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0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'You have every right to be territorial. It's weird that she links up this letter to the alumni page and wherever else on the internet...is she trying to make her lust go viral? She needs to move...|||I would go to Switzerland.|||I would like to get a PhD in clinical psych/neuropsych|||i would be extremely annoyed 99% of the time, but at the end of the day it's the loving kind of annoyance since they're family. And also little kids are fascinating to me, i love watching them think...|||1. Physician/Surgeon (Yea frickin right! like that's ever going to happen!!) 2. Sales Manager (how about no, my brief and horrendous stint in retail more than a year ago traumatizes me until this...|||sometimes I like to be emotion-less. Like a robot. it's so much more easier that way.|||I want to visit all of those places!!!|||Each and every single one of the above posts has somewhat of an image of me plastered all over it, and I thank you all for the great advice. It seems that the solution is acceptance. I should...|||i had gelato today. stupidest invention ever by the way. and i hate the mall. like, why? why do you go about walking around surround yourself with all of these images of what your supposed to...|||A mix of: http://fiftieswedding.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/audrey-hepburn-breakfast-at-tiffanys.jpg http://0.tqn.com/d/movies/1/0/U/d/W/black-swan-natalie-portman-photo5.jpg ...|||You don't even know who you are. And no, xntj does not cut it.|||Hmmm as a girl, I don't think what you wrote was THAT baad!!! One of my good friends told me that the number one biggest fear for a typical guy (beside getting their balls chopped off while...|||let me use my powers to connect the dots of what you just said: ahem, you like icky stinking terrible jackasses? totally normal, for an entp I mean. always lowering your standards and all, I don't...|||you know, romance is beautiful. Just a couple of days ago I was thinking to myself oh here we go, valentines day is coming up, such a cheesy useless fake holiday of showing someone you love them...|||irritating because you contribute :P|||Well I think that what he meant by that (and it's only a guess) is that whatever opportunity or chance that life gives you, approach it with the intention of leaving a positive impact on whatever...|||*above post assumes I am good*....plan.is.working.|||Emotionless weasel. You're just boring.|||how do i study? by procrastinating. In all seriousness, I hate to have distractions, but classical music seems to keep me focused.|||What about not being a complete arrogant jerk when communicating for once?|||Oooh I forgot to mention that funeral director is an interesting job for an INFJ. Always wondered what that would be like as an experience. One of my best friends parents were working as funeral...|||My friends said that they can see me as a nurse, and another one said that I have good written skills (in her opinion) and should become a journalist. I can understand the affinity for law from...|||Thank you so much! I also relate to what you said about productivity. For example the Enneagram was something that I never really knew about so I decided to search it out on Friday and since then...|||Career possibilities for INFJ's are very open ended. I don't think that it is the INFJ-ness of an INFJ that decides the career but rather the subjective experiences of an INFJ the mold together with...|||Thanks for the reply. When I 'indulge' it too is under the umbrella of laziness and procrastination. I usually indulge in watching too much movies, listening to music, and eating lots of chocolate...|||Hello all, I just recently discovered that my enneagram type is 4w5, (my close second would be 9w1). I know that mostly INFP's score as this, just wondering if there are other INFJ as this type...|||I found this on the Enneagram sub forum, posted a thread there but if no one happens to read through it or reply I'll post my answers here as well for any enneagram enthusiasts to analyze. I posted...|||To make my parents proud of me, accomplish the goals I set out for myself, for their sake, and finalllyyyy get awaayyyy and have the freedom and resources to 'do my own thing' Know what 'my own...|||WTF is a pusillanimous mattoid?? HOly $hiyt that took me like 4 seconds to try and read!! Anyway wasn't Hitler INFJ?|||I'm pretty outgoing, therefore talkative especially around my close friends and people I trust. Trust is a huge factor, because if I trust someone the more I am comfortable telling them stuff coming...|||Am I a psychologist/counseler? No...but I'm seeing one? They're pretty cool. I'm thinking of becoming a neuropsychologist though....no it's not the same. If you hate finance and think...|||First you have to assess the situation. Do you like who you're socializing with? What the topic of conversation is? Is the 'moment' really that important to you, or do you have more important things...|||Question number one is answered in a very general nonspecific sense. If you want to know more details of where I got my information from, you can google the phrase 'death in Islam' or 'what does...|||Can any type answer this? If no, then stop reading this. 1. From a scientific, observable perspective you stop moving -everything- and you decompose. From a religious one, your soul rips out...|||Hey, I experience that as well. Honestly I think that for us, it just comes in episodes. Like this is a phase and it will eventually go away until you're refreshed from it. You're not weak, you...|||Nooo come back *separation anxiety of INFJness*|||Wow really? It depends on what you find intellectually stimulating, as well as your intelligence level. We may have different opinions on what stimulates our brains, so maybe something that I or...|||Haha I guess I'm sorry...that I'm not sorry. Flan is good by the way...nothing disappointing about some good old creme brule.|||*throws over sherkanner's flan*|||Can I hang out with you guys?|||my ISFJ friend is a neat freak...so you're good at cleaning and keeping things organized :)|||^awww! reminds me of a story, when I was in grade 2 or 3 I borrowed a skipping rope from a friend during recess. Afterwards I put it in my jacket pocket with the intention that I would return it to...|||Oh yeah, and there's probably a library of books out there that I have yet to return to the library. Faked sick from school more days than I can count. Oh and once, I was at a friends house and her...|||Oh my goodnesss, okay I've done that billions of times during school! I got caught twice. Once while giving an answer to a friend. And again when my math teacher noticed my test and my friends...|||heheheh ehheh some of these are hilarious Ummmm I try not to 'sin' as much as possible. I really can't think of anything that bad............................................. I...I...I....have an...|||It depends on how well I know them, if they're my family, I'll tell the them the cold hard truth. If they were my friend maybe I will tell it to them in a softer, gentler, guide them to the truth so...|||Once again, sorry if I offended anyone. I know I sound like a douche. But I just had to say it. And I know that I sound hypocritical that I'm spilling my feeling whilst ranting about how I hate...|||I've taken plenty of personality tests, each plenty of times. I've usually scored INFJ, ENFJ, INTJ, ENTJ, and at times INFP. But mostly INFJ. I also relate most to the description of an INFJ,...|||It's all good. I do that sometimes too.|||I didn't say that she was. I said Izzy may have been.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Nightglow, I can't even imagine what you must be struggling with right now. Is your dad reasonable? Does he get that you are different people, or does he think everyone should be stoic and...|||Pretty much this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd2e04M-xxg|||My friend has been suggesting Happy Endings but I haven't gotten into it yet. I've only watched like the first minute a few times when the DVR captures it, but it hasn't made me go I have to watch...|||rickybobby haha, I'll have to ask her if she ever does that! She laughs in front of me too, but just sometimes I'm like, shouldn't she find this funnier but it's probably just because we have such...|||This sounds a lot like my wife who is ESFJ. She loves a lot of those same shows: The Office, 30 Rock, Modern Family, Flight of the Conchords, also Up All Night and Community. She doesn't really...|||infpblog: thank you! Exactly this. I don't love or hate Facebook. It's great for keeping in touch with friends that have moved away, and my family is always annoying me to put more pictures of...|||Haha, thanks! I do have a brother but he is very different from me. People we hung out with were often surprised to find that we were brothers since we don't even look alike. Unfortunately I'm a...|||I love it!|||My name is a play off of both Douglas Adams and myself. In So long and thanks for all the fish there is a character named Wonko The Sane who builds The Asylum to house all the crazy people in the...|||1. What was your first reaction when you met your spouse? Love at first sight? Bad impression? Just another classmate/co-worker? My wife and I are high school sweethearts (awww... yeah yeah). We...|||Hey all, I'm pretty interested in this. I love writing but I do very very little of it. My friends and I used to get together and write but that was years ago. I feel that my goal in life is to be...|||Yes, that's pretty much me too. I actually try to cry sometimes when I feel a big swell of emotion, but it never comes out. I often get all goosebumply when overwhelmed with emotion, but I rarely...|||The last time I cried was probably when I was about six and my brother and I were playfighting and he accidentally punched one of my baby teeth out; it wasn't too bad until I saw all the blood. ...|||Dear God - Sarah McLachlan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36T7ELkI-0E|||Yes, I prefer typing, but even that can't keep up, haha.|||My friends and I used to write stories together, and I had to train myself to print because most of them could not read my handwriting. People used to complain about the handwriting of one of our...|||I see, you're describing more the destination, not the journey. We don't like the way people pretend to be something they are not (so noone really knows who they truly are) and yet we don't show...|||I really like the way you put this! To some extent I could describe myself as emotional based on your description. I definitely am very sensitive to people's emotional states. As with many INFPs...|||I think I might actually have to disagree with this. I really like the way anyotherday put it. Because it's not a matter of purposefully hiding or purposefully faking, it's just being ourselves. ...|||http://www.mms.com/us/images/product_pretzelmms.png Ok, but I just had to check and confirm that I'm not crazy, haha. I bought a blue bag of M&Ms but they were pretzel, and to be honest, not that...|||I'm probably still not getting this even after what you just wrote, but when I first read the title I just thought you meant the basic mature vs immature type situation... for example: I had a...|||Wow, that's me exactly but I couldn't have said it any better. I told my ENFP mother that before: You know, I have a different personality/sense of humour around you than I do around dad. I show...|||My wife is and ESFJ, we balance each other nicely. My mother is an ENFP, I'm pretty much her personal shrink, haha. My best friend is an INFJ, we get each other so much and can discuss all...|||I understand this completely. I was actually about to start a thread asking something similar. It seems a lot of people on here mention the sterotype of INFPs being emos or drama queens or the...|||I thought they were pretzel M&Ms, but that bag doesn't say that at all. I've only bought them once, and that was in the United States. They were pretty good, but I much prefer the peanut butter...|||Haha, seriously, I just read your message, then looked over at your name and once again I just sort of drifted off thinking about all the things it could mean. To be honest it's been so long...|||^-- Haha! A bacon wrapped date! YUMMMMM!|||Is your relationship with her father pretty good? As in, can you flat out say to him I know how much she loves these books and it just didn't feel right keeping them from her. I know it's best...|||Haha, I love this forum! It's so funny to talk to other INFPs and realise there are other people like me. I remember posting a picture on Facebook with three of my long time friends. I put in the...|||Hey, first off, I love your name! It seems like it should be sad, except it's so happy, and soo... *head asplode*. But seriously, it's beautiful and it makes my mind drift off in thought puzzling...|||+1 Haha, I was a vegetarian for about 10 years (I call myself a non-practicing vegetarian now... cue guilt). This is exactly how I acted. I let people know that I didn't eat meat if it was...|||Haha, I'm pretty sure I know EXACTLY what you mean. When I used to say best friend I really just meant one of the friends which is closest to me. Although I must admit the person to whom I now...|||That was an awesome description. I'm running late (haha, I'm so INFP) so I wont read all the comments right now, I just had to say thanks for this post! That whole time continuum thing was cool....|||I have had experiences that I don't know if they are psychic or just my highly evolved intution. For example I was at a red light at night on a very quiet street (it was a four lane main street,...|||Hey Traum, my bf is also INFJ. I've noticed that trend on here. I also notice on the INFP forum that the most common type posting on there (other than INFP) is INFJ. I think they love us and...|||Last year I joined a running group. Before it started I was thinking what the hell did you just do?!?! but I knew it was sort of an intermediate course, and I had never run before, so I started...|||Haha, I love it! I do this all the time, often about someone I just see walking past me on the street. I think wow, look at her. I can just tell we'd be perfect together because I can tell...|||I was terrible at sports in High School (I loved gym class but only took it in grade 9 and 10 - too many interesting social science classes to take so I had to skip gym). I always got A+ effort...|||Well isn't this a fun little thread, haha. We're discussing religion and there don't seem to be too many backs going up (I kinda skipped some of the middle pages and might have missed a couple...|||Good question, but for me a tough one. I think people who know me really well could answer this question about me better than maybe I could. I think my values are so ingrained that I don't...|||Oh, and I do like Fantasy, I just haven't read as much. I did recently read the entire Sword of Truth series (after watching the show), and I quite like that.|||+1! I love science fiction. Sometimes I have to force myself to branch out because it's pretty much all I read. My favourite authors are Douglas Adams, Richard Morgan, and Robert J. Sawyer. ...|||Thanks for saying no offense before calling my point of view garbage; it really lessened the blow. I haven't read that book, just wiki'd it real quick like, but I don't know that it would cause me...|||This describes my behaviour exactly. I have no problem not contacting someone for weeks/months/years, even someone I would consider one of my best friends, and then reconnect with them like no time...|||Hey, my friend is currently reading The Field and greatly enjoys it. He bought it because she writes the introduction to a new(ish) edition of The Holographic Universe. I just finished The...|||I like jeans and either a nice fitting atheletic tee or a clever or cool looking tee (a la Threadless). My wife tells me all the time that what I'm wearing doesn't match. She doesn't care or try...|||When you are reading out loud (to your class for example) and you start faltering mid-paragraph because you are suddenly marvelling over the fact that all these little stick shapes (i.e....' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I wish to change my name to War pigs and thanks.|||INTJ I like the most.|||*Blank space* This is what|||Failed trolling, try harder.|||CelebrityTypes is plain bullshit. Just sayin',|||He seems very INFP to me.|||ESFJ because you made an illogical assumption.|||ENFP because you got hurt|||INFP because you gave meaning to the meaningless :)|||ESTJ because you feel like killing someone.|||Eum, I feel an instant connection with most females, that's fine for me. I don't think I want to know what love is anyway :P|||lasts|||Carts|||Though shalt not interfere in ENTJ business. Oh.|||sabre|||crank|||How do you guys meet a stranger?|||Yes yes yes! I do that like all the time! But seriously try not to step into over analysis, because it will probably make things much worse :) Like just do your thing without thinking too much about...|||Sometimes I really feel like an ENTP. I mean, I'm not nearly as emotional as some of my ENFP friends, and I take interest in science and philosophy more than pony stuff. But I feel 100% related to...|||Female idealists are awesome :3 It's great to be in a forum with similar minds :)|||Haha hey :3 I love INFPs! You guys are so fun to talk to xD We are similar, but none of that pony stuff is cute though :dry: *hugs*|||Welcome, glad to see new ENFPs.|||Oh hey fellow new ENFP :3 How cool is it to be an ENFP? Also, what do you do for fun?|||Hello I'm a new ENFP male about to join this forum. I really enjoy being an ENFP, I like people of every type and socializing. What I don't like are drama queens, pony lovers and people entitled to...|||Hello! I've been checking this forum for a while now and I hope we'll get along :)|||Isn't Bill Maher ENTJ? Ignore the title but this is an example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkGhv58OhrE|||Yeah that pretty much depicts a common ENTP behavior, and a large part of myself that I seek to change as a matter of fact. You see, we're so confused on our thoughts and ideas and tend to go on a...|||Consider the playfulness of these types. I don't think the woman will take it seriously or get annoyed, if you're friendly. Straightforward people are greatly appreciated also. However you could be a...|||Yeah I kinda have this fear of being manipulated by a huge power. I just try to rationalize it a bit, just forget about it or something.|||http://cdn.instanttrap.com/trap.jpg You're not an ESFJ lol.|||Yeah, everyone thinks people should be more like him. You blame others for things that you're good at and they're not, that's why ESTPs assume they're better than everyone else in sports. Don't blame...|||I absolutely think SJs will win. NTs will get lost easily.|||I don't think dating and MBTI will ever get along. Depends on the ISFP.|||INTPs are better than ENTPs|||I'm thinking about why, just why this hot girl has a boyfriend. I REALLY want to have sex with her, in particular. :sad:|||lol I have 64 GB documentaries from youtube download xD|||Eum. Actually, t.v. programs are not so intuitive, all of them. You have the idea of a comedy based program to be intuitive. Intuitive stuff include video games, documentaries etc..|||They may be tricks, but sex is a part of friendship :3 I wish only the best for my ISFJs lol|||Lol happens to me alot!|||100 ways to trick ISFJs into bed.|||Shopping, gossiping, kindergarden and murrica are awesome indeed :)|||Yes, that's him.|||With logic and reason!|||What I do is that I read a page or two then recycle the information in my head before moving on.|||Argument 1- The looks that were meant on the other video doesn't indicate that INTPs are slim and ENTJs are jocks just like that. He meant that ENTJs naturally tend to take care of looks, not just...|||I'm going to watch it right now, and come with feedback. All I know Bill Gates is not an ENTJ|||Thanks @jdstankosky glad you like it|||Too many to count: Bill gates - ENTJ: Really? Is he using a loud extroverted thinking model? Or does he just gets lost in his mind every time he's asked a question? Of course he's forced to act...|||What's weird is that ENTPs and INFJs always have this thing for each other, except if the ENTP is too dickish or the INFJ too emotional. And yes my ideal type of female was always INFJ, sometimes...|||I don't think ENTJs are as intimidating as they appear, or maybe they are idk lol. I have many ENTJ and INTJ friends, from what I see is that their just confrontational and like to challenge...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Since I live in the one of the prime areas for seeing the full eclipse, I really hope that the traffic is at least somewhat manageable because I still have to work on Monday. I knew that I should...|||I have to keep telling myself that I will get into an occupational therapy program somewhere, even if I don't have any experience as a CNA or EMT and even if I suck at standardized testing.|||Today I got to feel what it's like to dislocate your shoulder. It hurts as much as they say it does.|||I'm trying not to feel resentful of trying to do the right thing all of the time and feeling like I don't get anything out of it.|||I wish that the constant voice that tells me that I'm not good enough, not productive enough, and is currently telling me that I'm partially to blame for my grandma's dementia would just shut the...|||I've already finished my major. I'm a non-trad playing catch up so I can start applying for the 2019-2020 year.|||So instead of taking college algebra this fall, I might have to take chemistry or physics instead due to all of the college algebra sections being full. But of course I need to email the schools that...|||I hope I find a counselor that's a good fit. I have one or two local ones in mind that focus on the kind of therapy and areas that I need to work on, but I think it's a step in the right direction....|||After having a rough day emotionally for no reason and exhausting myself from trying not to cry at work all day, I've decided to suck it up and call about counseling tomorrow.|||The argument of everybody else does it has never worked for me. You have to actually give me a good reason for something, otherwise I'm not going to do it or I'm going to do the opposite just to...|||I guess the road paved with good intentions leads to frustration, especially when you drive an hour and a half to spend another hour and a half convincing someone that you're not their shitty...|||I got the news today that Grandma has fluid on her heart, which means she's pretty much screwed. The nursing home is going to keep an eye on her, but she has a do not resuscitate order, so when she...|||The cat ruined my photogenic moment by getting out of the New Belgium Folly beer box I had opened for him because he had wanted to lay in it.|||Grandma thinks that I need someone to take care of me, which is worse than her fear of leaving me alone. Fuck.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SLL5ChXsd8|||The fucking people at Grandma's nursing home tried to get us to pay an extra thousand a month for therapy without doctor's orders. They called me first because they thought I would say yes, but of...|||So I went on a date tonight. I think I made a friend, anyway. I'm not really interested in dating him though because he's too dominant for my tastes and his energy is like a force of nature, when I...|||I finally called to make a counseling appointment and of course, I have to see a nurse practitioner before I can be referred to the counselor, but I'll go with it if it turns out that the counselor...|||One of these days, I will stop feeling guilty for putting myself first. I know a lot of it is wrapped in my guilt in having to put Grandma in a nursing home and my having to deal with grief over her...|||So I'm working on a poem that makes me uncomfortable and that I don't really feel qualified to write, but maybe that's why I should write it and read it tomorrow night.|||So thanks to being a teeth grinder and jaw thruster, my cheeks hurt due to stress. Yay.|||So I already have one series with a long timeline that takes place between the mid-2020's to maybe the late 2070's, but since I decided that series takes place in an alternate dimension because...|||I got a sparkle (bonus points) for my discussion board posts in Abnormal Psych last week. I'll take it.|||I'm pretty sure I got the stupid APA citation right, but of course I had to go into freakout mode and make sure they were all right, even if it was just a discussion board post.|||So on the discussion board for my Abnormal Psychology class this week, I have no partner for the biological perspective. Really?|||629458 629466 Took some selfies without glasses.|||I go back for x-rays and a checkup on my foot on Tuesday. I had ended up bruising a bone a couple of weeks ago and since then, I've been wearing a smaller boot and a much larger boot at work. I...|||I just did a facepalm because one of my online professors called bonus points sparkles in her syllabus.|||I tripped on the stairs tonight and now I have a spectacular bruise forming on my bunion.|||In reference to me probably getting bronchitis from a customer, I texted a friend. Some of the pervy old guys who like to hit on me might be glad to have passed on an std.|||I was officially diagnosed with bronchitis this morning and was given antibiotics for pneumonia as a precaution. I really hope the antibiotics help rid of the low-grade fever I've had since Tuesday....|||Now I'm starting to think that this cough I've had for the past couple of days is bronchitis because now I'm running a fever.|||Instead of freaking out about what all I have to do over the next year and worrying about not having an appropriate background for OT, I'm going to go ahead and take a CPR class through the local...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1p2CIdas-Y|||608202 The lighting's weird, but whatever.|||Fine, universe. I won't joke about taking cow heart dissection parts that look like roast beef as part of Thanksgiving dinner to relatives I don't like. It's probably bad karma.|||I had to permanently put my grandma in a nursing home earlier this week. I really think she doesn't have more than a few months left and now I'm really trying not to let the grief and loneliness...|||Dear body, I know it's been an emotionally exhausting week, but I really hope you've caught up on sleep at this point. I can't regularly take three and a half hour naps.|||Choking on thin air has to be a special talent of some kind. Also, having to listen to Jingle Bells from a Christmas display for 2+ hours at work tonight made me want to kill someone.|||So two customers were talking about their several marriages and the guy said,If I hadn't gotten married, I wouldn't have had to pay fucking child support. I wanted to say, Then you...|||The bathtub drain is now partially unclogged. I'll fight with it more in the morning. Also, Grandma is probably coming home on Monday, which means doing a last minute deep clean of the house...|||I managed to get an A on my A&P test and I'm pretty sure I was the only one who did.|||In my case, curiosity should not trump listening to complete fucking idiots.|||Goddamn it. I was doing well, but now the stress and loneliness is starting to kick back in.|||I'm currently taking Anatomy and Physiology as a prerequisite for occupational therapy.|||I hope that one of these days I won't be ruled by the little voice that tells me I'm not good enough.|||13-year-old-me: I won't ever need algebra, lulz. 26-year-old me: I have to take college algebra next semester because it's a requirement for other OT prerequisites and I am totally not prepared....|||Maybe I should just focus on getting into 4 OT programs in Missouri and KU and save myself taking even more classes than what I have to.|||I need a new hobby or a vacation or something to distract me and something to channel my stress into. All I want to do is hide, but I'm not allowed to do that because I have obligations. It'd be...|||In the continuous old, creepy, sexist men saga, I got called good girl, good sweetie, and baby in one transaction.' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | '*Wants not needs|||Absolutely not! How can you date a person if you cant make clear idea of thier motives? What if they are just using you? Than you need to watch your back.[/QUOTE] I agree as well as you need to...|||Haha I still have not clicked it|||Those pictures that people are posting are making me laugh, even though I may not show it. (Look at my username and it will make sense as to what is the reason I am not showing that i find humor in...|||Thank you for the response. I have heard of that theory, and I probably will not check out those links for I am lazy, but if comets did really carry water, then where did those comets come from?...|||I feel you|||Intp's write better scientific novels.|||Thank you all for the responses and that picture was funny. The articles seem helpful, and I will read them as soon as I'm done being lazy.|||What are the differences?