int64 0
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int64 0
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stringlengths 57
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I'm finding the lack of me in these posts very alarming.|||Sex can be boring if it's in the same position often. For example me and my girlfriend are currently in an environment where we have to creatively use cowgirl and missionary. There isn't enough...|||Giving new meaning to 'Game' theory.|||Hello *ENTP Grin* That's all it takes. Than we converse and they do most of the flirting while I acknowledge their presence and return their words with smooth wordplay and more cheeky grins.|||This + Lack of Balance and Hand Eye Coordination.|||Real IQ test I score 127. Internet IQ tests are funny. I score 140s or higher. Now, like the former responses of this thread I will mention that I don't believe in the IQ test. Before you banish...|||You know you're an ENTP when you vanish from a site for a year and a half, return, and find people are still commenting on your posts and liking your ideas/thoughts. You know you're an ENTP when you...|||http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/6422/6020d1f9da6944a6b71bbe6.jpg|||http://img.adultdvdtalk.com/813a0c6243814cab84c51|||I over think things sometimes. I go by the old Sherlock Holmes quote. Perhaps, when a man has special knowledge and special powers like my own, it rather encourages him to seek a complex...|||cheshirewolf.tumblr.com So is I :D|||400,000+ post|||Not really; I've never thought of E/I or J/P as real functions. I judge myself on what I use. I use Ne and Ti as my dominates. Fe for emotions and rarely Si. I also use Ni due to me strength...|||You know though. That was ingenious. After saying it I really want to try it and see what happens with me playing a first person shooter in the back while we drive around. I want to see the look on...|||out of all of them the rock paper one is the best. It makes me lol. You guys are lucky :D I'm really high up on the tumblr system.|||So did you hear about that new first person shooter game? I've been rocking the hell out of the soundtrack on my auto sound equipment that will shake the heavens. We managed to put a couple PS3's in...|||No; The way he connected things was very Ne. Ne dominates are just as aware of their environments as Se dominates. Example: Shawn Spencer or Patrick Jane; Both ENTPs.|||Well charlie I will be the first to admit I do get jealous like you do. I chalk it up to my 4w3 heart mixed with my dominate 7w8. 7s and 8s both like to be noticed. 4's like to be known (not the same...|||;D I'll upload the same clip with the mic away from my mouth. Than you won't hear anything. Ninja Assassin style but with splatter.|||Tik Tok is a really great song. As long as you can mental block out the singer. I love the beat it makes me bounce.|||drop.io v1swck0 :D Mic really close to my mouth and smokin aces: assassins ball playing in the background.|||Sociable =/= extrovert; I'm an extrovert and I'm not sociable. :)|||Sherlock in the movie was an ENTP. Normally he's played as a EXTJ. In the books he's an ESTJ. As I said. The movie looked good except for it being called sherlock holmes.|||http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz96/kamioo/Dirtywinch.png|||Oh, I never had fear of kissing a guy. I will kiss an animal too. So there was nothing to vanish. Just personal taste and me not liking it. The guy I kissed didn't know me. It was one of those...|||Sounds pretty much like my area and what I'm going through right now trying to figure out which way I want to take my life. I want to do so many things. The biggest problem is that I know if I don't...|||;D I was operating under the impression that you were female. I never looked at your boxy. Okay, I help out my gay friends all the time and one of them has developed a little crush on me. I get red...|||T_T You just described me and I'm living the worst nightmare. I'm trapped in one place with one one around. Only dull woods. If I was a serial killer this would be the perfect place but sadly I'm...|||TBH, and biased, sounds like a shadowed INFP. I think maybe he was hurt and turned ESTJ. I can tell because he has some of the typical INFP traits left over.|||*Checks list* I'm sorry. It seems that you have came at a bad time. We've already reached our quota of INFJs. However, being you're female and I like females I will make you a deal. I will kick one...|||I'm ANTP (Leaning toward E). I'm easy for both ENTPs and INTPs to identify with. :)|||I also imagine ENTP's interrogations would go a little bit like Jack's from 24 except more mechanical. Rigging up shock treatment equipment in an abandoned building out of an old car batty, jumper...|||It was a compliment :) Trust me. I'm just as psychopathic :D except I have emoticons. They're just weird ones. Like laughing when I get hurt or at people running themselves over with their lawn mower...|||http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz96/kamioo/Thunderstorm.pnghttp://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz96/kamioo/Thunderstormbw.png http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz96/kamioo/Cosmicstorm.png|||No. It's like a theme for where I live and that is why I know it by heart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5W73HaVQBg|||and I usual don't leave until the thing ends. But in the mean time. In between times. You work your thing. I'll work mine :D ;D I'm the MBP; Pleasure to meet you.|||Damn, need to trust my instincts more I would have been closer I was going to say INFP.|||EXFP? Leaning toward S with the way she responded. :D My friends, even my gay and lesbian ones, always come to me for advice.|||I bow to my entp masters ENTPs are so great. If it wasn't for ENTPs I wouldn't have been able to build what I'm building Duck Duck Duck Shotgun|||What? Me? I never do that >.> <.<|||Because its hard to be sad about losing someone you like when you knew you were right and give yourself a big pat on the back because you're awesome and always correct.|||Oh, you don't have to tell me that most of them are stupid. I know this. That is why I play with them and it makes me laugh. :D As I'm going to take Neuropsychology and I have a few psychologist...|||:D I'm a Nightowl. I wake up between 6-7pm and stay awake till 10-11:30am.|||Personal opinion backed by theory would suggest that INTPs are the most socially difficult. While INTJs can be socially indifferent but they will also use social situations if the the need arises....|||Personal stocks that I have on my desktop that I've downloaded from random stock sites and stock photobuckets.|||I'll tell you when I open photoshop. :) Glad you like it static.|||:D Thanks.|||http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz96/kamioo/Deathgrip.png http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz96/kamioo/Deathgripbw.png Made for a friend. Several hours of work. I constructed every line by...|||:) Static: http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz96/kamioo/Statickitten.png I'll have to get to your avatar later if one of my fellow teammates doesn't.|||Psychologist don't keep me around long enough to diagnosis me. I like to toy with them. What I have diagnosis myself with and had a few psychologist friends (+ a few other friends) tell me I have is...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'You're fired.|||That's another silly misconception. That approaching is logically is going to be the key to unlocking whatever it is you think you are entitled to. Nobody wants to be approached with BS...|||But guys... he REALLY wants to go on a super-duper-long-ass vacation. C'mon guys. His boss just doesn't listen or get it. He even approached him logically and everything.|||Never mind. Just go on permanent vacation.|||Two months? I wouldn't be crazy about the idea. If you are really his best employee, then that's what may be cooking him. Who wants their most reliable asset gone for that long? ENTJ employer...|||Lol. Its not like our views were unsolicited. What a victim.|||Sometimes I just really like impoverished rap music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh0vA6_8mv8|||I probably would have lost it too. His stonewalling was insignificant. He was being an idiot over semantics that didn't have any impact on anything. It's one thing to stone wall on critical shit, but...|||I would have just taken the project and gave them something later.|||The court deposition wasn't a skit. That actually happened. It was a verbatim reenactment.|||And her ass.|||I'll flirt a woman for a piece of candy at the grocery store. Of course. I use whatever I have at my disposal to get what I want in the most efficient manner possible. If that means flirting that...|||http://youtu.be/PZbqAMEwtOE|||Yes. In the comments she gave more info, then was shut down because she went from having a crush on her boss and wanted to know how to impress him, to her boss is married and she wasn't interested. I...|||What's this we thing about?|||Callaendia are you the same INFP girl who was on the ENTJ Facebook forum with this similar question? I just have to ask because the times are so close together, and the scenario is so similar.|||3X|||11/25 I do not modify myself to suit others, however I do like the spotlight.|||I think the easiest and most efficient approach is a tarp, jigsaw, and mulcher. But that's just my personal preference. Not all ENTJs are the same.|||Just don't hump my leg...|||What are you like a chihuahua or some shit?|||I once dumped a girl in college who I was having a 6 month romp with over making me late for class. She said I was petty for it.|||DEAD XD http://youtu.be/PaghIdSJKvQ|||MBTIPC perfect. I don't like dealing with middle men either. You can talk directly to me. ;)|||I can sell you the dream...|||LOL DEAD. Ha!|||The point is that when you are making a point of thinking critically but not thinking beyond common sense, you aren't using your brain. A little bit of effort now to have an understanding of the...|||That's just common sense No, that's just a value judgement backed by popular opinion from social stupidity/laziness. That's only doing what works instead of pushing harder and doing what is...|||When it comes to children, they either cry or climb all over me. There is never a gray area.|||I don't drink, but when I drank: Beer: Hardcore ciders and sweet brown ales. Liquor: VODKA chased with cran or water. < my preferred drink Wine: Anything dark, dry and sweet. There are so...|||Well that escalated quickly.|||https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDA-GNSWRqDgxZibQPN3dfS2LlChp8tO6FCCeVBHuIlYUVfjzkVH2sGAv_ You deal with them.|||tl;dr fuuuuu|||Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do IA|||@Darth Alpha I would never claim it to be healthy either. Just in my best interest.|||On loyalty: I am loyal to the vision. I am loyal to those who share the vision. I am not into co-dependency in terms of the vision cannot be accomplished without others involved. I stay on course,...|||Your answer was worth more time to entertain than the OP.|||Hey @MsBossyPants are you down for a debate on Ayn Rand vs Marx? Maybe we should talk about our poor Fi? Oh I know- let's try to correlate testing ENTJ with being sociopathic. :laughing:|||Hitler was no exception- this concept has, is and always will be a principle, tenet, and rule. Politics, ideology, religion, eating, shitting usual. And if it's not ,then there is nothing to...|||Hitler thought he was doing great things. Stalin thought he was justified. These guys thought they were uncorrupt. They viewed any heretic to their dogmas as morally bankrupt, and so did many of...|||Meh. There were plenty of evil people who did good things, and plenty of good people who got blood on their hands achieving and attaining higher goals. Bad situations that had good long term effects,...|||You would have to ask the OP. He is asking ambiguous questions. I would go with whatever is more efficient/effective vs what is perceived as good every time in the good vs evil dichotomy. It in my...|||Good vs Bad =/= Good vs Evil One is an objective positive vs negative dichotomy, the other is a subjective interpretation of characteristics. NameUser So to be evil may be a better solution and...|||I think they are for sure idiots, but I also think these people went out of their way to fuck their lives up. Did they expose themselves on the internet? Yes. Does this warrant or validate a reason...|||I really REEEEEEAAALLLY hate rigidly PC thumb sucking nanny bitches. They remind me of five year olds who are trying too hard to gain their parents approval by taddling. These are the same people,...|||I think people need to get some skin. Even if these people are wrong or racist. That's just a waste of time, energy, and resources. These people end up being the focus for being petty and overboard...|||http://www.penciltribe.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Brian_snowflake-300x225.jpg|||http://www.penciltribe.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Brian_snowflake-300x225.jpg|||I'm not trying to be condescending when I tell you- all those things you have mentioned people saying and have written off as all I have been met with are legit arguments. They don't need to be...|||The brevity of my posts is because you don't take much to refute. Just because you aren't acknowledging what people are saying doesn't mean they are saying nothing.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'No, I can't draw on my own nails (haha). Those were done by professionals on my nails. And yes, those are all gel. You mean those you posted were done by yourself on your own nails? Awesome!|||Probably the Electronic Screen Syndrome. With the advent of technology and social media, we all suffer from overstimulation on a daily basis. I'm guilty as well. In the past, I can be happy just...|||I love nail arts too! These are some of mine: 718282 718290 718298 718306 718314|||This is the first time I'm hearing this - about menstruation and church. Thanks for sharing but yeah, it's crazy. I thought only Taoists have such a belief.|||Dear very bad person, Not trying to get in between your arguments but I'm copying down that sentence for future use. :tongue:|||*Speaking from a bomb shelter* So which Christian values do you still hold? I agree that people can still be good in the absence of religion and people also do bad in the name of religion but the...|||I never really thought about my childhood experiences until I was much older when my brothers and I talked about the past and we all agreed that we had suffered physical and verbal abuse. It wasn't...|||My ISFJ friend almost always instantly shuts down and becomes upset whenever someone disagrees with her POV or the way she does things. She can't seem to understand why a certain behaviour, though...|||These two questions seem unrelated. If people know my real thoughts, they may or may not like me better, it depends on whether they like my thoughts to begin with. I have bad thoughts but some...|||BS?I don't BS.|||I think INFJs sometimes need to be kicked out of our comfort zones, for the sake of our emotional wellbeing. -- I can relate to this and it actually helps when friends pull me out of my rut. I...|||Haha... sorry if I offended anyone. I don't mean for this to be a dirty jokes thread. I've amended the original. That was a funny one you shared, btw. I recalled a similar situation which...|||LOL, can I pay that in instalments?|||Yes, and this is a double edged sword. I think mental health awareness and education are important, and what's more important is people need to know where to get help. On the flip side, I'm also...|||Haha, hopefully? :proud:|||I'm not calling out recent posts specifically, just the general overall. Some posts may have been made several years ago but their remarks still stand.|||I'm creating this as a stress-reliever as I think all of us can use a good laugh once in awhile... :tongue: Perhaps I'll start off with this funny conversation between two friends who were...|||I have a thinking... that many INFJs think they suffer from trauma but a lot times it's actually just us torturing ourselves in our minds because we're so good at that. I talk it out with...|||So many stereotypical statements here. The way you guys describe the girly girls are like a princess. Pls label them as princess instead.|||Mental health is such a in-thing nowadays a lot of people are slapping labels on themselves to look cool. I'm not saying all of you are doing that... I'm just saying don't do that.|||Researchers are always coming up with new studies and BBC is hardly a reliable source. Even if you identify with a few symptoms on the checklist, it doesn't necessarily make you a psychopath. It's...|||I think this sucks and you have my sympathy. Personally, I hate it when a guy dumps me for another gal and then tells me he wishes me happiness when he's the exact source of my unhappiness. Don't buy...|||EveJ, I agree with the INTJ who says other people's expectations are other people's problems. I'm quite sick of meeting people's expectations simply because they feel entitled. The truth is, when the...|||Ashton Vern This may help you further - https://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2015/07/how-to-recognize-each-myers-briggs-personality-type-in-real-life/|||Only once. I confessed to him. He loves me back. We were together for 7yrs, then we broke up. :crying: Unbreak my heart, pls.|||fabi, OMG, I finally found someone who also love these morbid subjects! :blushed: I don't know if this is caused by Ni-Ti and if other INFJs also generally love such topics because my INFJ friend...|||Green, orange, white, yellow or red?|||I must say that this is by far the first religious thread I've read that didn't erupt into a war (lol) :joyous: so I feel safe posting here. I grew up as an atheist and later became a believer of God...|||Above ground or underground?|||What I mean by realistic is when we use Ti to analyse a situation. When I get into high Ti mode, I can really zoom in on the facts and question everything that's happening - happening in real life,...|||xtctr Have you done a MBTI test or you just think you're an INFJ because you feel lonely? Because you said you didn't feel this way up until this year... So why is it that you suddenly feel...|||For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11|||I don't think trauma makes an INFJ or all INFJs must have experienced trauma. This is like saying other types don't experience traumas and it sounds rather snobbish. When we experience trauma, we...|||You're right that INFJs can be very idealistic, but those with a strong Ti can also be very realistic as well, especially if we go into Ti overdrive. After reading this, I still don't think...|||Hi Ashton Vern I doubt your friends are INFJs. See my point-by-point below... -------------------------------------- Characteristics of Friend A: - very friendly and caring. She cares for her...|||Transition. Anxiety. Prayers.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuunqfdz388|||IDontKnowMe When did you have your first relationship (<20, 20-25, 26-30, >30)? <20 What do you look for in a partner?I like guys with boyish good looks, :wink: with a good heart and good...|||I want people to understand me but I won't bother telling them my type because most of the people around me don't seem too bothered with MBTI. :dry:|||Comfortably 2 hrs, maximum 3 hrs and then the full army of Ni barges in and I'm not paying attention anymore. Depends on how interesting the conversation is... shut down can happen earlier.|||Gotterdammerung My brother had night terrors when he was young. He would wake up EVERY NIGHT at the EXACT SAME TIME and cried about someone trying to catch him. It was traumatising just watching...|||There was a period I had dreams of ghosts and when I woke up in paralysis mode I saw them in my room/outside my window. Another time I dream of a ghost in my room and then my spirit self saw myself...|||Yes, I also read that everyone dreams. At one time I did quite a bit of research on dreams because I was dreaming so much and some were rather supernatural. Lucid dreaming is interesting but...|||More or less... but what I don't fit is some people think INFJs will never go to a club or anywhere noisy. This is untrue of me. I love music festivals, concerts, dancing to my favourite songs in a...|||How do you lucid dream on purpose?|||I like all the badass quotes: 712170 712178 712186 712194|||It is said that the INFJ minds don't switch off. I believe mine doesn't switch off even when I sleep which is why I'm such a prolific dreamer. My dreams are also often vivid, prophetic or sometimes...|||Emotional connection to me is to be able to relate our feelings (sadness, anger, joy, love) with one another. Sometimes I can feel an instant emotional connection with a friend over a particular...|||Not very good at doing romantic things... perhaps the most romantic thing I've done is folding a bottle of wishing stars for my boyfriend?|||Are you collecting MBTI types? LOL Perhaps you can learn to spot them: 1. The one sitting in a crowded room quietly but observing everyone like a hawk (or creep). :ninja: 2. The one who looks...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | I'm not sure, that's a good question. The distinction between the two is so dependant on perception. To quote Robb Flynn, ''The hate you feel is nothing more, than love you feel to win this war.''|||Good question! It's tough to say for sure but I loved Winona Ryder as Lydia in Beetlejuice... http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h158/trinsghost/Misc-Images/2921aa070866f20450f8e1160b1e5d41.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5If816MhoU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-sQklvpDhA|||I've been lonely for much of my time. For a while now I've been working on changing ''how to think'', and one way is trying to find the positive in everything, no matter how bleak it might seem. I...|||I hope I can look back at this current stretch of time and think, ''Thank God I'm not there anymore and things are so much better''. What an ass-kickin' I'm taking.|||Help or a voice of reason, other than my own distorted, in my life. I'm completely frusterated and feel like I'm on the brink. I'm carrying the weight of everything negative I've ever had in my life...|||Think I posted this before but I'm still feelin' it.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu8qsC1WLiE|||Fleeting thoughts of acknowledging and getting lost in the depth love that we share for one another. It could be the most mundane thing but every now and the simplest act will make me appreciate the...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pULe7-6yRo4|||I've been told that I'm OCD and I'm aware of it. For me it's more than just obsessive cleaning and things of that nature. I've come to understand how it affects things such as obsessing on a thought...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkbQDChgmX8|||I'm working on a song I've been trying to learn for just about a year. Was hoping to finish it before the New Year but still have a ways to go.|||Sons of Anarchy is the first TV series I've followed since The X-Files WAY back in the day.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R2NrV4ve1o|||Fleeting|||I'm not a big book person but every now and then I go through stages and force myself to read more than I normally do. One book that always stands out in terms of interest while reading was ''Venus...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9utPTpXpIgE|||Frustration got the best of me today, and has been a lot lately. Having a couple Heinekens right now and feel a bit better. :) This is a difficult time, and is going to be for a bit, gotta maintain.|||Find balance, get more in harmony with life and position myself to capitalize on any opportunity that presents itself. Within that lies the path to a more fulfilled life, at least I'm hoping. ;)|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoL0nRuHj0I|||I'm not a touchy-feely person and don't care for folks I don't know feeling up on me. My response depends greatly on the person doing it. Some people are just naturally affectionate and it's their...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYZh9yQu1fo|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5abdXpvBR0 ...Very frusterated, wrestling with thought, and not winning.|||Escape From Alcatraz|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8lOTMMRJZg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ls5mug1_KU|||I'm grateful to still have a little time to make good of all the things I've learned the hard way through countless mistakes and wrong turns.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff_6BF37fI0|||A great song to start the day... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnHaYVYFTU8|||Joints hurt a little, other than that I feel the same old usual indifference. :P|||An early 90's style Ford Mustang GT with the more square body. In all reality, one can be found for a few thousand dollars which makes this dream car very attainable. :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu8qsC1WLiE|||It was kind of intended to have a dark, terrible to feel about it. Depression has many depths, and those levels vary from person to person. I've dealt with serious depression my whole life and it...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnRkiAK_gZc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66Vc-2CS4ew|||Comfort food - Pizza and chicken wings, cheesecake or pumpkin pie Comfort drink - Redbull, Guinness or Red Wine|||Still grinding out this song on guitar, it's coming along but slowly and most certainly not easily.|||Some vague advice I can give is this, it can always be worse and in most cases it probably will be someday. So it works to look at any current situation like this, it helps to appreciate what you...|||Content, not happy but more content than I've been in a while, a LONG f'n while. I'll take it.|||For breakfast I had a piece of grilled chicken and a Guinness.|||-Seven -The Decent -Rocky -Heat -Silence of the Lambs|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvYm6kVY2IE|||Robb Flynn of Machine Head, Michael Amott of Arch Enemy, Jerry Cantrell of AIC. Edit: Forgot to include Zakk Wylde, a musical genius.|||Pucca...That shirt could be a lot of fun indeed. :)|||....Watching a video of Megadeth live on the Big Four Tour.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XhGQisD040|||JungleDisco...Takin' it back with Silk. Great Stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uhLDWCqSQQ|||Rockin' some Down right now..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKfmYGlhWWk|||....I currently desire for July 20th to roll around so I can finally see Machine Head live at this years Mayhem Festival. F**k yeah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK588zl0l2M |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8-egj0y8Qs|||I'm in this position where I have to actually let go of the person, due to a various reasons. Unfortunately I'm having trouble mustering enough strength to actually pull through it. Sometimes,...|||WHAT A YEAR, MAN. WHAT A YEAR. I am just utterly bewildered with my 20s at this point.|||my laundry. as long as i've got clothes left to wear i'm fine. and then the time comes that i DO run out, and i'm left to contend with The Mountain that is my laundry pile. Sent from my Apollo...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyix3xdRd3Y|||going back to the office in a few hours. back to being dumbstruck and confused by your presence, back to being on the edge 90% of the time, back to feeling duplicitous, and hopelessly despicable,...|||i followed Scott Disick on instagram and so far i'm not regretting it lol. douchebags amuse me to no end. Sent from my Apollo using Tapatalk|||you are SO quiet! you have beautiful hair. you're too damn logical, i like it. you make me feel like a lesbian at times|||i miss the beach so badly, that vacation was definitely not enough. i don't want to work yet i need a longer breather i wanna go baaaaaaaaccckkkk|||i've waited so agonizingly long for this moment and now that the chance is here my indecision and procrastination has decided to present their Amazing Super Powers in the worst way possible. i...|||do i text her or not do i text her or not do i text her or not do i text her or not do i text her or not do or do not. there is no think|||Natalie Dormer literally looks like a cat sometimes.|||i find scars fascinating to be honest. our bodies' own version of short stories. i have a nice collection myself, mostly from bike accidents when i was a kid.|||that would make quite an awesome scar though. i hope it doesnt hurt too much.|||galumphing on the net, drowning myself in music, relationship issues, overthinking in general + i feel fine/nothing|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4cxaVEqZsE apart from the hardcore yeehaw country songs, i absolutely love True Detective's soundtracks.|||i feel like i want to just eff it all up and break up with my SO just because i'm too distracted with this other person right now. i cannot stomach my own burgeoning dishonesty.|||lol. my SO always seems unnerved by that look. he's commented before that i look like i'm planning a murder in my head or envisioning the edges of the matrix, when i was really only calculating the...|||most social media words like trending, viral and selfie whenever i hear those words i suddenly transform into this barmy-old luddite codger and bemoan how excruciatingly vacuous and fleeting...|||i cannot remember the last time i was this attracted to anyone and it absolutely terrifies me; how i lose concentration, how everything is heightened by the sense of your presence, how every possible...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9rIHPvm5c0|||or sometimes, just dispense with the apologetic message altogether. i find that goodbye to be more effective, though i have no idea how many lives i've managed to ruin in that process :mellow: ...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM_Q-G_CZ74|||i can be so damn full of sh!t sometimes.|||this. oh my god. it just can't be helped. whenever i'm sitting in a relaxed position tapping a beat just happens automatically, and my patterns tend to reflect whatever mood the immediate surrounding...|||sometimes patience really is a curse.|||i've learned to control my disdain for such types, since my job involves me explaining things all day round to people with absolute-zero comprehension, requiring inhuman levels of patience. what...|||sometimes it just makes so much sense, it scares me.|||ohhh i'm with Emma on this one. she pushed the song so hard i actually ended up youtubing the entire thing, only to realize i like her lipsync version better :kitteh:|||life would be so damn easier if we all harbored ESTPs in our heads and would let them out whenever there's a social situation. i cannot count the number of times i froze out of a conversation i...|||i wish the whole MBTI system had some sort of vitamin-juice merchandise going on, like an inversed polyjuice potion wherein it'll be your attitude to change, not your facial countenance. god...|||ikr! i hope they play with it more, i wouldn't even be against it if they turned it into a full fledged movie. although if ever they do, i hope they don't blow it all out of proportion.|||stepping on dry leaves and hearing the crunch cup of coffee while browsing the internet the latest episode of your favourite tv show finally uploaded in torrent the fresh feeling after taking a...|||oh god this show was so, so good. one of the best sci-fi shows to date. i love how the writers seem to backstab technology by emphasizing the repercussions of having said advancement. and i'm still...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XXfqPRG4TQ|||Orphan Black, people. Orphan Black. season 2 just started last night, and there are only 10 episodes from season1 to catch up on. i binged it last summer and it ruined my life. the lead actress...|||considering going back to tumblr just to be up to date with all the Orphan Black posts. how can i be so obsessed with a damn tv show???|||default feeling: i feel fine/nothing. althought if you can equate contentment to being happy, then yes, i am happy sometimes. but it never really lasts. lol INTPs are such a cheerful bunch|||you need to be very patient with INTPs, so just stay put. most likely she's still rationalizing her feelings for you, which is normal INTP thought-(feeling)-process, hence the confusing interactions....|||i prefer anything mystery or with a sci-fi undertone, dark films with plenty of things to mull about. i will watch anything by Nolan, Haneke, Almodovar or Fincher. as a rule i avoid action films and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqGhSR0z1fw right now she's got to be one of the most judged artists in the pop scene, what with her gloomy look and fashion association and drug problems. i just...|||my 6 year old niece always says the most absurd things like she's some hipster on an acid trip: i want flying bread it tastes like atmosphere *random japanese-sounding words to assimilate an...|||^ the series does require patience, but i suggest you try stick to it as much as you can because the pay-off is immense. or, watch the show to help you understand the plot better. the books can be...|||at this point if walking away from a person is the basis of excellent social interaction, then i'd be a damn socialite.|||from my point of view, for us INTPs love is like a faucet, it won't shut off until you actually turn off the tap. so no matter the circumstance, if he loves you still, then taking your time with...|||i had the same exact moment like this last year, when the faking it part just became a bit too much to stomach. right now i'm in a well-paying job, have my own place, live independently and...|||when someone takes way too long to explain their damn point.|||what house are you? Targaryen who's your favorite character? the Lannister men (Tywin, Tyrion and Jaime), Daenerys Stormborn, Arya Stark best storyline? Dany of course. who can beat rearing...|||i suck at math but i'm great at English. words make more sense to me than numbers, unfortunately. thank god my brain compensated.|||definitely Walter White, your most relatable tv psychopath. i'm in awe and at the same time horried of his whole progression from boring old chemistry teacher to master manipulator devil incarnate. i...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Joe santagato - ENTP|||ENFJ or ENTP? I'm not too sure of his type yet|||You know you're not INFJ if heavy Fi doesn't make you want to violently bang your head against a wall lol You know you're not INFJ if you don't naturally and helplessly just feel compassion for...|||Yeah, according to the book she's a IxTP. I could relate to the movie character a lot. Coming into a world where Se is so prominent and becoming incredibly self conscious, feeling like the weakest...|||Tris - INFJ (most of shailene woodleys characters are INFx) Four - ISTP Macklemore lookalike - ESTJ Christina - ESxP Kate winslets character - ENTJ I've never read the books. But these are the...|||Her music is very INFx After watching one interview, I'm gonna assume...ISTP|||I can see those Fi eyes|||Cressida comes across as an ENFP 3w4 or 4w3. Hence the bohemian clothing, being seen at multiple music festival and her love of scrunchies lol Harry's ex chelsy davy was an ESFP 7w6 Maybe it's...|||I guess I just have a hard time taking in the fact that she's a 21 year old with the mind of 15 year old and the living/school/work conditions of a 18 year old. It ok, call me a bitch. I know I'm...|||Wanted traits - non judgemental/understanding - smart - modest - independent - logical Turn off traits - insecurity - immature jealousy|||She's 21. Let's just say she's not as emotionally or mentally mature as some would expect 20-something year olds. But I have faith in her, she'll get there some day.|||As an Fe user, I understand Fi and sympathize with it but I don't necessarily agree with it. I find it annoying when people put their emotions first or are insensitive towards other peoples emotions...|||I never saw it as daddy issues. I always saw it as her being too nice but with a hidden agenda.|||That part never bothered me until other people brought it up. It was kinda like, yeah, you're right. It was the fact that she made me listen to all her hardships but I could never get in a word...|||That part never bothered me until|||Emotionally slutty INFP friend (that's needs a good punch in the face IMHO lol) She's not an actual slut, she just has the tendency to throw her feelings at every male who decides to give her the...|||She's not an actual slut, she just has the tendency to throw her feelings at every male who decides to give her the time of day. And as a cold hearted INFJ, it just irritates the fuck out of me lol ...|||wow doesn't sound like a very healthy INFJ.|||Isn't angelina an introvert too? Maybe it's because jennifer was an SJ lol|||I haven't thought about it much but I'd say ENTP|||I never understood why she got so much hate. It annoys me when people use her dads richness against her, it's fucking stupid and immature. I do think she puts on an act but what artist trying to...|||I think derek is ISTP. I've just started watching teen wolf but is derek supposed to be such an asshole? The way he treats basically everyone on the show is pretty shitty...|||Dear istp Thanks for being the only person in the world who indulges in the same activity as me: doing dumb shit Sincerely infj|||Its the other way around. ISTP is supposedly ISTj in socionics. So your dual is the ENFj. The last letter only changes only for introverts|||IxFP 4w3|||Because they want others to see them as they seem themselves. My INFP friend sees herself as unique, special, different, talented...so she kinda enforces those ideals on others and a lot of people...|||I like them. Only type that doesn't feel the need to comment on my INFJ stare like I'm some sort of zoo animal. I feel at ease in their presence, which is a huge plus. They don't demand too much...|||Carmelo Anthony seems pretty introverted to me and Russell Westbrook is not an ISTP.|||Dear ISTP You amaze me by being one of the few people who don't buy into my xNFP's fake dramatics and desperate need for attention. Since the rest of the human population seem to fall at her feet....|||That's usually what Fe dom teachers do. I had an ESFJ politics teacher who was just like that. Example: the whole class took a test. She decides to do the whole peer test correct thing...we expect...|||No. He's a male.|||Dear ISTPs Thanks for being the only type (so far) that isn't intimidated, offended, or curious about my INFJ stare. I mean you got a pretty intense stare yourself but thanks for not being a pest...|||ISTPs develop a secret crush on me and when I find out I'm just like, what? Meeee??!!!! Noooo!!!! But he never speaks to me. Lol they're so good at hiding it. I'm use to dudes who are like:...|||Katherine - INFJ Vincent - ISTP Heather - ENFx Nina - ExTJ TJ - ???|||Dear ISTP, Good god do I have the hots of hots for you...if you only knew the clusterfuck of a situation I've been in. Your friend told me that you had...expressed your attraction to me BUT it...|||Some sort of ISxx?|||Lol that reminds me of time when an ENFP boy wanted to talk to me on the phone at 11 o'clock pm. I was like, WTF? I am not gonna have a phone convo this late in the night especially when I hate...|||Lol I was gonna post that then I read yours. I don't care too much what her type is, because she's gonna that type look bad anyways. This yolo persona that she's got going is stupid, especially her...|||An ISTP is like Blake Griffin. Rose started crying when he was talking about his childhood in the ghetto. An ISTP would avoid talking about such things much less using it as a selling point in their...|||I always thought some sort of ISFx.|||Dear ESFP The slightest mistake according to an ESFP could be a big deal or the last straw to an INFJ. Being an INFJ, because we're nice people, others think they can take advantage of us,...|||I always thought diana was INFJ maybe she's INFP. I saw more Fe than Fi. William is probably a phobic 6w5 ISFJ, kate is 2w1 ISFJ and harry is of course ESTP|||Omg this show is horrid and unbearable. They make sports journalism look like a joke. The whole network in general makes me question their quality of work. I was once watching Sportcenter and they...|||ENTJ? No wonder she's got that basketball player by the balls haha|||I know an INFP. Here's what irks me about her: 1. Loves it when people feel sorry for her. Woe is me is her life motto. Today she whined to me about being sick every 5 minutes. When I was as sick...|||I thought she was an English major?|||1. I don't lol I hate that about me. Because I don't trust people it makes me all nervous and I get all frantic an shit. I think it was a series of events, people not showing up when they said they...|||There's a theory that INFJs make ESTPs nicer and more tolerable lol If I had to choose between an INFJ and an ESTP, I'd pick the ESTP. For some reason I like being with people that are different...|||To the poster above me: if you're gonna ask a question like that then I have no idea why you're in this part of personality cafe.guess the type is all about asking about Hollywood personalities and...|||Infp?' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Basically this... https://youtu.be/1pH5c1JkhLU|||Can I has Cheezburgr?|||I am very fond of my top hat too. I certainly did not expect to see a thread about top hats on here haha.|||Streets of Rage 2 for Sega.|||I think incorrectly.|||Senior year of High School I found out my dad is a rapist, I had to do college applications, my sister is insane, I started doing awful in school because of high anxiety and depression because my...|||I believe that Richard is probably ruling a country somewhere and developing a cure for all diseases in existence.|||Ugh, so much procrastination. I started a paper that I had multiple months to do the day that it was due at 3 a.m. and finished it at 6 a.m. even though it had to be 8 pages and be a synthesis of 5...|||http://youtu.be/KtYkyB35zkk|||Bucket list 1.) Become immortal.|||Both ENTP and INTP could be considered the Jack of all trades in my opinion. *Cricket sounds*|||Your argument is something that a nazi might say and is therefore wrong (Reductio ad Hitlerum). My other one was an appeal to tradition or if that doesn't work for you there are other fallacies...|||I've read a book with a similar idea except done in a much better way.|||That is adorable.|||INTPs are terrible people.|||I just enjoy ENTPs in general.|||Ideas.|||Another INTP in existential crisis mode...|||I think I heard about this happening once. If I remember the story correctly it generated a new life form, ended the cold war and was about the same as most human to human interactions.|||My room mate is often very annoyed with my sleep schedule and I'm often woken from a nap when he walks into the room.|||Hey guys! Great thread!|||If I post on this thread once that means I'm going to have to post again and then I'll eventually never be able to stop posting.|||If I keep making threads I am eventually due for a good one.|||I'm not sure about social protocol in the area where you live but I've personally never been bothered even in the slightest about asking to go over to other people's houses and I think it's...|||You could try suggesting bonding activities such as playing a board game together. I personally enjoy chess, but there are many two player games or even video games work. Playing games together may...|||Though I wouldn't be able to give you any advice I would say that compatibility with another person is not entirely determined by the personalities of the two people, there are more factors such as...|||In this thread we argue with people only using logical fallacies. Ex: Me: This thread is going to be awesome because I'm awesome. You: No it won't because everyone else is saying that it...|||I enjoy how pretty much every single INTP thread starts off with someone making a joke.|||Procrastination will be perpetrated by the INTP up until the last minute unless the INTP is stimulated by an outside force or the activity being done is being used to procrastinate another project.|||I barely remember to put pants on before leaving my house. That's completely irrelevant to your question just something I felt like sharing. I probably remember my dreams 6-9 times a month. Though I...|||230346|||I enjoy the rainy cloudy weather much more than the cold certainly haha.|||I have nearly walked out the door of my house without putting on pants on multiple occasions.|||I'm going to say yes because those eyebrow movements are fantastic.|||I enjoy that all of the ideal date activities for INTP are games that make us think. Actually I would say that all of the parts on the left hand side were fairly accurate to me. I'm not familiar with...|||Intrinsic value is important but I really don't take any gratification from either outer or inner influences and it's rather depressing.|||I rarely experience them.|||http://youtu.be/AJzds6fRfjM|||No really, I got the project done early and didn't procrastinate.|||I was in kindergarten and vomited on the playground. I then decided since I was sick I should go home, so I walked out of the school yard and walked home. I didn't realize that I was supposed to...|||I spend my free time coming up with ideas to take over the world.|||Actually what's going on is that there is a conspiracy that was started by the INTPs to make other people believe that INTPs are actually conspiracy nuts. The truth behind it is that it's actually...|||I have a couple because PerC people are generally pretty awesome in my opinion.|||I believe emotions are a choice that is made by ourselves. We do not feel anything emotionally when a complete stranger, that we have no connection to, dies and if we were to apply the same...|||I'm tired of life, it doesn't seem worth the effort to me. We're all just going to die anyways.|||I didn't like the Great Gatsby.|||Spend all of your allotted time to accomplish something procrastinating and then ask for more time. This works best if you have already asked for more time at least once before.|||What sucks is getting stuck on what the meaning of life is and being unable to come up with an answer and thus entering into a never ending existential crises. Nothing gets you motivated for the day...|||What's the point in asking? It doesn't matter anyways, nothing really matters we're all just going to die.|||Hi I'm human, but mostly human. Nice to meet you.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'some of these both excite and calm me: BUTTS bodies brains community gardens camping camping with dogs hiking with dogs chillin with animals|||I would hope that no one engages the INTP's baiting and Christianity 101 b.s. ...... That will go nowhere.|||I hope I am not being misunderstood. Cause and effect is what gives way to life, and then the individual can apply whatever cosmic ontology (religion, mythology, philosophy) and their own...|||Thanks for helping me with my.... Coherence . Cough.|||Oh. For some reason I had it in my mind that Cosmology meant any origin-story and not just the scientific. What I meant was: Cause and effect results in life. Then someone can apply whatever...|||seriously?|||I should show this to all potential friends and suitors. :p And why did I almost cry twice during this? lol. feelings~|||Cause and effect is one simple answer. You can apply the cosmic ontology of your choice.|||A bit of inspiration and truth about spiritual health... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq2ddUbzRgA How much can you grow in one lifetime?|||My senses are all pretty keen... Over the years I've come across those that 'stand out of the crowd' to me, and I know that pursuing them would be deeply meaningful. They're all different versions of...|||It involved a person that has been a longtime idealized sexual object, as he is someone untouchable that I've had a huge crush on since high school... I got a lot of the physical and metaphysical...|||Interesting. I like this approach and will share it with my NT friends. Do you have resources where I can read more about this? IMO I'm with you up until the point that you assert that the True...|||StElmosDream Always accepted. I just had the beeeest non-sex dream I could have had. Maybe that was a gift of your intention! Kerik_S Happyyy for you! I need to find me one of those.|||tired of talkkkkkinggggg. too many peopppppleeeeeeeeee. just want to cuddleeeeeeeee with someone who isn't gross|||There is a huge problem with white supremacy being the dominant culture in the United States (and arguably abroad). It creates racism, unjust economic and political systems, destroys the environment...|||I don't really ignore or forget anyone. Sometimes my long-distance friends and I go aaages without contacting each other because we're busy living life. Then we send a massive e-mail of updates every...|||Life affirming! Thank you so much for this.|||Yes! I do yoga and that is meditative on its own. It does often lead to a deeper meditative practice! I am a big fan of hindu philosophy and vedantic meditation, but Buddhist philosophy has also been...|||On paper it does seem heartless, but I think I know what you mean. My grandparents lived with me from the time I was a baby until I was about 9 years old. When they moved to another country, I missed...|||Actually I do have a mask where I am more put together on the outside than I am on the inside. No biggie. The ideal version of me that I sometimes put forward is still me... I use it to avoid...|||Koheleth 54-46 ThatsMyNumber (hello reggae fan) Sources of personal growth are hard to let go. I learned a lot from my ISTP in some very challenging ways. I am forever changed! Love that sucker...|||INFJs are pretty skilled at being unseen or instantly forgotten (<--- there's a ninja or samurai term for this-- what is it?!). But why would I ever want to hide?! Unless I am under threat of...|||Yes to all of this!*** I would still encourage OP to give it a try for the experience and maybe come out of it with some friends and/or good stories ;p|||The same constant passive experience and 'limbic indexing' happens to me, too. I often forget I'm doing it. It gets tiring, and I'm trying to learn how to turn it off without completely detaching. I...|||I'd say give it a go! I was on OKCupid several years ago. This was back when I was having a hard time meeting people. With OKCupid, the way you craft your profile will really matter in terms of the...|||Interesting! I may look it up. And I agree. Things just are. Also: Past is prologue. Hope those that are struggling find ideas that resonate and lift them up.|||I won't derail the thread with Zen talk, but I'd never heard of the cinema effect before. Sounds similar to the reason why AUM is considered a four-syllable word. The fourth syllable: the unstruck...|||:hampster: I recently split up with my partner of almost 5 years. It was an opposite's attract scenario (probable ISTP). Five years is a long time. Silly me, I thought we could work through...|||Yes, I love it, too! The overthinker in me is always wary that the ENFP won't know how to moderate or be more selective in what comes out of their mouths, based on their extrovertedness. It's just...|||Disconnectedness isn't strictly type-related, but in the INFJ context I do feel like there's a desire to always have an escape route, too. We may check out of a situation in order to process all the...|||But, yeah, I think it's an INFJ thing... In my experience I have relied on others to extend themselves to me. I got tired of the wrong people extending themselves in the wrong ways. So I've learned...|||Regarding feeling disconnected from the world: Yes, sometimes my mind reinforces the seeming solidity of a 'world I have no place in' with people I 'have no connection to.' It can be quite daunting...|||http://i.imgur.com/yIngXFS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yDQpLNv.jpg|||http://i.imgur.com/rME8OVY.jpg|||I think all 'life,' meaning everything that is manifest, is meant to give shape to the unmanifest-- that quality of awareness that everything is soaked in. The material world turns universal, cosmic...|||Lately, yes. When I sleep outdoors (camping) my clock gets reset so that I am a productive morning person :) I should probably start setting an alarm so I can get up earlier and do what I need to do....|||Have you guys seen this? You can now be buried in a biodegradable urn with the tree seed of your choice! (Why wouldn't you simply arrange to do this yourself though?) ----> urnabios dot com (...|||Never used to think about death as a child. Didn't grow up with any pets (besides fish and lizards). Didn't lose anyone close to me until I was in high school. That was a surreal experience. We all...|||Did not realize all INFJs were so adorable and attractive!!!! :)|||I feel a pretty big kinship with first responders (police, firemen, paramedics)! I sometimes work in end-of-life care, and it is indeed really comforting to cross paths with others who confront death...|||Part of my work in healthcare involves end-of-life care, so yeah. I guess so. The #1 reaction I get when people learn what I do is, Oh, that's hard. And yes, it can be. But for a long time I was...|||I've only known a couple confirmed ENFPs, but they've always been observant, inclusive, sensitive and sweet. My INFJ senses make me feel like I may (frequently? being pessimistic) get exhausted by...|||Roughly 30% of my friends that know their types are INFP compared to an estimated 4% of the general population. A decent number of NTs.|||Good stuff, Stephanie... I have had a problem with laziness since middle school (probably as a consequence of traditional academic culture and societal pressures unaligned with my personality). If...|||Oh, I didn't interpret this as a sweeping generalization of the Fe attribute... I interpreted this to be a response to a specific situation. But yeah the sentence Fe gives emptily does not...|||True that, Cagnazzo. I genuinely like the people I work with and I'm frustrated that it isn't easy for me to just frikkin smile sometimes.|||Oh GOD, this. This makes me feel less alone and I'm glad I signed up for an account.... I think Zosio pegged it. In the past I've internalized that response to my personality. But I'm working on...|||Some of these responses were really great. I just vented about this very thing in the Venting Post! I think INFJs are quite comfortable being single inasmuch as it is a 'safe' place to be, and we...|||First post! I need to vent. I've been attracting way too many INTJ and INTP types and they offer me no outlet for spiritual or abstract discussion or the kind of energetic exchange/release I'm...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I think we do agree. I personally don't consider myself Alpha, Beta, or Foxtrot (lol at my own joke). People are people. We both agree that having emotions isn't the same as being weak, whiny,...|||Literature... I'd suggest 'Everyday Zen' by Charlotte Joko Beck. It's a solid introduction into mindfulness meditation, what it means to sit, etc. Ch'an Buddhism isn't exactly the same as Zen but...|||Being emotional doesn't automatically make someone not Alpha; every single human being, regardless of his or her type is emotional. We all feel things intensely. But emotions need to be kept in...|||I'm a Ch'an Buddhist, so it's a daily thing for me. Actually, it's an all-the-time thing for me. It has brought more clarity to my life, lowered my stress levels, and eliminated the fits that I'd...|||Glad to know I'm not the only one. I meditate, so I know what the thoughts/feelings are behind all this. I feel like, of all the women I've interacted with (and it's quite a few), she was the best...|||I've resolved this issue, but I appreciate everyone's input. I started taking Yoga classes and I lowered my standards a bit so that what I once called acquaintances are now friends. I still don't...|||I keep trying online dating on and off. I usually disable my account or delete it out of frustration because everyone I talk to just aren't what I'm looking for. I tried it again a little more...|||Agree on all fronts. I don't understand how people can watch a baseball game, much less devote an entire conversation to it. Same goes for football, hockey, boxing (though I have to admit I love...|||Well, I tend to be kind of... over-confident, so negative feedback wouldn't devastate me; it would just give me a better idea of whether I'm too sure of myself or not.|||Financially, I'm in the 250k/yr+ group. Like you, I lead meetings (with clients mostly) and I'm very self-driven because, well, when you're self-employed, you have to be if you're going to be. You...|||When I'm upset, I usually can't help but show it. If it's someone I don't know well or someone who is particularly sensitive and who I don't want to hurt, I'll just be distant and quiet. Maybe say I...|||Just re-read your post. He's definitely interested if he wants to meet you after work for drinks. I'm definitely an Alpha (according to your description of alpha) and I'll tell you that I wouldn't...|||nevermind ;)|||I appreciated that you took the time to offer your opinion. It's just frustrating when people perceive me in a way that is totally opposite the truth. I'm open to friendship with everyone I encounter...|||I find commonalities in a lot of different types of people. I'm social and friendly with pretty much everyone I encounter (unless they're a total ass to me). But, something has to attract me to...|||I knew a guy that was homeless. He was one of the classiest people I knew. You guys are totally, completely misunderstanding where I'm coming from. It has nothing to do with money or superficial...|||Communicate with her, try to understand her, and, if nothing you do resolves the problem, leave. Don't totally cut her out of your life but don't let her have any power of yours. Parents can be just...|||I don't think I'm better; I think I'm different.|||I haven't had a friend since elementary school. In high school, I had acquaintances - likeminded people I got along with well enough but never did anything with after school. Same thing at previous...|||This morning, my mother was still criticizing me. But, when I came back from my 3 mile run half an hour later, I think I entered the twilight zone. She's back to her old happy and uncritical self. We...|||I've changed a lot in the last year. I went from preparing for the Priesthood to being an atheist, from loving hamburgers to being a vegetarian, from being pretty sedentary to being in the best shape...|||Dude, you are awesome! That girl is really lucky to have your attention because most guys (myself included) aren't as wise as you've been toward the whole situation. I'm a little ashamed to say it...|||Thanks for your input Pinion, OldManRivers. Yea, this definitely needs work. I think I'll take some creative writing classes at the college in town. This isn't terribly representative of how I'm...|||Hey CaptainMcMuffin, keep us posted about what you decide and how things turn out. And thanks for saying my post made you feel better. Knowing I helped someone makes me feel awesome.|||I'm the same way. There are times when I'm super social and times when I'm reclusive, and what I want out of any relationship (business, romantic, parent, sibling, etc.) changes depending on which...|||Haha! In any other context, that sounds horrible. Thanks thismustbetheplace.|||Thanks! Hell yea. I'd love a run-through if/whenever you feel up to it. This first chapter was written quite a while ago before I started writing (business copy) for a living, so grammar isn't a...|||The first part applies more in this case. I responded with the truth. I love myself and think I'm great and would be surprised if any *compatible* woman felt an attraction to me. Let me try to put...|||To be honest, I'm just looking for a way to rationalize running like hell from this whole thing. I'm not intimidated by her. It's just that seems so wonderful already and we haven't even started...|||It does absolutely make sense that you start to de-value something that you think you might not be able to get. It's what some kids do when they can't get something they want (and what I do when...|||I could've written that post. Seriously. Yea, I think you need to give it at least a bit more time. If she's smart and emotionally mature, she just wants to be sure she can trust you before she lets...|||Let's say you meet a great gal at a business meeting at a company you do work for. Let's say you give her your card and tell her you'd like to talk to her in a not-so-professional context. Let's say...|||I agree you shouldn't overthink things when you meet someone new and things just start moving in that direction but I don't necessarily think experiencing a relationship with someone who isn't who...|||Sounds like it really isn't all that serious for her. She's definitely *not* head over heels for you. We men have a tendency to think that a woman is hiding her feelings when, in reality, she may...|||I think distracting yourself from your thoughts and emotions is the best way to lift your spirits. For me, it has to be something productive. When I was depressed, I couldn't read novels and I...|||Now I know what to do if a woman kisses the palm of my hand! Haha. See, before this post, I would've thought she wanted a piece of liver. That's what my dog wants when he licks my hand. This new...|||Damn, you sound just like me. I can't seem to withhold a compliment from a woman I notice anything positive about. If she's got nice hair, I have to tell her. If she's got big, beautiful eyes, I'll...|||You guys are awesome! Acey, that's a good suggestion. My first novella, 'Missions of Peter Clark' was a Young Adult historical fiction piece. It was published in 2005 and it was in first person. I...|||FYI, I really don't like the restaurant scene but it's kind of important because George becomes a major player later in the book. That scene establishes George's character as wealthy, influential,...|||Fantastic input and advice, Alyosha! I can see the grandiosity you're talking about (George being super rich and the food being the best Fred had ever eaten) and I can also see the awkward pieces of...|||FYI, making oodles of money is over-rated. Seriously. It's only great when you're making all that money doing something you love to do - which you'd love doing even if you weren't getting paid to do...|||Come on... you're an INFP, so you've got to have some sort of artistic passion. If you love to write, do it for a living. If you love to play music, become a professional musician. If you love to...|||I know. I often spend half an hour in front of the mirror in the morning captivated by my reflection. I'm just so damn sexy! Hey, you didn't have to say that confidence had to be rooted in reality;...|||Haha, I guess Fred isn't a terribly common name in our generation. If you could suggest a name, I'd appreciate it. :)|||Could you read this (somewhat long) first chapter of a Sci-Fi novel I'm working on? I'm seriously thinking about going ahead and sending off the first three chapters to an agent I've worked with in...|||Haha, go for it! Online dating sucks, though, and some guy was just killed in my area by meeting a woman he met online. She picked him up at the mall for their date. Turns out her husband was hiding...|||Yea, I've had that too, where you develop an attraction to someone who you weren't initially attracted to. I don't mean 'love at first sight'; really, I think it's just the subconscious projecting...|||You know what sucks? I'm an introvert. While I'm actually extremely outgoing when I'm out and about in the world (talking to strangers in the line at the grocery store, buying a coffee for the old...|||I don't know if I'm the typical guy but if a woman complimented me, kissed my hand, painted me in the buff, or any of the other things you described, I'd love it - if I liked her. Now, quite a few...|||OMG! You're pushing 35! You're an old fart now. Could you sense the sarcasm there? Old is a 90 year old who had the misfortune of developing dementia. For someone with all of their mental...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I fully believe in the power of being a protector, to give a voice to the voiceless. So in that spirit I present this film, and hope it it recieved in the spirit of compassion. Om Mani Padme Hum ...|||Yes, you are quite right. But many times this help has to come from outside the relationship. A partner can be supportive, and helpful but I think getting the right help is critical. Finding a good...|||If he doesn't feel worthy of being loved, nothing you say or do will make a difference.|||Bossy1, I think Jawz is very much on to something here, and further I think this is indicative of much deeper issues that were around long before you two met. It very well might mean your friend...|||LookingGlass, Thanks for making this point. Unfortunately this corrupted Christianity speaks with a very loud voice, so the Still Small Voice has been forgotten. Very few Christians today have...|||This has been my curse as well and I gotta tell you, most people prefer to remain stuck in their own neuroses, with all the excuses that go along with that. Of course in spite of all the scars I've...|||I know this must be very painful Callie, but honestly I think you dodged a bullet here. I'm sure he's a good person but it sounds as if he has some emotional maturing to do. Being involved with...|||You guys are singing my song :) I've been doing some research on heuristics (mental shortcuts) and cognitive biases, that explain a lot of why people do what they do. For some it's the principle of...|||I empathize with the sentiment behind this, but I think truly that while religion contains much of what we need as a society, it can easily be manipulated and used as a control. This is the dualistic...|||I think sometimes we forget that our type is only one part of what makes us a person. Emotional and Social competencies, past hurts and issues, value memes, etc.. I saw an experiment in a crowded...|||I don't feel rare as much as I feel well done.|||Thank you UK, you sound like a reasonable and compassionate person. I think Neitzsche's quote: Beware if you fight monsters lest you become one in the process is appropriate here. Here in Colorado...|||It might surprise you to learn that cognitive brain science has discovered that we humans are actually hard-wired for empathy. Read Goleman's Social Intelligence and it will help you to understand...|||You must understand, Aegis is really not to blame. Yes he seems like an inhuman monster for trying to justify marginalizing another human being, but people like that really don't understand what they...|||You know these ideas of yours are so riddled with fallacy and linquistic manipulation it isn't worth my time to continue this conversation. Hopefully as the years pass by you can learn to think and...|||An elephant swallowed by a boa constrictor! Love that book! I cried a little at the end.|||A thoughtful philosophy to be sure, and I like the line from The Little Prince in your signature block, I used to use it as well :)|||. According to your logic on tolerance we should accept intolerance if we are to consider ourselves tolerant? Homosexuality is not violent behavior, conflating the two is extremely...|||Okay guys, for the record, I think healthy debate can help us all to move forward beyond the simple heuristics and the accompanying cognitive bias that is prevalent in religion. Critical thinking...|||Looks like this has already been explained, and I'm sorry I didn't notice the post, didn't mean to ignore you. The teleological argument definitely has a major flaw in that the conclusion drawn...|||Okay first, you have attributed someone else's quote to me. Second this is what you had a problem with: This post is what you say is a logical fallacy by introducing the straw-man of the...|||No problem, just look into this light for a moment...|||Re-framing the argument. No one introduced the idea of being tolerant of everything. Clever use of the slippery slope though. Don't blame you for not touching gay marriage, there is no good...|||I would not go so far as to say faith and reason are inherently contradictory which is why I worded my post the way I did. You must understand I have spent most of my life studying religion and...|||No one is supposed to know about the Inner Council ! we can't have people aware that we can communicate telepathically with each other, for years we have disguised ourselves as regular folk and...|||So who gets to decide what is good for us? And I wouldn't go around using words like logic where religion is concerned, there is little in religion that can stand up to critical inquiry.|||Old School INFJ theme song: Veteran of the Psychic Wars, Blue Oyster Cult|||Okay, but what with the world being bullshit, I'm gonna have to change my whole frame of reference. Up to this point I've been operating under the thought that the world is a vampire :p|||Define getting older :P For most of my life it seems I tried to squeeze myself into the roles that I thought I needed to in order to get along. I think many people here know what it's like to...|||You have quite a full plate there pardner ;) Pretty typical though, I'll bet there is more stuff going on inside you than you can reasonably articulate. This is what I love about this...|||I like the cards that don't have anything written in them so you can be creative. After an argument with my wife I found one with a little dog on the front, and I wrote: if i ran away, and you...|||Love this thread! :) Over the years I have practiced many religions and philosophies, I think being an INFJ means being an explorer to some extent. During each phase of my explorations I practiced...|||I think I hate that crap because it is meaningless and empty and usually used to make people feel good about themselves. The truth is most people are self-centered and don't understand love and...|||I understand. It bothers me a lot sometimes because I can walk around the store feeling angry and judgmental and that just adds up to sapped energy and a feeling that I don't like myself very much...|||The great sage Linus Van Pelt once said: I love mankind, it's people I can't stand I have always found myself on the other end of that. Individually I love people, but in a group they can be...|||Funny how you can see that coming a long ways off. Sometimes I try to talk myself out of it, like oh man you don't know that for sure give her a chance but it most always comes back to the first...|||According to cognitive brain science, when you are truly in tune with another human being there is a synchrony in our brain waves. With the discovery of Mirror Neurons we can see just how that...|||Looks like you have stumbled upon what Buddhists call the First Noble Truth :)|||Okay, I'm gonna say something that might sound lame, but here goes: You are never going to find out who you are because what that really is keeps changing and growing, this is the nature of...|||Ever try to make friends with a stray cat? The same rules apply, don't chase us, we will run, just provide a safe and friendly harbor and watch how quickly we become affectionate.|||Well, if you really like someone's post you can thank them, un thank them just so you can thank them again!|||Oh and Chazz? That feeling comes and goes, I wouldn't put too much meaning on it. Ever since I can remember I never felt like I belonged anywhere. As a child I had the impression that my presence on...|||Okay, totally agree with your post... but I couldn't help getting a visual on an Intimidating Typist I keep seeing Roz from Monsters Inc.|||It takes a little time to tell the difference between an anxious perception and a clear intuition. That being said, even after all these years I do manage to screw it up royally at times. :P|||Great movies all! I think the movie that still moves me the most is Wings Of Desire This film was done old school style even for the 80s, directed by Wim Wenders and featuring the talent of...|||I'm not sure if you experience this, or maybe because I'm middle aged that I see things this way. I have been a musician, artist, salesman, soldier, nurse (CNA), technician, Christian, Buddhist,...|||I first found out about mirror neurons from reading Daniel Goleman's Social Intelligence though the credit for the research goes to an Italian research scientist whose name escapes me for the...|||Aint it fun to be us? :P I've been doing some reading on mirror neurons and how when we are genuinely engaged with another human being our brains are actually in sync. Now to me that is...|||Has anyone compiled information about linking MB types and Soma types?|||I wonder if our expectations of ourselves are a little unrealistic at times. Sometimes I feel emotionally raw and wounded and need to withdraw. Oddly enough at times like that there is a little...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'That's normal, it happens also to me. If I am in high mood, I can act like a 478. Depressed, like a 468. Satisfied and relaxed, 451. But the real type of mine is 458.|||How do they say? (...) in sheep's clothing. That is the key. Nobody will obey to you till you don't give them the chance to obey you without consciously knowing they are obeying you. Be...|||Society feels a compulsion to shield itself and dissociate itself from, all what falls on a point distant enough from the norm (a synonym for average). That is what is much uglier, and what is...|||The thoroughly INTP person mission in life is deep understanding, and sheer truth. The thoroughly INFP person mission in life is deep understanding, and sheer justice, in the sense of ruth (all 3...|||When you visit this section of the forum, and feel cosiness instead of boredom. Then you are an INTP, or maybe an INFP with a marked thinking facet in your psyche. An offbeat, outlandish, place...|||[From a book I read yesterday. A reminder to not turn into ***Js.] The real meaning of P is: wings. Winged folks, don't give in to flyphobia, albeit, sure, many forces all around us try to...|||:carrot: :brocoli:|||That more or less finds myself in agreement, honey cookie.|||The answer's nature hinges upon two points: 1) How does he rate, on a 0-10 shyness scale? The more shy he is, the more proactive it is reasonable that your attitude be. 2) What is your main...|||*deleted*|||Ne generates suggestions and possibilities. To make the workable ones into ideas, T must come into play. Ni generates solutions, it prepares the ground for solutions, which T then informs. They...|||Sweetheart|||Something I want to share (sad part in red, bolded; happy part in green):|||Something I want to share Here is how you disturb the universe to make meaning. It isnx92t pretty, and therex92s a reason most who are able to do it on a grand scale are above forty. Winning before...|||They require handiness, but also intelligence. Video games are split as follows: some require intelligence, others intelligence coupled with handiness. (In turn, those requiring intelligence can...|||equipoise|||But if your goals were to one day be not a stranger in your soul's territory, and to achieve as much truth as possible, then let me tell you that your condition is the most propitious. Like a...|||Socially, yes (and family belongs in society!). But the best would be to be as honest and open as the intelligence, maturity, and degree of moral development of the other person allows. ...|||I am sorry that you think that. It is obviously an Fe and Te thing. Introverted judging functions are inner-directed feelings and thoughts, only by chance and to some extent they'll happen to...|||Utilitarian, deceptive and self-deceptive, falsely altruistic, societally programmed feeling, and utilitarian, earthbound, robot-like societally endorsed thinking. Fe and Te, of which I'd rather...|||In INTPese, that means: I am in heart-rending love with you, my baby. :adoration: :hearteyes:|||I always test 50% T and 50% F and am an INTP-ish INFP. Maybe that's why my first motion of the mind was: Why is none of them providing reasons for their statements? In the INTP forum, they'd...|||At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said:x93Naked I came from my motherx92s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord...|||To fetch|||Can the wine be transferred from one bottle to another without new oxygen being added incidentally? Is the Cesium test cheaper than the oxygen test? These are the two questions coming to my...|||Hatch|||It's a sly way to assess the test taker's consistency. And when it is not that, the different words import a subtle change in meaning.|||You probably go there with the wrong expectation that it's a place for debate. :smiley-cool13:|||INFPs and coding are destined to entertain a paradoxical relation. They are among the most intelligent people, coding is an ideal outlet for intelligence, therefore a part of their self will...|||INFPs and gymnastics, that would be an interesting research topic :cheers2: :eagerness: ********************** I just came across this, and couldn't help but think of certain Enneagram/MBTI...|||Anybody who understands/relates to my signature is welcome! (Is this a snarky way to say no-one's welcome? I don't know myself.) :welcome: :m0827:|||Well, what if the forgery is a bottle that was filled in, say, 1960? Oxygen content would be low, but there would be Cesium.|||A simple search for MBTI types intelligence will yield enough results: Gifted/non-gifted ratios by type This is a good, to-the-point, resume: Obviously, INFPs would top other charts...|||An INFP may turn J when surrounded by people gapingly less intelligent, rational, self-aware, in other words mentally developed. It is much burdensome, because we'd like to involve ourselves...|||writing desk|||There a lot among the true (non-mainstream, mostly) artists, poets, and so on (even psychologists). It's easier to meet them by reading, watching a good motion picture, ... than directly in daily...|||What would you demand of life, to make you more sensitive without having to pay for it somehow? No good lunch is for free. As for school work, you will always be slower than people of the same...|||!|||In the wake of your post, I read about the 9 types' deadly sins (and virtues). Well, what to say? The Enneagram theory is petty-minded in many places. It's a commercial product, of the...|||Never thought INTPs could be show-offs, occasionally. :eek: Maybe because in real life they are shy at all times.|||Types aren't fixed places for a human. The mind shifts to a neat one, sometimes. Or you keep being the same one, but your % of E and I (or any other pair) vary.|||You don't say! :th_wink:|||harshly shut down others opinions or call them out on their bullshit They have the cheekiness to do it in a real-world setting. We do exactly the same, just in our mind or online... (Although...|||Ah! The ENTJ who knows she is evil and domineering is the only ENTJ I like -- and the least evil and domineering of them. :smile-new: :puffer:|||So today you didn't spam your Fakebook wall with a waterfall of #happy #inlove #loveuallguys ?|||As others said ere, you are an obvious ISFP. You and we INFPs are much alike (screw social norms and, in general, the ability to have an identity of our own, emotional, ...), and at once much...|||ISFPs are among the extremely few types I'd like to be romantically involved with (along with INFPs such as myself and INTPs). :angel:|||As though :emmersed: :winky:|||Nobody has voted for Ni. Looks like a lot of INFPs like strategy games and planning tasks... :suspicion::hampster::tranquillity::rolldeyes::biggrin:|||This doesn't look like strange ENFP behavior at all. I am an INFP, but when in high spirits, I'll act extroverted, and like this. He may be busy pursuing other women to make out with in the coming...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Steve Job's was recognized for his striving for efficiency and practicality. His genius is in his systemization of inventions, less so than in invention. This is where claims of Se and Te come from.|||Pencil. Not inf Fe. type ~= emotion, type == what drove emotion|||obvious troll|||But either way, he'd get there by use of his Ni or Te. You can get any behavior with any cognition, all cognition describes is the thought process, which may be prone to develop certain behaviors...|||Every edgy NTP and their mother acts on their off days. The very idea of 'borrowing' types and progressively chameleoning screams Ne and Fe, specifically in that order.|||it's cause you spend all your time irl ignoring your need for expression, so now you're excitedly exaggerating and projecting your weirdness because you get aroused off the image of you it puts in...|||just gonna ignore all your rules. Si - Normal Se - Fighting Ni - Psychic Ne - Electric Ti - Steel Te - Dark Fi - Grass Fe - Fairy|||ixfj must research si vs ni, I suck at those two.|||Well I think it's being used in a more advisory sense, not moral. most people like to be in the group, and it's quite healthy considering the type of animals we are. So people tend to correctly...|||bad quiz, bad link.|||I've experienced a prolonged state of sadness & other emotions as a result of external & internal factors that i've since conquered. I don't think it's reasonable to call this as clinical for the...|||Verbal expression is usually how you open people up to that demonstration. 'I'm good at XX.' 'Oh really? Show me.' Socially antagonizing verbal expression often prevents people from being opened up...|||Grandiosity is an 'unrealistic sense of superiority'. What if my sense of superiority actually isn't unrealistic, and is instead based on logic? I'd imagine you'd say that it's impossible to think...|||That is the reaction most people would have, most people being submerged in a sort of anti-exhibitionist mentality. The expression of any single person's strength always comes with an implicit...|||People misinterpreting Fe for Te somehow. If she's an NT she's an ENTP/INTP. It's most probable that she's an SFJ.|||I think i'm intellectually superior to the average person.|||Ridiculous.|||Um, its perfectly reasonable to instruct a person on what they should ( do ) in order to ( be like them ), just as it would be perfectly reasonable to instruct a person on what they should ( do ) in...|||Take Multiple Intelligences Test|||All perfectionism is being 'hard on your self'. I types.|||[5 yo] A different job for every day of the week cause my interests changed too fast. Architect, Scientist, Musician, Gardener, Painter, Writer and something else.|||Incredibly so. Understanding everyone and my own Fe in particular ( plus a little nietzche, which I only read to figure out Te ) allowed me to destroy my anxiety and general sadness.|||Im a narcissistic conversationalist.|||When you thought about how these words came to be, you didn't consider the purpose of language, or the human pursuit of practicality. A lot of the conundrums you suppose don't actually have a...|||those tests are very blatantly flawed, and anyone who's read jung should see this just by reading the questions and related function. Stop being lazy when you see an inconsistence. Don't alter the...|||It's simple. Do you want to die? A lot of people, due to the structure of our brains, don't wanna die. In order to most effectively preserve our lives, working together in a society is somewhat...|||if you wanna alleviate yourself from a year of traveling through bullshit Classics in the History of Psychology -- Jung (1921/1923) Chapter 10 You listen behaviors. This is a cognitive theory....|||A development: 'Around 100 people killed at Paris Concern Hall'|||You went on a rant about how typology is about the thought process that influences the behavior, not the behavior, then linked socionics descriptions that literally point out behaviors in every...|||ISTPs, give complete reasons.|||well I live in new york, a calm part. In my recent experience if you show complete confidence and look at them directly in the eye while being condescending they'll flock off and cry.|||I'd imagine that the prevailing sterotype is that TJ's, STJ's moreso, are right-winged.|||The feeling function in jung is that which identifies wants. The thinking function in jung identifies true/false. Of course identifying true/false is the means by which we develop values and...|||Each one of them at some point except 7.|||isfp If you end up telling us what your type is, and it's not ISFP, tell me why you disagree with isfp.|||Do Fi-doms just camp this forum?|||The entj's will isn't bound by such pathetic forces such as drowning. The strong entj commands water to move!|||Create the heavens. Then go back and participate in the real world as an immortal being, constantly changing personas each lifetime. The heavens seem boring.|||As many questions as you wish. 1. Well, I already have plenty of NTP friends, so ENTJ + INFJ. The both Ni high-ends create enough contrast to my personality for me to be pretty interested in...|||I don't feel comfortable with changing things that have happened. It's more related to a certain appreciation for the stability of mind and thought. It'd essentially alter the memories of everyone...|||1. I did this some time back and decided it'd be fun to do again. 2. In Perc, the INTP forums and cognitive functions forum. Irl, at my house. 3. Nothing constant. Whatever philosophical notion...|||Im self teaching myself piano, so i can play a bunch of random anime themes. I was doing guitar some time back, but not enough attention span.|||Ask questions, quickly! I may or may not bite.|||You should go on the what's my personality type forum for this. http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/109783-yet-another-questionnaire.html You can do that one if you're willing to...|||Ne - Fe is much better at doing this than Ni - Fi. More likely an INTP quality than an INTJ quality. All N types? Maybe your S function just developed? All N types? Maybe your S...|||looks like we have to purge 15 people.|||We shouldn't imagine that our subjective experiences constitute the experiences of the many, or the reality, unless we perceive a mechanism in our subjective experience that ensures it will be...|||^^|||But first we should ask, are these attributes or aspects you're associating to certain types actually related to those types functionally, or are they gross simplifications outputted by a random...|||If I may ask, what were the contradicting results you got? Your functions seem to be Te-Fi and Ni - Se, I can't really discern anything else definitely.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'It is very annoying to be misinterpreted. Especially with regards to your core, to your intentions and desires. Like when people keep saying that you're in love with somebody for whom you only had...|||x93Noble naturesx85 are few and far in betweenx94.Nietzsche, Ecce Homo x93A man who leaves the house in bright, festive clothes needs only one drop of mud splashed from under a wheel, and people all...|||what should you do when you walk down the streets and certain strangers stare at you shamelessly? and these same people wear t-shirts with death threats... and later you tell about it and you are...|||what should you do when you walk down the streets and certain strangers stare at you shamelessly? and these same people wear t-shirts with death threats... and later you tell about it and you are...|||what should you do when you're being spied upon and threatened, and all the while done in such a covert way so that you have no way to prove it? and all coming from a person you believed was your...|||x93A man who leaves the house in bright, festive clothes needs only one drop of mud splashed from under a wheel, and people all surround him, point their fingers at him, and talk about his...|||147410|||that one's by Buddha|||I read a quite thorough description of 4s by Claudio Naranjo (link here: http://personalitycafe.com/type-4-forum-individualist/148114-naranjos-character-neurosis-ennea-type-4-a.html). It's long and...|||x93I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way.x94 Carl Sandburg|||I think that VAST has a very INFJ vibe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZFaZ9ljLu0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY21CYqGaMw|||I also love Anaïs Nin and I think she's INFJ for sure.|||I just saw the film version of OF HUMAN BONDAGE (1934) and I think that Leslie Howard is a very clear example of INFJ.|||I agree that typical INFP writing would be that of Dickens. Also Melville would be a good example. Stylistically, I think that INFPs are vaguer, more roundabout, but also more poetical than...|||From Herman Melville's Mardi: x93Better to sink in boundless deeps, than float on vulgar shoals; and give me, ye Gods, an utter wreck, if wreck I do.x94|||x93When a friend comes up to me in the street, Ix92d give a paolo [money] for him not to speak to me. Merely the sight of someone I know puts me in a bad moodx85 Hence my happiness in strolling proudly...|||x93... She felt that she had learned something, though exactly what it was she did not know. Later she remembered all the hours of the afternoon as happy -- one of those uneventful times that seem...|||I find this short monologue from Trainspotting absolutely brilliant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0D4ekTODuA|||That quote is from Letters To A Young Poet. It's a really great book.