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0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I love the vastness of the sky, because my problems and sadness always seem granular and petty in comparison|||Also... do you guys have mubi accounts? ?|||I've seen ordet, it was kind of a let down Still it had a magical quality to it that I loved ----- Speaking of magic.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nJ4RInGt9E I can't get over how...|||iirc 5-4-9 ---------- Fwiw after thinking this through, im definitely more infp than intp. the somewhat psychopathic tendencies i have when I'm going through prolonged episodes of depression are...|||Yeah you're right|||Guys. I wasn't asking whether other infp 5w4s literally exist. This is more about your experience as someone who does not seem to have the same main motivations as the typical infp And why you would...|||idk why im bothered by this(not being able to identify with any type, i mean) so much. mbti is pretty much meaningless but it still bothers me|||ok but doesnt it feel like youre straddling between infp and intp and relate a lot to both but dont completely identify with either? i seem to have the same motivations and intentions as Ti but...|||as of late im beginning to think i might be infp it seems the infp profile is infested with stereotypes i dont relate with though im confused but infp seems like a better fit than intp, now that...|||sometimes...a picture is worth a thousand words :biggrin: http://images.sodahead.com/polls/002514855/4350890838_041911_2131_CultFiction1_xlarge.jpeg|||I don't know...i feel at peace with the way my life is folding out so far but too often I feel a paralysing heaviness in my heart. I wish I had more sincere relationships, I'm not strong enough to...|||Yep :) I'm on a trip right now :)|||I have a thing for ♡♡♡♡♡♡ helpless underdog characters ♡♡♡♡♡♡|||Who cares which type can shove the most candles up their asses? Now that's what i call an interesting topic|||Enfp and infp|||I ♡ you I didn't scroll all the way down but I see sharunas Bartas and Sergei Parajanov on there and that was enough to warrant a follow :)|||Yes, but pay no attention to the group of women who were given testosterone, it's the control group that is so interesting(and this is why I posted the link anyhow). It's interesting how they...|||Nope. there is no proof to backup your assertion. This read shows that the observed correlation might just be the result of how this very idea is ingrained in the human psyche Testosterone link to...|||Why associate masculinity with aggression and assertiveness tho?|||Meh it doesn't really matter. Especially when the person you're trying to type is intelligent, because intelligence amplifies the functions and makes typing quite difficult (and useless). I have a...|||I think metasentient sounds like a fun person to talk to :)|||Yeah I don't really get along with intjs irl either(by get along I mean become close friends with), we are different in very very very fundamental ways, and so there is always a point reached in...|||Speaking for myself: Seeing as to how bring rich is strongly associated with managerial positions, i dont think so. I am afraid of exploiting others and/or have no interest in managing others....|||I don't really have any grand dreams. My goal is to explore as many fields of study as possible. I've already started implementing my goal...Internet and online courses make this easier :)|||I had olafur arnalds and her name is calla tweet me before :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5XptSCCciU|||I feel strongly about the plight of strangers eg. When I collect material on war and famine, I sometimes loose sleep and appetite for days. But when it is about people I know well(or people I know...|||My taste is pretty diverse, both culturally and in terms of genre. apollossongâx80x99s Music Profile âx80x93 Users at Last.fm|||No.|||Why would you assume this person is important to you when (by the looks of it) you're not even familiar with them? I mean if you are still trying to befriend them it means you still did not even get...|||I would regret spending a lot of time being unhappy|||Yep :)|||For instance, fractal mathematics has been used to model the seemingly chaotic and arbitrary formation of coast lines. Are we really going to compare ontological subject matter to a coastline...|||You're missing my point. I'm not saying it cannot provide us with explanations...im saying it's usage is preceded by observations made of whatever phenomena that is initially not comprehensible....|||OP is making the mistake of assuming that a medium, like raw mathematics, which is used to express the observations we make in reality, can in itself give birth to an explanation of something as...|||I hate how I am so indecisive and always plagued by uncertainty, to the point where it sometimes feel like I can't form an opinion. I don't wish to change this part of me tho. my head is hella...