|||I thought I intj's are the only ones who would respond this way. I thought I was safe in these intp's forums.|||yeah this isn't deep thing. just an empirical model observation. google.[/QUOTE] Thanks for bursting my bubble.|||How did water come to form, if we are to far away from the sun for oxygen and hydrogen to mix, and I don't believe the earth was ever closer to the sun while it had oxygen? Could it be that my...|||I laughed at almost everything they said. To be honest I believe they all have biased opinions towards istj's just because istj's tend to be their bosses and can possibly be rigid and aggressive,...|||Thank you for taking the test, and I never thought about how the soul types relate to the ennegram types. From what I know, I do agree that the soul types are related to a specific ennegr am type,...|||http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=17641|||I don't know many intj's but from what I've heard, they might be so blunt, they probably hurt every other personality type that isn't an ntj.|||I don't know if ntp's are neurotic or not, but if they are, then compared to the ntp's, then I guess ntj's are more chill. I agree with tj's being aggressive beca use they have to deal with stupid...|||Stolen from the entj forums.|||These were pretty funny|||Entj uncle: I can't just pull a rabbit out of my ass|||Haha it was an interesting, insightful post, but I believe you still didn't answer my question. I also disagree that intj's are chill. I believe intp's are more chill then intj's because intj's tend...|||I'm going to change a nickname, the mastermind, the scientist, or the strategist.|||Who would win in a battle of the introverts, in an arguement? The mastermind, the scientist, or the stubborn logical istj. Haha I'm kidding the logical istj.|||I'm kidding|||Just ignore them and go meet one of us istjs were better then them haha.|||Let's start another argument since I do not know how to add to the above posts. Would would win in an arguement between an istj, estj, intj, entj, intp and entp?|||To be honest these results are interesting, I thought infp would score as scholars/ artisians, or possibly even servers, but not a king nor a warrior. But thank you for taking the time to take the...|||Thank you for the response aND a lot, if not all stp's tend to be warriors from my observation.|||Thank you for taking the test and I have noticed that a lot of np's are artisians.|||Thank you fo taking the test and I am seeing a pattern, I believe ntj's are mostly kings, np's are artisans ntp's are artisan scholars and stp's warriors. I'm still waiting for the rest of the...|||I'm not too convinced that Sasuke is an INTJ anymore either, but he certainly does not have or care for Fe. I've seen other alternatives like Istj and Istp, but he values Fi without a doubt and there...|||Thanks for the response, for the first question I'll say that I notice the little details when it comes to observing a house, and for the second question I do look into the future alot. I have take...|||I disagree with Sasuke Uchida being an intj, for if you observe him he tends to base his actioms more around emotions, rather then logic. I understand what's the reason people believe Itachi Uchia...|||Istj - Nedgi Huga - Naruto Esfj - Sakurai - Naruto Infj - Sauskei Uchia - Naruto Entj - Oruchimari - Naruto Intj - Toby (Fake Madarra) - Naruto Enfp or Enfp - Naruto Uzumaki - Naruto Isfp -...|||When your feeler aqcuantince over reacts when you tell him that you want to bring an atomic gun to space to fight against the aliens. (Enfp while being shot at by aliens: Let's not fight guys, we...|||Easy. One question for you: Do you feel more energetic and recharged when you are with friends or when you are alone?[/QUOTE] Will you guys convert me into an intj? It's only a one letter difference.|||OK I understand the asshole part might have offended some people, again I wasn't trying to offend anyone and I wonder if this is true. When I posted that and even now I do not see how it could offend...|||I am sorry for sounding similar to an asshole, that wasn't my intention. I was actually being serious and thought I could recieve some answers. First of all I don't believe being psychopathic is bad,...|||Haha I'm still waiting for a response and I'm only asking these questions because of observations that I've made.|||How come intj's and entj's are assholes? Are most psychopaths intj's and Entj's?|||Thanks for taking the time to take the test and I guess I was correct when I said that most entp's tend to be artisan/ scholars.|||Yes believe it or not I've been analyzing this theory for about 6 months, that's how interesting this theory is for me|||You could also try reading the descriptions of the different soul types and determine a which is your soul type. There is another link in the description that, i believe will help you find your soul...|||Thank you for taking the test and yes I can also see the correlation. I believe most stp's tend to be warriors, and most tj's tend to be warriors, kings and/ or scholars. I'm guessing most fp's are...|||What do the numbers represent?|||Can I have my username changed to WarLordISTJ|||What are your thoughts?|||Do you believe that a smart, corrupt istj can easily take over the world? How do you become unreadable to other people. What is your mentality? When it comes to learning how do you learn, for example...|||How, and who do we use to take over the world? I just want to hear what istjs have in mind when it comes to world domination. Please be specific when organizing types into groups for example, Istj...|||When you have obsessive compulsive disorder or obsessive compulsive personality disorder' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'XNTJ TMLT scratch themselves in public|||This is true. To find out which type you are you should just go and read about all of them. You will probably do this anyway because what's the use of taking a mbti test if you are ownly going to...|||This sounds more like an ENFP thing. ENTP is the kid that blew up a toilet on a dare and changes his grades by hacking the school system with help from the INTJ. He is also on the debate team. ...|||I like Rachel Tulane. Rachel Green sounds like some colour paint. And Rachel Prime sounds like a transformer.|||Can make a anti-zombie flaming chainsaw launcher from a shoe,deoderant and a shower curtain.|||You can make dead baby jokes in an abortion centere and not feel bad. :P|||Its as useless as a packet of instant mix water.|||Istp|||So you don't like men ? ;)|||ENTP logic is just very abstaract because of our Ne dom. This sometimes makes our logic seem ilogical. The Ti is used as a checklist for the Ne. It makes sure your desicions are based on logic and...|||Another ENTP to add to our ranks....... I mean forum :)|||We should all just change our personality types to a NF type and infultrate there forum. Convince them they are ENTPs. This wil be easy since we are great at convincing people. Then we use the sheer...|||Perfection means it can't be improved. And what's fun about that ?|||XNTP Tmlt eat chicken livers ?|||Power of an ant(relative to body size) - to kick ass when arm wresling Echo location from bats - its cool Regrow limbs from starfish - for when I snap my arms off. Speed from an eagle - to...|||ENFPs hug people ENTPs threaten people with space guns|||Its a typical entp thing. Most sociopaths are entps. And since you don't feel who's to say that acting on what your mind tells you is not feeling ? I do this to by the way. With what other organ...|||And then I cried for 5 hours after I whatched TLC the entire day.|||I actualy met an Intp the other day. Sat next to him in the movies. He was the first persone I've ever met that thought my ideas were valid. And he was also the first persone to give an opinion on...|||That's why its called ENTP poetry|||Check it out I found something that rhymes with orange I thought of it when I bumped my head on the doorhinge Isn't that cool My dog likes to drool I'm no fool Writing this poem without going...|||I took a test that shows you just the functions and how large they are I actualy scored 85 for Ni wich means I actualy use it a lot being my third highest score. Putting it beneath my 95 Ne and 90...|||I've had the same problem. After quite some time I realized I am after all an ENTP. You also give me an ENTP vibe. The problem is that the common meaning for the words introvert and...|||You'd die if you fell from your ego to your IQ. I'd rip your head of but your stupidity is in the way and I'm not in the mood to run a marathon|||Do something so weird and random that its not possible for people to ignore you|||When you are so tired it feels like you are about to pass out. Then you think fuck tiredness that's boring. Suddenly gain a superhuman energy level, runs to the nearest bar, gets drunk and then start...|||XNTP Most likely to die in a lab explosion Entp last words: Trust me its going to work Intp last words: So if a flashlight fell into a black hole ..... ( Throws in wrong chemical )|||I like this guy.|||What would I do huh ? Your mom.|||INFJ sucks All you can do is hug trees This is just so sad See a haiku. One more thing your type does that mine does better|||Shingeki no kiyojin ( attack on titan) and death note are both amazing|||You would cry with all these people against you. If you were human|||There are no such thing as bots. There are only INTP's|||Then you sould try communication|||Did you know that you can communicate without elec. devises No Didn't think so|||No I don't want to try it I don't like explosions And how does that make you feel ? Nah, I'll just stay home and study|||Thought a 12V buzzer wasn't working so I adapted it and pluged it into the plug where the tv is usualy pluged in. It exploded and made an awesome green flame. Also singed my eyebrows playing with...|||Feet that stay warm without shoes on|||Stop crying !!!|||INFJ. Clingy shit sack always trying to relate. Your not rare at all there are a lot of people that actualy feel emotion your just to ignorant to see it. What. sorry ? Did I hurt your emotions....|||ENTJ. With lung cancer|||ENTP 1 ENFP 3 INTP 2 ISTP 1 INFJ 1 ISFJ 1 ESFJ 1 ESTP 2 INTJ 1|||Intj|||Infp|||Basicly it would be drunken lawyers having sex with stoned inventers in a room where the ownly light source is a gigantic tesla coil and the ocasional explosion. And the ocasional persone dancing in...|||Your the most honest thief I've ever met And You have very soft earlobes|||When you choose the side of a debate that's absulute B.S and still win. Leaving friends frustrated at the fact that they couldn't prove Hitler was a bad person|||Warning: Engadge at own risk May cause trauma,combustion and loss of hair|||People that repeat awnswers as if they are questions eg. Explains because feathers are soft. Asks so its because feathers are soft ? Chik....Chik Me loading my shotgun' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Clickbait thread titles and David Wolfe in the psychology section of the forum....it begins.|||My guess is, not really. I'm typically respectful, so people tend to not hate me, but they find me hard to relate to and think there's something a bit off about me because they don't understand me...|||The Wire. Several times.|||Don't worry about it, if you'd have to go out of your way. Thanks, though. Mostly I'm just hoping there's someone on here who has a pretty good understanding and mental framework of the topic so that...|||Has anyone here studied sociology? I'm learning about Erving Goffman's theory of dramaturgy in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life for an essay (relating the concepts to online interaction)...|||Interest groups for sure. Common ground and mutuality is the way to go. I have several different social circles of friends for each social interest I have, music, gaming, martial arts, studying...|||The term 'holding a grudge' implies actively thinking about it, which is a bit much.... but otherwise, I'd easily say yes, to be honest. I discriminate against people over how they've behaved around...|||Gi. I do have my elements of Ge, but along the spectrum, I would be closest to Gi. Maybe an amalgamation somewhere between Sonny from A Bronx Tale, Silvio Dante from The Sopranos, and Slim...|||If we're talking about intimate relationships, then yes, of course. It helps to better understand the social dynamics of your situation if you explain the context of how you're feeling, what you're...|||Any ENFPs here who were raised in collectivist (more-so than individualistic) cultures?|||Live-streaming the 'Chillhop Music' youtube channel for instrumentals to study to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpIQNxiKJoE|||Reading up altruism in a chapter about social psychology in one of my psych textbooks lately. Overall, these findings [J.G. Miller & Bersoff 1998, J.G. Miller, Bersoff & Harwood 1990, D.T. Miller...|||Gotta be Andy McKee's 'Rylynn' for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsD6uEZsIsU Could give honorable mentions to a couple different pieces by Nujabes, but the non-stop expanding of the...|||I expect she's right, to a degree. Be careful with self-fulfilling prophecies. It's easy for pessimism to turn into defeatism in situations and create bad results unnecessarily.|||Honestly, I would stop trying to find a grand reason or purpose. I believe perceptions should be a factor in your judgments (decisions based on acknowledgments), but judgments should never be a...|||My inclination towards organic food (and even towards non-GMO food) isn't based so much in science as it is based in distrust of the ethics of large corporations like Monsanto. I know GMO technology...|||Any ENFPs here have experience with polyamorous relationships? If so, how did you find it?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS6E0hu52Rk Lmao ffs|||I can flirt very well with people who like me back, as in a mutual, back-and-forward interaction of exchanges. I suck at flirting with people I don't know, though. The occasional gaze a little longer...|||There's a pretty amazing ENFP in my life. I don't know why I felt like other ENFPs would appreciate knowing this, but it seemed plausible in my head.|||Him also being an asshole doesn't stop me from agreeing with him, to be honest. A lot of INTJs are assholes. Go hang out on INTJ forum and wait for the toxic attitudes to set in. It's considerably...|||Please change my username to 'Wartime Consigliere'. Many thanks in advance.|||I know it's vain to proclaim this about ourselves...but I'm curious. Are there very many INTJs here who are considered by their peers (as far as you can tell), to be charismatic and/or charming?|||I think there's a simple realization that you have to accept: There are some really stupid INTJs out there. I'm not necessarily saying those attitudes towards specific issues are stupid...|||C'mon everyone. I see a distinct lack of memes on this meme thread lately. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcREb9hRcYAZ6mK4N44YAg_eOylm2lcDmc3xmnICZQhawFKailg-|||I'm arguably more art orientated than science orientated, but I'm still very science orientated and am looking for a career in STEM (something relating to cognitive psychology and social psychology...|||Man there are some seriously defeatist sounding threads in here sometimes. C'mon man. To answer your question, of course INFJs males are some people's first choices. Quite a lot, actually. That's...|||Maybe Se isn't the cause, but there's probably a correlation to be made with Se being inferior and slower development of the skills associated with trades like carpentry. It's stereotyped for Ns in...|||I'm not really surprised at all to find disagreement. Many people seem adamant that Itachi too, is an INFJ. Without trying to derail the thread too much into semantics of typing accuracy, I think...|||As I see it, Itachi Uchiha (Naruto), Lelouch vi Britannia (Code Geaass), Wyman Manderly & Doran Martell (Game of Thrones), Andy Dufresne (Shawshank Redemption) and maybe Lester Freamon (The Wire) all...|||Are dichotomies more scientifically valid than cognitive functions?|||The Wire. Easily the best show I've seen so far in my opinion. The writing is genius and the setting is incredibly gritty and realistic. I'd rate it above Breaking Bad and The Sopranos, both of which...|||If you ever do try it, be sure to design your environment very carefully in terms of eliminating any pressures or responsibilities you might feel, the people you have around you etc. You'll need...|||Anyone else tried DMT? I'd be curious about comparing experiences with other INTJs. PM if it's too personal/anyone can be bothered.|||Just gonna leave this here for future reference.|||I'll drink to that. http://cdn.styleforum.net/f/fb/350x700px-LL-fbb57fc0_Obamathumbsup.jpeg|||You should put a bottle of water next to your bed. You might need it when you're hungover. 'cause fuck moving when you're hungover.|||This morning, actually. It caught me really off-guard. I was coming to grips with the fact that I'm moving away shortly and how many people I won't be able to see anymore. To some level, I sort of...|||I got accepted to start a Bachelor of Science degree next year majoring in Psychology. Any advice? Also, any links to good psych resources would be appreciated. I'm kind of oblivious to what...|||My competitive nature makes me inclined to ask them questions and try to learn from them. Growth-focused mindstate. I think having other people around who are smarter than myself is a goddamn...|||Check out this teacher's funeral tribute by a boys high school here in New Zealand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6Qtc_zlGhc I love atmosphere and crowd energy. At the very least, there's...|||The purpose of life is a life with a purpose, So I'd rather die for a cause, than live a life that is worthless|||Probably weird as hell. Special, maybe. I think I did have a reputation for being smart/nerdy though, among whatever else kids were saying about me at the time. Quite possibly 'book-smart'...|||Brilliant as they may be, an intelligent person who is excessively selfish is still a piece of shit. Just look at politicians, Wall Street bankers, the military-industrial complex and cult leaders...|||Autonomy to all.|||I voted agree, even though I acknowledge full is an exaggeration.|||https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfjTK1-UkAA3cc6.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLb_7KxnlRA Best mix of those Charlie Sheen samples everrr imho.|||https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/duty_calls.png|||Some more context would help our ability to answer the question... but I'll give it a shot: Don't over-express your curiosity by filling in silences without first checking the cues. Probe his/her...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Happened to my brother in law not me, but about pissed myself laughing. He was in our neighbor's (an elderly man) yard cleaning some plant debris from flowers and what not. He was knelt down...|||Very much on the downhill slide now. 'Tis a good thing. Last night was more of the same. But my helper was Rita, so I actually got 100% help. Which made my night much more tolerable. But, it...|||Well. Up and sorta ready to be at 'em as they say. Ok, not really. I'm awake. That's about the best I can make of it currently. Today Lord Dampnut was at the United Nations giving a...|||Ah, Tuesday. Wish you were Friday. But you're a sweeter soul than Monday, for what that's worth. Back at it. I really don't wanna be but until I find somewhere else to get my coinage, I must...|||One vs. one, no weapons... I'd destroy him. The only way he'd avoid that is if he ran or knocked me out with one punch. All I'd have to do is get a hold of him and he'd be done. Once I had him,...|||Go with fewer showers. Essence of man and all that stuff. Ladies love it. :wink: ~~~ Harry Dean Stanton died today. You may not know his name, but if you've watched tv or film in the past...|||Well, well, well. I'm free. Sam approved my leave request so no worky worky tonight for me and an extended weekend. Eggscellent. :cool: http://youtu.be/MOWDb2TBYDg Yes, you miniony...|||http://youtu.be/_nLmM9kcBKs|||Man, do I hope tonight is my last night at work. That would be most excellent. Not counting on it, though, just in case. But it would be nice cuz I have things to do this weekend or to try to...|||Closer to the weekend. It could come even sooner if all plays out as I hope. I was sitting there bored for the last 15 minutes of work and was opening and closing drawers in the desk in central...|||Wednesday! And half way through the work week. Huzzah! I wish it were the last night of the work week because I'm already done. Not because it's been a bad work week, as it certainly has not......|||So. My bed came today. And my mother, in her infinite wisdom, just had the deliver dudes drop the mattress and adjustable frame two steps inside the front door... despite knowing that this shit has...|||Ugh. My weekend be over and I'm not quite ready. I do feel better, finally. So that's something. However... frustration abounds and I very much dislike frustration and interruption of my...|||Well... my nephew decided to not come over and help me because his legs are dead... whatever that means. I'd know what it meant if he like... worked out or something... but he doesn't, so no idea. ...|||Well... slept in and didn't even go to the bar. Mom didn't wake me up for such, probably figured I needed to sleep more than I needed to go to the bar... I didn't ask, but I suspect that was the...|||So, PerC is buggy yet again. Imagine that. :rolleyes: Well. Last day of the work week. Glad for that. I don't feel well. My allergies are trying to fucking kill me. :dry: I'm not amused or...|||Took an ex back after getting dumped once. One of the worst decisions I've ever made. They're exs for a reason, leave 'em that way.|||We had several members of a family come in and out of our facility several years ago. I don't remember how many children there were total... 12-14? Something like that. (We once had 4 of them...|||Well... short time for writing tonight. (I hear you clapping minions... best knock it off...) I've plumb ran outta time, I'm afraid. Worked on editing photos for 2 games tonight and working on the...|||Well... My four day holiday weekend is almost over. Football on Friday... can't even remember what I did on Saturday. Must've been fun, whatever it was... Oh yeah... I just remembered... I...|||Lawdy... I'm wiped out. Photographed the game (we won 38-28!) and paying for it now. Wore a jacket the first half... not because it was chill or anything, but because it was sprinkling rain,...|||So. Applying for a job when you've not done such things in 20 yrs is a bit of a pain in the ass. I can barely remember the jobs I had before... details of them, I mean. When did I work there? ...|||You know what really annoys me? Righteous indignation. Over... nothing. I saw a post on social media this morning, a rant if you will, about the whole Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays...|||To me, the accent of Texans is unique, really. Just crossing from Oklahoma to Texas brings a huge change. It struck me way back when I was a kid and we were going to Brownsville to visit my great...|||The lot of them. Every one. Charlatans fleecing idiots for shitloads of money. Nothing more than that. I used to watch Benny Hinn some mornings at work... for the humor factor. Benny gets to...|||That's about spot on... just make those people about 10 yrs older with all the aches and pains and patience of someone who's 50+. :laughing: The couple directly behind us felt much the same way. ...|||I do believe the children would love me. Children seem drawn to me and I quite like them so long as they're boys... or girls, if they can manage to not scream all the damn time. I'm not entirely...|||My mind runs at 1000 mph all the time. (Which can be quite annoying when I'm trying to sleep) I'm quite aware of it, obviously, but other than fueling my insomnia sometimes, it really doesn't...|||I don't expect McGregor to win, but I want him to... and I won't count him out, because... well, he's Conor McGregor and typically, when he says some shit, he does said shit. Besides, Mayweather...|||Looked through the job posting from the school district today. Found a job that's not what I was looking at before, but something I could easily do and might actually really enjoy and it pays...|||I can't think of any world view, off hand, that's changed since I was probably about 10 yrs old... so nope.|||Well... I'm having a four day weekend now cuz... fuck work. :cool: The shift postings were up last night for shift bid. That fucking bitch raped 3rd shift. Cut two positions completely and cut...|||Well... I'm happy to say my work week is almost over. But only because I have Friday off. Tonight is the easy, hardly at all like work work night and tomorrow I'll be a secondary... and probably...|||I sorta am, huh? :cool: ~~~ Was going to go out and sit on the patio with the pup, but all that sweet meat I ate on Sunday is finally catching up to me. My tum is now attempting to expel all...|||Indeed. Today, the same person posted a meme about how many US (Union) troops were killed in the Civil War fighting to end slaverly... and we're still called racists!!!!! Never mind that just...|||I can only imagine. I'm in a red state so I hear it a lot, too. And these yahoos aren't southerners... these just far right knuckleheads. It literally makes me want to slap them in the head for...|||I'm an INTJ, but I want to play, too! Dominance 54% Steadiness 24% Influence 12% Compliance 10% You are responsive to challenges in a practical, realistic and enthusiastic manner. You are a...|||Well, Saturday's about done, innit? I tried, tried, tried to get up early after only a wee bit of sleep. Didn't work, but I did try. I absolutely hate sleeping through the majority of...|||They said she had one to six weeks and but it was only two.|||Well, howdy... Steve Bannon is out of the White House. I believe that's everyone from the original party gone... but for Lord Dampnut and Pence. Been in office 7 months and... yeah. I think...|||I'm pretty sure Lord Dampnut is digging his hole deeper still... I just don't have the energy to see what the asshat was about today. It's tiresome trying to keep a handle on it. The people...|||You should've heard the screech when she sat on that tack! :laughing:|||I am in the path of totality... but I will be sleeping. I've already seen one, anyway, back in the last 70s. I can't remember if it was a full one or not, though. Oddly, I remember seeing one even...|||Man, I am getting tired of this 4 suicide watch nonsense. I was drained when I came home. I didn't have much help at all last night (none till the last 2 hrs) so I just got ran ragged. Mary was...|||Back at it tonight. Back to the up down, down up of 4 suicide watch. Yay. :dry: My dad and his girlfriend are back from Wyoming... seemed like they were gone forever, but it was just a week. ...|||Right? I love love love old Detroit Iron. Can't wait till I can get a new motor in my Mustang GT. I've been waiting for 2 yrs already, cuz of other monetary priorities. Hoping to get started on...|||I'm quite happy it's the weekend now. Hopefully, I can get some rest! Last weekend wasn't. I mean, I enjoyed myself don't get me wrong, but I spent about 10 hrs at a friend's house... 5 of them...|||So... was reading a forum (not here)... the subject was Lord Dampnut's assertion that We're going to start saying Merry Christmas again. As opposed to saying Happy Holidays. ...|||I did indeed know that. I suppose you could say that Campbell was a proper Scot and all that. I would learn to love to play the pipes, but I don't have a lot of musical ability at all and I fear...|||I am tired, yet again. Or should I say still? Perhaps. I was run ragged last night, as was Malachi. I'm going to say I had it worse... just because I was doing 4 suicide watch and therefore...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Yes this describes very well what I had in mind. I'll have to try putting it that way, he might get it then. Thank you. I really think that's what he had in mind! Good intentions to be sure. ...|||It's been a long while since I've posted. Hello all. Mainly curious about thoughts from INTPs and ENTJs I couldn't find a thread that touched on what I am specifically wondering about, so here...|||Reading the comments on this page regarding the 1st day of Spring. First Day of Spring Vernal Equinox 2014|||Same thing I do now: Level up! Perhaps, I'd be a master silent hunter or assassin, the bow and arrow as my sniper. Or philosopher, sitting and staring, reading and pondering. Perhaps, I'd be...|||Precisely what I intended to post when opening the thread. Thank you. Great minds and all that.. :laughing:|||Found this... and i just related so well! http://postsecretdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/9explode.jpg?w=367&h=526|||INTP lefty, checking in.|||I sleep. Or lay down. Or pace, if it's really bad. I might drink until I feel a slight buzz. Or I clean things in my house. Or i go for a walk... a very angry power walk. Or I listen to music and...