|||I concur.|||I don't think Atticus is an INFJ. He's so stern, humorless and self-righteous... I don't think most INFJs are that way.|||If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for to the creator there is no poverty and no poor indifferent...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUH_HVei7L0&feature=related|||I've never liked science fiction... I've always felt weird as an INFJ for that (since all seem so passionate about it).|||Thanks for answering! I'm an INFJ and I also think that I'm not very expressive of my emotions, so I might come off as cold sometimes. Anyway, there are times when I get overwhelmed and it's...|||Does anyone think that a major difference (or manifestation?) between Fe and Fi is that Fe-users find it hard (or even impossible) to hide their emotions, whereas an Fi-user is able to choose when to...|||I think it's about: 1) Discovering what you really value (what's really important to you) + finding out your true priorities This is difficult because it might contradict 1) Expectations of...|||Jim Jarmusch perhaps? I vacillate between INFJ and INFP... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECDpE4DLzGI|||Feist? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xd12kTpgyo|||I agree with you. This video seems quite INFJ to me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQyMmC-LiS0|||Sure, if being rejected didn't matter to you anymore, you wouldn't be shy... But I think that would be somewhat unnatural... I guess that most people do care about being loved and accepted by...|||Because failing is always a possibility (e.g. not living up to the expectations people have on you). No matter how much you rationalize it, it's always there... And that's why I think you will never...|||I don't believe there is a cure for shyness. Shyness is just fear of being rejected, and the painful truth is: rejection is always a possibility. Therefore, shyness is a totally natural emotion....|||From funny or die http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_qLmC91X_4|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_qLmC91X_4|||Like being with someone who doesn't understand you and with whom you don't feel free to do be yourself. At least, I'd much rather be alone than with somebody who can't understand me.|||Morrissey? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc4wo60f3us|||an artifact that makes you feel unhappy when you think about it. x93Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.x94 Ernest Hemingway|||I relate to what you say. I think that diaries and autobiographies are ideal for that, and also more poignant than fiction, as you know that it actually happened. I'm now reading the diaries of Anaïs...|||I also worry about it. I usually try to find a topic that interests me, and hopefully the other person will be interested too, if only because of my enthusiasm for the topic... At least that way I'm...|||I usually have the same problem. If it doesn't catch my interest, it's a pain to plod through it... If you want an interesting read I would recommend The Summing Up by Somerset Maugham, and the...|||Do you think an INFJ would act like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wq6VeeYZQY|||I recently read this passage from Somerset Maugham's The Summing Up. Love passes. Love dies. The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love. Not the least of evils...|||Heard this quote in an interview and wrote it down. It's not reported it verbatim as some expressions sounded quite repetitive in written form. x93Thatx92s like the biggest kick in life that I think...|||Babel - the story of the japanese deaf-mute girl. I think this scene is a great depiction of loneliness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgSqCf6rafA|||The Match Factory Girl - Aki Kaurismaki La Vie de Bohème - Aki Kaurismaki Black Swan - Darren Aronofsky|||Darjeeling Limited. The main characters (3 brothers) all seem somewhat like lost in life outsiders to me.|||The Summing Up by W. Somerset Maugham. It's an autobiography in which the author discusses some major events in his life, interspersed with comments on his own personality, which I find...|||The Summing Up by W. Somerset Maugham. It's an autobiography in which the author discusses some major events in his life, interspersed with comments on his own personality, which I find extremely...|||The Darjeeling Limited. The most beautiful film I've seen. 21 Grams.' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Now I'm interested. But too lazy to go research it, because it's time-consuming :(|||Welcome to the club, mate! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a3/18/64/a31864d4b4f164aa86dcba911598da6c.gif|||That profile picture of yours is SOOOOOOOO INFP. Welcome!|||Welcome back!|||Is it a communist party? Sorry, had to ask. Alkhemia Welcome! That's an interesting nickname you've got there BTW. It sounds to be a female name, but clearly has something to do with...|||http://media.giphy.com/media/HU7a0iLaQCPQc/giphy.gif|||Anything that fucks with my mind is a no. I mean, I can drink some red wine just for the taste but that's it. Not sure if this thread is only replied to by (former) drug addicts or if the...|||It's not that much the difference between online and offline, but the difference between talking about serious and non-serious things. I'm the same person IRL and online, but others' perception of...|||That sounds somewhat like me, apart from the gossip thing. And the interesting part is that the love for gossip changes a lot. If it wasn't there, I'd say that he's just a premature ENTJ. But this...|||Nah, I always got away with the things I did. From making smelly smoke bombs in high school to political things like ironically sieg heil-ing a dictator's monument back in my country. You won't...|||INTJ - ISTP ENTJ - ISTJ INFP - INTP ENFP - ESFP INFJ - ISFP ENTP - ESTP ISFJ - ESFJ ESTJ - ESTP ENFJ - unmistakeable and really annoying|||It's free to play :tongue:|||YXZ HAVE A MEME, M80 https://scontent.fhou1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17021773_931845763621268_1389281151178905536_n.png?oh=7cea6be5f3fdae21111dba4be8854480&oe=5929FC2D|||:crazy:K N O W . W H E R E . T O . D O W N L O A D:crazy:|||:crazy:P I R A C Y:crazy:|||Did you see Boku dake ga inai machi? Or 91 days? My life is pretty boring too. I'm trying video games at the moment, but they don't really help.|||I know russian well enough to write books in it. :proud: I even tried once, but then got carried away by more obvious everyday problems. Japanese is quite interesting, especially because of the...|||Have you tried playing Unturned? It's a pretty cool voxel survival game made by a 16 y/o canadian guy :)|||I've always known exactly what I want in my life, in several circumstanses, with several outcomes. I have around 26 life plans and every single one of them is updating constantly :wink:|||My first language is russian :laughing: I'm bilingual. Also tried learning german, but I forgot everything because of the lack of practice. Internet helps me remember both english and russian though...|||This was probably a joke I didn't get. Because otherwise I have no idea how exactly would backups of her files help her remove the toolbars. Or you meant that she'd have to do a restore from a...|||The worst case I've had to deal with was a girl who got so many toolbars installed into her browser that it was constantly crashing. I mean, you could expect this from an older person, but from a 16...|||Have you tried telling him that it is extremely stupid to get depressed over a situation he has no control of? I mean, like, literally telling him that, not just saying something other than this and...|||Mistyped myself as an ENTP. I mean, I do love arguments and memes, but... No.|||I'm 20 and I feel like I'm in the 40s already...|||Your prof says you were born in Russia. Do you speak russian? P.S.: https://media.giphy.com/media/508RHeZhHhemI/giphy.gif|||Welcome! https://media.giphy.com/media/508RHeZhHhemI/giphy.gif|||narutoooooooooo Sorry, I just had to do this.|||Niceness is often ineffective. I have a rule of treating people the way I'd want to be treated myself, and I don't need people to be nice when we're talking about serious stuff - I need them to be...|||I'm mostly into two completely different games. The first one is Minecraft, which I love for its freedom and style, and the second is The Secret World - an MMORPG set in modern world, that has a lot...|||Damn right, son!|||BOOOOOOOOOIIIIIII I second every fucking word of this! And that OMG CONGRAZ made me actually laugh out loud :laughing: P.S.: Sanders was the only candidate who actually made sense, but he...|||I've got one of them on my profile pic - Raymond Reddington from The Blacklist tv series. The other would probably be Lelouch vi Britannia from the Code Geass anime. I could probably come...|||Now I'm genuinely interested in the number of people who ACTUALLY DID get scared, just so I could know their number compared to the replies and understand human behaviour better... Anyways, I'm...|||WHAT KIND OF GAMES ? Seriously interested. I hope it's some good games, because I've got no one to play with (oddly). Oh, and yes, I forgot to say hello and welcome, so Hello and Welcome!...|||Hey, welcome! So many INFPs here and you're the first male one I saw here :shocked: I hope you have a great day :)|||Hey there! :) Why are plastic soldiers so interesting to you? I'm more into real soldiers. You can't take over the world using plastic, duh! Anyways, welcome. I'm an ENTJ and new here too....|||You guys mean outer space by saying cosmos, right? I believe that is also an ENTP thing. I've known a few who absolutely love astronomy and astrophysics.|||The saddest thing for me is I know exactly what I'm doing wrong and I know exactly what thoughts make me stop progressing, but I can't do anything about it. I've rationalized my behaviour so much...|||Is procrastination a trait of all those who like to think a lot? It seems that most of the actively analyzing people in this world spend so much time on it that they ither no longer have any time for...|||That is one of the most NF-ish things I've heard in my life. Welcome! I'm a newbie too, and I was also reading through threads on this website frequently without being registered :) MBTI is...|||Hello there! How're you doing? offtop: That guy's facial expression is exactly what I look like when I meet my friends' friends.|||Wow. Great, now I know more about Kazakhstan! I'm originally from Azerbaijan and my native language is russian too. Also my azeri is terribly bad :unsure:|||Well, my subjects can't answer either, but they're still alive, so I guess it'll be alright!|||Oh, I love experiments! Is it gonna be a painful one?|||I do remember telling people that I'll send them their family members' body parts :tongue: It's just that I don't think it's scary to joke about that. Either people are too sensitive, or I look...|||Thanks, and you should probably make one too, waylaid. It's fun! Especially fun where there are a ton of INFs replying to it :D And I'm mostly scary because of my jokes of sending someone a part...|||Apart from obvious things like a loved one's death/betrayal (basically the same thing, because if they betray me they're dead for me), I usually get triggered by someone falsely accusing me. Like,...|||Hey Lionfart! Guess I'm gonna shorten you to Lion too, otherwise it sounds weird to call someone a fart... I've never been called Marx before, this is quite funny :laughing: I have a habit of...|||So... Hello! This is new to me, to be honest. Never started an introduction post anywhere before in my whole life. Wow. That is actually surprising! Anyways, I'm happy to be here (at least...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Still going strong at just over the two year mark. I have made noticeable changes and do not plan on slowing. I have attached my 2 year progress picture, but with my face cropped out, you know to...|||Congrats fellow ENTJ!|||Thats funny, I like it. And... There may be SOME truth to it haha.|||I don't follow trends necessarily, although in a way we all do unless we are making our own clothing. I do like to look nice no matter what the situation though. In the summer just hanging out I...|||For someone who throws such sweeping generalizations around I have a hard time thinking you're not weak, or possibly it's just your general lack of knowledge on personality theory? Either way, I have...|||Congrats Boss!|||Gave up the gym tonight for yard work... And... Beer|||http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y468/2eng/image_zpsda8e95c7.jpg Haha|||Happy birthday to the most talented and intelligent ENFP I have the pleasure of knowing. You truly are an inspirer and I am a better person because of you. Thank you for being you! Love you...|||@Doll I read most of your post and didn't see what position this was you were interviewing for, but I just may have missed it. I'm going to approach this from two ways, one from an interviewee...|||Congrats!|||Not sure what you are saying... to busy noticing the obvious resemblance between me and your avatar. :cool:|||So we should make it a form with some sort of digital signature so we know they have read the disclaimer, otherwise it was all done in vain. Unless everytime someone doesn't understand us, we go...|||What's the need for an advisory claiming that they may be skipped or may be ignored? Just do it and if they don't get any responses... they'll get the idea.|||I think stating that people should be able to post what they want, however they want, just as long as it can be reciprocated is nothing but objective. I know I have posted in the F forums before...|||Who was told how to behave? The format idea is certainly telling people how to behave. I only noticed expression of opinions that couldn't be taken on the chin just as we expect others to be able...|||Monkey King, Irl what do you do when someone asks you a question or makes a statement that you don't understand? Do you stand there and look at them like they are a fool until they simply walk away,...|||I'm not sure that demanding that a question be clear will eradicate any misunderstanding of the question. What makes a question unclear? It seems to me requiring a question be asked clearly alone...|||Out of curiosity, in what format/presentation style do you propose other types ideas to be presented in? And does this format/style apply to the ENTJ's as well?|||I for one enjoy the varying ideas and viewpoints. I don't think anyone or type should be discouraged either through disclaimers or ridicule from posting in our forum. It seems as though we would be...|||Be happy where you are, but never be content to be there. - L. Rogers|||Being fairly new in my position, it felt good to give a member of my team a raise. I am rewarding those that deserve it, and slowly weeding out the dead weight and replacing them with qualified...|||Sore and exhausted... that sums it up.|||I will... thanks again!|||Nothing really comes to mind, my experience with it is too limited. I just know that I like the Indie rock that I've heard so I was curious about others to check out. Thanks for the list. I'll check...|||What other Indie rock bands do you like?|||Yeah, that's what I like most about the video too... But I do like both versions of the song as well.|||Of all the personality types I figured you guys would appreciate this the most... So here you go. This guy is amazing. The video has over 79 Million views so I am sure many of you have seen this...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oG1IfQx9Oc|||No no no you're doing it all wrong. This is how you do it... http://i.imgur.com/cUQji.gif|||Here's my point. I find legs and asses and lips and collar bones and many other parts of a woman that can be seen sexy as well, but let me ask you this... if you were given the choice of seeing a...|||If it was the norm for women to walk around topless in our culture, men wouldn't see breasts any more sexually attractive than a pair of legs, because they would be used to it imo. Do I see breasts...|||Big day at the gym today. Full chest workout (new personal max weight), core, and multiple sets of pushups to top it off. I will be ready and will meet my goal.|||^^ This and the whole supreme intelligence thing too... wait... that's true too. We will think of something.|||Never mind|||Thanks I agree. I recently took a how to deal with problematic employees class (mandatory for all department heads to attend). Funny thing is the info I got out of that class was exactly, and I...|||Tuesday: Back, shoulders and core Wednesday: Arms and core Today: It hurts to shift my car... Oh and cardio|||Where is the fire him because he's a jackass option? The test is flawed.|||I am a little skeptical, I'll let you know what I think when it's over. It's emotional intelligence based on Daniel Goleman's book titled Emotional Intelligence. We shall see how it turns out.|||I'm with Benja... she makes that sound so nice haha. The buzz part, not the sunshine and rainbows part.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA8z3Yk3wWc&sns=em Maybe we should all try to ween off coffee as Monkey King suggested and try the half-caf...|||Monday 3/4 I'm taking a class on emotional intelligence... kinda psyched about it.|||It looks like it's made of cheesecloth.|||Haha. Nah, he has nothing on me. Besides Enfpleasantly has it covered. If I felt I needed to step in I would. I've only actually had to step in once or twice and that was after repeated attempts by...|||58551|||This thread reminds me of this haha.. http://gifsoup.com/imager.php?id=1010269&t=o|||I always enjoy coming to the gym right after the first of the year... kinda reminds me of when I was in college, you know when everyone would show up... for the first week or two before they quit.|||I like them, I guess, but only certain styles in certain areas on certain people. I tend to see them as a great way to limit your career. I don't necessarily agree that this should be the case, but...|||I am having a hard time with this... as ENTJ's passive aggresiveness isn't our MO.|||Congratulations The King Of Dreams. That's quite an accomplishment.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Personally, I was thinking this would be more of an SJ type job in a ways.|||I was having some issues a while back finding a job. Couldn't get a job in the arts and crafts store, which was my ideal. I did get a job interview before, but was not given a call back. I always...|||Personally, I DON'T want astrology, numerology and all that garbage TO be true because I did research on my own personality and I HATE it. It makes me look like I have NO good future in what I...|||Would love to develop more Ne and Ti|||Spiritual intelligence, Emotionally somewhat smart, but intellectually stupid.|||Ah~ I see. You're kinda the theatre version of an anime fan. From what I observe of SJs (and some grown-ups in general, God forbid, though I do not stereotype in any way) they don't know how to be...|||First off, I'm terribly sorry with the straining relationship with your parents. I agree that what chimeric gave is good advice. Though I'm quite curious, what things do you talk about with your...|||Ugh...some of his stuff is good, but some of it is just...yeah, but a lot of ENTPs aren't really my cup of tea. No offense.|||No one controls your life, and don't let others control yours. Nobody is perfect, and you're not perfect. Nobody can live up to your standards and sometimes you fail to live up to your own. It's...|||Thank you all so much for the advice. It may even help to take these ideas as tips for when I get interviewed.|||Well, of course, but I would think they needed a more professional answer and I'm not sure what answer I should give them. I can give them a very emotionally honest answer, but that doesn't fly well...|||I am trying to fill out a position for a kennel assistant at a vet. I have some experience dealing with dogs and some cats. I'm very gentle and sweet with the animals, but I know that reason...|||That sounds about right to me.|||Well...it's more of having issues with being too silent (the unhealthy introverted part) I would like to change, but being a guy for a day is not my idea of a joy ride. ....but I guess I would be a...|||I'd rather change MBTI type than a sex change.|||I don't want to give bad advice, but my opinion is she jumped too quickly and she is in the fantasy fairytale land about you. I was like that in high school, too about my crushes. It was just...|||From what I read so far, he sounds more like he has attachment issues more than just being and ESTJ. Also, the ballet thing: you both have an interest in the arts, but I cannot think a guy would...|||I wonder what it would be like without INFPs? I don't want to sound cynical, so I'll keep my fingers closed.|||62984 O.o OMG! AHHHHHH!|||A Gary Stu then. LOL|||I don't know if this is the right place for this thread, but we shall see. Let's see...how can I explain this. According to a personality quiz I will not give out where it's at because I don't...|||Chili. Better get away from me. I might explode PC.|||Sending up prayers.|||Maybe I read shallowy into this, but oh my goodenss! People actually think like this?|||Have you tried doing any cognitive functions testing? I find what you have written to be a bit foggy. You are definitely a P. I believe I do see an introverted function. I'm having a hard time...|||Cock-a-doodle-doo!|||I did say most didn't I? LOL|||We're not hippies. We're just cultured and down-to-earth common people who don't like a whole lot of labels. We are simple, but we are full of awesome!:cool:|||LINGERIE! :laughing: I'm sorry. I'm joking. But to be honest, I believe an ENFP male likes the flirt, but the problem is most of them have the attention span of a chicken. Keep a little mystery...|||Simple: relationships are all about give and take. Stop thinking about what you can TAKE from the relationship and start GIVING more into it. When the relationships are getting rocky, sit down and...|||Then stop putting people into boxes then. Simple as that. Human beings are complex creatures whether you're using MBTI, color personality, ennegram, Keirsey, the four humors, or whatever. It's...|||I would say go for it, but make sure you set boundaries because of this guy's rep and what you know about him.|||You're crazier than *insert name that has a C or K sound.* Your like a toy that never breaks.|||To be honest, this is one of those back away type situations you don't need to get involved in. That's just my opinion because a friend going in a direction like her sounds like uncharted...|||Well...when it's something that keeps you sane and you can't get excited about a job in the area that you know you can do well enought to stick with it, that's the only piece of hope.|||So is what you believe in by saying that. Now if you excuse me, you are someone I don't have to agree with or believe in.|||Though, I do disagree with that (but in all cases, I was having good fun with you, and not necesassarily meaning bringing up marriage on the first date, which I hope you didn't misunderstand) I was...|||How's about having a few plot bunnies in mind on how that could work out? :D|||There's a little Gollum in all of us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkdeyKD5Kt4|||Forget dating. How about marriage?|||Nah~ I like to use facebook to say what's on my mind *le gasp* Like, OMG! She's a narcissist! Nah, I like playing some of the games, sharing music I'm listening to, what I'm laughing at, keeping...|||Hello and welcome, darling.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZU2ubRGb9g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X5lbZi6UUo&list=UUihz0afZtl5Zqr-QecSaNuw&index=4|||It seems to me also that I agree with the people who have pointed out that you may have issues with depression. I think you are also unhappy with your job situation as well as your social life, and...|||I just...I just can't see myself dating a sensor. I would like more intellectual compatibility and mental stimulation to teach me stuff about life and other practical...and someone with an awesome...|||Well, 1. ENFPs are adorable. 2. The things some people come up with for threads. XD 3. MIND EXPLOSIONS!!!|||This thread makes me LOL.|||I'm in the same boat as the OP to a certain extent. However, I'm kinda a bit scared I'm just settling to a certain extent...or I'm just getting older. I think, bottom line, we need a lifestyle...|||Somebody read my blog? O.o|||How do you know she's an ENFP and not an ESFP? Not that I care or anything. *cynical towards teen romance*' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'They paint without numbers|||I'd guess at istp too|||My best bud is ESFP, very funny, entertaining and a big softy. He can be draining, yapping away at everything, and often it's a one way conversation with him, yap yap yap lol. Would not be good to be...|||I used to smoke weed alot, everyday from morning till night for 3/4 years. It screwed my head up even when I stopped smoking it for good. I call it a head f*ck up. I went to docs then was passed onto...|||Jimi Hendrix - The Wind Cries Mary. After all the jacks are in their boxes And the clowns have all gone to bed You can hear happiness staggering on down the street ( My favorite line )...|||Gardening/Landscape designer or environmental conservation. Great practical work, very hands on, varied, rewarding and enjoyable.|||I loved This is England, Lol's a great character! 10/10 :D|||.|||Cogs|||infpaul haha.. erm cheers!|||namiki Well I reckon she trust you enough in private to share her inamost thoughts and opinions. I think the inconsistantcy in how she reacts to people who she's been slating, is more to do with...|||Liontiger Thanks for your input although I'm not seeking answers on the net or from anyone really. I know my own mind and life desires. I just wonderd if any other women were in the same boat and...|||Sensitive enough to pick up on subtle cues. How I deal with them depends, it'll either crush me a little or I think ah bollocks. But yeah I'm sensitive to others.|||@BooksandButterflies You sound totally like a fellow isfp to me :) I'm around the same age as you, and I reckon it's the age of the tertinery function springy out on us..|||Tick tock !|||So are any of you considering this route ? I'm nearing upto to 36.. I'm single n got no kids..no potential partner as of yet. Really would love to have a child/ren. Any of you's in same boat?...|||So what you reckon ? Tim possibly one of you boys ? I'm guessing Daisy ENFP Mike ISTP Brian INFP Marsha ESFJ Twist ENFJ Dwane INTJ Colin the dog ISFP lol|||Prince Harry not flipping likey ! Those some say people tut tut to you.|||A cartoonist for The Beano :)|||Howdo ValK have fun ere ! :)|||I'm just watching the morning weather report, gonna rain this afternoon|||ISFJ Coz of yer 6w7|||Moody, Bipolar energy traits, music loving loner.|||Mind, Body and Soul :)|||Edgy isfp|||4/10 Looks like he's squating having a crap lol|||http://youtu.be/lmsbHGEB6UU Lissie ( deffo an isfp ) live at Brighton UK with the Kid Cudi cover... Pursuit of Happiness. Excellent :) Worth a gander !|||Yeah I agree with all the posts above. Also I wouldn't want to lose the valuable close connection we have as friends when it all eventually goes tits up.|||F orgiving I ntrospective V ivid E asy - going W anderer O ptimistic R esourceful D impled ( Cheeky ) S implified life|||I totally agree with all the posts, I'm very much like this. It's very selfish in some ways tho.|||Not much if anything to go on for Little Cloud . Based on ya user name I'd say isfj|||British realistic films, drama, pyschologigal, good comedy. Realistic films really, can't stand sci-fi|||Yeah tis true. 'n well i'm abit like ya mum lol each to their own style eh|||I'd be the one to clean up first and I'm isfp. I know an isfj really quite well 'n she is lovely but a right scruffy, dirty bugger, house a right tip.|||Agree with jimmers, but I'm 35|||I like the feeling when my gaff is all spick n span. I can relax more and enjoy my living space. I'm a clean 'n tidy person anyway 'n kinda like cleaning up cause of the end result. Do a room by...|||Depends on what caused the apology. Yeah they prob accepted it, but maybe see your actions and you in another light. Not much you can do about that if that's the case. Just try build up trust again,...|||Opps a dasiey, sorry to be so harsh! Had I known it was yourself I would have not said owt about ya 'tash. You rock the mush fluff ;). Revised score 7/10 for putting yer self out there ! All in...|||N's conversations can go off on extreme tangents, can be hard to keep track with what they're on about . Bit tiring 'n frustrating at times.|||Some dude with dodgy facial hair..no idea who he is.. I like the tree 'n if i was sat there, i'd use the rock to steady my pose too. 2/10|||He he maybe soo ! Well with your patter you gotta be a yo- yoing ENTP ! :)|||Your pic is soo istp ! alternative i'd guess for you is intj|||1: What's your MBTI Type? ISFP 2: What's your Gender? female 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? youngest child 4: How do you learn: Hands-on, seeing, or auditory?...|||No not at all, no interest in computers, gadgets n the like.|||You jumped wagon from isfp to infj.....|||You can be whatever you want to be love ! Have ya cake, eat it then go for a dump.|||infp. Based on ya picture of king infp - Mr Cobain. Also ya user name is lyrical :)|||Entp|||Yeah i agree, hence why I apologised in the post above yours. I'm more of a donkey, eeeee-orrr|||amatsuki Yeah I'm sorry reading it back now I was quite harsh. Hope I havn't offended you too much.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Basically, my main questions are : What do you believe in ? What are the values that matter the most to you ?* (Sorry if I tend to be confusing)|||Hey, This is my second thread today, but I feel like this is important. Well... Every time we try something new, we are scared, which is normal right ? However, we individually react differently...|||Hey, Well... Personally I don't see myself asking something like Hey girl, are you an INFP ? Let's get compatible ;) , if you know what I mean. No seriously, I think it just depends on the...|||Hey, Well... seems to me like you are an INFP : you are very caring and sensitive, you don't like authority, you are not motivated by money, you are a bit messy and you daydream a lot. However,...|||Hey, Last time, I wrote a thread called INFP men being sensitive and also, how the world of business can influence INFPs. I had quite a lot of responses from a lot of people about embracing (or...|||Did you ever regret making that choice when you were younger ? Did you only realize at an old age that you didn't want to get promoted, or was it always your mindset ?|||Hey, I think that when it comes to dealing with the world, you should hold on to your own values and what it means to you. For people like us, it is indeed different as we are considered as...|||One of the question we all ask ourselves at one point of our lives. The answer seems obvious, but still...|||Hey, Today, I'd like to talk about business and principles. Well... I guess anyone reading this thread would probably be an INFP so I won't dwell on the whole description. Basically, I have gone...|||Looks like everything has been said on that one, thanks for your answers (of course, anyone else is welcome to post). Really appreciate it :)|||There is always a lot to learn from younger people. I gotta say Pangea, you pretty much said it all on this one, well done!|||Hey, I would like to ask you guys something: This is mostly for young INFP adults but everyone is welcome to answer. There is always a point when you grow up and realize some things. Perhaps...|||Seems like everything has been pretty much covered on this one (well anyone is still welcome to post of course ^^). Thanks guys :)|||One of those days when you feel like the world is your oyster :)|||543570|||I think the same actually. It is mostly about your own values and what you think matters the most.|||I agree :)|||Hey, Well... yeah I kinda feel you on this one. The thing is, sometimes INFPs might feel absorbed by extroverts so they want to find a way to defend themselves. I think whatever is the...|||Hey, I would like to ask you something : generally speaking, what makes you smile ? Not necessarly what gives you an hysterical laugh but you know, let's say you had a bad day at work/uni/school,...|||Hey, I personally think that when it comes to starting conversations with anyone, the way you feel can easily determine the way you are going to handle interactions (especially with women, they do...|||Hey, Well... that is a tough one. On the outside, they are pretty much the same. But there are a few differences. INFP tend to take things more personally and be more empathic towards people,...|||Yeah your first sentence was my point, but sometimes I just think so much that I tend to be confusing. Sorry about that.|||Hey, Well... I would say patient, silent, resilient, keen to detail, solitary, ambitious, cautious and observant.|||Hey, I am very sure that a lot of INFP guys are thinking about that one, but since I am in this forum for around a month, I gotta ask you something. When it comes to relationships, men are...|||Hey, Well... As an INFP, I do feel sometimes jaded with life. It is like watching the same thing over and over again. I keep looking across the window, wondering how these people can just fit. You...|||Hey, The last movie I saw was The Neon Demon. Quite creepy if you ask me... Not a movie I would watch twice. But anyway, to each his own.|||Hey, So... what would make an INFP villain ? Well... I would portray him as someone who can shut down his mind. What I mean is that he would eventually this mysterious man in a noisy place, the...|||Hey, I would like to change my username for Jamelin if possible. Thanks in advance.|||Hey, I think that it depends on the company's motive. I mean that if you climb higher, you have to somehow stand up to your own principles. Otherwise, you might have some sort of internal...|||Then, I would like to ask you something : opposed and compared to intelligence, how would you define wisdom ? It is true that people are afraid of what's different. But in a way, we should mostly...|||Hey, Well... I think that sex is mostly how you feel it inside first. It's not like casual hook-ups or FWB. It starts with this look you know... The thing of look and smile that would melt winter...|||Hey, Personally I like playing RPG and watch Japanese Cartoons (you know, Naruto and stuff). I like comedies like Friends and HIMYM. Also, I enjoy listening some music while resting. What I enjoy...|||Hey, I would like to ask you guys something about how intelligence can shape people and its consequences to the world. I recently watched The Avengers (well... Civil War). You know, the...|||I see... Seems like fulfillment is mostly important. It is true that it this century, especially in our twenties, there is this moment when you want to find your purpose. You probably also realize...|||Hey, As someone who was in a same situation in a relationship, I will help you. I think that your friend is somehow fighting his feelings for you. You see, INFPs are the kind of people who...|||Hey, I think that the common success of people is related to money or status (or even sometimes for some people, how your partner looks). But the thing is, success is mostly what you validate as...|||The thing is, I keep wondering if it is better to save money in our mid-twenties despite your well-being being affected, or to work for something that gives you value. The thing is, the common...|||Hey, I think the same as quoted. She took the words out of my mouth.|||Thanks for your response. However, I do have some questions for you if that's fine. First of all, what do you do for a living (after you did engineering I mean)? And second, why do you want to go...|||Hey, I am not sure if INFPs struggle with the same problem, but I have a hard time choosing a job I really want. I have had an engineering degree and 2 years experience as a Customer Service...|||Hey, I really want to thank people who posted on this thread. I am 25, I tried in the past very hard to work for big call centers and fit with everyone else and it didn't work out. I am back home...|||Hey, Personally, I would like to stop caring too much about people's opinion and be more organized with my thoughts. Everything is just random and it is quite disturbing... But despite all this, I...|||Hey, I think that mostly, INFP tend to internalize their emotions a lot. You see, INFPs tend to think a lot about past and/or futures events in their lives and all sorts of feelings are going...|||Hey, Same as Stefan. I would even add that depending on some individuals (particularly introverts), language learning abilities can be easier depending on some people. The best way I think to...|||Hey! You must be lucky with the weather in there! Nothing is a waste of time, there is always something to learn out there (or even on the Internet). You landed there and now you get to know us!...|||Welcome on board, nice to meet you ! I am new here myself as an INFP so I got the feeling. I hope to meet new people as well :) And don't worry : your English is fine ^^|||You are probably right. I should just do what I can do and feel more confident about it. It takes time for everyone to grow up from experiences but we all get there at some point. Thanks for that :)|||Hey everyone! I am Linjo and I am new here. This is my first post. I am a guy and I found out recently that I was an INFP. As a man, I have been trying to figure out if it was a good thing....' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | it could be pyroluria.. you know.. it is an ongoing tension inside of you.|||Love is when other people think that your man is a garbage, idiot, and dumb, ugly, bad, mean in your eyes he is still your trophy|||well then, how we will show others our existence?|||Hi I just want to ask if other INFJs have the guts to dominate or if no chance be submissive to others. In my case Im always on the submissive side as if I have no chance to control myself or others|||Darnit baby! I want to show myself to others but cant. I want to show my talents. hahahaha. but too shy to do so. And Im so afraid of getting rejected..|||I dont know what to do. I feel incomplete, I dont feel emotionally connected and I always change every time and then. Im tired being surrounded by these people who dominates me and handling my life....|||Why are we so kind individual? I mean why do we always want to help? I think its because we want to be notice. I want to feel that I belong in this world too. Is that so wrong? Grrr.|||I would like to be alone than dealing with people who judge me easily. I enjoy being alone, like this surfing the net, being independent and not relying and bothering other people.|||Hm. In my case I always feel like im inside the shell :((|||Maybe they were just hurt for judging the child personality|||I always daydreaming about me. I am a singer in a concert and the crowds are clapping and enjoying their time listening to my voice. They look like they are really having fun :))) ROFL|||I always feel that I never did anything good. Darn.|||Dont worry guys! Im here for you :)))))|||Darn. Its the same with me. People dont really listen! Hate it!|||Around people? You mean when we are not around of people we can be free? Or we dont let ourselves to get out of this box Im feeling. We cant be who really are because of people judging us.|||Hey everyone! Have you felt that you are inside the box and hiding? I mean Im there and Im around people but why I feel so invisible as if no one really see me.|||Mine is : perlasjean|||I cry when people keeps saying I did not good enough where as I did give my best. And when they blame me on their own mistakes :(|||Hahaha! You are happy? LOL Well I'd love to join a nude party! Wooooohhh!|||Hahaha! You are happy? LOL Well I'd love to join a nude party! Wooooohhh!|||Hahahaha! Maybe I could try living in beaches :)) LOL|||When I do task Im really afraid that I might do something stupid. I felt embarassed when I do it uncorrectly and my body is just shaking. Have you ever felt this way? Or it just happen this past few...|||Hm. Well I think Im a good person enough. And I choose choices between what is right or wrong. Of course I follow the right things.|||Hehehe. I feel the same way. I dont talk to people I know well. I find them boring or even senseless to talk to. I want to be alone and do what keeps me happy. People will just leave, I think they...|||Hm. Yeah. I think I change a lot. I dont know Its just Im being so nice and giving to people whom I really care, yet they dont know how to appreciate me.|||I think you should leave the house. Hehehe. You dont need your family if they dont understand you or even listen to you. There are thousands of people and you are not alone. Just get a life you know....|||You INFPs are always self pitying.|||Yehey! You agree with me! Yes its nudity but not trying to seduce them.|||Yeah I think they should not look.|||What? You think its hot? My parents are telling me to put on clothes. But I really dislike it! Do you think its okay to walk around the house nude?|||Hi everyone! Do you wear clothes? Me, I dont like wearing clothes I feel uncomfortable with clothes that I wear even if they look good on me. I just hate wearing clothes. And I dont wear clothes when...|||Woah ESTPs vulnerable? Really? You guys have a good body which I really admire. Maybe you are strong outside but vulnerable inside|||Are you 594? hehehe. Im 459. Glad to meet you :))|||Have you ever experience that people laugh at us so/sx's? uh. I hate it! Im walking doing my own thing and the people around are smiling and laughing.|||yeah we should all be put to a fucking death I guess|||I find myself talking differently. I mean how I pronounce them.|||Why? Do you hate us that much?|||Im so/sx. how do you guys see us? are we acting different?|||a fucking senseless person.|||I do the same thing. Im an escapist! and I really dont want to be on the spotlight.|||what a face! LOL|||Of course not! you're enneagram type 2. I really have a huge attraction with Enneagram 2 people :D|||you said you're a type 2 right? well i've seen some 2s really afraid of people and as I observe them they really are very very awkward.|||SX/SO SO/SX SX/SP SP/SX SP/SO SO/SP and what stacking do you love and hate the most?|||Hi fellow ISFPs. Do you find yourself lately difficult to deal with the crowd? :confused:|||I really love you guys when it comes to clothing! :d hahahaha!|||the main purpose why people live is to find God and have faith in him|||We are disappearing and we are not the crowds favorite anymoree :( .|||Hahaha! Well yeah you're right. I live in the Philippines. Our country is just copying the culture style of korea. ISFPs here are becoming more rare.|||Hahaha! Well yeah you're right. I live in the Philippines. Our country is just copying the culture style of korea. ISFPs here are becoming more rare. |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I'm seriously considering marriage to my longtime ENFP girlfriend. But do you think she'll be able to give me a little more space when we are settled down in marriage? My two biggest problems with...|||I'll revive this in the rare event anyone else wants to comment.|||While I certainly can agree with the crux of what you're saying in your post, particularly the summary above (and yes, INTPs do question these seemingly meaningless conventions for what they are), I...|||It seems that I can never achieve the kind of satisfaction in my career that other people experience (although my career is solid and does use many of my talents). Not completely sure if it's...|||Nice insight. I totally agree that it seems like a match up destined for clashes.|||Dad: ISTJ Mom: ISFJ Younger brother: ESFP Me: INTP|||sometimes they ask candidates to take the test.|||How big of a role does MBTI play in many HR departments? Are candidates ever eliminated solely by MBTI type?|||Newer show....but Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. yeah, the female feeler is a popular archetype.|||Lol that sounds right.|||Any further analysis on why these two would be good in a relationship?|||Cultural norms and so-called ideals.|||Why in theory is an ESTJ so good with INTP? I've heard this often, and can think of several reasons why, but I'd like to hear further analysis of this.|||Fair enough. :tongue:|||I was positive someone would quickly provide a response of this nature. If you look at my first post, I specified that I was going to focus on the preference of a heterosexual male ESTJ. That's all....|||I thought that disclaimer goes without saying. MBTI is about generalizations and stereotypes by nature.|||Absolutely right. Bad word choice. I will change it.|||As you know, the stereotypical male is a T type--rational and logical--while the stereotypical female is the F type--sensitive and emotional. Considering these longstanding cultural views, when a...|||Let me first provide the disclaimer that this, of course, is not definitive, but my generalized opinion. ESTJs strongly uphold societal traditions. I believe that their faith in these cultural...|||Two of my closest friends for over 10 years are INFPs. I'd say one comical (and well-known) trait they share is their lack of precision in certain statements. They remember the details of past...|||ESTJs are best with other SJs. In my opinion, they have a VERY difficult time with NFs. For a male ESTJ, I believe the best match is a female ISFJ.|||I'm not even sure this is possibly measurable. If so, it would obviously have to be a J or some sort. Perhaps SJ. What do you think?|||I'm absolutely 100% sure that I'm an INTP. But I can sometimes fake being an ENTP socially when I'm out. But I still need serious re-charging time afterwards. I should also mention that these ESFJ...|||An ESFJ is supposed to be a complete opposite of me. Yet somehow I keep becoming attracted to (and eventually dating) these sweet ESFJs. What's going on? And are these relationships sustainable? I...|||That's exactly what I would expect and believe it is generally accurate. Personally, I'm an independent who votes Republican.|||Haha! As an INTP, I find that response is hilarious. Yet so true and familiar for me...|||Yeah it's always seemed like a fairly incompatible group to me. In general, of course, because it depends on the individuals involved.|||INTPs can definitely be goal oriented. In fact, all of them are to some extent. We all set goals and accomplish them (to varying degrees). The intp goals may not be as traditional as those other...|||One of my best friends is INFP, another is ESTJ. They seem to think the opposite on every issue (though they hardly know each other). Do you think these types would conflict as much as just about any...|||As I said in the ESFP area, Don't Stop the Party for ESFPs.|||INTPs are the most mysterious in general. ENTJs are the most mysterious to me.|||Hahaha! Having a best friend for the last 15 years who is an ESTJ, I can say that paraphrase is essentially accurate.|||I have to say that the N/S thing has really been getting to me lately too. I love a lot of S type women at first, but it just doesn't seem workable. I miss that deeper intellectual connection and we...|||Interesting...good point. I know this requires a great deal of knowledge on an artist from a while back now, so not everyone will know WTF is going on. But feel free to chime in if you know the...|||Yeah I know know what you mean. I believe that Neo from the Matrix is a rare lead character INTP. But that has a lot to do with the unusual philosophical nature of the movie and the fact that the...|||Calvin I can see what you mean about your types. Paul I can definitely see as ESTJ. I may disagree on John the apostle being INTP though. Although he does have that kind of calm/detached tendency, he...|||Is it possible that Beach Boys composer legend Brian Wilson is an INTP? I never would have considered this as even a possibility until someone argued for it. In the 60s he achieved autonomy and...|||INTPs are generally big picture logical thinkers. So they would create the architectural ideas and leave implementation to others. Lol.|||Troll thread? It may be a dumb thread, or moronically phrased, but I'm serious about the topic. I have the tendency to get extremely attracted to ESFJs, which never seems to end ideally. And yet here...|||In the case of Solomon I'm not positive whether or not he would be an INTP, but I would probably say he was (if I had to guess). He was certainly motivated by the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge. In...|||I'm not sure that I can explain it better than other resources. So I'll just send a few links: INTP personality | 16 Personality Types Portrait of an INTP A few excerpts: --Accumulated...|||I greatly appreciated your relationship analysis, for the record.|||Interesting thread. I definitely see some truth in it. Not sure if it is completely universal, or effected by T and F as well. But I'd like to hear more opinions..|||You think Solomon was INTP? Was it his interest in knowledge/wisdom that makes you think that?|||Good point. I sometime morph into being perceived as ENTP and feel a certain kinship with that type.|||Yes, this may be kind of theoretical topic. But can you somewhat alter your type if you wanted to? Obviously I don't think you can change your cognitive preferences. But can you transform yourself,...|||Hahaha! Yeah I've honestly thought about giving extremely absurdist answers like that. Frankly they come to my head more often than normal answers. Answering that I'm a CIA special agent and my job...|||Hahaha!|||This may just be a personal quirk and not necessarily an INTP thing. But I always hate having to catch up with casual acquaintances with these type of questions. Do you? One reason I probably...|||Judging by your photo, the INTJ men wouldn't mind getting to know you either. :wink:' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Sometimes I wonder that too.. the reason being that INFJ's seem so absractly deep that even being one myself I don't understand them all the time ;D|||I was wondering..|||Your GF changes the curtains in your apartment and you wonder the NEXT DAY has something changed.|||I only read this post of yours, but if I think this as an INFJ male I would have probably done the same as your boyfriend. In the same situation I would have thought that when I have this kind of...|||reckful, If you just would be a woman and a beautiful one, I would nail you so hard now ; ) great post!|||Could you show some links about the subject etc?|||Hmm.. interesting, I need to think about this one. Still I am 99% sure that one of my closest friends is INFP. Others have done the test too, but I aren't so sure about them. What does sosionics say...|||Sounds great ;)|||Has anyone else noticed this effect that INFJ's and INFP's attract somehow each other? I don't know should I worry but I already have 3 close INFP friends. The other close ones are ENFP's. Am I...|||I only have experience with one INFP. I'm not so sure if she was ENFP. The sex was sensual and the best I've ever had. I also had pretty strong sexual tension towards INTP, but I'm not so sure if...|||What MBTI type you have had the best sexual chemistry and why you think it is so? And yes.. I mean great, unbeleviable, mind blowing sex ; )|||I've noticed that when I'm angry I blame people. The truth in the end is not that they did wrong and I feel bad thatfore. The truth is I fear that people abandon me and doesn't love me. I think this...|||How have you developed your emotional intelligence? How do you control your feelings? How do you control long term feelings? This video was pretty good. ...|||So, I have this friend who hates personality typing and I love them ;) I wonder what type she is that I would better understand her. What i've noticed of her is that she has strong values and is...|||Haha :D Im fairly nice ;) Don't worry.|||Hey you ENFP girl! Yes, you! I want to get to know you :) I don't really know much about ENFP's so I would love to get to know to an ENFP girl/s. I also wan't so see how we get along and what...|||I just love you ESTP's, your so simple and straightforward which I envy sometimes :)|||What arises shall arise.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xsJFDidqO0 I met an INTP girl. We liked each other a lot. Then she signaled mistrust and I asked her why she seems distant. She got...|||I was wondering what are the differences if male is INTP and female is INFJ and vice versa. I think that male INFJ's might annoy INTP woman more because they are clingy, emotional and unstable which...|||God#&*# I need to learn how to use my tablet :P|||Soz, this post|||This seems a major realization for me, because I haven't probably ever even tried to understand people who seems distant. Even though I firmly believe that every person is ultimately good in hearth....|||I need to think this through... but wouldn't that explane the poor internal handling of feelings? So they can't make fast interpretations of things that really needs the Fi, like if someone says I...|||I think that INTP's emotion Fi is so slow to react in the moment and the logic is always slower than emotion so the time is needed.|||What I've found out that INTP's are really stubborn. They cannot be persuaded to do things. Usually even small things might be too much, but when you give time to them they will and they really does...|||I suspect that this has something to do with the appropriate challenge. INTP's seem to have this vulnerable feeling inside which they only show when they trust someone with a special way and INFJ's...|||Yes we can. I can't see it a problem. To INFJ's it's all about who you are ultimately, not how you organize things. The straight forwardness to communicate appeals to me. But INFJ's must understand...|||I see this subject that INTP's can sense some sort of fake behavior in people. I think it is dislike among peoples who try to please. But I also see this as a growing point to INTP's, because it's...|||I'm dating INTP and she says the same thing.. almost.. she says that she usually don't like compliments. But I am sincere and if I can, as I do, I but them into logical words, then compliments go...|||As an INFJ this is a small step to relief ;)|||So did I get this right; it's a turn on for INTP's if someone is real?|||So I was thinking what is the best things to have as INTP in romantic relationships and what are the worst?|||Talking about beliefs wokes some thoughts about the subject. Just the repetition won't make people believe anything. Affirmations won't work just by themselfs. You truely need to find the route to...|||Yes, emotion is energy in motion. Can't see why what I said rules this out. There's no way I can explane hearth. It can only be known internally.|||I've already read that. Still not giving up my fluffy self-help books :) I have really good experiences of bibliotherapy in my life.|||As I see it emotions are thoughts. Thoughts aren't accurate so our feelings aren't accurate. Still, the hearth that is there is the receiver of what is best for us, ultimately trying to give us good...|||My friend said something which resonated: Heart is the source of positive feelings. Still, feelings in their self aren't right. They need this unexplaneable thing called love to be right. And...|||I just became aware of my strongest emotions that when I have them I believe them. Smaller emotions don't bother and mainly I am stabile, like 90% of time. In here, the forum, I may seem unstabile,...|||I was wrong and I am so glad that I was ^^ What a relief to notice that my toughts are wrong :) Not just with her, but my imagination ain't accurate. This is something which I will develope. I...|||At the moment I fear that my intuition is right as it usually is. In fact I've even started to fear that it might be always right. It's crazy.. I dont want it. Lähetetty minun GT-N5110 laitteesta...|||Im starting to think the same way. This has been really frustrating to me. Lähetetty minun GT-N5110 laitteesta Tapatalkilla|||Ok, now my feelings started to do their things again or should I say my thoughts which arise from fear of rejection. 1+1 = she said shes afraid of her ex and might not call me today because this day...|||Yes, she was upset about another person who harrashed her. She didn't say it to me because feared that I might think that she gots feelings for this dude. It was her ex. I saw it from her distance in...|||Soz, double post..|||I've noticed that answering to my questions seems to be really hard for her. Or not hard, she just says plain and simple answers. I can see things before she can. I can read between the lines and am...|||In fact I did what you are suggesting today :) and yes, you are right, it worked like a charm :)|||Yes, thank you a lot :) Very helpful. I noticed that this isn't about my F but this is because of my low self-esteem which popped it's head up when my feelings came for her. This was a automatic way...|||I have this new born relationship with INTP where I've needed more validation than she could give. I now realize this is my problem, because I'm really fast of making decisions based on my...|||I have this new born relationship with INTP where I've needed more validation than she could give. I now realize this is my problem, because I'm really fast of making decisions based on my feelings....|||I think myself as highly accepting person, but sometimes I tend to become fanatic for the higher good. I think I have the ability to see in narrow line where some things go, but sometimes I forget...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Hey ENFPs. I've posted this thread on the philosophy board too, but I am really curious to reading responses from ENFPs in particular. I've realized that I am quite prone to the following: ...|||I don't believe in any religion. I think religions are a form of control to unify a population under a common spirituality, and give room for love, compassion, and communal growth (although,...|||The reconstruction of a planet once called Earth PART 1 - DARKNESS You are a transparent blob of energy floating, wandering through this planet. The only kingdom that exists now is Plantae,...|||Or merely acceptance? Haha, fuck. Got carried away and pretty much drifted away from the intended topic of discussion, wasn't interested in emphasizing philosophy on this thread, but just to focus...|||Do you cross the line? Perhaps for the sake of humour and freedom interlinked with a degree of honesty. You know what people 'tick' or 'react' too. Methods and reactions... Taboo? Irrational...|||I was singing I'm singing in the rain' by Gene Kelly in the shower quite frequently after having watched Clockwork Orange.|||Finish the game? I basically become the game. I've had plenty of games where I've sat there literally day & night till I've completed it, at which point, I discard the game and never play it...|||We find a hideous looking fish on the beach, whose jaws are clenched tight for some reason, and decide to aid it. I’m with two people, who help me open the fish’s mouth while I brush it with salt,...|||By accepting that he just wants to be happy, I guess. Yeah no doubt it would be hard to get close eh. :rolleyes:|||Haha yeah, but I also feel like an ass for putting that negative spin on and doubting their sincerity, and reacting to it. That's clearly insecure behaviour, no matter if we are right or wrong. Fe-Ni...|||ENFJs are sneaky little bastards.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XmKMdgw68g Maybe this will give you some ideas.|||Lithium Energizer batteries AA+ right up the butt. Seriously bound to startle you into hyperactivity. ...If you're into that sorta thing. :rolleyes: I'd recommend keeping 'em up there,...|||Described by teachers through the years repeatedly as: Lazy. Full of potential. (Oh boy do I hear this one a-lot) An uncut diamond. (Seriously) :blushed: A druggy. Not serious. Overly focused...|||I don't think she feels the same way you do, and that can make her feel insincere, and thus fake - which can make her lose her sense of self, make her feel empty. Not good. Either that or she's...|||Sometimes I feel like I can read people or situations pretty well with my intuition. Although there are times where I realized that although I thought I could read a significant person, it turned out...|||Well there goes one friend down the drain.|||Then I've given you legit advice, girl. If you continue to accept how it is now (with what you've been happy with and with what has been making your heart race) without trying to push it forward...|||Oh yeah, same problem. Alcohol is the solution. I had this issue just a week ago. A friend of mine had people over at his for a whole bloody week. It was a strange group, but I'm friends with...|||Aye. I agree with that to an extent. I believe a good majority of 'em will end up being too absorbed in their own issues, or just thinking your issues are retarded? Still, I'd like to believe that...|||If he's not interested, then you owe it to yourself to know that he doesn't deserve you. Don't think of this in a superior way. It's really just being true to yourself. You deserve love, if he...|||What do you guys think of going to a therapist in times of distress/depression? Would you deal with it yourself? Would you find it easier to open up to a therapist rather than a close friend,...|||to get jiggy?|||Haha yeah. The brain is so un-predictable... Always puts on a show at the strangest (usually not appropriate) times. *Sigh* I relate to you though. Seems a burst of creative thought comes into...|||You become horizontally taller. Kidding... Kinda. Anyway, I don't want to label it as 'love'. It's just somit you feel. I'd say it's like a drug, which you just can't get enough of. A feeling of...|||Nah, that infection existed a long time ago, my friend. Step 1 is acceptance, not denial. Did I mention how serious I was?|||Haha didn't even think of it as a poem, but I see. It's more in context with the theory of one-consciousness. Yeah, an illusion held in place by fear and ignorance. Thanks man, yeah I did.|||Ripples, waves on an ocean, the source of life, as to matter on pure abstract consciousness, the source of everything. We are manipulated into being trapped and to direct our attention to several...|||I find my beliefs difficult to explain if I'm not clear headed; because I myself can lose touch with them. I'm not clear headed atm, but anyway. I believe in an inconceivable higher power. Within...|||Push ups. Lots of push ups. It might start off to be something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OM9XunhU4M|||1. Has anyone been fully engulfed in the present moment? The future and the past wiped clear off the mind. 2. If so, how did it feel? 4. How did you achieve this feeling of presence? 5....|||Yeah, if you want to try the meditation, this will help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS5QpPRFdbg|||Time will cure the pain man. Listen to appropriate music, take in the emotion, feel it even if it hurts, let it out. Scream (pillow, under-water e.g. bath) if you need too. Watch comedy stand-ups;...|||Humanity living as one, with love and compassion on every front. Living with nature in a symbiotic relationship with technology producing a self-sustained community where air is fresh and life is...|||In my heart I see no doubt, That life is love forever sung, In the air it flows with dust, Inside everything made of mud Out of time.. and creativity. :sad: EDIT:|||Dreams are just as 'real' as anything else. You experience it, don't you? The same way you experience 'life'. What if dreams are just the imagination, and the creation of ideas. Those ideas get...|||Song I'm currently stuck on, and is giving me proper chills, especially mid way; a surge of emotion just explodes. I really do advise you wear earphones if you haven't heard this song before.. Lyrics...|||Why do ENFPs think they're close to being an INFP? Fallacy. Primary Fi w/ auxillary Ne is very different from Primary Ne w/ auxillary Fi. The auxillaries aim is to support the primary,...|||Ha. What is civilization? Cruelty, injustice, inequality, thievery etc. overshadowed by men dressed in suits and playing with words on live TV? Retail or other industries (food, clothing etc) with no...|||I don't see the issue of being able to watch brutal videos. I can do it quite easily without getting a feeling of utter disgust or cringing. That doesn't mean I don't care about the state of the...|||Yeah at first glance it is ironic. But maybe, it expresses people who love Love telling the haters to fuck off... Fuck you, if you don't, err, love....love.|||Oh, I agree.|||Yeah. We emit a certain vibe or energy with our wild and free Ne; so I guess the ladies sense that and are attracted and intrigued. It's funny watching most of my friends make conscious effort to...|||I believe in in consciousness. The idea of universal 'love', a 'oneness', a deep connection with nature - it is self-awareness that has created subjective interpretations of physical matter and...|||Typical ENTP.. Can't help but flirt. Poor guy. I'm sure you can just keep it light and fun - small talk and what not, he'll eventually understand you're not into him.. Yes, it will happen - my guess...|||Shit man, I think when you produce a mental image of yourself in your head, you directly start to think of who you are as a person subjectively, and produce an subjective mental image based on...|||I'm an INTP male, and have more or less been raped by an INTJ female. Repeatedly. I quite enjoyed it.|||^ Probably just the boobs... Or whatever else is 'aesthetically' pleasing. :tongue:|||Why do you think you have potential with her? What age span of lady are we speaking about here?|||Interesting question, of what I'm thinking in the present, is thought linear? Of-course not (Although it seems that is today's civilization's mentality, and you wonder why national happiness or...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'I got 593. From what I've read about the Enneagram I'm a 953, though. I read somewhere that a lot of 9's mistype themselves as 5's.|||GTFO FEELER!|||A lot of the stuff that you read in the INTP descriptions applies to ISTPs a well. Like you mentioned we share a dominant function. Honestly, I think that even some of the things those descriptions...|||Don't worry about it. You are trying to make sense of the world and it's hard to ask this kind of question without being offensive. Luckily, ISTPs don't usually get offended too easily. I've...|||My mother-in-law is an ESTJ. She is the epitome of an upstanding citizen. She volunteers at her church. She is eager to to any kind of manual labor to help someone out. She is a teacher in one of...|||I'd rather buy my own cheap lawn mower to walk behind 40 minutes a week than have to drive to a rental shop and load up a nice mower every time I wanted to mow my yard. It pisses me off enough to...|||I can't think of any great ones. It may be better to post this question in the cognitive functions forum. They've been helpful for me when I had these kinds of questions. I'd be interested in...|||I have a Facebook account but I don't use it. I do like twitter. I never tweet but it is interesting to see what people are saying about the snl episode or basketball game that I am watching in...|||I experience almost everything mentioned in this 6 page thread but this sticks out to me. I will analyze something to the point that I can't remember all of the reasons that support my argument. ...|||http://i.imgur.com/qd2Eb.gif|||Interesting. If Clay Aiken tested as an ISTP that is further evidence that the tests don't mean a lot. I think Aiken is an ENFJ. He uses Fe a lot and has an in charge interaction style. He...|||Really rare for me too. I can't even remember a time I've said it to my parents, although I think I have.|||I like ISFJ females. I've been lucky enough to be around a few that aren't overtly emotional. My wife is one and her mom is an ESTJ tyrant. That made her a lot mare logical than I think she would...|||Crap ... now I have to go slower. :laughing: I'm sure it all depends on who is watching and what mood they're in. Also, what kind of car you are driving. Some departments find reasons to pull...|||Maybe it's just me. I love setting how things work like that though, even if it is CGI.|||Thanks. I've been reading this subforums off and on for months now and never noticed if anyone cussed or didn't until after I posted that question. The inner dialog I posted above was highly...|||Netflix and/or Bit Torrent. I love living in the future where we can choose what we want to entertain us.|||You watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPoHPNeU9fc and your favorite part is watching Tony Stark's apartment remove his suite. (no homo)|||This. The limit on the main road in my town is 50. If I'm driving my 5 speed, I will be at the limit faster than the guys in the other lanes 95% of the time. After that at least one of them...|||I'm big into a lot of different kinds of Rock. Classic rock was the first kind of music that I listened too that I still consider worth anything. My favorite band from that genre, or any for that...|||People who are physically in my way annoy me. - When people drive slowly and I have no way to get around them. - In the super market, people who stand around and don't give anyone a path to go...|||Hm ... I'm really (mostly) trying to figure out what judging function he uses. If you saw the last episode of The Celebrity Apprentice, Clay Aiken sat him down and tried to have a discussion about...|||http://i.imgur.com/bvj3Q.gif Yay for rotary!|||I do that a lot too. Loosely defined, that could be considered customization, as well. At least it is different than the factory settings.|||I thought so too when I first ran into the MBTI. I prefer Se/Ni over Ne/Si for sure, though. My high level of introversion makes me seem more like an NT than an SP. I think ISTPs get a bad rap...|||Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think an Ne user would want to brainstorm about different things that something could be where an Se user would just enjoy actually doing the customization. ...|||I am feeling more comfortable with ISTP now. What really helped tie everything together for me was taking some time to learn about the enneagram. After understanding that I am an enneagram type 9 I...|||Are there any types that like to customize our stuff as much as ISTPs? I tend to (at least want to) customize everything that I own. It is to the point that customizing something is about at the...|||Thanks, allisreal. I haven't put much consideration into typing myself as an ISFJ. I will read and think about it to see what I come up with. I'm still leaning ISTP right now though.|||I think I made this post to see if anyone would look at my answers and say something like you can't be an SP because of this and this. I know I'm an introvert and I use my body too well to be an...|||I realize that I am raising a zombie thread here but screw it. Top Gear is my favorite show. I have put some thought into their types. Clarkson = ENTJ He definitely has an in charge...|||I think he is an ENTP. This doesn't sound very scientific but I think it works pretty well. When I try to decide between iNtuition and Sensing I try to look at the way the guy moves and image...|||1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? I am pretty conscious about hurting people feelings. I don't like to watch someone be an outcast when it is obvious that they would...|||If I understand Se correctly I do think he uses that. I remember listening to him describe the parties that he throws at his house. They sound wild and very Se friendly. He seems like he is up for...|||I don't have anything to add except that I think you are spot on. He is a really interesting guy.|||Are you talking about Penn Point? I used to watch those every once in a while when they were hosted on revision3.com. That is one of the reasons I am interested in typing him. He is still putting...|||Penn's stage personality is loud, animated and a lot of people would say annoying. If you watched his Showtime show, Bullshit, he calls the people he disagrees with Asshole. He is a cast...|||epic, that is a good way to explain it. Thanks for clearing that up. This is what has really helped me as well. Even thought I am not nearly as good at social situations as ESxPs (for...|||My experience with social anxiety has been really similar to what a lot of you have said. I was very socially anxious as a kid. I always felt inferior. As I got older I learned to not care as...|||I looked into day trading for a while. I practiced trading FOREX with some free software that I found that allowed to do make fake trades where no money was involved. I watched a ton of videos on...|||I agree with and experience everything posted so far. These two are things that I do all the time and have always done. I've been wondering if they had to do with Ti or are just a shared...|||I hit my first and second home runs after about 4 years of slow pitch softball on Friday night. I'm the smallest guy that I've seen hit the ball out, so I think that's pretty cool.|||He is crazy but he's a good crazy.|||Here is a video of my dog, Rupp, acting like he does every morning or just any time he is happy or wants something from me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECy7C404P70 Here he is catching a...|||That argument is really close to the Fermi Paradox. A couple of things I would add to the list: - If Aliens were already here and they have the ability to communicate with us, we would probably...|||Yeah. I wanted to say the best game is one that involves no luck but that isn't really true. The best games are above all else fun to play and/or watch.|||It depends on how you look at it, I guess. If you think it is unfair that someone has more or less skill than his opponent, than you are right. I see games as a chance to find out who has the...|||I saw this show while flipping through channels one night last week and thought of this thread. It's called Alternate History. Wouldn't you know, the first episode was about what would the US look...|||Khys I'm right there with you about the getting old thing. My options, at 55, will be limited in terms of doing what I want. If not because of anything else, my body just won't be the same. After...|||That is the way I see it. Even if you do something nice for someone else, to your own detriment, it is because the psychological reward is greater than what you gave up.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Trying not to feel totally worthless... Why do I have to be so sensitive ugh stupid brain. ...Maybe you never actually gave a fuck. You don't know the damage you've done...that I've done,...|||I hate when I buy a new type of toothpaste, and it ends up being that weird, sparkly blue shit...|||http://pa1.narvii.com/5810/9523cd32ae16516fb0127acf10285da30763f414_hq.gif|||I'm sorry about everything.|||Sometimes you have to take a step or two back to go forward. Sigh... I hope this was worth it.|||Car's in the shop. Forgot my lunch. Accidentally ran a red light... Ready for this day to be over already.|||An old Bimmer 3 series. I really should get rid of it lol. ... Agreed, agreed. Though I don't mind snow so much. I loved all the open road, with basically no speed limit. Just...|||It's the last day of vacation, and I'm about to spend my evening going through everything and getting rid of some stuff. Went to Montana, which is an amazing place, by the way. I want to move...|||Cripes, I'm so sorry for what you're going through.. I can't imagine having to outrun a wildfire, and then it having consume your home place. :sad: I find I shut down all my feels too when...|||Yikes, you live there? Sorry all that's happening :( ... warweasel Happy CO week, mang! (I'll admit, I had no idea it was such a thing, but now I do :happy: )|||I don't understand this whole...'self-esteem' thing...|||Neat! A lot of these speak out to me, but here's a few: Acceptance - Not everyone will understand me, and that's okay. What I really need is for people to just accept that I am the way I am...|||Dude, that's awesome! I'd be crying tears of joy after going a full month haha Glad she's back :cool:|||Yes, it's the same tree I had mourned a while back in the Venting Thread lol :( I'm not sure about the word, though... Except I'm reminded of that Portugese word (one of my favorite words)...|||It stormed today. Afterwards left the most beatiful, vivid rainbow I've ever seen 517682 Picture doesn't really do it justice - I could see it arc across the entire sky, and so brightly too! ...|||Ahh, it feels good to be home after house sitting for a week. I know it's an apartment, and it's not much, but it's my space. I've missed it... Also I feel like I haven't slept well because for...|||Ohh, that sound! Ahh, I might, I might. Can't be any worse than trying to maintain a Bimmer, right? Mine's creeping up on 150k miles and I'm worried it's about to blow up haha. But yeah, I...|||Yessssss! I really wanted to get myself an RX8 but then I heard all the flaws... Maybe if I knew how to rebuild engines I would... I thought I heard somewhere that Mazda was gonna bring the...|||Aaaand weird week continues to get weirder. I'm getting ready to drive to my parents' place from work (because I'm house sitting) and my mom texts me: Hey the alarm went off at the house is...|||That moment when you're terrified of stepping on the scale because you haven't in so long, only to find yourself pleased with the result. I try to eat well but I slip a lot haha. 'Cause, you...|||Yesssss! I love to travel. I can't say I want to do as much of it as humanly possible, though, because I do get tired. It's a very draining experience. But I love it nonetheless. It's mostly...|||So...yesterday I vented to my supervisor about this guy that blows off work all the time. I didn't mean to turn into a fireball...It's stuff that had been building awhile, and when people...|||Almost lost my temper at work today. There's a guy that likes to completely blow off his responsibilities, which ends up fucking people over, including myself. I didn't say anything to him, but I...|||This song makes me so giddy, I can't stop dancing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1MqBw05Z3M|||I try not to sit and stew. An aggressive workout usually does wonders for me. Drawing or writing helps. Something about being active helps me think in the background without getting too worked up or...|||Haha yeah, Pops is an INTJ for sure. Which is probably part of the reason why I get along so well with them. My mom took the MBTI too and scored ENFP but I'm not sure still. Either way she's fluffy...|||Hmm depends. Mostly just an open ear/sounding board. If it's some kind of life crisis I'm upset about, generally I can figure it out once I get around all the feels. Venting to non-judgmental ear...|||Had lunch with my Dad. Ugh I got the Ni stare from him - he was giving me the third degree, asking why my SO won't go over with me to visit them. I just kept saying he's busy, he's busy. You...|||Shit. I fucked up.|||Sigh. That moment when you're sitting outside, alone, drawing the world peacefully, and suddenly some completely random yo comes and sits at your table, watching you and blocking your field of...|||Haha Thank you for this. I have so many ball-related questions, and this was one of them. ... My head feels full. Maybe because I haven't gotten anything done. Wasting too much time on...|||Big fluffy hug from me to you <3|||Agh. Sometimes I wish I could keep my mouth shut about my feelings.|||Oof, today was legs day: https://45.media.tumblr.com/df313552e71ccc01898b56b70ed88271/tumblr_nwj0i2QUA91uyz8xjo1_500.gif I might have gone too far haha.. Today is also Friday, so yay for...|||Haha Oh my! And banana splits for dessert?|||Well, usually I'll take a guy out to dinner first, but if you insist...|||Ah, yikes. I think what I need most is some time away, on my own. But where/when can I get that ><|||Hrm, I always had the opposite problem haha. I can't really seem to make friends with lady people. But with my guy friends, it has always been because we've met doing things we share in common. ...|||Ahh, so I have this INTJ buddy with whom I go wayyy back - back to the days of playing World of Warcraft, just after the first expansion came out - he texted me out of the blue today. Made my day...|||The fuck is with people and talking over me all the time? Doing group project. I'll start to say something and then someone will say what I'm saying even louder, Oh yeah, [insert what I'm...|||It's okay, buddy, we've all been there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vupgBykQnko lol. .... Uh, so I saw that first-person movie last night, Hardcore Henry. A word to the wise: ...|||Never, really haha. Whenever I go out, it's usually because my other half wants to bring me along to something he's been invited to. Oh, and he and I will do a lot of things together, just the two...|||I can't say I'm a fan of me being sarcastic, but it comes out of me when I'm super pissed. Like I can get a bit snarky when I'm in the moment of being hurt by another person. Sort of another way of...|||I had lunch with my mom today. Sometimes she talks about such sad things, and it breaks my heart... A very near and dear friend of the family has been a bit depressed lately because she wants to...|||Ergh. Having to wait on someone else to get back to me so I can do my job. Just send me the damn list already, shouldn't take but two minutes. I also hate how the speed of which someone responds...|||You know what just burns my bread? Whenever someone tries to guilt trip me into going to some kind of function. I'll be really upset if you don't come. Like, really. :dry: That was said to me...|||1. I'm not. When I'm around other people, most times their feelings override what I'm feeling, and it's like I can't even hear my own thoughts. I don't know how I actually, truly feel about things...|||Not really feelings. But what does geek me out sometimes is that everything is made up of atoms. Like, that is just the coolest. And how we're never actually touching anything on an atomic level. ...|||Depends. Probably somewhat average, but I go through these phases when I seem to cry for no reason. Or maybe it's a buildup of small things, I'm not sure. Some days I'm just feeling depressed or...|||Ahh, this. This sounds familiar haha.. ...Never really fitting in anywhere.. One time in high school I walked in on some guys I was friendly with playing Dungeons and Dragons, and I had secretly...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Painting the world with the colors of my soul. Interpret it as you like - helping others by volunteering, teaching, giving everything you have. Personal growth - learning as much about the universe...|||6 months ago I met this ENTP guy at my university. We are in the same group, so we basically have to be together everyday, and most likely have to study together for the next 6 years. So cutting off...|||1984 all the way|||I don't like people in groups because it's harder to enslave them.|||ESxJ or ISxJ, because I've noticed that ISxJs don't have much trouble with small talk either. I'd say ISTJ.|||secret :)|||I really like the movie, and Alice is my alter ego in internet, since people find my real name a bit weird.|||Sense of smell easily, because my sense of smell has always been kind of weak. I think it's better that way, because I don't feel and suffer from disgusting smells people seem to feel everyday. I...|||I don't think there's a certain type who would tend to do this. I think it depends on other factors and influences throughout the person's life.|||Honey badgers|||ENFP - creative and challenging conversations. Fun to have both small talk and philosophical rambling. ENTJ/ENFJ - adventurous friend who allows me to see things from different perspective. ENTP -...|||Please, change my username to A Clockwork Alice|||dodartt|||I'd say you're an ENFP, possibly an ESFP too.|||Completely agree with everything OP said. I am cautious around new people and usually hold my true-self inside. Because of that people assume that I am a very calm, shy, possibly even slow and...|||Less planning, more random writing. Let the words flow out of you. Try to write in start and add the characters later. Basically do the opposite of what you've done before and see what happens.|||My native language is Latvian. English is my second language, but I have become fluent enough in that. (At least I hope so). I know a little bit of Russian and German, but I have no further interest...|||Basically I ask myself questions which affect me. Those ordinary existential ones - what is the meaning of my life, what am I, where am I going, what could happen and what couldn't, what changes...|||Blind|||I like learning languages, but I'm too lazy to do it. For now, I'm fluent in English and Latvian, but forcing myself to learn Russian. I really want to learn at least one of Scandinavian languages...|||I was definitely an ENFP. Until society broke me.|||Everyday would be sunny, grass would always be green, all people would be smiling for no reason, everyone would go to church on Sundays etc. All of the earth would be just a big suburb full of sensor...|||1) Once 3) 24 h 4) I like to talk like Yoda. Also Doctor Who quotes. (Let's go poke it with a stick!) 6) I wanted to be a scientist or a writer. Hasn't changed much ever since. 7) Sometimes and I...|||In some way communication is probably one of the things that lead to intelligence. Like, for example, someone asks you a philosophical question. This triggers your mind and urges you to think about...|||Yes, this happens to me all the time. But then again, by telling the truth, you get real friends and get rid of those who can't accept you. I think it's the best way of living there is.|||I'm thinking ENTP.|||Not all of them, I bet there are Sensors who have achieved the same thing with hard work.|||Jumping out from the third floor window and breaking a few bones. I was 10 years old and spent 4 h in pain until my parents came home. That's about it. Now that I think about it, definitely UTI|||I see dead people|||I don't have a system. I just write down important stuff in a chaotic way, so I'm the only person who can make sense out of it later. Also idk what I'd do without photographic memory, but I'm not...|||Love both the books and the series.|||OMG SO FREAKING AWESOME. Thank you!|||The Shawshank redemption.|||I've had a similar problem, only I'm the INTP. For example: A person might have hurt me in the past, and I have forgiven him, but I can't stop living in the past, so I bring back the event...|||Can I have one too? :kitteh: If possible, dark green shield, metallic color - grey.|||Something tells me Gatsby is introverted. All those parties he made and never took part in.|||Happens to me very often. When I get into a new class or just meet new people, in start they don't like me (and they show it), so I just ignore them, but after few months they usually warm up to me...|||No there aren't. There are days when I do everything as scheduled, but then I get bored of it and turn back to my normal self.|||Not knowing the answers to everything - yet.|||If I don't know a person very well I'm too busy with the social interaction and I'm not comfortable with expressing my humor, because the person probably wouldn't understand it. Like once I made a...|||Yes, but mostly with people I've known for years. I think it has definitely something to do with Ne. Sometimes I annoy people because I can already tell what they're going to say by their face...|||Procrastinating, trolling people and acting like it wasn't me, reading/watching something. Thinking up weird case scenarios, like when driving by bus I imagine how it would crash and people would...|||People have labeled me as ''socially retarded'', ''introverted freak'' - I'm not very communicative, so I'm comfortable with the labels unless people start to link ''introvert'' with ''ignorant'' -...|||I'm thinking ISFP or ISTP.|||Welcome to the forum! :kitteh:|||Biggest cliché of them all probably is the never-ending fight between good and evil - good always wins. A socially awkward/miserable guy turns into biggest hero of them all and in the end...|||Welcome, fellow ENFP! :kitteh:|||My guess would be ISTJ/ISFJ, somehow I don't see anything from INTJ.|||My Ni-Te is almost as strong as Ti-Ne, so I've had similar problems. Also close people think I'm extroverted, while others think I'm introverted. I sense a lot of Ni, so you might be INTJ/INFJ, but...|||Both, but lately more adapting, because I like a good challenge. |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I'm Type 9 and people in my family (who aren't gut-types) sometimes complain that I 'don't think'. I do feel like I don't really 'think' about certain actions-- I just do them, almost automatically....|||I relate to Anne of Green Gables and Anakin Skywalker. And probably more characters that I can't think of right now. :)|||I am an incredibly slow eater. :'D It's funny, because my mum is the exact opposite. I like to savor my food and avoid choking on it.|||I had a lot of nightmares when I was little. I became scared of sleeping because of them. Luckily now I don't dream anymore (or at least I don't remember if I dream).