|||Hmm...intj and intp might look similar at face value but are very very very different from eachother, so i dont really understand why you would be torn between the two. I suggest you google...|||Why you keep winking at me you lil b****|||*hubert selby jr fidgeting in his grave*|||I'm 19 and have basically hurled myself into an architecture major. i found that no matter how much a certain field interests me...if I find myself forced to abide by a certain schedule or modify...|||Hey. Being a 5w4 intp (with a very strong 4 wing) myself, I understand your past confusion with types. I often wonder if I'm infp too, but one look at the function stacking and personality...|||I saw akira kurosawa's dersu uzala yesterday...breathtaking film <3 The film is based on the 1923 memoir Dersu Uzala by Russian explorer Vladimir Arsenyev, about his exploration of the...|||lol|||great stuff(which is to be expected, given your username ;) )|||same. questions were tailored so as to force the reader to assume that there are no complex byproducts or underlying government motives that would inevitably accompany each case by reducing choices...|||this is not the first time you fling about the words good, evil and objective in face-palm inducing ways. squeezing them in context to which they do not belong. your posts from the thread about...|||Ok...off the top of my head... books (fiction): -the sailor who fell from grace with the sea by Yukio mishima -the confusions of young torless by Robert musil -remembrance of things past by...|||btw i think tumblr is the best way to discover hidden gems/obscure films...lots of film students over there.|||what kind of books are you looking for? fiction? as for films...ive seen lots of great films over the past few years, but before i list any, are you ok with international, artsy or slow films?|||http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag42/sethara/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-05-02%2017.41.27_zpspolhunet.png' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Highly recommend this to those who wants to try listening to Asian music... Korean rock in particular https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1ZUFyS3-e8 Never expected this kind of song coming out...|||1: What's your MBTI Type? INTJ 2: What's your Gender? female 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? only child 4: How do you learn: Hands-on, seeing, or auditory? seeing 5:...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI-XdM7rIo8|||creative INTJs! <3 as for me.. I'm an interior design student and made lots of stuff but for now I'll just share my older works (because my recent project is still on progress!) so here's...|||My closest friend is an ESFP female, and I've known her since I was 3 y.o (I'm 19 this year, and still pretty much suprised at how long this friendship lasts, despite of our differences). We're...|||It's this cute yet weird Japanese short anime, which is also famous as plushies characters! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW7hhMBWyiw lol!|||There are times when I feel misunderstood, alienated, not belonging anywhere, those are times when I feel the loneliest. But hey, most of the times I don't really care about this kind of thing.|||Greetings, fellow Introverted NT girls! age: 18 location: Indonesia (South East Asia) job: Interior Design student relationship status: single since birth (lol forever alone) hobbies: drawing,...|||Lol nope, it didn't die yet, and it shouldn't. Or I would never graduate nor getting a job. (Interior Design student here).|||Interior Design Graphics Design Furniture Design Photography Psychology Physics (more about lighting, air, and acoustic studies, and buildings statics) Arts (drawings, paintings, illustrations)...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo0bnb5U64E Smooth Korean music :happy:|||I listen to various genres. I don't really care tbh, if I like it, then I'll listen to it, as simple as that. But I mostly listen to Korean and Japanese music, not just the mainstream pop but the...|||I'm a casual listener, mostly Mozart, Dvorak, Beethoven, and Vivaldi. Maybe Tchaikovsky and Bach sometimes. I listen to various genres btw.|||I ruined my eyesight when I was 7, I've been wearing glasses since then.|||AB+ But does bloodtypes have something to do with personality types tho? I fear not.. And if you want legit results it's better to make a poll here..|||I'm 16 but I'll turn 17 on the 26th.|||Rock star, police, doctor, president, painter, anything IT related, graphics designer, mining engineer, marine biologist, and now I'm gonna be an interior designer, who will also be studying...|||She's an ENFP, so DSDD. It's not only her, most of my friends are either Extraverted/Introverted Feelers.|||I drink at least once a month, but I haven't drink for a few months now, I wanted to reduce this unhealthy habit and I'm not even in legal age (five more years to go) I usually drink alone, with a...|||I'm a harmonizer :)|||Elementary School - didn't go, but I go out with my consireded close friends instead. Junior High School - I went, mostly because my mom was mad at me because she thinks my reason for not going was...