Mo dust level is much lower and Mo is affecting the core plasma more, the inference is that dust is normally not a contributor to steady state impurity levels. Dust is likely to be more important for 'injections'. **Analysis of dust collected in fusion devices:** Dust production rate \~ 0.2 g/s was found in both JT-60 and LHD. Taking into account the erosion rate of divertor tiles in JT-60 outer divertor it gives \~ 7% transformation of eroded carbon into dust; **Development of dust diagnostics:** A biased fine grid with the spacing down to 25 microns biased to \~50 V has been developed for measurement of dust landing on it. It works fine in a test chamber. Particle size information can be obtained from the electrical wavefront. The detector is installed in NSTX at a port under the divertor. An SEM measurement, allowing in situ monitoring of the first wall structure, will be installed at JET; **Dust modeling:** To model the dynamics of dust in tokamaks 3D codes (DUSTT at UCSD and another one at Culham/Imperial Collage) are being developed. Codes allow tracking of a test dust particle in toroidal geometry with realistic plasma background. Preliminary results of dust transport modeling in NSTX, DIII-D, ITER and MAST tokamaks have been reported showing reasonable agreement with available experimental data. It was shown that dust obviously penetrates deeper into edge plasma than individual neutral impurity atom causing a significantly bigger impact on both edge plasma parameters and detachment processes. A new edge plasma physics group, at Université Paris XIII is to build a model for dust formation and nucleation, via carbon cluster chemistry, and compare to experiments in Marseilles. A new plasma device CASIMIR is currently being built to address issues related to the chemistry, transport, and redeposition in parasitic plasma environments such as those expected under the ITER divertor dome. # **Session 3: 'High-Z experience'** # 3.1 - 'W operation in ASDEX Upgrade', A. Kallenbach -- IPP Garching ASDEX Upgrade is currently coated with 70 % tungsten PFC coverage, it is planned to come to a complete coverage within the next 2 years. The dominant sputtering source is caused by low-Z impurity ions of C, B and O. Strong variations of the peripheral W concentration (measured around Te= 1 keV) and the central W concentration are observed. Divertor operation is affected under 2 experimental conditions due to strong central W radiation: in the low power H-mode with low ELM frequency, impurities are driven from the SOL to the pedestal by a strong inward drift. The resulting strong radiative losses may cause a H-L transition. This behaviour can be cured by pellet ELM pace-making. For discharge conditions with good confinement and central electron density peaking inside ~p~= 0.4, strong central accumulation of W occurs. This is driven by neoclassical effects and can lead to central radiation approaching the heating power density. Central heating above a power threshold flattens the central fuel density profile and consequently leads to flat tungsten profiles with W concentrations around 10^-5^. 3.2 - 'High temperature erosion and melting of tungsten in TEXTOR', A. Kreter Experiments on high temperature erosion and melting of tungsten were performed in TEXTOR. Observed tungsten erosion was attributed to the sputtering by carbon and to the sublimation. No indication of an enhanced high temperature erosion of tungsten was found. A local tungsten flux for T~surf~\<3000K of up to 4x10^21^ atoms/m^2^/s was measured, corresponding to 4% of the background flux, in agreement with previous observations in TEXTOR. No increase of the tungsten concentration in the core was observed. Power deposition onto the tungsten plate resulted in a melt layer formation and a fast melt layer motion with a velocity of \~1.5 m/s. The motion of molten tungsten can be attributed to the thermo-emission current and the resulting JxB force. Surface studies indicated a recrystallization of tungsten with the maximum grain sizes in the zone of the highest temperatures. Carbon dust particles were found incorporated into the melting zone. No blistering in the melting zone and other parts of the tungsten plate was observed. 3.3 - 'Removal of boron from Alcator C-Mod and the effect of boronization', B. Lipschultz All currently operating tokamaks use some kind of PFC coating - whether it be boronization (e.g. ASDEX-Upgrade, C-Mod, DIII-D, JT-60U.....). ITER performance is based on this while at the same time ITER presently will not be able to use such wall coatings. Information is needed on what the wall coating provides. Unfortunately, coatings in current C PFC machines cannot be readily removed to make this comparison. C-Mod has provided unique results in this sense by removing the B coating and examining changes in performance. In addition this provides data for an all high-Z first-wall, under consideration for ITER. The results indicate that the B coating is necessary to reduce the effect of Mo on core performance. At the beginning of H-mode the impurity confinement is essentially infinite and any Mo source is seen in the plasma, often leading to an H-L transition. The B layers also play a role in adsorbed D, lengthening the pumpdown. On the other hand the B layer does not affect the absorbed D compared to a bare Mo surface. Ongoing experiments are being made to investigate inter- and intra-shot boronization in support of ITER. The implication for ITER is that all high-Z PFCs might lead to significant core Mo concentrations during H-mode. Whether this will have an adverse effect on confinement and the exact level of W requires further study. 3.4 - 'W-tile experience from JT-60U', Y. Ueda/T. Nakano Tungsten divertor tile experiments were started in JT-60U in the experimental campaign 2003-2004. 13 tungsten coated CFC tiles were installed in the P-8 section (12 tiles) and the P-17 section (1 tile) just above the CFC tiles where the outer strike points normally intersect. Plasma heat load up to 6 MW did not cause any notable damage on W-tile surfaces. On the CFC tile toroidally adjacent to the W-tiles, localized thick W deposition near the W tile edge was observed. Except for this area, almost uniform thin W deposition was observed. W migration to the surface of the dome top tile in the P-8 section was observed, while no observable amount of W was found on the inner baffle tiles. In high NBI power shots (\~15 MW), W accumulation could take place. This accumulation could be mitigated by edge gas puffing (preliminary results). 3.5 - 'He ion irradiation effects on W', Y. Ueda/N. Yoshida Tungsten samples pre-irradiated by 8 keV He at RT to the fluence of up to 10^22^ m^-2^ were exposed to 13 MW/m^2^ heat load by the electron beam. It was found that He pre-irradiation strongly deteriorated thermal shock resistance of W. In the case of 10^22^ m^-2^, erosion up to the depth of 0.8 m (10 times larger than the He ion range) took place due to reduction of thermal conductivity and hardening by He bubble and blister formation. He bubbles were also formed by low energy He irradiation under the conditions of T \> 1300 K, fluence \> (10^25^ \~10^26^) m^-2^, and He energy \> 6 eV. Since edge plasma parameters on the ITER outer divertor will satisfy these conditions, He bubble formation on the outer tungsten diverter plates will likely occur at elevated temperatures and affect the operating conditions (surface temperature limit, allowable ELM heat pulse energy, etc.). Intensive works are needed to evaluate the impact of He irradiation to W for the material selection of ITER divertor. 3.6 - Discussion and summary of Session 3 "High-Z experience", A. Kallenbach During the sessions talks, several new results were presented on tokamak operation with high-Z plasma facing components: Operational restrictions imposed by tungsten radiation have been observed in AUG with 70 % tungsten coverage. These can be cured by central heating for density profile flattening and ELM pace-making to avoid long ELM-free phases. JT-60U observed preferential W migration from tiles installed in the outer divertor in toroidal direction as well as to the dome. The behaviour of W erosion under high heat fluxes was investigated in TEXTOR. Tungsten erosion could be attributed to sputtering by carbon and sublimation, and no anomalously high yields were observed at high surface temperatures. These experiments were driven up to W melting, and the motion of the molten W could be attributed to thermo-emission currents and the resulting jxB force. No W blistering was found. Tungsten samples exposed to high He fluences in NAGDIS-II showed bubble and blister formation. During the discussion, different possibilities were brought up why these negative effects occur in plasma simulators, but not under tokamak conditions. One reason could be the fact that monoenergetic He beams produce a different deposition characteristic in the material. Further work is needed to clarify this topic. The importance of wall conditioning in a full-metal device is a topic which is highlighted by recent results from Alcator C-Mod, where degraded plasma performance was observed during non-boronized operation with Mo walls cleaned from B. In the discussion session, it was emphasised that a strategy needs to be developed for the possible implementation of additional high-Z PFCs in a later ITER phase, which takes into account technical boundary conditions like the possibility of a change of the first wall. While a much lower fuel retention by tungsten is expected compared to carbon, the reduction of divertor radiation will require additional impurity seeding. Two topics are foreseen to be put on the agenda for the next meeting: 1) possible impact of a high-Z startup limiter (erosion, flux consumption) and 2) wall conditioning of an all-metal device. **Session 4: 'First wall loadings', joint meeting with the MHD group** 4.1 'EU-PWI Task Force Studies on Disruption Energy Fluxes', A. Loarte Analysis of the energy balance and timescales for energy fluxes during similar disruptions in JET, ASDEX Upgrade, MAST, DIII-D, TEXTOR and FTU was presented. On the basis of the experimental data analysed, the following conclusions have been reached : > a\) The thermal energy of the plasma at the thermal quench is > significantly lower than that during the full performance phase of the > discharge for most disruptions, typically by a factor of 2 to 4. > > b\) There is a favourable size scaling of the timescale for energy > flux to PFCs during the thermal quench, but there is a significant > spread in this timescale (by factors of \~ 6) within each experiment > and a large variation disruption-to-disruption for nominally identical > discharges. > > c\) There is a significant broadening of the heat flux during the > thermal quench (by a factor of 5-10 compared to the full performance > plasma) in diverted discharges. This seems to be absent in limiter > disruptions. These new measurements call for a re-evaluation of the conditions expected for the average disruptions to be encountered when operating ITER in its reference Q~DT~ = 10 scenario based on the ELMy H-mode. In the first place, the average plasma energy at the thermal quench in ITER will be \~ 88 MJ to 175 MJ, if no disruption amelioration is applied, i.e., \~ 25 -50 % of the full performance plasma energy. This energy will flow to the divertor over a very large area, which will be typically in the range of 5-10 times the divertor wetted area for power flux in steady-state conditions (A~s.s~), i.e. 18--35 m^2^ in ITER. The typical timescale for the thermal quench power pulse will be in the range 1.5--3 ms. As a consequence of these factors, the expected divertor energy flux in the average ITER disruption, if amelioration actions are undertaken by the systems, will be \~ 3.3 MJm^-2^, with a timescale of \~ 2.3 ms. Using the standard deviations in the distribution functions, the lowest and highest thermal quench energy fluxes will be \~ 7.5 MJm^-2^ in \~ 1.5 ms and \~ 1.3 MJm^-2^ in \~ 3.0 ms, respectively. These values have to be about a factor of \~ 2 higher if only the natural degradation of plasma confinement in advance of the disruption is considered for ITER. The characteristic surface temperature rise, which determines the material damage caused by the power flux, can be estimated by the so-called "ablation-melting" parameter  \~ Γ~Et.q.~/√t~t.q.~, where Γ~Et.q.~ is the energy flux during the thermal quench and t~t.q.~ is its timescale. For the average ITER disruption, the expected "ablation-melting" parameter will, thus, be in the range 46--129 MJ m^-2^s^-1/2^, which is about a factor of 3-4 higher than that required to cause carbon ablation (35 MJ m^-2^s^-1/2^) and tungsten melting (40 MJ m^-2^s^-1/2^) for ameliorated disruption and 64--322 MJ m^-2^s^-1/2^ for disruptions without amelioration actions. While these values correspond by no means to a low energy flux, they are typically about an order of magnitude lower than that expected under the previous ITER assumptions (W~plasma~,~t.q.~ = 350 MJ, A~t.q.~ = 3 A~s.s.~, t~t.q.~ = 1 ms,  = 1054 MJ m^-2^s^-1/2^). As a consequence, the expected divertor target lifetime under these "revised" most frequent disruptions in ITER is significantly longer than previously estimated. While the new estimates alleviate the problem of energy deposition by disruption at the ITER divertor and its lifetime, they lead to significant energy flux reaching components (Be-clad blanket modules) on which no significant disruptive energy flux was expected previously. More details on the measurements and analysis can be found in "Expected energy fluxes onto ITER Plasma Facing Components during disruption thermal quenches from multi-machine data comparisons", A. Loarte, et al., Paper IT/P3-34, Proc. 20th IAEA conference, Villamoura, Portugal, 2004. 4.2 -- 'Disruption mitigation studies in JT-60U', Kawano It is well known that relativistic runaway electrons can be generated during a tokamak disruption, and the plasma facing components would be damaged if the localized and intense irradiation of runaway electrons occurs. In order to mitigate the post-disruption runaway electrons with good controllability, their characteristics with impurity pellet injection were investigated for the first time using the JT-60U tokamak device. A clear deposition of impurity neon ice pellets was observed in the post-disruption runaway plasma. The pellet ablation was attributed to the energy deposition of relativistic runaway electrons in the pellet. A high normalized electron density was stably obtained with n~e~^bar^/n^GW^ \~2.2. Prompt exhaust of runaway electrons and reduction of runaway plasma current without large amplitude MHD activities were observed. One possible explanation for the basic behavior of runaway plasma current is that it follows the balance of avalanche generation of runaway electrons and slowing down predicted by the Andersson-Helander model, including the combined effect of collisional pitch angle scattering and synchrotron radiation. Our results suggested that the impurity pellet injection reduced the energy of runaway electrons in a stepwise manner. On the other hand, it has been pointed out that the current quench time is extended by the appearance of runaway electrons. This fact suggests that runaway electrons can be used to mitigate or avoid the current quench when the safe and reliable control of runaway electrons is available. Taking such a new point of view, an experiment for avoiding a rapid current quench by allowing runaway electrons has been carried out. An impurity neon pellet was injected as a killer pellet into an Ohmic discharge during the period with the ECRF injection. Here, the current quench was avoided presumably due to relatively high electron temperature just after the pellet injection. While the electron temperature decreased afterwards, runaway electrons were generated. These runaway electrons reinforced the discharge to survive against the low electron temperature of less than several tens eV and additional impurity neon pellet injection. Thus the robust discharge was obtained, and the plasma current was maintained and terminated as programmed. This result indicates that the new concept for mitigation and avoidance of current quench by runaway electrons is attractive. 4.3 -- 'DIII-D & Alcator C-Mod disruption mitigation', D. Whyte Experiments show that the gas delivery rate is important for runaway suppression and overall mitigation effectiveness. The gas must deliver electrons (free + bound) in a time less than the current quench time. The multi-device / multi-jet experiments will be needed to separate this effect from any gas pressure scaling for edge penetration. Complementary to the experimental work, realistic modelling of gas shock, including friction, for gas delivery down the tubes is in progress. Fast imaging shows that the gas/impurity interaction with the plasma is complex. The toroidal and poloidal distribution of impurities and their associated radiation will need to be better measured to extrapolate radiation uniformity. Both experiments and models suggest that MHD plays a role in final particle "penetration" to the center, without producing large heat fluxes to the walls. Robust low-order MHD mixing lessens gas jet requirements for ITER, but requires carefully benchmarked MHD modelling, which has now started using the 3-D NIMROD code. First experiments showed that gas jet delivery "worked" in C-Mod with its high absolute plasma and magnetic pressure. Tailoring of the gas species mixture can optimize thermal- and current-quench times. 4.4 -- 'Plasma shut-down with fast impurity puff on ASDEX Upgrade', S. Günter Neon gas puffing is routinely used to mitigate disruptions on ASDEX Upgrade, triggered by a locked mode signal. Around 4.5x10^21^ atoms (50-100% of the fuel inventory) are injected in 2ms. The neon does not penetrate into the core plasma on the time‑scale of the thermal quench, and builds up a cooling mantle at the edge (ρ\>0.8). Subsequent (1-2ms later) narrowing of the core temperature profile and an order of magnitude density increase triggers large MHD modes and disrupts the plasma. Halo current forces are robustly mitigated with neon puffing, decreasing with increasing neon puff pressure, but the impact on power loads is still under investigation. 4.5 -- 'Disruption Mitigation at JET', P. deVries Over the past years various disruption mitigation experiments have been carried out. Gas injection has been applied to mitigate runaway generation and pre-empt the current quench. However, it was found that more gas and faster injection was required. In the 2004/5 shutdown a new gas injection valve has been installed at JET, dedicated to disruption mitigation. This fast gas valve, has a operating pressure between 5-35Bar and a response time of 0.5ms. Presently, the valve is connected to the main chamber via a 4m long pipe, reducing its injection speed to 10Bar-litres in 100ms. Fast mitigation experiments require it to be mounted closer to the vessel. For the coming campaigns several experiments are planned to test the properties of the valve and the effect of the gas injection onto the plasma and vessel conditions. 4.6 -- 'Far SOL ELM ion energies in Far SOL ELM ion energies in JET', R. Pitts Using a retarding field analyser (RFA) probe reciprocating into the JET SOL at the top LFS of the poloidal cross-section, ion currents due to Type I ELMs have been detected in a limited set of pure hydrogen discharges at low I~p~, B~ϕ~. The low electrical bandwidth of the probe and its associated electronics prevents conventional RFA voltage scanning on the ELM timescale and so the energy of the detected ions is inferred by fixing the internal ion retarding bias at the highest permitted value and combining a simple model of RFA function with predicted values for T~e~, T~i~ and n~e~ in the ELM filament. These values are obtained using a new transient model for parallel energy loss from the filament which requires as input the ELM plasma parameters at the point of filament formation and the radial speed of filament propagation. The latter has been characterised experimentally in the past at JET, but the point of ELM filament origin is still a matter of speculation. To account for this, experimentally observed "mid-pedestal" values of T~i~, T~e~ and n~e~ are used and a range of expected values at the RFA location computed for a ELM propagation distances corresponding to filament creation at the separatrix or at the top of the pedestal. The result is a predicted RFA ion current, representing the average value carrried by the ELM, which is in very good agreement with the observed values, bounded by the upper and lower limits corresponding to the spatial uncertainty in the ELM filament origin. A sensitivity test to radial propagation speed shows clearly that whilst a somewhat higher value to that assumed on the basis of previous measurements (v~ELM~ = 0.6 kms^-1^) must also be considered compatible with the data, much lower values cannot. The transient model predicts that T~e~ falls much faster than T~i~ as the ELM filament propagates, an observation compatible both with the RFA data and earlier direct measurements of T~e~ on the ELM timescale in the JET far SOL. The fact that the model is based on parallel loss rates determined by sheath boundary conditions requires that it be seen as a description of the filament as propagating in the SOL (as in the simple blob or plasmoid theory) but connected to the divertor targets. The good agreement between model and experiment lends considerable support to this picture. The model has also been applied to estimate ELM ion impact energies on the ITER first wall at the outboard midplane for the Q~DT~ = 10 Type I ELM reference scenario, finding E~ion~ \~ 1.1 keV and thus considerably above even the tungsten sputtering threshold. It also predicts \~8% of the ELM expelled energy reaching the outboard limiters. The presentation was based on two recently submitted JET papers, both currently under review: R.A. Pitts, W. Fundamenski et al, "Far SOL ELM ion energies in JET", submitted to Nucl. Fusion and W. Fundamenski and R. A. Pitts, "A parallel transport model of tokamak power exhaust transients", submitted to PPCF. 4.7 -- 'Heat and particle flux in the SOL and to the wall', A. Herrmann Experimental data from MAST, DIII-D and AUG on filaments and ELM extension in the SOL were presented. The observed behaviour of the filaments can be described phenomenologically as field aligned structures fed in the outer mid-plane with energy and/or particles. Most of the ELM energy is deposited continuously in the strike point region and only a fraction of the midplane loss is transported to the inner wall. Fast Thomson scattering and Beam emission spectroscopy reveals the origin of the filaments in the separatrix region. The radial velocity of the filaments as measured by reflectometry, turbulence measurements (Langmuir probes) and measurement of the delay between an ELM marker (H~α~ ) and the onset of the ion saturation current at reciprocating probes is below 1km/s, decelerated with radius at DIII-D and accelerated at MAST and AUG. The filaments are rotating toroidally and/or poloidally. Applying the velocity of toroidal rotation from CXRS-measurements in the pedestal a toroidal mode number of about 10-15 can be deduced for AUG and MAST. The extension of the filaments into the SOL is measured with reciprocating probes, combined with thermography at AUG. The resulting e-folding length for the heat flux and the ion saturation current is a few centimetres. The inter ELM decay length tends to be shorter compared to the ELM decay length which increases with decreasing density (DIII-D). This results in an increasing contribution of ELMs to the first wall ion flux (80% at low densities, DIII-D). The magnetic field strength effects the variation (scatter) of the ELM size in the SOL rather than the e-folding length (AUG, MAST). The interaction of filaments with outboard limiters at AUG is very local with a few centimetres poloidal width. Its contribution to the ELM power balance is about 1%. The convective energy transport by filaments lasting about 100 μs is comparable to the mid-plane ELM energy loss. 4.8 -- 'ELM flux to the first walls on JT-60U', N. Asakura ELM plasma transport in the SOL and divertor of JT-60U was analyzed using an extensive array of reciprocating and target Langmuir probes. Large peaks in particle flux propagate radially to the first wall at 1.3 -- 2.5 km/s (faster than in MAST, DIII‑D and JET), arriving in less than the parallel transit time to the outer target, and deposit their associated heat load locally (over a few cm). 4.9 -- 'Intermittent Transport of SOL/Divertor Plasmas in JT-60U', N. Ohno The role of fluctuations in causing particle transport in the far SOL (∆r \~60-70mm) in JT-60U was explored. Fluctuations are found to be 5-10 times larger during ELMy H‑mode compared to L-mode and 4-5 times higher at the outboard mid-plane compared to the X‑point. 4.10 - 'Summary of first wall loadings discussion', G. Counsell Our knowledge of disruption power loads to the divertor has advanced sufficiently that an update to the ITER physics design guidelines is sensible. Data from most divertor tokamaks now show that the target heat flux width broadens by a factor of 5-10 during the thermal quench, larger than previous estimates, and that the plasma energy at the thermal quench is a factor 2-4 lower than that during the full performance phase of the discharge for most disruptions. There is however still a need to quantify the impact of vapour shielding on target heat loads during disruptions and the extent of heat loads on the upper divertor. Our understanding of first wall loads in unmitigated disruptions is much less developed, with data being exceptionally sparse and ill conditioned. All that was generally known is what fraction of disruption energy does not arrive at the divertor but much more work is needed before any useful physics guidelines for the distribution of this missing energy on other areas can be developed. Until this data becomes available, estimates for the lifetime of first wall components in ITER will be subject to large uncertainties. On disruption mitigation, impurity injection (either as cryogenic pellets or through gas puffing) had been demonstrated to provide a reliable means of mitigating the impact of the current quench, both runaways and halo currents, on several devices. The impurity injection rate is important for mitigation, it being necessary to deliver sufficient electrons (bound and free) to the plasma in a time less than the current quench time. With gas puff injection, mixing light and heavy species gases can help by increasing the effective flow velocity of the heavy species and tailoring the mix could help optimise the thermal and current quench times. The interaction of impurity puffing with the plasma is complex with low order MHD appearing to play a role in penetration of impurities to the core, which might impact on the toroidal and poloidal uniformity of radiation on the first wall during the mitigation. It was noted that impurity gas puffing, which dominated the session, is only one possible technique and it is likely that a range of systems might need to be employed (including for example killer pellets) to handle different types of disruption. It was recommended that a working group be established to develop a list of high priority research items in this area over the next 2 years, which would include further assessment of key issues such as the impact of MHD activity in the plasma during the mitigation and the possibility that radiation flux alone to the first wall could cause melting for some classes of mitigated disruption. On ELMs, it was agreed that there had been significant advances in our understanding of first wall loads, including a deeper understanding of their origin and structure provided by observations of filamentary structures (and associated theories) on most machines. Desposition of ELM energy onto radially protruding first wall components (such as poloidal limiters) has now been observed on many machines (at least 25% of W~ELM~ for large type I ELMs), although the poloidal and toroidal localisation of this energy and it's temporal behaviour are not well understood. Extrapolations for the limiter power load during type I ELMs in ITER indicate potentially large melting and erosion rates for some credible deposition scenarios. However, it was recognised that divertor power loads may provide the 0^th^ order limit on allowable ELM size and might actually necessitate operation in 'small' ELMs regimes (either naturally small type I ELMs, type II/III, QH etc., or actively mitigated, such as by rapid pellets or magnetic perturbation). It was likely that limiter erosion would not represent a significant problem in small ELM regimes, however even less was known about energy deposition outside the divertor in these regimes and study was required, both for the first wall and upper divertor. As a result of the discussion on first wall loads, it was agreed that the Divertor and SOL ITPA Group would aim to produce separate position papers for ITER on the three main topics in this session (Disruption power loads, ELM power loads and disruption mitigation strategies). **Session 5: 'Next ITPA SOL/divertor meeting'** **Location:** Several locations are being considered for the next 2 meetings. The primary choice for the meeting following this (so #7) is to have it before the abstract selection meeting for PSI17. This will likely be at the end of January or beginning of February in China. It is possible it would be elsewhere but that will be up to the PSI chairman -- Jiangang Li. Having the meeting in conjunction with the abstract selection meeting makes it easier for the 5-6 people who are members of both committees to attend. Assuming that the 7^th^ meeting is in China, then the time of the 8^th^ meeting would be best in July. The choice from the point of balance would be to have the meeting in Japan as we have not been there in a while. However, that would mean 2 meetings in Asia in a row, not to mention that there will be a PSI meeting in May in China -- so 3 trips to Asia! Alternatively we could try and have the 8^th^ meeting back in the US or Europe. A third possibility is to wait till the fall and have the 8^th^ meeting to coincide with IAEA but this will be back in China! **Potential Topics for the next meeting** -- A number were discussed and found support: 1\) D/T retention in surfaces (Long-pulse, saturation....., processes involved) 2\) Wall conditioning (characterizing the effect on confinement, methods of steady-state replenishment compatible with ITER conditions) 3\) Startup studies (flux consumption, operation on outside limiter) 4\) Flow characterization 5\) melt layer stability and vapor shielding 6\) spectroscopy of hydrocarbons in low-T plasmas **Session 6: 'Mixed material effects'** 6.1 - 'Results on alloy formation of Be and W'**,** J. Roth The interaction of Be with W to form low melting point W-beryllides was performed in a collaboration of IPP Garching and PISCES, UCSD in three procedures: The interaction of a 235 nm W layers deposited onto polycrystalline Be, the slow evaporation of 5 nm Be onto W, and the exposure of W to a Be-seeded D-plasma. 1. The results show that W-beryllide phases are real, and bear the potential of a major malfunction: At 1070 K W-beryllide phases can form which melt below 1700 K. For W on Be this phase has clearly been identified as Be~12~W through ion beam and XPS analysis. The alloy formation appears to be limited by the diffusion of Be in the alloy. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. However, under typical ITER conditions (0.1% Be in incident D flux) only a thin Be~2~W layer will form, excess Be will sputter/reflect/evaporate and deposit elsewhere. Studies using higher Be plasma concentrations (up to 1% ) are underway in PISCES-B. The stability of the beryllide layer during ELM-like transient heat loads will be investigated in PISCES-B 6.2 -- 'PISCES Be/C mixed materials studies'**,** R. Doerner Mixed material investigations of the Be-C system in the PISCES-B facility were described. Be-rich surface layers form on plasma-exposed C samples and lead to co-deposits that are composed almost entirely of Be and D. Although the level of co-deposition of Be and D is on the same order as that expected from co-deposition of C and D, the D retained in Be is released thermally at much lower temperature. When C is included in the co-deposits an amount of the D retained in the co-deposits is trapped much more strongly and cannot be easily removed by baking. 6.4 - 'The IPP dual beam experiment -- first results on simultaneous irradiation of tungsten by deuterium and carbon'**,** K. Krieger Plasma facing surfaces in tokamaks are generally subject to impact of a mixture of fuel ions and impurities. To study the basic processes involved in multi-species bombardment, a dual beam experiment has been commissioned at IPP Garching. First results are presented on erosion rates and fuel retention under simultaneous irradiation of tungsten at room temperature with deuterium and carbon. In contract to results obtained for a 25% fraction of C, irradiation of C with D and a 5% fraction of C yields continuous erosion of W enhanced significantly over pure D bombardment. Carbon is implanted in the surface and evolving to a mixed surface layer with stationary thickness and composition. Although the principal processes have been identified, the new results are a challenge for the existing models. 6.4 'Mixed materials discussion and conclusions'. J. Roth: The following discussion of Mixed Material Session was structured according to the three main expected material interactions and their potential specific problems: **Be-W system**: This system bears the potential for major malfunction. Layers may form with low melting point (\< 1700°C) and may have bad thermal contact to substrate. The process must be discussed under the most likely ITER scenario, i.e. the exposure of W to a Be-seeded plasma, and all processes such as deposition, reflection, re-erosion and evaporation have to be taken into account to assess the failure potential. Disruptions may deposit up to 10 kg of evaporated Be on W divertor structures. Be-W system needs extensive investigation, appears most critical. **Be-C system**: Experiments in PISCES show, that deposited Be reduces the chemical erosion of C. Still, for interpretation of results in JET, the simultaneous Be and C deposition from the D-plasma needs to be investigated. Further needed investigations are: What is influence on T retention? The Be/C mixture exhibits similar D co-deposition at 300 K, but D release occurs at much lower temperatures than for carbon. **W-C system**: W erosion in present devices (ASDEX Upgrade) is enhanced by C impurity ions in the plasma As W is eroded by C ions, the C is removed by D ions leaving the clean W surface exposed. W-carbide formation occurs at temperatures above 700°C and is well understood. Deviations from thermo-dynamical phase diagrams occur due to the highly non-equilibrium conditions. In the discussion it was pointed out that a much larger variety of mixing compositions may occur during the history of different fusion experiments which lead to hardly reversible wall conditions. Much larger varieties of mixing conditions should be studied in ion beam experiments, plasma simulators and fusion experiments, such as JET, ASDEX Upgrade etc. Under clean conditions, still seed impurities for radiation are present and may contribute to material modifications. It was concluded that it seems impossible to cover all possible combinations and simulate identical ITER divertor conditions. This requires that test experiments need to be extensively simulated in computer codes and the conditions be extrapolated using validated data. The main pathway needs to be finally explored in the fusion experiments, while laboratory experiments remain necessary to avoid major pitfalls. **Session 7 : Estimates of the effects of Be operation in ITER. Leader - A. Loarte** This session reviewed the implications of the use of a Be wall in ITER, including the lifetime of the wall, Be migration, implications of the Be-wall for T-retention and removal in ITER and general considerations on the operability of ITER associated with the main chamber being made of Be. 7.1. Introduction. A. Loarte This talk reviewed the physics basis which lead to the decision of a Be wall in ITER and discussed the needs for a re-evaluation of this decision in view of the new findings in tokamaks since 1998. Be was chosen for first wall material in ITER because its low Z compatibility with a wide operating range and low T-retention under the following assumptions: a\) The flux of ions on the wall is determined by diffusive anomalous transport and C--X as modelled by B2-Eirene. The typical ratio of divertor ion flux to main wall ion flux is larger than 100. This is associated with a low Be erosion of the wall during normal operation of the device and small associated T-retention. b\) There are no significant power loads (compared to divertor) on the wall during ELMs, as the distance from the separatrix to the first Be-PFC elements is more than 7 e-folding lengths for the power energy flux during ELMs (no significant broadening of the ELM power flux was assumed). c\) There are only small power loads (compared to divertor) on the wall during disruptions, as the distance from the separatrix to the first Be-PFC elements is more than 2 e-folding lengths for the power energy flux during disruptions (only a factor of 3 broadening of the disruption power flux was assumed). d\) Issues related to material-mixing, its influence on T-retention and cleaning techniques were not considered in detail. 7.2. Be wall erosion in steady-state (Kallenbach, Philipps, Federici, Roth). Estimates of the average Be wall erosion presented were based on physical sputtering of Be by ion impact and C-X neutrals from modelling results with B2-Eirene and various experimental extrapolations with the following results : - B2-Eirene extrapolations. Depending on modelling assumption on the plasma in the far SOL the expected Be erosion is 4.5 10^21^ s^-1^ (Federici) to 8.0 10^21^ s^-1^ (Roth). - Experimental extrapolations range from 2.0 10^21^ s^-1^ (Philipps) to 1.2 10^23^ s^-1^ (Kallenbach) depending on whether the presently measured wall fluxes are assumed to be similar to those in JET in absolute amount or whether an empirical relation which fits the JET and ASDEX Upgrade density and wall fluxes is used. Typical rates taking into account that the main chamber Be will probably form BeO are a factor of 2 lower. The resolution of this issue relies on the experimental scaling of the ion fluxes on the wall and whether there is a favourable or unfavourable size scaling of the anomalous particle flux density or not. If the total flux on the wall in ITER is similar to today's experiment, the expected erosion rate of \~ 40 nm/discharge allows ITER operation with a Be wall for its expected operating life (Federici). On the contrary if the anomalous ion flux density in ITER is similar to today's experiment, Be erosion will be in the range of \~1 μm/discharge and the Be wall lifetime limited to several thousand full performance discharges (Kallenbach). The above values represent average values of Be erosion of main wall components, the local erosion of components which are closer to the plasma such as the upper x-point modules and limiters could be significantly higher than these average values. 7.3. Be wall erosion under transients (Herrmann, Whyte). Estimates of the Be erosion under ELMs based on extrapolations from measurements in ASDEX Upgrade indicate that for ELM loads that do not cause significant target erosion (sublimation of C or melting of W), they will not cause Be melting of main wall elements, even of the upper X-point modules (Herrmann). These estimates are in agreement with estimates done by A. Loarte and presented at the PSI 2004 in Portland. However, significant melting of the Be limiter could occur in these conditions. The situation is much less clear for disruption loads in which significant melting of the Be wall and of the Be limiter may occur even if the energy is spread over a large area of the wall during the thermal quench (Herrmann). This will be indeed the case for mitigated disruption by impurity injection and VDEs (Whyte). Ideal rapid, quasi-uniform radiation flash desired for disruption mitigation can lead to melting of the \~500 m^2^ beryllium wall. Q=10 plasma termination produces a large-area thin melt layer (\~10's microns) that remains molten during thermal quench \~ 0.2 - 2 ms. Because the layers melt simultaneously with the dissipation of the plasma thermal energy, the layer is exposed to a radial inward, mobilizing JxB force resulting from induced toroidal eddy currents caused by the expulsion of the diamagnetic toroidal flux through the highly electrically conducting Be wall. The body acceleration is \~ 100 g and the layer displacement is found to be \> mm with terminal velocity \~ m/s. Surface tension acts as a stabilizing force, but for nominal tile size is insufficient to balance JxB (\~ 1mm surface "dimples" may work). Since little plasma is present to stop the melt layer, it is expected that 10-50 kg of Be will likely "splash" onto other main-wall surfaces and down into the divertor by gravity. Similar quantities of Be loss were found for an unmitigated VDE with thicker melt layers (0.5 mm) spread over a smaller area (\~30 m^2^). The mobilized Be will likely be in the form of droplet due to the surface tension and these will present non-uniform surfaces, both at the location of melting and where it splatters, for heat loading in subsequent discharges. Finally, it was highlighted that concentrated energy deposition from fast particles could be a problem for the Be wall in ITER, but no estimates of these loads in ITER were considered (Herrmann). In view of the results, developing regimes which are acceptable for the divertor lifetime will probably lead to regimes which are acceptable for Be erosion of the main wall with respect to ELMs. The open issues are the ELM loads on the ITER Be limiter and the dynamics of the molten layer during disruption, mitigated disruptions and VDEs. Experiments in simulation facilities and tokamaks are necessary to address the issues besides more refined estimates of the expected erosion. 7.4. Main wall eroded Be migration to the divertor and C/W migration onto the Be wall in ITER (Philipps, Roth, Kukushkin, Coster). Two approaches were presented to do these estimates: a) one based on the experimental evidence, which indicates that most eroded material from the main wall ends up at the inner divertor and that the main wall is a net erosion zone; and b) modelling by B2-Eierene of the erosion deposition balance. In the first estimate the main conclusion is that most of the eroded Be will be transported to the divertor (mostly to the inner one) and will deposit there in areas with direct plasma contact (Philipps, Roth). Following this empirical picture, it is expected that C and/or W escaping the divertor will only be found at the wall transitorily and will finally migrate to the divertor (predominantly the inner) were it will deposit permanently. Some deposition of C and W could be expected in shadowed areas of the main wall but this is not expected to be a major contributor to overall deposition. Modelling with B2-Eirene provides a much more complicated picture for main wall/divertor erosion and material migration following the studies by Kukushkin and Coster. The divertors are found to be deposition zones for the eroded material both from the divertor and the wall, except close to the strike zones where significant carbon erosion can take place. The main wall has areas which can be deposition dominated and erosion dominated. Both modelling studies show material deposition from the divertor (Carbon) on the LFS of the main wall and erosion (of Be) in the HFS. The rate of carbon deposition is obviously affected by the rate of re-erosion of the deposits. If this is large enough, the balance from deposition to erosion and its location can change significantly in the calculations. To clarify which features of this modelling are ITER specific and which ones are associated with inaccuracies in the modelling of SOL flows, which are seen to be present in present experiments, and re-erosion of deposits requires a detailed comparison of similar modelling results for actual experiments. Using markers to determine with high precision the migration of materials in the experiments is highly recommended as it facilitates the interpretation of experiments and validation of models. 7.5. Implications of a Be wall on T retention and removal in ITER (Philipps, Roth, Federici, Counsell). The typical concentration of T in Be is very low, typically in the 1-5 % level, which amounts to a retention in the range of 0.1-0.6 g-T/discharge depending on modelling assumptions (Philipps, Roth). This amount is similar to that expected for carbon chemical erosion if the target is assumed to be covered by Be following ERO modelling and simple estimates (Roth, Counsell). However significant T release is expected if these Be-co deposits are brought up to temperatures higher than 600 K (Federici, Roth). This is likely to be the case at the ITER divertor, as Be deposits only occurs in plasma wetted areas of PFCs (Federici, Roth). If Be is expected to be in the form of BeO and co-deposit at the divertor the retention could be larger. Estimates of the T retention on BeO based on the incoming of oxygen due to the reference leak rate of the ITER vessel or by purity of the initial material show that the amount of T retained is similar or smaller than that associated with pure Be for ITER operation excluding transients (Counsell). It is expected that the T retained in the Be deposits will be easily removed by energy deposition of the plasma itself which keeps the divertor surface temperature high. If this is not the case, the present foreseen techniques for T removal from C, such as photonic cleaning or oxidation will be difficult to apply, if not impossible. In summary, for Be erosion rates which are acceptable with the lifetime of the Be wall the amount of T retained in ITER will be in the 0.1-0.6 g-T/discharge at most. The deposits will be localised in areas where plasma exposure should be effective to remove the deposited T. Oxygen and C content in the layers makes the retention larger but still acceptable by control of the divertor target temperature by plasma exposure within standard ranges of ITER operation. Despite this positive picture, it is important to highlight that none of the foreseen schemes to remove T from hydrocarbon deposits seem applicable for Be and some T-removal technique from Be deposits should be developed in case it is necessary. Detailed analysis of Be-containing samples exposed to plasmas in tokamaks or divertor simulators and dedicated experiments to remove the retained fuel from such samples are required to progress further in this area. 7.6. Operability of ITER with a Be main wall/limiter including effect of PFCs damage due to transients (Kallenbach, Counsell, Loarte, Federici, Whyte). The major issues in this area refer to the damage of the Be wall and the effect of a damaged wall on ITER operations. Main Be wall erosion between ELMs, although potentially a lifetime issue for the wall does not seem to be a potential threat to the purity of ITER plasmas (Counsell, Kallenbach). Damage by ELMs is likely to cause irregularities on Be-wall components in the range of 10-100 μm which do not appear to pose a danger for the integrity of the components (Counsell, Loarte, Federici). These irregularities could, however, compromise the power handling capabilities of the Be-PFCs, in particular of the limiter, which is required to have a good power handling and will be exposed to direct plasma contact during the ramp up and ramp down phases of the discharge (Counsell, Federici). The expected effect of such occasional Be melting of the first wall on ITER plasmas is the occurrence of transient increases of the Be impurity concentration and decrease of the fusion performance. Causing a radiative collapse of an ITER plasma by Be influx requires about a 200 g influx of Be (Loarte). Depending on the frequency of such influxes and the amount of Be that gets into the plasma, the real consequences for the fusion performance of ITER are obviously different. Disruptions (even if mitigated) and VDEs, on the contrary, have the potential to cause serious damage to the Be wall (Counsell, Whyte, Federici) and can cause several kgs of Be to be eroded from the wall after every one of these events. In order to progress further in this field and provide better estimates for ITER it is, therefore, necessary to: a) collect experimental evidence of plasma response to well know amounts of low Z solid impurity influxes (to determine plasma resilience to the ELM Be-influxes in ITER, b) carry out modelling and experiments of the Be-melt layer dynamics under ELM and disruption loads and c) develop scenarios to ameliorate the effects of disruptions and VDEs on the Be wall. 7.7. Status of the JET ITER-like wall project. V. Philipps. Be blanks for the main wall, Be cladding, and new CFC tiles to be coated with W for the ITER-like wall project have been tendered. The total amount of Be tiles in the main chamber will be somewhat reduced due to budget problems with ordering of the Be blanks. The possible use of Be plasma-sprayed Inconel tiles between the inner wall guard limiters will be decided soon. With respect to W coating of the CFC divertor tiles, prototype coatings with 5 and 10μm and "thick" (\>200μm) W-layers on JET Dunlop CFC are underway, to be tested in the fall under high heat load conditions. A bulk W-tile is under construction for the horizontal divertor tile (number 5, LBSRP tile). The project also includes upgrades of diagnostics (spectroscopy, IR and deposition probes). **Session 8: 'The ITER dome'** 8.1 - 'Original strategy for the dome and its physical functions', M. Shimada The present strategy of the dome is to investigate the physical functions of the dome and pros and cons of its removal and to investigate the consequences of possible dome removal on diagnostics and other in-vessel components. Originally the dome was intended to reduce the neutral backflow from the divertor to the main plasma to facilitate the partial detachment for the enhancement of radiative cooling and particle exhaust and to protect the liner and the pumping slot from the plasma. However, much deposition of tritium, carbon and dust is expected at the backside of the dome and the liner, where measurement and removal are difficult. Furthermore, experimental and modeling studies suggest that the shielding effect including the neutral-neutral collisions could reduce the neutral backflow. Therefore a proposal of removing the dome has been made to possibly facilitate the measurement and removal of tritium, carbon and dust. For the improved argument of the benefit of the dome removal, it is necessary to estimate the deposition rate on the backside of the dome with consideration of the effect of parasitic plasma and to estimate the deposition rate of dust below the pumping slot. 8.3 - 'ITER calculations of divertor performance with & without the dome', A. Kukushkin In order to study the effect that the dome removal would have on the plasma performance in ITER, a number of modeling runs was done with the B2-Eirene code including the recent upgrade of the neutral particle transport model (neutral-neutral collisions, improved molecular reactions, Lyman radiation transport). The results indicate that the most significant effect would be an increase of the required pumping speed at the pump duct entrance by a factor 3, needed to compensate for the enhanced neutral particle absorption by the plasma. Other aspects of the dome removal, such as placing the divertor diagnostics, reduction of neutron shielding, design of the pumping slots, and so on, must still be thoroughly considered before the removal of the dome could be recommended for the ITER design. 8.4 - 'Interpretive analysis of the C-Mod divertor for partially detached plasmas: possible implications for the ITER dome', Lisgo Tangential camera images in D~γ~ light have shown significant emission from the C-Mod private flux region (PFR) for plasmas that are weakly attached in the outer SOL (the inner SOL is almost always partially detached), with the emitting region extending from the separatrix to near the divertor floor. The transport processes generating this extended plasma structure in the PFR are poorly understood, and may result from the collisional nature of the C-Mod divertor. OSM-EIRENE modeling suggests that the divertor neutral pressure is primarily controlled by the PFR plasma in this instance, a result to consider when discussing the physics implications of including a dome in the ITER PFR (since the collisionality of the ITER divertor is also expected to be high). The C-Mod study indicates that the neutral processes included in the EIRENE neutral code are sufficient for first order estimates of divertor neutral pressures in ITER, provided that a reasonably accurate description of the ITER divertor plasma is available. 8.5 - 'Summaries of talks on the ITER dome', D. Whyte Consideration is being given to removing the dome from the ITER divertor design. This is motivated by the desire to inhibit possible tritium codeposition and dust accumulation underneath the dome, and to ease geometric access to the divertor for tritium removal by optical cleaning techniques. Originally the dome was primarily intended to reduce the neutral backflow from the divertor to the main plasma, to facilitate partial detachment, and to enhance particle exhaust. However both experimental data (e.g. septum removal in JET) and the recent improvement of neutral-neutral collisions in the B2-EIRENE modeling appears to have removed these motivations. No significant change was found in divertor parameters (peak heat load, radiative cooling) or upstream plasma (density limit, impurity content) as a function of the absence or presence of dome. The most significant effect would be an increase of the pumping speed at the pump duct entrance by a factor 3, needed to compensate for the enhanced neutral particle absorption by the plasma. This pumping speed appears to be within the present capability in ITER. The issue of increasing neutral leakage out of the divertor by removing the dome was raised. It was pointed out that modeled neutral leakage from the private-flux region (PFR) was very small, due to the much larger ratio of size to neutral mean free path in ITER as compared to present devices. Interpretative modeling of the C-Mod divertor, which most closely approaches ITER divertor collisionality, showed that the inclusion of neutral-neutral collisions was required to reproduce the measured baffle pressure, generally validating the new B2-EIRENE results for ITER. An additional insight from the C-Mod modeling was that the presence of dense cold plasma in the PFR plasma largely determined the baffle neutral pressure. Since the reasons for this PFR plasma are poorly understood this raises questions about the implication of a dome in the PFR of ITER. Another important purpose of the dome, which evolved from its long-term presence in the ITER design, is the protection of components associated with pumping (liner, pump slot) and optical components of divertor diagnostics. The most worrying implications of dome removal appear to be divertor diagnostic losses: IR thermography of the target plates, spatially resolved visible impurity spectroscopy, and the laser system for measuring divertor plate erosion are all lost. The absence of these diagnostics, particularly the IR required to measured target plate temperature, could have a strong impact on divertor operation. A full evaluation of the impact on diagnostics, including determining the consequences to the machine operation and physics studies arising from the reduced measurement capability, should be completed before a decision to remove the dome is taken. Furthermore, no detailed engineering design is yet available as to what would replace the dome structure in ITER. For instance, the detailed technical aspects of protecting the pumping slots, liner and lower floor from plasma and neutrons were not yet available. Such a design is required for a realistic assessment of the diagnostic implications, as well as the implications for tritium removal,. A further concern raised during the session was the level of certainty about the presence of tritium codeposits and dust under the dome in ITER. It was pointed out that present tokamak experience can be misleading. Due to the fact that neutrals are in the fluid regime in the ITER divertor, line-of-sight carbon deposition, which seems to dominate deposition in present devices, will not occur in ITER. Dust formation and transport is even less certain. It was also unclear if the simple removal of the dome would ameliorate tritium retention or recovery, since the exposed pump liner may serve the same purpose of trapping and hiding tritium and dust. Again a more detailed alternative divertor design seems required. Conclusions No consensus was reached on the balance of benefits vs. losses with regard to the dome removal. While tritium and dust recovery are clearly important issues to the operational viability of ITER, it remains unclear if there is yet enough evidence to remove the dome based on present data or modeling. The dome removal clearly has important consequences to divertor diagnosis, so this must be balanced against the tritium inventory considerations. Suggestions for further work on this topic include: - Further studies on the origin and effect of the PFR plasma. - Initiating an engineering design as to what would replace the dome structure in ITER considering protection of the vessel and pumping slots. - Assessment of the neutron shielding issues with the dome removal. - A full evaluation of the impact on diagnostics, including determining the consequences to the machine operation and physics studies arising from the reduced measurement capability. - The effect of ITER neutral collisionality on carbon atom and molecule deposition patterns with and without the dome (likely coupled to PRF plasma studies). - Empirical assessments on carbon/deuterium/dust accumulation behind "dome-like" structures in present devices. # Appendix A - Agenda **1^st^ Day: July 4^th^ (Mon.)** ![](media/image1.pct){width="6.295833333333333in" height="3.8131944444444446in"} **2nd Day: July 5^th^ (Thu.)** ![](media/image2.pct){width="5.7444444444444445in" height="3.9159722222222224in"} **3rd Day: July 6^th^ (Wed.)** ![](media/image3.pct){width="6.461805555555555in" height="4.41875in"} **4th Day: July 7^th^ (Thu.)** ![](media/image4.pct){width="5.103472222222222in" height="1.2493055555555554in"} ## **Appendix B - Meeting attendees** ## Total 45 : EU(18)+JP (6)+US(11)+CN(2)+RF(2)+ITER(6) > **Attendee Institute e-mail** > > ***EU(18):*** > > C. Hidalgo (CIEMAT) [email protected] > > F. Tabares (CIEMAT) [email protected] > > V. Philipps (FZJ) [email protected] > > A. Kreter (FZJ) [email protected] > > O. Ogorodnikova (FZJ) [email protected] > > K. Krieger (IPP-Garching) [email protected] > > V. Rohde (IPP-Garching) [email protected] > > A. Kallenbach (IPP-Garching) [email protected] > > J. Roth (IPP-Garching) [email protected] > > A. Herrmann (IPP-Garching) [email protected] > > D. Coster (IPP-Garching) [email protected] > > C. Grisolia (CEA) [email protected] > > E. Tsitrone (CEA) [email protected] > > X. Bonnin (CEA) [email protected] > > G. Counsell (UKAEA) [email protected] > > R. Pitts (CRPP) [email protected] > > A. Kleyn (FOM) [email protected] > > A. Loarte (EFDA-Garching) [email protected] > > ***JP (6):*** > > Nobuyuki Asakura (JAERI) [email protected] > > Naoko Ashikawa (NIFS) [email protected] > > Tomohide Nakano (JAERI) [email protected] > > Noriyasu Ohno (Nagoya Univ.) [email protected] > > Seio Sengoku (JAERI) <[email protected]> > > Yoshio Ueda (Osaka Univ.) <[email protected]> > > ***US(11):*** > > Bruce Lipschultz (MIT) [email protected] > > Peter Stangeby (Univ. Toronto/GA) [email protected] > > Sergei Krashnenikov (UCSD) [email protected] > > Dennis Whyte, (Univ. Wisconsin) [email protected] > > Max Festenmacher (GA) [email protected] > > George Tynan (UCSD) [email protected] > > Russ Doerner (UCSD) [email protected] > > Steve Lisgo (Univ. Toronto) [email protected] > > Rajesh Maingi (PPPL) [email protected] > > Mathias Groth (GA) <[email protected]> > > Vlad Soukhanovskii (LLNL) <[email protected]> > > ***CN (2):*** > > Yu Yang (IPP) <[email protected]> > > Jiansheng Hu (IPP) <[email protected]> > > ***RF(2)*** > > Valery Kurnaev (MEPhI, State Univ.) [email protected] > > Gennady Kirnev (Kurchatov Inst.) [email protected] > > ***ITER IT (6):*** > > Gianfranco Federici (ITER IT) [email protected] > > Kukushkin Andrei (ITER IT) <[email protected]> > > Michiya Shimada (ITER IT) [email protected] > > Kiyoshi Itami (ITER IT) <[email protected]> > > Alan Costley (ITER IT) [email protected] > > Horst D. Pacher (ITER IT/INRS-EMT) [email protected]
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![](media/image1.png){width="3.0in" height="1.0in"} **Energy and Natural Resources Committee** **United States Senate** **Hearing on\ ** **Oversight on the Energy Market Effects of the** **Renewable Fuel Standard** **Testimony of** **Bob Dinneen** **President & CEO, Renewable Fuels Association** # February 7, 2008 Good morning, Chairman Bingaman, Ranking Member Domenici, and Members of the Committee. My name is Bob Dinneen and I am president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, the national trade association representing the U.S. ethanol industry. I am pleased to be here this morning to discuss the positive impacts ethanol and other renewable fuels are having on our economy and environment, and the tremendous role the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 ("2007 Energy Act") will have in moving renewable fuels forward. Due to the visionary and invaluable work of this Committee, the 2007 Energy Act represents a remarkable revolution in energy policy in this country.  By coupling increases in vehicle efficiency and renewable fuel use, America is taking the most immediate steps available that will have the greatest impact in securing a more sustainable energy future. The 2007 Energy Act clearly sets forth a path toward greater energy security and environmental sustainability. **Background** Today's ethanol industry consists of 137 ethanol plants nationwide that have the capacity to turn more than 2 billion bushels of grain into 7.6 billion gallons of high octane, clean burning motor fuel, and more than 14 million metric tons of livestock and poultry feed. There are currently 62 ethanol plants under construction and 8 plants undergoing expansions. It is a dynamic and growing industry that is revitalizing rural America, reducing emissions in our nation's cities, and lowering our dependence on imported petroleum. America's domestic ethanol producers are providing significant economic, environmental and energy security benefits [today]{.underline}. In an overall environment of slowing economic growth, the U.S. ethanol industry stands out in sharp contrast. According to a report set to be released in late February from economist John Urbanchuk of LECG, LLC, the American ethanol industry is a job creating engine. The increase in economic activity resulting from ongoing production and construction of new ethanol capacity supported the creation of 238,541 jobs in all sectors of the economy during 2007. These include more than 46,000 additional jobs in America's manufacturing sector \-- American jobs making ethanol from grain produced by American farmers. Ethanol is also helping to stem the tide of global warming, today. The use of low carbon fuels like ethanol is reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the more than 200 million cars on American roads. The 9 billion gallons of ethanol we will produce in 2008 will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 14 million tons, or the equivalent of taking 2.5 million vehicles off the road.[^1] These benefits will only increase as new technologies, new feedstocks and new markets for renewable fuels are created. **2007 Energy Act -- Energy Security Through Increased Production of Biofuels** The 2007 Energy Act provides meaningful incentives for investment in the production and infrastructure for biofuels in the U.S. Expansion of the domestic biofuels industry will provide significant economic benefits in terms of a larger and more robust economy, increased income, new job creation in all sectors of the economy, and enhanced tax revenues at both the Federal and State levels. Increased biofuels production and use stimulated by the expanded RFS will also enhance America's energy security by displacing imported crude oil. Specifically, expansion of the U.S. biofuels industry will[^2]: - Add more than \$1.7 trillion (2007 dollars) to the gross domestic product between 2008 and 2022; - Generate an additional \$436 billion (2007 dollars) of household income for all Americans between 2008 and 2022; - Support the creation of as many as 1.1 million new jobs in all sectors of the economy by 2002; - Generate \$209 billion (2007 dollars) in new Federal tax receipts; and, - Improve America's energy security by displacing 11.3 billion barrels of crude oil between 2008 and 2022 and reduce the outflow of dollars to foreign oil producers by \$817 billion (2007 dollars) between 2008 and 2022. Finally, the 2007 Energy Act will greatly enhance the climate change benefits attributable to today's renewable fuels industry by encouraging more sustainable technologies and reducing the carbon footprint of future energy production. An analysis conducted for the RFA using the U.S. Department of Energy's existing GREET model shows that increasing the use of ethanol and other renewable fuels to 36 billion gallons annually by 2022 could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by some 176 million metric tons, equal to removing the annual emissions of more than 27 million cars from the road.[^3]  **The 2007 Energy Act Stimulates Cellulosic Ethanol Production** By expanding the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), requiring 36 billion gallons of renewable fuel be used annually by 2022, and specifically that 21 billion gallons of that goal must come from advanced biofuels, history will look back upon the enactment of the 2007 Energy Act as the moment America chose a new energy policy path. And by requiring that nearly 60 percent of the new RFS be met by advanced biofuels, including cellulosic ethanol, Congress has provided the necessary assurance for ethanol producers and investors that a market for their product will exist. As a result, the commercialization of these important next generation ethanol technologies will develop far sooner than conventional wisdom suggests. For example, last November, Range Fuels, Inc. broke ground on a commercial cellulosic ethanol plant located in Treutlen County, Georgia. The facility will use wood and wood waste from Georgia's pine forests and mills as its feedstock. Verenium is operating a cellulosic ethanol pilot plant and research and development facility in Jennings, Louisiana, and expects to complete a demonstration-scale facility using plant matter and farm scraps like sugarcane bagasse and wood chips as feedstock to produce cellulosic ethanol in 2008 at the same site. Abengoa Bioenergy operates a cellulosic biomass-to-ethanol pilot plant in York, Nebraska that will research and test proprietary technology for use in commercial-scale conversion of biomass into ethanol. POET Energy with expand an existing corn-based ethanol facility in Emmetsburg, Iowa into a bio-refinery that will include production of cellulosic ethanol from corn cobs and stover. And [Iogen]( plans to build a cellulosic ethanol facility utilizing wheat and barley straw in Shelley, Idaho. A recent report by the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Manufacturing and Services, *Energy in 2020: Assessing the Economic Effects of Commercialization of Cellulosic Ethanol,* noted the commercial viability of cellulosic ethanol will strengthen the competitiveness of many domestic industries and have a positive effect on the U.S. economy. In fact, the report found that annual benefits for American consumers would total \$12.6 billion if cellulosic ethanol production increased; U.S. crude oil imports would fall 4.1 percent if 20 billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol were produced in 2020, which is approximately 40 percent of current crude oil imports from Venezuela; and, the global price of oil and the domestic U.S. fuel price would be 1.2 percent and 2.0 percent, respectively, lower than projected. In addition to the RFS, many of the other biofuels programs authorized by the 2007 Energy Act make the expanded RFS absolutely achievable. The 2007 Energy Act moves ethanol and renewable fuels beyond being just a blending component in gasoline, and guarantees that sufficient volumes of ethanol will be available to support the meaningful expansion of E-85 and flexible fuel vehicle technology. **The 2007 Energy Act Encourages Greater Investment in Renewable Fuel Infrastructure** As the demand for fuel ethanol grows, the infrastructure available to transport, store and blend ethanol into gasoline has expanded as well. The U.S. ethanol industry has been working to expand a "Virtual Pipeline" through aggressive use of the rail system, barge and truck traffic. As a result, we can move product quickly to those areas where it is needed. Many ethanol plants have the capability to load unit trains of ethanol for shipment to ethanol terminals in key markets. Unit trains are quickly becoming the norm, not the exception, which was not the case just a few years ago. Railroad companies are working with our industry to develop infrastructure to meet future demand for ethanol. We are also working closely with terminal operators and refiners to identify ethanol storage facilities and install blending equipment. We will continue to grow the necessary infrastructure to make sure that in any market we need to ship ethanol there is rail access at gasoline terminals, and that those terminals are able to take unit trains. A new ethanol trading and distribution center recently opened in Manley, Iowa, for example, that will help the industry distribute ethanol more efficiently. There will be more than 75 ethanol plants within 275 miles of the Manley terminal in operation by the end of 2009 -- representing approximately 5.1 billion gallons. The Manley Terminal LLC will have storage capacity for 20 million gallons of renewable fuels. The facility will improve the efficiency of ethanol distribution by consolidating shipment in larger 70 to 95-car unit trains, and by improving utilization of ethanol suppliers' tank cars. Today, there is limited shipment of ethanol via pipeline. However, several major pipeline owners are considering various ethanol pipeline shipment scenarios. And the U.S. Department of Transportation has initiated a project to work with the industry to overcome barriers to pipeline shipments. Looking to the future, completion of a study on the feasibility of transporting ethanol by dedicated pipeline, as was included in the 2007 Energy Act, from the Midwest to the East and West coasts will be critical. **Technical Corrections\ **\ As with any new law, there will be technical corrections and other adjustments necessary to allow renewable energy markets to function as intended under the 2007 Energy Act. The RFA respectfully offers for your consideration the following modifications to provisions in the 2007 Energy Act that will allow the markets to work as effectively as possible. - The 2007 Energy Act provides for public notice and comment in other determinations by the Administrator regarding lifecycle greenhouse gas emission, except for those provided in the definitions for "cellulosic biofuel" and "lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions." Notice and comment should be required for all lifecycle emissions determinations. - The 2007 Energy Act excludes the possibility for plants using corn starch, which is defined as "conventional biofuel," to qualify as "advanced biofuel." Advanced biofuels must meet a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. However, one pathway for the use of cellulosic feedstocks is for corn stover and other cellulosic material to be co-processed with corn starch. The existing provision could be interpreted as precluding the ethanol produced from such a facility from being considered advanced biofuel. Moreover, with new more sustainable technologies, it is quite possible that corn-derived ethanol may one day meet the 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions benchmark of advanced biofuels. Corn starch ethanol plants should be incentivized to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and reaching the targets established for other processes should be rewarded. One option is to delete the term "conventional biofuel" and the exceptions for corn ethanol from the definition of advanced biofuels. Given the strict requirements in the 2007 Energy Act, there is no reason to preclude any facilities from the benefits otherwise provided for achieving a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - To address potential supply issues of cellulosic and biomass-based diesel to meet the required volumes, the 2007 Energy Act includes specific waivers of their required volumes. However, the 2007 Energy Act also states that the Administrator may reduce the overall renewable fuel and advanced biofuel volume requirements, potentially solely in light of the reductions of these particular biofuels. These provisions arguably conflict with the criteria for such waivers under Section 211(o)(7)(A) and appear to be without regard to whether other renewable fuel or advanced biofuels are available to make up the difference. Under these provisions as written, interested parties may also lose the ability to participate in the process. There is no policy reason to allow for reductions of the overall advanced biofuel or renewable fuel requirements if there is more than adequate supply of other renewable fuels or advanced biofuels. > Any reductions of the advanced biofuel and renewable fuel requirements > should be limited to the criteria under Section 211(o)(7)(A) and any > amounts of cellulosic biofuel or biomass-based diesel that are waived > should be made up with other advanced biofuels or renewable fuels. In > other words, any necessary waivers of cellulosic biofuel or > biomass-based diesel should not reduce the required volumes for > advanced biofuel or renewable fuel if other biofuels can make up the > difference. This preserves the incentives for cellulosic biofuels, but > accounts for the potential that the industry cannot keep pace, while > preserving the overall goal of the 2007 Energy Act to require a > specific amount of renewable fuel be sold each year to reduce > greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on foreign oil. - In recognition of the need and importance of E-85, the 2007 Energy Act included an expansion of the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act ("PMPA") to ensure that E-85 infrastructure could be installed at stations run by franchisees, if they chose to. Specifically, the amendment prohibits restrictions by franchisors on franchisees or any affiliate of the franchisee related to the installation of renewable fuel infrastructure and advertising and sale of such renewable fuel. However, renewable fuel is defined in the amendment to the PMPA to include only E-85 and certain biodiesels. Thus, the 2007 Energy Act's amendments to the PMPA do not address mid-level blends of ethanol. > In addition to E-85, fuels with lower ethanol content, such as E-15 or > E-20, may play an important and key role in meeting the new renewable > fuel standard requirements. As such, this amendment should be expanded > to include all fuels that utilize renewable fuels in any form. **Conclusion** The enactment of the 2007 Energy Act is a testament to what we can do when we work together toward a shared vision of the future. By increasingly relying on domestically produced renewable fuels, including next generation technologies such as cellulosic ethanol, we can begin the hard work necessary to mitigate the impact of global climate change, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and leave a more stable and sustainable future for generations that follow. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will continue to have an invaluable role to play in making sure our nation successfully increases the use of domestic, renewable energy sources. Without question, more work will be needed and the U.S. ethanol industry stands ready to work with you to assure the journey you embarked upon with passage of the 2007 Energy bill is realized. Thank you. [^1]: Air Improvement Resources, Inc., February 2008. [^2]: *Economic Impact of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007*, Renewable Fuel Standard, by John M. Urbanchuk, Director, LECG LLC (January 2008). [^3]: Air Improvement Resources, Inc., February, 2008.
![](media/image1.png){width="1.5555555555555556in" height="1.0694444444444444in"}For more information contact: **E. J. Stapler 706-546-2165 (during duty hours)** **706-549-4194 (after hours)** Rural Development [News Release]{.underline} **[Rural Development drops fees for guaranteed program]{.underline}** USDA-Rural Development is dropping both the finance and refinance transaction fees for the guaranteed rural housing program until further notice. The purchase loan fee has been lowered from 2 to 1.5 percent, and the refinance fee has dropped from 2 to .5 percent. \"This is very good news for our existing guaranteed borrowers and potential new homeowners,\" said Joe Walden, program director of the USDA-Rural Development housing program in Georgia. \"In fact, some of our direct home borrowers may be ready to take advantage of this program, as well.\" Over 6,300 Georgians have taken advantage of USDA-Rural Development\'s guaranteed housing program since it\'s inception 11 years ago. Under the guaranteed program, moderate income families can save Private Mortgage Insurance (P.M.I.) because Rural Development can guarantee up to 90% of the loan. P.M.I. is normally required by lenders to protect them and homebuyers generally pay 2 percent of the cost of the house spread over monthly payments. The fee under the Rural Development program is a one-time fee and can be rolled into the home loan. The guaranteed home loan program has many advantages, including: no loan limit; no downpayment required; no up front closing costs; and no minimum credit score required for creditworthiness. Families must not exceed the income limits for their counties. A list can be found at: *[]{.underline}* Anyone interested in learning more about USDA - Rural Development housing programs can call 706-546-2169 for more information. Georgia does not yet have Fiscal Year 2003 funds, but is expecting the release of those funds from the Office of Management and Budget (O.M.B.) very soon. \# \# \#
![](media/image1.png) > **Importation of Red Dragon Fruit (Red Pitaya)\ > (*Hylocereus* spp.\*) from Vietnam** **A Pathway-Initiated Risk Assessment** **May 2008** **Rev. 3** Agency Contact: United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine Center for Plant Health Science and Technology Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27606 **\* Executive Summary** This document assesses the risks associated with the movement of fresh red dragon fruit (red pitaya) (*Hylocereus* spp.) into the continental United States. Because of red dragon fruit's morphological similarities to and ability to hybridize with other *Hylocereus* species and Cactus genera (Morton, 1987; Rav*eh et a*l., 1993; Tel-S*ur et a*l., 2001), the commodity intended for export has unsettled botanical nomenclature (Jacobs, 1999; Rav*eh et a*l., 1993; Soloman, 2006). There are numerous synonyms and frequent misidentifications surrounding the commodity (ARS, 2006; Jacobs, 1999; Morton, 1987; USDA, 2003); therefore, for the purposes of this assessment the commodity referred to as "red pitaya" or "red dragon fruit" may also include fruit of the following species of cacti: *Acanthocereus occidentalis*, *A. tetragonus* (=*A. colombianus*, *A. floridanus*, *A. pentagonus*, *A. pitajaya*, *Cactus pentagonus*, *C. pitajaya*, *C. tetrgonus*, *Cereus pentagonus, C. pitajaya*), *Cereus hildmannianus* (=*Cactus peruvianus*, *Cereus uruguayanus*), *Echinocereus conglomeratus* (=*C. conglomeratus*), *E. stramineus* (=*C. stramineus*, *E. enneacanthus* var. *stramineus*), *Escontria chiotilla* (=*C. chiotilla*), *Hylocereus costaricensis* (=*C. trigonus* var. *costaricensis*), *H. ocamponis* (=*C. ocamponsi*), *H. polyrhizus* (=*C. polyrhizus*, *H. lemairei*), *H. undatus* (=*Cactus triangularis, Cereus triangularis, C. tricostatus, C. trigonus* var. *guatemalensis*, *C. undatus, H. guatemalensis*, *H. tricostatus*), *Myrtillocactus geometrizans* (=*C. geometrizans*), *Stenocereus griseus* (=*C. griseus*), *S. gummosus* (=*C. gummosus*), *S. queretaroensis* (*C. queretaroensis*), *S. stellatus* (=*C. stellatus*), and *S. thurberi*, (=*C. thurberi*, *Lemairocereus thurberi, Marshallocereus thurberi*, and *Pachycereus thurberi*) (ARS, 2006; Jacobs, 1999; Morton, 1987; Soloman, 2006; USDA, 2003). This is a qualitative risk assessment, as estimates of risk are expressed in qualitative terms (high, medium, low) rather than in numerical terms such as probabilities or frequencies. The details of the methodology and rating criteria used to analyze these pests are in *Guidelines for Pathway-Initiated Pest Risk Assessment, Version 5.02* (USDA, 2000). A list of pests reported in Vietnam and reported as attacking red dragon fruit was developed based on the scientific literature, previous Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) commodity risk assessments, and information provided by the Vietnamese government. Based on this list, quarantine pests likely to follow the pathway were further analyzed. A pathway is any means that allows the entry and spread of a pest. Quarantine pests likely to follow the pathway and selected for further analysis include the following arthropods: > *Bactrocera correcta* (Bezzi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) *Bactrocera cucurbitae* Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae) > *Bactrocera dorsalis* (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) > > *Dysmicoccus* *neobrevipes* (Beardsley) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) > > *Planococcus lilacinus* (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) > > *Planococcus minor (*Maskell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Quarantine pests likely to follow the pathway pose phytosanitary risks to U.S. agriculture; therefore, these pests were further analyzed based on international principles and internal guidelines as described in *Guidelines for Pathway-Initiated Pest Risk Assessments, Version 5.02* (USDA, 2000). This document examines the biology of each pest to determine the consequences if the pest is introduced into the United States, as well as the likelihood that the pest would be introduced via red dragon fruit from Vietnam. A Pest Risk Potential was then determined for each pest. The Pest Risk Potential was estimated to be High for *Bactrocera correcta, Bactrocera cucurbitae* and *B. dorsalis* and Medium for all the other pests. Specific phytosanitary measures beyond port-of-entry inspection may be necessary for pests with a Pest Risk Potential of Medium. On the other hand, specific phytosanitary measures are strongly recommended for pests rated High, as port-of-entry inspection is not considered sufficient to provide phytosanitary security. Risk mitigation options for the quarantine pests of concern are provided in Appendix 2. The choice of appropriate measures to mitigate risks is part of Risk Management within APHIS and is not addressed within this document. **Table of Contents** [I. Introduction 1](#i.-introduction) [II. Risk Assessment 1](#ii.-risk-assessment) [2.1 Initiating Event: Proposed Action 1](#initiating-event-proposed-action) [2.2 Assessment of Weediness Potential of Red dragon fruit 1](#assessment-of-weediness-potential-of-red-dragon-fruit) [2.3 Previous Risk Assessments, Decision History, and Pest Interceptions 2](#previous-risk-assessments-decision-history-and-pest-interceptions) [2.4 Pest Categorization 3](#pest-categorization) [2.5 Analysis of Quarantine Pests Likely to Follow the Pathway 13](#analysis-of-quarantine-pests-likely-to-follow-the-pathway) [2.6 Conclusion 28](#conclusion) [III. Authors and Reviewer 29](#iii.-authors-and-reviewer) [IV. Literature Cited 29](#iv.-literature-cited) [Appendix 1. Interceptions on Dragon Fruit/Pitaya (*Hylocereus* spp.) 36](#appendix-1.-interceptions-on-dragon-fruitpitaya-hylocereus-spp.) [Appendix 2. Risk Mitigation Options for the Importation of Red dragon fruit/Pitaya (*Hylocereus* spp.) from Vietnam. 44](#appendix-2.-risk-mitigation-options-for-the-importation-of-red-dragon-fruitpitaya-hylocereus-spp.-from-vietnam.) [I. Introduction 44](#i.-introduction-1) [II. Risk Mitigation Options 45](#ii.-risk-mitigation-options) [III. Conclusions 49](#iii.-conclusions) # I. Introduction This risk assessment was prepared by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This risk assessment is qualitative, with risk expressed in terms of high, medium or low rather than probabilities or frequencies. The details of the methodology and rating criteria can be found in the *Pathway-Initiated Pest Risk Assessments: Guidelines for Qualitative Assessments, Version 5.02* (USDA, 2000). Regional and international plant protection organizations such as the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) provide standards for conducting pest risk analyses (IPPC, 2004; NAPPO, 2004). The methods used to initiate, conduct, and report this assessment, as well as the use of biological and phytosanitary terms, are based on these standards. The IPPC standards describe three stages of pest risk analysis: Stage 1, Initiation; Stage 2, Risk Assessment; and Stage 3, Risk Management. This document satisfies the requirements of IPPC Stages 1 and 2. # II. Risk Assessment ## 2.1 Initiating Event: Proposed Action This commodity‑based, pathway‑initiated assessment was written in response to a request for USDA authorization to allow imports of a particular commodity presenting a potential plant pest risk. In this case, importing red dragon fruit, or red pitaya (*Hylocereus* spp.), from Vietnam into the United States presents a potential pathway for the introduction of exotic plant pests. Title 7, Part 319, Section 56 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR §319.56) provides regulatory authority for the importation of fruits and vegetables from foreign sources into the United States. ## 2.2 Assessment of Weediness Potential of Red dragon fruit Assessing the weediness potential of red dragon fruit is important to the initiation phase of the assessment process because if the commodity poses a risk as a weed, then a "pest‑initiated" pest risk assessment may be initiated, while if it passes the weediness screening, the pathway‑initiated pest risk assessment continues. The cacti that produce red dragon fruit risk becoming weeds if abandoned[^1]; however, APHIS believes the risk of weediness associated with the consumption of red dragon fruit is Low. Therefore, the results of the weediness screening for red dragon fruit (Table 1) did not prompt a pest‑initiated risk assessment. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Table 1.** Assessment of the weediness potential of red dragon | | fruit. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Commodity:** Fruit from *Hylocereus* spp. (Cactaceae) | | | | **Phase 1:** The following species of *Hylocereus* produce red dragon | | fruit: *H. costaricensis* (synonym = *Cereus trigonus* var. | | *costaricensis*), *H. ocamponis* (= *C.* *ocamponis*), *H. | | polyrhizus* (= *C. polyrhizus* and *H. lemairei*), and *H. undatus* | | (Haw) Britton & Rose (= *C. triangularis, C. tricostatus, C. | | trigonus* var. *guatemalensis*, *C. undatus*, *H. guatemalensis*, | | *Cactus* *triangularis*, and *H. tricostatus*). The members of this | | genus are not native to the United States, but *H. undatus* was | | introduced as a cultivated ornamental (Soloman, 2006). Native | | populations of other genera are distributed within the United States | | (*Acanthocereus tetragonus*, *Stenocereus thurberi*); and *Cereus | | hildmannianus* (= *Cactus peruvianus, = C. uruguayanus*) is on the | | Hawaiian Noxious Weed and Seed list (ARS, 2006). | | | | **Phase 2:** Is the species listed in: | | | | [No]{.underline} *Geographical Atlas of World Weeds* (Ho*lm et a*l., | | 1979) | | | | [No]{.underline} *World's Worst Weeds* (Ho*lm et a*l., 1997; Ho*lm et | | a*l., 1977) | | | | [No]{.underline} Report of the Technical Committee to Evaluate | | Noxious Weeds for Federal Noxious Weed Act (Gunn and Ritchie, 1982) | | | | [No]{.underline} Economically Important Foreign Weeds (Reed, 1977) | | | | [No]{.underline} Weed Science Society of America list (WSSA, 1989) | | | | [Yes]{.underline} Are there any references indicating weediness? | | *e.g.,* AGRICOLA, CAB, Biological Abstracts, AGRIS; search on | | "species name" combined with "weed." | | | | **Phase 3:** Some members of the red dragon fruit genera are listed | | and known to be weeds, including *H. undatus*. Populations of this | | plant became weedy in Florida until it was eradicated (Burks, 2001). | | Discarded fruits are not known to cause problems as weeds, but | | abandoned plants can naturalize in suitable environments. There is | | evidence that seeds can pass through the human digestive system | | intact (Nabhan, 1985), but the viability of the seed is unknown. If | | the rejected fruit is properly disposed of and edible fruit is | | consumed, then the potential for these cacti to demonstrate weediness | | will be low. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ## 2.3 Previous Risk Assessments, Decision History, and Pest Interceptions Currently, 7 CFR §319.56 prohibits the entry of fresh red dragon fruit from Taiwan into the United States. Table 2 summarizes decisions on previous requests for red dragon fruit importation into the United States. -------------- ------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------------------ **Table 2.** Decision history for the entry of *Hylocereus* spp, or red dragon fruit (pitaya), into the United States. **Year** **Country** **Pests of **Decision** **Rationale/Condition of Concern** Entry** 1988 Colombia *Ceratitis Denied No approved treatment capitata* 1992 Belize *Anastrepha* Denied No approved treatment spp., *A. ludens, Ceratitis capitata* 1996 Nicaragua *Ceratitis Denied No approved treatment capitata* 1997 Vietnam *Bactrocera Denied No approved treatment dorsalis, B. cucurbitae* 2002 Colombia *Anastrepha Approved Pre-shipment vapor heat frateculus, treatment, subject to Ceratitis inspection capitata* -------------- ------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------------------ Appendix 1 lists pest interceptions on red dragon fruit from all countries since 1985 (AQAS query June 27, 2007). ## 2.4 Pest Categorization Table 3 lists the pests associated with red dragon fruit (in any country) that also occur in Vietnam. This list identifies: (1) the presence or absence of these pests in the United States, (2) the generally affected plant part or parts, (3) the quarantine status of the pest with respect to the United States, (4) whether the pest is likely to follow the pathway and enter the United States on commercially exported red dragon fruit, and (5) pertinent citations for either the distribution or the biology of the pest. In light of pest biology and distribution, many organisms are eliminated from further consideration as sources of phytosanitary risk on red dragon fruit from Vietnam because they do not satisfy the definition of a quarantine pest. Red dragon fruit has unsettled botanical nomenclature (Jacobs, 1999; Rav*eh et a*l., 1993; Soloman, 2006; USDA AQAS, 2007). This is in part due to its morphological similarities to and ability to hybridize with other *Hylocereus* spp. and Cactus genera (Morton, 1987; Rav*eh et a*l., 1993; Tel-S*ur et a*l., 2001). There are numerous synonyms and frequent misidentifications surrounding the commodity (ARS, 2006; Jacobs, 1999; Morton, 1987; Tel-S*ur et a*l., 2001; USDA, 2003); therefore, the fruit of cacti that are referred to as \"red dragon fruit\" or "red pitaya" that may be assessed in this document include: *Acanthocereus occidentalis*, *A. tetragonus* (=*A. colombianus*, *A. floridanus*, *A. pentagonus*, *A. pitajaya*, *Cactus pentagonus*, *C. pitajaya*, *C. tetrgonus*, *Cereus pentagonus, C. pitajaya*), *Cereus hildmannianus* (=*Cactus peruvianus*, *Cereus uruguayanus*), *Echinocereus conglomeratus* (=*C. conglomeratus*), *E. stramineus* (=*C. stramineus*, *E. enneacanthus* var. *stramineus*), *Escontria chiotilla* (=*C. chiotilla*), *Hylocereus costaricensis* (=*C. trigonus* var. *costaricensis*), *H. ocamponis* (=*C. ocamponsi*), *H. polyrhizus* (=*C. polyrhizus*, *H. lemairei*), *H. undatus* (=*Cactus triangularis, Cereus triangularis, C. tricostatus, C. trigonus* var. *guatemalensis*, *C. undatus, H. guatemalensis*, *H. tricostatus*), *Myrtillocactus geometrizans* (=*C. geometrizans*), *Stenocereus griseus* (=*C. griseus*), *S. gummosus* (=*C. gummosus*), *S. queretaroensis* (*C. queretaroensis*), *S. stellatus* (=*C. stellatus*), and *S. thurberi* (=*C. thurberi*, *Lemairocereus thurberi, Marshallocereus thurberi*, *Pachycereus thurberi*) (ARS, 2006; Jacobs, 1999; Morton, 1987; Soloman, 2006; USDA, 2003). +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Table | | | | | | | 3.** Pests | | | | | | | associated | | | | | | | with red | | | | | | | dragon | | | | | | | fruit | | | | | | | (* | | | | | | | Hylocereus* | | | | | | | spp.) that | | | | | | | are also | | | | | | | present in | | | | | | | Vietnam. | | | | | | +=============+==========+============+============+=========+========+ | **Pest** | **Ge | **Evidence | **Plant | **Qua | ** | | | ographic | of Host | Part | rantine | Likely | | | Di | Ass | Ass | Pest** | to | | | stributi | ociation** | ociation** | | Follow | | | on**[^2] | | | | Pat | | | | | | | hway** | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **A | | | | | | | RTHROPODA** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Acari** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Tar | | | | | | | sonemidae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit**, | Yes | Yes | | Tarsonemus* | AQAS, | AQAS, | stems | | | | sp. | 2007) | 2007) | (USDA | | | | | | | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **C | | | | | | | oleoptera** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Sca | | | | | | | rabaeidae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Protaetia* | VN (VN | (VN MARD | stems | Yes | No | | sp. | MARD | PPD, 2006) | | | | | | PPD, | | (VN MARD | | | | | 2006) | | PPD, 2006) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN (VN | (VN MARD | stems, | Yes | No | | Oxycetonia* | MARD | PPD, 2006) | flowers | | | | sp. | PPD, | | | | | | | 2006) | | (VN MARD | | | | | | | PPD, 2006) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Diptera** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Te | | | | | | | phritidae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Bactrocera | VN | (GPDD, | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | correcta* | (CABI, | 2006; | (CABI, | | | | (Bezzi) | 2006; | Nguyen Thi | 2006) | | | | | Dr*ew et | Thu Cuc, | | | | | | a*l., | 2000; VN | | | | | | 2001; | MARD PPD, | | | | | | GPDD, | 2006) | | | | | | 2006; VN | | | | | | | MARD | | | | | | | PPD, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Bactrocera | VN | (Iwaixunmi | flowers, | Yes | Yes | | cucurbitae* | (CABI, | *et al,* | **fruit,** | | | | Coquillett | 2006); | 1995) | roots, | | | | | Drew *et | | stems | | | | | al.*, | | (CABI, | | | | | 2001) | | 2006) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Bactrocera | VN | (Nguyen | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | dorsalis* | (CABI, | Thi Thu | (CABI, | | | | (Hendel) | 2006; | Cuc, 2000; | 2006) | | | | | Dr*ew et | VN MARD | | | | | | a*l., | PPD, 2006; | | | | | | 2001; VN | Iwaixunm*i | | | | | | MARD | et al*, | | | | | | PPD, | 1995) | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ** | | | | | | | Hemiptera** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ** | | | | | | | Aphididae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Aphis* sp. | VN (VN | (VN MARD | flowers, | Yes | Yes | | | MARD | PPD, 2006) | **fruit**, | | | | | PPD, | | stems | | | | | 2006) | | (USDA | | | | | | | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Aphis | VN | (USDA | flowers, | No | Yes | | gossypii* | (CABI, | AQAS, | **fruit**, | | | | Glover | 2006; | 2007) | stems | | | | | USDA | | (USDA | | | | | AQAS, | | AQAS, | | | | | 2007), | | 2007) | | | | | US | | | | | | | (CABI, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Pentalonia | VN | (FAO-UN, | stems | No | No | | ni | (CABI, | 2004) | (CABI, | | | | gronervosa* | 2006; | | 2006) | | | | Coquerel | FAO-UN, | | | | | | | 2004) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | | | | | | | *Coccidae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Coccus* | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | sp. | AQAS, | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | | 2007) | 2007) | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Coccus | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit** | No | Yes | | hesperidum* | MARD | PPD, 2006) | (USDA | | | | | PPD, | | AQAS, | | | | | 2006); | | 2007) | | | | | Ben-Dov | | | | | | | *et | | | | | | | al.,* | | | | | | | 2006), | | | | | | | US | | | | | | | (Ben-Dov | | | | | | | *et | | | | | | | al.,* | | | | | | | 2006 | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | | | | | | | *Coreidae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Mictis | VN | (Nguyen | stems | Yes | No | | l | (Nguyen | Thi Thu | | | | | ongicornis* | Thi Thu | Cuc, 2000; | (VN MARD | | | | | Cuc, | VN MARD | PPD, 2006) | | | | (Westwood) | 2000; VN | PPD, 2006) | | | | | | MARD | | | | | | | PPD, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Di | | | | | | | aspididae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Diaspis | VN (VN | (Ben-D*ov | **fruit**, | No | Yes | | e | MARD | et a*l., | stems | | | | chinocacti* | PPD, | 2006; VN | (USDA | | | | (Bouche) | 2006) US | MARD PPD, | AQAS, | | | | | ( | 2006) | 2007) | | | | | Ben-D*ov | | | | | | | et a*l., | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Lop | VN? (in | (Ben-D*ov | **fruit**, | No | Yes | | holeucaspis | Hong | et a*l., | stems | | | | cockerelli* | Kong, | 2006) | (USDA | | | | (Grandpre & | India, | | AQAS, | | | | Charmoy) | In | | 2007) | | | | | donesia, | | | | | | | Phil | | | | | | | ippines) | | | | | | | ( | | | | | | | Ben-D*ov | | | | | | | et a*l., | | | | | | | 2006); | | | | | | | US | | | | | | | ( | | | | | | | Ben-D*ov | | | | | | | et a*l., | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Pen | | | | | | | tatomidae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Nezara | VN (VN | (VN MARD | flowers, | No | Yes | | viridula* | MARD | PPD, 2006) | **fruit**, | | | | (Linnaeus) | PPD, | | stems | | | | | 2006) US | | (USDA | | | | | (CABI, | | AQAS, | | | | | 2006) | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Pseud | | | | | | | ococcidae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Cat | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | aenococcus* | AQAS, | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | sp. | 2007) | 2007) | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *D | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | ysmicoccus* | MARD | PPD, 2006) | (USDA | | | | sp. | PPD, | | AQAS, | | | | | 2006) | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *D | VN | (USDA | flowers, | Yes | Yes | | ysmicoccus* | | AQAS, | **fruit**, | | | | *n | | 2007; VN | stems | | | | eobrevipes* | | MARD PPD, | (USDA | | | | | | 2006) | AQAS, | | | | (Beardsley) | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Ferrisia | VN | (VN MARD | flowers, | No | Yes | | virgata* | ( | PPD, 2006) | **fruit,** | | | | | Ben-D*ov | | stems | | | | (Cockerell) | et a*l., | | (USDA | | | | | 2006; VN | | AQAS, | | | | | MARD | | 2007) | | | | | PPD, | | | | | | | 2006); | | | | | | | US | | | | | | | ( | | | | | | | Ben-D*ov | | | | | | | et a*l., | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN | (Ben-D*ov | stems | No | No | | Phenacoccus | ( | et a*l., | (USDA | | | | m | Ben-D*ov | 2006; VN | AQAS, | | | | adeirensis* | et a*l., | MARD PPD, | 2007) | | | | | 2006; VN | 2006) | | | | | (Green) | MARD | | | | | | | PPD, | | | | | | | 2006); | | | | | | | US | | | | | | | ( | | | | | | | Ben-D*ov | | | | | | | et a*l., | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *P | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | lanococcus* | AQAS, | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | sp. | 2007) | 2007) | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit** | No | Yes | | Planococcus | AQAS, | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | citri* | 2007) | 2007) | AQAS, | | | | (Risso) | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | Planococcus | AQAS, | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | lilacinus* | 2007) | 2007) [^3] | AQAS, | | | | (Cockerell) | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN | (USDA | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | Planococcus | ( | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | minor | Ben-D*ov | 2007; VN | AQAS, | | | | (*Maskell) | et a*l., | MARD PPD, | 2007) | | | | | 2006; | 2006) | | | | | | USDA | | | | | | | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007; VN | | | | | | | MARD | | | | | | | PPD, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Ps | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | eudococcus* | AQAS, | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | sp. | 2007) | 2007) | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *P | VN | (FAO-UN, | **fruit**, | | Yes | | seudococcus | (CABI, | 2004) | roots, | | | | brevipes* | 2006; | | stems | | | | (Cockerell) | FAO-UN, | | (CABI, | | | | | 2004); | | 2006) | | | | | US | | | | | | | (CABI, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *P | VN | (VN MARD | flowers, | No | Yes | | seudococcus | ( | PPD, 2006) | **fruit**, | | | | jack | Ben-D*ov | | stems | | | | beardsleyi* | et a*l., | | (USDA | | | | | 2006; VN | | AQAS, | | | | (Gimpel & | MARD | | 2007) | | | | Miller) | PPD, | | | | | | | 2006); | | | | | | | US (FL, | | | | | | | TX) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *P | VN? (in | (Ben-D*ov | flowers, | No | Yes | | seudococcus | In | et a*l., | **fruit**, | | | | viburni* | donesia, | 2006) | stems | | | | (Signoret) | Phil | | (USDA | | | | | ippines, | | AQAS, | | | | | Sri | | 2007) | | | | | Lanka) | | | | | | | ( | | | | | | | Ben-D*ov | | | | | | | et a*l., | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Hy | | | | | | | menoptera** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **F | | | | | | | ormicidae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Car | VN (USDA | (USDA | flowers, | Yes | No[^4] | | diocondyla* | AQAS, | AQAS, | **fruit**, | | | | sp. | 2007) | 2007) | stems | | | | | | | (USDA | | | | | | | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Ca | VN (VN | (VN MARD | flowers, | No | No^3^ | | rdiocondyla | MARD | PPD, 2006) | **fruit**, | | | | wroughtoni* | PPD, | | stems | | | | | 2006) | | (USDA | | | | (Forel) | | | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN | (FAO-UN, | **fruit**, | No | No^3^ | | Iridomyrmex | (FAO-UN, | 2004) | stems | | | | humilis* | 2004); | | (USDA | | | | (Synonym: | US | | AQAS, | | | | * | (CABI, | | 2007)[^5] | | | | Linepithema | 2006) | | | | | | humile*) | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN (USDA | (USDA | flowers, | No | No^3^ | | Monomorium* | AQAS, | AQAS, | **fruit**, | | | | sp. | 2007) | 2007) | roots, | | | | | | | stems | | | | | | | (USDA | | | | | | | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Monomorium | VN (USDA | (USDA | flowers, | No | No^3^ | | pharaonis* | AQAS, | AQAS, | **fruit**, | | | | (L.) | 2007) | 2007) | roots, | | | | | | | stems | | | | | | | (USDA | | | | | | | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *P | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit** | No | No^3^ | | aratrechina | AQAS, | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | l | 2007) | 2007) | AQAS, | | | | ongicornis* | | | 2007) | | | | | | | | | | | (Latreille) | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Pheidole | VN | (FAO-UN, | flowers, | Yes | No^3^ | | m | (CABI, | 2004) | **fruit**, | | | | egacephala* | 2006; | | stems | | | | (F.) | FAO-UN, | | (USDA | | | | | 2004); | | AQAS, | | | | | US | | 2007) | | | | | (CABI, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Solenopsis | VN | (FAO-UN, | flowers, | No | No^3^ | | geminata* | (FAO-UN, | 2004; VN | **fruit**, | | | | | 2004; VN | MARD PPD, | stems | | | | (Fabricius) | MARD | 2006) | (CABI, | | | | | PPD, | | 2006) | | | | | 2006); | | | | | | | US | | | | | | | (CABI, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **Le | | | | | | | pidoptera** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **To | | | | | | | rtricidae** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Platynota* | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | sp. | AQAS, | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | | 2007) | 2007) | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **FUNGI & | | | | | | | CH | | | | | | | ROMISTANS** | | | | | | | [^6] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ** | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit**, | No | Yes | | *Alternaria | MARD | PPD, 2006) | stems | | | | a | PPD, | | (Farr *et | | | | lternata*** | 2006); | | al*., | | | | (Fr.:Fr.) | US | | 2006) | | | | Keissl. | (CABI, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Ple | | | | | | | osporales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *** | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | Alternaria* | MARD | PPD, 2006) | (VN MARD | | | | sp.** | PPD, | | PPD, 2006) | | | | | 2006) | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Ple | | | | | | | osporales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *** | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit**, | No | Yes | | Aspergillus | MARD | PPD, 2006) | stems, | | | | niger*** | PPD, | | roots, | | | | Tiegh. | 2006); | | flowers, | | | | | US (Farr | | seed | | | | \[A | *et | | (CABI, | | | | scomycetes: | al*., | | 2006) | | | | E | 2006) | | | | | | urotiales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ** | VN (VN | ( | flowers, | No | Yes | | *Capnodium* | MARD | USDA-AQAS, | stems (VN | (sooty | | | sp.** | PPD, | 2007; VN | MARD PPD, | mold) | | | | 2006) | MARD PPD, | 2006); | | | | \[A | | 2006) | **fruit** | | | | scomycetes: | | | (USDA | | | | Ca | | | AQAS, | | | | pnodiales\] | | | 2007; VN | | | | | | | MARD PPD, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ***C | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit** | No | Yes | | ladosporium | MARD | PPD, 2006) | (Fa*rr et | | | | herbarum*** | PPD, | | a*l., | | | | (Pe | 2006); | | 2006) | | | | rs.:Fr.)Fr. | US | | | | | | | (Fa*rr | | | | | | \[Synonym: | et a*l., | | | | | | *C | 2006) | | | | | | ladosporium | | | | | | | epiphyllum* | | | | | | | (Pers | | | | | | | .:Fr.)Fr.\] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Mycospha | | | | | | | erellales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ***Col | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit** | No | Yes | | letotrichum | MARD | PPD, 2006) | (VN MARD | | | | capsici*** | PPD, | | PPD, 2006) | | | | (Syd.) | 2006); | | | | | | Butler & | US | | | | | | Bisby | (CABI, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Phyll | | | | | | | achorales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ***Col | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit** | No | Yes | | letotrichum | MARD | PPD, 2006) | (VN MARD | | | | coccodes*** | PPD, | | PPD, 2006) | | | | (Wallr.) | 2006); | | | | | | Hughes | US | | | | | | | (CABI, | | | | | | \[A | 2006; | | | | | | scomycetes: | Farr *et | | | | | | Phyll | al*., | | | | | | achorales\] | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Col | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit** | No | Yes | | letotrichum | MARD | PPD, 2006) | (VN MARD | | | | musae* | PPD, | | PPD, 2006) | | | | (Burk. & | 2006); | | | | | | Curtis) | US | | | | | | Arx. | (Fa*rr | | | | | | | et a*l., | | | | | | \[Synonym: | 2006) | | | | | | ***Fusarium | | | | | | | se | | | | | | | mitectum*** | | | | | | | Berk. & | | | | | | | Ravelnel\] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Hy | | | | | | | pocreales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ***Coll | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | etotrichum* | MARD | PPD, 2006) | (VN MARD | | | | sp.** | PPD, | | PPD, 2006) | | | | | 2006) | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Phyll | | | | | | | achorales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *** | VN (VN | (VN MARD | flowers, | Yes | Yes | | Curvularia* | MARD | PPD, 2006) | **fruit**, | | | | sp.** | PPD, | | seeds, | | | | | 2006) | | stems | | | | \[A | | | (CABI, | | | | scomycetes: | | | 2006)[^7] | | | | Ple | | | | | | | osporales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN (VN | (VN MARD | **fruit,** | Yes | Yes | | **Diplodia* | MARD | PPD, 2006) | seeds, | | | | sp.** | PPD, | | stems | | | | | 2006; | | (Farr *et | | | | \[A | USDA | | al*., | | | | scomycetes: | AQAS, | | 2006)[^8] | | | | Do | 2007) | | | | | | thideales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ***Fusarium | VN (VN | (Alfieri | **fruit** | No | Yes | | o | MARD | *et al*., | (VN MARD | | | | xysporum*** | PPD, | 1993; VN | PPD, | | | | Schltdl. | 2006); | MARD PPD, | 2006), | | | | \[A | US | 2006) | stems | | | | scomycetes: | ( | | (Alfie*ri | | | | Hy | Alfie*ri | | et a*l., | | | | pocreales\] | et a*l., | | 1993) | | | | | 1993; | | | | | | | CABI, | | | | | | | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ***Gloe | VN (VN | (VN MARD | flowers, | Yes | Yes | | osporium*** | MARD | PPD, 2006) | **fruit**, | | | | | PPD, | | (CABI, | | | | **sp.** | 2006) | | 2006; | | | | | | | Fa*rr et | | | | \[Synonym: | | | a*l., | | | | * | | | 2006), | | | | Marssonina* | | | seeds, | | | | sp.\] | | | stems | | | | | | | (CABI, | | | | \[A | | | 2006)[^9] | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | H | | | | | | | elotiales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Gibberella | VN (VN | (VN MARD | stems | No | No | | baccata* | MARD | PPD, 2006) | (Fa*rr et | | | | (Wallr.) | PPD, | | a*l., | | | | Sacc. | 2006); | | 2006) | | | | | US | | | | | | \[Anamorph: | (CABI, | | | | | | ***Fusarium | 2006) | | | | | | la | | | | | | | teritium*** | | | | | | | Nees:Fr.\] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Hy | | | | | | | pocreales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Gibberella | VN | (Miller, | flowers**, | No | Yes | | mo | (CABI, | 1993) | fruits**, | | | | niliformis* | 2006; VN | | roots, | | | | Wineland | MARD | | seeds | | | | | PPD, | | (CABI, | | | | \[Synonym: | 2006; | | 2006); | | | | *Gibberella | Su | | stems | | | | fujikuroi* | mmere*ll | | (CABI, | | | | (Sawada) | et a*l., | | 2006; | | | | Ito; | 1998); | | El-Gho*ll | | | | | US | | et a*l., | | | | Anamorph: | (CABI, | | 1997) | | | | *Fusarium | 2006; | | | | | | verti | E | | | | | | cillioides* | l-Gho*ll | | | | | | (Sacc. | et a*l., | | | | | | )Nirenberg, | 1997) | | | | | | Synonym: | | | | | | | ***Fusarium | | | | | | | mon | | | | | | | iliforme*** | | | | | | | Sheld.\] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Hy | | | | | | | pocreales\] | | | | | | | (Seifert | | | | | | | *et al*., | | | | | | | 2003) | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Glomerella | VN (USDA | (Fa*rr et | **fruit** | No | Yes | | cingulata* | AQAS, | a*l., | (CABI, | | | | (Sto | 2007); | 2006; | 2006; USDA | | | | nem.)Spaud. | US | Martín*ez | AQAS, | | | | & Schrenk.) | (CABI, | et a*l., | 2007) | | | | | 2006) | 1996) | flowers, | | | | \[Anamorph: | | | stems, | | | | ***Col | | | seeds | | | | letotrichum | | | (CABI, | | | | gloeosp | | | 2006) | | | | orioides*** | | | | | | | (Penz.) | | | | | | | Penz. & | | | | | | | Sacc.\] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | *Incertae | | | | | | | sedis*\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *La | VN | (Buriticá, | **fruit**, | No | Yes | | siodiplodia | (SOFRI, | 1999) | roots, | | | | theobromae* | 2005); | | seeds, | | | | (Pat) | US | | stems | | | | Griffon & | (CABI, | | (Fa*rr et | | | | Maubl. | 2006; | | a*l., | | | | | Fa*rr et | | 2006) | | | | \[Synonym: | a*l., | | | | | | ***Bo | 2006) | | | | | | trodiplodia | | | | | | | th | | | | | | | eobromae*** | | | | | | | Pat.\] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Do | | | | | | | thideales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ***Phoma* | VN (USDA | (VN MARD | **fruit**, | Yes | Yes | | sp.** | AQAS, | PPD, 2006) | seeds, | | | | | 2007) | | stems | | | | \[A | | | (CABI, | | | | scomycetes: | | | 2006; USDA | | | | Dia | | | AQAS, | | | | porthales\] | | | 2007) | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ** | VN (USDA | (USDA | **fruit** | Yes | Yes | | *Phomopsis* | AQAS, | AQAS, | (USDA | | | | sp.** | 2007) | 2007) | AQAS, | | | | | | | 2007) | | | | \[A | | | | | | | scomycetes: | | | | | | | Dia | | | | | | | porthales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ***P | VN\--l | (CABI, | **fruit**, | No | Yes | | hytophthora | ocalized | 2006) | roots, | | | | cactorum*** | (CABI, | | stems, | | | | (Leb. & | 2006); | | seeds | | | | Cohn) | US | | (CABI, | | | | | (CABI, | | 2006) | | | | \ | 2006) | | | | | | [Chromista: | | | | | | | Oomycetes: | | | | | | | Pythiales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Th | VN, US | (Fa*rr et | **fruit**, | No | Yes | | anatephorus | (CABI, | a*l., | leaves, | | | | cucumerus* | 2006) | 2006) | roots | | | | (Frank) | | | (Fa*rr et | | | | Donk. | | | a*l., | | | | | | | 2006), | | | | \[Anamorph: | | | stems | | | | *** | | | (Ridings, | | | | Rhizoctonia | | | 1978) | | | | solani*** | | | | | | | Kühn\] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[Basi | | | | | | | diomycetes: | | | | | | | Ceratob | | | | | | | asidiales\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | **VIRUSES** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | Cactus | VN | (Boy*le et | **Whole | No | Ye | | virus X | (Bru*nt | a*l., | plant** | | s[^10] | | | et a*l., | 1997; | except | | | | \[P | 1996; | F | seeds | | | | otexvirus\] | CABI, | udi-All*ah | (Bru*nt et | | | | | 2006); | et a*l., | a*l., | | | | | US | 1983) | 1996) | | | | | (Bru*nt | | | | | | | et a*l., | | | | | | | 1996; | | | | | | | Fu | | | | | | | di-Allah | | | | | | | *et | | | | | | | al.*, | | | | | | | 1983) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | ** | | | | | | | NEMATODES** | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Cactodera | VN, US | (C*ho et | roots | No | No | | cacti* | (CABI, | a*l., | (CABI, | | | | Filipjev & | 2006) | 1995) | 2006) | | | | Stekhoven | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[Hete | | | | | | | roderidae\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Heli | VN (Chau | (Buriticá, | roots | No | No | | cotylenchus | *et | 1999; | (CABI, | | | | dihystera* | al.*, | Casta*ña | 2006) | | | | (Cobb) Sher | 1997); | et a*l., | | | | | | US | 1991) | | | | | \[Hopl | (CABI, | | | | | | olaimidae\] | 2006) | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | * | VN, US | (Buriticá, | roots | No | No | | Meloidogyne | (CABI, | 1999; | (CABI, | | | | incognita* | 2006) | Casta*ña | 2006) | | | | (Kofoid & | | et a*l., | | | | | White) | | 1991) | | | | | Chitwood | | | | | | | \[Hete | | | | | | | roderidae\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Ro | VN | (Inserra, | roots | No | No | | tylenchulus | (CABI, | 1999) | (CABI, | | | | reniformis* | 2006); | | 2006) | | | | | US | | | | | | Linford & | ( | | | | | | Oliveira | Inserra, | | | | | | | 1999) | | | | | | \[Hopl | | | | | | | olaimidae\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ | *Tylen | VN, US | (Buriticá, | roots | No | No | | chorhynchus | (CABI, | 1999) | (CABI, | | | | martini* | 2006) | | 2006) | | | | Fielding | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[Synonym: | | | | | | | *T. | | | | | | | annulatus* | | | | | | | (Cassidy) | | | | | | | Golden\] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[Belon | | | | | | | olaimidae\] | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------------+------------+---------+--------+ Quarantine pests that are reasonably likely to follow the pathway on commercial shipments of red dragon fruit from Vietnam were further analyzed in this risk assessment and are summarized in Table 4. Quarantine pests not included in this summary have the potential to be detrimental to U.S. agriculture or ecosystems; however, they have not been subjected to further analysis because they are mainly associated with plant parts other than the commodity or they are unlikely to be associated with the fruit during transport or processing because of their inherent mobility. Biological hazards associated with organisms not identified to the species level were not assessed because often there are many species within a genus, and it is not reasonable to assume that the biology of all organisms within a genus is identical. In this risk assessment, the above statement applies to *Tarsonemus* sp. (Acari: Tarsonemidae); *Protaetia* sp. and *Oxcetonia* sp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae); *Aphis* sp. (Hemiptera: Aphididae); *Coccus* sp. (Hemiptera: Coccidae); *Cataenococcus* sp., *Dysmicoccus* sp., *Planococcus* sp., and *Pseudococcus* sp. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae); *Cardiocondyla* sp. and *Monomorium* sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), *Platynota* sp. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), *Alternaria* sp. and *Curvularia* sp. (Ascomycetes: Pleosporales); *Capnodium* sp. (Ascomycetes: Capnodiales); *Colleotrichum* sp. (Ascomycetes: Phyllachorales); *Diplodia* sp., *Phoma* sp., and *Phomopsis* sp. (Ascomycetes: Dothideales); and *Gloeosporium* sp. (Ascomycetes: Helotiales). Lack of specific identification may indicate the limits of current taxonomic knowledge, the life stage, or the quality of the specimen submitted for identification. By necessity, pest risk assessments focus on organisms for which biological information is available. Lack of specific identification does not rule out the possibility that a high-risk quarantine pest was intercepted. Conversely, the development of detailed assessments for known pests that inhabit a variety of ecological niches, such as internal fruit feeders or foliage pests, allows effective mitigation measures to eliminate the known organisms as well as similar but incompletely identified organisms that inhabit the same niche. If pests identified to higher taxa are intercepted in the future, then a reevaluation of their risk may occur. **Table 4. Quarantine pests likely to be associated with red dragon fruit imported from Vietnam and selected for further analysis.** +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Bactrocera correcta* (Bezzi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) | | | | *Bactrocera cucurbitae* Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae) | | | | *Bactrocera dorsalis* (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) | | | | *Dysmicoccus* *neobrevipes* (Beardsley) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) | | | | *Planococcus lilacinus* (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) | | | | *Planococcus minor* (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ## 2.5 Analysis of Quarantine Pests Likely to Follow the Pathway The undesirable consequences that may occur from the introduction of quarantine pests are assessed within this section. For each quarantine pest, the potential consequences of introduction are rated in five areas called "Risk Elements." The Risk Elements include Climate/Host Interaction, Host Range, Dispersal Potential, Economic Impact, and Environmental Impact. These Risk Elements reflect the biology, host range, and climatic/geographic distribution of each pest and are supported by biological information. For each Risk Element, pests are assigned a rating of Low (1 point), Medium (2 points), or High (3 points). A cumulative risk value is then calculated by summing the ratings. The following scale is used to interpret this total: Low is 5-8 points, Medium is 9-12 points, and High is 13-15 points. The ratings are summarized in Table 5. The ratings were determined using the criteria in *Risk Assessment Guidelines, Version 5.02* (USDA, 2000). The major sources of uncertainty in this risk assessment include a developing or evolving process (O*rr et a*l., 1993; USDA, 2000), the approach used to combine risk elements (Bier, 1999; Morgan and Henrion, 1990), and the evaluation of risk by comparisons to lists of factors within the guidelines (Kaplan, 1992; O*rr et a*l., 1993). To address this last source of uncertainty, the lists of factors were interpreted as illustrative and not exhaustive. This implies that additional biological information, even if not explicitly part of the criteria, can be used when it is relevant to a rating. Other sources of uncertainty are the quality of the biological information and the amount of information available on the regional flora and fauna. Inherent biological variation within a population of organisms introduces uncertainty as well (Morgan and Henrion, 1990). #### 2.5.1 Consequences of Introduction---Economic/Environmental Importance Potential consequences of introduction are rated using five Risk Elements: 1) Climate/Host Interaction, 2) Host Range, 3) Dispersal Potential, 4) Economic Impact, and 5) Environmental Impact. These elements reflect the biology, host ranges, and climatic/geographic distributions of the pests. For each Risk Element, pests are assigned a rating of Low (1 point), Medium (2 points) or High (3 points) (USDA, 2000). The following is a description of how each of these ratings is determined for each risk element (USDA, 2000): > **Climate/Host Interaction** > > Estimates are based on availability of both host material and suitable > climate conditions. > > The U.S. Plant Hardiness Zones (USDA, 1990) are used to rate this Risk > Element, (Figure 1). Based on the availability of both suitable host > plants and suitable climate, the pest is evaluated on its potential to > establish a breeding colony: > > Low (1): In a single plant hardiness zone. > > Medium (2): In two or three plant hardiness zones. > > High (3): In four or more plant hardiness zones. > > **Figure 1.** Climatic zone map (USDA, 1990). > > ![](media/image2.png){width="5.561805555555556in" > height="4.429861111111111in"} > > **Host Range** > > Pests with a greater host range pose a greater risk; thus, each pest > is evaluated on its host range. > > Low (1): Pest attacks a single species or multiple species within a > single genus. > > Medium (2): Pest attacks multiple species within a single plant > family. > > High (3): Pest attacks multiple species among multiple plant families. > > **Dispersal Potential** > > A pest may disperse after introduction to a new area. The following > items are considered: reproductive patterns of the pest (*e.g.*, > voltinism, biotic potential), inherent powers of movement, and factors > facilitating dispersal (wind, water, presence of vectors, human, > *etc*.). > > Low (1): Pest has neither high reproductive potential nor rapid > dispersal capability. > > Medium (2): Pest has either high reproductive potential *OR* the > species is capable of rapid dispersal. > > High (3): Pest has high biotic potential, *e.g.*, many generations per > year, many offspring per reproduction ("r-selected" species), *AND* > evidence exists that the pest is capable of rapid dispersal, *e.g.*, > over 10 km/year under its own power; via natural forces, wind, water, > vectors, *etc*., or human-assistance. > > **Economic Impact** > > Introduced pests are capable of causing a variety of direct and > indirect economic impacts. > > These impacts are divided into three primary categories: 1) lower > yield of the host crop, *e.g.*, by causing plant mortality, or by > acting as a disease vector; 2) lower value of the commodity, *e.g*., > by increasing costs of production, lowering market price, or a > combination; 3) loss of foreign or domestic markets due to presence of > new quarantine pest. > > Low (1): Pest causes any one or none of the above impacts. > > Medium (2): Pest causes any two of the above impacts. > > High (3): Pest causes all three of the above impacts. > > **Environmental Impact** > > The assessment of the potential of each pest to cause environmental > damage is evaluated in terms of following factors: 1) introduction of > the pest is expected to cause significant, direct environmental > impacts[^11] (*e.g.*, ecological disruptions, reduced biodiversity); > 2) the pest is expected to have direct impacts on species listed by > Federal Agencies as endangered or threatened (50CFR §17.11 and §17.12) > by infesting/infecting a listed plant[^12]; 3) the pest is expected to > have indirect impacts on species listed by Federal Agencies as > endangered or threatened by disrupting sensitive, critical habitats; > and 4) introduction of the pest would stimulate chemical or biological > control programs. > > Low (1): None of the above would occur; it is assumed that > introduction of a nonindigenous pest will have some environmental > impact (by definition, introduction of a nonindigenous species affects > biodiversity). > > Medium (2): One of the above would occur. > > High (3): Two or more of the above would occur. A Cumulative Risk Rating is then calculated by summing all risk element values. The values determined for the Consequences of Introduction for each pest are summarized in Table 5. +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### *Bactrocera correcta* (Bezzi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### Consequences of Introduction | * | | | *Risk | | | Rat | | | ing** | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Climate/Host Interaction | M | | | edium | | *Bactrocera correcta* is found in India, Nepal, Pakistan, | | | Sri Lanka, and Thailand (White and Elson-Harris, 1992). | \(2\) | | Based on this distribution, we estimate that *B. correcta* | | | could only become established in the areas of the United | | | States corresponding to Plant Hardiness Zones 8-10 (USDA, | | | 1990). One or more of its potential hosts occurs in these | | | zones (USDA NRCS, 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Host Range | High | | | | | *Bactrocera correcta* has been recorded to attack multiple | \(3\) | | species in multiple families including: **Anacardiacea** | | | (*Anacardium occidentale, Bouea* spp., *Mangifera indica, | | | Spondias* spp.), **Annonaceae** (*Polyalthia longifolia*), | | | **Apocynaceae** (*Carissa carandas*), **Cactaceae** | | | (*Opuntia vulgaris*), **Capparaceae** (*Capparis* spp., | | | *Maerua siamensis*), **Caricaceae** (*Carica papaya*), | | | **Combretaceae** (*Terminalia catappa*), **Cucurbitaceae** | | | (*Coccinia grandis, Cucumis melo*), **Dipterocarpaceae** | | | (*Dipterocarpus obtusifolius*), **Elaecarpaceae** | | | (*Elaeocarpus madopetalus, Muntingia calabura*), | | | **Euphorbiaceae** (*Baccaurea racemosa*), **Flacourtiaceae** | | | (*Flacourtia* spp.), **Lecythidaceae** (*Careya* spp.), | | | **Malpighiaceae** (*Malpighia emarginata*), **Melliaceae** | | | (*Sandoricum koetjape, Walsura intermedia*), **Moraceae** | | | (*Artocarpus integer*), **Musaceae** (*Musa x | | | paradisiacal*), **Myrtaceae** (*Eugenia* spp., *Psidium | | | guajava, Syzygium* spp.), **Olacaceae** (*Olax scandens, | | | Schoepfia fragrans*), **Rhamnaceae** (*Ziziphus* spp.), | | | **Rosaceae** (*Prunus* spp.), **Rutaceae** (*Citrus* spp.), | | | **Sapindaceae** (*Dimocarpus longan, Lepisanthes | | | fruticosa*), **Sapotaceae** (*Manilkara zapota, Mimusops | | | elengi*), and **Simaroubaceae** (*Irvingia malayana*) | | | (Allwo*od et a*l., 1999). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Dispersal Potential | High | | | | | Very little specific biological information is available on | \(3\) | | *B. correcta,* but Tephritid fruit flies generally have a | | | relatively high biotic potential. For example, depending on | | | climate, *B. dorsalis* may have more than five overlapping | | | generations per year (S*hi et a*l., 2005). In laboratory | | | studies, the potential fecundity of female *B. tryoni* and | | | *B. dorsalis* fruit flies was estimated to be over 1000 eggs | | | (Fletcher, 1989a). | | | | | | Like other *Bactrocera* species*, B. correcta* disperses | | | readily by flight (He*ly et a*l., 1982); many *Bactrocera* | | | spp. can fly 50-100 km (Fletcher, 1989b). Additionally, | | | *Bactrocera* fruit flies can be dispersed by infested plant | | | materials, such as fruits and flowers (CABI, 2006; Fletcher, | | | 1989b). For example, since 1985, species of *Bactrocera* | | | have been intercepted in a variety of commodities over | | | 12,000 times at U.S. ports-of-entry (USDA AQAS, 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Economic Impact | High | | | | | *Bactrocera correcta* has been reported on various | \(3\) | | commodities including peach, mango, and guava and has the | | | potential to be a major pest on these crops (White and | | | Elson-Harris, 1992). For example, it has been reported to | | | cause up to 80 percent of the damage on guava in India | | | (CABI, 2006). | | | | | | The introduction of *B. correcta* into the continental | | | United States would likely stimulate eradication or control | | | programs similar to those that have been implemented for | | | other Tephritid fruit flies (CABI, 2006; Clausen, 1978). | | | Additionally, the pest's presence in the United States, even | | | as a temporary adventive population, could lead to severe | | | export restrictions of host commodities to markets outside | | | of its known distribution (Dr*ew et a*l., 1982). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Environmental Impact | High | | | | | *Bactrocera correcta* may have direct impacts on Federally | \(3\) | | listed endangered species such as *Prunus geniculata* (in | | | Florida), which is closely related to other hosts known to | | | be attacked by *B. correcta* (USFWS, 2007). | | | | | | Because it represents a potential threat to the *Citrus,* | | | stone fruit, and other crop industries, the establishment of | | | *B. correcta* in the United States could trigger the | | | initiation of eradication or chemical/biological control | | | programs, similar to those that have occurred with | | | introduction of other Tephritid fruit flies in Hawaii and | | | California (CABI, 2006; Clausen, 1978). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | # | | | ## *Bactrocera cucurbitae* Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae) | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### Consequences of Introduction | * | | | *Risk | | | Rat | | | ing** | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Climate/Host Interaction | M | | | edium | | *Bactrocera cucuribitae* is native to Asia and distributed | | | throughout much of subtropical and tropical Asia. It is also | \(2\) | | reported as present in eastern and western Africa, and the | | | Pacific Islands (CABI, 2006). Its distribution corresponds | | | to U.S. Plant Hardiness Zones 9-10 (USDA, 1990). One or more | | | of its potential hosts occurs in these Zones (USDA NRCS, | | | 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Host Range | High | | | | | *B. cucurbitae* has been recorded to attack multiple species | \(3\) | | in multiple families including: **Cucurbitaceae** (*Cucumis* | | | spp., *Cucurbita* spp., *Trichosanthes* spp.*, Benincasa | | | hispida*, *Citrullus* spp., *Lagenaria siceraria*, *Luffa* | | | spp., *Momordica* spp., *Sechium edule*); **Moraceae** | | | (*Artocarpus heterophyllus*, *Ficus carica*); **Malvaceae** | | | (*Abelmoschus moschatus*); **Caricaceae** (*Carica papaya*); | | | **Rutaceae** (*Citrus* spp.); **Rosaceae** (*Cydonia | | | oblonga*, *Prunus persica*); **Solanaceae** (*Cyphomandra | | | betacea*, *Lycopersicon esculentum*); **Anacardiaceae** | | | (*Mangifera indica*); **Sapotaceae** (*Manilkara zapota*); | | | **Passifloraceae** (*Passiflora* spp.); **Lauraceae** | | | (*Persea americana*); **Fabaceae** (*Phaseolus vulgaris*, | | | *Sesbania grandiflora*, *Vigna unguiculata*); **Myrtaceae** | | | (*Psidium guajava*, *Syzygium samarangense*), and | | | **Rhamnaceae** (*Ziziphus jujube*) (CABI, 2006). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Dispersal Potential | High | | | | | In general, Tephritid fruit flies have a relatively high | \(3\) | | biotic potential. Females may produce 800-1000 eggs over | | | their life span (CABI, 2006; Capinera, 2001; Weems, 1964). | | | Reproduction is continuous as adults occur throughout the | | | year. | | | | | | Like other *Bactrocera, B. cucurbitae* disperses readily by | | | flight (He*ly et a*l., 1982); many *Bactrocera* species can | | | fly 50-100 km (Fletcher, 1989b). Additionally, *Bactrocera* | | | fruit flies can be dispersed by infested plant materials, | | | such as fruits and flowers (CABI, 2006; Fletcher, 1989b). | | | For example, since 1985, species of *Bactrocera* have been | | | intercepted at U.S. ports of entry in a variety of | | | commodities over 12,000 times (USDA AQAS, 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Economic Impact | High | | | | | *B. cucurbitae* is perhaps the most important fruit fly pest | \(3\) | | of vegetable crops through out the world (Dr*ew et a*l., | | | 1982). It attacks several important crops including | | | cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon, squash, tomato, green been, | | | peach, apricot, bell pepper, pear, and *Citrus* to name a | | | few (White and Elson-Harris, 1992). Damage levels can be | | | anywhere up to 100 percent of unprotected crops (CABI, | | | 2006). | | | | | | The introduction of *B. cucurbitae* in the continental | | | United States would likely stimulate eradication or control | | | programs, similar to those that have been implemented in the | | | past (CABI, 2006; Clausen, 1978). Additionally, its presence | | | in the United States, even as a temporary adventive | | | population, could lead to severe export restrictions of host | | | commodities to markets outside of this pest's known | | | distribution (Dr*ew et a*l., 1982). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Environmental Impact | High | | | | | *B. cucurbitae* may have direct impacts on Federally listed | \(3\) | | endangered species such as *Cucurbita okeechobeensis* | | | (Endangered species in FL), *Prunus geniculata* (Endangered | | | species in FL), *and Ziziphus celaata* (Endangered species | | | in FL) which are closely related to other hosts known to be | | | attacked by *B. cucurbitae* (USFWS, 2007). | | | | | | Because it represents a potential threat to the *Citrus,* | | | stone fruit, and other crop industries, the establishment of | | | *B. cucurbitae* in the United States could trigger the | | | initiation of eradication or chemical/biological control | | | programs, similar to those that have occurred in Hawaii and | | | California (CABI, 2006; Clausen, 1978). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### *Bactrocera dorsalis* (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### Consequences of Introduction | * | | | *Risk | | | Rat | | | ing** | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Climate/Host Interaction | M | | | edium | | *Bactrocera dorsalis* is found in Bhutan, southern China, | | | northern India, Myanmar, northern Thailand, Guam, and the | \(2\) | | Hawaiian Islands (White and Elson-Harris, 1992). Based on | | | this distribution we estimate that *B. dorsalis* could | | | become established in the areas of the United States | | | corresponding to Plant Hardiness Zones 9-10 (USDA, 1990). | | | One or more of its potential hosts occurs in these zones | | | (USDA NRCS, 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Host Range | High | | | | | *Bactrocera dorsalis* has been recorded to attack multiple | \(3\) | | species in multiple families, including **Moraceae** | | | (*Artocarpus* spp.*, Ficus racemosa*), **Rutaceae** (*Aegle | | | marmelos, Citrus* spp.), **Anacardiaceae** (*Anacardium | | | occidentale, Mangifera foetida, Spondias purpurea, Mangifera | | | indica*), **Arecaceae** (*Areca catechu*), **Rubiaceae** | | | (*Coffea Arabica*), **Sapotaceae** (*Chrysophyllum cainito, | | | Mimusops elengi, Manilkara zapota*), **Cucurbitaceae** | | | (*Cucumis melo, Cucumis sativus, Momordica charantia*), | | | **Sapindaceae** (*Dimocarpus longan*, *Nephelium lappaceum, | | | Litchi chinensis*), **Ebenaceae** (*Diospyros kaki*), | | | **Flacourtiaceae** (*Flacourtia indica*), **Rosaceae** | | | (*Prunus* spp., *Malus pumila, Pyrus communis*), | | | **Punicaceae** (*Punica granatum*), **Myrtaceae** | | | (*Syzygium* spp.*, Psidium guajava*), **Rhamnaceae** | | | (*Ziziphus* spp.), **Annonaceae** (*Annona* spp.), | | | **Oxalidaceae** (*Averrhoa carambola*), **Caricaceae** | | | (*Carica papaya*), **Solanaceae** (*Capsicum annuum*), | | | **Malpighiaceae** (*Malpighia glabra*), **Musaceae** | | | (*Musa*), **Tiliaceae** (*Muntingia calabura*), | | | **Lauraceae** (*Persea americana*), and **Combretaceae** | | | (Terminalia catappa) (CABI, 2006; White and Elson-Harris, | | | 1992). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Dispersal Potential | High | | | | | Tephritid fruit flies have a relatively high biotic | \(3\) | | potential. Depending on climate, *B. dorsalis* may have more | | | than five overlapping generations per year (S*hi et a*l., | | | 2005). In laboratory studies, the potential fecundity of | | | female *B. tryoni* and *B. dorsalis* fruit flies was | | | estimated to be over 1000 eggs (Fletcher, 1989a). | | | | | | *B. dorsalis* disperses readily by flight (He*ly et a*l., | | | 1982); many *Bactrocera* species can fly 50-100 km | | | (Fletcher, 1989b). Additionally, *Bactrocera* fruit flies | | | can be dispersed by infested plant materials, such as fruits | | | and flowers (CABI, 2006; Fletcher, 1989b). For example, | | | since 1985, species of *Bactrocera* have been intercepted in | | | a variety of commodities over 12,000 times at U.S. | | | ports-of-entry (USDA AQAS, 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Economic Impact | High | | | | | *B. dorsalis* has been reported on several economically | \(3\) | | important crops including apple, peach, pear, strawberry, | | | and *Citrus* spp.*,* and has the potential to be a major | | | pest on these crops in the United States (Dr*ew et a*l., | | | 1982; White and Elson-Harris, 1992). Up to 100 percent of | | | unprotected crops may be damaged (CABI, 2006). | | | | | | The introduction of *B. dorsalis* in the continental United | | | States would likely stimulate eradication or control | | | programs, similar to those that have been implemented in the | | | past (CABI, 2006; Clausen, 1978). Additionally, its presence | | | in the United States, even as a temporary adventive | | | population, could lead to severe export restrictions of host | | | commodities to markets outside of this pest's known | | | distribution (Dr*ew et a*l., 1982). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Environmental Impact | High | | | | | *B. dorsalis* may have direct impacts on Federally listed | \(3\) | | endangered species such as *Prunus geniculata* and *Ziziphus | | | celata* (in Florida), which are closely related to other | | | hosts known to be attacked by *B. dorsalis* (USFWS, 2007). | | | | | | Because it represents a potential threat to the *Citrus,* | | | stone fruit, and other crop industries, the establishment of | | | *B. dorsalis* in the United States could trigger the | | | initiation of eradication or chemical/biological control | | | programs similar to those implemented in Hawaii and | | | California (CABI, 2006; Clausen, 1978). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### *Dysmic | | | occus* *neobrevipes* (Beardsley) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### Consequences of Introduction | * | | | *Risk | | | Va | | | lue** | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Climate/Host Interaction | M | | | edium | | *Dysmicoccus neobrevipes* occurs throughout Central America, | (2) | | northern South America, the Caribbean, Indo-China, the | | | Philippines, and in parts of Oceania (Ben-D*ov et a*l., | | | 2006; CABI, 2006). Outside of greenhouse or other artificial | | | situations, based on its distribution, we estimate that *D. | | | neobrevipes* could become established in the areas of the | | | United States corresponding to Plant Hardiness Zones 9-10 | | | (USDA, 1990). One or more of its potential hosts occurs in | | | these zones (USDA NRCS, 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Host Range | High | | | | | *Dysmicoccus neobrevipes* has been recorded to attack | \(3\) | | multiple species in multiple families including: | | | **Bromeliaceae** (*Ananas comosus*), **Rosaceae** (*Malus | | | domestica*), **Araceae** (*Colocasia esculenta,* | | | *Pritchardia* sp.), **Moraceae** (*Ficus* sp.), **Musaceae** | | | (*Musa* *paradisiaca*), **Cactaceae** (*Opuntia | | | ficus-indica*), **Fabaceae** (*Acacia* *koa*, *Samanea | | | saman* ), **Asteraceae** (*Helianthus annuus*), | | | **Agavaceae** (*Agave sisalana*), **Cucurbitaceae** | | | (*Cucurbita maxima*), **Poaceae** (*Zea* *mays*), | | | **Heliconiaceae** (*Heliconia latispatha*), **Lauracea** | | | (*Persea* americana), **Rutaceae** (*Citrus* spp.), and | | | **Solanaceae** (*Lycopersicon esculentum*) (Ben-D*ov et | | | a*l., 2006; CABI, 2006; Nakahara, 1982). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Dispersal Potential | M | | | edium | | *Dysmicoccus neobrevipes* has a relatively high biotic | | | potential. The lifespan of *D. neobrevipes* varies from | \(2\) | | 59-117 days, averaging 90 (Martin-Kessing and Mau, 1992). | | | This mealybug is ovoviviparous, meaning the eggs hatch | | | within the female; most females produce about 350 larvae for | | | 30 days, but some produce up to 1000 larvae (Martin-Kessing | | | and Mau, 1992). There may be several generations per year | | | (CABI, 2006). | | | | | | *Dysmicoccus neobrevipes* has little capacity to move long | | | distances on its own. The main dispersal stage of mealybugs | | | is the first-instar crawler, which may be transported | | | locally by wind or other animals (CABI, 2006; Gullen and | | | Kosztarab, 1997). Dispersal over longer distances is | | | accomplished through the movement of infested plant | | | materials in commerce (CABI, 2006). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Economic Impact | High | | | | | *Dysmicoccus neobrevipes* attacks a wide range of plants, | \(3\) | | including agricultural, horticultural, and forest species | | | (Ben-D*ov et a*l., 2006). It is a particularly serious pest | | | of pineapple, *Ananas comosus;* like *D*. *brevipes*, it is | | | a vector of the virus causing *Pineapple wilt disease* | | | (Rohrba*ch et a*l., 1988). Feeding on young growth causes | | | severe stunting and distortion of leaves, thickening of | | | stems, and a bunchy-top appearance of shoots; in severe | | | cases the leaves may fall prematurely. Also, honeydew | | | deposited on leaves and fruit by mealybugs serves as a | | | medium for the growth of black sooty molds, which interfere | | | with photosynthesis and reduce the crop's market value. | | | Insecticides are often applied to control these mealybugs or | | | the attending ants that aid in their spread and interfere | | | with biological control (Jahn, 1993). *Dysmicoccus | | | neobrevipes* is a quarantine pest for Korea and New Zealand. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Environmental Impact | High | | | | | Further introductions of *D*. *neobrevipes* would likely | \(3\) | | result in the initiation of chemical or biological control | | | programs, as has occurred in Hawaii and Puerto Rico | | | (Bartlett, 1978). The species is polyphagous and has the | | | potential to infest plants listed as threatened or | | | endangered (*e.g.*, *Opuntia treleasei*, *Helianthus | | | paradoxus*) (USFWS, 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### *Pl | | | anococcus lilacinus* (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### Consequences of Introduction | * | | | *Risk | | | Rat | | | ing** | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Climate/Host Interaction | M | | | edium | | *Planococcus lilacinus* is found in Asia (*i.e.,* | (2) | | Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Taiwan, Vietnam, | | | and Yemen) through the islands of the South Pacific (*i.e.*, | | | Indonesia, Java, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Papua New | | | Guinea) (CABI, 2006). It also occurs in East Africa, Central | | | America, and northern South America (CABI, 2006). Based on | | | this distribution, it is estimated that *P*. *lilacinus* | | | could establish in U.S. Plant Hardiness Zones 9-10 (USDA, | | | 1990). One or more of its potential hosts occurs in these | | | zones (USDA NRCS, 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Host Range | High | | | | | The host range of *P*. *lilacinus* is extremely broad, | \(3\) | | comprising species in at least 35 plant families (Ben-D*ov | | | et a*l., 2006). Included are several economically important | | | crops, such as **Rutaceae** (*Citrus* spp), | | | **Anacardiaceae** (*Mangifera indica*), **Rubiaceae** | | | (*Coffea* spp.), **Sterculiaceae** (*Theobroma cacao*), | | | **Vitaceae** (*Vitis* spp.), **Arecaceae** (*Cocos | | | nucifera*), **Poaceae** (*Bambusa vulgaris*), | | | **Dioscoreaceae** (*Dioscorea* spp.), **Caesalpiniaceae** | | | (*Tamarindus indica*), **Annonaceae** (*Annona* spp.), and | | | **Myrtaceae** (guava) (CABI, 2006). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Dispersal Potential | M | | | edium | | *Planococcus lilacinus* has a fairly high biotic potential. | | | Fecundity per female on *Brassica oleracea* (Brassicaceae) | \(2\) | | is 55-152 eggs (Loganathan and Suresh, 2001). There are two | | | or three generations per year (IPM DANIDA, 2003). | | | | | | Like other scales, *P. lilacinus* has little capacity to | | | move long distances on its own. The main dispersal stage of | | | mealybugs is the first-instar crawler, which may be | | | transported locally by wind or other animals (CABI, 2006; | | | Gullen and Kosztarab, 1997). Dispersal over longer distances | | | is accomplished through the movement of infested plant | | | materials in commerce (CABI, 2006). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Economic Impact | High | | | | | Throughout the Orient and the South Pacific, *P. lilacinus* | \(3\) | | is a pest of cacao, causing severe damage to young trees by | | | killing the tips of branches (CABI, 2006). It is also | | | considered a major pest of tamarind in India (Hill, 1983) | | | and causes damage to a wide range of other economically | | | important crops, such as coffee, custard apple (*Annona | | | reticulata*), coconut, citrus, grape, guava, and mango | | | (CABI, 2006). The prevalence of this scale has increased and | | | spread to most coffee-growing areas, where it attacks the | | | roots and shoots and causes serious damage to the plant | | | (CABI, 2006). In India, it has been necessary to mount | | | chemical and biological control programs against this pest | | | in cacao, coffee, custard apple, and mandarin orange (CABI, | | | 2006). However, the species is considered only a minor pest | | | of avocado in the Philippines (Wait and Martinez, 2002). | | | Based on this evidence, establishment of this insect in the | | | United States could possibly cause a loss of foreign and | | | domestic markets and would likely stimulate chemical and/or | | | biological control programs, which would lower the value of | | | the commodity by increasing production costs. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Environmental Impact | High | | | | | Because of its extremely broad host range, this species has | \(3\) | | the potential to attack plants that are listed as Threatened | | | or Endangered (*e.g.*, *Amaranthus*, *Solanum*) (USFWS, | | | 2007). Introduction of *P. lilacinus* into the United States | | | is likely to initiate chemical or biological control | | | programs, because it is a serious pest of economically | | | important crops (*e.g.*, citrus and coffee). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | # | | | ## *Planococcus minor (*Maskell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ### Consequences of Introduction | * | | | *Risk | | | Rat | | | ing** | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Climate/Host Interaction | Low | | | | | *Planococcus minor* is reported in south Asia (Bangladesh, | \(1\) | | Burma, India, Indonesia, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Malaysia, | | | Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand), Australia and | | | islands of the South Pacific (American Samoa, Cook Islands, | | | Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, New Caledonia, Niue, Papua | | | New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Vanuatu, and | | | Western Samoa), Africa (Madagascar, Rodriques Island, and | | | Seychelles), the Caribbean (Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, | | | Bermuda, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, | | | Galapagos Islands, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, | | | Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad | | | and Tobago, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Uruguay), and the | | | tropical areas of Mexico (Ben-D*ov et a*l., 2006). Based on | | | this geographical distribution, it is estimated that this | | | species could only establish in U.S. Plant Hardiness Zone 10 | | | (USDA, 1990). One or more of its potential hosts occurs in | | | this zone (USDA NRCS, 2007). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Host Range | High | | | | | This species is extremely polyphagous, having been recorded | \(3\) | | on hosts in at least 65 plant families (Ben-D*ov et a*l., | | | 2006). Hosts include **Araceae** (*Colocasia esculenta*), | | | **Solanaceae** (*Solanum* spp.), **Sterculiaceae** | | | (*Theobroma cacao*), **Rutaceae** (*Citrus* spp.), | | | **Rubiaceae** (*Coffea* spp.), **Anacardiaceae** (*Mangifera | | | indica*), **Musaceae** (*Musa* spp), **Myrtaceae** | | | (*Eugenia* spp.), **Vitaceae** (*Vitis vinifera*), | | | **Rhamnaceae** (*Ziziphus* spp.), **Amaranthaceae** | | | (*Amaranthus* spp.), **Annonaceae** (*Annona* spp.), | | | | | | **Asteraceae** (*Helianthus* spp.), **Euphorbiaceae** | | | (*Euphorbia* spp.), **Lauraceae** (*Persea americana*), | | | **Convolvulaceae** (*Ipomoea* spp.), **Brassicaceae** | | | (*Brassica* spp.), **Cucurbitaceae** (*Cucumis* spp.), | | | **Poaceae** (*Zea mays*), **Fabaceae** (*Arachis hypogaea*), | | | **Moraceae** (*Artocarpus* spp.), **Arecaceae** (*Cocos | | | nucifera*), **Pandanaceae** (*Pandanus* spp.), **Rosaceae** | | | (*Pyrus pyrifolia*), and **Liliaceae** (*Asparagus | | | plumosus*) (Ben-D*ov et a*l., 2006; CABI, 2006). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Dispersal Potential | M | | | edium | | *Planococcus minor* has a relatively high biotic potential. | | | Reported fecundity ranges from about 200 to over 400 eggs | \(2\) | | per female, depending on host plant (Mai*ti et a*l., 1998; | | | Martinez and Suris, 1998; Sah*oo et a*l., 1999). There may | | | be as many as 10 generations per year (Sah*oo et a*l., | | | 1999). | | | | | | Like other scales, *P. minor* has little capacity to move | | | long distances on its own. The main dispersal stage of | | | mealybugs is the first-instar crawler, which may be | | | transported locally by wind or other animals (CABI, 2006; | | | Gullen and Kosztarab, 1997). Dispersal over longer distances | | | is accomplished through the movement of infested plant | | | materials in commerce (CABI, 2006; Sugimoto, 1994). | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Economic Impact | High | | | | | *Planococcus minor* is extremely polyphagous and attacks | \(3\) | | several economically important crops, including grapes, | | | pears, curcurbits, and solaneaceous species (Ben-D*ov et | | | a*l., 2006). It is an important pest of coffee in India | | | (Red*dy et a*l., 1997). Severe outbreaks (originally | | | attributed to *P. citri* \[Risso\]) have been reported on | | | coffee and sugarcane in New Guinea (CABI, 2006). | | | Introduction of this mealybug into the United States could | | | cause the loss of domestic or foreign markets for a number | | | of commodities. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | ###### Environmental Impact | High | | | | | The extreme polyphagy of this species predisposes it to | \(3\) | | attack native plants listed as Threatened or Endangered | | | (*e.g.*, *Amaranthus*, *Cucurbita*, *Solanum*, *Helianthus*, | | | *Abutilon*, *Eugenia*, *Euphorbia*) (USFWS, 2007). | | | | | | Because it represents a potential threat to economically | | | valuable crops in the United States (*e.g.*, avocado, | | | citrus, cucurbits), the establishment of *P. minor* in the | | | United States could trigger the initiation of eradication or | | | chemical/biological control programs. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+-------+ **Table 5.** Risk ratings for consequences of introduction. +---------+----------+------+--------+--------+------------+---------+ | * | **Clim | ** | **Dis | **Ec | **Env | **Cum | | *Pest** | ate/Host | Host | persal | onomic | ironmental | ulative | | | Inter | Ran | Poten | Im | Impact** | R | | | action** | ge** | tial** | pact** | | ating** | +=========+==========+======+========+========+============+=========+ | *Bac | Medium | High | High | High | High (3) | * | | trocera | (2) | (3) | (3) | (3) | | *High** | | co | | | | | | | | rrecta* | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | *(14)** | +---------+----------+------+--------+--------+------------+---------+ | *Bac | Medium | High | High | High | High (3) | * | | trocera | (2) | (3) | (3) | (3) | | *High** | | cucu | | | | | | | | rbitae* | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | *(14)** | +---------+----------+------+--------+--------+------------+---------+ | *Bac | Medium | High | High | High | High (3) | * | | trocera | (2) | (3) | (3) | (3) | | *High** | | do | | | | | | | | rsalis* | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | *(14)** | +---------+----------+------+--------+--------+------------+---------+ | *Dysm | Medium | High | Medium | High | High (3) | * | | icoccus | (2) | (3) | (2) | (3) | | *High** | | neobr | | | | | | | | evipes* | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | *(13)** | +---------+----------+------+--------+--------+------------+---------+ | *Plan | Medium | High | Medium | High | High (3) | * | | ococcus | (2) | (3) | (2) | (3) | | *High** | | lil | | | | | | | | acinus* | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | *(13)** | +---------+----------+------+--------+--------+------------+---------+ | *Plan | Low (1) | High | Medium | High | High (3) | **M | | ococcus | | (3) | (2) | (3) | | edium** | | minor* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | *(12)** | +---------+----------+------+--------+--------+------------+---------+ #### 2.5.2 Likelihood of Introduction---Quantity Imported and Pest Opportunity Likelihood of introduction is a function of the quantity of the commodity imported annually and pest opportunity, which consists of five criteria that consider the potential for pest survival along the pathway (USDA, 2000) (Table 6). The following scale is used to interpret this total: Low is 6-9 points, Medium is 10-14 points, and High is 15-18 points. **Quantity Imported Annually** The rating for the quantity imported annually is based on the amount reported by the exporter, and is converted into standard units of 40-foot-long shipping containers. The initial volume of red dragon fruit to be shipped to the United States is not likely to be greater than 10 containers per year; therefore, this risk element is rated Low (1) for all pests. **Survive Post-Harvest Treatment** This risk element evaluates the efficacy of standard post-harvest treatments in terms of the likely mortality of pests exposed to the treatments. In the absence of further information, we assume only minimal post-harvest treatments, such as washing and culling, are used in Vietnam for red dragon fruit. Among the arthropod pests, the Tephritid fruit flies (*Bactrocera correcta, B. cucurbitae,* and *B. dorsalis*), which are internal feeders, would be expected to survive minimal post-harvest treatments, especially if infestation of the fruit was not of such great age to make damage obvious. They are rated High (3) for this risk element. The scale insects *Dysmicoccus* *neobrevipes, Planococcus lilacinus,* and *P. minor* (Pseudococcidae) are external feeders and would be less likely than internal feeders to survive post-harvest treatments; however, depending on their stage (egg, larva, adult), these arthropods might find shelter on fruit, particularly at the stem end, or in packing materials. Scale insects have sessile stages that live firmly pressed to plant surfaces. Their cryptic behavior, small size, repellency to water, waxy coverings, and firm attachment to the substrate could make them difficult to see or dislodge, especially if sheltered at the stem end of the fruit. For example, many scales prefer tight, protected areas, such as cracks and crevices (Kosztarab, 1996). Consequently, mealybugs are rated Medium (2) for this risk element. **Survive Shipment** Red dragon fruit is typically stored at 10°C (Wall, 2005). Under such benign conditions, all of the pests are expected to have a High (3) probability of surviving shipment. **Not Detected at Port-of-Entry** The larvae of the tephritid fruit flies (*Bactrocera correcta, B. cucurbitae* ,and *B. dorsalis*) are internal pests and deposit their eggs under the surface of the fruit. The early stages of larval development inside the fruit are adequately detected only by destructive sampling. Depending on the age of infestation these pests could have a high probability of escaping detection. In fact, fruits infested with fruit flies often go unrecognized (White and Elson-Harris, 1992); therefore, these pests are rated High (3) for this risk element. The scales (*Dysmicoccus* *neobrevipes, Planococcus lilacinus,* and *P. minor*) are external feeders and large, conspicuous infestations could lead to their easy detection; however, sparser populations of these small insects---particularly if concealed on fruits or in packing materials, or if present in the egg stage---would be more difficult to discover. They are rated Medium (2) for this risk element. **Imported or Moved Subsequently to an Area with an Environment Suitable for Survival** Red dragon fruit from Vietnam is likely to be sold in every state. We assume that demand for fruit is proportional to the size of the consumer population in potential markets and that any infestations of fruit would be distributed equally among consignments. Based on the latest census data (USCB, 2005), we estimate that approximately 5 percent of the U.S. population resides within Plant Hardiness Zone 10 (See Figure 1). Therefore, because the region encompassing Zone 10 comprises only a small percentage of the likely markets for Vietnamese red dragon fruit, *Planococcus minor* is assumed to present a Low (1) risk of being moved to habitat suitable for survival. Three of the most populous states (California, Florida, and Texas) contain areas within Plant Hardiness Zones 8-10, and are likely to constitute large markets for the imports. We estimate that approximately 46 percent of the U.S. population resides in one of these zones. Therefore, *Bactrocera correcta,* *B. cucurbitae, B. dorsalis, Dysmicoccus* *neobrevipes,* and *Planococcus lilacinus* are estimated to present a Medium (2) risk of being moved to a habitat suitable for survival because they are considered capable of surviving in a range of states (those containing areas within Zones 8 or 9 and above) that may comprise a moderately high percentage of likely markets for Vietnamese red dragon fruit. **Come into Contact with Host Material Suitable for Reproduction** Because species of *Prunus, Citrus, Malus, Solanum, Cucurbitae,* and other host plants have broad distributions in the southern and western United States (USDA NRCS, 2007), suitable host material should be widely available for all of the pests analyzed. *Bactrocera* spp. are generally considered strong fliers (He*ly et a*l., 1982) and some are capable of migratory flights up to 65 km. Risk of the fruit flies coming into contact with host material suitable for reproduction therefore is estimated to be High (3). The scales *Dysmicoccus* *neobrevipes, Planococcus lilacinus,* and *P. minor* have a limited capacity for natural dispersal and tend to remain with their host plants except in the crawler stages (CABI, 2006). Therefore, they are considered to have a Low (1) risk of coming into contact with host material via this pathway. **Table 6.** Summary of the likelihood of introduction. +---------+-------+---------+-------+-------+------+-------+---------+ | * | **Qua | ** | **Su | **Not | **M | **Co | **Cum | | *Pest** | ntity | Survive | rvive | Det | oved | ntact | ulative | | | Impor | Post- | Shipm | ected | to | with | R | | | ted** | Harvest | ent** | at | Suit | Host | ating** | | | | Trea | | Port- | able | Mater | | | | | tment** | | of-En | H | ial** | | | | | | | try** | abit | | | | | | | | | at** | | | +=========+=======+=========+=======+=======+======+=======+=========+ | *Bac | Low | High | High | High | Me | High | * | | trocera | | | | | dium | | *High** | | co | \(1\) | \(3\) | \(3\) | \(3\) | (2) | \(3\) | | | rrecta* | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | *(15)** | +---------+-------+---------+-------+-------+------+-------+---------+ | *Bac | Low | High | High | High | Me | High | * | | trocera | | | | | dium | | *High** | | cucu | \(1\) | \(3\) | \(3\) | \(3\) | (2) | \(3\) | | | rbitae* | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | *(15)** | +---------+-------+---------+-------+-------+------+-------+---------+ | *Bac | Low | High | High | High | Me | High | * | | trocera | | | | | dium | | *High** | | do | \(1\) | \(3\) | \(3\) | \(3\) | (2) | \(3\) | | | rsalis* | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | *(15)** | +---------+-------+---------+-------+-------+------+-------+---------+ | *Dysm | Low | Medium | High | M | Me | Low | **M | | icoccus | | (2) | | edium | dium | | edium** | | neobr | \(1\) | | \(3\) | (2) | (2) | \(1\) | | | evipes* | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | *(11)** | +---------+-------+---------+-------+-------+------+-------+---------+ | *Plan | Low | Medium | High | M | Me | Low | **M | | ococcus | | (2) | | edium | dium | | edium** | | lil | \(1\) | | \(3\) | (2) | (2) | \(1\) | | | acinus* | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | *(11)** | +---------+-------+---------+-------+-------+------+-------+---------+ | *Plan | Low | Medium | High | M | Low | Low | **M | | ococcus | | (2) | | edium | | | edium** | | minor* | \(1\) | | \(3\) | (2) | \ | \(1\) | | | | | | | | (1\) | | * | | | | | | | | | *(10)** | +---------+-------+---------+-------+-------+------+-------+---------+ ## 2.6 Conclusion The summation of the values for the Consequences of Introduction and the Likelihood of introduction yields Pest Risk Potential values (USDA, 2000) (Table 7). This is an estimate of the risks associated with the importation of red dragon fruit (red pitaya) from Vietnam. **Table 7.** Pest Risk Potential. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Pest Species** **Consequences of **Likelihood of **Pest Risk Introduction** Introduction** Potential** --------------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- *Bactrocera correcta* High (14) High (15) **High (29)** *Bactrocera High (14) High (15) **High (29)** cucurbitae* *Bactrocera dorsalis* High (14) High (15) **High (29)** *Dysmicoccus High (13) Medium (11) **Medium (24)** neobrevipes* *Planococcus High (13) Medium (11) **Medium (24)** lilacinus* *Planococcus minor* Medium (12) Medium(10) **Medium (22)** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pests with a Pest Risk Potential value of *Low* do not require specific mitigation measures, whereas a value within the *Medium* range indicates that specific phytosanitary measures may be necessary. The PPQ Guidelines state that a *High* Pest Risk Potential means that specific phytosanitary measures are strongly recommended, and that port-of-entry inspection is not considered sufficient to provide phytosanitary security. The choice of appropriate measures to mitigate risk is undertaken as part of Risk Management and is not addressed in this document. # III. Authors and Reviewer **Authors**: Alison Neeley, Entomologist Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (CPHST) Heather Hartzog, Plant Pathologist Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (CPHST) **Reviewer:** Christie Bertone, Entomologist Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (CPHST) # IV. Literature Cited Alfieri, S. A., K. R. Langdon, J. W. Kimbrough, N. E. El-Gholl, and C. Wehlberg. 1993. Diseases and Disorders of Plants in Florida. 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Weed Science Society of America. # Appendix 1. Interceptions on Dragon Fruit/Pitaya (*Hylocereus* spp.) Because of its morphological similarities to and ability to hybridize with other *Hylocereus* species and Cactus genera, red dragon fruit (red pitaya) has unsettled botanical nomenclature. Therefore, interceptions on the following are also included: *Acanthocereus* spp., *Cactus* spp., *Cereus* spp., *Echinocereus* spp., *Escontria* spp., *Myrtillocactus* spp., *Stenocereus* spp., *Lemairocereus* spp., *Marshallocereus* spp., and *Pachycereus* spp.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Pest** **Origin** **Inspected **Where **Host **No.** Host** Intercepted** Part** -------------------------- ------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- --------- ACUTASPIS ALBOPICTA Mexico Hylocereus MAIL   1 (COCKERELL) (DIASPIDIDAE) undatus AECIDIUM SP. (ANAMORPHIC Mexico Hylocereus sp. PERMIT CARGO FRUIT 1 RUST) AGROTHRIPS SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE) sp. ALEYRODIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. ALTICA SP. (CHRYSOMELIDAE) Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 1 ALTICA SP. (CHRYSOMELIDAE) Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 1 ANASTREPHA SP. Argentina Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. ANASTREPHA SP. Colombia Acanthocereus STORES FRUIT 1 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. ANASTREPHA SP. Colombia Acanthocereus HOLDS FRUIT 1 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. ANASTREPHA SP. Colombia Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. ANASTREPHA SP. Guatemala Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. ANASTREPHA SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   2 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. ANASTREPHA SP. Trinidad and Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TEPHRITIDAE) Tobago sp. ANASTREPHA SP. Colombia Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TEPHRITIDAE) ANASTREPHA SP. Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 (TEPHRITIDAE) ANTHRIBIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Hylocereus MAIL FRUIT 1 undatus APHIDIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Acanthocereus PERMIT CARGO FRUIT 1 sp. APHIDIDAE, SPECIES OF Nicaragua Cereus undatus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 ASPHONDYLIA SP. Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (CECIDOMYIIDAE) BACTROCERA SP. China Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. BACTROCERA SP. Taiwan Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. BACTROCERA SP. Unknown Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. BACTROCERA SP. Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. BACTROCERA SP. Hawaii Hylocereus BAGGAGE   1 (TEPHRITIDAE) undatus BLAPSTINUS SP. Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TENEBRIONIDAE) CACTOPHAGUS SP. Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (DRYOPHTHORIDAE) CALCISUCCINEA DOMINICENSIS Dominican Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO STEM 2 (PFEIFFER) (SUCCINEIDAE) Republic CAMAROSPORIUM SP. Argentina Cereus sp. MAIL STEM 1 (COELOMYCETES) CATAENOCOCCUS SP. Vietnam Cereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) CERATITIS CAPITATA Argentina Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (WIEDEMANN) (TEPHRITIDAE) sp. CERCOSPORA SP. Singapore Echinocereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 (HYPHOMYCETES) CHRYSOMELIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus BAGGAGE STEM 1 hildmannianus CICADELLIDAE, SPECIES OF Taiwan Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. CICADELLIDAE, SPECIES OF Dominican Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 Republic CICADELLIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 CLADOSPORIUM SP. Honduras Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (HYPHOMYCETES) sp. CLADOSPORIUM SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (HYPHOMYCETES) sp. CLADOSPORIUM SP. Nicaragua Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (HYPHOMYCETES) sp. COCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 undatus COCCIDAE, SPECIES OF India Pachycereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 COCCOTRYPES SP. Peru Cereus PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 (SCOLYTIDAE) hildmannianus COCCUS SP. (COCCIDAE) Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 COLASPIS SP. Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (CHRYSOMELIDAE) COLEOPTERA, SPECIES OF Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. COLLETOTRICHUM SP. Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 8 (COELOMYCETES) sp. COLLETOTRICHUM SP. Australia Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO LEAF 1 (COELOMYCETES) COLLETOTRICHUM SP. Taiwan Hylocereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 (COELOMYCETES) COLLETOTRICHUM SP. Thailand Hylocereus PERMIT CARGO   1 (COELOMYCETES) undatus CONOGETHES SP. (CRAMBIDAE) Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. CONOPOMORPHA SP. Unknown Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (GRACILLARIIDAE) sp. CONOTRACHELUS SP. Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (CURCULIONIDAE) COREIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. COSMOPTERIGIDAE, SPECIES Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 OF sp. CRAMBIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. CRAMBIDAE, SPECIES OF El Salvador Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 tetragonus CRYPTOPHLEBIA SP. Hawaii Cereus sp. MAIL   1 (TORTRICIDAE) CURCULIONIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 sp. CURCULIONIDAE, SPECIES OF Nicaragua Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 sp. DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Cambodia Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Hong Kong Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Singapore Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Thailand Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Asia Country Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) Unknown tetragonus DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Hong Kong Hylocereus BAGGAGE   1 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) polyrhizus DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Vietnam Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) polyrhizus DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Hong Kong Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Unknown Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) DYSMICOCCUS NEOBREVIPES Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   3 BEARDSLEY (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) DYSMICOCCUS SP. Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. DYSMICOCCUS SP. Asia Country Hylocereus sp. QUARTERS   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) Unknown DYSMICOCCUS SP. Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   3 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) ECDYTOLOPHA SP. Mexico Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TORTRICIDAE) undatus EREMBERGA SP. (PYRALIDAE) Mexico Stenocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 FERRISIA SP. China Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. FERRISIA SP. Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. FERRISIA SP. Laos Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) FUSARIUM SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (HYPHOMYCETES) sp. GELECHIIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 GERSTAECKERIA SP. Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 1 (CURCULIONIDAE) GRACILLARIIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   19 sp. GRACILLARIIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 2 GRACILLARIIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 GRACILLARIIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 undatus GRACILLARIIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 undatus GRYLLIDAE, SPECIES OF Dominican Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 Republic HOPLOSPHYRUM SP. Dominican Cereus PERMIT CARGO   1 (GRYLLIDAE) Republic hildmannianus HYMENOPTERA, SPECIES OF Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 sp. INSECTA, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus undatus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 INSECTA, SPECIES OF Unknown Hylocereus BAGGAGE   1 undatus LAGRIINAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TENEBRIONIDAE) LAMELLAXIS GRACILIS Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (HUTTON) (SUBULINIDAE) tetragonus LEPIDOPTERA, SPECIES OF Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. LEPIDOPTERA, SPECIES OF Haiti Cereus PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 hildmannianus LEPIDOPTERA, SPECIES OF Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 LEPTOSPHAERIA SP. Taiwan Hylocereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 (LEPTOSPHAERIACEAE) LOPHODERMIUM SP. Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE   5 (RHYTISMATACEAE) MACONELLICOCCUS HIRSUTUS Cambodia Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (GREEN) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. MARGARODIDAE, SPECIES OF Nicaragua Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. MARMARA SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   20 (GRACILLARIIDAE) sp. MARMARA SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE STEM 1 (GRACILLARIIDAE) tetragonus MARMARA SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE STEM 1 (GRACILLARIIDAE) tetragonus NOCTUIDAE, SPECIES OF Dominican Cereus PERMIT CARGO STEM 2 Republic hildmannianus NOCTUIDAE, SPECIES OF Dominican Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 Republic OECOPHORIDAE, SPECIES OF Hong Kong Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. OECOPHORIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 undatus OGDOECOSTA BIANNULARIS Mexico Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (BOHEMAN) (CHRYSOMELIDAE) undatus OLETHREUTINAE, SPECIES OF Panama Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (TORTRICIDAE) tetragonus OLETHREUTINAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TORTRICIDAE) OPUNTIASPIS CARINATA Mexico Myrtillocactus BAGGAGE   1 (COCKERELL) (DIASPIDIDAE) sp. OPUNTIASPIS PHILOCOCCUS Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 30 (COCKERELL) (DIASPIDIDAE) OPUNTIASPIS PHILOCOCCUS Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 11 (COCKERELL) (DIASPIDIDAE) OPUNTIASPIS PHILOCOCCUS Mexico Myrtillocactus PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 (COCKERELL) (DIASPIDIDAE) geometrizans OPUNTIASPIS PHILOCOCCUS Mexico Myrtillocactus BAGGAGE STEM 11 (COCKERELL) (DIASPIDIDAE) geometrizans OPUNTIASPIS PHILOCOCCUS Mexico Myrtillocactus PERMIT CARGO STEM 2 (COCKERELL) (DIASPIDIDAE) geometrizans OPUNTIASPIS SP. Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 (DIASPIDIDAE) ORGYIA SP. (LYMANTRIIDAE) Mexico Myrtillocactus BAGGAGE   1 sp. OZAMIA SP. (PYRALIDAE) Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. OZAMIA SP. (PYRALIDAE) Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 OZAMIA SP. (PYRALIDAE) Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 OZAMIA SP. (PYRALIDAE) Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 PARACOCCUS SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. PENICILLIUM SP. Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (HYPHOMYCETES) \*NON-REP\* PESTALOTIOPSIS SP. South America Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (COELOMYCETES) Country Unknown PHEIDOLE SP. (FORMICIDAE) Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 sp. PHOMA SP. (COELOMYCETES) Ecuador Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 sp. PHOMA SP. (COELOMYCETES) Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE LEAF 1 PHOMA SP. (COELOMYCETES) Thailand Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO FRUIT 1 PHOMOPSIS SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (COELOMYCETES) sp. PHOMOPSIS SP. Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 (COELOMYCETES) sp. PHOMOPSIS SP. Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE   21 (COELOMYCETES) PHOMOPSIS SP. Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 33 (COELOMYCETES) PHOMOPSIS SP. Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   4 (COELOMYCETES) PHOMOPSIS SP. Unknown Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (COELOMYCETES) PHOMOPSIS SP. Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 (COELOMYCETES) PHOMOPSIS SP. Mexico Hylocereus BAGGAGE   1 (COELOMYCETES) undatus PHYCITINAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 10 (PYRALIDAE) sp. PHYCITINAE, SPECIES OF Nicaragua Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (PYRALIDAE) sp. PHYCITINAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 1 (PYRALIDAE) PHYCITINAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 (PYRALIDAE) PHYCITINAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE   2 (PYRALIDAE) PHYCITINAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 (PYRALIDAE) PHYCITINAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 (PYRALIDAE) PHYSONOTA SP. Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE LEAF 1 (CHRYSOMELIDAE) PLACOASTERELLA SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (ASTERINACEAE) sp. PLACOASTERELLA SP. Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE   20 (ASTERINACEAE) PLACOASTERELLA SP. Mexico Echinocereus sp. BAGGAGE   16 (ASTERINACEAE) PLACOASTERELLA SP. Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   6 (ASTERINACEAE) PLANOCOCCUS LILACINUS Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 (COCKERELL) sp. (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PLANOCOCCUS LILACINUS Vietnam Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (COCKERELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PLANOCOCCUS MINOR Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 5 (MASKELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. PLANOCOCCUS MINOR Vietnam Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 (MASKELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PLANOCOCCUS MINOR Hong Kong Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (MASKELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) polyrhizus PLANOCOCCUS MINOR Vietnam Hylocereus BAGGAGE   1 (MASKELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) polyrhizus PLANOCOCCUS MINOR Vietnam Hylocereus BAGGAGE   1 (MASKELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) polyrhizus PLANOCOCCUS MINOR Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 (MASKELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PLANOCOCCUS MINOR Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 (MASKELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PLANOCOCCUS MINOR Singapore Hylocereus BAGGAGE   1 (MASKELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) undatus PLANOCOCCUS MINOR Unknown Stenocereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 (MASKELL) (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PLANOCOCCUS SP. Ecuador Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. PLANOCOCCUS SP. Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 6 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. PLANOCOCCUS SP. Vietnam Hylocereus BAGGAGE   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) polyrhizus PLANOCOCCUS SP. Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PLATYNOTA SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (TORTRICIDAE) sp. PLATYNOTA SP. Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (TORTRICIDAE) PLEOSPORA SP. Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (PLEOSPORACEAE) sp. PLEOSPORA SP. Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE LEAF 1 (PLEOSPORACEAE) PLEOSPORA SP. Italy Stenocereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 (PLEOSPORACEAE) PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF China Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Colombia Acanthocereus STORES FRUIT 2 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Colombia Acanthocereus HOLDS FRUIT 1 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Colombia Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Hong Kong Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Nicaragua Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Panama Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Taiwan Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Thailand Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Unknown Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 11 sp. PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Dominican Acanthocereus PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 Republic tetragonus PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Hong Kong Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 tetragonus PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 tetragonus PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Dominican Cereus PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 Republic hildmannianus PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 1 PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Netherlands Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Thailand Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 4 PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Unknown Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 polyrhizus PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Cambodia Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Thailand Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 3 PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 undatus PSEUDOCOCCIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Hylocereus BAGGAGE   2 undatus PSEUDOCOCCUS CRYPTUS Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 HEMPEL (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. PSEUDOCOCCUS SP. El Salvador Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. PSEUDOCOCCUS SP. Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. PSEUDOCOCCUS SP. Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PSEUDOCOCCUS SP. Thailand Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PSEUDOCOCCUS SP. Mexico Echinocereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PSEUDOCOCCUS SP. Vietnam Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) polyrhizus PSEUDOCOCCUS SP. Vietnam Hylocereus sp. BAGGAGE   1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) PSEUDOCOCCUS SP. Mexico Myrtillocactus PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) geometrizans PSEUDOCOCCUS SP. Mexico Myrtillocactus PERMIT CARGO STEM 2 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) sp. PULVINARIA SP. (COCCIDAE) Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 sp. PUTO MEXICANUS (COCKERELL) Mexico Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 2 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) undatus PUTO SP. (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 5 PUTO SP. (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) Mexico Myrtillocactus PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 geometrizans PYRALIDAE, SPECIES OF Costa Rica Cereus sp. BAGGAGE STEM 1 PYRALIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 undatus PYRAUSTINAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (CRAMBIDAE) sp. PYRAUSTINAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 (CRAMBIDAE) SUCCINEIDAE, SPECIES OF Dominican Cereus PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 Republic hildmannianus SYSTENA SP. Mexico Acanthocereus BAGGAGE   1 (CHRYSOMELIDAE) sp. TARSONEMUS SP. Netherlands Hylocereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 (TARSONEMIDAE) TEPHRITIDAE, SPECIES OF France Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. TEPHRITIDAE, SPECIES OF Vietnam Hylocereus BAGGAGE   1 undatus THRIPIDAE, SPECIES OF Hong Kong Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. THYANTA SP. (PENTATOMIDAE) Mexico Echinocereus sp. PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 TINEIDAE, SPECIES OF Guatemala Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. TINEIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO ROOT 1 TINEIDAE, SPECIES OF Mexico Cereus sp. BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 TINEIDAE, SPECIES OF Korea, South Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 polyrhizus TORTRICIDAE, SPECIES OF Costa Rica Acanthocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 sp. TRIDAX PROCUMBENS LINNAEUS Dominican Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO   1 (ASTERACEAE) Republic VANDUZEA SP. (MEMBRACIDAE) Mexico Hylocereus BAGGAGE FRUIT 1 undatus VRYBURGIA SP. United Cereus sp. PERMIT CARGO STEM 1 (PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) Kingdom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Appendix 2. Risk Mitigation Options for the Importation of Red dragon fruit/Pitaya (*Hylocereus* spp.) from Vietnam. ## I. Introduction Vietnam requested permission to export fresh red dragon fruit (red pitaya) (*Hylocereus undatus*) into the Continental United States. Because the commodity has not been imported from Vietnam before, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) conducted a pathway-initiated risk assessment to determine the unmitigated risks associated with importing red dragon fruit from Vietnam. In conducting the assessment, APHIS analysts first prepared a list of pests from Vietnam associated with *Hylocereus* spp.[^13] based on (1) documents submitted by Vietnam, (2) USDA APHIS records of intercepted pests, and (3) scientific literature. From this list, the analysts then determined which quarantine pests (identified to the species level) are likely to follow the red dragon fruit pathway and qualitatively analyzed them to determine the unmitigated risk each poses to the United States. The Pest Risk Assessment identified the following pests as having high unmitigated pest risk potential: > *Bactrocera correcta* (Bezzi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) > > *Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett* (Diptera: Tephritidae) > > *Bactrocera dorsalis* (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) The following pests were identified as having a medium unmitigated risk potential: > *Dysmicoccus neobrevipes* (Beardsley) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) > > *Planococcus lilacinus* (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) > > *Planococcus minor* (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) The proposed importation of red dragon fruit from Vietnam, if approved, would be regulated by amendment to existing fruits and vegetables regulations, 7 CFR § 319.56, (CFR, 2003b). This document outlines possible phytosanitary measures and provides evidence to conclude that these measures will effectively prevent the introduction of quarantine pests. ## II. Risk Mitigation Options Pest risk management is the decision-making process of reducing the risk of introduction of a quarantine pest (IPPC, 1996a, 2004). The appropriate level of protection for an importing country can at times be achieved by the application of a single phytosanitary measure, such as inspection or quarantine treatment, or a combination of measures. If no single measure is likely to reduce pest risk to an acceptable level, then a combination of measures may be needed. The combination of specific phytosanitary measures that provides overlapping or redundant safeguards is called a "systems approach." The Plant Protection Act of 2000, SEC. 401. 7 U.S.C. 7701, (U.S., 2000) defines a systems approach as "...a defined set of phytosanitary procedures, at least two of which have an independent effect in mitigating pest risk associated with the movement of commodities." Similarly, the FAO Standard for Integrated Measures for Pest Risk Management (June 2002) proposed that a systems approach be defined as "the integration of different pest risk management measures, at least two of which act independently, and which cumulatively achieve the desired level of phytosanitary protection" (IPPC, 2002). Specific mitigations may be selected from a range of pre-harvest and post-harvest options, and may include other safeguarding measures. Measures may be added or their strength increased to compensate for uncertainty. At a minimum, for a measure to be considered for use in a systems approach, it must be: 1) clearly defined; 2) efficacious; 3) officially required (mandated); and 4) subject to monitoring and control by the responsible national plant protection organization (IPPC, 2002). Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) uses systems approaches for the importation of many commodities including Unshu oranges from Japan (7 CFR § 319.28, CFR, 2003c); tomatoes from Spain, France, Morocco, and Western Sahara (7 CFR § 319.56-2dd, CFR, 2003a); and peppers from Israel (7 CFR § 319.56-2u, CFR, 2003a). These programs have performed successfully for many years. A systems approach to mitigate risks involved with red dragon fruit imports from Vietnam might combine a variety of measures: 1) certification of pest-free areas, pest-free places of production, or areas of low pest prevalence for certain quarantine pests; 2) programs to control pests within fields (*e.g*., mechanical, chemical, cultural); 3) pre-clearance oversight by USDA-APHIS officials; 4) packinghouse procedures to eliminate external pests (*e.g*., washing, brushing, inspection of fruit); 5) quarantine treatments to disinfest fruit of internal and external pests; 6) consignments inspected and certified to be free of quarantine pests; 7) fruit traceable to origin, packing facility, grower, and field; 8) consignments subject to sampling and inspection after arrival in the United States; and 9) limits on distribution and transit within the United States. **2.1 Phytosanitary Measures Prior to Harvesting** **2.1.1 Establishment of Pest-Free Areas** A pest-free area (PFA) is defined as "an area in which a specific pest does not occur as demonstrated by scientific evidence and in which, where appropriate, this condition is being officially maintained" (IPPC, 1996b, 2006). As a sole mitigation measure, the establishment of pest-free areas or pest-free places of production may be completely effective in satisfying an importing country's appropriate level of phytosanitary protection (IPPC, 1996b, 1999). This option has been successful in practice, eliminating the need for post-harvest commodity treatments to achieve probit-9-level security (*e.g.*, (TDOA, 2003). Establishment and maintenance of pest-free areas or production sites should be in compliance with international standards (*e.g.*, IPPC, 1996b, 1999, 2006; NAPPO, 2004). These standards specify the appropriate steps for establishment, maintenance, verification, changes in status, an emergency action plan, reinstatement of status, documentation, and bilateral work plans for fruit fly PFA. Trapping for all fruit flies (*Bactrocera correcta, B. cucurbitae,* and *B. dorsalis*) should be conducted with appropriate lures and traps by the Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) throughout the year in production areas. In addition, routine inspection and fruit sampling should be carried out in the PFA. The capture of a single fruit fly (of either species) within the PFA should lead to an immediate emergency action and possible cancellation of export. Red dragon fruit should not be exported until the source of the infestation is delimited, trap density is increased, pesticide sprays are applied or other measures are taken. **2.1.2 Establishment of Areas of Low Pest Prevalence** According to the IPPC (2005a), an area of low pest prevalence may comprise all of a country, part of a country, or parts of several countries in which a particular pest species occurs at low population densities and which is or are subject to effective surveillance and control or eradication measures (IPPC, 1999). Procedures for the establishment and maintenance of areas of low pest prevalence should comply with international standards (*e.g.,* IPPC, 2005b; NAPPO, 2003). For example, elements of an operational plan for establishment and maintenance of such areas might include a geographic description to delimit the area, specification of an upper limit to pest densities, means to document and verify all necessary procedures and maintain records, specification of phytosanitary procedures (*e.g.*, survey, pest control), and movement controls to prevent pest entry or re-entry into the area. The international standards recommend that the exporting country consult with the importing country in the early stages of implementation to ensure that importing country requirements are met. In particular, target or threshold population densities defining an area of low pest prevalence should be established in consultation with the importing country. Any protocol for establishing and maintaining a pest-free area or area of low pest prevalence also should include a pest-reporting procedure and emergency action plan to address target pest detections in the pest-free or low-prevalence zones (IPPC, 1999, 2005a; NAPPO, 2003, 2004). Combined with inspection, effective integrated pest management (IPM) programs achieving low pest prevalence of *Dysmicoccus* *neobrevipes, Planococcus lilacinus,* and *P. minor* would be a possible mitigation option. Freedom from the scales could be verified by conducting an official survey of lot freedom based on inspection of the shipping lot. **2.1.3 Control Program** Cultural, chemical, biological, or mechanical controls (*e.g.*, grove sanitation, biocontrol, pre-harvest application of pesticides, traps, and fruit bagging) may be used to suppress or eliminate pests from groves or prevent fruit infestation. In general, these are not standalone measures, and must be used in combination with other mitigations. **2.1.4 Phytosanitary Certification Inspections** Sampling and inspection of red dragon fruit should occur periodically during the growing season and after harvest for quality control and as phytosanitary precautionary measures. Production areas should also be subject to scheduled audits and periodic unannounced inspections by certified inspectors from PPQ and Vietnam; these inspections should insure that production areas meet stipulated requirements for the issuance of a phytosanitary certificate required for each consignment. This measure is useful for detecting pests present during the growing season that may be more difficult to detect post-harvest. Detection methods need to be combined with other measures to ensure the absence of pests of concern. Statistical procedures are available to verify, to a specified confidence level, the pest-free status of an area, given negative survey or trapping results (Barclay and Hargrove, 2005). Results of surveys must be negative for larvae of fruit flies and scales. Each shipment of red dragon fruit should be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate of inspection issued by the NPPO of Vietnam. Additionally, production areas should be subject to periodic, unannounced inspections by certified inspectors from PPQ and Vietnam to ensure that they meet stipulated requirements. **2.2 Mitigation Options Post-Harvest and Prior to Shipping** **2.2.1 Post-Harvest Safeguards and Packinghouse Procedures** Harvested red dragon fruit should also be covered with screens, plastic tarpaulins, or other pest-proof covers while in transit to the packinghouse and while awaiting packing; packed in pest-proof containers for shipment to the United States; and should be inspected prior to packing. Consignments should then be transported only in sealed, refrigerated vehicles. While packing the red dragon fruit for export to the United States, the packinghouse should only accept red dragon fruit from registered approved production sites. Red dragon fruit should be culled to remove damaged and deformed fruit. The scales *Dysmicoccus* *neobrevipes, Planococcus lilacinus,* and *P. minor* are external feeders, and they or their damage are usually visible to the naked eye. Infested fruit should be removed (CABI, 2006). Red dragon fruit infested with any of the quarantine fruit flies (*Bactrocera correcta, B. cucurbitae,* and *B. dorsalis)* may show signs of oviposition punctures. However, larvae are internal feeders; therefore, fruit will need to be cut apart to detect internal infestations (CABI, 2006). In the packinghouse, leaves and stems must be removed from the fruit to eliminate pests associated with these plant parts, and is consistent with U.S. regulations that imported fruit must be free of leaves and soil (7 CFR § 319.56, CFR, 2003b). In the packinghouse, fruit should undergo mechanical brushing or other treatments to remove external pests. Immersion of the fruit in a water bath containing surfactant and perhaps a surface sterilant, such as chlorine bleach, could remove external arthropods from the surface. The liquid in the bath should be able to penetrate the residual floral material at the stem end, and contact and kill any arthropods that may be concealed around the stem. Detergent-water solutions of about 1 ml/L are effective in killing mealybugs and other Coccoidea on plants (Townsend, 1993). Surfactants, such as common dishwashing detergent, may show a high degree of insecticidal activity with minimal risk of phytotoxicity. All fruit should be inspected prior to packing. A random sample of fruit per lot should be inspected for external pests and cut to reveal internal pests; each sample should be of sufficient size to detect pest infestations. During the grading process, any damaged, diseased, or infested fruit should be removed and separated from the commodity destined for export. **2.2.2 Quarantine Treatments** There are currently no approved quarantine treatments available for red dragon fruit (USDA, 2006). Recently, APHIS published a final rule establishing "a minimum generic dose of 150 Gy for all fruit flies of the family Tephritidae" and "a minimum generic dose of 400 Gy for all plant pests of the class Insecta other than pupae and adults of the order Lepidoptera" for "all regulated articles (*i.e.*, fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, and foliage)" (Shea, 2006). There are two exceptions to these generic doses: "lower minimum doses for certain fruit flies" and "new approved minimum doses for 10 plant pests" (Shea, 2006). If irradiation is used, measures should be implemented to ensure the phytosanitary security of the consignments after treatment to prevent re-infestation. Irradiation may not kill all internal insects; the endpoint of treatment may be inactivation, sterilization, or preventing maturation of larvae. Therefore, the presence of live larvae in a treated consignment would not necessarily result in its rejection, provided appropriate safeguarding measures had been used (IPPC, 2003). The probit-9-level security afforded by a quarantine treatment may be overwhelmed by a large volume of infested fruit (Powell, 2003). For this reason, adoption of a particular quarantine treatment should be used in conjunction with efforts to maintain pest populations in production zones below specified densities, as would satisfy requirements for the establishment of areas of low pest prevalence (IPPC, 2005a). Additionally, it should be noted that fruit may be damaged or reduced in quality as a result of some of these treatments (*e.g.*, irradiation). **2.2.3 Point-of-Entry Sampling and Inspection** If a pre-clearance program is not implemented, then inspection at port-of-entry is necessary. Upon arrival in the United States, consignments should be inspected, with particular attention given to paperwork and seals on vehicles, to ascertain that the chain of custody has remained intact. Each consignment should be inspected to detect a pest infestation rate of 10 percent or greater. In the case of internal feeding insects such as fruit flies, inspection should also include fruit cutting (USDA, 2004). **2.2.4 Limits on Distribution and Transit within the United States** In some instances, the importation of commodities that might be harboring exotic pests is authorized for shipment to certain locations (*e.g.,* Alaska or North Atlantic ports) or during a specific season (usually the one with the coldest temperatures). These additional measures limit the risk of establishment for many exotic pests. **2.3 Oversight** **2.3.1 Pre-Shipment Programs** Inspection, treatment, or other risk mitigation measures performed in the grove and packinghouse should be under the direct supervision of qualified APHIS and Vietnamese personnel, and in accordance with specified phytosanitary procedures. Such programs require monitoring all aspects of the application of any required phytosanitary measures and also aim to identify shortcomings or opportunities for program modifications (IPPC, 2002). Provisions should be made for the formal recognition of approved areas, sites, or producers, as well as the specification of conditions for revoking approvals or refusing certification for export to the United States. **2.3.2 Field Survey and Trapping** Survey procedures include visual inspection, fruit cutting, and trapping within and outside areas of production. Surveys should be conducted periodically during the growing season to determine the presence or absence of pests. Growers should receive or be denied certification for export on the basis of survey or trapping results. **2.3.3 Shipments Traceable to Place of Origin in Vietnam** A requirement that red dragon fruit be packed in containers with identification labels indicating the specific place of origin is necessary to ensure traceability to each production site. ## III. Conclusions The number and diversity of pests potentially infesting red dragon fruit imports make it unlikely that a single risk mitigation measure will be sufficient to adequately reduce the risk of their introduction into the United States. For this reason, a combination of measures in a systems approach, including grove monitoring and management programs to achieve and maintain area pest freedom or low pest prevalence, packinghouse inspection and treatments, quarantine treatments, and maintenance of consignment security and traceability in transit, is most feasible. Options for risk mitigation are summarized below in Table 1. +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | **Table 1.** Summary | | | | of risk mitigation | | | | options for red | | | | dragon fruit from | | | | Vietnam. | | | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | **Measures** | **Pests** | **Efficacy** | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Pest-free areas or | All | When conducted in | | areas of low pest | | compliance with | | prevalence | | international | | | | standards (*e.g.*, | | | | IPPC, 1996b; IPPC, | | | | 1999; NAPPO, 2004), | | | | this method satisfies | | | | requirements for | | | | appropriate level of | | | | protection | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Suppression/control | Most of the pests of | Research is required | | program | concern could be | on effectiveness of | | | managed, at least in | methods proposed. | | | part, with a control | Research may be | | | program, whether | required on | | | cultural, chemical, | effectiveness of | | | or mechanical means, | monitoring options. | | | but the program | | | | should include | | | | monitoring and | | | | inspection to verify | | | | program | | | | effectiveness. | | | | Control must be used | | | | in combination with | | | | other measures. | | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Phytosanitary | All, but must be used | A phytosanitary | | Certification | in combination with | certificate guides | | Inspection and | other measures. | inspection efforts in | | Monitoring | | Vietnam and alerts | | | | U.S. inspectors to | | | | pests of concern with | | | | this commodity. | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Packinghouse | *Dysmicoccus* | Research is required | | procedures, including | *neobrevipes* | on efficacy. | | visual culling | | | | | *Planococcus | | | | lilacinus* | | | | | | | | *Planococcus minor* | | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Point-of-entry | Most of the external | For cut fruit, sample | | sampling and | pests; most of the | size should be | | inspection including | internal pests when | adequate to detect | | fruit cuttings | fruit is cut | infestation. | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Irradiation combined | *Bactrocera correcta* | Approved by APHIS to | | T105-b with low pest | | treat fruit flies. | | prevalence | *Bactrocera | | | | cucurbitae* | | | | | | | | *Bactrocera dorsalis* | | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Irradiation, generic | All pests | Approved by APHIS. | | dose 400 Gy, combined | | | | with low pest | | | | prevalence | | | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Irradiation 150 Gy | All pests | Research is required | | for fruit flies | | to demonstrate | | combined with low | | efficacy. | | prevalence of other | | | | pests plus inspection | | | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Port-of-entry | All, but should be | | | sampling and | used in combination | | | inspection | with other measures. | | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ This document does not purport to establish specific work plans or to evaluate the quality of a specific program or systems approach. It identifies risks and provides information regarding known mitigative measures. The specification and implementation of measures, as would be present in an operational work plan, is beyond the scope of this document. **Literature Cited** ARS. 2006. Grin Online Database. USDA-ARS. National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network. Last accessed September 2006, Barclay, H. J., and J. W. Hargrove. 2005. Probability models to facilitate a declaration of pest-free status, with special reference to tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae). Bull. Entomol. Res. 95(1):1-11. CABI. 2006. Crop Protection Compendium. CD-ROM. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. CD-ROM. CFR. 2003a. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 7, Volume 5. Sec. 319.56-2u Conditions governing the entry of lettuce and peppers from Israel. . CFR. 2003b. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 7, Volume 5. Sec. 319.56 Notice of Quarantine. . CFR. 2003c. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 7, Volume 5. Sec. Sec. 319.56-2dd Administrative instructions: conditions governing the entry of tomatoes. . IPPC. 1996a. Guidelines for pest risk analysis. International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures Publication No. 2. Rome: Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization IPPC. 1996b. Requirements for the establishment of pest free areas. International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures Publication No. 4. Rome: Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. IPPC. 1999. Requirements for the establishment of pest free places of production and pest free production sites. International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures Publication No. 10. Rome: Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. IPPC. 2002. The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management. International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures Publication No. 14. Rome: Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. IPPC. 2003. Guidelines for the use of irradiation as a phytosanitary measure. International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures Publication No. 18. Rome: Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. IPPC. 2004. Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests, including analysis of environmental risks and living modified organisms. International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures Publication No. 11. Rome: Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. IPPC. 2005a. International standards for phytosanitary measures, Glossary of phytosanitary terms. Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention, United Nations FAO. IPPC. 2005b. 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Texas Department of Agriculture. Tel-Sur, N., S. Abbo, D. Bar Zvi, and Y. Mizrahi. 2001. Hybridization between species and genera of fruit-crop vine cacti of the genera *Hylocereus* and *Selenicereus*. HortScience 36(3):441. Townsend, L. 1993. Houseplant insect control. Kentucky Coop. Ext. Serv. EntFact 405. U.S. 2000. Plant Protection Act. Public Law 106-224, June 20, 2000. USDA. 2003. Plant Import: Nonpropagative Manual. USDA Plant Protection and Quarantine, Riverdale, MD. USDA. 2004. Agricultural Quarantine Inspection Monitoring (AQIM) Handbook. USDA-APHIS, PPQ. Last accessed October 12, 2005, from USDA. 2006. Treatment Manual. Last accessed March 3, 2007, from [^1]: Introductions of the *H. undatus* (Haw) became naturalized stands in 10 natural areas in six south Florida counties. These stands were treated and are no longer a factor affecting the native plant community; *H. undatus* was reclassified from a Category II invasive species to the "to be watched" list (Burks, 2001). The naturalized stands in Florida grew from abandoned cultivation or discarded landscaping material (Burks, 2001). [^2]: VN=Vietnam, US= United States. [^3]: *P. lilacinus* was found on *Acanthocereus* and *Cereus* sp. from Vietnam in passenger baggage (USDA AQAS, 2007). [^4]: This pest is a highly mobile external feeder that would not be likely to remain on the commodity. [^5]: Based on interceptions of *Iridomyrmex* sp. on stems and fruit of various commodities from Vietnam (USDA-AQAS, 2007). [^6]: Taxonomy according to Farr *et al*. (2006); fungal name in bold lettering indicates the fungus's reported state in Vietnam. [^7]: Based on generalization of the genus. [^8]: Based on generalization of the genus. [^9]: Based on generalization of the genus. [^10]: Virus is not expected to follow the pathway, as it is not seed transmitted and it is not anticipated that fruit destined for consumption will be exposed to vectors or mechanical inoculation measures needed for transmission. [^11]: When used within the context of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (7CFR §372), the significance is qualitative and encompasses both the likelihood and severity of an environmental impact. [^12]: If the pest attacks other species within the genus or other genera within the family, and preference/no preference tests have not been conducted with the listed plant and the pest, then the plant is assumed to be a host. [^13]: Because of its morphological similarities to and ability to hybridize with other *Hylocereus* species and Cactus genera, (Morton, 1987; Rav*eh et a*l., 1993; Tel-S*ur et a*l., 2001), the commodity intended for export has unsettled botanical nomenclature (Jacobs, 1999; Rav*eh et a*l., 1993; Soloman, 2006). There are numerous synonyms and frequent misidentifications surrounding the commodity (ARS, 2006; Jacobs, 1999; Morton, 1987; USDA, 2003); therefore, for the purposes of this assessment the commodity referred to as "red pitaya" or "red dragon fruit" may also include fruit of the following species of cacti: *Acanthocereus occidentalis*, *A. tetragonus* (=*A. colombianus*, *A. floridanus*, *A. pentagonus*, *A. pitajaya*, *Cactus pentagonus*, *C. pitajaya*, *C. tetrgonus*, *Cereus pentagonus, C. pitajaya*), *Cereus hildmannianus* (=*Cactus peruvianus*, *Cereus uruguayanus*), *Echinocereus conglomeratus* (=*C. conglomeratus*), *E. stramineus* (=*C. stramineus*, *E. enneacanthus* var. *stramineus*), *Escontria chiotilla* (=*C. chiotilla*), *Hylocereus costaricensis* (=*C. trigonus* var. *costaricensis*), *H. ocamponis* (=*C. ocamponsi*), *H. polyrhizus* (=*C. polyrhizus*, *H. lemairei*), *H. undatus* (=*Cactus triangularis, Cereus triangularis, C. tricostatus, C. trigonus* var. *guatemalensis*, *C. undatus, H. guatemalensis*, *H. tricostatus*), *Myrtillocactus geometrizans* (=*C. geometrizans*), *Stenocereus griseus* (=*C. griseus*), *S. gummosus* (=*C. gummosus*), *S. queretaroensis* (*C. queretaroensis*), *S. stellatus* (=*C. stellatus*), and *S. thurberi* (=*C. thurberi*, *Lemairocereus thurberi, Marshallocereus thurberi*, and *Pachycereus thurberi)* (ARS, 2006; Jacobs, 1999; Morton, 1987; Soloman, 2006; USDA, 2003).
# **Maine Department of Environmental Protections** # **Office of Innovation and Assistance** # **Final Proposal for the State Innovation Grants 2004** # # **PROJECT TITLE:** Implementation of a Voluntary Automotive Body and Automotive Repair Environmental Results Program 1. **APPLICANT INFORMATION:** > **Applicant Name:** State of Maine Department of Environmental > Protection (DEP), Office of Innovation and Assistance (OI&A) > > **Project Contact:** Julie. M. Churchill, Maine DEP, Office of > Innovation and Assistance **Address:** 17 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04330-0017 #### Phone: (207) 287-7881 #### Fax: (207) 287-2814 **Email:** <[email protected]> 2. **FUNDING REQUESTED: [\[Financial information redacted\]]{.mark}** 3. **PROJECT PERIOD: [August 2004 -- August 2006 (may be adjusted dependent ]{.underline}** > **[on EPA award date]{.underline}** 4. **NARRATIVE WORKPLAN** > DEP proposes to pilot a voluntary innovative environmental permitting > system based on the Environmental Results Program (ERP) model for a currently non-permitted sector. Maine contains over 4,000 registered motor vehicle auto body and repair shops in accordance with 1997 U.S. Economic Census ( This is a significant amount of facilities and many are located in our densely populated areas that are classified in accordance with air quality non-attainment areas. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection Office of Innovation and Assistance proposes to conduct a focused Environmental Results Program including compliance and pollution prevention assistance effort targeting the auto body and auto repair Industry. The projected impact of this project will be a significant increase in compliance and a cumulative increase in hazardous waste compliance and reduction in air emissions particularly in the Southern Maine region. The goals will be to measurably reduce environmental impacts from this sector and allow the sector and DEP to jointly initiate a self-sustaining ERP certification program. We will measure these outcomes by compliance numbers and volumes of air emissions. > The main issues and focus of our project include: - Undertake a voluntary Environmental Results Program (ERP) to administer targeted assistance, implement a self certification program and measure the compliance results - Research and develop a comprehensive list of Maine auto-body and auto-repair facilities - Use voluntary incentive tools includingMaine's STEP-UP program to certify facilities that wish to go beyond compliance with a tiered certification program that includes performance measurements. Introduce Environmental Management System concepts by utilizing EPA's Practical Guide to Environmental Management for Small Businesses Target air quality non-attainment areas - Focus on reducing VOC's that lead to ground level ozone - Focus on energy reductions to reduce green house gas emissions by referrals to Public Utilities Commisson's small business energy assistance program - Focus on proper handling of all materials to eliminate potential release to the environment - Focus on worker exposure, health and safety including the life cycle of materials at the work place and reducing those contaminants being carried home. - Focus on alternative proven pollution prevention technologies including parts washers, cleaners, cleaning methods, HVLP guns and down draft booths - Measure Air compliance - Measure key hazardous waste management compliance requirements. - Measure VOC emission reduction in pounds - Measure groundwater discharge compliance in relationship to car washing and Maine Waste discharge permit requirements The vehicles we are considering to use for technical assistance purposes could include: - Review existing ERP models from states including Rhode Island, Delaware, Colorado, Florida and Massachusetts - Review existing best management practices guides and tailor to meet EPA and Maine DEP's regulations which will include a compliance checklist and some beyond compliance pollution prevention information - Develop a focussed subset of Environmental Best Practices Indicators. - Develop a Green Certification utilizing Maine Step-Up certification Program Commitment Track (refer to <>) > The project will build on lessons EPA and Maine Small Business > Assistance Program has learned regarding innovation assistance > activities including the following most recent pollution prevention > and compliance outreach projects: - Boat Building Compliance and P2 Project (2001-on going) - Auto Salvage/Auto Repair Compliance and BMP Outreach (2002- on going) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Massachusetts, Florida, Delaware and Rhode Island's ERP Models - Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence (Annual -- P2 Celebration) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Maine DEP Step-Up Program , P2 and sustainability focus (2001- on going) - Maine Smelter ERP Project, MACT compliance outreach focus (2002- on going) > This project will include the following major elements of a new > permitting model which presents the framework for environmental > innovation including: - Targeting this sector for the ERP model due to localized impacts including, Air and groundwater issues - Differing in approach as we will use an outside small business assistance provider in identifying geographical areas with environmental justice and non-attainment issues or classifications - Focusing on environmental issues including greenhouse gases, smog reduction, and improving water quality. - Diversifying environmental protection tools and approaches by providing clear compliance information, resources and pollution prevention technologies through the ERP model and EMS guidance - Fostering a new innovative licensing process through the ERP model in Maine by encouraging pollution prevention and sector compliance based on sector specific information and not size or amount of waste or air emissions emitted. > This ERP pilot project differs from other approaches, as we will do > extensive training, outreach and manage self-certification through > Maine auto associations. Maine DEP's Office of Innovation and > Assistance learned a number of educational implementation strategies > based on the success of the Boat Building and Repair (BBR) initiative > and therefore will work with the Auto associations to adopt similar > approaches. > > [Improved Efficiencies]{.underline}**:** Licensing through an ERP > certification will increase administrative efficiencies by decreasing > DEPs staff time reviewing manifest data and compliance site visits. > This also will increase efficiencies for both businesses and the > department by providing a multi-media one-stop place for business to > have questions answered. > > [Reduced Regulatory Burden]{.underline}**:** For businesses, a > reduction in environmental liability, manifest and shipping costs, > switching to alternative non-hazardous parts washer will reduce > potential of filing for an abbreviated license and/or filing for an > air permit. > > [Reduced Emissions and Worker Exposure]{.underline}**:** Expected > measure of quantifiable environmental improvements will be decreases > in air emissions and reduction in worker exposure incidents. > > [Increased Compliance Rates]{.underline}: Measure increased compliance > rates based on baseline inspections utilizing key best practice > compliance indicators > > [Increased Pollution Prevention]{.underline}: Measure increase in > pollution prevention. > > [Improved Innovative Outreach]{.underline}**:** Office of Innovation > staff will collaborate to understand business and enviirnmental/human > health protection needs by working closely with the association > members, Coastal Enterprises Inc. (CEI), businesses, stakeholders and > DEP compliance staff and getting their input regarding certification > format, content, workshop design and implementation. > > [Improved knowledge and tracking of environmental performance within > Sector]{.underline}: Development of Environmental Best Practice > Indicators (EBPIs) in coordination with Stakeholders, Association > members and department licensing/enforcement staff including: Develop Environmental Business Practice Indicators including: > [Regulatory Indicators]{.underline} - Is the facility in compliance with quantity and time limits for hazardous waste storage ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Does the facility have floor drains and are they capped or properly licensed with a holding tank (UIC) - Does the wash cars and trigger the Bureau of Land and Water Quality's waste discharge program license ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Does the facility exceed potential to emit Air Quality standards (10 lb/hr or 100 pounds a day of regulated VOCs) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Does the facility have a parts cleaner which is registered with DEP Bureau of Air Quality. - Does the facility have a spray booth, compliance coatings and HVLP spray guns > [Beyond Compliance Indicators]{.underline} - Information and utilization of environmentally preferable products ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Recycling of Waste Oil and Solvents - Health and Safety Signage - Reduction in greenhouse gases - Reduction in worker health/safety incidents > [Increased Sector Environmental Awareness]{.underline}: Provide plain > language guidance of our data results for stakeholders to understand > the reporting and tracking of their environmental results measures. > Therefore, the tracking, measuring, reporting and evaluating of the > environmental results data will be readily transferable. Information > from baseline inspections will be communicated to facilities. DEP's > OI&A has been calculating pollution prevention in pounds and has > recorded such information in benchmark studies. Since the early 1990s > we have been measuring and tracking detailed outreach assistance. > > [Increasing Sustainable Practices:]{.underline} The long-term results > of this project will be to successfully move this sector towards > improved efficiency and sustainability through Maine DEP's STEP-UP > Program. Other long-term results expected will be improved compliance, > reduction in the volume of hazardous chemical use and waste > generations, reduction in air emissions, reduction in worker exposure > to chemicals, improved working conditions, improved environmental > quality of the surrounding community. ######### Transferring Innovation > The innovation of this project will be transparent and readily > transferred to other states and the EPA by Maine having all > certification and guidance documents electronically available. We will > utilize the small business assistance programs and pollution > prevention list serves to notify all states of the availability of the > ERP documents including our Web site link address. The specific > potential for widespread application or use of the ERP approach as a > model for next generation is high based on the feedback we have > received from our stakeholders and DEP Senior Management. Promotion of > compliance assistance by peers and mentors through the sector > association will further guarantee this success. Our experience > delivering compliance and pollution prevention assistance with other > sector industry associations has confirmed that technical information > is more readily disseminated and accepted when promoted through > sector's trade association(s). We will promote organization system > change opportunities at the DEP by piloting the ERP model and > instituting the self-certification concept to auto body/auto repair > businesses. This will foster an innovative environmental problem > solving mechanism both internally and externally. Businesses will have > a better venue to have compliance and pollution prevention information > in a plain language format that they will be able to certify they > meet. Plain language compliance information will also be presented > through training, on-sites, mentors, compliance videotape, green > shop/clean shop guide and an audit/EMS guidebook with checklist. > > [Sustainable Funding Opportunities:]{.underline} > > Funding of this program will set up an innovative yet sustainable > regulatory process that can be used repeatedly within the Department > when licensing other Maine Sectors. The ERP model will increase the > number of licensed facilities and broaden the scope of licensed > facilities, which will increase the level of regulatory fairness. #### Maine DEP Quality Management Plan #### Maine DEP Office of Innovation and Assistance has educated senior management on issues related to establishing a pilot Voluntary Environmental Results Program as specified and aligned with our quality management plan. The Maine DEP seeks to maintain the highest appropriate standard of quality in each aspect of its operations in order to meet its obligation to protect Maine's natural environment and the health of Maine citizens. To this end, Maine DEP operates under a Quality Management System (QMS). As part of its QMS, our Quality Management Plan (QMP) provides the guidance Maine DEP uses to establish and maintain consistent and appropriate QA/QC/QI operations agency-wide. The individuals served by the implementation of Maine DEP's QMP and all other resulting quality efforts include: our agency's staff; Maine citizens; non-governmental interest groups; federal, state and local government administrative agencies; and, Congress and the Maine State Legislature. Maine DEP is committed to serving these customers with the highest appropriate standard of quality in our services. All managers are responsible for maintaining QA/QC/QI for the area within their span of control. As such, commitment to and responsibility for the quality objectives and operations detailed in our QMP and any Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) or Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in place at Maine DEP begins with the commissioner and continues through all levels of management and staff. The State's Performance Management Plan for managers includes performance standards consistent with our Quality Management Plan, which provides guidance for implementation. Likewise, managers should include appropriate responsibility for maintaining QA/QC/QI in the performance expectations and review of their staff. The Maine DEP's ongoing implementation of its QMS uses the auditing regime established in Element Nine of our QMP to annually target areas of interest identified by the agency's Quality Management Steering Committee (QMSC) for improvement. Managers assure that Corrective Action Requests and Plans resulting from such audits are responded to and implemented in a timely manner by supervisors and employees in their units. **B. Maine Department of Environmental Protection Office of Innovation and Assistance Implementation of a Voluntary Automotive Body and Automotive Repair** # **Environmental Results Program Quality Assurance Project (Workflow) Plan** #### Overall Project Goals, Objectives, Questions and Issues > The main goals of this project is to promote pollution prevention > concepts , increase public and industry awareness of environmental > health concerns particularly in environmental justice, and measure > increased environmental compliance. Because there are at least 4,000 > auto body/auto repair businesses in Maine, it is anticipated a large > impact will be made on the aggregate reductions in hazardous waste and > air emissions. The focus area of our outreach will begin with the most > populated areas in Maine (southern coastal), which also includes air > pollution non-attainment areas. \[I think it would be helpful to be > clear that, for the purposes of this project, Southern Maine is the > focus. This and earlier language seemed to suggest that the whole > state will ultimately be a part of this particular project that is > being funded.\] The aggregate reduction impact in the Southern Maine > region will not only improve the environment but also reduce exposures > to the mass public to air toxins from both point source and fugitive > emissions. > > The measures we will be using to evaluate the project will include: - Quantity of Air pollution reduced or mitigated including VOCs and HAPS through proper use of paints and cleaners. Changes in practices to high efficiency/transfer paint techniques and use of alternative cleaners. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Rate of compliance with key Hazardous Waste regulations through manifest tracking and compliance checks. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Quantity of water pollution reduced or mitigated- this will include compliance with the underground injection control program, waste water discharge licenses issued and possibly secondary data from the program. - Compliance rate will be assessed through initial and final compliance site assessments. - Resource savings to the sectors on average by use of accounting practices including pollution prevention cost accounting such as E2/FINANCE. Because this may be considered confidential business information, we will look for average estimates and calculate for the entire sector. - Reduction in risk to the community focused in environmental justice neighborhoods within the Southern Maine regional air non-attainment region. - work with RCRA compliance staff on streamlining two existing hazardous waste policies/licenses (abbreviated license and rag/wipes) > If resources allow, the data collected will be used to evaluate the > baseline compliance, end of project compliance, and the delta between > the two. The information will also be used to evaluate if the self > compliance certification results increased awareness and compliance It > also will allow us to work on streamlining existing policies and > licenses that have been documented to discourage pollution prevention > and provide the opportunity to improve upon these. The long term > consequences maybe if this project can demonstrate self certification > through the ERP model increases compliance rates and reduces > administration time and effort the department may look for > opportunities of adopting ERP as a licensing option. Please refer to > the attached logic flow model which is the basis for our milestones > and timelines of this project. **II. Milestones and Timelines** > The following timelines are based on EPA's estimated final award date > of August 2004: > > \[you'll probably want a step below for the revision of the QAPP, most > likely after database development and statistical methodology are > finished\] +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### **Milestones** | ### **Be | ### **En | | | gin Timeline** | d Timeline** | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### Receive EPA grant funding | # | ### | | | ## August 2004 | August 2004 | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### Hire Staff | # | ### Se | | | ## August 2004 | ptember 2004 | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### Coo | # | ### Se | | rdinate and implement a multi-state | ## August 2004 | ptember 2004 | | Workshop for compliance staff and st | | | | ates awarded State Innovation Grants | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### Train Staff in Mu | ### | ### | | lti-media training. This will be an | September 2004 | October 2005 | | ongoign process throughout the year. | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### Develop a Gantt chart d | ### | ### | | etailing flow of work and timelines | September 2004 | October 2004 | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### Dev | ### | ### D | | elop list of ERP candidates '(target | September 2004 | ecember 2004 | | ed facilities) through research and | | | | development and input into database. | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### Con | ### | ### D | | vene Stakeholders (Compliance Adviso | September 2004 | ecember 2004 | | ry Panel) Meeting and review process | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### Develop Incent | ### | ### | | ives to attract volunteers into ERP. | September 2004 | March 2005 | | Work with staff and senior manageme | | | | nt as well as outside agencies inclu | | | | ding sector associations and insuran | | | | ce carriers. Outreach to trade assoc | | | | iations, suppliers and distributors. | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Develop 10-20 Environmental Business | ### | ### | | Practice Indicators (EBPIs) in | September 2004 | March 2005 | | coordination with key DEP compliance | | | | representatives | | | | | | | | - Regulatory indicators | | | | | | | | ### Beyond Compliance Indicators | | | | | | | | \- High priority OHSA standards that | | | | would indicate a need for a referral | | | | to DOL Safetyworks to conduct a | | | | compliance assistance site visit. | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Development of multi-media | ### | March 2005 | | compliance checklist for | September 2004 | | | certification | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Develop an ERP database to house the | March 2005 | # | | indicator data. | | ## July 2005 | | | ### | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Revise QAPP | ### July 2005 | ### | | | | August 2005 | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Review existing compliance records | ## | ### D | | within the department to avoid | # October 2004 | ecember 2004 | | inspections at facilities with | | | | recent or ongoing compliance issues. | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Design a sampling approach such that | March 2005 | # | | we can determine if there are any | | ## July 2005 | | statistical significant changes in | ### | | | environmental compliance performance | | | | as a result of using ERP | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Develop and complete a draft | ## | ### | | compliance workbook | # October 2004 | April 2005 | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Prior to ERP outreach and education, | ### | ### May 2005 | | conduct inspection at random auto | December 2004 | | | body & auto repair facilities in | | | | order to attain baseline compliance | | | | data. | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Conduct baseline inspection data | ### May 2005 | ### | | analysis. | | August 2005 | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Develop and complete a final | ### May 2005 | ### | | compliance workbook | | August 2005 | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Community awareness workshops | ### June 2005 | ### | | conducted through town meetings | | August 2005 | | and/or civic groups in the southern | | | | Maine region. | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Conduct two workshops in the | ### | ### | | Southern Maine Regional Area to | September 2005 | October 2005 | | educate regarding ERP | | | | workbooks/checklists and distribute | | | | workbooks to targeted facilities. | | | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### **Milestones** | ### **Be | ### **En | | | gin Timeline** | d Timeline** | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | ### E | # | ### | | RP information and Compliance guide | ## August 2005 | August 2005 | | books made available on Maine DEP W | | | | eb site for easy access and increas | | | | ed transferability to other States. | | | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Certification process period for | ## | ## | | facilities conducted | # October 2005 | # March 2005 | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Review of self certifications by | ### March 2005 | ### May 2005 | | staff | | | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Follow up post certification | ### May 2005 | ### N | | compliance site visits conducted | | ovember 2005 | | targeting self-certified | | | | facilities. | | | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Identify and assist in developing | ### 2004 | ### 2005 | | suggestions andstreamlines on HW | | | | RCRA policy issues developed and | | | | drafted: 1. Wipes/rags treatment | | | | options & 2. licensing technology. | | | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Initiate contacts to facilities who | ### | ## | | are high performers interested in | February 2006 | # March 2006 | | beyond compliance educat through a | | | | workshop on Maine DEP STEP-UP | | | | program | | | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Tabulate Scores for EBPIs and total | ### | ### May 2006 | | compliance per: | February 2006 | | | | | | | \- Facility (aggregate EBPIs) | | | | | | | | \- Industry (aggregate EBPIs) | | | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Tabulate accuracy analysis scores | ### March 2006 | ### May 2006 | | for self certification vs. | | | | Inspections | | | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Auto body & repair facilities begin | ### May 2006 | ### | | the sign up process with the | | August 2006 | | STEP-UP Program | | | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Track streamlines on HW RCRA policy | ### May 2006 | ### | | issues developed and assist in the | | August 2006 | | deparment in carrying the policies | | | | forward. | | | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Develop and Complete Case study of | ### June 2006 | ### | | ERP project (final report) | | August 2006 | +-------------------------------------+----------------+--------------+ ### **III. Resources:** > Please refer to the budget and resume of staff. In addition, staff and > management assigned to this project will also rely on supporting > information provided in the EPA ERP road map and Region I technical > support. **IV. Applicable Requirements:** We will notify facilities of their compliance responsibilities in a good faith letter and will include incentives to do so. ##### ##### V. Data Required and Data Support of Objectives The data our project analyst will collect and assess are anticipated to include: - Compliance rate through initial base line assessments and final compliance site assessments utilizing EBPIs. - Resource savings through pollution prevention methods and planning including - Number of floor drains and/or systems brought into compliance through UIC - Number of facilities who obtain EPA Hazardous Waste Generator IDs - Number of OSHA issues referred to Department of Labor SafetyWorks - Reduced risk, utilizing existing approved EPA risk models calculate risk reduced to community and - Pounds of VOC and Hazardous Air pollutants reduced estimated through existing models, known volumes reduced through incorporating P2 technologies including alternative parts cleaners, high transfer efficiency painting techniques. ######## VI. Quantity and Quality of Data Required {#vi.-quantity-and-quality-of-data-required .unnumbered} > The quantity of the data will include data items applicable to all > facilities. The sampling approach will be designed in order to be able > to determine is there are any statistically significant changes in > environmental compliance performance as a result of using ERP. > > The quality and quantity of the data will be sampled and analyzed in > order to maximize its statistical significance, within resource > constraints. We will be relying on existing ERP Models as well as the > EPA ERP advisory documents, including the Road Map and *Generic Guide > to Statistical Aspects of Developing and Environmental Results > Program* (2003). . ##### VII. Data Collection and constraints > Our primary data will be derived from inspections at randomly picked > facilities who volunteer to participate in the program. We anticipate > reviewing and using secondary data including existing air models as > well as hazardous waste and air compliance rates for the auto body and > auto repair industry. The secondary data may be used to link > compliance measures to environmental outcomes. ######## VIII. QA/QC Activities to Assess the Acceptance Criteria {#viii.-qaqc-activities-to-assess-the-acceptance-criteria .unnumbered} > Data including the baseline, self certification, and follow up > compliance assessments will be assessed by DEP's Office of Innovation > and Assistance technical staff assigned to the project as well as the > project manager. Consistent methods for review of baseline data and > follow up compliance assessments will be employed by technical staff > followed by spot checks and oversights by the Project Manager. > > The information will be collected and organized in a dedicated secure > project database, which will be backed up daily. At the end of the > project the data will be evaluated to determine if facilities who > participated in ERP's compliance rates improved as well as a holistic > overview of the sector to determine if an overall increase in > compliance rates has occurred. Links to environmental outcomes listed > in the logic model will be attempted. 5. **QUALIFICATIONS:** Julie Churchill who has over 16 years of experience in the environmental field as well as project management will conduct the management and oversight of this project. Please refer to Julie's attached résumé for an overview of her qualifications and experience. In addition, either an engineer or an environmental scientist with engineering coursework and/or air emission experience will conduct the direct day to day tasks of the project as well as undergo multi-media compliance inspection training. We are in the process of undertaking the hiring process for this candidate. 6. **TOTAL PROJECT COSTS** **[\[Financial information redacted\]]{.mark}** 7. **DETAILED ITIMIZED BUDGET** **[\[Financial information redacted\]]{.mark}** 8. **REPORTING REQUIRMENTS** Quarterly reports will be submitted based on a schedule, which will be established by the EPA. A case study report will be submitted following the completion of the project. The report will include: - Summary of the project - Reductions achieved - Rates of compliance achieved - Cost analysis - Problems - Successes - Lessons Learned
**INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE** **Business Office Coordinators, HIPAA Coordinators,** **Information System Coordinators and Headquarters** **Minutes for April 15, 2004** **HIPAA Business Transactions Awareness Conference Call** **[Present]{.underline}** *ITSC:* Carl Gervais, Sandra Lahi, and David White *Headquarters:* Frank Martin, Elmer Brewster *Aberdeen:* Alice Martell, ISC, Thad Banley, IT *Alaska: No Response* *Albuquerque:* *No Response* *Bemidji:* Jan Thunder, BOM, Red Lake *Billings:* *No Response* *California:* Toni Johnson, IT Specialist and company *Nashville: No Response* *Navajo:* Brenda Tahe, Billing Clerk; and Roland Todacheenie, BOC *Oklahoma: No Response* *Portland:* David Battese, IT Specialist; and Leah Tom, BOC *Phoenix:* Violet Kenny, PIMC *Tucson: No Response* **[Meeting Began at 10:00 AM]{.underline}** **Roll Call** Roll call was taken. Participants who joined the call after roll were advised to e-mail their names to Sandra Lahi or Dyanne Leyba. **Minutes** The Conference Call Minutes for 4/01/04 were approved by the group. They will be posted to the IHS website. **AGENDA ITEMS ADDRESSED** # Items of follow up from ITSC Business Transactions Training held in February 2004 -- UPDATE STATUS REPORTS. # Item \# 1 - 997/824 Error Report software design -- Sandra Lahi > Development of the 997/824 Error Report software continues. Testing of > the software is targeted to begin April 26^th^ for the group members. > Sandra will be inquiring to find out answers to questions that remain > on different formats and payers. # # Item \# 2 \-- National TPA/BAA legal guidelines -- Template and Signature -- Frank Martin > OGC and Acquisitions have agreed on the TPA but there is still no > decision on who can sign the TPA. This is Robin York's decision. # Item \# 3 \-- National Training Online Modules -- First phase -- Frank Martin/Sandra Lahi/Kurt Priessman We are in negotiations with the contractor for development of the national training online module. Training development should begin soon. Plan is to meet with the contractor the last week in April to design the content. Clarification was made that this was not like an existing on-line training but more towards the information provided at the ITSC Train the Trainer workshop. # Item \# 4 \-- Indian Health Service CMS representation -- Issues received/Conference call to be scheduled -- Elmer Brewster > Frank reports a document has been created to define IHS issues and > concerns that require CMS guidance. The document was sent to Elmer > who, in turn, forwarded the document to Rick Freeman at CMS. No > feedback from Rick yet. [Reports from Area Office Leads/ITSC -- (1) What advances have your area made towards HIPAA Business Transaction Testing and which payors are you working with? (2) Do you have any other RPMS issues you would like to discuss to get clarification? 3) What other support issues or items of concern that you foresee with this initiative?]{.underline} **Aberdeen** Alice Martell reported for Joan Azure. Aberdeen is continuing to test with ND Medicaid. They are receiving errors relating to the Tax ID number. Joan has been working with Adrian to resolve this issue. Plans are to be in full compliance and they are not anticipating any revenue shortfalls. **Alaska** *No report provided* **Albuquerque** *No report provided* **Bemidji** Jan Thunder reported they are still testing with MN Medicaid. Still working on errors received on the error report with Sandra and ITSC staff. Red Lake has not received any revenue for Medicare Part A and B for two weeks. Red Lake has not tried testing with payers yet. **Billings** *No report provided* **California** Toni reported that more sites have been approved for production for Medi-Cal. Continue to send files to NHIC, Riverbend and UGS. UGS in production with one of the sites. NHIC CLIA \# issues. Still waiting to get approved and in production. In RPMS, changing export modes back and forth to change in File man to change back to Paper. Recommend to add a menu option to allow the users to change the export mode. Need to keep the cash flow going. Have sent a file to Blue Shield of CA. Had errors and are working errors. Went through Webclaims Net Clearinghouse, had identified two errors with formats. For PI 837 Dental claims. Having HIPAA awareness training with all Area staff. Several sites have submitted their application for 835 process. Plans are to start with Medi-Cal. Sent an email to Gail to do a Net meeting for training. Charolett with Phoenix has raised issues with dental questions. See Toni's email in March. **Nashville** *No updated report provided.* **Navajo** Roland Todacheenie and Brenda Tahe. Still testing TB Part A and B, AHCCCs and Kidscare (all sites are testing). Two are in production with AHCCCs (Winslow and Kayenta). Some problems with Medicare with zz where ISA file is at. Should be 33. Several sites are having the problems. Numbers with AHCCCs is still a problem. Brenda is also having problems getting IT assistance to add information via file man. An example was that AHCCCs in the X12 trading partners ID \# field, AHCCCs wants two leading zeros and two in the end. It is recommended that this be added as a menu option TM in third party. Site-managers are slow in responding to requests. Target date to get the Navajo Area in compliance is April 30, 2004. Brenda, Roland and Sharon Sorreel made site visits to all eight hospitals and found that all sites had different software and but were using consistently. Roland gave an update on the Quovadx project. Quovadx came out and did a demonstration on clearinghouse capabilities. Navajo Area has processed PO for additional modules. To include PI payers. The 270 is working currently. Navajo Area is still waiting to complete the testing for the 271 functionality once ITSC processes a task order to CMI **Oklahoma** *No update provided.* **Portland** Leah Tom, David Battese. Still testing with WA and OR Medicaid. Idaho is still okay. For Medicare Part B, diagnostic labs and Radiology still need referring provider. For Washington Medicaid, IHS sites have begun billing WA in 837. WA 835 will be available by end of month in 835 format. Oregon Medicaid recalled the 835 guidelines so it looks like they are still having system issues. Western Oregon is submitting 837 files. CLP1 record and cannot identify it back to RPMS. Reissued 835 this morning and has transposed numbers. Testing the Medco Health POS 835 file at Warm Springs. Working on PNC. To test 835 for TB at Warm Springs as well. Each of the states, Idaho, Oregon and WA, facilities have submitted claims electronically in 837 format. Still have issues with RPMS and addressing locally. A lot of stuff has to be corrected in File-man and correct. Have staff to cancel the claim, correct the data and re-approve it. Inflates A/R reports when this is done. RPMS is working well with Oregon **Phoenix** Violet Kenny, PIMC, reported that PIMC is currently in production with Medicaid and Medicare Part B. Sent Part A Medicare files including 1200 claims which RTP'd due to UPIN #s are populating with Tax ID #s. PIMC had to manually correct over 900 claims online. Shonda did have a fix to this issue in RPMS. AHCCC has noted that no one is in production for Phoenix Area except PIMC. Question was made as to how PIMC is labeling their files for AHCCCs? . Violet explained how she labeled files that were sent to AHCCCs. **Tucson** *No update provided.* **ITSC** **Sandra Lahi** [837 Third Party Billing, p6 status]{.underline} > Plans are to work hard to get ABM Patch 6 into testing by the first > week in May. If you want to start testing with any payer, you will > need the updated routines installed at your site before you begin. If > you need these updated routines sooner than the patch release, please > contact Sandra/ITSC. **Sandra Lahi** [835 AR Version 1.7 patch 5]{.underline} PNC Bank has been working with test sites on Medicare Part B. ITSC is still working with PNC to receive some valid files. ITSC is still working the issues. **Sandra Lahi** [270/271 -- Eligibility Inquiry & Response]{.underline} Status Quo. No further progress made with this transaction. **Sandra Lahi** [Testing Reports Updating]{.underline} ITSC wants to keep current on the status of Area transaction testing. This will help tracking progress and reporting to IHS Headquarters. Dyanne has been contacting Area coordinators to obtain the latest transaction information. **QUESTIONS/CONCERNS/DISCUSSION** Toni Johnson (CAO) -- Do we have a crosswalk document for UB92s/HCFA 1500s to 837s? Sandra reported that there is a type of document that Shonda is working on. Sandra will check and see if this is feasible. Brenda Tahe (Navajo Area) -- Is anyone having problem with eligibility information pulling from page 1 of Patient Registration instead of page 4? This is happening at Ft Defiance and Crownpoint with Medicare for the DOB & SS# and patient name. Sandra will check on this. Violet Kinney -- PIMC cleaned out their Patient Registration database by having their local developer, Jim Gray, design a software to print this type of report. The report included Policy name, Address information, Insurer name and M/M or PI status. A request was made to distribute this routine to sites. Sandra would check to see how this can be accomplished. Violet Kinney (PIMC) -- Thanks to Adrian, Gail, and Shonda for all of their support. Brenda and Toni concurred. It was announced that Gail will be leaving ITSC on April 30^th^ and plans are to cross-train Dyanne to provide the HIPAA support until Gail's position can be filled. **NEXT CONFERENCE CALL** The next call is scheduled for Thursday, 04/29/04 at 10:00 AM (MDT). The conference call-in number is: (888) 531-9517 (Passcode: 46879). This call will require a numeric code to allow users to have more timely access to the call.
NODE1X GENE109X GENE108X 0.987982 NODE2X GENE84X GENE83X 0.981644 NODE3X GENE107X GENE106X 0.975322 NODE4X GENE67X GENE68X 0.974582 NODE5X GENE7X GENE8X 0.971813 NODE6X GENE23X GENE22X 0.970529 NODE7X GENE31X GENE32X 0.968361 NODE8X GENE66X GENE65X 0.968359 NODE9X GENE132X GENE131X 0.965530 NODE10X GENE4X GENE3X 0.960339 NODE11X GENE72X GENE70X 0.959566 NODE12X NODE11X GENE73X 0.963059 NODE13X GENE10X GENE9X 0.955164 NODE14X GENE61X GENE62X 0.953703 NODE15X GENE87X GENE88X 0.952778 NODE16X GENE78X GENE77X 0.950807 NODE17X GENE126X GENE127X 0.950058 NODE18X GENE30X NODE7X 0.947974 NODE19X GENE115X GENE114X 0.946021 NODE20X GENE71X NODE12X 0.944893 NODE21X NODE10X GENE2X 0.940908 NODE22X NODE20X GENE74X 0.939571 NODE23X NODE17X GENE128X 0.936865 NODE24X NODE9X GENE130X 0.933077 NODE25X GENE97X GENE98X 0.927155 NODE26X GENE48X GENE47X 0.925816 NODE27X GENE63X GENE64X 0.925682 NODE28X GENE49X NODE26X 0.924686 NODE29X GENE136X GENE135X 0.921773 NODE30X GENE14X GENE15X 0.920561 NODE31X NODE23X GENE129X 0.917251 NODE32X GENE38X GENE37X 0.915918 NODE33X GENE90X GENE89X 0.911138 NODE34X GENE117X GENE116X 0.908356 NODE35X GENE60X NODE14X 0.906519 NODE36X GENE46X NODE28X 0.894523 NODE37X GENE57X GENE56X 0.890909 NODE38X NODE3X GENE105X 0.890719 NODE39X GENE51X GENE50X 0.886180 NODE40X GENE69X NODE22X 0.883593 NODE41X GENE110X GENE111X 0.878955 NODE42X GENE21X GENE20X 0.877369 NODE43X GENE45X GENE44X 0.874406 NODE44X GENE133X GENE134X 0.868082 NODE45X GENE137X NODE44X 0.877415 NODE46X NODE29X NODE45X 0.878311 NODE47X NODE40X GENE75X 0.861990 NODE48X GENE24X GENE25X 0.857230 NODE49X NODE41X NODE1X 0.855675 NODE50X GENE17X GENE18X 0.855446 NODE51X GENE79X GENE80X 0.854776 NODE52X NODE33X GENE91X 0.850950 NODE53X GENE112X GENE113X 0.844949 NODE54X NODE49X NODE38X 0.842277 NODE55X GENE122X GENE123X 0.824608 NODE56X GENE76X NODE47X 0.814740 NODE57X GENE54X GENE55X 0.812208 NODE58X GENE58X NODE16X 0.810387 NODE59X GENE82X NODE2X 0.808036 NODE60X NODE25X GENE99X 0.801225 NODE61X NODE21X GENE1X 0.793757 NODE62X GENE140X GENE139X 0.786340 NODE63X GENE52X GENE53X 0.779460 NODE64X NODE58X GENE104X 0.779126 NODE65X NODE53X NODE54X 0.776612 NODE66X NODE64X NODE51X 0.770573 NODE67X GENE42X GENE43X 0.767536 NODE68X GENE40X GENE41X 0.766133 NODE69X GENE125X GENE93X 0.763658 NODE70X NODE66X NODE56X 0.752808 NODE71X NODE4X NODE35X 0.752129 NODE72X NODE71X NODE70X 0.742704 NODE73X GENE144X GENE143X 0.730613 NODE74X NODE72X GENE85X 0.727667 NODE75X NODE74X GENE81X 0.718757 NODE76X NODE75X NODE19X 0.722234 NODE77X GENE138X NODE46X 0.707075 NODE78X GENE36X GENE12X 0.699866 NODE79X NODE76X NODE59X 0.699353 NODE80X NODE52X NODE79X 0.697294 NODE81X NODE65X GENE101X 0.697068 NODE82X NODE80X NODE57X 0.691171 NODE83X NODE39X NODE15X 0.690428 NODE84X NODE82X NODE68X 0.686501 NODE85X GENE118X NODE34X 0.678237 NODE86X NODE78X NODE84X 0.677486 NODE87X NODE69X NODE24X 0.673077 NODE88X NODE83X NODE87X 0.679878 NODE89X NODE8X NODE86X 0.672041 NODE90X NODE67X NODE89X 0.675072 NODE91X GENE34X GENE35X 0.669988 NODE92X GENE16X NODE50X 0.669378 NODE93X NODE42X GENE19X 0.669082 NODE94X NODE88X NODE90X 0.663964 NODE95X NODE32X NODE94X 0.674524 NODE96X NODE61X NODE95X 0.670009 NODE97X NODE91X NODE96X 0.673640 NODE98X NODE97X GENE59X 0.668176 NODE99X NODE43X NODE36X 0.656620 NODE100X NODE99X GENE103X 0.652360 NODE101X GENE92X NODE27X 0.648413 NODE102X NODE101X NODE13X 0.657323 NODE103X GENE102X NODE102X 0.650041 NODE104X NODE98X GENE0X 0.640177 NODE105X NODE104X GENE33X 0.639999 NODE106X NODE105X NODE81X 0.633478 NODE107X GENE5X NODE100X 0.628159 NODE108X NODE106X GENE121X 0.627695 NODE109X NODE108X GENE119X 0.606990 NODE110X GENE145X NODE73X 0.603777 NODE111X NODE63X GENE95X 0.598791 NODE112X NODE111X NODE109X 0.622437 NODE113X NODE107X NODE112X 0.595351 NODE114X NODE113X GENE11X 0.593621 NODE115X GENE6X NODE5X 0.582424 NODE116X NODE37X NODE114X 0.581907 NODE117X NODE116X NODE103X 0.577912 NODE118X NODE18X NODE117X 0.574778 NODE119X GENE96X NODE118X 0.559760 NODE120X GENE86X NODE119X 0.546369 NODE121X NODE77X NODE120X 0.540394 NODE122X GENE29X NODE121X 0.544610 NODE123X GENE124X NODE48X 0.528316 NODE124X NODE62X NODE122X 0.523024 NODE125X NODE124X NODE31X 0.485951 NODE126X NODE85X NODE93X 0.482665 NODE127X NODE110X GENE94X 0.480243 NODE128X NODE127X GENE146X 0.524270 NODE129X NODE125X NODE123X 0.477714 NODE130X NODE126X NODE129X 0.465833 NODE131X GENE100X NODE130X 0.444973 NODE132X GENE39X NODE60X 0.443334 NODE133X NODE132X NODE131X 0.441988 NODE134X GENE28X NODE133X 0.447630 NODE135X NODE6X GENE27X 0.404282 NODE136X NODE134X NODE135X 0.406962 NODE137X NODE55X NODE136X 0.398528 NODE138X GENE26X NODE128X 0.378275 NODE139X GENE13X NODE30X 0.375855 NODE140X NODE137X NODE138X 0.374230 NODE141X NODE92X NODE139X 0.285186 NODE142X GENE120X NODE140X 0.257842 NODE143X GENE142X GENE141X 0.224753 NODE144X NODE115X GENE147X 0.217056 NODE145X NODE142X NODE141X 0.215349 NODE146X NODE143X NODE145X 0.097327 NODE147X NODE144X NODE146X 0.023181
**DA 06-784** **Released: April 3, 2006** **NOTICE OF STREAMLINED DOMESTIC 214 APPLICATION GRANTED** **WC Docket No. 06-41** The application listed in this notice has been granted pursuant to the Commission's streamlined procedures for domestic section 214 transfer of control applications. 47 C.F.R. § 63.03. The Wireline Competition Bureau has determined that grant of this application serves the public interest.[^1] For purposes of computation of time for filing a petition for reconsideration or application for review, or for judicial review of the Commission's decision, the date of "public notice" shall be the release date of this notice.[^2] 1. Domestic Section 214 Application Filed for Transfer of Control of Oregon Telecom, Inc., to Eschelon Telecom, Inc., WC Docket No. 06-41, DA 06-522 (rel. March 2, 2006). > **Effective Date of Grant:** April 2, 2006 For further information, please contact Tracey Wilson-Parker at (202) 418-1394 or Adam Kirschenbaum at (202) 418-7280, Competition Policy, Wireline Competition Bureau. [^1]: *Implementation of Further Streamlining Measures for Domestic Section 214 Authorizations*, 17 FCC Rcd 5517, 5529, para. 22 (2002). [^2]: *Id*.; *see* 47 C.F.R. § 1.4 (Computation of time).