|||I've recently gotten into Star Wars and I feel like I really relate to Anakin Skywalker (not the Vader persona), for all that he's a walking human disaster. We're both extremely emotional and...|||Temizzle: Sorry but I'm pretty sure they aren't completely separate characters. Their overall personalities may be different, but they are still the same person. I also don't buy that they have...|||Also, it seems like people have considered every enneagram type except type 9 for Anakin. Personally I think he's type 8, but what's the reasoning behind him not being type 9?|||I got Ravenclaw just now... but I was sorted into Slytherin years ago on Pottermore. Can I just be listed as being in Slytherin? I'm quite partial to Slytherin, and the Sorting Hat does take personal...|||I just did an enneagram test for Anakin's personality and got Type 8. I know the tests aren't that accurate but it's a starting point.|||I've been seeing a psychologist to help me deal with some emotional problems I have at the moment, and during one session she suggested that I keep a thought record to help me change the way I think...|||I dream of being a novelist. :) Part of me likes the idea of being famous, but another part shies away from it, because I don't want to be in the spotlight, and I like more the idea of being in the...|||Awesome idea! :) Here's my Goodreads account. Please feel free to add me!|||He's definitely not Fi-dom. I don't think he would've been swayed so easily if he was an Fi-dom.|||I haven't seen the Prequel Trilogy so I'm afraid I don't have much to add to this discussion. But, I do think that he has Fi and is a Sensor, at least in the Prequel Trilogy. Edit: Also, Anakin...|||So, I've gone through your list and I saw a lot of Te and Si, but hardly any Fe and no Ti. Hope this helps! :)|||How are you like when you're stressed? That's when the inferior function can be seen. If you figure out your inferior function then you can figure out your dominant function too. Also, Ne...|||I know I've already typed myself, but I'm really curious to see what someone else might type me as and why. :) 0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example,...|||Yikes... I didn't think a personality typing test would ask anything like this!|||ESFP has the function stack Se-Fi-Te-Ni. Se=Extraverted Sensing Fi=Introverted Feeling Te=Extraverted Thinking Ni=Introverted Intuition|||I think I've seen enough to pin-point a personality type. I'm going with INFP, with ENFP (because they are the most introverted extraverts) and ISFP being possible alternatives. I hope this has...|||You said that you'd be willing to set aside your morals in a grievous situation. Fi-doms would never, ever think of setting aside their morals/values for anything. Maybe you could tell us...|||I agree with UnicornRainbowLove. You're probably ENFP.|||My interpretation is that you're either an ISTP or INTJ. From what I've read I can tell that you definitely have Se and Ni and you're definitely an introvert. I suspect you have high Ni but I'm not...|||I love how complex Clara is, even if her characterization is all over the place. :) Have no clue what her type is though. I think it's probably either ENFJ or ENTP.|||I don't see Se in Rose. And, Rose isn't in the ideas world? She comes up with a lot of crazy ideas, and she improvises a lot of the time. She's also more aware of the consequences of her actions...|||My typings: Rose: ENFP Lissa: ESFJ Dimitri: INxJ Christian: ISxP Adrian: ESFP Victor: xxTJ Tasha: ExxP Eddie: ISFJ Janine: xSTJ|||Okay, I've been watching Anne and I'm starting to question my initial typing of Anne as ENFP. INFP seems like a bigger possibility to me now. But... I'm still torn. Is it possible to be an introvert...|||I'd love to have children one day. I'm not ready for it yet though, so it'll probably happen far into the future, if it happens at all.|||This reminds me of the Twelfth Doctor's am I a good man? question in Season 8 of Doctor Who. His answer: The Doctor: I am not a good man! And I'm not a bad man either. I'm not a hero. I'm...|||I just started watching the new series Anne, via online streaming. So far it's amazing! :D It's an adaptation of Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery and it's overall a more realistic and darker...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hNGj30peTs This song from RENT gets me every time. :') The melody is so lovely to listen to and the lyrics are very meaningful and relatable. Overall it's a very...|||My mum's (probably) ENFJ. My sister's INTP. My dad's ESTJ. I'm INFP. We've had some conflict, but never anything major. My mum and sister tend to clash the most, because my sister gets frustrated by...|||I love Life is Strange! :) It's one of my favorite video games. I love how character driven the story is, and how your choices have consequences that can affect you later in the game. I love...|||I just ignore it. It's not personal, it's just something they do to get more likes. It doesn't matter to me either way--I'm just there to watch the video.|||I don't care much about shopping centres, or shopping in general. I'd go if I need to buy something, but I don't like going shopping just for the sake of buying something and I don't like to spend...|||Riddle of the Ages. That's the only title I could come up with at this moment.|||Yeah, I've heard fans say that they weren't as happy with Season 2, mainly because of the lack of intimacy between Jamie and Claire. I wasn't that happy with it either, because of the changes to the...|||I'm INFP 9w1 and I got sorted into Slytherin. :D|||If I were you I'd leave and never look back. This relationship sounds really unhealthy. These lines that you wrote (I hope you don't mind me posting them here) really stood out to me: He just...|||ESFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0mFVsvewrg|||I don't have a favorite character, but I'm really partial to House Stark. :D|||Has anyone else here seen Outlander? I was posting in an INFP thread not so long ago and was so excited when someone posted a recommendation about the series. :) To be clear, Outlander is about a...|||go|||The Chrestomanci series by Diana Wynne Jones is set in a multiverse. It's about a powerful enchanter who is tasked with policing magic. It's considered a fantasy children's series but is suitable for...|||I second the recommendation. :) Outlander is a great series. It's based on a book series by Diana Gabaldon, and involves romance and time-travel and history. However there are graphic depictions of...|||The premise of Orphan Black is intriguing, but I was never able to get into it emotionally. I really love Sherlock though, and would recommend it to anyone. :) The first two seasons are great,...|||Here are my typings for ATLA :) The Gaang Aang: ENFP. Katara: ESFJ. Sokka: ENTJ? Toph: ISTP.|||Here are my typings: Team Avatar Korra: ESFP. People here seem to have typed her as ESTP, but I don't see any Ti in her at all. When in the show's entirety does Korra express interest in how...|||Here are my favourites: Legend of Korra (which I'm binge-watching right now). It's not without its faults, but I really love the world and characters in it. What I found so compelling about it was...|||brightflashes I get your point. I've been rereading parts of Daughter of the Forest and Sorcha as INFP is very possible. I'm not sure yet if she is though. When I type a character, I first...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Bruce Wayne: INFJ Batman persona: ESFP (moral edition) Alfred: ISFJ Rachel: ESFJ Commissioner Gordon: INTP Ra's Al Ghul: ESTJ (messed-up edition) The Joker: ENTP (messed-up edition) Harvey...|||Age: 16 Gender: Male Country of residence: UK Nationality:|||Best thing: my sheer quantity of mind, which allows me to be creative, perceptive and highly intuitive all at the same time. Worst thing: my laziness, I mean if I had to represent myself in one...|||Jacksepticeye - I love him because he seems so nice, sensitive and chirpy whenever he plays video games, plus his kind of loudmouthed randomness is quite endearing! Superwoman (Lilly Singh) - She's...|||Yeah, I know what you're saying. The media tries too hard to influence our views, and alas the more gullible members of our society (namely the sensors, no offence to any sensors reading this) are...|||Being a male an an INFP, I think that gender stereotypes are total bullsh**. I fit the female stereotype more than the male stereotype, which just goes to show that there isn't much point in gender...|||Ahem! Yes, INFPs do exist in the UK, there's one replying to your message right now! We INFPs are just smothered by the sheer number of ESxx types who live in the country with us!|||I can relate to y'all so much! I've kind of ostracized myself from other people my age because I find it really hard to talk to them. This isn't because of shyness or anything (although I am a HSP so...|||I used to not like INTJs, but now I think that they're pretty cool. Yes, their kind of cold and distant disposition can be quite off-putting, but on the other hand, I think that they can be hilarious...|||For me the question isn't age, its niceness. I mean, I could feasibly get on with someone who's like 13 and person who's 45, provided that they're both nice to me and treat me with the respect I...|||Hahahaha, so true with me! I'm normally an amiable and affectionate guy, but I'm told that when I get angry I can be pretty scary (KING KONG AIN'T GOT SH** ON ME! and all). That's mostly because I...|||Story of my life, although it's nice to have some male friends around, too. I've got a friend called Peter (who's an INTP, I think) and we agree on BASICALLY EVERYTHING, so he's often the receiver of...|||Hahaha, I actually crave both types of affection (I'm an ambiverted NFP, so I seek affection as well as give it!) But alas, people like us never get any because other people are too busy fawning over...|||I'm 16 and a full-time student, but I have to say that I am BLOODY TERRIFIED of going out and finding a job. I mean I am one hell of an emotional wreck, my CV's all over the place, I'm not very...|||Well, it was in government and politics on Friday and one of my friends was talking to another person and made a joke which I didn't find funny, and I told her so. She coldly told me it was a joke....|||Well, where do I begin? - Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and ALL teen drama TV series (because they're all seriously over-rated) - People who post everything about their love life on social media...|||I'm normally an affectionate and caring individual, but I've rejected everybody who has ever asked me out. This isn't because I'm an INFP, it's because I'm a fiercely independent ace/aro who wants to...|||Any of you express your emotions in a totally Fi way all of the time and not care what other people think of it? Oh, god no! I've always been more of an Fe person myself (I'm basically an ENFP, OK,...|||ENFPs: - are optimistic and hopeful (me) - are so crazy that everyone assumes they're on drugs (so me!) - hug EVERYONE they meet (me) - like to keep the mood light (me) - are really open...|||I use Fe more than I use Fi, so I'm cheerful and positive most of the time. I only use Fi when I'm around people that annoy me (so when I'm in philosophy, I'm basically a sociopath!).|||I'm very passive-aggressive with my Philosophy teacher, but that's because she's patronising, condescending, insensitive and judgmental. In my opinion deserves every last bit of it. Alas, school...|||Well, I have an ESFP best friend and we talk about SO much stuff when we're together and we share common tastes in music, but we also compliment each other very well (although he can be quite shallow...|||People are very often at ease when they're around me (I'm more of an Fe than an Fi, sorry fellas!), except my brother and sister. Whenever I say anything they just stare at me like I'm a great big...|||I'm a spiritual person and believe in a supreme intelligent force that shaped the world, but I don't have any religious beliefs. I do believe in angels though as is evidenced by my avatar! ...|||Try everything in the book for about 3 years and then give up.|||Full-Blast Focused: nah, my mind is always wandering. Controlled: nah, I'm very spontaneous and flexible. There is no plan to my life beyond graduating sixth-form, getting a job and maybe buying my...|||Nobody can replicate me. 'nuff said!|||I've never really felt that way about anybody but I guess my advice to you, my friend, is to let him go. My best friend was in a situation like this about a year ago. He was absolutely infatuated...|||I sometimes mistype as either an ESFP or ISFP, and I have no clue why!|||I'm a borderline ENFP, so I guess you're probably right! *under breath* 'It'll be easy,' they said, 'those INFPs won't suspect a thing,' they said!|||I got an above average score on an EQ test, I don't know if that means anything.|||Ways in which I fit the stereotypes: 1. I'm very empathetic and kind 2. I'm a bit of a loner 3. I'm a good writer 4. I often feel lonely and misunderstood 5. I'm not exactly very conventional...|||21 years? That's pretty good going!|||Because I'm an ace/aro, fiercely independent and I like being a virgin (talking about sex makes me uncomfortable). I'm going to stay single and a virgin for the rest of my life (if I still can keep...|||Nah, I just rely on my very good memory.|||I think that kind of intensity is more down to being a J-type than a T-type. I'd probably have her down as an ENFJ because she's quite philanthropic and maternal as well as being stubborn and...|||I'm a very spiritual person, and I do kind of believe in magic.|||I've just finished my first novel, actually! I haven't published it yet, but I'm hoping that after all the reviewing and so on, that someone will probably accept it for publication. As for my...|||My advice to you is two things: Firstly, there's no need to be scared of your sexuality (I think that lesbians are quite sweet), and believe me I know how it must feel to be trapped in a place...|||I don't really want to have children, firstly because we live in such a crappy world, and secondly because it would tie me down (and I value my freedom and independence highly!)|||My best friend is an ESFP, and he is honestly one of the best people I've met in my life. He's outgoing, funny, cheerful, soft-hearted and accepting (he's also quite handsome, so he's quite the...|||*gives a huge hug* Aw, you poor guy, I'm really sorry for your loss! Advice: First of all, you've done the right thing by coming to talk to others of a similar personality to yourself (I know...|||Yes. Sexuality doesn't change according to age. I've never thought sexually about anyone, and even when I do I don't get aroused by it (the thought is usually followed by a thought about cake or...|||My friends (I love them to bits!) My writing Earning enough money to get by|||I'm asexual and aromantic, so sex and dating don't play a big role in my life. I'm quite happy being a single virgin and I'd happily stay one for the rest of my life. I'm also 16 years old, so...|||I usually do one of two things: 1. skip to the next part and wait for an idea to pop up while doing so. 2. go out and have a cup of tea in a cafe or something.|||I am very sensitive and I get quite shaken up by things, but I wouldn't describe myself as naive.|||I've noticed that there are five kinds of INFPs. 1. The gothic ones: these are the people who are really into dark stuff and read Steven King literature as a bedtime story. 2. The wistful ones:...|||My parents have always been going on at me about how I'm eventually going to need to go to university to get better grades and get a good job and get into the system in order to support myself blah...|||I'm 16 and I've given up (and yes, I'm a virgin as well!)! |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Why tell, when I can show... ratchan's PSN Profile - PSNProfiles.com|||Native English speaker. I can get by with Maori and New Zealand Sign Language as those are official languages here. The only other language I speak is Japanese. I am rusty with that as I hardly...|||I see this is meant to incite a response to making INTJ's like you. If you want me, I require $4000 a week in my bank account for a year. After that, I might be slightly interested.|||I forget names easy unless I have to constantly use it. I've even forgotten friends sometimes if I have not been around them for at least 3 or 4 months. That might be me though.|||Watching people go to delete a file off Linux via the terminal command but types out rm -r. I've lost count at the amount of reinstalls after that.|||I listen to instrumental music more than anything. I love video game soundtracks such as the Final Fantasy ones. Final Fantasy XIV has 3 or 4 out now that span right from 1.0 up to where the game...|||Maybe that's why I am more relaxed and love using Linux. Sure it is the Ubuntu distribution but I do most of what I do in Terminal mode and write Java code in it.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEd25_Mzfjo Apparently, in spring there is a thing called Twitterpating. Sounds awful. :p|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n718NsEFWOY|||84157|||I suggest you show the cat who's the boss. Do not cave in and do something else. Put some earbuds in and not focus on the cat. Eventually it will calm down.|||What makes me laugh is when someone from a different MBTI on this forum posts in the wrong thread.|||83989|||83984|||Tasted like chicken?|||83983 That's what I think of that.|||83919|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvXdpEvrv9s Just in case anyone has forgotten.|||Kingdom Hearts Final Mix|||83492 And that is from a group overseas :3|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b96rrbo-_Ik|||Listening to some HP Lovecraft. Just getting chills and possibly losing SAN points as we speak.|||In that order :3|||I suggest you watch Orange is the new Black then. It's a great show. :3|||I took that test and got 110. I, myself, don't understand IQ tests as they only test for one type of intelligence. There is EQ tests around that test all round intelligence. I see those as better...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIL4-5AIaSE|||Those are rather simplistic pleasures but that is what it should be. Nothing overly complicated or stupid. I too sleeping well but then again, my body's alarm clock never seems to let me sleep past...|||I'm quite bad at speaking my thoughts as my mouth cannot work as fast as my mind. That, and there is some things that I will think and not want to say.|||I had a similar sort of thing happen to me. I was doing door to door sales for energy companies in Melbourne, Australia. It was all commission based and if you didn't get the sales, you didn't get...|||I 'lost' it years ago and was left to deal with reality. It comes back only usually when needed. Damn writing a fantasy novel and the imagination is not there. Might have lost some motivation on...|||One day you will. On another note, it's not being pissed off but more perplexed at how people find Sharknado funny. It's a horrible and terrible movie. I couldn't even watch 10 seconds of it...|||The Egyptians/Mayans Left Clues | Planet Infowars http://www.facebook.com/Beyond2012zeitgeist?ref=stream|||Welcome to PerC. Have fun here as much as you can :kitteh:|||Youtube, I can deal with as I only watch the videos and not read comments. As for Facebook, I shall now implement a 1 strike, you're out rule. Anything stupid and then they are off the friends...|||Fucking SF's making R.I.P Facebook pages for people who die. Seriously, someone commits suicide and the only way anyone knows what happened is Facebook? Oh, and all the they are in heaven now. If...|||After watching one Youtube clip that was shown on here last night, I applied for a psychic job for a laugh. I got a response back saying that I am an excellent communicator. However, she is...|||You mean the Back to Earth episodes? Given how long it has been, it is not as great as it once was but it is still somewhat funny.|||Watched an episode of Red Dwarf series x. Ah, smeg. Placed this post in the wrong thread. :kitteh:|||That has now made me want to apply for that psychic job I saw online. The one that asked for genuine (sic) psychics only. I would laugh my arse off if I managed to get it and bullshit my way...|||Why is it that this option is the only one that will work? The prison system is getting overcrowded and we have far too many homeless. I want someone to go through with this idea.|||Watched the Making of the Hobbit, trailer 6. That severe weather warning was no joke. The Nelson area had so many landslides, river floodings and traffic problems that life was difficult. I loved...|||Well, Melbourne was voted most livable city in the world. I live here too and I can say, despite not having found work at the moment, I love it here also. Damn public transport being so convenient...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBlRbrB_Gnc I do not know whether this is brilliant or just a way to gain more tourism for New Zealand. Either way, I like it the cameos from a few well known Kiwi...|||Assassin's Creed 3 comes out tonight with a midnight release. Not too sure if I want to head to the city to pick it up as I would have to get there before everyone else. I do not want to miss my...|||I break the mold by not being very tidy. I would not say everything is not organised, my room can get very messy. As for correct grammar, I can look over it if it was a friend. If it was an...|||It does seem that you do know what you want but you are not looking in the right places. Perhaps, keep an open mind about things. That might be what God is wanting. Like I did say, I am not...|||If he stands up, I will shoot him. Rap music these days are shit. I remember that days when rap was good and had meaning to it.|||Then you work out roughly how many people are in your town, half that for males. Follow that up by a rough guess on the percentage of guys in your age range and finally work out from that how many...|||Not many christian guys in New Zealand. I am not in NZ either.|||What is this soul? Besides, everything around me is built to be logical. This soul is a term that does not register in my world.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Would be interested in a detailed answer to this question also. Would love to answer properly but I agree and i my view is yes, because I procrastinate every day in many areas of my life....|||I believe we are superb at being perfectionists and it causes many problems in life for me. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2|||Thanks for that advice. I'm used to writing a few paragraphs, usually around 300 characters. I agree with your thoughts on this and I will speak to my psychologist and see if that helps. ...|||I agree, it's mind numbing and the engery I had to put into understanding it was out of the ordinary. I was maybe to quick to judge how good his reply actually was. In a sense I don't think it...|||Perhaps I should have reread the whole thing a couple of times. I do this a lot, where I get confused about what the reply is trying to say. Maybe my mind was elsewhere trying to concentrate on his...|||Haha I actually read these before I'm on the mailing list for this website. Thanks for pointing them out though, rereading them won't hurt. I feel my problem is more of a mental block and...|||I have been reading around the internet about us INTPs and I stumbled on a post on another forum, originally posted in 2008. This guy explained his problems and I can relate heavily with how he...|||Thanks for the replies everyone. Constructive criticism is always a good thing. I have always wanted to work for myself and earn my own income, I'm INTP and autonomy is what I crave most. I love...|||This is me everyday, you couldn't have described me better lol Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||I got this from the personalityjunkie website and I would like to hear others experiences and opinions on this. Or if you could explain it in your own words. Reason I ask is I want to understand...|||You don't have an example you can give me do you? Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Thanks for the above suggestions and advice. I do find walking my source of inspiration as it does help the mind generate ideas Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Definitely agree with you tangosthenes. I'm like that too, we're I'm distracted by my own mind. Drugs help me enormously when wanting to use my mind more creatively. I dont think it's weird for you...|||That certainly makes tons of sense indeed. Thanks for that polly :) Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Just read that PDF and I can relate to this soo much. I have looked at ADD and ADHD in adults, I have researched the symptoms and behaviours of persons with add and adhd as adults. I have to say I'm...|||Start by doing what. What motivates an INTP to get out of the thoughts and the mumbo jumbo going on in the head, to finally get started? Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||I'm starting to think i want to be with an INTP myself. But not sure on an INTP - INTP relationship Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||You know this actually resembles me in a large amount. I would be that type of INTP and I've just actually found out I did this about a week ago. I have been close to this girl for a while but I...|||You know your INTP when you have been surrounded by others having small talk and you can't be there so you get up and leave to be alone and think Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||That helps tremendously so it does thank you b) I'm quite like you in terms of grasping ideas and quickly making sense and can explain the main points and facts of a speech to someone who has...|||So can you give some examples of breaking down some complex idea or situation. Are you saying you focus on non fiction so that it's easier to break down something into a broader picture covering...|||Especially ideas where the actions are aimed at helping others. I must have a natural want to help people through my experiences in life. Its usually when I sit and show gratitude for the good in...|||I would like to know the answer to the same above Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Tried saliva back in the day Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II INTPs are free-spirited idea mills and absentminded professors, which makes them fun to be around, easily diverted, and a plethora of unending creativity....|||No post secondary education is what I meant yes. I understand it's fine and there's still possible jobs, but it's those jobs that hold no meaning to me. They bore and frustrate me. I've no desire to...|||I've always been interested in writing about subjects I love but never have the motivation and desire to even start typing. The mind becomes a distraction. Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||I can't for the life of me except working in boring and meaningless jobs that don't offer me a reason to get out of bed. Even money or the basic daily expenditure of life doesn't interest or...|||Being goofy is fine with me :) I am very alike, once I'm pushed I unleash with words never before, imagined lol. I dont have the patience to hurt a fly with all that buzzing around they do lol. ...|||As an INTP I was long for a relationship where someone can show me they love me through affection and care. I'm not demanding in the sense but I must feel a connection and feel like there is...|||Autonomy and less structured for me. I've had my share of jobs and never really liked any of them apart from the call centre job where I only really enjoyed talking to people on the phone while...|||Lol I appreciate your kindness well :) You strike me as laid back and quite toyish with those comments lol?? Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Bag of minstrels :) Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Ahhh I see lol, I'm obviously not the brightest haha Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||If you worked for yourself Hiring an assistant to do annoying tasks like that helps. Although, then again that presents more to worry about. Backtracking again :rollseyes: Sent from my GT-N7100...|||May you explain PerC? Is that perceiving? Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Yea I think you are lol, Meow to begin the sentence, that's intriguing about someone's personality to me. I'm thinking more along the lines of 8-10 % don't ask my why but i think that's a decent...|||I feel this way all the time. Its so frustrating and annoying and in my eyes our biggest downfall as INTPs. I hate jobs, I can't work in a job and be happy or feel content. I always want to be my...|||The title kind of gives it away, but I'm not sure it's sufficient enough to better understand where I'm in need of guidance here if at all. Consider this a diary of my thoughts, thoughts I've never...|||You don't look cause I can't see you. But you sound like a tigress yea. I can't begin to put it into words, but judging by the way you ask questions, I gather you are intriguing. I dont believe INTPs...|||Would love to hear more opinions on this! Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Thanks, that explains it for me ;) Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||:) that's good then :) hmm very interesting statistic. I'm glad you say that well, I'm not surprised you find us easy to build bonds with :) I like that. And certainly not unrelated now lol, yes...|||No I can assure you now you don't need to question your sanity and judgement at all. Lying is the seed of doubt as I like to call it ;) that's all you need to say to yourself. The lies are what's...|||I was recently told by an ENFP that I must understand and develop my Fe and now that makes sense when you say that. Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Is that your judging coming into play? What is the function that deals with that? Anyone know? Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||I see, then accept my apologies for assuming lol, that is pretty interesting now that you say it :) Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||I just done this about an hour ago, although on a different target. I feel your fucking pain ;) Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk|||Could you elaborate on the crazy Ne tangent? I'm thinking it could be something along the lines of self sabotage, I've no idea why or how, but to me it kind of relates to my behaviours. The...|||Just reading this now :) appreciate your kindness to put this article up for me. I shall get back to you once I have digested this :) Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 'I'm currently rooting around in the forum, looking for a place to rant. I think this thread is as good as any! I have a friend who asks me to go with her to a bunch of events and stuff that I do...|||I got Reformer (VDI-S). Nature: 53% Visionary Tactics: 77% Diligent Energy: 68% Introverted Identity: Supporting Interesting -- thanks for bringing it to our attention, Steadfast04 !|||But... everyone's mom is ISFJ, are they not?! :rolleyes:|||Oh hey, inregardstomyself! How are you today? Asking for a friend, huh? Are you asking for your bff Rose? :wink:|||I look 12!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D -ISFJ who is being a big lurker|||How I recognize Fe in myself... I care soooooo much about how things that happen affect other people's feelings. I want to make sure everyone is feeling okay all the time. My most-used phrase when...|||After a break-up I need SPACE! No contact with my ex -- just polite distance and time. I need to turn my attention back to my own life and regain energy, sense of hope, and purpose. I've been...|||I've experienced most of these struggles, but right now in my life being assertive, being overwhelmed with conflict, and stressing over the uncertainty of the future are what I'm dealing with. I want...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT70RUV_9rw&list=PLZovIqon2N4KLOh4sSI27PHBJb0p1_1t3 Angel Olsen's album Burn Your Fire for No Witness :blushed:|||I read through this and went to go thank it only to learn that I had already thanked it. :rolleyes: Hehe! I've been decluttering and reorganizing my closet space and storage boxes over the past few...|||This is a rant from an ISFJ who's trying to find the right sort of person to date and settle down with. Erm how do I put this.... My last three romantic relationships have been with NF types, and I...|||I've been known to make others wheeze with laughter and to make beverages (or in the case of my brother one time, soup!) come out of their noses. ;D|||Yes. This. I keep reading that S outnumbers N out there in the world, and I'm like... anecdotally in my life, NO! I am surrounded by N's. I really do appreciate what they bring in the way of...|||I just wanted to say that I really appreciate this thread. This is stuff I spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to figure out for myself, so it's helpful to read perspectives from other ISFJ...|||Haaaaalp! Assuming they have not been severely censored in their upbringing, INFJs are generally happy to share their feelings and perspectives. In fact, given the right opportunity, INFJs will...|||I'm sensitive to hearing criticism, even if it's not directed at me. Hearing people level a lot of criticism just wears me out!|||Type 6: When they are being ‘testy’, support them with genuine reassurance to ease their anxiety rather than trying to win the argument. This is so accurate! Just last week I discovered that I...|||ISFJs are cuuuuuute! 522121 Favorite musician = Kaki King 522129 Mini golf on the side of a mountain 522137 Me and my cat, Indigo. We hang out!|||Sure, I'll bite! 1. What's your age/age range? 28 years young 2. Where are you located? (City, State, Country, Region) Tennessee, USA 3. What's your current occupation/job/career? Admin....|||The album Dopamine by BøRNS|||Are you.... OVERWHELMED by all the possible things I could be referring to? :laughing: I mean like I'm doing nothing at work and then all of a sudden four different requests come in at the same...|||Is anyone else feeling easily overwhelmed?|||Kate Bush's The Dreaming https://youtu.be/JWy8nONlh_Q|||I love that you've been posting more recently, teddy564339! About the whole 6th sense about other people and not being able to translate that sense into valid arguments -- YES. Omg yes. I...|||I can attest to both the statement about healthy INFJs expressing love and to the challenge of emotional exhaustion. I've been in a relationship with an INFJ (who is moderate in introversion and...|||It's been quite a while since I've had a long flight. On the short ones, I either read a book the entire time or just zone out and think/daydream. I usually travel alone; I don't know under what...|||Who me? Oh, I don't have a question. I just popped over to say that I'm in a romantic relationship with an INFJ, and it's amazing. She's amazing! :proud: Carry on, friends!|||Aw, man! I wanted to like you, slothpop. (It's okay, I can get quite annoyed by xSFJs as well.) Off topic, I really appreciated something you posted in the Type 6 forum about feeling equal in...|||Haha! You know you're an INTJ when you doubt whether the people who claim to be are INTJ are, in fact, INTJ? ;) It does seem to be a popular type to talk about somehow. I have at least one confirmed...|||My mind is really so boggled by this right now. Where are these supposedly common sensors?? Almost EVERYONE around me is an N! I'm starting to think it's because my interests are relevant to the big...|||Dear ISFP, You are my best friend, and I love you sooooooo much!!!!! Sorry not sorry about being so mushy today. :kitteh: Love, ISFJ|||When your friends from different parts of your life are all around one table, enjoying each others' company, and you feel the highest delight over having brought them all together!!|||My thought was, I bet angelcat replied to say she doesn't drink. I see you, girl! :tongue: Good, stay out of trouble.|||I think about this often, and honestly I have absolutely NO idea which type I would get on best with in a romantic relationship. I've dated an INFP, ENFJ (so many difficult differences for me), and...|||Usually fairly happy (although I can be sad depending on my emotional state going in) and verrrrrry chatty. Any thoughts that I've been carefully suppressing the urge to say out loud around people...|||People making statements about me/my personality, especially in a group setting, like they know me when they really DON'T. One coworker said, You're such an INTJ; you just want to work at your...|||I may have been primed by seeing angelcat's comment first, but yeah. The BMW. I like my sedans kind of sporty (and you can quote me on that).|||Haha johnson.han.3 that was a funny reply. thatkillsme When I first joined PerC, my avatar was a cute little chameleon. I have since morphed into the gentle young stag you see before you now....|||Ugh, double-post.|||Thanks! Yeah, I wondered right before signing up for the class how helpful it would actually be. I can organize information (plot) all day long, but will it actually help me get the thing written? In...|||Everyone's responses sound so fun! This summer I'm going to do a bit of traveling to a couple of places I've never been, continue to reach out to people to develop friendships, continue to work on...|||Hanging around some types, comparatively, I seem like a pessimistic grumpus. Around others I have the best social skills. How I perceive myself can change depending on who I'm with, it seems....|||Shoegaze, YESSSS!! Good stuff! My friend introduced me to this song, you might like it: https://youtu.be/r1ll91YBdVE|||lizw47 It appears that you arrived before Spring! I'm sure it will be along shortly... ?|||Welp, here are some photos of this ISFJ... 293162 It snowed in late February and again in early March this year. Snow days are rare where I live! 293146 Silly!|||So dainty!!|||Thank you, WhateverLolaWants. That's interesting, I dated an INFP, and when it was over she moved on really fast. I actually thought we were still kind of in the gray area until she told me. Then of...|||I like to label things and people and put them in boxes. I know it might feel limiting to some of you, but it gives me a sense of order and peace of mind.|||I don't listen to pop music, and I have pretty particular tastes. I like a lot of ambient music -- music that acts as a soundtrack to my thoughts and the world when I'm driving or out walking. And I...|||So, I just got out of a romantic relationship. I've dated about 4 or 5 people total in my life, and after those relationships ended the other person has found someone new to date before I have. I...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I love reading, and I wish I wasn't allergic to dust, so I could read all those beautiful, old, dusty books. I love seeing people smile.|||I like using teaspoons rather tan tablespoons, even for soup :)|||I love funky knee socks!|||When you're about to go abroad for 10 months, on a trip you've been looking forward to for years, and *suddenly* all you can think about is how much you're going to miss all those you love, who...|||Looks as if we INFPs follow the majority of the population in this. Ah, well, we can't all be non-conformists :Pl|||No one's ever said this to me, but I actually am, for the most part, a happy person.|||This time I came out: Hufflepuff - 15 Ravenclaw - 13 Gryffindor - 9 Slytherin - 7 But I've taken tons of other HP quizzes and they always come out different. Sometimes Ravenclaw, sometimes...|||I second Senhorfrio's notion. People, even parents - especially parents - do not have a right to abuse others, not matter what they do!|||You don't care enough Don't you ever think about taking a break? You have no principles|||I Lived Train me to think Then I will wonder Train me to wonder Then I will blunder Train me to blunder Then I will seek Train me to seek Then I will peek -|||Ever After quote ( I know, I know, sappy movie - but what can I say? At heart I am truly a sap :P ) [after DaVinci opens a locked door by removing the pins from the hinges] Louise: Why, that was...|||You're welcome :)|||Weirdest thing. I was about to answer the poll and I realized I didn't know which answer to click. I used cry quite often, since I've always been sensitive, but recently I've been crying less and...|||Hiya. I'm an INFP girl, but sorry no videos. Even if I was so inclined as to make one, the only computer with internet renders it impossible for multiple reasons. I do enjoy seeing everyone else...|||Great idea! :) Here's some of mine: Just because you can't reach the speed of light doesn't mean you shouldn't try and go faster. We things harder by thinking they are hard. Happiness is...|||I ditto all that's been said. You definitely did the right thing, try to feel that - even if some tough stuff happens. I wish you all the best.|||The Tunes of Life March, march Hup to right And march, march Hup to right Slow and steady Beat by beat We progress, we digress|||Excuse me, but I think you should correct the everyone in that statement. I'm perfectly alright with being a P. More spontaneity can be not such bad thing; - makes life more interesting :) Besides,...|||Hey sorry, but I've got to disagree. I'm an INFP and I'm almost positive I want to be a high school teacher, (though I'm open to the idea of elementary too - I love people, but especially kids). I've...|||I am the one who, when she was four, preferred to sit on the playground and watch others play. I am the one who can secretly cry for your pain, and show you the biggest smile if I know that's what...|||These definitely sound like me, and are things that make my non-idealist friends roll their eyes at me. None to add of my own since I can't ell how many of my weird habits are INFP-related, how...|||I'm a suburb girl. I really like how where I am mixes nature and civilization. I live around a fifteen minute (give or take) drive from just about any entertainment I could want (library, movie...|||My two newest poems (just typed today): Flying Sight To sleep upon the eagle's wings, And dream of flying high. To soar beyond all mundane things; Make real the longing sigh. Up and up...|||infpnerdgirl, I'm actually quite fond of your name. It makes me smile every time I see it. Goes pretty well with your picture of Belle too :)|||Mine's rather boring, (especially after reading everyone elses' cool explanations), but here we go: A. B. and G. are my initials and 613...is kind of hard to explain - let's just say it's my favorite...|||Thanks for answering! Interesting, I've always been fascinated by the ambiguity of that line; it can be interpreted in so many ways. Here are my two favorites: A Psalm of Life By Henry...|||Hey, SenhorFrio, I've read a bunch of your posts and your thoughts sparked my curioisty. What you think the line I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. means? ...|||My mom, (who I'm pretty sure is a Guardian), does that all the time. She can't stay mad. If you smile at her she has to smile back. I'm somewhat like that, but that's only when I'm mad and trying to...|||I stand corrected. You're right, someone might kill someone else for their beliefs in America, but at least it's not legal to dos o (unless of course one's religion says you have to go around killing...|||Ummm might I point out: America is where you have freedom of speech AND religion ( no one is trying to KILL you because of what you believe - being from a religion where people having been trying...|||And mine are brown. Just about as brown as eyes can get in fact :)|||I'm an INFP and I'm almost always happy. I don't know if it's about imagining that you're happy, though i do think tour perspective is a big factor. I think it's all about appreciating whatever you...|||*grin* I early started introspecting at age 12. I found out about MBTI at age 16, from a teacher/mentor/friend of mine. It's just one way to look at yourself, and I don't think anyone fits perfectly...|||My advice is: don't wait till you get out. Otherwise you'll have wasted a good chunk of your life! What is that you want to do when you leave, start thinking about it now, or if you already know,...|||It's an interesting idea, but you can have too much of a good thing...|||Hilarious! I agree that I had to work very hard on myself to become a good listener... it's so easy to just wander off into your own mind and get stuck there. I am the one who longs to share all...|||I just graduated, and I can honestly say I loved high school. Not that I loved every class, or was thrilled at every event, but that generally it was loads of fun and a great learning experience. I'm...|||I like teh song too, but seriously dude, smoking's not just bad for you, it can KILL you. You should try and quit. I mean just go google some pics of a smokers lungs vs. a non smoker - it's enough to...|||I also love being a INFP. I got lucky, though my parents are a guardians they've always been very supportive of me, and encouraged my creativity and different perspective on life. Also, I somehow...|||Thanks, I really like your poem that's at the top of this page :) If you'd like to see more of my poetry you can find it on poem hunter. Just type Atara into the search box, I'm the only Atara...|||Wow, how do I choose just one poem to share? Hmmm - oh I know this is perfect.! it's one I wrote when I was in eighth grade, but I still like it. It's very INFPish *grin*. Well, here we go: Quite...|||Hmmm, this is such an interesting idea, let's see....small, quirky detail? How about that I have this weird opinion that no one is normal, and that in fact it is utterly impossible to entirely...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Pure sass when it strikes me.|||It's hard to pinpoint one, but they typically have to do with being outdoors and being overwhelmed by the beauty of nature. Climbing mountains, swimming in the ocean, hiking in the woods. Those are...|||Tell your therapist first. Mine was the first I told about any gay feelings and she helped me find a healthy path to understanding my sexuality. That's just part of psychology, which is what they do!...|||Ahh yes I get this feeling with all of my exes. I am on good terms with all of them, a little too good of terms with some! But I love the memories of those happy times. I always thought that I just...|||Yes! I was just going on about how I'm going to improve my health and diet just the other day, and today I have already eaten chocolate, cake and ice cream! It's not even my birthday. I have a wicked...|||I really like all of the suggestions by infpblog, but I have a simple recommendation that has helped me tremendously. If you have an iphone, there is an app called Clear. It's a really simple to-do...|||no_id Smoked. It tasted like metal and made you super high, like 5x that of weed.|||I smoke pot pretty regularly and don't think much of it. It's not for the reasons you may think, either. I am a runner and I love to smoke and get high before a run. The imagination runs wild and it...|||I agree on sensitivity, it has major advantages but some pretty profound downfalls. My moodswings get so terrible and I hate that it affects my productivity at work. I feel like I've gotten a...|||I'd like to see this INFP map! I'm in New York City. Strange place for an NF. We have a love/hate relationship.|||Yes! I feel this with my boss, strangely enough. He is married and I am in an LTR, and at first I was worried that I had a crush on him. It would be so wrong and inappropriate on so many levels....|||I'm not a bachelor, but this sounds awesome.|||I lol with my lol friends, and I haha with my haha friends. I'm sort of accommodating in that way.|||I like the list format. I think it would be hard to name my favorites of all time, so I'll just name a few of my favorites and others I've recently read. I hope you can enjoy some of these! ...|||Unsolicited reading advice is about as welcome as unsolicited music and movie advice. To each his own, man. And perhaps the Anna Karenina film that came out was a vapid little soap opera, but it...|||Thank you! Very kind to say.|||Currently reading Infinite Jest.|||Nice list!|||Yes, sounds like conflict avoidance, and yes I totally relate. I can be very chameleon-ish. I also attribute this to feeding off of other people's emotions or energy. When someone is taking a stance...|||I was bullied as a kid for being different. Something I'm sure many INFPs can relate to. I just wasn't like any of the other kids. When I was a teenager, I figured I must have been one of the bad...|||I love this, strange video too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVeMiVU77wo|||I'm feeling very torn between the two worlds within my personality. I want to embrace my INFPness in the world, but have found that it has done me no favors in the working world, or with making my...|||sky2evan This is good advice! I have another work commitment and can't make it to the next game, but I will say something (probably exactly what you suggested) and just go from there. On the email...|||Haha I've already thought of that!|||Thanks for this lovely reply! Your words have made me feel much better about the situation. I will try to turn this problem into a positive. Thanks again!|||I think you are mistaking religion for philosophy. Sorry, I realize that has been mentioned before. I was raised Christian and now see myself as apathetic to how religion affects my life, but feel...|||Not really, just getting excited for the new Arrested Development :laughing: But really, I have done something I regret. I volunteered myself for our company softball team, and I am not very good....|||Wise beyond your years! This is good advice for everyone, especially INFPs. I especially love the part I highlighted in bold. I'm sure we can all relate to this. Thank you!|||Good questions!|||My apartment is always a mess.. I sort of try to clean it, but my INTP partner tends to do most of the dirty work. We have a cat and a dog too, so it's a fair bit of work. It's an old building, which...|||Dove_Eyes I can't exactly put my finger on it.. Not that I date by type (my partner is INTP), but I do admit that I find a solid pattern of attraction to NT males. I think what is most appealing...|||Surrender by Toni Bentley, Fresh Off the Boat by Eddie Huang, and Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.|||I am a shy girl with a major thing for ENTP men. So far your theory holds true.|||I get quirky a lot. Not my personal favorite, but I get it. I come off as shy because I'm afraid to let my freak flag fly, but once I do, people start to like and accept my quirks. And f$&k 'em...|||It's very true, the increased flexibility is incredible. And to be frank, nothing shapes the butt quite like yoga ;)|||Well not really a gym rat per se... but I do take care of my body. I like to run, do yoga, go hit some balls at the batting cage, anything active and fun to keep my body lean. I don't obsess over it,...|||I don't want to have kids, and because of this, I don't really see the point in getting married. I would consider marriage if I really loved someone and they didn't want to have children either. ...|||Hmm, I might have the definition of creepy wrong here, but she is creepy in a good way too. Sorry to sound uptight. :blushed:|||I have a female INTJ friend that I would describe as creepy. She makes no bones about letting people know when she fancies them, whether they return those feelings or not. Sadly, usually not. She...|||Greatest Strength: Compassion Greatest Weakness: Moody/Neurotic Quality you most admire in other people: sick math skills! Smarts. Intellectuals. Love those NTs. Quality you least admire...|||I worry about how dark and cynical I truly am. I appear to be light and fluffy so people will not know that I am secretly worrying about bigger things at hand. I think we all do this to some extent....|||These statements really resonated with me. I don't like being teased.. even in the nicest of ways.|||I feel the same way! Pretty much summed it up right there.|||My INTP boyfriend said that he would describe me as awkward in my communication. I asked him why, and he said it was because I don't make fun of people. Well... not to their face anyway. :P ...|||A friend of mine, another fellow INFP, is nearly finished with her social work program and is so happy that she did. I think working 1 on 1 with people on a case by case basis is more effective for...|||I have read it, and I thought it was fantastic. I thought it was very well written and thoroughly researched. I've always been made to feel bad that I'm significantly less extroverted that most...|||If it would help you feel better, I would gladly read your poetry. I don't know how much credibility you are looking for, but I do live in New York and have worked in publishing. Plus I love to read!...|||I don't like potatoes.|||I have a BA in Communication. It really helped me get out of my shell during my college years. I jumped right back in after I graduated, but I'm doing alright!|||I'm glad that you've found my advice helpful :) you will make it through these difficult times.' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'That sounds like a beautiful relationship already. But don't push too fast as it seems she needs to be appreciated as a friend. But at the end of the day you can only feel what happens when the...|||beautiful :)|||love Xxxxx|||Has anyone been misstyped, maybe as an enfp? I was stuggling trying to find some similarities to enfp as I always got this type when doing internet tests. But using the gognitive functions test I...|||Thanks for all your input, I think I may buy the book. Think I was having a bit of a rant in the end lol|||I barely have the energy to write this but as I do I feel my strength coming back to me. I have been through alot in my life not as much as some and I would really like to get over my low self...|||Has anyone read this book? It was featured breifley in the movie 'bring it on.' I would like to talk to you and ask a few questions about men Mostly it is a subject that really bugs me alot, I am...|||What action can be taken against a whole school of bullies? 'Legally obliged to do something' is word springs to mind when it comes to bullying, but this kind of behaviour is causeing people to...|||I am an ENFP and my mum is an ISFP and we don't get along especially when I talk about something she dosen't like, she tends to explode at me with mixed results, sometimes i'll stand up for myself...|||Meee- ENFP my mum- ISFP (I find we tend to clash alot, is that normal?) my sister-INFJ (we don't get along in heated topics but she thinks I am sweet but a bit of a dork) stepdad-ISTP (he thinks I...|||I think some of you out there missed my intention. Be who you want to be, not what others want you to be. I know Some of you may have already given up this thread, but for those who understood my...|||A simple 'thanks' is not enough.. Thank you, humaning. :)|||But first... http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=tM3qBye5FIw and FUCK YEAH SCREW THEM ALL!! and if I cause any offence it is meant with Sincerity and should not affect your day...|||Oh dear I am afraid I have caused turmoil in what little pool water there is left. I shall leave :(|||I don't care if it was misleading I'm just happy I posted it. :) I may have done some shell removal afterwards. Lets raise our glasses.. I am (insert name here) and I refuse to apologise for being...|||The ever-present danger for writers is sacrificing truth and intellectual quality (T) for the sake of recognition or popularity (F). From personality junkie intp I don't care what you are or...|||What makes my friend raania happy is looking after animals. It's the same for me as I am doing animal care in college. Today a fully grown doberman sat on her lap, fell asleep and nearly hit a...|||My name is raania and I would also like to post, I am using my friend abitsilly's profile. - Someone who is funny, kind, someone who would be able to get along with my friends and family....|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq_VeUMtyzU|||absolutely I think it would be un-NF-ish not to help another in need.|||If you need advice or someone to talk to come here! Post your questions or dilemma's and a panel of experts will get back to you... I am having a dilemma please go to my recent blog entry and read...|||:unsure: I'm not sure I can consider myself to be old being the big 24 (not to be confused with the big 25, 26 and 27 etc. etc.) When do you consider yourself to be beyond saving, is it when you...|||creepy exes..oh boy. You could say that, one even stayed outside my house hiding in a neighbors garden till he was caught. They just don't want to let go. Which is something I can't understand.|||Someone who'll look after my mind body and spirit and do it effortlessly Someone who really wants to talk to you at the end of the day Someone who likes books, not t.v Someone who really...|||I was just listening to bohemian rhapsody by Queen and resonated with it.(not about the part where he killed a man.lol) People think we are just day dreamers, no hopers, with no direction or...|||OMG you haven't read Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels? You have not lived, it's enfp paradise. Inna book!|||I too have felt the nastiness of parents and the using by friends, families and fiance. It sometimes seems the only option is to be alone. But for us that is no easy option, as we crave the...|||Or rather my restlessness comes from not being able to find my niche.|||I know about this as I have experienced this a lot, I have no definitive solution but when i'm bored I go out for walks, catch the bus into town, I find that helps alleviate the boredom. My boredom...|||It's true in england they use the arts including humanities.|||You are not alone, all of us are on a journey of self discovery. To err is human to forgive divine. I too am in the same boat as you.. I also had alot of childhood trauma to sift through. But I am...|||Has anyone studied religion and theology, how did it go for you?|||Understanding art is also part of the syllabus. :)|||The arts include things like religion and history... :)|||We all have a need to serve humanity with what we do, yes? So is taking an religious education course right for us.. idk Personally it was my best subject in school and I wish to take it up again,...|||abitsilly feels like a horney little succubus http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJJQ8aiD3wCrZNZQM--Q5TflW8_ealQ0fc3SJIOL9pmL3bNkFVIg|||Kisses slivermoon passionately hands running down her body and exposed slippery breasts finds her way down to her ass and pulls her in closer as she kisses her with a passion close to madness. ...|||takes slivermoon passionately in her arms and brings jackdaw in too, the three of them rubbing bodies slowly bobbing in the pool like some lesbian succubi.|||woops thought you were a guy, maybe I was wrong. I have to find out- her hands start winding their way around jackdaw's body. I never knew this could be so pleasurable.|||Fights jackdaw for silvermoon, splashes issue from the pool as she straddles him hands reaching out for his throat.|||Dam you guys are so hot!|||moans, I want silvermoon back on the enfp thread!|||Wriggles out of trousers. And pulls silvermoon in the pool with her. Arggghhh! lol|||Get naked peeps, takes her top off and throwing it away with careless abandon! woop woop *giggles* who wants a smooch* abitsilly is feeling very huggable.|||I love water, especially making love in it. But I wouldn't want to dirty up the pool.|||Love Terry Pratchett, and recently i have been reading the celestine prophocey. Anyone else read it?|||Hello I am from england, thought I might interrupt your thoughts by asking you to read my literotica blog. I would love to meet another INFP but they would have to live close to bristol.|||MWahaha my favorite subject. Everyone is entitled to they're own opinion... I believe religion is just another system of control a very big one. Richest and most influential system. It takes the...|||I like people who like me, I dislike people who hate me. I loathe people with no morals-e.g steal your bf/gf etc. etc. People who rub me up the wrong way (you'd have to be pretty bad to do that)...|||I was the teachers pet always have been. Thus not many friends in fact I can say with some certainty I have never met anyone who has been a true friend of mine. I was always super observant as a...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I have many social screw ups. None of them funny though, mostly mentally traumatizing.|||Our talents are probably used more in the real world, and not these forums of trolling fun. Put all these minds together in a semi-anonymous online place and it quickly turns into trolling and...|||I would like a rainbow colored cat wearing a fedora. My expectations are high.|||I just got back from a trip to the outside. During said trip, I was disturbed by a screaming toddler complaining about something. Thing sounded like a banshee. Lawd, I confess my sin of wanting...|||Not knowing what to do and having no concrete goals is all part of adulthood. None of us really know what we're doing or why. Some wing it and others get lucky and works towards something they like...|||I only find weight lifting somewhat tolerable/enjoyable and I try to stay on a routine. I cannot stand cardio (i.e. gasping for air and feeling like I'm about to die).|||How did you not include the mystery of Goofy being a human-like dog, and Pluto being a dog and acting the part? But when I was younger, I never deeply thought about cartoons. Now, I'm a bit...|||Me when the sun is blasting down sunshine and heat: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ab/c9/1d/abc91d7e2452f806a185c3756901875b.jpg I burn easily due to my lack of melanin, so the sun...|||Anhedonic person chiming in: Nothing. My non-depressing answer: I feel a bit more content when I'm just discussing random things with people I prefer to be around.|||I decided years ago that the meaning of life is to find that which makes you not want to die (i.e. finding things that are meaningful to you for whatever reason). That or we're just here to...|||I prefer a bit of overcast and clouds because then I don't burn under the blistering sun. And the lighting tends to be more cooler, which I like better than reflecting golden sunshine rays.|||My thanks received and thanks given ratio isn't 1:1 and that bothers me.|||529594 For those who remember me, I changed a lot. I tried to smile.|||I was that quiet kid who the teachers would pair up with the overly talkative kid to get them to shut up. Sooo, nope, I've never been seen as hyperactive when talking. I do get excited when talking...|||Blade&Soul and Limbo. Limbo is the most dreary looking game and its puzzles are frustrating as heck. I love it!|||As a youngun, I wanted to be an accountant because I loved math and balancing my mom's checkbook. Now I have no idea what I want to do with my life and I see a dismal future if I don't decide.|||Week 2 of boyfriend's bmt training and I don't know what to do with myself anymore. But apparently even the most emotionally frigid of people can break down during these 2 weeks, so that makes me...|||Ayyyoo someone remembered me. Now I feel all special and stuff. I like how it's unsurprising that my last post was cat related. Now I'm obligated to leave this here: ...|||I completely approve of this thread. These are my furry children: First up, Muffin (aka Mr. Moose, Muffikins, Moosh, Moo-Moo) 202410 He could stare into your soul. And I'm sure this is the...|||We have too many stickied threads.|||http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/268/d/e/masked_by_ablysmal-d80hec3.png This was so fun to make and I'm so proud! I was inspired by a short story that my friend wrote: Forewarn Masked...|||My mom self-identifies as a Mormon, and she tried to instill their beliefs onto me and my sister when we were younger. She failed. But, to this day, I don't eat or drink many things with caffeine....|||I've been rather obsessed with fitness and health lately. I'm on week 5 of weight training, I've been eating healthier (god I miss donuts and sugary goodness!), and I feel so accomplished. Most of...|||Oh god. Steinbeck. His works are overrated, imo. I wanted to use Little Women as kindling. There is this other book that I fail to recall the title of. It was about a big house that people thought...|||When you find yourself trying to convince yourself that you're not in love. Oh... Oh god no. It can't be!|||I've been having weird ideas of how I'm going to die. For some reason, I think it'll be in a car accident caused by a stupid teen who was texting while driving. My repulsion of the modern yolosweg,...|||For an indecisive person who likes to investigate everything before coming to a conclusion or decision, having a plethora of options is confusion and anxiety inducing. I doubt I would be happy if my...|||Actually, you can drive around 16, and 21 is the drinking age. The prestige that is associated with turning 18 is just an illusion. And whoever still wants to be an adult and mature by then is...|||#WhyNotCapitalizeYourWordsToMakeItEasierToRead #HashBrownSelfie|||I don't know about you guys, but I'm not the calling type. I'm good going a few days, or lifetime, without a call. Not gonna lie, it stresses me out when someone calls me because then that means I am...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsbWU8ElMbg|||I've never felt the desire or need to procreate, and I doubt I ever will. I would feel bad for passing on my genes and cursing that poor life anyway. This is an accurate representation of my...|||I tried to become a cat person, but the genetic engineering technology is lacking. I do really love cats though. I wish I could hug every cat, but I can't and that makes me very sad because there are...|||It bothers me when I see an interesting symbol and don't know its exact meaning. With that said, Fluff, your avatar, symbol thing really intrigues me and I need to know if it has a meaning!|||I laughed at the punishment from the OP. Memorizing capitals, the torture! I'm not sure whether forced learning is good, or a tragic start to a child's life of seeing learning as abuse. Well, I'm...|||The only toy I remember that I liked was this little penguin stand thing with rings that made the body. I have no idea why 4/5 year old Ablysmal had such an affinity for the penguin. Other than that,...|||Did I just reread this entire thread? Yes, yes I did. It actually seems weird how this took place about a year ago. Oh the nostalgia. And my contribution to the thread: I like all the old members...|||I really like that final analogy there. People don't seem to understand that issues can be present prior to whatever form of substance usage. You're right about most of what you posted, but you sort...|||Technically, addiction means psychological or physiological dependence on a substance. So it is a form of addiction. And if people who are addicted are reasons for the illegality of weed, then the...|||I like to think that everything happens for you to learn something, so yes I suppose.|||I can't believe I read the entire post. I commend you for making paragraphs instead of the Wall O' Text, and for sharing such experiences. Wowzers, this should be turned into a book. I don't know...|||The truth spoken in this video had me crying from hilarity and despair for the current generation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgHCCbIGuIc|||Your life really seems to be on track. Good job, girl. The gods are smiling down on you. And welcome back. :happy:|||Si is what ruined places, songs, smells, etc. for me because of associated memories and feelings. :dry: It does help with making random webs of connections between things though.|||I got INFJ as well.|||Nice to know I'm not the only one. This is relevant (#2 is highly likely for me): http://i.imgur.com/dVPVH.jpg|||What a coincidence that just the other day, I heard this gem. It must have been destined to go in this thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90rHFreKjvs u200bKill me now.|||I just ruined it. You have been exorcised.|||Some pants for woman even have fake pockets. This I do not understand. Gosh dang I want real, functioning pockets, not fake seams that are just for show! :angry:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4Sn91t1V4g&list=PLrEnWoR732-DN561GnxXKMlocLMc4v4jL&index=3' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | I feel some way about people that can't solve the problem if that counts.|||I don't relate to any fictional characters, but years back a relative watched the first season of Dexter and said he reminded them of me.|||New improved recipe? So it actually tasted worse than this before?|||It's not a Netflix production, but yes. I find Naomi and James to be rather irritating in the show and it's not just their faces. In the books the spacers are really tall and thin due to being...|||read the books!|||There is a difference between being alone and being lonely that I feel the OP is missing, but anyway... I'll be alone in death but my circumstances would have to change drastically for the process...|||An argument will be argued else it isn't an argument. As this post exemplifies, I can be a tad pedantic so quibbling is not beneath me. Some wrongs must be righted. Or subtly mocked.|||I don't say it, but yes. I can't help but critique. Unwilling to share the examples that I've just thought of online, but please believe that my mind instantly looks beyond the human tragedy element...|||I wish my posts would stop disappearing. These snippets of genius should be cherished for all time.|||I'm struggling with my superiority/inferiority complex today. Wanting to blame the wonderful women I have and had in my life for allowing me to go so long without learning how to deal with...|||I've never felt sorry for a Cock roach before, although I've always found it easier to sympathise with animals that aren't human.|||You can lose your job. You can lose your wife. You can lose all your money. But never lose your cool. You'll need that to get it all back. Can't recall where I got that, but it's stuck with me...|||Critique withdrawn. I don't know how unconscious this fermentation process is though. I can think of examples such as colonisation being justified because the rest of the world were savages who...|||Why has this not been done yet?|||I don't believe the emboldened to be true in most cases. It might be comforting to think that the things we do are the result of a fairly exhaustive scientific or logical process, but a study of...|||Under the right circumstances this could be a wonderful death threat.|||.|||You can't engage in intellectual banter?|||:unsure:|||Currently: Politics of envy, Champagne socialist, Social Justice Warrior (SJW), Political Correctness, Donald Trump, Redneck, mansplaining, and race war. Democracy when not followed by...|||If you told me that the sound of my voice could heal someone from something qualified doctors consider to be fatal I might send a voice note after laughing uncontrollably. That sounds more far...|||I agree with Vinnie Bob Thornton and She Hulk. Tell your cousin and let him know that there is no expectation for him to turn up at his dying fathers sick bed. It sounds like he needs to get his...|||Remember when people could post in this thread and the readers appropriate response was to either click 'thank' or move on? I miss those days. I'm not setting any rules or anything, but surely a...|||There are two cases. 1. If a relationship has either been determined to be destructive or the determining process itself is destructive, then the solution is to discontinue the relationship. 2....|||The Earth does not spit Volcanoes. :laughing: If I've disowned someone they're dead to me already. Shared DNA isn't a factor. Repeated attempts by third parties to bring such a person back in...|||This talk of gender roles made me think of a discussion I had long ago about homosexuality and the idea that it's unnatural. One of the things covered was that for centuries we didn't know that there...|||I'm finding this verbiage to be more than a little piquant. :proud: I don't know how I've gone so long without hearing 'meretricious', but have heard all of its synonyms.|||Fair exchange. I'm going to be using 'detritus' in the most vivaciously supercilious manner possible this weekend thanks to you. Supercilious is quite possibly my favourite word in the English...|||My inner sanctum has been breached, but thankfully I have a vanilla scented candle to deterge it.|||The realisation of the emboldened point should have stopped you from posting here. If I or anyone else wants to continue conversing with you it should be done elsewhere. This thread is not meant for...|||The fact is she didn't name you so you weren't in anyway defamed making every post you've made in this thread unnecessary. You need to respect boundaries, like not posting in a thread meant for INTJs...|||That's some ableist sh*te.|||Decided against posting this in the Relationship Questions for INTJs thread because I know I can word it better, it's a jerk move and I fear that it's severely lacking in originality. Still...|||Indeed. If you're going to kill someone make sure it's for your own benefit.|||It won't kill you: A comprehensive cookbook full of quick, edible and instantly forgettable meals Sociopathy: The logical result of engaging in a world without justice|||Cashier: Are you paying with card? I can't take cash at this till. Me: Yeah, that's okay. Four hours later I return to store and find the same cashier at a different till. Me: So they trust you...|||I was happy to watch it all anyway. Simon Amstell is delightful. Being There and Nevermind The Buzzcocks; I'd tell you that you have impeccable taste, but it'd feel too much like complimenting myself.|||A Being There reference?|||I know it's ridiculous that I want civilisations a century or two from now to look back in time at me and think 'Wow! He was ahead of his time and our time!', but that's how high my standards are. -...|||The place, time and date that Jesus was conceived because it's the silliest answer that I can think of. Or to watch the universe implode, when it implodes, from the most visually stunning point...|||I love it when people use words that I've never heard before. *Adds 'Inveigled' to vocabulary*|||He has told you that he likes receiving emails from you so there's no need to worry about being smothering and/or annoying especially if no response is expected.|||In one of my first games of Mafia I successfully investigated a Mafia member every night for 7 nights before being killed. I wasn't allowed to live beyond night 3 in subsequent games so settled on...|||I am now. I just grabbed the ebook of Self-Made man. I like the article that I linked as it does a good job of debunking a lot of the stuff spouted by anti-feminists and critics of third wave...|||A Reply to Lauren Southernx92s x93Why Ix92m Not a Feministx94|||The Invisible Minority of the Tech World by Kate Li|||If Damore is being silenced by the PC commie left then why is he being interviewed on national TV so much? Is it not the case that he got fired and the conservative right kicked up a fuss blaming the...|||Words of wisdom from the INTJ excerpts from everyday conversation thread. North Korea ffs.|||There's no rush to catch that particular train. It waits for all of us. I look forward to the journey, but am still curious about what joys can be gotten from the one I'm currently on.|||The sweet release of death. |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Me: INFJ Mom: ISTJ Dad: ENFJ Sister: ISTJ|||I recently updated my ipod and lost all my playlists. When I told my INTP boyfriend about it he said that playlist order doesn't matter. I mean, really.|||You organize playlists based on how the songs make you feel and what they make you think about (currently in the process of doing this right now).|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpTRwTsOxW8&list=FLPc1j54Vs7shC13lcQX9jjA&index=4&feature=plpp_video I just wanna love the lord and not be bothered! And not have to give no money!|||http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p43/xXCrocmonXx/HatersGonnaHate.gif http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/3/21/86afc260-55d8-422f-a5ca-6edb8266cf4f.jpg|||I'm in one and I have bittersweet feelings about it. At first it was great, but then when all of the old heads graduated things started to go downhill. No one was doing their jobs, drama got in the...|||You know you're a judger when you get fortunes like this :laughing: http://i.imgur.com/kFRQ9.jpg|||MD INFJ here! I'm not too worried, we made it through Isabel so we've got some experience. But it would be nice if the power wasn't out for 2 days again. And if it doesn't terrify my dog. Isabel...|||I don't like girls. Sometimes they're too much work. Too much drama for no reason and all that. And the ones I know seem to just make terrible decisions for the sake of getting attention. Guys are...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_BLggf-mqs&list=FLPc1j54Vs7shC13lcQX9jjA&index=5 Dear lord this one is hilarious. ...|||Hey I'm a cancer too! What does it say about July 11?|||bengalcat It wasn't a book, it was a poem by Demetri Martin. It's still pretty impressive though. Demetri Martin creates a 224-word palindrome poem :: Culture :: News :: Paste|||Omg no you did not just make a thread about palindromes! I'm a nerd too and I love them. There's a book out there and the whole thing is a palindrome apparently. I'll have to see if I can find it....|||1. What is more important to you? The ends or The means? The ends. I sometimes feel that people are afraid to do what they need to do to get the job done. I'm not that person. Now I'm not saying...|||Great! I gave a homeless man a cold bottle of water today! He was really grateful.|||These things. Without metaphors and similies I would speak so much less. I'm an expressive speaker; using them comes with the territory.|||Your avatar makes this hilarious!|||Very disappointed. *sigh* I just want him say I'm sorry.|||BAND PRACTICE!!! Well, it's my BF's band but I still love going.|||Perfect (for this INFJ at least :wink:)! Sounds to me like you're on the right track to nabbing yourself a fine INFJ female. If my boyfriend ever buckled my seat belt for me I'd probably giggle my...|||To me? In a perfect world, not at all. In my opinion, there's no way that something that be printed in a mint and manipulated so easily can be that important. I mean, some people value money more...|||I want kids because I love them. I love their curiosity, their innocence, their unselfish willingness to help out in anyway that they can. Kids don't see color, they don't judge. All of that stuff...|||Yes!! This happens to me a lot. I can remember walking by this pond when I was in college. It was in the morning during the fall and all the leaves on the trees were red and orange, and I thought...|||If you don't know a lot about Hitler how can you determine if he was an INFJ or not? I've been the leader of a lot of organizations because I tend to always know what I'm doing and I actually take...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IutcPpb73zA&feature=player_embedded Numb - Martina and the Diamonds One track mind, like a goldfish, Stuck inside my petri dish. I can't breathe, and I can't...|||I think it's an NF thing, too. I haven't done shrooms (yet) but I do like to smoke trees and watch through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman. I'll talk about the cosmos with you!!|||Hey! I'm the female counterpart of an INFJ-INTP relationship too (8 years and counting)! I think another reason why we work so well together is we're both capable of being alone together. We can be...|||I've always hated you. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I can't be fake to avoid conflict. It's called being able to read people and being able to conform to any situation, any person. Being able...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX36Vy5qfPU&feature=relmfu|||Foetus/Yearner/Freefaller here. I can see myself in all of these descriptions. Can they add Flopster to the list? That's when you just rotate between 3-4 positions during the night, including...|||We are all just creatures on a fuzzy rock that's flying through space waiting to be clobbered by an asteroid. We are so unimaginably insignificant in this universe. Having said that, do what makes...|||I confess that I secretly hope that when I die it turns out that I'm Satan so that I can punish all the murderers, rapists, animal and child abusers for eternity. What an opportunity! Finally the...|||Don't forget to fill my bird feeders!|||I'm starting to get a little tired of people changing their minds at the last goddamn minute all the time. I mean, are plans just for wiping your ass with nowadays? And my thing is, don't tell me...|||Young youthful yuppies yellowed yesterday's yogurt.|||Xara's xenophobic X-chromosomes x-ray Xavier's x-axis. Haha, I guess there aren't very many good x words.|||I'm very nostalgic. I'm also a pack rat so the two go nicely together. Nostalgia is like a warm blanket for me. When I smell cherry chapstick it reminds me of one Christmas long ago when I got some...|||There's the knitting, the bird watching, the old British show watching, the dog voice (which sounds like a high pitched old British woman and includes words that I've made up for dogs like...|||http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljthfl6OYh1qhgt2to1_500.jpg I love this picture so much.|||I have no idea! I just googled his name to find a nice one and there it was. You're totally not f'ed up, I posted it for the same reason!|||Gene Kelly, Marlon Brando and James Franco. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm8dopwals1qhedq1o1_500.gif ...|||Clutter is ok, but filth is a no go for me. I can only stand messes that don't smell or leave stains.|||It's good stuff.|||I'm sure we can find an INTP somewhere who's willing to ;)|||aabbeeoorryy :tongue:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH74F8xJ2S0&NR=1|||Have fun! I'd love to come but I live in America :crying:|||You, my friend, are awesome.|||That's a tough one, but I have to go with children's charity. I absolutely hate to see children feeling anything but joyful and silly. It crushes me when children are hurt, sick or abused. Childhood...|||An INTP walks into a bar to use the pay phone because he left his at his house.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'You're taking life too seriously, bro. Chill. Also, just be comfortable with yourself and don't hate on others... Hate is not healthy for you. Even more so when you think too much about it.|||Hi I was reading, and this idea that the author mentioned about questioning your belief came up, claiming that some beliefs might be wrong and questioning them would help correct them... I...|||I don't really see this happening from INTPs lol.. is that just me? yeah I'm young. but I really think INTPs would avoid any kind of quick/scary progression in a relationship like that....|||I think my INTJ friends do this a lot. I don't see it coming from me just because I don't like the same done to me, as in treat others how you want to be treated kinda principle. Unless I'm...|||Hi, I don't wanna talk too much about them, but this year I've been reading way more than usual, and it's pretty damn hard to find good books. There are books where I couldn't even finish 2...|||Finally someone has the same opinion! People think I'm crazy when I tell them that... This is why Dr. House and Sherlock are amazing. It's House and Sherlock characters themselves that make the...|||Explain further. I'd really love to talk about this with an INTJ. I would 100% ruin my friendship with the ones I know if I open this subject. Their egos are too big to be checked.|||You don't get it. They're not pleasing people. They're pleasing their big egos. They could care less about what people think of themselves, just like us. However, they do know that they can't...|||Hi. I wonder how many INTPs can relate to this. But I've known a few INTJs (and lived with a couple) and I've noticed they all share this similar way of lying. I think 99% of the times, people...|||Lover: uhh tough one. I like the positivity and chillness of ENFPs but I'm not sure if it's the right type to Love. I love how ENFJs really care for you. I don't see a type that I'll be very 100%...|||I don't use any products other than the simple stuff I've been using for years even with very short hair. And shower takes about the same exact time. And I do it once a day, which I do with short...|||I did think about it - but it seems worse than going to the barber honestly. Will take about the same time but worse results. Not something I'd do currently. Maybe in the future though, I always...|||I've been growing my hair for more than a year now. It made me a completely different person. And no, this is no exaggeration. I've always been into minimalism, nihilism, and you know the rest of...|||ISFJs are very nice. They don't try to control/change me at all. They are GREAT listeners even if they don't agree with me. And they're overall understanding. They're open minded I'd say. My...|||Buy things for cheap, sell them for high. Whether it be products, land, whatever, there's always an opportunity of flipping things and getting x5 what you start with. That's if the 100k is extra...|||I know I'm so powerful. I gotta keep spreading that knawledge!|||This sounds like me. It annoys me a lot of the time. I don't care most of the times, but I really hate when those plans involve other people lol. That's why I literally try to avoid any plans that...|||I feel like it's not even my problem. It's the other person, that would decide to accept it or deny it, I already did my part of putting it out there.|||I still can't say Elon is an INTJ. He just seems like he's INTJ because of how much work is required from him. He's an INTP who's being pushed by mentors to achieve his crazy ideas. I think his...|||I understand why a lot of people would say he's an ENTP. The guy has been a hugely successful businessman since he was a teenager. He's been in way too many interviews, magazines, articles,...|||Watch his videos from 2012 and earlier. He's an INTP who acts like an INTJ in a lot of ways just because he became a spokeperson of one of the most important companies ever. Proof he's an INTP: -...|||Elon? is that you?|||discuss? And yes. He's an INTP.|||Seems like the idea failed already but: it's like group texting, you can literally share whatever you want, links to articles, ideas, pictures, videos, recommend books, etc. the discussions are...|||This isn't really what I was talking about. Telegram is like group texting but better. And available on smart phones & computers.|||Hello, Just wondering how many of you guys would like to join a Telegram group with only INTPs (and then in the future inviting other types as well, to make it more interesting). The main goals...|||http://s33.postimg.org/yu14d698f/IMG_5710.jpg http://s33.postimg.org/5c7w6c9j3/IMG_6414.jpg http://s33.postimg.org/ijyjr698f/IMG_8166.jpg http://s33.postimg.org/o11vte8u7/IMG_7588.jpg I love...|||Interesting. Thank you. Now I'm wondering why you have that Arabic word in your signature. And if you know what it means.|||I have an INTJ friend that doesn't give a fuck about his health. I care for him and I feel like I should help. Generally speaking, would this be a good idea? And how would I possibly convince him?...|||Like Pifanjr said. But also, yeah, that's a somewhat weird activity I do activities outside. I just never do those types! And it makes sense that you live in England. It's a location thing not a...|||Your comment is probably the weirdest one I read so far You like nature? You like being outside? How old are you? What part of the world do you live in? Sorry I'm just too curious haha.|||whole day in bed|||Hi sweeties, You have a day off from everything. Including work, school, social life/events... etc. How does it look like? When do you wake up? How is your eating any different? Any...|||I'm 100% INTP because no other type is close to what I believe I am. Even though I break some of the INTP rules out there, I still think it's definitely the closest one to describe me.|||510826|||The crazy thing is that these trends don't get started from ONE person. They're usually thought of by MANY people, sometimes without even being influenced by the first one. So it's like.... 100...|||Sorry I didn't make that clear. I meant the judgmental type I see everywhere in my area (the religious type). They'll judge you based on very stupid stuff, and think that they're God. Those...|||Yes. It's a huge dilemma. This shit can't be described easily. signs of interesting people I wanna get to know more - Has a passion: It's stronger when I can relate to the passion OR I support the...|||Honestly, just do whatever it takes to make you a better person, and a more successful person. it starts with 1. ACCEPTING IT. you're ok, you don't have to be social, you don't have to be like...|||He's a smart person, plus an amazing marketer. The way he makes his videos & chooses his content is extremely well done.|||I read old threads with comments like: We ISTJs don't like how you talk, the way you choose your words are annoying. and it goes on for 500 words, talking about how ISTJ of him to act and think...|||Depends A LOT on the type of person you live with honestly. Thankfully mine were 2 guys who were almost out all the time, so I didn't meet them that much, and our apartment wasn't in the best...