|||Here's a few: Some of these are guilty pleasures. Others i've just memorized growing up. The Fifth Element Braveheart The Saint The Usual Suspects The Labrynth Lord of the Rings movies...|||D'awwww. I'm not the best person to answer this question, being a female intp and not fitting into the stereotypical mold of a woman. BUT, for the sake of adding more replies to your post for more...|||Homework was my main downfall. I also couldn't maintain interest in a class of just listening and reading and repeating. AND I struggled in showing the process that almost every teacher seemed to...|||Oh that? Don't mind that, it was just a little LNI. Late Night Imgur, you ask? No silly, Late Night INTP!:laughing:|||I'd like to apologize for the following: -for selfishly keeping me all to myself. -for shoplifting. But did you really think I'd pay such an extravagant amount for make-up in this economy? -for...|||Someone mentioned it being easier when one knows the one they might be correcting. I'd have to agree. But it one were to watch my face while someone speaks something incorrectly, lol, actual I...|||English 1st. Was almost fluent in spanish, but that was years ago. I forget. Tequila brings it back tho. :)|||1st choice: The Road Eternal. 2nd choice: Fisher King|||ewww, sports talk. http://i828.photobucket.com/albums/zz205/skunkitty/GIFS/Barney.gif|||And that, my fellow INTP, is exactly what makes us individuals!|||Meee toooo! Honestly couldn't remember. I was stuck between 2 years. When asked, I'd say Uhhh, 26...27... one of those. I'm 28 now. ......I think. :unsure: I'm pretty sure.... [consider's checking...|||Funny, but alas, you're wrong. I do nothing without good reason. I despise wasting time with silly games. Sadly enough, that what was done to me. I only wish i could have held the strings, atleast...|||Yesssssssssss! LOL!|||Oh snap. Google maps tells me this is over 40 hours driving time. Not including bathroom breaks, gas stations, food stops, or sight seeing, or traffic. Youch. Take some pictures and vids, let me...|||When I was younger, I would have said intelligence and humour. After an extremely unhealthy relationship and a few white hairs (i'm only in my late 20's), I see the danger of being with someone...|||3rd Canadian, checking in. (*Tips hat*)|||I think it's on another page of the booklet. If i remember correctly.|||I LOVE post rock. Favourites: Long Distance Calling, Russian Circles, God is an Astronaut, This Will Destroy You, Hammock|||I couldn't agree more. I was pretty close to using Pink Maggit as my username.|||I hate to sound like everyone else - but i DO love Change(In a house of Flies). Passenger is sooo erotic to me. But at their concert, I can't leave until I hear them play 7 words.|||Best valentine card would be Echoe 's avatar. I think it's grand. LOL|||I have to give you props - I am delighted by your username, as I'm a dedicated fan. :)|||I selected peter pan. Not from experience with the same sex [female], but simply, because I won't vote it out. I've been sexually drawn to women before... from a purely superficial standpoint. ...|||What a tragic/romantic tale. I hope she turns out to be INTP. If not, I see a great likely-hood of her becoming an NT. :) Don't let him get you down. Perhaps he's trying to protect his...|||Can't say I haven't had that fantasy... Note: Obviously he's a beautiful specimen for a thief. He finds nothing of value in my house besides my ps3 console, games, books, and computer. He wouldn't...|||Doing it now: Beer, wings, PerC :D|||How often do you just chuckle or snicker? Just a snicker, maybe. A few times a week... Maybe three. How often do you laugh really freaking hard? Almost never. I used to. [Albeit: My current...|||Radiohead, Kid-A|||x93The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance. It is the illusion of knowledge.x94 x96Stephen Hawking The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. Carl Jung...|||“The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance. It is the illusion of knowledge.” –Stephen Hawking The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. Carl Jung...|||irritating was wat initially came to mind.|||http://photos.travellerspoint.com/284426/thumb_P1030376.jpg|||I overestimate myself. [just saying it seems wrong] My confidence is never questioned [:unsure:] I don't care if I'm misinterpreted [OH MY WORD, I do i do i do!] Intelligence is overrated...|||Mr Bones' Wild Ride|||Stereotyping again? Yes, i spend my free time baking cookies and brownies for you buff, hardworking, manly men. F*** that! :laughing:|||I happen to be a victim of putting up with what others want to watch. I can't help it if i learn alot about baseball, hockey, mma, etc. I ask questions. If everyone else is going to be so fascinated,...|||http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/007/423/untitle.JPG|||Is that a challenge? I can think of gay-er instances. http://gifs.gifbin.com/122010/reverse-1291372246_ufc-kiss.gif http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/2423926/mma-kiss-o.gif Wait! One more:...|||At first glance, I thought it said Photos of your mom. I was like *Heavy Sigh*.|||@NT the DC, I almost lost a gulp of my beverage.... to the computer screen. :laughing: As to my originally intended post (and please, give it a second or two): 76867|||Thanks Qing! :blushed:|||South-paw checking in... If i haven't already. I just noticed this thread is from last year.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'If you're worried about coming across as a sociopath; you're probably not.|||Some people don't like the idea of a spectrum either, because not all nonbinary people identify as being 'between' genders or 'half man, half woman' - as a spectrum might suggest.|||If you are attracted to binary trans people (i.e. people who are transgender and identify as either men or women), then your orientation can be described just like it would be if you were attracted...|||Have you asked her why it bothered her?|||Yeah, I'm an extremely organised P. I thought I was INTJ for ages because all the tests put me as a J based on my answers about being organised and whatnot. I think it's because Ti is my primary,...|||I'm from the UK. My family all originate from the East end of London, so they mostly have a standard 'cockney' accent. I was brought up in London as a young kid, but then we moved towards the...|||It's not about behaviour; it's about attraction. It's not a choice; it's innate.|||This conversation is becoming difficult for me. It's clear that we're never going to agree about this. I hope you can become more comfortable with the fact that others have different but equally...|||You seem to be unable to separate your own views from everyone else's. It's totally cool if you feel that you would be incompatible in a romantic/sexual relationship with an allosexual person....|||What makes someone's personality more inherent than their appearance? If you've ever thought I don't like their personality so I'd rather not hang out with them, then you have been just as...|||The way you seem to be implying the demisexuality is superior or correct makes me very uncomfortable, and it's quite hard for me to take any of your post seriously when you're expressing such an...|||I think maybe you are misunderstanding the definition of demisexuality. It's not about behaviour: you can have lots of casual sex or be completely celibate and still be demisexual. It's about...|||There's nothing to research. It has no supporting evidence and no attempt to explain *how* constellations are supposed to impact personality. I generally give up trying to learn about things when...|||(*Asperger's) What about it? Anyway, in the DSM Asperger's has been merged with autism and PDD-NOS into Autistic Spectrum Disorder.|||There is no 'autistic type'. Just like there is no 'neurotypical type'. Autistic people are just as varied as non-autistic people, and can be of any type.|||Not sure if you're kidding? But no, that's not the difference. The definitions are very similar are the differences are pretty much defined by the individuals who choose to use those words.|||I think you ought to realise that becoming more promiscuous when under the influence of drugs does not make you a 'full-blown queer'.|||I'd disagree. Gender is relevant far more often than sex. Your gender defines which titles, pronouns, and other words people should use to refer to you. It defines the way you should be grouped with...|||I quoted you with that answer on the last page, perhaps you didn't get the notification? The language makes it confusing if people don't specify whether they are talking about gender or sex (which...|||What's relevant is what sexual orientation is about. Your orientation is about which gender/s you are attracted to. Generally you don't have to [see someone's genitals/do a chromosome analysis/blood...|||Maybe asexual people are more likely to be interested in a thread about sexuality?|||The five factors: - Chromosomes. - Sex hormones. - Gonads (the organs that produce gametes - ovaries/testes). - Internal reproductive anatomy (i.e. uterus). - External genitalia. I'm not sure...|||Gender =/= sex. Not to mention that biological sex is determined by five separate characteristics which can overlap in a myriad of different ways.|||Asexual. And I don't really understand gender, so I'd call myself neutral or agender.|||I know this is a joke, but I've never understood why people claim that female-bodied people don't have an Adam's apple - it's just the larynx. Everyone has it, some are just more prominent. :confused:|||Yes, the two are indistinguishable for the majority of the population. But for the minority for whom they are not indistinguishable, gender is far more relevant.|||But the only reason I can think of for wanting to know someone's gender (or to know their sex, if you then assume their gender is the same), is to know how to refer to them with pronouns and titles....|||Why would the website need to know your sex? Surely your gender is more relevant because it (generally) defines which pronouns/titles/etc you use?|||What would you say is the different between female/feminine and male/masculine?|||Interested that so many people are posting that femininity (or gender in general) is a societal construct and has no real definition - and yet people are still comfortably displaying their gender on...|||I seem to be one of the first people in this thread to openly admit that I am definitely not good at reading people. I have trouble working out why people seem to be doing things or knowing their...|||I hope our reaction was satisfying to you. ???|||Also Laci Green isn't a drag queen. I'm assuming it's supposed to be an insult disguised as a joke. I guess Not Sure hasn't learnt anything from this after all?|||I'm actually going to copy-paste something I posted on tumblr just the other day: an overview of how I relate to my type, in reponse to a question about hobbies and general type identity. Hope you...|||Sometimes there's a problem with MBTI definitions and cognitive function definitions. Under the cognitive functions, I am absolutely certain that I am an INTP. The problem is that the MBTI...|||I disagree with this. I think it's oversimplified. I'm an INTP who definitely prefers closure, plans, and definite decisions. Those things are not incompatible with being a Ti-Ne user.|||I'm actually really organised. I'm good at remembering things and knowing where things are. I thought I was INTJ for ages for that reason, but I concluded that I just have an unusual ability to use...|||Throughout my life I've gone through long phases (several months to several years) of sometimes dreaming (or at least, remembering my dreams) every night, other times almost never . Currently I'm in...|||I think you could be onto something there. It seems like Not Sure may fall into your category of having a low connection but slightly positive. I'd describe myself as a very low connection but...|||No problem at all. It's a very interesting discussion and I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts.|||I think I understand where you're coming from. I'll try my best to explain my thoughts. This is how I perceived your description of your identity/feelings towards gender and sex. I may have...|||Hmm. This is kind of a difficult question to answer, because generally it's not specific major things, but just loads of really small things which all add up. But I'll give it a try. But first,...|||Metaplanar I relate to loads of what you said. Especially about asexuality being related to gender. I sort of feel like I'm a non-sexual being and so being devoid of gender assumptions matches...|||I think another reason this is a confusing topic is that gender is - by definition - a completely individual and personal experience. Everyone feels differently about it. There are people like monemi...|||It's good that there are people like you (and many others on this thread) who are happy to identify as female, and behave out-of-synch with feminine roles and stereotypes - it's true that you are...|||I have genuinely lost count of the number of times I've explained this now. Sex is physical. Gender is psychological. So your sex is female because you have a vagina, and will almost certainly remain...|||Why the fuck are you so obsessed with genitals? How many times do I have to tell you that genitals do not define gender. Knowing what genitals someone has doesn't achieve anything for getting their...|||You are absolutely NOT within your right to refer to someone based on the sex that you assume them to be. It is not your right to assume someone's sex, and it is not your fucking right to define...|||You've made the same mistake you've made so many times in this thread: equating sex and gender when they are completely separate. A person who identifies as male is a man, not a woman. They just have...|||Yes, it would be great. A few points, though: 1. Just because someone prefers the pronouns not associated with their assigned-at-birth sex, doesn't mean they aren't normal. Being trans* is just...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'It sounds like you're stuck in something known as a feedback loop. Feedback loops are the rituals relational systems engage in order to maintain the status quo of the system. Every relational system...|||I signed up to be a complete organ donor the moment I got my license. I won't be using this body after death, so it might as well go onto to hopefully save someone else's life. My brother mentioned...|||I don't so much outright lie as I do something known as spin. I work in marketing, which is where the term originates, being good at spin is basically what gets you paid (which is unfortunate)....|||Do you like science fiction? Yes. If it's good, and I'm picky about what is good. Why/Why not? It often feels prophetic. My favorite is post-apocalyptic because it takes problems we see today...|||I think I skipped over developing my Ti and went straight for developing my Se, haha. Or maybe I'm just more aware of the Se development because it's an extroverted function. In any case, I'm one of...|||I'm not so sure I have favorite foods. I truly belive that anything can be delicious when prepared well, so I don't consistently choose anything and dip just into whatever the server, chef, or...|||My username and avatar are connected. I have an ancient Persian name which translates to watcher of the stars, (which sounds pretty epic in and of itself, but having a unique name in modern-day...|||Well, isn't this just the loveliest thread? I'm not a huge fan of cooking, and I believe this might be due to inferior Se. I just terrible at paying enough attention to my environment to not burn,...|||I have a tough time with criticism unless it's handed to me gently and with the utmost consideration. For example, if I friend were to come to me and tell me something I did hurt them, I would...|||zosio913, as you said, it sounds like you're going through a Ni-Ti loop of multiple perspectives being analyzed to the point of destruction. The problem with Ni-Ti loops is that they're separated...|||zosio913, I just want you to know I really value your input on this forum. I always look forward to your insights and responses, and have benefited from your thoughts numerous times. Thank you so...|||I've decided to purposefully cheat and list three. Three is a pleasing number to the eye and the mind anyway. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Written by a Jewish psychologist held...|||Aw, thanks! :D Much happiness is going down next weekend. Thanks to you, too, NomadLeviathan! And thanks for the good news about the judging situation! Here're my qualifications: – BA in...|||shoot4thestars, how long would the judges have to consider the submissions and give their opinions? I'd love to judge, but I'll be on my honeymoon November 8th through November 15th.|||What you're describing isn't a Ni-Ti loop, but it certainly does sound like situational depression, love. I would say you might want to look into seeing a counselor and talking to some close friends...|||Due to the fact I'm extremely emotionally reactive, I smile quite a bit. It puts people at ease, creates for friendly spaces, and generally makes for smoother, happier interactions. When I have Ni-Ti...|||I don't think I was even aware of how often I tested others until recently. I noticed I tend to ask a line of questions which seem innocuous, but eventually they end up revealing the information what...|||I own a navy 2005 Toyota Corolla S, which I adore. It gets great gas mileage, and in the five and a half years I've owned it, it hasn't had a single mechanical problem. It's a little touchy on the...|||http://s4.postimg.org/t3b7kjq3h/new_doc_6_1.jpg|||I'm presently the Head Content Writer and Social Media Marketer for a coffee equipment company. It allows me to just sit and think without the interaction of others. While I find I'm quite suited for...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD9l1pfjyGA|||Hardly ever. Like, I can maybe remember three of the dreams I've ever had at the moment. Recently, I dreamt something beautiful and symbolic, and I remember thinking in the haze of surfacing awake...|||When I was young, I was quite emotionally volatile, so, no they definitely weren't hidden. Some of this was probably due to the fact that bipolar, depression, and alcoholism runs in my family, and I...|||Indeed. While I find that I can usually separate myself from people enough, this (the sentences above) is where the fluidity of the INFJ lies. Vivid Melody shows why we constantly change below: ...|||http://reactiongif.org/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/12/Both-GIF-2015.gif I tend to dabble in science though I certainly don't have the sort of methodology to be able to do well in it. Science holds...|||Put out. That's certainly a crude way to put it. Right, so this is where I own up: I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm a virgin. This is completely my own choice. So, do I like sex? My assumption...|||Language is fascinating to me in that it is paradoxical. It is somehow both infinite and finite at the same time. We cannot just regurgitate things we've heard from other people, we have to form our...|||Haha! I have a habit of picking at my chin, and my fiance constantly bats my hands away from my face. He doesn't even have to be looking at me anymore, he just knows when I'm doing it. ...|||I how generally react to stress: Everything is chaos, including my own brain, so I will control the only thing I can. Queue obsessive scrubbing. I also clean when I'm angry. That's when...|||After I read your initial post, I had to let is simmer for a while. I remember once describing my own perfectionism as dermatillomania of the soul, and like any physical disease, it will erode you....|||Some of the answers you may be looking for might be on this recent thread.|||*facepalm* Ignore me.|||I'm so sorry for your hurt. It must ave been shaping to experience that as a child, but don't let that Si get the better of you, darling. You cannot expect a middle schooler to be fully developed,...|||Indeed. Don't get me wrong, though, the presence of Fe makes the INFJ incredibly dramatic, dynamic, and emotional. Lord knows I've raised many a hoopla over things, and the decriptor I get most often...|||I know most of us type using the Jungian cognitive functions, but I found this incredibly interesting article about the history of Myers-Briggs and couldn't resist sharing. Would love to hear...|||I have lived in Paris, and it is gross. Humid and gross. Definitely not my ideal. I'm with most of the other commenters here: it's Northern Europe for me. Everything just seems neater, calmer, and...|||Every time I read this article I feel as though I've been outed on all of my dark secrets. The comments below are unbalanced toward the dark side of things, so I pray you take it with a grain of...|||Absolutely, I tend to be quite articulate with my sense of style. I carefully curate my physical possessions constantly, and if it is not substantially useful or beautiful, it must go. I prefer...|||Here are some good articles which take a look at what Fe looks like in action. Charity, the author and mod, is an ISFJ, so her function descriptions are more practical and therefore easier to...|||Indeed. I occasionally see myself using Fi, but I never use it well. It's usually because I'm under an excessive amount of stress, and then become incurvatus in se (a curviture inwards to one's self,...|||The last installment of my memoir will be called, Inferior Se: Proof That I was Meant to Be Just a Brain. My dad saw me run into a wall for no reason yesterday, my best friend is constantly...|||I'd say there's also the Enneagram to consider; for example, a 6w5 INFJ will look totally different from a 4w5 INFJ. At least for me, the Enneagram has helped piece together some of the disparities....|||Se is actually more inclined to recognize how things are, meaning it's quick to recognize how shy a person is and then calculate whether or not it's worth it. With this in mind, if I sense someone is...|||It feels like my entire brain lights up. I understand, isn't something I hear often when expressing my intuition, and when I do, it feels like a cup of cold water. I can just speak without...|||https://vimeo.com/37032851|||The answer is yes. I hold the future and my hopes for it in high regard. If it is within my power, I will plan out as much as I can before the fact, and have a severe distaste for open doors. I am...|||-- My computer did something weird and reposted the comment above. I've removed it. Sorry, guys. :(|||I confess, I can be on the angry side of things. More indignant than angry though, it's usually a justice fueled vigilantism. My INTP has to remind me not to, Buy all the hot dogs. ...|||I've worked retail in the past, and currently work in marketing, so I've made a livelihood out of selling things. I have to confess, it's not my favorite, and I'm presently working toward a career...|||Here, here. I find I have to block out all light and sound before I go to sleep or else the whole going-to-bed endeavor is useless, but once sleep is achieved, I'm dead to the world until morning....' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Regrets kind of weigh me down, so I try not to take them too seriously. I'd say maybe the time I've wasted on stupid and pointless things could have been spent more wisely. But there's nothing I can...|||It matters to people who make it matter. If somebody wants to look down on you, then anything will do. Being associated with a poor program of studies or a college with a poor reputation might be a...|||Just because I said something, keeping one side of the argument in mind, doesn't mean that it doesn't apply to the other side as well. Depending on individuals, circumstances, etc. We seem to be...|||And now I'm viewed as weak?|||I'm being water, my friend.|||That's why I said it depends on the individuals and circumstances.|||Of course not. But isn't that happening on both sides?|||That's ok. People may not be as weird or unconventional as you believe you are, but I think that in some ways they'll still be able to get you, given enough time to get to know you and how your mind...|||Yes, I do think the more commanding types see the submissive types as weak. But whether they actually are weak depends on the individuals, the circumstances, etc. The seemingly weak individual can...|||Welcome to the real world, where everybody is weird in their own special way, everybody gets judged, and nobody ever really gets anybody. You're not insane, but don't expect too much from other...|||I usually dismiss them if it's a childish insult. Because I feel that it must have less to do with me than with their arrogance and insecurities. My internal reaction is either childish arrogance...|||I - Very N - Moderate F - Very P - Slightly|||I've only experienced comfortable silence by myself (INFP) and with my ex (INTJ). I like when silence carries, when there's no pressure to perform or share. There's so much calm in that kind of...|||I stalk them online until I get over my crush. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/021/827/c74.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVhNCTH8pDs|||I was a fat and unattractive kid, so every single negative thing people told me had to do with my appearance. I think I've heard every synonym for 'fat'. I've never been physically bullied, and...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTOC_q0NLTk|||I guess dealing with introverts is a lot like dealing with onions. You can cry every step of the way peeling back the layers, and then cooking them too long will leave a bitter taste in your mouth. ...|||Not with you, silly. I'll find a nice private and insecure introvert to get it on with.|||I fucking bore myself! That's how sensitive I am! But it's ok, got to keep on living.|||Your funeral.|||That's ok. We don't like people like you either.|||English thatched roof cottages are my faves. They seem so cozy and adorable, although living in one might not be that comfortable if they have low ceilings (I'm on the tall side). I'm not into dark...|||Got INFJ on the first two tests. I'm not in denial about my real type.|||Most of the time I get INFJ just because I'm into organizing things, making lists, and planning. I also get ISFJ, ENFP, INTP, and INTJ. The questions on the tests are just made that way, and how I...|||Nope, but it's on my bucket list as well. The idea of becoming an elderly jewel thief or bank robber sounds like a great retirement plan.|||Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I really enjoyed it. I've never read the Potter books. I've seen the movies but never really got into them as others seemed to get. I'm starting to get more...|||I've been going to the movies alone for almost 20 years now. It's great because I can see whatever I like without compromising. And I like thinking about the movie afterwards without feeling the need...|||Spring|||ISFJ (Bear Tribe). Not a fan of such tests, I always struggle with choosing the words because none of them really fit me.|||I'm sure there are also women out there who prefer physically or mentally weak men. But neither of those things is attractive to me. I'm looking for an equal partner, I don't want to be their second...|||Given a choice between a weak and a strong personality, I'd definitely go for a strong personality. I'm no weakling myself when it comes to the things that matter to me, so being with somebody weaker...|||Infp - 46|||Someone who has strength of character, intelligence, good humor; who's honest, trustworthy, respectful, open-minded, dependable, caring, who knows right from wrong and who isn't afraid to stand up...|||Assassin's Creed. Great cast, I liked the visuals, but there was something lacking (the story and the characters could have used some more depth in my opinion). I haven't played the game, so went in...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G4isv_Fylg|||Your brother has passion/ambition, and that, in essence, is alike having a goal. It doesn't really matter if you put it into words or not, what matters is action vs inaction. He hasn't abandoned...|||I see losers as people who have completely given up on themselves, who don't believe in themselves to get up when they've been knocked down, when there's only stagnation. A bit of self-pity and...|||So long, suckers. See you in hell. Applies to both 1 and 2.|||One of my favorites by Wham!... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFwOs-jy53A|||I know the feeling. Is it not possible to maybe minor in something you could be obsessed with (without it interfering too much with your major)? And then carve a career out or what you like after...|||INFP, female. I've always thought that I will have a family and several kids, it's always felt like a natural progression in life. It's never been anything I've dreamed about, I've never felt any...|||Lovely, soothing voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6Bv6sX370E|||I've never owned one. But I've ridden in some pretty awesome classic cars, and some of them were considered as luxury cars in their prime. As far as I can tell, there is a definite difference in how...