# Presentation: 677284 ## “Does the Benefit Associated with Treating Hypertension Apply to Children?" - Ronald Portman, MD - Professor and Director - Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Hypertension - University of Texas -Houston - Past-Chair, International Pediatric Hypertension Association ## Disease Prevalence in Childhood - Congenital heart disease 1% - Epilepsy 3-5% - ADHD 3-5% - Asthma 7% - Hypertension 4-5% - Obesity 18-25% ## Fourth Working Group Report 2004 **2004: 4****th**** Working Group Report** **Measurement techniques and dilemmas** **Norms continue to be based epidemiologically by gender, age, height** **New definition of HTN in concert with JNC 7** **Presence of end organ damage presented** **Evaluation guidelines including co-morbidities** **Most comprehensive therapeutic guidelines to date** ## Classification of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents - **SBP or DBP Percentile** - Normal <90th percentile - Prehypertension 90th percentile to <95th percentile, or if BP exceeds 120/80 even if below the 90th percentile up to <95th percentile - Stage 1 hypertension 95th percentile to the 99th percentile plus 5 mmHg - Stage 2 hypertension >99th percentile plus 5 mmHg ## Blood Pressure Levels for Boys by Age and Height Percentile ** ****Age **** ****BP**** **** ****Percentile of Height**** ****Percentile of Height** ** ****(Year)**** ****Percentile**** ****5th**** ****10th**** ****25th**** ****50th**** ****75th**** ****90th**** ****95th**** ****5th**** ****10th**** ****25th**** ****50th**** ****75th**** ****90th**** ****95th** - **12**** ****50th**** ****102**** ****103**** ****104**** ****105**** ****107**** ****108**** ****109**** ****61**** ****61**** ****61**** ****62**** ****63**** ****64**** ****64** ** **** ****90th**** ****116**** ****116**** ****117**** ****119**** ****120**** ****121**** ****122**** ****75**** ****75**** ****75**** ****76**** ****77**** ****78**** ****78** ** **** ****95th**** ****119**** ****120**** ****121**** ****123**** ****124**** ****125**** ****126**** ****79**** ****79**** ****79**** ****80**** ****81**** ****82**** ****82** ** **** ****99th**** ****127**** ****127**** ****128**** ****130**** ****131**** ****132**** ****133**** ****86**** ****86**** ****87**** ****88**** ****88**** ****89**** ****90** - Blood Pressure Levels for Boys by Age and Height Percentile ** ** ## Evaluation The Four Questions **Am I really hypertensive?** **Repetitive measurements/ABPM** **What other modifiable risk factors for CVD do I have?** **Diabetes, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, proteinuria** **What has hypertension done to my body?** **End organ damage** **No hard endpoints of death, MI or stroke; ** **Evaluation of subtle subclinical changes** ## Evaluation The Four Questions **What is the cause of my hypertension?** **Primary hypertension most prevalent but secondary causes more common than in adults** **The younger the child and the more severe the hypertension; the more likely to be a secondary etiology** **Final issue: what do we do about all this?** ## Etiology of Secondary Hypertension in Pediatrics - 78% renal parenchymal - 12% renovascular - 2% coarctation of the aorta - 0.5% pheochromocytoma - 7.5% others ## Target-organ abnormalities are detectable in hypertensive children and adolescents. **LVH reported (51 g/m****2.7****) in 34-38% of children with mild, untreated HTN with high correlation to BP and in particular ABPM** **Working Group Recommendations:** **Echocardiographic assessment of LV mass should be performed at diagnosis of HTN and periodically thereafter.** **The presence of LVH is an indication to initiate or intensify antihypertensive therapy.** - NO STUDIES HAVE BEEN DONE TO DEMONSTRATE REGRESSION WITH THERAPY AS YET (one completed and results pending) ## CVD in Children - Death rate per 100,000 **0** **10** **100** **1000** **10000** **0-14**** **** **** 15-19**** **** **** 20-30** **Age (years)** - Adapted from Parekh et al, J Pediatr, 2002 - Dialysis - Transplant - General Population - Black - White ## Prevalence of Hypertension/LVH in Children with CKD **38** **60** **74** - CRI Dialysis Transplant **%** - Use of BP Medications **LVH 22-31% 55-85% 30-75% ** ## Hypertension and CKD Progression - CrCl < 75ml/min/1.73m2 - HTN: >95th % (Task Force) - Normotensive: n=1987 (52%) - Hypertensive: n=1874 (48%) - Endpoint: - ↓ CrCl by 10 ml/min/1.73m2 - Renal replacement therapy **P<0.001** - Mitsnefes et al, J Am Soc Nephrol 2003 **NAPRTCS CRI Database:** - 58% - 49% ## New HTN patients (n=53) and NTN controls (n=33) HTN defined as BP > 95th percentile, and overweight BMI >25 kg/m2 - New HTN patients (n=53) and NTN controls (n=33)HTN defined as BP > 95th percentile, and overweight BMI >25 kg/m2 ## ESCAPE TRIAL - CKD patients n=352; Age 3-18 yo; European Multi-center Trail - GFR 11-80 cc/min/1.73m2 - 6 months duration of study; ramipril 6 mg/m2; no placebo - BP was reduced by 7.1 ± 8.0 mmHg in all groups - Higher the initial BP and greater the proteinuria; the greater the BP lowering effect - 87.3% of patients achieved normotension with 56% less than the 50th percentile - Proteinuria reduced in 50% of patients - Wuehl et al. Kidney International 2004;66:768-776 ## Classification of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents: Therapy Recommendations **All patients to receive Therapeutic Life-style Changes (TLC)** ## Indications for Antihypertensive Drug Therapy in Children with Stage 1 HTN - Symptomatic hypertension - Secondary hypertension - Hypertensive target-organ damage - Diabetes (types 1 and 2), CKD, ?obesity - Persistent hypertension despite nonpharmacologic measures ## Pharmacologic Therapy for Childhood Hypertension - Pharmacologic therapy should be initiated with a single drug. - The goal for antihypertensive treatment in children should be - reduction of BP to <95th percentile, unless concurrent conditions are present: <90th percentile. - resolution of end organ damage ## Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA) - Prior to FDAMA - Almost all antihypertensives had been used for treatment of HTN in children - No drugs had approved for children with HTN - No doses established for safety nor efficacy - No available dosage forms ## Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA) - If drug has potential for use in children, written request issued - Suggested study designs furnished and design reviewed by FDA before study begins - Voluntary program with 6 months additional patent protection as ‘compensation’ - New pediatric rule would make these studies required for drug approval but FDA has discretion to get approval in adults first - FDAMA is **very successful program**; - FDA very cooperative, interested, innovative, advocate for children ## Recent Pediatric Phase III or IV Antihypertensive Programs _**AstraZeneca**_Felodipine (Plendil)*Metoprolol (Toprol-XL)# Candesartan (Atacand)_** **_ _**Bristol-Myers Squibb **_Fosinopril (Monopril)**Irbesartan (Avapro)# _**Boehringer Ingelheim **_Telmisartan (Micardis) _**CibaGeneva**_Benazepril (Lotensin)# _**Merck**_Enalapril (Vasotec)*Lisinopril* (Prinivil/Zestril)Losartan (Cozaar)* _**Novartis**_Valsartan (Diovan) _**Parke-Davis**_Quinapril (Accupril)# _**Pfizer**_Amlodipine (Norvasc)*Eplerenone (Inspra) _**Sankyo**_Olmesartan (Benicar) _**Wyeth-Ayerst/King**_Bisoprolol-HCTZ (Ziac)*Altace (Ramipril) **ESCAPE Trial*** Germany - Ramipril in CKD, proteinuria and BP - *published **Meta-analysis in progress** - # completed; not yet published ## The Agency can require studies of antihypertensive drugs in children prior to approval for use in adults. Should they do this? - First question: are antihypertensive drugs used in children and their use warranted? - Yes, but is there proof of efficacy beyond BP lowering? Not yet. - Should they do this? No - Any new compound should be thoroughly tested for safety and efficacy in adults first unless compelling indication - However, pediatric studies must be done after adult approval ## The Agency can also promote studies in children by granting additional exclusivity for assessing the effects of antihypertensive drugs in children. Should they do this? - Yes - This program has yielded tremendous knowledge about pediatric hypertension ## FDAMA - Studies for exclusivity: safety and efficacy - Initial dose ranging studies had low expectations - Pharmacokinetic studies required for each drug - New set of FDA written requests required an interpretable study (age 6-16 yrs) 40-60% African American - Sub-studies for end organ damage, metabolic effects - Encouragement to obtain labeling - Compounding of pediatric dosage forms - Year long safety study - Beginning to examine effects on development - Examining younger age groups (1-5 years old) - New study with end point other than BP lowering ## Is study of effects on blood pressure adequate? - Not anymore ## FDAMA: The Next Generation - Studies designed to determine optimum dose or use; not just an ‘effective’ dose - Study to determine the most effective drug for pediatric hypertension - Studies to determine EOD and disease reversibility - Studies using other end points beside BP lowering - Studies for long-term BP control - Studies of antihypertensive combinations ## FDAMA: The Next Generation - Examine specific therapies for most prevalent diseases such as obesity, CKD - Commercially available preparations as no medicaid funding for drug compounding - Begin to examine neonatal/infant hypertension - PREVENTION ## Does the benefit associated with treating hypertension in children - Does the benefit associated with treating hypertension in children - apply to adults?" - The Child is Father to the Man
  ##### Element Performance Inspection (EPI) Data Collection Tool **6.1.4 Dispatcher Duty / Rest Time (OP)** # # ELEMENT SUMMARY INFORMATION **Purpose of this Element** (certificate holder's responsibility): +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - To ensure the certificate holder\'s manual includes policies, | | procedures, instructions, and information necessary to ensure its | | Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process complies with required rest and | | assigned duty periods. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Objective** (FAA oversight): +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - To determine the effectiveness of the certificate holder s | | procedures in meeting the desired output of the process. | | | | - To determine if the certificate holder follows its procedures, | | controls, process measurements, and interfaces for the Dispatcher | | Duty/Rest Time process. | | | | - To determine if there were any changes in the personnel | | identified by the certificate holder as having responsibility | | and/or authority for the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Specific Instructions**: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - Intentionally left blank | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Related EPIs**: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - 6.1.1 Scheduling / Reporting System (OP) | | | | - 6.1.2 Flight Crewmember Flight / Duty / Rest Time (OP) | | | | - 6.1.3 Flight Attendant Duty / Rest Time (OP) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # # SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION **Specific Regulatory Requirements (SRRs)**: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - SRRs: | +=======================================================================+ | > 121.135(a)(1) | | > | | > 121.135(b)(1) | | > | | > 121.135(b)(2) | | > | | > 121.135(b)(3) | | > | | > 121.465 | | > | | > 121.465(a) | | > | | > 121.465(b)(1) | | > | | > 121.465(b)(2) | | > | | > 121.465(b)(3) | | > | | > 121.465(c) | | > | | > 121.683 | | > | | > 121.683(a)(1) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Related CFRs & FAA Policy/Guidance**: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - Related CFRs: | +=======================================================================+ | > Intentionally left blank | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - FAA Policy/Guidance: | +=======================================================================+ | > Intentionally left blank | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | E | | | P | | | I | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | 1 | | | | | | - | | | P | | | e | | | r | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | n | | | c | | | e | | | O | | | b | | | s | | | e | | | r | | | v | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | s | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | O | | | b | | | j | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | : | | | * | | | * | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | t | | | a | | | s | | | k | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | d | | | a | | | t | | | a | | | c | | | o | | | l | | | l | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | o | | | o | | | l | | | ( | | | D | | | C | | | T | | | ) | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | g | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | d | | | e | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | m | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | i | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | f | | | o | | | l | | | l | | | o | | | w | | | s | | | i | | | t | | | s | | | w | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | c | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | m | | | e | | | e | | | t | | | s | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | h | | | e | | | d | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | n | | | c | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | . | | | T | | | o | | | a | | | c | | | c | | | o | | | m | | | p | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | , | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | h | | | a | | | v | | | e | | | b | | | e | | | e | | | n | | | g | | | e | | | n | | | e | | | r | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | t | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | b | | | o | | | t | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | o | | | u | | | t | | | p | | | u | | | t | | | s | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | a | | | s | | | w | | | e | | | l | | | l | | | a | | | s | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | t | | | s | | | e | | | l | | | f | | | . | | | Q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | 1 | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | i | | | t | | | s | | | f | | | o | | | l | | | l | | | o | | | w | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | s | | | u | | | b | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | i | | | r | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | a | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | o | | | u | | | t | | | p | | | u | | | t | | | ( | | | s | | | ) | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | , | | | w | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | 2 | | | - | | | 6 | | | , | | | w | | | h | | | e | | | n | | | a | | | n | | | s | | | w | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | , | | | s | | | h | | | o | | | u | | | l | | | d | | | b | | | e | | | d | | | i | | | r | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | a | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | t | | | s | | | e | | | l | | | f | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | | | | T | | | a | | | s | | | k | | | s | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must accomplish the | | | following tasks: | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Review the information listed in the Supplemental Information | | \ | section of this DCT. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Review the policies, procedures, instructions, and information | | \ | for the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Review the last accomplished associated safety attribute | | \ | inspection (SAI) for this element with emphasis on the controls, | | . | process measurements, and interface attribute section responses. | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Observe the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process to gain an | | \ | understanding of the procedures, instructions, and information. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Discuss the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process with the personnel | | \ | (other than management) who perform the duties and | | . | responsibilities required by the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time | | | process . | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | # | | | | # | | | | | | | | Q | | | | u | | | | e | | | | s | | | | t | | | | i | | | | o | | | | n | | | | s | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must answer | | | | the following questions: | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Determine whether the following performance measures | | | \ | were met: | | | . | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Did dispatchers\' duty periods begin at a time that | Yes | | . | allowed them to become thoroughly familiar with | | | 1 | existing and anticipated weather conditions along | No, | | . | the route before they dispatched any airplane? | Explain | | | **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Did dispatchers remain on duty until each airplane | Yes | | . | dispatched by them had completed the flight or had | | | 2 | gone beyond their jurisdiction, or until they were | No, | | . | relieved by another qualified dispatcher? **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Are dispatchers provided with the required rest | Yes | | . | periods? **     ** | | | 3 | | No, | | . | *Related Performance JTIs:* | Explain | | | | | | | 1\. If the aircraft dispatchers\' schedule at the | | | | certificate holder\'s dispatch center, shows a | | | | dispatcher scheduled for more than 10 hours of duty | | | | in 24 consecutive hours, then check that a rest | | | | period of at least 8 hours at or before the end of | | | | 10 hours of duty is provided. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.465(b)(2) | | | | | | | | 2\. Check at the certificate holder\'s dispatch | | | | center to see if the certificate holder scheduled an | | | | aircraft dispatcher for more than 10 consecutive | | | | hours of duty in a 24-hour period. Then check that | | | | the dispatcher is relieved of all duty for at least | | | | 8 hours during each 24-hour period. (This applies to | | | | an authorized certificate holder conducting flag | | | | operations that schedules aircraft dispatchers at a | | | | duty station outside the 48 contiguous States and | | | | the District of Columbia.) | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.465(c) | | | | | | | | 3\. Check at the certificate holder\'s specified | | | | location that the aircraft dispatcher records | | | | (domestic and flag operations only) show whether | | | | each dispatcher complies with the regulations | | | | pertaining to duty and rest time records. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.683(a)(1) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Are dispatchers relieved of all duty for at least 24 | Yes | | . | consecutive hours during any seven consecutive days | | | 4 | or the equivalent thereof within any calendar month? | No, | | . | **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 2 | Were the certificate holder\'s policies, procedures, | Yes | | \ | instructions, and information for the Dispatcher | | | . | Duty/Rest Time process followed? **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 3 | Were the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process controls | Yes | | \ | followed? **     ** | | | . | | No, | | | | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 4 | Did the records for the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time | Yes | | \ | process comply with the instructions provided by the | | | . | certificate holder? **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 5 | Were the process measurements for the Dispatcher | Yes | | \ | Duty/Rest Time process effective in identifying | | | . | problems or potential problems and providing | No, | | | corrective action for them? **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 6 | Did personnel properly handle the associated | Yes | | \ | interfaces by complying with other written policies, | | | . | procedures, instructions, and information that are | No, | | | related to this element? **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | # | | | # | | | | | | E | | | P | | | I | | | | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | | | | 1 | | | | | | - | | | | | | P | | | e | | | r | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | n | | | c | | | e | | | | | | O | | | b | | | s | | | e | | | r | | | v | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | s | | | | | | * | | | * | | | D | | | r | | | o | | | p | | | - | | | D | | | o | | | w | | | n | | | M | | | e | | | n | | | u | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Personnel. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Tools and Equipment. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Technical Data. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Procedures, policies or instructions or information. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Materials. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | Facilities. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | Controls. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | Process Measures. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 9 | Interfaces. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Desired Outcome. | | 0 | | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Other. | | 1 | | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | E | | | P | | | I | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | 2 | | | | | | - | | | M | | | a | | | n | | | a | | | g | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | R | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | i | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | & | | | A | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | O | | | b | | | s | | | e | | | r | | | v | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | s | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | O | | | b | | | j | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | : | | | * | | | * | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | a | | | d | | | d | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | i | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | a | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | y | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | g | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | d | | | e | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | m | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | i | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | i | | | s | | | a | | | c | | | l | | | e | | | a | | | r | | | l | | | y | | | i | | | d | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | , | | | q | | | u | | | a | | | l | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | e | | | d | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | k | | | n | | | o | | | w | | | l | | | e | | | d | | | g | | | e | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | s | | | o | | | n | | | w | | | h | | | o | | | i | | | s | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | , | | | i | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | s | | | w | | | e | | | r | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | a | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | h | | | a | | | s | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | a | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | t | | | o | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | h | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | m | | | o | | | d | | | i | | | f | | | y | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | . | | | ( | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | s | | | o | | | n | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | a | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | m | | | a | | | y | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | y | | | n | | | o | | | t | | | b | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | s | | | o | | | n | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | i | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | . | | | ) | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | | | | T | | | a | | | s | | | k | | | s | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must accomplish the | | | following tasks: | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | NOTE: If no personnel or major program changes (as defined by the | | | principal inspector (PI)) affecting the responsibility or | | | authority attributes for this element have occurred since the | | | last SAI and/or EPI was accomplished, then do not perform tasks | | | 3--6, below. Answer questions 1 and 2, below, and provide the | | | name/title. | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Identify the person who has overall responsibility for the | | \ | Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Identify the person who has overall authority for the Dispatcher | | \ | Duty/Rest Time process. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Review the duties and responsibilities for those who manage the | | \ | Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Review the appropriate organizational chart. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Discuss the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process with the management | | \ | personnel identified in tasks 1 and 2. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | Evaluate the qualifications and work experience of the management | | \ | personnel identified in tasks 1 and 2. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | # | | | | # | | | | | | | | Q | | | | u | | | | e | | | | s | | | | t | | | | i | | | | o | | | | n | | | | s | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must answer | | | | the following questions: | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Is there a clearly identified person who is | Yes | | \ | responsible for the quality of the Dispatcher | | | . | Duty/Rest Time process? **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | | | | | | | | Na | | | | me/Title: | | | | | | | |       | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 2 | Is there a clearly identified person who has | Yes | | \ | authority to establish and modify the certificate | | | . | holder\'s policies, procedures, instructions, and | No, | | | information for the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time | Explain | | | process? **     ** | | | | | Na | | | | me/Title: | | | | | | | |       | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 3 | Does the responsible person know that he/she has | Yes | | \ | responsibility for the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time | | | . | process? **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | | | | | | | | No Change | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 4 | Does the person with authority know that he/she has | Yes | | \ | authority for the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process? | | | . | **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | | | | | | | | No Change | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 5 | Does the person with responsibility for the | Yes | | \ | Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process meet the | | | . | qualification standards? **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | | | | | | | | No Change | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 6 | Does the person with authority to establish and | Yes | | \ | modify the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time process meet | | | . | the qualification standards? **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | | | | | | | | No Change | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 7 | Does the person with responsibility understand the | Yes | | \ | controls, process measurements, and interfaces | | | . | associated with the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time | No, | | | process? **     ** | Explain | | | | | | | | No Change | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 8 | Does the person with authority understand the | Yes | | \ | controls, process measurements, and interfaces | | | . | associated with the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time | No, | | | process? **     ** | Explain | | | | | | | | No Change | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 9 | Does the responsible person know who has authority | Yes | | \ | to establish and modify the Dispatcher Duty/Rest | | | . | Time process? **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | | | | | | | | No Change | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the individual with authority know who has the | Yes | | 0 | responsibility for the Dispatcher Duty/Rest Time | | | \ | process? **     ** | No, | | . | | Explain | | | | | | | | No Change | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | # | | | # | | | | | | E | | | P | | | I | | | | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | | | | 2 | | | | | | - | | | | | | M | | | a | | | n | | | a | | | g | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | | | | R | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | i | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | | | | & | | | | | | A | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | | | | O | | | b | | | s | | | e | | | r | | | v | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | s | | | | | | * | | | * | | | D | | | r | | | o | | | p | | | - | | | D | | | o | | | w | | | n | | | M | | | e | | | n | | | u | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Assignment of responsibility. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Assignment of authority. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Does not understand procedures, policies or instructions and | | \ | information. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Does not understand controls. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Does not understand process measurements. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | Does not understand interfaces. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | Span of control. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | Position vacant. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 9 | Other. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
# Presentation: 451387 ## Prototype GEANT4 Service for ATHENA framework - ATLAS Software Workshop - Dec 3 2001 - Architecture Session ## Objectives - Access GEANT4 services from ATHENA framework - Use HepMC event as produced by Generators - Understand various geometry formats: - basic GEANT4 C++ geometry classes - AGDD - DOM - Use GEANT4 Physics Lists - Preserve GEANT4 Hits and Tracks for further processing - Visualization - Use ATHENA framework facilities for persistification - Use ATHENA framework facilities for histograms - Use any other ATHENA framework component... ## Components - G4Svc: ATHENA/GAUDI service - G4Svc - inherits from IService, IG4Svc. - usually, only thing the user needs to talk to - G4SvcRunManager - inherits from G4RunManager - extends functionality - splits up event loop so G4 event/hit store doesn’t get cleared until end of Athena event - AthenaHepMCtoG4EventAction - converts HepMC event in StoreGate to G4Event - AGDD geometry builder - reads XML files and builds geometry/materials specifications - DOM geometry builder - reads other XML files using DOM model ## Access to GEANT4 Services - pure GEANT4 facilities can be accessed in several different ways: - using pre-defined G4Svc access methods, such as: - SetUserAction( G4VUserEventAction ); - SetUserInitialization(G4VUserDetectorConstruction* ); - direct access to G4RunManager - via command line userInterface session - sending text commands to the UImanager - get hold of various other G4 objects, such as G4Event* and talk directly to them ## Process Loop: initialize() **G4Svc::initialize()** - AddListner(EndEvent, McEventGenerated) - new G4SvcRunManager **LArG4Sim::initialize()** - G4Svc->SetUserInitialization(new LArDetectorConstruction) - G4Svc->SetUserAction(new LArRunAction) - G4Svc->SetUserAction(new LArEventAction) - G4Svc->SetUserAction(new LArSteppingAction) **initialize()** ## Process Loop: execute() **execute()** ## Process Loop: execute() cont. **LArG4Sim::execute()** - access G4VHits in StoreGate - process Hits **G4Svc::handle(EndEvent)** - runMgr->EndEvent() - G4SvcRunManager::RunTermination() **execute()** ## MC Event Conversion - Convert HepMC::GenEvent as produced by Generators into a G4Event, using a class that inherits from G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction - Can do multiple events per event - Trivial to do with SingleParticleGun - For Pythia events, don’t need all the particles, can ignore unstable ones - Problem: particle tree becomes disconnected. - put all particles into one primary vertex? - create many primary vertices, one for each HepMC::GenVertex - causes problems with GEANT when have lots of vertices (segfault) ## Physics Lists - Very simple: copy directly from GEANT4 examples. - Select via jobOption - G4Svc.PhysicsList = “string” - Available lists: - Geantino (ExN01, ExN02) - ElectroMagnetic (ExN03) - Full (ExN04) - “none”  user must supply their own - Users can also create their own lists, and load them via - G4Svc->SetUserInitialization( PhysicsList ) ## Saving G4VHits **G4SvcRunManager::SaveHits(G4Event******** event) {** - event->GetHCofThisEvent() - new vector<string> hit_keys - for (HitCollections in event) { - new vector<G4VHit*> v_HC - hit_keys->push_back(HitCollection->GetName()) - for (G4VHits in HitCollection) { - v_HC->push_back(G4VHit) - } - StoreGate->record(v_HC,HitCollectionName) - } - StoreGate->record(hit_keys,”HitKeys”) **}** ## Saving G4VTrajectories - Very similar to G4VHits, except all stored in one container - debug mode prints out all G4TrajectoryPoints in each G4VTrajectory. Turn off when using Pythia! **G4SvcRunManager::SaveTracks(G4Event* event) {** - vector<G4VTrajectory*> *v_TC = new vector<G4VTrajectory*>; - G4TrajectoryContainer* TC = event->GetTrajectoryContainer(); - for (G4VTrajectory* in TrajectoryContainer) { - v_TC->push_back(G4VTrajectory*) - } - storeGate->record(v_TC,"G4VTrajectory") **}** ## Accessing the G4Svc - Tell the jobOptions about it: - Get hold of the service inside your algorithm: - ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "G4Svc" }; - ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { "G4Svc" }; - #include "G4Svc/IG4Svc.h" - IG4Svc* p_G4Svc; - StatusCode status = service("G4Svc",p_G4Svc); ## G4Svc Job Options - G4Svc.PhysicsList: - "ExN01", "ExN02", "ExN03", "ExN04 " - "Geantino", "EM", "Full", "none" - G4Svc.DefaultPhysicsCut - for a PhysicsList - G4Svc.Visualize - turn on visualization - G4Svc.VisType - default VRML - G4Svc.Tracking - G4RunManager->SetSaveTracks - G4Svc.RunVerbosity, EventVerbosity, TrackingVerbosity - how much G4 output to print out ## G4Svc UserInterface - Can access the G4UI text user interface at any time: - p_G4Svc->StartUISession(); - Can also pass commands directly to the UImanager: - p_G4Svc->uiMgr()->ApplyCommand( "G4 command" ); ## Accessing Hits and Tracks - As shown before, G4VHits and G4VTrajectories are stored in StoreGate in vectors, keyed by name - To retrieve hits: - const DataHandle< vector<string> > hit_keys; - vector<string>::const_iterator kitr; - StatusCode status = m_sgSvc->retrieve( hit_keys, "HitKeys" ); - if (status.isSuccess()) { - for (kitr=hit_keys->begin(); kitr!=hit_keys->end(); ++kitr) { - const DataHandle< vector<G4VHit*> > hits; - status = m_sgSvc->retrieve(hits, (*kitr)); - if (status.isSuccess()) { - vector<G4VHit*>::const_iterator itr; - for (itr=hits->begin(); itr!=hits->end(); ++itr) { - (*itr) -> Print(); - } - } - } - } ## Building Geometry from XML - Several XML geom/material builders have been implemented: - Stan’s G4Builder: G4Builder - Jean-Francois’s AGDDBuilder: G4AGDDBuilder - Andrea’s DOM model: G4DOMBuilder - ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "G4Builder" }; - ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = { ... , "G4BuilderAlg", ... }; - G4BuilderAlg.MaterialXML = "Material_AGDD.xml"; - G4BuilderAlg.DetectorXML = "Atlas_AGDD.xml"; - ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "G4AGDDBuilder" }; - ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = { ... , "G4AGDDBuilder", ... }; - G4AGDDBuilder.MaterialXML = "Material_AGDD.xml"; - G4AGDDBuilder.DetectorXML = "Atlas_AGDD.xml"; - ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { “G4DOMBuilder” }; - ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = { ... , "G4DOMBuilder", ... }; - G4DOMBuilder.XML = { ”SCTDesc.xml”, “color.xml” }; ## Building AGDD Geometry - Use AGDD to read in (uncompacted) XML **G4VPhysicalVolume* DetectorConstruction::Construct() {** - AGDD_Factory &f = AGDD_Factory::Expat_instance(); - f.build_detector_description (m_materialFile); - BuildMaterial build_material; - build_material.parseAGDD (f.get_detector_description() ); - f.build_detector_description (m_detectorFile); - BuildGeometry build_geometry; - build_geometry.parseAGDD (f.get_detector_description() ); **}** ## Visualization - Several vis models are currently supported: - VRML/vrweb - DAWN - will add the other G4 standards when I get the chance: had trouble compiling them in under Linux when I first started - By turning visualization on via the jobOptions, the G4Svc will write out the appropriate visualization file at the end of every event. ## Implementations - GEANT4 novice examples 1 through 4 - package G4Sim/G4Ex. - use Algorithm “G4ExN01”, “G4ExN02”, “G4ExN03”, “G4ExN04” - Liquid Argon Calorimeter, - package G4Sim/LArG4Sim - uses C++ classes - SCT with G4Builder - package G4Sim/G4Builder - SCT,Muon,HEC with G4AGDDBuilder - package G4Sim/G4AGDDBuilder - SCT with G4DOM - package G4Sim/G4DOMBuilder ## Documentation - online: - _[]( **CVS:** **currently at BNL** **$CVSROOT = **/afs/rhic/usatlas/project/localcvs - G4Sim container package contains: - GEANT4 (interface package for G4, using geant4.3.2) - G4Svc - G4Builder - G4AGDDBuilder - LArG4Sim - G4Ex
# TO: INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OF GUARANTY AGENCY SERVICERS **SUBJECT: [Amendment No. 1 to Guaranty Agency Servicers Audit Guide]{.underline}** This notice makes the following amendments to our Audit Guide for Audits of Guaranty Agency Servicers Participating in the Federal Family Education Loan Program (March 2000 Edition)(the Guide) **[Background]{.underline}** The Guide provides Independent Public Accountants (IPAs) contact information for: - Questions related to financial statement contents and presentation; - Reporting fraud and other illegal acts; and, - Questions related to the application of the Guide. **[Description of Amendment]{.underline}** The Guide is hereby amended to provide the new addresses and telephone/fax numbers for (1) reporting fraud and other illegal acts, and (2) asking questions related to the Guide. **[Effective Date]{.underline}** This change is effective as of the date of this notice for all reports issued under the Guide. **[Specific Changes to the Guide]{.underline}** To reflect this amendment, the following pen-and-ink changes should be made to the Guide: ### Page I-5 ### Telephone/Fax numbers and address for notifications/reports concerning illegal acts or indications of such acts: Deputy Assistant IG for Investigative Services Office of Inspector General U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-1500 ### TEL: 202-245-7058 FAX: 202-245-6990 ### Page I-9 ### Address to submit audit report package for regular mail and commercial overnight delivery: U.S. Department of Education > Financial Partners > > Union Center Plaza 830 First Street, NE, RM 111H3 Washington, DC 20202 Attn: Elbert Murphy Telephone number for shipping label: 202-377-3552 ### Appendix A For questions on the application of this guide: U.S. Department of Education Office of Inspector General Non-Federal Audit Team 8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2401 Kansas City, MO 64114-3302 TEL: 816-268-0500 FAX: 816-823-1398 Send comments on the guide: U.S. Department of Education Office of Inspector General Non-Federal Audit Team The Wannamaker Building 100 Penn Square East, Suite 502 Philadelphia, PA 19107 FAX: 215-656-6397 Telephone/Fax numbers and address for notifications/reports concerning illegal acts or indications of such acts: Deputy Assistant IG for Investigative Services Office of Inspector General U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-1500 ### TEL: 202-245-7058 FAX: 202-245-6990 Address to submit audit report package for regular mail and commercial overnight delivery: U.S. Department of Education > Financial Partners > > Union Center Plaza 830 First Street, NE, RM 111H3 Washington, DC 20202 Attn: Elbert Murphy Telephone number for shipping label: 202-377-3552 Hugh Monaghan Director, Non-Federal Audit Team
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ## dwarf palmetto {#dwarf-palmetto .Title-Header} | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Sabal minor* (Jacq.) Pers. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Plant Symbol = SAMI8 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Contributed by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center & the Biota of North America Program ### ![](media/image2.jpeg){width="2.6979166666666665in" height="2.3965277777777776in"} ### Alternate Names Bluestem, scrub palmetto, bush palmetto. ### Uses *Ethnobotanic*: The Houma used juice crushed from the small roots as an eye medicine to relieve irritation. Dried roots were taken for high blood pressure. A tea from the dried roots was taken for kidney ailments and as a stimulant for "swimming in the head." The fresh roots were baked and served as "palmetto bread." The small fruits, sometimes called "famine food" were also eaten. The Seminoles, Houma, Choctaw, and other Native American tribes used the leaves of dwarf palmetto much in the same way that they used the leaves of the related tree, cabbage palmetto (*Sabal palmetto*). The fan-shaped leaves were used to thatch homes. Immature blades from the leaves were prepared by sun-bleaching and then braided into thin strips for use as lashings or sewn together to make baskets and other useful articles. Leaves were used to make fans that were carried during certain dances. Coiled-grass baskets tied with palmetto were made by the Houma as late as the 1930s. These unique baskets were made only in Louisiana and Tierra del Fuego. Contemporary people use the palmetto leaves to weave baskets and make small dolls with hair of Spanish moss. *Wildlife*: The fruits are an important food for robins and raccoons, providing from 10% to 20% of their diet. Fish crows, mockingbirds, myrtle warblers, pileated and red-bellied woodpeckers, and gray squirrels also eat the fruits. *Livestock*: This plant is reported to be frequently grazed by cattle, more so than any other palm. ### Status Please consult the PLANTS Web site and your State Department of Natural Resources for this plant's current status (e.g. threatened or endangered species, state noxious status, and wetland indicator values). ### Description *General*: This shrub-like palm generally reaches a height of only 0.5 to 2 m. The stem is usually not visible, being either buried or very short, although it has been reported to occasionally reach 8m tall in Louisiana and Texas. The circular, fan-like leaves are composed of 16 to 40 pale- or blue-green blades that are 15dm wide. These stiff, nearly flat blades do not have a prominent midrib. The white flower petals are 2 to 3 mm long. The small fruits (6-8mm in diameter) are glossy black in color and enclose a large seed (5-6mm). The fruits ripen in the fall. *Similar species:* Cabbage palmetto (*Sabal palmetto*) is a palm tree that can reach 20 m in height. Saw palmetto (*Serenoa repens*) often has a similar appearance as dwarf palmetto as it has a short or horizontal stem. It grows in the same native range but is less cold hardy. *Distribution*: Native to the Gulf Coast States and Florida. For current distribution, please consult the Plant Profile page for this species on the PLANTS Web site. ### Adaptation Dwarf palmetto grows along streams, in swampy or rocky hammocks and in maritime heaths along the coastal plain in the southeastern United States. It is common to freshwater wetlands and floodplain forests where it often forms dense thickets. It rarely occurs in upland woodlands. This is the hardiest of the *Sabal* genus as well as one of the hardiest of palms. ### Establishment Dwarf palmetto is simple to grow and can be grown in a wide variety of soils with medium drainage and fertility in both moist and fairly dry areas. It has a slow to moderate growth rate. *Seeds*: May be easily propagated from seed as fresh seed germinates readily. Transplant in the following year. #### *Transplanting:* It is best to transplant in June or July. Water frequently until the plant shows growth to ensure proper establishment of the root system. ### Management Established plants tend to self-sow. Fruit drupes may be removed if self-sowing is not desired. ### Cultivars, Improved and Selected Materials (and area of origin) These plant materials are somewhat available from commercial sources. Contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly Soil Conservation Service) office for more information. Look in the phone book under "United States Government." The Natural Resources Conservation Service will be listed under the subheading "Department of Agriculture." ### References Bailey, L.H. & E.Z. Bailey 1976. *Hortus Third: A concise dictionary of plants cultivated in the United States and Canada*. Simon and Schuster Macmillan Co., New York, New York. 1290 pp. Barbour, M.G. & W.D. Billings, Editors 2000. *North American terrestrial vegetation*, Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 708 pp. Brown, R.C. 1994. *Florida's first people: 12,000 years of human history*. Pineapple Press, Inc., Sarasota, Florida. 262 pp. Chapman, A.W. 1883. *Flora of the Southern United States: Flowering Plants and Ferns*. Second Edition. J. Wilson and Son, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 698 pp. Flint, H.L. 1997. *Landscape plants for Eastern North America*. Second Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York. 842 pp. Godfrey, R.K. & J.W. Wooten 1979. *Aquatic and wetland plants of Southeastern United States*. Vol. 1. University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia. 712 pp. Halfacre, R.G. & A.R. Showcroft 1979. *Landscape plants of the Southeast*. Sparks Press, Raleigh, North Carolina. 325 pp. Kniffen, F.B., H.F. Gregory & G.A. Stokes 1994. *The historic Indian Tribes of Louisiana*. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 324 pp. Martin, A.C., H.S. Zim & A.L. Nelson 1951. *American wildlife and plants: A guide to wildlife food habits*. Dover Publications, New York. 500 pp. Moerman, D.E. 1998. *Native American ethnobotany*. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 927 pp. Neill, W.T. 1956. *The story of Florida's Seminole Indians*. Second Edition. Great Outdoors Publishing Co., St. Petersburg, Florida. 128 pp. Ottesen, C. 1995. *The native plant primer*. Harmony Books, New York, New York. 354 pp. Rogers, D.J. & C. Rogers 1991. *Woody ornamentals for Deep South gardens*. University of West Florida Press, Pensacola, Florida. 296 pp. Small, J.K. 1933. *Manual of Southeastern flora*. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 1554 pp. Speck, F.G. 1941. *A list of plant curatives obtained from the Houma Indians of Louisiana*. Primitive Man: Quarterly Bulletin of the Catholic Anthropological Conference Vol. XIV(4): 49-75. Sturtevant, W.C. 1954. *The Mikasuki Seminole: medical beliefs and practices*. Doctoral Dissertation, Yale University. 538 pp. Tiner, R.W. 1993. *Field guide to coastal wetland plants of the Southeastern United States*. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, Massachusetts. 328 pp. Whitcomb, C.E. 1983. *Know it and grow it, II: A guide to the identification and use of landscape plants*. Lacebark Publications, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 740 pp. ### Prepared By *Diana L. Immel* Formerly USDA, NRCS, National Plant Data Center, c/o Environmental Horticulture Department, University of California, Davis, California ### Species Coordinator ## *M. Kat Anderson* USDA, NRCS, National Plant Data Center, c/o Plant Sciences Department, University of California, Davis, California Edited: 21May2001 jsp; 03jun03 ahv; 060816 jsp For more information about this and other plants, please contact your local NRCS field office or Conservation District, and visit the PLANTS Web site\<[](\> or the Plant Materials Program Web site \<[](\> *The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA\'s [TARGET Center]( at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD).* *To file a complaint of discrimination write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.* *Read about [Civil Rights at the Natural Resources Convervation Service](*
# Presentation: 675230 ## NCDC and AASC in National Climate Service **Marjorie McGuirk** **National Partnership Liaison** **NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center** **NCDC and AASC in ****National Climate Service** ***An Update*** **Notes:** I will be giving some updates to The evolution of climate science & service The role of AASC for integrated climate services That was presented last year Dr. Thomas R. Karl Director, NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center July 17, 2007 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho ## Integrated Climate Services Background - Government, state, private sector, academia climate service partnerships currently exists - loosely coupled but many gaps exist - A strategy is needed for a more comprehensive and integrated approach among the many climate service partners: - NOAA offices (NWS/CSD/CPC) - RCCs and State Climate Offices - Other Federal Agencies - Academia - Private Sector - International **Update 2008** – National Climate Services Strategic Planning - Analysis options November – February 2008 - Strategic Plan Vail June 2008 - Roundtable Discussion July and August 2008 - NCDC Re-organization – tentative-draft-non-official ***Climate Services is “The timely production and delivery of useful climate data, information and knowledge to decision makers” (NRC 2001)*** ## Climate Services Partnerships Federal, State, Academia, Private Sector - Current gaps in climate services - Attributions - Impacts - Spatial and Temporal Resolution of observations - Accuracy of Observing Systems - Complexity of multi-disciplinary issues - E.g., land use change & climate; confluence of heat waves, drought, poor dispersion/air quality - Current Examples of Synergy - RISAs: Research to Operation issues - RCCs: Year-to-year uncertainty in budget resources - Alliance for Earth Observations: GEO efforts - ESIP: Assistance with data management - NIDIS: An issue specific model to follow for partnerships **Update 2008** - IPCC and CCSP reports - webportal operational - Contract Mod RCC - Basic – Advanced – Supplemental - HCN-M underway - CRN almost complete ## Climate Data Services- Observations **Climate Data Services-****Observations** - Climate Reference Network - Completing last of 114 stations by the end of September 2008 - Critical in-situ monitoring capability - Work beginning on the deployment of soil moisture/soil temperature sensors at all 114 sites stating in 2008 - Workshop held with stakeholders in Alaska in May 2008 to begin planning for the deployment of 29 stations in Alaska - The first deployment in Alaska is planned for 2008 at Sand Point. **Notes:** NOAA is close to installing the last of the 114 stations in its new, high-tech climate monitoring network that is tracking America’s temperature and precipitation trends. The U.S. Climate Reference Network (CRN), which first began appearing around the United States in late 2002, is on schedule to activate the final 5 stations by early fall Each CRN monitoring station logs real-time measurements of surface temperature, precipitation, wind speed and solar radiation. NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites relay the data from these ground-based stations to NCDC, which runs quality control checks and posts the observations online hourly The CRN aims to pinpoint the shifts in America’s changing, often unpredictable, climate – and help scientists make sense of it all. “Anytime climate observations are uncertain, or inconsistent in their quality, it’s tough to gauge what’s really happening. CRN is eliminating the doubts,” Tom Karl There was a Workshop held in Alaska May 2008 on planning deployment of 29 stations in Alaska Reduced FY 08 funding for the Alaska CRN network allows for coordinating and conducting site surveys and one station at Sand Point on the Aleutians is to be installed this year. ## NOAA & State Climate Offices Formalizing the Partnership - Issue - NOAA is in the process of defining a ‘National Climate Services Program’ to include the RCCs & SCs - Thus, NOAA needs to associate with the appropriate designated State agent for climate services - Method - NOAA to work with partners in defining the roles of the State Climatologists: - _Competency_ – rely on AASC certification - _Official Designation_ - State appointment authority - e.g., letter from Governor’s Office or Legislative Body - Benefits - Formalizes the climate service partnership among AASC, State Government, & NOAA **Update 2008** - Paper-work on all SCO and ARSCOs available at AASC registration in 2008 - ARSCO encoded into contracts for HCN-M ***Existing Agreements*** ## Climate Services Partnerships The Broad Community **Illinois State**** Water Survey** **Louisiana State University** **WWA** **Desert Research Institute** **NOAA Climate ** **Diagnostic Center** **CIG** **University of ****Nebraska** **CAP** **IDEA** **CLIMAS** **SECC** **NOAA National Climatic Data Center** **NOAA Climate Prediction Center,*** **Cornell University** **International Research Institute** **UNC-Chapel Hill** **CISA** **Also:****122 WFOs****15 WSOs****13 RFCs****~50 State **** Climatologists** **ACCAP** **Climate Services Partnerships***The Broad Community* **Notes:** The relative role of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center with RCCs and State Climatologist has been evolving.... NCDC manages a full spectrum of climate data (satellite, radar, models). State climatologists have extensive expertise in in-situ, coop and ASOS and mesonets, for example, and there is much expertise in these other data, however that expertise is not evenly shared with all AASC members. This is where our partnerships of RCCs and State Climatologists is so important. Work at the regional and state level NCDC input for the national analysis. Providing climate analysis products State of the Climate Report Monthly Climate Assessments Providing timely climate information to public and decision makers Global and National analysis Rely on information from states and regions to support Sector-Specific Climate Services Data Users Conference focused on Energy, Transportation and Insurance Providing NCDC data in format required by sector users ## We could talk about Climate Services in terms of WHERE the NOAA offices are located.... Location of NOAA offices in the continental USA, by line office. - We could talk about Climate Services in terms of WHERE the NOAA offices are located....Location of NOAA offices in the continental USA, by line office. - Symbols are size-scaled by number of employees. **Notes:** We can talk about national climate services in terms of WHERE the NOAA offices are located ## NOAA “Partnerships” in Climate - Three Line Organizations Budget climate - ...or in terms of Budget **Notes:** Or talk about climate services in terms of where the money on climate is spent ## Climate Services begins with the Customer **Notes:** What really matters in national climate services are the customers we serve....and we are all in public service....and we collectively serve all sectors of the economy. ## What do our customers want? - NCDC Customer Profile **Notes:** Most of the customers for satellite data are from .gov Most of the customers for this RCC were from .net Most of the customers for in-situ data were commercial ## 5 million customers got data from NCDC in 2007 **Notes:** Our services are in ever increasing demand **Notes:** This shows 12 million hits at one RCC in a year. - About half a million customers got large data orders from NCDC in 2006 ## NOAA Regional Climate Centers Service Research, Education and Outreach - Conduct outreach to regional and local decision makers on the use of climate products. - Building design (snow loads, soil freezing), - Flood management, - Irrigation, - Pest management - Coastal erosion - Water management - Agriculture - Climate change - Energy - Environment - Risk management - Transportation - Natural hazards **Notes:** This shows about 500,000 customers downloaded data each month from the 6 RCCs last year, roughly the same order-or-magnitude as downloads from NCDC. Goal: Conduct outreach to regional local decision makers and users of climate services products. Since the development of Regional and State climate information products is driven by stakeholders, this goal is central to the RCC and SCO’s mission. RCCs have worked with decision makers representing fields as diverse as: building design (snow loads, soil freezing), flood management, irrigation and pest management. ## GCAD **Director’s Office** **Archive** **Branch** **Products** **Branch** **Operations Branch** **Global Climate ** **Applications Division** **Product ** **Development** **Branch** **Ingest and Analysis ** **Branch** **Paleo-climatology** **Branch** **Remote Sensing and** **Applications Division** **GCAD** **RSAD** **Information** **Technology Branch ** **Finance and** **Acquisitions Branch** **Data Access ** **and Applications Branch** **Climate Monitoring** **Branch** **User Engagement** **and Services Branch** **Support Services ** **Division** **Climate Services ** **and Monitoring Division**** ** **Logistics** **Support** **Branch** **CSMD** **SSD** **NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center** **DO** **Climate Database Modernization Program** **Regional Climate** **Centers** **Notes:** In order to better serve the customer, NCDC has undertaken a reorganization RCCs in customer service Ingest and Analysis CDMP Climate Data Monitoring are the boxes with most interaction with RCCs and AASC members ## Partnership Liaison Activities Update 2008 - RCCs - AASC Action Teams - National Data Stewardship Team - Cross training customer service representatives on NVDI/CPO NCDC ACIS/NowData/CPC products - Social-Economic Web Page - FAQ Climate Change - Fact sheets in draft form – transportation, insurance, energy, health, agriculture - (Auto-overload-distribution to RCCs) - (FTEs at RCCs) - Liaising at national and state levels - NWS Sub-regional Climate Services Sacramento CA 01/08, Fargo ND 06/08, Madison WI 05/08, Peachtree City GA 06/07 - AASC & CSPM & NDST monthly telecons - NWSTC Climate Services Courses: 09/07 & 12/07 & 02/08 - (Climate Portal - not ## Regional Climate Centers Update 2008 - Positioning RCCs in National Climate Services - RCC Contract Modifications - Basic Regional Climate Services - Advanced Regional Climate Services - Data – collection – mapping - mesonets - Science analysis - Outreach – education – Fact Sheets - talks - Supplemental Climate Services - Data stewardship - BLM – CDMP – NWS support - Applied Climatology in GEOSS theme areas – AASC coordination - HCN-M reference climate network - Added RCC Regional Monthly State of Climate Summary to NCDC National Summary - (State input for extreme events temp and precip) - (State summaries of significant climate user applications) - (Map Events of previous month in climate context) ## AASC Action Teams **ARSCO’s and RCC’s cooperation.** - Ted Sammis (NM), Paul Knight (PA) - Explore range of communication media to recommend avenues of more frequent communications between RCC’s and their adjoining ARSCO’s. **2.**** ****SC ACIS** - _Jim Zandlo_ (MN), co-chair with _Keith Eggleston_ (NRCC), Jim Angel (IL), George Taylor (OR), Ryan Boyles (NC) and Lesley-Ann Dupingy-Giroux (VT) - Develop list of most useful products/queries for SC’s. Develop procedures for making changes in the future. Connect with RCC’s to determine the feasibility and likely costs of implementation. **3.**** ****Mesonet** - _Ken Crawford_ (OK), chair; Scott Archer (BLM), Stu Foster (KY), Ken Hubbard (HPRCC).[switching to kelly Redmond] - Review and edit recommendations on siting, metadata, sensors and access for mesonet/modernized legacy cooperative stations. Design recommendations for coop legacy/mesonet for communications, storage and system security. **4.**** ****Official Data - Extremes** - _Dennis Todey_ (SD) chair, Marjorie McGuirk (NCDC), Jeff Andresen (MI), Steve Hilberg (MRCC), Pat Guinan (MO), Mark Schafer (OK) - Develop preliminary recommendations to NCDC on how to consider non-NOAA network data as ‘official’. Consider also which data sets should be stored. **5.**** ****Lincoln Accord follow-up** - _Harry Hillaker_ (IA), chair, Matt Menne (NCDC), Chris Fiebrich (OK), consult with Kelly Redmond (WRCC), Tony Bergantino (WY), and Ken Hubbard (HPRCC) - Develop a flexible, mobile principle or method of quality assurance of a variety of data sets. **Notes:** The NCDC liaison activities included working with the AASC Action Teams QA/QC, official data archives so that extreme values could be accessed ## 6a. Strengthen AASC Members - Recommend new MOA between SC’s and NCDC Paul Knight (PA), chair, Derek Arndt (OK), John Young (WI) and Ryan Boyles (NC) Take an inventory of what are the arrangements between SC’s and their Governor’s Office. Propose a new MOA for NCDC that stresses ARSCO qualifications. 6b. Standing Committee for Recommendations on Recertification of ARSCO members Dave Robinson (NJ), chair, Pat Michaels (VA), George Taylor (OR), Jan Curtis (NRCS), John Young (WI), and Jim Angel (IL) Determine necessary components of an ARSCO, absolute minimum requirements, a model ARSCO and the process to become one. Recommend the professional development of ARSCO members. 7. Recommendations on Advocacy of ARSCO and its members Mark Schafer (OK), chair, Mike Anderson (CA), Steve Gray (WY) and Derek Arndt (OK) Develop an advisory plan to advocate ARSCO’s considering a variety of resources, including upper level management from NOAA. Determine potential cost for first level of advocacy. Construct a mentorship plan and its procedures. 8. Inventory of AASC SC/RCC members Paul Knight (PA), co-chair, Nolan Doesken (CO) Identify membership roles and participation on boards, committees, etc. throughout the profession. Compile list of activities, including honors. ** ** **6a.**** ****Strengthen AASC Members - Recommend new MOA between SC’s and NCDC** - _Paul Knight_ (PA), chair, Derek Arndt (OK), John Young (WI) and Ryan Boyles (NC) - Take an inventory of what are the arrangements between SC’s and their Governor’s Office. Propose a new MOA for NCDC that stresses ARSCO qualifications. **6b.**** ****Standing Committee for** **Recommendations on Recertification of ARSCO members** - _Dave Robinson_ (NJ), chair, Pat Michaels (VA), George Taylor (OR), Jan Curtis (NRCS), John Young (WI), and Jim Angel (IL) - Determine necessary components of an ARSCO, absolute minimum requirements, a model ARSCO and the process to become one. Recommend the professional development of ARSCO members. **7.**** ****Recommendations on Advocacy of ARSCO and its members** - _Mark Schafer_ (OK), chair, Mike Anderson (CA), Steve Gray (WY) and Derek Arndt (OK) - Develop an advisory plan to advocate ARSCO’s considering a variety of resources, including upper level management from NOAA. Determine potential cost for first level of advocacy. Construct a mentorship plan and its procedures. **8.**** ****Inventory of AASC SC/RCC members** - _Paul Knight_ (PA), co-chair, Nolan Doesken (CO) - Identify membership roles and participation on boards, committees, etc. throughout the profession. Compile list of activities, including honors. **AASC Action Teams (con’t)** **Notes:** NCDC liaison also worked on ways to highlight roles and applications of climatology services ## Official Data- Update 2008 - Meeting June 10 2008- archive protocols and plans for environmental data management across NOAA. - DAARWG (data archive and requirements working group) and the data center directors - NOAA Data Centers, Centers of Data - Discuss a new framework for NOAA archive architecture to include a new appraisal and approval process - What to Archive procedure - internal NOAA team for final review - Constituent review to follow - Future NOAA website for public comments **Notes:** The role of public and private sector has also been evolving... The more rigorous the observation system and the longer the time span of activity, the larger the scope of NOAA involvement. Conversely, the less rigorous and shorter, the more opportunities of private enterprise in the climate business. ## A New QA/QC Approach for Daily Data **GHCN-Daily as the foundation** **GHCN = Global Historical Climatology Network** **Tmax, Tmin, Precipitation, Snowfall/depth** **>23,000 temperature and >40,000 precipitation stations** **Operational dataset, currently available via FTP** **Dozens of data sources fully integrated** **U.S. Cooperative Summary of the Day (DSI-3200, 3206)** **U.S. First Order and ASOS (DSI-3210, 3211, 3505, 6407)** **Numerous international collections (including GSN)** **Twice per day updates for ~9000 stations from four sources (HPRCC, DSI-3201, Environment Canada, and GSOD)** **Notes:** Contributed by Dr. Russ Vose ## Suite of complementary Q/A reviews Focus on the most egregious errors Internal consistency and frequent-value checks Temporal and spatial consistency checks At least a dozen tests per variable Performed in a deliberate sequence Rigorous evaluation of each check Durre, I., M.J. Menne, and R.S. Vose. 2008. Strategies for evaluating quality assurance procedures. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (in press) No check has a false positive rate >20% Less than 1% of all values are flagged (excluding “shifters”) **Focus on the most egregious errors** **Internal consistency and frequent-value checks** **Temporal and spatial consistency checks** **At least a dozen tests per variable** **Performed in a deliberate sequence** **Rigorous evaluation of each check** **Durre, I., M.J. Menne, and R.S. Vose. 2008. Strategies for evaluating quality assurance procedures. *****Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology***** (in press)** **No check has a false positive rate >20%** **Less than 1% of all values are flagged (excluding “shifters”)** **Science-Based Quality Assurance** **Notes:** Contributed by Dr. Russ Vose: Addressing questions on long-term climate data: - Long-term surface observing station data have several problems such as changing instrumentation, changing time of day the instruments are read, and changes in station location. - Several scientists at NCDC have dedicated much of their professional careers to develop techniques to adjust the time series to account for these problems (homogeneity adjustments). Numerous evaluation studies have indicated that they do quite a good job. - Two analysis examined differences in long-term trends between stations with good current siting and stations with poor siting, (one paper published and one recently submitted), and they found essentially no difference. This makes some physical sense because each station experienced the same number of cold fronts per year, etc. - The worst thing for the climate record would be to move all the stations with poor siting at the same time (as neighbor comparisons are used in the adjustment system). Indeed, an Austrian climatologist friend is working hard to keep a station (Kremsmünster) with very poor siting (on the north wall of an unheated building) because it has had that exact same poor siting since 1767. - The HCN Modernization, is designed to systematically improve long-term climate stations, ensure good siting and speed transmission of the data. Finding places to put stations that are unlikely to experience any environmental change (e.g., no growth of trees causing shading and decreases in winds, no new construction, and no change in nearby agriculture) is difficult. But our experience siting the U.S. Climate Reference Network stations will help. ## Additional bells and whistles (tentative dates) Spatial regression test (September 2008) Teleconference with RCCs and SCs (October 2008) New “shifter” test (November 2008) Forts data and MRCC COOP data (December 2008) Other variables (September 2009?) CDO access (December 2009?) For more information Contact: [email protected] BAMS manuscript on GHCN-Daily (draft by September 2008) JAMC manuscript on Q/A (draft by December 2008) **Spatial regression test (September 2008)** **Teleconference with RCCs and SCs (October 2008)** **New “shifter” test (November 2008)** **Forts data and MRCC COOP data (December 2008)** **Other variables (September 2009?)** **CDO access (December 2009?)** **For more information** **** **Contact: [email protected]** **BAMS manuscript on GHCN-Daily (draft by September 2008)** **JAMC manuscript on Q/A (draft by December 2008)** **The Near Future** **Notes:** Contributed by Dr. Russ Vose ## National Data Stewardship Team NCDC, NWS (CSPM CPM CSD) AASC Activities & Issues - QA/QC - Monthly temp average techniques - F6 – ACIS – LCD – nowdata – CDO - CRN – HCN-M – New England - Original vs Edited Value - Integrated Surface Data – - Climate Data Online ACIS - Hail in snowfall column - QC Limits in WxCoder III - Extreme Values - ThreadEx - Non-NOAA data source - Official vs not-official - Archive vs data storage - Reference Networks - CRN - HCN-AL - HCN-Modernization project - SEBN **Notes:** The National Data Stewardship Team, which includes many State Climatologists as members, addressed many issues this past year ## - _[ ]( _ ## Slide 26 **Notes:** As we move forward, we will welcome AASC participation in the Climate Services Web Portal ## Climate Services Partnerships collaboration between NCDC & AASC - Re-iterate - NCDC is prepared to - Pay publications page charges when NCDC is co-author - Share professional graphics and scientific diagrams and charts - Consider appointing ARSCO members as IPA appointments in-house - Provide a phone bridge for ARSCO meetings that involve NCDC members - Provide a summary of areas of expertise of NCDC scientists for possible collaboration - Through the RCCs provide IT support for climate services, Web site support, and in particular Mapping, and scACIS. - Update 2008 – New role for AASC collaboration? - Cooperation on the Climate Services Web Portal - Education & Outreach – Simple linking from state institutions to SCOs, RCCs and NCDC - Reporting of Climate Extremes as they occur to RCCs for the monthly climate monitoring **Notes:** Where do we go this coming year? Extremes and significant climate events from all your states are a part of that at the regional and state level provides NCDC input to do the national analysis. Regional Climate Centers provide climate summaries of the states in their respective regions...and these summaries become part of NOAA’s monthly press release and part of the State of the Climate Report. Just last month, for example, with the great mid western floods, the news media presented a view of the floods in the historic context – with a comparison to the floods of 1993 – and that view- the maps and graphs made available to the public and to FEMA, was made possible through the combined efforts of NOAA’s offices at WFOS, at NCDC, and at the Midwestern Regional Climate Center, with a lot of input from State Climatologists as well. ## Climate Services Partnerships collaboration between NOAA & AASC - Roles State Climatologists* in the broader NOAA context - Climatologists for community, county, state-wide boards & tasks teams - Natural trust establishing administrative, economic, social and legal linkages between climate information sources and local needs - Listen Locally, then Act Locally** - Preferred sources of climate information for state laws and regulations wrt climate - Advise the governor - drought status - impact of several climate scenarios on mountain snowpack accumulation and melt - Impacts on irrigated agriculture - evaluate changing risks of extreme precipitation - Update 2008? - Many suggestions on the AASC list - New Members on AASC Exec Council - *Mark Shafer 2007 AMS – Second look at AASC vision statement on climate services in 2003 that harmonized with the NRC's "Climate Services Vision" document. - **Comments collected from AASClist - Phil Mote WA, Deke Arndt & Ken Crawford OK, Mark Shafer, Nancy Selover AZ, Pao-Shin Chu HI, Dennis Todey SD, Michael Anderson CA, Jim Angel IL, Dave Stooksbury, Jan Curtis NRCS ## xmACIS (NWS Field Office Use) Applied Climate Information System Data query tool for NWS local climate research/local product development, and to answer customer climate record inquiries Complete historical climate database with near real-time update agACIS (Custom data and products for the NCRS) NOWData (Customer Use) Self-service tool Subset of xmACIS Free, limited access For current year and Normals Portal for ACIS and NCDC information ThreadEx (Open Use) Consistent daily temperature and precipitation extremes Datzilla (Partner Use) Data discrepancy reporting 400 registered NOAA users WxCoder III (COOP Use) Internet observation entry system **Applied Climate Information System** **Data query tool for NWS local climate research/local product development, and to answer customer climate record inquiries** **Complete historical climate database with near real-time update** - agACIS *(**Custom data and products for the NCRS)* - NOWData *(Customer Use)* **Self-service tool** **Subset of xmACIS** **Free, limited access** **For current year and Normals** **Portal for ACIS and NCDC information** - ThreadEx *(Open Use)* **Consistent daily temperature and ****precipitation extremes** - Datzilla *(Partner Use)* **Data discrepancy reporting** **400 registered NOAA users** - WxCoder III *(COOP Use)** * **Internet observation entry system** - NCDC-RCC-NWS CollaborationNational Climate Services Data Tools **Notes:** As we look towards the future, let’s take examples from the successes of the past
# Presentation: 116799 ## SNAP Mission Operations WBS 3.1 **Dr. Manfred Bester** **Space Sciences Laboratory** **University of California at Berkeley** **July 2002** ## Ground Data System Requirements **Communicate with Spacecraft** **Maintain Reliable Link Margin on Forward and Return Link** **Monitor Spacecraft Health and Safety** **Housekeeping Functions, Data Trending** **Provide Spacecraft Command Loads** **Schedule Attitude Maneuvers, Observations and Data Dumps** **Maintain Instruments, Spacecraft Bus and Flight Software** **Retrieve and Archive Science Data (3.5 Tbits / Orbit)** **Process Data and Provide Access to Science Community** **Alert Operations Personnel in Case of Anomalies** **Support Reliable, Autonomous Operations** ## Mission Operations Tasks **SNAP Mission Operations Tasks** **Maneuver Planning and Execution During L&EO** **State-of-health Monitoring and Data Trending** **Control of Science Instruments** **Doppler Tracking ** **Orbit Determination** **Generation of Mission Planning Products** **Ground Contact Scheduling** **Command Load Generation** **Target Acquisition and Attitude Control** **Support of Daily Low-rate Telemetry and Command Passes** **Recovery of High-rate Science Data Once Every 3 Days** ## Mission Operations Concept **Launch and Mission Orbit** **Launch by Boeing Delta IV** **Orbit 153,000 x 10,000 km at 26.5° Inclination** **Coplanar with Lunar Orbit to Minimize Perturbations** **3-Day Period** **Operations Centers** **Mission Operations Center at UCB/SSL** **Science Operations Center at LBNL** **Telemetry and Command** **Berkeley Ground Station as Prime Facility** **NASA/DSN as Back-up** **S-Band for Command and Engineering Telemetry** **Ka-Band for High-Rate Science Telemetry ** ## SNAP Mission Orbit ## SNAP Ground Data System ## Special Network Interfaces **Special Network Interfaces** **Secure Control Network** **Dedicated Workstations on Isolated Subnet** **Secure Link to NASA/DSN for Back-up Commanding** **Firewall Protection** **High-rate Interface** **Fiber-optic Link Between SSL and LBNL for High-rate Data Transfer** ## Infrastructure and Heritage at SSL **Existing Infrastructure at SSL** **Joint Mission and Science Operations Center** **11-m S-Band Ground Station for Tracking, Telemetry and Commanding** **Active Flight Operations** **Missions Supported at SSL** **EUVE**** **** ****MOC, SOC (Mission Ended in 2002)** **FAST**** **** ****MOC, SOC, TDA & CMD (On Orbit)** **RHESSI**** **** ****MOC, SOC, TDA & CMD (On Orbit)** **IMAGE**** **** ****TDA (On Orbit)** **CHIPSAT**** **** ****MOC, SOC, TDA & CMD (To Be Launched)** ## UCB Mission Operations Center - BGS Antenna, Equipment Racks and FOT Workstations at the UCB Mission Operations Center ## Berkeley Ground Station **Technical Highlights** **Antenna** - **Model 300 Pedestal (L-3 Com, EMP Systems)** ** ****11-m Parabolic Reflector with Prime Focus Feed** ** ****Three Axis Drive System:** ** ****Azimuth / Elevation / Cross-Elevation** ** ****Autotracking with Conical Scan System** **RF Systems** - **S-Band Telemetry and Command Capabilities** ** ****Receive Polarization Diversity ** ** ****Figure of Merit (G/T) > 24.5 dB/K at 5**** ****o Elevation** ** ****Transmit Power 100 W, EIRP > 63 dBW** **Data Processing** - **Dual CCSDS Frontend Processors Up to 10 Mbps** ** ****Telemetry Data Routing by Virtual Channel IDs** ** ****Command Forwarding** **Construction** ** ****Total Construction Time 18 Months in 1998/1999** ** ****Costs Including Site Development $2.5M** ## UCB Mission Operations Center ## UCB Mission Operations Environment **Mission Operations Functions Performed at UCB** **Flight Dynamics** **Mission Planning** **Spacecraft Command and Control** **Ground Station Operations** **Archiving of Engineering Data** **SNAP Operations Based on FAST and RHESSI Heritage** **SNAP Work Space Will Follow FAST and RHESSI Model** **Identical Software Tools: SatTrack, ITOS, MPS, SERS** **Software Development Required for Interfacing with SOC at LBNL** **High Degree of Integration and Automation** **SNAP Will Benefit from Previous Integration Work** **GDS Concept Tested Extensively with FAST, RHESSI & Missions of Opportunity** ## Typical ITOS Display Pages **Typical ITOS Display Pages** ## SNAP BGS Pass Coverage **Station Access:** - Available Pass Duration - 5.0 h @ Range < 60,000 km - Once Every 3 Days **Required Access:** - 3.3 h @ 300 Mbps - Once Every 3 Days **Link Margin:** - Telemetry: 4.5 dB (Ka-Band) - Command: 13.5 dB (S-Band) **Station Mask:** - Terrain, Vegetation and - Buildings - Trace represents a typical perigee pass with link margin larger than 6 dB (blue). - Downlink schedules will be based on dynamic link access rather than pure line-of-sight geometry. ## Spacecraft Telecom System **S-Band:** **STDN Transponder (2)** **5W RF Output** **Omni Antennas** **Ka-Band:** **High-rate Telemetry Transmitter (2)** **5W RF Output** **Articulated Dish Antennas (3)** ** ** ## High-Rate Telemetry Link Budget | Spacecraft | | | --- | --- | | Frequency (Ka-Band) | 32,000 MHz | | Spacecraft Transmit Power | 5 W | | Spacecraft Antenna Gain (50-cm Aperture) | 42.6 dB | | Spacecraft EIRP | 47.5 dBW | | Transmission Medium | | | Range | 60,000 km | | Atmospheric, Pointing & Polarization Losses | 4.2 dB | | Ground Station | | | System Temperature | 713.0 K | | Receiver G/T (10-m Aperture) | 40.0 dB/K | | Data Rates and Modulation | | | Data Rate | 300,000 kbps | | Modulation | QPSK | | Coding | Reed-Solomon | | Bit Error Rate | 1.0e-6 | | Predicted Eb/No | 12.1 dB | | Link Margin | | | Predicted Link Margin | 4.5 dB | ## Low-Rate Telemetry Link Budget | Spacecraft | | | --- | --- | | Frequency (S-Band) | 2,250 MHz | | Spacecraft Transmit Power | 5 W | | Spacecraft Antenna Gain (Omni Antenna) | 0 dB | | Spacecraft EIRP | 5.0 dBW | | Transmission Medium | | | Range | 165,000 km | | Atmospheric, Pointing & Polarization Losses | 1.2 dB | | Ground Station | | | System Temperature | 200.0 K | | Receiver G/T (10-m Aperture) | 22.5 dB/K | | Data Rates and Modulation | | | Data Rate | 10 kbps | | Modulation | BPSK | | Coding | Reed-Solomon | | Bit Error Rate | 1.0e-6 | | Predicted Eb/No | 11.5 dB | | Link Margin | | | Predicted Link Margin | 3.9 dB | ## Command Link Budget | Ground Station | | | --- | --- | | Frequency (S-Band) | 2,040 MHz | | Ground Transmit Power | 200 W | | Ground Antenna Gain (10-m Aperture) | 0 dB | | Ground EIRP | 65.2 dBW | | Transmission Medium | | | Range | 165,000 km | | Atmospheric, Pointing & Polarization Losses | 0.5 dB | | Spacecraft | | | System Temperature | 1330.0 K | | Receiver G/T (Omni Antenna) | -34.2 dB/K | | Data Rates and Modulation | | | Data Rate | 2 kbps | | Modulation (16 kHz Subcarrier) | BPSK/PM | | Coding | None | | Bit Error Rate | 1.0e-7 | | Predicted Eb/No | 23.2 dB | | Link Margin | | | Predicted Link Margin | 7.7 dB | ## Ka-Band Technology **Current State-of-the-Art** **Push to Higher Frequencies Since Bandwidth Limited at S/X-Band** **Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) on Orbit** **Test Bed for Ka-Band Links** **New TDRSS H/I/J Have Ka-Band Links Up To 300 Mbps** **High-bandwidth Links Already Exist at Ku-Band for TV/Video** **Bit Synchronizers and CCSDS Processors Exist for 520 Mbps** **Future Systems** **High-rate Ka-Band Transmitters Under Development** **Wideband Gapfiller Satellite Constellation (WGS) (DoD/Boeing)** **Upgrade Plans for Corresponding Ground Systems in Progress** ## NASA/DSN Roadmap - Reference: NASA’s Deep Space Telecommunications Roadmap, ## Ka-Band Transponder - Small Deep Space Transponder (General Dynamics) - 5 W, Up to 8 Mbps at Ka-Band - State-of-the-Art Ka-Band Technology ## Ka-Band Ground Antennas - 12-m Prototype Antenna for NRAO’s 64-Element Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) Presently Installed at VLA Site in New Mexico **Manufacturer:** **VertexRSI, Santa Clara, CA** **Costs for Prototype: $6.2M** **Aperture Diameter: 12 m** **Surface Accuracy: 25 ****μ****m r.m.s.** **Max. Frequency: 600 GHz** **Pointing Accuracy: 0.6 arcsec** ## Costs and Schedule **Operations Costs** **Based on EUVE / FAST / RHESSI Model** **Cost Effective Approach** **Mission Operations, Ground Station and Flight Dynamics Integrated Into One Coherent, Highly Automated Facility** **Phase-in Operations Team Gradually** **Operations Schedule** **Develop SNAP MOC** **Workspace Configuration & Procedure Development** **End-to-end Testing** **FOT Training** ## Risk Mitigation **Operational Redundancy** **Dual Strings in Equipment Where Practical, Back-up Power** **Multiple Workstations for Telemetry and Command Support** **Conduct Interface Tests at Various Stages** **RF and Data Compatibility Tests** **End-to-end Data Flows** **Begin FOT Training Early in the Program** **Participate as Test Conductors** **Remote ITOS Displays at Spacecraft Contractor Site** **Tie In Subsystem Engineers for Anomaly Resolution** ## Summary **Heritage Exists at SSL for Mission Operations, Including Tracking, Data Acquisition and Flight Dynamics** **EUVE, FAST, RHESSI, IMAGE** **Study Hardware Upgrades Needed to Meet SNAP Mission Requirements** **Ka-Band Capability** **Support of High Data Rate** **Study and Develop Data Flow Interface with LBNL** **Forwarding of Telemetry Data** **Ingest and Processing of Observation Schedules**
MOTOR VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES, INC., ET AL., PETITIONERS V. ROBERT ABRAMS, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK No. 89-2026 In The Supreme Court Of The United States October Term, 1990 On Petition For A Writ Of Certiorari To The United States Court Of Appeals For The Second Circuit Brief For The United States As Amicus Curiae This brief is submitted in response to the Court's invitation to the Solicitor General to express the views of the United States in this case. TABLE OF CONTENTS Question Presented Statement Discussion Conclusion QUESTION PRESENTED The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act directs the Federal Trade Commission to establish "minimum standards" for informal dispute resolution mechanisms under the Act. This case presents the question whether the Act, or FTC regulations promulgated under the Act, preempts the informal dispute resolution provisions of New York's "lemon law." STATEMENT 1. Congress enacted the Magnuson-Moss Warranty-Federal Trade Commission Improvement Act of 1975 (Warrant Act), Pub. L. No. 93-637, 88 Stat. 2183 (codified at 15 U.S.C. 2301-2312), to "improve the adequacy of information available to consumers, prevent deception, and improve competition in the marketing of consumer products." 15 U.S.C. 2302(a). The Warrant Act does not require manufacturers to offer warranties, but provides that "any warrantor warranting a consumer product to a consumer by means of a written warranty shall, to the extent required by rules of the (Federal Trade) Commission, fully and conspicuously disclose in simple and readily understood language the terms and conditions of such warranty." 15 U.S.C. 2302(a). The Act requires warrantors to designate written warranties on consumer products as either "full" or "limited" (Section 2303), provides minimum standards for "full" warranties (Section 2304), and limits the extent to which a written warranty may disclaim or modify implied warranties (Section 2308). Consumers may enforce their rights under the Act by filing an action for damages and other relief in federal district court (subject to amount in controversy requirements) or in state court. 15 U.S.C. 2310(d). In addition to providing for increased disclosure by warrantors, the Warranty Act was intended "to encourage warrantors to establish procedures whereby consumer disputes are fairly and expeditiously settled through informal dispute settlement mechanisms." 15 U.S.C. 2310 (a)(1). To further this goal, Congress directed the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to "prescribe rules setting forth minimum requirements for any informal dispute settlement procedure which is incorporated into the terms of a written warranty" covered by the Act. 15 U.S.C. 2310(a)(2). The Act does not require warrantors to establish alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms, but a warrantor providing a procedure that meets the FTC's minimum requirements may require the consumer to resort to the procedure before filing a civil action under the Warranty Act. See 15 U.S.C. 2310(a)(3). The FTC has authority to "review the bona fide operation of any dispute settlement procedure" under the Act, and to "take appropriate remedial action" if the procedure fails to comply with federal standards. 15 U.S.C. 2310(a)(4). The Warranty Act contains a saving clause, which provides that "(n)othing in this chapter shall invalidate or restrict any right or remedy of any consumer under State law or any other Federal law." 15 U.S.C. 2311(b)(1). Immediately following the saving clause is a preemption clause, which states that the Act preempts any state labeling or disclosure laws that are not identical to 15 U.S.C. 2302, 2303, or 2304. 15 U.S.C. 2311(c)(1). 2. In 1975, the FTC promulgated regulations implementing the Warrant Act. See 40 Fed. Reg. 60,168 (1975) (codified at 16 C.F.R., subch. G). The requirements for ADR mechanisms under the Warranty Act are set out in the FTC's "Rule 703," 16 C.F.R. Pt. 703. In adopting Rule 703, the FTC concluded that the Warranty Act's goal of promoting fair and expeditious settlement of warranty disputes through ADR mechanisms "is best implemented by a careful balancing of consumer and warrantor interests." 40 Fed. Reg. 60,193 (1975). The FTC noted that "(i)f costs are too high, warrantors may decline to incorporate (ADR) Mechanisms (in their warranties); in any event, costs will be passed through to consumers in the form of higher product prices." Ibid. Rule 703 requires, inter alia, that ADR mechanisms be sufficiently funded, "competently staffed," and not charge any fee to consumers, 16 C.F.R. 703.3(a); that decision makers be "sufficiently insulated from the warrantor and the sponsor," 16 C.F.R. 703.3(b), and "interested in the fair and expeditious settlement of consumer disputes," 16 C.F.R. 703.4(c); and that mechanisms establish "written operating procedures," "investigate, gather and organize all information necessary for a fair and expeditious decision," and "(r)ender a fair decision," 16 C.F.R. 703.5. In addition, Rule 703 establishes a timetable for resolving disputes, 16 C.F.R. 703.5, recordkeeping and auditing requirements, 16 C.F.R. 703.6-703.7, and requires specific disclosures to consumers concerning dispute settlement procedures, 16 C.F.R. 703.2. A warrantor may operate, but "shall not incorporate into the terms of a written warranty a Mechanism that fails to comply" with these requirements. 16 C.F.R. 703.2(a). Rule 703 states that "(t)he Mechanism may allow an oral presentation by a party to a dispute * * * only if * * * (b)oth warrantor and consumer expressly agree to the presentation" and the mechanism fully discloses to the consumer specific information regarding the procedures of the hearing. 16 C.F.R. 703.5(f). The Rule further specifies that "(d)ecisions of the mechanism shall not be legally binding on any person," but requires the warrantor to act in good faith. 16 C.F.R. 703.5(j). In adopting Rule 703, the FTC explained that "the consumer would be required to resort to the warrantor's complying mechanism only when pursuing rights or remedies newly created by (the Warranty Act)." 40 Fed. Reg. 60,191 (1975); see also id. at 60,194 ("the Act only allows the Mechanism to delay consumers seking rights or remedies newly created by Title I of the (Warranty) Act"). Accordingly, Rule 703 requires the warrantor to disclose in the warranty "that if a consmer chooses to seek redress by pursuing rights and remedies not created by Title I of the Act, resort to the Mechanism would not be required under any provision of the Act." /1/ 16 C.F.R. 703.2(b)(3). 3. Since 1982, nearly every State has enacted a "lemon law" to provide increased protection for buyers of new cars. New York's lemon law, originally enacted in 1983, sets a minimum duration for warranties and simplifies the procedures for obtaining relief. See N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law Section 198-a (McKinney 1988). The key provisions of the New York law require manufacturers to repair, free of charge, any defect that fails to conform to a written warranty during the first 18,000 miles or two years after deliver, id. Section 198-a(b) (Supp. 1990), and allows consumers to obtain a replacement vehicle or a refund of the purchase price if a defect occurring within the statutory period substantially impairs the automobile's value, and the manufacturer is unable to repair the vehicle after four attempts or the vehicle is out of service for 30 days or more. Id. Section 198-a(c)-(d). The original version of the New York lemon law permitted consumers to sue in state court to obtain a refund or replacement vehicle, but required consumers to resort first to a manufacturer's ADR mechanism if that mechanism complied in all respects with the FTC's Rule 703. Id. Section 198-a(g) (McKinney 1988). In 1986, New York amended its lemon law to add the provisions at issue in this case. The amendments were passed in response to "growing consumer dissatisfactin with informal dispute settlement mechanisms" administered by motor vehicle manufacturers. See Pet. App. 4 (citing Approval Memorandum of Governor Cuomo, S. 3342-A, Aug. 2, 1986). Under the amended statute, manufacturers are not required to offer an ADR mechanism. But the amended law provides that "(i)f a manufacturer has established an informal dispute settlement mechanism, such mechanism shall comply in all respects with the provisions of this section." Section 198-a(g). The New York law provides that "(e)ach manufacturer shall require that each informal dispute resolution mechanism used by it provide, at a minimum," for a mandatory oral hearing at the request of the consumer. Section 198a(m)(1)(i). The amended New York statute also imposes additional recordkeeping requirements (Section 198-a(m)(3)), and requires mechanism staff to receive training in arbitration and in the New York lemon law, Section 198a(m)(1)(i). In addition, each mechanism must provide for remedies of repair and replacement under certain circumstances. Section 198-a(m)(1)(iii). The New York lemon law makes the mechanism decision binding upon the warrantor if the consumer accepts the decision within thirty days. Section 198-a(h). 4. Shortly after enactment of the 1986 lemon law amendments, petitioners brought this action for declaratory relief. They sought, among other things, a declaration that the Warranty Act and the FTC's regulations preempt the ADR provisions of the 1986 New York lemon law amendments. The district court held that the Warranty Act implicitly preempts the New York lemon law. The court concluded that the Warranty Act occupies the field of ADR mechanisms and leaves "no room in this system for the states to tinker with the federal criteria, possibly discouraging the creation of mechanisms." Pet. App. A33. The district court also held that the lemon law's additional provisions conflict with the Warranty Act and FTC regulations (Pet. App. A38-A39), and deprive warrantors of their "federally granted right to incorporate into their warranties and require the use of any mechanism that complies with the F.T.C.'s minimum requirements." Pet. App. A44. 5. The court of appeals reversed. The court first held that the Warranty Act's use of the term "minimum standards," and the inclusion of a broad saving clause, show that Congress did not intend to occupy the field of ADR mechanisms for warranty disputes. Pet. App. A8-A13. The court of appeals next held that there is no actual conflict between the New York lemon law and the Warranty Act and its regulations, since compliance with both is possible. Pet. App. A12-A13. Finally, the court held that the New York lemon law does not frustrate the purpose of the Warranty Act, since both statutes aim at consumer protection and encourage the fair and expeditious settlement of disputes. Pet. App. A16-A17. DISCUSSION In our view, the decision of the court of appeals is correct on all but one narrow issue. The court of appeals correctly held that neither the Warranty Act nor the FTC's Rule 703 expressly preempts state law concerning ADR mechanisms, and that federal law does not occupy the entire field of informal procedures for resolving warranty disputes. Moreover, we agree with the court of appeals that it is possible to comply with both federal law and the New York lemon law. And if the New York law is construed as imposing additonal requirements only on warrantors who offer ADR mechanisms as a prerequisite to suit under the New York lemon law, the state law does not frustrate the purposes of the federal Warranty Act. The courts below, however, apparently construed the New York law as imposing additional requirements on warrantors who offer an ADR mechanism as a prerequisite to suit under the federal Warranty Act. In our view, States are free to provide additional warranty rights and remedies under state law, but are not free to alter the pre-judicial procedures of the federal cause of action established by the Warranty Act and Rule 703. Accordingly, to the extent that the New York lemon law seeks to alter fedeal remedies, it is preempted. Although the court of appeals failed to recognize the foregoing distinction, we do not believe that this case warrants further review. On the broad question presented, the court of appeals correctly held that States are not precluded from legislating concerning informal mechanisms for resolving warranty disputes. Contrary to petitioners' contention (Pet. 7-9), there is no genuine conflict among the circuits on this issue. The question whether a State can prohibit a warrantor from offering a program that meets federa minimum requirements solely as a prerequisite to suit under federal law is a considerably narrower issue that was not squarel considered or decided by the courts below and may not arise with great frequency. Moreover, the States and the lower courts have not had an opportunity to consider the views of the FTC on this issue, which are set out for the first time in this brief. 1. Federal law, including federal regulations promulgated pursuant to authority delegated by Congress, may expressly or impliedly supplant state law. City of New York v. FCC, 486 U.S. 57, 63-64 (1988); Fidelity Fed. Sav. & Loan Ass'n v. De la Cuesta, 458 U.S. 141, 153-154 (1982). Congress, or an administrative agency acting within its delegated authority, can preempt state law by so stating in express terms. Schneidewind v. ANR Pipeline Co., 485 U.S. 293, 299 (1988). In the absence of explicit statutory language, courts will infer an intent to preempt state law in two situations. First, "when Congress intends that federal law occupy a given field, state law is preempted." California v. ARC America Corp., 109 S. Ct. 1661, 1665 (1989). Second, even if Congress has not occupied the field entirely, state law is preempted to the extent that it actually conflicts with federal law, either because it is impossible to comply with both, Florida Lime & Avocado Growers, Inc. v. Paul, 373 U.S. 132, 141-143 (1963), or because "the application of state law would 'frustrate specific objectives' of federal legislation," Boyle v. United Technologies Corp., 487 U.S. 500, 507 (1988) (quoting United States v. Kimbell Foods, Inc., 440 U.S. 715, 728 (1979)); see also Hines v. Davidowitz, 312 U.S. 52, 67 (1941). 2. As both courts below correctly recognize (and as petitioners implicitly concede), neither the Warranty Act nor the FTC's regulations expressly preempt state regulation of informal procedures for resolving warranty disputes. The Warranty Act's preemption clause applies only to state warranty laws that concern "labeling or disclosure with respect to written warranties or performance thereunder." 15 U.S.C. 2311(c)(1)(A). It is clear that laws concerning ADR mechanisms do not fall within the narrow scope of this provision. In addition, the FTC's regulations concerning ADR mechanisms do not expressly preempt state law. We also agree with the court of appeals that neither Congress nor the FTC intended to occupy the entire field of informal procedures for resolving warranty disputes. This Court has stated that "(w)hen Congress legislates in a field traditionally occupied by the States, 'we start with the assumption that the historic police powers of the State were not to be superseded by the Federal Act unless that was the clear and manifest purpose of Congress.'" California v. ARC America Corp., 109 S. Ct. 1661, 1665 (1989) (quoting Rice v. Santa Fe Elevator Corp., 331 U.S. 218, 230 (1947)). There is not doubt that consumer protection and warranty law traditionally are areas of state regulation. As the court of appeals noted (Pet. App. A2), warranties were governed exclusively by the Uniform Commercial Code and state common law until Congress enacted the Warranty Act in 1975. See also Chrysler Corp. v. Texas Motor Vehicle Comm'n, 775 F.2d 1192, 1205 (5th Cir. 1985) (consumer protection an area of traditinal state regulation). Thus, Congress is presumed not to have occupied the field of informal procedures for resolving warranty disputes absent a clear and manifest purpose to do so. Congress expressed no such purpose in the Warranty Act. On the contrary, the Warranty Act's saving clause broadly provides that nothing in the Act "shall invalidate or restrict any right or remedy of any consumer under State law or any other Federal law." 15 U.S.C. 2311(b)(1) (emphasis added). /2/ The legislative history of the Warranty Act confirms that Congress did not intend to foreclose all state regulation of ADR mechanisms. According to the Conference Report, "if a consumer chooses to seek redress without utilizing the provisions of (15 U.S.C. 2310, 15 U.S.C. 2311(b)) preserves all alternative avenues of redress, and utilization of any informal dispute settlement mechanism would then not be required by any provision of this Act." S. Conf. Rep. No. 1408, 93d Cong., 2d Sess. 27 (1974). In addition, the FTC has recognized that "the protections of the Warranty Act are in addition to, rather than in lieu of, warranty rights and remedies under State law," 43 Fed. Reg. 50,737 (1978), and that the goal of encouraging uniform warranty documents "is subordinate to that of permitting States to fashion their own scheme o(f) warranty rights and remedies which may be more protective than the minimum level of protection of the Federal Act." Id. at 50,738. In promulgating Rule 703, the FTC stated that "the consumer would be required to resort to (the) warrantor's complying mechanism only when pursuing rights or remedies newly created by (15 U.S.C. 2310)." 40 Fed. Reg. 60,191 (1975). Thus, "if a consumer seeks redress by pursuing rights and remedies not created by Title I of the Act," Rule 703 simply does not apply. See 16 C.F.R. 703.2(b)(3). Because neither the Warranty Act nor Rule 703 purports to govern dispute settlement mechanisms for state law claims, the States remain free to provide different or additional remedies, including ADR mechanisms, as a matter of state law. /3/ 3. State law also is preempted to the extent that it actually conflicts with federal law. California v. ARC America Corp., 109 S. Ct. at 1665. In our view, the answer to the question whether the New York lemon law conflicts with the Warranty Act depends upon interpretation of the New York statute. a. If the New York lemon law is interpreted to impose additional requirements, over and above those established by Rule 703, only for ADR mechanisms offered as a prerequisite to suit under state law, then the state law does not conflict with the Warranty Act or Rule 703. If the lemon law is so construed, it is possible for warrantors to comply with both federal and state law in a variety of ways -- for example, by setting up two ADR mechanisms (one that meets federal requirements, another that meets state requiremets), or by not requiring consumers to resort to an ADR mechanism as a prerequisite to filing suit under the Warranty Act, or by declining to adopt any ADR mechanism. Nor would the lemon law, so construed, frustrate the purposes of federal law. Neither the Warranty Act nor Rule 703 purports to govern ADR mechanisms used for purposes of state law. Even if state law prescribes additional or conflicting ADR requirements, warantors remain free to set up an ADR mechanism that meets only the minimum federal requirements as a prerequisite to suit under the Warranty Act. /4/ The Fifth Circuit recognized the validity of such a dual system in Chrysler Corp. v. Texas Motor Vehicle Comm'n, 755 F.2d 1192 (1985). In that case, the court noted that the Texas ADR mechanism operated separately from "alternative private mediation systems under section 110 of Magnuson-Moss." Id. at 1206. Consequently, Texas consumers could choose between a mechanism created under the Warranty Act, or invoke the state-run system, or even pursue one remedy and then the other. Ibid. b. Although it was not a central focus of the litigation, the courts below appear to have construed the New York lemon law as imposing additional requirements even on ADR mechanisms established solely as a prerequisite to suit under the federal Warranty Act. See Pet. App. A4-A5, A8, A15, A19. Under this more expansive interpretation of the New York law, a warrantor is not permitted to establish a mechanism that meets only the minimum requirements of Rule 703 as a prerequisite to suit under the Warranty Act. Nor is a warrantor permitted to operate one mechanism for purposes of federal law and another for state law purposes. Instead, a warrantor wishing to require consumers to resort to an ADR process before suing under the Warranty Act must establish a mechanism that meets the requirements of state law. Even if the New York lemon law is interpreted expansively to apply to ADR mechanisms offered solely as a prerequisite to suit under the Warranty Act, we agree with the court of appeals that it is possible for warrantors to comply with both federal and state law. A warrantor could refrain from requiring consumers to resort to its ADR mechanism as a prerequisite to suit under the Warranty Act, or it could adopt the more stringent state law procedures to the extent not prohibited by Rule 703. /5/ Alternatively, it could decline to adopt any mechanism. In our view, however, the New York lemon law, so interpreted, "interfers with the methods by which the federal statute was designed to reach (its) goal," International Paper Co. v. Ouellette, 479 U.S. 481, 494 (1987), and is to that extent preempted. /6/ To determine whether a particular state law interferes with the methods by which a federal statute is designed to reach its goal, one must first identify with precision the federal goal or goals at issue. Respondent points to the "broad consumer protection goal of the (Warranty) Act" (Br. in Opp. 10), and suggests that any state law that favors consumers furthers rather than frustrates the purpose of the Act and Rule 703. This approach ignores the Act's specific goal of encouraging warrantors to establish ADR mechanisms. It also allows the States to substitute their judgment for the FTC's approach in Rule 703. Petitioners, on the other hand, contend that Congress intended to grant warrantors a "federal right * * * to structure their warranty programs in accordance with the needs of consumers and the demands of the marketplace." Pet. 20. That contention is not easily reconciled with the Act's broad saving clause, see page 2, supra. While the general goal of the Warranty Act undoubtedly is consumer protection, Congress also expressed a more specific purpose in the ADR provison -- "to encourage warrantors to establish procedures whereby consumer disputes are fairly and expeditiously settled through informal dispute settlement mechanisms." 15 U.S.C. 2310(a)(1). Congress directed the FTC to prescribe rules to achieve this goal. 15 U.S.C. 2310(a)(2). In promulgating Rule 703, the FTC stated: The intent of the Act is to provide for fair and expeditious settlement of consumer warranty disputes, through informal mechanisms established voluntarily by warrantors. The Commission has determined that this legislative scheme is best implemented by a careful balancing of consumer and warrantor interest. The Rule is intended to establish a framework for fair and expeditious settlement of warranty disputes at cost levels acceptable to warrantors. 40 Fed. Reg. 60,193 (1975) (emphasis added). Consequently, the relevant inquiry is whether the New York lemon law (if interpreted to affect the federal remedy) impermissibly alters the balance of consumer and seller interest struck by the Warranty Act and Rule 703. /7/ We believe that application of the New York lemon law to ADR mechanisms established solely as a prerequisite to suit under federal law would impermissibly alter the balance of interest established in Rule 703. In adopting that Rule, the FTC -- in order to achieve a balance between the interest of consumers and warrantors -- specifically rejected proposals to make mechanism decisions unilaterally binding upon warrantors, to require mandatory oral hearings, and to impose more extensive recordkeeping requirements on warrantors. For example, Rule 703 provides that "(d)ecisions of the mechanism shall not be legally bindingon any person." 16 C.F.R. 703.5(j). In adopting this provision, the FTC rejected a proposal that mechanism decisons be made binding at the option of the consumer. Instead, the FTC opted for a provision requiring warrantors to act in good faith and allowing the mechanism decision to be introduced as evidence in any subsequent civil action. The FTC concluded that an adverse decision would have "far greater impact on the warrantor than it will on consumer," but would not unduly discourage warrantors from adopting mechanisms. 40 Fed. Reg. 60,210-60,211 (1975). The FTC was "not persuaded that making this impact on the warrantor even greater (i.e., unilaterally binding) would benefit consumers more than it would discourage warrantors from adopting mechanisms." Id. at 60,211. Thus, application of the New York lemon law to ADR mechanisms established under the Warranty Act would substitute the judgment of the New York legislature for that of the FTC. Similar, 16 C.F.R. 703.5(f) provides for an oral hearing only upon the agreement of both parties. The FTC rejected proposals to require a hearing at the request of the consumer because it concluded that "the need to foster a variety of Mechanisms, including national ones, is greater than the need for oral presentations at the behest of the parties," 40 Fed. Reg. 60,209 (1975), and that mandatory hearings could be costly for consumers, ibid. In addition, the FTC set the recordkeeping requiremens of Rule 703 "with a view to acceptable cost levels." /8/ 40 Fed. Reg. 60,211 (1975). The FTC deleted a provision requiring computation of the average time between referral to an ADR process and final resolution on the ground that such a requirement "is burdensome to compute and of questionable value." Id. at 60,213. Instead, the FTC opted for a provision requing a record of decisions delayed beyond 40 days. Id. at 60,212-60,213. The New York lemon law resurrets the provision rejected by the FTC. See N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law Section 198-a(m)(3)(iv) (McKinney 1988). In short, application of the New York lemon law to federal remedies would "upset the balance of (consumer and warrantor) interests so carefully addressed by (Rule 703)." International Paper Co. v. Ouellette, 479 U.S. at 494. The FTC, exercising authority delegated by Congress, has determined that a particular balance of consumer and warrantor interests will best achieve the goals of the Warranty Act. To the extent that the New York law would substitute the judgment of the New York legislature for that of the FTC, it is preempted. Our conclusion is reinforced by the fact that the New York law, so interpreted, woudl alter the procedures by which consumers pursue their federal right of action under the Warranty Act. It is fundamental under the Supremacy Clause that a State may not curtail a cause of action authorized by federal law or impose limits on federally prescribed rights. See generally California Retail Liquor Dealers Ass'n v. Midcal Aluminum, Inc., 445 U.S. 97, 104 (1980) (a State cannot grant immunity from the Sherman Act simply by declaring lawful a violation of the federal statute); Testa v. Katt, 330 U.S. 386, 394 (1947) (States generally are not free to deny enforcement of claims growing out of a valid federal law). 4. Although the court of appeals failed to recognize the distinction between ADR mechanisms offered as a prerequisite to suit under the Warranty Act and ADR mechanisms offered for other purposes, we nevertheless believe that this case warrants no further review. The court of appeals correctly held that federal law has not occupied the field of informal methods for resolving warranty disputes. There is no real conflict among the circuits on this issue. Like the Second Circuit in this case, both the Fifth and the Eighth Circuits have held that neither the Warranty Act nor Rule 703 occupies the field of warranty dispute resolution mechanisms. See Chrysler Corp., 755 F.2d at 1205-1206; Automobile Importers of America v. Minnesota, 871 F.2d 717, 719-721 (8th Cir. 1989). We do not read the Fourth Circuit's opinion in Wolf v. Ford Motor Co., 829 F.2d 1277 (1987), as reaching a contrary result. Under the approach we take to this case, Chrysler Corp., Automobile Importers, and Wolf are reconcilable. In holding that the Texas lemon law did not interfere with the goals of the Warranty Act, the court in Chrysler Corp. expressly recognized that Texas law did not prevent the establishment of separate mechanisms for purposes of state and federal law. See 755 F.2d at 1206 ("(T)he preclusive effect of (15 U.S.C. 2310) is limited to rules governing informal dispute resolution procedures created by private warrantors and does not affect such schemes where provided as an option for consumers by state law."). Petitioners simply ignore the second half of the court's statement. See Pet. 8; Pet. Reply Br. 2. The Minnesota lemon law that was at issue in Automobile Importers requires warrantors to provide a state law mechanism. 871 F.2d at 717. Thus, unlike the elective provisions enacted by New York and Texas, there is no danger that warrantors will choose to withdraw from the alternative dispute resolution arena as a result of the additional state requiremens. In addition, it is not clear that the Minnesota law at issue in Automobile Importers precludes a warrantor from establishing a mechanism that complies only with the minimal requirements of Rule 703 for purposes of the federal cause of action, so long as it meets the additional requirements for purposes of the state law cause of action. See 871 F.2d at 719 n.4 (quoting statute). In Wolf, the court of appeals held that a consumer could not challenge, on state law grounds, the fairness of a federal ADR mechanism established under Rule 703. The court's decision rested on the provisions of the Warranty Act delegating to the FTC authority to "review the bona fide operation of any dispute settlement procedure," 15 U.S.C. 2310(a)(4), and obtain injunctive or other remedies against noncomplying ADR mechanisms, 15 U.S.C. 2310(c)(1). See 829 F.2d at 1280. The court held that, where an ADR mechanism is "established under the auspices of the (Warranty) Act, id. at 1278, "any attack on the fairness or legitimacy of (the) mechanism must be through (the FTC's) administrative channels," id. at 1279 n.3. That limited holding is consistent with our view that States generally are free to regulate informal mechanisms for resoving warranty disputes, except to the extent that they are established as a prerequisite to suit under the Warranty Act. In the present case, our disagreement with the court of appeals is a narrow one. Moreover, the courts below did not address directly the distinction between ADR mechanisms established as a prerequisite to suit under the Warranty Act and ADR mechanisms established for other purposes. Instead, both courts focused on whether federal law precludes the States from requiring any ADR mechanism to meet requirements that exceed those of Rule 703. Thus, it is possible that the Second Circuit would adopt the view expressed in this brief if it were presented in a future case. In addition, it may be desirable to allow the States an opportunity to reexamine their lemon laws with an eye toward determining whether they intend to regulate ADR mechanisms that are employed solely for purposes of federal law. And respondent may wish to reconsider, in light of the views of the FTC, whether the New York lemon law should be interpreted to apply to ADR mechanisms offered solely as a prerequisite to suit under the Warranty Act. Finally, the pracical importance of the narrow issue on which we depart from the Second Circuit remains uncertain, and the FTC retains authority to address the issue in a rulemaking proceeding. See n.1, supra. For these reasons, and particularly because the court of appeals may not regard its opinion in this broad declaratory judgment proceeding to have definitively resolved the narrow question on which we have expressed concern, we believe that a grant of certiorari in this case would be premature. CONCLUSION The petiton for a writ of certiorari should be denied. Respectfully submitted. KENNETH W. STARR Solicitor General STUART M. GERSON Assistant Attorney General LAWRENCE G. WALLACE Deputy Solicitor General ROBERT A. LONG, JR. Assistant to the Solicitor General DOUGLAS LETTER MATTHEW M. COLLETTE Attorneys JAMES M. SPEARS General Counsel JAY C. SHAFFER Deputy General Counsel ERNEST J. ISENSTADT Assistant General Counsel MELVIN H. ORLANS Attorney Federal Trade Commission FEBRUARY 1991 /1/ On April 11, 1988, petitioners filed a petiton with the FTC asking the agency to initiate a rulemaking proceeding to determine whether the FTC should preempt state laws that impose requirements on ADR mechanisms that differ from the requirements of Rule 703. On May 16, 1989, the FTC published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking requesting public comment on whether to initiate a review of Rule 703. See 54 Fed. Reg. 21,070 (1989). The FTC has as yet taken no further action. /2/ The provisions concerning informal dispute resolution procedures appear in the section of the Warranty Act concerning remedies, see 15 U.S.C. 2310, and are properly viewed as within the rights and remedies preserved by the saving clause. Petitioners' contrary assertion that informal dispute resolution procedures are "a totally new field not traditionally a subject of state regulation," Pet. Reply Br. 4, is unpersuasive. See Chrysler Corp., 755 F.2d at 1206 (declining to draw a distinction between "substantive" and "procedural" remedies). Petitoners also assert (Pet. 17) that Congress intended the saving clause to preserve only rights and remedies in existence in 1975. The language of the Act draws no such distinction. /3/ In concluding that Congress did not intend to occupy the field, the court of appeals relied in part on Congress's direction to the FTC to establish "minimum requirements" for informal dispute settlement procedures. 15 U.S.C. 2310(a)(2). The court said that the phrase "strongly suggests that Congress intended federal law in this area to supplement, not supplant, the rights and remedies provided by state law." Pet. App. A8. We would not ascribe controlling significance to the phrase "minimum requirements." The statutory language might be construed either to permit warrantors to adopt additional, volunary standards (see Ray v. Atlantic Richfied Co., 435 U.S. 151, 168 n.19 (1978), or to permit States to impose additonal, mandatory standards on warrantors who offer an ADR mechanism as a prerequisite to suit under the Warranty Act (see Florida Lime & Avocado Growers, 373 U.S. at 147-148). As we explain more fully, pp. 13-16, infra, we think the former interpetation is correct, given Congress's delegation of responsibility to the FTC and the FTC's considered decision to strike a particular balance between consumer interests and warrantor costs. Wholly apart from the "minimum requirements" language, however, the court of appeals plainly reached the correct result in holding that neither Congress nor the FTC intended to occupy the entire field of informal warranty dispute resolution mechanisms. /4/ It is possible that, in practice, some warrantors will be unwilling to bear the expense of operating two separate ADR mechanisms. But neither Congress nor the FTC has made this empirical determination. And even if warrantors were unwilling to operate two ADR mechanisms, they might choose to operate a single mechanism that meets federal requirements under the Warranty Act. As the Fifth Circuit noted in Chrysler Corp. v. Texas Motor Vehicle Comm'n, 755 F.2d 1192, 1206 (1985), "(t)here are many reasons why a consumer might prefer the informal proceedings offered by his manufacturer at no charge under (the Warranty Act) to (a) state-run proceeding * * * in which a hearing is conducted and the rules of evidence apply." /5/ We disagree with petitioners' assertion (Pet. 13-15) that a warrantor who chooses to be bound by decisions of the ADR mechanism violates Rule 703. Petitioners rely on 16 C.F.R. 703.5(j) ("(d)ecisions of the Mechanism shall not be legally binding on any person") and 40 Fed. Reg. 60,211 (1975) ("reference within the written warranty to any binding, nonjudicial remedy is prohibited by the Rule and the Act"). Although it is true that warrantors cannot require consumers to be bound by the decision of an ADR mechanism operated under Rule 703, the FTC has never determined that warrantors are barred from accepting decisions in favor of the consumer as binding on the warrantor. Rule 703 generally does not prevent warrantors from choosing to adopt ADR mechanisms with features more favorable to consumers than those required by Rule 703. And Rule 703 specifically encourages warrantors to accept informal decisions by obligating them to act in good faith. See 16 C.F.R. 703.5(j). /6/ In reaching this conclusion, we recognize that courts should not lightly infer preemption, and that this is particularly so where, as here, the field is one traditionally regulated by the State. See Boyle v. United Technologies Corp., 487 U.S. at 507-508 (1988) (noting, in the context of displacement of state law by federal common law, that a conflict is more readily found where the area is "one of unique federal concern"). /7/ This Court has recognized that state law that upsets a balance of interests addressed by federal law is preempted. In International Paper Co. v. Ouellette, 479 U.S. 481, 494 (1987), the Court held that certain aspects of a State's nuisance law improperly interfered with the Clean Water Act, because circumvention of the federal permit system would result in "upsetting the careful balance of public and private interests so carefully addressed by the Act." See also Hillsboroughh County v. Automated Medical Laboratories, Inc., 471 U.S. 707, 721 (1985) (ordinance providing more restrictive standards for the collection of blood plasma not preempted by federal regulation establishing minimum safety standards because "(n)either Congress nor the FDA * * * has struck a particular balance between safety and quantity"). /8/ Because warrantors may be expected to respond to increased costs by raising prices or declining to ofer an ADR alternative, a warrantor's interest in a low-cost ADR system may be viewed as equivalent to the consumer's long-term interest in efficient resolution of complaints.
Notes from South Pole TDRSS Relay (SPTR) Mtg/Telcon held on 8/19/97 Participants: GSFC (530, NISN, Eng Team) WSC (Richard Von Wolff) SP User Rep at GSFC (Troy Ames) MSFC (Rusty Morphew) UofChi (Bob Loewenstein) ASA (Ed Blaine) WSC ITEM - Richard Von Wolff will be in class during telcon periods so Jim Edgington (ATSC Engineering) should be contacted (505-527-7208) for telcons. INTERNET CONNECTIVITY AT WSC - Rusty Morphew sent email to Stan Rubin identifying the WSC router addresses. - ASA (Ed Blaine) reported that they will provide the SP FOTs equipment to connect the "Ginko" router to the SPTR router. - MSFC will proceed with the Malabar SP IP traffic re-routed via the NSI in preparation for the WSGT Internet routers installation to preclude too many changes at one time in case there are problems. - MSFC reported they will need to modify the existing CISCO contract to provide additional M&O support for the WSC 4500 Internet routers. ENGINEERING TEAM STATUS - The pacing items needed for progress right now are the computer hardware items. Some incorrect parts have been received or are no longer available as submitted, so RSC was requested to work with Kevin C. to look into what could be done to expedite things that are needed right away. - It was decided for the KB TWTA that a PLC will be procured ASAP and used for the control interface it the MCS. A loaner PLC will be requested from LandSat to allow development to start. Further interface info is still required from Logimetrics. The 2nd TWTA is still being worked at Logimetrics and no cost has been obtained yet. - The KB Tx filter (diplexer) 2nd harmonic suppression test is being conducted at the RFSOC (Fred Gamms). - Ed Blaine will provide a detailed Elevated Dorm Room 204 floor diagram depicting the layout and power hook-up available. - The team will attempt to run a quick RF BER test via TDRS-1 to WSC. SSAR service will be used to checkout the SP satellite modem Tx capability in the mock-up at B25. Target date is next week at earliest. Ops and Testing people need to get involved to get a temporary NCC test schedule (SHO) code setup. SPTR STATUS REVIEW PRESENTATION ITEMS - Bob Loewenstein will provide an email list defining all the SP projects that will be support by the SPTR project. Troy Ames will help gather the info for a presentation slide. - In addition to the status review on 8/21 there will be a special review for Code 170 (Mike King) held on Tuesday 8/26 @ 8:45 AM in B16/Rm 236. - The remainder of the meeting was spent reviewing and completing the presentation material for the Status Review.
# Presentation: 774764 ## A – Home **A – Home** **I Want To...** - Ask a Food Safety Question - Locate an FSIS Office - Download an FSIS Form - Subscribe to Newsletters - Schedule a Food Safety Mobile Visit - Watch a Public Service - Announcement - Attend a Public Meeting - Export or Import Meat, - Poultry, or Egg Products _**USDA Seeks Membership Nominations for National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection**_** **(Oct 20) - USDA is seeking a consumer representative to replace a resigning committee member. _**Listeria In FSIS Ready-To-Eat Products Shows Significant Decline**_ (Oct 16) - FSIS released data showing a 25 percent drop in the percentage of positive *Listeria monocyotgenes* samples. - You are here: Home **Food Safety and Inspection Service **(**FSIS**) *Protecting public health through food safety* **Browse by Subject** ** **Food Safety** **Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness - Go **Browse by Audience** - Audience based navigation: - - Consumers & Educators - - Scientists & Researchers - - Businesses - - Constituent Groups - - FSIS Employees **USDA Meat and ** **Poultry Hotline** - Promotional content rotates each time the homepage is refreshed. _**More>**_ **Spotlight: Fact Sheets** _**Turkey Basics: Safe Cooking**_** ** - Learn how to cook a Thanksgiving turkey that is both safe and delicious. _**Risk Analysis**_ - Learn how FSIS evaluates the public health benefits associated with the selection of various policy options. _**Be Smart. Keep Foods Apart**_ - By following these simple steps, you can reduce the risk of foodborne illness. (Also available in _PDF_) _**Cooking for Groups: A Volunteers Guide to Food Safety**_ - This brochure will help anyone cooking for large groups. - (Also available in _PDF_) _**More>**_ **In the News** ## B – Option 1 (Double Column on Top, Single on Bottom) **B – Option 1 (Double Column on Top, Single on Bottom)** - You are here: Home / Contact Us - Contact Us ** ** **Toll-Free Information Lines and Other Resources** - For Freedom of Information Act requests or Privacy questions: - _[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])_ - For the Meat and Poultry Hotline: - _[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])_ - For food safety education programs: - _[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])_ - Go **Browse by Audience** **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety** **Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness _**Meat and Poultry Hotline**_ - This hotline handles consumer food safety questions and provides support for food safety educators and communicators. - 1-800-535-4555 - 1-888-MPHotline (Voice) - 1-800-256-7072 (TTY) _**FSIS Technical Service Center**_This center is for businesses, industry advocates and interagency regulators from State, food, and public health agencies. - 1-800-233-3935 **Electronic Mailboxes Available** **Food Safety Education** **Fight BAC! ®** **Office Locations & Phone Numbers** _**More>**_ **Contact Us** - Office Locations & Phone - Numbers - Key Agency Contacts - State HACCP Contacts & - Coordinators ## C – Option 2 (Single Column on Top & Bottom) - Go **Browse by Audience** **C – Option 2 (Single Column on Top & Bottom)** - You are here: Home / Food Safety Education - Food Safety Education ** ** **Food Safety Education** - Ask Karen - Food Safety Education - Programs - Fact Sheets - USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline - For Kids and Teens - Food Security & Emergency - Preparedness - Food Safety Educator - Foodborne Illness Education - Information Center **Food Safety Education** **Fight BAC! ®** _**More>**_ **Ask Karen** **Browse by Subject** ** ****Food Safety Education** - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness - Promotional targeted content. **I Want To...** - Ask a Food Safety Question - Subscribe to Newsletters - Schedule a Food Safety - Mobile Visit - Watch a Public Service - Announcement - Contact Associated Public - Health Agencies _**More>**_ **Food Safety Education Programs** - Do you have questions about food safety? _ Ask Karen,_ the FSIS virtual representative. - Learn more about campaigns to promote food safety – _ThermyTM_, _Fight BAC!®_, _Food Safety Mobile_, and _National Food Safety Education Month_. - FSIS strives to educate the public about the safe storage, handling, and preparation of meat, poultry, and egg products. _**Ask Karen**_ - Not sure what the proper cooking temperature is for your turkey? Want to know if your eggs have gone bad? Just _Ask Karen_, the FSIS virtual representative. _**More>**_ **Fact Sheets** _**More>**_ **USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline** - Call or email the _USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline_ to get information on safe food storage, handling, preparation, product dating, and much more. - To find information about a variety of food safety topics, check out _Fact Sheets_. _**Be Smart. Keep Foods Apart**_ - By following these simple steps, you can prevent cross contamination and reduce the risk of foodborne illness. - (Also available in _PDF_) ## D - Text with Inset - You are here: Home / News & Events / News Releases / Oct. 7, 2003 Indiana Firm Recalls... - Go **Browse by Audience** - News & Events** ** **News & Events** ** ****News Releases** - FSIS Recalls - Video Releases - Archived Releases - News Release - Subscription - Meetings & Events - Speeches & Presentations - Communications to Congress - Newsletters - Image & Video Libraries **Indiana Firm Recalls Meat Products Because Of Undeclared Allergens** - WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, 2003 - Olympic Food Products Inc., a Kokomo, Ind., establishment, is voluntarily recalling approximately 33,000 pounds of frozen corn dogs that contain undeclared allergens (egg, whey) and an undeclared ingredient (beef), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service announced today. - The products being recalled are: - *"QUICKMEAL PREMIUM CORN DOG, - BATTER-WRAPPED CHICKEN & PORK - FRANK ON A STICK, NET WT 2.75 oz. - Included on each package is the label code - "40238-07", which is located on the back - of the package in the lower right hand - corner below the list of ingredients. These - products contained undeclared allergens - and were produced on July 28, Aug. 18, - and Sept. 16, 2003. - *"OUICKMEAL PREMIUM JUMBO CORN - DOG, BATTER-WRAPPED CHICKEN & - PORK FRANK ON A STICK, NET WT 4 oz. - Included on each package is the label code - "37175-02", which is located on the back of **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness **Related Items** ***USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline *** ***1-888-MPHotline or visit*** - Consumers who have a food allergy or severe food sensitivity should always read ingredient labels. In restaurants they should ask whether an allergy-causing ingredient is in the food. - A food allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to a certain food, usually within minutes after the food has been consumed. **News Releases** - News Release Subscription promotional graphic that appears in several sections within the News & Events area. ## E - Text with Image - Go **Browse by Audience** **Garry L. McKee, Ph.D., M.P.H.** **Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service**** ** - Dr. Garry L. McKee was named administrator of the Food - Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) on July 23, 2002. - As administrator, he is responsible for managing USDA’s - food safety activities. - Dr. McKee has more than 30 years of experience in the - public health field. From 1999 to 2002, he was the Director - and Cabinet Secretary of the Wyoming Department of - Health. From 1980-98, he was the Chief of the Public - Health Laboratory and from 1977-79 Director of Sanitary - Bacteriology of the Oklahoma State Department of Health. - He has also held many other professional positions. - Additionally, Dr. McKee has been a member of the Board of Scientific Counselors, the National Center for Infectious Diseases, and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials since 2001. From 1995-98, he was the Chairman of the National Laboratory Training Network for the Association of State and Territorial Public Health Laboratory Directors. Since 1992, he has served as the Lt. Commander in the U.S. Public Health Service Reserve. - Dr. McKee received his Bachelors in biology from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. He earned Masters degrees in public health and environmental science and a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Oklahoma. **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness - You are here: Home / About FSIS / FSIS Biographies / Dr. Garry McKee - About FSIS ** ** **About FSIS** - Structure & Organization - **FSIS Biographies** - Dr. Elsa Murano - Dr. Merle Pierson **Dr. Garry McKee** - Associated Agencies & - Partners - Codex Alimentarius *Garry L. McKee, * *Ph.D., M.P.H., * *FSIS Administrator* _*View photo gallery*_ **FSIS Biographies** ## F – Text with multiple pages - You are here: Home / Help / Glossary - Go **Browse by Audience** - Help **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness **Help** - A to Z Index - FAQ’s - **Glossary** - Site Map - Technical Assistance **View Glossary terms beginning with: ** **Absorbent Packing** - Material within a package which absorbs liquids from product; pad in meat trays is made from paper and has a plastic liner. **Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI)** - An estimate by the Joint Food and Agricultural Organization (United Nations)/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the amount of a veterinary drug, expressed on a body weight basis, that can be ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable health risk (standard man=60 kg). **Accredited Laboratory Program (ALP)** - The Accredited Laboratory Program accredits nonfederal analytical chemistry laboratories to analyze meat and poultry food products for moisture, protein, fat, and salt (MPFS) content, and/or certain specific classes of chemical residues. Currently the specific chemical residues are chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), sulfonamides, nitrosamines, and arsenic. **Advanced Meat Recovery (AMR)** - Product derived from AMR systems is defined as "meat." AMR is a process that uses machinery to separate edible meat from bones by scraping, shaving, or pressing the meat from the bone. AMR machinery is not permitted to break, grind, crush, or pulverize bones to separate meat, and bones must emerge intact and in natural physical conformation. Meat produced using this method is comparable in appearance, texture, and composition to meat trimmings and similar meat products derived by hand trimming of bones. Product derived from AMR systems cannot contain spinal cord tissue. FSIS verifies that establishments using AMR **Glossary** ## G - List with Images - You are here: Home / News & Events / Image & Video Libraries / FSIS Images - Go **Browse by Audience** - News & Events** ** **News & Events** - News Releases - Meetings & Events - Speeches & Presentations - Communications to Congress - Newsletters - **Image & Video Libraries** - News Photo Gallery - **FSIS Images** - Food Safety Videos - USDA Online Photo Library - USDA Video, Teleconference & Radio Center - Agriculture Research Service Photo Library **Fight BAC!® Image Library** - *_Fight BAC!® Campaign Artwork_ - *For more information, and to download additional graphics: _Partnership for Food Safety Education Web site_ **ThermyTM Image Library** - *_ThermyTM Art and Kit Materials_ - *For more information, begin at the _ThermyTM Home Page._ - *_Thermometers and Temperature Indicators (Black and White Drawings)_ **Cooking For Groups: A Volunteer's Guide To Food Safety Image Library** - *_Cooking For Groups Download Center_ - *For more information, begin at the _Cooking For Groups home page._ **National Food Safety Education Month (September) Image Library** - *_Current National Food Safety Education Month (NFSEM) Materials_ - *Main NFSEM page: _ *(leaving this site)* **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness **FSIS Images** ## H - Table **H - Table** - You are here: Home / FSIS Recalls / Open Federal Cases - Go **Browse by Audience** - FSIS Recalls ** ** **FSIS Recalls** - **Open Federal Cases** - Closed Federal Cases - Open Retail Ground Beef - Cases - FDA Recalls & Safety Alerts - Problems with Food Products - Additional Recall Links - This page contains summary data on **active** recall cases. When a recall is completed, it will be removed from this listing, but will be included in the Recall Case Archive. - *The link under **Recall** displays the Recall Notification Report (RNR), which is issued by FSIS. The RNR contains complete information about the recall. - *The link under **Press Release** displays the text of the press release, if one was issued in connection with the recall. **Open Federal Cases** **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - **FSIS Recalls** - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness **Recall (RNR), Product Recalled** - _053-2003, "Quickmeal" brand Corn Dogs_ 10/7/03 _Yes_ - _052-2003, Various Ready-to-eat Sausages_ 10/5/03 _Yes_ - _051-2003, Old Santa Fe Beef Jerky, in Original,_ - _Peppered, Red Chili and Green Chili_ 10/2/03 Yes - _050-2003, Beef Products_ 9/24/03 _Yes_ - _049-2003, Ready to Eat Luncheon Meats_ 9/12/03 _Yes_ - _047-2003, Canned “NO BEAN, CHILLI MAN CHILI”_ 9/5/03 _Yes_ - _046-2003, Thai-Style Noodle Salad_ 9/4/03 _Yes_ - _045-2003, Pork Sausage_ 8/29/03 _Yes_ - _043-2003, Roast Beef and Pastrami Products__ _ 8/29/03 _Yes_ **Press****Release** **Date** ## I – Table Without Right Column **I – Table Without Right Column** - You are here: Home / FSIS Recalls / Closed Federal Cases - Go **Browse by Audience** - FSIS Recalls ** ** - This page contains summary data on **closed** recall cases. When a recall is completed, it is removed from the active listing, and is included in the Recall Case Archive. - *The link under **Recall** displays the Recall Notification Report (RNR), which is issued by FSIS. The RNR contains complete information about the recall. - *The link under **Press Release** displays the text of the press release, if one was issued in connection with the recall. **Closed Federal Cases** **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - **FSIS Recalls** - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness **Recall (RNR), Product Recalled** - _053-2003, "Quickmeal" brand Corn Dogs_ 10/7/03 _Yes_ 7,561 - _052-2003, Various Ready-to-eat Sausages_ 10/5/03 _Yes_ 2,064,710 - _051-2003, Old Santa Fe Beef Jerky, in Original,_ - _Peppered, Red Chili and Green Chili_ 10/2/03 _Yes_ 346, 361 - _050-2003, Beef Products_ 9/24/03 _Yes_ 51, 695 - _049-2003, Ready to Eat Luncheon Meats_ 9/12/03 _Yes_ 92 - _047-2003, Canned “NO BEAN, CHILLI MAN CHILI”_ 9/5/03 _Yes_ 10 - _046-2003, Thai-Style Noodle Salad_ 9/4/03 _Yes_ 178,000 - _045-2003, Pork Sausage_ 8/29/03 _Yes_ 0 - _043-2003, Roast Beef and Pastrami Products__ _ 8/29/03 _Yes_ 6,060 **Press****Release** **Date Closed** **Pounds Recovered** - Open Federal Cases - **Closed Federal Cases** - Open Retail Gound - Beef Cases - FDA Recalls & Safety - Alerts - Problems with Food - Products - Additional Recall Links ## J - Table with Images **J - Table with Images** - You are here: Home / News & Events / Image and Video Libraries / FSIS Images / Fight BAC!TM Campaign Artwork - Go **Browse by Audience** - News & Events ** ** **News & Events** - News Releases - Meetings & Events - Speeches & Presentations - Communications to Congress - Newsletters - **Image & Video Libraries** - News Photo Gallery - **FSIS Images** - Food Safety Videos - USDA Online Photo Library - USDA Video, Teleconference & Radio Center - Agriculture Research Service Photo Library **FSIS Images** **Fight BAC!TM Campaign Artwork** - Read _Usage Guidelines and License Agreement_ from the Partnership for Food Safety Education. Click on the thumbnail to see entire image. **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness **BAC Character** - BAC in Circle 2jpg (38k)tif (454k) - BAC in Circlejpg (38k)tif (454k) - Quadrantsjpg (38k)tif (454k) - BAC w/o Signjpg (38k)tif (454k) **Black and White Squares** - Cleanjpg (38k)tif (454k) - Chilljpg (38k)tif (454k) - Cookjpg (38k)tif (454k) - Separatejpg (38k)tif (454k) ## K – Expanded Image - You are here: Home / News & Events / Image & Video Libraries / FSIS Images / Food Safety Mobile / March 19, 2003 Mobile Launch - Go **Browse by Audience** - News & Events **News & Events** - News Releases - Meetings & Events - Speeches & Presentations - Communications to Congress - Newsletters ** ****Image & Video Libraries** ** **News Photo Gallery - **FSIS Images** - Food Safety Videos - USDA Online Photo - Library - USDA Video, - Teleconference, and - Radio Center - Agricultural Research - Service Image Library **Food Safety Mobile** - Mobile Launch, March 19th, 2003 **FSIS Images** **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness _**Return to Previous View**_ ## L – Subscription Form - You are here: Home / News & Events / Newsletters / Food Safety Educator / Food Safety Educator Subscription - Go **Browse by Audience** - Information For... - News & Events **Food Safety Educator Subscription** **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness - This newsletter reports on new food safety educational programs and materials, as well as emerging science concerning food safety risks. The newsletter is distributed approximately 4 times a year. This publication is distributed free to subscribers *in print only*. Electronic copies may be downloaded from the Web site. - Fields marked with * are required to process your subscription. E-mail questions to _[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])_. ** ** ** **** ** - Submit - AL - Alabama - ***Name** ***Organization** - ***Address 1** - ***City** ***State** ***Zip Code** ***Phone #** ***E-mail** ***Confirm Email** - ***Address 2** - Cancel **News & Events** - News Releases - Meetings & Events - Speeches & Presentations - Communications to Congress ** ****Newsletters** - Constituent Updates **Food Safety Educator** - FSIS News Release - Subscription - EdNet - USDA News Releases - FirstGov Releases - Image & Video Libraries ## M – Advanced Search / Search Tips - Go **Browse by Audience** **M – Advanced Search / Search Tips** - You are here: Home / Advanced Search & Search Tips - Advanced Search & Search Tips ** ** **Search FSIS Web Site** **Search Criteria** - To use this search page, select the catalog you wish to search in the Search Frame. By default, the entire site is searched. - In the "Search for documents containing" field, you can look for a single word. Or, use the tips to refine your search to find more specific results. **Special Note: Searching the Docket_Comments Catalog** - Links to Docket Comments elsewhere on the site are configured to automatically give you optimal search results. If searching for docket comments directly from this page, select Docket_Comments from the drop-down menu. Enter *only* the docket number, correctly punctuated, and followed by an asterisk, into the search box. See the examples below for formatting. - 01-018P* - 01-040N* - 01-016DF* **Browse by Subject** - Food Safety Education - Science - Regulations & Policies - FSIS Recalls - Food Security & Emergency Preparedness **Within catalog:** **Search:** **Written in:** **Modified in:** **Search Tips** - Look for a phrase. - Example - type **sports events** to find the exact phrase *sports events*. Since the search is not case-sensitive, this is equivalent to *Sports Events*. - Look for two or more words at once by using the AND operator. - Example - type **sports AND events** to find documents that have both the word *sports* and the word *events* anywhere. - Look for words that are close to each other by using the NEAR operator instead of the AND operator. When you use NEAR, the closer together the words are, the higher the rank of the page, so the higher it appears in the list of search results. - Example - type **sports NEAR events** to match documents where the word *sports* is within 50 words of the word *events*. - Go ## N - Child Window **N - Child Window** - Food Safety and Inspection Service - Site - Type - Date - - Revised Wireframes - 11.12.03 - News & Events ** ** **USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service - Past , Present, and Future** - Presented to: The Washington Internships for Native Students Program - (Sponsored by the American University and USDA) - Presented by: Sibyl Wright, Outreach Coordinator - July 23, 2002 *Image 6**** ****of ****22*** **USDA ** **Logo** ## O – Printer-Friendly Page **800 x 600** **page fold** - Food Safety and Inspection Service **800 x 600** **page fold** - Site - Type - Date - - Revised Wireframes **USDA ** **Logo** **Recall Release****FSIS-RC-057-2003** **CLASS I RECALL** **HEALTH RISK: HIGH ** - Congressional and Public Affairs(202) 720-9113; FAX: (202) 690-0460 Steven Cohen **Wisconsin Firm Recalls Ground Beef For Possible *****E. coli***** O157:H7** - WASHINGTON, Oct. 31, 2003—Badgerland Meat and Provisioners, a Madison, Wis., establishment, is voluntarily recalling approximately 500 pounds of fresh ground beef products that may be contaminated with *E. coli* O157:H7, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service announced today. The ground beef products being recalled are 10 and 40 pound boxes of: - "WISCONSIN PREMIER" GROUND BEEF - "WISCONSIN PREMIER," GROUND BEEF PATTIES - Each label bears the USDA establishment number "EST. 1267" inside the USDA mark of inspection. The ground beef and ground beef patties were produced on Oct. 22, Oct. 24 and Oct. 27, 2003, and were distributed to restaurants in the Madison, Wis., area. *E. coli O157:H7 is a potentially deadly bacteria that can cause bloody diarrhea and dehydration. The very young, seniors and persons with compromised immune systems are the most susceptible to foodborne illness. FSIS has received no reports of illnesses associated with consumption of this product. Anyone concerned about an illness should contact a physician. Consumers and media with questions about the recall should contact Pat Mackesey, company president, at 608-244-1934.Consumers with other food safety questions can phone the toll-free USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 1-888-MPHOTLINE. The hotline is available in English and Spanish and can be reached from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Eastern Time), Monday through Friday. Recorded food safety messages are available 24 hours a day.* *#* *NOTE: Access news releases and other information at the FSIS Web site at *_[](* * **PREPARING GROUND BEEF FOR SAFE CONSUMPTION?** **USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline - 1-888-MPHotline or visit **_[]( - Although the product being recalled should be returned to the place of purchase, consumers preparing other ground beef products should heed the following advice. Consumers should only eat ground beef patties that have been cooked to a safe temperature of 160 oF. When a ground beef patty is cooked to 160 oF throughout, it can be safe and juicy, regardless of color. The only way to be sure a ground beef patty is cooked to a high enough temperature to kill harmful bacteria is to use an accurate digital instant-read thermometer. Color is not a reliable indicator that ground beef patties have been cooked to a temperature high enough to kill harmful bacteria such as *E. coli* O157:H7. Eating a pink or red ground beef patty without first verifying that the safe temperature of 160 oF
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= ptspectra.eps = ratio_nn_phipik-v2.eps = ratio_nn_phipik.eps = ratio_pi_k_phi_npart.eps = Rcp.eps = Rcp_old.eps = simfit_pikp_cent12_0-10.eps = simfit_pikp_cent15_10-40.eps = simfit_pikp_cent16_40-92.eps = slope_mass.eps = tof-east-mb-yield.eps = tof-east-mb.eps = tof-tof-mb.eps = tofpid.eps = tofpid_1d.eps = width-all-east.eps = Figure = natbib.sty = ppg016_v1.tex = ppg016_v2.tex = ppg016_v3.aux = ppg016_v3.dvi = ppg016_v3.log = ppg016_v3.pdf = ppg016_v3.tex = long_writeup = outline.lst = phi.pdf = phi.tex * Dir change [Loc1: {To be created}] : [Loc2: /direct/phenix+WWW/p/draft/seto/phenixphi/ppg016/ppg016_aug_07_03] = ppg016_Aug_7_03.ppt = ppg016_aug_07_03 * Dir change [Loc1: {To be created}] : [Loc2: /direct/phenix+WWW/p/draft/seto/phenixphi/ppg016/ppg016_may_17_04] = hydroornot.pdf = hydroornot.ppt = ppg016_may_17_04 = ppg016_rksedit.doc = ppg016_rksedit.pdf Canceling operation... * Dir change [Loc1: {To be created}] : [Loc2: 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2004.301.17:10:06.90;Log Opened: Mark IV Field System Version 9.6.9 2004.301.17:10:06.90;location,WESTFORD,71.49,42.61,94.0 2004.301.17:10:06.90;horizon1,0.,4.,360. 2004.301.17:10:06.90;antenna,18.3,240.0,180.0,100.0,460.0,4.0,87.2,AZEL 2004.301.17:10:06.90;equip,mk4,mk4,none,mk4,500.10,3,a/d,101,100,90,none,41 2004.301.17:10:06.90;drivem11,330,270,no 2004.301.17:10:06.90;drivem12,100 2004.301.17:10:06.90;head10,all,all,all,odd,adaptive,no,3.0720,1 2004.301.17:10:06.90;head11,219.7,18.3,-69.9,210.6,18.3,-0.8,187.51,187.51 2004.301.17:10:06.90;head12,135.5,11.0,-66.0,152.5,9.3,9.3,173.50,173.50 2004.301.17:10:06.90;time,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.17:10:06.90;flagr,0 2004.301.17:10:06.90:" RD0408 2004 WESTFORD E Wf 2004.301.17:10:06.90:" E WESTFORD AZEL 0.3180 200.0 10 100.0 460.0 120.0 10 4.0 87.2 18.0 Wf 07 2004.301.17:10:06.90:" Wf WESTFORD 1492206.59964 -4458130.50737 4296015.53210 72097301 2004.301.17:10:06.90:" 07 WESTFORD 1417400 2004.301.17:10:06.90:" drudg version 030915 compiled under FS 9.6.9 2004.301.17:10:06.90:" Rack=Mark4 Recorder 1=Mark5A Recorder 2=none 2004.301.17:10:06.90:exper_initi 2004.301.17:10:06.90&exper_initi/proc_library 2004.301.17:10:06.90&exper_initi/sched_initi 2004.301.17:10:06.90&exper_initi/mk5=dts_id? 2004.301.17:10:06.90&exper_initi/mk5=os_rev1? 2004.301.17:10:06.90&exper_initi/mk5=os_rev2? 2004.301.17:10:06.90&exper_initi/mk5=ss_rev1? 2004.301.17:10:06.90&exper_initi/mk5=ss_rev2? 2004.301.17:10:06.90&exper_initi/mk5=status? 2004.301.17:10:06.90:scan_name=301-1800b,rd0408,40 2004.301.17:10:06.95:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.17:10:09.97:setupnw 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/"connect the set 1 mark 5a recorder input to" 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/"the headstack 1 output of the formatter" 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/pcalon 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/tpicd=stop 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/trkfnw 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/tracks=v0,v1,v2,v3 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/vcnw4 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/ifdnw 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/form=m,8.000,1:2 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/tpicd=no,0 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/checkcrc 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/mk5=play_rate=data:4 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/mk5=mode=mark4:32; 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/bank_check 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/tpicd 2004.301.17:10:09.97&setupnw/mk5=mode? 2004.301.17:10:09.98&pcalon/"no control of phase-cal 2004.301.17:10:09.99&trkfnw/trackform= 2004.301.17:10:09.99&trkfnw/trackform=2,1us,6,2us,10,3us,14,4us,18,5us,22,6us,26,7us,3,8us 2004.301.17:10:09.99&trkfnw/trackform=7,9us,11,10us,15,11us,19,12us,23,13us,27,14us 2004.301.17:10:09.99&trkfnw/trackform=30,1us,31,2us 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc01=102.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc02=142.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc03=342.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc04=482.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc05=102.89,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc06=202.89,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc07=262.89,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc08=282.89,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc09=192.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc10=202.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.01&vcnw4/vc11=237.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.02&vcnw4/vc12=277.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.02&vcnw4/vc13=297.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.02&vcnw4/vc14=302.99,4.000,u 2004.301.17:10:10.02&vcnw4/!+1s 2004.301.17:10:10.02&vcnw4/valarm 2004.301.17:10:10.58&proc_library/" rd0408 westford wf 2004.301.17:10:10.58&proc_library/" drudg version 030915 compiled under fs 9.6.9 2004.301.17:10:10.58&proc_library/"< mark4 rack >< mark5a recorder 1> 2004.301.17:10:10.59&sched_initi/"test 2004.301.17:10:10.60/mk5/!DTS_id? 0 : Mark5A : 2004y083d08h : 1 : mark5-11 : 1 : 1 : 2.6.1xx : 0xb8 : 0x19 ; 2004.301.17:10:10.60/mk5/!OS_rev1? 0 : "Linux version 2.4.20-28.9 ([email protected]) " ; 2004.301.17:10:10.60/mk5/!OS_rev2? 0 : "gcc version 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)) #1 Thu Dec 18 13:45:22 EST 2003" ; 2004.301.17:10:10.63/mk5/!SS_rev1? 0 : "BoardType PCI-816V100, SerialNum 7100, ApiVersion 5.10, ApiDateCode Jan 21 2004" ; 2004.301.17:10:10.63/mk5/!SS_rev2? 0 : "FirmwareVersion 10.54, FirmDateCode Feb 26 2004, MonitorVersion 5.03, XbarVersion 3.12, AtaVersion 1.04, UAtaVersion 0.00, DriverVersion 603" ; 2004.301.17:10:10.64/mk5/!status? 0 : 0x03200001 ; 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc01=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc02=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc03=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc04=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc05=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc06=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc07=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc08=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc09=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc10=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc11=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc12=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc13=alarm 2004.301.17:10:11.59&valarm/vc14=alarm 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/ifd=20,20,nor,nor 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/if3=14,in,2,1,,,on 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/lo= 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/lo=lo1,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/lo=lo2,2020.00,usb,rcp,1 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/lo=lo3,8580.10,usb,rcp,1 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/patch= 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/patch=lo1,1l,2l,3h,4h 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/patch=lo2,9l,10l,11h,12h,13h,14h 2004.301.17:10:12.18&ifdnw/patch=lo3,5h,6h,7h,8h 2004.301.17:10:14.01&checkcrc/"no mark 3 decoder 2004.301.17:10:14.03/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.17:10:14.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.17:10:14.07/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.17:10:14.08/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 7 ; 2004.301.17:10:14.09:ready_disc 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/xdisp=on 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/"starting new schedule" 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/xdisp=off 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/wakeup 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/"halt 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/"mk5=reset=mount 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/"!+25s 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/disc_serial 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/"!+2s 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/"mk5=reset=erase 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/!+5s 2004.301.17:10:14.09&ready_disc/disc_pos 2004.301.17:10:14.80/ !!!! wake up !!!! 2004.301.17:10:14.81/disc_serial/VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT, 2004.301.17:10:19.83/disc_pos/0,0, 2004.301.17:10:19.83:!2004.301.17:59:50 2004.301.17:10:52.88;check=*,-rx 2004.301.17:11:58.20;cable 2004.301.17:11:58.40/cable/+3.5909350E-02 2004.301.17:13:00.58;cablelong 2004.301.17:13:00.68/cablelong/+3.6571183E-02 2004.301.17:14:01.58;cable 2004.301.17:14:01.88/cable/+3.5910019E-02 2004.301.17:59:50.00:disc_pos 2004.301.17:59:50.00/disc_pos/0,0, 2004.301.17:59:50.00:disc_start=on 2004.301.17:59:51.04:!2004.301.17:59:50 2004.301.17:59:51.04:preob 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/onsource 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/calon 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/!+3s 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/"tpical=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/"tpical=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/tpical=formvc,formif 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/caloff 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/ifd=max,max,*,* 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/if3=max,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/!+2s 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/tpzero=formvc,formif 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/ifd=old,old,*,* 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/if3=old,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.17:59:51.04&preob/azeloff=0d,0d 2004.301.17:59:51.07#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.17:59:51.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.17:59:51.08&calon/rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,on 2004.301.17:59:54.68/tpical/1u,8350,2u,11696,3u,28235,4u,42504,i1,19337 2004.301.17:59:54.68/tpical/9u,7646,au,29396,bu,17283,cu,10199,du,19095,eu,39668 2004.301.17:59:54.68/tpical/i2,8958 2004.301.17:59:54.68/tpical/5u,45337,6u,36375,7u,47545,8u,16962,i3,62246 2004.301.17:59:54.69&caloff/rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,off 2004.301.17:59:57.34/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,742,4u,505,i1,93 2004.301.17:59:57.34/tpzero/9u,168,au,754,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,824,i2,46 2004.301.17:59:57.34/tpzero/5u,344,6u,290,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.301.18:00:00.43:!2004.301.18:00:00 2004.301.18:00:00.43:disc_pos 2004.301.18:00:00.43/disc_pos/143888384,0, 2004.301.18:00:00.43:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:00:00.46:midob 2004.301.18:00:00.46&midob/onsource 2004.301.18:00:00.46&midob/"mk5=status 2004.301.18:00:00.46&midob/cable 2004.301.18:00:00.46&midob/ifd 2004.301.18:00:00.46&midob/if3 2004.301.18:00:00.46&midob/vc02 2004.301.18:00:00.46&midob/vc06 2004.301.18:00:00.46&midob/vc11 2004.301.18:00:00.46&midob/form 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/sy=run setcl & 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/"tpi=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/"tpi=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/tpi=formvc,formif 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/tpdiff=formvc,formif 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/caltemp=formvc,formif 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/"tsys1=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/"tsys2=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/tsys=formvc,formif 2004.301.18:00:00.47&midob/atomic 2004.301.18:00:00.48#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:00:00.48/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:00:00.56/cable/+3.5906806E-02 2004.301.18:00:00.63/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,14612,5787 2004.301.18:00:00.70/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,46290 2004.301.18:00:00.77/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9222 2004.301.18:00:00.84/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27725 2004.301.18:00:00.91/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12497 2004.301.18:00:01.47/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:00:01.99/tpi/1u,6533,2u,9215,3u,21497,4u,31941,i1,14608 2004.301.18:00:01.99/tpi/9u,5455,au,23093,bu,12493,cu,7748,du,17147,eu,34836,i2,5979 2004.301.18:00:02.00/tpi/5u,33180,6u,27707,7u,36783,8u,13413,i3,46279 2004.301.18:00:02.01/tpdiff/1u,1817,2u,2481,3u,6738,4u,10563,i1,4729 2004.301.18:00:02.02/tpdiff/9u,2191,au,6303,bu,4790,cu,2451,du,1948,eu,4832,i2,2979 2004.301.18:00:02.02/tpdiff/5u,12157,6u,8668,7u,10762,8u,3549,i3,15967 2004.301.18:00:02.03/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:00:02.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:00:02.04/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:00:02.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:00:02.06/tsys/1u,82.5,2u,83.0,3u,80.1,4u,77.4,i1,79.8 2004.301.18:00:02.06/tsys/9u,77.2,au,113.4,bu,78.7,cu,94.5,du,271.8,eu,225.2,i2,63.7 2004.301.18:00:02.07/tsys/5u,70.2,6u,82.2,7u,86.0,8u,90.3,i3,75.1 2004.301.18:00:02.08&atomic/fmout-gps=gt,:fetc? 2004.301.18:00:02.08&atomic/fmout-gps=gt 2004.301.18:00:02.98/fmout-gps/+6.3824E-006 2004.301.18:00:02.99:!2004.301.18:00:40 2004.301.18:00:03.05#setcl#time/361628554,4,2004,301,18,00,03.02,2.022,3.086,1 2004.301.18:00:03.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:00:40.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:00:40.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:00:40.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:00:40.26/disc_pos/786670664,0, 2004.301.18:00:40.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:00:40.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h00m40.170s,60640,0.00500s,80000,150886718892, 2004.301.18:00:40.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:00:40.63&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.301.18:00:40.63&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.301.18:00:40.63&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.301.18:00:40.63&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.301.18:00:40.64&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.301.18:00:40.64&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.301.18:00:40.64&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.301.18:00:40.64&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.301.18:00:40.64&postob_mk5a/postob 2004.301.18:00:40.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 2336 : 17 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:40.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 2336 : 16 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:40.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 2334 : 18 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:40.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 2333 : 20 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 2333 : 19 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 2331 : 20 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:40.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 2334 : 18 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:40.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 2337 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:40.69&postob/rxmon 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx=00,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx=01,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx=02,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx=03,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx=05,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx=07,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx=17,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.18:00:40.69&rxmon/rx 2004.301.18:00:40.70&rxmon/rx=1e,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.18:00:40.70&rxmon/rx 2004.301.18:00:40.70&rxmon/rx=1f,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.301.18:00:40.70&rxmon/rx 2004.301.18:00:40.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.301.18:00:40.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.18:00:41.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.69 2004.301.18:00:41.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.18:00:41.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.47 2004.301.18:00:41.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.687 2004.301.18:00:41.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.301.18:00:41.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,26.29 2004.301.18:00:41.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.18:00:41.69:scan_name=301-1804,rd0408,40 2004.301.18:00:41.69:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:00:44.71:setupnw 2004.301.18:00:49.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:49.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:00:49.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:00:49.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 9 ; 2004.301.18:00:49.05:!2004.301.18:04:35 2004.301.18:04:35.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:04:35.00/disc_pos/786670664,785670664, 2004.301.18:04:35.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:04:36.04:!2004.301.18:04:35 2004.301.18:04:36.05:preob 2004.301.18:04:36.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:04:36.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:04:39.62/tpical/1u,6767,2u,9595,3u,23358,4u,36004,i1,15919 2004.301.18:04:39.62/tpical/9u,6690,au,26553,bu,15770,cu,9292,du,9406,eu,17986,i2,7007 2004.301.18:04:39.62/tpical/5u,39353,6u,31766,7u,43200,8u,15007,i3,54726 2004.301.18:04:42.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,504,i1,99 2004.301.18:04:42.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,746,bu,711,cu,512,du,599,eu,824,i2,55 2004.301.18:04:42.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.18:04:45.37:!2004.301.18:04:45 2004.301.18:04:45.37:disc_pos 2004.301.18:04:45.37/disc_pos/930562048,785670664, 2004.301.18:04:45.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:04:45.39:midob 2004.301.18:04:45.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:04:45.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:04:45.68/cable/+3.5909339E-02 2004.301.18:04:45.75/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10942,4784 2004.301.18:04:45.82/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36899 2004.301.18:04:45.89/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7069 2004.301.18:04:45.96/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22170 2004.301.18:04:46.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10939 2004.301.18:04:46.59/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:04:47.12/tpi/1u,4932,2u,7072,3u,16287,4u,24521,i1,10945 2004.301.18:04:47.12/tpi/9u,4746,au,20321,bu,10939,cu,6803,du,6855,eu,14263,i2,4768 2004.301.18:04:47.13/tpi/5u,25955,6u,22183,7u,30652,8u,10959,i3,36903 2004.301.18:04:47.14/tpdiff/1u,1835,2u,2523,3u,7071,4u,11483,i1,4974 2004.301.18:04:47.14/tpdiff/9u,1944,au,6232,bu,4831,cu,2489,du,2551,eu,3723,i2,2239 2004.301.18:04:47.15/tpdiff/5u,13398,6u,9583,7u,12548,8u,4048,i3,17823 2004.301.18:04:47.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:04:47.16/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:04:47.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:04:47.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:04:47.19/tsys/1u,59.0,2u,59.6,3u,57.2,4u,54.4,i1,56.7 2004.301.18:04:47.20/tsys/9u,75.3,au,100.5,bu,67.7,cu,80.9,du,78.5,eu,115.5,i2,67.4 2004.301.18:04:47.20/tsys/5u,49.7,6u,59.4,7u,61.1,8u,63.4,i3,53.6 2004.301.18:04:47.98/fmout-gps/+6.3929E-006 2004.301.18:04:47.99:!2004.301.18:05:25 2004.301.18:04:48.06#setcl#time/361657053,3,2004,301,18,04,48.02,2.047,3.165,1 2004.301.18:04:48.06#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:05:25.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:05:25.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:05:25.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:05:25.27/disc_pos/1573344768,786670664, 2004.301.18:05:25.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:05:25.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h05m25.170s,22428,0.00500s,80000,3773364108, 2004.301.18:05:25.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:05:25.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 3827 : 29 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:25.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 3828 : 26 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:25.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 3825 : 30 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:25.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 3825 : 32 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:25.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 3822 : 33 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:25.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 3818 : 36 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:25.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 3821 : 33 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:25.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 3830 : 24 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:25.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.301.18:05:25.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.18:05:26.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.69 2004.301.18:05:26.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.18:05:26.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.98 2004.301.18:05:26.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.18:05:26.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.18:05:26.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,26.94 2004.301.18:05:26.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.18:05:26.72:scan_name=301-1806,rd0408,192 2004.301.18:05:26.72:source=1418+546,141806.21,543658.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:05:29.73:setupnw 2004.301.18:05:34.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:34.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:05:34.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:05:34.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 11 ; 2004.301.18:05:34.07:!2004.301.18:06:33 2004.301.18:06:33.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:06:33.00/disc_pos/1573344768,1572344768, 2004.301.18:06:33.00:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:06:34.05:!2004.301.18:06:33 2004.301.18:06:34.05:preob 2004.301.18:06:34.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:06:34.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:06:37.64/tpical/1u,6024,2u,8720,3u,20447,4u,31858,i1,14063 2004.301.18:06:37.64/tpical/9u,12728,au,26460,bu,15075,cu,8804,du,9329,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.18:06:37.64/tpical/i2,20032 2004.301.18:06:37.64/tpical/5u,35077,6u,27756,7u,38572,8u,13410,i3,47919 2004.301.18:06:40.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,503,i1,98 2004.301.18:06:40.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,1138,bu,710,cu,511,du,600,eu,828,i2,61 2004.301.18:06:40.29/tpzero/5u,345,6u,288,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.301.18:06:43.38:!2004.301.18:06:43 2004.301.18:06:43.38:disc_pos 2004.301.18:06:43.40/disc_pos/1717219328,1572344768, 2004.301.18:06:43.40:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:06:43.41:midob 2004.301.18:06:43.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:06:43.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:06:43.76/cable/+3.5911208E-02 2004.301.18:06:43.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9100,17283 2004.301.18:06:43.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30241 2004.301.18:06:43.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6179 2004.301.18:06:44.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18320 2004.301.18:06:44.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10247 2004.301.18:06:44.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:06:45.19/tpi/1u,4202,2u,6185,3u,13484,4u,20428,i1,9112 2004.301.18:06:45.19/tpi/9u,11023,au,20558,bu,10242,cu,6323,du,6939,eu,$$$$$,i2,18075 2004.301.18:06:45.20/tpi/5u,21654,6u,18320,7u,25960,8u,9378,i3,30289 2004.301.18:06:45.21/tpdiff/1u,1822,2u,2535,3u,6963,4u,11430,i1,4951 2004.301.18:06:45.21/tpdiff/9u,1705,au,5902,bu,4833,cu,2481,du,2390,eu,$$$$$,i2,1957 2004.301.18:06:45.22/tpdiff/5u,13423,6u,9436,7u,12612,8u,4032,i3,17630 2004.301.18:06:45.23/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:06:45.24/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:06:45.24/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:06:45.25/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:06:45.26?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:06:45.26/tsys/1u,49.0,2u,50.2,3u,47.6,4u,45.3,i1,47.3 2004.301.18:06:45.27/tsys/9u,203.7,au,105.3,bu,63.1,cu,75.0,du,84.9,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.18:06:45.28/tsys/i2,294.6 2004.301.18:06:45.28/tsys/5u,41.3,6u,49.7,7u,51.1,8u,53.5,i3,44.4 2004.301.18:06:45.99/fmout-gps/+6.3494E-006 2004.301.18:06:46.00:!2004.301.18:09:55 2004.301.18:06:46.06#setcl#time/361668854,4,2004,301,18,06,46.03,2.026,3.198,1 2004.301.18:06:46.06#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:09:55.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:09:55.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:09:55.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:09:55.27/disc_pos/4791749056,1573344768, 2004.301.18:09:55.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:09:55.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h09m55.165s,38264,0.00500s,80000,1101499876, 2004.301.18:09:55.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:09:55.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 9940 : 57 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:09:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 9944 : 52 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:09:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 9922 : 73 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:09:55.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 9927 : 72 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:09:55.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 9930 : 67 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:09:55.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 9921 : 73 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:09:55.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 9914 : 82 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:09:55.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 9936 : 59 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:09:55.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.20 2004.301.18:09:55.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.81 2004.301.18:09:56.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.69 2004.301.18:09:56.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.18:09:56.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.86 2004.301.18:09:56.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.18:09:56.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.301.18:09:56.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,26.29 2004.301.18:09:56.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.18:09:56.69:scan_name=301-1811,rd0408,171 2004.301.18:09:56.69:source=0804+499,080458.36,495923.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:09:59.71:setupnw 2004.301.18:10:04.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:10:04.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:10:04.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:10:04.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 13 ; 2004.301.18:10:04.06:!2004.301.18:11:00 2004.301.18:11:00.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:11:00.00/disc_pos/4791749056,4790749056, 2004.301.18:11:00.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:11:01.04:!2004.301.18:11:00 2004.301.18:11:01.04:preob 2004.301.18:11:01.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:11:01.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:11:04.63/tpical/1u,6560,2u,9488,3u,22727,4u,35224,i1,15574 2004.301.18:11:04.63/tpical/9u,8064,au,27063,bu,16018,cu,9401,du,9378,eu,16454,i2,9788 2004.301.18:11:04.63/tpical/5u,38850,6u,30390,7u,42501,8u,14793,i3,53159 2004.301.18:11:07.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,742,4u,504,i1,105 2004.301.18:11:07.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,777,bu,710,cu,511,du,599,eu,826,i2,66 2004.301.18:11:07.29/tpzero/5u,345,6u,289,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.18:11:10.38:!2004.301.18:11:10 2004.301.18:11:10.38:disc_pos 2004.301.18:11:10.38/disc_pos/4935643136,4790749056, 2004.301.18:11:10.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:11:10.40:midob 2004.301.18:11:10.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:11:10.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:11:10.52/cable/+3.5910538E-02 2004.301.18:11:10.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10613,7590 2004.301.18:11:10.66/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35467 2004.301.18:11:10.73/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6944 2004.301.18:11:10.80/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21106 2004.301.18:11:10.87/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11091 2004.301.18:11:11.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:11:11.94/tpi/1u,4727,2u,6944,3u,15753,4u,23816,i1,10613 2004.301.18:11:11.94/tpi/9u,6087,au,20822,bu,11090,cu,6847,du,6967,eu,12568,i2,7483 2004.301.18:11:11.95/tpi/5u,25386,6u,21124,7u,29963,8u,10737,i3,35478 2004.301.18:11:11.96/tpdiff/1u,1833,2u,2544,3u,6974,4u,11408,i1,4961 2004.301.18:11:11.96/tpdiff/9u,1977,au,6241,bu,4928,cu,2554,du,2411,eu,3886,i2,2305 2004.301.18:11:11.97/tpdiff/5u,13464,6u,9266,7u,12538,8u,4056,i3,17681 2004.301.18:11:11.98/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:11:11.98/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:11:11.99/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:11:12.00/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:11:12.01/tsys/1u,56.2,2u,57.8,3u,56.0,4u,53.1,i1,55.1 2004.301.18:11:12.02/tsys/9u,95.7,au,102.8,bu,67.4,cu,79.4,du,84.5,eu,96.7,i2,103.0 2004.301.18:11:12.02/tsys/5u,48.4,6u,58.5,7u,59.7,8u,61.9,i3,51.9 2004.301.18:11:12.98/fmout-gps/+6.4189E-006 2004.301.18:11:12.99:!2004.301.18:14:01 2004.301.18:11:13.06#setcl#time/361695552,3,2004,301,18,11,13.02,2.054,3.272,1 2004.301.18:11:13.06#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:14:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:14:01.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:14:01.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:14:01.27/disc_pos/7674459168,4791749056, 2004.301.18:14:01.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:14:01.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h14m01.165s,6044,0.00500s,80000,1053322108, 2004.301.18:14:01.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:14:01.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 15419 : 79 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:01.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 15421 : 76 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 15385 : 111 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 15398 : 105 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:01.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 15407 : 91 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:01.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 15379 : 116 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:01.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 15375 : 122 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:01.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 15413 : 83 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:01.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.301.18:14:01.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.81 2004.301.18:14:02.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.94 2004.301.18:14:02.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.18:14:02.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.23 2004.301.18:14:02.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.18:14:02.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.18:14:02.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.55 2004.301.18:14:02.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.18:14:02.69:scan_name=301-1816,rd0408,53 2004.301.18:14:02.69:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:14:05.71:setupnw 2004.301.18:14:10.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:10.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:14:10.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:14:10.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 15 ; 2004.301.18:14:10.05:!2004.301.18:16:37 2004.301.18:16:37.01:disc_pos 2004.301.18:16:37.02/disc_pos/7674459168,7673459168, 2004.301.18:16:37.02:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:16:38.05:!2004.301.18:16:37 2004.301.18:16:38.05:preob 2004.301.18:16:38.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:16:38.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:16:41.63/tpical/1u,6305,2u,8822,3u,20521,4u,30968,i1,13938 2004.301.18:16:41.63/tpical/9u,7305,au,26061,bu,15216,cu,8918,du,8861,eu,38227,i2,7003 2004.301.18:16:41.63/tpical/5u,33545,6u,26396,7u,36107,8u,12615,i3,45359 2004.301.18:16:44.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,503,i1,100 2004.301.18:16:44.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,783,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,827,i2,61 2004.301.18:16:44.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,285,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.301.18:16:47.37:!2004.301.18:16:47 2004.301.18:16:47.37:disc_pos 2004.301.18:16:47.37/disc_pos/7818350592,7673459168, 2004.301.18:16:47.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:16:47.38:midob 2004.301.18:16:47.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:16:47.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:16:47.48/cable/+3.5909342E-02 2004.301.18:16:47.55/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9222,5171 2004.301.18:16:47.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30373 2004.301.18:16:47.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6296 2004.301.18:16:47.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18427 2004.301.18:16:47.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10372 2004.301.18:16:48.39/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:16:48.92/tpi/1u,4463,2u,6299,3u,13797,4u,20583,i1,9231 2004.301.18:16:48.92/tpi/9u,5063,au,19858,bu,10377,cu,6434,du,6763,eu,34390,i2,5157 2004.301.18:16:48.93/tpi/5u,21783,6u,18422,7u,25975,8u,9430,i3,30391 2004.301.18:16:48.94/tpdiff/1u,1842,2u,2523,3u,6724,4u,10385,i1,4707 2004.301.18:16:48.94/tpdiff/9u,2242,au,6203,bu,4839,cu,2484,du,2098,eu,3837,i2,1846 2004.301.18:16:48.95/tpdiff/5u,11762,6u,7974,7u,10132,8u,3185,i3,14968 2004.301.18:16:48.96/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:16:48.96/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:16:48.97/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:16:48.98/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:16:48.99/tsys/1u,52.2,2u,51.6,3u,50.5,4u,50.3,i1,50.4 2004.301.18:16:48.99/tsys/9u,69.8,au,98.4,bu,63.9,cu,76.3,du,94.0,eu,279.9,i2,88.3 2004.301.18:16:49.00/tsys/5u,47.4,6u,59.1,7u,63.7,8u,68.1,i3,52.5 2004.301.18:16:49.99/fmout-gps/+6.4459E-006 2004.301.18:16:49.99:!2004.301.18:17:40 2004.301.18:16:50.06#setcl#time/361729252,4,2004,301,18,16,50.02,1.997,3.366,0 2004.301.18:16:50.06#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:17:40.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:17:40.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:17:40.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:17:40.27/disc_pos/8668993776,7674459168, 2004.301.18:17:40.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:17:40.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h17m40.165s,42336,0.00500s,80000,2509429100, 2004.301.18:17:40.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:17:40.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 17308 : 88 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:40.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 17312 : 83 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:40.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 17271 : 124 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 17282 : 122 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 17297 : 100 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:40.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 17265 : 130 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:40.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 17256 : 140 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:40.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 17299 : 95 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:40.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.301.18:17:40.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.94 2004.301.18:17:41.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.94 2004.301.18:17:41.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.18:17:41.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.35 2004.301.18:17:41.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.18:17:41.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.301.18:17:41.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.76 2004.301.18:17:41.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.18:17:41.70:scan_name=301-1821,rd0408,40 2004.301.18:17:41.70:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:17:44.72:setupnw 2004.301.18:17:49.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:49.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:17:49.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:17:49.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 17 ; 2004.301.18:17:49.07:!2004.301.18:21:20 2004.301.18:21:20.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:21:20.01/disc_pos/8668993776,8667993776, 2004.301.18:21:20.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:21:21.04:!2004.301.18:21:20 2004.301.18:21:21.04:preob 2004.301.18:21:21.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:21:21.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:21:24.63/tpical/1u,6075,2u,8782,3u,20774,4u,32357,i1,14231 2004.301.18:21:24.63/tpical/9u,6500,au,22131,bu,15945,cu,9299,du,13719,eu,37916 2004.301.18:21:24.63/tpical/i2,6782 2004.301.18:21:24.63/tpical/5u,35760,6u,27877,7u,39470,8u,13648,i3,48861 2004.301.18:21:27.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,502,i1,92 2004.301.18:21:27.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,753,bu,710,cu,513,du,600,eu,825,i2,47 2004.301.18:21:27.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,289,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.18:21:30.37:!2004.301.18:21:30 2004.301.18:21:30.37:disc_pos 2004.301.18:21:30.37/disc_pos/8812883968,8667993776, 2004.301.18:21:30.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:21:30.38:midob 2004.301.18:21:30.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:21:30.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:21:30.43/cable/+3.5908133E-02 2004.301.18:21:30.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9246,4605 2004.301.18:21:30.59/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31005 2004.301.18:21:30.66/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6238 2004.301.18:21:30.73/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18444 2004.301.18:21:30.80/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10792 2004.301.18:21:31.36/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:21:31.88/tpi/1u,4236,2u,6235,3u,13741,4u,20772,i1,9246 2004.301.18:21:31.88/tpi/9u,4617,au,15963,bu,10795,cu,6684,du,11235,eu,35205,i2,4604 2004.301.18:21:31.89/tpi/5u,22195,6u,18441,7u,26597,8u,9547,i3,31006 2004.301.18:21:31.90/tpdiff/1u,1839,2u,2547,3u,7033,4u,11585,i1,4985 2004.301.18:21:31.90/tpdiff/9u,1883,au,6168,bu,5150,cu,2615,du,2484,eu,2711,i2,2178 2004.301.18:21:31.91/tpdiff/5u,13565,6u,9436,7u,12873,8u,4101,i3,17855 2004.301.18:21:31.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:21:31.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:21:31.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:21:31.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:21:31.95/tsys/1u,49.0,2u,50.5,3u,48.1,4u,45.5,i1,47.7 2004.301.18:21:31.95/tsys/9u,75.6,au,78.9,bu,62.7,cu,75.5,du,137.0,eu,405.8,i2,67.0 2004.301.18:21:31.96/tsys/5u,41.9,6u,50.0,7u,51.4,8u,53.7,i3,44.9 2004.301.18:21:31.98/fmout-gps/+6.3409E-006 2004.301.18:21:31.99:!2004.301.18:22:10 2004.301.18:21:32.06#setcl#time/361757452,4,2004,301,18,21,32.03,2.021,3.444,1 2004.301.18:21:32.06#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:22:10.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:22:10.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:22:10.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:22:10.26/disc_pos/9455507968,8668993776, 2004.301.18:22:10.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:22:10.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h22m10.165s,21408,0.00500s,80000,3533506736, 2004.301.18:22:10.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:22:10.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 18802 : 97 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:10.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 18804 : 93 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:10.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 18764 : 135 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:10.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 18775 : 131 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:10.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 18789 : 110 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:10.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 18760 : 139 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:10.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 18743 : 155 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:10.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 18794 : 103 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:10.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.301.18:22:10.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.06 2004.301.18:22:11.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.94 2004.301.18:22:11.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.18:22:11.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.10 2004.301.18:22:11.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.18:22:11.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.18:22:11.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.95 2004.301.18:22:11.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.18:22:11.75:scan_name=301-1828,rd0408,78 2004.301.18:22:11.75:source=oq208,140445.63,284129.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:22:14.77:setupnw 2004.301.18:22:19.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:19.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:22:19.06/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:22:19.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 19 ; 2004.301.18:22:19.07:!2004.301.18:28:23 2004.301.18:28:23.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:28:23.00/disc_pos/9455507968,9454507968, 2004.301.18:28:23.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:28:24.05:!2004.301.18:28:23 2004.301.18:28:24.05:preob 2004.301.18:28:24.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:28:24.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:28:27.65/tpical/1u,6268,2u,8655,3u,20117,4u,31144,i1,13856 2004.301.18:28:27.65/tpical/9u,13667,au,27763,bu,14649,cu,9810,du,42094,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.18:28:27.65/tpical/i2,22876 2004.301.18:28:27.65/tpical/5u,34125,6u,26100,7u,37280,8u,13075,i3,46951 2004.301.18:28:30.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,501,i1,96 2004.301.18:28:30.30/tpzero/9u,170,au,1809,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,827,i2,58 2004.301.18:28:30.30/tpzero/5u,344,6u,291,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.18:28:33.39:!2004.301.18:28:33 2004.301.18:28:33.39:disc_pos 2004.301.18:28:33.39/disc_pos/9599397888,9454507968, 2004.301.18:28:33.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:28:33.40:midob 2004.301.18:28:33.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:28:33.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:28:33.45/cable/+3.5906600E-02 2004.301.18:28:33.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8965,20689 2004.301.18:28:33.59/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29782 2004.301.18:28:33.66/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6130 2004.301.18:28:33.73/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17172 2004.301.18:28:33.80/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9988 2004.301.18:28:34.36/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:28:34.88/tpi/1u,4442,2u,6126,3u,13227,4u,19971,i1,8966 2004.301.18:28:34.88/tpi/9u,12267,au,21403,bu,9992,cu,7303,du,38689,eu,$$$$$,i2,21144 2004.301.18:28:34.89/tpi/5u,21040,6u,17192,7u,25070,8u,9145,i3,29783 2004.301.18:28:34.90/tpdiff/1u,1826,2u,2529,3u,6890,4u,11173,i1,4890 2004.301.18:28:34.90/tpdiff/9u,1400,au,6360,bu,4657,cu,2507,du,3405,eu,$$$$$,i2,1732 2004.301.18:28:34.91/tpdiff/5u,13085,6u,8908,7u,12210,8u,3930,i3,17168 2004.301.18:28:34.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:28:34.93/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:28:34.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:28:34.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:28:34.95?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:28:34.95/tsys/1u,52.3,2u,49.7,3u,47.1,4u,45.3,i1,47.2 2004.301.18:28:34.96/tsys/9u,276.5,au,98.6,bu,63.8,cu,86.7,du,357.9,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.18:28:34.97/tsys/i2,389.6 2004.301.18:28:34.97/tsys/5u,41.1,6u,49.3,7u,50.9,8u,53.3,i3,44.8 2004.301.18:28:35.98/fmout-gps/+6.4439E-006 2004.301.18:28:35.99:!2004.301.18:29:51 2004.301.18:28:36.05#setcl#time/361799850,4,2004,301,18,28,36.02,2.022,3.562,1 2004.301.18:28:36.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:29:51.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:29:51.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:29:51.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:29:51.27/disc_pos/10850078248,9455507968, 2004.301.18:29:51.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:29:51.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h29m51.175s,77692,0.00500s,80000,5981533436, 2004.301.18:29:51.66:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:29:51.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 21451 : 110 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:29:51.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 21454 : 105 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:29:51.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 21416 : 146 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:29:51.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 21418 : 150 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:29:51.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 21437 : 125 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:29:51.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 21408 : 153 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:29:51.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 21384 : 176 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:29:51.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 21444 : 115 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:29:51.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.32 2004.301.18:29:51.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.42 2004.301.18:29:52.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.18 2004.301.18:29:52.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.18:29:52.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.98 2004.301.18:29:52.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.18:29:52.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.301.18:29:52.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.73 2004.301.18:29:52.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,68.96 2004.301.18:29:52.71:scan_name=301-1832,rd0408,67 2004.301.18:29:52.71:source=1606+106,160623.42,103700.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:29:55.73:setupnw 2004.301.18:30:00.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:30:00.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:30:00.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:30:00.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 21 ; 2004.301.18:30:00.05:!2004.301.18:32:06 2004.301.18:32:06.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:32:06.00/disc_pos/10850078248,10849078248, 2004.301.18:32:06.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:32:07.07:!2004.301.18:32:06 2004.301.18:32:07.07:preob 2004.301.18:32:07.07#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:32:07.08/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:32:10.65/tpical/1u,6160,2u,8733,3u,20432,4u,31664,i1,13993 2004.301.18:32:10.65/tpical/9u,6957,au,43077,bu,14763,cu,17955,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.18:32:10.65/tpical/i2,7893 2004.301.18:32:10.65/tpical/5u,34433,6u,26454,7u,37175,8u,14054,i3,47133 2004.301.18:32:13.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,501,i1,98 2004.301.18:32:13.30/tpzero/9u,173,au,797,bu,710,cu,512,du,601,eu,831,i2,62 2004.301.18:32:13.30/tpzero/5u,345,6u,292,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.301.18:32:16.39:!2004.301.18:32:16 2004.301.18:32:16.39:disc_pos 2004.301.18:32:16.39/disc_pos/10993971200,10849078248, 2004.301.18:32:16.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:32:16.40:midob 2004.301.18:32:16.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:32:16.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:32:16.64/cable/+3.5906761E-02 2004.301.18:32:16.71/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9109,6192 2004.301.18:32:16.78/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30110 2004.301.18:32:16.85/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6218 2004.301.18:32:16.92/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17526 2004.301.18:32:16.99/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10053 2004.301.18:32:17.55/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:32:18.08/tpi/1u,4335,2u,6224,3u,13484,4u,20304,i1,9110 2004.301.18:32:18.08/tpi/9u,6959,au,34010,bu,10049,cu,15207,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,6178 2004.301.18:32:18.09/tpi/5u,21413,6u,17532,7u,25118,8u,10175,i3,30138 2004.301.18:32:18.10/tpdiff/1u,1825,2u,2509,3u,6948,4u,11360,i1,4883 2004.301.18:32:18.10/tpdiff/9u,-2,au,9067,bu,4714,cu,2748,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,1715 2004.301.18:32:18.11/tpdiff/5u,13020,6u,8922,7u,12057,8u,3879,i3,16995 2004.301.18:32:18.12/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:32:18.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:32:18.13/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:32:18.14/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:32:18.15?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:32:18.15?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:32:18.15?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:32:18.17/tsys/1u,50.8,2u,51.1,3u,47.7,4u,45.3,i1,48.0 2004.301.18:32:18.17/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,117.2,bu,63.4,cu,171.1,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.18:32:18.18/tsys/i2,114.1 2004.301.18:32:18.18/tsys/5u,42.1,6u,50.2,7u,51.6,8u,60.9,i3,45.8 2004.301.18:32:18.98/fmout-gps/+6.3299E-006 2004.301.18:32:18.99:!2004.301.18:33:23 2004.301.18:32:19.06#setcl#time/361822150,4,2004,301,18,32,19.02,1.987,3.624,0 2004.301.18:32:19.06#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:33:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:33:23.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:33:23.27:disc_pos 2004.301.18:33:23.27/disc_pos/12068313080,10850078248, 2004.301.18:33:23.28:disc_check 2004.301.18:33:23.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h33m23.170s,39284,0.00500s,80000,2173723576, 2004.301.18:33:23.66:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:33:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 23763 : 122 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 23765 : 120 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 23731 : 156 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:23.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 23727 : 167 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:23.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 23753 : 135 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:23.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 23721 : 166 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:23.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 23690 : 196 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:23.76/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 23758 : 127 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:23.88/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.301.18:33:24.00/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.30 2004.301.18:33:24.11/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.30 2004.301.18:33:24.22/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.18:33:24.33/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.98 2004.301.18:33:24.44/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.18:33:24.55/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.301.18:33:24.66/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.52 2004.301.18:33:24.77/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.18:33:24.77:scan_name=301-1836,rd0408,40 2004.301.18:33:24.77:source=1923+210,192349.82,210023.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:33:27.79:setupnw 2004.301.18:33:32.03/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:32.04/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:33:32.06/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:33:32.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 23 ; 2004.301.18:33:32.07:!2004.301.18:36:03 2004.301.18:36:03.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:36:03.00/disc_pos/12068313080,12067313080, 2004.301.18:36:03.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:36:04.04:!2004.301.18:36:03 2004.301.18:36:04.04:preob 2004.301.18:36:04.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:36:04.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:36:07.62/tpical/1u,6159,2u,8870,3u,20908,4u,32484,i1,14348 2004.301.18:36:07.62/tpical/9u,12345,au,26888,bu,15565,cu,9127,du,9221,eu,50109 2004.301.18:36:07.62/tpical/i2,12517 2004.301.18:36:07.62/tpical/5u,35835,6u,28244,7u,39243,8u,13847,i3,48895 2004.301.18:36:10.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,742,4u,501,i1,103 2004.301.18:36:10.28/tpzero/9u,175,au,922,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,829,i2,67 2004.301.18:36:10.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,287,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.18:36:13.37:!2004.301.18:36:13 2004.301.18:36:13.37:disc_pos 2004.301.18:36:13.37/disc_pos/12212207616,12067313080, 2004.301.18:36:13.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:36:13.38:midob 2004.301.18:36:13.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:36:13.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:36:13.52/cable/+3.5908452E-02 2004.301.18:36:13.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9401,9895 2004.301.18:36:13.66/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31300 2004.301.18:36:13.73/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6313 2004.301.18:36:13.80/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18831 2004.301.18:36:13.87/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10640 2004.301.18:36:14.43/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:36:14.95/tpi/1u,4307,2u,6313,3u,13921,4u,21125,i1,9390 2004.301.18:36:14.95/tpi/9u,10479,au,20684,bu,10643,cu,6592,du,6901,eu,46106,i2,10046 2004.301.18:36:14.96/tpi/5u,22366,6u,18809,7u,26608,8u,9781,i3,31257 2004.301.18:36:14.97/tpdiff/1u,1852,2u,2557,3u,6987,4u,11359,i1,4958 2004.301.18:36:14.97/tpdiff/9u,1866,au,6204,bu,4922,cu,2535,du,2320,eu,4003,i2,2471 2004.301.18:36:14.98/tpdiff/5u,13469,6u,9435,7u,12635,8u,4066,i3,17638 2004.301.18:36:14.99/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:36:15.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:36:15.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:36:15.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:36:15.03/tsys/1u,49.7,2u,51.1,3u,49.0,4u,47.2,i1,48.7 2004.301.18:36:15.03/tsys/9u,176.7,au,101.9,bu,64.6,cu,76.7,du,86.9,eu,361.9,i2,129.2 2004.301.18:36:15.04/tsys/5u,42.5,6u,51.0,7u,52.4,8u,55.6,i3,45.8 2004.301.18:36:15.98/fmout-gps/+6.4039E-006 2004.301.18:36:15.99:!2004.301.18:36:53 2004.301.18:36:16.05#setcl#time/361845849,4,2004,301,18,36,16.02,2.017,3.689,1 2004.301.18:36:16.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:36:53.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:36:53.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:36:53.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:36:53.26/disc_pos/12854828472,12068313080, 2004.301.18:36:53.26:disc_check 2004.301.18:36:53.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h36m53.165s,10776,0.00500s,80000,2573433116, 2004.301.18:36:53.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:36:53.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 25256 : 131 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:36:53.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 25257 : 131 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:36:53.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 25225 : 164 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:36:53.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 25219 : 179 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:36:53.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 25248 : 144 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:36:53.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 25213 : 176 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:36:53.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 25180 : 209 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:36:53.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 25253 : 134 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:36:53.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.301.18:36:53.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.30 2004.301.18:36:54.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.18 2004.301.18:36:54.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.18:36:54.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.74 2004.301.18:36:54.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.18:36:54.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.18:36:54.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.63 2004.301.18:36:54.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.18:36:54.70:scan_name=301-1839,rd0408,145 2004.301.18:36:54.70:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:36:57.72:setupnw 2004.301.18:37:02.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:37:02.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:37:02.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:37:02.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 25 ; 2004.301.18:37:02.06:!2004.301.18:38:56 2004.301.18:38:56.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:38:56.00/disc_pos/12854828472,12853828472, 2004.301.18:38:56.00:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:38:57.03:!2004.301.18:38:56 2004.301.18:38:57.04:preob 2004.301.18:38:57.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:38:57.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:39:00.62/tpical/1u,6125,2u,8861,3u,21077,4u,32887,i1,14408 2004.301.18:39:00.62/tpical/9u,12069,au,26666,bu,15442,cu,9078,du,12794,eu,27395 2004.301.18:39:00.62/tpical/i2,10965 2004.301.18:39:00.62/tpical/5u,36114,6u,28504,7u,39843,8u,13757,i3,49352 2004.301.18:39:03.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,502,i1,99 2004.301.18:39:03.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,896,bu,710,cu,513,du,600,eu,827,i2,65 2004.301.18:39:03.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.301.18:39:06.36:!2004.301.18:39:06 2004.301.18:39:06.36:disc_pos 2004.301.18:39:06.36/disc_pos/12998717440,12853828472, 2004.301.18:39:06.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:39:06.37:midob 2004.301.18:39:06.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:39:06.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:39:06.67/cable/+3.5906988E-02 2004.301.18:39:06.74/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9421,11351 2004.301.18:39:06.81/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31552 2004.301.18:39:06.88/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6302 2004.301.18:39:06.95/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18985 2004.301.18:39:07.02/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10526 2004.301.18:39:07.58/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:39:08.10/tpi/1u,4283,2u,6301,3u,13994,4u,21255,i1,9423 2004.301.18:39:08.10/tpi/9u,9982,au,20566,bu,10526,cu,6560,du,11319,eu,25054,i2,9553 2004.301.18:39:08.11/tpi/5u,22585,6u,18992,7u,27084,8u,9706,i3,31557 2004.301.18:39:08.12/tpdiff/1u,1842,2u,2560,3u,7083,4u,11632,i1,4985 2004.301.18:39:08.12/tpdiff/9u,2087,au,6100,bu,4916,cu,2518,du,1475,eu,2341,i2,1412 2004.301.18:39:08.13/tpdiff/5u,13529,6u,9512,7u,12759,8u,4051,i3,17795 2004.301.18:39:08.14/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:39:08.14/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:39:08.15/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:39:08.16/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:39:08.17/tsys/1u,49.6,2u,50.9,3u,48.6,4u,46.4,i1,48.6 2004.301.18:39:08.17/tsys/9u,150.4,au,103.2,bu,63.9,cu,76.8,du,232.5,eu,331.2,i2,215.0 2004.301.18:39:08.19/tsys/5u,42.7,6u,51.1,7u,52.8,8u,55.3,i3,45.8 2004.301.18:39:08.98/fmout-gps/+6.4289E-006 2004.301.18:39:08.98:!2004.301.18:41:31 2004.301.18:39:09.05#setcl#time/361863149,4,2004,301,18,39,09.02,1.991,3.738,1 2004.301.18:39:09.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:41:31.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:41:31.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:41:31.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:41:31.27/disc_pos/15321497968,12854828472, 2004.301.18:41:31.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:41:31.67/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h41m31.170s,29768,0.00500s,80000,1981391512, 2004.301.18:41:31.67:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:41:31.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 29944 : 151 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:31.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 29944 : 151 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:31.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 29911 : 184 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:31.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 29899 : 207 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:31.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 29944 : 155 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:31.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 29899 : 198 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:31.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 29853 : 243 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:31.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 29940 : 154 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:31.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.301.18:41:31.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.06 2004.301.18:41:32.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.94 2004.301.18:41:32.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.18:41:32.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.88 2004.301.18:41:32.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.18:41:32.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.18:41:32.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.52 2004.301.18:41:32.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.18:41:32.71:scan_name=301-1843,rd0408,40 2004.301.18:41:32.71:source=1749+096,174910.41,093942.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:41:35.73:setupnw 2004.301.18:41:40.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:40.04/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:41:40.07/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:41:40.08/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 27 ; 2004.301.18:41:40.08:!2004.301.18:43:21 2004.301.18:43:21.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:43:21.00/disc_pos/15321497968,15320497968, 2004.301.18:43:21.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:43:22.04:!2004.301.18:43:21 2004.301.18:43:22.04:preob 2004.301.18:43:22.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:43:22.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:43:25.63/tpical/1u,6250,2u,8764,3u,19889,4u,30512,i1,13600 2004.301.18:43:25.63/tpical/9u,6990,au,25411,bu,14928,cu,8618,du,8868,eu,35114,i2,7778 2004.301.18:43:25.63/tpical/5u,31572,6u,22671,7u,34234,8u,11723,i3,41816 2004.301.18:43:28.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,89 2004.301.18:43:28.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,810,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,826,i2,52 2004.301.18:43:28.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.301.18:43:31.37:!2004.301.18:43:31 2004.301.18:43:31.37:disc_pos 2004.301.18:43:31.38/disc_pos/15465390080,15320497968, 2004.301.18:43:31.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:43:31.38:midob 2004.301.18:43:31.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:43:31.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:43:31.65/cable/+3.5909633E-02 2004.301.18:43:31.72/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8918,4367 2004.301.18:43:31.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,27058 2004.301.18:43:31.86/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6237 2004.301.18:43:31.93/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,15329 2004.301.18:43:32.00/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10109 2004.301.18:43:32.56/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:43:33.08/tpi/1u,4390,2u,6235,3u,13260,4u,19859,i1,8923 2004.301.18:43:33.08/tpi/9u,4334,au,18852,bu,10109,cu,6183,du,6358,eu,27247,i2,4362 2004.301.18:43:33.09/tpi/5u,19941,6u,15357,7u,23506,8u,8392,i3,27080 2004.301.18:43:33.10/tpdiff/1u,1860,2u,2529,3u,6629,4u,10653,i1,4677 2004.301.18:43:33.10/tpdiff/9u,2656,au,6559,bu,4819,cu,2435,du,2510,eu,7867,i2,3416 2004.301.18:43:33.11/tpdiff/5u,11631,6u,7314,7u,10728,8u,3331,i3,14736 2004.301.18:43:33.12/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:43:33.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:43:33.13/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:43:33.14/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:43:33.15/tsys/1u,50.6,2u,50.8,3u,49.1,4u,47.2,i1,49.1 2004.301.18:43:33.15/tsys/9u,50.2,au,88.0,bu,62.4,cu,74.5,du,73.4,eu,107.5,i2,40.4 2004.301.18:43:33.16/tsys/5u,43.8,6u,53.6,7u,54.1,8u,57.1,i3,47.5 2004.301.18:43:33.98/fmout-gps/+6.3849E-006 2004.301.18:43:33.99:!2004.301.18:44:11 2004.301.18:43:34.05#setcl#time/361889648,4,2004,301,18,43,34.02,2.015,3.811,1 2004.301.18:43:34.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:44:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:44:11.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:44:11.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:44:11.27/disc_pos/16108172472,15321497968, 2004.301.18:44:11.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:44:11.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h44m11.175s,60924,0.00500s,80000,1773374340, 2004.301.18:44:11.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:44:11.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 31441 : 158 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:11.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 31436 : 162 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 31406 : 192 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 31388 : 222 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:11.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 31439 : 163 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:11.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 31393 : 206 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:11.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 31345 : 254 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:11.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 31435 : 161 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:11.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.301.18:44:11.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.18:44:12.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.69 2004.301.18:44:12.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.18:44:12.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.62 2004.301.18:44:12.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.18:44:12.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.301.18:44:12.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.63 2004.301.18:44:12.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.18:44:12.68:scan_name=301-1849,rd0408,40 2004.301.18:44:12.68:source=2201+315,220101.46,313105.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:44:15.70:setupnw 2004.301.18:44:20.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:20.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:44:20.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:44:20.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 29 ; 2004.301.18:44:20.06:!2004.301.18:49:13 2004.301.18:49:13.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:49:13.00/disc_pos/16108172472,16107172472, 2004.301.18:49:13.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:49:14.06:!2004.301.18:49:13 2004.301.18:49:14.06:preob 2004.301.18:49:14.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:49:14.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:49:17.64/tpical/1u,6404,2u,9231,3u,22146,4u,34431,i1,15179 2004.301.18:49:17.64/tpical/9u,12033,au,27124,bu,15524,cu,9111,du,10775,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.18:49:17.64/tpical/i2,9959 2004.301.18:49:17.64/tpical/5u,38085,6u,29430,7u,41934,8u,14485,i3,52127 2004.301.18:49:20.31/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,501,i1,92 2004.301.18:49:20.31/tpzero/9u,168,au,1011,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,844,i2,54 2004.301.18:49:20.31/tpzero/5u,344,6u,291,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.18:49:23.40:!2004.301.18:49:23 2004.301.18:49:23.40:disc_pos 2004.301.18:49:23.41/disc_pos/16252063744,16107172472, 2004.301.18:49:23.41:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:49:23.41:midob 2004.301.18:49:23.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:49:23.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:49:23.71/cable/+3.5907664E-02 2004.301.18:49:23.78/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10195,10859 2004.301.18:49:23.85/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34226 2004.301.18:49:23.92/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6687 2004.301.18:49:23.99/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20037 2004.301.18:49:24.06/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10662 2004.301.18:49:24.62/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:49:25.15/tpi/1u,4557,2u,6684,3u,15137,4u,22940,i1,10197 2004.301.18:49:25.16/tpi/9u,10375,au,21101,bu,10655,cu,6674,du,8447,eu,$$$$$,i2,11830 2004.301.18:49:25.16/tpi/5u,24428,6u,20047,7u,29140,8u,10378,i3,34233 2004.301.18:49:25.17/tpdiff/1u,1847,2u,2547,3u,7009,4u,11491,i1,4982 2004.301.18:49:25.18/tpdiff/9u,1658,au,6023,bu,4869,cu,2437,du,2328,eu,$$$$$,i2,-1871 2004.301.18:49:25.19/tpdiff/5u,13657,6u,9383,7u,12794,8u,4107,i3,17894 2004.301.18:49:25.20/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:49:25.20/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:49:25.21/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:49:25.21/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:49:25.22?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:49:25.22?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:49:25.24/tsys/1u,53.3,2u,55.1,3u,53.4,4u,50.8,i1,52.7 2004.301.18:49:25.24/tsys/9u,197.0,au,106.7,bu,65.4,cu,80.9,du,107.8,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.18:49:25.25/tsys/i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.18:49:25.25/tsys/5u,45.9,6u,54.7,7u,56.8,8u,58.8,i3,49.5 2004.301.18:49:25.98/fmout-gps/+6.3849E-006 2004.301.18:49:25.99:!2004.301.18:50:03 2004.301.18:49:26.06#setcl#time/361924847,4,2004,301,18,49,26.02,2.026,3.909,1 2004.301.18:49:26.06#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:50:03.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:50:03.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:50:03.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:50:03.27/disc_pos/16894525704,16108172472, 2004.301.18:50:03.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:50:03.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h50m03.170s,21756,0.00500s,80000,4845605936, 2004.301.18:50:03.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:50:03.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 32934 : 167 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:03.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 32929 : 171 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:03.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 32901 : 199 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:03.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 32881 : 233 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:03.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 32935 : 169 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:03.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 32885 : 216 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:03.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 32833 : 268 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:03.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 32927 : 171 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:03.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.301.18:50:03.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.81 2004.301.18:50:04.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.06 2004.301.18:50:04.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.18:50:04.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.25 2004.301.18:50:04.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.18:50:04.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.301.18:50:04.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.33 2004.301.18:50:04.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.18:50:04.72:scan_name=301-1851,rd0408,42 2004.301.18:50:04.72:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:50:07.74:setupnw 2004.301.18:50:12.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:12.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:50:12.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:50:12.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 31 ; 2004.301.18:50:12.05:!2004.301.18:50:54 2004.301.18:50:54.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:50:54.00/disc_pos/16894525704,16893525704, 2004.301.18:50:54.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:50:55.04:!2004.301.18:50:54 2004.301.18:50:55.04:preob 2004.301.18:50:55.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:50:55.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:50:58.64/tpical/1u,6094,2u,8809,3u,20898,4u,32415,i1,14301 2004.301.18:50:58.64/tpical/9u,12685,au,27377,bu,15256,cu,8891,du,15558,eu,27511 2004.301.18:50:58.64/tpical/i2,12616 2004.301.18:50:58.64/tpical/5u,35754,6u,27615,7u,39383,8u,13614,i3,48837 2004.301.18:51:01.29/tpzero/1u,769,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,501,i1,100 2004.301.18:51:01.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,855,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,828,i2,56 2004.301.18:51:01.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,292,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.18:51:04.38:!2004.301.18:51:04 2004.301.18:51:04.38:disc_pos 2004.301.18:51:04.38/disc_pos/17038417920,16893525704, 2004.301.18:51:04.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:51:04.39:midob 2004.301.18:51:04.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:51:04.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:51:04.52/cable/+3.5906944E-02 2004.301.18:51:04.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9355,17965 2004.301.18:51:04.66/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31201 2004.301.18:51:04.73/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6280 2004.301.18:51:04.80/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18377 2004.301.18:51:04.88/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10405 2004.301.18:51:05.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:51:05.97/tpi/1u,4267,2u,6277,3u,13902,4u,21054,i1,9348 2004.301.18:51:05.97/tpi/9u,8906,au,21446,bu,10410,cu,6416,du,10971,eu,25470,i2,13392 2004.301.18:51:05.98/tpi/5u,22283,6u,18374,7u,26728,8u,9578,i3,31161 2004.301.18:51:05.99/tpdiff/1u,1827,2u,2532,3u,6996,4u,11361,i1,4953 2004.301.18:51:05.99/tpdiff/9u,3779,au,5931,bu,4846,cu,2475,du,4587,eu,2041,i2,-776 2004.301.18:51:06.00/tpdiff/5u,13471,6u,9241,7u,12655,8u,4036,i3,17676 2004.301.18:51:06.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:51:06.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:51:06.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:51:06.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:51:06.04?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:51:06.05/tsys/1u,49.8,2u,51.2,3u,48.9,4u,47.0,i1,48.5 2004.301.18:51:06.06/tsys/9u,74.0,au,111.1,bu,64.1,cu,76.3,du,72.3,eu,386.4,i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.18:51:06.06/tsys/5u,42.3,6u,50.9,7u,52.5,8u,54.7,i3,45.6 2004.301.18:51:06.98/fmout-gps/+6.3969E-006 2004.301.18:51:06.99:!2004.301.18:51:46 2004.301.18:51:07.05#setcl#time/361934947,4,2004,301,18,51,07.02,2.012,3.937,1 2004.301.18:51:07.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:51:46.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:51:46.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:51:46.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:51:46.26/disc_pos/17713203856,16894525704, 2004.301.18:51:46.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:51:46.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h51m46.170s,38848,0.00500s,80000,829304756, 2004.301.18:51:46.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:51:46.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 34487 : 178 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:46.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 34480 : 183 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:46.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 34457 : 207 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:46.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 34438 : 241 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:46.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 34487 : 181 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:46.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 34437 : 228 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:46.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 34380 : 286 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:46.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 34481 : 181 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:46.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.301.18:51:46.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.69 2004.301.18:51:47.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.81 2004.301.18:51:47.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.18:51:47.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.88 2004.301.18:51:47.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.18:51:47.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.18:51:47.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.12 2004.301.18:51:47.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.301.18:51:47.68:scan_name=301-1852,rd0408,40 2004.301.18:51:47.68:source=2121+053,212114.82,052227.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:51:50.70:setupnw 2004.301.18:51:55.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:55.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:51:55.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:51:55.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 33 ; 2004.301.18:51:55.07:!2004.301.18:52:45 2004.301.18:52:45.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:52:45.00/disc_pos/17713203856,17712203856, 2004.301.18:52:45.00:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:52:46.03:!2004.301.18:52:45 2004.301.18:52:46.03:preob 2004.301.18:52:46.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:52:46.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:52:49.61/tpical/1u,6690,2u,9639,3u,23380,4u,36249,i1,16005 2004.301.18:52:49.61/tpical/9u,7836,au,27214,bu,15775,cu,9273,du,9014,eu,37741,i2,9923 2004.301.18:52:49.61/tpical/5u,40102,6u,30838,7u,43992,8u,15369,i3,54930 2004.301.18:52:52.26/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,501,i1,97 2004.301.18:52:52.26/tpzero/9u,171,au,802,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,828,i2,65 2004.301.18:52:52.26/tpzero/5u,344,6u,290,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.18:52:55.35:!2004.301.18:52:55 2004.301.18:52:55.35:disc_pos 2004.301.18:52:55.36/disc_pos/17857097728,17712203856, 2004.301.18:52:55.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:52:55.36:midob 2004.301.18:52:55.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:52:55.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:52:55.75/cable/+3.5909261E-02 2004.301.18:52:55.82/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10997,7843 2004.301.18:52:55.89/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36943 2004.301.18:52:55.96/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7094 2004.301.18:52:56.03/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21555 2004.301.18:52:56.10/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10904 2004.301.18:52:56.66/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:52:57.18/tpi/1u,4847,2u,7101,3u,16290,4u,24793,i1,10997 2004.301.18:52:57.18/tpi/9u,9928,au,20842,bu,11020,cu,6834,du,6756,eu,31747,i2,6425 2004.301.18:52:57.19/tpi/5u,26368,6u,21555,7u,31141,8u,11198,i3,36966 2004.301.18:52:57.20/tpdiff/1u,1843,2u,2538,3u,7090,4u,11456,i1,5008 2004.301.18:52:57.20/tpdiff/9u,-2092,au,6372,bu,4755,cu,2439,du,2258,eu,5994,i2,3498 2004.301.18:52:57.21/tpdiff/5u,13734,6u,9283,7u,12851,8u,4171,i3,17964 2004.301.18:52:57.22/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:52:57.22/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:52:57.23/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:52:57.25/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:52:57.26?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:52:57.26/tsys/1u,57.5,2u,59.5,3u,57.0,4u,55.1,i1,56.6 2004.301.18:52:57.27/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,100.6,bu,69.4,cu,82.9,du,87.3,eu,165.1 2004.301.18:52:57.28/tsys/i2,58.2 2004.301.18:52:57.29/tsys/5u,49.3,6u,59.6,7u,60.6,8u,63.1,i3,53.2 2004.301.18:52:57.98/fmout-gps/+6.3989E-006 2004.301.18:52:57.98:!2004.301.18:53:35 2004.301.18:52:58.05#setcl#time/361946047,4,2004,301,18,52,58.02,1.996,3.968,1 2004.301.18:52:58.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:53:35.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:53:35.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:53:35.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:53:35.26/disc_pos/18499878728,17713203856, 2004.301.18:53:35.26:disc_check 2004.301.18:53:35.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h53m35.170s,51940,0.00500s,80000,957312036, 2004.301.18:53:35.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:53:35.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 35981 : 188 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:35.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 35971 : 195 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:35.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 35948 : 218 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:35.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 35932 : 250 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:35.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 35982 : 188 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:35.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 35931 : 237 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:35.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 35869 : 301 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:35.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 35975 : 190 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:35.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.301.18:53:35.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.69 2004.301.18:53:36.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.69 2004.301.18:53:36.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.18:53:36.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.301.18:53:36.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.18:53:36.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.18:53:36.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.55 2004.301.18:53:36.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.18:53:36.74:scan_name=301-1854,rd0408,100 2004.301.18:53:36.75:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:53:39.77:setupnw 2004.301.18:53:44.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:44.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:53:44.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:53:44.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 35 ; 2004.301.18:53:44.05:!2004.301.18:54:31 2004.301.18:54:31.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:54:31.00/disc_pos/18499878728,18498878728, 2004.301.18:54:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:54:32.04:!2004.301.18:54:31 2004.301.18:54:32.04:preob 2004.301.18:54:32.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:54:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:54:35.62/tpical/1u,6058,2u,8751,3u,20644,4u,32337,i1,14194 2004.301.18:54:35.62/tpical/9u,9560,au,26748,bu,15067,cu,8800,du,10385,eu,25970 2004.301.18:54:35.62/tpical/i2,17946 2004.301.18:54:35.62/tpical/5u,35528,6u,27594,7u,39400,8u,13623,i3,48641 2004.301.18:54:38.27/tpzero/1u,769,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,500,i1,103 2004.301.18:54:38.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,829,bu,711,cu,511,du,599,eu,827,i2,60 2004.301.18:54:38.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,291,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.301.18:54:41.37:!2004.301.18:54:41 2004.301.18:54:41.37:disc_pos 2004.301.18:54:41.37/disc_pos/18643771392,18498878728, 2004.301.18:54:41.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:54:41.39:midob 2004.301.18:54:41.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:54:41.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:54:41.60/cable/+3.5907280E-02 2004.301.18:54:41.67/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9203,12034 2004.301.18:54:41.74/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30739 2004.301.18:54:41.81/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6199 2004.301.18:54:41.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18173 2004.301.18:54:41.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10230 2004.301.18:54:42.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:54:43.05/tpi/1u,4218,2u,6198,3u,13648,4u,20776,i1,9201 2004.301.18:54:43.06/tpi/9u,9634,au,20606,bu,10259,cu,6326,du,8143,eu,21658,i2,9912 2004.301.18:54:43.06/tpi/5u,21990,6u,18159,7u,26465,8u,9504,i3,30748 2004.301.18:54:43.07/tpdiff/1u,1840,2u,2553,3u,6996,4u,11561,i1,4993 2004.301.18:54:43.07/tpdiff/9u,-74,au,6142,bu,4808,cu,2474,du,2242,eu,4312,i2,8034 2004.301.18:54:43.08/tpdiff/5u,13538,6u,9435,7u,12935,8u,4119,i3,17893 2004.301.18:54:43.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:54:43.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:54:43.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:54:43.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:54:43.12?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.18:54:43.13/tsys/1u,48.7,2u,50.0,3u,48.0,4u,45.6,i1,47.4 2004.301.18:54:43.13/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,103.0,bu,63.5,cu,75.2,du,107.7,eu,154.6 2004.301.18:54:43.14/tsys/i2,39.2 2004.301.18:54:43.14/tsys/5u,41.6,6u,49.2,7u,50.8,8u,53.1,i3,44.4 2004.301.18:54:43.98/fmout-gps/+6.3789E-006 2004.301.18:54:43.99:!2004.301.18:56:21 2004.301.18:54:44.05#setcl#time/361956646,4,2004,301,18,54,44.02,2.041,3.997,1 2004.301.18:54:44.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:56:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:56:21.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:56:21.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:56:21.26/disc_pos/20246322608,18499878728, 2004.301.18:56:21.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:56:21.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h56m21.165s,58380,0.00500s,80000,909469680, 2004.301.18:56:21.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:56:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 39300 : 204 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 39282 : 218 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 39270 : 230 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 39250 : 265 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:21.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 39311 : 193 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:21.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 39253 : 248 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:21.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 39185 : 318 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:21.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 39293 : 205 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:21.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.301.18:56:21.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.06 2004.301.18:56:22.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.69 2004.301.18:56:22.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.18:56:22.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.37 2004.301.18:56:22.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.18:56:22.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.18:56:22.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.73 2004.301.18:56:22.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.18:56:22.75:scan_name=301-1857b,rd0408,40 2004.301.18:56:22.75:source=1622-253,162244.12,-252051.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:56:25.77:setupnw 2004.301.18:56:30.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:30.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:56:30.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:56:30.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 37 ; 2004.301.18:56:30.07:!2004.301.18:57:33 2004.301.18:57:33.00:disc_pos 2004.301.18:57:33.00/disc_pos/20246322608,20245322608, 2004.301.18:57:33.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.18:57:34.04:!2004.301.18:57:33 2004.301.18:57:34.04:preob 2004.301.18:57:34.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:57:34.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:57:37.62/tpical/1u,6662,2u,9398,3u,22298,4u,34434,i1,15256 2004.301.18:57:37.62/tpical/9u,6892,au,27100,bu,16554,cu,9688,du,12465,eu,43301 2004.301.18:57:37.62/tpical/i2,7329 2004.301.18:57:37.62/tpical/5u,37402,6u,28745,7u,40441,8u,14257,i3,50918 2004.301.18:57:40.27/tpzero/1u,769,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,501,i1,101 2004.301.18:57:40.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,800,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,828,i2,67 2004.301.18:57:40.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,289,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.18:57:43.36:!2004.301.18:57:43 2004.301.18:57:43.36:disc_pos 2004.301.18:57:43.37/disc_pos/20390215680,20245322608, 2004.301.18:57:43.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.18:57:43.37:midob 2004.301.18:57:43.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.18:57:43.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.18:57:43.76/cable/+3.5908997E-02 2004.301.18:57:43.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10325,5062 2004.301.18:57:43.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33796 2004.301.18:57:43.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6850 2004.301.18:57:44.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19755 2004.301.18:57:44.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11477 2004.301.18:57:44.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.18:57:45.19/tpi/1u,4815,2u,6843,3u,15303,4u,23083,i1,10327 2004.301.18:57:45.19/tpi/9u,5035,au,20911,bu,11472,cu,7097,du,8852,eu,39014,i2,5060 2004.301.18:57:45.20/tpi/5u,24267,6u,19755,7u,28312,8u,10363,i3,33785 2004.301.18:57:45.21/tpdiff/1u,1847,2u,2555,3u,6995,4u,11351,i1,4929 2004.301.18:57:45.21/tpdiff/9u,1857,au,6189,bu,5082,cu,2591,du,3613,eu,4287,i2,2269 2004.301.18:57:45.22/tpdiff/5u,13135,6u,8990,7u,12129,8u,3894,i3,17133 2004.301.18:57:45.23/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.18:57:45.23/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.18:57:45.24/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.18:57:45.25/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.18:57:45.26/tsys/1u,57.0,2u,56.5,3u,54.1,4u,51.7,i1,53.9 2004.301.18:57:45.26/tsys/9u,83.8,au,104.0,bu,67.8,cu,81.3,du,73.1,eu,285.0,i2,70.4 2004.301.18:57:45.27/tsys/5u,47.4,6u,56.3,7u,58.2,8u,62.0,i3,51.0 2004.301.18:57:45.98/fmout-gps/+6.3389E-006 2004.301.18:57:45.99:!2004.301.18:58:23 2004.301.18:57:46.05#setcl#time/361974846,4,2004,301,18,57,46.02,2.016,4.048,1 2004.301.18:57:46.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.18:58:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.18:58:23.00:disc_end 2004.301.18:58:23.26:disc_pos 2004.301.18:58:23.27/disc_pos/21032998376,20246322608, 2004.301.18:58:23.27:disc_check 2004.301.18:58:23.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d18h58m23.175s,55936,0.00500s,80000,1165486676, 2004.301.18:58:23.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.18:58:23.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 40792 : 215 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:23.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 40778 : 226 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:23.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 40764 : 239 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 40743 : 275 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 40803 : 203 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 40749 : 255 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 40681 : 324 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 40780 : 221 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:23.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.301.18:58:23.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.18:58:24.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.301.18:58:24.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.18:58:24.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.62 2004.301.18:58:24.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.18:58:24.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.301.18:58:24.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.12 2004.301.18:58:24.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.18:58:24.70:scan_name=301-1904,rd0408,40 2004.301.18:58:24.70:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.18:58:27.72:setupnw 2004.301.18:58:32.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:32.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.18:58:32.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.18:58:32.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 39 ; 2004.301.18:58:32.05:!2004.301.19:04:02 2004.301.19:04:02.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:04:02.00/disc_pos/21032998376,21031998376, 2004.301.19:04:02.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:04:03.04:!2004.301.19:04:02 2004.301.19:04:03.04:preob 2004.301.19:04:03.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:04:03.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:04:06.63/tpical/1u,6369,2u,9229,3u,21712,4u,33268,i1,14864 2004.301.19:04:06.63/tpical/9u,11289,au,26968,bu,15730,cu,9287,du,13934,eu,21682 2004.301.19:04:06.63/tpical/i2,10462 2004.301.19:04:06.63/tpical/5u,36436,6u,28119,7u,39198,8u,13594,i3,49397 2004.301.19:04:09.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,500,i1,92 2004.301.19:04:09.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,847,bu,708,cu,514,du,600,eu,826,i2,53 2004.301.19:04:09.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,290,7u,1165,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.301.19:04:12.37:!2004.301.19:04:12 2004.301.19:04:12.37:disc_pos 2004.301.19:04:12.37/disc_pos/21176889344,21031998376, 2004.301.19:04:12.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:04:12.38:midob 2004.301.19:04:12.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:04:12.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:04:12.56/cable/+3.5906681E-02 2004.301.19:04:12.63/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9964,8208 2004.301.19:04:12.70/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32380 2004.301.19:04:12.77/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6674 2004.301.19:04:12.84/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19167 2004.301.19:04:12.91/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10864 2004.301.19:04:13.47/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:04:13.57#setcl#time/362013597,4,2004,301,19,04,13.54,2.021,4.155,1 2004.301.19:04:13.57#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:04:14.07/tpi/1u,4533,2u,6674,3u,14774,4u,22124,i1,9960 2004.301.19:04:14.07/tpi/9u,9010,au,20616,bu,10880,cu,6782,du,12482,eu,21599,i2,7328 2004.301.19:04:14.08/tpi/5u,23324,6u,19138,7u,27158,8u,9769,i3,32337 2004.301.19:04:14.09/tpdiff/1u,1836,2u,2555,3u,6938,4u,11144,i1,4904 2004.301.19:04:14.09/tpdiff/9u,2279,au,6352,bu,4850,cu,2505,du,1452,eu,83,i2,3134 2004.301.19:04:14.10/tpdiff/5u,13112,6u,8981,7u,12040,8u,3825,i3,17060 2004.301.19:04:14.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:04:14.11/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:04:14.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:04:14.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:04:14.14/tsys/1u,53.3,2u,54.8,3u,52.6,4u,50.5,i1,52.3 2004.301.19:04:14.14/tsys/9u,124.1,au,99.6,bu,67.1,cu,80.1,du,261.9,eu,8008.9,i2,74.3 2004.301.19:04:14.15/tsys/5u,45.6,6u,54.6,7u,56.1,8u,59.0,i3,49.0 2004.301.19:04:14.98/fmout-gps/+6.4269E-006 2004.301.19:04:14.99:!2004.301.19:04:52 2004.301.19:04:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:04:52.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:04:52.25:disc_pos 2004.301.19:04:52.26/disc_pos/21819510232,21032998376, 2004.301.19:04:52.27:disc_check 2004.301.19:04:52.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h04m52.165s,51408,0.00500s,80000,5437332672, 2004.301.19:04:52.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:04:52.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 42288 : 221 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:04:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 42267 : 239 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:04:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 42259 : 248 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:04:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 42235 : 285 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:04:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 42291 : 218 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:04:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 42242 : 264 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:04:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 42172 : 336 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:04:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 42270 : 233 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:04:52.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.301.19:04:52.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.19:04:53.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.69 2004.301.19:04:53.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.19:04:53.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.62 2004.301.19:04:53.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.19:04:53.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.19:04:53.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.55 2004.301.19:04:53.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.19:04:53.70:scan_name=301-1908,rd0408,118 2004.301.19:04:53.70:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:04:56.72:setupnw 2004.301.19:05:01.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:05:01.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:05:01.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:05:01.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 41 ; 2004.301.19:05:01.06:!2004.301.19:08:49 2004.301.19:08:49.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:08:49.00/disc_pos/21819510232,21818510232, 2004.301.19:08:49.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:08:50.04:!2004.301.19:08:49 2004.301.19:08:50.04:preob 2004.301.19:08:50.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:08:50.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:08:53.62/tpical/1u,8418,2u,12050,3u,29601,4u,45235,i1,20352 2004.301.19:08:53.62/tpical/9u,6672,au,25301,bu,16248,cu,9540,du,9861,eu,36639,i2,6983 2004.301.19:08:53.62/tpical/5u,50174,6u,38192,7u,54084,8u,18797,i3,65535 2004.301.19:08:56.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,501,i1,93 2004.301.19:08:56.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,784,bu,708,cu,514,du,600,eu,825,i2,49 2004.301.19:08:56.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,291,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:08:59.37:!2004.301.19:08:59 2004.301.19:08:59.37:disc_pos 2004.301.19:08:59.38/disc_pos/21963399168,21818510232, 2004.301.19:08:59.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:08:59.38:midob 2004.301.19:08:59.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:08:59.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:08:59.48/cable/+3.5907986E-02 2004.301.19:08:59.56/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,15332,5046 2004.301.19:08:59.63/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,51143 2004.301.19:08:59.70/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9505 2004.301.19:08:59.77/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29038 2004.301.19:08:59.84/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11712 2004.301.19:09:00.40/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:09:00.92/tpi/1u,6560,2u,9498,3u,22545,4u,33820,i1,15325 2004.301.19:09:00.92/tpi/9u,4992,au,18402,bu,11698,cu,7232,du,7814,eu,31286,i2,5042 2004.301.19:09:00.93/tpi/5u,36621,6u,29016,7u,41817,8u,14720,i3,51124 2004.301.19:09:00.94/tpdiff/1u,1858,2u,2552,3u,7056,4u,11415,i1,5027 2004.301.19:09:00.94/tpdiff/9u,1680,au,6899,bu,4550,cu,2308,du,2047,eu,5353,i2,1941 2004.301.19:09:00.95/tpdiff/5u,13553,6u,9176,7u,12267,8u,4077,i3,$$$$$ 2004.301.19:09:00.96/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:09:00.96/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:09:00.97/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:09:00.98/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:09:00.99?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.19:09:00.99/tsys/1u,81.1,2u,83.6,3u,80.3,4u,75.9,i1,78.8 2004.301.19:09:01.00/tsys/9u,91.9,au,81.7,bu,77.3,cu,93.1,du,112.8,eu,182.1,i2,82.3 2004.301.19:09:01.01/tsys/5u,69.6,6u,81.4,7u,86.2,8u,87.0,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.19:09:01.97/fmout-gps/+6.4194E-006 2004.301.19:09:01.98:!2004.301.19:10:57 2004.301.19:09:02.05#setcl#time/362042445,4,2004,301,19,09,02.02,1.983,4.236,1 2004.301.19:09:02.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:09:20.29;"weather: overcast 2004.301.19:10:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:10:57.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:10:57.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:10:57.26/disc_pos/23853978728,21819510232, 2004.301.19:10:57.26:disc_check 2004.301.19:10:57.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h10m57.165s,53588,0.00500s,80000,3805529324, 2004.301.19:10:57.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:10:57.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 46159 : 233 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:10:57.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 46128 : 261 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:10:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 46122 : 268 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:10:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 46099 : 304 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:10:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 46151 : 241 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:10:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 46106 : 283 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:10:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 46037 : 356 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:10:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 46132 : 254 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:10:57.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.301.19:10:57.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.19:10:58.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.19:10:58.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.19:10:58.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.74 2004.301.19:10:58.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.685 2004.301.19:10:58.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.19:10:58.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.55 2004.301.19:10:58.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.19:10:58.68:scan_name=301-1912,rd0408,40 2004.301.19:10:58.68:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:11:01.70:setupnw 2004.301.19:11:06.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:11:06.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:11:06.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:11:06.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 43 ; 2004.301.19:11:06.07:!2004.301.19:12:13 2004.301.19:12:13.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:12:13.00/disc_pos/23853978728,23852978728, 2004.301.19:12:13.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:12:14.04:!2004.301.19:12:13 2004.301.19:12:14.04:preob 2004.301.19:12:14.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:12:14.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:12:17.62/tpical/1u,6534,2u,9272,3u,22343,4u,34547,i1,15266 2004.301.19:12:17.62/tpical/9u,6302,au,23725,bu,15367,cu,8966,du,8800,eu,21422,i2,6584 2004.301.19:12:17.62/tpical/5u,38196,6u,29334,7u,42187,8u,14592,i3,52360 2004.301.19:12:20.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,501,i1,92 2004.301.19:12:20.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,778,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,824,i2,54 2004.301.19:12:20.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,292,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:12:23.36:!2004.301.19:12:23 2004.301.19:12:23.36:disc_pos 2004.301.19:12:23.37/disc_pos/23997870080,23852978728, 2004.301.19:12:23.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:12:23.37:midob 2004.301.19:12:23.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:12:23.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:12:23.60/cable/+3.5907472E-02 2004.301.19:12:23.67/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10261,4547 2004.301.19:12:23.74/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34356 2004.301.19:12:23.81/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6726 2004.301.19:12:23.88/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20084 2004.301.19:12:23.95/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10570 2004.301.19:12:24.51/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:12:25.03/tpi/1u,4688,2u,6730,3u,15245,4u,22997,i1,10263 2004.301.19:12:25.03/tpi/9u,4546,au,17943,bu,10583,cu,6514,du,6604,eu,18787,i2,4550 2004.301.19:12:25.04/tpi/5u,24476,6u,20080,7u,29168,8u,10496,i3,34365 2004.301.19:12:25.05/tpdiff/1u,1846,2u,2542,3u,7098,4u,11550,i1,5003 2004.301.19:12:25.05/tpdiff/9u,1756,au,5782,bu,4784,cu,2452,du,2196,eu,2635,i2,2034 2004.301.19:12:25.06/tpdiff/5u,13720,6u,9254,7u,13019,8u,4096,i3,17995 2004.301.19:12:25.07/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:12:25.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:12:25.09/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:12:25.09/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:12:25.10/tsys/1u,55.2,2u,55.6,3u,53.1,4u,50.6,i1,52.9 2004.301.19:12:25.11/tsys/9u,79.8,au,95.0,bu,66.0,cu,78.3,du,87.5,eu,218.1,i2,70.7 2004.301.19:12:25.11/tsys/5u,45.7,6u,55.6,7u,55.9,8u,59.8,i3,49.4 2004.301.19:12:25.98/fmout-gps/+6.4239E-006 2004.301.19:12:25.99:!2004.301.19:13:03 2004.301.19:12:26.05#setcl#time/362062844,4,2004,301,19,12,26.02,2.013,4.292,1 2004.301.19:12:26.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:13:03.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:13:03.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:13:03.27:disc_pos 2004.301.19:13:03.27/disc_pos/24640652768,23853978728, 2004.301.19:13:03.28:disc_check 2004.301.19:13:03.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h13m03.175s,44888,0.00500s,80000,1229494660, 2004.301.19:13:03.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:13:03.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 47651 : 244 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:03.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 47621 : 271 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:03.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 47613 : 279 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:03.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 47593 : 313 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:03.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 47641 : 253 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:03.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 47601 : 291 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:03.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 47534 : 363 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:03.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 47624 : 265 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:03.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.301.19:13:03.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.19:13:04.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.19:13:04.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.19:13:04.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.62 2004.301.19:13:04.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.19:13:04.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.19:13:04.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.12 2004.301.19:13:04.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.19:13:04.74:scan_name=301-1915,rd0408,186 2004.301.19:13:04.74:source=0804+499,080458.36,495923.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:13:07.76:setupnw 2004.301.19:13:12.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:12.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:13:12.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:13:12.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 45 ; 2004.301.19:13:12.07:!2004.301.19:15:42 2004.301.19:15:42.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:15:42.00/disc_pos/24640652768,24639652768, 2004.301.19:15:42.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:15:43.04:!2004.301.19:15:42 2004.301.19:15:43.04:preob 2004.301.19:15:43.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:15:43.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:15:46.64/tpical/1u,7043,2u,10078,3u,24482,4u,37779,i1,16781 2004.301.19:15:46.64/tpical/9u,6676,au,26773,bu,16073,cu,9423,du,11967,eu,30722 2004.301.19:15:46.64/tpical/i2,7063 2004.301.19:15:46.64/tpical/5u,41812,6u,32160,7u,45802,8u,15877,i3,57459 2004.301.19:15:49.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,103 2004.301.19:15:49.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,789,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,826,i2,60 2004.301.19:15:49.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,291,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.301.19:15:52.38:!2004.301.19:15:52 2004.301.19:15:52.38:disc_pos 2004.301.19:15:52.38/disc_pos/24784543744,24639652768, 2004.301.19:15:52.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:15:52.40:midob 2004.301.19:15:52.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:15:52.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:15:52.76/cable/+3.5907604E-02 2004.301.19:15:52.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11798,4665 2004.301.19:15:52.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,39567 2004.301.19:15:52.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7531 2004.301.19:15:53.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22864 2004.301.19:15:53.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10922 2004.301.19:15:53.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:15:54.20/tpi/1u,5186,2u,7530,3u,17434,4u,26302,i1,11794 2004.301.19:15:54.20/tpi/9u,4705,au,18557,bu,11025,cu,6807,du,10818,eu,$$$$$,i2,4848 2004.301.19:15:54.21/tpi/5u,28188,6u,22864,7u,33142,8u,11793,i3,39542 2004.301.19:15:54.22/tpdiff/1u,1857,2u,2548,3u,7048,4u,11477,i1,4987 2004.301.19:15:54.22/tpdiff/9u,1971,au,8216,bu,5048,cu,2616,du,1149,eu,$$$$$,i2,2215 2004.301.19:15:54.23/tpdiff/5u,13624,6u,9296,7u,12660,8u,4084,i3,17917 2004.301.19:15:54.24/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:15:54.24/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:15:54.25/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:15:54.26/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:15:54.27?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.19:15:54.27/tsys/1u,61.9,2u,63.7,3u,61.6,4u,58.5,i1,61.0 2004.301.19:15:54.28/tsys/9u,73.6,au,69.2,bu,65.4,cu,77.0,du,284.6,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,69.2 2004.301.19:15:54.29/tsys/5u,53.1,6u,63.1,7u,65.7,8u,68.2,i3,57.1 2004.301.19:15:54.97/fmout-gps/+6.3499E-006 2004.301.19:15:54.99:!2004.301.19:18:58 2004.301.19:15:55.05#setcl#time/362083744,4,2004,301,19,15,55.03,2.041,4.350,2 2004.301.19:15:55.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:18:58.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:18:58.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:18:58.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:18:58.26/disc_pos/27763063176,24640652768, 2004.301.19:18:58.26:disc_check 2004.301.19:18:58.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h18m58.165s,35764,0.00500s,80000,2557438716, 2004.301.19:18:58.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:18:58.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 53577 : 277 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:18:58.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 53546 : 303 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:18:58.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 53550 : 301 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:18:58.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 53522 : 342 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:18:58.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 53567 : 286 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:18:58.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 53530 : 320 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:18:58.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 53455 : 400 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:18:58.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 53544 : 302 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:18:58.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.301.19:18:58.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.301.19:18:59.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.19:18:59.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.19:18:59.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.74 2004.301.19:18:59.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.19:18:59.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.19:18:59.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.52 2004.301.19:18:59.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.19:18:59.70:scan_name=301-1920,rd0408,52 2004.301.19:18:59.70:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:19:02.72:setupnw 2004.301.19:19:07.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:19:07.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:19:07.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:19:07.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 47 ; 2004.301.19:19:07.06:!2004.301.19:20:37 2004.301.19:20:37.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:20:37.00/disc_pos/27763063176,27762063176, 2004.301.19:20:37.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:20:38.04:!2004.301.19:20:37 2004.301.19:20:38.04:preob 2004.301.19:20:38.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:20:38.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:20:41.62/tpical/1u,6462,2u,9140,3u,21742,4u,33756,i1,14855 2004.301.19:20:41.62/tpical/9u,11480,au,27601,bu,15231,cu,8989,du,20231,eu,43096 2004.301.19:20:41.62/tpical/i2,9338 2004.301.19:20:41.62/tpical/5u,37156,6u,28380,7u,40732,8u,14358,i3,50748 2004.301.19:20:44.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,501,i1,104 2004.301.19:20:44.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,829,bu,711,cu,512,du,599,eu,828,i2,66 2004.301.19:20:44.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,292,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:20:47.36:!2004.301.19:20:47 2004.301.19:20:47.36:disc_pos 2004.301.19:20:47.36/disc_pos/27906957312,27762063176, 2004.301.19:20:47.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:20:47.37:midob 2004.301.19:20:47.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:20:47.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:20:47.59/cable/+3.5906896E-02 2004.301.19:20:47.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9842,6080 2004.301.19:20:47.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32809 2004.301.19:20:47.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6568 2004.301.19:20:47.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19143 2004.301.19:20:47.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10435 2004.301.19:20:48.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:20:49.04/tpi/1u,4627,2u,6564,3u,14647,4u,22165,i1,9852 2004.301.19:20:49.04/tpi/9u,9607,au,21245,bu,10437,cu,6565,du,19907,eu,42327,i2,7732 2004.301.19:20:49.05/tpi/5u,23499,6u,19190,7u,27941,8u,10259,i3,32868 2004.301.19:20:49.06/tpdiff/1u,1835,2u,2576,3u,7095,4u,11591,i1,5003 2004.301.19:20:49.07/tpdiff/9u,1873,au,6356,bu,4794,cu,2424,du,324,eu,769,i2,1606 2004.301.19:20:49.08/tpdiff/5u,13657,6u,9190,7u,12791,8u,4099,i3,17880 2004.301.19:20:49.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:20:49.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:20:49.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:20:49.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:20:49.11/tsys/1u,54.7,2u,53.2,3u,51.0,4u,48.6,i1,50.7 2004.301.19:20:49.12/tsys/9u,161.2,au,102.8,bu,64.9,cu,79.9,du,1907.0,eu,1726.9 2004.301.19:20:49.13/tsys/i2,152.7 2004.301.19:20:49.13/tsys/5u,44.1,6u,53.5,7u,54.4,8u,58.2,i3,47.5 2004.301.19:20:49.98/fmout-gps/+6.4409E-006 2004.301.19:20:49.99:!2004.301.19:21:39 2004.301.19:20:50.05#setcl#time/362113243,4,2004,301,19,20,50.02,2.004,4.432,1 2004.301.19:20:50.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:21:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:21:39.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:21:39.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:21:39.26/disc_pos/28741595048,27763063176, 2004.301.19:21:39.27:disc_check 2004.301.19:21:39.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h21m39.170s,56540,0.00500s,80000,1597527352, 2004.301.19:21:39.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:21:39.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 55432 : 290 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 55405 : 313 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 55409 : 310 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 55375 : 358 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 55421 : 302 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:39.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 55390 : 329 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:39.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 55312 : 412 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:39.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 55401 : 314 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:39.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.301.19:21:39.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.301.19:21:40.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.19:21:40.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.43 2004.301.19:21:40.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.301.19:21:40.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.19:21:40.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.19:21:40.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.84 2004.301.19:21:40.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.19:21:40.75:scan_name=301-1926,rd0408,40 2004.301.19:21:40.76:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:21:43.77:setupnw 2004.301.19:21:48.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:48.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:21:48.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:21:48.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 49 ; 2004.301.19:21:48.05:!2004.301.19:26:28 2004.301.19:26:28.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:26:28.00/disc_pos/28741595048,28740595048, 2004.301.19:26:28.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:26:29.04:!2004.301.19:26:28 2004.301.19:26:29.04:preob 2004.301.19:26:29.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:26:29.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:26:32.63/tpical/1u,6121,2u,8811,3u,20762,4u,32308,i1,14255 2004.301.19:26:32.63/tpical/9u,11103,au,27125,bu,15117,cu,8856,du,16373,eu,23472 2004.301.19:26:32.63/tpical/i2,8905 2004.301.19:26:32.63/tpical/5u,35616,6u,27734,7u,39616,8u,13729,i3,48956 2004.301.19:26:35.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,99 2004.301.19:26:35.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,839,bu,709,cu,514,du,600,eu,826,i2,57 2004.301.19:26:35.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.301.19:26:38.37:!2004.301.19:26:38 2004.301.19:26:38.37:disc_pos 2004.301.19:26:38.38/disc_pos/28885487616,28740595048, 2004.301.19:26:38.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:26:38.38:midob 2004.301.19:26:38.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:26:38.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:26:38.61/cable/+3.5905829E-02 2004.301.19:26:38.68/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9247,8176 2004.301.19:26:38.75/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30939 2004.301.19:26:38.82/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6251 2004.301.19:26:38.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18296 2004.301.19:26:38.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10228 2004.301.19:26:39.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:26:40.05/tpi/1u,4264,2u,6251,3u,13684,4u,20807,i1,9245 2004.301.19:26:40.05/tpi/9u,9277,au,20846,bu,10210,cu,6355,du,12578,eu,21619,i2,6841 2004.301.19:26:40.06/tpi/5u,21998,6u,18317,7u,26570,8u,9601,i3,30938 2004.301.19:26:40.07/tpdiff/1u,1857,2u,2560,3u,7078,4u,11501,i1,5010 2004.301.19:26:40.07/tpdiff/9u,1826,au,6279,bu,4907,cu,2501,du,3795,eu,1853,i2,2064 2004.301.19:26:40.08/tpdiff/5u,13618,6u,9417,7u,13046,8u,4128,i3,18018 2004.301.19:26:40.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:26:40.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:26:40.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:26:40.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:26:40.12/tsys/1u,48.9,2u,50.4,3u,47.5,4u,45.9,i1,47.5 2004.301.19:26:40.12/tsys/9u,159.6,au,102.0,bu,62.0,cu,74.7,du,101.0,eu,359.1,i2,105.2 2004.301.19:26:40.13/tsys/5u,41.3,6u,49.8,7u,50.6,8u,53.7,i3,44.4 2004.301.19:26:40.98/fmout-gps/+6.3589E-006 2004.301.19:26:40.99:!2004.301.19:27:18 2004.301.19:26:41.05#setcl#time/362148342,4,2004,301,19,26,41.02,2.013,4.530,1 2004.301.19:26:41.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:27:18.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:27:18.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:27:18.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:27:18.26/disc_pos/29528107888,28741595048, 2004.301.19:27:18.26:disc_check 2004.301.19:27:18.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h27m18.165s,30876,0.00500s,80000,4637432824, 2004.301.19:27:18.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:27:18.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 56925 : 300 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:18.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 56897 : 323 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:18.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 56900 : 322 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 56869 : 366 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 56917 : 310 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:18.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 56883 : 338 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:18.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 56806 : 420 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:18.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 56897 : 322 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:18.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.301.19:27:18.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.19:27:19.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.301.19:27:19.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.19:27:19.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.301.19:27:19.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.19:27:19.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.19:27:19.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.73 2004.301.19:27:19.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.19:27:19.72:scan_name=301-1930,rd0408,115 2004.301.19:27:19.72:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:27:22.74:setupnw 2004.301.19:27:27.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:27.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:27:27.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:27:27.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 51 ; 2004.301.19:27:27.06:!2004.301.19:29:51 2004.301.19:29:51.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:29:51.00/disc_pos/29528107888,29527107888, 2004.301.19:29:51.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:29:52.04:!2004.301.19:29:51 2004.301.19:29:52.05:preob 2004.301.19:29:52.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:29:52.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:29:55.64/tpical/1u,6110,2u,8803,3u,20678,4u,32311,i1,14223 2004.301.19:29:55.64/tpical/9u,11076,au,27159,bu,14914,cu,8696,du,13125,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.19:29:55.64/tpical/i2,8948 2004.301.19:29:55.64/tpical/5u,35441,6u,27404,7u,38989,8u,13550,i3,48540 2004.301.19:29:58.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,95 2004.301.19:29:58.30/tpzero/9u,170,au,839,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,828,i2,55 2004.301.19:29:58.30/tpzero/5u,343,6u,291,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:30:01.39:!2004.301.19:30:01 2004.301.19:30:01.40:disc_pos 2004.301.19:30:01.40/disc_pos/29671997440,29527107888, 2004.301.19:30:01.41:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:30:01.42:midob 2004.301.19:30:01.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:30:01.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:30:01.64/cable/+3.5907033E-02 2004.301.19:30:01.71/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9256,7877 2004.301.19:30:01.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30828 2004.301.19:30:01.87/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6252 2004.301.19:30:01.94/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18166 2004.301.19:30:02.01/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10122 2004.301.19:30:02.57/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:30:03.09/tpi/1u,4257,2u,6256,3u,13674,4u,20786,i1,9252 2004.301.19:30:03.10/tpi/9u,9610,au,21116,bu,10122,cu,6271,du,10654,eu,$$$$$,i2,8709 2004.301.19:30:03.10/tpi/5u,21997,6u,18160,7u,26255,8u,9490,i3,30826 2004.301.19:30:03.11/tpdiff/1u,1853,2u,2547,3u,7004,4u,11525,i1,4971 2004.301.19:30:03.12/tpdiff/9u,1466,au,6043,bu,4792,cu,2425,du,2471,eu,$$$$$,i2,239 2004.301.19:30:03.12/tpdiff/5u,13444,6u,9244,7u,12734,8u,4060,i3,17714 2004.301.19:30:03.13/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:30:03.14/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:30:03.15/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:30:03.15/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:30:03.16?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.19:30:03.17/tsys/1u,49.0,2u,50.7,3u,48.0,4u,45.8,i1,47.9 2004.301.19:30:03.18/tsys/9u,206.1,au,107.4,bu,62.9,cu,76.0,du,130.2,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.19:30:03.18/tsys/i2,1158.7 2004.301.19:30:03.19/tsys/5u,41.9,6u,50.3,7u,51.2,8u,53.8,i3,45.0 2004.301.19:30:03.97/fmout-gps/+6.4019E-006 2004.301.19:30:03.98:!2004.301.19:31:56 2004.301.19:30:04.05#setcl#time/362168642,4,2004,301,19,30,04.02,1.989,4.586,1 2004.301.19:30:04.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:31:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:31:56.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:31:56.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:31:56.27/disc_pos/31514733184,29528107888, 2004.301.19:31:56.27:disc_check 2004.301.19:31:56.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h31m56.180s,59380,0.00500s,80000,2461586200, 2004.301.19:31:56.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:31:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 60697 : 319 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:31:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 60670 : 342 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:31:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 60672 : 341 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:31:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 60640 : 387 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:31:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 60691 : 329 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:31:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 60655 : 358 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:31:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 60575 : 443 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:31:56.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 60669 : 342 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:31:56.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.301.19:31:56.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.19:31:57.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.301.19:31:57.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.19:31:57.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.301.19:31:57.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.19:31:57.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.19:31:57.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.84 2004.301.19:31:57.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.19:31:57.69:scan_name=301-1935,rd0408,128 2004.301.19:31:57.70:source=1308+326,130807.57,323640.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:32:00.71:setupnw 2004.301.19:32:05.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:32:05.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:32:05.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:32:05.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 53 ; 2004.301.19:32:05.05:!2004.301.19:35:44 2004.301.19:35:44.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:35:44.00/disc_pos/31514733184,31513733184, 2004.301.19:35:44.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:35:45.04:!2004.301.19:35:44 2004.301.19:35:45.05:preob 2004.301.19:35:45.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:35:45.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:35:48.63/tpical/1u,6139,2u,8869,3u,20796,4u,31897,i1,14188 2004.301.19:35:48.63/tpical/9u,6138,au,26012,bu,15018,cu,8844,du,8618,eu,34301,i2,6601 2004.301.19:35:48.63/tpical/5u,34674,6u,26694,7u,37839,8u,13681,i3,47257 2004.301.19:35:51.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,97 2004.301.19:35:51.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,788,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,826,i2,52 2004.301.19:35:51.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,291,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:35:54.37:!2004.301.19:35:54 2004.301.19:35:54.37:disc_pos 2004.301.19:35:54.38/disc_pos/31658627072,31513733184, 2004.301.19:35:54.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:35:54.38:midob 2004.301.19:35:54.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:35:54.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:35:54.43/cable/+3.5905685E-02 2004.301.19:35:54.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9298,4620 2004.301.19:35:54.59/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30220 2004.301.19:35:54.66/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6324 2004.301.19:35:54.73/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17762 2004.301.19:35:54.80/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10215 2004.301.19:35:55.36/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:35:55.88/tpi/1u,4316,2u,6323,3u,13802,4u,20569,i1,9257 2004.301.19:35:55.88/tpi/9u,4446,au,20115,bu,10218,cu,6390,du,6372,eu,31893,i2,4597 2004.301.19:35:55.89/tpi/5u,21508,6u,17552,7u,25312,8u,9712,i3,29888 2004.301.19:35:55.90/tpdiff/1u,1823,2u,2546,3u,6994,4u,11328,i1,4931 2004.301.19:35:55.91/tpdiff/9u,1692,au,5897,bu,4800,cu,2454,du,2246,eu,2408,i2,2004 2004.301.19:35:55.91/tpdiff/5u,13166,6u,9142,7u,12527,8u,3969,i3,17369 2004.301.19:35:55.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:35:55.93/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:35:55.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:35:55.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:35:55.95/tsys/1u,50.6,2u,51.4,3u,48.6,4u,46.1,i1,48.3 2004.301.19:35:55.96/tsys/9u,80.9,au,104.9,bu,63.4,cu,76.6,du,82.3,eu,412.9,i2,72.6 2004.301.19:35:55.97/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,49.1,7u,50.1,8u,56.5,i3,44.5 2004.301.19:35:56.98/fmout-gps/+6.4179E-006 2004.301.19:35:56.98:!2004.301.19:38:02 2004.301.19:35:57.05#setcl#time/362203941,4,2004,301,19,35,57.02,1.998,4.684,1 2004.301.19:35:57.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:38:02.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:38:02.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:38:02.27:disc_pos 2004.301.19:38:02.27/disc_pos/33709379248,31514733184, 2004.301.19:38:02.27:disc_check 2004.301.19:38:02.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h38m02.180s,56948,0.00500s,80000,3661356368, 2004.301.19:38:02.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:38:02.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 64866 : 339 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:02.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 64835 : 365 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:02.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 64837 : 365 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:02.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 64804 : 411 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:02.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 64855 : 354 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:02.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 64820 : 381 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:02.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 64735 : 473 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:02.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 64837 : 364 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:02.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.301.19:38:02.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.19:38:03.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.19:38:03.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.19:38:03.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.301.19:38:03.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.19:38:03.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.19:38:03.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.95 2004.301.19:38:03.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.19:38:03.69:scan_name=301-1939,rd0408,71 2004.301.19:38:03.69:source=1606+106,160623.42,103700.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:38:06.71:setupnw 2004.301.19:38:11.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:11.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:38:11.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:38:11.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 55 ; 2004.301.19:38:11.05:!2004.301.19:39:47 2004.301.19:39:47.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:39:47.00/disc_pos/33709379248,33708379248, 2004.301.19:39:47.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:39:48.04:!2004.301.19:39:47 2004.301.19:39:48.04:preob 2004.301.19:39:48.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:39:48.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:39:51.63/tpical/1u,6050,2u,8759,3u,20464,4u,31845,i1,14058 2004.301.19:39:51.63/tpical/9u,10696,au,27096,bu,15617,cu,9132,du,15395,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.19:39:51.63/tpical/i2,8838 2004.301.19:39:51.63/tpical/5u,34878,6u,26686,7u,37577,8u,13305,i3,47271 2004.301.19:39:54.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,99 2004.301.19:39:54.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,816,bu,710,cu,511,du,599,eu,830,i2,65 2004.301.19:39:54.29/tpzero/5u,345,6u,290,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:39:57.38:!2004.301.19:39:57 2004.301.19:39:57.38:disc_pos 2004.301.19:39:57.39/disc_pos/33853272064,33708379248, 2004.301.19:39:57.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:39:57.39:midob 2004.301.19:39:57.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:39:57.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:39:57.45/cable/+3.5904853E-02 2004.301.19:39:57.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9118,6373 2004.301.19:39:57.59/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29937 2004.301.19:39:57.66/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6218 2004.301.19:39:57.73/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17628 2004.301.19:39:57.80/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10615 2004.301.19:39:58.36/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:39:58.88/tpi/1u,4219,2u,6214,3u,13484,4u,20407,i1,9118 2004.301.19:39:58.88/tpi/9u,7251,au,20743,bu,10620,cu,6624,du,12563,eu,$$$$$,i2,6104 2004.301.19:39:58.89/tpi/5u,21543,6u,17637,7u,25349,8u,9399,i3,29921 2004.301.19:39:58.91/tpdiff/1u,1831,2u,2545,3u,6980,4u,11438,i1,4940 2004.301.19:39:58.91/tpdiff/9u,3445,au,6353,bu,4997,cu,2508,du,2832,eu,$$$$$,i2,2734 2004.301.19:39:58.92/tpdiff/5u,13335,6u,9049,7u,12228,8u,3906,i3,17350 2004.301.19:39:58.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:39:58.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:39:58.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:39:58.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:39:58.96?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.19:39:58.97/tsys/1u,49.0,2u,50.3,3u,47.5,4u,45.3,i1,47.5 2004.301.19:39:58.97/tsys/9u,65.8,au,100.4,bu,63.5,cu,78.0,du,135.2,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.19:39:58.98/tsys/i2,70.7 2004.301.19:39:58.98/tsys/5u,41.3,6u,49.8,7u,51.4,8u,55.4,i3,44.6 2004.301.19:39:59.97/fmout-gps/+6.4249E-006 2004.301.19:39:59.98:!2004.301.19:41:08 2004.301.19:40:00.04#setcl#time/362228240,4,2004,301,19,40,00.02,2.020,4.752,2 2004.301.19:40:00.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:41:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:41:08.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:41:08.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:41:08.26/disc_pos/34991779320,33709379248, 2004.301.19:41:08.26:disc_check 2004.301.19:41:08.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h41m08.165s,47904,0.00500s,80000,1693368972, 2004.301.19:41:08.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:41:08.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 67306 : 347 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:41:08.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 67270 : 379 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:41:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 67273 : 377 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:41:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 67238 : 426 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:41:08.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 67285 : 372 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:41:08.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 67253 : 396 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:41:08.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 67170 : 488 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:41:08.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 67279 : 370 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:41:08.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.61 2004.301.19:41:08.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.57 2004.301.19:41:09.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.301.19:41:09.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.19:41:09.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.01 2004.301.19:41:09.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.19:41:09.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.19:41:09.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.84 2004.301.19:41:09.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.19:41:09.73:scan_name=301-1942,rd0408,40 2004.301.19:41:09.73:source=1749+096,174910.41,093942.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:41:12.75:setupnw 2004.301.19:41:17.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:41:17.02/mk5/!mode = 6 : Check formatter serial number even ; 2004.301.19:41:17.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:41:17.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 57 ; 2004.301.19:41:17.06:!2004.301.19:42:31 2004.301.19:42:31.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:42:31.00/disc_pos/34991779320,34990779320, 2004.301.19:42:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:42:32.05:!2004.301.19:42:31 2004.301.19:42:32.05:preob 2004.301.19:42:32.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:42:32.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:42:35.63/tpical/1u,6062,2u,8778,3u,20150,4u,30916,i1,13786 2004.301.19:42:35.63/tpical/9u,12935,au,27038,bu,15280,cu,8956,du,10562,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.19:42:35.63/tpical/i2,19734 2004.301.19:42:35.63/tpical/5u,32919,6u,24891,7u,35510,8u,12389,i3,44181 2004.301.19:42:38.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,499,i1,103 2004.301.19:42:38.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,1029,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,830,i2,67 2004.301.19:42:38.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,292,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:42:41.37:!2004.301.19:42:41 2004.301.19:42:41.37:disc_pos 2004.301.19:42:41.38/disc_pos/35135672320,34990779320, 2004.301.19:42:41.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:42:41.38:midob 2004.301.19:42:41.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:42:41.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:42:41.59/cable/+3.5906932E-02 2004.301.19:42:41.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8979,17007 2004.301.19:42:41.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,28067 2004.301.19:42:41.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6229 2004.301.19:42:41.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16530 2004.301.19:42:41.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10411 2004.301.19:42:42.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:42:43.04/tpi/1u,4221,2u,6232,3u,13334,4u,19934,i1,8980 2004.301.19:42:43.04/tpi/9u,11279,au,20803,bu,10401,cu,6502,du,7552,eu,$$$$$,i2,15548 2004.301.19:42:43.05/tpi/5u,20429,6u,16536,7u,23973,8u,8703,i3,28098 2004.301.19:42:43.06/tpdiff/1u,1841,2u,2546,3u,6816,4u,10982,i1,4806 2004.301.19:42:43.06/tpdiff/9u,1656,au,6235,bu,4879,cu,2454,du,3010,eu,$$$$$,i2,4186 2004.301.19:42:43.07/tpdiff/5u,12490,6u,8355,7u,11537,8u,3686,i3,16083 2004.301.19:42:43.08/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:42:43.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:42:43.09/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:42:43.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:42:43.11?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.19:42:43.12/tsys/1u,48.8,2u,50.5,3u,48.0,4u,46.0,i1,48.0 2004.301.19:42:43.13/tsys/9u,214.6,au,101.5,bu,63.6,cu,78.1,du,73.9,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.19:42:43.13/tsys/i2,118.3 2004.301.19:42:43.14/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,50.5,7u,51.4,8u,53.7,i3,45.1 2004.301.19:42:43.98/fmout-gps/+6.4134E-006 2004.301.19:42:43.98:!2004.301.19:43:21 2004.301.19:42:44.05#setcl#time/362244640,4,2004,301,19,42,44.02,2.001,4.797,1 2004.301.19:42:44.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:43:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:43:21.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:43:21.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:43:21.27/disc_pos/35778293272,34991779320, 2004.301.19:43:21.27:disc_check 2004.301.19:43:21.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h43m21.175s,32640,0.00500s,80000,1341661312, 2004.301.19:43:21.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:43:21.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 68801 : 356 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 68761 : 390 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 68766 : 386 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 68732 : 436 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 68780 : 379 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 68748 : 404 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 68659 : 501 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 68769 : 383 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:21.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.61 2004.301.19:43:21.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.19:43:22.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.19:43:22.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.19:43:22.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.301.19:43:22.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.19:43:22.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.19:43:22.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,25.12 2004.301.19:43:22.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.19:43:22.69:scan_name=301-1945a,rd0408,40 2004.301.19:43:22.69:source=1923+210,192349.82,210023.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:43:25.70:setupnw 2004.301.19:43:30.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:30.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:43:30.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:43:30.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 59 ; 2004.301.19:43:30.06:!2004.301.19:45:14 2004.301.19:45:14.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:45:14.00/disc_pos/35778293272,35777293272, 2004.301.19:45:14.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:45:15.04:!2004.301.19:45:14 2004.301.19:45:15.04:preob 2004.301.19:45:15.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:45:15.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:45:18.62/tpical/1u,6196,2u,8820,3u,20803,4u,32449,i1,14274 2004.301.19:45:18.62/tpical/9u,7568,au,25794,bu,15258,cu,8883,du,8851,eu,30216,i2,7252 2004.301.19:45:18.62/tpical/5u,35895,6u,27438,7u,39277,8u,13708,i3,48751 2004.301.19:45:21.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,500,i1,101 2004.301.19:45:21.27/tpzero/9u,175,au,806,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,827,i2,68 2004.301.19:45:21.27/tpzero/5u,345,6u,289,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:45:24.36:!2004.301.19:45:24 2004.301.19:45:24.36:disc_pos 2004.301.19:45:24.36/disc_pos/35922182144,35777293272, 2004.301.19:45:24.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:45:24.37:midob 2004.301.19:45:24.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:45:24.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:45:24.67/cable/+3.5908989E-02 2004.301.19:45:24.74/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9286,4883 2004.301.19:45:24.81/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30955 2004.301.19:45:24.88/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6261 2004.301.19:45:24.95/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18201 2004.301.19:45:25.02/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10383 2004.301.19:45:25.58/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:45:26.10/tpi/1u,4357,2u,6265,3u,13743,4u,20936,i1,9284 2004.301.19:45:26.10/tpi/9u,5530,au,19526,bu,10383,cu,6457,du,6650,eu,27827,i2,4907 2004.301.19:45:26.12/tpi/5u,22217,6u,18209,7u,26504,8u,9611,i3,30934 2004.301.19:45:26.13/tpdiff/1u,1839,2u,2555,3u,7060,4u,11513,i1,4990 2004.301.19:45:26.13/tpdiff/9u,2038,au,6268,bu,4875,cu,2426,du,2201,eu,2389,i2,2345 2004.301.19:45:26.14/tpdiff/5u,13678,6u,9229,7u,12773,8u,4097,i3,17817 2004.301.19:45:26.15/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:45:26.15/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:45:26.16/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:45:26.16/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:45:26.18/tsys/1u,50.7,2u,50.6,3u,47.9,4u,46.2,i1,47.8 2004.301.19:45:26.18/tsys/9u,84.1,au,95.6,bu,63.5,cu,78.4,du,88.0,eu,361.7,i2,66.0 2004.301.19:45:26.19/tsys/5u,41.6,6u,50.5,7u,51.6,8u,54.1,i3,44.9 2004.301.19:45:26.97/fmout-gps/+6.3944E-006 2004.301.19:45:26.98:!2004.301.19:46:04 2004.301.19:45:27.05#setcl#time/362260939,3,2004,301,19,45,27.02,2.032,4.842,2 2004.301.19:45:27.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:46:04.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:46:04.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:46:04.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:46:04.27/disc_pos/36564966640,35778293272, 2004.301.19:46:04.27:disc_check 2004.301.19:46:04.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h46m04.180s,59720,0.00500s,80000,1821379552, 2004.301.19:46:04.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:46:04.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 70297 : 364 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:04.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 70252 : 402 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:04.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 70262 : 393 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:04.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 70223 : 449 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:04.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 70272 : 390 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:04.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 70238 : 416 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:04.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 70153 : 510 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:04.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 70262 : 392 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:04.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.301.19:46:04.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.19:46:05.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.301.19:46:05.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.19:46:05.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.301.19:46:05.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.19:46:05.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.19:46:05.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.95 2004.301.19:46:05.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.19:46:05.68:scan_name=301-1948,rd0408,143 2004.301.19:46:05.68:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:46:08.70:setupnw 2004.301.19:46:13.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:13.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:46:13.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:46:13.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 61 ; 2004.301.19:46:13.07:!2004.301.19:48:35 2004.301.19:48:35.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:48:35.00/disc_pos/36564966640,36563966640, 2004.301.19:48:35.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:48:36.04:!2004.301.19:48:35 2004.301.19:48:36.04:preob 2004.301.19:48:36.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:48:36.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:48:39.62/tpical/1u,6125,2u,8815,3u,20800,4u,32592,i1,14285 2004.301.19:48:39.62/tpical/9u,6110,au,25030,bu,14853,cu,8643,du,8975,eu,23375,i2,6589 2004.301.19:48:39.62/tpical/5u,35922,6u,27801,7u,39805,8u,13805,i3,49179 2004.301.19:48:42.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,499,i1,98 2004.301.19:48:42.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,795,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,826,i2,57 2004.301.19:48:42.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,290,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.301.19:48:45.36:!2004.301.19:48:45 2004.301.19:48:45.36:disc_pos 2004.301.19:48:45.38/disc_pos/36708859904,36563966640, 2004.301.19:48:45.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:48:45.39:midob 2004.301.19:48:45.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:48:45.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:48:45.55/cable/+3.5904828E-02 2004.301.19:48:45.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9259,4563 2004.301.19:48:45.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31095 2004.301.19:48:45.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6232 2004.301.19:48:45.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18291 2004.301.19:48:45.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10089 2004.301.19:48:46.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:48:46.98/tpi/1u,4258,2u,6233,3u,13712,4u,20890,i1,9260 2004.301.19:48:46.98/tpi/9u,4668,au,19103,bu,10098,cu,6223,du,6861,eu,20256,i2,4573 2004.301.19:48:46.99/tpi/5u,22210,6u,18319,7u,26754,8u,9633,i3,31106 2004.301.19:48:47.00/tpdiff/1u,1867,2u,2582,3u,7088,4u,11702,i1,5025 2004.301.19:48:47.00/tpdiff/9u,1442,au,5927,bu,4755,cu,2420,du,2114,eu,3119,i2,2016 2004.301.19:48:47.01/tpdiff/5u,13712,6u,9482,7u,13051,8u,4172,i3,18073 2004.301.19:48:47.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:48:47.03/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:48:47.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:48:47.04/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:48:47.05/tsys/1u,48.6,2u,49.8,3u,47.6,4u,45.3,i1,47.4 2004.301.19:48:47.06/tsys/9u,99.8,au,98.8,bu,63.2,cu,75.5,du,94.8,eu,199.3,i2,71.7 2004.301.19:48:47.06/tsys/5u,41.5,6u,49.4,7u,51.0,8u,53.3,i3,44.5 2004.301.19:48:47.98/fmout-gps/+6.4104E-006 2004.301.19:48:47.99:!2004.301.19:51:08 2004.301.19:48:48.06#setcl#time/362281039,4,2004,301,19,48,48.03,2.058,4.898,2 2004.301.19:48:48.06#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:51:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:51:08.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:51:08.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:51:08.27/disc_pos/38999634080,36564966640, 2004.301.19:51:08.27:disc_check 2004.301.19:51:08.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h51m08.175s,49128,0.00500s,80000,2429263152, 2004.301.19:51:08.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:51:08.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 74931 : 376 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:08.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 74872 : 428 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 74886 : 415 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 74848 : 472 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 74889 : 419 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:08.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 74862 : 439 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:08.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 74778 : 531 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:08.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 74886 : 415 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:08.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.61 2004.301.19:51:08.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.301.19:51:09.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.20 2004.301.19:51:09.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.19:51:09.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.01 2004.301.19:51:09.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.19:51:09.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.19:51:09.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.63 2004.301.19:51:09.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.19:51:09.68:scan_name=301-1954,rd0408,146 2004.301.19:51:09.68:source=2201+315,220101.46,313105.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:51:12.70:setupnw 2004.301.19:51:13.21/vc12/nak,*alarm*vc(#0c) 2004.301.19:51:14.79/vc12/nak,ack 2004.301.19:51:17.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:17.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:51:17.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:51:17.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 63 ; 2004.301.19:51:17.06:!2004.301.19:54:05 2004.301.19:54:05.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:54:05.00/disc_pos/38999634080,38998634080, 2004.301.19:54:05.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:54:06.05:!2004.301.19:54:05 2004.301.19:54:06.05:preob 2004.301.19:54:06.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:54:06.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:54:09.65/tpical/1u,6254,2u,9018,3u,21452,4u,33336,i1,14684 2004.301.19:54:09.65/tpical/9u,6164,au,25268,bu,15097,cu,8817,du,8741,eu,$$$$$,i2,6568 2004.301.19:54:09.65/tpical/5u,36969,6u,28615,7u,40788,8u,14163,i3,50609 2004.301.19:54:12.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,499,i1,91 2004.301.19:54:12.30/tpzero/9u,168,au,786,bu,709,cu,514,du,600,eu,832,i2,46 2004.301.19:54:12.30/tpzero/5u,344,6u,291,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:54:15.39:!2004.301.19:54:15 2004.301.19:54:15.39:disc_pos 2004.301.19:54:15.40/disc_pos/39143526400,38998634080, 2004.301.19:54:15.40:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:54:15.40:midob 2004.301.19:54:15.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:54:15.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:54:15.67/cable/+3.5906929E-02 2004.301.19:54:15.74/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9665,4485 2004.301.19:54:15.81/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32505 2004.301.19:54:15.88/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6433 2004.301.19:54:15.96/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19144 2004.301.19:54:16.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10298 2004.301.19:54:16.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:54:17.12/tpi/1u,4395,2u,6428,3u,14339,4u,21743,i1,9666 2004.301.19:54:17.13/tpi/9u,4396,au,19137,bu,10298,cu,6408,du,6755,eu,$$$$$,i2,4500 2004.301.19:54:17.13/tpi/5u,23208,6u,19128,7u,27781,8u,10017,i3,32509 2004.301.19:54:17.14/tpdiff/1u,1859,2u,2590,3u,7113,4u,11593,i1,5018 2004.301.19:54:17.15/tpdiff/9u,1768,au,6131,bu,4799,cu,2409,du,1986,eu,$$$$$,i2,2068 2004.301.19:54:17.15/tpdiff/5u,13761,6u,9487,7u,13007,8u,4146,i3,18100 2004.301.19:54:17.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:54:17.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:54:17.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:54:17.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:54:17.19?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.19:54:17.20/tsys/1u,50.7,2u,51.6,3u,49.7,4u,47.6,i1,49.6 2004.301.19:54:17.20/tsys/9u,76.5,au,95.8,bu,63.9,cu,78.3,du,99.2,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,68.9 2004.301.19:54:17.21/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,51.6,7u,53.2,8u,56.0,i3,46.4 2004.301.19:54:17.97/fmout-gps/+6.3394E-006 2004.301.19:54:17.98:!2004.301.19:56:41 2004.301.19:54:18.05#setcl#time/362314038,4,2004,301,19,54,18.02,2.020,4.990,2 2004.301.19:54:18.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:56:41.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:56:41.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:56:41.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:56:41.27/disc_pos/41481984888,38999634080, 2004.301.19:56:41.27:disc_check 2004.301.19:56:41.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h56m41.170s,2356,0.00500s,80000,2845615964, 2004.301.19:56:41.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:56:41.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 79649 : 396 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:41.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 79585 : 452 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 79597 : 442 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 79566 : 491 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:41.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 79600 : 447 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:41.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 79576 : 462 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:41.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 79486 : 560 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:41.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 79602 : 438 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:41.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.61 2004.301.19:56:41.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.301.19:56:42.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.301.19:56:42.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.19:56:42.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.76 2004.301.19:56:42.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.19:56:42.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.19:56:42.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.30 2004.301.19:56:42.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.19:56:42.69:scan_name=301-1957,rd0408,74 2004.301.19:56:42.69:source=1726+455,172601.24,453304.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:56:45.71:setupnw 2004.301.19:56:50.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:50.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:56:50.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:56:50.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 65 ; 2004.301.19:56:50.06:!2004.301.19:57:43 2004.301.19:57:43.00:disc_pos 2004.301.19:57:43.00/disc_pos/41481984888,41480984888, 2004.301.19:57:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.19:57:44.04:!2004.301.19:57:43 2004.301.19:57:44.05:preob 2004.301.19:57:44.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:57:44.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:57:47.64/tpical/1u,6129,2u,8781,3u,20754,4u,32066,i1,14289 2004.301.19:57:47.64/tpical/9u,5864,au,25022,bu,14172,cu,8218,du,10778,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.19:57:47.64/tpical/i2,6315 2004.301.19:57:47.64/tpical/5u,35997,6u,27788,7u,39921,8u,13499,i3,49041 2004.301.19:57:50.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,97 2004.301.19:57:50.29/tpzero/9u,169,au,796,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,830,i2,49 2004.301.19:57:50.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,291,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.19:57:53.38:!2004.301.19:57:53 2004.301.19:57:53.38:disc_pos 2004.301.19:57:53.38/disc_pos/41625874432,41480984888, 2004.301.19:57:53.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.19:57:53.39:midob 2004.301.19:57:53.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.19:57:53.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.19:57:53.48/cable/+3.5908018E-02 2004.301.19:57:53.56/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9324,4418 2004.301.19:57:53.63/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31199 2004.301.19:57:53.70/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6262 2004.301.19:57:53.77/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18424 2004.301.19:57:53.84/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9633 2004.301.19:57:54.40/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.19:57:54.93/tpi/1u,4303,2u,6259,3u,13798,4u,20741,i1,9321 2004.301.19:57:54.93/tpi/9u,4133,au,18986,bu,9615,cu,5907,du,11816,eu,$$$$$,i2,4491 2004.301.19:57:54.94/tpi/5u,22357,6u,18414,7u,27004,8u,9472,i3,31200 2004.301.19:57:54.95/tpdiff/1u,1826,2u,2522,3u,6956,4u,11325,i1,4968 2004.301.19:57:54.95/tpdiff/9u,1731,au,6036,bu,4557,cu,2311,du,-1038,eu,$$$$$,i2,1824 2004.301.19:57:54.96/tpdiff/5u,13640,6u,9374,7u,12917,8u,4027,i3,17841 2004.301.19:57:54.97/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.19:57:54.97/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.19:57:54.98/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.19:57:54.99/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.19:57:55.00?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.19:57:55.00?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.19:57:55.01/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,51.2,3u,48.8,4u,46.5,i1,48.3 2004.301.19:57:55.01/tsys/9u,73.3,au,96.4,bu,62.5,cu,74.7,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.19:57:55.02/tsys/i2,77.9 2004.301.19:57:55.03/tsys/5u,42.0,6u,50.3,7u,52.0,8u,54.2,i3,45.2 2004.301.19:57:55.98/fmout-gps/+6.3909E-006 2004.301.19:57:55.98:!2004.301.19:59:07 2004.301.19:57:56.05#setcl#time/362335838,4,2004,301,19,57,56.02,1.996,5.051,1 2004.301.19:57:56.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.19:59:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.19:59:07.00:disc_end 2004.301.19:59:07.26:disc_pos 2004.301.19:59:07.27/disc_pos/42812548528,41481984888, 2004.301.19:59:07.27:disc_check 2004.301.19:59:07.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d19h59m07.175s,38056,0.00500s,80000,1005480660, 2004.301.19:59:07.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.19:59:07.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 82171 : 414 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 82111 : 466 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 82122 : 457 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 82089 : 508 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:07.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 82122 : 467 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:07.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 82101 : 477 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:07.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 82012 : 575 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:07.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 82127 : 453 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:07.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.301.19:59:07.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.08 2004.301.19:59:08.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.96 2004.301.19:59:08.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.19:59:08.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.64 2004.301.19:59:08.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.19:59:08.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.19:59:08.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.41 2004.301.19:59:08.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.19:59:08.72:scan_name=301-2000,rd0408,201 2004.301.19:59:08.72:source=1519-273,151937.26,-271930.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.19:59:11.74:setupnw 2004.301.19:59:16.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:16.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.19:59:16.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.19:59:16.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 67 ; 2004.301.19:59:16.07:!2004.301.20:00:23 2004.301.20:00:23.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:00:23.00/disc_pos/42812548528,42811548528, 2004.301.20:00:23.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:00:24.05:!2004.301.20:00:23 2004.301.20:00:24.06:preob 2004.301.20:00:24.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:00:24.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:00:27.64/tpical/1u,6925,2u,9971,3u,23944,4u,36779,i1,16393 2004.301.20:00:27.64/tpical/9u,12881,au,27860,bu,16418,cu,9674,du,12645,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.20:00:27.64/tpical/i2,17674 2004.301.20:00:27.64/tpical/5u,40435,6u,30696,7u,43351,8u,15360,i3,54999 2004.301.20:00:30.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,742,4u,500,i1,96 2004.301.20:00:30.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,943,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,829,i2,60 2004.301.20:00:30.29/tpzero/5u,345,6u,291,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.20:00:33.38:!2004.301.20:00:33 2004.301.20:00:33.38:disc_pos 2004.301.20:00:33.38/disc_pos/42956439552,42811548528, 2004.301.20:00:33.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:00:33.40:midob 2004.301.20:00:33.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:00:33.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:00:33.67/cable/+3.5908054E-02 2004.301.20:00:33.74/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11452,15025 2004.301.20:00:33.81/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37667 2004.301.20:00:33.88/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7416 2004.301.20:00:33.95/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21755 2004.301.20:00:34.02/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11473 2004.301.20:00:34.58/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:00:35.10/tpi/1u,5086,2u,7424,3u,16929,4u,25584,i1,11459 2004.301.20:00:35.10/tpi/9u,10841,au,21751,bu,11473,cu,7157,du,11893,eu,$$$$$,i2,12251 2004.301.20:00:35.11/tpi/5u,27203,6u,21769,7u,31246,8u,11395,i3,37661 2004.301.20:00:35.12/tpdiff/1u,1839,2u,2547,3u,7015,4u,11195,i1,4934 2004.301.20:00:35.12/tpdiff/9u,2040,au,6109,bu,4945,cu,2517,du,752,eu,$$$$$,i2,5423 2004.301.20:00:35.13/tpdiff/5u,13232,6u,8927,7u,12105,8u,3965,i3,17338 2004.301.20:00:35.14/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:00:35.15/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:00:35.15/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:00:35.16/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:00:35.17?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.20:00:35.18/tsys/1u,61.0,2u,62.6,3u,60.0,4u,58.3,i1,59.9 2004.301.20:00:35.18/tsys/9u,167.4,au,109.0,bu,69.6,cu,84.5,du,480.6,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.20:00:35.19/tsys/i2,71.9 2004.301.20:00:35.19/tsys/5u,52.8,6u,62.6,7u,64.6,8u,67.6,i3,56.2 2004.301.20:00:35.97/fmout-gps/+6.3529E-006 2004.301.20:00:35.98:!2004.301.20:03:54 2004.301.20:00:36.05#setcl#time/362351837,4,2004,301,20,00,36.02,2.026,5.095,2 2004.301.20:00:36.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:00:54.12;"weather: overcast 2004.301.20:03:54.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:03:54.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:03:54.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:03:54.27/disc_pos/46174823032,42812548528, 2004.301.20:03:54.27:disc_check 2004.301.20:03:54.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h03m54.170s,30076,0.00500s,80000,1229653476, 2004.301.20:03:54.66:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:03:54.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 88558 : 442 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:03:54.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 88491 : 502 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:03:54.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 88507 : 488 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:03:54.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 88476 : 537 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:03:54.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 88507 : 497 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:03:54.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 88489 : 505 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:03:54.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 88392 : 612 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:03:54.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 88523 : 472 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:03:54.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.12 2004.301.20:03:54.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.96 2004.301.20:03:55.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.96 2004.301.20:03:55.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.20:03:55.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.62 2004.301.20:03:55.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.20:03:55.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.20:03:55.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.95 2004.301.20:03:55.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.20:03:55.73:scan_name=301-2006,rd0408,40 2004.301.20:03:55.73:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:03:58.75:setupnw 2004.301.20:04:03.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:04:03.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:04:03.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:04:03.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 69 ; 2004.301.20:04:03.06:!2004.301.20:06:00 2004.301.20:06:00.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:06:00.00/disc_pos/46174823032,46173823032, 2004.301.20:06:00.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:06:01.04:!2004.301.20:06:00 2004.301.20:06:01.04:preob 2004.301.20:06:01.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:06:01.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:06:04.62/tpical/1u,6651,2u,9575,3u,22966,4u,35427,i1,15701 2004.301.20:06:04.62/tpical/9u,6880,au,22688,bu,16795,cu,9846,du,9689,eu,18131,i2,7200 2004.301.20:06:04.62/tpical/5u,39173,6u,29919,7u,42613,8u,14849,i3,53438 2004.301.20:06:07.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,499,i1,102 2004.301.20:06:07.30/tpzero/9u,174,au,792,bu,711,cu,512,du,599,eu,826,i2,71 2004.301.20:06:07.30/tpzero/5u,345,6u,291,7u,1167,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.301.20:06:10.39:!2004.301.20:06:10 2004.301.20:06:10.39:disc_pos 2004.301.20:06:10.39/disc_pos/46318714880,46173823032, 2004.301.20:06:10.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:06:10.40:midob 2004.301.20:06:10.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:06:10.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:06:10.63/cable/+3.5908407E-02 2004.301.20:06:10.70/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10668,5013 2004.301.20:06:10.78/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35471 2004.301.20:06:10.85/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7030 2004.301.20:06:10.92/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20618 2004.301.20:06:10.99/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11643 2004.301.20:06:11.55/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:06:12.07/tpi/1u,4813,2u,7028,3u,15750,4u,23475,i1,10606 2004.301.20:06:12.07/tpi/9u,4993,au,16140,bu,11649,cu,7228,du,7335,eu,13972,i2,5014 2004.301.20:06:12.08/tpi/5u,24954,6u,20139,7u,29188,8u,10453,i3,35103 2004.301.20:06:12.09/tpdiff/1u,1838,2u,2547,3u,7216,4u,11952,i1,5095 2004.301.20:06:12.09/tpdiff/9u,1887,au,6548,bu,5146,cu,2618,du,2354,eu,4159,i2,2186 2004.301.20:06:12.10/tpdiff/5u,14219,6u,9780,7u,13425,8u,4396,i3,18335 2004.301.20:06:12.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:06:12.11/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:06:12.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:06:12.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:06:12.14/tsys/1u,57.2,2u,58.6,3u,54.1,4u,50.0,i1,53.6 2004.301.20:06:12.15/tsys/9u,81.7,au,75.0,bu,68.0,cu,82.1,du,91.6,eu,101.1,i2,72.4 2004.301.20:06:12.16/tsys/5u,45.0,6u,52.8,7u,54.3,8u,55.4,i3,49.5 2004.301.20:06:12.97/fmout-gps/+6.3944E-006 2004.301.20:06:12.98:!2004.301.20:06:50 2004.301.20:06:13.05#setcl#time/362385537,4,2004,301,20,06,13.02,1.989,5.189,1 2004.301.20:06:13.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:06:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:06:50.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:06:50.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:06:50.27/disc_pos/46961498920,46174823032, 2004.301.20:06:50.27:disc_check 2004.301.20:06:50.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h06m50.175s,42256,0.00500s,80000,2029391932, 2004.301.20:06:50.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:06:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 90051 : 451 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 89986 : 510 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 90006 : 493 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:50.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 89969 : 547 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:50.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 90001 : 506 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:50.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 89979 : 518 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 89886 : 620 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 90017 : 482 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:50.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.301.20:06:50.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.301.20:06:51.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.301.20:06:51.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.20:06:51.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.25 2004.301.20:06:51.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.20:06:51.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.20:06:51.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.73 2004.301.20:06:51.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.20:06:51.70:scan_name=301-2010a,rd0408,78 2004.301.20:06:51.70:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:06:54.72:setupnw 2004.301.20:06:59.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:59.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:06:59.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:06:59.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 71 ; 2004.301.20:06:59.07:!2004.301.20:10:16 2004.301.20:10:16.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:10:16.00/disc_pos/46961498920,46960498920, 2004.301.20:10:16.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:10:17.04:!2004.301.20:10:16 2004.301.20:10:17.04:preob 2004.301.20:10:17.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:10:17.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:10:20.62/tpical/1u,6747,2u,9706,3u,23501,4u,36502,i1,16074 2004.301.20:10:20.62/tpical/9u,6900,au,22769,bu,16801,cu,9907,du,10780,eu,56753 2004.301.20:10:20.62/tpical/i2,7217 2004.301.20:10:20.62/tpical/5u,40416,6u,30485,7u,44144,8u,15280,i3,55116 2004.301.20:10:23.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,499,i1,99 2004.301.20:10:23.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,784,bu,709,cu,514,du,600,eu,829,i2,65 2004.301.20:10:23.27/tpzero/5u,345,6u,292,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.301.20:10:26.36:!2004.301.20:10:26 2004.301.20:10:26.36:disc_pos 2004.301.20:10:26.36/disc_pos/47105388544,46960498920, 2004.301.20:10:26.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:10:26.37:midob 2004.301.20:10:26.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:10:26.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:10:26.60/cable/+3.5909350E-02 2004.301.20:10:26.67/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11026,5002 2004.301.20:10:26.74/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36961 2004.301.20:10:26.81/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7137 2004.301.20:10:26.88/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21197 2004.301.20:10:26.95/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11600 2004.301.20:10:27.51/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:10:28.05/tpi/1u,4874,2u,7132,3u,16393,4u,24841,i1,11027 2004.301.20:10:28.05/tpi/9u,4982,au,16130,bu,11600,cu,7218,du,7899,eu,54394,i2,5002 2004.301.20:10:28.06/tpi/5u,26519,6u,21199,7u,31320,8u,11109,i3,36960 2004.301.20:10:28.07/tpdiff/1u,1873,2u,2574,3u,7108,4u,11661,i1,5047 2004.301.20:10:28.07/tpdiff/9u,1918,au,6639,bu,5201,cu,2689,du,2881,eu,2359,i2,2215 2004.301.20:10:28.08/tpdiff/5u,13897,6u,9286,7u,12824,8u,4171,i3,18156 2004.301.20:10:28.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:10:28.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:10:28.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:10:28.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:10:28.12/tsys/1u,57.0,2u,59.0,3u,57.2,4u,54.3,i1,56.3 2004.301.20:10:28.12/tsys/9u,80.2,au,74.0,bu,67.0,cu,79.8,du,81.1,eu,726.6,i2,71.3 2004.301.20:10:28.13/tsys/5u,49.0,6u,58.5,7u,61.1,8u,62.5,i3,52.7 2004.301.20:10:28.97/fmout-gps/+6.3469E-006 2004.301.20:10:28.98:!2004.301.20:11:44 2004.301.20:10:29.04#setcl#time/362411136,4,2004,301,20,10,29.02,2.008,5.260,2 2004.301.20:10:29.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:11:44.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:11:44.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:11:44.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:11:44.26/disc_pos/48355908328,46961498920, 2004.301.20:11:44.27:disc_check 2004.301.20:11:44.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h11m44.170s,61992,0.00500s,80000,3309490856, 2004.301.20:11:44.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:11:44.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 92698 : 466 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:44.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 92636 : 521 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:44.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 92657 : 504 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:44.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 92621 : 555 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:44.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 92656 : 513 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:44.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 92628 : 531 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:44.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 92534 : 634 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:44.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 92668 : 493 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:44.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.301.20:11:44.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.59 2004.301.20:11:45.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.301.20:11:45.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.20:11:45.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.39 2004.301.20:11:45.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.20:11:45.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.20:11:45.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.95 2004.301.20:11:45.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.20:11:45.71:scan_name=301-2015,rd0408,50 2004.301.20:11:45.71:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:11:48.73:setupnw 2004.301.20:11:53.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:53.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:11:53.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:11:53.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 73 ; 2004.301.20:11:53.06:!2004.301.20:15:18 2004.301.20:15:18.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:15:18.00/disc_pos/48355908328,48354908328, 2004.301.20:15:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:15:19.04:!2004.301.20:15:18 2004.301.20:15:19.04:preob 2004.301.20:15:19.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:15:19.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:15:22.62/tpical/1u,6494,2u,9344,3u,22404,4u,34459,i1,15268 2004.301.20:15:22.62/tpical/9u,6810,au,22420,bu,16634,cu,9816,du,12529,eu,29526 2004.301.20:15:22.62/tpical/i2,7120 2004.301.20:15:22.62/tpical/5u,38092,6u,28961,7u,41499,8u,14438,i3,51854 2004.301.20:15:25.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,95 2004.301.20:15:25.27/tpzero/9u,170,au,780,bu,708,cu,514,du,600,eu,826,i2,53 2004.301.20:15:25.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,293,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.20:15:28.36:!2004.301.20:15:28 2004.301.20:15:28.36:disc_pos 2004.301.20:15:28.36/disc_pos/48499802112,48354908328, 2004.301.20:15:28.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:15:28.37:midob 2004.301.20:15:28.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:15:28.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:15:28.63/cable/+3.5909195E-02 2004.301.20:15:28.70/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10291,4918 2004.301.20:15:28.77/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34193 2004.301.20:15:28.84/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6788 2004.301.20:15:28.91/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19848 2004.301.20:15:28.98/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11453 2004.301.20:15:29.54/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:15:30.07/tpi/1u,4637,2u,6788,3u,15348,4u,23071,i1,10294 2004.301.20:15:30.07/tpi/9u,4907,au,15798,bu,11474,cu,7180,du,10618,eu,25412,i2,4920 2004.301.20:15:30.08/tpi/5u,24559,6u,19842,7u,29023,8u,10403,i3,34213 2004.301.20:15:30.09/tpdiff/1u,1857,2u,2556,3u,7056,4u,11388,i1,4974 2004.301.20:15:30.09/tpdiff/9u,1903,au,6622,bu,5160,cu,2636,du,1911,eu,4114,i2,2200 2004.301.20:15:30.10/tpdiff/5u,13533,6u,9119,7u,12476,8u,4035,i3,17641 2004.301.20:15:30.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:15:30.11/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:15:30.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:15:30.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:15:30.14/tsys/1u,54.2,2u,55.9,3u,53.8,4u,51.5,i1,53.3 2004.301.20:15:30.14/tsys/9u,79.7,au,72.6,bu,66.8,cu,80.9,du,167.8,eu,191.2,i2,70.8 2004.301.20:15:30.15/tsys/5u,46.5,6u,55.7,7u,58.1,8u,60.1,i3,50.2 2004.301.20:15:30.97/fmout-gps/+6.3604E-006 2004.301.20:15:30.98:!2004.301.20:16:18 2004.301.20:15:31.05#setcl#time/362441335,4,2004,301,20,15,31.02,2.021,5.344,2 2004.301.20:15:31.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:16:18.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:16:18.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:16:18.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:16:18.27/disc_pos/49302597480,48355908328, 2004.301.20:16:18.27:disc_check 2004.301.20:16:18.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h16m18.180s,33220,0.00500s,80000,3437499620, 2004.301.20:16:18.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:16:18.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 94499 : 473 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:18.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 94431 : 534 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:18.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 94458 : 511 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:18.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 94418 : 566 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 94450 : 527 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 94427 : 541 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 94326 : 650 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:18.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 94464 : 505 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:18.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.301.20:16:18.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.59 2004.301.20:16:19.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.59 2004.301.20:16:19.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.20:16:19.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.64 2004.301.20:16:19.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.20:16:19.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.20:16:19.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.95 2004.301.20:16:19.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.20:16:19.68:scan_name=301-2019,rd0408,40 2004.301.20:16:19.68:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:16:22.70:setupnw 2004.301.20:16:27.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:27.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:16:27.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:16:27.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 75 ; 2004.301.20:16:27.05:!2004.301.20:19:00 2004.301.20:19:00.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:19:00.00/disc_pos/49302597480,49301597480, 2004.301.20:19:00.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:19:01.04:!2004.301.20:19:00 2004.301.20:19:01.04:preob 2004.301.20:19:01.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:19:01.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:19:04.64/tpical/1u,6183,2u,8961,3u,21272,4u,32825,i1,14551 2004.301.20:19:04.64/tpical/9u,6608,au,21832,bu,16198,cu,9546,du,15026,eu,56635 2004.301.20:19:04.64/tpical/i2,6935 2004.301.20:19:04.64/tpical/5u,36701,6u,27639,7u,39993,8u,13858,i3,49819 2004.301.20:19:07.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,91 2004.301.20:19:07.30/tpzero/9u,168,au,778,bu,708,cu,514,du,601,eu,826,i2,50 2004.301.20:19:07.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,293,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.301.20:19:10.39:!2004.301.20:19:10 2004.301.20:19:10.39:disc_pos 2004.301.20:19:10.39/disc_pos/49446486016,49301597480, 2004.301.20:19:10.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:19:10.40:midob 2004.301.20:19:10.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:19:10.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:19:10.75/cable/+3.5906075E-02 2004.301.20:19:10.82/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9552,4724 2004.301.20:19:10.89/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31878 2004.301.20:19:10.96/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6403 2004.301.20:19:11.03/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18446 2004.301.20:19:11.10/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10999 2004.301.20:19:11.66/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:19:12.25/tpi/1u,4338,2u,6405,3u,14182,4u,21389,i1,9549 2004.301.20:19:12.25/tpi/9u,4702,au,15208,bu,11004,cu,6877,du,13144,eu,51180,i2,4722 2004.301.20:19:12.26/tpi/5u,22886,6u,18446,7u,27191,8u,9760,i3,31866 2004.301.20:19:12.27/tpdiff/1u,1845,2u,2556,3u,7090,4u,11436,i1,5002 2004.301.20:19:12.27/tpdiff/9u,1906,au,6624,bu,5194,cu,2669,du,1882,eu,5455,i2,2213 2004.301.20:19:12.28/tpdiff/5u,13815,6u,9193,7u,12802,8u,4098,i3,17953 2004.301.20:19:12.29/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:19:12.29/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:19:12.30/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:19:12.31/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:19:12.32/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,52.0,3u,49.3,4u,47.5,i1,49.2 2004.301.20:19:12.32/tsys/9u,76.1,au,69.7,bu,63.4,cu,76.3,du,213.3,eu,295.4,i2,67.6 2004.301.20:19:12.33/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,51.3,7u,52.9,8u,55.1,i3,45.9 2004.301.20:19:12.98/fmout-gps/+6.3619E-006 2004.301.20:19:12.98:!2004.301.20:19:50 2004.301.20:19:13.05#setcl#time/362463535,4,2004,301,20,19,13.02,1.998,5.405,1 2004.301.20:19:13.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:19:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:19:50.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:19:50.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:19:50.27/disc_pos/50089268224,49302597480, 2004.301.20:19:50.27:disc_check 2004.301.20:19:50.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h19m50.175s,2760,0.00500s,80000,2605279716, 2004.301.20:19:50.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:19:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 95998 : 477 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 95926 : 541 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 95949 : 523 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 95913 : 575 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 95940 : 540 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 95917 : 554 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:50.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 95820 : 658 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 95956 : 516 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:50.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.301.20:19:50.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.301.20:19:51.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.301.20:19:51.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.20:19:51.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.64 2004.301.20:19:51.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.20:19:51.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.20:19:51.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.63 2004.301.20:19:51.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.20:19:51.70:scan_name=301-2022b,rd0408,40 2004.301.20:19:51.70:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:19:54.72:setupnw 2004.301.20:19:59.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:59.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:19:59.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:19:59.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 77 ; 2004.301.20:19:59.06:!2004.301.20:22:23 2004.301.20:22:23.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:22:23.00/disc_pos/50089268224,50088268224, 2004.301.20:22:23.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:22:24.04:!2004.301.20:22:23 2004.301.20:22:24.04:preob 2004.301.20:22:24.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:22:24.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:22:27.63/tpical/1u,6302,2u,9092,3u,21723,4u,33738,i1,14864 2004.301.20:22:27.63/tpical/9u,6638,au,21984,bu,16301,cu,9499,du,14199,eu,48388 2004.301.20:22:27.63/tpical/i2,6994 2004.301.20:22:27.63/tpical/5u,37180,6u,28103,7u,40956,8u,14185,i3,50858 2004.301.20:22:30.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,91 2004.301.20:22:30.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,776,bu,710,cu,512,du,601,eu,827,i2,56 2004.301.20:22:30.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,296,7u,1169,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.20:22:33.38:!2004.301.20:22:33 2004.301.20:22:33.38:disc_pos 2004.301.20:22:33.39/disc_pos/50233159680,50088268224, 2004.301.20:22:33.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:22:33.39:midob 2004.301.20:22:33.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:22:33.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:22:33.78/cable/+3.5908010E-02 2004.301.20:22:33.86/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9838,4781 2004.301.20:22:33.93/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32832 2004.301.20:22:34.00/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6515 2004.301.20:22:34.07/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18941 2004.301.20:22:34.14/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11110 2004.301.20:22:34.70/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:22:35.22/tpi/1u,4439,2u,6515,3u,14647,4u,22081,i1,9840 2004.301.20:22:35.22/tpi/9u,4732,au,15353,bu,11114,cu,6857,du,10308,eu,47852,i2,4782 2004.301.20:22:35.23/tpi/5u,23436,6u,18941,7u,28050,8u,10092,i3,32844 2004.301.20:22:35.24/tpdiff/1u,1863,2u,2577,3u,7076,4u,11657,i1,5024 2004.301.20:22:35.24/tpdiff/9u,1906,au,6631,bu,5187,cu,2642,du,3891,eu,536,i2,2212 2004.301.20:22:35.25/tpdiff/5u,13744,6u,9162,7u,12906,8u,4093,i3,18014 2004.301.20:22:35.26/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:22:35.26/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:22:35.27/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:22:35.28/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:22:35.29/tsys/1u,51.2,2u,52.7,3u,51.1,4u,48.1,i1,50.5 2004.301.20:22:35.29/tsys/9u,76.6,au,70.3,bu,64.2,cu,76.9,du,79.8,eu,2807.5,i2,68.4 2004.301.20:22:35.30/tsys/5u,43.7,6u,52.9,7u,54.2,8u,57.2,i3,47.1 2004.301.20:22:35.97/fmout-gps/+6.4104E-006 2004.301.20:22:35.98:!2004.301.20:23:13 2004.301.20:22:36.05#setcl#time/362483834,4,2004,301,20,22,36.02,2.021,5.462,2 2004.301.20:22:36.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:23:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:23:13.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:23:13.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:23:13.26/disc_pos/50875781032,50089268224, 2004.301.20:23:13.26:disc_check 2004.301.20:23:13.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h23m13.175s,51940,0.00500s,80000,2461438012, 2004.301.20:23:13.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:23:13.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 97486 : 491 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:13.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 97415 : 555 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:13.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 97444 : 530 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 97407 : 584 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 97436 : 548 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:13.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 97411 : 562 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:13.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 97309 : 672 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:13.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 97451 : 523 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:13.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.301.20:23:13.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.301.20:23:14.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.59 2004.301.20:23:14.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.20:23:14.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.88 2004.301.20:23:14.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.20:23:14.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.12 2004.301.20:23:14.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.52 2004.301.20:23:14.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.20:23:14.70:scan_name=301-2037b,rd0408,122 2004.301.20:23:14.70:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:23:17.72:setupnw 2004.301.20:23:22.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:22.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:23:22.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:23:22.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 79 ; 2004.301.20:23:22.06:!2004.301.20:37:30 2004.301.20:37:30.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:37:30.00/disc_pos/50875781032,50874781032, 2004.301.20:37:30.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:37:31.04:!2004.301.20:37:30 2004.301.20:37:31.04:preob 2004.301.20:37:31.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:37:31.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:37:34.62/tpical/1u,6216,2u,8903,3u,20981,4u,32850,i1,14411 2004.301.20:37:34.62/tpical/9u,6588,au,21825,bu,16332,cu,9464,du,9777,eu,29256,i2,6946 2004.301.20:37:34.62/tpical/5u,36293,6u,27546,7u,39803,8u,13823,i3,49419 2004.301.20:37:37.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,94 2004.301.20:37:37.27/tpzero/9u,170,au,772,bu,708,cu,513,du,601,eu,826,i2,57 2004.301.20:37:37.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,293,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.20:37:40.36:!2004.301.20:37:40 2004.301.20:37:40.36:disc_pos 2004.301.20:37:40.36/disc_pos/51019669504,50874781032, 2004.301.20:37:40.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:37:40.37:midob 2004.301.20:37:40.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:37:40.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:37:40.63/cable/+3.5906881E-02 2004.301.20:37:40.70/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9417,4730 2004.301.20:37:40.77/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31546 2004.301.20:37:40.84/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6329 2004.301.20:37:40.91/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18317 2004.301.20:37:40.98/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11110 2004.301.20:37:41.54/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:37:42.06/tpi/1u,4350,2u,6334,3u,13937,4u,21277,i1,9411 2004.301.20:37:42.06/tpi/9u,4677,au,15160,bu,11116,cu,6797,du,7224,eu,27477,i2,4733 2004.301.20:37:42.07/tpi/5u,22648,6u,18302,7u,27058,8u,9706,i3,31505 2004.301.20:37:42.08/tpdiff/1u,1866,2u,2569,3u,7044,4u,11573,i1,5000 2004.301.20:37:42.08/tpdiff/9u,1911,au,6665,bu,5216,cu,2667,du,2553,eu,1779,i2,2213 2004.301.20:37:42.09/tpdiff/5u,13645,6u,9244,7u,12745,8u,4117,i3,17914 2004.301.20:37:42.10/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:37:42.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:37:42.11/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:37:42.12/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:37:42.13/tsys/1u,49.9,2u,51.0,3u,48.7,4u,46.7,i1,48.4 2004.301.20:37:42.13/tsys/9u,75.5,au,69.1,bu,63.9,cu,75.4,du,83.0,eu,479.4,i2,67.6 2004.301.20:37:42.14/tsys/5u,42.5,6u,50.7,7u,52.8,8u,54.5,i3,45.5 2004.301.20:37:42.97/fmout-gps/+6.4029E-006 2004.301.20:37:42.98:!2004.301.20:39:42 2004.301.20:37:43.05#setcl#time/362574532,4,2004,301,20,37,43.02,2.016,5.714,2 2004.301.20:37:43.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:39:42.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:39:42.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:39:42.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:39:42.27/disc_pos/52974413224,50875781032, 2004.301.20:39:42.27:disc_check 2004.301.20:39:42.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h39m42.180s,21088,0.00500s,80000,13725478660, 2004.301.20:39:42.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:39:42.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 101473 : 511 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:42.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 101398 : 577 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:42.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 101435 : 544 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:42.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 101392 : 606 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:42.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 101416 : 572 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:42.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 101404 : 575 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:42.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 101294 : 692 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:42.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 101429 : 551 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:42.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.00 2004.301.20:39:42.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.301.20:39:43.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.59 2004.301.20:39:43.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.20:39:43.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.76 2004.301.20:39:43.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.20:39:43.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.20:39:43.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.09 2004.301.20:39:43.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.301.20:39:43.74:scan_name=301-2040b,rd0408,40 2004.301.20:39:43.74:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:39:46.76:setupnw 2004.301.20:39:51.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:51.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:39:51.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:39:51.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 81 ; 2004.301.20:39:51.05:!2004.301.20:40:49 2004.301.20:40:49.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:40:49.00/disc_pos/52974413224,52973413224, 2004.301.20:40:49.00:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:40:50.03:!2004.301.20:40:49 2004.301.20:40:50.04:preob 2004.301.20:40:50.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:40:50.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:40:53.62/tpical/1u,6107,2u,8759,3u,20670,4u,32167,i1,14195 2004.301.20:40:53.62/tpical/9u,6483,au,21606,bu,16084,cu,9358,du,10789,eu,39055 2004.301.20:40:53.62/tpical/i2,6848 2004.301.20:40:53.62/tpical/5u,35909,6u,27173,7u,39543,8u,13691,i3,48884 2004.301.20:40:56.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,99 2004.301.20:40:56.28/tpzero/9u,168,au,771,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,826,i2,53 2004.301.20:40:56.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,294,7u,1169,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.20:40:59.37:!2004.301.20:40:59 2004.301.20:40:59.37:disc_pos 2004.301.20:40:59.37/disc_pos/53118308352,52973413224, 2004.301.20:40:59.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:40:59.40:midob 2004.301.20:40:59.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:40:59.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:40:59.70/cable/+3.5905484E-02 2004.301.20:40:59.77/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9180,4633 2004.301.20:40:59.84/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30805 2004.301.20:40:59.91/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6210 2004.301.20:40:59.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17858 2004.301.20:41:00.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10866 2004.301.20:41:00.61/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:41:01.13/tpi/1u,4268,2u,6207,3u,13578,4u,20630,i1,9175 2004.301.20:41:01.13/tpi/9u,4575,au,14931,bu,10866,cu,6691,du,9219,eu,33942,i2,4629 2004.301.20:41:01.14/tpi/5u,22079,6u,17848,7u,26541,8u,9519,i3,30794 2004.301.20:41:01.15/tpdiff/1u,1839,2u,2552,3u,7092,4u,11537,i1,5020 2004.301.20:41:01.15/tpdiff/9u,1908,au,6675,bu,5218,cu,2667,du,1570,eu,5113,i2,2219 2004.301.20:41:01.16/tpdiff/5u,13830,6u,9325,7u,13002,8u,4172,i3,18090 2004.301.20:41:01.17/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:41:01.18/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:41:01.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:41:01.19/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:41:01.20/tsys/1u,49.5,2u,50.1,3u,47.1,4u,45.4,i1,47.0 2004.301.20:41:01.21/tsys/9u,73.9,au,67.9,bu,62.3,cu,74.1,du,175.7,eu,207.3,i2,66.0 2004.301.20:41:01.21/tsys/5u,40.9,6u,48.9,7u,50.7,8u,52.6,i3,44.0 2004.301.20:41:01.96/fmout-gps/+6.4059E-006 2004.301.20:41:01.97:!2004.301.20:41:39 2004.301.20:41:02.04#setcl#time/362594432,4,2004,301,20,41,02.03,2.039,5.769,3 2004.301.20:41:02.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:41:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:41:39.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:41:39.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:41:39.26/disc_pos/53760928328,52974413224, 2004.301.20:41:39.26:disc_check 2004.301.20:41:39.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h41m39.170s,21620,0.00500s,80000,1085324364, 2004.301.20:41:39.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:41:39.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 102971 : 517 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:39.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 102891 : 586 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:39.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 102925 : 557 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 102886 : 614 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 102908 : 583 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 102896 : 585 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 102781 : 707 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 102925 : 557 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:39.79/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.00 2004.301.20:41:39.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.84 2004.301.20:41:40.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.59 2004.301.20:41:40.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.20:41:40.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.52 2004.301.20:41:40.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.20:41:40.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.20:41:40.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.20 2004.301.20:41:40.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,68.31 2004.301.20:41:40.68:scan_name=301-2050b,rd0408,40 2004.301.20:41:40.68:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:41:43.69:setupnw 2004.301.20:41:48.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:48.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:41:48.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:41:48.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 83 ; 2004.301.20:41:48.05:!2004.301.20:50:43 2004.301.20:50:43.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:50:43.01/disc_pos/53760928328,53759928328, 2004.301.20:50:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:50:44.05:!2004.301.20:50:43 2004.301.20:50:44.05:preob 2004.301.20:50:44.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:50:44.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:50:47.65/tpical/1u,6019,2u,8696,3u,20363,4u,31374,i1,13936 2004.301.20:50:47.65/tpical/9u,6497,au,21607,bu,15933,cu,9222,du,13842,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.20:50:47.65/tpical/i2,6865 2004.301.20:50:47.65/tpical/5u,34394,6u,25892,7u,37540,8u,13105,i3,46627 2004.301.20:50:50.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,107 2004.301.20:50:50.30/tpzero/9u,173,au,769,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,828,i2,74 2004.301.20:50:50.30/tpzero/5u,344,6u,294,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.20:50:53.39:!2004.301.20:50:53 2004.301.20:50:53.39:disc_pos 2004.301.20:50:53.40/disc_pos/53904818176,53759928328, 2004.301.20:50:53.40:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:50:53.41:midob 2004.301.20:50:53.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:50:53.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:50:53.71/cable/+3.5903488E-02 2004.301.20:50:53.78/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8979,4648 2004.301.20:50:53.85/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29265 2004.301.20:50:53.92/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6147 2004.301.20:50:53.99/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16996 2004.301.20:50:54.06/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10772 2004.301.20:50:54.62/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:50:55.14/tpi/1u,4189,2u,6144,3u,13299,4u,20017,i1,8978 2004.301.20:50:55.14/tpi/9u,4580,au,14953,bu,10772,cu,6634,du,10700,eu,64301,i2,4645 2004.301.20:50:55.15/tpi/5u,21075,6u,16996,7u,25104,8u,9148,i3,29266 2004.301.20:50:55.16/tpdiff/1u,1830,2u,2552,3u,7064,4u,11357,i1,4958 2004.301.20:50:55.16/tpdiff/9u,1917,au,6654,bu,5161,cu,2588,du,3142,eu,$$$$$,i2,2220 2004.301.20:50:55.17/tpdiff/5u,13319,6u,8896,7u,12436,8u,3957,i3,17361 2004.301.20:50:55.18/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:50:55.18/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:50:55.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:50:55.20/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:50:55.21?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.20:50:55.22/tsys/1u,48.6,2u,49.5,3u,46.2,4u,44.7,i1,46.5 2004.301.20:50:55.22/tsys/9u,73.6,au,68.2,bu,62.4,cu,75.7,du,102.9,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.9 2004.301.20:50:55.23/tsys/5u,40.5,6u,48.8,7u,50.0,8u,53.0,i3,43.6 2004.301.20:50:55.97/fmout-gps/+6.4074E-006 2004.301.20:50:55.98:!2004.301.20:51:33 2004.301.20:50:56.05#setcl#time/362653830,3,2004,301,20,50,56.02,2.022,5.934,2 2004.301.20:50:56.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:51:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:51:33.01:disc_end 2004.301.20:51:33.27:disc_pos 2004.301.20:51:33.28/disc_pos/54547599672,53760928328, 2004.301.20:51:33.28:disc_check 2004.301.20:51:33.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h51m33.185s,10624,0.00500s,80000,8717579652, 2004.301.20:51:33.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:51:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 104464 : 526 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 104388 : 592 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 104414 : 570 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 104380 : 623 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:33.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 104402 : 593 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:33.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 104391 : 593 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:33.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 104273 : 718 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:33.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 104415 : 570 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:33.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.88 2004.301.20:51:33.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.84 2004.301.20:51:34.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.59 2004.301.20:51:34.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.20:51:34.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.15 2004.301.20:51:34.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.20:51:34.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.301.20:51:34.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.09 2004.301.20:51:34.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.301.20:51:34.70:scan_name=301-2054a,rd0408,40 2004.301.20:51:34.70:source=1749+096,174910.41,093942.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:51:37.71:setupnw 2004.301.20:51:42.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:42.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:51:42.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:51:42.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 85 ; 2004.301.20:51:42.07:!2004.301.20:54:23 2004.301.20:54:23.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:54:23.00/disc_pos/54547599672,54546599672, 2004.301.20:54:23.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:54:24.04:!2004.301.20:54:23 2004.301.20:54:24.04:preob 2004.301.20:54:24.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:54:24.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:54:27.62/tpical/1u,6063,2u,8715,3u,20150,4u,31089,i1,13798 2004.301.20:54:27.62/tpical/9u,6578,au,21821,bu,16088,cu,9287,du,39136,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.20:54:27.62/tpical/i2,6928 2004.301.20:54:27.62/tpical/5u,33918,6u,25652,7u,36987,8u,13006,i3,46179 2004.301.20:54:30.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,742,4u,498,i1,105 2004.301.20:54:30.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,769,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,833,i2,71 2004.301.20:54:30.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,296,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.20:54:33.36:!2004.301.20:54:33 2004.301.20:54:33.37:disc_pos 2004.301.20:54:33.37/disc_pos/54691491840,54546599672, 2004.301.20:54:33.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:54:33.38:midob 2004.301.20:54:33.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:54:33.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:54:33.66/cable/+3.5907860E-02 2004.301.20:54:33.73/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9021,4698 2004.301.20:54:33.80/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29575 2004.301.20:54:33.87/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6186 2004.301.20:54:33.94/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17146 2004.301.20:54:34.01/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10909 2004.301.20:54:34.57/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:54:35.11/tpi/1u,4310,2u,6190,3u,13404,4u,20214,i1,8974 2004.301.20:54:35.11/tpi/9u,4644,au,15128,bu,10909,cu,6682,du,29656,eu,$$$$$,i2,4694 2004.301.20:54:35.12/tpi/5u,21317,6u,17164,7u,25165,8u,9312,i3,29385 2004.301.20:54:35.13/tpdiff/1u,1753,2u,2525,3u,6746,4u,10875,i1,4824 2004.301.20:54:35.13/tpdiff/9u,1934,au,6693,bu,5179,cu,2605,du,9480,eu,$$$$$,i2,2234 2004.301.20:54:35.14/tpdiff/5u,12601,6u,8488,7u,11822,8u,3694,i3,16794 2004.301.20:54:35.15/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:54:35.15/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:54:35.16/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:54:35.17/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:54:35.18?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.20:54:35.18/tsys/1u,52.5,2u,50.4,3u,48.8,4u,47.1,i1,47.8 2004.301.20:54:35.19/tsys/9u,74.0,au,68.7,bu,63.0,cu,75.8,du,98.1,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,66.2 2004.301.20:54:35.21/tsys/5u,43.3,6u,51.7,7u,52.8,8u,57.9,i3,45.2 2004.301.20:54:35.97/fmout-gps/+6.3479E-006 2004.301.20:54:35.97:!2004.301.20:55:13 2004.301.20:54:36.04#setcl#time/362675830,4,2004,301,20,54,36.02,2.002,5.995,2 2004.301.20:54:36.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:55:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:55:13.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:55:13.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:55:13.27/disc_pos/55334273576,54547599672, 2004.301.20:55:13.27:disc_check 2004.301.20:55:13.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h55m13.185s,50608,0.00500s,80000,2733286112, 2004.301.20:55:13.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:55:13.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 105952 : 541 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:13.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 105878 : 605 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:13.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 105905 : 582 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:13.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 105873 : 634 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 105892 : 606 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 105882 : 604 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:13.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 105769 : 725 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:13.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 105910 : 579 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:13.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.301.20:55:13.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.301.20:55:14.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.59 2004.301.20:55:14.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.20:55:14.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.15 2004.301.20:55:14.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.20:55:14.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.20:55:14.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.92 2004.301.20:55:14.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.301.20:55:14.68:scan_name=301-2057a,rd0408,40 2004.301.20:55:14.68:source=1923+210,192349.82,210023.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:55:17.70:setupnw 2004.301.20:55:22.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:22.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:55:22.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:55:22.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 87 ; 2004.301.20:55:22.04:!2004.301.20:57:17 2004.301.20:57:17.00:disc_pos 2004.301.20:57:17.00/disc_pos/55334273576,55333273576, 2004.301.20:57:17.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.20:57:18.04:!2004.301.20:57:17 2004.301.20:57:18.04:preob 2004.301.20:57:18.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:57:18.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:57:21.62/tpical/1u,6046,2u,8617,3u,19360,4u,29518,i1,13240 2004.301.20:57:21.62/tpical/9u,6552,au,21768,bu,16253,cu,9434,du,17576,eu,61227 2004.301.20:57:21.62/tpical/i2,6893 2004.301.20:57:21.62/tpical/5u,31786,6u,23879,7u,35781,8u,12341,i3,43526 2004.301.20:57:24.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,498,i1,96 2004.301.20:57:24.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,767,bu,710,cu,512,du,601,eu,828,i2,61 2004.301.20:57:24.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,295,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.20:57:27.36:!2004.301.20:57:27 2004.301.20:57:27.36:disc_pos 2004.301.20:57:27.38/disc_pos/55478165504,55333273576, 2004.301.20:57:27.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.20:57:27.39:midob 2004.301.20:57:27.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.20:57:27.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.20:57:27.55/cable/+3.5907250E-02 2004.301.20:57:27.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8584,4669 2004.301.20:57:27.