|||3rd Rock From The Sun is the (one of) funniest things I've seen. I re-watched it a few months ago.|||I make an AMAZING sales person. (online) I would suck badly in real life though. Except, I guess I have some qualities people would like, which were already mentioned in the thread. I just can't...|||Maybe my first theory was right. I myself couldn't handle the shut off your brain for 15 minutes type of meditation. But I EXTREMELY enjoy walking for long distances (20-40 minutes) and thinking...|||Exactly. Sometimes I talk and think loudly to my brother and he doesn't even listen. And sometimes tells me to stop thinking too much. And he shuts off his brain while watching TV or Playing...|||I was making connection with how meditation is supposed to clear your mind and eventually make you feel better. I chose the wrong word. I don't know what else to describe it. Relax maybe? Anyways, I...|||That's what I was saying... I can't stop thinking + I feel more comfortable thinking. So which one's which lol.|||I believe STRONGLY in yoga I just don't have enough passion & energy to do it. I do some basic stretches I learned in Yoga that's about a few minutes a day.... I do them whenever I remember. I do a...|||I thought OP was an INTP. Now it says ISTJ? what am I missing?' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'That's an opinion, not a fact. That being said, I believe in the inherent right of everyone to be as big of an asshole as they want as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others to do the...|||Given how much I relate to everything you said in your post, you sound like a strong candidate for INFP to me :cool: Welcome to PerC!!! Do you... talk/laugh at your talking/sing loudly when you...|||Yes you are geniuses, athletes, wildly attractive with genitals at least five times the size of the average of those of other types. You can do anything you want with little to no effort involved. ...|||Ughh that is so messed up that you got fired for that. For me, I have been very outgoing at certain times in my life (people who met me at these times would definitely assume I was extraverted) and...|||Everything about what you just wrote screams INFP.|||Haha I am halfway through writing my speech on this topic as I'm reading this. Locking people in cages is not the most effective way of dealing with the issue.|||Yep. I look back at all of my best friendships/relationships in the past (before I knew about MBTI) and they were all N's of some kind or another.|||Haha that would be a fun time for me too. I'm a big fan of debates, especially when it comes to me winning them. And thanks for the last part... I never really thought about that but yeah I may...|||If you had to give a persuasive speech that was supposed to be controversial (but not so controversial that nobody listens) what would it be on?|||The fact that you even wrote this post, used the phrase how vague!, and this... I love joking and gossiping - in terms of more serious stuff I love to talk about the arts, music,...|||That's a tough question. Ummmmmmmmm IDK maybe because I just don't see the use in it unless it's important. Or I look at it, say to myself, I'll text them back later, then later rolls around...|||I ignore almost every letter, text, email, etc. that I receive. Just sayin. Phone calls/ face to face is about the only way to get a response out of me unless you are a close friend/close family.|||I'm addicted to cigarettes hard. I occasionally smoke weed, rarely drink, have done salvia once, and plan on doing shrooms in the near future. Never tried or never will try opiates or coke or...|||67356 This is imagine dragon, bitch, which I made on my laptop last week when I should have been studying.|||We must include one ESTJ in the revolution, if only to keep us from procrastinating. Seriously though, I would be so down for a revolution. Let's do it.|||A new manager where I work, who I suspect is INTJ, has been very quiet but made sure to let us know when he started opening up that he was sarcastic. I haven't heard him say anything that was rude...|||I see Ni and Fe. I see this in his alone time with Padme, especially the scene on the balcony. My best friend in HS was a male INFJ (a rare breed, I know) and they actually have similar...|||Ughh, I edited too slowly lol|||I have heard somewhere (I don't remember where) that George Lucas was familiar with Jung and supposedly for the first set of movies it was to be Luke- ISFP vs. his shadow, Darth Vader- ENTJ. ...|||About string theory: If string theory is correct, from my understanding of it, the whole concept of time is a purely 3rd/4th dimensional construct. As in, we are 3rd dimensional entities...|||You pretty much put into words my exact thoughts on this stuff. The truth may not necessarily be pretty or warm and fuzzy. Or maybe it is, I don't know, but many people tend to be drawn in by that...|||Lately I've been into the ideas of Terence Mckenna. While he was definitely wrong about some things, I think he hit the nail on the head with some. I've never done any psychadelics (unless you...|||Dude awesome I've been looking for these books online for a while, since I'm too broke to buy them :cool:.|||I think I take it hard sometimes and sometimes I brush it off. If it's somebody that I care about, or if I am invested into the outcome of the situation in some way, I might take it hard but I get...|||So, I'm putting this in the INFP forum... well, because I want other INFP perspectives on what I'm going to say. This is kinda long. I know this might border on typism but I think it's necessary to...|||I've heard a very good metaphor which I think adequately describes the difference between Ni and Ne. Since the intuitive function in general is concerned with ideas or abstractions, the metaphor is...|||Yes I believe that Ti is like Fi in this way. It creates a value system or a set of internal rules based on what seems logical to it rather than Fi which is based on value judgements, or how it...|||I agree that we must save ourselves from ourselves before we can try to enact positive change outside of ourselves. Yes, we are from nature, and in a way, this desire to help mankind may in fact be...|||Don't worry I love a good argument :cool: I agree with nearly everything you said except for about Ne. What you say might be part of it, although from my own experience I spend much less time...|||Yes ruthless was most certainly too strong a word for this. Cold and calculating is a good fit. I can only speak for myself, and maybe Fi users in general, but if I am 'guilt-tripping'...|||Thanks for that. It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one with similar thoughts to these that brood over every couple weeks or so. On the other hand, it's not something that I would wish...|||Yes, I see what you are saying. I, myself, am a competitive person. The difference is (this may come close to typism, but it is from my personal observations) that thinking types, in general, seem...|||Ooh! Ooh! Tell me how wrong (or right :cool:) I am about my theory! Ignore the rest of the thread though, for it has turned into a raging battle over the right to free speech. ...|||Without ESTJ's, who would be my boss at every place I work? And tell me that the bottom of the sandwhich is where the top should go, even though we're working with sliced bread and every slice is...|||Clearly you believe that you should be the dictator of thoughts and words in this world. I don't appreciate you telling me that I support racism, because obviously I don't. I never have, and never...|||I will. Because they do. I am not the thought police. I can't tell people what and how to think. I can peacefully pursuade them that they are wrong (as all forms of racism are), but I do not...|||Yeah the KKK should have every right that every other organization has. There are laws against murder, rape, etc. If you get offended by KKK signs then that's your problem. Yeah the KKK are a...|||I view eating cheese as a sensual experience. I feel the cheese and it feels me. The cheese and I become one living unit, reading eachother's souls as it passes down my esophagus into my stomach. ...|||Yeah I agree with what you say about being offended. To be offended, imo, is to be insecure about one's own self, beliefs, etc. but I do empathize with it. The problem is, if my life worked out the...|||Impatient was not the right word. As long as I make sure to explain that it is purely an abstraction or theory she is perfectly fine and understanding. If I don't properly explain that, she...|||Sociopaths :shocked:|||I live with an ESFJ and we seem to have similar problems. I don't talk to him about things because whenever I do, he just explodes. My mom seems to be better at communicating with him, because...|||Explain what you mean by saying that I am letting my feelings be the precursor for my judging, please. Explain how I am looking like my shadow, ESTJ, please. I think you may have...|||Dude some of my favorite people of all time are ENTP's (or at least I believe they are). Bill Hicks and Joe Rogan, my two favorite comedians are, I believe, ENTP's (some think that Bill is ENFP. I...|||Well I'm glad you got something out of it. :cool: I think, if we were to get really specific about it, enneagram type might come into affect as well. Most INFP's tend to be type 4's, with some...|||Hello, I'm pretty new to PerC as well. I'm also 21 and in college. This theme of INFJ's being infatuated with ENTP's keeps popping up lol. It's like they're just drawn to eachother (My mom and...|||Yes I think one of the biggest things she doesn't understand when we talk is that many times I am speaking about things in a purely abstract way... as in I am speaking about the idea of something...|||Yes I agree. We should be able to admit to both our strengths and weaknesses, although we should not use our weaknesses as excuses, but rather attempt to strengthen them. I'm curious (getting way...|||My mother is an INFJ. She will also answer questions without actually answering the question. Frustration ensues... love her to death though :proud:|||Can you give an example of Ni stuff that an INFP would deny?' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'True, sadly not many have felt like participating in it:unsure:, it could be so helpful if more ISFP's felt like sharing their point of view :wink:|||64114 Genova, Italia|||10 characters|||:laughing::laughing:...Hey one question, by any chance, can (privileges which come along with sparkly names) be transferred??? ...If so, will you befriend me??? You deserved the extra glitter you...|||...How come does your name looks sparkly-er than anybody else's??? Did someone add extra glitter to it? It does look lovely indeed, congratulations you Robot!!!:kitteh:|||60019 Enzo-doglet posing for the camera made me smile today...|||Oh speeding is a magnificent experience that cant be beat...:laughing: !! But I am careful not to do it on very busy roads:frustrating:. Still the whole experience of driving is amazing, specially...|||You have no idea what you are getting into girl ...:laughing:!! This book will truly blow your mind away :shocked::proud:|||I found the link to the downloading of the book: Louis Berman, MD: The Glands Regulating Personality , fascinating research this man did, I cant put it down, thanks!! (I will look for the second one...|||:laughing::laughing::laughing:...! Just try not getting distracted (today) by any glittering objects and you shall do just fine in your test:tongue:|||:laughing: Why do you find this thread scary...?? You are a T, a letter away from us ISFP's, are you a lot more focused when driving?|||I will let you know once I have gotten into it, it's great your interest has been aroused:laughing: dfoster seems to know quite a lot about it, I was pleasantly surprised at that! ...(wish there...|||That's right, there is a lot more than meets the eye with this typology system and its worth exploring in more depth. When I found Susan Zannos book I simply couldn't put it down. The very exciting...|||http://personalitycafe.com/images/styles/PersonalityCafe/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by dfoster http://personalitycafe.com/images/styles/PersonalityCafe/buttons/viewpost-right.png ...|||I read Susan Zannos book Human Types: Essence and the Enneagram several years ago, definitely worth reading. Thanks for sharing, too bad very few people seem to know about this Enneagram...|||58755|||Psychology- reading- writing- sculpting- photography- drawing- eastern philosophy- jewelry design- films- hiking- nutrition- cooking- sewing- gardening- yoga- meditation- musing...|||I saw your video it is both witty and funny:laughing:, thanks for sharing:kitteh:!|||I think 'J' types can certainly help us Perceivers put 'our feet on the ground', I believe most of my relationships have been with J types, I admire them greatly, -but I still wouldn't want to be one...|||-(Darn how can I delete a message which I might have posted twice by accidenthttp://personalitycafe.com/images/smilies/1/frustrating.gif is that a privilege reserved for the VIP members?)|||Even when I prefer Introverts, I can relate both to Introverts and Extroverts. I enjoy SP types, they are very easy for me to get along with. Between Perceivers over Judgers I find P's more...|||Very pretty indeed :kitteh: ...Are you an ISFP? You remind me a lot of an INFP friend that I have...|||-|||It is the E.M.P. The Experience Music Project, in Seattle I love that building:kitteh:!!|||57768 I like your photo cityofcircuits, do you recognize where was this photo taken in my beloved Seattle...?|||There is nothing wrong in being called a 'weirdo', being unusual or uncommon is never boring:kitteh: :wink:|||Very nice and cozy apartment, nice details, I love the lamp behind the chair, cool lighting...|||Baby calves in Italy... 55501|||Sounds good, lets PM then...|||I looked at her features carefully and it looks just like her-I am almost certain it is Maria Felix in the photo. She was a very famous 'diva'. I couldnt find the same photo either. If it is she, and...|||I am pretty certain she is Maria Felix what do you think @cityofcircuits ? 5544255443|||They are both pretty nice images, the one on the left looks like some paint works from Mexico done on Amate paper (which is rare now since it is the bark of a three). Is that the black and white...|||It actually takes more effort than money... A lot of the things I have decorated my apt with, I bought at garage sales. I simply altered/refurbished them... It is fun. Being surrounded by beautiful...|||So @firedell did actually make and uploaded a video which she deleted a few days after uploading it??:laughing:... Mmmmm that sounds so familiar! I can be impulsive and eventually I have regretted...|||From personal experience I don't find that strange at all... I have a passion for art and I love minimalism as well; so I live in a two bedroom apartment, I keep my bedroom nicely decorated with...|||It is a great image, I am sure you will accomplish that if you have such love for photography... I will reply 2u in more length in a private message or reply in visitor's messages:wink:|||It is a drawing from 1927 (4 years before his death) but it is simply breathtaking, I know I was very very lucky:laughing:|||Yes once I start obsessing about something I love it is difficult to think of anything else and devour it and must find everything about it, the 5ness kicks in frequently for this matters:laughing:!...|||You were very lucky to have found a great photograph for 15 dlls, specially if you love it!! Yes can actually see some of his works online, his name is Philip Leslie Hale who died in 1931,...|||Yes, definitely! I have been obsessing for the last 3 hours doing research on the artist who created the piece of artwork that I bought at the Public Library Christmas sale today. I obsess about...|||Buying a beautiful piece of artwork at the Public Library Christmas sale, and finding out later that the artist is being auctioned at Christie's made me smile today... It was actually more of a grin...|||I actually LOVE driving and I have a pretty good sense of direction, I usually know where I am going...The problem is that I get distracted visually and that makes it unsafe for me to drive:laughing:|||Right, as @Mitsuko said it, if you were able to get her phone# you might have a good chance with this girl. She could be taking her time, from experience, I do not rush into anything. Have you...|||:laughing: that might be the ONLY way to get some ISFP´s to show something of themselves recorded, it would be interesting if that could be accomplished though...:proud:|||Yes it has crossed my mind making a video but I dont think it will ever happen though, due to shyness and being somewhat self conscious..:unsure: if you add to that the fact that I am not an...|||This is almost freaky... I totally relate to what you are saying, it is as if you had extracted those words out of my mind...:shocked::laughing: I am not alone in this world, Yeeeey...:tongue:!|||It is amazing, so it seems like not being very articulate is a trait among many ISFP´s. I had no clue of that, I feel somewhat relieved- that I am not the only one:laughing:.. I have never been very...|||I scored 61% which is described as a Borderline Introvert. Which makes total sense, since I do not have difficulty interacting with others, it is simply that I might choose not to (the majority of...|||I personally LOVE being an introvert. It has always puzzled me why Introversion has such a negative connotation, I have always found that very strange. I love relating to introverts, I prefer them...|||I do relate to every single comment I have been reading from fellow ISFP´s. Alone time is a NEED, I cant have enough of it. I have traveled and lived in several countries on my own and I loved every...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Last real relationship I've been in was over a year ago.|||I haven't even kissed a girl yet, lol...|||I usually do not get an initial attraction to someone unless there is both a physical attraction and common interests and values.|||Yeah, ENFPs are my favorite types to interact with. Lots of chemistry.|||My experiences with therapy have been pretty good, though I definitely had to go through a couple to find someone I got along with well, and of course she isn't perfect, no therapist is, but she has...|||Yeah, I can completely relate to how is use to make you feel suicidal, as it makes me feel suicidal currently. I personally can't really enjoy romance and sex as it comes along since for one, I am...|||Generally I'm very depressed, lonely, and hopeless and have been for more than half of my life. Yeah it is very hard to meet people like that, especially when it is hard to meet people in the...|||Yeah, I am very neurotic about life in general and as far as meeting people I have avoidant personality disorder which complicates matters in that area. Which thus makes it difficult to meet new...|||Hi, I was wondering if any other INFPs have experienced extreme loneliness from being romantically lonely. I personally developed a very strong feeling of loneliness and despair to the point of...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55ru5EbFMKc|||343017|||Yes, I feel like I'm one of the weird ones. I do not know if INTPs, ENFPs, and ENTPs also feel like weirdos, but I do think it could be due to the fact that I tend to delve in the theoretical and...|||Green.|||Whenever I begun looking into Christianity deeply around the age of 16, I started reading about every single group and denomination and begun reading a lot of history. I am someone who values...|||Math was very easy for me from late Elementary School through my College education. Like Neurotic Nerd I engaged it more like patterns and puzzles than as a logical thing. Even my logic class in...|||I am emotionally dependent when I am in romantic relationships if I feel like I'm in love with the girl I am with. When I do not have someone to be emotionally dependent on or in a relationship where...|||I believe the meaning in life is to find something or things to live and die for and to create our own meaning in life. If someone this could include religious beliefs, for others it might not. I...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9WAQHn_gmo|||By imagining what I would say to them, get too shy, and avoid eye contact and conversation.|||I love to write and really ultimately I want to be a writer as a living. I think JRR Tolkien, Franz Kafka, and William Shakespeare were INFPs.|||Aliens is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. I think Ripley is one of most interesting and inspiring heroes in cinematic history and I think the Ripley and Newt relationship is one of the...|||Lucas from Mother 3. Lucas doesn't go along with the modernization of his home and instead sticks to his ideals and values about life. He is very shy and does not have your typical heroic traits to...|||For me and my values, I had to do a lot of reflecting on life to really find who I am and where I stand on things. When I was younger I read a lot about different religions, philosophies, and...|||I enjoyed Math and History during my compulsory education, really started to develop a love for Reading and Literature classes near the end. As far as my time in college/university I really loved...|||I enjoy dark subjects a lot because it is often in dark subjects that you can reflect upon the light in the world. At the same time, I think in art and entertainment these days has become...|||I don't know how well I can reflect this because I am an INFP, but also have 4 anxiety related mental illnesses and major depression so it could represent the illnesses more than the INFP personality...|||I eat organically and eat pescetarian, though leaning more and more to vegetarian.|||I am Eastern Orthodox and have no problem dating women of different beliefs. If a potential girl tried to make me change my religious beliefs that would not work out because that would be a rejection...|||182786|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ss1fdxTr7M|||If I get really mad at someone, I will go into a state of silence for a bit just to withdraw from the situation and collect my thoughts so I can be understanding when we talk, but I don't do it to...|||Warning: Wears heart on sleeve.|||I got Parvati - the goddess of power, devotion and creation.|||My favorite is Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece, I guess he expresses who I am in my dream world. Fearless, emotionally charged adventurer.|||https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/1601529_837991702895564_5646679860855505795_n.jpg http://www.cooperativeindividualism.org/calvin-on-craftsmanship.gif|||I have seen them all my life, Searching for a meaninglessness, That was never there, So they took it upon themselves to try to make their lives needless. They try to crawl into the walls, Into...|||http://forums.psychcentral.com/image.php?u=280809&dateline=1400787613&type=profile|||I'm still a virgin because I would feel like I would be literally married to someone if I had sex with them due to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bond it would create and I haven't...|||Chaotic Good Human Ranger/Cleric (2nd/1st Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 13 Dexterity- 9 Constitution- 9 Intelligence- 15 Wisdom- 14 Charisma- 12|||Class|||Steed|||I wasn't really shaped one way or the other by this video. My view has always been that people are born morally neutral and that they learn how to behave from their culture, surroundings, and their...|||http://youtu.be/GGh6xxr7UJI|||http://youtu.be/34ZmKbe5oG4|||http://youtu.be/IT0tzdWmA5Q|||1) Family 2) Romance 3) G-D 4) Visual Art 5) Music 6) Poetry 7) Women 8) Dogs 9) Color 10) Smell|||Thanks for the welcomes. :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKOlBZJ7Izs|||For me, sex is a wedding ceremony, tis why I never had it yet. I'll feel infinitely bounded to the first person I have it with.|||My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj7m1UA0JD0 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | '85307 My brothers and I, I'm on the far right|||85305|||Im no INFJ but there is a lot here that i have seen myself with the first love i had. She seems rather similar to your SO in that she was frightened to be tied down to the best boyfriend she ever...|||A possible love interest shared this lady with me. I love folk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djChY6Ol9ig|||If you believe that one in a million thing. With over 7 billion people on this planet, that makes 7000+ individuals that could be that one in a million. Cut that in half if youre exclusive to one...|||If I find someone worth the effort, ill do all I can to keep things fresh and exciting. I've agreed with pretty much everyone so far, of those who have replied. Being who I am, I find comfort in...|||... feel like ive finally come into myself.|||Thanks, Oh_no_she_DIDNT I'm so very glad that I have been welcomed back by you and another great perc member so quickly. I'm back because I must admit I need help.|||7879378793 Me and my beautiful girlfriend who has put us on a one month break from our relationship. :/|||Things went from an all time low to an all time high and I quit coming here. I'm so glad this place still exists and I hope it's just as good as ever before. I am back though cause I'm in need of...|||You ever get that feeling that there's absolutely nothing do do even though you have enough stuff to do that your day would be constantly busy. It's been 5 days since this break has started with...|||I've been selfish and I believe it is my right. I have no patience with my professor. I'm far better off learning on my own. I've been lazy and need a job.|||Happy belated Higgs-Boson day. That is nothing official but yesterday was one of the most important days, definitive evidence of the Higgs-Boson particle actually exists.|||Yes maybe, but i don't think my friend would be to happy with me sleeping naked with someone other than her.|||I am content with being different. I like it when others think I am strange. My aloof attitude is nothing less than me being drowned in deep thought and wonder. I love how I can feel and...|||I have been sleeping naked a lot recently. Pretty much every night for the past few weeks.|||Hi everyone I hope i can be around more often than i have been and i have truly missed this place. I know it has been a while and this may sound like a record some other former member has played....|||Im stuck in a place that scares me and pleases me. On either end there are aspects that weigh down one side, but there are equally just as many things weighing down the other end making everything so...|||For all you pirates|||I've just doubled the number of girls I have kissed, ever. Guessing the grand total should be rather easy.|||Its crazy what something can do that structures your thoughts, instead of trying to change them and make you into a cookie cutter model of what the ideal person is suppose to be. Some of those self...|||I am a.math major and I am specifically working on an applied engineering physics degree. I like what I study because I have been able to learn how to absorbed rational/logical thinking and I want to...|||The only book to ever have an affect on my life was The Myth of Sisyphus . Not a typical self help book, but it helped me.|||WonderN2Wonder WoodsofDesolation She's too friendly and aloof which could be just as harmful as helpful. I appreciate it though. It would be different if she was lost in my neighborhood and.not a...|||My dog disappeared today while my parents took her and the family labrador to their business today. She just upped and walked away; when my mother told me, i could tell she was fighting back tears. I...|||I don't go anywhere, although I like to just drive. If it is nice out, then the top of the jeep comes off. I like to stick to roads that have few lights or ill get on the highway. Theres never a...|||KindOfBlue06 well if you know anyone with a bajillion dollars I think there maybe somethign to that. A nice Utopian society would be.nice.|||There is so much this world could do without, I was reading about singularity it has gotten my hopes up.|||The hardest thing I have ever wanted, was to be able to believe in others. I feel rather ignorant for thinking.people want the best not only for themselves but also for those around them as well as...|||I was wondering about you.|||It is way easier to study with the help of drinking.|||And very comfortable as well. I like it for hygienic purposes, there's no one to be sexy for at the moment.|||When the temperature reaches 100F during the day there is not much else for a guy to do than to trim up some specific areas on a more frequent basis. The under arm just happens to be one of those...|||doris88 Maybe you should just meditate for a little bit and let everything inside of you go. Maybe if you can free yourself from you immediate surroundings, mentally, you may ffind yourself in...|||It is the catch. I would have no problem expossing a bit more of myself, although it would have to be mutual. I have talked with one of the others about this as well and the only reason that I didn't...|||I think the only way to know something like that would be to share more personal info than what we typically do. I could friend someone on Facebook given enough discussion and shared interest to know...|||Well I.do get a bit depressed ethylester because its like I will never talk to a particular friend again. I never thought they could have died but maybe that friendship has. I do miss a couple people...|||I dislike Edison, Tesla was real inventor/innovator and no one give the man credit —------— It seems like I posted in a thread that I thought was for something else. I appoligize.|||Im going to die today, not to excited about meeting Alfredo at the gym today.|||Well being crazed for the woman I have come to figure that what I had wanted scares the crap out of me but it doesn't matter. I want a actual relationship, something serious that requires effort from...|||I think other gay guys have the idea that I could possibly be gay. They like to try to flirt with me and it happens somewhat often. It has also been common with friends of mine to assume after time...|||Well I idolize Einstein and Newton, despite being a bit more F than T, when I act as my alter ego it seems like the world around me is filled with idiots. Just curious as to the INTP take on...|||http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4115900_460s.jpg Is this how you INTP's feel?|||Snakes are cursed, good enough reason to kill one, at least for my mother. Cursed?, That's what the Bible says. *Quotes verse* Oh, of course. I don't like talking reliving with you mom. All...|||I wish I knew a place that i could go to, sit in some booth with my book and work on these problems. Somewhere that i could be completely alone amongst the chatter and mindless trivial events that...|||http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4144455_460s_v1.jpg|||http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4181527_460s.jpg http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4180325_700b.jpg http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4164926_460s_v1.jpg...|||http://paymansolomon.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/falling_water.jpg FLW - Falling Water|||That was suppose to be my vision. Rereading and correcting mistakes is hard without being able to see properly.|||My vision is messing with me way more than normal at the moment. Sometimes it seems like I hallucinate a bit at the certain times, especially with words, they rotate and twist, and it drives me...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Yeah i'm an a-hole too depending on who you are and what you consider one to be. Nothing wrong with that... just be you. who cares what your supposed to be... who knows maybe your brother is the...|||Sure, don't we all have layers? i don't think I have ever met a one layered person... I have been known to focus conversations and interactions on the other person involved, even if that means...|||life.long.battle... and still struggling. Almost like you wish you could meet that person who is in your head and you wouldn't have to say a word to them, just chill and it would be awesome, every...|||Okay, my turn! No I would not ask you out... you are not my type. I prefer tall, lanky, dark characters... with penises. (although I wont say I haven't ever been interested in the lady folks, just...|||That makes complete sense. Before you admire us though please keep in mind that we INFJs think about what we are going to say a long time before we say it... at least I do. I think about the...|||good luck!|||I got my answer... I was in fact being rejected as i initially assumed. Thanks anyways for the help guys and gals!|||I took the you will think i'm boring and i wouldn't want things to feel awkward as the rejection. I tried to make it more blunt today by just giving him my number and asking him to text/call me. ...|||I could sure use some help understanding the logic behind this... I tried to ask a INTJ i know to hang out today. I got shot down as i halfway expected to be, because I would think he is boring,...|||Today it looks like a cheery little boy cuddling up next to me watching cartoons and sharing a cup of coffee (i.e. milk for him lol)|||I do not feel stupid at all. I do accept that I am not perfect, I make mistakes but I also learn from those mistakes. I have a great capacity for acquiring, processing, and sharing knowledge in...|||If it were me id just want the person to tell me and let me figure out why and how to fix it. Just be straight forward... whats the worst that can happen? Honestly is she really that fragile that...|||Now I just feel even more stupid for trying to please everybody -.- Oh well lesson in the process of being learned|||What I mean is every person on earth even the ones you have never and will never meet versus as you detailed in your reply those whom you truly care about.|||I was slightly inebriated upon first reading the post which may be influencing my overall perspective on this subject. I hate to go off topic as i'm sure the OP has an actual need (actually i'm not...|||lmao I think that is a fascinating option... I would have never guessed a frond would have such human complexities. I must spend more time with mother nature.|||If you had this revelation at all... When did you realize that what others think of you is unimportant? How did it change your life?|||So, i don't have time to sift through this thread and find out if my question has already been asked. Do INTJs seek appreciation- is this important to you to hear when someone appreciates you? I...|||O.o I don't understand what language you are typing in. Is a girlfrond a female frog pond?|||I visit the other type forums to look at the humorous threads. The INFJ threads are usually very serious lol|||oh the ego...|||Not so much falling out of love but moreso realizing that it wasn't love as i thought it was to begin with. Once I realize something its hard to go back to being ignorantly happy.|||I haven't had many people hurt me with words I think i hurt myself more then others by over-thinking situations but there were two instances that have stuck with me for a very long time 1st being...|||Trying to figure out how to do that, no word of a lie! Thank you brain your messages are appreciated lol|||I have had SO MANY people tell me that they do not want to make me upset because i'm scary when angry... something I have never actually understood because at my most angry I actually draw away from...|||You might enjoy reading some of Jung's original work in that case|||It sounds as if she is a bit imbalanced and this is manifesting itself as being possessive and overbearing. Shes absolutely displaying INFJ qualities but as daydr3am stated they are the qualities of...|||LiquidLight that certainly is an interesting perspective. I had not considered that my real life friend might potentially be my real life animus, more so I was curious if my mind might project the...|||Lady Nurture thank you so much for sharing your dream!! I am really looking forward to learning more about myself through my own- perhaps even with the help of intuitives such as yourself :)|||You are going to love this :)|||No. I recognize before I shut someone out how harmful and toxic they are to me. It does not weigh heavy on my heart to take care of myself.|||Yeah... I am perpetually lonely mostly because I don't let people in so its my own fault in the end.|||I'm feeling relieved that I am not the only one who does this!|||Aww thank you!|||I had a very interesting dream the other night, very lucid and very vivid. At the beginning of said dream I am greeted by a friend whom exists in real life and the friend greets me with a hug and...|||I want to play! Bask in my INFJness O.o https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.net/profile_images/2197288221/image201205060020.jpg I cant find any pictures where i'm actually looking at the camera. ...|||I have never actually purposely sought revenge on another person.... that makes very little sense to me. I know that I have hurt others in the heat of the moment but plotting revenge just seems a...|||Also when they say, I'm a jerk, I went to the infj forum to ask infj's how I could hurt your feelings in case we fight. We shouldn't be friends anymore. Feel free to shut me out of your life now.|||I get so offended when someone tells me... you are an amazing person, I am so happy we are friends.|||BATTLE! If shes going to INFJ you with her moodiness then INTJ her with some hardcore sarcasm one of you will eventually be the victor or you will both explode to smitherines! Honestly though,...|||Reading your responses and thinking about this more it does feel somewhat like a superpower/weakness because like Joon said its almost like I am giving the person access to me through my eyes but for...|||I realized that I avoid contact with people whom I do not know or trust. I never had really noticed it in the past but more recently its become really apparent to me and it feels kind of awkward now...|||I have a very hard time expressing my feelings verbally and physically. I also have not ever felt complete trust with anyone but even with my family members my sister who is the closest person I have...|||My best friend is intj ans we are like peas in a pod. I think because I am not super strong on the feeling end might be why. We do relate very well though.|||What is this inappropriate you speak of? I have never encountered such a novel idea (hahahhaha)|||flicker099 I do understand what you mean, i don't think I could ever give up caring about people as people, that goes against what I believe in completely and I would surely die or end up...|||flicker099 thanks that is a good starting point... I think you pointed out one of my bigger challenges- what other people expect me to be. I've been working on not caring about that for a while now...|||He's extremely handsome, great smile, bubbly personality. We spend a LOT of time together. Hes so intelligent, loves to cuddle, very playful. I knew i loved him from the moment I met him and I...|||im good at hugs|||Not an INFJ thing (unless i completely missed it but I don't think I did) So... I am on a mission to understand who exactly I am... Strange I know it seems like a fairly basic and simple premise...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Add me to the empathetic club. I can also be very expressive at times.|||660185|||My two-cents worth, in which I'll keep brief: These platforms are highly enabling, in a quasi-addict kind of way, swelling on the vices of their users whilst enabling a decline into bigotry,...|||I love people I can banter or postulate back-and-forth with. Bouncing ideas. Those who build upon my thoughts akin to a snowball rolling downhill on a warm day. It's the greatest feeling, may I say,...|||Yes I feel. The trouble is analyzing the f*ck out of the feelings. At times I will approach someone I am very close with and explain my analytics of said feelings and they interpret them for me. It...|||Yes, yes I do.|||I don't mind my job. By all means, it's a 'good' job. I 'enjoy' it roughly 60% of the time. As far as being satisfied, I'll never be as I fear I'll never function at full potential. I must think...|||Sadness. Yes, I feel sadness. Mostly the existential type or deep, deep resentment.|||I'd like to hear about your writing process. My example, pulled from education, is this: I'm given the task of writing an essay (or term paper) on a specific topic. For the sake of this example,...|||That first sip of coffee in the morning|||I'd like to hear about your writing process. My example, pulled from education, is this: I'm given the task of writing an essay (or term paper) on a specific topic. For the sake of this example,...|||I know this can vary on the task and the type/size of the mess, but go ahead and answer however you see fit|||Ahh, this could be taken wrong. I'm referring myself, as in I'm a master of none... not even one|||On a light note: A few ladies socializing about food they enjoy and what they did that day. I bust in with I ate a giant pierogi! They burst with laughter, and I'm confused and ask them if...|||Heck yes.|||I'm doing the whole I have a lot to say, so I am going to avoid this for now thing I'm most likely going to come back to this thread when I have enough time to thoroughly respond!|||What is the sex of the child? Also read: Does the offspring have a penis or vagina (or both). Do they have ova or produce sperm? What is the gender? There's a difference here. Obviously...|||Gender (learned, socially constructed, cultural) Sex (biological) The end! Clearly I was too lazy to read all these enormous posts|||Jack of all trades, master of none - not one|||I'm good at things. Many things. I'll even say I'm very, very good at many, many things. But damn it, I just can't say I'm the master that I so desperately want to be.|||I've been told several times that I am intimidating (their words). I've been told several times that I appear to be analyzing (their words). In my own words: I am. However, people are often...|||642937|||639098|||638970|||Espresso.|||Longing to be closer to someone is not necessarily love; I say necessarily because it is subjective. The aching you feel could be the embodiment of a range of things - your regret in behavior or...|||You're welcome. Your music is beautiful, by the way. Thank you for sharing the link in your signature.|||Posted 4 sets of function test results in the type me forum... ... ran away when someone suggested I fill out a questionnaire.|||Ignore the f*cked up system and think back to humanity itself. Humanity desperately needs INFPs. You are a medicine, whether you want to be or not. My mind is one big existential crisis, but...|||I don't. I just kick ass and go on my merry way.|||Oh man. Maybe I am INTP. That looks incredibly daunting.|||These are lovely. I wish I could share so freely.|||Two sets are from several years ago. Two are decently recent. No order to below. Note, they were done on various sites. I'm re-questioning my type, as always, and am looking for some insight from...|||Do or do not, there is no try. Oh wait. That was Yoda. Damn you Yoda. *sits here doing nothing* But I wasn't always this way!|||All. The. Time. It's terrible.|||Very open question. Respond however you see fit. I go through spurts of researching until exhaustion and then become energized to the extreme when building upon that information. When tying...|||woah! ... it's intoxicating|||Damn. I love it when the bolded is used properly|||All of this. My sister and I often joke that we mind-sync. It's as if we are having a multitude of conversations at once. With sensors, often it's as if there is a disconnect.|||What do I think about poverty? I think it's terrible for a variety of reasons. I think it's misunderstood for variety of reasons. I also think it is necessary in sustaining the the system we have...|||Not too sure what to say here. I guess my appearance is akin to being messy-as-sh*t and crisp-as-f*ck all in the same package. There are days where my hair is up and tidy, but my shirt pocket is...|||This question makes me uncomfortable... lol|||Consistent high grades, inconsistent education timeline.|||Just know that you've all helped me. Very much so. I truly appreciate every response. I tried to private message several of you (without success) on my phone and didn't get a reason as to why...|||Saving me from myself, are you? Know that I'll be back to answer this question, but have to attend to a few commitments. I also need some extra time to clarify my thoughts in order to convey my...|||These replies are great. My simple answer is yes and I'm congruent with all the above.|||I just don't know what to do anymore. My mind is spiraling and I feel like I can't make any choices anymore. I'm questioning everything and it's as if every choice I've ever made, thinking it was...|||That would be terrible. I'm not going to bother to answer in depth as I am quite sure it would turn into an essay. And I don't have the energy for that right now. Mass classification of...|||Was the stuffed, generic brand, cooked-from-frozen chicken breast I am currently consuming produced in a no-rat-feces-allowed factory? Likely not. Then how much rat feces is allowed in the...|||I am the clumsiest person I know. It's actually starting to concern me. Yesterday I opened a vehicle door and full-on smashed the door to my forehead. I'm now sporting a vertical bruise above my left...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Friend: So, you haven't been to the new office yet! Me: No. I was planning to go to the grand opening but . . . something happened. Friend: You really need to work on your social excuses. ...|||Sense of humor is important. Laughing with my partner is right up there with sexual pleasure among my fondest moments. And not just her laughing at what I say, but joining in the back and forth. I...|||So, I'm an INTJ and I just had a dating experience with a confirmed ENFP. First night we met for a drink. Very nice. I liked her easy laugh and energy. Second date was dinner. More of the same. ...|||The one INFP I know pretty well is not smiley, although she has a kind of reflexive half-smile. She has a remarkably non-expressive face now that I think of it. When I cause her to really smile or...|||In my profile I didn't indicate any preference for a particular species.|||INTJs, at least the mature and healthy ones, are actually very open to being corrected. Here's why: INTJs spend an enormous amount of time and energy constructing an internal conceptual model of the...|||double post|||Having a brief email chat with a new acquaintance on a dating site (my first foray into that scene). She is middle-age, never married, no children and doesn't want any, advanced degree and career in...|||Here are some things I would do if I had it to do over again (or if I am ever with another INFJ): 1. If possible, never communicate on any sensitive issue other than in person. 2. Never joke...|||I had a long-term romantic relationship with an INFJ. Overall, I would not call her an asshole at all, not to anyone. People that she judged to be flawed in some offensive way she simply avoided or...|||I don't much like the term mastermind for INTJs. I think it implies a desire to control people or for self-aggrandizement and I don't think most INTJs are interested in that at all. They might be...|||I would be very welcoming to any input from my partner as to what she liked - as long as it didn't become a constant harangue. But some simple suggestions as to what you like? Please, yes. That is...|||Regardless of their personality type, people tend to accumulate emotional scar tissue over time. A history of traumas, large and small, leave reactive patterns in the nervous system that can be...|||Mindfulness - typical in the sense that it is system optimizing/hacking Woodworking with traditional hand tools and methods - probably not typical Reading about physics, history, and mythology -...|||Emit guttural sound of surprise then deploy cloaking device. But seriously, although I have had many lovers, I can't remember a single instance when someone said a romantic I love you to me...|||I have only anecdotal evidence. But I find it compelling. The descriptions of the INTJ type fit me perfectly. Other people of other types I have encouraged to take the test have often been...|||Might I ask why you care about sticking the relationship in a pigeon hole with a label on it? She is obviously skittish about being pinned down to some concept of a relationship but is obviously NOT...|||I would suggest that you not look at every date as a scouting mission for the one. Lighten up and go have some fun. The more people you meet, the better your chances of meeting an interesting...|||Stay friends with her, but back off on the time commitment, knock off the touchy stuff and the goo goo eyes, start dating other people for real, don't hide the fact from her that you are dating other...|||I have a broad range of interests and have had careers in science (chemist) and something more like philosophy (lawyer). Now my primary interest is in mindfulness, which is a kind of subjective...|||To penetrate as deeply as possible into the truth of the way in which self and world manifest. Stated differently, to explore the essence of existence itself.|||I can speak for myself and say the following: 1. I am oblivious to any subtle signals of attraction. This has caused me much regret, sometimes years later, when I realized what I missed. 2....|||It seems to indicate an unhealthy attachment to the illusion of permanence.|||Great question, OP. I am attracted to INFXs but I have not thought about why. They do tend to arouse a protective instinct in me. And they don't trigger my argumentative side because they really...|||I have a saying: tact is the companion virtue to honesty. Tact, and the ability to know when the stark truth is harmful, are bits of wisdom INTJs learn over time (or not)|||Of course. BECAUSE if they were wrong about something they would change their analysis. So if they claim to know something, they DO, to the very best of their considerable analytical ability given...|||I think you are too focused on how your INTJ feels and wanting him to share that information with you. That's probably not going to be the best way to relate to him. It is likely to be awkward. ...|||I will make one more post to this thread and then move on. First, let's review. I pointed out the paradox that people who cannot be trusted to govern themselves cannot be trusted to govern each...|||Undoubtedly YOU will be the arbiter of who these elite rulers will be? Hehehehe. Your suggestion doesn't appall me, it just lacks rational rigor and is based on the typical kind of elitism...|||Advocates of all-powerful governments always seem to assume that it will be their superior morality and plan for the future that the proposed government will impose. I suggest that is an assumption...|||Who told you INTJs don't have emotion? I experience a wide range of emotion with great depth. I just don't make decisions based on emotion. And my analysis here is perfectly rational. Although...|||If people are not moral enough to govern themselves, how can they govern each other?|||We may be in agreement that people need to change. And I do my best to facilitate that change. Where we probably disagree is that I do not think I have the right to use force to make people...|||I didn't respond to your scenarios and you didn't respond to the paradox I presented. That is because you have accepted the idea of government by violence as necessary and I reject it as immoral and...|||If people are not fit to govern themselves, they are not fit to govern each other. There are no top-down solutions to our problems. If there is to be real change, it must come from the bottom up...|||Not true. Employees in a business participate in that social structure BY CONSENT. If they don't like it, they can leave. Presumably your world government will enforce its rule by threat of...|||Government as it now exists everywhere on the planet is based on the threat of violence. Obey or whatever force is necessary will be used to MAKE you obey. Thus, the essence of government is...|||You are facing a paradox. Your underlying assumption (which may be correct) is that people are either, on the one hand, too ignorant and incompetent, or on the other hand, too avaricious and...|||An objective look at history shows governments to be, without any doubt or even close competitor, the most violent, brutal, ruthless, and relentlessly self-serving and murderous entities that have...|||I think you will have to define feminist. And that might not be so easy.|||I enjoy knocking down unstable conceptual structures. It's a public service. This service is not always appreciated. I really enjoy trying to do it with the least possible words, like a diamond...|||I didn't deviate, but I wasn't clear. My point, made obliquely I admit, was that your theory for proving Hillary is an INTJ is that it is less likely that she lied about her typing than about her...|||I think I will pass on the grounds that we are off topic. But I will be happy to follow this up in a new thread if you want to start one!|||So she lied about why she changed parties. Okay. Hard to sort the lies sometimes.|||I have a good sense of direction and mapping. But if I am a passenger in a vehicle, I will not be able to retrace the path we travel. I have to be focusing on it to store it.|||Yes, I have said twice that Hillary might still be an INTJ if her letter regarding party change was a lie. But if everything she says and does can be regarded as a fabrication then there is no way...|||Sorry, but you are going to have to define your terms. What do you mean by passionate? As I understand the concept, I am not passionate about anything. There are many subjects in which I am...|||I strongly disagree. While I think human beings, in general, are often driven by unconscious emotions, INTJs actually DO make decisions based on what they THINK about a problem and the possible...|||Did you read what I wrote? I can confidently conclude that Hillary is not an INTJ because her reasons for changing party, by her own statement, were emotional. End of analysis. Unless, as I...|||This is natural. For most of us the only time in our whole lives that we are perfectly still is when we are going to sleep. So our bodies are conditioned to start going to sleep when we sit still. ...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'I suck at keeping in touch with people. No matter how hard I try, or how much I like someone, I only have the social energy to even attempt to stay in touch with about two or three people at a time...|||It often comes down to use a smilie/lol and move on, or spend the next few minutes explaining that you were joking when you made fun of their mother. Efficiency demands expressiveness. I do admit,...|||First off, let me just say you aren't alone in this. Often intelligent and introspective people find their focus turns inwards. The self-analysis starts, and once it begins, it consumes until you can...|||I was more philosophical, cynical, and serious than most of my peers. I was unimpressed with social conventions, disgusted with cliched teenage love (and general youthful stupidity), and discontent...|||Accendo means to kindle, illuminate, stir up, make bright in Latin. I liked the imagery, the word, and desired to read and write posts that illuminated personality. So, Accendo came into being.|||By rationalizing it, or reducing my pain to scientific terms. I literally name the neurotransmitters that cause pain. I consider the parts of the brain that are likely to be activated. I recite...|||On occasion, I have. Usually it's when the topic or business at hand is particularly serious (in the context of work, or a school project). In a casual setting, I am generally the one making my...|||The big ones: Stupidity-- willful ignorance, capable people who embrace illogical, misinformed arguments. I once got into a debate with a guy who, although intelligent, is very... old fashioned......|||At the surface: http://www.docbrown.info/docspics/irishscenes/eire2008_2/P8065712.jpg Traveling deeper: http://lizybee.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/trinity_college_library1.jpeg|||My writing professor taught us that the most important thing to do before you sit down to write anything is to consider your audience. In this scenario, it sounds like you're writing amazing papers...|||I've got to know, which came first: the INTJ confusion or the username? The reason you're confused probably has to do with the fact that you're trying to analyze an INTJ's mood. We're very...|||I have met two: myself and my mother. The only other tested INTJ I've met in 'real' life is my brother, although I'm 88.7% certain my (male) stats professor was an INTJ as well. Sometimes, it makes...|||Trying to fix people's problems by first analyzing, and then applying logic and research to the situation, instead of just listening and supporting. (I'm usually pretty good at muting this, but...|||The way I see it, we're only good at what we put our minds to (within the constraints of our individual capacities). This is no different from anyone else. They say what separates the average guy on...|||Yes, yes, yes. I've begun to dread the moment when people, to make small talk, ask me So, what do you do for fun? The minute I express my hobbies, I always come off sounding strange, and an awkward...|||You sound like an amazing sister, and the caring place you're coming from is going to be one of the biggest helps for your sister. As for specific advice, every individual and situation is different....|||Since the existence or absence of God is improvable, we are each fundamentally making assumptions on the same issue. These assumptions both consciously and subconsciously modify how we live our...|||Hi, I'm Accendo (hi Accendo), and I'm an INTJ and a Christian. (Cue gasps and a few head nods). For me, these things are not virtually exclusive. Nor were they exclusive for C.S. Lewis,...|||I have many, but this is one I think INTJs will appreciate: x93Men seek for vocabularies that are reflections of reality. To this end, they must develop vocabularies that are selections of reality....|||How do you INTJs prefer meeting new people? Casually. I hate the formality of being introduced. It feels so forced, and it almost always leads to small talk that's so awkward it's tangible. I like it...|||Research has found that in early childhood boys cry more than girls. Boys also show more nonverbal signs of fear, although if you pull the girls aside who aren't showing fear and ask them whether...|||Openness: 70 Conscientiousness: 79 Extroversion: 7 Agreeableness: 22 Neuroticism: 49 I'm not sure about the neuroticism. On some days it might be higher, but in general, it seems accurate....|||From this alone, I'd suggest you pursue a PhD, as I'm applying to doctoral programs next year for the same reasons. Yes, there are disadvantages and downsides, as there will be for any choice you...|||As a kid I was really neurotic, and afraid of almost everything. Now I'm a lot more healthy, and only have a few true fears. Namely, I fear failure, or rather not being good enough to achieve my...|||This is where you lost me. There is no personality type I typically get on with worse than the ESFJ. Granted, there is individual variance. There are amazing ESFJs, and I would get along with some...|||Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, or the fear long words. I think is hilariously ironic and cruel, and giggle just at the thought of the word.|||Not to be antagonistic, but out of curiosity, why does it matter? Most of the INTJs I know, myself included, get an (albeit slightly sick) amusement from their cynicism and realism. It was once...|||Extroverted me This is generally who I am when people first meet me. Here I'm very charismatic and outgoing. I'm the first to make conversation, and I maintain it easily. I toss around light humor,...|||I'm a year away from applying to grad school to pursue my doctorate in clinical psych. I have exactly the same motivations, and yes, it does taste like candy. People think I'm insane and try to talk...|||I know it's very un-INTJ of me to admit this or talk about it, but I feel the subject is worth addressing since it's been brought up. There was a three year span of my teen years where I became...|||As a teen I used to ask my father to donate to the [hungry/thirsty/needy] teenager fund when I needed some cash for something. I still feel it's a worthy cause. But seriously, I'm a big...|||I'm glad my advice was helpful! Kudos to you for being willing to compromise and seek a middle ground for you and your husband. That says a lot about your devotion and care for him. It sounds to...|||Thank you all for the tips! I really appreciate it. I have been trying to implement lots of examples to stress the real-life application of theory, and from what I'm hearing you all say, it sounds...|||I'm sorry to hear your marriage has been a battle. It sounds like a very difficult and draining position. Kudos to you, though, for seeking advice. I hope as an INTJ (with INTJ relatives as well) I...|||I'm tutoring an ISFJ classmate of mine in our university's Introduction to Psychology course. Being an INTJ, I'm trying to do research on how to best help my friend grasp the abstract theories and...|||Closest friends: INFJ, ENFJ, INFP, and EXTP(?). I need an ENFP, too. Needless to say, I have a thing for NF types. NTs are great, but usually I go to friends for emotional support rather than...|||I too am tactful and affectionate-- with some people. Affection manifests itself far later, and with far more difficulty than tact, but once it's been expressed, I express it often. Still, if someone...|||As a female, I don't have the issue at urinals. Although I can imagine how incredibly awkward and uncomfortable that would make me feel. As for the others, I agree and relate to them all but for #1....|||My (well known and respected) literature professor taught us the first day of class how to write an awesome book critique: I want you to say smart things that impress me. Essentially, that's all...|||Welcome! And might I offer a firm handshake instead of the traditional hugs and smilie laden traditional welcome posting? I can relate to difficulties conversing in a more traditional environment....|||You have highlighted the biggest critique psychologists have against myers-briggs typing: personality results fluctuate. My personal (unscientific) explanation is that circumstances can...|||1. Do you have girlfriends? Yes. 2. Many or few? Only a select few. 1. Are these friends mostly INTJs...or do you have a best friend who is a non-thinker All my friends but one or two are NFs....|||At what point do you consider someone no longer an acquaintance but a friend? I've noticed lately how the definition or onset of friendship seems to differ across personalities, and am curious...|||I follow Kant's argument: I cannot will a law to lie, for in doing so I would be contradicting myself. This is irrational, and thus to be avoided. Furthermore, u200ewe should act so that we treat...|||To an extent I would lean towards saying that INTJs are more likely to be stressed than some other personality types. (The ESFJ comes to mind). However, I do not believe this is because the INTJ is...|||My body language is a compilation of a deliberate, informed attempt to manage the impression I give to others, as well as a representation of what's naturally comfortable to me. It's usually as such:...|||1: 20 2: Female 3: On weekdays I get 6 hours on average (maybe less if my insomnia's bad). On weekends it's more like 9-10 hours.|||When I had my first interview, I pulled a classic INTJ and spent hours researching the best job interview techniques I could find. I also got the opinion of my nonverbal communication professor, so I...|||My brother scores 100% Thinking as well, but I actually believe this is a pretty accurate description of him. Regardless, logic and rational thought are the primary traits of who he is as a person....|||Personally, when I become interested in an individual (platonically or romantically) I study what makes them tick, and what they need out of a relationship. I then try to adapt my behavior...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I've heard all my life that you either get Algebra or Geometry. I can't say why that is. Apologies, I was good with Calculus. It was Trig and Geometry, gaaaah! Beat them with sticks!|||I don't, but I've known people who have. I've always just kind of assumed that they expect to be in there for a little while? Maybe the pipes are clogged? Now, I will grab a book and hop in the tub,...|||Donuts, Italian Nachos (from Zio's) and hot chocolate with as many marshmallows as I can stuff in the mug.|||Hmm, for me, my best were always Biology and English. Pretty good at Algebra too, but Geometry/Calculus? Kill it with fire! History and Humanities courses comprised a lot of my later education :) Did...|||I think that with in all things in life, you'll find situations where you stand up for yourself or you just bite your tongue and bearing it. It depends on a lot - the situation, the players, what's...|||Also voted middle with a little bit of an addendum :) I was my mother's first, but my father's third, so I have two older brothers but only one was raised with us. I have one younger sister.|||I think what IdealismGalore is trying to say is just ignore it. Doesn't matter how they look at you, it doesn't make you strange or different. If they have a problem, it's theirs and not yours to...|||IamOrangeToday is right. If you need to, step back from the situation. She's obviously going through some incredibly unhealthy (and illegal) things right now. Talk to an adult, whether it be your...|||Awesome article! It sounds like the Danver's hospital I'd mentioned before :) At the start, at least. Danvers eventually got extremely overcrowded, their farm went to ruin and the focus moved to just...|||Aww, I like to read, personally. Or stare at the window at the ground. Of course, somehow, that usually attracts the attention of a chatty neighbor, but that's alright :)|||lol! I'm bad about remembering, too. I'll be mid-sentence and forget. I'm teased pretty badly at work for it. I think ADHD was the catch-all back then. It's autism now. It's really, really crazy.|||When I'm asked to professionally make a judgement as far as a child's behaviors, I look entirely at control. Yes, she's daydreaming, but can she pay attention for any length of time if she's...|||There are some Indian dishes that are really good that could probably be made without meat. I'm thinking Biryani rice. Then again, I don't tolerate a whole ton of spice so I'm not sure if it would...|||I've had a gray hair ever since I was in my mid-teens, but it was just one. So every time it got big enough, somebody inevitably would tug it out. At about 25 I noticed more popping up and I'm...|||What I see with ADD/ADHD diagnosis, more often than not, is a parent running to a doctor and actually shilling for that label. And doctors that will (going on parent survey alone) go for it. I sat in...|||That's nuts! One of them is even fairly near me. Now I am intrigued and I am about to have an excess of free time and lack of anything really fun to do. If you're familiar with Livejournal, there's a...|||At the same time, though, I wonder how much time could be devoted to those kinds of pursuits. For much of that time, survival or tending farms probably consumed most time. That said, I share in your...|||It depends. I've seen some wonderfully written books that I'll read cover to cover with a lukewarm story. Then again, there are some very poorly written stories that I've read cover to cover that...|||jd_ has a pretty good take on that. I'll give it a few chapters and if I'm not drawn in, I call it a wash and move on to something else. If it's really, really bad and the writing style and story...|||I really don't think it's possible to be too nice :) Especially online or on a forum like this. It's always good to see people who are very supportive and genuinely helpful. You don't see too much of...|||I really, really hate to say it, but if you're the 'nice guy' at work all the time, you will get trampled on. Don't know how, don't know why. People will take advantage, they might say things or...|||Gonna go out on a limb and say you're with AT&T? Have you contacted them about any upgrade services that you might have? They could probably point you toward free or low cost options.|||I think mine is mostly genetic, but I spent a lot of time with the books. I went into glasses at 7 or 8. By 13 I was in contacts. Nearsighted in one eye with an astigmatism in the other. Simply can't...|||Are there any particular styles you were going for? I live rather near the US border with Mexico, so I think what I'm thinking of is probably a lot more traditional than what you're looking for. I'm...|||Would it be possible to just take the basics until it's time to choose a career path? Think about those things that you like or enjoy doing. Do you like cars? Computers? Maybe Auto-CAD or drafting?...|||If you're completely new to writing outside of an academic setting, I'd highly suggest starting a personal journal. I'm also in agreement with Inle. If you really want to write, you pretty much just...|||I'm kind of partial to the immortal words of Wil Wheaton: Don't be a dick. I find it's a mostly decent philosophy to live by. There are probably some other caveats in there about hugging more...|||I was intrigued, so I went to go see. It looks like most of the time stamps are pretty old in there, so I'd guess there either aren't many or they're swarming other forums. As for your post, I'd...|||This is Not the Book You Were Looking For|||I think what really sticks out is the 'forever family' striking a chord along the lines of forever home. It does seem kind of dehumanizing, but I don't think it's necessarily the message's intent. I...|||bombsaway, is there a way to run Safari in compatibility mode? I'm thinking that the site is optimized for an older version of Internet Explorer, which is why the cursor jumps around in other...|||I've kind of come to peace with my socially awkward. I'm pretty quiet until engaged if I'm in a completely new situation, even if I'm with someone I know. We went to a convention with one of my...|||Oh man! Yeah, they definitely would! It's kind of crazy considering that school is now supposed to be kids' 'safe' environment. We didn't get any physical punishment from the teachers. Just had a few...|||I recognize both of you :) I can't say I've been here forever, but I've seen your posts and know your avvies and names. This is such a large community, I see so many people in the different...|||Oooh youngest staffer, huh? I had that distinction for pretty much the last seven years at work. I really can't complain. I have two co-teachers with me, so we've got it a lot easier than most...|||*coughcough* Biiiig bottle of Downy Wrinkle Releaser. Super-sleepy today and for some reason, everybody and their dog wants to go out. Fortunately (or un), it has to happen. I must go to the...|||I see what you're saying, and then I see Calvin and Hobbes making faces at me. I can't help but ask myself, what would Spaceman Spiff do?|||It never hurts to be thrifty. When I moved out (along with pretty much everybody else I know), I had the inclination to buy a lot of decoration and fluff to make my apartment cute and comfortable. It...|||I have encountered a lot of smooth talkers in my life, but in the end, it's just that. It's all talk. Out of curiosity, why do you feel trapped by it? When I encounter it, I usually walk away. Or if...|||I agree with BrownJaquan. At the same time, if you are dead set on meeting (or any offline first-time meeting for that matter), be SURE you meet in a public place. And I'm not talking about a mall at...|||Pre-Kinder :D So full of innocence and awesome at that age. Oh, I bet! None of the other teachers are able to handle the doe-eyes. They refer to them as the little people and if they see one of...|||I dated an ENFP for awhile. It was a lot of fun. There was something there that just clicked. Unfortunately he wanted way more than I did and way too fast and I think we both realized it. I kind of...|||Awww! lol I LOVE the little ones! Have you run into the My shoes run fast phenomenon? At the beginning of this year, I was taking my group into the cafeteria for lunch and one of my boys stopped...|||Thanks ;D There's a little troubleshooting in me yet!|||I'm not entirely certain, but I do believe so :)|||Aha, just wondering :) Knowing our browsers may help them address the issue. I just tested it out in Internet Explorer 10. In 10, if you click one of the text editing buttons, it will not let you...|||I've noticed this when posting in italics. I haven't tried any of the other special formatting. What browsers do you all use, out of curiosity? I'm on Chrome. I haven't tried Internet Explorer, so I...|||Man, they get you sometimes. I had some a couple of years ago who had taken to somewhat sassy language. Kid A: B just said 'so!' Me: It's alright. So isn't a bad word. It's not always a polite...|||Shenanigans. I love it. Bamboozle, dapper, debonair, and one that I've recently discovered... groak. Which is hardly an appealing sounding word, it's mostly the meaning - to watch someone eat...|||With all of the physical symptoms, definitely visit your psychiatrist. See if s/he or someone you trust can recommend a good counselor. Sometimes it helps just to talk it out with a neutral party,...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Cosmo.|||Shock to Honks.|||ISTJ. TMLT be very optimistic otherwise, but listen to very pessimistic music.|||Reach.|||That is true, it also happens a bit in real life we have all eight functions, we just don't use them all a lot, this is to say there are rare occasions were I seem to act more like Fi than Fe. It is...|||Cents.|||ENTJ. TMLT be the type of drunk to pick fights with everyone|||ESFJ. TMLT be an overly cautious driver and get into accidents before of such.|||Plane.|||ESFP. TMLT record their favorite tv show but never go back to watch it.|||Maise to Miser.|||Brats.|||ENTP. TMLT pick up skills just to impress the opposite gender.|||ISTP. TMLT crash their expensive car by trying to avoid a rock on the road.|||Pairs.|||Taper.|||ESFP. Mostly because I feel like they get the worst rep and it would be disheartening, so I can see some ESFPs pretending to be ENFP or ESTP. TMLT be addicted to frivolous things, like...|||First off thank you for taking my word with the ISFJ's in mourning thing :) Secondly, I am not fully convinced he leads with Si. As I said, I can't really see Fe in him and since aux Te seems like a...|||I just think that what we see in Neville(putting type to one side) is him being insecure at first and growing into himself. Definitely, insecurity is not linked to one type, but the way he...|||Definitely in the earlier books but he grows out of this by book seven, this could be Fe maturing or just him not being insecure anymore though. Fe always needing others is a stereotype, unhealthy Fe...|||Then what examples can you give of it later on? You mean of him prioritizing other's ideals versus his own? I just wrote an entire post with references to that. Please reread my response, but even...|||I can definitely see how he lacks primary Ti, but I again should point out that Ti is not his dominant or secondary function. Obviously that is not a substantial argument, so I will elaborate. If...|||Remember we are not supposed to type ourselves at a young age because we are not developed. Also is that really Fe we are seeing or just insecurity? Because if it was Fe then we would see it all the...|||I think you're mistaking Fe with Ne. Fe/Fi is not the primary interactive mechanism of MBTI, they're more so the place between opinion and action, like a middle man, if that makes any sense. For...|||Seconding this.|||Slack to Class.|||I'm not clumsy, but no matter what I do, people either throw stuff at me or hit me by accident (I assume). I'll see it coming too and try to avoid it but nope. I'm a magnet for disaster. Why can't it...|||Grape.|||Cinnamon.|||I agree with a majority of your typing's and others I have listed my reasoning's in my previous post, but what are your thoughts for ISTJ Neville? I see the dominant Si but Te secondary? What are...|||-In what ways do you act and/or feel introverted? Before I learned the word, I always felt like an outsider among my classmates. Y'know, the type to pretend that their parents said no just to...|||Eyeballs.|||Reading usually makes me quite drowsy, so picking up a book an hour or so before your designated time could help. Getting that mental energy out is what you need to do.|||You're doing it again, completely dodging responsibility. Instead of actually going into your faults, you just attempt to feed me stories about your self-hatred to garner my sympathy. I am not an...|||ENTP. TMLT be really good at attracting people but terrible at keeping them around.|||It's very alarming that whenever you do something to hurt her feelings, you jump to 'she doesn't understand' which is the complete opposite of how you claim to respect her. And also, about the...|||Then age is important. You made it sound like all of her family members were insane in your first post - that was very immature and irrational of you. She has a lot of self-discovery to do and steps...|||I understand that you care deeply for her, but my point is that her feelings are relevant as well. You say you asked but you haven't given an examples of her answers. Would you mind answering with...|||Wow, I didn't expect for you all to be so clever. Good for you, INFPs! (Hitting myself too...)|||If she feels like you lie to her, perhaps you should ask her for specific examples instead of pushing it aside and comparing yourself to other people in her life that are obviously unhealthy. I know...|||Moody.|||ENTP. TMLT openly like and support generally hated things for the sake of irony.|||ESTP. TMLT cry when coming in second place.|||ISFP. TMLT give in to peer pressure and regret it later, but do it again.|||ESTP. TMLT commit murder but forget to hide the body.|||It sounds like writing is really up your alleyway. Not just fiction or stories, but perhaps political or philosophic views. Of course, it's not a very stable job that you can just pack up and decide...|||By my own standards, I am a good person. By others, I might not be. Words like 'good' and 'bad' are very subjective and I avoid using them, but I'd think that most people I meet consider me to be a...|||Sneer.|||ESFP. TMLT appreciate the smaller things but be blind to the big ones.|||1. I'm logical. I originally thought I was INTP because I was always 'the smart one' in the group, no matter which group it was. It was before I looked into the functions though and saw the secondary... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Thanks JayDubs Miss Bingley LittleDreamer Your advices are important! :D . And how you deal with a familiar that wants to force you to go to uni? I just can't stand my grandma's cold looks and...|||Thanks :) Nice nickname ;)|||Thanks. That sounds a good idea, I will search for things to do. Do you have a degree? I'm asking because I am curious about the life at uni.|||In 2019 I will finish secondary school. I still have time but I like to plan things (the unplanned things scare me to death). Everyone says I should to go uni. I am a student of 19 points in 20, so...|||Thank you Daiz and how you deal with those annoying classmates that are always pointing out your errors? I tend to ignore them, but I find myself repeating the words they say about me over and over...|||Yes it works for me most of the time, but at night when I am in bed doing nothing is like being hit by a truck :/ And do one forgive oneself? I have tried but I still can't move on. Maybe my...|||Hello!!!! I also love learning languages and drawing (but my drawings suck)! What do you speak? Nice to meet you and be welcome around! :D|||And if a conlang is used for stories and poems? Does it count as art?|||Since kid I have this problem: I can't deal with embarrassment, discussions, bad situations, verbal fights, etc. In the moment I can get deal with it. If it is a fight I will find a way to make...|||Thanks :) NiamhD|||Can you tell me the name? Maybe I can go too. I only know one conlanger :/|||Who thinks conlangs are an art form? If yes, why? And if you have one, share it if you want :P 637642|||How do you find new and achievable dreams? I tend to move from one impossible dream to another :/ When I was a kid I wanted to be prime minister (I dreamed about it until I was 16!) Are you...|||Right now that looks the best option. I just don't want to focus myself too much in something and lose other open doors. But I have tendency to focus too much in one thing and forget others...|||Any vegetable soup with rice/pasta (inventions of my grandma)|||I don't know how it works in the rest of Europe, but here in Portugal we have it too. But from what I know most of them are for people with no secondary education or job. The main problem is that...|||I do this all the time xD Most of my conversations never happen in real life but I find it an amusing thing to do when bored. But can anyone tell when it stops being healthy?|||Ksara Thanks :) You were very helpful :)|||Thanks Aridela :) That thing of having goals sounds much easier to deal with. I will try.|||Great news! I hope everything ends well, it is a hard path. Send her a hug :)|||I hope everything goes well! :typingneko: a cat to give good luck! and a dog too! :woof: Okay maybe I overreacted but animals bring good luck to me, so I hope they protect her :)|||I agree, most of my friends are from forums like these or people that have the same activities that me. If you have something in common that you can talk about it is easier to make friends. About...|||I think I haven't. What are that area's job? I found one of secretary (administration worker), is like it?|||My friend is at biology in Porto and he has math and chemistry, I don't like those two :P I hate chemistry, so I don't like it that much anymore. I still love nature and animals and everything...|||To be honest I got traumatized with math. I had 15 in the 10 and 11th year, but in year 12 I got below 6 (I had problems, missed classes, and then I couldn't get it, I studied hard and I still...|||I am still 18, but I've come to realize most dreams I have won't come true. I am not going to be a biologist, I am not going to Japan, I am not going to UK, nor France. I am not going to be a...|||Yes, I started all again. I'm in year 10 again xD. I agree about that, but the best languages college is there (I can even study the languages at my degree and study other languages and include those...|||True. We can lose it with the right method and practice. I am less shy than I was some years ago. But I think growing up also influences this.|||I was in science too but I failed at math (only math) and now I am making humanities from year 10. I'd like to stay away from Lisbon, it is just too much confusion from my anxious head. In Castelo...|||I can't find a degree I like 100% and I feel divided. From kid everyone expects me to go, I even feel I should go. I am a great student (18/19 in 20), and when I work I do it well, whatever it is. I...|||I agree. Other thing related, when I am talking one to one usually I feel pressure to respond as fast as the other but I try to take my time, that way I don't get overwhelmed by the conversation. I...|||The Universe is Empty Alone in an old and tired planet, Looking the night sky full of stars, In the middle of a civilization's ruins, The eyes of the young were crying. The Universe is...|||I feel that if someone had told me some tips when I was younger my childhood was much more simple... Now that I just made 18 yo things are getting even more hard. I don't know if there is a threat...|||The future. I spend too many hours searching, thinking, planning, creating scenarios and conversations. It is the most unhealthy habit I have...|||Yes, maybe. But like in our computer problems when an error is found there is an update to remove that bug. I think that since this Universe or simulation is very old probably those bugs are very...|||Well, maybe we live but I think we will never find out. I agree with Marv and I think that if it is a simulation it is made in such a way it will never allow us to find the truth.|||I do that too. I am afraid of people spying me but I keep records of them. I feel like a crazy and bad person :frustrating:|||Did anyone got caught at it? Just curious. I did :blushed:|||I love Fernando Pessoa, here are some quotes of him:|||I keep a diary with information about people I meet. Full name, birth date, where and when I saw them, accounts names, conversations, personal data, psychological profile, their love story, where...|||Thank you all! :D Yes I tend to over-explain things. I do the same in exams and when talking. It is a personal thing I need to improve :frustrating: And I agree, I tend to repeat the same words...|||This is my favourite poem. I'm Portuguese, so the translation can sound odd. I'd like a critic because I want to grow. *It is a bit big, sorry, I like longer poems. Everything goes and...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVuRWdu_Ifg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XlH7gSvAkc|||Circle of Life (this is a translation, I'm Portuguese, so the English can be weird) The Father was born from an explosion, Expanded and the being was formed, Started to exist where before was...|||When it is by text I just say no problem if it is in real life I get embarrassed and in silence, sometimes if I really know the person and trust her after a second of silence I just change the...|||I realized I was different in the school (before secundary, I don't know the name of the phase ( about 12yo)) because I felt out. I started to realize the other side of things much before my...|||I don't trust anyone at 100% because I got betrayed in the past. I feel that my over-thinking can create trusting problems too because I'm always over analyzing my friend and their actions. I don't...|||Welcome!!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITASyEUakFI' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Good stuff. I used cpa excel to study and basically tried to learn a little bit about every sub topic - you can't get too bogged down in the details...if you catch yourself getting bogged down, look...|||I'm not too familiar with bands, but it looks like an LLC is a good structure. If I was going to pay the fees to set one up though, I'd just go ahead and create an S-corp as that is more formal and...|||I think you guys all have a very traditional view of what the game entails. 40 messages on OkCupid? Dude, I try and get the number as soon as she shows a decent amount of interest (usually after...|||If it wasn't for my dad's motivation, I wouldn't be doing it. I'm pretty sure he's close to being an ENTP as well (less extroverted and maybe not as perceptive as me though). His perception of...|||Dude who said that never worked? People in the pickup artist community swear by going in direct - with good delivery, a smile and body language, saying something to that effect WILL work...|||Depends. I'd generally do an s-corp if there's anything that presents risk (i.e. customers coming after you). Yes, you need to report gains from bartering. Of course, if it is a like-kind...|||^^ haha. This is what I'd let our tax team deal with. Just for fun, I'd assume you'd recognize what ever gain/loss you experienced from the liquidating dividend. Don't have the slightest idea of...|||I'd venture a guess and say that ENTPs who don't apply themselves are fully aware of it and become extremely self-depreciating as sort of a defense from the judgement of others. There sob story is...|||you should check this out - watch it all the way through because she hits exactly on your insecurity: Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are | Video on TED.com Edit: I can relate...|||I recently moved back in with my parents, working a lot and studying to pass the CPA exam when I'm not working. My social life is near zero at the moment. It was painful at first, but I've gotten...|||Yes, ughhhh its so difficult. Currently I'm trying to pass the CPA exam (half way done), trying to commit to meditation, working out in the mornings before work (I'm not a morning person), and...|||So as I begin my third year as a working professional, I've developed a financial plan for aggressive savings (moved back in with parents, 10 yr old car - no car payment, no debt, no GF, outdated...|||PM'd you ^^^|||I wouldn't suggest anyone go through 5 years of school and study for the CPA exam just to get an entry level position as an auditor, making 55K through 50-60hr weeks at 30+ years of age with kids. ...|||My fam celebrates christmas which, as an 18-21 year-old, I grew tired of. Now I'm somewhat over myself and enjoy it for what it is. Also, its really the only time during the winter when people...|||You mention having 15 years of experience in a field - couldn't you go into consulting? Also, what's making your job less lucrative (and what profession do you have if you don't mind sharing)? Is...