|||This has been on repeat all day. I can't get enough of it, and it's not the kind of music I usually listen to. My world has expanded. :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXRviuL6vMY|||I'm motivated by progress. Feeling that I'm evolving, learning, shaping myself into something that I wasn't yesterday. It's an intense feeling deep down within me that pushes me to go forward even...|||1) How do you experience nostalgia? I don't experience nostalgia very often. I'm aware of the past and present, but I'm predominantly focused on the future. But when I'm feeling nostalgic, it's like...|||Of course I'm not sure. Nobody is. Give it time, it'll come to you. In the meantime, it might be good to look into other types as well.|||To me it is all about looks, and not hygiene specifically. I don't wear makeup, so washing my face is all about how my face looks. I don't do anything specific with my hair, so washing it is about...|||Infp |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | '(I didn't know people still post to this thread.) The magnifying glass life has moved on from me, packed its bags and declared that it is time to go, she’s lost interest, no point sticking around...|||No.|||Ah yeah I agree to an extent. For example I wouldn't recommend (mostly) irreversible body alterations to people who don't identify with a specific body umm... image? I suppose? i.e. I wouldn't say a...|||482858|||I honestly just don't see any point to gender. I think every single role that would've fall under the category of masculine or feminine before has so many exceptions by now that they're all...|||Nyegh, struggling with existence, as usual. I think my presence in life can best be described as fluctuating. It's like I shift in and out of reality riding some uncontrollable wave.|||I don't think this is true, for me anyway. I don't have a lot of ES-- friends but one of my close friends is an ESTP, and just the ES-- by itself doesn't really give me enough context regarding...|||I feel like I'm... leaking. Emotional leakage. Like oil, you know, out of a machine suffering an error. And you know lately I sometimes think being human would be preferable to being a machine,...|||Peace, mentally.|||No it's not. I already explained this. http://personalitycafe.com/showthread.php?p=19652682|||Awesome! Thank you so much!|||Yeah, I've seen a few things where people distinguished that for pansexual people, gender doesn't make a difference in how the attraction is experienced, but for bisexual people gender does make a...|||Yes, there is some overlap. Pansexuality and bisexuality are both multisexual (attracted to more than one gender) identities, so overlap is only natural. At this point you're literally telling me...|||I never told them to get rid of both. If you have an actual concern about it maybe you should tell a mod instead of me. I don't identify as pansexual and I'm not well-versed in how the pansexual...|||I don't really care what they do with both. I'm glad you understand the prefix bi, but the word bisexuality is defined as attraction to TWO OR MORE GENDERS, if you bothered reading my first...|||Well, it's nice that it works for you, but male and female aren't the only genders out there. And it's not like I'm asking for bisexual to be added to a system that says male female both...|||Nice nice nice.|||I posted earlier in the private complaints forum and was told it would fit better on this forum by a mod. I'm surprised one hasn't responded yet either.|||????? Is bisexual really so specific a term that it would call into question the need for lines to be drawn? Bisexual is one of the original terms used to describe sexual orientation, it's not...|||Options have been added before. When I first joined this site, pansexual wasn't listed as an option. I don't really understand what the big deal is about it. Being able to put that information on...|||I don't get why I should have to use a term I'm not comfortable with when the word bisexual has been around for decades and can easily be added to a drop-down menu.|||Yeah, but pansexual isn't bisexual, you feel?|||Light Yagami from Death Note for INTJ, but you could argue that he's ENTJ too. I can't think of any 7s I particularly like at the moment.|||Hi there. I was wondering if bisexualcould be added to the options when selecting sexual preference on your profile? I think both is supposed to stand in for bisexuality but bisexuality is...|||I'm not... I think? I think I'm not. thinking.|||Deleted.|||Deleted.|||I can't tell if it's feelings I hate having or if it's just this kind of feelings. Either way, it's undeniably inconvenient.|||Just give up on your stand and wishes and start living with your eyes open for once. My vision isn't nearly perfect enough. I am so, so angry. You can twist yourself into so many shapes and I don't...|||http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-enneagram-type/275554-i-filled-out-questionnaire-am-i-cool-yet.html It's this one :D Edit: Hi, so, I'm a liar, and notalwayshuman isn't a real person,...|||Hahahahahah yeah um Tbh all the anger only goes on in my head. I never say these things (but I do threaten to chop dicks off and stuff but that's because I want the person to think I'm kidding so...|||Awwwyis I'm new too! Loving the icon ;3 Yeaaahhh I joined months ago but never touched the forums xD Welcome :)|||Tha nk s man (I think omg) //whispers please don't think I'm stupid like I know I'm lame but come on I'm a 13 year old still going thru puberty n shit pls|||(Sorry if I'm doing this wrong. Tbh idk how to use this app what) Thanks ^_^ I thought the same thing when it came to my age. I'm p sure I should be older and develop my uh, mindset more I think...|||I think it sounds good. I'm reluctant to say that I'm an Eight based on description alone, but right now I do think it's most likely.|||Main Questions 1. What drives you in life? What do you look for? Success. I want to be rich and stuff but tbh I don't rlly know why I just want money. I guess I'd buy merchandise n stuff...|||Doll, my sister's going to fill out a questionnaire!!!|||Yes, that's true. I think a lot of types could be, though.|||http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcm4wa07rM1rnrss4o1_1280.jpg|||Sure, I'll send you a message as well. Thank you very much, I appreciate your help.|||Danes|||I'll take a look. There seems to be a wealth of resources on this forum. Thank you. I'll message you my Skype.|||Alright, thank you. I don't think it's likely that I'm an image type either. (That's fine, thank you though.)|||Studs|||Alright, I see. Would anyone be interested in messaging me privately or exchanging Skype? There are a few things I'm not comfortable with sharing but that will likely answer these questions.|||I see. I've read no Ichazo, some Naranjo, no Palmer, some Maitri, etc. I don't have very much time lately so I read what I can. A few events in my life had led me to become bitter about...|||5w6 so/sp|||^ absolutely.|||Thank you. I think I understand what you're trying to say. Survival... not dying?|||Now... who knows where the wardrobe portal is?' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'To trust is to give no thought or doubt to something being less than 100% true and trustworthy. I think one would always question the amount of trust they have in someone even if that someone was...|||Ah well, the puking is interesting. When and IF I ever get the hankering to get to know someone I've found it easiest to look at them as if they were an experiment. Some would say I'm still keeping...|||Sounds like wee willy wonka needs to brush his teeth A few times a day, morning, night and between meals Good hygene is a priceless quality most would say T'was likely his smile she gave such...|||Yeah, the positivity in me couldn't leave my thought at simply being average...I figured there had to be a reason for it. Well rounded...it's something. :)|||I'm so very average. I just wish there was one things I was really good at....I mean spectacular, amazing, REALLY good at. I guess I'm just too well rounded? Ha!|||Only closed minded people fail to see the value in everything surrounding them. I feel a bit sorry for them, I'd love to open that window and let them get a good look at what they are missing. ...|||Although love some feel is a curse but....the ultimate pleasure of love far outweighs the pain.|||I'm not surprised at the results...it looks like love is the common quality we all seek. It's something that makes living special, it's something that makes the human experience priceless. It's...|||I don't think we can really prove much at all, not with 100% absolute accuracy. Reasoning can be defined in any way possible as long as it twistedly makes sense to the person trying to make heads or...|||Ugg the weather, cold. I'm not into the winter thing unless it's Christmas day. What's your favorite season and why?|||It could be an everyday thing if you are not into expanding your boundries and experiencing new things. What book are you reading now?|||My answer is pretty simple...to experience everything that is destined to be 'my life'. It should be quite a ride!|||Heck, Chuck Norris could kill a man with his eyes closed, you honestly think he had to stare at him?|||...we've all been there. I believe I've even written about not having the motivation or passion to do much when it seems like everyone else has the drive to do whatever it is they choose to do. ...|||Haven't you ever watched a show where the story line is good but the acting is just...so....terrible? That's what first comes to mind when you talk about an introvert basically play acting as an...|||Love does have the tendancy to hurt but who says love is a horrible trap?|||Please answer yes or no (or whatever) to the following: Do you make random noises that others find funny? Yes I make them - but funny? eh? Do you dislike misleading things (ie. clowns, fake...|||Some nerdy (yet attractive) reading glasses....buy 1 pair get the second free!|||I think I'd more put it in terms of people falling in love with their own idea of who they think I am. Once they realize I'm not the social butterfly their mind creates me to be...I become a little...|||I'd really just love some down time with family. I miss feeling like the clock is running slow (when you aren't working of course), everyone is in a good mood and you think to yourself, How did I...|||It depends on who was doing the judging at the time. Probably the most shocking stereotype was when my brother advised me everyone used to call me the Ice Queen in high school. As an INFJ my shy...|||Today most only find value when concerned with themselves. Our self-centered society has driven out a sense of belonging to something greater and being a true part of a local societal family which...|||We all balance each other out. Other types offer me a vacation from myself.|||EVERYTHING is temporary.|||RomanticEditor ...exactly my dear Watson!|||I don't believe I said we'd be apt to marry someone if we felt the relationship was just good. I think most would agree a marriage type relationship would have to be one that perhaps evolved from...|||I think we find it hard to accept the fact these relationships do happen and we may never obtain them. Due to our sense of reality, we know experiencing such a relationship has very slim odds. ...|||I think in terms of confessions, he took the easy way out. I can appreciate the honesty but I was hoping he'd say more, something with substance. Is that what humanity wishes to leave behind? ...|||Just apologize and be honest about not understanding how the action was affecting me. INFJ's can be very forgiving and very understanding as long as the other person just comes clean.|||In the shower, while I am applying makeup, driving, folding clothes...I'm usually alone so nobody things I'm losing my marbles.|||Never.|||Living life always aspiring for more.|||I was just about to laugh when my eyes quickly flashed INFJs and social skills in the same sentence! Put me in a room with a bunch of outgoing people and I will quickly shrivel into nothingness. Put...|||Those have been my exact thoughts lately. My mind says get off your lazy butt and just do it...my body says seriously dude, i'm too tired for this right now, I'm comfortable. In the past it has...|||My response is pretty straight forward. Sometimes you have to risk everything to gain everything...and then some.|||You pretty much wrap up my thoughts from an early age. I think we all, not just INFJ's but as humans crave, desire, have a need for a closeness with someone that is indescribable. This type of...|||I totally agree geekofalltrades Attractiveness is not just about looks...it's ultimately about a person's overall perception of who you are in relation to what they desire and value. In order to...|||Here's the thing. You both have to put the work into the relationship in order to make it successful...his phone call is very promising! Love is the acceptance of all a person is - the beautiful,...|||Ok, she's going to be mortified...even if you take the tactful route, it's going to be difficult for her to hear another person feels strongly enough about her shortcoming to make a verbal mention...|||INFJs are famous for living internally. We know what we mean or intend when we say things but we don't always see how they may be interpreted by someone else. On top of that, if someone is moody it...|||Well, here's the thing. I've always been an INFJ but I just never realized what that meant - I wasn't aware of the definition. I've always felt different, misunderstood, a flower on the wall,...|||Why do you think I'm afraid of heights and speed!?! What if someone pushed me over the edge? What if I jumped? What would the hopelessness feel like? What if I steered the car into oncoming...|||Ahh, when I realized love or the act of loving is really about making a choice. To choose to love, to choose to be there through thick and thin. Love is not about living a magical fairytale with...|||When children (ages 0-5) smile at me. Wherever I am I always notice small children and babies, it's a great age...most things they do are firsts, they explore, they learn, they are very innocent. ...|||For starters - don't rush into marriage with the wrong person out of fear of not finding the right one. I was much like you at 17, married at 20, but he was not the right guy for me. Looking back,...|||Focus. Focus on her and making her realize she is the only thing in the room capturing your attention. Be interested in her, ask questions, smile, make lots of good eye contact and make her laugh. ...|||Oh I use to be that way. I finally decided life was wasting away while I spent so much time locked up in my mind. I started by making goals for myself. My goals almost always included getting out...|||You think too much. Just stop thinking for once. You are so weird. Speak up, you don't have to be so quiet. Are you blushing? Do you embarass easily? (behind my back) She's a strange...|||INFJs are known to be really good observers. Because of this we are very sensitive to noticing things about people most other's would skim right over. Furthermore, we ponder the options and various...|||Oh so familiar. It's more or less about the ability for me to focus on my own thoughts through the noise. INFJ's are known for their desire to withdrawl into themselves but I think a lot of that...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'INFPs are pretty great in general; good listeners, gentle, and fairly easy to relate to since we have the same perceiving functions. Only flaw is that they tend to be sensitive so you have to be...|||They're okay but probably not as good as they should be since I go to concerts a lot|||Yeah you tend to be pretty terse in your posts like a typical ISTP|||My parents are both Catholic, but my siblings and I are all atheists. Our parents forced us to attend church and Sunday school from ages 7-15. I never believed in Catholicism because it seemed silly...|||savage|||u wait until last week of lease n then u fuk :')|||The first time I tried weed, I had edibles. I only had 5mg and I was laughing hysterically for 2 hours then I passed out, so my friends had to carry me back to my bed. When I woke up in the middle of...|||I only saw La La Land out of all the movies from the list. I really liked the plot (especially the ending) and the soundtrack was top-notch|||Because of its unreliability and in the case that someone is mistyped, inaccuracy. A lot of people who took the test multiple times found that their results often changed, depending on their mood....|||Nah, but they shouldn't be a dick about it either|||From my experience, immature Fi users and TPs with weak Fe tend to be more selfish. Immature use of Fi is directed more to self instead of others, and weak Fe users either don't care enough to...|||Not out of social anxiety, just out of pure laziness. Sometimes I have periods where I would just stay in my room for up to a few days and spend most of my time on my computer, simply because I have...|||My inferior Si shows through poor short-term memory and eagerness to find new ways to do things instead of sticking to tried and true methods. My memories are usually vague: I usually won't remember...|||You probably have a well developed Ni or Ne, so chances are you're either ISxP or ESxJ, since these types all have an N function as their tertiary function instead of inferior function. As for the...|||Dory from Finding Nemo. Optimistic, friendly, always thinks of what's possible in a difficult situation, has really bad short-term memory|||Yeah. Bossiness, prioritizing logic, wanting success/recognition, and whatnot really scream ENTJ lol|||Mental shortcuts/heuristics. People are lazy, so they tend to form stereotypes of particular groups. The stereotype that thinkers are emotionless is one of them, but it's pretty silly given that...|||ISFP. You look kinda timid and artsy. You also like to wear clothes with subdued colors like grey. Reminds me of my ISFP sister, actually 655074|||honestly, it's possible for any type to be 5w4 but Ti-doms are more likely to be type 5, statistically speaking|||omg you're so ENTJ it's not even funny. it's pretty obvious that your enneagram type is 3w4 too|||1. INFJ - I feel very comfortable around them. Great listeners, understanding, and compassionate 2. INTP - Give no fucks whatsoever and I have lots in common with the ones I know. Amazingly smart...|||i don't like admitting it but i give too many fucks about what others think of me :(|||Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale It was okay. Better than I expected since I didn't really like the anime series itself. My friends and I watched it at the movie theaters just to see how...|||tfw you space out and accidentally stare at a random person on a regular basis but you don't realize until they catch you|||For sure. Some ENFPs, especially with social anxiety, mistype as INFP. Doesn't really help that ENxPs tend to be the more introverted extroverts since dom Ne isn't always directed towards people|||ENTP 7w8|||I like math since I find it fun to notice and apply patterns/algorithms, which is what math is mostly about. Puzzles, on the other hand, are okay but they get boring sometimes since they can be...|||I'd consider INTP but I'm pretty sure I don't have inferior Fe lol. I have a ton of respect for electrical engineering majors. The stuff they do is really cool!|||I admit money is an issue, but I also am not too into the ideas of rushing, forced bonding, and such|||Attractiveness: 80 Wealth: 15 ENFP/Sorority: 40 Enneagram 7/Sorority: 60 so/sx: 100 Total: 295 I didn't join a sorority since I figured it's a waste of money and my college isn't really big...|||That's what I was implying lol. Sorry about the crude joke|||Are you high/drunk?|||Bill Cosby :')|||Just curious, since most common enneagram type for ENFPs is 7, but usually with a 6 wing. From my experiences with other ENFPs, I've noticed they tend to be more beta (but not the stereotypical ISFJ...|||Hey, I'm an 18 year old ENFP from California. I've been into MBTI for around 7 years and have went from ISTP to INTP to INFP to ENTP to ENFP. But to be honest, if I'm always pondering what my type...|||ENFP haha yea!! i saw her with imagine dragons and she was awesome|||Isfp|||INTP tbh it can be pretty hard to distinguish ENTPs from INTPs especially when the ENTP is socially awkward (from personal experience, a lot of them are). ENTPs are also notorious for being the...|||i love INFJs. they're so understanding and i find them super easy to talk to. one of my close friends is INFJ and we have plenty in common despite not sharing the same perceiving functions|||pretty convinced that they have a type so definitely not|||this questionnaire doesn't really have questions that ask about motivations, fears, desires, etc. so i can't really guess your enneagram type accurately. sorry :/ the least i can say is that you give...|||https://www.reddit.com/r/animalsbeingjerks|||i tend like guys romantically more than girls, but hey, that didn't stop me from liking a few girls before!|||nah, i tend to be happy, rather than jealous, for others' successes. tbh jealousy is probably related more to self-esteem/maturity than typology|||I was wondering about how would tritypes work if someone had balanced wings as their enneagram type. For example, if I was a balanced 7, could my enneagram tritype go like this: 7 3w4 9w8? Or...|||That's funny because I have the opposite problem: it annoys me when people, especially older women, tell me that I should make an effort to look nice and put on makeup everytime I go outside so...|||my dad is ESTJ 1w2 sp/sx. always have the need to be in control of things and can be very demanding sometimes. he means well, but he doesn't know how people work and lacks tact so he ends up starting...|||when i was 11, i took this big 5/mbti quiz on facebook and it told me i was ISTP. a year later, i questioned it and started thinking i was INTP instead. it took me another 5 years to realize i was...|||bagels more like baegels|||She sounds like a Te-dom and I don't really see her as a Ni user. Maybe she's an ESTJ' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Probably waaayy late now, but I would just reply: [City], why? You don't want to appear too explicit about how you feel about him yet. Keep some of the mystery to yourself to keep him...|||haha, I get it now! I was puzzling over it for quite a while!|||I can totally relate to this thread. I wasn't 'in touch' with my feelings for most of my life, as for school / work I didn't really need to use feelings and ended up working in a very male-dominated...|||Can you explain at bit more how an ENTP Dad and ISTJ Mom created a PERFECT environment for you? I have a INTP Dad and ESFJ Mom, and it was extremely frustrating growing up as none of them were able...|||LOL! Thanks guys. Kind of confirms my suspicions that though he was initially attracted to her looks, he’s grown tired of her and their inability to have to good mental connection. It’s interesting...|||Do you mean your mom is ISTJ or INTJ?|||Yes I agree with this. I definitely sense his resentment and growing apathy towards her. The other day we met up after work and she called him and asked him when he would be back. He said he was with...|||Thanks everyone for all your comments. From what you guys have said about the ENTP/ISTJ match, some of you won’t want to enter this partnership and those of you which have experienced it have had...|||One of my best friends is married to an ISTJ. It was a long-distance whirlwind romance and they got married pretty quickly not long after dating. However it's been a few years he is not doing too...|||Swimming butterfly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebMfr7n65_c Weightlifting snatches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWNSNtC6Kmc|||WaterEarthFireAir Funny you should say youth minister, as I used to lead the young adults group of the church I grew up in, which I found to be a great experience! I've since moved around quite a...|||Being out of school a number of years, I have found my social circle getting smaller over time. I chose business/finance as my career path, and there really arenx92t too many INFJs, in this line of...|||You're welcome! Look forwards to the update. All the best!|||Let me just throw something out there. His brain is going to work very differently from yours as his dominant function is Ni, while yours is Ne. What this means is that whilst he may appear to be...|||The fact he tells you this but still wishes to keep his distance might mean a couple of things. 1. He does like you, but feels things are moving too fast and hasn't had the time to process his...|||It's been noted that INFJ and ENTP make a good match. Do you think this is only the case for heterosexual relationships where INFJ is the female?: I think this is a good question, and I've been...|||Lise A Sounds like you are INFJ rather than ISFJ to me. From your detailed answers picking up Fe/Ti which is common to both but also strong Ni/Se vs Si/Ne. INFJ love people and what makes them...|||I don't think the OP is going to be able to garnish much useful information from this question as to finding out unhealthy traits commonly found in INFJs. INFJ can demonstrate any number of...|||I have encountered something like this before. One of my main issues with INFPs is that because they judge so quickly with their Fi, they come across like they think everyone else judges so quickly....|||My parents struggled with codependency issues throughout their marriage. After understanding more about MBTI I can see a lot of it I think has to do with their cognitive functions. They share they...|||My sister is an INFP and her husband is an ISTJ. I thought I would revitalise this thread rather than starting a new one as there's quite a lot of good things here, which I have seen in their...|||If I am analyzed in a NT way, it would lack an emotional connection, and I would feel uncomfortable. If I am analyzed in a SJ way, it would lack sufficient depth, and I would feel detached. ...|||Even though an ENFP and an ENTP have the same dominant function, Ne, would their areas of interest and emotions, or lack thereof clash? I have seen conversations between the two and the 2 of them and...|||I would agree with this. I have found no matter how much you want to change things or stop bad things from happening things may take months or years before they fully play out. You may have the...|||Mix of low to high intensity sports, food comparisons, driving fast cars and cornering real hard, thrill seeking. Buying new things and gadgets that I probably don't need but just want to have.|||I got the same from enfp and Esfj women. I would say I can see why people would say I am stone-faced though. Never got commented on by guys, but I think half of us are stone-faced anyway regardless...|||It's really not as you say it is at all, but I don't expect you to be able to understand as you've never felt a strong sense of connectedness to any type, which is sad....|||I think any of those subjects are equally good, depending on your area of interest. You can probably excel at any of them at an undergraduate or graduate level, and find meaningful work with any of...|||Yeah, I’m with you here. It’s a pretty harsh article, and I can’t identify with what he says much at all. Personally I don’t think this guy is an INFJ even though he says he is a ‘solid’ one. My...|||May I just say, it was not instant and it wasn’t a decision. It was based on intuition, and was actually an Ni theory that took time to develop and which I got based on the fact that your answer to...|||Ok, I can see where the misunderstanding could come from, and I accept your interpretation. Discussing someone's type IS sensitive which is why I have been very careful in my wording from the...|||,|||Really strange behavior here. I took the discussion offline as I thought it might be more comfortable for you, and the thread is not really about discussing your type. But actually it was you who...|||I don't purport I know you well or indeed better than yourself, but I know what it is liked to be mistyped and not truly identifying with my type for so long. Then when I found my true type I felt...|||1. Not really. I have developed strong, deep, values over time and generally stick to them, and live according to them. But for most of my life I was a chameleon, blending in to social situations and...|||L Fair comments. I can be quite abrasive too!|||I would second this. Might create more answered questions but at least you will be questioning forwards. The answers are out there, you just haven't found them yet.|||1. INFJ use Ni which goes from broad to deep and narrow, so the point of this thread is to explore the breadth of INFJs experience with loyalty in romantic relationships and to examine some of the...|||As far as I can tell from your story, the good news it there really doesn't seem to be anything unusual going on. He sounded really into you from the start, enjoyed your company, got creative, had...|||Thanks everyone to your many interesting and varied responses! I fully appreciate the discussion, but I thought I would come back to provide some added context to the OP. This thread was not...