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,27775 2004.301.20:57:27.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6098 2004.301.20:57:27.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,15952 2004.301.20:57:27.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11012 2004.301.20:57:28.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.20:57:28.99/tpi/1u,4204,2u,6093,3u,12805,4u,19049,i1,8597 2004.301.20:57:28.99/tpi/9u,4629,au,15066,bu,11005,cu,6765,du,10742,eu,54586,i2,4667 2004.301.20:57:29.00/tpi/5u,19952,6u,16009,7u,24397,8u,8765,i3,27890 2004.301.20:57:29.03/tpdiff/1u,1842,2u,2524,3u,6555,4u,10469,i1,4643 2004.301.20:57:29.04/tpdiff/9u,1923,au,6702,bu,5248,cu,2669,du,6834,eu,6641,i2,2226 2004.301.20:57:29.04/tpdiff/5u,11834,6u,7870,7u,11384,8u,3576,i3,15636 2004.301.20:57:29.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.20:57:29.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.20:57:29.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.20:57:29.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.20:57:29.08/tsys/1u,48.5,2u,49.5,3u,47.8,4u,46.1,i1,47.6 2004.301.20:57:29.08/tsys/9u,74.2,au,68.3,bu,62.8,cu,75.0,du,47.5,eu,259.0,i2,66.2 2004.301.20:57:29.09/tsys/5u,43.1,6u,51.9,7u,53.1,8u,55.9,i3,46.1 2004.301.20:57:29.97/fmout-gps/+6.3564E-006 2004.301.20:57:29.98:!2004.301.20:58:07 2004.301.20:57:30.05#setcl#time/362693229,3,2004,301,20,57,30.02,2.025,6.043,2 2004.301.20:57:30.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.20:58:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.20:58:07.00:disc_end 2004.301.20:58:07.26:disc_pos 2004.301.20:58:07.27/disc_pos/56120946752,55334273576, 2004.301.20:58:07.27:disc_check 2004.301.20:58:07.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d20h58m07.180s,65844,0.00500s,80000,1997231588, 2004.301.20:58:07.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.20:58:07.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 107444 : 552 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:07.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 107371 : 614 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 107397 : 593 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 107365 : 646 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 107384 : 618 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 107373 : 616 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 107265 : 731 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:07.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 107404 : 588 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:07.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.301.20:58:07.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.301.20:58:08.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.47 2004.301.20:58:08.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.20:58:08.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.27 2004.301.20:58:08.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.20:58:08.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.20:58:08.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.92 2004.301.20:58:08.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.20:58:08.70:scan_name=301-2101,rd0408,91 2004.301.20:58:08.70:source=2201+315,220101.46,313105.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.20:58:11.72:setupnw 2004.301.20:58:16.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:16.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.20:58:16.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.20:58:16.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 89 ; 2004.301.20:58:16.06:!2004.301.21:01:37 2004.301.21:00:51.30;"weather: overcast 2004.301.21:01:37.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:01:37.00/disc_pos/56120946752,56119946752, 2004.301.21:01:37.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:01:38.04:!2004.301.21:01:37 2004.301.21:01:38.04:preob 2004.301.21:01:38.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:01:38.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:01:41.62/tpical/1u,6157,2u,8859,3u,21078,4u,32939,i1,14452 2004.301.21:01:41.62/tpical/9u,6558,au,21761,bu,16234,cu,9431,du,10194,eu,30490 2004.301.21:01:41.62/tpical/i2,6924 2004.301.21:01:41.62/tpical/5u,36556,6u,27805,7u,40635,8u,14012,i3,50145 2004.301.21:01:44.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,99 2004.301.21:01:44.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,767,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,825,i2,46 2004.301.21:01:44.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,293,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.21:01:47.36:!2004.301.21:01:47 2004.301.21:01:47.36:disc_pos 2004.301.21:01:47.36/disc_pos/56264835072,56119946752, 2004.301.21:01:47.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:01:47.37:midob 2004.301.21:01:47.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:01:47.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:01:47.46/cable/+3.5907111E-02 2004.301.21:01:47.53/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9389,4701 2004.301.21:01:47.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31796 2004.301.21:01:47.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6282 2004.301.21:01:47.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18396 2004.301.21:01:47.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11005 2004.301.21:01:48.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:01:48.89/tpi/1u,4303,2u,6290,3u,13894,4u,21153,i1,9390 2004.301.21:01:48.89/tpi/9u,4642,au,15077,bu,10991,cu,6758,du,7108,eu,27137,i2,4696 2004.301.21:01:48.90/tpi/5u,22724,6u,18389,7u,27441,8u,9804,i3,31783 2004.301.21:01:48.91/tpdiff/1u,1854,2u,2569,3u,7184,4u,11786,i1,5062 2004.301.21:01:48.91/tpdiff/9u,1916,au,6684,bu,5243,cu,2673,du,3086,eu,3353,i2,2228 2004.301.21:01:48.92/tpdiff/5u,13832,6u,9416,7u,13194,8u,4208,i3,18362 2004.301.21:01:48.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:01:48.93/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:01:48.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:01:48.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:01:48.96/tsys/1u,49.6,2u,50.6,3u,47.6,4u,45.6,i1,47.7 2004.301.21:01:48.96/tsys/9u,74.7,au,68.5,bu,62.8,cu,74.8,du,67.5,eu,251.1,i2,66.8 2004.301.21:01:48.97/tsys/5u,42.1,6u,50.0,7u,51.8,8u,53.9,i3,44.7 2004.301.21:01:49.97/fmout-gps/+6.3344E-006 2004.301.21:01:49.97:!2004.301.21:03:18 2004.301.21:01:50.04#setcl#time/362719229,4,2004,301,21,01,50.02,2.001,6.116,2 2004.301.21:01:50.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:03:18.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:03:18.01:disc_end 2004.301.21:03:18.27:disc_pos 2004.301.21:03:18.28/disc_pos/57723693800,56120946752, 2004.301.21:03:18.28:disc_check 2004.301.21:03:18.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h03m18.195s,61396,0.00500s,80000,3373497400, 2004.301.21:03:18.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:03:18.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 110482 : 573 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 110414 : 631 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 110443 : 606 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 110412 : 660 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:18.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 110431 : 632 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:18.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 110416 : 632 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:18.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 110310 : 746 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:18.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 110450 : 601 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:18.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.301.21:03:18.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.47 2004.301.21:03:19.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.47 2004.301.21:03:19.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.21:03:19.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.03 2004.301.21:03:19.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:03:19.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.301.21:03:19.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.09 2004.301.21:03:19.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.21:03:19.71:scan_name=301-2107,rd0408,40 2004.301.21:03:19.71:source=1741-038,174120.64,-034848.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:03:22.73:setupnw 2004.301.21:03:27.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:27.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:03:27.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:03:27.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 91 ; 2004.301.21:03:27.05:!2004.301.21:06:56 2004.301.21:06:56.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:06:56.00/disc_pos/57723693800,57722693800, 2004.301.21:06:56.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:06:57.04:!2004.301.21:06:56 2004.301.21:06:57.04:preob 2004.301.21:06:57.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:06:57.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:07:00.62/tpical/1u,6122,2u,8791,3u,20210,4u,31109,i1,13895 2004.301.21:07:00.62/tpical/9u,6586,au,21920,bu,15849,cu,8944,du,16508,eu,47741 2004.301.21:07:00.62/tpical/i2,6975 2004.301.21:07:00.62/tpical/5u,33582,6u,25245,7u,35725,8u,12549,i3,45157 2004.301.21:07:03.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,95 2004.301.21:07:03.29/tpzero/9u,167,au,764,bu,709,cu,511,du,601,eu,826,i2,49 2004.301.21:07:03.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,293,7u,1169,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.21:07:06.38:!2004.301.21:07:06 2004.301.21:07:06.38:disc_pos 2004.301.21:07:06.38/disc_pos/57867583488,57722693800, 2004.301.21:07:06.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:07:06.40:midob 2004.301.21:07:06.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:07:06.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:07:06.79/cable/+3.5906330E-02 2004.301.21:07:06.86/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9054,4759 2004.301.21:07:06.93/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,28738 2004.301.21:07:07.00/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6270 2004.301.21:07:07.07/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16700 2004.301.21:07:07.14/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10670 2004.301.21:07:07.70/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:07:08.22/tpi/1u,4301,2u,6270,3u,13450,4u,20082,i1,9066 2004.301.21:07:08.23/tpi/9u,4677,au,15260,bu,10651,cu,6436,du,15855,eu,48186,i2,4757 2004.301.21:07:08.23/tpi/5u,20858,6u,16700,7u,24245,8u,8886,i3,28753 2004.301.21:07:08.24/tpdiff/1u,1821,2u,2521,3u,6760,4u,11027,i1,4829 2004.301.21:07:08.25/tpdiff/9u,1909,au,6660,bu,5198,cu,2508,du,653,eu,-445,i2,2218 2004.301.21:07:08.25/tpdiff/5u,12724,6u,8545,7u,11480,8u,3663,i3,16404 2004.301.21:07:08.26/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:07:08.27/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:07:08.27/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:07:08.29/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:07:08.30?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:07:08.31/tsys/1u,50.5,2u,51.4,3u,48.9,4u,46.2,i1,48.3 2004.301.21:07:08.31/tsys/9u,75.6,au,69.7,bu,61.2,cu,75.6,du,747.5,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,67.9 2004.301.21:07:08.32/tsys/5u,41.9,6u,49.9,7u,52.3,8u,55.4,i3,45.3 2004.301.21:07:08.97/fmout-gps/+6.3984E-006 2004.301.21:07:08.98:!2004.301.21:07:46 2004.301.21:07:09.04#setcl#time/362751128,4,2004,301,21,07,09.02,2.012,6.204,2 2004.301.21:07:09.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:07:46.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:07:46.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:07:46.25:disc_pos 2004.301.21:07:46.26/disc_pos/58510206072,57723693800, 2004.301.21:07:46.26:disc_check 2004.301.21:07:46.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h07m46.175s,43032,0.00500s,80000,3501186092, 2004.301.21:07:46.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:07:46.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 111971 : 586 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:46.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 111905 : 642 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:46.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 111939 : 612 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:46.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 111909 : 667 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:46.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 111919 : 645 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:46.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 111911 : 639 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:46.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 111807 : 751 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:46.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 111944 : 610 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:46.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.301.21:07:46.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.10 2004.301.21:07:47.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.23 2004.301.21:07:47.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.21:07:47.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.39 2004.301.21:07:47.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:07:47.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.301.21:07:47.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.92 2004.301.21:07:47.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.21:07:47.72:scan_name=301-2109,rd0408,77 2004.301.21:07:47.73:source=1606+106,160623.42,103700.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:07:50.76:setupnw 2004.301.21:07:55.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:55.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:07:55.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:07:55.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 93 ; 2004.301.21:07:55.05:!2004.301.21:09:31 2004.301.21:09:31.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:09:31.00/disc_pos/58510206072,58509206072, 2004.301.21:09:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:09:32.04:!2004.301.21:09:31 2004.301.21:09:32.04:preob 2004.301.21:09:32.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:09:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:09:35.63/tpical/1u,6141,2u,8836,3u,20821,4u,32124,i1,14268 2004.301.21:09:35.63/tpical/9u,6571,au,21870,bu,16180,cu,9357,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.21:09:35.63/tpical/i2,6959 2004.301.21:09:35.63/tpical/5u,35400,6u,26769,7u,38587,8u,13572,i3,48159 2004.301.21:09:38.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,95 2004.301.21:09:38.29/tpzero/9u,169,au,764,bu,709,cu,510,du,604,eu,831,i2,55 2004.301.21:09:38.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,292,7u,1170,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.21:09:41.38:!2004.301.21:09:41 2004.301.21:09:41.38:disc_pos 2004.301.21:09:41.39/disc_pos/58654097408,58509206072, 2004.301.21:09:41.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:09:41.39:midob 2004.301.21:09:41.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:09:41.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:09:41.58/cable/+3.5906817E-02 2004.301.21:09:41.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9296,4728 2004.301.21:09:41.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30644 2004.301.21:09:41.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6280 2004.301.21:09:41.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17793 2004.301.21:09:41.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11002 2004.301.21:09:42.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:09:43.02/tpi/1u,4289,2u,6278,3u,13774,4u,20781,i1,9296 2004.301.21:09:43.03/tpi/9u,4655,au,15151,bu,11013,cu,6738,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,4731 2004.301.21:09:43.03/tpi/5u,22066,6u,17797,7u,26097,8u,9622,i3,30638 2004.301.21:09:43.04/tpdiff/1u,1852,2u,2558,3u,7047,4u,11343,i1,4972 2004.301.21:09:43.05/tpdiff/9u,1916,au,6719,bu,5167,cu,2619,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,2228 2004.301.21:09:43.05/tpdiff/5u,13334,6u,8972,7u,12490,8u,3950,i3,17521 2004.301.21:09:43.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:09:43.07/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:09:43.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:09:43.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:09:43.09?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:09:43.09?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:09:43.10/tsys/1u,49.4,2u,50.7,3u,48.1,4u,46.5,i1,48.1 2004.301.21:09:43.11/tsys/9u,74.9,au,68.5,bu,63.8,cu,76.1,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.21:09:43.11/tsys/i2,67.2 2004.301.21:09:43.12/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,50.7,7u,51.9,8u,56.2,i3,45.2 2004.301.21:09:43.97/fmout-gps/+6.3609E-006 2004.301.21:09:43.97:!2004.301.21:10:58 2004.301.21:09:44.04#setcl#time/362766628,4,2004,301,21,09,44.02,1.998,6.247,2 2004.301.21:09:44.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:10:58.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:10:58.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:10:58.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:10:58.26/disc_pos/59888774952,58510206072, 2004.301.21:10:58.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:10:58.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h10m58.180s,25480,0.00500s,80000,1693528672, 2004.301.21:10:58.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:10:58.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 114588 : 601 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:10:58.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 114522 : 657 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:10:58.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 114560 : 623 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:10:58.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 114527 : 681 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:10:58.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 114538 : 658 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:10:58.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 114527 : 654 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:10:58.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 114422 : 768 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:10:58.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 114565 : 622 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:10:58.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.301.21:10:58.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.10 2004.301.21:10:59.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.23 2004.301.21:10:59.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.21:10:59.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.91 2004.301.21:10:59.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.21:10:59.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.21:10:59.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.74 2004.301.21:10:59.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,70.28 2004.301.21:10:59.76:scan_name=301-2114,rd0408,40 2004.301.21:10:59.77:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:11:02.79:setupnw 2004.301.21:11:07.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:11:07.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:11:07.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:11:07.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 95 ; 2004.301.21:11:07.05:!2004.301.21:14:06 2004.301.21:14:06.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:14:06.00/disc_pos/59888774952,59887774952, 2004.301.21:14:06.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:14:07.04:!2004.301.21:14:06 2004.301.21:14:07.04:preob 2004.301.21:14:07.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:14:07.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:14:10.64/tpical/1u,6118,2u,8751,3u,20304,4u,31531,i1,14013 2004.301.21:14:10.64/tpical/9u,6530,au,21721,bu,16239,cu,9440,du,10300,eu,32372 2004.301.21:14:10.64/tpical/i2,6897 2004.301.21:14:10.64/tpical/5u,34605,6u,26181,7u,37649,8u,13189,i3,47003 2004.301.21:14:13.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,103 2004.301.21:14:13.30/tpzero/9u,172,au,764,bu,710,cu,510,du,599,eu,827,i2,65 2004.301.21:14:13.30/tpzero/5u,344,6u,293,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.301.21:14:16.39:!2004.301.21:14:16 2004.301.21:14:16.39:disc_pos 2004.301.21:14:16.40/disc_pos/60032667648,59887774952, 2004.301.21:14:16.40:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:14:16.40:midob 2004.301.21:14:16.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:14:16.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:14:16.63/cable/+3.5908338E-02 2004.301.21:14:16.70/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9046,4673 2004.301.21:14:16.77/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29560 2004.301.21:14:16.84/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6186 2004.301.21:14:16.91/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17207 2004.301.21:14:16.98/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11012 2004.301.21:14:17.54/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:14:18.08/tpi/1u,4269,2u,6182,3u,13360,4u,20142,i1,9045 2004.301.21:14:18.08/tpi/9u,4611,au,15043,bu,11006,cu,6784,du,7297,eu,30659,i2,4676 2004.301.21:14:18.09/tpi/5u,21306,6u,17214,7u,25237,8u,9206,i3,29556 2004.301.21:14:18.10/tpdiff/1u,1849,2u,2569,3u,6944,4u,11389,i1,4968 2004.301.21:14:18.10/tpdiff/9u,1919,au,6678,bu,5233,cu,2656,du,3003,eu,1713,i2,2221 2004.301.21:14:18.11/tpdiff/5u,13299,6u,8967,7u,12412,8u,3983,i3,17447 2004.301.21:14:18.12/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:14:18.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:14:18.13/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:14:18.14/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:14:18.15/tsys/1u,49.2,2u,49.5,3u,47.2,4u,44.8,i1,46.8 2004.301.21:14:18.15/tsys/9u,74.0,au,68.4,bu,63.0,cu,75.6,du,71.4,eu,557.3,i2,66.4 2004.301.21:14:18.16/tsys/5u,41.0,6u,49.1,7u,50.4,8u,53.0,i3,43.8 2004.301.21:14:18.97/fmout-gps/+6.3314E-006 2004.301.21:14:18.98:!2004.301.21:14:56 2004.301.21:14:19.04#setcl#time/362794127,4,2004,301,21,14,19.02,2.012,6.324,2 2004.301.21:14:19.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:14:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:14:56.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:14:56.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:14:56.27/disc_pos/60675448384,59888774952, 2004.301.21:14:56.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:14:56.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h14m56.180s,43696,0.00500s,80000,3021308352, 2004.301.21:14:56.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:14:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 116084 : 608 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:14:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 116013 : 668 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:14:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 116055 : 631 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:14:56.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 116018 : 694 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:14:56.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 116031 : 668 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:14:56.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 116022 : 662 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:14:56.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 115914 : 778 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:14:56.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 116063 : 627 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:14:56.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.301.21:14:56.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.23 2004.301.21:14:57.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.23 2004.301.21:14:57.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.21:14:57.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.91 2004.301.21:14:57.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.21:14:57.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.21:14:57.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.20 2004.301.21:14:57.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,68.31 2004.301.21:14:57.73:scan_name=301-2118,rd0408,100 2004.301.21:14:57.73:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:15:00.75:setupnw 2004.301.21:15:05.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:15:05.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:15:05.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:15:05.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 97 ; 2004.301.21:15:05.05:!2004.301.21:18:34 2004.301.21:18:34.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:18:34.00/disc_pos/60675448384,60674448384, 2004.301.21:18:34.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:18:35.04:!2004.301.21:18:34 2004.301.21:18:35.04:preob 2004.301.21:18:35.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:18:35.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:18:38.62/tpical/1u,6126,2u,8844,3u,20943,4u,32511,i1,14333 2004.301.21:18:38.62/tpical/9u,6681,au,21953,bu,16321,cu,9487,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.21:18:38.62/tpical/i2,6955 2004.301.21:18:38.62/tpical/5u,36079,6u,27576,7u,39637,8u,13779,i3,49322 2004.301.21:18:41.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,97 2004.301.21:18:41.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,764,bu,710,cu,512,du,604,eu,834,i2,66 2004.301.21:18:41.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,293,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.21:18:44.36:!2004.301.21:18:44 2004.301.21:18:44.36:disc_pos 2004.301.21:18:44.38/disc_pos/60819341312,60674448384, 2004.301.21:18:44.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:18:44.39:midob 2004.301.21:18:44.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:18:44.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:18:44.46/cable/+3.5907984E-02 2004.301.21:18:44.54/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9311,4718 2004.301.21:18:44.61/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31245 2004.301.21:18:44.68/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6260 2004.301.21:18:44.75/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18217 2004.301.21:18:44.82/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11056 2004.301.21:18:45.38/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:18:45.90/tpi/1u,4257,2u,6259,3u,13812,4u,20880,i1,9309 2004.301.21:18:45.90/tpi/9u,4749,au,15207,bu,11050,cu,6807,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,4717 2004.301.21:18:45.91/tpi/5u,22285,6u,18215,7u,26747,8u,9640,i3,31234 2004.301.21:18:45.92/tpdiff/1u,1869,2u,2585,3u,7131,4u,11631,i1,5024 2004.301.21:18:45.92/tpdiff/9u,1932,au,6746,bu,5271,cu,2680,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,2238 2004.301.21:18:45.93/tpdiff/5u,13794,6u,9361,7u,12890,8u,4139,i3,18088 2004.301.21:18:45.94/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:18:45.95/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:18:45.95/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:18:45.96/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:18:45.97?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:18:45.97?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:18:45.98/tsys/1u,48.6,2u,50.0,3u,47.7,4u,45.6,i1,47.7 2004.301.21:18:45.98/tsys/9u,75.8,au,68.5,bu,62.8,cu,75.2,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.21:18:45.99/tsys/i2,66.5 2004.301.21:18:45.99/tsys/5u,41.4,6u,49.8,7u,51.6,8u,53.8,i3,44.6 2004.301.21:18:46.96/fmout-gps/+6.3324E-006 2004.301.21:18:46.97:!2004.301.21:20:24 2004.301.21:18:47.04#setcl#time/362820926,3,2004,301,21,18,47.02,2.026,6.398,3 2004.301.21:18:47.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:20:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:20:24.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:20:24.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:20:24.27/disc_pos/62421892504,60675448384, 2004.301.21:20:24.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:20:24.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h20m24.175s,15712,0.00500s,80000,3501503864, 2004.301.21:20:24.66:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:20:24.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 119397 : 627 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:24.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 119329 : 686 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:24.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 119373 : 646 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:24.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 119337 : 708 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:24.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 119344 : 690 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:24.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 119339 : 679 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:24.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 119230 : 796 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:24.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 119383 : 640 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:24.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.301.21:20:24.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.23 2004.301.21:20:25.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.23 2004.301.21:20:25.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.21:20:25.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.301.21:20:25.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.21:20:25.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.21:20:25.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.86 2004.301.21:20:25.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.21:20:25.71:scan_name=301-2122,rd0408,52 2004.301.21:20:25.71:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:20:28.72:setupnw 2004.301.21:20:33.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:33.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:20:33.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:20:33.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 99 ; 2004.301.21:20:33.05:!2004.301.21:22:18 2004.301.21:22:18.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:22:18.00/disc_pos/62421892504,62420892504, 2004.301.21:22:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:22:19.03:!2004.301.21:22:18 2004.301.21:22:19.04:preob 2004.301.21:22:19.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:22:19.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:22:22.64/tpical/1u,6247,2u,9026,3u,21366,4u,32895,i1,14624 2004.301.21:22:22.64/tpical/9u,6740,au,22265,bu,16591,cu,9566,du,11788,eu,22081 2004.301.21:22:22.64/tpical/i2,7040 2004.301.21:22:22.64/tpical/5u,36229,6u,27531,7u,39072,8u,13559,i3,49378 2004.301.21:22:25.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,98 2004.301.21:22:25.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,763,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,824,i2,59 2004.301.21:22:25.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,292,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.21:22:28.38:!2004.301.21:22:28 2004.301.21:22:28.38:disc_pos 2004.301.21:22:28.40/disc_pos/62565785600,62420892504, 2004.301.21:22:28.40:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:22:28.41:midob 2004.301.21:22:28.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:22:28.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:22:28.74/cable/+3.5907447E-02 2004.301.21:22:28.81/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9639,4798 2004.301.21:22:28.88/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31752 2004.301.21:22:28.95/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6459 2004.301.21:22:29.02/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18459 2004.301.21:22:29.09/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11315 2004.301.21:22:29.65/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:22:30.18/tpi/1u,4398,2u,6459,3u,14263,4u,21468,i1,9641 2004.301.21:22:30.18/tpi/9u,4812,au,15530,bu,11318,cu,6886,du,9834,eu,19429,i2,4796 2004.301.21:22:30.19/tpi/5u,22834,6u,18459,7u,26641,8u,9593,i3,31752 2004.301.21:22:30.20/tpdiff/1u,1849,2u,2567,3u,7103,4u,11427,i1,4983 2004.301.21:22:30.20/tpdiff/9u,1928,au,6735,bu,5273,cu,2680,du,1954,eu,2652,i2,2244 2004.301.21:22:30.21/tpdiff/5u,13395,6u,9072,7u,12431,8u,3966,i3,17626 2004.301.21:22:30.22/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:22:30.22/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:22:30.23/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:22:30.24/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:22:30.26/tsys/1u,51.0,2u,52.4,3u,49.5,4u,47.7,i1,49.8 2004.301.21:22:30.26/tsys/9u,77.0,au,70.2,bu,64.4,cu,76.1,du,151.2,eu,224.5,i2,67.6 2004.301.21:22:30.27/tsys/5u,43.7,6u,52.1,7u,53.3,8u,55.8,i3,46.6 2004.301.21:22:30.97/fmout-gps/+6.4019E-006 2004.301.21:22:30.98:!2004.301.21:23:20 2004.301.21:22:31.04#setcl#time/362843326,4,2004,301,21,22,31.02,2.006,6.460,2 2004.301.21:22:31.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:23:20.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:23:20.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:23:20.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:23:20.26/disc_pos/63400585792,62421892504, 2004.301.21:23:20.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:23:20.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h23m20.180s,25016,0.00500s,80000,1837377408, 2004.301.21:23:20.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:23:20.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 121258 : 635 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:20.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 121187 : 697 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:20.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 121232 : 656 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:20.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 121196 : 718 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:20.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 121199 : 704 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:20.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 121198 : 691 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:20.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 121091 : 804 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:20.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 121238 : 654 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:20.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.301.21:23:20.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.10 2004.301.21:23:21.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.23 2004.301.21:23:21.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.21:23:21.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.301.21:23:21.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:23:21.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.21:23:21.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.09 2004.301.21:23:21.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.21:23:21.69:scan_name=301-2125,rd0408,40 2004.301.21:23:21.69:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:23:24.71:setupnw 2004.301.21:23:29.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:29.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:23:29.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:23:29.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 101 ; 2004.301.21:23:29.04:!2004.301.21:25:47 2004.301.21:25:47.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:25:47.00/disc_pos/63400585792,63399585792, 2004.301.21:25:47.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:25:48.04:!2004.301.21:25:47 2004.301.21:25:48.04:preob 2004.301.21:25:48.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:25:48.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:25:51.62/tpical/1u,6197,2u,8955,3u,21519,4u,33495,i1,14748 2004.301.21:25:51.62/tpical/9u,6665,au,22106,bu,16452,cu,9475,du,15926,eu,39915 2004.301.21:25:51.62/tpical/i2,6998 2004.301.21:25:51.62/tpical/5u,37311,6u,28377,7u,41253,8u,14238,i3,51043 2004.301.21:25:54.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,499,i1,95 2004.301.21:25:54.27/tpzero/9u,168,au,762,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,825,i2,55 2004.301.21:25:54.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,293,7u,1167,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.21:25:57.36:!2004.301.21:25:57 2004.301.21:25:57.36:disc_pos 2004.301.21:25:57.36/disc_pos/63544475648,63399585792, 2004.301.21:25:57.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:25:57.37:midob 2004.301.21:25:57.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:25:57.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:25:57.54/cable/+3.5907500E-02 2004.301.21:25:57.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9661,4755 2004.301.21:25:57.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32587 2004.301.21:25:57.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6392 2004.301.21:25:57.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18901 2004.301.21:25:57.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11168 2004.301.21:25:58.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:25:58.97/tpi/1u,4340,2u,6385,3u,14268,4u,21725,i1,9658 2004.301.21:25:58.97/tpi/9u,4735,au,15379,bu,11162,cu,6788,du,16070,eu,36232,i2,4754 2004.301.21:25:58.98/tpi/5u,23263,6u,18898,7u,28016,8u,9985,i3,32583 2004.301.21:25:58.99/tpdiff/1u,1857,2u,2570,3u,7251,4u,11770,i1,5090 2004.301.21:25:58.99/tpdiff/9u,1930,au,6727,bu,5290,cu,2687,du,-144,eu,3683,i2,2244 2004.301.21:25:59.00/tpdiff/5u,14048,6u,9479,7u,13237,8u,4253,i3,18460 2004.301.21:25:59.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:25:59.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:25:59.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:25:59.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:25:59.05?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:25:59.06/tsys/1u,50.0,2u,51.6,3u,48.5,4u,46.9,i1,48.8 2004.301.21:25:59.06/tsys/9u,75.7,au,69.5,bu,63.2,cu,74.7,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,307.6,i2,67.0 2004.301.21:25:59.07/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,51.0,7u,52.7,8u,54.4,i3,45.6 2004.301.21:25:59.96/fmout-gps/+6.3859E-006 2004.301.21:25:59.97:!2004.301.21:26:37 2004.301.21:26:00.04#setcl#time/362864225,3,2004,301,21,26,00.02,2.025,6.518,3 2004.301.21:26:00.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:26:37.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:26:37.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:26:37.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:26:37.27/disc_pos/64187259256,63400585792, 2004.301.21:26:37.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:26:37.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h26m37.185s,11868,0.00500s,80000,2365419684, 2004.301.21:26:37.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:26:37.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 122752 : 644 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:37.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 122679 : 707 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:37.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 122723 : 668 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 122689 : 727 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 122691 : 715 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 122689 : 704 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:37.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 122583 : 815 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:37.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 122731 : 664 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:37.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.301.21:26:37.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.98 2004.301.21:26:38.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.10 2004.301.21:26:38.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.21:26:38.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.301.21:26:38.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.21:26:38.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.21:26:38.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.92 2004.301.21:26:38.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.301.21:26:38.69:scan_name=301-2129,rd0408,65 2004.301.21:26:38.69:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:26:41.71:setupnw 2004.301.21:26:46.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:46.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:26:46.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:26:46.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 103 ; 2004.301.21:26:46.05:!2004.301.21:28:52 2004.301.21:28:52.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:28:52.00/disc_pos/64187259256,64186259256, 2004.301.21:28:52.00:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:28:53.04:!2004.301.21:28:52 2004.301.21:28:53.04:preob 2004.301.21:28:53.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:28:53.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:28:56.62/tpical/1u,6354,2u,9186,3u,22077,4u,34235,i1,15148 2004.301.21:28:56.62/tpical/9u,6702,au,22346,bu,16696,cu,9559,du,36469,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.21:28:56.62/tpical/i2,7067 2004.301.21:28:56.62/tpical/5u,38304,6u,29039,7u,42120,8u,14610,i3,52397 2004.301.21:28:59.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,90 2004.301.21:28:59.28/tpzero/9u,167,au,761,bu,709,cu,511,du,603,eu,827,i2,48 2004.301.21:28:59.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,296,7u,1170,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.21:29:02.37:!2004.301.21:29:02 2004.301.21:29:02.37:disc_pos 2004.301.21:29:02.38/disc_pos/64331149312,64186259256, 2004.301.21:29:02.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:29:02.38:midob 2004.301.21:29:02.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:29:02.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:29:02.58/cable/+3.5906875E-02 2004.301.21:29:02.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10064,4827 2004.301.21:29:02.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33936 2004.301.21:29:02.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6599 2004.301.21:29:02.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19585 2004.301.21:29:02.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11453 2004.301.21:29:03.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:29:04.02/tpi/1u,4480,2u,6602,3u,14905,4u,22591,i1,10066 2004.301.21:29:04.02/tpi/9u,4775,au,15606,bu,11447,cu,6881,du,36804,eu,$$$$$,i2,4829 2004.301.21:29:04.03/tpi/5u,24204,6u,19606,7u,28941,8u,10365,i3,33940 2004.301.21:29:04.04/tpdiff/1u,1874,2u,2584,3u,7172,4u,11644,i1,5082 2004.301.21:29:04.04/tpdiff/9u,1927,au,6740,bu,5249,cu,2678,du,-335,eu,$$$$$,i2,2238 2004.301.21:29:04.07/tpdiff/5u,14100,6u,9433,7u,13179,8u,4245,i3,18457 2004.301.21:29:04.08/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:29:04.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:29:04.09/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:29:04.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:29:04.11?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:29:04.11?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:29:04.12/tsys/1u,51.5,2u,53.5,3u,51.3,4u,49.3,i1,51.0 2004.301.21:29:04.13/tsys/9u,76.5,au,70.5,bu,65.5,cu,76.1,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.21:29:04.13/tsys/i2,68.4 2004.301.21:29:04.14/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,53.2,7u,54.8,8u,56.9,i3,47.6 2004.301.21:29:04.97/fmout-gps/+6.3504E-006 2004.301.21:29:04.98:!2004.301.21:30:07 2004.301.21:29:05.04#setcl#time/362882725,4,2004,301,21,29,05.02,2.009,6.570,2 2004.301.21:29:05.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:30:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:30:07.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:30:07.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:30:07.27/disc_pos/65373969816,64187259256, 2004.301.21:30:07.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:30:07.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h30m07.185s,56464,0.00500s,80000,2173244844, 2004.301.21:30:07.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:30:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 125001 : 661 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 124934 : 718 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 124979 : 678 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 124942 : 740 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:07.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 124942 : 729 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:07.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 124939 : 720 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 124841 : 824 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:07.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 124983 : 678 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:07.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.301.21:30:07.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.86 2004.301.21:30:08.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.10 2004.301.21:30:08.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.301.21:30:08.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.301.21:30:08.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:30:08.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.21:30:08.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.99 2004.301.21:30:08.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.21:30:08.69:scan_name=301-2133a,rd0408,40 2004.301.21:30:08.69:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:30:11.71:setupnw 2004.301.21:30:16.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:16.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:30:16.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:30:16.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 105 ; 2004.301.21:30:16.06:!2004.301.21:33:04 2004.301.21:33:04.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:33:04.00/disc_pos/65373969816,65372969816, 2004.301.21:33:04.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:33:05.04:!2004.301.21:33:04 2004.301.21:33:05.04:preob 2004.301.21:33:05.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:33:05.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:33:08.64/tpical/1u,7836,2u,11218,3u,27492,4u,42663,i1,19030 2004.301.21:33:08.64/tpical/9u,7443,au,24597,bu,18350,cu,10595,du,13212,eu,39990 2004.301.21:33:08.64/tpical/i2,7860 2004.301.21:33:08.64/tpical/5u,47209,6u,35852,7u,51376,8u,17907,i3,65535 2004.301.21:33:11.29/tpzero/1u,769,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,103 2004.301.21:33:11.29/tpzero/9u,168,au,761,bu,710,cu,509,du,601,eu,826,i2,59 2004.301.21:33:11.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,294,7u,1171,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.21:33:14.38:!2004.301.21:33:14 2004.301.21:33:14.38:disc_pos 2004.301.21:33:14.38/disc_pos/65517862912,65372969816, 2004.301.21:33:14.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:33:14.39:midob 2004.301.21:33:14.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:33:14.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:33:14.59/cable/+3.5908707E-02 2004.301.21:33:14.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,14008,5623 2004.301.21:33:14.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,47493 2004.301.21:33:14.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8671 2004.301.21:33:14.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26748 2004.301.21:33:14.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13129 2004.301.21:33:15.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:33:16.02/tpi/1u,5988,2u,8670,3u,20481,4u,31196,i1,13995 2004.301.21:33:16.02/tpi/9u,5519,au,17876,bu,13130,cu,7945,du,10165,eu,35571,i2,5621 2004.301.21:33:16.03/tpi/5u,33607,6u,26727,7u,38973,8u,13768,i3,47355 2004.301.21:33:16.04/tpdiff/1u,1848,2u,2548,3u,7011,4u,11467,i1,5035 2004.301.21:33:16.04/tpdiff/9u,1924,au,6721,bu,5220,cu,2650,du,3047,eu,4419,i2,2239 2004.301.21:33:16.05/tpdiff/5u,13602,6u,9125,7u,12403,8u,4139,i3,$$$$$ 2004.301.21:33:16.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:33:16.07/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:33:16.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:33:16.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:33:16.09?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:33:16.10/tsys/1u,73.4,2u,75.3,3u,73.2,4u,69.6,i1,71.7 2004.301.21:33:16.10/tsys/9u,89.0,au,81.5,bu,76.1,cu,89.8,du,100.4,eu,251.6,i2,79.5 2004.301.21:33:16.11/tsys/5u,63.6,6u,75.3,7u,79.2,8u,79.7,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.21:33:16.96/fmout-gps/+6.3359E-006 2004.301.21:33:16.97:!2004.301.21:33:54 2004.301.21:33:17.04#setcl#time/362907924,3,2004,301,21,33,17.02,2.024,6.640,3 2004.301.21:33:17.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:33:54.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:33:54.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:33:54.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:33:54.26/disc_pos/66160484632,65373969816, 2004.301.21:33:54.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:33:54.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h33m54.180s,8652,0.00500s,80000,2845452996, 2004.301.21:33:54.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:33:54.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 126495 : 669 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:33:54.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 126426 : 730 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:33:54.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 126474 : 687 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:33:54.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 126435 : 749 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:33:54.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 126435 : 739 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:33:54.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 126429 : 732 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:33:54.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 126334 : 834 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:33:54.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 126473 : 690 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:33:54.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.301.21:33:54.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.74 2004.301.21:33:55.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.86 2004.301.21:33:55.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.21:33:55.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.03 2004.301.21:33:55.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:33:55.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.301.21:33:55.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.95 2004.301.21:33:55.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.21:33:55.75:scan_name=301-2135,rd0408,52 2004.301.21:33:55.75:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:33:58.77:setupnw 2004.301.21:34:03.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:34:03.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:34:03.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:34:03.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 107 ; 2004.301.21:34:03.05:!2004.301.21:34:54 2004.301.21:34:54.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:34:54.00/disc_pos/66160484632,66159484632, 2004.301.21:34:54.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:34:55.04:!2004.301.21:34:54 2004.301.21:34:55.04:preob 2004.301.21:34:55.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:34:55.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:34:58.62/tpical/1u,7545,2u,10479,3u,25702,4u,39694,i1,17661 2004.301.21:34:58.62/tpical/9u,7220,au,23932,bu,17805,cu,10317,du,10419,eu,25127 2004.301.21:34:58.62/tpical/i2,7614 2004.301.21:34:58.62/tpical/5u,44224,6u,33393,7u,48267,8u,16725,i3,60842 2004.301.21:35:01.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,103 2004.301.21:35:01.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,761,bu,709,cu,510,du,599,eu,825,i2,63 2004.301.21:35:01.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,295,7u,1171,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.21:35:04.38:!2004.301.21:35:04 2004.301.21:35:04.38:disc_pos 2004.301.21:35:04.39/disc_pos/66304376832,66159484632, 2004.301.21:35:04.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:35:04.39:midob 2004.301.21:35:04.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:35:04.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:35:04.75/cable/+3.5908590E-02 2004.301.21:35:04.82/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12616,5372 2004.301.21:35:04.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,42618 2004.301.21:35:04.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7927 2004.301.21:35:05.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24141 2004.301.21:35:05.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12544 2004.301.21:35:05.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:35:06.20/tpi/1u,5680,2u,7927,3u,18579,4u,28142,i1,12614 2004.301.21:35:06.20/tpi/9u,5282,au,17198,bu,12539,cu,7623,du,8430,eu,20754,i2,5390 2004.301.21:35:06.21/tpi/5u,30417,6u,24141,7u,35556,8u,12591,i3,42631 2004.301.21:35:06.22/tpdiff/1u,1865,2u,2552,3u,7123,4u,11552,i1,5047 2004.301.21:35:06.22/tpdiff/9u,1938,au,6734,bu,5266,cu,2694,du,1989,eu,4373,i2,2224 2004.301.21:35:06.23/tpdiff/5u,13807,6u,9252,7u,12711,8u,4134,i3,18211 2004.301.21:35:06.24/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:35:06.25/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:35:06.25/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:35:06.26/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:35:06.27/tsys/1u,68.5,2u,67.6,3u,65.1,4u,62.2,i1,64.5 2004.301.21:35:06.28/tsys/9u,84.4,au,78.1,bu,71.9,cu,84.5,du,126.0,eu,145.8,i2,76.6 2004.301.21:35:06.28/tsys/5u,56.6,6u,67.0,7u,70.3,8u,72.4,i3,60.6 2004.301.21:35:06.97/fmout-gps/+6.4154E-006 2004.301.21:35:06.98:!2004.301.21:35:56 2004.301.21:35:07.05#setcl#time/362918924,4,2004,301,21,35,07.02,2.015,6.670,2 2004.301.21:35:07.05#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:35:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:35:56.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:35:56.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:35:56.27/disc_pos/67139176464,66160484632, 2004.301.21:35:56.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:35:56.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h35m56.180s,2172,0.00500s,80000,973314648, 2004.301.21:35:56.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:35:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 128356 : 677 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:35:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 128282 : 744 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:35:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 128331 : 699 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:35:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 128293 : 760 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:35:56.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 128294 : 749 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:35:56.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 128291 : 739 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:35:56.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 128192 : 845 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:35:56.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 128330 : 702 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:35:56.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.301.21:35:56.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.74 2004.301.21:35:57.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.86 2004.301.21:35:57.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.21:35:57.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.301.21:35:57.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:35:57.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.301.21:35:57.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.95 2004.301.21:35:57.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.21:35:57.71:scan_name=301-2143,rd0408,128 2004.301.21:35:57.71:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:36:00.72:setupnw 2004.301.21:36:05.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:36:05.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:36:05.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:36:05.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 109 ; 2004.301.21:36:05.05:!2004.301.21:42:57 2004.301.21:42:57.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:42:57.00/disc_pos/67139176464,67138176464, 2004.301.21:42:57.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:42:58.03:!2004.301.21:42:57 2004.301.21:42:58.04:preob 2004.301.21:42:58.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:42:58.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:43:01.62/tpical/1u,6268,2u,9032,3u,21547,4u,33631,i1,14781 2004.301.21:43:01.62/tpical/9u,6723,au,22283,bu,16615,cu,9553,du,10234,eu,23352 2004.301.21:43:01.62/tpical/i2,7039 2004.301.21:43:01.62/tpical/5u,37289,6u,28351,7u,41122,8u,14305,i3,51072 2004.301.21:43:04.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,103 2004.301.21:43:04.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,761,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,825,i2,61 2004.301.21:43:04.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,293,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.21:43:07.36:!2004.301.21:43:07 2004.301.21:43:07.36:disc_pos 2004.301.21:43:07.37/disc_pos/67283066880,67138176464, 2004.301.21:43:07.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:43:07.37:midob 2004.301.21:43:07.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:43:07.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:43:07.52/cable/+3.5908256E-02 2004.301.21:43:07.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9729,4796 2004.301.21:43:07.66/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32783 2004.301.21:43:07.73/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6470 2004.301.21:43:07.80/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18989 2004.301.21:43:07.87/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11332 2004.301.21:43:08.44/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:43:08.97/tpi/1u,4406,2u,6471,3u,14432,4u,21851,i1,9728 2004.301.21:43:08.97/tpi/9u,4783,au,15542,bu,11329,cu,6855,du,7360,eu,19579,i2,4796 2004.301.21:43:08.98/tpi/5u,23401,6u,18973,7u,28077,8u,10069,i3,32761 2004.301.21:43:08.99/tpdiff/1u,1862,2u,2561,3u,7115,4u,11780,i1,5053 2004.301.21:43:08.99/tpdiff/9u,1940,au,6741,bu,5286,cu,2698,du,2874,eu,3773,i2,2243 2004.301.21:43:09.00/tpdiff/5u,13888,6u,9378,7u,13045,8u,4236,i3,18311 2004.301.21:43:09.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:43:09.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:43:09.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:43:09.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:43:09.04/tsys/1u,50.8,2u,52.6,3u,50.0,4u,47.1,i1,49.5 2004.301.21:43:09.05/tsys/9u,76.0,au,70.2,bu,64.3,cu,75.2,du,75.3,eu,159.1,i2,67.6 2004.301.21:43:09.05/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,51.8,7u,53.6,8u,55.2,i3,46.3 2004.301.21:43:09.97/fmout-gps/+6.4054E-006 2004.301.21:43:09.98:!2004.301.21:45:15 2004.301.21:43:10.04#setcl#time/362967223,4,2004,301,21,43,10.02,2.010,6.804,2 2004.301.21:43:10.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:45:15.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:45:15.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:45:15.25:disc_pos 2004.301.21:45:15.26/disc_pos/69333821208,67139176464, 2004.301.21:45:15.26:disc_check 2004.301.21:45:15.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h45m15.175s,8804,0.00500s,80000,6749268624, 2004.301.21:45:15.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:45:15.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 132511 : 710 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:15.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 132447 : 768 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:15.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 132503 : 715 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:15.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 132465 : 777 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:15.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 132468 : 763 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:15.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 132455 : 764 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:15.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 132366 : 861 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:15.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 132497 : 724 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:15.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.301.21:45:15.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.98 2004.301.21:45:16.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.98 2004.301.21:45:16.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.21:45:16.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.301.21:45:16.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:45:16.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.301.21:45:16.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.63 2004.301.21:45:16.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.21:45:16.70:scan_name=301-2149,rd0408,86 2004.301.21:45:16.70:source=1308+326,130807.57,323640.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:45:19.72:setupnw 2004.301.21:45:24.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:24.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:45:24.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:45:24.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 111 ; 2004.301.21:45:24.05:!2004.301.21:49:05 2004.301.21:49:05.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:49:05.00/disc_pos/69333821208,69332821208, 2004.301.21:49:05.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:49:06.04:!2004.301.21:49:05 2004.301.21:49:06.04:preob 2004.301.21:49:06.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:49:06.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:49:09.63/tpical/1u,6610,2u,9520,3u,22929,4u,35657,i1,15749 2004.301.21:49:09.63/tpical/9u,6932,au,22949,bu,17060,cu,9873,du,12341,eu,27286 2004.301.21:49:09.63/tpical/i2,7257 2004.301.21:49:09.63/tpical/5u,39553,6u,30022,7u,43215,8u,15070,i3,54136 2004.301.21:49:12.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,97 2004.301.21:49:12.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,761,bu,708,cu,512,du,601,eu,823,i2,48 2004.301.21:49:12.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,292,7u,1168,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.21:49:15.37:!2004.301.21:49:15 2004.301.21:49:15.37:disc_pos 2004.301.21:49:15.37/disc_pos/69477711872,69332821208, 2004.301.21:49:15.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:49:15.38:midob 2004.301.21:49:15.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:49:15.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:49:15.42/cable/+3.5908678E-02 2004.301.21:49:15.49/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10712,5011 2004.301.21:49:15.56/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35999 2004.301.21:49:15.63/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6968 2004.301.21:49:15.70/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20785 2004.301.21:49:15.77/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11790 2004.301.21:49:16.33/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:49:16.85/tpi/1u,4767,2u,6961,3u,15810,4u,24008,i1,10711 2004.301.21:49:16.85/tpi/9u,4996,au,16201,bu,11785,cu,7185,du,9314,eu,24800,i2,5009 2004.301.21:49:16.86/tpi/5u,25706,6u,20789,7u,30459,8u,10919,i3,36009 2004.301.21:49:16.88/tpdiff/1u,1843,2u,2559,3u,7119,4u,11649,i1,5038 2004.301.21:49:16.88/tpdiff/9u,1936,au,6748,bu,5275,cu,2688,du,3027,eu,2486,i2,2248 2004.301.21:49:16.89/tpdiff/5u,13847,6u,9233,7u,12756,8u,4151,i3,18127 2004.301.21:49:16.90/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:49:16.90/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:49:16.91/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:49:16.91/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:49:16.93/tsys/1u,56.4,2u,57.6,3u,55.0,4u,52.5,i1,54.8 2004.301.21:49:16.93/tsys/9u,79.8,au,73.2,bu,67.2,cu,79.4,du,92.1,eu,308.6,i2,70.6 2004.301.21:49:16.94/tsys/5u,47.6,6u,57.7,7u,59.7,8u,61.6,i3,51.4 2004.301.21:49:16.96/fmout-gps/+6.3444E-006 2004.301.21:49:16.97:!2004.301.21:50:41 2004.301.21:49:17.04#setcl#time/363003922,4,2004,301,21,49,17.02,2.016,6.906,3 2004.301.21:49:17.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:50:41.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:50:41.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:50:41.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:50:41.27/disc_pos/70856403560,69333821208, 2004.301.21:50:41.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:50:41.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h50m41.185s,62948,0.00500s,80000,3693523504, 2004.301.21:50:41.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:50:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 135400 : 728 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 135335 : 786 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:41.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 135400 : 725 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:41.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 135356 : 792 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:41.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 135359 : 779 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:41.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 135344 : 781 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:41.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 135256 : 877 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:41.76/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 135387 : 742 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:41.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.301.21:50:41.99/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.62 2004.301.21:50:42.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.74 2004.301.21:50:42.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.21:50:42.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.301.21:50:42.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:50:42.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.21:50:42.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.84 2004.301.21:50:42.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.21:50:42.76:scan_name=301-2153b,rd0408,85 2004.301.21:50:42.76:source=1622-253,162244.12,-252051.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:50:45.78:setupnw 2004.301.21:50:50.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:50.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:50:50.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:50:50.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 113 ; 2004.301.21:50:50.05:!2004.301.21:53:15 2004.301.21:53:15.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:53:15.00/disc_pos/70856403560,70855403560, 2004.301.21:53:15.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:53:16.04:!2004.301.21:53:15 2004.301.21:53:16.04:preob 2004.301.21:53:16.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:53:16.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:53:19.62/tpical/1u,7987,2u,10930,3u,26564,4u,40974,i1,18382 2004.301.21:53:19.62/tpical/9u,7399,au,24551,bu,18238,cu,10602,du,10130,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.21:53:19.62/tpical/i2,7827 2004.301.21:53:19.62/tpical/5u,45149,6u,34017,7u,48348,8u,17560,i3,62468 2004.301.21:53:22.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,501,i1,97 2004.301.21:53:22.28/tpzero/9u,168,au,759,bu,709,cu,510,du,602,eu,834,i2,47 2004.301.21:53:22.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,295,7u,1171,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.21:53:25.37:!2004.301.21:53:25 2004.301.21:53:25.37:disc_pos 2004.301.21:53:25.37/disc_pos/71000293376,70855403560, 2004.301.21:53:25.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:53:25.38:midob 2004.301.21:53:25.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:53:25.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:53:25.62/cable/+3.5906946E-02 2004.301.21:53:25.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,13391,5590 2004.301.21:53:25.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,44787 2004.301.21:53:25.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8390 2004.301.21:53:25.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25071 2004.301.21:53:25.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13000 2004.301.21:53:26.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:53:27.07/tpi/1u,6142,2u,8393,3u,19545,4u,29650,i1,13407 2004.301.21:53:27.07/tpi/9u,5465,au,17846,bu,13002,cu,7940,du,7741,eu,$$$$$,i2,5590 2004.301.21:53:27.08/tpi/5u,31725,6u,25056,7u,36260,8u,13567,i3,44833 2004.301.21:53:27.09/tpdiff/1u,1845,2u,2537,3u,7019,4u,11324,i1,4975 2004.301.21:53:27.10/tpdiff/9u,1934,au,6705,bu,5236,cu,2662,du,2389,eu,$$$$$,i2,2237 2004.301.21:53:27.10/tpdiff/5u,13424,6u,8961,7u,12088,8u,3993,i3,17635 2004.301.21:53:27.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:53:27.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:53:27.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:53:27.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:53:27.13?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:53:27.13/tsys/1u,75.7,2u,72.8,3u,69.7,4u,66.9,i1,69.6 2004.301.21:53:27.13/tsys/9u,87.6,au,81.5,bu,75.1,cu,89.3,du,95.6,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,79.3 2004.301.21:53:27.14/tsys/5u,60.8,6u,71.8,7u,75.5,8u,81.3,i3,65.8 2004.301.21:53:27.96/fmout-gps/+6.3299E-006 2004.301.21:53:27.97:!2004.301.21:54:50 2004.301.21:53:28.04#setcl#time/363029022,4,2004,301,21,53,28.02,1.995,6.976,2 2004.301.21:53:28.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:54:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:54:50.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:54:50.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:54:50.26/disc_pos/72362983696,70856403560, 2004.301.21:54:50.27:disc_check 2004.301.21:54:50.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h54m50.185s,53980,0.00500s,80000,2477428832, 2004.301.21:54:50.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:54:50.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 138260 : 744 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 138198 : 799 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 138260 : 741 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 138217 : 807 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:50.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 138219 : 797 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:50.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 138206 : 795 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:50.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 138117 : 892 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:50.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 138250 : 755 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:50.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.301.21:54:50.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.25 2004.301.21:54:51.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.301.21:54:51.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.21:54:51.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.301.21:54:51.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:54:51.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.21:54:51.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.95 2004.301.21:54:51.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,68.31 2004.301.21:54:51.74:scan_name=301-2155,rd0408,75 2004.301.21:54:51.75:source=1726+455,172601.24,453304.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:54:54.77:setupnw 2004.301.21:54:59.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:59.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:54:59.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:54:59.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 115 ; 2004.301.21:54:59.05:!2004.301.21:55:41 2004.301.21:55:41.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:55:41.00/disc_pos/72362983696,72361983696, 2004.301.21:55:41.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:55:42.04:!2004.301.21:55:41 2004.301.21:55:42.04:preob 2004.301.21:55:42.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:55:42.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:55:45.62/tpical/1u,6001,2u,8678,3u,19874,4u,30421,i1,13722 2004.301.21:55:45.62/tpical/9u,6542,au,21797,bu,16263,cu,9331,du,20341,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.21:55:45.62/tpical/i2,6890 2004.301.21:55:45.62/tpical/5u,33169,6u,24971,7u,34963,8u,12377,i3,44447 2004.301.21:55:48.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,106 2004.301.21:55:48.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,758,bu,710,cu,510,du,601,eu,829,i2,57 2004.301.21:55:48.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,294,7u,1170,8u,1082,i3,180 2004.301.21:55:51.37:!2004.301.21:55:51 2004.301.21:55:51.37:disc_pos 2004.301.21:55:51.37/disc_pos/72506875904,72361983696, 2004.301.21:55:51.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:55:51.38:midob 2004.301.21:55:51.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:55:51.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:55:51.43/cable/+3.5908340E-02 2004.301.21:55:51.50/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8838,4643 2004.301.21:55:51.57/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,27875 2004.301.21:55:51.64/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6138 2004.301.21:55:51.71/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16315 2004.301.21:55:51.78/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10970 2004.301.21:55:52.34/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:55:52.86/tpi/1u,4197,2u,6138,3u,13011,4u,19418,i1,8845 2004.301.21:55:52.86/tpi/9u,4605,au,15066,bu,10975,cu,6665,du,19226,eu,$$$$$,i2,4644 2004.301.21:55:52.87/tpi/5u,20303,6u,16347,7u,23415,8u,8841,i3,27925 2004.301.21:55:52.88/tpdiff/1u,1804,2u,2540,3u,6863,4u,11003,i1,4877 2004.301.21:55:52.89/tpdiff/9u,1937,au,6731,bu,5288,cu,2666,du,1115,eu,$$$$$,i2,2246 2004.301.21:55:52.89/tpdiff/5u,12866,6u,8624,7u,11548,8u,3536,i3,16522 2004.301.21:55:52.90/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:55:52.91/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:55:52.91/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:55:52.92/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:55:52.93?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:55:52.94/tsys/1u,49.4,2u,49.6,3u,46.5,4u,44.7,i1,46.6 2004.301.21:55:52.94/tsys/9u,73.3,au,68.0,bu,62.1,cu,73.9,du,534.5,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.4 2004.301.21:55:52.95/tsys/5u,40.3,6u,48.4,7u,50.1,8u,57.1,i3,43.7 2004.301.21:55:53.96/fmout-gps/+6.3979E-006 2004.301.21:55:53.97:!2004.301.21:57:06 2004.301.21:55:54.04#setcl#time/363043621,4,2004,301,21,55,54.02,2.018,7.017,3 2004.301.21:55:54.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.21:57:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.21:57:06.00:disc_end 2004.301.21:57:06.26:disc_pos 2004.301.21:57:06.26/disc_pos/73709549280,72362983696, 2004.301.21:57:06.26:disc_check 2004.301.21:57:06.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d21h57m06.185s,24176,0.00500s,80000,829464220, 2004.301.21:57:06.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.21:57:06.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 140815 : 759 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:06.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 140755 : 813 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:06.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 140811 : 760 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 140777 : 818 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 140777 : 811 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:06.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 140763 : 809 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:06.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 140674 : 906 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 140808 : 768 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:06.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.301.21:57:06.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.37 2004.301.21:57:07.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.25 2004.301.21:57:07.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.21:57:07.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.301.21:57:07.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.21:57:07.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.21:57:07.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,24.63 2004.301.21:57:07.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.21:57:07.69:scan_name=301-2159,rd0408,40 2004.301.21:57:07.69:source=1741-038,174120.64,-034848.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.21:57:10.71:setupnw 2004.301.21:57:14.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:15.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.21:57:15.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.21:57:15.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 117 ; 2004.301.21:57:15.03:!2004.301.21:59:38 2004.301.21:57:18.26;"weather: overcast 2004.301.21:59:38.00:disc_pos 2004.301.21:59:38.00/disc_pos/73709549280,73708549280, 2004.301.21:59:38.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.21:59:39.03:!2004.301.21:59:38 2004.301.21:59:39.04:preob 2004.301.21:59:39.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:59:39.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:59:42.62/tpical/1u,6324,2u,9014,3u,21344,4u,33144,i1,14687 2004.301.21:59:42.62/tpical/9u,6742,au,22451,bu,16409,cu,9421,du,15466,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.21:59:42.62/tpical/i2,7106 2004.301.21:59:42.62/tpical/5u,36511,6u,27576,7u,39700,8u,17396,i3,50271 2004.301.21:59:45.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,499,i1,103 2004.301.21:59:45.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,759,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,828,i2,63 2004.301.21:59:45.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,295,7u,1170,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.21:59:48.37:!2004.301.21:59:48 2004.301.21:59:48.37:disc_pos 2004.301.21:59:48.37/disc_pos/73853440000,73708549280, 2004.301.21:59:48.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.21:59:48.38:midob 2004.301.21:59:48.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.21:59:48.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.21:59:48.66/cable/+3.5909219E-02 2004.301.21:59:48.73/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9666,4863 2004.301.21:59:48.80/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32401 2004.301.21:59:48.87/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6449 2004.301.21:59:48.94/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18462 2004.301.21:59:49.01/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11212 2004.301.21:59:49.57/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.21:59:50.09/tpi/1u,4460,2u,6447,3u,14273,4u,21638,i1,9664 2004.301.21:59:50.10/tpi/9u,4791,au,15692,bu,11212,cu,6853,du,14468,eu,$$$$$,i2,4868 2004.301.21:59:50.10/tpi/5u,22912,6u,18469,7u,27049,8u,13850,i3,32369 2004.301.21:59:50.11/tpdiff/1u,1864,2u,2567,3u,7071,4u,11506,i1,5023 2004.301.21:59:50.12/tpdiff/9u,1951,au,6759,bu,5197,cu,2568,du,998,eu,$$$$$,i2,2238 2004.301.21:59:50.12/tpdiff/5u,13599,6u,9107,7u,12651,8u,3546,i3,17902 2004.301.21:59:50.13/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.21:59:50.14/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.21:59:50.14/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.21:59:50.15/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.21:59:50.16?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.21:59:50.17/tsys/1u,51.5,2u,52.2,3u,49.8,4u,47.8,i1,49.5 2004.301.21:59:50.17/tsys/9u,75.7,au,70.7,bu,64.7,cu,79.0,du,444.7,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,68.7 2004.301.21:59:50.18/tsys/5u,43.1,6u,51.9,7u,53.2,8u,93.6,i3,46.7 2004.301.21:59:50.97/fmout-gps/+6.3924E-006 2004.301.21:59:50.97:!2004.301.22:00:28 2004.301.21:59:51.04#setcl#time/363067321,4,2004,301,21,59,51.02,1.999,7.082,2 2004.301.21:59:51.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:00:28.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:00:28.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:00:28.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:00:28.26/disc_pos/74496224800,73709549280, 2004.301.22:00:28.27:disc_check 2004.301.22:00:28.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h00m28.180s,5264,0.00500s,80000,2445263392, 2004.301.22:00:28.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:00:28.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 142313 : 764 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:28.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 142249 : 822 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:28.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 142300 : 774 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:28.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 142268 : 829 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:28.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 142269 : 822 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:28.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 142255 : 819 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:28.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 142168 : 915 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:28.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 142301 : 779 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:28.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.301.22:00:28.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.37 2004.301.22:00:29.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.37 2004.301.22:00:29.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.22:00:29.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.301.22:00:29.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.22:00:29.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.301.22:00:29.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.92 2004.301.22:00:29.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.22:00:29.73:scan_name=301-2202a,rd0408,80 2004.301.22:00:29.73:source=1606+106,160623.42,103700.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:00:32.75:setupnw 2004.301.22:00:37.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:37.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:00:37.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:00:37.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 119 ; 2004.301.22:00:37.05:!2004.301.22:02:07 2004.301.22:02:07.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:02:07.00/disc_pos/74496224800,74495224800, 2004.301.22:02:07.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:02:08.05:!2004.301.22:02:07 2004.301.22:02:08.06:preob 2004.301.22:02:08.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:02:08.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:02:11.64/tpical/1u,6245,2u,9025,3u,21431,4u,33336,i1,14740 2004.301.22:02:11.64/tpical/9u,6764,au,22465,bu,16630,cu,9580,du,16162,eu,27265 2004.301.22:02:11.64/tpical/i2,7090 2004.301.22:02:11.64/tpical/5u,36632,6u,27674,7u,39875,8u,14166,i3,49948 2004.301.22:02:14.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,103 2004.301.22:02:14.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,759,bu,711,cu,509,du,599,eu,826,i2,71 2004.301.22:02:14.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,293,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.22:02:17.38:!2004.301.22:02:17 2004.301.22:02:17.38:disc_pos 2004.301.22:02:17.38/disc_pos/74640113664,74495224800, 2004.301.22:02:17.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:02:17.39:midob 2004.301.22:02:17.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:02:17.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:02:17.70/cable/+3.5907729E-02 2004.301.22:02:17.77/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9709,4834 2004.301.22:02:17.84/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32107 2004.301.22:02:17.91/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6454 2004.301.22:02:17.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18570 2004.301.22:02:18.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11345 2004.301.22:02:18.61/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:02:19.14/tpi/1u,4388,2u,6446,3u,14350,4u,21789,i1,9710 2004.301.22:02:19.14/tpi/9u,4818,au,15689,bu,11345,cu,6883,du,13671,eu,26733,i2,4834 2004.301.22:02:19.15/tpi/5u,23033,6u,18570,7u,27237,8u,10092,i3,32107 2004.301.22:02:19.16/tpdiff/1u,1857,2u,2579,3u,7081,4u,11547,i1,5030 2004.301.22:02:19.16/tpdiff/9u,1946,au,6776,bu,5285,cu,2697,du,2491,eu,532,i2,2256 2004.301.22:02:19.17/tpdiff/5u,13599,6u,9104,7u,12638,8u,4074,i3,17841 2004.301.22:02:19.18/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:02:19.18/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:02:19.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:02:19.20/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:02:19.21/tsys/1u,50.7,2u,52.0,3u,50.0,4u,47.9,i1,49.7 2004.301.22:02:19.21/tsys/9u,76.4,au,70.5,bu,64.4,cu,75.6,du,167.9,eu,1558.3,i2,67.6 2004.301.22:02:19.22/tsys/5u,43.4,6u,52.2,7u,53.6,8u,57.5,i3,46.5 2004.301.22:02:19.96/fmout-gps/+6.4259E-006 2004.301.22:02:19.97:!2004.301.22:03:37 2004.301.22:02:20.04#setcl#time/363082220,3,2004,301,22,02,20.02,2.021,7.124,3 2004.301.22:02:20.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:03:37.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:03:37.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:03:37.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:03:37.27/disc_pos/75922636400,74496224800, 2004.301.22:03:37.27:disc_check 2004.301.22:03:37.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h03m37.190s,66736,0.00500s,80000,1597686928, 2004.301.22:03:37.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:03:37.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 145028 : 772 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:37.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 144958 : 838 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:37.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 145009 : 788 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 144978 : 842 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 144978 : 836 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 144962 : 835 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:37.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 144876 : 930 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:37.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 145013 : 790 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:37.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.301.22:03:37.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.37 2004.301.22:03:38.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.37 2004.301.22:03:38.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.22:03:38.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.301.22:03:38.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.22:03:38.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.22:03:38.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.86 2004.301.22:03:38.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.22:03:38.72:scan_name=301-2205,rd0408,40 2004.301.22:03:38.72:source=1749+096,174910.41,093942.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:03:41.74:setupnw 2004.301.22:03:46.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:46.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:03:46.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:03:46.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 121 ; 2004.301.22:03:46.05:!2004.301.22:05:39 2004.301.22:05:39.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:05:39.00/disc_pos/75922636400,75921636400, 2004.301.22:05:39.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:05:40.04:!2004.301.22:05:39 2004.301.22:05:40.04:preob 2004.301.22:05:40.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:05:40.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:05:43.62/tpical/1u,6216,2u,8841,3u,20867,4u,32397,i1,14323 2004.301.22:05:43.62/tpical/9u,6682,au,22258,bu,15822,cu,11631,du,50248,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.22:05:43.62/tpical/i2,7019 2004.301.22:05:43.62/tpical/5u,35677,6u,26896,7u,38883,8u,14393,i3,49047 2004.301.22:05:46.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,103 2004.301.22:05:46.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,760,bu,709,cu,510,du,602,eu,835,i2,60 2004.301.22:05:46.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,293,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.22:05:49.36:!2004.301.22:05:49 2004.301.22:05:49.36:disc_pos 2004.301.22:05:49.37/disc_pos/76066529280,75921636400, 2004.301.22:05:49.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:05:49.37:midob 2004.301.22:05:49.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:05:49.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:05:49.74/cable/+3.5908401E-02 2004.301.22:05:49.81/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9293,4763 2004.301.22:05:49.88/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31172 2004.301.22:05:49.95/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6255 2004.301.22:05:50.02/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17804 2004.301.22:05:50.09/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10758 2004.301.22:05:50.65/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:05:51.18/tpi/1u,4353,2u,6252,3u,13774,4u,20827,i1,9295 2004.301.22:05:51.18/tpi/9u,4729,au,15464,bu,10766,cu,9154,du,49393,eu,$$$$$,i2,4757 2004.301.22:05:51.19/tpi/5u,22057,6u,17804,7u,26101,8u,10238,i3,31199 2004.301.22:05:51.20/tpdiff/1u,1863,2u,2589,3u,7093,4u,11570,i1,5028 2004.301.22:05:51.20/tpdiff/9u,1953,au,6794,bu,5056,cu,2477,du,855,eu,$$$$$,i2,2262 2004.301.22:05:51.21/tpdiff/5u,13620,6u,9092,7u,12782,8u,4155,i3,17848 2004.301.22:05:51.22/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:05:51.22/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:05:51.23/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:05:51.24/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:05:51.25?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.22:05:51.25/tsys/1u,50.0,2u,49.8,3u,47.8,4u,45.7,i1,47.5 2004.301.22:05:51.26/tsys/9u,74.7,au,69.3,bu,63.7,cu,111.7,du,1826.1,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.22:05:51.26/tsys/i2,66.4 2004.301.22:05:51.27/tsys/5u,41.4,6u,50.1,7u,50.7,8u,57.3,i3,45.2 2004.301.22:05:51.97/fmout-gps/+6.3824E-006 2004.301.22:05:51.97:!2004.301.22:06:29 2004.301.22:05:52.04#setcl#time/363103420,4,2004,301,22,05,52.02,2.005,7.183,2 2004.301.22:05:52.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:06:29.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:06:29.01:disc_end 2004.301.22:06:29.27:disc_pos 2004.301.22:06:29.28/disc_pos/76709470808,75922636400, 2004.301.22:06:29.28:disc_check 2004.301.22:06:29.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h06m29.190s,3196,0.00500s,80000,1965229132, 2004.301.22:06:29.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:06:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 146518 : 785 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 146449 : 852 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 146502 : 798 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:29.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 146473 : 850 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 146471 : 846 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:29.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 146454 : 846 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:29.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 146369 : 939 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:29.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 146508 : 798 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:29.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.301.22:06:29.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.301.22:06:30.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.01 2004.301.22:06:30.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.22:06:30.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.301.22:06:30.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.22:06:30.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.22:06:30.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.86 2004.301.22:06:30.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.22:06:30.72:scan_name=301-2209,rd0408,40 2004.301.22:06:30.72:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:06:33.74:setupnw 2004.301.22:06:38.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:38.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:06:38.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:06:38.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 123 ; 2004.301.22:06:38.04:!2004.301.22:08:55 2004.301.22:08:55.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:08:55.00/disc_pos/76709470808,76708470808, 2004.301.22:08:55.00:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:08:56.04:!2004.301.22:08:55 2004.301.22:08:56.04:preob 2004.301.22:08:56.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:08:56.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:08:59.62/tpical/1u,6101,2u,8815,3u,20679,4u,32249,i1,14243 2004.301.22:08:59.62/tpical/9u,6697,au,22301,bu,16483,cu,9468,du,10155,eu,53286 2004.301.22:08:59.62/tpical/i2,6995 2004.301.22:08:59.62/tpical/5u,35538,6u,26891,7u,38701,8u,13527,i3,48293 2004.301.22:09:02.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,96 2004.301.22:09:02.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,759,bu,709,cu,511,du,601,eu,827,i2,50 2004.301.22:09:02.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,293,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.22:09:05.36:!2004.301.22:09:05 2004.301.22:09:05.36:disc_pos 2004.301.22:09:05.37/disc_pos/76853354496,76708470808, 2004.301.22:09:05.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:09:05.37:midob 2004.301.22:09:05.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:09:05.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:09:05.58/cable/+3.5907799E-02 2004.301.22:09:05.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9244,4737 2004.301.22:09:05.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30590 2004.301.22:09:05.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6249 2004.301.22:09:05.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17772 2004.301.22:09:05.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11178 2004.301.22:09:06.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:09:07.01/tpi/1u,4246,2u,6257,3u,13690,4u,20707,i1,9252 2004.301.22:09:07.02/tpi/9u,4744,au,15512,bu,11160,cu,6766,du,7518,eu,49768,i2,4740 2004.301.22:09:07.02/tpi/5u,21990,6u,17809,7u,26157,8u,9479,i3,30638 2004.301.22:09:07.03/tpdiff/1u,1855,2u,2558,3u,6989,4u,11542,i1,4991 2004.301.22:09:07.04/tpdiff/9u,1953,au,6789,bu,5323,cu,2702,du,2637,eu,3518,i2,2255 2004.301.22:09:07.04/tpdiff/5u,13548,6u,9082,7u,12544,8u,4048,i3,17655 2004.301.22:09:07.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:09:07.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:09:07.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:09:07.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:09:07.08/tsys/1u,48.8,2u,50.5,3u,48.2,4u,45.5,i1,47.7 2004.301.22:09:07.09/tsys/9u,75.0,au,69.5,bu,62.8,cu,74.1,du,83.9,eu,445.2,i2,66.6 2004.301.22:09:07.09/tsys/5u,41.5,6u,50.1,7u,51.8,8u,53.9,i3,44.9 2004.301.22:09:07.96/fmout-gps/+6.3724E-006 2004.301.22:09:07.97:!2004.301.22:09:45 2004.301.22:09:08.04#setcl#time/363123019,3,2004,301,22,09,08.02,2.023,7.237,3 2004.301.22:09:08.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:09:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:09:45.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:09:45.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:09:45.27/disc_pos/77496137888,76709470808, 2004.301.22:09:45.27:disc_check 2004.301.22:09:45.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h09m45.190s,71224,0.00500s,80000,2349264892, 2004.301.22:09:45.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:09:45.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 148005 : 801 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:45.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 147942 : 863 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 147999 : 804 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:45.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 147969 : 857 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:45.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 147961 : 858 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:45.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 147948 : 855 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:45.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 147862 : 948 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:45.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 147999 : 810 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:45.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.301.22:09:45.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.301.22:09:46.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.01 2004.301.22:09:46.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.22:09:46.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.69 2004.301.22:09:46.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.301.22:09:46.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.22:09:46.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.80 2004.301.22:09:46.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.22:09:46.72:scan_name=301-2216,rd0408,40 2004.301.22:09:46.72:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:09:49.74:setupnw 2004.301.22:09:54.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:54.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:09:54.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:09:54.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 125 ; 2004.301.22:09:54.04:!2004.301.22:16:48 2004.301.22:16:48.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:16:48.00/disc_pos/77496137888,77495137888, 2004.301.22:16:48.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:16:49.04:!2004.301.22:16:48 2004.301.22:16:49.05:preob 2004.301.22:16:49.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:16:49.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:16:52.63/tpical/1u,6020,2u,8691,3u,20478,4u,31974,i1,14067 2004.301.22:16:52.63/tpical/9u,6625,au,22263,bu,16416,cu,9461,du,9736,eu,20276,i2,6978 2004.301.22:16:52.63/tpical/5u,35536,6u,26991,7u,39110,8u,13537,i3,48594 2004.301.22:16:55.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,94 2004.301.22:16:55.28/tpzero/9u,168,au,758,bu,709,cu,510,du,601,eu,823,i2,54 2004.301.22:16:55.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,295,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.22:16:58.37:!2004.301.22:16:58 2004.301.22:16:58.37:disc_pos 2004.301.22:16:58.37/disc_pos/77640028160,77495137888, 2004.301.22:16:58.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:16:58.38:midob 2004.301.22:16:58.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:16:58.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:16:58.62/cable/+3.5906531E-02 2004.301.22:16:58.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9131,4701 2004.301.22:16:58.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30780 2004.301.22:16:58.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6142 2004.301.22:16:58.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17878 2004.301.22:16:58.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11090 2004.301.22:16:59.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:17:00.06/tpi/1u,4185,2u,6140,3u,13534,4u,20540,i1,9133 2004.301.22:17:00.06/tpi/9u,4676,au,15439,bu,11114,cu,6756,du,6995,eu,16778,i2,4700 2004.301.22:17:00.07/tpi/5u,22034,6u,17867,7u,26396,8u,9478,i3,30772 2004.301.22:17:00.08/tpdiff/1u,1835,2u,2551,3u,6944,4u,11434,i1,4934 2004.301.22:17:00.08/tpdiff/9u,1949,au,6824,bu,5302,cu,2705,du,2741,eu,3498,i2,2278 2004.301.22:17:00.09/tpdiff/5u,13502,6u,9124,7u,12714,8u,4059,i3,17822 2004.301.22:17:00.10/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:17:00.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:17:00.11/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:17:00.12/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:17:00.13/tsys/1u,48.4,2u,49.4,3u,47.9,4u,45.6,i1,47.6 2004.301.22:17:00.14/tsys/9u,74.0,au,68.8,bu,62.8,cu,73.9,du,74.6,eu,146.0,i2,65.3 2004.301.22:17:00.14/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,50.1,7u,51.6,8u,53.8,i3,44.6 2004.301.22:17:00.96/fmout-gps/+6.4484E-006 2004.301.22:17:00.97:!2004.301.22:17:38 2004.301.22:17:01.04#setcl#time/363170318,3,2004,301,22,17,01.02,2.019,7.369,3 2004.301.22:17:01.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:17:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:17:38.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:17:38.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:17:38.26/disc_pos/78282651888,77496137888, 2004.301.22:17:38.26:disc_check 2004.301.22:17:38.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h17m38.185s,44944,0.00500s,80000,6781432280, 2004.301.22:17:38.63:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:17:38.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 149495 : 812 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:38.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 149432 : 876 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 149492 : 815 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 149463 : 865 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 149452 : 870 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:38.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 149438 : 867 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:38.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 149354 : 959 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:38.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 149492 : 819 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:38.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.05 2004.301.22:17:38.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.88 2004.301.22:17:39.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.88 2004.301.22:17:39.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.22:17:39.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.20 2004.301.22:17:39.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.22:17:39.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.301.22:17:39.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.86 2004.301.22:17:39.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.22:17:39.70:scan_name=301-2221a,rd0408,100 2004.301.22:17:39.70:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:17:42.71:setupnw 2004.301.22:17:47.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:47.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:17:47.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:17:47.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 127 ; 2004.301.22:17:47.05:!2004.301.22:21:22 2004.301.22:21:22.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:21:22.00/disc_pos/78282651888,78281651888, 2004.301.22:21:22.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:21:23.05:!2004.301.22:21:22 2004.301.22:21:23.05:preob 2004.301.22:21:23.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:21:23.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:21:26.64/tpical/1u,6111,2u,8874,3u,21107,4u,33038,i1,14512 2004.301.22:21:26.64/tpical/9u,6704,au,22465,bu,16484,cu,9566,du,11343,eu,25108 2004.301.22:21:26.64/tpical/i2,7023 2004.301.22:21:26.64/tpical/5u,36661,6u,27750,7u,40343,8u,13988,i3,50189 2004.301.22:21:29.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,103 2004.301.22:21:29.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,757,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,824,i2,62 2004.301.22:21:29.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,294,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.22:21:32.38:!2004.301.22:21:32 2004.301.22:21:32.38:disc_pos 2004.301.22:21:32.40/disc_pos/78426542080,78281651888, 2004.301.22:21:32.40:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:21:32.41:midob 2004.301.22:21:32.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:21:32.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:21:32.58/cable/+3.5908236E-02 2004.301.22:21:32.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9443,4759 2004.301.22:21:32.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31832 2004.301.22:21:32.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6295 2004.301.22:21:32.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18415 2004.301.22:21:32.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11143 2004.301.22:21:33.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:21:34.03/tpi/1u,4256,2u,6291,3u,13926,4u,21325,i1,9443 2004.301.22:21:34.03/tpi/9u,4752,au,15629,bu,11151,cu,6853,du,9130,eu,22286,i2,4761 2004.301.22:21:34.04/tpi/5u,22720,6u,18406,7u,27279,8u,9806,i3,31836 2004.301.22:21:34.05/tpdiff/1u,1855,2u,2583,3u,7181,4u,11713,i1,5069 2004.301.22:21:34.05/tpdiff/9u,1952,au,6836,bu,5333,cu,2713,du,2213,eu,2822,i2,2262 2004.301.22:21:34.06/tpdiff/5u,13941,6u,9344,7u,13064,8u,4182,i3,18353 2004.301.22:21:34.07/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:21:34.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:21:34.08/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:21:34.09/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:21:34.10/tsys/1u,48.9,2u,50.3,3u,47.7,4u,46.2,i1,47.9 2004.301.22:21:34.11/tsys/9u,75.1,au,69.6,bu,62.6,cu,74.8,du,123.3,eu,243.4,i2,66.5 2004.301.22:21:34.11/tsys/5u,41.7,6u,50.4,7u,52.0,8u,54.2,i3,44.8 2004.301.22:21:34.97/fmout-gps/+6.4304E-006 2004.301.22:21:34.97:!2004.301.22:23:12 2004.301.22:21:35.04#setcl#time/363197718,4,2004,301,22,21,35.02,1.999,7.445,2 2004.301.22:21:35.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:23:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:23:12.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:23:12.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:23:12.26/disc_pos/80029096536,78282651888, 2004.301.22:23:12.27:disc_check 2004.301.22:23:12.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h23m12.180s,7180,0.00500s,80000,3597513116, 2004.301.22:23:12.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:23:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 152810 : 831 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 152748 : 895 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 152808 : 832 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:12.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 152781 : 880 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:12.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 152763 : 891 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:12.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 152757 : 882 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:12.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 152668 : 978 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:12.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 152806 : 839 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:12.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.301.22:23:12.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.64 2004.301.22:23:13.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.64 2004.301.22:23:13.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.22:23:13.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.20 2004.301.22:23:13.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.22:23:13.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.22:23:13.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.68 2004.301.22:23:13.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.22:23:13.71:scan_name=301-2232a,rd0408,40 2004.301.22:23:13.71:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:23:16.73:setupnw 2004.301.22:23:21.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:21.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:23:21.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:23:21.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 129 ; 2004.301.22:23:21.05:!2004.301.22:32:05 2004.301.22:32:05.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:32:05.00/disc_pos/80029096536,80028096536, 2004.301.22:32:05.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:32:06.03:!2004.301.22:32:05 2004.301.22:32:06.04:preob 2004.301.22:32:06.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:32:06.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:32:09.61/tpical/1u,6141,2u,8833,3u,21247,4u,33343,i1,14570 2004.301.22:32:09.61/tpical/9u,6730,au,22444,bu,16423,cu,9594,du,11107,eu,51586 2004.301.22:32:09.61/tpical/i2,7045 2004.301.22:32:09.61/tpical/5u,37147,6u,28134,7u,40813,8u,14110,i3,50698 2004.301.22:32:12.26/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,98 2004.301.22:32:12.26/tpzero/9u,169,au,756,bu,708,cu,511,du,601,eu,826,i2,48 2004.301.22:32:12.26/tpzero/5u,343,6u,290,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.22:32:15.35:!2004.301.22:32:15 2004.301.22:32:15.35:disc_pos 2004.301.22:32:15.37/disc_pos/80172990464,80028096536, 2004.301.22:32:15.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:32:15.38:midob 2004.301.22:32:15.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:32:15.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:32:15.54/cable/+3.5909776E-02 2004.301.22:32:15.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9455,4864 2004.301.22:32:15.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32099 2004.301.22:32:15.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6257 2004.301.22:32:15.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18605 2004.301.22:32:15.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11068 2004.301.22:32:16.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:32:16.97/tpi/1u,4273,2u,6256,3u,14020,4u,21468,i1,9454 2004.301.22:32:16.97/tpi/9u,4751,au,15587,bu,11067,cu,6879,du,9305,eu,49985,i2,4827 2004.301.22:32:16.98/tpi/5u,23004,6u,18594,7u,27502,8u,9860,i3,32097 2004.301.22:32:16.99/tpdiff/1u,1868,2u,2577,3u,7227,4u,11875,i1,5116 2004.301.22:32:16.99/tpdiff/9u,1979,au,6857,bu,5356,cu,2715,du,1802,eu,1601,i2,2218 2004.301.22:32:17.00/tpdiff/5u,14143,6u,9540,7u,13311,8u,4250,i3,18601 2004.301.22:32:17.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:32:17.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:32:17.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:32:17.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:32:17.04/tsys/1u,48.8,2u,50.1,3u,47.8,4u,45.9,i1,47.5 2004.301.22:32:17.05/tsys/9u,74.1,au,69.2,bu,61.9,cu,75.1,du,154.6,eu,982.6,i2,68.9 2004.301.22:32:17.05/tsys/5u,41.7,6u,49.9,7u,51.4,8u,53.7,i3,44.6 2004.301.22:32:17.96/fmout-gps/+6.4084E-006 2004.301.22:32:17.97:!2004.301.22:32:55 2004.301.22:32:18.03#setcl#time/363262016,4,2004,301,22,32,18.02,2.015,7.623,3 2004.301.22:32:18.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:32:55.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:32:55.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:32:55.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:32:55.27/disc_pos/80815771328,80029096536, 2004.301.22:32:55.27:disc_check 2004.301.22:32:55.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h32m55.185s,6068,0.00500s,80000,8541406320, 2004.301.22:32:55.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:32:55.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 154302 : 843 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:32:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 154243 : 903 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:32:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 154303 : 840 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:32:55.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 154275 : 889 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:32:55.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 154255 : 902 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:32:55.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 154247 : 894 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:32:55.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 154162 : 987 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:32:55.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 154295 : 852 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:32:55.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.56 2004.301.22:32:55.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.52 2004.301.22:32:56.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.64 2004.301.22:32:56.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.22:32:56.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.301.22:32:56.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.22:32:56.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.22:32:56.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.74 2004.301.22:32:56.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.301.22:32:56.69:scan_name=301-2235,rd0408,67 2004.301.22:32:56.69:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:32:59.71:setupnw 2004.301.22:33:03.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:33:04.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:33:04.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:33:04.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 131 ; 2004.301.22:33:04.03:!2004.301.22:34:57 2004.301.22:34:57.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:34:57.00/disc_pos/80815771328,80814771328, 2004.301.22:34:57.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:34:58.03:!2004.301.22:34:57 2004.301.22:34:58.04:preob 2004.301.22:34:58.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:34:58.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:35:01.62/tpical/1u,6197,2u,8921,3u,21496,4u,33750,i1,14780 2004.301.22:35:01.62/tpical/9u,6747,au,22492,bu,16505,cu,9542,du,11397,eu,45246 2004.301.22:35:01.62/tpical/i2,7067 2004.301.22:35:01.62/tpical/5u,37542,6u,28521,7u,41277,8u,14263,i3,51408 2004.301.22:35:04.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,499,i1,93 2004.301.22:35:04.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,757,bu,708,cu,511,du,602,eu,825,i2,47 2004.301.22:35:04.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,292,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.301.22:35:07.36:!2004.301.22:35:07 2004.301.22:35:07.36:disc_pos 2004.301.22:35:07.36/disc_pos/80959664128,80814771328, 2004.301.22:35:07.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:35:07.37:midob 2004.301.22:35:07.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:35:07.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:35:07.61/cable/+3.5910639E-02 2004.301.22:35:07.68/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9687,4790 2004.301.22:35:07.75/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32833 2004.301.22:35:07.82/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6357 2004.301.22:35:07.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19028 2004.301.22:35:07.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11138 2004.301.22:35:08.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:35:09.07/tpi/1u,4338,2u,6355,3u,14363,4u,21923,i1,9677 2004.301.22:35:09.07/tpi/9u,4778,au,15628,bu,11139,cu,6886,du,9211,eu,41337,i2,4791 2004.301.22:35:09.08/tpi/5u,23447,6u,19006,7u,28013,8u,10033,i3,32819 2004.301.22:35:09.09/tpdiff/1u,1859,2u,2566,3u,7133,4u,11827,i1,5103 2004.301.22:35:09.09/tpdiff/9u,1969,au,6864,bu,5366,cu,2656,du,2186,eu,3909,i2,2276 2004.301.22:35:09.10/tpdiff/5u,14095,6u,9515,7u,13264,8u,4230,i3,18589 2004.301.22:35:09.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:35:09.11/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:35:09.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:35:09.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:35:09.14/tsys/1u,49.9,2u,51.3,3u,49.7,4u,47.1,i1,48.8 2004.301.22:35:09.15/tsys/9u,74.9,au,69.3,bu,62.2,cu,76.8,du,126.0,eu,331.6,i2,66.7 2004.301.22:35:09.15/tsys/5u,42.6,6u,51.1,7u,52.6,8u,55.0,i3,45.6 2004.301.22:35:09.96/fmout-gps/+6.3889E-006 2004.301.22:35:09.96:!2004.301.22:36:14 2004.301.22:35:10.03#setcl#time/363279216,4,2004,301,22,35,10.02,2.002,7.671,3 2004.301.22:35:10.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:36:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:36:14.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:36:14.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:36:14.27/disc_pos/82034326680,80815771328, 2004.301.22:36:14.27:disc_check 2004.301.22:36:14.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h36m14.185s,62488,0.00500s,80000,1965388228, 2004.301.22:36:14.66:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:36:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 156615 : 857 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 156556 : 916 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 156620 : 850 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 156591 : 900 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:14.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 156565 : 917 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:14.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 156564 : 904 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:14.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 156471 : 1003 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:14.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 156607 : 867 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:14.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.301.22:36:14.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.39 2004.301.22:36:15.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.52 2004.301.22:36:15.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.22:36:15.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.301.22:36:15.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.22:36:15.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,37.93 2004.301.22:36:15.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.86 2004.301.22:36:15.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.22:36:15.71:scan_name=301-2242,rd0408,95 2004.301.22:36:15.71:source=1606+106,160623.42,103700.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:36:18.73:setupnw 2004.301.22:36:23.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:23.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:36:23.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:36:23.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 133 ; 2004.301.22:36:23.04:!2004.301.22:42:36 2004.301.22:42:36.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:42:36.00/disc_pos/82034326680,82033326680, 2004.301.22:42:36.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:42:37.05:!2004.301.22:42:36 2004.301.22:42:37.05:preob 2004.301.22:42:37.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:42:37.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:42:40.65/tpical/1u,6500,2u,9102,3u,21894,4u,33975,i1,15014 2004.301.22:42:40.65/tpical/9u,6916,au,22949,bu,16863,cu,9873,du,9182,eu,39966,i2,7258 2004.301.22:42:40.65/tpical/5u,37305,6u,28047,7u,40251,8u,14526,i3,50684 2004.301.22:42:43.31/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,101 2004.301.22:42:43.31/tpzero/9u,170,au,756,bu,709,cu,511,du,601,eu,825,i2,62 2004.301.22:42:43.31/tpzero/5u,344,6u,294,7u,1171,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.301.22:42:46.40:!2004.301.22:42:46 2004.301.22:42:46.40:disc_pos 2004.301.22:42:46.42/disc_pos/82178220032,82033326680, 2004.301.22:42:46.42:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:42:46.43:midob 2004.301.22:42:46.43#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:42:46.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:42:46.62/cable/+3.5908486E-02 2004.301.22:42:46.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9991,4974 2004.301.22:42:46.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32929 2004.301.22:42:46.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6555 2004.301.22:42:46.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18982 2004.301.22:42:46.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11496 2004.301.22:42:47.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:42:48.07/tpi/1u,4661,2u,6563,3u,14787,4u,22383,i1,9990 2004.301.22:42:48.07/tpi/9u,4946,au,16071,bu,11509,cu,7136,du,6720,eu,34650,i2,4973 2004.301.22:42:48.08/tpi/5u,23647,6u,18960,7u,27778,8u,10434,i3,32928 2004.301.22:42:48.09/tpdiff/1u,1839,2u,2539,3u,7107,4u,11592,i1,5024 2004.301.22:42:48.09/tpdiff/9u,1970,au,6878,bu,5354,cu,2737,du,2462,eu,5316,i2,2285 2004.301.22:42:48.10/tpdiff/5u,13658,6u,9087,7u,12473,8u,4092,i3,17756 2004.301.22:42:48.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:42:48.11/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:42:48.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:42:48.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:42:48.14/tsys/1u,55.0,2u,54.0,3u,51.4,4u,49.1,i1,51.2 2004.301.22:42:48.15/tsys/9u,77.6,au,71.3,bu,64.5,cu,77.5,du,79.5,eu,203.6,i2,68.8 2004.301.22:42:48.16/tsys/5u,44.4,6u,53.4,7u,55.5,8u,59.4,i3,48.0 2004.301.22:42:48.96/fmout-gps/+6.4079E-006 2004.301.22:42:48.96:!2004.301.22:44:21 2004.301.22:42:49.02#setcl#time/363325114,4,2004,301,22,42,49.01,2.000,7.799,3 2004.301.22:42:49.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:44:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:44:21.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:44:21.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:44:21.27/disc_pos/83700603672,82034326680, 2004.301.22:44:21.27:disc_check 2004.301.22:44:21.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h44m21.180s,4964,0.00500s,80000,6125700532, 2004.301.22:44:21.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:44:21.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 159781 : 871 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 159722 : 931 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 159785 : 867 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 159752 : 920 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 159732 : 931 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 159725 : 923 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 159635 : 1020 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 159777 : 877 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:21.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.301.22:44:21.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.91 2004.301.22:44:22.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.15 2004.301.22:44:22.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.22:44:22.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.07 2004.301.22:44:22.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.687 2004.301.22:44:22.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.301.22:44:22.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.68 2004.301.22:44:22.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.22:44:22.74:scan_name=301-2245,rd0408,40 2004.301.22:44:22.74:source=1741-038,174120.64,-034848.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:44:25.76:setupnw 2004.301.22:44:30.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:30.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:44:30.05/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:44:30.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 135 ; 2004.301.22:44:30.06:!2004.301.22:45:04 2004.301.22:45:04.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:45:04.00/disc_pos/83700603672,83699603672, 2004.301.22:45:04.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:45:05.04:!2004.301.22:45:04 2004.301.22:45:05.04:preob 2004.301.22:45:05.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:45:05.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:45:08.63/tpical/1u,6307,2u,9047,3u,21807,4u,33944,i1,14941 2004.301.22:45:08.63/tpical/9u,6890,au,22870,bu,16780,cu,9776,du,12160,eu,41587 2004.301.22:45:08.63/tpical/i2,7247 2004.301.22:45:08.63/tpical/5u,37234,6u,27805,7u,39839,8u,16940,i3,50955 2004.301.22:45:11.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,100 2004.301.22:45:11.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,756,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,826,i2,65 2004.301.22:45:11.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,294,7u,1169,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.301.22:45:14.37:!2004.301.22:45:14 2004.301.22:45:14.37:disc_pos 2004.301.22:45:14.37/disc_pos/83844497408,83699603672, 2004.301.22:45:14.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:45:14.38:midob 2004.301.22:45:14.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:45:14.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:45:14.58/cable/+3.5909820E-02 2004.301.22:45:14.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9880,4964 2004.301.22:45:14.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32845 2004.301.22:45:14.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6491 2004.301.22:45:14.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18696 2004.301.22:45:14.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11445 2004.301.22:45:15.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:45:16.01/tpi/1u,4420,2u,6500,3u,14606,4u,22261,i1,9881 2004.301.22:45:16.02/tpi/9u,4917,au,16018,bu,11446,cu,7106,du,9879,eu,37401,i2,4964 2004.301.22:45:16.02/tpi/5u,23493,6u,18714,7u,27347,8u,11952,i3,32758 2004.301.22:45:16.03/tpdiff/1u,1887,2u,2547,3u,7201,4u,11683,i1,5060 2004.301.22:45:16.04/tpdiff/9u,1973,au,6852,bu,5334,cu,2670,du,2281,eu,4186,i2,2283 2004.301.22:45:16.04/tpdiff/5u,13741,6u,9091,7u,12492,8u,4988,i3,18197 2004.301.22:45:16.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:45:16.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:45:16.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:45:16.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:45:16.08/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,53.2,3u,50.1,4u,48.4,i1,50.3 2004.301.22:45:16.09/tsys/9u,77.0,au,71.3,bu,64.4,cu,79.1,du,130.2,eu,279.6,i2,68.7 2004.301.22:45:16.09/tsys/5u,43.8,6u,52.7,7u,54.5,8u,56.6,i3,46.5 2004.301.22:45:16.96/fmout-gps/+6.4014E-006 2004.301.22:45:16.97:!2004.301.22:45:54 2004.301.22:45:17.04#setcl#time/363339914,3,2004,301,22,45,17.02,2.020,7.840,3 2004.301.22:45:17.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:45:54.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:45:54.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:45:54.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:45:54.27/disc_pos/84487278912,83700603672, 2004.301.22:45:54.28:disc_check 2004.301.22:45:54.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h45m54.190s,36988,0.00500s,80000,701452736, 2004.301.22:45:54.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:45:54.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 161270 : 885 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:45:54.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 161216 : 939 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:45:54.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 161281 : 874 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:45:54.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 161246 : 930 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:45:54.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 161222 : 944 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:45:54.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 161218 : 933 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:45:54.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 161130 : 1027 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:45:54.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 161269 : 888 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:45:54.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.301.22:45:54.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.91 2004.301.22:45:55.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.03 2004.301.22:45:55.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.22:45:55.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.301.22:45:55.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.22:45:55.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.22:45:55.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.301.22:45:55.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.22:45:55.70:scan_name=301-2250a,rd0408,89 2004.301.22:45:55.70:source=1418+546,141806.21,543658.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:45:58.72:setupnw 2004.301.22:46:03.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:46:03.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:46:03.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:46:03.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 137 ; 2004.301.22:46:03.05:!2004.301.22:49:52 2004.301.22:49:52.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:49:52.00/disc_pos/84487278912,84486278912, 2004.301.22:49:52.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:49:53.06:!2004.301.22:49:52 2004.301.22:49:53.06:preob 2004.301.22:49:53.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:49:53.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:49:56.65/tpical/1u,6163,2u,8954,3u,21246,4u,32350,i1,14480 2004.301.22:49:56.65/tpical/9u,6861,au,22765,bu,16769,cu,9860,du,11057,eu,26693 2004.301.22:49:56.65/tpical/i2,7190 2004.301.22:49:56.65/tpical/5u,34815,6u,26183,7u,36231,8u,12575,i3,46846 2004.301.22:49:59.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,100 2004.301.22:49:59.30/tpzero/9u,172,au,756,bu,710,cu,511,du,601,eu,826,i2,58 2004.301.22:49:59.30/tpzero/5u,343,6u,293,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.22:50:02.39:!2004.301.22:50:02 2004.301.22:50:02.39:disc_pos 2004.301.22:50:02.40/disc_pos/84631166976,84486278912, 2004.301.22:50:02.40:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:50:02.40:midob 2004.301.22:50:02.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:50:02.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:50:02.57/cable/+3.5910069E-02 2004.301.22:50:02.64/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9538,4890 2004.301.22:50:02.71/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30176 2004.301.22:50:02.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6396 2004.301.22:50:02.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17622 2004.301.22:50:02.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11354 2004.301.22:50:03.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:50:04.01/tpi/1u,4329,2u,6396,3u,14170,4u,21083,i1,9528 2004.301.22:50:04.02/tpi/9u,4871,au,15823,bu,11344,cu,7119,du,9071,eu,23018,i2,4892 2004.301.22:50:04.02/tpi/5u,21908,6u,17616,7u,24873,8u,8946,i3,30115 2004.301.22:50:04.03/tpdiff/1u,1834,2u,2558,3u,7076,4u,11267,i1,4952 2004.301.22:50:04.04/tpdiff/9u,1990,au,6942,bu,5425,cu,2741,du,1986,eu,3675,i2,2298 2004.301.22:50:04.04/tpdiff/5u,12907,6u,8567,7u,11358,8u,3629,i3,16731 2004.301.22:50:04.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:50:04.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:50:04.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:50:04.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:50:04.08/tsys/1u,50.5,2u,51.9,3u,49.3,4u,47.5,i1,49.5 2004.301.22:50:04.09/tsys/9u,75.6,au,69.5,bu,62.7,cu,77.1,du,136.5,eu,193.2,i2,67.3 2004.301.22:50:04.09/tsys/5u,43.4,6u,52.6,7u,54.3,8u,56.3,i3,46.5 2004.301.22:50:04.96/fmout-gps/+6.3859E-006 2004.301.22:50:04.96:!2004.301.22:51:31 2004.301.22:50:05.03#setcl#time/363368714,4,2004,301,22,50,05.02,2.000,7.920,3 2004.301.22:50:05.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:51:31.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:51:31.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:51:31.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:51:31.27/disc_pos/86057544424,84487278912, 2004.301.22:51:31.27:disc_check 2004.301.22:51:31.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h51m31.190s,79360,0.00500s,80000,3821692116, 2004.301.22:51:31.66:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:51:31.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 164247 : 905 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:31.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 164196 : 956 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:31.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 164258 : 894 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:31.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 164227 : 947 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:31.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 164212 : 952 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:31.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 164204 : 945 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:31.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 164108 : 1046 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:31.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 164246 : 908 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:31.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.301.22:51:31.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.66 2004.301.22:51:32.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.301.22:51:32.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.22:51:32.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.301.22:51:32.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.22:51:32.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.22:51:32.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.61 2004.301.22:51:32.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.301.22:51:32.70:scan_name=301-2253,rd0408,210 2004.301.22:51:32.70:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:51:35.72:setupnw 2004.301.22:51:40.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:40.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:51:40.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:51:40.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 139 ; 2004.301.22:51:40.05:!2004.301.22:53:21 2004.301.22:53:21.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:53:21.00/disc_pos/86057544424,86056544424, 2004.301.22:53:21.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:53:22.04:!2004.301.22:53:21 2004.301.22:53:22.04:preob 2004.301.22:53:22.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:53:22.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:53:25.62/tpical/1u,6363,2u,9175,3u,22403,4u,34983,i1,15354 2004.301.22:53:25.62/tpical/9u,6948,au,22941,bu,16882,cu,9832,du,23214,eu,34186 2004.301.22:53:25.62/tpical/i2,7239 2004.301.22:53:25.62/tpical/5u,38874,6u,29125,7u,42233,8u,14593,i3,52840 2004.301.22:53:28.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,499,i1,97 2004.301.22:53:28.27/tpzero/9u,170,au,756,bu,709,cu,512,du,602,eu,824,i2,53 2004.301.22:53:28.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,292,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.22:53:31.36:!2004.301.22:53:31 2004.301.22:53:31.36:disc_pos 2004.301.22:53:31.37/disc_pos/86201438208,86056544424, 2004.301.22:53:31.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:53:31.38:midob 2004.301.22:53:31.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:53:31.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:53:31.74/cable/+3.5912218E-02 2004.301.22:53:31.81/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10221,4939 2004.301.22:53:31.88/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34289 2004.301.22:53:31.95/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6611 2004.301.22:53:32.02/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19698 2004.301.22:53:32.09/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11467 2004.301.22:53:32.65/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:53:33.17/tpi/1u,4513,2u,6609,3u,15162,4u,23011,i1,10226 2004.301.22:53:33.17/tpi/9u,4949,au,16022,bu,11464,cu,7091,du,18544,eu,30960,i2,4939 2004.301.22:53:33.18/tpi/5u,24636,6u,19698,7u,29108,8u,10377,i3,34314 2004.301.22:53:33.19/tpdiff/1u,1850,2u,2566,3u,7241,4u,11972,i1,5128 2004.301.22:53:33.19/tpdiff/9u,1999,au,6919,bu,5418,cu,2741,du,4670,eu,3226,i2,2300 2004.301.22:53:33.20/tpdiff/5u,14238,6u,9427,7u,13125,8u,4216,i3,18526 2004.301.22:53:33.21/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:53:33.22/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:53:33.22/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:53:33.23/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:53:33.24/tsys/1u,52.6,2u,53.9,3u,51.8,4u,48.9,i1,51.4 2004.301.22:53:33.25/tsys/9u,76.5,au,70.6,bu,63.5,cu,76.8,du,122.9,eu,298.9,i2,68.0 2004.301.22:53:33.25/tsys/5u,44.4,6u,53.5,7u,55.3,8u,57.3,i3,47.9 2004.301.22:53:33.96/fmout-gps/+6.3784E-006 2004.301.22:53:33.97:!2004.301.22:57:01 2004.301.22:53:34.04#setcl#time/363389614,4,2004,301,22,53,34.03,2.016,7.978,3 2004.301.22:53:34.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:57:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:57:01.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:57:01.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:57:01.27/disc_pos/89564313816,86057544424, 2004.301.22:57:01.28:disc_check 2004.301.22:57:01.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h57m01.195s,16392,0.00500s,80000,1773373576, 2004.301.22:57:01.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:57:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 170900 : 944 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:01.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 170854 : 989 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:01.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 170916 : 928 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:01.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 170884 : 981 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:01.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 170873 : 982 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:01.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 170867 : 975 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:01.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 170767 : 1078 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:01.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 170905 : 941 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:01.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.301.22:57:01.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.42 2004.301.22:57:02.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.66 2004.301.22:57:02.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.22:57:02.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.301.22:57:02.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.22:57:02.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.22:57:02.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.68 2004.301.22:57:02.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.22:57:02.71:scan_name=301-2257,rd0408,75 2004.301.22:57:02.71:source=1308+326,130807.57,323640.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:57:05.73:setupnw 2004.301.22:57:09.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:10.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:57:10.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:57:10.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 141 ; 2004.301.22:57:10.03:!2004.301.22:57:44 2004.301.22:57:44.00:disc_pos 2004.301.22:57:44.00/disc_pos/89564313816,89563313816, 2004.301.22:57:44.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.22:57:45.04:!2004.301.22:57:44 2004.301.22:57:45.04:preob 2004.301.22:57:45.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:57:45.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:57:48.62/tpical/1u,7912,2u,10862,3u,26975,4u,41597,i1,18542 2004.301.22:57:48.62/tpical/9u,7556,au,24978,bu,18365,cu,10754,du,15523,eu,42125 2004.301.22:57:48.62/tpical/i2,7926 2004.301.22:57:48.62/tpical/5u,45848,6u,34466,7u,49173,8u,17016,i3,62915 2004.301.22:57:51.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,90 2004.301.22:57:51.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,756,bu,708,cu,512,du,601,eu,825,i2,48 2004.301.22:57:51.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,293,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.22:57:54.36:!2004.301.22:57:54 2004.301.22:57:54.37:disc_pos 2004.301.22:57:54.37/disc_pos/89708208128,89563313816, 2004.301.22:57:54.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.22:57:54.38:midob 2004.301.22:57:54.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.22:57:54.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.22:57:54.53/cable/+3.5913187E-02 2004.301.22:57:54.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,13565,5631 2004.301.22:57:54.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,45219 2004.301.22:57:54.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8359 2004.301.22:57:54.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25580 2004.301.22:57:54.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12984 2004.301.22:57:55.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.22:57:55.99/tpi/1u,6085,2u,8356,3u,19999,4u,30222,i1,13572 2004.301.22:57:56.00/tpi/9u,5567,au,18101,bu,12983,cu,8020,du,13278,eu,39586,i2,5632 2004.301.22:57:56.00/tpi/5u,32376,6u,25607,7u,37004,8u,13064,i3,45317 2004.301.22:57:56.01/tpdiff/1u,1827,2u,2506,3u,6976,4u,11375,i1,4970 2004.301.22:57:56.02/tpdiff/9u,1989,au,6877,bu,5382,cu,2734,du,2245,eu,2539,i2,2294 2004.301.22:57:56.02/tpdiff/5u,13472,6u,8859,7u,12169,8u,3952,i3,17598 2004.301.22:57:56.03/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.22:57:56.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.22:57:56.04/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.22:57:56.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.22:57:56.06/tsys/1u,75.7,2u,73.3,3u,71.8,4u,67.9,i1,70.5 2004.301.22:57:56.07/tsys/9u,86.8,au,80.7,bu,73.0,cu,87.9,du,180.7,eu,488.5,i2,77.9 2004.301.22:57:56.07/tsys/5u,61.8,6u,74.3,7u,76.6,8u,78.8,i3,66.7 2004.301.22:57:56.95/fmout-gps/+6.4234E-006 2004.301.22:57:56.97:!2004.301.22:59:09 2004.301.22:57:57.04#setcl#time/363415913,4,2004,301,22,57,57.03,2.027,8.051,4 2004.301.22:57:57.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.22:59:09.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.22:59:09.00:disc_end 2004.301.22:59:09.26:disc_pos 2004.301.22:59:09.27/disc_pos/90910881432,89564313816, 2004.301.22:59:09.27:disc_check 2004.301.22:59:09.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d22h59m09.190s,76896,0.00500s,80000,701291880, 2004.301.22:59:09.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.22:59:09.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 173459 : 955 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 173408 : 1006 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 173469 : 947 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:09.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 173442 : 994 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:09.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 173430 : 996 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:09.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 173424 : 989 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:09.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 173323 : 1093 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:09.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 173458 : 959 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:09.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.301.22:59:09.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.17 2004.301.22:59:10.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.301.22:59:10.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.22:59:10.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.301.22:59:10.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.22:59:10.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.22:59:10.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.99 2004.301.22:59:10.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.22:59:10.69:scan_name=301-2303,rd0408,156 2004.301.22:59:10.69:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.22:59:13.71:setupnw 2004.301.22:59:18.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:18.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.22:59:18.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.22:59:18.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 143 ; 2004.301.22:59:18.05:!2004.301.23:03:22 2004.301.23:03:22.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:03:22.00/disc_pos/90910881432,90909881432, 2004.301.23:03:22.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:03:23.04:!2004.301.23:03:22 2004.301.23:03:23.04:preob 2004.301.23:03:23.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:03:23.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:03:26.62/tpical/1u,6337,2u,9110,3u,22150,4u,33975,i1,15051 2004.301.23:03:26.62/tpical/9u,6946,au,23035,bu,16977,cu,9895,du,9816,eu,35336,i2,7295 2004.301.23:03:26.62/tpical/5u,37388,6u,27989,7u,39300,8u,13734,i3,50482 2004.301.23:03:29.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,99 2004.301.23:03:29.28/tpzero/9u,168,au,755,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,824,i2,55 2004.301.23:03:29.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,294,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:03:32.37:!2004.301.23:03:32 2004.301.23:03:32.37:disc_pos 2004.301.23:03:32.37/disc_pos/91054772224,90909881432, 2004.301.23:03:32.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:03:32.39:midob 2004.301.23:03:32.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:03:32.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:03:32.58/cable/+3.5912018E-02 2004.301.23:03:32.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10028,4990 2004.301.23:03:32.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32818 2004.301.23:03:32.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6572 2004.301.23:03:32.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18977 2004.301.23:03:32.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11561 2004.301.23:03:33.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:03:34.01/tpi/1u,4502,2u,6566,3u,14926,4u,22422,i1,10029 2004.301.23:03:34.02/tpi/9u,4953,au,16094,bu,11557,cu,7129,du,7188,eu,32207,i2,4990 2004.301.23:03:34.02/tpi/5u,23772,6u,18957,7u,27113,8u,9805,i3,32787 2004.301.23:03:34.03/tpdiff/1u,1835,2u,2544,3u,7224,4u,11553,i1,5022 2004.301.23:03:34.04/tpdiff/9u,1993,au,6941,bu,5420,cu,2766,du,2628,eu,3129,i2,2305 2004.301.23:03:34.04/tpdiff/5u,13616,6u,9032,7u,12187,8u,3929,i3,17695 2004.301.23:03:34.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:03:34.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:03:34.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:03:34.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:03:34.08/tsys/1u,52.9,2u,53.9,3u,51.1,4u,49.3,i1,51.4 2004.301.23:03:34.09/tsys/9u,76.8,au,70.7,bu,64.0,cu,76.6,du,80.2,eu,321.0,i2,68.5 2004.301.23:03:34.09/tsys/5u,44.7,6u,53.7,7u,55.3,8u,57.7,i3,47.9 2004.301.23:03:34.96/fmout-gps/+6.4129E-006 2004.301.23:03:34.96:!2004.301.23:06:08 2004.301.23:03:35.02#setcl#time/363449711,4,2004,301,23,03,35.01,2.004,8.145,3 2004.301.23:03:35.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:04:46.36;"weather: partly cloudy 2004.301.23:06:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:06:08.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:06:08.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:06:08.26/disc_pos/93553407392,90910881432, 2004.301.23:06:08.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:06:08.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h06m08.180s,3756,0.00500s,80000,4061387180, 2004.301.23:06:08.66:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:06:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 178480 : 977 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 178426 : 1031 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:08.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 178487 : 972 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:08.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 178465 : 1013 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:08.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 178447 : 1021 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:08.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 178436 : 1019 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:08.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 178344 : 1115 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:08.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 178472 : 989 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:08.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.301.23:06:08.99/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.17 2004.301.23:06:09.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.42 2004.301.23:06:09.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.23:06:09.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.301.23:06:09.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.23:06:09.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.23:06:09.66/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.74 2004.301.23:06:09.77/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,69.62 2004.301.23:06:09.77:scan_name=301-2308,rd0408,40 2004.301.23:06:09.77:source=1749+096,174910.41,093942.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:06:12.80:setupnw 2004.301.23:06:17.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:17.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:06:17.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:06:17.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 145 ; 2004.301.23:06:17.04:!2004.301.23:08:09 2004.301.23:08:09.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:08:09.00/disc_pos/93553407392,93552407392, 2004.301.23:08:09.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:08:10.04:!2004.301.23:08:09 2004.301.23:08:10.05:preob 2004.301.23:08:10.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:08:10.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:08:13.62/tpical/1u,6375,2u,8873,3u,21377,4u,33361,i1,14700 2004.301.23:08:13.62/tpical/9u,6845,au,22722,bu,16663,cu,9624,du,13547,eu,37716 2004.301.23:08:13.62/tpical/i2,7199 2004.301.23:08:13.62/tpical/5u,36682,6u,27359,7u,39237,8u,15483,i3,50722 2004.301.23:08:16.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,102 2004.301.23:08:16.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,755,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,825,i2,66 2004.301.23:08:16.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,294,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.301.23:08:19.37:!2004.301.23:08:19 2004.301.23:08:19.37:disc_pos 2004.301.23:08:19.37/disc_pos/93697298432,93552407392, 2004.301.23:08:19.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:08:19.38:midob 2004.301.23:08:19.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:08:19.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:08:19.50/cable/+3.5908481E-02 2004.301.23:08:19.57/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9575,4887 2004.301.23:08:19.64/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32487 2004.301.23:08:19.71/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6308 2004.301.23:08:19.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18119 2004.301.23:08:19.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11277 2004.301.23:08:20.43/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:08:20.95/tpi/1u,4416,2u,6309,3u,14160,4u,21602,i1,9575 2004.301.23:08:20.95/tpi/9u,4846,au,15732,bu,11259,cu,6940,du,11223,eu,34569,i2,4885 2004.301.23:08:20.96/tpi/5u,22737,6u,18115,7u,26566,8u,10899,i3,32295 2004.301.23:08:20.97/tpdiff/1u,1959,2u,2564,3u,7217,4u,11759,i1,5125 2004.301.23:08:20.97/tpdiff/9u,1999,au,6990,bu,5404,cu,2684,du,2324,eu,3147,i2,2314 2004.301.23:08:20.98/tpdiff/5u,13945,6u,9244,7u,12671,8u,4584,i3,18427 2004.301.23:08:20.99/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:08:21.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:08:21.01/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:08:21.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:08:21.03/tsys/1u,48.4,2u,50.9,3u,48.3,4u,46.7,i1,48.1 2004.301.23:08:21.03/tsys/9u,74.8,au,68.6,bu,62.5,cu,76.7,du,146.3,eu,343.1,i2,66.6 2004.301.23:08:21.04/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,50.1,7u,52.1,8u,55.7,i3,45.3 2004.301.23:08:21.96/fmout-gps/+6.4219E-006 2004.301.23:08:21.97:!2004.301.23:08:59 2004.301.23:08:22.04#setcl#time/363478411,4,2004,301,23,08,22.02,2.014,8.224,3 2004.301.23:08:22.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:08:59.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:08:59.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:08:59.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:08:59.26/disc_pos/94339922080,93553407392, 2004.301.23:08:59.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:08:59.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h08m59.185s,18952,0.00500s,80000,1949550116, 2004.301.23:08:59.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:08:59.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 179975 : 985 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:08:59.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 179918 : 1041 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:08:59.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 179978 : 982 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:08:59.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 179956 : 1025 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:08:59.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 179937 : 1033 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:08:59.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 179928 : 1030 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:08:59.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 179839 : 1122 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:08:59.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 179967 : 997 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:08:59.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.301.23:08:59.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.17 2004.301.23:09:00.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.30 2004.301.23:09:00.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.23:09:00.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.301.23:09:00.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.23:09:00.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.23:09:00.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.68 2004.301.23:09:00.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.23:09:00.71:scan_name=301-2312,rd0408,40 2004.301.23:09:00.71:source=2121+053,212114.82,052227.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:09:03.73:setupnw 2004.301.23:09:07.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:09:08.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:09:08.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:09:08.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 147 ; 2004.301.23:09:08.05:!2004.301.23:12:17 2004.301.23:12:17.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:12:17.00/disc_pos/94339922080,94338922080, 2004.301.23:12:17.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:12:18.04:!2004.301.23:12:17 2004.301.23:12:18.04:preob 2004.301.23:12:18.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:12:18.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:12:21.62/tpical/1u,6014,2u,8743,3u,20528,4u,31689,i1,14034 2004.301.23:12:21.62/tpical/9u,6796,au,22544,bu,16617,cu,9593,du,13449,eu,58023 2004.301.23:12:21.62/tpical/i2,7141 2004.301.23:12:21.62/tpical/5u,33831,6u,25091,7u,35583,8u,12507,i3,44839 2004.301.23:12:24.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,100 2004.301.23:12:24.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,755,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,828,i2,56 2004.301.23:12:24.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,290,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:12:27.37:!2004.301.23:12:27 2004.301.23:12:27.37:disc_pos 2004.301.23:12:27.38/disc_pos/94483816448,94338922080, 2004.301.23:12:27.38:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:12:27.40:midob 2004.301.23:12:27.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:12:27.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:12:27.53/cable/+3.5910535E-02 2004.301.23:12:27.60/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9131,4831 2004.301.23:12:27.67/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,28506 2004.301.23:12:27.74/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6206 2004.301.23:12:27.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16664 2004.301.23:12:27.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11204 2004.301.23:12:28.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:12:28.97/tpi/1u,4192,2u,6210,3u,13606,4u,20440,i1,9127 2004.301.23:12:28.97/tpi/9u,4785,au,15560,bu,11218,cu,6882,du,11422,eu,51500,i2,4834 2004.301.23:12:28.98/tpi/5u,20960,6u,16636,7u,24110,8u,8852,i3,28481 2004.301.23:12:29.00/tpdiff/1u,1822,2u,2533,3u,6922,4u,11249,i1,4907 2004.301.23:12:29.00/tpdiff/9u,2011,au,6984,bu,5399,cu,2711,du,2027,eu,6523,i2,2307 2004.301.23:12:29.01/tpdiff/5u,12871,6u,8455,7u,11473,8u,3655,i3,16358 2004.301.23:12:29.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:12:29.03/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:12:29.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:12:29.04/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:12:29.05/tsys/1u,48.9,2u,50.5,3u,48.3,4u,46.1,i1,47.8 2004.301.23:12:29.05/tsys/9u,73.4,au,67.8,bu,62.3,cu,75.2,du,170.8,eu,248.6,i2,66.3 2004.301.23:12:29.06/tsys/5u,41.6,6u,50.3,7u,52.0,8u,55.3,i3,45.0 2004.301.23:12:29.95/fmout-gps/+6.3589E-006 2004.301.23:12:29.96:!2004.301.23:13:07 2004.301.23:12:30.03#setcl#time/363503211,4,2004,301,23,12,30.02,1.997,8.293,3 2004.301.23:12:30.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:13:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:13:07.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:13:07.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:13:07.27/disc_pos/95126597064,94339922080, 2004.301.23:13:07.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:13:07.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h13m07.195s,24792,0.00500s,80000,3181479176, 2004.301.23:13:07.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:13:07.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 181471 : 993 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:07.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 181412 : 1050 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 181472 : 991 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 181450 : 1034 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 181432 : 1041 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:07.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 181420 : 1040 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:07.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 181334 : 1130 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 181464 : 1002 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:07.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.301.23:13:07.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.17 2004.301.23:13:08.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.17 2004.301.23:13:08.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.23:13:08.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.301.23:13:08.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.23:13:08.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.23:13:08.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.61 2004.301.23:13:08.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.23:13:08.68:scan_name=301-2318,rd0408,40 2004.301.23:13:08.68:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:13:11.70:setupnw 2004.301.23:13:15.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:16.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:13:16.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:13:16.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 149 ; 2004.301.23:13:16.04:!2004.301.23:18:18 2004.301.23:18:18.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:18:18.00/disc_pos/95126597064,95125597064, 2004.301.23:18:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:18:19.06:!2004.301.23:18:18 2004.301.23:18:19.06:preob 2004.301.23:18:19.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:18:19.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:18:22.64/tpical/1u,6159,2u,8887,3u,21520,4u,33530,i1,14742 2004.301.23:18:22.64/tpical/9u,6878,au,22772,bu,16914,cu,9854,du,14629,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.23:18:22.64/tpical/i2,7223 2004.301.23:18:22.64/tpical/5u,36865,6u,27830,7u,39380,8u,13767,i3,49765 2004.301.23:18:25.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,99 2004.301.23:18:25.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,755,bu,709,cu,511,du,601,eu,827,i2,55 2004.301.23:18:25.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,290,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:18:28.38:!2004.301.23:18:28 2004.301.23:18:28.38:disc_pos 2004.301.23:18:28.39/disc_pos/95270490112,95125597064, 2004.301.23:18:28.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:18:28.39:midob 2004.301.23:18:28.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:18:28.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:18:28.62/cable/+3.5911387E-02 2004.301.23:18:28.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9676,4915 2004.301.23:18:28.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31867 2004.301.23:18:28.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6359 2004.301.23:18:28.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18585 2004.301.23:18:28.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11459 2004.301.23:18:29.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:18:30.05/tpi/1u,4324,2u,6352,3u,14345,4u,21847,i1,9674 2004.301.23:18:30.05/tpi/9u,4876,au,15788,bu,11453,cu,7092,du,12272,eu,$$$$$,i2,4917 2004.301.23:18:30.06/tpi/5u,23031,6u,18560,7u,26786,8u,9758,i3,31871 2004.301.23:18:30.07/tpdiff/1u,1835,2u,2535,3u,7175,4u,11683,i1,5068 2004.301.23:18:30.07/tpdiff/9u,2002,au,6984,bu,5461,cu,2762,du,2357,eu,$$$$$,i2,2306 2004.301.23:18:30.08/tpdiff/5u,13834,6u,9270,7u,12594,8u,4009,i3,17894 2004.301.23:18:30.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:18:30.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:18:30.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:18:30.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:18:30.12?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.23:18:30.12/tsys/1u,50.4,2u,51.9,3u,49.3,4u,47.5,i1,49.1 2004.301.23:18:30.13/tsys/9u,75.2,au,68.9,bu,63.0,cu,76.2,du,158.5,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,67.5 2004.301.23:18:30.14/tsys/5u,42.6,6u,51.2,7u,52.9,8u,56.3,i3,46.0 2004.301.23:18:30.96/fmout-gps/+6.4109E-006 2004.301.23:18:30.96:!2004.301.23:19:08 2004.301.23:18:31.03#setcl#time/363539310,4,2004,301,23,18,31.02,2.002,8.394,3 2004.301.23:18:31.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:19:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:19:08.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:19:08.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:19:08.27/disc_pos/95912950560,95126597064, 2004.301.23:19:08.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:19:08.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h19m08.195s,52880,0.00500s,80000,4989618416, 2004.301.23:19:08.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:19:08.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 182967 : 999 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 182905 : 1059 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 182963 : 1002 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 182943 : 1045 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 182923 : 1052 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:08.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 182912 : 1052 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:08.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 182827 : 1139 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:08.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 182955 : 1012 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:08.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.301.23:19:08.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.17 2004.301.23:19:09.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.17 2004.301.23:19:09.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.23:19:09.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.301.23:19:09.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.301.23:19:09.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.23:19:09.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.301.23:19:09.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.23:19:09.69:scan_name=301-2327a,rd0408,40 2004.301.23:19:09.69:source=1908-201,190812.49,-201155.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:19:12.71:setupnw 2004.301.23:19:16.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:17.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:19:17.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:19:17.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 151 ; 2004.301.23:19:17.04:!2004.301.23:26:56 2004.301.23:26:56.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:26:56.00/disc_pos/95912950560,95911950560, 2004.301.23:26:56.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:26:57.04:!2004.301.23:26:56 2004.301.23:26:57.04:preob 2004.301.23:26:57.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:26:57.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:27:00.63/tpical/1u,6378,2u,9218,3u,22293,4u,34482,i1,15195 2004.301.23:27:00.63/tpical/9u,7027,au,23321,bu,17244,cu,9994,du,11302,eu,60589 2004.301.23:27:00.63/tpical/i2,7423 2004.301.23:27:00.63/tpical/5u,37394,6u,27783,7u,38772,8u,13654,i3,49956 2004.301.23:27:03.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,100 2004.301.23:27:03.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,754,bu,709,cu,511,du,601,eu,827,i2,74 2004.301.23:27:03.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,292,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:27:06.37:!2004.301.23:27:06 2004.301.23:27:06.37:disc_pos 2004.301.23:27:06.37/disc_pos/96056840192,95911950560, 2004.301.23:27:06.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:27:06.38:midob 2004.301.23:27:06.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:27:06.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:27:06.65/cable/+3.5913274E-02 2004.301.23:27:06.72/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10211,5113 2004.301.23:27:06.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32810 2004.301.23:27:06.86/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6687 2004.301.23:27:06.93/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18981 2004.301.23:27:07.00/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11815 2004.301.23:27:07.56/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:27:08.08/tpi/1u,4553,2u,6684,3u,15186,4u,23005,i1,10206 2004.301.23:27:08.08/tpi/9u,5033,au,16341,bu,11815,cu,7219,du,8145,eu,55992,i2,5112 2004.301.23:27:08.09/tpi/5u,23995,6u,18959,7u,27010,8u,9842,i3,32805 2004.301.23:27:08.10/tpdiff/1u,1825,2u,2534,3u,7107,4u,11477,i1,4989 2004.301.23:27:08.10/tpdiff/9u,1994,au,6980,bu,5429,cu,2775,du,3157,eu,4597,i2,2311 2004.301.23:27:08.11/tpdiff/5u,13399,6u,8824,7u,11762,8u,3812,i3,17151 2004.301.23:27:08.12/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:27:08.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:27:08.13/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:27:08.14/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:27:08.15/tsys/1u,53.9,2u,55.3,3u,52.8,4u,51.0,i1,52.7 2004.301.23:27:08.15/tsys/9u,78.0,au,71.5,bu,65.5,cu,77.4,du,76.5,eu,384.0,i2,69.8 2004.301.23:27:08.16/tsys/5u,45.9,6u,55.0,7u,57.1,8u,59.7,i3,49.5 2004.301.23:27:08.95/fmout-gps/+6.3444E-006 2004.301.23:27:08.96:!2004.301.23:27:46 2004.301.23:27:09.03#setcl#time/363591109,4,2004,301,23,27,09.02,1.996,8.537,3 2004.301.23:27:09.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:27:46.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:27:46.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:27:46.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:27:46.27/disc_pos/96699624496,95912950560, 2004.301.23:27:46.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:27:46.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h27m46.195s,50552,0.00500s,80000,7501328392, 2004.301.23:27:46.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:27:46.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 184463 : 1006 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:46.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 184398 : 1068 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:46.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 184450 : 1018 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:46.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 184436 : 1054 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:46.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 184414 : 1064 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:46.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 184407 : 1061 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:46.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 184320 : 1149 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:46.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 184448 : 1022 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:46.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.301.23:27:46.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.301.23:27:47.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.05 2004.301.23:27:47.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.23:27:47.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.301.23:27:47.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.23:27:47.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.301.23:27:47.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.68 2004.301.23:27:47.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.23:27:47.69:scan_name=301-2329b,rd0408,77 2004.301.23:27:47.69:source=2126-158,212626.80,-155150.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:27:50.71:setupnw 2004.301.23:27:54.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:55.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:27:55.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:27:55.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 153 ; 2004.301.23:27:55.03:!2004.301.23:29:25 2004.301.23:29:25.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:29:25.00/disc_pos/96699624496,96698624496, 2004.301.23:29:25.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:29:26.03:!2004.301.23:29:25 2004.301.23:29:26.04:preob 2004.301.23:29:26.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:29:26.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:29:29.61/tpical/1u,6197,2u,8986,3u,21631,4u,33291,i1,14702 2004.301.23:29:29.61/tpical/9u,6949,au,22957,bu,17031,cu,9893,du,9350,eu,57233,i2,7297 2004.301.23:29:29.61/tpical/5u,35634,6u,26567,7u,37499,8u,13281,i3,48089 2004.301.23:29:32.28/tpzero/1u,766,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,500,i1,100 2004.301.23:29:32.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,753,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,828,i2,60 2004.301.23:29:32.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,291,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:29:35.37:!2004.301.23:29:35 2004.301.23:29:35.37:disc_pos 2004.301.23:29:35.37/disc_pos/96843513856,96698624496, 2004.301.23:29:35.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:29:35.38:midob 2004.301.23:29:35.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:29:35.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:29:35.70/cable/+3.5912100E-02 2004.301.23:29:35.77/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9746,4975 2004.301.23:29:35.85/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31253 2004.301.23:29:35.92/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6463 2004.301.23:29:35.99/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17944 2004.301.23:29:36.06/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11577 2004.301.23:29:36.62/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:29:37.15/tpi/1u,4377,2u,6469,3u,14488,4u,21867,i1,9749 2004.301.23:29:37.15/tpi/9u,4937,au,15976,bu,11566,cu,7146,du,6788,eu,45706,i2,4975 2004.301.23:29:37.16/tpi/5u,22543,6u,17944,7u,25950,8u,9482,i3,31275 2004.301.23:29:37.17/tpdiff/1u,1820,2u,2517,3u,7143,4u,11424,i1,4953 2004.301.23:29:37.17/tpdiff/9u,2012,au,6981,bu,5465,cu,2747,du,2562,eu,11527,i2,2322 2004.301.23:29:37.18/tpdiff/5u,13091,6u,8623,7u,11549,8u,3799,i3,16814 2004.301.23:29:37.19/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:29:37.19/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:29:37.20/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:29:37.21/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:29:37.22/tsys/1u,51.6,2u,53.5,3u,50.0,4u,48.6,i1,50.7 2004.301.23:29:37.23/tsys/9u,75.8,au,69.8,bu,63.6,cu,77.3,du,77.3,eu,124.6,i2,67.7 2004.301.23:29:37.24/tsys/5u,44.1,6u,53.2,7u,55.8,8u,57.5,i3,48.1 2004.301.23:29:37.96/fmout-gps/+6.4049E-006 2004.301.23:29:37.97:!2004.301.23:30:52 2004.301.23:29:38.04#setcl#time/363606008,4,2004,301,23,29,38.02,2.014,8.579,3 2004.301.23:29:38.04#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:30:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:30:52.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:30:52.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:30:52.27/disc_pos/98078352144,96699624496, 2004.301.23:30:52.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:30:52.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h30m52.190s,40676,0.00500s,80000,1597202228, 2004.301.23:30:52.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:30:52.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 187088 : 1013 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:30:52.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 187013 : 1085 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:30:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 187072 : 1028 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:30:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 187056 : 1066 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:30:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 187029 : 1081 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:30:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 187025 : 1075 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:30:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 186936 : 1167 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:30:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 187069 : 1033 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:30:52.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.301.23:30:52.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.301.23:30:53.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.81 2004.301.23:30:53.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.23:30:53.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.301.23:30:53.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.23:30:53.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.23:30:53.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.86 2004.301.23:30:53.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.23:30:53.69:scan_name=301-2332b,rd0408,40 2004.301.23:30:53.69:source=0003-066,000340.29,-064017.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:30:56.70:setupnw 2004.301.23:31:00.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:31:01.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:31:01.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:31:01.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 155 ; 2004.301.23:31:01.05:!2004.301.23:32:49 2004.301.23:32:49.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:32:49.00/disc_pos/98078352144,98077352144, 2004.301.23:32:49.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:32:50.04:!2004.301.23:32:49 2004.301.23:32:50.04:preob 2004.301.23:32:50.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:32:50.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:32:53.62/tpical/1u,6360,2u,9175,3u,22674,4u,35581,i1,15485 2004.301.23:32:53.62/tpical/9u,7015,au,23147,bu,17196,cu,9945,du,9941,eu,61249,i2,7345 2004.301.23:32:53.62/tpical/5u,39052,6u,29461,7u,42316,8u,14676,i3,53188 2004.301.23:32:56.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,109 2004.301.23:32:56.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,755,bu,710,cu,512,du,600,eu,829,i2,69 2004.301.23:32:56.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,291,7u,1162,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:32:59.36:!2004.301.23:32:59 2004.301.23:32:59.36:disc_pos 2004.301.23:32:59.37/disc_pos/98222243840,98077352144, 2004.301.23:32:59.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:32:59.37:midob 2004.301.23:32:59.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:32:59.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:32:59.45/cable/+3.5913576E-02 2004.301.23:32:59.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10311,5014 2004.301.23:32:59.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34601 2004.301.23:32:59.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6612 2004.301.23:32:59.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20005 2004.301.23:32:59.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11700 2004.301.23:33:00.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:33:00.89/tpi/1u,4504,2u,6615,3u,15319,4u,23470,i1,10308 2004.301.23:33:00.89/tpi/9u,4989,au,16107,bu,11699,cu,7196,du,7515,eu,59570,i2,5014 2004.301.23:33:00.90/tpi/5u,24861,6u,19985,7u,29218,8u,10472,i3,34600 2004.301.23:33:00.91/tpdiff/1u,1856,2u,2560,3u,7355,4u,12111,i1,5177 2004.301.23:33:00.91/tpdiff/9u,2026,au,7040,bu,5497,cu,2749,du,2426,eu,1679,i2,2331 2004.301.23:33:00.92/tpdiff/5u,14191,6u,9476,7u,13098,8u,4204,i3,18588 2004.301.23:33:00.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:33:00.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:33:00.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:33:00.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:33:00.96/tsys/1u,52.3,2u,54.1,3u,51.5,4u,49.3,i1,51.2 2004.301.23:33:00.96/tsys/9u,76.1,au,69.8,bu,64.0,cu,77.8,du,91.2,eu,1119.5,i2,67.9 2004.301.23:33:00.97/tsys/5u,44.9,6u,54.0,7u,55.7,8u,58.1,i3,48.1 2004.301.23:33:01.96/fmout-gps/+6.4119E-006 2004.301.23:33:01.96:!2004.301.23:33:39 2004.301.23:33:02.03#setcl#time/363626408,4,2004,301,23,33,02.02,2.001,8.635,3 2004.301.23:33:02.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:33:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:33:39.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:33:39.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:33:39.27/disc_pos/98865025440,98078352144, 2004.301.23:33:39.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:33:39.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h33m39.195s,63540,0.00500s,80000,1885383840, 2004.301.23:33:39.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:33:39.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 188576 : 1028 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 188506 : 1095 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 188561 : 1041 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 188549 : 1076 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 188521 : 1091 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 188518 : 1085 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 188427 : 1180 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 188563 : 1042 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:39.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.301.23:33:39.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.81 2004.301.23:33:40.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.81 2004.301.23:33:40.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.23:33:40.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.301.23:33:40.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.23:33:40.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.23:33:40.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.80 2004.301.23:33:40.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.23:33:40.70:scan_name=301-2339,rd0408,40 2004.301.23:33:40.70:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:33:43.72:setupnw 2004.301.23:33:47.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:48.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:33:48.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:33:48.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 157 ; 2004.301.23:33:48.03:!2004.301.23:39:49 2004.301.23:39:49.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:39:49.00/disc_pos/98865025440,98864025440, 2004.301.23:39:49.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:39:50.04:!2004.301.23:39:49 2004.301.23:39:50.04:preob 2004.301.23:39:50.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:39:50.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:39:53.62/tpical/1u,6050,2u,8777,3u,21525,4u,33945,i1,14703 2004.301.23:39:53.62/tpical/9u,6793,au,22559,bu,16712,cu,9541,du,11151,eu,65517 2004.301.23:39:53.62/tpical/i2,7137 2004.301.23:39:53.62/tpical/5u,37401,6u,28448,7u,40925,8u,14187,i3,51141 2004.301.23:39:56.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,96 2004.301.23:39:56.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,754,bu,708,cu,511,du,600,eu,828,i2,53 2004.301.23:39:56.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,292,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.23:39:59.38:!2004.301.23:39:59 2004.301.23:39:59.38:disc_pos 2004.301.23:39:59.39/disc_pos/99008917504,98864025440, 2004.301.23:39:59.39:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:39:59.39:midob 2004.301.23:39:59.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:39:59.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:39:59.58/cable/+3.5911483E-02 2004.301.23:39:59.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9506,4814 2004.301.23:39:59.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32229 2004.301.23:39:59.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6206 2004.301.23:39:59.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18715 2004.301.23:39:59.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11273 2004.301.23:40:00.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:40:01.01/tpi/1u,4191,2u,6205,3u,14108,4u,21604,i1,9505 2004.301.23:40:01.03/tpi/9u,4781,au,15553,bu,11272,cu,6816,du,8975,eu,60649,i2,4810 2004.301.23:40:01.03/tpi/5u,23067,6u,18730,7u,27494,8u,9910,i3,32211 2004.301.23:40:01.04/tpdiff/1u,1859,2u,2572,3u,7417,4u,12341,i1,5198 2004.301.23:40:01.05/tpdiff/9u,2012,au,7006,bu,5440,cu,2725,du,2176,eu,4868,i2,2327 2004.301.23:40:01.05/tpdiff/5u,14334,6u,9718,7u,13431,8u,4277,i3,18930 2004.301.23:40:01.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:40:01.07/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:40:01.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:40:01.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:40:01.09/tsys/1u,47.9,2u,49.7,3u,46.9,4u,44.5,i1,47.1 2004.301.23:40:01.10/tsys/9u,73.3,au,67.6,bu,62.1,cu,74.0,du,123.2,eu,393.2,i2,65.4 2004.301.23:40:01.10/tsys/5u,41.2,6u,49.3,7u,51.0,8u,53.7,i3,44.0 2004.301.23:40:01.96/fmout-gps/+6.4144E-006 2004.301.23:40:01.96:!2004.301.23:40:39 2004.301.23:40:02.03#setcl#time/363668407,4,2004,301,23,40,02.02,2.002,8.752,3 2004.301.23:40:02.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:40:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:40:39.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:40:39.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:40:39.27/disc_pos/99651698416,98865025440, 2004.301.23:40:39.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:40:39.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h40m39.195s,21240,0.00500s,80000,5933369324, 2004.301.23:40:39.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:40:39.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 190068 : 1040 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 189999 : 1105 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 190054 : 1051 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 190040 : 1088 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 190016 : 1099 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 190010 : 1095 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 189920 : 1190 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:39.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 190056 : 1051 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:39.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.301.23:40:39.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.81 2004.301.23:40:40.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.69 2004.301.23:40:40.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.23:40:40.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.301.23:40:40.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.301.23:40:40.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.23:40:40.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.68 2004.301.23:40:40.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.23:40:40.70:scan_name=301-2341,rd0408,53 2004.301.23:40:40.70:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:40:43.72:setupnw 2004.301.23:40:47.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:48.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:40:48.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:40:48.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 159 ; 2004.301.23:40:48.03:!2004.301.23:41:19 2004.301.23:41:19.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:41:19.00/disc_pos/99651698416,99650698416, 2004.301.23:41:19.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:41:20.04:!2004.301.23:41:19 2004.301.23:41:20.04:preob 2004.301.23:41:20.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:41:20.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:41:23.62/tpical/1u,6031,2u,8713,3u,21321,4u,33567,i1,14623 2004.301.23:41:23.62/tpical/9u,6760,au,22460,bu,16773,cu,9691,du,9696,eu,18453,i2,7108 2004.301.23:41:23.62/tpical/5u,37224,6u,28146,7u,40804,8u,14088,i3,50716 2004.301.23:41:26.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1288,3u,741,4u,499,i1,96 2004.301.23:41:26.27/tpzero/9u,170,au,753,bu,708,cu,512,du,601,eu,823,i2,51 2004.301.23:41:26.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,293,7u,1166,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.301.23:41:29.36:!2004.301.23:41:29 2004.301.23:41:29.36:disc_pos 2004.301.23:41:29.36/disc_pos/99795587072,99650698416, 2004.301.23:41:29.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:41:29.37:midob 2004.301.23:41:29.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:41:29.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:41:29.57/cable/+3.5909551E-02 2004.301.23:41:29.64/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9451,4782 2004.301.23:41:29.71/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31923 2004.301.23:41:29.78/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6175 2004.301.23:41:29.85/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18553 2004.301.23:41:29.92/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11302 2004.301.23:41:30.48/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:41:31.00/tpi/1u,4188,2u,6173,3u,13973,4u,21506,i1,9450 2004.301.23:41:31.00/tpi/9u,4744,au,15470,bu,11303,cu,6876,du,6975,eu,14113,i2,4781 2004.301.23:41:31.01/tpi/5u,22905,6u,18549,7u,27463,8u,9802,i3,31921 2004.301.23:41:31.04/tpdiff/1u,1843,2u,2540,3u,7348,4u,12061,i1,5173 2004.301.23:41:31.04/tpdiff/9u,2016,au,6990,bu,5470,cu,2815,du,2721,eu,4340,i2,2327 2004.301.23:41:31.05/tpdiff/5u,14319,6u,9597,7u,13341,8u,4286,i3,18795 2004.301.23:41:31.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:41:31.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:41:31.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:41:31.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:41:31.09/tsys/1u,48.3,2u,50.0,3u,46.8,4u,45.3,i1,47.0 2004.301.23:41:31.09/tsys/9u,72.6,au,67.4,bu,62.0,cu,72.3,du,75.0,eu,98.0,i2,65.0 2004.301.23:41:31.10/tsys/5u,41.0,6u,49.5,7u,51.2,8u,52.9,i3,43.9 2004.301.23:41:31.95/fmout-gps/+6.3839E-006 2004.301.23:41:31.96:!2004.301.23:42:22 2004.301.23:41:32.03#setcl#time/363677406,3,2004,301,23,41,32.02,2.023,8.777,4 2004.301.23:41:32.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:42:22.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:42:22.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:42:22.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:42:22.27/disc_pos/100646390024,99651698416, 2004.301.23:42:22.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:42:22.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h42m22.195s,37400,0.00500s,80000,653292232, 2004.301.23:42:22.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:42:22.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 191959 : 1049 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 191887 : 1116 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 191944 : 1061 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:22.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 191928 : 1101 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 191904 : 1110 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 191891 : 1114 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:22.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 191806 : 1203 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:22.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 191945 : 1062 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:22.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.301.23:42:22.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.81 2004.301.23:42:23.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.69 2004.301.23:42:23.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.301.23:42:23.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.301.23:42:23.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.23:42:23.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.23:42:23.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.61 2004.301.23:42:23.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.23:42:23.69:scan_name=301-2344b,rd0408,47 2004.301.23:42:23.69:source=2201+315,220101.46,313105.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:42:26.71:setupnw 2004.301.23:42:30.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:31.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:42:31.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:42:31.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 161 ; 2004.301.23:42:31.04:!2004.301.23:44:46 2004.301.23:44:46.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:44:46.00/disc_pos/100646390024,100645390024, 2004.301.23:44:46.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:44:47.06:!2004.301.23:44:46 2004.301.23:44:47.06:preob 2004.301.23:44:47.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:44:47.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:44:50.65/tpical/1u,5947,2u,8553,3u,20260,4u,31593,i1,13922 2004.301.23:44:50.65/tpical/9u,6731,au,22391,bu,16369,cu,9570,du,27262,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.23:44:50.65/tpical/i2,7069 2004.301.23:44:50.65/tpical/5u,34560,6u,25956,7u,38183,8u,13079,i3,46977 2004.301.23:44:53.31/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,96 2004.301.23:44:53.31/tpzero/9u,168,au,751,bu,708,cu,512,du,601,eu,840,i2,47 2004.301.23:44:53.31/tpzero/5u,343,6u,293,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:44:56.40:!2004.301.23:44:56 2004.301.23:44:56.40:disc_pos 2004.301.23:44:56.41/disc_pos/100790280192,100645390024, 2004.301.23:44:56.41:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:44:56.41:midob 2004.301.23:44:56.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:44:56.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:44:56.58/cable/+3.5909766E-02 2004.301.23:44:56.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9013,4757 2004.301.23:44:56.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29567 2004.301.23:44:56.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6078 2004.301.23:44:56.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17108 2004.301.23:44:56.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11012 2004.301.23:44:57.51/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:44:58.03/tpi/1u,4159,2u,6103,3u,13594,4u,20717,i1,9103 2004.301.23:44:58.04/tpi/9u,4728,au,15389,bu,11009,cu,6951,du,25159,eu,$$$$$,i2,4761 2004.301.23:44:58.04/tpi/5u,21954,6u,17665,7u,26273,8u,9391,i3,30078 2004.301.23:44:58.05/tpdiff/1u,1788,2u,2450,3u,6666,4u,10876,i1,4819 2004.301.23:44:58.06/tpdiff/9u,2003,au,7002,bu,5360,cu,2619,du,2103,eu,$$$$$,i2,2308 2004.301.23:44:58.06/tpdiff/5u,12606,6u,8291,7u,11910,8u,3688,i3,16899 2004.301.23:44:58.07/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:44:58.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:44:58.08/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:44:58.09/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:44:58.10?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.23:44:58.11/tsys/1u,49.3,2u,51.1,3u,50.1,4u,48.3,i1,48.6 2004.301.23:44:58.11/tsys/9u,72.9,au,66.9,bu,61.5,cu,78.7,du,373.7,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.4 2004.301.23:44:58.12/tsys/5u,44.6,6u,54.5,7u,54.8,8u,58.6,i3,46.0 2004.301.23:44:58.96/fmout-gps/+6.3529E-006 2004.301.23:44:58.97:!2004.301.23:45:43 2004.301.23:44:59.03#setcl#time/363698106,4,2004,301,23,44,59.02,2.010,8.835,3 2004.301.23:44:59.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:45:43.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:45:43.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:45:43.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:45:43.27/disc_pos/101544754264,100646390024, 2004.301.23:45:43.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:45:43.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h45m43.190s,18400,0.00500s,80000,2317574760, 2004.301.23:45:43.64:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:45:43.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 193663 : 1060 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:43.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 193597 : 1122 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:43.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 193649 : 1073 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:43.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 193634 : 1111 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:43.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 193611 : 1119 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:43.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 193591 : 1130 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:43.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 193510 : 1215 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:43.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 193651 : 1073 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:43.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.301.23:45:43.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.69 2004.301.23:45:44.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.56 2004.301.23:45:44.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.301.23:45:44.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.301.23:45:44.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.23:45:44.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.301.23:45:44.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.43 2004.301.23:45:44.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.301.23:45:44.69:scan_name=301-2350,rd0408,72 2004.301.23:45:44.69:source=1923+210,192349.82,210023.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:45:47.70:setupnw 2004.301.23:45:51.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:52.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:45:52.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:45:52.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 163 ; 2004.301.23:45:52.03:!2004.301.23:50:07 2004.301.23:50:07.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:50:07.01/disc_pos/101544754264,101543754264, 2004.301.23:50:07.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:50:08.05:!2004.301.23:50:07 2004.301.23:50:08.05:preob 2004.301.23:50:08.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:50:08.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:50:11.62/tpical/1u,5917,2u,8562,3u,20166,4u,31105,i1,13871 2004.301.23:50:11.62/tpical/9u,6791,au,22541,bu,15837,cu,15066,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.23:50:11.62/tpical/i2,7122 2004.301.23:50:11.62/tpical/5u,33992,6u,25042,7u,35544,8u,12480,i3,45010 2004.301.23:50:14.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,98 2004.301.23:50:14.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,753,bu,710,cu,511,du,601,eu,832,i2,61 2004.301.23:50:14.27/tpzero/5u,345,6u,293,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:50:17.36:!2004.301.23:50:17 2004.301.23:50:17.36:disc_pos 2004.301.23:50:17.37/disc_pos/101688643584,101543754264, 2004.301.23:50:17.37:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:50:17.38:midob 2004.301.23:50:17.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:50:17.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:50:17.69/cable/+3.5912152E-02 2004.301.23:50:17.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8931,4799 2004.301.23:50:17.84/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,28253 2004.301.23:50:17.91/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6059 2004.301.23:50:17.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16419 2004.301.23:50:18.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10707 2004.301.23:50:18.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:50:19.13/tpi/1u,4116,2u,6060,3u,13222,4u,19900,i1,8940 2004.301.23:50:19.13/tpi/9u,4773,au,15518,bu,10719,cu,12426,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,4795 2004.301.23:50:19.14/tpi/5u,20835,6u,16419,7u,23823,8u,8722,i3,28268 2004.301.23:50:19.15/tpdiff/1u,1801,2u,2502,3u,6944,4u,11205,i1,4931 2004.301.23:50:19.15/tpdiff/9u,2018,au,7023,bu,5118,cu,2640,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,2327 2004.301.23:50:19.16/tpdiff/5u,13157,6u,8623,7u,11721,8u,3758,i3,16742 2004.301.23:50:19.17/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:50:19.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:50:19.18/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:50:19.19/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:50:19.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.23:50:19.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.23:50:19.21/tsys/1u,48.3,2u,49.6,3u,46.7,4u,45.0,i1,46.6 2004.301.23:50:19.22/tsys/9u,73.0,au,67.3,bu,62.6,cu,144.4,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.301.23:50:19.22/tsys/i2,65.1 2004.301.23:50:19.23/tsys/5u,40.5,6u,48.6,7u,50.3,8u,52.9,i3,43.6 2004.301.23:50:19.95/fmout-gps/+6.4139E-006 2004.301.23:50:19.96:!2004.301.23:51:29 2004.301.23:50:20.03#setcl#time/363730205,4,2004,301,23,50,20.02,2.017,8.924,4 2004.301.23:50:20.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:51:29.01:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:51:29.01:disc_end 2004.301.23:51:29.27:disc_pos 2004.301.23:51:29.28/disc_pos/102843315696,101544754264, 2004.301.23:51:29.28:disc_check 2004.301.23:51:29.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h51m29.200s,56080,0.00500s,80000,4237560888, 2004.301.23:51:29.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:51:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 196129 : 1075 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 196065 : 1133 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:29.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 196113 : 1088 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 196098 : 1126 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:29.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 196078 : 1131 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:29.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 196054 : 1146 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:29.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 195973 : 1231 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:29.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 196116 : 1089 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:29.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.974 2004.301.23:51:29.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.69 2004.301.23:51:30.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.44 2004.301.23:51:30.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.23:51:30.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.301.23:51:30.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.23:51:30.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.23:51:30.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.61 2004.301.23:51:30.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.301.23:51:30.72:scan_name=301-2353b,rd0408,208 2004.301.23:51:30.72:source=1726+455,172601.24,453304.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:51:33.73:setupnw 2004.301.23:51:38.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:38.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:51:38.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:51:38.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 165 ; 2004.301.23:51:38.05:!2004.301.23:53:43 2004.301.23:53:43.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:53:43.00/disc_pos/102843315696,102842315696, 2004.301.23:53:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:53:44.04:!2004.301.23:53:43 2004.301.23:53:44.04:preob 2004.301.23:53:44.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:53:44.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:53:47.62/tpical/1u,6179,2u,8772,3u,21106,4u,32950,i1,14488 2004.301.23:53:47.62/tpical/9u,6848,au,22686,bu,16862,cu,9745,du,10297,eu,$$$$$ 2004.301.23:53:47.62/tpical/i2,7166 2004.301.23:53:47.62/tpical/5u,36115,6u,27165,7u,38760,8u,13414,i3,48869 2004.301.23:53:50.27/tpzero/1u,769,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,102 2004.301.23:53:50.27/tpzero/9u,176,au,753,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,836,i2,66 2004.301.23:53:50.27/tpzero/5u,345,6u,292,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:53:53.36:!2004.301.23:53:53 2004.301.23:53:53.36:disc_pos 2004.301.23:53:53.36/disc_pos/102987206656,102842315696, 2004.301.23:53:53.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:53:53.37:midob 2004.301.23:53:53.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:53:53.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:53:53.70/cable/+3.5911114E-02 2004.301.23:53:53.77/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9391,4838 2004.301.23:53:53.84/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30899 2004.301.23:53:53.91/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6214 2004.301.23:53:53.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17966 2004.301.23:53:54.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11373 2004.301.23:53:54.61/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:53:55.15/tpi/1u,4317,2u,6216,3u,13920,4u,21161,i1,9393 2004.301.23:53:55.15/tpi/9u,4826,au,15622,bu,11373,cu,6966,du,8450,eu,$$$$$,i2,4840 2004.301.23:53:55.16/tpi/5u,22367,6u,17966,7u,26169,8u,9399,i3,30911 2004.301.23:53:55.17/tpdiff/1u,1862,2u,2556,3u,7186,4u,11789,i1,5095 2004.301.23:53:55.17/tpdiff/9u,2022,au,7064,bu,5489,cu,2779,du,1847,eu,$$$$$,i2,2326 2004.301.23:53:55.18/tpdiff/5u,13748,6u,9199,7u,12591,8u,4015,i3,17958 2004.301.23:53:55.19/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:53:55.20/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:53:55.20/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:53:55.21/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:53:55.22?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.301.23:53:55.22/tsys/1u,49.5,2u,50.1,3u,47.7,4u,45.6,i1,47.4 2004.301.23:53:55.23/tsys/9u,73.6,au,67.4,bu,62.2,cu,74.3,du,136.0,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.7 2004.301.23:53:55.24/tsys/5u,41.6,6u,50.0,7u,51.6,8u,53.9,i3,44.5 2004.301.23:53:55.96/fmout-gps/+6.4159E-006 2004.301.23:53:55.96:!2004.301.23:57:21 2004.301.23:53:56.03#setcl#time/363751805,4,2004,301,23,53,56.02,2.004,8.984,3 2004.301.23:53:56.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:57:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:57:21.01:disc_end 2004.301.23:57:21.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:57:21.27/disc_pos/106318078912,102843315696, 2004.301.23:57:21.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:57:21.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h57m21.200s,50664,0.00500s,80000,2157242200, 2004.301.23:57:21.65:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:57:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 202732 : 1104 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 202670 : 1158 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 202712 : 1120 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 202697 : 1157 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 202677 : 1163 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 202647 : 1183 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 202567 : 1269 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 202721 : 1114 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:21.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.301.23:57:21.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.69 2004.301.23:57:22.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.32 2004.301.23:57:22.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.301.23:57:22.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.301.23:57:22.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.23:57:22.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.301.23:57:22.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.55 2004.301.23:57:22.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.301.23:57:22.71:scan_name=301-2358,rd0408,100 2004.301.23:57:22.71:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:57:25.73:setupnw 2004.301.23:57:29.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:30.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.301.23:57:30.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.301.23:57:30.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 167 ; 2004.301.23:57:30.03:!2004.301.23:58:01 2004.301.23:58:01.00:disc_pos 2004.301.23:58:01.00/disc_pos/106318078912,106317078912, 2004.301.23:58:01.01:disc_start=on 2004.301.23:58:02.04:!2004.301.23:58:01 2004.301.23:58:02.04:preob 2004.301.23:58:02.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:58:02.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:58:05.62/tpical/1u,6113,2u,8869,3u,21831,4u,34113,i1,14851 2004.301.23:58:05.62/tpical/9u,6906,au,22845,bu,17011,cu,9772,du,10209,eu,21210 2004.301.23:58:05.62/tpical/i2,7200 2004.301.23:58:05.62/tpical/5u,37790,6u,28397,7u,40820,8u,14134,i3,51223 2004.301.23:58:08.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,98 2004.301.23:58:08.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,754,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,828,i2,60 2004.301.23:58:08.27/tpzero/5u,345,6u,293,7u,1162,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.301.23:58:11.36:!2004.301.23:58:11 2004.301.23:58:11.36:disc_pos 2004.301.23:58:11.36/disc_pos/106461970432,106317078912, 2004.301.23:58:11.36:data_valid=on 2004.301.23:58:11.37:midob 2004.301.23:58:11.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.301.23:58:11.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.301.23:58:11.45/cable/+3.5912354E-02 2004.301.23:58:11.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9690,4870 2004.301.23:58:11.59/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32600 2004.301.23:58:11.66/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6313 2004.301.23:58:11.73/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18880 2004.301.23:58:11.80/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11489 2004.301.23:58:12.36/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.301.23:58:12.88/tpi/1u,4282,2u,6309,3u,14460,4u,22074,i1,9690 2004.301.23:58:12.88/tpi/9u,4875,au,15805,bu,11504,cu,6993,du,8137,eu,17298,i2,4870 2004.301.23:58:12.89/tpi/5u,23491,6u,18864,7u,27673,8u,9919,i3,32606 2004.301.23:58:12.90/tpdiff/1u,1831,2u,2560,3u,7371,4u,12039,i1,5161 2004.301.23:58:12.90/tpdiff/9u,2031,au,7040,bu,5507,cu,2779,du,2072,eu,3912,i2,2330 2004.301.23:58:12.91/tpdiff/5u,14299,6u,9533,7u,13147,8u,4215,i3,18617 2004.301.23:58:12.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.301.23:58:12.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.301.23:58:12.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.301.23:58:12.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.301.23:58:12.95/tsys/1u,49.9,2u,51.0,3u,48.4,4u,46.6,i1,48.3 2004.301.23:58:12.95/tsys/9u,74.1,au,68.4,bu,62.7,cu,74.6,du,116.4,eu,134.7,i2,66.1 2004.301.23:58:12.96/tsys/5u,42.1,6u,50.6,7u,52.4,8u,54.5,i3,45.3 2004.301.23:58:13.95/fmout-gps/+6.3974E-006 2004.301.23:58:13.96:!2004.301.23:59:51 2004.301.23:58:14.03#setcl#time/363777604,4,2004,301,23,58,14.02,2.014,9.055,4 2004.301.23:58:14.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.301.23:59:51.00:data_valid=off 2004.301.23:59:51.00:disc_end 2004.301.23:59:51.26:disc_pos 2004.301.23:59:51.27/disc_pos/108064680936,106318078912, 2004.301.23:59:51.27:disc_check 2004.301.23:59:51.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y301d23h59m51.195s,77952,0.00500s,80000,653290688, 2004.301.23:59:51.66:postob_mk5a 2004.301.23:59:51.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 206052 : 1117 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:59:51.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 205984 : 1178 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:59:51.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 206029 : 1137 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:59:51.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 206017 : 1171 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:59:51.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 205996 : 1177 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:59:51.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 205961 : 1203 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:59:51.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 205883 : 1288 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:59:51.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 206039 : 1129 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.301.23:59:51.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.096 2004.301.23:59:51.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.44 2004.301.23:59:52.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.56 2004.301.23:59:52.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.301.23:59:52.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.301.23:59:52.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.301.23:59:52.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.301.23:59:52.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.43 2004.301.23:59:52.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.301.23:59:52.70:scan_name=302-0001a,rd0408,143 2004.301.23:59:52.70:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.301.23:59:55.72:setupnw 2004.301.23:59:59.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:00:00.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:00:00.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:00:00.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 169 ; 2004.302.00:00:00.05:!2004.302.00:01:24 2004.302.00:01:24.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:01:24.00/disc_pos/108064680936,108063680936, 2004.302.00:01:24.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:01:25.06:!2004.302.00:01:24 2004.302.00:01:25.06:preob 2004.302.00:01:25.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:01:25.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:01:28.65/tpical/1u,6246,2u,9039,3u,22384,4u,35192,i1,15257 2004.302.00:01:28.65/tpical/9u,6977,au,23070,bu,17167,cu,9864,du,13763,eu,39954 2004.302.00:01:28.65/tpical/i2,7272 2004.302.00:01:28.65/tpical/5u,38927,6u,29312,7u,42460,8u,14681,i3,53067 2004.302.00:01:31.32/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.00:01:31.32/tpzero/9u,172,au,753,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,826,i2,57 2004.302.00:01:31.32/tpzero/5u,343,6u,293,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.00:01:34.41:!2004.302.00:01:34 2004.302.00:01:34.41:disc_pos 2004.302.00:01:34.42/disc_pos/108208574464,108063680936, 2004.302.00:01:34.42:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:01:34.42:midob 2004.302.00:01:34.43#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:01:34.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:01:34.49/cable/+3.5915165E-02 2004.302.00:01:34.58/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10053,4933 2004.302.00:01:34.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34102 2004.302.00:01:34.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6463 2004.302.00:01:34.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19639 2004.302.00:01:34.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11635 2004.302.00:01:35.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:01:35.95/tpi/1u,4391,2u,6459,3u,14983,4u,22922,i1,10051 2004.302.00:01:35.95/tpi/9u,4943,au,16036,bu,11637,cu,7046,du,10999,eu,35305,i2,4932 2004.302.00:01:35.96/tpi/5u,24460,6u,19629,7u,29061,8u,10358,i3,34096 2004.302.00:01:35.97/tpdiff/1u,1855,2u,2580,3u,7401,4u,12270,i1,5206 2004.302.00:01:35.97/tpdiff/9u,2034,au,7034,bu,5530,cu,2818,du,2764,eu,4649,i2,2340 2004.302.00:01:35.98/tpdiff/5u,14467,6u,9683,7u,13399,8u,4323,i3,18971 2004.302.00:01:35.99/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:01:36.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:01:36.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:01:36.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:01:36.02/tsys/1u,50.8,2u,52.1,3u,50.0,4u,47.5,i1,49.7 2004.302.00:01:36.03/tsys/9u,75.1,au,69.5,bu,63.2,cu,74.2,du,120.4,eu,237.3,i2,66.7 2004.302.00:01:36.03/tsys/5u,43.3,6u,51.9,7u,54.1,8u,55.8,i3,46.5 2004.302.00:01:36.96/fmout-gps/+6.3514E-006 2004.302.00:01:36.96:!2004.302.00:03:57 2004.302.00:01:37.03#setcl#time/363797904,4,2004,302,00,01,37.02,2.002,9.112,3 2004.302.00:01:37.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:03:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:03:57.01:disc_end 2004.302.00:03:57.27:disc_pos 2004.302.00:03:57.28/disc_pos/110499189912,108064680936, 2004.302.00:03:57.28:disc_check 2004.302.00:03:57.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h03m57.205s,56380,0.00500s,80000,1501672596, 2004.302.00:03:57.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:03:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 210681 : 1134 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:03:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 210601 : 1207 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:03:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 210653 : 1161 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:03:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 210635 : 1199 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:03:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 210615 : 1204 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:03:57.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 210581 : 1229 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:03:57.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 210501 : 1316 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:03:57.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 210663 : 1151 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:03:57.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.096 2004.302.00:03:57.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.44 2004.302.00:03:58.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.44 2004.302.00:03:58.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.00:03:58.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.00:03:58.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.00:03:58.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.00:03:58.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.61 2004.302.00:03:58.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.00:03:58.69:scan_name=302-0007,rd0408,40 2004.302.00:03:58.69:source=1749+096,174910.41,093942.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:04:01.71:setupnw 2004.302.00:04:05.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:04:06.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:04:06.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:04:06.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 171 ; 2004.302.00:04:06.03:!2004.302.00:07:48 2004.302.00:07:48.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:07:48.00/disc_pos/110499189912,110498189912, 2004.302.00:07:48.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:07:49.04:!2004.302.00:07:48 2004.302.00:07:49.04:preob 2004.302.00:07:49.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:07:49.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:07:52.62/tpical/1u,6204,2u,8936,3u,21806,4u,33919,i1,14877 2004.302.00:07:52.62/tpical/9u,7008,au,23276,bu,17340,cu,9903,du,9619,eu,28337,i2,7341 2004.302.00:07:52.62/tpical/5u,37185,6u,27945,7u,40121,8u,14210,i3,50395 2004.302.00:07:55.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,92 2004.302.00:07:55.27/tpzero/9u,168,au,752,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,825,i2,45 2004.302.00:07:55.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,295,7u,1167,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.00:07:58.36:!2004.302.00:07:58 2004.302.00:07:58.36:disc_pos 2004.302.00:07:58.37/disc_pos/110643081216,110498189912, 2004.302.00:07:58.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:07:58.37:midob 2004.302.00:07:58.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:07:58.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:07:58.61/cable/+3.5912049E-02 2004.302.00:07:58.68/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9855,4999 2004.302.00:07:58.75/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32611 2004.302.00:07:58.82/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6417 2004.302.00:07:58.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18892 2004.302.00:07:58.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11818 2004.302.00:07:59.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:08:00.12/tpi/1u,4379,2u,6414,3u,14666,4u,22273,i1,9859 2004.302.00:08:00.12/tpi/9u,4974,au,16223,bu,11815,cu,7110,du,7007,eu,22414,i2,4997 2004.302.00:08:00.13/tpi/5u,23510,6u,18906,7u,27629,8u,10180,i3,32630 2004.302.00:08:00.14/tpdiff/1u,1825,2u,2522,3u,7140,4u,11646,i1,5018 2004.302.00:08:00.14/tpdiff/9u,2034,au,7053,bu,5525,cu,2793,du,2612,eu,5923,i2,2344 2004.302.00:08:00.15/tpdiff/5u,13675,6u,9039,7u,12492,8u,4030,i3,17765 2004.302.00:08:00.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:08:00.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:08:00.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:08:00.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:08:00.19/tsys/1u,51.5,2u,52.8,3u,50.7,4u,48.6,i1,50.6 2004.302.00:08:00.19/tsys/9u,75.6,au,70.2,bu,64.3,cu,75.6,du,78.5,eu,116.6,i2,67.6 2004.302.00:08:00.20/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,53.5,7u,55.1,8u,58.7,i3,47.5 2004.302.00:08:00.96/fmout-gps/+6.3739E-006 2004.302.00:08:00.96:!2004.302.00:08:38 2004.302.00:08:01.03#setcl#time/363836303,4,2004,302,00,08,01.02,2.005,9.219,3 2004.302.00:08:01.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:08:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:08:38.00:disc_end 2004.302.00:08:38.26:disc_pos 2004.302.00:08:38.27/disc_pos/111285864768,110499189912, 2004.302.00:08:38.27:disc_check 2004.302.00:08:38.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h08m38.195s,21764,0.00500s,80000,3709199760, 2004.302.00:08:38.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:08:38.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 212173 : 1144 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 212090 : 1221 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 212149 : 1168 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:38.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 212127 : 1210 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:38.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 212105 : 1216 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:38.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 212072 : 1240 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:38.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 211993 : 1327 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:38.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 212157 : 1159 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:38.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.00:08:38.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.20 2004.302.00:08:39.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.32 2004.302.00:08:39.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.00:08:39.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.302.00:08:39.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.00:08:39.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.00:08:39.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.00:08:39.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,68.31 2004.302.00:08:39.71:scan_name=302-0011,rd0408,91 2004.302.00:08:39.71:source=1418+546,141806.21,543658.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:08:42.72:setupnw 2004.302.00:08:46.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:47.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:08:47.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:08:47.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 173 ; 2004.302.00:08:47.03:!2004.302.00:11:49 2004.302.00:10:15.96;"weather: partly cloudy 2004.302.00:11:49.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:11:49.00/disc_pos/111285864768,111284864768, 2004.302.00:11:49.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:11:50.04:!2004.302.00:11:49 2004.302.00:11:50.05:preob 2004.302.00:11:50.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:11:50.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:11:53.62/tpical/1u,6525,2u,9172,3u,22658,4u,35363,i1,15458 2004.302.00:11:53.62/tpical/9u,7088,au,23551,bu,17534,cu,10091,du,12891,eu,22713 2004.302.00:11:53.62/tpical/i2,7445 2004.302.00:11:53.62/tpical/5u,39170,6u,29516,7u,42512,8u,14724,i3,53439 2004.302.00:11:56.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,99 2004.302.00:11:56.27/tpzero/9u,170,au,752,bu,710,cu,511,du,600,eu,825,i2,59 2004.302.00:11:56.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,295,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.00:11:59.36:!2004.302.00:11:59 2004.302.00:11:59.36:disc_pos 2004.302.00:11:59.36/disc_pos/111429754880,111284864768, 2004.302.00:11:59.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:11:59.38:midob 2004.302.00:11:59.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:11:59.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:11:59.45/cable/+3.5913896E-02 2004.302.00:11:59.53/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10328,5088 2004.302.00:11:59.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34896 2004.302.00:11:59.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6627 2004.302.00:11:59.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20100 2004.302.00:11:59.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11967 2004.302.00:12:00.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:12:00.89/tpi/1u,4722,2u,6624,3u,15326,4u,23425,i1,10334 2004.302.00:12:00.89/tpi/9u,5048,au,16461,bu,11969,cu,7268,du,10345,eu,18787,i2,5088 2004.302.00:12:00.90/tpi/5u,25044,6u,20102,7u,29472,8u,10529,i3,34903 2004.302.00:12:00.91/tpdiff/1u,1803,2u,2548,3u,7332,4u,11938,i1,5124 2004.302.00:12:00.91/tpdiff/9u,2040,au,7090,bu,5565,cu,2823,du,2546,eu,3926,i2,2357 2004.302.00:12:00.92/tpdiff/5u,14126,6u,9414,7u,13040,8u,4195,i3,18536 2004.302.00:12:00.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:12:00.93/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:12:00.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:12:00.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:12:00.96/tsys/1u,57.0,2u,54.4,3u,51.7,4u,49.9,i1,51.9 2004.302.00:12:00.96/tsys/9u,76.5,au,70.9,bu,64.7,cu,76.6,du,122.5,eu,146.4,i2,68.3 2004.302.00:12:00.97/tsys/5u,45.5,6u,54.7,7u,56.4,8u,58.5,i3,48.7 2004.302.00:12:01.95/fmout-gps/+6.3869E-006 2004.302.00:12:01.96:!2004.302.00:13:30 2004.302.00:12:02.03#setcl#time/363860403,4,2004,302,00,12,02.03,2.016,9.285,4 2004.302.00:12:02.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:13:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:13:30.00:disc_end 2004.302.00:13:30.26:disc_pos 2004.302.00:13:30.27/disc_pos/112888454488,111285864768, 2004.302.00:13:30.27:disc_check 2004.302.00:13:30.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h13m30.200s,36052,0.00500s,80000,3069475992, 2004.302.00:13:30.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:13:30.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 215220 : 1156 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:30.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 215128 : 1242 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 215193 : 1183 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 215169 : 1227 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:30.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 215151 : 1229 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:30.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 215107 : 1266 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:30.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 215028 : 1351 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:30.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 215204 : 1172 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:30.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.974 2004.302.00:13:30.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.32 2004.302.00:13:31.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.44 2004.302.00:13:31.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.00:13:31.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.302.00:13:31.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.00:13:31.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.00:13:31.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.00:13:31.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.00:13:31.70:scan_name=302-0020b,rd0408,40 2004.302.00:13:31.70:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:13:34.72:setupnw 2004.302.00:13:38.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:38.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:13:39.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:13:39.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 175 ; 2004.302.00:13:39.03:!2004.302.00:20:31 2004.302.00:20:31.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:20:31.00/disc_pos/112888454488,112887454488, 2004.302.00:20:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:20:32.04:!2004.302.00:20:31 2004.302.00:20:32.05:preob 2004.302.00:20:32.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:20:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:20:35.65/tpical/1u,6266,2u,9061,3u,22261,4u,34654,i1,15133 2004.302.00:20:35.65/tpical/9u,7135,au,23658,bu,17569,cu,10127,du,19817,eu,50723 2004.302.00:20:35.65/tpical/i2,7453 2004.302.00:20:35.65/tpical/5u,38318,6u,28866,7u,41542,8u,14387,i3,52012 2004.302.00:20:38.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,498,i1,99 2004.302.00:20:38.30/tpzero/9u,172,au,751,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,827,i2,57 2004.302.00:20:38.30/tpzero/5u,344,6u,292,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.00:20:41.39:!2004.302.00:20:41 2004.302.00:20:41.39:disc_pos 2004.302.00:20:41.39/disc_pos/113032347648,112887454488, 2004.302.00:20:41.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:20:41.40:midob 2004.302.00:20:41.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:20:41.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:20:41.46/cable/+3.5914965E-02 2004.302.00:20:41.53/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10061,5098 2004.302.00:20:41.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33749 2004.302.00:20:41.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6531 2004.302.00:20:41.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19509 2004.302.00:20:41.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11987 2004.302.00:20:42.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:20:42.89/tpi/1u,4450,2u,6530,3u,15036,4u,22815,i1,10060 2004.302.00:20:42.90/tpi/9u,5080,au,16528,bu,11985,cu,7318,du,17217,eu,48572,i2,5098 2004.302.00:20:42.90/tpi/5u,24288,6u,19495,7u,28599,8u,10236,i3,33732 2004.302.00:20:42.91/tpdiff/1u,1816,2u,2531,3u,7225,4u,11839,i1,5073 2004.302.00:20:42.92/tpdiff/9u,2055,au,7130,bu,5584,cu,2809,du,2600,eu,2151,i2,2355 2004.302.00:20:42.92/tpdiff/5u,14030,6u,9371,7u,12943,8u,4151,i3,18280 2004.302.00:20:42.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:20:42.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:20:42.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:20:42.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:20:42.96/tsys/1u,52.7,2u,53.8,3u,51.4,4u,49.0,i1,51.1 2004.302.00:20:42.97/tsys/9u,76.4,au,70.8,bu,64.6,cu,77.5,du,204.5,eu,710.3,i2,68.5 2004.302.00:20:42.97/tsys/5u,44.4,6u,53.3,7u,55.1,8u,57.3,i3,47.7 2004.302.00:20:43.95/fmout-gps/+6.3434E-006 2004.302.00:20:43.96:!2004.302.00:21:21 2004.302.00:20:44.03#setcl#time/363912601,4,2004,302,00,20,44.02,2.011,9.430,4 2004.302.00:20:44.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:21:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:21:21.00:disc_end 2004.302.00:21:21.26:disc_pos 2004.302.00:21:21.27/disc_pos/113674969576,112888454488, 2004.302.00:21:21.27:disc_check 2004.302.00:21:21.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h21m21.195s,13416,0.00500s,80000,6749427548, 2004.302.00:21:21.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:21:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 216715 : 1164 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 216617 : 1255 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 216689 : 1190 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 216661 : 1237 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 216644 : 1240 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 216601 : 1274 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 216517 : 1364 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:21.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 216697 : 1183 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:21.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.00:21:21.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.32 2004.302.00:21:22.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.44 2004.302.00:21:22.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.00:21:22.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.61 2004.302.00:21:22.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.687 2004.302.00:21:22.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.00:21:22.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.36 2004.302.00:21:22.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.302.00:21:22.70:scan_name=302-0023,rd0408,166 2004.302.00:21:22.70:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:21:25.72:setupnw 2004.302.00:21:29.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:29.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:21:30.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:21:30.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 177 ; 2004.302.00:21:30.03:!2004.302.00:23:21 2004.302.00:23:21.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:23:21.00/disc_pos/113674969576,113673969576, 2004.302.00:23:21.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:23:22.04:!2004.302.00:23:21 2004.302.00:23:22.05:preob 2004.302.00:23:22.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:23:22.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:23:25.63/tpical/1u,6602,2u,9466,3u,23487,4u,36721,i1,16044 2004.302.00:23:25.63/tpical/9u,7446,au,23982,bu,17806,cu,10200,du,15889,eu,23991 2004.302.00:23:25.63/tpical/i2,7560 2004.302.00:23:25.63/tpical/5u,40677,6u,30619,7u,43912,8u,15245,i3,55460 2004.302.00:23:28.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.00:23:28.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,751,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,825,i2,52 2004.302.00:23:28.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,290,7u,1166,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.00:23:31.37:!2004.302.00:23:31 2004.302.00:23:31.37:disc_pos 2004.302.00:23:31.38/disc_pos/113818861568,113673969576, 2004.302.00:23:31.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:23:31.38:midob 2004.302.00:23:31.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:23:31.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:23:31.73/cable/+3.5915689E-02 2004.302.00:23:31.80/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10875,5204 2004.302.00:23:31.87/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36741 2004.302.00:23:31.94/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6889 2004.302.00:23:32.01/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21101 2004.302.00:23:32.08/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12237 2004.302.00:23:32.64/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:23:33.16/tpi/1u,4752,2u,6890,3u,16183,4u,24652,i1,10871 2004.302.00:23:33.16/tpi/9u,5430,au,16864,bu,12251,cu,7415,du,14793,eu,21224,i2,5205 2004.302.00:23:33.17/tpi/5u,26382,6u,21101,7u,30836,8u,11016,i3,36717 2004.302.00:23:33.18/tpdiff/1u,1850,2u,2576,3u,7304,4u,12069,i1,5173 2004.302.00:23:33.18/tpdiff/9u,2016,au,7118,bu,5555,cu,2785,du,1096,eu,2767,i2,2355 2004.302.00:23:33.19/tpdiff/5u,14295,6u,9518,7u,13076,8u,4229,i3,18743 2004.302.00:23:33.20/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:23:33.20/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:23:33.21/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:23:33.22/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:23:33.23/tsys/1u,56.0,2u,56.5,3u,55.0,4u,52.0,i1,54.1 2004.302.00:23:33.23/tsys/9u,83.5,au,72.4,bu,66.5,cu,79.3,du,414.4,eu,235.9,i2,70.0 2004.302.00:23:33.24/tsys/5u,47.4,6u,56.8,7u,59.0,8u,61.1,i3,50.7 2004.302.00:23:33.96/fmout-gps/+6.3764E-006 2004.302.00:23:33.96:!2004.302.00:26:17 2004.302.00:23:34.03#setcl#time/363929601,4,2004,302,00,23,34.02,2.000,9.478,3 2004.302.00:23:34.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:26:17.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:26:17.00:disc_end 2004.302.00:26:17.26:disc_pos 2004.302.00:26:17.26/disc_pos/116477512344,113674969576, 2004.302.00:26:17.26:disc_check 2004.302.00:26:17.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h26m17.190s,4688,0.00500s,80000,1933385960, 2004.302.00:26:17.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:26:17.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 222042 : 1185 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:17.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 221929 : 1291 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:17.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 222018 : 1209 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:17.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 221981 : 1265 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:17.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 221969 : 1265 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:17.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 221920 : 1303 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:17.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 221832 : 1397 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:17.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 222023 : 1205 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:17.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.00:26:17.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.32 2004.302.00:26:18.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.44 2004.302.00:26:18.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.00:26:18.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.302.00:26:18.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.00:26:18.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.00:26:18.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.68 2004.302.00:26:18.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.302.00:26:18.70:scan_name=302-0027a,rd0408,58 2004.302.00:26:18.70:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:26:21.72:setupnw 2004.302.00:26:25.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:26.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:26:26.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:26:26.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 179 ; 2004.302.00:26:26.05:!2004.302.00:27:08 2004.302.00:27:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:27:08.00/disc_pos/116477512344,116476512344, 2004.302.00:27:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:27:09.04:!2004.302.00:27:08 2004.302.00:27:09.04:preob 2004.302.00:27:09.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:27:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:27:12.62/tpical/1u,7587,2u,10812,3u,27649,4u,43323,i1,18965 2004.302.00:27:12.62/tpical/9u,7647,au,25219,bu,18789,cu,10793,du,14756,eu,42857 2004.302.00:27:12.62/tpical/i2,7996 2004.302.00:27:12.62/tpical/5u,48179,6u,36077,7u,51679,8u,18047,i3,65535 2004.302.00:27:15.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,92 2004.302.00:27:15.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,751,bu,708,cu,512,du,601,eu,826,i2,50 2004.302.00:27:15.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,293,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.00:27:18.37:!2004.302.00:27:18 2004.302.00:27:18.37:disc_pos 2004.302.00:27:18.38/disc_pos/116621406208,116476512344, 2004.302.00:27:18.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:27:18.38:midob 2004.302.00:27:18.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:27:18.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:27:18.53/cable/+3.5916411E-02 2004.302.00:27:18.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,13737,5639 2004.302.00:27:18.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,46989 2004.302.00:27:18.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8237 2004.302.00:27:18.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26603 2004.302.00:27:18.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13234 2004.302.00:27:19.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:27:19.55#setcl#time/363952153,4,2004,302,00,27,19.55,2.013,9.540,4 2004.302.00:27:19.55#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:27:20.05/tpi/1u,5721,2u,8248,3u,20288,4u,31251,i1,13734 2004.302.00:27:20.05/tpi/9u,5597,au,18090,bu,13234,cu,8000,du,13358,eu,41167,i2,5637 2004.302.00:27:20.06/tpi/5u,33651,6u,26607,7u,38615,8u,13726,i3,46979 2004.302.00:27:20.07/tpdiff/1u,1866,2u,2564,3u,7361,4u,12072,i1,5231 2004.302.00:27:20.07/tpdiff/9u,2050,au,7129,bu,5555,cu,2793,du,1398,eu,1690,i2,2359 2004.302.00:27:20.08/tpdiff/5u,14528,6u,9470,7u,13064,8u,4321,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.00:27:20.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:27:20.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:27:20.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:27:20.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:27:20.12?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.00:27:20.13/tsys/1u,69.0,2u,70.6,3u,69.0,4u,66.2,i1,67.8 2004.302.00:27:20.13/tsys/9u,84.7,au,77.8,bu,72.2,cu,85.8,du,292.0,eu,763.9,i2,75.8 2004.302.00:27:20.14/tsys/5u,59.6,6u,72.2,7u,74.5,8u,76.1,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.00:27:20.95/fmout-gps/+6.3439E-006 2004.302.00:27:20.96:!2004.302.00:28:16 2004.302.00:28:16.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:28:16.00:disc_end 2004.302.00:28:16.26:disc_pos 2004.302.00:28:16.27/disc_pos/117552214136,116477512344, 2004.302.00:28:16.27:disc_check 2004.302.00:28:16.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h28m16.200s,564,0.00500s,80000,829462332, 2004.302.00:28:16.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:28:16.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 224079 : 1200 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:16.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 223963 : 1309 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:16.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 224062 : 1217 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:16.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 224022 : 1276 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:16.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 224010 : 1278 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:16.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 223959 : 1316 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:16.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 223870 : 1412 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:16.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 224063 : 1217 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:16.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.00:28:16.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.20 2004.302.00:28:17.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.20 2004.302.00:28:17.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.00:28:17.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.12 2004.302.00:28:17.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.00:28:17.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.00:28:17.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.99 2004.302.00:28:17.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.302.00:28:17.72:scan_name=302-0029,rd0408,140 2004.302.00:28:17.72:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:28:20.74:setupnw 2004.302.00:28:24.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:24.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:28:25.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:28:25.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 181 ; 2004.302.00:28:25.04:!2004.302.00:29:23 2004.302.00:29:23.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:29:23.00/disc_pos/117552214136,117551214136, 2004.302.00:29:23.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:29:24.04:!2004.302.00:29:23 2004.302.00:29:24.04:preob 2004.302.00:29:24.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:29:24.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:29:27.62/tpical/1u,5995,2u,8605,3u,20908,4u,32802,i1,14327 2004.302.00:29:27.62/tpical/9u,6838,au,22696,bu,16642,cu,9469,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.00:29:27.62/tpical/i2,7155 2004.302.00:29:27.62/tpical/5u,36396,6u,27322,7u,39607,8u,13737,i3,49394 2004.302.00:29:30.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,93 2004.302.00:29:30.30/tpzero/9u,170,au,751,bu,708,cu,511,du,618,eu,860,i2,50 2004.302.00:29:30.30/tpzero/5u,343,6u,292,7u,1168,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.00:29:33.40:!2004.302.00:29:33 2004.302.00:29:33.40:disc_pos 2004.302.00:29:33.41/disc_pos/117696106496,117551214136, 2004.302.00:29:33.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:29:33.41:midob 2004.302.00:29:33.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:29:33.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:29:33.53/cable/+3.5911911E-02 2004.302.00:29:33.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9129,4813 2004.302.00:29:33.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30497 2004.302.00:29:33.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6076 2004.302.00:29:33.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17670 2004.302.00:29:33.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11197 2004.302.00:29:34.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:29:34.97/tpi/1u,4161,2u,6074,3u,13559,4u,20676,i1,9133 2004.302.00:29:34.97/tpi/9u,4811,au,15611,bu,11193,cu,6842,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,4814 2004.302.00:29:34.98/tpi/5u,22003,6u,17697,7u,26219,8u,9423,i3,30537 2004.302.00:29:34.99/tpdiff/1u,1834,2u,2531,3u,7349,4u,12126,i1,5194 2004.302.00:29:34.99/tpdiff/9u,2027,au,7085,bu,5449,cu,2627,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,2341 2004.302.00:29:35.00/tpdiff/5u,14393,6u,9625,7u,13388,8u,4314,i3,18857 2004.302.00:29:35.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:29:35.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:29:35.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:29:35.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:29:35.04?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.00:29:35.04?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.00:29:35.05/tsys/1u,48.1,2u,49.2,3u,45.3,4u,43.3,i1,45.3 2004.302.00:29:35.05/tsys/9u,73.3,au,67.1,bu,61.6,cu,77.1,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.00:29:35.06/tsys/i2,65.1 2004.302.00:29:35.06/tsys/5u,39.1,6u,47.0,7u,48.6,8u,50.3,i3,41.9 2004.302.00:29:35.96/fmout-gps/+6.3964E-006 2004.302.00:29:35.96:!2004.302.00:31:53 2004.302.00:29:36.03#setcl#time/363965800,4,2004,302,00,29,36.02,2.005,9.578,3 2004.302.00:29:36.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:31:53.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:31:53.01:disc_end 2004.302.00:31:53.27:disc_pos 2004.302.00:31:53.28/disc_pos/119938876984,117552214136, 2004.302.00:31:53.28:disc_check 2004.302.00:31:53.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h31m53.200s,11136,0.00500s,80000,1085326580, 2004.302.00:31:53.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:31:53.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 228610 : 1224 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:31:53.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 228489 : 1338 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:31:53.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 228600 : 1234 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:31:53.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 228552 : 1301 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:31:53.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 228542 : 1300 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:31:53.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 228482 : 1348 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:31:53.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 228396 : 1442 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:31:53.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 228592 : 1243 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:31:53.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.302.00:31:53.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.20 2004.302.00:31:54.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.07 2004.302.00:31:54.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.00:31:54.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.302.00:31:54.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.00:31:54.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.00:31:54.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.61 2004.302.00:31:54.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.302.00:31:54.74:scan_name=302-0033,rd0408,81 2004.302.00:31:54.75:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:31:57.76:setupnw 2004.302.00:32:01.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:32:02.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:32:02.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:32:02.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 183 ; 2004.302.00:32:02.03:!2004.302.00:32:55 2004.302.00:32:55.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:32:55.00/disc_pos/119938876984,119937876984, 2004.302.00:32:55.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:32:56.04:!2004.302.00:32:55 2004.302.00:32:56.04:preob 2004.302.00:32:56.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:32:56.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:32:59.62/tpical/1u,6293,2u,9115,3u,22721,4u,35469,i1,15415 2004.302.00:32:59.62/tpical/9u,7064,au,23443,bu,17494,cu,10024,du,11106,eu,32583 2004.302.00:32:59.62/tpical/i2,7394 2004.302.00:32:59.62/tpical/5u,39423,6u,29548,7u,42831,8u,14833,i3,53622 2004.302.00:33:02.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.00:33:02.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,751,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,828,i2,54 2004.302.00:33:02.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,293,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.00:33:05.36:!2004.302.00:33:05 2004.302.00:33:05.36:disc_pos 2004.302.00:33:05.37/disc_pos/120082767872,119937876984, 2004.302.00:33:05.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:33:05.37:midob 2004.302.00:33:05.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:33:05.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:33:05.58/cable/+3.5912064E-02 2004.302.00:33:05.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10223,5037 2004.302.00:33:05.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34695 2004.302.00:33:05.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6553 2004.302.00:33:05.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19953 2004.302.00:33:05.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11917 2004.302.00:33:06.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:33:07.01/tpi/1u,4435,2u,6551,3u,15240,4u,23291,i1,10211 2004.302.00:33:07.02/tpi/9u,5017,au,16286,bu,11913,cu,7216,du,7925,eu,26527,i2,5038 2004.302.00:33:07.02/tpi/5u,24923,6u,19930,7u,29527,8u,10505,i3,34660 2004.302.00:33:07.03/tpdiff/1u,1858,2u,2564,3u,7481,4u,12178,i1,5204 2004.302.00:33:07.04/tpdiff/9u,2047,au,7157,bu,5581,cu,2808,du,3181,eu,6056,i2,2356 2004.302.00:33:07.04/tpdiff/5u,14500,6u,9618,7u,13304,8u,4328,i3,18962 2004.302.00:33:07.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:33:07.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:33:07.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:33:07.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:33:07.08/tsys/1u,51.3,2u,53.3,3u,50.4,4u,48.7,i1,50.5 2004.302.00:33:07.08/tsys/9u,75.7,au,69.5,bu,64.2,cu,76.4,du,73.7,eu,135.8,i2,67.7 2004.302.00:33:07.10/tsys/5u,44.1,6u,53.1,7u,55.4,8u,56.6,i3,47.3 2004.302.00:33:07.95/fmout-gps/+6.4434E-006 2004.302.00:33:07.96:!2004.302.00:34:26 2004.302.00:33:08.03#setcl#time/363986999,3,2004,302,00,33,08.02,2.017,9.637,4 2004.302.00:33:08.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:34:26.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:34:26.00:disc_end 2004.302.00:34:26.26:disc_pos 2004.302.00:34:26.26/disc_pos/121381452328,119938876984, 2004.302.00:34:26.27:disc_check 2004.302.00:34:26.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h34m26.195s,39488,0.00500s,80000,1005316304, 2004.302.00:34:26.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:34:26.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 231354 : 1235 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:26.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 231225 : 1356 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:26.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 231346 : 1243 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:26.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 231290 : 1317 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:26.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 231283 : 1313 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:26.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 231218 : 1366 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:26.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 231130 : 1462 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:26.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 231331 : 1258 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:26.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.730 2004.302.00:34:26.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.07 2004.302.00:34:27.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.07 2004.302.00:34:27.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.00:34:27.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.61 2004.302.00:34:27.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.687 2004.302.00:34:27.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.00:34:27.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.86 2004.302.00:34:27.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.00:34:27.72:scan_name=302-0038a,rd0408,40 2004.302.00:34:27.72:source=0235+164,023552.62,162403.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:34:30.74:setupnw 2004.302.00:34:34.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:35.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:34:35.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:34:35.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 185 ; 2004.302.00:34:35.04:!2004.302.00:37:55 2004.302.00:37:55.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:37:55.00/disc_pos/121381452328,121380452328, 2004.302.00:37:55.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:37:56.05:!2004.302.00:37:55 2004.302.00:37:56.05:preob 2004.302.00:37:56.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:37:56.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:37:59.63/tpical/1u,6278,2u,9109,3u,22717,4u,35799,i1,15472 2004.302.00:37:59.63/tpical/9u,7113,au,23485,bu,17435,cu,9944,du,9544,eu,43536,i2,7408 2004.302.00:37:59.63/tpical/5u,39625,6u,30278,7u,43294,8u,14994,i3,54043 2004.302.00:38:02.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,108 2004.302.00:38:02.28/tpzero/9u,177,au,752,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,829,i2,66 2004.302.00:38:02.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,288,7u,1161,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.00:38:05.37:!2004.302.00:38:05 2004.302.00:38:05.37:disc_pos 2004.302.00:38:05.38/disc_pos/121525342208,121380452328, 2004.302.00:38:05.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:38:05.38:midob 2004.302.00:38:05.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:38:05.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:38:05.45/cable/+3.5915797E-02 2004.302.00:38:05.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10226,5048 2004.302.00:38:05.59/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34848 2004.302.00:38:05.66/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6519 2004.302.00:38:05.73/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20334 2004.302.00:38:05.80/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11857 2004.302.00:38:06.36/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:38:06.89/tpi/1u,4419,2u,6514,3u,15208,4u,23405,i1,10225 2004.302.00:38:06.89/tpi/9u,5062,au,16337,bu,11869,cu,7156,du,6965,eu,36664,i2,5047 2004.302.00:38:06.91/tpi/5u,25030,6u,20334,7u,29722,8u,10614,i3,34854 2004.302.00:38:06.92/tpdiff/1u,1859,2u,2595,3u,7509,4u,12394,i1,5247 2004.302.00:38:06.92/tpdiff/9u,2051,au,7148,bu,5566,cu,2788,du,2579,eu,6872,i2,2361 2004.302.00:38:06.93/tpdiff/5u,14595,6u,9944,7u,13572,8u,4380,i3,19189 2004.302.00:38:06.94/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:38:06.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:38:06.95/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:38:06.96/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:38:06.97/tsys/1u,51.1,2u,52.3,3u,50.1,4u,48.0,i1,50.1 2004.302.00:38:06.97/tsys/9u,76.2,au,69.8,bu,64.2,cu,76.3,du,79.0,eu,166.9,i2,67.5 2004.302.00:38:06.98/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,52.4,7u,54.7,8u,56.6,i3,47.0 2004.302.00:38:07.96/fmout-gps/+6.4344E-006 2004.302.00:38:07.96:!2004.302.00:38:45 2004.302.00:38:08.03#setcl#time/364016999,4,2004,302,00,38,08.02,2.000,9.720,3 2004.302.00:38:08.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:38:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:38:45.00:disc_end 2004.302.00:38:45.26:disc_pos 2004.302.00:38:45.27/disc_pos/122167965128,121381452328, 2004.302.00:38:45.27:disc_check 2004.302.00:38:45.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h38m45.195s,32800,0.00500s,80000,3357493888, 2004.302.00:38:45.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:38:45.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 232849 : 1244 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:45.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 232713 : 1370 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 232838 : 1254 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 232783 : 1326 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:45.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 232777 : 1322 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:45.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 232711 : 1375 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:45.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 232618 : 1476 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:45.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 232823 : 1268 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:45.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.00:38:45.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.07 2004.302.00:38:46.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.20 2004.302.00:38:46.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.00:38:46.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.00:38:46.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.00:38:46.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.00:38:46.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.00:38:46.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.00:38:46.69:scan_name=302-0047b,rd0408,112 2004.302.00:38:46.69:source=1741-038,174120.64,-034848.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:38:49.71:setupnw 2004.302.00:38:53.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:54.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:38:54.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:38:54.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 187 ; 2004.302.00:38:54.03:!2004.302.00:47:16 2004.302.00:47:16.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:47:16.00/disc_pos/122167965128,122166965128, 2004.302.00:47:16.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:47:17.06:!2004.302.00:47:16 2004.302.00:47:17.06:preob 2004.302.00:47:17.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:47:17.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:47:20.64/tpical/1u,7683,2u,11117,3u,27744,4u,43103,i1,19012 2004.302.00:47:20.64/tpical/9u,7821,au,25705,bu,19223,cu,11093,du,11442,eu,33669 2004.302.00:47:20.64/tpical/i2,8173 2004.302.00:47:20.64/tpical/5u,47143,6u,35563,7u,50295,8u,17760,i3,64144 2004.302.00:47:23.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,742,4u,501,i1,95 2004.302.00:47:23.29/tpzero/9u,174,au,752,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,827,i2,57 2004.302.00:47:23.29/tpzero/5u,346,6u,288,7u,1161,8u,1083,i3,183 2004.302.00:47:26.38:!2004.302.00:47:26 2004.302.00:47:26.38:disc_pos 2004.302.00:47:26.38/disc_pos/122311856128,122166965128, 2004.302.00:47:26.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:47:26.40:midob 2004.302.00:47:26.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:47:26.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:47:26.69/cable/+3.5917633E-02 2004.302.00:47:26.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,13881,5822 2004.302.00:47:26.83/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,45893 2004.302.00:47:26.90/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8567 2004.302.00:47:26.97/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26262 2004.302.00:47:27.04/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13661 2004.302.00:47:27.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:47:28.12/tpi/1u,5854,2u,8565,3u,20481,4u,31199,i1,13889 2004.302.00:47:28.12/tpi/9u,5758,au,18560,bu,13661,cu,8273,du,9037,eu,22690,i2,5823 2004.302.00:47:28.13/tpi/5u,33183,6u,26262,7u,37855,8u,13653,i3,45911 2004.302.00:47:28.14/tpdiff/1u,1829,2u,2552,3u,7263,4u,11904,i1,5123 2004.302.00:47:28.14/tpdiff/9u,2063,au,7145,bu,5562,cu,2820,du,2405,eu,10979,i2,2350 2004.302.00:47:28.15/tpdiff/5u,13960,6u,9301,7u,12440,8u,4107,i3,18233 2004.302.00:47:28.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:47:28.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:47:28.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:47:28.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:47:28.19/tsys/1u,72.3,2u,74.1,3u,70.7,4u,67.0,i1,70.0 2004.302.00:47:28.19/tsys/9u,86.6,au,79.8,bu,74.5,cu,88.1,du,112.3,eu,63.7,i2,78.5 2004.302.00:47:28.20/tsys/5u,61.2,6u,72.6,7u,76.7,8u,79.6,i3,65.2 2004.302.00:47:28.95/fmout-gps/+6.3489E-006 2004.302.00:47:28.96:!2004.302.00:49:18 2004.302.00:47:29.03#setcl#time/364073097,3,2004,302,00,47,29.02,2.017,9.876,4 2004.302.00:47:29.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:49:18.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:49:18.00:disc_end 2004.302.00:49:18.26:disc_pos 2004.302.00:49:18.26/disc_pos/124106266896,122167965128, 2004.302.00:49:18.26:disc_check 2004.302.00:49:18.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h49m18.195s,34816,0.00500s,80000,8189696216, 2004.302.00:49:18.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:49:18.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 236531 : 1261 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:18.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 236391 : 1392 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 236521 : 1270 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 236461 : 1348 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 236455 : 1345 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 236384 : 1402 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:18.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 236293 : 1500 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:18.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 236503 : 1287 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:18.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.608 2004.302.00:49:18.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.302.00:49:19.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.302.00:49:19.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.00:49:19.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.302.00:49:19.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.00:49:19.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.00:49:19.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.74 2004.302.00:49:19.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.00:49:19.69:scan_name=302-0054,rd0408,67 2004.302.00:49:19.69:source=2318+049,231812.14,045723.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:49:22.71:setupnw 2004.302.00:49:26.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:26.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:49:27.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:49:27.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 189 ; 2004.302.00:49:27.03:!2004.302.00:54:42 2004.302.00:54:42.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:54:42.00/disc_pos/124106266896,124105266896, 2004.302.00:54:42.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:54:43.05:!2004.302.00:54:42 2004.302.00:54:43.06:preob 2004.302.00:54:43.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:54:43.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:54:46.64/tpical/1u,6019,2u,8711,3u,20763,4u,32136,i1,14167 2004.302.00:54:46.64/tpical/9u,6931,au,23104,bu,17178,cu,9792,du,9333,eu,33279,i2,7248 2004.302.00:54:46.64/tpical/5u,34590,6u,25724,7u,36888,8u,12923,i3,46501 2004.302.00:54:49.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,742,4u,499,i1,95 2004.302.00:54:49.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,749,bu,709,cu,514,du,600,eu,825,i2,51 2004.302.00:54:49.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,289,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.00:54:52.38:!2004.302.00:54:52 2004.302.00:54:52.38:disc_pos 2004.302.00:54:52.38/disc_pos/124250157056,124105266896, 2004.302.00:54:52.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:54:52.40:midob 2004.302.00:54:52.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:54:52.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:54:52.73/cable/+3.5913873E-02 2004.302.00:54:52.80/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9193,4888 2004.302.00:54:52.87/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29510 2004.302.00:54:52.94/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6166 2004.302.00:54:53.01/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16987 2004.302.00:54:53.08/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11599 2004.302.00:54:53.64/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:54:54.17/tpi/1u,4188,2u,6165,3u,13690,4u,20667,i1,9187 2004.302.00:54:54.17/tpi/9u,4870,au,15958,bu,11606,cu,6997,du,6874,eu,29863,i2,4885 2004.302.00:54:54.18/tpi/5u,21360,6u,16987,7u,24885,8u,9073,i3,29418 2004.302.00:54:54.19/tpdiff/1u,1831,2u,2546,3u,7073,4u,11469,i1,4980 2004.302.00:54:54.19/tpdiff/9u,2061,au,7146,bu,5572,cu,2795,du,2459,eu,3416,i2,2363 2004.302.00:54:54.20/tpdiff/5u,13230,6u,8737,7u,12003,8u,3850,i3,17083 2004.302.00:54:54.21/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:54:54.21/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:54:54.22/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:54:54.23/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:54:54.24/tsys/1u,48.6,2u,49.8,3u,47.6,4u,45.7,i1,47.5 2004.302.00:54:54.24/tsys/9u,73.0,au,68.1,bu,62.6,cu,74.2,du,81.6,eu,272.0,i2,65.5 2004.302.00:54:54.25/tsys/5u,41.3,6u,49.7,7u,51.4,8u,54.0,i3,44.5 2004.302.00:54:54.95/fmout-gps/+6.4169E-006 2004.302.00:54:54.96:!2004.302.00:55:59 2004.302.00:54:55.03#setcl#time/364117696,3,2004,302,00,54,55.02,2.016,10.000,4 2004.302.00:54:55.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:55:59.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:55:59.00:disc_end 2004.302.00:55:59.26:disc_pos 2004.302.00:55:59.27/disc_pos/125324593952,124106266896, 2004.302.00:55:59.27:disc_check 2004.302.00:55:59.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h55m59.195s,73112,0.00500s,80000,5197634648, 2004.302.00:55:59.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:55:59.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 238841 : 1277 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:55:59.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 238699 : 1409 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:55:59.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 238835 : 1281 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:55:59.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 238773 : 1361 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:55:59.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 238770 : 1356 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:55:59.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 238702 : 1412 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:55:59.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 238606 : 1513 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:55:59.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 238815 : 1303 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:55:59.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.00:55:59.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.07 2004.302.00:56:00.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.07 2004.302.00:56:00.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.00:56:00.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.302.00:56:00.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.00:56:00.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.00:56:00.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.00:56:00.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.00:56:00.71:scan_name=302-0057b,rd0408,40 2004.302.00:56:00.71:source=2121+053,212114.82,052227.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:56:03.73:setupnw 2004.302.00:56:07.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:56:08.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:56:08.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:56:08.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 191 ; 2004.302.00:56:08.03:!2004.302.00:57:33 2004.302.00:57:33.00:disc_pos 2004.302.00:57:33.00/disc_pos/125324593952,125323593952, 2004.302.00:57:33.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.00:57:34.04:!2004.302.00:57:33 2004.302.00:57:34.05:preob 2004.302.00:57:34.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:57:34.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:57:37.63/tpical/1u,6061,2u,8626,3u,20471,4u,31494,i1,13986 2004.302.00:57:37.63/tpical/9u,6907,au,23004,bu,16673,cu,10454,du,33860,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.00:57:37.63/tpical/i2,7286 2004.302.00:57:37.63/tpical/5u,33873,6u,25387,7u,35537,8u,14369,i3,46846 2004.302.00:57:40.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,94 2004.302.00:57:40.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,749,bu,710,cu,512,du,600,eu,834,i2,59 2004.302.00:57:40.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.00:57:43.38:!2004.302.00:57:43 2004.302.00:57:43.38:disc_pos 2004.302.00:57:43.38/disc_pos/125468487680,125323593952, 2004.302.00:57:43.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.00:57:43.39:midob 2004.302.00:57:43.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.00:57:43.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.00:57:43.73/cable/+3.5913744E-02 2004.302.00:57:43.80/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9072,4947 2004.302.00:57:43.87/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30149 2004.302.00:57:43.94/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6112 2004.302.00:57:44.01/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16817 2004.302.00:57:44.08/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11297 2004.302.00:57:44.64/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.00:57:45.17/tpi/1u,4258,2u,6111,3u,13458,4u,20230,i1,9069 2004.302.00:57:45.17/tpi/9u,4858,au,15892,bu,11299,cu,7741,du,31791,eu,$$$$$,i2,4940 2004.302.00:57:45.18/tpi/5u,20926,6u,16817,7u,23997,8u,10772,i3,30127 2004.302.00:57:45.19/tpdiff/1u,1803,2u,2515,3u,7013,4u,11264,i1,4917 2004.302.00:57:45.19/tpdiff/9u,2049,au,7112,bu,5374,cu,2713,du,2069,eu,$$$$$,i2,2346 2004.302.00:57:45.20/tpdiff/5u,12947,6u,8570,7u,11540,8u,3597,i3,16719 2004.302.00:57:45.21/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.00:57:45.21/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.00:57:45.22/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.00:57:45.23/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.00:57:45.24?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.00:57:45.24/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,49.8,3u,47.1,4u,45.5,i1,47.5 2004.302.00:57:45.25/tsys/9u,73.2,au,68.1,bu,63.1,cu,85.3,du,482.4,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,66.6 2004.302.00:57:45.26/tsys/5u,41.3,6u,50.1,7u,51.4,8u,70.0,i3,46.6 2004.302.00:57:45.95/fmout-gps/+6.4144E-006 2004.302.00:57:45.96:!2004.302.00:58:23 2004.302.00:57:46.02#setcl#time/364134796,4,2004,302,00,57,46.02,2.006,10.048,4 2004.302.00:57:46.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.00:58:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.00:58:23.01:disc_end 2004.302.00:58:23.27:disc_pos 2004.302.00:58:23.28/disc_pos/126111269720,125324593952, 2004.302.00:58:23.28:disc_check 2004.302.00:58:23.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d00h58m23.210s,58696,0.00500s,80000,1517578648, 2004.302.00:58:23.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.00:58:23.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 240334 : 1287 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 240191 : 1421 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 240329 : 1290 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 240266 : 1370 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 240262 : 1367 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:23.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 240193 : 1423 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:23.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 240098 : 1524 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:23.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 240313 : 1309 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:23.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.00:58:23.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.07 2004.302.00:58:24.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.00:58:24.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.00:58:24.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.88 2004.302.00:58:24.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.00:58:24.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.00:58:24.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.43 2004.302.00:58:24.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.00:58:24.75:scan_name=302-0100a,rd0408,40 2004.302.00:58:24.76:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.00:58:27.77:setupnw 2004.302.00:58:31.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:32.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.00:58:32.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.00:58:32.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 193 ; 2004.302.00:58:32.04:!2004.302.01:00:26 2004.302.00:59:24.91;"weather: partly cloudy 2004.302.01:00:26.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:00:26.00/disc_pos/126111269720,126110269720, 2004.302.01:00:26.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:00:27.04:!2004.302.01:00:26 2004.302.01:00:27.05:preob 2004.302.01:00:27.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:00:27.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:00:30.63/tpical/1u,6062,2u,8783,3u,21030,4u,32624,i1,14294 2004.302.01:00:30.63/tpical/9u,7046,au,23342,bu,17186,cu,9725,du,12071,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.01:00:30.63/tpical/i2,7338 2004.302.01:00:30.63/tpical/5u,34473,6u,26194,7u,36976,8u,12807,i3,46536 2004.302.01:00:33.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,100 2004.302.01:00:33.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,749,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,833,i2,65 2004.302.01:00:33.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.01:00:36.37:!2004.302.01:00:36 2004.302.01:00:36.37:disc_pos 2004.302.01:00:36.37/disc_pos/126255161344,126110269720, 2004.302.01:00:36.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:00:36.38:midob 2004.302.01:00:36.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:00:36.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:00:36.54/cable/+3.5914772E-02 2004.302.01:00:36.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9337,4968 2004.302.01:00:36.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29662 2004.302.01:00:36.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6255 2004.302.01:00:36.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17465 2004.302.01:00:36.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11639 2004.302.01:00:37.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:00:37.97/tpi/1u,4235,2u,6256,3u,13945,4u,21040,i1,9335 2004.302.01:00:37.97/tpi/9u,4979,au,16160,bu,11636,cu,6971,du,9874,eu,$$$$$,i2,4966 2004.302.01:00:37.98/tpi/5u,21499,6u,17456,7u,25094,8u,9039,i3,29664 2004.302.01:00:37.99/tpdiff/1u,1827,2u,2527,3u,7085,4u,11584,i1,4959 2004.302.01:00:37.99/tpdiff/9u,2067,au,7182,bu,5550,cu,2754,du,2197,eu,$$$$$,i2,2372 2004.302.01:00:38.00/tpdiff/5u,12974,6u,8738,7u,11882,8u,3768,i3,16872 2004.302.01:00:38.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:00:38.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:00:38.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:00:38.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:00:38.04?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.01:00:38.05/tsys/1u,49.3,2u,51.1,3u,48.5,4u,46.1,i1,48.4 2004.302.01:00:38.05/tsys/9u,74.4,au,68.7,bu,63.0,cu,75.1,du,135.1,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,66.1 2004.302.01:00:38.06/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,51.1,7u,52.4,8u,54.9,i3,45.4 2004.302.01:00:38.95/fmout-gps/+6.3964E-006 2004.302.01:00:38.96:!2004.302.01:01:16 2004.302.01:00:39.03#setcl#time/364152096,4,2004,302,01,00,39.02,1.997,10.096,3 2004.302.01:00:39.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:01:16.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:01:16.00:disc_end 2004.302.01:01:16.26:disc_pos 2004.302.01:01:16.27/disc_pos/126897784104,126111269720, 2004.302.01:01:16.27:disc_check 2004.302.01:01:16.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h01m16.195s,75016,0.00500s,80000,1981229296, 2004.302.01:01:16.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:01:16.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 241828 : 1295 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:16.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 241683 : 1433 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:16.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 241820 : 1301 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:16.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 241760 : 1379 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:16.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 241755 : 1376 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:16.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 241681 : 1438 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:16.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 241592 : 1532 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:16.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 241807 : 1317 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:16.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.998 2004.302.01:01:16.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.302.01:01:17.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.01:01:17.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.01:01:17.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.00 2004.302.01:01:17.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.01:01:17.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.01:01:17.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.43 2004.302.01:01:17.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.01:01:17.72:scan_name=302-0105,rd0408,207 2004.302.01:01:17.72:source=1749+096,174910.41,093942.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:01:20.74:setupnw 2004.302.01:01:24.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:25.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:01:25.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:01:25.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 195 ; 2004.302.01:01:25.03:!2004.302.01:04:53 2004.302.01:04:53.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:04:53.00/disc_pos/126897784104,126896784104, 2004.302.01:04:53.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:04:54.04:!2004.302.01:04:53 2004.302.01:04:54.04:preob 2004.302.01:04:54.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:04:54.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:04:57.64/tpical/1u,6484,2u,9367,3u,23006,4u,35693,i1,15673 2004.302.01:04:57.64/tpical/9u,7317,au,24134,bu,17996,cu,10313,du,19047,eu,25801 2004.302.01:04:57.64/tpical/i2,7597 2004.302.01:04:57.64/tpical/5u,39282,6u,29879,7u,41764,8u,14721,i3,52900 2004.302.01:05:00.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,97 2004.302.01:05:00.29/tpzero/9u,175,au,750,bu,708,cu,514,du,600,eu,828,i2,59 2004.302.01:05:00.29/tpzero/5u,345,6u,288,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.01:05:03.38:!2004.302.01:05:03 2004.302.01:05:03.38:disc_pos 2004.302.01:05:03.40/disc_pos/127041675264,126896784104, 2004.302.01:05:03.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:05:03.41:midob 2004.302.01:05:03.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:05:03.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:05:03.65/cable/+3.5918926E-02 2004.302.01:05:03.72/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10596,5231 2004.302.01:05:03.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34981 2004.302.01:05:03.86/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6810 2004.302.01:05:03.93/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20595 2004.302.01:05:04.00/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12389 2004.302.01:05:04.56/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:05:05.08/tpi/1u,4645,2u,6806,3u,15763,4u,23930,i1,10595 2004.302.01:05:05.08/tpi/9u,5249,au,16981,bu,12389,cu,7469,du,17312,eu,21686,i2,5229 2004.302.01:05:05.09/tpi/5u,25436,6u,20575,7u,29267,8u,10667,i3,34986 2004.302.01:05:05.10/tpdiff/1u,1839,2u,2561,3u,7243,4u,11763,i1,5078 2004.302.01:05:05.10/tpdiff/9u,2068,au,7153,bu,5607,cu,2844,du,1735,eu,4115,i2,2368 2004.302.01:05:05.11/tpdiff/5u,13846,6u,9304,7u,12497,8u,4054,i3,17914 2004.302.01:05:05.12/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:05:05.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:05:05.14/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:05:05.15/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:05:05.16/tsys/1u,54.8,2u,56.0,3u,53.9,4u,51.8,i1,53.8 2004.302.01:05:05.16/tsys/9u,78.5,au,72.6,bu,66.7,cu,78.3,du,308.2,eu,162.2,i2,69.9 2004.302.01:05:05.17/tsys/5u,47.1,6u,56.7,7u,58.5,8u,61.5,i3,50.5 2004.302.01:05:05.95/fmout-gps/+6.3969E-006 2004.302.01:05:05.96:!2004.302.01:08:30 2004.302.01:05:06.02#setcl#time/364178795,4,2004,302,01,05,06.02,2.006,10.170,4 2004.302.01:05:06.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:08:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:08:30.00:disc_end 2004.302.01:08:30.25:disc_pos 2004.302.01:08:30.26/disc_pos/130356229016,126897784104, 2004.302.01:08:30.26:disc_check 2004.302.01:08:30.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h08m30.190s,43900,0.00500s,80000,3485506204, 2004.302.01:08:30.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:08:30.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 248391 : 1332 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:30.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 248247 : 1468 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 248391 : 1330 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:30.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 248326 : 1412 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 248326 : 1403 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 248251 : 1468 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:30.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 248150 : 1572 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:30.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 248380 : 1344 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:30.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.486 2004.302.01:08:30.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.302.01:08:31.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.01:08:31.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.01:08:31.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.88 2004.302.01:08:31.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.01:08:31.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.01:08:31.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.01:08:31.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.01:08:31.71:scan_name=302-0109a,rd0408,101 2004.302.01:08:31.71:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:08:34.73:setupnw 2004.302.01:08:38.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:39.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:08:39.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:08:39.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 197 ; 2004.302.01:08:39.03:!2004.302.01:09:28 2004.302.01:09:28.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:09:28.00/disc_pos/130356229016,130355229016, 2004.302.01:09:28.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:09:29.04:!2004.302.01:09:28 2004.302.01:09:29.04:preob 2004.302.01:09:29.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:09:29.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:09:32.64/tpical/1u,6080,2u,8802,3u,21523,4u,33361,i1,14606 2004.302.01:09:32.64/tpical/9u,7070,au,23325,bu,17255,cu,9882,du,22118,eu,35419 2004.302.01:09:32.64/tpical/i2,7309 2004.302.01:09:32.64/tpical/5u,36994,6u,28160,7u,39809,8u,13864,i3,50060 2004.302.01:09:35.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,90 2004.302.01:09:35.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,750,bu,709,cu,514,du,600,eu,827,i2,49 2004.302.01:09:35.29/tpzero/5u,345,6u,288,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.01:09:38.38:!2004.302.01:09:38 2004.302.01:09:38.38:disc_pos 2004.302.01:09:38.39/disc_pos/130500112384,130355229016, 2004.302.01:09:38.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:09:38.39:midob 2004.302.01:09:38.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:09:38.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:09:38.69/cable/+3.5916770E-02 2004.302.01:09:38.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9715,4946 2004.302.01:09:38.83/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32933 2004.302.01:09:38.90/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6315 2004.302.01:09:38.97/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19397 2004.302.01:09:39.04/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11665 2004.302.01:09:39.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:09:40.12/tpi/1u,4268,2u,6312,3u,14523,4u,22178,i1,9715 2004.302.01:09:40.12/tpi/9u,5008,au,16177,bu,11665,cu,7051,du,20007,eu,27992,i2,4950 2004.302.01:09:40.13/tpi/5u,23718,6u,19397,7u,28001,8u,10087,i3,32911 2004.302.01:09:40.14/tpdiff/1u,1812,2u,2490,3u,7000,4u,11183,i1,4891 2004.302.01:09:40.15/tpdiff/9u,2062,au,7148,bu,5590,cu,2831,du,2111,eu,7427,i2,2359 2004.302.01:09:40.15/tpdiff/5u,13276,6u,8763,7u,11808,8u,3777,i3,17149 2004.302.01:09:40.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:09:40.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:09:40.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:09:40.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:09:40.19/tsys/1u,50.2,2u,52.4,3u,51.2,4u,50.4,i1,51.2 2004.302.01:09:40.19/tsys/9u,75.0,au,69.1,bu,62.7,cu,73.9,du,294.2,eu,117.0,i2,66.5 2004.302.01:09:40.20/tsys/5u,45.8,6u,56.7,7u,59.1,8u,62.0,i3,49.6 2004.302.01:09:40.95/fmout-gps/+6.3854E-006 2004.302.01:09:40.96:!2004.302.01:11:19 2004.302.01:09:41.03#setcl#time/364206294,4,2004,302,01,09,41.02,2.014,10.246,4 2004.302.01:09:41.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:11:19.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:11:19.00:disc_end 2004.302.01:11:19.25:disc_pos 2004.302.01:11:19.26/disc_pos/132118825648,130356229016, 2004.302.01:11:19.26:disc_check 2004.302.01:11:19.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h11m19.195s,47260,0.00500s,80000,941480008, 2004.302.01:11:19.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:11:19.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 251740 : 1347 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 251592 : 1487 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 251741 : 1346 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 251674 : 1428 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:19.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 251675 : 1419 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:19.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 251601 : 1482 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:19.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 251493 : 1594 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:19.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 251726 : 1362 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:19.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.486 2004.302.01:11:19.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.01:11:20.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.01:11:20.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.01:11:20.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.01:11:20.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.01:11:20.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.01:11:20.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.01:11:20.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.01:11:20.70:scan_name=302-0112,rd0408,91 2004.302.01:11:20.70:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:11:23.71:setupnw 2004.302.01:11:27.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:27.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:11:28.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:11:28.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 199 ; 2004.302.01:11:28.03:!2004.302.01:12:04 2004.302.01:12:04.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:12:04.00/disc_pos/132118825648,132117825648, 2004.302.01:12:04.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:12:05.04:!2004.302.01:12:04 2004.302.01:12:05.04:preob 2004.302.01:12:05.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:12:05.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:12:08.64/tpical/1u,6117,2u,8861,3u,22052,4u,34479,i1,14987 2004.302.01:12:08.64/tpical/9u,7012,au,23236,bu,17303,cu,9867,du,17105,eu,40016 2004.302.01:12:08.64/tpical/i2,7292 2004.302.01:12:08.64/tpical/5u,38370,6u,29370,7u,41909,8u,14565,i3,52285 2004.302.01:12:11.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,91 2004.302.01:12:11.30/tpzero/9u,171,au,750,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,826,i2,52 2004.302.01:12:11.30/tpzero/5u,344,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.01:12:14.39:!2004.302.01:12:14 2004.302.01:12:14.39:disc_pos 2004.302.01:12:14.40/disc_pos/132262719488,132117825648, 2004.302.01:12:14.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:12:14.40:midob 2004.302.01:12:14.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:12:14.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:12:14.57/cable/+3.5920797E-02 2004.302.01:12:14.64/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9808,4928 2004.302.01:12:14.71/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33357 2004.302.01:12:14.78/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6314 2004.302.01:12:14.85/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19597 2004.302.01:12:14.92/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11715 2004.302.01:12:15.48/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:12:16.01/tpi/1u,4282,2u,6310,3u,14612,4u,22398,i1,9807 2004.302.01:12:16.02/tpi/9u,4955,au,16095,bu,11713,cu,7027,du,15576,eu,36259,i2,4931 2004.302.01:12:16.02/tpi/5u,23910,6u,19605,7u,28514,8u,10258,i3,33354 2004.302.01:12:16.03/tpdiff/1u,1835,2u,2551,3u,7440,4u,12081,i1,5180 2004.302.01:12:16.04/tpdiff/9u,2057,au,7141,bu,5590,cu,2840,du,1529,eu,3757,i2,2361 2004.302.01:12:16.04/tpdiff/5u,14460,6u,9765,7u,13395,8u,4307,i3,18931 2004.302.01:12:16.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:12:16.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:12:16.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:12:16.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:12:16.08/tsys/1u,49.8,2u,51.2,3u,48.5,4u,47.1,i1,48.8 2004.302.01:12:16.09/tsys/9u,74.4,au,68.8,bu,63.0,cu,73.4,du,313.4,eu,301.8,i2,66.1 2004.302.01:12:16.10/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,51.4,7u,53.1,8u,55.4,i3,45.6 2004.302.01:12:16.95/fmout-gps/+6.3964E-006 2004.302.01:12:16.96:!2004.302.01:13:45 2004.302.01:12:17.03#setcl#time/364221894,4,2004,302,01,12,17.03,2.029,10.290,5 2004.302.01:12:17.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:13:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:13:45.00:disc_end 2004.302.01:13:45.27:disc_pos 2004.302.01:13:45.27/disc_pos/133721577368,132118825648, 2004.302.01:13:45.28:disc_check 2004.302.01:13:45.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h13m45.205s,888,0.00500s,80000,733454652, 2004.302.01:13:45.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:13:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 254783 : 1363 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 254633 : 1506 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:45.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 254783 : 1363 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:45.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 254717 : 1445 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:45.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 254720 : 1433 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:45.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 254647 : 1496 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:45.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 254533 : 1615 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:45.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 254774 : 1373 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:45.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.486 2004.302.01:13:45.99/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.302.01:13:46.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.01:13:46.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.01:13:46.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.01:13:46.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.01:13:46.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.01:13:46.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.36 2004.302.01:13:46.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.01:13:46.76:scan_name=302-0116,rd0408,72 2004.302.01:13:46.77:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:13:49.79:setupnw 2004.302.01:13:53.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:54.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:13:54.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:13:54.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 201 ; 2004.302.01:13:54.04:!2004.302.01:16:17 2004.302.01:16:17.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:16:17.00/disc_pos/133721577368,133720577368, 2004.302.01:16:17.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:16:18.04:!2004.302.01:16:17 2004.302.01:16:18.05:preob 2004.302.01:16:18.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:16:18.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:16:21.63/tpical/1u,6013,2u,8725,3u,21407,4u,33814,i1,14655 2004.302.01:16:21.63/tpical/9u,6938,au,23078,bu,17125,cu,9770,du,9506,eu,30418,i2,7226 2004.302.01:16:21.63/tpical/5u,37672,6u,29040,7u,41229,8u,14296,i3,51338 2004.302.01:16:24.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,500,i1,92 2004.302.01:16:24.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,749,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,825,i2,49 2004.302.01:16:24.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,289,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.01:16:27.38:!2004.302.01:16:27 2004.302.01:16:27.38:disc_pos 2004.302.01:16:27.39/disc_pos/133865467904,133720577368, 2004.302.01:16:27.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:16:27.39:midob 2004.302.01:16:27.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:16:27.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:16:27.65/cable/+3.5915316E-02 2004.302.01:16:27.72/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9461,4865 2004.302.01:16:27.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32312 2004.302.01:16:27.86/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6171 2004.302.01:16:27.93/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19105 2004.302.01:16:28.00/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11540 2004.302.01:16:28.56/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:16:29.09/tpi/1u,4169,2u,6166,3u,14061,4u,21557,i1,9461 2004.302.01:16:29.09/tpi/9u,4883,au,15930,bu,11540,cu,6936,du,6969,eu,24350,i2,4861 2004.302.01:16:29.10/tpi/5u,23139,6u,19099,7u,27641,8u,9979,i3,32308 2004.302.01:16:29.11/tpdiff/1u,1844,2u,2559,3u,7346,4u,12257,i1,5194 2004.302.01:16:29.11/tpdiff/9u,2055,au,7148,bu,5585,cu,2834,du,2537,eu,6068,i2,2365 2004.302.01:16:29.12/tpdiff/5u,14533,6u,9941,7u,13588,8u,4317,i3,19030 2004.302.01:16:29.13/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:16:29.13/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:16:29.14/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:16:29.15/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:16:29.16/tsys/1u,48.0,2u,49.5,3u,47.1,4u,44.7,i1,46.9 2004.302.01:16:29.17/tsys/9u,73.4,au,68.0,bu,62.1,cu,72.5,du,80.3,eu,124.1,i2,65.1 2004.302.01:16:29.17/tsys/5u,40.8,6u,49.2,7u,50.7,8u,53.6,i3,43.9 2004.302.01:16:29.96/fmout-gps/+6.3409E-006 2004.302.01:16:29.97:!2004.302.01:17:39 2004.302.01:16:30.03#setcl#time/364247194,4,2004,302,01,16,30.03,2.015,10.360,4 2004.302.01:16:30.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:17:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:17:39.01:disc_end 2004.302.01:17:39.27:disc_pos 2004.302.01:17:39.28/disc_pos/135020298080,133721577368, 2004.302.01:17:39.28:disc_check 2004.302.01:17:39.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h17m39.205s,8252,0.00500s,80000,2445271924, 2004.302.01:17:39.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:17:39.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 257251 : 1375 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 257095 : 1523 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 257251 : 1375 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 257184 : 1457 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 257184 : 1448 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 257108 : 1516 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 256997 : 1630 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:39.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 257241 : 1386 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:39.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.608 2004.302.01:17:39.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.302.01:17:40.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.01:17:40.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.01:17:40.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.01:17:40.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.01:17:40.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.01:17:40.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.18 2004.302.01:17:40.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.302.01:17:40.69:scan_name=302-0126a,rd0408,40 2004.302.01:17:40.69:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:17:43.71:setupnw 2004.302.01:17:47.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:48.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:17:48.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:17:48.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 203 ; 2004.302.01:17:48.05:!2004.302.01:26:22 2004.302.01:26:22.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:26:22.00/disc_pos/135020298080,135019298080, 2004.302.01:26:22.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:26:23.04:!2004.302.01:26:22 2004.302.01:26:23.04:preob 2004.302.01:26:23.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:26:23.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:26:26.62/tpical/1u,6736,2u,9711,3u,24296,4u,37911,i1,16557 2004.302.01:26:26.62/tpical/9u,7443,au,24581,bu,18219,cu,10437,du,16427,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.01:26:26.62/tpical/i2,7727 2004.302.01:26:26.62/tpical/5u,41945,6u,32008,7u,45190,8u,15747,i3,56986 2004.302.01:26:29.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,499,i1,98 2004.302.01:26:29.27/tpzero/9u,176,au,751,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,832,i2,67 2004.302.01:26:29.27/tpzero/5u,345,6u,289,7u,1164,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.01:26:32.36:!2004.302.01:26:32 2004.302.01:26:32.36:disc_pos 2004.302.01:26:32.37/disc_pos/135164190720,135019298080, 2004.302.01:26:32.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:26:32.37:midob 2004.302.01:26:32.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:26:32.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:26:32.44/cable/+3.5917521E-02 2004.302.01:26:32.51/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11400,5358 2004.302.01:26:32.59/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,38394 2004.302.01:26:32.66/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7168 2004.302.01:26:32.73/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22417 2004.302.01:26:32.80/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12630 2004.302.01:26:33.36/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:26:33.89/tpi/1u,4893,2u,7159,3u,16926,4u,25889,i1,11398 2004.302.01:26:33.89/tpi/9u,5365,au,17399,bu,12630,cu,7607,du,14597,eu,$$$$$,i2,5358 2004.302.01:26:33.90/tpi/5u,27683,6u,22395,7u,32247,8u,11498,i3,38392 2004.302.01:26:33.91/tpdiff/1u,1843,2u,2552,3u,7370,4u,12022,i1,5159 2004.302.01:26:33.91/tpdiff/9u,2078,au,7182,bu,5589,cu,2830,du,1830,eu,$$$$$,i2,2369 2004.302.01:26:33.92/tpdiff/5u,14262,6u,9613,7u,12943,8u,4249,i3,18594 2004.302.01:26:33.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:26:33.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:26:33.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:26:33.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:26:33.96?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.01:26:33.97/tsys/1u,58.2,2u,59.8,3u,57.1,4u,54.9,i1,56.9 2004.302.01:26:33.98/tsys/9u,79.9,au,74.2,bu,68.3,cu,80.2,du,244.8,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,71.5 2004.302.01:26:33.98/tsys/5u,49.8,6u,59.8,7u,62.4,8u,63.7,i3,53.4 2004.302.01:26:34.95/fmout-gps/+6.3954E-006 2004.302.01:26:34.96:!2004.302.01:27:12 2004.302.01:26:35.03#setcl#time/364307693,4,2004,302,01,26,35.03,2.006,10.528,4 2004.302.01:26:35.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:27:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:27:12.00:disc_end 2004.302.01:27:12.26:disc_pos 2004.302.01:27:12.27/disc_pos/135806971456,135020298080, 2004.302.01:27:12.27:disc_check 2004.302.01:27:12.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h27m12.200s,23200,0.00500s,80000,8381231676, 2004.302.01:27:12.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:27:12.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 258744 : 1384 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:12.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 258592 : 1529 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 258745 : 1385 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 258679 : 1465 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 258676 : 1459 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:12.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 258600 : 1527 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:12.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 258488 : 1642 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:12.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 258735 : 1394 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:12.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.01:27:12.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.01:27:13.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.01:27:13.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.01:27:13.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.12 2004.302.01:27:13.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.01:27:13.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.01:27:13.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.74 2004.302.01:27:13.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.01:27:13.69:scan_name=302-0128b,rd0408,95 2004.302.01:27:13.69:source=1418+546,141806.21,543658.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:27:16.71:setupnw 2004.302.01:27:20.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:20.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:27:21.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:27:21.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 205 ; 2004.302.01:27:21.03:!2004.302.01:28:39 2004.302.01:28:39.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:28:39.00/disc_pos/135806971456,135805971456, 2004.302.01:28:39.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:28:40.05:!2004.302.01:28:39 2004.302.01:28:40.06:preob 2004.302.01:28:40.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:28:40.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:28:43.64/tpical/1u,6622,2u,9565,3u,23959,4u,37627,i1,16339 2004.302.01:28:43.64/tpical/9u,7370,au,24394,bu,18027,cu,10361,du,18845,eu,41032 2004.302.01:28:43.64/tpical/i2,7659 2004.302.01:28:43.64/tpical/5u,41620,6u,31899,7u,45171,8u,15661,i3,56773 2004.302.01:28:46.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,98 2004.302.01:28:46.30/tpzero/9u,175,au,749,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,828,i2,62 2004.302.01:28:46.30/tpzero/5u,346,6u,288,7u,1162,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.01:28:49.39:!2004.302.01:28:49 2004.302.01:28:49.39:disc_pos 2004.302.01:28:49.40/disc_pos/135950860288,135805971456, 2004.302.01:28:49.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:28:49.40:midob 2004.302.01:28:49.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:28:49.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:28:49.60/cable/+3.5917620E-02 2004.302.01:28:49.67/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11169,5293 2004.302.01:28:49.74/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37941 2004.302.01:28:49.81/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7023 2004.302.01:28:49.88/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22192 2004.302.01:28:49.95/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12433 2004.302.01:28:50.51/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:28:51.04/tpi/1u,4776,2u,7009,3u,16593,4u,25452,i1,11164 2004.302.01:28:51.04/tpi/9u,5311,au,17224,bu,12430,cu,7533,du,16079,eu,36210,i2,5294 2004.302.01:28:51.05/tpi/5u,27233,6u,22182,7u,31985,8u,11376,i3,37926 2004.302.01:28:51.06/tpdiff/1u,1846,2u,2556,3u,7366,4u,12175,i1,5175 2004.302.01:28:51.06/tpdiff/9u,2059,au,7170,bu,5597,cu,2828,du,2766,eu,4822,i2,2365 2004.302.01:28:51.07/tpdiff/5u,14387,6u,9717,7u,13186,8u,4285,i3,18847 2004.302.01:28:51.08/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:28:51.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:28:51.09/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:28:51.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:28:51.11/tsys/1u,56.5,2u,58.2,3u,56.0,4u,53.3,i1,55.6 2004.302.01:28:51.11/tsys/9u,79.8,au,73.5,bu,67.0,cu,79.4,du,179.1,eu,234.8,i2,70.8 2004.302.01:28:51.12/tsys/5u,48.6,6u,58.6,7u,60.8,8u,62.5,i3,52.1 2004.302.01:28:51.95/fmout-gps/+6.3584E-006 2004.302.01:28:51.95:!2004.302.01:30:24 2004.302.01:28:52.02#setcl#time/364321392,4,2004,302,01,28,52.03,2.022,10.566,5 2004.302.01:28:52.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:30:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:30:24.00:disc_end 2004.302.01:30:24.26:disc_pos 2004.302.01:30:24.27/disc_pos/137473402736,135806971456, 2004.302.01:30:24.27:disc_check 2004.302.01:30:24.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h30m24.205s,1964,0.00500s,80000,1405669956, 2004.302.01:30:24.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:30:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 261909 : 1400 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 261755 : 1547 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:24.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 261909 : 1402 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:24.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 261845 : 1480 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:24.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 261841 : 1475 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:24.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 261764 : 1545 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:24.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 261647 : 1664 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:24.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 261902 : 1408 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:24.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.01:30:24.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.01:30:25.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.01:30:25.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.01:30:25.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.01:30:25.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.01:30:25.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.01:30:25.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.01:30:25.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.302.01:30:25.69:scan_name=302-0135,rd0408,149 2004.302.01:30:25.69:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:30:28.71:setupnw 2004.302.01:30:32.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:33.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:30:33.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:30:33.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 207 ; 2004.302.01:30:33.04:!2004.302.01:35:39 2004.302.01:35:39.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:35:39.00/disc_pos/137473402736,137472402736, 2004.302.01:35:39.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:35:40.04:!2004.302.01:35:39 2004.302.01:35:40.04:preob 2004.302.01:35:40.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:35:40.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:35:43.62/tpical/1u,6771,2u,9811,3u,24605,4u,38494,i1,16785 2004.302.01:35:43.62/tpical/9u,7443,au,24663,bu,18260,cu,10459,du,10293,eu,26647 2004.302.01:35:43.62/tpical/i2,7735 2004.302.01:35:43.62/tpical/5u,42664,6u,32746,7u,45975,8u,16033,i3,58258 2004.302.01:35:46.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,94 2004.302.01:35:46.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,748,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,825,i2,50 2004.302.01:35:46.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.01:35:49.38:!2004.302.01:35:49 2004.302.01:35:49.38:disc_pos 2004.302.01:35:49.39/disc_pos/137617293312,137472402736, 2004.302.01:35:49.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:35:49.39:midob 2004.302.01:35:49.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:35:49.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:35:49.72/cable/+3.5917936E-02 2004.302.01:35:49.79/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11626,5372 2004.302.01:35:49.86/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,39476 2004.302.01:35:49.93/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7258 2004.302.01:35:50.00/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23062 2004.302.01:35:50.07/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12660 2004.302.01:35:50.63/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:35:51.16/tpi/1u,4934,2u,7265,3u,17239,4u,26383,i1,11628 2004.302.01:35:51.17/tpi/9u,5383,au,17515,bu,12667,cu,7632,du,7867,eu,23260,i2,5375 2004.302.01:35:51.18/tpi/5u,28335,6u,23062,7u,32991,8u,11759,i3,39468 2004.302.01:35:51.19/tpdiff/1u,1837,2u,2546,3u,7366,4u,12111,i1,5157 2004.302.01:35:51.19/tpdiff/9u,2060,au,7148,bu,5593,cu,2827,du,2426,eu,3387,i2,2360 2004.302.01:35:51.20/tpdiff/5u,14329,6u,9684,7u,12984,8u,4274,i3,18790 2004.302.01:35:51.21/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:35:51.21/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:35:51.22/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:35:51.22/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:35:51.24/tsys/1u,59.0,2u,61.0,3u,58.2,4u,55.6,i1,58.2 2004.302.01:35:51.24/tsys/9u,81.0,au,75.1,bu,68.4,cu,80.6,du,95.9,eu,212.0,i2,72.2 2004.302.01:35:51.25/tsys/5u,50.8,6u,61.1,7u,63.7,8u,64.9,i3,54.4 2004.302.01:35:51.94/fmout-gps/+6.3679E-006 2004.302.01:35:51.95:!2004.302.01:38:18 2004.302.01:35:52.02#setcl#time/364363391,4,2004,302,01,35,52.02,2.000,10.683,4 2004.302.01:35:52.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:38:18.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:38:18.01:disc_end 2004.302.01:38:18.27:disc_pos 2004.302.01:38:18.28/disc_pos/140004078184,137473402736, 2004.302.01:38:18.28:disc_check 2004.302.01:38:18.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h38m18.205s,24744,0.00500s,80000,5053301772, 2004.302.01:38:18.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:38:18.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 266710 : 1429 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 266553 : 1578 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 266712 : 1429 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:18.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 266652 : 1504 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:18.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 266649 : 1496 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:18.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 266566 : 1573 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:18.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 266448 : 1692 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:18.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 266713 : 1427 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:18.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.01:38:18.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.01:38:19.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.01:38:19.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.01:38:19.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.01:38:19.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.01:38:19.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.01:38:19.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.61 2004.302.01:38:19.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.01:38:19.72:scan_name=302-0139a,rd0408,80 2004.302.01:38:19.72:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:38:22.74:setupnw 2004.302.01:38:26.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:27.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:38:27.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:38:27.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 209 ; 2004.302.01:38:27.06:!2004.302.01:39:08 2004.302.01:39:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:39:08.00/disc_pos/140004078184,140003078184, 2004.302.01:39:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:39:09.04:!2004.302.01:39:08 2004.302.01:39:09.04:preob 2004.302.01:39:09.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:39:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:39:12.62/tpical/1u,6257,2u,9094,3u,22574,4u,35580,i1,15446 2004.302.01:39:12.62/tpical/9u,7108,au,23604,bu,17569,cu,10016,du,14578,eu,36688 2004.302.01:39:12.62/tpical/i2,7410 2004.302.01:39:12.62/tpical/5u,39569,6u,30446,7u,43199,8u,14979,i3,53983 2004.302.01:39:15.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,92 2004.302.01:39:15.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,748,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,826,i2,52 2004.302.01:39:15.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,290,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.01:39:18.36:!2004.302.01:39:18 2004.302.01:39:18.36:disc_pos 2004.302.01:39:18.38/disc_pos/140147970048,140003078184, 2004.302.01:39:18.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:39:18.39:midob 2004.302.01:39:18.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:39:18.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:39:18.53/cable/+3.5916438E-02 2004.302.01:39:18.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10240,5042 2004.302.01:39:18.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34915 2004.302.01:39:18.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6544 2004.302.01:39:18.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20536 2004.302.01:39:18.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11977 2004.302.01:39:19.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:39:20.00/tpi/1u,4427,2u,6551,3u,15180,4u,23320,i1,10241 2004.302.01:39:20.00/tpi/9u,5052,au,16461,bu,11982,cu,7202,du,11438,eu,32477,i2,5041 2004.302.01:39:20.01/tpi/5u,25073,6u,20521,7u,29599,8u,10641,i3,34912 2004.302.01:39:20.02/tpdiff/1u,1830,2u,2543,3u,7394,4u,12260,i1,5205 2004.302.01:39:20.03/tpdiff/9u,2056,au,7143,bu,5587,cu,2814,du,3140,eu,4211,i2,2369 2004.302.01:39:20.03/tpdiff/5u,14496,6u,9925,7u,13600,8u,4338,i3,19071 2004.302.01:39:20.04/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:39:20.05/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:39:20.05/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:39:20.06/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:39:20.07/tsys/1u,52.0,2u,53.8,3u,50.8,4u,48.4,i1,50.7 2004.302.01:39:20.08/tsys/9u,76.0,au,70.4,bu,64.6,cu,76.1,du,110.4,eu,240.5,i2,67.4 2004.302.01:39:20.08/tsys/5u,44.4,6u,53.0,7u,54.4,8u,57.3,i3,47.3 2004.302.01:39:20.95/fmout-gps/+6.3959E-006 2004.302.01:39:20.96:!2004.302.01:40:38 2004.302.01:39:21.03#setcl#time/364384290,4,2004,302,01,39,21.02,2.011,10.741,4 2004.302.01:39:21.03#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:40:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:40:38.01:disc_end 2004.302.01:40:38.27:disc_pos 2004.302.01:40:38.28/disc_pos/141430811600,140004078184, 2004.302.01:40:38.28:disc_check 2004.302.01:40:38.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h40m38.210s,68736,0.00500s,80000,813302592, 2004.302.01:40:38.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:40:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 269423 : 1439 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 269258 : 1597 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:38.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 269423 : 1443 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:38.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 269363 : 1517 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:38.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 269359 : 1510 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:38.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 269273 : 1590 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:38.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 269159 : 1705 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:38.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 269423 : 1440 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:38.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.998 2004.302.01:40:38.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.01:40:39.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.01:40:39.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.01:40:39.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.01:40:39.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.01:40:39.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.01:40:39.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.01:40:39.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.01:40:39.72:scan_name=302-0142,rd0408,41 2004.302.01:40:39.72:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:40:42.74:setupnw 2004.302.01:40:46.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:47.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:40:47.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:40:47.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 211 ; 2004.302.01:40:47.05:!2004.302.01:42:16 2004.302.01:42:16.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:42:16.00/disc_pos/141430811600,141429811600, 2004.302.01:42:16.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:42:17.04:!2004.302.01:42:16 2004.302.01:42:17.05:preob 2004.302.01:42:17.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:42:17.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:42:20.63/tpical/1u,6400,2u,9273,3u,23191,4u,36542,i1,15846 2004.302.01:42:20.63/tpical/9u,7208,au,23861,bu,17664,cu,10080,du,9434,eu,58869 2004.302.01:42:20.63/tpical/i2,7493 2004.302.01:42:20.63/tpical/5u,40517,6u,31037,7u,44111,8u,15313,i3,55286 2004.302.01:42:23.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,99 2004.302.01:42:23.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,749,bu,710,cu,512,du,600,eu,828,i2,63 2004.302.01:42:23.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,291,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.01:42:26.38:!2004.302.01:42:26 2004.302.01:42:26.38:disc_pos 2004.302.01:42:26.39/disc_pos/141574701056,141429811600, 2004.302.01:42:26.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:42:26.39:midob 2004.302.01:42:26.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:42:26.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:42:26.44/cable/+3.5919041E-02 2004.302.01:42:26.51/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10635,5123 2004.302.01:42:26.58/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36231 2004.302.01:42:26.65/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6718 2004.302.01:42:26.72/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21213 2004.302.01:42:26.79/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12080 2004.302.01:42:27.35/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:42:27.88/tpi/1u,4556,2u,6724,3u,15785,4u,24309,i1,10637 2004.302.01:42:27.88/tpi/9u,5147,au,16693,bu,12074,cu,7251,du,6946,eu,55493,i2,5124 2004.302.01:42:27.89/tpi/5u,25964,6u,21202,7u,30675,8u,10951,i3,36244 2004.302.01:42:27.90/tpdiff/1u,1844,2u,2549,3u,7406,4u,12233,i1,5209 2004.302.01:42:27.90/tpdiff/9u,2061,au,7168,bu,5590,cu,2829,du,2488,eu,3376,i2,2369 2004.302.01:42:27.91/tpdiff/5u,14553,6u,9835,7u,13436,8u,4362,i3,19042 2004.302.01:42:27.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:42:27.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:42:27.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:42:27.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:42:27.95/tsys/1u,53.4,2u,55.4,3u,52.8,4u,50.6,i1,52.6 2004.302.01:42:27.95/tsys/9u,77.3,au,71.2,bu,65.1,cu,76.2,du,81.6,eu,518.2,i2,68.4 2004.302.01:42:27.96/tsys/5u,45.8,6u,55.3,7u,57.1,8u,58.8,i3,49.2 2004.302.01:42:28.95/fmout-gps/+6.3649E-006 2004.302.01:42:28.95:!2004.302.01:43:07 2004.302.01:42:29.02#setcl#time/364403090,4,2004,302,01,42,29.02,2.001,10.793,4 2004.302.01:42:29.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:43:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:43:07.00:disc_end 2004.302.01:43:07.26:disc_pos 2004.302.01:43:07.26/disc_pos/142233327568,141430811600, 2004.302.01:43:07.27:disc_check 2004.302.01:43:07.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h43m07.200s,32192,0.00500s,80000,1581360576, 2004.302.01:43:07.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:43:07.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 270941 : 1454 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 270780 : 1608 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 270946 : 1453 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:07.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 270883 : 1530 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 270884 : 1518 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 270793 : 1604 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:07.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 270683 : 1714 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:07.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 270946 : 1450 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:07.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.242 2004.302.01:43:07.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.01:43:08.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.01:43:08.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.01:43:08.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.01:43:08.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.01:43:08.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.01:43:08.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.36 2004.302.01:43:08.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.01:43:08.72:scan_name=302-0152b,rd0408,140 2004.302.01:43:08.72:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:43:11.74:setupnw 2004.302.01:43:15.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:16.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:43:16.04/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:43:16.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 213 ; 2004.302.01:43:16.05:!2004.302.01:52:32 2004.302.01:52:32.00:disc_pos 2004.302.01:52:32.01/disc_pos/142233327568,142232327568, 2004.302.01:52:32.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:52:33.04:!2004.302.01:52:32 2004.302.01:52:33.04:preob 2004.302.01:52:33.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:52:33.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:52:36.63/tpical/1u,6006,2u,8702,3u,21199,4u,33420,i1,14482 2004.302.01:52:36.63/tpical/9u,6990,au,23232,bu,17075,cu,9795,du,44566,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.01:52:36.63/tpical/i2,7260 2004.302.01:52:36.63/tpical/5u,36916,6u,28427,7u,40265,8u,13981,i3,50209 2004.302.01:52:39.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,96 2004.302.01:52:39.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,749,bu,708,cu,513,du,602,eu,871,i2,57 2004.302.01:52:39.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,287,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.01:52:42.37:!2004.302.01:52:42 2004.302.01:52:42.37:disc_pos 2004.302.01:52:42.37/disc_pos/142377213952,142232327568, 2004.302.01:52:42.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:52:42.38:midob 2004.302.01:52:42.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:52:42.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:52:42.76/cable/+3.5913469E-02 2004.302.01:52:42.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9303,4891 2004.302.01:52:42.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31420 2004.302.01:52:42.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6138 2004.302.01:52:43.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18607 2004.302.01:52:43.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11497 2004.302.01:52:43.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:52:44.19/tpi/1u,4159,2u,6138,3u,13795,4u,21243,i1,9299 2004.302.01:52:44.20/tpi/9u,4912,au,16065,bu,11483,cu,7017,du,39455,eu,$$$$$,i2,4885 2004.302.01:52:44.20/tpi/5u,22585,6u,18607,7u,26888,8u,9703,i3,31420 2004.302.01:52:44.21/tpdiff/1u,1847,2u,2564,3u,7404,4u,12177,i1,5183 2004.302.01:52:44.22/tpdiff/9u,2078,au,7167,bu,5592,cu,2778,du,5111,eu,$$$$$,i2,2375 2004.302.01:52:44.22/tpdiff/5u,14331,6u,9820,7u,13377,8u,4278,i3,18789 2004.302.01:52:44.23/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:52:44.24/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:52:44.24/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:52:44.25/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:52:44.26?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.01:52:44.27/tsys/1u,47.7,2u,49.2,3u,45.8,4u,44.3,i1,46.2 2004.302.01:52:44.27/tsys/9u,73.0,au,68.4,bu,61.7,cu,74.9,du,243.3,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.1 2004.302.01:52:44.28/tsys/5u,40.3,6u,48.5,7u,50.0,8u,52.4,i3,43.2 2004.302.01:52:44.94/fmout-gps/+6.3869E-006 2004.302.01:52:44.95:!2004.302.01:55:02 2004.302.01:52:45.02#setcl#time/364464689,4,2004,302,01,52,45.02,1.992,10.964,4 2004.302.01:52:45.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.01:55:02.01:data_valid=off 2004.302.01:55:02.02:disc_end 2004.302.01:55:02.28:disc_pos 2004.302.01:55:02.28/disc_pos/144620146696,142233327568, 2004.302.01:55:02.29:disc_check 2004.302.01:55:02.67/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d01h55m02.215s,8996,0.00500s,80000,9053444068, 2004.302.01:55:02.67:postob_mk5a 2004.302.01:55:02.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 275469 : 1481 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:02.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 275307 : 1636 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:02.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 275480 : 1474 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:02.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 275415 : 1555 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:02.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 275421 : 1536 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:02.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 275326 : 1626 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:02.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 275214 : 1738 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:02.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 275480 : 1471 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:02.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.608 2004.302.01:55:02.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.302.01:55:03.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.302.01:55:03.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.01:55:03.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.01:55:03.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.01:55:03.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.01:55:03.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.30 2004.302.01:55:03.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.01:55:03.74:scan_name=302-0156b,rd0408,208 2004.302.01:55:03.74:source=2201+315,220101.46,313105.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.01:55:06.76:setupnw 2004.302.01:55:10.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:10.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.01:55:11.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.01:55:11.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 215 ; 2004.302.01:55:11.03:!2004.302.01:56:25 2004.302.01:56:25.01:disc_pos 2004.302.01:56:25.03/disc_pos/144620146696,144619146696, 2004.302.01:56:25.03:disc_start=on 2004.302.01:56:26.06:!2004.302.01:56:25 2004.302.01:56:26.06:preob 2004.302.01:56:26.07#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:56:26.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:56:29.64/tpical/1u,5932,2u,8614,3u,20797,4u,32698,i1,14260 2004.302.01:56:29.64/tpical/9u,6894,au,22926,bu,15207,cu,31268,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.01:56:29.64/tpical/i2,7157 2004.302.01:56:29.64/tpical/5u,36065,6u,27594,7u,38914,8u,13603,i3,48793 2004.302.01:56:32.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,89 2004.302.01:56:32.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,748,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,843,i2,55 2004.302.01:56:32.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,290,7u,1166,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.01:56:35.38:!2004.302.01:56:35 2004.302.01:56:35.38:disc_pos 2004.302.01:56:35.38/disc_pos/144764039168,144619146696, 2004.302.01:56:35.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.01:56:35.40:midob 2004.302.01:56:35.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.01:56:35.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.01:56:35.69/cable/+3.5913527E-02 2004.302.01:56:35.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9124,4806 2004.302.01:56:35.83/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30384 2004.302.01:56:35.90/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6058 2004.302.01:56:35.97/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17980 2004.302.01:56:36.04/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10205 2004.302.01:56:36.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.01:56:37.13/tpi/1u,4112,2u,6062,3u,13496,4u,20676,i1,9124 2004.302.01:56:37.13/tpi/9u,4822,au,15786,bu,10195,cu,32453,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,4797 2004.302.01:56:37.14/tpi/5u,21932,6u,17980,7u,25922,8u,9428,i3,30382 2004.302.01:56:37.15/tpdiff/1u,1820,2u,2552,3u,7301,4u,12022,i1,5136 2004.302.01:56:37.15/tpdiff/9u,2072,au,7140,bu,5012,cu,-1185,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,2360 2004.302.01:56:37.16/tpdiff/5u,14133,6u,9614,7u,12992,8u,4175,i3,18411 2004.302.01:56:37.17/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.01:56:37.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.01:56:37.18/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.01:56:37.19/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.01:56:37.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.01:56:37.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.01:56:37.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.01:56:37.21/tsys/1u,47.8,2u,48.6,3u,45.4,4u,43.6,i1,45.7 2004.302.01:56:37.21/tsys/9u,71.8,au,67.4,bu,60.6,cu,$$$$$$$$,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.01:56:37.22/tsys/i2,64.3 2004.302.01:56:37.23/tsys/5u,39.7,6u,47.8,7u,49.5,8u,52.0,i3,42.6 2004.302.01:56:37.95/fmout-gps/+6.4414E-006 2004.302.01:56:37.95:!2004.302.02:00:03 2004.302.01:56:38.02#setcl#time/364487988,4,2004,302,01,56,38.02,2.002,11.029,4 2004.302.01:56:38.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:00:03.01:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:00:03.01:disc_end 2004.302.02:00:03.28:disc_pos 2004.302.02:00:03.28/disc_pos/148094750856,144620146696, 2004.302.02:00:03.29:disc_check 2004.302.02:00:03.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h00m03.225s,59992,0.00500s,80000,1341504844, 2004.302.02:00:03.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:00:03.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 282063 : 1517 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:03.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 281905 : 1668 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:03.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 282086 : 1498 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:03.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 282006 : 1596 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:03.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 282024 : 1563 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:03.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 281927 : 1656 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:03.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 281806 : 1776 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:03.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 282083 : 1498 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:03.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.120 2004.302.02:00:03.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.302.02:00:04.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.302.02:00:04.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:00:04.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.302.02:00:04.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.02:00:04.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.02:00:04.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.02:00:04.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.02:00:04.75:scan_name=302-0201b,rd0408,75 2004.302.02:00:04.75:source=2318+049,231812.14,045723.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:00:07.77:setupnw 2004.302.02:00:11.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:11.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:00:12.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:00:12.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 217 ; 2004.302.02:00:12.04:!2004.302.02:01:43 2004.302.02:01:43.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:01:43.00/disc_pos/148094750856,148093750856, 2004.302.02:01:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:01:44.04:!2004.302.02:01:43 2004.302.02:01:44.04:preob 2004.302.02:01:44.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:01:44.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:01:47.62/tpical/1u,6003,2u,8712,3u,20990,4u,32949,i1,14447 2004.302.02:01:47.62/tpical/9u,6921,au,23189,bu,16965,cu,9667,du,11278,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:01:47.62/tpical/i2,7249 2004.302.02:01:47.62/tpical/5u,36474,6u,27856,7u,39137,8u,13806,i3,49406 2004.302.02:01:50.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,90 2004.302.02:01:50.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,747,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,831,i2,51 2004.302.02:01:50.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,291,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.02:01:53.37:!2004.302.02:01:53 2004.302.02:01:53.37:disc_pos 2004.302.02:01:53.37/disc_pos/148238643200,148093750856, 2004.302.02:01:53.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:01:53.38:midob 2004.302.02:01:53.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:01:53.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:01:53.57/cable/+3.5913346E-02 2004.302.02:01:53.64/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9338,4887 2004.302.02:01:53.71/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31165 2004.302.02:01:53.78/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6167 2004.302.02:01:53.85/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18401 2004.302.02:01:53.92/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11446 2004.302.02:01:54.48/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:01:55.00/tpi/1u,4186,2u,6165,3u,13842,4u,21138,i1,9341 2004.302.02:01:55.00/tpi/9u,4875,au,16047,bu,11447,cu,6914,du,8382,eu,$$$$$,i2,4886 2004.302.02:01:55.02/tpi/5u,22457,6u,18407,7u,26332,8u,9664,i3,31175 2004.302.02:01:55.03/tpdiff/1u,1817,2u,2547,3u,7148,4u,11811,i1,5106 2004.302.02:01:55.04/tpdiff/9u,2046,au,7142,bu,5518,cu,2753,du,2896,eu,$$$$$,i2,2363 2004.302.02:01:55.04/tpdiff/5u,14017,6u,9449,7u,12805,8u,4142,i3,18231 2004.302.02:01:55.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:01:55.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:01:55.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:01:55.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:01:55.08?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:01:55.09/tsys/1u,48.9,2u,49.8,3u,47.7,4u,45.4,i1,47.1 2004.302.02:01:55.09/tsys/9u,73.6,au,68.6,bu,62.3,cu,74.4,du,86.0,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.5 2004.302.02:01:55.10/tsys/5u,41.0,6u,49.8,7u,51.1,8u,53.9,i3,44.2 2004.302.02:01:55.95/fmout-gps/+6.4304E-006 2004.302.02:01:55.96:!2004.302.02:03:08 2004.302.02:01:56.02#setcl#time/364519787,4,2004,302,02,01,56.02,2.008,11.117,4 2004.302.02:01:56.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:03:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:03:08.01:disc_end 2004.302.02:03:08.27:disc_pos 2004.302.02:03:08.28/disc_pos/149441476360,148094750856, 2004.302.02:03:08.28:disc_check 2004.302.02:03:08.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h03m08.210s,51328,0.00500s,80000,1613043160, 2004.302.02:03:08.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:03:08.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 284626 : 1525 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 284463 : 1681 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 284642 : 1513 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:08.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 284560 : 1613 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:08.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 284582 : 1576 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:08.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 284489 : 1667 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:08.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 284361 : 1792 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:08.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 284642 : 1510 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:08.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.875 2004.302.02:03:08.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.302.02:03:09.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.302.02:03:09.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:03:09.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.302.02:03:09.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.02:03:09.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:03:09.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.02:03:09.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.02:03:09.73:scan_name=302-0204,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:03:09.74:source=2121+053,212114.82,052227.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:03:12.75:setupnw 2004.302.02:03:16.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:16.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:03:17.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:03:17.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 219 ; 2004.302.02:03:17.05:!2004.302.02:04:29 2004.302.02:03:29.37;"weather: partly cloudy 2004.302.02:04:29.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:04:29.00/disc_pos/149441476360,149440476360, 2004.302.02:04:29.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:04:30.05:!2004.302.02:04:29 2004.302.02:04:30.05:preob 2004.302.02:04:30.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:04:30.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:04:33.64/tpical/1u,6063,2u,8754,3u,21317,4u,33145,i1,14543 2004.302.02:04:33.64/tpical/9u,6992,au,23243,bu,16615,cu,12068,du,44014,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:04:33.64/tpical/i2,7390 2004.302.02:04:33.64/tpical/5u,36572,6u,27917,7u,39201,8u,14583,i3,49568 2004.302.02:04:36.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,96 2004.302.02:04:36.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,747,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,851,i2,57 2004.302.02:04:36.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,290,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.02:04:39.38:!2004.302.02:04:39 2004.302.02:04:39.38:disc_pos 2004.302.02:04:39.39/disc_pos/149585371136,149440476360, 2004.302.02:04:39.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:04:39.40:midob 2004.302.02:04:39.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:04:39.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:04:39.54/cable/+3.5912828E-02 2004.302.02:04:39.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9451,5024 2004.302.02:04:39.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31479 2004.302.02:04:39.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6221 2004.302.02:04:39.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18544 2004.302.02:04:39.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11352 2004.302.02:04:40.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:04:40.97/tpi/1u,4243,2u,6216,3u,14065,4u,21396,i1,9454 2004.302.02:04:40.97/tpi/9u,4944,au,16125,bu,11336,cu,8944,du,38077,eu,$$$$$,i2,5020 2004.302.02:04:40.98/tpi/5u,22680,6u,18541,7u,26543,8u,10455,i3,31485 2004.302.02:04:40.99/tpdiff/1u,1820,2u,2538,3u,7252,4u,11749,i1,5089 2004.302.02:04:40.99/tpdiff/9u,2048,au,7118,bu,5279,cu,3124,du,5937,eu,$$$$$,i2,2370 2004.302.02:04:41.00/tpdiff/5u,13892,6u,9376,7u,12658,8u,4128,i3,18083 2004.302.02:04:41.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:04:41.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:04:41.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:04:41.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:04:41.04?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:04:41.05/tsys/1u,49.6,2u,50.5,3u,47.8,4u,46.2,i1,47.8 2004.302.02:04:41.06/tsys/9u,74.6,au,69.1,bu,64.4,cu,86.4,du,202.0,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,67.0 2004.302.02:04:41.06/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,50.6,7u,52.1,8u,59.0,i3,45.0 2004.302.02:04:41.95/fmout-gps/+6.4234E-006 2004.302.02:04:41.95:!2004.302.02:05:19 2004.302.02:04:42.02#setcl#time/364536387,4,2004,302,02,04,42.02,1.999,11.163,4 2004.302.02:04:42.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:05:19.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:05:19.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:05:19.28:disc_pos 2004.302.02:05:19.28/disc_pos/150228151808,149441476360, 2004.302.02:05:19.29:disc_check 2004.302.02:05:19.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h05m19.220s,38204,0.00500s,80000,1309497676, 2004.302.02:05:19.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:05:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 286117 : 1537 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:19.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 285957 : 1689 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 286137 : 1521 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:19.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 286052 : 1623 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:19.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 286075 : 1586 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:19.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 285988 : 1672 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:19.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 285852 : 1804 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:19.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 286139 : 1516 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:19.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.753 2004.302.02:05:19.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.02:05:20.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.302.02:05:20.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:05:20.33/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.302.02:05:20.44/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.02:05:20.55/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:05:20.66/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.02:05:20.77/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.02:05:20.77:scan_name=302-0206b,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:05:20.78:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:05:23.79:setupnw 2004.302.02:05:27.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:27.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:05:28.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:05:28.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 221 ; 2004.302.02:05:28.03:!2004.302.02:06:29 2004.302.02:06:29.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:06:29.00/disc_pos/150228151808,150227151808, 2004.302.02:06:29.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:06:30.04:!2004.302.02:06:29 2004.302.02:06:30.04:preob 2004.302.02:06:30.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:06:30.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:06:33.63/tpical/1u,6084,2u,8785,3u,21531,4u,33686,i1,14668 2004.302.02:06:33.63/tpical/9u,7040,au,23472,bu,16997,cu,9944,du,19625,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:06:33.63/tpical/i2,7366 2004.302.02:06:33.63/tpical/5u,37056,6u,28241,7u,39613,8u,14579,i3,50216 2004.302.02:06:36.29/tpzero/1u,769,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,99 2004.302.02:06:36.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,748,bu,710,cu,512,du,600,eu,834,i2,66 2004.302.02:06:36.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,290,7u,1169,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.02:06:39.38:!2004.302.02:06:39 2004.302.02:06:39.38:disc_pos 2004.302.02:06:39.39/disc_pos/150372040704,150227151808, 2004.302.02:06:39.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:06:39.39:midob 2004.302.02:06:39.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:06:39.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:06:39.76/cable/+3.5914190E-02 2004.302.02:06:39.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9573,4993 2004.302.02:06:39.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32010 2004.302.02:06:39.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6280 2004.302.02:06:40.05/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18803 2004.302.02:06:40.12/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11514 2004.302.02:06:40.68/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:06:41.21/tpi/1u,4274,2u,6280,3u,14287,4u,21797,i1,9578 2004.302.02:06:41.22/tpi/9u,4984,au,16305,bu,11511,cu,7312,du,18764,eu,$$$$$,i2,4995 2004.302.02:06:41.23/tpi/5u,23059,6u,18803,7u,26958,8u,10485,i3,32022 2004.302.02:06:41.23/tpdiff/1u,1810,2u,2505,3u,7244,4u,11889,i1,5090 2004.302.02:06:41.24/tpdiff/9u,2056,au,7167,bu,5486,cu,2632,du,861,eu,$$$$$,i2,2371 2004.302.02:06:41.25/tpdiff/5u,13997,6u,9438,7u,12655,8u,4094,i3,18194 2004.302.02:06:41.25/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:06:41.26/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:06:41.27/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:06:41.27/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:06:41.28?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:06:41.29/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,51.8,3u,48.6,4u,46.6,i1,48.4 2004.302.02:06:41.30/tsys/9u,74.9,au,69.5,bu,63.0,cu,82.7,du,675.1,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,66.5 2004.302.02:06:41.30/tsys/5u,42.2,6u,51.0,7u,53.0,8u,59.7,i3,45.5 2004.302.02:06:41.94/fmout-gps/+6.3889E-006 2004.302.02:06:41.95:!2004.302.02:07:19 2004.302.02:06:42.02#setcl#time/364548386,3,2004,302,02,06,42.02,2.015,11.197,5 2004.302.02:06:42.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:07:19.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:07:19.01:disc_end 2004.302.02:07:19.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:07:19.27/disc_pos/151014824872,150228151808, 2004.302.02:07:19.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:07:19.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h07m19.210s,35056,0.00500s,80000,1133170084, 2004.302.02:07:19.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:07:19.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 287612 : 1545 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 287452 : 1697 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:19.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 287627 : 1533 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 287547 : 1631 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:19.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 287564 : 1599 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:19.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 287481 : 1682 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:19.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 287342 : 1818 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:19.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 287635 : 1523 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:19.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.753 2004.302.02:07:19.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.02:07:20.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.302.02:07:20.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.02:07:20.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.302.02:07:20.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.02:07:20.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.02:07:20.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.02:07:20.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.02:07:20.72:scan_name=302-0210,rd0408,43 2004.302.02:07:20.72:source=0119+115,011903.08,113409.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:07:23.74:setupnw 2004.302.02:07:27.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:28.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:07:28.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:07:28.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 223 ; 2004.302.02:07:28.04:!2004.302.02:10:07 2004.302.02:10:07.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:10:07.00/disc_pos/151014824872,151013824872, 2004.302.02:10:07.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:10:08.04:!2004.302.02:10:07 2004.302.02:10:08.04:preob 2004.302.02:10:08.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:10:08.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:10:11.62/tpical/1u,6018,2u,8760,3u,21389,4u,33827,i1,14623 2004.302.02:10:11.62/tpical/9u,7029,au,23374,bu,17229,cu,9767,du,11149,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:10:11.62/tpical/i2,7318 2004.302.02:10:11.63/tpical/5u,37237,6u,28261,7u,40737,8u,14109,i3,50628 2004.302.02:10:14.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,108 2004.302.02:10:14.28/tpzero/9u,175,au,748,bu,710,cu,513,du,600,eu,832,i2,72 2004.302.02:10:14.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,290,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.02:10:17.37:!2004.302.02:10:17 2004.302.02:10:17.37:disc_pos 2004.302.02:10:17.37/disc_pos/151158714368,151013824872, 2004.302.02:10:17.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:10:17.38:midob 2004.302.02:10:17.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:10:17.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:10:17.58/cable/+3.5916373E-02 2004.302.02:10:17.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9470,4935 2004.302.02:10:17.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31979 2004.302.02:10:17.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6194 2004.302.02:10:17.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18670 2004.302.02:10:17.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11629 2004.302.02:10:18.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:10:19.03/tpi/1u,4188,2u,6199,3u,14061,4u,21693,i1,9472 2004.302.02:10:19.04/tpi/9u,4958,au,16149,bu,11615,cu,6944,du,8909,eu,$$$$$,i2,4936 2004.302.02:10:19.04/tpi/5u,23073,6u,18660,7u,27419,8u,9866,i3,31992 2004.302.02:10:19.05/tpdiff/1u,1830,2u,2561,3u,7328,4u,12134,i1,5151 2004.302.02:10:19.06/tpdiff/9u,2071,au,7225,bu,5614,cu,2823,du,2240,eu,$$$$$,i2,2382 2004.302.02:10:19.06/tpdiff/5u,14164,6u,9601,7u,13318,8u,4243,i3,18636 2004.302.02:10:19.07/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:10:19.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:10:19.08/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:10:19.09/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:10:19.10?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:10:19.11/tsys/1u,48.6,2u,49.8,3u,47.3,4u,45.4,i1,47.3 2004.302.02:10:19.11/tsys/9u,73.9,au,68.2,bu,62.2,cu,72.9,du,118.7,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.3 2004.302.02:10:19.12/tsys/5u,41.7,6u,49.7,7u,51.3,8u,53.8,i3,44.4 2004.302.02:10:19.95/fmout-gps/+6.4159E-006 2004.302.02:10:19.95:!2004.302.02:11:00 2004.302.02:10:20.01#setcl#time/364570185,4,2004,302,02,10,20.01,2.004,11.257,4 2004.302.02:10:20.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:11:00.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:11:00.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:11:00.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:11:00.26/disc_pos/151849340592,151014824872, 2004.302.02:11:00.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:11:00.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h11m00.200s,72984,0.00500s,80000,2701286352, 2004.302.02:11:00.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:11:00.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 289197 : 1555 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:00.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 289038 : 1705 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:00.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 289216 : 1538 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:00.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 289132 : 1640 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:00.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 289149 : 1608 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:00.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 289065 : 1692 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:00.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 288922 : 1832 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:00.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 289219 : 1533 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:00.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.875 2004.302.02:11:00.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.34 2004.302.02:11:01.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.302.02:11:01.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:11:01.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.302.02:11:01.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.02:11:01.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:11:01.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.02:11:01.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.02:11:01.73:scan_name=302-0212b,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:11:01.73:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:11:04.75:setupnw 2004.302.02:11:08.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:08.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:11:09.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:11:09.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 225 ; 2004.302.02:11:09.05:!2004.302.02:12:37 2004.302.02:12:37.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:12:37.00/disc_pos/151849340592,151848340592, 2004.302.02:12:37.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:12:38.04:!2004.302.02:12:37 2004.302.02:12:38.04:preob 2004.302.02:12:38.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:12:38.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:12:41.62/tpical/1u,5966,2u,8642,3u,21133,4u,33551,i1,14486 2004.302.02:12:41.62/tpical/9u,6947,au,23081,bu,16671,cu,10171,du,31146,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:12:41.62/tpical/i2,7225 2004.302.02:12:41.62/tpical/5u,37263,6u,28511,7u,40915,8u,14104,i3,50842 2004.302.02:12:44.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,102 2004.302.02:12:44.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,748,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,837,i2,69 2004.302.02:12:44.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,289,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.02:12:47.36:!2004.302.02:12:47 2004.302.02:12:47.36:disc_pos 2004.302.02:12:47.37/disc_pos/151993233408,151848340592, 2004.302.02:12:47.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:12:47.37:midob 2004.302.02:12:47.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:12:47.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:12:47.68/cable/+3.5915451E-02 2004.302.02:12:47.75/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9279,4845 2004.302.02:12:47.82/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31723 2004.302.02:12:47.89/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6088 2004.302.02:12:47.96/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18647 2004.302.02:12:48.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11194 2004.302.02:12:48.59/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:12:49.12/tpi/1u,4122,2u,6085,3u,13789,4u,21267,i1,9279 2004.302.02:12:49.12/tpi/9u,4876,au,15877,bu,11194,cu,7343,du,26656,eu,$$$$$,i2,4846 2004.302.02:12:49.13/tpi/5u,22800,6u,18651,7u,27237,8u,9771,i3,31734 2004.302.02:12:49.14/tpdiff/1u,1844,2u,2557,3u,7344,4u,12284,i1,5207 2004.302.02:12:49.14/tpdiff/9u,2071,au,7204,bu,5477,cu,2828,du,4490,eu,$$$$$,i2,2379 2004.302.02:12:49.15/tpdiff/5u,14463,6u,9860,7u,13678,8u,4333,i3,19108 2004.302.02:12:49.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:12:49.16/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:12:49.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:12:49.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:12:49.19?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:12:49.19/tsys/1u,47.3,2u,48.8,3u,46.2,4u,44.0,i1,45.8 2004.302.02:12:49.20/tsys/9u,72.7,au,67.2,bu,61.3,cu,77.3,du,185.7,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,64.3 2004.302.02:12:49.21/tsys/5u,40.4,6u,48.4,7u,49.6,8u,52.1,i3,42.9 2004.302.02:12:49.94/fmout-gps/+6.3869E-006 2004.302.02:12:49.95:!2004.302.02:13:27 2004.302.02:12:50.02#setcl#time/364585185,3,2004,302,02,12,50.02,2.018,11.299,5 2004.302.02:12:50.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:13:27.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:13:27.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:13:27.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:13:27.27/disc_pos/152636015280,151849340592, 2004.302.02:13:27.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:13:27.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h13m27.210s,40192,0.00500s,80000,1565518104, 2004.302.02:13:27.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:13:27.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 290689 : 1566 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:27.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 290531 : 1715 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:27.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 290712 : 1545 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:27.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 290628 : 1648 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:27.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 290640 : 1620 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:27.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 290555 : 1704 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:27.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 290415 : 1842 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:27.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 290714 : 1542 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:27.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.242 2004.302.02:13:27.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.34 2004.302.02:13:28.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.302.02:13:28.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:13:28.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.02:13:28.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.687 2004.302.02:13:28.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:13:28.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.02:13:28.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.02:13:28.73:scan_name=302-0215,rd0408,93 2004.302.02:13:28.73:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:13:31.75:setupnw 2004.302.02:13:35.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:35.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:13:36.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:13:36.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 227 ; 2004.302.02:13:36.05:!2004.302.02:15:14 2004.302.02:15:14.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:15:14.00/disc_pos/152636015280,152635015280, 2004.302.02:15:14.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:15:15.04:!2004.302.02:15:14 2004.302.02:15:15.04:preob 2004.302.02:15:15.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:15:15.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:15:18.63/tpical/1u,5991,2u,8675,3u,21229,4u,33828,i1,14593 2004.302.02:15:18.63/tpical/9u,6924,au,22999,bu,16658,cu,9863,du,23358,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:15:18.63/tpical/i2,7204 2004.302.02:15:18.63/tpical/5u,37577,6u,28927,7u,41343,8u,14481,i3,51348 2004.302.02:15:21.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,99 2004.302.02:15:21.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,747,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,832,i2,59 2004.302.02:15:21.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,289,7u,1164,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.02:15:24.37:!2004.302.02:15:24 2004.302.02:15:24.37:disc_pos 2004.302.02:15:24.38/disc_pos/152779907072,152635015280, 2004.302.02:15:24.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:15:24.38:midob 2004.302.02:15:24.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:15:24.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:15:24.64/cable/+3.5919254E-02 2004.302.02:15:24.71/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9342,4836 2004.302.02:15:24.78/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32002 2004.302.02:15:24.85/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6099 2004.302.02:15:24.92/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18923 2004.302.02:15:24.99/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11214 2004.302.02:15:25.55/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:15:26.07/tpi/1u,4137,2u,6109,3u,13846,4u,21394,i1,9338 2004.302.02:15:26.07/tpi/9u,4855,au,15840,bu,11214,cu,7130,du,20107,eu,$$$$$,i2,4836 2004.302.02:15:26.08/tpi/5u,22889,6u,18902,7u,27530,8u,10031,i3,31996 2004.302.02:15:26.09/tpdiff/1u,1854,2u,2566,3u,7383,4u,12434,i1,5255 2004.302.02:15:26.09/tpdiff/9u,2069,au,7159,bu,5444,cu,2733,du,3251,eu,$$$$$,i2,2368 2004.302.02:15:26.10/tpdiff/5u,14688,6u,10025,7u,13813,8u,4450,i3,19352 2004.302.02:15:26.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:15:26.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:15:26.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:15:26.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:15:26.14?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:15:26.14/tsys/1u,47.2,2u,48.8,3u,46.2,4u,43.7,i1,45.7 2004.302.02:15:26.15/tsys/9u,72.4,au,67.5,bu,61.7,cu,77.5,du,192.0,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,64.6 2004.302.02:15:26.16/tsys/5u,39.9,6u,48.3,7u,49.6,8u,52.3,i3,42.7 2004.302.02:15:26.94/fmout-gps/+6.4054E-006 2004.302.02:15:26.95:!2004.302.02:16:57 2004.302.02:15:27.02#setcl#time/364600885,4,2004,302,02,15,27.02,2.010,11.342,5 2004.302.02:15:27.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:16:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:16:57.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:16:57.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:16:57.27/disc_pos/154270446688,152636015280, 2004.302.02:16:57.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:16:57.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h16m57.200s,73676,0.00500s,80000,1725375108, 2004.302.02:16:57.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:16:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 293789 : 1586 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:16:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 293633 : 1732 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:16:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 293819 : 1558 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:16:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 293738 : 1659 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:16:57.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 293736 : 1644 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:16:57.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 293657 : 1722 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:16:57.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 293513 : 1864 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:16:57.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 293817 : 1559 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:16:57.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.486 2004.302.02:16:57.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.02:16:58.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.34 2004.302.02:16:58.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:16:58.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.02:16:58.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.02:16:58.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:16:58.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.99 2004.302.02:16:58.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.02:16:58.72:scan_name=302-0218,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:16:58.72:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:17:01.74:setupnw 2004.302.02:17:05.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:17:06.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:17:06.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:17:06.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 229 ; 2004.302.02:17:06.05:!2004.302.02:18:31 2004.302.02:18:31.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:18:31.00/disc_pos/154270446688,154269446688, 2004.302.02:18:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:18:32.04:!2004.302.02:18:31 2004.302.02:18:32.04:preob 2004.302.02:18:32.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:18:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:18:35.62/tpical/1u,8005,2u,11280,3u,28841,4u,44963,i1,19738 2004.302.02:18:35.62/tpical/9u,8021,au,26470,bu,19543,cu,11269,du,10881,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:18:35.62/tpical/i2,9158 2004.302.02:18:35.62/tpical/5u,49973,6u,38140,7u,53468,8u,18677,i3,65535 2004.302.02:18:38.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,98 2004.302.02:18:38.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,747,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,830,i2,59 2004.302.02:18:38.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1165,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.02:18:41.36:!2004.302.02:18:41 2004.302.02:18:41.36:disc_pos 2004.302.02:18:41.36/disc_pos/154414338048,154269446688, 2004.302.02:18:41.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:18:41.37:midob 2004.302.02:18:41.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:18:41.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:18:41.56/cable/+3.5921512E-02 2004.302.02:18:41.63/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,14581,6534 2004.302.02:18:41.70/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,49712 2004.302.02:18:41.77/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8734 2004.302.02:18:41.84/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28479 2004.302.02:18:41.91/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13947 2004.302.02:18:42.