|||This guy's having mental breakdowns because he hasn't combined illegal drugs with sex like all the cool kids - its obvious he's going down the wrong path. My brash response was deliberate.|||Try looking in places where intelligent men frequent. If you're really in a league of your own, why don't you do something more fulfilling like medical research? Seriously...why waste your time...|||Quit over reacting. Celibacy is not the bane of an ENTP's existence. If its that bad, going to the gym and paying attention in class may help (your grammar is horrible). I think you need...|||Hey guys, I am interested in knowing if any of you have been in a rage-filled fight. Me? I always walk away/apologize when things escalate (100% success rate). This is mostly because I don't...|||I actually find double entry to be fascinating - its such a simple concept and it allows you to break complex transactions and adjustments down. I suppose its annoying/difficult to learn at first,...|||No; first, I think everyone changes and develops. Why? because its guaranteed that their environment will change and require them to adapt. However, If you meant this more in terms of the higher...|||6-17 - automotive engineer 18-19 - business guy 20-22 - CPA 23/now - entrepreneur/consultant|||I agree with the philosophy (but we all know that outgoing college students don't create the jobs available). There are documentaries explaining how corporations turned 3rd world countries into...|||haha wow, i'm surprised people found this thread and bumped it after so long. First, I'm glad you're expressing yourself on these issues you're trying to deal with - its therapeutic and will...|||Quoted for truth. edit: here's a cheesy video. although, the message is pretty good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzBCI13rJmA&feature=player_embedded|||Sounds like an interesting project. The fact that you committed to a project for 2 years is quite impressive and speaks volumes about you. You're ultimately living life - its the risk we take when...|||Wow...I'm totally discovering my Fi now that I'm out in the real world, single and put under tremendous pressure at work. I had no idea what love was when I was in college and constantly adored by...|||Public auditing is a service that certified public accountants perform for corporations. If a corporation is publicly traded (i.e. on the stock market), it's required to have an independent auditor...|||Every profession will be a challenge. There's no easy way to a successful career. I, too, wish there was a way to be lazy, show a few hours of my brilliance, amaze people, get paid and chill the...|||Sounds like falling head over heels. I sorta get that way with love interests sometimes. I'm aware of how illogical it is but also like to indulge in the feeling - especially when its reciprocated....|||I was wondering how you all liked the profession and work. Supposedly its a good fit for our type.|||I'm about 2 weeks away from completing a solid year as an auditor for a small public accounting firm. I was probably my most dedicated to the job at the 7 month marker and broke down at the 11 month...|||While I completely agree on all your points - she needs to take a chance. If theres any time for heart break, its when youre young.|||1. You are: slightly dominant. ideal partner would be nuetral/sub 2. foreplay beginning at dinner - making love eyes, whispering terms of endearment in her ear while tracing her hips. lots of...|||Accounting aint so bad. work hard doing tendious boring things your first few years and get certified. opportunities to do all kinds of interesting things will arise.|||To be honest...its hit or miss, haha. Sometimes I'm spot on. Other times, I'm way off base. It takes probably a good 15 minute conversation on more obscure topics/a battle of wit (like personal...|||I dont really do this to people who show a genuine interest in knowing me since I feel its belittling to them. Unless, of course, one of the first questions they ask is what I do for a living, haha.|||It makes perfect sense. As extraverts, thinkers and perceptionists, we can become overly sensitive to judgement and reactions. The sooner we break free from this and build our confidence, the...|||This is why you are an extravert. I, too, get annoyed by the venues that night life has to offer. So much so, that i went through a small depression because I isolated myself from it during this...|||Come to think about it - this is on the initial first time or two of hanging out. At some point I'll end up making an effort to talk to the person...but its usually really dry and safe topics -...|||perfrect example of why we are too smart for their own good. haha. you know how I know how you're an ENTP? lol|||Holy smokes - I feel the exact same way. There's something about a person's gaze that seems to give insight into how smart/aware/perceiving they can be - I usually equate that with intelligence. ...|||thats a great point. I have the same exact issue with one of my coworkers who seems to get really frustrated with me not remembering specific details on 20 seconds of a 5 minute conversation on...|||haha. I feel like such a loser when people walk in on me saying sh1t. always a good time, haha.|||Yup. Definitely see eye to eye about analyzing people and saying things to trigger my desired responses and behaviors. If people dont understand, they give me some funny looks when I talk about...|||Got into the pickup artist community so I go out with a wing or two and hit on girls and analyze my game all night.|||I only read halfway through my favorite book in highschool (1984), haha. I've completed projects on my car - but thats because its my only car and I need to use it to get to work the next day. I...|||Hire a good attorney, haha. Branch swing to some fine young admin assistant woman so you can file MFJ and effectively lower your tax bracket since she wont be pulling in much. Tax isn't my focus,...|||Not sure what the situation is. but if your buddy has no clue, dont tell him. If hes heart broken over her, hes still possessive of her. and by you essentially telling him that you indirectly caused...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I'm bouncing in and out of this thread as my temper allows, I will admit. I'm using my reserves of temper to respond this. The italicized is unreasonable. That's not going to argued against. On...|||I'll just say I source a lot because that way it's much harder to question my premises. I ask you cite yours as well Unfortunately I have a gag reflex towards Lew Rockwell. Still, combined...|||I'll respond in the morning, anarchitektur, but, suffice it to say, you need to cut the condescention. Seriously, you're not going to earn any respect by saying things like: Attack the post,...|||Edit: double post|||Why I have a strong dislike for Ron Paul: He would have opposed the Civil Rights act of 1964 (source) (I might change my mind here if someone can show it was unequivocally bad) He wants us...|||I might take it in the morning, but right now I'll just say that I always score in the -6, -6 range, which, for me, sounds far too extreme. Another one to try would be moral-politics.com. It...|||I'll know if I'm in heaven or hell by how helpful EA is on my technical issue (there is no reason a game should develop black squares during a race. Especially when you're going ino a tough corner)|||Politicians can run out of air?:laughing:|||You would make a great speechwriter|||Snark Intelligence Kindness Good cooking|||Welcome Oddly enough, when I saw The Penguins are coming I thought of Linux|||What was in this water?|||You will be assimilated! Resistence is futile! But seriously, going from personal experience, roboticism is not something that can be associated with me. Everyone I know knows about some facet of...|||Welcome, from a man with a cat on his lap|||So, for those of you who write fiction, what kind of characters are easiest for you to write? One that's loud and boisterous, or a quiet, stoic sort, or something else? For me characters tend to...|||ISTPish INTP here. Tests can't decide if I'm INTP or ISTP and I have taken a larger interest in the physical world as of late, but I'm still an INTP.|||Skpping over the examples from my re-intro, I'd say: 1. Fool's Overture-Supertramp 2. Give a little bit-Supertramp 3. Dust in the wind-Kansas 4. Cat's in the cradle-Harry Chapin 5. In The Air...|||What is there to say? After disappearing without mking much of a splash, I came back, now with a larger interest in music (like the Logical Song, Even in the quietest moments, After The Gold Rush,...|||I'd love to see this posted in the INTJ forum. I really would.|||The stranger, simply because I'm deathly afraid of dogs|||I've done that in a school play and didn't feel absurd. Then again, I was distracted by the fact that the narrator happened to be a guy in a dress.|||Never mind...|||That location being 2 blocks northeast of the WTC neighborhood, and not visible if you're looking from ground zero. I'm not seeing that's even comparable to teabaaging your face. Also, it's not a...|||Just post the URL for the vid, and it'll set it up for you|||Five, actually. You forgot the one that actually changes the lightbulb while the others are arguing about whether to change the lightbulb|||Since everyone is posting videos anyway, my rwo favorite songs currently (both very melancholic): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-7xrav9rmo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwjsYWGvaJo ...|||Can't it be both?|||I'm something between a weak agnostic (no one really knows if god exists) and an Ignostic (the concept of God is too poorly defined to be discussed), with touches of Strong agnostic (we can't know if...|||Apparently that site doesn't like hotlinking. I'm (bored dnough to poke my head into this thread and) only seeing a standard this image is being hotlinked image. Try uploading it to imageshack, and...|||Here in California, we call that the California stop|||Your Heart Takes Love Lightly Meh... You are attracted to good manners and elegance. sorta... I prefer intelligence In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never...|||out of my 57 song playlist After The Gold Rush-Neil Young Dust In The Wind-Kansas While My Guitar Gently Weeps-The Beatles Eleanor Rigby-The Beatles Cat's In The Cradle-Harry Chapin|||Personally, I'm like a vulcan. I bury my intense emotions as much as possible, because the second they get way from me, I completely lose control. Then again, I do carry a lot of baggage, from a very...|||I keep thinking I should've responded earlier, but I'm coming out of the last of the aftereffects of a near-breakdown, having to do with work (I don't want to talk about it). Anyway, thank you...|||Hmmm... Well, I'm Acebrock, an Aspie, INTP, and possibly soon to be unemployed Some of my interests include Metroid, Zelda, Mario, House, Burn Notice, The Beatles, The Closer, Neil Young, and...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'potentially the most dangerous man in the world|||wow this thread is old..|||After being on several dates recently that haven't materialized into anything, I'm starting to feel the same way.|||Are you sure he's not an INFJ?|||It's okay to be a bit weird or eccentric. I use to obsess over trying to be normal. The more normal I acted, the less I was accepted by those around me, and the more I use to beat myself up...|||I'm hot and cold even with my cat.|||My life is actually quite a lot easier than a lot of other's that I know.|||ask him a bunch of questions. eventually he'll have to say something to avoid seemig rude.|||Me calling my coworker's wife (who also works at the same office), who also is newly pregnant. Me: do u know derwin? joann: yes me: are you his....friend..? joann: yes i am his friend...|||I would want my partner to be happy, whether it's with or without me. I don't feel entitled to anyone's company that can be happier elsewhere. And I'm definitely not the type to hold on to someone...|||Offer still stands.|||What I've observed on these forums is a pretty obvious disdain for people that are mistyped as INFJs. Take a look at the most thanked posts on this thread and you can see evidence of that. I...|||Both are terrible. If I were to choose I'd say my long term memory is better.|||Judging from how he's finding ways to talk with you and spend time with you, I think he's atleast exploring the idea of starting a relationship with you. Unfortunately with INFPs, we kind of have a...|||Unfortunately, putting attraction above everything else hasn't exactly done much good in finding a partner. I feel like the people that are in successful relationships are able to cultivate...|||wow this was an embarrassing thread.. (I made this 4 years ago.)|||I think we heal ourselves, which although true for me,is a bit depressing.|||Seems to be the case for me. Until they find out that I'm nice to everyone.|||Without attraction, compatibility and complementary factors become somewhat..irrelevant. Otherwise everyone would be dating their friends.|||I think he likes you, but may not know what to do at this point. I think INFPs in general are very cautious about entering a relationship because we agonize on whether we are in the right state to...|||that's freaking awesome lol So that's what a happy INFP looks like!|||People respect you about as much as you respect yourself. Given that INFPs are often self deprecating and have low self esteem, I can see why a lot of people don't give us the benefit of the doubt. ...|||I'm not driven by desire to succeed or to achieve anything. The only thing that drives me is my quest to be a decent person. This is the only thing that matters in my life. I refuse to partake in...|||We definitely aren't the most hated type. I think INFPs in general can get along with most anyone because of our avoidance of conflict. I will say that INFPs are probably among the most...|||I find that the women that are attracted to me are either the assertive/dominant or the girl that wants to fix someone. Neither type I'm attracted to. I don't want someone to think of me as someone...|||Hey there stranger :P I remember you from when I first joined PerC several years ago. I always felt you were cheerful, intelligent, and wise beyond your years. Look at the amount of thanks you...|||I think I take a lot of risks. I've always wanted to go bungee jumping or sky diving. At that velocity it would guarantee a painless death. In terms of taking risks of the social variety, I'm very...|||LOL. It's true. I never know what thoughts those female dragons have inside their heads. Very mysterious indeed. InSolitude I see you have revealed yourself.|||I'm definitely guilty of this. I think more perceivers are guilty of this, but maybe INFPs more so? I don't know, but I know that for myself I am extremely lazy. I want to get shit done, but...|||well this happened yesterday after I was stepping out from the mall and into the parking lot, a car drives up beside me, and a lady asks if she can have my parking space. I said sure and proceeded...|||I was a very tame child. I rarely cried or threw tantrums. I also wasn't very needy. I remember playing by myself a lot as a kid. I use to have these action figures that I would play with for...|||I was diagnosed as ADHD a few years ago (Inattentive). I have a VERY hard time concentrating on anything really. Even movies I find myself drifting off. My manager also tells me that I daydream a...|||I think of myself as shy but other people think I'm pretty outgoing (sometimes). What they DO think i am is awkward. I'd rather be labelled shy.|||Stressed, angry, distraught. I feel like I'm doing a good job at work but my boss had put on OFF track for our mid year review because of a couple of cases that I handled poorly. I agree with their...|||I once killed a man. I can see someones flaws and devalue them because of it. The flaws can be frivolous, like if someone says i watch anything, I listen to anything etc. I can project one...|||Trusting the vast majority of people is not truth though, it's a leap of faith. And well, I actually do love Nietzche haha. He was a pessimist for certain, but I appreciated his courage to have a...|||I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. It's quite naive and I've been burned in the past, but what is life if you cant trust anyone? I feel like the world is a lot different than it is in my...|||Pretty certain this guy has borderline personality disorder.|||I hope Donald Trump doesn't become president. Though he'd shake up the political system, that is not a reason to overlook the fact that he is narcissistic asshole who knows nothing about politics....|||I'm actually pretty decent at flirting. I'm not all that good at one liners, but I'm pretty shameless with eye contact.|||I typically do not get along with people very well. I'm awkward, which means that the more I interact with someone, the more uncomfortable I will make them feel, which in turn paints me as the office...|||I've been thinking about this a lot. My ideal world is one in which case everyone has unconditional love for every one else. That is completely unrealistic and has proven to had never existed, but...|||A moral that I hold dear is to respect other people's opinions. I do not hold my own beliefs higher than anyone else's on the surface. The world doesn't need to adopt my perspective on life. But...|||I think the reason we seem inauthentic when speaking about something we dont believe in is due to our Fi. When we dont believe in something, it feels forced to pretend that we do. This,...|||When I'm fucked up that's the real me, when I'm fucked up that's the real me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzTuBuRdAyA|||My high standards means lots of failed relationships, and they almost always crash and burn because because I hold on to relationships way past their expiration date. It's easy for me to let go of...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1OTWCd40bc|||I've been talking to a girl for the last few weeks. We met a couple times. Got intimate once. Well needless to say I started to really like this girl, but she just wanted me as her personal f*ck...|||For all you INFPers out there! On a scale from 1-10 how: 1. Happy are you? 5 2. Socially skilled are you?|||Ever since I was young I would look to tomorrow, hoping things would be different, somehow Now that I've aged quite a bit, I realize that tomorrow brings nothing different than yesterday Now I...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 'i beat that by seeking out a housemate that worked away months at a time, and when he was home, he visited his mates after they finished work, so i was alone 80% of the time :D oh i dont...|||There's no sticky for You Know You're an Extrovert when anymore...|||I often wonder if this is only an ISFJ thing, or perhaps other types have this issue as well....Maybe we aren't alone in this world...unlike on PerC, where we seem to be a minority, or perhaps thats...|||scarygirl we're not all that bad :) very quirky in our own little way. more likely to 'open up' and be fun and crazy with people we don't know over a resource such as the internet, there's no...|||ok, so i recently found this band earlier this year, no one i know, knows who they are. I should make a point that I am from Australia. Anyway, i fell in LOVE with their music, so moving, powerful,...|||Ok...i have ariel singing part of my world in there... and LOTS more, but really, am i going to copy and paste my whole playlist! haha|||wow, finally other peopl who cant stand Jacob. All the people i know who have read the books prefer jacob over edward, preferrably id rather a human, but jacob to me seems so boring. he doesnt seem...|||awww. i really like them, but they never come all the way down to australia.... so oh well...|||agree completely...|||Striver then Achiever no idea.|||My friend just bought a bow tie, it suits her so much, its so cute similar to this stye http://www.brixpicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/bowtie2.jpg|||ok, ive gotten through 60pages...getting tiring... where are all the ISFJ posters? ok, so we might not be as interesting as some other kinds, but surely someones done some? have only seen a few...|||http://i1038.photobucket.com/albums/a465/acey86/rings-10Large.png I have this, but in yellow gold - Ceylon Sapphire and Diamond - my favourite stones...|||Welcome fellow ISFJ-er! And fellow Libran! and fellow newbie :happy: Enjoy the forums :laughing: and i forgot - fellow Gen Y-er|||no, i can't relate. i often think others are naive, but not myself, im usually up on things.|||Completely true. Won't utter hardly anything on a subject i dont know about/arent interested in, just a nod, smile, 'uh-huh' style. Something I know about, especially if people dont expect you to...|||I sort of agree...though not necessarily sure if its due to type or simply the person.... I always pick the ugliest animal etc, or the one with a problem, so i can take care of it and it will love...|||Sense of Humor 82% Sense of Fashion 69% Relationship Intentions88% Intellectual Pursuits 39% Physical Appearance67% Financial Situation 50% Hobbies and...|||Im terribly goofy when im surrounded by my close friends or family...to the point where theyvre been queried before about my introvertedness and all gone...HER? an introvert?! no way... If im having...|||Hugs are nice, when theyre from people you know...and arent creepy hugs. I like unsuspecting hugs. For example, a friend of mine, who ive been seeing more of lately (just moved house, closer to...|||I think that's it! I like to live unnoticed, and hate being centre of attention or, person of ones attention... perhaps this is why ill always be single...i dont like people making me out to be...|||Happy made me smile :) we could all use a little love now couldn't we. I dont know if its me or my type, but id rather things that arent physical. Quality Time spent with special people in your...|||Hi, thought i would take the time to introduce myself. Im a 24 yr old female from Brissie, Australia. Don't know many people who use the MBTI system, but learnt about it, and my type in my last...|||I was wondering if other ISFJ's have a tendancy to feel awkwardness or embarrassment in general situations? say: My phone rings in public I have to walk through a group of people alone...|||Agree with this post. i HATE phones. I hate talking on them. I feel uncomfortable and totally agree with the awkward silence thing. I tend to think, perhaps over analyse, thigns that are said and...|||I get misunderstood also...i dont like the shape of my mouth (weird, perhaps?) but when i smile with teeth, the corners of my mouth go outward, not upward, and looks kind of like a grimace. smiling...|||Thats fairly much me spot on!|||I no longer sleep with a teddy (24yr old female) but I got a puppy to replace it....I can't sleep if she's still awake somewhere else in the house, always in and out of sleep wondering when she will...|||I'm a building designer...works for me :) theres structure but some area for learning and thinking outside the square. lots of deadlines. and most of the other people i work with seem to be...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 'Newton's Universal Gravity Law. I mean seriously, where would we be if nothing followed that law? Dust particles in space.|||Well, if money and time was no object, I would backpack my way around the world. I would go where ever my feet led me in a westward fashion; only using money when I absolutely needed to. I always...|||http://www.oglaf.com/media/comic/failsafe.jpg|||I'm still laughing! xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x9Qw1KSyIs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRHh3Rx8c80|||workaround is working for me, and I'm using FF 8.0 Double click the edit post, edit post like normal, hit submit, FATAL ERROR!!!, ignore that and open a new tab, revist same thread, everything is...|||I drink tea, unsweetened 95% of the time. I also like cider, hot or cold, cider is one of the best drinks in the world.|||http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgw8ytx14T1qbbby5o1_500.jpg|||A guy can't spread appreciation of complex trigonometric functions without being called feelery? What's this world coming to?|||Copy and paste (sqrt(cos(x))*cos(400*x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.4)*(4-x*x)^0.1 to Google Have A Nice Day! :)|||I thought I was slightly OCD but Doback confirmed I'm just slightly ISTJ. You know you're an ISTJ when you have your closet organized by color and type of clothing/shoes.|||*Also freaking out about not being able to edit posts* I take offense. I'm not the least bit feelery. At least I don't think I am. But I do agree that 9's don't fit in the stereotypical ISTJ...|||http://www.dangerousminds.net/images/uploads/dicktocabdriver1hgfjf.jpg fix'd :ninja:|||I laughed so hard... warning: contains swearing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHG-JO8gIGk|||I actually like this test a lot. I find the description of myself to be quite accurate. Even though I don't overly enjoy the position of leader I find others putting me into it more often than not. ...|||The rush of making a deadline at the last minute, and putting out the best quality product. Analyzing myself and others.|||http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/340/f/9/secret_agent_calvin_hobbes_by_kizer180-d4hqlhn.jpg http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/339/8/5/8575e5c001dae91aba3db30de4b76528-d4i7u65.jpg|||http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lucp36jbqB1qzxegjo1_500.jpg edit: two more http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lunw3ycuJN1qztj6so1_500.jpg ...|||I know you were just getting some ideas out which is really needed, but I think it would also be helpful if the poll ideas also contained choices. I like the 12 days of Christmas one, but it...|||http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lohureOA651qc9u65o1_500.jpg http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l9qxqj0Xe61qcu739o1_500.jpg|||I believe their backstories are pretty well explained out now; the reader now has a pretty good feel of where the characters' walk of life has taken them. Their personalities could use some work, but...|||http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/9250/pb060127.jpg Me on top of Crane Mt. http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/8721/imag0128mn.jpg Me after losing the trail and my wallet and bushwhacking down the...|||That's bad, but the six month old site poll on languages is what's really killing me. Help me out and suggest new polls here:...|||I tried making this once. We had two and a half snowmen and the 2/3 of the big pile before the yard was out of snow. I swear though, one day this will be my front yard.|||lmao We're missing someone though http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6154/6145410585_afb6c726ee.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtztrcGkCBw|||ISTJ - Duct Tape I've said it several times before, ISTJs are the duct tape of society.|||http://memearchive.net/memerial.net/fullsize/1370.jpg|||I think that there should be a thread for site poll suggestions from which Happy or one of the other admins or mods can choose a new poll. And that the poll should be updated weekly or biweekly. Also...|||No it's PerC. I'm going to be tuning out till this is all over.|||http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltncjmIaiB1qbv41po1_500.png|||If that's what you want to do, then no, it is not underachieving. I knew a cook who had the opportunity to own his own restaurant and he chose to remain a cook. He knew he didn't want go through the...|||Motivation to achieve comes from yourself. If you don't enjoy what you are doing then you won't be motivated to do better. If you are enjoying what you do then you won't have to force yourself to do...|||http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbq5u6Eogo1qeh72mo1_500.png http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8mbcoa4Rj1qa1id2o1_500.jpg|||My laptop's desktop http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/1333/desktopbackgrounds.jpg My log-on screens http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/5011/logonbackground.jpg|||I like to do that too. I don't post them on the net, cause I don't have a place to do it though. If we have any other ISTJs I think we should start an ISTJ Photography thread, I know I would like to...|||I know but if someone comes asking, it's now easy to say, Please reference page 80. *Contributing to burying.*|||We look like the ones you don't want to mess with. Very similar to the INTJ, except we don't have the signature INTJ death stare.|||Part of the relative safety that one assumed they had when posting pictures to this thread was the massive size of it. A picture would be buried in a matter of days. That's all gone now.|||http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lt3bb49LYp1qf0vqyo1_500.jpg|||*Hugs MBTI Enthusiast* Mood: Dead Reason: Attempted to hug someone.|||INTJs are great, as long as you're on their good side. I know a couple and we get along real well, we seem to get each other's sense of humor.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB-VIq6YnD4|||I've been looking at interesting food. When I saw this I was like - D: wtf pie does not do that Σ(゜д゜;) http://blog.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/files/2009/01/ip0206_applepie_lg.jpg?rand=847365361|||http://www.deviantart.com/download/57046401/Onigiri_Expressions_by_yiji.jpg|||http://www.tumblr.com/photo/1280/883317463/1/tumblr_l6etq9kWcJ1qc2z44|||Well sorry to rain on you parade. xD|||Well I figured out the song now. It took a while before I remembered anything other than lalalalalalalala http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0l1_PvRSFY|||Wana know the nice thing about self graded exams? 160. *Maximum potential achieved!* I'd make this into an actual quiz but I'm feeling too lazy atm. [/contradictory post]|||I got 23 >_> I think this test made me 2 points more empathetic.|||http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lta4vwXj8F1qzhh11o1_250.jpghttp://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lta4vwXj8F1qzhh11o2_250.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lta4vwXj8F1qzhh11o3_500.jpg' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I'm thinking that you are probably INTP. A lot of your answers are nearly identical to what mine would be (and yes, I know, this is an unscientific way to confirm, but I don't have time to analyze...|||Do any other INTPs ever get secondhand embarrassment, to the point where you can't re-watch certain parts of movies and stuff like that? For example, The Office (specifically Michael Scott) provoked...|||You know you're INTP when you always forget which side of the faucet is for hot water and which is for cold (unless the colours are there)...or is it just me?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WT7nBGX5eU|||I am an INTP in nursing school, and while I have not gone very far yet, I have learned enough to see that nursing is nothing like the stereotypes. I would say it's very good for someone with strong...|||I think one way of looking at it would be to ask the question: If someone argues against or contradicts this thing that I think/feel, will I be offended/have an emotional response? If so, then it's...|||I think it's fear of an unknown/unimaginable afterlife that prevents many people from killing themselves (think Hamlet's to be or not to be speech). So in this hypothetical situation, many people...|||I find that unless I already know someone quite well, it's impossible for me to act my normal self around them—I fall into chameleon mode and mirror their personality until they put me at ease enough...|||I think those sorts of people either a) mean that they respect the people who have different beliefs or b) appreciate the moral beliefs that are common to nearly all religions, or c) are attracted to...|||When you have always lived on a road that has a number (County Rd. 14) as well as a real name, but for 10+ years you never actually knew that it also had a number even though it is on an obvious...|||Interestingly enough, I am not sad and depressed (most of the time) in terms of emotionsx97I simply view the world in a more negative light than many other people, which makes its moments of real joy...|||That's a good thought! And yes, on independent analysis it did seem to me that Russian lit often has an INFJ feel (I was simply confused by the fact that the INFJs in my life don't appreciate it, but...|||This did get lost in translation, until recently, because most of the translations were overly anglicized (e.g. Constance Garnett) or simply dull. But Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky...|||For those out there who appreciate that ethereal/impossible-to-explain element of Russian literature, music, and philosophy: what personality type(s) are most drawn to/connected with it? I'm...|||I love to learn languages, and have studied French, Arabic, and German. I've always had a sort of wanderlust and wanted to visit other countries and immerse myself in other cultures. I find grammar...|||I carry on conversations with myself all the time, with accompanying facial expressions. Though when I'm looking in the mirror I tend not to, because that is the point at which I realize how strange...|||You know you're INTP when you were having an imaginary conversation with someone in your head and they say something really stupid, and you make a That's stupid! expression on your face and...|||Lately I've been wondering how many of the great writers and thinkers of the past were inadvertently on mind-altering substances, given how widespread their regular use was until relatively recently....|||Exactly my thoughts! The word boring says much more about the mental creativity of the person using the term than about the person/thing/idea to which the label is being applied. Not to say that...|||Just realized that dimensional analysis (in maths and science) could also be termed dementia-nal analysis because it is such a mindless process and can churn out the right answer without the...|||I feel somewhat the same, though I haven't always tested as INTP. I'm very bad at objective self-analysis, and a lot of types (particularly IxTx) have seemed to be possibilities for me. I originally...|||After some lengthy introspection, I've concluded that the INTP personality fits me better than the ISTJ. I've always been quite sure that I use Ti more than Te, and after studying the function axes...|||I'd list more friends, but I only really have one close friend outside of my family. Most of my current friends are authors and great thinkers from the past who are already dead, unfortunately. ...|||All of the above! Of course, the feelings are primarily left inside. I think with ISTJ's in particular though, they tend to last a very long time, because of habit and getting used to them. So, it...|||Haha! Story of my life. I rarely use that word, as much as I am sorely tempted to!|||According to your answers, your dominant Tendency is Questioner. Interesting, thanks for sharing. I think they've evaluated me correctly.|||I don't really know if this is an intuitive thing (or maybe Ne) but when you're trying to have a logical, structured argument with someone and the person tries to relate millions of unrelated topics...|||Hmm, that's the tricky part—knowing whether someone is just trying to observe you or actually likes you. Whether I like someone or am just observing them, I avoid letting them see that I'm looking at...|||This was an interesting test! Thanks for sharing. Now I know why I love the sciences (though my analytic ability is apparently not above average). Also, this explains why I don't think I fit into all...|||Haha! ISTJ's never stare at people openly. Actually, I stare at people all the time. However, if I like someone, I will do my best not to show it, unless it seems (either instinctively or...|||When you go on the ENFP forum for the first time and feel as though you're in a different universe! Everything is so foreign. O.O|||I'm maybe a 3-4 out of 10 in this. I zone out all the time, even during conversations with people; I sometimes think it's terribly obvious that I'm not listening to them and thinking about other...|||Indifferent.|||I think it's because the ISTJ type descriptions and stereotypes are unfortunately the most boring and unlikable. They're like INTJ's without the little bit of coolness that the N supposedly brings....|||In response to the follow-up questions: 1. Yes, I think so. 2. For me they'd probably be an annoyance because of their predictability but it will vary according to the individual. 3. We can...|||One website that has been a lifesaver for me is Duolingo. It has several languages, including French, Spanish, and German, and it's so much fun. After I completed all the content for one language,...|||1. It looks to me as though she does enjoy your company! 2. That is hard to tell; in fact it might be hard for her to figure them out. We don't read people very easily. 3. Yes, I think now would be...|||Wow, according to these I am not a stereotypical ISTJ. Actually I don't think stereotypical ISTJ's exist because it must be that a non-ISTJ made up the stereotypes—they're so off. 1. Asking...|||Hmm, this is interesting. Maybe he actually enjoys being around you and just doesn't show it, or tries not to show it. Sometimes other personalities seem exciting and different to us, so we prefer to...|||I've gone fairly high in piano (grade 8) and enjoyed most of it. I find learning new songs to be easy and fun. I also used to draw/paint and enjoy it a lot; I don't do much of that anymore. If...|||This is very true for me as well! (I'm probably an ISTJ, but stereotypically closer to INTJ, if that makes any sense.) Also, when I am trying to make conversation with someone I don't know/jive with...|||As an ISTJ, my best friend is an ISFJ, and we get along great. Despite the fact that I think I irritate her in some ways, and she might irritate me in others, the time we spend together is always...|||IxTJ TMLT have a stereotypical Type A personality?|||Playing the piano (classical music) Reading Running/soccer Learning/practising foreign languages Internet|||Entj|||I most often test as ISTJ, but I have also tested INTJ and ISTP. I don't seem to fit into all the stereotypes of ISTJ's. I don't hold onto opinions when I see reason to change them. I am often lost...|||YAY colours and rainbows and unicorns and sparkles! And butterflies!!!! Oh and I wanna be a fairy! ^__^ (The other day I thought, the only aspect of unicorns that I actually like is that spike on...|||I'm ISTJ. Abortion: no, because I believe in human rights and scientifically speaking, human life begins at conception. Health care: Publicly/taxpayer funded Economy: a careful balance, with...|||Hmm, xNxP? Type most likely to oversensationalise every piece of information they share (incidentally, one of my pet peeves).|||5w6, second born of 4.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Software development. My job is terrible for me because most of it is support-related. I need to be creating something interesting in order to be fulfilled by my work and I can so rarely do that...|||Notoriously yes. Once I get to the point where the discovery is done and I'm just up to the adding content part, I really need to see the purpose of the project and that purpose had better be...|||I'm torn on an answer to this question. On one hand, I feel like I tend to be more about Depth because I only have a select few interests that I'll actively pursue. At the same time, I'll only...|||My biggest problem when talking with INTPs is when we differ on a topic that is a matter of opinion. Neither of us can logically explain why we feel our side is right because both of our sides are...|||As an INTP, I'll list some of my core values here: - Disconnection from the big, wide world in favour of nurturing a smaller, intimate world. I don't particularly like to travel or learn about...|||1. What is your sexual orientation? Straight Male. 2. Do you regularly do drugs? (For the purposes of this survey, I'll include alcohol.) Drink occasionally, socially. That's all. 3. How...|||I got the job I'm in by shotgunning. I'm not a good fit for the position but I'm staying here while I snipe out a more suitable one. In my position, there's no point shotgunning because my next...|||Hey, I just had a question about how to approach the issue of references when switching jobs...when you're leaving a job because it wasn't a good fit for you. Long story short, I graduated from IT...|||1: What's your MBTI Type? INTP 2: What's your Gender? Male 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? Only Child 4: How do you learn: Hands-on, seeing, or auditory?|||Me neither, but I'm curious: Why not?|||I somewhat enjoy it, but I can't get into it because of one simple fact: I know if I sat down long enough and dedicated my life to it, I could get good at it...but for what purpose? To be...|||I've had a few chances to play DDR recently at home, just a few minutes here and there. I can't utilize my living space for the game so I basically squeezed it into a corner and play very...|||She sees it as just a hobby and doesn't have any concerns. She actually wants to get a standalone house for her own set of reasons, many of which are also noise/space/pet related. We have that in...|||That comment suggests to me that you wish there was an alternative and you're taking such rash action because you see it as the only option; not because you necessarily deeply cherish that way of...|||I'm seeing a big problem here: Not to be too blunt, but what do you honestly feel your chances are of meeting a future loved one if you're going through your entire life unhappy? Sustaining a...|||Hobbies. I swear I do this sometimes. :P Name an uncommon fantasy magic spell.|||Conspiracy Nut Jeopardy! Name something that would make any sport better.|||Definitely the most obnoxious lack of knowledge I possess is my limited knowledge of what's current in movies, TV, music, books, celebrities, etc. Why is this obnoxious? Simply: It comes up at...|||That's ultimately how I found myself looking at it as well. I don't feel like DDR has done anything unhealthy to my life; at least not yet. I think the hardest part for me is determining whether...|||Hey everyone! 28/m here. This may sound like a weird one at first, but it'll make sense in a moment. I used to play a ton of Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) (technically Stepmania but same idea) in...|||I can be alone indefinitely as long as I have something to focus on... or more accurately, I default to wanting to be alone unless I have some reason to want to see someone. There isn't really a...|||I haven't done the paid one; just a free one found here: Free Strengths Test - Find Your Talents and Potential - Free Strengths Test - Find Your Talents and Potential I did find this to be one of...|||Here's a topic I've been curious on for awhile: People who write music; why do you? I've been writing music (casually) since I was old enough to sit at a piano. I eventually moved to writing on...|||That advice is fantastic.|||Unless people become clones of each other (in which case, I would argue life is indeed pointless since they're all effectively one life so the species is as good as extinct), there is no state...|||This makes two of us! I'm an INTP. I gather information from external sources, process it internally and find something cool to maybe use it for. I don't like being told that I need to watch XYZ...|||For those of you who play video games; what do you look for in them? Why do you play them? More specifically, are there still gamers out there who don't look to games for story, plot and character...|||When you play a board game and you want to tinker with it and fix it more than you want to play it. :tongue:|||INTP: Let me think about it first and never get back to you.|||INTP: Devil's Advocate - never the devil.|||ESTJ, I'd say. The nature of tradition as a whole doesn't sit well with me unless it's in a very positive light (celebrating birthdays, Christmas, etc.). Being told that their way is better because...|||Fluffy, doscile, social cats who are happy to suck up for attention are the most adorable things ever. Independent cats who never want anything to do with the owners are kind of pointless as pets,...|||Howdy! I am curious on people's thoughts regarding education paths (degrees, etc.) that are best for people who want to avoid doing a lot of group project work...and project work in general. ...|||Isfj|||Your MBTI type (and Enneagram if you know it): INTP Your biological sex: M Your mental gender: M Your age: 28 What sport(s) do you currently do? (going for a walk etc. counts, too): If...|||Worst Seaseme Street meme The medical terminology twins: Hurt and Hernie. Least Likely Myth that Mythbusters will feature on their show|||I like the comfort of a home base. It doesn't necessarily have to be my house, although space that's entirely mine and under my control, with the people I want when I want them and not when I don't...|||I can 100% understand these feelings. I get them myself all the time and it's discouraging. I've actually been getting it a lot lately. It seems my passions are all that get me excited to live. If...|||1. Unless George booked weekends off (in which case he likely wouldn't get the job, due to being in retail), he wouldn't have much time on weekends to feasibly volunteer.|||INTP (Probably?) Went to college for: Software Development Working: Database support ( close enough :tongue: ) Dream jobs: College instructor / Web designer / Indie game developer / Music...|||Yes, I am aware of such attempts and the difficulties inherent within them. I was merely talking from a hypothetical standpoint as I don't realistically expect such a language to appear in the...|||It sounds like the complete answer to this question would effectively be the same as the source code of a perfectly good human AI. Good luck with that! :tongue:|||With pleasure. :) The fact that one has to know more than one language in order to communicate with the significant majority of humanity is outrageous. With what purpose do we still hold on to and...|||I don't remember any results from more than 2 years ago, but 2 years ago I scored an INTP. These days I feel like I'm either INTP, INFP or INFJ, though there is definitely some significant...|||Unpopular opinion time! I don't like the idea of languages and have no desire to learn a second language. They come between us and the ability to communicate with someone of our same species! This...|||That's fair. I suppose I associate them as one and the same. In practice, I suppose the result of excessive social interaction for an introvert involves both: The act of being drained itself, ...|||Just because a creation is manmade, how does that make something fake? Fake: verb (used with object), faked, faking. 1. prepare or make (something specious, deceptive, or fraudulent): ...|||How so? 1.8 Deprive of...vitality: is somewhat open to interpretation if we conclude that Vitality is defined as: noun, plural vitalities. 1. exuberant physical strength or mental vigor:...|||One doesn't need to go to the extreme that it gets to you. I tend to enjoy the music that I do because it's musically interesting, not because it's depressing. On the contrary, I find it energizing...|||I completely agree with everyone who says they tend to prefer music in minor keys, especially with good use of dissonance. Symphonic Rock is a fun genre for such things when not in the mood for more...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | It burns!! Haha|||http://personalitycafe.com/mafia/701778-mafia-open-iii-big-hero-6-signups.html Go here|||You're right. Not sure why I didn't think of that before hahah|||BAHAHAH omg that avatar. I love it.|||Hmmm...well let's see...you like science and art...|||You don't have to lol. What picture are you thinking for an avatar?|||You can change it in settings|||You should probs choose an avatar|||Hi! This is obvi my username|||I've known my INFP husband for about 8 years. We've been together for 5 years, and married for 1 year. We are in a very happy and healthy relationship. :) We bought our first house together and are...|||I'm married to an INFP, so I'll offer this bit of info. from my personal experience: When it comes to relationships, I'm very old fashioned in that I love the man to ask me out and make the first...|||My husband is an INFP. From a biased point of view, I agree that INFP is an excellent fit. :P|||Welcome!|||Welcome!!|||Welcome!! :)|||I own a Chumbawumba album...haha|||$300 sneakers...lol|||Creative, outcast, strong minded characters such as Holden Caufield.|||Welcome!! :)|||I've always identified myself with Belle from Beauty and the Beast!|||I function better in social settings. I work better in groups when I am able to bounce my ideas around, get feedback, and socialize. I'm happier around people. I do enjoy alone time, but too much...|||My husband is INFP. We get along so well, but we do have our differences. Lol|||Welcome!! :)|||Welcome!!! :)|||Welcome! I'm ENFJ as well. :)|||Welcome!! :)|||Welcome!! :)|||(Deleted)|||(Deleted)|||(Deleted)|||(Deleted)|||I've been so curious about my Enneagram type since I learned it existed lol. If possible, could someone help me figure it out? I don't know anything about what the numbers mean, so explanations would...|||Thanks!!! :) ENFJ/INFP: Volume 2 - Parenting. Hahaha. He is adorable and he tries so hard lol. It's very endearing, even if annoying at times. :P lol|||Money is the hardest, I think, for us to come to terms with. He is very idealistic in his thinking. He believes as long as we have love, money means nothing. While I do believe love is more important...|||I'm a teacher in New England (to give context since education varies all over the place). I teacher high school English. I hate common core. I know it for purposes of educational politics. Schools...|||As a high school teacher, I have very strong beliefs on this subject. Testing students is meaningless...unless you're testing skills in hacking a system. It does not measure what is learned in...|||I haven't read every post, but the title intrigued me. I just recently got involved with this forum a few months ago, and at that time, I discovered my MBTI. I had my husband figure his out, too. I'm...|||Wontly has it right! Hahah I haven't read the thread, but I agree with any and all who do not like Taylor Swift. Her lyrics, her voice, her melody...it's pain to my ears. cue5c tortured me so bad in... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | I hate not being able to afford any real help on my own. I tried using a therapy app and got a response telling me to drink bleach and another saying that I should send pictures of self harm scars...|||It's odd how often I find myself clicking absently on the spot in my phone where skype used to be. I wonder if you ever think of me too.|||Peace of mind.|||Dear You, I'm tired of this back and forth. I'm trying my hardest to stay strong but it's hard to be the strong one when you constantly tear me apart. I know you're not trying to hurt me but I...|||I've been home for barely a day and I can already feel my depression returning. There are too many bad memories in these walls. I just want to go back to school.|||I just want to go back to how things used to be|||A day after graduation and I'm already dying of loneliness... Without school, no one will try to talk to me. It's hard being happy when I'm so alone.|||I just committed to college!! :D When did I get so old? :tongue:|||How is it that you can have everything you need, and still feel so empty?|||Midterms have me binging on chocolate out of frustration that my mac and cheese didn't turn out as good as I'd hoped. :bored:|||Some dude at my schoooool :P Haiiiiii Samesies :'( Some person from school :P Who did you meet??|||I met someone in real life who belongs in the LTP during our glory days. :tongue:|||That awkward moment when your friends think of you as the innocent one, but you beat them all at Cards Against Humanity. :tongue:|||1. Funny, I've been in this scenario before (down to the personality type o_o). I went, and sat awkwardly in the corner. I guess I'd do it again. :tongue: 2. Call her and say that I'll bring it when...|||That awkward moment when you go to school with bedhead and get more compliments than when you make the effort to do your hair. :tongue:|||Even though tomorrow's Monday and I have a test I'm definitely not prepared for, I can already tell tomorrow will be a good day. :cool:|||...|||Halloooooooooo :3|||Hai!!!! :D|||People are actually here! :o|||Depression is way too tiring lately. I feel so lazy and pathetic; I have all this summer homework I have to do and I can barely bring myself to look at it. I feel like nothing I do makes things...|||My mom and I were driving home today, and just as we came near our house we saw door-to-door salesmen walking up to our front door. My mom turned up another street and we drove around for 10 minutes...|||I just spent the past 20 minutes arguing with a random stranger online about why it's better to be a sheep than a tiger. I desperately need to find something to do with my time. :frustrating:|||I survived the school year! :D|||It's always felt like I have to get somewhere else to be happy, like maybe if I can just find the right place everything that's hurting will be better. Now I realize that can never happen. It's not...|||I don't like how awkward and quiet I can be. I don't like how I shut down when I'm upset. I don't like how I make other people feel. I don't like how I hog attention. I don't like that I'm selfish. I...|||I just finished an amazing book, and now I have no idea what to do with my life.|||Pretty sure that I just lost all faith in humanity's capacity to care. :dry:|||Dear You, If you actually knew me like you think you do, you'd understand.|||Posts in spam world don't count for post count. :P|||Hehe :D Looks like I have to win again now.|||Nope, I win! >:D|||INFJ Tennis Problems: When the opponent asks if you remember the score, and you have no idea what it is because you were daydreaming the entire time. I need to stop doing that. :/|||256930|||Daily life of me is typically going to school, coming home and doing homework for 5-6 hours, then going to bed... I daydream pretty much all day during school, and then when I go to bed because I'm a...|||I've been doing homework for almost 11 hours straight and now I can't sleep. :dry:|||Isn't it odd how we're all living our separate lives, yet all somehow connected in some odd obscure way? You, whoever is reading these random words by a random person is somehow connected to me,...|||Teacup pigs! :happy: 249186 249194 249202 Cute little piggies that always look like they're smiling, what's not to love?|||Dear Insomnia, Why must you keep me up? I want to be asleep at 4 am, not day(night?)dreaming. Sincerely, A Sleepy INFJ|||Oooohhhh 18,000 :o|||Hiiiii|||I think I'm too awkward to become a porn star... XD haha no worries, didn't take it offensively|||So my fortune is my boobs? :unsure:|||Aww thanks :3 Who told you about that?! :shocked:|||Yup :3|||Sounds nice :3 Hello :) Aww :( hope you do end up seeing them soon.|||Drinking iced coffee, texting my boyfriend, and lurking this thread. You?|||Hehe :ninja:|||Hooray for 3 hour school days and lots of snow!|||To feel better, and to feel worse. Out of both love and hate, to be in control, and from losing it beforehand. |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'In Udaipur, Rajasthan, where I lived for a few years, squirrels roamed wild over the houses and were barely tolerated by the people. I began feeding the ones in my yard, (corn, bread, nuts) but then...|||I agree with Distry and AstralFlame about posting aspects of our less attractive sides so here's a pic of me first thing in the morning, just out of bed, bedraggled, not quite functional 495002|||I've been thinking about this for months but unable to come to any sort of resolution. I was born with male genitalia and I like being a guy. I'm also gay. I also look very androgynous and quite like...|||Thanks for posting. It's strange how it often takes a near brush with death to remind us of the beauty of life and to sort out what the important things are. Have you kept that serenity or balance in...|||Yep! Good! Extra kudos for being out taking photos at that hour.|||I've had this problem for some time when I'm just being my gay, helpful self and women think I'm interested. Silly me would be totally oblivious to what's happening until too late and then, more...|||So, Caravaggio and Muffin have taken up collecting knives. 414690 Top to bottom: Cold Steel Royal Kukri Nepalese Cheetlange Kukri Fury Commando Fixed Blade 2 Dark Ops Interceptor E&E|||Brazil 384369http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088846/ I saw this many years ago and thought it would be dated 30 years later, but it's still as amazing, fresh, funny, sad and surreal as ever. A...|||Beach in the Caribbean 373546|||372866|||I lack basic education in Science so can't follow the details but I read up on advances and some mind-boggling breakthroughs in tech. In the war against fossil fuels, electric cars (and planes)...|||Isn't it ironic that they feel sorry for us because we look lonely when we sit by ourselves? Being alone doesn't mean being lonely.|||Pardon me, but may I join in to add to what was already said? The book and the 1971 film are pretty close since the director Luchino Visconti reportedly used the book as his script. He simply...|||Went leatherback turtle-watching (when they come ashore to lay their eggs) last night and camped out on the beach at Sans Souci in the Caribbean. Drove there in the evening which was the best time to...|||Since this is an INFP thread, I'm posting my four favourite INFP-type movies. The four heroes are typical INFPs (introverted, shy, naive, alone, high moral values, talented, misfits in wider society,...|||You're being too modest. I know cameras now can do amazing things but I'm sure you know what you're doing. You can't consistently be getting great photos by accident. Can we see some more of your...|||Iremember. Every person, no matter their station in life, whether they're richer, smarter, poorer (maybe not the stupid ones) is equal. Many people project an aura of self-confidence through...|||Thanks Tangled Kite. Ha! Photos are selective things. You should see the jumble under the bed! I like the flowers and your photos are really good. They're backlit, do you use fill-in flash or a...|||I was watching Will Smith's Focus (really smart movie) when, out of nowhere, I suddenly decided to start taking pics because I'm really amazed at how good the phone cameras are. (Typical INFP train...|||Hi lemurbaby. Thanks for your quick response. I was living and travelling in India and surrounding countries for 4 years, 2001-2005, and Pakistan and Afghanistan were always at the top of my Must...|||Congratulations of the work you're doing there and I wish you every success. Sometime ago, I read the book, Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. I've been to Pakistan...|||Well, obviously, if the relationship isn't working you should drop it. Do you want to continue giving and giving like the Energizer bunny and getting nothing back and feeling even more used? And...|||Sorry, but your pic isn't showing properly - PerC is undergoing some random issues which could be the cause of the problem - So, without seeing the length of your hair, I read up on it...|||I don't know what type they are but I'm pretty sure they're not INFP. What type are bullies? I have a few pounds on them so I figure I could take them easily, but I'm a bit concerned about the...|||Muffin and Caravaggio say they're not stuffed animals, they're real. Here they are monopolising my computer watching The Velveteen Rabbit and smirking that, while the Velveteen Rabbit became real,...|||Anyone knows where refugee has gone to? Haven't seen him around for over a month now. Has he said he was taking a sabbatical?|||I see Microsoft is about to launch its augmented reality HoloLens Microsoft announces Windows Holographic with HoloLens headset | The Verge which reminded me of the movie, The Thirteenth Floor,...|||I thought my ex- and I got along better on separate continents. I did phone every day and I supported him financially all the time I was away but he loved to argue over who-knows-what. Which...|||.... when you have odd hobbies. Here's my little fledgling collection of beach sand - 252994 Sand is sand is sand, right? Well, they may all look alike but the beauty of beach sand is best seen...|||Well, are we INFPs or are we INFPs? My red starfish also alludes to the symbol for PR China where I lived for 4 years some time ago.|||.... when your Christmas table centrepiece looks like this - 243386 and your Christmas tree looks like this - 243394 It was made from fallen branches in my driveway and I thought I would...|||When we were young, we had boundless energy and wanted to test ourselves by pushing the boundaries. They were often reckless and even silly, but those were different times. The Seventies were...|||On first reading, it appears to be about an INFP, but it's actually my view of an off-worlder who wrote the Voynich manuscript, a 600-year-old manuscript that has baffled scholars worldwide to this...|||108186 He was still at a young age when he acknowledged that he was different. He looked different, he looked out at the world through different eyes, he spoke a different language. He was...|||It doesn't make any sense continuing this.|||Hmmm. No smiley face or tongue. I only said he is a gay INFP guy from your country. Do you want me to vet him for you too? You sound like someone accustomed to being spoon-fed.|||There's another on here also from your country. You'll meet him up sooner or later.|||Nevermind.|||Thanks for linking me to Dr Cox's brilliant presentation but you mean I just spent 2 hours of my life researching the first Google link you could find? (1 hour of that was spent watching A Night With...|||I'm sorry. I jut noticed your link to the James Sheils article. (This is one of the disadvantages of multi-tasking). I didn't recognise Mr Sheils name so I Googled him and found that, besides his own...|||The man has a doctorate. And he explains really simple physics in an intelligent way. How could anyone find fault with that? It's like when managers tell their Formula 1 drivers, Just go as fast as...|||AFAIK know, Dr Cox explains the beauty of science in simple ways that simpletons like me can understand. As for his qualifications, apart from ex-rock star and a pretty face, the man works at the...|||I had a friend from Knutsford, Cheshire, who also had that hard g as in sing-ging. Knutsford is near Manchester, where Brian Cox comes from, so it's no surprise that they share that accent. ...|||You have so many tabs open in Firefox? I normlly use FF but I use Chrome if I have more than 2 windows and 12 tabs open.|||I don't mean to derail this thread which is intended to link to learning sites, not necessarily to discuss subjects in depth but I'm disappointed that the Holographic Universe concept is being...|||Welcome, Kevin. We all daydream a lot here, at night too, so you're in good company here. What do you dream about?|||The page this links to is no longer there so I went Googling for another test and took the Sommer & Sommer one at Right-brained? Left-brained? Take the brain test! and got a staggering 75% left...|||It's 20 or 21 years ago that Myst came out. I was enthralled by the eerie music, the stunning graphics, the ingenious puzzles and ... the lonely isolation. Almost nobody else on the island. I also...|||That's quite legible and also wise. Your Ts are the same as my German friend's Is. Maybe it's about crossing your t's and dotting your i's? Well, maybe not. At the risk of sounding naive, what's...|||I decided to write my signature so people could simply read it below instead of trying to decipher my handwriting 95668 Written with my favourite pen, a Uniball Vision. Here's a thread by...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IEQpfA528M :ball:|||Kind of ironic that you talk about colours... seeing as for a very long time you have only been able to see the world in grey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ENfTe2NFAc ...|||http://www.lovehorsepower.com/galleries/44269331/CheeseDS/album/slides/funny-pictures-8-lives-cat.jpg :ball:|||Fictitious painted Mona Lisa smile versus hearing genuine and innocent laughter of a child. Thinking rationally... which one of the two do you think really adds anything to a society? :ball:|||Are you trying to argue again? Remember to soften up and be mush. :ball:|||I had a suspicion that you were a deconstructionist.The only thing you obliterated was the original (and very interesting) point made Tucken with a mediocre and superficial ramble. I'm pretty...|||Well you said Tucken has a very valid point. So what exactly isn't important to you? :ball:|||Well would it help you if I brought your attention to the title of the thread as a starting point for you to begin your analysis as to what he is saying? :ball:|||So I can only know that someone is dancing or that music is being played if I enjoy it? Because that is the point made by Tucken. Remember he claims that the mathematical aspect of music is false...|||Is the dancing you are referring to with or without music? :ball:|||Well did you read the title? If however what you say is correct then it compounds the problems with his claims. He can't even prove he exists yet claims that maths is false, it can't prove...|||Interesting. I use your words and standards .... I asked you questions on your conclusions yet you view my questions to you, in order to to better understand your position, as me making erroneous...|||Arguments undermine themselves by being so argumentative. Arguers undermine their person by being so bitchy, or such pricks. Tucken Why are you arguing? Are my questions making you feel...|||First you say no one can answer my questions... then you say they were answered but the fault lies with me. http://emoticoner.com/files/emoticons/onion-head/waiting-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862524...|||Aren't you the one who started this thread and outlined your views of math being false? All I did was ask you questions on your views which you are going out of your way to avoid answering by using...|||It doesn't surprise me. Stone cold and rock hard preconceived notions does have the negative effect on a person ability to make functional sense of things. Would you like me to help you to make...|||Although your red herring nebulous statements are revealing, I still fail to see what exactly it is you think I should soften up on. Do you want me to stop asking you questions that require you to...|||Well the truth isn't found in the answers given but in the questions asked. Because I was listening it made me aware about what you were saying and it makes you feel uncomfortable. That is why you...|||Never thought asking questions is someone trying to be smarthttp://emoticoner.com/files/emoticons/onion-head/meh-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862513 Or could it be that you are finding it hard to...|||I did not ask about particles I asked about electrons. :ball:|||Well did you not say the important things here, is that math cannot prove anything. and Use math. Prove that an apple exist ? Or are you saying that electrons are as different from one another in...|||Seems you missed my previous post. So what can you use to prove the existence of an electron? :ball:|||So what can you use to prove the existence of an electron? :ball:|||Did you not say The more you interfere, the more you mislead yourself. So why are you arguing data on reality is not reality itself with those who's chemical brain compounds fizzes differently...|||Do you have a problem with the idea of people converting mental context into functional content? :ball:|||Something like this? http://www.funcatpictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/they-dont-even-know-im-here-cat.jpg :ball:|||http://emoticoner.com/files/emoticons/onion-head/waiting-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862524 I hope you play nice. Open new tab find the gif. Click and hold on the gif, drag into the text box and...|||So is that a yes/no or maybe to my question? :ball:|||Might it be because INTJs ask great thought provoking questions based on feelings that INFPs want to answer? :kitteh: Random Ne Box :ball:|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a3/f1/77/a3f177e7b6cc64c731b66cbbf9a1a962.jpg :ball:|||@ ShatteredHeart “At this point, its not about whom is correct, you both have your own views. You both have dug your heels in and aren't budging, not that you should, but it's no longer...|||So are you of the opinion that my statements to OrangeAppled are incorrect? Or are you of the opinion that her statements to me are incorrect? Because trying to be unbiased and telling people what to...|||@OrangeAppled “I certainly adapted to their style. That was the point. Why are you echoing me? Stop whining because your posts are not insightful nor helpful and are rightly being dismissed. I...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmHXYhpEDfM :ball:|||http://emoticoner.com/files/emoticons/onion-head/waiting-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862524Okay lets clear up the confusion. Define what you mean with whet within the context of what I posted.|||So which one is it? whet - definition of whet by The Free Dictionary Urban Dictionary: Whet :ball:|||World Higher Education Database (WHED) Portal Fascinating. :ball:|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/89/80/01/898001f48185f62d15c167eda3b1db6b.jpg :ball:|||All you did was bring down your standards to theirs instead of lifting them to yours. So I guess the question is...was it they who became more receptive to you or did you become more receptive to...|||What? First you say shut up, then you quote another post. Make up your mind :ball: Well he did clearly say that his posts were done with passion. Or are you saying otherwise?|||My dictionary definition? Yet you gave no other supported definition. So why use a dictionary to begin with? Do we not use them to understand what it is we are talking about and prevent confusion? ...|||So who exactly are these people who changed its meaning?|||Respect it is an emotion. If you make a demand on an emotion that does not exist then you will never get it. It will be nothing more than a front and breed resentment in the other person. Just like...|||http://40.media.tumblr.com/0a6faba19e04c68a5823c9cc86dbe650/tumblr_n2i97b4E0P1rlpicfo1_1280.jpg :ball:|||@Abraham Law I clearly laid out the issue with management. My whole reasoning in my initial post was based on management using these flawed laws and other tactics to manipulate trust, instead of...|||Ahh yes Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power. To be honest the one trying to implement it is you. You are just failing miserably and that is what is frustrating you and now you are projecting it onto me....|||Respect def : a feeling of admiring someone or something that is good, valuable, important, etc. : a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be...|||Why? Because as far as I can tell you said the same thing I did. Me x93People are actually simple creatures. You make them feel important and then they feel needed and good.x94 You. x93It takes a...|||Well just because you don't know how to govern your relationships does not mean that people are not simple creatures.|||Hmmmm and yet I also said Praise their ability and how you wish to emulate them. 90% of the time it is how you ask not that you ask.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'This. Also flashbacks to times you've been criticized by others (especially if you feel it was undeserved criticism/you were misunderstood)|||Whispers of the Beloved by Rumi and Thinkers of the East by Idries Shah ... this book makes my little intuitive heart all warm and fuzzy and Liao-fan's Four Lessons|||Harvest for Hope by Jane Goodall makes me want to go back to vegetarianism The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins when our handbasket to Hell gets me down, I find it helps to think in...|||Worldchanging: A User's Guide to the 21st Century|||when this website makes you cry: The Nicest Place on the Internet (or maybe it's an NF thing? Or an F thing?)|||Petracovich - Nighttime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gNpfrT6sak This song seems kind of INFP to me. Any thoughts?|||Yes!!! Do you know Posterchild? Of bladediary.com? He does stencils, as well as things like this: http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-xiangce-picture29140-2009-11-04.jpg ...|||Sassypants, your user name makes me smile! :D|||That's to lull the unsuspecting victim into a false sense of security ^__^ all part of the plan~|||(argh why won't it show up?) Barbapapa! We INFJs are about as good at looking threatening and angry as the Barbapapa is : ) ...|||Dear everyone; jumping in on a thread without having read all the preceding posts, as usual: am having doubts about my type. I don't feel like there's any other type that I'm more likely to be,...|||I'm afraid I just can't picture you wanting someone to die - you've got much more of a concerned parent thing going on, like you're upset with a child for doing something to put themselves in danger....|||not to sound overconfident, but I'm pretty sure I win. http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-umm-pictures-picture28497-90.jpg|||YEP I finally watched the last 2 HP movies on Nov 18th, and I'm still feeling Snape's lifelong suffering for him. I read the book about a year ago I guess, but somehow it didn't affect me as much....|||So, just as an example, I watched both seasons of the new Nikita over the course of three or so days, and I got so caught up in the story and felt so sad for the suffering of the characters that I...|||There's something similar in Montreal; the magazine is called l'itineraire and I've bought one copy of it. The articles are about the homeless and I think frequently also by the homeless.. not sure...|||Dear Thesis Gods, Thank you! That was fairly painless. I think I can promise that I will never bother you again. Sincerely, Me|||Boba Fett Fox Mulder JACK BAUER Oliver Wood Vash the Stampede Satan (yeeaah...evil is sexy..and yes I consider him fictional) Cloud Strife Captain Li Shang from Mulan Yan Qing, Hua Rong, and...|||Thanks! But actually, control is my problem; I've been trying to loosen up because it seems like the goal of watercolor is to be able to splash a couple of washes on the paper, just hinting at what's...|||some paintings done this fall. 1st and 3rd are from photos I took; 2nd and 4th are from photos in books. please feel free to analyze/type/comment~ ...|||Two nights ago I went for a walk: moonlight, leaves rustling on the trees and underfoot, a warm breeze off the river, the smell of fall, temperature cool enough to keep me alert but warm enough that...|||The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map I'm not religious, but if I were, I think I'd like to be a Quaker.|||Hmm.... I guess I'm the opposite of most of you; if I've got the speech memorized, I can go on autopilot and recite the speech and not think about anything else. I don't have photographic memory per...|||Sometimes I wish I were an ESTP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpyZEzrDf4c|||Hey guys, I remember reading some posts in a thread around here about dreams, and it got me researching dreams on the net, and then I discovered lucid dreaming, and it sounded like fun, so I started...|||since we're doing baby pictures: http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-umm-pictures-picture25797-scan100011.jpg|||you betcha! ;D There's just something about the way the top of the glasses lines up with your eyes, and maybe the colour combo and slight vintagey-ness of the photograph, and.... I dunno, just a...|||That's not nerdy; that, my friend, is the cutest hipster baby I've ever seen! Actually, the first I've ever seen. ^___^|||Dear PerC, What happened? Do you know how deprived I was without you yesterday? Do you know how long I searched the internet trying to figure if you were down for everyone or just me? Anyway,...|||That is exactly my situation! Except that mine wasn't quite as long as yours before the cut - but I had been wanting to get a really short cut for months and months, and a while ago I was up late...|||hahah, ok, here goes~ http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-umm-pictures-picture25644-42.jpg I feel like a mix between Hathor from Stargate SG-1 and Jane Birkin. So I made a...|||Not yet; I am reading TFA and the TFA Companion Book. I would like to read his other books, but I'm worried that if I overdo it all at once, it won't stick; I'm planning to really try the things he...|||The Four Agreements|||http://personalitycafe.com/members/adamantya-albums-umm-pictures-picture25533-38.jpg I got a haircut today, super-straight and with bangs, and when I got home I opened Photobooth to take a picture...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRdiNcz3PXA|||If I ever get my effing MA thesis finished and defended on time, I hope to go into teaching or public service to start with, and then slowly (hmm, not so slowly would be nice I guess) develop a...|||I don't believe we've met, but welcome back : )|||13/20 I didn't understand at first; I didn't know they were going to start and end with a straight face (didn't read the instructions carefully) so I gave most of the ones at the beginning fake....|||I don't want to pry, but I feel I'd be able to give more useful advice if I had a better idea of what type of 'unique circumstances' force you to keep cordial relations. If it's a coworker from a job...|||Dear ... world? MBTI? Jung? ..., Discovering Ni has been the best thing that ever happened to my MA thesis. And no, my field of study isn't psychology. Sincerely, A vindicated intuitive who...|||Dear PerC, You are the Great Fairy Fountain in the Hyrule of my life. Now if only I had some empty bottles....|||I'm reading (was reading - it's short) Juan Mascaro's translation. Haven't read any others, so can't compare, but I did enjoy this one. If only it were as easy to implement as it was to read... ...|||The Dhammapada|||Just walk beside me and be my friend.|||excuses excuses ; ) well, we'll hold you to the halloween deadline~ Hey wait, that's a great idea! We could do an INFJ halloween costume thread!|||:tongue:you could always set an example :wink:|||That's what I'm talkin' about! By the way, is that Kermit from Muppet Treasure Island? And also, we have the same camera~|||Well, you're all a lot braver than I am. I'm not sad very often, but I don't like it when it happens. Or... maybe sadness is tolerable, but depression is awful, and other people's depression can be...|||Dear INFJ men, lurkers, and others who only post a photo once every thirty odd pages (or haven't posted any): post more photos :D|||Holy moly that's a big fish! Also, do you know the type of the other person in the second photo?' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | rated|||For me, it is seen in a few physical aspects of my life. In my drumming and playing at parties and weddings and all of that. The atmosphere of it engages something so raw inside of me I can hardly...|||The trouble with Kurzweils idea of immortality (while he did propose a lot of ideas that science is supporting) is the matter of semantic knowledge within technology. Strong AI which was proposed by...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIc-WFYjK5U|||Oh dear, I don't-I can't even predict how I would act at something like this! Probably going back and forth for drinks, hopefully heading out to a nearby deck to enjoy the crisp air and starry...|||1. How many relationships have you been in? I've been in 4 relationships, but only 2 of them were actually serious, so for the further questions I'll answer as if I'm only thinking about those 2. ...|||Usually small and 'cute' things. Random hugs, gifts. Randomly kiss in the middle of a conversation. Staying up all night rugged up, watching movies entwined with some coffee or alcohol, or just...|||It's definitely worthwhile finding a release for it all, usually something physically intensive. It's a way to healthily release your anger, develop a new skill, and probably get fitter in the...|||I think I post a couple of pictures in this thread every year I've been here, so I thought I'd update a little! Blurred out my friends face. This was taken at a 21st: 69895 This was taken on...|||Stool|||Glad to see someone recognises the lefty setup! Probably been playing about 10 years or so now, but it's really only been 3-4 years I've been focused with it. In the last 6 months I've started to...|||Hmm.. I suppose I've done some things that could be seen as unusual, for an INFP that is. -Performing in front of a thousand people, when I'm one of the shyest people you'll find. -Going hunting...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPgWMfRmumQ|||INFP man here: I seem to be asked out quite often, or they've strongly hinted at liking me, but every time I've said no for various reasons. I declined an offer in 2010 because I had just come...|||I do bit of photography. I'm by no means a pro, but I believe I take some good shots! This was taken on the 31st December where I spent NYE 69764 A shot of my drum kit 69765 Fireworks at...|||Wow, that's amazing! I knew there were a few other Australian PerC INFP's, but I never knew we had more Melbourne based ones. Does anyone know if the INFP map is still about somewhere?|||I seem too be a 'good' guy for the most part, but only I know the dark that does exist at times. Usually it manifests as intense jealousy, though it's always internalised usually by some fantasy of...|||Melbourne, Australia.|||I don't play games as nearly as much as I used to, but I still play a fair bit; It's just no longer an addiction. I used to be a professional level Counter-Strike: Source player and I made some...|||Estp :o|||I've narrowed it down to a couple of possibilities for myself. First possibility - I'm too close to so many females in my life and I feel I honestly must just come across as a jerk, or as someone...|||I didn't even realise there was such a thread, or think that someone would mention me if there was one as I seldom check PerC currently! INFP from Melbourne here (:|||I met one of my closest friends on my first day of uni, and she thought I was a stalker. I was talking to someone else at the start of the day. After the break, the person I sat with beforehand had...|||Could be anyone, I keep an open mind. However, I admit I have bias towards three particular types. ENFPs - 2 of my closest friends are ENFP's and I simply love them just because I feel they embody...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71SvPulAyZI|||- Say one thing to someone and not suffer the (negative) consequences, what would you say? I love you. - Adopt a wild animal, which would it be? A penguin definitely. - Turn a weakness...|||edit: wrong thread :(|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtdnZ-PAeng|||I have situational depression. Basically whenever something happens, it will hit me harder than it would someone else. I kind of feel it could be the offset of strong Fi, but I have noticed its more...|||This often crosses my mind. I'm usually left feeling guilty in a sense after, even though I know they're just thoughts. I had heard of it being described somewhere online, but I never really payed...|||I know this one all too well.. And it's not exactly over yet I feel. Some people on here who know me have heard about my predicaments with a particular ESFP girl. We got along beautifully at first...|||Yes I am! I've done it twice actually. When I was 19 I moved to New Zealand for half a year to be with my girlfriend at the time and I landed a job there. Eventually when she came back to Australia,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKTlzyvZxAw|||Your feelings are definitely justified. I went through something remarkably similar at the start of the year. I ended up being pretty immature about the situation and I ran from the situation,...|||I feel like my head is about to explode. A couple of weeks I had a big falling out with someone who I called one of my closest friends (ESFP). Last week her and me got talking again and things seemed...|||Pretty sure Stephen Christian from Anberlin is an INFP. Just everything with him strikes me as one. His memoir, his writing, a brief talk with him, the way he conducts himself, etc|||My best friend is an ENFP, and the girl I like is an ENFP (No, two different people :P). I'm kind of wondering how this story goes too. I've been friends with the girl who I like for a couple of...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbJsmjpj6Jo|||I wish I could find my old recordings! There is one piece I had a hand in writing however. Credit has to go to the actual band for doing all the work behind my writing though. I've also done a few...|||Like most others, not a self-help book, but a memoir instead. The Orphaned Anythings by Stephen Christian. It talks a lot about depression and how (and this is the mantra of the whole thing),...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNqQC7R_Me4|||38120 This was me at the start of the year at a friends farm (: 38121 This was taken at a zoo when I showed a friend from overseas around!|||Well, I play drums so I'm a little biased towards that of course :P My favourite instrument would actually be vocals (and shhh, I call them an instrument!!). I love a fantastic singer. I also know a...|||I put down left handed, though I feel I should've put in ambidextrous. I can write with both hands quite comfortably, though I was only left handed up until exams in high school where I taught myself...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgOJZdlSUCA|||CS:Source - Played in Pro competitively for a few years, made a fair bit of cash/prizes/etc (Roughly $6k worth of gear and cash I think). Currently just playing in a team of friends and I'm enjoying...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQgO8mCKdHQ|||Definitely. @refugee - I can't say how many likes or just small comments I've gotten from you that have just made my day, even for a little while. I think of you as someone who's very gentle,...|||http://wallpaper.pickywallpapers.com/widescreen/preview/ted-mosby.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WzZh00aoEv4/Ta7em0-p1zI/AAAAAAAABqo/2toa0usBmiY/s400/jd.jpg ...|||That's actually a great insight! Perhaps it's the conceived notion in our heads we have about an alpha, or mine anyway. I feel as if I've broken away from how I was and it's made me healthier as a... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'So.., say you meet someone for only five seconds, and they say hi to you, and you say hi back, and you look at each other, and at that moment it's like you both know what is happening in each...|||The day is almost gone, and I am lying in my bed aimlessly. The door bell rings. I hesitantly stand up, and find my way to the hallway. I open the door and I see her standing right in front of...|||It’s late, I have to sleep, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to wake up to tomorrow. Its peaceful here, and now. But tiredness will catch up eventually, and I will fall asleep. Either were I am...|||This is how I feel today at work. An extract from my diary: I am so fucking bored today. I have no motivation whatsoever. I feel as if I have no energy. I feel passionless and empty. I feel like...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKCccyZvtIo|||Thank you very much for the replies. Mike75 You are so right in what you say. The external things; for many years I hadn't noticed that the environment I had got myself into has been forcing me in...|||I have been lurking around the forum for some time now and it has been a source a great inspiration for me. What brought me here was a combination of midlife crisis and a realization that for too...|||Tired of people who will do absolutely anything, no matter how self-defeating it may be, just to shift blame to anyone but themselves; who will never accept responsibility, no matter how obvious it...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UVNT4wvIGY|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I55a8FdzHYA|||time to crash time to burn to accelerate until the revs are red the day is hot you approach the car you open the door it smells like heaven it feels of earth your body fits the leather seats...|||It starts as a working day like all others. You wake up feeling meh.., you brush your teeth, take a shower, flush the toilet, put on your average grey suit and head out. You are at the bus stop...|||Fi for sure.. I think I figured it out :)|||a woman amongst men means there is a future|||Surprising myself with this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlP93GiUqEw|||Thank you Fern - Happy to be able to inspire! Not sure where one can find more of this to be honest. For me it reminded me of the Syberia game (pretty old right..). There is a sense of wonder and...