|||My school requires IQ test for freshmen and my IQ was 123, and genius 130. I don't really care about it though, I don't really think intelligence could be determined by numbers..|||Wonder Girls - 2 Different Tears (Remix) I missed them :') xD|||INTJ here. Your Aspie score: 129 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 73 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie ...|||LOL. That sounded true..|||You're weird. Stop being arrogant. and my parents always say this to me : Greet those new people! --> which is annoying. ugh|||hmm idk the people who are close with me aren't that close actually, but I'm pretty sure my 'closest' friend is an ENFP.|||I really love cats :3 Siberian huskies on the close second and sharks too! I love animals.. oh and I do like bugs, cockroaches are my favourite. I REALLY HATE WORMS, LIKE EWW.|||I've learned how to play piano, keyboard, guitar, flute and violin. Basically because of school. And tbh I'm not good at all those stuff, though I like to play the piano and keyboard sometimes.|||INTJ - Female - Christian.|||Do you wear a lot of makeup? No, I don't find it necessary. Do you spend a lot of time on your hair in the morning? Nope. My hair is short. Do you wear acrylic or gel tip nails? No, I love to...|||I love most kind of music.. from the hardcore ones until the cutie-lovey-dovey ones lol. If it sounded good, then it's fine for me. and I listen to mostly Asian artists, most listened genres...|||Lol! xD So it has nothing to do with personality types ? Good to know that.. somehow.. xD|||Out of Service Test Openness to Experience/Intellect : 76% Conscientiousness : 79% Extraversion : 5% Agreeableness : 0% --> o_O Neuroticism : 49% SimilarMinds Test|||I haven't show it up until now.. I do love my family and friends but saying it is weird eww.. I'm the type who do things like teaching my friends to show that I care about them (when I'm certain...|||Lol wtf that would kill me x'D Like seriously, it's gonna be frustating *sigh*|||Near from Death Note Lelouch vi Britannia from Code Geass :laughing:|||I really love animals, especially cats :3 Sometimes I almost cried when facing huge problems I can't handle, ugh..|||- When people took my things and used it like it was theirs - When I asked for it back and they got pissed off *I'm the one who's supposed to be pissed off though* - When people think they're smart...|||I think An Cafe's alone lyrics relates to me pretty well.. But I personally think the song is quite boring after a few listens, not the best from the band :(|||Here's mine Global 5: sloan RLOEI; sloan+ RlO|E|I; primary Egocentric; R(82%)L(62%)O(76%)E(84%)I(76%) Really REALLY negative :O|||Been asked twice, by the same guy. I turned him down, he's just simply annoying. You don't even need to ask for the 2nd time if I said 'no' right ? He's also REALLY emotional =_= And dating is just...|||I scored as an ESFP so yeah I'm really an INTJ, thanks for your advice! :D|||It's fine for me, I don't mind tipping at all.|||INTJ.. I know I can be ~really~ arrogant a lot of times :tongue: But mehh people missunderstood me too often so I got tired and ended up being arrogant in their eyes even when I'm not trying to =_=|||ENFP or INFP. They're just really fun to be with! xD|||According to my Last.fm Ayumi Hamasaki - (miss)understood Ayumi Hamasaki - NEXT LEVEL Ayumi Hamasaki - Rock'n'Roll Circus alan - Voice of EARTH L'Arc~en~Ciel - QUADRINITY ~MEMBER'S BEST...|||I hate parties, I might go if my close friends are going.. But well a party is a party and it's tiring & annoying -_- I do enjoy alcoholic drinks anyway :D|||Top 5 Characteristics Intelligent Gentle Great sense of humor Matured Independent Top 5 Physical Features Tall White skinned|||lol this is interesting! XD I might date myself.. But I think dating my opposite is better :)' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I think generally people experience post trauma in a very similar way, which is to seek security and try to rebuild themselves. That being said, I know of a couple who were mega extroverted, friendly...|||Like many other people on this thread, I find it absolutely astonishing that you couldn't find a job with that kind of qualification in a medical field. I would have to agree with @Mzansi that an...|||I think there is an argument that serious trama could cause a personality shift, however I would doubt that it would be a drastic change. For example, When I was a kid, I was incredibly...|||Its incredibly easy to project intelligence to the masses and I think any fool can do it. The main method is to expand your vocabulary and the best way of doing this is to simply read more widely. ...|||I think you need to look at the facts here.. The fact is theres absolutely no evidence that MBTI actually works outside of a clinical laboratory (refer here for...|||Yeah that sounds logical? I have seen other threads simply moved and dumped in the article thread? So really not entirely sure.