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:18:42.99/tpi/1u,6174,2u,8743,3u,21558,4u,33075,i1,14594 2004.302.02:18:42.99/tpi/9u,5950,au,19300,bu,13955,cu,8431,du,8150,eu,$$$$$,i2,6499 2004.302.02:18:43.00/tpi/5u,35699,6u,28556,7u,40795,8u,14396,i3,49801 2004.302.02:18:43.01/tpdiff/1u,1831,2u,2537,3u,7283,4u,11888,i1,5144 2004.302.02:18:43.02/tpdiff/9u,2071,au,7170,bu,5588,cu,2838,du,2731,eu,$$$$$,i2,2659 2004.302.02:18:43.02/tpdiff/5u,14274,6u,9584,7u,12673,8u,4281,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:18:43.04/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:18:43.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:18:43.05/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:18:43.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:18:43.06?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:18:43.06?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:18:43.08/tsys/1u,76.8,2u,76.4,3u,74.3,4u,71.2,i1,73.3 2004.302.02:18:43.08/tsys/9u,89.3,au,82.8,bu,75.9,cu,89.3,du,88.5,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,77.5 2004.302.02:18:43.09/tsys/5u,64.4,6u,76.7,7u,81.3,8u,80.8,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.02:18:43.95/fmout-gps/+6.4349E-006 2004.302.02:18:43.95:!2004.302.02:19:21 2004.302.02:18:44.02#setcl#time/364620585,4,2004,302,02,18,44.02,2.001,11.397,4 2004.302.02:18:44.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:19:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:19:21.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:19:21.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:19:21.26/disc_pos/155056960512,154270446688, 2004.302.02:19:21.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:19:21.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h19m21.200s,44712,0.00500s,80000,1517515140, 2004.302.02:19:21.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:19:21.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 295285 : 1592 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:21.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 295126 : 1742 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 295314 : 1565 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 295232 : 1668 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 295230 : 1652 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 295146 : 1736 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 295008 : 1873 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 295304 : 1573 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:21.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.753 2004.302.02:19:21.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.02:19:22.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.02:19:22.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.02:19:22.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.302.02:19:22.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.02:19:22.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:19:22.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.02:19:22.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.02:19:22.72:scan_name=302-0222,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:19:22.72:source=0003-066,000340.29,-064017.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:19:25.74:setupnw 2004.302.02:19:29.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:29.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:19:30.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:19:30.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 231 ; 2004.302.02:19:30.03:!2004.302.02:22:31 2004.302.02:22:31.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:22:31.00/disc_pos/155056960512,155055960512, 2004.302.02:22:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:22:32.05:!2004.302.02:22:31 2004.302.02:22:32.05:preob 2004.302.02:22:32.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:22:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:22:35.63/tpical/1u,6139,2u,8873,3u,21550,4u,34023,i1,14803 2004.302.02:22:35.63/tpical/9u,7066,au,23467,bu,17283,cu,9879,du,11992,eu,37618 2004.302.02:22:35.63/tpical/i2,7351 2004.302.02:22:35.63/tpical/5u,37409,6u,28620,7u,40216,8u,14050,i3,50650 2004.302.02:22:38.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1288,3u,740,4u,497,i1,101 2004.302.02:22:38.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,747,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,827,i2,51 2004.302.02:22:38.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.02:22:41.37:!2004.302.02:22:41 2004.302.02:22:41.37:disc_pos 2004.302.02:22:41.38/disc_pos/155200851968,155055960512, 2004.302.02:22:41.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:22:41.38:midob 2004.302.02:22:41.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:22:41.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:22:41.67/cable/+3.5919030E-02 2004.302.02:22:41.74/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9681,4972 2004.302.02:22:41.81/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32365 2004.302.02:22:41.88/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6316 2004.302.02:22:41.95/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19065 2004.302.02:22:42.02/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11704 2004.302.02:22:42.59/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:22:43.11/tpi/1u,4300,2u,6318,3u,14341,4u,22018,i1,9678 2004.302.02:22:43.11/tpi/9u,5000,au,16317,bu,11703,cu,7054,du,9988,eu,32815,i2,4972 2004.302.02:22:43.12/tpi/5u,23361,6u,19058,7u,27343,8u,9885,i3,32342 2004.302.02:22:43.13/tpdiff/1u,1839,2u,2555,3u,7209,4u,12005,i1,5125 2004.302.02:22:43.13/tpdiff/9u,2066,au,7150,bu,5580,cu,2825,du,2004,eu,4803,i2,2379 2004.302.02:22:43.14/tpdiff/5u,14048,6u,9562,7u,12873,8u,4165,i3,18308 2004.302.02:22:43.15/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:22:43.15/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:22:43.16/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:22:43.17/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:22:43.18/tsys/1u,49.9,2u,51.2,3u,49.1,4u,46.6,i1,48.6 2004.302.02:22:43.18/tsys/9u,74.8,au,69.7,bu,63.1,cu,74.1,du,149.9,eu,213.1,i2,66.2 2004.302.02:22:43.19/tsys/5u,42.6,6u,51.0,7u,52.9,8u,54.9,i3,45.7 2004.302.02:22:43.94/fmout-gps/+6.4544E-006 2004.302.02:22:43.95:!2004.302.02:23:21 2004.302.02:22:44.02#setcl#time/364644584,4,2004,302,02,22,44.02,2.010,11.464,5 2004.302.02:22:44.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:23:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:23:21.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:23:21.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:23:21.27/disc_pos/155843634688,155056960512, 2004.302.02:23:21.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:23:21.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h23m21.210s,56724,0.00500s,80000,3053473812, 2004.302.02:23:21.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:23:21.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 296780 : 1600 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 296621 : 1749 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 296807 : 1575 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 296725 : 1677 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 296723 : 1662 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 296637 : 1749 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 296497 : 1887 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 296800 : 1580 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:21.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.875 2004.302.02:23:21.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.02:23:22.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.02:23:22.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:23:22.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.02:23:22.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.02:23:22.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.02:23:22.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.36 2004.302.02:23:22.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.02:23:22.71:scan_name=302-0224a,rd0408,102 2004.302.02:23:22.71:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:23:25.73:setupnw 2004.302.02:23:29.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:29.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:23:30.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:23:30.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 233 ; 2004.302.02:23:30.01:!2004.302.02:24:36 2004.302.02:24:36.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:24:36.00/disc_pos/155843634688,155842634688, 2004.302.02:24:36.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:24:37.05:!2004.302.02:24:36 2004.302.02:24:37.06:preob 2004.302.02:24:37.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:24:37.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:24:40.64/tpical/1u,6134,2u,8893,3u,22133,4u,34732,i1,15063 2004.302.02:24:40.64/tpical/9u,7071,au,23570,bu,17310,cu,9932,du,21457,eu,31402 2004.302.02:24:40.64/tpical/i2,7359 2004.302.02:24:40.64/tpical/5u,38601,6u,29730,7u,41875,8u,14542,i3,52586 2004.302.02:24:43.31/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,94 2004.302.02:24:43.31/tpzero/9u,169,au,747,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,826,i2,54 2004.302.02:24:43.31/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1169,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.02:24:46.40:!2004.302.02:24:46 2004.302.02:24:46.40:disc_pos 2004.302.02:24:46.41/disc_pos/155987525632,155842634688, 2004.302.02:24:46.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:24:46.41:midob 2004.302.02:24:46.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:24:46.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:24:46.61/cable/+3.5918592E-02 2004.302.02:24:46.68/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9881,4986 2004.302.02:24:46.75/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33673 2004.302.02:24:46.82/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6368 2004.302.02:24:46.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19920 2004.302.02:24:46.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11709 2004.302.02:24:47.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:24:48.05/tpi/1u,4302,2u,6358,3u,14697,4u,22590,i1,9885 2004.302.02:24:48.06/tpi/9u,5011,au,16394,bu,11706,cu,7095,du,20993,eu,24484,i2,4982 2004.302.02:24:48.06/tpi/5u,24201,6u,19934,7u,28588,8u,10300,i3,33705 2004.302.02:24:48.07/tpdiff/1u,1832,2u,2535,3u,7436,4u,12142,i1,5178 2004.302.02:24:48.08/tpdiff/9u,2060,au,7176,bu,5604,cu,2837,du,464,eu,6918,i2,2377 2004.302.02:24:48.08/tpdiff/5u,14400,6u,9796,7u,13287,8u,4242,i3,18881 2004.302.02:24:48.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:24:48.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:24:48.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:24:48.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:24:48.12/tsys/1u,50.2,2u,52.0,3u,48.8,4u,47.3,i1,49.2 2004.302.02:24:48.12/tsys/9u,75.2,au,69.8,bu,62.8,cu,74.2,du,1406.3,eu,109.4,i2,66.3 2004.302.02:24:48.13/tsys/5u,43.1,6u,52.1,7u,53.7,8u,56.5,i3,46.2 2004.302.02:24:48.95/fmout-gps/+6.3754E-006 2004.302.02:24:48.95:!2004.302.02:26:28 2004.302.02:24:49.02#setcl#time/364657084,4,2004,302,02,24,49.02,2.004,11.498,4 2004.302.02:24:49.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:26:28.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:26:28.01:disc_end 2004.302.02:26:28.27:disc_pos 2004.302.02:26:28.28/disc_pos/157622240328,155843634688, 2004.302.02:26:28.28:disc_check 2004.302.02:26:28.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h26m28.215s,38868,0.00500s,80000,1213492216, 2004.302.02:26:28.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:26:28.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 300154 : 1621 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:28.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 300002 : 1763 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:28.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 300186 : 1591 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:28.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 300101 : 1696 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:28.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 300092 : 1689 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:28.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 300012 : 1769 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:28.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 299869 : 1911 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:28.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 300179 : 1596 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:28.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.631 2004.302.02:26:28.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.02:26:29.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.02:26:29.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:26:29.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.02:26:29.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.02:26:29.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:26:29.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.36 2004.302.02:26:29.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.02:26:29.72:scan_name=302-0228,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:26:29.72:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:26:32.74:setupnw 2004.302.02:26:36.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:37.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:26:37.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:26:37.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 235 ; 2004.302.02:26:37.04:!2004.302.02:28:11 2004.302.02:28:11.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:28:11.00/disc_pos/157622240328,157621240328, 2004.302.02:28:11.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:28:12.04:!2004.302.02:28:11 2004.302.02:28:12.04:preob 2004.302.02:28:12.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:28:12.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:28:15.63/tpical/1u,6225,2u,9034,3u,22738,4u,35880,i1,15465 2004.302.02:28:15.63/tpical/9u,7108,au,23712,bu,17400,cu,10000,du,9832,eu,48075 2004.302.02:28:15.63/tpical/i2,7412 2004.302.02:28:15.63/tpical/5u,39880,6u,30713,7u,43494,8u,15190,i3,54424 2004.302.02:28:18.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,499,i1,102 2004.302.02:28:18.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,745,bu,711,cu,511,du,599,eu,828,i2,62 2004.302.02:28:18.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,290,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.02:28:21.38:!2004.302.02:28:21 2004.302.02:28:21.38:disc_pos 2004.302.02:28:21.39/disc_pos/157766131712,157621240328, 2004.302.02:28:21.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:28:21.39:midob 2004.302.02:28:21.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:28:21.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:28:21.52/cable/+3.5918888E-02 2004.302.02:28:21.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10218,5032 2004.302.02:28:21.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35085 2004.302.02:28:21.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6469 2004.302.02:28:21.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20647 2004.302.02:28:21.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11786 2004.302.02:28:22.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:28:22.95/tpi/1u,4391,2u,6470,3u,15167,4u,23475,i1,10216 2004.302.02:28:22.95/tpi/9u,5042,au,16504,bu,11782,cu,7170,du,7109,eu,45427,i2,5034 2004.302.02:28:22.96/tpi/5u,25125,6u,20668,7u,29841,8u,10765,i3,35089 2004.302.02:28:22.97/tpdiff/1u,1834,2u,2564,3u,7571,4u,12405,i1,5249 2004.302.02:28:22.97/tpdiff/9u,2066,au,7208,bu,5618,cu,2830,du,2723,eu,2648,i2,2378 2004.302.02:28:22.98/tpdiff/5u,14755,6u,10045,7u,13653,8u,4425,i3,19335 2004.302.02:28:22.99/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:28:22.99/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:28:23.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:28:23.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:28:23.02/tsys/1u,51.4,2u,52.5,3u,49.5,4u,48.2,i1,50.1 2004.302.02:28:23.03/tsys/9u,75.4,au,70.0,bu,63.1,cu,75.3,du,76.5,eu,539.0,i2,66.9 2004.302.02:28:23.03/tsys/5u,43.7,6u,52.7,7u,54.6,8u,56.9,i3,46.9 2004.302.02:28:23.94/fmout-gps/+6.4154E-006 2004.302.02:28:23.95:!2004.302.02:29:01 2004.302.02:28:24.02#setcl#time/364678583,4,2004,302,02,28,24.02,2.014,11.558,5 2004.302.02:28:24.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:29:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:29:01.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:29:01.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:29:01.27/disc_pos/158408914488,157622240328, 2004.302.02:29:01.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:29:01.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h29m01.210s,78376,0.00500s,80000,1661206332, 2004.302.02:29:01.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:29:01.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 301645 : 1632 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 301498 : 1770 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:01.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 301682 : 1597 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:01.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 301595 : 1705 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:01.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 301581 : 1704 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:01.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 301504 : 1780 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:01.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 301359 : 1924 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:01.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 301669 : 1609 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:01.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.875 2004.302.02:29:01.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.02:29:02.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.02:29:02.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:29:02.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.02:29:02.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.687 2004.302.02:29:02.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:29:02.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.43 2004.302.02:29:02.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.02:29:02.75:scan_name=302-0229b,rd0408,93 2004.302.02:29:02.76:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:29:05.77:setupnw 2004.302.02:29:09.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:09.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:29:10.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:29:10.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 237 ; 2004.302.02:29:10.03:!2004.302.02:29:46 2004.302.02:29:46.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:29:46.00/disc_pos/158408914488,158407914488, 2004.302.02:29:46.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:29:47.05:!2004.302.02:29:46 2004.302.02:29:47.05:preob 2004.302.02:29:47.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:29:47.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:29:50.63/tpical/1u,6084,2u,8822,3u,21826,4u,34614,i1,14960 2004.302.02:29:50.63/tpical/9u,7043,au,23391,bu,17184,cu,9857,du,9961,eu,50061,i2,7328 2004.302.02:29:50.63/tpical/5u,38483,6u,29671,7u,42359,8u,14665,i3,52618 2004.302.02:29:53.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,499,i1,104 2004.302.02:29:53.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,747,bu,710,cu,512,du,600,eu,829,i2,69 2004.302.02:29:53.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.02:29:56.37:!2004.302.02:29:56 2004.302.02:29:56.37:disc_pos 2004.302.02:29:56.38/disc_pos/158552805376,158407914488, 2004.302.02:29:56.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:29:56.38:midob 2004.302.02:29:56.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:29:56.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:29:56.56/cable/+3.5918168E-02 2004.302.02:29:56.64/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9707,4945 2004.302.02:29:56.71/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33277 2004.302.02:29:56.78/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6235 2004.302.02:29:56.85/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19656 2004.302.02:29:56.92/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11553 2004.302.02:29:57.48/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:29:58.02/tpi/1u,4222,2u,6238,3u,14436,4u,22243,i1,9708 2004.302.02:29:58.02/tpi/9u,4978,au,16215,bu,11559,cu,7024,du,7358,eu,47556,i2,4947 2004.302.02:29:58.03/tpi/5u,23801,6u,19664,7u,28581,8u,10236,i3,33294 2004.302.02:29:58.05/tpdiff/1u,1862,2u,2584,3u,7390,4u,12371,i1,5252 2004.302.02:29:58.06/tpdiff/9u,2065,au,7176,bu,5625,cu,2833,du,2603,eu,2505,i2,2381 2004.302.02:29:58.06/tpdiff/5u,14682,6u,10007,7u,13778,8u,4429,i3,19324 2004.302.02:29:58.07/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:29:58.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:29:58.08/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:29:58.09/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:29:58.10/tsys/1u,48.2,2u,49.8,3u,48.2,4u,45.7,i1,47.5 2004.302.02:29:58.11/tsys/9u,74.5,au,69.0,bu,61.7,cu,73.6,du,83.1,eu,596.9,i2,65.6 2004.302.02:29:58.11/tsys/5u,41.5,6u,50.3,7u,51.7,8u,53.7,i3,44.6 2004.302.02:29:58.94/fmout-gps/+6.3529E-006 2004.302.02:29:58.95:!2004.302.02:31:29 2004.302.02:29:59.02#setcl#time/364688083,4,2004,302,02,29,59.02,2.010,11.585,5 2004.302.02:29:59.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:31:29.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:31:29.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:31:29.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:31:29.27/disc_pos/160043346480,158408914488, 2004.302.02:31:29.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:31:29.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h31m29.200s,26560,0.00500s,80000,733459824, 2004.302.02:31:29.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:31:29.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 304748 : 1649 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:29.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 304604 : 1784 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:29.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 304787 : 1612 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 304696 : 1724 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 304679 : 1726 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:29.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 304600 : 1803 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 304457 : 1946 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 304772 : 1627 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:29.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.875 2004.302.02:31:29.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.02:31:30.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.02:31:30.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:31:30.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.02:31:30.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.02:31:30.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.02:31:30.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.02:31:30.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.02:31:30.69:scan_name=302-0233b,rd0408,63 2004.302.02:31:30.69:source=0235+164,023552.62,162403.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:31:33.71:setupnw 2004.302.02:31:37.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:37.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:31:38.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:31:38.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 239 ; 2004.302.02:31:38.03:!2004.302.02:33:13 2004.302.02:33:13.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:33:13.00/disc_pos/160043346480,160042346480, 2004.302.02:33:13.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:33:14.04:!2004.302.02:33:13 2004.302.02:33:14.04:preob 2004.302.02:33:14.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:33:14.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:33:17.64/tpical/1u,6053,2u,8775,3u,21695,4u,34504,i1,14843 2004.302.02:33:17.64/tpical/9u,7060,au,23421,bu,17254,cu,9921,du,9538,eu,$$$$$,i2,7342 2004.302.02:33:17.64/tpical/5u,38144,6u,29339,7u,41765,8u,14486,i3,51929 2004.302.02:33:20.31/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,105 2004.302.02:33:20.31/tpzero/9u,175,au,747,bu,710,cu,512,du,600,eu,836,i2,74 2004.302.02:33:20.31/tpzero/5u,345,6u,289,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.02:33:23.40:!2004.302.02:33:23 2004.302.02:33:23.40:disc_pos 2004.302.02:33:23.40/disc_pos/160187236352,160042346480, 2004.302.02:33:23.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:33:23.42:midob 2004.302.02:33:23.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:33:23.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:33:23.56/cable/+3.5920013E-02 2004.302.02:33:23.64/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9604,4958 2004.302.02:33:23.71/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32739 2004.302.02:33:23.78/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6229 2004.302.02:33:23.85/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19352 2004.302.02:33:23.92/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11639 2004.302.02:33:24.48/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:33:25.01/tpi/1u,4208,2u,6236,3u,14310,4u,22034,i1,9610 2004.302.02:33:25.02/tpi/9u,4990,au,16219,bu,11634,cu,7069,du,7176,eu,$$$$$,i2,4961 2004.302.02:33:25.02/tpi/5u,23557,6u,19348,7u,28066,8u,10097,i3,32756 2004.302.02:33:25.03/tpdiff/1u,1845,2u,2539,3u,7385,4u,12470,i1,5233 2004.302.02:33:25.04/tpdiff/9u,2070,au,7202,bu,5620,cu,2852,du,2362,eu,$$$$$,i2,2381 2004.302.02:33:25.04/tpdiff/5u,14587,6u,9991,7u,13699,8u,4389,i3,19173 2004.302.02:33:25.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:33:25.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:33:25.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:33:25.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:33:25.08?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:33:25.09/tsys/1u,48.5,2u,50.6,3u,47.8,4u,44.9,i1,47.2 2004.302.02:33:25.10/tsys/9u,74.4,au,68.7,bu,62.2,cu,73.6,du,89.1,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.7 2004.302.02:33:25.10/tsys/5u,41.4,6u,49.6,7u,51.1,8u,53.4,i3,44.2 2004.302.02:33:25.94/fmout-gps/+6.4304E-006 2004.302.02:33:25.95:!2004.302.02:34:26 2004.302.02:33:26.01#setcl#time/364708782,4,2004,302,02,33,26.01,2.000,11.642,4 2004.302.02:33:26.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:34:26.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:34:26.01:disc_end 2004.302.02:34:26.27:disc_pos 2004.302.02:34:26.28/disc_pos/161198213904,160043346480, 2004.302.02:34:26.28:disc_check 2004.302.02:34:26.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h34m26.215s,31856,0.00500s,80000,1677367280, 2004.302.02:34:26.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:34:26.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 306942 : 1660 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:26.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 306798 : 1795 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:26.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 306981 : 1623 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:26.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 306888 : 1739 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:26.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 306868 : 1742 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:26.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 306790 : 1818 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:26.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 306648 : 1960 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:26.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 306964 : 1640 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:26.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.875 2004.302.02:34:26.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.02:34:27.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.02:34:27.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:34:27.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.02:34:27.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.02:34:27.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.02:34:27.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.02:34:27.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,68.31 2004.302.02:34:27.74:scan_name=302-0239a,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:34:27.74:source=cta26,033658.94,-015616.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:34:30.75:setupnw 2004.302.02:34:34.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:34.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:34:35.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:34:35.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 241 ; 2004.302.02:34:35.03:!2004.302.02:38:52 2004.302.02:38:52.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:38:52.00/disc_pos/161198213904,161197213904, 2004.302.02:38:52.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:38:53.06:!2004.302.02:38:52 2004.302.02:38:53.06:preob 2004.302.02:38:53.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:38:53.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:38:56.66/tpical/1u,6302,2u,9127,3u,22749,4u,35959,i1,15519 2004.302.02:38:56.66/tpical/9u,7224,au,23918,bu,17589,cu,10086,du,11832,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:38:56.66/tpical/i2,7490 2004.302.02:38:56.66/tpical/5u,39888,6u,30707,7u,43343,8u,15101,i3,54273 2004.302.02:38:59.33/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,100 2004.302.02:38:59.33/tpzero/9u,171,au,747,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,831,i2,56 2004.302.02:38:59.33/tpzero/5u,343,6u,290,7u,1165,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.02:39:02.42:!2004.302.02:39:02 2004.302.02:39:02.42:disc_pos 2004.302.02:39:02.43/disc_pos/161342103552,161197213904, 2004.302.02:39:02.43:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:39:02.43:midob 2004.302.02:39:02.44#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:39:02.44/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:39:02.68/cable/+3.5920569E-02 2004.302.02:39:02.75/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10298,5104 2004.302.02:39:02.82/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35168 2004.302.02:39:02.89/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6555 2004.302.02:39:02.96/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20732 2004.302.02:39:03.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11942 2004.302.02:39:03.59/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:39:04.11/tpi/1u,4453,2u,6557,3u,15288,4u,23560,i1,10301 2004.302.02:39:04.11/tpi/9u,5141,au,16699,bu,11942,cu,7236,du,9254,eu,$$$$$,i2,5104 2004.302.02:39:04.12/tpi/5u,25240,6u,20744,7u,29907,8u,10732,i3,35161 2004.302.02:39:04.13/tpdiff/1u,1849,2u,2570,3u,7461,4u,12399,i1,5218 2004.302.02:39:04.13/tpdiff/9u,2083,au,7219,bu,5647,cu,2850,du,2578,eu,$$$$$,i2,2386 2004.302.02:39:04.14/tpdiff/5u,14648,6u,9963,7u,13436,8u,4369,i3,19112 2004.302.02:39:04.15/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:39:04.15/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:39:04.16/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:39:04.17/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:39:04.18?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:39:04.18/tsys/1u,51.8,2u,53.3,3u,50.7,4u,48.4,i1,50.8 2004.302.02:39:04.19/tsys/9u,76.4,au,70.7,bu,63.7,cu,75.5,du,107.4,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,67.7 2004.302.02:39:04.20/tsys/5u,44.2,6u,53.4,7u,55.6,8u,57.4,i3,47.6 2004.302.02:39:04.95/fmout-gps/+6.4119E-006 2004.302.02:39:04.95:!2004.302.02:39:42 2004.302.02:39:05.02#setcl#time/364742682,4,2004,302,02,39,05.02,2.004,11.736,4 2004.302.02:39:05.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:39:42.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:39:42.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:39:42.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:39:42.27/disc_pos/161984408264,161198213904, 2004.302.02:39:42.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:39:42.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h39m42.200s,35240,0.00500s,80000,4269562256, 2004.302.02:39:42.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:39:42.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 308431 : 1673 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:42.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 308291 : 1803 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:42.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 308473 : 1633 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:42.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 308383 : 1747 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:42.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 308358 : 1754 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:42.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 308277 : 1833 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:42.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 308137 : 1973 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:42.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 308457 : 1649 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:42.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.509 2004.302.02:39:42.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.02:39:43.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.02:39:43.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:39:43.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.302.02:39:43.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.02:39:43.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:39:43.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.18 2004.302.02:39:43.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.02:39:43.69:scan_name=302-0241,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:39:43.69:source=0528+134,052806.74,132942.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:39:46.70:setupnw 2004.302.02:39:50.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:50.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:39:51.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:39:51.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 243 ; 2004.302.02:39:51.03:!2004.302.02:41:43 2004.302.02:41:43.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:41:43.00/disc_pos/161984408264,161983408264, 2004.302.02:41:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:41:44.03:!2004.302.02:41:43 2004.302.02:41:44.04:preob 2004.302.02:41:44.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:41:44.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:41:47.63/tpical/1u,6582,2u,9403,3u,23626,4u,37265,i1,16140 2004.302.02:41:47.63/tpical/9u,7295,au,24205,bu,17757,cu,10260,du,9603,eu,42947 2004.302.02:41:47.63/tpical/i2,7645 2004.302.02:41:47.63/tpical/5u,41503,6u,31997,7u,45231,8u,15993,i3,57238 2004.302.02:41:50.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.02:41:50.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,746,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,829,i2,54 2004.302.02:41:50.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,290,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.02:41:53.37:!2004.302.02:41:53 2004.302.02:41:53.37:disc_pos 2004.302.02:41:53.37/disc_pos/162128297984,161983408264, 2004.302.02:41:53.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:41:53.38:midob 2004.302.02:41:53.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:41:53.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:41:53.68/cable/+3.5925242E-02 2004.302.02:41:53.75/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10903,5270 2004.302.02:41:53.82/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37978 2004.302.02:41:53.89/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6834 2004.302.02:41:53.96/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22068 2004.302.02:41:54.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12161 2004.302.02:41:54.59/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:41:55.11/tpi/1u,4733,2u,6838,3u,16160,4u,24956,i1,10904 2004.302.02:41:55.11/tpi/9u,5220,au,17042,bu,12161,cu,7439,du,7034,eu,44420,i2,5269 2004.302.02:41:55.12/tpi/5u,26805,6u,22068,7u,31758,8u,11631,i3,37990 2004.302.02:41:55.13/tpdiff/1u,1849,2u,2565,3u,7466,4u,12309,i1,5236 2004.302.02:41:55.13/tpdiff/9u,2075,au,7163,bu,5596,cu,2821,du,2569,eu,-1473,i2,2376 2004.302.02:41:55.14/tpdiff/5u,14698,6u,9929,7u,13473,8u,4362,i3,19248 2004.302.02:41:55.15/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:41:55.15/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:41:55.16/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:41:55.17/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:41:55.18?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:41:55.18/tsys/1u,55.8,2u,56.2,3u,53.7,4u,51.7,i1,53.7 2004.302.02:41:55.19/tsys/9u,77.9,au,72.8,bu,65.5,cu,78.6,du,80.1,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,70.2 2004.302.02:41:55.20/tsys/5u,46.8,6u,57.0,7u,59.0,8u,62.9,i3,51.1 2004.302.02:41:55.94/fmout-gps/+6.3789E-006 2004.302.02:41:55.95:!2004.302.02:42:33 2004.302.02:41:56.02#setcl#time/364759782,4,2004,302,02,41,56.02,1.996,11.784,4 2004.302.02:41:56.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:42:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:42:33.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:42:33.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:42:33.27/disc_pos/162771082632,161984408264, 2004.302.02:42:33.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:42:33.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h42m33.205s,54016,0.00500s,80000,1949386856, 2004.302.02:42:33.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:42:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 309925 : 1682 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 309788 : 1809 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 309964 : 1644 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:33.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 309875 : 1758 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:33.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 309849 : 1765 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:33.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 309770 : 1843 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:33.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 309630 : 1984 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:33.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 309952 : 1657 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:33.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.02:42:33.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.02:42:34.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.02:42:34.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:42:34.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.02:42:34.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.02:42:34.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.02:42:34.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.02:42:34.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.02:42:34.71:scan_name=302-0244,rd0408,54 2004.302.02:42:34.71:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:42:37.73:setupnw 2004.302.02:42:41.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:41.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:42:42.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:42:42.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 245 ; 2004.302.02:42:42.03:!2004.302.02:44:08 2004.302.02:44:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:44:08.00/disc_pos/162771082632,162770082632, 2004.302.02:44:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:44:09.04:!2004.302.02:44:08 2004.302.02:44:09.04:preob 2004.302.02:44:09.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:44:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:44:12.62/tpical/1u,6110,2u,8772,3u,21754,4u,34491,i1,14862 2004.302.02:44:12.62/tpical/9u,7001,au,23395,bu,17163,cu,9952,du,12921,eu,34582 2004.302.02:44:12.62/tpical/i2,7295 2004.302.02:44:12.62/tpical/5u,38381,6u,29653,7u,42091,8u,14635,i3,52387 2004.302.02:44:15.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,93 2004.302.02:44:15.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,745,bu,708,cu,513,du,601,eu,826,i2,55 2004.302.02:44:15.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.02:44:18.36:!2004.302.02:44:18 2004.302.02:44:18.36:disc_pos 2004.302.02:44:18.36/disc_pos/162914971648,162770082632, 2004.302.02:44:18.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:44:18.37:midob 2004.302.02:44:18.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:44:18.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:44:18.76/cable/+3.5919421E-02 2004.302.02:44:18.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9615,4917 2004.302.02:44:18.91/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33041 2004.302.02:44:18.98/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6214 2004.302.02:44:19.05/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19551 2004.302.02:44:19.12/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11546 2004.302.02:44:19.68/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:44:20.21/tpi/1u,4252,2u,6214,3u,14273,4u,22027,i1,9603 2004.302.02:44:20.21/tpi/9u,4931,au,16207,bu,11546,cu,7087,du,10365,eu,30541,i2,4915 2004.302.02:44:20.22/tpi/5u,23581,6u,19551,7u,28222,8u,10140,i3,32897 2004.302.02:44:20.23/tpdiff/1u,1858,2u,2558,3u,7481,4u,12464,i1,5259 2004.302.02:44:20.23/tpdiff/9u,2070,au,7188,bu,5617,cu,2865,du,2556,eu,4041,i2,2380 2004.302.02:44:20.24/tpdiff/5u,14800,6u,10102,7u,13869,8u,4495,i3,19490 2004.302.02:44:20.25/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:44:20.26/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:44:20.26/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:44:20.27/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:44:20.28/tsys/1u,48.8,2u,50.0,3u,47.0,4u,44.9,i1,47.0 2004.302.02:44:20.29/tsys/9u,73.6,au,68.8,bu,61.7,cu,73.4,du,122.2,eu,235.3,i2,65.3 2004.302.02:44:20.29/tsys/5u,40.8,6u,49.6,7u,50.7,8u,52.4,i3,43.6 2004.302.02:44:20.94/fmout-gps/+6.3449E-006 2004.302.02:44:20.95:!2004.302.02:45:12 2004.302.02:44:21.01#setcl#time/364774281,4,2004,302,02,44,21.02,2.009,11.824,5 2004.302.02:44:21.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:45:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:45:12.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:45:12.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:45:12.26/disc_pos/163781616120,162771082632, 2004.302.02:45:12.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:45:12.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h45m12.205s,2344,0.00500s,80000,1533518184, 2004.302.02:45:12.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:45:12.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 311843 : 1695 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:12.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 311710 : 1817 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:12.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 311883 : 1655 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 311793 : 1770 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 311764 : 1780 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 311689 : 1855 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:12.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 311549 : 1995 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:12.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 311868 : 1670 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:12.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.631 2004.302.02:45:12.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.02:45:13.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.02:45:13.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.02:45:13.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.02:45:13.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.02:45:13.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:45:13.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.02:45:13.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.02:45:13.68:scan_name=302-0246b,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:45:13.68:source=0556+238,055628.67,235345.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:45:16.70:setupnw 2004.302.02:45:20.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:20.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:45:21.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:45:21.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 247 ; 2004.302.02:45:21.02:!2004.302.02:46:02 2004.302.02:46:02.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:46:02.00/disc_pos/163781616120,163780616120, 2004.302.02:46:02.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:46:03.04:!2004.302.02:46:02 2004.302.02:46:03.04:preob 2004.302.02:46:03.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:46:03.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:46:06.62/tpical/1u,6759,2u,9738,3u,24595,4u,38457,i1,16798 2004.302.02:46:06.62/tpical/9u,7521,au,24881,bu,12892,cu,$$$$$,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:46:06.62/tpical/i2,7845 2004.302.02:46:06.62/tpical/5u,42784,6u,33016,7u,46637,8u,16205,i3,58894 2004.302.02:46:09.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,96 2004.302.02:46:09.27/tpzero/9u,168,au,745,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,1268,i2,53 2004.302.02:46:09.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,289,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.02:46:12.36:!2004.302.02:46:12 2004.302.02:46:12.36:disc_pos 2004.302.02:46:12.37/disc_pos/163925508096,163780616120, 2004.302.02:46:12.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:46:12.37:midob 2004.302.02:46:12.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:46:12.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:46:12.51/cable/+3.5920332E-02 2004.302.02:46:12.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11533,5476 2004.302.02:46:12.66/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,39501 2004.302.02:46:12.73/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7167 2004.302.02:46:12.80/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23036 2004.302.02:46:12.87/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9012 2004.302.02:46:13.43/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:46:13.96/tpi/1u,4908,2u,7167,3u,17118,4u,26167,i1,11530 2004.302.02:46:13.96/tpi/9u,5460,au,17736,bu,9013,cu,$$$$$,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,5475 2004.302.02:46:13.97/tpi/5u,28136,6u,23005,7u,33045,8u,11799,i3,39491 2004.302.02:46:13.98/tpdiff/1u,1851,2u,2571,3u,7477,4u,12290,i1,5268 2004.302.02:46:13.98/tpdiff/9u,2061,au,7145,bu,3879,cu,$$$$$,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,2370 2004.302.02:46:13.99/tpdiff/5u,14648,6u,10011,7u,13592,8u,4406,i3,19403 2004.302.02:46:14.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:46:14.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:46:14.01/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:46:14.02/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:46:14.03?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:46:14.03?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:46:14.03?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:46:14.05/tsys/1u,58.2,2u,59.4,3u,56.9,4u,54.3,i1,56.4 2004.302.02:46:14.05/tsys/9u,82.2,au,76.1,bu,68.5,cu,$$$$$$$$,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.02:46:14.07/tsys/i2,73.2 2004.302.02:46:14.07/tsys/5u,49.3,6u,59.0,7u,61.0,8u,63.2,i3,52.7 2004.302.02:46:14.94/fmout-gps/+6.4104E-006 2004.302.02:46:14.94:!2004.302.02:46:52 2004.302.02:46:15.01#setcl#time/364785681,4,2004,302,02,46,15.02,2.004,11.856,5 2004.302.02:46:15.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:46:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:46:52.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:46:52.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:46:52.27/disc_pos/164568130432,163781616120, 2004.302.02:46:52.28:disc_check 2004.302.02:46:52.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h46m52.205s,26096,0.00500s,80000,813461936, 2004.302.02:46:52.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:46:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 313335 : 1706 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:46:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 313203 : 1826 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:46:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 313374 : 1666 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:46:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 313287 : 1778 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:46:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 313254 : 1792 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:46:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 313180 : 1868 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:46:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 313040 : 2006 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:46:52.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 313363 : 1678 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:46:52.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.509 2004.302.02:46:52.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.02:46:53.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.302.02:46:53.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:46:53.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.02:46:53.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.02:46:53.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:46:53.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.02:46:53.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.02:46:53.72:scan_name=302-0247a,rd0408,102 2004.302.02:46:53.72:source=1418+546,141806.21,543658.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:46:56.74:setupnw 2004.302.02:47:00.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:47:00.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:47:01.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:47:01.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 249 ; 2004.302.02:47:01.04:!2004.302.02:47:47 2004.302.02:47:47.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:47:47.00/disc_pos/164568130432,164567130432, 2004.302.02:47:47.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:47:48.04:!2004.302.02:47:47 2004.302.02:47:48.04:preob 2004.302.02:47:48.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:47:48.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:47:51.62/tpical/1u,7140,2u,10257,3u,26007,4u,40722,i1,17859 2004.302.02:47:51.62/tpical/9u,7614,au,25318,bu,18580,cu,10825,du,12354,eu,30422 2004.302.02:47:51.62/tpical/i2,7941 2004.302.02:47:51.62/tpical/5u,45537,6u,34830,7u,49172,8u,17068,i3,62308 2004.302.02:47:54.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.02:47:54.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,745,bu,709,cu,514,du,600,eu,828,i2,58 2004.302.02:47:54.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,289,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.02:47:57.36:!2004.302.02:47:57 2004.302.02:47:57.36:disc_pos 2004.302.02:47:57.36/disc_pos/164712022016,164567130432, 2004.302.02:47:57.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:47:57.37:midob 2004.302.02:47:57.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:47:57.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:47:57.64/cable/+3.5920450E-02 2004.302.02:47:57.71/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12687,5568 2004.302.02:47:57.78/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,43518 2004.302.02:47:57.85/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7723 2004.302.02:47:57.92/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25260 2004.302.02:47:57.99/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12972 2004.302.02:47:58.55/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:47:59.08/tpi/1u,5302,2u,7723,3u,18732,4u,28751,i1,12683 2004.302.02:47:59.09/tpi/9u,5559,au,18147,bu,12972,cu,7954,du,10153,eu,24294,i2,5568 2004.302.02:47:59.10/tpi/5u,31153,6u,25269,7u,36181,8u,12854,i3,43499 2004.302.02:47:59.11/tpdiff/1u,1838,2u,2534,3u,7275,4u,11971,i1,5176 2004.302.02:47:59.11/tpdiff/9u,2055,au,7171,bu,5608,cu,2871,du,2201,eu,6128,i2,2373 2004.302.02:47:59.12/tpdiff/5u,14384,6u,9561,7u,12991,8u,4214,i3,18809 2004.302.02:47:59.13/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:47:59.13/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:47:59.14/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:47:59.14/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:47:59.15/tsys/1u,64.2,2u,66.0,3u,64.3,4u,61.4,i1,63.2 2004.302.02:47:59.16/tsys/9u,83.9,au,77.7,bu,70.0,cu,82.9,du,138.9,eu,122.5,i2,74.3 2004.302.02:47:59.17/tsys/5u,55.7,6u,67.9,7u,70.1,8u,72.6,i3,59.9 2004.302.02:47:59.94/fmout-gps/+6.3969E-006 2004.302.02:47:59.95:!2004.302.02:49:39 2004.302.02:48:00.02#setcl#time/364796181,4,2004,302,02,48,00.02,1.999,11.885,4 2004.302.02:48:00.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:49:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:49:39.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:49:39.27:disc_pos 2004.302.02:49:39.28/disc_pos/166346896664,164568130432, 2004.302.02:49:39.28:disc_check 2004.302.02:49:39.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h49m39.210s,31388,0.00500s,80000,893308476, 2004.302.02:49:39.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:49:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 316713 : 1725 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 316582 : 1842 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 316748 : 1688 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 316665 : 1795 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 316630 : 1813 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:39.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 316557 : 1886 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:39.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 316417 : 2024 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:39.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 316739 : 1697 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:39.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.02:49:39.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.302.02:49:40.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.02:49:40.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:49:40.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.02:49:40.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.02:49:40.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:49:40.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.02:49:40.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.02:49:40.73:scan_name=302-0253,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:49:40.73:source=2121+053,212114.82,052227.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:49:43.75:setupnw 2004.302.02:49:47.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:47.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:49:48.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:49:48.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 251 ; 2004.302.02:49:48.04:!2004.302.02:53:40 2004.302.02:53:40.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:53:40.00/disc_pos/166346896664,166345896664, 2004.302.02:53:40.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:53:41.04:!2004.302.02:53:40 2004.302.02:53:41.04:preob 2004.302.02:53:41.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:53:41.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:53:44.63/tpical/1u,6193,2u,8930,3u,22003,4u,34669,i1,15053 2004.302.02:53:44.63/tpical/9u,7128,au,23613,bu,17311,cu,9893,du,11374,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:53:44.63/tpical/i2,7429 2004.302.02:53:44.63/tpical/5u,38003,6u,29221,7u,41205,8u,15728,i3,52189 2004.302.02:53:47.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,108 2004.302.02:53:47.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,746,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,834,i2,71 2004.302.02:53:47.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,289,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.02:53:50.38:!2004.302.02:53:50 2004.302.02:53:50.38:disc_pos 2004.302.02:53:50.39/disc_pos/166490787840,166345896664, 2004.302.02:53:50.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:53:50.39:midob 2004.302.02:53:50.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:53:50.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:53:50.44/cable/+3.5919147E-02 2004.302.02:53:50.53/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9865,5059 2004.302.02:53:50.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33461 2004.302.02:53:50.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6367 2004.302.02:53:50.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19515 2004.302.02:53:50.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11732 2004.302.02:53:51.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:53:51.89/tpi/1u,4341,2u,6362,3u,14650,4u,22493,i1,9864 2004.302.02:53:51.89/tpi/9u,5050,au,16440,bu,11734,cu,7058,du,9183,eu,$$$$$,i2,5049 2004.302.02:53:51.90/tpi/5u,23797,6u,19532,7u,28081,8u,11355,i3,33473 2004.302.02:53:51.91/tpdiff/1u,1852,2u,2568,3u,7353,4u,12176,i1,5189 2004.302.02:53:51.91/tpdiff/9u,2078,au,7173,bu,5577,cu,2835,du,2191,eu,$$$$$,i2,2380 2004.302.02:53:51.92/tpdiff/5u,14206,6u,9689,7u,13124,8u,4373,i3,18716 2004.302.02:53:51.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:53:51.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:53:51.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:53:51.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:53:51.96?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:53:51.96/tsys/1u,50.2,2u,51.4,3u,49.2,4u,47.0,i1,48.9 2004.302.02:53:51.97/tsys/9u,75.1,au,70.0,bu,63.3,cu,73.9,du,125.4,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,66.9 2004.302.02:53:51.98/tsys/5u,42.9,6u,51.6,7u,53.3,8u,61.1,i3,46.2 2004.302.02:53:52.94/fmout-gps/+6.4264E-006 2004.302.02:53:52.94:!2004.302.02:54:30 2004.302.02:53:53.01#setcl#time/364831480,4,2004,302,02,53,53.03,2.023,11.983,6 2004.302.02:53:53.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:54:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:54:30.00:disc_end 2004.302.02:54:30.26:disc_pos 2004.302.02:54:30.27/disc_pos/167133408624,166346896664, 2004.302.02:54:30.27:disc_check 2004.302.02:54:30.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h54m30.205s,62340,0.00500s,80000,3869377088, 2004.302.02:54:30.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:54:30.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 318210 : 1730 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 318075 : 1852 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 318239 : 1699 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:30.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 318160 : 1802 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 318124 : 1823 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 318046 : 1899 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:30.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 317909 : 2035 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:30.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 318234 : 1704 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:30.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.509 2004.302.02:54:30.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.02:54:31.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.02:54:31.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:54:31.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.02:54:31.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.02:54:31.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:54:31.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.30 2004.302.02:54:31.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.02:54:31.71:scan_name=302-0255a,rd0408,40 2004.302.02:54:31.71:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:54:34.73:setupnw 2004.302.02:54:38.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:38.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:54:39.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:54:39.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 253 ; 2004.302.02:54:39.03:!2004.302.02:55:38 2004.302.02:55:38.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:55:38.00/disc_pos/167133408624,167132408624, 2004.302.02:55:38.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:55:39.03:!2004.302.02:55:38 2004.302.02:55:39.04:preob 2004.302.02:55:39.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:55:39.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:55:42.62/tpical/1u,6470,2u,8941,3u,22050,4u,34588,i1,15088 2004.302.02:55:42.62/tpical/9u,7196,au,23622,bu,17176,cu,9963,du,14288,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.02:55:42.62/tpical/i2,7435 2004.302.02:55:42.62/tpical/5u,38058,6u,29236,7u,40890,8u,22843,i3,53045 2004.302.02:55:45.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,107 2004.302.02:55:45.30/tpzero/9u,175,au,746,bu,710,cu,512,du,600,eu,833,i2,69 2004.302.02:55:45.30/tpzero/5u,345,6u,287,7u,1166,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.02:55:48.39:!2004.302.02:55:48 2004.302.02:55:48.39:disc_pos 2004.302.02:55:48.40/disc_pos/167277301760,167132408624, 2004.302.02:55:48.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:55:48.40:midob 2004.302.02:55:48.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:55:48.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:55:48.52/cable/+3.5917947E-02 2004.302.02:55:48.60/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9908,5065 2004.302.02:55:48.67/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34588 2004.302.02:55:48.74/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6389 2004.302.02:55:48.81/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19551 2004.302.02:55:48.88/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11633 2004.302.02:55:49.44/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:55:49.96/tpi/1u,4643,2u,6379,3u,14666,4u,22430,i1,9905 2004.302.02:55:49.96/tpi/9u,5062,au,16426,bu,11642,cu,7205,du,12232,eu,$$$$$,i2,5066 2004.302.02:55:49.97/tpi/5u,23834,6u,19559,7u,27897,8u,18865,i3,34575 2004.302.02:55:49.98/tpdiff/1u,1827,2u,2562,3u,7384,4u,12158,i1,5183 2004.302.02:55:49.98/tpdiff/9u,2134,au,7196,bu,5534,cu,2758,du,2056,eu,$$$$$,i2,2369 2004.302.02:55:49.99/tpdiff/5u,14224,6u,9677,7u,12993,8u,3978,i3,18470 2004.302.02:55:50.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:55:50.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:55:50.01/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:55:50.02/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:55:50.03?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.02:55:50.03/tsys/1u,55.1,2u,51.7,3u,49.0,4u,46.9,i1,49.2 2004.302.02:55:50.03/tsys/9u,73.3,au,69.7,bu,63.2,cu,77.7,du,181.0,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,67.5 2004.302.02:55:50.03/tsys/5u,42.9,6u,51.8,7u,53.5,8u,116.2,i3,48.4 2004.302.02:55:50.94/fmout-gps/+6.4249E-006 2004.302.02:55:50.95:!2004.302.02:56:28 2004.302.02:55:51.02#setcl#time/364843280,4,2004,302,02,55,51.02,1.997,12.016,4 2004.302.02:55:51.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.02:56:28.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.02:56:28.01:disc_end 2004.302.02:56:28.27:disc_pos 2004.302.02:56:28.28/disc_pos/167920243920,167133408624, 2004.302.02:56:28.28:disc_check 2004.302.02:56:28.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d02h56m28.215s,63436,0.00500s,80000,1101323608, 2004.302.02:56:28.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.02:56:28.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 319704 : 1739 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:28.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 319569 : 1863 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:28.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 319731 : 1710 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:28.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 319654 : 1811 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:28.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 319612 : 1838 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:28.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 319538 : 1910 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:28.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 319398 : 2049 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:28.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 319730 : 1711 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:28.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.02:56:28.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.02:56:29.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.02:56:29.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.02:56:29.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.02:56:29.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.02:56:29.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.02:56:29.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.30 2004.302.02:56:29.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.02:56:29.71:scan_name=302-0259a,rd0408,95 2004.302.02:56:29.71:source=1923+210,192349.82,210023.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.02:56:32.73:setupnw 2004.302.02:56:36.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:36.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.02:56:37.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.02:56:37.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 255 ; 2004.302.02:56:37.02:!2004.302.02:59:09 2004.302.02:59:09.00:disc_pos 2004.302.02:59:09.00/disc_pos/167920243920,167919243920, 2004.302.02:59:09.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.02:59:10.04:!2004.302.02:59:09 2004.302.02:59:10.04:preob 2004.302.02:59:10.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:59:10.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:59:13.62/tpical/1u,6568,2u,9182,3u,22619,4u,35295,i1,15440 2004.302.02:59:13.62/tpical/9u,7298,au,24136,bu,17792,cu,10303,du,13682,eu,22631 2004.302.02:59:13.62/tpical/i2,7556 2004.302.02:59:13.62/tpical/5u,38803,6u,29865,7u,41612,8u,16300,i3,52730 2004.302.02:59:16.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,100 2004.302.02:59:16.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,747,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,827,i2,61 2004.302.02:59:16.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.02:59:19.37:!2004.302.02:59:19 2004.302.02:59:19.37:disc_pos 2004.302.02:59:19.38/disc_pos/168064131072,167919243920, 2004.302.02:59:19.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.02:59:19.38:midob 2004.302.02:59:19.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.02:59:19.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.02:59:19.47/cable/+3.5922363E-02 2004.302.02:59:19.56/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10279,5183 2004.302.02:59:19.63/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34313 2004.302.02:59:19.70/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6618 2004.302.02:59:19.77/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20265 2004.302.02:59:19.84/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12150 2004.302.02:59:20.41/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.02:59:20.95/tpi/1u,4697,2u,6613,3u,15252,4u,23288,i1,10268 2004.302.02:59:20.95/tpi/9u,5220,au,16955,bu,12146,cu,7464,du,11259,eu,18464,i2,5181 2004.302.02:59:20.96/tpi/5u,24646,6u,20258,7u,28689,8u,12220,i3,34278 2004.302.02:59:20.97/tpdiff/1u,1871,2u,2569,3u,7367,4u,12007,i1,5172 2004.302.02:59:20.97/tpdiff/9u,2078,au,7181,bu,5646,cu,2839,du,2423,eu,4167,i2,2375 2004.302.02:59:20.98/tpdiff/5u,14157,6u,9607,7u,12923,8u,4080,i3,18452 2004.302.02:59:20.99/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.02:59:20.99/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.02:59:21.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.02:59:21.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.02:59:21.02/tsys/1u,54.6,2u,53.9,3u,51.2,4u,49.4,i1,51.1 2004.302.02:59:21.03/tsys/9u,77.7,au,72.2,bu,64.8,cu,78.4,du,140.8,eu,135.4,i2,69.0 2004.302.02:59:21.03/tsys/5u,44.6,6u,54.1,7u,55.4,8u,71.0,i3,48.0 2004.302.02:59:21.94/fmout-gps/+6.3564E-006 2004.302.02:59:21.95:!2004.302.03:00:54 2004.302.02:59:22.01#setcl#time/364864379,4,2004,302,02,59,22.02,2.008,12.074,5 2004.302.02:59:22.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:00:23.90;"weather: partly cloudy 2004.302.03:00:54.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:00:54.01:disc_end 2004.302.03:00:54.26:disc_pos 2004.302.03:00:54.28/disc_pos/169586998760,167920243920, 2004.302.03:00:54.28:disc_check 2004.302.03:00:54.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h00m54.215s,30428,0.00500s,80000,2589278168, 2004.302.03:00:54.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:00:54.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 322870 : 1756 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:00:54.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 322732 : 1883 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:00:54.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 322895 : 1727 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:00:54.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 322819 : 1828 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:00:54.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 322776 : 1855 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:00:54.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 322704 : 1926 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:00:54.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 322561 : 2067 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:00:54.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 322897 : 1726 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:00:54.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.631 2004.302.03:00:54.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.03:00:55.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.302.03:00:55.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.03:00:55.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.03:00:55.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.687 2004.302.03:00:55.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.03:00:55.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.03:00:55.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.03:00:55.69:scan_name=302-0301b,rd0408,161 2004.302.03:00:55.69:source=1726+455,172601.24,453304.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:00:58.71:setupnw 2004.302.03:01:02.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:01:02.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:01:03.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:01:03.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 257 ; 2004.302.03:01:03.02:!2004.302.03:01:46 2004.302.03:01:46.01:disc_pos 2004.302.03:01:46.01/disc_pos/169586998760,169585998760, 2004.302.03:01:46.02:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:01:47.05:!2004.302.03:01:46 2004.302.03:01:47.05:preob 2004.302.03:01:47.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:01:47.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:01:50.63/tpical/1u,6467,2u,9273,3u,22947,4u,35728,i1,15646 2004.302.03:01:50.63/tpical/9u,7340,au,24216,bu,17819,cu,10313,du,10053,eu,23307 2004.302.03:01:50.63/tpical/i2,7587 2004.302.03:01:50.63/tpical/5u,39352,6u,30343,7u,41781,8u,14643,i3,53246 2004.302.03:01:53.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1288,3u,741,4u,497,i1,97 2004.302.03:01:53.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,745,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,826,i2,55 2004.302.03:01:53.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.03:01:56.37:!2004.302.03:01:56 2004.302.03:01:56.37:disc_pos 2004.302.03:01:56.38/disc_pos/169730891776,169585998760, 2004.302.03:01:56.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:01:56.38:midob 2004.302.03:01:56.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:01:56.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:01:56.44/cable/+3.5922076E-02 2004.302.03:01:56.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10542,5205 2004.302.03:01:56.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35107 2004.302.03:01:56.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6755 2004.302.03:01:56.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20872 2004.302.03:01:56.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12184 2004.302.03:01:57.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:01:57.89/tpi/1u,4633,2u,6755,3u,15709,4u,23858,i1,10547 2004.302.03:01:57.89/tpi/9u,5265,au,16999,bu,12207,cu,7474,du,7645,eu,21193,i2,5205 2004.302.03:01:57.90/tpi/5u,25380,6u,20882,7u,29319,8u,10578,i3,35152 2004.302.03:01:57.91/tpdiff/1u,1834,2u,2518,3u,7238,4u,11870,i1,5099 2004.302.03:01:57.92/tpdiff/9u,2075,au,7217,bu,5612,cu,2839,du,2408,eu,2114,i2,2382 2004.302.03:01:57.92/tpdiff/5u,13972,6u,9461,7u,12462,8u,4065,i3,18094 2004.302.03:01:57.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:01:57.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:01:57.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:01:57.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:01:57.96/tsys/1u,54.8,2u,56.5,3u,53.8,4u,51.2,i1,53.3 2004.302.03:01:57.96/tsys/9u,78.5,au,72.1,bu,65.6,cu,78.5,du,93.6,eu,308.3,i2,69.2 2004.302.03:01:57.97/tsys/5u,46.6,6u,56.6,7u,58.7,8u,60.7,i3,50.2 2004.302.03:01:58.95/fmout-gps/+6.3834E-006 2004.302.03:01:58.95:!2004.302.03:04:37 2004.302.03:01:59.02#setcl#time/364880079,4,2004,302,03,01,59.02,2.000,12.118,4 2004.302.03:01:59.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:04:37.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:04:37.00:disc_end 2004.302.03:04:37.26:disc_pos 2004.302.03:04:37.27/disc_pos/172309533288,169586998760, 2004.302.03:04:37.27:disc_check 2004.302.03:04:37.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h04m37.205s,32188,0.00500s,80000,845303712, 2004.302.03:04:37.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:04:37.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 328043 : 1780 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:37.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 327905 : 1905 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 328058 : 1760 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 327996 : 1846 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 327947 : 1880 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:37.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 327873 : 1952 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:37.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 327719 : 2105 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:37.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 328071 : 1747 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:37.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.509 2004.302.03:04:37.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.03:04:38.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.03:04:38.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.03:04:38.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.03:04:38.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.687 2004.302.03:04:38.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.03:04:38.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.30 2004.302.03:04:38.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.03:04:38.69:scan_name=302-0306,rd0408,102 2004.302.03:04:38.69:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:04:41.71:setupnw 2004.302.03:04:45.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:45.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:04:46.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:04:46.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 259 ; 2004.302.03:04:46.03:!2004.302.03:06:42 2004.302.03:06:42.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:06:42.00/disc_pos/172309533288,172308533288, 2004.302.03:06:42.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:06:43.05:!2004.302.03:06:42 2004.302.03:06:43.06:preob 2004.302.03:06:43.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:06:43.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:06:46.63/tpical/1u,6157,2u,8926,3u,22336,4u,34885,i1,15154 2004.302.03:06:46.63/tpical/9u,7093,au,23539,bu,17312,cu,9943,du,64522,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.03:06:46.63/tpical/i2,7376 2004.302.03:06:46.63/tpical/5u,38903,6u,30091,7u,42499,8u,14768,i3,53102 2004.302.03:06:49.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,96 2004.302.03:06:49.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,745,bu,709,cu,513,du,604,eu,829,i2,51 2004.302.03:06:49.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.03:06:52.37:!2004.302.03:06:52 2004.302.03:06:52.37:disc_pos 2004.302.03:06:52.39/disc_pos/172453425152,172308533288, 2004.302.03:06:52.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:06:52.40:midob 2004.302.03:06:52.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:06:52.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:06:52.72/cable/+3.5920445E-02 2004.302.03:06:52.79/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9956,4996 2004.302.03:06:52.86/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34001 2004.302.03:06:52.93/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6377 2004.302.03:06:53.00/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20162 2004.302.03:06:53.07/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11697 2004.302.03:06:53.63/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:06:54.16/tpi/1u,4318,2u,6379,3u,14836,4u,22691,i1,9953 2004.302.03:06:54.16/tpi/9u,5030,au,16374,bu,11716,cu,7111,du,64415,eu,$$$$$,i2,4996 2004.302.03:06:54.17/tpi/5u,24374,6u,20162,7u,28965,8u,10412,i3,33995 2004.302.03:06:54.18/tpdiff/1u,1839,2u,2547,3u,7500,4u,12194,i1,5201 2004.302.03:06:54.18/tpdiff/9u,2063,au,7165,bu,5596,cu,2832,du,107,eu,$$$$$,i2,2380 2004.302.03:06:54.19/tpdiff/5u,14529,6u,9929,7u,13534,8u,4356,i3,19107 2004.302.03:06:54.20/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:06:54.20/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:06:54.21/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:06:54.22/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:06:54.23?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.03:06:54.23/tsys/1u,50.2,2u,52.0,3u,48.9,4u,47.3,i1,49.3 2004.302.03:06:54.24/tsys/9u,75.4,au,69.8,bu,62.9,cu,74.6,du,19083.7,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.03:06:54.24/tsys/i2,66.5 2004.302.03:06:54.25/tsys/5u,43.0,6u,52.0,7u,53.4,8u,55.7,i3,46.0 2004.302.03:06:54.94/fmout-gps/+6.3479E-006 2004.302.03:06:54.95:!2004.302.03:08:34 2004.302.03:06:55.01#setcl#time/364909678,4,2004,302,03,06,55.02,2.007,12.200,5 2004.302.03:06:55.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:08:34.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:08:34.00:disc_end 2004.302.03:08:34.26:disc_pos 2004.302.03:08:34.27/disc_pos/174087980144,172309533288, 2004.302.03:08:34.27:disc_check 2004.302.03:08:34.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h08m34.215s,33268,0.00500s,80000,2013712064, 2004.302.03:08:34.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:08:34.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 331413 : 1806 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 331279 : 1926 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 331432 : 1780 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 331376 : 1861 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 331319 : 1901 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:34.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 331253 : 1966 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:34.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 331097 : 2123 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:34.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 331450 : 1763 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:34.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.509 2004.302.03:08:34.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.03:08:35.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.302.03:08:35.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.03:08:35.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.03:08:35.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.687 2004.302.03:08:35.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.03:08:35.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.03:08:35.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.03:08:35.70:scan_name=302-0309a,rd0408,56 2004.302.03:08:35.70:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:08:38.72:setupnw 2004.302.03:08:42.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:42.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:08:43.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:08:43.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 261 ; 2004.302.03:08:43.02:!2004.302.03:09:07 2004.302.03:09:07.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:09:07.00/disc_pos/174087980144,174086980144, 2004.302.03:09:07.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:09:08.04:!2004.302.03:09:07 2004.302.03:09:08.05:preob 2004.302.03:09:08.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:09:08.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:09:11.62/tpical/1u,6195,2u,8977,3u,22514,4u,35339,i1,15338 2004.302.03:09:11.62/tpical/9u,7097,au,23538,bu,17371,cu,10005,du,21897,eu,54832 2004.302.03:09:11.62/tpical/i2,7385 2004.302.03:09:11.62/tpical/5u,39349,6u,30515,7u,43115,8u,15060,i3,53846 2004.302.03:09:14.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,95 2004.302.03:09:14.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,745,bu,708,cu,512,du,602,eu,827,i2,50 2004.302.03:09:14.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,289,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.03:09:17.37:!2004.302.03:09:17 2004.302.03:09:17.37:disc_pos 2004.302.03:09:17.37/disc_pos/174231871488,174086980144, 2004.302.03:09:17.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:09:17.38:midob 2004.302.03:09:17.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:09:17.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:09:17.45/cable/+3.5921356E-02 2004.302.03:09:17.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10116,5010 2004.302.03:09:17.59/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34594 2004.302.03:09:17.66/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6436 2004.302.03:09:17.73/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20492 2004.302.03:09:17.80/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11752 2004.302.03:09:18.36/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:09:18.88/tpi/1u,4373,2u,6430,3u,15040,4u,23103,i1,10117 2004.302.03:09:18.88/tpi/9u,5041,au,16384,bu,11762,cu,7170,du,18456,eu,53791,i2,5011 2004.302.03:09:18.89/tpi/5u,24735,6u,20523,7u,29505,8u,10613,i3,34599 2004.302.03:09:18.90/tpdiff/1u,1822,2u,2547,3u,7474,4u,12236,i1,5221 2004.302.03:09:18.91/tpdiff/9u,2056,au,7154,bu,5609,cu,2835,du,3441,eu,1041,i2,2374 2004.302.03:09:18.92/tpdiff/5u,14614,6u,9992,7u,13610,8u,4447,i3,19247 2004.302.03:09:18.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:09:18.93/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:09:18.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:09:18.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:09:18.95/tsys/1u,51.5,2u,52.5,3u,49.7,4u,48.0,i1,49.9 2004.302.03:09:18.96/tsys/9u,75.8,au,70.0,bu,63.1,cu,75.2,du,166.0,eu,1628.1,i2,66.9 2004.302.03:09:18.96/tsys/5u,43.4,6u,52.7,7u,54.1,8u,55.7,i3,46.5 2004.302.03:09:19.94/fmout-gps/+6.4224E-006 2004.302.03:09:19.94:!2004.302.03:10:13 2004.302.03:09:20.01#setcl#time/364924178,4,2004,302,03,09,20.02,2.000,12.240,5 2004.302.03:09:20.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:10:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:10:13.01:disc_end 2004.302.03:10:13.27:disc_pos 2004.302.03:10:13.28/disc_pos/175130518528,174087980144, 2004.302.03:10:13.28:disc_check 2004.302.03:10:13.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h10m13.215s,53664,0.00500s,80000,541441220, 2004.302.03:10:13.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:10:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 333391 : 1820 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:13.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 333262 : 1934 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:13.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 333412 : 1791 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:13.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 333353 : 1872 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:13.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 333296 : 1914 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:13.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 333232 : 1976 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:13.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 333074 : 2136 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:13.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 333432 : 1771 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:13.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.03:10:13.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.03:10:14.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.03:10:14.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.03:10:14.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.03:10:14.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.03:10:14.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.03:10:14.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.03:10:14.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.302.03:10:14.74:scan_name=302-0313,rd0408,136 2004.302.03:10:14.74:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:10:17.76:setupnw 2004.302.03:10:21.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:21.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:10:22.03/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:10:22.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 263 ; 2004.302.03:10:22.04:!2004.302.03:13:08 2004.302.03:13:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:13:08.00/disc_pos/175130518528,175129518528, 2004.302.03:13:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:13:09.04:!2004.302.03:13:08 2004.302.03:13:09.04:preob 2004.302.03:13:09.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:13:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:13:12.63/tpical/1u,7136,2u,10231,3u,25995,4u,40878,i1,17811 2004.302.03:13:12.63/tpical/9u,7598,au,25133,bu,18502,cu,10782,du,11757,eu,29003 2004.302.03:13:12.63/tpical/i2,7914 2004.302.03:13:12.63/tpical/5u,45633,6u,35055,7u,49284,8u,17186,i3,62338 2004.302.03:13:15.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,499,i1,96 2004.302.03:13:15.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,745,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,826,i2,60 2004.302.03:13:15.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,289,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.03:13:18.37:!2004.302.03:13:18 2004.302.03:13:18.37:disc_pos 2004.302.03:13:18.38/disc_pos/175274409984,175129518528, 2004.302.03:13:18.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:13:18.38:midob 2004.302.03:13:18.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:13:18.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:13:18.64/cable/+3.5921219E-02 2004.302.03:13:18.71/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12579,5542 2004.302.03:13:18.78/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,43135 2004.302.03:13:18.85/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7689 2004.302.03:13:18.92/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25215 2004.302.03:13:18.99/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12880 2004.302.03:13:19.55/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:13:20.07/tpi/1u,5285,2u,7689,3u,18627,4u,28630,i1,12586 2004.302.03:13:20.07/tpi/9u,5539,au,17975,bu,12880,cu,7972,du,9287,eu,25073,i2,5546 2004.302.03:13:20.08/tpi/5u,30883,6u,25183,7u,36048,8u,12793,i3,43159 2004.302.03:13:20.09/tpdiff/1u,1851,2u,2542,3u,7368,4u,12248,i1,5225 2004.302.03:13:20.09/tpdiff/9u,2059,au,7158,bu,5622,cu,2810,du,2470,eu,3930,i2,2368 2004.302.03:13:20.12/tpdiff/5u,14750,6u,9872,7u,13236,8u,4393,i3,19179 2004.302.03:13:20.13/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:13:20.13/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:13:20.14/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:13:20.14/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:13:20.16/tsys/1u,63.4,2u,65.5,3u,63.1,4u,59.7,i1,62.2 2004.302.03:13:20.16/tsys/9u,83.4,au,77.0,bu,69.3,cu,85.0,du,112.5,eu,197.4,i2,74.1 2004.302.03:13:20.17/tsys/5u,53.8,6u,65.6,7u,68.5,8u,69.3,i3,58.3 2004.302.03:13:20.94/fmout-gps/+6.3864E-006 2004.302.03:13:20.95:!2004.302.03:15:34 2004.302.03:13:21.02#setcl#time/364948277,4,2004,302,03,13,21.02,2.009,12.307,5 2004.302.03:13:21.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:15:34.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:15:34.00:disc_end 2004.302.03:15:34.26:disc_pos 2004.302.03:15:34.27/disc_pos/177453176528,175130518528, 2004.302.03:15:34.27:disc_check 2004.302.03:15:34.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h15m34.210s,23648,0.00500s,80000,2813292016, 2004.302.03:15:34.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:15:34.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 337807 : 1837 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:34.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 337675 : 1953 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 337826 : 1810 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:34.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 337766 : 1893 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:34.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 337711 : 1932 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 337647 : 1994 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:34.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 337480 : 2164 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:34.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 337842 : 1794 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:34.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.509 2004.302.03:15:34.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.03:15:35.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.03:15:35.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.03:15:35.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.03:15:35.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.03:15:35.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.03:15:35.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.30 2004.302.03:15:35.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.03:15:35.69:scan_name=302-0316,rd0408,40 2004.302.03:15:35.69:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:15:38.70:setupnw 2004.302.03:15:42.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:42.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:15:43.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:15:43.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 265 ; 2004.302.03:15:43.02:!2004.302.03:16:16 2004.302.03:16:16.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:16:16.00/disc_pos/177453176528,177452176528, 2004.302.03:16:16.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:16:17.04:!2004.302.03:16:16 2004.302.03:16:17.04:preob 2004.302.03:16:17.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:16:17.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:16:20.62/tpical/1u,9574,2u,13747,3u,35230,4u,55053,i1,24422 2004.302.03:16:20.62/tpical/9u,8861,au,29340,bu,21601,cu,12612,du,15814,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.03:16:20.62/tpical/i2,9387 2004.302.03:16:20.62/tpical/5u,60812,6u,46850,7u,64688,8u,22715,i3,65535 2004.302.03:16:23.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,743,4u,499,i1,104 2004.302.03:16:23.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,746,bu,710,cu,512,du,600,eu,839,i2,71 2004.302.03:16:23.27/tpzero/5u,346,6u,290,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.03:16:26.36:!2004.302.03:16:26 2004.302.03:16:26.36:disc_pos 2004.302.03:16:26.36/disc_pos/177597067264,177452176528, 2004.302.03:16:26.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:16:26.38:midob 2004.302.03:16:26.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:16:26.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:16:26.55/cable/+3.5924361E-02 2004.302.03:16:26.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,19172,7017 2004.302.03:16:26.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,65221 2004.302.03:16:26.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11217 2004.302.03:16:26.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,37123 2004.302.03:16:26.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16080 2004.302.03:16:27.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:16:27.98/tpi/1u,7747,2u,11224,3u,27831,4u,42982,i1,19178 2004.302.03:16:27.98/tpi/9u,6796,au,22179,bu,16101,cu,9870,du,13520,eu,$$$$$,i2,7019 2004.302.03:16:27.99/tpi/5u,46536,6u,37135,7u,52253,8u,18411,i3,65231 2004.302.03:16:28.00/tpdiff/1u,1827,2u,2523,3u,7399,4u,12071,i1,5244 2004.302.03:16:28.00/tpdiff/9u,2065,au,7161,bu,5500,cu,2742,du,2294,eu,$$$$$,i2,2368 2004.302.03:16:28.01/tpdiff/5u,14276,6u,9715,7u,12435,8u,4304,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.03:16:28.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:16:28.03/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:16:28.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:16:28.04/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:16:28.05?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.03:16:28.05?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.03:16:28.06/tsys/1u,99.3,2u,102.4,3u,95.2,4u,91.5,i1,94.6 2004.302.03:16:28.07/tsys/9u,102.6,au,95.8,bu,89.5,cu,109.2,du,180.2,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.03:16:28.07/tsys/i2,93.9 2004.302.03:16:28.08/tsys/5u,84.1,6u,98.6,7u,106.8,8u,104.7,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.03:16:28.94/fmout-gps/+6.4094E-006 2004.302.03:16:28.94:!2004.302.03:17:06 2004.302.03:16:29.01#setcl#time/364967077,4,2004,302,03,16,29.02,2.000,12.360,5 2004.302.03:16:29.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:17:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:17:06.00:disc_end 2004.302.03:17:06.26:disc_pos 2004.302.03:17:06.26/disc_pos/178239531000,177453176528, 2004.302.03:17:06.26:disc_check 2004.302.03:17:06.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h17m06.200s,52408,0.00500s,80000,685456768, 2004.302.03:17:06.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:17:06.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 339302 : 1844 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:06.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 339167 : 1963 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:06.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 339317 : 1821 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 339261 : 1900 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 339204 : 1941 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 339142 : 2001 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 338971 : 2177 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:06.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 339336 : 1802 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:06.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.03:17:06.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.03:17:07.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.302.03:17:07.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.03:17:07.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.03:17:07.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.03:17:07.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.03:17:07.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.30 2004.302.03:17:07.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.03:17:07.70:scan_name=302-0320,rd0408,40 2004.302.03:17:07.70:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:17:10.71:setupnw 2004.302.03:17:14.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:15.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:17:15.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:17:15.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 267 ; 2004.302.03:17:15.04:!2004.302.03:20:44 2004.302.03:20:44.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:20:44.00/disc_pos/178239531000,178238531000, 2004.302.03:20:44.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:20:45.04:!2004.302.03:20:44 2004.302.03:20:45.04:preob 2004.302.03:20:45.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:20:45.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:20:48.63/tpical/1u,6465,2u,8707,3u,21300,4u,33886,i1,14684 2004.302.03:20:48.63/tpical/9u,6945,au,23035,bu,17028,cu,9735,du,9689,eu,64621,i2,7218 2004.302.03:20:48.63/tpical/5u,37624,6u,29208,7u,41503,8u,15227,i3,52272 2004.302.03:20:51.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,104 2004.302.03:20:51.28/tpzero/9u,175,au,745,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,830,i2,61 2004.302.03:20:51.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,288,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.03:20:54.37:!2004.302.03:20:54 2004.302.03:20:54.37:disc_pos 2004.302.03:20:54.37/disc_pos/178383421440,178238531000, 2004.302.03:20:54.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:20:54.38:midob 2004.302.03:20:54.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:20:54.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:20:54.76/cable/+3.5916021E-02 2004.302.03:20:54.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9429,4838 2004.302.03:20:54.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32868 2004.302.03:20:54.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6135 2004.302.03:20:55.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19080 2004.302.03:20:55.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11400 2004.302.03:20:55.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:20:56.19/tpi/1u,4586,2u,6135,3u,13888,4u,21403,i1,9425 2004.302.03:20:56.19/tpi/9u,4879,au,15820,bu,11402,cu,6918,du,6845,eu,63452,i2,4837 2004.302.03:20:56.20/tpi/5u,22998,6u,19080,7u,27666,8u,10718,i3,32857 2004.302.03:20:56.21/tpdiff/1u,1879,2u,2572,3u,7412,4u,12483,i1,5259 2004.302.03:20:56.21/tpdiff/9u,2066,au,7215,bu,5626,cu,2817,du,2844,eu,1169,i2,2381 2004.302.03:20:56.22/tpdiff/5u,14626,6u,10128,7u,13837,8u,4509,i3,19415 2004.302.03:20:56.23/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:20:56.24/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:20:56.24/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:20:56.25/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:20:56.26/tsys/1u,52.8,2u,49.0,3u,46.1,4u,43.5,i1,46.1 2004.302.03:20:56.27/tsys/9u,72.9,au,66.9,bu,60.8,cu,72.8,du,70.3,eu,1714.2,i2,64.2 2004.302.03:20:56.28/tsys/5u,40.3,6u,48.2,7u,49.8,8u,55.6,i3,43.8 2004.302.03:20:56.94/fmout-gps/+6.3389E-006 2004.302.03:20:56.95:!2004.302.03:21:34 2004.302.03:20:57.01#setcl#time/364993876,4,2004,302,03,20,57.02,2.007,12.434,5 2004.302.03:20:57.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:21:34.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:21:34.00:disc_end 2004.302.03:21:34.26:disc_pos 2004.302.03:21:34.27/disc_pos/179026203264,178239531000, 2004.302.03:21:34.27:disc_check 2004.302.03:21:34.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h21m34.210s,34276,0.00500s,80000,3501505868, 2004.302.03:21:34.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:21:34.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 340795 : 1854 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:34.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 340660 : 1973 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 340807 : 1833 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:34.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 340758 : 1906 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:34.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 340698 : 1949 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 340639 : 2007 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 340463 : 2189 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 340831 : 1810 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:34.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.509 2004.302.03:21:34.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.03:21:35.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.03:21:35.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.03:21:35.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.03:21:35.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.03:21:35.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.03:21:35.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.18 2004.302.03:21:35.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.03:21:35.69:scan_name=302-0329b,rd0408,142 2004.302.03:21:35.69:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:21:38.71:setupnw 2004.302.03:21:42.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:42.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:21:43.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:21:43.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 269 ; 2004.302.03:21:43.02:!2004.302.03:29:33 2004.302.03:29:33.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:29:33.00/disc_pos/179026203264,179025203264, 2004.302.03:29:33.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:29:34.03:!2004.302.03:29:33 2004.302.03:29:34.04:preob 2004.302.03:29:34.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:29:34.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:29:37.63/tpical/1u,6042,2u,8791,3u,21561,4u,33843,i1,14728 2004.302.03:29:37.63/tpical/9u,7021,au,23400,bu,17197,cu,9957,du,12027,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.03:29:37.63/tpical/i2,7330 2004.302.03:29:37.63/tpical/5u,37691,6u,29265,7u,41268,8u,14235,i3,51361 2004.302.03:29:40.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,93 2004.302.03:29:40.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,744,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,835,i2,51 2004.302.03:29:40.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,287,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.03:29:43.38:!2004.302.03:29:43 2004.302.03:29:43.38:disc_pos 2004.302.03:29:43.38/disc_pos/179170095104,179025203264, 2004.302.03:29:43.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:29:43.39:midob 2004.302.03:29:43.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:29:43.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:29:43.60/cable/+3.5917731E-02 2004.302.03:29:43.67/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9548,4955 2004.302.03:29:43.74/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32482 2004.302.03:29:43.81/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6221 2004.302.03:29:43.88/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19353 2004.302.03:29:43.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11585 2004.302.03:29:44.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:29:45.05/tpi/1u,4206,2u,6219,3u,14172,4u,21715,i1,9548 2004.302.03:29:45.05/tpi/9u,4958,au,16232,bu,11585,cu,7125,du,9552,eu,$$$$$,i2,4953 2004.302.03:29:45.06/tpi/5u,23312,6u,19368,7u,27869,8u,9946,i3,32477 2004.302.03:29:45.07/tpdiff/1u,1836,2u,2572,3u,7389,4u,12128,i1,5180 2004.302.03:29:45.07/tpdiff/9u,2063,au,7168,bu,5612,cu,2832,du,2475,eu,$$$$$,i2,2377 2004.302.03:29:45.08/tpdiff/5u,14379,6u,9897,7u,13399,8u,4289,i3,18884 2004.302.03:29:45.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:29:45.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:29:45.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:29:45.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:29:45.13?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.03:29:45.14/tsys/1u,48.7,2u,49.8,3u,47.3,4u,45.5,i1,47.5 2004.302.03:29:45.14/tsys/9u,74.3,au,69.1,bu,62.0,cu,74.7,du,115.7,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,66.0 2004.302.03:29:45.15/tsys/5u,41.5,6u,50.1,7u,51.8,8u,53.7,i3,44.5 2004.302.03:29:45.94/fmout-gps/+6.3669E-006 2004.302.03:29:45.94:!2004.302.03:32:05 2004.302.03:29:46.01#setcl#time/365046775,4,2004,302,03,29,46.02,2.003,12.581,5 2004.302.03:29:46.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:32:05.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:32:05.00:disc_end 2004.302.03:32:05.26:disc_pos 2004.302.03:32:05.26/disc_pos/181444868088,179026203264, 2004.302.03:32:05.26:disc_check 2004.302.03:32:05.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h32m05.210s,29496,0.00500s,80000,7677339956, 2004.302.03:32:05.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:32:05.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 345393 : 1873 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:05.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 345258 : 1991 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:05.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 345392 : 1864 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:05.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 345357 : 1923 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:05.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 345296 : 1967 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:05.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 345231 : 2031 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:05.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 345050 : 2218 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:05.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 345423 : 1833 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:05.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.03:32:05.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.03:32:06.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.03:32:06.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.03:32:06.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.03:32:06.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.03:32:06.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.03:32:06.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.03:32:06.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.03:32:06.73:scan_name=302-0334,rd0408,101 2004.302.03:32:06.73:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:32:09.75:setupnw 2004.302.03:32:13.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:14.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:32:14.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:32:14.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 271 ; 2004.302.03:32:14.03:!2004.302.03:34:25 2004.302.03:34:25.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:34:25.00/disc_pos/181444868088,181443868088, 2004.302.03:34:25.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:34:26.04:!2004.302.03:34:25 2004.302.03:34:26.05:preob 2004.302.03:34:26.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:34:26.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:34:29.64/tpical/1u,6039,2u,8737,3u,21694,4u,34207,i1,14832 2004.302.03:34:29.64/tpical/9u,6955,au,23258,bu,17032,cu,9919,du,9225,eu,54747,i2,7280 2004.302.03:34:29.64/tpical/5u,38263,6u,29630,7u,42085,8u,14526,i3,52210 2004.302.03:34:32.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.03:34:32.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,743,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,828,i2,61 2004.302.03:34:32.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,289,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.03:34:35.38:!2004.302.03:34:35 2004.302.03:34:35.38:disc_pos 2004.302.03:34:35.38/disc_pos/181588758528,181443868088, 2004.302.03:34:35.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:34:35.39:midob 2004.302.03:34:35.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:34:35.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:34:35.56/cable/+3.5917814E-02 2004.302.03:34:35.63/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9580,4897 2004.302.03:34:35.70/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32865 2004.302.03:34:35.78/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6183 2004.302.03:34:35.85/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19541 2004.302.03:34:35.92/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11422 2004.302.03:34:36.48/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:34:37.00/tpi/1u,4200,2u,6187,3u,14232,4u,21847,i1,9581 2004.302.03:34:37.00/tpi/9u,4893,au,16050,bu,11411,cu,7080,du,6671,eu,49150,i2,4901 2004.302.03:34:37.01/tpi/5u,23571,6u,19532,7u,28391,8u,10071,i3,32876 2004.302.03:34:37.02/tpdiff/1u,1839,2u,2550,3u,7462,4u,12360,i1,5251 2004.302.03:34:37.03/tpdiff/9u,2062,au,7208,bu,5621,cu,2839,du,2554,eu,5597,i2,2379 2004.302.03:34:37.03/tpdiff/5u,14692,6u,10098,7u,13694,8u,4455,i3,19334 2004.302.03:34:37.04/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:34:37.05/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:34:37.05/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:34:37.06/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:34:37.07/tsys/1u,48.5,2u,49.9,3u,47.0,4u,44.9,i1,47.0 2004.302.03:34:37.08/tsys/9u,73.3,au,68.0,bu,60.9,cu,74.0,du,76.1,eu,276.3,i2,65.1 2004.302.03:34:37.08/tsys/5u,41.1,6u,49.5,7u,51.7,8u,52.4,i3,44.0 2004.302.03:34:37.94/fmout-gps/+6.3419E-006 2004.302.03:34:37.94:!2004.302.03:36:16 2004.302.03:34:38.01#setcl#time/365075973,4,2004,302,03,34,38.01,2.009,12.662,5 2004.302.03:34:38.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:36:16.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:36:16.01:disc_end 2004.302.03:36:16.27:disc_pos 2004.302.03:36:16.28/disc_pos/183207631208,181444868088, 2004.302.03:36:16.28:disc_check 2004.302.03:36:16.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h36m16.220s,14640,0.00500s,80000,2253411736, 2004.302.03:36:16.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:36:16.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 348744 : 1886 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:16.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 348602 : 2011 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:16.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 348737 : 1884 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:16.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 348707 : 1937 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:16.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 348646 : 1982 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:16.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 348578 : 2050 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:16.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 348392 : 2241 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:16.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 348776 : 1845 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:16.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.753 2004.302.03:36:16.99/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.03:36:17.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.302.03:36:17.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.03:36:17.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.03:36:17.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.03:36:17.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.03:36:17.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.03:36:17.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.03:36:17.76:scan_name=302-0337b,rd0408,40 2004.302.03:36:17.76:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:36:20.78:setupnw 2004.302.03:36:24.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:24.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:36:25.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:36:25.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 273 ; 2004.302.03:36:25.02:!2004.302.03:37:18 2004.302.03:37:18.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:37:18.00/disc_pos/183207631208,183206631208, 2004.302.03:37:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:37:19.04:!2004.302.03:37:18 2004.302.03:37:19.05:preob 2004.302.03:37:19.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:37:19.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:37:22.62/tpical/1u,6233,2u,8896,3u,22107,4u,34879,i1,15157 2004.302.03:37:22.62/tpical/9u,7020,au,23402,bu,17155,cu,9951,du,23649,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.03:37:22.62/tpical/i2,7338 2004.302.03:37:22.62/tpical/5u,39012,6u,30342,7u,42868,8u,14817,i3,53784 2004.302.03:37:25.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,102 2004.302.03:37:25.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,745,bu,711,cu,512,du,600,eu,831,i2,68 2004.302.03:37:25.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.03:37:28.36:!2004.302.03:37:28 2004.302.03:37:28.36:disc_pos 2004.302.03:37:28.37/disc_pos/183351525376,183206631208, 2004.302.03:37:28.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:37:28.37:midob 2004.302.03:37:28.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:37:28.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:37:28.72/cable/+3.5917709E-02 2004.302.03:37:28.79/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9898,4956 2004.302.03:37:28.86/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34378 2004.302.03:37:28.93/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6334 2004.302.03:37:29.00/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20144 2004.302.03:37:29.07/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11541 2004.302.03:37:29.63/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:37:30.15/tpi/1u,4357,2u,6334,3u,14638,4u,22522,i1,9896 2004.302.03:37:30.15/tpi/9u,4945,au,16203,bu,11546,cu,7138,du,20844,eu,$$$$$,i2,4954 2004.302.03:37:30.16/tpi/5u,24228,6u,20144,7u,29055,8u,10388,i3,34349 2004.302.03:37:30.17/tpdiff/1u,1876,2u,2562,3u,7469,4u,12357,i1,5261 2004.302.03:37:30.17/tpdiff/9u,2075,au,7199,bu,5609,cu,2813,du,2805,eu,$$$$$,i2,2384 2004.302.03:37:30.18/tpdiff/5u,14784,6u,10198,7u,13813,8u,4429,i3,19435 2004.302.03:37:30.19/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:37:30.19/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:37:30.20/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:37:30.21/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:37:30.22?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.03:37:30.22/tsys/1u,49.7,2u,51.2,3u,48.4,4u,46.3,i1,48.4 2004.302.03:37:30.23/tsys/9u,73.6,au,68.7,bu,61.8,cu,75.4,du,230.9,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.6 2004.302.03:37:30.24/tsys/5u,42.0,6u,50.6,7u,52.5,8u,54.6,i3,45.7 2004.302.03:37:30.94/fmout-gps/+6.3869E-006 2004.302.03:37:30.94:!2004.302.03:38:08 2004.302.03:37:31.01#setcl#time/365093274,4,2004,302,03,37,31.02,2.002,12.710,5 2004.302.03:37:31.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:38:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:38:08.01:disc_end 2004.302.03:38:08.27:disc_pos 2004.302.03:38:08.27/disc_pos/183994306608,183207631208, 2004.302.03:38:08.28:disc_check 2004.302.03:38:08.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h38m08.220s,24184,0.00500s,80000,1005315056, 2004.302.03:38:08.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:38:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 350237 : 1896 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 350095 : 2021 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:08.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 350226 : 1899 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:08.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 350201 : 1946 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:08.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 350141 : 1989 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:08.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 350074 : 2057 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:08.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 349885 : 2252 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:08.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 350271 : 1853 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:08.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.03:38:08.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.03:38:09.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.03:38:09.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.03:38:09.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.03:38:09.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.03:38:09.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.03:38:09.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.76 2004.302.03:38:09.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.03:38:09.76:scan_name=302-0348,rd0408,76 2004.302.03:38:09.77:source=2121+053,212114.82,052227.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:38:12.79:setupnw 2004.302.03:38:16.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:16.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:38:17.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:38:17.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 275 ; 2004.302.03:38:17.02:!2004.302.03:48:22 2004.302.03:40:19.64;"Red Sox win World Series 2004.302.03:48:22.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:48:22.00/disc_pos/183994306608,183993306608, 2004.302.03:48:22.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:48:23.04:!2004.302.03:48:22 2004.302.03:48:23.04:preob 2004.302.03:48:23.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:48:23.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:48:26.62/tpical/1u,6564,2u,9142,3u,22604,4u,35363,i1,15435 2004.302.03:48:26.62/tpical/9u,7246,au,23985,bu,17632,cu,10275,du,10449,eu,32642 2004.302.03:48:26.62/tpical/i2,7521 2004.302.03:48:26.62/tpical/5u,38972,6u,30160,7u,42091,8u,15595,i3,52970 2004.302.03:48:29.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,95 2004.302.03:48:29.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,745,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,827,i2,57 2004.302.03:48:29.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.03:48:32.37:!2004.302.03:48:32 2004.302.03:48:32.37:disc_pos 2004.302.03:48:32.37/disc_pos/184138199040,183993306608, 2004.302.03:48:32.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:48:32.38:midob 2004.302.03:48:32.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:48:32.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:48:32.57/cable/+3.5916324E-02 2004.302.03:48:32.64/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10260,5133 2004.302.03:48:32.71/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34371 2004.302.03:48:32.78/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6593 2004.302.03:48:32.85/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20423 2004.302.03:48:32.92/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11998 2004.302.03:48:33.48/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:48:34.00/tpi/1u,4719,2u,6600,3u,15232,4u,23276,i1,10257 2004.302.03:48:34.00/tpi/9u,5171,au,16785,bu,11988,cu,7400,du,8300,eu,27855,i2,5134 2004.302.03:48:34.01/tpi/5u,24721,6u,20400,7u,29025,8u,11317,i3,34379 2004.302.03:48:34.02/tpdiff/1u,1845,2u,2542,3u,7372,4u,12087,i1,5178 2004.302.03:48:34.03/tpdiff/9u,2075,au,7200,bu,5644,cu,2875,du,2149,eu,4787,i2,2387 2004.302.03:48:34.03/tpdiff/5u,14251,6u,9760,7u,13066,8u,4278,i3,18591 2004.302.03:48:34.04/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:48:34.05/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:48:34.05/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:48:34.06/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:48:34.07/tsys/1u,55.7,2u,54.3,3u,51.1,4u,49.0,i1,51.0 2004.302.03:48:34.08/tsys/9u,77.1,au,71.3,bu,63.9,cu,76.7,du,114.7,eu,180.7,i2,68.1 2004.302.03:48:34.08/tsys/5u,44.5,6u,53.6,7u,55.4,8u,62.2,i3,47.8 2004.302.03:48:34.94/fmout-gps/+6.3204E-006 2004.302.03:48:34.95:!2004.302.03:49:48 2004.302.03:48:35.02#setcl#time/365159672,3,2004,302,03,48,35.03,2.029,12.895,6 2004.302.03:48:35.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:49:48.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:49:48.01:disc_end 2004.302.03:49:48.27:disc_pos 2004.302.03:49:48.27/disc_pos/185357033872,183994306608, 2004.302.03:49:48.27:disc_check 2004.302.03:49:48.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h49m48.215s,35820,0.00500s,80000,9837181100, 2004.302.03:49:48.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:49:48.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 352826 : 1908 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:48.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 352683 : 2035 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:48.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 352811 : 1917 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:48.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 352790 : 1960 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:48.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 352729 : 2003 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:48.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 352660 : 2072 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:48.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 352470 : 2269 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:48.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 352858 : 1867 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:48.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.03:49:48.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.03:49:49.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.03:49:49.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.03:49:49.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.03:49:49.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.03:49:49.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.03:49:49.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.43 2004.302.03:49:49.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.03:49:49.75:scan_name=302-0351a,rd0408,65 2004.302.03:49:49.76:source=1923+210,192349.82,210023.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:49:52.77:setupnw 2004.302.03:49:53.28/vc12/nak,*alarm*vc(#0c) 2004.302.03:49:54.90/vc12/nak,ack 2004.302.03:49:56.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:56.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:49:57.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:49:57.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 277 ; 2004.302.03:49:57.02:!2004.302.03:51:17 2004.302.03:51:17.00:disc_pos 2004.302.03:51:17.00/disc_pos/185357033872,185356033872, 2004.302.03:51:17.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.03:51:18.04:!2004.302.03:51:17 2004.302.03:51:18.04:preob 2004.302.03:51:18.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:51:18.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:51:21.63/tpical/1u,6698,2u,9688,3u,23548,4u,36049,i1,16031 2004.302.03:51:21.63/tpical/9u,7526,au,24930,bu,18281,cu,10626,du,11502,eu,22516 2004.302.03:51:21.63/tpical/i2,7820 2004.302.03:51:21.63/tpical/5u,39608,6u,30385,7u,42037,8u,14539,i3,53327 2004.302.03:51:24.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,92 2004.302.03:51:24.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,745,bu,708,cu,514,du,600,eu,825,i2,52 2004.302.03:51:24.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.03:51:27.37:!2004.302.03:51:27 2004.302.03:51:27.37:disc_pos 2004.302.03:51:27.39/disc_pos/185500925952,185356033872, 2004.302.03:51:27.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.03:51:27.40:midob 2004.302.03:51:27.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.03:51:27.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.03:51:27.51/cable/+3.5921076E-02 2004.302.03:51:27.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11118,5440 2004.302.03:51:27.66/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36450 2004.302.03:51:27.73/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7160 2004.302.03:51:27.80/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21597 2004.302.03:51:27.87/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12688 2004.302.03:51:28.43/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.03:51:28.95/tpi/1u,4885,2u,7164,3u,16516,4u,24850,i1,11106 2004.302.03:51:28.96/tpi/9u,5447,au,17686,bu,12680,cu,7831,du,9037,eu,17966,i2,5440 2004.302.03:51:28.96/tpi/5u,26368,6u,21563,7u,30322,8u,10806,i3,36370 2004.302.03:51:28.97/tpdiff/1u,1813,2u,2524,3u,7032,4u,11199,i1,4925 2004.302.03:51:28.98/tpdiff/9u,2079,au,7244,bu,5601,cu,2795,du,2465,eu,4550,i2,2380 2004.302.03:51:28.98/tpdiff/5u,13240,6u,8822,7u,11715,8u,3733,i3,16957 2004.302.03:51:28.99/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.03:51:29.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.03:51:29.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.03:51:29.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.03:51:29.02/tsys/1u,59.1,2u,60.5,3u,58.3,4u,56.5,i1,58.1 2004.302.03:51:29.03/tsys/9u,81.2,au,74.8,bu,68.4,cu,83.8,du,109.5,eu,120.6,i2,72.4 2004.302.03:51:29.03/tsys/5u,51.1,6u,62.7,7u,64.7,8u,67.7,i3,55.5 2004.302.03:51:29.94/fmout-gps/+6.3829E-006 2004.302.03:51:29.94:!2004.302.03:52:32 2004.302.03:51:30.01#setcl#time/365177172,4,2004,302,03,51,30.02,2.003,12.943,5 2004.302.03:51:30.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.03:52:32.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.03:52:32.00:disc_end 2004.302.03:52:32.26:disc_pos 2004.302.03:52:32.27/disc_pos/186543585144,185357033872, 2004.302.03:52:32.27:disc_check 2004.302.03:52:32.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d03h52m32.210s,55340,0.00500s,80000,1437349208, 2004.302.03:52:32.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.03:52:32.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 355080 : 1920 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:32.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 354937 : 2046 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:32.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 355061 : 1932 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:32.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 355044 : 1973 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:32.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 354980 : 2017 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:32.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 354916 : 2082 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:32.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 354721 : 2283 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:32.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 355113 : 1878 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:32.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.03:52:32.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.302.03:52:33.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.03:52:33.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.03:52:33.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.03:52:33.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.03:52:33.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.03:52:33.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.36 2004.302.03:52:33.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.03:52:33.68:scan_name=302-0407,rd0408,40 2004.302.03:52:33.68:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.03:52:36.70:setupnw 2004.302.03:52:40.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:40.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.03:52:41.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.03:52:41.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 279 ; 2004.302.03:52:41.02:!2004.302.04:06:50 2004.302.04:06:50.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:06:50.00/disc_pos/186543585144,186542585144, 2004.302.04:06:50.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:06:51.05:!2004.302.04:06:50 2004.302.04:06:51.05:preob 2004.302.04:06:51.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:06:51.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:06:54.63/tpical/1u,6390,2u,9203,3u,22775,4u,35767,i1,15545 2004.302.04:06:54.63/tpical/9u,7286,au,24006,bu,13145,cu,19813,du,49433,eu,55665 2004.302.04:06:54.63/tpical/i2,7562 2004.302.04:06:54.63/tpical/5u,39404,6u,30260,7u,42271,8u,16619,i3,53665 2004.302.04:06:57.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,96 2004.302.04:06:57.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,744,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,829,i2,65 2004.302.04:06:57.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1164,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.04:07:00.37:!2004.302.04:07:00 2004.302.04:07:00.37:disc_pos 2004.302.04:07:00.38/disc_pos/186687467520,186542585144, 2004.302.04:07:00.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:07:00.38:midob 2004.302.04:07:00.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:07:00.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:07:00.63/cable/+3.5918943E-02 2004.302.04:07:00.70/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10358,5178 2004.302.04:07:00.77/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35030 2004.302.04:07:00.84/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6643 2004.302.04:07:00.91/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20554 2004.302.04:07:00.98/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9046 2004.302.04:07:01.54/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:07:02.07/tpi/1u,4541,2u,6642,3u,15422,4u,23631,i1,10357 2004.302.04:07:02.07/tpi/9u,5200,au,16784,bu,9046,cu,18302,du,47808,eu,53418,i2,5176 2004.302.04:07:02.08/tpi/5u,25146,6u,20548,7u,29241,8u,12370,i3,35026 2004.302.04:07:02.09/tpdiff/1u,1849,2u,2561,3u,7353,4u,12136,i1,5188 2004.302.04:07:02.09/tpdiff/9u,2086,au,7222,bu,4099,cu,1511,du,1625,eu,2247,i2,2386 2004.302.04:07:02.10/tpdiff/5u,14258,6u,9712,7u,13030,8u,4249,i3,18639 2004.302.04:07:02.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:07:02.11/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:07:02.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:07:02.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:07:02.14/tsys/1u,53.1,2u,54.3,3u,51.9,4u,49.6,i1,51.4 2004.302.04:07:02.14/tsys/9u,77.1,au,71.1,bu,65.1,cu,376.8,du,929.6,eu,748.9,i2,68.5 2004.302.04:07:02.15/tsys/5u,45.2,6u,54.2,7u,56.0,8u,69.1,i3,48.6 2004.302.04:07:02.93/fmout-gps/+6.3429E-006 2004.302.04:07:02.94:!2004.302.04:07:40 2004.302.04:07:03.01#setcl#time/365270470,4,2004,302,04,07,03.02,2.000,13.202,5 2004.302.04:07:03.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:07:40.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:07:40.00:disc_end 2004.302.04:07:40.26:disc_pos 2004.302.04:07:40.27/disc_pos/187330091176,186543585144, 2004.302.04:07:40.27:disc_check 2004.302.04:07:40.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h07m40.220s,68072,0.00500s,80000,13741641236, 2004.302.04:07:40.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:07:40.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 356577 : 1927 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:40.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 356431 : 2054 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 356557 : 1939 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:40.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 356538 : 1981 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:40.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 356473 : 2027 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:40.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 356408 : 2092 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:40.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 356215 : 2292 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:40.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 356606 : 1887 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:40.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.899 2004.302.04:07:40.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.04:07:41.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.04:07:41.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.04:07:41.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.04:07:41.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.04:07:41.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:07:41.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.04:07:41.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.04:07:41.71:scan_name=302-0411,rd0408,84 2004.302.04:07:41.71:source=1726+455,172601.24,453304.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:07:44.73:setupnw 2004.302.04:07:45.24/vc12/nak,*alarm*vc(#0c) 2004.302.04:07:46.84/vc12/nak,ack 2004.302.04:07:48.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:48.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:07:49.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:07:49.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 281 ; 2004.302.04:07:49.02:!2004.302.04:11:35 2004.302.04:08:40.26;"weather: partly cloudy 2004.302.04:11:35.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:11:35.00/disc_pos/187330091176,187329091176, 2004.302.04:11:35.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:11:36.04:!2004.302.04:11:35 2004.302.04:11:36.04:preob 2004.302.04:11:36.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:11:36.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:11:39.62/tpical/1u,7030,2u,10112,3u,25640,4u,40053,i1,17470 2004.302.04:11:39.62/tpical/9u,7669,au,29178,bu,18068,cu,10579,du,12671,eu,25997 2004.302.04:11:39.62/tpical/i2,8149 2004.302.04:11:39.62/tpical/5u,44491,6u,34634,7u,48020,8u,16725,i3,60832 2004.302.04:11:42.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,97 2004.302.04:11:42.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,781,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,826,i2,57 2004.302.04:11:42.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.04:11:45.37:!2004.302.04:11:45 2004.302.04:11:45.37:disc_pos 2004.302.04:11:45.38/disc_pos/187473981440,187329091176, 2004.302.04:11:45.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:11:45.39:midob 2004.302.04:11:45.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:11:45.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:11:45.75/cable/+3.5923883E-02 2004.302.04:11:45.82/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12253,6020 2004.302.04:11:45.89/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,41744 2004.302.04:11:45.96/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7588 2004.302.04:11:46.03/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24625 2004.302.04:11:46.10/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12595 2004.302.04:11:46.66/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:11:47.18/tpi/1u,5189,2u,7588,3u,18181,4u,27904,i1,12263 2004.302.04:11:47.19/tpi/9u,5637,au,22333,bu,12590,cu,7824,du,9635,eu,21642,i2,5700 2004.302.04:11:47.20/tpi/5u,29992,6u,24625,7u,34832,8u,12395,i3,41807 2004.302.04:11:47.21/tpdiff/1u,1841,2u,2524,3u,7459,4u,12149,i1,5207 2004.302.04:11:47.21/tpdiff/9u,2032,au,6845,bu,5478,cu,2755,du,3036,eu,4355,i2,2449 2004.302.04:11:47.22/tpdiff/5u,14499,6u,10009,7u,13188,8u,4330,i3,19025 2004.302.04:11:47.23/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:11:47.23/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:11:47.24/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:11:47.24/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:11:47.25/tsys/1u,62.4,2u,64.9,3u,60.8,4u,58.7,i1,60.7 2004.302.04:11:47.26/tsys/9u,86.1,au,100.8,bu,69.4,cu,84.9,du,95.2,eu,153.0,i2,73.7 2004.302.04:11:47.27/tsys/5u,53.2,6u,63.2,7u,66.4,8u,67.9,i3,56.9 2004.302.04:11:47.94/fmout-gps/+6.3314E-006 2004.302.04:11:47.95:!2004.302.04:13:09 2004.302.04:11:48.01#setcl#time/365298969,4,2004,302,04,11,48.02,2.006,13.281,5 2004.302.04:11:48.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:13:09.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:13:09.00:disc_end 2004.302.04:13:09.26:disc_pos 2004.302.04:13:09.27/disc_pos/188820830976,187330091176, 2004.302.04:13:09.27:disc_check 2004.302.04:13:09.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h13m09.215s,43488,0.00500s,80000,3773204784, 2004.302.04:13:09.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:13:09.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 359407 : 1943 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 359262 : 2069 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 359383 : 1958 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:09.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 359368 : 1997 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:09.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 359304 : 2041 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:09.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 359242 : 2104 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:09.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 359044 : 2310 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:09.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 359440 : 1899 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:09.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.143 2004.302.04:13:09.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.61 2004.302.04:13:10.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.61 2004.302.04:13:10.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.04:13:10.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.302.04:13:10.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.04:13:10.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.49 2004.302.04:13:10.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.04:13:10.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.04:13:10.69:scan_name=302-0416,rd0408,103 2004.302.04:13:10.69:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:13:13.71:setupnw 2004.302.04:13:17.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:17.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:13:18.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:13:18.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 283 ; 2004.302.04:13:18.02:!2004.302.04:16:03 2004.302.04:16:03.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:16:03.01/disc_pos/188820830976,188819830976, 2004.302.04:16:03.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:16:04.04:!2004.302.04:16:03 2004.302.04:16:04.04:preob 2004.302.04:16:04.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:16:04.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:16:07.63/tpical/1u,6203,2u,8956,3u,22369,4u,35162,i1,15209 2004.302.04:16:07.63/tpical/9u,7258,au,27894,bu,16974,cu,9853,du,27623,eu,48494 2004.302.04:16:07.63/tpical/i2,9141 2004.302.04:16:07.63/tpical/5u,39351,6u,30504,7u,42878,8u,14942,i3,53630 2004.302.04:16:10.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,91 2004.302.04:16:10.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,775,bu,708,cu,513,du,601,eu,827,i2,55 2004.302.04:16:10.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.04:16:13.37:!2004.302.04:16:13 2004.302.04:16:13.37:disc_pos 2004.302.04:16:13.38/disc_pos/188964720640,188819830976, 2004.302.04:16:13.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:16:13.38:midob 2004.302.04:16:13.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:16:13.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:16:13.59/cable/+3.5922576E-02 2004.302.04:16:13.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9967,5215 2004.302.04:16:13.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34255 2004.302.04:16:13.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6394 2004.302.04:16:13.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20390 2004.302.04:16:13.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11425 2004.302.04:16:14.51/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:16:15.03/tpi/1u,4338,2u,6386,3u,14877,4u,22760,i1,9972 2004.302.04:16:15.03/tpi/9u,5564,au,21033,bu,11406,cu,7035,du,24635,eu,44245,i2,5376 2004.302.04:16:15.04/tpi/5u,24612,6u,20351,7u,29167,8u,10471,i3,34287 2004.302.04:16:15.05/tpdiff/1u,1865,2u,2570,3u,7492,4u,12402,i1,5237 2004.302.04:16:15.05/tpdiff/9u,1694,au,6861,bu,5568,cu,2818,du,2988,eu,4249,i2,3765 2004.302.04:16:15.06/tpdiff/5u,14739,6u,10153,7u,13711,8u,4471,i3,19343 2004.302.04:16:15.07/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:16:15.07/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:16:15.08/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:16:15.09/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:16:15.10/tsys/1u,49.8,2u,51.6,3u,49.1,4u,46.7,i1,49.1 2004.302.04:16:15.10/tsys/9u,101.9,au,94.5,bu,61.5,cu,74.1,du,257.4,eu,327.0,i2,45.2 2004.302.04:16:15.11/tsys/5u,42.8,6u,51.4,7u,53.1,8u,54.6,i3,45.8 2004.302.04:16:15.93/fmout-gps/+6.3739E-006 2004.302.04:16:15.94:!2004.302.04:17:56 2004.302.04:16:16.01#setcl#time/365325768,3,2004,302,04,16,16.02,2.013,13.356,6 2004.302.04:16:16.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:17:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:17:56.00:disc_end 2004.302.04:17:56.26:disc_pos 2004.302.04:17:56.27/disc_pos/190615279352,188820830976, 2004.302.04:17:56.27:disc_check 2004.302.04:17:56.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h17m56.210s,61244,0.00500s,80000,2797453868, 2004.302.04:17:56.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:17:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 362818 : 1959 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:17:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 362672 : 2084 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:17:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 362789 : 1978 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:17:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 362777 : 2013 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:17:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 362710 : 2060 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:17:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 362646 : 2125 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:17:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 362446 : 2333 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:17:56.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 362852 : 1912 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:17:56.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.899 2004.302.04:17:56.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.302.04:17:57.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.302.04:17:57.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.04:17:57.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.04:17:57.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.04:17:57.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:17:57.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.04:17:57.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.04:17:57.68:scan_name=302-0421,rd0408,134 2004.302.04:17:57.68:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:18:00.70:setupnw 2004.302.04:18:04.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:18:04.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:18:05.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:18:05.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 285 ; 2004.302.04:18:05.02:!2004.302.04:20:51 2004.302.04:20:51.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:20:51.00/disc_pos/190615279352,190614279352, 2004.302.04:20:51.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:20:52.04:!2004.302.04:20:51 2004.302.04:20:52.04:preob 2004.302.04:20:52.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:20:52.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:20:55.62/tpical/1u,7075,2u,10231,3u,26116,4u,40888,i1,17800 2004.302.04:20:55.62/tpical/9u,7212,au,28586,bu,17539,cu,10235,du,9903,eu,23162 2004.302.04:20:55.62/tpical/i2,7595 2004.302.04:20:55.62/tpical/5u,45615,6u,35427,7u,49608,8u,17255,i3,62713 2004.302.04:20:58.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,92 2004.302.04:20:58.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,767,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,826,i2,60 2004.302.04:20:58.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.04:21:01.37:!2004.302.04:21:01 2004.302.04:21:01.37:disc_pos 2004.302.04:21:01.39/disc_pos/190759170048,190614279352, 2004.302.04:21:01.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:21:01.40:midob 2004.302.04:21:01.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:21:01.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:21:01.59/cable/+3.5925348E-02 2004.302.04:21:01.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12541,5361 2004.302.04:21:01.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,43326 2004.302.04:21:01.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7666 2004.302.04:21:01.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25330 2004.302.04:21:01.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12186 2004.302.04:21:02.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:21:03.02/tpi/1u,5223,2u,7658,3u,18594,4u,28541,i1,12537 2004.302.04:21:03.02/tpi/9u,5246,au,21758,bu,12176,cu,7540,du,7473,eu,20324,i2,5491 2004.302.04:21:03.03/tpi/5u,30945,6u,25371,7u,36183,8u,12840,i3,43312 2004.302.04:21:03.04/tpdiff/1u,1852,2u,2573,3u,7522,4u,12347,i1,5263 2004.302.04:21:03.04/tpdiff/9u,1966,au,6828,bu,5363,cu,2695,du,2430,eu,2838,i2,2104 2004.302.04:21:03.05/tpdiff/5u,14670,6u,10056,7u,13425,8u,4415,i3,19401 2004.302.04:21:03.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:21:03.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:21:03.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:21:03.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:21:03.09/tsys/1u,62.5,2u,64.3,3u,61.7,4u,59.1,i1,61.5 2004.302.04:21:03.09/tsys/9u,82.6,au,98.4,bu,68.4,cu,83.4,du,90.5,eu,219.9,i2,82.6 2004.302.04:21:03.10/tsys/5u,54.2,6u,64.9,7u,67.8,8u,69.2,i3,57.8 2004.302.04:21:03.93/fmout-gps/+6.3974E-006 2004.302.04:21:03.94:!2004.302.04:23:15 2004.302.04:21:04.01#setcl#time/365354568,4,2004,302,04,21,04.02,2.001,13.436,5 2004.302.04:21:04.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:23:15.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:23:15.00:disc_end 2004.302.04:23:15.26:disc_pos 2004.302.04:23:15.27/disc_pos/192905933368,190615279352, 2004.302.04:23:15.27:disc_check 2004.302.04:23:15.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h23m15.215s,33928,0.00500s,80000,2813453300, 2004.302.04:23:15.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:23:15.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 367167 : 1980 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:15.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 367023 : 2105 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:15.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 367136 : 2004 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:15.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 367133 : 2029 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:15.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 367062 : 2080 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:15.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 366997 : 2146 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:15.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 366791 : 2360 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:15.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 367203 : 1932 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:15.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.899 2004.302.04:23:15.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.302.04:23:16.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.302.04:23:16.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.04:23:16.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.04:23:16.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.04:23:16.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:23:16.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.93 2004.302.04:23:16.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.04:23:16.71:scan_name=302-0424,rd0408,40 2004.302.04:23:16.71:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:23:19.73:setupnw 2004.302.04:23:23.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:23.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:23:24.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:23:24.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 287 ; 2004.302.04:23:24.02:!2004.302.04:24:30 2004.302.04:24:30.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:24:30.00/disc_pos/192905933368,192904933368, 2004.302.04:24:30.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:24:31.04:!2004.302.04:24:30 2004.302.04:24:31.04:preob 2004.302.04:24:31.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:24:31.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:24:34.63/tpical/1u,5996,2u,8682,3u,21323,4u,33655,i1,14582 2004.302.04:24:34.63/tpical/9u,6505,au,26453,bu,15693,cu,9033,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.04:24:34.63/tpical/i2,7242 2004.302.04:24:34.63/tpical/5u,37672,6u,29278,7u,41289,8u,14260,i3,51330 2004.302.04:24:37.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,100 2004.302.04:24:37.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,778,bu,710,cu,511,du,604,eu,839,i2,61 2004.302.04:24:37.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.04:24:40.37:!2004.302.04:24:40 2004.302.04:24:40.37:disc_pos 2004.302.04:24:40.37/disc_pos/193049825280,192904933368, 2004.302.04:24:40.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:24:40.38:midob 2004.302.04:24:40.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:24:40.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:24:40.47/cable/+3.5918627E-02 2004.302.04:24:40.54/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9342,4949 2004.302.04:24:40.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31998 2004.302.04:24:40.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6119 2004.302.04:24:40.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19085 2004.302.04:24:40.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10542 2004.302.04:24:41.40/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:24:41.92/tpi/1u,4147,2u,6116,3u,13920,4u,21371,i1,9344 2004.302.04:24:41.92/tpi/9u,4652,au,19848,bu,10548,cu,6485,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,4885 2004.302.04:24:41.93/tpi/5u,22981,6u,19121,7u,27525,8u,9872,i3,32007 2004.302.04:24:41.94/tpdiff/1u,1849,2u,2566,3u,7403,4u,12284,i1,5238 2004.302.04:24:41.94/tpdiff/9u,1853,au,6605,bu,5145,cu,2548,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,2357 2004.302.04:24:41.95/tpdiff/5u,14691,6u,10157,7u,13764,8u,4388,i3,19323 2004.302.04:24:41.96/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:24:41.96/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:24:41.97/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:24:41.98/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:24:42.00?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.04:24:42.00?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.04:24:42.01/tsys/1u,47.5,2u,48.9,3u,46.3,4u,44.2,i1,45.9 2004.302.04:24:42.01/tsys/9u,77.3,au,92.4,bu,61.2,cu,75.0,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.04:24:42.02/tsys/i2,65.5 2004.302.04:24:42.03/tsys/5u,40.1,6u,48.2,7u,49.8,8u,52.1,i3,42.8 2004.302.04:24:42.93/fmout-gps/+6.4164E-006 2004.302.04:24:42.94:!2004.302.04:25:20 2004.302.04:24:43.01#setcl#time/365376467,4,2004,302,04,24,43.02,2.009,13.497,6 2004.302.04:24:43.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:25:20.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:25:20.01:disc_end 2004.302.04:25:20.27:disc_pos 2004.302.04:25:20.27/disc_pos/193692608416,192905933368, 2004.302.04:25:20.28:disc_check 2004.302.04:25:20.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h25m20.225s,27676,0.00500s,80000,1213491204, 2004.302.04:25:20.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:25:20.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 368662 : 1988 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:20.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 368516 : 2114 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:20.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 368630 : 2013 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:20.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 368628 : 2036 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:20.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 368556 : 2089 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:20.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 368493 : 2154 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:20.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 368280 : 2374 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:20.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 368696 : 1942 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:20.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.04:25:20.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.302.04:25:21.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.302.04:25:21.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.04:25:21.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.04:25:21.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.04:25:21.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:25:21.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.30 2004.302.04:25:21.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.04:25:21.75:scan_name=302-0426,rd0408,40 2004.302.04:25:21.75:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:25:24.77:setupnw 2004.302.04:25:28.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:28.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:25:29.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:25:29.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 289 ; 2004.302.04:25:29.03:!2004.302.04:26:31 2004.302.04:26:31.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:26:31.01/disc_pos/193692608416,193691608416, 2004.302.04:26:31.02:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:26:32.05:!2004.302.04:26:31 2004.302.04:26:32.05:preob 2004.302.04:26:32.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:26:32.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:26:35.63/tpical/1u,6676,2u,9672,3u,24535,4u,38577,i1,16681 2004.302.04:26:35.63/tpical/9u,6366,au,21236,bu,15434,cu,9026,du,8862,eu,$$$$$,i2,6588 2004.302.04:26:35.63/tpical/5u,43134,6u,33122,7u,46894,8u,16265,i3,58799 2004.302.04:26:38.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,742,4u,499,i1,102 2004.302.04:26:38.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,768,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,844,i2,67 2004.302.04:26:38.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,289,7u,1166,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.04:26:41.37:!2004.302.04:26:41 2004.302.04:26:41.37:disc_pos 2004.302.04:26:41.38/disc_pos/193836498944,193691608416, 2004.302.04:26:41.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:26:41.38:midob 2004.302.04:26:41.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:26:41.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:26:41.44/cable/+3.5926037E-02 2004.302.04:26:41.51/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11386,4595 2004.302.04:26:41.58/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,39236 2004.302.04:26:41.65/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7072 2004.302.04:26:41.72/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23043 2004.302.04:26:41.79/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10708 2004.302.04:26:42.35/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:26:42.88/tpi/1u,4808,2u,7067,3u,16944,4u,26181,i1,11386 2004.302.04:26:42.88/tpi/9u,4630,au,15969,bu,10723,cu,6673,du,6579,eu,$$$$$,i2,4603 2004.302.04:26:42.89/tpi/5u,28179,6u,23035,7u,33174,8u,11804,i3,39232 2004.302.04:26:42.90/tpdiff/1u,1868,2u,2605,3u,7591,4u,12396,i1,5295 2004.302.04:26:42.90/tpdiff/9u,1736,au,5267,bu,4711,cu,2353,du,2283,eu,$$$$$,i2,1985 2004.302.04:26:42.91/tpdiff/5u,14955,6u,10087,7u,13720,8u,4461,i3,19567 2004.302.04:26:42.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:26:42.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:26:42.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:26:42.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:26:42.95?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.04:26:42.95/tsys/1u,56.2,2u,57.7,3u,55.5,4u,53.9,i1,55.4 2004.302.04:26:42.96/tsys/9u,82.1,au,92.4,bu,68.0,cu,83.8,du,83.8,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,73.1 2004.302.04:26:42.97/tsys/5u,48.4,6u,58.6,7u,60.7,8u,62.5,i3,51.9 2004.302.04:26:43.94/fmout-gps/+6.3644E-006 2004.302.04:26:43.94:!2004.302.04:27:21 2004.302.04:26:44.01#setcl#time/365388567,4,2004,302,04,26,44.02,2.004,13.530,5 2004.302.04:26:44.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:27:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:27:21.01:disc_end 2004.302.04:27:21.26:disc_pos 2004.302.04:27:21.27/disc_pos/194479122496,193692608416, 2004.302.04:27:21.27:disc_check 2004.302.04:27:21.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h27m21.215s,25972,0.00500s,80000,1149327624, 2004.302.04:27:21.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:27:21.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 370156 : 1996 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 370011 : 2122 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 370123 : 2022 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 370121 : 2046 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 370051 : 2096 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 369983 : 2168 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 369771 : 2387 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:21.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 370186 : 1954 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:21.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.143 2004.302.04:27:21.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.12 2004.302.04:27:22.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.12 2004.302.04:27:22.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.04:27:22.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.04:27:22.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.04:27:22.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:27:22.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.04:27:22.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.04:27:22.70:scan_name=302-0430,rd0408,200 2004.302.04:27:22.70:source=0804+499,080458.36,495923.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:27:25.72:setupnw 2004.302.04:27:29.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:29.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:27:30.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:27:30.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 291 ; 2004.302.04:27:30.02:!2004.302.04:30:31 2004.302.04:30:31.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:30:31.01/disc_pos/194479122496,194478122496, 2004.302.04:30:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:30:32.04:!2004.302.04:30:31 2004.302.04:30:32.05:preob 2004.302.04:30:32.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:30:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:30:35.63/tpical/1u,6199,2u,8970,3u,22517,4u,35501,i1,15309 2004.302.04:30:35.63/tpical/9u,8707,au,27186,bu,16172,cu,9448,du,33419,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.04:30:35.63/tpical/i2,7906 2004.302.04:30:35.63/tpical/5u,39756,6u,30662,7u,43281,8u,15071,i3,54077 2004.302.04:30:38.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,102 2004.302.04:30:38.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,781,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,830,i2,62 2004.302.04:30:38.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,284,7u,1164,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.04:30:41.37:!2004.302.04:30:41 2004.302.04:30:41.37:disc_pos 2004.302.04:30:41.38/disc_pos/194623012864,194478122496, 2004.302.04:30:41.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:30:41.38:midob 2004.302.04:30:41.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:30:41.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:30:41.55/cable/+3.5922911E-02 2004.302.04:30:41.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10030,5264 2004.302.04:30:41.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34541 2004.302.04:30:41.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6395 2004.302.04:30:41.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20495 2004.302.04:30:41.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10929 2004.302.04:30:42.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:30:42.99/tpi/1u,4349,2u,6397,3u,14976,4u,23032,i1,10026 2004.302.04:30:42.99/tpi/9u,4944,au,20170,bu,10943,cu,6833,du,31621,eu,$$$$$,i2,5265 2004.302.04:30:43.00/tpi/5u,24764,6u,20490,7u,29517,8u,10587,i3,34535 2004.302.04:30:43.02/tpdiff/1u,1850,2u,2573,3u,7541,4u,12469,i1,5283 2004.302.04:30:43.02/tpdiff/9u,3763,au,7016,bu,5229,cu,2615,du,1798,eu,$$$$$,i2,2641 2004.302.04:30:43.03/tpdiff/5u,14992,6u,10172,7u,13764,8u,4484,i3,19542 2004.302.04:30:43.04/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:30:43.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:30:43.05/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:30:43.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:30:43.06?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.04:30:43.07/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,51.6,3u,49.1,4u,47.0,i1,48.8 2004.302.04:30:43.08/tsys/9u,40.6,au,88.4,bu,62.6,cu,77.3,du,552.1,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,63.0 2004.302.04:30:43.08/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,51.6,7u,53.6,8u,55.1,i3,45.7 2004.302.04:30:43.93/fmout-gps/+6.3524E-006 2004.302.04:30:43.94:!2004.302.04:34:01 2004.302.04:30:44.01#setcl#time/365412566,3,2004,302,04,30,44.02,2.012,13.597,6 2004.302.04:30:44.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:34:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:34:01.00:disc_end 2004.302.04:34:01.26:disc_pos 2004.302.04:34:01.27/disc_pos/197825553504,194479122496, 2004.302.04:34:01.27:disc_check 2004.302.04:34:01.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h34m01.210s,43628,0.00500s,80000,3053471336, 2004.302.04:34:01.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:34:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 376517 : 2021 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:01.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 376367 : 2151 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:01.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 376476 : 2054 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:01.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 376478 : 2074 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:01.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 376407 : 2126 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:01.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 376342 : 2196 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:01.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 376119 : 2424 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:01.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 376541 : 1985 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:01.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.654 2004.302.04:34:01.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.302.04:34:02.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.302.04:34:02.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.04:34:02.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.04:34:02.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.04:34:02.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:34:02.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.04:34:02.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.04:34:02.73:scan_name=302-0435,rd0408,143 2004.302.04:34:02.73:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:34:05.75:setupnw 2004.302.04:34:09.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:09.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:34:10.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:34:10.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 293 ; 2004.302.04:34:10.02:!2004.302.04:35:49 2004.302.04:35:49.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:35:49.00/disc_pos/197825553504,197824553504, 2004.302.04:35:49.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:35:50.04:!2004.302.04:35:49 2004.302.04:35:50.05:preob 2004.302.04:35:50.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:35:50.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:35:53.62/tpical/1u,6187,2u,8918,3u,22121,4u,34651,i1,15023 2004.302.04:35:53.62/tpical/9u,10032,au,27437,bu,16302,cu,9581,du,9565,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.04:35:53.62/tpical/i2,9145 2004.302.04:35:53.62/tpical/5u,38653,6u,29866,7u,41895,8u,14643,i3,52553 2004.302.04:35:56.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.04:35:56.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,805,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,828,i2,51 2004.302.04:35:56.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.04:35:59.36:!2004.302.04:35:59 2004.302.04:35:59.36:disc_pos 2004.302.04:35:59.37/disc_pos/197969444864,197824553504, 2004.302.04:35:59.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:35:59.37:midob 2004.302.04:35:59.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:35:59.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:35:59.43/cable/+3.5921375E-02 2004.302.04:35:59.50/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9809,8225 2004.302.04:35:59.57/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33548 2004.302.04:35:59.64/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6342 2004.302.04:35:59.71/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19982 2004.302.04:35:59.78/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11028 2004.302.04:36:00.34/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:36:00.86/tpi/1u,4334,2u,6340,3u,14631,4u,22428,i1,9805 2004.302.04:36:00.86/tpi/9u,7468,au,20713,bu,11039,cu,6909,du,7224,eu,$$$$$,i2,7391 2004.302.04:36:00.87/tpi/5u,24081,6u,19990,7u,28603,8u,10287,i3,33543 2004.302.04:36:00.88/tpdiff/1u,1853,2u,2578,3u,7490,4u,12223,i1,5218 2004.302.04:36:00.88/tpdiff/9u,2564,au,6724,bu,5263,cu,2672,du,2341,eu,$$$$$,i2,1754 2004.302.04:36:00.89/tpdiff/5u,14572,6u,9876,7u,13292,8u,4356,i3,19010 2004.302.04:36:00.90/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:36:00.90/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:36:00.91/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:36:00.92/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:36:00.93?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.04:36:00.93/tsys/1u,50.0,2u,50.9,3u,48.2,4u,46.7,i1,48.4 2004.302.04:36:00.94/tsys/9u,91.1,au,94.7,bu,62.8,cu,76.6,du,90.5,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,133.9 2004.302.04:36:00.95/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,51.9,7u,53.7,8u,54.9,i3,45.6 2004.302.04:36:01.93/fmout-gps/+6.3689E-006 2004.302.04:36:01.94:!2004.302.04:38:22 2004.302.04:36:02.01#setcl#time/365444366,4,2004,302,04,36,02.02,1.999,13.685,5 2004.302.04:36:02.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:38:22.01:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:38:22.02:disc_end 2004.302.04:38:22.27:disc_pos 2004.302.04:38:22.28/disc_pos/200260381328,197825553504, 2004.302.04:38:22.28:disc_check 2004.302.04:38:22.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h38m22.230s,3732,0.00500s,80000,1741532072, 2004.302.04:38:22.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:38:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 381144 : 2040 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:22.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 380995 : 2170 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 381098 : 2078 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:22.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 381103 : 2096 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:22.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 381032 : 2149 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:22.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 380963 : 2222 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:22.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 380741 : 2449 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:22.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 381163 : 2010 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:22.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.532 2004.302.04:38:22.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.302.04:38:23.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.302.04:38:23.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.04:38:23.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.04:38:23.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.04:38:23.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:38:23.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.82 2004.302.04:38:23.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.04:38:23.72:scan_name=302-0440,rd0408,113 2004.302.04:38:23.72:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:38:26.74:setupnw 2004.302.04:38:30.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:30.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:38:31.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:38:31.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 295 ; 2004.302.04:38:31.03:!2004.302.04:40:31 2004.302.04:40:31.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:40:31.00/disc_pos/200260381328,200259381328, 2004.302.04:40:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:40:32.04:!2004.302.04:40:31 2004.302.04:40:32.04:preob 2004.302.04:40:32.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:40:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:40:35.62/tpical/1u,6149,2u,8767,3u,21670,4u,34364,i1,14869 2004.302.04:40:35.62/tpical/9u,6386,au,26124,bu,15554,cu,9059,du,44181,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.04:40:35.62/tpical/i2,6721 2004.302.04:40:35.62/tpical/5u,38623,6u,30035,7u,42376,8u,14735,i3,52873 2004.302.04:40:38.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,95 2004.302.04:40:38.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,770,bu,708,cu,513,du,602,eu,831,i2,50 2004.302.04:40:38.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,289,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.04:40:41.37:!2004.302.04:40:41 2004.302.04:40:41.37:disc_pos 2004.302.04:40:41.38/disc_pos/200404271104,200259381328, 2004.302.04:40:41.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:40:41.38:midob 2004.302.04:40:41.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:40:41.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:40:41.66/cable/+3.5919980E-02 2004.302.04:40:41.73/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9601,4539 2004.302.04:40:41.80/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33319 2004.302.04:40:41.87/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6174 2004.302.04:40:41.94/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19732 2004.302.04:40:42.01/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10458 2004.302.04:40:42.58/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:40:43.10/tpi/1u,4315,2u,6172,3u,14189,4u,21934,i1,9593 2004.302.04:40:43.10/tpi/9u,4478,au,19470,bu,10458,cu,6523,du,43023,eu,$$$$$,i2,4557 2004.302.04:40:43.11/tpi/5u,23728,6u,19767,7u,28491,8u,10257,i3,33284 2004.302.04:40:43.12/tpdiff/1u,1834,2u,2595,3u,7481,4u,12430,i1,5276 2004.302.04:40:43.12/tpdiff/9u,1908,au,6654,bu,5096,cu,2536,du,1158,eu,$$$$$,i2,2164 2004.302.04:40:43.13/tpdiff/5u,14895,6u,10268,7u,13885,8u,4478,i3,19589 2004.302.04:40:43.14/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:40:43.14/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:40:43.15/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:40:43.16/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:40:43.17?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.04:40:43.17/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,48.9,3u,46.7,4u,44.8,i1,46.8 2004.302.04:40:43.18/tsys/9u,72.3,au,89.9,bu,61.2,cu,75.8,du,1172.3,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.04:40:43.19/tsys/i2,66.6 2004.302.04:40:43.19/tsys/5u,40.8,6u,49.3,7u,51.2,8u,53.3,i3,43.9 2004.302.04:40:43.94/fmout-gps/+6.3534E-006 2004.302.04:40:43.95:!2004.302.04:42:34 2004.302.04:40:44.01#setcl#time/365472565,4,2004,302,04,40,44.02,2.005,13.764,5 2004.302.04:40:44.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:42:34.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:42:34.01:disc_end 2004.302.04:42:34.27:disc_pos 2004.302.04:42:34.28/disc_pos/202215002984,200260381328, 2004.302.04:42:34.28:disc_check 2004.302.04:42:34.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h42m34.225s,63324,0.00500s,80000,2077238752, 2004.302.04:42:34.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:42:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 384861 : 2054 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:34.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 384705 : 2191 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 384807 : 2100 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 384817 : 2112 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 384744 : 2168 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 384676 : 2239 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:34.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 384447 : 2474 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:34.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 384878 : 2027 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:34.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.288 2004.302.04:42:34.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.12 2004.302.04:42:35.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.00 2004.302.04:42:35.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.04:42:35.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.04:42:35.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.04:42:35.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:42:35.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.18 2004.302.04:42:35.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.04:42:35.70:scan_name=302-0443b,rd0408,40 2004.302.04:42:35.70:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:42:38.72:setupnw 2004.302.04:42:42.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:42.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:42:43.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:42:43.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 297 ; 2004.302.04:42:43.04:!2004.302.04:43:23 2004.302.04:43:23.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:43:23.00/disc_pos/202215002984,202214002984, 2004.302.04:43:23.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:43:24.04:!2004.302.04:43:23 2004.302.04:43:24.04:preob 2004.302.04:43:24.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:43:24.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:43:27.65/tpical/1u,6164,2u,8843,3u,21939,4u,34580,i1,15049 2004.302.04:43:27.65/tpical/9u,6609,au,26525,bu,15764,cu,9114,du,10375,eu,27855 2004.302.04:43:27.65/tpical/i2,6965 2004.302.04:43:27.65/tpical/5u,38981,6u,30406,7u,42811,8u,15189,i3,54565 2004.302.04:43:30.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,100 2004.302.04:43:30.30/tpzero/9u,169,au,779,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,826,i2,55 2004.302.04:43:30.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.04:43:33.39:!2004.302.04:43:33 2004.302.04:43:33.39:disc_pos 2004.302.04:43:33.39/disc_pos/202358894592,202214002984, 2004.302.04:43:33.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:43:33.41:midob 2004.302.04:43:33.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:43:33.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:43:33.75/cable/+3.5921125E-02 2004.302.04:43:33.82/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9756,4827 2004.302.04:43:33.89/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34659 2004.302.04:43:33.96/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6259 2004.302.04:43:34.03/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20214 2004.302.04:43:34.10/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10507 2004.302.04:43:34.66/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:43:35.18/tpi/1u,4266,2u,6259,3u,14437,4u,22232,i1,9755 2004.302.04:43:35.18/tpi/9u,4729,au,20612,bu,10529,cu,6503,du,7988,eu,26432,i2,5060 2004.302.04:43:35.19/tpi/5u,24091,6u,20214,7u,28919,8u,10645,i3,34524 2004.302.04:43:35.20/tpdiff/1u,1898,2u,2584,3u,7502,4u,12348,i1,5294 2004.302.04:43:35.20/tpdiff/9u,1880,au,5913,bu,5235,cu,2611,du,2387,eu,1423,i2,1905 2004.302.04:43:35.21/tpdiff/5u,14890,6u,10192,7u,13892,8u,4544,i3,20041 2004.302.04:43:35.23/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:43:35.23/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:43:35.24/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:43:35.24/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:43:35.26/tsys/1u,47.9,2u,50.0,3u,47.5,4u,45.8,i1,47.4 2004.302.04:43:35.26/tsys/9u,77.6,au,107.3,bu,60.0,cu,73.4,du,99.0,eu,575.8,i2,84.1 2004.302.04:43:35.27/tsys/5u,41.5,6u,50.8,7u,51.9,8u,54.7,i3,44.6 2004.302.04:43:35.93/fmout-gps/+6.3309E-006 2004.302.04:43:35.94:!2004.302.04:44:13 2004.302.04:43:36.01#setcl#time/365489765,4,2004,302,04,43,36.02,1.998,13.811,5 2004.302.04:43:36.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:44:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:44:13.01:disc_end 2004.302.04:44:13.27:disc_pos 2004.302.04:44:13.27/disc_pos/203001676848,202215002984, 2004.302.04:44:13.28:disc_check 2004.302.04:44:13.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h44m13.220s,8460,0.00500s,80000,797301000, 2004.302.04:44:13.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:44:13.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 386354 : 2064 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 386201 : 2199 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:13.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 386294 : 2116 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:13.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 386309 : 2123 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:13.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 386236 : 2178 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:13.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 386165 : 2253 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:13.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 385940 : 2483 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:13.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 386374 : 2034 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:13.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.410 2004.302.04:44:13.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.00 2004.302.04:44:14.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.88 2004.302.04:44:14.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.04:44:14.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.04:44:14.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.04:44:14.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:44:14.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.99 2004.302.04:44:14.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.04:44:14.76:scan_name=302-0451,rd0408,113 2004.302.04:44:14.77:source=2121+053,212114.82,052227.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:44:17.79:setupnw 2004.302.04:44:21.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:21.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:44:22.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:44:22.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 299 ; 2004.302.04:44:22.02:!2004.302.04:51:39 2004.302.04:51:39.00:disc_pos 2004.302.04:51:39.00/disc_pos/203001676848,203000676848, 2004.302.04:51:39.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.04:51:40.04:!2004.302.04:51:39 2004.302.04:51:40.04:preob 2004.302.04:51:40.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:51:40.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:51:43.63/tpical/1u,6829,2u,9847,3u,24688,4u,38398,i1,16821 2004.302.04:51:43.63/tpical/9u,7017,au,28606,bu,17048,cu,9927,du,12508,eu,23779 2004.302.04:51:43.63/tpical/i2,7425 2004.302.04:51:43.63/tpical/5u,42202,6u,32705,7u,45618,8u,16131,i3,57598 2004.302.04:51:46.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,98 2004.302.04:51:46.28/tpzero/9u,175,au,788,bu,710,cu,513,du,600,eu,826,i2,67 2004.302.04:51:46.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,287,7u,1164,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.04:51:49.37:!2004.302.04:51:49 2004.302.04:51:49.37:disc_pos 2004.302.04:51:49.38/disc_pos/203145568256,203000676848, 2004.302.04:51:49.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.04:51:49.38:midob 2004.302.04:51:49.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.04:51:49.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.04:51:49.47/cable/+3.5925551E-02 2004.302.04:51:49.54/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11628,5303 2004.302.04:51:49.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,38954 2004.302.04:51:49.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7277 2004.302.04:51:49.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22943 2004.302.04:51:49.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11803 2004.302.04:51:50.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.04:51:50.89/tpi/1u,4973,2u,7274,3u,17275,4u,26339,i1,11636 2004.302.04:51:50.89/tpi/9u,5073,au,21599,bu,11812,cu,7296,du,10179,eu,19929,i2,5272 2004.302.04:51:50.90/tpi/5u,27970,6u,22972,7u,32683,8u,11856,i3,38960 2004.302.04:51:50.91/tpdiff/1u,1856,2u,2573,3u,7413,4u,12059,i1,5185 2004.302.04:51:50.91/tpdiff/9u,1944,au,7007,bu,5236,cu,2631,du,2329,eu,3850,i2,2153 2004.302.04:51:50.92/tpdiff/5u,14232,6u,9733,7u,12935,8u,4275,i3,18638 2004.302.04:51:50.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.04:51:50.93/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.04:51:50.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.04:51:50.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.04:51:50.96/tsys/1u,58.9,2u,60.5,3u,58.0,4u,55.7,i1,57.9 2004.302.04:51:50.96/tsys/9u,80.6,au,95.0,bu,67.9,cu,82.5,du,131.6,eu,158.8,i2,77.4 2004.302.04:51:50.97/tsys/5u,50.5,6u,60.6,7u,63.4,8u,65.5,i3,54.1 2004.302.04:51:51.93/fmout-gps/+6.3749E-006 2004.302.04:51:51.94:!2004.302.04:53:42 2004.302.04:51:52.01#setcl#time/365539363,3,2004,302,04,51,52.02,2.013,13.949,6 2004.302.04:51:52.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.04:53:42.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.04:53:42.00:disc_end 2004.302.04:53:42.26:disc_pos 2004.302.04:53:42.26/disc_pos/204956298552,203001676848, 2004.302.04:53:42.27:disc_check 2004.302.04:53:42.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d04h53m42.215s,7640,0.00500s,80000,7149299116, 2004.302.04:53:42.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.04:53:42.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 390063 : 2085 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:42.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 389913 : 2218 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:42.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 390003 : 2139 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:42.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 390022 : 2141 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:42.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 389947 : 2198 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:42.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 389880 : 2269 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:42.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 389650 : 2504 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:42.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 390089 : 2049 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:42.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.410 2004.302.04:53:42.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.04:53:43.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.04:53:43.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.04:53:43.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.04:53:43.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.04:53:43.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.04:53:43.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.93 2004.302.04:53:43.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.04:53:43.69:scan_name=302-0510,rd0408,40 2004.302.04:53:43.69:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.04:53:46.71:setupnw 2004.302.04:53:50.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:50.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.04:53:50.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.04:53:51.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 301 ; 2004.302.04:53:51.00:!2004.302.05:10:41 2004.302.05:01:35.36;"weather: partly cloudy 2004.302.05:10:41.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:10:41.00/disc_pos/204956298552,204955298552, 2004.302.05:10:41.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:10:42.04:!2004.302.05:10:41 2004.302.05:10:42.04:preob 2004.302.05:10:42.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:10:42.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:10:45.62/tpical/1u,7204,2u,10247,3u,25761,4u,40416,i1,17655 2004.302.05:10:45.62/tpical/9u,9467,au,29288,bu,17803,cu,10436,du,10799,eu,26116 2004.302.05:10:45.62/tpical/i2,9698 2004.302.05:10:45.62/tpical/5u,44645,6u,34367,7u,48145,8u,17149,i3,60953 2004.302.05:10:48.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,499,i1,106 2004.302.05:10:48.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,803,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,827,i2,68 2004.302.05:10:48.27/tpzero/5u,346,6u,287,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.05:10:51.36:!2004.302.05:10:51 2004.302.05:10:51.36:disc_pos 2004.302.05:10:51.36/disc_pos/205100187648,204955298552, 2004.302.05:10:51.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:10:51.38:midob 2004.302.05:10:51.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:10:51.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:10:51.75/cable/+3.5923997E-02 2004.302.05:10:51.82/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12445,6667 2004.302.05:10:51.89/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,42089 2004.302.05:10:51.96/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7691 2004.302.05:10:52.03/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24615 2004.302.05:10:52.10/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12369 2004.302.05:10:52.66/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:10:53.18/tpi/1u,5336,2u,7691,3u,18384,4u,28245,i1,12450 2004.302.05:10:53.18/tpi/9u,6508,au,22024,bu,12367,cu,7671,du,8958,eu,24178,i2,7455 2004.302.05:10:53.19/tpi/5u,30286,6u,24615,7u,35058,8u,12768,i3,42098 2004.302.05:10:53.20/tpdiff/1u,1868,2u,2556,3u,7377,4u,12171,i1,5205 2004.302.05:10:53.20/tpdiff/9u,2959,au,7264,bu,5436,cu,2765,du,1841,eu,1938,i2,2243 2004.302.05:10:53.21/tpdiff/5u,14359,6u,9752,7u,13087,8u,4381,i3,18855 2004.302.05:10:53.22/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:10:53.23/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:10:53.23/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:10:53.24/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:10:53.26/tsys/1u,63.6,2u,65.1,3u,62.2,4u,59.3,i1,61.7 2004.302.05:10:53.27/tsys/9u,68.5,au,93.5,bu,68.6,cu,82.9,du,145.3,eu,385.6,i2,105.4 2004.302.05:10:53.28/tsys/5u,54.2,6u,64.9,7u,67.3,8u,69.3,i3,57.8 2004.302.05:10:53.93/fmout-gps/+6.3724E-006 2004.302.05:10:53.93:!2004.302.05:11:31 2004.302.05:10:54.00#setcl#time/365653561,4,2004,302,05,10,54.02,2.002,14.266,6 2004.302.05:10:54.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:11:31.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:11:31.01:disc_end 2004.302.05:11:31.27:disc_pos 2004.302.05:11:31.27/disc_pos/205742811656,204956298552, 2004.302.05:11:31.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:11:31.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h11m31.220s,66072,0.00500s,80000,16317508464, 2004.302.05:11:31.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:11:31.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 391561 : 2090 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:31.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 391407 : 2226 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:31.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 391493 : 2152 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:31.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 391513 : 2152 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:31.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 391440 : 2207 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:31.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 391373 : 2280 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:31.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 391142 : 2514 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:31.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 391581 : 2060 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:31.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.166 2004.302.05:11:31.99/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.05:11:32.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.05:11:32.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.05:11:32.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.05:11:32.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.05:11:32.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.05:11:32.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.99 2004.302.05:11:32.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,68.31 2004.302.05:11:32.76:scan_name=302-0515a,rd0408,78 2004.302.05:11:32.76:source=2318+049,231812.14,045723.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:11:35.78:setupnw 2004.302.05:11:39.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:39.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:11:40.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:11:40.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 303 ; 2004.302.05:11:40.01:!2004.302.05:14:55 2004.302.05:14:55.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:14:55.00/disc_pos/205742811656,205741811656, 2004.302.05:14:55.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:14:56.04:!2004.302.05:14:55 2004.302.05:14:56.04:preob 2004.302.05:14:56.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:14:56.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:14:59.63/tpical/1u,6266,2u,9102,3u,22556,4u,35459,i1,15366 2004.302.05:14:59.63/tpical/9u,12982,au,28131,bu,16293,cu,9356,du,10043,eu,46789 2004.302.05:14:59.63/tpical/i2,12790 2004.302.05:14:59.63/tpical/5u,39085,6u,30083,7u,42325,8u,15475,i3,53287 2004.302.05:15:02.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,107 2004.302.05:15:02.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,890,bu,710,cu,513,du,599,eu,829,i2,63 2004.302.05:15:02.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,287,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.05:15:05.37:!2004.302.05:15:05 2004.302.05:15:05.37:disc_pos 2004.302.05:15:05.37/disc_pos/205886701568,205741811656, 2004.302.05:15:05.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:15:05.38:midob 2004.302.05:15:05.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:15:05.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:15:05.55/cable/+3.5922529E-02 2004.302.05:15:05.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10137,11842 2004.302.05:15:05.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34324 2004.302.05:15:05.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6516 2004.302.05:15:05.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20221 2004.302.05:15:05.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11052 2004.302.05:15:06.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:15:06.99/tpi/1u,4412,2u,6522,3u,15086,4u,23101,i1,10138 2004.302.05:15:06.99/tpi/9u,11042,au,22122,bu,11041,cu,6769,du,8084,eu,43059,i2,13185 2004.302.05:15:06.99/tpi/5u,24577,6u,20254,7u,29030,8u,11259,i3,34315 2004.302.05:15:07.00/tpdiff/1u,1854,2u,2580,3u,7470,4u,12358,i1,5228 2004.302.05:15:07.00/tpdiff/9u,1940,au,6009,bu,5252,cu,2587,du,1959,eu,3730,i2,-395 2004.302.05:15:07.00/tpdiff/5u,14508,6u,9829,7u,13295,8u,4216,i3,18972 2004.302.05:15:07.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:15:07.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:15:07.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:15:07.00/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:15:07.01?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:15:07.01/tsys/1u,51.1,2u,52.7,3u,49.9,4u,47.6,i1,49.9 2004.302.05:15:07.01/tsys/9u,179.3,au,113.1,bu,62.9,cu,77.4,du,122.3,eu,362.3,i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.05:15:07.01/tsys/5u,43.4,6u,52.8,7u,54.5,8u,62.8,i3,46.8 2004.302.05:15:07.94/fmout-gps/+6.4274E-006 2004.302.05:15:07.95:!2004.302.05:16:23 2004.302.05:15:08.02#setcl#time/365678961,3,2004,302,05,15,08.03,2.009,14.337,6 2004.302.05:15:08.02#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:16:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:16:23.01:disc_end 2004.302.05:16:23.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:16:23.27/disc_pos/207137542192,205742811656, 2004.302.05:16:23.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:16:23.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h16m23.220s,8076,0.00500s,80000,3277327460, 2004.302.05:16:23.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:16:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 394210 : 2103 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 394058 : 2237 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 394139 : 2169 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 394164 : 2163 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:23.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 394089 : 2221 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:23.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 394021 : 2294 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:23.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 393782 : 2536 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:23.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 394230 : 2073 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:23.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.922 2004.302.05:16:23.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.05:16:24.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.05:16:24.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.05:16:24.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.05:16:24.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.05:16:24.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.05:16:24.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.99 2004.302.05:16:24.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.05:16:24.71:scan_name=302-0517,rd0408,148 2004.302.05:16:24.71:source=2201+315,220101.46,313105.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:16:27.73:setupnw 2004.302.05:16:31.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:31.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:16:31.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:16:32.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 305 ; 2004.302.05:16:32.02:!2004.302.05:17:34 2004.302.05:17:34.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:17:34.00/disc_pos/207137542192,207136542192, 2004.302.05:17:34.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:17:35.04:!2004.302.05:17:34 2004.302.05:17:35.04:preob 2004.302.05:17:35.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:17:35.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:17:38.62/tpical/1u,6206,2u,9023,3u,22202,4u,34489,i1,15075 2004.302.05:17:38.62/tpical/9u,6523,au,26991,bu,15896,cu,9225,du,12150,eu,50934 2004.302.05:17:38.62/tpical/i2,6900 2004.302.05:17:38.62/tpical/5u,38016,6u,29392,7u,41031,8u,14589,i3,51550 2004.302.05:17:41.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,496,i1,101 2004.302.05:17:41.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,801,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,828,i2,52 2004.302.05:17:41.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,286,7u,1163,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.05:17:44.36:!2004.302.05:17:44 2004.302.05:17:44.36:disc_pos 2004.302.05:17:44.36/disc_pos/207281434624,207136542192, 2004.302.05:17:44.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:17:44.37:midob 2004.302.05:17:44.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:17:44.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:17:44.66/cable/+3.5922163E-02 2004.302.05:17:44.73/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9908,4565 2004.302.05:17:44.80/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33053 2004.302.05:17:44.87/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6442 2004.302.05:17:44.94/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19758 2004.302.05:17:45.01/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10643 2004.302.05:17:45.57/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:17:46.09/tpi/1u,4351,2u,6443,3u,14802,4u,22407,i1,9912 2004.302.05:17:46.09/tpi/9u,4543,au,18671,bu,10643,cu,6579,du,9757,eu,42362,i2,4600 2004.302.05:17:46.10/tpi/5u,23867,6u,19737,7u,28021,8u,10439,i3,33083 2004.302.05:17:46.11/tpdiff/1u,1855,2u,2580,3u,7400,4u,12082,i1,5163 2004.302.05:17:46.11/tpdiff/9u,1980,au,8320,bu,5253,cu,2646,du,2393,eu,8572,i2,2300 2004.302.05:17:46.12/tpdiff/5u,14149,6u,9655,7u,13010,8u,4150,i3,18467 2004.302.05:17:46.13/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:17:46.13/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:17:46.14/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:17:46.15/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:17:46.16/tsys/1u,50.2,2u,51.9,3u,49.4,4u,47.2,i1,49.4 2004.302.05:17:46.16/tsys/9u,70.6,au,68.7,bu,60.5,cu,73.4,du,122.5,eu,155.0,i2,63.3 2004.302.05:17:46.17/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,52.4,7u,53.7,8u,58.6,i3,46.3 2004.302.05:17:46.93/fmout-gps/+6.3759E-006 2004.302.05:17:46.93:!2004.302.05:20:12 2004.302.05:17:47.00#setcl#time/365694860,4,2004,302,05,17,47.02,2.003,14.381,6 2004.302.05:17:47.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:20:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:20:12.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:20:12.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:20:12.26/disc_pos/209652056080,207137542192, 2004.302.05:20:12.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:20:12.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h20m12.210s,6400,0.00500s,80000,1149327788, 2004.302.05:20:12.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:20:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 398988 : 2123 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 398834 : 2258 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:12.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 398903 : 2204 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:12.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 398940 : 2187 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:12.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 398862 : 2247 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:12.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 398788 : 2326 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:12.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 398548 : 2570 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:12.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 399005 : 2096 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:12.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.922 2004.302.05:20:12.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.302.05:20:13.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.05:20:13.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.05:20:13.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.56 2004.302.05:20:13.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.05:20:13.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.05:20:13.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.05:20:13.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.05:20:13.72:scan_name=302-0521,rd0408,40 2004.302.05:20:13.72:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:20:16.74:setupnw 2004.302.05:20:20.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:20.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:20:21.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:20:21.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 307 ; 2004.302.05:20:21.02:!2004.302.05:21:26 2004.302.05:21:26.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:21:26.00/disc_pos/209652056080,209651056080, 2004.302.05:21:26.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:21:27.04:!2004.302.05:21:26 2004.302.05:21:27.04:preob 2004.302.05:21:27.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:21:27.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:21:30.62/tpical/1u,6194,2u,8965,3u,22449,4u,35292,i1,15242 2004.302.05:21:30.62/tpical/9u,6518,au,26698,bu,16046,cu,9282,du,14416,eu,34088 2004.302.05:21:30.62/tpical/i2,6887 2004.302.05:21:30.62/tpical/5u,39667,6u,30650,7u,43178,8u,15033,i3,53970 2004.302.05:21:33.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,99 2004.302.05:21:33.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,773,bu,710,cu,514,du,601,eu,826,i2,52 2004.302.05:21:33.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.05:21:36.36:!2004.302.05:21:36 2004.302.05:21:36.36:disc_pos 2004.302.05:21:36.36/disc_pos/209795948544,209651056080, 2004.302.05:21:36.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:21:36.37:midob 2004.302.05:21:36.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:21:36.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:21:36.51/cable/+3.5923438E-02 2004.302.05:21:36.58/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9960,4704 2004.302.05:21:36.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34408 2004.302.05:21:36.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6382 2004.302.05:21:36.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20459 2004.302.05:21:36.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10813 2004.302.05:21:37.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:21:37.95/tpi/1u,4325,2u,6386,3u,14876,4u,22837,i1,9964 2004.302.05:21:37.95/tpi/9u,4611,au,20322,bu,10831,cu,6648,du,13093,eu,29775,i2,4872 2004.302.05:21:37.96/tpi/5u,24703,6u,20488,7u,29391,8u,10566,i3,34414 2004.302.05:21:37.97/tpdiff/1u,1869,2u,2579,3u,7573,4u,12455,i1,5278 2004.302.05:21:37.97/tpdiff/9u,1907,au,6376,bu,5215,cu,2634,du,1323,eu,4313,i2,2015 2004.302.05:21:37.98/tpdiff/5u,14964,6u,10162,7u,13787,8u,4467,i3,19556 2004.302.05:21:37.99/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:21:38.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:21:38.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:21:38.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:21:38.02/tsys/1u,49.5,2u,51.4,3u,48.5,4u,46.6,i1,48.6 2004.302.05:21:38.03/tsys/9u,74.5,au,98.1,bu,62.1,cu,74.5,du,302.1,eu,214.8,i2,76.5 2004.302.05:21:38.03/tsys/5u,42.3,6u,51.7,7u,53.2,8u,55.2,i3,45.5 2004.302.05:21:38.93/fmout-gps/+6.3594E-006 2004.302.05:21:38.94:!2004.302.05:22:16 2004.302.05:21:39.01#setcl#time/365718059,4,2004,302,05,21,39.02,2.010,14.446,6 2004.302.05:21:39.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:22:16.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:22:16.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:22:16.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:22:16.27/disc_pos/210438731352,209652056080, 2004.302.05:22:16.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:22:16.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h22m16.220s,920,0.00500s,80000,1197490208, 2004.302.05:22:16.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:22:16.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 400482 : 2133 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:16.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 400328 : 2267 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:16.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 400391 : 2218 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:16.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 400438 : 2192 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:16.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 400355 : 2256 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:16.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 400282 : 2335 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:16.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 400041 : 2581 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:16.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 400499 : 2105 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:16.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.800 2004.302.05:22:16.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.302.05:22:17.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.302.05:22:17.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.05:22:17.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.56 2004.302.05:22:17.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.05:22:17.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.05:22:17.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.30 2004.302.05:22:17.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.05:22:17.68:scan_name=302-0523b,rd0408,103 2004.302.05:22:17.68:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:22:20.69:setupnw 2004.302.05:22:24.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:24.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:22:24.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:22:25.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 309 ; 2004.302.05:22:25.00:!2004.302.05:23:31 2004.302.05:23:31.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:23:31.00/disc_pos/210438731352,210437731352, 2004.302.05:23:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:23:32.04:!2004.302.05:23:31 2004.302.05:23:32.04:preob 2004.302.05:23:32.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:23:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:23:35.62/tpical/1u,6233,2u,9010,3u,22523,4u,35560,i1,15370 2004.302.05:23:35.62/tpical/9u,6966,au,23696,bu,17138,cu,9960,du,14057,eu,39393 2004.302.05:23:35.62/tpical/i2,7312 2004.302.05:23:35.62/tpical/5u,39855,6u,30909,7u,43828,8u,15171,i3,54551 2004.302.05:23:38.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,95 2004.302.05:23:38.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,770,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,826,i2,52 2004.302.05:23:38.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.05:23:41.36:!2004.302.05:23:41 2004.302.05:23:41.36:disc_pos 2004.302.05:23:41.37/disc_pos/210582626304,210437731352, 2004.302.05:23:41.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:23:41.37:midob 2004.302.05:23:41.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:23:41.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:23:41.43/cable/+3.5925163E-02 2004.302.05:23:41.50/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10096,4948 2004.302.05:23:41.57/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34957 2004.302.05:23:41.64/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6440 2004.302.05:23:41.71/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20669 2004.302.05:23:41.78/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11550 2004.302.05:23:42.34/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:23:42.86/tpi/1u,4380,2u,6437,3u,15023,4u,23149,i1,10095 2004.302.05:23:42.86/tpi/9u,4915,au,18541,bu,11522,cu,7109,du,11259,eu,35726,i2,4955 2004.302.05:23:42.88/tpi/5u,25000,6u,20675,7u,29864,8u,10688,i3,34953 2004.302.05:23:42.89/tpdiff/1u,1853,2u,2573,3u,7500,4u,12411,i1,5275 2004.302.05:23:42.89/tpdiff/9u,2051,au,5155,bu,5616,cu,2851,du,2798,eu,3667,i2,2357 2004.302.05:23:42.90/tpdiff/5u,14855,6u,10234,7u,13964,8u,4483,i3,19598 2004.302.05:23:42.91/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:23:42.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:23:42.92/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:23:42.93/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:23:42.94/tsys/1u,50.7,2u,52.0,3u,49.5,4u,47.5,i1,49.3 2004.302.05:23:42.94/tsys/9u,74.0,au,110.3,bu,61.6,cu,74.0,du,121.9,eu,304.6,i2,66.6 2004.302.05:23:42.95/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,51.8,7u,53.4,8u,55.7,i3,46.1 2004.302.05:23:43.93/fmout-gps/+6.3634E-006 2004.302.05:23:43.94:!2004.302.05:25:24 2004.302.05:23:44.00#setcl#time/365730559,4,2004,302,05,23,44.02,2.005,14.480,6 2004.302.05:23:44.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:25:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:25:24.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:25:24.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:25:24.26/disc_pos/212233340656,210438731352, 2004.302.05:25:24.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:25:24.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h25m24.220s,60420,0.00500s,80000,1213331196, 2004.302.05:25:24.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:25:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 403891 : 2151 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:24.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 403739 : 2281 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:24.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 403792 : 2243 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:24.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 403849 : 2206 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:24.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 403765 : 2272 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:24.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 403686 : 2356 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:24.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 403450 : 2599 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:24.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 403904 : 2125 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:24.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.922 2004.302.05:25:24.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.302.05:25:25.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.05:25:25.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.05:25:25.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.05:25:25.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.05:25:25.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.05:25:25.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.05:25:25.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.05:25:25.72:scan_name=302-0528a,rd0408,133 2004.302.05:25:25.72:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:25:28.74:setupnw 2004.302.05:25:32.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:32.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:25:32.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:25:33.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 311 ; 2004.302.05:25:33.01:!2004.302.05:27:58 2004.302.05:27:58.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:27:58.01/disc_pos/212233340656,212232340656, 2004.302.05:27:58.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:27:59.04:!2004.302.05:27:58 2004.302.05:27:59.05:preob 2004.302.05:27:59.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:27:59.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:28:02.62/tpical/1u,6806,2u,9840,3u,25021,4u,39305,i1,17040 2004.302.05:28:02.62/tpical/9u,7014,au,27878,bu,16996,cu,9928,du,18731,eu,24769 2004.302.05:28:02.62/tpical/i2,7416 2004.302.05:28:02.62/tpical/5u,44384,6u,34221,7u,48262,8u,16721,i3,60610 2004.302.05:28:05.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.05:28:05.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,769,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,825,i2,55 2004.302.05:28:05.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.05:28:08.36:!2004.302.05:28:08 2004.302.05:28:08.36:disc_pos 2004.302.05:28:08.37/disc_pos/212377231360,212232340656, 2004.302.05:28:08.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:28:08.37:midob 2004.302.05:28:08.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:28:08.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:28:08.55/cable/+3.5927215E-02 2004.302.05:28:08.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11736,5161 2004.302.05:28:08.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,40848 2004.302.05:28:08.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7250 2004.302.05:28:08.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24011 2004.302.05:28:08.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11705 2004.302.05:28:09.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:28:09.99/tpi/1u,4939,2u,7253,3u,17448,4u,26912,i1,11735 2004.302.05:28:09.99/tpi/9u,5027,au,21064,bu,11725,cu,7241,du,15990,eu,22088,i2,5151 2004.302.05:28:10.00/tpi/5u,29296,6u,24019,7u,34451,8u,12225,i3,40848 2004.302.05:28:10.01/tpdiff/1u,1867,2u,2587,3u,7573,4u,12393,i1,5305 2004.302.05:28:10.02/tpdiff/9u,1987,au,6814,bu,5271,cu,2687,du,2741,eu,2681,i2,2265 2004.302.05:28:10.02/tpdiff/5u,15088,6u,10202,7u,13811,8u,4496,i3,19762 2004.302.05:28:10.03/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:28:10.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:28:10.04/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:28:10.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:28:10.06/tsys/1u,58.1,2u,59.9,3u,57.4,4u,55.4,i1,57.0 2004.302.05:28:10.07/tsys/9u,78.2,au,95.3,bu,66.9,cu,80.1,du,179.7,eu,253.8,i2,72.0 2004.302.05:28:10.07/tsys/5u,49.9,6u,60.5,7u,62.7,8u,64.4,i3,53.5 2004.302.05:28:10.93/fmout-gps/+6.3909E-006 2004.302.05:28:10.94:!2004.302.05:30:21 2004.302.05:28:11.00#setcl#time/365757258,4,2004,302,05,28,11.02,2.012,14.554,6 2004.302.05:28:11.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:30:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:30:21.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:30:21.27:disc_pos 2004.302.05:30:21.27/disc_pos/214507994784,212233340656, 2004.302.05:30:21.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:30:21.67/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h30m21.225s,58764,0.00500s,80000,2477427528, 2004.302.05:30:21.68:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:30:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 408210 : 2173 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 408060 : 2300 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 408112 : 2264 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 408171 : 2225 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:21.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 408085 : 2292 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:21.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 408004 : 2379 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:21.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 407769 : 2622 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:21.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 408219 : 2151 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:21.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.922 2004.302.05:30:21.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.302.05:30:22.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.05:30:22.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.05:30:22.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.05:30:22.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.05:30:22.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.05:30:22.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.05:30:22.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.05:30:22.74:scan_name=302-0531,rd0408,103 2004.302.05:30:22.74:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:30:25.76:setupnw 2004.302.05:30:29.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:29.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:30:29.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:30:30.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 313 ; 2004.302.05:30:30.00:!2004.302.05:31:37 2004.302.05:31:37.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:31:37.00/disc_pos/214507994784,214506994784, 2004.302.05:31:37.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:31:38.04:!2004.302.05:31:37 2004.302.05:31:38.04:preob 2004.302.05:31:38.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:31:38.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:31:41.62/tpical/1u,6141,2u,8693,3u,20992,4u,31982,i1,14263 2004.302.05:31:41.62/tpical/9u,12547,au,27380,bu,16077,cu,9288,du,18917,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.05:31:41.62/tpical/i2,18073 2004.302.05:31:41.62/tpical/5u,35219,6u,27135,7u,37092,8u,13327,i3,47927 2004.302.05:31:44.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,99 2004.302.05:31:44.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,1141,bu,710,cu,511,du,601,eu,842,i2,61 2004.302.05:31:44.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.05:31:47.37:!2004.302.05:31:47 2004.302.05:31:47.37:disc_pos 2004.302.05:31:47.38/disc_pos/214651887616,214506994784, 2004.302.05:31:47.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:31:47.38:midob 2004.302.05:31:47.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:31:47.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:31:47.44/cable/+3.5921386E-02 2004.302.05:31:47.51/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9183,14355 2004.302.05:31:47.58/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30320 2004.302.05:31:47.65/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6143 2004.302.05:31:47.72/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17840 2004.302.05:31:47.79/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10734 2004.302.05:31:48.35/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:31:48.87/tpi/1u,4313,2u,6141,3u,13731,4u,20434,i1,9180 2004.302.05:31:48.87/tpi/9u,11008,au,20785,bu,10734,cu,6611,du,17069,eu,$$$$$,i2,18169 2004.302.05:31:48.89/tpi/5u,21624,6u,17800,7u,24918,8u,9373,i3,30279 2004.302.05:31:48.90/tpdiff/1u,1828,2u,2552,3u,7261,4u,11548,i1,5083 2004.302.05:31:48.90/tpdiff/9u,1539,au,6595,bu,5343,cu,2677,du,1848,eu,$$$$$,i2,-96 2004.302.05:31:48.91/tpdiff/5u,13595,6u,9335,7u,12174,8u,3954,i3,17648 2004.302.05:31:48.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:31:48.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:31:48.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:31:48.93/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:31:48.95?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:31:48.95?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:31:48.95/tsys/1u,50.4,2u,49.4,3u,46.5,4u,44.9,i1,46.5 2004.302.05:31:48.96/tsys/9u,225.3,au,95.3,bu,60.0,cu,72.9,du,285.2,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.05:31:48.97/tsys/i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.05:31:48.97/tsys/5u,40.7,6u,48.8,7u,50.7,8u,54.5,i3,44.3 2004.302.05:31:49.93/fmout-gps/+6.4579E-006 2004.302.05:31:49.93:!2004.302.05:33:30 2004.302.05:31:50.00#setcl#time/365779158,4,2004,302,05,31,50.02,2.003,14.615,6 2004.302.05:31:50.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:33:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:33:30.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:33:30.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:33:30.26/disc_pos/216302603632,214507994784, 2004.302.05:33:30.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:33:30.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h33m30.220s,36208,0.00500s,80000,1229333708, 2004.302.05:33:30.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:33:30.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 411616 : 2192 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:30.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 411472 : 2314 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:30.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 411513 : 2288 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 411579 : 2243 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:30.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 411492 : 2310 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:30.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 411413 : 2396 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:30.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 411176 : 2642 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:30.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 411627 : 2168 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:30.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.654 2004.302.05:33:30.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.05:33:31.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.05:33:31.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.05:33:31.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.05 2004.302.05:33:31.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.05:33:31.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.05:33:31.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.05:33:31.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.05:33:31.73:scan_name=302-0534b,rd0408,40 2004.302.05:33:31.73:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:33:34.75:setupnw 2004.302.05:33:38.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:38.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:33:39.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:33:39.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 315 ; 2004.302.05:33:39.02:!2004.302.05:34:44 2004.302.05:34:44.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:34:44.00/disc_pos/216302603632,216301603632, 2004.302.05:34:44.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:34:45.04:!2004.302.05:34:44 2004.302.05:34:45.04:preob 2004.302.05:34:45.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:34:45.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:34:48.63/tpical/1u,6529,2u,9210,3u,23218,4u,36706,i1,15847 2004.302.05:34:48.63/tpical/9u,7088,au,27273,bu,17519,cu,10103,du,10200,eu,39682 2004.302.05:34:48.63/tpical/i2,7560 2004.302.05:34:48.63/tpical/5u,41310,6u,31730,7u,45004,8u,15597,i3,56558 2004.302.05:34:51.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,743,4u,497,i1,103 2004.302.05:34:51.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,778,bu,711,cu,511,du,599,eu,830,i2,66 2004.302.05:34:51.28/tpzero/5u,345,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.05:34:54.37:!2004.302.05:34:54 2004.302.05:34:54.37:disc_pos 2004.302.05:34:54.38/disc_pos/216446492672,216301603632, 2004.302.05:34:54.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:34:54.38:midob 2004.302.05:34:54.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:34:54.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:34:54.63/cable/+3.5926559E-02 2004.302.05:34:54.70/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10514,5176 2004.302.05:34:54.77/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36676 2004.302.05:34:54.84/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6615 2004.302.05:34:54.91/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21444 2004.302.05:34:54.98/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11858 2004.302.05:34:55.54/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:34:56.06/tpi/1u,4647,2u,6612,3u,15618,4u,24201,i1,10514 2004.302.05:34:56.06/tpi/9u,5015,au,20522,bu,11858,cu,7233,du,7581,eu,36358,i2,5128 2004.302.05:34:56.07/tpi/5u,26078,6u,21470,7u,31002,8u,11073,i3,36672 2004.302.05:34:56.08/tpdiff/1u,1882,2u,2598,3u,7600,4u,12505,i1,5333 2004.302.05:34:56.08/tpdiff/9u,2073,au,6751,bu,5661,cu,2870,du,2619,eu,3324,i2,2432 2004.302.05:34:56.09/tpdiff/5u,15232,6u,10260,7u,14002,8u,4524,i3,19886 2004.302.05:34:56.10/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:34:56.11/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:34:56.11/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:34:56.12/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:34:56.13/tsys/1u,53.6,2u,53.3,3u,50.9,4u,49.3,i1,50.8 2004.302.05:34:56.13/tsys/9u,74.7,au,93.6,bu,63.0,cu,74.9,du,85.3,eu,342.0,i2,66.6 2004.302.05:34:56.14/tsys/5u,43.9,6u,53.7,7u,55.4,8u,57.4,i3,47.7 2004.302.05:34:56.93/fmout-gps/+6.4519E-006 2004.302.05:34:56.94:!2004.302.05:35:34 2004.302.05:34:57.01#setcl#time/365797857,3,2004,302,05,34,57.02,2.013,14.667,6 2004.302.05:34:57.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:35:34.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:35:34.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:35:34.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:35:34.27/disc_pos/217089276944,216302603632, 2004.302.05:35:34.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:35:34.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h35m34.220s,30168,0.00500s,80000,1197332728, 2004.302.05:35:34.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:35:34.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 413110 : 2201 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:34.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 412965 : 2323 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 413003 : 2301 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 413074 : 2250 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:34.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 412984 : 2321 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 412907 : 2406 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 412667 : 2654 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 413121 : 2177 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:34.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.678 2004.302.05:35:34.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.302.05:35:35.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.05:35:35.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.05:35:35.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.31 2004.302.05:35:35.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.05:35:35.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.05:35:35.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.82 2004.302.05:35:35.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.05:35:35.68:scan_name=302-0539,rd0408,146 2004.302.05:35:35.68:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:35:38.70:setupnw 2004.302.05:35:42.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:42.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:35:43.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:35:43.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 317 ; 2004.302.05:35:43.02:!2004.302.05:39:33 2004.302.05:39:33.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:39:33.00/disc_pos/217089276944,217088276944, 2004.302.05:39:33.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:39:34.04:!2004.302.05:39:33 2004.302.05:39:34.04:preob 2004.302.05:39:34.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:39:34.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:39:37.62/tpical/1u,6462,2u,9171,3u,23055,4u,36273,i1,15669 2004.302.05:39:37.62/tpical/9u,9130,au,28407,bu,17206,cu,10024,du,12880,eu,22947 2004.302.05:39:37.62/tpical/i2,11186 2004.302.05:39:37.62/tpical/5u,40892,6u,31680,7u,44742,8u,15494,i3,55800 2004.302.05:39:40.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,498,i1,101 2004.302.05:39:40.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,793,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,827,i2,59 2004.302.05:39:40.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,286,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.05:39:43.36:!2004.302.05:39:43 2004.302.05:39:43.36:disc_pos 2004.302.05:39:43.36/disc_pos/217233166336,217088276944, 2004.302.05:39:43.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:39:43.38:midob 2004.302.05:39:43.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:39:43.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:39:43.71/cable/+3.5925401E-02 2004.302.05:39:43.78/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10361,6486 2004.302.05:39:43.85/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36085 2004.302.05:39:43.92/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6584 2004.302.05:39:43.99/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21322 2004.302.05:39:44.06/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11688 2004.302.05:39:44.62/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:39:45.14/tpi/1u,4618,2u,6584,3u,15497,4u,23717,i1,10357 2004.302.05:39:45.14/tpi/9u,5832,au,21281,bu,11663,cu,7212,du,10347,eu,19293,i2,6533 2004.302.05:39:45.15/tpi/5u,25855,6u,21322,7u,30795,8u,10991,i3,36067 2004.302.05:39:45.16/tpdiff/1u,1844,2u,2587,3u,7558,4u,12556,i1,5312 2004.302.05:39:45.16/tpdiff/9u,3298,au,7126,bu,5543,cu,2812,du,2533,eu,3654,i2,4653 2004.302.05:39:45.17/tpdiff/5u,15037,6u,10358,7u,13947,8u,4503,i3,19733 2004.302.05:39:45.18/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:39:45.19/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:39:45.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:39:45.20/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:39:45.21/tsys/1u,54.3,2u,53.2,3u,50.8,4u,48.1,i1,50.2 2004.302.05:39:45.21/tsys/9u,54.9,au,92.0,bu,63.2,cu,76.2,du,123.1,eu,161.7,i2,44.5 2004.302.05:39:45.22/tsys/5u,44.1,6u,52.8,7u,55.2,8u,57.2,i3,47.3 2004.302.05:39:45.93/fmout-gps/+6.4439E-006 2004.302.05:39:45.93:!2004.302.05:42:09 2004.302.05:39:46.00#setcl#time/365826757,4,2004,302,05,39,46.02,2.002,14.748,6 2004.302.05:39:46.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:42:09.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:42:09.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:42:09.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:42:09.26/disc_pos/219571786896,217089276944, 2004.302.05:42:09.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:42:09.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h42m09.215s,69728,0.00500s,80000,3837370488, 2004.302.05:42:09.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:42:09.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 417825 : 2224 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:09.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 417682 : 2344 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 417708 : 2333 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 417789 : 2273 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:09.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 417698 : 2344 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:09.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 417624 : 2427 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:09.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 417382 : 2678 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:09.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 417829 : 2207 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:09.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.678 2004.302.05:42:09.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.302.05:42:10.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.302.05:42:10.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.05:42:10.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.05:42:10.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.05:42:10.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.05:42:10.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.05:42:10.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.05:42:10.72:scan_name=302-0546,rd0408,127 2004.302.05:42:10.73:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:42:13.75:setupnw 2004.302.05:42:17.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:17.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:42:18.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:42:18.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 319 ; 2004.302.05:42:18.03:!2004.302.05:45:52 2004.302.05:45:52.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:45:52.00/disc_pos/219571786896,219570786896, 2004.302.05:45:52.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:45:53.05:!2004.302.05:45:52 2004.302.05:45:53.05:preob 2004.302.05:45:53.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:45:53.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:45:56.64/tpical/1u,6067,2u,8805,3u,21996,4u,35009,i1,15001 2004.302.05:45:56.64/tpical/9u,12834,au,28416,bu,16445,cu,9473,du,13167,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.05:45:56.64/tpical/i2,11957 2004.302.05:45:56.64/tpical/5u,39222,6u,30684,7u,43305,8u,15011,i3,53781 2004.302.05:45:59.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,93 2004.302.05:45:59.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,890,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,831,i2,47 2004.302.05:45:59.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.05:46:02.38:!2004.302.05:46:02 2004.302.05:46:02.38:disc_pos 2004.302.05:46:02.40/disc_pos/219715678208,219570786896, 2004.302.05:46:02.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:46:02.41:midob 2004.302.05:46:02.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:46:02.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:46:02.78/cable/+3.5922776E-02 2004.302.05:46:02.85/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9657,7096 2004.302.05:46:02.92/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33792 2004.302.05:46:02.99/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6216 2004.302.05:46:03.06/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20192 2004.302.05:46:03.13/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10924 2004.302.05:46:03.69/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:46:04.21/tpi/1u,4215,2u,6216,3u,14353,4u,22174,i1,9660 2004.302.05:46:04.21/tpi/9u,11122,au,21604,bu,10912,cu,6656,du,10869,eu,$$$$$,i2,17341 2004.302.05:46:04.22/tpi/5u,24126,6u,20192,7u,29113,8u,10415,i3,33796 2004.302.05:46:04.23/tpdiff/1u,1852,2u,2589,3u,7643,4u,12835,i1,5341 2004.302.05:46:04.23/tpdiff/9u,1712,au,6812,bu,5533,cu,2817,du,2298,eu,$$$$$,i2,-5384 2004.302.05:46:04.24/tpdiff/5u,15096,6u,10492,7u,14192,8u,4596,i3,19985 2004.302.05:46:04.25/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:46:04.25/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:46:04.26/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:46:04.27/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:46:04.28?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:46:04.28?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:46:04.29/tsys/1u,48.4,2u,49.5,3u,46.3,4u,43.9,i1,46.6 2004.302.05:46:04.29/tsys/9u,204.7,au,97.3,bu,59.0,cu,69.8,du,143.0,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.05:46:04.31/tsys/i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.05:46:04.31/tsys/5u,41.0,6u,49.3,7u,51.2,8u,52.8,i3,43.7 2004.302.05:46:04.93/fmout-gps/+6.3719E-006 2004.302.05:46:04.93:!2004.302.05:48:09 2004.302.05:46:05.00#setcl#time/365864656,4,2004,302,05,46,05.02,2.004,14.853,6 2004.302.05:46:05.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:48:09.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:48:09.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:48:09.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:48:09.27/disc_pos/221750268880,219571786896, 2004.302.05:48:09.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:48:09.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h48m09.225s,76224,0.00500s,80000,3581671520, 2004.302.05:48:09.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:48:09.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 421961 : 2247 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 421820 : 2364 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 421833 : 2366 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:09.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 421926 : 2294 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:09.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 421840 : 2360 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:09.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 421760 : 2448 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:09.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 421514 : 2704 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:09.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 421967 : 2226 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:09.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.922 2004.302.05:48:09.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.05:48:10.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.05:48:10.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.05:48:10.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.05:48:10.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.05:48:10.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.05:48:10.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.05:48:10.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.05:48:10.71:scan_name=302-0550,rd0408,40 2004.302.05:48:10.71:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:48:13.73:setupnw 2004.302.05:48:17.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:17.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:48:17.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:48:18.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 321 ; 2004.302.05:48:18.00:!2004.302.05:50:03 2004.302.05:50:03.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:50:03.00/disc_pos/221750268880,221749268880, 2004.302.05:50:03.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:50:04.04:!2004.302.05:50:03 2004.302.05:50:04.05:preob 2004.302.05:50:04.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:50:04.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:50:07.62/tpical/1u,6053,2u,8772,3u,21705,4u,34356,i1,14896 2004.302.05:50:07.62/tpical/9u,12231,au,28948,bu,16681,cu,9585,du,13052,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.05:50:07.62/tpical/i2,19692 2004.302.05:50:07.62/tpical/5u,38953,6u,30324,7u,42853,8u,14868,i3,53223 2004.302.05:50:10.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,96 2004.302.05:50:10.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,861,bu,708,cu,512,du,601,eu,830,i2,44 2004.302.05:50:10.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.05:50:13.36:!2004.302.05:50:13 2004.302.05:50:13.36:disc_pos 2004.302.05:50:13.36/disc_pos/221894160384,221749268880, 2004.302.05:50:13.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:50:13.37:midob 2004.302.05:50:13.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:50:13.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:50:13.72/cable/+3.5920620E-02 2004.302.05:50:13.79/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9583,11252 2004.302.05:50:13.86/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33372 2004.302.05:50:13.93/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6192 2004.302.05:50:14.00/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20005 2004.302.05:50:14.07/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11214 2004.302.05:50:14.63/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:50:15.15/tpi/1u,4191,2u,6197,3u,14244,4u,21935,i1,9587 2004.302.05:50:15.15/tpi/9u,7620,au,21309,bu,11201,cu,6806,du,10935,eu,$$$$$,i2,9757 2004.302.05:50:15.16/tpi/5u,23902,6u,20005,7u,28753,8u,10313,i3,33393 2004.302.05:50:15.17/tpdiff/1u,1862,2u,2575,3u,7461,4u,12421,i1,5309 2004.302.05:50:15.17/tpdiff/9u,4611,au,7639,bu,5480,cu,2779,du,2117,eu,$$$$$,i2,9935 2004.302.05:50:15.18/tpdiff/5u,15051,6u,10319,7u,14100,8u,4555,i3,19830 2004.302.05:50:15.19/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:50:15.20/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:50:15.20/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:50:15.21/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:50:15.22?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:50:15.22/tsys/1u,47.8,2u,49.5,3u,47.1,4u,44.9,i1,46.5 2004.302.05:50:15.23/tsys/9u,51.7,au,85.7,bu,61.3,cu,72.5,du,156.2,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,31.3 2004.302.05:50:15.24/tsys/5u,40.7,6u,49.7,7u,50.9,8u,52.7,i3,43.5 2004.302.05:50:15.93/fmout-gps/+6.4289E-006 2004.302.05:50:15.94:!2004.302.05:50:53 2004.302.05:50:16.01#setcl#time/365889755,3,2004,302,05,50,16.02,2.010,14.923,6 2004.302.05:50:16.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:50:53.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:50:53.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:50:53.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:50:53.27/disc_pos/222536783768,221750268880, 2004.302.05:50:53.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:50:53.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h50m53.215s,23220,0.00500s,80000,1837378116, 2004.302.05:50:53.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:50:53.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 423453 : 2258 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:50:53.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 423313 : 2373 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:50:53.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 423317 : 2384 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:50:53.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 423421 : 2303 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:50:53.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 423332 : 2370 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:50:53.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 423251 : 2460 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:50:53.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 423009 : 2711 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:50:53.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 423460 : 2236 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:50:53.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.678 2004.302.05:50:53.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.302.05:50:54.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.05:50:54.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.05:50:54.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.05:50:54.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.05:50:54.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.05:50:54.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.05:50:54.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.05:50:54.73:scan_name=302-0552,rd0408,80 2004.302.05:50:54.73:source=3c446,222311.09,-051217.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:50:57.75:setupnw 2004.302.05:51:01.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:51:01.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:51:02.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:51:02.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 323 ; 2004.302.05:51:02.02:!2004.302.05:52:15 2004.302.05:52:15.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:52:15.00/disc_pos/222536783768,222535783768, 2004.302.05:52:15.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:52:16.04:!2004.302.05:52:15 2004.302.05:52:16.04:preob 2004.302.05:52:16.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:52:16.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:52:19.62/tpical/1u,10158,2u,14352,3u,35946,4u,54521,i1,24817 2004.302.05:52:19.62/tpical/9u,8898,au,33685,bu,21957,cu,12859,du,13303,eu,42992 2004.302.05:52:19.62/tpical/i2,10124 2004.302.05:52:19.62/tpical/5u,59094,6u,45166,7u,62700,8u,22659,i3,65535 2004.302.05:52:22.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,500,i1,101 2004.302.05:52:22.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,793,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,827,i2,52 2004.302.05:52:22.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,287,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.05:52:25.37:!2004.302.05:52:25 2004.302.05:52:25.37:disc_pos 2004.302.05:52:25.37/disc_pos/222680674304,222535783768, 2004.302.05:52:25.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:52:25.38:midob 2004.302.05:52:25.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:52:25.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:52:25.47/cable/+3.5926560E-02 2004.302.05:52:25.54/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,19604,7547 2004.302.05:52:25.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,63275 2004.302.05:52:25.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11806 2004.302.05:52:25.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,35852 2004.302.05:52:25.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16403 2004.302.05:52:26.40/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:52:26.92/tpi/1u,8838,2u,11810,3u,28692,4u,42696,i1,19600 2004.302.05:52:26.92/tpi/9u,6858,au,26317,bu,16420,cu,10059,du,12004,eu,27797,i2,7453 2004.302.05:52:26.93/tpi/5u,45396,6u,35936,7u,50971,8u,19500,i3,63419 2004.302.05:52:26.94/tpdiff/1u,1320,2u,2542,3u,7254,4u,11825,i1,5217 2004.302.05:52:26.94/tpdiff/9u,2040,au,7368,bu,5537,cu,2800,du,1299,eu,15195,i2,2671 2004.302.05:52:26.95/tpdiff/5u,13698,6u,9230,7u,11729,8u,3159,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.05:52:26.96/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:52:26.96/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:52:26.97/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:52:26.98/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:52:26.99?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:52:26.99/tsys/1u,159.0,2u,107.6,3u,100.2,4u,92.8,i1,97.2 2004.302.05:52:27.00/tsys/9u,104.9,au,110.9,bu,90.8,cu,109.1,du,280.9,eu,56.8,i2,88.7 2004.302.05:52:27.00/tsys/5u,85.5,6u,100.4,7u,110.4,8u,151.6,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.05:52:27.93/fmout-gps/+6.4219E-006 2004.302.05:52:27.94:!2004.302.05:53:45 2004.302.05:52:28.00#setcl#time/365902955,4,2004,302,05,52,28.02,2.005,14.959,6 2004.302.05:52:28.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:53:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:53:45.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:53:45.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:53:45.26/disc_pos/223963357064,222536783768, 2004.302.05:53:45.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:53:45.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h53m45.220s,28080,0.00500s,80000,1325501844, 2004.302.05:53:45.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:53:45.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 426163 : 2273 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:45.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 426021 : 2388 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 426029 : 2396 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:45.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 426123 : 2324 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:45.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 426044 : 2382 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:45.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 425960 : 2474 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:45.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 425718 : 2725 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:45.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 426175 : 2244 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:45.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.433 2004.302.05:53:45.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.05:53:46.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.05:53:46.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.05:53:46.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.05:53:46.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.05:53:46.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.05:53:46.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.05:53:46.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.05:53:46.69:scan_name=302-0555a,rd0408,43 2004.302.05:53:46.69:source=0119+115,011903.08,113409.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:53:49.71:setupnw 2004.302.05:53:53.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:53.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:53:54.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:53:54.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 325 ; 2004.302.05:53:54.02:!2004.302.05:54:53 2004.302.05:54:53.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:54:53.00/disc_pos/223963357064,223962357064, 2004.302.05:54:53.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:54:54.04:!2004.302.05:54:53 2004.302.05:54:54.04:preob 2004.302.05:54:54.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:54:54.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:54:57.62/tpical/1u,6101,2u,8852,3u,21807,4u,34545,i1,14939 2004.302.05:54:57.62/tpical/9u,8987,au,27836,bu,16685,cu,10113,du,30341,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.05:54:57.62/tpical/i2,8260 2004.302.05:54:57.62/tpical/5u,38278,6u,29495,7u,41437,8u,14666,i3,52157 2004.302.05:55:00.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,103 2004.302.05:55:00.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,797,bu,710,cu,511,du,599,eu,828,i2,63 2004.302.05:55:00.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.05:55:03.36:!2004.302.05:55:03 2004.302.05:55:03.36:disc_pos 2004.302.05:55:03.37/disc_pos/224107249664,223962357064, 2004.302.05:55:03.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:55:03.37:midob 2004.302.05:55:03.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:55:03.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:55:03.50/cable/+3.5923593E-02 2004.302.05:55:03.57/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9673,6057 2004.302.05:55:03.64/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33020 2004.302.05:55:03.71/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6258 2004.302.05:55:03.78/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19533 2004.302.05:55:03.85/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11196 2004.302.05:55:04.41/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:55:04.93/tpi/1u,4237,2u,6261,3u,14362,4u,22124,i1,9676 2004.302.05:55:04.93/tpi/9u,6619,au,20952,bu,11203,cu,7519,du,29582,eu,$$$$$,i2,5889 2004.302.05:55:04.94/tpi/5u,23697,6u,19555,7u,27995,8u,10308,i3,33039 2004.302.05:55:04.95/tpdiff/1u,1864,2u,2591,3u,7445,4u,12421,i1,5263 2004.302.05:55:04.95/tpdiff/9u,2368,au,6884,bu,5482,cu,2594,du,759,eu,$$$$$,i2,2371 2004.302.05:55:04.96/tpdiff/5u,14581,6u,9940,7u,13442,8u,4358,i3,19118 2004.302.05:55:04.97/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:55:04.97/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:55:04.98/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:55:04.99/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:55:05.00?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:55:05.00/tsys/1u,48.4,2u,49.9,3u,47.6,4u,45.3,i1,47.3 2004.302.05:55:05.01/tsys/9u,87.1,au,93.7,bu,61.3,cu,86.5,du,1221.9,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.05:55:05.02/tsys/i2,78.6 2004.302.05:55:05.02/tsys/5u,41.6,6u,50.4,7u,51.9,8u,55.0,i3,44.7 2004.302.05:55:05.92/fmout-gps/+6.4229E-006 2004.302.05:55:05.93:!2004.302.05:55:46 2004.302.05:55:06.00#setcl#time/365918755,4,2004,302,05,55,06.02,2.000,15.003,6 2004.302.05:55:06.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:55:46.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:55:46.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:55:46.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:55:46.26/disc_pos/224797874992,223963357064, 2004.302.05:55:46.26:disc_check 2004.302.05:55:46.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h55m46.220s,26496,0.00500s,80000,1101483656, 2004.302.05:55:46.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:55:46.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 427747 : 2283 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:46.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 427603 : 2400 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:46.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 427612 : 2407 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:46.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 427706 : 2335 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:46.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 427630 : 2393 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:46.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 427545 : 2483 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:46.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 427304 : 2733 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:46.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 427764 : 2249 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:46.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.433 2004.302.05:55:46.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.05:55:47.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.05:55:47.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.05:55:47.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.05:55:47.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.05:55:47.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.49 2004.302.05:55:47.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.71 2004.302.05:55:47.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.05:55:47.74:scan_name=302-0558a,rd0408,54 2004.302.05:55:47.75:source=0235+164,023552.62,162403.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:55:50.77:setupnw 2004.302.05:55:54.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:54.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:55:55.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:55:55.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 327 ; 2004.302.05:55:55.02:!2004.302.05:58:08 2004.302.05:58:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.05:58:08.00/disc_pos/224797874992,224796874992, 2004.302.05:58:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.05:58:09.04:!2004.302.05:58:08 2004.302.05:58:09.05:preob 2004.302.05:58:09.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:58:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:58:12.63/tpical/1u,6123,2u,8819,3u,21724,4u,34323,i1,14850 2004.302.05:58:12.63/tpical/9u,6744,au,27338,bu,15253,cu,13791,du,61030,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.05:58:12.63/tpical/i2,7257 2004.302.05:58:12.63/tpical/5u,38177,6u,29291,7u,41250,8u,14615,i3,52424 2004.302.05:58:15.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,111 2004.302.05:58:15.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,789,bu,711,cu,512,du,599,eu,834,i2,67 2004.302.05:58:15.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.05:58:18.38:!2004.302.05:58:18 2004.302.05:58:18.38:disc_pos 2004.302.05:58:18.39/disc_pos/224941760512,224796874992, 2004.302.05:58:18.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.05:58:18.39:midob 2004.302.05:58:18.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.05:58:18.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.05:58:18.63/cable/+3.5918595E-02 2004.302.05:58:18.70/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9589,5580 2004.302.05:58:18.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33152 2004.302.05:58:18.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6230 2004.302.05:58:18.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19299 2004.302.05:58:18.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10286 2004.302.05:58:19.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.05:58:20.06/tpi/1u,4245,2u,6231,3u,14180,4u,21888,i1,9591 2004.302.05:58:20.06/tpi/9u,4930,au,20672,bu,10286,cu,11491,du,61169,eu,$$$$$,i2,5503 2004.302.05:58:20.07/tpi/5u,23534,6u,19314,7u,27801,8u,10242,i3,33192 2004.302.05:58:20.08/tpdiff/1u,1878,2u,2588,3u,7544,4u,12435,i1,5259 2004.302.05:58:20.08/tpdiff/9u,1814,au,6666,bu,4967,cu,2300,du,-139,eu,$$$$$,i2,1754 2004.302.05:58:20.09/tpdiff/5u,14643,6u,9977,7u,13449,8u,4373,i3,19232 2004.302.05:58:20.10/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.05:58:20.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.05:58:20.11/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.05:58:20.12/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.05:58:20.13?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:58:20.13?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.05:58:20.14/tsys/1u,48.1,2u,49.6,3u,46.3,4u,44.7,i1,46.9 2004.302.05:58:20.15/tsys/9u,83.9,au,95.4,bu,61.7,cu,152.8,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.05:58:20.15/tsys/i2,99.2 2004.302.05:58:20.16/tsys/5u,41.2,6u,49.6,7u,51.5,8u,54.5,i3,44.6 2004.302.05:58:20.93/fmout-gps/+6.4294E-006 2004.302.05:58:20.94:!2004.302.05:59:12 2004.302.05:58:21.01#setcl#time/365938254,4,2004,302,05,58,21.02,2.008,15.057,6 2004.302.05:58:21.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.05:58:39.14;"weather: clear 2004.302.05:59:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.05:59:12.00:disc_end 2004.302.05:59:12.26:disc_pos 2004.302.05:59:12.27/disc_pos/225808403528,224797874992, 2004.302.05:59:12.27:disc_check 2004.302.05:59:12.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d05h59m12.220s,78236,0.00500s,80000,2285419724, 2004.302.05:59:12.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.05:59:12.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 429665 : 2294 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:12.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 429523 : 2410 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 429530 : 2418 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 429624 : 2347 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 429551 : 2403 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 429463 : 2495 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:12.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 429229 : 2738 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:12.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 429681 : 2262 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:12.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.800 2004.302.05:59:12.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.05:59:13.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.05:59:13.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.05:59:13.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.05:59:13.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.05:59:13.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.49 2004.302.05:59:13.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.59 2004.302.05:59:13.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.05:59:13.69:scan_name=302-0602b,rd0408,40 2004.302.05:59:13.69:source=cta26,033658.94,-015616.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.05:59:16.71:setupnw 2004.302.05:59:20.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:20.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.05:59:20.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.05:59:21.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 329 ; 2004.302.05:59:21.01:!2004.302.06:02:43 2004.302.06:02:43.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:02:43.00/disc_pos/225808403528,225807403528, 2004.302.06:02:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:02:44.04:!2004.302.06:02:43 2004.302.06:02:44.04:preob 2004.302.06:02:44.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:02:44.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:02:47.63/tpical/1u,6210,2u,8986,3u,22224,4u,35091,i1,15149 2004.302.06:02:47.63/tpical/9u,8650,au,27256,bu,16320,cu,9405,du,11992,eu,47144 2004.302.06:02:47.63/tpical/i2,9399 2004.302.06:02:47.63/tpical/5u,38767,6u,29817,7u,41676,8u,14655,i3,52605 2004.302.06:02:50.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,102 2004.302.06:02:50.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,958,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,829,i2,57 2004.302.06:02:50.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1163,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.06:02:53.37:!2004.302.06:02:53 2004.302.06:02:53.37:disc_pos 2004.302.06:02:53.38/disc_pos/225952296960,225807403528, 2004.302.06:02:53.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:02:53.38:midob 2004.302.06:02:53.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:02:53.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:02:53.66/cable/+3.5925904E-02 2004.302.06:02:53.73/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9906,9582 2004.302.06:02:53.80/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33601 2004.302.06:02:53.87/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6412 2004.302.06:02:53.94/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19895 2004.302.06:02:54.01/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11026 2004.302.06:02:54.57/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:02:55.10/tpi/1u,4340,2u,6412,3u,14717,4u,22635,i1,9904 2004.302.06:02:55.10/tpi/9u,9187,au,21445,bu,11038,cu,6783,du,9451,eu,44312,i2,8469 2004.302.06:02:55.12/tpi/5u,24340,6u,19880,7u,28442,8u,10306,i3,33602 2004.302.06:02:55.13/tpdiff/1u,1870,2u,2574,3u,7507,4u,12456,i1,5245 2004.302.06:02:55.13/tpdiff/9u,-537,au,5811,bu,5282,cu,2622,du,2541,eu,2832,i2,930 2004.302.06:02:55.14/tpdiff/5u,14427,6u,9937,7u,13234,8u,4349,i3,19003 2004.302.06:02:55.15/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:02:55.16/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:02:55.16/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:02:55.17/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:02:55.18?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.06:02:55.19/tsys/1u,49.7,2u,51.7,3u,48.4,4u,46.2,i1,48.6 2004.302.06:02:55.19/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,112.8,bu,62.6,cu,76.5,du,111.5,eu,491.3 2004.302.06:02:55.20/tsys/i2,289.4 2004.302.06:02:55.20/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,51.3,7u,53.6,8u,55.1,i3,45.7 2004.302.06:02:55.92/fmout-gps/+6.4174E-006 2004.302.06:02:55.93:!2004.302.06:03:33 2004.302.06:02:56.00#setcl#time/365965754,4,2004,302,06,02,56.02,1.998,15.134,6 2004.302.06:02:56.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:03:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:03:33.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:03:33.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:03:33.27/disc_pos/226595077704,225808403528, 2004.302.06:03:33.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:03:33.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h03m33.230s,68676,0.00500s,80000,3389495384, 2004.302.06:03:33.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:03:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 431159 : 2303 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 431015 : 2421 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 431024 : 2427 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 431118 : 2355 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 431047 : 2410 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 430956 : 2504 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:33.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 430727 : 2743 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:33.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 431178 : 2269 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:33.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.067 2004.302.06:03:33.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.06:03:34.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.06:03:34.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.06:03:34.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.06:03:34.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.06:03:34.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.49 2004.302.06:03:34.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.06:03:34.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.06:03:34.68:scan_name=302-0604,rd0408,131 2004.302.06:03:34.68:source=0458-020,045841.33,-020333.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:03:37.70:setupnw 2004.302.06:03:41.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:41.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:03:41.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:03:42.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 331 ; 2004.302.06:03:42.01:!2004.302.06:04:48 2004.302.06:04:48.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:04:48.00/disc_pos/226595077704,226594077704, 2004.302.06:04:48.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:04:49.06:!2004.302.06:04:48 2004.302.06:04:49.06:preob 2004.302.06:04:49.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:04:49.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:04:52.65/tpical/1u,6210,2u,9035,3u,21727,4u,33880,i1,14802 2004.302.06:04:52.65/tpical/9u,6681,au,26773,bu,16371,cu,9388,du,10191,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.06:04:52.65/tpical/i2,7556 2004.302.06:04:52.65/tpical/5u,35966,6u,26620,7u,38748,8u,13772,i3,48281 2004.302.06:04:55.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,98 2004.302.06:04:55.30/tpzero/9u,173,au,797,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,830,i2,50 2004.302.06:04:55.30/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1164,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.06:04:58.39:!2004.302.06:04:58 2004.302.06:04:58.39:disc_pos 2004.302.06:04:58.39/disc_pos/226738970624,226594077704, 2004.302.06:04:58.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:04:58.40:midob 2004.302.06:04:58.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:04:58.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:04:58.59/cable/+3.5924805E-02 2004.302.06:04:58.67/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9600,7777 2004.302.06:04:58.74/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30562 2004.302.06:04:58.81/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6411 2004.302.06:04:58.88/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17793 2004.302.06:04:58.95/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11090 2004.302.06:04:59.51/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:05:00.05/tpi/1u,4334,2u,6422,3u,14446,4u,21855,i1,9704 2004.302.06:05:00.05/tpi/9u,8823,au,21377,bu,11090,cu,6748,du,7788,eu,64079,i2,7391 2004.302.06:05:00.06/tpi/5u,22346,6u,17830,7u,26311,8u,9725,i3,30887 2004.302.06:05:00.07/tpdiff/1u,1876,2u,2613,3u,7281,4u,12025,i1,5098 2004.302.06:05:00.07/tpdiff/9u,-2142,au,5396,bu,5281,cu,2640,du,2403,eu,$$$$$,i2,165 2004.302.06:05:00.08/tpdiff/5u,13620,6u,8790,7u,12437,8u,4047,i3,17394 2004.302.06:05:00.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:05:00.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:05:00.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:05:00.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:05:00.12?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.06:05:00.12?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.06:05:00.13/tsys/1u,49.4,2u,51.1,3u,48.9,4u,46.2,i1,49.0 2004.302.06:05:00.14/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,122.0,bu,62.9,cu,75.6,du,95.7,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.06:05:00.15/tsys/i2,1423.7 2004.302.06:05:00.16/tsys/5u,42.0,6u,51.9,7u,52.6,8u,55.5,i3,45.9 2004.302.06:05:00.93/fmout-gps/+6.3939E-006 2004.302.06:05:00.94:!2004.302.06:07:09 2004.302.06:05:01.01#setcl#time/365978253,3,2004,302,06,05,01.03,2.025,15.168,7 2004.302.06:05:01.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:07:09.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:07:09.01:disc_end 2004.302.06:07:09.27:disc_pos 2004.302.06:07:09.27/disc_pos/228837569120,226595077704, 2004.302.06:07:09.28:disc_check 2004.302.06:07:09.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h07m09.225s,3568,0.00500s,80000,1213493692, 2004.302.06:07:09.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:07:09.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 435418 : 2324 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 435275 : 2442 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:09.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 435282 : 2449 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:09.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 435375 : 2378 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:09.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 435309 : 2428 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:09.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 435212 : 2528 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:09.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 434984 : 2764 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:09.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 435426 : 2301 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:09.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.189 2004.302.06:07:09.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.06:07:10.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.06:07:10.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.06:07:10.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.06:07:10.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.06:07:10.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.06:07:10.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.71 2004.302.06:07:10.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.06:07:10.73:scan_name=302-0612,rd0408,40 2004.302.06:07:10.73:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:07:13.75:setupnw 2004.302.06:07:17.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:17.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:07:17.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:07:18.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 333 ; 2004.302.06:07:18.00:!2004.302.06:12:23 2004.302.06:12:23.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:12:23.00/disc_pos/228837569120,228836569120, 2004.302.06:12:23.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:12:24.04:!2004.302.06:12:23 2004.302.06:12:24.04:preob 2004.302.06:12:24.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:12:24.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:12:27.62/tpical/1u,6136,2u,8916,3u,22189,4u,35143,i1,15188 2004.302.06:12:27.62/tpical/9u,13598,au,28517,bu,15962,cu,9432,du,24061,eu,65327 2004.302.06:12:27.62/tpical/i2,21995 2004.302.06:12:27.62/tpical/5u,39569,6u,30865,7u,43664,8u,15229,i3,54297 2004.302.06:12:30.27/tpzero/1u,766,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,97 2004.302.06:12:30.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,2163,bu,708,cu,513,du,601,eu,827,i2,53 2004.302.06:12:30.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,289,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.06:12:33.36:!2004.302.06:12:33 2004.302.06:12:33.36:disc_pos 2004.302.06:12:33.37/disc_pos/228981460992,228836569120, 2004.302.06:12:33.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:12:33.37:midob 2004.302.06:12:33.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:12:33.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:12:33.63/cable/+3.5924921E-02 2004.302.06:12:33.70/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9845,21235 2004.302.06:12:33.77/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34292 2004.302.06:12:33.84/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6315 2004.302.06:12:33.91/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20419 2004.302.06:12:33.98/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10743 2004.302.06:12:34.54/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:12:35.07/tpi/1u,4274,2u,6320,3u,14590,4u,22521,i1,9848 2004.302.06:12:35.07/tpi/9u,10538,au,21685,bu,10743,cu,6847,du,21744,eu,63830,i2,20205 2004.302.06:12:35.08/tpi/5u,24410,6u,20412,7u,29459,8u,10647,i3,34308 2004.302.06:12:35.09/tpdiff/1u,1862,2u,2596,3u,7599,4u,12622,i1,5340 2004.302.06:12:35.09/tpdiff/9u,3060,au,6832,bu,5219,cu,2585,du,2317,eu,1497,i2,1790 2004.302.06:12:35.10/tpdiff/5u,15159,6u,10453,7u,14205,8u,4582,i3,19989 2004.302.06:12:35.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:12:35.11/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:12:35.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:12:35.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:12:35.15/tsys/1u,49.0,2u,50.4,3u,47.4,4u,45.4,i1,47.5 2004.302.06:12:35.15/tsys/9u,108.4,au,91.4,bu,61.5,cu,78.4,du,292.0,eu,1346.8,i2,360.3 2004.302.06:12:35.16/tsys/5u,41.3,6u,50.1,7u,51.8,8u,54.3,i3,44.4 2004.302.06:12:35.93/fmout-gps/+6.3599E-006 2004.302.06:12:35.94:!2004.302.06:13:13 2004.302.06:12:36.01#setcl#time/366023752,3,2004,302,06,12,36.03,2.024,15.295,7 2004.302.06:12:36.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:13:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:13:13.01:disc_end 2004.302.06:13:13.27:disc_pos 2004.302.06:13:13.27/disc_pos/229624243440,228837569120, 2004.302.06:13:13.28:disc_check 2004.302.06:13:13.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h13m13.225s,29936,0.00500s,80000,5037299312, 2004.302.06:13:13.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:13:13.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 436911 : 2333 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 436770 : 2450 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:13.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 436777 : 2456 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:13.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 436869 : 2387 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:13.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 436803 : 2438 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:13.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 436707 : 2536 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:13.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 436479 : 2772 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:13.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 436913 : 2317 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:13.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.678 2004.302.06:13:13.99/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.06:13:14.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.06:13:14.22/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.58 2004.302.06:13:14.33/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.06:13:14.45/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.06:13:14.56/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.06:13:14.67/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.59 2004.302.06:13:14.79/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.06:13:14.79:scan_name=302-0614,rd0408,94 2004.302.06:13:14.80:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:13:17.81:setupnw 2004.302.06:13:21.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:21.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:13:21.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:13:22.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 335 ; 2004.302.06:13:22.01:!2004.302.06:14:22 2004.302.06:14:22.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:14:22.00/disc_pos/229624243440,229623243440, 2004.302.06:14:22.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:14:23.04:!2004.302.06:14:22 2004.302.06:14:23.04:preob 2004.302.06:14:23.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:14:23.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:14:26.62/tpical/1u,6186,2u,8954,3u,22532,4u,35520,i1,15342 2004.302.06:14:26.62/tpical/9u,6953,au,27892,bu,17383,cu,9889,du,17421,eu,50266 2004.302.06:14:26.62/tpical/i2,7318 2004.302.06:14:26.62/tpical/5u,39974,6u,31159,7u,44290,8u,15249,i3,54809 2004.302.06:14:29.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,95 2004.302.06:14:29.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,795,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,827,i2,47 2004.302.06:14:29.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.06:14:32.37:!2004.302.06:14:32 2004.302.06:14:32.37:disc_pos 2004.302.06:14:32.38/disc_pos/229768134656,229623243440, 2004.302.06:14:32.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:14:32.38:midob 2004.302.06:14:32.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:14:32.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:14:32.43/cable/+3.5921155E-02 2004.302.06:14:32.50/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10003,4918 2004.302.06:14:32.57/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34791 2004.302.06:14:32.64/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6353 2004.302.06:14:32.71/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20774 2004.302.06:14:32.78/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11719 2004.302.06:14:33.34/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:14:33.88/tpi/1u,4297,2u,6355,3u,14843,4u,22854,i1,10003 2004.302.06:14:33.88/tpi/9u,4880,au,18935,bu,11720,cu,7035,du,13748,eu,45346,i2,4949 2004.302.06:14:33.89/tpi/5u,24873,6u,20752,7u,29979,8u,10681,i3,34801 2004.302.06:14:33.90/tpdiff/1u,1889,2u,2599,3u,7689,4u,12666,i1,5339 2004.302.06:14:33.90/tpdiff/9u,2073,au,8957,bu,5663,cu,2854,du,3673,eu,4920,i2,2369 2004.302.06:14:33.91/tpdiff/5u,15101,6u,10407,7u,14311,8u,4568,i3,20008 2004.302.06:14:33.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:14:33.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:14:33.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:14:33.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:14:33.95/tsys/1u,48.6,2u,50.7,3u,47.7,4u,45.9,i1,48.3 2004.302.06:14:33.96/tsys/9u,72.7,au,64.8,bu,62.2,cu,73.1,du,114.5,eu,289.6,i2,66.2 2004.302.06:14:33.96/tsys/5u,42.2,6u,51.1,7u,52.3,8u,54.6,i3,45.0 2004.302.06:14:34.93/fmout-gps/+6.3994E-006 2004.302.06:14:34.93:!2004.302.06:16:06 2004.302.06:14:35.01#setcl#time/366035653,4,2004,302,06,14,35.03,2.004,15.328,6 2004.302.06:14:35.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:16:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:16:06.01:disc_end 2004.302.06:16:06.27:disc_pos 2004.302.06:16:06.28/disc_pos/231274998584,229624243440, 2004.302.06:16:06.28:disc_check 2004.302.06:16:06.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h16m06.230s,28968,0.00500s,80000,1117325824, 2004.302.06:16:06.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:16:06.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 440045 : 2350 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 439905 : 2466 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 439911 : 2473 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 440001 : 2406 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:06.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 439945 : 2447 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:06.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 439838 : 2556 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:06.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 439611 : 2791 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:06.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 440050 : 2334 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:06.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.433 2004.302.06:16:06.99/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.06:16:07.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.06:16:07.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.06:16:07.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.06:16:07.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.06:16:07.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.06:16:07.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.06:16:07.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.06:16:07.76:scan_name=302-0617b,rd0408,40 2004.302.06:16:07.76:source=0528+134,052806.74,132942.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:16:10.78:setupnw 2004.302.06:16:14.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:14.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:16:15.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:16:15.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 337 ; 2004.302.06:16:15.01:!2004.302.06:17:42 2004.302.06:17:42.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:17:42.00/disc_pos/231274998584,231273998584, 2004.302.06:17:42.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:17:43.04:!2004.302.06:17:42 2004.302.06:17:43.04:preob 2004.302.06:17:43.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:17:43.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:17:46.63/tpical/1u,6177,2u,8945,3u,22328,4u,35201,i1,15214 2004.302.06:17:46.63/tpical/9u,13652,au,28869,bu,16983,cu,9680,du,9643,eu,55588 2004.302.06:17:46.63/tpical/i2,11599 2004.302.06:17:46.63/tpical/5u,39271,6u,30408,7u,43077,8u,15103,i3,53787 2004.302.06:17:49.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,101 2004.302.06:17:49.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,837,bu,711,cu,512,du,599,eu,829,i2,60 2004.302.06:17:49.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,289,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.06:17:52.37:!2004.302.06:17:52 2004.302.06:17:52.37:disc_pos 2004.302.06:17:52.37/disc_pos/231418888192,231273998584, 2004.302.06:17:52.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:17:52.38:midob 2004.302.06:17:52.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:17:52.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:17:52.58/cable/+3.5922703E-02 2004.302.06:17:52.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9914,6101 2004.302.06:17:52.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34330 2004.302.06:17:52.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6376 2004.302.06:17:52.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20228 2004.302.06:17:52.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11609 2004.302.06:17:53.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:17:54.02/tpi/1u,4324,2u,6373,3u,14677,4u,22682,i1,9921 2004.302.06:17:54.02/tpi/9u,8476,au,22162,bu,11586,cu,6945,du,6968,eu,53924,i2,7337 2004.302.06:17:54.03/tpi/5u,24414,6u,20228,7u,29299,8u,10601,i3,34285 2004.302.06:17:54.04/tpdiff/1u,1853,2u,2572,3u,7651,4u,12519,i1,5293 2004.302.06:17:54.04/tpdiff/9u,5176,au,6707,bu,5397,cu,2735,du,2675,eu,1664,i2,4262 2004.302.06:17:54.05/tpdiff/5u,14857,6u,10180,7u,13778,8u,4502,i3,19502 2004.302.06:17:54.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:17:54.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:17:54.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:17:54.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:17:54.09/tsys/1u,49.9,2u,51.4,3u,47.4,4u,46.1,i1,48.2 2004.302.06:17:54.09/tsys/9u,51.3,au,101.7,bu,64.5,cu,75.3,du,76.2,eu,1021.1,i2,54.6 2004.302.06:17:54.10/tsys/5u,42.1,6u,50.9,7u,53.1,8u,55.0,i3,45.5 2004.302.06:17:54.92/fmout-gps/+6.3924E-006 2004.302.06:17:54.93:!2004.302.06:18:32 2004.302.06:17:55.00#setcl#time/366055651,3,2004,302,06,17,55.02,2.013,15.383,7 2004.302.06:17:55.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:18:32.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:18:32.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:18:32.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:18:32.26/disc_pos/232061512088,231274998584, 2004.302.06:18:32.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:18:32.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h18m32.225s,75900,0.00500s,80000,1549359564, 2004.302.06:18:32.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:18:32.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 441536 : 2362 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:32.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 441399 : 2474 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:32.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 441407 : 2480 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:32.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 441494 : 2415 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:32.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 441440 : 2454 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:32.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 441330 : 2566 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:32.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 441101 : 2803 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:32.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 441543 : 2345 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:32.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.556 2004.302.06:18:32.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.06:18:33.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.06:18:33.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.58 2004.302.06:18:33.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.06:18:33.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.06:18:33.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.06:18:33.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.06:18:33.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.06:18:33.71:scan_name=302-0622a,rd0408,47 2004.302.06:18:33.72:source=0656+082,065634.84,081741.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:18:36.74:setupnw 2004.302.06:18:40.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:40.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:18:40.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:18:41.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 339 ; 2004.302.06:18:41.02:!2004.302.06:22:03 2004.302.06:22:03.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:22:03.00/disc_pos/232061512088,232060512088, 2004.302.06:22:03.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:22:04.04:!2004.302.06:22:03 2004.302.06:22:04.04:preob 2004.302.06:22:04.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:22:04.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:22:07.63/tpical/1u,6270,2u,9095,3u,22735,4u,35829,i1,15546 2004.302.06:22:07.63/tpical/9u,6679,au,27360,bu,16540,cu,9374,du,9897,eu,38515,i2,7070 2004.302.06:22:07.63/tpical/5u,40396,6u,31162,7u,44159,8u,15377,i3,55131 2004.302.06:22:10.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,106 2004.302.06:22:10.28/tpzero/9u,175,au,800,bu,710,cu,513,du,599,eu,829,i2,72 2004.302.06:22:10.28/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.06:22:13.37:!2004.302.06:22:13 2004.302.06:22:13.37:disc_pos 2004.302.06:22:13.38/disc_pos/232205402112,232060512088, 2004.302.06:22:13.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:22:13.38:midob 2004.302.06:22:13.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:22:13.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:22:13.58/cable/+3.5924741E-02 2004.302.06:22:13.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10211,4842 2004.302.06:22:13.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35348 2004.302.06:22:13.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6488 2004.302.06:22:13.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20920 2004.302.06:22:13.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11212 2004.302.06:22:14.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:22:15.01/tpi/1u,4391,2u,6491,3u,15161,4u,23391,i1,10211 2004.302.06:22:15.02/tpi/9u,4724,au,20696,bu,11186,cu,6695,du,6953,eu,35257,i2,4815 2004.302.06:22:15.02/tpi/5u,25287,6u,20927,7u,30170,8u,10838,i3,35357 2004.302.06:22:15.03/tpdiff/1u,1879,2u,2604,3u,7574,4u,12438,i1,5335 2004.302.06:22:15.04/tpdiff/9u,1955,au,6664,bu,5354,cu,2679,du,2944,eu,3258,i2,2255 2004.302.06:22:15.04/tpdiff/5u,15109,6u,10235,7u,13989,8u,4539,i3,19774 2004.302.06:22:15.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:22:15.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:22:15.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:22:15.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:22:15.08/tsys/1u,50.1,2u,51.9,3u,49.5,4u,47.9,i1,49.2 2004.302.06:22:15.08/tsys/9u,74.5,au,95.5,bu,62.6,cu,73.8,du,69.1,eu,338.2,i2,67.3 2004.302.06:22:15.09/tsys/5u,42.9,6u,52.4,7u,53.9,8u,55.9,i3,46.3 2004.302.06:22:15.93/fmout-gps/+6.4139E-006 2004.302.06:22:15.93:!2004.302.06:23:00 2004.302.06:22:16.00#setcl#time/366081751,4,2004,302,06,22,16.02,2.003,15.456,6 2004.302.06:22:16.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:23:00.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:23:00.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:23:00.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:23:00.27/disc_pos/232960196880,232061512088, 2004.302.06:23:00.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:23:00.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h23m00.225s,56288,0.00500s,80000,3389334820, 2004.302.06:23:00.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:23:00.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 443243 : 2371 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:00.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 443103 : 2487 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:00.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 443117 : 2488 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:00.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 443201 : 2424 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:00.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 443146 : 2465 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:00.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 443036 : 2576 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:00.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 442805 : 2816 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:00.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 443246 : 2358 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:00.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.945 2004.302.06:23:00.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.06:23:01.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.06:23:01.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.06:23:01.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.06:23:01.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.06:23:01.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.49 2004.302.06:23:01.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.76 2004.302.06:23:01.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.06:23:01.69:scan_name=302-0627a,rd0408,104 2004.302.06:23:01.69:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:23:04.71:setupnw 2004.302.06:23:08.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:08.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:23:09.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:23:09.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 341 ; 2004.302.06:23:09.01:!2004.302.06:27:26 2004.302.06:27:26.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:27:26.00/disc_pos/232960196880,232959196880, 2004.302.06:27:26.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:27:27.03:!2004.302.06:27:26 2004.302.06:27:27.04:preob 2004.302.06:27:27.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:27:27.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:27:30.62/tpical/1u,6268,2u,9053,3u,22800,4u,36116,i1,15563 2004.302.06:27:30.62/tpical/9u,7006,au,27504,bu,16845,cu,9686,du,9969,eu,35882,i2,7376 2004.302.06:27:30.62/tpical/5u,40514,6u,31606,7u,44545,8u,15489,i3,55556 2004.302.06:27:33.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,96 2004.302.06:27:33.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,804,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,828,i2,59 2004.302.06:27:33.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1162,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.06:27:36.36:!2004.302.06:27:36 2004.302.06:27:36.36:disc_pos 2004.302.06:27:36.36/disc_pos/233104089088,232959196880, 2004.302.06:27:36.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:27:36.37:midob 2004.302.06:27:36.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:27:36.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:27:36.51/cable/+3.5926286E-02 2004.302.06:27:36.58/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10222,5829 2004.302.06:27:36.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35581 2004.302.06:27:36.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6467 2004.302.06:27:36.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21104 2004.302.06:27:36.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11369 2004.302.06:27:37.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:27:37.94/tpi/1u,4388,2u,6462,3u,15196,4u,23417,i1,10217 2004.302.06:27:37.94/tpi/9u,5725,au,21145,bu,11386,cu,6900,du,7606,eu,32891,i2,5576 2004.302.06:27:37.95/tpi/5u,25313,6u,21111,7u,30369,8u,10880,i3,35569 2004.302.06:27:37.96/tpdiff/1u,1880,2u,2591,3u,7604,4u,12699,i1,5346 2004.302.06:27:37.96/tpdiff/9u,1281,au,6359,bu,5459,cu,2786,du,2363,eu,2991,i2,1800 2004.302.06:27:37.97/tpdiff/5u,15201,6u,10495,7u,14176,8u,4609,i3,19987 2004.302.06:27:37.98/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:27:37.99/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:27:37.99/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:27:38.00/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:27:38.01/tsys/1u,50.1,2u,51.9,3u,49.4,4u,46.9,i1,49.2 2004.302.06:27:38.02/tsys/9u,138.7,au,102.4,bu,62.6,cu,73.4,du,94.9,eu,343.0,i2,98.1 2004.302.06:27:38.02/tsys/5u,42.7,6u,51.6,7u,53.6,8u,55.3,i3,46.0 2004.302.06:27:38.93/fmout-gps/+6.3729E-006 2004.302.06:27:38.94:!2004.302.06:29:20 2004.302.06:27:39.01#setcl#time/366114050,4,2004,302,06,27,39.02,2.007,15.546,6 2004.302.06:27:39.01#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:29:20.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:29:20.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:29:20.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:29:20.27/disc_pos/234770965752,232960196880, 2004.302.06:29:20.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:29:20.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h29m20.225s,45312,0.00500s,80000,4269242104, 2004.302.06:29:20.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:29:20.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 446682 : 2388 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:20.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 446544 : 2504 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:20.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 446555 : 2506 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:20.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 446637 : 2445 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:20.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 446585 : 2482 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:20.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 446475 : 2593 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:20.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 446248 : 2829 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:20.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 446686 : 2374 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:20.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.311 2004.302.06:29:20.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.06:29:21.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.06:29:21.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.06:29:21.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.06:29:21.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.06:29:21.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.06:29:21.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.76 2004.302.06:29:21.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.06:29:21.69:scan_name=302-0632a,rd0408,210 2004.302.06:29:21.69:source=2318+049,231812.14,045723.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:29:24.71:setupnw 2004.302.06:29:28.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:28.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:29:29.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:29:29.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 343 ; 2004.302.06:29:29.02:!2004.302.06:32:04 2004.302.06:32:04.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:32:04.00/disc_pos/234770965752,234769965752, 2004.302.06:32:04.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:32:05.04:!2004.302.06:32:04 2004.302.06:32:05.04:preob 2004.302.06:32:05.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:32:05.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:32:08.64/tpical/1u,6650,2u,9591,3u,23782,4u,36823,i1,16180 2004.302.06:32:08.64/tpical/9u,8550,au,28975,bu,17691,cu,10179,du,10229,eu,24541 2004.302.06:32:08.64/tpical/i2,8515 2004.302.06:32:08.64/tpical/5u,40703,6u,31413,7u,43119,8u,15470,i3,54778 2004.302.06:32:11.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,93 2004.302.06:32:11.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,803,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,826,i2,53 2004.302.06:32:11.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.06:32:14.38:!2004.302.06:32:14 2004.302.06:32:14.38:disc_pos 2004.302.06:32:14.39/disc_pos/234914856960,234769965752, 2004.302.06:32:14.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:32:14.39:midob 2004.302.06:32:14.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:32:14.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:32:14.78/cable/+3.5927793E-02 2004.302.06:32:14.85/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10946,6523 2004.302.06:32:14.92/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36757 2004.302.06:32:15.00/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7002 2004.302.06:32:15.07/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22174 2004.302.06:32:15.14/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12150 2004.302.06:32:15.70/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:32:16.22/tpi/1u,4790,2u,7002,3u,16427,4u,24985,i1,11037 2004.302.06:32:16.22/tpi/9u,7454,au,22323,bu,12162,cu,7356,du,8285,eu,21596,i2,6750 2004.302.06:32:16.23/tpi/5u,26890,6u,22174,7u,31466,8u,11661,i3,37386 2004.302.06:32:16.24/tpdiff/1u,1860,2u,2589,3u,7355,4u,11838,i1,5143 2004.302.06:32:16.24/tpdiff/9u,1096,au,6652,bu,5529,cu,2823,du,1944,eu,2945,i2,1765 2004.302.06:32:16.25/tpdiff/5u,13813,6u,9239,7u,11653,8u,3809,i3,17392 2004.302.06:32:16.26/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:32:16.27/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:32:16.27/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:32:16.28/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:32:16.29/tsys/1u,56.2,2u,57.4,3u,55.5,4u,53.8,i1,55.3 2004.302.06:32:16.29/tsys/9u,212.6,au,103.5,bu,66.3,cu,77.6,du,126.5,eu,225.7,i2,121.4 2004.302.06:32:16.30/tsys/5u,50.0,6u,61.6,7u,67.6,8u,72.2,i3,55.6 2004.302.06:32:16.92/fmout-gps/+6.3864E-006 2004.302.06:32:16.93:!2004.302.06:35:44 2004.302.06:32:17.00#setcl#time/366141850,4,2004,302,06,32,17.02,1.997,15.623,6 2004.302.06:32:17.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:35:44.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:35:44.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:35:44.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:35:44.26/disc_pos/238277410192,234770965752, 2004.302.06:35:44.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:35:44.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h35m44.220s,79784,0.00500s,80000,2637441088, 2004.302.06:35:44.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:35:44.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 453340 : 2421 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:44.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 453204 : 2535 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:44.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 453221 : 2531 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:44.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 453287 : 2487 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:44.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 453252 : 2506 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:44.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 453133 : 2626 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:44.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 452912 : 2856 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:44.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 453355 : 2396 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:44.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.433 2004.302.06:35:44.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.06:35:45.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.06:35:45.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.06:35:45.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.302.06:35:45.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.06:35:45.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.69 2004.302.06:35:45.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.59 2004.302.06:35:45.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.06:35:45.70:scan_name=302-0637,rd0408,40 2004.302.06:35:45.70:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:35:48.72:setupnw 2004.302.06:35:52.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:52.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:35:53.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:35:53.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 345 ; 2004.302.06:35:53.03:!2004.302.06:37:02 2004.302.06:37:02.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:37:02.00/disc_pos/238277410192,238276410192, 2004.302.06:37:02.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:37:03.04:!2004.302.06:37:02 2004.302.06:37:03.04:preob 2004.302.06:37:03.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:37:03.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:37:06.62/tpical/1u,6249,2u,9048,3u,22616,4u,35914,i1,15477 2004.302.06:37:06.62/tpical/9u,6981,au,27686,bu,17195,cu,9824,du,14411,eu,34311 2004.302.06:37:06.62/tpical/i2,7579 2004.302.06:37:06.62/tpical/5u,40359,6u,31485,7u,44245,8u,15444,i3,55236 2004.302.06:37:09.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,94 2004.302.06:37:09.27/tpzero/9u,170,au,804,bu,708,cu,514,du,600,eu,826,i2,49 2004.302.06:37:09.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.06:37:12.36:!2004.302.06:37:12 2004.302.06:37:12.36:disc_pos 2004.302.06:37:12.37/disc_pos/238421303296,238276410192, 2004.302.06:37:12.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:37:12.37:midob 2004.302.06:37:12.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:37:12.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:37:12.51/cable/+3.5927400E-02 2004.302.06:37:12.58/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10167,5010 2004.302.06:37:12.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35381 2004.302.06:37:12.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6457 2004.302.06:37:12.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21093 2004.302.06:37:12.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11659 2004.302.06:37:13.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:37:13.94/tpi/1u,4376,2u,6460,3u,15097,4u,23369,i1,10163 2004.302.06:37:13.94/tpi/9u,5232,au,21082,bu,11431,cu,6915,du,12610,eu,30371,i2,5369 2004.302.06:37:13.95/tpi/5u,25311,6u,21071,7u,30264,8u,10840,i3,35355 2004.302.06:37:13.96/tpdiff/1u,1873,2u,2588,3u,7519,4u,12545,i1,5314 2004.302.06:37:13.96/tpdiff/9u,1749,au,6604,bu,5764,cu,2909,du,1801,eu,3940,i2,2210 2004.302.06:37:13.97/tpdiff/5u,15048,6u,10414,7u,13981,8u,4604,i3,19881 2004.302.06:37:13.98/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:37:13.99/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:37:14.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:37:14.00/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:37:14.01/tsys/1u,50.1,2u,51.9,3u,49.6,4u,47.4,i1,49.3 2004.302.06:37:14.02/tsys/9u,92.6,au,98.3,bu,59.5,cu,70.4,du,213.4,eu,240.0,i2,77.0 2004.302.06:37:14.03/tsys/5u,43.1,6u,51.9,7u,54.1,8u,55.1,i3,46.0 2004.302.06:37:14.93/fmout-gps/+6.3724E-006 2004.302.06:37:14.93:!2004.302.06:37:52 2004.302.06:37:15.00#setcl#time/366171649,4,2004,302,06,37,15.02,2.002,15.706,6 2004.302.06:37:15.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:37:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:37:52.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:37:52.25:disc_pos 2004.302.06:37:52.26/disc_pos/239063924912,238277410192, 2004.302.06:37:52.26:disc_check 2004.302.06:37:52.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h37m52.220s,66212,0.00500s,80000,1261498852, 2004.302.06:37:52.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:37:52.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 454829 : 2434 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:37:52.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 454698 : 2545 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:37:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 454714 : 2540 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:37:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 454782 : 2495 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:37:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 454744 : 2516 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:37:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 454627 : 2635 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:37:52.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 454405 : 2865 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:37:52.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 454847 : 2407 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:37:52.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.433 2004.302.06:37:52.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.06:37:53.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.06:37:53.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.06:37:53.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.06:37:53.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.06:37:53.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.06:37:53.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.59 2004.302.06:37:53.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.06:37:53.71:scan_name=302-0640,rd0408,40 2004.302.06:37:53.71:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:37:56.72:setupnw 2004.302.06:38:00.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:38:00.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:38:01.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:38:01.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 347 ; 2004.302.06:38:01.01:!2004.302.06:40:32 2004.302.06:40:32.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:40:32.00/disc_pos/239063924912,239062924912, 2004.302.06:40:32.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:40:33.04:!2004.302.06:40:32 2004.302.06:40:33.05:preob 2004.302.06:40:33.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:40:33.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:40:36.63/tpical/1u,6242,2u,9047,3u,22741,4u,36100,i1,15545 2004.302.06:40:36.63/tpical/9u,7592,au,28048,bu,17100,cu,9750,du,24949,eu,63448 2004.302.06:40:36.63/tpical/i2,8035 2004.302.06:40:36.63/tpical/5u,40428,6u,31685,7u,44625,8u,15469,i3,55536 2004.302.06:40:39.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,97 2004.302.06:40:39.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,811,bu,710,cu,512,du,601,eu,828,i2,59 2004.302.06:40:39.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.06:40:42.37:!2004.302.06:40:42 2004.302.06:40:42.38:disc_pos 2004.302.06:40:42.38/disc_pos/239207813120,239062924912, 2004.302.06:40:42.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:40:42.39:midob 2004.302.06:40:42.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:40:42.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:40:42.74/cable/+3.5926347E-02 2004.302.06:40:42.81/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10188,6971 2004.302.06:40:42.88/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35480 2004.302.06:40:42.95/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6464 2004.302.06:40:43.02/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21152 2004.302.06:40:43.09/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11347 2004.302.06:40:43.65/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:40:44.17/tpi/1u,4376,2u,6464,3u,15157,4u,23385,i1,10184 2004.302.06:40:44.18/tpi/9u,6122,au,21178,bu,11336,cu,6838,du,25149,eu,57607,i2,6877 2004.302.06:40:44.18/tpi/5u,25254,6u,21152,7u,30311,8u,10846,i3,35474 2004.302.06:40:44.19/tpdiff/1u,1866,2u,2583,3u,7584,4u,12715,i1,5361 2004.302.06:40:44.20/tpdiff/9u,1470,au,6870,bu,5764,cu,2912,du,-200,eu,5841,i2,1158 2004.302.06:40:44.20/tpdiff/5u,15174,6u,10533,7u,14314,8u,4623,i3,20062 2004.302.06:40:44.21/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:40:44.22/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:40:44.22/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:40:44.23/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:40:44.24?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.06:40:44.25/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,52.1,3u,49.4,4u,46.8,i1,48.9 2004.302.06:40:44.25/tsys/9u,129.6,au,94.9,bu,59.0,cu,69.5,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,311.1 2004.302.06:40:44.26/tsys/i2,188.4 2004.302.06:40:44.27/tsys/5u,42.7,6u,51.5,7u,52.9,8u,54.9,i3,45.7 2004.302.06:40:44.92/fmout-gps/+6.4254E-006 2004.302.06:40:44.93:!2004.302.06:41:22 2004.302.06:40:45.00#setcl#time/366192648,4,2004,302,06,40,45.02,2.010,15.764,7 2004.302.06:40:45.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:41:22.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:41:22.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:41:22.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:41:22.26/disc_pos/239850437336,239063924912, 2004.302.06:41:22.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:41:22.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h41m22.225s,38588,0.00500s,80000,2573595200, 2004.302.06:41:22.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:41:22.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 456323 : 2443 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:22.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 456191 : 2554 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 456207 : 2550 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 456270 : 2509 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:22.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 456235 : 2529 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:22.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 456120 : 2644 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 455898 : 2874 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:22.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 456339 : 2419 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:22.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.311 2004.302.06:41:22.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.06:41:23.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.06:41:23.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.06:41:23.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.302.06:41:23.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.06:41:23.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.06:41:23.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.71 2004.302.06:41:23.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.06:41:23.68:scan_name=302-0644,rd0408,137 2004.302.06:41:23.68:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:41:26.70:setupnw 2004.302.06:41:30.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:30.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:41:30.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:41:31.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 349 ; 2004.302.06:41:31.00:!2004.302.06:43:55 2004.302.06:43:55.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:43:55.00/disc_pos/239850437336,239849437336, 2004.302.06:43:55.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:43:56.03:!2004.302.06:43:55 2004.302.06:43:56.04:preob 2004.302.06:43:56.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:43:56.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:43:59.62/tpical/1u,6535,2u,9458,3u,23970,4u,37841,i1,16339 2004.302.06:43:59.62/tpical/9u,7506,au,28352,bu,17064,cu,9733,du,47269,eu,58530 2004.302.06:43:59.62/tpical/i2,7594 2004.302.06:43:59.62/tpical/5u,42556,6u,33109,7u,46581,8u,16198,i3,58298 2004.302.06:44:02.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,100 2004.302.06:44:02.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,802,bu,711,cu,512,du,602,eu,829,i2,67 2004.302.06:44:02.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.06:44:05.36:!2004.302.06:44:05 2004.302.06:44:05.36:disc_pos 2004.302.06:44:05.37/disc_pos/239994331136,239849437336, 2004.302.06:44:05.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:44:05.37:midob 2004.302.06:44:05.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:44:05.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:44:05.43/cable/+3.5927933E-02 2004.302.06:44:05.50/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10980,5507 2004.302.06:44:05.58/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,38247 2004.302.06:44:05.65/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6851 2004.302.06:44:05.72/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22677 2004.302.06:44:05.79/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11662 2004.302.06:44:06.35/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:44:06.89/tpi/1u,4659,2u,6856,3u,16318,4u,25165,i1,10980 2004.302.06:44:06.89/tpi/9u,5627,au,21521,bu,11671,cu,6996,du,38628,eu,49848,i2,5753 2004.302.06:44:06.90/tpi/5u,27273,6u,22693,7u,32479,8u,11582,i3,38263 2004.302.06:44:06.91/tpdiff/1u,1876,2u,2602,3u,7652,4u,12676,i1,5359 2004.302.06:44:06.91/tpdiff/9u,1879,au,6831,bu,5393,cu,2737,du,8641,eu,8682,i2,1841 2004.302.06:44:06.92/tpdiff/5u,15283,6u,10416,7u,14102,8u,4616,i3,20035 2004.302.06:44:06.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:44:06.93/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:44:06.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:44:06.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:44:06.96/tsys/1u,53.9,2u,55.6,3u,52.9,4u,50.6,i1,52.8 2004.302.06:44:06.96/tsys/9u,92.9,au,97.1,bu,65.0,cu,75.8,du,140.8,eu,180.7,i2,98.8 2004.302.06:44:06.97/tsys/5u,45.8,6u,55.9,7u,57.7,8u,59.1,i3,49.4 2004.302.06:44:07.93/fmout-gps/+6.4009E-006 2004.302.06:44:07.93:!2004.302.06:46:22 2004.302.06:44:08.00#setcl#time/366212948,4,2004,302,06,44,08.02,2.002,15.820,6 2004.302.06:44:08.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:46:22.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:46:22.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:46:22.25:disc_pos 2004.302.06:46:22.26/disc_pos/242189096664,239850437336, 2004.302.06:46:22.26:disc_check 2004.302.06:46:22.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h46m22.220s,34028,0.00500s,80000,2461265232, 2004.302.06:46:22.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:46:22.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 460767 : 2462 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:22.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 460630 : 2578 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 460647 : 2573 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:22.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 460720 : 2522 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 460682 : 2547 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:22.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 460562 : 2665 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:22.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 460339 : 2897 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:22.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 460775 : 2446 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:22.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.189 2004.302.06:46:22.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.06:46:23.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.06:46:23.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.06:46:23.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.06:46:23.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.06:46:23.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.06:46:23.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.93 2004.302.06:46:23.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.06:46:23.72:scan_name=302-0647,rd0408,151 2004.302.06:46:23.72:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:46:26.74:setupnw 2004.302.06:46:30.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:30.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:46:30.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:46:31.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 351 ; 2004.302.06:46:31.02:!2004.302.06:47:41 2004.302.06:47:41.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:47:41.00/disc_pos/242189096664,242188096664, 2004.302.06:47:41.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:47:42.04:!2004.302.06:47:41 2004.302.06:47:42.04:preob 2004.302.06:47:42.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:47:42.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:47:45.64/tpical/1u,6892,2u,9487,3u,23973,4u,37838,i1,16332 2004.302.06:47:45.64/tpical/9u,7298,au,27763,bu,17984,cu,10283,du,11041,eu,19286 2004.302.06:47:45.64/tpical/i2,7737 2004.302.06:47:45.64/tpical/5u,42443,6u,32855,7u,46325,8u,16146,i3,58076 2004.302.06:47:48.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,102 2004.302.06:47:48.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,801,bu,711,cu,513,du,600,eu,827,i2,70 2004.302.06:47:48.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1164,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.06:47:51.39:!2004.302.06:47:51 2004.302.06:47:51.39:disc_pos 2004.302.06:47:51.40/disc_pos/242332987392,242188096664, 2004.302.06:47:51.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:47:51.41:midob 2004.302.06:47:51.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:47:51.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:47:51.51/cable/+3.5927197E-02 2004.302.06:47:51.58/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11011,5808 2004.302.06:47:51.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,38253 2004.302.06:47:51.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6899 2004.302.06:47:51.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22601 2004.302.06:47:51.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12114 2004.302.06:47:52.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:47:53.01/tpi/1u,4942,2u,6896,3u,16365,4u,25244,i1,11014 2004.302.06:47:53.02/tpi/9u,5602,au,21842,bu,12068,cu,7310,du,8614,eu,15041,i2,6328 2004.302.06:47:53.02/tpi/5u,27364,6u,22602,7u,32434,8u,11584,i3,38288 2004.302.06:47:53.03/tpdiff/1u,1950,2u,2591,3u,7608,4u,12594,i1,5318 2004.302.06:47:53.04/tpdiff/9u,1696,au,5921,bu,5916,cu,2973,du,2427,eu,4245,i2,1409 2004.302.06:47:53.04/tpdiff/5u,15079,6u,10253,7u,13891,8u,4562,i3,19788 2004.302.06:47:53.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:47:53.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:47:53.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:47:53.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:47:53.08/tsys/1u,55.7,2u,56.3,3u,53.4,4u,51.1,i1,53.3 2004.302.06:47:53.08/tsys/9u,102.4,au,113.7,bu,61.4,cu,73.2,du,105.7,eu,107.1,i2,142.1 2004.302.06:47:53.09/tsys/5u,46.6,6u,56.6,7u,58.5,8u,59.8,i3,50.1 2004.302.06:47:53.92/fmout-gps/+6.3994E-006 2004.302.06:47:53.93:!2004.302.06:50:22 2004.302.06:47:54.00#setcl#time/366235547,4,2004,302,06,47,54.02,2.010,15.883,7 2004.302.06:47:54.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:50:22.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:50:22.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:50:22.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:50:22.27/disc_pos/244751616376,242189096664, 2004.302.06:50:22.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:50:22.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h50m22.220s,17056,0.00500s,80000,1277497260, 2004.302.06:50:22.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:50:22.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 465635 : 2484 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 465498 : 2601 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:22.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 465512 : 2598 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 465584 : 2550 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:22.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 465554 : 2565 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:22.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 465429 : 2688 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:22.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 465209 : 2919 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:22.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 465636 : 2475 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:22.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.067 2004.302.06:50:22.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.06:50:23.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.06:50:23.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.06:50:23.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.302.06:50:23.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.06:50:23.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.06:50:23.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.93 2004.302.06:50:23.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.06:50:23.71:scan_name=302-0651,rd0408,40 2004.302.06:50:23.71:source=2201+315,220101.46,313105.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:50:26.73:setupnw 2004.302.06:50:30.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:30.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:50:30.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:50:31.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 353 ; 2004.302.06:50:31.02:!2004.302.06:50:59 2004.302.06:50:59.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:50:59.00/disc_pos/244751616376,244750616376, 2004.302.06:50:59.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:51:00.04:!2004.302.06:50:59 2004.302.06:51:00.04:preob 2004.302.06:51:00.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:51:00.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:51:03.64/tpical/1u,6696,2u,9638,3u,24389,4u,38482,i1,16607 2004.302.06:51:03.64/tpical/9u,6886,au,28182,bu,17033,cu,9729,du,11146,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.06:51:03.64/tpical/i2,7296 2004.302.06:51:03.64/tpical/5u,43100,6u,33426,7u,46717,8u,16342,i3,58714 2004.302.06:51:06.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.06:51:06.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,790,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,829,i2,58 2004.302.06:51:06.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.06:51:09.38:!2004.302.06:51:09 2004.302.06:51:09.38:disc_pos 2004.302.06:51:09.38/disc_pos/244895506432,244750616376, 2004.302.06:51:09.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:51:09.40:midob 2004.302.06:51:09.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:51:09.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:51:09.50/cable/+3.5929327E-02 2004.302.06:51:09.57/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11294,4992 2004.302.06:51:09.64/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,39075 2004.302.06:51:09.71/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7053 2004.302.06:51:09.78/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23203 2004.302.06:51:09.85/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11743 2004.302.06:51:10.41/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:51:10.93/tpi/1u,4850,2u,7053,3u,16779,4u,25934,i1,11296 2004.302.06:51:10.93/tpi/9u,4948,au,20299,bu,11729,cu,7055,du,9107,eu,$$$$$,i2,4993 2004.302.06:51:10.94/tpi/5u,28036,6u,23212,7u,33011,8u,11829,i3,39072 2004.302.06:51:10.95/tpdiff/1u,1846,2u,2585,3u,7610,4u,12548,i1,5311 2004.302.06:51:10.95/tpdiff/9u,1938,au,7883,bu,5304,cu,2674,du,2039,eu,$$$$$,i2,2303 2004.302.06:51:10.96/tpdiff/5u,15064,6u,10214,7u,13706,8u,4513,i3,19642 2004.302.06:51:10.97/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:51:10.97/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:51:10.98/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:51:10.99/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:51:11.00?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.06:51:11.01/tsys/1u,57.5,2u,58.0,3u,54.8,4u,52.7,i1,54.8 2004.302.06:51:11.01/tsys/9u,78.9,au,79.2,bu,66.5,cu,78.3,du,133.5,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,68.6 2004.302.06:51:11.02/tsys/5u,47.8,6u,58.4,7u,60.4,8u,61.9,i3,51.5 2004.302.06:51:11.93/fmout-gps/+6.3719E-006 2004.302.06:51:11.93:!2004.302.06:51:49 2004.302.06:51:12.00#setcl#time/366255347,4,2004,302,06,51,12.02,2.003,15.938,6 2004.302.06:51:12.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:51:49.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:51:49.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:51:49.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:51:49.26/disc_pos/245538129848,244751616376, 2004.302.06:51:49.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:51:49.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h51m49.220s,56700,0.00500s,80000,605446884, 2004.302.06:51:49.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:51:49.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 467126 : 2495 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:49.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 466991 : 2610 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:49.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 467004 : 2608 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:49.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 467074 : 2564 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:49.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 467047 : 2574 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:49.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 466921 : 2699 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:49.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 466699 : 2931 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:49.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 467134 : 2480 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:49.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.311 2004.302.06:51:49.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.06:51:50.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.06:51:50.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.06:51:50.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.06:51:50.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.06:51:50.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.06:51:50.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.71 2004.302.06:51:50.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.06:51:50.73:scan_name=302-0654a,rd0408,40 2004.302.06:51:50.73:source=0003-066,000340.29,-064017.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:51:53.75:setupnw 2004.302.06:51:57.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:57.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:51:57.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:51:58.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 355 ; 2004.302.06:51:58.02:!2004.302.06:54:05 2004.302.06:54:05.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:54:05.00/disc_pos/245538129848,245537129848, 2004.302.06:54:05.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:54:06.04:!2004.302.06:54:05 2004.302.06:54:06.05:preob 2004.302.06:54:06.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:54:06.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:54:09.62/tpical/1u,7764,2u,10870,3u,27657,4u,43260,i1,18938 2004.302.06:54:09.62/tpical/9u,7708,au,25489,bu,19178,cu,11004,du,10760,eu,23049 2004.302.06:54:09.62/tpical/i2,8112 2004.302.06:54:09.62/tpical/5u,48171,6u,37113,7u,51733,8u,18396,i3,65535 2004.302.06:54:12.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,95 2004.302.06:54:12.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,795,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,825,i2,55 2004.302.06:54:12.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.06:54:15.36:!2004.302.06:54:15 2004.302.06:54:15.36:disc_pos 2004.302.06:54:15.36/disc_pos/245682020352,245537129848, 2004.302.06:54:15.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:54:15.37:midob 2004.302.06:54:15.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:54:15.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:54:15.62/cable/+3.5927128E-02 2004.302.06:54:15.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,13675,5734 2004.302.06:54:15.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,46590 2004.302.06:54:15.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8303 2004.302.06:54:15.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27208 2004.302.06:54:15.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13520 2004.302.06:54:16.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:54:17.06/tpi/1u,5908,2u,8312,3u,20202,4u,30955,i1,13683 2004.302.06:54:17.06/tpi/9u,5633,au,18252,bu,13520,cu,8157,du,7799,eu,21970,i2,5736 2004.302.06:54:17.07/tpi/5u,33613,6u,27228,7u,38687,8u,14087,i3,46623 2004.302.06:54:17.08/tpdiff/1u,1856,2u,2558,3u,7455,4u,12305,i1,5255 2004.302.06:54:17.08/tpdiff/9u,2075,au,7237,bu,5658,cu,2847,du,2961,eu,1079,i2,2376 2004.302.06:54:17.09/tpdiff/5u,14558,6u,9885,7u,13046,8u,4309,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.06:54:17.10/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:54:17.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:54:17.11/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:54:17.12/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:54:17.13?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.06:54:17.13/tsys/1u,72.0,2u,71.4,3u,67.9,4u,64.4,i1,67.2 2004.302.06:54:17.14/tsys/9u,84.2,au,77.2,bu,72.5,cu,85.9,du,77.8,eu,627.1,i2,76.5 2004.302.06:54:17.15/tsys/5u,59.4,6u,70.9,7u,74.8,8u,78.5,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.06:54:17.92/fmout-gps/+6.3564E-006 2004.302.06:54:17.93:!2004.302.06:54:55 2004.302.06:54:18.00#setcl#time/366273946,3,2004,302,06,54,18.02,2.011,15.990,7 2004.302.06:54:18.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:54:55.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:54:55.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:54:55.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:54:55.27/disc_pos/246324643704,245538129848, 2004.302.06:54:55.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:54:55.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h54m55.225s,55472,0.00500s,80000,2189567372, 2004.302.06:54:55.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:54:55.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 468620 : 2504 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:54:55.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 468486 : 2617 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:54:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 468499 : 2616 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:54:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 468564 : 2576 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:54:55.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 468541 : 2583 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:54:55.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 468412 : 2710 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:54:55.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 468194 : 2938 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:54:55.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 468633 : 2485 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:54:55.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.311 2004.302.06:54:55.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.06:54:56.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.06:54:56.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.06:54:56.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.06:54:56.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.06:54:56.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.06:54:56.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.06:54:56.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.06:54:56.69:scan_name=302-0658a,rd0408,40 2004.302.06:54:56.69:source=0434-188,043448.95,-185048.1,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:54:59.71:setupnw 2004.302.06:55:03.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:55:03.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:55:04.02/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:55:04.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 357 ; 2004.302.06:55:04.04:!2004.302.06:58:00 2004.302.06:58:00.00:disc_pos 2004.302.06:58:00.00/disc_pos/246324643704,246323643704, 2004.302.06:58:00.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.06:58:01.04:!2004.302.06:58:00 2004.302.06:58:01.04:preob 2004.302.06:58:01.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:58:01.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:58:04.62/tpical/1u,6401,2u,9271,3u,22991,4u,36199,i1,15699 2004.302.06:58:04.62/tpical/9u,7130,au,24237,bu,17776,cu,10090,du,9575,eu,46794 2004.302.06:58:04.62/tpical/i2,7476 2004.302.06:58:04.62/tpical/5u,40188,6u,31191,7u,43336,8u,15133,i3,54602 2004.302.06:58:07.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,91 2004.302.06:58:07.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,785,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,827,i2,51 2004.302.06:58:07.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.06:58:10.36:!2004.302.06:58:10 2004.302.06:58:10.36:disc_pos 2004.302.06:58:10.36/disc_pos/246468534272,246323643704, 2004.302.06:58:10.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.06:58:10.37:midob 2004.302.06:58:10.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.06:58:10.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.06:58:10.71/cable/+3.5924733E-02 2004.302.06:58:10.78/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10448,5074 2004.302.06:58:10.85/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35495 2004.302.06:58:10.92/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6679 2004.302.06:58:10.99/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21166 2004.302.06:58:11.06/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12105 2004.302.06:58:11.62/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.06:58:12.14/tpi/1u,4526,2u,6679,3u,15527,4u,23814,i1,10451 2004.302.06:58:12.14/tpi/9u,5047,au,16440,bu,12105,cu,7235,du,7012,eu,39739,i2,5074 2004.302.06:58:12.15/tpi/5u,25564,6u,21166,7u,29959,8u,10771,i3,35490 2004.302.06:58:12.16/tpdiff/1u,1875,2u,2592,3u,7464,4u,12385,i1,5248 2004.302.06:58:12.16/tpdiff/9u,2083,au,7797,bu,5671,cu,2855,du,2563,eu,7055,i2,2402 2004.302.06:58:12.17/tpdiff/5u,14624,6u,10025,7u,13377,8u,4362,i3,19112 2004.302.06:58:12.18/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.06:58:12.18/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.06:58:12.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.06:58:12.21/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.06:58:12.22/tsys/1u,52.1,2u,54.1,3u,51.5,4u,48.9,i1,51.3 2004.302.06:58:12.23/tsys/9u,74.9,au,64.3,bu,64.3,cu,75.4,du,80.1,eu,176.5,i2,66.9 2004.302.06:58:12.23/tsys/5u,44.8,6u,54.1,7u,56.0,8u,57.8,i3,48.0 2004.302.06:58:12.93/fmout-gps/+6.4464E-006 2004.302.06:58:12.93:!2004.302.06:58:50 2004.302.06:58:13.00#setcl#time/366297446,4,2004,302,06,58,13.02,2.003,16.055,6 2004.302.06:58:13.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.06:58:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.06:58:50.00:disc_end 2004.302.06:58:50.26:disc_pos 2004.302.06:58:50.27/disc_pos/247111317216,246324643704, 2004.302.06:58:50.27:disc_check 2004.302.06:58:50.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d06h58m50.225s,76964,0.00500s,80000,2973304996, 2004.302.06:58:50.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.06:58:50.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 470111 : 2515 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 469978 : 2628 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 469993 : 2624 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 470061 : 2582 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 470035 : 2593 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 469905 : 2720 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:50.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 469685 : 2950 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:50.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 470124 : 2497 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:50.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.945 2004.302.06:58:50.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.06:58:51.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.06:58:51.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.06:58:51.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.06:58:51.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.06:58:51.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.06:58:51.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.71 2004.302.06:58:51.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.06:58:51.68:scan_name=302-0700b,rd0408,40 2004.302.06:58:51.68:source=0607-157,060725.96,-154203.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.06:58:54.70:setupnw 2004.302.06:58:58.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:58.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.06:58:59.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.06:58:59.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 359 ; 2004.302.06:58:59.02:!2004.302.07:00:02 2004.302.07:00:02.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:00:02.00/disc_pos/247111317216,247110317216, 2004.302.07:00:02.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:00:03.04:!2004.302.07:00:02 2004.302.07:00:03.05:preob 2004.302.07:00:03.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:00:03.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:00:06.63/tpical/1u,6690,2u,9151,3u,22272,4u,34110,i1,15189 2004.302.07:00:06.63/tpical/9u,7140,au,23683,bu,17724,cu,10043,du,10273,eu,63846 2004.302.07:00:06.63/tpical/i2,7510 2004.302.07:00:06.63/tpical/5u,36855,6u,27785,7u,39761,8u,14567,i3,51556 2004.302.07:00:09.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,90 2004.302.07:00:09.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,782,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,827,i2,50 2004.302.07:00:09.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.07:00:12.37:!2004.302.07:00:12 2004.302.07:00:12.37:disc_pos 2004.302.07:00:12.38/disc_pos/247255207936,247110317216, 2004.302.07:00:12.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:00:12.38:midob 2004.302.07:00:12.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:00:12.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:00:12.74/cable/+3.5927119E-02 2004.302.07:00:12.81/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10171,5094 2004.302.07:00:12.88/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33647 2004.302.07:00:12.95/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6619 2004.302.07:00:13.02/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19004 2004.302.07:00:13.09/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12059 2004.302.07:00:13.65/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:00:14.17/tpi/1u,4828,2u,6619,3u,15086,4u,22857,i1,10168 2004.302.07:00:14.17/tpi/9u,5057,au,16451,bu,12075,cu,7208,du,7668,eu,57587,i2,5101 2004.302.07:00:14.18/tpi/5u,23730,6u,19004,7u,27637,8u,10656,i3,34078 2004.302.07:00:14.19/tpdiff/1u,1862,2u,2532,3u,7186,4u,11253,i1,5021 2004.302.07:00:14.21/tpdiff/9u,2083,au,7232,bu,5649,cu,2835,du,2605,eu,6259,i2,2409 2004.302.07:00:14.22/tpdiff/5u,13125,6u,8781,7u,12124,8u,3911,i3,17478 2004.302.07:00:14.23/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:00:14.23/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:00:14.24/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:00:14.24/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:00:14.26/tsys/1u,56.7,2u,54.7,3u,51.9,4u,51.7,i1,52.2 2004.302.07:00:14.26/tsys/9u,75.1,au,69.3,bu,64.4,cu,75.6,du,86.8,eu,290.2,i2,67.1 2004.302.07:00:14.27/tsys/5u,46.3,6u,55.4,7u,56.8,8u,63.6,i3,50.4 2004.302.07:00:14.92/fmout-gps/+6.3979E-006 2004.302.07:00:14.93:!2004.302.07:00:52 2004.302.07:00:15.00#setcl#time/366309646,4,2004,302,07,00,15.02,1.999,16.089,6 2004.302.07:00:15.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:00:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:00:52.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:00:52.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:00:52.27/disc_pos/247897830368,247111317216, 2004.302.07:00:52.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:00:52.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h00m52.225s,74884,0.00500s,80000,1165488928, 2004.302.07:00:52.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:00:52.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 471605 : 2524 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:00:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 471471 : 2637 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:00:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 471484 : 2636 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:00:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 471554 : 2591 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:00:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 471528 : 2603 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:00:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 471396 : 2731 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:00:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 471178 : 2959 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:00:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 471614 : 2511 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:00:52.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.823 2004.302.07:00:52.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.07:00:53.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:00:53.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.07:00:53.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.07:00:53.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.07:00:53.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:00:53.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.71 2004.302.07:00:53.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.07:00:53.70:scan_name=302-0702c,rd0408,40 2004.302.07:00:53.70:source=0727-115,072758.08,-113452.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:00:56.72:setupnw 2004.302.07:01:00.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:01:00.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:01:00.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:01:01.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 361 ; 2004.302.07:01:01.00:!2004.302.07:02:08 2004.302.07:02:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:02:08.01/disc_pos/247897830368,247896830368, 2004.302.07:02:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:02:09.04:!2004.302.07:02:08 2004.302.07:02:09.04:preob 2004.302.07:02:09.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:02:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:02:12.62/tpical/1u,6503,2u,9411,3u,23854,4u,37449,i1,16200 2004.302.07:02:12.62/tpical/9u,7172,au,24464,bu,17918,cu,10141,du,10181,eu,40776 2004.302.07:02:12.62/tpical/i2,7544 2004.302.07:02:12.62/tpical/5u,41995,6u,32565,7u,45876,8u,16413,i3,57622 2004.302.07:02:15.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,498,i1,96 2004.302.07:02:15.27/tpzero/9u,170,au,789,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,826,i2,48 2004.302.07:02:15.27/tpzero/5u,341,6u,287,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.07:02:18.36:!2004.302.07:02:18 2004.302.07:02:18.36:disc_pos 2004.302.07:02:18.36/disc_pos/248041721856,247896830368, 2004.302.07:02:18.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:02:18.37:midob 2004.302.07:02:18.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:02:18.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:02:18.74/cable/+3.5929930E-02 2004.302.07:02:18.81/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10874,5188 2004.302.07:02:18.88/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37857 2004.302.07:02:18.95/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6821 2004.302.07:02:19.02/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22260 2004.302.07:02:19.09/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12243 2004.302.07:02:19.65/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:02:20.17/tpi/1u,4658,2u,6821,3u,16148,4u,24917,i1,10867 2004.302.07:02:20.17/tpi/9u,5092,au,19574,bu,12261,cu,7275,du,7206,eu,38991,i2,5169 2004.302.07:02:20.18/tpi/5u,26970,6u,22260,7u,32039,8u,11910,i3,37836 2004.302.07:02:20.19/tpdiff/1u,1845,2u,2590,3u,7706,4u,12532,i1,5333 2004.302.07:02:20.19/tpdiff/9u,2080,au,4890,bu,5657,cu,2866,du,2975,eu,1785,i2,2375 2004.302.07:02:20.21/tpdiff/5u,15025,6u,10305,7u,13837,8u,4503,i3,19786 2004.302.07:02:20.22/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:02:20.22/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:02:20.23/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:02:20.24/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:02:20.25/tsys/1u,54.8,2u,55.5,3u,52.0,4u,50.7,i1,52.5 2004.302.07:02:20.25/tsys/9u,75.7,au,122.9,bu,65.3,cu,75.5,du,71.0,eu,684.2,i2,69.0 2004.302.07:02:20.26/tsys/5u,46.1,6u,55.4,7u,58.0,8u,62.5,i3,49.5 2004.302.07:02:20.92/fmout-gps/+6.4054E-006 2004.302.07:02:20.93:!2004.302.07:02:58 2004.302.07:02:21.00#setcl#time/366322245,4,2004,302,07,02,21.02,2.009,16.124,7 2004.302.07:02:21.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:02:58.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:02:58.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:02:58.27:disc_pos 2004.302.07:02:58.27/disc_pos/248684504296,247897830368, 2004.302.07:02:58.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:02:58.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h02m58.235s,66396,0.00500s,80000,1229494560, 2004.302.07:02:58.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:02:58.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 473099 : 2532 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:02:58.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 472965 : 2646 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:02:58.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 472977 : 2645 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:02:58.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 473050 : 2598 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:02:58.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 473024 : 2611 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:02:58.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 472891 : 2739 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:02:58.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 472665 : 2975 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:02:58.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 473108 : 2520 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:02:58.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.823 2004.302.07:02:58.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:02:59.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:02:59.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.07:02:59.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.07:02:59.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.07:02:59.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.07:02:59.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.54 2004.302.07:02:59.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.07:02:59.74:scan_name=302-0704a,rd0408,172 2004.302.07:02:59.74:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:03:02.76:setupnw 2004.302.07:03:06.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:03:06.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:03:06.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:03:07.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 363 ; 2004.302.07:03:07.01:!2004.302.07:04:46 2004.302.07:04:46.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:04:46.01/disc_pos/248684504296,248683504296, 2004.302.07:04:46.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:04:47.04:!2004.302.07:04:46 2004.302.07:04:47.04:preob 2004.302.07:04:47.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:04:47.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:04:50.64/tpical/1u,6094,2u,8848,3u,22070,4u,35108,i1,15087 2004.302.07:04:50.64/tpical/9u,11207,au,28631,bu,16719,cu,9485,du,10828,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.07:04:50.64/tpical/i2,10576 2004.302.07:04:50.64/tpical/5u,39377,6u,30896,7u,43634,8u,15147,i3,54065 2004.302.07:04:53.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,93 2004.302.07:04:53.29/tpzero/9u,169,au,811,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,829,i2,50 2004.302.07:04:53.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,289,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.07:04:56.38:!2004.302.07:04:56 2004.302.07:04:56.38:disc_pos 2004.302.07:04:56.39/disc_pos/248828395520,248683504296, 2004.302.07:04:56.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:04:56.39:midob 2004.302.07:04:56.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:04:56.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:04:56.78/cable/+3.5923551E-02 2004.302.07:04:56.85/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9738,6603 2004.302.07:04:56.92/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34027 2004.302.07:04:56.99/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6260 2004.302.07:04:57.06/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20403 2004.302.07:04:57.13/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11280 2004.302.07:04:57.69/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:04:58.22/tpi/1u,4229,2u,6260,3u,14413,4u,22326,i1,9742 2004.302.07:04:58.22/tpi/9u,4843,au,20740,bu,11299,cu,6741,du,8390,eu,$$$$$,i2,5354 2004.302.07:04:58.23/tpi/5u,24306,6u,20403,7u,29296,8u,10518,i3,34030 2004.302.07:04:58.24/tpdiff/1u,1865,2u,2588,3u,7657,4u,12782,i1,5345 2004.302.07:04:58.24/tpdiff/9u,6364,au,7891,bu,5420,cu,2744,du,2438,eu,$$$$$,i2,5222 2004.302.07:04:58.25/tpdiff/5u,15071,6u,10493,7u,14338,8u,4629,i3,20035 2004.302.07:04:58.26/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:04:58.26/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:04:58.27/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:04:58.27/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:04:58.29?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.07:04:58.29/tsys/1u,48.3,2u,49.9,3u,46.4,4u,44.4,i1,46.9 2004.302.07:04:58.30/tsys/9u,23.5,au,80.8,bu,62.5,cu,72.6,du,102.2,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,32.5 2004.302.07:04:58.30/tsys/5u,41.3,6u,49.8,7u,51.0,8u,53.0,i3,43.9 2004.302.07:04:58.92/fmout-gps/+6.3959E-006 2004.302.07:04:58.93:!2004.302.07:07:48 2004.302.07:04:58.99#setcl#time/366338045,4,2004,302,07,04,59.03,2.019,16.168,8 2004.302.07:04:58.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:07:48.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:07:48.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:07:48.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:07:48.27/disc_pos/251583055936,248684504296, 2004.302.07:07:48.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:07:48.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h07m48.230s,63760,0.00500s,80000,1741370996, 2004.302.07:07:48.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:07:48.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 478601 : 2562 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:48.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 478470 : 2672 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:48.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 478481 : 2673 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:48.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 478560 : 2619 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:48.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 478531 : 2635 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:48.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 478366 : 2795 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:48.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 478164 : 3006 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:48.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 478621 : 2540 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:48.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.945 2004.302.07:07:48.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.07:07:49.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:07:49.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.07:07:49.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.07:07:49.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.07:07:49.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.07:07:49.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.42 2004.302.07:07:49.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.07:07:49.69:scan_name=302-0708,rd0408,40 2004.302.07:07:49.69:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:07:52.71:setupnw 2004.302.07:07:56.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:56.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:07:56.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:07:57.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 365 ; 2004.302.07:07:57.00:!2004.302.07:08:29 2004.302.07:08:29.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:08:29.00/disc_pos/251583055936,251582055936, 2004.302.07:08:29.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:08:30.05:!2004.302.07:08:29 2004.302.07:08:30.05:preob 2004.302.07:08:30.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:08:30.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:08:33.63/tpical/1u,6112,2u,8881,3u,22076,4u,34974,i1,15084 2004.302.07:08:33.63/tpical/9u,13293,au,29400,bu,16759,cu,9493,du,9538,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.07:08:33.63/tpical/i2,22525 2004.302.07:08:33.63/tpical/5u,39151,6u,30747,7u,43204,8u,14981,i3,53795 2004.302.07:08:36.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,99 2004.302.07:08:36.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,946,bu,711,cu,511,du,600,eu,832,i2,61 2004.302.07:08:36.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.07:08:39.38:!2004.302.07:08:39 2004.302.07:08:39.38:disc_pos 2004.302.07:08:39.39/disc_pos/251726946304,251582055936, 2004.302.07:08:39.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:08:39.39:midob 2004.302.07:08:39.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:08:39.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:08:39.62/cable/+3.5923735E-02 2004.302.07:08:39.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9772,18530 2004.302.07:08:39.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33845 2004.302.07:08:39.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6309 2004.302.07:08:39.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20240 2004.302.07:08:39.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11361 2004.302.07:08:40.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:08:41.05/tpi/1u,4249,2u,6306,3u,14509,4u,22356,i1,9784 2004.302.07:08:41.05/tpi/9u,11431,au,22319,bu,11361,cu,6753,du,7294,eu,$$$$$,i2,13226 2004.302.07:08:41.06/tpi/5u,24260,6u,20268,7u,29004,8u,10404,i3,33921 2004.302.07:08:41.07/tpdiff/1u,1863,2u,2575,3u,7567,4u,12618,i1,5300 2004.302.07:08:41.07/tpdiff/9u,1862,au,7081,bu,5398,cu,2740,du,2244,eu,$$$$$,i2,9299 2004.302.07:08:41.08/tpdiff/5u,14891,6u,10479,7u,14200,8u,4577,i3,19874 2004.302.07:08:41.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:08:41.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:08:41.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:08:41.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:08:41.12?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.07:08:41.12/tsys/1u,48.6,2u,50.7,3u,47.3,4u,45.0,i1,47.5 2004.302.07:08:41.13/tsys/9u,193.5,au,96.6,bu,63.1,cu,72.9,du,95.5,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,45.3 2004.302.07:08:41.14/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,49.6,7u,51.0,8u,52.9,i3,44.1 2004.302.07:08:41.92/fmout-gps/+6.3499E-006 2004.302.07:08:41.93:!2004.302.07:09:19 2004.302.07:08:42.00#setcl#time/366360344,3,2004,302,07,08,42.02,2.011,16.230,7 2004.302.07:08:42.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:09:19.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:09:19.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:09:19.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:09:19.26/disc_pos/252369568664,251583055936, 2004.302.07:09:19.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:09:19.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h09m19.225s,18504,0.00500s,80000,669452528, 2004.302.07:09:19.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:09:19.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 480093 : 2572 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:19.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 479962 : 2684 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 479977 : 2681 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:19.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 480051 : 2630 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:19.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 480025 : 2643 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:19.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 479852 : 2810 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:19.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 479656 : 3017 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:19.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 480118 : 2545 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:19.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.067 2004.302.07:09:19.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.07:09:20.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.07:09:20.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.07:09:20.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.974 2004.302.07:09:20.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.07:09:20.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:09:20.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.07:09:20.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.07:09:20.73:scan_name=302-0710a,rd0408,43 2004.302.07:09:20.73:source=0119+115,011903.08,113409.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:09:23.75:setupnw 2004.302.07:09:27.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:27.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:09:27.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:09:28.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 367 ; 2004.302.07:09:28.00:!2004.302.07:10:13 2004.302.07:10:13.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:10:13.00/disc_pos/252369568664,252368568664, 2004.302.07:10:13.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:10:14.04:!2004.302.07:10:13 2004.302.07:10:14.04:preob 2004.302.07:10:14.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:10:14.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:10:17.64/tpical/1u,6199,2u,9012,3u,22339,4u,35185,i1,15263 2004.302.07:10:17.64/tpical/9u,7059,au,27344,bu,17579,cu,9966,du,11200,eu,20285 2004.302.07:10:17.64/tpical/i2,7451 2004.302.07:10:17.64/tpical/5u,38987,6u,30454,7u,42496,8u,15433,i3,53337 2004.302.07:10:20.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,102 2004.302.07:10:20.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,797,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,827,i2,65 2004.302.07:10:20.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.07:10:23.38:!2004.302.07:10:23 2004.302.07:10:23.38:disc_pos 2004.302.07:10:23.39/disc_pos/252513460224,252368568664, 2004.302.07:10:23.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:10:23.39:midob 2004.302.07:10:23.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:10:23.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:10:23.65/cable/+3.5922000E-02 2004.302.07:10:23.72/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9998,5215 2004.302.07:10:23.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34141 2004.302.07:10:23.86/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6417 2004.302.07:10:23.93/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20353 2004.302.07:10:24.00/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11907 2004.302.07:10:24.56/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:10:25.08/tpi/1u,4338,2u,6421,3u,14863,4u,22804,i1,9997 2004.302.07:10:25.08/tpi/9u,5004,au,21334,bu,11907,cu,7095,du,7681,eu,16892,i2,5174 2004.302.07:10:25.09/tpi/5u,24387,6u,20370,7u,28985,8u,11058,i3,34140 2004.302.07:10:25.10/tpdiff/1u,1861,2u,2591,3u,7476,4u,12381,i1,5266 2004.302.07:10:25.10/tpdiff/9u,2055,au,6010,bu,5672,cu,2871,du,3519,eu,3393,i2,2277 2004.302.07:10:25.11/tpdiff/5u,14600,6u,10084,7u,13511,8u,4375,i3,19197 2004.302.07:10:25.12/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:10:25.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:10:25.13/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:10:25.14/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:10:25.15/tsys/1u,49.9,2u,51.5,3u,49.1,4u,46.8,i1,48.9 2004.302.07:10:25.15/tsys/9u,75.2,au,109.3,bu,63.2,cu,73.4,du,64.4,eu,151.5,i2,71.8 2004.302.07:10:25.16/tsys/5u,42.8,6u,51.8,7u,53.5,8u,59.3,i3,46.0 2004.302.07:10:25.92/fmout-gps/+6.4219E-006 2004.302.07:10:25.93:!2004.302.07:11:06 2004.302.07:10:25.99#setcl#time/366370744,4,2004,302,07,10,26.02,2.008,16.259,7 2004.302.07:10:25.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:11:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:11:06.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:11:06.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:11:06.26/disc_pos/253204087736,252369568664, 2004.302.07:11:06.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:11:06.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h11m06.225s,29748,0.00500s,80000,877469684, 2004.302.07:11:06.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:11:06.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 481678 : 2581 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 481546 : 2695 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 481561 : 2691 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 481637 : 2638 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 481609 : 2653 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 481421 : 2835 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:06.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 481246 : 3021 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:06.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 481698 : 2559 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:06.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.945 2004.302.07:11:06.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.07:11:07.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:11:07.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.07:11:07.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.096 2004.302.07:11:07.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.07:11:07.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:11:07.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.07:11:07.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.07:11:07.72:scan_name=302-0713a,rd0408,40 2004.302.07:11:07.72:source=cta26,033658.94,-015616.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:11:10.74:setupnw 2004.302.07:11:14.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:14.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:11:14.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:11:14.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 369 ; 2004.302.07:11:14.99:!2004.302.07:13:13 2004.302.07:13:13.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:13:13.00/disc_pos/253204087736,253203087736, 2004.302.07:13:13.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:13:14.04:!2004.302.07:13:13 2004.302.07:13:14.04:preob 2004.302.07:13:14.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:13:14.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:13:17.64/tpical/1u,6196,2u,8989,3u,22459,4u,35055,i1,15212 2004.302.07:13:17.64/tpical/9u,7133,au,27279,bu,16926,cu,9644,du,14700,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.07:13:17.64/tpical/i2,8363 2004.302.07:13:17.64/tpical/5u,39025,6u,30407,7u,42164,8u,16028,i3,53511 2004.302.07:13:20.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,101 2004.302.07:13:20.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,802,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,832,i2,67 2004.302.07:13:20.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,286,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.07:13:23.38:!2004.302.07:13:23 2004.302.07:13:23.38:disc_pos 2004.302.07:13:23.38/disc_pos/253347979264,253203087736, 2004.302.07:13:23.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:13:23.39:midob 2004.302.07:13:23.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:13:23.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:13:23.66/cable/+3.5923952E-02 2004.302.07:13:23.73/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9927,5552 2004.302.07:13:23.80/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34176 2004.302.07:13:23.87/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6398 2004.302.07:13:23.94/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20309 2004.302.07:13:24.01/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11594 2004.302.07:13:24.57/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:13:25.09/tpi/1u,4330,2u,6395,3u,14814,4u,22683,i1,9924 2004.302.07:13:25.09/tpi/9u,5941,au,21278,bu,11594,cu,6909,du,10979,eu,$$$$$,i2,6244 2004.302.07:13:25.10/tpi/5u,24399,6u,20344,7u,28690,8u,11572,i3,34206 2004.302.07:13:25.11/tpdiff/1u,1866,2u,2594,3u,7645,4u,12372,i1,5288 2004.302.07:13:25.11/tpdiff/9u,1192,au,6001,bu,5332,cu,2735,du,3721,eu,$$$$$,i2,2119 2004.302.07:13:25.12/tpdiff/5u,14626,6u,10063,7u,13474,8u,4456,i3,19305 2004.302.07:13:25.13/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:13:25.13/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:13:25.14/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:13:25.15/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:13:25.16?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.07:13:25.16/tsys/1u,49.6,2u,51.2,3u,47.9,4u,46.6,i1,48.3 2004.302.07:13:25.17/tsys/9u,154.8,au,109.2,bu,65.3,cu,74.9,du,89.3,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.07:13:25.18/tsys/i2,93.3 2004.302.07:13:25.18/tsys/5u,42.8,6u,51.8,7u,53.1,8u,61.2,i3,45.8 2004.302.07:13:25.93/fmout-gps/+6.4329E-006 2004.302.07:13:25.93:!2004.302.07:14:03 2004.302.07:13:26.00#setcl#time/366388744,4,2004,302,07,13,26.02,2.001,16.309,6 2004.302.07:13:26.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:13:48.12;"weather: clear 2004.302.07:14:03.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:14:03.01:disc_end 2004.302.07:14:03.27:disc_pos 2004.302.07:14:03.27/disc_pos/253990763000,253204087736, 2004.302.07:14:03.28:disc_check 2004.302.07:14:03.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h14m03.230s,39476,0.00500s,80000,2045395008, 2004.302.07:14:03.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:14:03.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 483171 : 2591 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:03.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 483041 : 2703 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:03.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 483052 : 2702 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:03.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 483132 : 2646 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:03.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 483104 : 2660 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:03.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 482908 : 2851 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:03.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 482739 : 3032 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:03.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 483187 : 2573 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:03.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.701 2004.302.07:14:03.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:14:04.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.07:14:04.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.07:14:04.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.302.07:14:04.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.07:14:04.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:14:04.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.07:14:04.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.07:14:04.76:scan_name=302-0718,rd0408,77 2004.302.07:14:04.76:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:14:07.78:setupnw 2004.302.07:14:11.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:11.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:14:12.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:14:12.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 371 ; 2004.302.07:14:12.02:!2004.302.07:18:06 2004.302.07:18:06.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:18:06.00/disc_pos/253990763000,253989763000, 2004.302.07:18:06.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:18:07.04:!2004.302.07:18:06 2004.302.07:18:07.04:preob 2004.302.07:18:07.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:18:07.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:18:10.64/tpical/1u,6076,2u,8811,3u,21528,4u,33776,i1,14712 2004.302.07:18:10.64/tpical/9u,8292,au,26920,bu,16393,cu,9300,du,22337,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.07:18:10.64/tpical/i2,7434 2004.302.07:18:10.64/tpical/5u,37718,6u,29425,7u,40692,8u,14125,i3,51140 2004.302.07:18:13.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,92 2004.302.07:18:13.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,814,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,837,i2,53 2004.302.07:18:13.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,285,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.07:18:16.38:!2004.302.07:18:16 2004.302.07:18:16.38:disc_pos 2004.302.07:18:16.39/disc_pos/254134652928,253989763000, 2004.302.07:18:16.