|||What makes you insecure? Walking around in open office environments What is your #1 fear? Dying alone What do you dislike about yourself?|||1. Wish to have a fine meal of my choice every day 2. Wish for invisibility (including clothes -very tedious having to undress every once in a while-..) 3. Wish I could breathe underwater|||Sometimes a moment is so forever gone that you can't distinguish whether it was ever real or only a dream; and you are left standing, questioning your sanity. But insane or not, it all exists - in...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCDYI1o_bl8|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKzzniTfMnQ|||question my existence Thank you very much, I have like tons more, ha.. infphile Unfort I think I've missed my window -not that I didn't try to communicate this feeling irrespectively..|||Stars in the night; thoughts in the sky Illusions of light, an entry to mind, The sands that escape, the passage of time A thought you abandon, someone will find|||I don't like it at all. Especially when people want to compliment me I find it awkward as if I expect they want something in return, or they are being nice because my actions also benefited them. If...|||Despite evidence to the contrary, I also love my INFPness! :tongue: What I wouldn't trade for anything is like when you are in a generic place outdoors with lots and lots of people, say a busy...|||Crusader I really like the term, as it touches on both the positive and negative aspects of the INFP's.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PqyMCDTaSE|||chillin' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7wSBqOIJBo and part Deux.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq8M_P3vmfk|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11qdAkazLBs|||I blame myself all the time. I am not entering into a relationship very often because I don't usually feel like I am ready. But once in a blue moon you meet someone which is different and you allow...|||waking up in the middle of the night, not knowing if dreaming, if still alive, the rain keeps pouring from the day before, winds blowing, winds creaking the door i close my eyes, my senses...|||I often wake up in the middle of the night and try to imagine someone else is in the room staring at me as I sleep and I scare the shit out of me and obviously can't sleep after that until the sun...|||Here is my take.. :tongue: The light bulb is a startling little creature. They lay still for most of their lives and have the important task of shedding light onto darkness whenever...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wfYIMyS_dI|||The Matrix must be the best Monday movie ever|||annoyed for still being at work, but miserable when thinking I will go home and talk to the walls|||Personality crisis is over - feeler it is - thanks|||I think that would be a reaction, just to argue or to evade replying. It doesn't lead anywhere and after such comment my inner response would be so what?. Maybe they are avoiding the topic at hand.|||Sometimes people would say that when you hit them with something they haven't thought about, and you telling them, may interfere with something they had in their mind. I don't think it's ment to...|||hi all, just to chime in and say a big thanks to everyone who has posted here as I have found it extremely useful. Ever since I have started reading about the different types I have always...|||You are walking in the wilderness deceiving yourself you belong there and that this walk will refresh you and calm you. It's a gorgeous warm spring day and you are wearing your favorite t-shirt....|||you like the Stranger Post Rank more than any other|||it's not that bad - some days are just harder than others Actually I was reminded of this pic :tongue: 86096|||My new signature; bit heavy but so true|||I woke up thinking I am an INTP and I feel weird|||headache headache headache|||When tired - stretching in all kinds of ways imaginable - a hot or cold shower (depending on outside temperature) with the falling water massaging my cheeks under my eyes - while inside a...|||I just had this thought that, from the X-Men movies, Scott Summers aka Cyclops is probably an INFP...|||also when... you are so excited about something to do / someone to meet / someplace to be (strike out where applicable) that you wake up really early feeling pumped up and you put all your kick-ass...|||you completely block out all the happy moments in your life and concentrate on the negatives and can't stop thinking of what you should have done differently' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I know right! Over a year old now Fucking crazy shit mate. Fucking crazy ass shit. <3|||lol rip|||Ah shit. Kill wick I'd fill his void any day if u kno wut im sayin http://i.imgur.com/FUzZ276.gif|||Everytime I come back here it's like this mad wave of nostalgia and self deprecation.|||marry super duper, fuck animal and kill leocat FMK: Kaleidoscope, Knife, Pompom|||There's a new mango?!? Tf where have I been. Uhm kill all these people because I don't remember who they are (jk polygamy with all of em) FMK: Blue, Drunk Parrot, Wellsey|||Bless your cow|||Can I have a fortune <3|||cant see any new posts like at all darn glitches edit:all good now|||...silhouettes...they're not real people, they're just targets...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsfbO9oz0GI You can tell within the first few seconds of the vid that the Vietnam war infantry soldier is truly damaged from his experiences especially @ 2:30|||My brain has reduced to memes and mush|||:spam:|||HOLY SHIT MOON BEAN !! http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a141/vallieresk/gifs/JGLCheers.gif Will you ever recover your ratio now? :wink:|||the good old days that werent really good at all but nostalgia and my memory distorts it into something worth reliving|||Bored|||I can only communicate in farts. It's so lonely.|||^ those fingers look like tiny circumcised penises. That has to be photoshopped. ------- So I have accumulated some money. I really want to buy a loop pedal, because it's an infinite jamming...|||beutiful white dog with black spots on your facial! black and white: are you biracial?? Best bit.|||Italian and Greeks are white too (Generally speaking of course) so what difference does it make? Does white people then refer mainly to just Anglo Saxon people? That's kinda sad really. They're...|||Listening to Grace Helbig's podcast. This episode has Steve Zaragoza who is such a funny guy. Some of these lines are just so darn quoteable. Grace: If you could throw cold spaghetti at...|||So. Tired. If I nap now I'll throw my sleep outta whack. I was out and about for most of the day. I mightn't be an introvert but fuck I'm drained. Can introverted extroverts (ENPs) and...|||Am I as annoying and horrible as I feel I am sometimes? Why am I so concerned about some people not liking me?|||Being bored as fuck. Did a couple hours of study for modern and now my brain is fried and won't work on anything school related until maybe 8pm. I have no idea what to do right now. *self...|||Oy vey x2 EDIT: x3 now This is just getting kind of sad now Spaura.|||Oy vey|||I just realised the other day that it was march and that Summer is over and that Autumns began. It's nice. I miss wearing a warm cosy scarf, nice oversized jumpers and pants and omg boots. I miss...|||just wanted to point out how seriously fucked up that is. spaura if this is true it's a serious form of harassment. All respect I have/had for you would be gone. Blackmailing someone, anyone, I...|||It's a Lana Del Rey singing sad songs on my stereo whilst I look out a window at the grey skies with a hot coffee breathing on me kinda day.|||Sun Bear was the user with the gorillaz avatar known as Xrx? Could it be true... The world makes sense now. Jk it never will.|||Who the fuck doesn't know who Cyndi Lauper is?!|||My friend send me this: http://i65.tinypic.com/ka4syd.jpg As I was ranting about how I really have to continue to do well in math because as much as I hate it, it's currently my best subject....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XUHlSWG92I&feature=youtu.be|||It is a white cancer stick Yet the smell is oddly comforting Although it professes danger A mouldy foot or rotting tongue Rattle lungs for children to play With wheezing breath. I do not...|||No. You must grow like the pancaketreehouse! Questionable stability, violating every law of architecture but god damn delicious and fluffy. No questions.|||Regretting all of my life's decisions. Hey pancaketreehouse please don't. If you do I will call ur mother. So don't.|||https://daks2k3a4ib2z.cloudfront.net/575a31d2ce5d01dc7a20de4a/57690c200f88361e2da02bff_no%20gif.gif|||This Pewdiepie being a Nazi thing is hilarious. It's also pretty upsetting because it reveals the poor state of the media and journalism right now. Not to mention companies are refusing to work for...|||So many thoughts. Somanythoughtssomanythoughtssomanythoughtssomanythoughts. somanythoughtssomanythoughtssomanythoughtssomanythoughtssomanythoughtssomanythoughts. somanythoughtssomanythoughts....|||My mind likes to jump to highly negative and outlandish conclusions. I believe none of it and rationalise the instant I think it. However, I am a worry wart by nature, so there will always be that...|||I feel like such a creep when I think the same thing. Jumping to conclusions like fleas to a dog.|||In An Old Laden Memory Oh how time changes Though this moment is not wholly foreign To what was years ago It just sits lonely in the dark As this song reaches every 3rd I think of you,...|||Looking through a university booklet trying to figure out what the fuck to do with my life. I am also simultaneously avoiding making summary notes for my subjects. Even though I have half yearly...|||Work, dont nap. Work, don't nap. Work, don't nap. Dont get comfy. Don't lie down. Don't take a nap. Self discipline is too hard and I don't like it. ...|||647850 Gossip Goat my calculator doesn't refuse to do it. Yours must be broken. Or not broken enough.|||this made me giggle....Because it's true >< Blebble, you're pretty darn special. Imma offer different advice than Math cause I can and I will. Whilst I agree with him on you needing to take...|||Today has been one of those days where you just chill and watch movies. There is no guilt in a lazy day like today. Unlike so many lazy days, this one feels content. I've been feeling pretty good...|||Looking through UNESCO world heritage sites and drooling accordingly.|||The proper term is great farcking arvo mates, aye Awkwardly is spelt awkwardly just like how conglomeration is a con-glom-er-a-tion of different sounds. It's such an ugly word yet so perfect in...|||...Is this food I smell?! It smells like soup. I don't usually like soup much, I must be hungry. What's an ideal interval to go between meals? I last ate at about 11am. It's now 5. I don't...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I do regularly. I find it funny that this is a yes or no question but no option for no. :laughing:|||Usually funny, but annoyingly self-centered.|||The proper approach to art is to approach it.|||http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs170.snc4/37842_1329537165084_1430619473_30732442_5697297_n.jpg...|||http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs089.ash2/37779_1336935910048_1430619473_30751824_6163108_n.jpg|||I play guitar/do art usually, I usually try to ignore it and lose myself in the river of activity or daydreaming. It is rare things get to me other than people I really care for. To be more...|||oh btw the title of this thread is my 2nd fav Bright Eyes song.|||I love your expressive strokes :blushed:|||Your avatar used to be my background on my computer, Josh Petker. I really like what you are going for :happy: it is really refreshing and original. I dig. :cool:|||Just give him space to cool off or you will just make him more stressed/pissed. That is why he is saying 'nothing.' I do the same thing. Ask him about it again after he is happy/cooled down...|||this......|||I don't know how bad the anti-christ is in the bible. Just a lot of talk about Jesus banishing his followers. Who sounds like an asshole now? :shocked: (Flame war!? Ready like a forest :crazy:)|||I would have SLSL or dexter or whoever they r now (pure comedy), Turran (bringing the dry lulz), Grey (bringing the weird quiet one), and Haruhi as a villian. Maybe SLSL as Haruhi's sidekick or...|||I have been really looking in to buying a chessboard. I might join in on some chess in time. :wink:|||Damn nice to see more badass stuff! I really love everything I am seeing! :laughing:|||Great idea :laughing: I would do it but my humor would be harsh and offensive to the ppl it is based off of and I am sure they would want me to stop :wink:|||Yeah, I've always had an eye for value. Now I am starting to notice what paint I would use to make certain things in life. It is like relearning looking at the world. Noticing how much titanium white...|||Lol! Those kids are hilarious :crazy:|||I knew girls who would make fun of fat people. I would say how messed up it was. I think they feared their future. It made me happy to see karma quicken as their metabolism came to an abnormal halt....|||He is talking about his large penis ripping up assholes. :wink: Okay, Brag-time. I have made for, and do make for a wonderful, dedicated partner. I have a decent amount of ambition. I am a...|||Thanks. :laughing: If you got any cool interpretations don't be afraid to say them, I would love to hear :wink: Plus art is about interpretation not intended interpretation so hearing a different...|||Entrepreneur in many fields.|||Highly impressive. :happy:|||Color Mixing for Artists, Anatomy for the Artist, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Collected Poems by Sylvthia Plath|||YouTube - Bob Dylan You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go|||http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/149/l_a42a0f129e86401984ed181ccdd595b2.png It is an old painting, and I took a new picture of it today so I figured I would share. Painted on itslightly...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct2AWh-nKSk|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9-NOIalUYU|||Present for my pops: http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/127/l_8013b0a99b9e42308bfc4fb3583673a1.png|||Some guy told me this 3 years ago. I didn't realize Frank Zappa said it, if he did. If he didn't I don't know why there is a pic of him in this.|||I am naturally a night owl. Unfortunately the boss man doesn't allow me to be as much as I would like.|||http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/129/l_a299b8f3b07d4e60aff6b8802c181655.jpg http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/132/l_2a60e87309d048298c8584cf569dc1e8.jpg I threw these away...|||Cuz my 'heart' at one time was rotten and confused I chose AddleHeart.|||http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/141/l_08c74830beb148de96cf5052572d3438.png This is a painting I started working on a long time ago and hated so I quit out on it. It is acrylic + pen. I...|||Yeah it happens to me a lot too... Often times I will be like with a friend and be like remember when we were having that conversation about 'abstract idea'/remember when we did blah...was that a...|||This. Though I always am a bit timid about the whole thing, I like to be pursued more. Like other person contacting me first is a BIG thing for me, it shows interest. After that I can come through, I...|||http://www.impawards.com/1999/posters/dogma_ver1.jpg http://ffffffive.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/forrest-gump-poster1.jpg http://www.impawards.com/2004/posters/garden_state.jpg|||This is wonderful. I really enjoy it. What type of paint did u use? It looks like a photo converted into a vector image.|||lulz... GOD JOB MATE :happy:|||This is amazing. I love your conceit of the dragon and using it to illustrate metaphors such as glass reflecting, etc. You are amazing :wink:|||God works in mysterious ways. :wink:|||wow...the 2nd one is particularly gross.....|||lol you are a cool cat, peace :happy:|||lol sorry I saw the first and third page... But I agree :tongue:|||These are great too and... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3220/2960735314_04a96ebbb7.jpg|||http://space.alglobus.net/Basics/whyImages/earthFromSpace.gif I would say a picture of earth from space for the same reason as Lance.|||Your name is my fav SP song...>.>|||lol wtf, ancient thread!?|||Potato soup is where it is at sir!|||lol awesome' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'My friend was tell a few of us about a guy she had recently slept with. The guy liked it when she said his name but she wasn't as much of a fan. She kinda sleeps around so when she finished I said...|||I am an ISTP and I wish I was drunk...its been a long evening|||I usually try to stay out of the fights, i get dragged in and end up being mediator|||sober introvert + club = disaster panic attack..... not so sober introvert + club = good time.....|||I had a small group of friends, wouldn't call it a clique|||it looks like he skinned a porcupine....|||Who do you like the new doctor? I haven't seen any of the new episodes yet...|||I'm more playful and tend to leave with out telling people sometimes without shoes|||I have done this. It was awesome the next morning and the principle was a bit up set with my class. score one for the seniors!|||thank you facebook...|||I feel like stalkers are becoming more frequent.....|||All this talk about how epic mountain biking is makes me want to try. To bad I live in the flat as hell Midwest. :dry:|||Not a fan really...every one is all lets get along and be cheerful for a week then every thing goes back to normal. If you and I don't hang out in the first place what makes you think I want to be...|||I personally don't like clubs, but if I'm drunk I'll go with friends|||My parents had me checked for ADD when I was a kid, but they never told me the results....I assume since I'm not on meds that I don't have it. I do wonder though cause a number of teachers asked me...|||18 Illinois/Ohio|||Khys, I have a cousin with Aspergers. Hes really a great kid guy right now hes going to engineering school. When we were kids we never really talked, it was mostly just smiling and playing games. I'm...|||Karim want to write a couple of papers for me haha|||Dear Professors, Most of you have doctorates. so what made you think it was a brilliant idea to assign a crap ton of papers at the end of the semester? Annoyed and unmotivated istp|||I don't fit in anywhere. Why is it bothering me all of a sudden, it's bringing back horrible memories from middle school and high school.....|||why so many papers?! why!? where can i find aderal....|||The one I know is exactly as dusty described|||do the ones you know retell stories daily? There a girl I know and I think shes an esfp, I can't stand to be around her|||If its just a gathering like prom or homecoming, last to show up first to leave. really only went so my friends wouldn't get upset. If its a smaller party i show up when ever and usually spend...|||what is love like. why do I have to right so many papers, and why do I continue to put them off to the last minute knowing the consequences.|||lol I watched some friends play Magic. I didn't understand a word....what are the sticks for....|||My ESTJ friend did something similar. Her ex was sleeping over (they are still very good friends) and the beds are very narrow. Hes really skinny and shes a bit over weight. He said something like...|||I usually have no problem falling asleep, getting has always be an issue. Those days i do have issues i usually dont get to bed till 3 or 4 am|||28 10char/|||i read the part inventory to make sure i have every thing, does that count?|||my fingers and toes do that to, had no idea what it was so thanks|||I have and estj friend, were good buds but i feel like she blames others for her unhappiness and lets people bother her. Its annoying and there is no reasoning with her when shes in one of these...|||I scored a 16.|||i have scared countless friends not on purpose though|||more mellow than usual as I'm missing lots of sleep lately|||i like Halloween, free candy! but as of now im really kinda dreading holidays, it means i have to go home and i really really dont want to go home.....|||same with my mom, i still dont see the point...|||I did the same except it was some ones grandma that broke a hip doing something. I had to walk away, there was no recovery...|||lol, i thought i would since i just started drinking but apperently not :P|||I usually wake up feeling nothing, if anything disappointed cause cause i have to get up.|||I'm kinda surprised I haven't gotten a hang over yet. just started drinking not to long ago|||i typed as a 5, i just get smiley. something i don't usually do unless i'm laughing|||I dont mind roommate providing they respect my space and aren't annoying. My roommate actually just moved out and I'm a bit disapointed because she would bring friends over and they were quite...|||teachers and professors hate my hand writing because its small. I'm constantly being told to write bigger, but i can't help my hand writing size..... no pictures on hand at the moment|||pretty much the stereotypical tomboy as a kid, i was mistaken for a guy a couple times to lol. I'm not a frilly girl....never have been but im not the tomboy i use to be (probably a good thing), i...|||my 30 second phone call turned in to a 30 minute phone call... wana piss me off? mess around with the crap in my room. do not touch stuff unless given permission....|||when i call home for two and they drag it out to a 30 minute conversation......should of sent a text....|||I go on walks, helps a bit|||I think one of my new friends might be an ISTP. We get along great, always banter with each other. When we aren't hanging out I often see him out walking alone. Anyways we get along great lots of fun|||my room mate dragged me to a party with her, it was just a small gathering but the other people at the party kept saying I was too quiet' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 'I never understood for a long time why people so often told me to smile. I was always confused by this, not understanding why I should walk around with a constant smile. No one does that, right?...|||That's because you're so enthusiastic!|||Yes! This!|||Every once in a while when I want a treat I go to a fancy store and buy Truffle Tremor. It doesn't last very long and is a bit expensive. But...oh.. so... good.|||Oh! Greek-lookin' sandals!|||I don't even know what strappies are.|||The idea is to spend less on shoes to have more of them.|||1.) Physical sciences 2.) Foreign languages 3.) Art ISTJ|||I did well in school in general. I was in the advanced classes, no matter the subject. My writing tends to be stiff, and I have trouble coming up with ideas to write about. I did well enough in...|||What is the term for when something is written vaguely enough that almost any reader can make it applicable to his or her own life? I can pick things out of Aquarius that applies to me. I can do...|||The original purpose of the thread was how to distinguish between an ISTJ and an ESTJ. The necro comment (in addition to necro-ing the thread) does not add to the discussion. It's possible that it...|||No, I just keep these things in a bag and pull them out whenever I wish.|||I wasn't really bothered so much by the little joke, but I came in later and skimmed through it more quickly.|||I was going to say ice water, but yours is better.|||More fun and effective than a treadmill! (There is a correlation between fun and effectiveness.)|||6 Expressing Regret 4 Accept Responsibility 3 Make Restitution 7 Genuinely Repent 0 Request Forgiveness I noticed for my answers, that I tended to put weight on the type of apology based...|||I like the semi-cheap razors (Soleil). And at least below the knees every day because even if I'm not wearing shorts (Muay Thai), my partner might need to grab hold of my ankle for a joint lock or...|||It's like hot glue. It's hot to mold itself around the hairs and little crevices. As it cools, it hardens, so that it clutches the little hairs. If it's too cold, it will never really get a good...|||It can burn sensitive skin. There is a 'recommended' temperature, but it's too high for some people, depending on the skin. My mom ran her own salon for several years which included eyebrow...|||That whatever problem exists in front of you, whatever you want to achieve, you can figure out the answer, and you can achieve the solution if you look for it and act.|||I will look for a recipe.|||No, but I once knew someone who had cousin who visited the country. Haha, just kidding! I'm not, but I do have an abnormally high number of Canadian friends, one of whom I tease about bagged...|||I think knees could be a formidable opponent to the jawline >:||||I only recently heard of them. I've never seen them in the states. Only in some places. They have pitchers to put the bags in.|||Poutine sounds very wrong... but I really want to try a Nanaimo bar.|||:) It is because I steal the joy of others! http://personalitycafe.com/istj-forum-duty-fulfillers/137579-wierd-introduction-rant.html#post3479563|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8MeFeitCtc|||Yeah, I shouldn't say not at all. The real world is larger, though, and there are more things that can define status than being named prom queen. I will keep an I told you so in my pocket. I...|||This post is going to be incredibly speculative. Anyway, I suppose that during high school, a cheerleading position is commonly viewed as a status symbol. It could be that many people seek to be a...|||Hello! Do you mean Where do they fit in as far as competitive status goes? or in as far as perceived beauty goes? I think the answer will be different depending on whom you ask.|||I am convinced this is why people enjoy reality shows. What about them?|||I think part of the reason for models being skinnier is that marketing targets teens in order to get them to buy into their brand early. Teens tend to have less curves, and have a bit more of that...|||63720|||Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Barricade the exits! Hug limit over capacity. Target identified as non-ISTJ. Welcome, Quante!|||1)I'm also very introverted. Yes, but I can be outgoing for short durations. 2)I like spending time alone in my room. I love quiet time alone. 3)I have problems interpreting emotions. I have a...|||She doesn't dislike you, but she isn't into you. She may even think that a relationship where she can keep some emotional distance is what she wants. The intimacy could possibly change with time...|||Go through your week and set aside times (repeating every week) specifically dedicated to that task.|||How long have you guys been together? Have you had times you felt were intimate before but now she feels too busy? Or has it never felt very intimate? Do you know her top love languages?|||But if what niss says is true, the person would be willing, not because of the innate sexual drive, but because of the emotional connection and desire to give to each other.|||No. Not weird at all. (Though kind of funny considering your handle ;p)|||I don't understand the purpose, and feel a bit repulsed by the idea. Intimacy with someone I'm very close to has a real purpose. Casual + sex just doesn't equate for me. I suppose on the flip...|||You seem sincere to me. This is why I'm willing to help you understand. Look at the motivations for some of the enneagrams labeled as competent types. (1, 3 and 5). It sounds like she has one (or...|||The way I'm interpreting this whole situation is that they are young and live far from each other. She doesn't know where she'll be in her life, so she wants to keep a safe emotional distance. (Like...|||The idea of this (to me personally, perhaps not other ISTJs) makes me uncomfortable, especially in large amounts. Occasionally would be okay. Pushed to do things I wouldn't normally do. ...|||I try to (not always successfully) ask myself if what I'm going to say serves a purpose. Am I pointing out that something has a flaw, or am I actually offering a solution? Don't just say what's...|||Best: ISTJ or INTJ Worst: ESTP or ESFP Not to say there have not been exceptions! Edit:|||You probably want to look into the five love languages. Barring feelers like MBTI Enthusiast a lot of ISTJs have actions/deeds and quality time in the top of their love languages. Look at how he...|||@MBTI Enthusiast : SO, SP I'm going to dig through this thread and take (or retake?) the enneagram test you posted, but I'm sure of my instinctual variants.|||Based on my own observations, and maybe not describing other STJs. The way we think inspects each step, looks for potential risks involved with that step, and how to mitigate those risks. We are...|||I took this one: Find Your Hogwarts House - Harry Potter Sorting Hat Personality Test And this one (which I liked less): Harry Potter - Sorting Hat House Quiz After I had already voted I...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I'm dating a guy that I'm about 95% sure is an INFJ, and the mushy stuff doesn't bother me. Mostly because his mushy comes in the form of physical affection vs sonnets or pet names. However, once...|||Now this makes me laugh! I recently have come to terms with the fact that I might possibly have sex appeal and I'm not sure how comfortable I am with that. When guys I think are super hot tell me...|||I feel like some people don't always see the potential in a particular relationship that I can see. I'm big on possibilities. I think that probably also has played a part in the on again, off again...|||I tend to be all over the place. I do the bohemian thing most of the time, but sometimes for work I'll go preppy in khakis, blouses, and cardigans. I rarely wear skirts or dresses unless they're over...|||I didn't see any recent threads about this, so I thought I'd start a new one. I have noticed that I struggle with dating. I'm 31 now and feel like I may be getting a handle on the way it all...|||I'm a terrible driver. I get distracted easily and when I get to thinking about something I'll totally miss turns. I'm usually late so I'm in a hurry all the time. And I have no sense of...|||I dated an INFP for 2 years. When he was happy or felt secure in the relationship, he was extremely loving and I enjoyed being with him. But if I hurt his feelings in some way, he'd do exactly what...|||I've been in love with almost every guy I've dated longer than two months. And I've dated all types of guys. Of course it wasn't real love--it was loving the person that I could be with each guy if...|||I went ahead and initiated contact. We'd already not been talking, so what did I have to lose? However, he was extremely apologetic and only didn't respond because he'd handled things so poorly and...|||I forgot to ask if you'd be receptive to contact in my situation? If so, how can I reach out without making it look like I'm playing games?|||I can't speak for all ENTPs, but I know I'm pretty confusing. It takes me a while to figure out what it is I'm feeling and I have doubts like everyone else, but instead of pulling back to sort it...|||I TOTALLY think it could work. We did have a lot of fun and got along really well in a lot of ways, but we both had also come out of previous situations we needed more time to recover from. Had we...|||. He said the issue wasnx92t that he didnx92t like me, but that he just wanted to slow things down. If his behavior hadnx92t changed and we were just seeing one another less, I wouldx92ve been ok. It...|||I dated an ENTJ and the relationship went like this: The night we met, I approached him. We talked, and at the end of the night I laid one on him. But the night ended badly and it was my fault....|||I'm an ENTP female, and I'm pretty sure the guy I just dated is an ENFP. I still really like him as a person, but I think we were at two different places in our lives (I'm older, and he was still...|||Is it wrong that I can't stop kiising you? I was watching your eyes and could totally tell the exact moment you quit listening to my story... I find you very easy to talk to. You're...|||As you get older, it will get easier. I went through an akward phase when I was a bit younger, but now that I'm in my 30's I don't have such a hard time. Yes, there will always be people who don't...|||My friends all say they thought I was a bitch the first time we met. I grew on them though and now they're in love.|||Interesting. I had a blow out with an ISFP I'd dated. Well, he actually blew, I just stood there in shock. There was a lot of name calling and blaming and I couldnt figure out if he really thought I...|||I think he tried to do the quick escape thing by telling me he was going to put me in a hotel. He said there wasn't really anything else to say. I asked him why he asked me to come if he never...|||I thought he was worth it which is why I went 2300 miles away to see him. However, now I'm torn. If I use my head and look at the facts I should be super pissed and hurt and take what he said at...|||Wait a minute. After reading through some of the posts by ISFPs about anxiety and relationships it seems to me that they do a good job of making others feel they're special, when really that's kind...|||BassClef, the only reason I thought the friendship thing would work is because nothing really bad happened between us--we just weren't dating anymore. Of course that was before my trip At this...|||I would really appreciate some advice. I recently visited an ISFP guy that Ix92d dated for a few months. We stopped talking when he moved. I was willing to try the long-distance thing, he wasnx92t. ...|||So, I think what you're saying is that he invited me impulsively and then realized he didn't like me as much as he thought once I got there. Then he felt trapped in his own space and sort of lashed...|||[QUOTE=WMDistraction;686249]I think there should be a warning with most ENTPs, especially when around ENFPs: CAUTION: ONLY HANDLE IN SMALL DOSES[/QUOTE Why is that?|||I'm adding an additional emotion question since you guys are all so fascinating to me :laughing:: Do you often feel anxious around certain people? If so, why?|||Yeah, the last blow out I had with my ex went beyond where anybody else I'd known had taken things--like he just wanted to ruin me. It's hard to describe. Luckily the NT part of me knew that what...|||I wonder if it the gender of each type makes a difference.|||What do you feel like after you've had one of these episodes? Have you ever gone past the point of no return with someone while angry?|||This is really interesting. I asked the same question in the ENFP forum and it seems with them there's a lot of outward expression of feelings that they don't always understand, while ENTPs don't...|||That's interesting. I dated and ENFP guy who would kind of snap at me out of nowhere (at least it seemed like nowhere to me) and I figured out it was because I'd hurt his feelings in some way. When...|||How do you act when you're angry? Defensive? Hurt?|||How do you act when you're angry? Defensive? Hurt?|||Yes, the communication differences seem to be a big issue. But it's only in romantic relationships--my ENFP friends think my abrasiveness, or borderline bitchiness as they put it, is hilarious.|||I have a great ability to forgive. I tend to not take a lot personally, and my feelings don't get really bruised because someone acts like a jerk to me. I don't put up with a lot of crap, and will...|||I'm always drawn to ENFP men. We have SO much fun together. But it seems like in the end, those relationships are the ones that end in total disaster. Any ideas why this is? Do I have to give up...|||I did leave the situation alone. We were just randomly catching up after a few months of not talking. I asked him if he was ever coming back home to visit and then he suggested I come out there. ...|||Hi all. I'm an ENFP who went to visit an ISTP guy I had dated briefly before he moved across the country. He initally told me he didn't see a point in my visiting, but a few months later he invited...|||I'm and ENTP female, and I do feel like I'm a romantic. I think relationships are about connecting and I have no problem jumping into things if I think there's potential, but only if I'm positive...|||What do you think it is about your personality that is attracted to, or attracts them?|||Yeah, I don't see him being like that. He's had a fair amount of long term relationships and it sounds like he stayed longer than he should have in all of them. He also said he's used to psycho...|||Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm going to go for it. At least I'll know there aren't any lingering questions before we go our separate ways, and I'll be able to move on without regrets.|||No Arioche, we haven't had a really good conversation about this at all. I'll admit I've been confusing as well, so I'm sure that hasn't helped. I've never come out and said what I want either. ...|||I'm sorry if this is posted twice, but I can't tell if I deleted the first one. So, when he made the comment I think it would be mean to spend time together if we're not going to be in a...|||So when he made the comment it would be mean for us to spend time together if we're not going to have a relationship am I supposed to take that as I don't want to be in a relationship with you and...|||Hi all. I'm and ENTP that failed at having a relationship with an ENFP. I think it was mostly because I didn't understand where he was coming from, which seems odd because we're technically cousins...' |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Splinter Cell Blacklist for Xbox 360.|||ESTPs are generally well liked. If you get hated on then it's because you as a person have something to work on.|||I often come off to people with the opposite of my intention, if I don't listen to my gut. Sometimes I over think my natural social skills and come off as a sarcastic douche. Listening to your...|||Ask her what you are to her.|||I'm a euphonium player and a writer|||All of them.|||;)|||Intense cardio and body weight exercises.|||Most things hands on. For me, music. I'm very tactile. I like to write too.|||We're smooth operators. We know people. We're direct. This thread is dead. The End.|||INTJs suck ESTPs dicks...nuffsaid|||noooooooooo|||This thread is garbage...more examples :laughing:|||Best friend male is ISTP 8w9 and ESFP 8w7 Sx/So|||http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/386070_2950477331838_1558502760_32888930_1766596672_n.jpg The fix was easy, but I decided to leave it the way it was.|||If the content is too inappropriate, yeah. In this case it would be VERY inappropriate. A picture of a guy ejaculating on a girl's butt/face/ass? C'mon that's a little over the top.|||It's the crazy sexual energy. Go have some sex...or masturbate. OOR sex first THEN finish off on her butt, face, or chest. Take a picture. Put it on this thread. Get banned.|||I'm very much into myself at times. I seek self-improvement through physical and mental challenges and I love sizing up people and situations. There are two sides to me at times(asshole and...not an...|||http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/312530_2479781324732_1558502760_32655371_1323910499_n.jpg In this picture: fucking INTj QUACK puts his OPEN protein shake in SMARTEST SPOT EVER! I...|||The blonde chick is Chris without his black costume|||Will Smith is a reasonable man. Chris Tucker is the unstable, batshit crazy instigator.|||Haha my roommate is INTJ. He simply pisses me off with his lifestyle.|||yeah man. I just happen to be experiencing the further development of my iT.|||When you wonder why somebody would post a grammar or punctuation error(when you can easily fix it before posting), but then you do it yourself.|||At this point in the thread I'm pretty sure of it as well.|||I was crazy and a huge class clown in high school. I had absolutely no fear. I'd talk to anybody AND say whatever the fuck I wanted. A lot of people described me as funny when I asked them what they...|||I relate to this 100%. Even if everybody is positive that a guy is a total shit bag I would still make conversation with him and treat him fairly simply because I have high tolerance and CRAZY...|||FUCK!!! YOU GOT ME CONVINCED IM ANOTHA MOTHA FUCKIN ESTP!!!! *goes to normal voice* where did you find this description????!!!??????!!!??? it looks familiar|||I've had trouble in the past identifying my type and I never really read the ISTP descriptions that I recently started identifying so well with. I've always typed myself as an extrovert because I'm...|||http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2333832236096&set=a.1552303818374.2070805.1558502760&type=1|||Being a Marine requires a lot of tough mindedness mostly since we pt(physically train) A LOT. Sometimes it hurts so bad that I want to fake an injury but I keep going. I won't allow myself to give...|||http://personalitycafe.com/members/adrenaline-albums-way-i-am-picture22473-photo-00032.jpg|||I usually get in the zone whenever I'm working with my hands. Especially if it's productive AND I enjoy doing it.|||I don't think it should be legalized. I think it's dumb to even do it.|||I'm single|||That's not very uncommon especially if it's an ESTP with the 8w7 enneagram type.|||Running or just slaying my body in whatever way I can. Beating up on something and playing Euphonium gets rid of the core anger as well. I understand that not everybody plays euphonium but any fine...|||Bitch I'm right here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry::crazy::angry::crazy:|||I like it when friends of the opposite sex touch my dick...|||http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2015801045515&set=a.1552303818374.2070805.1558502760&type=1&theater|||Jeremy Renner is an ESTP http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFFC_cDxhAO89ASNBA219ZhvBXca1L_fUtWZ_ND-t9w6SNLGicFQ|||It ain't happenin SISTA!!!|||HAHAHA I found this HILARIOUS!!!|||http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1985104038109 This is when I left the camera on by accident.|||Have you ever gotten to know an ESTP?|||What I don't like about ENFPs...hmmm...I just straight up don't like your faces|||haha wow anakin...wow|||I would prefer to paint it as well. I don't care for art very much at all but if I HAD to look at one then it would be abstract art.|||I like abstract art.|||http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1230160644996&set=a.1552303818374.2070805.1558502760&type=1&theater right click then open in a new tab if you can't see it |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/grxa5ge5guwotekrxi2xh26ijea Callout to anyone who wants in:D feel free to join|||I was just being honest and it may not be totally correct but you didn't at all focus enough on the positives at all. Because there should be many.|||Well after I've gone through ENFP I'm going to do the rest of the types so yeah this is just the first of many posts for all types.|||If he's a hunter he's not an ENFP, if it's sport shooting maybe. Dunno about tough love though. We can easily motivate people to get things done|||Why though? And does that actually mean there is no room for a relationship with one?|||So I posted this on facebook and if you're in the INFJ group there I'm sure you would've seen it. But since I know alot of you aren't in that group I thought I'd share it here. (And yes part 3 is...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNtBz4NDPVw or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fjON1YA32E Or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryq_NaO_eXw|||unless you bottle too much and have a melt down. I have had several and they suck really bad and take much longer to get out of|||yupp that's me. Two extreme's tend to think black and white, feels kind of like a rollercoaster at times.|||Robert Downey Jr (for overcoming his drug addictions, which is quite admirable) Jerry Seinfeld (he's hilarious and was honest in saying he lives for his kids and if he didn't have them he would...|||I've got an underweight problem:P need to find a way to fit into my perfect body. My problem is though it just feels like I can't no matter what I do, which sucks|||So I've been going into that depressed despair thing as of late and I've overthunk it all and I want to stop overthinking but moreso I wanna know if we don't have to escape it all and bottle...|||2 Songs by Wax. Let's see if you can totally relate to this. I would say he's totally ENFP in the feelings he expresses and really had to share because I'm going through ENFP depression (again) and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1ZVvmlTyEQ Here's one of mine.|||-is looks important? Of course, but they aren't the be all and end all. unlike alot of girls I hear about today I'm still willing to go for an awesome girl even if she isn't the most attractive girl...|||Is it just me or was everything better in the 90s? From renting Super Nintendo games from the local Video store. To ordering pizza and watching classic Nicktoons, Animaniacs or the Original Toy Story...|||let's go for it sometime. I rarely use skype but I'm willing to start|||escapism has been said and I cannot agree more. No matter what it is, it always is an escape|||I choose to believe that such a love can exist and make it my mission to make it so. So regardless of reality I'm gonna be the one of the ones who hold on to the Idea of romance til I die because if...|||Most likely my dads passing in 2010. I was 22 and it was 5 days before Christmas and he had a heart attack out of nowhere. It just took alot out of me initially but it made me realize how things can...|||depends on what it is, usually I used to not care, but as I get older I get more anxious when procrastinating|||Was thinking about it, but kinda goes against my straight edge Image so I probably won't in the end|||So yeah I'm dealing with real low self esteem. I have friends but hardly any and not a friends circle that hangs out alot i.e not enough social interaction amongst friends. I guess I just feel lonely...|||Hi! We are weird, usually unashamedly and I haven't experienced that but I'm not surprised it happened to you.|||Here's a poem that doesn't rhyme because if it did it would but since it doesn't it doesn't but this is my rhyme so I can do what I want and say what I want and you can go f**k yourself|||A. No because I need to have a sense of what's right and wrong or I don't think I would feel human. Q. If you could go back in time to sabotage the past to your gain without anyone knowing, would...|||bar of soap does the trick but I probably could do with a loofah or sponge|||Alas this is most likely the harsh truth either I have to wait for an inf or stick to enxps I guess.|||I'm on some epic quest to finally bag me an inf (since I'm really picky and want something meaningful) if you can't already tell & for some reason whenever I talk to infs i.e most girls I'm into if...|||I mean in terms of actions, how do I represent being genuine with a random approach? I knew I had to be genuine and I'm working towards becoming as congruent and genuine as possible but for some...|||Yes but how do I get into a situation where i can actually try to engage her especially with her friends? Do I approach her specifically? Approach the friends first and be straight with my...|||Well then the question is, what's the right approach? Especially if she's with a group of friends like that? I kinda knew dominance and being jokey like that probably wouldn't have worked and that's...|||online sales|||So I'm starting my own business and as you all know, we have to be passionate (check) in our work and suck at studying. So I was curious if anyone can give me any tips on working on a business as an...|||Chameleon is the exact word I use to describe myself alot even before I knew it was an enfp thing. We can be very balanced and fit in with many situations which is great.|||my okcupid user name is epic_romance. What does that tell you??|||I think I have an N/T Ambivalence|||hmm all I will say is I've had a understanding or a certain empathy to vengeance of some villains in some films even though I don't condone their actions in any way, shape or form.|||Ok so let's see if we can type any of these guys Mac Miller Macklemore Riff Raff Kreayshawn A$ap Rocky Danny Brown Action Bronson Kitty Pryde|||I'm confused because I love black humor and alot of my jokes can be really offensive|||haha I'm not like that but there are some elements that sound like me.|||Why not to date (me) the male ENFP | insanekender Not sure whether to laugh hysterically or be really worried and take it seriously so what do you think of what this guy says?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BBM-I3shfw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9kMoN7hmlE|||Why am I always so low on energy? I love routine work, what should I study at uni?|||ok so this may help but yeah I ended up finding out I had social anxiety when I was younger and have and sadly still do, have issues with self esteem and validating myself. So that could be a factor...|||I'm 24 and I'd say late 40s is my limit if it's not serious, late 30s if it is. As for younger I can only legally say 6 years to be safe hahaha|||yeah when I like a girl the whole world...wait galaxy...hmm maybe universe actually, may end up hearing about it. Though I'm still unsure if that's a bad thing though:P|||Anyone else feel their looking for, well not just a methodology, but the easiest, smartest and most concrete or guaranteed methodology and a HOW to get what we want especially since we shun routine...|||Hmm lemme see if I can use some images of famous people to show what I see when try and cross reference looks with type. I decide to go with Mischa Barton, who's an ISFP (apparently) and Heather...|||well looks play a part but there are times when i've been attracted to seemingly average looking or not totally attractive girls but Monsieur is right, it probably isn't just looks alone but how the... |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | INFPs care about authenticity, not INFJs. Are you certain you're an INFJ? INFJs have Fe, not Fi, and Ni in no way makes you care about autheticity. An INFJ would see it as selfless to change yourself...|||If you're so sensitive about your identity, you're Fi, not Fe.|||Billie Joe is an INFJ 4.|||My intiition is telling me ISFP but I could be wrong.|||Nick- INFJ? Juliette- INFJ Monroe- ISFJ? Could be INFP even? Bud- ISFJ? Adalind- ESFP Kelly- ESTJ Angelina- Not ENTP. I don't know about her. That's all I've got for now.|||I sometimes have trouble with that too. Are you an enneagram 8? A lot of 8's have this problem. You can't look at letters, you have to look at the functions. Do you think you use Te or Si more? ...|||The tertiary function is developed decently enough. The inferior function is used in bursts because it's hard to control. You're either a mistyped ISTJ or you're not adept at analyzing yourself.|||Lol. What subjects that aren't taught do you wish were taught?|||You sound like a very successful ESTP. Your Ti must've been very well developed.|||Ah, I figured. My ISTJ father never liked subjective things like the Arts either. ENTPs like it more because we're Ne dominant and we like to play around with ideas and be creative.|||Wow, that sucks that they made Philosophy just the history of philosophy. They should've mixed that in with critical thinking, instead of just the history of the subject.|||Thay, how do you know what your functions are? Did you take a test online? Those aren't always accurate. You need to read Jung's books on the functions and figure yourself out that way.|||In my Freshman year of high school I had an ESTJ Algebra teacher, and he also hated Literature because it was subjective. I'm seeing a trend here. I think you don't like it because it excercises Ni,...|||A lot of people of this forum are mistyped. Those INTPs you can't relate to that are really indecisive are really ENTPs, ISTPs and INFJs. And just because you have a weid cognitive function order,...|||When you analyze everything. When you're so busy thinking about ideas that you bump into and break things. When everyone thinks you've had too much sugar because you're so hyper and excited...|||Your Ni wasn't well developed yet. That's why you weren't career minded. Are there any subjects you wish were taught in school but aren't?|||You sound like an INTP instead of INTJ. Ti is critical thinking. Te is all about facts.|||Learning about religion excercises your auxilary Ti and inferior Ni, so that makes sense. What subjects do you wish were taught in school? What subjects do you think would develop your Se, Ti, and Fe...|||Fascinating. Are there any subjects you wish were taught in school but aren't?|||That does make sense. I certainly see the correlation there. What else do you think would develop Ni, as well as Fe and Ti?|||Environmentalism is something we definitely need our kids to embrace more though.|||^ The education system is really flawed. But what I want to know is what subjects you'd absolutely love to learn, that would really develop your Ni and Te a lot and such. Also, that wouldn't work....|||^ I loved all of those.|||I liked English a lot too, and I was always adept at writing. I had a lot of problems with people in high school as well. I was really nerdy and you know how teenagers are about that.|||Those are all interesting, although I didn't like Math too much. I was good at it but not really interested in it.|||Psychology was definitely interesting. I liked bio somewhat. If school was perfect in your opinion, what would it be like? What subjects that aren't already taught would you want to be taught?|||I really liked Literature too. Are there any subjects you wish were taught in school but aren't?|||Interesting. I was really good at Math at first too, then got bad at it, then good at it again. What would the perfect school be like for you? Are there any subjects that you wish were taught in...|||I can actually relate to that a lot. Whoa. What would the perfect school be like for you? What do you think you'd really enjoy and really go far in life with?|||I'm an ENTP and I want to compare the interests ENTPs usually have to thr interests INTPs usually have. What was your least favorite subject? What was your favorite subject? What subjects were just...|||I'd like to see how the interests ENTPs have in school compare to the interests ENFPs have in school. We're both Ne dom so we probably have a tremendous amount in common. What subjects did you love?...|||I'd like to compare the interests ENTPs have in school to the interests of INFPs. A lot of ENTPs like English in school and I've heard many INFPs do too. What else do you guys like? Do you like...|||I want to compare and contrast the interests of ESTJs in school to the interests ENTPs had in school. Several ESTJs I've known really liked Math. Is this common for ESTJs? Do you yourself if you're...|||I'd like to compare and contrast the interests I, an ENTP had in school (as well as interests other ENTPs had in school) to the interests ISTJs had in school. Did you like history?|||I'm an ENTP and I'd like to see how the interests of my shadow personality compare to the interests of ENTPs. We might have a lot in common since we have the same functions.|||I'd like to compare the interests of ENTPs to that of ESFJs... I think we might actually have a lot in common due to having the same functions.|||I, an ENTP, am curious to compare the subjects I liked in high school to the ones you guys liked. I'm sure many of you loved Art class?|||I'm curious to see how the typical interests of ISTPs in high school compare to the interests many ENTPs had in high school. Do a lot of you like Math due to being Ti dom?|||I'm curious to see what differences there are between the interests of ENTPs and ESTPs in school. ENTPs are all over the place due to Ne, and I know that many ESTPs like PE, but what else did you...|||What subjects did you guys like in high school? I'm an ENTP and I liked the majority of subjects. Did you like less because you use Ni instead of Ne?|||I'd like to know how my interests in school as an ENTP compare and contrast with the interests of ENTJs in school.|||I'm an ENTP and I'm curious to see how my interests in high school were different than what INTJs like. I'm sure we're both generally interested in Science. What about Language Arts? Do you guys like...|||What subjects do you guys typically enjoy in school? As an ENTP I tended to like nearly everything, being Ne dominant and all. Are you interested in History because it excercises your Ni?|||Also, Dil is an ENFP 4w3|||Angelica- ESTP 8w7 Chucky- INFJ 6w7 Tommy- ENFJ 8w7 Stu- ENTP 7w6 Angelica's Mom- ENTJ CP 6 Phil- ESTP 6w5 Lil- ESFJ 6w7 Tommy's Mom- ISFJ 2w1 Drew- INFP 2w3 Phil & Lil's Mom- ISTP 6w7|||Aren't you intellectual.[/QUOTE] I try.|||Ok, thanks.|||Lol okay, I'll ask. I think I'm just being more sensitive than usual because I don't have many friends and I'm stuck in an Ne- Fe loop. I'm trying to develop my Ti more to deal with that, though.|||I do, actually. I think life would be exceedingly mundane if I didn't have rules to break.|||I do, actually. I think life would be exceedingly mundane if I didn't have rules to break. |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | '1) How would you classify your drinking habits? Socially? Glass of wine with dinner? Total alcoholic? Abstainer etc. I rarely drink, a glass of wine a couple of times a year or some drink if it's...|||Yeah, I can understand white lies sometimes (although I do try to find out why they'd prefer going that route than just bluntly telling me), but serious lies, the ones that involve friendships and...|||Hello, I've been searching for a while now cause I was curious about this but either my searching skills got really rusted or it wasn't such a discussed subject. I was curious how other INTPs...|||I don't think she is just assuming, it might be an insecurity towards the possibility so she's trying to understand if it might/could happen or if it has any tangent to the lack of talk or it's just...|||One more thing... I think we sometimes see how easy it is for others to say things and not do them and be happy and content with the easy way out and think that doing things instead of just saying...|||I think the reason rationals have more faith in their rationality than in their emotions and the emotions of others is because feelings change over time, facts rarely do. I'll make an analogy...|||There could be many reasons that can/could explain this. I also get in a kind'of defensive mode sometimes when someone starts talking about feelings, and I usually am very careful with my words in...|||I know that, I didn't expect to understand her, but maybe find ideas that could get me closer to understanding. I have no problem letting my phone track me sometimes, I let it on so I don't...|||And what would happen if an INTP girl would think the same ? Although I doubt it comes down to just personality types at that point.|||First of all, I don't think you'll find a straight answer, just a long list of possibilities, since we're talking about a relationships that seems to be going on for quite some time. Second of all,...|||From what I came to understand, in the mind of some INFPs live a lot of contradictions... They want to know more, but they don't want to ask cause if they do several other scenarios could happen,...|||I don't think that talk has happened yet, but it might soon. As for the you either do X or we're over part, I'm more likely to leave the relationship my self than end up telling the other...|||That could be an idea, but I'm not sure what way there is to solve these kind of issues. It seems to me like some of the battles are all internal, and since an INFP is always trying to keep those...|||She tested as a 5w6. http://personalitycafe.com/infp-forum-idealists/155475-non-infps-ask-infps-relationship-questions-come-chat-27.html#post4343397|||I appreciate the concepts of autonomy and independence, but one can take them into a bit of an extreme. For example: I consider bugging the hell out of people the moment when I can see that they...|||What happens when you can't help the other person, or when some of your assumptions lead to nowhere ? As I recall, there have been mentions of fearing that she might disappoint me along the...|||It makes sense, and I want to thank you for taking the time to respond. :) I don't really hold a pristine image of my ideal relationship in my head, I kind'of disassembled the idea into...|||I wasn't really being defensive. My name does come up in your post seeing that you quoted me, and although I did understand that it was more of a rant than an idea directed at me, when one uses a...|||Indeed, people do that sometimes, I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said though since you quoted what I said. And since this is a topic regarding INFP relationship questions, I thought my...|||Well, this sometimes seems to be improving over time, although it usually ends up being confusing when someone tells you that they're there for you but when you do try to say something, they start...|||I was trying to convey the idea that if I am direct about problems, they get perceived in a distorted way, or as personal attacks, but if I am gentle about how I convey the problems, they don't seem...|||I'm also curios about one other thing. Can lack of attention to details be attributed to one being an INFP or to the development of an individual ? Although, the idea of assuming things can be tied...|||We already passed the point where I started getting frustrated with the lack of curiosity and fact-checking when it comes to assumptions, but I did mention this several times. The frustrated part got...|||Yes, she did mention things like not wanting to force me to tell her things I don't want to, but from my point of view, forcing would be to repeat a question to which I clearly stated I don't want to...|||Indeed, I wasn't very clear. I'll give a small example: Lets say I'm not home, and I'm talking with my SO on my phone. I usually leave my location sensor on. She sees that I'm not home, but doesn't...|||I do understand the indirect communication concept, I sometimes end up beating around the bush when there's something serious going on and I'm not sure how to express it, but when it comes down to...|||I have a few curiosities regarding INFP relationships: 1. Is it an INFP thing or INFP protection mechanism to make assumptions in a relationship ? And I'm not referring to some big thing that...|||But how do you judge what is correct and what isn't ?|||I mean things that involve a huge risk and in the end have a small reward, and that usually don't involve just one's self. It's up to each of us whether we gain wisdom from our actions, reckless or...|||Ok, but wisdom is defined by having experience and good judgement, but seeing as we generally have a limited amount of knowledge about most events, how can one know his action is considered wise ?...|||Same here, 5w6 INTP, and while I enjoy my alone time, I do like to talk to someone once in a while. I don't enjoy going out in large groups and I don't talk too much unless it's with a close friend...|||Hello, I'm not sure if this has been discussed before or not, but while driving home I thought about the fine line between rationality and wisdom. Using logic, one could pin-point a series of...|||When you go at the museum and end up being told that you're a tad bit too curious by the person overlooking it cause you finish looking at the main things and start wandering through places through...|||I sometimes end up being sarcastic in circumstances such as those... e.g.: Neighbor: Do you have a push broom? Me: Yeah, but it flew over to the supermarket to get me something to drink...|||When you contemplate..... (I'd fill in the rest of the sentence with whatever an INTP is contemplating about but I'd die before I'd be able to finish it)|||Disk 0: 111.47 GB Disk 1: 297.77 GB Disk 2: 297.75 GB Disk 3: 149.05 GB Disk 4: 1397.26 GB And about 60-70% of that is full.|||When, in the moments you do feel something, it's rarely something pleasant... (or maybe that's just me).|||On Google Market: - The Great Suspender - Session Buddy Not on Google Market: - FooTab - something similar to the Firefox function which only opens the currently selected tab when opening...|||I ended up installing extensions for managing opened tabs so that the browser doesn't slow down when using a ton of tabs.|||When you leave a tab opened saying I'm gonna read that a little later and end up doing this several times... By the end of the week, you've got a browser window open with about 20 tabs which you...|||When you sit here, and read all the other posts, and start contemplating whether you really are an INTP or not seeing that some of the things posted do not necessarily apply to you or because you...|||When during an exam, you actually do figure out the answer in the end, but you don't write it on paper which renders the whole thing pointless in the end... And then you spend an half an hour after...|||The statement on its own, without an active context, is valid, I suppose. I can change value to invalid in some specific circumstances but none are mentioned so far.|||When being in a relatively crowded public place is a chance for you to figure out the shortest (and fastest) route out.|||Tired, and a bit hungry...|||When, in the moment you do decide it's time to do some cleaning, you spend more time thinking about the best algorithms you can use to properly place the stuff in your room...|||Yet still end up phrasing it in such a manner that it may sound insulting to other people.|||When you want to post something here but then start thinking that you might not be right to begin with, and that in some circumstances what you wrote might not apply, and therefor delete what you...|||This reminds me of the moments when somebody asks me something and due to my sometimes poor memory (or due to me wanting to be very precise in my answer, or maybe I'm just doubting my self), I'm...|||When you think about so many things that your body ends up trying to move in two directions at once... (I ended up hitting the side of a door cause I wanted to move backwards and forwards at once...)' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Jamaia aaahahaaa, I do something like that! It works great with not getting sucked into stupid arguments, but unfortunately the gloomy INFJ mystic thing my spouse does (let's disclaim that I'm sure...|||Geonerd interestingly I had pretty much the experience you laid out yesterday with my resident INFJ-- we started with a fight and graduated to a calmer discussion on life, relationships and What Is...|||I was sometimes unintentionally rude (social awareness, let's say it took me a while to develop more than the bare minimum) but also kind of oblivious to others. The bf says it was the same for him--...|||If we're talking Fe/ease of emoting in ENTP women vs men, my vote is on nurture, not so much nature. Hormonal craziness is more... I'm thinking of dealing with hormonal fluctuations of the type...|||Not the cramps, the sleep deprivation. It turns out I'm not a pleasant person after a few nights of 2h of sleep. But that happens when I'm desperately hangry too, I lose my ability to adult and reset...|||That makes three of us then. Yep, I can empathise with this. (Look! I'm empathising on the ENTP forum! Roll out the choir of angels!) I think I'm actually better at the whole emotions, wth are...|||I used to not care so much about what happened to me, but my friends and family? Yippii-kay-yea, motherfucker, we're on. But as I age, it's become more evident to myself how fragile human beings are,...|||No, we call that a vivid imagination. Oh, right, yeah. You said that. IDK. There are some exes I drifted apart from, and I do occasionally think about the sex fondly even after all that time......|||I think of it as cultivating the next generation of eye candy. My motives are pure as the driven sn... nevermind. :laughing:|||The way I see this, you can choose to take the board as a joke that the chairman doesn't get (and keep your mirth to yourself) or get out. Staying in and fighting a losing battle... meh, we have...|||No. But I'm really good with ok, I love this person but we're not compatible and this isn't going to get better, let's break up. I can love or appreciate people without wanting to be with them....|||I want to say that growling is underrated as a communication style. How to win friends and influence people this isn't, but then that's not my concern when I want to avoid socialising.|||I'd grow it longer on the front and go for a slightly asymmetrical cut. Somewhat messy and layered is good. But not overdone emo shit, just a bit less run of the mill than what you have now. And yep,...|||The sucking the balls in/not ejaculating thing I've heard of, but the person doing that said it doesn't feel particularly good... kind of a sneeze instead of an orgasm. Do we ever discuss...|||http://i.imgur.com/d9Mcy.jpg|||Another species? Are you absolutely sure about that? ANYWAY, now that you've picked your jaw up from the floor, I'm more or less agreeing with you there. That test was a nice way to spend ten...|||New threads are for less annoying people! DERAIL! DERAIL! I'm imagining that said in a dalek voice. Kind of like I'm currently envisioning my new substitute German teacher as Cartman. (Long story,...|||== Results from bdsmtest.org == 98% Switch 92% Sadist 90% Dominant 87% Rigger 83% Masochist 82% Non-monogamist 80% Degrader 79% Brat 78% Rope bunny|||Aaahahaaa, this looks eerily familiar.|||Eryngo honestly, I'm not sure. I like interdependence after it's been established to a sufficient degree that we're all capable of standing on our own two feet. Like, it really rocks my damn boat,...|||Oh, I think my spouse is useless with some things and impressively good at others. I'm awed by how organised he is when it comes to paperwork and the like... and yet I'm still baffled by how...|||Oh, this is good. With regards to intensity, I agree, and would add that it's achievable in several different ways: the ability to be emotionally vulnerable (can be healthy), lack of stability...|||Dear lord, the world is populated by SJs! Oh, uhm, well. I like splitting work down in the middle and having different spheres of influence AND there could be something to the idea of usefulness...|||Yep to all of this. Dating rules are stupid because although you might attract people by playing [whatever it is that people are recommending, there are plenty of ridiculous ideas out there] it...|||It probably would, but my response to that (and everything else in this thread probably) is BUT BALLS! BALLS! Freud was wrong, there's no penis envy here. (I'm envisioning cocks as gigantic,...|||I had something like this going on for a while. But I'm like twice the age of OP and I did get over it. A few thoughts: 1) You don't HAVE to be in a relationship or prioritise looking for one....|||ANYWAY, I want to do Johnny (har har) because what he posts here gives me the impression I might've very well chosen to pursue things in a similar fashion had I been born a dude on the other side of...|||Oh, right, I want to to swap because I'd like the experience of having multiple children without really having to go there. :laughing: Being a man sounds like one of those wonderfully vague...|||I'm up for a body swap! But after that I want to go check out what life is like as johnnyyuukon, I've never been a dude before. Shitty drag when I was 19 and looked like an underweight choirboy with...|||OK, now your dad sounds a slightly stricter version of my mom. :laughing: She's an INTJ btw-- we relate extremely well on a theoretical level (we tend to agree on things and differ on how we reason...|||What a bunch of happy people! And the shittiest part is that those who aren't analytical or self reflective enough to break the generational chain of shitty parenting tend to go on to channel their...|||Aaahahaaa, I feel tempted to do this a lot. I try not to, because it's not often in the history of the world that calm down has worked as intended. So, I found this book, How to talk so kids...|||^Yep. But to look at the other side of the coin, I also meet people who have children for whatever strange reason (it's expected?) and then end up being neglectful, resentful parents who can't be...|||More that having children was a low priority to me until I decided to spawn, after which my deck of things-that-matter got reshuffled thoroughly. How this will affect the spawn is often my first...|||Yeaaaaap. I don't want to settle, ever. I actually really like the established, comfortable everyday routines I have with my spouse, but we find ways to keep things interesting, often by pranking...|||This has been interesting to observe about myself: it's really, really hard for me to stay angry with somebody, or to hate them. There have been a few people over the years, but... it's not something...|||I've been cracking up at this for a good two minutes now.|||Sounds good to me. You're both old enough and, I'd expect, experienced enough that the usual oh lor', this is a match made in hell relationship griping written by twentysomethings is unlikely to be...|||I got pregnant right before I turned 28, so 28. At 26 my stance was euuugh, NO and by the time I hit 27 that had shifted to hmm, it could be interesting. It's been interesting. If I could go...|||OK, die laughing. I did the test and thought about my relationship with my spouse first... fully in the secure quadrant with 1.something scores on both axes, anxiety 1.22 and avoidance just below 2....|||OH! Zoe and Wash from Firefly! Edit: I guess the parents from the Cosby Show would count, but real life Bill Cosby... yeah, totally the poster child for healthy, respectful relationships. Just add...|||I haven't seen that! And this might deserve a subthread of its own. Can you think of many realistic depictions of functional, enjoyable, long term relationships in movies or series? I can't. Off the...|||Ditto. (Oh, screw it, I can spend another ten minutes here and respond to this.) I REALLY like the give and take of a healthy relationship as long as it's voluntary and comes from a place of hey,...|||Wasn't there something about ingrained reactions (basically, the way we often relate to our kids when they're tiny has more to do with what we grew up with than what we think we want to do) in the...|||^I remember the percentages as being somewhere around the 55% region for securely attached types. Let's google. OK, this gives a ballpark figure of around 60%, which sounds fair enough to me. IDK....|||For once I'm very much disagreeing with Geonerd. Draw a cross on the wall! :laughing: Securely attached here, from a family of securely attached thinkers. (Mom's side.) I think there's one feeler...|||So... I'm curious, how have your relationships tended to be and what have been your dealbreakers?|||Desthro kind of. My best breakups (I should write a cheerful pop song about this, these WERE good breakups) were with people I thought were cool as fuck but simply a bad fit for one reason or another...|||It was glorious. If my goth phase had more to do with disliking people who take themselves too seriously... possibly emo wouldn't have been such a great fit. I like the hairstyles though, probably...|||OK, I need to analyse this further. Sporting a green mohawk and ripped fishnets (and leatherrrr!) was less about being true to my authentic self and more about liking the aesthetic and, yep, how...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBS4Gi1y_nc 4:20|||I am always curious of what they think about it, but don't really care if they like it or not. I have a varied taste in music, so I can always just put on something I think other people might like...|||I called you out only because you made it seem like Science exclusively followed the laws of empiricism. Forgive me for trying to correct a misconception.|||So Empiricism has many flaws simply because it could be wrong? I am not sure you understand much about Science if that is the case. Empiricism in the philosophy of science is quite different to the...|||Explain how Empiricism is very flawed.|||Pretty difficult question for me. Not in any particular order: 1. Sigur Ros 2. My Bloody Valinetine 3. Radiohead 4. Aphex Twin 5. Kate Bush 6. Portishead 7. Swans|||I think he is an unhealthy ENFP. He seems to be all about free-expression and doing whatever he wants. I am also feeling more of a Fi than a Ti in his interviews. His humor comes off as being a...|||I love my family. I just find most of them to be annoying. For family gatherings. I just hang around with the few that I can actually relate to. Away from the rest of the family doing our own...|||Not sure why you would ask this. Everyone is capable of being creative. Perhaps if you were a bit more specific? Like asking if SJ's tend to be less artsy or something along those lines.|||INTP - (Agnostic) Atheist|||Considering how I don't find it right or wrong to hate someone even in real life, this question is very easy for me. It really doesn't matter if you hate a fictional characters. It just means you...|||I love art. For me art and science are one in the same. I am currently majoring in Graphic Design in school and I take classes for Photoshop/Illustrator, Printing and Photography. I also really...|||How does one match Zodiac signs with the MBTI types? Even if its just for fun. Zodiac signs are part of the cold reading technique which means their vague descriptions are meant to relate to as...|||I am an Atheist. This does not mean that I deny the possibility of god. There is just no reason or evidence to believe in one.|||Breaking Bad Dexter Game of Thrones The Walking Dead South Park|||1. Independent 2. Creative 3. Curious 4. Imaginative 5. Playful|||Introvert - Introverts hate small talk, but might like deep conversations Intuition - Acceptance of the abstact. This is good for being creative and accepting every type of person or new ideas....|||I don't play as much games as I used to. Last game I played was Skyrim. - INTP - My favorite genre include RPG's (Western or Japanese) and Shooters. - I am good at RPG's, FPS games, Some...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'scientificamerican.com Researchers Unite in Quest for Standard Model of the Brain Alison Abbott,Nature magazine Leading...|||scientificamerican.com ...Facial Skin Conditions Steve Mirsky Not every movie villain has terrible skin, but it helps ...|||http://www.sciencemag.org/sites/default/files/styles/article_main_large/public/images/sn-baby.jpg?itok=VgA0zJFY ...|||intellectual honesty is typically one of the easiest clues to the quality of a person's intellect because the natural tendency is to become dishonest when one's ideas are challenged for most...|||here's another lie--ie, evasion in another thread in this same subforum, you asked about group theory cuz you thought it could mathematically prove socionics is true! only a Ti-dom--and a...|||another evasion here's a hypothesis: intellectual honest is positively correlated with intelligence; people with high intelligence can readily admit when they are wrong because it doesn't impugn...|||Tellus this is the guy who believes you can mathematically prove socionics is true! if you're not even smart enough to see how ridiculous this is, you're not smart enough to do theory|||what do you know about chemistry? you don't know anything about science, yet you think you can type scientists show me where anyone types most experimentalists as Si and Ni doms|||blogs.discovermagazine.com Intravaginal Tunes and Didgeridoos: Your 2017 Ig Nobel Winners ...|||wired.com Mind Control Isn't Sci-Fi Anymore Author: Steven LevySteven Levy ...|||those are two different phenomena...the first is a sound wave and is limited by the mean free path of the air molecules, since sound can't propagate if molecules are too far apart to collide...it's...|||solar cycle...the sun's stellar magnetic field flips polarity every 11 years (north and south magnetic poles flip)...magnetic activity on the surface--sun spots, solar flares--waxes and wanes over...|||.|||the sun is a plasma, a hot gas made up of charged particles, like electrons, protons, and ions...flowing charged particles induce magnetic fields...countless magnetic field loops (think of the closed...|||sound can travel in the direction of supersonic air...what will limit its propagation is the air density, specifically, sound waves will cease propagating when their wavelengths become smaller than...|||How To Build Hurricane-Proof Cities After Irma and Harvey Almost exactly 117 years ago, a Category 4 hurricane made landfall on the barrier-island city of Galveston, Texas, with the storm surge...|||I know @wellsy will want people to say, he spoke softly but carried a big dick|||@shahada, a long-time and well-known member, was perma-banned this week and someone started a thread in her memory what do you want people to say about you when you're banned? (and if you're...|||which is more important for office work: connectivity between perception and coordinated action or communication between analytical and intuitive processing? the hunters of yesteryear are the...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1ozMHdptXQ|||Summary And Conclusions In this review of the current state of the evidence for cognitive and interest differences between the sexes and their putative biological, evolutionary, and...|||providing for today generally doesn't depend on physical strength or aggression...indeed, physical aggression would most likely end a man's ability to provide...men may be more aggressive in pursuing...|||Amazon wants to begin shipping items even before you've clicked buy. Here's why the idea may not be as crazy as it seems. If you thought Amazon.com's (NASDAQ:AMZN) recent vision for 30-minute...|||IBM's simulated molecule could lead to drug and energy advances A quantum computer has simulated the largest molecule to date. Rachel England, Rachel_england IBM's quantum computer has made a...|||NASA posted Cassini's final photos before killing the space probe - Business Insider|||science has found brain differences but I'm not sure how meaningful they are in today's world...men may have evolved to hunt but few men today put food on the table by bringing down game...and no men...|||theatlantic.com The Missing Pieces of Sanders' Medicare For All Bill Vann R. Newkirk II Take a second to step back. ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jijws8YGZDk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfiVAitQABQ|||We’re Eating Plastics From Our Own Dirty Laundry Sep 14 2017, 1:12pm A startup is developing a reusable sheet that sucks microplastics from our laundry machines, so they don’t end up in the...|||https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/09/14/how-health-care-reform-affected-america-in-51-graphs/|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT9MpMrFUCI|||blogs.discovermagazine.com Cassini Scientist Would Be Surprised if Life Doesn't Exist on Enceladus ...|||blogs.discovermagazine.com Goodbye, Cassini ...|||a comment on this business of nationalism and superiority I'm not a historian, but history would probably show that in almost every instance nationalism was built on an idea of a unique people who...|||http://www.businessinsider.com/best-selling-music-artists-of-all-time-2016-9?utm_source=feedburner&%3Butm_medium=referral&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+businessinsider+%28Business+Insider%29...|||some don't see it...that's why white supremacy has been rebranded as alt-right--to lure unsuspecting people but some do see it but deny it to--what else?--deceive and lure unsuspecting people ...|||the intp discussion here is beside the point (as usual) the alt-right in the us satisfies the definition of white supremacy...they believe whites are superior...and they will have to control...|||White supremacy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia|||thenation.com ‘Single Payer Is a Rational Health-Care System’: An Exclusive Interview With Bernie Sanders on his ‘Medicare for All’ Plan By John NicholsTwitter ...|||Definition of supremacy|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jRYB3nGxmc|||speech is protected against government censure...private companies, otoh, can restrict speech, for example, if it threatens to disrupt the workplace...this is similar to an individual's right to stop...|||washingtonpost.com Pelosi throws up a giant YIELD sign on single-payer https://www.facebook.com/aaronblakewp?fref=ts September 12 at 1:48...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_yatBjicJA|||spencer, a leader in the alt-right, marched with neonazis in charlottesville nazis were america's enemy in ww2...americans--especially american soldiers--in 1945 would not have been seen anywhere...|||for the apple fanboys and girls, the wait is over: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYYvHb03Eog|||this is wholepaycheck...they always squeeze you dry actually, after amazon cut their prices, wholefoods saw a 25% bump in shoppers, all squeezing through their doors...which made krogers et al...|||polygon.com Julia Alexander Depending on who you ask, Rotten Tomatoes is the reason some movies don’t perform at the box office. Countless...|||telegraph.co.uk An irresponsible Mr Hyde or a caring Mary Poppins: What sort of drinker are you? By Ashley Kirk ...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Really? You think implying that everyone who isn't an entrepreneur is a sheep is polite? Well, if you think patronizing sarcasm will make me feel better then I suppose you might.|||I think you're missing the point when you say people chronically undervalue most people's worth. There is evidence of systemic discrimination against non-white and non-male potential employees. And...|||I'm no marketing expert, but I know that women have to work a lot harder to get the same respect in business as men. People tend to chronically undervalue women's worth, so while that approach may...|||For me it's not so much a matter of taking what I want vs being given what I want, at least not directly. My difficulty with entrepreneurship is the marketing and networking. Networking, to me, feels...|||http://www.reece-eu.net/gallery/d/2246-1/i-see-what-you-did-there-house.jpg|||Then why are you reading this thread?|||I'm the girl who probably shouldn't get this much pleasure from alphabetization.|||I find that my most honest responses bubble up in me after I've quieted myself for a few moments. Sometimes it feels like there's another me in me letting me know what I think. The process doesn't...|||Ditto. Unless I get stressed to the point where I can't handle thinking about it, mortality is continually on my mind. I haven't yet discovered what I believe about death and post-death, other than...|||Has anyone here read The Golden Notebook? I'm curious if anyone else thinks Anna Wulf is an INFJ. I haven't finished it yet but I'm just getting that vibe from her. I could be imagining it, though,...|||Well, I suppose love is okay. I guess. :tongue: Welcome. ^_^|||School was hell. It absolutely made me sick. Or the anxiety and panic attacks did. Regardless, school = bad. A good homeschooling environment includes socializing, not to mention socializing...|||Oh I couldn't possibly get to know another explorer and risk the trauma of them up and leaving us one day... unless they have chocolate. Well? :3|||I'm an American INFJ and I'm astonished there's someone in the world who hasn't realized that we don't give a damn about anyone else. USA 4evar! Mission accomplished! Wooo!|||I am an INFJ and I am the empathy equivalent of the Eye of Sauron. Wait, why you run away?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j379JbL-xM|||Well then they aren't trying to control him, they're trying to test him. Victory is mine! *scampers off*|||I've graded students' papers before. I know how exasperating it can get when you're looking at a hundred wrong answers to what you think is an easy question, and I've shared some of the doozies with...|||Nay, a woman who tries to control a guy with bullshit arguments doesn't respect him regardless of whether it works. To the OP, Whatever you do, don't put your emotional life on hold for her....|||I feel bad for the person who finds one of their own sentences in such a book. :sad:|||*judgejudgejudgejudgejudgejudgejudgejudgejudge*|||deleted ......|||Dave, you're derailing. You gonna answer my question?|||You say you're against redistribution of wealth, but I think that wealth is gained through exploitation. We're both in the U.S., and since the U.S. is built on slavery, we can't have this...|||So tell me, what does having your hand out mean to you?|||Depressed, repressed, and dysfunctional. I sorta shut down my emotions to survive being closeted, which left me more a shell of a human than anything. Puberty was the worst time of my life. I'm very...|||Is this picture big enough? http://www.amptoons.com/blog/images/concise.jpg|||Constantly. I find it transformative. Not very pleasant, but definitely transformative.|||Statistics baffles me. I can do the motions but I have no intuition for it. :frustrating:|||With another person? Something I can put my heart into and they can put their heart into that lets our hearts mingle for a while. As long as it's relatively private and not overly stressful, the form...|||I'm okay with applied math, but I was always bad at proofs. Me and my teachers didn't always see eye to eye on what qualifies as a proof. All the little logic tricks didn't sit well with me, but if I...