|||I can definitely identify with the development of INFJ Children. My sister is an INFP, and watching her grow up, I can totally see how her path differs from the INFJ.|||How is this a potshot? It helps to know which type you are so you can learn to grow in your type and not think you are one type when actually you are another. I have nothing against INFPs. I know...|||I don't think that Utopia can be achieved in this world. Too much evil exists for the world to be purged in its entirety. What would be needed is a whole new world to be created. However, there...|||I mean this is in the best possible way, but do you think you could be an INFP rather than an INFJ? At the end of the day, everyone has to get comfortable with his or her MBTI type, but there were a...|||I don't what it is between ENFP and ISTJs. According to socionics they are conflicting pairs. I had a similar experience once. At first they got along, but I think the ISTJ couldn't handle the ENFPs...|||No, we are not a heartless bunch, in fact we love helping people. However, there are several reasons why an INFJ is likely to walk pass a homeless person. 1. Deep empathy: Contrary to popular...|||There was an INFP girl I was great friends with for years but when I was interested into turning it to something more it didn't work out. She wasn't looking for a relationship at the time, which left...|||I've been playing chess for year. Not training or anything, just playing random games online for fun. I made some decent progress initially but don't seem to have improved that much after. probably...|||Thanks for a brilliant quote! Trust Jung, the Godfather INFJ, to have something to explain my behavior and that of my friend's! I guess it makes sense now that these steps were taken as a...|||.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'No. And I'm actually waiting for a mod to lock this thread and move it. Most of the people who responded on this thread didn't even answer my question, though.|||This thread was made to find out how 8s finally settled on their type. Read the first post for proof. drmiller100 wanted to psychoanalyze me and asked me why I asked the question in the first...|||1. I'm not a dude. 2. A member here called me a name. 3. I have no idea why drmiller100 was trying to psychoanalyze me. He asked me why I asked the question. I said I didn't want to talk about...|||So here's why I asked this fucking question. My sister fucking KILLED HERSELF and a mutual friend recommended Enneagram when I was having trouble blaming myself for her death. I registered here to...|||Well thanks. I'm glad that someone finally understood my question. As for getting snooty, I wasn't aware I was. I wasn't asking for help. I was asknig for other people to share their ideas and...|||The reason I mention is that you seem to be good at picking out inconsistencies. It seems like type 1s have their PhD in inconsistencies. Type 5 could fit, though. Just wanted to throw it out there....|||And, by the way, does this forum not have any mods? Why wasn't that post taken down or changed? Isn't it against the rules anyway?|||Good call. I was wrong. Just irritated at that guy for cussing out the other guy for no apparent reason I could see.|||Stop with the animosity. I know we disagree about your wing. If you would like to discuss my type, could you do it in a not so backhanded way? If you think I'm type 9, give me the evidence. I'm not...|||Eh, not really interested in pursuing this convo today. Never called you stupid. Let's put a pin in it.|||Younce I might need to hire you as a translator. You're good!|||Nothing against 5s at all, but Immolate doesn't seem like a stick-in-the-mud the way 5s are. I think he's a great example of a 7, actually, which is why I put him on my thread about examples of...|||I started this thread because I was struggling between two types. I wanted to get a feel for the way 8s answered this question so I could see if I identified with their answers or not.|||8w9 seems too conflicted to me. I was thinking about that just when I was typing out which type I thought I was - it's strange how I'm thinking either 8 or 9, but not an 8w9 or a 9w8 lol.|||owlet comes across as timid about herself, but pretty strong about surrounding matters. She is opinionated, doesn't back down from what she believes (without being overly aggressive). When I say...|||I think you are a 4w5. I haven't seen anything to suggest that you'd be anything else. The thing about you, though, is that you're not as immediately emotional as many 4s come across usually, so I...|||Brains - Type 3 seems much more likely for you. mAAd city - Type 6 Temizzle - Type 1 Suggestions are based on some observations I've made since before I registered here.|||Which members here do you think are good examples for their Enneagram type? To stick with forum rules about unsolicited typing, the members selected must identify as being the type that you give...|||Lord Fenix Wulfheart Have you considered type 1?|||ISFP Enn. 8 - Eminem|||What a crock of total B. S.. Any MBTI type can be any Enneatype. This is just a thread to spread misinformation and ignorance. Correlations exist, sure, but no MBTI type is exempt from any Enneatype.|||I'm surprised you don't know that. Innocence is type 8's holy idea. Read more about it on just about any Enneagram website ever. If you need a starting place, The Enneagram Institute website is a...|||What's the fun in living the same life over and over again every day when I could live a fuller and more complete life by actually working to improve myself? Or was this question rhetorical?|||So ... tritypes are a triple number enneatype including a head type, heart type, and gut type. Tritypes are controversial and might not even exist.|||And what were the odd things you used to type my collage? :wink:|||Great advice and why I am exploring Enneagram to begin with. I don't want to be a slave to the weakness I carry from my past.|||That's so cool you got to be interviewed by someone within the system. For me, I started reading about the childhood conflicts of other people who are 8s. There is too much I recognize from my own...|||Temizzle That frat boy sounds like a tool! It would be hard for me to respect anything about someone like that. Fake anger and fake courage are easy for me to spot. I know what real fear and real...|||I wanted to be lead because I'm the best there. The other tech was slacking and doesn't live up to his potential. It didn't feel slimy to me and I don't feel remorse. If he wants to be lead again he...|||Why would you hate to say it? lol. It becomes much more clear when you put it that way though. If I am a 6 which was my original assessment based on shallow understanding, how does the relationship...|||The whole thing is so absurd, too. Like, if I wanted someone to think I was a type, I could manipulate the system completely. Instead of trying to make a collage to assert how 8 I am, I wanted to...|||Well aren't you the nice one. I didn't realize you wanted so much scrutiny. I came from a violent household. My sister was victimized by my father sexually. He wasn't ever interested in me. I did...|||Give me an example when you applied this knowledge. Show me how it's applied. Show me how it fits in with the bigger picture. Show me why this is necessary. Bring Si into it instead of Ni.|||Ah! Thanks for explaining.|||Distortions brightflashes Brains Paradigm Immolate I made the collages the way I did because I don't understand how tying people based off of collages is possible. I thought that if I made one...|||When I look at it I feel overwhelmed, so type 5 is the first one that comes to mind. When I consider each picture and the whole of the image, it could also be a type 7w8 collage: experiences, pushing...|||When you settled on being a type 8, what was that one thing that convinced you? I am considering a few different types for myself and 8 is on my list. If I am an 8, I'd be an 8w7.|||So far I have posted two collages and filled out a questionnaire on the What's my type? thread. The feedback I have gotten combined with what I believe, I think I'm either an 8 or a 9. I'm leaning...|||Cat Brainz vibrant, fantastical, exploratory, trickster archetype, playful, wonder... I'd go with 7w8. I see you type yourself as 9. I can see 9 applying, but the whole thing seems more 7 than 9...|||Show me instead of Tell me|||Instead of asking for explanations, try asking for a demonstration.|||Didn't you know? INTJ is slimming!|||I know this is a play forum but could you guys knock it off? It makes me feel like I did something wrong by signing up. :unsure: This thread has gotten more posts than any other I started. Can...|||Don't do it Sundae!|||Thanks for all the info! Now that I understand what it is I think I'm going to focus on finding my type first.|||Love the pic!|||I want to call dibs on Wellsy He stuck up for me in a different thread.|||Needy is a better word. I'm sorry. I'm new here and I think I'm trying to compensate for it by showing off that I know things about MBTI. I'm anxious about being on a new forum. I was flexing my...|||6-8, but usually all on the same site if that matters.|||This reads like an INFP thread stuck in an Fi/Si loop! Can't say that I've ever met anybody who I have felt compelled to invest a lot of time and attention to. Guys get so emotional that I can't take...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Click the link below. You'll be glad you did. Creative Mom Turns Her Baby’s Naptime Into Dream Adventures | Bored Panda|||Everyone has ADD or ADHD to some extent.|||Most people that point out flaws in individuals usually are suffering from some form of insecurity themselves. I'm human, and every now and then yes it does pop into my mind, but I immediately make...|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lymv4gPUc81qj3m5do1_500.gif|||Online bravado is hardly equivalent to the persona you meet in real life. If I were you, if you don't know who he is, I would suggest the best course is to 'tread lightly'|||http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcl6nstIi31qk4zhu.gif|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/305e091253e8eb86e2d99f0e7b7c30ce/tumblr_mlf0dlgO541s2wqsvo1_400.gif|||Since I plan on joining the Marine Corps I've been running at least three to four times a week. I've been athletic my whole life but never ran exclusively, wish I started earlier.|||I feel horrible for laughing at this... http://cdn.lolzbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/This-is-why-you-shouldnt-ask-the-internet-to-name-your-band.jpg|||Before you can make others comfortable, you need to be comfortable with yourself. I personally know introverts that can light up a room, and command presence better than any extrovert. Just don't try...|||http://images.wikia.com/mafiawars/images/0/0a/WWII.gif|||http://legacy-cdn.smosh.com/smosh-pit/092010/bird-huge-piegeon.gif|||Cliffs of thread? Being lazy, but I'm also a tad bit curious as to why this thread is over 25 pages.|||What's the FTD tactic? To add to the thread: definitely ask her out in person.|||http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbwy9cVdqS1rdvimno1_250.gif|||Show me a person that believes money can buy happiness and I'll show you a very shallow person.|||Currently with an ISFJ. We're very different yet very similar at the same time.|||They're not even close to being the same thing. Shyness is when there is a willingness to communicate, but hesitation because of apprehension, rejection, fear..etc Introversion is present when...|||Only an ENTP can get away with making an thread like this.|||Especially on an INFJ forum. They call us The Protectors for a reason.|||To answer your original question of course you are allowed to have your own opinion but that doesn't mean that: A) They can't have their own opinion. B) They have to accept yours. I hear...|||In a perfect world you need both. If I had to pick one though; justice. I would rather have a world that respects laws and operate in fear of consequences than people that know simply asking for...|||Joining the Marine Corps this October.|||I am VERY good with money. I know and fully understand the value of the dollar. For all the weaknesses listed by an INFJ not being good with money is one I completely disagree with.|||My pain is resource and a weapon that motivates me to defend the weak and to slay evil. Exceptionally corny, but it's true. I can't stand to see people suffer.|||I'm thinking an E/INTP. He's extremely gifted, yet has no interest in putting them into practical use. He just takes life as it comes.|||OCC. It's 10 weeks long, but far harder to get into than PLC. If you are considering Marine Officer program I highly recommend you go through PLC.|||http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr06/2013/5/25/7/anigif_enhanced-buzz-29059-1369482911-3.gif|||It's funny you say that, because I, an NF just came back from Officer Candidate School, and must go back this October due to injury. If you have any direct questions about the course feel free to...|||http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr06/2013/5/25/7/anigif_enhanced-buzz-29094-1369483010-0.gif|||Just because the relationship is over, it doesn't mean he's not thinking about you. It's difficult to get over a relationship because we tend to pour our heart and soul into it. He's not over...|||We all do to a certain extent. I just do not allow my ignorance to be the final say in what I think of someone. I remind myself that I do not that person's full story as to how they got where are...|||Why are you looking for signs? His friend already told you he likes you. Signs don't get much bigger than that. I understand. Both of you are young. He's shy and doesn't know how or probably is...|||http://quicklol.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/bus-crash.gif|||I smell sarcasm from the original post. :laughing:|||Just because Jesus shared a personality type with someone does not make that person greater than another human being. Jesus definitely had a personality type. I say this because he shared...|||http://i.imgur.com/OwxVKjb.gif|||It's okay. Got a great laugh out of it.|||http://www.everyjoe.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/tim-duncan-deal-with-it.gif|||Can someone explain why the one guy help set the other guy free, then took him back to the captors and blamed him for killing the captors? I know it's cryptic but that's easily the most confusing...|||Why wouldn't there be? To make the assumption that ALL INFPs (or another personality type) can't be alpha or must be beta is too far-fetched. Not all INFPs think or act alike so of course it...|||My reasoning is simple: I can't imagine a world more ****ed up than what it is right now if women were in charge. The problem lies with the social behavior of men and women. We (men) are...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N5OhNplEd4|||http://things90skidsrealize.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/simbatimonandpumbaastatusupdate.jpg ...|||I'm going to offer you a man's perspective on this. Excuse me if I don't sound politically correct, but I am taking the gloves off on this one. A sexy picture or outfit will attract any man, but...|||http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/179086-3/Cat-laser-pointer-bowling.gif|||Well it's very difficult to determine in this situation because we are lacking the facts (which of course I completely understand). As someone already mentioned, forgiveness is about within and...|||http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab32/flint117/New%20gifs/JNe4Y8y.gif|||Expecting people to treat me the same as I treat them.|||http://i.imgur.com/Y2hgBKi.gif' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Bowls|||soils|||Speculation on my part, but my guesstimates are as follows. Mom: ISTJ 2w1 Dad: ExTJ (ESTJ?) 3w2 Brother: ENTJ 8w7 Once I took the time to ponder their personality types, my childhood started...|||For those of you who have focused on and honed a primary artistic medium (as opposed to someone who has dabbled in a variety of mediums without ever really focusing her/his attention on any one in...|||Huh, that's an interesting perspective that I don't think I've considered before. I'm more familiar with the concept of a Thoughts -> Feelings -> Behaviour chain, where your feelings are seen as...|||Spit or swallow? :crazy:|||As someone else who feels like a square peg in a round world, I've been contemplating why square pegs exist at all. One thought that keeps coming back to me is that square pegs hold a special...|||Hmmm, good point. Awareness of negative self talk sounds like a step in the right direction. Although on a few occasions, when I was more aware, I noticed that the thought itself didn't surface,...|||@Touk @Raain Thank you for bumping this! To be honest, I was worried I might have left this thread to die after starting it (which I still might end up doing, mind you, but now I might at least keep...|||Not I - no pets or plants here. It does make me wonder though...|||http://imagemacros.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/do_eeettt.png|||Thank you for the reading. :happy: It doesn't quite sound right to me. The parts in blue seem off to me, based on my current self-awareness. Also, I haven't done any acting outside of...|||I believe it's normal to over-analyse sudden events like losing your job. Unfortunately, I've never lost my job, so I can't relate to you there. :unsure: Exercise / physical activity To answer...|||Rather than ask about social anxiety, depression, loneliness, or similar issues I see mentioned all too often on the INFP subforums, I'd like to discuss what I imagine to be one of the core causes of...|||Hahahahaha! Nice find! :laughing:|||INFPs: we're a FiNe SiTe! :crazy:|||December 24th, please and thank you. :)|||:laughing: And yeah, as a fellow (I)N(F)P whose parents are both SJs, working at a job where maybe 90% of my co-workers are SJs, I can relate to this...frustration. Unfortunately, I can't offer...|||Sorry for the digression, but this seems relevant: :wink: 46420|||I fear that I might never break my habit of procrastinating on my goals, of regularly thinking about them and never getting anything done I fear that I'll never be able to get anything done on my...|||Oh sure, take two of my favourite genres, and mash 'em together with an interesting sounding transition and even relation between the two. :tongue: I'm not sure how well suited RPG Maker is to an...|||Head: 5 > 6 > 7 Gut: 9 > 1 > 8 Heart: 2 > 4 > 3|||You guys are awesome, but you already know that! ^^ On the subway ride home today, people probably thought I was crazy when I was reading this thread! :crazy: 39263 Look over there, free...|||You know what goes well with milkshakes? 39121 *sneaks in and quietly sits down near the back of the theatre*|||I recently stumbled upon this flash game called The Book of Living Magic, and thought some of you might enjoy it! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm heading to the nearest Temple of Gloop to check out a...|||You are 55.6% Good. You are 2.6% Lawful. Alignment: Neutral Good Interesting, I thought I would have been more chaotic than lawful...|||It's getting late and I work in the morning, but figured I'd give a quick reply. In a sense, I don't like phony optimism, but at the same time, I can't help but want to force myself to...|||People have mentioned lots of my personal favourites, so I'll opt to mention one of my fave SNES titles, which was never released in North America: Terranigma <3 With music - like - this, how...|||And rid me of my inner strife|||Lol, thanks for reminding me to check! Yeah, it turns out there's a 10 day class offered free of charge somewhat nearby once or twice a month, assuming I make it on their waiting list - seems to...|||Hehe, pretty sage advice: search inwards and transform myself before looking outwards at the world. :)|||rheanne mimesis: Awww, now you two made me smile! :proud: Sorry, turns out I lied about replying to everyone. :blushed: Note to self: Don't chain yourself to commitments unnecessarily. ...|||KindOfBlue06: You're welcome - glad to shed some light on the matter. :) Note to self: CBT might not be a viable alternative. :laughing:|||Glad you enjoyed it! Makes me glad I shared it. :D I found quite a few useful posts on that blog, so I'd advise perusing it, if you haven't / aren't already. ;) chexiie: In terms of what...|||Out of curiosity, are you apathetic and/or depressed at all as well, or just bored? I know I've experienced bouts of both - just plain boredom that won't go away (when I was out of school and...|||Excellent, I found the reference I was looking for! :D Day-4 Syndrome: How to Stay Motivated When You’re Not Feelin’ It|||Distracted and/or shifting interests? Personally, I've found that in the long run, I tend to have more or less the same collection of hobbies and interests, but that one will be my primary focus...|||Yes, I've tried hypnosis both in my mid-teens, as well as a couple months ago (I'm going on 25 this year). Contrary to pop culture, hypnosis doesn't just allow someone else to blindly plant...|||The latest post on Charisma Arts captures some of the essence of what I'm looking for in a genuine conversation.|||I'm pretty sure it has to do with being bullied and, to an extent, ostracised as a child, starting in grades 1-2, and then primarily in grades 6-7. Back in middle school, I was the quintessential...|||Thank you for bringing that up, because I'm not sure what it might look like. I quite like the encounter in Dostoevsky's White Nights, however fantastical, romantic, and seemingly unlikely to...|||Thanks for sharing. :) This almost brought me to tears.|||Here are a few quick responses before I call it a night. I don't feel bad that I don't fit in, it just is. What I feel annoyed, a bit frustrated, and envious about are the people who do the...|||Figured I'd also post this here, partly to expose this to fresh sets of eyes, and partly because this subforum is so active. I'm wondering if anyone here relates to this at all. EDIT: I...|||I'm annoyed that the quiz linked in the OP doesn't currently currently work, even if it is three years old. When I submit, it takes me to a blank page. There goes 10 mins of my life...:angry: ...|||Hahaha, great timing then, and thanks for sharing! I don't believe in coincidence. :) I'm equally guilty of dreaming rather than doing. I guess for starters, I'll drag my ass downstairs and...|||Fair enough. :) Any examples of Te-inferior villains or characters you can think of for comparison purposes? I am kinda curious how long we can keep up the Te-inferior charade though. From my...|||How can you tell whether a character is an INFP who had their alternate personality triggered, acting and/or becoming an xSTJ under the influence of our inferior Te, rather than a proper xSTJ (who...|||Sorry for the following tangent, but it gave me a random flash of insight. You know how some people say or paraphrase You either do or you don't - there is no 'try'.? For INFPs, I believe...|||Maybe check out INFP blog, and see if any of the posts resonate with you. Reading INFP blog helped clue me in to my missing sensory type when I got as far as IxFP for my MBTI type, because I relate...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Operations and wellsite geologist i work on drilling rigs and manage the geology side of drilling projects. My job primarily is a communicator, mentor, go-between and high pressure problem...|||I learned tarot cards and it is a good vehicle for this. However i have learned with age that some (most) people are not ready for information or the truth about themselves and i think it is...|||ive had this feeling and realized that, for the most part, he doesn't need me. My opinion on life challenges, how to solve problems, etc is not asked for or really considered and often not respected....|||I don't think he meant it bad with saying you can be apart. My ISTP partner of 7 years and I have the same dynamic and mutual independence and a lot of comments posted by others are extremely...|||After 7 years together, I still do not understand my ISTP partner. It is both frustrating and incredibly intriguing. He never stops surprising me and this has lead to quite a tumultuous relationship....|||One of my best friends of over 10 years is an ISTJ female. Recently I told her some happy news and she got all lecture-y on me regarding the news instead of the happy and encouraging like others are....|||In elementary school, I was smart but no one cared. I was well liked and had quite a few friends. In the junior high/high school (there was no junior high in my world), I had my groups and no one...|||You will be okay. Just going to take some time. An important thing is to try your best to get OUT THERE. I find I can become incredibly introverted when depressed and I just create this abyss for...|||For those that drink, booze is always good. Especially something special like actual baileys or grand marnier or a whiskey that's a step up from the usual. That's the default gift for the 40yo ISTP...|||I feel the same loneliness. Have had many meltdowns over this. Still trying to figure out if I can live with it. I also worry about what will happen if when I find someone who is there for me more...|||I've had one and let's just say it was very effective. No need to worry.|||I have two female ENFJ best friends. Well definitely one. I always confused them (still not sure about one) with ENTJ because they are both pretty darn rational but they are pretty much like...|||I think you just have to do what feels right for your soul. So be it if it's a little masochistic. Better than watching the world go by from the sidelines. And doing nothing guarantees a result of...|||My signature is from one of those tests recently taken. I just used bars to represent percentage.|||I use Ni all the time. Basically I gather information with Ne, create a big picture for myself and process and relate it when I'm by myself using Ni. I love creating systems especially workflows and...|||I dunno if it is your Si that is the problem. ENFPs suck at Si too and yet never really seem to have these issues. I think developing your Fe/Fi would help more and at least then you aren't stuck...|||This is interesting to me because I have discussed this topic for a very long time with one of my best friends, a female ENTP. She cannot fly under the radar no matter how much she says she wants...|||What worked with my ISTP man is I think I smiled (apparently a big deal) and made some observations about something messed up or wacky. That tends to get his attention and will often trigger an...|||I've been with an ISTP for 6 years. We've had so many ups and downs yet I always come back to him because I love him just so much. I get really unhappy with how bad our communication can be and how...|||I think he is leaving it ambiguous cause it is no, not wanting it now. But he wants to keep the option open. I've done that type of thing. But who knows if he would ever be ready to go there. I...|||I'm exactly the same as this. Crazy. And Totally agree with the advice. An ENFP is probably the easiest person to ask. They will do their best to not make you feel bad Eben if you do t get the answer...|||I often feel as if most men just want me for a sexual relationship and are less interested in actually wanting the person inside. I wonder this sometimes with my spouse even. Often I feel very alone...|||We often clash or just avoid each other because we just don't relate. Oh no enter key not working. I have three ESTPs in my life. Sister of my ISTP partner, my brother-in-law of my ISFJ sister, and...|||Never met someone who shows more appreciation for a delicious home cooked meal as my ISTP. It is absolutely enjoyable watching him enjoy it with lit up face and mmmm noises and a big hug after if I...|||Okay, not always an option, but highly effective : SEX|||I also have an INFJ friend where there is definite attraction between us. He's definitely playing the hot/cold type thing where he doesn't often contact me but when I contact him then we have a great...|||There is definitely a shift in your friendships starting in the late 20s. Some friends will drift away as they get more involved in their own lives. Some will start families, which become their no.1...|||Sounds like you have a corporate culture- clash. Doubt it is really fixable or a long term fit. Use this job to get what you want out of it (become really hireable, improve skills, make...|||ESTJs rarely like me and I also rarely like them. Actually replace like with tolerate. We clash. I avoid them at work, the only place we are forced to interact. None are in my family... ESTPs...|||My fiancé is ISTP and I have several ISTP friends, male and female. A couple ISFP friends too. Awesome people to do things with and travelling with SPs is the best.|||*disclaimer* My Enter key decided not to work...* I lean towards messy and cluttered because I like my things visible. Generally I take care of things I love and I totally disregard things I don't...