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:18:16.39:midob 2004.302.07:18:16.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:18:16.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:18:16.70/cable/+3.5922247E-02 2004.302.07:18:16.77/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9571,4974 2004.302.07:18:16.84/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32504 2004.302.07:18:16.91/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6240 2004.302.07:18:16.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19622 2004.302.07:18:17.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11039 2004.302.07:18:17.61/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:18:18.13/tpi/1u,4225,2u,6245,3u,14288,4u,21796,i1,9595 2004.302.07:18:18.13/tpi/9u,4811,au,20161,bu,11043,cu,6604,du,22501,eu,$$$$$,i2,5397 2004.302.07:18:18.14/tpi/5u,23479,6u,19622,7u,27599,8u,9952,i3,32598 2004.302.07:18:18.15/tpdiff/1u,1851,2u,2566,3u,7240,4u,11980,i1,5117 2004.302.07:18:18.15/tpdiff/9u,3481,au,6759,bu,5350,cu,2696,du,-164,eu,$$$$$,i2,2037 2004.302.07:18:18.16/tpdiff/5u,14239,6u,9803,7u,13093,8u,4173,i3,18542 2004.302.07:18:18.17/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:18:18.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:18:18.18/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:18:18.19/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:18:18.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.07:18:18.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.07:18:18.21/tsys/1u,48.6,2u,50.2,3u,48.6,4u,46.2,i1,48.3 2004.302.07:18:18.22/tsys/9u,42.7,au,91.6,bu,61.8,cu,72.3,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.07:18:18.23/tsys/i2,84.0 2004.302.07:18:18.23/tsys/5u,42.2,6u,51.3,7u,52.5,8u,55.3,i3,45.5 2004.302.07:18:18.92/fmout-gps/+6.3359E-006 2004.302.07:18:18.93:!2004.302.07:19:33 2004.302.07:18:18.99#setcl#time/366418043,4,2004,302,07,18,19.02,2.006,16.390,7 2004.302.07:18:18.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:19:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:19:33.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:19:33.27:disc_pos 2004.302.07:19:33.27/disc_pos/255369492608,253990763000, 2004.302.07:19:33.28:disc_check 2004.302.07:19:33.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h19m33.235s,15476,0.00500s,80000,3901374392, 2004.302.07:19:33.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:19:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 485791 : 2605 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 485657 : 2718 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 485676 : 2710 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:33.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 485754 : 2656 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:33.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 485722 : 2674 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:33.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 485533 : 2858 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:33.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 485360 : 3043 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:33.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 485816 : 2576 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:33.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.189 2004.302.07:19:33.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:19:34.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.07:19:34.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.07:19:34.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.07:19:34.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.07:19:34.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:19:34.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.07:19:34.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.07:19:34.74:scan_name=302-0723a,rd0408,40 2004.302.07:19:34.74:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:19:37.76:setupnw 2004.302.07:19:41.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:41.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:19:41.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:19:41.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 373 ; 2004.302.07:19:41.99:!2004.302.07:23:02 2004.302.07:23:02.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:23:02.00/disc_pos/255369492608,255368492608, 2004.302.07:23:02.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:23:03.04:!2004.302.07:23:02 2004.302.07:23:03.04:preob 2004.302.07:23:03.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:23:03.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:23:06.62/tpical/1u,6159,2u,8958,3u,22430,4u,35576,i1,15325 2004.302.07:23:06.62/tpical/9u,11468,au,27966,bu,16402,cu,9350,du,8884,eu,31991 2004.302.07:23:06.62/tpical/i2,8240 2004.302.07:23:06.62/tpical/5u,40039,6u,31389,7u,44383,8u,15423,i3,55092 2004.302.07:23:09.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.07:23:09.27/tpzero/9u,170,au,822,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,826,i2,51 2004.302.07:23:09.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.07:23:12.36:!2004.302.07:23:12 2004.302.07:23:12.36:disc_pos 2004.302.07:23:12.36/disc_pos/255513382912,255368492608, 2004.302.07:23:12.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:23:12.37:midob 2004.302.07:23:12.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:23:12.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:23:12.62/cable/+3.5924311E-02 2004.302.07:23:12.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9951,5546 2004.302.07:23:12.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34905 2004.302.07:23:12.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6340 2004.302.07:23:12.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20866 2004.302.07:23:12.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11015 2004.302.07:23:13.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:23:14.05/tpi/1u,4290,2u,6338,3u,14810,4u,22838,i1,9953 2004.302.07:23:14.05/tpi/9u,5930,au,19127,bu,11015,cu,6607,du,6573,eu,28851,i2,5411 2004.302.07:23:14.06/tpi/5u,24840,6u,20886,7u,30080,8u,10766,i3,34905 2004.302.07:23:14.07/tpdiff/1u,1869,2u,2620,3u,7620,4u,12738,i1,5372 2004.302.07:23:14.07/tpdiff/9u,5538,au,8839,bu,5387,cu,2743,du,2311,eu,3140,i2,2829 2004.302.07:23:14.08/tpdiff/5u,15199,6u,10503,7u,14303,8u,4657,i3,20187 2004.302.07:23:14.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:23:14.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:23:14.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:23:14.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:23:14.12/tsys/1u,49.0,2u,50.1,3u,48.0,4u,45.6,i1,47.7 2004.302.07:23:14.12/tsys/9u,33.3,au,66.3,bu,61.2,cu,71.1,du,82.7,eu,285.6,i2,60.6 2004.302.07:23:14.13/tsys/5u,41.9,6u,51.0,7u,52.6,8u,54.1,i3,44.7 2004.302.07:23:14.92/fmout-gps/+6.4169E-006 2004.302.07:23:14.93:!2004.302.07:23:52 2004.302.07:23:15.00#setcl#time/366447642,4,2004,302,07,23,15.02,2.011,16.472,7 2004.302.07:23:15.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:23:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:23:52.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:23:52.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:23:52.27/disc_pos/256156167736,255369492608, 2004.302.07:23:52.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:23:52.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h23m52.225s,6976,0.00500s,80000,3357173372, 2004.302.07:23:52.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:23:52.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 487284 : 2616 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:23:52.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 487150 : 2728 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:23:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 487173 : 2716 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:23:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 487247 : 2666 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:23:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 487218 : 2681 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:23:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 487028 : 2867 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:23:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 486853 : 3053 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:23:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 487311 : 2583 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:23:52.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.823 2004.302.07:23:52.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:23:53.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.07:23:53.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.07:23:53.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.07:23:53.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.07:23:53.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:23:53.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.07:23:53.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.07:23:53.69:scan_name=302-0733,rd0408,104 2004.302.07:23:53.69:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:23:56.71:setupnw 2004.302.07:24:00.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:24:00.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:24:01.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:24:01.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 375 ; 2004.302.07:24:01.02:!2004.302.07:33:33 2004.302.07:33:33.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:33:33.00/disc_pos/256156167736,256155167736, 2004.302.07:33:33.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:33:34.04:!2004.302.07:33:33 2004.302.07:33:34.04:preob 2004.302.07:33:34.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:33:34.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:33:37.62/tpical/1u,6231,2u,9021,3u,22685,4u,35940,i1,15514 2004.302.07:33:37.62/tpical/9u,7079,au,27616,bu,16700,cu,9558,du,9970,eu,28953,i2,7807 2004.302.07:33:37.62/tpical/5u,40551,6u,31723,7u,44789,8u,15540,i3,55665 2004.302.07:33:40.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,740,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.07:33:40.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,795,bu,710,cu,510,du,599,eu,826,i2,58 2004.302.07:33:40.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,289,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.07:33:43.36:!2004.302.07:33:43 2004.302.07:33:43.36:disc_pos 2004.302.07:33:43.37/disc_pos/256300056576,256155167736, 2004.302.07:33:43.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:33:43.37:midob 2004.302.07:33:43.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:33:43.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:33:43.69/cable/+3.5921398E-02 2004.302.07:33:43.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10146,5214 2004.302.07:33:43.83/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35537 2004.302.07:33:43.90/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6416 2004.302.07:33:43.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21194 2004.302.07:33:44.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11302 2004.302.07:33:44.61/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:33:45.14/tpi/1u,4351,2u,6421,3u,15112,4u,23287,i1,10147 2004.302.07:33:45.14/tpi/9u,4875,au,20629,bu,11300,cu,6818,du,7294,eu,25012,i2,5484 2004.302.07:33:45.15/tpi/5u,25333,6u,21194,7u,30491,8u,10914,i3,35539 2004.302.07:33:45.16/tpdiff/1u,1880,2u,2600,3u,7573,4u,12653,i1,5367 2004.302.07:33:45.17/tpdiff/9u,2204,au,6987,bu,5400,cu,2740,du,2676,eu,3941,i2,2323 2004.302.07:33:45.17/tpdiff/5u,15218,6u,10529,7u,14298,8u,4626,i3,20126 2004.302.07:33:45.18/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:33:45.19/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:33:45.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:33:45.20/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:33:45.21/tsys/1u,49.6,2u,51.3,3u,49.3,4u,46.8,i1,48.7 2004.302.07:33:45.21/tsys/9u,68.3,au,90.8,bu,62.8,cu,73.7,du,80.1,eu,196.4,i2,74.7 2004.302.07:33:45.22/tsys/5u,42.7,6u,51.6,7u,53.3,8u,55.3,i3,45.7 2004.302.07:33:45.92/fmout-gps/+6.4294E-006 2004.302.07:33:45.92:!2004.302.07:35:27 2004.302.07:33:45.99#setcl#time/366510741,4,2004,302,07,33,46.02,2.004,16.647,7 2004.302.07:33:45.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:35:27.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:35:27.01:disc_end 2004.302.07:35:27.27:disc_pos 2004.302.07:35:27.28/disc_pos/257966933888,256156167736, 2004.302.07:35:27.28:disc_check 2004.302.07:35:27.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h35m27.240s,10980,0.00500s,80000,9309469844, 2004.302.07:35:27.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:35:27.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 490722 : 2634 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:27.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 490588 : 2746 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:27.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 490616 : 2729 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:27.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 490676 : 2693 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:27.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 490659 : 2696 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:27.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 490473 : 2880 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:27.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 490294 : 3068 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:27.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 490738 : 2613 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:27.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.945 2004.302.07:35:27.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:35:28.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:35:28.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.07:35:28.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.07:35:28.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.07:35:28.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:35:28.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.76 2004.302.07:35:28.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.07:35:28.74:scan_name=302-0739b,rd0408,43 2004.302.07:35:28.75:source=0119+115,011903.08,113409.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:35:31.76:setupnw 2004.302.07:35:35.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:35.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:35:36.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:35:36.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 377 ; 2004.302.07:35:36.02:!2004.302.07:39:32 2004.302.07:39:32.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:39:32.00/disc_pos/257966933888,257965933888, 2004.302.07:39:32.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:39:33.04:!2004.302.07:39:32 2004.302.07:39:33.04:preob 2004.302.07:39:33.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:39:33.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:39:36.62/tpical/1u,6319,2u,9136,3u,22712,4u,35875,i1,15510 2004.302.07:39:36.62/tpical/9u,7171,au,27987,bu,16854,cu,9644,du,10119,eu,19457 2004.302.07:39:36.62/tpical/i2,8300 2004.302.07:39:36.62/tpical/5u,39714,6u,30771,7u,43227,8u,15437,i3,54068 2004.302.07:39:39.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,740,4u,498,i1,100 2004.302.07:39:39.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,883,bu,710,cu,511,du,599,eu,826,i2,63 2004.302.07:39:39.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.07:39:42.36:!2004.302.07:39:42 2004.302.07:39:42.36:disc_pos 2004.302.07:39:42.37/disc_pos/258110824448,257965933888, 2004.302.07:39:42.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:39:42.38:midob 2004.302.07:39:42.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:39:42.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:39:42.62/cable/+3.5921085E-02 2004.302.07:39:42.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10230,8233 2004.302.07:39:42.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34816 2004.302.07:39:42.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6524 2004.302.07:39:42.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20710 2004.302.07:39:42.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11447 2004.302.07:39:43.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:39:44.06/tpi/1u,4456,2u,6529,3u,15217,4u,23393,i1,10232 2004.302.07:39:44.06/tpi/9u,9738,au,22173,bu,11447,cu,6877,du,7567,eu,16090,i2,8875 2004.302.07:39:44.07/tpi/5u,24985,6u,20710,7u,29726,8u,10972,i3,34827 2004.302.07:39:44.08/tpdiff/1u,1863,2u,2607,3u,7495,4u,12482,i1,5278 2004.302.07:39:44.08/tpdiff/9u,-2567,au,5814,bu,5407,cu,2767,du,2552,eu,3367,i2,-575 2004.302.07:39:44.09/tpdiff/5u,14729,6u,10061,7u,13501,8u,4465,i3,19241 2004.302.07:39:44.10/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:39:44.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:39:44.11/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:39:44.12/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:39:44.13?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.07:39:44.13?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.07:39:44.14/tsys/1u,51.5,2u,52.2,3u,50.2,4u,47.7,i1,49.9 2004.302.07:39:44.14/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,117.2,bu,63.5,cu,73.6,du,87.4,eu,145.1 2004.302.07:39:44.15/tsys/i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.07:39:44.16/tsys/5u,43.5,6u,52.8,7u,55.0,8u,57.6,i3,46.8 2004.302.07:39:44.92/fmout-gps/+6.4134E-006 2004.302.07:39:44.93:!2004.302.07:40:25 2004.302.07:39:44.99#setcl#time/366546640,4,2004,302,07,39,45.02,2.006,16.747,7 2004.302.07:39:44.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:40:25.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:40:25.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:40:25.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:40:25.27/disc_pos/258801612680,257966933888, 2004.302.07:40:25.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:40:25.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h40m25.235s,35040,0.00500s,80000,3933217148, 2004.302.07:40:25.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:40:25.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 492306 : 2645 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:25.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 492175 : 2753 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:25.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 492199 : 2741 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:25.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 492261 : 2702 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:25.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 492242 : 2707 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:25.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 492059 : 2888 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:25.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 491876 : 3080 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:25.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 492315 : 2632 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:25.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.823 2004.302.07:40:25.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.07:40:26.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:40:26.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.07:40:26.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.07:40:26.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.07:40:26.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:40:26.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.07:40:26.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.07:40:26.69:scan_name=302-0745,rd0408,40 2004.302.07:40:26.69:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:40:29.70:setupnw 2004.302.07:40:33.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:33.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:40:34.00/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:40:34.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 379 ; 2004.302.07:40:34.03:!2004.302.07:44:54 2004.302.07:44:54.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:44:54.00/disc_pos/258801612680,258800612680, 2004.302.07:44:54.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:44:55.05:!2004.302.07:44:54 2004.302.07:44:55.05:preob 2004.302.07:44:55.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:44:55.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:44:58.64/tpical/1u,6282,2u,9105,3u,22957,4u,36424,i1,15660 2004.302.07:44:58.64/tpical/9u,6680,au,23675,bu,16427,cu,9388,du,12530,eu,32897 2004.302.07:44:58.64/tpical/i2,7060 2004.302.07:44:58.64/tpical/5u,40967,6u,31928,7u,45136,8u,15641,i3,56170 2004.302.07:45:01.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,97 2004.302.07:45:01.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,785,bu,710,cu,511,du,601,eu,825,i2,58 2004.302.07:45:01.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.07:45:04.38:!2004.302.07:45:04 2004.302.07:45:04.38:disc_pos 2004.302.07:45:04.40/disc_pos/258945503232,258800612680, 2004.302.07:45:04.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:45:04.42:midob 2004.302.07:45:04.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:45:04.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:45:04.47/cable/+3.5923503E-02 2004.302.07:45:04.54/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10289,4927 2004.302.07:45:04.61/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36025 2004.302.07:45:04.68/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6507 2004.302.07:45:04.75/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21412 2004.302.07:45:04.82/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11114 2004.302.07:45:05.39/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:45:05.91/tpi/1u,4411,2u,6503,3u,15358,4u,23729,i1,10292 2004.302.07:45:05.91/tpi/9u,4724,au,20088,bu,11107,cu,6686,du,9559,eu,28189,i2,4892 2004.302.07:45:05.92/tpi/5u,25725,6u,21425,7u,30848,8u,11018,i3,36028 2004.302.07:45:05.93/tpdiff/1u,1871,2u,2602,3u,7599,4u,12695,i1,5368 2004.302.07:45:05.93/tpdiff/9u,1956,au,3587,bu,5320,cu,2702,du,2971,eu,4708,i2,2168 2004.302.07:45:05.94/tpdiff/5u,15242,6u,10503,7u,14288,8u,4623,i3,20142 2004.302.07:45:05.95/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:45:05.95/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:45:05.98/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:45:05.98/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:45:05.99/tsys/1u,50.6,2u,52.1,3u,50.0,4u,47.6,i1,49.4 2004.302.07:45:06.00/tsys/9u,74.5,au,172.2,bu,62.5,cu,73.1,du,96.5,eu,186.0,i2,71.4 2004.302.07:45:06.01/tsys/5u,43.3,6u,52.3,7u,54.0,8u,55.9,i3,46.3 2004.302.07:45:06.92/fmout-gps/+6.4289E-006 2004.302.07:45:06.93:!2004.302.07:45:44 2004.302.07:45:07.00#setcl#time/366578839,4,2004,302,07,45,07.02,2.010,16.837,7 2004.302.07:45:07.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:45:44.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:45:44.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:45:44.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:45:44.27/disc_pos/259588127696,258801612680, 2004.302.07:45:44.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:45:44.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h45m44.230s,34944,0.00500s,80000,4317405080, 2004.302.07:45:44.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:45:44.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 493797 : 2656 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:44.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 493671 : 2761 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:44.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 493695 : 2749 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:44.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 493754 : 2711 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:44.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 493737 : 2715 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:44.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 493551 : 2898 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:44.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 493365 : 3094 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:44.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 493811 : 2638 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:44.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.701 2004.302.07:45:44.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:45:45.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.07:45:45.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.07:45:45.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.07:45:45.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.07:45:45.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.07:45:45.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.07:45:45.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.07:45:45.70:scan_name=302-0748a,rd0408,144 2004.302.07:45:45.70:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:45:48.72:setupnw 2004.302.07:45:52.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:52.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:45:53.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:45:53.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 381 ; 2004.302.07:45:53.03:!2004.302.07:47:53 2004.302.07:47:53.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:47:53.00/disc_pos/259588127696,259587127696, 2004.302.07:47:53.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:47:54.04:!2004.302.07:47:53 2004.302.07:47:54.04:preob 2004.302.07:47:54.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/SLEWING 2004.302.07:47:54.05?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2004.302.07:47:54.05/onsource/SLEWING 2004.302.07:47:57.62/tpical/1u,6391,2u,9209,3u,23436,4u,36758,i1,15911 2004.302.07:47:57.62/tpical/9u,6904,au,28206,bu,16566,cu,9489,du,9840,eu,34092,i2,7361 2004.302.07:47:57.62/tpical/5u,41654,6u,32427,7u,45771,8u,15920,i3,57288 2004.302.07:48:00.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,92 2004.302.07:48:00.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,795,bu,708,cu,511,du,600,eu,826,i2,54 2004.302.07:48:00.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.07:48:03.36:!2004.302.07:48:03 2004.302.07:48:03.36:disc_pos 2004.302.07:48:03.36/disc_pos/259732017152,259587127696, 2004.302.07:48:03.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:48:03.37:midob 2004.302.07:48:03.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/SLEWING 2004.302.07:48:03.37?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2004.302.07:48:03.37/onsource/SLEWING 2004.302.07:48:03.74/cable/+3.5926706E-02 2004.302.07:48:03.81/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10534,5107 2004.302.07:48:03.88/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37084 2004.302.07:48:03.95/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6610 2004.302.07:48:04.02/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21971 2004.302.07:48:04.09/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11266 2004.302.07:48:04.65/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:48:05.19/tpi/1u,4508,2u,6610,3u,15713,4u,24102,i1,10533 2004.302.07:48:05.19/tpi/9u,4777,au,20867,bu,11268,cu,6796,du,7645,eu,32188,i2,4932 2004.302.07:48:05.20/tpi/5u,26234,6u,21971,7u,31489,8u,11281,i3,37071 2004.302.07:48:05.21/tpdiff/1u,1883,2u,2599,3u,7723,4u,12656,i1,5378 2004.302.07:48:05.21/tpdiff/9u,2127,au,7339,bu,5298,cu,2693,du,2195,eu,1904,i2,2429 2004.302.07:48:05.22/tpdiff/5u,15420,6u,10456,7u,14282,8u,4639,i3,20217 2004.302.07:48:05.23/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:48:05.23/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:48:05.24/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:48:05.25/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:48:05.26/tsys/1u,51.7,2u,53.2,3u,50.4,4u,48.5,i1,50.5 2004.302.07:48:05.26/tsys/9u,69.3,au,87.5,bu,63.8,cu,74.7,du,102.7,eu,527.1,i2,64.3 2004.302.07:48:05.27/tsys/5u,43.7,6u,53.9,7u,55.2,8u,57.2,i3,47.4 2004.302.07:48:05.92/fmout-gps/+6.4074E-006 2004.302.07:48:05.92:!2004.302.07:50:27 2004.302.07:48:05.99#setcl#time/366596739,4,2004,302,07,48,06.02,2.004,16.886,7 2004.302.07:48:05.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:50:27.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:50:27.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:50:27.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:50:27.27/disc_pos/262038795272,259588127696, 2004.302.07:50:27.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:50:27.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h50m27.235s,49940,0.00500s,80000,2077397428, 2004.302.07:50:27.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:50:27.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 498448 : 2682 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:27.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 498328 : 2782 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:27.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 498354 : 2766 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:27.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 498407 : 2735 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:27.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 498398 : 2730 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:27.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 498209 : 2917 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:27.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 498013 : 3122 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:27.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 498469 : 2657 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:27.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.701 2004.302.07:50:27.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.07:50:28.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.07:50:28.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.07:50:28.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.974 2004.302.07:50:28.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.07:50:28.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:50:28.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.54 2004.302.07:50:28.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.07:50:28.71:scan_name=302-0751,rd0408,160 2004.302.07:50:28.71:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:50:31.73:setupnw 2004.302.07:50:35.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:35.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:50:35.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:50:36.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 383 ; 2004.302.07:50:36.01:!2004.302.07:51:35 2004.302.07:51:35.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:51:35.00/disc_pos/262038795272,262037795272, 2004.302.07:51:35.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:51:36.04:!2004.302.07:51:35 2004.302.07:51:36.05:preob 2004.302.07:51:36.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:51:36.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:51:39.62/tpical/1u,6915,2u,9952,3u,25455,4u,40080,i1,17381 2004.302.07:51:39.62/tpical/9u,7162,au,29068,bu,17438,cu,10025,du,9768,eu,29367 2004.302.07:51:39.62/tpical/i2,8057 2004.302.07:51:39.62/tpical/5u,45240,6u,35289,7u,49524,8u,17233,i3,62247 2004.302.07:51:42.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,93 2004.302.07:51:42.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,796,bu,708,cu,511,du,601,eu,824,i2,52 2004.302.07:51:42.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.07:51:45.36:!2004.302.07:51:45 2004.302.07:51:45.36:disc_pos 2004.302.07:51:45.36/disc_pos/262182686720,262037795272, 2004.302.07:51:45.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:51:45.37:midob 2004.302.07:51:45.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:51:45.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:51:45.50/cable/+3.5925797E-02 2004.302.07:51:45.57/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12051,5355 2004.302.07:51:45.64/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,42190 2004.302.07:51:45.71/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7378 2004.302.07:51:45.78/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24884 2004.302.07:51:45.85/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12107 2004.302.07:51:46.41/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:51:46.94/tpi/1u,5063,2u,7370,3u,17822,4u,27477,i1,12047 2004.302.07:51:46.94/tpi/9u,6024,au,22725,bu,12117,cu,7346,du,7213,eu,23157,i2,5833 2004.302.07:51:46.95/tpi/5u,30092,6u,24898,7u,35565,8u,12656,i3,42194 2004.302.07:51:46.96/tpdiff/1u,1852,2u,2582,3u,7633,4u,12603,i1,5334 2004.302.07:51:46.96/tpdiff/9u,1138,au,6343,bu,5321,cu,2679,du,2555,eu,6210,i2,2224 2004.302.07:51:46.99/tpdiff/5u,15148,6u,10391,7u,13959,8u,4577,i3,20053 2004.302.07:51:47.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:51:47.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:51:47.01/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:51:47.02/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:51:47.03/tsys/1u,60.3,2u,61.2,3u,58.2,4u,55.7,i1,58.3 2004.302.07:51:47.04/tsys/9u,164.6,au,110.6,bu,68.6,cu,81.6,du,82.8,eu,115.1,i2,83.2 2004.302.07:51:47.04/tsys/5u,51.1,6u,61.6,7u,64.1,8u,65.7,i3,54.5 2004.302.07:51:47.92/fmout-gps/+6.3534E-006 2004.302.07:51:47.93:!2004.302.07:54:25 2004.302.07:51:48.00#setcl#time/366618938,3,2004,302,07,51,48.02,2.011,16.948,7 2004.302.07:51:48.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:54:25.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:54:25.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:54:25.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:54:25.26/disc_pos/264745329536,262038795272, 2004.302.07:54:25.26:disc_check 2004.302.07:54:25.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h54m25.225s,32472,0.00500s,80000,1101323204, 2004.302.07:54:25.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:54:25.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 503583 : 2712 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:25.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 503469 : 2806 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:25.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 503498 : 2787 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:25.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 503517 : 2790 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:25.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 503543 : 2752 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:25.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 503352 : 2939 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:25.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 503156 : 3144 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:25.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 503606 : 2685 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:25.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.701 2004.302.07:54:25.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.07:54:26.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.07:54:26.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.07:54:26.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.07:54:26.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.07:54:26.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.07:54:26.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.07:54:26.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.07:54:26.71:scan_name=302-0755,rd0408,40 2004.302.07:54:26.71:source=2201+315,220101.46,313105.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:54:29.73:setupnw 2004.302.07:54:33.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:33.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:54:33.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:54:33.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 385 ; 2004.302.07:54:34.00:!2004.302.07:55:02 2004.302.07:55:02.00:disc_pos 2004.302.07:55:02.01/disc_pos/264745329536,264744329536, 2004.302.07:55:02.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.07:55:03.04:!2004.302.07:55:02 2004.302.07:55:03.04:preob 2004.302.07:55:03.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:55:03.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:55:06.62/tpical/1u,7846,2u,11310,3u,29286,4u,45841,i1,20053 2004.302.07:55:06.62/tpical/9u,8639,au,29827,bu,18607,cu,10724,du,11131,eu,41081 2004.302.07:55:06.62/tpical/i2,10862 2004.302.07:55:06.62/tpical/5u,51798,6u,40037,7u,55948,8u,19586,i3,65535 2004.302.07:55:09.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,93 2004.302.07:55:09.27/tpzero/9u,167,au,814,bu,709,cu,511,du,601,eu,825,i2,52 2004.302.07:55:09.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.07:55:12.36:!2004.302.07:55:12 2004.302.07:55:12.36:disc_pos 2004.302.07:55:12.37/disc_pos/264889221120,264744329536, 2004.302.07:55:12.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.07:55:12.37:midob 2004.302.07:55:12.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.07:55:12.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.07:55:12.49/cable/+3.5927421E-02 2004.302.07:55:12.56/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,14782,6724 2004.302.07:55:12.63/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,51697 2004.302.07:55:12.70/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8759 2004.302.07:55:12.77/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29935 2004.302.07:55:12.84/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13301 2004.302.07:55:13.40/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.07:55:13.92/tpi/1u,5985,2u,8745,3u,21790,4u,33573,i1,14766 2004.302.07:55:13.92/tpi/9u,5730,au,23201,bu,13318,cu,8047,du,8612,eu,39200,i2,5918 2004.302.07:55:13.93/tpi/5u,36947,6u,29917,7u,42536,8u,15060,i3,51643 2004.302.07:55:13.94/tpdiff/1u,1861,2u,2565,3u,7496,4u,12268,i1,5287 2004.302.07:55:13.94/tpdiff/9u,2909,au,6626,bu,5289,cu,2677,du,2519,eu,1881,i2,4944 2004.302.07:55:13.95/tpdiff/5u,14851,6u,10120,7u,13412,8u,4526,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.07:55:13.96/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.07:55:13.97/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.07:55:13.98/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.07:55:13.99/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.07:55:14.00?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.07:55:14.00/tsys/1u,72.9,2u,75.6,3u,73.0,4u,70.1,i1,72.2 2004.302.07:55:14.01/tsys/9u,61.2,au,108.1,bu,76.3,cu,90.1,du,101.8,eu,652.8,i2,38.0 2004.302.07:55:14.01/tsys/5u,64.1,6u,76.1,7u,80.2,8u,80.3,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.07:55:14.92/fmout-gps/+6.3684E-006 2004.302.07:55:14.93:!2004.302.07:55:52 2004.302.07:55:14.99#setcl#time/366639638,4,2004,302,07,55,15.02,2.004,17.006,7 2004.302.07:55:14.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.07:55:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.07:55:52.00:disc_end 2004.302.07:55:52.26:disc_pos 2004.302.07:55:52.27/disc_pos/265532004568,264745329536, 2004.302.07:55:52.27:disc_check 2004.302.07:55:52.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d07h55m52.235s,71176,0.00500s,80000,605446264, 2004.302.07:55:52.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.07:55:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 505077 : 2720 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:55:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 504962 : 2816 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:55:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 504994 : 2793 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:55:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 504999 : 2811 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:55:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 505038 : 2761 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:55:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 504844 : 2950 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:55:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 504649 : 3154 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:55:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 505095 : 2699 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.07:55:52.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.823 2004.302.07:55:52.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.07:55:53.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.07:55:53.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.07:55:53.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.302.07:55:53.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.07:55:53.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.07:55:53.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.07:55:53.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.07:55:53.72:scan_name=302-0803,rd0408,58 2004.302.07:55:53.72:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.07:55:56.73:setupnw 2004.302.07:56:00.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.07:56:00.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.07:56:00.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.07:56:00.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 387 ; 2004.302.07:56:00.99:!2004.302.08:03:06 2004.302.08:03:06.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:03:06.00/disc_pos/265532004568,265531004568, 2004.302.08:03:06.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:03:07.04:!2004.302.08:03:06 2004.302.08:03:07.05:preob 2004.302.08:03:07.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:03:07.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:03:10.62/tpical/1u,6357,2u,9216,3u,23445,4u,37085,i1,15971 2004.302.08:03:10.62/tpical/9u,9062,au,27948,bu,17026,cu,9739,du,11796,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.08:03:10.62/tpical/i2,8837 2004.302.08:03:10.62/tpical/5u,41864,6u,32483,7u,45897,8u,15954,i3,57460 2004.302.08:03:13.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,740,4u,498,i1,102 2004.302.08:03:13.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,820,bu,711,cu,510,du,600,eu,830,i2,65 2004.302.08:03:13.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,290,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,180 2004.302.08:03:16.36:!2004.302.08:03:16 2004.302.08:03:16.36:disc_pos 2004.302.08:03:16.37/disc_pos/265675894784,265531004568, 2004.302.08:03:16.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:03:16.37:midob 2004.302.08:03:16.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:03:16.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:03:16.69/cable/+3.5924306E-02 2004.302.08:03:16.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10573,6230 2004.302.08:03:16.83/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37164 2004.302.08:03:16.90/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6611 2004.302.08:03:16.97/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21956 2004.302.08:03:17.04/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11684 2004.302.08:03:17.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:03:18.12/tpi/1u,4486,2u,6615,3u,15701,4u,24290,i1,10572 2004.302.08:03:18.12/tpi/9u,5329,au,21171,bu,11696,cu,7024,du,9545,eu,$$$$$,i2,6805 2004.302.08:03:18.13/tpi/5u,26399,6u,21956,7u,31524,8u,11300,i3,37167 2004.302.08:03:18.14/tpdiff/1u,1871,2u,2601,3u,7744,4u,12795,i1,5399 2004.302.08:03:18.14/tpdiff/9u,3733,au,6777,bu,5330,cu,2715,du,2251,eu,$$$$$,i2,2032 2004.302.08:03:18.15/tpdiff/5u,15465,6u,10527,7u,14373,8u,4654,i3,20293 2004.302.08:03:18.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:03:18.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:03:18.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:03:18.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:03:18.19?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.08:03:18.20/tsys/1u,51.7,2u,53.2,3u,50.2,4u,48.3,i1,50.4 2004.302.08:03:18.20/tsys/9u,44.2,au,96.1,bu,66.0,cu,76.8,du,127.2,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,106.1 2004.302.08:03:18.21/tsys/5u,43.8,6u,53.5,7u,54.9,8u,57.1,i3,47.4 2004.302.08:03:18.92/fmout-gps/+6.3939E-006 2004.302.08:03:18.92:!2004.302.08:04:14 2004.302.08:03:18.99#setcl#time/366688037,4,2004,302,08,03,19.02,2.002,17.140,7 2004.302.08:03:18.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:04:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:04:14.00:disc_end 2004.302.08:04:14.26:disc_pos 2004.302.08:04:14.27/disc_pos/266606544784,265532004568, 2004.302.08:04:14.27:disc_check 2004.302.08:04:14.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h04m14.230s,5112,0.00500s,80000,6957445848, 2004.302.08:04:14.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:04:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 507116 : 2733 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:14.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 507002 : 2828 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 507036 : 2803 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 507014 : 2848 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:14.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 507079 : 2772 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:14.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 506884 : 2961 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:14.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 506691 : 3164 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:14.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 507127 : 2720 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:14.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.579 2004.302.08:04:14.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.08:04:15.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.08:04:15.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.58 2004.302.08:04:15.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.08:04:15.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.08:04:15.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.08:04:15.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.59 2004.302.08:04:15.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.08:04:15.74:scan_name=302-0808a,rd0408,40 2004.302.08:04:15.74:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:04:18.76:setupnw 2004.302.08:04:22.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:22.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:04:23.01/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:04:23.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 389 ; 2004.302.08:04:23.03:!2004.302.08:08:05 2004.302.08:08:05.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:08:05.01/disc_pos/266606544784,266605544784, 2004.302.08:08:05.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:08:06.04:!2004.302.08:08:05 2004.302.08:08:06.04:preob 2004.302.08:08:06.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:08:06.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:08:09.63/tpical/1u,6224,2u,9028,3u,22745,4u,36128,i1,15547 2004.302.08:08:09.63/tpical/9u,8668,au,28135,bu,17049,cu,9736,du,12261,eu,54479 2004.302.08:08:09.63/tpical/i2,11019 2004.302.08:08:09.63/tpical/5u,40781,6u,31758,7u,44904,8u,15665,i3,56018 2004.302.08:08:12.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,99 2004.302.08:08:12.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,839,bu,709,cu,511,du,599,eu,828,i2,58 2004.302.08:08:12.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.08:08:15.37:!2004.302.08:08:15 2004.302.08:08:15.37:disc_pos 2004.302.08:08:15.38/disc_pos/266750435328,266605544784, 2004.302.08:08:15.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:08:15.38:midob 2004.302.08:08:15.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:08:15.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:08:15.50/cable/+3.5925596E-02 2004.302.08:08:15.57/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10141,6205 2004.302.08:08:15.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35651 2004.302.08:08:15.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6406 2004.302.08:08:15.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21196 2004.302.08:08:15.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11513 2004.302.08:08:16.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:08:16.94/tpi/1u,4336,2u,6401,3u,15036,4u,23236,i1,10140 2004.302.08:08:16.94/tpi/9u,5736,au,20806,bu,11530,cu,6921,du,9485,eu,51487,i2,7229 2004.302.08:08:16.95/tpi/5u,25400,6u,21213,7u,30523,8u,10957,i3,35655 2004.302.08:08:16.96/tpdiff/1u,1888,2u,2627,3u,7709,4u,12892,i1,5407 2004.302.08:08:16.96/tpdiff/9u,2932,au,7329,bu,5519,cu,2815,du,2776,eu,2992,i2,3790 2004.302.08:08:16.97/tpdiff/5u,15381,6u,10545,7u,14381,8u,4708,i3,20363 2004.302.08:08:17.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:08:17.01/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:08:17.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:08:17.02/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:08:17.03/tsys/1u,49.1,2u,50.6,3u,48.2,4u,45.9,i1,48.3 2004.302.08:08:17.04/tsys/9u,60.7,au,87.2,bu,62.7,cu,72.9,du,102.4,eu,541.8,i2,60.5 2004.302.08:08:17.04/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,51.6,7u,53.1,8u,54.5,i3,45.3 2004.302.08:08:17.92/fmout-gps/+6.3974E-006 2004.302.08:08:17.92:!2004.302.08:08:55 2004.302.08:08:17.99#setcl#time/366717935,4,2004,302,08,08,18.01,2.007,17.223,7 2004.302.08:08:17.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:08:55.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:08:55.01:disc_end 2004.302.08:08:55.27:disc_pos 2004.302.08:08:55.28/disc_pos/267393379080,266606544784, 2004.302.08:08:55.28:disc_check 2004.302.08:08:55.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h08m55.245s,50720,0.00500s,80000,3709360096, 2004.302.08:08:55.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:08:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 508608 : 2743 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:08:55.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 508490 : 2843 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:08:55.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 508530 : 2812 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:08:55.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 508495 : 2872 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:08:55.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 508573 : 2781 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:08:55.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 508375 : 2972 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:08:55.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 508188 : 3170 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:08:55.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 508624 : 2726 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:08:55.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.579 2004.302.08:08:55.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.08:08:56.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.08:08:56.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.58 2004.302.08:08:56.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.974 2004.302.08:08:56.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.08:08:56.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:08:56.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.08:08:56.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.08:08:56.72:scan_name=302-0816a,rd0408,40 2004.302.08:08:56.72:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:08:59.74:setupnw 2004.302.08:09:03.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:09:03.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:09:03.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:09:04.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 391 ; 2004.302.08:09:04.02:!2004.302.08:15:50 2004.302.08:11:37.24;"weather: clear 2004.302.08:15:50.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:15:50.01/disc_pos/267393379080,267392379080, 2004.302.08:15:50.02:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:15:51.05:!2004.302.08:15:50 2004.302.08:15:51.05:preob 2004.302.08:15:51.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:15:51.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:15:54.65/tpical/1u,6365,2u,9096,3u,22758,4u,35968,i1,15583 2004.302.08:15:54.65/tpical/9u,12113,au,29385,bu,16519,cu,9415,du,9883,eu,40056 2004.302.08:15:54.65/tpical/i2,15507 2004.302.08:15:54.65/tpical/5u,40898,6u,31846,7u,44715,8u,15980,i3,56174 2004.302.08:15:57.31/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1288,3u,740,4u,497,i1,97 2004.302.08:15:57.31/tpzero/9u,168,au,1305,bu,708,cu,511,du,600,eu,825,i2,50 2004.302.08:15:57.31/tpzero/5u,342,6u,289,7u,1168,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.08:16:00.41:!2004.302.08:16:00 2004.302.08:16:00.41:disc_pos 2004.302.08:16:00.41/disc_pos/267537268736,267392379080, 2004.302.08:16:00.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:16:00.42:midob 2004.302.08:16:00.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:16:00.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:16:00.61/cable/+3.5923063E-02 2004.302.08:16:00.68/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10212,11739 2004.302.08:16:00.75/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36076 2004.302.08:16:00.82/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6475 2004.302.08:16:00.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21320 2004.302.08:16:00.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11174 2004.302.08:16:01.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:16:02.05/tpi/1u,4473,2u,6477,3u,15149,4u,23359,i1,10220 2004.302.08:16:02.05/tpi/9u,11182,au,21886,bu,11174,cu,6711,du,7416,eu,35728,i2,7460 2004.302.08:16:02.06/tpi/5u,25577,6u,21313,7u,30490,8u,11338,i3,36066 2004.302.08:16:02.07/tpdiff/1u,1892,2u,2619,3u,7609,4u,12609,i1,5363 2004.302.08:16:02.07/tpdiff/9u,931,au,7499,bu,5345,cu,2704,du,2467,eu,4328,i2,8047 2004.302.08:16:02.08/tpdiff/5u,15321,6u,10533,7u,14225,8u,4642,i3,20108 2004.302.08:16:02.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:16:02.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:16:02.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:16:02.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:16:02.12/tsys/1u,50.9,2u,51.5,3u,49.2,4u,47.1,i1,49.1 2004.302.08:16:02.12/tsys/9u,378.6,au,87.8,bu,62.7,cu,73.4,du,88.4,eu,258.1,i2,29.5 2004.302.08:16:02.14/tsys/5u,42.8,6u,51.9,7u,53.6,8u,57.4,i3,46.4 2004.302.08:16:02.92/fmout-gps/+6.4069E-006 2004.302.08:16:02.93:!2004.302.08:16:40 2004.302.08:16:02.99#setcl#time/366764435,4,2004,302,08,16,03.02,2.006,17.352,7 2004.302.08:16:02.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:16:40.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:16:40.01:disc_end 2004.302.08:16:40.27:disc_pos 2004.302.08:16:40.28/disc_pos/268180052168,267393379080, 2004.302.08:16:40.28:disc_check 2004.302.08:16:40.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h16m40.240s,36444,0.00500s,80000,6653261188, 2004.302.08:16:40.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:16:40.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 510100 : 2754 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:40.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 509982 : 2853 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 510023 : 2822 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 509974 : 2897 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:40.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 510067 : 2790 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:40.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 509869 : 2981 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:40.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 509678 : 3182 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:40.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 510115 : 2738 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:40.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.457 2004.302.08:16:40.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.08:16:41.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.05 2004.302.08:16:41.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.45 2004.302.08:16:41.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.302.08:16:41.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.08:16:41.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:16:41.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.59 2004.302.08:16:41.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.08:16:41.71:scan_name=302-0818b,rd0408,40 2004.302.08:16:41.71:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:16:44.72:setupnw 2004.302.08:16:48.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:48.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:16:48.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:16:49.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 393 ; 2004.302.08:16:49.01:!2004.302.08:18:45 2004.302.08:18:45.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:18:45.00/disc_pos/268180052168,268179052168, 2004.302.08:18:45.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:18:46.04:!2004.302.08:18:45 2004.302.08:18:46.04:preob 2004.302.08:18:46.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:18:46.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:18:49.63/tpical/1u,6150,2u,8920,3u,22044,4u,34614,i1,15093 2004.302.08:18:49.63/tpical/9u,12211,au,28894,bu,16533,cu,9465,du,9588,eu,65241 2004.302.08:18:49.63/tpical/i2,15572 2004.302.08:18:49.63/tpical/5u,38605,6u,30186,7u,41345,8u,14486,i3,52567 2004.302.08:18:52.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,93 2004.302.08:18:52.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,834,bu,708,cu,510,du,600,eu,827,i2,50 2004.302.08:18:52.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,290,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.08:18:55.37:!2004.302.08:18:55 2004.302.08:18:55.37:disc_pos 2004.302.08:18:55.37/disc_pos/268323942400,268179052168, 2004.302.08:18:55.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:18:55.39:midob 2004.302.08:18:55.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:18:55.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:18:55.57/cable/+3.5922972E-02 2004.302.08:18:55.64/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9832,12439 2004.302.08:18:55.71/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33441 2004.302.08:18:55.78/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6321 2004.302.08:18:55.85/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20100 2004.302.08:18:55.92/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11187 2004.302.08:18:56.48/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:18:57.01/tpi/1u,4285,2u,6328,3u,14577,4u,22301,i1,9836 2004.302.08:18:57.02/tpi/9u,11076,au,22034,bu,11176,cu,6744,du,7026,eu,63773,i2,13414 2004.302.08:18:57.02/tpi/5u,24046,6u,20107,7u,28162,8u,10179,i3,33477 2004.302.08:18:57.03/tpdiff/1u,1865,2u,2592,3u,7467,4u,12313,i1,5257 2004.302.08:18:57.04/tpdiff/9u,1135,au,6860,bu,5357,cu,2721,du,2562,eu,1468,i2,2158 2004.302.08:18:57.05/tpdiff/5u,14559,6u,10079,7u,13183,8u,4307,i3,19090 2004.302.08:18:57.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:18:57.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:18:57.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:18:57.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:18:57.08/tsys/1u,49.0,2u,50.5,3u,48.2,4u,46.0,i1,48.2 2004.302.08:18:57.09/tsys/9u,307.5,au,98.9,bu,62.5,cu,73.3,du,80.3,eu,1372.1,i2,198.2 2004.302.08:18:57.09/tsys/5u,42.3,6u,51.1,7u,53.2,8u,54.9,i3,45.3 2004.302.08:18:57.91/fmout-gps/+6.4279E-006 2004.302.08:18:57.92:!2004.302.08:19:35 2004.302.08:18:57.99#setcl#time/366781935,4,2004,302,08,18,58.02,2.000,17.401,7 2004.302.08:18:57.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:19:35.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:19:35.01:disc_end 2004.302.08:19:35.27:disc_pos 2004.302.08:19:35.28/disc_pos/268966883840,268180052168, 2004.302.08:19:35.28:disc_check 2004.302.08:19:35.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h19m35.245s,46504,0.00500s,80000,2013238268, 2004.302.08:19:35.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:19:35.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 511594 : 2763 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:35.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 511476 : 2862 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:35.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 511516 : 2832 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:35.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 511458 : 2916 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:35.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 511561 : 2800 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:35.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 511365 : 2988 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:35.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 511172 : 3191 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:35.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 511612 : 2744 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:35.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.823 2004.302.08:19:35.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.08:19:36.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.05 2004.302.08:19:36.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.45 2004.302.08:19:36.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.08:19:36.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.08:19:36.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:19:36.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.08:19:36.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.08:19:36.71:scan_name=302-0823,rd0408,40 2004.302.08:19:36.71:source=cta26,033658.94,-015616.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:19:39.72:setupnw 2004.302.08:19:43.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:43.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:19:43.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:19:43.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 395 ; 2004.302.08:19:43.99:!2004.302.08:23:42 2004.302.08:23:42.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:23:42.00/disc_pos/268966883840,268965883840, 2004.302.08:23:42.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:23:43.04:!2004.302.08:23:42 2004.302.08:23:43.04:preob 2004.302.08:23:43.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:23:43.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:23:46.62/tpical/1u,6247,2u,9022,3u,22034,4u,34503,i1,15138 2004.302.08:23:46.62/tpical/9u,11867,au,28049,bu,16441,cu,9690,du,22055,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.08:23:46.62/tpical/i2,13593 2004.302.08:23:46.62/tpical/5u,38213,6u,29388,7u,40519,8u,16723,i3,51996 2004.302.08:23:49.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,739,4u,499,i1,95 2004.302.08:23:49.28/tpzero/9u,167,au,853,bu,708,cu,509,du,601,eu,829,i2,51 2004.302.08:23:49.28/tpzero/5u,340,6u,291,7u,1169,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.08:23:52.37:!2004.302.08:23:52 2004.302.08:23:52.37:disc_pos 2004.302.08:23:52.37/disc_pos/269110775808,268965883840, 2004.302.08:23:52.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:23:52.38:midob 2004.302.08:23:52.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:23:52.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:23:52.58/cable/+3.5924215E-02 2004.302.08:23:52.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9952,12516 2004.302.08:23:52.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33456 2004.302.08:23:52.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6445 2004.302.08:23:52.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19721 2004.302.08:23:52.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11170 2004.302.08:23:53.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:23:54.03/tpi/1u,4388,2u,6444,3u,14711,4u,22414,i1,9951 2004.302.08:23:54.03/tpi/9u,8812,au,21084,bu,11176,cu,7038,du,18645,eu,$$$$$,i2,9988 2004.302.08:23:54.04/tpi/5u,23974,6u,19716,7u,27721,8u,12182,i3,33415 2004.302.08:23:54.05/tpdiff/1u,1859,2u,2578,3u,7323,4u,12089,i1,5187 2004.302.08:23:54.05/tpdiff/9u,3055,au,6965,bu,5265,cu,2652,du,3410,eu,$$$$$,i2,3605 2004.302.08:23:54.06/tpdiff/5u,14239,6u,9672,7u,12798,8u,4541,i3,18581 2004.302.08:23:54.07/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:23:54.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:23:54.08/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:23:54.09/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:23:54.10?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.08:23:54.11/tsys/1u,50.6,2u,52.0,3u,49.6,4u,47.1,i1,49.4 2004.302.08:23:54.11/tsys/9u,90.6,au,92.9,bu,63.6,cu,78.8,du,169.3,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,88.2 2004.302.08:23:54.12/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,52.2,7u,53.9,8u,63.6,i3,46.5 2004.302.08:23:54.92/fmout-gps/+6.4269E-006 2004.302.08:23:54.92:!2004.302.08:24:32 2004.302.08:23:54.99#setcl#time/366811634,4,2004,302,08,23,55.02,2.004,17.483,7 2004.302.08:23:54.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:24:32.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:24:32.01:disc_end 2004.302.08:24:32.27:disc_pos 2004.302.08:24:32.27/disc_pos/269753557600,268966883840, 2004.302.08:24:32.28:disc_check 2004.302.08:24:32.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h24m32.240s,72052,0.00500s,80000,3965220692, 2004.302.08:24:32.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:24:32.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 513085 : 2774 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:32.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 512970 : 2871 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:32.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 513012 : 2840 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:32.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 512943 : 2934 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:32.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 513055 : 2809 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:32.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 512857 : 2999 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:32.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 512666 : 3200 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:32.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 513103 : 2757 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:32.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.335 2004.302.08:24:32.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.08:24:33.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.05 2004.302.08:24:33.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.45 2004.302.08:24:33.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.730 2004.302.08:24:33.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.08:24:33.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:24:33.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.08:24:33.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.08:24:33.74:scan_name=302-0829,rd0408,40 2004.302.08:24:33.74:source=0528+134,052806.74,132942.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:24:36.76:setupnw 2004.302.08:24:40.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:40.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:24:40.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:24:41.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 397 ; 2004.302.08:24:41.01:!2004.302.08:29:10 2004.302.08:29:10.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:29:10.00/disc_pos/269753557600,269752557600, 2004.302.08:29:10.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:29:11.04:!2004.302.08:29:10 2004.302.08:29:11.04:preob 2004.302.08:29:11.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:29:11.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:29:14.62/tpical/1u,6173,2u,8951,3u,21754,4u,34159,i1,14964 2004.302.08:29:14.62/tpical/9u,11035,au,27988,bu,16451,cu,9442,du,13329,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.08:29:14.62/tpical/i2,11906 2004.302.08:29:14.62/tpical/5u,37734,6u,28839,7u,39425,8u,14039,i3,50812 2004.302.08:29:17.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,499,i1,97 2004.302.08:29:17.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,814,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,836,i2,64 2004.302.08:29:17.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,289,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.302.08:29:20.38:!2004.302.08:29:20 2004.302.08:29:20.38:disc_pos 2004.302.08:29:20.39/disc_pos/269897449472,269752557600, 2004.302.08:29:20.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:29:20.39:midob 2004.302.08:29:20.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:29:20.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:29:20.54/cable/+3.5920725E-02 2004.302.08:29:20.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9767,11888 2004.302.08:29:20.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32364 2004.302.08:29:20.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6373 2004.302.08:29:20.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19214 2004.302.08:29:20.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11000 2004.302.08:29:21.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:29:21.97/tpi/1u,4309,2u,6372,3u,14419,4u,22025,i1,9768 2004.302.08:29:21.97/tpi/9u,7310,au,21535,bu,11098,cu,6758,du,10557,eu,$$$$$,i2,14975 2004.302.08:29:21.98/tpi/5u,23519,6u,19220,7u,26853,8u,9915,i3,32356 2004.302.08:29:21.99/tpdiff/1u,1864,2u,2579,3u,7335,4u,12134,i1,5196 2004.302.08:29:21.99/tpdiff/9u,3725,au,6453,bu,5353,cu,2684,du,2772,eu,$$$$$,i2,-3069 2004.302.08:29:22.00/tpdiff/5u,14215,6u,9619,7u,12572,8u,4124,i3,18456 2004.302.08:29:22.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:29:22.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:29:22.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:29:22.04/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:29:22.05?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.08:29:22.05?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.08:29:22.06/tsys/1u,49.4,2u,51.2,3u,48.5,4u,46.1,i1,48.4 2004.302.08:29:22.06/tsys/9u,61.3,au,102.8,bu,62.1,cu,74.5,du,114.9,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.08:29:22.07/tsys/i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.08:29:22.07/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,51.2,7u,53.1,8u,55.7,i3,45.3 2004.302.08:29:22.92/fmout-gps/+6.3759E-006 2004.302.08:29:22.93:!2004.302.08:30:00 2004.302.08:29:23.00#setcl#time/366844433,4,2004,302,08,29,23.02,2.007,17.574,7 2004.302.08:29:23.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:30:00.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:30:00.00:disc_end 2004.302.08:30:00.26:disc_pos 2004.302.08:30:00.27/disc_pos/270540231240,269753557600, 2004.302.08:30:00.27:disc_check 2004.302.08:30:00.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h30m00.235s,61088,0.00500s,80000,4461257324, 2004.302.08:30:00.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:30:00.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 514580 : 2782 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:00.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 514463 : 2881 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:00.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 514505 : 2850 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:00.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 514428 : 2951 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:00.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 514550 : 2817 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:00.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 514352 : 3006 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:00.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 514156 : 3213 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:00.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 514600 : 2764 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:00.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.457 2004.302.08:30:00.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.08:30:01.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.08:30:01.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.45 2004.302.08:30:01.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.730 2004.302.08:30:01.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.08:30:01.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:30:01.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.76 2004.302.08:30:01.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.08:30:01.70:scan_name=302-0834,rd0408,40 2004.302.08:30:01.70:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:30:04.72:setupnw 2004.302.08:30:08.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:08.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:30:08.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:30:08.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 399 ; 2004.302.08:30:08.99:!2004.302.08:34:42 2004.302.08:34:42.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:34:42.00/disc_pos/270540231240,270539231240, 2004.302.08:34:42.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:34:43.04:!2004.302.08:34:42 2004.302.08:34:43.04:preob 2004.302.08:34:43.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:34:43.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:34:46.62/tpical/1u,6304,2u,9132,3u,22927,4u,36306,i1,15682 2004.302.08:34:46.62/tpical/9u,6061,au,23526,bu,14921,cu,8496,du,11302,eu,42464 2004.302.08:34:46.62/tpical/i2,6300 2004.302.08:34:46.62/tpical/5u,40854,6u,31771,7u,44764,8u,15563,i3,56047 2004.302.08:34:49.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,100 2004.302.08:34:49.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,797,bu,709,cu,510,du,600,eu,827,i2,57 2004.302.08:34:49.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.08:34:52.36:!2004.302.08:34:52 2004.302.08:34:52.36:disc_pos 2004.302.08:34:52.37/disc_pos/270684123136,270539231240, 2004.302.08:34:52.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:34:52.37:midob 2004.302.08:34:52.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:34:52.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:34:52.45/cable/+3.5925071E-02 2004.302.08:34:52.53/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10300,4284 2004.302.08:34:52.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35943 2004.302.08:34:52.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6511 2004.302.08:34:52.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21349 2004.302.08:34:52.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10119 2004.302.08:34:53.38/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:34:53.90/tpi/1u,4413,2u,6510,3u,15229,4u,23576,i1,10294 2004.302.08:34:53.90/tpi/9u,4288,au,17825,bu,10126,cu,6074,du,9407,eu,38620,i2,4285 2004.302.08:34:53.91/tpi/5u,25584,6u,21353,7u,30606,8u,10963,i3,35910 2004.302.08:34:53.92/tpdiff/1u,1891,2u,2622,3u,7698,4u,12730,i1,5388 2004.302.08:34:53.92/tpdiff/9u,1773,au,5701,bu,4795,cu,2422,du,1895,eu,3844,i2,2015 2004.302.08:34:53.93/tpdiff/5u,15270,6u,10418,7u,14158,8u,4600,i3,20137 2004.302.08:34:53.94/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:34:53.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:34:53.95/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:34:53.96/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:34:53.97/tsys/1u,50.1,2u,51.8,3u,48.9,4u,47.1,i1,49.2 2004.302.08:34:53.97/tsys/9u,74.3,au,95.6,bu,62.8,cu,73.5,du,148.7,eu,314.6,i2,67.1 2004.302.08:34:53.98/tsys/5u,43.0,6u,52.6,7u,54.1,8u,55.8,i3,46.1 2004.302.08:34:54.91/fmout-gps/+6.3794E-006 2004.302.08:34:54.92:!2004.302.08:35:32 2004.302.08:34:54.99#setcl#time/366877632,3,2004,302,08,34,55.02,2.011,17.667,8 2004.302.08:34:54.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:35:32.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:35:32.00:disc_end 2004.302.08:35:32.26:disc_pos 2004.302.08:35:32.27/disc_pos/271326905472,270540231240, 2004.302.08:35:32.27:disc_check 2004.302.08:35:32.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h35m32.240s,46228,0.00500s,80000,4525420628, 2004.302.08:35:32.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:35:32.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 516072 : 2793 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:32.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 515958 : 2890 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:32.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 516004 : 2854 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:32.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 515909 : 2973 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:32.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 516043 : 2826 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:32.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 515848 : 3013 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:32.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 515649 : 3222 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:32.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 516096 : 2771 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:32.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.090 2004.302.08:35:32.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.05 2004.302.08:35:33.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.302.08:35:33.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.45 2004.302.08:35:33.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.08:35:33.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.08:35:33.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:35:33.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.08:35:33.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.08:35:33.68:scan_name=302-0837,rd0408,40 2004.302.08:35:33.68:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:35:36.69:setupnw 2004.302.08:35:40.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:40.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:35:40.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:35:40.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 401 ; 2004.302.08:35:41.00:!2004.302.08:37:16 2004.302.08:37:16.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:37:16.00/disc_pos/271326905472,271325905472, 2004.302.08:37:16.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:37:17.04:!2004.302.08:37:16 2004.302.08:37:17.04:preob 2004.302.08:37:17.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:37:17.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:37:20.62/tpical/1u,6196,2u,8985,3u,22496,4u,35873,i1,15480 2004.302.08:37:20.62/tpical/9u,11852,au,28658,bu,16197,cu,9340,du,17549,eu,51154 2004.302.08:37:20.62/tpical/i2,12374 2004.302.08:37:20.63/tpical/5u,40511,6u,31521,7u,44640,8u,15510,i3,55508 2004.302.08:37:23.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,93 2004.302.08:37:23.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,876,bu,709,cu,510,du,600,eu,828,i2,51 2004.302.08:37:23.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.08:37:26.37:!2004.302.08:37:26 2004.302.08:37:26.37:disc_pos 2004.302.08:37:26.38/disc_pos/271470796800,271325905472, 2004.302.08:37:26.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:37:26.38:midob 2004.302.08:37:26.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:37:26.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:37:26.53/cable/+3.5924393E-02 2004.302.08:37:26.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10080,7073 2004.302.08:37:26.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35247 2004.302.08:37:26.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6378 2004.302.08:37:26.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20964 2004.302.08:37:26.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10917 2004.302.08:37:27.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:37:27.97/tpi/1u,4318,2u,6385,3u,14915,4u,23067,i1,10084 2004.302.08:37:27.97/tpi/9u,8188,au,20953,bu,10958,cu,6686,du,14993,eu,50651,i2,5255 2004.302.08:37:27.98/tpi/5u,25109,6u,20950,7u,30309,8u,10844,i3,35235 2004.302.08:37:27.99/tpdiff/1u,1878,2u,2600,3u,7581,4u,12806,i1,5396 2004.302.08:37:27.99/tpdiff/9u,3664,au,7705,bu,5239,cu,2654,du,2556,eu,503,i2,7119 2004.302.08:37:28.00/tpdiff/5u,15402,6u,10571,7u,14331,8u,4666,i3,20273 2004.302.08:37:28.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:37:28.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:37:28.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:37:28.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:37:28.04/tsys/1u,49.2,2u,51.0,3u,48.6,4u,45.8,i1,48.1 2004.302.08:37:28.05/tsys/9u,70.0,au,83.4,bu,62.6,cu,74.5,du,180.2,eu,3169.7,i2,23.4 2004.302.08:37:28.06/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,50.8,7u,52.9,8u,54.4,i3,45.0 2004.302.08:37:28.92/fmout-gps/+6.3899E-006 2004.302.08:37:28.93:!2004.302.08:38:06 2004.302.08:37:28.99#setcl#time/366893032,4,2004,302,08,37,29.02,2.006,17.709,7 2004.302.08:37:28.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:38:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:38:06.00:disc_end 2004.302.08:38:06.26:disc_pos 2004.302.08:38:06.27/disc_pos/272113579152,271326905472, 2004.302.08:38:06.27:disc_check 2004.302.08:38:06.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h38m06.230s,4448,0.00500s,80000,1677208100, 2004.302.08:38:06.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:38:06.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 517564 : 2803 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:06.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 517450 : 2901 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 517499 : 2863 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 517393 : 2992 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 517539 : 2833 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 517340 : 3024 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:06.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 517141 : 3233 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 517588 : 2781 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:06.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.090 2004.302.08:38:06.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.08:38:07.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.302.08:38:07.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.45 2004.302.08:38:07.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.08:38:07.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.08:38:07.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:38:07.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.82 2004.302.08:38:07.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.08:38:07.70:scan_name=302-0842,rd0408,44 2004.302.08:38:07.70:source=0119+115,011903.08,113409.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:38:10.72:setupnw 2004.302.08:38:14.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:14.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:38:14.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:38:14.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 403 ; 2004.302.08:38:14.99:!2004.302.08:42:04 2004.302.08:42:04.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:42:04.00/disc_pos/272113579152,272112579152, 2004.302.08:42:04.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:42:05.04:!2004.302.08:42:04 2004.302.08:42:05.05:preob 2004.302.08:42:05.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:42:05.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:42:08.62/tpical/1u,6704,2u,9480,3u,23423,4u,36325,i1,15996 2004.302.08:42:08.62/tpical/9u,8735,au,28720,bu,16947,cu,9766,du,14019,eu,22639 2004.302.08:42:08.62/tpical/i2,8575 2004.302.08:42:08.62/tpical/5u,40215,6u,31213,7u,42804,8u,15215,i3,54434 2004.302.08:42:11.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,97 2004.302.08:42:11.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,830,bu,708,cu,511,du,601,eu,824,i2,46 2004.302.08:42:11.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,290,7u,1166,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.08:42:14.37:!2004.302.08:42:14 2004.302.08:42:14.37:disc_pos 2004.302.08:42:14.37/disc_pos/272257466368,272112579152, 2004.302.08:42:14.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:42:14.38:midob 2004.302.08:42:14.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:42:14.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:42:14.53/cable/+3.5926674E-02 2004.302.08:42:14.60/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10831,6521 2004.302.08:42:14.67/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36090 2004.302.08:42:14.74/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6897 2004.302.08:42:14.81/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21557 2004.302.08:42:14.88/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11639 2004.302.08:42:15.44/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:42:15.96/tpi/1u,4832,2u,6903,3u,16106,4u,24433,i1,10852 2004.302.08:42:15.96/tpi/9u,7641,au,22072,bu,11637,cu,7075,du,10950,eu,20012,i2,6203 2004.302.08:42:15.97/tpi/5u,26151,6u,21610,7u,30259,8u,11115,i3,36099 2004.302.08:42:15.98/tpdiff/1u,1872,2u,2577,3u,7317,4u,11892,i1,5144 2004.302.08:42:15.98/tpdiff/9u,1094,au,6648,bu,5310,cu,2691,du,3069,eu,2627,i2,2372 2004.302.08:42:15.99/tpdiff/5u,14064,6u,9603,7u,12545,8u,4100,i3,18335 2004.302.08:42:16.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:42:16.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:42:16.01/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:42:16.02/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:42:16.04/tsys/1u,56.5,2u,56.6,3u,54.6,4u,52.3,i1,54.4 2004.302.08:42:16.04/tsys/9u,218.5,au,102.2,bu,65.9,cu,78.1,du,107.9,eu,233.7,i2,83.1 2004.302.08:42:16.05/tsys/5u,47.7,6u,57.7,7u,60.3,8u,63.6,i3,50.9 2004.302.08:42:16.91/fmout-gps/+6.3329E-006 2004.302.08:42:16.92:!2004.302.08:42:58 2004.302.08:42:16.99#setcl#time/366921831,3,2004,302,08,42,17.02,2.010,17.789,8 2004.302.08:42:16.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:42:58.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:42:58.00:disc_end 2004.302.08:42:58.26:disc_pos 2004.302.08:42:58.27/disc_pos/272964095040,272113579152, 2004.302.08:42:58.27:disc_check 2004.302.08:42:58.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h42m58.235s,36000,0.00500s,80000,3821532560, 2004.302.08:42:58.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:42:58.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 519180 : 2812 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:42:58.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 519065 : 2909 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:42:58.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 519117 : 2870 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:42:58.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 518988 : 3021 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:42:58.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 519150 : 2848 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:42:58.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 518953 : 3037 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:42:58.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 518757 : 3241 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:42:58.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 519204 : 2790 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:42:58.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.090 2004.302.08:42:58.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.68 2004.302.08:42:59.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.302.08:42:59.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.21 2004.302.08:42:59.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.08:42:59.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.08:42:59.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.08:42:59.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.08:42:59.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.08:42:59.70:scan_name=302-0846,rd0408,59 2004.302.08:42:59.70:source=0235+164,023552.62,162403.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:43:02.72:setupnw 2004.302.08:43:06.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:43:06.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:43:06.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:43:07.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 405 ; 2004.302.08:43:07.01:!2004.302.08:46:17 2004.302.08:46:17.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:46:17.00/disc_pos/272964095040,272963095040, 2004.302.08:46:17.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:46:18.05:!2004.302.08:46:17 2004.302.08:46:18.05:preob 2004.302.08:46:18.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:46:18.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:46:21.63/tpical/1u,6671,2u,9062,3u,22601,4u,35486,i1,15443 2004.302.08:46:21.63/tpical/9u,8180,au,27890,bu,16264,cu,9396,du,10650,eu,25420 2004.302.08:46:21.63/tpical/i2,8123 2004.302.08:46:21.63/tpical/5u,39758,6u,30781,7u,43077,8u,15434,i3,54181 2004.302.08:46:24.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,96 2004.302.08:46:24.29/tpzero/9u,169,au,834,bu,709,cu,511,du,601,eu,824,i2,44 2004.302.08:46:24.29/tpzero/5u,341,6u,289,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.08:46:27.38:!2004.302.08:46:27 2004.302.08:46:27.38:disc_pos 2004.302.08:46:27.38/disc_pos/273107984384,272963095040, 2004.302.08:46:27.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:46:27.39:midob 2004.302.08:46:27.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:46:27.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:46:27.62/cable/+3.5928802E-02 2004.302.08:46:27.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10147,7788 2004.302.08:46:27.76/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34810 2004.302.08:46:27.83/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6464 2004.302.08:46:27.90/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20722 2004.302.08:46:27.97/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11071 2004.302.08:46:28.53/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:46:29.06/tpi/1u,4813,2u,6461,3u,15047,4u,23044,i1,10134 2004.302.08:46:29.06/tpi/9u,5605,au,21364,bu,11071,cu,6762,du,7605,eu,21470,i2,8857 2004.302.08:46:29.07/tpi/5u,24871,6u,20692,7u,29487,8u,10922,i3,34767 2004.302.08:46:29.08/tpdiff/1u,1858,2u,2601,3u,7554,4u,12442,i1,5309 2004.302.08:46:29.08/tpdiff/9u,2575,au,6526,bu,5193,cu,2634,du,3045,eu,3950,i2,-734 2004.302.08:46:29.09/tpdiff/5u,14887,6u,10089,7u,13590,8u,4512,i3,19414 2004.302.08:46:29.10/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:46:29.11/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:46:29.11/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:46:29.12/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:46:29.13?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.08:46:29.13/tsys/1u,56.6,2u,51.7,3u,49.2,4u,47.1,i1,49.2 2004.302.08:46:29.14/tsys/9u,67.6,au,100.7,bu,63.9,cu,75.9,du,73.6,eu,167.3,i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.08:46:29.15/tsys/5u,42.8,6u,52.6,7u,54.2,8u,56.7,i3,46.3 2004.302.08:46:29.92/fmout-gps/+6.3404E-006 2004.302.08:46:29.92:!2004.302.08:47:26 2004.302.08:46:29.99#setcl#time/366947131,4,2004,302,08,46,30.02,2.002,17.860,7 2004.302.08:46:29.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:47:26.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:47:26.01:disc_end 2004.302.08:47:26.26:disc_pos 2004.302.08:47:26.27/disc_pos/274054797168,272964095040, 2004.302.08:47:26.27:disc_check 2004.302.08:47:26.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h47m26.235s,12272,0.00500s,80000,3197321600, 2004.302.08:47:26.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:47:26.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 521250 : 2824 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:26.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 521138 : 2919 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:26.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 521188 : 2881 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:26.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 521046 : 3046 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:26.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 521218 : 2864 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:26.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 521026 : 3047 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:26.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 520828 : 3253 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:26.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 521274 : 2802 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:26.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.090 2004.302.08:47:26.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.56 2004.302.08:47:27.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.68 2004.302.08:47:27.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.21 2004.302.08:47:27.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.08:47:27.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.08:47:27.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:47:27.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.54 2004.302.08:47:27.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.08:47:27.74:scan_name=302-0851,rd0408,40 2004.302.08:47:27.75:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:47:30.76:setupnw 2004.302.08:47:34.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:34.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:47:34.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:47:34.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 407 ; 2004.302.08:47:34.99:!2004.302.08:51:45 2004.302.08:51:45.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:51:45.00/disc_pos/274054797168,274053797168, 2004.302.08:51:45.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:51:46.04:!2004.302.08:51:45 2004.302.08:51:46.04:preob 2004.302.08:51:46.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:51:46.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:51:49.63/tpical/1u,6313,2u,9169,3u,23184,4u,36634,i1,15836 2004.302.08:51:49.63/tpical/9u,8232,au,28241,bu,16620,cu,9563,du,10047,eu,27952 2004.302.08:51:49.63/tpical/i2,9105 2004.302.08:51:49.63/tpical/5u,41555,6u,32146,7u,45659,8u,15839,i3,56966 2004.302.08:51:52.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,739,4u,498,i1,101 2004.302.08:51:52.30/tpzero/9u,167,au,829,bu,709,cu,510,du,600,eu,824,i2,45 2004.302.08:51:52.30/tpzero/5u,341,6u,289,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.08:51:55.40:!2004.302.08:51:55 2004.302.08:51:55.40:disc_pos 2004.302.08:51:55.40/disc_pos/274198687744,274053797168, 2004.302.08:51:55.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:51:55.41:midob 2004.302.08:51:55.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:51:55.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:51:55.58/cable/+3.5927195E-02 2004.302.08:51:55.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10438,5606 2004.302.08:51:55.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36634 2004.302.08:51:55.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6558 2004.302.08:51:55.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21668 2004.302.08:51:55.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11213 2004.302.08:51:56.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:51:57.02/tpi/1u,4441,2u,6550,3u,15485,4u,23927,i1,10437 2004.302.08:51:57.02/tpi/9u,5070,au,21275,bu,11206,cu,6812,du,7289,eu,24651,i2,5657 2004.302.08:51:57.03/tpi/5u,26148,6u,21639,7u,31350,8u,11148,i3,36617 2004.302.08:51:57.04/tpdiff/1u,1872,2u,2619,3u,7699,4u,12707,i1,5399 2004.302.08:51:57.04/tpdiff/9u,3162,au,6966,bu,5414,cu,2751,du,2758,eu,3301,i2,3448 2004.302.08:51:57.05/tpdiff/5u,15407,6u,10507,7u,14309,8u,4691,i3,20349 2004.302.08:51:57.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:51:57.07/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:51:57.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:51:57.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:51:57.09/tsys/1u,51.0,2u,52.2,3u,49.8,4u,47.9,i1,49.8 2004.302.08:51:57.10/tsys/9u,49.6,au,93.9,bu,62.0,cu,73.3,du,77.6,eu,231.0,i2,52.1 2004.302.08:51:57.10/tsys/5u,43.6,6u,52.8,7u,54.8,8u,55.8,i3,46.6 2004.302.08:51:57.92/fmout-gps/+6.3419E-006 2004.302.08:51:57.92:!2004.302.08:52:35 2004.302.08:51:57.98#setcl#time/366979929,4,2004,302,08,51,58.01,2.005,17.951,7 2004.302.08:51:57.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:52:35.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:52:35.00:disc_end 2004.302.08:52:35.26:disc_pos 2004.302.08:52:35.27/disc_pos/274841312568,274054797168, 2004.302.08:52:35.27:disc_check 2004.302.08:52:35.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h52m35.230s,24348,0.00500s,80000,4157392524, 2004.302.08:52:35.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:52:35.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 522746 : 2831 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:35.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 522631 : 2928 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:35.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 522682 : 2890 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:35.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 522528 : 3066 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:35.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 522707 : 2877 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:35.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 522522 : 3055 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:35.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 522320 : 3263 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:35.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 522767 : 2812 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:35.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.090 2004.302.08:52:35.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.68 2004.302.08:52:36.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.302.08:52:36.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.97 2004.302.08:52:36.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.998 2004.302.08:52:36.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.08:52:36.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:52:36.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.08:52:36.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.08:52:36.69:scan_name=302-0853b,rd0408,104 2004.302.08:52:36.69:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:52:39.70:setupnw 2004.302.08:52:43.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:43.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:52:43.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:52:44.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 409 ; 2004.302.08:52:44.00:!2004.302.08:53:40 2004.302.08:53:40.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:53:40.00/disc_pos/274841312568,274840312568, 2004.302.08:53:40.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:53:41.04:!2004.302.08:53:40 2004.302.08:53:41.05:preob 2004.302.08:53:41.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:53:41.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:53:44.63/tpical/1u,6292,2u,9037,3u,22829,4u,36145,i1,15622 2004.302.08:53:44.63/tpical/9u,6640,au,27456,bu,16229,cu,9352,du,11143,eu,54333 2004.302.08:53:44.63/tpical/i2,7225 2004.302.08:53:44.63/tpical/5u,40844,6u,31686,7u,44939,8u,15700,i3,56133 2004.302.08:53:47.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,101 2004.302.08:53:47.28/tpzero/9u,167,au,803,bu,710,cu,509,du,601,eu,826,i2,53 2004.302.08:53:47.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,290,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.08:53:50.37:!2004.302.08:53:50 2004.302.08:53:50.37:disc_pos 2004.302.08:53:50.39/disc_pos/274985205760,274840312568, 2004.302.08:53:50.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:53:50.40:midob 2004.302.08:53:50.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:53:50.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:53:50.77/cable/+3.5926637E-02 2004.302.08:53:50.84/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10221,5276 2004.302.08:53:50.91/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35811 2004.302.08:53:50.98/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6436 2004.302.08:53:51.05/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21190 2004.302.08:53:51.12/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10940 2004.302.08:53:51.68/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:53:52.20/tpi/1u,4419,2u,6436,3u,15116,4u,23383,i1,10219 2004.302.08:53:52.20/tpi/9u,4760,au,20413,bu,10938,cu,6681,du,9198,eu,48935,i2,5759 2004.302.08:53:52.21/tpi/5u,25448,6u,21190,7u,30679,8u,10975,i3,35796 2004.302.08:53:52.22/tpdiff/1u,1873,2u,2601,3u,7713,4u,12762,i1,5403 2004.302.08:53:52.22/tpdiff/9u,1880,au,7043,bu,5291,cu,2671,du,1945,eu,5398,i2,1466 2004.302.08:53:52.23/tpdiff/5u,15396,6u,10496,7u,14260,8u,4725,i3,20337 2004.302.08:53:52.24/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:53:52.24/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:53:52.26/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:53:52.26/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:53:52.28/tsys/1u,50.7,2u,51.5,3u,48.5,4u,46.6,i1,48.7 2004.302.08:53:52.28/tsys/9u,78.2,au,89.1,bu,61.9,cu,73.9,du,141.4,eu,285.2,i2,124.6 2004.302.08:53:52.29/tsys/5u,42.4,6u,51.8,7u,53.8,8u,54.4,i3,45.5 2004.302.08:53:52.92/fmout-gps/+6.3434E-006 2004.302.08:53:52.92:!2004.302.08:55:34 2004.302.08:53:52.99#setcl#time/366991430,4,2004,302,08,53,53.02,2.002,17.983,7 2004.302.08:53:52.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:55:34.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:55:34.00:disc_end 2004.302.08:55:34.26:disc_pos 2004.302.08:55:34.27/disc_pos/276651923472,274841312568, 2004.302.08:55:34.27:disc_check 2004.302.08:55:34.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h55m34.235s,13236,0.00500s,80000,1053480208, 2004.302.08:55:34.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:55:34.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 526179 : 2854 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 526069 : 2946 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 526121 : 2908 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:34.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 525942 : 3108 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 526135 : 2905 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 525965 : 3068 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 525763 : 3276 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 526204 : 2831 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:34.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.090 2004.302.08:55:34.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.68 2004.302.08:55:35.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.68 2004.302.08:55:35.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.09 2004.302.08:55:35.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.120 2004.302.08:55:35.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.08:55:35.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.08:55:35.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.08:55:35.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.08:55:35.69:scan_name=302-0856,rd0408,152 2004.302.08:55:35.69:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:55:38.71:setupnw 2004.302.08:55:42.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:42.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:55:42.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:55:42.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 411 ; 2004.302.08:55:42.99:!2004.302.08:56:08 2004.302.08:56:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.08:56:08.00/disc_pos/276651923472,276650923472, 2004.302.08:56:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.08:56:09.04:!2004.302.08:56:08 2004.302.08:56:09.05:preob 2004.302.08:56:09.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:56:09.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:56:12.63/tpical/1u,6344,2u,9125,3u,23134,4u,36674,i1,15836 2004.302.08:56:12.63/tpical/9u,6604,au,27500,bu,16267,cu,9391,du,9283,eu,49344,i2,7091 2004.302.08:56:12.63/tpical/5u,41481,6u,32143,7u,45558,8u,15890,i3,56972 2004.302.08:56:15.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,101 2004.302.08:56:15.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,799,bu,710,cu,508,du,599,eu,827,i2,64 2004.302.08:56:15.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1170,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.302.08:56:18.37:!2004.302.08:56:18 2004.302.08:56:18.37:disc_pos 2004.302.08:56:18.38/disc_pos/276795813888,276650923472, 2004.302.08:56:18.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.08:56:18.38:midob 2004.302.08:56:18.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.08:56:18.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.08:56:18.73/cable/+3.5928051E-02 2004.302.08:56:18.80/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10407,4939 2004.302.08:56:18.87/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36593 2004.302.08:56:18.94/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6512 2004.302.08:56:19.01/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21574 2004.302.08:56:19.09/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10971 2004.302.08:56:19.65/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.08:56:20.18/tpi/1u,4448,2u,6512,3u,15447,4u,23840,i1,10409 2004.302.08:56:20.18/tpi/9u,4653,au,20846,bu,10962,cu,6700,du,6607,eu,47396,i2,4784 2004.302.08:56:20.19/tpi/5u,25931,6u,21574,7u,31155,8u,11171,i3,36600 2004.302.08:56:20.20/tpdiff/1u,1896,2u,2613,3u,7687,4u,12834,i1,5427 2004.302.08:56:20.20/tpdiff/9u,1951,au,6654,bu,5305,cu,2691,du,2676,eu,1948,i2,2307 2004.302.08:56:20.21/tpdiff/5u,15550,6u,10569,7u,14403,8u,4719,i3,20372 2004.302.08:56:20.22/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.08:56:20.22/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.08:56:20.23/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.08:56:20.25/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.08:56:20.26/tsys/1u,50.5,2u,52.0,3u,49.7,4u,47.3,i1,49.4 2004.302.08:56:20.26/tsys/9u,73.5,au,96.4,bu,61.8,cu,73.6,du,71.8,eu,765.0,i2,65.5 2004.302.08:56:20.27/tsys/5u,42.8,6u,52.4,7u,54.1,8u,55.6,i3,46.5 2004.302.08:56:20.91/fmout-gps/+6.4204E-006 2004.302.08:56:20.92:!2004.302.08:58:50 2004.302.08:56:20.99#setcl#time/367006229,3,2004,302,08,56,21.02,2.011,18.024,8 2004.302.08:56:20.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.08:58:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.08:58:50.00:disc_end 2004.302.08:58:50.26:disc_pos 2004.302.08:58:50.26/disc_pos/279230445168,276651923472, 2004.302.08:58:50.26:disc_check 2004.302.08:58:50.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d08h58m50.235s,42888,0.00500s,80000,557448652, 2004.302.08:58:50.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.08:58:50.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 531060 : 2895 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 530969 : 2967 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 531024 : 2926 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 530800 : 3171 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 531028 : 2933 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:50.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 530868 : 3086 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:50.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 530662 : 3297 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 531089 : 2866 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:50.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.968 2004.302.08:58:50.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.68 2004.302.08:58:51.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.68 2004.302.08:58:51.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.09 2004.302.08:58:51.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.08:58:51.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.08:58:51.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.08:58:51.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.82 2004.302.08:58:51.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.08:58:51.70:scan_name=302-0901a,rd0408,178 2004.302.08:58:51.70:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.08:58:54.72:setupnw 2004.302.08:58:58.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:58.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.08:58:58.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.08:58:58.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 413 ; 2004.302.08:58:58.99:!2004.302.09:01:09 2004.302.09:01:09.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:01:09.00/disc_pos/279230445168,279229445168, 2004.302.09:01:09.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:01:10.04:!2004.302.09:01:09 2004.302.09:01:10.04:preob 2004.302.09:01:10.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:01:10.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:01:13.64/tpical/1u,7855,2u,11240,3u,29253,4u,46165,i1,20121 2004.302.09:01:13.64/tpical/9u,7584,au,29961,bu,18351,cu,10717,du,11825,eu,45902 2004.302.09:01:13.64/tpical/i2,8044 2004.302.09:01:13.64/tpical/5u,51999,6u,40009,7u,55900,8u,19736,i3,65535 2004.302.09:01:16.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,103 2004.302.09:01:16.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,802,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,828,i2,64 2004.302.09:01:16.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1166,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.09:01:19.38:!2004.302.09:01:19 2004.302.09:01:19.38:disc_pos 2004.302.09:01:19.40/disc_pos/279374336000,279229445168, 2004.302.09:01:19.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:01:19.41:midob 2004.302.09:01:19.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:01:19.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:01:19.69/cable/+3.5932158E-02 2004.302.09:01:19.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,14693,6229 2004.302.09:01:19.83/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,56361 2004.302.09:01:19.90/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8630 2004.302.09:01:19.97/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29712 2004.302.09:01:20.04/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13006 2004.302.09:01:20.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:01:21.13/tpi/1u,5956,2u,8627,3u,21544,4u,33454,i1,14696 2004.302.09:01:21.13/tpi/9u,5709,au,22916,bu,13014,cu,8008,du,9992,eu,42739,i2,5741 2004.302.09:01:21.14/tpi/5u,36677,6u,29712,7u,42290,8u,15117,i3,55714 2004.302.09:01:21.15/tpdiff/1u,1899,2u,2613,3u,7709,4u,12711,i1,5425 2004.302.09:01:21.15/tpdiff/9u,1875,au,7045,bu,5337,cu,2709,du,1833,eu,3163,i2,2303 2004.302.09:01:21.16/tpdiff/5u,15322,6u,10297,7u,13610,8u,4619,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.09:01:21.17/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:01:21.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:01:21.18/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:01:21.19/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:01:21.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.09:01:21.20/tsys/1u,71.0,2u,73.0,3u,70.2,4u,67.4,i1,69.9 2004.302.09:01:21.21/tsys/9u,94.5,au,100.4,bu,73.8,cu,88.6,du,164.0,eu,424.0,i2,78.9 2004.302.09:01:21.22/tsys/5u,61.7,6u,74.3,7u,78.6,8u,79.0,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.09:01:21.91/fmout-gps/+6.3509E-006 2004.302.09:01:21.92:!2004.302.09:04:17 2004.302.09:01:21.99#setcl#time/367036329,4,2004,302,09,01,22.02,2.001,18.107,7 2004.302.09:01:21.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:04:17.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:04:17.00:disc_end 2004.302.09:04:17.26:disc_pos 2004.302.09:04:17.27/disc_pos/282225003696,279230445168, 2004.302.09:04:17.27:disc_check 2004.302.09:04:17.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h04m17.235s,71228,0.00500s,80000,2237413132, 2004.302.09:04:17.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:04:17.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 536731 : 2939 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:17.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 536656 : 2994 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:17.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 536713 : 2951 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:17.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 536425 : 3260 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:17.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 536718 : 2957 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:17.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 536557 : 3113 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:17.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 536356 : 3317 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:17.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 536787 : 2882 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:17.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.968 2004.302.09:04:17.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.09:04:18.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.09:04:18.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.97 2004.302.09:04:18.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.09:04:18.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.09:04:18.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.09:04:18.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.09:04:18.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.09:04:18.75:scan_name=302-0912,rd0408,54 2004.302.09:04:18.75:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:04:21.77:setupnw 2004.302.09:04:25.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:25.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:04:25.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:04:25.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 415 ; 2004.302.09:04:25.99:!2004.302.09:12:09 2004.302.09:12:09.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:12:09.00/disc_pos/282225003696,282224003696, 2004.302.09:12:09.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:12:10.04:!2004.302.09:12:09 2004.302.09:12:10.04:preob 2004.302.09:12:10.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:12:10.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:12:13.62/tpical/1u,6325,2u,9157,3u,23220,4u,36840,i1,15838 2004.302.09:12:13.62/tpical/9u,6914,au,26106,bu,16046,cu,9300,du,11920,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.09:12:13.62/tpical/i2,7205 2004.302.09:12:13.62/tpical/5u,41789,6u,32599,7u,45928,8u,15996,i3,57420 2004.302.09:12:16.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.09:12:16.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,806,bu,708,cu,511,du,601,eu,830,i2,46 2004.302.09:12:16.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.09:12:19.36:!2004.302.09:12:19 2004.302.09:12:19.36:disc_pos 2004.302.09:12:19.37/disc_pos/282368897024,282224003696, 2004.302.09:12:19.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:12:19.37:midob 2004.302.09:12:19.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:12:19.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:12:19.58/cable/+3.5929853E-02 2004.302.09:12:19.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10399,5060 2004.302.09:12:19.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36899 2004.302.09:12:19.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6529 2004.302.09:12:19.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21914 2004.302.09:12:19.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10790 2004.302.09:12:20.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:12:21.01/tpi/1u,4430,2u,6527,3u,15450,4u,23997,i1,10401 2004.302.09:12:21.02/tpi/9u,5578,au,21153,bu,10790,cu,6647,du,10072,eu,$$$$$,i2,5397 2004.302.09:12:21.02/tpi/5u,26189,6u,21902,7u,31483,8u,11263,i3,36902 2004.302.09:12:21.03/tpdiff/1u,1895,2u,2630,3u,7770,4u,12843,i1,5437 2004.302.09:12:21.04/tpdiff/9u,1336,au,4953,bu,5256,cu,2653,du,1848,eu,$$$$$,i2,1808 2004.302.09:12:21.04/tpdiff/5u,15600,6u,10697,7u,14445,8u,4733,i3,20518 2004.302.09:12:21.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:12:21.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:12:21.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:12:21.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:12:21.09?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.09:12:21.10/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,51.8,3u,49.2,4u,47.6,i1,49.3 2004.302.09:12:21.10/tsys/9u,129.6,au,131.5,bu,61.4,cu,74.0,du,164.0,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.09:12:21.11/tsys/i2,94.7 2004.302.09:12:21.11/tsys/5u,43.1,6u,52.5,7u,54.6,8u,55.9,i3,46.5 2004.302.09:12:21.91/fmout-gps/+6.3854E-006 2004.302.09:12:21.91:!2004.302.09:13:13 2004.302.09:12:21.98#setcl#time/367102326,4,2004,302,09,12,22.01,2.008,18.291,8 2004.302.09:12:21.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:12:51.39;"weather: clear 2004.302.09:13:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:13:13.00:disc_end 2004.302.09:13:13.26:disc_pos 2004.302.09:13:13.26/disc_pos/283235475728,282225003696, 2004.302.09:13:13.26:disc_check 2004.302.09:13:13.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h13m13.230s,31896,0.00500s,80000,7565487300, 2004.302.09:13:13.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:13:13.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 538642 : 2957 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:13.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 538574 : 3006 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:13.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 538629 : 2966 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 538342 : 3273 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:13.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 538639 : 2966 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:13.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 538475 : 3126 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:13.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 538276 : 3327 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:13.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 538705 : 2893 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:13.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.968 2004.302.09:13:13.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.09:13:14.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.09:13:14.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.84 2004.302.09:13:14.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.09:13:14.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.09:13:14.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.09:13:14.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.76 2004.302.09:13:14.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.09:13:14.69:scan_name=302-0917,rd0408,40 2004.302.09:13:14.69:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:13:17.71:setupnw 2004.302.09:13:21.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:21.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:13:21.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:13:21.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 417 ; 2004.302.09:13:21.98:!2004.302.09:17:09 2004.302.09:17:09.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:17:09.00/disc_pos/283235475728,283234475728, 2004.302.09:17:09.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:17:10.04:!2004.302.09:17:09 2004.302.09:17:10.04:preob 2004.302.09:17:10.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:17:10.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:17:13.62/tpical/1u,6286,2u,9097,3u,22820,4u,36384,i1,15664 2004.302.09:17:13.62/tpical/9u,7114,au,27486,bu,15772,cu,9138,du,13245,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.09:17:13.62/tpical/i2,7566 2004.302.09:17:13.62/tpical/5u,41173,6u,32383,7u,45466,8u,16028,i3,56912 2004.302.09:17:16.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,95 2004.302.09:17:16.27/tpzero/9u,168,au,807,bu,709,cu,510,du,600,eu,830,i2,42 2004.302.09:17:16.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,290,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.09:17:19.36:!2004.302.09:17:19 2004.302.09:17:19.36:disc_pos 2004.302.09:17:19.37/disc_pos/283379363840,283234475728, 2004.302.09:17:19.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:17:19.37:midob 2004.302.09:17:19.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:17:19.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:17:19.44/cable/+3.5928614E-02 2004.302.09:17:19.53/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10228,5385 2004.302.09:17:19.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36380 2004.302.09:17:19.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6468 2004.302.09:17:19.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21722 2004.302.09:17:19.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10600 2004.302.09:17:20.38/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:17:20.92/tpi/1u,4384,2u,6471,3u,15138,4u,23508,i1,10232 2004.302.09:17:20.92/tpi/9u,6443,au,20979,bu,10591,cu,6556,du,11164,eu,$$$$$,i2,5763 2004.302.09:17:20.93/tpi/5u,25743,6u,21717,7u,31011,8u,11309,i3,36379 2004.302.09:17:20.94/tpdiff/1u,1902,2u,2626,3u,7682,4u,12876,i1,5432 2004.302.09:17:20.94/tpdiff/9u,671,au,6507,bu,5181,cu,2582,du,2081,eu,$$$$$,i2,1803 2004.302.09:17:20.95/tpdiff/5u,15430,6u,10666,7u,14455,8u,4719,i3,20533 2004.302.09:17:20.97/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:17:20.97/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:17:20.98/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:17:20.98/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:17:20.99?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.09:17:21.00/tsys/1u,49.4,2u,51.3,3u,48.7,4u,46.5,i1,48.5 2004.302.09:17:21.01/tsys/9u,299.3,au,99.2,bu,61.0,cu,74.9,du,162.4,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.09:17:21.01/tsys/i2,101.5 2004.302.09:17:21.02/tsys/5u,42.8,6u,52.2,7u,53.7,8u,56.3,i3,45.8 2004.302.09:17:21.91/fmout-gps/+6.4044E-006 2004.302.09:17:21.92:!2004.302.09:17:59 2004.302.09:17:21.99#setcl#time/367132326,3,2004,302,09,17,22.02,2.012,18.374,8 2004.302.09:17:21.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:17:59.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:17:59.00:disc_end 2004.302.09:17:59.26:disc_pos 2004.302.09:17:59.27/disc_pos/284022147824,283235475728, 2004.302.09:17:59.27:disc_check 2004.302.09:17:59.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h17m59.235s,2304,0.00500s,80000,3789437496, 2004.302.09:17:59.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:17:59.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 540136 : 2966 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:17:59.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 540066 : 3016 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:17:59.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 540128 : 2970 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:17:59.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 539834 : 3283 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:17:59.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 540130 : 2978 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:17:59.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 539968 : 3137 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:17:59.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 539770 : 3337 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:17:59.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 540201 : 2900 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:17:59.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.335 2004.302.09:17:59.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.09:18:00.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.31 2004.302.09:18:00.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.84 2004.302.09:18:00.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.120 2004.302.09:18:00.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.09:18:00.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.09:18:00.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.09:18:00.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.09:18:00.69:scan_name=302-0926a,rd0408,40 2004.302.09:18:00.69:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:18:03.71:setupnw 2004.302.09:18:07.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:18:07.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:18:07.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:18:07.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 419 ; 2004.302.09:18:07.99:!2004.302.09:26:08 2004.302.09:26:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:26:08.00/disc_pos/284022147824,284021147824, 2004.302.09:26:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:26:09.04:!2004.302.09:26:08 2004.302.09:26:09.04:preob 2004.302.09:26:09.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:26:09.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:26:12.63/tpical/1u,6573,2u,9164,3u,23148,4u,36735,i1,15782 2004.302.09:26:12.63/tpical/9u,6676,au,27384,bu,16443,cu,9564,du,8864,eu,24121,i2,7184 2004.302.09:26:12.63/tpical/5u,41444,6u,32174,7u,45525,8u,15902,i3,56952 2004.302.09:26:15.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,108 2004.302.09:26:15.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,793,bu,711,cu,509,du,599,eu,826,i2,65 2004.302.09:26:15.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,290,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.302.09:26:18.37:!2004.302.09:26:18 2004.302.09:26:18.37:disc_pos 2004.302.09:26:18.38/disc_pos/284166037504,284021147824, 2004.302.09:26:18.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:26:18.38:midob 2004.302.09:26:18.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:26:18.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:26:18.73/cable/+3.5929716E-02 2004.302.09:26:18.80/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10360,5094 2004.302.09:26:18.87/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36539 2004.302.09:26:18.94/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6532 2004.302.09:26:19.01/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21666 2004.302.09:26:19.08/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11092 2004.302.09:26:19.64/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:26:20.16/tpi/1u,4652,2u,6532,3u,15400,4u,23896,i1,10360 2004.302.09:26:20.16/tpi/9u,4721,au,20292,bu,11091,cu,6835,du,6623,eu,19252,i2,4955 2004.302.09:26:20.17/tpi/5u,25982,6u,21666,7u,31268,8u,11185,i3,36556 2004.302.09:26:20.18/tpdiff/1u,1921,2u,2632,3u,7748,4u,12839,i1,5422 2004.302.09:26:20.18/tpdiff/9u,1955,au,7092,bu,5352,cu,2729,du,2241,eu,4869,i2,2229 2004.302.09:26:20.19/tpdiff/5u,15462,6u,10508,7u,14257,8u,4717,i3,20396 2004.302.09:26:20.20/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:26:20.20/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:26:20.21/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:26:20.22/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:26:20.23/tsys/1u,52.6,2u,51.8,3u,49.2,4u,47.4,i1,49.2 2004.302.09:26:20.23/tsys/9u,74.5,au,88.0,bu,62.1,cu,74.2,du,86.0,eu,121.1,i2,70.2 2004.302.09:26:20.24/tsys/5u,43.1,6u,52.9,7u,54.9,8u,55.7,i3,46.4 2004.302.09:26:20.91/fmout-gps/+6.3669E-006 2004.302.09:26:20.92:!2004.302.09:26:58 2004.302.09:26:20.99#setcl#time/367186225,4,2004,302,09,26,21.02,2.008,18.524,8 2004.302.09:26:20.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:26:58.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:26:58.01:disc_end 2004.302.09:26:58.27:disc_pos 2004.302.09:26:58.28/disc_pos/284808981480,284022147824, 2004.302.09:26:58.29:disc_check 2004.302.09:26:58.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h26m58.250s,57724,0.00500s,80000,7837350924, 2004.302.09:26:58.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:26:58.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 541626 : 2979 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:26:58.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 541558 : 3027 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:26:58.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 541622 : 2979 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:26:58.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 541327 : 3293 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:26:58.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 541621 : 2990 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:26:58.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 541463 : 3145 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:26:58.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 541263 : 3348 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:26:58.76/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 541698 : 2906 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:26:58.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.846 2004.302.09:26:58.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.56 2004.302.09:26:59.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.31 2004.302.09:26:59.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.72 2004.302.09:26:59.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.242 2004.302.09:26:59.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.09:26:59.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.09:26:59.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.09:26:59.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.09:26:59.76:scan_name=302-0930a,rd0408,40 2004.302.09:26:59.76:source=cta26,033658.94,-015616.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:27:02.78:setupnw 2004.302.09:27:06.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:27:06.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:27:06.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:27:06.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 421 ; 2004.302.09:27:06.99:!2004.302.09:30:33 2004.302.09:30:33.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:30:33.00/disc_pos/284808981480,284807981480, 2004.302.09:30:33.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:30:34.04:!2004.302.09:30:33 2004.302.09:30:34.04:preob 2004.302.09:30:34.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:30:34.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:30:37.63/tpical/1u,6526,2u,9358,3u,23546,4u,37220,i1,16085 2004.302.09:30:37.63/tpical/9u,9127,au,28628,bu,17256,cu,9955,du,15562,eu,25169 2004.302.09:30:37.63/tpical/i2,8856 2004.302.09:30:37.63/tpical/5u,41471,6u,32030,7u,44706,8u,16610,i3,57045 2004.302.09:30:40.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.09:30:40.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,809,bu,710,cu,509,du,600,eu,826,i2,58 2004.302.09:30:40.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.09:30:43.37:!2004.302.09:30:43 2004.302.09:30:43.37:disc_pos 2004.302.09:30:43.38/disc_pos/284952875008,284807981480, 2004.302.09:30:43.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:30:43.38:midob 2004.302.09:30:43.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:30:43.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:30:43.69/cable/+3.5932137E-02 2004.302.09:30:43.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10722,5291 2004.302.09:30:43.83/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37293 2004.302.09:30:43.90/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6754 2004.302.09:30:43.97/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21818 2004.302.09:30:44.04/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11747 2004.302.09:30:44.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:30:45.14/tpi/1u,4640,2u,6750,3u,15914,4u,24562,i1,10721 2004.302.09:30:45.14/tpi/9u,7597,au,21671,bu,11654,cu,7138,du,12502,eu,22620,i2,6648 2004.302.09:30:45.15/tpi/5u,26474,6u,21818,7u,31009,8u,12038,i3,37234 2004.302.09:30:45.16/tpdiff/1u,1886,2u,2608,3u,7632,4u,12658,i1,5364 2004.302.09:30:45.16/tpdiff/9u,1530,au,6957,bu,5602,cu,2817,du,3060,eu,2549,i2,2208 2004.302.09:30:45.17/tpdiff/5u,14997,6u,10212,7u,13697,8u,4572,i3,19811 2004.302.09:30:45.18/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:30:45.18/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:30:45.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:30:45.20/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:30:45.21/tsys/1u,53.4,2u,54.4,3u,51.7,4u,49.4,i1,51.5 2004.302.09:30:45.21/tsys/9u,155.3,au,96.0,bu,62.5,cu,75.3,du,124.5,eu,273.6,i2,95.5 2004.302.09:30:45.22/tsys/5u,45.3,6u,54.8,7u,56.7,8u,62.3,i3,48.6 2004.302.09:30:45.91/fmout-gps/+6.3824E-006 2004.302.09:30:45.92:!2004.302.09:31:23 2004.302.09:30:45.99#setcl#time/367212725,4,2004,302,09,30,46.02,2.000,18.597,7 2004.302.09:30:45.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:31:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:31:23.01:disc_end 2004.302.09:31:23.27:disc_pos 2004.302.09:31:23.28/disc_pos/285595656160,284808981480, 2004.302.09:31:23.28:disc_check 2004.302.09:31:23.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h31m23.240s,43092,0.00500s,80000,3453179952, 2004.302.09:31:23.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:31:23.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 543118 : 2989 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 543050 : 3038 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 543113 : 2990 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 542817 : 3306 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 543115 : 3000 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:23.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 542955 : 3156 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:23.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 542758 : 3356 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:23.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 543195 : 2912 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:23.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.724 2004.302.09:31:23.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.09:31:24.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.31 2004.302.09:31:24.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.72 2004.302.09:31:24.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.09:31:24.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.09:31:24.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.09:31:24.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.76 2004.302.09:31:24.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.09:31:24.72:scan_name=302-0937,rd0408,40 2004.302.09:31:24.72:source=0528+134,052806.74,132942.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:31:27.74:setupnw 2004.302.09:31:31.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:31.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:31:31.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:31:31.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 423 ; 2004.302.09:31:31.99:!2004.302.09:36:52 2004.302.09:36:52.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:36:52.00/disc_pos/285595656160,285594656160, 2004.302.09:36:52.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:36:53.04:!2004.302.09:36:52 2004.302.09:36:53.04:preob 2004.302.09:36:53.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:36:53.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:36:56.64/tpical/1u,6318,2u,9021,3u,22546,4u,35476,i1,15392 2004.302.09:36:56.64/tpical/9u,13736,au,28698,bu,13676,cu,53237,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.09:36:56.64/tpical/i2,20754 2004.302.09:36:56.64/tpical/5u,39685,6u,30757,7u,43041,8u,15342,i3,54737 2004.302.09:36:59.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.09:36:59.30/tpzero/9u,169,au,1494,bu,709,cu,510,du,600,eu,850,i2,52 2004.302.09:36:59.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.09:37:02.39:!2004.302.09:37:02 2004.302.09:37:02.39:disc_pos 2004.302.09:37:02.40/disc_pos/285739548672,285594656160, 2004.302.09:37:02.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:37:02.40:midob 2004.302.09:37:02.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:37:02.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:37:02.76/cable/+3.5927739E-02 2004.302.09:37:02.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10035,6838 2004.302.09:37:02.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35024 2004.302.09:37:02.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6415 2004.302.09:37:03.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20523 2004.302.09:37:03.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9293 2004.302.09:37:03.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:37:04.21/tpi/1u,4427,2u,6415,3u,14890,4u,22837,i1,10035 2004.302.09:37:04.21/tpi/9u,11272,au,22387,bu,9283,cu,51731,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,19397 2004.302.09:37:04.22/tpi/5u,24710,6u,20523,7u,29377,8u,10820,i3,35017 2004.302.09:37:04.23/tpdiff/1u,1891,2u,2606,3u,7656,4u,12639,i1,5357 2004.302.09:37:04.23/tpdiff/9u,2464,au,6311,bu,4393,cu,1506,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,1357 2004.302.09:37:04.24/tpdiff/5u,14975,6u,10234,7u,13664,8u,4522,i3,19720 2004.302.09:37:04.25/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:37:04.26/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:37:04.26/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:37:04.27/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:37:04.28?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.09:37:04.28?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.09:37:04.29/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,51.1,3u,48.1,4u,46.0,i1,48.2 2004.302.09:37:04.29/tsys/9u,144.2,au,105.9,bu,62.5,cu,1088.4,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.09:37:04.30/tsys/i2,456.2 2004.302.09:37:04.30/tsys/5u,42.3,6u,51.4,7u,53.7,8u,56.0,i3,45.9 2004.302.09:37:04.91/fmout-gps/+6.3704E-006 2004.302.09:37:04.91:!2004.302.09:37:42 2004.302.09:37:04.98#setcl#time/367250624,4,2004,302,09,37,05.02,2.002,18.703,8 2004.302.09:37:04.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:37:42.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:37:42.00:disc_end 2004.302.09:37:42.26:disc_pos 2004.302.09:37:42.26/disc_pos/286382011224,285595656160, 2004.302.09:37:42.27:disc_check 2004.302.09:37:42.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h37m42.230s,50476,0.00500s,80000,5277477552, 2004.302.09:37:42.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:37:42.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 544610 : 3001 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:42.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 544543 : 3047 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:42.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 544599 : 3006 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:42.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 544308 : 3317 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:42.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 544611 : 3006 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:42.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 544444 : 3169 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:42.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 544248 : 3368 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:42.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 544684 : 2927 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:42.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.358 2004.302.09:37:42.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.56 2004.302.09:37:43.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.09:37:43.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.84 2004.302.09:37:43.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.242 2004.302.09:37:43.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.09:37:43.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.09:37:43.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.09:37:43.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.09:37:43.70:scan_name=302-0943,rd0408,40 2004.302.09:37:43.70:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:37:46.72:setupnw 2004.302.09:37:50.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:50.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:37:50.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:37:51.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 425 ; 2004.302.09:37:51.01:!2004.302.09:42:51 2004.302.09:42:51.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:42:51.00/disc_pos/286382011224,286381011224, 2004.302.09:42:51.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:42:52.04:!2004.302.09:42:51 2004.302.09:42:52.04:preob 2004.302.09:42:52.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:42:52.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:42:55.63/tpical/1u,6266,2u,9091,3u,22721,4u,35953,i1,15544 2004.302.09:42:55.63/tpical/9u,6467,au,26979,bu,15444,cu,8917,du,11467,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.09:42:55.63/tpical/i2,6876 2004.302.09:42:55.63/tpical/5u,40460,6u,31557,7u,44678,8u,15577,i3,55613 2004.302.09:42:58.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,97 2004.302.09:42:58.28/tpzero/9u,168,au,810,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,828,i2,46 2004.302.09:42:58.28/tpzero/5u,340,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.09:43:01.37:!2004.302.09:43:01 2004.302.09:43:01.37:disc_pos 2004.302.09:43:01.37/disc_pos/286525902848,286381011224, 2004.302.09:43:01.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:43:01.38:midob 2004.302.09:43:01.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:43:01.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:43:01.69/cable/+3.5927797E-02 2004.302.09:43:01.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10258,4824 2004.302.09:43:01.83/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35818 2004.302.09:43:01.90/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6520 2004.302.09:43:01.97/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21033 2004.302.09:43:02.04/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10410 2004.302.09:43:02.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:43:03.13/tpi/1u,4394,2u,6480,3u,15058,4u,23140,i1,10130 2004.302.09:43:03.13/tpi/9u,4602,au,20828,bu,10393,cu,6419,du,9316,eu,$$$$$,i2,4943 2004.302.09:43:03.14/tpi/5u,25242,6u,21033,7u,30414,8u,10871,i3,35386 2004.302.09:43:03.15/tpdiff/1u,1872,2u,2611,3u,7663,4u,12813,i1,5414 2004.302.09:43:03.15/tpdiff/9u,1865,au,6151,bu,5051,cu,2498,du,2151,eu,$$$$$,i2,1933 2004.302.09:43:03.16/tpdiff/5u,15218,6u,10524,7u,14264,8u,4706,i3,20227 2004.302.09:43:03.17/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:43:03.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:43:03.18/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:43:03.19/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:43:03.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.09:43:03.20/tsys/1u,50.4,2u,51.7,3u,48.6,4u,45.9,i1,48.2 2004.302.09:43:03.21/tsys/9u,76.1,au,104.1,bu,61.4,cu,75.7,du,129.7,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.09:43:03.22/tsys/i2,81.1 2004.302.09:43:03.22/tsys/5u,42.5,6u,51.3,7u,53.3,8u,54.1,i3,45.3 2004.302.09:43:03.91/fmout-gps/+6.3149E-006 2004.302.09:43:03.92:!2004.302.09:43:41 2004.302.09:43:03.99#setcl#time/367286524,4,2004,302,09,43,04.03,2.004,18.802,8 2004.302.09:43:03.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:43:41.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:43:41.00:disc_end 2004.302.09:43:41.26:disc_pos 2004.302.09:43:41.26/disc_pos/287168524624,286382011224, 2004.302.09:43:41.27:disc_check 2004.302.09:43:41.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h43m41.235s,2792,0.00500s,80000,4957614284, 2004.302.09:43:41.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:43:41.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 546105 : 3010 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 546035 : 3057 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 546096 : 3012 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:41.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 545800 : 3327 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:41.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 546102 : 3018 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:41.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 545937 : 3178 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:41.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 545739 : 3379 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:41.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 546180 : 2933 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:41.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.358 2004.302.09:43:41.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.09:43:42.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.09:43:42.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.72 2004.302.09:43:42.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.120 2004.302.09:43:42.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.09:43:42.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.09:43:42.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.42 2004.302.09:43:42.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.09:43:42.69:scan_name=302-0945,rd0408,90 2004.302.09:43:42.69:source=ok290,095400.00,252933.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:43:45.71:setupnw 2004.302.09:43:49.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:49.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:43:49.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:43:50.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 427 ; 2004.302.09:43:50.00:!2004.302.09:45:01 2004.302.09:45:01.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:45:01.00/disc_pos/287168524624,287167524624, 2004.302.09:45:01.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:45:02.04:!2004.302.09:45:01 2004.302.09:45:02.04:preob 2004.302.09:45:02.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:45:02.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:45:05.63/tpical/1u,6358,2u,9205,3u,23005,4u,36443,i1,15754 2004.302.09:45:05.63/tpical/9u,6460,au,27218,bu,15747,cu,9107,du,10008,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.09:45:05.63/tpical/i2,6945 2004.302.09:45:05.63/tpical/5u,41045,6u,32192,7u,45040,8u,15752,i3,56621 2004.302.09:45:08.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,499,i1,94 2004.302.09:45:08.28/tpzero/9u,167,au,806,bu,709,cu,510,du,601,eu,829,i2,47 2004.302.09:45:08.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,290,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.09:45:11.38:!2004.302.09:45:11 2004.302.09:45:11.38:disc_pos 2004.302.09:45:11.39/disc_pos/287312416768,287167524624, 2004.302.09:45:11.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:45:11.39:midob 2004.302.09:45:11.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:45:11.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:45:11.65/cable/+3.5928285E-02 2004.302.09:45:11.72/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10355,4892 2004.302.09:45:11.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36522 2004.302.09:45:11.86/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6554 2004.302.09:45:11.93/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21766 2004.302.09:45:12.00/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10572 2004.302.09:45:12.56/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:45:13.08/tpi/1u,4479,2u,6551,3u,15317,4u,23608,i1,10352 2004.302.09:45:13.08/tpi/9u,4747,au,20647,bu,10572,cu,6462,du,7749,eu,$$$$$,i2,4728 2004.302.09:45:13.09/tpi/5u,25896,6u,21762,7u,30933,8u,11156,i3,36505 2004.302.09:45:13.10/tpdiff/1u,1879,2u,2654,3u,7688,4u,12835,i1,5402 2004.302.09:45:13.10/tpdiff/9u,1713,au,6571,bu,5175,cu,2645,du,2259,eu,$$$$$,i2,2217 2004.302.09:45:13.11/tpdiff/5u,15149,6u,10430,7u,14107,8u,4596,i3,20116 2004.302.09:45:13.13/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:45:13.14/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:45:13.14/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:45:13.15/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:45:13.16?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.09:45:13.17/tsys/1u,51.4,2u,51.5,3u,49.3,4u,46.8,i1,49.4 2004.302.09:45:13.17/tsys/9u,85.6,au,96.6,bu,61.0,cu,72.0,du,101.3,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,67.6 2004.302.09:45:13.18/tsys/5u,43.9,6u,53.5,7u,54.9,8u,57.0,i3,46.9 2004.302.09:45:13.91/fmout-gps/+6.4119E-006 2004.302.09:45:13.93:!2004.302.09:46:41 2004.302.09:45:14.00#setcl#time/367299523,4,2004,302,09,45,14.03,2.013,18.839,8 2004.302.09:45:14.00#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:46:41.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:46:41.00:disc_end 2004.302.09:46:41.26:disc_pos 2004.302.09:46:41.26/disc_pos/288754952568,287168524624, 2004.302.09:46:41.27:disc_check 2004.302.09:46:41.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h46m41.235s,75704,0.00500s,80000,1293499144, 2004.302.09:46:41.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:46:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 549118 : 3025 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:41.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 549048 : 3072 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:41.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 549118 : 3018 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:41.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 548815 : 3340 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:41.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 549116 : 3034 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:41.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 548950 : 3193 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:41.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 548752 : 3394 : 10 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:41.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 549194 : 2947 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:41.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.480 2004.302.09:46:41.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.56 2004.302.09:46:42.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.09:46:42.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.84 2004.302.09:46:42.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.875 2004.302.09:46:42.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.09:46:42.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.09:46:42.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.37 2004.302.09:46:42.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.09:46:42.75:scan_name=302-0948b,rd0408,67 2004.302.09:46:42.75:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:46:45.77:setupnw 2004.302.09:46:49.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:49.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:46:49.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:46:49.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 429 ; 2004.302.09:46:49.99:!2004.302.09:48:26 2004.302.09:48:26.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:48:26.00/disc_pos/288754952568,288753952568, 2004.302.09:48:26.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:48:27.05:!2004.302.09:48:26 2004.302.09:48:27.05:preob 2004.302.09:48:27.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:48:27.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:48:30.65/tpical/1u,6336,2u,9080,3u,22703,4u,36165,i1,15635 2004.302.09:48:30.65/tpical/9u,6388,au,26775,bu,15750,cu,9200,du,9307,eu,$$$$$,i2,6816 2004.302.09:48:30.65/tpical/5u,40973,6u,31944,7u,45237,8u,15747,i3,56418 2004.302.09:48:33.31/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,96 2004.302.09:48:33.31/tpzero/9u,166,au,806,bu,709,cu,509,du,600,eu,831,i2,51 2004.302.09:48:33.31/tpzero/5u,341,6u,289,7u,1169,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.302.09:48:36.40:!2004.302.09:48:36 2004.302.09:48:36.40:disc_pos 2004.302.09:48:36.41/disc_pos/288898846720,288753952568, 2004.302.09:48:36.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:48:36.41:midob 2004.302.09:48:36.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:48:36.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:48:36.49/cable/+3.5927786E-02 2004.302.09:48:36.56/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10196,4838 2004.302.09:48:36.63/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35885 2004.302.09:48:36.70/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6437 2004.302.09:48:36.77/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21268 2004.302.09:48:36.84/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10540 2004.302.09:48:37.40/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:48:37.92/tpi/1u,4507,2u,6434,3u,14999,4u,23259,i1,10203 2004.302.09:48:37.93/tpi/9u,4736,au,20571,bu,10516,cu,6560,du,6805,eu,$$$$$,i2,5456 2004.302.09:48:37.93/tpi/5u,25454,6u,21270,7u,30857,8u,11016,i3,35915 2004.302.09:48:37.94/tpdiff/1u,1829,2u,2646,3u,7704,4u,12906,i1,5432 2004.302.09:48:37.95/tpdiff/9u,1652,au,6204,bu,5234,cu,2640,du,2502,eu,$$$$$,i2,1360 2004.302.09:48:37.95/tpdiff/5u,15519,6u,10674,7u,14380,8u,4731,i3,20503 2004.302.09:48:37.96/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:48:37.97/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:48:37.97/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:48:37.98/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:48:37.99?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.09:48:38.00/tsys/1u,53.2,2u,50.6,3u,48.1,4u,45.9,i1,48.4 2004.302.09:48:38.00/tsys/9u,88.5,au,101.9,bu,60.0,cu,73.3,du,79.4,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,127.2 2004.302.09:48:38.01/tsys/5u,42.1,6u,51.1,7u,53.7,8u,54.6,i3,45.3 2004.302.09:48:38.91/fmout-gps/+6.3969E-006 2004.302.09:48:38.92:!2004.302.09:49:43 2004.302.09:48:38.99#setcl#time/367320022,4,2004,302,09,48,39.02,2.007,18.896,8 2004.302.09:48:38.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:49:43.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:49:43.00:disc_end 2004.302.09:49:43.26:disc_pos 2004.302.09:49:43.27/disc_pos/289973348184,288754952568, 2004.302.09:49:43.27:disc_check 2004.302.09:49:43.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h49m43.240s,72396,0.00500s,80000,1693687692, 2004.302.09:49:43.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:49:43.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 551427 : 3042 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:43.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 551361 : 3086 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:43.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 551421 : 3041 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:43.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 551133 : 3349 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:43.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 551425 : 3051 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:43.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 551263 : 3207 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:43.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 551057 : 3415 : 10 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:43.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 551509 : 2958 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:43.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.846 2004.302.09:49:43.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.31 2004.302.09:49:44.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.09:49:44.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.72 2004.302.09:49:44.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.875 2004.302.09:49:44.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.09:49:44.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.09:49:44.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.09:49:44.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.09:49:44.72:scan_name=302-0952b,rd0408,60 2004.302.09:49:44.72:source=0235+164,023552.62,162403.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:49:47.74:setupnw 2004.302.09:49:51.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:51.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:49:51.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:49:51.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 431 ; 2004.302.09:49:51.98:!2004.302.09:52:38 2004.302.09:52:38.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:52:38.00/disc_pos/289973348184,289972348184, 2004.302.09:52:38.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:52:39.06:!2004.302.09:52:38 2004.302.09:52:39.06:preob 2004.302.09:52:39.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:52:39.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:52:42.64/tpical/1u,6484,2u,9392,3u,23764,4u,37144,i1,16152 2004.302.09:52:42.64/tpical/9u,9632,au,28421,bu,16515,cu,9671,du,10162,eu,30913 2004.302.09:52:42.64/tpical/i2,8476 2004.302.09:52:42.64/tpical/5u,41817,6u,32518,7u,45382,8u,15931,i3,57056 2004.302.09:52:45.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,498,i1,101 2004.302.09:52:45.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,822,bu,711,cu,509,du,600,eu,826,i2,64 2004.302.09:52:45.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.302.09:52:48.39:!2004.302.09:52:48 2004.302.09:52:48.39:disc_pos 2004.302.09:52:48.41/disc_pos/290117242880,289972348184, 2004.302.09:52:48.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:52:48.42:midob 2004.302.09:52:48.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:52:48.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:52:48.49/cable/+3.5931783E-02 2004.302.09:52:48.57/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10806,6775 2004.302.09:52:48.64/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37258 2004.302.09:52:48.71/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6801 2004.302.09:52:48.78/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22169 2004.302.09:52:48.85/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11223 2004.302.09:52:49.41/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:52:49.96/tpi/1u,4608,2u,6803,3u,16102,4u,24582,i1,10809 2004.302.09:52:49.96/tpi/9u,7232,au,22173,bu,11216,cu,6944,du,7638,eu,27027,i2,6516 2004.302.09:52:49.97/tpi/5u,26701,6u,22179,7u,31596,8u,11407,i3,37250 2004.302.09:52:49.98/tpdiff/1u,1876,2u,2589,3u,7662,4u,12562,i1,5343 2004.302.09:52:49.98/tpdiff/9u,2400,au,6248,bu,5299,cu,2727,du,2524,eu,3886,i2,1960 2004.302.09:52:49.99/tpdiff/5u,15116,6u,10339,7u,13786,8u,4524,i3,19806 2004.302.09:52:50.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:52:50.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:52:50.01/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:52:50.02/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:52:50.03/tsys/1u,53.2,2u,55.4,3u,52.1,4u,49.8,i1,52.1 2004.302.09:52:50.04/tsys/9u,94.2,au,109.4,bu,63.4,cu,75.5,du,89.2,eu,215.8,i2,105.3 2004.302.09:52:50.04/tsys/5u,45.3,6u,55.1,7u,57.4,8u,59.3,i3,48.7 2004.302.09:52:50.91/fmout-gps/+6.3684E-006 2004.302.09:52:50.92:!2004.302.09:53:48 2004.302.09:52:50.99#setcl#time/367345222,4,2004,302,09,52,51.02,1.999,18.965,7 2004.302.09:52:50.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:53:48.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:53:48.01:disc_end 2004.302.09:53:48.26:disc_pos 2004.302.09:53:48.27/disc_pos/291079573936,289973348184, 2004.302.09:53:48.27:disc_check 2004.302.09:53:48.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h53m48.240s,75564,0.00500s,80000,2813771080, 2004.302.09:53:48.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:53:48.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 553526 : 3057 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:48.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 553458 : 3101 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:48.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 553512 : 3062 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:48.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 553230 : 3364 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:48.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 553523 : 3065 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:48.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 553366 : 3218 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:48.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 553154 : 3430 : 10 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:48.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 553616 : 2964 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:48.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.480 2004.302.09:53:48.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.09:53:49.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.09:53:49.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.60 2004.302.09:53:49.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.09:53:49.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.09:53:49.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.09:53:49.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.09:53:49.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.09:53:49.70:scan_name=302-0957,rd0408,40 2004.302.09:53:49.70:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:53:52.72:setupnw 2004.302.09:53:56.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:56.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:53:56.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:53:57.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 433 ; 2004.302.09:53:57.01:!2004.302.09:57:43 2004.302.09:57:43.00:disc_pos 2004.302.09:57:43.00/disc_pos/291079573936,291078573936, 2004.302.09:57:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.09:57:44.04:!2004.302.09:57:43 2004.302.09:57:44.05:preob 2004.302.09:57:44.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:57:44.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:57:47.66/tpical/1u,6373,2u,9226,3u,23382,4u,37167,i1,16016 2004.302.09:57:47.66/tpical/9u,6978,au,27789,bu,16721,cu,9740,du,11203,eu,24828 2004.302.09:57:47.66/tpical/i2,7411 2004.302.09:57:47.66/tpical/5u,41950,6u,32920,7u,46187,8u,16073,i3,57738 2004.302.09:57:50.31/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,740,4u,497,i1,106 2004.302.09:57:50.31/tpzero/9u,171,au,822,bu,709,cu,509,du,600,eu,827,i2,56 2004.302.09:57:50.31/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.09:57:53.40:!2004.302.09:57:53 2004.302.09:57:53.40:disc_pos 2004.302.09:57:53.40/disc_pos/291223465984,291078573936, 2004.302.09:57:53.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.09:57:53.41:midob 2004.302.09:57:53.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.09:57:53.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.09:57:53.77/cable/+3.5934095E-02 2004.302.09:57:53.84/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10547,6464 2004.302.09:57:53.91/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37100 2004.302.09:57:53.98/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6614 2004.302.09:57:54.05/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22098 2004.302.09:57:54.12/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11211 2004.302.09:57:54.68/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.09:57:55.20/tpi/1u,4473,2u,6614,3u,15625,4u,24212,i1,10551 2004.302.09:57:55.20/tpi/9u,5292,au,21208,bu,11198,cu,6941,du,8396,eu,19954,i2,5707 2004.302.09:57:55.21/tpi/5u,26389,6u,22098,7u,31657,8u,11344,i3,37098 2004.302.09:57:55.22/tpdiff/1u,1900,2u,2612,3u,7757,4u,12955,i1,5465 2004.302.09:57:55.22/tpdiff/9u,1686,au,6581,bu,5523,cu,2799,du,2807,eu,4874,i2,1704 2004.302.09:57:55.23/tpdiff/5u,15561,6u,10822,7u,14530,8u,4729,i3,20640 2004.302.09:57:55.24/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.09:57:55.24/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.09:57:55.25/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.09:57:55.26/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.09:57:55.27/tsys/1u,50.7,2u,53.0,3u,49.9,4u,47.6,i1,49.7 2004.302.09:57:55.27/tsys/9u,97.2,au,99.1,bu,60.8,cu,73.5,du,88.9,eu,125.6,i2,106.1 2004.302.09:57:55.28/tsys/5u,43.5,6u,52.4,7u,54.6,8u,56.4,i3,46.5 2004.302.09:57:55.91/fmout-gps/+6.4184E-006 2004.302.09:57:55.92:!2004.302.09:58:33 2004.302.09:57:55.98#setcl#time/367375721,4,2004,302,09,57,56.03,2.016,19.050,9 2004.302.09:57:55.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.09:58:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.09:58:33.00:disc_end 2004.302.09:58:33.26:disc_pos 2004.302.09:58:33.26/disc_pos/291866087872,291079573936, 2004.302.09:58:33.27:disc_check 2004.302.09:58:33.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d09h58m33.240s,37052,0.00500s,80000,3773524576, 2004.302.09:58:33.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.09:58:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 555019 : 3068 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 554952 : 3109 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 555010 : 3067 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:33.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 554723 : 3373 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:33.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 555020 : 3071 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:33.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 554857 : 3229 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:33.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 554648 : 3438 : 10 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:33.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 555109 : 2973 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:33.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.480 2004.302.09:58:33.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.09:58:34.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.09:58:34.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.48 2004.302.09:58:34.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.242 2004.302.09:58:34.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.09:58:34.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.09:58:34.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.09:58:34.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.09:58:34.73:scan_name=302-1000,rd0408,156 2004.302.09:58:34.73:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.09:58:37.75:setupnw 2004.302.09:58:41.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:41.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.09:58:41.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.09:58:41.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 435 ; 2004.302.09:58:41.99:!2004.302.10:00:21 2004.302.10:00:21.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:00:21.00/disc_pos/291866087872,291865087872, 2004.302.10:00:21.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:00:22.04:!2004.302.10:00:21 2004.302.10:00:22.05:preob 2004.302.10:00:22.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:00:22.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:00:24.77;"weather: clear 2004.302.10:00:25.64/tpical/1u,6322,2u,9187,3u,23086,4u,36803,i1,15832 2004.302.10:00:25.64/tpical/9u,10021,au,27997,bu,16236,cu,9434,du,11762,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.10:00:25.64/tpical/i2,8230 2004.302.10:00:25.64/tpical/5u,41539,6u,32464,7u,45763,8u,15942,i3,57143 2004.302.10:00:28.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,97 2004.302.10:00:28.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,827,bu,709,cu,510,du,600,eu,829,i2,56 2004.302.10:00:28.29/tpzero/5u,341,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.10:00:31.38:!2004.302.10:00:31 2004.302.10:00:31.38:disc_pos 2004.302.10:00:31.39/disc_pos/292009979904,291865087872, 2004.302.10:00:31.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:00:31.39:midob 2004.302.10:00:31.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:00:31.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:00:31.47/cable/+3.5932570E-02 2004.302.10:00:31.54/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10375,7496 2004.302.10:00:31.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36525 2004.302.10:00:31.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6544 2004.302.10:00:31.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21754 2004.302.10:00:31.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11296 2004.302.10:00:32.39/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:00:32.91/tpi/1u,4424,2u,6549,3u,15386,4u,23881,i1,10376 2004.302.10:00:32.91/tpi/9u,10447,au,22129,bu,11399,cu,6722,du,9103,eu,$$$$$,i2,7386 2004.302.10:00:32.92/tpi/5u,26046,6u,21740,7u,31288,8u,11181,i3,36526 2004.302.10:00:32.93/tpdiff/1u,1898,2u,2638,3u,7700,4u,12922,i1,5456 2004.302.10:00:32.93/tpdiff/9u,-426,au,5868,bu,4837,cu,2712,du,2659,eu,$$$$$,i2,844 2004.302.10:00:32.94/tpdiff/5u,15493,6u,10724,7u,14475,8u,4761,i3,20617 2004.302.10:00:32.95/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:00:32.96/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:00:32.96/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:00:32.97/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:00:32.98?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:00:32.98?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:00:32.99/tsys/1u,50.1,2u,51.8,3u,49.5,4u,47.1,i1,49.0 2004.302.10:00:32.99/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,116.2,bu,70.7,cu,73.3,du,102.3,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.10:00:33.00/tsys/i2,277.9 2004.302.10:00:33.01/tsys/5u,43.1,6u,52.0,7u,54.1,8u,55.1,i3,45.8 2004.302.10:00:33.91/fmout-gps/+6.4219E-006 2004.302.10:00:33.92:!2004.302.10:03:07 2004.302.10:00:33.99#setcl#time/367391520,3,2004,302,10,00,34.02,2.011,19.094,8 2004.302.10:00:33.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:03:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:03:07.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:03:07.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:03:07.26/disc_pos/294508455952,291866087872, 2004.302.10:03:07.26:disc_check 2004.302.10:03:07.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h03m07.235s,52920,0.00500s,80000,1741536052, 2004.302.10:03:07.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:03:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 560035 : 3093 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 559975 : 3129 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:07.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 560029 : 3090 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 559743 : 3395 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 560034 : 3101 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:07.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 559875 : 3254 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:07.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 559657 : 3471 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:07.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 560135 : 2991 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:07.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.602 2004.302.10:03:07.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.10:03:08.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.10:03:08.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.36 2004.302.10:03:08.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.631 2004.302.10:03:08.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.10:03:08.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.10:03:08.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.10:03:08.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:03:08.71:scan_name=302-1003,rd0408,103 2004.302.10:03:08.71:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:03:11.72:setupnw 2004.302.10:03:15.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:15.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:03:15.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:03:15.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 437 ; 2004.302.10:03:15.98:!2004.302.10:03:40 2004.302.10:03:40.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:03:40.00/disc_pos/294508455952,294507455952, 2004.302.10:03:40.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:03:41.06:!2004.302.10:03:40 2004.302.10:03:41.06:preob 2004.302.10:03:41.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:03:41.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:03:44.65/tpical/1u,6298,2u,9144,3u,23067,4u,36589,i1,15769 2004.302.10:03:44.65/tpical/9u,6549,au,27338,bu,16119,cu,9402,du,9034,eu,65435,i2,6997 2004.302.10:03:44.65/tpical/5u,41316,6u,32364,7u,45664,8u,15889,i3,56880 2004.302.10:03:47.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,95 2004.302.10:03:47.30/tpzero/9u,170,au,803,bu,709,cu,510,du,600,eu,829,i2,51 2004.302.10:03:47.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.10:03:50.39:!2004.302.10:03:50 2004.302.10:03:50.39:disc_pos 2004.302.10:03:50.40/disc_pos/294652350464,294507455952, 2004.302.10:03:50.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:03:50.40:midob 2004.302.10:03:50.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:03:50.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:03:50.52/cable/+3.5932741E-02 2004.302.10:03:50.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10325,4856 2004.302.10:03:50.67/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36336 2004.302.10:03:50.74/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6505 2004.302.10:03:50.81/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21678 2004.302.10:03:50.88/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10773 2004.302.10:03:51.44/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:03:51.97/tpi/1u,4394,2u,6506,3u,15281,4u,23655,i1,10320 2004.302.10:03:51.98/tpi/9u,4640,au,20710,bu,10767,cu,6696,du,6654,eu,60818,i2,4919 2004.302.10:03:51.98/tpi/5u,25811,6u,21662,7u,31182,8u,11132,i3,36312 2004.302.10:03:51.99/tpdiff/1u,1904,2u,2638,3u,7786,4u,12934,i1,5449 2004.302.10:03:52.00/tpdiff/9u,1909,au,6628,bu,5352,cu,2706,du,2380,eu,4617,i2,2078 2004.302.10:03:52.00/tpdiff/5u,15505,6u,10702,7u,14482,8u,4757,i3,20568 2004.302.10:03:52.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:03:52.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:03:52.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:03:52.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:03:52.04/tsys/1u,49.5,2u,51.4,3u,48.6,4u,46.6,i1,48.8 2004.302.10:03:52.05/tsys/9u,74.9,au,96.1,bu,60.1,cu,73.2,du,81.4,eu,415.8,i2,75.0 2004.302.10:03:52.05/tsys/5u,42.7,6u,51.9,7u,53.9,8u,54.9,i3,45.7 2004.302.10:03:52.91/fmout-gps/+6.4029E-006 2004.302.10:03:52.92:!2004.302.10:05:33 2004.302.10:03:52.98#setcl#time/367411420,4,2004,302,10,03,53.02,2.005,19.149,8 2004.302.10:03:52.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:05:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:05:33.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:05:33.25:disc_pos 2004.302.10:05:33.26/disc_pos/296302746336,294508455952, 2004.302.10:05:33.26:disc_check 2004.302.10:05:33.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h05m33.235s,2796,0.00500s,80000,541759740, 2004.302.10:05:33.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:05:33.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 563444 : 3109 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 563380 : 3149 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 563448 : 3096 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 563153 : 3411 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:33.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 563441 : 3119 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:33.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 563282 : 3271 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:33.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 563061 : 3492 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:33.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 563542 : 3010 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:33.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.480 2004.302.10:05:33.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.10:05:34.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.10:05:34.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.48 2004.302.10:05:34.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.10:05:34.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.10:05:34.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.10:05:34.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.14 2004.302.10:05:34.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:05:34.70:scan_name=302-1009b,rd0408,40 2004.302.10:05:34.70:source=3c274,122817.57,124002.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:05:37.72:setupnw 2004.302.10:05:41.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:41.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:05:41.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:05:42.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 439 ; 2004.302.10:05:42.00:!2004.302.10:09:31 2004.302.10:09:31.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:09:31.00/disc_pos/296302746336,296301746336, 2004.302.10:09:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:09:32.04:!2004.302.10:09:31 2004.302.10:09:32.04:preob 2004.302.10:09:32.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:09:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:09:35.63/tpical/1u,6730,2u,9740,3u,24791,4u,39059,i1,16923 2004.302.10:09:35.63/tpical/9u,7021,au,28276,bu,17148,cu,9957,du,9463,eu,41462,i2,7548 2004.302.10:09:35.63/tpical/5u,44344,6u,34645,7u,48565,8u,16979,i3,61061 2004.302.10:09:38.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,97 2004.302.10:09:38.30/tpzero/9u,168,au,792,bu,709,cu,510,du,600,eu,825,i2,51 2004.302.10:09:38.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,289,7u,1168,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.10:09:41.39:!2004.302.10:09:41 2004.302.10:09:41.39:disc_pos 2004.302.10:09:41.39/disc_pos/296446640128,296301746336, 2004.302.10:09:41.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:09:41.40:midob 2004.302.10:09:41.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:09:41.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:09:41.53/cable/+3.5937078E-02 2004.302.10:09:41.60/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11468,5213 2004.302.10:09:41.67/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,40411 2004.302.10:09:41.74/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7079 2004.302.10:09:41.81/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23923 2004.302.10:09:41.88/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11863 2004.302.10:09:42.44/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:09:42.96/tpi/1u,4821,2u,7079,3u,16964,4u,26194,i1,11461 2004.302.10:09:42.96/tpi/9u,5084,au,21578,bu,11868,cu,7289,du,7143,eu,39233,i2,5195 2004.302.10:09:42.97/tpi/5u,28770,6u,23941,7u,34167,8u,12218,i3,40394 2004.302.10:09:42.98/tpdiff/1u,1909,2u,2661,3u,7827,4u,12865,i1,5462 2004.302.10:09:42.98/tpdiff/9u,1937,au,6698,bu,5280,cu,2668,du,2320,eu,2229,i2,2353 2004.302.10:09:42.99/tpdiff/5u,15574,6u,10704,7u,14398,8u,4761,i3,20667 2004.302.10:09:43.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:09:43.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:09:43.01/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:09:43.02/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:09:43.03/tsys/1u,55.2,2u,56.6,3u,53.9,4u,51.9,i1,54.1 2004.302.10:09:43.04/tsys/9u,81.2,au,99.3,bu,67.6,cu,81.3,du,90.2,eu,551.4,i2,70.0 2004.302.10:09:43.04/tsys/5u,47.5,6u,57.5,7u,59.6,8u,60.8,i3,50.6 2004.302.10:09:43.91/fmout-gps/+6.3874E-006 2004.302.10:09:43.92:!2004.302.10:10:21 2004.302.10:09:43.99#setcl#time/367446519,4,2004,302,10,09,44.02,2.008,19.247,8 2004.302.10:09:43.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:10:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:10:21.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:10:21.27:disc_pos 2004.302.10:10:21.27/disc_pos/297089421208,296302746336, 2004.302.10:10:21.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:10:21.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h10m21.240s,39492,0.00500s,80000,3821368432, 2004.302.10:10:21.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:10:21.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 564937 : 3119 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 564870 : 3161 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 564934 : 3112 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 564646 : 3422 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 564939 : 3125 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 564776 : 3280 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 564553 : 3502 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 565038 : 3017 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:21.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.358 2004.302.10:10:21.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.10:10:22.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.10:10:22.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.36 2004.302.10:10:22.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.875 2004.302.10:10:22.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.10:10:22.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.10:10:22.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.42 2004.302.10:10:22.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:10:22.73:scan_name=302-1011c,rd0408,40 2004.302.10:10:22.73:source=oq208,140445.63,284129.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:10:25.75:setupnw 2004.302.10:10:29.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:29.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:10:29.99/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:10:30.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 441 ; 2004.302.10:10:30.01:!2004.302.10:11:43 2004.302.10:11:43.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:11:43.00/disc_pos/297089421208,297088421208, 2004.302.10:11:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:11:44.04:!2004.302.10:11:43 2004.302.10:11:44.04:preob 2004.302.10:11:44.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:11:44.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:11:47.63/tpical/1u,6856,2u,9837,3u,25101,4u,39578,i1,17211 2004.302.10:11:47.63/tpical/9u,6794,au,24259,bu,16585,cu,9655,du,9216,eu,$$$$$,i2,7144 2004.302.10:11:47.63/tpical/5u,44914,6u,35203,7u,49328,8u,17243,i3,62865 2004.302.10:11:50.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,739,4u,499,i1,100 2004.302.10:11:50.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,797,bu,709,cu,511,du,601,eu,842,i2,48 2004.302.10:11:50.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,288,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.10:11:53.37:!2004.302.10:11:53 2004.302.10:11:53.37:disc_pos 2004.302.10:11:53.37/disc_pos/297233313792,297088421208, 2004.302.10:11:53.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:11:53.38:midob 2004.302.10:11:53.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:11:53.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:11:53.65/cable/+3.5934064E-02 2004.302.10:11:53.72/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11755,4927 2004.302.10:11:53.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,42235 2004.302.10:11:53.86/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7193 2004.302.10:11:53.93/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24512 2004.302.10:11:54.00/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11351 2004.302.10:11:54.57/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:11:55.09/tpi/1u,4953,2u,7194,3u,17348,4u,26782,i1,11754 2004.302.10:11:55.09/tpi/9u,4862,au,19917,bu,11339,cu,7030,du,6709,eu,$$$$$,i2,4937 2004.302.10:11:55.10/tpi/5u,29403,6u,24512,7u,35043,8u,12485,i3,42257 2004.302.10:11:55.11/tpdiff/1u,1903,2u,2643,3u,7753,4u,12796,i1,5457 2004.302.10:11:55.11/tpdiff/9u,1932,au,4342,bu,5246,cu,2625,du,2507,eu,$$$$$,i2,2207 2004.302.10:11:55.12/tpdiff/5u,15511,6u,10691,7u,14285,8u,4758,i3,20608 2004.302.10:11:55.13/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:11:55.13/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:11:55.14/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:11:55.15/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:11:55.16?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:11:55.17/tsys/1u,57.2,2u,58.1,3u,55.7,4u,53.4,i1,55.5 2004.302.10:11:55.18/tsys/9u,77.7,au,140.9,bu,64.8,cu,79.5,du,78.0,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,70.9 2004.302.10:11:55.18/tsys/5u,48.7,6u,58.9,7u,61.7,8u,62.3,i3,53.1 2004.302.10:11:55.91/fmout-gps/+6.4049E-006 2004.302.10:11:55.91:!2004.302.10:12:33 2004.302.10:11:55.98#setcl#time/367459719,4,2004,302,10,11,56.02,2.004,19.284,8 2004.302.10:11:55.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:12:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:12:33.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:12:33.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:12:33.27/disc_pos/297876096264,297089421208, 2004.302.10:12:33.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:12:33.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h12m33.240s,25244,0.00500s,80000,1325339192, 2004.302.10:12:33.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:12:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 566431 : 3127 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 566362 : 3172 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 566424 : 3124 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 566142 : 3429 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 566428 : 3140 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:33.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 566271 : 3288 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:33.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 566045 : 3513 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:33.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 566525 : 3033 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:33.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.236 2004.302.10:12:33.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.10:12:34.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.10:12:34.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.36 2004.302.10:12:34.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.998 2004.302.10:12:34.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.10:12:34.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.10:12:34.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.42 2004.302.10:12:34.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:12:34.69:scan_name=302-1018,rd0408,40 2004.302.10:12:34.69:source=1308+326,130807.57,323640.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:12:37.71:setupnw 2004.302.10:12:41.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:41.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:12:41.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:12:41.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 443 ; 2004.302.10:12:41.99:!2004.302.10:18:32 2004.302.10:18:32.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:18:32.00/disc_pos/297876096264,297875096264, 2004.302.10:18:32.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:18:33.04:!2004.302.10:18:32 2004.302.10:18:33.04:preob 2004.302.10:18:33.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:18:33.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:18:36.63/tpical/1u,6701,2u,9614,3u,24537,4u,38827,i1,16808 2004.302.10:18:36.63/tpical/9u,6781,au,27925,bu,12493,cu,$$$$$,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.10:18:36.63/tpical/i2,7186 2004.302.10:18:36.63/tpical/5u,44041,6u,34348,7u,48125,8u,16810,i3,61935 2004.302.10:18:39.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,498,i1,103 2004.302.10:18:39.29/tpzero/9u,168,au,800,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,952,i2,60 2004.302.10:18:39.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,290,7u,1169,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.10:18:42.38:!2004.302.10:18:42 2004.302.10:18:42.38:disc_pos 2004.302.10:18:42.40/disc_pos/298019987456,297875096264, 2004.302.10:18:42.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:18:42.41:midob 2004.302.10:18:42.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:18:42.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:18:42.61/cable/+3.5933572E-02 2004.302.10:18:42.68/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11345,4976 2004.302.10:18:42.75/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,41243 2004.302.10:18:42.82/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6990 2004.302.10:18:42.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23597 2004.302.10:18:42.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8624 2004.302.10:18:43.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:18:44.04/tpi/1u,4797,2u,6987,3u,16725,4u,25935,i1,11343 2004.302.10:18:44.04/tpi/9u,4823,au,20689,bu,8624,cu,$$$$$,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,4969 2004.302.10:18:44.05/tpi/5u,28298,6u,23569,7u,33692,8u,12065,i3,41237 2004.302.10:18:44.06/tpdiff/1u,1904,2u,2627,3u,7812,4u,12892,i1,5465 2004.302.10:18:44.06/tpdiff/9u,1958,au,7236,bu,3869,cu,$$$$$,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,2217 2004.302.10:18:44.07/tpdiff/5u,15743,6u,10779,7u,14433,8u,4745,i3,20698 2004.302.10:18:44.08/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:18:44.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:18:44.09/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:18:44.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:18:44.11?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:18:44.11?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:18:44.11?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:18:44.13/tsys/1u,55.0,2u,56.4,3u,53.2,4u,51.3,i1,53.5 2004.302.10:18:44.13/tsys/9u,76.1,au,88.0,bu,65.5,cu,$$$$$$$$,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.10:18:44.14/tsys/i2,70.9 2004.302.10:18:44.14/tsys/5u,46.2,6u,56.2,7u,58.6,8u,60.2,i3,51.6 2004.302.10:18:44.91/fmout-gps/+6.3424E-006 2004.302.10:18:44.91:!2004.302.10:19:22 2004.302.10:18:44.97#setcl#time/367500617,4,2004,302,10,18,45.01,2.004,19.397,8 2004.302.10:18:44.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:19:22.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:19:22.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:19:22.27:disc_pos 2004.302.10:19:22.27/disc_pos/298662770824,297876096264, 2004.302.10:19:22.28:disc_check 2004.302.10:19:22.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h19m22.245s,75560,0.00500s,80000,5757355124, 2004.302.10:19:22.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:19:22.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 567925 : 3136 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 567850 : 3186 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:22.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 567916 : 3135 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 567635 : 3438 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:22.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 567923 : 3148 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:22.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 567761 : 3300 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:22.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 567535 : 3526 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:22.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 568015 : 3047 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:22.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.236 2004.302.10:19:22.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.10:19:23.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.10:19:23.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.36 2004.302.10:19:23.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.242 2004.302.10:19:23.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.10:19:23.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.10:19:23.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.10:19:23.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:19:23.75:scan_name=302-1024,rd0408,51 2004.302.10:19:23.75:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:19:26.77:setupnw 2004.302.10:19:30.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:30.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:19:30.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:19:30.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 445 ; 2004.302.10:19:30.98:!2004.302.10:23:51 2004.302.10:23:51.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:23:51.00/disc_pos/298662770824,298661770824, 2004.302.10:23:51.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:23:52.04:!2004.302.10:23:51 2004.302.10:23:52.04:preob 2004.302.10:23:52.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:23:52.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:23:55.62/tpical/1u,6393,2u,9279,3u,23436,4u,37378,i1,16041 2004.302.10:23:55.62/tpical/9u,11126,au,27911,bu,16891,cu,9893,du,13936,eu,54099 2004.302.10:23:55.62/tpical/i2,9189 2004.302.10:23:55.62/tpical/5u,42052,6u,32935,7u,46427,8u,16203,i3,58176 2004.302.10:23:58.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,104 2004.302.10:23:58.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,869,bu,710,cu,509,du,600,eu,829,i2,64 2004.302.10:23:58.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1166,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.10:24:01.36:!2004.302.10:24:01 2004.302.10:24:01.36:disc_pos 2004.302.10:24:01.37/disc_pos/298806661120,298661770824, 2004.302.10:24:01.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:24:01.37:midob 2004.302.10:24:01.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:24:01.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:24:01.57/cable/+3.5929659E-02 2004.302.10:24:01.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10559,8348 2004.302.10:24:01.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37421 2004.302.10:24:01.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6632 2004.302.10:24:01.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22163 2004.302.10:24:01.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11265 2004.302.10:24:02.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:24:03.01/tpi/1u,4485,2u,6632,3u,15579,4u,24302,i1,10559 2004.302.10:24:03.02/tpi/9u,9938,au,21175,bu,11265,cu,7060,du,11528,eu,51920,i2,8470 2004.302.10:24:03.02/tpi/5u,26469,6u,22157,7u,31898,8u,11375,i3,37417 2004.302.10:24:03.03/tpdiff/1u,1908,2u,2647,3u,7857,4u,13076,i1,5482 2004.302.10:24:03.04/tpdiff/9u,1188,au,6736,bu,5626,cu,2833,du,2408,eu,2179,i2,719 2004.302.10:24:03.04/tpdiff/5u,15583,6u,10778,7u,14529,8u,4828,i3,20759 2004.302.10:24:03.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:24:03.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:24:03.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:24:03.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:24:03.08/tsys/1u,50.7,2u,52.5,3u,49.1,4u,47.3,i1,49.6 2004.302.10:24:03.09/tsys/9u,263.1,au,96.5,bu,60.0,cu,74.0,du,145.2,eu,750.3,i2,374.1 2004.302.10:24:03.09/tsys/5u,43.6,6u,52.8,7u,55.0,8u,55.4,i3,46.6 2004.302.10:24:03.91/fmout-gps/+6.3754E-006 2004.302.10:24:03.91:!2004.302.10:24:52 2004.302.10:24:03.98#setcl#time/367532516,4,2004,302,10,24,04.01,2.008,19.486,8 2004.302.10:24:03.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:24:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:24:52.01:disc_end 2004.302.10:24:52.27:disc_pos 2004.302.10:24:52.28/disc_pos/299625620440,298662770824, 2004.302.10:24:52.28:disc_check 2004.302.10:24:52.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h24m52.250s,52016,0.00500s,80000,4317253928, 2004.302.10:24:52.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:24:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 569753 : 3147 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:24:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 569681 : 3195 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:24:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 569730 : 3160 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:24:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 569463 : 3449 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:24:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 569747 : 3163 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:24:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 569592 : 3308 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:24:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 569363 : 3536 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:24:52.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 569847 : 3054 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:24:52.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.358 2004.302.10:24:52.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.10:24:53.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.10:24:53.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.23 2004.302.10:24:53.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.10:24:53.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.10:24:53.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.10:24:53.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.10:24:53.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:24:53.70:scan_name=302-1029,rd0408,192 2004.302.10:24:53.70:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:24:56.72:setupnw 2004.302.10:25:00.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:25:00.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:25:00.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:25:01.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 447 ; 2004.302.10:25:01.00:!2004.302.10:29:02 2004.302.10:29:02.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:29:02.00/disc_pos/299625620440,299624620440, 2004.302.10:29:02.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:29:03.04:!2004.302.10:29:02 2004.302.10:29:03.05:preob 2004.302.10:29:03.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:29:03.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:29:06.62/tpical/1u,6601,2u,9223,3u,23123,4u,36705,i1,15819 2004.302.10:29:06.62/tpical/9u,6412,au,26401,bu,15705,cu,9077,du,8884,eu,53813,i2,7147 2004.302.10:29:06.62/tpical/5u,41613,6u,32617,7u,45625,8u,15963,i3,57253 2004.302.10:29:09.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,100 2004.302.10:29:09.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,801,bu,708,cu,511,du,600,eu,828,i2,55 2004.302.10:29:09.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,290,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.10:29:12.36:!2004.302.10:29:12 2004.302.10:29:12.36:disc_pos 2004.302.10:29:12.36/disc_pos/299769511936,299624620440, 2004.302.10:29:12.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:29:12.37:midob 2004.302.10:29:12.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:29:12.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:29:12.60/cable/+3.5929902E-02 2004.302.10:29:12.67/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10363,4762 2004.302.10:29:12.74/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36670 2004.302.10:29:12.81/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6576 2004.302.10:29:12.88/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21791 2004.302.10:29:12.95/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10480 2004.302.10:29:13.51/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:29:14.03/tpi/1u,4688,2u,6577,3u,15279,4u,23763,i1,10363 2004.302.10:29:14.03/tpi/9u,4466,au,17034,bu,10480,cu,6500,du,6355,eu,48167,i2,4754 2004.302.10:29:14.04/tpi/5u,25959,6u,21821,7u,31206,8u,11200,i3,36694 2004.302.10:29:14.05/tpdiff/1u,1913,2u,2646,3u,7844,4u,12942,i1,5456 2004.302.10:29:14.05/tpdiff/9u,1946,au,9367,bu,5225,cu,2577,du,2529,eu,5646,i2,2393 2004.302.10:29:14.06/tpdiff/5u,15654,6u,10796,7u,14419,8u,4763,i3,20559 2004.302.10:29:14.07/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:29:14.07/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:29:14.08/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:29:14.09/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:29:14.10/tsys/1u,53.3,2u,52.0,3u,48.2,4u,46.7,i1,48.9 2004.302.10:29:14.11/tsys/9u,70.6,au,55.5,bu,59.8,cu,74.4,du,72.8,eu,268.3,i2,62.8 2004.302.10:29:14.11/tsys/5u,42.5,6u,51.9,7u,54.2,8u,55.2,i3,46.2 2004.302.10:29:14.90/fmout-gps/+6.3454E-006 2004.302.10:29:14.91:!2004.302.10:32:24 2004.302.10:29:14.98#setcl#time/367563616,3,2004,302,10,29,15.02,2.011,19.572,9 2004.302.10:29:14.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:32:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:32:24.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:32:24.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:32:24.26/disc_pos/302844039664,299625620440, 2004.302.10:32:24.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:32:24.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h32m24.235s,9104,0.00500s,80000,4013383688, 2004.302.10:32:24.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:32:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 575863 : 3178 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 575794 : 3224 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:24.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 575860 : 3171 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:24.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 575569 : 3485 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:24.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 575856 : 3197 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:24.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 575702 : 3339 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:24.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 575478 : 3563 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:24.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 575971 : 3071 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:24.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.846 2004.302.10:32:24.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.10:32:25.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.10:32:25.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.48 2004.302.10:32:25.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.631 2004.302.10:32:25.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.10:32:25.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.10:32:25.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.02 2004.302.10:32:25.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.10:32:25.72:scan_name=302-1033,rd0408,40 2004.302.10:32:25.72:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:32:28.74:setupnw 2004.302.10:32:32.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:32.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:32:32.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:32:32.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 449 ; 2004.302.10:32:32.99:!2004.302.10:33:07 2004.302.10:33:07.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:33:07.00/disc_pos/302844039664,302843039664, 2004.302.10:33:07.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:33:08.04:!2004.302.10:33:07 2004.302.10:33:08.04:preob 2004.302.10:33:08.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:33:08.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:33:11.62/tpical/1u,6288,2u,9152,3u,22725,4u,35825,i1,15590 2004.302.10:33:11.62/tpical/9u,5852,au,24472,bu,14171,cu,8168,du,24374,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.10:33:11.62/tpical/i2,6250 2004.302.10:33:11.62/tpical/5u,40180,6u,31465,7u,43782,8u,15518,i3,55022 2004.302.10:33:14.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,99 2004.302.10:33:14.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,811,bu,709,cu,510,du,601,eu,830,i2,54 2004.302.10:33:14.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,289,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.10:33:17.37:!2004.302.10:33:17 2004.302.10:33:17.37:disc_pos 2004.302.10:33:17.38/disc_pos/302987931648,302843039664, 2004.302.10:33:17.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:33:17.39:midob 2004.302.10:33:17.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:33:17.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:33:17.76/cable/+3.5930323E-02 2004.302.10:33:17.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10227,4251 2004.302.10:33:17.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35241 2004.302.10:33:17.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6535 2004.302.10:33:18.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21160 2004.302.10:33:18.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9477 2004.302.10:33:18.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:33:19.20/tpi/1u,4409,2u,6535,3u,15130,4u,23259,i1,10234 2004.302.10:33:19.20/tpi/9u,4081,au,18341,bu,9460,cu,5815,du,20671,eu,$$$$$,i2,4211 2004.302.10:33:19.21/tpi/5u,25201,6u,21160,7u,29956,8u,10908,i3,35252 2004.302.10:33:19.22/tpdiff/1u,1879,2u,2617,3u,7595,4u,12566,i1,5356 2004.302.10:33:19.22/tpdiff/9u,1771,au,6131,bu,4711,cu,2353,du,3703,eu,$$$$$,i2,2039 2004.302.10:33:19.23/tpdiff/5u,14979,6u,10305,7u,13826,8u,4610,i3,19770 2004.302.10:33:19.24/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:33:19.24/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:33:19.25/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:33:19.26/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:33:19.27?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:33:19.27/tsys/1u,50.4,2u,52.1,3u,49.3,4u,47.1,i1,49.2 2004.302.10:33:19.28/tsys/9u,70.7,au,91.5,bu,59.4,cu,72.1,du,173.4,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,65.2 2004.302.10:33:19.28/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,52.7,7u,54.1,8u,55.4,i3,46.1 2004.302.10:33:19.91/fmout-gps/+6.3999E-006 2004.302.10:33:19.92:!2004.302.10:33:57 2004.302.10:33:19.98#setcl#time/367588116,4,2004,302,10,33,20.02,2.004,19.640,8 2004.302.10:33:19.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:33:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:33:57.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:33:57.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:33:57.27/disc_pos/303630712152,302844039664, 2004.302.10:33:57.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:33:57.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h33m57.245s,41788,0.00500s,80000,701454828, 2004.302.10:33:57.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:33:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 577355 : 3189 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:33:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 577286 : 3234 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:33:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 577347 : 3187 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:33:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 577063 : 3495 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:33:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 577347 : 3209 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:33:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 577192 : 3352 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:33:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 576974 : 3569 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:33:57.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 577467 : 3078 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:33:57.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.846 2004.302.10:33:57.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.10:33:58.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.10:33:58.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.36 2004.302.10:33:58.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.753 2004.302.10:33:58.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.10:33:58.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.10:33:58.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.08 2004.302.10:33:58.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:33:58.68:scan_name=302-1035,rd0408,77 2004.302.10:33:58.68:source=cta26,033658.94,-015616.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:34:01.70:setupnw 2004.302.10:34:05.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:34:05.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:34:05.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:34:05.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 451 ; 2004.302.10:34:05.99:!2004.302.10:35:01 2004.302.10:35:01.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:35:01.00/disc_pos/303630712152,303629712152, 2004.302.10:35:01.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:35:02.04:!2004.302.10:35:01 2004.302.10:35:02.04:preob 2004.302.10:35:02.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:35:02.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:35:05.62/tpical/1u,7270,2u,10309,3u,26144,4u,41154,i1,17936 2004.302.10:35:05.62/tpical/9u,9598,au,29619,bu,17263,cu,10193,du,27730,eu,60315 2004.302.10:35:05.62/tpical/i2,14055 2004.302.10:35:05.62/tpical/5u,46234,6u,35817,7u,50101,8u,18894,i3,63420 2004.302.10:35:08.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.10:35:08.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,826,bu,708,cu,510,du,602,eu,828,i2,51 2004.302.10:35:08.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.10:35:11.37:!2004.302.10:35:11 2004.302.10:35:11.37:disc_pos 2004.302.10:35:11.38/disc_pos/303774605312,303629712152, 2004.302.10:35:11.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:35:11.39:midob 2004.302.10:35:11.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:35:11.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:35:11.53/cable/+3.5934448E-02 2004.302.10:35:11.60/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12579,9445 2004.302.10:35:11.67/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,43616 2004.302.10:35:11.74/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7704 2004.302.10:35:11.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25585 2004.302.10:35:11.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11880 2004.302.10:35:12.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:35:12.97/tpi/1u,5402,2u,7710,3u,18542,4u,28619,i1,12581 2004.302.10:35:12.97/tpi/9u,10054,au,23126,bu,11886,cu,7456,du,24527,eu,$$$$$,i2,8141 2004.302.10:35:12.99/tpi/5u,31217,6u,25550,7u,36483,8u,14365,i3,43629 2004.302.10:35:12.99/tpdiff/1u,1868,2u,2599,3u,7602,4u,12535,i1,5355 2004.302.10:35:13.00/tpdiff/9u,-456,au,6493,bu,5377,cu,2737,du,3203,eu,$$$$$,i2,5914 2004.302.10:35:13.01/tpdiff/5u,15017,6u,10267,7u,13618,8u,4529,i3,19791 2004.302.10:35:13.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:35:13.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:35:13.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:35:13.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:35:13.04?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:35:13.04?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:35:13.05/tsys/1u,64.5,2u,64.2,3u,60.9,4u,58.3,i1,60.6 2004.302.10:35:13.06/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,109.9,bu,66.5,cu,81.2,du,239.0,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.10:35:13.06/tsys/i2,43.8 2004.302.10:35:13.07/tsys/5u,53.5,6u,64.0,7u,67.4,8u,76.2,i3,57.1 2004.302.10:35:13.91/fmout-gps/+6.4139E-006 2004.302.10:35:13.91:!2004.302.10:36:28 2004.302.10:35:13.98#setcl#time/367599516,4,2004,302,10,35,14.02,2.001,19.672,8 2004.302.10:35:13.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:36:28.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:36:28.01:disc_end 2004.302.10:36:28.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:36:28.27/disc_pos/305009441064,303630712152, 2004.302.10:36:28.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:36:28.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h36m28.250s,69812,0.00500s,80000,1037323064, 2004.302.10:36:28.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:36:28.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 579977 : 3199 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:28.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 579905 : 3247 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:28.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 579971 : 3195 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:28.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 579679 : 3511 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:28.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 579963 : 3227 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:28.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 579812 : 3364 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:28.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 579587 : 3588 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:28.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 580082 : 3095 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:28.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.236 2004.302.10:36:28.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.10:36:29.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.10:36:29.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.48 2004.302.10:36:29.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.10:36:29.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.10:36:29.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.10:36:29.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.10:36:29.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:36:29.74:scan_name=302-1037a,rd0408,148 2004.302.10:36:29.75:source=0556+238,055628.67,235345.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:36:32.76:setupnw 2004.302.10:36:36.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:36.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:36:36.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:36:37.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 453 ; 2004.302.10:36:37.00:!2004.302.10:37:12 2004.302.10:37:12.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:37:12.00/disc_pos/305009441064,305008441064, 2004.302.10:37:12.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:37:13.03:!2004.302.10:37:12 2004.302.10:37:13.04:preob 2004.302.10:37:13.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:37:13.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:37:16.61/tpical/1u,6399,2u,9109,3u,22693,4u,35795,i1,15566 2004.302.10:37:16.61/tpical/9u,12560,au,27549,bu,15481,cu,10207,du,41805,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.10:37:16.61/tpical/i2,15939 2004.302.10:37:16.61/tpical/5u,40294,6u,31351,7u,43908,8u,15462,i3,55556 2004.302.10:37:19.26/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,95 2004.302.10:37:19.26/tpzero/9u,169,au,897,bu,708,cu,510,du,601,eu,841,i2,46 2004.302.10:37:19.26/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.10:37:22.35:!2004.302.10:37:22 2004.302.10:37:22.35:disc_pos 2004.302.10:37:22.36/disc_pos/305153335296,305008441064, 2004.302.10:37:22.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:37:22.36:midob 2004.302.10:37:22.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:37:22.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:37:22.56/cable/+3.5933799E-02 2004.302.10:37:22.63/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10179,15001 2004.302.10:37:22.70/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35752 2004.302.10:37:22.77/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6494 2004.302.10:37:22.84/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20898 2004.302.10:37:22.91/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10359 2004.302.10:37:23.47/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:37:23.99/tpi/1u,4720,2u,6494,3u,15055,4u,23135,i1,10194 2004.302.10:37:23.99/tpi/9u,10796,au,20858,bu,10383,cu,7481,du,34419,eu,$$$$$,i2,14320 2004.302.10:37:24.00/tpi/5u,25160,6u,20901,7u,29916,8u,10831,i3,36120 2004.302.10:37:24.01/tpdiff/1u,1679,2u,2615,3u,7638,4u,12660,i1,5372 2004.302.10:37:24.02/tpdiff/9u,1764,au,6691,bu,5098,cu,2726,du,7386,eu,$$$$$,i2,1619 2004.302.10:37:24.02/tpdiff/5u,15134,6u,10450,7u,13992,8u,4631,i3,19436 2004.302.10:37:24.03/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:37:24.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:37:24.04/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:37:24.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:37:24.06?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:37:24.07/tsys/1u,61.2,2u,51.7,3u,48.7,4u,46.5,i1,48.9 2004.302.10:37:24.07/tsys/9u,192.8,au,95.5,bu,60.7,cu,81.8,du,146.5,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.10:37:24.08/tsys/i2,282.1 2004.302.10:37:24.08/tsys/5u,42.6,6u,51.3,7u,53.4,8u,54.7,i3,48.1 2004.302.10:37:24.90/fmout-gps/+6.4134E-006 2004.302.10:37:24.91:!2004.302.10:39:50 2004.302.10:37:24.98#setcl#time/367612615,3,2004,302,10,37,25.02,2.009,19.708,9 2004.302.10:37:24.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:39:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:39:50.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:39:50.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:39:50.26/disc_pos/307523957240,305009441064, 2004.302.10:39:50.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:39:50.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h39m50.235s,20188,0.00500s,80000,717293448, 2004.302.10:39:50.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:39:50.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 584755 : 3221 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 584678 : 3273 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 584739 : 3225 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:50.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 584454 : 3535 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 584739 : 3251 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:50.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 584586 : 3389 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:50.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 584367 : 3607 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:50.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 584858 : 3118 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:50.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.480 2004.302.10:39:50.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.10:39:51.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.10:39:51.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.36 2004.302.10:39:51.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.631 2004.302.10:39:51.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.10:39:51.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.10:39:51.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.10:39:51.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:39:51.72:scan_name=302-1043,rd0408,40 2004.302.10:39:51.72:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:39:54.74:setupnw 2004.302.10:39:58.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:58.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:39:58.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:39:58.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 455 ; 2004.302.10:39:58.99:!2004.302.10:43:33 2004.302.10:43:33.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:43:33.00/disc_pos/307523957240,307522957240, 2004.302.10:43:33.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:43:34.04:!2004.302.10:43:33 2004.302.10:43:34.04:preob 2004.302.10:43:34.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:43:34.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:43:37.63/tpical/1u,6499,2u,9396,3u,23738,4u,37388,i1,16184 2004.302.10:43:37.63/tpical/9u,6628,au,23513,bu,16294,cu,9547,du,10267,eu,27299 2004.302.10:43:37.63/tpical/i2,6996 2004.302.10:43:37.63/tpical/5u,42531,6u,33205,7u,46238,8u,16225,i3,58244 2004.302.10:43:40.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,499,i1,98 2004.302.10:43:40.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,801,bu,711,cu,510,du,599,eu,826,i2,61 2004.302.10:43:40.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,290,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.10:43:43.37:!2004.302.10:43:43 2004.302.10:43:43.37:disc_pos 2004.302.10:43:43.39/disc_pos/307667849216,307522957240, 2004.302.10:43:43.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:43:43.40:midob 2004.302.10:43:43.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:43:43.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:43:43.45/cable/+3.5935644E-02 2004.302.10:43:43.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10751,4771 2004.302.10:43:43.59/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37815 2004.302.10:43:43.66/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6759 2004.302.10:43:43.73/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22508 2004.302.10:43:43.80/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11007 2004.302.10:43:44.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:43:44.90/tpi/1u,4599,2u,6752,3u,16005,4u,24649,i1,10752 2004.302.10:43:44.90/tpi/9u,4685,au,20032,bu,11011,cu,6863,du,9590,eu,23556,i2,4774 2004.302.10:43:44.91/tpi/5u,27012,6u,22527,7u,32125,8u,11527,i3,37827 2004.302.10:43:44.92/tpdiff/1u,1900,2u,2644,3u,7733,4u,12739,i1,5432 2004.302.10:43:44.92/tpdiff/9u,1943,au,3481,bu,5283,cu,2684,du,677,eu,3743,i2,2222 2004.302.10:43:44.93/tpdiff/5u,15519,6u,10678,7u,14113,8u,4698,i3,20417 2004.302.10:43:44.94/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:43:44.95/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:43:44.95/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:43:44.96/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:43:44.97/tsys/1u,52.4,2u,53.7,3u,51.3,4u,49.3,i1,51.0 2004.302.10:43:44.97/tsys/9u,74.4,au,176.8,bu,62.4,cu,75.7,du,425.0,eu,194.3,i2,67.9 2004.302.10:43:44.98/tsys/5u,44.7,6u,54.1,7u,57.0,8u,57.8,i3,47.9 2004.302.10:43:45.90/fmout-gps/+6.3859E-006 2004.302.10:43:45.91:!2004.302.10:44:23 2004.302.10:43:45.97#setcl#time/367650714,4,2004,302,10,43,46.02,2.011,19.814,9 2004.302.10:43:45.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:44:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:44:23.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:44:23.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:44:23.27/disc_pos/308310631464,307523957240, 2004.302.10:44:23.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:44:23.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h44m23.250s,72516,0.00500s,80000,3581513448, 2004.302.10:44:23.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:44:23.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 586248 : 3232 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:23.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 586167 : 3287 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:23.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 586225 : 3242 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:23.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 585947 : 3546 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 586231 : 3262 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 586077 : 3400 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 585860 : 3617 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 586352 : 3126 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:23.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.114 2004.302.10:44:23.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.10:44:24.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.10:44:24.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.36 2004.302.10:44:24.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.899 2004.302.10:44:24.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.10:44:24.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.10:44:24.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.10:44:24.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:44:24.68:scan_name=302-1045a,rd0408,60 2004.302.10:44:24.68:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:44:27.69:setupnw 2004.302.10:44:31.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:31.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:44:31.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:44:31.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 457 ; 2004.302.10:44:31.98:!2004.302.10:45:08 2004.302.10:45:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:45:08.00/disc_pos/308310631464,308309631464, 2004.302.10:45:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:45:09.03:!2004.302.10:45:08 2004.302.10:45:09.04:preob 2004.302.10:45:09.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:45:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:45:12.63/tpical/1u,6732,2u,9474,3u,24162,4u,38207,i1,16438 2004.302.10:45:12.63/tpical/9u,6710,au,27366,bu,16516,cu,9615,du,11140,eu,21311 2004.302.10:45:12.63/tpical/i2,7182 2004.302.10:45:12.63/tpical/5u,43198,6u,33797,7u,47070,8u,16571,i3,59296 2004.302.10:45:15.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,101 2004.302.10:45:15.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,804,bu,711,cu,509,du,599,eu,826,i2,66 2004.302.10:45:15.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,289,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.10:45:18.37:!2004.302.10:45:18 2004.302.10:45:18.37:disc_pos 2004.302.10:45:18.37/disc_pos/308454522880,308309631464, 2004.302.10:45:18.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:45:18.39:midob 2004.302.10:45:18.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:45:18.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:45:18.48/cable/+3.5934720E-02 2004.302.10:45:18.55/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10997,5029 2004.302.10:45:18.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,38853 2004.302.10:45:18.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6864 2004.302.10:45:18.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23110 2004.302.10:45:18.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11210 2004.302.10:45:19.39/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:45:19.92/tpi/1u,4961,2u,6866,3u,16377,4u,25344,i1,10997 2004.302.10:45:19.92/tpi/9u,4757,au,20560,bu,11227,cu,6925,du,9393,eu,20241,i2,4952 2004.302.10:45:19.93/tpi/5u,27678,6u,23090,7u,32922,8u,11849,i3,38858 2004.302.10:45:19.94/tpdiff/1u,1771,2u,2608,3u,7785,4u,12863,i1,5441 2004.302.10:45:19.94/tpdiff/9u,1953,au,6806,bu,5289,cu,2690,du,1747,eu,1070,i2,2230 2004.302.10:45:19.95/tpdiff/5u,15520,6u,10707,7u,14148,8u,4722,i3,20438 2004.302.10:45:19.96/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:45:19.97/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:45:19.97/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:45:19.98/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:45:19.99/tsys/1u,61.6,2u,55.6,3u,52.2,4u,50.2,i1,52.1 2004.302.10:45:19.99/tsys/9u,75.1,au,92.9,bu,63.6,cu,76.3,du,161.1,eu,580.6,i2,70.1 2004.302.10:45:20.00/tsys/5u,45.8,6u,55.4,7u,58.4,8u,59.3,i3,49.2 2004.302.10:45:20.90/fmout-gps/+6.3974E-006 2004.302.10:45:20.91:!2004.302.10:46:18 2004.302.10:45:20.98#setcl#time/367660214,4,2004,302,10,45,21.02,2.008,19.840,9 2004.302.10:45:20.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:46:18.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:46:18.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:46:18.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:46:18.27/disc_pos/309417175832,308310631464, 2004.302.10:46:18.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:46:18.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h46m18.240s,67996,0.00500s,80000,733300152, 2004.302.10:46:18.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:46:18.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 588351 : 3242 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 588265 : 3301 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 588320 : 3260 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 588049 : 3558 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:18.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 588331 : 3275 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:18.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 588175 : 3415 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:18.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 587960 : 3630 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:18.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 588458 : 3133 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:18.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.991 2004.302.10:46:18.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.10:46:19.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.10:46:19.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.36 2004.302.10:46:19.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.899 2004.302.10:46:19.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.10:46:19.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.10:46:19.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.10:46:19.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.10:46:19.70:scan_name=302-1049,rd0408,40 2004.302.10:46:19.70:source=0528+134,052806.74,132942.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:46:22.72:setupnw 2004.302.10:46:26.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:26.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:46:26.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:46:26.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 459 ; 2004.302.10:46:26.98:!2004.302.10:49:14 2004.302.10:49:14.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:49:14.02/disc_pos/309417175832,309416175832, 2004.302.10:49:14.02:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:49:15.06:!2004.302.10:49:14 2004.302.10:49:15.06:preob 2004.302.10:49:15.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:49:15.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:49:18.64/tpical/1u,6728,2u,9207,3u,23203,4u,36533,i1,15860 2004.302.10:49:18.64/tpical/9u,11387,au,28290,bu,16245,cu,9536,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.10:49:18.64/tpical/i2,19522 2004.302.10:49:18.64/tpical/5u,41109,6u,31933,7u,44786,8u,17813,i3,57346 2004.302.10:49:21.31/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,100 2004.302.10:49:21.31/tpzero/9u,173,au,1106,bu,710,cu,510,du,602,eu,832,i2,65 2004.302.10:49:21.31/tpzero/5u,343,6u,290,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.10:49:24.40:!2004.302.10:49:24 2004.302.10:49:24.40:disc_pos 2004.302.10:49:24.40/disc_pos/309561065472,309416175832, 2004.302.10:49:24.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:49:24.41:midob 2004.302.10:49:24.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:49:24.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:49:24.72/cable/+3.5935735E-02 2004.302.10:49:24.79/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10425,18041 2004.302.10:49:24.86/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37080 2004.302.10:49:24.93/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6572 2004.302.10:49:25.00/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21458 2004.302.10:49:25.07/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10879 2004.302.10:49:25.63/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:49:26.15/tpi/1u,4794,2u,6572,3u,15448,4u,23776,i1,10428 2004.302.10:49:26.16/tpi/9u,11237,au,21732,bu,10877,cu,6926,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,15544 2004.302.10:49:26.16/tpi/5u,25811,6u,21458,7u,30669,8u,13020,i3,37153 2004.302.10:49:26.17/tpdiff/1u,1934,2u,2635,3u,7755,4u,12757,i1,5432 2004.302.10:49:26.18/tpdiff/9u,150,au,6558,bu,5368,cu,2610,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,3978 2004.302.10:49:26.18/tpdiff/5u,15298,6u,10475,7u,14117,8u,4793,i3,20193 2004.302.10:49:26.19/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:49:26.20/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:49:26.21/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:49:26.21/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:49:26.22?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:49:26.22?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:49:26.23/tsys/1u,54.1,2u,52.1,3u,49.3,4u,47.4,i1,49.4 2004.302.10:49:26.24/tsys/9u,2360.3,au,100.6,bu,60.6,cu,78.7,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.10:49:26.24/tsys/i2,124.5 2004.302.10:49:26.25/tsys/5u,43.3,6u,52.5,7u,54.3,8u,64.8,i3,47.6 2004.302.10:49:26.91/fmout-gps/+6.4449E-006 2004.302.10:49:26.91:!2004.302.10:50:04 2004.302.10:49:26.98#setcl#time/367684814,4,2004,302,10,49,27.02,2.001,19.909,8 2004.302.10:49:26.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:50:04.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:50:04.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:50:04.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:50:04.27/disc_pos/310203526360,309417175832, 2004.302.10:50:04.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:50:04.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h50m04.245s,20908,0.00500s,80000,2829776560, 2004.302.10:50:04.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:50:04.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 589845 : 3250 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:04.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 589759 : 3311 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:04.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 589814 : 3268 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:04.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 589542 : 3567 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:04.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 589824 : 3284 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:04.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 589667 : 3425 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:04.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 589444 : 3650 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:04.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 589951 : 3142 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:04.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.114 2004.302.10:50:04.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.10:50:05.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.10:50:05.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.23 2004.302.10:50:05.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.10:50:05.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.10:50:05.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.10:50:05.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.82 2004.302.10:50:05.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.10:50:05.72:scan_name=302-1054,rd0408,82 2004.302.10:50:05.72:source=0823+033,082313.52,031915.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:50:08.74:setupnw 2004.302.10:50:12.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:12.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:50:12.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:50:12.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 461 ; 2004.302.10:50:12.98:!2004.302.10:54:25 2004.302.10:54:25.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:54:25.00/disc_pos/310203526360,310202526360, 2004.302.10:54:25.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:54:26.04:!2004.302.10:54:25 2004.302.10:54:26.04:preob 2004.302.10:54:26.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:54:26.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:54:29.62/tpical/1u,6453,2u,9295,3u,22954,4u,36085,i1,15681 2004.302.10:54:29.62/tpical/9u,13047,au,27999,bu,16414,cu,9530,du,9669,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.10:54:29.62/tpical/i2,16647 2004.302.10:54:29.62/tpical/5u,40326,6u,31395,7u,44155,8u,15813,i3,55373 2004.302.10:54:32.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,496,i1,94 2004.302.10:54:32.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,975,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,832,i2,54 2004.302.10:54:32.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1161,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.10:54:35.36:!2004.302.10:54:35 2004.302.10:54:35.36:disc_pos 2004.302.10:54:35.36/disc_pos/310347419648,310202526360, 2004.302.10:54:35.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:54:35.37:midob 2004.302.10:54:35.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:54:35.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:54:35.41/cable/+3.5933626E-02 2004.302.10:54:35.48/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10378,14267 2004.302.10:54:35.55/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35859 2004.302.10:54:35.62/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6660 2004.302.10:54:35.69/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21289 2004.302.10:54:35.76/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11002 2004.302.10:54:36.31/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:54:36.83/tpi/1u,4545,2u,6658,3u,15475,4u,23582,i1,10380 2004.302.10:54:36.83/tpi/9u,10423,au,21133,bu,10991,cu,6815,du,7817,eu,$$$$$,i2,11006 2004.302.10:54:36.84/tpi/5u,25485,6u,21308,7u,30387,8u,11429,i3,35883 2004.302.10:54:36.85/tpdiff/1u,1908,2u,2637,3u,7479,4u,12503,i1,5301 2004.302.10:54:36.85/tpdiff/9u,2624,au,6866,bu,5423,cu,2715,du,1852,eu,$$$$$,i2,5641 2004.302.10:54:36.86/tpdiff/5u,14841,6u,10087,7u,13768,8u,4384,i3,19490 2004.302.10:54:36.87/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:54:36.87/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:54:36.88/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:54:36.89/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:54:36.90?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:54:36.90/tsys/1u,51.5,2u,52.9,3u,51.2,4u,48.0,i1,50.5 2004.302.10:54:36.91/tsys/9u,125.0,au,93.9,bu,60.7,cu,74.3,du,124.7,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.10:54:36.92/tsys/i2,62.1 2004.302.10:54:36.92/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,54.2,7u,55.2,8u,61.4,i3,47.6 2004.302.10:54:37.91/fmout-gps/+6.3934E-006 2004.302.10:54:37.92:!2004.302.10:55:57 2004.302.10:54:37.98#setcl#time/367715913,4,2004,302,10,54,38.02,2.004,19.995,8 2004.302.10:54:37.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:55:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:55:57.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:55:57.26:disc_pos 2004.302.10:55:57.27/disc_pos/311662263936,310203526360, 2004.302.10:55:57.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:55:57.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h55m57.245s,48264,0.00500s,80000,4189235068, 2004.302.10:55:57.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:55:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 592614 : 3265 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:55:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 592530 : 3326 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:55:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 592586 : 3281 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:55:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 592311 : 3583 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:55:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 592589 : 3303 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:55:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 592436 : 3441 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:55:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 592214 : 3664 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:55:57.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 592725 : 3153 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:55:57.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.869 2004.302.10:55:57.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.10:55:58.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.10:55:58.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.11 2004.302.10:55:58.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.10:55:58.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.10:55:58.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.10:55:58.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.54 2004.302.10:55:58.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.10:55:58.69:scan_name=302-1058,rd0408,44 2004.302.10:55:58.69:source=ok290,095400.00,252933.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:56:01.71:setupnw 2004.302.10:56:05.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:56:05.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:56:05.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:56:06.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 463 ; 2004.302.10:56:06.00:!2004.302.10:58:12 2004.302.10:58:12.00:disc_pos 2004.302.10:58:12.00/disc_pos/311662263936,311661263936, 2004.302.10:58:12.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.10:58:13.04:!2004.302.10:58:12 2004.302.10:58:13.04:preob 2004.302.10:58:13.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:58:13.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:58:16.63/tpical/1u,6484,2u,9451,3u,23556,4u,37483,i1,16174 2004.302.10:58:16.63/tpical/9u,6840,au,26128,bu,15394,cu,8985,du,16586,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.10:58:16.63/tpical/i2,6945 2004.302.10:58:16.63/tpical/5u,42401,6u,33054,7u,46558,8u,16232,i3,58118 2004.302.10:58:19.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,496,i1,92 2004.302.10:58:19.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,831,bu,708,cu,511,du,600,eu,832,i2,52 2004.302.10:58:19.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1160,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.10:58:22.37:!2004.302.10:58:22 2004.302.10:58:22.37:disc_pos 2004.302.10:58:22.38/disc_pos/311806156800,311661263936, 2004.302.10:58:22.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.10:58:22.38:midob 2004.302.10:58:22.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.10:58:22.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.10:58:22.56/cable/+3.5937118E-02 2004.302.10:58:22.63/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10743,5169 2004.302.10:58:22.70/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37726 2004.302.10:58:22.77/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6784 2004.302.10:58:22.84/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22455 2004.302.10:58:22.91/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10385 2004.302.10:58:23.47/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.10:58:23.99/tpi/1u,4585,2u,6779,3u,15864,4u,24648,i1,10751 2004.302.10:58:23.99/tpi/9u,5058,au,19574,bu,10392,cu,6526,du,14603,eu,$$$$$,i2,5098 2004.302.10:58:24.00/tpi/5u,26958,6u,22454,7u,32234,8u,11552,i3,37754 2004.302.10:58:24.02/tpdiff/1u,1899,2u,2672,3u,7692,4u,12835,i1,5423 2004.302.10:58:24.02/tpdiff/9u,1782,au,6554,bu,5002,cu,2459,du,1983,eu,$$$$$,i2,1847 2004.302.10:58:24.03/tpdiff/5u,15443,6u,10600,7u,14324,8u,4680,i3,20364 2004.302.10:58:24.04/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.10:58:24.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.10:58:24.05/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.10:58:24.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.10:58:24.06?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.10:58:24.07/tsys/1u,52.3,2u,53.4,3u,51.1,4u,48.9,i1,51.1 2004.302.10:58:24.08/tsys/9u,87.7,au,91.5,bu,62.0,cu,78.3,du,226.0,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,87.4 2004.302.10:58:24.08/tsys/5u,44.8,6u,54.4,7u,56.4,8u,58.2,i3,48.0 2004.302.10:58:24.90/fmout-gps/+6.4159E-006 2004.302.10:58:24.91:!2004.302.10:59:06 2004.302.10:58:24.98#setcl#time/367738612,3,2004,302,10,58,25.02,2.010,20.058,9 2004.302.10:58:24.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.10:59:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.10:59:06.00:disc_end 2004.302.10:59:06.27:disc_pos 2004.302.10:59:06.27/disc_pos/312512946520,311662263936, 2004.302.10:59:06.27:disc_check 2004.302.10:59:06.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d10h59m06.250s,41808,0.00500s,80000,2173403872, 2004.302.10:59:06.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.10:59:06.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 594228 : 3275 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 594145 : 3336 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 594195 : 3298 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 593929 : 3590 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:06.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 594200 : 3317 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:06.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 594050 : 3452 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 593828 : 3674 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:06.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 594344 : 3159 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:06.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.869 2004.302.10:59:06.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.10:59:07.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.302.10:59:07.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.11 2004.302.10:59:07.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.10:59:07.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.10:59:07.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.10:59:07.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.37 2004.302.10:59:07.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.10:59:07.70:scan_name=302-1100b,rd0408,40 2004.302.10:59:07.70:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.10:59:10.72:setupnw 2004.302.10:59:14.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:14.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.10:59:14.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.10:59:14.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 465 ; 2004.302.10:59:14.98:!2004.302.11:00:36 2004.302.11:00:36.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:00:36.00/disc_pos/312512946520,312511946520, 2004.302.11:00:36.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:00:37.05:!2004.302.11:00:36 2004.302.11:00:37.05:preob 2004.302.11:00:37.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:00:37.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:00:40.63/tpical/1u,6419,2u,9346,3u,23428,4u,37193,i1,16037 2004.302.11:00:40.63/tpical/9u,10092,au,27564,bu,16034,cu,9352,du,11038,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.11:00:40.63/tpical/i2,15187 2004.302.11:00:40.63/tpical/5u,41897,6u,32970,7u,46270,8u,16146,i3,57735 2004.302.11:00:43.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,496,i1,94 2004.302.11:00:43.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,1108,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,831,i2,52 2004.302.11:00:43.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,289,7u,1159,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.11:00:46.37:!2004.302.11:00:46 2004.302.11:00:46.37:disc_pos 2004.302.11:00:46.38/disc_pos/312656838656,312511946520, 2004.302.11:00:46.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:00:46.38:midob 2004.302.11:00:46.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:00:46.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:00:46.56/cable/+3.5933193E-02 2004.302.11:00:46.63/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10615,16098 2004.302.11:00:46.70/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37342 2004.302.11:00:46.77/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6718 2004.302.11:00:46.84/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22241 2004.302.11:00:46.91/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10686 2004.302.11:00:47.47/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:00:48.00/tpi/1u,4533,2u,6717,3u,15732,4u,24362,i1,10615 2004.302.11:00:48.00/tpi/9u,10524,au,20935,bu,10694,cu,6706,du,8897,eu,$$$$$,i2,17422 2004.302.11:00:48.01/tpi/5u,26632,6u,22267,7u,31948,8u,11442,i3,37337 2004.302.11:00:48.02/tpdiff/1u,1886,2u,2629,3u,7696,4u,12831,i1,5422 2004.302.11:00:48.03/tpdiff/9u,-432,au,6629,bu,5340,cu,2646,du,2141,eu,$$$$$,i2,-2235 2004.302.11:00:48.03/tpdiff/5u,15265,6u,10703,7u,14322,8u,4704,i3,20398 2004.302.11:00:48.04/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:00:48.05/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:00:48.05/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:00:48.06/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:00:48.07?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:00:48.07?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:00:48.07?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:00:48.08/tsys/1u,51.9,2u,53.7,3u,50.6,4u,48.4,i1,50.5 2004.302.11:00:48.09/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,95.7,bu,59.8,cu,74.9,du,124.0,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.11:00:48.09/tsys/i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.11:00:48.10/tsys/5u,44.8,6u,53.4,7u,55.9,8u,57.3,i3,47.4 2004.302.11:00:48.90/fmout-gps/+6.3684E-006 2004.302.11:00:48.91:!2004.302.11:01:26 2004.302.11:00:48.98#setcl#time/367753012,4,2004,302,11,00,49.02,2.006,20.098,9 2004.302.11:00:48.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:01:26.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:01:26.00:disc_end 2004.302.11:01:26.26:disc_pos 2004.302.11:01:26.27/disc_pos/313299299440,312512946520, 2004.302.11:01:26.27:disc_check 2004.302.11:01:26.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h01m26.240s,14176,0.00500s,80000,1453514712, 2004.302.11:01:26.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:01:26.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 595718 : 3287 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:26.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 595635 : 3348 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:26.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 595692 : 3303 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:26.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 595419 : 3602 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:26.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 595697 : 3322 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:26.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 595543 : 3461 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:26.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 595322 : 3682 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:26.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 595836 : 3171 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:26.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.869 2004.302.11:01:26.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.11:01:27.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.302.11:01:27.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.11 2004.302.11:01:27.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.11:01:27.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.11:01:27.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.11:01:27.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.11:01:27.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.11:01:27.69:scan_name=302-1107,rd0408,155 2004.302.11:01:27.69:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:01:30.71:setupnw 2004.302.11:01:34.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:34.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:01:34.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:01:34.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 467 ; 2004.302.11:01:34.98:!2004.302.11:07:25 2004.302.11:03:54.35;"weather: clear 2004.302.11:07:25.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:07:25.00/disc_pos/313299299440,313298299440, 2004.302.11:07:25.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:07:26.04:!2004.302.11:07:25 2004.302.11:07:26.04:preob 2004.302.11:07:26.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:07:26.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:07:29.63/tpical/1u,6387,2u,9245,3u,23456,4u,37278,i1,16035 2004.302.11:07:29.63/tpical/9u,13226,au,28914,bu,16442,cu,9495,du,10840,eu,40929 2004.302.11:07:29.63/tpical/i2,12989 2004.302.11:07:29.63/tpical/5u,42352,6u,33146,7u,46658,8u,16281,i3,58299 2004.302.11:07:32.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,96 2004.302.11:07:32.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,1052,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,826,i2,50 2004.302.11:07:32.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1160,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.11:07:35.38:!2004.302.11:07:35 2004.302.11:07:35.38:disc_pos 2004.302.11:07:35.40/disc_pos/313443188736,313298299440, 2004.302.11:07:35.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:07:35.41:midob 2004.302.11:07:35.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:07:35.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:07:35.52/cable/+3.5939713E-02 2004.302.11:07:35.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10551,16956 2004.302.11:07:35.66/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37480 2004.302.11:07:35.73/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6611 2004.302.11:07:35.80/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22350 2004.302.11:07:35.87/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10969 2004.302.11:07:36.43/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:07:36.95/tpi/1u,4478,2u,6613,3u,15654,4u,24303,i1,10551 2004.302.11:07:36.95/tpi/9u,11957,au,22805,bu,10946,cu,6728,du,8297,eu,36660,i2,19799 2004.302.11:07:36.96/tpi/5u,26672,6u,22318,7u,32022,8u,11469,i3,37487 2004.302.11:07:36.97/tpdiff/1u,1909,2u,2632,3u,7802,4u,12975,i1,5484 2004.302.11:07:36.97/tpdiff/9u,1269,au,6109,bu,5496,cu,2767,du,2543,eu,4269,i2,-6810 2004.302.11:07:36.98/tpdiff/5u,15680,6u,10828,7u,14636,8u,4812,i3,20812 2004.302.11:07:36.99/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:07:36.99/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:07:37.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:07:37.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:07:37.03?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:07:37.03/tsys/1u,50.5,2u,52.6,3u,49.7,4u,47.7,i1,49.6 2004.302.11:07:37.04/tsys/9u,297.2,au,113.9,bu,59.6,cu,71.9,du,96.9,eu,268.6,i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.11:07:37.05/tsys/5u,43.7,6u,52.9,7u,54.8,8u,56.1,i3,46.6 2004.302.11:07:37.90/fmout-gps/+6.4269E-006 2004.302.11:07:37.91:!2004.302.11:10:10 2004.302.11:07:37.98#setcl#time/367793911,4,2004,302,11,07,38.02,2.007,20.212,9 2004.302.11:07:37.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:10:10.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:10:10.01:disc_end 2004.302.11:10:10.26:disc_pos 2004.302.11:10:10.27/disc_pos/315925823976,313299299440, 2004.302.11:10:10.27:disc_check 2004.302.11:10:10.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h10m10.245s,50408,0.00500s,80000,5757519232, 2004.302.11:10:10.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:10:10.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 600711 : 3306 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:10.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 600618 : 3377 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:10.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 600690 : 3317 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:10.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 600410 : 3623 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:10.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 600684 : 3348 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:10.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 600532 : 3483 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:10.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 600312 : 3704 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:10.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 600829 : 3192 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:10.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.869 2004.302.11:10:10.97/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.11:10:11.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.11:10:11.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.11 2004.302.11:10:11.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.654 2004.302.11:10:11.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.11:10:11.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.11:10:11.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.14 2004.302.11:10:11.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.11:10:11.75:scan_name=302-1111,rd0408,46 2004.302.11:10:11.76:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:10:14.78:setupnw 2004.302.11:10:18.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:18.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:10:18.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:10:19.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 469 ; 2004.302.11:10:19.00:!2004.302.11:11:01 2004.302.11:11:01.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:11:01.00/disc_pos/315925823976,315924823976, 2004.302.11:11:01.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:11:02.04:!2004.302.11:11:01 2004.302.11:11:02.04:preob 2004.302.11:11:02.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:11:02.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:11:05.64/tpical/1u,6436,2u,9314,3u,23566,4u,37412,i1,16136 2004.302.11:11:05.64/tpical/9u,8000,au,28333,bu,16905,cu,9824,du,27102,eu,46855 2004.302.11:11:05.64/tpical/i2,8351 2004.302.11:11:05.64/tpical/5u,42381,6u,33369,7u,46985,8u,16384,i3,58497 2004.302.11:11:08.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,496,i1,91 2004.302.11:11:08.30/tpzero/9u,171,au,836,bu,709,cu,511,du,602,eu,827,i2,55 2004.302.11:11:08.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1159,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.11:11:11.39:!2004.302.11:11:11 2004.302.11:11:11.39:disc_pos 2004.302.11:11:11.39/disc_pos/316069715968,315924823976, 2004.302.11:11:11.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:11:11.40:midob 2004.302.11:11:11.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:11:11.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:11:11.52/cable/+3.5941408E-02 2004.302.11:11:11.59/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10663,5345 2004.302.11:11:11.67/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37728 2004.302.11:11:11.74/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6669 2004.302.11:11:11.81/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22468 2004.302.11:11:11.88/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11400 2004.302.11:11:12.44/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:11:12.96/tpi/1u,4519,2u,6669,3u,15815,4u,24460,i1,10663 2004.302.11:11:12.96/tpi/9u,6228,au,21313,bu,11424,cu,7037,du,23708,eu,45134,i2,5261 2004.302.11:11:12.97/tpi/5u,26762,6u,22505,7u,32338,8u,11573,i3,37730 2004.302.11:11:12.98/tpdiff/1u,1917,2u,2645,3u,7751,4u,12952,i1,5473 2004.302.11:11:12.98/tpdiff/9u,1772,au,7020,bu,5481,cu,2787,du,3394,eu,1721,i2,3090 2004.302.11:11:12.99/tpdiff/5u,15619,6u,10864,7u,14647,8u,4811,i3,20767 2004.302.11:11:13.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:11:13.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:11:13.01/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:11:13.02/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:11:13.03/tsys/1u,50.9,2u,52.9,3u,50.6,4u,48.1,i1,50.2 2004.302.11:11:13.04/tsys/9u,109.4,au,93.3,bu,62.6,cu,74.9,du,217.9,eu,823.8,i2,53.9 2004.302.11:11:13.04/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,53.2,7u,55.3,8u,56.7,i3,47.0 2004.302.11:11:13.91/fmout-gps/+6.4099E-006 2004.302.11:11:13.91:!2004.302.11:11:57 2004.302.11:11:13.98#setcl#time/367815511,4,2004,302,11,11,14.02,2.001,20.272,8 2004.302.11:11:13.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:11:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:11:57.00:disc_end 2004.302.11:11:57.26:disc_pos 2004.302.11:11:57.27/disc_pos/316808508248,315925823976, 2004.302.11:11:57.27:disc_check 2004.302.11:11:57.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h11m57.245s,65552,0.00500s,80000,829300584, 2004.302.11:11:57.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:11:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 602383 : 3320 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:11:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 602298 : 3383 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:11:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 602362 : 3330 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:11:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 602087 : 3632 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:11:57.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 602361 : 3358 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:11:57.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 602209 : 3492 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:11:57.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 601989 : 3713 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:11:57.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 602503 : 3204 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:11:57.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.358 2004.302.11:11:57.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.11:11:58.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:11:58.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.99 2004.302.11:11:58.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.11:11:58.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.11:11:58.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.11:11:58.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.37 2004.302.11:11:58.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.11:11:58.71:scan_name=302-1113c,rd0408,62 2004.302.11:11:58.71:source=1308+326,130807.57,323640.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:12:01.73:setupnw 2004.302.11:12:05.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:12:05.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:12:05.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:12:05.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 471 ; 2004.302.11:12:05.98:!2004.302.11:13:20 2004.302.11:13:20.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:13:20.00/disc_pos/316808508248,316807508248, 2004.302.11:13:20.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:13:21.04:!2004.302.11:13:20 2004.302.11:13:21.05:preob 2004.302.11:13:21.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:13:21.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:13:24.63/tpical/1u,6462,2u,9338,3u,23878,4u,37703,i1,16244 2004.302.11:13:24.63/tpical/9u,6670,au,27693,bu,16021,cu,9352,du,18146,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.11:13:24.63/tpical/i2,7278 2004.302.11:13:24.63/tpical/5u,42781,6u,33669,7u,47443,8u,16484,i3,59075 2004.302.11:13:27.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,93 2004.302.11:13:27.29/tpzero/9u,171,au,826,bu,707,cu,512,du,601,eu,829,i2,50 2004.302.11:13:27.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1159,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.11:13:30.38:!2004.302.11:13:30 2004.302.11:13:30.38:disc_pos 2004.302.11:13:30.39/disc_pos/316952399872,316807508248, 2004.302.11:13:30.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:13:30.39:midob 2004.302.11:13:30.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:13:30.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:13:30.48/cable/+3.5941710E-02 2004.302.11:13:30.55/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10752,4833 2004.302.11:13:30.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,38209 2004.302.11:13:30.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6718 2004.302.11:13:30.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22784 2004.302.11:13:30.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10786 2004.302.11:13:31.40/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:13:31.93/tpi/1u,4547,2u,6713,3u,15953,4u,24667,i1,10750 2004.302.11:13:31.93/tpi/9u,5426,au,21086,bu,10790,cu,6767,du,16441,eu,$$$$$,i2,5096 2004.302.11:13:31.94/tpi/5u,27080,6u,22784,7u,32784,8u,11669,i3,38206 2004.302.11:13:31.95/tpdiff/1u,1915,2u,2625,3u,7925,4u,13036,i1,5494 2004.302.11:13:31.95/tpdiff/9u,1244,au,6607,bu,5231,cu,2585,du,1705,eu,$$$$$,i2,2182 2004.302.11:13:31.96/tpdiff/5u,15701,6u,10885,7u,14659,8u,4815,i3,20869 2004.302.11:13:31.97/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:13:31.97/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:13:31.98/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:13:31.99/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:13:32.00?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:13:32.00/tsys/1u,51.3,2u,53.7,3u,49.9,4u,48.2,i1,50.4 2004.302.11:13:32.01/tsys/9u,135.2,au,98.1,bu,61.7,cu,77.4,du,297.3,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.11:13:32.02/tsys/i2,74.0 2004.302.11:13:32.02/tsys/5u,44.3,6u,53.7,7u,56.1,8u,57.2,i3,47.4 2004.302.11:13:32.90/fmout-gps/+6.3694E-006 2004.302.11:13:32.90:!2004.302.11:14:32 2004.302.11:13:32.97#setcl#time/367829409,3,2004,302,11,13,33.01,2.009,20.310,9 2004.302.11:13:32.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:14:32.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:14:32.00:disc_end 2004.302.11:14:32.26:disc_pos 2004.302.11:14:32.27/disc_pos/317947055120,316808508248, 2004.302.11:14:32.27:disc_check 2004.302.11:14:32.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h14m32.245s,17096,0.00500s,80000,1341501584, 2004.302.11:14:32.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:14:32.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 604542 : 3336 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:32.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 604463 : 3392 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:32.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 604530 : 3336 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:32.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 604248 : 3645 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:32.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 604517 : 3376 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:32.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 604378 : 3497 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:32.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 604149 : 3727 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:32.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 604665 : 3216 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:32.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.869 2004.302.11:14:32.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.11:14:33.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.302.11:14:33.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.99 2004.302.11:14:33.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.509 2004.302.11:14:33.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.11:14:33.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.11:14:33.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.11:14:33.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.11:14:33.68:scan_name=302-1117a,rd0408,103 2004.302.11:14:33.68:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:14:36.70:setupnw 2004.302.11:14:40.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:40.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:14:40.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:14:41.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 473 ; 2004.302.11:14:41.00:!2004.302.11:16:58 2004.302.11:16:58.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:16:58.00/disc_pos/317947055120,317946055120, 2004.302.11:16:58.00:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:16:59.04:!2004.302.11:16:58 2004.302.11:16:59.04:preob 2004.302.11:16:59.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:16:59.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:17:02.63/tpical/1u,6371,2u,9253,3u,23337,4u,37122,i1,16016 2004.302.11:17:02.63/tpical/9u,6518,au,25835,bu,16158,cu,9306,du,23311,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.11:17:02.63/tpical/i2,6941 2004.302.11:17:02.63/tpical/5u,42111,6u,33148,7u,46718,8u,16328,i3,58172 2004.302.11:17:05.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,92 2004.302.11:17:05.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,814,bu,708,cu,511,du,602,eu,828,i2,53 2004.302.11:17:05.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1160,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.11:17:08.37:!2004.302.11:17:08 2004.302.11:17:08.37:disc_pos 2004.302.11:17:08.38/disc_pos/318090940416,317946055120, 2004.302.11:17:08.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:17:08.38:midob 2004.302.11:17:08.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:17:08.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:17:08.64/cable/+3.5939295E-02 2004.302.11:17:08.71/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10528,4639 2004.302.11:17:08.78/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37326 2004.302.11:17:08.85/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6611 2004.302.11:17:08.92/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22262 2004.302.11:17:08.99/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10719 2004.302.11:17:09.55/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:17:10.07/tpi/1u,4459,2u,6611,3u,15580,4u,24144,i1,10529 2004.302.11:17:10.07/tpi/9u,4516,au,20328,bu,10719,cu,6576,du,19515,eu,62331,i2,4667 2004.302.11:17:10.08/tpi/5u,26474,6u,22267,7u,32096,8u,11484,i3,37329 2004.302.11:17:10.09/tpdiff/1u,1912,2u,2642,3u,7757,4u,12978,i1,5487 2004.302.11:17:10.09/tpdiff/9u,2002,au,5507,bu,5439,cu,2730,du,3796,eu,$$$$$,i2,2274 2004.302.11:17:10.10/tpdiff/5u,15637,6u,10881,7u,14622,8u,4844,i3,20843 2004.302.11:17:10.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:17:10.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:17:10.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:17:10.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:17:10.14?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:17:10.14/tsys/1u,50.2,2u,52.4,3u,49.7,4u,47.4,i1,49.5 2004.302.11:17:10.15/tsys/9u,69.5,au,113.4,bu,58.9,cu,71.1,du,159.4,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.11:17:10.16/tsys/i2,64.9 2004.302.11:17:10.16/tsys/5u,43.5,6u,52.5,7u,55.0,8u,55.8,i3,46.3 2004.302.11:17:10.91/fmout-gps/+6.3999E-006 2004.302.11:17:10.91:!2004.302.11:18:51 2004.302.11:17:10.98#setcl#time/367851210,4,2004,302,11,17,11.02,2.003,20.371,8 2004.302.11:17:10.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:18:51.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:18:51.00:disc_end 2004.302.11:18:51.26:disc_pos 2004.302.11:18:51.27/disc_pos/319741819008,317947055120, 2004.302.11:18:51.27:disc_check 2004.302.11:18:51.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h18m51.250s,71692,0.00500s,80000,2349261516, 2004.302.11:18:51.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:18:51.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 607954 : 3350 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:51.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 607875 : 3406 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:51.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 607941 : 3351 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:51.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 607655 : 3663 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:51.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 607922 : 3397 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:51.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 607796 : 3504 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:51.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 607556 : 3746 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:51.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 608076 : 3232 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:51.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.114 2004.302.11:18:51.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.11:18:52.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:18:52.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.75 2004.302.11:18:52.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.11:18:52.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.11:18:52.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.11:18:52.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.11:18:52.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.11:18:52.71:scan_name=302-1119,rd0408,40 2004.302.11:18:52.71:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:18:55.72:setupnw 2004.302.11:18:59.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:59.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:18:59.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:18:59.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 475 ; 2004.302.11:18:59.98:!2004.302.11:19:37 2004.302.11:19:37.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:19:37.00/disc_pos/319741819008,319740819008, 2004.302.11:19:37.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:19:38.04:!2004.302.11:19:37 2004.302.11:19:38.04:preob 2004.302.11:19:38.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:19:38.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:19:41.62/tpical/1u,7546,2u,10918,3u,28375,4u,44711,i1,19399 2004.302.11:19:41.62/tpical/9u,7164,au,28286,bu,17751,cu,10251,du,10208,eu,50084 2004.302.11:19:41.62/tpical/i2,7603 2004.302.11:19:41.62/tpical/5u,50951,6u,39567,7u,55448,8u,19367,i3,65535 2004.302.11:19:44.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,499,i1,98 2004.302.11:19:44.27/tpzero/9u,170,au,816,bu,709,cu,510,du,601,eu,826,i2,53 2004.302.11:19:44.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1161,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.11:19:47.36:!2004.302.11:19:47 2004.302.11:19:47.36:disc_pos 2004.302.11:19:47.36/disc_pos/319885709312,319740819008, 2004.302.11:19:47.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:19:47.38:midob 2004.302.11:19:47.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:19:47.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:19:47.76/cable/+3.5940944E-02 2004.302.11:19:47.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,13894,5302 2004.302.11:19:47.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,49432 2004.302.11:19:47.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8260 2004.302.11:19:48.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28899 2004.302.11:19:48.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12356 2004.302.11:19:48.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:19:49.20/tpi/1u,5616,2u,8260,3u,20491,4u,31792,i1,13892 2004.302.11:19:49.20/tpi/9u,5203,au,20473,bu,12355,cu,7542,du,7771,eu,33443,i2,5309 2004.302.11:19:49.21/tpi/5u,35193,6u,28899,7u,41282,8u,14547,i3,49413 2004.302.11:19:49.22/tpdiff/1u,1930,2u,2658,3u,7884,4u,12919,i1,5507 2004.302.11:19:49.22/tpdiff/9u,1961,au,7813,bu,5396,cu,2709,du,2437,eu,16641,i2,2294 2004.302.11:19:49.23/tpdiff/5u,15758,6u,10668,7u,14166,8u,4820,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.11:19:49.25/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:19:49.25/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:19:49.26/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:19:49.27/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:19:49.28?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:19:49.28/tsys/1u,65.3,2u,68.2,3u,65.1,4u,63.0,i1,65.1 2004.302.11:19:49.29/tsys/9u,82.1,au,80.5,bu,69.1,cu,83.1,du,94.1,eu,62.7,i2,73.3 2004.302.11:19:49.29/tsys/5u,57.5,6u,69.7,7u,73.6,8u,72.6,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.11:19:49.90/fmout-gps/+6.3874E-006 2004.302.11:19:49.91:!2004.302.11:20:27 2004.302.11:19:49.98#setcl#time/367867109,3,2004,302,11,19,50.02,2.010,20.415,9 2004.302.11:19:49.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:20:27.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:20:27.00:disc_end 2004.302.11:20:27.26:disc_pos 2004.302.11:20:27.27/disc_pos/320528493760,319741819008, 2004.302.11:20:27.27:disc_check 2004.302.11:20:27.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h20m27.245s,20384,0.00500s,80000,749296556, 2004.302.11:20:27.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:20:27.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 609449 : 3358 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:27.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 609371 : 3414 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:27.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 609430 : 3365 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:27.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 609149 : 3672 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:27.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 609416 : 3405 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:27.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 609284 : 3519 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:27.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 609048 : 3756 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:27.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 609570 : 3241 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:27.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.114 2004.302.11:20:27.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.302.11:20:28.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:20:28.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.99 2004.302.11:20:28.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.265 2004.302.11:20:28.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.11:20:28.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.11:20:28.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.11:20:28.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.11:20:28.69:scan_name=302-1122,rd0408,183 2004.302.11:20:28.69:source=1726+455,172601.24,453304.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:20:31.71:setupnw 2004.302.11:20:35.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:35.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:20:35.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:20:36.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 477 ; 2004.302.11:20:36.00:!2004.302.11:21:53 2004.302.11:21:53.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:21:53.00/disc_pos/320528493760,320527493760, 2004.302.11:21:53.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:21:54.04:!2004.302.11:21:53 2004.302.11:21:54.05:preob 2004.302.11:21:54.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:21:54.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:21:57.63/tpical/1u,7693,2u,11112,3u,28886,4u,45604,i1,19777 2004.302.11:21:57.63/tpical/9u,7737,au,29474,bu,18112,cu,10528,du,10224,eu,45566 2004.302.11:21:57.63/tpical/i2,8548 2004.302.11:21:57.63/tpical/5u,51713,6u,40163,7u,56166,8u,19685,i3,65535 2004.302.11:22:00.30/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,98 2004.302.11:22:00.30/tpzero/9u,171,au,830,bu,710,cu,510,du,600,eu,827,i2,61 2004.302.11:22:00.30/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1162,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.11:22:03.39:!2004.302.11:22:03 2004.302.11:22:03.39:disc_pos 2004.302.11:22:03.40/disc_pos/320672382976,320527493760, 2004.302.11:22:03.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:22:03.40:midob 2004.302.11:22:03.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:22:03.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:22:03.48/cable/+3.5943649E-02 2004.302.11:22:03.55/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,14285,6673 2004.302.11:22:03.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,50664 2004.302.11:22:03.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8449 2004.302.11:22:03.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29525 2004.302.11:22:03.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12738 2004.302.11:22:04.39/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:22:04.91/tpi/1u,5777,2u,8458,3u,21101,4u,32706,i1,14282 2004.302.11:22:04.91/tpi/9u,5834,au,22795,bu,12735,cu,7840,du,7793,eu,43416,i2,6512 2004.302.11:22:04.92/tpi/5u,36035,6u,29537,7u,42072,8u,14911,i3,50667 2004.302.11:22:04.93/tpdiff/1u,1916,2u,2654,3u,7785,4u,12898,i1,5495 2004.302.11:22:04.93/tpdiff/9u,1903,au,6679,bu,5377,cu,2688,du,2431,eu,2150,i2,2036 2004.302.11:22:04.94/tpdiff/5u,15678,6u,10626,7u,14094,8u,4774,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.11:22:04.95/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:22:04.95/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:22:04.96/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:22:04.97/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:22:04.98?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:22:04.98/tsys/1u,68.0,2u,70.2,3u,68.0,4u,64.9,i1,67.1 2004.302.11:22:04.99/tsys/9u,95.2,au,105.2,bu,71.6,cu,87.3,du,94.7,eu,633.9,i2,101.4 2004.302.11:22:05.00/tsys/5u,59.2,6u,71.6,7u,75.5,8u,75.3,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.11:22:05.90/fmout-gps/+6.3754E-006 2004.302.11:22:05.91:!2004.302.11:25:06 2004.302.11:22:05.98#setcl#time/367880709,4,2004,302,11,22,06.02,2.007,20.453,9 2004.302.11:22:05.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:25:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:25:06.00:disc_end 2004.302.11:25:06.26:disc_pos 2004.302.11:25:06.27/disc_pos/323602898912,320528493760, 2004.302.11:25:06.27:disc_check 2004.302.11:25:06.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h25m06.240s,28256,0.00500s,80000,1389506976, 2004.302.11:25:06.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:25:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 615287 : 3386 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 615214 : 3438 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 615269 : 3394 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:06.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 614987 : 3701 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 615256 : 3432 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:06.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 615119 : 3551 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:06.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 614886 : 3785 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:06.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 615410 : 3269 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:06.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.991 2004.302.11:25:06.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:25:07.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:25:07.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.75 2004.302.11:25:07.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.753 2004.302.11:25:07.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.11:25:07.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.11:25:07.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.11:25:07.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.11:25:07.75:scan_name=302-1129,rd0408,144 2004.302.11:25:07.75:source=0556+238,055628.67,235345.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:25:10.77:setupnw 2004.302.11:25:14.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:14.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:25:14.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:25:14.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 479 ; 2004.302.11:25:14.98:!2004.302.11:28:53 2004.302.11:28:53.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:28:53.00/disc_pos/323602898912,323601898912, 2004.302.11:28:53.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:28:54.04:!2004.302.11:28:53 2004.302.11:28:54.04:preob 2004.302.11:28:54.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:28:54.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:28:57.63/tpical/1u,6385,2u,9296,3u,23279,4u,36771,i1,15844 2004.302.11:28:57.63/tpical/9u,10670,au,28056,bu,17216,cu,9931,du,10615,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.11:28:57.63/tpical/i2,8265 2004.302.11:28:57.63/tpical/5u,40968,6u,31818,7u,44775,8u,15716,i3,55894 2004.302.11:29:00.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,97 2004.302.11:29:00.29/tpzero/9u,174,au,834,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,830,i2,62 2004.302.11:29:00.29/tpzero/5u,344,6u,286,7u,1157,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.11:29:03.38:!2004.302.11:29:03 2004.302.11:29:03.38:disc_pos 2004.302.11:29:03.39/disc_pos/323746791424,323601898912, 2004.302.11:29:03.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:29:03.39:midob 2004.302.11:29:03.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:29:03.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:29:03.60/cable/+3.5939869E-02 2004.302.11:29:03.67/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10405,6406 2004.302.11:29:03.74/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35885 2004.302.11:29:03.81/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6620 2004.302.11:29:03.88/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21367 2004.302.11:29:03.95/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11551 2004.302.11:29:04.51/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:29:05.04/tpi/1u,4469,2u,6623,3u,15506,4u,23850,i1,10403 2004.302.11:29:05.04/tpi/9u,5380,au,20645,bu,11551,cu,7061,du,9519,eu,$$$$$,i2,5499 2004.302.11:29:05.05/tpi/5u,25712,6u,21364,7u,30809,8u,11053,i3,35881 2004.302.11:29:05.06/tpdiff/1u,1916,2u,2673,3u,7773,4u,12921,i1,5441 2004.302.11:29:05.07/tpdiff/9u,5290,au,7411,bu,5665,cu,2870,du,1096,eu,$$$$$,i2,2766 2004.302.11:29:05.07/tpdiff/5u,15256,6u,10454,7u,13966,8u,4663,i3,20013 2004.302.11:29:05.08/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:29:05.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:29:05.09/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:29:05.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:29:05.11?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:29:05.12/tsys/1u,50.2,2u,51.9,3u,49.4,4u,47.0,i1,49.2 2004.302.11:29:05.12/tsys/9u,31.5,au,85.5,bu,61.2,cu,73.0,du,260.4,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,62.9 2004.302.11:29:05.13/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,52.4,7u,55.2,8u,55.6,i3,46.4 2004.302.11:29:05.90/fmout-gps/+6.3984E-006 2004.302.11:29:05.91:!2004.302.11:31:27 2004.302.11:29:05.97#setcl#time/367922708,4,2004,302,11,29,06.02,2.007,20.570,9 2004.302.11:29:05.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:31:27.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:31:27.01:disc_end 2004.302.11:31:27.27:disc_pos 2004.302.11:31:27.28/disc_pos/326053727840,323602898912, 2004.302.11:31:27.28:disc_check 2004.302.11:31:27.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h31m27.260s,4032,0.00500s,80000,3645515296, 2004.302.11:31:27.67:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:31:27.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 619944 : 3407 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:27.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 619866 : 3463 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:27.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 619921 : 3419 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:27.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 619644 : 3721 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:27.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 619912 : 3453 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:27.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 619771 : 3576 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:27.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 619540 : 3808 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:27.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 620067 : 3291 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:27.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.869 2004.302.11:31:27.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:31:28.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.302.11:31:28.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.75 2004.302.11:31:28.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.11:31:28.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.11:31:28.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.11:31:28.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.37 2004.302.11:31:28.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.11:31:28.74:scan_name=302-1134,rd0408,40 2004.302.11:31:28.74:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:31:31.75:setupnw 2004.302.11:31:35.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:35.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:31:35.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:31:35.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 481 ; 2004.302.11:31:35.99:!2004.302.11:34:16 2004.302.11:34:16.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:34:16.00/disc_pos/326053727840,326052727840, 2004.302.11:34:16.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:34:17.05:!2004.302.11:34:16 2004.302.11:34:17.05:preob 2004.302.11:34:17.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:34:17.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:34:20.63/tpical/1u,6387,2u,9314,3u,23192,4u,36572,i1,15829 2004.302.11:34:20.63/tpical/9u,9478,au,28107,bu,16187,cu,597,du,9453,eu,$$$$$,i2,8643 2004.302.11:34:20.63/tpical/5u,40847,6u,31873,7u,44530,8u,16333,i3,55749 2004.302.11:34:23.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,99 2004.302.11:34:23.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,850,bu,708,cu,499,du,600,eu,833,i2,53 2004.302.11:34:23.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1157,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.11:34:26.37:!2004.302.11:34:26 2004.302.11:34:26.37:disc_pos 2004.302.11:34:26.37/disc_pos/326197620736,326052727840, 2004.302.11:34:26.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:34:26.38:midob 2004.302.11:34:26.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:34:26.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:34:26.53/cable/+3.5940289E-02 2004.302.11:34:26.60/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10424,5266 2004.302.11:34:26.67/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35847 2004.302.11:34:26.74/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6649 2004.302.11:34:26.81/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21445 2004.302.11:34:26.88/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10804 2004.302.11:34:27.44/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:34:27.97/tpi/1u,4494,2u,6648,3u,15469,4u,23790,i1,10422 2004.302.11:34:27.97/tpi/9u,7420,au,21193,bu,10806,cu,508,du,7457,eu,$$$$$,i2,5511 2004.302.11:34:27.98/tpi/5u,25782,6u,21413,7u,30620,8u,11730,i3,35846 2004.302.11:34:27.99/tpdiff/1u,1893,2u,2666,3u,7723,4u,12782,i1,5407 2004.302.11:34:27.99/tpdiff/9u,2058,au,6914,bu,5381,cu,89,du,1996,eu,$$$$$,i2,3132 2004.302.11:34:28.00/tpdiff/5u,15065,6u,10460,7u,13910,8u,4603,i3,19903 2004.302.11:34:28.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:34:28.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:34:28.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:34:28.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:34:28.04?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:34:28.05/tsys/1u,51.2,2u,52.3,3u,49.6,4u,47.4,i1,49.6 2004.302.11:34:28.05/tsys/9u,112.7,au,94.2,bu,60.1,cu,3.2,du,109.9,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,55.8 2004.302.11:34:28.06/tsys/5u,43.9,6u,52.5,7u,55.1,8u,60.1,i3,46.6 2004.302.11:34:28.90/fmout-gps/+6.4134E-006 2004.302.11:34:28.91:!2004.302.11:35:06 2004.302.11:34:28.98#setcl#time/367955007,3,2004,302,11,34,29.02,2.010,20.659,9 2004.302.11:34:28.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:35:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:35:06.00:disc_end 2004.302.11:35:06.27:disc_pos 2004.302.11:35:06.28/disc_pos/326840242576,326053727840, 2004.302.11:35:06.28:disc_check 2004.302.11:35:06.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h35m06.250s,45104,0.00500s,80000,2717284192, 2004.302.11:35:06.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:35:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 621438 : 3417 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:06.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 621358 : 3473 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 621417 : 3426 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 621139 : 3728 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:06.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 621404 : 3464 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:06.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 621268 : 3581 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:06.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 621033 : 3819 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:06.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 621560 : 3300 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:06.88/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.747 2004.302.11:35:06.99/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:35:07.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.096 2004.302.11:35:07.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.75 2004.302.11:35:07.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.11:35:07.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.11:35:07.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.11:35:07.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.11:35:07.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.11:35:07.76:scan_name=302-1137,rd0408,134 2004.302.11:35:07.76:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:35:10.78:setupnw 2004.302.11:35:11.29/vc12/nak,*alarm*vc(#0c) 2004.302.11:35:12.88/vc12/nak,ack 2004.302.11:35:14.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:14.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:35:14.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:35:14.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 483 ; 2004.302.11:35:14.98:!2004.302.11:37:33 2004.302.11:37:33.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:37:33.00/disc_pos/326840242576,326839242576, 2004.302.11:37:33.00:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:37:34.04:!2004.302.11:37:33 2004.302.11:37:34.04:preob 2004.302.11:37:34.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:37:34.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:37:37.62/tpical/1u,6438,2u,9335,3u,23580,4u,37356,i1,16047 2004.302.11:37:37.62/tpical/9u,6295,au,26503,bu,15506,cu,8947,du,15032,eu,54678 2004.302.11:37:37.62/tpical/i2,6907 2004.302.11:37:37.62/tpical/5u,42090,6u,32867,7u,46261,8u,16129,i3,57894 2004.302.11:37:40.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,99 2004.302.11:37:40.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,819,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,828,i2,50 2004.302.11:37:40.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1157,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.11:37:43.36:!2004.302.11:37:43 2004.302.11:37:43.36:disc_pos 2004.302.11:37:43.37/disc_pos/326984134656,326839242576, 2004.302.11:37:43.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:37:43.37:midob 2004.302.11:37:43.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:37:43.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:37:43.43/cable/+3.5937549E-02 2004.302.11:37:43.51/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10573,4630 2004.302.11:37:43.58/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37252 2004.302.11:37:43.65/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6672 2004.302.11:37:43.72/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22165 2004.302.11:37:43.79/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10371 2004.302.11:37:44.35/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:37:44.87/tpi/1u,4520,2u,6676,3u,15724,4u,24310,i1,10574 2004.302.11:37:44.87/tpi/9u,4414,au,19963,bu,10394,cu,6401,du,12818,eu,52043,i2,4614 2004.302.11:37:44.88/tpi/5u,26583,6u,22197,7u,31768,8u,11371,i3,37247 2004.302.11:37:44.89/tpdiff/1u,1918,2u,2659,3u,7856,4u,13046,i1,5473 2004.302.11:37:44.89/tpdiff/9u,1881,au,6540,bu,5112,cu,2546,du,2214,eu,2635,i2,2293 2004.302.11:37:44.90/tpdiff/5u,15507,6u,10670,7u,14493,8u,4758,i3,20647 2004.302.11:37:44.91/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:37:44.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:37:44.92/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:37:44.93/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:37:44.94/tsys/1u,50.9,2u,52.7,3u,49.6,4u,47.5,i1,49.8 2004.302.11:37:44.94/tsys/9u,72.1,au,93.7,bu,60.6,cu,74.0,du,176.6,eu,622.0,i2,63.7 2004.302.11:37:44.95/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,53.4,7u,54.9,8u,56.2,i3,46.7 2004.302.11:37:45.90/fmout-gps/+6.3949E-006 2004.302.11:37:45.91:!2004.302.11:39:57 2004.302.11:37:45.98#setcl#time/367974707,3,2004,302,11,37,46.03,2.016,20.714,10 2004.302.11:37:45.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:39:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:39:57.00:disc_end 2004.302.11:39:57.26:disc_pos 2004.302.11:39:57.27/disc_pos/329130737992,326840242576, 2004.302.11:39:57.27:disc_check 2004.302.11:39:57.67/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h39m57.245s,51904,0.00500s,80000,2365417784, 2004.302.11:39:57.67:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:39:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 625784 : 3442 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:39:57.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 625710 : 3492 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:39:57.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 625773 : 3441 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:39:57.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 625493 : 3746 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:39:57.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 625755 : 3483 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:39:57.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 625620 : 3600 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:39:57.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 625384 : 3841 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:39:57.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 625911 : 3320 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:39:57.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.236 2004.302.11:39:57.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:39:58.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.096 2004.302.11:39:58.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.87 2004.302.11:39:58.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.509 2004.302.11:39:58.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.11:39:58.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.11:39:58.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.25 2004.302.11:39:58.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,61.73 2004.302.11:39:58.72:scan_name=302-1143,rd0408,40 2004.302.11:39:58.72:source=0528+134,052806.74,132942.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:40:01.74:setupnw 2004.302.11:40:05.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:40:05.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:40:05.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:40:05.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 485 ; 2004.302.11:40:05.98:!2004.302.11:43:24 2004.302.11:43:24.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:43:24.00/disc_pos/329130737992,329129737992, 2004.302.11:43:24.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:43:25.04:!2004.302.11:43:24 2004.302.11:43:25.04:preob 2004.302.11:43:25.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:43:25.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:43:28.62/tpical/1u,6673,2u,9368,3u,23484,4u,37169,i1,16047 2004.302.11:43:28.62/tpical/9u,12342,au,28638,bu,16319,cu,9546,du,22305,eu,45330 2004.302.11:43:28.62/tpical/i2,9614 2004.302.11:43:28.62/tpical/5u,41806,6u,32545,7u,45551,8u,16723,i3,57076 2004.302.11:43:31.27/tpzero/1u,766,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.11:43:31.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,877,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,828,i2,52 2004.302.11:43:31.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1157,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.11:43:34.37:!2004.302.11:43:34 2004.302.11:43:34.37:disc_pos 2004.302.11:43:34.37/disc_pos/329274630144,329129737992, 2004.302.11:43:34.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:43:34.38:midob 2004.302.11:43:34.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:43:34.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:43:34.45/cable/+3.5940288E-02 2004.302.11:43:34.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10638,7118 2004.302.11:43:34.61/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36982 2004.302.11:43:34.68/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6728 2004.302.11:43:34.75/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22060 2004.302.11:43:34.82/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10997 2004.302.11:43:35.38/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:43:35.90/tpi/1u,4656,2u,6729,3u,15842,4u,24425,i1,10640 2004.302.11:43:35.90/tpi/9u,10676,au,22478,bu,10987,cu,6876,du,19587,eu,41621,i2,9004 2004.302.11:43:35.91/tpi/5u,26478,6u,22066,7u,31482,8u,11747,i3,36989 2004.302.11:43:35.92/tpdiff/1u,2017,2u,2639,3u,7642,4u,12744,i1,5407 2004.302.11:43:35.92/tpdiff/9u,1666,au,6160,bu,5332,cu,2670,du,2718,eu,3709,i2,610 2004.302.11:43:35.93/tpdiff/5u,15328,6u,10479,7u,14069,8u,4976,i3,20087 2004.302.11:43:35.94/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:43:35.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:43:35.95/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:43:35.96/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:43:35.97/tsys/1u,50.1,2u,53.6,3u,51.4,4u,48.8,i1,50.7 2004.302.11:43:35.97/tsys/9u,201.7,au,112.2,bu,61.7,cu,76.3,du,223.5,eu,351.9,i2,469.6 2004.302.11:43:35.98/tsys/5u,44.3,6u,54.0,7u,56.0,8u,55.7,i3,47.6 2004.302.11:43:36.90/fmout-gps/+6.4074E-006 2004.302.11:43:36.91:!2004.302.11:44:14 2004.302.11:43:36.98#setcl#time/368009806,4,2004,302,11,43,37.02,2.007,20.812,9 2004.302.11:43:36.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:44:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:44:14.00:disc_end 2004.302.11:44:14.26:disc_pos 2004.302.11:44:14.26/disc_pos/329917252912,329130737992, 2004.302.11:44:14.27:disc_check 2004.302.11:44:14.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h44m14.245s,46776,0.00500s,80000,3325490208, 2004.302.11:44:14.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:44:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 627273 : 3456 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 627204 : 3500 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:14.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 627260 : 3456 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:14.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 626988 : 3755 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:14.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 627248 : 3492 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:14.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 627110 : 3613 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:14.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 626877 : 3850 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:14.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 627406 : 3328 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:14.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.991 2004.302.11:44:14.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.11:44:15.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:44:15.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.75 2004.302.11:44:15.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.11:44:15.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.11:44:15.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.11:44:15.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.11:44:15.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.11:44:15.73:scan_name=302-1148,rd0408,40 2004.302.11:44:15.73:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:44:18.75:setupnw 2004.302.11:44:22.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:22.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:44:22.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:44:22.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 487 ; 2004.302.11:44:22.99:!2004.302.11:48:02 2004.302.11:48:02.00:disc_pos 2004.302.11:48:02.00/disc_pos/329917252912,329916252912, 2004.302.11:48:02.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.11:48:03.04:!2004.302.11:48:02 2004.302.11:48:03.04:preob 2004.302.11:48:03.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:48:03.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:48:06.62/tpical/1u,6730,2u,9677,3u,24705,4u,38892,i1,16762 2004.302.11:48:06.62/tpical/9u,7095,au,28076,bu,16869,cu,9823,du,55458,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.11:48:06.62/tpical/i2,8409 2004.302.11:48:06.62/tpical/5u,44085,6u,34405,7u,48235,8u,16803,i3,60504 2004.302.11:48:09.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,94 2004.302.11:48:09.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,832,bu,708,cu,512,du,603,eu,828,i2,54 2004.302.11:48:09.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,285,7u,1157,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.11:48:12.36:!2004.302.11:48:12 2004.302.11:48:12.36:disc_pos 2004.302.11:48:12.36/disc_pos/330061144064,329916252912, 2004.302.11:48:12.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.11:48:12.37:midob 2004.302.11:48:12.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.11:48:12.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.11:48:12.72/cable/+3.5942468E-02 2004.302.11:48:12.79/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11281,6325 2004.302.11:48:12.86/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,39827 2004.302.11:48:12.93/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7019 2004.302.11:48:13.00/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23667 2004.302.11:48:13.07/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11432 2004.302.11:48:13.63/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.11:48:14.15/tpi/1u,4816,2u,7019,3u,16848,4u,25884,i1,11278 2004.302.11:48:14.15/tpi/9u,4879,au,20962,bu,11441,cu,7074,du,48395,eu,$$$$$,i2,5100 2004.302.11:48:14.16/tpi/5u,28355,6u,23667,7u,33900,8u,12036,i3,39792 2004.302.11:48:14.17/tpdiff/1u,1914,2u,2658,3u,7857,4u,13008,i1,5484 2004.302.11:48:14.17/tpdiff/9u,2216,au,7114,bu,5428,cu,2749,du,7063,eu,$$$$$,i2,3309 2004.302.11:48:14.18/tpdiff/5u,15730,6u,10738,7u,14335,8u,4767,i3,20712 2004.302.11:48:14.19/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.11:48:14.19/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.11:48:14.20/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.11:48:14.21/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.11:48:14.22?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.11:48:14.22/tsys/1u,55.0,2u,56.0,3u,53.3,4u,50.7,i1,53.0 2004.302.11:48:14.23/tsys/9u,68.0,au,90.5,bu,63.3,cu,76.4,du,216.5,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,48.8 2004.302.11:48:14.24/tsys/5u,46.3,6u,56.6,7u,59.4,8u,59.7,i3,49.7 2004.302.11:48:14.90/fmout-gps/+6.3654E-006 2004.302.11:48:14.91:!2004.302.11:48:52 2004.302.11:48:14.97#setcl#time/368037605,4,2004,302,11,48,15.02,2.011,20.889,9 2004.302.11:48:14.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.11:48:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.11:48:52.01:disc_end 2004.302.11:48:52.27:disc_pos 2004.302.11:48:52.28/disc_pos/330704087008,329917252912, 2004.302.11:48:52.28:disc_check 2004.302.11:48:52.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d11h48m52.255s,16812,0.00500s,80000,3661355868, 2004.302.11:48:52.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.11:48:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 628763 : 3470 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:48:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 628699 : 3508 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:48:52.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 628746 : 3473 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:48:52.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 628483 : 3763 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:48:52.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 628744 : 3499 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:48:52.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 628605 : 3621 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:48:52.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 628371 : 3859 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:48:52.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 628900 : 3337 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.11:48:52.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,2.991 2004.302.11:48:52.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:48:53.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.341 2004.302.11:48:53.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.75 2004.302.11:48:53.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.631 2004.302.11:48:53.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.11:48:53.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.11:48:53.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.11:48:53.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.11:48:53.72:scan_name=302-1208,rd0408,65 2004.302.11:48:53.72:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.11:48:56.74:setupnw 2004.302.11:49:00.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.11:49:00.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.11:49:00.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.11:49:00.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 489 ; 2004.302.11:49:00.98:!2004.302.12:08:09 2004.302.12:08:09.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:08:09.00/disc_pos/330704087008,330703087008, 2004.302.12:08:09.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:08:10.04:!2004.302.12:08:09 2004.302.12:08:10.04:preob 2004.302.12:08:10.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:08:10.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:08:13.64/tpical/1u,7116,2u,10134,3u,26123,4u,41127,i1,17722 2004.302.12:08:13.64/tpical/9u,7089,au,28298,bu,17310,cu,10145,du,10154,eu,21465 2004.302.12:08:13.64/tpical/i2,7455 2004.302.12:08:13.64/tpical/5u,46591,6u,36305,7u,50717,8u,17736,i3,63873 2004.302.12:08:16.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,496,i1,95 2004.302.12:08:16.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,812,bu,709,cu,511,du,599,eu,826,i2,53 2004.302.12:08:16.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1160,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.12:08:19.38:!2004.302.12:08:19 2004.302.12:08:19.38:disc_pos 2004.302.12:08:19.38/disc_pos/330847977472,330703087008, 2004.302.12:08:19.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:08:19.39:midob 2004.302.12:08:19.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:08:19.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:08:19.44/cable/+3.5942302E-02 2004.302.12:08:19.51/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12235,5169 2004.302.12:08:19.58/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,43177 2004.302.12:08:19.65/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7493 2004.302.12:08:19.72/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25567 2004.302.12:08:19.79/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11901 2004.302.12:08:20.35/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:08:20.87/tpi/1u,5214,2u,7490,3u,18214,4u,28169,i1,12234 2004.302.12:08:20.87/tpi/9u,5102,au,21533,bu,11905,cu,7404,du,7299,eu,18287,i2,5227 2004.302.12:08:20.88/tpi/5u,30829,6u,25565,7u,36372,8u,12960,i3,43178 2004.302.12:08:20.90/tpdiff/1u,1902,2u,2644,3u,7909,4u,12958,i1,5488 2004.302.12:08:20.90/tpdiff/9u,1987,au,6765,bu,5405,cu,2741,du,2855,eu,3178,i2,2228 2004.302.12:08:20.91/tpdiff/5u,15762,6u,10740,7u,14345,8u,4776,i3,20695 2004.302.12:08:20.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:08:20.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:08:20.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:08:20.93/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:08:20.94/tsys/1u,60.8,2u,61.0,3u,57.4,4u,55.5,i1,57.5 2004.302.12:08:20.95/tsys/9u,79.4,au,98.0,bu,66.3,cu,80.5,du,75.1,eu,175.8,i2,74.3 2004.302.12:08:20.96/tsys/5u,50.3,6u,61.2,7u,63.8,8u,64.7,i3,54.0 2004.302.12:08:21.89/fmout-gps/+6.3769E-006 2004.302.12:08:21.90:!2004.302.12:09:24 2004.302.12:08:21.96#setcl#time/368158302,4,2004,302,12,08,22.01,2.002,21.224,9 2004.302.12:08:21.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:09:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:09:24.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:09:24.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:09:24.26/disc_pos/331890639096,330704087008, 2004.302.12:09:24.26:disc_check 2004.302.12:09:24.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h09m24.250s,28008,0.00500s,80000,18525356716, 2004.302.12:09:24.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:09:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 631018 : 3480 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 630952 : 3520 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:24.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 630995 : 3490 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:24.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 630737 : 3774 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:24.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 630998 : 3511 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:24.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 630852 : 3638 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:24.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 630624 : 3872 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:24.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 631156 : 3348 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:24.86/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.602 2004.302.12:09:24.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.12:09:25.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.12:09:25.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.99 2004.302.12:09:25.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.242 2004.302.12:09:25.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.12:09:25.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.12:09:25.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.02 2004.302.12:09:25.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.12:09:25.75:scan_name=302-1211,rd0408,40 2004.302.12:09:25.75:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:09:28.77:setupnw 2004.302.12:09:32.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:32.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:09:32.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:09:32.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 491 ; 2004.302.12:09:32.99:!2004.302.12:11:21 2004.302.12:11:21.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:11:21.00/disc_pos/331890639096,331889639096, 2004.302.12:11:21.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:11:22.04:!2004.302.12:11:21 2004.302.12:11:22.04:preob 2004.302.12:11:22.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:11:22.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:11:25.63/tpical/1u,8208,2u,9423,3u,23454,4u,36512,i1,16175 2004.302.12:11:25.63/tpical/9u,12149,au,27851,bu,15071,cu,16488,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.12:11:25.63/tpical/i2,12895 2004.302.12:11:25.63/tpical/5u,41358,6u,32197,7u,44747,8u,18098,i3,63187 2004.302.12:11:28.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,95 2004.302.12:11:28.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,912,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,843,i2,46 2004.302.12:11:28.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,285,7u,1162,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.12:11:31.37:!2004.302.12:11:31 2004.302.12:11:31.37:disc_pos 2004.302.12:11:31.37/disc_pos/332034531328,331889639096, 2004.302.12:11:31.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:11:31.38:midob 2004.302.12:11:31.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:11:31.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:11:31.68/cable/+3.5938656E-02 2004.302.12:11:31.75/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10747,10478 2004.302.12:11:31.82/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,43132 2004.302.12:11:31.89/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6764 2004.302.12:11:31.96/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21822 2004.302.12:11:32.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10090 2004.302.12:11:32.59/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:11:33.12/tpi/1u,6382,2u,6760,3u,15723,4u,23989,i1,10754 2004.302.12:11:33.12/tpi/9u,9103,au,20594,bu,10113,cu,14439,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,8665 2004.302.12:11:33.13/tpi/5u,26397,6u,21822,7u,30906,8u,13585,i3,43227 2004.302.12:11:33.14/tpdiff/1u,1826,2u,2663,3u,7731,4u,12523,i1,5421 2004.302.12:11:33.14/tpdiff/9u,3046,au,7257,bu,4958,cu,2049,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,4230 2004.302.12:11:33.15/tpdiff/5u,14961,6u,10375,7u,13841,8u,4513,i3,19960 2004.302.12:11:33.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:11:33.16/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:11:33.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:11:33.17/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:11:33.18?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:11:33.18?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:11:33.20/tsys/1u,80.0,2u,53.4,3u,50.4,4u,48.8,i1,51.1 2004.302.12:11:33.20/tsys/9u,93.8,au,86.8,bu,60.7,cu,217.5,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.12:11:33.21/tsys/i2,65.2 2004.302.12:11:33.21/tsys/5u,45.3,6u,54.0,7u,55.9,8u,72.0,i3,56.1 2004.302.12:11:33.90/fmout-gps/+6.4439E-006 2004.302.12:11:33.90:!2004.302.12:12:11 2004.302.12:11:33.97#setcl#time/368177501,3,2004,302,12,11,34.01,2.008,21.277,9 2004.302.12:11:33.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:11:52.36;"weather: clear 2004.302.12:12:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:12:11.01:disc_end 2004.302.12:12:11.27:disc_pos 2004.302.12:12:11.27/disc_pos/332677312928,331890639096, 2004.302.12:12:11.28:disc_check 2004.302.12:12:11.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h12m11.255s,51560,0.00500s,80000,1885382616, 2004.302.12:12:11.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:12:11.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 632514 : 3487 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 632448 : 3527 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:11.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 632484 : 3503 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:11.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 632230 : 3784 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:11.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 632491 : 3520 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:11.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 632344 : 3649 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:11.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 632118 : 3882 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:11.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 632651 : 3356 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:11.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,3.968 2004.302.12:12:11.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.12:12:12.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.12:12:12.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.87 2004.302.12:12:12.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.998 2004.302.12:12:12.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.12:12:12.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.12:12:12.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.02 2004.302.12:12:12.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.12:12:12.76:scan_name=302-1213,rd0408,42 2004.302.12:12:12.77:source=ok290,095400.00,252933.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:12:15.78:setupnw 2004.302.12:12:19.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:19.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:12:19.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:12:19.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 493 ; 2004.302.12:12:19.99:!2004.302.12:13:49 2004.302.12:13:49.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:13:49.00/disc_pos/332677312928,332676312928, 2004.302.12:13:49.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:13:50.04:!2004.302.12:13:49 2004.302.12:13:50.04:preob 2004.302.12:13:50.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:13:50.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:13:53.62/tpical/1u,6571,2u,9535,3u,23664,4u,37236,i1,16223 2004.302.12:13:53.62/tpical/9u,10563,au,27761,bu,15941,cu,9292,du,14610,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.12:13:53.62/tpical/i2,11268 2004.302.12:13:53.62/tpical/5u,42199,6u,32520,7u,45519,8u,16188,i3,57431 2004.302.12:13:56.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,93 2004.302.12:13:56.28/tpzero/9u,170,au,854,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,837,i2,46 2004.302.12:13:56.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.12:13:59.37:!2004.302.12:13:59 2004.302.12:13:59.37:disc_pos 2004.302.12:13:59.37/disc_pos/332821204992,332676312928, 2004.302.12:13:59.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:13:59.38:midob 2004.302.12:13:59.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:13:59.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:13:59.63/cable/+3.5938088E-02 2004.302.12:13:59.70/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10755,6798 2004.302.12:13:59.77/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37188 2004.302.12:13:59.84/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6870 2004.302.12:13:59.91/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21828 2004.302.12:13:59.98/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10652 2004.302.12:14:00.54/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:14:01.07/tpi/1u,4652,2u,6873,3u,15940,4u,24469,i1,10817 2004.302.12:14:01.07/tpi/9u,4935,au,20102,bu,10652,cu,6683,du,12359,eu,$$$$$,i2,6438 2004.302.12:14:01.08/tpi/5u,26581,6u,21847,7u,31333,8u,11579,i3,37422 2004.302.12:14:01.09/tpdiff/1u,1919,2u,2662,3u,7724,4u,12767,i1,5406 2004.302.12:14:01.09/tpdiff/9u,5628,au,7659,bu,5289,cu,2609,du,2251,eu,$$$$$,i2,4830 2004.302.12:14:01.10/tpdiff/5u,15618,6u,10673,7u,14186,8u,4609,i3,20009 2004.302.12:14:01.11/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:14:01.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:14:01.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:14:01.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:14:01.14?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:14:01.15/tsys/1u,52.6,2u,54.5,3u,51.2,4u,48.8,i1,51.6 2004.302.12:14:01.15/tsys/9u,27.1,au,80.4,bu,60.2,cu,75.7,du,167.2,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,42.3 2004.302.12:14:01.16/tsys/5u,43.7,6u,52.5,7u,55.3,8u,59.2,i3,48.4 2004.302.12:14:01.90/fmout-gps/+6.3309E-006 2004.302.12:14:01.90:!2004.302.12:14:41 2004.302.12:14:01.98#setcl#time/368192303,4,2004,302,12,14,02.03,2.004,21.319,9 2004.302.12:14:01.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:14:41.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:14:41.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:14:41.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:14:41.26/disc_pos/333495830200,332677312928, 2004.302.12:14:41.26:disc_check 2004.302.12:14:41.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h14m41.245s,14176,0.00500s,80000,1581360112, 2004.302.12:14:41.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:14:41.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 634065 : 3501 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:41.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 633999 : 3539 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 634036 : 3515 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:41.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 633786 : 3791 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:41.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 634046 : 3529 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:41.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 633898 : 3658 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:41.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 633671 : 3893 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:41.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 634203 : 3367 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:41.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.457 2004.302.12:14:41.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.12:14:42.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.12:14:42.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,44.99 2004.302.12:14:42.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.753 2004.302.12:14:42.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.12:14:42.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.12:14:42.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.96 2004.302.12:14:42.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.12:14:42.71:scan_name=302-1217,rd0408,49 2004.302.12:14:42.72:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:14:45.73:setupnw 2004.302.12:14:49.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:49.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:14:49.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:14:49.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 495 ; 2004.302.12:14:49.97:!2004.302.12:17:30 2004.302.12:17:30.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:17:30.00/disc_pos/333495830200,333494830200, 2004.302.12:17:30.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:17:31.04:!2004.302.12:17:30 2004.302.12:17:31.05:preob 2004.302.12:17:31.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:17:31.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:17:34.64/tpical/1u,6550,2u,9504,3u,24074,4u,38098,i1,16479 2004.302.12:17:34.64/tpical/9u,9770,au,27360,bu,15266,cu,12955,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.12:17:34.64/tpical/i2,8000 2004.302.12:17:34.64/tpical/5u,43554,6u,34030,7u,48094,8u,16690,i3,59913 2004.302.12:17:37.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,98 2004.302.12:17:37.29/tpzero/9u,168,au,839,bu,709,cu,510,du,601,eu,835,i2,44 2004.302.12:17:37.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1164,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.12:17:40.38:!2004.302.12:17:40 2004.302.12:17:40.38:disc_pos 2004.302.12:17:40.38/disc_pos/333639720960,333494830200, 2004.302.12:17:40.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:17:40.39:midob 2004.302.12:17:40.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:17:40.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:17:40.69/cable/+3.5938719E-02 2004.302.12:17:40.76/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10970,5256 2004.302.12:17:40.83/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,38911 2004.302.12:17:40.90/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6848 2004.302.12:17:40.97/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23133 2004.302.12:17:41.04/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10254 2004.302.12:17:41.60/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:17:42.12/tpi/1u,4633,2u,6849,3u,16199,4u,25095,i1,10971 2004.302.12:17:42.13/tpi/9u,6698,au,20137,bu,10268,cu,10649,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,5158 2004.302.12:17:42.13/tpi/5u,27646,6u,23133,7u,33363,8u,11821,i3,38914 2004.302.12:17:42.14/tpdiff/1u,1917,2u,2655,3u,7875,4u,13003,i1,5508 2004.302.12:17:42.15/tpdiff/9u,3072,au,7223,bu,4998,cu,2306,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,2842 2004.302.12:17:42.15/tpdiff/5u,15908,6u,10897,7u,14731,8u,4869,i3,20999 2004.302.12:17:42.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:17:42.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:17:42.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:17:42.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:17:42.19?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:17:42.19?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:17:42.20/tsys/1u,52.4,2u,54.4,3u,51.0,4u,49.2,i1,51.3 2004.302.12:17:42.20/tsys/9u,68.0,au,85.5,bu,61.2,cu,140.7,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.12:17:42.21/tsys/i2,57.6 2004.302.12:17:42.21/tsys/5u,44.6,6u,54.5,7u,56.8,8u,57.3,i3,48.0 2004.302.12:17:42.90/fmout-gps/+6.4029E-006 2004.302.12:17:42.91:!2004.302.12:18:29 2004.302.12:17:42.99#setcl#time/368214402,3,2004,302,12,17,43.03,2.009,21.380,9 2004.302.12:17:42.99#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:18:29.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:18:29.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:18:29.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:18:29.26/disc_pos/334426356784,333495830200, 2004.302.12:18:29.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:18:29.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h18m29.245s,40616,0.00500s,80000,2717446976, 2004.302.12:18:29.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:18:29.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 635835 : 3508 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 635769 : 3548 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 635802 : 3526 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 635553 : 3801 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:29.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 635813 : 3539 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:29.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 635668 : 3665 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 635436 : 3907 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 635970 : 3377 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:29.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.457 2004.302.12:18:29.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.12:18:30.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.12:18:30.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.11 2004.302.12:18:30.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.242 2004.302.12:18:30.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.12:18:30.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.29 2004.302.12:18:30.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.83 2004.302.12:18:30.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.12:18:30.69:scan_name=302-1219a,rd0408,102 2004.302.12:18:30.69:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:18:33.71:setupnw 2004.302.12:18:34.23/vc12/nak,*alarm*vc(#0c) 2004.302.12:18:35.81/vc12/nak,ack 2004.302.12:18:37.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:37.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:18:37.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:18:37.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 497 ; 2004.302.12:18:37.98:!2004.302.12:19:27 2004.302.12:19:27.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:19:27.00/disc_pos/334426356784,334425356784, 2004.302.12:19:27.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:19:28.04:!2004.302.12:19:27 2004.302.12:19:28.04:preob 2004.302.12:19:28.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:19:28.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:19:31.62/tpical/1u,6440,2u,9334,3u,23593,4u,37404,i1,16114 2004.302.12:19:31.62/tpical/9u,7204,au,26556,bu,16139,cu,9402,du,11112,eu,56409 2004.302.12:19:31.62/tpical/i2,6899 2004.302.12:19:31.62/tpical/5u,42440,6u,33394,7u,47013,8u,16309,i3,58582 2004.302.12:19:34.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.12:19:34.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,818,bu,710,cu,511,du,600,eu,829,i2,53 2004.302.12:19:34.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.12:19:37.36:!2004.302.12:19:37 2004.302.12:19:37.36:disc_pos 2004.302.12:19:37.37/disc_pos/334570250240,334425356784, 2004.302.12:19:37.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:19:37.37:midob 2004.302.12:19:37.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:19:37.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:19:37.68/cable/+3.5938649E-02 2004.302.12:19:37.75/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10615,4690 2004.302.12:19:37.82/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37712 2004.302.12:19:37.89/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6667 2004.302.12:19:37.96/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22516 2004.302.12:19:38.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10811 2004.302.12:19:38.59/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:19:39.11/tpi/1u,4513,2u,6670,3u,15782,4u,24402,i1,10613 2004.302.12:19:39.11/tpi/9u,5249,au,19301,bu,10818,cu,6720,du,10575,eu,55545,i2,4631 2004.302.12:19:39.14/tpi/5u,26726,6u,22516,7u,32326,8u,11512,i3,37696 2004.302.12:19:39.15/tpdiff/1u,1927,2u,2664,3u,7811,4u,13002,i1,5501 2004.302.12:19:39.15/tpdiff/9u,1955,au,7255,bu,5321,cu,2682,du,537,eu,864,i2,2268 2004.302.12:19:39.16/tpdiff/5u,15714,6u,10878,7u,14687,8u,4797,i3,20886 2004.302.12:19:39.17/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:19:39.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:19:39.18/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:19:39.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:19:39.19/tsys/1u,50.5,2u,52.5,3u,50.1,4u,47.8,i1,49.7 2004.302.12:19:39.20/tsys/9u,83.2,au,81.5,bu,60.8,cu,74.1,du,594.4,eu,2026.5,i2,64.6 2004.302.12:19:39.21/tsys/5u,43.7,6u,53.1,7u,55.2,8u,56.5,i3,46.7 2004.302.12:19:39.90/fmout-gps/+6.3744E-006 2004.302.12:19:39.91:!2004.302.12:21:19 2004.302.12:19:39.97#setcl#time/368226101,4,2004,302,12,19,40.02,2.006,21.412,9 2004.302.12:19:39.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:21:19.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:21:19.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:21:19.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:21:19.27/disc_pos/336204963568,334426356784, 2004.302.12:21:19.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:21:19.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h21m19.250s,42152,0.00500s,80000,941471680, 2004.302.12:21:19.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:21:19.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 639209 : 3529 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 639150 : 3563 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:19.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 639176 : 3547 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 638932 : 3817 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 639188 : 3559 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:19.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 639038 : 3690 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:19.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 638815 : 3922 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:19.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 639347 : 3395 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:19.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.212 2004.302.12:21:19.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.12:21:20.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.12:21:20.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.11 2004.302.12:21:20.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.12:21:20.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.12:21:20.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.12:21:20.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.08 2004.302.12:21:20.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.12:21:20.70:scan_name=302-1222,rd0408,40 2004.302.12:21:20.70:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:21:23.72:setupnw 2004.302.12:21:27.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:27.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:21:27.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:21:27.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 499 ; 2004.302.12:21:27.98:!2004.302.12:22:21 2004.302.12:22:21.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:22:21.00/disc_pos/336204963568,336203963568, 2004.302.12:22:21.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:22:22.04:!2004.302.12:22:21 2004.302.12:22:22.04:preob 2004.302.12:22:22.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:22:22.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:22:25.64/tpical/1u,6735,2u,9754,3u,24713,4u,38748,i1,16859 2004.302.12:22:25.64/tpical/9u,7924,au,27099,bu,16067,cu,9263,du,14324,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.12:22:25.64/tpical/i2,8246 2004.302.12:22:25.64/tpical/5u,43832,6u,34460,7u,48666,8u,16725,i3,60631 2004.302.12:22:28.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,497,i1,102 2004.302.12:22:28.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,827,bu,711,cu,511,du,599,eu,839,i2,61 2004.302.12:22:28.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.12:22:31.38:!2004.302.12:22:31 2004.302.12:22:31.38:disc_pos 2004.302.12:22:31.39/disc_pos/336348856320,336203963568, 2004.302.12:22:31.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:22:31.39:midob 2004.302.12:22:31.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:22:31.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:22:31.55/cable/+3.5935236E-02 2004.302.12:22:31.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11414,5612 2004.302.12:22:31.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,40086 2004.302.12:22:31.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7086 2004.302.12:22:31.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23721 2004.302.12:22:31.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10757 2004.302.12:22:32.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:22:32.98/tpi/1u,4821,2u,7096,3u,16938,4u,25991,i1,11434 2004.302.12:22:32.98/tpi/9u,5533,au,20352,bu,10756,cu,6593,du,11694,eu,$$$$$,i2,6309 2004.302.12:22:32.99/tpi/5u,28542,6u,23797,7u,34285,8u,12148,i3,40219 2004.302.12:22:33.00/tpdiff/1u,1914,2u,2658,3u,7775,4u,12757,i1,5425 2004.302.12:22:33.00/tpdiff/9u,2391,au,6747,bu,5311,cu,2670,du,2630,eu,$$$$$,i2,1937 2004.302.12:22:33.01/tpdiff/5u,15290,6u,10663,7u,14381,8u,4577,i3,20412 2004.302.12:22:33.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:22:33.03/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:22:33.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:22:33.04/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:22:33.05?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:22:33.06/tsys/1u,55.1,2u,56.8,3u,54.2,4u,52.0,i1,54.3 2004.302.12:22:33.06/tsys/9u,71.7,au,92.6,bu,60.5,cu,72.9,du,135.0,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,103.2 2004.302.12:22:33.07/tsys/5u,48.0,6u,57.3,7u,59.9,8u,62.9,i3,51.0 2004.302.12:22:33.89/fmout-gps/+6.3519E-006 2004.302.12:22:33.90:!2004.302.12:23:11 2004.302.12:22:33.97#setcl#time/368243501,4,2004,302,12,22,34.02,2.002,21.461,9 2004.302.12:22:33.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:23:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:23:11.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:23:11.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:23:11.26/disc_pos/336991477712,336204963568, 2004.302.12:23:11.26:disc_check 2004.302.12:23:11.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h23m11.250s,50612,0.00500s,80000,1005477396, 2004.302.12:23:11.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:23:11.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 640702 : 3538 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:11.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 640645 : 3571 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:11.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 640668 : 3557 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 640429 : 3823 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 640684 : 3567 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:11.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 640527 : 3703 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:11.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 640310 : 3930 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:11.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 640839 : 3405 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:11.79/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.067 2004.302.12:23:11.90/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.12:23:12.01/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.12:23:12.12/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.23 2004.302.12:23:12.23/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.852 2004.302.12:23:12.34/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.12:23:12.45/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.12:23:12.56/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,21.89 2004.302.12:23:12.67/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.12:23:12.67:scan_name=302-1224,rd0408,67 2004.302.12:23:12.67:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:23:15.68:setupnw 2004.302.12:23:19.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:19.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:23:19.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:23:19.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 501 ; 2004.302.12:23:19.99:!2004.302.12:24:08 2004.302.12:24:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:24:08.00/disc_pos/336991477712,336990477712, 2004.302.12:24:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:24:09.04:!2004.302.12:24:08 2004.302.12:24:09.04:preob 2004.302.12:24:09.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:24:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:24:12.62/tpical/1u,6462,2u,9356,3u,23824,4u,37381,i1,16164 2004.302.12:24:12.62/tpical/9u,7799,au,27152,bu,17149,cu,9946,du,9706,eu,30701,i2,7313 2004.302.12:24:12.62/tpical/5u,42670,6u,33222,7u,47397,8u,16229,i3,58588 2004.302.12:24:15.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,498,i1,102 2004.302.12:24:15.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,820,bu,711,cu,511,du,598,eu,830,i2,64 2004.302.12:24:15.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1164,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.12:24:18.36:!2004.302.12:24:18 2004.302.12:24:18.36:disc_pos 2004.302.12:24:18.37/disc_pos/337135370240,336990477712, 2004.302.12:24:18.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:24:18.37:midob 2004.302.12:24:18.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:24:18.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:24:18.48/cable/+3.5938209E-02 2004.302.12:24:18.55/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10666,4938 2004.302.12:24:18.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37759 2004.302.12:24:18.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6693 2004.302.12:24:18.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22449 2004.302.12:24:18.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11557 2004.302.12:24:19.39/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:24:19.91/tpi/1u,4536,2u,6696,3u,15955,4u,24435,i1,10664 2004.302.12:24:19.91/tpi/9u,5457,au,20068,bu,11550,cu,7105,du,7711,eu,27013,i2,4969 2004.302.12:24:19.93/tpi/5u,26959,6u,22454,7u,32593,8u,11480,i3,37757 2004.302.12:24:19.94/tpdiff/1u,1926,2u,2660,3u,7869,4u,12946,i1,5500 2004.302.12:24:19.94/tpdiff/9u,2342,au,7084,bu,5599,cu,2841,du,1995,eu,3688,i2,2344 2004.302.12:24:19.95/tpdiff/5u,15711,6u,10768,7u,14804,8u,4749,i3,20831 2004.302.12:24:19.96/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:24:19.96/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:24:19.97/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:24:19.97/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:24:19.99/tsys/1u,50.9,2u,52.8,3u,50.3,4u,48.1,i1,49.9 2004.302.12:24:19.99/tsys/9u,72.2,au,86.9,bu,61.9,cu,74.3,du,114.1,eu,227.2,i2,67.0 2004.302.12:24:20.00/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,53.5,7u,55.2,8u,56.9,i3,46.9 2004.302.12:24:20.89/fmout-gps/+6.3839E-006 2004.302.12:24:20.90:!2004.302.12:25:25 2004.302.12:24:20.97#setcl#time/368254200,3,2004,302,12,24,21.02,2.010,21.490,10 2004.302.12:24:20.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:25:25.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:25:25.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:25:25.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:25:25.27/disc_pos/338210031768,336991477712, 2004.302.12:25:25.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:25:25.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h25m25.250s,26400,0.00500s,80000,925470156, 2004.302.12:25:25.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:25:25.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 643013 : 3554 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:25.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 642961 : 3581 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:25.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 642982 : 3569 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:25.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 642743 : 3837 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:25.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 642998 : 3579 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:25.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 642838 : 3719 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:25.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 642622 : 3944 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:25.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 643154 : 3416 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:25.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.457 2004.302.12:25:25.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.12:25:26.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.951 2004.302.12:25:26.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.23 2004.302.12:25:26.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.486 2004.302.12:25:26.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.12:25:26.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.49 2004.302.12:25:26.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.02 2004.302.12:25:26.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.12:25:26.73:scan_name=302-1226,rd0408,189 2004.302.12:25:26.73:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:25:29.75:setupnw 2004.302.12:25:33.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:33.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:25:33.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:25:33.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 503 ; 2004.302.12:25:33.98:!2004.302.12:26:04 2004.302.12:26:04.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:26:04.00/disc_pos/338210031768,338209031768, 2004.302.12:26:04.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:26:05.04:!2004.302.12:26:04 2004.302.12:26:05.04:preob 2004.302.12:26:05.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:26:05.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:26:08.62/tpical/1u,11842,2u,16917,3u,43889,4u,$$$$$,i1,30593 2004.302.12:26:08.62/tpical/9u,9495,au,35174,bu,22425,cu,13160,du,14563,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.12:26:08.62/tpical/i2,10180 2004.302.12:26:08.62/tpical/5u,$$$$$,6u,58343,7u,$$$$$,8u,31271,i3,65535 2004.302.12:26:11.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,742,4u,499,i1,107 2004.302.12:26:11.27/tpzero/9u,175,au,817,bu,711,cu,511,du,598,eu,833,i2,65 2004.302.12:26:11.27/tpzero/5u,344,6u,286,7u,1162,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.12:26:14.36:!2004.302.12:26:14 2004.302.12:26:14.36:disc_pos 2004.302.12:26:14.36/disc_pos/338353922048,338209031768, 2004.302.12:26:14.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:26:14.37:midob 2004.302.12:26:14.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:26:14.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:26:14.76/cable/+3.5942425E-02 2004.302.12:26:14.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,25040,7676 2004.302.12:26:14.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,65535 2004.302.12:26:14.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,14265 2004.302.12:26:15.05/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,48436 2004.302.12:26:15.12/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17308 2004.302.12:26:15.68/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:26:16.20/tpi/1u,9921,2u,14265,3u,36281,4u,56087,i1,25046 2004.302.12:26:16.20/tpi/9u,7729,au,28661,bu,17307,cu,10589,du,11629,eu,$$$$$,i2,7696 2004.302.12:26:16.21/tpi/5u,61514,6u,48436,7u,$$$$$,8u,27275,i3,65535 2004.302.12:26:16.22/tpdiff/1u,1921,2u,2652,3u,7608,4u,$$$$$,i1,5547 2004.302.12:26:16.22/tpdiff/9u,1766,au,6513,bu,5118,cu,2571,du,2934,eu,$$$$$,i2,2484 2004.302.12:26:16.23/tpdiff/5u,$$$$$,6u,9907,7u,$$$$$,8u,3996,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.12:26:16.24/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:26:16.24/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:26:16.25/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:26:16.26/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:26:16.27?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v4 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:26:16.27?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:26:16.27?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v7 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:26:16.27?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:26:16.27?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:26:16.29/tsys/1u,123.9,2u,127.2,3u,121.5,4u,$$$$$$$$,i1,116.9 2004.302.12:26:16.30/tsys/9u,136.9,au,136.8,bu,103.8,cu,125.4,du,120.3,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.12:26:16.30/tsys/i2,98.3 2004.302.12:26:16.31/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,126.4,7u,$$$$$$$$,8u,170.4,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.12:26:16.90/fmout-gps/+6.3324E-006 2004.302.12:26:16.91:!2004.302.12:29:23 2004.302.12:26:16.98#setcl#time/368265800,4,2004,302,12,26,17.02,2.007,21.523,9 2004.302.12:26:16.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:29:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:29:23.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:29:23.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:29:23.27/disc_pos/341380768784,338210031768, 2004.302.12:29:23.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:29:23.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h29m23.250s,1500,0.00500s,80000,637287884, 2004.302.12:29:23.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:29:23.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 649031 : 3586 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 648985 : 3608 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 649001 : 3602 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 648770 : 3862 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 649024 : 3604 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:23.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 648864 : 3743 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:23.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 648649 : 3968 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:23.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 649175 : 3444 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:23.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.335 2004.302.12:29:23.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.12:29:24.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.19 2004.302.12:29:24.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.48 2004.302.12:29:24.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.120 2004.302.12:29:24.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.12:29:24.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.12:29:24.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.12:29:24.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.12:29:24.70:scan_name=302-1231a,rd0408,53 2004.302.12:29:24.70:source=1308+326,130807.57,323640.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:29:27.72:setupnw 2004.302.12:29:31.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:31.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:29:31.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:29:31.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 505 ; 2004.302.12:29:31.98:!2004.302.12:31:25 2004.302.12:31:25.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:31:25.00/disc_pos/341380768784,341379768784, 2004.302.12:31:25.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:31:26.04:!2004.302.12:31:25 2004.302.12:31:26.04:preob 2004.302.12:31:26.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:31:26.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:31:29.62/tpical/1u,6481,2u,9351,3u,23707,4u,37652,i1,16085 2004.302.12:31:29.62/tpical/9u,7511,au,27449,bu,16209,cu,9235,du,12837,eu,28731 2004.302.12:31:29.62/tpical/i2,8023 2004.302.12:31:29.62/tpical/5u,42523,6u,33380,7u,46827,8u,16333,i3,58508 2004.302.12:31:32.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.12:31:32.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,927,bu,708,cu,512,du,599,eu,827,i2,47 2004.302.12:31:32.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1161,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.12:31:35.36:!2004.302.12:31:35 2004.302.12:31:35.36:disc_pos 2004.302.12:31:35.36/disc_pos/341524660224,341379768784, 2004.302.12:31:35.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:31:35.37:midob 2004.302.12:31:35.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:31:35.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:31:35.51/cable/+3.5940436E-02 2004.302.12:31:35.58/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10567,5900 2004.302.12:31:35.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37592 2004.302.12:31:35.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6673 2004.302.12:31:35.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22363 2004.302.12:31:35.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10899 2004.302.12:31:36.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:31:36.94/tpi/1u,4557,2u,6673,3u,15736,4u,24496,i1,10567 2004.302.12:31:36.94/tpi/9u,8423,au,20883,bu,10883,cu,6579,du,10729,eu,24304,i2,5936 2004.302.12:31:36.95/tpi/5u,26677,6u,22346,7u,32159,8u,11464,i3,37613 2004.302.12:31:36.96/tpdiff/1u,1924,2u,2678,3u,7971,4u,13156,i1,5518 2004.302.12:31:36.96/tpdiff/9u,-912,au,6566,bu,5326,cu,2656,du,2108,eu,4427,i2,2087 2004.302.12:31:36.97/tpdiff/5u,15846,6u,11034,7u,14668,8u,4869,i3,20895 2004.302.12:31:36.98/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:31:36.98/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:31:36.99/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:31:37.00/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:31:37.01?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:31:37.02/tsys/1u,51.2,2u,52.3,3u,48.9,4u,47.4,i1,49.3 2004.302.12:31:37.02/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,97.3,bu,61.1,cu,73.1,du,153.8,eu,169.7 2004.302.12:31:37.03/tsys/i2,90.3 2004.302.12:31:37.03/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,52.0,7u,54.9,8u,55.4,i3,46.6 2004.302.12:31:37.89/fmout-gps/+6.3564E-006 2004.302.12:31:37.90:!2004.302.12:32:28 2004.302.12:31:37.97#setcl#time/368297899,3,2004,302,12,31,38.02,2.010,21.612,10 2004.302.12:31:37.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:32:28.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:32:28.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:32:28.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:32:28.27/disc_pos/342375463896,341380768784, 2004.302.12:32:28.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:32:28.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h32m28.260s,79300,0.00500s,80000,1965387088, 2004.302.12:32:28.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:32:28.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 650917 : 3600 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:28.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 650877 : 3615 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:28.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 650889 : 3613 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:28.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 650658 : 3875 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:28.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 650914 : 3613 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:28.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 650757 : 3750 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:28.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 650537 : 3979 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:28.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 651064 : 3455 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:28.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,4.945 2004.302.12:32:28.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.31 2004.302.12:32:29.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.31 2004.302.12:32:29.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.48 2004.302.12:32:29.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.608 2004.302.12:32:29.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.12:32:29.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.12:32:29.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.14 2004.302.12:32:29.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.12:32:29.68:scan_name=302-1235a,rd0408,144 2004.302.12:32:29.68:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:32:32.70:setupnw 2004.302.12:32:36.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:36.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:32:36.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:32:36.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 507 ; 2004.302.12:32:36.98:!2004.302.12:34:55 2004.302.12:34:55.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:34:55.00/disc_pos/342375463896,342374463896, 2004.302.12:34:55.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:34:56.04:!2004.302.12:34:55 2004.302.12:34:56.04:preob 2004.302.12:34:56.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:34:56.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:34:59.63/tpical/1u,6472,2u,9342,3u,23519,4u,37576,i1,16139 2004.302.12:34:59.63/tpical/9u,14343,au,29099,bu,16496,cu,9469,du,10123,eu,57643 2004.302.12:34:59.63/tpical/i2,21647 2004.302.12:34:59.63/tpical/5u,42490,6u,33169,7u,46849,8u,16206,i3,58628 2004.302.12:35:02.28/tpzero/1u,766,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.12:35:02.28/tpzero/9u,175,au,1296,bu,708,cu,513,du,599,eu,830,i2,52 2004.302.12:35:02.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,284,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.12:35:05.37:!2004.302.12:35:05 2004.302.12:35:05.37:disc_pos 2004.302.12:35:05.38/disc_pos/342519353344,342374463896, 2004.302.12:35:05.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:35:05.38:midob 2004.302.12:35:05.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:35:05.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:35:05.76/cable/+3.5937047E-02 2004.302.12:35:05.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10659,20602 2004.302.12:35:05.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37848 2004.302.12:35:05.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6713 2004.302.12:35:06.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22403 2004.302.12:35:06.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11105 2004.302.12:35:06.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:35:07.21/tpi/1u,4552,2u,6713,3u,15761,4u,24573,i1,10656 2004.302.12:35:07.21/tpi/9u,12249,au,22558,bu,11095,cu,6765,du,7695,eu,59059,i2,20245 2004.302.12:35:07.22/tpi/5u,26831,6u,22403,7u,32207,8u,11446,i3,37878 2004.302.12:35:07.23/tpdiff/1u,1920,2u,2629,3u,7758,4u,13003,i1,5483 2004.302.12:35:07.23/tpdiff/9u,2094,au,6541,bu,5401,cu,2704,du,2428,eu,-1416,i2,1402 2004.302.12:35:07.24/tpdiff/5u,15659,6u,10766,7u,14642,8u,4760,i3,20750 2004.302.12:35:07.25/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:35:07.25/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:35:07.26/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:35:07.27/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:35:07.28?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:35:07.28/tsys/1u,51.3,2u,53.6,3u,50.3,4u,48.1,i1,50.1 2004.302.12:35:07.29/tsys/9u,184.5,au,104.0,bu,61.5,cu,74.0,du,93.5,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.12:35:07.30/tsys/i2,460.9 2004.302.12:35:07.31/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,53.4,7u,55.1,8u,56.6,i3,47.2 2004.302.12:35:07.90/fmout-gps/+6.3514E-006 2004.302.12:35:07.91:!2004.302.12:37:29 2004.302.12:35:07.97#setcl#time/368318899,4,2004,302,12,35,08.02,2.005,21.670,9 2004.302.12:35:07.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:37:29.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:37:29.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:37:29.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:37:29.27/disc_pos/344826132848,342375463896, 2004.302.12:37:29.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:37:29.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h37m29.255s,71292,0.00500s,80000,2365259056, 2004.302.12:37:29.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:37:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 655562 : 3633 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 655536 : 3633 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:29.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 655547 : 3632 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:29.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 655318 : 3892 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 655572 : 3632 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:29.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 655408 : 3776 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:29.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 655190 : 4003 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:29.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 655714 : 3482 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:29.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.189 2004.302.12:37:29.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.302.12:37:30.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.56 2004.302.12:37:30.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.72 2004.302.12:37:30.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.974 2004.302.12:37:30.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.12:37:30.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.12:37:30.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.02 2004.302.12:37:30.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.12:37:30.72:scan_name=302-1240,rd0408,61 2004.302.12:37:30.72:source=oq208,140445.63,284129.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:37:33.73:setupnw 2004.302.12:37:37.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:37.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:37:37.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:37:37.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 509 ; 2004.302.12:37:37.97:!2004.302.12:40:04 2004.302.12:40:04.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:40:04.00/disc_pos/344826132848,344825132848, 2004.302.12:40:04.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:40:05.04:!2004.302.12:40:04 2004.302.12:40:05.04:preob 2004.302.12:40:05.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:40:05.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:40:08.65/tpical/1u,6352,2u,9252,3u,23415,4u,37161,i1,15951 2004.302.12:40:08.65/tpical/9u,11463,au,27576,bu,16589,cu,9368,du,9919,eu,34452 2004.302.12:40:08.65/tpical/i2,8010 2004.302.12:40:08.65/tpical/5u,41941,6u,32847,7u,46415,8u,16199,i3,57724 2004.302.12:40:11.31/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,498,i1,93 2004.302.12:40:11.31/tpzero/9u,171,au,871,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,827,i2,46 2004.302.12:40:11.31/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1164,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.12:40:14.41:!2004.302.12:40:14 2004.302.12:40:14.41:disc_pos 2004.302.12:40:14.42/disc_pos/344970022912,344825132848, 2004.302.12:40:14.42:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:40:14.42:midob 2004.302.12:40:14.44#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:40:14.44/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:40:14.64/cable/+3.5934666E-02 2004.302.12:40:14.71/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10469,5982 2004.302.12:40:14.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37004 2004.302.12:40:14.86/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6590 2004.302.12:40:14.93/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22066 2004.302.12:40:15.00/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11236 2004.302.12:40:15.56/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:40:16.08/tpi/1u,4456,2u,6590,3u,15546,4u,24048,i1,10468 2004.302.12:40:16.08/tpi/9u,9625,au,20969,bu,11235,cu,6666,du,7988,eu,30868,i2,6689 2004.302.12:40:16.09/tpi/5u,26415,6u,22066,7u,31762,8u,11410,i3,37002 2004.302.12:40:16.10/tpdiff/1u,1896,2u,2662,3u,7869,4u,13113,i1,5483 2004.302.12:40:16.10/tpdiff/9u,1838,au,6607,bu,5354,cu,2702,du,1931,eu,3584,i2,1321 2004.302.12:40:16.11/tpdiff/5u,15526,6u,10781,7u,14653,8u,4789,i3,20722 2004.302.12:40:16.12/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:40:16.13/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:40:16.13/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:40:16.14/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:40:16.15/tsys/1u,50.6,2u,51.8,3u,48.9,4u,46.7,i1,49.2 2004.302.12:40:16.16/tsys/9u,164.6,au,97.3,bu,62.9,cu,72.9,du,122.4,eu,268.2,i2,160.9 2004.302.12:40:16.16/tsys/5u,43.7,6u,52.5,7u,54.3,8u,56.1,i3,46.2 2004.302.12:40:16.90/fmout-gps/+6.4004E-006 2004.302.12:40:16.91:!2004.302.12:41:15 2004.302.12:40:16.98#setcl#time/368349798,4,2004,302,12,40,17.02,2.008,21.756,9 2004.302.12:40:16.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:41:15.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:41:15.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:41:15.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:41:15.27/disc_pos/345948678864,344826132848, 2004.302.12:41:15.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:41:15.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h41m15.250s,17740,0.00500s,80000,2493427536, 2004.302.12:41:15.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:41:15.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 657695 : 3644 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:15.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 657668 : 3644 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:15.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 657676 : 3647 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:15.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 657449 : 3904 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:15.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 657703 : 3645 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:15.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 657535 : 3792 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:15.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 657323 : 4013 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:15.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 657850 : 3491 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:15.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.311 2004.302.12:41:15.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.12:41:16.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.12:41:16.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,45.97 2004.302.12:41:16.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.463 2004.302.12:41:16.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.12:41:16.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.12:41:16.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.12:41:16.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.12:41:16.71:scan_name=302-1243b,rd0408,197 2004.302.12:41:16.71:source=1418+546,141806.21,543658.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:41:19.73:setupnw 2004.302.12:41:23.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:23.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:41:23.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:41:23.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 511 ; 2004.302.12:41:23.97:!2004.302.12:43:10 2004.302.12:43:10.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:43:10.00/disc_pos/345948678864,345947678864, 2004.302.12:43:10.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:43:11.04:!2004.302.12:43:10 2004.302.12:43:11.04:preob 2004.302.12:43:11.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:43:11.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:43:14.63/tpical/1u,6351,2u,9216,3u,23238,4u,36948,i1,15861 2004.302.12:43:14.63/tpical/9u,11261,au,28173,bu,16381,cu,9232,du,11116,eu,37377 2004.302.12:43:14.63/tpical/i2,9930 2004.302.12:43:14.63/tpical/5u,41950,6u,32664,7u,46150,8u,15972,i3,57471 2004.302.12:43:17.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,95 2004.302.12:43:17.29/tpzero/9u,169,au,854,bu,709,cu,512,du,599,eu,827,i2,51 2004.302.12:43:17.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.12:43:20.38:!2004.302.12:43:20 2004.302.12:43:20.38:disc_pos 2004.302.12:43:20.38/disc_pos/346092572672,345947678864, 2004.302.12:43:20.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:43:20.39:midob 2004.302.12:43:20.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:43:20.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:43:20.76/cable/+3.5934664E-02 2004.302.12:43:20.83/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10403,7649 2004.302.12:43:20.90/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36860 2004.302.12:43:20.97/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6566 2004.302.12:43:21.04/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21918 2004.302.12:43:21.11/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11054 2004.302.12:43:21.67/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:43:22.19/tpi/1u,4441,2u,6566,3u,15460,4u,23990,i1,10403 2004.302.12:43:22.19/tpi/9u,10669,au,21684,bu,11053,cu,6556,du,7782,eu,33329,i2,9055 2004.302.12:43:22.20/tpi/5u,26238,6u,21918,7u,31654,8u,11258,i3,36852 2004.302.12:43:22.21/tpdiff/1u,1910,2u,2650,3u,7778,4u,12958,i1,5458 2004.302.12:43:22.21/tpdiff/9u,592,au,6489,bu,5328,cu,2676,du,3334,eu,4048,i2,875 2004.302.12:43:22.22/tpdiff/5u,15712,6u,10746,7u,14496,8u,4714,i3,20619 2004.302.12:43:22.23/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:43:22.24/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:43:22.24/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:43:22.25/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:43:22.26/tsys/1u,50.0,2u,51.8,3u,49.2,4u,47.1,i1,49.1 2004.302.12:43:22.27/tsys/9u,567.6,au,102.7,bu,62.1,cu,72.3,du,68.9,eu,256.9,i2,329.3 2004.302.12:43:22.27/tsys/5u,42.9,6u,52.3,7u,54.7,8u,56.1,i3,46.2 2004.302.12:43:22.90/fmout-gps/+6.3769E-006 2004.302.12:43:22.90:!2004.302.12:46:37 2004.302.12:43:22.97#setcl#time/368368398,4,2004,302,12,43,23.02,2.003,21.808,9 2004.302.12:43:22.