|||I don't know how to help you find your type, but whatever it is, I hope you stay. :sad:|||We hang out in this thread: How to find an INFJ? :)|||I used to work nights at a laborish job and walked a couple of miles to and from since the buses didn't run that late/early. I would get home just before sunrise, exhausted and aching. My favorite...|||Yeah, I only go out if I have something I need to do, and after I do that I don't hang out anywhere. I'm usually looking at the ground trying to get out of wherever I am as fast as possible. Being...|||I think my mother might be ESxP and my father ISxP. I'm not sure about F/T. I don't know what the type relations are supposed to be like, but I have almost nothing in common with them. :frustrating:|||Rar. words words words|||Borderline J/P INFJs are just greedy. I want quantity and quality.|||*eyetwitch* *bites tongue*|||Yes yes yes, except There I have to disagree. I hope you'll forgive me throwing a quote at you, but it's one of my favorites: Love does hurt. Boy does it hurt. But it's beautiful pain.|||I'll yoink it from my library. :happy:|||Oh wow, I didn't know arse was a verb too. That's awesome! :shocked:|||I'm really sorry to hear you're in such a painful situation. :sad: No. What's it about?|||At least we agree on the important things. ^_^ No no, I meant I can't use sex to coerce people into a loving connection. You overestimate my sex life. :laughing:|||Ah. No, I don't really do that. I tried a couple of times way back when, but it didn't turn out so great. And now most of the people I know know each other already, so...|||Characteristics: 1) Utterly emasculated. 2) Properly trained to tend to the house while I go to work. 3... Oh wait, I'm only supposed to share that list at the man-hating conventions. >_> ...|||I consider those opportunities to practice forgiveness and learn to be giving without being taken advantage of. ^_^ I still have lots to learn though. >_>|||I think I might be pathologically trusting. :blushed: I have faith that goodness can be found in all people, even if only a tiny shard of it, so I go into most situations assuming it's there and it...|||I don't understand. Are you saying that with more people there's a higher chance someone is lying about something and that's why it's riskier? Sometimes I am. And I talk about it when I am....|||Too much risk? How so? |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'The only 2 men I liked in life (in terms of personality) are both ISTPs. One is a fictional character tho xD A man of that kind I feel weak in my knees and dizzy. So here's my input: Long...|||Compliment taken :blushed:!!! You don't say. This thread was a tease and resurrected after over two years? :P|||When not to become artist? 1. If you're a writer. xD 2. Visual art... if your niche is not sought-after by industry. High skill and creativity are must-have. In any case you'll need postpone it...|||All so wonderfully put and insightful. Snape reminds me of Darcia (allegedly INTJ) from Wolf's Rain. Lady Hamona - Wolf's Rain Wiki http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBPZdCnRP4o|||Very interesting! But I still think he's an INTJ with a strong 'idealistic' Fi and that would settle the matter, accounting for his fantasies and holding on to Lilly for so long and seeing Harry...|||Leoni has gotten the point of my posts - the mystery is why haven't you. Better yet if she has her barriers up in relation to the suicidal/homicidal individuals in her life.|||What if I tell you many INFPs are often/always in the blissful light-headed state without any drugs?|||. posted in wrong thread scatter-brain moment mod or admin , please delete|||Most people I know think I'm a T, but I'm an Fi. It had me deluded into thinking I'm INTP/INTJ. F-ness is obviously not a guarantee of 'stereotypical' female behavior. Nor is T of cold...|||hehe, I was serious, but didn't I manage to cheer you up; not even a bit?! :dry: ot: I've had few 'serious' suitors: 2 were sexual maniacs, 1 was suicidal depressed lazy *ss, 1 was the very...|||Where did you read he's an INFP? Everyone I know agrees he's INTJ including most of the mbti-related 'classify' forum discussions. His personality is amazing.|||I find that not your being a sexual being, but something as spiritual and deep as love being sex-based and sex-restricted...very sad. Not a judgement, just sadness... That you cannot love mother of...|||I'm an Fi definitely. I am well aware that we all are mortal, ridiculously, shamefully fragile and that we will die some day. So there's no omg-this-is-impossible-can't-believe phase with me, as...|||Get a degree in psychology and start making money with your talents.|||It's as insane as constantly imposing it on communities that don't want to have any of it. So basically you repeat it again and again to people until you train them and get them to say what...|||Nope. America. Why would you care so much about a land you were born in, among people of whom majority don't share your ideals/worldviews and don't want you around and when facing a better...|||As expected you didn't answer my question. Am I to assume you're just an animal whose 'love' is sex-based and sex-restricted or a mere side-effect of sexual drive? (And later be accused of 'lacking...|||You know of financially/emotionally stable blah, blah women, I know of (I've read of and seen reports) hundreds. I guess you don't care for people much if you aren't acquainted to them or have no...|||It just amused me how I'm supposed to agree to everything just because it has been written on a piece of paper. So you'd follow whatever written or are you threatening me for not obeying/conforming...|||Whatever the facts are, alone they are quite useless impotent (and meaningless as you state later in your post) Everything past a raw fact is a bit subjective and about attitude. I live in a...|||And I'm the worst person just because...I do not fit into your criteria, your check-list. Because I don't dance to your tune. Because you don't 'like' my views, the same way you may dislike a...|||And I'm the worst person just because...I do not fit into your criteria, your check-list. Because I don't dance to your tune. Because you don't 'like' my views, the same way you may dislike a...|||Uhhh I dunno, maybe they should be allowed to adopt children because they're are millions of kids in the world being raised in orphanages and bumped around foster homes? Lots of homosexuals go the...|||Were the question:' Do you disapprove of gay marriage?' When the question has been asked precisely, I will answer it precisely. I do not fear gays, but disapprove of having gay marriage in my...|||Now no one is entitled to their opinion if they haven't studied philosophy, all that unless they support gay marriage vigorously. Seriously? You should be able to make distinction between...|||What is a 'bad' argument? One that doesn't fit into your world-view? In this case they're not mutually present in all cases, not even half I'd say. Not every disagreement and aversion is fear....|||Fear and aversion are not synonyms. Word phobia is made up for the purpose of political manipulation; labeling opponents in any case, but in this case opponents of gay marriage as fearful people who...|||What does homophobic exactly mean? Phobia is a fear (irrational fear). I know a bunch of people who disapprove of gay marriage, but not a single one that fears gays. I think this term is incorrect...|||I see there is no common thread for all mbti types, just separate 'What makes xxxx laugh', so I'm starting this one as a place to laugh/chuckle and compare what different mbti types consider...|||There is no much difference between introverts and extroverts online, as we introverts come here when we feel like talking and we talk just as anyone would and then leave. This is far more likely to...|||No, there is not, not really. Consequences for the victim are the same after all. I understand people (in general, ofc) in Africa have it very hard but they don't seem to bother to know or do...|||I've read of many cases when hiv infected males rape in order to infect others or infected people who donate blood (thinking it will pass undetected).|||haha that's the way it's in my head until I bother to bake it into words and just sometimes it fails. Claiming she's not pretty to oneself (appealing according to one's taste) =OK vs. claiming...|||I followed what op and the headline stated: 'ugly' as lack of aesthetic appeal. I think that ugly can't be attractive. Certainly everyone agrees that there are tastes when it comes to preferences in...|||Because most people are social animals and they can hardly fathom why sb is not. Introverts seem as shady people who have some dark secrets to hide like the bodies in their basement and in their...|||INFP - Agnostic and kinda objectivist. Always have been despite being raised in a very religious (and decadent) environment.|||Aye. Ungrateful arrogant pots calling kettles black. I am fairly sure a lot of baggage one can get rid of with a bit of support.|||haha, reminded me of some people who despise the broken, but expect others to pamper them when they are broken. People who demand that others feel, but only when and as much as they please. People...|||Many people give off that impression, but I didn't try to say that. Not all the time, but reassurance once in a while. duh...I think that beauty isn't that subjective, claiming that Megan Fox is...|||They need reassurance. One of the reasons being that beautiful people are often told they are ugly by the jealous people, so they lose sense of value and confidence. Beauty is in the eye of...|||Similar situation here, very similar. Nevermind not living up to social expectations and social clock, do yo even feel like being in a relationship atm? I don't. I don't mind living the...|||I am speechless :shocked: http://25.media.tumblr.com/a2831860f3bfd008f29beb595f415b22/tumblr_mmtuthhuKn1qg22hlo1_500.jpg That beautiful face, strong jaw and hair :shocked:|||Yes, but obviously only when he's in his raptor form. Humans are no good. :laughing: I guess we could add that as one-line review for the book: 'This story is an eye-opener that changes...|||haha! Happened to me too. + they demanded that I apologize for raising voice after they've yelled at me for over a minute. I'm definitely Fi and I'm definitely taken aback by yelling. I think it's...|||Amazon.com: Advanced Search: Books I picked out a few outstanding - for me the most outstanding - books from her most generous collection: ...|||As long as it's quotable, it will be quoted. It's not messed up; you still hopelessly don't understand that line of reasoning. It's quite simple imo, but never mind that :]|||Good to be cautious with this 1 as INFP's Si can account for this.|||When somebody doesn't allow you to live in accordance with your ideals and principles; by threatening your ideals threatens your intent to make them real?|||I never use that expression irl, so there are no slaps in their face. Humans are really overly sensitive. But thanks for the notice, I'll keep it in mind. Here comes my whining: I've spent...|||And I was just waiting for sb to appear with a comment like this. It took you longer than usual. Shallowness is in the eye of beholder. If you see beauty as something shallow and unimportant, it...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I think I joined a work-out cult. Everyone high-fiving each other after every station of different exercises, the smiling faces, the you can do it or just 5 more, or it gets better. The...|||1. Today, after I woke up, the bathroom door was closed, and my eyes weren't really open. 2. Umm, never? I guess I binged POI 4 months ago. 3. hmm...well last week. 4. this past...|||Hmm...well I use to? I like to dance and I like to drink. I don't love the crowds or the sweaty smelling people, but after a couple of drinks it doesn't bother me. I prefer clubs that aren't so...|||I view social media as garbage really. Of course I have a facebook, after cancelling it, I reactivated it after family was upset (because that's how they like to keep in touch). Don't you think...|||ENTJ, INFP, ENTP ( I don't count many as friends, nor have I typed them all)|||I think I am generous. At this point in my life, if I see something I like I usually buy it. I don't have tons of likes or wants, so if I see something I really want I buy it. I like buying things...|||In Jr high, this girl asked me if I thought she was gaining weight and getting fat. I said yes. After I wasn't talked to forever, it taught me an important lesson. LIE if a girl asks if I think...|||I do not believe it is possible to be happy all the time. I believe someone can be content with their life all the time, but happy? No. If they believe they are happy all the time, I think their...|||I don't dislike popular things for the sake of wanting to be special snowflake. I dislike a lot of popular things because most of the time I don't understand the hype behind it. I do not see the...|||In Jr high people probably thought I was smart, probably a prep (my friends at that time were). I was the person reading a book while eating at the lunch table rather than talking about boys, the...|||I think eugenics is one of those ideas in which was started with altruistic goals in mind. Any hope of eugenics being accepted by a general populace probably died with nazism. You ask who would...|||According to wikipedia the term is reserved for with those intense sexual arousal to atypical situations, objects, or individuals. I suppose homosexuality and the LGBT spectrum could fit into this...|||Trolling I do not think is wrong, it's part of freedom of speech. Is it morally wrong, depends on your moral compass. Is it ethically wrong? Depends on your ethics. Do I care about others...|||I think suitable depends on the INTP and of course the boss at the research facility. A micromanager would probably be quite toxic in my opinion. Of course if the INTP is really into their work,...|||Yes I do, though I would never watch them with others. I have to be in the mood for it, sometimes it's just good to watch brain numbing stuff, just shut your brain off and watch and think of other...|||I would have an issue with it, if the relationship began when they were children/teens (I guess the age where I would feel okay would be 20 preferably 22 after they have jobs). One sibling could be...|||Yes but for a specific purposes. I like romance novels when I am doing something else, for instance playing games or when I am running. It serves a purpose to keep my mind occupied but not too...|||I have lived in the midwest my whole life too. I think Seattle sounds like a place I would like. Doesn't get too hot and doesn't get too cold. It's not filled with a bunch of beaches. I like city...|||I bought a new 55 screen tv 3 weeks ago (almost 4), it's still in it's box. I am not sure I can plan anything.|||I'd feel fine, also knowing your deadline would probably be freeing. Right now I have quite a bit saved up, I'd probably cash it out go see the countries that I have been putting off. Oh and quit...|||Friend ENTJ, we do stuff together. He is pretty social, making social functions that I have to go to less awkward. He seems to be able to make small talk with people, I would say his best trait is...|||1. Fight Club 2. Leon the Professional 3. The Scent of a Woman 4. Reservoir Dogs 5. Requiem for a Dream or We Need to Talk About Kevin (this is a recent movie I have seen, but after I saw it, it...|||Not stupid no. Some people I think like corporate environments and some hate it. Depends on your job though, if it's easy to get another than quit. If it's a slow moving market for that job, than...|||Are you satisfied with your everyday life ? sure, I can't complain take a crap, sleep, and get up to do it again How confident are you in decisions you make ? However big or small. hmmm...I'm...|||hmm I would just not go if you feel strongly about it. You can just go to a community college and take classes online if the social atmosphere is what has you not wanting to go. Community college I...|||I don't like talking on the phone, but I prefer talking on the phone to texting. I find conversations are shorter, if someone texts me and it's a conversation, it can last forever. Ignoring texts...|||Hmm, I do not have children and I can not say I necessarily like children. I think a positive is that it's a life experience that you can not get otherwise.|||Kind of? I am not sure how often you think about them, but the two people I crushed on in high school I think about sometimes. They both don't update facebook (but than again I don't either). ...|||No, I do not like dogs. It's not like I hate them either but I would never get one. They are cute but require to much attention even the laziest ones do. Also the fact dogs like to slobber on...|||Your Result: Amiable 68% Let's do it the right way. Desire to have it right. Needs sense of stability, space, silence, sensitivity and support. Key strengths are ability to organize, set long...|||ENTJ and a INFP|||Depends on the topic. I tend to do better explaining something if it's something physical. If I am explaining ideas or someone asks for my opinion (on the spot). I tend to either jump topics or go...|||Unless he has a magical ouji board he uses late at night or magical powers of mind reading, I am not sure how you expect him to know your interested without saying anything. I guess you can drop...|||Depends if I am playing the game with others or by myself. If I am playing with my friends online I play support characters because I don't want to argue, and they are good at dps types. If I am...|||Claymore (good character building, the plot is good till the end mostly because I am attached to the manga and the manga was nowhere near done before this anime aired, awesome fight scenes) ...|||Nope, we decided to be in a monogamous relationship so we didn't have to use condoms, if he wanted to do it with someone else we discussed it as well. People aren't possessions. I think sex is to...|||My mother was an ESFJ too, and really nothing was as crazy as her reasoning for things.|||When I listen to rap and hip hop sometimes I imagine I am walking to the beat around the city.|||I am kind of shocked the number of people that said they would leave them or it was dealbreaker for them. I am not really a jealous person.|||If they aren't incapacitated in anyways, I hate it. I find no joy or happiness in doing things for people I do not like in every day life. If they are in my home, I find social etiquette does...|||When it's cold I walk pretty fast with my face to the ground and generally my posture is very tense. When I am walking in the mall I just try not to touch all those people. When I am walking...|||I sit cross legged or with my knees up and just under my knees hitting the desk, sometimes I switch it up and and prop my legs on my desk.|||I think there would be a long talk. I would want to know why they did it, if they were unhappy in the relationship and if they even wanted to continue the relationship. If they did I would want to...|||I don't hate the education system in America, I just believe it's old and needs reform. You have all these systems in place that are going to make change hard though. I can't see it happening for...|||Yes and yes. Emotional intelligence is important for social cues as well as being able to identify them in yourself and being able to do something about it.|||dunno i assume because the debate issues are over on the debate forum?|||tahoma, i dont feel like finding an image|||you're incredibly selfish, you don't think about anyone but yourself, I've raised you for xx years (I don't remember how many years she said but probably said 8 years), you just want to go off to...|||I like taking risks, though I measure the negatives that could come from it, if it is nothing life altering I'll do it. I don't like taking risks with money (meaning I'm not going to spend 30k on...|||1. no 2. no' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Everyone here has such fantastic ideas. To build upon Noz's idea of the ISFP/INFJ being the most extraverted--its interesting that both have a Ni-Se connection. And ISFPs don't have Fe so the only...|||There are extraneous variables that need to be brought to the table. True, personality is one aspect of behavior. It correlates to a general understanding of behaviors, yes? But I feel more...|||Camilla, welcome! :)|||Welcome aboard!! :)|||You can see how this potential scientific methods debate could be akin to opening a can-of-worms, yes? Also LostFavor, your P.S. demonstrates why I love INTJs! On a base level there exists an...|||INFJ-8s exist, so weird things are statistically possible. But I agree with your argument.|||Me: INFJ Wife: INTJ We've been married for ten years now. We are both strong-willed control freaks. The ups, downs, laughs and arguments have been very...passionate. We love each other to...|||How would each of the other types (lovingly) incite an INTJ? ............... From an INFJ's perspective: A fun way to harass an INTJ: after arriving at a scientific conclusion, tell them you...|||I must state an obvious trend. INTP is claimed as one of the most similar personalities for INTJs. Much regarding this paradigm appears to be simply due to a generalized, common identifier: the...|||It's quite simple, really. Its not about survival. An INFJ would recruit the ESTP blow up important infrastructures while he directs the ENFJ to rally the other contenders to band together. The...|||Yes. StoneMoon is spot on. And many INFPs are quite capable of scientific debates. My younger brother is an INFP and he has a deep-rooted obsession with physiological and biological subjects--the...|||Don't worry, this post shall be positive. I understand that my approach to the topic in this thread was arrogant and cold. It had to be, however. My hypothesis was that a sufficiently cold post...|||Ni is decisive in the sense that, even though it is a perceiving function, it still remains subjective. What this means is that Ni, drawing upon inferior Se, will begin to see patterns and...|||My only other explanation as to why you claim to be INFJ is because you are an INFJ according to socionics. That translates to INFP in MBTI.|||Mamoru. Your undisputed fact can be disputed. And it will be. When you say I relate to INFJ the most, what you're really saying is I feel that I'm an INFJ, therefore I must/should be. Then...|||Xzcouter! It's perfect creativity--sublime even. And profound! Thank you for your willingness to share. I can see your Fi emotion combined with a rich intuitive process; it creates a poignantly...|||Yes.|||There is no such thing as an un-J INFJ. And true INFJ J-ness has little to do with how ordered a room is, how neat a home is, or how dutiful an INFJ is to daily chores. Don't get me wrong,...|||Mamoru. You are a Fi user (INFP), not a Fe-Ti user; I mentioned this in another post. The topic regards varied levels of extroversion vs. introversion within the INFJ, nothing more than that. To...|||Mamoru, bro...here's the thing. I think that many INFJs (as demonstrated in the last few posts) relate most with INTJS. Much of how INFJs and INTJs are described even overlaps--it could be outwardly...|||Common INFJ written and oral vernacular(s): we are, our, each of us, collective(ly), our/the/this human species, etc. Often, these pluralities exist in heavy Fe user language because...|||Yay! Would you write a quick something anyway? Poem. Short narrative opener, etc? I'd love to see it. Or anything creative you'd be willing to share? Rock to the purest!|||P.s. - many, if not most INFJs in the forums are INFPs mistyping themselves while trying to identify with a most-rare persona.|||Xzcouter, write something. Anything. I can very likely tell you if you are an INFJ. Typically though, INFJs are decisive and have a commanding certainty about them--a single, formulated, logical...|||ADD is an irrelevant term now. ADHD breaks down into three sub-categories: hyperactive/impulsive, inattentive, and combined. ADD is ADHD: inattentive. Too often, many individuals are misdiagnosed...|||I'm a master escape artist. I see people from two miles away and blend quickly into the surroundings to take some alternate path to my destination; they never knew I was there. If I was interested,...|||Have you considered ISFJ?|||Welcome aboard!|||Emptiness. Searching. The void. Something indescribably insatiable at work in some deep unlocked core of who you are, something so transfixed that you become utterly consumed by it--and it leaves...|||Ephemereality, your conundrum makes me think of Billy Joel's song, River of Dreams. I've been where you are :D|||Beautifully articulated, Alea_iacta_est!|||Ephemereality, Experience with Ni is subjective. My experience is not yours. The variation in Ni experience is influenced by other factors: Fe and Ti for me, or Te and Fi for you (Se is shared)....|||Intj.|||Ni dominance is a daily journey. I wake up, naturally. Then as the day progresses a boredom kicks in that almost compels my mind to travel to some distant place--a project perhaps, character or...|||Existential.|||One time--in my college class--I made the claim that Jesus was a revolutionary who intelligently utilized cultural and social (not physical) violence to challenge the established socio-theocratic...|||Or INFJ. (in response to INFJunicorn's post.)|||I've never been intimidated by INTJ women. They are a challenge; they are a puzzle; they are a game. And they are the only women capable of relating with my poetic abstractions. Ni-Ni connections...|||It is actually the INFJ that would remember the environmental details; Se is part of their functional stack. ISFJs are Si users, they're more apt to follow patterns and the specifics like details...|||135. Then I flex and I.Q. becomes irrelevant!|||All of you do realize that small potatoes make the steak look big, right?!!|||Leader.|||INTJs are not idealists. Batman is the manifestation of an ideal. ISTJs would focus on traditional methods, tried and true procedures, and follow the rule book to a fault. They would not deviate...|||I just think of my wife in the library. Wife (INTJ) - She enters the library, sometimes with her sister (ISTP), sometimes alone. She's there for no other reason than to reconcile her boredoms,...|||I'm diagnosed ADHD as well.|||This is an article I found for you that might help answer your question(s). Why INFPs, INTPs, INFJs, & INTJs Struggle to Act - Personality Junkie. Also, decide which functions most fit you. For...|||Haha no worries The Experiment, i wasn't offended. I just like fishing for a good debate with others :D Poking, prodding, (sometimes inciting) nudging in order to spark a second, third, opinion, etc.|||I love you by the way, The Experiment.|||Statistically speaking, most of the world is some type of SJ or another--introverted or extroverted. Naturally then, society will always emphasize these majority traits and values in it's citizens....|||Enfj.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying. You: Sup Stranger:...|||What?! Since when! Speak for yourself! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKeGwOKr7K8|||Metanoia. Ironic timing. Most quiet, tame ever. Good stuff.|||I don't think we were supposed to be debating and discussing here, but usually the criticism is that I AM just basing something on an ethical code. You've caught me from behind. :P I do not think...|||I've had a few similar but smaller instances. When I was learning programming basics, there were new concepts to be learned. As I went on, it started feeling threatening, like it was going to...|||Even to that degree? That pretty much made my day.|||If metaphors were real, I'd walk over and say hey, sup.|||http://i.imgur.com/HkOhS.png Man that was cool. ...What? :mellow: Anyways, at least you're more self-aware. Everyone has stuff like that (nobody is perfect), but not everyone realizes or sees...|||It was not specified that it can't go wrong, it said Extensive testing of this procedure has proven that it is safe, there are no future repercussions for the subject, and they will generally behave...|||1. 'Safe' genetic enhancement of your children. Will you accept the treatment? (Yes or No) No. Just because something isn't found yet doesn't mean it isn't there. New discoveries of even huge...|||http://i.imgur.com/msUeT.jpg|||http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs26/f/2008/064/c/9/Kirby_Super_Star__Kirby_v_Marx_by_elazuls_core.jpg|||I disagree with using man in this way, as if you have to be old to be good. I'm also uncomfortable with treating guys as an entirely separate species, as if it's us vs them.|||I am definitely guilty of this. :X|||Wow, didn't mean to write an essay. Welp. #1 how many people from the INFP forums do you -directly- (private message, msn/skype, visitor board, etc) interact with on a reasonably common basis? ...|||I have no doubt that I want to do something more entrepreneurial. The problem is like said, the practical part. I'm too scattered, and too prone to starting a thousand projects and never getting...|||I like the idea of this thread, it's too bad it doesn't get much actual use. But, it makes perfect sense. It's been a while, but I tried to be direct and honest with my post, but now I'm scared to...|||I thought about using one of those delayed email pages to set it up to do exactly that and send the message in exactly 1 year with a copy/paste quote of it, but then I realized I didn't have an email...|||Yeah, there was no way as far as I knew in the older version of the forum to easily see thanks given and received. I was surprised when I got to actually see my ratio. I've always tried to be...|||I know what direction I want to go, but I don't go. I don't know exactly what I want to do, the steps required, or how to do it, but normally that doesn't stop me. I don't usually rely on or...|||To be honest, I like it. :3 As long as there's no negativity or judging in it.|||Glad to hear I'm not the only one on the ASL thing, I try to answer it in different ways but nothing works. They just think I'm weird. More importantly: ...|||His quotes are awesome. I don't know a lot about him himself because I don't get into stuff, but his quotes are some of my favorites. The second here I've used as a signature before. In...|||Oh, I didn't know phobias counted. I don't think it's really a personality thing, but I can't stand roots. Like from plants. People would always hold them up at me and I react as if they were...|||1. Not abuse it, proving not everyone is corrupted by power 2. Laugh at everyone who said otherwise Although abuse is subjective, I always just want everyone to get along with no toes stepped...|||Especially when younger, I had a really hard time throwing anything out. I cried over losing certain things, including shoes and a coat. At a certain age, I knew the day was coming where I would be...|||It's been a long time since I learned about this personality type stuff, and I've learned a lot. But even now I'm still not entirely sure on type. The questions and ideas why change, but the...|||In that case, I need more ENxPs...|||Yeah, I don't understand what you're saying. Come to think of it, using the angel/demon analogy, wouldn't the job take godlike powers? There's a limit to how arrogant a person can be. Why don't...|||I like that. :proud: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHO6a2H-pqY|||Yes, but captain hammer is a superhero, who wouldn't get beat by him? Also, his plans were pretty bulletproof, they worked out perfectly. It's just that when the time came, he actually had a heart....|||In stats, I think INFP is more based on wis, with int being secondary (but still prominent). At least me, anyways. (I lack practical stats!) (From [http://www.gamegrene.com/node/385]) It...|||I dunno, I personally thought Dr. Horrible was more INTJ on the whole. Although the feeling in Brand New Day was something I could relate to (shadow mode?). INTJ has Fi tertiary, y'know....|||I wonder though, what ARE you into? If anything? It sounds like you might be focusing on differences rather than similarities. I've never been big on reading. Other than what was required for...|||http://www.pocketplane.net/volothamp/images/alignment.jpg Just linking cause some of the descriptions randomly don't sit well with me.|||I don't like the test, it is very presumptuous about morality. It also seems to fall under the chaotic is evil, but we didn't say that thing. I got True Neutral but I don't like it. I'd be...|||You know, I haven't. That's an interesting thought!|||This can be exactly a reason to do it, and at the very same time, give you something show for your time. :happy: I see it as character building. You get better at it so in the future, you can take...|||It would be hard to imagine going around planting apple seeds and not having trees bearing apples grow at some point.|||Are they ALL falling for it? Or do some sometimes just want to have some fun with no strings attached? :happy: (A girl is expected to wait to be approached, afterall (ugh, imo)) In any case, I...|||I've said before, be the shepherd, not the wolf. Angels and demons, heroes and villains. They have a lot of similarities, maybe more with each other than with others. They also have some very...|||Between this and the last thread I replied on, I'm getting frustrated with definitions. Is anybody really genuinely anything? You can make a case against almost everything, possibly other than...|||You make it sound like it's just a tool, or like I do it only for me. Even if it does benefit me as well (afterall, I am technically a part of everybody), what difference does that make? Are you...|||http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/090303/dr-manhattan_l.jpg (Cause who wouldn't want to be blue?)|||Just about what I came to say, lol. What's wrong with being innocent? Something to strive for, imo. But then, I also don't consider those kinds of things to be guilty or whatever. And I...|||I don't like the idea of an INFP villain, but I can see at least a couple ways. 1. Ideals gone wrong. I have seen at least a couple INFP here who were overzealous with their ideals and didn't put...|||I think the question is, what is INFP suited for? The different letters and functions are called preferences. It could be said that in some way you developed a certain way for a reason, that...|||I don't like to be TOO relaxed, stress free ideally but I'd like to be able to keep energetic. Some stuff feels good, but just gets boring or too dead way too fast. It's rare for me to find stuff...|||The absolute first step is to make sure it's properly calibrated. See things from other peoples' perspectives. Determine if there is ill-will or intent. Understand the motives and logic everyone...|||Haha, I've soft-quit so many games right before the finish (not trying to quit, just not loading save again and forgetting about it and not coming back). P3 I haven't played but have watched a...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Well dang, I'd sure like to know too.|||Why thank you! I used to be so nervous around him, but now it's kinda adorable reading my old high school thoughts on him. I'm glad it's recorded forever on personalitycafe lol.|||And wouldn't it be an even bigger plot twist if they end up engaged to be married? Haha. Forreal though, I had a crush on him for years and I posted it about it on personalitycafe and now we plan on...|||Haha well...There could be the possibility that this thread was over a year ago, and said INTJ makes so much more sense to this girl now and is not worried about whether or not her petty crush is...|||Awwww...That's me. Exactly. This is exactly my thought process about 100% of the time I'm around someone I'm rather fond of. I hate that feeling of...|||I like the idea of that. You should schedule something.|||Lawwwwwl, that's the thread I started! This whole thread is making me feel so happy and loved.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s8YK4R5qa0 This is the most peaceful song I've ever heard.|||I've always felt the exact same way about changing the world!! It's like a fact to me, I know I will. I'm just not sure how. There's no way I could ever cope with passing into non-existence like...|||I don't fucking get ESFP's. Oh my god. I have no idea what motivates those guys to be so intruding or attention-seeking. Well, this holds true for the one I know...|||I am kind of bossy and protective around my INFP best friend, come to think of it. It's mostly because I know how easily her feelings are hurt, so I try and protect her from that hurt at all costs....|||Said INTJ is now trying to call me. Oh jeez, I want to talk to him, but I'm terrified. I'm literally shaking at the thought of social contact. He was acting really weird today, and I got a vibe that...|||He's never announced something and denied explanation to me before. That's why I was so confused. We always talk about our dreams with each other, it's something that deeply fascinated us both. We...|||He's not exactly shy, but he definitely likes the company of himself. I don't know why this would apply at school, though. He's surrounded by people.|||He keeps his head down and speeds up, almost like he's avoiding me. I really just like acknowledgement in some form, it doesn't really matter which one. I really have no idea why he does this. He's...|||I've liked an INTJ for quite a while now, and we've become really great friends. I can't help but feel like we'd be so compatible for each other. We have similar interests, similar music tastes,...|||It's really a complicated story, with a lot of personal motives involved. Trust me though, most people would do the same in my position.|||You know you're an INTP when you're having friend trouble and you wish you could write up and have your friends sign official contracts terminating your friendship/relationship. God, it...|||Herpy da doo da, Herpy da day. My, oh my, what a wonderful day. Plenty of Derps 'n, herps comin' my way, Herpy da doo dah, derpy da day.|||I believe the idea of love at first sight is completely and totally ridiculous. Love takes a deep mental connection that you obtain from getting to know the person. You can have an extremely strong...|||When are you truly happy? What are you doing? Please describe the scene that is around you. I am truly happy when I am at peace with my music and the world, when I am completely free the think and...|||If I'm confident in what I'm speaking, then I'm only a little bit nervous. Usually I'm horribly terrified, clam up, and get sick though. :|||The first one most definitely. I'd rather be remembered for something great than be remembered by a few loved ones. It makes a bigger impact on the whole. Really though, no matter how many people...|||Self-taught pianist and guitarist here. I'm in music theory now, and it's pretty fascinating. Still can't read notes for shit, though. I can, however, play by ear and am quite good at it.|||Hmmmm, I have this problem myself. Nine times out of ten I test as INTP, but this doesn't stop me from wondering. My ENFP friend thinks I'm actually an ENTP, but I challenge her theory by telling her...|||Pottermore says I'm a Ravenclaw. I am pleased with this result.|||I've always been curious... What do you all think of INTP's? Do you get along splendidly with them? Do you feel like they admire you? Please, tell me every little observation and thought.|||My mother has always been extremely appalled with my rude behavior towards her and others. She says it will eventually drive away everyone I love. All I really do is just speak my mind. I...|||My head is unusually large, but I'm an INTP. My cousin ENTP's head is also unusually large, so I just voted for him.|||Meh, I usually score at the end of the Right-Brain spectrum. It was nice to read about what each individual score meant. Left Brain: 42% Right Brain: 58%|||I was strongly enticed by the idea of being a vegetarian, and tried it out for a week and a half. It wasn't temptation that brought me back to the dark side, I just realized I didn't really have...|||I had one for a number of years, but I haven't seen her in over a year. Granted, this was only because my parents had a rather nasty divorce and the Court deemed it necessary.|||I've been teaching myself new piano songs whenever inspiration to do so strikes me. This isn't really new though, I've been doing it for quite a while. I guess you could say I'm only starting to...|||I absolutely adore singing, although I don't think the personality types have too much of a connection with whether or not you like to sing. I think it's mostly about musical ability, and I'm not...|||I love it. I actually have a serial killer encyclopedia that I would carry around with me in sixth grade. Granted, I earned myself quite a few dirty looks, but it was such a fascinating book.|||There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data|||You sound a lot like me. I've always been on the brink about which type I am. I've decided I'm an Introvert because I can't spend more than 20 hours with someone without being completely exhausted....|||My mom is an INFP, but she's totally blunt. She doesn't really care about hurting feelings too much, but is very easily offended. Despite that, she fits just about all of this. She loves science and...|||For some reason I just lovelovelovelove ENTP's so much! They're smart, funny, and just fun. I love being around them and just soaking up their information on random topics. I say this despite the...|||I absolutely must start a musical revolution. That is all I know.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQEgZNqa8jE 'Nuff said.|||I saw this elsewhere, but I'm curious as to what drives you people insane.|||Why do you have so many unnecessary smiling emoticons...? It's creepy.|||The other day I was contemplating the possible validity of Inception when I walked into a door and was forcibly flung back because the straps on my backpack had become hooked. As I stuttered an...|||You know you're an INTP when you sign up for AP World History and have it all Freshman year only to end up failing because you wouldn't (couldn't?) do all of the work. It's not that it was hard, you...|||Just talk to your friends about intellectual topics around that quirky quiet girl in your class so that she overhears. It gets my attention every time.|||An ENFP would tell you, from my experience. XD|||I've always been quite partial to number 7.|||I agree with the unusually attractive thing. I've met three other INTP's, (all male) and I find two very attractive. The other one is my brother, so of course I don't find him like that. XD He's not...|||I liked and joined just about everything to do with INTP's on Facebook, and even joined/liked some that were about ENTP's. ENTP's are just so damn funny and interesting...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'When you feel bad for using one spoon after you picked up the other one cuz the first spoon is going to feel bad about itself. When you can find 100 reasons to love/admire/respect somebody awful...|||YES. To all of this. Everytime I hear about the stereotypical idea of INFP's i go.... where in the hell are ppl even getting this from? What INFP are they basing that BS off of because thats 180°...|||Omg all the time!|||This is the stuff that keeps me up some nights LMAO|||I understand where you're coming from. I'm polite and friendly in a distanced way, and can be charming when I need to be. For the most part I stay cool with the rest of the world and stick to myself...|||OMFG i choked|||Whaaa?..... TL,DR but pretty funny.|||Most days I can just barely tolerate people. Yeah I'd even go so far as to say 50% of people make me feel like smashing something.|||Dunno how old you are but you must be early twenties like me, yes? Yes it's rough in the beginning but you get a system down, I live alone, work and pay rent like you and whereas I don't have a total...|||I may be silent, and just seethe. (Rare.) You'll probably get the look of total death, lol. Catty, snarky commentary. Intense sarcasm. Yelling if it gets bad enough. I usually leave before it gets...|||I grew up in a strict christian environment. I guess I could be what's called a preacher's daughter. I embraced my beliefs as hard as I could but I felt empty and my questions about life went...|||Yeah.... after I say no, I sometimes can't stop feeling guilty and unsure about it like... should I have just said yes? Then I yell at myself for being weak and forgetting I should stand up and look...|||Omg!! I lol'ed.|||I guess I could list some of the things I can bring personally, since I don't know many other INFP's irl. 1) Unconditional love and understanding/acceptance. I can love you no matter who what when...|||Omg. Couldn't have put it better myself. I wouldn't say this applies to every INFJ, but I have experienced every word of this. I agree that it's bogus that there is some.... interesting claim...|||Omgosh yes. The trying to seem pleasant when you're thinking terrible, violent hateful things inside for every person you meet. The rude customers I have no problem being a flatout bitch to....|||I think it's probably more normal for you, I'm an Infp and have a similar problem :/ I think maybe you just haven't encountered anything that really moves you in a long time?|||This is a problem I also have. I work in retail with hundreds of customers a day and its so draining. When I make a promise to call or hang out with somebody when I get home? I just want to cry cuz I...|||Worst most helpless feeling ever, I've been there before.|||Pffffft. :3|||Yes! I've taken college classes and lessons from Japanese speakers but I never did become fluent. I love the language. Same with Spanish. I was born into an English speaking family but learned...|||Oooo way cool!! I'd love to try it, I know it'd scare me at first, but I really want to know what I'd see/smell/hear/feel when everything else falls away and there's no distracting noise.|||Yeah Sindarin and Quenya do sound kinda cool, but I love the Dwarvish language :D Khuzdul (lotr nerdtalk hehe)|||Omg... I feel the cringe, my friend. Totally feel that cringe.|||Estj. Infj. Infp. Haven't met all the types yet.|||Think before sleeping I felt like crap for continuing to fall asleep in a skype call with a friend, I kept speaking total nonsense. Upon waking it was just: Ughhh...fuck. FML. Haha. Rest of the...|||Not yet, but you're awesome for being a fellow Korra fan <3|||I know, as a result I have like, no life haha. I wish I was the kind of person who found being around people constantly really refreshing rather than a total drain because life would be muuuuch...|||I'm INFP and I freaking hate people most days. I work in a job where I'm surrounded by hundreds of people wanting 5 things at once and whenever anybody talks to or looks at me it just feels like...|||Also love that indigo blue/violet color :p beautiful|||Alright so after reading everyone's, I've decided what the hell, why not. So from a combination of movies and books there's: Severus Snape. Ironman. Wolverine. Heathcliff (I know, I must...|||Infp here, but yea it does.|||Tacos.|||Yep. I mean to some degree we care what people WE care about think of us, and it upsets you to hear strangers say rude things that aren't true, but in the end: 1) They're stupid, irrelevant, just...|||Cuz the bills aren't gonna pay themselves, sadly! D:|||I hate things about people, but mostly i see ass hat's as misguided idiots and feel sorry for them. And just hope they just stay the hell away from me. If I actually hate you, you've truly gotta be...|||Deep blood red, burgundy, dark purple. Earthy green, gold.|||Everyone is psychic, I think. Some are more developed I think. A lot of us see and experience things and just dismiss it.|||Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn. Taurus rising. My chart is very Earth and Air heavy. Chinese sign is Metal Horse, the sign for my mental animal is Tiger (forget element.) My true inner animal...|||Bigtime. Never ever telling who.|||No, just... not everyone's cup of tea. I'm really not into softie, overly sensitive guys. To me it's kind of.... blech. But to each her own. I think a lot of INFP women would be a great match for a...|||Oh my god do I love to cook.|||Yeeeep. Only every person I ever speak to for more than 3 minutes. First they get into their life story. I honest to god listen, I really do. People are interesting. I nod my head, respond where...|||Yes, very often. It freaks me the hell out. I need to become friends with you first, PERIOD. Like I CANNOT develop a relationship with somebody I have no well established friendship with first. I...|||Sexy, manly guy hands/strong arms that look like they could pick me up easily. A sexy voice. A guy that smells like clean laundry. A beautiful smile. A sexy, playful attitude, self confidence,...|||Learning.|||I honestly can never tell how much of it is BS or not, so I kind of ignore it. Good for them.|||I don't mind being an oreo. I'm half black and half white, but very light skinned, so I refer to myself as more of an Uh-Oh Oreo. What bugs me is everybody thinking I'm Latina and speaking Spanish...|||He's.... been crashing at yours for 3 months? Is he actively looking for work and/or a place? It's totally within your right to be like: Look man, we really (ahem) like you and everything and we...|||Yes. I love to help people and to sit and listen and be a shoulder to cry on, it makes me feel good, and useful. But sometimes with some people it gets to be a bit much. Like there's that person who...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'ponyjoyride Thankyou, Im not sure how I shoudl say it, but i almost made nf land seem like heaven XD ill remember to put good and bad people in there|||How does your desire to make others lives better err...manifest?|||Like the title says, im making a game where this girl gets a magic music score that transports her to another world full of nfs. The specific place will be either a town or kingdom (like in the...|||Dangit you people should stop being smart AND not socially awkward. I guess you make up for it by being incredibly disorganised and terrible at finishing things.|||Thanks for all the replies, guys. If you know all these flaws about people, how do you choose who to be friends with? I can't imagine being friends with someone who'd just know my bad qualities (we...|||Intps because inferior Fe, and introverts tend to have less practice at socialising. Also, ne and ti often make a person hard to talk to imo (for sensors) and their interests are unusual. Of course,...|||QUESTIONNAIRE ONE 1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look at the random photo for about 30 seconds. Copy and paste it here, and write about your impression of it. 331378 I liked the way the...|||Most: infj, isfj, enfj Least: estp, istp|||According to various infj descriptions, infjs have uncanny insight into people and understand them better than they can. Can you explain how you do this, and why other types may not have this...|||*cringe* I was so convinced id gotten it right with xnfp. Only now do I realise my strengths lie in Se stuff. Heck, I don't even know if I'm isfp, but the only othe option is esfp,|||I really don't think I have Fe...when I answered the questionnaire I was actually an unhealthy type and going through depression. Also, rejection has been a major theme throughout my life, and I'm...|||Zee Bee sorry, what?|||This was a long time ago, at the time I had a huge crush on this boy and decided to confess to him. I never showed it to him but... *shudder* Dear xxxxx, I think you're awesome because you're...|||Hmmm, I got infp, but I feel like I could be isfp. I do like typical Se activities - personal grooming, going out etc - but I'm also into intuitive pursuits. I don't know...the two are so similar and...|||The Shark I don't know if what you said about being unacceptable is true...I thought that mbti was just about how your mind worked and not about behaviour (I'm not talking about actions, I mean your...|||Er I'd say that genetics and circumstance is a factor, but a person's personality definitely matters. Overall, I think idealistic people are less happy because the world is so low, and the things...|||The Shark to be honest, there are a lot more nf females than males, so it's easier for you guys to find girls with NF qualities. I also think that NF males are choosier than their female counterparts...|||Most marriages I see end in divorce, and if they don't, it's only because the parents don't want to upset their kids. Even NF marriages don't last that much more than other marriages. They are such...|||Bahaha Raawx if you're reading this, I don't know what to say. I guess I'll just talk about what I hate? I hate the idea of hierarchies, the idea that someone or group is better than another. I...|||Darn this thread is too popular :'( no chance of me getting typed. Waah|||wums I agree with part of what you're saying, but there are some parts that I think don't apply to me. I'm apparently a very annoying person to be around (socially awkward), so I think that my...|||Im not an isfp, but isnt being offended just feeling some degree of hurt over something that has happened or been said? I believe that the more self-conscious someone is, the more easily they take...|||wums sorry, I have an off-topic question. My brother has told me he hates 'stupid people', and that I'm not smart (this was in two separate occasions) repeatedly. Also, when I tell him about my...|||wums mind= blown. You should be a therapist/counsellor... Nah I get that you weren't trying to offend me, it's cool.|||wums Huh. Does it last with the intjs because they're can't be bothered to cheat? To me, they seem like very dispassionate people, the type to passionately propose in a fit of...obligation ._. ...|||Ahah it kinda makes me wonder if there'll be a project for women to be more logical. I can't imagine the name of it, but I can see it happening.|||Let's start a social revolution :')|||I think I might agree with you. For a long time, I've had this idea that judgers are less likely to cheat than perceivers. Of course my idea is very judgemental as I haven't actually tested the...|||Curiously, it appears that female Idealists are able to sustain the roman- ticism invested in a relationship longer than male Idealists. But for the male NF, anticipation can be more attractive than...|||I do. I dislike items given to me by people who aren't in my good books and love gifts given by loved ones. The closer I feel to the person the item came from, the more attached I am to it. It is...|||1- Ni doms 2 - Fe dom or aux 3 - i dunno 4 - Fi doms or ni doms 5 - ti doms or ni doms (infj less likely) 6 - si dom or aux 7 - se or ne dom 8 - te doms 9 - fi doms|||I do wish I was less sensitive and needed people less. Does that count as thinking over feeling? I don't know good ways to develop si and te, but I know a way: hang around xstjs, live with them and...|||I like easy games that make me feel happy but have something special :) like socrates jones, pokemon, narrative flash games, ah i cant remember them all, but they've given me great joy|||Is there a way to achieve the energising effect of social interaction, but without having to talk to anyone?|||aHumanRenaisance being weird even among other infjs, huh :laughing:|||*in a debate* Other person: Your argument is invalid because x=y, therefore z. Me: ...you're wrong because ur face is ugly! *flees*|||I think i can make an exception ;D go on, use 6 words.|||I relate, but I blame it on my add and genetics. It seems like no one really enjoys my company, except for animals, and even then there are exceptions. It is depressing, but I guess this is nature's...|||Ziggurat I've been around a lot of sensors and so I usually make small-talk about what's happening (not politics). I heard that intps really dont like ordinary talk and get bored by it so I'm...|||If someone wanted to have a conversation with you, how should they approach it and what should they talk about?|||Fe-doms for sure are friendly, and exfp are next up. It's really a matter of fe vs se vs ne, and I don't know enough to tell which would be considered the 'friendliest' function. Friendly as in warm?...|||Bored|||Dominant fe doesnt mean a person is insincere :happy:|||Welcome!|||Sheesh stop trying to rescue that baby when it's with its mum. Not everyone needs to be rescued.|||Sure sure. Remember warren buffet? He created lots of moneys|||Unhealthy Intj...theyre 3 smart 5 you.|||Fi comes to bite them in the butt...I'm somewhat new to mbti theory. Can you explain what you mean by that? And yep I guess it does even out because we develop our functions more with age...|||Holy mother f*** this is so cute! I love almost unreal love stories like these that actually have happened! This made me tear up and squeal like a little girl. Yay for necromancing posts up!|||You know infps will always accept fellow infps :) although I don't really have a right to say that because I'm unsure of my infp-ness.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Yes yoda, it took a while to understand but think I do. I tell myself I'm waiting for the right moment, for the right information to surface, for the right motivational boost.. Maybe it must come...|||I don't know what to do with myself. Years have gone by, so many thoughts so little done about them..Is daily cannabis smoking to blame? Perhaps. I think that's shirking the blame a bit though..For I...|||I hate when there's a little bit of smoke left in my lungs after taking a toke...I end up breathing out as much as I can which just looks and sounds strange but I can't help but do it. :(|||Like I said, you're acquainted with cretins. MDMA is a stimulant. MDMA is then, by defintion of a stimulant, a drug. How can they be apples and oranges when by definition the apple is a type of...|||Prom you forgot to post the article about THC's effect on lung cancer in mice, that's always a good one for the anti's. ...|||They're beyond mine too if I'm honest, I only know bits and bobs - never been too concerned with the stuff. Not sure why those articles were directed at me lol but yeah it has certainly taken...|||This sounds pretty true, but not so much I don't think for the U.K. I think the fuel for drug prohibtion here is basically a combination of the remnants of anti-drug propaganda from the 70's and...|||I'm not quite sure I know what you mean :S I think I'm saying if you realise that objectively, there's a clear greater good to lifting prohibtion, then what's considered morally right or wrong for...|||Yeah this is the core problem and it's difficult to answer objectively without a shit load of stats. This might be an overly simplistic way of looking at it but I like to think of it as walking...|||You mean, should it be legal for people to choose for themselves? ;) Yes, no organisation can/should dictate what we can and can't do to our own minds and bodies. To try and do so is a waste of...|||This is fairly common, I know I daydream like you're describing - hypothetical conversations and situations. It's an INxx thing I think. So no advice, it's just part of you ;)|||I've been in a similar situation...It's tricky, some people seem to think that if they're your mate, you owe them the time to have a conversation. Tell her this isn't the case, that you like talking...|||I've found distraction to be most effective. Do things that feel important to you and eventually you'll forget why you were even depressed in the first place.|||I think you'll find many people who've taken Ayahuasca will disagree with you there. You know psilocybin, (active ingredient in magic mushrooms) MDMA and LSD were being tested as treatments for...|||My sleep pattern is pretty fucked at the moment. I like to stay up until early hours of the morning like 5-6am but I need to get up at 8-9am on more than one day a week. The end result is me sleeping...|||Shame is subjective and thusly a weak, ineffective form of criticism.|||Migraines are for the weak.|||Yeah but there's no need to be a dick about it. lol.|||I honestly have no clue but googled and this might help: Beverage Sales and Distribution : How to sell your new beverage to retailers. Maybe try using the contact seciton and explaining your...|||You should have responded quicker. :D|||It is their decision to conform to the requirements stated in the OP.|||Yeah you were right lol pity I turned off my PC before reading your reply else I could have saved myself an hour laying in bed. Aw well cheers anyway.|||Yeah the thing is I was a fair amount more awake the last time...After googling there seems to be a lot of mixed opinions on the matter. What if 1.5 hours sleep would do me better than none? I just...|||I have to be up at 8am, I could probably sleep now (2 and a half hours sleep) but I have a feeling I'll be very groggy after that and may end up just turning my alarm off and going back to sleep. I...|||Because being close to the truth is better than nothing. I'd rather have a vauge idea of what's going on than to turn a blind eye due to fear of doubt.|||You need to come out of your shell|||Dancing..more specifically clubbing. I see the philosophical implications but at the same time it seems so fucking absurd. It's horrible because I end up forcing myself to go out with people clubbing...|||I'm not completely sure about it either. I think it's something along the lines of if you don't, you're not likely to meet nearly as many like minded as people as you could have simply given the...|||Awesome post, cheers. Unfortunately I don't have an mp3 player lol and yeah I know the one, was the last good album they released before they turned to shit. (imo)|||Very useful posts thanks a lot.|||Would be good to hear how you guys dealt with this. I find the idea of becoming more social and putting myself out there more quite a refreshing one but at the same time I wonder if I'll be too...|||Exactly how I'd feel.|||1) To be honest I can go a long time without real social contact without becoming depressed or agitated in any way, but I'd say I need a minimum of 2 or 3 days alone time if I've been out with mates...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRnZtn1a9bM|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCxc0Laqyqo|||I was about to try and describe it to you (something that's pretty hard to do well) but this will be much simpler: Erowid MDMA Vault : Effects If there's one piece of advice I can give you, it's...|||Such a hard decision..Cannabis aside I'd go with shrooms, though when I get a hold of some mescaline that may change. I definitely prefer psychedelic trips and visuals to the physical effects of...|||The brown/yellow bits are the bane of my life.|||Smoke a bit of bud (or hash) and see how you react. Smoke more until you've reached a comfortable high. If you can go the night without anxiety attacks, paranoia or any other mental health problem...|||How can thy derail that which is UNDERAILABLE. Someone must know the reference..|||Toasted, or not toasted: that is the question.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW_NLi_WFYg Super chilled.|||Physics all the way. Don't have much care to be teaching though, I'd like to get myself into research asap.|||Games/series i've loved over the years: -Battlefield FTW -Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War -Dead Space -Mass Effect -Fallout -EVE Online -GTA -Halo|||This is so true...|||Take on a career in what you want, not what your mother wants.|||That seems like a rash decision. The only reason I made this thread was purely because I was curious about the statistics, if people are going to misinterpret that as spam then fine. But leaving over...|||Yeah I thought it was pretty cool...A bit predictable, plot structure is a bit standard but I'd say it's definitely worth the watch.|||You stand up, put your arm behind you and wipe.|||My Perceiving and Intuitive have been very close to the borderline on other tests, the most recent as shown below still has a pretty low P.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'It's one of my daily 'music doodles', one minute compositions basically.|||Hello everyone! Sorry for the LONG break, it wasn't really a break since I pretty much spent half the day everyday practicing my compositional skills. Those of you that still remember my first...|||Hello everyone, sorry for not posting or keeping you updated on my music and all. I've had tons of books I had to read. I'm not done yet but I just wanted to say hi :3 and gonna start making some...|||How to not piss off an INFP By Cthulu.|||1) Pretend you just payed attention to what they said 2) Nod and smile 3) ??? 4) PROFIT!!!|||Hotspur Ahh I've been away from this forum for so long. I can say that I've improved a lot and I'm working on a new song for some time now :)|||I finally figured out how to program subtractive synths and frequency modulated(FM) synths, as well as make badass synth riffs(that are also simple and memorable) that goes well with vocals! Eh,...|||I live in a supercaliflageristic world, and I use words other INFPs cannot comprehend. Jokes aside, cool poem bro +1|||Riiiiiiight.|||Nothing much. You?|||I suggest you turn the volume down a bit at the start or R.I.P headphone users. (Note: This is just to keep you guys happy until I finish the serious song I'm working on :P) ...|||umm.... what|||I don't like pop, reggae, country, hip hop, rap, yada yada, and I'm pretty immature. ur friend mad?|||You're most probably an ENFP. being silent while the teacher is talkin is necessary anyway, plus you don't seem as annoying and rude as us INFPs.|||You could be an ambivert.. Can you tell us about your tendencies(i.e to talk more or listen more)|||QQ I've been spending quite a lot of time working on a new one, also trying to get some Miku vocals in it. Reason why I'm taking long is work, and the difficulty of writing lyrics, last but not...|||gestalt Yeah satanic. Riiight. I'd say just untalented. What happens to people who are french or japanese and cant speak english but like that crap? Oh wait ITS A CONSPIRACY and they know which...|||It sounds a little LQ and it could use some white noise+reverse crash, melody or pad at the part where the bass and drums is just there. I like the part at 1:32 a lot though.|||Well, see if you like my own shitty track I made a few days ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbghqEK6dYU|||Oh really? ,,/,|||Here is my horrible, disgusting, narrow taste in music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4yKlfAFSq0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdr4DDeb7yU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gij8IwgA-vs|||http://catmacros.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/tldr.jpg|||Atheist apostate infidel here|||My ring finger is longer, it annoyed me at times on piano since I accidentally touched an extra note for a split second when playing chords, went away with practice.|||Giving me coffee may cause me to fall asleep right after.|||Whenever I listen to metalcore, I feel more relaxed instead of angry. This is the kind of good shiz I'm talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7g4rMNAg8w ...|||By your definition, almost every vocalist, keyboardist, electric bassist, electric guitarist's music as lifeless.|||Don't get me wrong though, most of the people are kind ^^ dont go there|||I consider pop to be, pop, unless you want to define something else like rock as a lifeless material lying around. You all know what I mean but you're just being douches, I am disappointed.|||I consider myself fairly lucky: Childhood Spent most of it in Africa(My parents are Brazilian [private]) In Kenya: Almost got kidnapped. Twice. I was four. In Ghana: Got Malaria for a week...|||Ah, I can relate to that. My girlfriend dumped me, (yay for me, she was seeing some guy and she was starting to piss me off) and suddenly all the 2-6hour conversations with my best friend(who...|||Awesome: Awesome w e s o m e|||@Ylahali I thought I described pop music pretty well on my first post...|||misleading reply|||Well, metal is metal, the ones I consider to be crap is the ones where they spam ONE chord and ONE drum beat. otherwise, it's cool|||Personally, I think it's sh*t. Not just sh*t, but it's like some artists went to a sh*t factory, stole all the sh*t, put it in a blender and called it pop. God I hope that thing dies before I do. I...|||INFP male and ENTJ female this i have to see|||Souled In That was random|||Souled In What's up? Having trouble writing lyrics for my song? ^^|||Get on their good side in any way(no, not that way you perv) possible. Worked for me so far.|||Good luck... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbghqEK6dYU It's my latest one so far(I started music in general about two months ago)|||I make instrumental music for now.. I suck at lyrics. Melody, rhythm, djing, blah blah is all me.|||I'll rap battle you back! Just wait. One day. Soon. Also, that's not me, it's a song by mindless self indulgence|||can you write lyrics for me plz ty pm me|||Anyone badass|||Okay... Date #1: Rejected Date #2: Rejected Date #3: Rejected ... Date #9001: Rejected Man am I lucky or what|||No, thank you ^^|||I think my heart stopped for a second|||There's not much I want to do besides continue playing music.|||I'm an atheist but... Mindless Self Indulgence - thank god In the twilight of my life I don't need no grammys Rock my gay acceptance speech Most of all I'd like to.. Thank god For...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I agree with you on this for the same reasons. I've seen / done things (repeatedly) that are waaay too improbable to be mere coincidence. I've come to the conclusion that either I'm schizotypal or...|||Considering that conscious thought IS energy, via electrical pulses / chemical reactions all up inside your brainpan, I don't see how it could be all that farfetched to think that conscious thought...|||What wisdom? I'm just making $#!+ up as I go. It does help having several decades of experience pretending I have a clue.|||Exactly![/QUOTE] Trolololol. Wow, you're sooo clever! I wish I was as amazing as you... [/sarcasm]|||That might not help as I go months without posting, but I do still check my notifications almost daily. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time to be really active these days.|||So I've come across a few more terms since I last posted (which was quite a while ago). Don't know if anyone else has posted these as I'm to lazy to go back and look - ~ Alpha are the dominating...|||On that note - I have no clue what I'm doing... But I guarantee that somehow it will work . Having an extremely broad, even if it's not necessarily deep, knowledge base is rather convenient,...|||Just started hearing this song on the radio and immediately thought of this thread. KONGOS - I'm Only Joking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ip1irYWXck|||Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way! Don't worry, be happy (This was more my childhood motto, but has been more or less replaced with the one in my sig)|||This is a great point, especially with the technology today we're even more exposed to seeing the 2/3 of the population who are all touchy-feely. We're so inundated with Feeler (for lack of a better...|||Personality disorders (like cognitive functions) are actually more of a continuum than a dichotomy. Everyone will have some signs / symptoms of anti-social personality, but on a scale of 1 - 10 very...|||I'm with you, I got ESTP. I may be prone to action, but I'm about as far from a Sensor as you'll get. A lot of tests like to put me as an INTP as well, but I'll occasionally get ENTJ too. ...|||I concur. I think we're too intense and not transparent enough for people to handle on a daily personal basis.|||Here's one that's short and (I think) pretty accurate. - John's Personality Test It actually adapts the questions to your previous answers.|||Wow, I suddenly feel much younger. Not that I really felt old to begin with, but I was well aware of the fact that I've got some years on these 20-something y.o. kids on this site.|||I usually go Bueller…Bueller? and if they don't get that I say really? are you fucking kidding me? I'm hilarious.[/QUOTE] Sometimes I'll use Bueller, but I usually go with Datz da Joke. ...|||When you slip and fall on the ice, probably adding a flourish to the fall somehow (i.e. throwing everything in your hands as high as you can, or doing a jump or twist or something), strike a pose...|||Nope, just recognizing that most of these are common ENTP traits, but not necessarily exclusive to ENTPs and not all ENTPs will identify with every trait. I am very close to being an INTJ though.|||You might be an ENTP... ...when someone makes the joke I don't care what they say about you... and you retort with Yeah, me neither before they can even finish the joke. And you actually mean...|||I see this as a far superior thing to when only 10% of what you say is correct, but 90% is actually consequential like the majority of the general populace seems to be complacent with doing. I...|||If I did that, taking the Flynn Effect into account, I'm pretty sure I could qualify for Mensa. Of course I may have to brush up on my test taking skills as I haven't really done any formal...|||I hate pleated pants Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Otherwise I'm on board with the whole suits thing especially if you're doing a vest. Tie is optional, but it it needs to have an atypical...|||Well, boning a heart is kind of hard to do. Anatomically impossible might I add. ;D[/QUOTE] Heart On | 1000 Ways to Die | Free Video Clips | SPIKE|||You might be an ENTP if your wife gets upset with you because she knows you saw your Christmas present early as you were cleaning up in the basement because it's not where she left it and you were...|||Try to keep an ENTP thread actually on track. Now that would deserve several awards.|||Actually on pretty much every cognitive function test I've ever taken Ne is almost always barely higher than Ni, Ni is usually just a tiny notch above Ti, and Ti is usually just a few points above...|||I had to laugh at how you put the word technically in there because even though the majority of Thinkers are men (and visa versa), Jung called all Ne personalities feminine. I've always been an...|||You people are all sick and demented! ... Kind of reminds me of when I use to have a social life. Good times.|||I actually see things the other way around. I tend to view atheism, disbelief, etc as a crutch for people with no real vision. I do have 2 favorite atypically religious movie characters. ...|||I actually find that I use commas to interject explanations instead of parentheses, but same thing. I often go back and proofread my writing only to realize that of the 10 sentences I just wrote at...|||I usually get along fantastically with ESXPs. I just always have to account for the fact that they tend to look at the surface level of things and react. They don't take into account all the angles...|||Haven't actually seen this topic in a while, but it has been done and done... and done. My wife's an ISFJ and as any ENTP who's dated an ISFJ will tell you, it's a struggle and a half. I think that...|||(snerk)...(snerk)(snerk)...BWAAHAAHAAHAA...Oh man, I feel your pain. Oh teh stooopeedssss!!!|||Meh... but if Grumpy Cat and Foamy the Squirrel combined forces it would be sweet, sweet anarchy.|||When most of your verbal sentences, especially when answering questions, end in a interrobang even though you actually are making a statement.|||What, you mean just because A = B (Christianity is Judaism plus the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles) doesn't automatically mean that B = A? [/sarcasm] That's okay, I always did hate that...|||I was in the military so I use to starch and iron the hell outta everything (Civi's & BDUs), as well as kept all of my shoes and boots cleaned and polished. Probably still would except I'm married...|||Judaism?|||Social nomad, that's a good way to put it. I've never really been one for goodbyes. 'Round these parts, for some reason, people feel the need to say goodbye to...|||I always preferred being down the rabbit hole to going over the rainbow, but they're both very nice places to be.|||It's funny because it's true. For the last week we've been below 0* F more than we've been above it. In about 3 months I fully expect to see people in just t-shirts and windbreakers when it warms...|||The ability to manipulate the local space-time continuum.|||When you do this all the time - Them: Hey, how does this thing work? You: I don't know let me see it. Them: No, just tell me how it works. You: I don't know how it works, let me see....|||I've always been a social chameleon, finding a niche with all kinds of cultures and subcultures (except pop culture, I've always hated pop culture), but I've always identified most with the...|||Second of four over a ten year span. My parent stopped having kids once they finally got a girl. Birth order would affect Character not Temperament.|||Aaand, you know you're in an ENTP thread when you burn through over 6 pages of derailment in less than 3 hours.|||I'm just claiming Amy, Fiona is only here to visit and watch you crazy whipper-snappers fight it out. Although I don't think you qualify as a whipper-snapper, but you still do have a few years...|||If that's a challenge, accepted. I win by default considering how green you are. People of Amy and Fiona's age will be looking for people their own age, like me. If you need us we'll all 3 be...|||You can all fight over Fiona, that's fine, but I call dibs on Amy Lee!|||Nice, but don't forget to cut the line on our air tank or it may take a very looong time.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Hey man! How's things?|||rubber soul I'm sorry about being shitty at replying. I don't come on PerC much any more. Guess that's just life. I have Skype if anyone is interested in chatting. Just drop me a PM :)|||So is it a university course? Fun and practical! What more could you want? I'm in agreement with the confusing part. I'm just being hopeful. I'm always hopeful! I'm planning on going for a run or...|||Public speaking? Fun and easy? We clearly have very different opinions on the meaning of the word fun but I'll let you off :-P Ah it is? Thanks! I'm glad someone noticed. What's the story behind...|||I understand where you're coming from. I shy away from huge threads on other sections of the forum because I don't want to intrude. BLEH. First day of class tomorrow? What class is it? Excited?...|||Do it! Well I've never been especially musically gifted - I think I tried to learn some wind instrument when I was younger but my instructor said I was terrible and I gave it up. My friend said she...|||Glad you think so! So, tell me, how are you feeling today?|||Used to - so you don't anymore?|||Does anyone here play any instruments?|||Bloody politicians.|||Sounds exhilarating. Are you a secret agent?|||Yeah I know, but then there's the problem of getting too cold in the middle of the night and waking up in shivers! *shudder* Good ol' England. We've had a bit of a heatwave over here and it's...|||I know what you mean, I think the worst bit about summer is trying to get to sleep and not being able to decide whether you need the covers or not. Whereabouts are you from?|||Hello.|||Yobi. I don't need you to say thank you. I'd rather you told me that you're going to heed even a little bit of my advice, or think on what I've said and find someone else instead, hell even moaning...|||Yobi First off, have a hug. *hug* Secondly, I don't know what you're going through, or anything about you or what that feels like, but I am sorry that you've had to go through it at all. I'll try...|||Everyone's allowed to be the centre of attention once in a while :-) How come you're moody right now?|||Cool beans!|||Ah I used to do kickboxing when I was about 15 or 16. I was probably in the best physical condition of my life. It's intense and a lot of fun and I definitely recommend it! Hah, I suppose you're...|||It's cool. Hah, anything else you wanted to try? By climbing some sort of mountain I meant rock climbing. Walking up trails? What do you take me for? xD|||Each to their own! I've never heard of any of those bands, I'll check them out later when I get the chance. Any chance you're into any other strands of electronic/trance music?|||How are you closer? It's a higher level of qualification I guess, so it makes sense that you're going to have to spend longer attaining it. Why does it seem unclear to you? Yeah I suppose....|||Hey! It's been a long time since we last spoke. How have you been? I've finished my second year, still averaging a first you'll be pleased to hear, and I have two more years left till I finish. To...|||Ever heard of a band called Infected Mushroom? I'm not sure I know what to class their stuff as but they're pretty freaking awesome.|||YO. That's cool! How's things? Hahaha, I've never been diving or snorkelling before but I know a few friends that have and it's something I really want to try before I go pop (if you get my...|||Errr, I'm really confused. Are you making a jape about my original post or are you saying that's your opinion too? Me too. Have you ever been diving?|||What kind of books are you into? Anything you're reading at the minute?|||You probably do! Is there anything in particular you love talking about?|||I just listened to it and I think it's pretty incredible. Hard to do it justice with a few words! What other hobbies do you have? How do you keep boredom at bay in everyday life?|||I'll reply to your PM instead. I struggle keeping track of one conversation at a time with a person, let alone two :P|||I've never heard of any of those bands either, ha. Do you read much? I've always been a fan of electronic music (trance mainly) but I branch out into other things from time to time. I discovered a...|||Here. There. Wherever I please. NAW, WELL AREN'T YOU CA-YUTE. How ya been?|||Are you as much a fan of adjectives as you are of dancing for the sake of dancing? :P Ah, good! What other bands are you into right now?|||T'was a figure of speech matey! So, what's your idea of an exciting concert? Who did you last see perform?|||Anyone else fancy a dance?|||I started playing Tomb Raider a while back but my mate had rented the copy so I had to give it back for him to give back... GUTTED. Did the story wrap up well in the end? Ever played any Team...|||What are playing at the minute?|||Videogames rock. What genres are you into?|||That's easy. Just talk about nothing until you feel comfortable talking about something :). - what have you done today? - what's your MB type? - what kind of things are you into? (sports,...|||That depends. It might end up being so ridiculous that it would work.|||1) Giggidy. 2) I'm not getting a lot of your references. What do you mean by supreme? I like Cajun chicken. With pinapples and shit. 3) Oh? What do you have in common? 4) Quite the contrary....|||1) Never seen it. Might give it a watch over summer. 2) Yum. I love a good pizza. 3) I agree with the bit about ISTPs. I lived with one for a while and me and her didn't get on very well. But...|||1) Do you watch Friends? I prefer How I Met Your Mother. 2) Have you ever danced in a club/team or taken up dancing lessons or something along those lines? 3) Meow? 4) I concur. 5)...|||You answered my question with another question. I feel cheated. Your turn: 1) What's your favourite film? 2) What's your favourite food? 3) Which personality types intrigue you the most? 4)...|||Sup stranger? 1) Cats. But I might change my mind at some point. I'm starting to have a thing for dogs. 2) Probably ask if they wanted to get drunk and then go out and dance. 3) As of now? I...|||1) Yay. We're friends now. Sort of. 2) Yay. I like dancing. 3) Yay. You're keeping up with the lists! 4) Yay. Yay. Yay. 5) Yay. I forget that the drinking age isn't 18. I don't know how...|||1) HERE'S A SPACE THAT NEEDS FILLING. I DISLIKE INCONSISTENCY AND MISTAKES AND STARTING A NUMBERED LIST AT 2 IS INCONSISTENT :( 2) Maybe give an album called anjunabeats a listen at some point if...|||2) I've never gotten into rock or indie. I'll listen when I have to. I like Mumford and Sons, The xx and similar sounding bands. My tastes are much more along the lines of dance, trance, drum and...|||1) Sugar, more fruit and grapefruit. Drop the irony. Got it. I'll try it. 2) Good. It appears the appreciation of a good pair is just one more thing we have in common. Speaking of things in...|||I enjoy your system of replies. Let's go. 1) Exactly why I disliked it in the first place. You may just have talked me out of trying it. The irony is so bitter I could taste it. 2) I love... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK_0jXPuIr0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jpV6OnBgjI|||If anything at all, pretending I'm not looking for a date at all. Just dimnish all anxiety vibe around you and pretend to act natural. There is one problem about it though: if you overuse that...|||Me.|||I'm a bit scared to show myself and clrearly express joy.|||Another link? thephilosophicalboy.wordpress.com is no longer available. The authors have deleted this site.|||Touché. I didn't expect many other INFPs to relate to this. Thanks @ManiacMessiah for sharing this information.|||Yes, it's just about doing it your own way and saying things you think the other person is going to like in small dosis everytime. Maybe a little joke here and there while you talk about something...|||And no logical reason is required to solve it.|||Mad thread, no offense to the OP.|||Well I actually meant epic as orchestral or epic-magic-dragons-swords-kind of thing related.|||Chan chan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49tpIMDy9BE|||I'm thinking about it but I can't remember.|||Jesus.|||Hey guys, have you ever find epic songs to be motivating for excercising while you listen to them too? Like doing push ups in the kitchen while two steps from hell expects you to save the world as...|||Da: I|||If you played Mass Effect 3 230722230722230722|||Silver surfer?|||Funny, because that's a good resume of what happens to a lot of us on certain situations. The Why am I more succesful among the other sex when I'm in a relationship? classical issue. Inverse...|||Something like that. Is just a matter of this is important, there is a moral implication about it. My conscience longs for aprobation here in case I've got something to do about it and it's just not...|||Yes, and I felt terrible. Everything I learned from then is that life without values has no meaning to me. Just a random succesion of moments.|||Here's one: 'If you don't want to judge yourself, stay out of the mirror.'|||HAHA right, I do agree.|||I realized the only way to be happy was to submitt myself for righteousness and peace.|||Nice ones! I love ancient Greeks and Romans, here is another one: x93Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage.x94 ― Thucydides|||It's nice to do some good.|||I guess love is to care for someone's happiness. That person can be you or someone else. Affection makes me fall in love.|||I don't know where it comes from, but it's a blessing.|||—Whatever. Whatever. No! Not that one|||I don't really think about it.|||I say yes to the NFJs demands and sneak out in the night.|||I think we are. We can do more things than them. I agree with your point.|||I thought we were talking about manliness here. When I talked about Tyranny, I was referring to dominance. If all females, all resources are for the same male... we are no better than animals. ...|||Isn't that what Jesus was about? And by the way, just saying: Cleant Eastwood characters are fictional too. @azdahak put up or shut up, no excuses, claw your way to the top, may the best...|||Let me disagree.|||I couldn't do the test, but acts of service and words of affirmation seem a good way to show my love.|||What kind of music do you like?|||I got to agree.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymtbY3S1Jpo|||Salihah like a walkietalkie|||I put the Salihah with the name on it, but not sure if it works|||Edited|||Into Free -Dangan P.S.: freedom!|||Actually freedom sounds more like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foTLUpPw1FA|||yes! time to fight to get through! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPIHDOjHiIE|||Nice question. I guess it's about intimacy.|||fredooooommmmm|||Because they feel protected I guess. Dark side still needs to be defeated. If you want to beat the asholes you just got the be as confident as them, but nicer. Don't fall into the darkside too.|||It's a hard task, man. I relate.|||Yes, but it has a cost.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Those responses makes sense. Forgot about the difficulty factor. I have heard before from others that Ancient Greek is much harder. And although there are more Greek writers I'm currently interested...|||I'm torn between taking Latin or Ancient Greek. On the one hand, I'd like to learn Latin since it would help both my English and my (little bit of) French, as well as help me learn other Romance...|||Social 1) Generally, I positively associate with the idea of being a part of something larger than myself. Though I may find it either overwhelming, because of my astute awareness of what lies...|||Not them exactly, but similar people, sometimes, yes. But then I remember that this is a form of capitalist alienation; that we shouldn't be defining ourselves in terms of material outputs like...