|||My sister ISFJ is sometimes like this. Bluekitdon's post sounds bang-on to me. Shale's does as well. My sister adores her family but is so stressed out, with good reasons, that she can be fairly...|||My sister is an ISFJ and I often ask her about people. I always see who people could be rather than who they are so I can rely on her realistic present-day analysis. I frequently focus too much on...|||My istp hubby is a mechanic but that isn't his profession (he is a drilling rig supervisor). It does become part of his job though because he is very good at it. Often he ends up fixing more than the...|||I have no line. Everything is a blurred grey area. Nicknamed TMI (too much information). I'd never do anything to actually hurt anyone and i have a full full heart eager to bring love all around the...|||30s are so much much better for me. I'm more secure with myself, come to terms with career and family and friends. I became much more spiritual and that has made life more rewarding. I do not long to...|||The adventures are a good part of why our relationship works. Going on 6 years past a 1year break during which we still did adventures together. If we don't do adventures we grow really stagnant and...|||Likely He talks about ESTPs cause he noticed the pattern that they also have a high sex drive according to perc observations. Im in it for the connection and the fun. It feels good and it is...|||I watched that episode! That lady is a NUTJOB. And this show is full of wackos but this lady is just terrible. Walk. Away. I think if I was the husband I would be drinking a whole heck of a lot. And...|||I often question why I seem to have lower morals than some. I sympathize with cheaters and villains and I will break laws. I guess my alignment is true neutral. I have love in my heart all the time...|||I have two male INFJ friends and our chemistry is too good. Feels like Right person wrong time. Great friends but have to make sure it stays in the friend zone. We are all in serious relationships we...|||We met at work in the bush and got along as friends. He left work there for a couple years and I broke up with my then bf. Facebook started, I added him and messaged. We kept chatting there and msn...|||I hate people generalizing functions. My Ni is as strong as my Ne and way stronger than any other function. I use Ni much more than Fi. I love Ni thinking and I love dark humour and twisted satire...|||Many say we don't have functions in common but not many people follow them specifically as they should for their type. I have strong Ni and okay Ti for instance and my Se is okay. So I can understand...|||Hi ISTPs Curious what kind of art you like? I'll just start off with art on the wall, like paintings, posters, collages etc... Do you like art that shows off technical skill? matches your...|||Top 5 Characteristics - Confident and masculine - Independent and free-thinking - Considerate and has some chivalry - Not Insecure! Oh yes that is confident but maybe a slightly more nuanced...|||My husband will suddenly out of nowhere tell me something really important even though I ask him about his day and he says basically it was a day. I think he just automatically ignores small talk...|||I flirt all the time. Totally unconscious. Work with all men where there are specific boundaries that make it fun rather than teasing. Even just smiling a lot is flirting. Plus I'm...|||I seem to be friends with everyone except ESxJs - cant think of a single one for either of those types. Keep listing the types and every other I can identify a good friend.|||I'm married to an ISTP. Best man in the world. 6 years together. We are very complementary though have challenges. Balances me and lets me be myself. Bad verbal communication but we actually agree...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | It's a combination people say is made in heaven, and yet... I've never actually seen it in person. So, ESFJs, have you ever dated an INFP? What was it like?|||I absolutely adore this anime. Nana O - ISFP Hachi - ESFP Ren - ISTP Yasu - XNXJ Nobu - ENFP Shiin - ISFP Reira - ENFP Takumi - INTJ|||How do you figure this?|||You got me! INFJ.|||Me - INFJ Mum - ESFP Dad - ISTP Younger Brother - ISTP Older Brother - ESFP Life ain't easy in a family of SPs.|||I think that interviews, surprisingly, are often a bad way to type someone. You never know how they may feel in the moment, what could be running through their heads. Unfortunately, they're usually...|||I feel you! Coconut oil and tight buns have become my friend. I also recently found a great hairdresser. Still, there's a real struggle every day.|||I was bullied for my hair was well; it's super curly and it gets poofy if I'm not careful. I recognize that most of my insecurities stem from being made fun of for my appearance. Unfortunately, I...|||Hard to say but I don't think he's much of an intuitive. I'm gonna guess ISFP.|||I would have guessed INTJ, to be honest. Here's mine... 1. Wednesday Addams - The Addams Family https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ab/1e/67/ab1e6771d35e0e7303c80928ad024bc0.jpg 2....|||It really depends on the context. Lying to themselves? To other people? To hide something? To protect feelings? All the answers are different.|||Strange, I usually see these typed... Emma - ESFP Haruhi - ENTP Lady Eboshi - ESTJ|||Yuri from Angel Beats is an awesome example, if you like anime. Apple Bloom from My Little Pony is probably an ENTJ. Such a cutie. Ginny Weasley - at least in the books - is also an ENTJ. ...|||1. What's your MBTI type? INFJ 2. Are you a fast or slow reader? (Ignoring any tendency to get distracted.) Fast 3. Are you an auditory or visual reader? (Auditory = pronouncing the words...|||What made you change your mind?|||I think the best thing to do is talk to your wife. I can't speak for ISTJs but I know that if my spouse developed feelings for someone else I'd want to know about it, right away. See if there was...|||I think it depends on the details. If I'm interested, I'm great with details. Good with names, voices, birthdays, artistic qualities, fashion, family trees... If I don't care, I'm terrible with...|||I care way too much, Very, which is honestly quite strange because I don't care much about the appearance of other people. I want to look on the outside the way I feel on the inside, and that...|||Huge Beatles fan, but they're honestly so tricky to type. There's a lot to dig through. My guesses... John - ENTX Paul McCartney - Haven't made up my mind. George Harrison - INFJ Ringo Starr -...|||Cats. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my dog. She's a wonderful creature with nothing but goodness in her little heart. However, her lack of independence sure can get tiring despite her...|||Used to think Ted Bundy was an ENTJ, now I'm thinking ENFJ.|||Definitely ENFP.|||Quality Time and Confirmation are my #1s, tied. Touch is a close #2.|||I think people of any two type could have compatibility, however... I have personally been my happiest with XNFPs. I was just broken up with by an ENFP, but I don't regret the relationship at all....|||American Horror Story fan art :laughing: ...|||https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12745988_476441795891107_3285606418176457850_n.jpg?oh=f0672cfe7ffea5db436ddd07d4b2331d&oe=579498E8...|||I've changed my mind to ESFJ.|||I always thought EXTP|||I've noticed that INFJs tend to see meals as an opportunity for sensory adventure. I love that :proud: I don't eat this stuff on a regular basis unfortunately. I myself rather fancy......|||Based on her music, I would guess ISFP but based on interviews I'm actually gonna guess INFJ.|||Hi Holly! There are tons of ENFPs around here. Good luck!|||I never quite understood this. There's a lot that makes up a person besides MBTI.|||That's why I said ESFJ, but I could see ENFJ.|||I think experiences really shape ENFPs. My ENFP is much like yours; loyal to the core but spontaneous. He would never abandon his friends; they're probably the most important thing in his life. ...|||I think ENFP.|||Taylor - ESFJ Hayley - ENFP|||Scott Pilgrim - XNFP Ramona V. Flowers - INTP Wallace Wells - ISTP Knives Chau - ISFP? Kim - INTJ Young Neil - ISFP Gideon - ENTJ Can't decide on the rest of them, sorry. Knives I can see as...|||I'm gonna guess INTP.|||Almost as bad as Disney Princess quizzes. Pick an object: -An apple -A bed -Glass slippers -A book|||My ENFP boyfriend is very mature and not at all flaky. I think a lot of it has to do with lifestyle; if they're forced to be responsible, they step outside of themselves. I like what Winegums...|||They're basically my reason for living.|||Thanks for sharing; I'm a 4w3 and this pinned me down.|||My entire family is SPs. Now that fucked me up. At least SJs will hug you when you have a bad day. My parents ignore problems and tell me to cheer up constantly. They were both obscenely popular as...|||Some of the most cruel, manipulative, downright bad people I know are extremely charismatic and nice. Meanwhile, some of the best people are looked down upon. Sad times. Sometimes you just gotta...|||I've dated many ENFPs (dating one right now) and they make up a huge amount of my friends. I feel like the pull to them is magnetic, and a lot of INFJs agree. Why is this? I know why this is...|||He is just a naturally nurturing dude in awe of everything quirky. I haven't seen the film in a long time, and I strongly disliked it, but that's the impression I got at the time.|||Yes please! Also, I think the 500 Days guy is ISFJ.|||You've convinced me, I think. I just needed a little push. Elsa is INFJ. By the way, what do you think Mulan is?|||She's my favorite, and I've never related to one more either, but that doesn't necessarily make her INFJ. Would love to see your arguments, though. I totally forgot about Atticus. He's...|||I could see Olivia as INFJ, but I'm gonna lean INTJ. I'm not familiar with the 100 or sure about Ender. (And I'm not very familiar with Fringe either, so don't take my word for it entirely) |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Now that you mention it, I see a lot of Christian Grey style ENTJ-ness in Narcisse (I'm pretty sure Anastasia was also an INFJ). Their overall relationship quite reminds me of Fifty Shades, which is...|||I'm a high school senior so don't judge me! I get to school like an hour early and I head to the art room but it's locked so I knock on the office door to see if the teacher's inside. My teacher...|||Definitely ENTP! Don't over think this. It takes one to know one.|||I think you need a better understanding of the functions. Ne is the most creative and imaginative of all of the perceiving functions. It is also more philosophical than Ni, though that comes as a...|||Well... unhealthy ESFJs do NOT act like ENFPs at all. The only unhealthy ones I've had to deal with went to high school with me and they were mostly insecure cheerleaders who used their Ti to...|||Judgmental isn't the word for these guys. NTJs and TPs are critical and a bit skeptical (which is quite different from judgmental). You want actual judgmental types? That's what the SJs are there...|||Well, it depends. Most NTJs do. Christian Grey-style ones, however, never ever come across as SJs. I've met a few toned down real life versions of him. They exist and they aren't scary.|||I'm an ENTP too and my mom is an ISFJ and she's even more difficult than ESFJs are (at least they don't judge our extraversion). xSFJs are supposed to be 'caregivers' yet I think the are just as...|||I'm glad I'm not the only one. Yeah it sucks. Sometimes I wish I were an SF because they are the least philosophical (with the exception of ISFPs, who are somehow in the ranks of INFPs). Look this...|||Well, we don't even use Te so I really don't know. The only thing that really works for me is genuine will-power. Without that I'm a big time procrastinator. You just need to blackmail yourself with...|||I'm pretty sure you described an ENTJ in that last part. We're Ne-doms, not Ni-users. We're like logic-oriented ENFPs. Ne is not exactly a future-focused function like Ni is. It focuses more on...|||INTJs. They have their shit together and they aren't externally obnoxious (almost every single ENTJ I've ever met).|||Don't threaten to kill people. I had anger management issues back then and it got me in trouble on a daily basis.|||I'm an ENTP. I would definitely choose ENFP. I love my Ne. I don't think I'd like being an ESTP much anyway.|||1. YES! HELL YES! I think it's mainly an ENTx thing though. 2. My mom does this and I resent her for it. I think that's an SJ thing.|||I'm a sculptor and I was bored one day and I wanted to make a rainbow on my wrist, but I didn't have any markers or writing utensils really since I was at my aunt's place. But, I did have my swiss...|||ENTP discipline... Lol. Well, on a more serious note, I'm sure it could hypothetically be possible but it hasn't worked for me yet. Damn it... Stupid Ne!|||SLUEI. Based on the description, it's the kind of type an ISFP or INFP would be but here I am.|||Yeah to this day, I still haven't figured out whether I'm an ENFP or an ENTP. I see an equal amount of Fi and Ti in me.|||Put simply, assertive types are healthy variants and turbulent types are unhealthy variants. I can't tell you much about turbulent ESFJs though since I'm definitely not an expert on the type|||I can see INTPs and ISTPs getting mixed up, but ESTPs are more like ESFPs and ENTPs are more like ENFPs, in my opinion.|||I'm don't think ESFJs are fundamentally insecure? What about the assertive ones? Insecurity is something that only shows up in turbulent personalities of any type. I think requiring external...|||I'm not an ESFJ, but I just thought that I'd say that I really like you guys a lot. I think people hate turbulent ESFJs since they resemble the bitchy cheerleaders most of us had to deal with in high...|||My best friend is an ESFJ and, well, the term 'best friend' should probably already tell you that I like her very much. If she wasn't there for me, I would have probably jumped out of a roller...|||No. I wasn't being serious. That's just my way of criticizing another's comment. I actually don't particularly dislike ESFJs, but rather like them. My best friend is an ESFJ and she wouldn't be my...|||4w5, 7w8, 3w4 sx/so 458|||It's alright. You shouldn't worry. That was me at his age. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about ADHD with him because most extraverted children appear to have it. However, if he still continues like this...|||STJs limit creativity and SFJs are way too Fe-bent and smothering so the whole anti-SJ thing has been established. But if there was one perfect type for us it would be... ENTP! Surprising! (not).|||7w8 Chicken/Eggplant Parmesan Peach Crêpes Strawberry Lemonade Mac and Cheese Spaghetti and Meatballs|||That's the Ti and Fe working together. Yes, all the time.|||I agree with you. I think the difference is that feelers aren't cowards and aren't afraid to feel. I think that under all of our layers of logic, we thinkers are probably even more sensitive.|||Well I have an extremely dominant 'alpha' personality overall, and I seldom meet anyone who can challenge me. While my default is dom because of my tendency to push boundaries, ideally speaking, I'd...|||Hi! ENTP here! Okay so I can only speak for my screwed up self, but yeah I am a romantic. However, I'm a closet romantic and honestly I can come across as borderline anti-love and very whorey if you...|||Well I honestly don't like to mix physical affection with intellectual conversations but I love both. By this I mean that I love cuddling in the dark with some food without saying much and I also...|||This was me back in high school: Guy (who was forced to sit next to me who I don't particularly like and isn't particularly attractive): *Smiles and says hi* Me: *awkwardly tucks strand of hair...|||1. I can't (only) because it's illegal/immoral. 2. I give up. You win. 3. I need to follow the boss's rules. 4. Abstinence is bae. 5. Bae.|||Well, based on what you say about your mom, I think she just doesn't think it's funny when people get hurt which is actually very INFP. They take the pain of others very seriously and honestly we...|||You're probably right about the insipid part. You don't seem to fit into that category. But, I beg to differ when you say that it's all generational. It may be that way to a certain extent though. My...|||It IS to be happy. I used to be INFP-style depressed as a child. But then, I turned 6 and realized that the meaning of life was to be happy. I never had another emo day ever again.|||Welcome to the club! The single life rocks. Finally freeeeeeeedom!!!!!!!!!!|||I'm an ENTP and my mom is an ISFJ... she has always based my ability in everything on my age ever since we both took IQ tests when I was 6. I got 140 and she got 112. So, she likes to pretend that I...|||Well maybe we all hate ESFJs like your mom because they say that we don't deserve rights.|||I'm an ENTP and I have my INFP moods and I'm telling you that both types should not be a particular goal for a typical ESFJ. Mostly because, we'll get frustrated with you, which will in turn upset...|||I disagree completely. I think it's upside down.|||Well I'm definitely an Ne-dom. I'm not going to say otherwise. I'm definitely wild, crazy, creative, all over the place etc. So, yes, I identify with Ne very strongly. However, my Ti is very well...|||I make sure that I'm not a type 1 because that is just an excuse to be a dumb ass. And it's very obvious. In terms of trying to survive in society, I'd obviously I want to be an SJ instead because...|||ENTP lol|||If only this correlation stuff was true. My mom is an ISFJ, my grandpa is an ISFP and my sister is an ESFP. I grew up with them and I'm an ENTP. My dad is the closest thing to me (INTJ) but I only...|||I'm an ENTP and my boyfriend is an INFJ and I can definitely see why we shouldn't mix. There are stages in which you view each other differently and each one poses its own set of issues. Stage 1:...|||I usually never cry. Sometimes I've tried at funerals to prevent myself from laughing, but it doesn't work like that. However, I bawl my eyes out when someone finally gets me to stop being an... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'WINTERCEARIG: Entry #57: NightLine It's been a long time since I've posted anything here, and the first thing I want to do now is to ask what your thoughts are on the thing I made. It's a little...|||hi dad|||Poo-tee-weet?|||Life sucks, not in the bad life is so unfair way, but in the life feels so good it's like it's giving me a blowjob way. -WeirdRaptor28 What the fuck am I thinking?!|||I can relate to your situation. I feel the same way about being an INFP. The disconnect with almost everything... *sigh* Good luck on your journey. Travel with caution and remember that being an...|||Everything feels so surreal. Hmph. Must be all the coffee I drank.|||I have very mixed feelings about Norwegian Wood because it's directly related to a strong and painful memory. Damn Murakami.|||If I were to pick the songs closest to me, then... No Surprises, Karma Police, Fake Plastic Trees, Exit Music, Creep, and How to Disappear Completely.|||357490 Defying the Bleakness I did this with Opeth tunes playing in my room. lol The feel probably came from listening to Demon of the Fall on repeat.|||WeirdRaptor used GREET.|||Oh sure. The one I know would always recommend me some really awesome anime (I got Tokyo Ghoul and Psycho-Pass from her recently) when I'm down and we get each other's jokes and behavior when no one...|||Why does mommy have scars? the child asked. Oh, those are her old boo-boos! her father replied with a smile. He then proceeded to treat her scraped knee, gently damping the alcohol. Ow! Hm?...|||Suicide... My negative side is pretty easy to trigger. I get tired easily. Sometimes, it's because I'm too aware of what's happening. That's when it kicks in. The shame of being like... this. Of...|||WARNING! UBER-CORNY JOKE INCOMING! How about an Avatar INFP? Master of all four elements? lol BTW, thanks for the hybrid types. Smoke it is.|||I'm empathetic and I'm not insensitive. I put all my negative feelings into something meaningful (and consequently depressing) creative works and I'm not even sharing the biggest downers I wrote. I...|||Well that's new. Haha.|||So I wrote a song in about 30 minutes for English class (theme: How do you want to be remembered?) and I decided that since I can write a simplistic song better than essays, technical guitar lines,...|||For all these wishes to come true. Additionally, I want to make it in the art/music scene someday.|||This is the hardest goodbye there ever was For you mourn for all but the martyr I found the hopelessx92 noose Tied to my neck Suspended in silence Hanging from the skyx92s ceiling This need to...|||Tubero: the only Filipino band I know of who are just as hilarious, immature, noisy and offensive as Anal Cunt. KAIN TAE KAIN LUGAW (EAT SHIT, EAT GOOEY RICE)|||INFP is a bit too far behind in Virgo, so nah. I still think astrology's hokum, but it's still cool when it suddenly gives you something pretty accurate. But they rarely are in my case.|||Your mom is awesome. Wish I could get mine to at least stop dismissing all metal as noise. See? You're safe. Nobody's going to throw you in the center of a pit when the peeps are chill. Glad you...|||If everybody's making fun of you, you're headed in the right direction.|||If you think about it, the forever isn't real bullshit of broken-hearted people isn't really true. Change is permanent. Change is fucking forever. There's your forever. Maybe not your fairy tale...|||We were meant to be imperfect.|||If coffee was alcohol, I wouldn't be typing here. I'd be in the hospital with an artificial kidney and a spoiled liver.|||^ oh my god wut haha lol|||As a guy, you kind of remind me of my INTP ex. Your reasons are very similar. Situation is similar. I'll try not to think of you that way. I don't speak for all INFPs, especially female INFPs,...|||Your reflection starts to contemplate existence on its own free will. :laughing:|||328786 Antithesis. I don't know how but I managed this in only 25 fucking minutes. Damn. What the hell have I done? This creeps me out. Not to mention I'm the figure here. What the hell was I...|||328762|||I'm more of a hopeless romantic. I am also fully aware that it's awfully hard, if not impossible, to have the fantasy match the reality of it all. But as far as romantic goes, I guess my...|||Hotaru Impressive. Congratulations! Keep postin'!|||Wow. That's some great stuff you have there. Really ambient. Good use of effects, too. The progression is beautiful yet still has a grounded feeling... I like the unpolished feel and the creative use...|||Don't feel bad about posting your drawings. We all get a little rusty at times. And you don't suck, but more practice, I guess. :) The big-eyed girl is pretty sweet, though.|||324265 Shedding Crimson I hate how my camera is of shitty quality. Haha. No scanners in sight. What a shame.|||I knew about sex for as long as I could remember. I can't really remember how, but I was sure back then that babies came from that act. Maybe because I've seen two dogs humpin' and I asked my...|||ardcore, metal, soft, creative, melancholic|||Uhm... no. Not for this INFP. My hell would be when everything I love would be taken from me and I will never get a chance to see and feel them again.|||1.) Won a science quiz bee, 4th Grade. F*ck*ng owned 6th and 5th Graders. 2.) Won a poster-making contest with a rushed piece that somehow managed to climb to the top. :') 3.) Learned how to...|||I could go with fortune telling if there wasn't a voice in the back of my head telling me it's complete frigging hokum.|||I also struggled between INTP and INFP. Until this day, I think that I'm some kind of hybrid between the two. But ultimately, I decided to go with INFP because my functions matched it. Math...|||I get offended when people prank me for fun even though I make it perfectly clear that I don't want to. Also, I can laugh off insults and very negative comments easily, but boy, are some people...|||I posted this in a different thread, but I think it would fit in here quite nicely. --- Shedding Crimson A miasma of misery Bathed in the fading light of the sun Reminds me of the souls...|||Welcome, ItsMeCat. No need to worry. I've been through that before I signed up for PerC. Haha. INTP, INFJ, INTJ, INFP... lol Take your time. There's usually someone who can explain those...|||I'd rather say I make art than outright call myself an artist. Although by definition, anyone who dedicates their time to creative works and/or self-expression is an artist. But yes, it is a wonder...|||People do say that I have high standards, too hard on myself, and nothing ever seems to fit my ideals. But since most of the criticism from other people are usually harsher than what is actually...|||Ruin Dilapidated human skin Blankets a world in ruin Flash floods stream from my eyes Drifting away from the arms of certainty Everything drowns beneath and I gaze with wrecked hope The...|||Shedding Crimson A miasma of misery Bathed in the fading light of the sun Reminds me of the souls that refused to listen To the scars I keep underneath my skin and flesh And, as if God is...|||In You, I Rust Devastated is an understatement For what you did to me Change is forever Just like you Bittersweet You gave me this Your blade did this to me' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 'Ey' verajessa! Sounds like you've been hurt really bad and afraid to try again at relationships. That's normal and I've known many people who have and are going through it themselves. The fear is...|||Hey Jddadio85! Sorry for the massively late reply! Can't believe how long it's been since I last signed in. =/ And I'm really happy to hear things are going great with you two. ^____^ Always nice to...|||Firstly I wanna say that I'm sorry you're in the situation you're in purpleviolet I do hope you find someone soon... I've known several INFJs and I find them to be people I can learn a lot from to...|||Jddadio85, wow, I'm really happy to hear that. =) I'm glad things are working out for you and your ISTJ and I want them to continue that way and to improve. ^____^|||^____^ No worries. Keep me updated.|||Nah, doesn't sound weird. To me anyways. He's an introvert. He's gonna want some time away from people at some point. I'm like that too. Even to family or to a girl I like or in a relationship with....|||Glad to know Mischief is doing better. ^____^ May he continue to do so. In regards to what he didn't mention when you wanted to help out, I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe he found out his parents...|||Oh wow, sorry for the late reply. =/ Been busy with stuff to do anything else. Uuhm... In this particular scenario I don't really see anything wrong with asking him if you could help out. From my...|||You're welcome Jddadio. ^___^|||I was actually wondering how it was going with you and your ISTJ. ^___^ And now I see you guys are resting your heads on each others' shoulder and sleeping at his house. Niiiiiice. XD Whoa,...|||Ah man, having a good a time. I can only think of two people when I hear this. Being around people that are funny and bring you into conversations by sharing things with you is a sure way to have a...|||It's possible that he just took your words are information. And so he'd just think about it briefly and carry on. But, if he did get what you were trying to say, something's preventing him from...|||Hmm, I don't think so. Especially if he's tired of your ex.|||What the... An MP3 player? Yeah, I'd be confused too. I am ACTUALLY confused. What kinda music was on it?|||Hmm, that's odd of him... I agree with your decision.|||There's an emotion for a post like this. It sounds something like UUUUUUUH. Looks something like this ---> >_________> An Australian spider bite? Dang. I would hate to be that guy's penis.|||Love this.[/COLOR]|||No, don't leave. Stay with me longer is basically what he's saying. XD|||Yeah I think he likes you as well. I'd only do stuff like that if I were into someone and was trying to get them to like me back. See if you could reciprocate what he does a little and see what he...|||I'm an ISTJ. 1. I can be extremely energetic and expressive. Which is something I strive to be as my natural self. 2. I understand feelings very well and I'm empathetic. 3. I've trained...|||Hi Hannah. Welcome to the forum. ^____^|||I like your sense of humor. I think you should keep trying. ^____^|||Nope, sorry bruh. I'm somebody else.|||Being safe a person. Meaning a person you feel comfortable being yourself around. Tolerance, patience and understanding are big parts of that. And being able to defend one's self.|||Keep it up dude! Don't let the negativity bring you down! Nothing POSITIVE will come from it. ;D|||Cool cool. Nope, can't say I know anything about it, but thanks for sharing. ^___^ Basically, hi and welcome to the site. =)|||Just know that it does take time to find compatible people. Why? Because when you've tried a thousand times with different people to make a bond and it just doesn't go according to plan, you learn....