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:46:37.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:46:37.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:46:37.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:46:37.27/disc_pos/349247426536,345948678864, 2004.302.12:46:37.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:46:37.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h46m37.260s,48552,0.00500s,80000,1853381516, 2004.302.12:46:37.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:46:37.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 663965 : 3668 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:37.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 663937 : 3670 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:37.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 663947 : 3670 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 663716 : 3932 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 663973 : 3671 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 663800 : 3822 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 663589 : 4042 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:37.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 664117 : 3519 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:37.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.556 2004.302.12:46:37.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.12:46:38.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.12:46:38.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.33 2004.302.12:46:38.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.12:46:38.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.12:46:38.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.12:46:38.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.14 2004.302.12:46:38.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.12:46:38.69:scan_name=302-1248b,rd0408,40 2004.302.12:46:38.69:source=3c274,122817.57,124002.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:46:41.71:setupnw 2004.302.12:46:45.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:45.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:46:45.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:46:45.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 513 ; 2004.302.12:46:45.97:!2004.302.12:48:24 2004.302.12:48:24.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:48:24.00/disc_pos/349247426536,349246426536, 2004.302.12:48:24.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:48:25.04:!2004.302.12:48:24 2004.302.12:48:25.04:preob 2004.302.12:48:25.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:48:25.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:48:28.62/tpical/1u,6505,2u,9414,3u,23657,4u,37627,i1,16143 2004.302.12:48:28.62/tpical/9u,11771,au,29132,bu,17428,cu,9910,du,9827,eu,54159 2004.302.12:48:28.62/tpical/i2,9851 2004.302.12:48:28.62/tpical/5u,42094,6u,32477,7u,45989,8u,16063,i3,57386 2004.302.12:48:31.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,103 2004.302.12:48:31.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,905,bu,710,cu,512,du,597,eu,830,i2,67 2004.302.12:48:31.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.12:48:34.36:!2004.302.12:48:34 2004.302.12:48:34.37:disc_pos 2004.302.12:48:34.37/disc_pos/349391319040,349246426536, 2004.302.12:48:34.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:48:34.38:midob 2004.302.12:48:34.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:48:34.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:48:34.68/cable/+3.5936056E-02 2004.302.12:48:34.75/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10680,8237 2004.302.12:48:34.82/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37064 2004.302.12:48:34.89/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6760 2004.302.12:48:34.96/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21966 2004.302.12:48:35.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12031 2004.302.12:48:35.59/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:48:36.11/tpi/1u,4587,2u,6767,3u,15883,4u,24647,i1,10689 2004.302.12:48:36.11/tpi/9u,11078,au,22771,bu,12023,cu,7185,du,7458,eu,50902,i2,9667 2004.302.12:48:36.12/tpi/5u,26684,6u,21966,7u,31733,8u,11343,i3,37101 2004.302.12:48:36.13/tpdiff/1u,1918,2u,2647,3u,7774,4u,12980,i1,5454 2004.302.12:48:36.13/tpdiff/9u,693,au,6361,bu,5405,cu,2725,du,2369,eu,3257,i2,184 2004.302.12:48:36.14/tpdiff/5u,15410,6u,10511,7u,14256,8u,4720,i3,20285 2004.302.12:48:36.15/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:48:36.15/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:48:36.16/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:48:36.17/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:48:36.18/tsys/1u,51.8,2u,53.8,3u,50.6,4u,48.4,i1,50.5 2004.302.12:48:36.19/tsys/9u,503.5,au,110.0,bu,67.0,cu,78.4,du,92.7,eu,492.0,i2,1669.6 2004.302.12:48:36.19/tsys/5u,44.4,6u,53.6,7u,55.8,8u,56.5,i3,47.3 2004.302.12:48:36.90/fmout-gps/+6.3359E-006 2004.302.12:48:36.91:!2004.302.12:49:14 2004.302.12:48:36.97#setcl#time/368399797,4,2004,302,12,48,37.02,2.006,21.895,9 2004.302.12:48:36.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:49:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:49:14.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:49:14.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:49:14.27/disc_pos/350034101744,349247426536, 2004.302.12:49:14.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:49:14.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h49m14.250s,2268,0.00500s,80000,1725211076, 2004.302.12:49:14.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:49:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 665459 : 3677 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:14.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 665430 : 3680 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 665440 : 3680 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 665209 : 3941 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 665464 : 3683 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:14.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 665290 : 3834 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:14.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 665083 : 4051 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:14.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 665612 : 3528 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:14.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.556 2004.302.12:49:14.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.12:49:15.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.05 2004.302.12:49:15.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.33 2004.302.12:49:15.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.12:49:15.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.12:49:15.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.12:49:15.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.19 2004.302.12:49:15.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.12:49:15.70:scan_name=302-1255,rd0408,61 2004.302.12:49:15.70:source=0528+134,052806.74,132942.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:49:18.72:setupnw 2004.302.12:49:22.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:22.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:49:22.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:49:22.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 515 ; 2004.302.12:49:22.99:!2004.302.12:55:10 2004.302.12:55:10.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:55:10.00/disc_pos/350034101744,350033101744, 2004.302.12:55:10.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:55:11.04:!2004.302.12:55:10 2004.302.12:55:11.04:preob 2004.302.12:55:11.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:55:11.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:55:14.62/tpical/1u,6796,2u,9689,3u,24308,4u,37892,i1,16533 2004.302.12:55:14.62/tpical/9u,11782,au,29079,bu,17439,cu,9996,du,10530,eu,24294 2004.302.12:55:14.62/tpical/i2,9747 2004.302.12:55:14.62/tpical/5u,42437,6u,32828,7u,45432,8u,16930,i3,57492 2004.302.12:55:17.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,94 2004.302.12:55:17.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,856,bu,709,cu,514,du,599,eu,827,i2,54 2004.302.12:55:17.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,284,7u,1160,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.12:55:20.36:!2004.302.12:55:20 2004.302.12:55:20.36:disc_pos 2004.302.12:55:20.37/disc_pos/350177992704,350033101744, 2004.302.12:55:20.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:55:20.37:midob 2004.302.12:55:20.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:55:20.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:55:20.75/cable/+3.5935834E-02 2004.302.12:55:20.82/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11191,7769 2004.302.12:55:20.89/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,38101 2004.302.12:55:20.96/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7044 2004.302.12:55:21.03/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22699 2004.302.12:55:21.10/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11993 2004.302.12:55:21.66/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:55:22.18/tpi/1u,4899,2u,7044,3u,16662,4u,25417,i1,11190 2004.302.12:55:22.18/tpi/9u,10321,au,22277,bu,11995,cu,7208,du,7868,eu,20713,i2,7977 2004.302.12:55:22.19/tpi/5u,27533,6u,22699,7u,32109,8u,12581,i3,38204 2004.302.12:55:22.20/tpdiff/1u,1897,2u,2645,3u,7646,4u,12475,i1,5343 2004.302.12:55:22.20/tpdiff/9u,1461,au,6802,bu,5444,cu,2788,du,2662,eu,3581,i2,1770 2004.302.12:55:22.21/tpdiff/5u,14904,6u,10129,7u,13323,8u,4349,i3,19288 2004.302.12:55:22.22/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:55:22.23/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:55:22.23/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:55:22.23/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:55:22.23/tsys/1u,56.6,2u,56.6,3u,54.1,4u,51.9,i1,54.0 2004.302.12:55:22.24/tsys/9u,222.2,au,100.8,bu,66.3,cu,76.8,du,87.4,eu,177.7,i2,143.2 2004.302.12:55:22.25/tsys/5u,47.4,6u,57.5,7u,60.4,8u,68.7,i3,51.3 2004.302.12:55:22.89/fmout-gps/+6.4249E-006 2004.302.12:55:22.90:!2004.302.12:56:21 2004.302.12:55:22.97#setcl#time/368440396,4,2004,302,12,55,23.02,2.007,22.008,10 2004.302.12:55:22.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:56:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.12:56:21.00:disc_end 2004.302.12:56:21.26:disc_pos 2004.302.12:56:21.26/disc_pos/351156486080,350034101744, 2004.302.12:56:21.27:disc_check 2004.302.12:56:21.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d12h56m21.245s,27016,0.00500s,80000,5709510916, 2004.302.12:56:21.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.12:56:21.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 667588 : 3691 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 667566 : 3689 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 667575 : 3688 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 667343 : 3950 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:21.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 667598 : 3692 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:21.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 667423 : 3844 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:21.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 667212 : 4065 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:21.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 667745 : 3538 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:21.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.433 2004.302.12:56:21.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.12:56:22.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.12:56:22.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.58 2004.302.12:56:22.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.12:56:22.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.12:56:22.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.12:56:22.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.12:56:22.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,62.39 2004.302.12:56:22.74:scan_name=302-1258b,rd0408,74 2004.302.12:56:22.75:source=0133+476,013355.09,473612.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.12:56:25.76:setupnw 2004.302.12:56:29.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:29.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.12:56:29.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.12:56:29.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 517 ; 2004.302.12:56:29.97:!2004.302.12:58:46 2004.302.12:58:46.00:disc_pos 2004.302.12:58:46.00/disc_pos/351156486080,351155486080, 2004.302.12:58:46.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.12:58:47.04:!2004.302.12:58:46 2004.302.12:58:47.05:preob 2004.302.12:58:47.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:58:47.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:58:50.63/tpical/1u,7601,2u,10919,3u,28185,4u,44070,i1,19184 2004.302.12:58:50.63/tpical/9u,8342,au,29857,bu,18446,cu,10628,du,10382,eu,26887 2004.302.12:58:50.63/tpical/i2,8778 2004.302.12:58:50.63/tpical/5u,49826,6u,38434,7u,53473,8u,18777,i3,65535 2004.302.12:58:53.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,91 2004.302.12:58:53.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,836,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,827,i2,53 2004.302.12:58:53.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.12:58:56.38:!2004.302.12:58:56 2004.302.12:58:56.38:disc_pos 2004.302.12:58:56.38/disc_pos/351300378624,351155486080, 2004.302.12:58:56.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.12:58:56.39:midob 2004.302.12:58:56.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.12:58:56.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.12:58:56.75/cable/+3.5936667E-02 2004.302.12:58:56.82/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,13799,6707 2004.302.12:58:56.89/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,48192 2004.302.12:58:56.96/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8301 2004.302.12:58:57.03/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28140 2004.302.12:58:57.10/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12983 2004.302.12:58:57.66/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.12:58:58.24/tpi/1u,5717,2u,8301,3u,20483,4u,31524,i1,13801 2004.302.12:58:58.24/tpi/9u,7567,au,23239,bu,12981,cu,7862,du,7945,eu,22934,i2,6446 2004.302.12:58:58.25/tpi/5u,34521,6u,28117,7u,39824,8u,14182,i3,48180 2004.302.12:58:58.26/tpdiff/1u,1884,2u,2618,3u,7702,4u,12546,i1,5383 2004.302.12:58:58.26/tpdiff/9u,775,au,6618,bu,5465,cu,2766,du,2437,eu,3953,i2,2332 2004.302.12:58:58.27/tpdiff/5u,15305,6u,10317,7u,13649,8u,4595,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.12:58:58.28/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.12:58:58.28/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.12:58:58.29/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.12:58:58.30/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.12:58:58.31?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.12:58:58.31/tsys/1u,68.3,2u,69.6,3u,66.6,4u,64.3,i1,66.2 2004.302.12:58:58.32/tsys/9u,305.3,au,108.3,bu,71.9,cu,85.0,du,96.5,eu,179.0,i2,87.7 2004.302.12:58:58.33/tsys/5u,58.1,6u,70.1,7u,73.6,8u,74.1,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.12:58:58.89/fmout-gps/+6.3239E-006 2004.302.12:58:58.90:!2004.302.13:00:10 2004.302.12:58:58.97#setcl#time/368461996,4,2004,302,12,58,59.02,2.001,22.068,9 2004.302.12:58:58.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.12:59:05.57;"weather: clear 2004.302.13:00:10.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:00:10.00:disc_end 2004.302.13:00:10.26:disc_pos 2004.302.13:00:10.27/disc_pos/352487052232,351156486080, 2004.302.13:00:10.27:disc_check 2004.302.13:00:10.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h00m10.255s,46188,0.00500s,80000,2333574676, 2004.302.13:00:10.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:00:10.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 670115 : 3704 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:10.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 670099 : 3698 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:10.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 670105 : 3698 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:10.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 669868 : 3966 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:10.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 670125 : 3705 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:10.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 669949 : 3860 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:10.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 669735 : 4082 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:10.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 670271 : 3552 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:10.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.800 2004.302.13:00:10.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.29 2004.302.13:00:11.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.13:00:11.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.58 2004.302.13:00:11.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.974 2004.302.13:00:11.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.13:00:11.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.13:00:11.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.13:00:11.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:00:11.69:scan_name=302-1301b,rd0408,40 2004.302.13:00:11.69:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:00:14.71:setupnw 2004.302.13:00:18.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:18.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:00:18.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:00:18.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 519 ; 2004.302.13:00:18.99:!2004.302.13:01:03 2004.302.13:01:03.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:01:03.00/disc_pos/352487052232,352486052232, 2004.302.13:01:03.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:01:04.04:!2004.302.13:01:03 2004.302.13:01:04.04:preob 2004.302.13:01:04.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:01:04.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:01:07.63/tpical/1u,6867,2u,9896,3u,25294,4u,39551,i1,17146 2004.302.13:01:07.63/tpical/9u,9513,au,28989,bu,17597,cu,10195,du,12735,eu,21438 2004.302.13:01:07.63/tpical/i2,9477 2004.302.13:01:07.63/tpical/5u,44771,6u,34656,7u,48419,8u,16941,i3,61255 2004.302.13:01:10.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,87 2004.302.13:01:10.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,852,bu,708,cu,514,du,599,eu,826,i2,50 2004.302.13:01:10.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,285,7u,1163,8u,1081,i3,182 2004.302.13:01:13.37:!2004.302.13:01:13 2004.302.13:01:13.38:disc_pos 2004.302.13:01:13.38/disc_pos/352630943744,352486052232, 2004.302.13:01:13.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:01:13.38:midob 2004.302.13:01:13.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:01:13.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:01:13.55/cable/+3.5935919E-02 2004.302.13:01:13.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11756,6802 2004.302.13:01:13.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,41111 2004.302.13:01:13.77/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7271 2004.302.13:01:13.84/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24223 2004.302.13:01:13.91/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12083 2004.302.13:01:14.47/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:01:14.99/tpi/1u,4987,2u,7268,3u,17505,4u,26868,i1,11747 2004.302.13:01:14.99/tpi/9u,8064,au,22127,bu,12083,cu,7382,du,9972,eu,17860,i2,6935 2004.302.13:01:15.00/tpi/5u,29399,6u,24211,7u,34419,8u,12316,i3,41074 2004.302.13:01:15.01/tpdiff/1u,1880,2u,2628,3u,7789,4u,12683,i1,5399 2004.302.13:01:15.02/tpdiff/9u,1449,au,6862,bu,5514,cu,2813,du,2763,eu,3578,i2,2542 2004.302.13:01:15.02/tpdiff/5u,15372,6u,10445,7u,14000,8u,4625,i3,20181 2004.302.13:01:15.03/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:01:15.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:01:15.04/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:01:15.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:01:15.06/tsys/1u,58.4,2u,59.1,3u,56.0,4u,54.1,i1,56.2 2004.302.13:01:15.07/tsys/9u,174.3,au,99.2,bu,66.0,cu,78.1,du,108.6,eu,152.3,i2,86.7 2004.302.13:01:15.07/tsys/5u,49.1,6u,59.6,7u,61.8,8u,63.2,i3,52.7 2004.302.13:01:15.89/fmout-gps/+6.3859E-006 2004.302.13:01:15.90:!2004.302.13:01:53 2004.302.13:01:15.97#setcl#time/368475696,4,2004,302,13,01,16.03,2.009,22.106,10 2004.302.13:01:15.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:01:53.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:01:53.00:disc_end 2004.302.13:01:53.26:disc_pos 2004.302.13:01:53.26/disc_pos/353273567472,352487052232, 2004.302.13:01:53.27:disc_check 2004.302.13:01:53.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h01m53.255s,64408,0.00500s,80000,861466540, 2004.302.13:01:53.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:01:53.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 671611 : 3711 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:01:53.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 671591 : 3708 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:01:53.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 671597 : 3708 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:01:53.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 671361 : 3975 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:01:53.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 671619 : 3713 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:01:53.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 671437 : 3876 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:01:53.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 671227 : 4092 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:01:53.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 671763 : 3563 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:01:53.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.678 2004.302.13:01:53.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.13:01:54.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.17 2004.302.13:01:54.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.58 2004.302.13:01:54.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.585 2004.302.13:01:54.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.13:01:54.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.13:01:54.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.13:01:54.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:01:54.71:scan_name=302-1304,rd0408,176 2004.302.13:01:54.71:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:01:57.73:setupnw 2004.302.13:02:01.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:02:01.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:02:01.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:02:01.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 521 ; 2004.302.13:02:01.98:!2004.302.13:04:06 2004.302.13:04:06.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:04:06.00/disc_pos/353273567472,353272567472, 2004.302.13:04:06.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:04:07.04:!2004.302.13:04:06 2004.302.13:04:07.04:preob 2004.302.13:04:07.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:04:07.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:04:10.62/tpical/1u,8314,2u,11942,3u,31284,4u,49468,i1,21463 2004.302.13:04:10.62/tpical/9u,7311,au,26911,bu,18138,cu,10392,du,22207,eu,48263 2004.302.13:04:10.62/tpical/i2,7673 2004.302.13:04:10.62/tpical/5u,56051,6u,43090,7u,60132,8u,20957,i3,65535 2004.302.13:04:13.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,95 2004.302.13:04:13.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,816,bu,708,cu,513,du,601,eu,827,i2,45 2004.302.13:04:13.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.13:04:16.36:!2004.302.13:04:16 2004.302.13:04:16.36:disc_pos 2004.302.13:04:16.36/disc_pos/353417461760,353272567472, 2004.302.13:04:16.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:04:16.37:midob 2004.302.13:04:16.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:04:16.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:04:16.44/cable/+3.5936563E-02 2004.302.13:04:16.51/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,16013,5496 2004.302.13:04:16.58/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,56691 2004.302.13:04:16.65/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9319 2004.302.13:04:16.72/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,32797 2004.302.13:04:16.79/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12993 2004.302.13:04:17.35/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:04:17.89/tpi/1u,6402,2u,9322,3u,23578,4u,36798,i1,16015 2004.302.13:04:17.89/tpi/9u,5419,au,19485,bu,12972,cu,7806,du,26641,eu,45275,i2,5495 2004.302.13:04:17.90/tpi/5u,40595,6u,32787,7u,46500,8u,16333,i3,56690 2004.302.13:04:17.91/tpdiff/1u,1912,2u,2620,3u,7706,4u,12670,i1,5448 2004.302.13:04:17.91/tpdiff/9u,1892,au,7426,bu,5166,cu,2586,du,-4434,eu,2988,i2,2178 2004.302.13:04:17.92/tpdiff/5u,15456,6u,10303,7u,13632,8u,4624,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.13:04:17.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:04:17.93/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:04:17.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:04:17.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:04:17.96?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:04:17.96?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:04:17.97/tsys/1u,76.6,2u,79.7,3u,77.1,4u,74.5,i1,76.0 2004.302.13:04:17.97/tsys/9u,88.8,au,80.4,bu,76.0,cu,90.2,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,476.0,i2,80.1 2004.302.13:04:17.98/tsys/5u,67.7,6u,82.0,7u,86.5,8u,85.7,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.13:04:18.90/fmout-gps/+6.3449E-006 2004.302.13:04:18.90:!2004.302.13:07:12 2004.302.13:04:18.97#setcl#time/368493995,4,2004,302,13,04,19.02,2.004,22.157,9 2004.302.13:04:18.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:07:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:07:12.00:disc_end 2004.302.13:07:12.26:disc_pos 2004.302.13:07:12.26/disc_pos/356236125344,353273567472, 2004.302.13:07:12.27:disc_check 2004.302.13:07:12.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h07m12.250s,26108,0.00500s,80000,2141400428, 2004.302.13:07:12.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:07:12.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 677245 : 3732 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:12.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 677215 : 3737 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 677227 : 3732 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 676991 : 3998 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:12.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 677241 : 3745 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:12.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 677064 : 3902 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:12.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 676852 : 4120 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:12.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 677385 : 3594 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:12.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.922 2004.302.13:07:12.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.13:07:13.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.41 2004.302.13:07:13.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.13:07:13.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.13:07:13.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.13:07:13.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.13:07:13.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.82 2004.302.13:07:13.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:07:13.72:scan_name=302-1310b,rd0408,40 2004.302.13:07:13.73:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:07:16.75:setupnw 2004.302.13:07:20.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:20.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:07:20.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:07:20.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 523 ; 2004.302.13:07:20.97:!2004.302.13:10:07 2004.302.13:10:07.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:10:07.00/disc_pos/356236125344,356235125344, 2004.302.13:10:07.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:10:08.04:!2004.302.13:10:07 2004.302.13:10:08.04:preob 2004.302.13:10:08.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:10:08.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:10:11.62/tpical/1u,6424,2u,9286,3u,23649,4u,37451,i1,16093 2004.302.13:10:11.62/tpical/9u,10748,au,27952,bu,16315,cu,9464,du,12065,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.13:10:11.62/tpical/i2,8821 2004.302.13:10:11.62/tpical/5u,42140,6u,32842,7u,46370,8u,16149,i3,58239 2004.302.13:10:14.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,99 2004.302.13:10:14.27/tpzero/9u,172,au,849,bu,710,cu,513,du,599,eu,851,i2,61 2004.302.13:10:14.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.13:10:17.36:!2004.302.13:10:17 2004.302.13:10:17.36:disc_pos 2004.302.13:10:17.37/disc_pos/356380016640,356235125344, 2004.302.13:10:17.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:10:17.37:midob 2004.302.13:10:17.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:10:17.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:10:17.51/cable/+3.5934427E-02 2004.302.13:10:17.58/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10659,5694 2004.302.13:10:17.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37751 2004.302.13:10:17.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6656 2004.302.13:10:17.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22245 2004.302.13:10:17.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11065 2004.302.13:10:18.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:10:18.94/tpi/1u,4525,2u,6656,3u,15860,4u,24592,i1,10661 2004.302.13:10:18.94/tpi/9u,8478,au,21246,bu,11059,cu,6855,du,11665,eu,$$$$$,i2,6041 2004.302.13:10:18.95/tpi/5u,26775,6u,22230,7u,31975,8u,11443,i3,37816 2004.302.13:10:18.96/tpdiff/1u,1899,2u,2630,3u,7789,4u,12859,i1,5432 2004.302.13:10:18.96/tpdiff/9u,2270,au,6706,bu,5256,cu,2609,du,400,eu,$$$$$,i2,2780 2004.302.13:10:18.97/tpdiff/5u,15365,6u,10612,7u,14395,8u,4706,i3,20423 2004.302.13:10:19.00/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:10:19.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:10:19.01/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:10:19.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:10:19.02?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:10:19.03/tsys/1u,51.5,2u,53.0,3u,50.5,4u,48.7,i1,50.6 2004.302.13:10:19.04/tsys/9u,117.1,au,97.3,bu,63.0,cu,77.8,du,885.3,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.13:10:19.04/tsys/i2,68.8 2004.302.13:10:19.05/tsys/5u,44.7,6u,53.8,7u,55.6,8u,57.2,i3,47.9 2004.302.13:10:19.89/fmout-gps/+6.4154E-006 2004.302.13:10:19.90:!2004.302.13:10:57 2004.302.13:10:19.97#setcl#time/368530094,4,2004,302,13,10,20.02,2.006,22.257,10 2004.302.13:10:19.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:10:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:10:57.00:disc_end 2004.302.13:10:57.26:disc_pos 2004.302.13:10:57.26/disc_pos/357022639504,356236125344, 2004.302.13:10:57.27:disc_check 2004.302.13:10:57.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h10m57.250s,57200,0.00500s,80000,2813454748, 2004.302.13:10:57.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:10:57.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 678736 : 3743 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:10:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 678709 : 3746 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:10:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 678719 : 3741 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:10:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 678484 : 4008 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:10:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 678732 : 3756 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:10:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 678558 : 3912 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:10:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 678345 : 4131 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:10:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 678879 : 3602 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:10:57.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.654 2004.302.13:10:57.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.13:10:58.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.13:10:58.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.13:10:58.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.13:10:58.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.13:10:58.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.13:10:58.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.82 2004.302.13:10:58.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:10:58.69:scan_name=302-1318,rd0408,86 2004.302.13:10:58.69:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:11:01.71:setupnw 2004.302.13:11:05.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:11:05.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:11:05.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:11:05.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 525 ; 2004.302.13:11:05.97:!2004.302.13:17:54 2004.302.13:17:54.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:17:54.00/disc_pos/357022639504,357021639504, 2004.302.13:17:54.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:17:55.05:!2004.302.13:17:54 2004.302.13:17:55.05:preob 2004.302.13:17:55.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:17:55.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:17:58.63/tpical/1u,6383,2u,9270,3u,23349,4u,37150,i1,15886 2004.302.13:17:58.63/tpical/9u,7940,au,27356,bu,16863,cu,9845,du,10809,eu,23621 2004.302.13:17:58.63/tpical/i2,8042 2004.302.13:17:58.63/tpical/5u,41792,6u,32521,7u,45725,8u,15870,i3,57027 2004.302.13:18:01.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,496,i1,97 2004.302.13:18:01.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,840,bu,708,cu,514,du,599,eu,828,i2,60 2004.302.13:18:01.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1160,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.13:18:04.37:!2004.302.13:18:04 2004.302.13:18:04.37:disc_pos 2004.302.13:18:04.38/disc_pos/357166530560,357021639504, 2004.302.13:18:04.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:18:04.38:midob 2004.302.13:18:04.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:18:04.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:18:04.78/cable/+3.5929515E-02 2004.302.13:18:04.87/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10479,10081 2004.302.13:18:04.94/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36780 2004.302.13:18:05.01/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6626 2004.302.13:18:05.08/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21935 2004.302.13:18:05.15/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11234 2004.302.13:18:05.71/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:18:06.23/tpi/1u,4498,2u,6626,3u,15651,4u,24334,i1,10478 2004.302.13:18:06.23/tpi/9u,6125,au,20638,bu,11285,cu,6991,du,7720,eu,19842,i2,6455 2004.302.13:18:06.24/tpi/5u,26412,6u,21907,7u,31533,8u,11204,i3,36770 2004.302.13:18:06.25/tpdiff/1u,1885,2u,2644,3u,7698,4u,12816,i1,5408 2004.302.13:18:06.25/tpdiff/9u,1815,au,6718,bu,5578,cu,2854,du,3089,eu,3779,i2,1587 2004.302.13:18:06.26/tpdiff/5u,15380,6u,10614,7u,14192,8u,4666,i3,20257 2004.302.13:18:06.27/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:18:06.27/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:18:06.28/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:18:06.29/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:18:06.30/tsys/1u,51.5,2u,52.5,3u,50.4,4u,48.4,i1,49.9 2004.302.13:18:06.30/tsys/9u,104.9,au,94.3,bu,60.7,cu,72.6,du,73.8,eu,161.0,i2,128.9 2004.302.13:18:06.31/tsys/5u,44.1,6u,53.0,7u,55.6,8u,56.4,i3,47.0 2004.302.13:18:06.89/fmout-gps/+6.3704E-006 2004.302.13:18:06.90:!2004.302.13:19:30 2004.302.13:18:06.96#setcl#time/368576793,4,2004,302,13,18,07.02,2.005,22.387,10 2004.302.13:18:06.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:19:30.01:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:19:30.02:disc_end 2004.302.13:19:30.28:disc_pos 2004.302.13:19:30.29/disc_pos/358545220992,357022639504, 2004.302.13:19:30.29:disc_check 2004.302.13:19:30.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h19m30.270s,51120,0.00500s,80000,6685744592, 2004.302.13:19:30.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:19:30.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 681625 : 3761 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 681602 : 3758 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:30.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 681607 : 3760 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:30.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 681374 : 4024 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:30.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 681619 : 3775 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:30.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 681444 : 3934 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:30.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 681240 : 4142 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:30.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 681771 : 3617 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:30.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.922 2004.302.13:19:30.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.13:19:31.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.13:19:31.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.13:19:31.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.13:19:31.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.13:19:31.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.13:19:31.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.13:19:31.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:19:31.72:scan_name=302-1321,rd0408,41 2004.302.13:19:31.72:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:19:34.73:setupnw 2004.302.13:19:38.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:38.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:19:38.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:19:38.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 527 ; 2004.302.13:19:38.97:!2004.302.13:21:03 2004.302.13:21:03.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:21:03.01/disc_pos/358545220992,358544220992, 2004.302.13:21:03.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:21:04.04:!2004.302.13:21:03 2004.302.13:21:04.04:preob 2004.302.13:21:04.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:21:04.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:21:07.63/tpical/1u,6440,2u,9322,3u,23551,4u,37156,i1,15987 2004.302.13:21:07.63/tpical/9u,6759,au,27530,bu,16501,cu,9597,du,9607,eu,55443,i2,7186 2004.302.13:21:07.63/tpical/5u,41700,6u,32434,7u,45708,8u,15775,i3,56948 2004.302.13:21:10.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,496,i1,92 2004.302.13:21:10.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,826,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,829,i2,53 2004.302.13:21:10.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,285,7u,1162,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.13:21:13.37:!2004.302.13:21:13 2004.302.13:21:13.37:disc_pos 2004.302.13:21:13.37/disc_pos/358689112064,358544220992, 2004.302.13:21:13.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:21:13.38:midob 2004.302.13:21:13.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:21:13.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:21:13.43/cable/+3.5932339E-02 2004.302.13:21:13.50/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10627,4956 2004.302.13:21:13.58/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37001 2004.302.13:21:13.65/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6714 2004.302.13:21:13.72/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22031 2004.302.13:21:13.79/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11140 2004.302.13:21:14.36/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:21:14.88/tpi/1u,4557,2u,6719,3u,15851,4u,24518,i1,10625 2004.302.13:21:14.88/tpi/9u,4790,au,20763,bu,11135,cu,6905,du,7288,eu,55517,i2,4969 2004.302.13:21:14.89/tpi/5u,26506,6u,22018,7u,31626,8u,11210,i3,36993 2004.302.13:21:14.90/tpdiff/1u,1883,2u,2603,3u,7700,4u,12638,i1,5362 2004.302.13:21:14.90/tpdiff/9u,1969,au,6767,bu,5366,cu,2692,du,2319,eu,-74,i2,2217 2004.302.13:21:14.91/tpdiff/5u,15194,6u,10416,7u,14082,8u,4565,i3,19955 2004.302.13:21:14.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:21:14.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:21:14.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:21:14.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:21:14.95?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:21:14.95/tsys/1u,52.3,2u,54.2,3u,51.0,4u,49.4,i1,51.1 2004.302.13:21:14.96/tsys/9u,75.1,au,94.3,bu,62.2,cu,76.0,du,92.3,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,71.0 2004.302.13:21:14.97/tsys/5u,44.8,6u,54.2,7u,56.2,8u,57.7,i3,48.0 2004.302.13:21:15.89/fmout-gps/+6.3419E-006 2004.302.13:21:15.90:!2004.302.13:21:54 2004.302.13:21:15.97#setcl#time/368595692,3,2004,302,13,21,16.02,2.011,22.439,10 2004.302.13:21:15.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:21:54.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:21:54.00:disc_end 2004.302.13:21:54.26:disc_pos 2004.302.13:21:54.26/disc_pos/359347736632,358545220992, 2004.302.13:21:54.26:disc_check 2004.302.13:21:54.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h21m54.250s,18312,0.00500s,80000,1501197168, 2004.302.13:21:54.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:21:54.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 683146 : 3773 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:21:54.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 683128 : 3765 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:21:54.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 683130 : 3771 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:21:54.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 682898 : 4033 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:21:54.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 683141 : 3786 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:21:54.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 682967 : 3944 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:21:54.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 682764 : 4151 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:21:54.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 683295 : 3626 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:21:54.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,5.922 2004.302.13:21:54.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.13:21:55.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.13:21:55.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.13:21:55.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.13:21:55.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.13:21:55.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.13:21:55.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.13:21:55.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:21:55.70:scan_name=302-1326c,rd0408,40 2004.302.13:21:55.70:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:21:58.72:setupnw 2004.302.13:22:02.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:22:02.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:22:02.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:22:02.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 529 ; 2004.302.13:22:02.97:!2004.302.13:26:48 2004.302.13:26:48.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:26:48.00/disc_pos/359347736632,359346736632, 2004.302.13:26:48.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:26:49.04:!2004.302.13:26:48 2004.302.13:26:49.04:preob 2004.302.13:26:49.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:26:49.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:26:52.62/tpical/1u,6304,2u,9163,3u,22754,4u,36003,i1,15557 2004.302.13:26:52.62/tpical/9u,13332,au,28339,bu,15897,cu,10876,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.13:26:52.62/tpical/i2,19013 2004.302.13:26:52.62/tpical/5u,40235,6u,30923,7u,43207,8u,15138,i3,54579 2004.302.13:26:55.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,90 2004.302.13:26:55.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,1091,bu,707,cu,513,du,603,eu,832,i2,47 2004.302.13:26:55.27/tpzero/5u,341,6u,288,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.13:26:58.36:!2004.302.13:26:58 2004.302.13:26:58.36:disc_pos 2004.302.13:26:58.36/disc_pos/359491629056,359346736632, 2004.302.13:26:58.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:26:58.37:midob 2004.302.13:26:58.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:26:58.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:26:58.68/cable/+3.5927523E-02 2004.302.13:26:58.75/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10235,16891 2004.302.13:26:58.82/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35087 2004.302.13:26:58.89/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6551 2004.302.13:26:58.96/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20797 2004.302.13:26:59.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10690 2004.302.13:26:59.59/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:27:00.13/tpi/1u,4437,2u,6549,3u,15151,4u,23500,i1,10233 2004.302.13:27:00.13/tpi/9u,11286,au,21748,bu,10715,cu,8474,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,12051 2004.302.13:27:00.14/tpi/5u,25278,6u,20797,7u,29625,8u,10698,i3,35081 2004.302.13:27:00.15/tpdiff/1u,1867,2u,2614,3u,7603,4u,12503,i1,5324 2004.302.13:27:00.15/tpdiff/9u,2046,au,6591,bu,5182,cu,2402,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,6962 2004.302.13:27:00.16/tpdiff/5u,14957,6u,10126,7u,13582,8u,4440,i3,19498 2004.302.13:27:00.17/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:27:00.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:27:00.18/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:27:00.19/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:27:00.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:27:00.20?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:27:00.21/tsys/1u,51.1,2u,52.3,3u,49.3,4u,47.8,i1,49.5 2004.302.13:27:00.21/tsys/9u,173.8,au,100.3,bu,61.8,cu,106.1,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.13:27:00.22/tsys/i2,55.2 2004.302.13:27:00.22/tsys/5u,43.3,6u,52.7,7u,54.5,8u,56.3,i3,46.5 2004.302.13:27:00.90/fmout-gps/+6.3559E-006 2004.302.13:27:00.90:!2004.302.13:27:38 2004.302.13:27:00.98#setcl#time/368630193,4,2004,302,13,27,01.03,2.002,22.535,9 2004.302.13:27:00.98#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:27:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:27:38.01:disc_end 2004.302.13:27:38.26:disc_pos 2004.302.13:27:38.27/disc_pos/360134411488,359347736632, 2004.302.13:27:38.27:disc_check 2004.302.13:27:38.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h27m38.260s,64540,0.00500s,80000,4717438916, 2004.302.13:27:38.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:27:38.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 684639 : 3784 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 684625 : 3771 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 684625 : 3779 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:38.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 684393 : 4041 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:38.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 684630 : 3800 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:38.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 684453 : 3960 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:38.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 684260 : 4158 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:38.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 684787 : 3636 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:38.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.654 2004.302.13:27:38.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.13:27:39.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.302.13:27:39.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.13:27:39.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.68 2004.302.13:27:39.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.13:27:39.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.13:27:39.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.13:27:39.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:27:39.72:scan_name=302-1330a,rd0408,73 2004.302.13:27:39.73:source=ok290,095400.00,252933.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:27:42.75:setupnw 2004.302.13:27:46.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:46.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:27:46.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:27:46.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 531 ; 2004.302.13:27:46.97:!2004.302.13:30:05 2004.302.13:30:05.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:30:05.00/disc_pos/360134411488,360133411488, 2004.302.13:30:05.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:30:06.04:!2004.302.13:30:05 2004.302.13:30:06.04:preob 2004.302.13:30:06.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:30:06.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:30:09.64/tpical/1u,6329,2u,9175,3u,22664,4u,35923,i1,15541 2004.302.13:30:09.64/tpical/9u,13413,au,28211,bu,14278,cu,36304,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.13:30:09.64/tpical/i2,21034 2004.302.13:30:09.64/tpical/5u,39820,6u,30743,7u,43028,8u,15025,i3,54315 2004.302.13:30:12.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,93 2004.302.13:30:12.30/tpzero/9u,170,au,1268,bu,709,cu,513,du,601,eu,849,i2,46 2004.302.13:30:12.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,285,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.13:30:15.39:!2004.302.13:30:15 2004.302.13:30:15.39:disc_pos 2004.302.13:30:15.39/disc_pos/360278302720,360133411488, 2004.302.13:30:15.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:30:15.40:midob 2004.302.13:30:15.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:30:15.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:30:15.59/cable/+3.5927850E-02 2004.302.13:30:15.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10233,14625 2004.302.13:30:15.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34932 2004.302.13:30:15.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6581 2004.302.13:30:15.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20647 2004.302.13:30:15.95/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9682 2004.302.13:30:16.51/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:30:17.05/tpi/1u,4459,2u,6581,3u,15128,4u,23399,i1,10239 2004.302.13:30:17.05/tpi/9u,11143,au,21519,bu,9682,cu,31108,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,16689 2004.302.13:30:17.06/tpi/5u,25068,6u,20654,7u,29368,8u,10740,i3,34951 2004.302.13:30:17.07/tpdiff/1u,1870,2u,2594,3u,7536,4u,12524,i1,5302 2004.302.13:30:17.07/tpdiff/9u,2270,au,6692,bu,4596,cu,5196,du,$$$$$,eu,$$$$$,i2,4345 2004.302.13:30:17.08/tpdiff/5u,14752,6u,10089,7u,13660,8u,4285,i3,19364 2004.302.13:30:17.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:30:17.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:30:17.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:30:17.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:30:17.12?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:30:17.12?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:30:17.13/tsys/1u,51.3,2u,53.0,3u,49.6,4u,47.5,i1,49.8 2004.302.13:30:17.14/tsys/9u,154.7,au,96.8,bu,62.5,cu,188.4,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.13:30:17.14/tsys/i2,122.6 2004.302.13:30:17.15/tsys/5u,43.6,6u,52.5,7u,53.7,8u,58.6,i3,46.7 2004.302.13:30:17.89/fmout-gps/+6.3464E-006 2004.302.13:30:17.90:!2004.302.13:31:28 2004.302.13:30:17.97#setcl#time/368649891,4,2004,302,13,30,18.02,2.008,22.590,10 2004.302.13:30:17.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:31:28.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:31:28.01:disc_end 2004.302.13:31:28.27:disc_pos 2004.302.13:31:28.28/disc_pos/361449135816,360134411488, 2004.302.13:31:28.28:disc_check 2004.302.13:31:28.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h31m28.265s,2204,0.00500s,80000,2365418008, 2004.302.13:31:28.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:31:28.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 687137 : 3796 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:28.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 687119 : 3787 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:28.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 687119 : 3795 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:28.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 686889 : 4057 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:28.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 687119 : 3821 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:28.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 686954 : 3969 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:28.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 686757 : 4171 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:28.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 687282 : 3651 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:28.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.631 2004.302.13:31:28.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.13:31:29.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.27 2004.302.13:31:29.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.58 2004.302.13:31:29.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.302.13:31:29.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.13:31:29.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.13:31:29.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.13:31:29.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:31:29.72:scan_name=302-1334,rd0408,40 2004.302.13:31:29.72:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:31:32.74:setupnw 2004.302.13:31:36.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:36.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:31:36.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:31:36.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 533 ; 2004.302.13:31:36.96:!2004.302.13:34:08 2004.302.13:34:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:34:08.00/disc_pos/361449135816,361448135816, 2004.302.13:34:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:34:09.04:!2004.302.13:34:08 2004.302.13:34:09.04:preob 2004.302.13:34:09.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:34:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:34:12.63/tpical/1u,6372,2u,9287,3u,22501,4u,34905,i1,15475 2004.302.13:34:12.63/tpical/9u,13392,au,28261,bu,15961,cu,9345,du,11894,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.13:34:12.63/tpical/i2,17735 2004.302.13:34:12.63/tpical/5u,38337,6u,29781,7u,40270,8u,13934,i3,51552 2004.302.13:34:15.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,101 2004.302.13:34:15.29/tpzero/9u,173,au,945,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,840,i2,68 2004.302.13:34:15.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.13:34:18.38:!2004.302.13:34:18 2004.302.13:34:18.38:disc_pos 2004.302.13:34:18.40/disc_pos/361593028608,361448135816, 2004.302.13:34:18.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:34:18.41:midob 2004.302.13:34:18.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:34:18.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:34:18.60/cable/+3.5927715E-02 2004.302.13:34:18.67/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10323,14889 2004.302.13:34:18.74/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33513 2004.302.13:34:18.81/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6701 2004.302.13:34:18.88/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20180 2004.302.13:34:18.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10665 2004.302.13:34:19.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:34:20.05/tpi/1u,4523,2u,6705,3u,15256,4u,23007,i1,10323 2004.302.13:34:20.05/tpi/9u,11306,au,21677,bu,10665,cu,6645,du,8460,eu,$$$$$,i2,15258 2004.302.13:34:20.06/tpi/5u,24428,6u,20194,7u,27772,8u,9970,i3,33511 2004.302.13:34:20.07/tpdiff/1u,1849,2u,2582,3u,7245,4u,11898,i1,5152 2004.302.13:34:20.07/tpdiff/9u,2086,au,6584,bu,5296,cu,2700,du,3434,eu,$$$$$,i2,2477 2004.302.13:34:20.08/tpdiff/5u,13909,6u,9587,7u,12498,8u,3964,i3,18041 2004.302.13:34:20.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:34:20.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:34:20.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:34:20.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:34:20.12?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:34:20.13/tsys/1u,52.8,2u,54.5,3u,52.1,4u,49.2,i1,51.6 2004.302.13:34:20.13/tsys/9u,170.8,au,100.8,bu,60.2,cu,72.7,du,73.3,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.13:34:20.14/tsys/i2,196.2 2004.302.13:34:20.14/tsys/5u,45.0,6u,54.0,7u,55.4,8u,58.3,i3,48.0 2004.302.13:34:20.90/fmout-gps/+6.3719E-006 2004.302.13:34:20.90:!2004.302.13:34:58 2004.302.13:34:20.97#setcl#time/368674191,4,2004,302,13,34,21.02,2.002,22.657,9 2004.302.13:34:20.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:34:58.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:34:58.01:disc_end 2004.302.13:34:58.27:disc_pos 2004.302.13:34:58.28/disc_pos/362235970120,361449135816, 2004.302.13:34:58.28:disc_check 2004.302.13:34:58.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h34m58.265s,53408,0.00500s,80000,2573114492, 2004.302.13:34:58.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:34:58.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 688632 : 3804 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:34:58.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 688610 : 3799 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:34:58.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 688613 : 3804 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:34:58.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 688381 : 4071 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:34:58.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 688611 : 3832 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:34:58.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 688448 : 3978 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:34:58.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 688250 : 4181 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:34:58.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 688777 : 3659 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:34:58.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.753 2004.302.13:34:58.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.88 2004.302.13:34:59.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.302.13:34:59.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.13:34:59.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.13:34:59.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.13:34:59.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.13:34:59.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.13:34:59.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.13:34:59.70:scan_name=302-1340,rd0408,101 2004.302.13:34:59.70:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:35:02.72:setupnw 2004.302.13:35:06.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:35:06.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:35:06.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:35:06.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 535 ; 2004.302.13:35:06.98:!2004.302.13:40:28 2004.302.13:40:28.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:40:28.00/disc_pos/362235970120,362234970120, 2004.302.13:40:28.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:40:29.04:!2004.302.13:40:28 2004.302.13:40:29.04:preob 2004.302.13:40:29.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:40:29.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:40:32.63/tpical/1u,6308,2u,9131,3u,22896,4u,36575,i1,15660 2004.302.13:40:32.63/tpical/9u,11023,au,27909,bu,16464,cu,9736,du,14065,eu,40916 2004.302.13:40:32.63/tpical/i2,8742 2004.302.13:40:32.63/tpical/5u,40889,6u,31792,7u,45036,8u,15537,i3,55991 2004.302.13:40:35.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,496,i1,97 2004.302.13:40:35.30/tpzero/9u,174,au,877,bu,709,cu,514,du,599,eu,829,i2,59 2004.302.13:40:35.30/tpzero/5u,343,6u,284,7u,1161,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.13:40:38.39:!2004.302.13:40:38 2004.302.13:40:38.39:disc_pos 2004.302.13:40:38.40/disc_pos/362379862016,362234970120, 2004.302.13:40:38.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:40:38.40:midob 2004.302.13:40:38.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:40:38.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:40:38.75/cable/+3.5930852E-02 2004.302.13:40:38.82/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10287,7622 2004.302.13:40:38.89/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35915 2004.302.13:40:38.96/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6524 2004.302.13:40:39.03/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21349 2004.302.13:40:39.10/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11005 2004.302.13:40:39.66/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:40:40.18/tpi/1u,4429,2u,6524,3u,15285,4u,23712,i1,10290 2004.302.13:40:40.18/tpi/9u,8270,au,21260,bu,11004,cu,6927,du,10999,eu,36173,i2,8118 2004.302.13:40:40.19/tpi/5u,25759,6u,21349,7u,30867,8u,10942,i3,35925 2004.302.13:40:40.20/tpdiff/1u,1879,2u,2607,3u,7611,4u,12863,i1,5370 2004.302.13:40:40.20/tpdiff/9u,2753,au,6649,bu,5460,cu,2809,du,3066,eu,4743,i2,624 2004.302.13:40:40.21/tpdiff/5u,15130,6u,10443,7u,14169,8u,4595,i3,20066 2004.302.13:40:40.22/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:40:40.22/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:40:40.23/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:40:40.24/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:40:40.25/tsys/1u,50.7,2u,52.2,3u,49.7,4u,46.9,i1,49.4 2004.302.13:40:40.25/tsys/9u,94.1,au,98.1,bu,60.3,cu,73.1,du,108.5,eu,238.5,i2,413.3 2004.302.13:40:40.26/tsys/5u,43.7,6u,52.4,7u,54.5,8u,55.8,i3,46.3 2004.302.13:40:40.89/fmout-gps/+6.4084E-006 2004.302.13:40:40.89:!2004.302.13:42:19 2004.302.13:40:40.96#setcl#time/368712190,4,2004,302,13,40,41.02,2.003,22.763,10 2004.302.13:40:40.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:42:19.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:42:19.00:disc_end 2004.302.13:42:19.26:disc_pos 2004.302.13:42:19.26/disc_pos/363998414384,362235970120, 2004.302.13:42:19.27:disc_check 2004.302.13:42:19.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h42m19.250s,48740,0.00500s,80000,5293320404, 2004.302.13:42:19.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:42:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 691988 : 3812 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:19.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 691957 : 3815 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 691962 : 3819 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:19.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 691734 : 4085 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:19.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 691949 : 3858 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:19.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 691804 : 3986 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:19.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 691599 : 4196 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:19.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 692128 : 3672 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:19.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,6.899 2004.302.13:42:19.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.302.13:42:20.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.88 2004.302.13:42:20.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.70 2004.302.13:42:20.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.302.13:42:20.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.13:42:20.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.13:42:20.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.42 2004.302.13:42:20.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:42:20.73:scan_name=302-1347a,rd0408,69 2004.302.13:42:20.74:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:42:23.75:setupnw 2004.302.13:42:27.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:27.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:42:27.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:42:27.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 537 ; 2004.302.13:42:27.98:!2004.302.13:47:06 2004.302.13:47:06.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:47:06.00/disc_pos/363998414384,363997414384, 2004.302.13:47:06.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:47:07.04:!2004.302.13:47:06 2004.302.13:47:07.04:preob 2004.302.13:47:07.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:47:07.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:47:10.62/tpical/1u,6346,2u,9120,3u,22919,4u,36341,i1,15621 2004.302.13:47:10.62/tpical/9u,8764,au,27674,bu,16301,cu,9436,du,16410,eu,47630 2004.302.13:47:10.62/tpical/i2,8682 2004.302.13:47:10.62/tpical/5u,40882,6u,31784,7u,44888,8u,15526,i3,55890 2004.302.13:47:13.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,496,i1,90 2004.302.13:47:13.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,842,bu,708,cu,514,du,600,eu,828,i2,47 2004.302.13:47:13.27/tpzero/5u,341,6u,286,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.13:47:16.37:!2004.302.13:47:16 2004.302.13:47:16.37:disc_pos 2004.302.13:47:16.38/disc_pos/364142305280,363997414384, 2004.302.13:47:16.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:47:16.38:midob 2004.302.13:47:16.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:47:16.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:47:16.56/cable/+3.5927942E-02 2004.302.13:47:16.63/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10267,5458 2004.302.13:47:16.70/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35878 2004.302.13:47:16.77/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6520 2004.302.13:47:16.84/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21380 2004.302.13:47:16.91/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10966 2004.302.13:47:17.47/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:47:18.01/tpi/1u,4470,2u,6522,3u,15285,4u,23624,i1,10267 2004.302.13:47:18.02/tpi/9u,5827,au,20756,bu,10966,cu,6728,du,12522,eu,44362,i2,6711 2004.302.13:47:18.02/tpi/5u,25658,6u,21376,7u,30720,8u,10934,i3,35874 2004.302.13:47:18.03/tpdiff/1u,1876,2u,2598,3u,7634,4u,12717,i1,5354 2004.302.13:47:18.04/tpdiff/9u,2937,au,6918,bu,5335,cu,2708,du,3888,eu,3268,i2,1971 2004.302.13:47:18.04/tpdiff/5u,15224,6u,10408,7u,14168,8u,4592,i3,20016 2004.302.13:47:18.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:47:18.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:47:18.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:47:18.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:47:18.08/tsys/1u,51.3,2u,52.4,3u,49.5,4u,47.3,i1,49.4 2004.302.13:47:18.09/tsys/9u,61.6,au,92.1,bu,61.5,cu,73.4,du,98.1,eu,426.3,i2,108.2 2004.302.13:47:18.09/tsys/5u,43.2,6u,52.7,7u,54.2,8u,55.8,i3,46.4 2004.302.13:47:18.89/fmout-gps/+6.4714E-006 2004.302.13:47:18.90:!2004.302.13:48:25 2004.302.13:47:18.96#setcl#time/368751989,4,2004,302,13,47,19.02,2.004,22.873,10 2004.302.13:47:18.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:48:25.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:48:25.01:disc_end 2004.302.13:48:25.27:disc_pos 2004.302.13:48:25.27/disc_pos/365249132416,363998414384, 2004.302.13:48:25.28:disc_check 2004.302.13:48:25.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h48m25.270s,63632,0.00500s,80000,4605587076, 2004.302.13:48:25.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:48:25.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 694362 : 3826 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:25.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 694330 : 3829 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:25.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 694340 : 3829 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:25.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 694111 : 4097 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:25.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 694315 : 3880 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:25.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 694178 : 4000 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:25.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 693969 : 4214 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:25.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 694503 : 3685 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:25.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.021 2004.302.13:48:25.99/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.302.13:48:26.10/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.302.13:48:26.21/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.13:48:26.32/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.13:48:26.43/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.13:48:26.54/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.13:48:26.65/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.37 2004.302.13:48:26.76/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.13:48:26.76:scan_name=302-1354,rd0408,78 2004.302.13:48:26.77:source=0528+134,052806.74,132942.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:48:29.79:setupnw 2004.302.13:48:33.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:33.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:48:33.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:48:33.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 539 ; 2004.302.13:48:33.98:!2004.302.13:53:55 2004.302.13:53:55.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:53:55.00/disc_pos/365249132416,365248132416, 2004.302.13:53:55.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:53:56.04:!2004.302.13:53:55 2004.302.13:53:56.05:preob 2004.302.13:53:56.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:53:56.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:53:59.65/tpical/1u,7946,2u,10895,3u,27940,4u,43750,i1,19065 2004.302.13:53:59.65/tpical/9u,12265,au,30487,bu,18430,cu,10742,du,10306,eu,25940 2004.302.13:53:59.65/tpical/i2,9832 2004.302.13:53:59.65/tpical/5u,48762,6u,37862,7u,52553,8u,18817,i3,65535 2004.302.13:54:02.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,90 2004.302.13:54:02.30/tpzero/9u,171,au,882,bu,709,cu,512,du,599,eu,826,i2,51 2004.302.13:54:02.30/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1167,8u,1084,i3,182 2004.302.13:54:05.39:!2004.302.13:54:05 2004.302.13:54:05.39:disc_pos 2004.302.13:54:05.40/disc_pos/365393022976,365248132416, 2004.302.13:54:05.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:54:05.40:midob 2004.302.13:54:05.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:54:05.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:54:05.51/cable/+3.5926972E-02 2004.302.13:54:05.58/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,13792,8546 2004.302.13:54:05.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,47516 2004.302.13:54:05.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8318 2004.302.13:54:05.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27830 2004.302.13:54:05.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13030 2004.302.13:54:06.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:54:06.95/tpi/1u,6050,2u,8313,3u,20386,4u,31414,i1,13786 2004.302.13:54:06.96/tpi/9u,9763,au,23874,bu,13036,cu,7986,du,7843,eu,23338,i2,8247 2004.302.13:54:06.96/tpi/5u,34035,6u,27816,7u,39231,8u,14343,i3,47494 2004.302.13:54:06.97/tpdiff/1u,1896,2u,2582,3u,7554,4u,12336,i1,5279 2004.302.13:54:06.98/tpdiff/9u,2502,au,6613,bu,5394,cu,2756,du,2463,eu,2602,i2,1585 2004.302.13:54:06.98/tpdiff/5u,14727,6u,10046,7u,13322,8u,4474,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.13:54:06.99/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:54:07.00/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:54:07.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:54:07.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:54:07.03?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:54:07.03/tsys/1u,72.4,2u,70.7,3u,67.6,4u,65.2,i1,67.5 2004.302.13:54:07.04/tsys/9u,122.7,au,111.3,bu,73.1,cu,86.8,du,94.1,eu,276.9,i2,165.5 2004.302.13:54:07.04/tsys/5u,59.5,6u,71.2,7u,74.3,8u,77.1,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.13:54:07.89/fmout-gps/+6.4319E-006 2004.302.13:54:07.90:!2004.302.13:55:23 2004.302.13:54:07.96#setcl#time/368792888,4,2004,302,13,54,08.02,2.005,22.987,10 2004.302.13:54:07.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:55:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:55:23.00:disc_end 2004.302.13:55:23.26:disc_pos 2004.302.13:55:23.27/disc_pos/366643702264,365249132416, 2004.302.13:55:23.27:disc_check 2004.302.13:55:23.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h55m23.260s,10664,0.00500s,80000,5293323120, 2004.302.13:55:23.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:55:23.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 697009 : 3841 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:23.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 696980 : 3842 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:23.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 696993 : 3838 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 696758 : 4112 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:23.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 696956 : 3901 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:23.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 696826 : 4014 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:23.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 696619 : 4228 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:23.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 697146 : 3704 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:23.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.387 2004.302.13:55:23.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.302.13:55:24.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.12 2004.302.13:55:24.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.13:55:24.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.78 2004.302.13:55:24.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.13:55:24.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.13:55:24.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.42 2004.302.13:55:24.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.04 2004.302.13:55:24.73:scan_name=302-1356,rd0408,40 2004.302.13:55:24.73:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:55:27.75:setupnw 2004.302.13:55:31.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:31.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:55:31.97/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:55:31.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 541 ; 2004.302.13:55:31.98:!2004.302.13:56:17 2004.302.13:56:17.00:disc_pos 2004.302.13:56:17.00/disc_pos/366643702264,366642702264, 2004.302.13:56:17.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.13:56:18.04:!2004.302.13:56:17 2004.302.13:56:18.04:preob 2004.302.13:56:18.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:56:18.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:56:21.64/tpical/1u,6455,2u,9161,3u,22656,4u,35088,i1,15451 2004.302.13:56:21.64/tpical/9u,13580,au,28570,bu,16381,cu,9501,du,14013,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.13:56:21.64/tpical/i2,21685 2004.302.13:56:21.64/tpical/5u,38713,6u,30160,7u,41903,8u,14882,i3,53506 2004.302.13:56:24.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,496,i1,103 2004.302.13:56:24.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,1529,bu,709,cu,513,du,598,eu,834,i2,67 2004.302.13:56:24.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.13:56:27.38:!2004.302.13:56:27 2004.302.13:56:27.38:disc_pos 2004.302.13:56:27.38/disc_pos/366787596288,366642702264, 2004.302.13:56:27.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.13:56:27.39:midob 2004.302.13:56:27.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.13:56:27.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.13:56:27.71/cable/+3.5926908E-02 2004.302.13:56:27.78/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10243,19526 2004.302.13:56:27.85/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34766 2004.302.13:56:27.92/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6601 2004.302.13:56:27.99/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20473 2004.302.13:56:28.06/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11023 2004.302.13:56:28.62/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.13:56:29.15/tpi/1u,4536,2u,6601,3u,15145,4u,23003,i1,10246 2004.302.13:56:29.15/tpi/9u,11445,au,22177,bu,11010,cu,6786,du,11993,eu,$$$$$,i2,19968 2004.302.13:56:29.16/tpi/5u,24627,6u,20473,7u,28790,8u,10721,i3,34722 2004.302.13:56:29.17/tpdiff/1u,1919,2u,2560,3u,7511,4u,12085,i1,5205 2004.302.13:56:29.17/tpdiff/9u,2135,au,6393,bu,5371,cu,2715,du,2020,eu,$$$$$,i2,1717 2004.302.13:56:29.18/tpdiff/5u,14086,6u,9687,7u,13113,8u,4161,i3,18784 2004.302.13:56:29.19/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.13:56:29.19/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.13:56:29.20/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.13:56:29.21/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.13:56:29.22?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.13:56:29.22/tsys/1u,51.1,2u,53.9,3u,49.9,4u,48.4,i1,50.7 2004.302.13:56:29.23/tsys/9u,169.0,au,103.4,bu,61.4,cu,73.9,du,180.5,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.13:56:29.24/tsys/i2,370.9 2004.302.13:56:29.24/tsys/5u,44.8,6u,54.2,7u,54.8,8u,60.2,i3,47.8 2004.302.13:56:29.89/fmout-gps/+6.4074E-006 2004.302.13:56:29.90:!2004.302.13:57:07 2004.302.13:56:29.97#setcl#time/368807088,4,2004,302,13,56,30.02,2.001,23.026,9 2004.302.13:56:29.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.13:57:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.13:57:07.00:disc_end 2004.302.13:57:07.26:disc_pos 2004.302.13:57:07.26/disc_pos/367430057984,366643702264, 2004.302.13:57:07.27:disc_check 2004.302.13:57:07.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d13h57m07.250s,29592,0.00500s,80000,877465352, 2004.302.13:57:07.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.13:57:07.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 698507 : 3845 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 698468 : 3856 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 698489 : 3844 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:07.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 698254 : 4120 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 698444 : 3915 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:07.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 698327 : 4017 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:07.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 698113 : 4236 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:07.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 698632 : 3720 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:07.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.998 2004.302.13:57:07.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.302.13:57:08.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.12 2004.302.13:57:08.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.13:57:08.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.53 2004.302.13:57:08.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.13:57:08.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,39.10 2004.302.13:57:08.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.37 2004.302.13:57:08.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.13:57:08.71:scan_name=302-1405,rd0408,40 2004.302.13:57:08.71:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.13:57:11.73:setupnw 2004.302.13:57:15.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:15.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.13:57:15.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.13:57:15.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 543 ; 2004.302.13:57:15.97:!2004.302.14:05:20 2004.302.14:02:31.02;"weather: clear 2004.302.14:05:20.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:05:20.00/disc_pos/367430057984,367429057984, 2004.302.14:05:20.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:05:21.04:!2004.302.14:05:20 2004.302.14:05:21.04:preob 2004.302.14:05:21.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:05:21.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:05:24.63/tpical/1u,7007,2u,10080,3u,25834,4u,40269,i1,17486 2004.302.14:05:24.63/tpical/9u,8312,au,29132,bu,17724,cu,10293,du,10896,eu,27331 2004.302.14:05:24.63/tpical/i2,8563 2004.302.14:05:24.63/tpical/5u,45359,6u,35001,7u,49105,8u,17029,i3,62529 2004.302.14:05:27.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,497,i1,95 2004.302.14:05:27.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,837,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,828,i2,51 2004.302.14:05:27.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.14:05:30.37:!2004.302.14:05:30 2004.302.14:05:30.37:disc_pos 2004.302.14:05:30.38/disc_pos/367573946368,367429057984, 2004.302.14:05:30.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:05:30.38:midob 2004.302.14:05:30.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:05:30.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:05:30.59/cable/+3.5927235E-02 2004.302.14:05:30.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12175,5625 2004.302.14:05:30.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,42855 2004.302.14:05:30.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7481 2004.302.14:05:30.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24830 2004.302.14:05:30.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12333 2004.302.14:05:31.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:05:32.02/tpi/1u,5128,2u,7482,3u,18159,4u,27739,i1,12174 2004.302.14:05:32.02/tpi/9u,6031,au,22344,bu,12333,cu,7565,du,8210,eu,22775,i2,5550 2004.302.14:05:32.03/tpi/5u,30291,6u,24824,7u,35366,8u,12555,i3,42826 2004.302.14:05:32.04/tpdiff/1u,1879,2u,2598,3u,7675,4u,12530,i1,5312 2004.302.14:05:32.04/tpdiff/9u,2281,au,6788,bu,5391,cu,2728,du,2686,eu,4556,i2,3013 2004.302.14:05:32.05/tpdiff/5u,15068,6u,10177,7u,13739,8u,4474,i3,19703 2004.302.14:05:32.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:05:32.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:05:32.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:05:32.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:05:32.09/tsys/1u,60.3,2u,62.0,3u,59.0,4u,56.5,i1,59.1 2004.302.14:05:32.09/tsys/9u,82.2,au,101.4,bu,69.0,cu,82.7,du,90.7,eu,154.1,i2,58.4 2004.302.14:05:32.10/tsys/5u,51.7,6u,62.7,7u,64.7,8u,66.7,i3,56.3 2004.302.14:05:32.89/fmout-gps/+6.4099E-006 2004.302.14:05:32.90:!2004.302.14:06:10 2004.302.14:05:32.97#setcl#time/368861386,3,2004,302,14,05,33.02,2.009,23.177,10 2004.302.14:05:32.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:06:10.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:06:10.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:06:10.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:06:10.26/disc_pos/368216571080,367430057984, 2004.302.14:06:10.26:disc_check 2004.302.14:06:10.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h06m10.250s,576,0.00500s,80000,7901515920, 2004.302.14:06:10.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:06:10.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 699997 : 3858 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:10.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 699958 : 3868 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:10.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 699983 : 3852 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:10.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 699748 : 4128 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:10.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 699930 : 3931 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:10.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 699817 : 4031 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:10.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 699604 : 4246 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:10.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 700123 : 3732 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:10.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,7.753 2004.302.14:06:10.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.85 2004.302.14:06:11.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.302.14:06:11.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.14:06:11.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.14:06:11.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.14:06:11.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.14:06:11.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.42 2004.302.14:06:11.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.14:06:11.70:scan_name=302-1408,rd0408,163 2004.302.14:06:11.70:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:06:14.72:setupnw 2004.302.14:06:18.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:18.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:06:18.98/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:06:19.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 545 ; 2004.302.14:06:19.01:!2004.302.14:07:57 2004.302.14:07:57.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:07:57.00/disc_pos/368216571080,368215571080, 2004.302.14:07:57.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:07:58.05:!2004.302.14:07:57 2004.302.14:07:58.05:preob 2004.302.14:07:58.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:07:58.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:08:01.64/tpical/1u,7349,2u,10184,3u,26095,4u,40848,i1,17751 2004.302.14:08:01.64/tpical/9u,7175,au,28671,bu,17417,cu,10069,du,26144,eu,52681 2004.302.14:08:01.64/tpical/i2,7550 2004.302.14:08:01.64/tpical/5u,46023,6u,35662,7u,49939,8u,17329,i3,63025 2004.302.14:08:04.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,91 2004.302.14:08:04.29/tpzero/9u,170,au,826,bu,708,cu,513,du,601,eu,829,i2,44 2004.302.14:08:04.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,288,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.14:08:07.38:!2004.302.14:08:07 2004.302.14:08:07.38:disc_pos 2004.302.14:08:07.38/disc_pos/368360460288,368215571080, 2004.302.14:08:07.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:08:07.40:midob 2004.302.14:08:07.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:08:07.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:08:07.55/cable/+3.5930086E-02 2004.302.14:08:07.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12416,5438 2004.302.14:08:07.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,43196 2004.302.14:08:07.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7586 2004.302.14:08:07.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25374 2004.302.14:08:07.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12105 2004.302.14:08:08.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:08:08.98/tpi/1u,5440,2u,7586,3u,18466,4u,28320,i1,12411 2004.302.14:08:08.98/tpi/9u,5222,au,22013,bu,12112,cu,7393,du,24486,eu,44684,i2,5401 2004.302.14:08:08.99/tpi/5u,31010,6u,25369,7u,36205,8u,12810,i3,43176 2004.302.14:08:09.00/tpdiff/1u,1909,2u,2598,3u,7629,4u,12528,i1,5340 2004.302.14:08:09.00/tpdiff/9u,1953,au,6658,bu,5305,cu,2676,du,1658,eu,7997,i2,2149 2004.302.14:08:09.01/tpdiff/5u,15013,6u,10293,7u,13734,8u,4519,i3,19849 2004.302.14:08:09.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:08:09.03/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:08:09.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:08:09.04/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:08:09.05/tsys/1u,63.6,2u,63.0,3u,60.4,4u,57.7,i1,60.0 2004.302.14:08:09.06/tsys/9u,82.8,au,101.8,bu,68.8,cu,82.3,du,461.0,eu,175.5,i2,79.8 2004.302.14:08:09.06/tsys/5u,53.1,6u,63.4,7u,66.3,8u,67.5,i3,56.3 2004.302.14:08:09.89/fmout-gps/+6.3764E-006 2004.302.14:08:09.89:!2004.302.14:10:50 2004.302.14:08:09.95#setcl#time/368877085,4,2004,302,14,08,10.01,2.005,23.221,10 2004.302.14:08:09.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:10:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:10:50.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:10:50.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:10:50.27/disc_pos/370971107304,368216571080, 2004.302.14:10:50.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:10:50.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h10m50.265s,13216,0.00500s,80000,1725691136, 2004.302.14:10:50.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:10:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 705231 : 3881 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 705171 : 3912 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 705215 : 3876 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:50.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 704983 : 4149 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:50.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 705141 : 3976 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:50.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 705059 : 4044 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:50.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 704834 : 4273 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 705345 : 3766 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:50.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.120 2004.302.14:10:50.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.14:10:51.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.14:10:51.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.14:10:51.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.14:10:51.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.14:10:51.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.14:10:51.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.42 2004.302.14:10:51.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.14:10:51.69:scan_name=302-1413,rd0408,40 2004.302.14:10:51.69:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:10:54.71:setupnw 2004.302.14:10:58.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:58.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:10:58.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:10:58.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 547 ; 2004.302.14:10:58.98:!2004.302.14:13:39 2004.302.14:13:39.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:13:39.00/disc_pos/370971107304,370970107304, 2004.302.14:13:39.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:13:40.04:!2004.302.14:13:39 2004.302.14:13:40.04:preob 2004.302.14:13:40.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:13:40.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:13:43.63/tpical/1u,6307,2u,8948,3u,22601,4u,35572,i1,15368 2004.302.14:13:43.63/tpical/9u,13614,au,28820,bu,16462,cu,9447,du,13031,eu,46178 2004.302.14:13:43.63/tpical/i2,20909 2004.302.14:13:43.63/tpical/5u,39955,6u,31134,7u,43733,8u,15226,i3,56080 2004.302.14:13:46.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,496,i1,91 2004.302.14:13:46.28/tpzero/9u,168,au,1275,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,827,i2,46 2004.302.14:13:46.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,290,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.14:13:49.37:!2004.302.14:13:49 2004.302.14:13:49.37:disc_pos 2004.302.14:13:49.38/disc_pos/371114995712,370970107304, 2004.302.14:13:49.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:13:49.38:midob 2004.302.14:13:49.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:13:49.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:13:49.55/cable/+3.5926178E-02 2004.302.14:13:49.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10038,18535 2004.302.14:13:49.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35777 2004.302.14:13:49.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6385 2004.302.14:13:49.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20814 2004.302.14:13:49.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11162 2004.302.14:13:50.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:13:50.98/tpi/1u,4403,2u,6385,3u,14909,4u,23001,i1,10043 2004.302.14:13:50.98/tpi/9u,11379,au,21905,bu,11180,cu,6744,du,9762,eu,41042,i2,18633 2004.302.14:13:50.99/tpi/5u,24995,6u,20800,7u,29837,8u,10707,i3,35863 2004.302.14:13:51.00/tpdiff/1u,1904,2u,2563,3u,7692,4u,12571,i1,5325 2004.302.14:13:51.00/tpdiff/9u,2235,au,6915,bu,5282,cu,2703,du,3269,eu,5136,i2,2276 2004.302.14:13:51.02/tpdiff/5u,14960,6u,10334,7u,13896,8u,4519,i3,20217 2004.302.14:13:51.03/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:13:51.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:13:51.04/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:13:51.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:13:51.06/tsys/1u,49.7,2u,51.7,3u,47.9,4u,46.5,i1,48.6 2004.302.14:13:51.06/tsys/9u,160.5,au,95.5,bu,63.4,cu,73.8,du,89.7,eu,250.6,i2,261.3 2004.302.14:13:51.07/tsys/5u,42.8,6u,51.6,7u,53.6,8u,55.4,i3,45.9 2004.302.14:13:51.89/fmout-gps/+6.3939E-006 2004.302.14:13:51.90:!2004.302.14:14:29 2004.302.14:13:51.97#setcl#time/368911285,4,2004,302,14,13,52.02,2.007,23.316,10 2004.302.14:13:51.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:14:29.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:14:29.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:14:29.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:14:29.26/disc_pos/371757618600,370971107304, 2004.302.14:14:29.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:14:29.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h14m29.255s,54448,0.00500s,80000,2717287472, 2004.302.14:14:29.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:14:29.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 706722 : 3892 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:29.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 706664 : 3923 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 706710 : 3883 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 706478 : 4157 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:29.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 706635 : 3984 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:29.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 706555 : 4051 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:29.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 706330 : 4279 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:29.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 706836 : 3778 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:29.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.974 2004.302.14:14:29.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.14:14:30.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.14:14:30.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.14:14:30.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.14:14:30.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.14:14:30.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.14:14:30.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.54 2004.302.14:14:30.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.14:14:30.73:scan_name=302-1415,rd0408,83 2004.302.14:14:30.74:source=1726+455,172601.24,453304.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:14:33.76:setupnw 2004.302.14:14:37.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:37.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:14:37.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:14:37.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 549 ; 2004.302.14:14:37.98:!2004.302.14:15:41 2004.302.14:15:41.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:15:41.00/disc_pos/371757618600,371756618600, 2004.302.14:15:41.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:15:42.04:!2004.302.14:15:41 2004.302.14:15:42.04:preob 2004.302.14:15:42.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:15:42.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:15:45.64/tpical/1u,6280,2u,9040,3u,22679,4u,35939,i1,15455 2004.302.14:15:45.64/tpical/9u,9681,au,27657,bu,16334,cu,9357,du,10342,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.14:15:45.64/tpical/i2,7596 2004.302.14:15:45.64/tpical/5u,40217,6u,31178,7u,43841,8u,15175,i3,54770 2004.302.14:15:48.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,93 2004.302.14:15:48.29/tpzero/9u,169,au,852,bu,710,cu,513,du,600,eu,836,i2,48 2004.302.14:15:48.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.14:15:51.38:!2004.302.14:15:51 2004.302.14:15:51.38:disc_pos 2004.302.14:15:51.39/disc_pos/371901509632,371756618600, 2004.302.14:15:51.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:15:51.39:midob 2004.302.14:15:51.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:15:51.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:15:51.59/cable/+3.5925033E-02 2004.302.14:15:51.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10133,5258 2004.302.14:15:51.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35035 2004.302.14:15:51.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6436 2004.302.14:15:51.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20857 2004.302.14:15:51.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11065 2004.302.14:15:52.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:15:53.04/tpi/1u,4416,2u,6438,3u,15073,4u,23335,i1,10137 2004.302.14:15:53.04/tpi/9u,5779,au,20816,bu,11065,cu,6689,du,7134,eu,$$$$$,i2,5382 2004.302.14:15:53.05/tpi/5u,25205,6u,20868,7u,29914,8u,10666,i3,35047 2004.302.14:15:53.06/tpdiff/1u,1864,2u,2602,3u,7606,4u,12604,i1,5318 2004.302.14:15:53.06/tpdiff/9u,3902,au,6841,bu,5269,cu,2668,du,3208,eu,$$$$$,i2,2214 2004.302.14:15:53.07/tpdiff/5u,15012,6u,10310,7u,13927,8u,4509,i3,19723 2004.302.14:15:53.08/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:15:53.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:15:53.09/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:15:53.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:15:53.11?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.14:15:53.11/tsys/1u,50.9,2u,51.4,3u,49.0,4u,47.1,i1,49.1 2004.302.14:15:53.12/tsys/9u,46.0,au,93.4,bu,62.9,cu,74.1,du,65.2,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,77.1 2004.302.14:15:53.13/tsys/5u,43.1,6u,51.9,7u,53.7,8u,55.3,i3,46.0 2004.302.14:15:53.89/fmout-gps/+6.3469E-006 2004.302.14:15:53.90:!2004.302.14:17:14 2004.302.14:15:53.96#setcl#time/368923485,4,2004,302,14,15,54.02,2.004,23.350,10 2004.302.14:15:53.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:17:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:17:14.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:17:14.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:17:14.26/disc_pos/373232197016,371757618600, 2004.302.14:17:14.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:17:14.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h17m14.260s,66096,0.00500s,80000,1165489936, 2004.302.14:17:14.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:17:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 709524 : 3905 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 709464 : 3938 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:14.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 709513 : 3895 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 709278 : 4172 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 709431 : 4003 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:14.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 709353 : 4068 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:14.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 709131 : 4293 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:14.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 709636 : 3794 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:14.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.730 2004.302.14:17:14.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.34 2004.302.14:17:15.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.14:17:15.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.82 2004.302.14:17:15.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.75 2004.302.14:17:15.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.14:17:15.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.14:17:15.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.14:17:15.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,63.70 2004.302.14:17:15.71:scan_name=302-1422,rd0408,84 2004.302.14:17:15.71:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:17:18.73:setupnw 2004.302.14:17:22.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:22.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:17:22.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:17:22.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 551 ; 2004.302.14:17:22.96:!2004.302.14:22:39 2004.302.14:22:39.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:22:39.01/disc_pos/373232197016,373231197016, 2004.302.14:22:39.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:22:40.04:!2004.302.14:22:39 2004.302.14:22:40.04:preob 2004.302.14:22:40.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:22:40.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:22:43.63/tpical/1u,6252,2u,9075,3u,22684,4u,35983,i1,15409 2004.302.14:22:43.63/tpical/9u,12591,au,28846,bu,16499,cu,9418,du,12718,eu,22055 2004.302.14:22:43.63/tpical/i2,10840 2004.302.14:22:43.63/tpical/5u,39988,6u,30954,7u,43580,8u,15100,i3,54358 2004.302.14:22:46.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,496,i1,100 2004.302.14:22:46.28/tpzero/9u,175,au,908,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,828,i2,66 2004.302.14:22:46.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,287,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.14:22:49.37:!2004.302.14:22:49 2004.302.14:22:49.37:disc_pos 2004.302.14:22:49.37/disc_pos/373376086016,373231197016, 2004.302.14:22:49.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:22:49.40:midob 2004.302.14:22:49.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:22:49.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:22:49.55/cable/+3.5922361E-02 2004.302.14:22:49.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10111,11010 2004.302.14:22:49.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34797 2004.302.14:22:49.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6479 2004.302.14:22:49.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20688 2004.302.14:22:49.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11201 2004.302.14:22:50.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:22:50.99/tpi/1u,4382,2u,6477,3u,15009,4u,23304,i1,10115 2004.302.14:22:50.99/tpi/9u,10344,au,22380,bu,11214,cu,6758,du,10681,eu,18724,i2,10233 2004.302.14:22:51.00/tpi/5u,25046,6u,20691,7u,29841,8u,10627,i3,34845 2004.302.14:22:51.01/tpdiff/1u,1870,2u,2598,3u,7675,4u,12679,i1,5294 2004.302.14:22:51.02/tpdiff/9u,2247,au,6466,bu,5285,cu,2660,du,2037,eu,3331,i2,607 2004.302.14:22:51.02/tpdiff/5u,14942,6u,10263,7u,13739,8u,4473,i3,19513 2004.302.14:22:51.03/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:22:51.04/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:22:51.04/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:22:51.05/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:22:51.06/tsys/1u,50.3,2u,51.9,3u,48.3,4u,46.8,i1,49.2 2004.302.14:22:51.06/tsys/9u,144.8,au,106.3,bu,63.6,cu,75.1,du,158.4,eu,171.9,i2,536.0 2004.302.14:22:51.07/tsys/5u,43.0,6u,51.7,7u,54.3,8u,55.5,i3,46.2 2004.302.14:22:51.89/fmout-gps/+6.3654E-006 2004.302.14:22:51.90:!2004.302.14:24:13 2004.302.14:22:51.96#setcl#time/368965284,4,2004,302,14,22,52.02,2.005,23.466,10 2004.302.14:22:51.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:24:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:24:13.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:24:13.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:24:13.27/disc_pos/374722775456,373232197016, 2004.302.14:24:13.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:24:13.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h24m13.260s,13676,0.00500s,80000,5213473980, 2004.302.14:24:13.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:24:13.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 712358 : 3917 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:13.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 712292 : 3955 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 712344 : 3910 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:13.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 712106 : 4189 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:13.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 712255 : 4024 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:13.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 712187 : 4081 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:13.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 711967 : 4302 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:13.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 712465 : 3811 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:13.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.364 2004.302.14:24:13.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.302.14:24:14.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.34 2004.302.14:24:14.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.14:24:14.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.302.14:24:14.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.14:24:14.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.14:24:14.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.99 2004.302.14:24:14.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.14:24:14.72:scan_name=302-1426,rd0408,40 2004.302.14:24:14.72:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:24:17.74:setupnw 2004.302.14:24:21.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:21.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:24:21.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:24:21.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 553 ; 2004.302.14:24:21.96:!2004.302.14:26:39 2004.302.14:26:39.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:26:39.00/disc_pos/374722775456,374721775456, 2004.302.14:26:39.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:26:40.04:!2004.302.14:26:39 2004.302.14:26:40.04:preob 2004.302.14:26:40.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:26:40.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:26:43.64/tpical/1u,6354,2u,9155,3u,22596,4u,35039,i1,15285 2004.302.14:26:43.64/tpical/9u,10134,au,28518,bu,16648,cu,9483,du,10549,eu,25070 2004.302.14:26:43.64/tpical/i2,8197 2004.302.14:26:43.64/tpical/5u,38848,6u,30099,7u,41974,8u,14608,i3,52747 2004.302.14:26:46.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,97 2004.302.14:26:46.30/tpzero/9u,173,au,871,bu,709,cu,513,du,600,eu,827,i2,55 2004.302.14:26:46.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,284,7u,1162,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.14:26:49.39:!2004.302.14:26:49 2004.302.14:26:49.39:disc_pos 2004.302.14:26:49.40/disc_pos/374866665472,374721775456, 2004.302.14:26:49.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:26:49.40:midob 2004.302.14:26:49.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:26:49.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:26:49.67/cable/+3.5923039E-02 2004.302.14:26:49.74/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10505,5883 2004.302.14:26:49.81/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35639 2004.302.14:26:49.88/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6703 2004.302.14:26:49.95/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21239 2004.302.14:26:50.03/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11411 2004.302.14:26:50.58/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:26:51.12/tpi/1u,4563,2u,6701,3u,15645,4u,23929,i1,10511 2004.302.14:26:51.12/tpi/9u,7774,au,21820,bu,11417,cu,6834,du,7858,eu,22522,i2,5864 2004.302.14:26:51.13/tpi/5u,25636,6u,21239,7u,30139,8u,10780,i3,35661 2004.302.14:26:51.14/tpdiff/1u,1791,2u,2454,3u,6951,4u,11110,i1,4774 2004.302.14:26:51.14/tpdiff/9u,2360,au,6698,bu,5231,cu,2649,du,2691,eu,2548,i2,2333 2004.302.14:26:51.15/tpdiff/5u,13212,6u,8860,7u,11835,8u,3828,i3,17086 2004.302.14:26:51.16/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:26:51.16/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:26:51.17/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:26:51.18/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:26:51.19/tsys/1u,55.1,2u,57.3,3u,55.8,4u,54.8,i1,56.7 2004.302.14:26:51.19/tsys/9u,103.1,au,100.1,bu,65.5,cu,76.4,du,86.3,eu,272.5,i2,79.7 2004.302.14:26:51.20/tsys/5u,49.8,6u,61.5,7u,63.7,8u,65.9,i3,54.0 2004.302.14:26:51.89/fmout-gps/+6.3554E-006 2004.302.14:26:51.90:!2004.302.14:27:29 2004.302.14:26:51.97#setcl#time/368989283,3,2004,302,14,26,52.02,2.009,23.532,10 2004.302.14:26:51.97#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:27:29.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:27:29.01:disc_end 2004.302.14:27:29.27:disc_pos 2004.302.14:27:29.28/disc_pos/375509448280,374722775456, 2004.302.14:27:29.28:disc_check 2004.302.14:27:29.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h27m29.265s,2496,0.00500s,80000,2349418356, 2004.302.14:27:29.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:27:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 713850 : 3927 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 713785 : 3965 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 713839 : 3919 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:29.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 713599 : 4199 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 713748 : 4034 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 713677 : 4094 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:29.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 713463 : 4309 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:29.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 713955 : 3823 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:29.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,8.242 2004.302.14:27:29.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.302.14:27:30.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.34 2004.302.14:27:30.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.14:27:30.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.88 2004.302.14:27:30.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.14:27:30.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.90 2004.302.14:27:30.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.31 2004.302.14:27:30.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.14:27:30.70:scan_name=302-1432,rd0408,40 2004.302.14:27:30.70:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:27:33.72:setupnw 2004.302.14:27:37.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:37.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:27:37.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:27:38.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 555 ; 2004.302.14:27:38.00:!2004.302.14:32:09 2004.302.14:32:09.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:32:09.00/disc_pos/375509448280,375508448280, 2004.302.14:32:09.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:32:10.04:!2004.302.14:32:09 2004.302.14:32:10.04:preob 2004.302.14:32:10.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:32:10.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:32:13.62/tpical/1u,6203,2u,8964,3u,22134,4u,34589,i1,15082 2004.302.14:32:13.62/tpical/9u,13456,au,28630,bu,16588,cu,9432,du,12786,eu,29748 2004.302.14:32:13.62/tpical/i2,19872 2004.302.14:32:13.62/tpical/5u,38158,6u,29472,7u,41459,8u,14892,i3,51929 2004.302.14:32:16.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,496,i1,94 2004.302.14:32:16.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,1275,bu,708,cu,514,du,600,eu,827,i2,45 2004.302.14:32:16.27/tpzero/5u,341,6u,286,7u,1164,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.14:32:19.36:!2004.302.14:32:19 2004.302.14:32:19.36:disc_pos 2004.302.14:32:19.37/disc_pos/375653339136,375508448280, 2004.302.14:32:19.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:32:19.37:midob 2004.302.14:32:19.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:32:19.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:32:19.43/cable/+3.5921234E-02 2004.302.14:32:19.52/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9870,16114 2004.302.14:32:19.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33158 2004.302.14:32:19.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6395 2004.302.14:32:19.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19698 2004.302.14:32:19.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11224 2004.302.14:32:20.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:32:20.89/tpi/1u,4344,2u,6395,3u,14660,4u,22453,i1,9869 2004.302.14:32:20.89/tpi/9u,11296,au,21629,bu,11176,cu,6681,du,11473,eu,25599,i2,18210 2004.302.14:32:20.90/tpi/5u,23846,6u,19695,7u,28242,8u,10623,i3,33174 2004.302.14:32:20.91/tpdiff/1u,1859,2u,2569,3u,7474,4u,12136,i1,5213 2004.302.14:32:20.91/tpdiff/9u,2160,au,7001,bu,5412,cu,2751,du,1313,eu,4149,i2,1662 2004.302.14:32:20.92/tpdiff/5u,14312,6u,9777,7u,13217,8u,4269,i3,18755 2004.302.14:32:20.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:32:20.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:32:20.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:32:20.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:32:20.96/tsys/1u,50.0,2u,51.7,3u,48.4,4u,47.0,i1,48.8 2004.302.14:32:20.96/tsys/9u,164.8,au,93.0,bu,61.9,cu,71.7,du,265.0,eu,191.1,i2,349.7 2004.302.14:32:20.97/tsys/5u,42.7,6u,51.6,7u,53.3,8u,58.1,i3,45.7 2004.302.14:32:21.88/fmout-gps/+6.4084E-006 2004.302.14:32:21.89:!2004.302.14:32:59 2004.302.14:32:21.96#setcl#time/369022283,4,2004,302,14,32,22.02,2.001,23.624,10 2004.302.14:32:21.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:32:59.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:32:59.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:32:59.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:32:59.27/disc_pos/376296121400,375509448280, 2004.302.14:32:59.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:32:59.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h32m59.265s,69428,0.00500s,80000,4493259948, 2004.302.14:32:59.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:32:59.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 715345 : 3935 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:32:59.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 715278 : 3976 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:32:59.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 715334 : 3927 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:32:59.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 715091 : 4209 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:32:59.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 715242 : 4043 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:32:59.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 715169 : 4106 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:32:59.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 714954 : 4321 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:32:59.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 715447 : 3834 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:32:59.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.096 2004.302.14:32:59.95/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.302.14:33:00.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.302.14:33:00.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.14:33:00.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.00 2004.302.14:33:00.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.14:33:00.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.14:33:00.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.48 2004.302.14:33:00.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.14:33:00.73:scan_name=302-1433b,rd0408,47 2004.302.14:33:00.73:source=0727-115,072758.08,-113452.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:33:03.75:setupnw 2004.302.14:33:07.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:33:07.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:33:07.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:33:07.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 557 ; 2004.302.14:33:07.98:!2004.302.14:33:40 2004.302.14:33:40.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:33:40.00/disc_pos/376296121400,376295121400, 2004.302.14:33:40.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:33:41.04:!2004.302.14:33:40 2004.302.14:33:41.04:preob 2004.302.14:33:41.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:33:41.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:33:44.63/tpical/1u,13146,2u,17218,3u,43286,4u,$$$$$,i1,30263 2004.302.14:33:44.63/tpical/9u,11262,au,36765,bu,23826,cu,14040,du,19862,eu,40909 2004.302.14:33:44.63/tpical/i2,14008 2004.302.14:33:44.63/tpical/5u,$$$$$,6u,54084,7u,$$$$$,8u,27173,i3,65535 2004.302.14:33:47.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,742,4u,499,i1,90 2004.302.14:33:47.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,861,bu,708,cu,514,du,600,eu,827,i2,42 2004.302.14:33:47.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.14:33:50.37:!2004.302.14:33:50 2004.302.14:33:50.37:disc_pos 2004.302.14:33:50.37/disc_pos/376440012800,376295121400, 2004.302.14:33:50.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:33:50.38:midob 2004.302.14:33:50.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:33:50.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:33:50.50/cable/+3.5925954E-02 2004.302.14:33:50.58/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,25088,9612 2004.302.14:33:50.65/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,65535 2004.302.14:33:50.72/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,14696 2004.302.14:33:50.79/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,45163 2004.302.14:33:50.86/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18794 2004.302.14:33:51.42/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:33:51.94/tpi/1u,11344,2u,14702,3u,36229,4u,54540,i1,25090 2004.302.14:33:51.94/tpi/9u,7846,au,29245,bu,19045,cu,11647,du,15947,eu,33261,i2,9154 2004.302.14:33:51.95/tpi/5u,58241,6u,45124,7u,62974,8u,23128,i3,65535 2004.302.14:33:51.96/tpdiff/1u,1802,2u,2516,3u,7057,4u,$$$$$,i1,5173 2004.302.14:33:51.96/tpdiff/9u,3416,au,7520,bu,4781,cu,2393,du,3915,eu,7648,i2,4854 2004.302.14:33:51.97/tpdiff/5u,$$$$$,6u,8960,7u,$$$$$,8u,4045,i3,$$$$$ 2004.302.14:33:51.98/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:33:51.98/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:33:52.00/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:33:52.01/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:33:52.02?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v4 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.14:33:52.02?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.14:33:52.02?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v7 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.14:33:52.02?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.14:33:52.03/tsys/1u,152.6,2u,138.6,3u,130.7,4u,$$$$$$$$,i1,125.7 2004.302.14:33:52.04/tsys/9u,71.9,au,120.8,bu,122.7,cu,148.9,du,125.4,eu,135.7,i2,60.1 2004.302.14:33:52.04/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,130.1,7u,$$$$$$$$,8u,141.7,i3,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.14:33:52.88/fmout-gps/+6.4429E-006 2004.302.14:33:52.89:!2004.302.14:34:37 2004.302.14:33:52.96#setcl#time/369031382,3,2004,302,14,33,53.02,2.009,23.649,11 2004.302.14:33:52.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:34:37.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:34:37.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:34:37.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:34:37.26/disc_pos/377194486656,376296121400, 2004.302.14:34:37.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:34:37.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h34m37.250s,13492,0.00500s,80000,669450680, 2004.302.14:34:37.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:34:37.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 717050 : 3946 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:37.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 716985 : 3986 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:37.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 717043 : 3934 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 716793 : 4223 : 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 716945 : 4055 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 716875 : 4116 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 716658 : 4332 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:37.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 717153 : 3844 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:37.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.219 2004.302.14:34:37.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.14:34:38.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.59 2004.302.14:34:38.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.14:34:38.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.12 2004.302.14:34:38.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.14:34:38.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.14:34:38.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.59 2004.302.14:34:38.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.302.14:34:38.69:scan_name=302-1440,rd0408,122 2004.302.14:34:38.69:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:34:41.71:setupnw 2004.302.14:34:45.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:45.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:34:45.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:34:45.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 559 ; 2004.302.14:34:45.97:!2004.302.14:40:44 2004.302.14:40:44.01:disc_pos 2004.302.14:40:44.02/disc_pos/377194486656,377193486656, 2004.302.14:40:44.02:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:40:45.05:!2004.302.14:40:44 2004.302.14:40:45.06:preob 2004.302.14:40:45.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:40:45.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:40:48.65/tpical/1u,6288,2u,8929,3u,22073,4u,35022,i1,15130 2004.302.14:40:48.65/tpical/9u,13070,au,27868,bu,15778,cu,9055,du,11405,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.14:40:48.65/tpical/i2,16394 2004.302.14:40:48.65/tpical/5u,39018,6u,30175,7u,42599,8u,14737,i3,53315 2004.302.14:40:51.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,739,4u,497,i1,98 2004.302.14:40:51.30/tpzero/9u,173,au,937,bu,709,cu,512,du,599,eu,833,i2,60 2004.302.14:40:51.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1166,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.14:40:54.39:!2004.302.14:40:54 2004.302.14:40:54.39:disc_pos 2004.302.14:40:54.40/disc_pos/377338376192,377193486656, 2004.302.14:40:54.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:40:54.40:midob 2004.302.14:40:54.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:40:54.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:40:54.58/cable/+3.5920275E-02 2004.302.14:40:54.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9871,9384 2004.302.14:40:54.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33897 2004.302.14:40:54.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6369 2004.302.14:40:54.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20062 2004.302.14:40:54.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10624 2004.302.14:40:55.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:40:56.01/tpi/1u,4437,2u,6370,3u,14590,4u,22508,i1,9872 2004.302.14:40:56.02/tpi/9u,11024,au,21206,bu,10624,cu,6446,du,8865,eu,$$$$$,i2,9707 2004.302.14:40:56.02/tpi/5u,24290,6u,20065,7u,28874,8u,10313,i3,33903 2004.302.14:40:56.03/tpdiff/1u,1851,2u,2559,3u,7483,4u,12514,i1,5258 2004.302.14:40:56.04/tpdiff/9u,2046,au,6662,bu,5154,cu,2609,du,2540,eu,$$$$$,i2,6687 2004.302.14:40:56.04/tpdiff/5u,14728,6u,10110,7u,13725,8u,4424,i3,19412 2004.302.14:40:56.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:40:56.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:40:56.06/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:40:56.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:40:56.08?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.14:40:56.09/tsys/1u,51.6,2u,51.6,3u,48.1,4u,45.7,i1,48.3 2004.302.14:40:56.09/tsys/9u,169.7,au,97.4,bu,61.6,cu,72.8,du,104.1,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.14:40:56.10/tsys/i2,46.2 2004.302.14:40:56.10/tsys/5u,42.3,6u,50.9,7u,52.5,8u,54.3,i3,45.2 2004.302.14:40:56.88/fmout-gps/+6.4344E-006 2004.302.14:40:56.89:!2004.302.14:42:56 2004.302.14:40:56.96#setcl#time/369073781,3,2004,302,14,40,57.02,2.010,23.767,11 2004.302.14:40:56.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:42:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:42:56.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:42:56.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:42:56.27/disc_pos/379292802624,377194486656, 2004.302.14:42:56.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:42:56.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h42m56.260s,13840,0.00500s,80000,5885843684, 2004.302.14:42:56.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:42:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 721038 : 3962 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:42:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 720969 : 4007 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:42:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 721029 : 3954 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:42:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 720777 : 4243 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:42:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 720927 : 4078 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:42:56.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 720857 : 4139 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:42:56.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 720640 : 4355 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:42:56.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 721134 : 3868 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:42:56.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.14:42:56.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.32 2004.302.14:42:57.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.20 2004.302.14:42:57.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.14:42:57.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.37 2004.302.14:42:57.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.14:42:57.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.70 2004.302.14:42:57.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.54 2004.302.14:42:57.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,64.36 2004.302.14:42:57.70:scan_name=302-1445,rd0408,101 2004.302.14:42:57.70:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:43:00.72:setupnw 2004.302.14:43:04.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:43:04.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:43:04.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:43:04.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 561 ; 2004.302.14:43:04.97:!2004.302.14:45:17 2004.302.14:45:17.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:45:17.00/disc_pos/379292802624,379291802624, 2004.302.14:45:17.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:45:18.04:!2004.302.14:45:17 2004.302.14:45:18.04:preob 2004.302.14:45:18.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:45:18.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:45:21.62/tpical/1u,6201,2u,8946,3u,22109,4u,35029,i1,15167 2004.302.14:45:21.62/tpical/9u,6402,au,26681,bu,15671,cu,9012,du,13819,eu,44621 2004.302.14:45:21.62/tpical/i2,6818 2004.302.14:45:21.62/tpical/5u,39116,6u,30306,7u,42657,8u,14724,i3,53261 2004.302.14:45:24.27/tpzero/1u,766,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,496,i1,103 2004.302.14:45:24.27/tpzero/9u,175,au,844,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,829,i2,65 2004.302.14:45:24.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,284,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.14:45:27.36:!2004.302.14:45:27 2004.302.14:45:27.36:disc_pos 2004.302.14:45:27.37/disc_pos/379436695552,379291802624, 2004.302.14:45:27.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:45:27.37:midob 2004.302.14:45:27.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:45:27.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:45:27.46/cable/+3.5918086E-02 2004.302.14:45:27.53/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9887,4892 2004.302.14:45:27.60/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33842 2004.302.14:45:27.67/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6353 2004.302.14:45:27.74/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20138 2004.302.14:45:27.81/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10538 2004.302.14:45:28.37/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:45:28.89/tpi/1u,4334,2u,6356,3u,14636,4u,22596,i1,9888 2004.302.14:45:28.89/tpi/9u,4758,au,20374,bu,10549,cu,6436,du,12377,eu,41324,i2,4861 2004.302.14:45:28.90/tpi/5u,24254,6u,20155,7u,28927,8u,10309,i3,33855 2004.302.14:45:28.91/tpdiff/1u,1867,2u,2590,3u,7473,4u,12433,i1,5279 2004.302.14:45:28.91/tpdiff/9u,1644,au,6307,bu,5122,cu,2576,du,1442,eu,3297,i2,1957 2004.302.14:45:28.92/tpdiff/5u,14862,6u,10151,7u,13730,8u,4415,i3,19406 2004.302.14:45:28.93/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:45:28.93/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:45:28.94/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:45:28.95/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:45:28.96/tsys/1u,49.7,2u,50.9,3u,48.3,4u,46.2,i1,48.2 2004.302.14:45:28.96/tsys/9u,89.2,au,99.1,bu,61.5,cu,73.6,du,261.4,eu,393.0,i2,78.4 2004.302.14:45:28.97/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,50.9,7u,52.6,8u,54.3,i3,45.1 2004.302.14:45:29.89/fmout-gps/+6.3849E-006 2004.302.14:45:29.89:!2004.302.14:47:08 2004.302.14:45:29.96#setcl#time/369101081,4,2004,302,14,45,30.02,2.003,23.843,10 2004.302.14:45:29.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:47:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:47:08.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:47:08.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:47:08.26/disc_pos/381055408480,379292802624, 2004.302.14:47:08.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:47:08.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h47m08.265s,77152,0.00500s,80000,2269410832, 2004.302.14:47:08.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:47:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 724385 : 3980 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 724312 : 4028 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:08.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 724376 : 3971 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:08.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 724125 : 4259 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:08.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 724268 : 4100 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:08.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 724198 : 4161 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:08.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 723987 : 4372 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:08.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 724484 : 3884 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:08.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.829 2004.302.14:47:08.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.56 2004.302.14:47:09.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.44 2004.302.14:47:09.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.14:47:09.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.00 2004.302.14:47:09.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.14:47:09.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.14:47:09.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.54 2004.302.14:47:09.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.14:47:09.72:scan_name=302-1447,rd0408,99 2004.302.14:47:09.72:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:47:12.74:setupnw 2004.302.14:47:16.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:16.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:47:16.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:47:16.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 563 ; 2004.302.14:47:16.96:!2004.302.14:47:41 2004.302.14:47:41.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:47:41.00/disc_pos/381055408480,381054408480, 2004.302.14:47:41.00:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:47:42.04:!2004.302.14:47:41 2004.302.14:47:42.04:preob 2004.302.14:47:42.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:47:42.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:47:45.64/tpical/1u,6207,2u,8954,3u,22208,4u,35156,i1,15182 2004.302.14:47:45.64/tpical/9u,6215,au,26138,bu,15311,cu,8882,du,8929,eu,19429,i2,6590 2004.302.14:47:45.64/tpical/5u,38995,6u,30277,7u,42737,8u,14687,i3,53294 2004.302.14:47:48.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,101 2004.302.14:47:48.29/tpzero/9u,175,au,835,bu,709,cu,513,du,599,eu,828,i2,60 2004.302.14:47:48.29/tpzero/5u,343,6u,284,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.14:47:51.38:!2004.302.14:47:51 2004.302.14:47:51.38:disc_pos 2004.302.14:47:51.39/disc_pos/381199298560,381054408480, 2004.302.14:47:51.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:47:51.39:midob 2004.302.14:47:51.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:47:51.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:47:51.47/cable/+3.5919824E-02 2004.302.14:47:51.54/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9919,4471 2004.302.14:47:51.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33952 2004.302.14:47:51.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6377 2004.302.14:47:51.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20153 2004.302.14:47:51.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10282 2004.302.14:47:52.39/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:47:52.92/tpi/1u,4348,2u,6369,3u,14705,4u,22622,i1,9915 2004.302.14:47:52.92/tpi/9u,4364,au,19707,bu,10290,cu,6325,du,6713,eu,18197,i2,4649 2004.302.14:47:52.93/tpi/5u,24347,6u,20158,7u,28968,8u,10321,i3,33933 2004.302.14:47:52.94/tpdiff/1u,1859,2u,2585,3u,7503,4u,12534,i1,5267 2004.302.14:47:52.94/tpdiff/9u,1851,au,6431,bu,5021,cu,2557,du,2216,eu,1232,i2,1941 2004.302.14:47:52.95/tpdiff/5u,14648,6u,10119,7u,13769,8u,4366,i3,19361 2004.302.14:47:52.96/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:47:52.96/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:47:52.97/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:47:52.98/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:47:52.99/tsys/1u,50.1,2u,51.1,3u,48.4,4u,45.9,i1,48.4 2004.302.14:47:52.99/tsys/9u,72.4,au,93.9,bu,61.1,cu,72.7,du,88.3,eu,451.1,i2,75.7 2004.302.14:47:53.00/tsys/5u,42.6,6u,51.1,7u,52.5,8u,55.0,i3,45.3 2004.302.14:47:53.88/fmout-gps/+6.3944E-006 2004.302.14:47:53.89:!2004.302.14:49:30 2004.302.14:47:53.96#setcl#time/369115480,3,2004,302,14,47,54.02,2.010,23.883,11 2004.302.14:47:53.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:49:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:49:30.00:disc_end 2004.302.14:49:30.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:49:30.27/disc_pos/382786010256,381055408480, 2004.302.14:49:30.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:49:30.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h49m30.265s,33560,0.00500s,80000,541441816, 2004.302.14:49:30.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:49:30.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 727671 : 3997 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 727594 : 4051 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 727664 : 3988 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 727412 : 4275 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:30.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 727554 : 4118 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:30.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 727480 : 4182 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:30.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 727273 : 4390 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:30.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 727771 : 3900 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:30.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,9.707 2004.302.14:49:30.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.302.14:49:31.06/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.32 2004.302.14:49:31.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.14:49:31.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.302.14:49:31.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.14:49:31.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.14:49:31.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.54 2004.302.14:49:31.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.14:49:31.72:scan_name=302-1458a,rd0408,82 2004.302.14:49:31.72:source=0823+033,082313.52,031915.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:49:34.74:setupnw 2004.302.14:49:38.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:38.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:49:38.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:49:38.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 565 ; 2004.302.14:49:38.98:!2004.302.14:58:12 2004.302.14:58:12.00:disc_pos 2004.302.14:58:12.00/disc_pos/382786010256,382785010256, 2004.302.14:58:12.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.14:58:13.04:!2004.302.14:58:12 2004.302.14:58:13.04:preob 2004.302.14:58:13.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:58:13.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:58:16.62/tpical/1u,6450,2u,9257,3u,23080,4u,35938,i1,15718 2004.302.14:58:16.62/tpical/9u,12405,au,28374,bu,16566,cu,9703,du,11251,eu,18197 2004.302.14:58:16.62/tpical/i2,10813 2004.302.14:58:16.62/tpical/5u,39757,6u,30562,7u,42736,8u,15340,i3,53951 2004.302.14:58:19.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,497,i1,88 2004.302.14:58:19.27/tpzero/9u,169,au,881,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,825,i2,46 2004.302.14:58:19.27/tpzero/5u,341,6u,287,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.14:58:22.36:!2004.302.14:58:22 2004.302.14:58:22.36:disc_pos 2004.302.14:58:22.37/disc_pos/382929903616,382785010256, 2004.302.14:58:22.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.14:58:22.37:midob 2004.302.14:58:22.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.14:58:22.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.14:58:22.56/cable/+3.5917112E-02 2004.302.14:58:22.63/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10547,8967 2004.302.14:58:22.70/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,35406 2004.302.14:58:22.77/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6720 2004.302.14:58:22.84/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20939 2004.302.14:58:22.91/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11382 2004.302.14:58:23.47/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.14:58:24.01/tpi/1u,4610,2u,6716,3u,15686,4u,23943,i1,10548 2004.302.14:58:24.03/tpi/9u,8850,au,21578,bu,11382,cu,7046,du,8634,eu,15602,i2,10991 2004.302.14:58:24.03/tpi/5u,25544,6u,20947,7u,29777,8u,11103,i3,35398 2004.302.14:58:24.04/tpdiff/1u,1840,2u,2541,3u,7394,4u,11995,i1,5170 2004.302.14:58:24.05/tpdiff/9u,3555,au,6796,bu,5184,cu,2657,du,2617,eu,2595,i2,-178 2004.302.14:58:24.05/tpdiff/5u,14213,6u,9615,7u,12959,8u,4237,i3,18553 2004.302.14:58:24.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.14:58:24.07/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.14:58:24.08/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.14:58:24.08/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.14:58:24.09?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.14:58:24.10/tsys/1u,54.3,2u,55.5,3u,52.6,4u,50.8,i1,52.6 2004.302.14:58:24.11/tsys/9u,78.1,au,97.5,bu,65.9,cu,78.7,du,98.2,eu,182.2,i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.14:58:24.11/tsys/5u,46.1,6u,55.9,7u,57.4,8u,61.5,i3,49.4 2004.302.14:58:24.89/fmout-gps/+6.3594E-006 2004.302.14:58:24.90:!2004.302.14:59:44 2004.302.14:58:24.96#setcl#time/369178579,4,2004,302,14,58,25.02,2.005,24.058,10 2004.302.14:58:24.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.14:59:44.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.14:59:44.01:disc_end 2004.302.14:59:44.26:disc_pos 2004.302.14:59:44.27/disc_pos/384244747576,382786010256, 2004.302.14:59:44.27:disc_check 2004.302.14:59:44.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d14h59m44.265s,66296,0.00500s,80000,8365229944, 2004.302.14:59:44.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.14:59:44.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 730442 : 4011 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:44.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 730363 : 4068 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:44.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 730439 : 3998 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:44.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 730183 : 4289 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:44.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 730318 : 4138 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:44.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 730246 : 4201 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:44.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 730043 : 4404 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:44.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 730542 : 3914 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:44.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.14:59:44.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.302.14:59:45.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.69 2004.302.14:59:45.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.14:59:45.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.22 2004.302.14:59:45.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.14:59:45.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.14:59:45.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.76 2004.302.14:59:45.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.302.14:59:45.70:scan_name=302-1503,rd0408,40 2004.302.14:59:45.70:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.14:59:48.71:setupnw 2004.302.14:59:52.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:52.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.14:59:52.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.14:59:52.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 567 ; 2004.302.14:59:52.96:!2004.302.15:03:29 2004.302.15:01:04.44;"weather: clear 2004.302.15:03:29.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:03:29.00/disc_pos/384244747576,384243747576, 2004.302.15:03:29.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:03:30.04:!2004.302.15:03:29 2004.302.15:03:30.05:preob 2004.302.15:03:30.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:03:30.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:03:33.62/tpical/1u,6273,2u,8835,3u,21613,4u,33856,i1,14779 2004.302.15:03:33.62/tpical/9u,8802,au,26373,bu,15603,cu,9038,du,10060,eu,39712 2004.302.15:03:33.62/tpical/i2,7372 2004.302.15:03:33.62/tpical/5u,37117,6u,28632,7u,39705,8u,14201,i3,50883 2004.302.15:03:36.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,101 2004.302.15:03:36.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,861,bu,709,cu,512,du,599,eu,827,i2,61 2004.302.15:03:36.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.15:03:39.37:!2004.302.15:03:39 2004.302.15:03:39.37:disc_pos 2004.302.15:03:39.37/disc_pos/384388636672,384243747576, 2004.302.15:03:39.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:03:39.38:midob 2004.302.15:03:39.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:03:39.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:03:39.70/cable/+3.5915285E-02 2004.302.15:03:39.77/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9632,5204 2004.302.15:03:39.84/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32647 2004.302.15:03:39.91/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6306 2004.302.15:03:39.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19029 2004.302.15:03:40.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10510 2004.302.15:03:40.61/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:03:41.14/tpi/1u,4428,2u,6306,3u,14338,4u,21784,i1,9617 2004.302.15:03:41.14/tpi/9u,6393,au,19952,bu,10511,cu,6472,du,7626,eu,34531,i2,5198 2004.302.15:03:41.15/tpi/5u,23087,6u,19029,7u,26877,8u,10134,i3,32603 2004.302.15:03:41.16/tpdiff/1u,1845,2u,2529,3u,7275,4u,12072,i1,5162 2004.302.15:03:41.17/tpdiff/9u,2409,au,6421,bu,5092,cu,2566,du,2434,eu,5181,i2,2174 2004.302.15:03:41.17/tpdiff/5u,14030,6u,9603,7u,12828,8u,4067,i3,18280 2004.302.15:03:41.18/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:03:41.19/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:03:41.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:03:41.20/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:03:41.21/tsys/1u,51.6,2u,51.6,3u,48.6,4u,45.8,i1,47.9 2004.302.15:03:41.21/tsys/9u,82.6,au,95.1,bu,61.6,cu,74.3,du,92.4,eu,208.2,i2,75.6 2004.302.15:03:41.22/tsys/5u,42.1,6u,50.7,7u,52.1,8u,57.9,i3,46.1 2004.302.15:03:41.88/fmout-gps/+6.3644E-006 2004.302.15:03:41.88:!2004.302.15:04:19 2004.302.15:03:41.95#setcl#time/369210277,3,2004,302,15,03,42.01,2.008,24.146,11 2004.302.15:03:41.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:04:19.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:04:19.00:disc_end 2004.302.15:04:19.26:disc_pos 2004.302.15:04:19.27/disc_pos/385031260496,384244747576, 2004.302.15:04:19.27:disc_check 2004.302.15:04:19.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h04m19.265s,39312,0.00500s,80000,3613514064, 2004.302.15:04:19.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:04:19.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 731932 : 4023 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 731856 : 4079 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 731934 : 4007 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:19.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 731673 : 4301 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:19.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 731807 : 4152 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 731737 : 4212 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:19.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 731540 : 4410 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:19.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 732036 : 3922 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:19.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.31 2004.302.15:04:19.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.30 2004.302.15:04:20.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.302.15:04:20.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.15:04:20.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.34 2004.302.15:04:20.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.15:04:20.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.15:04:20.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.65 2004.302.15:04:20.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.302.15:04:20.69:scan_name=302-1509,rd0408,40 2004.302.15:04:20.69:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:04:23.71:setupnw 2004.302.15:04:27.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:27.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:04:27.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:04:27.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 569 ; 2004.302.15:04:27.96:!2004.302.15:09:03 2004.302.15:09:03.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:09:03.00/disc_pos/385031260496,385030260496, 2004.302.15:09:03.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:09:04.05:!2004.302.15:09:03 2004.302.15:09:04.05:preob 2004.302.15:09:04.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:09:04.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:09:07.63/tpical/1u,7099,2u,10212,3u,25986,4u,40685,i1,17712 2004.302.15:09:07.63/tpical/9u,7377,au,28327,bu,17712,cu,10310,du,13286,eu,22424 2004.302.15:09:07.63/tpical/i2,8003 2004.302.15:09:07.63/tpical/5u,45206,6u,34739,7u,48458,8u,16766,i3,61487 2004.302.15:09:10.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,741,4u,496,i1,105 2004.302.15:09:10.28/tpzero/9u,175,au,841,bu,709,cu,512,du,598,eu,828,i2,70 2004.302.15:09:10.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.15:09:13.37:!2004.302.15:09:13 2004.302.15:09:13.37:disc_pos 2004.302.15:09:13.38/disc_pos/385175154688,385030260496, 2004.302.15:09:13.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:09:13.38:midob 2004.302.15:09:13.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:09:13.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:09:13.78/cable/+3.5921446E-02 2004.302.15:09:13.85/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,12468,5604 2004.302.15:09:13.92/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,42380 2004.302.15:09:13.99/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7660 2004.302.15:09:14.07/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24840 2004.302.15:09:14.14/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12317 2004.302.15:09:14.71/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:09:15.24/tpi/1u,5241,2u,7660,3u,18540,4u,28348,i1,12467 2004.302.15:09:15.25/tpi/9u,5392,au,21841,bu,12331,cu,7657,du,11689,eu,19169,i2,5572 2004.302.15:09:15.25/tpi/5u,30536,6u,24836,7u,35246,8u,12442,i3,42368 2004.302.15:09:15.26/tpdiff/1u,1858,2u,2552,3u,7446,4u,12337,i1,5245 2004.302.15:09:15.27/tpdiff/9u,1985,au,6486,bu,5381,cu,2653,du,1597,eu,3255,i2,2431 2004.302.15:09:15.27/tpdiff/5u,14670,6u,9903,7u,13212,8u,4324,i3,19119 2004.302.15:09:15.28/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:09:15.29/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:09:15.29/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:09:15.30/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:09:15.31/tsys/1u,62.6,2u,64.9,3u,62.2,4u,58.7,i1,61.3 2004.302.15:09:15.32/tsys/9u,84.1,au,103.6,bu,69.1,cu,86.2,du,222.2,eu,180.3,i2,72.4 2004.302.15:09:15.32/tsys/5u,53.5,6u,64.5,7u,67.1,8u,68.3,i3,57.4 2004.302.15:09:15.88/fmout-gps/+6.4004E-006 2004.302.15:09:15.89:!2004.302.15:09:53 2004.302.15:09:15.95#setcl#time/369243677,4,2004,302,15,09,16.02,2.010,24.239,11 2004.302.15:09:15.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:09:53.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:09:53.00:disc_end 2004.302.15:09:53.26:disc_pos 2004.302.15:09:53.26/disc_pos/385817775672,385031260496, 2004.302.15:09:53.26:disc_check 2004.302.15:09:53.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h09m53.260s,21024,0.00500s,80000,4557423112, 2004.302.15:09:53.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:09:53.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 733425 : 4032 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:09:53.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 733345 : 4094 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:09:53.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 733427 : 4016 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:09:53.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 733164 : 4313 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:09:53.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 733299 : 4162 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:09:53.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 733226 : 4225 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:09:53.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 733037 : 4415 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:09:53.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 733525 : 3935 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:09:53.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.15:09:53.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.05 2004.302.15:09:54.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.302.15:09:54.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.15:09:54.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.34 2004.302.15:09:54.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.15:09:54.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.15:09:54.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.88 2004.302.15:09:54.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.302.15:09:54.71:scan_name=302-1511,rd0408,155 2004.302.15:09:54.71:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:09:57.72:setupnw 2004.302.15:10:01.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:10:01.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:10:01.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:10:01.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 571 ; 2004.302.15:10:01.96:!2004.302.15:11:41 2004.302.15:11:41.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:11:41.00/disc_pos/385817775672,385816775672, 2004.302.15:11:41.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:11:42.04:!2004.302.15:11:41 2004.302.15:11:42.04:preob 2004.302.15:11:42.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:11:42.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:11:45.63/tpical/1u,6548,2u,9413,3u,23735,4u,37353,i1,16137 2004.302.15:11:45.63/tpical/9u,7030,au,26794,bu,17027,cu,9960,du,14890,eu,28548 2004.302.15:11:45.63/tpical/i2,7302 2004.302.15:11:45.63/tpical/5u,41426,6u,31467,7u,44656,8u,15415,i3,56049 2004.302.15:11:48.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,496,i1,102 2004.302.15:11:48.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,831,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,827,i2,55 2004.302.15:11:48.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,284,7u,1162,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.15:11:51.37:!2004.302.15:11:51 2004.302.15:11:51.37:disc_pos 2004.302.15:11:51.37/disc_pos/385961664512,385816775672, 2004.302.15:11:51.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:11:51.38:midob 2004.302.15:11:51.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:11:51.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:11:51.46/cable/+3.5920618E-02 2004.302.15:11:51.54/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10871,5071 2004.302.15:11:51.61/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36838 2004.302.15:11:51.68/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6842 2004.302.15:11:51.75/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21586 2004.302.15:11:51.82/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11666 2004.302.15:11:52.38/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:11:52.90/tpi/1u,4696,2u,6836,3u,16187,4u,24916,i1,10867 2004.302.15:11:52.90/tpi/9u,5048,au,21104,bu,11658,cu,7230,du,10078,eu,24808,i2,5104 2004.302.15:11:52.91/tpi/5u,26618,6u,21587,7u,31139,8u,11045,i3,36837 2004.302.15:11:52.92/tpdiff/1u,1852,2u,2577,3u,7548,4u,12437,i1,5270 2004.302.15:11:52.92/tpdiff/9u,1982,au,5690,bu,5369,cu,2730,du,4812,eu,3740,i2,2198 2004.302.15:11:52.93/tpdiff/5u,14808,6u,9880,7u,13517,8u,4370,i3,19212 2004.302.15:11:52.94/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:11:52.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:11:52.95/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:11:52.96/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:11:52.97/tsys/1u,55.2,2u,56.0,3u,53.2,4u,51.1,i1,53.1 2004.302.15:11:52.97/tsys/9u,78.7,au,114.0,bu,65.3,cu,78.7,du,63.0,eu,205.2,i2,73.5 2004.302.15:11:52.98/tsys/5u,46.1,6u,56.1,7u,57.7,8u,59.3,i3,49.6 2004.302.15:11:53.88/fmout-gps/+6.3574E-006 2004.302.15:11:53.89:!2004.302.15:14:26 2004.302.15:11:53.96#setcl#time/369259477,4,2004,302,15,11,54.02,2.006,24.283,11 2004.302.15:11:53.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:14:26.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:14:26.00:disc_end 2004.302.15:14:26.26:disc_pos 2004.302.15:14:26.27/disc_pos/388444298488,385817775672, 2004.302.15:14:26.27:disc_check 2004.302.15:14:26.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h14m26.265s,41320,0.00500s,80000,1741536888, 2004.302.15:14:26.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:14:26.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 738415 : 4055 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:26.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 738327 : 4124 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:26.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 738409 : 4048 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:26.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 738149 : 4340 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:26.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 738282 : 4191 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:26.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 738211 : 4254 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:26.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 738026 : 4438 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:26.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 738517 : 3956 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:26.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.07 2004.302.15:14:26.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.05 2004.302.15:14:27.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.05 2004.302.15:14:27.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.15:14:27.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.46 2004.302.15:14:27.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.15:14:27.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.15:14:27.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.93 2004.302.15:14:27.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.02 2004.302.15:14:27.70:scan_name=302-1518b,rd0408,40 2004.302.15:14:27.70:source=1611+343,161147.94,342020.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:14:30.72:setupnw 2004.302.15:14:34.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:34.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:14:34.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:14:34.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 573 ; 2004.302.15:14:34.98:!2004.302.15:18:29 2004.302.15:18:29.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:18:29.00/disc_pos/388444298488,388443298488, 2004.302.15:18:29.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:18:30.04:!2004.302.15:18:29 2004.302.15:18:30.04:preob 2004.302.15:18:30.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:18:30.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:18:33.62/tpical/1u,6380,2u,9180,3u,21826,4u,34354,i1,15029 2004.302.15:18:33.62/tpical/9u,13136,au,27696,bu,15585,cu,9129,du,13694,eu,21248 2004.302.15:18:33.62/tpical/i2,21460 2004.302.15:18:33.62/tpical/5u,38527,6u,29828,7u,42036,8u,15841,i3,53760 2004.302.15:18:36.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,739,4u,496,i1,93 2004.302.15:18:36.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,1335,bu,708,cu,513,du,601,eu,825,i2,45 2004.302.15:18:36.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,285,7u,1164,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.15:18:39.37:!2004.302.15:18:39 2004.302.15:18:39.37:disc_pos 2004.302.15:18:39.37/disc_pos/388588191744,388443298488, 2004.302.15:18:39.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:18:39.39:midob 2004.302.15:18:39.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:18:39.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:18:39.70/cable/+3.5918338E-02 2004.302.15:18:39.77/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9769,19347 2004.302.15:18:39.84/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34534 2004.302.15:18:39.91/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6515 2004.302.15:18:39.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19784 2004.302.15:18:40.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10504 2004.302.15:18:40.61/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:18:41.13/tpi/1u,4514,2u,6515,3u,14419,4u,22146,i1,9742 2004.302.15:18:41.13/tpi/9u,11627,au,21785,bu,10514,cu,6571,du,9445,eu,18335,i2,19366 2004.302.15:18:41.14/tpi/5u,23835,6u,19784,7u,28338,8u,11536,i3,34553 2004.302.15:18:41.15/tpdiff/1u,1866,2u,2665,3u,7407,4u,12208,i1,5287 2004.302.15:18:41.15/tpdiff/9u,1509,au,5911,bu,5071,cu,2558,du,4249,eu,2913,i2,2094 2004.302.15:18:41.16/tpdiff/5u,14692,6u,10044,7u,13698,8u,4305,i3,19207 2004.302.15:18:41.17/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:18:41.17/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:18:41.18/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:18:41.19/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:18:41.20/tsys/1u,52.2,2u,51.0,3u,48.0,4u,46.1,i1,47.5 2004.302.15:18:41.20/tsys/9u,243.0,au,110.7,bu,61.9,cu,75.8,du,66.6,eu,192.4,i2,295.3 2004.302.15:18:41.21/tsys/5u,41.6,6u,50.5,7u,51.6,8u,63.1,i3,46.5 2004.302.15:18:41.88/fmout-gps/+6.3449E-006 2004.302.15:18:41.89:!2004.302.15:19:19 2004.302.15:18:41.96#setcl#time/369300276,4,2004,302,15,18,42.02,2.007,24.396,11 2004.302.15:18:41.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:19:19.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:19:19.01:disc_end 2004.302.15:19:19.27:disc_pos 2004.302.15:19:19.28/disc_pos/389231133720,388444298488, 2004.302.15:19:19.28:disc_check 2004.302.15:19:19.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h19m19.280s,71456,0.00500s,80000,3901374632, 2004.302.15:19:19.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:19:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 739908 : 4065 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 739820 : 4134 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:19.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 739903 : 4058 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 739642 : 4350 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:19.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 739771 : 4205 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:19.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 739704 : 4264 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:19.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 739519 : 4448 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:19.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 740013 : 3963 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:19.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.92 2004.302.15:19:19.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.302.15:19:20.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.42 2004.302.15:19:20.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,46.94 2004.302.15:19:20.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.15:19:20.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.15:19:20.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.15:19:20.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.82 2004.302.15:19:20.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.302.15:19:20.69:scan_name=302-1520,rd0408,79 2004.302.15:19:20.69:source=1726+455,172601.24,453304.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:19:23.71:setupnw 2004.302.15:19:27.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:27.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:19:27.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:19:27.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 575 ; 2004.302.15:19:27.95:!2004.302.15:20:48 2004.302.15:20:48.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:20:48.00/disc_pos/389231133720,389230133720, 2004.302.15:20:48.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:20:49.05:!2004.302.15:20:48 2004.302.15:20:49.06:preob 2004.302.15:20:49.07#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:20:49.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:20:52.64/tpical/1u,6100,2u,8848,3u,22113,4u,34711,i1,15059 2004.302.15:20:52.64/tpical/9u,13096,au,27468,bu,15629,cu,9113,du,11667,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.15:20:52.64/tpical/i2,18678 2004.302.15:20:52.64/tpical/5u,38821,6u,29993,7u,42191,8u,14555,i3,52752 2004.302.15:20:55.31/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,739,4u,497,i1,95 2004.302.15:20:55.31/tpzero/9u,168,au,1194,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,832,i2,50 2004.302.15:20:55.31/tpzero/5u,341,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.15:20:58.40:!2004.302.15:20:58 2004.302.15:20:58.40:disc_pos 2004.302.15:20:58.41/disc_pos/389375025152,389230133720, 2004.302.15:20:58.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:20:58.41:midob 2004.302.15:20:58.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:20:58.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:20:58.66/cable/+3.5917604E-02 2004.302.15:20:58.73/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9803,15042 2004.302.15:20:58.80/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33534 2004.302.15:20:58.87/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6298 2004.302.15:20:58.94/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19924 2004.302.15:20:59.01/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10546 2004.302.15:20:59.57/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:21:00.10/tpi/1u,4255,2u,6293,3u,14547,4u,22410,i1,9804 2004.302.15:21:00.10/tpi/9u,11345,au,21130,bu,10541,cu,6522,du,9701,eu,$$$$$,i2,13237 2004.302.15:21:00.11/tpi/5u,24072,6u,19924,7u,28597,8u,10180,i3,33536 2004.302.15:21:00.12/tpdiff/1u,1845,2u,2555,3u,7566,4u,12301,i1,5255 2004.302.15:21:00.12/tpdiff/9u,1751,au,6338,bu,5088,cu,2591,du,1966,eu,$$$$$,i2,5441 2004.302.15:21:00.13/tpdiff/5u,14749,6u,10069,7u,13594,8u,4375,i3,19216 2004.302.15:21:00.14/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:21:00.14/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:21:00.15/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:21:00.16/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:21:00.17?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.15:21:00.17/tsys/1u,49.2,2u,50.9,3u,47.5,4u,46.3,i1,48.0 2004.302.15:21:00.18/tsys/9u,204.3,au,100.7,bu,61.8,cu,74.2,du,148.1,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.15:21:00.19/tsys/i2,77.6 2004.302.15:21:00.19/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,50.7,7u,52.5,8u,54.1,i3,45.1 2004.302.15:21:00.89/fmout-gps/+6.3674E-006 2004.302.15:21:00.89:!2004.302.15:22:17 2004.302.15:21:00.96#setcl#time/369314176,4,2004,302,15,21,01.02,2.004,24.435,10 2004.302.15:21:00.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:22:17.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:22:17.00:disc_end 2004.302.15:22:17.26:disc_pos 2004.302.15:22:17.27/disc_pos/390641544872,389231133720, 2004.302.15:22:17.27:disc_check 2004.302.15:22:17.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h22m17.265s,69696,0.00500s,80000,1437350608, 2004.302.15:22:17.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:22:17.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 742585 : 4082 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:17.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 742496 : 4150 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:17.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 742583 : 4071 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:17.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 742317 : 4367 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:17.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 742452 : 4217 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:17.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 742382 : 4277 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:17.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 742199 : 4461 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:17.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 742690 : 3978 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:17.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.80 2004.302.15:22:17.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.66 2004.302.15:22:18.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.302.15:22:18.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.15:22:18.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.15:22:18.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.15:22:18.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.15:22:18.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.82 2004.302.15:22:18.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.302.15:22:18.73:scan_name=302-1526b,rd0408,40 2004.302.15:22:18.73:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:22:21.74:setupnw 2004.302.15:22:25.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:25.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:22:25.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:22:25.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 577 ; 2004.302.15:22:25.96:!2004.302.15:26:36 2004.302.15:26:36.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:26:36.00/disc_pos/390641544872,390640544872, 2004.302.15:26:36.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:26:37.04:!2004.302.15:26:36 2004.302.15:26:37.05:preob 2004.302.15:26:37.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:26:37.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:26:40.64/tpical/1u,6704,2u,9593,3u,24121,4u,37404,i1,16377 2004.302.15:26:40.64/tpical/9u,8333,au,28142,bu,16850,cu,9821,du,10305,eu,28837 2004.302.15:26:40.64/tpical/i2,8196 2004.302.15:26:40.64/tpical/5u,41117,6u,31754,7u,43910,8u,15214,i3,55857 2004.302.15:26:43.29/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,739,4u,497,i1,103 2004.302.15:26:43.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,861,bu,709,cu,512,du,599,eu,827,i2,66 2004.302.15:26:43.29/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.15:26:46.38:!2004.302.15:26:46 2004.302.15:26:46.38:disc_pos 2004.302.15:26:46.39/disc_pos/390785437696,390640544872, 2004.302.15:26:46.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:26:46.39:midob 2004.302.15:26:46.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:26:46.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:26:46.78/cable/+3.5918154E-02 2004.302.15:26:46.85/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11203,6316 2004.302.15:26:46.92/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,37443 2004.302.15:26:46.99/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7056 2004.302.15:26:47.06/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22144 2004.302.15:26:47.13/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11649 2004.302.15:26:47.69/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:26:48.21/tpi/1u,4860,2u,7056,3u,16720,4u,25433,i1,11200 2004.302.15:26:48.21/tpi/9u,7801,au,21941,bu,11628,cu,7163,du,7549,eu,25372,i2,6408 2004.302.15:26:48.22/tpi/5u,27041,6u,22121,7u,31146,8u,11071,i3,37399 2004.302.15:26:48.23/tpdiff/1u,1844,2u,2537,3u,7401,4u,11971,i1,5177 2004.302.15:26:48.23/tpdiff/9u,532,au,6201,bu,5222,cu,2658,du,2756,eu,3465,i2,1788 2004.302.15:26:48.24/tpdiff/5u,14076,6u,9633,7u,12764,8u,4143,i3,18458 2004.302.15:26:48.25/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:26:48.26/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:26:48.27/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:26:48.27/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:26:48.28/tsys/1u,57.7,2u,59.1,3u,56.1,4u,54.2,i1,55.7 2004.302.15:26:48.29/tsys/9u,458.9,au,108.8,bu,66.9,cu,80.1,du,80.7,eu,226.7,i2,113.5 2004.302.15:26:48.29/tsys/5u,49.3,6u,58.9,7u,61.1,8u,62.7,i3,52.4 2004.302.15:26:48.88/fmout-gps/+6.3389E-006 2004.302.15:26:48.89:!2004.302.15:27:26 2004.302.15:26:48.95#setcl#time/369348975,4,2004,302,15,26,49.02,2.006,24.531,11 2004.302.15:26:48.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:27:26.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:27:26.01:disc_end 2004.302.15:27:26.27:disc_pos 2004.302.15:27:26.27/disc_pos/391428218192,390641544872, 2004.302.15:27:26.28:disc_check 2004.302.15:27:26.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h27m26.275s,2452,0.00500s,80000,4157553924, 2004.302.15:27:26.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:27:26.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 744080 : 4090 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:26.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 743991 : 4159 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:26.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 744072 : 4085 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:26.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 743811 : 4376 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:26.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 743949 : 4222 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:26.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 743873 : 4289 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:26.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 743688 : 4474 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:26.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 744183 : 3988 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:26.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.44 2004.302.15:27:26.98/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.302.15:27:27.09/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.302.15:27:27.20/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.15:27:27.31/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.71 2004.302.15:27:27.42/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.15:27:27.53/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.15:27:27.64/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,22.99 2004.302.15:27:27.75/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,65.68 2004.302.15:27:27.75:scan_name=302-1531,rd0408,88 2004.302.15:27:27.75:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:27:30.77:setupnw 2004.302.15:27:34.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:34.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:27:34.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:27:34.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 579 ; 2004.302.15:27:34.95:!2004.302.15:31:12 2004.302.15:31:12.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:31:12.00/disc_pos/391428218192,391427218192, 2004.302.15:31:12.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:31:13.04:!2004.302.15:31:12 2004.302.15:31:13.04:preob 2004.302.15:31:13.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:31:13.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:31:16.62/tpical/1u,6273,2u,8997,3u,22441,4u,35245,i1,15243 2004.302.15:31:16.62/tpical/9u,7515,au,27871,bu,16376,cu,9534,du,11114,eu,23368 2004.302.15:31:16.62/tpical/i2,9824 2004.302.15:31:16.62/tpical/5u,39074,6u,30094,7u,42061,8u,14582,i3,52903 2004.302.15:31:19.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,741,4u,496,i1,103 2004.302.15:31:19.27/tpzero/9u,176,au,869,bu,710,cu,512,du,599,eu,827,i2,64 2004.302.15:31:19.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1164,8u,1084,i3,181 2004.302.15:31:22.36:!2004.302.15:31:22 2004.302.15:31:22.36:disc_pos 2004.302.15:31:22.37/disc_pos/391572111360,391427218192, 2004.302.15:31:22.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:31:22.37:midob 2004.302.15:31:22.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:31:22.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:31:22.54/cable/+3.5916053E-02 2004.302.15:31:22.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10030,8810 2004.302.15:31:22.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34020 2004.302.15:31:22.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6437 2004.302.15:31:22.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20221 2004.302.15:31:22.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11108 2004.302.15:31:23.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:31:23.98/tpi/1u,4420,2u,6437,3u,14987,4u,22937,i1,10029 2004.302.15:31:23.98/tpi/9u,6618,au,21590,bu,11098,cu,6864,du,8405,eu,19839,i2,9473 2004.302.15:31:23.99/tpi/5u,24603,6u,20250,7u,28774,8u,10314,i3,34017 2004.302.15:31:24.00/tpdiff/1u,1853,2u,2560,3u,7454,4u,12308,i1,5214 2004.302.15:31:24.00/tpdiff/9u,897,au,6281,bu,5278,cu,2670,du,2709,eu,3529,i2,351 2004.302.15:31:24.01/tpdiff/5u,14471,6u,9844,7u,13287,8u,4268,i3,18886 2004.302.15:31:24.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:31:24.03/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:31:24.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:31:24.04/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:31:24.05/tsys/1u,51.3,2u,52.3,3u,49.7,4u,47.4,i1,49.5 2004.302.15:31:24.06/tsys/9u,229.8,au,105.6,bu,63.0,cu,76.1,du,92.2,eu,172.4,i2,857.8 2004.302.15:31:24.06/tsys/5u,43.6,6u,52.7,7u,54.0,8u,56.2,i3,46.6 2004.302.15:31:24.88/fmout-gps/+6.4414E-006 2004.302.15:31:24.89:!2004.302.15:32:50 2004.302.15:31:24.96#setcl#time/369376574,3,2004,302,15,31,25.02,2.009,24.608,11 2004.302.15:31:24.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:32:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:32:50.00:disc_end 2004.302.15:32:50.26:disc_pos 2004.302.15:32:50.26/disc_pos/392982804152,391428218192, 2004.302.15:32:50.26:disc_check 2004.302.15:32:50.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h32m50.265s,63160,0.00500s,80000,3629193332, 2004.302.15:32:50.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:32:50.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 747034 : 4103 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 746941 : 4177 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 747023 : 4103 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 746760 : 4395 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:50.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 746903 : 4236 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:50.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 746825 : 4304 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 746649 : 4481 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:50.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 747131 : 4007 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:50.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,10.68 2004.302.15:32:50.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.302.15:32:51.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.302.15:32:51.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.15:32:51.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.95 2004.302.15:32:51.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.15:32:51.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.15:32:51.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.15:32:51.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.33 2004.302.15:32:51.71:scan_name=302-1535,rd0408,40 2004.302.15:32:51.71:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:32:54.72:setupnw 2004.302.15:32:58.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:58.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:32:58.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:32:58.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 581 ; 2004.302.15:32:58.98:!2004.302.15:35:04 2004.302.15:35:04.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:35:04.00/disc_pos/392982804152,392981804152, 2004.302.15:35:04.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:35:05.04:!2004.302.15:35:04 2004.302.15:35:05.05:preob 2004.302.15:35:05.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:35:05.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:35:08.62/tpical/1u,6476,2u,9069,3u,22478,4u,34911,i1,15203 2004.302.15:35:08.62/tpical/9u,6958,au,27835,bu,16752,cu,9752,du,15285,eu,31405 2004.302.15:35:08.62/tpical/i2,7426 2004.302.15:35:08.62/tpical/5u,38138,6u,29421,7u,40929,8u,14754,i3,52220 2004.302.15:35:11.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,740,4u,495,i1,99 2004.302.15:35:11.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,848,bu,708,cu,512,du,599,eu,827,i2,58 2004.302.15:35:11.27/tpzero/5u,343,6u,285,7u,1162,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.15:35:14.36:!2004.302.15:35:14 2004.302.15:35:14.36:disc_pos 2004.302.15:35:14.38/disc_pos/393126690816,392981804152, 2004.302.15:35:14.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:35:14.39:midob 2004.302.15:35:14.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:35:14.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:35:14.74/cable/+3.5916942E-02 2004.302.15:35:14.81/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10052,5138 2004.302.15:35:14.88/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34147 2004.302.15:35:14.95/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6489 2004.302.15:35:15.02/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19832 2004.302.15:35:15.09/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11402 2004.302.15:35:15.65/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:35:16.18/tpi/1u,4675,2u,6489,3u,15007,4u,22838,i1,10051 2004.302.15:35:16.18/tpi/9u,5153,au,21264,bu,11392,cu,7000,du,12875,eu,26280,i2,5243 2004.302.15:35:16.19/tpi/5u,24095,6u,19832,7u,28111,8u,11062,i3,34282 2004.302.15:35:16.20/tpdiff/1u,1801,2u,2580,3u,7471,4u,12073,i1,5152 2004.302.15:35:16.20/tpdiff/9u,1805,au,6571,bu,5360,cu,2752,du,2410,eu,5125,i2,2183 2004.302.15:35:16.21/tpdiff/5u,14043,6u,9589,7u,12818,8u,3692,i3,17938 2004.302.15:35:16.22/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:35:16.22/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:35:16.23/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:35:16.24/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:35:16.25/tsys/1u,56.4,2u,52.4,3u,49.7,4u,48.1,i1,50.2 2004.302.15:35:16.25/tsys/9u,88.3,au,99.4,bu,63.8,cu,75.4,du,163.0,eu,158.9,i2,76.0 2004.302.15:35:16.26/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,53.0,7u,54.7,8u,70.3,i3,49.4 2004.302.15:35:16.89/fmout-gps/+6.4114E-006 2004.302.15:35:16.90:!2004.302.15:35:54 2004.302.15:35:16.96#setcl#time/369399774,4,2004,302,15,35,17.03,2.014,24.673,11 2004.302.15:35:16.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:35:54.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:35:54.00:disc_end 2004.302.15:35:54.26:disc_pos 2004.302.15:35:54.26/disc_pos/393769156240,392982804152, 2004.302.15:35:54.27:disc_check 2004.302.15:35:54.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h35m54.260s,64520,0.00500s,80000,2157566552, 2004.302.15:35:54.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:35:54.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 748526 : 4113 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:35:54.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 748433 : 4187 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:35:54.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 748518 : 4110 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:35:54.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 748254 : 4405 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:35:54.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 748398 : 4243 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:35:54.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 748321 : 4312 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:35:54.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 748141 : 4491 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:35:54.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 748620 : 4020 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:35:54.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.05 2004.302.15:35:54.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.302.15:35:55.08/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.54 2004.302.15:35:55.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.15:35:55.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.83 2004.302.15:35:55.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.15:35:55.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.15:35:55.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.15:35:55.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.15:35:55.74:scan_name=302-1547b,rd0408,40 2004.302.15:35:55.75:source=1124-186,112434.01,-184046.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:35:58.77:setupnw 2004.302.15:36:02.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:36:02.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:36:02.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:36:02.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 583 ; 2004.302.15:36:02.96:!2004.302.15:47:27 2004.302.15:47:27.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:47:27.00/disc_pos/393769156240,393768156240, 2004.302.15:47:27.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:47:28.04:!2004.302.15:47:27 2004.302.15:47:28.04:preob 2004.302.15:47:28.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:47:28.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:47:31.63/tpical/1u,6338,2u,9202,3u,22611,4u,35271,i1,15438 2004.302.15:47:31.63/tpical/9u,6986,au,27480,bu,16985,cu,9816,du,9903,eu,25873,i2,7394 2004.302.15:47:31.63/tpical/5u,38752,6u,29634,7u,41061,8u,15104,i3,52199 2004.302.15:47:34.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,742,4u,497,i1,97 2004.302.15:47:34.28/tpzero/9u,171,au,845,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,826,i2,58 2004.302.15:47:34.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.15:47:37.38:!2004.302.15:47:37 2004.302.15:47:37.38:disc_pos 2004.302.15:47:37.38/disc_pos/393913044992,393768156240, 2004.302.15:47:37.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:47:37.39:midob 2004.302.15:47:37.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:47:37.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:47:37.77/cable/+3.5915719E-02 2004.302.15:47:37.84/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10341,5151 2004.302.15:47:37.91/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,34162 2004.302.15:47:37.98/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6655 2004.302.15:47:38.05/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20252 2004.302.15:47:38.13/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11685 2004.302.15:47:38.69/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:47:39.23/tpi/1u,4502,2u,6655,3u,15342,4u,23422,i1,10327 2004.302.15:47:39.23/tpi/9u,5023,au,21064,bu,11673,cu,7113,du,7442,eu,22076,i2,5144 2004.302.15:47:39.24/tpi/5u,24769,6u,20238,7u,28454,8u,11251,i3,34149 2004.302.15:47:39.25/tpdiff/1u,1836,2u,2547,3u,7269,4u,11849,i1,5111 2004.302.15:47:39.25/tpdiff/9u,1963,au,6416,bu,5312,cu,2703,du,2461,eu,3797,i2,2250 2004.302.15:47:39.26/tpdiff/5u,13983,6u,9396,7u,12607,8u,3853,i3,18050 2004.302.15:47:39.27/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:47:39.27/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:47:39.28/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:47:39.29/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:47:39.30/tsys/1u,52.9,2u,54.8,3u,52.2,4u,50.3,i1,52.0 2004.302.15:47:39.31/tsys/9u,79.1,au,100.8,bu,66.1,cu,78.1,du,89.0,eu,179.1,i2,72.3 2004.302.15:47:39.31/tsys/5u,45.4,6u,55.2,7u,56.3,8u,68.6,i3,48.9 2004.302.15:47:39.88/fmout-gps/+6.3589E-006 2004.302.15:47:39.89:!2004.302.15:48:17 2004.302.15:47:39.95#setcl#time/369474072,4,2004,302,15,47,40.02,2.007,24.879,11 2004.302.15:47:39.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:48:17.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:48:17.01:disc_end 2004.302.15:48:17.27:disc_pos 2004.302.15:48:17.27/disc_pos/394555829216,393769156240, 2004.302.15:48:17.28:disc_check 2004.302.15:48:17.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h48m17.275s,35056,0.00500s,80000,11101596488, 2004.302.15:48:17.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:48:17.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 750019 : 4123 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:17.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 749924 : 4198 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:17.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 750013 : 4118 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:17.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 749748 : 4413 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:17.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 749893 : 4251 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:17.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 749814 : 4323 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:17.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 749633 : 4503 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:17.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 750111 : 4032 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:17.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.88 2004.302.15:48:17.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.52 2004.302.15:48:18.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.52 2004.302.15:48:18.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.15:48:18.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.66 2004.302.15:48:18.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.15:48:18.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.15:48:18.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.15:48:18.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.15:48:18.71:scan_name=302-1551a,rd0408,114 2004.302.15:48:18.71:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:48:21.73:setupnw 2004.302.15:48:25.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:25.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:48:25.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:48:25.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 585 ; 2004.302.15:48:25.96:!2004.302.15:50:57 2004.302.15:50:57.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:50:57.00/disc_pos/394555829216,394554829216, 2004.302.15:50:57.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:50:58.03:!2004.302.15:50:57 2004.302.15:50:58.04:preob 2004.302.15:50:58.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:50:58.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:51:01.61/tpical/1u,5938,2u,8624,3u,20966,4u,32950,i1,14410 2004.302.15:51:01.61/tpical/9u,12387,au,27596,bu,15688,cu,9003,du,10879,eu,38539 2004.302.15:51:01.61/tpical/i2,20388 2004.302.15:51:01.61/tpical/5u,36498,6u,28373,7u,39571,8u,13725,i3,49574 2004.302.15:51:04.26/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,739,4u,496,i1,98 2004.302.15:51:04.26/tpzero/9u,172,au,986,bu,709,cu,511,du,599,eu,828,i2,64 2004.302.15:51:04.26/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1167,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.15:51:07.35:!2004.302.15:51:07 2004.302.15:51:07.35:disc_pos 2004.302.15:51:07.37/disc_pos/394699718656,394554829216, 2004.302.15:51:07.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:51:07.38:midob 2004.302.15:51:07.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:51:07.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:51:07.66/cable/+3.5915639E-02 2004.302.15:51:07.73/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9379,19231 2004.302.15:51:07.80/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31441 2004.302.15:51:07.87/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6147 2004.302.15:51:07.94/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18834 2004.302.15:51:08.01/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10625 2004.302.15:51:08.57/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:51:09.09/tpi/1u,4160,2u,6147,3u,13866,4u,21184,i1,9382 2004.302.15:51:09.09/tpi/9u,10681,au,21370,bu,10624,cu,6421,du,8635,eu,34933,i2,19363 2004.302.15:51:09.11/tpi/5u,22593,6u,18834,7u,26729,8u,9611,i3,31462 2004.302.15:51:09.12/tpdiff/1u,1778,2u,2477,3u,7100,4u,11766,i1,5028 2004.302.15:51:09.13/tpdiff/9u,1706,au,6226,bu,5064,cu,2582,du,2244,eu,3606,i2,1025 2004.302.15:51:09.13/tpdiff/5u,13905,6u,9539,7u,12842,8u,4114,i3,18112 2004.302.15:51:09.14/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:51:09.15/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:51:09.15/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:51:09.16/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:51:09.17/tsys/1u,49.6,2u,51.0,3u,48.1,4u,45.7,i1,48.0 2004.302.15:51:09.18/tsys/9u,197.1,au,104.8,bu,62.7,cu,73.2,du,114.6,eu,302.7,i2,602.5 2004.302.15:51:09.18/tsys/5u,41.6,6u,50.6,7u,51.8,8u,53.9,i3,44.9 2004.302.15:51:09.89/fmout-gps/+6.4239E-006 2004.302.15:51:09.89:!2004.302.15:53:01 2004.302.15:51:09.96#setcl#time/369495072,4,2004,302,15,51,10.02,2.002,24.937,10 2004.302.15:51:09.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:53:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:53:01.01:disc_end 2004.302.15:53:01.26:disc_pos 2004.302.15:53:01.27/disc_pos/396526613288,394555829216, 2004.302.15:53:01.27:disc_check 2004.302.15:53:01.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h53m01.270s,55676,0.00500s,80000,2573115308, 2004.302.15:53:01.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:53:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 753764 : 4139 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:01.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 753660 : 4224 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:01.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 753756 : 4136 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:01.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 753490 : 4433 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:01.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 753635 : 4270 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:01.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 753559 : 4340 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:01.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 753377 : 4522 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:01.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 753851 : 4053 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:01.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.302.15:53:01.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.88 2004.302.15:53:02.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.52 2004.302.15:53:02.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.15:53:02.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.93 2004.302.15:53:02.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.15:53:02.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.15:53:02.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.15:53:02.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.15:53:02.73:scan_name=302-1555,rd0408,40 2004.302.15:53:02.73:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:53:05.75:setupnw 2004.302.15:53:09.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:09.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:53:09.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:53:09.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 587 ; 2004.302.15:53:09.96:!2004.302.15:55:32 2004.302.15:55:32.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:55:32.00/disc_pos/396526613288,396525613288, 2004.302.15:55:32.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:55:33.04:!2004.302.15:55:32 2004.302.15:55:33.04:preob 2004.302.15:55:33.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:55:33.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:55:36.64/tpical/1u,5975,2u,8614,3u,21271,4u,33404,i1,14509 2004.302.15:55:36.64/tpical/9u,6814,au,26821,bu,16326,cu,9380,du,24073,eu,46850 2004.302.15:55:36.64/tpical/i2,7141 2004.302.15:55:36.64/tpical/5u,36959,6u,28807,7u,40550,8u,13966,i3,50395 2004.302.15:55:39.31/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,496,i1,98 2004.302.15:55:39.31/tpzero/9u,175,au,853,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,829,i2,67 2004.302.15:55:39.31/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.15:55:42.40:!2004.302.15:55:42 2004.302.15:55:42.40:disc_pos 2004.302.15:55:42.40/disc_pos/396670504960,396525613288, 2004.302.15:55:42.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:55:42.41:midob 2004.302.15:55:42.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:55:42.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:55:42.70/cable/+3.5917538E-02 2004.302.15:55:42.77/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9447,4971 2004.302.15:55:42.84/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32032 2004.302.15:55:42.91/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6138 2004.302.15:55:42.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19130 2004.302.15:55:43.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11015 2004.302.15:55:43.61/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:55:44.14/tpi/1u,4183,2u,6138,3u,14049,4u,21492,i1,9445 2004.302.15:55:44.14/tpi/9u,4972,au,20266,bu,11024,cu,6691,du,21944,eu,40516,i2,5023 2004.302.15:55:44.15/tpi/5u,22918,6u,19130,7u,27409,8u,9808,i3,32025 2004.302.15:55:44.16/tpdiff/1u,1792,2u,2476,3u,7222,4u,11912,i1,5064 2004.302.15:55:44.16/tpdiff/9u,1842,au,6555,bu,5302,cu,2689,du,2129,eu,6334,i2,2118 2004.302.15:55:44.17/tpdiff/5u,14041,6u,9677,7u,13141,8u,4158,i3,18370 2004.302.15:55:44.18/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:55:44.18/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:55:44.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:55:44.20/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:55:44.21/tsys/1u,49.5,2u,50.9,3u,47.9,4u,45.8,i1,48.0 2004.302.15:55:44.21/tsys/9u,83.3,au,94.8,bu,62.3,cu,73.5,du,320.8,eu,200.5,i2,74.9 2004.302.15:55:44.22/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,50.6,7u,51.9,8u,54.6,i3,45.1 2004.302.15:55:44.88/fmout-gps/+6.3489E-006 2004.302.15:55:44.89:!2004.302.15:56:22 2004.302.15:55:44.95#setcl#time/369522571,4,2004,302,15,55,45.02,2.005,25.014,11 2004.302.15:55:44.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.15:56:22.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.15:56:22.00:disc_end 2004.302.15:56:22.26:disc_pos 2004.302.15:56:22.26/disc_pos/397313127816,396526613288, 2004.302.15:56:22.26:disc_check 2004.302.15:56:22.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d15h56m22.265s,37664,0.00500s,80000,2429423484, 2004.302.15:56:22.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.15:56:22.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 755253 : 4153 : 11 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:22.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 755150 : 4236 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 755252 : 4143 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:22.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 754983 : 4442 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 755128 : 4279 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 755058 : 4345 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:22.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 754863 : 4538 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:22.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 755347 : 4060 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:22.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.15:56:22.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.01 2004.302.15:56:23.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.64 2004.302.15:56:23.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.15:56:23.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.69 2004.302.15:56:23.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.15:56:23.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.15:56:23.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.15:56:23.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.15:56:23.71:scan_name=302-1558,rd0408,101 2004.302.15:56:23.71:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.15:56:26.72:setupnw 2004.302.15:56:30.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:30.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.15:56:30.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.15:56:30.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 589 ; 2004.302.15:56:30.96:!2004.302.15:58:41 2004.302.15:58:41.00:disc_pos 2004.302.15:58:41.00/disc_pos/397313127816,397312127816, 2004.302.15:58:41.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.15:58:42.04:!2004.302.15:58:41 2004.302.15:58:42.04:preob 2004.302.15:58:42.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:58:42.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:58:45.64/tpical/1u,5985,2u,8616,3u,21037,4u,33170,i1,14419 2004.302.15:58:45.64/tpical/9u,11165,au,27451,bu,15862,cu,9113,du,9852,eu,23966 2004.302.15:58:45.64/tpical/i2,10565 2004.302.15:58:45.64/tpical/5u,36860,6u,28549,7u,40210,8u,13881,i3,49992 2004.302.15:58:48.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,494,i1,98 2004.302.15:58:48.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,897,bu,708,cu,512,du,599,eu,826,i2,56 2004.302.15:58:48.29/tpzero/5u,341,6u,283,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.15:58:51.38:!2004.302.15:58:51 2004.302.15:58:51.38:disc_pos 2004.302.15:58:51.38/disc_pos/397457018880,397312127816, 2004.302.15:58:51.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.15:58:51.40:midob 2004.302.15:58:51.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.15:58:51.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.15:58:51.70/cable/+3.5916353E-02 2004.302.15:58:51.78/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9370,9743 2004.302.15:58:51.85/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31719 2004.302.15:58:51.92/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6137 2004.302.15:58:51.99/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18938 2004.302.15:58:52.06/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10756 2004.302.15:58:52.62/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.15:58:53.16/tpi/1u,4197,2u,6137,3u,13916,4u,21369,i1,9369 2004.302.15:58:53.16/tpi/9u,10483,au,21298,bu,10767,cu,6490,du,7415,eu,20322,i2,13677 2004.302.15:58:53.17/tpi/5u,22859,6u,18938,7u,27215,8u,9712,i3,31717 2004.302.15:58:53.18/tpdiff/1u,1788,2u,2479,3u,7121,4u,11801,i1,5050 2004.302.15:58:53.18/tpdiff/9u,682,au,6153,bu,5095,cu,2623,du,2437,eu,3644,i2,-3112 2004.302.15:58:53.19/tpdiff/5u,14001,6u,9611,7u,12995,8u,4169,i3,18275 2004.302.15:58:53.20/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.15:58:53.21/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.15:58:53.21/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.15:58:53.22/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.15:58:53.23?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.15:58:53.24/tsys/1u,49.9,2u,50.8,3u,48.1,4u,46.0,i1,47.7 2004.302.15:58:53.24/tsys/9u,483.8,au,106.1,bu,63.2,cu,72.9,du,89.5,eu,171.2,i2,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.15:58:53.25/tsys/5u,41.8,6u,50.5,7u,52.1,8u,53.8,i3,44.9 2004.302.15:58:53.88/fmout-gps/+6.3744E-006 2004.302.15:58:53.89:!2004.302.16:00:32 2004.302.15:58:53.96#setcl#time/369541471,4,2004,302,15,58,54.02,2.001,25.066,10 2004.302.15:58:53.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:00:32.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:00:32.00:disc_end 2004.302.16:00:32.26:disc_pos 2004.302.16:00:32.27/disc_pos/399075732512,397313127816, 2004.302.16:00:32.27:disc_check 2004.302.16:00:32.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h00m32.265s,15012,0.00500s,80000,2237417956, 2004.302.16:00:32.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:00:32.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 758596 : 4173 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:32.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 758489 : 4261 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:32.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 758597 : 4164 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:32.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 758331 : 4458 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:32.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 758478 : 4294 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:32.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 758406 : 4361 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:32.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 758212 : 4554 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:32.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 758692 : 4078 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:32.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.66 2004.302.16:00:32.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.25 2004.302.16:00:33.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.76 2004.302.16:00:33.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.16:00:33.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.05 2004.302.16:00:33.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.16:00:33.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.16:00:33.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.16:00:33.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,68.31 2004.302.16:00:33.71:scan_name=302-1604,rd0408,53 2004.302.16:00:33.71:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:00:36.73:setupnw 2004.302.16:00:40.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:40.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:00:40.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:00:40.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 591 ; 2004.302.16:00:40.96:!2004.302.16:04:03 2004.302.16:04:03.00:disc_pos 2004.302.16:04:03.00/disc_pos/399075732512,399074732512, 2004.302.16:04:03.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.16:04:04.04:!2004.302.16:04:03 2004.302.16:04:04.04:preob 2004.302.16:04:04.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:04:04.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:04:07.64/tpical/1u,6003,2u,8576,3u,20344,4u,31792,i1,14065 2004.302.16:04:07.64/tpical/9u,13331,au,27608,bu,15453,cu,8962,du,12757,eu,57770 2004.302.16:04:07.64/tpical/i2,21415 2004.302.16:04:07.64/tpical/5u,34835,6u,27115,7u,37676,8u,13529,i3,47951 2004.302.16:04:10.32/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1289,3u,739,4u,495,i1,95 2004.302.16:04:10.32/tpzero/9u,170,au,1382,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,829,i2,47 2004.302.16:04:10.32/tpzero/5u,341,6u,286,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.16:04:13.41:!2004.302.16:04:13 2004.302.16:04:13.41:disc_pos 2004.302.16:04:13.42/disc_pos/399219625984,399074732512, 2004.302.16:04:13.42:data_valid=on 2004.302.16:04:13.42:midob 2004.302.16:04:13.43#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:04:13.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:04:13.53/cable/+3.5912543E-02 2004.302.16:04:13.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9133,18982 2004.302.16:04:13.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30587 2004.302.16:04:13.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6111 2004.302.16:04:13.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17925 2004.302.16:04:13.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10443 2004.302.16:04:14.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.16:04:14.97/tpi/1u,4231,2u,6101,3u,13413,4u,20409,i1,9131 2004.302.16:04:14.97/tpi/9u,11612,au,21461,bu,10448,cu,6410,du,10298,eu,56295,i2,18708 2004.302.16:04:14.98/tpi/5u,21507,6u,17931,7u,25406,8u,9624,i3,30576 2004.302.16:04:14.99/tpdiff/1u,1772,2u,2475,3u,6931,4u,11383,i1,4934 2004.302.16:04:14.99/tpdiff/9u,1719,au,6147,bu,5005,cu,2552,du,2459,eu,1475,i2,2707 2004.302.16:04:15.00/tpdiff/5u,13328,6u,9184,7u,12270,8u,3905,i3,17375 2004.302.16:04:15.01/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.16:04:15.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.16:04:15.02/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.16:04:15.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.16:04:15.04/tsys/1u,50.8,2u,50.6,3u,47.5,4u,45.5,i1,47.6 2004.302.16:04:15.04/tsys/9u,213.0,au,104.5,bu,62.3,cu,74.0,du,126.2,eu,1203.3,i2,220.6 2004.302.16:04:15.05/tsys/5u,41.3,6u,50.0,7u,51.4,8u,56.9,i3,45.5 2004.302.16:04:15.88/fmout-gps/+6.3674E-006 2004.302.16:04:15.88:!2004.302.16:05:06 2004.302.16:04:15.95#setcl#time/369573670,4,2004,302,16,04,16.02,2.004,25.156,11 2004.302.16:04:15.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:04:46.50;"weather: clear 2004.302.16:05:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:05:06.01:disc_end 2004.302.16:05:06.27:disc_pos 2004.302.16:05:06.27/disc_pos/400070428392,399075732512, 2004.302.16:05:06.28:disc_check 2004.302.16:05:06.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h05m06.280s,64928,0.00500s,80000,3389494204, 2004.302.16:05:06.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:05:06.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 760480 : 4188 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 760376 : 4274 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 760486 : 4174 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:06.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 760220 : 4469 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:06.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 760371 : 4300 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:06.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 760295 : 4372 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:06.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 760100 : 4567 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:06.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 760579 : 4091 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:06.84/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.302.16:05:06.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.37 2004.302.16:05:07.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.01 2004.302.16:05:07.19/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.16:05:07.30/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.302.16:05:07.41/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.16:05:07.52/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.16:05:07.63/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.16:05:07.74/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.302.16:05:07.74:scan_name=302-1607,rd0408,40 2004.302.16:05:07.74:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:05:10.76:setupnw 2004.302.16:05:14.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:14.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:05:14.96/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:05:14.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 593 ; 2004.302.16:05:14.97:!2004.302.16:07:40 2004.302.16:07:40.00:disc_pos 2004.302.16:07:40.00/disc_pos/400070428392,400069428392, 2004.302.16:07:40.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.16:07:41.04:!2004.302.16:07:40 2004.302.16:07:41.05:preob 2004.302.16:07:41.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:07:41.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:07:44.64/tpical/1u,5775,2u,8338,3u,19677,4u,30435,i1,13531 2004.302.16:07:44.64/tpical/9u,8802,au,26479,bu,15398,cu,8834,du,12588,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.16:07:44.64/tpical/i2,7451 2004.302.16:07:44.64/tpical/5u,33265,6u,26034,7u,36052,8u,12469,i3,45131 2004.302.16:07:47.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,739,4u,496,i1,92 2004.302.16:07:47.30/tpzero/9u,169,au,874,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,828,i2,50 2004.302.16:07:47.30/tpzero/5u,341,6u,288,7u,1167,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.16:07:50.39:!2004.302.16:07:50 2004.302.16:07:50.39:disc_pos 2004.302.16:07:50.39/disc_pos/400214319104,400069428392, 2004.302.16:07:50.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.16:07:50.40:midob 2004.302.16:07:50.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:07:50.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:07:50.62/cable/+3.5912122E-02 2004.302.16:07:50.69/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8830,5004 2004.302.16:07:50.77/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,28682 2004.302.16:07:50.84/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,5977 2004.302.16:07:50.91/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17242 2004.302.16:07:50.98/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10447 2004.302.16:07:51.54/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.16:07:52.06/tpi/1u,4073,2u,5984,3u,13060,4u,19595,i1,8815 2004.302.16:07:52.06/tpi/9u,6693,au,20017,bu,10429,cu,6321,du,11064,eu,64790,i2,5489 2004.302.16:07:52.07/tpi/5u,20740,6u,17242,7u,24343,8u,8769,i3,28555 2004.302.16:07:52.08/tpdiff/1u,1702,2u,2354,3u,6617,4u,10840,i1,4716 2004.302.16:07:52.08/tpdiff/9u,2109,au,6462,bu,4969,cu,2513,du,1524,eu,$$$$$,i2,1962 2004.302.16:07:52.09/tpdiff/5u,12525,6u,8792,7u,11709,8u,3700,i3,16576 2004.302.16:07:52.10/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.16:07:52.10/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.16:07:52.12/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.16:07:52.13/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.16:07:52.14?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.16:07:52.14/tsys/1u,50.5,2u,51.8,3u,48.4,4u,45.8,i1,48.1 2004.302.16:07:52.15/tsys/9u,99.0,au,94.8,bu,62.6,cu,74.0,du,219.7,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,88.7 2004.302.16:07:52.16/tsys/5u,42.3,6u,50.1,7u,51.5,8u,54.0,i3,44.5 2004.302.16:07:52.88/fmout-gps/+6.4319E-006 2004.302.16:07:52.89:!2004.302.16:08:30 2004.302.16:07:52.96#setcl#time/369595369,3,2004,302,16,07,53.02,2.008,25.216,11 2004.302.16:07:52.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:08:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:08:30.00:disc_end 2004.302.16:08:30.26:disc_pos 2004.302.16:08:30.27/disc_pos/400856941368,400070428392, 2004.302.16:08:30.27:disc_check 2004.302.16:08:30.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h08m30.265s,42168,0.00500s,80000,2477269784, 2004.302.16:08:30.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:08:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 761977 : 4194 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:30.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 761871 : 4281 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:30.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 761977 : 4186 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 761715 : 4476 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:30.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 761864 : 4311 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:30.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 761788 : 4381 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:30.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 761593 : 4576 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:30.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 762073 : 4101 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:30.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.302.16:08:30.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.302.16:08:31.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.302.16:08:31.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.07 2004.302.16:08:31.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.66 2004.302.16:08:31.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.697 2004.302.16:08:31.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,37.93 2004.302.16:08:31.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.05 2004.302.16:08:31.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.302.16:08:31.72:scan_name=302-1620,rd0408,150 2004.302.16:08:31.72:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:08:34.73:setupnw 2004.302.16:08:38.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:38.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:08:38.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:08:38.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 595 ; 2004.302.16:08:38.96:!2004.302.16:20:34 2004.302.16:20:34.00:disc_pos 2004.302.16:20:34.00/disc_pos/400856941368,400855941368, 2004.302.16:20:34.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.16:20:35.04:!2004.302.16:20:34 2004.302.16:20:35.04:preob 2004.302.16:20:35.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:20:35.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:20:38.63/tpical/1u,6319,2u,8805,3u,21557,4u,33880,i1,14832 2004.302.16:20:38.63/tpical/9u,6424,au,25386,bu,15855,cu,9113,du,8981,eu,33936,i2,6758 2004.302.16:20:38.63/tpical/5u,37475,6u,29190,7u,40883,8u,14162,i3,51432 2004.302.16:20:41.28/tpzero/1u,766,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,496,i1,96 2004.302.16:20:41.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,835,bu,708,cu,513,du,599,eu,827,i2,54 2004.302.16:20:41.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,285,7u,1164,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.16:20:44.37:!2004.302.16:20:44 2004.302.16:20:44.37:disc_pos 2004.302.16:20:44.37/disc_pos/401000833024,400855941368, 2004.302.16:20:44.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.16:20:44.39:midob 2004.302.16:20:44.40#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:20:44.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:20:44.61/cable/+3.5913909E-02 2004.302.16:20:44.68/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9825,4632 2004.302.16:20:44.75/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33345 2004.302.16:20:44.82/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6328 2004.302.16:20:44.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19598 2004.302.16:20:44.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10867 2004.302.16:20:45.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.16:20:46.04/tpi/1u,4531,2u,6329,3u,14523,4u,22188,i1,9821 2004.302.16:20:46.04/tpi/9u,4581,au,20085,bu,10867,cu,6577,du,7013,eu,27731,i2,4625 2004.302.16:20:46.05/tpi/5u,23660,6u,19616,7u,28061,8u,10024,i3,33328 2004.302.16:20:46.06/tpdiff/1u,1788,2u,2476,3u,7034,4u,11692,i1,5011 2004.302.16:20:46.06/tpdiff/9u,1843,au,5301,bu,4988,cu,2536,du,1968,eu,6205,i2,2133 2004.302.16:20:46.07/tpdiff/5u,13815,6u,9574,7u,12822,8u,4138,i3,18104 2004.302.16:20:46.08/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.16:20:46.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.16:20:46.09/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.16:20:46.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.16:20:46.11/tsys/1u,54.7,2u,52.9,3u,50.9,4u,48.2,i1,50.5 2004.302.16:20:46.11/tsys/9u,76.6,au,116.2,bu,65.2,cu,76.5,du,104.3,eu,138.7,i2,68.6 2004.302.16:20:46.12/tsys/5u,43.9,6u,52.5,7u,54.5,8u,56.2,i3,47.6 2004.302.16:20:46.87/fmout-gps/+6.4044E-006 2004.302.16:20:46.88:!2004.302.16:23:14 2004.302.16:20:46.95#setcl#time/369672768,4,2004,302,16,20,47.02,2.001,25.431,11 2004.302.16:20:46.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:23:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:23:14.00:disc_end 2004.302.16:23:14.26:disc_pos 2004.302.16:23:14.27/disc_pos/403403458376,400856941368, 2004.302.16:23:14.27:disc_check 2004.302.16:23:14.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h23m14.265s,51476,0.00500s,80000,11597473684, 2004.302.16:23:14.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:23:14.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 766807 : 4223 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 766706 : 4306 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:14.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 766808 : 4214 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:14.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 766546 : 4505 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 766695 : 4341 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 766630 : 4399 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 766430 : 4599 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:14.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 766905 : 4129 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:14.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.14 2004.302.16:23:14.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.302.16:23:15.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.302.16:23:15.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.16:23:15.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.42 2004.302.16:23:15.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.16:23:15.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,37.93 2004.302.16:23:15.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.12 2004.302.16:23:15.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.16:23:15.70:scan_name=302-1624,rd0408,40 2004.302.16:23:15.70:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:23:18.72:setupnw 2004.302.16:23:22.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:22.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:23:22.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:23:22.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 597 ; 2004.302.16:23:22.96:!2004.302.16:24:09 2004.302.16:24:09.00:disc_pos 2004.302.16:24:09.00/disc_pos/403403458376,403402458376, 2004.302.16:24:09.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.16:24:10.04:!2004.302.16:24:09 2004.302.16:24:10.04:preob 2004.302.16:24:10.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:24:10.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:24:13.62/tpical/1u,6803,2u,9763,3u,24318,4u,37836,i1,16680 2004.302.16:24:13.62/tpical/9u,7798,au,28488,bu,17024,cu,9873,du,10473,eu,29863 2004.302.16:24:13.62/tpical/i2,7855 2004.302.16:24:13.62/tpical/5u,42049,6u,32584,7u,45518,8u,15874,i3,57373 2004.302.16:24:16.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,497,i1,96 2004.302.16:24:16.28/tpzero/9u,169,au,858,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,826,i2,47 2004.302.16:24:16.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,286,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,182 2004.302.16:24:19.37:!2004.302.16:24:19 2004.302.16:24:19.37:disc_pos 2004.302.16:24:19.37/disc_pos/403547348992,403402458376, 2004.302.16:24:19.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.16:24:19.38:midob 2004.302.16:24:19.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:24:19.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:24:19.55/cable/+3.5913111E-02 2004.302.16:24:19.62/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,11690,5537 2004.302.16:24:19.69/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,39414 2004.302.16:24:19.76/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7301 2004.302.16:24:19.83/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23257 2004.302.16:24:19.90/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11911 2004.302.16:24:20.46/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.16:24:20.98/tpi/1u,5026,2u,7302,3u,17255,4u,26337,i1,11674 2004.302.16:24:20.98/tpi/9u,5873,au,22136,bu,11911,cu,7246,du,7887,eu,29970,i2,5488 2004.302.16:24:20.99/tpi/5u,28254,6u,23235,7u,32903,8u,11838,i3,39376 2004.302.16:24:21.00/tpdiff/1u,1777,2u,2461,3u,7063,4u,11499,i1,5006 2004.302.16:24:21.00/tpdiff/9u,1925,au,6352,bu,5113,cu,2627,du,2586,eu,-107,i2,2367 2004.302.16:24:21.01/tpdiff/5u,13795,6u,9349,7u,12615,8u,4036,i3,17997 2004.302.16:24:21.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.16:24:21.03/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.16:24:21.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.16:24:21.04/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.16:24:21.05?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.16:24:21.06/tsys/1u,62.3,2u,63.5,3u,60.8,4u,58.4,i1,60.1 2004.302.16:24:21.06/tsys/9u,94.8,au,107.2,bu,70.1,cu,82.0,du,90.2,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,73.6 2004.302.16:24:21.07/tsys/5u,52.6,6u,63.8,7u,65.4,8u,69.3,i3,56.6 2004.302.16:24:21.88/fmout-gps/+6.4054E-006 2004.302.16:24:21.89:!2004.302.16:24:59 2004.302.16:24:21.96#setcl#time/369694267,4,2004,302,16,24,22.02,2.005,25.491,11 2004.302.16:24:21.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:24:59.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:24:59.01:disc_end 2004.302.16:24:59.27:disc_pos 2004.302.16:24:59.27/disc_pos/404190131776,403403458376, 2004.302.16:24:59.28:disc_check 2004.302.16:24:59.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h24m59.275s,68112,0.00500s,80000,893469964, 2004.302.16:24:59.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:24:59.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 768301 : 4232 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:24:59.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 768199 : 4316 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:24:59.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 768303 : 4222 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:24:59.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 768044 : 4509 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:24:59.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 768187 : 4352 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:24:59.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 768121 : 4410 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:24:59.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 767922 : 4610 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:24:59.75/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 768400 : 4138 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:24:59.87/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,11.90 2004.302.16:25:00.00/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.25 2004.302.16:25:00.11/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.25 2004.302.16:25:00.23/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.16:25:00.34/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.42 2004.302.16:25:00.46/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.16:25:00.57/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.12 2004.302.16:25:00.68/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.30 2004.302.16:25:00.79/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.16:25:00.80:scan_name=302-1627a,rd0408,40 2004.302.16:25:00.80:source=0552+398,055201.37,394821.9,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:25:03.82:setupnw 2004.302.16:25:07.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:25:07.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:25:07.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:25:07.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 599 ; 2004.302.16:25:07.96:!2004.302.16:27:14 2004.302.16:27:14.00:disc_pos 2004.302.16:27:14.00/disc_pos/404190131776,404189131776, 2004.302.16:27:14.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.16:27:15.04:!2004.302.16:27:14 2004.302.16:27:15.04:preob 2004.302.16:27:15.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:27:15.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:27:18.62/tpical/1u,7410,2u,10664,3u,26787,4u,41573,i1,18444 2004.302.16:27:18.62/tpical/9u,7502,au,29718,bu,18383,cu,10599,du,12421,eu,21556 2004.302.16:27:18.62/tpical/i2,8051 2004.302.16:27:18.62/tpical/5u,45975,6u,35642,7u,49692,8u,17180,i3,63153 2004.302.16:27:21.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,498,i1,90 2004.302.16:27:21.27/tpzero/9u,168,au,849,bu,708,cu,512,du,600,eu,824,i2,46 2004.302.16:27:21.27/tpzero/5u,341,6u,287,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.16:27:24.36:!2004.302.16:27:24 2004.302.16:27:24.36:disc_pos 2004.302.16:27:24.36/disc_pos/404334022656,404189131776, 2004.302.16:27:24.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.16:27:24.37:midob 2004.302.16:27:24.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:27:24.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:27:24.57/cable/+3.5911231E-02 2004.302.16:27:24.64/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,13490,5777 2004.302.16:27:24.71/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,45330 2004.302.16:27:24.78/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8242 2004.302.16:27:24.85/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26376 2004.302.16:27:24.92/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13145 2004.302.16:27:25.48/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.16:27:26.00/tpi/1u,5640,2u,8243,3u,19807,4u,30203,i1,13488 2004.302.16:27:26.00/tpi/9u,5555,au,22328,bu,13145,cu,7926,du,9895,eu,19138,i2,5804 2004.302.16:27:26.01/tpi/5u,32441,6u,26386,7u,37451,8u,13176,i3,45328 2004.302.16:27:26.02/tpdiff/1u,1770,2u,2421,3u,6980,4u,11370,i1,4956 2004.302.16:27:26.03/tpdiff/9u,1947,au,7390,bu,5238,cu,2673,du,2526,eu,2418,i2,2247 2004.302.16:27:26.03/tpdiff/5u,13534,6u,9256,7u,12241,8u,4004,i3,17825 2004.302.16:27:26.04/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.16:27:26.05/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.16:27:26.05/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.16:27:26.06/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.16:27:26.07/tsys/1u,71.6,2u,74.7,3u,71.0,4u,67.9,i1,70.3 2004.302.16:27:26.08/tsys/9u,88.5,au,93.0,bu,76.0,cu,88.8,du,117.8,eu,242.4,i2,82.0 2004.302.16:27:26.08/tsys/5u,61.7,6u,73.3,7u,77.1,8u,78.5,i3,65.9 2004.302.16:27:26.87/fmout-gps/+6.3999E-006 2004.302.16:27:26.88:!2004.302.16:28:04 2004.302.16:27:26.94#setcl#time/369712766,4,2004,302,16,27,27.01,2.001,25.542,11 2004.302.16:27:26.94#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:28:04.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:28:04.00:disc_end 2004.302.16:28:04.26:disc_pos 2004.302.16:28:04.27/disc_pos/404976805680,404190131776, 2004.302.16:28:04.28:disc_check 2004.302.16:28:04.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h28m04.280s,69632,0.00500s,80000,2173404576, 2004.302.16:28:04.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:28:04.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 769795 : 4241 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:04.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 769695 : 4324 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:04.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 769796 : 4232 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:04.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 769530 : 4526 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:04.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 769681 : 4362 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:04.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 769613 : 4421 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:04.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 769416 : 4618 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:04.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 769893 : 4148 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:04.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.02 2004.302.16:28:04.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.01 2004.302.16:28:05.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.25 2004.302.16:28:05.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.16:28:05.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.17 2004.302.16:28:05.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.16:28:05.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.16:28:05.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.86 2004.302.16:28:05.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.302.16:28:05.70:scan_name=302-1634,rd0408,178 2004.302.16:28:05.70:source=0804+499,080458.36,495923.2,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:28:08.72:setupnw 2004.302.16:28:12.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:12.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:28:12.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:28:12.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 601 ; 2004.302.16:28:12.96:!2004.302.16:34:01 2004.302.16:34:01.00:disc_pos 2004.302.16:34:01.00/disc_pos/404976805680,404975805680, 2004.302.16:34:01.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.16:34:02.04:!2004.302.16:34:01 2004.302.16:34:02.04:preob 2004.302.16:34:02.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:34:02.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:34:05.63/tpical/1u,6428,2u,8679,3u,21070,4u,32890,i1,14454 2004.302.16:34:05.63/tpical/9u,11851,au,27833,bu,15776,cu,9085,du,9520,eu,31109 2004.302.16:34:05.63/tpical/i2,11193 2004.302.16:34:05.63/tpical/5u,36430,6u,28193,7u,39298,8u,13745,i3,49561 2004.302.16:34:08.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,741,4u,496,i1,101 2004.302.16:34:08.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,898,bu,708,cu,512,du,599,eu,826,i2,59 2004.302.16:34:08.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.16:34:11.37:!2004.302.16:34:11 2004.302.16:34:11.37:disc_pos 2004.302.16:34:11.38/disc_pos/405120696320,404975805680, 2004.302.16:34:11.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.16:34:11.38:midob 2004.302.16:34:11.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:34:11.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:34:11.73/cable/+3.5912892E-02 2004.302.16:34:11.80/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9547,6024 2004.302.16:34:11.87/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32022 2004.302.16:34:11.94/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6252 2004.302.16:34:12.01/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18995 2004.302.16:34:12.08/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10929 2004.302.16:34:12.64/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.16:34:13.16/tpi/1u,4628,2u,6252,3u,14131,4u,21529,i1,9543 2004.302.16:34:13.16/tpi/9u,7553,au,21189,bu,10913,cu,6625,du,6768,eu,28133,i2,6854 2004.302.16:34:13.17/tpi/5u,22922,6u,18995,7u,26922,8u,9748,i3,31977 2004.302.16:34:13.18/tpdiff/1u,1800,2u,2427,3u,6939,4u,11361,i1,4911 2004.302.16:34:13.18/tpdiff/9u,4298,au,6644,bu,4863,cu,2460,du,2752,eu,2976,i2,4339 2004.302.16:34:13.19/tpdiff/5u,13508,6u,9198,7u,12376,8u,3997,i3,17584 2004.302.16:34:13.20/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.16:34:13.20/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.16:34:13.21/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.16:34:13.22/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.16:34:13.23/tsys/1u,55.8,2u,53.2,3u,50.2,4u,48.1,i1,50.0 2004.302.16:34:13.23/tsys/9u,55.0,au,97.7,bu,67.2,cu,79.5,du,71.7,eu,293.6,i2,50.1 2004.302.16:34:13.24/tsys/5u,43.5,6u,52.9,7u,54.1,8u,56.4,i3,47.0 2004.302.16:34:13.87/fmout-gps/+6.3579E-006 2004.302.16:34:13.88:!2004.302.16:37:09 2004.302.16:34:13.95#setcl#time/369753466,4,2004,302,16,34,14.02,2.002,25.655,11 2004.302.16:34:13.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:37:09.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:37:09.00:disc_end 2004.302.16:37:09.26:disc_pos 2004.302.16:37:09.26/disc_pos/407971205112,404976805680, 2004.302.16:37:09.27:disc_check 2004.302.16:37:09.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h37m09.265s,75192,0.00500s,80000,5725355008, 2004.302.16:37:09.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:37:09.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 775481 : 4269 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:09.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 775389 : 4344 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:09.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 775485 : 4257 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:09.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 775214 : 4556 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:09.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 775359 : 4400 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:09.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 775301 : 4447 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:09.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 775099 : 4649 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:09.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 775582 : 4173 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:09.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.51 2004.302.16:37:09.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.302.16:37:10.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.302.16:37:10.17/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.16:37:10.28/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.78 2004.302.16:37:10.39/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.16:37:10.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.16:37:10.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.16:37:10.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.16:37:10.72:scan_name=302-1637b,rd0408,96 2004.302.16:37:10.72:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:37:13.74:setupnw 2004.302.16:37:17.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:17.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:37:17.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:37:17.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 603 ; 2004.302.16:37:17.97:!2004.302.16:37:47 2004.302.16:37:47.00:disc_pos 2004.302.16:37:47.00/disc_pos/407971205112,407970205112, 2004.302.16:37:47.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.16:37:48.04:!2004.302.16:37:47 2004.302.16:37:48.04:preob 2004.302.16:37:48.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:37:48.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:37:51.63/tpical/1u,6102,2u,8747,3u,21330,4u,33284,i1,14593 2004.302.16:37:51.63/tpical/9u,10599,au,28319,bu,15868,cu,9160,du,9372,eu,30162 2004.302.16:37:51.63/tpical/i2,13178 2004.302.16:37:51.63/tpical/5u,36708,6u,28482,7u,39845,8u,13859,i3,49895 2004.302.16:37:54.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1290,3u,739,4u,496,i1,100 2004.302.16:37:54.28/tpzero/9u,174,au,889,bu,710,cu,511,du,599,eu,826,i2,65 2004.302.16:37:54.28/tpzero/5u,343,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.16:37:57.37:!2004.302.16:37:57 2004.302.16:37:57.37:disc_pos 2004.302.16:37:57.38/disc_pos/408115097600,407970205112, 2004.302.16:37:57.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.16:37:57.38:midob 2004.302.16:37:57.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:37:57.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:37:57.47/cable/+3.5910543E-02 2004.302.16:37:57.54/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9654,9069 2004.302.16:37:57.62/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32215 2004.302.16:37:57.69/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6301 2004.302.16:37:57.76/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19201 2004.302.16:37:57.83/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10845 2004.302.16:37:58.39/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.16:37:58.91/tpi/1u,4316,2u,6301,3u,14317,4u,21802,i1,9656 2004.302.16:37:58.91/tpi/9u,9095,au,21708,bu,10857,cu,6595,du,6712,eu,25657,i2,7597 2004.302.16:37:58.92/tpi/5u,23197,6u,19215,7u,27325,8u,9847,i3,32211 2004.302.16:37:58.93/tpdiff/1u,1786,2u,2446,3u,7013,4u,11482,i1,4937 2004.302.16:37:58.93/tpdiff/9u,1504,au,6611,bu,5011,cu,2565,du,2660,eu,4505,i2,5581 2004.302.16:37:58.94/tpdiff/5u,13511,6u,9267,7u,12520,8u,4012,i3,17684 2004.302.16:37:58.95/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.16:37:58.95/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.16:37:58.97/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.16:37:58.97/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.16:37:58.98/tsys/1u,51.7,2u,53.3,3u,50.3,4u,48.2,i1,50.3 2004.302.16:37:58.99/tsys/9u,189.8,au,100.8,bu,64.8,cu,75.9,du,73.5,eu,176.4,i2,43.2 2004.302.16:37:58.99/tsys/5u,44.0,6u,53.1,7u,54.3,8u,56.8,i3,47.1 2004.302.16:37:59.88/fmout-gps/+6.3854E-006 2004.302.16:37:59.89:!2004.302.16:39:33 2004.302.16:37:59.96#setcl#time/369776065,4,2004,302,16,38,00.02,2.006,25.718,11 2004.302.16:37:59.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:39:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:39:33.00:disc_end 2004.302.16:39:33.26:disc_pos 2004.302.16:39:33.26/disc_pos/409653805224,407971205112, 2004.302.16:39:33.26:disc_check 2004.302.16:39:33.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h39m33.265s,27912,0.00500s,80000,621447168, 2004.302.16:39:33.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:39:33.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 778677 : 4286 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 778580 : 4365 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 778680 : 4273 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 778406 : 4576 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:33.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 778553 : 4419 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:33.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 778502 : 4458 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:33.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 778299 : 4661 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:33.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 778778 : 4189 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:33.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.39 2004.302.16:39:33.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.62 2004.302.16:39:34.03/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.302.16:39:34.14/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.302.16:39:34.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,16.66 2004.302.16:39:34.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.16:39:34.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.16:39:34.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.43 2004.302.16:39:34.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.16:39:34.69:scan_name=302-1641,rd0408,69 2004.302.16:39:34.69:source=oj287,085157.23,201758.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:39:37.71:setupnw 2004.302.16:39:41.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:41.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:39:41.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:39:41.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 605 ; 2004.302.16:39:41.95:!2004.302.16:41:20 2004.302.16:41:20.00:disc_pos 2004.302.16:41:20.00/disc_pos/409653805224,409652805224, 2004.302.16:41:20.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.16:41:21.04:!2004.302.16:41:20 2004.302.16:41:21.04:preob 2004.302.16:41:21.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:41:21.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:41:24.64/tpical/1u,6306,2u,9078,3u,22181,4u,34552,i1,15192 2004.302.16:41:24.64/tpical/9u,6565,au,27500,bu,16097,cu,9222,du,10151,eu,23197 2004.302.16:41:24.64/tpical/i2,7026 2004.302.16:41:24.64/tpical/5u,37847,6u,29441,7u,41008,8u,14754,i3,51456 2004.302.16:41:27.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,739,4u,497,i1,99 2004.302.16:41:27.30/tpzero/9u,174,au,852,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,826,i2,59 2004.302.16:41:27.30/tpzero/5u,342,6u,288,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.16:41:30.39:!2004.302.16:41:30 2004.302.16:41:30.39:disc_pos 2004.302.16:41:30.40/disc_pos/409797697536,409652805224, 2004.302.16:41:30.40:data_valid=on 2004.302.16:41:30.40:midob 2004.302.16:41:30.41#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:41:30.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:41:30.59/cable/+3.5910967E-02 2004.302.16:41:30.66/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10255,4815 2004.302.16:41:30.73/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,33956 2004.302.16:41:30.80/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6619 2004.302.16:41:30.87/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20144 2004.302.16:41:30.94/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11152 2004.302.16:41:31.50/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.16:41:32.02/tpi/1u,4528,2u,6621,3u,15226,4u,23086,i1,10258 2004.302.16:41:32.02/tpi/9u,4719,au,21058,bu,11152,cu,6700,du,8365,eu,19524,i2,4857 2004.302.16:41:32.03/tpi/5u,24442,6u,20149,7u,28631,8u,10791,i3,33967 2004.302.16:41:32.04/tpdiff/1u,1778,2u,2457,3u,6955,4u,11466,i1,4934 2004.302.16:41:32.04/tpdiff/9u,1846,au,6442,bu,4945,cu,2522,du,1786,eu,3673,i2,2169 2004.302.16:41:32.05/tpdiff/5u,13405,6u,9292,7u,12377,8u,3963,i3,17489 2004.302.16:41:32.06/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.16:41:32.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.16:41:32.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.16:41:32.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.16:41:32.09/tsys/1u,55.0,2u,56.4,3u,54.2,4u,51.2,i1,53.5 2004.302.16:41:32.09/tsys/9u,78.8,au,100.4,bu,67.6,cu,78.5,du,139.1,eu,162.9,i2,70.8 2004.302.16:41:32.10/tsys/5u,46.7,6u,55.6,7u,57.7,8u,63.7,i3,50.2 2004.302.16:41:32.88/fmout-gps/+6.3504E-006 2004.302.16:41:32.88:!2004.302.16:42:39 2004.302.16:41:32.95#setcl#time/369797365,4,2004,302,16,41,33.02,2.002,25.777,11 2004.302.16:41:32.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:42:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:42:39.00:disc_end 2004.302.16:42:39.26:disc_pos 2004.302.16:42:39.26/disc_pos/410904361968,409653805224, 2004.302.16:42:39.27:disc_check 2004.302.16:42:39.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h42m39.270s,20056,0.00500s,80000,1725531112, 2004.302.16:42:39.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:42:39.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 781053 : 4299 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:39.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 780953 : 4380 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 781052 : 4289 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 780783 : 4586 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 780924 : 4436 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 780873 : 4474 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 780671 : 4677 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:39.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 781152 : 4202 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:39.81/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,12.63 2004.302.16:42:39.92/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.62 2004.302.16:42:40.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.302.16:42:40.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.302.16:42:40.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.03 2004.302.16:42:40.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.16:42:40.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.16:42:40.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.74 2004.302.16:42:40.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.16:42:40.70:scan_name=302-1657,rd0408,110 2004.302.16:42:40.70:source=1300+580,130047.14,580443.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:42:43.72:setupnw 2004.302.16:42:47.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:47.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:42:47.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:42:47.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 607 ; 2004.302.16:42:47.95:!2004.302.16:57:40 2004.302.16:57:40.00:disc_pos 2004.302.16:57:40.00/disc_pos/410904361968,410903361968, 2004.302.16:57:40.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.16:57:41.04:!2004.302.16:57:40 2004.302.16:57:41.05:preob 2004.302.16:57:41.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:57:41.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:57:44.62/tpical/1u,6072,2u,8483,3u,19914,4u,31220,i1,13738 2004.302.16:57:44.62/tpical/9u,6107,au,25946,bu,14836,cu,8692,du,32941,eu,65122 2004.302.16:57:44.62/tpical/i2,6748 2004.302.16:57:44.62/tpical/5u,34238,6u,26721,7u,37084,8u,13430,i3,46662 2004.302.16:57:47.27/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1291,3u,740,4u,496,i1,102 2004.302.16:57:47.27/tpzero/9u,173,au,853,bu,709,cu,512,du,600,eu,829,i2,56 2004.302.16:57:47.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,286,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,180 2004.302.16:57:50.36:!2004.302.16:57:50 2004.302.16:57:50.37:disc_pos 2004.302.16:57:50.37/disc_pos/411048251392,410903361968, 2004.302.16:57:50.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.16:57:50.38:midob 2004.302.16:57:50.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.16:57:50.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.16:57:50.49/cable/+3.5909713E-02 2004.302.16:57:50.56/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8850,4884 2004.302.16:57:50.63/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29254 2004.302.16:57:50.70/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6011 2004.302.16:57:50.77/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17442 2004.302.16:57:50.84/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10010 2004.302.16:57:51.40/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.16:57:51.93/tpi/1u,4284,2u,6013,3u,13065,4u,19809,i1,8846 2004.302.16:57:51.93/tpi/9u,4480,au,19931,bu,10034,cu,6263,du,27514,eu,57960,i2,4924 2004.302.16:57:51.94/tpi/5u,20972,6u,17445,7u,24707,8u,9483,i3,29236 2004.302.16:57:51.95/tpdiff/1u,1788,2u,2470,3u,6849,4u,11411,i1,4892 2004.302.16:57:51.95/tpdiff/9u,1627,au,6015,bu,4802,cu,2429,du,5427,eu,7162,i2,1824 2004.302.16:57:51.96/tpdiff/5u,13266,6u,9276,7u,12377,8u,3947,i3,17426 2004.302.16:57:51.97/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.16:57:51.97/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.16:57:51.99/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.16:57:52.00/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.16:57:52.01/tsys/1u,51.1,2u,49.7,3u,46.8,4u,44.0,i1,46.5 2004.302.16:57:52.02/tsys/9u,84.7,au,101.5,bu,62.1,cu,75.8,du,158.7,eu,255.3,i2,85.4 2004.302.16:57:52.02/tsys/5u,40.4,6u,48.1,7u,49.5,8u,55.3,i3,43.4 2004.302.16:57:52.87/fmout-gps/+6.3864E-006 2004.302.16:57:52.88:!2004.302.16:59:40 2004.302.16:57:52.95#setcl#time/369895362,3,2004,302,16,57,53.02,2.009,26.049,12 2004.302.16:57:52.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.16:59:40.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.16:59:40.00:disc_end 2004.302.16:59:40.26:disc_pos 2004.302.16:59:40.27/disc_pos/412810820240,410904361968, 2004.302.16:59:40.27:disc_check 2004.302.16:59:40.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d16h59m40.270s,35472,0.00500s,80000,14429526312, 2004.302.16:59:40.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.16:59:40.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 784674 : 4317 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:40.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 784567 : 4406 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:40.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 784675 : 4305 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 784402 : 4606 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 784540 : 4460 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:40.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 784488 : 4498 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:40.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 784289 : 4697 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:40.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 784779 : 4214 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:40.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.16:59:40.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.59 2004.302.16:59:41.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.10 2004.302.16:59:41.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.16:59:41.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.01 2004.302.16:59:41.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.16:59:41.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.16:59:41.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.36 2004.302.16:59:41.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.302.16:59:41.68:scan_name=302-1701b,rd0408,53 2004.302.16:59:41.68:source=1128+385,112812.50,383152.0,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.16:59:44.70:setupnw 2004.302.16:59:48.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:48.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.16:59:48.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.16:59:48.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 609 ; 2004.302.16:59:48.96:!2004.302.17:01:48 2004.302.17:01:48.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:01:48.00/disc_pos/412810820240,412809820240, 2004.302.17:01:48.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:01:49.04:!2004.302.17:01:48 2004.302.17:01:49.04:preob 2004.302.17:01:49.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:01:49.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:01:52.62/tpical/1u,5890,2u,8494,3u,19969,4u,30861,i1,13699 2004.302.17:01:52.62/tpical/9u,6479,au,25566,bu,15182,cu,8934,du,19197,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.17:01:52.62/tpical/i2,6798 2004.302.17:01:52.62/tpical/5u,33862,6u,26373,7u,36757,8u,13307,i3,45854 2004.302.17:01:55.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1291,3u,739,4u,496,i1,103 2004.302.17:01:55.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,854,bu,710,cu,511,du,600,eu,830,i2,66 2004.302.17:01:55.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1082,i3,181 2004.302.17:01:58.36:!2004.302.17:01:58 2004.302.17:01:58.36:disc_pos 2004.302.17:01:58.37/disc_pos/412954714112,412809820240, 2004.302.17:01:58.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:01:58.37:midob 2004.302.17:01:58.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:01:58.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:01:58.54/cable/+3.5909748E-02 2004.302.17:01:58.61/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8862,4569 2004.302.17:01:58.68/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,28917 2004.302.17:01:58.75/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6026 2004.302.17:01:58.82/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17370 2004.302.17:01:58.89/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10277 2004.302.17:01:59.45/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:01:59.97/tpi/1u,4112,2u,6027,3u,13153,4u,19790,i1,8866 2004.302.17:01:59.98/tpi/9u,4423,au,19219,bu,10280,cu,6431,du,16585,eu,$$$$$,i2,4566 2004.302.17:01:59.98/tpi/5u,20863,6u,17369,7u,24674,8u,9493,i3,28929 2004.302.17:02:00.00/tpdiff/1u,1778,2u,2467,3u,6816,4u,11071,i1,4833 2004.302.17:02:00.00/tpdiff/9u,2056,au,6347,bu,4902,cu,2503,du,2612,eu,$$$$$,i2,2232 2004.302.17:02:00.01/tpdiff/5u,12999,6u,9004,7u,12083,8u,3814,i3,16925 2004.302.17:02:00.02/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:02:00.02/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:02:00.03/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:02:00.03/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:02:00.05?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.17:02:00.05/tsys/1u,48.9,2u,49.9,3u,47.4,4u,45.3,i1,47.1 2004.302.17:02:00.06/tsys/9u,66.1,au,92.6,bu,62.5,cu,75.7,du,195.8,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,64.5 2004.302.17:02:00.06/tsys/5u,41.0,6u,49.3,7u,50.6,8u,57.3,i3,44.2 2004.302.17:02:00.88/fmout-gps/+6.3824E-006 2004.302.17:02:00.88:!2004.302.17:02:51 2004.302.17:02:00.95#setcl#time/369920162,4,2004,302,17,02,01.02,2.003,26.118,11 2004.302.17:02:00.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.17:02:51.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.17:02:51.00:disc_end 2004.302.17:02:51.26:disc_pos 2004.302.17:02:51.27/disc_pos/413805513624,412810820240, 2004.302.17:02:51.27:disc_check 2004.302.17:02:51.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d17h02m51.275s,26532,0.00500s,80000,2061395556, 2004.302.17:02:51.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.17:02:51.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 786564 : 4326 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:51.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 786457 : 4416 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:51.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 786564 : 4315 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:51.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 786285 : 4623 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:51.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 786429 : 4472 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:51.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 786377 : 4508 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:51.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 786177 : 4709 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:51.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 786667 : 4225 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:51.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,14.10 2004.302.17:02:51.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.84 2004.302.17:02:52.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.35 2004.302.17:02:52.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.302.17:02:52.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.25 2004.302.17:02:52.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.17:02:52.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.17:02:52.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.36 2004.302.17:02:52.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.17:02:52.70:scan_name=302-1707,rd0408,40 2004.302.17:02:52.70:source=1803+784,180339.35,782754.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.17:02:55.72:setupnw 2004.302.17:02:59.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:59.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.17:02:59.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.17:02:59.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 611 ; 2004.302.17:02:59.95:!2004.302.17:07:06 2004.302.17:07:06.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:07:06.01/disc_pos/413805513624,413804513624, 2004.302.17:07:06.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:07:07.05:!2004.302.17:07:06 2004.302.17:07:07.05:preob 2004.302.17:07:07.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:07:07.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:07:10.63/tpical/1u,5928,2u,8557,3u,20341,4u,31733,i1,13963 2004.302.17:07:10.63/tpical/9u,6309,au,25486,bu,15252,cu,8888,du,32195,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.17:07:10.63/tpical/i2,6761 2004.302.17:07:10.63/tpical/5u,35343,6u,27705,7u,39065,8u,13568,i3,48275 2004.302.17:07:13.28/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,495,i1,96 2004.302.17:07:13.28/tpzero/9u,173,au,856,bu,709,cu,512,du,601,eu,830,i2,49 2004.302.17:07:13.28/tpzero/5u,341,6u,287,7u,1164,8u,1083,i3,182 2004.302.17:07:16.37:!2004.302.17:07:16 2004.302.17:07:16.37:disc_pos 2004.302.17:07:16.37/disc_pos/413949403136,413804513624, 2004.302.17:07:16.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:07:16.38:midob 2004.302.17:07:16.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:07:16.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:07:16.42/cable/+3.5911076E-02 2004.302.17:07:16.50/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9038,4825 2004.302.17:07:16.58/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30439 2004.302.17:07:16.65/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6064 2004.302.17:07:16.72/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18266 2004.302.17:07:16.79/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10317 2004.302.17:07:17.35/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:07:17.88/tpi/1u,4132,2u,6063,3u,13353,4u,20351,i1,9037 2004.302.17:07:17.88/tpi/9u,4493,au,19229,bu,10312,cu,6411,du,27878,eu,$$$$$,i2,4711 2004.302.17:07:17.89/tpi/5u,21668,6u,18249,7u,26172,8u,9468,i3,30431 2004.302.17:07:17.90/tpdiff/1u,1796,2u,2494,3u,6988,4u,11382,i1,4926 2004.302.17:07:17.90/tpdiff/9u,1816,au,6257,bu,4940,cu,2477,du,4317,eu,$$$$$,i2,2050 2004.302.17:07:17.91/tpdiff/5u,13675,6u,9456,7u,12893,8u,4100,i3,17844 2004.302.17:07:17.92/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:07:17.92/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:07:17.93/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:07:17.94/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:07:17.95?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.17:07:17.95/tsys/1u,48.7,2u,49.8,3u,46.9,4u,45.4,i1,47.2 2004.302.17:07:17.96/tsys/9u,76.1,au,94.0,bu,62.2,cu,76.2,du,202.2,eu,$$$$$$$$,i2,72.8 2004.302.17:07:17.97/tsys/5u,40.5,6u,49.4,7u,50.4,8u,53.2,i3,44.1 2004.302.17:07:18.88/fmout-gps/+6.3669E-006 2004.302.17:07:18.89:!2004.302.17:07:56 2004.302.17:07:18.96#setcl#time/369951961,4,2004,302,17,07,19.02,2.006,26.206,11 2004.302.17:07:18.96#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.17:07:28.95;"weather: clear 2004.302.17:07:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.17:07:56.00:disc_end 2004.302.17:07:56.26:disc_pos 2004.302.17:07:56.27/disc_pos/414592027736,413805513624, 2004.302.17:07:56.27:disc_check 2004.302.17:07:56.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d17h07m56.270s,39900,0.00500s,80000,4093392520, 2004.302.17:07:56.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.17:07:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 788058 : 4335 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:07:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 787950 : 4425 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:07:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 788057 : 4324 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:07:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 787774 : 4638 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:07:56.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 787921 : 4482 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:07:56.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 787871 : 4517 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:07:56.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 787670 : 4718 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:07:56.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 788162 : 4233 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:07:56.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.24 2004.302.17:07:56.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.71 2004.302.17:07:57.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.47 2004.302.17:07:57.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.302.17:07:57.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.64 2004.302.17:07:57.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.17:07:57.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.17:07:57.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.24 2004.302.17:07:57.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,66.99 2004.302.17:07:57.70:scan_name=302-1714,rd0408,74 2004.302.17:07:57.70:source=1726+455,172601.24,453304.7,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.17:08:00.72:setupnw 2004.302.17:08:04.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.17:08:04.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.17:08:04.95/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.17:08:04.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 613 ; 2004.302.17:08:04.96:!2004.302.17:14:11 2004.302.17:14:11.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:14:11.00/disc_pos/414592027736,414591027736, 2004.302.17:14:11.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:14:12.04:!2004.302.17:14:11 2004.302.17:14:12.04:preob 2004.302.17:14:12.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:14:12.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:14:15.62/tpical/1u,5870,2u,8509,3u,20029,4u,31452,i1,13833 2004.302.17:14:15.62/tpical/9u,12533,au,26209,bu,14885,cu,8766,du,11071,eu,36638 2004.302.17:14:15.62/tpical/i2,10783 2004.302.17:14:15.62/tpical/5u,35103,6u,27482,7u,38809,8u,13752,i3,48100 2004.302.17:14:18.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,495,i1,92 2004.302.17:14:18.27/tpzero/9u,168,au,935,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,825,i2,44 2004.302.17:14:18.27/tpzero/5u,341,6u,287,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.17:14:21.36:!2004.302.17:14:21 2004.302.17:14:21.36:disc_pos 2004.302.17:14:21.37/disc_pos/414735917056,414591027736, 2004.302.17:14:21.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:14:21.37:midob 2004.302.17:14:21.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:14:21.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:14:21.58/cable/+3.5909704E-02 2004.302.17:14:21.65/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8911,7689 2004.302.17:14:21.72/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30220 2004.302.17:14:21.79/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6010 2004.302.17:14:21.86/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18042 2004.302.17:14:21.93/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10071 2004.302.17:14:22.49/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:14:23.01/tpi/1u,4064,2u,6013,3u,13147,4u,20028,i1,8911 2004.302.17:14:23.02/tpi/9u,10841,au,20548,bu,10071,cu,6317,du,8873,eu,33638,i2,9230 2004.302.17:14:23.03/tpi/5u,21494,6u,18036,7u,26000,8u,9592,i3,30225 2004.302.17:14:23.03/tpdiff/1u,1806,2u,2496,3u,6882,4u,11424,i1,4922 2004.302.17:14:23.04/tpdiff/9u,1692,au,5661,bu,4814,cu,2449,du,2198,eu,3000,i2,1553 2004.302.17:14:23.04/tpdiff/5u,13609,6u,9446,7u,12809,8u,4160,i3,17875 2004.302.17:14:23.05/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:14:23.06/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:14:23.07/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:14:23.07/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:14:23.08/tsys/1u,47.5,2u,49.2,3u,46.9,4u,44.5,i1,46.6 2004.302.17:14:23.09/tsys/9u,201.9,au,110.9,bu,62.2,cu,75.9,du,120.4,eu,350.0,i2,189.3 2004.302.17:14:23.09/tsys/5u,40.4,6u,48.9,7u,50.4,8u,53.2,i3,43.7 2004.302.17:14:23.88/fmout-gps/+6.4319E-006 2004.302.17:14:23.89:!2004.302.17:15:35 2004.302.17:14:23.95#setcl#time/369994460,4,2004,302,17,14,24.02,2.006,26.324,11 2004.302.17:14:23.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.17:15:35.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.17:15:35.00:disc_end 2004.302.17:15:35.26:disc_pos 2004.302.17:15:35.26/disc_pos/415922429552,414592027736, 2004.302.17:15:35.26:disc_check 2004.302.17:15:35.63/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d17h15m35.265s,23392,0.00500s,80000,6013534692, 2004.302.17:15:35.63:postob_mk5a 2004.302.17:15:35.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 790586 : 4348 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:35.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 790476 : 4439 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:35.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 790583 : 4338 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:35.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 790304 : 4648 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:35.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 790450 : 4493 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:35.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 790393 : 4535 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:35.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 790196 : 4732 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:35.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 790686 : 4249 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:35.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.17:15:35.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.08 2004.302.17:15:36.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.84 2004.302.17:15:36.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.302.17:15:36.25/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.88 2004.302.17:15:36.36/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.17:15:36.47/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.17:15:36.58/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.49 2004.302.17:15:36.69/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.302.17:15:36.69:scan_name=302-1718a,rd0408,100 2004.302.17:15:36.69:source=1357+769,135742.17,765753.8,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.17:15:39.71:setupnw 2004.302.17:15:43.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:43.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.17:15:43.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.17:15:43.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 615 ; 2004.302.17:15:43.95:!2004.302.17:18:28 2004.302.17:18:28.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:18:28.00/disc_pos/415922429552,415921429552, 2004.302.17:18:28.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:18:29.03:!2004.302.17:18:28 2004.302.17:18:29.04:preob 2004.302.17:18:29.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:18:29.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:18:32.61/tpical/1u,5935,2u,8497,3u,19956,4u,31362,i1,13759 2004.302.17:18:32.61/tpical/9u,10168,au,26800,bu,15243,cu,8864,du,18698,eu,40903 2004.302.17:18:32.61/tpical/i2,9413 2004.302.17:18:32.61/tpical/5u,34659,6u,27200,7u,38366,8u,13290,i3,47465 2004.302.17:18:35.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,496,i1,97 2004.302.17:18:35.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,867,bu,709,cu,511,du,600,eu,827,i2,51 2004.302.17:18:35.27/tpzero/5u,341,6u,290,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.17:18:38.36:!2004.302.17:18:38 2004.302.17:18:38.36:disc_pos 2004.302.17:18:38.37/disc_pos/416066322432,415921429552, 2004.302.17:18:38.37:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:18:38.37:midob 2004.302.17:18:38.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:18:38.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:18:38.61/cable/+3.5909193E-02 2004.302.17:18:38.68/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8871,9830 2004.302.17:18:38.75/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29839 2004.302.17:18:38.82/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6004 2004.302.17:18:38.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17867 2004.302.17:18:38.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10550 2004.302.17:18:39.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:18:40.05/tpi/1u,4154,2u,5999,3u,13132,4u,19974,i1,8872 2004.302.17:18:40.05/tpi/9u,9602,au,20888,bu,10550,cu,6355,du,15388,eu,36165,i2,8738 2004.302.17:18:40.06/tpi/5u,21352,6u,17864,7u,25717,8u,9289,i3,29835 2004.302.17:18:40.07/tpdiff/1u,1781,2u,2498,3u,6824,4u,11388,i1,4887 2004.302.17:18:40.07/tpdiff/9u,566,au,5912,bu,4693,cu,2509,du,3310,eu,4738,i2,675 2004.302.17:18:40.08/tpdiff/5u,13307,6u,9336,7u,12649,8u,4001,i3,17630 2004.302.17:18:40.09/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:18:40.09/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:18:40.10/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:18:40.11/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:18:40.12/tsys/1u,49.4,2u,49.0,3u,47.2,4u,44.5,i1,46.7 2004.302.17:18:40.12/tsys/9u,533.2,au,108.4,bu,67.1,cu,74.5,du,143.0,eu,238.7,i2,411.8 2004.302.17:18:40.13/tsys/5u,41.1,6u,48.9,7u,50.5,8u,53.3,i3,43.7 2004.302.17:18:40.87/fmout-gps/+6.4084E-006 2004.302.17:18:40.88:!2004.302.17:20:18 2004.302.17:18:40.95#setcl#time/370020160,4,2004,302,17,18,41.02,2.000,26.396,11 2004.302.17:18:40.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.17:20:18.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.17:20:18.00:disc_end 2004.302.17:20:18.27:disc_pos 2004.302.17:20:18.27/disc_pos/417669192784,415922429552, 2004.302.17:20:18.28:disc_check 2004.302.17:20:18.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d17h20m18.280s,49664,0.00500s,80000,2781450496, 2004.302.17:20:18.66:postob_mk5a 2004.302.17:20:18.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 793905 : 4365 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 793788 : 4460 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:18.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 793900 : 4355 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:18.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 793622 : 4664 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:18.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 793767 : 4510 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:18.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 793707 : 4554 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:18.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 793513 : 4749 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:18.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 794003 : 4268 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:18.83/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.17:20:18.94/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.08 2004.302.17:20:19.05/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.84 2004.302.17:20:19.16/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.17:20:19.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.88 2004.302.17:20:19.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.17:20:19.49/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.17:20:19.60/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.61 2004.302.17:20:19.71/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,68.31 2004.302.17:20:19.71:scan_name=302-1724,rd0408,119 2004.302.17:20:19.71:source=1308+326,130807.57,323640.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.17:20:22.73:setupnw 2004.302.17:20:26.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:26.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.17:20:26.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.17:20:26.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 617 ; 2004.302.17:20:26.95:!2004.302.17:24:15 2004.302.17:24:15.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:24:15.00/disc_pos/417669192784,417668192784, 2004.302.17:24:15.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:24:16.03:!2004.302.17:24:15 2004.302.17:24:16.04:preob 2004.302.17:24:16.04#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:24:16.04/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:24:19.62/tpical/1u,5838,2u,8463,3u,19614,4u,30549,i1,13533 2004.302.17:24:19.62/tpical/9u,13027,au,27136,bu,14723,cu,8973,du,33466,eu,$$$$$ 2004.302.17:24:19.62/tpical/i2,20017 2004.302.17:24:19.62/tpical/5u,33475,6u,26214,7u,36619,8u,13190,i3,45689 2004.302.17:24:22.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,495,i1,96 2004.302.17:24:22.27/tpzero/9u,174,au,1070,bu,717,cu,511,du,599,eu,829,i2,62 2004.302.17:24:22.27/tpzero/5u,342,6u,289,7u,1166,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.17:24:25.36:!2004.302.17:24:25 2004.302.17:24:25.36:disc_pos 2004.302.17:24:25.36/disc_pos/417813086208,417668192784, 2004.302.17:24:25.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:24:25.37:midob 2004.302.17:24:25.37#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:24:25.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:24:25.65/cable/+3.5907848E-02 2004.302.17:24:25.72/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8683,18441 2004.302.17:24:25.79/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,28587 2004.302.17:24:25.86/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,5959 2004.302.17:24:25.93/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17123 2004.302.17:24:26.00/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9941 2004.302.17:24:26.56/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:24:27.08/tpi/1u,4048,2u,5954,3u,12830,4u,19429,i1,8686 2004.302.17:24:27.08/tpi/9u,11193,au,20742,bu,9932,cu,6694,du,36426,eu,$$$$$,i2,18350 2004.302.17:24:27.09/tpi/5u,20428,6u,17123,7u,24427,8u,9162,i3,28596 2004.302.17:24:27.10/tpdiff/1u,1790,2u,2509,3u,6784,4u,11120,i1,4847 2004.302.17:24:27.10/tpdiff/9u,1834,au,6394,bu,4791,cu,2279,du,-2960,eu,$$$$$,i2,1667 2004.302.17:24:27.11/tpdiff/5u,13047,6u,9091,7u,12192,8u,4028,i3,17093 2004.302.17:24:27.12/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:24:27.12/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:24:27.13/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:24:27.14/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:24:27.15?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.17:24:27.15?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.17:24:27.16/tsys/1u,47.7,2u,48.3,3u,46.3,4u,44.3,i1,46.1 2004.302.17:24:27.17/tsys/9u,192.3,au,98.5,bu,61.5,cu,86.8,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,$$$$$$$$ 2004.302.17:24:27.17/tsys/i2,351.1 2004.302.17:24:27.18/tsys/5u,40.0,6u,48.1,7u,49.6,8u,52.1,i3,43.2 2004.302.17:24:27.88/fmout-gps/+6.3454E-006 2004.302.17:24:27.88:!2004.302.17:26:24 2004.302.17:24:27.95#setcl#time/370054859,4,2004,302,17,24,28.02,2.002,26.492,11 2004.302.17:24:27.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.17:26:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.17:26:24.00:disc_end 2004.302.17:26:24.26:disc_pos 2004.302.17:26:24.27/disc_pos/419719984840,417669192784, 2004.302.17:26:24.27:disc_check 2004.302.17:26:24.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d17h26m24.280s,51220,0.00500s,80000,3805206388, 2004.302.17:26:24.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.17:26:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 797800 : 4386 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:24.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 797684 : 4478 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:24.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 797793 : 4376 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:24.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 797518 : 4682 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:24.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 797662 : 4529 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:24.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 797608 : 4567 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:24.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 797407 : 4769 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:24.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 797898 : 4287 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:24.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,15.07 2004.302.17:26:24.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.45 2004.302.17:26:25.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.20 2004.302.17:26:25.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.19 2004.302.17:26:25.27/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.10 2004.302.17:26:25.38/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.17:26:25.50/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.17:26:25.61/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.68 2004.302.17:26:25.72/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.302.17:26:25.72:scan_name=302-1729,rd0408,209 2004.302.17:26:25.72:source=1044+719,104449.69,715927.3,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.17:26:28.74:setupnw 2004.302.17:26:32.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:32.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.17:26:32.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.17:26:32.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 619 ; 2004.302.17:26:32.96:!2004.302.17:29:07 2004.302.17:29:07.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:29:07.00/disc_pos/419719984840,419718984840, 2004.302.17:29:07.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:29:08.04:!2004.302.17:29:07 2004.302.17:29:08.04:preob 2004.302.17:29:08.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:29:08.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:29:11.63/tpical/1u,6008,2u,8617,3u,20196,4u,31582,i1,13882 2004.302.17:29:11.63/tpical/9u,6294,au,25615,bu,15117,cu,8870,du,12883,eu,31628 2004.302.17:29:11.63/tpical/i2,7264 2004.302.17:29:11.63/tpical/5u,34990,6u,27383,7u,38706,8u,13362,i3,47795 2004.302.17:29:14.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,739,4u,495,i1,95 2004.302.17:29:14.29/tpzero/9u,172,au,859,bu,707,cu,513,du,600,eu,826,i2,54 2004.302.17:29:14.29/tpzero/5u,341,6u,288,7u,1163,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.17:29:17.38:!2004.302.17:29:17 2004.302.17:29:17.38:disc_pos 2004.302.17:29:17.38/disc_pos/419863875584,419718984840, 2004.302.17:29:17.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:29:17.39:midob 2004.302.17:29:17.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:29:17.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:29:17.61/cable/+3.5908347E-02 2004.302.17:29:17.68/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,8934,5041 2004.302.17:29:17.75/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,29877 2004.302.17:29:17.82/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6083 2004.302.17:29:17.89/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17943 2004.302.17:29:17.96/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10241 2004.302.17:29:18.52/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:29:19.04/tpi/1u,4178,2u,6081,3u,13267,4u,20133,i1,8951 2004.302.17:29:19.04/tpi/9u,4566,au,19459,bu,10235,cu,6395,du,9695,eu,29562,i2,5569 2004.302.17:29:19.05/tpi/5u,21548,6u,17943,7u,25890,8u,9293,i3,30001 2004.302.17:29:19.06/tpdiff/1u,1830,2u,2536,3u,6929,4u,11449,i1,4931 2004.302.17:29:19.06/tpdiff/9u,1728,au,6156,bu,4882,cu,2475,du,3188,eu,2066,i2,1695 2004.302.17:29:19.07/tpdiff/5u,13442,6u,9440,7u,12816,8u,4069,i3,17794 2004.302.17:29:19.08/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:29:19.08/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:29:19.09/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:29:19.10/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:29:19.11/tsys/1u,48.5,2u,49.1,3u,47.0,4u,44.6,i1,46.7 2004.302.17:29:19.11/tsys/9u,81.4,au,96.7,bu,62.5,cu,76.1,du,91.3,eu,445.1,i2,104.1 2004.302.17:29:19.12/tsys/5u,41.0,6u,48.6,7u,50.2,8u,52.5,i3,43.6 2004.302.17:29:19.87/fmout-gps/+6.3549E-006 2004.302.17:29:19.88:!2004.302.17:32:46 2004.302.17:29:19.94#setcl#time/370084058,4,2004,302,17,29,20.02,2.005,26.573,12 2004.302.17:29:19.94#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.17:32:46.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.17:32:46.00:disc_end 2004.302.17:32:46.26:disc_pos 2004.302.17:32:46.27/disc_pos/423210430784,419719984840, 2004.302.17:32:46.27:disc_check 2004.302.17:32:46.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d17h32m46.270s,4280,0.00500s,80000,2621440996, 2004.302.17:32:46.64:postob_mk5a 2004.302.17:32:46.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 804432 : 4416 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:46.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 804310 : 4512 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:46.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 804424 : 4406 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:46.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 804144 : 4716 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:46.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 804280 : 4572 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:46.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 804227 : 4608 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:46.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 804036 : 4802 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:46.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 804526 : 4319 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:46.80/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.98 2004.302.17:32:46.91/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.302.17:32:47.02/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.20 2004.302.17:32:47.13/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.302.17:32:47.24/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.49 2004.302.17:32:47.35/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.690 2004.302.17:32:47.46/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.17:32:47.57/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.80 2004.302.17:32:47.68/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.302.17:32:47.68:scan_name=302-1733b,rd0408,147 2004.302.17:32:47.68:source=3c418,203707.50,510835.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.17:32:50.70:setupnw 2004.302.17:32:54.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:54.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.17:32:54.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.17:32:54.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 621 ; 2004.302.17:32:54.95:!2004.302.17:33:31 2004.302.17:33:31.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:33:31.00/disc_pos/423210430784,423209430784, 2004.302.17:33:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:33:32.04:!2004.302.17:33:31 2004.302.17:33:32.04:preob 2004.302.17:33:32.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:33:32.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:33:35.64/tpical/1u,6279,2u,8709,3u,20657,4u,32199,i1,14203 2004.302.17:33:35.64/tpical/9u,8489,au,25991,bu,15244,cu,8917,du,12172,eu,28069 2004.302.17:33:35.64/tpical/i2,7693 2004.302.17:33:35.64/tpical/5u,35982,6u,28001,7u,39704,8u,13712,i3,49042 2004.302.17:33:38.29/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,738,4u,495,i1,94 2004.302.17:33:38.29/tpzero/9u,169,au,866,bu,708,cu,513,du,600,eu,825,i2,43 2004.302.17:33:38.29/tpzero/5u,341,6u,287,7u,1165,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.17:33:41.38:!2004.302.17:33:41 2004.302.17:33:41.38:disc_pos 2004.302.17:33:41.38/disc_pos/423354257408,423209430784, 2004.302.17:33:41.38:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:33:41.39:midob 2004.302.17:33:41.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:33:41.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:33:41.49/cable/+3.5910053E-02 2004.302.17:33:41.56/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9276,4848 2004.302.17:33:41.64/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,31215 2004.302.17:33:41.71/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6191 2004.302.17:33:41.78/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18584 2004.302.17:33:41.85/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10362 2004.302.17:33:42.41/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:33:42.94/tpi/1u,4471,2u,6197,3u,13725,4u,20863,i1,9275 2004.302.17:33:42.94/tpi/9u,6638,au,19640,bu,10363,cu,6408,du,10071,eu,24395,i2,4829 2004.302.17:33:42.95/tpi/5u,22385,6u,18568,7u,26807,8u,9612,i3,31221 2004.302.17:33:42.96/tpdiff/1u,1808,2u,2512,3u,6932,4u,11336,i1,4928 2004.302.17:33:42.96/tpdiff/9u,1851,au,6351,bu,4881,cu,2509,du,2101,eu,3674,i2,2864 2004.302.17:33:42.97/tpdiff/5u,13597,6u,9433,7u,12897,8u,4100,i3,17821 2004.302.17:33:42.98/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:33:42.98/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:33:42.99/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:33:43.00/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:33:43.01/tsys/1u,53.3,2u,50.8,3u,48.7,4u,46.7,i1,48.4 2004.302.17:33:43.01/tsys/9u,111.8,au,94.6,bu,63.3,cu,75.2,du,144.3,eu,205.3,i2,53.5 2004.302.17:33:43.02/tsys/5u,42.2,6u,50.4,7u,51.7,8u,54.1,i3,45.3 2004.302.17:33:43.87/fmout-gps/+6.4289E-006 2004.302.17:33:43.88:!2004.302.17:36:08 2004.302.17:33:43.95#setcl#time/370110457,3,2004,302,17,33,44.02,2.009,26.647,12 2004.302.17:33:43.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.17:36:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.17:36:08.01:disc_end 2004.302.17:36:08.27:disc_pos 2004.302.17:36:08.28/disc_pos/425709264456,423210430784, 2004.302.17:36:08.28:disc_check 2004.302.17:36:08.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d17h36m08.290s,34916,0.00500s,80000,733455692, 2004.302.17:36:08.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.17:36:08.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 809174 : 4443 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 809056 : 4535 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 809167 : 4431 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 808890 : 4739 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:08.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 809019 : 4601 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:08.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 808974 : 4630 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:08.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 808781 : 4827 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:08.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 809271 : 4343 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:08.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.61 2004.302.17:36:08.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.33 2004.302.17:36:09.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.20 2004.302.17:36:09.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.302.17:36:09.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.302.17:36:09.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.17:36:09.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.51 2004.302.17:36:09.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.68 2004.302.17:36:09.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.302.17:36:09.70:scan_name=302-1738,rd0408,40 2004.302.17:36:09.70:source=0059+581,005943.47,580804.5,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.17:36:12.72:setupnw 2004.302.17:36:16.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:16.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.17:36:16.93/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.17:36:16.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 623 ; 2004.302.17:36:16.94:!2004.302.17:38:26 2004.302.17:38:26.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:38:26.00/disc_pos/425709264456,425708264456, 2004.302.17:38:26.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:38:27.06:!2004.302.17:38:26 2004.302.17:38:27.06:preob 2004.302.17:38:27.06#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:38:27.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:38:30.64/tpical/1u,6660,2u,9427,3u,22831,4u,35401,i1,15641 2004.302.17:38:30.64/tpical/9u,6537,au,23302,bu,15966,cu,9386,du,10449,eu,32506 2004.302.17:38:30.64/tpical/i2,6841 2004.302.17:38:30.64/tpical/5u,39336,6u,30827,7u,43236,8u,15087,i3,54125 2004.302.17:38:33.30/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,739,4u,495,i1,93 2004.302.17:38:33.30/tpzero/9u,168,au,845,bu,708,cu,511,du,600,eu,825,i2,50 2004.302.17:38:33.30/tpzero/5u,341,6u,287,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.17:38:36.39:!2004.302.17:38:36 2004.302.17:38:36.39:disc_pos 2004.302.17:38:36.41/disc_pos/425853153280,425708264456, 2004.302.17:38:36.41:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:38:36.42:midob 2004.302.17:38:36.42#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:38:36.42/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:38:36.70/cable/+3.5911313E-02 2004.302.17:38:36.77/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,10710,4755 2004.302.17:38:36.84/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,36289 2004.302.17:38:36.91/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6934 2004.302.17:38:36.98/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21428 2004.302.17:38:37.05/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11067 2004.302.17:38:37.61/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:38:38.14/tpi/1u,4860,2u,6934,3u,15844,4u,23980,i1,10708 2004.302.17:38:38.14/tpi/9u,4738,au,16237,bu,11067,cu,6907,du,7656,eu,29418,i2,4756 2004.302.17:38:38.15/tpi/5u,25772,6u,21428,7u,30526,8u,10999,i3,36276 2004.302.17:38:38.16/tpdiff/1u,1800,2u,2493,3u,6987,4u,11421,i1,4933 2004.302.17:38:38.16/tpdiff/9u,1799,au,7065,bu,4899,cu,2479,du,2793,eu,3088,i2,2085 2004.302.17:38:38.17/tpdiff/5u,13564,6u,9399,7u,12710,8u,4088,i3,17849 2004.302.17:38:38.18/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:38:38.18/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:38:38.19/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:38:38.20/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:38:38.21/tsys/1u,59.1,2u,58.9,3u,56.2,4u,53.5,i1,55.9 2004.302.17:38:38.21/tsys/9u,81.3,au,69.7,bu,67.7,cu,82.6,du,80.8,eu,296.3,i2,72.2 2004.302.17:38:38.22/tsys/5u,48.7,6u,58.5,7u,60.1,8u,63.1,i3,52.6 2004.302.17:38:38.88/fmout-gps/+6.3269E-006 2004.302.17:38:38.88:!2004.302.17:39:16 2004.302.17:38:38.95#setcl#time/370139957,4,2004,302,17,38,39.02,2.002,26.729,11 2004.302.17:38:38.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.17:39:16.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.17:39:16.01:disc_end 2004.302.17:39:16.26:disc_pos 2004.302.17:39:16.27/disc_pos/426495617392,425709264456, 2004.302.17:39:16.27:disc_check 2004.302.17:39:16.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d17h39m16.275s,33216,0.00500s,80000,2221408764, 2004.302.17:39:16.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.17:39:16.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 810665 : 4456 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:16.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 810551 : 4542 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:16.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 810663 : 4439 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:16.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 810384 : 4747 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:16.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 810509 : 4613 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:16.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 810463 : 4643 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:16.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 810270 : 4840 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:16.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 810763 : 4353 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:16.82/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.49 2004.302.17:39:16.93/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.96 2004.302.17:39:17.04/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.20 2004.302.17:39:17.15/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.302.17:39:17.26/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,17.88 2004.302.17:39:17.37/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.695 2004.302.17:39:17.48/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.17:39:17.59/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.92 2004.302.17:39:17.70/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,69.62 2004.302.17:39:17.70:scan_name=302-1742,rd0408,136 2004.302.17:39:17.70:source=0602+673,060238.81,672118.4,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.17:39:20.72:setupnw 2004.302.17:39:24.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:24.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.17:39:24.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.17:39:24.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 625 ; 2004.302.17:39:24.95:!2004.302.17:41:50 2004.302.17:41:50.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:41:50.00/disc_pos/426495617392,426494617392, 2004.302.17:41:50.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:41:51.04:!2004.302.17:41:50 2004.302.17:41:51.04:preob 2004.302.17:41:51.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:41:51.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:41:54.62/tpical/1u,6254,2u,8925,3u,21288,4u,33008,i1,14615 2004.302.17:41:54.62/tpical/9u,6309,au,26246,bu,15370,cu,9021,du,23592,eu,23490 2004.302.17:41:54.62/tpical/i2,6934 2004.302.17:41:54.62/tpical/5u,36901,6u,28832,7u,40560,8u,14079,i3,50440 2004.302.17:41:57.27/tpzero/1u,767,2u,1290,3u,740,4u,496,i1,99 2004.302.17:41:57.27/tpzero/9u,171,au,851,bu,709,cu,510,du,600,eu,825,i2,53 2004.302.17:41:57.27/tpzero/5u,341,6u,288,7u,1168,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.17:42:00.36:!2004.302.17:42:00 2004.302.17:42:00.36:disc_pos 2004.302.17:42:00.36/disc_pos/426639507456,426494617392, 2004.302.17:42:00.36:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:42:00.38:midob 2004.302.17:42:00.38#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:42:00.38/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:42:00.46/cable/+3.5909248E-02 2004.302.17:42:00.53/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9701,4750 2004.302.17:42:00.61/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,32701 2004.302.17:42:00.68/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6431 2004.302.17:42:00.75/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19425 2004.302.17:42:00.82/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10542 2004.302.17:42:01.38/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:42:01.90/tpi/1u,4453,2u,6433,3u,14401,4u,21761,i1,9704 2004.302.17:42:01.90/tpi/9u,4656,au,20548,bu,10535,cu,6572,du,23778,eu,18765,i2,4945 2004.302.17:42:01.91/tpi/5u,23394,6u,19417,7u,27842,8u,10021,i3,32698 2004.302.17:42:01.92/tpdiff/1u,1801,2u,2492,3u,6887,4u,11247,i1,4911 2004.302.17:42:01.92/tpdiff/9u,1653,au,5698,bu,4835,cu,2449,du,-186,eu,4725,i2,1989 2004.302.17:42:01.93/tpdiff/5u,13507,6u,9415,7u,12718,8u,4058,i3,17742 2004.302.17:42:01.94/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:42:01.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:42:01.95/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:42:01.96/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:42:01.97?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.17:42:01.97/tsys/1u,53.2,2u,53.7,3u,51.6,4u,49.2,i1,50.9 2004.302.17:42:01.98/tsys/9u,86.8,au,110.6,bu,65.0,cu,79.2,du,$$$$$$$$,eu,121.5 2004.302.17:42:01.99/tsys/i2,78.7 2004.302.17:42:01.99/tsys/5u,44.4,6u,52.8,7u,54.5,8u,57.3,i3,47.7 2004.302.17:42:02.87/fmout-gps/+6.3584E-006 2004.302.17:42:02.88:!2004.302.17:44:16 2004.302.17:42:02.95#setcl#time/370160357,4,2004,302,17,42,03.03,2.007,26.785,12 2004.302.17:42:02.95#setcl#model/old,1095284683,-96578,360517642,1.892,147.246,rate 2004.302.17:44:16.00:data_valid=off 2004.302.17:44:16.01:disc_end 2004.302.17:44:16.27:disc_pos 2004.302.17:44:16.28/disc_pos/428818432552,426495617392, 2004.302.17:44:16.28:disc_check 2004.302.17:44:16.65/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y302d17h44m16.290s,28196,0.00500s,80000,2477429860, 2004.302.17:44:16.65:postob_mk5a 2004.302.17:44:16.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 815070 : 4484 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:16.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 814963 : 4563 : 12 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:16.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 815077 : 4459 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:16.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 814802 : 4762 : 14 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:16.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 814926 : 4629 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:16.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 814873 : 4666 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 9 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:16.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 814681 : 4862 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:16.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 815172 : 4377 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:16.85/rx/00(FRONT),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,13.73 2004.302.17:44:16.96/rx/01(REAR),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,19.96 2004.302.17:44:17.07/rx/02(LO),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,20.08 2004.302.17:44:17.18/rx/03(DCAL),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,47.31 2004.302.17:44:17.29/rx/05(SUP),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,18.13 2004.302.17:44:17.40/rx/07(-2.73V),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,-2.692 2004.302.17:44:17.51/rx/17(PRES),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,38.31 2004.302.17:44:17.62/rx/1E(20K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,23.99 2004.302.17:44:17.73/rx/1F(70K),on,a,on,on,on,off,unlocked,67.65 2004.302.17:44:17.73:scan_name=302-1745b,rd0408,40 2004.302.17:44:17.73:source=0955+476,095508.50,473928.6,1950.0,neutral 2004.302.17:44:20.75:setupnw 2004.302.17:44:24.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:24.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.302.17:44:24.94/bank_check/usn-0055/960/1024OK,VNVD02G4GXL7HT,VNVD02G4GXKS9T,VNVD02G4GXE9JT,VNVD02G4GXMZ8T,VNVD02G4GXP0WT,VNVD02G4GXKLET,VNVD02G4GXP25T,VNVD02G4GXM6KT 2004.302.17:44:24.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 627 ; 2004.302.17:44:24.96:!2004.302.17:45:08 2004.302.17:45:08.00:disc_pos 2004.302.17:45:08.00/disc_pos/428818432552,428817432552, 2004.302.17:45:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.302.17:45:09.04:!2004.302.17:45:08 2004.302.17:45:09.05:preob 2004.302.17:45:09.05#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:45:09.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:45:12.62/tpical/1u,6098,2u,8727,3u,20719,4u,32012,i1,14122 2004.302.17:45:12.62/tpical/9u,7095,au,26056,bu,15310,cu,8976,du,14347,eu,36640 2004.302.17:45:12.62/tpical/i2,7212 2004.302.17:45:12.62/tpical/5u,35418,6u,27590,7u,38797,8u,13544,i3,48165 2004.302.17:45:15.28/tpzero/1u,768,2u,1289,3u,740,4u,497,i1,98 2004.302.17:45:15.28/tpzero/9u,172,au,867,bu,710,cu,511,du,599,eu,827,i2,58 2004.302.17:45:15.28/tpzero/5u,342,6u,289,7u,1167,8u,1083,i3,181 2004.302.17:45:18.37:!2004.302.17:45:18 2004.302.17:45:18.38:disc_pos 2004.302.17:45:18.38/disc_pos/428962324480,428817432552, 2004.302.17:45:18.39:data_valid=on 2004.302.17:45:18.39:midob 2004.302.17:45:18.39#antcn#ONSOURCE/TRACKING 2004.302.17:45:18.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.302.17:45:18.45/cable/+3.5909409E-02 2004.302.17:45:18.53/ifd/20,20,nor,nor,rem,9244,6490 2004.302.17:45:18.61/if3/14,in,2,1,,,,present,missing,500.10,rem,lock,30796 2004.302.17:45:18.68/vc02/142.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6223 2004.302.17:45:18.75/vc06/202.89,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18383 2004.302.17:45:18.82/vc11/237.99,4.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10440 2004.302.17:45:19.38/form/m,8,1:2,off,,3,pass,41,0x06,okay 2004.302.17:45:19.90/tpi/1u,4284,2u,6224,3u,13752,4u,20768,i1,9244 2004.302.17:45:19.90/tpi/9u,8003,au,20282,bu,10442,cu,6491,du,12032,eu,33343,i2,6024 2004.302.17:45:19.91/tpi/5u,22102,6u,18376,7u,26361,8u,9530,i3,30754 2004.302.17:45:19.92/tpdiff/1u,1814,2u,2503,3u,6967,4u,11244,i1,4878 2004.302.17:45:19.92/tpdiff/9u,-908,au,5774,bu,4868,cu,2485,du,2315,eu,3297,i2,1188 2004.302.17:45:19.93/tpdiff/5u,13316,6u,9214,7u,12436,8u,4014,i3,17411 2004.302.17:45:19.94/caltemp/1u,26.000,2u,26.000,3u,26.000,4u,26.000,i1,26.000 2004.302.17:45:19.94/caltemp/9u,32.000,au,32.000,bu,32.000,cu,32.000,du,32.000,eu,32.000 2004.302.17:45:19.95/caltemp/i2,32.000 2004.302.17:45:19.96/caltemp/5u,26.000,6u,26.000,7u,26.000,8u,26.000,i3,26.000 2004.302.17:45:19.97?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.302.17:45:19.97/tsys/1u,50.4,2u,51.3,3u,48.6,4u,46.9,i1,48.7 2004.302.17:45:19.98/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,107.6,bu,64.0,cu,77.0,du,158.0,eu,315.6 2004.302.17:45:19.99/tsys/i2,160.7 2004.302.17:45:19.99/tsys/5u,42.5,6u,51.0,7u,52.7,8u,54.7,i3,45.7 2004.302.17:45:20.88/fmout-gps/+6.4104E-006 2004.302.17:45:20.88:!2004.302.17:45:58 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**Recovery Plan** **for** **Potato Wart Disease** Caused by *Synchytrium endobioticum* (Schilberszky) Percival January 9, 2007 [Table of Contents Page]{.underline} Executive Summary 2 List of Contributors 3 I. Introduction 3 II\. Biology and Symptoms 6 III\. Spread 9 IV\. Monitoring and Detection 10 V. USDA Pathogen Permits 11 VI\. Response 12 VII\. Infrastructure and Experts 13 VIII\. Economic Impact and Compensation 14 IX\. Mitigation and Disease Management 15 X. Research, Extension and Education Priorities 18 References 21 Web Resources 23 This recovery plan is one of several disease-specific documents produced as part of the National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS) called for in Homeland Security Presidential Directive Number 9 (HSPD-9). The purpose of the NPDRS is to insure that the tools, infrastructure, communication networks, and capacity required to mitigate the impact of high consequence plant disease outbreaks are such that a reasonable level of crop production is maintained. Each disease-specific plan is intended to provide a brief primer on the disease, assess the status of critical recovery components, and identify disease management research, education and extension needs. These documents are not intended to be stand-alone documents that address all of the many and varied aspects of plant disease outbreak and all of the decisions that must be made and actions taken to achieve effective response and recovery. They are, however, documents that will help USDA guide further efforts directed toward plant disease recovery. **Executive Summary** *Synchytrium endobioticum*, the causal agent of potato wart disease, is the most important world-wide quarantine plant pathogen infecting potato. *S. endobioticum* is on the United States Select Agent list - a list of pests capable of considerable economic damage to agricultural crops, but not resident within the United States. Potato wart disease was recently evaluated as a top tier threat to agriculture on the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine (USDA/APHIS/PPQ) list of regulated pests. The need for intense regulatory scrutiny is due to the latent persistence of the resting spores, a lack of effective chemical control measures and few resistant varieties that are horticulturally accepted in the United States. Potato wart is a dramatic disease characterized by development of tumor-like galls or warts on tubers and underground portions of potato stems. Occasionally, galls form on the upper stem, leaf or flower. The warts act as a sink for nutrients and increase rapidly in size at the expense of the tubers, which may be replaced entirely by warts. Because the symptoms generally occur underground, with only a slight reduction in vigor noticed above ground, the disease is insidious and may not be evident until potatoes are dug at harvest. Spread of potato wart between countries or between farms is through infected seed potatoes and movement of contaminated soil by machinery and workers. *Synchytrium* *endobioticum* has a limited capacity for natural spread, making effective control possible by statutory means. Exclusion of the pathogen from non-infested areas is the most efficient method of disease control. More than eighteen million metric tons of fresh and seed potatoes with a market value of \$2.9 billion were produced in the United States in 2005. The economic impact of potato wart disease is not from direct disease losses but from loss of international trade markets, long-term quarantines, and regulatory restrictions placed on infested areas and the buffer zones surrounding infested land. There is little funding available for research of a pathogen that USDA/APHIS/PPQ declared eradicated from the United States in 1974. While a large body of research on potato wart exists in Europe, much of it is not applicable to the United States because different potato varieties are used on the two continents. Canada has some research projects underway due to a potato wart outbreak and containment in 2000-2004. These North American projects should be expanded by the U.S. in the areas of developing molecular methods of pathogen identification, surveillance, evaluating current potato varieties for resistance and breeding for resistance. **Potato Wart Disease** Caused by *Synchytrium endobioticum* (Schilberszky) Percival **Contributors** E. Heyward Baker, USDA RMA; Dave Bell, USDA RMA; Terry Bourgoin, USDA-APHIS-PPQ; Larry Brown, USDA-APHIS-PPQ; Russ Bulluck, USDA-APHIS-PPQ; Joel Floyd, USDA-APHIS-PPQ; Lynn Goldner, USDA-APHIS-PPQ; Ray Hammerschmidt, Michigan State University; Sharon Hesvick, USDA RMA; Lynnae Jess, Michigan State University; Steven B. Johnson, University of Maine; Willie Kirk, Michigan State University; Liz Lopez, USDA RMA; Sandy Perry, Michigan State University, Stephen Poe, USDA-APHIS-PPQ; Gary Secor, North Dakota State University; Jim Sheldon, USDA RMA; Kent Smith, USDA-ARS; Walt Stevenson, University of Wisconsin. **I. Introduction** Potatoes rank fourth in the list of world food crops, after rice, wheat and maize. The United States ranks fifth in fresh market production after China, the Russian Federation, India and the European Union. Information in the following table ranks the states by production figures, an indication of where the economic losses would be greatest if *Synchytrium endobioticum* is identified in commercial fields. Weather conditions approximating those known to be conducive to potato wart development occur throughout the northeastern states and a large part of the Great Lakes states. Those areas comprise about 25% of the potato production dollar value in the U.S. However, there is no information available about the possibility of wart survival in arid but irrigated potato production areas of western states or hot but humid southern states. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **United States Potato Production (2005)** ------------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------- *State* *Weight in Billions of *Value of Production* Pounds* Idaho\* 11.8 \$674 M Washington\* 9.5 \$535 M Wisconsin\* 2.8 \$219 M Colorado\* 2.5 \$214 M Oregon\* 2.2 \$129 M North Dakota\* 2.1 \$139 M Minnesota\* 1.8 \$114 M Maine\* 1.5 \$128 M California\* 1.5 \$202 M Michigan\* 1.4 \$110 M Nebraska\* 0.8 \$70 M Florida 0.8 \$114 M Texas 0.6 \$73 M New York\* 0.5 \$64 M Pennsylvania 0.3 \$31 M Montana\* 0.3 \$32 M North Carolina 0.3 \$22 M Kansas 0.2 \$14 M Nevada 0.2 \$13 M Illinois 0.2 \$13 M New Mexico 0.2 \$12 M Missouri 0.2 \$12 M Arizona 0.1 \$14 M Virginia 0.1 \$11 M Maryland 0.09 \$7 M Ohio 0.09 \$7 M Delaware 0.08 \$7 M Massachusetts 0.06 \$5 M New Jersey 0.05 \$4 M Alabama 0.02 \$2 M Rhode Island 0.01 \$0.9 M ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------- United States (2005) 42.4 \$2.9 Billion ------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------- *\*States having potato seed certification agencies.* ***USDA potatoes 2005 summary, <>*** *Synchytrium endobioticum*, the causal agent of potato wart disease, is the most important world-wide quarantine plant pathogen infecting potato. *S. endobioticum* is on the United States Select Agent list and was recently evaluated as a top tier threat to agriculture on the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) list of Regulated Pests (Rossman et al., 2006). Presence of the pathogen does not affect the safety of potatoes for consumption, but causes cauliflower-like deformities to grow on potatoes making them unmarketable, and reduces yield. The pathogen affects the growing points on the potato plant, such as eyes, buds and stolon tips. At the end of the growing season, resting spores are produced that can remain viable in the field soil for 40 years or more, effectively eliminating infested fields from commercial potato production. The need for intense regulatory scrutiny is due to the latent persistence of the resting spores, a lack of effective chemical control measures and scarcity of resistant varieties that are horticulturally accepted in the United States. Potato wart disease is believed to have coevolved with the potato in the Andes Mountains and was subsequently distributed around the world by trade in potatoes. The disease was first described in England in 1896, then reported on the European continent in Czechoslovakia (1898), subsequently spreading over the entire continent except Portugal. Potato wart has also been reported in Africa (Algeria, South Africa, Tunisia), Asia (Bhutan, India, Nepal), New Zealand, North America (Canada and the United States) and South America (Bolivia, Chile, the Falkland Islands and Peru) (De Boer, 2005). The disease is commonly known as potato wart, but is also know by various names, including black scab, black wart, cauliflower disease, potato tumor, wart and warty disease. Potato is the principal host, but *S. endobioticum* has been experimentally transferred to tomato, and to black nightshade and climbing nightshade (*Solanum nigrum* L. and *S*. *dulcamara* L.). Both nightshades developed wart infections in pot experiments, though neither had been observed to be attacked in nature. Extensive testing of a number of species belonging to the Solanaceae did not produce any infections (Weiss, 1925; Hampson, 1993). The first report of potato wart in North America was from Newfoundland in 1909, where it has been under quarantine since 1912. In 2000 and 2001, new infestations were reported in commercial potato fields on Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.), Canada. Wart was identified in the United States in the early 1900s. Poor potato harvests in the U.S. during 1911 and 1912 resulted in the importation of millions of pounds of tubers from Europe where potato wart was spreading. In 1912, the United States adopted a strict quarantine against countries where wart disease occurred. Shipments of tubers imported prior to 1912, however, were believed to have reached diverse sections of the U.S. There is no evidence of the spread of wart from Newfoundland to continental North America. In 1918 potato wart was discovered in Pennsylvania, soon after in West Virginia and, in 1920, the disease was found in Maryland. The potato wart discoveries were confined to home gardens in coal mining areas of the states. Despite a 1919 national survey for potato wart by the Plant Disease-Survey in cooperation with the Federal Horticultural Board, no more infestations, other than those in West Virginia and Maryland, were discovered (Lyman et al., 1920). Infestations in Pennsylvania and West Virginia were eradicated in the 1950s and 1960s, respectively. Infestations in Maryland were thought to be eradicated but non-viable cysts of the pathogen were found in one home garden during a survey in 1974. Subsequent bio-assays conducted with susceptible potato cultivars, and soil collected from the infected site did not produce any evidence of the pathogen. Potato wart was considered eradicated from Maryland in 1994 (Putnam and Hampson, 1989). **II. Biology and Symptoms** *S. endobioticum* is an obligate parasite -- a pathogen that can only feed on the living tissues of the host plant and cannot be grown in artificial culture medium. The pathogen does not produce hyphae. When not actively growing, it can survive as resting spores in the soil for as long as 40 years. Conditions favorable for disease development include cool summers with average temperatures of 18°C (64°F) or less, winters of approximately 160 days at or below 5°C (41°F) and annual precipitation of 70 cm (28 in.). Temperatures between 12-24°C (54-75° F) favor infection. ![](media/image1.png){width="5.992361111111111in" height="4.525in"} ***Life cycle diagram of* Synchytrium endobioticum**. *A, infected tubers, stem and stolons with wart symptoms; B, resting sporangium; C, resting sporangium with maturing zoospores; D, discharged motile zoospores; E, two zoospores form a (diploid) sporangium to later form a zygote; F, zoospore entering a host cell by direct penetration; G, young prosorus in host cell; H, contents of prosorus passing into host cell; I, cross section of sorus with two (haploid) sprorangia and remains of empty prosorus; and J, three mature (haploid) sporangia in sorus with zoospores beginning to be released. The haploid sporangia are summer sporangia and the diploid sporangia are resting winter sporangia* (Stevenson et al., 2001; illustrations after Walker, 1957). A typical disease cycle of potato wart begins when cool spring temperatures, and rainy weather or irrigation cause the soil-borne thick-walled overwintering sporangia to germinate. Instead of hyphae, each germinating sporangium produces as many as two- to three-hundred motile zoospores (2-4 µm). The zoospores have a tail-like flagellum enabling them to move through soil water. Zoospores can survive for 1-2 hours, infecting susceptible potato tissue with which they come into contact. The plant cells around the penetration point swell and proliferate, producing the characteristic warty, cauliflower appearance. The internal cells entered by the zoospores also become greatly enlarged. More spores are discharged from the infected tissue, re-infect surrounding cells which, in turn, produce more spores and subsequent infections as long as conditions remain favorable (cool, wet summer growing conditions). The persistent resting spores form at the end of the growing season and are capable of surviving in the soil for decades at depths of up to 50 cm (20 inches). ![](media/image2.jpeg){width="3.004861111111111in" height="2.0034722222222223in"} Potato tuber with gall ![](media/image3.jpeg){width="2.9034722222222222in" height="1.9527777777777777in"} Stem galling on potato []{.mark} **Photos: Michael Hampson** The warts are tumor-like galls affecting tubers and underground portions of potato stems. Occasionally, warts form on the upper stem, leaf or flower. The warts range from the size of a pea to large masses that cover the entire tuber. Warts at first appear green or white, turn brown and then black at maturity as they decay. Roots are not known to be attacked. The warts act as a sink for nutrients and increase rapidly in size at the expense of the tubers, which may entirely transform into warts. Because the symptoms generally occur underground with only a slight reduction in vigor above ground, the disease is insidious and may not be evident until potatoes are dug at harvest (Stevenson et al., 2001; EPPO Bulletin 34, 2004). ***Potato wart on tomato*** There is one report from 1920 that several varieties of tomato became infected with potato wart when grown in infested soil. []{.mark} In 1918, L.O. Kunkle and C.R. Orton completed a survey of vegetables other than potatoes, and weeds growing in infested Pennsylvania gardens. They found no evidence of potato wart infection. However, they were aware of the range of potato varieties susceptible to potato wart, and set out to see if tomatoes, close relatives of potatoes, also showed varietal susceptibility. In 1919, they planted two plants each of fifty tomato varieties in an *S. endobioticum* infested garden in Lehigh, Pennsylvania. About half the plants died from damping-off fungus, but of the remaining plants that survived until harvest, seven varieties showed signs of potato wart on the roots and stems. The warts on the roots were the size of a pea or smaller. The warts on the stems were considerably larger than on the roots. Warts were confined to the underground portions of the stem or to portions just above the surface of the soil. Microscopic examination revealed that both root and stem warts contained large numbers of resting sporangia. The warts on the tomato were harder and less succulent than those on the potato. Kunkle and Orton felt that the large numbers of warts on the roots of a tomato plant might somewhat lessen the yield. It was not believed that the disease would cause serious damage to susceptible tomato varieties, but growing these varieties on infested soil would keep the disease alive from year to year and transplanting seedlings from infested soil might spread it to new fields. The warted stem of the Maulc's New Imperial tomato variety is show below (Lyman et al., 1920). ![](media/image4.jpeg){width="2.7243055555555555in" height="4.604166666666667in"} **III. Spread** *Synchytrium endobioticum* has a very limited capacity for natural spread, making it possible to control it effectively by statutory means. Spread of potato wart disease between countries or between farms is primarily through infected seed potatoes. The potato industry in the United States has excellent programs in place to safeguard the disease-free quality of seed and fresh potatoes on a state by state basis, and is in the process of establishing a nationally verifiable system. It may still be possible for infected potatoes with incipient warts to pass undetected through visual inspection. However, many programs start with tissue cultured stock that eliminates all pathogens. Wart in a seed field would be detected early because in the early seed generations the potatoes are checked individually. Local spread may occur by the movement of fungal spores in soil, water, or in contaminated soil adhering to tubers, equipment, implements or other carriers. Manure from animals that have fed on infected tubers may also spread the disease. USDA-APHIS-PPQ's prohibition on the movement of foreign soil into the United States makes it unlikely that potato wart could enter the U.S. on imported plants or plant parts (EPPO bulletin 34, 2004; Stevenson et al., 2001). **IV. Monitoring and Detection** *Synchytrium endobioticum* has been subject to quarantine and domestic legislation to prevent its spread worldwide for more that 65 years. Crop protection chemicals have not proven effective in controlling potato wart. Exclusion of the pathogen from non-infested areas is the most efficient method of disease control. Potato wart is not a disease that is regularly surveyed by the APHIS Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) program. Some limited survey work was conducted in parts of Idaho, Washington, Massachusetts, Oregon, Vermont and Nevada between 2000 and 2005. All results were negative. The state of Montana will complete a CAPS survey for potato wart in 2006 but results are not yet available (NAPIS website; Personal communication with Montana Department of Agriculture). Potato wart falls under both state and federal regulations within the United States. Monitoring for potato diseases is built into the U.S. potato industry at several levels. There is a formal program of inspection and certification of seed potatoes to ensure that the tubers sold for seed meet the quality standards mandated by state law. The standards ensure that only high quality seed is marketed to growers of fresh market and processing potatoes. Authority for certifying seed potatoes at the state level resides with the agency granted authority by state law. The agency is usually a land grant university, state department of agriculture, crop improvement association or a combination of all three. There are formal and informal inspections of tablestock potatoes during and after harvest, when potatoes travel by conveyor belt into cold storage and again, on the conveyer moving potatoes from cold storage to be washed and sold. Seed potatoes are subject to inspection by state regulatory officials when crossing state lines. Each state land grant university diagnostic laboratory, as part of the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN), has a protocol for preliminary identification of *S. endobioticum* and instructions for sending suspicious samples to the USDA national lab for confirmation and species identification. Because *S. endobioticum* is on the federal Select Agent list (42 C.F.R. Part 73, 7 C.F.R. Part 331, and 9 C.F.R. Part 121), any suspected incidences of the pathogen in the United States must be sent for confirmation to the Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) division of APHIS. Morphological identification of *S. endobioticum* will be performed by the National Mycologist at the USDA-APHIS-PPQ Plant Safeguarding and Pest Identification National Identification Services in Beltsville, MD. Confirmatory molecular testing and validation of primers for PCR or serological tests for the pathogens is performed at the USDA-APHIS-PPQ National Plant Germplasm and Biotechnology Laboratory (NPGBL) in Beltsville, Maryland. This laboratory also has all the necessary permits, registrations, and containment approvals to handle select agents. In the future, other laboratories may obtain certification and registrations for making presumptive determinations but must abide by guidelines set under various permits and authorizations maintained by APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine. **V. USDA Pathogen Permits** The possession, use and transfer of select agents as well as plant pests or infected plant material, regardless of quarantine status, is specifically regulated. PPQ permit and registration requirements for plant diseases and laboratories fall under two authorities, the Plant Protection Act (7 CFR Part 330) and the Agricultural Bioterrorism Protection Act of 2002 (7 CFR Part 331). Laboratories receiving suspect infected plant material or cultures are required to have PPQ permits. Laboratories possessing, using, or transferring select agents are required to be registered as a select agent laboratory. However, diagnostic laboratories that identify select agents are exempt from this requirement as long as they complete an APHIS/CDC Form 4 and destroy or transfer infected material to a laboratory registered with the APHIS Select Agent Program within seven calendar days of learning of a positive confirmation. - The Plant Protection Act permit requirements apply to all plant pests and infected plant material, including diagnostic samples, regardless of their quarantine status. If any material is shipped interstate, it is a requirement that the receiving laboratory has a permit. For further guidance on permitting of plant pest material, consult the PPQ permit website at: <> or contact PPQ Permit Services at (301) 734-8758. - Federal regulation by the Agricultural Bioterrorism Protection Act of 2002 (7 CFR Part 331) specifies requirements for possession, use, and transfer of organisms listed as select agents and toxins. Once a diagnostic laboratory identifies a select agent, it must immediately notify the APHIS Agriculture Select Agent Program, complete an APHIS/CDC Form 4 and submit within 24 hours, and either destroy or transfer the agent to a registered entity within 7 calendar days. In compliance with this Act, if a diagnostic laboratory held back part of a screened sample for voucher purposes and the sample that was forwarded to the USDA Beltsville Laboratory came back as positive for a select agent, the diagnostic laboratory is required to notify the APHIS Select Agent Program immediately. If the determination of the laboratory is to destroy the sample, this must take place within seven (7) calendar days of results notification and a PPQ Officer must witness the destruction of the sample on or before the 7-day period expires. Clarification of this and other information related to adherence to the select agent regulations is available on the following APHIS website: <>, or call (301) 734-5960. **VI. Response** While this plan is focused primarily on recovery, certain facets of the response to a new detection involve aspects of recovery with a continuum of activities from response to recovery. The response is under USDA-APHIS-Plant Protection and Quarantine's authority delegated from the Secretary of Agriculture under the Plant Protection Act of 2000. After a detection of *S. endobioticum* has been confirmed by a USDA-APHIS-PPQ recognized authority, APHIS, in cooperation with the appropriate state department of agriculture, is in charge of the response. Race or pathotype determination is not necessary to initiate the response as all races are under quarantine. The response is immediate in the form of advance assessment teams of state and federal experts and survey personnel. They are sent to the site of initial detection to prevent the movement of regulated articles, conduct investigations, and initiate delimiting surveys using trace back and trace forward information, crop, tuber, and soil samples, shipping point inspections, post-harvest field sampling and/or bioassay of crops. Actions that may be taken include regulatory measures to quarantine infested or potentially infested production areas, stop movement of infected or potentially infected articles in commerce, and other control measures which may include host removal and destruction, and/or insuring adherence to required sanitary practices. APHIS imposes quarantines and regulatory requirements to control and prevent the interstate movement of quarantine-significant diseases or regulated articles, and works in conjunction with states to impose these actions parallel to state regulatory actions which restrict intrastate movement. The field(s) known to be positive (index sites), all adjacent fields, and fields within a ½ mile (0.8 km) core (regulated) area around the index site will be placed under quarantine. All fields with previous linkages to index field(s) by shared harvesting equipment, vehicles, or machinery are called contact fields and will also be placed under quarantine. Regulated articles include host plants and plant parts (potato and tomato), soil and crops contaminated with soil, machinery, equipment and vehicles from the regulated area. Also included are bags, tools, seed houses, and storage sheds with links or associations to infested fields or tuber lots. Host material and soil are prohibited movement outside the regulated area and any regulated equipment, tools, vehicles, machinery, or storage areas must be disinfested with prescribed formulations of quaternary ammonium. Fields that are positive for *S. endobioticum,* and all host crops in the regulated area must have the current crop destroyed with an approved herbicide. The dead plant material is subsequently destroyed by burning, incineration, or removed and sent to an approved landfill. Harvested potatoes from regulated fields are also destroyed by approved methods. Prohibition of host crops in the regulated area remains in effect until the disease is considered eradicated. An exception to this is allowed if the race is determined to be one with which immune varieties of potato are available, and they can be planted. Potatoes from these plantings can only be used for processing under compliance agreement, and are not allowed for use as seed or tablestock. In a minimum of ten years the fields are resurveyed requiring planting with a susceptible variety for three consecutive years with conducive environmental conditions for the disease. If no evidence of potato wart is detected in those three years, the fields can be released from quarantine. **VII. Infrastructure and Experts** Much of the infrastructure, outside the regulatory community, for detecting and diagnosing a pest of national concern such as potato wart, has been organized and developed in the past four years. The National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) was established by USDA-CSREES in 2002 to enhance national crop security by quickly detecting and diagnosing introduced plant pests and pathogens. To date, more than 12,000 growers, crop consultants and extension educators have received NPDN training to be aware of unusual or suspicious plant symptoms for many different pathogens and pests, to collect and package suspicious plant samples properly, and quickly submit them to the nearest state land grant university diagnostic lab. More information about NPDN First Detector training and training materials can be found at <>, Click on First Detector Information under NPDN portal. The NPDN has also updated lab equipment and linked all land grant university diagnostic laboratories electronically, giving labs the ability to visually compare samples over a secure network. Standard Operating Procedures are being developed for the identification of many plant pathogens, including potato wart. National training sessions are regularly provided for diagnosticians to upgrade diagnostic techniques. Standardized protocol for handling specimens, securing identification and facilitating communications has been developed jointly between NPDN and APHIS-PPQ. This protocol has been practiced in 43 of 50 states, using simulated diagnostic events of high risk pests. The diagnostic exercises have involved extension educators, extension specialists, land grant university diagnostic labs, and both state and federal regulatory officials. Each region of the U.S. where potatoes are grown has at least one land grand university plant pathologist specializing in potato diseases. U.S. plant pathologists that specialize in potato diseases can be queried from the American Phytopathological Society website ([]( under membership directory, advanced search. North American scientists with expertise in potato wart include: > Lawrence G. Brown -- USDA-APHIS-PPQ, Center for Plant Health Science > and Technology, North Carolina State University,1730 Varsity Dr.  > Suite 300, Raleigh, NC, 27606. 919-855-7503, > <[email protected]> > > Russ Bulluck - Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (CPHST), > USDA- APHIS- PPQ, 1730 Varsity Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607, 919-855-7646, > <[email protected]> > > Terry Bourgoin - USDA-APHIS-PPQ, 15 Iron Road, Suite 1, Hermon, Maine > 04401, (207) 848-5199, <[email protected]> > > Steven B. Johnson - University of Maine Cooperative Extension, PO Box > 727, 57 Houlton Road, Presque Isle, ME 04769-0727, (207) 764-3361, > <[email protected]> > > Jim Stack -- National Plant Diagnostic Network (Director), experts in > diagnosis and detection. Kansas State University, 4024 Throckmorton > Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-5502, 785-532-1388, <[email protected]> . The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) maintains the following centers involved with potato wart research for Canada: - CFIA Laboratory - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Center of Expertise for Potato Diseases. > The Center provides testing, and reference services for CFIA's Seed > Potato Certification program. Activities include research to improve > tests for potato diseases of quarantine and trade significance. The > Center also provides audit and technical support for the accreditation > of non-federal labs to test seed potatoes for import, export and > disease control programs. - CFIA Laboratory -- St. John's, Newfoundland. > Provides testing for potato wart disease and cyst nematodes; > collaborates with Agriculture and Agi-food Canada and the Newfoundland > government in the development of potato cultivars resistant to potato > wart and potato cyst nematodes. The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) is an intergovernmental organization responsible for European cooperation in plant health. Founded in 1951 by 15 European countries, EPPO now has 48 members, covering almost all countries of the European and Mediterranean region. Its objectives are to protect plants, to develop international strategies against the introduction and spread of dangerous pests and to promote safe and effective control methods. **VIII. Economic Impact and Compensation** Member nations of the World Trade Organization are entitled to ban imports of plant material that may introduce exotic diseases into their territories. Thus, importing countries that are themselves free of a particular highly contagious plant disease will routinely impose sanitary or phytosanitary restrictions on trade with countries in which that disease occurs. This can result in billions of dollars of lost trade. In 1987, a senior policy advisor (D. Karamchandani) with Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, did an analysis of the putative economic losses of a potato wart discovery to Atlantic Canada and the far-reaching consequences for the rest of the country. At that time there had not been an incidence of potato wart in a commercial Canadian field. The analysis proved prophetic when the economic impact from the 2000-2001 discoveries of potato wart on P.E.I. closely followed her assumptions. Karamchandani assumed new outbreaks would be small and sporadic and would be detected before they caused major crop damage. She concluded that the impact would not be caused directly by the pathogen but would result from the imposition of various measures such as embargoes, quarantines, long crop rotations, increased research activity and incentives to grow only resistant cultivars. In Atlantic Canada's major potato growing region, farm revenues would fall, potatoes would be consumed locally at lower cost to the consumer, and supplies to central and western Canada would fall, causing increased costs in potato-deficit areas. Governments would be under pressure to bear most of the adverse economic consequences, and there would be repercussions on world trade as other countries would most likely cease to import Canadian potatoes (Hampson, 1993). ***Federal Crop Insurance*** Federal crop insurance compensation is provided for potato losses due to plant disease but only if good farming practices are followed that include disposing of any infected crop from previous years, use of appropriate crop protection chemicals, and using recommended rotation practices for the specific disease. The various policies for potatoes can be accessed by policy number from the website listed below. ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------- **POTATO** ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Policy Name** **Policy \#** **Ref \#** Northern Potato [[98-184]{.underline}]( [[3]{.underline}]( Northern Potato Quality Endorsement [[98-84A]{.underline}]( [[3]{.underline}]( Northern Potato Processing Quality Endorsement [[98-84B]{.underline}]( [[3]{.underline}]( Northern Potato Certified Seed Endorsement [[2001-84C]{.underline}]( [[3]{.underline}]( Northern Potato Storage Coverage Endorsement [[98-84D]{.underline}]( [[3]{.underline}]( Central & Southern Potato [[99-284]{.underline}]( [[3]{.underline}]( ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> **IX. Mitigation and Disease Management** ***Modeling*** The North Carolina State University/APHIS Plant Pest Forecast (NAPPFAST) ([]( System is an internet tool for plant pest modeling using geo-referenced climatological weather data. NAPPFAST has developed risk maps representing the influence of weather and climate on potato wart development. The probability risk maps are estimated from 30 years of daily climatic data using two simple models. The first model represents the influence of climatic conditions upon overwintering and the second represents epidemic development of the disease during the growing season (Magarey et al., 2004). ***Chemical control options*** It the past, infested soils were chemically treated to eradicate surviving soil inoculum of potato wart. This approach is no longer suitable. The drastic ecological impact of the type and high rates of chemical treatments (mercury, sulfur, copper, chlorine-based chemicals and formaldehyde) that were used left the soil barren. This is unacceptable because the intention of soil treatment is to resume potato cultivation (Reigner, 2006; De Boer, 2005). There is zero tolerance for potato wart. For any crop protection chemical to be considered effective, it must be eradicative, not just suppressive. More than 400 compounds have been tested for controlling potato wart. To date, no chemicals are recommended for managing the disease (Hampson, 1993). ***Biological control*** Several biological control theories and non-chemical treatments, such as the use of chitin, urea, organic fertilizers and crab shell meal have been proposed and investigated in areas of known infestation of the wart pathogen. None have been widely adopted in field use, and efficacy information is limited. ***Disease management*** To date, the best method of managing an initial outbreak of potato wart disease is quarantine and movement restriction on fields that are within a buffer area and associated with the index field. ***Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) Potato Wart Disease Case Study*** Potato wart was first discovered on P.E.I. on October 24, 2000. Originally, one field of potatoes was found to be infested in New Annan, P.E.I. in 2000, and in 2002 five additional infested fields were discovered. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed a three-year working plan including restricted movement of host material and equipment within the quarantine area, surveillance activities, and a certification process for potatoes produced on P.E.I. Potato wart was detected in one P.E.I. field during 2003, indicating that the conditions were favorable for the disease in that location. One indication that the 2003 potato growing season on P.E.I. was conducive for potato wart was that there were symptomatic volunteer plants in an index field near the New Glasgow area. Following is a narrative of how the disease outbreak was handled by the Canadian government, and the regulatory requirements imposed by USDA before potatoes could again be imported into the United States from the island. In October 2000, the United States closed its border to shipments of potatoes from P.E.I., Canada because potato wart had been identified in a field on the island. Harvesting was stopped as soon as the first infected potato was seen, and harvesting equipment was sanitized. Canadian regulatory actions to delimit the infestation included immediate quarantine of the area where the pathogen was found, a prohibition on the movement of potatoes and machinery from the index field as well as surrounding fields, collecting and analyzing thousands of soil samples in the index field and surrounding area, conducting trace-backs and trace forwards on the seed potatoes, and investigating past farming practices in the index field. The field where the infected potatoes were found was enclosed with a chain-link fence and security guards were posted 24 hours a day. By mid-November 2000, the delimiting survey determined that the initial detection was restricted to the section of the original index field. The U.S. border remained closed to P.E.I. potatoes for six months, until April 2001, while a scientific risk analysis was completed (Brown, 2006). The objective of the assessment was to recommend a general surveillance survey to reduce the risk of *S. endobioticum* moving from P.E.I. into the United States. The risk in need of surveillance was the independent existence of undetected infestations (cryptic fields) occurring on P.E.I. The U.S. border reopening came with strict USDA-APHIS provisions for Canadian inspection and handling of the 2000 potato crop. A 3-year plan was put in place whereby Canadian inspectors must inspect every P.E.I. potato field after harvest to determine if there was a detectable level of potato wart disease. Officials also had to inspect random samples of potatoes heading into and out of storage (Herglotz and Jones, 2001). In September 2002, two more incidences of potato wart were detected from two different fields (independent of the original infestation) approximately six and 15 miles from the original find in 2000. Both infections were discovered during a Canadian Food Inspection Agency post-harvest field inspection required under the 3-year Canada/US working plan. The new finds did not negatively affect trade. The CFIA regulations put into place for P.E.I. after the initial detection, mitigated this expanded risk. The inspection was instrumental to safeguarding U.S. trade with Canada. In the four years immediately following the disease outbreak, 126,000 hectares were surveyed for evidence of the disease and 26,000 soil samples were processed for pathogen extraction. The overall cost of the P.E.I. outbreak was estimated at over \$83 million. It is estimated that the loss to the island's economy and its 600 potato growers was between \$30 and \$50 million (Canadian Phytopathological Society website: <>). **X. Research, Extension, and Education Priorities** ***Research Priorities*** **[Evaluation of U.S. potato varieties for resistance/susceptibility to potato wart]{.underline}** North American potato varieties differ from those used in Europe and have not been included in the virulence testing there, so very little is known about the resistance/susceptibility of North American varieties. There is no program in the United States for evaluating the resistance of potato varieties to *S. endobioticum*. However, there is a program at the CFIA Laboratory in Newfoundland that could be a useful model, a starting point, or a resource for beginning a new or cooperative program of resistance evaluation for U.S. potato varieties. In countries with known infestations of potato wart, cultivation of resistant (immune) potato varieties has been the prime measure for managing the disease. The European Union (EU) member states are obliged annually to send the EU commission a list of potato cultivars which have been officially tested and found to be resistant to *S. endobioticum*. The EU directive does not specify the methodology to be used for testing, only describes the phytosanitary goal that is to be reached in terms of risk. Complete resistance to *S. endobioticum* is not required. Rather, resistance should be such that secondary infection within the crop, or of a subsequent crop of the same cultivar, need not be feared (Baayen et al., 2005). The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) maintains a website listing descriptions of all commercial potato varieties used in Canada (<>). The list can be queried by specific disease. Fifty potato varieties are included that range from immune to highly resistant to potato wart, with pathotype resistance listed where known. Only three varieties on this list are grown in the United States. Over 20 different pathotypes of potato wart have been described, mainly from Europe where resistance testing has been on-going since 1920. Each pathotype is characterized by its pattern of infectiousness on different potato varieties. Because the pathotypes work in subtly different ways within potatoes, genetic resistance must be specific to each pathovar. To date, there is no international harmonization of pathotype codes (Baayen et al., 2006). Pathotyping is a time-consuming and difficult procedure. One of the *S. endobioticum* isolates from the 2000/2001 P.E.I. potato wart outbreak has been identified as the strain consistent with German pathotype 6, and typing of two other isolates has not been successful thus far. Newfoundland, Canada is known to harbor pathotypes 1, 2, 6 or 7, and 8 (Stachewicz and De Boer, 2002). The United States would benefit from the development of cooperative projects with Canada and European countries for the purpose of including U.S. potato varieties in potato wart resistance screening programs. While the U.S. does not have a national public database for potato varieties and pest resistance, there are regional websites such as the Potato Information & Exchange (<>) at Washington State University that could benefit from the inclusion of disease resistance/susceptibility information in their varietal lists. **[Breeding for Resistance]{.underline}** Potato resistance breeding programs are crucial in the control of potato wart disease. Potato wart resistance/susceptibility is not a consideration in U.S. potato breeding as there is no program available to test against North American pathotypes and it is an uncommon practice to breed for resistance to pests that do not occur in the country. Resistant germplasm is available for use in breeding. Researchers in Germany at the Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research have developed potato lines that harbor multiple resistance genes by marker assisted selection. Knowledge of the genetic position of the desirable traits and of closely linked DNA-based markers allows the targeting of specific genes for introgression, and provides a fast track to increase genetic gain in crop breeding. The plant lines generated are resistant to four important potato pathogens, Potato Virus Y, *Synchytrium endobioticum*, and the root cyst nematodes *Globodera rostochiensis* and *Globodera pallida*. The selected plants can be used as sources of multiple resistances and are available from the Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK) potato germplasm bank in Germany. Selection of *Synchytrium*-resistant potato cultivars may be facilitated by using markers closely linked with a resistance gene or by transferring a cloned gene for resistance into susceptible cultivars. A single, dominant gene for resistance to *Synchytrium endobioticum* has been located on potato linkage *group XI* (Gebhardt et al., 2005). **[Developing improved molecular diagnostic tools for detection of *S. endobioticum* in both plants and soil]{.underline}** A discovery of potato wart infection is soon followed by intensive testing of soil and tissue for evidence of the pathogen. Time is of the essence in order to determine the extent of the infestation and delineate the quarantine area. The best qualitative and quantitative testing procedures must be continually scrutinized and updated to the standards of new molecular technology. A technique developed in Canada during the 2000-2001 outbreak, used the DNA of several potato wart-diseased potatoes including one specimen from the original outbreak in Newfoundland in 1903. The DNA extraction and subsequent development of probes for detection made possible the creation of a highly sensitive test for detecting as few as one to three pathogen spores per gram of soil (Levesque, 2001). Recent work in Germany demonstrated the utility of 18S rDNA sequence of *S. endobioticum* in microarrays for the simultaneous detection of fungal and viral pathogens of potato. The study suggests that oligonucleotide-based microarray has great potential, providing a very convenient option for multiple pathogen detection, especially in quarantine laboratories where plant materials are routinely screened for both characterized and uncharacterized disease-causing organisms (Abdullahi et al., 2005). **[Delimiting surveys and the potato wart surveillance model]{.underline}** The North Carolina State University (NCSU)/APHIS Plant Pest Forecast (NAPPFAST) System, a web-based interface used for mapping the distribution of invasive pests, recently completed a project on potato wart (described in the Disease Management and Mitigation section under *Modeling*). The project was a general assessment for the United States, as a whole. The next step would be to refine the model for the important potato production states. It is essential to determine the likelihood of conditions being conducive for survival of *S. endobioticum* -- as an individual state may have some areas that are less likely to support the disease than other areas in the same state. The information would be of assistance when planning detection and delimiting surveys for potato wart. NAPPFAST allows a wide range of users to rapidly create weather-based development/incidence models to support predictive pest mapping needs, and to assist in pest prediction and occurrence (Magarey et al., 2004). ***[Ranking research priorities]{.underline}*** Priority ranking for research projects could change depending on the current situation with *S. endobioticum*. Included here are three scenarios that would affect the priority of the ranking. Condition A:      *Potato wart is not known to exist in the United States* Priority of research projects: > 1\. Developing improved molecular diagnostic tools for detection of > *S. endobioticum* in both plants and soil > > 2\. Delimiting surveys and the potato wart surveillance model > > 3\. Evaluation of U.S. potato varieties for resistance/susceptibility > to potato wart > > 4\. Breeding for resistance Condition B:      *Potato wart is discovered in the United State*s Priority of research projects: > 1\. Delimiting surveys and the potato wart surveillance model > > 2\. Developing improved molecular diagnostic tools for detection of > *S. endobioticum* in both plants and soil > > 3\. Evaluation of U.S. potato varieties for resistance/susceptibility > to potato wart > > 4\. Breeding for resistance Condition C:      *Potato wart becomes established in the United States* Priority of research projects: > 1\. Breeding for resistance > > 2\. Evaluation of U.S. potato varieties for resistance/susceptibility > to potato wart > > 3\. Delimiting surveys and the potato wart surveillance model > > 4\. Developing improved molecular diagnostic tools for detection of > *S. endobioticum* in both plants and soil *Extension and Educational Priorities* Extension specialists and educators must continue to build awareness of potato wart disease among their professional and nonprofessional clientele through written and web-based learning materials, educational programming and continued participation in the National Plant Diagnostic Network's (NPDN) First Detector training program. It is also important to promote awareness among home gardeners as part of the Master Gardener curriculum. Extension specialists and educators are an integral part of the NPDN diagnostic exercise program. The exercises are providing practice in the chain of custody and communication protocol involved with identifying and diagnosing a high risk pest. Their input into the format and function of the exercises is critical to the continued expansion and awareness-building of the program among growers, extension personnel, land grant diagnostic facilities as well as state and federal regulatory officials. **References** Abdullahi, I., Koerbler, M., Stachewicz, H., and Winter, S. 2005. The 18s rDNA of *Synchytrium endobioticum* and its utility in microarrays for the simultaneous detection of fungal and viral pathogens of potato. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 68 (3): 368-375.  Baayen, R.P., Bonthuis, H, Withagen, J.C.M, Wander, J.G.N., Lamers, J.L, Meffert, J.P., Cochius, G., van Leeuwen, G.C.M., Hendriks, H., Heerink, B.G.J., van Boogert, P.H.J.F., van de Griend, P., and Bosch, R.A. 2005. Resistance of Potato Cultivars to *Synchytrium endobioticum* in field and laboratory tests, risk of secondary infection, and implications for phytosanitary regulations. EPPO Bulletin 35: 9-23. Baayen, R.P., Cochius, G., Hendriks, H., Meffert, J.P., Bakker, J., Bekker, M., van den Boogert, P.H.J.F., Stachewicz, H., and van Leeuwen, G.C.M. 2006. History of potato wart disease in Europe -- a proposal for harmonization in defining pathotypes. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 116: 21-31. Brown, L.G. 2006. *Synchytrium endobioticum* (potato wart): Analysis of Surveillance Methods. USDA-APHIS-PPQ Center for Plant Health Science and Technology. Raleigh, North Carolina 27606. DeBoer, S. 2005. Emerging Potato Disease Challenges -- an Overview. Potato Reporter Online.Com. -- the Monthly Online International Potato Newsletter, July. []( European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) Bulletin, Diagnostic Protocols for Regulated Pests: *Synchytrium endobioticum*. 2004, vol. 34 (2): 213-218. Gebhardt C., Bellin, D., Henselewski, H., Lehmann, W., Schwarzfischer, J., and Valkonen, W.P.T. 2006. Marker-assisted Combination of Major Genes for Pathogen Resistance in Potato. Theoretical Applied Genetics, vol. 112 No. 8, May: 1458-1464. Hampson, M.C. 1993. History, biology and control of potato wart disease in Canada. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, vol. 15(4):223-316. Herglotz, K., and Jones, B. 2001. U.S. and Canadian Agriculture Officials Agree on Conditions for the Movement of Potatoes from Prince Edward Island. Press Release from the Embassy of the United States of America, Ottawa, Canada.\ <> Levesque, A. 2001. New Species Specific Assay for the Causal Agent of Potato Wart. Research Highlights 2000-2001, Canadian Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre. <> Lyman, G.R., Kunkel, L.O., and Orton, C.R. 1920. Potato Wart. U.S. Dept. of Agr. Circular III, 19 pp. Magarey, R.D., Borchert, D.M., and Brown, L.  2004. Pest Assessment: *Synchytrium endobioticum*, (Potato Wart).  September, 2004 Project Report. <> Putnam, M.L. and Hampson, M. C.. 1989. Rediscovery of *Synchytrium endobioticum* in Maryland. American Potato Journal, vol. 66: 495-501. Reigner, Nathan. 2006. Potential chemical controls & crop protection industry contacts for recovery from establishment of select agent plant diseases in U.S. agriculture. Report from the Croplife Foundation, 1156 15^th^ Street, NW, #400, Washington D.C. 20005. Rossman, A.Y., Britton, K., Luster, D., Palm, M., Royer, M. and Sherald, J. 2006. Evaluating the Threat Posed by Fungi on the APHIS List of Regulated Pests. Plant Management Network. Published 5/5/06. <> Stachewicz, H. and De Boer, S. H. 2002. Pathotype determination of potato wart from Prince Edward Island, Canada. Nachrichtebl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 54:269. Stevenson, W.R., Loria, R., Franc, G.D. and Weingartner (Editors). 2001. Compendium of Potato Diseases, 2^nd^ Edition. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. Pages 46-47. Walker, JC. 1957. Plant Pathology, 2^nd^ Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill. Weiss, F. 1925. The Conditions of Infection in Potato Wart. American Journal of Botany, Vol.12, No. 7: 413-443. **Web resources** APHIS Pest List website: <> Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)-Plant Health Division-Potato Section <> . The list of potato varieties used commercially in Canada can be queried by specific disease. Canadian Phytopathological Society website: <> EPPO Workshop on *Synchytrium endobioticum*, Paris, France. December 2005: <> Maine Department of Agriculture, Seed Potato Certification: <> National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS): <> USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service 2005 potato 2005 summary: <> Wisconsin Seed Certification Program: <>
### ![](media/image1.wmf){width="1.667361111111111in" height="1.5138888888888888in"} **NETIQUETTE, TECHNETIQUETTE, & E-MANNERS** **IN THE JOB SEARCH** \- Prepared by the CTC Staff for publication in the February 2005 edition of the *CTC Newletter* **[Tailor Your Product To The Recipient]{.underline}** Avoid mass mailing, also known as "blasting," your job applications. Personalized messages are much more effective. Many career counselors and coaches advise their clients to customize each cover letter and resume to the particular job, company, or industry. Mass e-mails may get rejected by Spam filters. If you are identified as a spammer, the recipient may "blacklist" you (and your company if you're working on an office computer!), effectively blocking all messages from you (and, possibly, your company). Mail merge often does not translate well from Microsoft Outlook into Outlook Express. When the recipient receives a message beginning "Dear \<xml:namespace prefix-microsoft-com:office\>," they are going to know they have been mass mailed! Be sure that your own virus protection software is up-to-date and active. If you are attaching your resume to an e-mail, scan it for viruses before you send it. **[Follow Directions]{.underline}** Make sure you follow the application directions. Not following the directions makes you look stupid or careless which is definitely not the image you are trying to project! If the job advertisement specifies that applicants should not send their resumes as e-mail attachments, then don't do it. It's a good idea to avoid attachments in general as some companies and individuals block all e-mails with attachments in order to avoid viruses. Many people delete e-mails with attachments if they do not know the sender. If you do attach your resume to an e-mail, ensure that the recipient will be able to read it by asking what format you should use before you send it -- in MSWord or as a PDF file, for instance. Never attach your resume as a compressed file (e.g., zip) unless instructed to do so by the employer. Check the company website. There are often very explicit instructions to follow on their "Career" pages. In fact, many companies will direct you to their website as the only place to submit an application. Employers really hate receiving applications from job seekers who are clearly not qualified for the job, so read the qualifications section of the job advertisement very carefully. CareerXRoads recently published a list of New Years resolutions in their January 2005 *CXR Newsletter*. Two of the resolutions for job seekers were: > "I promise (Job Seeker) to read the position description before > applying- as long as it is written to the educational level I am > expected to have." > > "I promise (Job Seeker) to stop applying for positions where I\'m > clearly not minimally qualified- as long as the position\'s > requirements are clearly described, prioritized, confirmed at the > beginning of the application process and offer immediate feedback on > the initial \'screen\'." **[Chose Your Tools Wisely]{.underline}** It is best to use a personal e-mail address and to access it from a computer outside your workplace. If you send your e-mails to a prospective employer from your office e-mail address, the prospective employer is going to know that you are taking your current employer's time to apply for other jobs. If your current employer monitors company e-mails, he may worry that you are leaking company secrets and other proprietary information to his competitor. In any event, it is wise to keep your personal e-mail address book and job search documents on your home computer where you can access them no matter who you are working for. **[Subject Line]{.underline}** The subject line of the e-mail may determine whether the message is opened and read, forgotten and left to whither in the recipient's in box, or simply deleted. Never leave the subject line blank. The subject line should be short -- 4 to 6 words, less than 35 characters. Ii should include more than just the job title or just the job number or just your name. It should be pertinent, honest, and professionally worded, but still attract the attention of the recipient. "Resume" may not be opened immediately by a nonprofit specializing in international development, but "Experienced Micro-enterprise Project Manager" might be. Avoid using symbols and punctuation in the subject line, especially exclamation points which could trigger a Spam blocker. Other Spam triggers in the subject line include words like "free," "great offer," "important," or "information" -- i.e., words that are frequently used in the subject lines of actual Spam messages. A lot of numbers in the subject line may also trigger a Spam blocker. **[Your E-Mail Address]{.underline}** Your e-mail address should be simple, professional, and easily recognized as yours. It is helpful to the recipient if your e-mail address includes your surname. For instance, [email protected] is a much better choice than [email protected]. If your home e-mail address is too informal and your service provider only allows you one address, then get a free Hot Mail or Yahoo account with a more appropriate address. Also note that a lot of numbers in your e-mail address may trigger a Spam blocker. For instance, [email protected] would be a better choice than [email protected]. **[Addressing Your E-Mail]{.underline}** Have you ever pressed "Send" accidentally before your message was completely written or ready? To avoid that slip, draft your message first, then fill in the recipients' addresses. Trying to recall a message sent by mistake makes you look careless. Be careful about hitting the "Reply to All" button. Also, check the "To," "CC," and "BCC" lines to make sure you know who you are replying to when you push the "Reply" button. You may want to copy (CC) others involved as a professional courtesy and to keep them in the loop. For instance, when sending a message to a hiring manager, you could copy the company recruiter who pre-screened you. Another example would be to copy the person who referred you when writing to introduce yourself to a hiring manager. If you are sending an e-mail to many recipients who do not know each other (hopefully, this would not be a job search message), then it may be best to use your own address for the "To" line and "BCC" for the recipients addresses for several reasons. First, if a recipient prints out your message, it won't take several pages of paper to print the "To" section. Second, it's a matter of privacy. Most people do not want their private e-mail address to be publicized to lots of people they don't know. Always labeling your messages as "urgent" can annoy recipients, so use that feature judiciously. Some career counselors and coaches recommend that you do not attach a "RR" or "Return Receipt" feature to your e-mails, as certain types of RR features can be perceived by recipients as irritating or intrusive. **[Technical Aspects of Formatting the Message]{.underline}** Make sure that your e-mail messages -- whether they include cover letters and resumes or not \-- are neatly formatted. We recommend that you e-mail it to another address (to another account of your own or to a friend or family member) just to see how it comes out on the other end. Many recipients can only receive your beautifully crafted resume in "plain text" format that can significantly affect the appearance of your document. It is best to use "plain text" or "ASCII" text in your e-mails -- simply select "Format" and choose "plain" (not "rich") text. Another good reason to use "plain text" is that it takes up less space or kilobytes. Space can be very important to a recruiter who receives several hundred e-mails a day. Whether you use "plain" or "rich" text, always use black font on a white background in normal e-mail size (10) and font style (Arial, Helvetica, Times Roman). Indentations and tabs rarely come out nicely on the recipient's end of the message. Justify everything to the left, avoiding the centering feature and tabbed columns. Avoid underlining, bolding, and bulleting. You can still create bullets with lower-case o's, plus signs, dashes, or asterisks. Avoid colors and graphics. Bright or dark backgrounds with colorful fonts in the text of your message may also trigger Spam blockers. Backgrounds and graphics can also require the recipient to change it to "plain text" in order to respond. Your lines should be no longer than 60 characters. Your recipient may not have a "word wrap" feature and receive your 150 skillfully crafted words on 150 hard-to-read lines. Leave blank lines between paragraphs. (FYI: in some e-mail software, you can set your own "word wrap" limits.) Use "white space" in your e-mail to make it easier to read. **[Style, Content, & Formatting]{.underline}** The internet is a public place. Never assume your e-mail messages are private. Don't include anything in your messages that couldn't be read by everyone, including your mama, or broadcast on "60 Minutes." Any written communications regarding your job search should be considered formal business correspondence, even if it is e-mail. Even though it's e-mail, maintain formality with people you don't know well. If the employer is informal, don't assume that you should be, too. Capitalizing words in the body of an e-mail is called "shouting" and is generally inappropriate in a business communication except to highlight a title or heading. Although the use of acronyms is very common in e-mails, too many of them can annoy your reader. Some of the most frequently used are FYI = for your information and BTW = by the way. Always include a salutation (Dear Mr. Holmes:) and a closing (Sincerely, Dr. Watson). Include your "signature" at the bottom of your e-mail message. This signature usually includes your full name and your e-mail address. It may also include your mailing address and telephone and fax numbers, but don't exceed 4 to 6 lines. An example would be: > Sherlock Holmes > > Detective > > Telephone: xxx-xxx-xxxx > > E-mail: [email protected] Proof read your message before pressing "Send" and use "Spell Check" if that is available to you. You may even want to compose the message in word processing, then copy and paste it into an e-mail. And don't just use "Spell Check!!" Read it carefully several times for mistakes like "there" instead of "their" which will not be caught by "Spell Check." Another reason to read your e-mail several times before sending is to make sure that the tone of your message is respectful and friendly, not curt and presumptuous. The tone of a formal written message is very important. The recipient cannot see the smile or frown on your face. Be careful when using humor and sarcasm as they may be received differently by e-mail than in person. Do not use "emoticons" (e.g., :) for happy or :( for sad) in business correspondence. Don't send any angry or strongly worded messages right away. Sleep on it and reconsider the next day. This is good advice any time, but especially while job seeking! Even when e-mailed, a resume should be accompanied by a personalized cover letter. In the cover letter you need to state what job you are applying for. You don't want the recipient to have to scroll down screen after screen to read your cover letter but you do want to sell yourself. **[Snail Mail Back-Ups]{.underline}** Follow up your most important communications with an employer with a hard copy version via regular mail. You never know when an e-mail gets lost in cyberspace. Always send your cover letter and resume by e-mail [and]{.underline} snail mail. The hard copy of a cover letter and resume can look a lot more elegant than your e-mailed version. And it jogs the employer's memory and gives him something to pass around to other colleagues involved in selection. Some applicants now send a scannable version of their resume with the snail mail version so the recipient can add it to their company's electronic database. **[Responding By E-Mail]{.underline}** Before replying to an e-mail message, make sure that you are the addressee and not the CC recipient. Respond promptly -- usually within 2 days. "Quoting" happens when you receive an e-mail and your response includes that original e-mail in it. This is also referred to as the message "thread." To avoid "quoting" you would start a new e-mail to respond. It is usually a good idea to "quote" as it will remind the recipient of your previous discussions. Many e-mail programs have the "quoting" turned off as a default setting. In order to change it in Outlook Express, go to "Options," select the "Send" tab, then check the box that says "Include message in reply." **[When They Don't Write, They Don't Call...]{.underline}** Be very frugal with your follow-up messages. Recruiters and employers can receive hundreds of applications every day. Check the application instructions. Many state that the employer will only respond to candidates who are called for interviews. Don't demand a response, simply remind the employer that you are still very interested and highlight one or two of your qualifications. Most career counselors and coaches recommend that you limit your follow-up communications to once every month or 6 weeks. **[In Summary]{.underline}** The main message you should take away from this article is that job search communication over the internet is business communication and represents you. Make sure that the image you project into cyberspace is the image you want a potential employer to receive. Be courteous and be careful.