|||1. My emotional life: an unstable flux between... intellectualization -- observing and analyzing emotions from a distance, minimizing or denying their impact to keep them from overwhelming me; ...|||https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=4b151ba9d5&view=fimg&th=15977915e4ec710c&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1555845322456956928-local0&safe=1&attbid=ANGjdJ8QvEIUhN_PNWKaiRtMsmwXuplyctDO7AATXH5C...|||I had a phase where I mostly listened to classical, orchestral, and instrumental music, about through my whole high school career. And I've pretty much always generally disliked mainstream music...|||Arrival. Mixed feelings about it. I loved the atmosphere... but that's about there the love ends. Pacing felt uneven because there may have been too many themes packed into it and not enough clear...|||No. And mysticizing quantum physics like this isn't helpful. But this annoyed me enough to get me too see what's out there on this. I found this, The Social Aspects of Quantum Entanglement, which I...|||I got ISTJ. Similarminds is always pretty far off for me, so that's not new. I don't know what I think of this political research on personality. I'm completely sympathetic with him on...|||No problem, and you too.|||https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=4b151ba9d5&view=fimg&th=1595d68ebe114c5d&attid=0.1&disp=emb&realattid=ii_ixfkwgho0_1595d68cc167aa4b&attbid=ANGjdJ9lDxvASJ-KUsipgPU3V5SlSEM7Yta2GmYgCdqKxNnJYd_...|||INTP, 25. I usually score in the 20s and high 10s on these.|||I think a found a good approach to this question through Schopenhauer's aesthetics. It would clarify the INTP tensions with inferior Fe and this limited emotional experience philosophically. Music...|||No worries. Wasn't so much you being unclear. More so just my needing the subtle shift in perspective to see what you were referring to. Only mentioned it because I usually feel the need to explain...|||Some are still are working on it, like Riso and Hudson, though I don't know to what extent, e.g. if they're exploring and doing more research to modify the system, or just focusing on tightening and...|||Yeah those are pretty much it as far as descriptions go, to my limited knowledge. The level of specificity the tritypes get to seems to preclude more comprehensive ones given the pretty limited body...|||I was about to bring up the same thing about Fi and Fe. I can't remember where I saw that, but I think about it often because it made me realize I listen to music that way. It's always to fit my...|||I've seen a few arguments similar to this elsewhere, and they all strike me as getting somewhere good, having some truth to them, though I'm not sure what. In one sense it may only be the pretty...|||It is pretty apparent for me, and I assumed it was that way for everyone. At first I had a hard time with doubting my type even though 5 seemed right. Then it fully occurred to me how basic and...|||Especially funny because I know a 9w1 Sx-first who is just like that with linguistics and languages, and everything else she is in to. It is hardly an exaggeration lol. I have been thinking...|||I was meaning to make fun of that idea but that works too.|||We definitely couldn't think as well as we do without language. I would say words are delimiting rather than definite. They don't have definite conceptual content because use changes, but they do...|||(Not in order.) Rick and Morty Hannibal Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Sherlock The Office|||Couldn't pick one. But I can pick five with mild unease. Prokofiev's Symphony no.2 was the first that came to mind. Love me some dissonance and tension. ...|||I moved to a brand new place my first year of high school and went through similar things through the rest of those years. Not wanting to leave the house was(is) my response to the fear of dealing...|||Certainly possible. I don't know how well it fits, though, nor do I have an opinion on his type. I imagine most typing him as an INTJ, based on his Arkham character (haven't seen or read of him...|||Fun looking back at this (minus the cringey posts) as an INTP who thought himself an INTJ, and seeing that a lot of these posts have nothing particular to INTJs. But that goes for all of these...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6tcs0_NAUI|||I've been interested in just drawing for a while. Then I took an art history class and absolutely adored everything. One of my favorite areas now. I'm especially interested in the Renaissance,...|||Preferred Music Style Is Tied To Personality|||To an extent, probably. I think someone who is bigoted in other areas is more likely to become a typist than someone who isn't (or is less so). But I'm sure many typists are so for reasons other than...|||As I saw one person put it, INTJs are like the INFPs of the NTs. ENTJ and INTP have feeling as their lowest function; ENTP has it third, but it's Fe, so it's mostly directed outwards. INTJ has Fi and...|||That sounds pretty accurate. Not sure about the forced part, but it's probably not far-fetched. I get the feeling it sounds a little awkward, but I do love the words. I wasn't aware somewhat was...|||*waits with notepad*|||I do see where you're coming from with withholding a judgement on his type because of his extreme or abnormal personality (assuming that is in fact the case; I haven't looked into him deeply). But...|||I don't have a straight preference for either; they both have things I like. Daytime is good for: the sun, clouds and sky (through my window lol); having more energy in general (at least...|||This is one of the bests things I've seen on this forum. May Jellybaga bless you. I can see how one might say that the ESTP fits this. My ESFP stepbrother is my mortal nemesis.|||A lot of the time it's just bad information or interpretations coupled with or with greater influence than the theories themselves. It creates a lot of contradictions and simplifications, which...|||VacantPsalm It is in Socionics, yes, though I was referring to it as used the Jung+MBTI typology system, which is the one I've been more interested in. You can learn everything or most of what you...|||Aelthwyn covered my view for the most part. I connect to the melody, and listen to instrumental music. Classical music and sound tracks for the most part. I can't think an instance of feeling...|||This sounds a lot like something an Ni dominant would say. Ni-Se in action: few details and big patterns; little said and much expressed. Anyway, welcome, fellow selfie prude.|||Possibly. I've seen the idea expressed elsewhere multiple times, and it doesn't seem implausible. Introverted rationality/judging is a focus on sorting through and organizing one's mental content....|||I don't know, but I really want to try it out.|||This seems to have more to do with wisdom and maturity than type (as with most of these sorts of questions). My mom is an INFJ (probably) and gives great advice, but I don't have much else to support...|||My mom told me that I cried A LOT as a baby when out in large public areas, like restaurants and malls. I also didn't start talking at the usual age range. My family went to someone about it. I don't...|||I'm more like a low key version of this; almost stereotypical INTP-esque. I tend to feel like more of an adviser than a leader. not in the least shy Ahahahah, no. Why are there birth stones...|||My mom is an INFJ and has acrophobia. That was her at Universal Studios.|||Fixed. This discussion isn't going to go anywhere with sweeping generalizations (wasn't that part of the initial problem?) and appeals to who's more important? Besides, I've seen convincing...|||INTJ. I mostly listen to classical music - anything from Baroque to 20th century. I also listen to movie and game soundtracks, my favorites being Inception, Interstllar, and The Elder Scrolls V:...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Patience is a virtue. So proud that you guys are still together.|||Hah! I do this and sometimes even a step further, usually with my wife, and intentionally suggest something I know she won't like. This usually leads quickly to an answer from her that we can work...|||I think it's totally awesome that you two are at this place. As I think you know, I thought for years that my wife was an ESTJ but that was my misconception as I was reading too much into that...|||I dreamed I shot a flare gun just outside of Wrigley Field in Chicago. The flare hit and set fire to a parked car. I then fled the scene before an intense police manhunt could find me. I took...|||yes, the types of things that I volunteer for are in line with my strengths and interests. I would have a hard time going outside of that and would not find it as rewarding if I did. I'm not sure...|||Pay the bills. On time. Really. Learn from my mistakes, please.|||Wow. I have totally been where you are right now... You took me on a backwards trip of almost 20 years. It's great that the guitar thing brings you some joy. That's a nice healthy base to...|||I must plead guilty to not getting out into the other forum pool often enough. I have been making the rare appearance in ISTJ-land lately, though.|||Deep thought is neither advised or encouraged in our sound bite society. So who is going to bite the bullet and start the Deep Conversational Thread? I nominate the OP.|||My going theory was that it was the diabolical plan of an INTJ, so that we'd be distracted by the bright shiny object known as INTJ forum before ever finding our own!|||....you think they put ENFP last on the community forum list on purpose.|||I may have to reverse psychology this and put on a fancy tie or suit to get the wifey out of the house. Conversely, if she went all sexy dress and choker on me, I'd spin her around and show her...|||The King Of Dreams Thank you! It's an honor twice over to be remembered in good favor like this, even though I'm not on much these days. It's an even bigger honor to be mentioned in the...|||That seems to be consistent with some of her reactions she has in the workplace. She is short fused with people who try to get ahead in the workplace by bending the rules or ignoring them all...|||Wow, a nearly 100 page sticky thread! I have some reading to do. Several months ago, my wife of 16 years came to the conclusion that she is an ISTJ, not an ESTJ as we had believed for a long...|||Plastic is money, too.|||1. ISTJ (I know this is a shocker for many of you. I have professed over and over about my ESTJ wife and our relationship, but as it turns out she is truly an ISTJ. If anyone is actually...|||Can you find a niche within the business where the boss might let you install some of your ideas? Maybe a market segment or product that is on the way out anyways, something that he/she has already...|||It's like reunion day. I'm back today from a ridiculously long absenteeism stretch, as well. Welcome back!|||I had something I was going to reply to around page 3, then read up through page 11 (because I know any proper ISTJ would want me to have read it all) and now I don't know what anything is about...|||I love all you guys, especially the ENFP ones! I mean, in a totally not gay way, cuz like none of you would actually turn me on sexually. At least, no male to date has done so, but if anyone had a...|||God so help me, I'm a nearly 40 year old married white man who is totally into Ke$ha and Lady Gaga. I just can't seem to admit this to my male friends....|||I've just spent the last two hours fine tuning our personal budget.|||... makes me want to be a better man.|||I've been married almost 16 years to an ESTJ. It's a pretty amazing dynamic. We really do build each other up, and look out for the other's blind spots. Feel free to search my posts, I have...|||This one was hard to find an image of. I could read this book at age 3. I suspect, that it's more likely that I just had it memorized. It was a Disney version of Peter and the Wolf ...|||I heard they had punch and pie here. I am so disappointed...|||I love all of you! Really, I do. This forum is a charm machine thanks to all of you.|||Oh my, does this hit home. I was like this my last year or two of college as well... Four things pulled me through, I don't know that I could have made it without all of them having converged at...|||Very well put! I might be able to survive for 2 or 3 days without my alone time, but then I start to crack.|||The wifey has always had a smaller social circle than I, but is a more intense extravert around the people knows. I also tend to shy back into my own world around those people when I'm with her. ...|||I'm still here! Been on a bit of a PerC holiday, but doing well. Life is a blissful roller coaster (oxymoron, perhaps?) with my ESTJ wifey. You're with an ESTJ now? How's that all going? I...|||I embraced my 'F' a couple years ago. I had been in major denial. Prior results: ENTP, INTP I'm really towards the middle on the E/I scale, that was probably the hard one to figure out. I...|||It's the shoe, isn't it? Gawd, I need to find a pair of these IRL. Thank you, you are much too kind. The King Of Dreams , WMDistraction : saw your tips of the cap earlier too, thank you as well....|||you are a benevolent inventor. With very high femininity. Please excuse me, I think 'The View' just came on TV.|||http://gagafashionland.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/lady-gaga-mermaid.jpg|||I remember being an awful pre-teen. So bad, I'm really really afraid for what's in store for me in the coming years, as I become more and more certain that my 10 year old girl is probably an ENFP...|||http://i1.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/draft_lens4632762module33318862photo_1242239851mary_kate_ashley_slime.jpg|||I've been lurking this forum quite a bit lately but can't seem to get my groove on to put together a creative post.|||This realization was large for me as well. It took until about 3 months before my wedding to figure it out in these terms, and about 8 years of marriage to completely believe it.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-AYAv0IoWI|||I've been married for over 15 years now to a lovely ESTJ that I met in my college years. I knew it had potential the first time we spent any time together alone... I had this campus job where I...|||I take it when I can get it. Today is the classic example. I sent the kids off for school, played a game of poker online, watched the latest beavis and butthead, drank my ass off, and ate popcorn. ...|||I remember a clip on the TV news many years ago of Mia Hamm knocking in field goals at Kansas City Chiefs practice. She was totally just messing around with the boys on the team, but I was really...|||http://images.sodahead.com/polls/000829077/polls_just_say_no_4611_240555_answer_2_xlarge.gif|||http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/136720/136720,1217049564,1/stock-photo-six-dollars-in-united-states-currency-held-in-the-right-hand-15356710.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM8bTdBs-cw Was a tossup between this and Fade to Black.|||Ditto this! For the most part I am the most docile person you've ever met. However, I have this thing for men who abuse women and children. And yeah, I don't care about the odds, I'll take on...|||I'm drinking alone today. And I like it.|||The female version of me used to post extensively on here. I miss her. She can rip out my brain and spoon feed it back to me. It's wicked scary.' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I am actually not taking it anymore! Though, keep debating whether I wish to. What ended up happening was I started developing a really bad twitch on the right side of my face. I had assumed it to be...|||Rock? Metal? OH HELL YEAH. I do love my EDM and contemporary classical as well, but I have a definite love for metal m/|||It varies. With most I tend to catch up on things, go over what has happened in our lives since we last spoke and try to keep conversation going. However, after a while it usually follows the same...|||Same, at least with drawing/sketching. I did manage to snag a bit of musical talent though. As for that picture, at first I saw horses and wolves in a forest and NOW I see the naked women. I worry...|||Oh I do, and I often feel regret as a result. At the time I usually have something else entirely on my mind (usually the reason why I start drifting off), so I don't really think about it. But, as...|||Just fade, like a slow transition out of their life... I hate making big announcements unless I have to, so the quieter my exit and more triumphant my entrance the better :tongue:|||Oh I definitely do this, and I feel awful for it... for whatever reason I just have an easy time staying away from people for long periods of time, no point of contact, and then trying to pick things...|||To be honest not really. A lot of it is also influence from environment, which mine has been not so great for a while now. So now mania is mostly restlessness and anxiety instead of energy and...|||As one who is strong with Ne... you may be on to something. Even with forum posts I'll often go back and try to revise what I wrote to make it seem less rambly. Doesn't work so well most of the...|||The way I see it, if someone burns the bridge between us then I'll let them back into my life if they're willing to rebuild the bridge. If they're not, I'll move on. No use hanging around bad mojo...|||If I'm really restless and can't sleep a shower followed immediately by hopping into bed works. That or just playing video games while listening to soft piano music (odd combo, I know) until I start...|||You don't think that your Ne-dom brethren aren't? :P|||Two things to vent... 1) Apparently I have mono and am starting to feel like I got roofied by a teabagging gorilla... 2) It took me a while to remember which forum this venting thread was in so I...|||As someone with bipolar... feeling normal, while a bit boring, is certainly better than the apathy of depression, regretful impulsiveness of hypo-mania or the particularly shitty anxiety and...|||Oh what a fun topic! Anywho, my reasoning for desiring legalization (or at LEAST decriminalization) is one of personal freedom and responsibility. If it's a cultural thing that in order to use or...|||Definitely! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t63HdJ_Mfts|||I don't, but I'll leave it up for everyone else to decide!|||47179 It's been a long day (at the laundromat)...|||A list!? :shocked:|||I'm at work so I don't have much time to do a full reply but I'd certainly agree with your thoughts. After all, extroverts gain energy from external people and ideas, among other things. I imagine...|||Oooh, older thread. Fun! Anyway, while lately I've drifted toward a preference for Ti over Fi (making me question if I'm an ENTP or just an ENFP with a very developed Te), I've never really had...|||Decisions.... *groooooan* Unfortunately for me I usually wind up spending so long thinking of a decision that if I can't follow through with what I decided to do then I feel really down about it....|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t63HdJ_Mfts Such a good song to chill and groove along to to :D|||Liberalists x96 focused on the rights of the people Environmentalists x96 focused on protecting the Earth and Health Academists x96 focused on education and scientific advancement In retrospect, I...|||First of all, hi ESFJs! (and visitors!) That seems to be the case for the stereotypical SJ, I would say, though I don't personally know many SJs that are actually like that to such a hard...|||I'll certainly look into Se-Fi and Fe-Si a bit more, though both I do have my reservations about (listed at the bottom). Now, to answer your questions... Depends on the circumstance. If it's...|||It's been on my mind a lot lately whether it's auxiliary Fi with well-developed Te or aux Ti with Fe that I have (basically, a thinker with strong feeling tendencies or vice-versa)... as it tends to...|||ENFP Ravenclaw... not really a surprise either, but still pretty cool.|||I think I had a brain hemorrhage, so pretty good!|||Agreed! http://gifs.gifbin.com/reverse-1233928590_citizen%20kane%20clapping.gif|||Wait, this isn't normal!? :shocked::confused:|||Ding ding ding! I legitimately care about others, but I also have to acknowledge that I do it through empathy; I have to put myself in their shoes first and see how I would feel before deciding on...|||Well, I DO enjoy my tangents with a slice of lime...|||Oh certainly. In public I am usually quick to put on a happy face, if nothing else because that's just how I am. I'd say roughly 50% of the time I'm actually not in that great of a mood. Anyone...|||Viva: 4w3 7w6 9w8 so/sx Ace Face: 7w8, 1w2, 3w2 sx/so cue5c: 3w2 so/sp The King of Dreams: 9w1 7w6 2w1 so/sx Alysaria: 7w6, 2w3, 9w8 sx/so MusicBird: 7w6, 9w8, 4w3 Eerie: 7w8-1w2-4w3 sx/sp...|||[] Asking to sit next to a stranger on the bus - sometimes, but not usually [x] Joining a new club/organisation/school/church etc where you don't know anyone - I like going to things with people I...|||Girlfriend's on Omegle discussing Pokemon while drinking wine... oh what a silly night it's going to be :tongue:|||One of the things I love most about ISTJs: ISTJ humour. Absolutely FANTASTIC! :laughing: That and without the ISTJs in my life I would likely be a complete mess. :blushed:|||Mmm, chaos... only with fellow Ne-doms could I enjoy it fully.|||I second this. Well heck, I like all of them! :D|||...or still doing that in a relationship. I have a hard time going full-on romantic for extended periods of time :frustrating:|||Why hello, fellow Ne dom :D|||I have to say, this is probably one of the few valid reasons people might not like the unhealthy side-effects of an ESFJ more than another type. That said, that's an unhealthy quality and one that is...|||Happy birthday to me :tongue:|||According to every Which Harry Potter House are you in? test I've ever taken... Ravenclaw. Every time. http://www.hp-lexicon.org/images/icons/shield_rav.jpg|||Basically this. Just say that you love her, that you do have things you need to do and that you'll see/talk to her later :)|||Damn near everything :confused:|||I identify with a lot of the stereotypes, to be honest... but a lot of the particularly nasty ones are when I'm in a really pissed off mood (which are always short-lived). Except claims being flaky...|||I'd say I have more male friends, but I tend to get along better with most females and pick up conversation much more easily.|||Oh great, another one of those I love everyone threads... ...YAY! I love these threads! We love you too, Mr. ENTJ :tongue:' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Welcome Dr. Buttercup, I got excited when I thought we would be discussing world domination strategies (particularly the formation of a penguin army). As you like people, though, it seems we will...|||I am always happy to help. As for the truth of what I said, I do not lie. Ever. I have lied in the past, and it gets nowhere good. If one person is not interested in the relationship (but did at...|||From experience, if, in previous situations, this has taken a particular route (i.e. she withdraws, you make an effort, she is willing to rebuild the relationship) consistently, then it is almost...|||If you value the relationship, then patch it up. It won't be easy, and it won't be fun, but if you value the relationship, then it is probable that you took the time to learn how to work through...|||9 The rebel. And I will 'reign it in' when I no longer have a reason not to.|||I have heard of the cognitive functions but I have not looked into them yet. Do you suggest any specific resources for getting started looking into that?|||I apologize for the lateness of this reply. I appreciate the tip I will be certain to research the cognitive functions. Are there any specific resources you would recommend starting with (just to...|||As I said, I have never tested strongly for any one type. The differences you mention may be a part of why. I believe strongly in hard work when it is for a good cause, practicality when it...|||Hi, all. I introduced myself as an ISTJ in the 'You, me, and everyone else we know' thread, but it seems, after testing again (and some time browsing the forums) that I am more likely an ENTP (for...|||Forgive my ignorance, but I know relatively little about MBTI, and remedying that is part of why I'm here. I have, for a while, believed my type to be istj, but my test results have tended to be...|||In a given setting, I give as many fucks as I believe need given to achieve the most desirable result.|||Personal ~ * Name - What do you preferred to be called? Michael - Any nicknames? None that make sense without context * Male/Female/Trans? Male Location - Where were you originally born?... |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'It would seem that I can relate to bits of both. And they aren't wearing pajamas and playing with toys all day as you put it. Thank you for implying I was a child, it is much appreciated (!).|||I can personally relate to Near in Death Note.|||If that is your stand, I will not criticize it. So it seems that distractions, and laziness are making me use less Ni, from what I gathered. A change in scene and making Te things are presumable...|||Thank you for the reply. This isn't a typology question, although I still am under the impression I could be switching cognitively. Another possibility, in my youth I was typed as an INTP, but then...|||Another example I can relate to. I am a university student, and for a while I did the exact same thing. Now I feel like I am in that position, where it has been my insight that connecting information...|||Unfortunately I can't say for sure. I will definitely endevour to give that a try FlaviaGemina it sounds like something I would do..(already thinking about it, this might be a solution, it FEELS...|||Thank you for replying. The first paragraph is exactly what I feel like, and you described it almost perfectly. I don't think my Ni is shutting down because of depression, but if I am not depressed,...|||Disclaimer: This could or will be sounding as paranoid, but nonetheless this is what I feel at the current time. I would prefer INTJ's opinions only on this and perhaps Turi as well. Greetings...|||Greetings, let's analyze this shall we? You are an ENFP or an INFP.|||You intrigue me. Let's analyze this shall we? It's hard to say. At the current time, I'm thinking you are an INTP/ENTP. There are certain similarities to most INTP's I observed. Have you taken...|||It has been my observation, that I do not detect any Ni in your statements or from you. I would suggest ESTJ would be the most plausible type for yourself. I do not mean any malice, just an...|||You are an INTJ solitaryhunter. Welcome to the club.|||You are an ISTJ in that regard.|||My apologies for the late reply. Before I make my judgement, please answer the following questions, in accordance to how well you relate with them and what are your impressions of them. 1. I am...|||Let's get a few things off our proverbial chest as it were: If you don't care about functions, then what on earth are you doing here typing other people? The fact that you mentioned ISTJ when the...|||Please explain, with pictures how do you think she is an ISTJ? Are you trolling?|||It has been my observation that you are very scatter-brained in your approach. That to me screams Ne. That is later reinforced with words like: Theoretical principles and you mentioned you have...|||Greetings. Let's analyze this shall we? Alright, so far I am seeing a case for the NT temperament and Introversion, so INTP or INTJ. Could you do this quiz and post your results here? Attempt...|||My apologies, I was doing this late in the night. There are both hallmarks of ISTJ and INTJ in your description (More specifically traditionalism is ISTJ while you mention you move forward which is...|||My apologies for the intrustion, but the OP is a clear-cut ISTJ. Oh yes, that is putting things into context mildly. I automatically thought about swimming > movement > how is the chicken...|||Alright let's analyze this shall we. You are an INTJ. Welcome to the club.|||A most apt question. Personally speaking, the fear of death and losing your individuality/consciousness is what keeps me up at night. As soon as I think about what is described, a sudden chilling...|||I do not receive (more on that later) the images you described, but I do however have scenario's playing when I do analyze the situation. For instance, when there was a person who was late to the...|||Why not. Extraverted Sensing - do you: Instantly notice movement and impactful features on the environment - No. Freely follow your gut instincts and exciting physical impulses - Yes,...|||At the present time, my best friend is an INTP.|||I quote Green Girl ; You have described my life with frightening accuracy. The Ni is strong with this one.|||Sorry, but I think you misunderstood my above sentence. I said the last bit just to say That is me, and I am not saying it because I want to be an INTJ, but because it is true. My apologies for the...|||That oddly does sound like a lot like me at the current time. And no, it is not because I want things to fit facts.|||How would an unhealthy INTJ appear like out of curiosity? Just re-took the cogntive functions test again and got this (different website): Te (Extroverted Thinking) (80%) your valuation of /...|||Reading into the second facets, It still implies I prefer Intuition. I will re-take the cognitive function test again just to be sure. Could I be an unhealthy INTJ?|||Apologies for coming across like this, but I am certain I am not a sensor, nor am I trying to lead you down a particular path. While I do acknowledge I am new to the area of MBTI, I do have enough...|||I am certain I am not a sensor, because I prefer the big picture, I do not relate to any of the description of ISTJ or any other Te dominant S types, I clearly favor intuition over sensory details in...|||Because those areas of interests do not conflict with my current ones. For the sake of theory, if something like that did happen, I would attempt to fix the issue myself, if I believe it is within my...|||Bumping for attention.|||Greetings. I am a recently discovered INTJ, but would appreciate validation from others to be 100% certain. Following the questionnaire: 0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the...|||It would appear that this thread is probably up-there in terms of interest. Following the template: Autobiographies Dealing with INTJ's: Are they always right? Re-defining Social...|||You are an INTP.|||It would appear the results above show that you are an ISFP. Reading off the graph, there is still a possibility you could be a thinker, but the averages of Feeling vs Thinking show you prefer...|||In response to the original question, I can confirm that I have experienced moments of social isolation. During those times, at first, I would want nothing more than to fit in. On one day in high...|||I would be honoured to accept. What is described above, sums me up in that scenario to the proverbial T. I would be hesitant to say I enjoy playing mind-games, but fixing *glares at lilysocks*...|||Unfortunately, as off yet, I cannot determine your type. I see elements of both INTP and INTJ traits in your explanation, some more prominent than others. You are definitely a thinker from what I...|||The red spirit, my apologies for the rather simple question, but have you perchance taken a cognitive functions test as of yet? It do believe, this suggestion has not been offered as off yet The link...|||The above I relate too strongly. At a point of my life I tested as an INTP, before reading into the cognitive functions and found INTJ suited me better. Sometimes it is a matter of looking deeper...|||I do not watch the anime genre, because I find it distasteful. However, in brief moments when watching Death Note with a friend, I found Near to be interesting, and personally relateable. L's...|||At first glance, I would seem cold and aloof, as I am selective on who I open myself to. If coerced into a social conversation about trivial things, my responses would be no more polite interest in...|||It is my understanding that Ni is not 100% accurate, despite what it typed as. In my experience, the more information you comprehend about the subject, the more accurate the insight is. Another...|||In my previous post on this thread, the above (directly) is what I had in mind. My sincere gratitude.|||Thank you kindly for your confirmations, fellow INTJ's.|||Greetings. Recently I have been wondering whether my Ni insights are essentially what I think they are. I have been observing these thoughts for a while now, and I would like your opinion to...|||While I do have ideas like these, it seems too conscious to be Ni. Speaking for myself, my Ni manifests as a lightning bolt or an AHA moment, where an insight hits me. This to me sounds like Ti. An...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/macros/cowbell.gifhttp://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/macros/cowbell.gifhttp://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/macros/cowbell.gif|||Nobody lies on the deathbed wishing they had spent more time working. Go parasailing today.|||Paint is so fucking win, how could I not. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/broham.png And since this post will ruin it, here's a memorial to my 420 post count....|||Meakachu used THUNDERSHOCK! http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/5930153.gif It's super effective!|||Born of an unholy union of screamofconciousness and a creeper, the vent server has been terrorized by a nebulous, mysterious horror called the Screaper. The Screaper has never been photographed, and...|||http://unrepentantoldhippie.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/loldogs-dogs-n-puppy-dog-pictures-i-has-a-hotdog_1263834657368.png am i doin it right|||http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/8148/sadcomparison.jpg|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/jimsrsly.jpg|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/shigeruwtf.jpg *lurks away*|||I bore of this again, I'm out. But like Frosty the Snowman, someday I shall arise from my icy grave to terrorize the innocent villagers again. So long and thanks for all the lulz.|||Necropost that is shorter than signature.|||I usually post pictures of robots in these, and after a long and perilous search I finally found a picture of an invisible robot....|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmo0VdPpkDA|||Good find, Quin Sabe. That's good advice for someone doing it for health reasons, but morally it's kind of half-assed.|||An oldie but a goldie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSHLGnexe-w It starts off kinda slow but the pace picks up after about the first half hour. This film is rife with unintentional hilarity,...|||http://icanhasrobot.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/hoomanrites.jpg|||Oi, how could I forget Kung Fu Hustle? It is from China and it is lolarious. I think it's made by the same crazy monkeys as made Shaolin Soccer, too. If you haven't seen that I would recommend that...|||36 China Town. It is on Youtube in 14 parts. It is Bollywood (more liek Lollywood amirite?), but it has English subtitles and much of the dialogue is in English. It's... difficult to describe...|||That it is feasible at all says much about how awesome the age in which we live is. I suppose by the definition in your third post, SWalker, then indeed this could be called a fully synthetic life...|||That's actually another pretty big step ahead. Being able to replicate DNA isn't the same as decoding it. I don't deny the importance or potential of their findings, but I think it's too early to...|||This is certainly a good statement of our current capabilities in genome replication, but creating life this is not. Not yet. But still, good read.|||I am thus far disappointed in your ability to start a revolution, Herr Doktor.|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/dancing-robot.gif Grats amigo.|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/kitteniad.jpg The Curse of Memes.|||Hey, why you gotta hate on cyanobacteria? Mold is life. So is this. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/amoeba.jpg|||The good news: Yes, that is why. It's not all in your head. The bad news: Your curse is that now soccer balls have AIDS.|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/moldy_hot_dog.jpg Show me hope in a hopeless place.|||You're the man now dog|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/oshitarobot.jpg|||Pretty please?|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/evilhorse.jpg|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/m136_at-4_rocket_launcher.jpg Show me a bad decision.|||You, your children, and your childrens' children will continue to be swindled by gypsies selling bogus anti-curse charms|||Stop eating meat.|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/lobotomy5B15D.jpg Show me why the chicken crossed the road.|||Seriously. I love all creatures great and small, except for whatever the fuck is in your signature. Robatix, that animal is what irrational hatred looks like.|||Fit mine better for what? Ballroom dancing? Making sex? Battle to the death? A tuxedo? This topic is confusing and so by extension are you.|||Normally yes, but you're cursed enough as it is.|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/peanut-butter-dog.jpg Show me jelly!|||Your firstborn grandchild will look exactly like that ORGANISM in your signature. And they won't exactly have a shining personality either. Like they'll probably be one of those lifestyle fucks who...|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/41VWGJXSVXL.jpg Show me a good monkey (or a bad one).|||*genital locusts*|||Your curse: the nozzle of your mustard bottle will always be irreparably clogged by a brown dried mustard booger.|||Oi TurranMC, really? You're like those guys in Mom & Dad Save the World who picked up the pick me up grenade. For posting in this topic, your next relationship will be ruined by anvils. If you are...|||That post + avatar smoking a cigarette = epic irony. But I kid, that's actually a very touching story.|||Every time you are in a hurry in an airport, there will be a fat person walking slowly in front of you.|||Welcome, brave forumite. As a reward for your curiosity, you will now be cursed. Have a nice day!|||http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/zombie0519a.jpg (We also want your organs.) Show me comeuppance.|||whispered apologies: Laika: The First Dog In Space And in response to your request, http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Squidhead/trilobitty.jpg That's no trilobite, it's just a little trilobit....|||Start smoking crack instead, you won't have any money left for cigarettes.' |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'I'm str8 at night. I just moved here to SC from FL about a year ago. I left behind a lot of friends. Since being here I haven't really found anybody cool enough to chill with. There are people that...|||I have 0 friends. I don't trust anybody.|||You know you are a certain type of ESTP when you go to prison twice and 6 county jail bids and you still don't learn your lesson. Life is a big game so get it hard with street smarts forget books.|||I know one thing. There is nothing fake about me. So I am all the way around live Real and a bag of chips. I like being a realist. It's better than being a fakest. I am ready to get things done now....|||I'm awesome in Math. I suck in reading and writing. I suck at homework. I can't concentrate long enough to read books. I hate books and can't stand reading. I don't have patience for homework. So...|||Mine are it is what it is. What you see is what you get. Life sucks then you die play hard.|||I can transform your whole life upside down. Have you ever been in the presence of a GOD? I'm the type you want to show off to all your friends and family. I will give you the attention you need....|||I command you to give me all your money.|||Maybe you are right.|||Yall are so quick to attack me when the other piece of shit started this fight first. If he would kept his little mouth shut none of this would be going on. Rewind this and see what he said FIRST.|||You are wrong. Antisocial Personality has Superficial Charm. We know how to say just the right things like sorry and appoligizing. Do we mean hell no. But we know what to say and when to say it...|||I said: When something is too easy like that I lose interest quickly........... there was no response so I said: If you want to find friends go to Facebook.|||I said: But I don't want to go out with Women I don't know. They both just gave me their number so quick. I talked to them and set up dates. It was too easy and I don't know them like I know you. Me...|||Aww well you need to go out and enjoy yourself...If I was capable I'd go have fun with you buttttttt out of commission lol.|||I said: I haven't been on 1 date since November 2011. I have been in a long distance relationship with my baby's mom. We just broke it off not too long ago. I stayed faithful the whole time.|||Noo 'm not a jealous girl... U need to keep your options opened if you're wanting a girlfriend. (She slips up right here) If I was still in high school then I wouldn't like that but I've learned as I...|||;|||I said: See that is what I am confused about. I didn't know if it was wrong for me to date while I am friends with you. I don't want to break our friendship over this.( I told her I am going on two...|||I'm broken, there's no way for me to rush into anything. I've dated one guy since my sons father because I don't want my son confused as he is always with me. I'm not that kind of girl of mother, he...|||Just because I talk n open up to someone doesn't mean im gonna date them. I'm a very open book to an extent with all of my guy friends cus I know they don't look at me anymore than a friend n def...|||This is what she said word for word after I told her I'm going on dates with other Women: I only want friends, idk how to be more clear about it...Someone who I can call n joke around with without...|||Why the hell is she on a dating website then. We have been talking since Feb. Now we just exchanged phone numbers like a week ago.|||Even though she said that we continue to text each other back and forth. I am playing counselor with her. I am showing her everything about herself as far as her personality and enneagram. I got her...|||I already did that. She Said, I don't let anybody in. I don't let anyone to know anything bout my emotions... My depression and anxiety makes if hard to talk to people. It's been like this for...|||Look you need to go re-take the test right now. I'm not trying to deal with another fake ESTP. You a fake. CUSS CUSS CUSS all up and down this post. I can't stand a fake. Bro if we were face to face...|||Look everybody it's a FAKE running around here claiming ESTP. Bro your soft as cotton and I don't see you.|||I'm tired of waiting and playing the guessing game. I got another girl I'm going out with. I am still texting her and trying to help her. She is so fine but I don't know her true motives. Do you...|||I had her take the Meyer Briggs personality test. Last night we talked for hours on text only. I got her to do the enneagram test. So she is an INFP 7w6, 9w1, 2w1. She tells me she is shy to talk.|||I made a suggestion to her to take it. I didn't make her. She took the test in the privacy of her own house and will. I am originally from Tampa Bay in Florida. Now I live in South Carolina.|||I had her take the Myers Briggs personality test. All her percentages are high in each of the INFP letters.|||OkCupid | The Dating Persona Test See what you score on this test and post results if you want to. I did it. The INFP just got into a car wreck and just broke her ankle. She is upset she can't go...|||What do INFP's want to hear from a ESTP to take the relationship to the next level? Right now I am still texting her on the phone. I don't know what she wants. She is trying to take her time and not...|||What do INFP want to hear from ESTPs? Are they looking for emotions and feelings from us? What do they want to hear?|||See that is the thing for me is that I view sex as entertainment, fun, and want lots of it. I have in the past whispered sweet nothings into a Women's ear while having sex. I can make love if that is...|||I have Antisocial disorder which features the histrionic traits big time.|||Will it work between an ESTP and INFP?|||How the hell do I find out if ESTP and INFP are combatable?|||Mimi here I am. You want to hook up with me. I have been with a lot of Women and never had a STD check in my life. I don't use protection especially when it somebody special like you. I'll make you...|||Mimi I am calling your name. You turn me on. I'm your player player.|||Ask a ESTP anything: What came first the chicken or the egg? Answer: The freaking egg came first. Are people stupid? The chicken has to go through the egg phase first. Then the baby chick second....|||69947|||So I realize I'm a ESTP because I steal the show when I'm social. I say stupid things sometimes and later on regret it. I have to go back and fix my mistakes. Sometimes if it's too late to fix them I...|||What does that mean?|||The title to mine is Why? Why me? Why is it always my fault? Why can't I get it right? Why am I not normal? Why am I asking Why? Why did I ask Why? Why did I leave that fine ass bitch?|||Tell him to close his eyes and kiss him. DO NOT TELL HIM. ESTPs are easiest males to get with. But I love it when the Woman dominates me and shows me how it really is. Kisses(actions) speak a whole...|||You need to go to Alcoholics Anonymous|||I was being sarcastic. All these chiefs and not enough Indians. Why did you pick that Avatar pic.? Where you drunk when you picked it out? That picture drives me crazy.|||Great run with that idea. You can do it.|||You figure it out then.|||My Mom is a ENFP btw. ESTP's are the King of all letters to read people. Especially the (SLE) types Conquerors like me, because of my (Se),(Ti), and (Ne) are dominant functions. That means I read...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Above and on top of that what really irked the people who tried to do this with me was that I rolled with the punches and then threw a sarcastic comment as a comeback that made them look ridiculous. ...|||- I didn't notice this at all. Ofc there were the starry eyed teachers pets who studied extra hard and knew everything by heart but they weren't really favoured. Some did, some didn't. I wasn't...|||I wonder if this will help with the possible food shortage in the future....|||1. It's a tool, if I need it I use it 2. Personally I don't really plan that much, If I have a start point and even a vague goal I usually have several possible ways to get there. Usually nothing is...|||Android and iPhone devices account for over 90 percent of all smartphones sold worldwide. Despite being very similar in functionality, current discourse and marketing campaigns suggest that key...|||https://blog.acolyer.org/2016/11/10/when-csi-meets-public-wifi-inferring-your-mobile-phone-password-via-wifi-signals/|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k-QHA-QAMY&list=RD0k-QHA-QAMY|||Aeons ago I had a quite nice beta LD deck..|||@EyesOpen Swatting is not always the best option. http://i.imgur.com/VMWCylN.mp4|||Eventful morning. First a bus driver tried to cause an accident by cutting in front of me and then workplace nurse gave me the seasonal autism shot. I really hope that it helps me to dodge the...|||I really wish that the elections in the us would be over with already. Every god damn news outlet is filled with that garbage. Just elect one of the lizards already and move on.|||18 years ago in highshool I used username VirZ and it started to seem silly, we had a course called religions of world and Agni came up, after pondering a bit I decided that it seemed like a cool...|||The whole gaming aspect of laptops seems quite odd to me but as a powerful work machine I'd go for Lenovo P70 as the specs seem quite good. No idea whether or not the NVIDIA Quadro M5000M works for...|||Herky the Hawk's grimace too 'aggressive' for fragile students, Iowa professor says - Washington Times Coddling taken to the extreme. AMAGAD the mascot looks too unfriendly...|||Are they on the plane or in North Korea?|||I can only speak for myself but the way I do it is not plan everything by the minute/hour and I've never had. Generally when I need to accomplish something I define a goal and the needed minimum...|||Green Girl Worry not, Jellybaga™ will protect your claim to the world although I could not find your title. Did you forget to ask bethdeth to assign you one?|||Rising sign: Gemini Sun: Capricorn Moon: Libra Mercury: Aquarius Venus: Aquarius Mars: Libra Jupiter: Scorpio Saturn: Libra Uranus: Sagittarius Neptune: Sagittarius|||HugtheVoid I think that one of the only places (if not the only) where nipples are an issue is US. I cant really wrap my head around the fact that blood&gore are completely ok but <insert deity>...|||Be happy about the fact that you were important enough to be able to hurt her/him/it.|||https://lolzombie.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/office-paperclip.png|||Search function, can you use it... from your question I'd make an assumption that the answer is no. So here you go. Let me google that for you|||Does not eating for couple of days by accident fit the bill? This happens to me quite regularly that I forget to eat and after a day or two wonder that why do I feel so tired and sluggish.. Oh...|||After two weeks of holiday. Me: what is this shit? Manager: Oh it propelled fanwards the day after you left and made contact the day after that Me: Has it been dealt with? Manager: Naah, we...|||I find it illogical to voluntarily limit the foods one can eat. That being said I do like a healthy diet but wouldn't even want to imagine dropping meat from it. Balance is the key to me.|||Rurouni Kenshin and FMA were quite entertaining.|||Highschool dharma... Lesson: Vindication has a price. People fade away anyways so actively 'quitting' seems redundant and for that reason the blocking measures seem a bit drastic. Friends stick...|||Beaten addiction: wow (nevar again) Current: nicotine, coffee|||Danger is real! You go JT! http://i.imgur.com/4vq2BqB.jpg|||17965326 minutes old, give or take couple of minutes.|||Punniez Thank you for the strawman. My issue is not with counseling in general or with people who need it. It’s with people who thinks that it is some kind of silver bullet that will fix every- and...|||So it is for what I thought, people who don't want or know how to handle their own problems. If it's as you've described my opinion is that the people who need it are not ready for the commitment...|||Could someone explain what the hell is 'premarital counseling' and what are the real and perceived positive aspects of it? I did some googling on the topic and it really not clear. To me that just...|||I always end up playing healer. DPS classes are mostly boring as hell and tanks... well looking at <insert random huge pixel monster>s leg is just not my cup of tea.|||The problem with accounting is that it's dead simple and mind bogglingly boring which results in zoning out. Zoning out then caused me to mix debit/credit in one entry so the ledger was wrong by...|||An other god damn corporate lottery of who gets to keep their job. I have a serious dislike of uncertainty but luckily there's always plan B and C waiting to be executed. Both would involve...|||I’m not really doing any structured plans even though sometimes I’d really need to. Identify goal -> rough path to achieve the goal -> estimate the time needed + add 20% for unseen shit that’s...|||No no no, he must have been ENTJ, as everyone knows that INTJ's would be in the shadows and he'd just manipulated someone else to do all the shouting.|||No, not this shit again is the only thought that came to my mind about the topic. There's a lot of old threads about this, I'd recommend skimming those.|||73.333 out of 100 masculine points 34.167 out of 100 feminine points 57.5 out of 100 androgynous (neutral) points.|||So they collected the cripples, the wounded, the maimed And they shipped us back home to Australia The armless, the legless, the blind, the insane Those proud wounded heroes of Suvla The only...|||Crap... It's been almost a year since I last saw one of these threads. No idea if it's due to selective ignore or there hasn't been one. Why can't people use search (even though it's quite crap) to...|||Trait Score Percentile|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX24lR_UzXE|||I'll just leave this here. SJW's are doing more damage than good in my opinion. How Trigger Warnings Are Hurting Mental Health on Campus - The Atlantic|||Isis map reportedly shows plans for domination of Europe, North Africa and Middle East | Metro News This should be interesting.. ISIS - Ak47 + SUV VS. Russian: Armata|||Yes, but you need to pay for the prescriptions..|||https://narf-archive.com/pix/f5d49abe402d1a1bb8202ba6298455ab737c82ba.jpeg|||It seems that the EULA changed in win10. I'm not super exited about the changes. https://edri.org/microsofts-new-small-print-how-your-personal-data-abused/|||http://i.imgur.com/AGWvtRM.jpg' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Is Susan Boyle still a virgin? :ninja:|||It's probable she has the typical religious attitude that sex is dirty and only meant to produce babies.|||Which has never explained a harem.|||Sports are such a bore. Aristotle was a much better writer than Plato. Some people prefer Shakespeare others prefer watching people bleed to death in arenas.|||NT the DC is so pretentious. I feel like I've just watched a dozen commercials trying to sell me something assembled in China. I wonder how he got obsessed with consistently defending his manhood.|||This is the way she complains about a man missing the toilet because it's harder to aim a big rifle.|||Find a personality type who enjoys being ruled. Then fit him for a collar.|||Hotter than Rome after being raided by barbarians. But not an SP shallow phony or NTJ tyrant.|||Loyal, Freethinker, sweet, and not a cuntmeister.|||Cat tormenting a mouse, and he'll claim to be the mouse. Don't fall in love with an ISFP. Don't look at him. Keep him at the very bottom of the friendzone with the INFPs. He'll never love you.|||If I never loved a crazy person, I'd still be a virgin. Logic is my particular style of straight jacket. :crazy::crazy:|||Tell him to stop acting like an INFP. If you don't stop it the Romans are going to throw you to lions works too. LOL.|||It takes a lot of comprehension of people to understand NTs. I'm impressed.|||On what? Be specific.|||The only ISFP I was interested in was playing with me. I don't think he was willing to take responsibility for anything. He blamed his problems with alcohol and anger on his parents. If he saw my Fe...|||I don't think of INFJs as the drama lama type.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD9xK9smth4|||I meant INFJ and INTJs don't usually make a compatible couple. My error.|||I'm not the emotional expert but I'm sure a difference between emotional types is a significant communication divide. To me, matching the emotional types matters more than the level of the emotional...|||INFJs and INTPs don't usually make a compatible couples. INFJs are individualistic, which INTPs find attractive. INTJs prefer a type that looks to the INTJ for an opinion. ENFP is the INTJs natural...|||That's it. Where do INFJs usually hang out?|||Whatever floats your boat.|||I like the self deprecating humor, the creativity, and even the daydreaming. I'm not a tyrant like an INTJ. So I'm not into the chase if it lasts for YEARS. Not that artists aren't hotter than hell....|||No problem carbon dating.|||Oh man. I have no idea why an INFP would feel inferior to an INTP. INFPs are usually gifted artists. It is nearly uunfathomable that the right brain feels inferior to the left brain. Or visa versa. I...|||It's safe to define intolerance as opposition to differences. Why should this merely apply to racial, and sexual differences? Shouldn't it apply to personality differences? Since we have as...|||My brother was Autistic. I don't have much problem spotting behaviors on the autistic spectrum. Women carry the gene for autism and my father carried the NT gene..So there is a difference. Aspies...|||I am attracted to INFPs but they only seem to be attracted to me at first and then run off. Usually with someone who is warmer. Then, they tell me how my distance and logic made THEM FEEL BAD after...|||That's the size of it. I'm pretty emotionally shy. But those feeling types that confident and mature enough to emotionally lead the way, usually bring my feelings out. Maybe they are afraid I'll be...|||Thank you.|||I guess that's because we don't need approval. People criticize me all the time to the point of tears, and I don't usually say anything about it. Don't take this personal, but avoiding someone is far...|||Butt hurt? If you don't respect a sexual partner's mind, that's much worse than never getting involved at all.|||I was thinking about Jean Jacques Rousseau's social pact. If that didn't work to free mankind from enslavement, nothing will|||Oh, and I forgot. People who push religion down your throat.|||Lying Insecure douche bags War Politicians (see lying) People who think logic is boring When people ask, are you sure you're not angry? When people misconstrue your words, then want you...|||I am a firm believer in individualism. People need to accept the constitution is the foundation of this country, and government cannot solve your problems. Without big government, corporatism...|||Libertarians are not socialist. Obviously, you've never read Ludwig Von Mises. Sadly, listening to a podcast, most likely hosted by a clueless political mouth piece like Glenn Beck, is not true...|||I'm an INTJ woman, and *sigh*.....those tough guys call me a feminist and a lesbian. The words, Baby, other women want me to be a dick...I just don't get you are in no way attractive. If you...|||Are you kidding? My first boyfriend was an INFP. I never thought of him as gay. He was creative, able to express his feelings, and he didn't go along with the crowd...very attractive qualities in a...|||Randy Rhoads 37613 John Waite 37614 Bryan Adams|||The male and female archetype is outdated. What does personality have to do with gender? This type of thinking originates with the mythos that real men never cry, and real women follow men like...|||Being careful about entering relationships sounds like a positive quality. Relationships are serious.|||Feeling types that claims a patent on caring are being just as selfish as thinking types claiming a patent on logic. Neither are right and both have a self-centered agenda behind cutting the other...|||Children are the cutest. And fun, too.|||I love to sing.|||Intuitives...sensors are too shallow.|||ENTJs aren't gods either.|||I'm the outsider visiting, but here is my opinion. When two people are deeply in love, it makes logical sense for them to devote themselves to one another. Most people settle for the person that they...|||What sarcasm?|||INFPs are too sweet not to like...god damn it.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'http://i.imgur.com/6IQWysV.png Anyways... to answer the question, yes. This is largely due to the fact that I am high and/or stoned (yes, there is a difference) most of the time. Moreover, when I...|||So... I just got home from dropping the wonderful Waldeinsamkeit off at the airport to fly back home. I experienced the most amazing thirteen days of my life during her stay. Anyways... I thought I...|||Yuuuhuhuuuuuuuu! Welcome to the forums CiCi :3! I am glad to see you making a post (for some reason...) :D! ANYWAYS! Enjoy your time at this wonderful that is Personality Cafe :P|||So... I was making efforts to steal my sister's new kitten... http://puu.sh/51iuk/f72e16b93f.jpg|||No, I do not.|||Ya get what ya get and ya don't get upset.|||I consider myself ambidextrous. I'm right-handed, but left-footed, and for everything else (like holding a hockey stick, golf club, etc.) I am ambidextrous; both left and right feel 100% comfortable...|||Listening to this song at about a [9]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e-32DD6BoU|||1. Quiet 2. Observant 3. Stoned 4. Well-mannered and Chivalrous 5. Happy 6. Relaxed/Laid-back/Chill 7. Charming 8. Artistic 9. Empathetic 10. Awkward|||I'm glad you along with other people have responded to this person's post. I'd like to bring up a quote from the great Terrence McKenna: Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government...|||Elegantly indulges into the delectable milk and immediately becomes entranced in its deliciousness. Puts his tail high into the air and brushes up against the left leg of the milk-putter-outer whilst...|||So much love in this thread :) *purrs* Can I have milk and cookies instead of water :3?|||In all honesty, you answered your post with the last two words: say it. That is all, just simply say it. Let your heart and mind mesh, and let them speak freely without interference. I hope I helped....|||In regards to marijuana and my usage, I simply become addicted to the experience of being high. It is like I have touched something so pure, and so fulfilling, that I must keep revisiting. Moreover,...|||I did something similar. I dated a girl for one month, she broke up with me to date someone else, then I convinced her to get back with me, but then I told her I changed my mind. LOL. Oh freshmen...|||I have no idea how it is possible :'( But OBE's are closely related to near death experiences and possibly due to the release of DMT (a natural and psychedelic compound). DMT is also said to be...|||That's interesting about the running. So, you actually run (at least some times)? What's the farthest you've ever run when it happens? What do you do when it happens at your home, or in front of your...|||Haha, I can't say I hate it. I think I've said this before, but I've never looked much into it. So I've never talked about it before, so, subsequently, I haven't had anyone say that :P And I hope you...|||Two nights ago I had a crazy set of dreams within the span of an hour. Dream 1 started, then I immediately transitioned/teleported to Dream 2, then I immediately transitioned/teleported to Dream 3,...|||When you brought up how people react, it made me think of how I appear when it happens. And from my memory, I most-likely have a straight face and have a rigid posture. So it really is like my whole...|||Hm, I would say it does in the initial freak out so to speak. I feel like I get scared because it's like Oh my god! What is happening!? I can't control myself and I feel outside of myself! Haha....|||Like you've said about DR, it is hard to explain :P I can agree that you feel outside of your body. And moreover, for me, I feel like I am some form of manifestation directly on top of my reality...|||I tend to be competitive in my passions. My biggest example of this is hockey; however, the pure joy I have out on the ice trumps over my competitiveness. Subsequently, I don't really care if I win...|||I've only experienced depersonalization; however, this is only during rare occasions when I smoke cannabis (maybe 10-20% of my highs have this happen). I actually really like when it happens. The way...|||Hello, and welcome to the forum :)! I found you talking about your derealization quite interesting. I'd never really looked into DR and DP, but you were a catalyst to doing so, thank you :D! Enjoy...|||That's interesting. I like the way you explained it, too. I'm not sure what I think about that question. All I know is I was different before my parents got divorced (which was around the age of...|||Seeing as most people disagree, I have a question: Do you believe personality types can be changed due to a cause? For example your parent's divorce, physical abuse, etc.|||Thankfully for me, I always stray away, or simply don't, get into the mindset of trying to predict. I say thankfully because I'd rather something I am experiencing be a surprise. Otherwise, it would...|||@ethylester I can empathize with you fully. It reminds me of statuses that say something like... Omggggg! NOBODY knows what I'm going through! No one has it as hard as me! The way I try to reason...|||I believe it is proven that there is correlation between looking good and feeling good. As for myself, I can say that this is true. I simply feel better when I maintain myself and create the aspired...|||Take a look at this video:Alan Watts - What Do You Desire? - YouTube Just so you're not lost (if you actually do choose to watch this), Alan Watts is essentially speaking words as to why one does...|||I came across this video recently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwNJZUZFt-U I wish I came across it earlier, but that's okay. I eventually learned on my own. I feel like it is clear that you...|||I can not speak for all INFPs, but I can safely say logic is not too much for me. In fact, I use quite a decent amount of it in my discussions. This is because it is simply undeniable, why would...|||Took a nature walk the other day and had a few pictures snapped of me :P (which does not happen very often) http://puu.sh/3ULU0/187b0c9172.jpg http://puu.sh/3ULUy/efb91cf771.jpg...|||Bored and waiting for my boss to arrive (aka participating in what my shirt suggests :P). Sorry for the sideways picture and I don't normally wear hats :P|||http://puu.sh/2wxTK/94c933ebcd Got a new hairdo today! What do ya'll think?|||I indulge in the use of cannabis, and quite assiduously :3|||I think the suggestion that someone made is appropriate. Why not let Mary Jane fill the void ;)?|||I found my love on PerC. Before I met her, I was quite cynical and very passive; I thought 'the one should find me. I thanked one of her pictures, and later on, she thanked mine. I thought to...|||I get told I am high because I am most likely high.|||I have seen my aura myself, so I do not need a questionnaire. My aura color is white/light blue/light orange.|||Be yourself and don't give a fuck, simples. Also, stop confining yourself to INFP/MBTI... It's just a crude label bro.|||Reminds me of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB5QEgB3hCo I love these types of videos :3 Thanks for sharing!|||Oh gosh! I love your hair :3 I do not know why, but I have a little... thing for red heads :3|||Just curious what other's think of being home alone. For me, being home alone is my entire life and I love it for the most part. Even with six family members in the house (four siblings and parents)...|||Where would you live? Within nature. What would you live in? A log cabin built from scratch. What’s your transportation? I will not need transportation, so my legs. What would you create/do...|||My favorite anime, hands down, is Clannad. Those who have seen it will know why :3 And if you have not seen this show... what are you doing with your life :P? Real talk though... Go watch it, you...|||You guys act so surprised with a lot of them being introverts, why? They are more often than not alone (or with very close friends) behind a camera and/or microphone. I do not know about you... but I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6bUUmelbyw I always enjoyed this video and what it is trying to get across. Due to that, I thought I would share it with my fellow INFP's :3 Any thoughts?|||http://1funny.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/sad-cat.jpg So cute :3 :) :D :'( D:' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Get thee to a nunnery!|||Ohhh definately ethical.|||The War on Drugs does more damage than the drugs themselves. If you are a moral person you cannot support prohibition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwIHmHb1cSU|||Seems a bit conflicting, no? Anyway, I feel your pain hah. I'm in a similar situation except I've made up my mind. I want to end it because: - It's been unyielding chaotic for more or less the...|||Oh yes. How horrible it is that someone dislikes us. Terrible. Just terrible.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgWVs4kslVw|||I must confess I'm interested... Why Lucy? Yeah she's nice and all, but in terms of spiritual experience I've always felt more drawn to some of her friends. When me and her hang out I just sorta feel...|||1.) Eat good meals at the same times each day. 2.) Sleep for 8 - 10hrs a night. Sleep and wake at the same times every day. Try not to take naps. 3.) Participate in activities with other people in...|||It's their right to shave a decade off their life if they want to. Why you mad, bro?|||Weeee happy music! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWUyZg4hwNY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtsH8pUaJz8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT9BeHj__ww ...|||While this is technically possible... people having a crisis/breakdown on drugs rarely commit assassinations. It would prove quite tricky to buy ammo and shoot all those people while tripping your...|||Where did I 'prop up' anything? Without a doubt the people in North America have much more say in our laws. We're still getting screwed, but we're getting screwed less than the Middle East. What I...|||Laws? Fair? Ahahahaha. You talk like Christian sins aren't punished by our laws. The legal system is so far from any semblance of fair. After the legalization prostitution, drugs, and gay...|||^ This, this, a thousand times this. Drug and supplement use helped me get out of funks by getting the ball rolling so to speak. I can't say I've tried tryptophan, but it is metabolized into...|||I have found meditation to be amazingly helpful when I do it... oh the things I should be doing. Anyway, THIS site is really great for learning how to meditate. They also have a lot of great...|||I opened this thread thinking I should suggest the Sloth! I've always really liked them; they're probably my favorite animal. Interesting to see other people had the same idea.|||This, this, a thousand times this. Whether it's been hardwired into us as a species or socially programmed... We generally don't like it when our partners are physically intimate with other people. I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7yGaLuW6aY|||This thread is pretty awesome. And yeah, there are subtypes?!|||Ah, that's rough. Unfortunately I'm going to have to say drop it... at least as an immediate possibility. You've been jerked around enough as it is already. She seems inconsistent and flighty...|||You might just have to wait until she gets bored. Or you could try asking Jill stuff like: Why can't you let this go? Why are you involving these other people in this? Is it any of their...|||To listen deeper, watch closer, understand more, and keep an open mind.|||I've had personal experience with polyamoury. I'll write you guys a little essay on it when I get the time. It was a wild ride.|||Sexy house time! sexy, disco soul: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bySPwAj3d1E male and female vocals? yes please!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUFbjhjexn4 the Jay-J mix is a fun tune...|||Your rule? Then no one will mind if you break it. Seriously, why keep personal rules around if they don't benefit you? Don't avoid something just because it scares you. And whether it be a groove or...|||Glad to hear the party worked out! :laughing: Where's that rule written down? And the Lord said, 'Ye shall only date those born in the same year.' Screw that, dude. If you like her......|||Your going to have to elaborate on that one.|||1) It seems to me that a lot of this particular problem could be easily solved by one thing: alcohol. I understand and respect that you don't want it in your house, but you might want to...|||Laziness is my learning disability.|||1.) I don't smoke cigs or tobacco in general, way too much cost for way too little return. I drink sometimes but not often. There is too much somatic damage for too little emotional/mental/spiritual...|||This one here is solid gold. Just gold. States Of Mind That Distort Reality by Matthieu Ricard | D.I.Y. Dharma this one is about sexuality, but i rather liked it and think its applicable : Xeromag...|||I found a cache of weapuns the other day. It was very knife.|||Douglas Adams' Austrailia|||Meditate as much as you can (or whatever, there's no real rules to it), find something that relaxes you (SWED?), and try to remember that life isn't really all that serious. Make a plan and follow it...|||I have no idea what society thinks. I would imagine it would vary depending on whom you asked. Just get in where you fit in, and screw the rest. As for your girl, use your own smarts to figure that...|||Lol, you want resources on being assertive? Not sure what that would constitute, as you already know what you want to do / need to do. Will reading tips or how-to's on saying 'no' really help? I...|||It is better to have lurved and lost than to have never lurved at all.|||Repost from another thread: A very close friend of mine is an ENTP :D He is one of the most joyful people I know. I love his ability to become intensely passionate about something, practicing it...|||Pish, why focus on the negatives? I for one think that ENTPs have some great qualities. A very close friend of mine is an ENTP :happy: He is one of the most joyful people I know. I love his...|||Shit! Your right! Why that no good swine! Trying to make us help her in her lawbreaking ways... It reminds me of those damn jaywalkers! They're an insidious group, eroding the morals of today's...|||Only if, in your avatar, your the guy rocking the sombrero.|||Absolutely not. I don't see how taking an eye for an eye will help anyone in the long run. There are many causes that I am prepared to die for, but no...|||Are you asking for technical help?|||You say you have a strong attraction, but no real connection. I think you should wait about 2 weeks, and then have another date. If it works then, go for it. If not, such is life.|||Its what you get when you place a lot of excited people who like to give hugs, and a lot of excited people who like to get hugs in a room together.|||Hugs are the greatest! Wonderful way to express emotions. Hug fiend you say? Well, the rave scene (clubs are not raves) is absolutely saturated with hugs. Its wonderful. It's an...|||Hell yeah, more ISFJ!|||Play some real-time strategy games, I swear you get better at handling multiple events. Don't quit if your loosing, keep at it.|||Welcome man! This is the best sub forum around. True story. :D|||So there are what, ten of us? :mellow: Anywho, I'm a student. Thought I was ISTJ for a while, but I'm too F for that. I love pharmacology, chemistry, electronic music (!!!), words, stories,...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'bump. I find nutrition absolutely necessary to maintain a fully functioning brain and in recent I've learned to appreciate the pain of lifting weights. In high school I didn't care much for team...|||What makes your religion choice better then the others?|||jenecis I certainly understand your thoughts on becoming a consultant with no in the field experience. I myself didn't quite understand the merit in that, and was a little surprised that people...|||Lol Actually I am that way too normally, but lately with my new job I have to change pants every day. In reality I wear pretty much only seven of those 15 pairs lol and the cloths I own, I've owned...|||jenecis We travel a parallel journey. I see I will enjoy picking that brain of yours way too much :happy: Let's see what I can offer with my thoughts...|||I don't understand the mindset of collectors, or this new fad of changing phones every 6 months. I have about 15 pairs of shirts I wear, and 15 pairs of pants I wear, and about 6 pairs of shoes. ...|||jenecis Wonderful insights. I guess without some working leadership experience under my belt I will be severely limiting myself. I like the observe the one's who've made it technique you use. Great...|||jenecis How do you feel about leadership positions in your field of work? I just began working for a small accounting firm, and it's projected to grow exponentially in the near future. I feel that I...|||Is that pasta spicey? Me: No, it is not. See, saying no isn't so bad. Hey, could you babysit my pet man eating Tiger? My mind: Oh wait, what to do, what to do... PANICK, PANICK......|||Bro Science at it's finest. But his speaches make me want to believe everything he says lol I do see alot if Perceiving function in him. He seems to put a lot of effort into his image though,...|||White River Yes, yes, Elliott is so great in several ways. Really breaks the mold of being just a bodybuilder. The kind of man I aspire to be. I wonder what he'd get if he took the MBTI test. He...|||Have you ever watched any of Elliott Hulse videos on YouTube? His style of body training is more holistic and I think will appeal to some INFJ's. He is all about building the strongest version of...|||I do, and I often silently root for the villains. Can't understand why lol Really, I think it's just a common trait of most people. It's just strange to imagine a Mother Teresa or Ghandi...|||Not terribly muscular yet, but I've came a long way in just two months, I was very thin 3 months ago. Being 5'10 at 154 lbs, fitting the superficial discription of a INFJ. I think it's a grand...|||Oppz double post :exterminate: My apologies!|||As a child my father instilled into my conscious to always be aware of your environment and growing up a working youth, with no vehicle, in the ghetto, I (intuitively) figured it was in my best...|||Windblownhair I find I have to reward myself in some fashion while providing myself with some kind of order when it comes to tapping into my own will power. Rewards such as studying in a...|||Sure Aizar She's a pretty good talker and an INFJ, you may be surprised at her vids. I normally don't have the patience also. But mastering Willpower is for an INFJ about trusting our 3rd...|||I can achieve anything right now http://www.demotivationalposters.org/image/demotivational-poster/small/0901/falcon-punch-comiics-demotivational-poster-1232850775.jpg|||As good as a cold can Bud Light. Have a swig of Crunk Juice wit me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIGRV9RPJiM|||No Doubt, Absolutely. I bet many of you can right a compelling story within 10 minutes. Though in actuality it would take years to perfect that story, as we will never be happy with presenting a...|||Video Games Feed my Under Nourished and Evil Competitive Side. I like tournament games like Street Fighter 4, Tekken Series, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom and Love, Love, Love popular Shooters like...|||and I approve this message. She's good (no I don't know her or getting paid to say this) and few MBTI centered vids on YouTube are as precise and utterly helpful as her's. Thought she could use a few...|||I can listen to absolutely any style of music and come out it feeling all tingly in the head if it's good enough. Including this Nostalgic inducing peace of gold ...|||http://media.giphy.com/media/iNZ3Gl6V4lo4M/giphy.gif Other INFJ http://media.giphy.com/media/8gkAGewZhLhQI/giphy.gif INTJ Guys ...|||Read tell me about her tea pot collection more then once a week... I have this kind of friend. Actually my only close friend. They can only hold back for so long :tongue:|||Green Girl All our conversations are like that :happy: I was just going to ask, before I read that. For this reason I learned to free style on the whim with sensors. They prefer to live, love...|||I think customer service is the rights of passage. Easy job to get, and you develop skills that you will later find useful for better jobs. I think INFJ are naturals at it as long as they can retreat...|||Am I ambitious? I struggle with this question. I think my ambition works differently then the orthodox meaning of the word. I always work to be financially successful, but am unyielding in my...|||The ability and natural desire to see the world through the eyes of another body, Could it be a way of connecting without having to commit, So that one could return home alone, free of social...|||//Thank Snakecharmer for reminding me I had that great song embedded in my galatic playlist. Now I can listen to it for the next 72 hours like I meant to. http://youtu.be/UNCSYdGNH_Y|||Be prepared to silently weep. :crying: 4:25 - 4:40 is especially eargasmic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUO6kYLb6As|||Inner Glow? Charisma? Soul Searching Eyes? The feeling you've made it over a rainbow deep in a juggle, that had a little Leprechaun willing to share it's pot of gold with only you?|||My Two Cents, Using myself as an example, I long ago understood that I was not as connected with my physical environment as much as others were. I mainly understood this through the eyes and words...|||Wow, It's incredibly ironic you just cooked with quinoa. I learned how to make quinoa pudding 3 days ago. I am including it into my daily meal plan, and figured making a desert out if it would...|||I would have to say Lago from Aladdin even though he was more of the clever sidekick. That little wise cracking parrot stole the show. Actual Villianwise, probably scar. He had the best songs, and...|||I see a reaccuring theme here FOOD! I would say food, because I am always hungry no matter how much I eat and I desire bold flavors. I think I get people curious in the Subway restaurant line when...|||Getting myself dressed in the morning (yeah), (safely) driving faster then everyone else and Dancing, currently with no witnesses.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnF3ux6lM3M It's in French, but a beautiful singer. Love this guy. English Translation: Since I was little I haven't understood anything Even if my...|||If I look more like a T type, or angry, it's because I am concentrating on staying alive while in my car. Mad drivers everywhere, while I am very aware of my wordily unawareness. Dangerous times. ...|||Past self: Stick to your goals. Present Self: Achieve your goal! I have amazing but logical ideas for myself, but for this reason or that I often put them on the back burner sort of speak. ...|||Earned It by TheWeeknd Before that TeenAged WasteLand by The Who Before that The Man That You Fear by Marylin Manson Also I like to blast a YouTube album through my phones speaker while...|||I don't understand how I could only want people's best interests at heart but remain so distant and aloof. I had a dream last night that had me tearing up a little when I start recalling it. It...|||Walk within my line of vision. Doesn't take much, I take notes on all living things in my vicinity. Now how to keep ones interest? Make me laugh, be expressive and friendly. Or be different then...|||ConspiracyTheory - What a wonderful read. Very structered at that! My ideology is that civilization needs worker ants and drones to many alternate thinking intuitivess' and the hill cracks and...|||INTJ or ENTJ... All this feeling is wearing me out lol|||Ghetto attitudes. Think it's because of my suroundings and what I have been taught. I've seen enough of it to know it's bad business.|||Chocolate Covered Cherry. Umm. Sweet and wholsome on the inside. And a welcomed treat for bedtime...|||Kidness above all. Even better if it is balanced with assertiveness and confidence.|||Like the annoying little step brother on the top bunk bed screaming aha aha aha aha. How he got the top bunk is anyone's guess.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Hi, are you really manic?|||greetings.|||Yes, sorry.|||Welcome, always good have another NT.|||Am I the only INTJ that is spiritual?|||Back when I was prescribed Dextroamphetamines, I found that there was nothing better than having two cups of coffee and 30µg of Dextroamphetamine to start your day. You'd feel good, happy and...|||I think this is spot on. Also heads up DSM-V no longer recognises Asperger's as an official diagnosis. I have High-functioning Autism if you want to call it. Either way I'm slightly autistic, but I...|||I took an enneagram test and got this. http://i.imgur.com/bNQO0Em.png|||Your Cognitive Functions: Introverted Thinking (Ti) ||||||||||||||||| 7.92 Extroverted Intuition (Ne) |||||||||||||| 6.42 Introverted Feeling (Fi) |||||||||||||| 6.39 Introverted Sensation (Si)...|||I don't do a lot of things. Yeah sure I go to my Wing Chun classes but that's about it. I rather spend alone time. I need time to re-energise. My ESFP cousin is always dragging me out to places...|||Se?!? there is no way my Se is that high, it's the weakest of all 8 functions. I'm certain of that.|||Would appreciate any other views, do I sound INFJ?|||I ask the wise sage, What is the purpose of life? He says Just being. - Ahura Mazda.|||Thanks, it's sort of my opinion that I no longer fit the INTP archetype and am more in the INFJ spectrum. I'm a fairly emotional person at times.|||Thank you, but do you think I'm an INTP or INFJ? sp/so probably makes a lot of sense. I'm not sure about 6w5 but definitely 4w5 considering I wear buddhist bead necklaces, handcrafter silk shirts...|||@CCCXXIX made a very strong argument, and I concur with him. Whether or not you think it was objective is completely your opinion. Also I smell troll.|||This thread is utter ridiculous. Its completely speculative, with lack of hard evidence.|||1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? Well I would say its myx85 uhx85 shit. Ix92ve shifted and become more emotional, less rationale, and a little more organised. So I...|||Shit, So I am an Fe after all? I'm in a Fe-Ti loop of some sort, so that rules out me being INTP? I had a gut feeling that I might be an INFJ, but I question it because I'm not very organised.|||The Tibetan Book of the Dead by Robert A. F. Thurman|||Just wondering if this person is INTP or INFJ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsRzjQNDMDg|||Hello there :happy: your post attacked me with colour, but i welcome ye :D|||Hello, and Welcome to the forum :proud: http://www.todaygh.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/welcome.jpg|||a little too much information would have been if she told you how many vibrators and dildos and which ones she enjoys the most.|||Hello, and Welcome to the forum :proud: http://www.todaygh.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/welcome.jpg http://blogs.curtin.edu.au/cv/files/2009/10/welcome2.jpg|||In fact I got so good at it, that I got to point where I self-iinflicting myself, and i acted like everything was fine with everyone, and then my mother found out, told my psychiatrist, and then I...|||I would say it's like wearing a masquerade. you know like in Phantom of the opera. Masquerade! hide your face so the world will never find you. That's how I've felt for four years, but i've let all...|||To me it will be a emotional co-operative type. either ENFJ or ESFJ preferably.|||Am I an impostor? I can't decide if I'm ENFJ or INFJ. But I serious need alone time. My home HAS to be tranquil and serene so I can recuperate to face the world the next day.|||I only do Haiku. Abandon all hope, Happiness will come to those who least expect it.|||China, or really a chinese or Japanese garden. :happy:|||好了! 中文是太易。 我是英国人。 :proud: I never done an open university course, but I found mandarin very easy, and I find the logographic writing system a lot easier than the pinyin. However I am an outlier...|||It's just like anything. I thought I was once ENTP because I was using Ne a lot, but I also wasn't in a good space. I found Te and Ne negative and destructive. So I am definitely a strong Ni-Fe with...|||Actually that's perhaps the best way to determine if she is a concrete co-operative, or an abstract co-operative. What Intuitive is she?|||Damn... I feel like I've been shot down :frustrating: Whether or not you're an ESFJ or an ENFJ you sound like a person I would like to hang out with. :happy: Also Fe is fucking amazing isn't it? I...|||Marry me please! oh and welcome to the forum. :proud:|||Hello ATleow, welcome to the forum. :happy: can we be friends? :proud:|||ERMAHGERD!!! You are amazingly beautiful. look how fucking beautiful sexy those eyes are. They are sooo cute. :proud: those eyes make me want to hug attack you.|||Hey arwen, :proud: I like your username. I can relate to what you mean sometimes you know exactly how your feeling, other times you have no idea. I find i have to think about what im feeling, to...|||I tend to fly the plane, when I'm on an airplane. :proud:|||Dear citizen of the world, I spent my entire childhood in Asia, Singapore and China namely from 1992 to 2005. It was indeed a cultural shock relocating to Australia. It might sound funny but I...|||Actually no. I'm an Anglo-Irish descent, British and Australian national. Whether you agree or not, I'm on a path of spirituality, because I've got to a crux in my life where I need to have faith in...|||Thank you. Hopefully you can forgive my innate ability to apply feelings with what I think. I may be no vulcan, but I feel that the mazda i provide to the forums will always light all the shadows in...|||I added mine :) im surprised that there is another in Mandurah.|||Oxycodone, and Dexamphetamines. :proud: both I've had legally, the Dexamphetamines, and modafinils that I have had is great, it gives me energy to go, and get things done. :D|||Salutations I have decided to join this forum, and become involved within this community. :proud: I live in Australia, and am 24 years young. I am looking to forward to meet new people, and...' |
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