|||welcome mate! Just delve right in and comment on anything! place is friendly as can be and should help you learn a lot more about yourself!|||I think this is one of the oldest questions I remember coming across.. The person who solves this, will be definitely in the running for the MB nobel prize equivalent. For my own two cents, im...|||I think ENTPs aren't born they are forged from their experiences, so I think you can definitely become one of us. What forced me to develop my Ti was really my upbringing, from being in a...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiQoq-wqZxg|||The action is definitely what is important, unless you are talking about philosophical ideas or other things of artistic merit. Even then, surely in order to articulate your thoughts, an action is...|||Well if its for science.. 1: What's your MBTI Type? ENTP 2: What's your Gender? Male 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? Eldest 4: How do you learn: Hands-on,...|||lol kind of in the ENTP spirit to be opportunistic, so points I reckon!|||Just a scenario and interested to see how you peeps would react. Walking down a street and notice a hat laying on the side walk, the hat is rather old and battered but your eyes are drawn to it...|||Just a scenario and interested to see how you peeps would react. Walking down a street and notice a hat laying on the side walk, the hat is rather old and battered but your eyes are drawn to it...|||get quite sick and shut myself away from the world|||Im not sure if this is a forum post.. A blog post.. Or a just a general rant type thing, but i took the time to read and thought I would critique some of the points. Firstly MB is not an...|||Just do it mate and dont tell her about it lol..|||Good advice here... Only thing I would add is that you need to make sure the idea is feasible and has certain level of market demand and pick partners wisely. Run your basic ideas by a few people...|||There has only been one movie that has bought tears to my eyes... That movie, was the classic free willy! Probably worth noting that I was only 4 or 5 at the time..|||No need to worry, it is a PerC wide problem and no one can access their profiles! They will fix it soon enough.|||Was interested to see the INTP perspective on the friend zone and found some of the posts a little crazy and a few of them made me laugh out loud, because it appears some people have taken...|||10/10 for being absolutely unique... Might pinch that use it at some future date..|||Im usually a happy drunk.. I lose all my intelligence and my vocabulary drops to bordering along the line of grunts. I am usually quite happy, however if I am in a bad mood when I start drinking it...|||Thanks Starry :) Amazing going back over some of my old posts, I could have sworn that we started around the same time because I only really remember talking to you, turm and a king in the early...|||interesting|||When angered, ENTP is like to blast at you and punch you in the face... Where as INTP is like to calmly reach in his/her pocket for a knife and plunge it deep into your face!|||Thank you kindly Mrs Cafebot|||Lol ahhh mate this doesn't make you gullible.. Some people tell lies to get out of doing stuff, I do it and im sure you do it every now and again as well. As Nekoninja said, you can never really tell...|||When I was a kid (from 5 to 16), my best friend who lived across the road from me was a girl who was a year older. She used to always make up these great stories and I used to fall for them every...|||Ahhhh ok? Mmmmm so are you saying then that your gullible?|||Im happiest when I am starting a new project or getting my hands on a new gadget to play with. The scene is me on my own and a massive amount pleasure as I start playing around or getting my feet...|||I learnt an excellent technique from my dad.. When I was kid, dad was talking to his friend (hardcore christian) and he raised the topic of what man can and cannot eat. Basically dad stood there...|||Myself and my ESTP friends are quite similar, but they are slightly more extroverted and don't seem to have as many ideas and opinions as myself.|||Ahhh right! That sounds like a rather fascinating job and kind of makes a lot of sense why you would routinely get tested.. Can you speak any other languages? Thanks for the advice, Ill look them...|||Lol from what corner of satans ass did you manage to dig this thread up in? obviously it's snuff films for me! Other than that would say more a tv series like the peep show. Witty, observational...|||Really? What do you do? Does the business have Korean partners or is it a market thing? Its bloody hard to learn, but I like the Hengel because its kind of similar to the alphabet! I was starting...|||When you are criticised for consistently needing time to think something through before you make a decision!|||lol I have only really just started.. My gf is Korean so I am kind of learning it for her benefit.. But always fun to learn it with other people :). So you used to be fluent? Where did you originally...