*[Table 2]{.underline}* RHIC 5 Year Planning -- Constant Effort **Summary of Beam Use Proposals** +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+--------+ | **F | * | **2004** | * | * | * | ** | | iscal | *2003** | | *2005** | *2006** | *2007** | 2008** | | Y | | | | | | | | ear** | | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+--------+ | # P | d+Au | Au+Au | Si+Si | Au+Au | p+p 200 | Au+Au | | HENIX | 200 | 200 GeV | 200 | 62.4 | GeV\ | 200 | | | GeV\ | | GeV\ | GeV\ | 5+19 | GeV\ | | | 16 | 5+14 | 5+9 | 5+19 | weeks, | 5+19 | | | weeks, | weeks, | weeks, | weeks, | | weeks, | | | 2.7 | 123 ub-1 | 2.2 | 45 ub-1 | 62 pb-1 | | | | nb-1 | | nb-1 | | \[159 | 840 | | | | \[315 | | \[115 | pb-1\]\ | ub-1 | | | p+p 200 | μb-1\]\ | \[5.6 | μb-1\] | 60% | | | | GeV | \ | nb-1\]\ | | | \[2150 | | | | p+p 200 | \ | | | μb-1\] | | | 10 | GeV\ | p+p 200 | | | | | | weeks, | 5+0 | GeV\ | | | | | | 0.35 | weeks | 5+5 | | | | | | pb-1, | beam | weeks, | | | | | | 27% | dev | 1.2 | | | | | | | elopment | pb-1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \[3.0 | | | | | | | | pb-1\] | | | | | | | | 50% | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+--------+ | # | d + Au | AuAu | Au or | d + Au | AuAu | AuAu | | STAR | 38.2M | 5+14 | Fe 5+9 | 5+9 | 5+5 | 5+10 | | | | | | | | | | | 5+11 | pp 200 | Energy | pp 200 | pp 200 | pp 500 | | | weeks ; | GeV 5 wk | scan | GeV 5+5 | GeV | GeV | | | | | | wk | 5+9wk | 5+5wk | | | pp 10 | | pp 200 | | | | | | weeks : | | GeV 5+5 | | | | | | | | wk | | | | | | T 0.39 | | | | | | | | pb^-^1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | L 0.37 | | | | | | | | pb^-^1 | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+--------+ | # P | | AuAu@200 | pp@200 | pp@500 | P | \ | | HOBOS | | 5+10(18) | 5+7(12) | | ossible | -\-\-\ | | | | | | 8+4 | add | -\-\-\ | | | | FeFe@200 | AuAu@63 | | itional | -\-\-\ | | | | | | Add. | running | -\-\-- | | | | 5+4(6) | 5+7(12) | Species | to make | | | | | | | | up | | | | | | | Add. | sho | | | | | | | Energy | rtfalls | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+--------+ | # B | | Au-Au | Fe-Fe | Au-Au | \-\-\-\ | \ | | RAHMS | | 200 5+19 | 200 5+5 | 63 2+6 | -\-\-\- | -\-\-\ | | | | | | | \-\-\-- | -\-\-\ | | | | | pp 200 | Au-Au | | -\-\-\ | | | | | 5+4 | 200 2+5 | | -\-\-- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | pp 200 | | | | | | | | 5+4 | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+--------+ *[Note:]{.underline} The summary for PHENIX includes the proposed size of the [recorded]{.underline} data sample for each run. This takes account of an assumed detector efficiency (60%) and an efficiency for events that survive vertex cuts and other quality control (65%). The corresponding values for the [delivered]{.underline} data rates are shown in brackets. The latter should be compared with the numbers in Table 1.* *[Table 3]{.underline}* RHIC Planning: Constant-Effort Budget case (27 wks/yr) FY 2003 entries are in actual dollars; subsequent years are in FY 2004 dollars, +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | **F | * | **2004** | * | * | * | * | | iscal | *2003** | | *2005** | *2006** | *2007** | *2008** | | Y | | | | | | | | ear** | | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | # P | \$6.0M | 6.3M | 6.5M | 6.6M | 6.6M | 6.6M | | HENIX | ( | (27K/wk) | ( | ( | ( | ( | | | 24K/wk) | | 42K/wk) | 42K/wk) | 42K/wk) | 42K/wk) | | Ops | | 0.5M | | | | | | Costs | \$0.12M | | 0.95M | 0.6M | \-\-- | \-\-- | | | | 0.5M | | | | | | R&D | \$0.5M | | 0.5M | 0.5M | 0.5M | 0.5M | | | | | | | | | | Ops | | | 2.85M | 2.95M | 4.2M | 4.5M | | E | | | VTXb, | VTXb, | VTXb/e, | VTXe, | | quip. | | | HBD, | HBD, | TPC, | TPC | | | | | DAQ | DAQ | DAQ | | | Res. | | | | | | | | Equ. | | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | # | \$5.9M | 6.4M | 6.4M | 6.4M | 6.4M | 6.4M | | STAR | ( | (40K/wk) | ( | ( | ( | ( | | | 38K/wk) | | 40K/wk) | 40K/wk) | 40K/wk) | 40K/wk) | | Ops | | 0.5M | | | | | | Costs | \$0.12M | | 1.73M | 1.28M | 0.3M | \-\-- | | | | 0.6M | | | | | | R&D | \$0.49M | | 0.45M | 0.45M | 0.25M | 0.25M | | | | 2.7M | | | | | | Ops | \$3.0M | BEMC, | 2.0M | 5.0M | 8.5M | 4.5M | | E | BEMC | EEMC | TOF | TOF, | MVTX, | MVTX, | | quip. | | | | MVTX, | DAQ, | DAQ, | | | \ | | | FTU | FEE, | FEE, | | Res. | [\$1.5M | | | | FTU | TPC | | Equ. | EEMC\] | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | # P | \$0.86M | 0.89M | 0.89M | 0.89M | .89M | \-\- | | HOBOS | ( | (10K/wk) | ( | ( | ( | \-\-\-\ | | | 10K/wk) | | 10K/wk) | 10K/wk) | 10K/wk) | -\-\-\- | | Ops | | 0.1M | | | | \-\-\-- | | Costs | | | 0.1M | 0.1M | \-\-\-- | | | | | | | | | | | Ops | | | | | | | | Equ. | | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | # B | \$0.78M | 0.8M | 0.8M | 0.8M | \-\-\-\ | \-\- | | RAHMS | ( | (10K/wk) | ( | ( | -\-\-\- | \-\-\-\ | | | 10K/wk) | | 10K/wk) | 10K/wk) | \-\-\-- | -\-\-\- | | Ops | | 0.11M | | | | \-\-\-- | | Costs | | | 0.1M | 0.075M | | | | | | | | | | | | Ops | | | | | | | | Equ. | | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | # RCF | \$5.18M | 5.64M | 6.13M | 6.13M | 6.13M | 6.13M | | | | | | | | | | Ops | \$2.0M | 2.0M | 3.4M | 2.0M | 2.0M | 2.0M | | Costs | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ops | | | | | | | | Equ. | | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | # | \$90.3M | 90.9 | 90.9M | 94.9M | 94.9M | 92.8M | | C-AD | ( | ( | (3 | ( | (500K) | (500K) | | | 350K/w) | 350K/wk) | 50K/wk) | 500K/w) | | | | Ops | | | | | 2.0M | 2.0M | | Costs | \$0.9M | 2.0M | 2.0M | 2.0M | | | | | | | | | 4.5M | 4.5M | | R&D | \$4.4M | 4.5M | 4.5M | 4.5M | | | | | | | | | 2.5M | \-\-- | | Ops | \-\-- | \-\-- | 2.5M | 2.5M | EBIS | | | E | | | EBIS | EBIS | | | | quip. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Res. | | | | | | | | Equ. | | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | # | \$0.86M | 0.90M | 0.90M | 0.90M | 0.90M | 0.90M | | ALD/U | | | | | | | | sers | | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | # T | \ | \$111.8M | \ | \ | \ | \ | | otals | $109.8M | (437K) | $111.6M | $116.6M | $115.8M | $112.8M | | | (432K) | | (452K) | (602K) | (592K) | (582K) | | Ops | | \$3.0M | | | | | | costs | \$1.1M | | \$4.7M | \$3.9M | \$2.3M | \$2.0M | | | | \$7.8M | | | | | | R&D | \$7.4M | | \$9.05M | \$7.5M | \$7.15M | \$7.25M | | | | **\$ | | | | | | Ops | **\$1 | 122.6M** | **\$1 | **\$1 | **\$1 | **\$1 | | E | 18.4M** | | 25.3M** | 28.0M** | 25.3M** | 21.9M** | | quip. | | Pres: | | | | | | | Actual: | \$121.1M | \$7.35M | \ | \$15.4M | \$9.0M | | ## | \ | | | $10.55M | | | | Ops | $118.0M | \$2.7M | | | | | | Total | | | | | | | | | \$3.0M | | | | | | | Res. | | | | | | | | Equ. | | | | | | | +-------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
05-RT2 Use of Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPV) -- Zeppelins to create "as built" plans for transportation infrastructures and roadway inventory **Question:** Do you have more references with regards to this solicitation **Answer:** Yes. We have posted a Powerpoint presentation to the web site and two brochures. In addition, see the following list of references. Note that the purpose of the aerial data collection is to supplement not replace the ground based data collection. Published papers relating to data collections with various elements of the DIGITAL HIGHWAY MEASUREMENT VEHICLE 1\. James R. Mekemson, Ph.D., P.E., Nicolas Gagarin, Ph.D., P.E., and Mark Swanlund, P.E. "Proof of Concept of the Ultra-Light Inertial Profiler", submitted for publication, ASCE Transportation Journal, 2005. 2\. Nicolas Gagarin, Ph.D., P.E. and James R. Mekemson, Ph.D., P.E. "Analysis of Surface Inertial Profiles Measured on Jointed Portland Cement Pavements", Journal of ASTM International, Paper ID 13047, 2005. 3\. Nicolas Gagarin, Ph.D., P.E., "The Application of the Hilbert-Huang Transform to the Analysis of Inertial Profiles of Pavements", International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, July 2003. 4\. Nicolas Gagarin, Ph.D., P.E., "Variability of Road Profile Measurements on Portland Cement Concrete Due to Diurnal Temperature Changes", International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, July 2003. 5\. Nicolas Gagarin, Ph.D., P.E., "Effect of Accelerometer Sensitivity on Inertial Road Profile Measurements of Accuracy and Precision", International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, January 2004. 6\. James R. Mekemson, Ph.D., P.E., Nicolas Gagarin, Ph.D., P.E., and Laurin Lineman, P.E., "Performance of Inertial Profilers Subjected to Certification Procedure", SURF2004. 7\. Nicolas Gagarin, Ph.D., P.E., James R. Mekemson, Ph.D., P.E., and Morton S. Oskard, Ph.D., "Introduction of Non-Linear Non-Stationary Analysis into the Post-Process of Pavement Surface Profiles", SURF2004. 8\. Nicolas Gagarin, Ph.D., P.E., Morton S. Oskard, Ph.D., and Norden E. Huang, Ph.D., "Utilization of the Hilbert-Huang Transform in Highway Research", 2004 University of Delaware HHT Conference, to appear as chapter in a conference book. 9\. Dennis Sixbey, P.E.,, "Measurement and Analysis of Slab Curvature in JPC Pavements Using Profiling Technology", 7^th^ International Conference on Concrete Pavements - Orlando, Florida, USA - September 9-13, 2001 10\. Seishi Meiarashi, Nicolas Gagarin, Timothy Coppage, Effects of Transverse Tines/Grooves Spacing on the Tire/Pavement Noise from Aspect of Annoyance Caused by Whine, 2002 TRB Annual Meeting. 11\. Noise Reduction Effects of Porous Elastic Road Surface and Drainage Asphalt Pavement, TRB 2005 Annual Meeting, Toshiaki Fujiwara, ESTA Inc., TOWA Kobe Motomachi Building 703, Motomachi 3-17-8,Chuou-ku, Kobe-shi, Japan, Phone+81-78-334-1292, Fax+81-78-334-1294, [email protected] Seishi Meiarashi, Public Works Research Institute, 1-6 Minamihara, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, Phone+81-29-879-6710, Fax+81-29-879-6798, [[email protected] \<mailto:[email protected]\>]{.underline}, Yoshiharu Namikawa, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Asahi 1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, Phone+81-29-864-2274, Fax+81-29-864-7183, [[email protected] \<mailto:[email protected]\>]{.underline}, Masaki Hasebe, Division of Urban Environmental Engineering Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Hokkaido University, Kita 13, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Japan, Phone&Fax+81-11-706-6289, [email protected] -
If you smoke, put it out. All the way. Every time. Smoking & Home Fires: A campaign to prevent the #1 cause of home fire deaths. United States Fire Administration 16825 South Seton Avenue Emmitsburg, MD 21727 (English) (Spanish) Facts About Smoking and Home Fires Smoking is the number one cause of home fire deaths in the United States. Every year, men, women and children are killed in home fires caused by cigarettes and other smoking materials. Most victims of smoking-related fires never thought it could happen to them. These fires can affect not only the smoker, but others living in or next to the home at the time of the fire. You can make a difference. The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) is working to help prevent home fire deaths and injuries caused by smoking materials. Through this national fire safety campaign, the USFA along with partner organizations around the country will urge smokers to Put It Out. All the Way. Every Time. Did you know: About 1,000 people are killed every year from smoking material home fires. People close to where a smoking material fire starts are harder to save, because the fire spreads fast. Most fires caused by smoking materials start on beds, furniture, or in trash. Of the fatal victims who were not the smokers: Thirty-four percent were children of the smokers. Twenty-five percent were neighbors or friends of the smokers. One in four people killed in home fires is not the smoker whose cigarettes caused the fire. Fire caused by cigarettes and other smoking materials are preventable. Heres what you can do in your community: Present these facts, tips and campaign materials to your community for use in newsletters, at meetings and at other events, such bingo and open houses. Engage local media. The public needs to know that smoking is the #1 cause of home fire deaths in the United States. News stories about home fires caused by smoking should include tips listed in this fact sheet. Radio stations can run public service announcements (PSAs) by using PSA scripts developed for this campaign. SMOKING AND HOME FIRES ACTION STEPS: If You Smoke, Smoke Outside Most home fires caused by smoking materials start inside the home. Its better to smoke outside. Wherever You Smoke, Use Deep, Sturdy Ashtrays Use ashtrays with a wide, stable base that are hard to tip over. If it wobbles, it wont work. Ashtrays should be set on something sturdy and hard to ignite, like a table. If you smoke outside, put your cigarettes out in a can filled with sand. Make Sure Cigarettes and Ashes are Out Put It Out. All the Way. Every Time. The cigarette really needs to be completely stubbed out in the ashtray. Soak cigarette butts and ashes in water before throwing them away. Never toss hot cigarette butts or ashes in the trash. Check for Butts Chairs and sofas catch on fire fast and burn fast. Dont put ashtrays on them. If people have been smoking in the home, check for cigarettes under cushions. Never Smoke in a Home Where Oxygen is Used Never smoke while using oxygen or are anywhere near an oxygen source, even if it is turned off. Oxygen can be explosive and makes fire burn hotter and faster. If You Smoke, Fire-Safe Cigarettes are Better Fire-safe cigarettes are less likely to cause fires. These cigarettes have banded paper that can slow the burn of a cigarette that isnt being used. Be Alert To prevent a deadly fire, you have to be alert. If you are sleepy, have been drinking, or have taken medicine that makes you drowsy, put your cigarette out first. Smoking in bed is just plain wrong. GENERAL FIRE SAFETY FACTS: Place properly installed and maintained smoke alarms on every level of your home. Get smoke alarms that can sound fast for both a fire that has flames, and a smoky fire that has fumes without flames. They are called Dual Sensor Smoke Alarms. Check smoke alarm batteries at least once every year. You can use a familiar date such as when you change your clocks or your birthday as a reminder. Create an escape plan. Plan two ways to escape from every room. Practice the escape plan with everyone in the home. If at all possible, install residential fire sprinklers in your home. For more fire prevention information and campaign materials, visit or contact: The United States Fire Administration 16825 South Seton Avenue Emmitsburg, MD 21727 The U.S. Fire Administration is a division of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. FEMA coordinates the federal governments role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror. USFA Publications Information: FA-309 / June 2007
**Final Author Comments for Manuscript Number acpd-2004-si01017** [Title]{.underline}: Aerosol optical depth measurements by airborne sun photometer in SOLVE II: Comparisons to SAGE III, POAM III and airborne spectrometer measurements [Authors]{.underline}: P. Russell, J. Livingston, B. Schmid, J. Eilers, R. Kolyer, J. Redemann, S. Ramirez, J.-H. Yee, W. Swartz, R. Shetter, C. Trepte, A. Risley Jr., B. Wenny, J. Zawodny, W. Chu, M. Pitts, J. Lumpe, M. Fromm, C. Randall, K. Hoppel, and R. Bevilacqua [General author comment]{.underline}: We thank the anonymous referees for their efforts in reading the ms and offering comments that have helped us improve it. Our specific responses follow each referee comment below. **Anonymous Referee #1** [Referee's General Comments]{.underline} This paper discusses at length and in great detail, aerosol optical depth measurements made by the NASA Ames sun photometer mounted aboard a DC-8 during the SOLVE II campaign. In particular it compares these multi-wavelength measurements with those of the DIAS instrument and the SAGE III and POAM III satellites. Most of the paper is devoted to a detailed consideration of the differences in the sets of results and an examination of possible causes for the discrepancies - in particular between the sun photometer (AATS) and SAGE III. Although it seems that some of the observed differences might be explained by differences in viewing path, in timing and in solar zenith angle, for the most part these cannot explain all the differences observed. The authors then examine other possible causes one by one. The paper is well-written, clear and very thorough. I have no doubt as to its accuracy and the scientific methodology employed, and the paper is fundamentally very sound. It presents new data and new results, which are scientifically interesting. [Response]{.underline}: We appreciate the positive comments. [Referee]{.underline}: Its major weakness stems from the nature of its conclusion that significant differences exist between the SAGE III and AATS measurements which are unresolved. This may indeed be the case, but in order to make a useful contribution to this problem, the authors need to at least state what they intend to investigate next as the cause, or what further experiment or data would be needed in order to resolve the problem. Although there is a valid and significant scientific contribution made by stating that a problem exists and that they have examined umpteen different possible causes, which have not led to a resolution - this is not enough. The authors need to state either where they intend to look next for an explanation, what further data or calculations are necessary, or what further experiments must be carried out. [Response]{.underline}: We agree that a valid and significant scientific contribution has been made by stating that a problem exists and that we have examined many different possible causes, which have not led to a resolution. To address the statement that this is not enough, we have added a short discussion of possible future work that would help to resolve the discrepancies. Specifically, just before Appendix A we have inserted: "The analysis presented here clearly reveals that more work must be done to understand even the satellite comparisons themselves. This will require quantitative comparisons of both aerosol extinction and transmission profiles from the SAGE III, SAGE II, and POAM III instruments, and is the subject of future work. The POAM-SAGE differences shown in Figures 21 and 22, including their seasonal evolution, provide important context for the AATS-POAM and AATS-SAGE comparisons, as well as potentially important clues and a data set that can be studied in search of a resolution of the AATS-SAGE differences." [Referee]{.underline}: My other general comment for resolution is the size of the figures. I cannot read them even with a magnifying lens. All the figures need to be printed at least twice as big as their current size in the pdf manuscript. [Response]{.underline}: We also were concerned by the small size of the figures in the ACPD version---much smaller than the versions we submitted. We raised this concern with the EGU Production Office, which said that figure size can be enlarged when the paper is converted to two-column style for the final ACP version. The Production Office thought the small figure size in the ACPD one-column style was big enough since readers can use the zoom tool of the Acrobat Reader to enlarge the figures. We feel this is not an adequate solution for ACPD readers who print pages in ACPD size (two ACPD pages per printed sheet). The referee's difficulty reading the figures bears out our concern. We will work with the Production Office to be sure figures are fully legible in the final ACP version. [Referee's Specific Comments]{.underline} There is an enormous amount of detail in the paper, including 4 pages of Tables and 24 figures. I am not sure that quite as much detail needs to be presented. The fact that the figures are far too small made it impossible for me to examine them in much detail. I would suggest making the paper more readable by eliminating some of the figures - although I do not have specific recommendations. Many of the discussion points can be made without reference to a figure, and it would certainly help to reduce the length of the paper were this done. [Response]{.underline}: Referee #2 has made some specific recommendations on which figures to drop, and we have done some of this, along with some other deletions. See our response to Referee #2 below. [Referee]{.underline}: I also think that the Appendix is unnecessary. [Response]{.underline}: Here we disagree---we feel the Appendix is necessary to demonstrate clearly that the window was frost-free during the measurements reported here. In fact, Referee #2 has pointed to the need to assure that the measurements were not affected by deposits on other parts of the instrument optical path. Providing this assurance is similar to what we have provided regarding window frost. We now provide this in a slightly expanded Appendix, with brief mention in the main text. [Referee]{.underline}: One other comment - is "airmass" a common term? I found its use quite confusing because I would not normally consider the ratio of the slant path optical depth to the vertical optical depth to be an "airmass" but more of an optical path difference (or ratio). [Response]{.underline}: "Air mass" or "airmass" is the terminology used by Thomason et al. (1983), Reagan et al. (1986) and most of the rest of the atmospheric Sun photometry community to describe the ratio of line-of-sight (LOS) optical thickness (OT) to vertical OT. The referee is certainly correct that it is a ratio. That is why Kasten (1966) calls it "relative optical airmass" and why we have introduced the terminology as "relative optical airmass (here called airmass for brevity)" on p. 7294, line 4, carefully defining it as "the ratio of LOS optical thickness (OT) to vertical OT". Kondratyev (1969, p. 162) calls the same quantity "atmospheric mass" but hastens to add "It should be emphasized in this connection that the concept of atmospheric mass has nothing in common with the general idea of mass. Atmospheric mass in the given case is a dimensionless quantity indicating by how many times the optical thickness in the direction of inclination exceeds the optical thickness in the direction of the vertical." Hence we certainly empathize with the referee for questioning the use of the term "airmass" for an optical thickness ratio. It's not very intuitive terminology. But it is quite standard, and we don't think we should attempt to change it at this point. We think our introducing it as we have on p. 7294 is the best way to go. [Technical Corrections]{.underline} [Referee]{.underline}: pg 7297, line 21. Figsures should be replaced by Figures. [Response]{.underline}: Correction made. [Referee]{.underline}: pg 7298, line 20. "more-transmission oriented" should be replaced by "more transmission-oriented" [Response]{.underline}: Change made. **Anonymous Referee #2** [Referee's General Comments]{.underline} This is an excessively long and detailed intercomparison of AOD measurements made during SOLVE 2. Four different instruments are involved: AATS and DIAS on board the DC-8 aircraft, and SAGE3 and POAM3 satellite instruments. [Response]{.underline}: See below for the deletions of figures and text we have made to shorten the paper. [Referee]{.underline}: The challenge is that the instruments on board the DC-8 typically measure only half the full limb path that the SAGE3 and POAM3 instruments see though. This leaves a high potential for systematic biases between the air- and space-borne sensors, since the conversion of the partial-limb-path AODs to full limb path AODs is critically dependent on the assumed solar zenith angle, refraction, aircraft altitude, and the aerosol extinction profile. [Response]{.underline}: Actually, the conversion from half limb to full limb is a separate issue from the dependence of airmass on solar zenith angle, refraction, aircraft altitude, and the aerosol extinction profile. First, note that the conventional AATS analyses involve no conversion from half limb to full limb. As shown in Figure 10 and noted in the text, these conventional analyses yield AATS results virtually identical to those from the transmission-oriented analyses, which make the half-limb to full-limb conversion for ease of comparisons to SAGE III transmissions. Second, in this paper the conversion of the half-limb-path AODs to full limb path AODs is done simply by multiplying by a factor two, or, equivalently, by squaring the corresponding transmissions. This is stated clearly on p. 7300, along with the fact that "This squaring assumes that transmission is equal in the two limb halves (i.e., from DC-8 to the Sun and from DC-8 away from the Sun)." Equal transmission in the two limb halves is just a special case of the homogeneity in spherical shells that is assumed by satellite limb inversion algorithms. We have now added mention of this in the text. We do not claim that this equality is exactly true, and, indeed, in Section 6 we are careful to note that: "Differences in viewing path (including the major difference between full limb and half limb), in timing, and in SZA each occurred at some time for the AATS-satellite comparisons.... However, the systematic nature of the AATS-satellite differences, in which satellite AOD (especially SAGE) is always less than AATS AOD for λ \>755 nm, suggests strongly that differences in viewing path, timing, or SZA cannot explain all the AATS-satellite differences." The dependence mentioned by the referee "on the assumed solar zenith angle, refraction, aircraft altitude, and the aerosol extinction profile" occurs in the calculation of airmass (ratio of LOS OT to vertical OT), not in the conversion from half limb to full limb. As we clearly state on p. 7315, "Systematic underestimation of aerosol airmass factors in the AATS analyses could explain the larger AATS *AOD*s, but we have to reject such airmass errors on three grounds: the airmass sensitivity study discussed in conjunction with Figures 4--5, the success of the Yee LOS integrator (which is used by the Yee airmass algorithm) in the comparisons reported by Swartz et al. (2004), and, most of all, the fact that the AATS-satellite differences are apparent in transmissions and LOS AOTs at refracted *SZA* 90^o^, which do not depend on airmass values." [Referee]{.underline}: A major problem is that the paper unearths significant biases between the DC-8 and the satellite instruments, but never satisfactorily explains/resolves any of them. The authors try several different ways of comparing the data (transmission, vertical OD, slant OD, etc) but they all exhibit the same behavior. To add to the sense of confusion and futility, the authors tell us that SAGE3 and POAM3 disagree with each other during the period of the DC-8 measurements, but are in agreement before and after. [Response]{.underline}: First of all, we think that the phrase "significant biases between the DC-8 and the satellite instruments" which lumps the AATS-SAGE and AATS-POAM comparisons together, misses an important distinction that is made clearly in the paper. The AATS-POAM differences, shown in Figure 19 and Table 4, and also described in the text ("RMS percentage differences in *AOD* (\[AATS-POAM\]/AATS) \<31% for all *λ*, 442--1018nm") are markedly smaller than for AATS-SAGE (RMS percentage differences in *AOD,* (\[AATS-SAGE\]/AATS), of 59% for 1020nm and 66% at 1545 nm). The AATS-POAM agreement, to 31% or better, may be as good as one can expect, given the very small AODs during the experiment, the half-vs-full limb path difference, and the other sources of error described in the paper. The 59% AATS-SAGE difference at 1020 nm, shown in Figure 10 and Table 2, is nearly twice as large. This difference between POAM and SAGE, revealed by the respective comparisons with AATS, is consistent with the POAM-SAGE differences shown in Figures 21 and 22. We don't see why this consistency causes a "sense of confusion and futility" in the referee. On the contrary, we feel the POAM-SAGE differences shown in Figures 21 and 22, including their seasonal evolution, provide important context for the AATS-POAM and AATS-SAGE comparisons, as well as potentially important clues and a data set that can be studied in search of a resolution of the AATS-SAGE differences. Text added just before Appendix A now emphasizes this point. [Referee]{.underline}: The authors go to great lengths to prove that there was no ice on the window of the AATS instrument, adding an appendix, but they don't say anything about non-ice crud on their optics. The SAGE3 and POAM3 instruments can take a solar spectrum high above the atmosphere to establish a \"baseline\" exo-atmospheric spectrum. But for the DC-8 instruments this is much more difficult. How does AATS distinguish crud on its optics from atmospheric aerosol? [Response]{.underline}: The optical path of each AATS channel has very few optical elements: the AATS entrance window, an interference filter, and a photodiode detector. Of these, the entrance window was the coldest optical surface during the DC-8 flight segments reported in this paper. The detectors for wavelengths 354-1241 nm are in tight thermal contact with a mounting block maintained at an elevated temperature of 45 ±1 C, and the interference filters are in a mounting block with temperature that is continuously measured and found to stay within the range 30 to 42 C. Although the detector for wavelength 1558 nm has an internal chip thermoelectrically maintained at 0 C, its case and detector entrance window are warm, mounted in tight thermal contact with a block that is in conductive contact with the 45 C hot-detector block and radiatively heated by the 30-40 C filter block. Hence, the temperatures of all detector cases and filters greatly exceeded the AATS entrance window temperature during the DC-8 flight segments reported in this paper. As a consequence, any "non-ice crud" available to deposit on optical surfaces would deposit on the window, not a filter or detector (the only other optical elements). This is the reason our tests for reduced optical transmission in the instrument focused on the window. Moreover, if one were to postulate a deposit on an interference filter or detector, it would be revealed by the tests described in the Appendix, especially the plot of AOD difference vs airmass shown in Figure A2. As noted, the measured dependence on airmass is just the opposite of what would be caused by a deposit on any surface in the instrument optical path. We have slightly modified the Appendix to make these points. [Referee]{.underline}: The paper has a lot of duplication. For example, lines 4-10 of the abstract are virtually identical to lines 14-21 of the introduction. I strongly recommend that the authors try to shorten the text and try to reduce the number of figures. Although there are \"only\" 24 figures, most of these are multi-panel. I counted a total of 111 figure-panels! The problem with this excessive detail is that readers \"burn out\" half-way through the paper, before reaching the important stuff. So I recommend that the number of figure-panels be reduced by at least a factor 2. This will allow more space for the remaining figures (improving their legibility) and will allow the text to be trimmed since the deleted figures don't have to be discussed. A few suggestions: figures 6-9 are very similar. Is it really necessary to show this same information for all 4 DC-8 flights? Why not simply choose one typical flight? And figures 14 and 15 are really very similar -- there is no need for both. [Response]{.underline}: We have shortened lines 4-10 of the abstract. We have also deleted Figures 7 and 9. (Figure 8 is needed with Figure 6 to show the range of SZAs encountered on flights, along with the corresponding variation in airmasses.) And we have deleted Figures 14 and 17. [Referee's Specific Comments]{.underline} The authors say nothing about the spectral resolution of the AATS-14 instrument. Their equations implicitly assume that its spectral resolution is much higher than any structure in the incident solar spectrum. They should comment on the validity of this assumption. [Response]{.underline}: Actually, the spectral resolution is noted on p. 7302, line 20: "Typical channel full widths at half maximum (FWHM) are 5 nm." To make this clearer, we have now inserted in the second paragraph of Section 1: "The AATS-14 channels used in this paper have full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 2.0 to 5.6 nm, with most channel FWHMs \~5 nm." Regarding the effect of solar spectral variations on the validity of our equations, it is certainly true that the incident solar spectrum (e.g., Kurucz, 1995) has a lot of fine structure within the AATS channel widths. Specifically, solar irradiance can vary by nearly an order of magnitude over \~0.1 nm within some of these channels, as illustrated in [Figure R1]( ([ FACACPD-2004-si01017Russell_fR01.gif]( FACACPD-2004-si01017Russell_fR01.gif)). However, the relevant equations, (1)-(6), which are exact for monochromatic radiation, also apply with sufficient accuracy to the AATS channels used, and the constituents addressed, in this paper\--despite this solar fine structure. To show this, we start by writing the exact equation for *T~j~*(*SZA*), the transmission of the LOS path from Sun to airborne photometer for channel *j*: $T_{j}(\text{SZA}) = \frac{\int_{}^{}{S(\lambda)\text{exp}\lbrack - \sum_{i}^{}{m_{i}(\text{SZA})\text{OD}_{i}(\lambda)\rbrack F_{j}(\lambda)d\lambda}}}{\int_{}^{}{S(\lambda)F_{j}(\lambda)d\lambda}} = \frac{V_{j}}{V_{0,j}}\frac{K_{j}}{K_{j}},$ (6A) where *S*(*λ*) is the extraterrestrial solar spectral irradiance and *F~j~*(λ) is the channel filter transmission function. *V~j~* and *V~0,j~* are the channel *j* output voltages at the photometer's location and above the atmosphere, respectively, and are given by $V_{j}(\text{SZA}) = K_{j}\int_{}^{}{S(\lambda)\text{exp}\lbrack - \sum_{i}^{}{m_{i}(\text{SZA})\text{OD}_{i}(\lambda)\rbrack F_{j}(\lambda)}d\lambda}$ (6B) $V_{0,j}(\text{SZA}) = K_{j}\int_{}^{}{S(\lambda)F_{j}(\lambda)d\lambda},$ (6C) where *K~j~* is the channel *j* calibration constant. The key to obtaining Eqs. (1)-(6) for AATS channels is the limited variation within each channel of the optical depths *OD~i~*(λ) and transmissions *T~i~*(λ) for the constituents relevant to this paper. This small variation of constituent *OD* within each channel allows the exponentials in Eqs. (6A)-(6B) to be extracted from the integrals, yielding $T_{j}^{\text{approx}}(\text{SZA}) = \frac{\text{exp}\lbrack - \sum_{i}^{}{m_{i}(\text{SZA})\text{OD}_{i,j}\rbrack}\int_{}^{}{S(\lambda)F_{j}(\lambda)d\lambda}}{\int_{}^{}{S(\lambda)F_{j}(\lambda)d\lambda}} = \prod_{i}^{}{\hat{T}}_{i,j}$**,** (6D) where *OD~i,j~* is a representative OD of constituent *i* for channel *j.* In the AATS data processing routines, this "representative" *OD* is computed differently for different constituents *i.* For the calculations reported here we used $\text{OD}_{i,j} = \int_{}^{}{\text{OD}_{i}(\lambda)F_{j}(\lambda)d\lambda}/\int_{}^{}{F_{j}(\lambda)d\lambda}$, for *i* = R, NO~2~, O~3~, O~2~-O~2~, .... (6E) $\text{OD}_{i,j} = \text{OD}_{i}(\lambda_{j})$, for *i* = a (6F) where *λ~j~* is the center wavelength of channel *j*, *a* stands for aerosol and *R* for Rayleigh (as also noted under Eq. (1)). For all constituents *i*, ${\hat{T}}_{i,j} = \text{exp}\lbrack - m_{i}(\text{SZA})\text{OD}_{i,j}\rbrack$. (6G) Note that Eqs. (6D) and (6G) are equivalent to Eqs. (1)-(6) (apart from the factor 2 used in converting from the sunphotometer-viewed path to the full limb path). To assess quantitatively the differences between the exact and approximate channel transmissions *T~j~* and *T~j~* *^approx^* in Eqs. (6A) and (6D), we have used the Kurucz (1995) solar spectrum, absorbing gas spectra from MODTRAN (Kneizys et al., 1996), the Rayleigh scattering results of Bucholtz et al. (1995), and aerosol extinction spectra typical of those in Figures 8, 10-12, and 15, to calculate the ratios $T_{j}^{\text{approx}}/T_{j}$ (i.e., Eq. (6D)/Eq. (6A)) for the range of channel wavelengths, filter functions, *m~i~*(SZA) and constituent optical depths *OD~i~*(*λ*) covered in this paper (see, e.g., Figs. 6-18). [Figure R1]( FACACPD-2004-si01017Russell_fR01.gif) illustrates the relevant quantities for two typical AATS channels. We find the ratios $T_{j}^{\text{approx}}/T_{j}$ differ from 1.00 by at most 1%. Differences are largest at the shortest wavelengths and are all \<0.3% for *λ*\> 519 nm. Since Eq. (2) or (6A) yields d*OD*=-(1/*m*)d*T*/*T*, the typical airmass values of 20 to 40 in the DC-8 measurements yield *OD* values derived from (6E) (or equivalently (1)-(6)) that differ from those derived from an exact transmission formulation by less than \~0.01/20 to \~0.003/40, or 5 x 10^-4^ to 7 x 10^-5^. These differences are negligible for the *OD* values of interest in this paper (cf. Figures 8 and 15). To address potential similar questions from other readers, we have now inserted at the end of the third paragraph after Eq. (6): "Although the absorbing gas optical depth and transmission values in Figure 10 do not account for solar spectral variations within the AATS channel widths, we have performed other calculations that do account for these variations and found that transmissions calculated by the two methods differ by less than 1%. These more detailed calculations use the Kurucz (1995) solar spectrum, absorbing gas spectra from MODTRAN (Kneizys et al., 1996), the Rayleigh scattering results of Bucholtz et al. (1995), and aerosol extinction spectra typical of those in Figures 8, 10-12, and 15. The reason for the small differences is the limited variation within each AATS channel of the optical depths *OD~i~*(λ) for the constituents relevant to this paper. These same comparisons also show that Eqs. (1)-(6), which are exact for monochromatic radiation, also apply with similar accuracy to the AATS channels used, and the constituents addressed, in this paper\--despite the solar fine structure within each channel." [Referee]{.underline}: P. 7292, line 2: Why is \"Second\" capitalized? Is this the \"S\" in SOLVE? [Response]{.underline}: We have now changed "Second" to "second". [Referee:]{.underline} P. 7292, line 4-5: I prefer \"multi-wavelength\" to \"mul-tiwavelength\". [Response:]{.underline} This was the result of an automatic hyphenator. We've changed it back to \"multiwavelength" (with no hyphen) and hope it stays that way! [Referee:]{.underline} P. 7292, line 27: It seems redundant to use the word \"percentage\" when it says \"%\" after each value. [Response:]{.underline} We've now changed \"percentage\" to "relative". [Referee:]{.underline} P. 7292, line 28: Is the 1020nm channel mentioned here the same as the 1019nm channel cited in Table 2, or are they different? [Response]{.underline}: "1020 nm" is used in the text to refer to the collection of AATS, POAM III, and SAGE III channels near 1020 nm. In tables and figures, where only one or two sensors are involved, more exact wavelengths are used. AATS, POAM III, and SAGE III archive aerosol products at the following channel-center wavelengths near 1020 nm: AATS: 1019.3 nm POAM III: 1018.3 nm SAGE III: 1021.6 nm In addition, SAGE provides transmission products for several Pixel Groups with centers near 1020 nm, including Pixel Group 81 centered at 1019.3 nm. The different sensor wavelengths are shown in tables and figures as follows: [Table 2]{.underline}: Wavelengths shown are SAGE III aerosol-archive wavelengths, except that 1019.3 nm (SAGE III transmission Pixel Group 81) is shown in place of 1021.6 nm to accommodate our SAGE III transmission-derived results at wavelength 1019.3 nm. (The 1019.3 nm transmission-derived and 1021 nm conventionally derived SAGE III AODs are very similar, as shown in Figure 10 and noted in the text.) In calculating AATS-SAGE differences, AATS results are interpolated to SAGE wavelengths. [Table 3]{.underline}: Both AATS and POAM III wavelengths are shown, as labeled. [Figure 2]{.underline}: Wavelengths shown are SAGE III aerosol extinction and AOD archive wavelengths. [Figure 3]{.underline}: Wavelengths shown are POAM III aerosol extinction and AOD archive wavelengths. [Figure 11]{.underline}: Both AATS and SAGE III transmission Pixel Group wavelengths are shown, as labeled. [Figure 20]{.underline}: Both AATS and POAM III wavelengths are shown, as labeled. To help reduce any confusion, we have now added a footnote to Table 2 stating the material labeled [Table 2]{.underline} above. [Referee:]{.underline} P. 7294, line 6: The authors state that \"airmass is defined as the LOS optical thickness (OT) to the vertical OT\". Is this the vertical OT above the observer or above the lowest point along the LOS? [Response]{.underline}: It's vertical OT above the observer. We've now inserted this on p. 7294, line 4 to answer the question for all readers. [Referee:]{.underline} P. 7324: Table 2: I don't understand how the rms values are calculated for this table. Take the right-most column (1545nm) in Table 2(a). The values are 10.1, 15.3, 16.8, and 19.4. By my calculation, the mean value is 15.4 and the rms is 3.4. So where does the tabulated rms value of 15.8 come from? Ditto for all the other rms values in Table 2 and for Table 4. Obviously, I'm completely missing the point here. [Response]{.underline}: The mean and rms values given in the tables are correct. The value 3.4 obtained by the referee is not the rms of the given values, but instead their standard deviation. For a set of numbers, the rms, or root-mean-square, is the square root of the mean of the squared elements (Weisstein, <>). The standard deviation is the square root of the mean of the squared difference of each element from the mean (Weisstein, <>). In other words, the standard deviation is the rms deviation from the mean. In an effort to avoid similar confusion among other readers, we have added a footnote defining rms to Tables 2-4. [Referee:]{.underline} P. 7324: Table 2: Why do the wavelengths in Table 2a have 5 significant figures, but only 4 in Table 2b? Ditto for 2c & 2d. [Response]{.underline}: This was an inadvertent result of a spreadsheet column width change coupled with a general format. The values are now all displayed to resolution 0.1 nm. [Referee:]{.underline} P. 7335: What is the significance of the left-pointing arrows in figures 6, 7, 8, and 18? [Response]{.underline}: They mean "Use the left scale". This is rather standard graphing practice. We are willing to change each left-pointing arrow to the words "(left scale)", but we will leave the decision to the ACP editorial staff. [Referee:]{.underline} P. 7339: Change \"Aaerosol\" to \"Aerosol\" (y-axis annotation). Ditto for figure 19. [Response]{.underline}: Changes made. [Referee:]{.underline} P. 7341: Panels are not labelled (a), (b), (c). [Response]{.underline}: We have changed "a", "b", and "c" to "Top frame", "Middle frame", and "Bottom frame", respectively. **References** Bucholtz, A., Rayleigh-scattering calculations for the terrestrial atmosphere, *Appl. Opt., 34*, 2765-2773, 1995. Kneizys F.X., Abreu, L.W., Anderson, G. P., Chetwynd, J.H., Shettle, E.P., Berk, A., Bernstein, L.S., Robertson, D.C., Acharaya, P., Rothmann, L.S., Selby, J.E.A., Gallery, W.O., and Clough, S.A., "The MODTRAN 2/3 Report and LOWTRAN 7 Model", 11 Jan. 1996, Phillips Laboratory, Geophysics Directorate PL/GPOS, 29 Randolph Road, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-3010. Kurucz R. L., 1995, in Adelman S. J., Wiese W. L., eds, ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 78, Astrophysical Applications of Powerful New Databases. Astron. Soc. Pac., San Francisco, p. 205 Reagan, J. A., Thomason, L. W., Herman, B. M., and Palmer, J. M., Assessment of atmospheric limitations on the determination of the solar spectral constant from ground-based spectroradiometer measurements. *IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens.*, **GE-24**, 258-266, 1986 Thomason, L. W., Herman, B. M., and Reagan, J. A., The effect of atmospheric attenuators with structured vertical distributions on air mass determinations and Langley plot analyses. *J. Atmos. Sci.*., **40**, 1851-1854, 1983. Kondratyev, K. Ya., 1969, Radiation in the Atmosphere, Academic Press, New York, 912 pp., 1969. Weisstein, E. W, \"Root-Mean-Square.\" From [*MathWorld*](\--A Wolfram Web Resource. <> Weisstein. E. W. \"Standard Deviation.\" From [*MathWorld*](\--A Wolfram Web Resource. <> ![](media/image1.png){width="6.125in" height="4.094444444444444in"} ![](media/image2.png){width="6.125in" height="4.129166666666666in"} **Fig. R1**. Illustration of the variation of solar spectral irradiance *S*(*λ*), constituent transmissions *T~i~*(λ) and filter transmissions *F*(*λ*) for typical AATS channels with FWHM \~5 nm. Channel transmissions *T~j~*, exact and approximate, are as defined by Eqs. (6A) and (6D).
![](media/image1.wmf)July 11, 2005 Project: 689-66324 Report: 689-66324-5 Mr. David Morgan Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation 1400 SW 5^th^ Avenue, Suite 900 Portland. Oregon 97201 Dear Mr .Morgan RE: Analysis performed on one (1) steel pipe sample, received pursuant to your Purchase Order Number **Item:** Pipe Number 2-1 **Description:** Station #3, 12" Dia. X .555wt. **Ref.:** Station 8, GTN Bypass Project. # Chemical Analysis: **(Units: % by weight)** Carbon (C) 0.227 Manganese (Mn) 0.66 Silicon (Si) 0.204 Nickel (Ni) 0.048 Chromium (Cr) 0.046 Molybdenum (Mo) 0.011 Copper (Cu) 0.108 Vanadium (V) 0.006 Aluminum (Al) 0.016 Phosphorous (P) 0.007 Sulfur (S) 0.021 Columbium (Cb) 0.002 ## Mechanical Properties: Yield Strength, 0.2% Offset, psi 45,300 Tensile Strength, psi 73,300 Elongation in 2 inch, % 40.8 Hardness, BHN, 3,000 kg 143 Professional Service Industries, Inc. 6032 N. Cutter Circle, Suite 480 Portland, OR 97217 Phone 503/289-1778 Fax 503/289-1918 # Longitudinal Charpy Impact Test V-Notch, 10 x 10mm at +20 F, ASTM A-370, Type A +-------------+------------------+-------------------+-----------------+ | ## | **Impact | **Lateral | **Percent | | Test Number | Strength, ft. | Expansion, Mils** | Shear** | | | lbs.** | | | +-------------+------------------+-------------------+-----------------+ | 1\. | 25 | 29 | 30 | +-------------+------------------+-------------------+-----------------+ | 2\. | 25 | 30 | 30 | +-------------+------------------+-------------------+-----------------+ | 3\. | 32 | 36 | 50 | +-------------+------------------+-------------------+-----------------+ | Average | 27.3 | 32 | 37 | +-------------+------------------+-------------------+-----------------+ Services performed for this project have been conducted with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area under similar budget and time restraints. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of the report or if we may be of further assistance in any way, please contact us at (503) 978-4714 or (800) 783-6985, email [[email protected].](../[email protected].) Sincerely, ![](media/image2.jpeg){width="2.5840277777777776in" height="0.9298611111111111in"} Paul Irish Technical Director Mechanical/Metallurgical Services Department p:\\groups\\689\\Paul\\Chem Mech Cvn \\Gas Transmission 071106\\\\324-5.doc
## Walkaround Schedule Meeting Date: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ +----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | **Jan** | **Feb** | **Mar** | **Apr** | **May** | **Jun** | +----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | Di | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | | vi | | | | | | | | si | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | | on | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | | | | | | | | | | Le | Location | Location | Location | Location | Location | Location | | ad | | | | | | | | er | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | +----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | De | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | | pu | | | | | | | | ty | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | | | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | | Di | | | | | | | | vi | Location | Location | Location | Location | Location | Location | | si | | | | | | | | on | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | | | | | | | | | | Le | | | | | | | | ad | | | | | | | | er | | | | | | | +----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ +----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | ### Jul | **Aug** | **Sept** | **Oct** | **Nov** | **Dec** | +----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | Di | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | | vi | | | | | | | | si | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | | on | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | | | | | | | | | | Le | Location | Location | Location | Location | Location | Location | | ad | | | | | | | | er | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | +----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | De | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | | pu | | | | | | | | ty | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | | | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | Manager | | Di | | | | | | | | vi | Location | Location | Location | Location | Location | Location | | si | | | | | | | | on | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | Focus | | | | | | | | | | Le | | | | | | | | ad | | | | | | | | er | | | | | | | +----+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+
EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES Volume 2, Number 1, January-March 1996 SYNOPSES (Pages 37-43) Changing Patterns of Autochthonous Malaria Transmission in the United States: A Review of Recent Outbreaks Jane R. Zucker, M.D., M.Sc. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA ABSTRACT Three recent outbreaks of locally acquired malaria in densely populated areas of the United States demonstrate the continued risk for mosquitoborne transmission of this disease. Increased global travel, immigration, and the presence of competent anopheline vectors throughout the continental United States contribute to the ongoing threat of malaria transmission. The likelihood of mosquitoborne transmission in the United States is dependent on the interactions between the human host, anopheline vector, malaria parasite, and environmental conditions. Recent changes in the epidemiology of locally acquired malaria and possible factors contributing to these changes are discussed. Malaria was endemic throughout much of the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (1). Interrupted human-vector contact, decreased anopheline populations, and effective treatment contributed to a decline in transmission and to subsequent eradication. However, environmental changes, the spread of drug resistance, and increased air travel (2) could lead to the reemergence of malaria as a serious public health problem. The potential for the reintroduction of malaria into the United States has been demonstrated by recent outbreaks of mosquitoborne transmission in densely populated areas of New Jersey, New York, and Texas (3-5). A review of the malaria life cycle and recent outbreaks illustrates key elements that affect the risk for malaria transmission in the United States. Life cycle and Entomologic Principles: Requirements for Transmission The malaria parasites are protozoa of the genus Plasmodium. The four species of Plasmodium that cause human malaria, P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae, are transmitted by the bite of infective female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. The immature stages of the vector's life cycle (egg, larva, and pupa) are aquatic and develop in breeding sites, whereas the aerial adult stage is terrestrial. Anopheline species capable of transmitting malaria are found in all 48 states of the contiguous United States (1). The most important vectors are An. quadrimaculatus and An. freeborni, found east and west of the Rocky Mountains, respectively. However, other anopheline species have been implicated in local transmission, for example, An. hermsi in California (6). Humans are the intermediate host and reservoir of the parasite, and the mosquito is the definitive host and vector. Female anophelines become infected only if they take a blood meal from a person whose blood contains mature male and female stages (gametocytes) of the parasite. A complex cycle of development and multiplication then begins with union of the male and female stages in the stomach of the vector and ends with parasites, called sporozoites, in its salivary glands, which are infective to humans (Figure 1 not available in ASCII). The time required for the complete maturation of the parasite (sporogonic cycle) in the mosquito varies and depends on the Plasmodium species and external temperature. At 27 degrees C, approximately 8 to 13 days are needed for the completion of this cycle for P. vivax and P. falciparum (7). At lower temperatures, the time for the sporogonic cycle is considerably longer: approximately 20 days at 20 degrees C and 30 days at 18C for P. vivax. Similarly, for P. falciparum, the sporogonic cycle takes 30 days at 20C. At a temperature below 16 degrees C or 18 degrees C, for these two species, respectively, the cycle cannot be completed and transmission cannot occur. On the other hand, 33 degrees C is the upper limit for completion of the sporogonic cycle. Only anophelines surviving longer than the sporogonic cycle can transmit malaria, assuming they took an infective blood meal. Extrinsic factors that affect the lifespan of the female anopheline, and thus the completion of the sporogonic cycle, include ambient temperature, humidity, and rainfall. The efficiency and potential for transmission have been mathematically correlated to the survival of the mosquito population. Methods to determine the age range of mosquito populations are imprecise. Thus, determining the proportion of anophelines that have lived long enough to complete the sporogonic cycle is difficult. Anophelines feed at night; therefore, transmission occurs primarily between dusk and dawn. When an infected mosquito takes a blood meal, it injects sporozoites from its salivary glands into the bloodstream (Figure 1). The sporozoites infect hepatocytes and begin a process of development and multiplication. The life cycle is completed when an anopheline takes a blood meal and ingests male and female gametocytes, allowing for sexual reproduction. P. vivax gametocytes develop within the first few days of infection, and so a person may be infective early in the course of the illness. In contrast, P. falciparum gametocytes do not appear for a minimum of 10 to 14 days, by which time many people would have been symptomatic and received treatment. In addition, both P. vivax and P. ovale may form dormant liver stages, called hypnozoites, which may become active and cause a relapse of the infection and gametocytemia months to years after a person has left a malaria-endemic area. Hypnozoites are only formed at the time of the initial sporozoite inoculation. This review of the malaria life cycle identifies the three factors essential for malaria transmission: adequate breeding sites and sufficient abundance of anophelines, weather conditions that allow completion of the sporogonic cycle, and gametocytemic persons. Historically, adequate housing, water management, and mosquito-control activities acted to limit anopheline populations and prevented anopheline-human contact. In addition, conditions that promote mosquito survival and parasite development are not usually sustained; hence, the balance of these factors does not favor transmission. However, recent outbreaks demonstrate how tenuous the balance among these factors is. Changes that effect human-vector contact and increased density of gametocytemic persons during optimal weather conditions may be all that is necessary for transmission. Malaria Surveillance Historical Background It is believed that malaria was introduced into the continental United States by European colonists (P. vivax and P. malariae) and African slaves (P. falciparum) in the 16th and 17th centuries. It became endemic in many areas of the country, paralleling the migration of people, with the exception of northern New England and mountainous and desert areas (Figure 2 not available in ASCII). The incidence of malaria probably peaked in approximately 1875, and it is estimated that more than 600,000 cases occurred in 1914 (1). Systematic reporting of malaria cases began in 1933; in 1934 125,556 cases were reported. The decline in transmission before the introduction of extensive mosquito control measures was attributed to a population shift from rural to urban areas, climatic conditions, increased drainage, improved housing and nutrition, better socioeconomic conditions and standards of living, greater access to medical services, and the availability of quinine for treatment (1). Additional activities, conducted in the 1940s, that led to the interruption of malaria transmission included larviciding, screening of houses, house spraying (residual spray program with DDT), and use of DDT (for residual spray and larviciding), which removed breeding sites, decreased the density of anophelines, and interrupted anopheline-human contact. Improved surveillance allowed treatment of parasitemic persons, focused control activities geographically, and allowed accurate assessment of the problem. Surveillance was conducted by CDC to evaluate the progress toward malaria eradication, and in the 1950s it was concluded that this goal had been achieved. At that time, it was recognized that because of international travel, presence of competent anopheline vectors, and environmental conditions that could favor transmission, malaria could be reintroduced into the United States. Surveillance activities have been maintained not only to identify outbreaks of local malaria transmission, but also to identify other cases acquired in the United States (for example, transfusion-induced cases) and to monitor trends in imported cases that guide CDC prevention recommendations. Since 1957, nearly all cases of malaria diagnosed in the United States have been imported, i.e., have been acquired by mosquito transmission (autochthonous) in areas where malaria is known to occur (8). In general, approximately half the cases occur among U.S. civilians and half among foreign-born civilians. However, each year cases occur that are acquired congenitally or are induced, i.e., acquired through artificial means, such as blood transfusions. Rarely, cases occur that are classified as cryptic (an isolated case of malaria determined after an epidemiologic investigation not to be associated with secondary cases) or introduced (a case documented to be acquired by mosquito transmission from an imported case in an area where malaria does not normally occur) (8). In practice, the distinction between a cryptic and an introduced case may be difficult to ascertain. Frequently, epidemiologic investigations indicate that the infection must have been acquired in the United States and circumstantial evidence suggests it was mosquitoborne. Additional evidence to document mosquitoborne transmission in the United States, such as the presence of anopheline larvae or infective adults, or confirmation of secondary transmission is rarely obtained. Therefore, all locally acquired cases thought to be mosquitoborne will be included in the following discussion, regardless of whether the final classification was cryptic or introduced. Overview of Locally Acquired Cases From 1957, when the current surveillance system began, through 1994, 76 cases of introduced and cryptic malaria were reported (9-27). Single cases in Louisiana in 1983 and in Massachusetts in 1985 involved patients who had recently received blood transfusions (28, 29). The infections were likely induced by transfusion, although they were classified as cryptic because serologic testing of available donors did not implicate a source person. Apart from these two, 74 cases were reported from 21 states, including three northern states (Oregon, north-central New York, and New Hampshire), that were probably acquired by mosquitoborne transmission in the United States (Figure 3 not available in ASCII). The most common species identified was P. vivax, which accounted for 59 (80%) cases; P. malariae accounted for six (8%) cases, and P. falciparum for five (7%); the species was not identified for the remaining four (5%) cases. In 1992, P. vivax, P. falciparum, P. malariae, and P. ovale were identified in 51%, 33%, 4%, and 3% of reported cases, respectively (30). The species was not identified in the remaining 9% of cases. The high proportion of locally acquired cases caused by P. vivax is not surprising for several reasons: vivax malaria is diagnosed most often among reported cases; the appearance of gametocytes early in the course of infection may allow for transmission to mosquitoes before treatment is received; relapse may occur months to years after leaving a malaria-endemic area when hypnozoites are reactivated; and the temperatures required for the completion of the sporogonic cycle are found in the United States. The 74 cases represent 56 distinct episodes of probable transmission; 43 episodes involved one person without risk factors for malaria, nine involved two persons without risk factors, and four involved three or more persons. Before 1991, among cases with sufficient information, 41 (89%) of 46 outbreaks occurred in locations described as rural. Only three were in areas described as suburban, and two were in army barracks. Since then, the three episodes in New Jersey (1991), New York (1993), and Texas (1994) have all occurred in densely populated suburban or urban areas. California From 1980 through 1990, 13 outbreaks of presumed mosquitoborne transmission were reported from California. Most occurred in rural areas where medical services were limited and sanitary facilities and housing were often substandard, allowing for anopheline-human contact; they involved undocumented migrant workers from - malaria-endemic areas who were implicated as the gametocytemic source. During an outbreak in Carlsbad, California, in 1986 (6), 28 cases (26 Mexican migrant workers and two Carlsbad residents) of P. vivax were documented during a 3-month period. The epidemic curve indicated secondary transmission, thus confirming mosquitoborne transmission. The principal risk factor for malaria was sleeping on a particular hillside outdoors during the evening. Adult female anophelines (An. hermsi) were captured from a marsh area below the hillside, and temperature and humidity were favorable for completion of the sporogonic cycle. New Jersey In 1991, two separate episodes of locally acquired P. vivax malaria were identified, occurring more than 70 miles apart (3); the first was consistent with the expected epidemiologic pattern, but the second occurred in a suburban and densely populated area. The index case-patient was an 8-year-old boy, without risk factors for malaria, (travel or exposure to blood or blood products). Few undocumented agriculture workers were living in this suburban area, but a large number of documented immigrants and undocumented factory workers were identified. U.S. census data from 1990 indicated that the population of immigrants from the Indian subcontinent, where malaria is endemic, increased by 230% compared with census data from 1980. The weather was hotter and more humid than usual, and higher anopheline densities were reported from some regions of New Jersey. The second case-patient had no clear exposure to mosquitoes but may have been exposed during the early evening in a marshy area where he played ball. New York City In 1993, another outbreak of locally acquired malaria occurred in New York City (4). The index patient had no travel history or other means of acquiring malaria except local mosquitoborne transmission. The investigation identified two other cases of malaria; one in a person who had traveled internationally 2 years previously, and a third case which was initially unreported. This outbreak was unusual, not only because urban areas are poor habitats for anophelines, but also because the causative parasite was P. falciparum. The area where the cases were identified in northwest Queens had many immigrants; the 1990 census showed a 31% increase in the number of foreign-born persons, which accounted for 48% of all recent immigrants into Queens. Many of these immigrants were from malaria-endemic areas, including parts of South and Central America and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti). In addition, more than 100 cases of imported malaria were reported in New York City during 1993 (Malaria Section/Division of Parasitic Diseases/CDC unpublished surveillance data). As seen with the earlier outbreaks, the weather that summer was hotter and more humid than usual. During the several weeks between the proposed dates of transmission and the investigation, the weather had changed, interfering with the identification of active anopheline breeding sites or adult anophelines. Houston, Texas Three cases of locally acquired malaria were identified in Houston in 1994 (5). This investigation had features similar to those seen in previous outbreaks in California. All three patients were homeless and lived in substandard housing, which provided an opportunity for exposure to anophelines at night. Two of the patients became ill, and malaria was diagnosed in July; the duration of illness was 11 days to 3 weeks. The third patient had symptoms in late July, but a diagnosis of malaria was not made until December when he had a relapse of P. vivax, which could only occur from mosquitoborne transmission. Results from an indirect immunofluorescence assay for malaria antibodies conducted on serum specimens obtained in August and December provided additional evidence that his illness during the summer was malaria. The infected persons lived in areas with large immigrant populations. Environmental investigation identified possible breeding sites, and adult female An. quadrimaculatus were captured in light traps. In addition, the average temperature and humidity favored mosquito survival and development. The three outbreaks that occurred in the early 1990s in densely populated areas occurred in neighborhoods with many immigrants from countries with malaria transmission and weather that was hot and humid and, therefore, conducive to the completion of the sporogonic cycle and the survival of adult female anophelines. The delay between mosquito inoculation, diagnosis, and investigation often meant changes in weather and inability to confirm the presence of adult anophelines and active breeding sites. Discussion Understanding the factors that contributed to these outbreaks and improving case surveillance will facilitate detection of future outbreaks and development of appropriate prevention and control measures. Two necessary criteria must be met for malaria transmission: anopheline vectors capable of transmitting malaria and gametocytemic persons. Both exist throughout the United States. Under current conditions, the average lifespan of anophelines in the United States is less than the duration of the sporogonic cycle. A common feature of all recent outbreaks has been weather that is hotter and more humid than usual, which may increase anopheline survival and decrease the duration of the sporogonic cycle enough to allow for the development of infective sporozoites. The possible effect of weather on malaria transmission has been cited in recent articles on the potential consequences of global environmental changes (31-33). Detection of locally acquired cases depends on accurate diagnosis and reporting of cases. Prompt reporting is not universal as suggested by the Houston investigation (5). Delays in recognizing cases are caused by not suspecting malaria in a person with a febrile illness who has not traveled internationally, by laboratories inexperienced with blood smear diagnosis, and by general lack of reporting of notifiable diseases. Prompt diagnosis, treatment, and notification are essential for proper treatment and evaluation of potentially gametocytemic persons. Alternative hypotheses for explaining malaria infection acquired in areas without ongoing transmission have included importation of infective anophelines either on airplanes, ships, or in baggage (34-36). One recent report of two persons who acquired P. falciparum in Germany indicates that conditions supporting local mosquitoborne transmission were present in Germany, although the authors concluded that infected mosquitoes must have been imported in baggage (37). Like the United States, many parts of Europe, including regions of Germany, have had endemic malaria transmission and thus are at risk for introduced autochthonous transmission. These alternative hypotheses have been addressed in the U.S. investigations, but none of the episodes occurred close enough to international airports or harbors to support these hypotheses. The possibility of "baggage malaria" is intriguing but unlikely for reasons concerning mosquito survival during transport and expected host-seeking behavior once the mosquitoes are released from luggage. Gametocytemic persons, both immigrants and native-born U.S. civilians, are present in the United States and can serve as reservoirs of infection. Water management, improved housing, and access to health care are critical for preventing transmission. Diligent malaria surveillance can detect outbreaks early and allow control measures to interrupt transmission. Acknowledgments I thank Dr. Monica Parise for her efforts in conducting the literature review on locally acquired malaria in the United States, and Dr. Ray Beach for his thoughtful comments and review of the manuscript. Address for correspondence: Jane R. Zucker Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd., MS F22 Atlanta, GA 30333 Fax: 770-488-7761 e-mail: [email protected] References 1. Report for registration of malaria eradication from United States of America. Washington, DC: Pan American Health Organization, December 1969. 2. Lederberg J, Shope RE, Oaks SC, Jr., editors. Emerging infections: microbial threats to health in the United States. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, 1992. 3. 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0.073000 0.000000 1.425393 0.071240 0.000000 1.425785 0.070880 0.000000 1.426177 0.070820 0.000000 1.426570 0.070620 0.000000 1.426962 0.070160 0.000000 1.427355 0.069860 0.000000 1.427748 0.069240 0.000000 1.428142 0.069060 0.000000 1.428535 0.068840 0.000000 1.428929 0.069260 0.000000 1.429323 0.069340 0.000000 1.429717 0.069180 0.000000 1.430112 0.068580 0.000000 1.430506 0.067540 0.000000 1.430901 0.066900 0.000000 1.431296 0.065960 0.000000 1.431691 0.065180 0.000000 1.432087 0.064460 0.000000 1.432482 0.063420 0.000000 1.432878 0.063280 0.000000 1.433275 0.063280 0.000000 1.433671 0.063640 0.000000 1.434067 0.063940 0.000000 1.434464 0.062760 0.000000 1.434861 0.061600 0.000000 1.435259 0.061800 0.000000 1.435656 0.062020 0.000000 1.436054 0.062160 0.000000 1.436452 0.061720 0.000000 1.436850 0.061440 0.000000 1.437248 0.062760 0.000000 1.437647 0.064500 0.000000 1.438046 0.065020 0.000000 1.438445 0.065740 0.000000 1.438844 0.066460 0.000000 1.439243 0.066980 0.000000 1.439643 0.067360 0.000000 1.440043 0.067520 0.000000 1.440443 0.067380 0.000000 1.440843 0.067580 0.000000 1.441244 0.068060 0.000000 1.441645 0.068860 0.000000 1.442046 0.069160 0.000000 1.442447 0.068840 0.000000 1.442848 0.068660 0.000000 1.443250 0.068580 0.000000 1.443652 0.068640 0.000000 1.444054 0.069020 0.000000 1.444457 0.068920 0.000000 1.444859 0.068840 0.000000 1.445262 0.069100 0.000000 1.445665 0.069960 0.000000 1.446068 0.070800 0.000000 1.446472 0.071040 0.000000 1.446875 0.071320 0.000000 1.447279 0.071820 0.000000 1.447683 0.071720 0.000000 1.448088 0.072260 0.000000 1.448492 0.072460 0.000000 1.448897 0.072640 0.000000 1.449302 0.073640 0.000000 1.449708 0.074240 0.000000 1.450113 0.074020 0.000000 1.450519 0.074820 0.000000 1.450925 0.075320 0.000000 1.451331 0.074760 0.000000 1.451737 0.074540 0.000000 1.452144 0.075180 0.000000 1.452551 0.075080 0.000000 1.452958 0.074580 0.000000 1.453365 0.074080 0.000000 1.453773 0.074460 0.000000 1.454181 0.074180 0.000000 1.454589 0.073920 0.000000 1.454997 0.073700 0.000000 1.455405 0.073420 0.000000 1.455814 0.073380 0.000000 1.456223 0.073080 0.000000 1.456632 0.072980 0.000000 1.457042 0.073300 0.000000 1.457451 0.073040 0.000000 1.457861 0.072600 0.000000 1.458271 0.072600 0.000000 1.458682 0.073140 0.000000 1.459092 0.073540 0.000000 1.459503 0.073340 0.000000 1.459914 0.072560 0.000000 1.460325 0.072420 0.000000 1.460737 0.072520 0.000000 1.461148 0.072700 0.000000 1.461560 0.073420 0.000000 1.461972 0.073980 0.000000 1.462385 0.073980 0.000000 1.462797 0.073840 0.000000 1.463210 0.073380 0.000000 1.463623 0.073400 0.000000 1.464037 0.073140 0.000000 1.464450 0.073640 0.000000 1.464864 0.073560 0.000000 1.465278 0.073340 0.000000 1.465692 0.073620 0.000000 1.466107 0.073800 0.000000 1.466522 0.072980 0.000000 1.466937 0.072600 0.000000 1.467352 0.073040 0.000000 1.467767 0.073240 0.000000 1.468183 0.072720 0.000000 1.468599 0.072120 0.000000 1.469015 0.072240 0.000000 1.469431 0.072540 0.000000 1.469848 0.071760 0.000000 1.470265 0.071080 0.000000 1.470682 0.070900 0.000000 1.471099 0.071320 0.000000 1.471517 0.070620 0.000000 1.471935 0.070040 0.000000 1.472353 0.069500 0.000000 1.472771 0.069300 0.000000 1.473190 0.069240 0.000000 1.473608 0.068880 0.000000 1.474027 0.068020 0.000000 1.474447 0.066880 0.000000 1.474866 0.066280 0.000000 1.475286 0.065820 0.000000 1.475706 0.064560 0.000000 1.476126 0.063580 0.000000 1.476546 0.063200 0.000000 1.476967 0.063440 0.000000 1.477388 0.063880 0.000000 1.477809 0.063420 0.000000 1.478230 0.062780 0.000000 1.478652 0.062600 0.000000 1.479074 0.062680 0.000000 1.479496 0.062700 0.000000 1.479918 0.063020 0.000000 1.480341 0.063700 0.000000 1.480764 0.064120 0.000000 1.481187 0.064620 0.000000 1.481610 0.064180 0.000000 1.482034 0.064220 0.000000 1.482458 0.064960 0.000000 1.482882 0.065760 0.000000 1.483306 0.065760 0.000000 1.483730 0.065860 0.000000 1.484155 0.066280 0.000000 1.484580 0.066380 0.000000 1.485006 0.066260 0.000000 1.485431 0.066520 0.000000 1.485857 0.066620 0.000000 1.486283 0.066600 0.000000 1.486709 0.066400 0.000000 1.487135 0.066280 0.000000 1.487562 0.066000 0.000000 1.487989 0.065840 0.000000 1.488416 0.065500 0.000000 1.488844 0.064940 0.000000 1.489271 0.064560 0.000000 1.489699 0.064940 0.000000 1.490128 0.064640 0.000000 1.490556 0.064040 0.000000 1.490985 0.063900 0.000000 1.491414 0.063260 0.000000 1.491843 0.062860 0.000000 1.492272 0.063160 0.000000 1.492702 0.063280 0.000000 1.493132 0.062780 0.000000 1.493562 0.062040 0.000000 1.493993 0.061980 0.000000 1.494423 0.062060 0.000000 1.494854 0.062180 0.000000 1.495285 0.062300 0.000000 1.495717 0.062360 0.000000 1.496148 0.062480 0.000000 1.496580 0.063520 0.000000 1.497012 0.064360 0.000000 1.497445 0.065060 0.000000 1.497877 0.065660 0.000000 1.498310 0.066120 0.000000 1.498744 0.067360 0.000000 1.499177 0.068500 0.000000 1.499611 0.069080 0.000000 1.500045 0.070720 0.000000 1.500479 0.071980 0.000000 1.500913 0.072340 0.000000 1.501348 0.072860 0.000000 1.501783 0.073600 0.000000 1.502218 0.074200 0.000000 1.502653 0.074980 0.000000 1.503089 0.075600 0.000000 1.503525 0.075780 0.000000 1.503961 0.076580 0.000000 1.504398 0.077060 0.000000 1.504834 0.076940 0.000000 1.505271 0.077440 0.000000 1.505709 0.077520 0.000000 1.506146 0.077800 0.000000 1.506584 0.078020 0.000000 1.507022 0.077480 0.000000 1.507460 0.076640 0.000000 1.507898 0.076740 0.000000 1.508337 0.076800 0.000000 1.508776 0.077060 0.000000 1.509215 0.077280 0.000000 1.509655 0.077700 0.000000 1.510094 0.077880 0.000000 1.510534 0.077460 0.000000 1.510975 0.077680 0.000000 1.511415 0.078580 0.000000 1.511856 0.078700 0.000000 1.512297 0.078780 0.000000 1.512738 0.079180 0.000000 1.513180 0.079600 0.000000 1.513622 0.080220 0.000000 1.514064 0.080700 0.000000 1.514506 0.081000 0.000000 1.514948 0.081520 0.000000 1.515391 0.082000 0.000000 1.515834 0.081840 0.000000 1.516278 0.082220 0.000000 1.516721 0.083060 0.000000 1.517165 0.083320 0.000000 1.517609 0.083440 0.000000 1.518054 0.083960 0.000000 1.518499 0.084220 0.000000 1.518944 0.084400 0.000000 1.519389 0.084820 0.000000 1.519834 0.085720 0.000000 1.520280 0.086440 0.000000 1.520726 0.086680 0.000000 1.521172 0.087080 0.000000 1.521619 0.087340 0.000000 1.522065 0.087200 0.000000 1.522512 0.087280 0.000000 1.522960 0.087660 0.000000 1.523407 0.087440 0.000000 1.523855 0.088160 0.000000 1.524303 0.088140 0.000000 1.524751 0.088420 0.000000 1.525200 0.088720 0.000000 1.525649 0.089040 0.000000 1.526098 0.089520 0.000000 1.526547 0.090060 0.000000 1.526997 0.090020 0.000000 1.527447 0.089880 0.000000 1.527897 0.089820 0.000000 1.528347 0.089720 0.000000 1.528798 0.090080 0.000000 1.529249 0.091020 0.000000 1.529700 0.091440 0.000000 1.530152 0.091260 0.000000 1.530604 0.091340 0.000000 1.531055 0.091960 0.000000 1.531508 0.092140 0.000000 1.531960 0.092540 0.000000 1.532413 0.092960 0.000000 1.532866 0.092840 0.000000 1.533320 0.092080 0.000000 1.533773 0.092160 0.000000 1.534227 0.093080 0.000000 1.534682 0.093660 0.000000 1.535136 0.093780 0.000000 1.535591 0.094280 0.000000 1.536046 0.094060 0.000000 1.536501 0.093540 0.000000 1.536956 0.093440 0.000000 1.537412 0.093820 0.000000 1.537868 0.094460 0.000000 1.538324 0.095020 0.000000 1.538781 0.095260 0.000000 1.539238 0.095080 0.000000 1.539695 0.095040 0.000000 1.540153 0.095480 0.000000 1.540610 0.095680 0.000000 1.541068 0.095940 0.000000 1.541527 0.095640 0.000000 1.541985 0.095660 0.000000 1.542444 0.095900 0.000000 1.542903 0.096440 0.000000 1.543363 0.096260 0.000000 1.543822 0.096340 0.000000 1.544282 0.096720 0.000000 1.544742 0.096840 0.000000 1.545203 0.096360 0.000000 1.545663 0.096420 0.000000 1.546124 0.096520 0.000000 1.546586 0.096780 0.000000 1.547047 0.097180 0.000000 1.547509 0.097140 0.000000 1.547971 0.096780 0.000000 1.548433 0.097040 0.000000 1.548896 0.096600 0.000000 1.549359 0.096600 0.000000 1.549822 0.097280 0.000000 1.550285 0.097580 0.000000 1.550749 0.097100 0.000000 1.551213 0.097220 0.000000 1.551677 0.097360 0.000000 1.552142 0.097480 0.000000 1.552607 0.097400 0.000000 1.553072 0.097520 0.000000 1.553537 0.097200 0.000000 1.554003 0.097420 0.000000 1.554469 0.097540 0.000000 1.554935 0.097400 0.000000 1.555402 0.097140 0.000000 1.555868 0.097420 0.000000 1.556336 0.097980 0.000000 1.556803 0.098300 0.000000 1.557271 0.098000 0.000000 1.557738 0.097960 0.000000 1.558207 0.098220 0.000000 1.558675 0.098220 0.000000 1.559144 0.097940 0.000000 1.559613 0.098000 0.000000 1.560082 0.098160 0.000000 1.560552 0.098560 0.000000 1.561022 0.098780 0.000000 1.561492 0.098680 0.000000 1.561963 0.098400 0.000000 1.562433 0.098720 0.000000 1.562905 0.098880 0.000000 1.563376 0.098880 0.000000 1.563848 0.098980 0.000000 1.564319 0.099280 0.000000 1.564792 0.099900 0.000000 1.565264 0.099920 0.000000 1.565737 0.099200 0.000000 1.566210 0.098960 0.000000 1.566683 0.099080 0.000000 1.567156 0.099200 0.000000 1.567630 0.099300 0.000000 1.568105 0.099200 0.000000 1.568579 0.098860 0.000000 1.569054 0.098780 0.000000 1.569529 0.098920 0.000000 1.570004 0.099480 0.000000 1.570480 0.099440 0.000000 1.570956 0.099380 0.000000 1.571432 0.099520 0.000000 1.571908 0.099600 0.000000 1.572385 0.099660 0.000000 1.572862 0.100280 0.000000 1.573340 0.100440 0.000000 1.573817 0.100280 0.000000 1.574295 0.099980 0.000000 1.574773 0.099660 0.000000 1.575252 0.099720 0.000000 1.575731 0.099560 0.000000 1.576210 0.099280 0.000000 1.576689 0.099680 0.000000 1.577169 0.099780 0.000000 1.577649 0.099740 0.000000 1.578129 0.099860 0.000000 1.578610 0.100440 0.000000 1.579090 0.100900 0.000000 1.579572 0.100600 0.000000 1.580053 0.099980 0.000000 1.580535 0.099600 0.000000 1.581017 0.099680 0.000000 1.581499 0.099760 0.000000 1.581982 0.099740 0.000000 1.582465 0.099920 0.000000 1.582948 0.100180 0.000000 1.583431 0.100360 0.000000 1.583915 0.100320 0.000000 1.584399 0.100500 0.000000 1.584884 0.100820 0.000000 1.585368 0.100860 0.000000 1.585853 0.100720 0.000000 1.586339 0.100720 0.000000 1.586824 0.100720 0.000000 1.587310 0.100720 0.000000 1.587796 0.100540 0.000000 1.588283 0.100480 0.000000 1.588769 0.100700 0.000000 1.589256 0.101100 0.000000 1.589744 0.101000 0.000000 1.590231 0.101120 0.000000 1.590719 0.101360 0.000000 1.591208 0.101300 0.000000 1.591696 0.100940 0.000000 1.592185 0.101220 0.000000 1.592674 0.101220 0.000000 1.593163 0.101180 0.000000 1.593653 0.101180 0.000000 1.594143 0.101240 0.000000 1.594634 0.101000 0.000000 1.595124 0.100780 0.000000 1.595615 0.101220 0.000000 1.596107 0.101580 0.000000 1.596598 0.101380 0.000000 1.597090 0.101380 0.000000 1.597582 0.101660 0.000000 1.598075 0.101500 0.000000 1.598568 0.101060 0.000000 1.599061 0.101240 0.000000 1.599554 0.101360 0.000000 1.600048 0.101360 0.000000 1.600542 0.101340 0.000000 1.601036 0.101520 0.000000 1.601530 0.101340 0.000000 1.602025 0.101120 0.000000 1.602521 0.101000 0.000000 1.603016 0.101040 0.000000 1.603512 0.101300 0.000000 1.604008 0.101620 0.000000 1.604505 0.101760 0.000000 1.605001 0.101780 0.000000 1.605498 0.101580 0.000000 1.605996 0.101840 0.000000 1.606493 0.101580 0.000000 1.606991 0.101520 0.000000 1.607490 0.101540 0.000000 1.607988 0.101640 0.000000 1.608487 0.101760 0.000000 1.608986 0.101800 0.000000 1.609486 0.101540 0.000000 1.609986 0.101280 0.000000 1.610486 0.101020 0.000000 1.610986 0.101520 0.000000 1.611487 0.101760 0.000000 1.611988 0.101640 0.000000 1.612490 0.101720 0.000000 1.612991 0.101680 0.000000 1.613493 0.101700 0.000000 1.613996 0.101900 0.000000 1.614498 0.101820 0.000000 1.615001 0.101620 0.000000 1.615505 0.101260 0.000000 1.616008 0.101120 0.000000 1.616512 0.101400 0.000000 1.617016 0.101780 0.000000 1.617521 0.101920 0.000000 1.618026 0.102020 0.000000 1.618531 0.101640 0.000000 1.619036 0.101560 0.000000 1.619542 0.101540 0.000000 1.620048 0.101380 0.000000 1.620554 0.101400 0.000000 1.621061 0.101580 0.000000 1.621568 0.101580 0.000000 1.622076 0.101980 0.000000 1.622583 0.101840 0.000000 1.623091 0.101940 0.000000 1.623600 0.102300 0.000000 1.624108 0.102460 0.000000 1.624617 0.102080 0.000000 1.625127 0.102000 0.000000 1.625636 0.101920 0.000000 1.626146 0.101940 0.000000 1.626656 0.102320 0.000000 1.627167 0.102440 0.000000 1.627678 0.102020 0.000000 1.628189 0.102140 0.000000 1.628701 0.102380 0.000000 1.629212 0.101980 0.000000 1.629725 0.101860 0.000000 1.630237 0.102580 0.000000 1.630750 0.102680 0.000000 1.631263 0.102460 0.000000 1.631777 0.102040 0.000000 1.632290 0.101940 0.000000 1.632804 0.102380 0.000000 1.633319 0.102300 0.000000 1.633834 0.102240 0.000000 1.634349 0.102620 0.000000 1.634864 0.102520 0.000000 1.635380 0.102320 0.000000 1.635896 0.101880 0.000000 1.636412 0.102000 0.000000 1.636929 0.102300 0.000000 1.637446 0.102480 0.000000 1.637964 0.102300 0.000000 1.638481 0.102160 0.000000 1.638999 0.102100 0.000000 1.639518 0.102240 0.000000 1.640036 0.102320 0.000000 1.640555 0.102100 0.000000 1.641075 0.102020 0.000000 1.641594 0.102300 0.000000 1.642114 0.102140 0.000000 1.642634 0.101960 0.000000 1.643155 0.101900 0.000000 1.643676 0.102220 0.000000 1.644197 0.102160 0.000000 1.644719 0.101580 0.000000 1.645241 0.101500 0.000000 1.645763 0.101960 0.000000 1.646286 0.102280 0.000000 1.646809 0.102500 0.000000 1.647332 0.102360 0.000000 1.647856 0.102440 0.000000 1.648380 0.102220 0.000000 1.648904 0.101660 0.000000 1.649429 0.101520 0.000000 1.649953 0.101480 0.000000 1.650479 0.101500 0.000000 1.651004 0.101820 0.000000 1.651531 0.101740 0.000000 1.652057 0.101840 0.000000 1.652583 0.102040 0.000000 1.653110 0.102040 0.000000 1.653638 0.102160 0.000000 1.654165 0.102360 0.000000 1.654693 0.102100 0.000000 1.655222 0.101980 0.000000 1.655750 0.101740 0.000000 1.656279 0.101880 0.000000 1.656809 0.102060 0.000000 1.657338 0.102300 0.000000 1.657868 0.102160 0.000000 1.658399 0.101780 0.000000 1.658929 0.101680 0.000000 1.659460 0.101520 0.000000 1.659992 0.101320 0.000000 1.660523 0.101620 0.000000 1.661055 0.101500 0.000000 1.661588 0.101580 0.000000 1.662121 0.101840 0.000000 1.662654 0.101680 0.000000 1.663187 0.101140 0.000000 1.663721 0.101160 0.000000 1.664255 0.101500 0.000000 1.664789 0.101360 0.000000 1.665324 0.100900 0.000000 1.665859 0.101360 0.000000 1.666395 0.101660 0.000000 1.666931 0.101120 0.000000 1.667467 0.101160 0.000000 1.668003 0.101800 0.000000 1.668540 0.100960 0.000000 1.669077 0.100600 0.000000 1.669615 0.101580 0.000000 1.670153 0.101900 0.000000 1.670691 0.101280 0.000000 1.671229 0.101240 0.000000 1.671769 0.101700 0.000000 1.672308 0.101420 0.000000 1.672847 0.101300 0.000000 1.673387 0.101940 0.000000 1.673928 0.101700 0.000000 1.674468 0.100960 0.000000 1.675009 0.100660 0.000000 1.675551 0.100640 0.000000 1.676093 0.100840 0.000000 1.676635 0.100960 0.000000 1.677177 0.100920 0.000000 1.677720 0.100380 0.000000 1.678263 0.100180 0.000000 1.678806 0.100360 0.000000 1.679350 0.100760 0.000000 1.679894 0.101060 0.000000 1.680439 0.100980 0.000000 1.680984 0.100820 0.000000 1.681529 0.100240 0.000000 1.682074 0.100160 0.000000 1.682621 0.100020 0.000000 1.683167 0.100020 0.000000 1.683714 0.099820 0.000000 1.684260 0.099260 0.000000 1.684808 0.098920 0.000000 1.685356 0.099140 0.000000 1.685904 0.099700 0.000000 1.686452 0.099880 0.000000 1.687001 0.099380 0.000000 1.687550 0.098920 0.000000 1.688100 0.099220 0.000000 1.688650 0.099520 0.000000 1.689200 0.098980 0.000000 1.689751 0.099160 0.000000 1.690302 0.099420 0.000000 1.690853 0.098660 0.000000 1.691405 0.098140 0.000000 1.691957 0.098520 0.000000 1.692509 0.098760 0.000000 1.693061 0.098240 0.000000 1.693615 0.097720 0.000000 1.694168 0.097620 0.000000 1.694722 0.098020 0.000000 1.695276 0.098400 0.000000 1.695831 0.098300 0.000000 1.696385 0.098180 0.000000 1.696941 0.098260 0.000000 1.697497 0.098220 0.000000 1.698053 0.097840 0.000000 1.698609 0.097460 0.000000 1.699166 0.097420 0.000000 1.699723 0.097660 0.000000 1.700280 0.097740 0.000000 1.700838 0.097560 0.000000 1.701396 0.097300 0.000000 1.701955 0.097300 0.000000 1.702514 0.097160 0.000000 1.703073 0.096920 0.000000 1.703633 0.096840 0.000000 1.704193 0.096960 0.000000 1.704753 0.096680 0.000000 1.705314 0.096660 0.000000 1.705875 0.096600 0.000000 1.706436 0.096240 0.000000 1.706998 0.096180 0.000000 1.707561 0.096360 0.000000 1.708123 0.096100 0.000000 1.708686 0.095720 0.000000 1.709250 0.095760 0.000000 1.709813 0.095680 0.000000 1.710377 0.095020 0.000000 1.710942 0.095000 0.000000 1.711507 0.094960 0.000000 1.712072 0.094620 0.000000 1.712638 0.094260 0.000000 1.713204 0.094240 0.000000 1.713770 0.094040 0.000000 1.714337 0.093860 0.000000 1.714904 0.093340 0.000000 1.715471 0.092920 0.000000 1.716039 0.092620 0.000000 1.716607 0.092520 0.000000 1.717176 0.092520 0.000000 1.717745 0.092580 0.000000 1.718314 0.092340 0.000000 1.718884 0.091860 0.000000 1.719454 0.091340 0.000000 1.720024 0.091060 0.000000 1.720595 0.090980 0.000000 1.721167 0.090720 0.000000 1.721738 0.090220 0.000000 1.722310 0.089780 0.000000 1.722883 0.089400 0.000000 1.723455 0.089320 0.000000 1.724029 0.089340 0.000000 1.724602 0.088800 0.000000 1.725176 0.088140 0.000000 1.725750 0.087800 0.000000 1.726325 0.087600 0.000000 1.726900 0.087200 0.000000 1.727476 0.086540 0.000000 1.728051 0.086140 0.000000 1.728628 0.085820 0.000000 1.729204 0.085420 0.000000 1.729781 0.085240 0.000000 1.730358 0.084940 0.000000 1.730936 0.084340 0.000000 1.731514 0.084040 0.000000 1.732093 0.083280 0.000000 1.732672 0.082820 0.000000 1.733251 0.082860 0.000000 1.733831 0.082440 0.000000 1.734411 0.082080 0.000000 1.734991 0.081920 0.000000 1.735572 0.081420 0.000000 1.736153 0.080920 0.000000 1.736735 0.080460 0.000000 1.737317 0.080140 0.000000 1.737900 0.080100 0.000000 1.738482 0.080000 0.000000 1.739066 0.079420 0.000000 1.739649 0.078820 0.000000 1.740233 0.078420 0.000000 1.740817 0.078100 0.000000 1.741402 0.077800 0.000000 1.741987 0.077520 0.000000 1.742573 0.077120 0.000000 1.743159 0.076640 0.000000 1.743745 0.076120 0.000000 1.744332 0.075680 0.000000 1.744919 0.075280 0.000000 1.745506 0.074980 0.000000 1.746094 0.074640 0.000000 1.746683 0.074380 0.000000 1.747271 0.074140 0.000000 1.747860 0.073720 0.000000 1.748450 0.073320 0.000000 1.749040 0.073440 0.000000 1.749630 0.073160 0.000000 1.750221 0.072600 0.000000 1.750812 0.072300 0.000000 1.751403 0.072100 0.000000 1.751995 0.071900 0.000000 1.752588 0.071640 0.000000 1.753180 0.071140 0.000000 1.753773 0.070920 0.000000 1.754367 0.070700 0.000000 1.754961 0.070680 0.000000 1.755555 0.070600 0.000000 1.756150 0.070360 0.000000 1.756745 0.070160 0.000000 1.757340 0.070140 0.000000 1.757936 0.070180 0.000000 1.758533 0.070060 0.000000 1.759129 0.069820 0.000000 1.759726 0.069440 0.000000 1.760324 0.069400 0.000000 1.760922 0.069640 0.000000 1.761520 0.069440 0.000000 1.762119 0.069280 0.000000 1.762718 0.069500 0.000000 1.763318 0.069480 0.000000 1.763918 0.069060 0.000000 1.764518 0.068860 0.000000 1.765119 0.068940 0.000000 1.765720 0.068960 0.000000 1.766322 0.068660 0.000000 1.766924 0.068620 0.000000 1.767526 0.068580 0.000000 1.768129 0.068660 0.000000 1.768732 0.068800 0.000000 1.769336 0.069020 0.000000 1.769940 0.069340 0.000000 1.770545 0.069480 0.000000 1.771149 0.069360 0.000000 1.771755 0.069480 0.000000 1.772360 0.070140 0.000000 1.772967 0.070720 0.000000 1.773573 0.070880 0.000000 1.774180 0.071140 0.000000 1.774787 0.071460 0.000000 1.775395 0.071840 0.000000 1.776004 0.072300 0.000000 1.776612 0.072520 0.000000 1.777221 0.072560 0.000000 1.777831 0.072820 0.000000 1.778441 0.073220 0.000000 1.779051 0.073880 0.000000 1.779662 0.074320 0.000000 1.780273 0.074540 0.000000 1.780884 0.074820 0.000000 1.781496 0.075380 0.000000 1.782109 0.075760 0.000000 1.782721 0.076180 0.000000 1.783335 0.076380 0.000000 1.783948 0.076680 0.000000 1.784562 0.077160 0.000000 1.785177 0.077500 0.000000 1.785792 0.077820 0.000000 1.786407 0.078240 0.000000 1.787023 0.078440 0.000000 1.787639 0.078860 0.000000 1.788256 0.079340 0.000000 1.788873 0.079860 0.000000 1.789491 0.080060 0.000000 1.790108 0.080500 0.000000 1.790727 0.081340 0.000000 1.791346 0.082060 0.000000 1.791965 0.082480 0.000000 1.792585 0.083020 0.000000 1.793205 0.083620 0.000000 1.793825 0.084060 0.000000 1.794446 0.084200 0.000000 1.795067 0.084440 0.000000 1.795689 0.084780 0.000000 1.796311 0.085040 0.000000 1.796934 0.085320 0.000000 1.797557 0.085840 0.000000 1.798180 0.086040 0.000000 1.798804 0.085840 0.000000 1.799429 0.085880 0.000000 1.800053 0.086060 0.000000 1.800679 0.086280 0.000000 1.801304 0.086540 0.000000 1.801931 0.086800 0.000000 1.802557 0.087040 0.000000 1.803184 0.087540 0.000000 1.803812 0.088040 0.000000 1.804439 0.088520 0.000000 1.805068 0.088980 0.000000 1.805696 0.089340 0.000000 1.806326 0.089660 0.000000 1.806955 0.089840 0.000000 1.807585 0.090320 0.000000 1.808216 0.090680 0.000000 1.808847 0.090860 0.000000 1.809478 0.090940 0.000000 1.810110 0.091220 0.000000 1.810742 0.091580 0.000000 1.811375 0.091940 0.000000 1.812008 0.091960 0.000000 1.812641 0.091980 0.000000 1.813275 0.092160 0.000000 1.813910 0.092260 0.000000 1.814545 0.092420 0.000000 1.815180 0.092480 0.000000 1.815816 0.092680 0.000000 1.816452 0.092700 0.000000 1.817089 0.092900 0.000000 1.817726 0.093160 0.000000 1.818363 0.093320 0.000000 1.819001 0.093500 0.000000 1.819640 0.093340 0.000000 1.820279 0.093080 0.000000 1.820918 0.093280 0.000000 1.821558 0.093700 0.000000 1.822199 0.093920 0.000000 1.822839 0.093980 0.000000 1.823480 0.093840 0.000000 1.824122 0.093680 0.000000 1.824764 0.093760 0.000000 1.825406 0.093840 0.000000 1.826049 0.093620 0.000000 1.826693 0.093480 0.000000 1.827337 0.093680 0.000000 1.827981 0.093840 0.000000 1.828626 0.093740 0.000000 1.829271 0.093660 0.000000 1.829917 0.093560 0.000000 1.830563 0.093360 0.000000 1.831210 0.093280 0.000000 1.831857 0.093600 0.000000 1.832504 0.093520 0.000000 1.833152 0.093180 0.000000 1.833801 0.093260 0.000000 1.834450 0.093260 0.000000 1.835099 0.092960 0.000000 1.835749 0.092780 0.000000 1.836399 0.092720 0.000000 1.837050 0.092600 0.000000 1.837701 0.092620 0.000000 1.838353 0.092920 0.000000 1.839005 0.092640 0.000000 1.839658 0.092440 0.000000 1.840311 0.092460 0.000000 1.840964 0.092440 0.000000 1.841618 0.092360 0.000000 1.842272 0.092260 0.000000 1.842927 0.092060 0.000000 1.843583 0.092040 0.000000 1.844238 0.092260 0.000000 1.844895 0.092320 0.000000 1.845551 0.092120 0.000000 1.846209 0.091840 0.000000 1.846867 0.091600 0.000000 1.847525 0.091580 0.000000 1.848184 0.091540 0.000000 1.848843 0.091440 0.000000 1.849502 0.091480 0.000000 1.850162 0.091440 0.000000 1.850823 0.091120 0.000000 1.851484 0.091080 0.000000 1.852145 0.091100 0.000000 1.852807 0.091000 0.000000 1.853469 0.090760 0.000000 1.854132 0.090680 0.000000 1.854796 0.090680 0.000000 1.855459 0.090480 0.000000 1.856124 0.090360 0.000000 1.856789 0.090420 0.000000 1.857454 0.090460 0.000000 1.858120 0.090540 0.000000 1.858786 0.090140 0.000000 1.859453 0.089740 0.000000 1.860120 0.089460 0.000000 1.860788 0.089460 0.000000 1.861456 0.089480 0.000000 1.862124 0.089440 0.000000 1.862794 0.089180 0.000000 1.863463 0.089020 0.000000 1.864133 0.088900 0.000000 1.864804 0.088640 0.000000 1.865475 0.088560 0.000000 1.866146 0.088600 0.000000 1.866818 0.088580 0.000000 1.867491 0.088260 0.000000 1.868164 0.087720 0.000000 1.868837 0.087440 0.000000 1.869511 0.087600 0.000000 1.870185 0.087560 0.000000 1.870860 0.087260 0.000000 1.871536 0.087220 0.000000 1.872212 0.087160 0.000000 1.872888 0.087000 0.000000 1.873565 0.086680 0.000000 1.874242 0.086520 0.000000 1.874920 0.086340 0.000000 1.875599 0.086080 0.000000 1.876277 0.085820 0.000000 1.876957 0.085800 0.000000 1.877637 0.085780 0.000000 1.878317 0.085760 0.000000 1.878998 0.085500 0.000000 1.879679 0.085100 0.000000 1.880361 0.084820 0.000000 1.881043 0.084600 0.000000 1.881726 0.084560 0.000000 1.882409 0.084560 0.000000 1.883093 0.084200 0.000000 1.883777 0.083920 0.000000 1.884462 0.083800 0.000000 1.885147 0.083640 0.000000 1.885833 0.083240 0.000000 1.886519 0.083140 0.000000 1.887206 0.083220 0.000000 1.887893 0.083120 0.000000 1.888581 0.082800 0.000000 1.889269 0.082480 0.000000 1.889958 0.082220 0.000000 1.890647 0.082020 0.000000 1.891337 0.081680 0.000000 1.892027 0.081500 0.000000 1.892718 0.081480 0.000000 1.893409 0.081580 0.000000 1.894101 0.081380 0.000000 1.894793 0.080860 0.000000 1.895486 0.080620 0.000000 1.896179 0.080560 0.000000 1.896873 0.080420 0.000000 1.897568 0.080280 0.000000 1.898262 0.080020 0.000000 1.898958 0.079640 0.000000 1.899654 0.079420 0.000000 1.900350 0.079400 0.000000 1.901047 0.079280 0.000000 1.901744 0.079240 0.000000 1.902442 0.079040 0.000000 1.903140 0.078860 0.000000 1.903839 0.078880 0.000000 1.904539 0.078500 0.000000 1.905239 0.078100 0.000000 1.905939 0.078020 0.000000 1.906640 0.077980 0.000000 1.907342 0.077940 0.000000 1.908044 0.077780 0.000000 1.908746 0.077640 0.000000 1.909449 0.077400 0.000000 1.910153 0.077220 0.000000 1.910857 0.077300 0.000000 1.911561 0.077300 0.000000 1.912266 0.077040 0.000000 1.912972 0.076780 0.000000 1.913678 0.076560 0.000000 1.914385 0.076380 0.000000 1.915092 0.076260 0.000000 1.915800 0.076200 0.000000 1.916508 0.076220 0.000000 1.917217 0.076020 0.000000 1.917926 0.075780 0.000000 1.918636 0.075720 0.000000 1.919346 0.075620 0.000000 1.920057 0.075460 0.000000 1.920768 0.075340 0.000000 1.921480 0.075360 0.000000 1.922193 0.075480 0.000000 1.922906 0.075500 0.000000 1.923620 0.075260 0.000000 1.924333 0.075120 0.000000 1.925048 0.075060 0.000000 1.925763 0.075060 0.000000 1.926479 0.074920 0.000000 1.927195 0.074740 0.000000 1.927912 0.074640 0.000000 1.928629 0.074680 0.000000 1.929346 0.074560 0.000000 1.930065 0.074560 0.000000 1.930784 0.074640 0.000000 1.931503 0.074500 0.000000 1.932223 0.074200 0.000000 1.932943 0.074100 0.000000 1.933664 0.074220 0.000000 1.934386 0.074120 0.000000 1.935108 0.073960 0.000000 1.935830 0.074080 0.000000 1.936554 0.074060 0.000000 1.937277 0.073660 0.000000 1.938002 0.073520 0.000000 1.938726 0.073480 0.000000 1.939452 0.073540 0.000000 1.940177 0.073560 0.000000 1.940904 0.073340 0.000000 1.941631 0.073300 0.000000 1.942358 0.073240 0.000000 1.943086 0.073080 0.000000 1.943815 0.072920 0.000000 1.944544 0.072740 0.000000 1.945274 0.072700 0.000000 1.946004 0.072640 0.000000 1.946735 0.072480 0.000000 1.947466 0.072280 0.000000 1.948198 0.072080 0.000000 1.948930 0.072040 0.000000 1.949663 0.071860 0.000000 1.950397 0.071680 0.000000 1.951131 0.071600 0.000000 1.951865 0.071540 0.000000 1.952601 0.071400 0.000000 1.953336 0.071140 0.000000 1.954073 0.070900 0.000000 1.954809 0.070820 0.000000 1.955547 0.070720 0.000000 1.956285 0.070520 0.000000 1.957023 0.070420 0.000000 1.957762 0.070360 0.000000 1.958502 0.070260 0.000000 1.959242 0.069920 0.000000 1.959983 0.069600 0.000000 1.960724 0.069580 0.000000 1.961466 0.069460 0.000000 1.962208 0.069420 0.000000 1.962951 0.069360 0.000000 1.963695 0.069320 0.000000 1.964439 0.069180 0.000000 1.965183 0.068960 0.000000 1.965929 0.068640 0.000000 1.966674 0.068400 0.000000 1.967421 0.068420 0.000000 1.968168 0.068400 0.000000 1.968915 0.068360 0.000000 1.969663 0.068260 0.000000 1.970412 0.068000 0.000000 1.971161 0.068000 0.000000 1.971911 0.067880 0.000000 1.972661 0.067680 0.000000 1.973413 0.067420 0.000000 1.974164 0.067180 0.000000 1.974916 0.067020 0.000000 1.975669 0.066900 0.000000 1.976422 0.066900 0.000000 1.977176 0.066720 0.000000 1.977930 0.066300 0.000000 1.978685 0.066040 0.000000 1.979440 0.065940 0.000000 1.980196 0.065820 0.000000 1.980953 0.065700 0.000000 1.981710 0.065600 0.000000 1.982468 0.065420 0.000000 1.983226 0.065300 0.000000 1.983986 0.065020 0.000000 1.984745 0.064860 0.000000 1.985505 0.064840 0.000000 1.986266 0.064860 0.000000 1.987027 0.064780 0.000000 1.987789 0.064640 0.000000 1.988552 0.064340 0.000000 1.989315 0.063940 0.000000 1.990078 0.063700 0.000000 1.990842 0.063660 0.000000 1.991607 0.063480 0.000000 1.992373 0.063180 0.000000 1.993139 0.062960 0.000000 1.993905 0.062820 0.000000 1.994673 0.062760 0.000000 1.995440 0.062620 0.000000 1.996209 0.062440 0.000000 1.996978 0.062260 0.000000 1.997747 0.062120 0.000000 1.998517 0.062020 0.000000 1.999288 0.061860 0.000000 2.000059 0.061680 0.000000 2.000831 0.061460 0.000000 2.001604 0.061480 0.000000 2.002377 0.061400 0.000000 2.003151 0.061220 0.000000 2.003925 0.061120 0.000000 2.004700 0.061120 0.000000 2.005476 0.061020 0.000000 2.006252 0.060940 0.000000 2.007029 0.060940 0.000000 2.007806 0.061080 0.000000 2.008584 0.060920 0.000000 2.009362 0.060960 0.000000 2.010141 0.061100 0.000000 2.010921 0.061020 0.000000 2.011701 0.060960 0.000000 2.012482 0.060920 0.000000 2.013264 0.060860 0.000000 2.014046 0.061000 0.000000 2.014829 0.061120 0.000000 2.015612 0.061040 0.000000 2.016396 0.061000 0.000000 2.017180 0.061220 0.000000 2.017966 0.061320 0.000000 2.018752 0.061280 0.000000 2.019538 0.061200 0.000000 2.020325 0.061160 0.000000 2.021113 0.061360 0.000000 2.021901 0.061340 0.000000 2.022690 0.061180 0.000000 2.023479 0.061240 0.000000 2.024270 0.061100 0.000000 2.025060 0.061140 0.000000 2.025852 0.061100 0.000000 2.026644 0.060960 0.000000 2.027436 0.060920 0.000000 2.028229 0.060780 0.000000 2.029023 0.060520 0.000000 2.029818 0.060260 0.000000 2.030613 0.060080 0.000000 2.031409 0.060020 0.000000 2.032204 0.060020 0.000000 2.033001 0.059840 0.000000 2.033799 0.059700 0.000000 2.034597 0.059700 0.000000 2.035396 0.059560 0.000000 2.036195 0.059380 0.000000 2.036996 0.059260 0.000000 2.037796 0.059080 0.000000 2.038598 0.058920 0.000000 2.039400 0.058680 0.000000 2.040203 0.058420 0.000000 2.041006 0.058220 0.000000 2.041810 0.058040 0.000000 2.042614 0.058080 0.000000 2.043419 0.057960 0.000000 2.044225 0.057800 0.000000 2.045032 0.057680 0.000000 2.045839 0.057660 0.000000 2.046646 0.057580 0.000000 2.047455 0.057420 0.000000 2.048264 0.057200 0.000000 2.049073 0.057160 0.000000 2.049883 0.057020 0.000000 2.050694 0.056820 0.000000 2.051505 0.056700 0.000000 2.052317 0.056680 0.000000 2.053130 0.056620 0.000000 2.053944 0.056540 0.000000 2.054758 0.056340 0.000000 2.055573 0.056200 0.000000 2.056388 0.056240 0.000000 2.057204 0.056160 0.000000 2.058021 0.055920 0.000000 2.058838 0.055820 0.000000 2.059656 0.055720 0.000000 2.060475 0.055500 0.000000 2.061294 0.055380 0.000000 2.062114 0.055360 0.000000 2.062935 0.055320 0.000000 2.063756 0.055340 0.000000 2.064577 0.055340 0.000000 2.065400 0.055280 0.000000 2.066223 0.055300 0.000000 2.067047 0.055260 0.000000 2.067871 0.055120 0.000000 2.068696 0.055060 0.000000 2.069522 0.055100 0.000000 2.070349 0.055020 0.000000 2.071176 0.054820 0.000000 2.072004 0.054780 0.000000 2.072833 0.054900 0.000000 2.073662 0.055020 0.000000 2.074492 0.054840 0.000000 2.075322 0.054720 0.000000 2.076153 0.054740 0.000000 2.076985 0.054700 0.000000 2.077817 0.054560 0.000000 2.078650 0.054460 0.000000 2.079484 0.054400 0.000000 2.080319 0.054400 0.000000 2.081154 0.054280 0.000000 2.081990 0.054180 0.000000 2.082826 0.054080 0.000000 2.083663 0.053840 0.000000 2.084501 0.053740 0.000000 2.085340 0.053700 0.000000 2.086179 0.053580 0.000000 2.087018 0.053480 0.000000 2.087859 0.053360 0.000000 2.088700 0.053160 0.000000 2.089542 0.053020 0.000000 2.090385 0.053000 0.000000 2.091228 0.052820 0.000000 2.092072 0.052600 0.000000 2.092917 0.052500 0.000000 2.093762 0.052400 0.000000 2.094608 0.052200 0.000000 2.095454 0.052160 0.000000 2.096302 0.051920 0.000000 2.097150 0.051680 0.000000 2.097999 0.051420 0.000000 2.098848 0.051220 0.000000 2.099698 0.051100 0.000000 2.100549 0.050960 0.000000 2.101400 0.050760 0.000000 2.102252 0.050520 0.000000 2.103105 0.050400 0.000000 2.103959 0.050300 0.000000 2.104813 0.050060 0.000000 2.105668 0.049880 0.000000 2.106524 0.049660 0.000000 2.107380 0.049380 0.000000 2.108237 0.049080 0.000000 2.109094 0.048840 0.000000 2.109953 0.048640 0.000000 2.110812 0.048520 0.000000 2.111672 0.048320 0.000000 2.112532 0.047980 0.000000 2.113394 0.047720 0.000000 2.114255 0.047380 0.000000 2.115118 0.047060 0.000000 2.115981 0.046960 0.000000 2.116845 0.046740 0.000000 2.117710 0.046280 0.000000 2.118576 0.045840 0.000000 2.119442 0.045460 0.000000 2.120309 0.045100 0.000000 2.121176 0.044700 0.000000 2.122045 0.044080 0.000000 2.122913 0.043580 0.000000 2.123783 0.043280 0.000000 2.124654 0.042960 0.000000 2.125525 0.042500 0.000000 2.126396 0.042020 0.000000 2.127269 0.041600 0.000000 2.128142 0.041200 0.000000 2.129016 0.040880 0.000000 2.129891 0.040540 0.000000 2.130766 0.040020 0.000000 2.131642 0.039380 0.000000 2.132519 0.038860 0.000000 2.133397 0.038480 0.000000 2.134275 0.038060 0.000000 2.135154 0.037620 0.000000 2.136034 0.037120 0.000000 2.136914 0.036660 0.000000 2.137795 0.036260 0.000000 2.138677 0.035960 0.000000 2.139560 0.035600 0.000000 2.140444 0.035220 0.000000 2.141328 0.034780 0.000000 2.142213 0.034240 0.000000 2.143099 0.033840 0.000000 2.143985 0.033580 0.000000 2.144872 0.033300 0.000000 2.145760 0.033100 0.000000 2.146648 0.032900 0.000000 2.147537 0.032700 0.000000 2.148427 0.032320 0.000000 2.149318 0.031860 0.000000 2.150209 0.031700 0.000000 2.151101 0.031440 0.000000 2.151994 0.031000 0.000000 2.152888 0.030740 0.000000 2.153783 0.030540 0.000000 2.154678 0.030280 0.000000 2.155574 0.030020 0.000000 2.156470 0.029880 0.000000 2.157368 0.029680 0.000000 2.158266 0.029620 0.000000 2.159165 0.029620 0.000000 2.160064 0.029660 0.000000 2.160964 0.029620 0.000000 2.161865 0.029520 0.000000 2.162767 0.029340 0.000000 2.163670 0.029300 0.000000 2.164573 0.029240 0.000000 2.165478 0.029140 0.000000 2.166383 0.029060 0.000000 2.167288 0.028920 0.000000 2.168195 0.028740 0.000000 2.169102 0.028640 0.000000 2.170010 0.028620 0.000000 2.170919 0.028740 0.000000 2.171828 0.028780 0.000000 2.172739 0.028840 0.000000 2.173650 0.028860 0.000000 2.174561 0.028920 0.000000 2.175474 0.029280 0.000000 2.176387 0.029360 0.000000 2.177301 0.029400 0.000000 2.178216 0.029540 0.000000 2.179132 0.029440 0.000000 2.180048 0.029480 0.000000 2.180965 0.029640 0.000000 2.181883 0.029800 0.000000 2.182801 0.029980 0.000000 2.183721 0.030100 0.000000 2.184641 0.030340 0.000000 2.185562 0.030540 0.000000 2.186484 0.030620 0.000000 2.187407 0.030740 0.000000 2.188330 0.030940 0.000000 2.189254 0.031180 0.000000 2.190179 0.031240 0.000000 2.191105 0.031380 0.000000 2.192032 0.031640 0.000000 2.192959 0.031920 0.000000 2.193887 0.032280 0.000000 2.194816 0.032640 0.000000 2.195745 0.032960 0.000000 2.196676 0.033260 0.000000 2.197607 0.033560 0.000000 2.198539 0.033900 0.000000 2.199472 0.034160 0.000000 2.200405 0.034340 0.000000 2.201339 0.034600 0.000000 2.202275 0.034840 0.000000 2.203211 0.035080 0.000000 2.204147 0.035260 0.000000 2.205085 0.035240 0.000000 2.206023 0.035320 0.000000 2.206962 0.035360 0.000000 2.207902 0.035340 0.000000 2.208843 0.035300 0.000000 2.209784 0.035040 0.000000 2.210727 0.034700 0.000000 2.211670 0.034480 0.000000 2.212614 0.034280 0.000000 2.213559 0.034140 0.000000 2.214504 0.033940 0.000000 2.215451 0.033800 0.000000 2.216398 0.033920 0.000000 2.217346 0.034240 0.000000 2.218295 0.034760 0.000000 2.219244 0.035340 0.000000 2.220195 0.035980 0.000000 2.221146 0.036640 0.000000 2.222098 0.037400 0.000000 2.223051 0.038240 0.000000 2.224005 0.038960 0.000000 2.224959 0.039600 0.000000 2.225914 0.040240 0.000000 2.226871 0.040900 0.000000 2.227827 0.041300 0.000000 2.228785 0.041620 0.000000 2.229744 0.041980 0.000000 2.230703 0.042440 0.000000 2.231663 0.042880 0.000000 2.232625 0.043280 0.000000 2.233587 0.043720 0.000000 2.234549 0.044220 0.000000 2.235513 0.044540 0.000000 2.236477 0.044980 0.000000 2.237442 0.045500 0.000000 2.238408 0.045920 0.000000 2.239375 0.046300 0.000000 2.240343 0.046640 0.000000 2.241312 0.047080 0.000000 2.242281 0.047740 0.000000 2.243252 0.048280 0.000000 2.244223 0.048740 0.000000 2.245195 0.049300 0.000000 2.246168 0.049800 0.000000 2.247141 0.050020 0.000000 2.248116 0.050220 0.000000 2.249091 0.050540 0.000000 2.250067 0.050940 0.000000 2.251044 0.051160 0.000000 2.252022 0.051420 0.000000 2.253000 0.051680 0.000000 2.253980 0.052000 0.000000 2.254961 0.052380 0.000000 2.255942 0.052760 0.000000 2.256924 0.052940 0.000000 2.257907 0.053100 0.000000 2.258891 0.053340 0.000000 2.259876 0.053560 0.000000 2.260861 0.053660 0.000000 2.261847 0.053740 0.000000 2.262835 0.053760 0.000000 2.263823 0.053820 0.000000 2.264812 0.053980 0.000000 2.265802 0.054100 0.000000 2.266792 0.054060 0.000000 2.267784 0.053960 0.000000 2.268776 0.053940 0.000000 2.269770 0.054000 0.000000 2.270764 0.053900 0.000000 2.271759 0.053820 0.000000 2.272755 0.053800 0.000000 2.273752 0.053720 0.000000 2.274750 0.053700 0.000000 2.275748 0.053700 0.000000 2.276747 0.053540 0.000000 2.277748 0.053400 0.000000 2.278749 0.053280 0.000000 2.279751 0.053120 0.000000 2.280754 0.053000 0.000000 2.281758 0.052960 0.000000 2.282763 0.052840 0.000000 2.283768 0.052620 0.000000 2.284775 0.052320 0.000000 2.285782 0.052120 0.000000 2.286791 0.051840 0.000000 2.287800 0.051480 0.000000 2.288810 0.051180 0.000000 2.289821 0.050900 0.000000 2.290832 0.050600 0.000000 2.291845 0.050260 0.000000 2.292859 0.049840 0.000000 2.293873 0.049480 0.000000 2.294889 0.049080 0.000000 2.295905 0.048520 0.000000 2.296922 0.047840 0.000000 2.297940 0.047180 0.000000 2.298960 0.046520 0.000000 2.299979 0.045800 0.000000 2.301001 0.045080 0.000000 2.302022 0.044320 0.000000 2.303045 0.043460 0.000000 2.304068 0.042640 0.000000 2.305093 0.041840 0.000000 2.306118 0.040980 0.000000 2.307145 0.040020 0.000000 2.308172 0.039060 0.000000 2.309201 0.038100 0.000000 2.310230 0.037140 0.000000 2.311260 0.036240 0.000000 2.312290 0.035500 0.000000 2.313322 0.034760 0.000000 2.314355 0.034100 0.000000 2.315388 0.033540 0.000000 2.316423 0.032940 0.000000 2.317458 0.032420 0.000000 2.318495 0.032220 0.000000 2.319532 0.031900 0.000000 2.320570 0.031720 0.000000 2.321609 0.031720 0.000000 2.322650 0.031840 0.000000 2.323691 0.031860 0.000000 2.324733 0.031880 0.000000 2.325776 0.031920 0.000000 2.326820 0.032120 0.000000 2.327865 0.032240 0.000000 2.328910 0.032380 0.000000 2.329957 0.032580 0.000000 2.331005 0.032900 0.000000 2.332053 0.033260 0.000000 2.333103 0.033520 0.000000 2.334153 0.033620 0.000000 2.335205 0.033740 0.000000 2.336257 0.034080 0.000000 2.337310 0.034480 0.000000 2.338365 0.034820 0.000000 2.339420 0.035240 0.000000 2.340476 0.035580 0.000000 2.341533 0.035980 0.000000 2.342591 0.036340 0.000000 2.343650 0.036660 0.000000 2.344710 0.036960 0.000000 2.345771 0.037280 0.000000 2.346833 0.037680 0.000000 2.347896 0.038000 0.000000 2.348960 0.038120 0.000000 2.350024 0.038240 0.000000 2.351090 0.038340 0.000000 2.352157 0.038420 0.000000 2.353225 0.038380 0.000000 2.354293 0.038340 0.000000 2.355363 0.038320 0.000000 2.356434 0.038220 0.000000 2.357505 0.038000 0.000000 2.358577 0.037820 0.000000 2.359651 0.037560 0.000000 2.360726 0.037280 0.000000 2.361801 0.036980 0.000000 2.362878 0.036500 0.000000 2.363955 0.035820 0.000000 2.365033 0.035100 0.000000 2.366114 0.034360 0.000000 2.367194 0.033660 0.000000 2.368275 0.032900 0.000000 2.369358 0.032200 0.000000 2.370441 0.031760 0.000000 2.371525 0.031520 0.000000 2.372611 0.031340 0.000000 2.373697 0.031300 0.000000 2.374785 0.031420 0.000000 2.375873 0.031560 0.000000 2.376962 0.031640 0.000000 2.378052 0.031660 0.000000 2.379144 0.031700 0.000000 2.380236 0.031620 0.000000 2.381330 0.031500 0.000000 2.382424 0.031360 0.000000 2.383519 0.031200 0.000000 2.384615 0.031060 0.000000 2.385713 0.030860 0.000000 2.386811 0.030640 0.000000 2.387911 0.030420 0.000000 2.389011 0.030220 0.000000 2.390113 0.029960 0.000000 2.391215 0.029740 0.000000 2.392318 0.029560 0.000000 2.393423 0.029460 0.000000 2.394528 0.029320 0.000000 2.395635 0.029140 0.000000 2.396743 0.029040 0.000000 2.397851 0.029040 0.000000 2.398961 0.029060 0.000000 2.400071 0.029040 0.000000 2.401183 0.029040 0.000000 2.402296 0.029100 0.000000 2.403410 0.029060 0.000000 2.404524 0.029140 0.000000 2.405640 0.029300 0.000000 2.406757 0.029240 0.000000 2.407875 0.029180 0.000000 2.408994 0.029180 0.000000 2.410113 0.029180 0.000000 2.411234 0.029160 0.000000 2.412356 0.029100 0.000000 2.413479 0.029040 0.000000 2.414603 0.028980 0.000000 2.415729 0.028900 0.000000 2.416855 0.028780 0.000000 2.417982 0.028640 0.000000 2.419111 0.028460 0.000000 2.420240 0.028240 0.000000 2.421371 0.028000 0.000000 2.422502 0.027780 0.000000 2.423635 0.027500 0.000000 2.424768 0.027200 0.000000 2.425903 0.026960 0.000000 2.427038 0.026660 0.000000 2.428176 0.026240 0.000000 2.429314 0.025760 0.000000 2.430453 0.025280 0.000000 2.431592 0.024940 0.000000 2.432734 0.024600 0.000000 2.433876 0.024340 0.000000 2.435019 0.024140 0.000000 2.436163 0.023960 0.000000 2.437308 0.023720 0.000000 2.438454 0.023560 0.000000 2.439602 0.023400 0.000000 2.440750 0.023260 0.000000 2.441900 0.023140 0.000000 2.443051 0.023060 0.000000 2.444203 0.022920 0.000000 2.445355 0.022800 0.000000 2.446510 0.022760 0.000000 2.447665 0.022700 0.000000 2.448821 0.022700 0.000000 2.449978 0.022580 0.000000 2.451137 0.022460 0.000000 2.452296 0.022560 0.000000 2.453457 0.022660 0.000000 2.454618 0.022700 0.000000 2.455781 0.022740 0.000000 2.456945 0.022740 0.000000 2.458110 0.022700 0.000000 2.459276 0.022700 0.000000 2.460443 0.022640 0.000000 2.461612 0.022560 0.000000 2.462781 0.022580 0.000000 2.463952 0.022560 0.000000 2.465123 0.022540 0.000000 2.466296 0.022580 0.000000 2.467470 0.022600 0.000000 2.468645 0.022620 0.000000 2.469821 0.022520 0.000000 2.470998 0.022520 0.000000 2.472176 0.022520 0.000000 2.473356 0.022540 0.000000 2.474536 0.022620 0.000000 2.475718 0.022600 0.000000 2.476901 0.022560 0.000000 2.478085 0.022660 0.000000 2.479270 0.022680 0.000000 2.480456 0.022600 0.000000 2.481644 0.022580 0.000000 2.482832 0.022580 0.000000 2.484022 0.022540 0.000000 2.485213 0.022500 0.000000 2.486404 0.022460 0.000000 2.487597 0.022380 0.000000 2.488792 0.022340 0.000000 2.489987 0.022280 0.000000 2.491184 0.022220 0.000000 2.492381 0.022120 0.000000 2.493581 0.021920 0.000000 2.494781 0.021760 0.000000 2.495982 0.021640 0.000000 2.497184 0.021540 0.000000 2.498387 0.021400 0.000000 2.499592 0.021240 0.000000 2.500798 0.021000 0.000000 2.502005 0.020900 0.000000 2.503213 0.020820 0.000000 2.504422 0.020720 0.000000 2.505633 0.020540 0.000000 2.506844 0.020400 0.000000 2.508057 0.020340 0.000000 2.509271 0.020260 0.000000 2.510486 0.020120 0.000000 2.511703 0.019960 0.000000 2.512920 0.019840 0.000000 2.514138 0.019760 0.000000 2.515358 0.019640 0.000000 2.516579 0.019540 0.000000 2.517802 0.019380 0.000000 2.519025 0.019200 0.000000 2.520250 0.019120 0.000000 2.521476 0.019120 0.000000 2.522703 0.019000 0.000000 2.523931 0.019000 0.000000 2.525160 0.019020 0.000000 2.526391 0.019040 0.000000 2.527622 0.019040 0.000000 2.528856 0.019080 0.000000 2.530090 0.019200 0.000000 2.531325 0.019360 0.000000 2.532562 0.019580 0.000000 2.533800 0.019740 0.000000 2.535039 0.019900 0.000000 2.536279 0.020080 0.000000 2.537520 0.020240 0.000000 2.538763 0.020480 0.000000 2.540007 0.020720 0.000000 2.541252 0.020880 0.000000 2.542498 0.020900 0.000000 2.543746 0.021020 0.000000 2.544994 0.021180 0.000000 2.546244 0.021260 0.000000 2.547495 0.021340 0.000000 2.548748 0.021420 0.000000 2.550002 0.021520 0.000000 2.551256 0.021560 0.000000 2.552513 0.021560 0.000000 2.553771 0.021680 0.000000 2.555029 0.021780 0.000000 2.556289 0.021800 0.000000 2.557550 0.021800 0.000000 2.558813 0.021740 0.000000 2.560076 0.021620 0.000000 2.561341 0.021620 0.000000 2.562607 0.021680 0.000000 2.563875 0.021720 0.000000 2.565143 0.021840 0.000000 2.566413 0.021840 0.000000 2.567684 0.021800 0.000000 2.568957 0.021760 0.000000 2.570230 0.021860 0.000000 2.571505 0.021920 0.000000 2.572781 0.021780 0.000000 2.574058 0.021940 0.000000 2.575337 0.022040 0.000000 2.576617 0.022020 0.000000 2.577898 0.022100 0.000000 2.579181 0.022160 0.000000 2.580465 0.022160 0.000000 2.581750 0.022180 0.000000 2.583036 0.022040 0.000000 2.584324 0.022220 0.000000 2.585613 0.022400 0.000000 2.586903 0.022320 0.000000 2.588195 0.022320 0.000000 2.589488 0.022360 0.000000 2.590782 0.022400 0.000000 2.592077 0.022340 0.000000 2.593373 0.021900 0.000000 2.594671 0.021660 0.000000 2.595971 0.022120 0.000000 2.597271 0.022620 0.000000 2.598573 0.022820 0.000000 2.599876 0.022880 0.000000 2.601181 0.022940 0.000000 2.602487 0.022980 0.000000 2.603794 0.022920 0.000000 2.605102 0.022980 0.000000 2.606412 0.023360 0.000000 2.607723 0.023660 0.000000 2.609035 0.023740 0.000000 2.610349 0.023920 0.000000 2.611664 0.024140 0.000000 2.612981 0.024280 0.000000 2.614299 0.024420 0.000000 2.615618 0.024400 0.000000 2.616938 0.024480 0.000000 2.618260 0.024700 0.000000 2.619583 0.024580 0.000000 2.620907 0.024720 0.000000 2.622233 0.025080 0.000000 2.623560 0.025300 0.000000 2.624888 0.025360 0.000000 2.626217 0.025360 0.000000 2.627548 0.025660 0.000000 2.628881 0.025740 0.000000 2.630215 0.025740 0.000000 2.631550 0.026140 0.000000 2.632886 0.026320 0.000000 2.634224 0.026420 0.000000 2.635564 0.026580 0.000000 2.636904 0.026700 0.000000 2.638246 0.026720 0.000000 2.639590 0.026740 0.000000 2.640934 0.026800 0.000000 2.642280 0.026860 0.000000 2.643628 0.026880 0.000000 2.644976 0.026800 0.000000 2.646327 0.026760 0.000000 2.647678 0.026760 0.000000 2.649031 0.026700 0.000000 2.650386 0.026540 0.000000 2.651741 0.026360 0.000000 2.653098 0.026220 0.000000 2.654457 0.026040 0.000000 2.655817 0.025900 0.000000 2.657177 0.025840 0.000000 2.658540 0.025580 0.000000 2.659904 0.025340 0.000000 2.661270 0.025200 0.000000 2.662637 0.024980 0.000000 2.664005 0.024420 0.000000 2.665375 0.023960 0.000000 2.666745 0.023800 0.000000 2.668118 0.023680 0.000000 2.669492 0.023080 0.000000 2.670867 0.022880 0.000000 2.672244 0.023040 0.000000 2.673622 0.022780 0.000000 2.675002 0.022280 0.000000 2.676383 0.021940 0.000000 2.677765 0.021740 0.000000 2.679150 0.021500 0.000000 2.680535 0.021440 0.000000 2.681922 0.021300 0.000000 2.683310 0.021100 0.000000 2.684700 0.020920 0.000000 2.686090 0.020860 0.000000 2.687483 0.020760 0.000000 2.688877 0.020520 0.000000 2.690272 0.020280 0.000000 2.691669 0.019940 0.000000 2.693067 0.019480 0.000000 2.694467 0.019220 0.000000 2.695868 0.018900 0.000000 2.697270 0.018560 0.000000 2.698674 0.018140 0.000000 2.700080 0.017620 0.000000 2.701487 0.017240 0.000000 2.702896 0.016960 0.000000 2.704306 0.016660 0.000000 2.705717 0.016460 0.000000 2.707130 0.016300 0.000000 2.708544 0.016160 0.000000 2.709960 0.015960 0.000000 2.711378 0.015920 0.000000 2.712797 0.016020 0.000000 2.714217 0.015840 0.000000 2.715639 0.015640 0.000000 2.717062 0.015500 0.000000 2.718487 0.015180 0.000000 2.719913 0.014760 0.000000 2.721341 0.014700 0.000000 2.722770 0.014580 0.000000 2.724200 0.014300 0.000000 2.725633 0.014240 0.000000 2.727067 0.014140 0.000000 2.728502 0.013980 0.000000 2.729939 0.013800 0.000000 2.731377 0.013560 0.000000 2.732817 0.013300 0.000000 2.734258 0.013040 0.000000 2.735701 0.012880 0.000000 2.737146 0.012700 0.000000 2.738592 0.012420 0.000000 2.740039 0.012280 0.000000 2.741488 0.012240 0.000000 2.742939 0.012160 0.000000 2.744391 0.012000 0.000000 2.745844 0.011820 0.000000 2.747299 0.011680 0.000000 2.748756 0.011540 0.000000 2.750214 0.011400 0.000000 2.751674 0.011300 0.000000 2.753135 0.011120 0.000000 2.754598 0.010820 0.000000 2.756062 0.010680 0.000000 2.757528 0.010720 0.000000 2.758996 0.010620 0.000000 2.760465 0.010500 0.000000 2.761936 0.010500 0.000000 2.763408 0.010520 0.000000 2.764882 0.010520 0.000000 2.766357 0.010460 0.000000 2.767834 0.010400 0.000000 2.769313 0.010420 0.000000 2.770793 0.010440 0.000000 2.772275 0.010460 0.000000 2.773758 0.010360 0.000000 2.775243 0.010300 0.000000 2.776730 0.010300 0.000000 2.778218 0.010300 0.000000 2.779707 0.010240 0.000000 2.781199 0.010220 0.000000 2.782691 0.010200 0.000000 2.784185 0.010140 0.000000 2.785681 0.010020 0.000000 2.787179 0.009980 0.000000 2.788678 0.010020 0.000000 2.790179 0.010040 0.000000 2.791682 0.009980 0.000000 2.793186 0.009940 0.000000 2.794692 0.009940 0.000000 2.796200 0.009940 0.000000 2.797709 0.009900 0.000000 2.799219 0.009880 0.000000 2.800731 0.009840 0.000000 2.802245 0.009760 0.000000 2.803761 0.009720 0.000000 2.805278 0.009640 0.000000 2.806797 0.009540 0.000000 2.808318 0.009540 0.000000 2.809840 0.009540 0.000000 2.811363 0.009500 0.000000 2.812889 0.009420 0.000000 2.814416 0.009320 0.000000 2.815945 0.009260 0.000000 2.817475 0.009240 0.000000 2.819007 0.009200 0.000000 2.820540 0.009100 0.000000 2.822076 0.009020 0.000000 2.823613 0.009000 0.000000 2.825152 0.009020 0.000000 2.826692 0.008960 0.000000 2.828234 0.008900 0.000000 2.829778 0.008920 0.000000 2.831324 0.008980 0.000000 2.832871 0.009000 0.000000 2.834420 0.009000 0.000000 2.835971 0.009080 0.000000 2.837523 0.009240 0.000000 2.839077 0.009440 0.000000 2.840632 0.009640 0.000000 2.842190 0.009720 0.000000 2.843749 0.009740 0.000000 2.845310 0.009700 0.000000 2.846872 0.009600 0.000000 2.848437 0.009520 0.000000 2.850003 0.009500 0.000000 2.851570 0.009500 0.000000 2.853140 0.009540 0.000000 2.854711 0.009640 0.000000 2.856283 0.009900 0.000000 2.857857 0.010320 0.000000 2.859434 0.010820 0.000000 2.861012 0.011500 0.000000 2.862592 0.012200 0.000000 2.864173 0.012840 0.000000 2.865757 0.013420 0.000000 2.867342 0.013800 0.000000 2.868929 0.014000 0.000000 2.870517 0.014000 0.000000 2.872108 0.013820 0.000000 2.873699 0.013680 0.000000 2.875293 0.013580 0.000000 2.876889 0.013560 0.000000 2.878486 0.013720 0.000000 2.880085 0.013920 0.000000 2.881686 0.014100 0.000000 2.883289 0.014420 0.000000 2.884893 0.014800 0.000000 2.886499 0.015160 0.000000 2.888107 0.015440 0.000000 2.889717 0.015660 0.000000 2.891329 0.015840 0.000000 2.892942 0.015900 0.000000 2.894558 0.015880 0.000000 2.896175 0.015760 0.000000 2.897794 0.015620 0.000000 2.899415 0.015400 0.000000 2.901037 0.015040 0.000000 2.902662 0.014640 0.000000 2.904288 0.014300 0.000000 2.905916 0.014000 0.000000 2.907546 0.013740 0.000000 2.909178 0.013460 0.000000 2.910811 0.013180 0.000000 2.912446 0.013000 0.000000 2.914083 0.012900 0.000000 2.915722 0.012780 0.000000 2.917363 0.012700 0.000000 2.919006 0.012840 0.000000 2.920650 0.013080 0.000000 2.922296 0.013240 0.000000 2.923944 0.013320 0.000000 2.925594 0.013360 0.000000 2.927246 0.013320 0.000000 2.928900 0.013260 0.000000 2.930556 0.013200 0.000000 2.932213 0.013180 0.000000 2.933873 0.013100 0.000000 2.935534 0.013040 0.000000 2.937198 0.012980 0.000000 2.938863 0.012860 0.000000 2.940530 0.012720 0.000000 2.942199 0.012660 0.000000 2.943869 0.012640 0.000000 2.945542 0.012640 0.000000 2.947217 0.012580 0.000000 2.948893 0.012540 0.000000 2.950572 0.012460 0.000000 2.952252 0.012380 0.000000 2.953934 0.012360 0.000000 2.955618 0.012300 0.000000 2.957304 0.012260 0.000000 2.958992 0.012280 0.000000 2.960681 0.012260 0.000000 2.962373 0.012220 0.000000 2.964067 0.012140 0.000000 2.965763 0.012120 0.000000 2.967460 0.012100 0.000000 2.969160 0.012080 0.000000 2.970861 0.012080 0.000000 2.972565 0.012040 0.000000 2.974271 0.011960 0.000000 2.975978 0.011980 0.000000 2.977687 0.011980 0.000000 2.979398 0.011920 0.000000 2.981112 0.011900 0.000000 2.982827 0.011940 0.000000 2.984544 0.011920 0.000000 2.986264 0.011900 0.000000 2.987985 0.011860 0.000000 2.989709 0.011860 0.000000 2.991434 0.011880 0.000000 2.993161 0.011860 0.000000 2.994890 0.011820 0.000000 2.996621 0.011780 0.000000 2.998354 0.011800 0.000000 3.000089 0.011780 0.000000 3.001826 0.011740 0.000000 3.003565 0.011740 0.000000 3.005306 0.011740 0.000000 3.007050 0.011740 0.000000 3.008795 0.011760 0.000000 3.010542 0.011700 0.000000 3.012291 0.011680 0.000000 3.014043 0.011700 0.000000 3.015796 0.011740 0.000000 3.017552 0.011740 0.000000 3.019309 0.011760 0.000000 3.021069 0.011720 0.000000 3.022830 0.011700 0.000000 3.024594 0.011700 0.000000 3.026360 0.011720 0.000000 3.028127 0.011740 0.000000 3.029897 0.011760 0.000000 3.031669 0.011740 0.000000 3.033443 0.011740 0.000000 3.035219 0.011720 0.000000 3.036998 0.011660 0.000000 3.038778 0.011660 0.000000 3.040560 0.011720 0.000000 3.042344 0.011740 0.000000 3.044130 0.011720 0.000000 3.045919 0.011740 0.000000 3.047709 0.011740 0.000000 3.049502 0.011740 0.000000 3.051297 0.011740 0.000000 3.053094 0.011740 0.000000 3.054893 0.011740 0.000000 3.056694 0.011720 0.000000 3.058498 0.011720 0.000000 3.060303 0.011740 0.000000 3.062111 0.011760 0.000000 3.063921 0.011800 0.000000 3.065733 0.011780 0.000000 3.067547 0.011800 0.000000 3.069363 0.011800 0.000000 3.071181 0.011840 0.000000 3.073001 0.011840 0.000000 3.074824 0.011820 0.000000 3.076649 0.011820 0.000000 3.078476 0.011840 0.000000 3.080305 0.011820 0.000000 3.082136 0.011840 0.000000 3.083970 0.011880 0.000000 3.085805 0.011900 0.000000 3.087644 0.011880 0.000000 3.089484 0.011840 0.000000 3.091326 0.011840 0.000000 3.093171 0.011920 0.000000 3.095017 0.011940 0.000000 3.096866 0.011940 0.000000 3.098717 0.011980 0.000000 3.100570 0.012000 0.000000 3.102426 0.011980 0.000000 3.104284 0.012020 0.000000 3.106144 0.012060 0.000000 3.108006 0.012020 0.000000 3.109871 0.012040 0.000000 3.111737 0.012120 0.000000 3.113606 0.012100 0.000000 3.115477 0.012080 0.000000 3.117350 0.012100 0.000000 3.119226 0.012120 0.000000 3.121104 0.012120 0.000000 3.122984 0.012120 0.000000 3.124866 0.012100 0.000000 3.126751 0.012140 0.000000 3.128638 0.012140 0.000000 3.130527 0.012180 0.000000 3.132419 0.012160 0.000000 3.134313 0.012180 0.000000 3.136209 0.012260 0.000000 3.138108 0.012220 0.000000 3.140008 0.012300 0.000000 3.141912 0.012360 0.000000 3.143817 0.012380 0.000000 3.145725 0.012380 0.000000 3.147635 0.012400 0.000000 3.149547 0.012380 0.000000 3.151462 0.012400 0.000000 3.153378 0.012440 0.000000 3.155298 0.012480 0.000000 3.157219 0.012480 0.000000 3.159143 0.012460 0.000000 3.161070 0.012500 0.000000 3.162998 0.012500 0.000000 3.164929 0.012560 0.000000 3.166862 0.012600 0.000000 3.168798 0.012600 0.000000 3.170736 0.012620 0.000000 3.172677 0.012640 0.000000 3.174619 0.012700 0.000000 3.176565 0.012720 0.000000 3.178513 0.012700 0.000000 3.180463 0.012720 0.000000 3.182415 0.012740 0.000000 3.184370 0.012760 0.000000 3.186327 0.012780 0.000000 3.188287 0.012760 0.000000 3.190248 0.012780 0.000000 3.192213 0.012820 0.000000 3.194180 0.012820 0.000000 3.196149 0.012820 0.000000 3.198121 0.012820 0.000000 3.200095 0.012820 0.000000 3.202072 0.012840 0.000000 3.204051 0.012900 0.000000 3.206032 0.012940 0.000000 3.208016 0.012960 0.000000 3.210002 0.012960 0.000000 3.211991 0.012940 0.000000 3.213982 0.013000 0.000000 3.215976 0.013020 0.000000 3.217972 0.013000 0.000000 3.219971 0.013000 0.000000 3.221972 0.013020 0.000000 3.223976 0.013040 0.000000 3.225982 0.013080 0.000000 3.227991 0.013100 0.000000 3.230002 0.013120 0.000000 3.232016 0.013100 0.000000 3.234032 0.013120 0.000000 3.236051 0.013120 0.000000 3.238072 0.013120 0.000000 3.240096 0.013120 0.000000 3.242123 0.013080 0.000000 3.244152 0.013080 0.000000 3.246183 0.013140 0.000000 3.248217 0.013140 0.000000 3.250253 0.013100 0.000000 3.252293 0.013100 0.000000 3.254334 0.013120 0.000000 3.256378 0.013120 0.000000 3.258425 0.013140 0.000000 3.260474 0.013160 0.000000 3.262526 0.013160 0.000000 3.264580 0.013160 0.000000 3.266638 0.013180 0.000000 3.268697 0.013200 0.000000 3.270760 0.013240 0.000000 3.272825 0.013200 0.000000 3.274892 0.013220 0.000000 3.276962 0.013260 0.000000 3.279035 0.013240 0.000000 3.281110 0.013220 0.000000 3.283188 0.013260 0.000000 3.285269 0.013320 0.000000 3.287352 0.013320 0.000000 3.289438 0.013320 0.000000 3.291526 0.013340 0.000000 3.293617 0.013340 0.000000 3.295711 0.013380 0.000000 3.297807 0.013360 0.000000 3.299906 0.013360 0.000000 3.302008 0.013400 0.000000 3.304113 0.013440 0.000000 3.306220 0.013440 0.000000 3.308330 0.013440 0.000000 3.310443 0.013480 0.000000 3.312558 0.013500 0.000000 3.314676 0.013520 0.000000 3.316797 0.013520 0.000000 3.318920 0.013480 0.000000 3.321046 0.013480 0.000000 3.323175 0.013520 0.000000 3.325307 0.013520 0.000000 3.327442 0.013540 0.000000 3.329579 0.013580 0.000000 3.331719 0.013600 0.000000 3.333861 0.013580 0.000000 3.336007 0.013600 0.000000 3.338155 0.013580 0.000000 3.340306 0.013580 0.000000 3.342458 0.013580 0.000000 3.344615 0.013580 0.000000 3.346774 0.013580 0.000000 3.348936 0.013560 0.000000 3.351101 0.013540 0.000000 3.353268 0.013520 0.000000 3.355439 0.013460 0.000000 3.357612 0.013440 0.000000 3.359789 0.013420 0.000000 3.361968 0.013400 0.000000 3.364149 0.013340 0.000000 3.366334 0.013280 0.000000 3.368521 0.013220 0.000000 3.370711 0.013120 0.000000 3.372904 0.013120 0.000000 3.375100 0.013120 0.000000 3.377300 0.013060 0.000000 3.379501 0.013020 0.000000 3.381706 0.012980 0.000000 3.383913 0.012980 0.000000 3.386123 0.013020 0.000000 3.388336 0.013060 0.000000 3.390553 0.013060 0.000000 3.392771 0.013020 0.000000 3.394992 0.012980 0.000000 3.397217 0.012900 0.000000 3.399445 0.012780 0.000000 3.401675 0.012720 0.000000 3.403909 0.012640 0.000000 3.406146 0.012560 0.000000 3.408385 0.012480 0.000000 3.410627 0.012420 0.000000 3.412873 0.012360 0.000000 3.415121 0.012300 0.000000 3.417372 0.012260 0.000000 3.419626 0.012280 0.000000 3.421884 0.012360 0.000000 3.424144 0.012480 0.000000 3.426407 0.012620 0.000000 3.428673 0.012800 0.000000 3.430943 0.013020 0.000000 3.433215 0.013240 0.000000 3.435490 0.013380 0.000000 3.437768 0.013520 0.000000 3.440049 0.013660 0.000000 3.442333 0.013740 0.000000 3.444621 0.013820 0.000000 3.446911 0.013900 0.000000 3.449204 0.014020 0.000000 3.451500 0.014080 0.000000 3.453800 0.014100 0.000000 3.456102 0.014120 0.000000 3.458408 0.014200 0.000000 3.460716 0.014300 0.000000 3.463028 0.014320 0.000000 3.465343 0.014360 0.000000 3.467662 0.014440 0.000000 3.469983 0.014460 0.000000 3.472307 0.014440 0.000000 3.474634 0.014420 0.000000 3.476965 0.014420 0.000000 3.479298 0.014420 0.000000 3.481635 0.014400 0.000000 3.483975 0.014400 0.000000 3.486317 0.014400 0.000000 3.488663 0.014400 0.000000 3.491012 0.014400 0.000000 3.493365 0.014320 0.000000 3.495720 0.014160 0.000000 3.498079 0.014080 0.000000 3.500441 0.014020 0.000000 3.502806 0.013960 0.000000 3.505175 0.013980 0.000000 3.507547 0.014100 0.000000 3.509921 0.014340 0.000000 3.512299 0.014640 0.000000 3.514681 0.014940 0.000000 3.517065 0.015180 0.000000 3.519453 0.015400 0.000000 3.521844 0.015560 0.000000 3.524238 0.015660 0.000000 3.526636 0.015760 0.000000 3.529036 0.015800 0.000000 3.531440 0.015840 0.000000 3.533848 0.015920 0.000000 3.536258 0.016020 0.000000 3.538672 0.016060 0.000000 3.541089 0.016120 0.000000 3.543509 0.016180 0.000000 3.545932 0.016200 0.000000 3.548359 0.016240 0.000000 3.550790 0.016260 0.000000 3.553223 0.016300 0.000000 3.555660 0.016400 0.000000 3.558101 0.016440 0.000000 3.560545 0.016460 0.000000 3.562992 0.016460 0.000000 3.565443 0.016480 0.000000 3.567896 0.016540 0.000000 3.570354 0.016580 0.000000 3.572814 0.016640 0.000000 3.575278 0.016740 0.000000 3.577746 0.016780 0.000000 3.580216 0.016780 0.000000 3.582691 0.016820 0.000000 3.585169 0.016840 0.000000 3.587650 0.016840 0.000000 3.590135 0.016880 0.000000 3.592623 0.016960 0.000000 3.595114 0.017000 0.000000 3.597609 0.017020 0.000000 3.600107 0.017040 0.000000 3.602608 0.017060 0.000000 3.605114 0.017080 0.000000 3.607622 0.017140 0.000000 3.610135 0.017200 0.000000 3.612650 0.017220 0.000000 3.615170 0.017240 0.000000 3.617692 0.017260 0.000000 3.620219 0.017300 0.000000 3.622749 0.017340 0.000000 3.625283 0.017380 0.000000 3.627819 0.017380 0.000000 3.630360 0.017440 0.000000 3.632904 0.017480 0.000000 3.635452 0.017480 0.000000 3.638003 0.017480 0.000000 3.640558 0.017540 0.000000 3.643116 0.017580 0.000000 3.645679 0.017580 0.000000 3.648244 0.017620 0.000000 3.650813 0.017640 0.000000 3.653386 0.017700 0.000000 3.655962 0.017700 0.000000 3.658543 0.017720 0.000000 3.661126 0.017740 0.000000 3.663713 0.017740 0.000000 3.666304 0.017800 0.000000 3.668898 0.017820 0.000000 3.671497 0.017820 0.000000 3.674099 0.017880 0.000000 3.676705 0.017900 0.000000 3.679314 0.017920 0.000000 3.681927 0.017920 0.000000 3.684544 0.017940 0.000000 3.687165 0.017920 0.000000 3.689789 0.017960 0.000000 3.692417 0.018040 0.000000 3.695049 0.018060 0.000000 3.697685 0.018060 0.000000 3.700324 0.018040 0.000000 3.702967 0.018040 0.000000 3.705615 0.018060 0.000000 3.708265 0.018080 0.000000 3.710920 0.018080 0.000000 3.713578 0.018140 0.000000 3.716240 0.018120 0.000000 3.718906 0.018100 0.000000 3.721576 0.018140 0.000000 3.724249 0.018180 0.000000 3.726926 0.018160 0.000000 3.729607 0.018140 0.000000 3.732292 0.018120 0.000000 3.734981 0.018120 0.000000 3.737674 0.018120 0.000000 3.740371 0.018080 0.000000 3.743071 0.018120 0.000000 3.745776 0.018180 0.000000 3.748485 0.018200 0.000000 3.751197 0.018180 0.000000 3.753913 0.018180 0.000000 3.756634 0.018180 0.000000 3.759358 0.018200 0.000000 3.762086 0.018200 0.000000 3.764818 0.018220 0.000000 3.767554 0.018200 0.000000 3.770293 0.018160 0.000000 3.773037 0.018140 0.000000 3.775785 0.018180 0.000000 3.778537 0.018140 0.000000 3.781293 0.018100 0.000000 3.784053 0.018100 0.000000 3.786817 0.018140 0.000000 3.789586 0.018140 0.000000 3.792358 0.018120 0.000000 3.795134 0.018120 0.000000 3.797915 0.018120 0.000000 3.800699 0.018140 0.000000 3.803488 0.018140 0.000000 3.806280 0.018140 0.000000 3.809077 0.018140 0.000000 3.811877 0.018120 0.000000 3.814683 0.018120 0.000000 3.817492 0.018120 0.000000 3.820305 0.018120 0.000000 3.823123 0.018140 0.000000 3.825944 0.018100 0.000000 3.828770 0.018060 0.000000 3.831600 0.018060 0.000000 3.834434 0.018060 0.000000 3.837271 0.018080 0.000000 3.840113 0.018100 0.000000 3.842960 0.018100 0.000000 3.845811 0.018060 0.000000 3.848666 0.018020 0.000000 3.851525 0.017980 0.000000 3.854389 0.017980 0.000000 3.857257 0.017980 0.000000 3.860130 0.017980 0.000000 3.863006 0.017940 0.000000 3.865887 0.017880 0.000000 3.868772 0.017780 0.000000 3.871661 0.017680 0.000000 3.874554 0.017640 0.000000 3.877452 0.017660 0.000000 3.880355 0.017680 0.000000 3.883262 0.017680 0.000000 3.886173 0.017640 0.000000 3.889088 0.017560 0.000000 3.892008 0.017540 0.000000 3.894932 0.017480 0.000000 3.897861 0.017360 0.000000 3.900793 0.017280 0.000000 3.903731 0.017320 0.000000 3.906672 0.017420 0.000000 3.909618 0.017540 0.000000 3.912569 0.017580 0.000000 3.915524 0.017600 0.000000 3.918483 0.017640 0.000000 3.921447 0.017640 0.000000 3.924416 0.017620 0.000000 3.927389 0.017560 0.000000 3.930367 0.017540 0.000000 3.933349 0.017520 0.000000 3.936336 0.017520 0.000000 3.939327 0.017500 0.000000 3.942322 0.017460 0.000000 3.945323 0.017420 0.000000 3.948327 0.017440 0.000000 3.951337 0.017420 0.000000 3.954351 0.017340 0.000000 3.957370 0.017300 0.000000 3.960393 0.017280 0.000000 3.963421 0.017260 0.000000 3.966453 0.017220 0.000000 3.969490 0.017140 0.000000 3.972532 0.017080 0.000000 3.975579 0.017020 0.000000 3.978629 0.016960 0.000000 3.981685 0.016920 0.000000 3.984745 0.016900 0.000000 3.987810 0.016860 0.000000 3.990880 0.016820 0.000000 3.993955 0.016740 0.000000 3.997034 0.016680 0.000000 4.000118 0.016660 0.000000 4.003208 0.016620 0.000000 4.006302 0.016560 0.000000 4.009400 0.016500 0.000000 4.012504 0.016460 0.000000 4.015612 0.016400 0.000000 4.018724 0.016320 0.000000 4.021842 0.016260 0.000000 4.024965 0.016180 0.000000 4.028091 0.016080 0.000000 4.031223 0.016020 0.000000 4.034360 0.015980 0.000000 4.037502 0.015960 0.000000 4.040649 0.015900 0.000000 4.043801 0.015840 0.000000 4.046958 0.015820 0.000000 4.050119 0.015780 0.000000 4.053287 0.015760 0.000000 4.056458 0.015760 0.000000 4.059635 0.015680 0.000000 4.062816 0.015580 0.000000 4.066003 0.015520 0.000000 4.069194 0.015460 0.000000 4.072391 0.015400 0.000000 4.075593 0.015360 0.000000 4.078799 0.015320 0.000000 4.082011 0.015260 0.000000 4.085227 0.015220 0.000000 4.088449 0.015160 0.000000 4.091676 0.015060 0.000000 4.094908 0.015000 0.000000 4.098145 0.014960 0.000000 4.101388 0.014900 0.000000 4.104634 0.014840 0.000000 4.107887 0.014800 0.000000 4.111144 0.014740 0.000000 4.114407 0.014700 0.000000 4.117675 0.014640 0.000000 4.120948 0.014600 0.000000 4.124227 0.014560 0.000000 4.127510 0.014500 0.000000 4.130799 0.014460 0.000000 4.134094 0.014400 0.000000 4.137393 0.014320 0.000000 4.140697 0.014340 0.000000 4.144008 0.014320 0.000000 4.147323 0.014260 0.000000 4.150643 0.014240 0.000000 4.153969 0.014180 0.000000 4.157301 0.014160 0.000000 4.160638 0.014140 0.000000 4.163980 0.014100 0.000000 4.167327 0.014060 0.000000 4.170680 0.014020 0.000000 4.174038 0.014000 0.000000 4.177401 0.013980 0.000000 4.180770 0.013940 0.000000 4.184143 0.013880 0.000000 4.187523 0.013840 0.000000 4.190908 0.013800 0.000000 4.194299 0.013780 0.000000 4.197695 0.013720 0.000000 4.201097 0.013620 0.000000 4.204504 0.013540 0.000000 4.207917 0.013460 0.000000 4.211336 0.013320 0.000000 4.214759 0.013220 0.000000 4.218189 0.013100 0.000000 4.221624 0.012920 0.000000 4.225064 0.012820 0.000000 4.228510 0.012780 0.000000 4.231962 0.012680 0.000000 4.235420 0.012580 0.000000 4.238883 0.012520 0.000000 4.242352 0.012520 0.000000 4.245827 0.012560 0.000000 4.249307 0.012600 0.000000 4.252793 0.012600 0.000000 4.256284 0.012560 0.000000 4.259782 0.012460 0.000000 4.263285 0.012360 0.000000 4.266792 0.012280 0.000000 4.270307 0.012240 0.000000 4.273828 0.012180 0.000000 4.277354 0.012160 0.000000 4.280886 0.012140 0.000000 4.284424 0.012100 0.000000 4.287968 0.012100 0.000000 4.291517 0.012060 0.000000 4.295074 0.012040 0.000000 4.298635 0.012060 0.000000 4.302202 0.012040 0.000000 4.305776 0.012060 0.000000 4.309355 0.012060 0.000000 4.312940 0.012040 0.000000 4.316531 0.012020 0.000000 4.320128 0.012000 0.000000 4.323732 0.011980 0.000000 4.327342 0.012000 0.000000 4.330956 0.012000 0.000000 4.334578 0.011980 0.000000 4.338205 0.011980 0.000000 4.341838 0.012020 0.000000 4.345478 0.012000 0.000000 4.349123 0.011940 0.000000 4.352774 0.011940 0.000000 4.356431 0.011940 0.000000 4.360096 0.011940 0.000000 4.363765 0.011940 0.000000 4.367442 0.011940 0.000000 4.371124 0.011920 0.000000 4.374813 0.011920 0.000000 4.378508 0.011900 0.000000 4.382210 0.011880 0.000000 4.385918 0.011900 0.000000 4.389631 0.011880 0.000000 4.393351 0.011860 0.000000 4.397078 0.011840 0.000000 4.400810 0.011840 0.000000 4.404549 0.011840 0.000000 4.408295 0.011860 0.000000 4.412045 0.011840 0.000000 4.415803 0.011780 0.000000 4.419568 0.011780 0.000000 4.423338 0.011800 0.000000 4.427116 0.011760 0.000000 4.430900 0.011740 0.000000 4.434690 0.011740 0.000000 4.438487 0.011760 0.000000 4.442291 0.011740 0.000000 4.446101 0.011700 0.000000 4.449917 0.011700 0.000000 4.453740 0.011700 0.000000 4.457570 0.011700 0.000000 4.461406 0.011680 0.000000 4.465249 0.011660 0.000000 4.469098 0.011640 0.000000 4.472954 0.011620 0.000000 4.476817 0.011620 0.000000 4.480686 0.011600 0.000000 4.484562 0.011600 0.000000 4.488445 0.011560 0.000000 4.492334 0.011540 0.000000 4.496231 0.011540 0.000000 4.500134 0.011560 0.000000 4.504043 0.011560 0.000000 4.507959 0.011580 0.000000 4.511883 0.011600 0.000000 4.515813 0.011540 0.000000 4.519750 0.011500 0.000000 4.523694 0.011500 0.000000 4.527645 0.011520 0.000000 4.531602 0.011520 0.000000 4.535568 0.011480 0.000000 4.539539 0.011460 0.000000 4.543518 0.011480 0.000000 4.547503 0.011500 0.000000 4.551496 0.011520 0.000000 4.555496 0.011540 0.000000 4.559502 0.011500 0.000000 4.563516 0.011440 0.000000 4.567537 0.011440 0.000000 4.571565 0.011460 0.000000 4.575600 0.011460 0.000000 4.579642 0.011460 0.000000 4.583691 0.011460 0.000000 4.587747 0.011440 0.000000 4.591811 0.011420 0.000000 4.595881 0.011460 0.000000 4.599958 0.011460 0.000000 4.604044 0.011420 0.000000 4.608136 0.011420 0.000000 4.612236 0.011460 0.000000 4.616343 0.011460 0.000000 4.620458 0.011500 0.000000 4.624579 0.011500 0.000000 4.628708 0.011520 0.000000 4.632845 0.011560 0.000000 4.636989 0.011580 0.000000 4.641140 0.011580 0.000000 4.645299 0.011580 0.000000 4.649466 0.011540 0.000000 4.653639 0.011520 0.000000 4.657820 0.011480 0.000000 4.662009 0.011500 0.000000 4.666206 0.011540 0.000000 4.670410 0.011500 0.000000 4.674621 0.011460 0.000000 4.678840 0.011440 0.000000 4.683066 0.011440 0.000000 4.687301 0.011440 0.000000 4.691543 0.011440 0.000000 4.695792 0.011500 0.000000 4.700048 0.011520 0.000000 4.704313 0.011540 0.000000 4.708586 0.011580 0.000000 4.712867 0.011600 0.000000 4.717155 0.011600 0.000000 4.721451 0.011640 0.000000 4.725755 0.011660 0.000000 4.730067 0.011680 0.000000 4.734388 0.011740 0.000000 4.738715 0.011840 0.000000 4.743051 0.011960 0.000000 4.747394 0.012060 0.000000 4.751746 0.012160 0.000000 4.756105 0.012260 0.000000 4.760472 0.012380 0.000000 4.764848 0.012500 0.000000 4.769232 0.012620 0.000000 4.773623 0.012760 0.000000 4.778023 0.012880 0.000000 4.782431 0.012960 0.000000 4.786847 0.013060 0.000000 4.791271 0.013100 0.000000 4.795703 0.013160 0.000000 4.800144 0.013200 0.000000 4.804591 0.013200 0.000000 4.809048 0.013180 0.000000 4.813513 0.013180 0.000000 4.817986 0.013160 0.000000 4.822468 0.013200 0.000000 4.826958 0.013260 0.000000 4.831457 0.013320 0.000000 4.835964 0.013400 0.000000 4.840480 0.013480 0.000000 4.845004 0.013600 0.000000 4.849536 0.013700 0.000000 4.854077 0.013820 0.000000 4.858626 0.013960 0.000000 4.863184 0.014060 0.000000 4.867751 0.014120 0.000000 4.872326 0.014140 0.000000 4.876908 0.014140 0.000000 4.881500 0.014140 0.000000 4.886101 0.014220 0.000000 4.890710 0.014300 0.000000 4.895329 0.014400 0.000000 4.899956 0.014520 0.000000 4.904591 0.014580 0.000000 4.909236 0.014640 0.000000 4.913890 0.014700 0.000000 4.918552 0.014780 0.000000 4.923223 0.014820 0.000000 4.927903 0.014840 0.000000 4.932591 0.014880 0.000000 4.937289 0.014880 0.000000 4.941996 0.014900 0.000000 4.946712 0.014900 0.000000 4.951437 0.014900 0.000000 4.956171 0.014880 0.000000 4.960914 0.014880 0.000000 4.965665 0.014880 0.000000 4.970426 0.014840 0.000000 4.975196 0.014820 0.000000 4.979976 0.014820 0.000000 4.984764 0.014800 0.000000 4.989561 0.014740 0.000000 4.994367 0.014720 0.000000 4.999184 0.014720 0.000000 5.004009 0.014700 0.000000 5.008844 0.014700 0.000000 5.013688 0.014700 0.000000 5.018541 0.014660 0.000000 5.023404 0.014640 0.000000 5.028277 0.014620 0.000000 5.033159 0.014580 0.000000 5.038051 0.014540 0.000000 5.042951 0.014520 0.000000 5.047862 0.014540 0.000000 5.052782 0.014520 0.000000 5.057711 0.014460 0.000000 5.062650 0.014440 0.000000 5.067600 0.014400 0.000000 5.072558 0.014360 0.000000 5.077527 0.014340 0.000000 5.082504 0.014340 0.000000 5.087492 0.014300 0.000000 5.092490 0.014280 0.000000 5.097497 0.014220 0.000000 5.102514 0.014160 0.000000 5.107540 0.014140 0.000000 5.112577 0.014160 0.000000 5.117624 0.014120 0.000000 5.122681 0.014020 0.000000 5.127748 0.013960 0.000000 5.132825 0.013920 0.000000 5.137912 0.013880 0.000000 5.143009 0.013840 0.000000 5.148117 0.013820 0.000000 5.153234 0.013820 0.000000 5.158362 0.013780 0.000000 5.163500 0.013740 0.000000 5.168648 0.013720 0.000000 5.173806 0.013720 0.000000 5.178975 0.013680 0.000000 5.184154 0.013640 0.000000 5.189344 0.013620 0.000000 5.194544 0.013580 0.000000 5.199754 0.013560 0.000000 5.204975 0.013540 0.000000 5.210206 0.013460 0.000000 5.215447 0.013440 0.000000 5.220700 0.013440 0.000000 5.225963 0.013400 0.000000 5.231235 0.013380 0.000000 5.236519 0.013340 0.000000 5.241814 0.013260 0.000000 5.247119 0.013200 0.000000 5.252435 0.013180 0.000000 5.257762 0.013140 0.000000 5.263100 0.013080 0.000000 5.268449 0.013000 0.000000 5.273809 0.012940 0.000000 5.279180 0.012940 0.000000 5.284561 0.012900 0.000000 5.289953 0.012820 0.000000 5.295357 0.012760 0.000000 5.300771 0.012740 0.000000
# Presentation: 112468 ## Section 5316: Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program **U.S. Department of Transportation** **Federal Transit Administration** **SAFETEA-LU Curriculum** **August 7, 2007** ## Learner Objectives - Provide accurate information, interpretation and guidance to FAQ’s about the JARC Program’s: - Overall intent - Entities eligible for funding - Eligible activities - Required elements for participation - Eligible capital and operations expenses - Support your independent use of JARC Program resource materials - Share knowledge about the JARC Program with FTA Headquarter and Regional staff colleagues** ** **Notes:** Display Slide 2 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: These are the learner objectives are: Following this training you will be able to: Provide accurate information, interpretation and guidance to FAQ’s about the JARC Program’s: Overall intent Entities eligible for funding Eligible activities Required elements for participation Eligible capital and operations expenses Support your independent use of JARC Program resource materials. Share knowledge about the JARC Program with FTA Headquarters and Regional staff colleagues. Display Next Slide ## Where to find JARC Program Guidance - FTA’s JARC Circular 9050.1 is Available at _[]( - Additional Guidance is available at the “Grant Programs” page of the FTA website, _[]( **Notes:** Note to trainers: The information that corresponds to the guidance in subsequent slides can be found in the JARC circular. ## JARC Overview - Targets access to employment and employment related activities for people with lower incomes (below 150% poverty line) - Also supports reverse commute **Notes:** Display Slide 3 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: This program targets access to employment and employment related activities for people with lower incomes. The program also supports REVERSE commute services. Trainer Note: Ask learners the following questions (and provide these answers if not identified by the learners) “What is a reverse commute?” A reverse commute describes the flow of commuters moving in the opposite direction of the majority of commuters. For example, commuting from an urban or rural home to a suburban job “Are reverse commute services only targeted to commuters with low income? No “Why are reverse commute services funded by the FTA?” Reverse commute services target employees and people involved with employment related activities (training, school, etc.) This is an excellent example of how FTA coordinates efforts with other federal departments (e.g. Department of Labor, Health and Human Services) to support their goal of supporting people in getting and keeping community jobs. “Can anyone give us an example of how a state in your region uses reverse commute services? Display Next Slide ## JARC is a formula program based on target population Under SAFETEA-LU JARC changed from a discretionary to a formula program - JARC is a formula program based on target population - Under SAFETEA-LU JARC changed from a discretionary to a formula program **NEW IN SAFETEA-LU ** **Notes:** Display Slide 4 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: JARC is a formula program based on target population. Under SAFETEA-LU JARC changed from a discretionary to a formula program. Communities implementing projects that will be funded with earmarks under TEA-21 will use the requirements of the earmarked program. Display Next Slide ## JARC Overview - Direct apportionment to urbanized areas with population of 200,000 or more - State administered for areas with population under 200,000 - Eligible subrecipients are private non-profits, public entities, operators of public transportation services **Notes:** Display Slide 5 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: Apportionments will be made directly to urbanized areas of at least 200,000 in population. The apportionment for communities below 200,000 goes the state, and the state administers to subrecipients. Eligible subrecipients include private non-profits, public entities, operators of public transportation services. Display Next Slide ## JARC Eligibility - Capital, planning, and operating funding for: - services designed to transport low-income individuals to and from employment-related activities - reverse commute projects **Notes:** Display Slide 6 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: JARC funding may be for capital, planning, and operating expenses that support: The development and maintenance of transportation services designed to transport low-income individuals to and from jobs and activities related to their employment, and Reverse commute projects. Trainer Note: see p. III-8 in the circular for additional information. Display Next Slide ## JARC Eligibility - Match ratios: - Capital: 80/20 Federal/local match (90/10 for CAA/ADA required equipment) - Operating: 50/50 Federal/local match - Administration (up to 10% recipient’s total): 100% Federal - Local match may be from other non-DOT Federal funds **Notes:** Display Slide 7 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: 1. Match ratios: Trainer Note: see pp. III-9 to III-10 in circular for additional information: Capital projects may be funded up to 80% with Federal dollars, with a minimum of 20% local match required. 90% Federal match if equipment is required by the Clean Air Act (CAA) or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Operating projects may be funded up to 50% of the net operating costs of the activity. Also, up to 10% of the recipient’s total fiscal year apportionment may be used to fund program administration costs including administration, planning and technical assistance. Program administration costs may be funded at 100% Federal share. Trainer Note: see p. III-7 in circular for additional information. 2. Local match may come from other Federal programs that fund transportation, other than from the DOT programs. Examples include: employment training, aging, community services, vocational rehabilitation services, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Display Next Slide ## JARC Eligibility Match ratios: Planning: 80/20 Federal/local match Local match may be from other non-DOT Federal funds **JARC Eligibility** - Match ratios: - Planning: 80/20 Federal/local match - Local match may be from other non-DOT Federal funds **NEW IN SAFETEA-LU ** **Notes:** Display Slide 8 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: Match ratios: Trainer Note: see pp. III-9 to III-10 in circular for additional information: Planning activities may also be funded up to 80% Federal. This is a new provision under SAFETEA-LU. However, it is important to note that these funds are not intended to be used for developing the local coordination plan. Rather, they are intended to support operational types of planning. In order to be eligible for JARC funding, the need for such planning activities must be included in the local coordination plan. Display Next Slide ## JARC funds a number of services and projects Existing services and projects New services and projects Let’s see what we know about the JARC program by completing an exercise - Existing services and projects - New services and projects - Let’s see what we know about the JARC program by completing an exercise - JARC Services and Programs **Notes:** Display Slide 9 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: The JARC Program funds a generous number of services and projects. Trainer Note: Chapter III Section 11 of the JARC circular provides a list of eligible projects.) 2. Some of these are existing services and projects, funded prior to SAFETEA-LU 3. Some of these are new services and projects and are funded under SAFETEA-LU for the very first time 4. Let’s see what we know about the JARC program . Display Next Slide ## It’s time for an exercise Turn to worksheet 1 Assemble into small teams Take 10 minutes to answer the questions Bragging rights await the winning team - Turn to worksheet 1 - Assemble into small teams - Take 10 minutes to answer the questions - Bragging rights await the winning team - Whad’Ya Know? **Notes:** Display Slide 10 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: Please turn to worksheet 1 Your team will have 10 minutes to answer the questions and bragging rights await the winning team. Trainer Note: Assemble learners into small teams (no more than 4 people) using one of the methods listed on “How to Use This Curriculum”. After 10 minutes has elapsed use Worksheet 1 Answers and review the answers with the teams. Ask them to tabulate and announce their scores. Advise teams that the answers are on their Toolkit CD. Give lavish praise for the wonderful efforts of learners following the discussion. Display Next Slide ## JARC Eligible Activities - Late-night and weekend service. - Guaranteed ride home service. - Shuttle service. - Expanding fixed-route public transit routes. - Ridesharing and carpooling - Transit-related aspects of bicycling. - Local car loan programs for shared rides ## JARC Eligible Activities (continued) - Promoting and administering voucher programs. - Acquiring Geographic Information System tools. - Implementing Intelligent Transportation Systems. - Subsidizing the costs of reverse commute routes. - Supporting new mobility management and coordination programs. ## JARC Designated Recipients - Designated state agency for areas with population under 200,000 - Designed public entity for urbanized areas with population of 200,000 or more - Eligible subrecipients: - private non-profits - public entities - public transportation operators **Notes:** Display Slide 11 Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: Now that we have a better understanding of the services and programs that can be funded under JARC let’s take a look at how these funds are distributed. For urbanized areas with populations less than 200,000 and nonurbanized areas, the state is the designated recipient. Each state has a designated agency, and the designated agency applies to FTA for JARC funds on behalf of subrecipients. Trainer Note: see p. III-1 in the circular for additional information. For urbanized areas with populations of at least 200,000, the designated recipient is a public entity designated by the state’s governor, responsible local officials, and publicly owned operators of public transportation. Often, the JARC recipient is the same organization as the Urbanized Area Formula (Section 5307) designated recipient, but it may be a different agency in your area. Common types of recipients are public transit authorities or city or county governments. Alternatively, the metropolitan planning organization (MPO), state, or another public agency may be a preferred choice based on local circumstances. Trainer Note: see p. III-1 in the circular for additional information. There are three categories of eligible subrecipients of JARC funds: Private non-profit organizations State or local governmental authority Operators of public transportation services, including private operators of public transportation services(III-3) Display Next Slide ## JARC Designated Recipient: Roles and Responsibilities - Competitive selection process - Fair and equitable distribution of funds - Selection of projects from coordinated plan - Certification that local plans were developed with stakeholder involvement - Grant distribution and oversight for subrecipients - Reports to FTA **Notes:** Note to trainer: This information is also covered in the cross-cutting issues presentation, so you can cover quickly or skip entirely if you are short on time. Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: The designated recipient is responsible for: Conducting an area-wide or statewide competitive selection process. Certifying a fair and equitable distribution of funds resulting from the competitive selection process. Certifying that each project selected was derived from a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan. Certifying that local plans are developed through a process that included representatives of public, private, and non-profit transportation and human services providers and participation by the public. The designated recipient is not directly responsible for developing the coordinated plan, but is responsible for ensuring that the plan from which a selected project was derived was developed in compliance with the statutory requirements. An agency or organization other than the designated recipient may take the lead in developing the coordinated plan. Managing all aspects of grant distribution and oversight for subrecipients receiving funds under this program. Submitting reports as required by FTA. Trainer Note: see p. III-2 in the circular for additional information. Display Next Slide ## JARC Coordinated Planning - Locally developed, coordinated public transit-human - services transportation plan - Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) (urbanized only) - Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (urbanized only) - Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) - NEW **Notes:** Note to trainers: this is also a cross-cutting issue Trainer Note: It may be helpful to ask learners to turn to p. 105-107 of the pdf document (the schematic) during this discussion Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: JARC projects must be derived from a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan developed through a process that includes representatives of public, private, and non-profit transportation and human service providers, participation by the public, and representatives addressing the needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities. This is new for SAFETEA-LU, also applies to Section 5310 and New Freedom, and will be discussed under Cross-Cutting Issues. Trainer Note: see p. IV-1 and all of Chapter V in the circular for additional information. Projects in urbanized areas must be included in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) prepared and approved by the metropolitan planning organization (MPO), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) approved jointly by the MPO and the Governor, and the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) developed by a State and jointly approved by FTA and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Trainer Note: see p. V-8 in the circular for additional information Projects outside urbanized areas must be included in, or be consistent with the Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan, as developed by the State, and must be included in the STIP. Trainer Note: see p. V-8 in the circular for additional information. Trainer Note: see the schematic on p. IV-5 (p. 105-107 in the pdf copy) in the circular for additional Information. Display Next Slide ## JARC Competitive Selection - Competitions every 1 to 3 years - Competitive approach and selection criteria determined by designated recipient - Announcement of competition and selected projects by designated recipient **Notes:** Note to trainers: this is also a cross-cutting issue Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: Competitions may be conducted annually or at intervals up to three years as determined by the designated recipient based on local needs. Designated recipients may choose to fund projects that will be implemented over multiple years. There should be opportunities to update coordinated plans to align with the competitive selection process. The designated recipient determines the competitive approach strategy and selection criteria. For example, the designated recipient may conduct a competition that selects from a list of specific projects/activities to be funded, communities to implement projects from the area’s plan, or specific agencies/organizations to provide services to meet specific needs that have been identified and prioritized through the local planning process. The designated recipient should publicly advertise the availability of funds and selection criteria. They should also publish a list of selected projects following the competitive selection process. Trainer Note: see pp. IV-2 through IV-5 for additional information Display Next Slide ## JARC Program/State Plan - State Management Plan (SMP) - Describes policies and procedures for administering program - May be combined with SMP of other FTA program(s) - Must be approved by and on file with FTA regional office - FTA conducts state management reviews **Notes:** Note to trainers: this is also a cross-cutting issue Talking Points: Trainers can share these and other comments as appropriate: The State Management Plan (SMP) is a document that describes the state's policies and procedures for administering the Section 5310 and 5311 programs, and the state-managed portions of the Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) and New Freedom programs. Each program may have a stand-alone plan or be combined with that of other programs. Each State is required to have an approved SMP on file with the appropriate FTA regional office and to update it regularly to incorporate any changes in program management or new requirements. FTA conducts state management reviews to examine each state’s management procedures, and the relationship of the procedures to the SMP. We’ll review The State Management Plan when we discuss Cross-Cutting Issues. Trainer Note: see chapter VII in the circular for additional information. Display Next Slide ## Summary - JARC targets access to __________ and ___________________ activities for people with lower incomes. - JARC also supports ______________ services. **Notes:** Display Slide 16 Trainer Note : Trainers should read each point, give learners time to call out the answers and prompt them with correct answers if needed. JARC targets access to employment and employment related activities for people with lower incomes. JARC also supports reverse commute services Display Next Slide ## Summary - 3. JARC has these new provisions under SAFETEA-LU: - JARC is now a __________ program. - ______ activities may now be funded. - Projects must now be derived from a locally _____________________. **Notes:** Display Slide 17 Trainer Note: Trainers should read each point, give learners time to call out the answers and prompt them with correct answers if needed. 3. JARC has these new provisions under SAFETEA-LU: JARC is now a formula based program Planning activities may be funded. The federal match is up to 80% Projects must now be derived from a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human service transportation plan Display Next Slide ## Summary - Capital projects may be funded up to - ___ % with Federal dollars. - 5. Operating projects may be funded up to - ___ % of the net operating costs of the activity. **Notes:** Display Slide 18 Trainer Note: Trainers should read each point, give learners time to call out the answers and prompt them with correct answers if needed. Capital projects may be funded up to 80 % with Federal dollars. Trainer Note: Up to 90% for ADA/Clean Air-related equipment. 5. Operating projects may be funded up to 50% of the net operating costs of the activity. Display Next Slide ## Summary - 6. There are a variety of eligible services and projects under JARC. Name five. **Notes:** Display Slide 19 Trainer Note: Trainers should read each point, give learners time to call out the answers and prompt them with correct answers if needed. 6. There are a variety of eligible services and projects under JARC. Name five. Trainer Note: an extensive list is found on pages 3 and 4 of Worksheet 1 answer key. An even longer list is in the JARC circular, Ch. III Section 11, p. III-8). Eligible services and projects include: Late-night and weekend service Guaranteed ride home service Shuttle service Expanding fixed-route public transit routes Continuation projects Demand-responsive van service Ridesharing and carpooling activities Transit related aspects of bicycling Local car loan programs administration and expenses related to voucher programs Promotion (marketing) Acquiring Geographic Information System (GIS) tools Implementing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Integrating automated regional public transit and human service transportation information, scheduling and dispatch functions Deploying vehicle position-monitoring systems Employing a mobility manager Display Next Slide ## Summary - 7. Designated recipients for the JARC program can be _________ and _____________. - 8. Designated JARC state agencies have many roles and responsibilities. Name five. **Notes:** Display Slide 20 Trainer Note: Trainers should read each point, give learners time to call out the answers and prompt them with correct answers if needed. 7. Designated recipients for the JARC program can be a state agency for areas with population under 200,000 and a designed public entity for urbanized areas with population of 200,000 or more 8. Designated JARC state agencies have many roles and responsibilities. Name five. Conducting an area-wide or statewide competitive selection process to select subrecipients. Certifying a fair and equitable distribution of funds resulting from the competitive selection process. Certifying that each project selected was derived from a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan. Certifying that local plans are developed through a process that included representatives of public, private, and non-profit transportation and human services providers and participation by the public. Managing all aspects of grant distribution and oversight for subrecipients receiving funds under this program. Submitting reports as required by FTA. Display Next Slide ## Summary - 9. Projects in urbanized areas must be included in the ________ prepared and approved by the MPO, the ________ approved jointly by the MPO and the Governor, and the ________ developed by a State and jointly approved by FTA and Federal Highway Administration. - 10. Competitions may be conducted _______ or at intervals up to _____ years as determined by the designated recipient based on local needs. **Notes:** Display Slide 21 Trainer Note: Trainers should read each point, give learners time to call out the answers and prompt them with correct answers if needed. After the final question thank everyone for their participation. 9. Projects in urbanized areas must be included in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) prepared and approved by the metropolitan planning organization (MPO), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) approved jointly by the MPO and the Governor, and the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) developed by a State and jointly approved by FTA and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 10. Competitions may be conducted annually or at intervals up to three years as determined by the designated recipient based on local needs. End of Section 5316.
# Presentation: 347922 ## BioSense Data Analyses and Anomaly Characterization - Gabriel Rainisch, MPH - Colleen A. Martin, MSPH - Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response - National Center for Public Health Informatics - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention *"The findings and conclusions in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."* ## Purpose & Outline - Purpose: Summary of recent analyses using BioSense data - To inform alerting & monitoring protocols - Improving the utility of BioSense - Outline: - BioSense overview - Descriptive analyses - Cluster detection methods and anomaly characterization - Epidemiologic studies ## BioSense Data Sources - Department of Defense (DoD; n=466) and Veterans Affairs (VA; n=905) outpatient medical facilities - Daily data - ICD-9 diagnosis codes and CPT procedure codes - Hospital real-time data (n=34) - Chief complaints, diagnoses, demographics - Patient class: emergency department, inpatient, outpatient **Notes:** Since 2003, we have received the following data: Foreshadow: “In a few moments I will describe to you about analyses comparing these data and patient classes” Hospital data: is much richer and complicated – a lot of the analyses presented here is focused on understanding the intricacies of this data source so that we can improve it’s utility for biosurveillance. ## Disease Indicators: Syndromes (N = 11) - Botulism-like - Fever - Gastrointestinal - Hemorrhagic illness - Localized cutaneous - lesion - Lymphadenitis - Neurological - Rash - Respiratory - Severe illness/death - Specific infection - (_ - Monitor critical bioterrorism associated and natural infectious disease outbreaks ## Disease Indicators: Sub-syndromes (N = 78) - Newly developed - Monitor infectious, chronic, and other disease indicators - More granular than the 11 syndromes - Require ongoing evaluation and enhancement - 46 sub-syndromes map to syndromes - Syndrome: Gastrointestinal - Sub-syndromes included: diarrhea, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal hemorrhage - 32 sub-syndromes do not map to syndromes - Examples: Allergy, Injury, Excessive heat **Notes:** Coincidentally, we were looking at these 3 during the E-coli outbreak ## Analyses ## Descriptive Analyses - Understand and compare syndrome data from long-term sources (VA/DoD) vs. newer (Hospital Real-Time) - Explore distribution of new disease indicators (sub-syndromes) - Understand the capabilities for disease monitoring using both existing and new data and indicators **Notes:** Purpose: Increase data knowledge, inform data analysis ## Visits Assigned to a Syndrome, Feb-June 2006 (in thousands) - Hospital facilities on average receive 7 times the mean monthly visit volume of VA/DoD facilities - The percent of total visits meeting a syndrome definition is similar for all data sources | Source | Mean Visits Per Facility-Month | Binned Visits | % Binned | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | DoD (n=466) | 230 | 1,927 | 15.7 | | VA (n=863) | 190 | 2,059 | 9.6 | | Hospital (n=30) | 1,708 | 212 | 11.6 | **Notes:** Hospital facilities on average receive 7 times the mean monthly visit volume o VA and DoD facilities – likely because Hospital receives ED & inpatient data as well compared to VA/DoD The percent of total visits meeting syndrome definitions is similar for all data sources ## Percent of Visits Assigned to a Syndrome - Respiratory and Gastrointestinal combined, comprise 60-75% of binned visits - The only marked difference between data sources is for the Gastrointestinal syndrome (Hospital, 30%; DoD 18%; VA, 11%) ## Percent of Visits Assigned to a Syndrome Hospital Real-Time Data **Notes:** There is a certain amount of variability in the diseases assigned to syndromes by patient class: - Less severe illnesses: picked up in outpatient data (like lymphadenitis) - More severe illnesses: picked up in Inpatient data (like Severe Illness/Death) ## Hospital Real-Time Final Diagnoses: 20 Most Common Sub-Syndromes (Feb-Aug 2006) **Notes:** Many in the top 20 are unrelated to infectious diseases, and are chronic in nature. With so many data types, there are numerous ways to analyze the data. This graph shows all patient classes. Also only shows final diagnoses, not chief complaints. Each possible graph ## Sub-syndrome Demographics - Age effect: - Older ages: more chronic conditions - Younger ages: more infectious, acute conditions - Variation among sub-syndrome distributions by hospital system: - Differences in patient population (e.g. ages) - Variation in patient class mix - outpatient clinics, emergency department, inpatient **Notes:** Hosptial systems catering to specific age groups: Children’s & Adult Hospitals ## Descriptive Analyses - Newer Hospital real-time data - Expands capabilities for disease monitoring - Is similar to VA/DoD data in many respects - Combined analyses appear to be feasible ## Cluster Detection & Anomaly Characterization - Modified CuSum C2 Statistic: “W2” - 7-day average with 2-day lag - Weekdays compared with weekdays & weekend days with weekend days - Calculate a recurrence interval: - Reciprocal of a p-value - Recurrence interval (RI) = # of days between two observed similar residual values - Better analytic method that produces anomalies at an appropriate frequency **Notes:** Calculating the RI: We’ve been doing this empirically which allows us better control over the # of anomalies, which, in turn, contributes to a better protocol for monitoring BioSense data ## Anomaly Characterization - What characteristics identify anomalies most likely to be of potential importance for further evaluation? ## Ranking Data Anomalies - Metrics already in use: - Recurrence Interval (RI) - Observed vs. previous max count - Observed / expected (relative risk) - Observed – expected (residual) - # of consecutive days flagged - Other anomalies at the same facility/area - Metrics slated for evaluation: - Severity of illness (e.g. pneumonia vs. cough) - Homogeneity of chief complaints/diagnoses, age, gender, etc. **Notes:** These are some of the metrics we use Severity of illness is subjective: will pursue research to make objective Metrics utility is specific to monitoring purpose: Example: using Observed/Previous Max to monitor the respiratory syndrome during the summer may not be effective for catching flu related anomalies, however it is better for a syndrome with less seasonality. ## BioSense Epidemiologic Studies - Influenza - Neurological Syndrome - Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - Injuries following Hurricane Katrina - Heat Related Illnesses ## Heat Related Illness - Goal: Explore utility of BioSense data for heat related illness surveillance - Hospital Real-Time Data (n= 34 hospitals) - Study period: June 1st – August 10th 2006 - Sub-syndrome: “Heat, Excessive” - Diagnosis: 1 ICD-9 Code: E900.0 (Excessive heat due to weather conditions) - Chief complaint suggestive of heat injury **Notes:** HRI cases can be found using: diagnosis codes or chief complaints E900 is an E-code. The “E” in E-codes stands for External Causes of Injury and Poisoning. Chief complaints are text based ## Heat Related Illness Visits, BioSense Application, ICD-9 Diagnosis (n=139 Visits) **Notes:** Screenshot from BioSense app. Showing Count and Rate Stars=statistical elevation in the count ## Heat-Related Illness (HRI) Diagnosis, June 1- August 10, 2006 - Several HRI diagnoses were identified that are not being used in BioSense - Visit counts - All HRI diagnoses: 217 visits - HRI diagnoses identified by current BioSense methods: 139 visits - Additional HRI diagnoses should be included in BioSense **Notes:** Preliminary Data ## Heat-Related Illness (HRI) Chief Complaints, June 1- August 10, 2006 - 217 visits with HRI diagnoses - 194 visits with HRI diagnosis but not an HRI chief complaint: - 125 of these visits had chief complaints. Such as: - Malaise and fatigue: 24 - Syncope and collapse: 19 - Chest pain: 19 - Dizziness: 17 - Dehydration: 14 **Notes:** Preliminary Data ## HRI Indicators - Breakdown of 297 HRI visits: - Male: Female 66%:34% - Age: - 0-3 yrs. 2% - 4-11 yrs. 4% - 12-19 yrs. 12% - 20-49 yrs. 45% - 50+ yrs. 37% - 19% of patients with an HRI chief complaint also mapped to the “Cerebrovascular Disease” sub-syndrome **Notes:** Preliminary data Application supports association of HRI with chronic co-morbidities and being older ## HRI Analyses - Text parsing creates challenges: - “HEAT MURMUR”; - “IRREGULAR HEAT BEAT”; - “rapid heat beat”; - “HEAT PROBLEMS”; ??? - Next steps: - Correlate with temperature data - Examine distribution of chronic conditions among historical visits ## Summary - Descriptive analyses - Hospital Real-Time data adds new capabilities - Disease indicator patterns similar to VA/DoD data - Cluster detection methods: modified methods and evaluation of ranking criteria can help prioritize anomalies for further investigation - Epidemiologic studies: ongoing to correct problems, expand capacities, and improve utility of BioSense ## Acknowledgements - Jerry Tokars, MD, MPH - Colleen Martin, MSPH - Data Quality & Programming Team: - Roseanne English - Paul McMurray, MDS - Felicita David, MS - Laura Hall, MPH ## For more information - Gabriel Rainisch: [email protected] - Colleen Martin: [email protected] - BioSense Website: _[]( - Technical Help Desk: 1-800-532-9929 - Secure Data Network question - BioSense technical support - BioSense E-mail Address: _[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])_ - General questions - Additional user requests - Problem reporting - Suggestion for enhancements - All feedback!
[Analysis of Anchorage Downslope Windstorms]{.underline} John Papineau, NWS Anchorage [1*. Introduction*]{.underline}: Moderate-to-strong southeast winds are a common occurrence at summit level (\~1200 m) in the western Chugach Mountains just to the east of Anchorage (Figure 1) during the cooler months of the year, October through April. On occasions when atmospheric conditions become favorable a downslope windstorm forms and extends down the lee side of the Chugach Mountains, "the "Hillside," and into east Anchorage. There have been a number of these windstorms over the subsequent decades that have produced considerable damage to structures in east Anchorage in addition to toppling power poles and numerous trees. In addition these events are also a serious threat to civil and commercial aviation throughout northern Cook Inlet as areas of strong turbulence and low-level windshear are common. Southeast winds in the greater Anchorage area represent a continuum of events; from damage producing downslope windstorms to what might be referred to as 'generic' winds that are confined to higher elevations of the Hillside and major valleys such as Turnagain Arm. Downslope windstorms result from the formation of a mountain wave(s) over the western Chugach Mountains as stable air is forced over the barrier. The generation and evolution of these features has been elusive and therefore this paper is an attempt to clarify the difference between generic Hillside winds, many of which are weak downslope events, and the far less frequent and stronger damaging downslope windstorms. The ability to identify these features would lead to better forecasting of these damaging events. It should be noted that strong SE winds through Turnagain Arm, a sea-level gap through the Chugach Mountains just south of Anchorage, form in conjunction with both downslope windstorms and generic Hillside winds. This northwest-to-southeast oriented 65 km long fjord is an important terrain feature because it provides a near sea-level link between Prince William Sound located on the northern Gulf of Alaska, with northern Cook Inlet . Strong east-to-west pressure gradients frequently form during the winter months along the Alaska coastline bordering the Gulf of Alaska, and produce moderate-to-strong winds through Turnagain Arm. Strong winds are a hazard to vehicular traffic that traverse the fjord along the Seward Highway, the only road between Anchorage and the communities located on the Kenai Peninsula. A study of winds through Turnagain Arm will be addressed in a separate paper; hence we will only note their characteristics as they directly relate to Hillside winds. There have been four damaging downslope wind events in Anchorage in the past three decades: April 1, 1980; November 26-27, 1985; October 10, 1986; and December 1, 1992. The National Weather Service has christened these events as the "Big Four" in order to distinguish them from more frequently occurring moderate events. Hopkins (1994) summarized the December 1, 1992 downslope event that produced an estimated six million dollars of damage in east Anchorage. This event generated a one-second gust of 49 ms^-1^ (95 kt) at the 730 m elevation, the highest value ever recorded on the Hillside. In an effort to improve forecasting techniques, Hopkins noted some common characteristics of Big Four events: an extremely large Cordova (PACV) to Anchorage (PANC) mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) gradient; a stationary ridge located over western Canada with a surface low tracking northward across western Alaska (\~165^o^W); presence of a critical layer (upper level winds are zero or aligned along 220^o^) between mountain top level and the mid-troposphere; and elevated inversions or stable layers. Table 1 lists these events in addition to some important atmospheric parameters. > Table 1: Significant Anchorage downslope wind events. +--------------+-------+---------+-------+---------+-------+---------+ | Date & Hour | PACV | St | Stab | 850 mb | 850 | C | | | -PANC | ability | ility | winds | mb | ritical | | (UTC) | | | | | winds | layer | | | Pre | 700-850 | 50 | \ | | | | | ssure | mb | 0-700 | [speed, | \[s | Height | | | diff | | mb | dir\] | peed, | ( | | | | (^o^C | | | dir\] | 210^o^) | | | (mb) | km^-1^) | (^o^C | ( | | | | | | | km | ms^-1^, | (ms | \(m\) | | | | | ^-1^) | deg) | ^-1^, | | | | | | | | deg) | | +--------------+-------+---------+-------+---------+-------+---------+ | April 1, | 12.3 | 6.9 | 5.9 | 16 185 | 19 | 6100 | | 1980 00Z | | | | | 195 | | | | 16.2 | 2.3 | 7.8 | 19 115 | | none | | 12Z | | | | | 33 | | | | | | | | 170 | | +--------------+-------+---------+-------+---------+-------+---------+ | Nov 26, 1985 | 11.3 | 6.0 | 3.3 | 17 135 | 8 180 | 4600 | | 12Z | | | | | | | | | 17.1 | 6.4 | 2.2 | 24 125 | 18 | 4600 | | Nov 27, 00Z | | | | | 145 | ( | | | | | | | | 205^o^) | +--------------+-------+---------+-------+---------+-------+---------+ | Oct 10, 1986 | 10.3 | 4.6 | 4.9 | 20 145 | 24 | 4000 | | 00Z | | | | | 190 | | +--------------+-------+---------+-------+---------+-------+---------+ | Dec 2, 1992 | 11.7 | 5.4 | 4.2 | 23 170 | 27 | 2900 | | 00Z | | | | | 210 | | | | 12.0 | 6.2 | 5.1 | 27 160 | | 4800 | | 12Z | | | | | 39 | ( | | | | | | | 195 | 205^o^) | +--------------+-------+---------+-------+---------+-------+---------+ | Jan 7, 2001 | 7.9 | 3.0 | 4.5 | 12 105 | 31 | none | | 12Z | | | | | 145 | | | | 11.6 | 7.7 | 6.6 | 23 140 | | none | | Jan 8 00Z | | | | | 21 | | | | | | | | 158 | | +--------------+-------+---------+-------+---------+-------+---------+ | Feb 5, 2003 | 12.6 | 3.1 | 5.8 | 27 130 | 37 | none | | 00Z | | | | | 148 | | +--------------+-------+---------+-------+---------+-------+---------+ The ability to forecast the difference between a generic Hillside wind event and a damaging downslope event remains a challenge. The main objective is to understand the role played by elevated inversions and critical wind layers since one or both are always present during these events. Relying on output from WRF model simulations of the Big Four and sparse observations of events after since Hopkins paper was written, the role played by these two parameters in the generation of strong downslope windstorms can hopefully be clarified. This paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we give a brief review of the literature of downslope windstorms. Observations of the Big Four windstorms are given in Section 3. The output from WRF model simulations of the Big Four are discussed in Section 4. In Section 5 we discuss the similarities and dissimilarities of the modeling results. In section 6 the results of two additional model simulated downslope wind events in order to compare with the Big Four data set. A conceptual model of Anchorage downslope events is offered in section 7. We make some final comments and suggestions for future study in section 8. [2*. Literature Review*]{.underline}: The study of flow over mountainous terrain and associated downslope winds has garnered considerable attention from meteorologists since the post-World War II era. The early work as typified by Scorer (1949, 1953) and Long (1954) was based on analytical solutions to various forms of the Navier-Stokes equations that govern fluid motion, in this instance, stable air moving over irregular terrain. One of the main discoveries of this early work was the influence that various vertical profiles of temperature and wind (speed and direction) have on the resulting flow. Discontinuities in either one of these parameters can create layers within the atmosphere whereby surface generated mountain waves could reflect and amplify. Under the proper conditions, gravity waves can superimpose and form a large amplitude mountain wave to the lee of the terrain, generating a downslope windstorm (Peltier & Clark 1979, Durran & Klemp 1983, Clark *et al* 1994). The majority of work on this subject in the 1970s and 1980s was accomplished by the use of various two-dimensional numerical models that contained idealistic terrain. By the mid-1980s our understanding of downslope windstorms had evolved to the level whereby three production mechanisms were proposed (Durran 1990). One mechanism is wave breaking resulting from vertically propagating mountain waves that reflect from environmental critical layers. Wave breaking in turn creates it own critical layer, *i.e.-*turbulent zone, that is typically lower then the environmental critical layer (Clark and Peltier 1977, 1984). A second mechanism is wave reflection off of vertical discontinuities in stability (Lilly and Klemp 1979, Durran 1986). Hydraulic amplification is the third production mechanism for downslope windstorms (Smith 1985, Smith and Sun 1987). It should be noted that these mechanisms do not necessarily work independent of each other. Wave reflection or wave breaking may induce hydraulic amplification (Durran 1990). In other words, there may be multiple atmospheric forcings leading to the development of a downslope windstorm. However, attempts to relate theoretical considerations such as the vertical profiles of the Scorer parameter, Brunt-Vaisala frequency, and non-dimensional mountain height, to real world complex terrain with limited observations, remains a challenge. Due to constraints on computer speed it was not until the 1990s that three-dimensional weather modeling was able to incorporate realistic terrain in high resolution simulations. One of the seminal three-dimensional modeling efforts was that of Colle and Mass (1998a,b) in their investigation of northern Cascade downslope and gap windstorms. Using MM5 they found that windstorms of various intensities were produced by a broad spectrum of lower and mid-tropospheric wind and temperature profiles. Mid-tropospheric critical layers and elevated stable layers were fundamental to the generation of strong lee-side winds; nevertheless they found that no single combination of atmospheric parameters was responsible for the strongest windstorms. The Mesoscale Alpine Program (MAP) was an multinational field research program conducted over a number of seasons throughout various locales in the Alps. One of these studies (Jiang and Dole 2004) unmasked the synergic role of various terrain scales; gravity waves generated by the flow of air over shorter wavelength terrain help condition the mid-troposphere to be able to amplify gravity waves produced by the larger-scale terrain. These two scales can interfere constructively and produce large amplitude lee-side waves. More recent work (Smith *et al* 2007) has focused on the role which boundary layer process, latent heat effects and upstream blocking play in downslope windstorms. The resolution of three-dimensional modeling is now down below 1-km as represented in the work of Agustsson & Olafsson (2007). The net result of these observational and modeling studies is that downslope windstorms develop under a variety of tropospheric conditions, which in turn will produce a continuum of responses. For example, in the Front Range of Colorado downslope windstorms tend to form when the mid-troposphere contains an inversion (or stable layer) but lacks a critical layer. In other locations, the formation of downslope winds seems to depend on the presence of a critical layer (Coleman and Dierking 1992, Colle and Mass 1998b). In other words more than one set of tropospheric parameters will most likely generate a lee side wind response at any given location. However there is a subset of parameters that for a given initial set of conditions and terrain will produce the strongest response (Durran 1986). The challenge for meteorologists and those responsible for forecasting downslope wind events is to determine that parameter space for their particular area of responsibility. [3*. The Big Four*]{.underline}: As noted in the *introduction* there have been four damaging downslope wind events in east Anchorage in the collective memory of the forecasting community. In this section we will explore the similarities and dissimilarities of these events based on the limited surface observations and radiosonde flights from the airport (PANC) in west Anchorage. Figure 2 shows temperature profiles observed at or near the period of maximum winds for the four events. Notice the elevated inversions in April 1980 and November 1985 cases, although this feature is lacking in the remaining two cases. The low-level inversion for December 1992 is not representative of conditions over the mountains or upstream of the barrier, note however that there is a relatively stable layer from 775 mb to 625 mb at this time. Figure 3 shows the radiosonde winds observed on the same flights. The most notable characteristic is the veering of the wind with height. Between 700 mb and 600 mb, the winds are parallel or nearly parallel to the long-axis of the ridgeline of the western Chugach Mountains (\~205^o^). This condition would produce an environmental critical layer (Coleman and Dierking 1992, Colle and Mass 1998b). The April 1980 and Nov 1985 cases lack these southwest winds. Although there are some subtle differences one might suspect that there are additional controlling factors to these high wind events. It should be noted that it is uncommon to have a strong or even moderate downslope wind event where the winds are southeast throughout the troposphere. Figure 4 depicts the mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) differences between Anchorage and Cordova, the latter being a small community located on the Gulf of Alaska some 250 km southeast of Anchorage. This pressure difference, as noted by Hopkins (1994), has historically been one of the fundamental parameters monitored by forecasters in an attempt to forecast the onset and decline of downslope winds. Maximum pressure differences range from 17 mb to 23 mb. It is interesting to note that the April 1980 case had the 'weakest' pressure difference despite the fact that to this day this event is considered the most destructive, not only of the Big Four, but of any other event as well. Although this pressure difference provides a qualitative check, it does not produce a reliable measure of the strength of either the summit level wind speeds or those in the lee-side windstorm. It should be noted that during the cooler months, air moving from the Gulf of Alaska over the western Chugach Mountains is significantly warmer than the ambient air over northern Cook Inlet. In other words, despite the winter timeframe during which these events occur, these are not cold advection (boras) cases, but rather chinooks or fohns. The one exception was the November 1985 case in which cold air from Canada moved across the Gulf of Alaska and then over the western Chugach. Nevertheless, despite the modest cold advection aloft, surface temperatures in Anchorage increased once the SE surface winds commenced. In order for a downslope wind to develop in Anchorage, two general conditions must be satisfied. First, upstream vertical profiles of pressure, winds, and temperature must be conducive to the acceleration of SE winds over the final ridgeline of the western Chugach Mountains. Second, the temperature and wind profiles within the boundary-layer over Anchorage have to be conducive to the descent of winds from aloft. The fact that strong downslope wind events in Anchorage are infrequent reflects the difficulty of both conditions being met simultaneously. The first requirement is met in various degrees a number of times each winter. It is important to consider the fact that the climate regime in northern Cook Inlet is significantly colder and drier then 80 km to the southeast over the Gulf of Alaska where the downslope winds originate. There have been many situations favoring strong winds over the mountains and the potential for a downslope event, yet cold deep or relatively deep air over northern Cook Inlet has prevented these strong winds from reaching the surface. Cold air, in the form of a nocturnal inversion or isothermal layer, acts as 'effective terrain' (Lee *et al* 1989) with respect to the flow of air from the mountains to the southeast. Once strong downslope winds have been generated over the lee of the Chugach Mountains, they will attempt to erode the upper zone of the stable boundary layer until the winds reach the surface. Therefore the erosion of a dome of cold air over Anchorage is a function of the strength of the SE winds, as well as the mean sea-level pressure (MSLP )gradient in northern Cook Inlet and the Susitna Valley. It is common to have light (\<5 ms^-1^) northwest-to-northeast surface winds over Anchorage, with moderate to strong southeast winds over the Hillside, in conjunction with a Talkeetna (PATK) minus Anchorage MSLP gradient of +2 to +4 mb. A pressure gradient oriented down Cook Inlet helps to reinforce cold air over Anchorage, as it frequently does when a surface low in western Alaska is south of 60^o^N (Hopkins 1994). Once the low tracks further north, the pressure gradient weakens or reverses, making it more difficult for the cold air to remain in place. For example, at 12Z November 26, 1985 there was a 100 mb deep layer of cold stable air over Anchorage, despite increasing SE winds over the Hillside and an 11 mb pressure difference between Cordova and Anchorage. It was not until 6 hours later that the surface winds over west Anchorage (PANC) abruptly backed to the southeast while the sustained speeds jumped from 5 ms^-1^ to 14 ms^-1^ with gusts to 19 ms^-1^. The descent of warmer air that originates from the Gulf of Alaska can produce some substantial temperature increases over Anchorage in a matter of hours, once the cold dome has been eroded. It is also common for surface air temperatures to warm at a given site before the onset of moderate-to-strong winds at that same location. Typical temperature increases of 10^o^ to 15^o^ C over the course of three to six hours in west Anchorage is not unusual, while temperatures at the base of the mountains to the east can rise that much in one or two hours. [4*. Model Configuration and Limitations*]{.underline}*:* Modeling downslope windstorms is important in the effort to gain a more in depth understanding because of the scarcity of available observations, both at the surface and within the atmosphere, especially for the Big Four events. This is true particularly over the Chugach Mountains and upstream over the Gulf of Alaska. Model output also allows us to explore the dynamical nature of these events that could not be ascertained by any other means. Simulation of the Big Four events was conducted with the Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) Environmental Modeling System configured with an outer 4-km and a nested 1-km grid with one-way nesting from the outer to the inner grid. Each simulation was initialized with the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) data set using 6 hour boundary files. Terrain data consisted of the USGS's 30 arc-second data set. There were 31 vertical grid levels ranging from 20 m to 15,800 m (100 mb), with the upper 5 km of the atmosphere set to dampen vertical velocities and hence limit unwanted wave reflection off the top of the model domain. The microphysics routine was based on a five class scheme. The planetary boundary layer was parameterized using the Yonsei University scheme, while surface fluxes are based on Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. In order to make comparisons from one simulation to another, the grid configuration and model physics were unchanged from one simulation to the next. The duration of these simulations ranged from 36 to 48 hours depending on the nature of the event. Model output was overall realistic; the main bias existed in the MSLP fields. The modeled MSLP fields tended to be 5 to 10 mb too low compared to the scattered observations. The MSLP gradient between Prince William Sound and northern Cook Inlet was realistic as the pressure bias appeared to be aerially uniform; the exception was the December 1, 1992 event in which we have observations from Whittier. For this case the model produced a maximum Whittier-to-Anchorage pressure gradient on the order of 10 mb during the time of peak winds, while the observations indicated a 16 mb gradient. We are not sure why this discrepancy occurred, although the geopotential heights for this case were in line with the Anchorage radiosonde measurements. Unfortunately we do not have any observations from Whittier for the older events. Model generated 700 mb heights over Anchorage tend to range from +10 m to -30 m when compared to the radiosonde flights. Near surface air temperatures in the model for the April 1980 and December 1992 events were very close to the observations taken in Anchorage. The October 1986 event had a considerable warm bias in the first half of the simulation but then came into alignment with the observations during the second half. The November 1985 simulation for unknown reasons displayed a large warm bias throughout the length of the run. The near surface air temperatures in winter in this region are highly dependent on windspeeds. As noted above, even modest mixing can cause temperatures to rise 10^o^ C in an hour or two; hence it is not surprising that modeled temperatures deviated from observations at times. Despite these limitations it is believed that model output can be useful in interpreting the evolution of downslope windstorms, although some caution has to be exercised. In the following subsections a brief description of the model results for each of the Big Four events will be presented. This section will be concluded by noting some significant similarities and dissimilarities of the four cases. **December 1992** This event had the strongest observed Cordova-to-Anchorage MSLP gradient, on the order of 23 mb. The model produced a peak Whittier-to-Anchorage MSLP gradient of only about 10 mb compared to the observed 16 mb difference. However, the 850 mb height gradient from northern Prince William Sound to northern Cook Inlet is 73 m, the same as for the October 1986 event and 9 m higher than in April 1980. We are not sure why the model MSLP gradient was so weak, it could be related to the orientation of the isobars. Northwest-to-southeast oriented isobars in the model may not generate as high of pressure along the northern Gulf of Alaska as occurs in nature with this orientation. The peak Hillside winds generated by the model were on the order of 41 ms^-1^, the timing corresponding well with the qualitative observations (peak gust of 51 ms^-1^). Mountain wave activity was confined to levels below 650 mb. Prior to the maximum Hillside wind (06Z/2), the model atmosphere formed a modest mountain wave over the lee slope with smaller amplitude trapped lee waves downstream. At 06Z/2, the time of maximum winds, there was a single mountain wave (Figure 5a & 6a) that had little tilt from the surface 800 mb and then upstream tilt from 800 mb to 650 mb indicating upward propagating wave energy (Durran 1990). The vertical profile of winds (Figure 7a & 8a) and temperature indicated that a critical layer (SW flow) was positioned around 700 mb, however there were no stable layers (lapse rate \~ 7.0^o^ C/km). Additionally, between 700 mb and 500 mb there was modest (8 ms^-1^) forward wind shear, speeds increasing with height. As will be seen shortly, this event shares many of the same characteristics as the November 1985 and October 1986 events; what is notably absent in this particular case is a mid-tropospheric stable layer. This case resembles Smith's (1985) hydraulic amplification conceptual model in which the air over the western Chugach Mountains accelerates down the Hillside in the absence of high or even moderate amplitude mountain waves aloft. This type of acceleration is called "shooting flow" in hydraulics. **October 1986** This wind event differed from the other three in that it was embedded in a larger scale disturbance that produced copious amounts of rain and subsequent flooding across a large part of Southcentral Alaska. The model generated a substantial lee-side windstorm, however like the October 1985 modeling case, the simulated surface sea-level pressure field was from 4-7 mb too low as were the lower and mid-tropospheric geopotential heights. The model heights came into close agreement with PANC sounding observations during the second half of the simulation. This event had a larger southerly wind component in the flow over the western Chugach Mountains than the November 1985 case. A lee-side hydraulic jump developed from 12Z/9-05Z/10 as the upstream dividing streamline, the level at which turbulent air is separated from relatively non-turbulent air (Smith 1985),rose and windspeeds at the base of the Hillside increased (Figures 5C-8C). This fits well with the qualitative observations from the Hillside which assign the strongest winds from 01Z-06Z/10. The ascending limb of the jump moved downstream and weakened between 12Z-18Z/10; the shooting flow over the Hillside weakened during this period as well. As the downslope windstorm developed, the amplitude of the low-level mountain wave over the Hillside amplified and extended down the slope. However, the model indicated minimal increase in wave energy above the 650 mb level. The approximate form of the Scorer parameter in the equation *S=\[N^2^/U^2^\],* where *N* is the Brunt-Vaisala frequency and *U* is the upstream mean windspeed at barrier height (Smith *et al* 2002), , steadily decreased with height. This was to be expected as the winds increased with height; their values were taken upstream of the Chugach Mountains over northwestern Prince William Sound. However, there were no sharp discontinuities in the Scorer Parameter that indicated the presence of a reflective layer, or trapped lee waves downstream of the Chugach. An analysis of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency, *N=\[g/Θ dΘ/dZ*\], over the western Chugach indicated that in the 800-600 mb layer the stability was increasing as the mountain wave descended the lee-slope. In addition, an environmental critical layer located between 750 mb and 700 mb was present throughout the development period. Flow was \~ 10-15 ms^-1^ at 220^o^. The vertical velocity field indicated that narrow bands of ascending and descending air within the waves were confined to the troposphere below the 700 mb level (Figure 9). In order to investigate the role of latent heating (Durran & Klmep 1983, Smith *et al* 2007), this case was rerun without the model microphysics. The results indicated that upstream model atmosphere below 600 mb was indeed 3-6^o^ C cooler in this simulation when compared to the one with full microphysics. However, tropospheric temperatures over the western slopes of the Chugach Mountains were warmer in the absence of microphysics. Several temperature profiles over the Chugach and further upstream over northern Prince William Sound indicated that without microphysics, a pronounced isothermal layer existed between 800-700 mb that was absent with the full microphysics simulation. In addition, during the period of maximum precipitation, the wind speeds over the Hillside were some 15-25% stronger in the no-microphysics case as were the amplitudes of the gravity waves. The conclusion is that the release of latent heat over the barrier can have a significant impact on the stability in the 850-600 mb layer and hence alter the resulting flow over the lee-slope. Whether the release of latent heat increases or decreases the winds over the Hillside and Anchorage might however depend on the amount of heating and at what levels it is released (Doyle & Smith 2003). **November 1985** This event differed from the other Big Four events in that cooler air from western Canada via the northern Gulf of Alaska was advected across the Chugach Mountains into northern Cook Inlet. From the early stages (09Z/26) a lee-side mountain wave formed, centered at an elevation of 2500 m. There was a strong inversion over Anchorage stretching from Cook Inlet to the base of the Hillside. During the next five hours this mountain wave deepened and worked its way down the upper part of the Hillside, coincident with a minimal 2 ms^-1^ increase in upstream wind speeds. By 17Z/26 the pattern of isentropes resembled shooting flow similar in nature to the two previous cases (Figures 5D-8D). Windspeeds in the core of the lee-slope mountain wave increased by 6 ms^-1^ in conjunction with a 2.6 mb increase in the Prince William Sound to Anchorage MSLP gradient. It is possible that wave amplification is due to wave reflection off of a critical layer located around 650 mb. There was little vertical tilt in the mountain waves located below 800 mb with noticeable upstream tilt in the low amplitude waves located between 800-600 mb. At the beginning of the simulation, 02Z/26, there was a shallow inversion centered around 750 mb. This layer rose to about 675 by 15Z/26 as cold air advection occurred in the 850-700 mb layer. The inversion turned into a \~150 mb thick isothermal layer towards the end of the simulation. The downslope SE winds reached the surface in west Anchorage around 15Z/26 despite the continued north-south MSLP gradient down Cook Inlet. The observed wind speeds at PANC correlated fairly well with the simulated surface winds. After a period of moderate SE winds the model and the observations indicated a return to northwest winds as the downslope event began to weaken and the northern Cook Inlet MSLP gradient was able to reassert itself. The modeled NW winds were however several hours ahead of the observations. The core of maximum winds, which extended from the top of the Hillside down over the base of the mountains to west Anchorage, was on the order of 50 ms^-1^. The elevation of this core averaged 500-1000 m AGL, \~975 to 925 mb. Beneath this core lay SE surface winds which were about half the strength of those in the core. There were only a few scattered observed wind values; a weather spotter located on the mid-Hillside reported peak gusts of 35-38 ms^-1^ from 18Z/26 through 23Z/26. The bulk of the damage reports were from east Anchorage where peak gusts were estimated in the vicinity of 50 ms^-1^. The lee-side mountain wave reached its maximum amplitude around 0Z/27 at which time there was an area of wave breaking as evident by a decrease in potential temperatures in the upper reaches (700-650 mb) of the wave. By 04Z/27, the flow pattern indicated the development of a hydraulic jump that initially formed over Cook Inlet and then propagated to the east over Anchorage continuing on towards the Hillside. The 4-km grid with its downstream boundary further to the west also indicated the presence of a hydraulic jump; however it is considerably weaker than the feature portrayed on the 1-km grid. By 10Z/27 the ascending limb of the jump was over east Anchorage but the amplitude had decreased significantly form the previous several hours. At the conclusion of the simulation, (18Z/27) the jump resembled the elevated lee-side wave that developed at the beginning of the simulation. The simulation of this mountain wave (figure 10) also visually resembled the hydraulic amplification process noted by Smith (1985) and Smith and Sun (1987), with a dividing streamline that formed over the lee of the Chugach Mountains. The height of the dividing streamline, determined as the lowest isotherm over the lee-slope that descends at least 500 m, varied from a height of 2400 m at the start of the simulation, to 3400 m during the period of peak winds and then descended to 2700 m as the event tapered off. We suggest that the initial wave amplification process appears related to the reflection of mountain waves off of the critical layer, close to the height of the dividing streamline. In addition, it is evident that wave breaking, limited as it is in this simulation, does occur once the mountain wave responsible for the shooting flow reaches large amplitude. Essentially all of the downslope forcing mechanisms noted in the introduction are present at some point in this simulation. The role of the critical layer and elevated inversion are important, but this one run does not allow us to determine the importance of each separately. **April 1980** Strong SE winds were observed along the Hillside beginning around 04Z/1 with the strongest winds occurring between 09Z and 14Z. The highest recorded gust was \~47 ms^-1,^ but estimates in the NWS storm report reach as high as 60 ms^-1^. Most of the structural damage from this storm occurred in the Muldoon area at the base of the Hillside, rather than on the Hillside itself. The highest model generated winds in the mountain wave over the Hillside at \~500 m above the terrain, were on the order of 52 ms^-1^ at 07Z/1. Recall that the observed MSLP gradient between Cordova and Anchorage was the weakest of the four events discussed in this paper: \~16 mb. The model generated a maximum Whittier-to-Anchorage MSLP gradient of 8 mb, the weakest pressure gradient of the four simulated events. The maximum windspeeds over the Hillside however were comparable to the November 1985 case and considerably stronger then the other two events (Figures 5B-8B). From 0Z/1 to 6Z/1 as the winds over the Hillside increased, not only did the peak-to-trough amplitude (PTA) of mountain waves increase, but the energy propagated to higher levels in the model atmosphere, \~400 mb. As the wave amplified, (Figure 11) the trough centered at 725 mb deepened prior to any amplification that occurred at the surface. By 06Z/1 the model had generated two elevated hydraulic jumps over Anchorage located in the 900-600 mb layer with a PTA around 1100 m and minimal tilt. These wave patterns were transient, however, as the stability in the middle troposphere decreased concurrent with an increase above 400 mb. These plots show that two of the phase lines are nearly vertical below 700 mb where the stability is high. The trough positioned near 61.1 tilts downstream and then upstream once above 750 mb. Above this level the phase lines tilt upstream for the longer wavelength feature, but remain nearly vertical for the shorter wavelength features. Wave tilt is a function of the tropospheric stability; an upstream tilting wave typically indicates a decrease in stability (Durran 1990). Mountain waves generated by shorter wavelength terrain features tend to be confined to regions of the atmosphere where the stability is high, as they cannot propagate through regions of low stability. The main difference between the April 1980 windstorm and the other three members of the Big Four is that the model output indicated a higher amplitude mountain wave in the mid-troposphere, with a significant amount of mountain wave energy transmitted above 600 mb. Recall that there was no critical layer in this event; the winds were predominately southerly throughout the middle and upper troposphere. However, a strong inversion formed early on April 1, mainly over the southern part of the domain as a result of shallow warm advection, which may have played a major role in the development of the mountain wave. The increase in stability allowed for the amplification of mountain waves, especially those of shorter wavelengths. High amplitude mountain waves also pose a greater threat to aviation than the flows resulting from the hydraulic amplification process. Although we only have qualitative observations of windspeeds on the Hillside or east Anchorage, we do know that this event produced the most physical damage of any of the four events. It is possible that stronger gusts were produced in this event because of the presence of a high amplitude mountain wave located in the 800-600 mb layer, as compared to the shooting flow generated in the other three events. We speculate that shooting flow produces higher sustained [near surface]{.underline} windspeeds over the lee-slope while a high amplitude mountain wave produces higher gusts via shear instability. Although these gusts are generated some distance above the surface they are advected towards the ground by rotors and Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) waves (Peltier & Scinocca 1990). [5*. Discussion*]{.underline}*:* Since mountain waves play a prominent role in downslope wind development, a comparison of wave structure resolved on the 4-km and 1-km girds was conducted. In general, mountain waves generated on the 1-km grid show considerably more fine scale structure when compared to the same features on the 4-km grid. The 4-km grid produces a mountain waves with peak-to-trough amplitude and lee-side winds comparable to that of the 1-km grid. At times the winds generated by the mountain wave on the 4-km grid are higher then on the 1-km grid. However, hydraulic jumps and lee waves, whether stationary or transient, are [not]{.underline} resolved on the 4-km grid as well as on the 1-km grid. In addition, the more vertical isotherms on the latter grid, which are in large part a product of shorter wavelength terrain that is resolved on the 1-km grid, will lead to more rapid wave breaking (Figure 12). It is also evident that shorter wavelength mountain waves propagate higher into the model troposphere than longer wavelength features. Jiang & Doyle (2004) found in 2-D simulations that wave breaking generated by the shorter wavelength terrain features help pre-condition the model atmosphere to longer wavelength waves by generating elevated turbulent areas, wave induced critical layers. Table 2 shows an inter-simulation comparison of the MSLP, 850 mb, 700 mb height differences across the eastern Chugach from northern Prince William Sound to northern Cook Inlet, at the time that the model generated the maximum lee-side wind. It is interesting to note the considerable height and MSLP differences (Whittier-to-Anchorage) between the November 27 and the April 1 cases, despite a similar maximum wind speed. We believe that these differences reflect the two different mechanisms that generated these two events. As noted above, the November 27 event was similar to Smith's (1985) hydraulic amplification in which the flow over the western Chugach Mountains transitions from subcritical to supercritical flow. *Table 2: Simulation comparison between northern Prince William Sound and northern Cook Inlet. Maximum winds are in elevated wind core above the Hillside.* +---------+-----+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | Date | T | 850 mb ht | 700 mb ht | MSLP | Maximum | | | ime | | | | | | | | Difference | Difference | Difference | Wind | | | | (m) | (m) | (mb) | (ms^-1^) | +---------+-----+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | Oct 10, | 06Z | 73 | 53 | 9.5 | 41 | | 1986 | | | | | | +---------+-----+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | Dec 2, | 06Z | 73 | 53 | 9.0 | 41 | | 1992 | | | | | | +---------+-----+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | Nov 27, | 06Z | 92 | 36 | 12.1 | 52 | | 1985 | | | | | | +---------+-----+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | Apr 1, | 07Z | 64 | 43 | 6.2 | 52 | | 1980 | | | | | | +---------+-----+------------+------------+------------+------------+ In the April 1 event a high amplitude mountain wave formed which we suspect generated localized areas of very strong turbulence due to wave breaking, this resulted in damaging wind gusts reaching the ground (Belusic & Klaic 2004). It is also possible that shear layers within a high amplitude wave produce gusts in the 50-60 ms^-1^ range that are periodically transported to the surface by turbulent eddies as discussed in Brasseur (2001). It is these gusts that are responsible for the considerable structural damage sustained in east Anchorage during the April 1980 windstorm. Using model output a simplified Scorer Parameter, *ℓ=(N^2^/U^2^)^1/2^*, (Smith *et al* 2002) was calculated at 50 mb intervals for each of the four simulations. Various authors have shown that a sharp discontinuity (subject to interpretation) in the Scorer Parameter indicates a 'boundary' from which wave energy can be reflected back towards the surface. The discontinuity in ℓ is a result of a either a significant discontinuity in either the stability *(N)* or wind speed *(U),* as would be found in a layer of speed shear. We selected the period during which the winds were increasing in order to estimate if any discontinuities in the Scorer Parameter were present. The analysis revealed mixed results: the November 1985 event had a sharp discontinuity centered around 600 mb, the October 1986 event had a weak increase from 950-850 mb then a steady decrease from 750-500 mb. The December 1992 profile indicated a weak but steady decrease from 800-500 mb. The April 1980 case displayed the lowest Scorer Parameter. It is noteworthy that in the November 1985 event the discontinuity in the Scorer Parameter corresponds to the same level as that of the critical layer. This is not too surprising since the critical level corresponds to southwest flow which often advects warmer air for at least some initial period, as in an occluded front. In a study of downslope windstorms over the west slopes of the Cascades, Colle and Mass (1998) found that layers of wind shear could also be important to the evolution and strength of the event. In order to see if there are any strong shear layers, an examination of the upstream wind profile of NW Prince William Sound near the time of maximum winds was conducted. All four events contained forward shear (speeds increasing with height) layers in the mid-troposphere, ranging from a low of 4.3 ms^-1^ km^-1^ in December 1992, to a high of 7.2 ms^-1^ km^-1^ in April 1980. Only the November 1985 and April 1980 cases had layers containing reverse shear (speeds decreasing with height) in the lower troposphere \~ 5.6 ms^-1^ km^-1^ in 900-700 mb. It is interesting to note that these are the two events in which the model generated the strongest Hillside winds. It is difficult to ascertain the importance of a reverse shear layer since in the November 1985 and April 1980 events it occurred in conjunction with other lower tropospheric features such as critical layers and elevated stable layers. Colle and Mass (1998) found in their 3-D simulations that when their model was initialized with mid-tropospheric reverse shear, the resulting lee-slope mountain waves were stronger than in cases which were initialized with forward shear. A NW-SE transect of 850 mb height tendencies from northern Cook Inlet across the western Chugach Mountains to Prince William Sound indicates that during the amplification phase of mountain wave development, the largest decrease in geopotential height occurred over the lee-slope. This area also had the minimum 850 mb height of the entire transect. We suspect that these developing mountain wave(s) produce a localized perturbation pressure (Smith 1985, Durran 1986) which acts to further accelerate the winds across the top of the lee ridge into the developing wave. This acts in the same direction as the meso-ά or synoptic-scale pressure gradient that exists across the mountain barrier. The net result is a local acceleration *(U ∂U/∂X)* of the winds that allows the air to transition from subcritical *(Fr\<1)* to supercritical flow *(Fr\>1)*. Using model estimates for each term of the definition of the Froude number *\[-Fr^2^=(U ∂U/∂X)/(g ∂D/∂x)\]* (Durran 1990 eq. 4.35) indicates that if Fr is set equal to one, using a realistic depth gradient *(∂D/∂X)* over the lee slope of 0.05, and setting *U=*25 ms^-1^ results in a *∂U/∂X* on the order of 0.02 s^-1^ or \~20 ms^-1^ per km. This type of speed gradient can only occur on the boundary of a mountain wave. For each of the Big Four events the value of the upstream , summit level and Hillside winds was computed and then compared. The maximum speeds over the Hillside (typically 500 m above the slope) are roughly twice the speed of the upstream flow at the same elevation as it transitions from the Gulf of Alaska to the Chugach Mountains. In addition, there is considerable hysteresis in the data (not shown). By way of example, for a given 850 mb windspeed over the Gulf of Alaska, windspeeds over the Hillside may be 200% of the upstream speed while the mountain wave is developing (Hillside winds are increasing). However, when the mountain wave is dissipating (Hillside winds are decreasing), for the same 850 mb level windspeed over the gulf, the hillside wind may only be on the order of 100%-150%. This suggests that there is stronger dynamic forcing when a mountain wave is forming compared to the period when it is dissipating, possibly an isallobaric (pressure tendency) contribution- this is a topic that warrants further consideration. Model output clearly indicates the interaction between downslope winds, Turnagain Arm winds and northerly surface winds generated by the Talkeetna-to-Anchorage MSLP gradient. The net result is the generation of boundary layer eddies over Anchorage. During periods when Hillside winds remain aloft, surface winds out of Turnagain Arm and some other valleys can bend around the exit regions and form eddies (Figure 13). This corresponds with the observations from Merrill Field in Anchorage which on April 1, 1980 have wind directions veering and backing hourly. The observations at Anchorage International Airport are frequently biased by outflow from Turnagain Arm, and hence do not necessarily reflect that southeast winds from the downslope component stretch east-to-west across Anchorage. Another interesting aspect of the low-level flow in the model atmosphere is the inhomogeneity of the near surface wind pattern to the lee of the western Chugach that exists at certain times. Outflow from Turnagain Arm and Eagle River Valley clearly generate perturbations in the level flow below 850 mb. However, at times even in areas that are not punctuated by a valley or irregular terrain, windspeeds and potential temperatures can vary considerably along the western lee-slope of the Chugach. In general, the largest inhomogeneities can be found during periods of the strongest mountain wave activity because lee-side mountain waves are often transient in nature and a product of both atmospheric parameters and terrain forcing. Hydraulic flows, in contrast, tend to produce more uniform flow along the western slopes of the Chugach as mountain wave activity is limited. [6*. Additional Downslope Wind Events*]{.underline}: Two additional moderate downslope windstorms were modeled in order to compare and contrast with the four damaging storms discussed above. The January 7-9, 2001 and February 6-8, 2003 events were selected because they displayed some interesting characteristics. [a*. January 7-8, 2001*]{.underline} The January 2001 windstorm produced observed peak gusts on the order of 28-33 ms^-1^ on the Hillside and 13 ms^-1^ in east Anchorage. At the 1200 m high Nike site located northeast of Anchorage, a gust of 60 ms^-1^ was observed at 18Z/7. A strong Talkeetna-to-Anchorage MSLP gradient and the northerly surface winds it generated on January 7^th^ prevented the well developed mountain wave from reaching the surface across most of Anchorage. On January 8^th^ however, as the Talkeetna-to-Anchorage MSLP gradient weakened, winds exiting Turnagain Arm (gap winds) fanned out over the city. The North American Regional Reanalysis indicates that the MSLP gradient along the northern Gulf of Alaska for this event was not as strong as any of the Big Four. The Whittier-to-Anchorage MLSP gradient was \~7 mb at its maximum. During their respective periods of peak mountain wave development, both the April 1980 and January 2001 cases had speeds on the order of 50 ms^-1^ in mountain wave core, and similar tropospheric structures: a stable layer from 750-600 mb and strong mountain wave activity in mid-troposphere. One notable difference between the two events was that in the January 2001 case, the storm system that produced the area of high pressure along the Gulf of Alaska coast was considerably deeper then any of the Big Four, and it was positioned closer to Cook Inlet. The question of interest is why were the observed winds in east Anchorage in the April 1980 event a factor of two or three stronger than in the January 2001 event, despite this similar tropospheric structure? Was it solely due to the MSLP gradient in Cook Inlet and the Susitna Valley, or were other factors contributing as well? It is these types of atmospheric subtleties that make it difficult to differentiate between a moderate and severe event.\ Analysis of the peak lee-slope winds originating from the mountain wave indicates that in April 1980 the core of the strongest winds was closer, that is lower in elevation, to the Hillside despite similar Talkeetna-to-Anchorage MSLP gradients (+2 to +3 mb). The shear zone also appears to be stronger in April 1980 case and hence wind gusts were stronger as well. The primary difference between these two events is that the cold dome is stronger and remains intact over Anchorage in the January 2001 event longer when compared to the April 1980 case. In addition, only when the Talkeetna-to-Anchorage MSLP gradient approaches zero as it did early on January 8^th^, does it allow downslope winds to reach the surface in Anchorage. However by this time the mountain wave has weakened dramatically. The net result is that the winds which reached east Anchorage early on January 8^th^ were considerably weaker than they would have been if they had been able to reach the surface hours earlier. In other words the peak mountain wave winds over and to the lee of the Hillside occurred some six hours prior to any surface observation from PANC indicating SE winds. In this case, the low pressure center of \~960 mb tracked between Kodiak Island and Bristol Bay along \~160^o^W, producing a strong north-south MSLP gradient down Susitna Valley and Cook Inlet that could not be eroded by the strong SE winds above the boundary layer. As a rule-of-thumb with all other atmospheric parameters equal, a mid-winter cold dome over Anchorage is more difficult to erode than one occurring during autumn or spring events. b*.* *[February 3-5,2003]{.underline}* This moderate event generated observed peak gusts on the Hillside of 30-35 ms^-1^ and 15- 20 ms^-1^ in east Anchorage. This event was modeled and compared it to the Big Four because it displayed a variety of lower and middle tropospheric temperature and wind structures. For example, at 12Z/3 a strong inversion was centered at 625 mb with a critical layer at 600 mb. Model output displays considerable mountain wave activity extending through 500 mb (Figure 14). At 00Z/4 the critical layer has now descended to 775 mb and the inversion has dissipated. A comparison of isentropes at 12Z/3 with 00Z/4 indicates that mountain wave amplitude has diminished by 00Z/4, especially at the shorter wavelengths, despite an increase in the cross-barrier MSLP gradient. The cross-section of potential temperatures at 00Z/4 resembles hydraulic flow similar to the three of the four Big Four cases. Model winds over the upper Hillside are slightly stronger (22-25 ms^-1^) at 00Z/4, but they extend further to the base of the Hillside at 00Z/4 when compared to their mid-Hillside position at 13Z/3. This is probably due to the stronger cross-barrier MSLP gradient and a weakening of the MSLP gradient in northern Cook Inlet at 00Z/4. The incoming flow however continues to evolve so that by 12Z/4 a critical layer is located in the vicinity of 700 mb, but by 00Z/5 it is well into the upper troposphere. Model winds did not back to the SE as much as the PANC sounding indicates. In addition, there is an increase in stability in the 800-650 mb layer at 00Z/5. The difference in wave structure and lower tropospheric winds is pronounced. The lower right panel of Figure 14 shows that mountain wave amplitude is significantly larger in the 700-500 mb layer at 00Z/5 compared to earlier times. We believe that the evolution of this flow and the resulting wave structure confirms the idea that a critical layer in the lower troposphere limits wave activity, but has the potential to generate strong hydraulic flow. In contrast an elevated stable layer or inversion with either a weak or absent critical layer, supports high amplitude mountain waves in the middle and/or upper troposphere. This event displays both types of flow regimes: hydraulic amplification at 00Z/4 and high amplitude mountain waves at 00Z/5, with transitional of hybrid flow at other times. [c*. Gusts*]{.underline}: The National Weather Service captured a limited number of 1-second wind observations from the primary Hillside weather station (GAHA2) during the winter of 2007-2008. The data was extracted during periods of moderately strong southeast winds in order to gain an understanding of the frequency and duration of the highest gusts. In other words, do the highest gusts occur as a single one second burst or do they occur as a cluster over several seconds? Using 10 hours of collected data from three events, the gust ratio, the ratio of the 1-minute average and the highest 1-sec winds were determined. Using the 10 strongest gusts during each hour and the one minute average we found that the gust ratio ranges from 1.9 to 2.5; a good average is 2.3. Therefore, a 1-minute wind of 20 ms^-1^ will generate a peak gust on the order of 46 ms^-1^. Wavelet analysis preformed on one hour long samples reveals a host of resonant frequencies for this data. The most common ranges from one to nine minutes, although at times frequencies of 30 to 60 seconds are common as well. Figure 15 shows a five minute window of winds which were observed on January 22, 2008 just after 08Z. The high variability is readily apparent. The lower chart in Figure 15 shows a one minute slice from the upper chart. Note that around 30 seconds there is a sharp increase from 7 ms^-1^ to 29 ms^-1^ to 35 ms^-1^ in a span of two seconds. Also note there are occasional gust clusters, one in the 30-35 second window where five consecutive values exceed 25 ms^-1^. For this particular set of data these gust clusters occur about once out of every four or five single gusts. The high variability of these winds over the Hillside indicates that there is considerable turbulence in the atmosphere. It appears that at this time the flow can be classified as shooting regime, since there is southwest flow at 700 mb (environmental critical layer), and weak stability in the lower half of the troposphere. The ultimate goal is to determine if high amplitude regimes produce the same high frequency gusts as shooting flow regimes. This of course is going to require a much larger data then we have currently archived. [7*. Conceptual Model of Downslope Winds*]{.underline}*:* Once a low amplitude mountain wave forms over the crest of the lee-slope around the 850 mb level, the decrease in pressure (or geopotential heights) in the trough of the wave enhances the cross-barrier flow above and beyond that of the synoptic pressure gradient (Smith 1985). This is due to the fact that in the descending limb of a mountain wave the air is warmer than its surroundings due to adiabatic warming. As a result the column of air underneath this portion of the wave is at a lower pressure (geopotential height) then its surroundings. Once this begins to occur, air that is subcritical may transition, if the added accelerating is sufficient, to supercritical flow. At this point we propose that there are two mechanisms responsible for generation of downslope winds in the Anchorage area. The first scenario requires a critical layer in the vicinity of 750 mb, that is roughly 1000-1500 m above the terrain. If the increase in windspeeds across the barrier is sufficient, the flow can transition from a subcritical regime to that of a supercritical one where the flow continues to accelerate down the lee-slope. The exact nature of the transition from subcritical to supercritical is elusive. However the critical layer seems to restrict mountain wave activity which may allow the flow directly upstream of the lee-slope to accelerate more rapidly than if wave energy were not trapped at these lower levels. Equally important is the fact that the depth of this accelerated layer cannot increase because the environmental critical layer or any subsequent lower wave induced critical layer is restricting the depth of the air, at least over the lee-slope. As illustrated in Durran (1990), the net result is that the pressure gradient term (change in depth of the fluid), cannot compensate for the nonlinear acceleration and the air accelerates as it descends down the lee-slope. Once the cross-barrier pressure gradient weakens, the shooting flow diminishes over a number of hours and the flow transitions back to a subcritical regime where the highest windspeeds are found over the barrier itself and not to the lee. Changes in upstream stability due to warm or cold air advection and/or the release of latent heat can generate a variety of responses that would modify this simple model. In the second scenario the primary requirement is the existence of a relatively deep stable layer or inversion in the mid-troposphere. This layer allows for the generation of moderate to high amplitude mountain waves throughout the middle and at times upper troposphere. These waves will exhibit wave breaking characteristics throughout much of the period of high winds. If a critical layer exists at all, it is located in the upper troposphere above 500 mb. Events of this nature will tend to produce higher gusts due to shear induced instabilities (K-H waves) in the highly turbulent air aloft, compared to shooting flow regimes where wave breaking appears to be more limited. Of the Big Four events discussed in this study it is noteworthy that the April 1980 event produced the most structural damage in east Anchorage despite the fact that it had the weakest observed cross-barrier MSLP gradient. We believe that the high amplitude mountain waves generated in the absence of a pronounced critical layer allowed for the development of very strong gusts which propagated down to the surface. The question then arises: for any given cross-barrier pressure gradient, will an event with large amplitude mountain waves consistently produce stronger surface winds when compared to a hydraulic amplification type event? Limited wave breaking in a particular hydraulic amplification scenario could generate surface gusts comparable to those generated in the high amplitude mountain wave scenario, although we are not able to determine from model output, we believe that gustiness is more common in the high amplitude mountain wave regimes. An additional complicating factor is the presence of hydraulic jumps to the lee of the Chugach Mountains. For example, a jump located directly over west Anchorage tends to limit strong winds from reaching the surface, with the exception of the Hillside and possibly east Anchorage. The model simulations presented in this paper generate transient jumps of varying amplitudes, no doubt produced by the variation in the height of the critical layer, changes in lower tropospheric stability, and the presence or lack thereof a cold dome over northern Cook Inlet. Smith *et al* (2002) and Qiang *et al* (2005) have shown that the upper boundaries of low-level stagnate or reverse flows can be important reflectors of mountain waves that have propagated downward, i.e. reflected down from a stable or critical layer. An important unanswered question is whether a critical layer located in the vicinity of 600 mb to 500 mb (well above our 750 mb criteria), will also generate a high amplitude mountain wave(s). In their idealized model simulations, Colle & Mass (1998) found that for the cold air advection cases over the northern Cascades, a reduction in stability despite the presence of a critical layer reduced wave amplitude and windspeeds over the lee-slopes. To see if this holds true for Anchorage windstorms as well, similar idealized simulations would have to be conducted using the Anchorage terrain configuration and flow characteristics. Another important factor with regard to the extent of downslope winds is the magnitude of the northern Cook Inlet and Susitna Valley MSLP gradient. With cold air in place over northern Cook Inlet prior to the development, a modest +2 to +4 mb Talkeetna-to-Anchorage MSLP is often enough to support the cold air dome and restrict the strongest winds to the Hillside or a layer over the cold dome at \~950 to 900 mb. The scenario is further complicated by the presence of moderate to strong Turnagain Arm winds during downslope wind events. The specific nature of Turnagain Arm winds will be addressed in a separate paper. However, they frequently play an important role during downslope events in that they can move over western and central Anchorage converging with the downslope winds. In fact the vast majority of cases of SE winds at PANC during a downslope scenario are probably winds exiting from Turnagain Arm. It is rare to have downslope SE winds extending from the Hillside across all of Anchorage, as evidenced by the few cases of strong SE observed winds at Merrill Field or Elmendorf Air Force Base. [8*. Conclusion*]{.underline}: Essentially at least two mechanisms are responsible for the generation of moderate to strong downslope windstorms in Anchorage. Hydraulic amplification produces lee-side shooting flow when a critical layer exists around the 750 mb level. High amplitude mountain waves are generated in the absence of lower tropospheric critical layers but are associated with elevated stable layers. Model output clearly shows that the area of strongest downslope winds extends from above the lee-slope of the Chugach to the base of the Hillside. At times this core of strong winds extends NW across Anchorage. Whether these winds remain aloft around 950 mb or extend to the surface is a function of the MSLP gradient in northern Cook Inlet and the Susitna Valley and the presence of hydraulic jumps. The difference between a moderate and strong downslope wind event in Anchorage is a function of several factors. Foremost is the presence of a cold dome over Anchorage. There are cases in which the winds at crest level are very strong with a developing downslope event, but the cold dome prevents SE winds from reaching the surface and restricts further amplification of the mountain wave. Another set of important factors is the height of the critical layer. This is difficult to quantify until a series of idealized simulations can be preformed. In addition the height, strength and duration of elevated inversions and stable layers play a role as well. Forecast model output can be used to monitor changes in these parameters. The fact that severe downslope windstorms in Anchorage are uncommon while moderate events are fairly common suggests that the differences between the two are subtle, at least in our ability to detect or forecast them. As alluded to above, in order to further knowledge of these events and answer critical questions, several idealized model simulations isolating the importance of critical layers compared to stable layers should be run. Specifically, is a transition seen from shooting flow to high amplitude mountain waves as a critical layer is raised from the lower into the middle troposphere? Is there a given stability that is more conducive to high amplitude wave formation then others? Also, the role of small-scale valleys located on the crest of the Hillside bears further consideration; what is the nature of winds through these features during periods of downslope events? Another worthy line of inquiry would be to analyze the formation and propagation of hydraulic jumps. In addition, are hydraulic jumps more common in high amplitude mountain wave regimes then in shooting flow regimes? Finally, it would be beneficial to continue to observe 1-second winds on the Hillside to determine if there is any difference in gust strength and frequency during events produced by high amplitude breaking mountain waves versus those produced during shooting flow. ***[References]{.underline}*:** Agustsson, H., H. 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Soc.* **133**. 917-936. ![](media/image1.jpeg){width="5.996527777777778in" height="4.631944444444445in"} *Figure 1: Southcentral Alaska topography.* ![](media/image2.jpeg){width="5.993055555555555in" height="6.05in"} *Figure 2: Anchorage soundings during or close to period of maximum Hillside* *winds for the Big Four events.* ![](media/image3.jpeg){width="5.997916666666667in" height="5.647916666666666in"} *Figure 3: Anchorage raob winds during or near the period of peak Hillside* *winds for the Big Four events.* ![](media/image4.wmf){width="5.997222222222222in" height="3.036111111111111in"} *Figure 4: MSLP pressure difference (mb) between Cordova (PACV) and* *Anchorage (PANC) for the Big Four wind events. X-axis interval is one* *hour intervals with relative scaling.* ![](media/image5.jpeg){width="5.995833333333334in" height="5.252083333333333in"} *Figure 5: North-South plots of potential temperature (ci= 1^o^ C, labels= 4^o^ C)* *through 149.5^o^W. This cuts across the mid-Hillside from 60.1^o^N to 61.2^o^N.* *Notice the mountain wave structure in the April 1, 1980 event. These plots* *were captured near the time of maximum model winds.* ![](media/image6.jpeg){width="5.998611111111111in" height="5.002777777777778in"} *Figure 6: East-West plots of potential temperature (ci= 1^o^ C, labels= 4^o^ C)* *through 61.15^o^N. This cuts across the Hillside and through west Anchorage.* *Notice the mountain wave structure in the April 1, 1980 event.* ![](media/image7.jpeg){width="5.997916666666667in" height="5.29375in"} *Figure 7: North-South plots of vector winds (ci= 1m/s, labels= 2 m/s)* *through 149.5^o^W. This cuts across the mid-Hillside from 60.1^o^N to 61.2^o^N.* ![](media/image8.jpeg){width="5.996527777777778in" height="4.948611111111111in"} *Figure 8: East-West plots of vector winds (ci= 1 m/s, labels= 2 m/s) through 61.15^o^N. This cuts across the Hillside and through west Anchorage.* > ![](media/image9.jpeg){width="4.125in" height="6.356944444444444in"} *Figure 9: East-West cross-section of vertical velocity* *(ci=10 Pa/s) through the Hillside and west Anchorage for* *Oct 9 & 10, 1986. ( 10 Pa/s \~1 m/s)* ![](media/image10.jpeg){width="5.9944444444444445in" height="4.561805555555556in"} *Figure 10: North-South cross-section of potential temperatures (ci= 1^o^ C, labels= 4^o^ C) through 149.8^o^W (east Anchorage) on November 27, 1985 at 00Z. White line at 600 mb represents approximately of environmental critical layer.* ![](media/image11.jpeg){width="5.999305555555556in" height="4.779861111111111in"} *Figure 11: North-South cross-section through 149.8^o^W (east Anchorage) for* *April 1, 1980 at 05Z (ci= 1^o^ C, labels= 4^o^ C). Black lines represent estimation* *of mountain wave phase lines.* ![](media/image12.jpeg){width="5.194444444444445in" height="7.740277777777778in"} *Figure 12: North-South cross-section 149.8^o^W (east Anchorage) on* A) *4-km grid and B) 1-km grid for April 1, 1980 at 10Z (ci= 1^o^ C,* > *labels= 4^o^ C).* ![](media/image13.jpeg){width="5.996527777777778in" height="4.496527777777778in"} *Figure 13: Plot of streamlines on April 1,1980 at 09Z showing some eddy structures (E). Anchorage International Airport is labeled with orange dot. Coastline is outlined in white.* ![](media/image14.jpeg){width="5.998611111111111in" height="4.950694444444444in"} *Figure 14: East-West cross-sections through 61.15^o^N for Feb 4 & 5, 2003 (across the Hillside and through west Anchorage). Note changes in mountain wave structure from one panel to the next as a result of changes in the stability and height of the environmental critical layer. Features labeled with a HJ are hydraulic jumps.* > ![](media/image15.jpeg){width="5.998611111111111in" > height="6.197916666666667in"} *Figure 15: Upper chart is 1-sec wind data (m/s) from GAHA2 on January 22, 2008 at 08Z. Red line is 60-sec centered running mean, green line indicates period expanded in the bottom chart.*
# Presentation: 685809 ## Use of GIS for Hydrologic Model Parameter Estimation - OHD/HSMB/Hydrologic Modeling Group - Seann Reed (presenter), Ziya Zhang, Yu Zhang, Victor Koren, Fekadu Moreda, Michael Smith, Zhengtao Cui - Presented at the RFC GIS Workshop, OHRFC - July 17, 2007 **Notes:** Definition of GIS? A toolkit with high level access functions for interactive or automated management, analysis, and display of geographically referenced data. My title should really be “GIS and custom programs” ## Outline - Gridded a-priori parameter estimation procedures - SAC-SMA - PE, PE Adjustment Factors - Snow-17 - Distributed model routing - Calibration Assistance Program (CAP) - Polar stereographic/HRAP - Xmrgtoasc, asctoxmrg - Pre-processing - Delivery **Notes:** Main reason that we haven’t gotten into using ArcGIS 9.x is our desire to share data with non-GIS models that run on Linux and strict rules in our building about networking PC. Also, since the AWIPS move away from Linux we have halted or slowed any development to ## A priori SAC-SMA Parameter Grids **Victor Koren methodology inputs:** - SCS curve number; assumed dry antecedent conditions - total soil column depth - texture by layer **Three versions now being tested:** - STATSGO only (original) - Miller and White (1998) 1-km gridded STATSGO - Curve numbers vary spatially as a function of hydrologic soil group but not land use; assumed “pasture or range land use” - CONUS coverage - STATSGO-GLCC - GLCC: Global Land Cover Characterization (1-km resolution) - Explicitly account for Land Use/Land Cover variations - CONUS coverage - SSURGO-NLCD - SSURGO: State Soil Geographic Database - NLCD: National Land Cover Database - Higher resolution inputs - Parameters derived for 25 states in southern US so far ## State Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO) A Mapunit groups similar soils and may contain several non-contiguous polygons; each polygon may contain multiple soil types Mapunit sizes ~ 102 – 103 km2 Attribute tables contain soil property information by layer Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) ~ 4 to 20 times more detail Polygon data for all counties expected to be available in standard digital format by 2008 - A Mapunit groups similar soils and may contain several non-contiguous _polygons_; each polygon may contain multiple soil types - Mapunit sizes ~ 102 – 103 km2 - Attribute tables contain soil property information by layer - Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) - ~ 4 to 20 times more detail - Polygon data for all counties expected to be available in standard digital format by 2008 - Surface Soil Textures in a 600 km2 Basin **STATSGO vs. SSURGO** **Notes:** Soil data: 4 to 20 times more detail from STATSGO to SSURGO Landuse data: NLCD has 30 times the resolution of GLCC ## STATSGO and SSURGO contain both spatial and tabular information. - SSURGO data schematic from Zhang et al. (2007), in review ## Complex Soil Survey Databases Must Be Simplified - From Zhang et al. (2007) - This slide describes our assumptions for SSURGO simplifications - Miller and White (1998) used similar assumptions to convert STATSGO polygon data to a 1 km grid and 11 standard layers for the conterminous U.S. ## Efficient processing of large data sets using GRASS, R, K Shell and Perl scripts - Phases 1 and 2 run for each soil survey area and then merged to state and regional domains in Phase 3 - Parameters aggregated to 1⁄4, 1⁄2, and 1 HRAP resolutions for hydrologic modeling Phase 3 - Zhang et al. (2007), in review ## Example SSURGO-NLCD Results: - UZTWM - Basic Result - Basic with Gap Filling **Notes:** Annotate with ## STATSGO-STATSGO_GLCC - STATSGO: UZTWM - STATSGO_GLCC: UZTWM - Mean: 54 mm - Mean: 51 mm - STATSGO – STATSGO_GLCC - STATSGO – STATSGO/GLCC - Forested Areas **Notes:** Annotate with ## PE and PE Adjustment Factor Grids - PE - Koren, Schaake, Duan, Smith, and Cong (1998) - PE Adjustment - July - January **Notes:** Gridded data delivered via CAP and HL-RDHM PE Data are from analysis of NOAA atlas 33 and 34 data PE Adjustment factors are from an empirical relationshop between Eric Anderson’s calibrated values and gridded NDVI vegetation (8 year mean I think) ## Gridded A-priori Estimates for Two Snow-17 Parameters - _Derived from:_ - Aspect (500-m DEM) - Slope - Forest Type - Forest Cover, % - Anderson (2002) recommendations for MFMIN, MFMAX (Chapter 7-4) - MFMIN - MFMAX **Notes:** If ok, wil be delivered via CAP. Development tools: ArcView 3.x. w/ Spatial Analyst, FORTRAN (Moreda, 2006) Grid availability: Via CAP and HL-RDHM ## Flow Direction Grid - Digital Elevation Model and Derivatives (DEMs)“Out-of-the-Box” DEM Analysis ## Flow Accumulation - “Out-of-the-Box” DEM Analysis ## Streams - Stream links - Sub-basins - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - “Out-of-the-Box” DEM Analysis ## Customized Algorithms for Analyzing DEMs with Low Accuracy in Flat Areas - Identify flat areas and digitized streams - Modify elevation grid - Compute new flow directions from - Modified grid ## Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and Derivatives - NOHRSC Data (CONUS by RFC) - 15 arc-second DEM (resampled from 3 arc-second) - RF1 (1:500,000 stream vectors) - Customized algorithms used to blend DEM and streamline data - Used in IHABBS, ThreshR, CAP, and to derive first-cut HL-RDHM connectivity files - National Elevation Dataset (NED) - 1 arc-second (30-m resolution) - Used NSSL derivative products for selected study areas (e.g. DMIP) - No correction with digitized streams or basin boundaries - NHDPlus Project DEM Derivatives - Multi-agency effort to develop attributes for National Hydrography Data set (NHD) - Uses several algorithms to forces consistency between DEM derivatives, NHD, and that National Basin Boundary Dataset - Not necessarily best algorithms to correct DEMs, but looks to be the most practical and best available product for basin and stream delineation **Notes:** Basin boundaries for lumped models Flow directions for distributed models Stream characteristics (lengths, slopes, etc.) Hillslope slopes ## Deriving Coarse Resolution (e.g. HRAP) Flow Directions from Higher Resolution DEMs - HRAP grid - Cells flow to the wrong basin - Out-of-the-Box Steepest Descent Algorithm Works Well for High Resolution DEMs but not for HRAP resolution - Cell outlet tracing with an area threshold (COTAT), Reed (2003) - Using networks derived from high-resolution DEMs improves the results ## HRAP Cell-to-cell Connectivity Examples - ABRFC ~33,000 cells - MARFC ~14,000 cells - OHD delivers baseline HRAP resolution connectivity, channel slope, and hillslope slope grids for each CONUS RFC on the basis of higher resolution DEM data. **Notes:** Strategy – pre-derive separate complex pre-processing schemes from hydrologic simulation. Simple framework. Using the same resolution grid as the available rainfall grids makes sense. Would like to work from the most accurate DEM hydro derivatives available. ## Distributed Model Resolution Impacts the Accuracy of Basin Representation - 1 - 2 - 3 - Must choose this cell to get only subbasin 3, losing cells in the red box. - 2 km resolution allows more accurate delineation of subbasin 3 - 1: 2258 km2 - 2: 619 km2 - 3: 365 km2 - HRAP - 1⁄2 HRAP ## Drainage Area Delineation Accuracies - Drainage Area Delineation Accuracies - Open squares represent errors due to resolution only. - Black diamonds represent errors due to resolution and connectivity. - We correct for these errors by adjusting cell areas in HL-RDHM implementations. - Both higher resolution input DEMs and use of finer resolution distributed models (e.g. 1⁄2 HRAP) can be used to increase accuracy - Delineated from an HRAP Network Derived from 400-m Flow Directions - Delineated directly from DEM resolution ## Representative Slopes Are Extracted from Higher Resolution DEMS - (North Fork of the American River (850 km2)) - Slopes from 30-m DEM - Hillslope Slope (1/2 HRAP Resolution) - Average = 0.15 *Slopes of all DEM cells within the HRAP pixel are averaged.* - Main Channel Slope (1/2 HRAP Resolution) - Average = 0.06 *Channel slopes are assigned based on a representative channel with the closest drainage area.* - Local Channel Slope (1/2 HRAP Resolution) - Average = 0.11 - Slope (m/m) ## Main Channel Slope vs. Local Channel Slope - Slopes of each stream segment are calculated on the DEM grid - (2) Model pixel slopes are assigned from representative segments (DEM cell) that most closely match either the cell’s cumulative or local drainage area. - Segment Slopes (m/m) - Cell slope -> pixel-wise local slopec - Cell slope -> pixel-wise main slopec **Notes:** Note that these algorithms are used to preprocess data delivered with HL-RDHM. The algorithms themselves are not yet ‘delivered’ as either LAD or AWIPS partly because they rely on Arc/Info Grid software. ## Calibration Assistance Program (CAP) - Avenue-based , requires ArcView 3.x with the Spatial Analyst 1.1 - V. 1.0, 2000 (Seann Reed, Ziya Zhang, David Wang) - Initially intended to: - simplify initial parameter estimation for lumped modeling (assumed non-expert GIS user) - facilitate extensibility and creative exploration for GIS experts - V. 1.1, 2002: Added tools to automatically define MAPX areas for OFS based on zone or basin polygons (Lee Cajina) - 2003 – 2007 no updates - AWIPS migrates to Linux so future of ArcView 3.x applications is unclear - V. 1.2, 2007: Minor enhancements - Updated cover data from NOHRSC (1996-2003) - Two new grids to support the frozen ground model are now provided - Scripts updated to support new grids - Scripts modified to allow most functions to run properly on Windows XP operating system (not functions that interact with OFS, e.g. MAPX) - All data in Albers Equal Area Projection (equal area projection makes it easier to compute zone and basin areas) ## CAP v. 1.2 Functionality - Derive area-elevation curves - Export area-elevation to MCP input deck format - Sub-divide basins into elevation zones - Derive elevation-precipitation plots - Compute **basin** or **zonal** mean, max, and min values of: - precipitation (monthly, annual, and seasonal) - potential evaporation (monthly, annual, and seasonal) - potential evaporation adjustment factors - percent forest - percent of each forest type - soil-based estimates for 11 SAC-SMA parameters - Mean annual temperature (C) used in the frozen ground model (TBOT) - Compute the dominant soil texture in a basin’s upper layer (STXT) used in the frozen ground model - Display NOHRSC historical snow images from (1990-2003) - Display basin boundaries and defined zones on top of other data layers (e.g. snow cover, SAC parameters, etc.) - Derive/export geographic information required to run NWSRFS-MAPX routines (must run on HP) ## CAP Example Graphics **Notes:** Can think of enhancements – e.g. automatically generating snow cover percentages for each elevation zone ## Future of CAP? - Needs - Re-engineer CAP to move out of ArcView 3.x. - Maintain original goals: (1) friendliness for non-GIS experts, (2) extensible for intermediate GIS users. - Deliver refined a-priori parameter grids as they are developed (no problem) - Deliver parameter estimation procedures via the new CAP (as opposed to delivering only pre-processed data) - Many others . . . **Notes:** CAP requires full GIS capabilities. These capabilities are not available in the current AWIPS environment (not met by XDMS, D2D, GFE). Should the full GIS share a GUI environment with these ‘operational’ types of tools. What is full GIS? Will there be full GIS capabilities in AWIPSII. CAP is a model development tool. It is required for successful operations but it is not an ‘operational’ tool that is used on an hour by hour, day by day basis. This is probably the main reason that it has not gotten enough priority to obtain software engineering resources. ## Future of CAP? - Possible Development Paths - Organize collaborative development project by hydrologists (‘local application’ in GRASS or ArcGIS?) - PROS: Less expensive, short wait, easily customizable to meet local needs - CONS: Requires field expertise and high level of coordination (from where?), risks lack of coordination and multiple versions, informal support - Push for official AWIPS development project by software engineers - PROS: Would yield a more polished user friendly application, formal AWIPS support - CONS: Higher cost, longer wait, greater risk of no future enhancements if funds dry up, may be difficult to get a high enough priority to receive funding **Notes:** CAP requires full GIS capabilities. These capabilities are not available in the current AWIPS environment (not met by XDMS, D2D, GFE). Should the full GIS share a GUI environment with these ‘operational’ types of tools. What is full GIS? Will there be full GIS capabilities in AWIPSII. CAP is a model development tool. It is required for successful operations but it is not an ‘operational’ tool that is used on an hour by hour, day by day basis. This is probably the main reason that it has not gotten enough priority to obtain software engineering resources. ## A'B' > AB - (Basis for the HRAP coordinate system used in NEXRAD processing and distributed hydrologic modeling) - Points are projected from the model earth to the image plane along a straight line drawn from the South Pole - The “secant” image plane intersects the earth at 60 N (the standard latitude, o) -  - B - Image Plane - A - B - A' - B' - A - Distances between points are elongated relative to true distances at latitudes below o but shortened at latitudes above o, e.g.: - A'B' > AB - South Pole - _Elevation View_ **Notes:** Secant means a straight line cutting a curve at two or more points. ## Although not ideal for hydrologic modeling, we can readily adjust HRAP cell areas to represent the true area when converting runoff depths to flow volumes. - HRAP grid is specified in the image plane of the polar stereographic map projection: - True Side Lengths and Areas for HRAP Cells at Different Latitudes - Although not ideal for hydrologic modeling, we can readily adjust HRAP cell areas to represent the true area when converting runoff depths to flow volumes. - Polar Stereographic to HRAP ## ESRI Polar Stereographic Projection Example - _ESRI Polar Stereographic Projection Example_ - See also: - **TRICK: Standard latitude is adjusted so that the HRAP earth radius of 6371.2 km can be used instead of the ESRI default 6370.997 km. As of Arc/Info 7.2, ESRI did not support a user defined radius for this projection. - _GRASS Input and Output Location Projections_ - name: Lat/Lon - proj: ll - ellps: sphere - name: Stereographic - proj: stere - a: 1337.784777 - es: 0.0 - f: 0.0 - lat_0: 90.0000000000 - lat_ts: 60.0000000000 - lon_0: -105.0000000000 - k_0: 1.0000000000 - x_0: 401.0 - y_0: 1601.0 - Earth radius divided by 4762.5 (size of 1 HRAP cell) **Notes:** Standard latitude is adjusted so that the HRAP earth radius of 6371.2 km can be used instead of the ESRI default 6370.997 km. ## HL-RDHM XMRG Grids to GIS and Back - ncols 1060 - nrows 821 - xllcorner -1905000.000000 - yllcorner -7620000.000000 - cellsize 4762.500000 - NODATA_value -1.000000 - ncols 1060 - nrows 821 - xllcorner 1.000000 - yllcorner 1.000000 - cellsize 1.000000 - NODATA_value -1.000000 - xmrgtoasc <infilename> <outfilename> <ster|HRAP> - Header output with ‘ster’ option: - Header output with ‘HRAP’ option: - Arc/Info: asciigrid/gridascii - GRASS: - asctoxmrg <infilename> <outfilename> <ster|HRAP> - Go to _[]( - And click on ‘dhmworkshop’ link. - 1 - 2 - 3 ## Summary - GIS data and tools provided valuable assistance in estimating hydrologic model parameters - Because algorithms to derive apriori parameters are complex, work cannot be done with out-of-the-box GIS functions - Recently, products delivered to the field from OHD are derived data set rather than data and software - Reasons include - algorithm complexity (no need for everyone to learn) - lack of a common GIS platform - limited resources - Efforts to deliver data _and programs_ should be considered in the future (potential added value by field developers and possibility of using better local data sources) - New CAP should be considered **Notes:** CAP requires full GIS capabilities. These capabilities are not available in the current AWIPS environment (not met by XDMS, D2D, GFE). Should the full GIS share a GUI environment with these ‘operational’ types of tools. What is full GIS? Will there be full GIS capabilities in AWIPSII. CAP is a model development tool. It is required for successful operations but it is not an ‘operational’ tool that is used on an hour by hour, day by day basis. This is probably the main reason that it has not gotten enough priority to obtain software engineering resources. ## GIS-based Parameter Estimation for Lumped and Distributed Hydrologic Models - Calibration Assistance Program (CAP) – Arcview 3.x - Prototype Tools Available to RFCs - Parameter Grids - HRAP/XMRG - ESRI Grids and - Shapefiles - Hydrology Laboratory Distributed Hydrologic Model - (HL-RDHM) - ThreshR – ArcView 3.x - In-house Procedures - Tools to derive A-priori Parameter Grids - ArcView 3.1 w/ Spatial Analyst (HP-UX) - Arc/Info 7.x (HP-UX) - GRASS 6.2 - R Statistical Software - FORTRAN/C/C++ - Derived Data - Layers - GRASS/ArcView/ArcInfo - Asctoxmrg, xmrgtoasc - Parameter Grids - HRAP/ASCII - Edit/display - Grids - ABRFC’s XDMS **Notes:** Main reason that we haven’t gotten into using ArcGIS 9.x is our desire to share data with non-GIS models that run on Linux and strict rules in our building about networking PC. Also, since the AWIPS move away from Linux we have halted or slowed any development to Future: Re-engineer CAP to work under new AWIPS. Integrate distributed modeling proprocessing tools into future CAP.