|||Welcome welcome to the foruuuum. ^___^|||Man. This is something I've been trying to do since I can't remember how long. I figured that if I could become fully conscious of my mind in the sense that I'm aware of every cog in my system, I...|||Welcome to the forum dude. ^___^|||Well, when you take the test, you're given your results in percentages. So I'd imagine that as you develop and grow, your percentages would change. Increase or decrease. You have something called...|||Sounds like you're already on your way man. ^___^ May more roads open up to you.|||*puts on shirt saying ISTJ in da house* http://h.fastcompany.net/multisite_files/fastcompany/imagecache/inline-large/inline/2013/09/3017590-inline-sloth-no.gif|||You want to vent, but when you do, people get overwhelmed I guess? Then you go back to your original approach: not venting. But you can't seem to continue doing this anymore. Or for now at least. So...|||I move on. Aren't relationships supposed to make you happier? Healthier? How can you be happy with someone that doesn't want you? I would rather be alone than in a bad relationship. And you HAVE to...|||I'm not an INFJ, but I know what you're talking about. I can't be myself around others either. For different reasons though. Be yourself, but know the consequences. You've already listed some. People...|||I think you said what's causing it already. Worrying. You're too concerned with the future. Perhaps worried if what you want to happen will happen or not. Probably thinking about what you can do...|||Welcome. ^____^|||Lol!|||I think what I'm about to list is different to my type's stereotype. I'm not controlling. I let people be who they are and adjust myself accordingly. If I can't, I begin to distance myself from...|||What is it you're aiming for? Do you really believe you're a secondary psychopath? If so, is your goal to neutralize it? What are you hoping for? Congrats on the promotion though.|||I was laughing to myself reading your post till I got to the driving bit. XD --> 8| I'm like that too, not enough sleep is not an option for me anymore. I can't allow it, as much as possible.|||This made me lol. XD|||I get angry super easily and I get frustrated from trying to keep it to myself. So what I'd do is distance myself from people and anything that would tick me off. I start ignoring people, keep...|||Though I am not an INFJ, I remember I used to be like this. I remember thinking the same that my significant other should be okay with leaving me alone for a month if that was how long it took for me...|||I can move on easily. Mostly because if I break up with someone, I know exactly why. And if someone breaks up with me, I think it's because I'm not really what they were looking for or we aren't as...|||How to Make the Best Pancakes You've Ever Had | MUNCHIES Going now to the grocery store so I can make some of these babies for dinner. *ridiculously loud lip-smacking*|||I dunno. It's weird. We don't really talk often (because she's always busy with other things), but when we do, it's like we're best friends. At times I feel like she loves me, other times I can see...|||Hey, are we into baking? =/ Like cookies and cakes and stuff. I like doing it. Got an ESTJ sister that bakes too. Any of us into it as well?|||I know, I understand. ^___^ Was just teasing. But yeah, it's a good question. Why ARE baking and cookies associated with ISFJs? =/ I wonder if other ESTJs are into baking actually. I got an ESTJ...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'I recently remade my last.fm. Not that this will be much better. I'm into pop punk, post-hardcore, indie, rock and emo, including: Dikembe, A Great Big Pile Of Leaves, Enter Shikari, Bloc Party,...|||I bought it way back when it was Beta (1.2 I think) and I think the moment you first play it, and you're still trying to work out what everything does is the fun part. I still come back to it, but I...|||Nah, I didn't like that at all. Sorry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtwsYOpUon4|||Damn, that was amazing. I love tapping on a guitar, it just sounds incredible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzaiIE9nFi8|||I'm one step ahead of you, I've already cleared out my wardrobe. In the past 3 months I've made a £400+ profit. But now I've run out of stuff to sell. I'm looking into buying and reselling in areas...|||This was taken last night. Excuse the dirty mirror... and what is my mouth doing? Not exactly a man, only being 16, but whatever. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BR6GQ-zCcAAw9is.jpg:large|||I know it's impossible to make a huge sum of money in one go, but has anyone got any tips for generating an extra cash flow by doing anything online? I'd just like to get maybe £5 extra each week......|||Damn I love that guitar riff. Skip to 2:13 for some amazing bass playing. These guys were all 16/17 when this was released. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNZwUSlKz5U|||Real; Bizarre documentaries, e.g, 'The Man With 10-Stone Testicles' How It's Made Storage Hunters Pawn Stars Comedy; Never Mind The Buzzcocks|||Sagittarius ISTP. They've been put together a few times, but with no real reasoning as to why. Like someone said before, although my zodiac description fits me to a certain extent, I still think...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPWmEm6Vp7g|||If the comment is from someone I like (but not a close friend or family) then I will feel slightly hurt, but I probably wont show it. I'll more than likely forget about it a few hours later. If...|||I love Tera Melos. I prefer the song Sunburn, but all of their stuff is brilliant. Bumping with more Math Rock. The guitar work in this is incredible. I wish I could tap. ...|||Damn, I loved that so much! Shame it's not on Spotify. Some of their other stuff is though, so I'm definitely checking that out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDSex0ZLwlg|||Enjoyed it more than most stuff I've listened to in this thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxnjdXOxLCU|||Instrumentally it was okay. Didn't really like the vocals though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3_I2KUOYlc|||When I'm alone, nothing. When I'm surrounded by people, everything.|||Not keen on that.. I feel bad for not liking anything people post in this thread... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOqg5WzQKo|||Not really digging that... It's a bit too.. empty for me? If that makes sense? Again, I can totally understand why some people might like it, but it really isn't for me. Also, just noticed that...|||I can appreciate the talent, but it's not for me.. Sorry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVEAPqZY4Yg|||There are 63,279 people in the U.S. with my first name. There are 207,846 people in the U.S. with my last name. There are 42 people in the U.S. with the same full name. I don't live in the...|||No song above. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d34G0ZkJsqw|||Listening to music. If not that, taking it out on other people verbally usually helps me, as bad as it sounds. I don't raise my voice or anything.. I use snide remarks that remind me how quick...|||It's complicated. In regards to science, I love Biology the most, shortly followed by Chemistry, with Physics coming in last. I love Maths more than Biology. It's also the only thing I'm...|||Being an actual mechanic is one of the last careers that I would ever want to choose. I do, however, enjoy taking things apart and seeing how they work, with a mechanical mindset.|||If someone initiates the conversation I can go on for hours... But I wont start it myself.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3THkzhHDdc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ACe9IDkJo0|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1CBwCHOCLo|||I don't flat out lie, I tend to exaggerate. When I have tried to lie though, I've failed miserably. I'm forever getting reminded of the time when I was 11 years old and I was half an hour late...|||William Bonney // Drug Lord I hate everyone that I know, then I wonder x93where did my friends go?x94 Fucking poor me, always suffering. Everyone will let me down, one way or the other. One day...|||Nope. I've ripped people to shreds though.|||Cheveyo I love that link in your signature so much. Love that song and Portal. Regarding the OP; Both are important. The melodies and harmonies definitely need to interest me, but I like the...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpCCfg6Affg|||In my main circle of friends there is 6 of us, including me, and we usually all meet up together and do things like play golf and things like that. Sometimes 3 of us will meet up together just to...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhMefohTFOs|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc6vs-l5dkc|||Title is self-explanatory. There's nothing special about mine. It's just the name of a song called Well Fed by a band called A Million Ways. I put the two words together and replaced the second...|||Balance And Composure // Fade Leaning on the edge this time Pacing back and forth I find that I can't get it right Steady on my troubled mind Bitter tasting words like Why did I never write...|||I'm the same. I don't know why but I just like seeing all these different names of artists/bands. And I get a tiny bit excited when I see someone listening to a band that I like that nobody else...|||I wouldn't say I have social anxiety, but I certainly feel uncomfortable in social situations, and can't bear meeting new people, especially if I've spoken to them before (but not face to face). If...|||I always like there to be background noise, but I don't feel uncomfortable or bored in silence.|||Situational, observational and satire get me the most. Also, I find something a lot funnier when I'm part-way through laughing and suddenly think to myself I am such a bad person. Slapstick very...|||Anyone that isn't extremely eccentric.|||Does anybody here use Last.fm? Link yours here. If you go on your profile and scroll down to your top artists, you should see a button on the right saying Paste Your Taste. Click that, then you...|||Yes, I like Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88hfEqJaCtE|||Not really into that at all. Sorry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBllNOz2rhg|||This song just makes me want to throw down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV6pi4rAKFg|||Emotion. It obviously needs to sound good too, but the more emotion, the better.|||8/10. I do love a bit of hardcore music. Not familiar with them at all, but I'll check out more of their stuff, that's for sure. I'll carry on the hardcore with a pretty popular hardcore song and...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'The people who work for the company are generally good people. The workloads are just entirely unmanageable and the company is so small they don't have enough money to hire on new people. Not to...|||It depends on your area and where you work, but when I started I was making around $10 an hour doing simple fix stuff for a small business and that was without any experience (other than tinkering...|||I've been on the Computer Repair Technician side of things for nearly 10 years now and I can assure you that the field isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Who do you think maintains all of the...|||I've been in my current job for almost a year (it will be a year next month), and over the last 3-4 months it's been extremely stressful to the point of me having anxiety attacks nearly every day for...|||Jeez, that sounds heinous. I feel for you. I've been applying everywhere I can think of, networking with people I know, I've even cold called a couple of different places and haven't had much...|||I've been in IT support for awhile, so it would basically be IT services and support. I live near a college and there is only one PC support shop in town and it isn't exactly up to speed on some of...|||This is my role, essentially. We have two people in our support department including me (we're a small company). My official title is Customer Support Analyst, but I also handle project management,...|||Banned for being reasonable.|||I'm a philosophy graduate working in IT and it's a nightmare. At least for me.|||Banned for using the word redundancy.|||Hmm.. Do you have a direct link to the questions about which you speak? I can't seem to find anything on the coursera site.|||I spent a lot of time choosing a phone this time around and ended up with the Nokia Lumia 920. I've been very happy with it, so far. It's been dropped and hit with barely a scratch, has good call...|||I feel like in today's horror movies (and movies in general) there is no sense of the impact and cost of violence. It's gruesome, it's bloody, but what's the cost? What's at stake? Why is this...|||Do I care? Yes. Do I care enough right now to do more? Not really. I'm aware that there are people in much greater need than I am, but the psychological separation between us makes it difficult...|||Let's say I have $20,000 to invest in either attending graduate school to earn a Master's degree or starting a new business. Which would be the better option, in your opinion? Pros? Cons? Risks?|||That makes sense. I do have some idea of what I'd like to see happen, but I definitely need to think it through before I have the conversation. Thanks for your advice.|||I've suffered mild depression for many years, now. However, a few months ago I fell into a major depressive episode and have been diagnosed as having major depressive disorder. I'm currently on...|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||Melancholic.|||I'm guessing that I made a conclusion based on an initial sample that wasn't representative of the general population? :) Damn black swans.|||I come from a big family (10 kids) too, but my wife and I have decided to only have one just to keep us both sane. :) I keep telling my wife that we're basically getting a little science...|||I assume everyone's friendly until proven otherwise. :)|||Thanks. :) My wife and I are both very excited to meet her.|||I started college as a Computer Science major. Then I hit calculus and decided it wasn't for me. Have you considered Information Technology instead of Computer Science? You may also want to check...|||I always have this problem: I get a new job, I'm totally excited about it for the first couple of months and give 110%, and then soon after that the cracks and imperfections become extremely glaring...|||I'm under an immense amount of pressure. My wife is having a baby in less than two months and we'll be losing her income and seeing our expenses increase. I've stopped paying my credit card bills and...|||I received a similar responses from my teachers and had similar experiences when I was in college. I did really well in everything I took, and most of my teachers gave me the You'd do really well in...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNBuPJSBvLc|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgcUiM7queQ|||I unfortunately don't have a junior to whom I can assign responsibilities. It's actually just me and one other person who handle all of the support issues that come in for our company and we're both...|||I've actually applied with couple of startups in the area that seem to be doing well, and the positions are more internal systems administration stuff and less technical support stuff. I'm hoping...|||I do get bored fairly easily, but it really depends on the activity. I think at every job I've had I've been bored within a couple of months, even if I was learning something new. I am very easily...|||Does anyone else find that they oscillate between being an introvert and an extrovert? I have my days where I just want to lock myself in my office with my headphones on and do some writing, and then...|||You're telling me.|||Haha, yeah I realize that. But in a role like that I hopefully wouldn't be putting the one having to deal with it if it breaks and I'd actually get to interact with some human beings for a change.|||Those are all good suggestions. I think my dislike of the industry really started because I started working as a customer support specialist for a software company. I've worked customer support...|||I think a change might help. I've applied with a couple of startup companies in my area just to see what's out there, and I had an interview with one earlier this week that went well.|||I should really become a writer.|||Just to throw in my own anecdotal evidence, I'm an INFJ with a long history of depression and anxiety. I've had my suicidal moments, but have never taken any action toward it. I'm currently in...|||I'm a pretty cerebral, emotionally-driven guy, but I find that I really feel fulfilled when I work on something tangible. Repairing computer hardware, replacing car parts, building fences, etc., are...|||I am absolutely my own worst critic. I am extremely hard on myself when it comes to, well, just about everything. C on a test? I'm a failure. Can't figure something out at work? I'm an idiot. Not...|||I'd say Dr. McCoy (Bones) is an INFJ or an INTJ.|||When I was around five or six, a neighborhood friend invited me over to her house after we had been playing outside. We walked in to find a large group of adults having sex with each other. I was...|||Absolutely. I shut off my Facebook and Twitter because I felt like I was getting extremely sucked into it. My fear is not so much my wife cheating or talking to other men or anything like that....|||The biggest hurdle right now is that my wife and I are having a baby in < 2 months, and she'll be out of work for at least a couple of months after that, so the most stressful thing is that I'm sort...|||One thing that I found really helped me was learning the history along with the theory, as it really put some things into context about WHY things developed the way they did. A book we used in my...|||Hi, everyone. I'm having a bit of a career crisis. I've been in the IT industry for about eight years, now. I currently work for a software developer doing end-user support, training, and some...|||I'm an INFJ and stumbled upon this forum while doing some job/career research. After seeing how friendly the people seemed, I decided to join. A little bit about me: - I have a college degree...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | I am so not cut out for academia, I suck at adhering to the many rules and structure for such formal writing haha|||See, it doesn't require everyone agree on it in that I would assert that many necessarily assert a morality that can't have an substantive universality because the conditions that underpin people's...|||I think there could be something approximate to a objective morality, but instead of it being purely abstract system it would have to be put in relation to the existing conditions of the world. ...|||I like to think wolves can't climb trees as good as bears and that I might strike it lucky with a half decent tree to climb|||pfft, this thread is legit as shit mang|||Should've got a picture|||yeah best go visit them at their home and ask them wheres your money|||never your fautl dark angel, never|||I know, did you end up getting gifts later?|||http://personalitycafe.com/sex-relationships/119707-not-cleaning-your-vagina-movement.html|||Was thinking about how there's that lack of sympathy for Batman being sad about his parent's tragic murder. And it made me think of how people deal with death and especially when it's more tragic in...|||ooo mrs jones what you do to me|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-UFrmrwiso|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yIzxFK45fw|||What I find is that I have to organize the structure for the more formal papers, like big planning and then keep referring to the plan to keep myself on point. But it's a lot of work trying to keep...|||best kind of blow jay|||Translation: Shit cereal Oh may I have beer without alcohol, chocolate without the chocolate, things without the things! OMFG LADY!|||transby or gtfo|||718274 I'm using a Chromebook with google chrome browser and cleared cache/cookies.|||https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DDITFdIUIAA0mHX.jpg|||https://i.imgur.com/buLFjbp.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/LgA0Rho.jpg https://i.redd.it/21oobujjtvmz.jpghttps://i.redd.it/0e59vtynivmz.jpg|||Magpies swooping? You should try making friends with them, expert says - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)|||INFP: Lateral/non-linear I relate to this description of an INFP explaining their process in trying to write. And I guess, because Ne is less about a conclusion and just exploring...|||qft|||I wonder how much of how I am receive is based on some developed image in people's minds more so than just the delivery. A bit like how a comedian cultivates an image in order to help the reception...|||Where all the photos go!?|||Whilst changed in demographics, the point isn't purely about the group it's directed towards and I guess I probably made an emphasis on that in my point about qualifying how generalizble something...|||Yeah I still have a constant unread visitor message notification|||Only rumored, no confirmation yet... until next issue of woman's weekly where we have an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH... Nabbits uncle|||Whilst I think women would welcome men's increased participation in housework and child rearing, I imagine it's highly unlikely many are going to play paternal carer for matriarchal control the way...|||I'm the INFPest INFP that ever INFPeed|||This tendency of mine really is a need, I need an outlet. I was pretty depressed as a teen/younger man where there was no place to just leak my mind's contents. I know it's a bit selfish in that I...|||The 'bang on' stuff doesn't strictly relate to what you've written but is more a general characterization that I believe resonates with Duo as true. I'll try it tease it out some as i've just...|||https://www.marxists.org/glossary/terms/a/b.htm#absolute The Relativity of Wrong By Isaac Asimov|||It's the Ne stuff again, I can't rest on conclusions, always exploring and I got a lot of thoughts I've built up over time. It could all be for nothing but might have some interesting material and...|||Come sit on the couch http://cdn28.us1.fansshare.com/photograph/sigmundfreud/sigmund-freud-265619934.jpg Nabbit made this joke at least twice now, definitely thinking alot about pregnancy,...|||It's not what Spam World deserves, but it's what Spam World needs!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ_Pfuj9wPE|||There is a difference between a sort of, there is no gender in terms that there's nothing still problematic in society and that there is real world distinctions in the lives of being a man or a woman...|||y'all classier than I|||This fits into something that I've been making sense of in some small scale research for uni. In it, gender norms were to be defined as guides or constraints based on one's sex, so that being...|||Smart people do Marxism.... aye bud, you want some Marxism? Real cheap mang, you know you want it... https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ot/zizek1.htm|||I know you're posting on a text based forum but I don't think you can read. http://i.imgur.com/l3n9iAK.png|||What brought you here then? Your milkshakes always with you and couldn't lead you elsewhere.|||#TrueStory|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUH34iqK7cI|||no more no mores|||Mr. Cafebot is a real boy!!! https://iwsmt-content-ok2nbdvvyp8jbrhdp.stackpathdns.com/916201717112828487.jpg|||https://iwsmt-content-ok2nbdvvyp8jbrhdp.stackpathdns.com/916201720235148025.jpg|||Gay is what it is |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'You could always leave your current life behind and become a basement dweller, life is pointless anyway, just do what makes you happy.|||127(15) / 129(16) / 143(24)|||They don't live here|||I want to be the last man standing when I kill myself.|||Your reply made no sense, no one would follow my example. Besides, an immense hatred keeps me alive, I would live for a thousand years if I were certain of seeing the whole world croak. Mankind is a...|||I want mankind to go extinct, it causes too much suffering to other life on our planet and itself.|||Prefer it in what way? I'd rather live a life without science in it than one without art, I think. Art would hardly be possible to make without at least some science though. A caveman using a...|||Depends if I'm physically strong enough to save the human. He would drown you in a desperate attempt to stay alive.|||When your cellphone battery has been out of power for days before you noticed it When you spend more time reloading your cellphone than using it When you spend more time talking to strangers online...|||Hey want to do some LSD together? Hey want to do some DMT together? Hey want to do some shrooms together? Let's talk about our reason for living Thank you for this enlightening...|||Apparently some INTP was cut up and his body parts were dumped in several different oceans, poor guy.|||I'm listening to a lecture on Schopenhauer - On the sufferings of the world|||http://www.rdos.net/eng/poly12c.php?p1=74&p2=66&p3=35&p4=76&p5=66&p6=64&p7=35&p8=39&p9=14&p10=19&p11=27&p12=31 Your Aspie score: 92 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 112 of 200 You...|||Whoever had the most power.|||Lust at first sight|||Where/How/Source? Yay for self-improvement (and curiosity)|||Why? - Because I say so - Just believe me/trust me - Because those are the rules/law Got another one, really got angry when my mother said this to me: Why are you always reading that...|||The problem is that when a guy cold-approaches a girl he doesn't know, she will always know it's because he is attracted to her body. How can they ever get to know eachother if she doesn't talk to...|||Fear of death isn't what's stopping me. You can only fear when you're alive. “So long as we exist, death is not with us; but when death comes, then we do not exist.”—Epicurus - This existential...|||Not killing myself is hypocritical because I've lost the will to live a long time ago. I guess it's ok though because most people are hypocrits about it.|||21-24 4.83% 24+ 2.07% Still a virgin :) 48.97% Looks like there's not much hope left, considering I'm 22. I got dryhumped once when I passed out though, but we were both on drugs.|||The first and most romantic one was with a girl that I hadn't met yet. We used to chat a lot on msn and look at eachothers pictures but then she said I was the one for her so we finally met up but...|||Omg I'm laughing so hard right now. I'm Belgian and it's called analist here, I assumed it would be the same in english. :laughing:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l7jaDkYFkA|||I like dancing to weird music when I'm high.|||What were you in high school? A free spirit trapped in the system, an escapist, a gamer. Did you go to alot of social events? Yes, sometimes more than once a month. How were your grades? Just...|||I like writing down deep thoughts and writing programs and websites. Photoshop and fruityloops can be fun too but I'm not good at those (yet).|||Is there anyone else who can't sleep because they keep thinking, sometimes thinking that what you're thinking about could be genious and should be written down. But you don't do it because you think...|||Don't make bacon while naked.|||I don't know what you're talking about but I was just guessing. I could've just said there wouldn't be enough IT specialists though.|||@apathy I (and I'm sure many other INTPs) can relate to many of the things you just said. You're not alone. I was luckier with my parents, they always appreciated me for who I was, even when...|||Don't buy an alienware unless you don't mind paying a couple 100$ extra just for the brand name. Buy an Asus instead. I use both a laptop and desktop, but for different purposes. OS: Windows 7...|||Falling in love, 2 years ago. I quickly corrected my mistake though.|||Maybe I'm an exception but I'm quite horrible at reading body language. INTPs aren't easy to read either though I think, so maybe it evens out. I also think the mathematics behind poker play a bigger...|||When absurdities that are considered normal in our society are pointed out and analysed.|||1.Are you attracted to introverts or extroverts more ? Hmm, I want someone that I can have deep conversations with but can also be outgoing/cheerful/fun like myself. So I guess a bit of both. ...|||I think an INTP would have a greater advantage in online poker, but could still do good live.|||There would be an even greater lack of programmers and analists. There also would be less philosophy worth reading.|||I have periods of depression too. I never got diagnosed by a specialist (hence the brackets), but I fit all the traits. The reason is never something that happened to ME or a change in MY life....|||The possibility of thinking of a hole in the market on the internet some day is part of the reason why I'm becoming a programmer. If I ever think of a website or a program that could make a lot of...