|||So basically as an ENTP I am an optimistic cranky fuck? Man that rings true at the moment since im trying to give up caffeine... Although im more Tired and cranky!|||I haven't had a best friend since primary school lol I have just a few good mates I do things with occasionally.. They are all extroverts, but I see my introvert mates just as much. Long story...|||Welcome to the fold my friend and hopefully have fun stealing as much knowledge as you can from this site.|||Maybe you just need to get a hobby or something? Learning the cello and another language has helped to keep me quite busy (although im a little too busy atm...). So take something up and try to fill...|||I've never been able to get into sitcoms that much outside of the realms of Seinfeld.. But doesn't really mean a lot, because I don't watch a lot of tv..|||My mums bipolar as well and also an extreme extrovert! Im not sure its type specific, but rather interesting theory nonetheless.|||Lol I actually can read my notes.. But no one else can! Wish they had some type writers or something instead of notebooks..|||Was planning on refuting this by inserting a number of my favourite witticisms.. Was going to point out the classics on my desk in front of me that I am reading... The fact that I am learning the...|||I hate bloody exams.. Seems like most peeps here study some heavily maths or science based subjects.. Me I am just a humble HR business grad and stress heavily when it comes to exams. I usually go...|||I think your going through a common transition common to almost all ENTPs and its a path I walked myself when I was your age. It was around this time that I started to discover my intellectual side...|||You don't sound like a bad person to me.. Just sounds like you need to refine your social skills a little bit.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I'm not sure about a method for picking out INFJ musical artists, but I have another name to throw into the cauldron: Jon Crosby, singer songwriter for VAST. Additionally, he strikes me as 4w5 on...|||ThatOneWeirdGuy Are you refering to the OP, the video I posted, or both? You didn't specify.|||Dario Nardi's EEG tests continuing to bear fruit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH9Zn7Glf3E&feature=player_embedded|||Arclight There's really no need for this argument to have started up as it seems you've misunderstood the point I was trying to make. I only mentioned type % estimates in passing because I didn't...|||I know you're being tongue and cheek, but i'll answer seriously anyways: As geekofalltrades mentioned, the sample sizes for determining type percentages are questionable. However, even if INFJ's...|||No, I don't eat. I photosynthesize :crazy:|||Well, the kind of processes/events that are necessary for someone to undergo a dramatic change are usually of an intensely personal nature so I wouldn’t expect many people to post their stories on an...|||38738 How does it feel to have him in your camp bro? :tongue: Anyways, what is everyone's take on Zelda in Skyward Sword? Seems more like an extravert this time around. ENFP or ENFJ? ...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVdKQ0I35qo|||Sure, the internet has a four letter code: PORN. Kidding aside, I really don't think the entirety of the internet could be categorized by any kind of typology; it's just too diverse. Maybe some...|||I'd tell you not to envy us, but truth be told I've been known to envy you extraverts for having certain traits that I lack (seriously, you guys make conversations with strangers, and sometimes just...|||cactus_waltz berates someone for saying okay. Tells them to never say it again.... Berated Person: http://www.terrariaonline.com/attachments/okay-meme-jpg.3008/|||I hope you've never used this as a pick-up line on a girl before...|||This is also one of my favorite movies! That said, it's been awhile since I've seen it in it's entirety, so take my typology guesses with a grain of salt. Balian - ISTP (His strict adherence to...|||Upon returning to his thread, the OP's thoughts went thusly: http://www.nerdtests.com/picsarea/b1680ef0d341f78cbca60c651e29adb2.jpg I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT FRUIT!!!|||Oooh, Fate/Stay; one of favorites! I concur with your OST choice for 147 Swordsman of Mana. I had that one looped on youtube for the longest time, as it's my personal fave (which is saying a lot,...|||ESTJ http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/112/480/OpoQQ.jpg ESFJ http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/oh-stop-it-you.png ISTJ http://okayface.com/okay-face.jpg ...|||ENTP http://www.350z-tech.com/forums/attachments/i-got-hit/45748d1296784802-windshield-you-mad-bro.jpg ENFP http://imgboot.com/images/iputaspellonyou/megusta_1.jpg INTP...|||ENTJ http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/138/246/tumblr_lltzgnHi5F1qzib3wo1_400.jpg ENFJ http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/true-story-neil-patrick-harris.png INTJ...