Required Report - public distribution **Date:** 11/12/2003 **GAIN Report Number:** ID3028 ID3028 **Indonesia** **Retail Food Sector** **Report** **2003** **Approved by:** ![](media/image1.wmf)Chris Rittgers US ATO **Prepared by:** Fahwani Y. Rangkuti **Report Highlights:** Although the traditional sector still dominates the retail food business, Indonesia's retail industry continues to evolve away from the traditional market and modest kiosk network to modern hypermarkets and superstores. At a time when many segments of the economy have stagnated, the number of supermarkets continues to increase. Big retailers continue to expand and competition among the major retailers remains fierce. U.S. apples, grapes, meat products, and frozen potato products continue to enjoy a dominant position in Indonesia's retail outlets. Further growth and sophistication of the retail sector will create additional opportunities for U.S. exporters. Includes PSD Changes: No Includes Trade Matrix: No Annual Report Jakarta ATO \[ID2\] \[ID\] ***ECONOMIC TRENDS AND OUTLOOK*** In 2003, many components of Indonesia's macro-economy stabilized. The rupiah strengthened and has held firm, the local stock market has shown dramatic growth, inflation and interest rates have dropped below 10 percent, and for the third consecutive year, economic growth is expected to approach 4 percent. Based on these solid macro-economic fundamentals and relatively firm consumer demand, analysts predict that growth will top 4 percent in 2004. Nonetheless, growth of at least 6 percent is still required to absorb the large number of unemployed in Indonesia. An improved business environment, higher investment rates, further re-structuring in the banking sector, reform of legal institutions, and an environment of political stability are often cited as critical factors for ensuring continued future economic growth in Indonesia. A smooth and trouble-free 2004 election cycle, when a new parliament and president will be selected, will also be vital to Indonesia's medium-term economic prospects. This nation of around 212 million people, the world's fourth most populous, has undergone a period of dramatic social, political, and economic transition since the 1998/99 regional financial crisis and the end of President Soeharto's more than three decade hold on power. As stated above, many institutions in Indonesia still need to be strengthened, but resilient consumer demand remains on of the bright spots of the economy. With such a large consumer base and the relatively benign macro-economic backdrop, prospects for continued expansion of the retail sector in 2004 and beyond remain promising. ***I. MARKET SUMMARY*** ***[Retail System]{.underline}*** It is estimated that approximately 72 percent of total food expenditures occur in traditional markets, 3 percent in mini-markets, and the remaining 25 percent split roughly equal between super markets and hyper-markets. Although the traditional sector still dominates the retail food business, Indonesia's retail industry continues to evolve away from the traditional market and modest kiosk network to modern hypermarkets and superstores. As the table below shows, the number of supermarkets has increased about 20 percent in the last five years. This growth occurred at a time when many other segments of Indonesia's broader economy was stagnating. Big retailers continue to expand and competition among the major retailers remains fierce. +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | **Type of | **Descr | **19 | **19 | **19 | **2 | **2 | **2 | | outlet** | iption** | 97** | 98** | 99** | 000** | 001** | 002** | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | ## | Outlet | \- | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 10 | | Hypermarket | | | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | | Growth | \- | \- | 50 | 16.67 | 14.29 | 25 | | | (%) | | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | **Su | Outlet | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1,210 | 1,255 | 1,297 | | permarket** | | ,084 | ,102 | ,173 | | | | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | | Growth | \- | 1.66 | 6.44 | 3.15 | 3.72 | 3.40 | | | (%) | | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | ** | Outlet | 579 | 645 | 725 | 821 | 920 | 1,035 | | Convenience | | | | | | | | | stores** | | | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | | Growth | \- | 1 | 1 | 13.24 | 12.06 | 12.50 | | | (%) | | 1.40 | 2.40 | | | | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | ** | Outlet | 6 | 6 | 7 | 7,500 | 8,037 | 8,720 | | Independent | | ,300 | ,610 | ,030 | | | | | grocers** | | | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | | Growth | \- | 4.92 | 6.35 | 6.69 | 7.16 | 8.50 | | | (%) | | | | | | | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | **Co-o | Outlet | 52 | 59 | 89 | 10 | 11 | 13 | | peratives** | | ,206 | ,441 | ,939 | 3,077 | 9,120 | 6,035 | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ | | Growth | \- | 1 | 5 | 14.61 | 15.56 | 14.20 | | | (%) | | 3.86 | 1.31 | | | | +-------------+----------+------+------+------+-------+-------+-------+ - Source: Euromonitor Modern retail stores (supermarkets and hypermarkets), offering a wide range of food and beverage products, are generally located as anchor stores in shopping centers. An increasing number of Indonesians are shopping at these stores, particularly affluent middle and upper income groups. These retails stores generally also contain in-store bakeries, café/food service area, and prepared meals. In addition, mini-markets and other shops, which carry a small range of convenience food items, are found throughout Indonesia's major urban centers. Despite the growth in the modern retail sector, the majority of Indonesians continue to shop at traditional stores conveniently located to their homes or places of work. These stores sell the commonly demanded food and beverage products, which are familiar to the majority of consumers. The table below gives an indication of the food sector's contribution to national retail sales. +----------------------+----------+-----------+-----------+---------+ | **Outlet type** | **Cont | | | | | | ribution | | | | | | pe | | | | | | rcentage | | | | | | to | | | | | | national | | | | | | retail | | | | | | sales** | | | | | | | | | | | | **(IDR | | | | | | value)** | | | | | | | | | | | | **(April | | | | | | to March | | | | | | p | | | | | | eriod)** | | | | +----------------------+----------+-----------+-----------+---------+ | | **199 | **20 | **20 | **2002 | | | 9-2000** | 00-2001** | 01-2002** | -2003** | +----------------------+----------+-----------+-----------+---------+ | Sup | 16.7 | 20.5 | 20.2 | 21.1 | | ermarket/hypermarket | | | | | +----------------------+----------+-----------+-----------+---------+ | Minimarket | 3.5 | 4.6 | 4.9 | 5.1 | +----------------------+----------+-----------+-----------+---------+ | Total | 20.2 | 25.1 | 25.1 | 26.2 | +----------------------+----------+-----------+-----------+---------+ Source: A.C. Nielsen ----------------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- --------------- **USDmillion** **2000** **2001** **2002** **2005 (predicted)** Total retail Sales 2,800 3,502 3,852 8,400 Generated by Local 2,059 2,575 2,833 \- Retailers Generated by Foreign 741 927 1,019 \- Retailers ----------------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- --------------- Source: Castle Asia ***[Sales of Imported Food]{.underline}*** Total food product imports for 2002 were US\$ 3.3 billion, up from US\$ 2.9 billion in 2001. Almost 30% of those products were imported as Processed Food and Beverages, while the rest were ingredients (including rice and wheat) used by food processors. Consumption of imported processed food and beverages has risen to close to pre-crisis levels of 1997. ***[Market Overview]{.underline}*** Growth in the number of large modern retail stores, such as supermarkets and hypermarkets, is expected to continue. This growth is being driven mostly by strong domestic consumption, which remains one of the only engines of overall economic growth in Indonesia. This growth, driven largely by foreign retailers, has led to fierce competition in the retail sector. Retailers continue to plan to expand. While there have been some local calls for limitations on expansion of large retail outlets, location and size of new establishments remains largely unregulated. As a result, many large retailers are strategically located in the heart of Indonesia's big cities and compete directly with smaller retailers. Products which have achieved significant growth in annual sales include the following: infant milk formula (53%), cheese (51%), energy drinks (50%), snack foods (45%), liquid milk (40%), chocolate (39%), baby foods (35%), health foods (35%), swetened condensed Milk (35%), and biscuits (28%). In terms of negative factors affecting the retail market, in 2003 hikes in electricity, fuel, and telephone charges lessened retailers' profit margins, thereby somewhat curbing the drive for expansion. In addition, specialty stores that carry a high percentage of imported items continue to face burdensome registration requirements for imported food products, limiting possibilities for test marketing new products. Furthermore, non-transparent and unpredictable customs clearance procedures, besides being costly and administratively cumbersome, create problems when products of limited shelf-life are held at port. Finally, recent terrorist events, and predictions for additional occurrences, have led to a reduction in the number of western expatriates, who had been key customers for many of the specialty retail outlets. However, this has occurred in conjunction with an increase in the proportion of Japanese and Korean customers, who are increasingly buying imported U.S. food products. ***[Consumer Purchasing Habits]{.underline}*** Consumer-purchasing patterns changed dramatically following the 1998/99 economic crisis and continue to evolve. The following generalizations can be made about current consumer behavior: - purchasing more staple foods, rather than luxury items, and minimizing impulse buying. - extremely price conscious in their purchases and exhibiting less store and brand loyalty. - shopping more frequently for food and buying smaller quantities per shopping trip. - shifting purchases of some staple items to traditional outlets and shopping more frequently at discount venues in the modern sector. - eating out less often and, and instead, shopping in supermarkets to eat at home. - buying smaller package sizes and placing less value on the quality and appearance of packaging. - buying local rather than imported products when satisfactory local substitutes are available. - consuming more fresh food items. - less nutrition-conscious. - Increased preference for shopping at the supermarket/modern outlet rather than at wet markets due to more comfortable shopping space, more complete range of goods, guaranteed quality of products (food safety and cleanliness), competitive price, good service, and easier accessibility. These generalizations hold less for consumers in higher income levels. For example, expatriate and high-income Indonesian consumers continue to look for branded and imported products (as well as gourmet and fancy food) regardless of the high rupiah-based price of these items. Consumers purchase a broad variety of food products from supermarkets, with meat and fish and staple food the top categories. The table below present the profile of food and non-food products sold in the typical supermarket: ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- **Product category** **Percentage** Meat and fresh fish 15 Staple food 14.7 Beverage 10.6 Vegetable and fresh fruit 10.5 Dry food 8.8 Milk and processed milk 7.0 Chocolate & candy 3.6 Can food 2.8 Seasoning 1.7 Non food 25.3 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- In response to evolving consumer preferences, distributors and retailers have altered marketing practices. Packaging sizes have been reduced to lower the prices, and more generic brands (especially for staple foods such as rice and sugar) have been introduced. In addition, promotional campaigns are more aggressive, with store fliers, seasonal discounts, in-store activities, and advertising more prevalent. ***[Future Trends]{.underline}*** The recently-developed patterns of consumer behavior described above are expected to continue. Consumers are adjusting to paying higher prices for imported and local food products, but will remain very selective in their product purchases and will be looking for good quality products at low prices. Promotion will be important as consumers will be more fickle and impressionable, and there will be opportunities to replace traditional brands. Value-for-money will remain important to consumers, but they will also be looking for greater variety in retailers\' assortments. Brand names should eventually again become important to consumers and new product introductions will increase. Interest in nutritional characteristics of food should continue to grow. Offering additional services, which is already a relatively common practice, will become even more widespread. These services include, acceptance of credit/debit cards, ATM services, flower departments, laundry counters, food courts, bakery corners, home delivery, and cook service. Money-back or other guarantees are also expected to become more common. +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | O | | | P | | | P | | | O | | | R | | | T | | | U | | | N | | | I | | | T | | | I | | | E | | | S | | | F | | | O | | | R | | | * | | | * | | | | | | * | | | * | | | U | | | . | | | S | | | . | | | P | | | R | | | O | | | D | | | U | | | C | | | T | | | S | | | I | | | N | | | I | | | N | | | D | | | O | | | N | | | E | | | S | | | I | | | A | | | * | | | * | | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Large Consumer Base: Indonesia has a population of over 212 | | | million people, with an estimated 15 percent or about 32 million | | | people in the upper and middle income groups. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | The distribution system is improving, increasing access to the | | | major islands and cities. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | The availability of imported products will be expanded by the | | | rapid growth of the modern supermarket sector and western | | | restaurant chains. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Many Indonesian consumers like the image associated with | | | American products, as well as the taste (quality reputation is | | | well known). | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Low Duties: Duties on most food are 5% or less. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | More urban women entering the workforce with less time available | | | for shopping and cooking; thus, focus is increasingly on | | | convenience. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | Indonesia has a well-developed tourism industry with many hotel | | | chains and restaurants purchasing imported products through | | | local agents/importers. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | Indonesia is rich in natural resources, with multinational | | | companies involved in the development of oil & gas, mining, and | | | lumber. Some of the well-developed sites have commissary & | | | catering services with significant demand for imported products. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | # | | | # | | | | | | C | | | H | | | A | | | L | | | L | | | E | | | N | | | G | | | E | | | S | | | | | | F | | | A | | | C | | | I | | | N | | | G | | | | | | * | | | * | | | U | | | . | | | S | | | . | | | P | | | R | | | O | | | D | | | U | | | C | | | T | | | S | | | I | | | N | | | I | | | N | | | D | | | O | | | N | | | E | | | S | | | I | | | A | | | * | | | * | | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | A degree of uncertainty will prevail in the political situation | | | until after general elections in 2004; this uncertainty could | | | effect consumer demand. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Import financing remains a constraint. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Prices of imported products are relatively high. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | New--to-market U.S. products are not well-known to the majority | | | of consumers. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Non-transparent and unpredictable customs clearance procedures | | | exist. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | Products must be certified "halal" for broad acceptance. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | Shipments to Indonesia need a shelf life of at least 6 months, | | | may require refrigerated transport and storage, and incur high | | | transport costs. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | Infrastructure, including ports and cold storage facilities | | | outside of the main island of Java are poorly developed. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 9 | Sites tend to be in remote areas where transportation and lack | | | of infrastructure presents barriers to cost-efficient | | | distribution of imported food products. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Third-country competition remains strong, especially from | | 0 | Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Malaysia, the Philippines, | | | Thailand and China. | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | U.S. freight costs are higher relative to competing suppliers. | | 1 | | +---+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ##### ##### Labeling > Requirements for labeling of food products (primarily applicable to > packaged food for retail sale) are broad in scope. Changes resulting > from the Food Act 1996, and the Consumer protection Act 1999 went into > effect in 2000. The newly introduced labeling regulations state that > labels must be written in the Indonesian language and require GMO > labeling. However, these regulations are loosely enforced at best, at > the GMO labeling requirement is not yet enforced at all. All imported processed food products must be registered with the National Agency of Drug & Food Control (BPOM) before clearance through Customs. The process for registration of food is complex, often non-transparent and time consuming due to the detailed requirement of supporting documents and should be carried out before shipping. This will require exporters to establish close business relationships with local importers/agents. ###### Duties and taxes > Although import duties applied on most of food and agricultural > products are 5% or less, imported products are also assessed a VAT of > 10 percent, and a luxury tax which varies according to the product > category. ####### II. ROAD MAP FOR MARKET ENTRY ***[Entry Strategy]{.underline}*** The best way to penetrate the Indonesian market is to appoint an agent. In general, the volume of imported product sales is small. An agent is needed to assure the widest distribution for your products as well as to undertake the marketing efforts necessary to create awareness for your products among consumers. In some situations, it may make sense to sell your product directly to supermarkets and/or to appoint them as the exclusive distributors. This is primarily the case when your product is a gourmet, upscale product and not likely to generate sufficient volume to interest an agent in bringing in container loads. Nevertheless, your initial sales efforts to Indonesia should include both visits with potential agents as well as with key retailers. ######## Distribution System Due to the widespread and diverse nature of the country, involving hundreds of islands, this system is complex. In many cases, the infrastructure is insufficient, especially outside big cities and Java island. The ability to move frozen and refrigerated products is limited. There are several national distributors, generally subsidiaries of consumer goods/foods manufactures, who serve the whole country, and numerous agents/distributors with a more local reach. There are hundreds of wholesalers and millions of retailers. ![](media/image2.wmf) > Inadequate port facilities are often cited as the single largest > constraint in the distribution system. Shallow drafts that only allow > small ships, inadequate loading and unloading facilities, and frequent > congestion are some of the problems associated with the ports. Also > cited by distribution firms are unreliable shipping schedules and > inadequate number of small ships serving Eastern Indonesia, > particularly during bad weather periods, which result in frequent > shortages and leads firms to hold higher than desired inventories. ##### Distribution System for Imported Products Imported products often move to a distributor or agent, who in turn, sells directly to modern retail outlets. Delivery of the products may be direct to stores or to the warehousing facilities of the retailer. Only a few retailers buy directly from foreign suppliers and assume responsibility for the logistics function. Most imported products are sold to the modern sector, including hypermarkets, supermarkets, wholesaler/retailers, convenience stores, mini-markets, etc. Products that move to the traditional sector face a more extensive distribution process. There are about 10 major cities that serve as distribution hubs in Indonesia. Generally, products move to the warehousing facilities of distributors in these hubs, then to sub-distributors and wholesalers for delivery to retailers. ##### Trends in Distribution The modern retail sector is expanding rapidly, but the traditional sector is expected to continue to dominate the distribution system for the foreseeable future. As indicated earlier, still about 72 percent of purchases are made in traditional markets. Distribution channels will shorten. Large retailers will increasingly import (particularly produce) directly from foreign exporters, or supplied directly by local manufacturer and the assisted group of local farmer. They will put in place central warehousing and distribution systems in the big cities, utilizing modern technology and equipment. They will open more outlets in cities outside of Jakarta to make these systems efficient. Adequate infrastructure is a major problem on other islands. For example, a period of 2 weeks often lapses between order placement and delivery and losses due to security problems are high. Comparable changes will occur in the traditional sector. National distributors are setting up central distribution systems to expand direct delivery to traditional market outlets. More direct delivery by manufacturers to traditional retail outlets is anticipated. The success of large retailer/wholesalers and hypermarkets in offering Indonesian consumers a wide variety of products at lower prices will stimulate growth. More middle and low-income consumers are beginning to shop in these outlets. Increasing competition will force existing supermarkets and other modern retailers to increase the focus and sophistication of their marketing efforts as well as the efficiency of the store operation. The number of mini-markets and other small stores is also predicted to grow. The greatest expansion is anticipated on the islands of Java and Bali. More mini-markets are expected to open in residential areas and cities outside of Jakarta. ##### A. Supermarkets, Hypermarkets, and Warehouse Outlets This segment is the most likely to purchase imported products. According to several importers and distributors, between 5-30 percent (60 percent for specialty stores) of the food items that are sold by these outlets are imported. In the near future, smaller quantities of imported products are expected to be sold, but a greater variety of brands and items. Most supermarkets, hypermarkets, and warehouse outlets buy most of their imported products from distributors or agents. Some are importing direct from foreign suppliers, particularly perishable products and products for specialty store. --------------------------------- ------------ ------------------------- **Retailer Name & Market Type** **No. of **Locations** Outlets in 2003** Alfa-supermarket (PT Alfa 32 Jakarta, Java, Bali, Retailindo Tbk\*) Medan, Lampung, Makassar Alfa Grosir (PT Alfa Retailindo 8 Java, Bali Tbk\*\*) Carrefour - hypermarket (PT 11 Jakarta, Bandung Contimas Utama Indonesia) Club Store - hypermarket (PT 3 Jakarta, Medan Mutiara Ritelinti Wira) Club Grosir wholesale (PT Mutiara 2 Jakarta Ritelinti Wira) Cosmo Japanese Food Center - 2 Jakarta, Surabaya supermarket\* (PT Eka Upaya) Borma Pasar Swalayan 11 Bandung D'Best -- supermarket 4 Jakarta, Makassar Gelael -- supermarket 11 Jakarta, Jawa, Bali, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Batam Giant -- hypermarket (PT Hero 6 Jakarta,Tangerang, Supermarket Tbk\*\*) Bekasi, Cimanggis, Bandung, Surabaya Hero (supermarket), included 97 Jakarta, Java, Bali, Top's outlet which was acquired Lombok, Sumatera, May 2003 Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua Barat Goro - wholesale (PT Goro Batara 5 Jakarta, Solo, Makassar Sakti) Hari-hari Pasar Swalayan (PT 5 Jakarta Sinar Sahabat Inti Makmur) Indo Grosir -- wholesale (PT 6 Jakarta, Bandung, Indomarco Prismatama) Yogyakarta, Surabaya Kem Chicks --supermarket \* (PT 1 Jakarta Boga Catur Rata) Makro -- wholesale (PT Makro 13 Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Indonesia) Bandung, Bali, Semarang, Solo, Makassar Matahari -- supermarket (PT 51 Jakarta, Java, Bali, Matahari Putra Prima Tbk\*\*) Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Ambon Market Place -- supermarket (PT 4 Jakarta, Tangerang, Matahari Putra Prima Tbk\*\*) Makassar Metro -- supermarket (PT Metro 2 Jakarta Supermarket Realty, Tbk\*\*) Naga Pasar Swalayan 7 Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok Nina Fair Price --supermarket (PT 5 Surabaya Sekar Sentosa Lestarijaya) Papaya -- supermarket \* (PT 3 Surabaya, Jakarta Victory Retailindo) Pantry - supermarket (PT Nara 5 Jakarta Jaya Mandiri) Ramayana -supermarket (PT 70 Jakarta, Java, Bali, Ramayana Lestari Sentosa, Batam, Sumatera, Tbk\*\*) Kalimantan, Nusatenggara Timur 99 Ranch Market -supermarket\* 3 Jakarta (PT Supra Boga Lestari) Setiabudhi -supermarket\* 1 Bandung Sinar -- supermarket (PT Alika 5 Surabaya Eka Putera) Sogo - supermarket (PT Panen 4 Jakarta, Surabaya Lestari Internusa) Super Indo -- supermarket (PT 37 Jakarta, Bogor, Lion Superindo) Tangerang, Banten, Bekasi, Bandung, Surabaya, Palembang, Yogyakarta Tiara Dewata 3 Bali Tragia (supermarket) 5 Bali Yogya (supermarket) 39 Jakarta, West Java Caswell's Mom's \* 1 Jakarta Dijon Food Specialities\* 1 Bali Gourmet Garage \* 1 Bali --------------------------------- ------------ ------------------------- \* specialty store \*\* Tbk: means public listed ##### B. Mini-markets and Convenience Stores Mini-markets are rapidly growing in popularity. This is especially true in the cities outside of Jakarta. Mini-markets are essentially upgraded traditional \"mom and pop\" stores. They carry essential staple goods, some frozen items, and fresh fruits. Low price is one of their selling points. Many mini-markets are located in housing estates and residential areas. Most chains of mini-markets have their own distribution facilities. Central purchasing takes place from importers or distributors and items are delivered to a central warehouse or directly to stores. +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | **Retailer Name & Market | **No. of | **Locations** | | Type** | Outlets** | | | | | | | | **In | | | | 2003** | | +==============================+===========+==========================+ | Alfa Minimarket (PT Sumber | 570 | Jakarta, Java | | Alfaria Trijaya) | | | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | AM/PM (convenience) (PT | 27 | Jakarta | | Sinar Sahabat) | | | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | Circle K (convenience) (PT | 63 | Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, | | Circle K Indonesia) | | Bali, Yogyakarta | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | 7 Eleven (PT Suryamas Cahaya | 6 | Bandung | | Lestari) | | | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | Indomaret (mini-market) (PT | 800 | Jakarta, Java | | Indomarco Prismatam) | | | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | Markaz Waserda (PT Solar | 17 | Java | | Sentra Distribusi) | | | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | Star Mart -- mini market (PT | 39 | Jakarta, Bogor, Bali | | Hero Supermarket Tbk0 | | | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | Gos'mart (PT Goro Batara | 9 | Jakarta | | Sakti) | | | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | Tragia Minimarket | 1 | Bali | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ | Local mini market | A lot | All over Indonesia | +------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------+ ##### C. Traditional Sector As indicated earlier, the traditional sector continues to dominate Indonesian food retailing. This sector includes small \"mom and pop\" provision shops, some of which are in markets. Distribution channels are long and complex. Little imported product is carried by these outlets except for fresh fruit and beef offal. An estimated 60% of imported fresh fruit goes through traditional markets. US apple (red delicious) is the most important, followed by oranges from China and US table grapes. Meanwhile, an estimated 80 percent of beef offals are distributed in the traditional markets. Offals are source almost exclusively from Australia and the United States. ***III. COMPETITION*** #### Local companies with a strong position in the food and beverage market The local industry dominates the markets for wheat flour based food products (noodles and baked goods), snacks, poultry products, processed dairy products, canned fish, beverages (soft drinks, beer), tropical fruit & vegetables, and fresh sea food. While businesses operating in the fresh produce segments compete on being able to supply competitively priced locally grown products, the processed food and beverage businesses compete in markets where brands are important. There are several multinational companies in this sector, including: Unilever, Nestle, Kraft, Danone, Cadburry, Heinz, Campbells, and Nabisco. ***[Competition in the import market]{.underline}*** Primary competing suppliers include Australia, China, Japan, France, Holland, South Africa, Korea, India, Malaysia, Thailand, and Taiwan. ***[Please see the Appendix A.]{.underline}*** ######### IV. BEST PRODUCT PROSPECTS Most U.S. food items have sales potential in Indonesia. This is especially true of those for which no local substitutes are available. The best opportunities exist in modern retail outlets in the major cities on Java such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, and Denpasar, Bali (for tourism consumption), and Sumatra. Significant potential also exists in areas where oil, coal and mining companies with a high concentration of expatriates are located, such as Balikpapan, Lombok & Sumbawa, and Pakanbaru. The willingness of a supermarket to stock a particular U.S. food will depend largely on its customer base. In most large cities, there is at least one supermarket that serves the American and other expatriate community. This supermarket will buy products that may be unfamiliar in use and taste to typical Indonesians, such as pickles, olives, and condiments. In general, the biggest opportunities exist for good quality, middle or low price range items with well-known brand names. ***[A. Products Present in the Market which have Good Sales Potential]{.underline}*** Of U.S. products that are already present in the Indonesian market in significant quantities, fresh fruit continues to have the best sales prospects. This is especially true of the hardier fruits, such as apples and grapes. The next most important U.S. sales item in the retail sector are beef offals, which are generally marketed in traditional outlets. Canned foods, such as vegetables and beans are also common. Some of the best selling processed foods include frozen french fries, frozen and canned vegetables, breakfast cereals, snack food/biscuit/crackers, popcorn, baby food, dressing, sauces & seasonings, cooking/salad oils, and beverage. B. Products Not Present in Substantial Quantities but which have Good Sales Potential There are also good opportunities for sales of other American high value items. Many of these are not yet in the market in significant quantities. These include frozen foods; such as pizza, frozen meat, delicatessen items (cream cheese), and juices. ***[C. Products Not Present Because they Face Significant Barriers]{.underline}*** American products that have not sold well in Indonesia include seafood and dairy products. Retailers that serve the middle and lower income segment also reported difficulties in selling American spices, alcoholic beverages, pasta, olives, pickles, and mustards. Imports of U.S. chicken parts, which have great potential demand in Indonesia, are banned due to questions regarding halal certfication. ***[D. Recommendations]{.underline}*** It is a good time to enter the Indonesian market. The retail sector is growing rapidly despite the ongoing crises and competition remains limited. There are opportunities to develop a strong brand name and customer loyalty. However, it is important to have realistic expectations about market size. There is also a need to be flexible and make a long-term commitment to the market. Other recommendations for selling to Indonesia are the following: - It is essential to invest in promotion especially for new to market product sampling and to create awareness for your products. Your distributor should be provided with through training in product knowledge. - Your product must be price competitive. Your agent should be given a reasonable price for your product to avoid undercutting by parallel importers. - Be prepared to deal with small order quantities and, to the extent possible, be flexible with minimum quantities. - Offer the market a range of products to give consumers a choice. - Limit your sales efforts to products that have at least a 9 month shelf life and make sure that the items are clearly marked with expiry dates. - Find out as much as possible about the market and culture. - Work closely with your local agent on a win-win basis. Make sure that channels of distribution are closely supervised. To the extent possible, protect your agent against parallel imports. - Singapore is a showcase and a trans-shipment point for the Southeast Asian region. Consequently, a presence there is important as well. - Provide the complete documentation required to register the product (process ML number). - Actively contact retailers directly, not only through importer or agent. ***V. POST CONTACT AND FURTHER INFORMATION*** The U.S. Agricultural Trade Office in Jakarta maintains up to date information covering the food processing industry in Indonesia and would be pleased to assist in facilitating exports and entry to the Indonesia market. Questions or comments regarding this report should be directed to the U.S. ATO in Jakarta at the following address: U.S. Commercial Center Wisma Metropolitan II, 3^rd^ Floor Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav.29-31 Jakarta 12920 - Indonesia Tel: +62215262850 Fax: +62215711251 e-mail: [email protected] Homepage: <> Please contact our home page for more information on exporting U.S. food products to Indonesia, including "Hotel and Restaurant Industry: Bali"; \"Market Brief-Imports of U.S. Fresh Fruit: Indonesia"; "Market Brief - Indonesian Wine Imports"; "Market Brief - Indonesian Bakery Industry"; Market Brief - Indonesian Beverage Industry"; "Market Brief - Indonesia Meat Processing Industry"; \"Market Brief - Beef Liver & Chicken Leg Quarter"; "Market Brief - Furniture Industry"; " Product Brief -- Popcorn "; \"The Exporter Guide 2003\", and \"The Food Processing Sector Report: Indonesia". For more information on exporting U.S. agricultural products to other countries, please visit the Foreign Agricultural Service's Home Page: [****]() **[APPENDIX]() A: REVIEW OF COMPETITION FOR U.S. HIGH-VALUE PRODUCTS IN INDONESIA** Best market prospects for imported U.S. food products and competing suppliers presence, as identified by the Agricultural Trade Office in Jakarta based on Indonesian Central Bureau Statistics data are as follows: ----------- --------------- ----------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ **HS Code** **Description** **2000 (value **2001 (value **2002 (value USD)** USD)** USD)** **World** **US **World** **US **World** **US origin** origin** origin** 0808 Apple, pears & 64,144,492 21,900,314 73,295,303 25,220,211 108,514,279 31,881,174 quinces, fresh 0806 Grapes, Fresh or 11,685,743 7,064,034 10,495,234 5,472,058 19,567,407 10,258,409 Dried 0206 Edible Offal of 20,825,785 7,462,676 16,686,262 5,043,782 22,830,634 7,227,814 Bovine Animals, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Horses Etc, fresh, Chilled or Frozen 020621 only Tongues of Bovine 3,358 1,049 8,478 456 75,456 7,561 Animals, Edible, frozen 020622 only Livers of Bovine 14,877,612 6,694,084 9,140,681 3,898,843 8,173,639 3,486,152 Animals, Edible, frozen 0402 Milk and Cream, 186,096,719 5,385,713 240,505,492 27,606,331 167,160,281 5,433,934 consentrated or containing added sweetening 0710  Vegetable 4,518,888 3,859,048 4,380,869 3,214,950 4,985,873 2,873,532 (uncooked or Cooked by steam or boiling water), frozen 200410 Potatoes, 3,792,525 1,908,434 5,311,458 1,325,385 6,177,511 2,257,219 Including French Fries, Prepared or Preserved Otherwise than by Vinegar or Acetic Acid, frozen 0202  Meat of Bovine 39,575,322 1,333,263 22,791,617 1,324,041 17,864,262 1,228,480 Animals, frozen 0805 Citrus Fruit, 41,948,401 2,287,065 40,243,452 1,036,590 51,440,420 1,166,159 Frsh or Dried 0306 Crustaceans, 11,144,482 305,009 11,313,011 1,198,827 10,942,637 825,288 live, frsh, chilled, frzn etc; Crustaceans, in shell, cookd by stm or bolng watr; flours, meals, pellets of Crustaceans, hum consump 030623 only Shrimps and 16,647 0 1,076 0 182,454 178,629 Prawns, Live, Fresh, Chilled, Dried, Salted or in brine or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, not frozen 2008 Fruit, nuts and 3,870,146 547,028 2,714,293 619,697 5,795,050 779,661 other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sweetening or spirit, nesoi 0802 Nuts Nesoi 1,549,559 1,134,585 1,088,106 671,040 1,168,931 765,279 Fresh or Dried 0406 Cheese & Curd 11,781,270 84,917 14,379,406 528,560 15,623,425 719,588 2103 Sauces and 7,543,617 833,817 6,609,724 679,409 10,817,273 638,122 preparation therefore; mixed condiments and mix seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard 210320 only Tomato ketchup 834,866 260,602 717,539 316,895 783,698 216,049 and other tomato sauces 210390 Sauces and 5,332,601 509,726 4,554,403 322,405 7,776,757 379,189 preparations therefore, nesoi; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings 2101 Extract, 1,049,632 204,916 2,345,645 626,396 1,954,202 599,163 Essences & Consentrates of Coffee, Tea or Mate & preparation thereof; Roasted Chicory etc & Extract, Essences & Consentrates 1904 Prepared foods 6,085,644 640,420 5,038,002 500,552 5,404,919 592,981 from swelling or roasting cereals or products; cereals (exc. Corn), in grain form flakes or worked grain prepared nesoi 1905 Bread, pastry, 6,213,858 119,523 5,334,177 95,049 6.098,544 354,221 cakes, biscuits and other baker's wares; Communion wafers, empty capsules for medicine etc, sealing wafers, rice paper etc 190110 Food 1,604,605 117,830 2,031,550 161,125 14,365,464 271,172 preparation for infant use, put up for retail sale, nesoi 2009 Fruit juices nt 4,523,449 255,304 4,728,805 402,577 4,315,024 267,757 fortified W Vit or Minls (incl grape must) & vegetable juices, unfermented & nt containing add spirit, whet or nt containing added sweetng 200290110 Tomato puree, 2,630,600 267,229 2,245,462 247,826 2,637,387 254,333 tomato paste in airtight containers 2104 Soups and 1,867,406 405,775 2,029,775 192,841 3,128,030 198,154 broths and preparations therefor', homogenized composite food preparations 2007 Jams, fruit 1,334,967 118,066 878,424 88,216 2,352,455 129,150 jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut pure and fruit or nut pastes, being cooked preparation, whether or not containing added sweetening 1602 Prepared or 2,120,911 92,463 1,298,685 166,152 1,892,234 111,618 preserved meat, meat offal or blood, nesoi 0307 Molluscs & Oth 6,260,970 162,993 5,720,198 257,620 3,640,455 73,487 aquatic invertebrata nesoi, live, frsh, chilld, frzn, dried, saltd or in brine; flours, meals & pellets of aqua inverteb hum consumptn 2203 Beer made from 207,295 34,304 95,904 18,901 320,200 70,690 malt 0304 Fish fillets 2,054,796 108,191 1,787,853 56,311 1,822,823 58,211 and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen 2105 Ice cream and 1,549,208 603,453 1,624,380 1,298,610 2,231,255 58,087 other edible ice, whther or not containing cocoa 1704 Sugar 9,557,047 117,115 10,215,894 205,484 16,110,724 54,400 convectionary (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa 0302 Fish, fresh or 1,129,578 12,623 1,191,142 55,234 1,457,472 41,332 chilled, excluding fish fillet and other fish meat whitout bones; fish livers and roes, fresh or chilled 2208 Ethyl alcohol, 615,939 14,447 379,910 687 460,482 38,419 undenatured, of an alcoholic strength by volume of under 80% Vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages ----------- --------------- ----------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ***[Country of origin:]{.underline}*** +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | **HS | **Description** | **Major | | | | | Code** | | Suppliers | | | | | | | (value | | | | | | | USD)** | | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | | | **2000** | **2001** | **2002** | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0808 | Apple, pears & | China (48%) | China (52%) | China (59%) | | | | quinces, fresh | | | | | | | | US (34%) | US (34%) | US (29%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Others: | Others: | Others: | | | | | Australia, | Australia, | | | | | | France, New | France, New | Australia, | | | | | Zealand, | Zealand, | France, New | | | | | Canada, | Canada, | Zealand, | | | | | South Korea | South Korea | Canada, | | | | | | | South Korea | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0806 | Grapes, Fresh | US (60%) | US (52%) | US (52%) | | | | or Dried | | | | | | | | Australia | Australia | Australia | | | | | (20%) | (34%) | (35%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Others: | Others: | Others: | | | | | Chile | Chile, | China, | | | | | | South | South | | | | | | Africa | Africa | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0206 | Edible Offal of | Australia | Australia | Australia | | | | Bovine Animals, | (9%) | (48%) | (47%) | | | | Swine, Sheep, | | | | | | | Goats, Horses | US (36%) | US (30%) | US (32%) | | | | Etc, fresh, | | | | | | | Chilled or | New Zealand | New Zealand | New Zealand | | | | Frozen | (14%) | (18%) | (17%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Others: | | | | | | | Canada | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 020621 | Tongues of | New Zealand | Argentina | Australia | | | only | Bovine Animals, | (40%) | (52%) | (90%) | | | | Edible, frozen | | | | | | | | US (31%) | Australia | US (10%) | | | | | | (43%) | | | | | | Australia | | | | | | | (29%) | US (5%) | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 020622 | Livers of | US (45%) | US (43%) | Australia | | | only | Bovine Animals, | | | (43%) | | | | Edible, frozen | Australia | Australia | | | | | | (33%) | (38%) | US (41%) | | | | | | | | | | | | New Zealand | New Zealand | New Zealand | | | | | (12%) | (15%) | (14%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Ireland | | | | | | | (9%) | | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0402 | Milk and Cream, | Australia | Australia | Australia | | | | concentrated or | (13%) | (17%) | (28%) | | | | containing | | | | | | | added | NZ (44%) | NZ (36%) | NZ (28%) | | | | sweetening | | | | | | | | Netherlands | Netherlands | Netherlands | | | | | (9%) | (9%) | (14%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Philippines | Philippines | Philippines | | | | | (7%) | (9%) | (9%) | | | | | | | | | | | | US (3%) | US (11%) | US (3%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0710 | Vegetable | US (85%) | US (73%) | US (58%) | | | | (uncooked or | | | | | | | Cooked by steam | Australia | Netherlands | Canada | | | | or boiling | (6%) | (10%) | (10%) | | | | water), frozen | | | | | | | | | Australia | Singapore | | | | | | (8%) | (9%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | New Zealand | | | | | | | (8%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Australia | | | | | | | (5%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Netherlands | | | | | | | (5%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 200410 | Potatoes, | US (50%) | US (25%) | US (37%) | | | | Including | | | | | | | French Fries, | Canada | Canada | Canada | | | | Prepared or | (38%) | (50%) | (34%) | | | | Preserved | | | | | | | Otherwise than | | Malaysia | Malaysia | | | | by Vinegar or | | (16%) | (22%) | | | | Acetic Acid, | | | | | | | frozen | | | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0202 | Meat of Bovine | Australia | Australia | Australia | | | | Animals, frozen | (44%) | (43%) | (66%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Ireland | New Zealand | New Zealand | | | | | (30%) | (30%) | (27%) | | | | | | | | | | | | New Zealand | Ireland | US (7%) | | | | | (21%) | (20%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | US (3%) | US (6%) | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0805 | Citrus Fruit, | China (49%) | Pakistan | China (41%) | | | | Fresh or Dried | | (36%) | | | | | | Pakistan | | Pakistan | | | | | (18%) | China (35%) | (25%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Australia | Australia | Australia | | | | | (15%) | (12%) | (13%) | | | | | | | | | | | | US (5%) | Brazil (5%) | Brazil (8%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Egypt (3%) | Egypt (4%) | Egypt (3%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Brazil (3%) | US (3%) | South | | | | | | | Africa (3%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | US (2%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0306 | Crustaceans, | Vietnam | India (21%) | Singapore | | | | live, frsh, | (20%) | | (21%) | | | | chilled, frzn | | Singapore | | | | | etc; | Singapore | (13%) | China (19%) | | | | Crustaceans, in | (17%) | | | | | | shell, cookd by | | Malaysia | Malaysia | | | | stm or boilng | India (17%) | (11%) | (12%) | | | | watr; flours, | | | | | | | meals, pellets | China (10%) | US (11%) | India (8%) | | | | of Crustaceans, | | | | | | | hum consump | Japan (5%) | Thailand | Vietnam | | | | | | (6%) | (8%) | | | | | Malaysia | | | | | | | (5%) | Myanmar | US (8%) | | | | | | (5%) | | | | | | US (3%) | | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 030623 | Shrimps and | Japan (84%) | Taiwan | US (98%) | | | only | Prawns, Live, | | (74%) | | | | | Fresh, Chilled, | Taiwan | | Norway (2%) | | | | Dried, Salted | (16%) | South Korea | | | | | or in brine or | | (17%) | | | | | cooked by | | | | | | | steaming or | | Japan (6%) | | | | | boiling in | | | | | | | water, not | | US (3%) | | | | | frozen | | | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 2008 | Fruit, nuts and | Italy (26%) | China (24%) | China (32%) | | | | other edible | | | | | | | parts of | China (19%) | US (23%) | Malaysia | | | | plants, | | | (18%) | | | | otherwise | US (14%) | Singapore | | | | | prepared or | | (14%) | US (13%) | | | | preserved, | Thailand | | | | | | whether or not | (12%) | Thailand | Thailand | | | | containing | | 12%) | (13%) | | | | added | Singapore | | | | | | sweetening or | (8%) | Switzerland | Singapore | | | | spirit, nesoi | | (7%) | (6%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0802 | Nuts Nesoi | US (73%) | US (62%) | US (65%) | | | | Fresh or Dried | | | | | | | | Australia | Australia | Australia | | | | | (15%) | (18%) | (21%) | | | | | | | | | | | | China (7%) | Thailand | China (6%) | | | | | | (5%) | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0406 | Cheese & Curd | Australia | Australia | Australia | | | | | (62%) | (57%) | (59%) | | | | | | | | | | | | New Zealand | New Zealand | New Zealand | | | | | (31%) | (33%) | (28%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Netherlands | US (4%) | US (5%) | | | | | (3%) | | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 2103 | Sauces and | Japan (16%) | Japan (21%) | Japan (18%) | | | | preparation | | | | | | | therefore; | Singapore | Singapore | Singapore | | | | mixed | (19%) | (16%) | (17%) | | | | condiments and | | | | | | | mix seasonings; | Hongkong | Hongkong | Malaysia | | | | mustard flour | (14%) | (15%) | (13%) | | | | and meal and | | | | | | | prepared | Malaysia | Malaysia | Hongkong | | | | mustard | (14%) | (14%) US | (13%) | | | | | | (10%) | | | | | | US (11%) | | China (9%) | | | | | | China (10%) | | | | | | China (9%) | | US (6%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 210320 | Tomato ketchup | US (31%) | US (44%) | US (28%) | | | only | and other | | | | | | | tomato sauces | Australia | Malaysia | Netherlands | | | | | (35%) | (22%) | (10%) | | | | | | | | | | | | China (12%) | China (7%) | Singapore | | | | | | | (10%) | | | | | Singapore | Singapore | | | | | | (8%) | (6%) | Japan (9%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Malaysia | | | | | | | (9%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Italy (8%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 210390 | Sauces and | Singapore | Japan (21%) | Japan (18%) | | | only | preparations | (23%) | | | | | | therefore, | | Ho | Malaysia | | | | nesoi; mixed | Ho | ngkong(21%) | (17%) | | | | condiments and | ngkong(20%) | | | | | | mixed | | Singapore | Singapore | | | | seasonings | Malaysia | (21%) | (17%) | | | | | (19%) | | | | | | | | Malaysia | Ho | | | | | Japan | (17%) | ngkong(17%) | | | | | (13.5%) | | | | | | | | US (7%) | US (5%) | | | | | US (10%) | | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 2101 | Extract, | Malaysia | US (27%) | US (31%) | | | | Essences & | (40%) | | | | | | Concentrates of | | Malaysia | Malaysia | | | | Coffee, Tea or | US (20%) | (21%) | (22%) | | | | Mate & | | | | | | | preparation | Brazil | Indonesia | Brazil | | | | thereof; | (14%) | (19%) | (12%) | | | | Roasted Chicory | | | | | | | etc & Extract, | Netherlands | China (9%) | Columbia | | | | Essences & | (9%) | | (7%) | | | | Concentrates | | Netherlands | | | | | | Singapore | (9%) | Netherlands | | | | | (9%) | | (6%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 1904 | Prepared foods | Malaysia | Phili | Phili | | | | from swelling | (31%) | ppines(61%) | ppines(52%) | | | | or roasting | | | | | | | cereals or | Phili | Thailand | Thailand | | | | products; | ppines(24%) | (12%) | (12%) | | | | cereals (exc. | | | | | | | Corn), in grain | Thailand | US (10%) | US (11%) | | | | form flakes or | (21%) | | | | | | worked grain | | Germany | Malaysia | | | | prepared nesoi | US (11%) | (4%) | (7%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Australia | Australia | | | | | | (4%) | (3%) | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 1905 | Bread, pastry, | Malaysia | Malaysia | Malaysia | | | | cakes, biscuits | (53%) | (56%) | (39%) | | | | and other | | | | | | | baker's wares; | Thailand | Thailand | Thailand | | | | Communion | (8%) | (13%) | (15%) | | | | wafers, empty | | | | | | | capsules for | Australia | Australia | Italy (7%) | | | | medicine etc, | (8%) | (6%) | | | | | sealing wafers, | | | Australia | | | | rice paper etc | Italy (7%) | China (5%) | (6%) | | | | | | | | | | | | China (7%) | Singapore | US (6%) | | | | | | (4%) | | | | | | US (2%) | | Singapore | | | | | | US (2%) | (5%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 190110 | Food | Phili | Phili | Singapore | | | | preparation for | ppines(59%) | ppines(44%) | (40%) | | | | infant use, put | | | | | | | up for retail | Denmark | Denmark | Malaysia | | | | sale, nesoi | (17%) | (39%) | (34%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Netherlands | US (8%) | Ireland | | | | | (9%) | | (13%) | | | | | | Netherlands | | | | | | US (7%) | (5%) | Phil | | | | | | | ippines(7%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Denmark | | | | | | | (2%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | US (2%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 2009 | Fruit juices nt | Australia | Australia | Australia | | | | fortified W Vit | (33%) | (40%) | (44%) | | | | or Minls (incl | | | | | | | grape must) & | Brazil | Brazil | Malaysia | | | | vegetable | (19%) | (13%) | (6%) | | | | juices, | | | | | | | unfermented & | Austria | US (9%) | US (6%) | | | | nt containing | (11%) | | | | | | add spirit, | | Malaysia | Brazil (6%) | | | | whet or nt | US (6%) | (7%) | | | | | containing | | | China (5%) | | | | added sweetng | Malaysia | Austria | | | | | | (5%) | (5%) | Japan (4%) | | | | | | | | | | | | China (4%) | China (4%) | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 200 | Tomato puree, | China (45%) | China (74%) | China (74%) | | | 290110 | tomato paste in | | | | | | | airtight | Turkey | Turkey | Turkey | | | | containers | (39%) | (13%) | (11%) | | | | | | | | | | | | US (10%) | US (11%) | US (10%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 2104 | Soups and | Malaysia | Malaysia | Malaysia | | | | broths and | (29%) | (38%) | (62%) | | | | preparations | | | | | | | therefor', | Japan (25%) | Japan (32%) | Japan (18%) | | | | homogenized | | | | | | | composite food | US (22%) | US (10%) | US (6%) | | | | preparations | | | | | | | | Thailand | Thailand | China (3%) | | | | | (8%) | (9%) | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 2007 | Jams, fruit | Thailand | Australia | Brazil | | | | jellies, | (30%) | (16%) | (28%) | | | | marmalades, | | | | | | | fruit or nut | China (17%) | Belgium | Austria | | | | pure and fruit | | (10%) | (16%) | | | | or nut pastes, | Australia | | | | | | being cooked | (14%) | US (10%) | Australia | | | | preparation, | | | (12%) | | | | whether or not | US (9%) | Netherlands | | | | | containing | | (8%) | Taiwan (9%) | | | | added | | | | | | | sweetening | | Malaysia | US (6%) | | | | | | (7%) | | | | | | | | Belgium | | | | | | France (7%) | (4%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 1602 | Prepared or | China (46%) | China (58%) | China (65%) | | | | preserved meat, | | | | | | | meat offal or | France | US (13%) | France | | | | blood, nesoi | (41%) | | (11%) | | | | | | France | | | | | | US (4%) | (11%) | US (6%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Australia | Australia | Australia | | | | | (3%) | (5%) | (6%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0307 | Molluscs & Oth | Taiwan | Taiwan | Taiwan | | | | aquatic | (42%) | (35%) | (29%) | | | | invertebrata | | | | | | | nesoi, live, | South Korea | China (20%) | Sout | | | | frsh, chilld, | (36%) | | hKorea(25%) | | | | frzn, dried, | | South Korea | | | | | saltd or in | China (8%) | (13%) | China (18%) | | | | brine; flours, | | | | | | | meals & pellets | Malaysia | Japan (11%) | Japan (9%) | | | | of aqua | (4%) | | | | | | inverteb hum | | Singapore | India (6%) | | | | consumptn | US (3%) | (9%) | | | | | | | | US (2%) | | | | | | US (5%) | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 2203 | Beer made from | Singapore | Singapore | Singapore | | | | malt | (57%) | (39%) | (51%) | | | | | | | | | | | | US (17%) | Australia | US (22%) | | | | | | (25%) | | | | | | Australia | | Mexico (9%) | | | | | (16%) | US (20%) | | | | | | | | Canada (7%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Australia | | | | | | | (6%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0304 | Fish fillets | Japan (20%) | Japan (17%) | Malaysia | | | | and other fish | | | (16%) | | | | meat (whether | Vietnam | Thailand | | | | | or not minced), | (13%) | (12%) | Singapore | | | | fresh, chilled | | | (15%) | | | | or frozen | Tanzania | Malaysia | | | | | | (7%) | (8%) | Japan (14%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Kenya (7%) | Singapore | Norway (7%) | | | | | | (8%) | | | | | | US (5%) | | Vietnam | | | | | | US (3%) | (4%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | Kenya (3%) | US (3%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 2105 | Ice cream and | US (39%) | US (80%) | Canada | | | | other edible | | | (42%) | | | | ice, whther or | Canada | Australia | | | | | not containing | (20%) | (6%) | Japan (30%) | | | | cocoa | | | | | | | | Australia | Canada (3%) | France | | | | | (11%) | | (14%) | | | | | | France (3%) | | | | | | France (8%) | | Australia | | | | | | | (4%) | | | | | China (7%) | | | | | | | | | US (3%) | | | | | Hongkong | | | | | | | (7%) | | New Zealand | | | | | | | 2%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 1704 | Sugar | Phili | Phili | China (54%) | | | | convectionary | ppines(30%) | ppines(27%) | | | | | (including | | | Phili | | | | white | Italy (16%) | China (15%) | ppines(15%) | | | | chocolate), not | | | | | | | containing | Malaysia | Malaysia | Switzerland | | | | cocoa | (9%) | (10%) | (5%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Swit | Italy (9%) | Malaysia | | | | | zerland(7%) | | (4%) | | | | | | Australia | | | | | | China (7%) | (8%) | UK (4%) | | | | | | | | | | | | Spain (6%) | Swit | South | | | | | | zerland(6%) | Africa (3%) | | | | | Thailand | | | | | | | (5%) | UK (6%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | US (1%) | Thailand | | | | | | | (5%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | US (2%) | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 0302 | Fish, fresh or | China (30%) | Norway | Norway | | | | chilled, | | (26%) | (36%) | | | | excluding fish | Norway | | | | | | fillet and | (27%) | Japan (22%) | Japan (26%) | | | | other fish meat | | | | | | | whitout bones; | Malaysia | Australia | China (13%) | | | | fish livers and | (13%) | (19%) | | | | | roes, fresh or | | | Australia | | | | chilled | Australia | Malaysia | (10%) | | | | | (13%) | (12%) | | | | | | | | Malaysia | | | | | Taiwan (8%) | China (10%) | (5%) | | | | | | | | | | | | US (1%) | US (5%) | US (3%) | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ | 2208 | Ethyl alcohol, | Spain (52%) | Singapore | Australia | | | | undenatured, of | | (23%) | (25%) | | | | an alcoholic | Singapore | | | | | | strength by | (10%) | Australia | Singapore | | | | volume of under | | (21%) | (22%) | | | | 80% Vol; | France (8%) | | | | | | spirits, | | Japan (17%) | UK (17%) | | | | liqueurs and | Australia | | | | | | other | (8%) | Germany | US (8%) | | | | spirituous | | (10%) | | | | | beverages | Germany | | Germany | | | | | (8%) | UK (8%) | (8%) | | | | | | | | | | | | UK (4%) | Netherlands | France (6%) | | | | | | (6%) | | | | | | US (2%) | | Denmark | | | | | | Hungary | (5%) | | | | | | (3%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Peru (3%) | | | +--------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---+ **Apendix B: EUROMONITOR DEFINITION** Hypermarket: A store with a retail sales area of over 2,500 sqm, with at least 35% of selling space devoted to non-foods. Frequently on out-of-town sites or as the anchor store in a shopping center Supermarkets: A store with a selling area of between 400 and 2,500 sqm, selling at least 70% foodstuufs and everyday commodities. However, smaller (under 100 sqm) and larger (\>2,500 sqm) supermarket stores which are common in some ot the countries under review (Asian countires) Convenience stores : Shop selling a wide range of goods with extended opening hours and fitting the following characteristics: Opening 7 days a week. Opening 9am or earlier on 6 or more dys a week. Closing 8pm or later on 6 or more days of the week. Lunch closing no more than 1 day a week. Handling 2 or more of the following product categories: Pre-recorded videos (for sale or rent). Take-away food (ready made sandwiches, rolls or hot food). Newspapers or magazine. Cut flowers or pot plants. Greeting cards. Independent grocers: A retailer owning and operating one or more (but fewer than ten) retail outlets, but not affiliated to any other business; mainly family business or partnership, were food accounts for at least 50% of total retail sales. Co-operatives: Cooperatives are societies affiliated to the world wide federation of cooperative, founded in 1895 to promote fair trading. In each country where cooperatives function there are a number of societies controlling a series of retail outlets. Usually /media/pszemraj/PeterTrove/project-files/DATA/ms-word-files/big-DOC/093132.doc
**HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS (HSV) MODULE** **CASE STUDY** Roberta Patterson is a 26-year-old woman who presents for her first prenatal visit. She is concerned for her baby because of her husband Franklin's history of genital herpes. She states that she is 6 weeks pregnant. **History** - Roberta has never had symptoms of vaginal or oral herpes. - She was diagnosed and treated for chlamydia seven years ago (age 19); no other STD diagnoses reported. - Her 26-year-old husband had his first episode of genital herpes during his last year of high school; no other STD diagnoses reported. - Her husband (and sex partner for the last 16 months) has not had HSV lesions visible since she's been sexually active with him, and reports having had no prodromal symptoms or symptoms of active disease. - She has had no sex partners, other than her husband, for the last 16 months. **Physical Exam** - Vital signs: blood pressure 112/68, pulse 58, respiration 13, temperature 38.5° C - Cooperative, good historian - Chest, heart, musculoskeletal, and abdominal exams within normal limits - Uterus consistent with a 6-week pregnancy - Normal vaginal exam without signs of lesions or discharge - No lymphadenopathy 1\. Which HSV general education messages should be discussed with Roberta? 2\. Given that Roberta's husband Franklin has a history of genital herpes, would it be appropriate to test Roberta for genital herpes using a type-specific serologic test? 3\. What other STD screening should be considered for Roberta? **Roberta's Laboratory Results** - HSV gG-based type-specific serologies: HSV-1 negative; HSV-2 positive - DNA probe for *Chlamydia trachomatis*: negative - Culture for *Neisseria gonorrhoeae*: negative - RPR: nonreactive - HIV antibody test: negative - Pregnancy test: positive 4\. What would you tell Roberta about her HSV infection, based on clinical manifestations and test results? 5\. Would routine viral cultures during Roberta\'s pregnancy be recommended? **Partner Management** Sex partner and exposure information: Franklin Patterson - First sexual exposure: 16 months ago - Last sexual exposure: 1 month ago - History of genital herpes infection; first episode 8 years ago. No HSV testing or treatment at time of first episode or with subsequent episodes. - No history of other STDs. 6\. Franklin reports genital lesions during Roberta\'s sixth month of pregnancy. Which laboratory tests should be performed on him? **Laboratory Results for Franklin** - Franklin\'s laboratory test results are as follows: - HSV cultures: HSV-1 negative; HSV-2 positive - DNA probe for *Chlamydia trachomatis*: negative - Culture for *Neisseria gonorrhoeae*: negative - RPR: nonreactive - DFA: negative for *Treponema pallidum* - HIV antibody test: negative 7\. What is an appropriate episodic treatment for Franklin? **Follow-Up** Roberta had no HSV symptoms during her pregnancy. Roberta opted to take the acyclovir treatment in late pregnancy after a discussion with her certified nurse-midwife that included the following points: - The safety of systemic acyclovir therapy in pregnant women has not been established. - Preliminary data suggest that acyclovir treatment late in pregnancy might diminish the frequency of HSV occurrence at term that would necessitate an abdominal delivery. At onset of labor, she reported no prodromal or other HSV symptoms and no lesions were found on examination. After a 14-hour labor, she vaginally delivered a healthy 7.2 lb baby girl. 8\. What questions should ALL women beginning labor (regardless of their history of genital HPV infection) be asked? 9\. If Roberta had genital herpetic lesions at the onset of labor, should she deliver vaginally or abdominally? What is the risk to the infant? 10\. Roberta is asymptomatic at the time of delivery. Is it medically appropriate for her to deliver vaginally? 11\. If Roberta had acquired genital herpes around the time of delivery, would she be more or less likely to transmit genital herpes to her baby during a vaginal delivery than if she had a history of recurrent genital herpes?
**DA 07-2149** **May 23, 2007** **Comment Cycle Established for Commission's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regarding an Interim Cap on High-Cost Universal Service Support for Competitive Eligible Telecommunications Carriers** **WC Docket No. 05-337** **CC Docket No. 96-45** On May 14, 2007, the Commission released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, seeking comment on the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service's recommendation that the Commission adopt an interim, emergency cap on high-cost universal service support for competitive eligible telecommunications carriers.[^1] The Commission set the comment and reply comment deadlines as 14 and 21 days, respectively, after publication of the *Notice* in the Federal Register. On May 23, 2007, a summary of the *Notice* appeared in the Federal Register.[^2] Accordingly, **comments will be due on June 6, 2007,** and **reply comments will be due on June 13, 2007**. For comment filing requirements, please consult the *Notice*.[^3] For further information regarding this proceeding, contact Ted Burmeister, Wireline Competition Bureau, at 202-418-7389. **-FCC-** [^1]: *Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service*, WC Docket No. 05-337, CC Docket No. 96-45, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 07-88 (rel. May 14, 2007) *(Notice*); *Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service*, WC Docket No. 05-337, CC Docket No. 96-45, Recommended Decision, FCC 07J-1 (Fed.-State Jt. Bd., rel. May 1, 2007) *(Recommended Decision*). [^2]: *See* 72 Fed. Reg. 28936. [^3]: *See Notice* at paras. 9-12.
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**Opening Statement** **Chairman Dan Burton** **Subcommittee on Human Rights & Wellness** **Government Reform Committee** **"International Child Abduction:** **The Absence of Rights of Abducted American Citizens in Saudi Arabia"** **July 9, 2003** **While I was Chairman of the Full Committee on Government Reform, I initiated an investigation into the illegal kidnappings of American citizens to Saudi Arabia. There are several facts regarding Saudi Arabian law and culture that make these international child abduction cases noteworthy.** **First, Saudi law gives Saudi men extraordinary power over their wives and children. A Saudi man literally owns his wife and children. As a result, the wife or child of a Saudi man may not leave Saudi Arabia without his prior written permission. There have been many cases in which adult female American citizens have been unable to leave Saudi Arabia because they have not been able to obtain the written permission of their male guardian, regardless of their Constitutionally guaranteed rights as American citizens.** **Second, Saudi Arabia is not a signatory nation to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction; the Hague Convention treaty puts into place general guidelines regarding how to handle international child abduction and international custody disputes. Accordingly, there are NO legal standards governing the return of kidnapped children from Saudi Arabia.** **Our investigation from the last Congress led to numerous hearings, several legislative proposals, and even a Congressional Delegation to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in August of 2002.** **Although it has been nearly a year since that visit, I will NEVER forget the tears on the faces of the American women who literally risked their lives to come and speak with me. Nor will I forget how terrified they were of the physical torture or even death that they might face if their Saudi husbands found out that they had gone to or been in touch with the U.S. Embassy. These women live in a constant state of fear, and it is time that the American government did something about it.** **Because of the attention that the issue of international child abduction has received since we started this investigation, we have seen some marked improvements in the way that these situations are dealt with. Before, the custodial American parents were given NO hope that their sons and daughters would ever be returned to them. We are now starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel, although we have quite a ways to go before we completely emerge from the darkness.** **Ms. Sarah Saga, who is here with us today, who until recently was held in Saudi Arabia against her will since she was 5 years old. Ms. Saga is now 24 years old. Just a month ago, she courageously risked her life and fled to the United States Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with her two children, son Ibrahim age 5, and daughter Hanin age 3.** **After a 10-day stay in the U.S. Consulate, Ms. Saga was able to secure safe passage for herself back to the United States to be with her mother, Debbie Dornier. Up until June 24^th^ of this year, they had not seen each other for nearly twenty years. Unfortunately, the reunion was bittersweet for Ms. Saga, who in exchange for her freedom, had to leave behind her two children in the custody of their Saudi-national father.** **Ms. Maura Harty, the Assistant Secretary of Consular Affairs for the Department of State, is also here with us today. Both she and Secretary of State Colin Powell have been working hard to bring back the American citizens who are being held against their will in Saudi Arabia. Ms. Harty is here to update this Committee on how the Department of State is handling these international child abduction cases.** **Also in attendance is Mr. Stuart Verdery, the Assistant Secretary of Policy for the Department of Homeland Security, who is here today to observe our proceedings. I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for taking time out of his busy schedule to observe our hearing today.** **A representative of the Embassy of the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ms. Manal Radwan, is also here to talk with us about the Saudi policy on the abductions of American citizens to Saudi Arabia. Ms. Radwan will hopefully explain why the Saudi government has not been more helpful in assisting the U.S. in these cases, and what steps they plan to take to ensure the safe return of American citizens who wish to leave Saudi Arabia. We are also very interested to talk with her about the possibility of Saudi Arabia becoming a signatory nation to the Hague Convention, which is the crucial next step for the Saudi government to take in order to prove their commitment to resolving these cases.** **The solution is clear: it is imperative for the United States Congress and our Department of State to work together to bring the necessary diplomatic and legal pressure to bear that will guarantee the safe return of these U.S. citizens who are being held against their will.** **It is also time for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to join the 21^st^ century and finally become a signatory nation of the Hague Convention. I believe that if we can take these two important next steps, we will be well on our way to resolving many of these heartbreaking international child abduction cases.**
**CAP COMPLIANCE FOR FIRST-CLASS MAIL PRICE CHANGES** **I. PREFACE** The overall percentage increase for First-Class Mail is 3.77 percent, slightly below the 3.8 percent allowed under the Available Rate Change Authority. USPS R2009-2/1 contains the workpapers which demonstrate that the percentage change in First-Class Mail prices complies with the Available Rate Change Authority. It consists of this summary document, and three sets of Excel workpapers described in detail below. **II. ORGANIZATION** For purposes of calculating the percentage change in prices, First-Class Mail includes both domestic First-Class Mail and Single-Piece First-Class Mail International (FCMI). The Excel file labeled **CAPCALC-FCM-FY2009.xls** contains the billing determinants, current prices, adjusted prices and revenue calculations for First-Class Mail. The percentage rate change calculations in that file include total revenue and pieces from Single-Piece First- Class Mail International (FCMI) derived from the Excel file labeled **CAPCALC-FCMI-FY2009.xls**. This latter file contains the billing determinants, current prices, adjusted prices, and revenue calculations for Outbound Single-Piece FCMI. Inbound Single-Piece First-Class Mail International -- Letter-Post (Inbound FCMI) is a service that the Postal Service is required to offer under the treaty obligations of its membership in the Universal Post Union (UPU). With the exception of Inbound FCMI received from Canada Post, the rates for this service are set by the UPU. Rates for Inbound FCMI received from Canada Post are set through a bilateral agreement between the Postal Service and Canada Post. The rates for all Inbound FCMI provide compensation for the cost of delivering inbound mail from foreign countries. Rates are adjusted on a calendar year basis, with the most recent rate change taking place on January 1, 2009. Since Inbound FCMI is included in the First-Class Mail classification, this price change is incorporated into the cap-compliance measurement. The billing determinants, rates and detailed cap calculations for Inbound FCMI are presented in **Inbound FCMI CAP February 2009.xls**. In separate sections below, the remainder of this document describes the contents of the above referenced workpapers: CAPCALC-FCM-FY2009.xls, CAPCALC-FCMI-FY2009.xls, and Inbound FCMI CAP February 2009.xls. **III. First-Class Mail** A. **Adjustments to the Billing Determinants** As described below, the workpapers in CAPCALC-FCM-FY2009.xls are based upon the FY2008 billing determinants from Docket No. ACR2008, USPS FY2008 Annual Compliance Report, USPS-FY08-4 (December 29, 2008), but reflect the adjustments discussed below. After the cover page and the index there are thirteen tabs. The first tab ("FY08 BD") has the annual billing determinants for FY2008, as reported in the ACR. Minor volume adjustments are made to the billing determinants to match the RPW which is based on new classifications. Billing Determinants were prepared using the old classifications. Absentee ballots and First-Class Mail Single-Piece Military Mail that are reported as part of First-Class Mail Single-Piece in the FY08 billing determinants are reported under Free Mail in the RPW report. Besides these adjustments for Single-Piece, Automation Carrier Route Letter volume, a rate category that does not currently exist, is also used to adjust the billing determinants. This volume is added to 5-Digit Automation Letters to derive the volume distribution for cap calculation. These adjustments are detailed in the second tab "adjustments." As a result of these adjustments, the volumes in the fourth tab "ADJ. FY08-Current Rates" match the RPW volumes. The third tab "IM FS Incentive" calculates the dollar amount for Intelligent Mail ® Barcode Full Service incentive for qualifying pieces. Certain categories of letter- and flat-shaped mail will become eligible for an Intelligent Mail® Full Service option price incentive, planned to begin on November 29, 2009. The revenues calculated using the new prices have been adjusted to account for a reasonable number of mail pieces that will participate in the program and receive the planned 0.3 cent per piece incentive. Worksheet "IM FS Incentive" provides the details of this calculation. In Row 2 Column C, a Full Service Adoption Fraction is provided for First-Class Mail Automation Letters. In Row 16 Column C, similar information is provided for First-Class Mail Automation Flats. Row 30 column C provides the Full Service Adoption Fraction for First-Class Mail Automation Cards. The Full Service Adoption Fraction is the percentage of eligible volume by major pricing category that the Postal Service expects will adopt the Full Service Program. Within First-Class Mail, only Automation Letters, Flats, and Cards will be eligible to participate in the program. Based on interactions with mailers and other information, Postal Service management has estimated the percentages of eligible mail that it reasonably expects will participate in the Intelligent Mail Full Service Program following implementation on November 29, 2009. The Full Service Program Implementation Fraction is the fraction of annual volume that is expected to qualify for the program incentive. It is based on the fraction of the year that the incentive program will be in effect: 23 weeks out of 52 weeks, or approximately 44.2 percent. This ratio is provided in Worksheet "IMb FS Incentive Calculation", Column E. Rows 2, 16, and 30 provide the Full Service Implementation Fraction for Automation Letters, Automation Flats and Automation Cards, respectively. The Full Service Implementation Fraction is used to estimate the volume that is eligible for this discount. This volume is multiplied by \$0.003 to estimate the revenue included in the revenue calculation for compliance with Available Rate Change Authority. B. **Revenue and Percentage Rate Change Calculations** The prices for each First-Class Mail rate cell are presented in USPS Notice of Market-Dominant Price Adjustment, Appendix A. In CAPCALC-FCM-FY2008.xls., subject to the adjustments discussed above, the Docket No. ACR2008 billing determinants for FY2008, were used as the basis for the weighting to calculate the percentage rate changes for domestic First-Class Mail. The following pair of CAPCALC-FCM-FY2009.xls tabs \-- "ADJ. FY08- Current Rates" and "ADJ. FY08 New Rates" \-- provide the adjusted volume multiplied by current and adjusted rates. All of the volume cells are linked to the previous tabs. Revenue is calculated by multiplying the same volume by the current and adjusted rates. A row is added for Single-Piece First-Class Mail International in both of these tabs. The source data for Single-Piece First-Class Mail International are from the CAPCALC-FCMI-FY2009.xls tab labeled "Cap Calculation." The sixth tab (not including the cover page and index sheets) "Old Classifications" calculates the percent changes using the old classifications. Single-Piece Letters (including Flats and Parcels), Single-Piece Cards, Presort Letters (including Flats and Parcels) and Presort Cards. The next four tabs in CAPCALC-FCM-FY2009.xls., provide the same information for each of the following: ▪ *SP* \[Single-Piece\] *Letters and Cards*; ▪ *Presort Letters & Cards*; ▪ *First-Class Flats*; and ▪ *First-Class Parcels*. These tabs provide the Before and After Rates postage using the same volume, and calculate the percent increase for each product. The next two tabs in CAPCALC-FCM-FY2009.xls (see "Workshare Passthroughs L, F & P" and "Workshare Passthroughs Cards") replicate the First-Class Mail workshare passthrough tabs from ACR-FY08-03, but with one significant difference. The discounts in these tabs are calculated on the basis of the adjusted Docket No. R2009-2 rates, as opposed to the rates implemented as a result of Docket R2008-1. Each one of the passthroughs that significantly deviate from 100 percent is discussed in USPS Notice of Market-Dominant Price Adjustment, in the section Workshare Discounts. The final tab in CAPCALC-FCM-FY2009.xls (appropriately labeled "Summary") provides a summary of percentage price changes by products. **IV. Outbound Single-Piece First-Class Mail International** Below are detailed descriptions of the revenue cap calculation for Outbound Single Piece First-Class Mail International (FCMI) letters, flats, parcels, and cards. The results of these calculations for U.S. origin FCMI and the end result of the analogous calculation for Inbound FCMI are consolidated in the *CAP CALCULATION* tab of CAPCALC--FCMI--FY2009.xls. The collective rate increase for all components of FCMI is 4.14 percent. > **A. FCMI Letters, Flats and Parcels** > > **1. Starting Point** The billing determinants for FY 2008 Outbound Single-Piece First-Class Mail International (FCMI) are provided in the *FY 2008 FCMI* tab of CAPCALC--FCMI--FY2009.xls. While the billing determinant volumes for FCMI letters are organized in three one-ounce increments plus the 3.5 ounce weight step, the billing determinant volumes for FCMI flats and parcels are organized in one-ounce increments up to 8 ounces and then four-ounce increments (12,16,20,24, etc.) up to four pounds, in the same way the rate schedule is delineated. A volume adjustment factor of 1.1167 was applied to all rate groups to match with the total FCMI volume in the FY 2008 RPW Report. The volume adjustment factor was derived by dividing total RPW volume by total billing determinant volume. > **2. Calculating Revenue under the May 2008 Rates** The adjusted billing determinants are the basis of all revenue calculations using the May 2008 rates in the *FCMI REVENUE COMPARISON* tab of CAPCALC--FCMI--FY2009.xls. For each rate group, the May 2008 rates at each weight step for FCMI letters, flats, and parcels (cells G2 -- I312) are multiplied by the corresponding volumes (cells A2 -- D312) to produce the revenue for each FCMI shape at each weight step under the May 2008 rates (cells R2 -- T312). These totals are then summed to determine the total revenue for each weight step (cells W2 -- W312). The total revenue of \$698,303,024 (cell W314) generated from the May 2008 rates for all rate groups is the benchmark for the comparison with the total revenue generated by the adjusted rates. > **3. Calculating Revenue under the Adjusted Rates** The adjusted billing determinants are the basis of all revenue calculations using the adjusted rates in the *FCMI REVENUE COMPARISON* tab of CAPCALC--FCMI--FY2009.xls. For each rate group, the adjusted rates at each weight step for FCMI letters, flats, and parcels (cells J2 -- L312) are multiplied by the corresponding volumes (cells A2 -- D312) to produce the revenue for each FCMI shape at each weight step under the adjusted rates (cells N2 -- P312). These totals are then summed to determine the total revenue for each weight step (cells V2 -- V312). The total revenue of \$730,281,984 (cell V314) generated from the adjusted rates for all rate groups is 4.58 percent greater than the total revenue obtained from the May 2008 rates. > **4. Cap Calculation for the Nonmachinable Surcharge** A \$0.20 per-piece surcharge is currently applied to any Outbound FCMI letter weighing three and a half ounces or less with one or more nonmachinable characteristics. For cap-calculation purposes, the volume of FCMI pieces that incurred the surcharge was estimated using FY 2008 data. The FY 2008 data showed that 0.61 percent of FCMI was nonmachinable. Applying this proportion to the benchmark volume of 395,954,815 for FCMI yields 2,415,324 total pieces that incurred the surcharge in FY 2008. Multiplying this volume by \$0.20 yields \$483,065 in total revenue for both revenue columns in the *CAP CALCULATION* tab. > **B. FCMI Cards** 1. **Starting Point** The billing determinants for First-Class Mail International (FCMI) Cards are provided in the *FY 2008 FCMI CARDS* tab of CAPCALC--FCMI--FY2009.xls. A volume adjustment factor of 1.07944 was applied to all rate groups to match with the total FCMI Card volume in the FY 2008 RPW Report. The volume adjustment factor was derived by dividing total RPW volume by total billing determinant volume. 2. **Calculating Revenue under the May 2008 Rates** The first step presents the volumes for FCMI rate groups 1 and 2 and combines rate groups 3 -- 9 into a "rest-of-the-world" rate group to produce three rate groups (Canada, Mexico, and Rest of World) for FCMI Cards. The volumes for the three rate groups appear in cells C21 -- E21 of the *FY 2008 FCMI CARDS* tab and are referenced in cells D11 -- D15 of the *CAP CALCULATION (CARDS)* tab. The next step involves multiplying the May 2008 rate for each rate group (cells F11 -- F15) by the respective volume (cells D11 -- D15) to obtain the total revenue for each group (cells H11 -- H15). Summing the revenue for each rate group yields \$21,336,550 (cell H18) in total revenue, which is the benchmark for the comparison with the total revenue generated by the May 2009 rates. 3. **Calculating Revenue under the Adjusted Rates** The adjusted rates for FCMI Cards in 2009 (cells J11 -- J15) are multiplied by the same rate-group volumes (cells D11 -- D15) to produce the total revenue for each group under adjusted rates (cells L11 -- L15). The resulting total revenue of \$22,246,822 (cell L18) is a 4.27 percent increase over the revenue generated from the May 2008 rates. **V. Inbound Single-Piece First-Class Mail International** Inbound Single-piece First-Class Mail International Inbound Single-piece First-Class Mail International (Inbound FCMI) is a service the Postal Service is required to offer under the treaty obligations of its membership in the Universal Post Union (UPU). With the exception of Inbound FCMI received from Canada Post, the rates for this service are set by the UPU. Since the rates for Inbound FCMI received from Canada Post are set under a negotiated agreement between the Postal Service and Canada Post, under Rule 24 of Section 3010, the Canada Inbound FCMI volume and weight totals are excluded from the cap calculation. The rates for Inbound FCMI, also known as terminal dues, provide compensation for the cost of delivering inbound mail from foreign countries. Rates are adjusted on a calendar basis with the most recent rate change taking place on January 1, 2009. Inbound Air Letters and Surface AO volume and weight data were used from the FY 2008 inbound FCMI billing determinants, which are included in the FY 2008 International Cost and Revenue Analysis (ICRA) Report. Since Inbound Registered Mail is not considered to be Inbound FCMI volume, the only adjustment to the billing determinants was the exclusion of Inbound Registered Mail from the Other Countries data. The *Inbound FCMI BD* tab of Inbound FCMI CAP February 2009.xls contains the modified billing determinants and references to where the data are located in the ICRA files. The *Inbound FCMI Rates* tab of Inbound FCMI CAP February 2009.xls contains the rates we charge for delivery of inbound FCMI. These rates consist of one per item charge and one per kilogram charge and are denominated in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). Rate changes take place on a calendar year basis so the rate change is the difference in the rates from December 31, 2008, to January 1, 2009. *The Inbound FCMI Rates* tab also contains data on the conversion of the item and kilogram charges from SDRs to \$U.S. The conversion factor used was the January 5, 2009 exchange rate of 1 SDR equals \$1.519413. *The Inbound FCMI Rates* tab also contains the factor for the conversion of the kilogram charge to pounds, which is 1 kilogram equals 2.2046 pounds. The *Inbound FCMI CAP Calculation* tab of Inbound FCMI CAP February 2009.xls contains the volume and weight data from the *Inbound FCMI BD* tab and the 2008 and 2009 rates from the *Inbound FCMI Rates* tab. Multiplying the volume and weight by the CY 2008 rate equals the "current" revenue. Multiplying the volume and weight by the CY 2009 rate equals the "new" revenue. The *Inbound FCMI CAP Calculation* tab then shows the Percent Change by dividing the new revenue by the current revenue. The total Percent Change of Inbound FCMI total revenue is 1.95 percent (cell J31). One addition to the Percent Change is included in the *Inbound FCMI CAP Calculation* tab. Air conveyance charges are the UPU rates that the Postal Service is allowed to charge for remuneration of additional air transportation delivery costs of Inbound FCMI. Air conveyance charges are based on SDRs per kilogram and changed on January 1, 2009. The *Inbound FCMI BD* tab contains the weight in kilograms from the FY 2008 ICRA (cell H8). This weight is converted to pounds by multiplying the kilogram total by 2.2046 (cell H16). The *Inbound FCMI Rates* tab contains the rates that the Postal Service charges for air conveyance. The rates are converted from SDRs per kilogram to \$U.S. per pound in the same manner described above. The *Inbound FCMI CAP Calculation* tab contains the weight data from the *Inbound FCMI BD* tab and the 2008 and 2009 rates for air conveyance from the *Inbound FCMI Rates* tab. Multiplying the weight by the CY 2008 rate equals the "current" revenue. Multiplying the volume and weight by the CY 2009 rate equals the "new" revenue. The *Inbound FCMI CAP Calculation* tab then shows the Percent Change for air conveyance by dividing the new revenue by the current revenue. The total Percent Change of air conveyance revenue is 0.94 percent (cell J33). The *Inbound FCMI CAP Calculation* tab then combines the air conveyance revenues with the terminal dues revenues. The total Inbound FCMI rate increase is calculated to be 1.93 percent (cell J35). This figure feeds into the final tab (CAP CALCULATION) of the CAPCALC--FCMI--FY2009.xls spreadsheet.
![](media/image1.jpeg){width="1.5in" height="0.5277777777777778in"} **Sandia National Laboratories** **Contract Audit** **ECC Instructions** **Cost Reimbursable Type Contracts** ## [User Information:]{.underline} The following information does not supercede any statute, regulation or policy that is, was or will be in effect. It is designed as a tool to answer general questions that are commonly posed by contractors that are subject to audits from the Sandia Contract Audit Department (hereinafter, Contract Audit). For specific questions pertaining to your contract, contact the appropriate Sandia Contracting Representative (SCR) listed on your contract. **Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States** **Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.** []{#_Table_of_Contents .anchor}**[Table of Contents:]{.underline}** [User Information 1](#user-information) > [Step by Step Instructions for Cost Reimbursable Cost Claim > 2](#step-by-step-instructions-for-cost-reimbursable-electronic-cost-claim-ecc) > > [Unallowable Costs 5](#unallowable-costs) [Indirect Rates 5](#indirect-rates)[When Do I Need to Submit a Cost Claim? 6](#when-do-i-need-to-submit-a-cost-claim) [Where Do I Send It? 6](#__RefHeading___Toc60906020) ### Step by Step Instructions for Cost Reimbursable Electronic Cost Claim (ECC): In preparing the ECC we recommend each contractor reconcile their claim to the general ledger amount to ensure that all costs are properly accounted for. Costs previously claimed in error can be adjusted out of your claim. For universities and other educational institutions, we have provided an "Example University Claim." The primary difference between the requirements for a business and an educational institution is that faculty salaries and student salaries (or wages) must be segregated. This facilitates the correct application of labor overhead rates. It is imperative that the correct overhead rates are used with the appropriate cost bases. All ECCs should be submitted in a single Excel workbook with separate worksheets for each contract. There should be a separate submission for each fiscal year. If templates or examples have not previously been provided they are available at <> Step by step instructions for filling out the Cost Reimbursable contract type ECC template are as follows: - Company Name: Insert the name of your company, university, laboratory, etc. - Contract Number: Insert the contract number shown on the SNL contract cover page. You may also include in parentheses, your own unique contractor number if one has been assigned to it. - Period of Performance: Insert the current period of performance beginning and ending dates from your contract. The period of performance end dates (POP end) routinely change so it is important that you refer to the most recent contract revision or amendment. - Contract Ceiling Amount: The maximum authorized amount that may be billed to the contract can be found in your contract document. Use the most recent revised or amended amount. Contact your Sandia Contracting Representative (SCR) if you have any questions. - Fiscal Year: Insert your entity's fiscal year to which the claimed costs apply. - Month: Insert the month of the year. The first month listed should be the first month of your fiscal year. For example, business entities with a June 30 FYE would show July as the first month. - Indirect Rate: Insert the rate, if any, which you applied to your direct costs. This column may be used to calculate the amount of indirect costs claimed, by multiplying the appropriate rate times the applicable direct cost(s). Please see the "Indirect Rate" section below in this document for additional information. - Direct Labor: Insert actual direct labor costs by major labor cost category for each accounting period. Segregate university professor and professional labor from student labor. Examples of major labor cost categories would be Engineer III, Geologist I, Machinist IV, and Systems Analyst II. Insert zeros if direct labor is not charged to the contract. - Direct Labor Overhead: Insert the overhead rates associated with your claimed direct labor charges if this are being claimed and billed. If there is more than one direct labor overhead rate used, list them separately. Examples include: Off-site direct labor overhead, on-site direct labor overhead, overtime direct labor overhead. All claimed indirect rates must be allowable, allocable, and audited or approved by your cognizant agency. Please see the "Indirect Rate" section below in this document for additional information. - Direct Materials: List the actual direct material costs for each accounting period. - Direct Material Handling Rate: If you are claiming a direct material-handling rate, show that separately. All claimed indirect rates must be allowable, allocable, and audited or approved by your cognizant agency. Please see the "Indirect Rate" section below in this document for additional information. - Direct Travel: List applicable travel charges for each accounting period. - G&A (General and Administrative Rate): Insert amounts claimed for G&A. All claimed indirect rates must be allowable, allocable, and audited or approved by your cognizant agency. Please see the "Indirect Rate" section below in this document for additional information. - Subcontracts/Consultant/Temporary Labor: List the costs associated with these items. ***If these charges account for more than 10% of all contract charges, the contractor is responsible for providing to Sandia, a cost claim that has been prepared by the subcontractor, consultant or temporary labor provider showing their claimed charges associated with the contract.*** These shall be submitted concurrently with your (the prime contractor's) cost claim using the same or similar format. Subcontractor's, Consultants and temporary Labor providers are also subject to audit. - Other Direct Costs (ODCs): For any other direct costs that you are claiming, segregate those costs accordingly. Some examples may include: Licensing fees, equipment leases, shipping and handling, taxes, etc. Feel free to add additional columns if deemed necessary for major cost categories which are unique to your contract. - Total Costs: Total of all costs claimed. - Fee: Total amount of fee earned at the rate specified in your contract. - Fee Withheld: Amount of fee earned that has not yet been billed. - Amount per General Ledger: Amount of costs associated with the contract and booked to your General Ledger (G/L). - Invoice/Credits/Payments Resulting from prior audit adjustments: If the contract(s) that you are submitting cost claim information for has (have) been previously audited, it is very important that you include amounts you billed to Sandia and/or amounts you paid to Sandia, i.e., issuing a check or credit memo to Sandia, reducing an invoice amount, etc., as a result of prior audit findings. These amounts should be reported separately from your regular invoice amounts in the appropriate column of the cost claim template. The check, invoice or credit number and date should be clearly identified. Use the column marked "Invoice /Credits/Payments..." to report these amounts. Use the "Comments" column to explain the origin of each. Omission of this information could result in a bill back or payment errors when the contract is closed out. - Adjustments: Include any amounts that you have over billed or under billed to Sandia and discovered subsequent to the billings. This could be due to errors or omissions. This is an opportunity to claim any corrections noted as part of your review. - Total Amount Claimed: This amount should equal the amount shown "Per the General Ledger," plus or minus any adjustments due to prior audit findings, and plus or minus any "Adjustments" as a result of errors or omissions. - Comments: Use this column to describe any adjustments or other important aspects of your electronic cost claim. ### Unallowable Costs Costs that are expressly unallowable per the FAR and other regulations, or costs mutually agreed to be unallowable must be excluded from any billing, claim or proposal. This includes direct as well as indirect costs. Costs that were incurred in conjunction with contract execution, which are unallowable, whether they are part of any base or pool must be identified and listed on the "Schedule of Unallowable Costs." Regardless of whether any of these costs were claimed or billed, these costs must be included on the schedule. Note on the schedule if you had previously claimed these costs. Refer to FAR part 31 or your contract terms and conditions for more information on unallowable costs. ### Indirect Rates Proposed indirect rates must be part of, supported by, and consistent with the established accounting system. We apply indirect rates where applicable and appropriate and this is often dictated by the contract terms and conditions. The federal agency with which a contractor has the most business is generally responsible for auditing indirect rates and is referred to as the "cognizant agency." If Sandia is the cognizant agency and you are claiming and billing indirect rates, then an indirect rate cost claim is required in conjunction with your Cost Reimbursable ECC. To submit the indirect rate cost claim, complete the Indirect Rate Calc Template which is included in the Cost Reimbursable ECC Template. If Sandia is not the cognizant agency, it is not required that you provide the information for the rate calculation. The latest rates as set forth by a contractor's cognizant agency (i.e., the Defense Contract Audit Agency, Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Naval Research, or other) will be accepted. [A contractor is required to provide the latest rate report(s) from the cognizant agency as part of their cost claim.]{.underline} The rate report sheets may be faxed to our fax number below or e-mailed to us. Additionally, please provide the cognizant agency's contact information including auditor's name and phone number. [Back to the Table Of Contents](#_Table_of_Contents) ## When Do I Need to Submit a Cost Claim? ECCs should be submitted annually for each contract to which Sandia has audit rights. The annual submissions are due 90 days after a contractor's fiscal year end. Please note that it is imperative that you check for accuracy and completeness prior to your submission. [Back to the Table Of Contents](#_Table_of_Contents) ## Where Do I Send It? Send ECCs via e-mail to: <[email protected]> Fax indirect rate sheets to 505-844-9728 attention Contract Audit Department. Additional information may be found at the Contract Audit website at: <> [Back to the Table Of Contents](#_Table_of_Contents)
# Presentation: 950489 ## National Software Reference Library Computer Forensics Tool Testing - Barbara Guttman - [email protected] - November 14, 2007 ## Computer Forensics in NIST **Goals of Computer Forensics Projects** **Support use of automated processes into the computer forensics investigations** **Provide stable foundation built on scientific rigor to support the introduction of evidence and expert testimony in court** ## Goals of CF at NIST **Provide international standard reference data that tool makers and investigators can use in investigations (NSRL)** **Establish computer forensic tool testing methodology (CFTT)** ## NSRL Project ## What is the NSRL? **The National Software Reference Library is:** **A physical collection of over 8,000 software packages** **A database of 34 million file “fingerprints” and additional information to uniquely identify each file ** **A Reference Data Set (RDS) extracted from the database onto CD, used by law enforcement, investigators and researchers** ## Use of the RDS **Eliminate known files from the examination process using automated means** **Discover expected file name with unknown contents** **Identify origins of files** **Look for malicious files, e.g., hacker tools** **Provide rigorously verified data for forensic investigations** **Used by many forensics tools (ILook, EnCase, FTK)** ## RDS Field Use Example ## Are Hashes “broken”? **Both MD-5 and SHA-1 have been shown to have weaknesses** **The weaknesses do not affect the use of hashes for forensic analysis** **Hash attacks are not “pre-image” attacks** ## Data Reduction **FBI reduces case load data by 1/3** **NARA reduced test collection by 78%** **Using block hashes, reduced another 15% (for a total of 82%)** **Potential for more reduction with fuzzy hashes** **Researching Windows registry keys for software identification** ## Computer Forensics Tool Testing (CFTT) ## A Problem for Investigators **Do forensic tools work as they should?** **Software tools must be ...** **Tested: accurate, reliable & repeatable** **Peer reviewed** **Generally accepted** **... ****by whom?** **Results of a forensic analysis must be admissible in court** ## Project Tasks **Identify forensics functions** **Develop specification for each category** **Peer review of specification** **Test methodology for each function** **Report results** ## Slide 13 ## Benefits of CFTT **Benefits of a forensic tool testing program** **Users can make informed choices** **Odd sector problem** **Reduce challenges to admissibility of digital evidence** **Moussaoui case** **Tool creators make better tools** **Safeback 2.18** **EnCase documentation**
Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Task blc_sa running in SINGLE mode Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Beginning parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter obs_group = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter startLevel = COR Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter endLevel = BIN_I Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter only_clean = no Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter run_spiskymax = no Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter run_spiros = no Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spi_gain_corr_prpOG = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spi_gain_corr_inSWG = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spi_gain_corr_outfile = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spi_gain_corr_coeffDOL = /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/analysis-sw/spi/spi_gain_corr/spi_gain_coeff.fits[SPI.-COEF-CAL] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spi_gain_corr_clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter blc_spipoint_rwgroup = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter blc_spipoint_directory = scw/ Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter blc_spipoint_swgroup = swg_spi.fits Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter blc_spipoint_pointing-file = spi/pointings.fits Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter blc_spipoint_time-correlation-dol = ../../aux/adp/0001.000/time_correlation.fits Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spigti_rogroup = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spigti_rwgroup = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spigti_ropointing = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spigti_rwgti = spi/gti.fits(SPI.-OBS.-GTI.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spigti_numdet = 85 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spigti_det_id = 0-84 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spigti_clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spidead_in-og-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spidead_dead-time-dol = spi/dead_time.fits(SPI.-OBS.-DTI.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spidead_out-og-dol = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spidead_swg-index-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spidead_gti-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spidead_clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spidead_chatter = 20 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spidead_deadtimecorrection = 0.97 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_outfile = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_in-og-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_energy-boundaries-dol = spi/energy_boundaries.fits(SPI.-EBDS-SET.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_out-og-dol = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_swg-index-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_gti-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_deadtime-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_ebounds-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_binfile = none Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_nregions = 5 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_regions = 65,1165,1180,1325,1340,2040 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_nbins = 11,15,2,15,7 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_telescope = INTEGRAL Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_instrume = SPI Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_filter = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_bintype = PI Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_chatter = 20 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spibounds_mode = h Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_outfile = hist Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_in-og-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_det-spec-dol = spi/evts_det_spec.fits(SPI.-OBS.-DSP.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_out-og-dol = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_swg-index-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_gti-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_deadtime-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_ebounds-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_dtype = 1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_psdtype = raw Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_detnums = 0-84 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_multipointing = d Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_tstart = indef Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_tstop = indef Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_instrume = SPI Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_chatter = 20 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spihist_outputformat = ISDC Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_in-og-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_pointing-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_ebounds-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_evts-det-spec-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_gti-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_deadtime-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-mod-idx = spi/back_model_index.fits(SPI.-BMOD-DSP-IDX.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-mod-dol = back_model.fits(SPI.-BMOD-DSP.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_out-og-dol = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-const = YES Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-const-value = 2.0e-5 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-linear = NO Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-linear-mjd0 = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-linear-slope = 0.1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-sincos = NO Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-sincos-mjd0 = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-sincos-period = 0.15 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-sin-amp = 1.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-cos-amp = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-model-gen = NO Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiback_back-model-comp-1 = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_mode = Imaging Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_in-og-dol = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_pointing-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_gti-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_deadtime-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_ebounds-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_evts-det-spec-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_back-model-idx = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_source-cat-dol = source_res_in.fits[1] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_source-res = source_res.fits(SPI.-SRCL-RES.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_inst-resp-idx = /isdc/integration/ic/spi/rsp/spi_irf_grp_0007.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_out-og-dol = og_spiros.fits(GNRL-OBSG-GRP.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-idx = spi/spiros_image_index.fits(SPI.-SKY.-IMA-IDX.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-int = spi/spiros_image_int Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-err = spi/spiros_image_err Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-res = spi/spiros_image_res Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-sig = spi/spiros_image_sig Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_source-det-spec-idx = src_det_spec_index.fits(SPI.-SDET-SPE-IDX.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_source-det-spec = NO Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_back-det-spec-idx = spi/back_det_spec_index.fits(SPI.-BACK-DSP-IDX.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_back-det-spec = NO Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_reference-coord = RADEC Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-proj = CAR Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-fov = USER Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_center-long = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_center-lat = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-dim-long = 51 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-dim-lat = 51 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-pixel-long = 0.1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-pixel-lat = 0.1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_image-orient = STANDARD Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_pole-long = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_pole-lat = 90.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_optistat = CHI2 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_solution-constr = NONE Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_location-max-error = 0.1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_iteration-output = YES Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_pixel-func = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_pixel-size = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_constrtype = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_constrmult = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_constrincr = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_constriter = 0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_nagoptions = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_nofsources = 1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_kofsources = POINT Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_sigmathres = 3.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_srclocprec = 0.05 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_srcwidprec = 0.2 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_chilocstep = 0.05 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_chiwidstep = 0.2 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_energy-response = N Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_source-relocation = NO Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_background_method = 3 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_spectrum-binning = SINGLE Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_source-spec-idx = spi/source_spectra_index.fits(SPI.-SRC.-SPE-IDX.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_source-spec = spi/source_spectra.fits Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_blur-size = 1.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_srclocbins = COUNT Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_source-spec-qdp = YES Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_ebinfunc = XSPEC Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_nofebins = 0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_ebinscal = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_ebinsamp = 5.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiros_response-file = N Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_debug = 0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_display = 0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_title = spiskymax v17 Co-60 processing Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_rogroup = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_rwgroup = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_counts_input_file = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_pointing_input_file = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_ebounds_input_file = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_deadtime-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_background_input_file = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_irf_input_file = /isdc/integration/ic/spi/rsp/spi_irf_grp_0007.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_source-cat-dol = source_cat.fits[1] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_image-idx = spi/skymax_index.fits(SPI.-SKY.-IMA-IDX.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_image-int = skymax_image.fits Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_source-res-dol = spi/spiskymax_sources.fits(SPI.-SRCL-RES.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_skymap_system = C Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_image-fov = SURVEY Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_center-long = 1.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_center-lat = 2.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_image-pixel-long = 0.1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_image-pixel-lat = 0.1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_image-dim-long = 100 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_image-dim-lat = 100 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_chi_0 = -5.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_chi_1 = +5.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_d_chi = 0.10 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_psi_0 = -5.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_psi_1 = +5.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_d_psi = 0.10 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_energy_range_min = 18 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_energy_range_max = 19 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_max_iter = 100 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_image_default = 1.0e-3 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_background_scaling_default = 1.0e-0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_background_entropy_factor = 1.0e-0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_background_method = 2 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_memsys_iBayes = 1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_memsys_iEntropy = 1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_memsys_fAim = 1.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_n_source_fluxes = 1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_source_chi_1 = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_source_psi_1 = 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_source_ON_radius_1 = 2.00 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_source_OFF_radius_1 = 4.00 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_n_profiles = 0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_profile_chi_0 = 180.0 180.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_profile_chi_1 = 200.0 200.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_profile_d_chi = 1.0 2.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_profile_psi_0 = +2.0 +2.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_profile_psi_1 = +2.0 +2.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_profile_d_psi = 2.0 2.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_xn_profiles = 6 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_xprofile_chi_0 = -20.0 -20.0 -20.0 +1.0 +1.0 0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_xprofile_chi_1 = +20.0 +20.0 +20.0 +1.0 +1.0 6.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_xprofile_d_chi = 1.0 2.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_xprofile_psi_0 = -0.0 0.0 -0.0 -20.0 -20.0 -20.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_xprofile_psi_1 = +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +20.0 +20.0 +20.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Parameter spiskymax_xprofile_d_psi = 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Ending parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Running in normal mode, default parameter prompting Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Attempting to launch GUI for task blc_sa Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Unable to launch GUI for task blc_sa in this context Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:01 blc_sa 1.5: Attempting to launch CLI for task blc_sa Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:06 blc_sa 1.5: Current ISDCLEVL is PRP Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:06 blc_sa 1.5: We will step forward in the standard analysis. Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:06 blc_sa 1.5: The only_cleaning is set to 0 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 blc_sa 1.5: Running /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spi_gain_corr prpOG="og_spi.fits[GROUPING]" inSWG="" outfile="" coeffDOL="/isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/analysis-sw/spi/spi_gain_corr/spi_gain_coeff.fits[SPI.-COEF-CAL]" clobber="yes" | tee /tmp/isdcroot.15276.10825.out Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Task spi_gain_corr running in SINGLE mode Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Beginning parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Parameter prpOG = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Parameter inSWG = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Parameter outfile = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Parameter coeffDOL = /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/analysis-sw/spi/spi_gain_corr/spi_gain_coeff.fits[SPI.-COEF-CAL] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Parameter clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Ending parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Running in normal mode, default parameter prompting Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: ************************************************************ Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: * spi_gain_corr * Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: * -------------------------------------------------------- * Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: * Version : 0.4.0 * Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: * Date : 19-October-2001 * Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: * Authors : Jurgen Knodlseder (CESR) / P.D. & V.B. (ISDC) * Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: * Low energy gain coefficients provided by MPE * Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: * High energy gain coefficients provided by CESR * Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: ************************************************************ Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- og_spi.fits[GROUPING,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: 1 SWG found in og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OSGL-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OPSD-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OCRV-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OME2-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OME3-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OME4-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OME5-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OMEH-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:07 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OMP3-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OMP4-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OMP5-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OMP6-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/spi/cor/spi_cor_oper.fits[SPI.-OMPH-COR,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: corrected data --STAMP-- scw/000100580010/swg_spi.fits[GROUPING,1,BINTABLE] Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Task terminated. Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spi_gain_corr 0.4.0: Task spi_gain_corr terminating with status 0 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_sa 1.5: Running /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/blc_spipoint rwgroup="og_spi.fits[GROUPING]" directory="scw/" swgroup="swg_spi.fits" pointing-file="spi/pointings.fits" time-correlation-dol="../../aux/adp/0001.000/time_correlation.fits" | tee /tmp/isdcroot.32115.27883.out Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Task blc_spipoint running in SINGLE mode Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Beginning parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Parameter rwgroup = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Parameter directory = scw/ Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Parameter swgroup = swg_spi.fits Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Parameter pointing-file = spi/pointings.fits Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Parameter time-correlation-dol = ../../aux/adp/0001.000/time_correlation.fits Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Ending parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Running in normal mode, default parameter prompting Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: TSTART[1]: 466.552664 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: TSTOP [1]: 466.595812 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: 1 SW paths found in scw/ Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: 1 SWG files found. Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: creation of pointing structure --STAMP-- spi/pointings.fits[SPI.-OBS.-PNT,1,BINTABLE] Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Created successful spi/pointings.fits(SPI.-OBS.-PNT.tpl) Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Running dal_attach Parent="/unsaved_data/spi_int/single_scws/obs/obs058/og_spi.fits[GROUPING]" Child1="spi/pointings.fits[1]" Child2="" Child3="" Child4="" Child5="" | tee /tmp/isdcroot.32115.27883.out Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Task dal_attach running in SINGLE mode Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Beginning parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Parameter Parent = /unsaved_data/spi_int/single_scws/obs/obs058/og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Parameter Child1 = spi/pointings.fits[1] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Parameter Child2 = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Parameter Child3 = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Parameter Child4 = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Parameter Child5 = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Ending parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Running in normal mode, default parameter prompting Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 dal_attach 1.2: Task dal_attach terminating with status 0 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Attached spi/pointings.fits[1] to the OG /unsaved_data/spi_int/single_scws/obs/obs058/og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Reached the end of blc_spipoint, status 0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_spipoint 1.6: Task blc_spipoint terminating with status 0 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 blc_sa 1.5: Running /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spigti rogroup="" rwgroup="og_spi.fits[GROUPING]" ropointing="" rwgti="spi/gti.fits(SPI.-OBS.-GTI.tpl)" numdet="85" det_id="0-84" clobber="yes" | tee /tmp/isdcroot.32115.27883.out Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Task spigti running in SINGLE mode Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Beginning parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Parameter rogroup = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Parameter rwgroup = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Parameter ropointing = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Parameter rwgti = spi/gti.fits(SPI.-OBS.-GTI.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Parameter numdet = 85 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Parameter det_id = 0-84 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Parameter clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Ending parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Running in normal mode, default parameter prompting Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: Start calculation of the SPI gti Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: List of 85 detectors: Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:08 spigti 1.7: 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 spigti 1.7: Mean ontime for all detectors: 3728.000000 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 spigti 1.7: creation of GTI structure --STAMP-- spi/gti.fits[SPI.-OBS.-GTI,1,BINTABLE] Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 spigti 1.7: End of calculation of the SPI gti Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 spigti 1.7: Task spigti terminating with status 0 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 blc_sa 1.5: Running /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead in-og-dol="" dead-time-dol="spi/dead_time.fits(SPI.-OBS.-DTI.tpl)" out-og-dol="og_spi.fits[GROUPING]" swg-index-dol="" gti-dol="" clobber="yes" chatter="20" deadtimecorrection="0.97" | tee /tmp/isdcroot.16185.12174.out Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Task /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead running in SINGLE mode Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Beginning parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Parameter in-og-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Parameter dead-time-dol = spi/dead_time.fits(SPI.-OBS.-DTI.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Parameter out-og-dol = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Parameter swg-index-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Parameter gti-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Parameter clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Parameter chatter = 20 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Parameter deadtimecorrection = 0.97 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Ending parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Running in normal mode, default parameter prompting Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Start calculation of the SPI dead times Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Assumed live time fraction for pseudo detectors: 0.970000 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[19] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[20] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[21] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[22] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[23] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[24] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[25] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[26] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[27] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[28] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[29] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[30] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[31] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[32] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[33] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[34] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[35] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[36] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[37] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[38] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[39] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[40] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[41] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[42] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[43] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[44] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[45] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[46] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[47] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[48] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[49] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[50] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[51] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[52] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[53] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[54] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[55] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[56] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[57] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[58] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[59] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[60] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[61] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[62] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[63] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[64] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[65] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[66] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[67] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[68] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[69] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[70] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[71] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[72] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[73] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[74] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[75] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[76] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[77] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[78] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[79] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[80] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[81] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[82] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[83] = 0.97 Warn_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: deadtimec[84] = 0.97 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: creation of DTI structure --STAMP-- spi/dead_time.fits[SPI.-OBS.-DTI,1,BINTABLE] Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: End of calculation of the SPI dead times Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead 1.4: Task /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spidead terminating with status 0 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:09 blc_sa 1.5: Running /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds outfile="" in-og-dol="" energy-boundaries-dol="spi/energy_boundaries.fits(SPI.-EBDS-SET.tpl)" out-og-dol="og_spi.fits[GROUPING]" swg-index-dol="" gti-dol="" deadtime-dol="" ebounds-dol="" clobber="yes" binfile="none" nregions="5" regions="65,1165,1180,1325,1340,2040" nbins="11,15,2,15,7" telescope="INTEGRAL" instrume="SPI" filter="" bintype="PI" chatter="20" clobber="yes" mode="h" | tee /tmp/isdcroot.16185.12174.out Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Task /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds running in SINGLE mode Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Beginning parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter outfile = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter in-og-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter energy-boundaries-dol = spi/energy_boundaries.fits(SPI.-EBDS-SET.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter out-og-dol = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter swg-index-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter gti-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter deadtime-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter ebounds-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter binfile = none Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter nregions = 5 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter regions = 65,1165,1180,1325,1340,2040 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter nbins = 11,15,2,15,7 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter telescope = INTEGRAL Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter instrume = SPI Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter filter = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter bintype = PI Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter chatter = 20 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Parameter mode = h Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Ending parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Running in normal mode, default parameter prompting Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: SPIBOUNDS Version 1.0.6 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:09 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Group: /unsaved_data/spi_int/single_scws/obs/obs058/og_spi.fits[GROUPING,1,BINTABLE] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: binfile: NONE Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: nregions: 5 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: region: 65.000000 - 1165.000000 number of bins: 11 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: region: 1165.000000 - 1180.000000 number of bins: 15 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: region: 1180.000000 - 1325.000000 number of bins: 2 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: region: 1325.000000 - 1340.000000 number of bins: 15 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: region: 1340.000000 - 2040.000000 number of bins: 7 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: telescope: INTEGRAL Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: instrume: SPI Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: filter: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: chantype: PI Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: chatter: 20 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: clobber: 1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Creating Binning File... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: ... Using CreateEboundsExt 1.0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: ... Written the extension header keywords Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: ... Successfully written the EBOUNDS extension Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Cleaning up... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Program executed successfully. Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds 1.0.6: Task /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spibounds terminating with status 0 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:10 blc_sa 1.5: Running /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist outfile="hist" in-og-dol="" det-spec-dol="spi/evts_det_spec.fits(SPI.-OBS.-DSP.tpl)" out-og-dol="og_spi.fits[GROUPING]" swg-index-dol="" gti-dol="" deadtime-dol="" ebounds-dol="" clobber="yes" dtype="1" psdtype="raw" detnums="0-84" multipointing="d" tstart="indef" tstop="indef" instrume="SPI" chatter="20" outputformat="ISDC" | tee /tmp/isdcroot.255.29233.out Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Task /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist running in SINGLE mode Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Beginning parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter outfile = hist Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter in-og-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter det-spec-dol = spi/evts_det_spec.fits(SPI.-OBS.-DSP.tpl) Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter out-og-dol = og_spi.fits[GROUPING] Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter swg-index-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter gti-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter deadtime-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter ebounds-dol = Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter clobber = yes Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter dtype = 1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter psdtype = raw Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter detnums = 0-84 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter multipointing = d Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter tstart = indef Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter tstop = indef Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter instrume = SPI Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter chatter = 20 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Parameter outputformat = ISDC Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Ending parameters Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Running in normal mode, default parameter prompting Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: SPIHIST Version 2.1.3 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: tstart: INDEF Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: tstop: INDEF Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: format: ISDC Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: instrumet: SPI Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: clobber: 1 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: chatter: 20 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Verifying input parameters... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Reading Binning File... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Reading Pointing Extension... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Reading Good Time Extension... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Error while convertng start OBTime to IJD time: Error -25801 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: GetValidGT: API error status: -25801 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Error while convertng stop OBTime to IJD time: Error -25801 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: GetValidGT: API error status: -25801 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Pointing(s) (1-1): Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: 466.552664 - 466.595812 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Processing detectors of multiplicity 0... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:10 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Reading events... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:11 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: time selected: 466.552757 466.595718 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:11 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: nEvents: 33546 numGoodEvents: 33545 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:11 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Processing Data... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:11 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:11 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Processing detectors of multiplicity 1... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:11 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Reading events... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:12 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: time selected: 466.552756 466.595719 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:12 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: nEvents: 132393 numGoodEvents: 132026 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:12 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Processing Data... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:12 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:12 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Processing detectors of multiplicity 2... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:12 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Reading events... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: time selected: 466.552756 466.595716 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: nEvents: 31089 numGoodEvents: 31069 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Processing Data... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Processing detectors of multiplicity 3... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Reading events... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: time selected: 466.552764 466.595718 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: nEvents: 5695 numGoodEvents: 5695 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Processing Data... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: ... Using DataExtension 1.0.0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: ... Written the extension header keywords Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Cleaning up... Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Program executed successfully. Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist 2.1.3: Task /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin/spihist terminating with status 0 Log_0 2001-10-22T15:32:13 blc_sa 1.5: SPI data analysis finished. Status 0 Log_1 2001-10-22T15:32:13 blc_sa 1.5: Task blc_sa terminating with status 0
# Presentation: 512322 ## Numerical Calculations of Wave-Plasma Interactions in Multi-dimensional Systems **D. B. Batchelor – ORNL, Principal Investigator** **L. A. Berry, M. D. Carter, E. F. Jaeger – ORNL Fusion Energy** **E. D’Azevedo– ORNL Computer Science and Mathematcs (OASCR – SSAP)** **C. K. Phillips, H. Okuda – PPPL** **P. T. Bonoli, John Wright – MIT** **D. N. Smithe – ATK Mission Research Corp.** **R. W. Harvey – CompX** **D. A. D’Ippolito, J. R. Myra – Lodestar Research Corporation** **Presentation to PSACI** **June 5 - 6, 2003** **Princeton, NJ** **Progress made toward achieving scientific targets with respect to clear deliverables** ** ****How have super-computing resources enabled the achievement of the **** targeted scientific goals in the timeliest manner?** **What role have collaborative interactions within the project and also with **** other SciDAC activities played?** **What the next steps would have been** - DBB ## From 2001 proposal – “The research program consists of 3 elements:” **Physics generalization, computational scale-up and interconnection of the elements of a complete wave/plasma modeling capability** - Development of generalized plasma conductivity operator modules and macroscopic source modules with increased physics content and that are structured using modern programming techniques for flexibility of application and ease of extension in capability. - Creation of a core suite of wave solution codes covering the various needs in physics capability. - Computationally efficient interface of the conductivity operator modules and wave solvers with Fokker-Planck solutions, macroscopic source calculations and antenna solvers. **Demonstration of the enhanced simulation capabilities by exploring**** four major unsolved problems in wave-plasma interactions important to ongoing experiments.** - To what extent do realistic 2D and 3D equilibrium variations modify the local deposition of wave energy and momentum in the plasma? - To what extent does the presence of non-Maxwellian particle velocity-space distributions modify local deposition of wave energy and momentum in plasma? - What is the mechanism by which lower hybrid waves, launched with a phase velocity several times the electron thermal speed, are able to couple strongly to electrons and drive currents? - What is the effect of global plasma modes on the wave fields produced by launching structures? **Exploratory research into completely reformulating wave-plasma problems and solution methods to permit further extension of physics scope, such as to non-time-harmonic or highly non-linear phenomena, and to examine possibilities for increases in computational efficiencies such as through alternate field representations like wavelets.** - DBB ## Progress made toward achieving scientific targets with respect to clear deliverables **Element 1** **Physics generalization, computational scale-up and interconnection of the elements of a complete wave/plasma modeling capability** - Development of generalized plasma conductivity operator modules and macroscopic source modules with increased physics content and that are structured using modern programming techniques for flexibility of application and ease of extension in capability. - Creation of a core suite of wave solution codes covering the various needs in physics capability. - Computationally efficient interface of the conductivity operator modules and wave solvers with Fokker-Planck solutions, macroscopic source calculations and antenna solvers. - DBB ## We advanced four wave solver codes within our project for various physics applications **All Orders Spectral Algorithm (AORSA) – 1D, 2D & 3D (Jaeger)** **Spectral in all 3 dimensions** **Cartesian/toroidal coordinates** **Includes all cyclotron harmonics** **No approximation of small particle gyro radius ******** compared to wavelength ****** **Produces huge, dense, non-symmetric, indefinite, complex matrices ** **TORIC – 2D (Brambilla/Bonoli/Wright)** **Mixed spectral (toroidal, poloidal), finite element (radial)** **Flux coordinates** **Up 2****nd**** cyclotron harmonic** **Expanded to 2****nd**** order in ****** **Sparse banded matrices** - DBB ## We advanced four wave solver codes within our project **METS-1D (D. N. Smithe/Phillips) ******** All orders, fully spectral code in 1D** **Includes all cyclotron harmonics** **No approximation of small particle gyro radius ******** compared to wavelength ******** ** **Used for benchmarking studies compared to 2D, development platform for non-Maxwellian conductivity operator routine****s** **EMIR4** **Finite difference, MUMPS parallel solver** **Adapted for open field line systems: plasma edge, plasma propulsion, simplified stellarator geometry, semiconductor processing** **Iterates with source/transport model** **ICW simulation and design for VASIMIR (NASA collaboration)** - DBB ## Code speedup and optimization makes a qualitative impact on what physics can be included, what problems can be solved **These problems are big – resolution limited in all-orders calculations by memory size to store dense matrix (, e.g. 2.5 terabytes spread over 2560 processors on NERSC Seaborg)** **These problems are long – 80,000 processor-hours on 2000 Seaborg processors for moderate resolution LHD stellarator calculation ** **Capability:** **Higher resolution**** **** ****Shorter wavelengths, larger machines** **More physics detail**** **** ****Better treatment of nonlocal, nonlinear effects** **Capacity:** **Faster turnaround**** **** ****Physics parameter studies** **Runs on clusters or **** **** ****Iteration with Fokker-Planck, transport, MHD****workstations**** **** ****Experimental operations and data analysis** **Close partnership with applied math and computer science** **Parallelization, vectorization, code structuring and tuning** **Optimum matrix solver, iteration** **Specialized methods – Domain decomposition, adaptive grids, Kronecker products** **Optimized field basis sets,** ... - DBB ## Physics generalization, computational scale-up and interconnection of the elements of a complete wave/plasma modeling capability **Development of generalized plasma conductivity operator modules and macroscopic source modules with increased physics content ...** - Fast parallel gradient, “quasi-local”, plasma dispersion function formulated implemented in AORSA-2D, leading to significant speed-up of code, required for convergence in 3D - 2D version of dielectric tensor routines with gyrotropic but otherwise arbitrary distributions implemented on numerical grid – validated in METS-95 1D all orders code - Non-Maxwellian conductivity in AORSA-2D all orders code – optimization resulted in speed-up of ~100 - FLR version of non-Maxwellian for TORIC under construction **Creation of a core suite of wave solution codes covering the various needs in physics capability.** - 1D “all orders” METS code parallelized and generalized to include gyrotropic but otherwise arbitrary particle velocity space distribution functions. – used for testing and to simulate various experimental scenarios - 2D all orders AORSA2D code – physics extended, optimization resulted in speedup factor of 8, ported to NERSC Seaborg, ORNL Eagle, Cheetah, Ram (Altix), and Cray X1, physics studies of mode conversion in 2D, non-Maxwellian distributions - 3D all orders code AORSA3D developed – optimization resulted in speedup factor 27, physics studies of LHD and QPS stellarators - FLR 2D full wave code TORIC parallelized – incorporated out of core solver allows increase of 500 in problem size - The EMIR4 code suite was developed to solve the nonlinear problem of RF power deposition and transport in helicon plasmas, with relevance to the fusion edge. Kinetic effects were also added to study ion cyclotron wave absorption. Numerical improvements allowed solution speed up of more than a factor of 10 by implementing the MUMPS parallel sparse** **matrix solver. - DBB ## Physics generalization, computational scale-up and interconnection of the elements of a complete wave/plasma modeling capability **Computationally efficient interface of the conductivity operator modules and wave solvers with Fokker-Planck solutions, macroscopic source calculations and antenna solvers** - CQL3D distributions interfaced to non-Maxwellian conductivity for METS and AORSA2D - MPI code for Lorentz force calculation of bounce averaged quasilinear operator on a single flux surface - Local Fourier analysis of AORSA2D full wave fields adapted for approximate quasilinear operator in CQL3D - A rigorous calculation (including correlation of partial waves in the spectral representation) of local power deposition and the nonlinear forces driving flows. Developed a technique for making these calculations feasible using new algorithms such as domain decomposition and local Fourier transforms, code restructuring, and interpolation techniques, to reduce the CPU time by more than a factor of 100. - Previous nonlinear flow drive theory models were extended and reformulated into a new unified model compatible with AORSA-2D (or any Fourier-basis wave solver). - The RANT3D antenna code was enhanced with a Kronecker product formulation to quickly solve for inter-strap coupling of phased array antennas. The NSTX phased array was analyzed and compared with experiment. The RANT3D code was also interfaced with the FELICE code and publicly released to the fusion community. - DBB ## Details of electromagnetic field structure are compared using two very different codes – TORIC and AORSA2D ** ****TORIC at 240N****r**** x 255 N****m**** **** **** **** **** ****AORSA at 230N****x**** x 230 N****y** **Both codes are using the same equilibrium from an Alcator C-Mod discharge with mixture of D-****3****He-H in (21%-23%-33%) of n****e**** proportion.** **The previous state of the art was qualitative comparison of integrated quantities such as power deposition profiles** - ICW - IBW - FW - DBB ## An example of parallelization and optimization allowing qualitative new problems to be investigated **Out-of-core parallel linear solver enable fully resolved TORIC models for IBW and Ion Cyclotron Waves (ICW) using (N****m****=1023) ******** (N****r**** = 240) modes on 128 CPUs on Cheetah. ** **Medium models with 255 modes can be solved in about 4hrs on a single Pentium 4. ** **Original serial version limited to (N****m****=161) ******** (N****r**** = 240) modes required over 12hrs on NERSC CRAY.** **Today problem 500 times larger than previous maximum-feasible takes 4 times the clock time**** ******** speedup x100** **Old serial computation would have required ****6000 wall clock hours (250 days)** **We have obtained converged solutions with ****(N****m****=1023) ******** (N****r**** = 480) modes****.** **This is sufficient to proceed with full wave treatment of lower hybrid physics** - DBB ## Optimization is particularly crucial for fully-spectral codes that require solution of large, dense matrices **AORSA codes** **Code restructuring and optimization leads to 50X speedup in matrix construction in AORSA2D.** **ScaLAPAC MPP dense linear solver is very effective. Up to 68% of peak theoretical efficiency on IBM SP. Scales essentially linearly to2024 processors** **New AORSA formulation transforms from Fourier space back to configuration space – results in large reduction in matrix size and solution time** **AORSA2D – linear solve speedup x3.7, matrix memory 1/2.5** **AORSA3D – linear solve speedup x100, matrix memory 1/40** **Can eliminate boundary points in conducting wall – huge savings in 3D** **Ultimately should be able to exploit sparseness in configuration space for additional savings** | | Fourier space | Configuration space | | --- | --- | --- | | Number of equations | 248,832 | 39,492 | | Matrix size | 990 Gbytes | 25 GBytes | | Time to load matrix | 1.2 min | 7.1 min | | Matrix solve (ScaLAPACK | 344 min | 3.5 min | | Fourier transform | 9.5 min | 0.04 min | | Total CPU time | 358 min | 13.4 min | | Flops/processor | 1.1 Gflops | 0.25 Gflops | **3D example: Compact Stellarator** **Note: ** **Performance improves ******** 27** **Efficiency drops/4** - DBB ## Integration with transport or stability models requires calculation of “macroscopic” plasma response rather than details of f0 **Calculation of local power deposition P****loc****(x), RF driven current, RF macrosopic force to drive fluid flows, or construction of the Quasi-linear operator, involve bilinear functions of the wave field amplitudes** **Example: when the plasma response is non-local the power deposition P(x) is not the standard local WKB result** **P****loc**** is neither symmetric nor positive definite unless:** ** ******** ****is independent of k (i.e. local) or** **Only one mode is present (zero spectral width) ** **In general (finite spectral width) P(x) is a nested double sum over spectrum E****n** **In 2D this is 6 nested sums (8 sums in 3D)**** – not computationally feasible in this form** **To evaluate these macroscopic responses we have developed a technique transforming the field spectrum back to real space, then evaluating a local windowed Fourier transform with fewer modes than the full spectral solution** **Speedup of 2000******** in AORSA2D with 80 ******** 80 mode solution** - DBB ## Capabilities not previously available **Obtain converged solutions in 2D for processes involving short wavelength modes – IBW, ICW** **Obtain converged solutions in 3D for fast wave electron and ion heating in stellarators** **Obtain converged solutions in 2D and 3D including ‘quasi-local’ conductivity** **Obtain wave solutions for arbitrary non-Maxwellian distributions (e.g. from CQL3D)** **Obtain converged full-wave solutions for very short wavelength modes in the lower hybrid range of frequencies, without geometrical optics approximation** **Rigorously calculate local power deposition and nonlinear RF induced fluid force in 2D** - CQL3D - Fokker Planck solver - METS - non-Maxwellian **** - AORSA2D - wave solver ***f*****0****(v****||****, v********, ********p**** = 0)** ***Connect in 2004*** ***f*****0****(v****||****, v********, ********p****)** - Quasilinear operator - DBB ## Progress made toward achieving scientific targets with respect to clear deliverables **Element 2** **Demonstration of the enhanced simulation capabilities by exploring**** four major unsolved problems in wave-plasma interactions important to ongoing experiments.** - To what extent do realistic 2D and 3D equilibrium variations modify the local deposition of wave energy and momentum in the plasma? - To what extent does the presence of non-Maxwellian particle velocity-space distributions modify local deposition of wave energy and momentum in plasma? - What is the mechanism by which lower hybrid waves, launched with a phase velocity several times the electron thermal speed, are able to couple strongly to electrons and drive currents? - What is the effect of global plasma modes on the wave fields produced by launching structures? - DBB ## To what extent do realistic 2D and 3D equilibrium variations modify the local deposition of wave energy and momentum in the plasma? **Completed analysis of 2D mode conversion in light minority case. Developed new understanding of roles of IBW and ion cyclotron wave conversion.** **Close comparison of TORIC with PCI measurements on Alcator C-Mod – Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 155004 (2003)** **TORIC is used routinely as an analysis tool by Alcator C-Mod experimentalists** **Demonstration of possibility for either electron or ion heating in compact stellarators – AORSA3D** - DBB ## 2D ICRF Mode Conversion Physics **2D ICRF Mode Conversion Physics** - The intermediate wavelength ICW travel towards the low field side above and below the midplane. - Poloidal field introduces asymmetries in ICW (Perkins 1977) - Three waves – IBW, ICW, FW – are resolved at the MC layer. - The 2-3 wavelengths of IBW seen in simulations have been verified by PCI measurements on Alcator C-Mod - DBB ## Experimental Observation of ICW* *[E. Nelson-Melby et al, Phys. Rev. Letter, 90 (15) 155004 (2003)] **Experimental Observation of ICW******[E. Nelson-Melby *****et al*****, Phys. Rev. Letter, 90 (15) 155004 (2003)]** - Detected wave propagates towards the low field side. - Wavelength shorter than FW, but generally longer than IBW. - Signal is located on the low field side of the H-3He hybrid layer. Theoretical and full wave analysis identifies this wave as the ICW. - Recent PCI diagnostic upgrades permit simultaneous measurement of IBW and ICW. - 2D full wave analysis agrees with the PCI observations in spatial location and wavelength - Contour Plot of Fourier Analyzed PCI Data - PCI Signal Structure - DBB ## Off-axis Mode Conversion in C-Mod* *[Y. Lin et al, 15th Top. Conf. On RF Power in Plasmas, 2003] **Off-axis Mode Conversion in C-Mod******[Y. Lin *****et al*****, 15th Top. Conf. On RF Power in Plasmas, 2003]**** ** **Off-axis MC** **D-H hybrid layer at r/a = 0.35 (HFS)** **Good agreement of experiment curve and TORIC.** **Total ********MCEH**** in the MC region (0.35 < r/a < 0.7)**** ** **Experiment: 20%** **TORIC: 18%** **TORIC is now used routinely by C-Mod experimentalists to analyze ICRF heated discharges.** - frf = 80 MHz, 22.5%H, 77.5% D - Bt = 5.27 T, Ip = 1 MA, - ne = 1.8  1020 m-3, Te = 1.8 keV - t = 1.502 sec, E antenna - DBB ## 3D calculations with AORSA3D for high harmonic fast wave heating for QPS compact stellarator **2002 ******** One full 3D calculation of LHD** **2003 ******** Now routine analysis of QPS developing viable heating scenarios, guiding machine design** **f = 42 MHz, 2 strap antenna, T****e**** = T****i ****= 500 ev, ne = 1.8 ********10****19****m****-3**** , 64********64********64 modes** **Fast wave electron heating in QPS** **Lowering the frequency to 35 MHz gives 2nd harmonic ion heating in QPS** - DBB ## To what extent does the presence of non-Maxwellian particle velocity-space distributions modify local deposition of wave energy and momentum in plasma? **1D all orders code, METS, applied to assess effects on non-Maxwellian distributions in various regimes** **Combined High Harmonic Fast Wave Heating with Deuterium Neutral Beam Injection in NSTX ** **Beam anisotropy due to injection angle can modify fast ion absorption by a factor of 2** **D-T Mode conversion in TFTR with Tritium Neutral Beam Injection ** **Tritium ion absorption profile is much narrower with slowing down distribution than with equivalent Maxwellian** **Minority ****3****He heating of D-T plasmas in ITER with co-resonant fusion alphas ** **Power partitioning between alphas and the minority ****3****He is sensitive to the equilibrium velocity distributions and that coupling with a Fokker-Planck module is required for accurate analysis** **First 2D full wave solutions obtained for arbitrary distribution functions** **Neutral injection on NSTX** **Absorption on fast D+ is comparable in magnitude to prediction with equivalent bi-Maxwellian, but much more spatially localized** **Fast alpha effects in ITER** - DBB ## First converged 2D full wave solutions for ITER scale device, with non-Maxwellian distribution **Calculations confirm that fast alpha absorption can be held to low levels with appropriate choice of frequency** **Fast alpha population does effect anti-Hermitian part of conductivity enough to modify wave propagation** - DBB ## What is the mechanism by which lower hybrid waves, launched with a phase velocity several times the electron thermal speed, are able to couple strongly to electrons and drive currents? **Implemented a full-wave EM field solver in the millimeter LHRF regime and elucidated the role of full-wave effects on closing the spectral gap in LH current drive:** **Demonstrated that significant spectral broadening caused by diffraction, can occur at LH wave caustics, where geometrical optics (ray tracing) breaks down.** **This spectral broadening leads to strong local electron Landau damping that can be sufficient to close the spectral gap in LH current drive experiments:** **Especially important when toroidal variations in the poloidal mode number are weak.** **New boundary conditions at the plasma surface allow modeling of simple waveguides and permit coupling directly to the slow lower hybrid wave.** **The E****||**** component shows mm scale wavelengths.** - DBB ## At 4.6 GHz, a FW polarization is launched from the low field side. (n||=1.5, nacc=2) It is propagative at X=19 cm, and undergoes mode transformation to slow LH wave at X=14 cm Loci of LH reflections can be seen in the full wave field pattern at caustics and cutoffs **It is propagative at **X=19** ****cm****, and undergoes mode transformation to slow LH wave at **X=14** ****cm** **Loci of LH reflections can****be seen in the full wave field pattern at caustics and cutoffs** _**Plasma Parameters:**_ - D(5% H), n=1.5, f=4.6 GHz - B0 = 5.3 T, Te=3.5 keV, Ti=2.0 keV - ne(0)=1.5×1020 m-3,I=1 MANm=1023, Nr=960 **Caustic formation simulated by coupling of inaccessible LH waves** - DBB ## The FW is coupled at the edge, then mode converts to a slow wave at the confluence. The slow wave propagates out to the edge cutoff and reflects inward again to the confluence. All wave power is absorbed on the electrons by Landau damping. There is a suggestion of resonance cones in the full wave field patterns. Note also, the tangential reflection at the caustic and the normal reflection at the cutoff. *The FW is coupled at the edge, then mode converts to a slow wave at the confluence. * *The slow wave propagates out to the edge cutoff and reflects inward again to the confluence.* *All wave power is absorbed on the electrons by Landau damping.* *There is a suggestion of resonance cones in the full wave field patterns. Note also, the tangential reflection at the caustic and the normal reflection at the cutoff.* **LH waves are trapped in ring between caustics and cutoffs** - DBB ## Spectral shift is large at confluence **The distribution of ****n****||**** on flux surfaces shows a significant upshift from an averaged launched ****n****||**** of 2 to >4 in the middle of the annulus at ****r/a=0.75****.** **This rapid upshift at the caustic causes all the power to be absorbed in the narrow region bound by the caustic and the edge cutoff.** - DBB ## k|| upshifts as wave travels inward **The left plot shows the distribution of energy in the wave field perpendicular to **B **vs. flux averaged parallel wavenumber, ****k****||****(cm). Note the the shift upwards in ****k****|| ****at ********=0.7** **For the frequency and units in this case, ****k****||**** is approx. ****c/v********, so this shift corresponds to a slowing down of the phase velocity and an increase in damping at ********=0.7 ****as seen in the power deposition (all eld) on the right. ** - DBB ## The local n|| evolves to 2.5 on the high field side from 1.5 at the antenna. N|| evolution is due primarily to geometric effects of major radius position, and results in different damping. Rays penetrate farther into the plasma and damp, whereas damping in the full-wave simulation is confined to an annulus. *N**||** evolution is due primarily to geometric effects of major radius position, and results in different damping.* *Rays penetrate farther into the plasma and damp, whereas damping in the full-wave simulation is confined to an annulus.* **Ray tracing simulations show important differences** - magneticaxis - DBB ## Progress made toward achieving scientific targets with respect to clear deliverables **Element 3:** **Exploratory research into completely reformulating wave-plasma problems and solution methods to permit further extension of physics scope, such as to non-time-harmonic or highly non-linear phenomena, and to examine possibilities for increases in computational efficiencies such as through alternate field representations like wavelets.** - DBB ## Exploratory work into advanced wave field representations and solution algorithms based on Gabor transforms and Morlet wavelets **GEM: combines the best of the finite element method (FEM) and FFT** **Solution is expanded in Gabor wave packets (smooth to all orders)** **Can capture short wavelength features** - “Gabor” is “sine wave” multiplied by Gaussian envelope **GACO: combines Gabor transform with collocation method** **faster, easier to implement, and often more accurate than GEM** **submitted as module to NTC library** - DBB ## Experimental 1D ‘lab’ code in MATLAB, arbitrary basis functions **Have experimented with various spline and wavelet bases. Initial success using 64 quadratic splines with non-uniform knots to solve 1D problem requiring 256 Fourier modes. Peak error ~ 5********10****-4** **Factor 4 compression could lead to (4****2****)****3**** = 4096 saving in 2D** **Not adaptive. Have to know where to put the knots ******** physics insight, working on numerical adaptive techniques** - DBB ## We investigated two methods to reduce all-orders problem to a sparse system **Local windowed Fourier transform** **How non-local is the all-orders system?** **Windowed Fourier transform in local regions + overlap zones to include region of influence of conductivity operator** **Has already resulted in substantial reduction in calculation of power deposition** **Perform inverse transformation of all-orders equations Fourier space back to configuration space** **Should yield diagonally dominant system** **So far neither direct solution with thresholding nor use of diagonal part as iterative preconditioner has been successful** - DBB ## What role have collaborative interactions within the project and also with other SciDAC activities played? **We are involved in 3 types of collaborations, each of which is essential.** ** ****Collaborations within the project** ** ****Collaborations with other SciDAC activities** ** ****Physics collaborations with people outside of the project** - DBB ## Collaborations within the project ** ****Ultimate success of each project element requires the interconnection of the various parts** ** ****Every institution in the project is involved in project collaborations with one or more other institution e.g.** **Full wave code common development and comparisons (ORNL AORSA-xD, MIT TORIC, PPPL METS) ** **Preparation of TORIC and conductivity operator development of full wave lower hybrid studies (MIT, PPPL, ORNL computer science)** **Flow drive formulations, reduced spectral width methods, fast numerical wave diagnostics (Lodestar, ORNL) ** **Interface of Fokker Planck (CQL3D) with full wave codes and generalized conductivity modules (CompX, PPPL, MIT, ORNL)** **Update of parallel gradient plasma response (generalized Z function) – incorporated in AORSA2D/3D, (Mission research, PPPL, ORNL)** **Advanced field and conductivity representations based on wavelet / Gabor transforms developed (PPPL, MRC, Lodestar and ORNL)** - DBB ## Collaborations within the project – project communication **Monthly (almost) conference calls** **Research visits** **2****nd**** SciDAC Wave Plasma Interaction workshop, Sept.11-13, 2002, PPPL** **Meeting at APS Nov. 2002, Orlando** **3****nd**** SciDAC Wave Plasma Interaction workshop, Jan. 29-31, 2003, San Diego** **4****nd**** SciDAC Wave Plasma Interaction workshop, July, 2004, Oak Ridge** - DBB ## Collaborations with other SciDAC activities ** ****Collaborative activities with SAPP project and with computer scientists at ORNL and PPPL was extremely productive and critical to success** **Massive parallelization and acceleration of AORSA 2D and 3D all orders wave codes** **Restructuring configuration space version of AORSA to eliminate boundary points** **Acceleration and parallelization of finite Larmor radius wave code TORIC** **Acceleration of non-Maxwellian conductivity module** **Development of advanced field representations** **Acceleration of antenna modeling codes** ** ****Further collaborations with other SciDAC projects were proposed in follow on project – particularly Fusion Grid, and CEMM as well as SAPP** - DBB ## Physics collaborations with people outside our project **Experimental collaborations are playing a key role in code validation and application** **Close collaboration has been established with RF experimentalists at Alcator C-mod** **Computational tools developed through SciDAC are routinely used to understand RF experiments** **TORIC calculations for E. Nelson-Melby *****et al*****, Phys. Rev. Letter, 90 (15) 155004 (2003) and for Y. Lin *****et al*****: Invited paper, 15th Topical Conf. On RF in Plasmas were done by experimenters** **Close collaboration established with NSTX RF experimental team – extensive code comparison on NSTX** **Initial tests of non-Maxwellian conductivity + METS fast ion distribution obtained from TRANSP simulation of NSTX: NBI+HHFW discharge** **New theory and computational collaborations will extend the applicability of codes** **Monte Carlo calculation of ICRF induced plasma rotation – General Atomics** **Global mode effects on antenna fields (TOPICA + EMIR3 codes) – Poleticnico di Torino** **Collaboration with U. Colorado on more general treatment of orbit integral** **Johan Carlsson of TechX has received SBIR funding to work with us on PIC calculation of ICRF wave-particle interactions** **We are making a real effort to forge connections to other branches of the fusion program** **Presentation at TTF on Nonlinear RF generation of sheared flows, Myra, Lodestar** **We organized a special session at RF Topical Conf. to engage experimentalists and promote collaborations** - DBB ## What was the vision/scientific roadmap for the next 3-year phase - Develop an integrated wave simulation capability for the ion cyclotron, lower hybrid and electron cyclotron range of frequencies with self-consistent wave fields and plasma distributions. - Assemble a prototype system with the 4 basic elements - wave solver, non-Maxwellian conductivity module, quasilinear operator module, Fokker-Planck solver – all communicating and interacting in an automated way on the same computing platform.. - Establishing connection to other disciplines setting the stage for an integrated fusion simulation – To what extent, and how in practice, can waves be used to heat and control the nonlinearly coupled plasma processes at work in a burning plasma device? - current drive interactions with MHD - fast particle effects on plasma rotation - flow drive interaction with turbulence and internal transport barriers - RF antenna/edge interactions - Investigate power losses to RF sheaths at any point where magnetic field lines terminate on material surfaces inside, on, or near the RF antenna; - Investigate global power losses in the edge region surrounding the entire tokamak core, especially in the presence of a large divertor gap, as expected in ITER; and - Calculate the launch spectrum and mutual strap inductance caused by the plasma in full tokamak geometry.** ** - Preparation for burning plasma experiment - DBB
# Presentation: 102558 ## Recent findings from NCHS: Methadone deaths, 1999-2004 - Lois A. Fingerhut, MA - Office of Analysis and Epidemiology - National Center for Health Statistics - SAMHSA, CSAT, July 2007 ## Presentation Overview - Poisoning mortality in perspective - Review of NCHS published findings on methadone deaths - Other insights from national mortality data for methadone - Role of collaborative efforts ## Trends in leading mechanisms of injury death: 1968-2004 **Notes:** In 2004, the number of deaths due to poisoning (30,308) exceeded the number of firearm deaths by 739. Firearms and motor vehicle traffic deaths have been the 2 leading causes of injury death. The age-adjusted poisoning death rate increased 45% from 1999 to 2004 reaching 10.3 per 100,000 as compared with the 3% decline in the age adjusted firearm death rate to 10.0 per 100,000 in 2004. There was no change in the rate for motor vehicle traffic deaths (14.7 per 100,000) ## Published findings to date ## Age-specific methadone death rates: 1999-2004 **Source: NCHS, data from the National Vital Statistics System** **Notes:** Published in Health E-Stat; available on NCHS website Rates highest for 35-54 ; it should not go unnoticed however that the 2004 rate for those 55-64 (despite it being low)_ was 7 times the rate in 1999 and rate for 15-24 year olds was 11 times what it was in 1999 while rates in other age groups increased less than that ## Methadone deaths by underlying mechanism and intent: 1999-2004 **Source: NCHS, data from the National Vital Statistics System** **Notes:** Overall, the number of poisoning deaths mentioning methadone increased nearly 400% growing from 4% of all poisoning deaths to 13% of all in 2004. Unintentional poisoning mentioning meth increased 414% ## Percent distribution of methadone deaths by cause and intent: 1999-2004 **Source: NCHS, data from the National Vital Statistics System** **Notes:** 1999-2004 3⁄4 to nearly 80% coded to unintentional poisoning Undetermined—11-13% Suicide by poisoning 7 down to 5 % Noninjury deaths-6 down to 4% ## Other insights from national mortality data for methadone ## Methadone deaths by age and sex: 2004 - All methadone - deaths - Female - Male **Source: NCHS, data from the National Vital Statistics System** **Notes:** Female injury - 34% of deaths Male injury 63%-- 4% of meth deaths were not injuries Female meth deaths peak in their 40’s while among makes there is a less obvious pattern to the number of deaths ## Methadone death rates by age and sex: 2003-04 **Source: NCHS, data from the National Vital Statistics System** **Notes:** Meth death rates among males tend to be twice the rates for females across this part of the age span where the rates are highest ## Methadone-related unintentional poisoning death rates in 2003 and 2004, for states with highest rates in 2004 **Source: NCHS, data from the National Vital Statistics System** **Notes:** By State- these are crude death rates ranked by rates in 2004. W VA’s rate in 04 was “nearly” higher than that in Maine- z=1.94; In both states the rates increased nearly 50% from 2003 to 2004. ## Most common ICD-10 code combinations with T40.3 (methadone): 2004 | Leading drug code combinations | # of deaths | Percent | | --- | --- | --- | | T40.3 only | 1,304 | 32.3 | | T40.3_T50.9_ | 576 | 14.3 | | T40.3_T40.5_ | 201 | 5.0 | | T40.3_T42.4_T50.9_ | 171 | 4.2 | | T40.3_T42.4_ | 166 | 4.1 | | T40.3_T40.5_T50.9_ | 107 | 2.7 | | T40.3_T40.2_ | 105 | 2.6 | | T40.3_T40.2_T50.9_ | 93 | 2.3 | | Subtotal | 2723 | 67.6 | | All Methadone deaths | 4,031 | 100.0 | **Source: NCHS, data from the National Vital Statistics System** **Notes:** Here are some new data from a file only recently created at NCHS. We looked at all causes of death (not just poisoning or other injury) and found that in 1304 instances T40.3 was the only substance mentioned (all pois and txeff codes). That is a conservative number because the next leading combination of codes includes T50.9 and in some portion of those 576 deaths, meth was the only drug mentioned. So at least a third and as many as 40 some odd % of meth deaths only mention methadone. ## Other drugs mentioned with methadone - T50.9 Other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances - T40.5 Cocaine - T42.4 Benzodiazepines - T40.2 Other opioids ## Age-specific death rates for methadone-only deaths: 1999-2004 **Source: NCHS, data from the National Vital Statistics System** **Notes:** Increases since 1999 472% 25-34 256% 35-44 495% 45-54 About a third of all meth deaths ## Death certificate literals tell us... - What is written on each line sequencing the cause of death; and - If death is from an injury, what is written in the “describe how injury occurred” box. - ---- - This is the first file of literals - Probably to be housed in the Research Data Center at NCHS. - Need to examine closely for confidential information and coding quality ## What we gain from the literals - Lines 1-4 from Part 1 of the death certificate - Contain what the physician wrote about the sequencing patterns of causes. - Line 5 from Part 2 of the death certificate - Includes other important diseases or conditions existing at the time of death that may have contributed to death but were not part of the sequence in Part I. - How injury occurred - If present, generally determines underlying external cause of death. ## Example: Male 14 years - Underlying cause- Y12 Undetermined drug poisoning - Other codes T40.3, T50.9 (?) - Line 1- Methadone poisoning - How injury occurred: “Consumed a prescription medication that was not prescribed to him.” - Place of death: unspecified ## Example: Female under 1 year - Underlying cause: X85 Homicide by poisoning - Other codes: T40.3 - Line 1: Methadone intoxication - How injury occurred: “Fed methadone” - Place of injury: home ## Example: Male 25 years - Underlying cause: K85 - Other codes: T40.3, T50.9, X42 - Line 1: Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis - Line 5: Acute methadone intoxication - How injury occurred: Drug overdose - Place: Home ## Female 14 years - Underlying cause: X42 Unintentional drug poisoning - Other codes: J18.9, T40.3 - Line 1: Toxic effects of methadone - Line 5-part 2: Acute pneumonia - How injury occurred: Found unresponsive at home - Place: home ## Example: Male 25 years - Underlying cause: X62 Suicide by poisoning - Other codes R29.8, T40.3, T50.9 - Line 1: Central nervous system depression - Line 2: Acute methadone intoxication - How injury occurred: Apparent intentional drug overdose - Place: home ## Role of Collaborations ## Key organizations and people - DEA - SAMSHA - Medical examiners ## Issues to address - Need for continued surveillance of narcotic drug use - Lack of current information from death certificates - Linking data across sources through systems like NVDRS ## Thank you - Lois A. Fingerhut - Special Assistant for Injury Epidemiology, Office of Analysis and Epidemiology - National Center for Health Statistics - _[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])_ - Special thanks to my colleagues - Li-Hui Chen and Margaret Warner for programming assistance with the new file of death certificate “literals.” **For more information on injury data and resources from NCHS, see:** **** ## A new drug to be tracking ## Death rates for methadone and fentanyl (T40.4) by age and sex: 2004 **Source: NCHS, data from the National Vital Statistics System**
# Presentation: 682436 ## RECREATION IN THE SOUTH - Will Harlan - Editor-in-Chief, Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine ## The Big Picture - U.S. Forest Service Mission: - “*To provide the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people in the long run*.” - -Gifford Pinchot - Greatest amount of people using national forests are recreationists ## Recreation Trends - 71% of Americans (159 million) participated in human-powered outdoor recreation activities in 2004. - 6% increase (15 million) in outdoor recreation over past six years. ## What recreational activities? - 1. Hiking/Backpacking - 2. Mountain Biking - 3. Trail Running - 4. Canoeing/Kayaking - 5. Rock Climbing - 6. Whitewater Rafting - 7. Fishing - 8. Cross-country skiing/snowshoeing - 9. Skiing - 10. Bird Watching/Naturalism - DOES NOT INCLUDE HUNTING, HORSEBACK RIDING, MOTORIZED RECREATION ## Recreation Trends - Growing fastest among women, youth, and minorities - Close-to-home recreation is increasingly popular - Growing most in mountain regions: Rockies, Sierras, Southern Appalachians - 35% of outdoor recreationists (56 million) in the South ## Recreation & National Forests - Recreation comprises 60 % of U.S. Forest Service's contribution to GDP - -Almost 4 times more than mining - -2.5 times as much as timber harvests - Recreation spending is less than 10% of the U.S. Forest Service budget. ## Top Five Recreation Concerns in the South - 1. Commercial logging and mining - 2. Motorized recreation - 3. Overcrowding/overuse - 4. User fees - 5. Resource protection ## Outdoor Enthusiasts in the South Support: - 92% support protecting more national forests as recreation areas, old-growth study areas, and wilderness - 88% support ending commercial logging in national forests - 77% support banning ATVs and other forms of motorized recreation in national forests ## Success Stories in the South *Bent Creek*: Including recreationists in planning and decision making *Tsali Recreation Area*: Rotating user groups by day/season *Virginia Wilderness Bill*: Cooperation among user groups for bike-friendly wilderness *Appalachian Trail*: Utilizing recreation volunteers to build and maintain footpaths ## Sustainable Solutions - End commercial logging in national forests - Designate more recreation areas on public lands, especially forests closest to population centers - Establish unfragmented wild corridors and more wilderness areas in the South - Improve ecological monitoring and resource protection - Devote more U.S. Forest Service resources and personnel to recreation ## Recreation and Sustainability - 1. Economic Sustainability - -74% of jobs in National Forests related to recreation; 6% related to resource extraction - -Alaska: Jobs related to environmental quality outnumber wood products jobs by a ratio of 16:1 - -Local communities benefit more from recreation and resource protection than resource extraction - -Federal logging program losing over $1 billion/year (not counting environmental costs to local communities) - -Recreation is fast-growing, renewable, non-extractive, sustainable, locally-focused, and long-term revenue source ## Recreation and Sustainability - 2. Ecological Sustainability - -Wilderness and wild corridors - -Old-growth study areas - -Air, water, ecosystem monitoring and protection - -Biodiversity ## Recreation and Sustainability - 3. Human Sustainability - -Healthy local communities - -Healthy air, water, soil - -Healthy people ## How Can Outdoor Recreation Help the Forest Service? - Education - Funding - Trail construction and maintenance - Cooperation among user groups - Ecological monitoring - Broad-based public support ## Recreation Challenges in the South - 1. Scrutinize and monitor recreation industry - 2. Cooperation among user groups - 3. Access issues
##### REVISED *3-9-06* ##### *2005-2006 No Child Left Behind - Blue Ribbon Schools Program* *U.S. Department of Education* **Cover Sheet** Type of School: (Check all that apply) \_\_ Elementary \_\_ Middle [X]{.underline} High \_\_ K-12 \_\_Charter Name of Principal [Mr. Kevin Johnson]{.underline} (Specify: Ms., Miss, Mrs., Dr., Mr., Other) (As it should appear in the official records) Official School Name [Foothill High School]{.underline} (As it should appear in the official records) School Mailing Address [4375 Foothill Road]{.underline} \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (If address is P.O. Box, also include street address) [Pleasanton]{.underline}\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_[CA]{.underline}\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_[94588-9720]{.underline}\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ City State Zip Code+4 (9 digits total) County [Alameda]{.underline} State School Code Number\* [01 75101 0130096]{.underline} Telephone [(925) 461-6650]{.underline} Fax [(925) 461-6633]{.underline} Website/URL []{.underline} E-mail <[email protected]> I have reviewed the information in this application, including the eligibility requirements on page 2, and certify that to the best of my knowledge all information is accurate. Date\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (Principal's Signature) Name of Superintendent\* [Dr. John Casey]{.underline} (Specify: Ms., Miss, Mrs., Dr., Mr., Other) District Name [Pleasanton Unified School District]{.underline} Tel. [(925) 426-4301]{.underline} I have reviewed the information in this application, including the eligibility requirements on page 2, and certify that to the best of my knowledge it is accurate. Date\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (Superintendent's Signature) Name of School Board President/Chairperson [Mr. Steven Pulido]{.underline} (Specify: Ms., Miss, Mrs., Dr., Mr., Other) I have reviewed the information in this package, including the eligibility requirements on page 2, and certify that to the best of my knowledge it is accurate. Date\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (School Board President's/Chairperson's Signature) *\*Private Schools: If the information requested is not applicable, write N/A in the space.* **PART I ‑ ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATION** **\[Include this page in the school's application as page 2.\]** The signatures on the first page of this application certify that each of the statements below concerning the school\'s eligibility and compliance with U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) requirements is true and correct. 1. The school has some configuration that includes grades K-12. (Schools with one principal, even K-12 schools, must apply as an entire school.) 2. The school has not been in school improvement status or been identified by the state as \"persistently dangerous\" within the last two years. To meet final eligibility, the school must meet the state's adequate yearly progress requirement in the 2005-2006 school year. 3. If the school includes grades 7 or higher, it has foreign language as a part of its core curriculum. 4. The school has been in existence for five full years, that is, from at least September 2000 and has not received the 2003, 2004, or 2005 *No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon Schools Award.* 5. The nominated school or district is not refusing the OCR access to information necessary to investigate a civil rights complaint or to conduct a district‑wide compliance review. 6. The OCR has not issued a violation letter of findings to the school district concluding that the nominated school or the district as a whole has violated one or more of the civil rights statutes. A violation letter of findings will not be considered outstanding if the OCR has accepted a corrective action plan from the district to remedy the violation. 7. The U.S. Department of Justice does not have a pending suit alleging that the nominated school, or the school district as a whole, has violated one or more of the civil rights statutes or the Constitution\'s equal protection clause. 8. There are no findings of violations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in a U.S. Department of Education monitoring report that apply to the school or school district in question; or if there are such findings, the state or district has corrected, or agreed to correct, the findings. **PART II ‑ DEMOGRAPHIC DATA** **All data are the most recent year available.** **DISTRICT** (Questions 1‑2 not applicable to private schools) 1\. Number of schools in the district: \_\_9\_\_ Elementary schools \_\_3\_\_ Middle schools \_\_0\_\_ Junior high schools \_\_3\_\_ High schools \_\_\_\_\_ Other \_\_15\_\_ TOTAL 2\. District Per Pupil Expenditure: \_\_\_[\$ 7,130 (2003-04)\_\_\_]{.underline} Average State Per Pupil Expenditure: \_\_\_[\$ 6,919 (2003-04)\_\_\_]{.underline} **SCHOOL** (To be completed by all schools) 3\. Category that best describes the area where the school is located: > \[ \] Urban or large central city > > \[ \] Suburban school with characteristics typical of an urban area > > \[X \] Suburban > > \[ \] Small city or town in a rural area > > \[ \] Rural 4\. [11]{.underline} Number of years the principal has been in her/his position at this school. If fewer than three years, how long was the previous principal at this school? 5\. Number of students as of October 1 enrolled at each grade level or its equivalent in applying school only: ----------- --------- ----------- ---------- --------- -- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- **Grade** **\# of **\# of **Grade **Grade** **\# of **\# of **Grade Males** Females** Total** Males** Females** Total** **PreK** **7** **K** **8** **1** **9** 306 305 611 **2** **10** 314 272 586 **3** **11** 310 282 592 **4** **12** 242 286 528 **5** **Other** **6** **TOTAL 2,317 STUDENTS IN THE APPLYING SCHOOL →** ----------- --------- ----------- ---------- --------- -- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ***\[Throughout the document, round numbers to avoid decimals.\]*** 6\. Racial/ethnic composition of [67]{.underline} % White the students in the school: [2]{.underline} % Black or African American [5]{.underline} % Hispanic or Latino [24]{.underline} % Asian/Pacific Islander [\<1]{.underline} % American Indian/Alaskan Native **100% Total** Use only the five standard categories in reporting the racial/ethnic composition of the school. 7\. Student turnover, or mobility rate, during the past year: \_\_\_\_1\_\_\_\_% > \[This rate should be calculated using the grid below. The answer to > (6) is the mobility rate.\] ------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------ **(1)** Number of students who 4 transferred ***to*** the school after October 1 until the end of the year. **(2)** Number of students who 21 transferred ***from*** the school after October 1 until the end of the year. **(3)** Total of all transferred 25 students \[sum of rows (1) and (2)\]. **(4)** Total number of students in 2,317 the school as of October 1. **(5)** Total transferred students \>1 in row (3) divided by total students in row (4). **(6)** Amount in row (5) 1 multiplied by 100. ------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------ 8\. Limited English Proficient students in the school: [1]{.underline} % [34]{.underline} Total Number Limited English Proficient Number of languages represented: \_\_13\_\_ Specify languages: Cambodian, Cantonese, Farsi, German, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Mongolian, Persian, Pilipino, Punjabi, Serbian, and Spanish 9\. Students eligible for free/reduced-priced meals: \_1\_% Total number students who qualify: \_32\_ > If this method does not produce an accurate estimate of the percentage > of students from low‑income families or the school does not > participate in the federally‑supported lunch program, specify a more > accurate estimate, tell why the school chose it, and explain how it > arrived at this estimate. 10\. Students receiving special education services: \_\_\_7\_\_\_% \_165\_\_\_ Total Number of Students Served > Indicate below the number of students with disabilities according to > conditions designated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education > Act. Do not add additional categories. \_12_Autism \_\_3_Orthopedic Impairment \_\_0_Deafness \_20_Other Health Impaired \_\_0_Deaf-Blindness \_92_Specific Learning Disability \_\_9_Emotional Disturbance \_11_Speech or Language Impairment \_\_2_Hearing Impairment \_\_0**\_**Traumatic Brain Injury > \_11_Mental Retardation **\_\_**1_Visual Impairment Including > Blindness > > **\_\_**4**\_**Multiple Disabilities 11. Indicate number of full‑time and part‑time staff members in each of the categories below: **Number of Staff** **[Full-time]{.underline}** **[Part-time]{.underline}** Administrators \_\_\_4\_ \_\_\_0\_\_\_ Classroom teachers \_110\_ \_\_15\_\_\_ Special resource teachers/specialists \_\_13\_ \_\_\_0\_\_\_ Paraprofessionals \_\_20\_ \_\_\_0**\_**\_\_ > Support staff \_\_35\_ \_\_\_6**\_**\_\_ > > Total number \_182\_ \_\_21\_\_\_ 12. Average school student-"classroom teacher" ratio, that is, the number of students in the school divided by the FTE of classroom teachers: \_[22:1\_]{.underline} 13\. Show the attendance patterns of teachers and students as a percentage. The student dropout rate is defined by the state. The student drop-off rate is the difference between the number of entering students and the number of exiting students from the same cohort. (From the same cohort, subtract the number of exiting students from the number of entering students; divide that number by the number of entering students; multiply by 100 to get the percentage drop-off rate.) Briefly explain in 100 words or fewer any major discrepancy between the dropout rate and the drop-off rate. Only middle and high schools need to supply dropout rates and only high schools need to supply drop-off rates. --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 Daily student attendance 97 97 97 96 96 (%) Daily teacher attendance 95 94 95 95 95 (%) Teacher turnover rate (%) 9 5 4 N/A N/A Student dropout rate (%) 0 0 0 0 0 Student drop-off rate (%) 8 6 2 6 3 --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- **Disparity between drop-out and drop-off rates** Foothill High School is located in Pleasanton in the San Francisco East Bay area, a magnet for technology development and production. The disparity between dropout and drop-off rates, especially during 2003-04 and 2004-05, can probably be attributed in part to the downturn in some areas of the technology industry (for example, dot com) and other local economic changes. 14\. Show what the students who graduated in Spring 2004-05 are doing as of September 2005-06. +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Graduating class size | > \_492\_ | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Enrolled in a 4-year college or university | > | | | \_61\_\_% | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Enrolled in a community college | > | | | \_34\_\_% | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Enrolled in vocational training | > | | | \_\_2\_\_% | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Found employment | > | | | \_\>1\_\_% | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Military service | > | | | \_\>1\_\_% | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Other (travel, staying home, etc.) | > | | | \_\_1\_\_% | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Unknown | > | | | \_\_1\_\_% | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | **Total** | > **100 | | | > %** | +---------------------------------------------------------+------------+ **[PART III - SUMMARY]{.underline}** *Students Come First*, Foothill High School's guiding principle, inspires our educational environment. Nestled next to the foothills of Pleasanton, we provide each of our students with a nurturing and innovative learning environment, stimulating their intellectual, emotional, and physical growth. Foothill provides a comfortable atmosphere in which all newcomers feel welcome. A visitor to the campus immediately notices the organized, focused, academic environment where all students are motivated to succeed. From the engaging lessons in all classrooms, to the bustling quad at lunchtime, teachers encourage students to showcase their talents in a variety of ways. What makes us unique is that we are one of fewer than 35 schools in the state to have maintained an increase in our Academic Performance Index (API) scores, California's measure of school academic and performance growth, for five consecutive years. Advanced Placement test results are also improving with 75% of 1,110 tests earning a score of 3 or better, up from 61% of 200 tests seven years ago. Over 35 clubs are active on campus, and 81% of our students are involved in extracurricular activities. Teachers consistently demonstrate academic commitment by employing teaching strategies that encourage every student to succeed. Foothill teachers are concerned, caring individuals who truly want optimal achievement for their students. Last year, 203 teachers, administrators, and support staff attended no fewer than 2,575 hours of different trainings, institutes, and conferences, and our staff has already accrued 1,688 hours in this current school year (January 2006). The staff works together creating a pleasant atmosphere and a smooth working environment for all. Counselors, career center specialists, and a dynamic library staff consistently support academic programs through individualized work with students. Our commitment to students is evidenced by the fact that 95% of students believe the educational program offered at Foothill prepares them for the pursuit of their goals. We are proud of our level of parental involvement. Parents volunteer in a variety of capacities and work alongside teachers and staff to enhance the learning environment. Obviously, both the families and the staff remain committed to the youth who attend Foothill High School---a working example of a community coming together to raise its children. Foothill High School opened its doors in 1973. Under current leadership, our school has grown from 1,000 students in 1995-1996 to over 2,300 students today. With such growth, Foothill has implemented many innovative programs: Latin, Japanese, Reading Improvement, Technical English, Video Production, and numerous advanced placement (AP) courses. In addition, Foothill has created several academies, such as Health and Bioscience, which provide small, more personal learning communities in the large school setting. The community at large perceives the school to be academically rigorous yet concerned for the character and well-being of all students. Integrity, honesty, responsibility, respect, compassion, and self-discipline describe our community of character and are emphasized throughout the school year. Overwhelmingly, students agree that character education principles are supported at school. Though our school continues to expand, it still remains a student-centered school with strong co-curricular and athletic programs. An active peer-tutoring program and homework club offer educational assistance for all students while students in Marching Band, choir, and programs like *We the People* compete at the highest levels. Students and their leaders actively shape a positive and involved school climate where all students have the opportunity to engage in activities that interest them. At the same time, a cooperative, professional relationship exists between the school and District leadership. Staff and community realize that Foothill's mission is to educate the whole person. Test scores improve each year, students earn accolades for their extracurricular accomplishments, and staff reflect on ways to improve the educational environment for all students. We are proud to say that at Foothill High School, students truly do come first. **[PART IV -- INDICATORS OF ACADEMIC SUCCESS]{.underline}** 1. **Description and explanation of assessment results:** Assessment results for English/language arts (ELA) on the California Standards Test (CST) illustrate continuous growth over the last three years in all grade levels. The number of students proficient or advanced in grade 9 increased from 77% in 2003 to 79% in 2005, from 69% to 73% in grade 10, and from 63% to 71% in grade 11. In 2005, 50% of the school's economically disadvantaged students in grade 9 scored proficient or better against 26% across California. 17% of grade 10 English Learners scored proficient or better compared to 4% across the state. Black/African American students improved from 27% to 56% proficient or advanced in grade 10. Students with disabilities at grade 10 scored 15% proficient or above in 2005 compared with only 5% across the state. Asian students in grade 11 improved passage rate of those proficient or better on the ELA CST from 68% in 2003 to 83% in 2005. Of Foothill's 570 10^th^ graders, 98% passed the ELA section of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) in 2005, up from 97% the previous year and twenty two percentage points ahead of the state passage rate. In 2004, 91% of English learners passed the ELA section compared with only 39% across the state. Students scoring proficient or better in this group increased from 64% in 2003 to 82% in 2005. Students with disabilities pass the ELA section at nearly three times the state passage rate with 72% successful against 25% statewide in 2005. 97% of Asian students passed the ELA portion in 2005, outperforming Californian Asian students by 22 percentage points. 100% of Hispanic/Latino students passed the exam in 2004 compared with 62% across California. Black/African American students outperformed subgroup counterparts statewide by 34 percentage points in 2005, increasing pass rate from 83% to 88%. Foothill High School provides a very rigorous mathematics curriculum. To challenge all students, the algebra curriculum was moved down from the high school to become a middle school expectation in 2004. As a result, geometry is now taught predominantly to 9^th^ graders whereas in 2003 only the most talented freshman received this curriculum. Numbers of 9^th^ graders taking this test increased from 158 (27%) in 2003 to 355 (60%) in 2005, a gain of greater than 33%. The rate of grade 9 students scoring proficient or better was 69% in 2005 compared to a state average of 47% with only 19% of students in California taking this test. 84% of Asian students in grade 9 achieved a grade of proficient or advanced in 2005. White students scoring proficient or above increased from 61% in 2004 to 64% in 2005. This group made up 40% of the 9^th^ grade school population against only 8% statewide. The Algebra II curriculum, previously an 11^th^ grade subject, has now become an expectation for 10^th^ graders. The percentage of 10^th^ graders taking this test increased from 20% in 2003 to almost 60% in 2005. 51% of students scored proficient or above compared to a state rate of 36%. 42% of 10^th^ grade Hispanic/Latino students scored proficient or advanced while an average of only 18% of this group performed at this level across the state. Passage rates of 10^th^ grade students who sit the CAHSEE math exam the first time, increased from 95% in 2003 to 97% in 2005. Foothill's 10^th^ grade passage rate stands 23 points ahead of the state average. The success rate for 11^th^ graders increased from 35% in 2003 to 89% in 2005, testament to the effectiveness of interventions put in place to support students who had failed the exam at least once previously. The percentage of students proficient or advanced in all grade levels remains in the 80% range with a high of 88% in 2004. In 2004, 100% of English learners tested passed the test with 96% scoring proficient or better while the state passage rate for this group has remained below 50% for the last three years. Percentage pass rates for students with disabilities was 69% in 2005, 46 percentage points ahead of the state average. 84% of Hispanic/Latino students passed this exam in 2005 with 64% scoring proficient or advanced compared to 51% of the state's population. Over the past three years, an average of 82% of Black/African American students have passed the math CAHSEE against the state's average pass rate for three years of 41%. This review of CST and CAHSEE data illustrates the existence of a powerful, well-aligned standards-based curriculum for all students at Foothill High School. The success of students in all subgroups compared with their California state counterparts is testament to the rigorous instructional program and the variety of effective intervention programs in place addressing the needs of lower performing students. **State performance levels** Foothill High School participates in the state assessment system. Results for the CSTs are reported by performance levels: advanced, proficient, basic, below basic, or far below basic. Overall scores are reported on a scale ranging from 150 to 600. A score of 300 to 349 demonstrates meeting the standard. A score exceeding 350 indicates exceeding the standard, with some variation in score ranges for performance levels per curriculum area. General state testing and accountability information can be found at: <>. Specific performance level information can be found at: [http ://]{.underline} 2. **Using assessment results to impact student achievement:** Foothill High School uses standardized test data as the primary source to direct decisions in the creation and modification of curricula. The district employs a full time Director of Assessment to analyze and process annual results from the state mandated CAHSEE and the CSTs; SAT and College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exams are also analyzed to facilitate and plan for student achievement. Assessment of student performance has led to the creation of a *School-wide Action Plan* at Foothill; the plan, updated yearly, directs the departmental level *Instructional Improvement Plan* which administrators and department chairs use to strengthen programs for all students. The plans articulate specific improvement targets and detailed actions to achieve these goals. Early in the school year, Foothill staff review these school-wide goals and follow with department and course-specific meetings to determine how best to implement the action plans. For example, a goal was established to raise CST chemistry exam scores in 2004. Scores were broken down by state standard, and areas of need were identified for both the course as a whole and for individual teachers. Curriculum was modified, new units created, and classroom assessments designed to improve student understanding. With this successful strategy, scores improved 8%. Similar data driven decisions were implemented in U.S. and world history courses, raising scores 7% and 9% respectively. Over the past three years AP instructors have used a similar process to expand enrollment 31% while increasing average scores 5%. At four-to-five week intervals during the school year, the counseling staff receives data for any student identified as "at risk" so intervention can begin. For example, students who fail any portion of CAHSEE are scheduled for an Academic Support/CAHSEE math and/or English course the following semester. 3. **Communicating assessment results to students, parents, and the community:** Foothill High School communicates information regarding student progress and achievement to parents, students, and the community in a variety of ways. At the beginning of the school year, an annual achievement report from the principal, articulating the previous year's achievements and goals for the forthcoming year, is sent to parents responding to their prior notification from the State of California detailing individual student scores on CST and CAHSEE exams. Additionally, the Foothill High School website, in conjunction with the District's website, communicates all assessment results and progress information such as Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and future academic goals, including the School Accountability Report Card (SARC). Parents can also obtain individual student performance through online grading, also available on the school's website; in fact, over 60% of Foothill teachers post grades online. Teachers notify parents and students of mid-quarter and quarterly progress through formal assessment updates. Upon parental request, teachers and staff also communicate via weekly student progress reports, phone calls, emails, and student-parent-teacher conferences. Along with scheduled 504 and IEP meetings, teachers may initiate Student Success Team (SST) meetings, which include the student's counselor, at least one administrator, and all of the student's teachers. A school newsletter, *Talon Talk*, and a district internet-based newsletter, *E-Connection*, also inform parents and community members of student performance and assessment data. 4. **Sharing successes with other schools:** Foothill High School continually shares its successes within the school, district, and local community through its website, through email, and through administrative, counseling, and staff contact. Foothill's comprehensive school website opens with a welcome letter from the principal. Updated monthly, the letter includes information about Foothill Students of the Month, academic and athletic achievements, and campus activities. Through the website, visitors have access to information about Foothill's award-winning marching band and choir, the Foothill Athletic Booster-sponsored athletics home page, and the Daily Bulletin, which is read to students in third period every day. In addition to academic achievements, the email newsletter, *E-Connection*, also contains updates and outcomes of events on campus, athletic competitions, and club activities. While technology effectively distributes a great deal of information to students, parents, and the wider community, other forms of networking and collaboration support the sharing of school success. On a monthly basis, the principal collaborates with principals from other districts; additional monthly meetings include district-wide collaboration workgroups with all K-12 administrators. With several other districts, counselors meet quarterly, and within the district, counselors meet six times a year. Foothill's athletic director meets with fellow league coaches monthly, and as a group, ultimately work towards selecting and recognizing schools for the California Interscholastic Federation, the governing body of high school athletics; 90% of Foothill's athletic teams make this selection. On campus, both students and teachers work towards active collaboration and sharing with other schools. The small learning communities---Health and Bioscience Academy; Art, Communication, Technology Academy; and Active Citizenship and Leadership Academy---continually interact with schools outside the district and with members of the community. The school's Teachers Observing Teachers (TOT) program and articulation visitations to/from feeder schools support the exchange of ideas and sharing of success. Campus clubs regularly visit other schools, particularly the Science Olympiad; DECA, a student marketing program; and *We the People*, a competitive civics program. Foothill German classes correspond with high schools in Germany, ultimately culminating in a study abroad program among the schools. **[PART V -- CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION]{.underline}** 1. **All students engage with significant content based on high standards in the core curriculum:** Foothill High School provides all students with a comprehensive and stimulating curriculum driven by State standards clearly embedded in instruction. Students are informed daily of class expectations and assignment objectives; 80% of students surveyed in the 2004 Western Association of Schools and Colleges self-study (WASC) felt that standards were communicated on a regular basis. Student success in English is driven by the California State Standards. Data from assessment tools informs backwards-design planning for teaching of significant content. A writing portfolio system, peer editing and review, rubrics, and cooperative learning foster sequential skills in both content and conventions. Courses including Exploring Knowledge and Dynamics of Literature and Social Justice focus on diversity, global awareness, tolerance and ethical decision-making while Reading Support, honors and AP classes provide powerful learning opportunities and differentiated instruction for all. Mathematics at Foothill comprises three course sequences to accommodate varying student abilities and academic interests; all sequences align with California Standards, and all AP courses align with College Board AP requirements. An \"extended\" sequence delivers Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II over four years meeting minimum admission requirements for University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) colleges. The \"traditional\" sequence provides Geometry, Algebra II, Precalculus, and AP Statistics and/or AP Calculus AB over four years. A challenging honors sequence consists of Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra II, Honors Pre-calculus and AP Calculus BC (and/or AP Statistics). Foothill High School's standards-driven, laboratory-based science curriculum is designed to address the needs of all students. Most students take a traditional "college-prep" program and progress through Biology, Chemistry and Physics, while the most talented freshmen enroll in Biology. For those who find a traditional program too fast-paced, Biological Science and Physical Science courses as well as Regional Occupation Program (ROP) Environmental Science courses are offered. Students who complete the core science program may choose to continue their science experience by enrolling in Anatomy and Physiology, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics or AP Environmental Science. The social science program is based on the California State Content Standards and includes both honors and AP at all levels. All students take Global Studies, World History, United States History, Civics, and Economics. Elective social science classes include Psychology and AP Psychology, Comparative World Religions, Law and Society, AP US Government (*We the People*), and AP Human Geography. The World Languages Department offers a variety of language acquisition opportunities meeting the California State Framework and the National Foreign Language Standards. The classes provide students with an appreciation not only of the language, but also of the culture. French, German, Japanese, and Spanish offer five-year programs that include AP Language and AP Literature for French and Spanish, and AP language for German. Japanese will be adding AP Language next year to its five-year program. The four-year Latin program offers AP Language, and the American Sign Language (ASL) program comprises a three-year curriculum which will expand to include ASL 4 next year. The school's arts curriculum meets California State Framework requirements. Performing arts classes at several levels include: Marching Band, Color Guard, Percussion, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Beginning Choir, Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, Orchestra/Strings, Orchestra/Winds, Drama, and Advanced Drama. Treble Choir and Dance will be added next year. Visual arts classes emphasize elements and principles of design, artistic perception, composition, and history in courses including Art, Advanced Art Portfolio, Studio Art, AP Studio Art, Ceramics, Photography, and Video Production. An annual "Visual and Performing Arts Week" involving the entire school showcases student achievement and strengthens community connections. Physical Education is aligned to the California State Model Content Standards. Students develop personal fitness, appreciate physical activities, and learn healthy habits needed for a lifetime of fitness. By participating in a variety of physical activities, students develop and strengthen skills, knowledge of strategies and game rules, a positive self-image, and positive social interactions. Foothill's special education program meets state and federal regulations through curriculum based on engagement with significant content and high standards. Students are included in mainstream electives and are provided with post-high-school transitional support through the district's workability program. With support from resource learning lab classes and collaborative teaching, resource students are integrated into mainstream classes. Self-contained special day class (SDC) programs serve students with moderate to severe disabilities who need direct instruction and modified materials to develop life skills, achieve state standards, and graduate from high school. The career preparation curriculum provides students with opportunities to develop skills needed for academic and workplace success. Links with the local community are created through a Regional Occupation Program (ROP) with courses including Forestry/Natural Resources, Computer Networks and Systems, Crime Scene Investigations, and Auto Collision Repair. Recently developed academy pathways provide a small learning community atmosphere, academic rigor, and relevance in students' education. 2. **The English curriculum and efforts made to support those reading below grade level:** The Foothill English Department offers grade-specific differentiated classes, from reading and writing improvement classes to college preparatory classes and honors/AP classes. Classes are standards-based with specific writing objectives and designated core texts appropriate for each class. Courses divided by grade level and content area include: foundational genres at the 9^th^ grade; multicultural literature at the 10^th^ grade; American literature at the 11^th^ grade; and a variety of choices at the 12^th^ grade, including British Literature, World Literature, Advanced Composition, Exploring Knowledge, Literature and Social Justice, and AP Literature. Additionally, the department is currently piloting an Expository Reading and Writing class, which focuses on bringing senior students up to college reading and writing levels. Department members are also restructuring Technical English, a senior writing course designed to teach students relevant real-life writing applications, to meet both university credit requirements and student needs. Examples of best teaching practices across grade levels include SAT vocabulary acquisition, critical reading development, individual and group presentation skills, and writing refinement through a comprehensive portfolio system. The English Department, following its *Instructional Improvement Plan*, has focused on collaboration and teambuilding, regularly meeting in grade-level teams to align curriculum and meet student needs. For example, several programs are currently in place to support ninth graders. Foothill has a successful Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program with 45 students enrolled in freshman AVID courses; currently, 108 students are enrolled in freshman through senior AVID courses. In its tenth year, Reading Improvement, a year-long freshman and sophomore English class, provides an opportunity for low-performing students to improve their reading skills. Additionally, Academic Support English, a class in its inaugural year, assists students reading below grade level and provides them with techniques that will enable them to be successful on standardized tests. Low-performing students are placed in these classes as a result of referrals made by middle school counselors and current freshman English teachers. English Learners at Foothill receive English language development (ELD) standards-based instruction to acquire English language skills in a structured ELD class. All EL students receive specific language support services and are scheduled in other core classes with Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) certified teachers. 3. **Science and how it relates to essential skills and knowledge based on the school's mission.** The science curriculum and department supports the school's mission to nurture and stimulate the intellectual, emotional, and physical growth of each student through a comprehensive and broad-based approach. From Biological and Physical Science, through Anatomy and Physiology and AP Physics, Foothill offers a program that caters to the individual needs of all students and a science curriculum that teaches essential science investigative skills and procedures. Science teachers continually seek ways to apply these skills in new and innovative ways. In Biology, a multimedia presentation is used to explain the concept of mitosis, and students perform cat dissections to explore mammalian muscular structure. Chemistry students learn endothermic principles by making ice cream. Student dance demonstrates transverse, longitudinal, and torsional waveforms in physics. Supplemental readings and pertinent newspaper articles are required in all classes to connect the curriculum to current events (e.g. "bird flu", infectious agent's mode of transportation, and tracking specific diseases). Science students are asked to correlate real-life examples by connecting a concept to something more tangible (e.g. relating the concept of inertia to an amusement park roller coaster). After core curriculum, challenge problems are given to the students to allow for synthesis and application of the concepts. Stimulating curriculum is provided in every science course offering and beyond in order to foster the growth of the whole student. Students wishing to further their science educations have ample opportunities to do so. Many students choose to participate in the Science Olympiad Team or be a part of several local science fair competitions. Foothill-sponsored mentoring programs with local companies and agencies such as Applied Biosystems, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Sandia Labs provide excellent growth opportunities for students. Guest speakers are invited to class to bring science equations to real-world situations so that students see the immediate relevance of course material. 4. **Different instructional methods implemented to improve student learning:** Foothill High School teachers use a variety of instructional methods to encourage student learning including thematic and project-based learning, job shadowing, Socratic seminar discussions, critical- thinking activities, field trips, portfolios, scaffolding strategies, service learning, and technologically- integrated lessons. In all departments, teachers incorporate supplemental reading materials and learning activities which move students beyond the academic view of the classroom into the everyday world. Examples of best teaching practices across grade levels in the English Department include SAT vocabulary acquisition, critical reading development, individual and group presentation skills, and writing refinement through a comprehensive portfolio system. In the Math Department, effective teaching practices emphasize technology integration into assignments and student use of computer labs and the internet on a regular basis. Math teachers also provide real-world application of math through field trips specifically oriented to the areas of math and science (e.g. Great America Math and Science Day). Students constantly problem-solve and practice time management, both individually and in groups. The Special Education Department employs the collaborative model, which is highly effective in core academic classes and encourages the least restrictive environment for students. Team-teaching in English, Algebra Essentials, and Economics reinforces regular instruction. Teachers collaborate to modify lessons and assessment. Severely Learning Handicapped (SLH) classes are life-skills oriented, utilizing realistic scenarios, job skills orientation, and innovative computer programs like Language Masters, which provides pronunciation and spelling assistances for standards-based achievement. Within the classroom, technological tools that improve instruction include computers and VCR players in every class; additionally, teachers have access to LCD projectors and DVD players, as well as additional advanced technology, such as scanners and Smart Boards. Students use this technology to enhance the collaborative learning process, and one can expect to see PowerPoint presentations, short student-produced films, and interactive web design in classrooms at large. 5. **The professional development program and its impact on improving student achievement:** Assessment of student performance has led to the creation of a S*chool-wide Action Plan* here at Foothill; the plan, updated yearly, directs the departmental level *Instructional Improvement Plan*, which in turn guides the professional development decisions made by the staff. Teachers work collaboratively in departments to improve instructional practices and revise curriculum based on analysis of standardized test data. Additional site-based staff development requires teachers to participate in three staff development days, all of which are determined by both the school plan and departmental needs. Agendas include how to align curriculum and assessment with standards, how to create accessible curriculum for all students, including those with special needs, and how to meet the transitional needs of students between and exiting high school. On-site collaboration occurs regularly, including monthly staff and department meetings, as well as more frequent grade level, course-specific meetings, and Teachers Observing Teachers (TOT). TOT is a unique method of routine observation and staff development at Foothill High School. Implemented in 1998, teachers volunteer to participate in observing other teachers' methods and strategies in an interdisciplinary fashion. This is a successful program, as all teachers and classified staff are involved. Peer Assistance and Review (PAR), a statewide program, has been in place since 1999 and supports veteran teachers needing assistance from their colleagues while the Tri-Valley Teacher Induction Program (TV/TIP) provides support for teachers new to the profession. These programs ensure the District and school site provide guidance and support for all. Foothill High School teachers continually seek out professional development; the 2004-2005 Conference Log shows teachers, administrators, and support staff attended no fewer than 2,575 hours of different trainings, institutes, and conferences. To date, in the current school year, staff have participated in 1,688 hours of training. When staff members return from these trainings, they disseminate conference information, standards, assessments, strategies, and current research to department members and relevant others. For example, the Special Education Department is heavily involved in standards-based professional development to support the team of teachers, specialists, and classroom aides. Administrators are also involved in staff development opportunities, including attending Association of California School Administrators conferences and chairing WASC visiting committees. Classified staff, including Attendance, Counseling, and Nutritional Services employees, participate in monthly meetings at the District Office that offer a variety of professional development opportunities. **[PART VII -- ASSESSMENT RESULTS]{.underline}** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **California Standards Test** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 9 English-Language Arts]{.underline}** +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** | **20 | **20 | **20 | | | 04-05** | 03-04** | 02-03** | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Testing month | April | April | April | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At Advanced | 55 | 42 | 42 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Proficient | 79 | 78 | 77 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Basic | 96 | 95 | 92 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Below Basic | 4 | 4 | 5 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Far Below Basic | 2 | 1 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Mean Scale Score | 398 | 384 | 381 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students tested | 584 | 570 | 524 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of total students tested | 99 | 100 | 97 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students alternatively | 17 | 12 | 9 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of students alternatively | 1 | 1 | 1 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **SUBGROUP SCORES** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 8\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 50 | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 75\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 354 | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 12 | 6 | 8 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 1 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1b. **Non-Economically | | | | | Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 57\* | 42\* | 43\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 80 | 79 | 79 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 94\* | 95\* | 94\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 399 | 384 | 382 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 571 | 561 | 543 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 97 | 98 | 94 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2a. **English Learners** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 9 | 7 | 9 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 1 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2b. **Fluent -- English Proficient | | | | | and English Only** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 56\* | 43\* | 43\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 80 | 79 | 79 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 94\* | 96\* | 94\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 399 | 385 | 382 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 575 | 560 | 543 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 98 | 98 | 94 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3a. **Students with Disabilities** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 15\* | 10\* | 6\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 26 | 29 | 23 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 60\* | 62\* | 54\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 327 | 322 | 312 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 47 | 41 | 35 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 8 | 7 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3b. **Students with No Reported | | | | | Disability** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 59\* | 45\* | 45\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 84 | 82 | 82 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 97\* | 98\* | 96\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 404 | 389 | 386 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 535 | 526 | 516 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 91 | 92 | 89 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 52\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 78 | 78 | 77 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 94\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 394 | 382 | 379 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 401 | 404 | 408 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 68 | 71 | 70 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 5\. **Asian** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 72\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 86 | 85 | 88 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 97\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 419 | 397 | 397 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 119 | 104 | 110 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 20 | 18 | 19 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 36\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 67 | 58 | 67 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 79\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 367 | 368 | 364 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 33 | 24 | 21 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 6 | 4 | 4 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 7\. **Black or African-American** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 31\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 77 | 75 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 85\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 370 | 364 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 13 | 12 | 9 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 2 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ *Please see notes at end of tables (pg. 35) for* **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available)** *and* **Note 2: \* (Data Asterisked).** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **California Standards Test** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 10 English-Language Arts]{.underline}** +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** | **20 | **20 | **20 | | | 04-05** | 03-04** | 02-03** | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Testing month | April | April | April | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At Advanced | 38 | 41 | 34 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Proficient | 73 | 73 | 69 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Basic | 91 | 91 | 90 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Below Basic | 6 | 5 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Far Below Basic | 3 | 3 | 4 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Mean Scale Score | 376 | 376 | 369 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students tested | 575 | 553 | 524 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of total students tested | 99 | 99 | 97 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students alternatively | 17 | 12 | 9 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of students alternatively | 1 | 1 | 1 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **SUBGROUP SCORES** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | 17\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | 42 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | 50\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | 324 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 8 | 6 | 12 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | 1 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1b. **Non-Economically | | | | | Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 38\* | 42\* | 34\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 73 | 74 | 74 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 91\* | 92\* | 90\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 377 | 377 | 370 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 565 | 545 | 508 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 97 | 98 | 94 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2a. **English Learners** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | 8\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | 17 | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | 83\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | 329 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 3 | 12 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | 2 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2b. **Fluent -- English Proficient | | | | | and English Only** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 38\* | 42\* | 35\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 73 | 75 | 74 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 90\* | 92\* | 91\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 377 | 378 | 370 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 570 | 539 | 513 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 98 | 97 | 95 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3a. **Students with Disabilities** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 3\* | 6\* | 5\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 15 | 19 | 19 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 34\* | 64\* | 42\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 295 | 314 | 305 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 39 | 31 | 57 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 7 | 6 | 11 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3b. **Students with No Reported | | | | | Disability** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 40\* | 44\* | 38\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 77 | 77 | 80 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 94\* | 94\* | 96\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 383 | 380 | 377 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 534 | 520 | 461 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 92 | 93 | 85 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 37\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 72 | 73 | 75 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 91\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 374 | 374 | 371 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 397 | 394 | 378 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 68 | 71 | 70 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 5\. **Asian** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 54\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 83 | 82 | 78 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 95\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 400 | 395 | 379 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 109 | 112 | 79 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 19 | 20 | 15 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 25\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 50 | 64 | 52 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 79\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 353 | 356 | 341 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 28 | 22 | 33 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 5 | 4 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 7\. **Black or African-American** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 6\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 56 | 64 | 27 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 81\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 341 | 359 | 329 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 17 | 11 | 11 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 3 | 2 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ *Please see notes at end of tables (pg.35) for* **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available)** *and* **Note 2: \* (Data Asterisked).** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **California Standards Test** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 11 English-Language Arts]{.underline}** +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** | **20 | **20 | **20 | | | 04-05** | 03-04** | 02-03** | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Testing month | April | April | April | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At Advanced | 40 | 29 | 27 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Proficient | 71 | 65 | 63 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Basic | 88 | 87 | 84 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Below Basic | 6 | 8 | 8 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Far Below Basic | 6 | 5 | 8 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Mean Scale Score | 375 | 364 | 360 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students tested | 525 | 498 | 486 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of total students tested | 98 | 99 | 95 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students alternatively | 17 | 12 | 9 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of students alternatively | 1 | 1 | 1 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **SUBGROUP SCORES** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 9 | 8 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 2 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1b. **Non-Economically | | | | | Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 40\* | 30\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 72 | 66 | 63 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 89\* | 87\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 376 | 365 | 359 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 516 | 489 | 466 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 96 | 98 | 92 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2a. **English Learners** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 9 | 6 | 8 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 1 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2b. **Fluent -- English Proficient | | | | | and English Only** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 41\* | 30\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 72 | 66 | 63 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 90\* | 88\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 376 | 366 | 360 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 516 | 491 | 461 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 96 | 98 | 91 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3a. **Students with Disabilities** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 0\* | 8\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 14 | 18 | 15 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 57\* | 52\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 301 | 300 | 284 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 22 | 50 | 34 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 4 | 10 | 7 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3b. **Students with No Reported | | | | | Disability** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 42\* | 32\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 74 | 71 | 66 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 90\* | 91\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 378 | 372 | 365 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 503 | 447 | 434 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 94 | 89 | 85 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 38\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 70 | 66 | 62 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 87\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 376 | 364 | 359 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 370 | 357 | 359 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 69 | 71 | 71 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 5\. **Asian** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 53\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 83 | 74 | 68 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 93\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 396 | 377 | 371 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 110 | 82 | 65 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 21 | 16 | 13 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 27\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 59 | 53 | 50 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 91\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 357 | 337 | 326 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 22 | 30 | 32 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 4 | 6 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 7\. **Black or African-American** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 9\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 55 | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 63\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 341 | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 11 | 10 | 10 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 2 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ *Please see notes at end of tables (pg.35) for* **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available)** *and* **Note 2: \* (Data Asterisked).** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **[California High School Exit Exam]{.underline}** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 10 English/Language Arts]{.underline}** -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** **2004-05** **2003-04** **2002-03** Testing month Combined Combined Combined Number of students tested 570 557 522 Number Passed 556 542 510 \% Passed 98 97 98 Number not passed 14 15 12 Percent not passed 2 3 2 Mean Scale Score 410 414 418 \% At Advanced (all grade levels) N/A N/A N/A \% At or Above Proficient (all grade 87 89 86 levels) \% At or Above Basic (all grade N/A N/A N/A levels) -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **[Grade 11 English/Language Arts]{.underline}** -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** **2004-05** **2003-04** **2002-03** Testing month Combined Combined Combined Number of students tested 26 0 44 Number Passed 21 0 23 \% Passed 81 0 52 Number not passed 5 0 21 Percent not passed 19 0 48 Mean Scale Score 379 0 357 \% At Advanced (all grade levels) N/A N/A N/A \% At or Above Proficient (all grade 87 89 86 levels) \% At or Above Basic (all grade N/A N/A N/A levels) -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **[Subgroup Scores (all grade levels)]{.underline}** *(***Note** *-- Data for subgroup scores for individual grade levels is not available for 2002 and 2003 so data presented here represents all grades tested)* -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** **2004-05** **2003-04** **2002-03** Testing month Combined Combined Combined 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** Number of students tested 11 10 10 Number Passed 8 N/A N/A \% Passed 73 N/A N/A Number not passed 3 N/A N/A Percent not passed 27 N/A N/A Mean scaled score 376 N/A N/A \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above N/A 55 55 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 1b. **Non-Economically Disadvantaged** Number of students tested 538 496 531 Number Passed 528 485 507 \% Passed 98 98 95 Number not passed 10 11 24 Percent not passed 2 2 5 Mean Scale Score 411 414 415 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above N/A N/A N/A \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 2a. **English Learners** Number of students tested 10 11 9 Number Passed N/A 10 N/A \% Passed N/A 91 N/A Number not passed N/A 1 N/A Percent not passed N/A 9 N/A Mean Scale Score N/A 374 N/A \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 82 70 64 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 2b. **English Only** Number of students tested 508 462 499 Number Passed 493 448 474 \% Passed 97 97 95 Number not passed 15 14 25 \% not passed 3 3 5 Mean Scale Score 408 413 414 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above N/A N/A N/A \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 3\. **Students with Disabilities** Number of students tested 43 34 89 Number Passed 31 26 67 \% Passed 72 76 75 Number not passed 12 8 22 \% not passed 28 24 25 Mean Scale Score 365 369 374 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 33 43 40 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** Number of students tested 411 397 396 Number Passed 401 386 381 \% Passed 98 97 96 Number not passed 10 11 15 \% not passed 2 3 4 Mean Scale Score 409 412 417 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 87 89 90 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 5\. **Asian** Number of students tested 116 111 80 Number Passed 113 110 75 \% Passed 97 99 94 Number not passed 3 1 5 \% not passed 3 1 6 Mean Scale Score 416 424 418 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 94 92 82 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** Number of students tested 29 23 38 Number Passed 25 23 35 \% Passed 86 100 92 Number not passed 4 0 3 \% not passed 14 0 8 Mean Scale Score 394 405 398 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 75 100 71 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 7\. **Black or African-American** Number of students tested 16 12 10 Number Passed 14 10 N/A \% Passed 88 83 N/A Number not passed 2 2 N/A \% not passed 13 17 N/A Mean Scale Score 389 386 N/A \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 64 N/A N/A \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- *Please see notes at end of tables (pg.35) for* **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available)** *and* **Note 2: \* (Data Asterisked).** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **California Standards Test** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 9 -- Math -- Geometry]{.underline}** +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** | **20 | **20 | **20 | | | 04-05** | 03-04** | 02-03** | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Testing month | April | April | April | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At Advanced | 36 | 26 | 54 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Proficient | 69 | 65 | 91 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Basic | 91 | 92 | 97 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Below Basic | 8 | 7 | 3 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Far Below Basic | 1 | 1 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Mean Scale Score | 394 | 381 | 422 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students tested | 355 | 346 | 158 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of total students tested | 60 | 61 | 27 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students alternatively | 17 | 12 | 9 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of students alternatively | 1 | 1 | 1 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **SUBGROUP SCORES** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | N/A | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | N/A | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | N/A | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 4 | N/A | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | N/A | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1b. **Non-Economically | | | | | Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 36\* | 27\* | 56\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 69 | 65 | 93 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 90\* | 93\* | 98\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 394 | 381 | 424 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 350 | 347 | 153 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 59 | 61 | 26 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2a. **English Learners** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 5 | 4 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | 1 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2b. **Fluent -- English Proficient | | | | | and English Only** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 36\* | 27\* | 55\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 69 | 65 | 93 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 91\* | 93\* | 98\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 394 | 381 | 425 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 350 | 343 | 149 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 59 | 60 | 26 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3a. **Students with Disabilities** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 20\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 60\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 90\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 10 | 8 | 3 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 1 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3b. **Students with No Reported | | | | | Disability** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 37\* | 27\* | 56\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 70 | 66 | 93 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 92\* | 93\* | 98\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 395 | 381 | 425 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 344 | 339 | 151 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 58 | 59 | 26 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 27\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 64 | 61 | 93 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 90\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 378 | 368 | 416 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 236 | 232 | 87 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 40 | 41 | 15 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 5\. **Asian** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 60\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 84 | 80 | 89 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 96\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 437 | 421 | 430 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 92 | 84 | 66 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 16 | 15 | 11 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 45\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 64 | 64 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 99\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 396 | 374 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 11 | 11 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 2 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 7\. **Black or African-American** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 4 | 5 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | 1 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ *Please see notes at end of tables (pg.35) for* **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available)** *and* **Note 2: \* (Data Asterisked).** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **California Standards Test** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 10 -- Math -- Geometry]{.underline}** +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** | **20 | **20 | **20 | | | 04-05** | 03-04** | 02-03** | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Testing month | April | April | April | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At Advanced | 3 | 7 | 11 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Proficient | 15 | 41 | 54 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Basic | 57 | 74 | 84 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Below Basic | 34 | 23 | 14 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Far Below Basic | 9 | 2 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Mean Scale Score | 308 | 339 | 354 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students tested | 173 | 353 | 256 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of total students tested | 30 | 63 | 47 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students alternatively | 17 | 12 | 9 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of students alternatively | 1 | 1 | 1 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **SUBGROUP SCORES** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 4 | 5 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | 1 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1b. **Non-Economically | | | | | Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 3\* | 7\* | 11\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 14 | 42 | 55 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 57\* | 75\* | 86\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 307 | 339 | 354 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 168 | 347 | 254 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 30 | 62 | 47 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2a. **English Learners** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | N/A | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | N/A | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | N/A | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | N/A | 5 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | N/A | 1 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2b. **Fluent -- English Proficient | | | | | and English Only** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 3\* | 7\* | 11\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 15 | 41 | 55 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 57\* | 74\* | 86\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 307 | 338 | 354 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 172 | 347 | 255 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 30 | 62 | 47 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3a. **Students with Disabilities** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 0\* | 0\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 0 | 7 | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 8\* | 36\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 256 | 290 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 13 | 14 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 3 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3b. **Students with No Reported | | | | | Disability** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 3\* | 8\* | 11\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 16 | 43 | 56 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 61\* | 77\* | 87\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 312 | 341 | 355 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 159 | 338 | 249 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 27 | 61 | 56 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 3\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 17 | 40 | 38 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 56\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 306 | 337 | 354 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 139 | 281 | 205 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 24 | 50 | 38 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 5\. **Asian** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 10\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 30 | 63 | 60 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 60\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 342 | 361 | 360 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 11 | 38 | 30 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 7 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 0\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 0\* | 29 | 27 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 60\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | 326 | 330 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 10 | 17 | 11 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 3 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 7\. **Black or African-American** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 7 | 8 | 4 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | 1 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ *Please see notes at end of tables (pg.35) for* **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available)** *and* **Note 2: \* (Data Asterisked).** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **California Standards Test** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 10 -- Math -- Algebra II]{.underline}** +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** | **20 | **20 | **20 | | | 04-05** | 03-04** | 02-03** | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Testing month | April | April | April | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At Advanced | 17 | 28 | 38 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Proficient | 51 | 78 | 83 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Basic | 81 | 93 | 98 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Below Basic | 15 | 5 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Far Below Basic | 4 | 2 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Mean Scale Score | 358 | 390 | 406 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students tested | 346 | 157 | 110 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of total students tested | 60 | 28 | 20 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students alternatively | 17 | 12 | 9 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of students alternatively | 1 | 1 | 1 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **SUBGROUP SCORES** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | N/A | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | N/A | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | N/A | N/A | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 1 | N/A | 3 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 0 | N/A | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1b. **Non-Economically | | | | | Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 17\* | 28\* | 37\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 51 | 78 | 83 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 81\* | 93\* | 98\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 358 | 390 | 404 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 345 | 157 | 106 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 59 | 28 | 20 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2a. **English Learners** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 2 | 6 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 0 | 1 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2b. **Fluent -- English Proficient | | | | | and English Only** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 17\* | 27\* | 38\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 51 | 79 | 83 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 81\* | 94\* | 98\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 358 | 389 | 407 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 344 | 151 | 108 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 59 | 27 | 20 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3a. **Students with Disabilities** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \-\--\* | \--\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 7 | 3 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | 1 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3b. **Students with No Reported | | | | | Disability** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 17\* | 29\* | 38\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 51 | 79 | 83 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 81\* | 93\* | 98\* | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 358 | 390 | 406 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 339 | 154 | 108 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 58 | 28 | 20 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 13\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 44 | 74 | 82 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 78\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 348 | 380 | 407 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 228 | 86 | 65 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 39 | 15 | 12 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 5\. **Asian** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 33\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 72 | 84 | 91 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 90\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 392 | 402 | 418 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 85 | 68 | 35 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 15 | 12 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 8\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 42 | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 83\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 341 | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 12 | 1 | 3 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 0 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 7\. **Black or African-American** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 5 | 2 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | 0 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ *Please see notes at end of tables (pg.35) for* **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available)** *and* **Note 2: \* (Data Asterisked).** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **California Standards Test** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 11 -- Math -- Algebra II]{.underline}** +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** | **20 | **20 | **20 | | | 04-05** | 03-04** | 02-03** | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Testing month | April | April | April | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At Advanced | 4 | 2 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Proficient | 27 | 31 | 30 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Basic | 55 | 72 | 68 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Below Basic | 25 | 22 | 22 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Far Below Basic | 20 | 6 | 9 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Mean Scale Score | 358 | 328 | 323 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students tested | 319 | 217 | 171 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of total students tested | 59 | 43 | 34 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students alternatively | 17 | 12 | 9 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of students alternatively | 1 | 1 | 1 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **SUBGROUP SCORES** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 1 | 3 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 0 | 1 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1b. **Non-Economically | | | | | Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 4\* | 2\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 27 | 31 | 30 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 55\* | 73\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 312 | 228 | 323 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 315 | 214 | 165 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 59 | 43 | 32 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2a. **English Learners** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 4 | 1 | 3 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 1 | 0 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2b. **Fluent -- English Proficient | | | | | and English Only** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 4\* | 2\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 27 | 31 | 30 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 55\* | 72\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 312 | 328 | 324 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 315 | 216 | 163 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 59 | 43 | 32 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3a. **Students with Disabilities** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 0\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 9 | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 18\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 263 | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 11 | 4 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 1 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3b. **Students with No Reported | | | | | Disability** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 4\* | 2\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 28 | 31 | 30 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 57\* | 72\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 314 | 328 | 323 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 308 | 213 | 164 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 57 | 43 | 32 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 4\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 27 | 31 | 30 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 52\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 310 | 327 | 323 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 254 | 167 | 135 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 47 | 33 | 27 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 5\. **Asian** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 6\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 44 | 36 | 41 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 70\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 338 | 335 | 337 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 34 | 28 | 17 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 6 | 6 | 3 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 0\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 21 | 23 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 57\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 304 | 321 | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 14 | 13 | 7 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 3 | 3 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 7\. **Black or African-American** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 8 | 3 | 3 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 2 | 1 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ *Please see notes at end of tables (pg.35) for* **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available)** *and* **Note 2: \* (Data Asterisked).** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **California Standards Test** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 11 -- Math -- Summative]{.underline}** +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** | **20 | **20 | **20 | | | 04-05** | 03-04** | 02-03** | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Testing month | April | April | April | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At Advanced | 35 | 31 | 22 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Proficient | 82 | 79 | 67 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% At or Above Basic | 96 | 93 | 93 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Below Basic | 3 | 8 | 4 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | \% Far Below Basic | 1 | 0 | 3 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Mean Scale Score | 402 | 397 | 380 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students tested | 153 | 120 | 120 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of total students tested | 29 | 24 | 24 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Number of students alternatively | 17 | 12 | 9 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Percent of students alternatively | 1 | 1 | 1 | | assessed | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | **SUBGROUP SCORES** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 2 | 1 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 0 | 0 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 1b. **Non-Economically | | | | | Disadvantaged** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 36\* | 31\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 83 | 78 | 68 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 97\* | 92\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 402 | 397 | 381 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 151 | 119 | 114 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 28 | 24 | 22 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2a. **English Learners** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \-- | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \-- | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \-- | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 1 | 0 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 0 | 0 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 2b. **Fluent -- English Proficient | | | | | and English Only** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 36\* | 31\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 82 | 78 | 68 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 97\* | 93\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 402 | 397 | 381 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 152 | 120 | 113 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 28 | 24 | 22 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3a. **Students with Disabilities** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | N/A | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | N/A | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | N/A | \--\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 0 | 1 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 0 | 0 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 3b. **Students with No Reported | | | | | Disability** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 35\* | 31\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 82 | 78 | 68 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 96\* | 92\* | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 402 | 397 | 381 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 153 | 119 | 114 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 29 | 24 | 22 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 25\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 82 | 77 | 70 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 97\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 392 | 396 | 366 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 79 | 69 | 74 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 15 | 14 | 15 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 5\. **Asian** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | 46\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | 83 | 85 | 63 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | 96\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | 413 | 409 | 392 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 71 | 41 | 32 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 13 | 8 | 6 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 0 | 3 | 4 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 0 | 1 | 1 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | 7\. **Black or African-American** | | | | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At Advanced | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Proficient | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% At or Above Basic | \--\* | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Mean Scaled Score | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > Number of students tested | 2 | 2 | 2 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ | > \% of Enrollment | 0 | 0 | 0 | +--------------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ *Please see notes at end of tables (pg.35) for* **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available)** *and* **Note 2: \* (Data Asterisked).** **Foothill High School** **No Child Left Behind -- Blue Ribbon School** **[California High School Exit Exam]{.underline}** **Publisher - California Department of Education DataQuest 2003 - 2005** **** **[Grade 10 Math]{.underline}** -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** **2004-05** **2003-04** **2003-03** Testing month Combined Combined Combined Number of students tested 570 553 501 Number Passed 552 542 476 \% Passed 97 98 95 Number not passed 18 11 25 Percent not passed 3 2 5 Mean Scale Score 409 414 404 \% At Advanced (all grade levels) N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above (all grade 81 88 81 levels) \% Basic or Above (all grade levels) N/A N/A N/A -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **[Grade 11 Math]{.underline}** -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** **2004-05** **2003-04** **2002-03** Testing month Combined Combined Combined Number of students tested 27 0 106 Number Passed 24 N/A 37 \% Passed 89 N/A 35 Number not passed 3 N/A 69 Percent not passed 11 N/A 65 Mean Scale Score 368 N/A 343 \% At Advanced (all grade levels) N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above (all grade 81 88 81 levels) \% Basic or Above (all grade levels) N/A N/A N/A -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **[Subgroup Scores (all grade levels)]{.underline}** *(***Note** *-- Data for subgroup scores for individual grade levels is not available for 2002 and 2003 so data presented here represents all grades tested)* -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **FOOTHILL HIGH SCORES** **2004-05** **2003-04** **2002-03** Testing month Combined Combined Combined 1a. **Economically Disadvantaged** Number of students tested 8 9 6 Number Passed N/A N/A N/A \% Passed N/A N/A N/A Number not passed N/A N/A N/A Percent not passed N/A N/A N/A Mean scaled score N/A N/A N/A \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above N/A 82 45 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 1b. **Non-Economically Disadvantaged** Number of students tested 540 491 556 Number Passed 526 482 480 \% Passed 97 98 86 Number not passed 14 9 76 Percent not passed 3 2 14 Mean Scale Score 410 414 395 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above N/A N/A N/A \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 2a. **English Learners** Number of students tested 6 11 7 Number Passed N/A 11 N/A \% Passed N/A 100 N/A Number not passed N/A 0 N/A Percent not passed N/A 0 N/A Mean Scale Score N/A 426 N/A \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above \-- 96 \-- \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 2b. **English Only** Number of students tested 213 455 546 Number Passed 492 446 458 \% Passed 96 98 84 Number not passed 21 9 88 \% not passed 4 2 16 Mean Scale Score 405 411 392 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above N/A N/A N/A \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 3\. **Students with Disabilities** Number of students tested 45 30 97 Number Passed 31 25 45 \% Passed 69 83 46 Number not passed 14 5 52 \% not passed 31 17 54 Mean Scale Score 361 378 353 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 30 48 25 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 4\. **White (not Hispanic)** Number of students tested 413 395 406 Number Passed 399 387 369 \% Passed 97 98 91 Number not passed 14 8 37 \% not passed 3 2 9 Mean Scale Score 405 411 397 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 79 87 82 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 5\. **Asian** Number of students tested 112 110 82 Number Passed 112 110 73 \% Passed 100 100 89 Number not passed 0 0 9 \% not passed 0 0 11 Mean Scale Score 427 432 414 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 93 96 92 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 6\. **Hispanic or Latino** Number of students tested 31 23 51 Number Passed 26 22 32 \% Passed 84 96 63 Number not passed 5 1 19 \% not passed 16 4 37 Mean Scale Score 387 395 369 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 64 84 58 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A 7\. **Black or African-American** Number of students tested 16 12 12 Number Passed 14 11 8 \% Passed 88 92 67 Number not passed 2 1 4 \% not passed 13 8 33 Mean Scale Score 383 394 370 \% At Advanced N/A N/A N/A \% Proficient or Above 50 N/A 81 \% Basic or Above N/A N/A N/A -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- **[NOTES]{.underline}:** **Note 1: N/A (Data Not Available):** *Information was not released by the state. This was due to:* 1) *The number of students taking the exam in a particular subgroup did not meet the reporting criteria (under 11 students reported),* 2) *The State did not begin tracking the information until a later date.* **Note 2: \* (Data asterisked):** *Data presented with an asterisk is provided from School Site Summary Reports detailing proficiency levels by grade level from the California Department of Education Standardized Testing And Reporting (STAR) program.* 1) *This data is not publicly available on the California Department of Education website (<>), which was used as the primary source for data in the tables.* 2) *Although the best possible attempt was made to collate and present complete information, three years of comparable data was not available in all subgroup categories.*
# PCNS Invited Speakers for March 13, 14, 2001 Helena Chui, M.D. Department of Neurology University of Southern California Los Angeles Steven DeKosky, M.D. Department of Neurology Director, Alzheimer's Disease Research Center University of Pittsburgh 3811 O'Hara Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2593 Ranjan Duara, M.D. Wien Center for Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorder Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Beach Florida 33140 Steven Ferris, M.D. Silberstein Aging and Dementia Research Ctr. NYU School of Medicine 550 First Ave. NY, NY 10016 Mary Ganguli, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry & Epidemiology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Philip Gorelick, M.D., MPH, FACP Director, Center for Stroke Research RUSH Medical College Chicago Illinois 60612 Ronald Petersen, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Neurology Mayo Clinic 200 First St. SW Rochester MN 55905 Gustavo C. Roman, M.D. Professor of Medicine/Neurology The University of Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine at San Antonio 7703 Floyd Curl Drive San Antonio, Texas 78284-7883
ERC-sponsored 10^th^ Annual Halloween Costume Contest Extravaganza Friday, October 31, 2008 2:00 p.m. Building 549 Auditorium Put on your costume and join us for our annual Halloween Costume Contest Prizes awarded for Most Bootiful Most Spooktacular Most Creative If you have questions contact Laura Knott at extension 1615 or email at <[email protected]> In consideration of the acceptance of my participation, I for myself, and for my guests, our executors, administrators and assignees, do hereby release and discharge the Employee Recreation Council (ERC), event volunteers and officials, and all other sponsors of all claims and damages, actions what-so-ever in any arising out our participation in said event. I have full knowledge of the risks involved in this event.
<!-- Title: Day shift. Wed Jul 18, 2007 --> <!-- SciCo: Al Goshaw --> <!-- DAQAce: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- MonAce: &nbsp; --> <!-- CO: Jason Nett --> <!-- OpManager: Farrukh Azfar --> <!-- Notes: --> <pre>Start shift with store 5559 with L = 74E30 Run = 245280 trigger = AAA_CURRENT PHYSICS_4_02[9,918,695] Detector status: hot towers WHA9, W7R, W11R and ILL/L00 marked bad due to cooling problems.</pre> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 08:25:29.833 2007 --> b0pcal02 went unresponsive at 8:15, tried to shepherd it but the shepherding was unsuccessful, it seemed that the node was not able to connect to RTServer. Tried to shepherd again and it worked. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245280' target=_top>245280</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 08:40:02.125 2007 --> Busy TO at 8:37, the check timeouts on evb ace panel says load error for COT_6. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245280' target=_top>245280</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 08:41:14.494 2007 --> Note that right at the end of the owl shift elog, Vadim requested a <a href= '/cgi/elog/'> shepherd of pcal09</a> when convenient to fix some DCAS-admem mismatches. <!-- Author: Phil --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 08:42:28.842 2007 --> <table><tr><td><a href=/cgi/elog/ target='xxx' onclick='jswindow()'; align=top><img src=/cgi/elog/ width='300' align='top'></a></td><td>There may be a new hot channel in CEM PMT Occupancy at eta tower -9, phi wedge 5.</td></tr></table> <!-- Author: Jason, CO --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 08:50:32.674 2007 --> <table><tr><td><a href=/cgi/elog/ target='xxx' onclick='jswindow()'; align=top><img src=/cgi/elog/ width='300' align='top'></a></td><td>I've been seeing this one unusually high wedge in the bottom hist.</td></tr></table> <!-- Author: Jason, CO --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 08:58:04.474 2007 --> <table><tr><td><a href=/cgi/elog/ target='xxx' onclick='jswindow()'; align=top><img src=/cgi/elog/ width='300' align='top'></a></td><td>The bottom right plot, BSU East Rear Barrel, shows a new and persistent dead channel. I saw this yesterday too, but the runs at the time had low stats.</td></tr></table> <!-- Author: Jason, CO --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 09:00:29.760 2007 --> <table><tr><td><a href=/cgi/elog/ target='xxx' onclick='jswindow()'; align=top><img src=/cgi/elog/ width='300' align='top'></a></td><td>New dead channel at 53.</td></tr></table> <!-- Author: Jason, CO --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 09:24:35.940 2007 --> b0cot07 Done TO, auto HRR. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245280' target=_top>245280</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 10:11:15.881 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245280>245280</A> Terminated at 2007.07.18 10:10:46 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 10:11:16.894 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245280>245280</A> TERMINATE: Staring trigger table tests <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 10:12:05.150 2007 --> <pre>Ending this run to load new physics trigger table.</pre> <!-- Author: Goshaw :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245280' target=_top>245280</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 10:24:52.775 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245281>245281</A> TERMINATE: problems with b0svt08 <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 10:27:15.602 2007 --> b0svt08 did not pass config due to missing spymon task. Tried to shepherd the crate 3 times and then paged the svt expert, who is coming by to check. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245281' target=_top>245281</a>) --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 10;42;16 comment by...Ilija Bizjak --> Stefano Torre came and power-cycled the crate. It took about 8 mins to pass the crate through config (it has 4MB of memory). <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 10:41:42.271 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245282>245282</A> Activated at 2007.07.18 10:41:33 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 10:41:48.777 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245282>245282</A> ACTIVATE: RunSet: AAA_NOSILICON Trigger: PHYSICS_4_02 [10,923,698] <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 10:58:31.545 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245282>245282</A> Terminated at 2007.07.18 10:58:16 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 10:58:32.192 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245282>245282</A> TERMINATE: No-silicon test looks good <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:01:45.360 2007 --> Shepherded pcal09 after the run as requested by Vadim. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245282' target=_top>245282</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:03:16.825 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245283>245283</A> Activated at 2007.07.18 11:03:07 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:03:18.839 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245283>245283</A> ACTIVATE: RunSet: AAA_CURRENT_L2UP Trigger: PHYSICS_4_02 [10,923,698] <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:05:51.346 2007 --> <pre>Please shepard PCAL04, there are trigger errors. </pre> <!-- Author: carla :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245282' target=_top>245282</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:09:33.646 2007 --> <pre>Silicon expert (Sabastian) gave OK to switch over to new physics table. Back up and running for physics with run 245283. Trigger AAA_CURRENT_L2UP PHYSICS_4_02[10,923,698]</pre> <!-- Author: Goshaw :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245283' target=_top>245283</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:16:03.050 2007 --> <table><tr><td><a href=/cgi/elog/ target='xxx' onclick='jswindow()'; align=top><img src=/cgi/elog/ width='300' align='top'></a></td><td>NO DATA FOR 245283!</td></tr></table> <!-- Author: Jason, CO --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 11;21;01 comment by...Jason, CO --> my mistake, usually I see data by now, but this is probably just low statistics. <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 11;28;40 comment by...Jason, CO --> ...and indeed it is. <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:27:33.146 2007 --> Halted the run at 11:13 and shepherded pcal04 as asked by Carla. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245283' target=_top>245283</a>) --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 11;42;21 comment by...carla --> <pre>Thank you, the problem seems fixed.</pre> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:28:18.238 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245283>245283</A> Terminated at 2007.07.18 11:28:13 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:28:29.950 2007 --> CMX NW wedes 22-23 tripped at 11:15, put them up again. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245283' target=_top>245283</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:28:46.738 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245283>245283</A> TERMINATE: end for a new tagset at l2 to fix a small problem with ClusterSum. The data si good, the problem only affects the test triggers of course <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:32:28.718 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245284>245284</A> Activated at 2007.07.18 11:31:10 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:32:29.353 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245284>245284</A> ACTIVATE: RunSet: AAA_CURRENT_L2UP Trigger: PHYSICS_4_02 [10,924,698] <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 11;38;14 comment by...twright --> We're going to use this as our new default since it is working well. I updated all of the AAA_CURRENT, AAA_NOSILICON, and AAA_SHOTSETUP run configs (including the L2UP ones). <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:38:14.846 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245284>245284</A> Terminated at 2007.07.18 11:37:47 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:39:13.640 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245284>245284</A> TERMINATE: problems with L3 subfarms, probably due to starting from idle ... <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:44:31.993 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285>245285</A> Activated at 2007.07.18 11:44:03 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:44:32.311 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285>245285</A> ACTIVATE: RunSet: AAA_CURRENT_L2UP Trigger: PHYSICS_4_02 [10,924,698] <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 11:44:42.961 2007 --> <pre>Ended run 245283 to make small L2 trigger table change. New run has AA_CURRENT_L2UP PHYSICS_4_02[10,924,698] Some L3 problems came up ... (see other entry) New run 245284</pre> <!-- Author: Goshaw :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245284' target=_top>245284</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 12:25:13.854 2007 --> Done TO for crate b0cot06, auto HRR issued. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285' target=_top>245285</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 12:27:50.837 2007 --> Done TO for b0htdc00, auto HRR issued. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285' target=_top>245285</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 13:04:41.679 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245213>245213</A> <HTML>Run <A HREF= target=_runSummary>245213</A> has not yet been checked for goodrun status; please do so.</HTML> <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 13:15:58.729 2007 --> Trigger inhibit set by VME HV for 1RR06C_1, went away after ~40s. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285' target=_top>245285</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 13:19:47.870 2007 --> For the last 20mins an error keeps appearing on the VNODE01: HTRDATA_HTCWATCHDOGTIMERALARM.F_CV, Connection NOT established with node. I had to skip some of them because it did not let me to check other windows on this node. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285' target=_top>245285</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 13:44:22.647 2007 --> <table><tr><td><a href=/cgi/elog/ target='xxx' onclick='jswindow()'; align=top><img src=/cgi/elog/ width='300' align='top'></a></td><td>There's new red on the borders of L00.</td></tr></table> <!-- Author: Jason, CO --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 13:50:34.610 2007 --> from the run co: "Store termination details will be determined later this afternoon, but we will likely want to keep the store until at least late evening shift." <!-- Author: phil --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 13:57:22.987 2007 --> ISL and L00 seemed to have had a spontaneous switch-off of the PS7, that it was a switch-off it was written on ISL POWER SUPPLIES (4, PS-CAEN-OFF), and in the pop-up window on the b0dasvx01. <br> I staretd following the procedure for the spontaneous switch-off, turning on first ISL and then the L00 wedges, when I realised that the cells in IMON are red, not black, but the ISL inhibit went away so I went on and did the same to L00. When the L00 inhibit cleared I went on to Recover & Run. When the silicon expert (Sebastian) came he realised that it was actually an auto-hockerisation (although the cells were red, not blue). <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285' target=_top>245285</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 13:58:27.448 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245282>245282</A> <HTML>Run <A HREF= target=_runSummary>245282</A> has not yet been checked for goodrun status; please do so.</HTML> <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 13:58:27.238 2007 --> b0cot06 done TO, auto HRR issued. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285' target=_top>245285</a>) --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 14;08;30 comment by...Ilija Bizjak --> Again at 14:07. <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 14;08;31 comment by...Ilija Bizjak --> Again at 14:07. <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 14;33;21 comment by...Ilija Bizjak --> Again at 14:13. <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 13:59:28.745 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245214>245214</A> <HTML>Run <A HREF= target=_runSummary>245214</A> has not yet been checked for goodrun status; please do so.</HTML> <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 14:01:12.507 2007 --> <table><tr><td><a href=/cgi/elog/ target='xxx' onclick='jswindow()'; align=top><img src=/cgi/elog/ width='300' align='top'></a></td><td>The bottom plots are ratio plots that should always be 1, but the bottom right plot shows deviation at high Et.</td></tr></table> <!-- Author: Jason, CO --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 14;05;27 comment by...Vadim --> this is due to a mismatch between admem and dcas which will be fixed in between stores. The trigger is overefficient and is not causing any significant deadtime due to trigger rate since the luminosity is low. <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 14;34;11 comment by...badgett --> Then why does it show up in the Dirac vs. PreFred plot? Wouldn't an ADMEM vs. DCAS problem show up in the lower left plot instead? <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 14;39;31 comment by...VR --> there is no DIRAC readout. So what we call "DIRAC" in these plots is really DCAS readout. sumet is calculated from prefred which uses the DIRAC information so that is ok, since the problem is really downstream (DCAS). <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 14:07:10.142 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245255>245255</A> CALIBRATION: <U><B>cemled</B></U> calibration <A HREF= target=_calibresults>results</A> ready for review <!-- Author: CDFCALIB --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 14;12;15 comment by...Jason, CO --> These look good. <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 14;32;15 comment by...badgett --> This was a re-run of a calibration taken yesterday; please ignore it. <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 14:12:34.980 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245255>245255</A> CALIBRATION: <U><B>cemled</B></U> calibration <A HREF= target=_calibresults>results</A> ready for review <!-- Author: CDFCALIB --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 14;32;42 comment by...badgett --> This is a 2nd rerun of the same data. The good news is that the ".gif" file production is now working. <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 14:29:55.724 2007 --> Gene asked to halt the run so that he can correct something. I used the opportunity and shephereded b0cot06, hoping this would stop it having so many done TO's. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285' target=_top>245285</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 14:33:54.186 2007 --> b0cot07 done TO, auto HRR issued. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285' target=_top>245285</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 14:44:51.524 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245287>245287</A> ACTIVATE: RunSet: ACE_QIE dummy run <!-- Author: badgett --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 14:45:25.751 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245287>245287</A> CALIBRATION: <U><B>calqie</B></U> calibration FAILED, please investigate <!-- Author: CDFCALIB --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:07:06.365 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285>245285</A> Terminated at 2007.07.18 15:06:48 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:07:21.085 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285>245285</A> TERMINATE: terminate for level-2 test <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:12:14.623 2007 --> <pre>Terminate run 245285. Make some L2 tests that require beam (see expert log). Plan is to restart physics data takning with trigger unchanged.</pre> <!-- Author: Goshaw :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245285' target=_top>245285</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:16:05.919 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245288>245288</A> Activated at 2007.07.18 15:15:53 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:16:17.370 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245288>245288</A> ACTIVATE: RunSet: AAA_CURRENT_L2UP Trigger: PHYSICS_4_02 [10,924,698] <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:17:10.131 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245288>245288</A> Terminated at 2007.07.18 15:16:52 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:17:11.414 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245288>245288</A> TERMINATE: no data <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:20:17.512 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245289>245289</A> Activated at 2007.07.18 15:19:59 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:20:18.864 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245289>245289</A> ACTIVATE: RunSet: AAA_CURRENT_L2UP Trigger: PHYSICS_4_02 [10,924,698] <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:20:19.375 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245289>245289</A> Terminated at 2007.07.18 15:20:06 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:21:02.825 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245289>245289</A> TERMINATE: need to check filar link <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:21:09.334 2007 --> <table><tr><td><a href=/cgi/elog/ target='xxx' onclick='jswindow()'; align=top><img src=/cgi/elog/ width='300' align='top'></a></td><td>Hot channel in the "High Pt West BMU wedge distribution." I have not seen this one before; it's about an order of magnitude high.</td></tr></table> <!-- Author: Jason, CO --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 15;29;30 comment by...Phil --> BMU stack 55 or thereabouts on the west is hot. The pager carrier should take a look. <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:24:27.580 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245290>245290</A> TERMINATE: level-3 is unhappy <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:27:13.804 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245291>245291</A> Activated at 2007.07.18 15:27:07 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:27:19.640 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245291>245291</A> ACTIVATE: RunSet: AAA_CURRENT_L2UP Trigger: PHYSICS_4_02 [10,924,698] <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:27:33.188 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245291>245291</A> Terminated at 2007.07.18 15:27:19 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:27:52.188 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245291>245291</A> TERMINATE: end level 2 test <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:29:16.829 2007 --> <table border=0><td><tr><td bgcolor=#e0e030><P> All of the CDF online calibration consumers have now been recompiled and relinked and moved on to the SL4 machine b0server05, including the run configurations: <UL> ACE_QIE<BR> CALIB_CLC_QIE<BR> CALIB_QIE_FWD<BR> BOTHPLUGS_MM_C<BR> ACE_TOF_QIE_NEW<BR> SMQIECALIB<BR> ACE_LED_ALL<BR> COTCAIB_ACE<BR> XEF_ALL<BR> </UL> and their associated Consumer definition entries. The old CalibConsumer proxy is still running on b0server03 (SL 3) as a fallback. <P> We ask that all of these calibrations be run soon after the store is dropped to make sure everything is working. <P> </td></tr></td></table> <!-- Author: badgett, Willis Sakumoto --> <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 15;30;20 comment --> A side note: in this process, the calibration consumers were compiled under cdfsoft 6.1.4 version (up from 6.1.2) <!-- Comment: Wed Jul 18 15;31;08 comment by...badgett --> <P> Thanks to Mary Convery and Luca Scodellaro for their prompt response to our rebuild requests. <P> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:31:14.155 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245292>245292</A> Activated at 2007.07.18 15:31:07 <!-- Author: RunControl --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:31:28.871 2007 --> Run <A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245292>245292</A> ACTIVATE: RunSet: AAA_CURRENT Trigger: PHYSICS_4_02 [10,924,698] <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:46:43.168 2007 --> Done TO for b0cot04, auto HRR issued. <!-- Author: Ilija Bizjak :: (run <a href='/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN_NUMBER=245292' target=_top>245292</a>) --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 15:55:21.363 2007 --> <TABLE BORDER=2 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1 BGCOLOR=WHITE> <TR BGCOLOR=YELLOW><TH>RunNumber</TH> <TH>DataType</TH> <TH>PhysicsTable</TH> <TH>Begin</TH> <TH>End</TH> <TH>LiveTime</TH> <TH>L3Accepts</TH> <TH>DelivLumi nb<SUP>-1</SUP></TH> <TH>LiveLumi nb<SUP>-1</SUP></TH> <TH>GR</TH> <TH>SC</TH> <TH>RC</TH></TR> <TR><TD><A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN=245280 target=_runSummary>245280</A> x3BE20</TD> <TD>BEAM</TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=-1>PHYSICS_4_02 [9,918,695]</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>02:58:23</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>10:10:46</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>06:23:15</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 3,010,065</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 2,264.69</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 1,978.07</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN=245282 target=_runSummary>245282</A> x3BE22</TD> <TD>BEAM</TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=-1>PHYSICS_4_02 [10,923,698]</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>10:41:33</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>10:58:16</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>00:16:16</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 92,135</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 61.71</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 58.62</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN=245283 target=_runSummary>245283</A> x3BE23</TD> <TD>BEAM</TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=-1>PHYSICS_4_02 [10,923,698]</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>11:03:07</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>11:28:13</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>00:20:54</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 145,873</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 90.43</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 73.50</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN=245284 target=_runSummary>245284</A> x3BE24</TD> <TD>BEAM</TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=-1>PHYSICS_4_02 [10,924,698]</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>11:31:10</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>11:37:47</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>00:03:21</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 18,497</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 24.26</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 11.45</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN=245285 target=_runSummary>245285</A> x3BE25</TD> <TD>BEAM</TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=-1>PHYSICS_4_02 [10,924,698]</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>11:44:03</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>15:06:48</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>03:01:12</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 1,333,975</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 639.43</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 570.51</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A HREF=/java/cdfdb/servlet/RunSummary?RUN=245292 target=_runSummary>245292</A> x3BE2C</TD> <TD>BEAM</TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=-1>PHYSICS_4_02 [10,924,698]</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>15:31:07</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>00:20:21</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 152,597</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 62.50</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 55.75</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>1</TD></TR> <TR><TD>Totals</TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD>15:55:01</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>10:25:23</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 4,753,142</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 3,143.01</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 2,747.91</TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD></TR> </TABLE> <!-- Author: End of Shift Report --> <!-- Date: Wed Jul 18 16:00:20.487 2007 --> <font color=red>Shift Summary: </font><pre>End shift with store 5559 at L = 48E30 Physics run 245292 in progress with AAA_CURRENT PHYSICS_4_02[10,924,698] Fairly smooth running all shift. Noted a few hot towers (see log) and paged experts to check.</pre> <br><b>End of Shift Numbers</b> <table><tr><td width=60% align=left> <b>CDF Run II <p></b> <pre> Runs 245283 to 245292 Delivered Luminosity 1661 /nb Acquired Luminosity 1275 /nb Efficiency 77% </td></tr></table></pre> <!-- Author: Goshaw -->
**11/26/2002** **SURFACE METEOROLOGICAL** **OBSERVATION SYSTEM** **OPERATING MANUAL** **[Operations Safety Procedures]{.underline}** There are a few potential dangers, which may be encountered while servicing or maintaining the surface meteorological stations. **Lightning** Standard SGP CART safety procedures prohibit outdoor activities in the presence of cloud to ground lightning. These procedures apply to all surface meteorological station servicing and maintenance. Lightning protection for the station is provided by a lightning rod at the top of the tower. Sensor inputs are also protected by spark gaps. The station is powered by batteries, which are kept charged by an AC/DC adapter. **Exposed** The rain gauge has exposed 120 VAC inside. **120 VAC** Whenever servicing or maintenance is required for the rain gauge, disconnect the AC power to the instrument prior to removing the lid. **[Corrective maintenance]{.underline}** The Surface Meteorological Observation System, SMOS, is designed to require a minimum amount of routine maintenance. A preventative maintenance, system check, and sensor verification schedule is presented below. If the system does not operate properly or conform to the routine checks, the following action steps should be taken. 1\) On-site check. The site operator should check for obvious problems like battery voltage out of operating range (9.6 to 16 V) and loose connections. > If the system is not operating, try restarting by turning off the > power and then turning it back on. The program is automatically > reloaded on power-up. The internal clock will need to be reset by > using the keypad in \*5 mode or the laptop computer. > > If one sensor is not operating properly, replace it using the > Installation Manual as a guide. A spare of each sensor has been > included for each five stations. When a sensor is replaced, > verification will need to be performed and documented. The site > configuration form containing the serial numbers for all parts will > also need to be updated. 2\) Inform the instrument mentor. If the site operator is unable to correct the problem, inform Michael Ritsche, the instrument mentor. Mike may be contacted at: Argonne National Laboratory ERD Building 203 9700 S. Cass Ave Argonne IL 60439 \(630\) 252-1554 Office \(630\) 252-5498 FAX \(815\) 756-4300 Home <[email protected]> Email 3\) Contact the vendor. If the mentor is not available, contact the vendor directly. Campbell Scientific Inc. 815 West 1800 North Logan UT 84321-1784 \(801\) 753-2342 Voice \(801\) 752-3268 FAX **[Depot Maintenance]{.underline}** Some components that have been replaced due to malfunction or being out of tolerance will be returned to the vendor and/or manufacturer for service and/or repair. Normally this will be done after consultation with the instrument mentor and/or the vendor. Many items can and will be repaired in the Repair Lab at the Central Facility. All sensors will be returned to the SGP CF and given to George Sawyer. He will either have them repaired under warranty, repaired in-house in the Repair Lab, or send them to the appropriate vendor. If a unit or system has to be shipped to the SGP, ship to the address listed below. An ARM SGP shipment notification form '**must'** be filled out and sent to SGP before the shipment arrives. A link to that form is attached below. > George Sawyer > > ARM SGP CART Site > > 309600 EW 28 > > Billings, OK 74630 > > \(580\) 388-4053 Voice > > \(580\) 388-4052 FAX > > <[email protected]> Email > > <> Shipment Notification All returns will be evaluated in the lab and/or repaired. If the unit cannot be repaired in the lab it will be sent to the manufacturer or appropriate vendor. An RMA number must be obtained from the vendor. A SGP PR must be filled out with all of the appropriate information including the obtained RMA number. The PR will list the quoted repair cost and/or a not to exceed cost. The PR must be signed by all of the appropriate managers and then faxed to Laurel Chapman at Argonne National Lab. When notified by Argonne that a PO is in place, pack the unit appropriately and ship it to its repair destination. > Laurel Chapman > > ERD Building 203 Rm# J013 > > Argonne National Laboratory > > 9700 S. Cass Ave > > Argonne IL 60439 > > \(630\) 252-2887 Voice > > \(630\) 252-9792 FAX > > [mailto:[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Email > > **[Packaging, Handling, and Transportation]{.underline}** The original shipping boxes should be used to ship the product out if available. The boxes for the wind monitor and the rain gauge have been saved and should be used for packing these components for shipping. The propeller will need to be removed from the wind monitor. Padding and/or tape should be used to prevent the rain gauge bucket from tipping during shipment. Any other components should be placed in plastic bags, and packed in sturdy boxes with adequate shock-absorbing materials such as packing foam, Styrofoam, bubble-wrap, peanuts, or cellulose wadding. Overnight courier is the preferred method of shipping. Once the manufacturer, or our repair lab has repaired the item, an inventory data sheet must be filled out placing it back into our available spares. It is also suggested that the mentor, designated inventory control person, and/or relevant technician be notified that the item has been repaired and returned and is available for use. **[Logistics]{.underline}** The following expendables are used with the SMOS system: > 1\. The Vaisala HMI31/HMP35 Temperature and Relative Humidity Meter > uses 9V batteries. > > 2\. The RM Young 18810 anemometer drive uses AA batteries. > > 3\. A desiccant pack, CSI type DSC 20/4, is used in each enclosure. The desiccant packs will require replacement approximately every two months. The site operators should maintain an adequate inventory of this item. Contact Laurel Chapman to obtain replacement packs when the supply levels falls below one box. **[Parts List]{.underline}** Each SMOS consists of the following parts. Since the parts are interchangeable, a Station Description form is kept for each station, which contains the serial numbers of all components. The form is updated whenever a component is changed. CAMPBELL Item Description [Part no.]{.underline} UT930 10m Tower ENC 16/18 Fiberglass Enclosure CR10 Measurement and Control Module with Wiring Panel SM716 Storage Module 6234 SM716 Bracket Kit PS12LA 12 V Power Supply with Charger and Battery SC32A Optically Isolated RS232 Interface Special Vaisala PTB201A Digital Barometer Special Mounting Bracket for PTB201A 05103-L RM Young Wind Monitor UT018 Mounting Arm, 7 feet in length HMP35C-L Vaisala Temperature and RH Probe UT018 Mounting Arm and Bracket UT12VA Radiation Shield for HMP35C UDG01-L CSI Snow Depth Sensor 6924 Mounting Arm 6879 Mounting Bracket for UDG01-L Special Novalynx 260-2500E-12 Electrically Heated Rain/Snow gauge Special Nova Link Alter Shield **[Spare Parts]{.underline}** Replacement parts have been included with the system for use when a component or sensor needs to be replaced for repair or calibration. One each of the following items is needed on site for every five stations. As there are currently fifteen stations, three of each item needs to be maintained on site. CAMPBELL Item Description [Part no.]{.underline} CR10 Measurement and Control Module CR10KD Keyboard/display SM716 Storage Module PS12LA Power Supply SC32A Optically Isolated RS232 Interface SC532 9-pin Peripheral to RS232 Interface 05103-L RM Young Wind Monitor HMP35C-L Vaisala Temperature and RH Probe UDG01-L CSI Snow Depth Sensor Special Vaisala PTB201A Digital Barometer Special Novalynx 260-2500E-12 Rain/Snow Gauge **[Sensor Verification and Checkout Equipment]{.underline}** The following supplemental equipment is supplied for system checkout and sensor verification: A Laptop Computer w/PC208W CR10KD Keyboard/display 7026 9-pin Computer to 25-pin Cable Adapter SC32A Optically Isolated RS232 Interface Vaisala PTB-220 Digital Barometer Vaisala HMI31/HMP35 Digital Temperature and RH Probe RM Young 18810 Anemometer Drive RM Young 18212 Vane Angle Fixture 500 ml Volumetric Flask with Case **[System operation]{.underline}** The SMOS system is designed to run unattended for prolonged periods of time with a minimal amount of routine maintenance. The system will automatically load the program from the storage module and start data acquisition and processing at power up. The only operator intervention required is setting the clock. This can be accomplished by using the CR10KD keyboard/display in \*5 mode or by using a laptop computer and PC208W. Refer to the CR10 or PC208W Manual for instructions. **[Routine Maintenance]{.underline}** **Every Two Weeks:** > The following are required to perform the checks and preventative > maintenance: 1\) A laptop computer with PC208W 2\) A CR10KD keyboard/display 3\) A soft brush (to clean rain gauge buckets) 4\) A desiccant pack 5\) One person If equipment or sensor replacement is needed, the following additional items may be required: 1\) Replacement equipment or sensors 2\) The Installation Manual 3\) Assorted tools, e.g., wrenches and screwdrivers 4\) Verification sensors - PTB-220 digital barometer, HMI31/HMP35 temperature and RH probe, and 18810 anemometer drive 5\) A second person The following servicing, maintenance, and checks shall be performed. If there has been a communication problem, download the data from the storage module to the laptop computer. Consult the Campbell and PC208W Manual for instructions to download data. Record the date and time of the download on the site log. Visually inspect the system and all sensors for any signs of damage. Observe the wind monitor for movement of the vane and propeller. Record any problems in the site log and notify the instrument mentor. Use the laptop computer to scan through input channels 1 through 8. Check for reasonable values. A table of inputs and limits is given below. If any value is questionable, record the observation in the site log and notify the instrument mentor. --------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------- Location Contents Range \* 1 Wind speed 0 to 45 m/s 2 Wind direction 0 to 360 deg 3 Temperature -40 to +50 C 4 Relative Humidity 0 to 103% 5 Precipitation 0 to 1 mm 6 Snow depth -10 to 1000 mm 7 Vapor pressure 0 to 10 kPa 8 Barometric pressure 80 to 110 kPa 10 Wind Speed (RPM) 0 to ?? --------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------- \* Location 5 is one-second total precipitation in mm. Location 16 is total accumulation in tips. Snow depth measured only at temperatures below 10 C. Set flag 7 high. Remove any debris from the rain gauge screen and/or funnel. After disconnecting the AC power, check inside for mice nests, etc. If the buckets are dirty, clean them with a soft brush (e.g., a toothbrush). Manually tip the bucket 3 times. Check input location 16 for a count of 3. Set flag 7 low. Record results and time period during which flag 7 was set high, in the site log. Consult the Campbell GRAPHTERM and PC208 Manuals for instructions to set the flag and monitor the inputs. > **Note! If flag 7 is not set low on the completion of this test, some > data will be lost.** Remove any obstacles or debris from the ground under the snow depth sensor. Trim vegetation growing below the sensor as needed. Record the action in the site log. This procedure is currently not done. Check and replace, as needed the desiccant in the enclosure. See Appendix A for comprehensive procedures of the Bi-weekly checks. **Every Six Months:** The following are required to perform the checks, maintenance, and sensor verification: > 1\) A laptop computer with PC208W > > 2\) A CR10KD keyboard/display > > 3\) Assorted tools, e.g., wrenches and screwdrivers > > 4\) A soft brush (to clean rain gauge buckets) > > 5\) A desiccant pack > > 6\) Verification sensors - PTB-220 digital barometer, > > HMI31/HMP35 temperature and RH probe, 18810 > > anemometer drive, 18212 vane angle fixture, and 500 > > ml volumetric flask > > 7\) Two people If equipment or sensor replacement is needed, the following additional items may be required: > 1\) Replacement equipment or sensors > > 2\) The Installation Manual In addition to the checks and maintenance described above for two week, perform sensor verification as described in Appendix B. If any sensor is found to be out of calibration, it should be replaced by a spare and returned to the manufacturer for recalibration. **Every 24 Months:** Once every two years the Wind Monitor should be returned to the manufacturer for replacement and or inspection of the bearings and the potentiometer. **APPENDIX A** **BI -- WEEKLY PROCEDURES** **SMOS** **PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES** **Facility: EF** **Frequency: Bi--Weekly** **Mentor: Michael Ritsche** The following procedures are for performing scheduled bi-weekly maintenance on the SMOS sites. All results should be recorded on the PM checklist. **INSPECTION OF SITE GROUNDS NEAR THE INSTRUMENT:** Visually inspect the site grounds around the instrument for hazards such as rodent burrows, buried conduit trench settling, and insect nests. Checklist response: No Problems Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Report **VISUAL INSPECTION OF INSTRUMENT COMPONNENTS:** **Tower Structure:** Check that the mast is vertical and all tower base bolts are tight. Check for any indications of broken or cracked tower structure components. Inspect the lightning ground wire for tightness and damage. Checklist response: No Problems Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Report **Conduit, Cables and Connectors:** Check that all the conduits on the bottom of the control box are secure. Check all conduits from the control box to the sensors for damage. Check all sensor wires inside the control box for tightness and damage. Check all the connectors at the sensors for damage, water intrusion and tightness. Checklist response: No Problems Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Report **Sensor Arms and Mounts:** Check that the wind sensor arm is aligned N-S. This is done by using a compass. Include the magnetic declination in the reading. Check the Snow Depth and Temperature/Humidity sensor arms and mounts for tightness and damage. Checklist response: No Problem Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Report **Wind Sensor:** Visually check the sensor for obvious damage and that the sensor moves freely. DO NOT lower the tower unless there is an obvious problem. Checklist response: No Problem Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Report **Temperature/Humidity Sensor:** To verify the accuracy and installation of the HMP-35C sensor the following tools will be needed. 1\. HMI31/HMP35 Temperature and Relative Humidity > Meter, recently calibrated. 2. Computer or CR10KD 3. Portable Aspiration Unit. Remove the sensor from the radiation shield and inspect, clean or replace the humidity cap. Verify that the sensor is working properly using the following procedures. > The verification of the temperature sensor is done with the Vaisala > HMI31/HMP35 T/RH meter. Mount the portable aspiration unit on the SMOS > tower approximately chest high. Place the HMP-35C T/RH sensor and the > HMI31/HMP35 T/RH Meter in the holders of the portable aspiration unit. > Turn on the HMI31/HMP35 meter. Allow the sensors to stabilize such > that the temperature and RH readings are changing by less that +/- 0.2 > Deg C or +/- 1% RH, then wait another 5 minutes before taking > readings. The air temperature measurement is stored in the data logger > in location 3 and the RH readings are stored in location 4. You can > monitor this location with either a computer or the CR10KD. Compare > the data logger measurement to the read-out of the HMI31/HMP35. The > temperature readings should match within +/- 0.5 C. The resolution of > the data logger measurement is 0.01 C. The RH readings should match > within +/- 2 % RH from 0 - 90 % RH or +/- 3 % RH from 90 - 100 % RH. > The resolution of the data logger measurement is 1.0 % RH. > > If the Bi-weekly check is being done at the Central Facility the > portable aspirator is not needed. The SMOS site at the Central > Facility has an aspirated shield. The HMI31/HMP35 Meter may be held > near the intake of the aspirated shield. Take care to position the > HMI31/HMP35 T/RH meter out of direct sunlight. > > **[NOTE]{.underline}:** If the probe or the T/RH Meter has been > exposed to a temperature significantly different from the ambient air > temperature and RH, it may take an appreciable time for the sensor to > stabilize. They may require rapid waving before they will stabilize. Test Results: [Measurement]{.underline} [Cal Standard]{.underline} [SMOS Sensor]{.underline} [Pass/Fail]{.underline} Temperature \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Humidity \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Temperature/Humidity Cap Change Scheduled?** Checklist response: Yes No **Snow Depth Sensor: (not done at this time)** Inspect the cable and connector for tightness and damage. Ensure that the vegetation under the snow depth gauge is cut as low as possible. Make sure that taller surrounding vegetation cannot be blown under the sensor. Check that the bottom of the sensor is parallel with the ground. Checklist response: No Problems Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Report **Rain Gauge:** After turning off and locking out the heater circuit breaker, remove the rain gauge funnel and ensure that both the large and small funnels are clear of debris. Check the wiring and connector for tightness and the housing for debris and damage. Inspect all conduits and cables. Re-install the rain gauge funnel. Checklist response: No Problem Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Reports **Digital Barometer:** Inspect the wiring from the Data logger to the Barometer box. Ensure that the intake tubes are unobstructed. Checklist response: No Problem Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Report **Desiccant Check:** Check the desiccant pack inside the control box and replace if necessary. Checklist response: No Problem Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Report **Laptop Recorded Sensor Readings:** Connect the laptop computer and record the following readings: Wind Directions: (degrees) range: 0 to 359 Wind Speed: (m/s) Temperature: (degrees C) Humidity: (%) range: 10 to 100 Pressure: (mbs) Snow Depth: (mm) range: +/- 25mm(not done) Also note the sky condition and present weather. **Rain Gauge Tip Test:** Set flag 7 on the SMOS CR10 to disable intermediate processing. Log the time that flag 7 was set. Manually tip the rain gauge bucket several times. Check location 16, TotCounts to ensure that the bucket tips are being counted. Reset flag 7 and log the time that the flag was reset. **Tip Test Times:** Time flag 7 set: hhmm (GMT) Time flag 7 reset: hhmm (GMT) Check list response: No Probem Noted Problem: See Comments Problem: See CM Report **Comments:** Enter any appropriate and applicable comments for this PM activity. **APPENDIX B:** **6-MONTH CALIBRATION PROCEDURES** **SMOS** **SIX-MONTH CALIBRATION PROCEDURES** **Facility: EF** **Frequency: Twice a year** **Mentor: Michael Ritsche** **NOTE: Prior to all testing and verification, Flag 7 must be set high to prevent false data from being recorded. This Flag should be reset when complete.** **1. 05103 RM Young Wind Monitor** > A. Wind speed > > To check that the wind speed sensor is measuring properly, the > following equipment is needed. 1\. 9/16\" wrench 2\. #18810 Anemometer drive 3\. A computer or CR10KD 4\. Two people > Tilt the tower down to access the wind monitor. Refer to Appendix C > for Tower lowering procedure. Remove the propeller from the propeller > shaft and install the torque nut provided. The anemometer drive > connects to the wind monitor body and the motor connects to the torque > nut. Next, select one of the following RPM levels on the anemometer > drive and start the unit. Wait for the RPM level to stabilize. [RPM]{.underline} [RPM Reading]{.underline} 500 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 750 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1000 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > Compare the reading from the anemometer drive and the sensor output as > read from the computer or the CR10KD. The RPM's measured by the CR10 > (Location 10) should be within +/- 1% of that indicated in the above > table. > > B. Wind Direction > > Using the angle fixture and a computer or a CR10KD, check that the > sensor output (Location 2) matches the direction settings determined > by the angle fixture #18212. The angle fixture is inserted between the > orientation ring and the wind monitor. Once the angle fixture is > installed, make sure that the notches of the orientation ring, angle > fixture and wind monitor all match up. Use the positioning arm to hold > the tail of the wind monitor in the correct position. Rotate the wind > monitor through the positions listed below and compare them to > directions measured by the data logger (Location 2). Quadrant Measured value 0 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 90 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 180 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 270 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 355 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > The accuracy of this measurement is +/- 5.0 degrees, with a resolution > of 1.0 degree. > > **NOTE:** **The absolute accuracy of this measurement depends on the > exactness of the orientation of the sensor with respect to true > north**. **2. HMP-35C Temperature & Relative Humidity** To verify the accuracy and installation of the HMP-35C sensor the following tools will be needed. 1\. HMI31/HMP35 Temperature and Relative Humidity > Meter, recently calibrated. 4. Computer or CR10KD 5. Portable Aspiration Unit. Remove the sensor from the radiation shield and inspect, clean or replace the humidity cap. Verify that the sensor is working properly using the following procedures. > The verification of the temperature sensor is done with the Vaisala > HMI31/HMP35 T/RH meter. Mount the portable aspiration unit on the SMOS > tower approximately chest high. Place the HMP-35C T/RH sensor and the > HMI31/HMP35 T/RH Meter in the holders of the portable aspiration unit. > Turn on the HMI31/HMP35 meter. Allow the sensors to stabilize such > that the temperature and RH readings are changing by less that +/- 0.2 > Deg C or +/- 1% RH, then wait another 5 minutes before taking > readings. The air temperature measurement is stored in the data logger > in location 3 and the RH readings are stored in location 4. You can > monitor this location with either a computer or the CR10KD. Compare > the data logger measurement to the read-out of the HMI31/HMP35. The > temperature readings should match within +/- 0.5 C. The resolution of > the data logger measurement is 0.01 C. The RH readings should match > within +/- 2 % RH from 0 - 90 % RH or +/- 3 % RH from 90 - 100 % RH. > The resolution of the data logger measurement is 1.0 % RH. > > If the Bi-weekly check is being done at the Central Facility the > portable aspirator is not needed. The SMOS site at the Central > Facility has an aspirated shield. The HMI31/HMP35 Meter may be held > near the intake of the aspirated shield. Take care to position the > HMI31/HMP35 T/RH meter out of direct sunlight. > > **[NOTE]{.underline}:** If the probe or the T/RH Meter has been > exposed to a temperature significantly different from the ambient air > temperature and RH, it may take an appreciable time for the sensor to > stabilize. They may require rapid waving before they will stabilize. Test Results: [Measurement]{.underline} [Cal Standard]{.underline} [SMOS Sensor]{.underline} [Pass/Fail]{.underline} Temperature \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Humidity \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **3. UDG01 Snow Depth Gauge (CURRENTLY NOT DONE)** **NOTE: The grass or vegetation under the gauge should be cut short and kept manicured to obtain accurate snow depth readings.** To start this test set Flag 8 high. This is done either using the F8 key while monitoring the input locations in PC208W or using the CR10KD. To use the CR10KD press **\*6AD8** to set the flag. The flag will automatically reset in two minutes. Once Flag 8 is high the UDG01 snow depth gauge will start making measurements once per second for two minutes. The snow depth measurement is found in location 17 in the data logger, this measurement should be within +/- 25 mm of zero when nothing is under the snow depth gauge. The snow depth gauge has a resolution of 0.5 mm. A cardboard box of a known height at least 2 feet by 2 feet square is then placed under the gauge. The measurement with the box under the gauge should show the height of the box within +/- 25 mm. **4. 2500E Rain/Snow Gauge** Two things need to be verified on this sensor. The first is that the sensor records each tip of the bucket, and the other is to check that the heater portion of the rain gauge functions. > A. Rain fall > > The rainfall verification is accomplished with the 500 milliliter > volumetric flask and plastic cup provided with the system. > > **Note this test should be started just after the even hour to insure > that the system does not reset the number of counts during the test > (This location resets every two hours).** > > Fill the volumetric flask to the indicator line and place the plastic > cup in the top of the rain gauge. Pour the 500 ml of water into the > cup and allow the contents to slowly drain through the rain/snow > gauge. Using the data logger to measure the counts of the rain gauge > the number of tips for 500 ml of water should be 25 to 27 counts; this > value is stored in Location 16. This test requires that the amount of > water used is precisely 500 ml. Once most of the water has drained > from the cup, slowly pour the last of the water through the rain > gauge. > > B. Heater > > To verify the operation of the heater in the rain/snow gauge, the > following test should be performed. Place an ice cube in a plastic bag > and hold the ice on the thermostat for 1 minute, and continue to hold > in place while checking the heater (See Rain Gauge Manual in > Installation Manual). Feel the heater element at the base of the rain > gauge and ensure that it has started to get hot. The heater should be > warm to the touch within 30 to 45 seconds after the thermostat has > been tripped; the thermostat is set to trip at 37 degrees F. **5. PTB-201 Barometric** **Pressure** The PTB-201 barometer is located inside of the enclosure. A computer or the CR10KD can be used to monitor the location where the barometric pressure is being displayed (LOC: 18). Establish communications with the data logger and monitor location 18 for barometric pressure in millibars. Use the PTB-220 Digital Barometric pressure transducer to read the current barometric pressure in millibars and compare the two values. The two values should be with in +/- 0.5 millibars of each other; the resolution of the sensor is 0.1 millibars. The barometric pressure that is measured and recorded in the station (Location 8) is in Kilopascals and is 1/10 of the millibars readings used in the verification of the sensor. **SURFACE METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATION SYSTEM** **SENSOR VERIFICATION FORM** **SITE ID:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ LOCATION:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **Tested by:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Date:\_\_\_\_\_/\_\_\_\_\_/\_\_\_\_\_** **Started: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_GMT Ended: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_GMT** **1. 05103 Wind Monitor** **A. Wind Speed** **[RPM]{.underline}** **[Measured RPM]{.underline}** (LOC: 10) **[PASS/FAIL]{.underline}** **500** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **750** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **1000** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The measured RPM should be within +/- 1% of the motor drive RPM. **Acceptable: YES / NO** **B. Wind Direction** **[Quadrant]{.underline}** **[Measured value]{.underline}** (LOC: 2) **[PASS/FAIL]{.underline}** 0 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 90 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 180 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 270 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 355 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The accuracy of this measurement is +/- 5.0 degrees, with a resolution of 1.0 degree. **Acceptable: YES / NO** **2. HMP-35C Temperature & Relative Humidity** **[Measurement]{.underline} [Cal Standard]{.underline} [SMOS Sensor]{.underline} [Pass/Fail]{.underline}** **Temperature \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **Humidity \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** (Temperature readings are in LOC: 3, RH in LOC:4) The temp readings once stabilized should match within +/- 0.5 C. The resolution of the data logger measurement is 0.01 C. The RH readings once stabilized should match within +/- 2 % RH from 0 - 90 % RH, +/- 3 % RH from 90 - 100 % RH. The resolution of the measurement is 1.0 % RH. **Acceptable: YES / NO** **3. UDG01 Snow Depth Gauge (not done at this time)** (LOC: 17) **Object Height Measured**:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **UDG01**:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ This measurement should be within +/- 25 mm. **Acceptable: YES / NO** **4. 2500E Rain/Snow Gauge** **A. Rain, 500 ml should produce 25 to 27 tips** **Number of tips recorded**:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (LOC: 16) **Acceptable: YES / NO** **B. Heater** **Acceptable: YES / NO** **5. Barometric Pressure** **PTB-220 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **PTB-201 Reading:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** (LOC: 8) The readings should agree within +/- 0.05 kPa or 0.5 mb. **Acceptable: YES / NO** **6. Comments:** **APPENDIX C:** # 10 METER TOWER OPERATION PROCEDURE **SMOS** **10-METER TOWER OPERATION PROCEDURE** **Facility: EF** **Frequency: As required** **Mentor: Michael Ritsche** **NOTE: DO NOT LOWER the 10-meter tower if the wind gusts are in excess of 12 meters per second (26.8 miles per hour).** High winds can overcome the counter balance weights and cause the tower to lower at excessive speed. **NOTE: DO NOT LOWER the 10-meter tower if there is visible cloud to ground lightning.** Lightning can strike miles ahead of a thunderstorm and the tower is typically the tallest object in the immediate vicinity. > To lower the 10-meter tower, the following equipment is needed. 1. Two ¾ \" wrenches 2. Hard hats and safety glasses 3. Cinderblock 4. Two people 5. Gloves when working with rope Using the laptop, monitor the wind speed for several minutes and ensure that it never gusts above 12 meters per second. NOTE: Hardhats must be in place before tower activity begins. To Lower: Loosen and remove the lock nut from the bolt with 3/4\" wrenches. Remove the bolt from the beam and bracket and the bracket will then be out of the way for tower lowering. Untie and unwrap the rope and place the cinderblock where the top of tower will be when it is down. Pull the rope until the top of the tower is in a comfortable working position and secure the rope to the cinder block. Perform necessary PM work. To Raise: Untie the rope from the cinderblock and use it to slowly return the tower to an upright position. Reinstall the bracket and bolt then tighten the lock nut with 3/4\" wrenches. Rewrap and secure the rope to the tower. Place the cinderblock back in its proper position at the base of the tower. **SMOS** **OKMULGEE TOWER OPERATION PROCEDURE** **Facility: EF** **Frequency: As required** **Mentor: Michael Ritsche** **NOTE: DO NOT CLIMB the tower if the wind gusts are in excess of 12 meters per second (26.8 miles per hour).** High winds can cause the tower to move making it unsafe to walk on the top platform. **NOTE: DO NOT CLIMB the tower if there is visible cloud to ground lightning or if you hear thunder.** Lightning can strike miles ahead of a thunderstorm and the tower is the tallest object in the immediate vicinity. NOTE: Contact the Central Facility Safety Officer for tower access authorization prior to climbing the Okmulgee tower. > To operate the tower instrument booms, the following equipment is > needed. 1. Large standard screwdriver 2. Safety Harnesses and Lanyards 3. At least **two** people 4. Hard hats and safety glasses 5. Disposable gloves and disposable coveralls Using the laptop, monitor the wind speed for several minutes and ensure that it never gusts above 12 meters per second. One person must remain on the ground and must wear a hard hat when someone is climbing or working on the tower. Anyone who is working on the tower and is below someone else must also wear a hard hat. Inspect the Safety Harness for excessive wear or damage. The Safety Harness should be properly adjusted to properly fit the person wearing it and the lanyard must be secured to a tower vertical leg before boom operations begin. A Lanyard must not be secured to the horizontal members of the tower because they can come loose. With a large screwdriver, loosen the eyebolts that secure the boom. When the eyebolts are loose, remove the bird deterrent strip from the boom by releasing the hand clamp and allowing the strip to hang from the safety rope that is attached to the strip. Mark a line on the boom at the edge of the roller block. Firmly grasp underneath the boom and lift upwards slightly to remove tension of the block rollers: pull inward until instruments are in a comfortable working position. Perform the necessary PM. Extend the boom back to the operating position by grasping underneath the boom while pushing outward until the mark on the boom is in the correct position. Tighten eyebolts (snugly only, not extremely tight, to avoid damage) with large screwdriver and reinstall the bird deterrent strip, securing it with the hand clamp.
# Presentation: 370365 ## Tracking the money - A primer for Rural Development Employees - Karen Savoie Murray, OCD - Alden Turner, RD/ME ## The Rules **OMB Circulars**** **** ** - _[http://]([]( **A-21** Cost Principles for Educational Institutions **A-87** Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments **A-102** Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments **A-110** Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non‐Profit Organizations **A-122** Cost Principles for Non‐Profit Organizations **A-133 **Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non‐Profit Organizations ## The Rules **USDA Regulations**_** **_ - _[]( **7 CFR Part 3015** Uniform Federal assistance regulations **7 CFR Part 3016** Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments **7 CFR Part 3017** Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement) drug‐free workplace (grants) **7 CFR Part 3018** New restrictions on lobbying **7 CFR Part 3019** Uniform administrative requirements for grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non‐profit organizations **7 CFR Part 3052** Audits of States, local governments, and non‐profit organizations ## 7 CFR PART 3016 - UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANTS AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ## 7 PART 3019 - UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS, AND OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ## Sec. 3016.20, 3019.21 Standards for financial management systems. - Grantees responsible for: - accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the grant financial activities - records which adequately identify the source and application of funds provided for financially-assisted activities. - grant or subgrant awards and authorizations, obligations and income. ## Sec. 3016.20, 3019.21 Standards for financial management systems - Source documentation: - cancelled checks, - paid bills, - payrolls, time and attendance records, - contract and subgrant award documents, etc. ## Sec. 3016.20, 3019.21 Standards for financial management systems - Cash management: - minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from the U.S. Treasury and disbursement by grantees and subgrantees - must be followed whenever advance payment procedures are used. ## Sec. 3016.21, 3019.22 Payment - minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds and disbursement by the grantee or subgrantee, in accordance with Treasury regulations at 31 CFR part 205. - Grantees and subgrantees shall disburse repayments to and interest earned on a revolving fund before requesting additional cash payments for the same activity. ## Sec. 3016.22, 3019.27 Allowable costs. - Reasonable fees or profit to cost-type contractors - No fee or profit (or other increment above allowable costs) to the grantee or subgrantee. - Applicable cost principles. - OMB Circular A-87 - OMB Circular A-122 ## Sec. 3016.24, 3019.23 Matching or cost sharing - Federal grants cannot be used as a match for another Federal Grant (statuory exceptions). - Program income, as defined in Sec. 3016.25 and 3019.24, may not be used for cost sharing or matching. - Does not apply to income earned by a grantee or subgrantee from a contract awarded under another Federal grant. - In-kind contributions have special restrictions. ## Sec. 3016.26, 3019.26 Non-Federal audit - Grantees and subgrantees are responsible for obtaining audits -- Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (31 U.S.C. 7501-7507) and revised OMB Circular A-133, ``Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations.'' - In USDA, revised OMB Circular A-133 is implemented in 7 CFR part 3052, ``Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations.'' ## Sec. 3016.30, 3019.25 Changes and Revisions - Funds can be moved within the approved budget categories - unanticipated requirements - limited program changes - May require the prior written approval of the awarding agency. ## Purchases - Sec. 3016.**31, **3019**.32** Real property - Sec. 3016.**32, **3019**.34** Equipment - Sec. 3016.**33, **3019**.35** Supplies - Agency must be compensated for residual inventory of unused supplies exceeding $5,000 ## Sec. 3016.36, 3019.41-.48 Procurement - Grantees and subgrantees will use their own procurement procedures - reflect applicable State and local laws and regulations, - conforms to applicable Federal law and standards identified in this section. ## Sec. 3016.40, 3019.51 Monitoring and reporting program performance. - Grantees are responsible for - managing grant and subgrant supported programs, functions and activities. - compliance with applicable Federal reporting requirements - achievement of performance goals - Performance reports must be submitted on schedule required by agency ## Sec. 3016.41, 3019.51-.52 Financial reporting - Standard Form 269 or 269A, Financial Status Report (some exceptions for construction grants) - Accounting basis -- cash or accrual basis as prescribed by the awarding agency. - Frequency -- No more than quarterly (30 days), no less than annually (90 days if annual). - Request for advance or reimbursement--Standard Form 270, Request for Advance or Reimbursement. - Standard Form 271, Outlay Report and Request for reimbursement for Construction Programs. ## Sec. 3016.42, 3019.53 Retention and access requirements - applies to all financial and programmatic records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other records of grantees or subgrantees - does not apply to records maintained by contractors or subcontractors. - records must be retained for three years after (unless litigation pending) ## Sec. 3016.43, 3019.61-.62 Enforcement - If Grantee fails to comply with statute or regulation - agency may: - Temporarily withhold cash payments - Suspend or terminate the current award for the grantee's or subgrantee's program, - Withhold further awards for the program (tax benefits, earmarks) - The agency will provide the grantee or subgrantee - an opportunity for hearing, appeal, or - Other administrative proceeding ## 7 CFR 25 - Regulation changes for employees - Karen Savoie Murray, OCD - Alden Turner, ME ## Highlights of the changes - Implementation - Lead entity requirements - Board composition - Grants management regulations - USDA regulations adopted - Project eligibility criteria established - Environmental regulations adopted ## Subpart E -- - Post-Designation Requirements ## § 25.404 Validation of designation - § 25.404(a) Maintaining the principles of the program - Continuous improvement - Participation ## § 25.404(b) Administration of the strategic plan - The strategic plan must be administered in a manner consistent with the principles of the program contained in § 25.202(a). ## Administration of the strategic plan - Lead entity - legal status and authority to receive and administer Federal funds - legal capacity to implement the plan - Board membership - representative of entire socio-economic spectrum - 55% elected - one member from each census tract - elected and representative of the low income residents ## Administration of the strategic plan - Partnerships are critical to success ! - local governments/institutions - regional organization - community organizations - Public information – - keep citizens and partners informed - must have written PR procedures ## Subpart G -- - Round II and Round IIS Grants ## § 25.620 Eligible grant purposes - services directed at the goals of -- - economic self-sufficiency - preventing or remedying neglect, abuse, or exploitation of children and adults unable to protect their own interests, or preserving, rehabilitating or reuniting families; - projects and activities identified in the strategic plan for the area; and - activities that benefit residents of the area for which the grant is made. ## § 25.621 Ineligible grant purposes - local match required for other federal grants; - duplication or replacement of current services or financial support provided from other sources. Expanded service OK. - assisting a private business with less than 51 percent ownership by US citizens or legal permanent residents; - relocation of businesses from other communities; ## § 25.621 Ineligible grant purposes - support or promotion of gambling; - political activities; - preparation of EZ/EC program application package; - costs incurred prior to the execution date of the MOA; - judgments or debts owed to the United States; - political lobbying. ## § 25.604 Disbursement of grant funds - 7 CFR 3015, 3016 and 3019 of this title govern disbursements - “request for advance or reimbursement,” in form and substance satisfactory to USDA, must be completed by the grantee on behalf of itself and all applicable subrecipients and submitted to the funding official. ## § 25.604 Disbursement of grant funds - Requests for funds must include for each benchmark activity : - $ amount requested; - cumulative $ amount received; - total obligated $ for each; - total approved budget for the project (all sources); - % of the benchmark completed; - certification that the lead managing entity are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulatory requirements; and - other information as the funding official may require. **** - OTHER USDA REGULATIONS **7 CFR part 3015**, *“Uniform Federal Assistance Regulations”* **7 CFR part 3016**, *“Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments”;* **7 CFR part 3017**, *“Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants)”;* **7 CFR part 3018**, *“New Restrictions on Lobbying”;* **7 CFR part 3019**, *“Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and other Non-Profit Organizations; and* **7 CFR part 3052**, *“Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations.”* ## What Next? - For more information: - OCD Website – Grants Management site - Slideshows will be posted on conference web site - Call your desk officer, or - Email _[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])__ with questions_
\[\"TREASURY DEPARTMENT; WASHINGTON, D.C.\" letterhead with star-encircled seal on right.\] May 13, 1968 FOR RELEASE MORNING NEWSPAPERS [TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1968]{.underline} TREASURY PUBLISHES PROCEDURES FOR EXCHANGING SILVER CERTIFICATES FOR SILVER BULLION The Treasury Department today published procedures governing the exchange of silver certificates for silver bullion during the remaining period of exchangeability, which ends June 24, 1968. After that date, silver certificates will continue to be usable as legal currency, but may not be redeemed for silver. The exchange procedures, published in today's Federal Register, are essentially the ones that Treasury has followed since it began in March, 1964, to redeem silver certificates with silver bullion rather than silver dollars, as authorized by law. The Department now has simply formalized the procedures to insure orderly transactions during the remainder of the exchange period. To obtain silver bullion in exchange for silver certificates, a holder of certificates must present them in person at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or San Francisco or at the United States Assay Office in New York or San Francisco. In the case of certificates presented to the two Federal Reserve Banks, the holders receive receipts which may be exchanged for silver bullion at the assay offices. In its notice in the Federal Register, Treasury urged holders of certificates who want to redeem them for silver bullion to do so promptly, since the exchange period is now nearing an end. The Department also pointed out that the two Federal Reserve Banks and two Assay Offices will make exchanges only during normal working hours, and said that if many holders wait until just before the June 24 deadline the exchange facilities may not be able to handle all requests. F-1247
# Presentation: 087304 ## Wisconsin’s School Performance Report Redesign **Wisconsin’s School Performance Report Redesign** - Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction125 S. Webster St.P.O. Box 7841Madison, WI 53707-7841 - John T. BensonState Superintendent - Presented byLinda Zach ## The Wisconsin Department of Public (DPI) outlined two major phases for data development. SPR data collection software revisions incorporated changes in state law, new reporting requirements from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), and changes in data definitions adopted by DPI in order to comply with recommendations from NCES. Streamlining the processes by which the data collected are summarized, published, and made available to the public. This process allowed the department to eliminate a data cycle, which included updating a software program and distributing 426+ diskettes to education agencies. - SPR data collection software revisions incorporated changes in state law, new reporting requirements from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), and changes in data definitions adopted by DPI in order to comply with recommendations from NCES. - Streamlining the processes by which the data collected are summarized, published, and made available to the public. - This process allowed the department to eliminate a data cycle, which included updating a software program and distributing 426+ diskettes to education agencies. ## SPR Data Collection Software - First implemented in1992 - Electronic collection - The software did not function consistently for all users, creating an undue burden on end-users and DPI staff providing technical support. - Data collection software was recompiled using Clarion, version 4. - Software and hardware technology changes prompted to run under the Windows environment (16 and 32 bit) instead of the DOS environment. ## DPI revised the SPR to incorporate changes in federal, state law, and to comply with data definitions with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Dropouts: The department changed the definition of dropout to conform with NCES. Graduation rate: The calculation is the number of graduates divided by the sum of graduates plus dropouts over four years (9DRS are 9th-grade dropouts three years ago, etc.). Graduates / (Graduates + 9DRS + 10DRS + 11DRS + 12DRS) Habitual Truancy: The Wisconsin Legislature, in 1997 Wisconsin Act 239, changed the definition of habitual truancy. "A habitual truant means a pupil who is absent from school without an acceptable excuse for part or all of 5 or more days on which school is held during a school semester." **Dropouts:** The department changed the definition of dropout to conform with NCES. **Graduation rate:** The calculation is the number of graduates divided by the sum of graduates plus dropouts over four years (9DRS are 9th-grade dropouts three years ago, etc.). Graduates / (Graduates + 9DRS + 10DRS + 11DRS + 12DRS) **Habitual Truancy:** The Wisconsin Legislature, in 1997 Wisconsin Act 239, changed the definition of habitual truancy. "A habitual truant means a pupil who is absent from school without an acceptable excuse for part or all of 5 or more days on which school is held during a school semester." - SPR Data Collection Revisions ## Dropouts and Graduates: are collected by disability. Expulsions: are collected by disability. Additionally, expulsions are divided into those that are weapon or drug related, and those that are not. Unduplicated Count of Expulsions: unduplicated count, by grade, gender, race, and disability, of the number of students expelled one or more times for any reason during the school year. Out-of-School Suspensions: are collected by disability and by whether 10 days or < 10 days or > 10 days. Additionally, suspensions are divided into those that are weapon or drug related, and those that are not. Unduplicated Count of Suspensions: unduplicated count, by disability, of the number of students suspended one or more times for any reason during the school year. **Expulsions:** are collected by disability. Additionally, expulsions are divided into those that are weapon or drug related, and those that are not. **Unduplicated Count of Expulsions:** unduplicated count, by grade, gender, race, and disability, of the number of students expelled one or more times for any reason during the school year. **Out-of-School Suspensions:** are collected by disability and by whether 10 days or < 10 days or > 10 days. Additionally, suspensions are divided into those that are weapon or drug related, and those that are not. **Unduplicated Count of Suspensions:** unduplicated count, by disability, of the number of students suspended one or more times for any reason during the school year. - SPR Data Collection Revisions for Special Education ## Unilateral Removals—now called Interim Alternative Educational Settings (IAES): instances in which school personnel (not the IEP team) order the removal of children with disabilities from their current educational placements to an appropriate IAES for not more than 45 days due to weapon or drug related acts. All removal data is collected by grade, race, gender, and disability. Unduplicated Count of IAES: unduplicated count of students removed by school personnel to an IAES. Removals, Drug Related: total number of removals resulting from drug related acts. Removals, Weapon Related: total number of removals resulting from weapon related acts. **Unduplicated Count of IAES:** unduplicated count of students removed by school personnel to an IAES. **Removals, Drug Related:** total number of removals resulting from drug related acts. **Removals, Weapon Related:** total number of removals resulting from weapon related acts. - SPR Data Collection Revisions for Special Education ## Multiple Short-Term Suspensions Summing to > 10 days: Unduplicated count of students subject to multiple short-term suspensions (each 10 days or fewer) summing to greater than 10 days. This data is collected by grade, race, gender and disability. Removals due to Hearing Officer Determination: unduplicated count of students with disabilities removed from their current education placement to an appropriate IAES based on a hearing officer’s determination. Unduplicated Count for Federal Reporting: unduplicated count of children with disabilities subject to a unilateral removal (IAES), a long-term suspension/expulsion for non-drug and weapon related incidents, or multiple short-term suspensions for non-drug or weapon related summing to greater than 10 days. Each student is counted only once regardless of type of disciplinary action. This information cannot be derived from the other data in the suspension/expulsion file. **Removals due to Hearing Officer Determination:** unduplicated count of students _with disabilities_ removed from their current education placement to an appropriate IAES based on a hearing officer’s determination. **Unduplicated Count for Federal Reporting: **unduplicated count of children with disabilities subject to a unilateral removal (IAES), a long-term suspension/expulsion for non-drug and weapon related incidents, or multiple short-term suspensions for non-drug or weapon related summing to greater than 10 days. Each student is counted only once regardless of type of disciplinary action. This information cannot be derived from the other data in the suspension/expulsion file. - SPR Data Collection Revisions for Special Education ## The SPR Web application was developed using Active Service Page (ASP) technology, Microsoft's solution for creating database driven Web applications. Through simple interaction with standard HTML form controls users pass search criteria to the Web server. The server, in turn, passes these variables to the Oracle data warehouse in the form of a query. Oracle returns the resultant data set to the Web server where it is formatted using standard HTML tags and this page is then sent to the client's browser. Because no client-side processing occurs, the application is compatible with a wide variety of browser brands and versions. - Through simple interaction with standard HTML form controls users pass search criteria to the Web server. - The server, in turn, passes these variables to the Oracle data warehouse in the form of a query. - Oracle returns the resultant data set to the Web server where it is formatted using standard HTML tags and this page is then sent to the client's browser. - Because no client-side processing occurs, the application is compatible with a wide variety of browser brands and versions. - Streamlining the Publishing Process ## Environment - Internet - Firewall - Firewall - Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) - Network - Production InformationServer (IIS)(Leonardo) - OracleData warehouse(Venus) - OracleData warehouse(Saturn) - Venus data warehouse is refreshed nightly from the Saturn data warehouse. - A firewall is a program that protects the resources of one network from users from other networks. - DMZ is a network added between a protected network and an external network in order to provide an additional layer of security. ## The Flow of the SPR Web Application - Internet - Client - DPI - DMZ Domain - Venus - Receives Request - Finds Files - Interprets ASP(gets data if necessary from Oracle) - Sends files back to client - Leonardo - Data returned - Data request ## Active Server Pages - Default.asp - Topselect.asp - Sprframeinit.htm - Noframe.asp - Direct.asp - Various Reports - Various Reports - Frames - No Frames ## Various Reports **The application can be accessed at**** **_[]( ## Future Plans - DPI identified the creation of a web-based collection tool as a high priority, but this goal has yet to be realized. It is feasible to expect all of Wisconsin’s education agencies to report data via the web. - DPI cannot proceed with the development of its secure data collection environment until we know what hardware and software we will need to interface with the state's e-government environment. - The state of Wisconsin is currently working on a plan that will allow customers to authenticate to the state's e-government applications through a common Novell directory structure. - Under this plan a person could conceivably sign into the system and apply for a fishing license with the Department of Natural Resources and then go to the Department of Public Instruction and apply for a teacher's license without having to re-authenticate. The state hopes to have its e-government architecture proof of concept testing done by August 2001. ## DPI will have to migrate Oracle from a Netware platform to a MS 2000 platform by December 31, 2001 due to Novell's not supporting Oracle on Netware. Using Oracle on Novell, we could not easily configure an environment that would allow us to write 2-tier ASP applications from our IIS server which resides in the DMZ to our production Oracle database, which is secure inside our LAN environment. Currently we only collect non-confidential data and store it on an Oracle server which resides in the DMZ. Under Oracle on MS 2000, we will be able to do so. - Using Oracle on Novell, we could not easily configure an environment that would allow us to write 2-tier ASP applications from our IIS server which resides in the DMZ to our production Oracle database, which is secure inside our LAN environment. Currently we only collect non-confidential data and store it on an Oracle server which resides in the DMZ. Under Oracle on MS 2000, we will be able to do so. - Future Plans ## Questions ## Thank you and enjoy the rest of the conference.
# Presentation: 492517 ## Discrete Vertical Bends in the ILC Main Linac - WG1 Layout Session - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## Motivation - At 1 TeV CM and 30 MV/m, the LET will be ~53 km long - Straight LET: IR halls ~50 m deeper than bunch compressors - Continually curved LET: design dispersion at all BPMs, hard to tune emittance - Consider piecewise-straight LET with up to 2 vertical arcs per side at 1 TeV CM - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## Parameters of VARC - Divide LET into ~equal-length segments - Both BDS in the same straight - Straight next to BDS must be at least 7.5 km for dog-bone straights - Arc angles should equal average curvature of “cue ball” earth - Real site will need somewhat different angles - Limit SR effects - Emittance growth - Critical energy < 5 MeV limits component activation - Use 90 degree FODO cells - Achieve dispersion match using Keil scheme - 6 cells: 4 at half-strength, 2 full - One PS for all bends, so half-strength == half as many windings - Tune ηy with quad strengths - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## VARC Parameters (2) | Parameter | 30 MV/m value | 35 MV/m value | 40 MV/m value | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Geographic Gradient [GeV/km] | 19.8 | 23.1 | 26.4 | | Segment 1 length [km] | 12.4 | 10.6 | 9.3 | | Segment 2 length [km] | 7.5 | 7.5 | 7.5 | | BDS segment length [km] | 13.2 | 9.8 | 7.4 | | LCD extra depth [m] | 3.42 | 1.88 | 1.07 | | VARC1 energy [GeV] | 250 | 250 | 250 | | VARC2 energy [GeV] | 399 | 424 | 448 | | VARC1 angle [mrad] | 1.56 | 1.42 | 1.32 | | VARC2 angle [mrad] | 1.62 | 1.36 | 1.17 | - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## Schematic View - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## VARC Optics - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## Non-Issues - Power supply strength tolerances - 1e-3 is good enough - Horizontal dispersion from rotated bends or quads - very small effect; ηx tuning not needed - SR effects for ECM up to 1 TeV - critical energy below 5 MeV - emittance growth ~2% for all cases studied - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## Issues - SR at energies higher than 1 TeV CM - emittance growth excessive - may need to lengthen arc, switch to gradient bends - Bandwidth - High-order dispersions not corrected - steering and mismatches for off-energy bunches - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## Lengthening VARC - Can “rip out” linac around VARC and extend – center of VARC has to be lowered by 3.5 cm for 1.62 mrad total bend angle - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## Emittance Growth and Mismatch - Even 20% off-momentum beam will have tolerable matched emittance (about 2 um.rad) - Mismatch over BDS luminosity bandwidth is quite small - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## Steering - -20% off-momentum beam gets steering error of 1500 σ, or about 3.8 mm (10% of the cavity apertures), so it doesn’t hit anything in the linac - For more modest momentum errors the offset is well within the capture range of the intra-train feedbacks - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005 ## Conclusions - In my opinion the vertical arcs look usable - Need to consider operational implications of arcs - in particular whether tuning procedures can tolerate large oscillations and mismatches for off-momentum bunches - Intra-train feedback issues - Does large high-order dispersion drive halo formation? - Don’t know yet what beta match from linac looks like - might be highly chromatic... - Note that if 6-cell arcs prove marginal, can expand to 10-cell arcs - Dramatic reduction in high-order dispersion and mismatches for off-momentum bunches - PT and Mark Woodley - 16-August-2005
Site Identification USGS Site Number Dates Times Type of Sample Specific Conductance (microsiemens/cm) Calcium (mg/L) Magnesium (mg/L) Sodium (mg/L) Potassium (mg/L) Alkalinity by gran titration (mg/L as CaCO3) Sulfate (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) Fluoride (mg/L) Silica as SiO2 (mg/L) Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) Iron (microgram/L) "Sacramento Slough near Knights Landing, CA" 11391100 8/26/96 1100 Environmental 311 24 17 16 1.6 140 6.3 6.1 0.1 26 193 41 "Sacramento Slough near Knights Landing, CA" 11391100 8/26/96 1101 Replicate 314 24 17 17 1.6 6.5 6.1 0.1 27 270 15 "Cache Creek at Rumsey, CA" 11451800 12/13/96 1240 Environmental 436 21 25 35 2 110 25 40 0.1 16 234 8 "Cache Creek at Rumsey, CA" 11451800 12/13/96 1241 Replicate 436 21 25 35 2 110 25 40 0.11 16 247 20 "Arcade Creek near Del Paso Heights, CA" 11447360 1/13/97 1100 Environmental 186 18 4.6 11 2.5 50 13 12 <.10 13 125 61 "Arcade Creek near Del Paso Heights, CA" 11447360 1/13/97 1101 Replicate 193 18 4.6 11 2.6 50 13 12 <.10 13 128 81 "American River at Sacramento, CA" 11447000 3/24/97 1100 Environmental 55 5.2 1.8 2 0.74 19 2.1 1.3 <.10 9.9 41 8.8 "American River at Sacramento, CA" 11447000 3/24/97 1101 Replicate 55 5.3 1.8 2 0.8 2.2 1.4 <.10 10 42 14 "Yuba River at Marysville, CA" 11421500 11/17/97 1400 Environmental 90 9.5 3.1 2.4 0.56 30 4 1.6 <.10 12 65 13 "Yuba River at Marysville, CA" 11421500 11/17/97 1401 Replicate 90 9.5 3.1 2.4 0.54 30 3.9 1.6 <.10 12 65 11 "Colusa Basin Drain at Road 99E near Knights Landing, CA" 11390890 2/26/98 1100 Environmental 244 17 9.1 18 2.1 91 19 6.5 0.17 10 140 11 "Colusa Basin Drain at Road 99E near Knights Landing, CA" 11390890 2/26/98 1101 Replicate 243 17 9.2 17 2.1 91 19 6.6 0.18 10 145 14
# Presentation: 012307 ## Worldwide Acceptance - Major accredited fire testing laboratories in North America include Factory Mutual Research, Southwest Research Institute, Western Fire Center, Underwriters Laboratories, Omega Point Laboratories, Intertek Testing Services NA and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada - Accredited laboratories and agencies enjoy worldwide acceptance of their reports if their Accreditation Body is a signatory to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) operated by various international cooperations: - International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) - Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) - National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA) S domestic United States cooperation - InterAmerican Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) ## Worldwide Acceptance (cont’d.) - American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), International Accreditation Service (IAS) and National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) are the three United States Accreditation Bodies recognized by the ILAC and APLAC MRAs. - Five accreditation bodies are covered under National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA): A2LA, IAS, NVLAP, American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and Performance Review Institute (PRI). ## Uncertainty of Measurements and Proficiency Testing for Laboratories - Uncertainty of measurements very important for large-scale fire testing laboratories. This subject is currently being actively debated in APLAC and ILAC - In-house retest of samples or items by several analysts - Local or national exchange of samples or items for test and formal analysis of results - (Proficiency Testing Suppliers accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 43 and ILAC G 13) - APLAC exchange of proficiency testing samples among member economies, each with several laboratories participating (mostly testing) ## Slide 4 ## Slide 5 ## Typical Accreditation Certificate ***Typical Accreditation Certificate*** ## Thank You ** ** ** ** - - Phone: +562 699-0541 - Facsimile: +562 699-8031