|||This should go without saying, but no offense is intended by any of these. It's all in good fun: ESTP...|||^ This (with the exception of enjoying sitcoms; I generally find them to be tacky :-P). Trust me, I'm about as introverted as they come, but also undoubtedly a SO dom. More specifically, being...|||Possibilities for 147: http://pleasure-science.com/paradise-engineering.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs42/i/2009/083/0/6/Game_Scene_Paradise_Island_by_firebolide.jpg ...|||Glad to know I'm not the only one that picked up on some of his annoyances. People like to portray him as having immaculate patience, but seriously, in modern vernacular he'd be like OMFG, when is...|||Prior to reading this response I was planning on going into detail regarding Jungian archetypes and whatnot, as well as encourage you to examine what is currently going on in your life in order to...|||This all reminds me of another thread awhile back: http://personalitycafe.com/sex-relationships/49936-polyamorous-relationships.html#post1147710 Promethea's response pretty much sums up how I feel...|||This thread is becoming all kinds of awesome: Nerdy CoD talk - check INFJ Man-Love - check INTJ disturbed by INFJ Man-Love - check Classic INTJ shameless self-promotion - check (Pulls up...|||I'm chillin' in Antarctica... cuz that's just how I roll. (P.S. Anybody want to come visit me?)|||One word: YES :tongue: As for why, that can depend a lot on the situation and/or the persons involved. In a nutshell, it has to do with being really careful not to hurt other peoples feelings. ...|||Well, seeing as how I live in SD, making it should be no problem. :happy: Count me in! (Just don't count on me wearing purple...)|||Yup. Only an INFJ would be backwards enough to repeatedly run away from a palace full of treasures and concubines to contemplate the suffering of the world :crazy:|||1w2 male INFJ's are rare? How do you figure?|||Yeah, I started analyzing philosophers by cognitive function preference after a discussion in my 'Modern Philosophy' class regarding the role of family background, temperament (in a general sense of...|||There's a really strong internet consensus that Plato was INFJ, and my own reading of him leaves little to no doubt of that in my mind. His Fe is most apparent in 'The Republic' when he compares the...|||Probably the best way to get in touch with Se is to meditate. Of course, it isn't the meditation itself that is stimulating Se, but that doing so quiets down our overactive Ni enough that we can...|||Damn, you beat me to it! :frustrating: Guess the only thing I have to add is that the INFJ condition of feeling misunderstood (though being Type 4 is probably a contributor too) and the general...|||ohTOMICho, this wisdom was bestowed upon me after some crazy antics of mine went down in another thread. I feel the time has come to pay it forward... ...|||Hey man, I've kept an eye out on these folks, but I still haven't seen them typed (except for Spielberg, though some claim he reported himself to be ISFP, others say he's ENFP, so I dunno). Wish I...|||Random results is right, but it was still helpful! It's funny, because I remember a thread from a long time ago about 'INFJ Mascots' and how I wished ours was a Phoenix instead of a dolphin; so I...|||Sooooo, when is this thread gonna be stickied? :mellow:|||Good timing on this thread, cuz I was actually thinking of changing my avatar soon :shocked: I'm open to suggestions... (P.S. Aspera, your new 'avie' is awesome!)|||Just gotta say, I love yall's nerdiness! I feel right at home in this thread :proud: Games: Zelda, Zelda, Zelda (I just love me some Zelda) Metroid Prime Trilogy Left 4 Dead (1 and 2) Halo...|||Hey Karyssa :happy: Daveman is right, the numbers don't mean that much in the end; it's all about the cognitive functions: ...|||Confirmed = Non-Contraversial :wink:|||We most certainly can and do make great philosophers (especially those who have a well developed Ti). Ni is where it's at for seeing the big picture, then Fe channels our focus towards those...|||What this thread has turned into: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAwWPadFsOA On a more constructive note, I think Cedric Diggory was ISTP (and a total BAMF at that).|||Oh, is that what they call it these days? :tongue: And Nottie, I AM winning, but not without considerable detriment to my own sanity :crazy:|||I don't know whether or not you're including me in the group of people whom you think implied SJ's blindly follow tradition. If so, then you misunderstood me and I feel I should clarify things a...|||Too late, I'm already on a drug. It's called... Charlie Sheen!|||Speaking of 'dirtius thougticus lobes,' didn't it sound like that dude was getting off to the double rainbow... or was that just me? :unsure:|||Perhaps the better question is: how are we not weird? :dry: I say that in jest, however, there's a good deal of truth to it. If it were possible to boil down our uniqueness to just one source it...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8edHB_h908|||IxFP just because I always think of cats as Fi doms for some reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib28iGc9go4|||Especially on websites that have become a haven for neo nazis, such as PerC.|||I'm such a nerd. I've been learning Dutch on Duolingo and I'm having so much fun :)|||Duolingo is the shit! Oh my god I love this XD|||Right wingers do this because they lack political consciousness.|||I doubt it, but if they are real then I hope to hell that they're nothing like the Twilight vampires!|||I would agree that both are likely related to confidence levels. It makes sense to me that someone would be aggressive to overcompensate for a (sometimes perceived) shortcoming.|||Both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were extremely nationalist. I can't think of a more nationalist country nowadays than the DPRK. What separates your 'nationalism' from theirs?|||You're not the only one, there are plenty of INFPs who are right wing conservatives/alt reich fascists here on PerC.|||10am in which time zone?|||Patrick Walker has the voice of an angel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8Hs98jGJt8|||Eh, cloggies are pretty cool people from my experience.|||I did not feel like going to the gym this morning, but I went anyway and I had one of the best workouts anyway. If you don't feel like exercising, do it anyway. You'll be glad that you did.|||I actually thought it was a brand of cologne when I first heard his name :laughing:|||Apparently they temp-banned a lot of people from those forums, so they're pretty dead as of late.|||[/COLOR] https://media0.giphy.com/media/9QBAaVgMxMQtq/giphy.gif|||I've come to realize that I need to spend more time working on improving skills and learning new things. I'm usually so lazy just sitting around, watching Youtube and playing video games. I don't...|||It felt like a good time to get a fresh new name and a bit of a profile makeover.|||All of the above. George Soros gave me a lot of money to not have kids and contribute to white genocide so that Muslim Arabs can move in and turn us into a caliphate.|||I'm part of it and I honestly have no idea what it's even about.|||Since Shahada is gone, I see that you're trying to start your own personality cult to replace hers, am I right?|||Poly = Many Tics = Blood sucking parasites. You're welcome|||https://i.imgur.com/mhbxotu.jpg|||Asking the REAL questions here|||You have a choice to fuck either of two men and you must choose one, but you can't have both or neither. They both look exactly the same (feel free to use your imagination here) with the only...|||Can you please change my name to: Zeta Neprok I'm tired of my old name. Thanks!|||Don't you be dissin' Bob Ross|||Do you eat pineapple on pizza?|||https://youtu.be/aznd4gj5kaU|||I would leave in embarrassment at my younger selves.|||That's because you're smart as fuck.|||Shahada was always nice to me, but I have to admit that I found it sort of confusing as to why. Her and I were always at odds about some very crucial issues.|||This is obviously a shitpost thread.|||The stereotypes are ridiculous. Granted, I probably fit a lot of them, but my art skills are horrendous.|||Always gotta love when people use MBTI to stroke their ego :rolleyes:|||I'm going to say 'stupidity' but not because I think most people are stupid or anything like that. Do you know how many times nuclear war almost happened because of a computer glitch? The only...|||I somehow managed to get a coffee date this weekend. It's probably a miracle of some sort!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkAqK4YW474|||I'm pretty drunk, and the night hasn't even started yet :laughing:|||The free market isn't free at all. In fact, it's extremely coercive and authoritarian.|||The reason why they are against the state is because the state is an institution that can be influenced by the public. Sometimes working class people will push for reforms, and they will be...|||If anything, I feel more comfortable around women than I do around men.|||PerC has become a haven for neo nazis|||I'm pretty stupid too. What's interesting is that I don't talk all that much, so a lot of people don't hear me say stupid shit so they think I'm smart. Suckers... :laughing:|||Although I disagree with what he said about multiculturalism (assuming that I understood what he meant), everything else he said was right, and he made a lot of good points.|||I don't think he's right when he says that that's the end goal of multiculturalism. I would agree that it's the goal to remove white dominance in western society (and let's be honest, that's not a...|||Of course, you are only allowed to have sex with white people otherwise you're an SJW liberal cuck!|||By being white and not having children I am contributing to white genocide.|||Also, what moderate even means changes depending on the context of the political situation at the time. A moderate in 2017 would be seen as a radical extremist in 1917. Most people today would...' |
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