|||I change into an extravert at social events. (when it benefits me, but I probably wouldn't be there if it didn't)|||Have you watched Akagi or Monster? I think you'll love them. The first one is about a mahjong genious that owns everyone with his insight and the second one is about a nihilistic monster without a...|||You interpreted it right. I obviously don't expect to ever figure that out. I just phrased it that way because I don't want to be responsible for the existence of something that can think when I...|||She'll probably enjoy it and be thankful to you for showing it to her, unless she's one of those people who will reject it before knowing anything about it, but I don't think she is.|||What have others said about you that probably applies to other INTPs? - I've been told that I overanalyze every interaction with them. (by a girl that I had a crush on) - An ex-teacher compared...|||You could just ask her to do the test.|||Anything irrational but that's probably been said on every page ITT.|||1) Nod your head as soon as you have eye contact. 2) Quickly look away before they have a chance to say something. 3) Pretend you have to go do something important and walk away.|||I didn't misunderstand you. I think I felt like that a couple of times too. There are only a handful of people that I can truely connect with though, and I see most of them almost daily. I only feel...|||I rarely find dialogues more interesting than monologues. I can express myself a whole lot better when I'm writing than when I'm talking. The happiest moments of my life are the 3 seconds...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'I like Sandbox games. Stardew Valley Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together Terraria There are the only 3 I play these days.|||I eat leftover dinner for breakfast I eat Cheetos with chopsticks (No messy fingers!) I cut up old clothes to wipe tables/floors (Probably an Asian thing to do...) I walk around my room in...|||533034|||Pokemon. Pizza or Chinese food?|||pippylongstocking Constant arguments are certainly a turnoff for any ISFP. It seems that he wanted some time away from you, but you still went to see him outside of work anyways. That might seem...|||I like you too :wink:|||That old thread (nice necro)! I feel stupid for rereading my own post. Wow. Okay, I was stupid 5 years ago.|||ISFP in Socionics is actually ISFJ, just FYI.|||I'm surprised I was even mentioned. I was inactive for quite sometime now haha.|||How are you doing in other courses? Which business major are you most interested in? Actuary science is probably the hardest one (very math heavy). Marketing requires very little math. Just...|||You have cats? But you're Chinese! Are you going to eat them later? :dry:|||Not a ChemE. I'm just a chem major. However, a whole bunch of my classmates are ChemE majors due to overlapping technical electives. For my school, ChemE only has to take physics 1 and 2 (calc...|||Well... Vice versa. I cannot stand my ENFJ mother or my ENFJ friends (6 of them). They are mostly clean freaks, and they guilt trip me like no tomorrow. My mother is the arrogant type like you...|||I definitely need more sleep than my average friends. I get home really late from school (around 10 PM), and I have to wake up at 5:30 the next morning since I have early morning classes everyday. I...|||Bob http://i50.tinypic.com/jfeouv.jpg http://i49.tinypic.com/2cps0ar.jpg Gary http://i50.tinypic.com/2s9zlsk.jpg Mimi http://i48.tinypic.com/2igf2tg.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/15yfdco.jpg|||I guess I'm not an ISFP. I'm not skinny. Lol|||Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen Hotel On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet - Jamie Ford|||Lamborghini Aventador LP 700x964 Ferrari 599 GTO|||Wow, some people actually told her to kill herself? That kind of people make me sick. Bravos to Lizzie!|||I love pewdie lol|||It's an evil cat, and it's smiling. Oh I love that.|||Not sure if this is over or under priced.|||Agnostic, liberal.|||I avoid saying any type of insult, even if I am insulted. Call that stupid all you want. I will always try to be polite.|||I'm 6w5.|||You know what, this thread actually made my day. The amount of hate I have seen from the NT side has made me sad. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!|||I do not practice any religion.|||Eh, my dad is kind of an oddball in this. He didn't want me because my grandma hated girls, yet he didn't want to abandon me. He would goof around with me occasionally, but he would turn into a...|||I'm picky one this. I do not like isolated or crowded environment. Like you mentioned, I prefer working with people I see on a regular basis, so I loved being a peer tutor. Besides, if I see these...|||The only way I can learn is if I practice as many problems as possible. That's the main reason why I hate biology. Oh look I have an awesome memory, so I get A's! I prefer chem, physics, and math...|||Let's just say I love math. I also enjoy being a math tutor. inb4 any Chinese stereotypes...|||Nope... The explanation part really annoys me. The Fe-doms I've met were rather forgetful....|||I set boundaries around any social events. If it has more than 3 people, then I'm not going. Arguing with my Fe-dom mom is also very draining. I walk away after a certain point.|||#2 is quite unusual. Can you describe the communicator part?|||Hmm, I should've explained why I get angry. I got angry because of how they reacted when I tell them stuff they do not remember. Some responses were rude. Not to mentioned I kept on explaining...|||I really dislike praises... Maybe because I was taught to dislike them. Tiger moms have a tendency to put their children down to motivate them. Yike, that does the opposite for me. My dad, on the...|||The butterflies kind of suck in a way, especially when the other side isn't feeling the same way as you. It always ends sadly for me. A broken heart does not feel nice. It really makes me want to...|||I have good a recalling skill on events that have happened in the past. Let's say someone who was at that even with you do not remember anything, and saying you suck for telling him/her stuff he/she...|||I am studying pharmacy and tutoring people in math (up to Calculus II) at my school.|||I listen to all genres. I just put them on shuffle and listen to them as background music.|||Language evolves quite fast. Facebook used to be a noun, and now people use it as a verb. Hey, facebook me tonight. Hey, inbox me on facebook please. Email is also a noun, now people say...|||I can relate to everything you've typed in the first post. Welcome to the forum :)|||http://www.neatorama.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/catdonuts-500x375.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/24g0k1k.jpg http://i46.tinypic.com/dbhy7d.jpg|||I'm really cool with my INTP friend. He's dating an ISFP lol, so he asks me questions sometimes. I had no problems talking to him since he's chill.|||KeroKai I'm not going to make a giant quote. I always take some time away from the computer without telling him. I take my time for granted. Besides, it's not that hard to tell if I'm there or...|||Skype call or just type-and-chat? My ex gets irked if I become silent or engaged in doing something. Wendy, you are so hard to talk to. Ironically, he does the same thing when he's engaged in an...|||I usually cry it out, alone. After a short nap, I'm fine again lol. Also, talking to friends really help me a lot. Messing and laughing with them reduce my stress level as well. I'm usually...|||I'm fine with phone conversations as long as they are light-hearted. However, she's taking a break from you (did I remember this right?), so she probably does not like picking it up as much. This...|||Well, the first person I text'd always replied fast, and if I didn't reply, he would keep on spamming for days. I guess that's when I started thinking slow replies tick people off. Besides, most of...|||Maybe this is just me then... If I don't reply ASAP, then I think I'm being rude. Lol' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'I have to tell you that we're probably the most complex people you'll ever know. We do have emotions and feelings, but we don't express them as freely as others. We may change our minds and make...|||To get things going, do you guys like to flirt? I like to flirt but contrary to some who flirt because they want to fool around, I flirt because you're really attractive and I'd like to get to know...|||I have a mix of participative and delegating leadership style. I'd like to involve everyone in the decision making process and let them move the discussion along and let them mold and mix their ideas...|||I've been wondering about things lately and I know that many of my friends find me to be complex and even contradictory. They wonder why I have a penchant for debates and public speaking but was...|||I'm center-right on social issues. The facts are the the taking of the life of an innocent fetus is murder and that is why abortion ought to be illegal except in the cases of rape, incest or when the...|||There are so many meanings of life. But the meaning of life to me is working hard and getting into my desired career. It means to earn big money. It means to have a nice home and nice cars. It means...|||Aliens do not exist. They are the imaginary creation of sci-fi folks and ancient cultures that worshiped rocks. If there were aliens, they would've taken over our universe or done something bad to us...|||I've had that experience once and it was awful. But I realized that it was probably due to a string of mistakes and blunders on my part. I was over-obsessive and hedged everything on that...|||41833418344183541836 So...What do you think after analyzing my handwriting personality?|||I have a set of very personal values that I have very close to my heart. They include integrity, loyalty and respect. Those are just some of them I can think of. I also find my personal relationship...|||Lachesis Thank you. That was very sweet of you. I do realize that a lot of men reject their emotional side and often try to get rid of emotion thinking it would make them unmanly. Well, the thing is...|||Absolutely! Some people say I'm too formal or a snob, but I'm not. It's just my blood and my personality to be attracted to classy things. And I will work for those classy things and I will get them....|||I was just in a depressed mood a couple of days ago. I felt hopeless and trapped and sad. I felt really horrible and I had nausea and fatigue. You should find some place to direct that energy. I...|||I have to say I'm mature but I shan't say I dislike immature people. But I just can't stand people who don't have any values or integrity. As long as you're fun and immature but a real person and not...|||Yes it does. It's usually when I'm feeling stressed out or when I'm in a place or around people I'm uncomfortable with or those whom I don't trust. I thought my teachers were trying to gather us...|||I definitely agree with that. I mean, I'm usually thinking of something, making plans in my head and considering the impact or whatever of certain decisions. It kind of scares people off though once...|||I have to say that I have a million different thoughts and ideas in my head every second so it wouldn't be surprising if some of them were intrusive. I don't pay much attention to them since I...|||Well I don't want to be just anyone. I want to be someone. I don't want to be a vanilla, ordinary person. I want to be successful and I want to be happy and I want to achieve my dreams.|||I've been thinking about things lately and I just don't think public school is working out that well. I don't want to have to get the same response from my teachers year after year. He has more...|||it's impossible|||4091140912|||But I can't. I know how it feels that something is worse in your head than in reality, but I'm afraid that these things will tear relationships apart, tear away trust, tear away the very thin fabric...|||I've decided to have a fresh start at live but one thing, some things have been troubling me. My past decisions, words, actions and events are haunting me. It's not a crime, it's just things I've...|||Hi, my name is Wesley. I used to hang out at the ENFP Forum but I know that I really am an INFP. I mean, I've been lying to myself. I've always wanted to be more extroverted to fit in and talk to...|||I don't want you to feel sad or anything. I think that I haven't behaved very well on this thread and I apologize for it. I admit that. But I am my own person. I am awake. I just want to thank you...|||Nice try. I'm never going to be a socialist. I'm never going to be a Democrat ever again. Guess what? I've done my work and I've developed my political views and I stand by them. Period. I've...|||I really hate it when people resort to personal attacks. What is wrong with you? Just because we disagree doesn't make me uneducated and narrow. Stop the personal attacks. Look at yourself. Why do...|||What do you mean I'm trying to looking sympathetic? Are you crazy? What's Displaying affect? I mean, come one, this is stupid. We were discussing issues and then I was in a conversation with...|||But what if I want both? I could have money but no love and be lonely for the rest of my life. Or I could have love but no money and not be able to achieve my dreams. But what if I want both? I could...|||I guess we just disagree. I'm a rightie and you're a lefty. But we're still friends right? I'll just stop talking about politics in these threads. I promise.|||I'm sorry that I've offended you. I suppose I'm just trying a little too hard as a 15-year old kid. I have big dreams and big ambitions. I see everything out there. I'm just very sorry that I've...|||It's a Brave New World for me. That's what I'm seeing when I look into the future. I have so many dreams, so many ambitions and so many goals. And they are big. I just feel like I'm being held back....|||I agree with you. We should all get to be our own persons. I'm sad to hear that you and your Dad are in that situation. I wish you all the best regarding that issue. On a side note, a romantic...|||I just have this weird public expressions of love fantasy so I figured it wouldn't be weird since it really demonstrated our relationship. I mean, I would love for my future wife to kiss me and for...|||Why? Do you hate politics? Don't worry, we'll still love each other at the end of the day and I'll still love you. :)|||Let me just tell you that even if you confiscated all the money the rich have, you would not be able to pay off this debt. The solution is to first balance the budget and then pay off the debt in the...|||First of all, I would just like to state that I do believe in romantic fantasies. I do believe that a relationship can be as good as you dream of it. My romantic fantasy...I don't know what you'd...|||I still think Hillary's an INTJ. Some say she's an ENTJ but I think she's an INTJ. I can just feel it. But since this is about relationships with INTJs I'd just like to ask you guys what you think. I...|||Yes I do. Some say it's a fairy tale and the product of unrealistic idealism but yes, I do believe in love. I believe in romance. I believe that one day, I will meet the love of my life. I know it. I...|||I will respond to that. How did the economy crash? How did the financial institutions crash? They crashed because they were greedy. But you have to realize that no sane, reasonable CEO would go to...|||I'm sorry you misunderstood my statement. They pay 50% of all the income taxes here out of all the taxes collected. Not the tax rate. And I disagree with you. There is nothing wrong with being rich....|||Hi again, guys, how are you? So, I've been checking out Hillary Clinton in her earlier days and as First Lady and I find her to be quite an attractive lady. And I'm also talking about her...|||Listen, my parents didn't feed me anything and I don't like personal attacks. It took me 2 years to develop my political views and I was a moderate and then I was a liberal Democrat and now I'm a...|||I disagree with you. The rich pay over 50% of all the income tax and that's a fact. I think that all tax rates ought to be lowered and some of the loopholes ought to be eliminated. There is nothing...|||It's even worse when I judge him by his actions. He's a disaster. All he wants to do is to tax more and spend more, thinking that will somehow revive our economy when his $800 billion stimulus was a...|||Well we disagree with you. He's not done a very good job at all. Regarding taxes, he wants to have a 2.3% additional tax on medical devices such as heart stents and ultrasounds, thinking that it will...|||As President, I will: -Reduce income tax rates with the top rate being 25%, followed by 15% and then 10%. -Reduce capital gains tax to 10%, corporate tax rate to 15%. -Reform Medicare with Premium...|||Or maybe I'll be a journalist and I'll interview all the celebrities and host a talk show and interview the President of the United States. I'll then be a reality star and have my own show. Or then I...|||I'm 15 years old and I want to study law or something like that. Then I would run for public office. I'm going to run for Mayor, State Senator, Governor, Congress and then I'm going to run for...|||Whenever I see him, I always see this certain uncertainty, this certain insecurity in him. I see him trying to say the right things. I see him worrying about how the audience would react. I see him...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I am <level 18 Human Student>|||My favorite types are ENTJ and INTJs - Very bold, and respectable, and if you stand up to them they will respect you back. I am able to have intellectual conversations with them, aslong as it has a...|||Instant love|||I just get annoyed because when I read something contradictory, I start second guessing myself even more.. which leads me to do more reading... As if I don't already have enough reasons to read...|||He's not questioning your methods because he doesn't think it will get you your desired result, rather he thinks your desired result is incorrect. I think what you are truly looking for is how to...|||Damn.. I think Im gonna have to switch to NF for a bit then.. I hate being mainstream :P|||I find myself holding mutual respect with other INTPs that I know, however we never speak often because we are both really quiet around each other.|||I initally typed myself as a 5. Then as I was reading more, I started leaning towards 4, almost convincing myself I was a 4... but now I've settled with 5w4, largely thanks to this thread...|||I notice that in an argument, if I realize I am wrong, but am not satisfied with my opponent's answer, I will continue arguing as if I am right, in hopes of uncovering some missing truth.|||I relate to this thread quite a bit. I won't usually try to explain myself to someone who does not know me very well, it might be a little bit of shyness that has to do with that though. Lately...|||I am in love with electronic music :D I'll listen to anything related to it for hours (Other than hardstyle, which gets a little bit repetitive) I love the beats, and variations in it and I get...|||56 - I dunno, I just love 8 x 7, such a cool number to me And I like 25, because its the day of my birthday|||The trick is to never look at it in the normal way in the first place :P|||One of my best friends from childhood is an INTJ. We used to play all the time, but there would be very little deep connection. We would always just play video games and talk strictly about the...|||You type 379 characters per minute You have 66 correct words and you have 3 wrong words My problem with these tests is that I can only type as fast as I can read the words. And it doesnt help...|||Yess haha, sometimes I forget that conversations even took place, sometimes I will tell my roommate things more than once, and even twice. He's learn to become patient with that... a little bit. I...|||Dad - ISFJ Mom - ENTJ Me - INTP Little Brother - INTJ Grandma - ENFJ Grandpa - ISTJ Uncle - ESTJ Cousin 1 - ISTJ Cousin 2 - INFP|||I like ENTPs, they fun and entertaining. One of my good friends is an ENTP, when he is around, I never don't have anything to do. He's always finding something interesting, whether he's telling a...|||My mom is always getting on me about cutting her off when I walk, we'll be walking and I decide its time to turn if we are going to reach our destination. So I just turn and assume she is going to...|||Im gonna go with Sign Language on this one.. ;)|||In my dorm, I never use plates, always napkins. And I always use the same cup over and over again, which I rinse out from time to time or if I just drank milk or something. My roommate always gets...|||I would so want an extreme cognitive ability, if anyone has seen the episode in Fringe where the guy is super intelligent and calculates highly improbable situations and sets them into motion by...|||I've had similar thoughts, but its never really affected the way I act, other than motivating me to try my best. I dont think its really an INTP thing though, it could just be random.|||I was having a discussion similar to this with my friend the other day, I read really slowly, I like to absorb the atmosphere, I often find myself blanking out staring at the page thinking about...|||I definitely enjoy the music more. However, if there is an especially profound or striking line in the lyrics, as was mentioned before, I will appreciate that too :)|||Exactly. And I hate it when I ask questions trying to help the person and they get mad at me for not being on their side. Wtf, my bad. Sorry for allowing you to thinking about a contending side...|||This. haha However, I am not afraid to give alternate views of a situation if I feel it would be helpful for the person. Usually my advice is, as I'm told, more thought provoking than directive...|||I have 3 close friends, all of them seemingly clicked and I trust them deeply and consider all of them best friends, in their own respect. I have a lot of other friends who are close to, but its not...|||I think mostly in words, but the words most of the time dont really make sense if I would just try to say it out. I'd compare it to a computer language, Im running in binary, then I have to convert...|||God.. so true.. Everyonce and awhile I force myself to break out of my shell.. but usually she reaches her stop gets off the metaphorical bus :|||I dont hate my recessive functions at all.. I actually like expressing them in safe environments (Music is a great example). I dont ever jump into a situation with Si-Fe though, I will only express...|||Now, I may not be an INTJ, but I share the INT so perhaps I can give some insight on the matter as I've had a similar experience from the side of the INTJ you are describing. It was my first ever...|||My advice would be to continue initiating the interaction if he hasn't already. In the past, I've received 2 notes in the past about someone proclaiming how much they like me, both times I was a bit...|||My interest in java is intensely building, just got my book for my class.. Looks like someone isnt sleeping tonight n_n|||Or you can use the line You can drag me to hell before you drag me into this situation :P Yeah, people do open up to me, usually with deep secrets that they say I haven't every told anyone this...|||I'm not so much a Grammar-Nazi but, I find that I hate it when I feel that someone isnt properly expressing their idea. Although I would never point it out to someone, its their choice to...|||Perhaps, I've been having trouble deciding whether or not I am an INTP or INFP. However, I think that Im more of an INTP because when people bug me it doesnt really get to me. Its just what Im...|||I'm curious about something that I've found to be happening in my life quite often. I seem to hold very strong opinions about people, but these opinions are very easy to change based on my mood or...|||I feel hesistant, eager to start up my second semester in college, and disappointed|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLKPQQMSC7s I like electronic music :proud: and metal/rock.. and a lot different types of music..|||I too am normally quiet unless I am in class with a close friend. Coming into a new class, I usually place myself middle-frontish with atleast a seat open on either side of me, but I wouldn't really...|||I was frustrated last night because I couldn't reach a tissue box from my bed. My dorm room has bunk beds except the bottom bunk is a desk. To remedy my situation, I taped a tissue box sideways to...|||Frustrating and a relief indeed. Although, I find that I respect someone more if they call me out on a mistake, rather than either not seeing it or ignoring it (in hopes of not hurting my...|||Did you mirror their energy level also, or just opinions? As far as mirroring opinions go, I find it interesting that I genuinely will share the person's opinion aslong as I am interacting with...|||Ahh, same for me, except I believe my mother is an EXTJ. I finally got my mom to stop yelling at me for not saying please by just rejecting my request. For example: Hey Mom, can you turn off the...|||An overwhelmingly consuming idea, or confirmation of someone else's overwhelmingly consuming idea Also, for the possibility of being thanked :P|||All the time.. Infact I almost did it here too :P Could this have to do with our need to be the observer? I find myself saying Its (Being my post) not that important or Somebody else will say...|||I do like reading, a lot. Am I the only INTP that is doesn't read fast? I always find myself taking my merry time as I go through a book, trying to picture scenes in my head, asking questions...|||Yeah I agree haha. Usually I notice myself taking the dominant person's mannerisms in a group, or the person I am closest to. Either that or I just put myself in the background|||I don't usually notice that I have chameleoned until after the fact. It's very unconscious and its just as if I am just acting in the moment. Whenever I notice that I have been a chameleon, its...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'This whole Star Wars hype is just too much for me...|||To be able to resist the temptation of opening the fridge to see what's inside, and then closing it in a disappointed manner.|||Don't you think it's rather dangerous to use your entire vocabulary in one sentence?|||Okay, I'll bite. 456281|||Nah it was a girl dude...|||Oh it would have to be ENTP, ENTP's are really cool and super great. ENTP's are the definition of the best romantic match for an INFP, as well as being the best match for any other type as well. ...|||Starting the timer NOW! In a world of dusk and dawn, We ponder on the mysteries of tomorrow, But here I am, Mowing my lawn, With a lawnmower that I had to borrow, I think there is more to...|||Living it up in Brisbane|||I don't forget any of them, I just put them to the side and don't come back to them.|||ISTJ: Addiction / ENFJ: Paranoia / Selfish or Overly Generous / ENTP: Temperamental / INTJ: Moody/Reclusive / ENTJ: Psychopathic Tendencies / I added to your ones. That'll do for now. No...|||That's NEIGH on impossible ;)|||My two besties are both ENFJ|||Better than a miracle in a stables.|||We can look under the hood, make sure everything is nicely polished. Yank the gear stick in every direction to make sure it works like it should. From there start the engine, and go between 1st gear...|||ENTP Hero - Megamind Villain - Megamind Thanks|||Why do cattle act like people? That's my question. We were always super individualistic and shit, then those damn cows and sheep came along, now we're frowned upon......|||On that note, how do you feel about guns? How do you think the general INTJ population feels about gun allowance? Do you think there's any one personality type that should be more trusted with guns...|||So 'straying', not 'devolving' then? I like asking INTJ's questions though! This is fun :tongue:|||Why do you see that as devolving?|||Not everyone has associated deities with religion, there are those who believe that there are Higher Beings, spirit guides and all that jazz. Masters of the Universe blah blah blah|||Well, I would say that it's impossible to go back to an actual beginning. How can something just begin to exists out of nothing. So there were objects around that started the big bang, they were in...|||Whilst on that note. Before The Big Bang, there was mass infinitely dense and infinitely tiny. What came before that?|||Pretty straight forward topic. But here's the twist, it has to be incredibly lame. Such as always knowing the exact time, or being able to go to the beach and not get sandy etc.|||Howdy'do Brother! :cool:|||Seems about right, thanks for the link! Your personality type is: ENTP Preference Clarity Categories: (Slight, Moderate, Clear, Very Clear) Clear Extraversion: 17/21 Clear Intuition:...|||One of me being a clown and one selfie. Enjoy :wink: 441338 441346|||HOW TO ADD YOURSELF TO THE LIST: Please use Reply with Quote on the latest post with a table Remove the [ QUOTE ][/ QUOTE ] tags from the post so the next person can qupte the updated table ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ter0p_iyIxk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Nfg-WC7YY0|||Is three parties too much for you?|||Happiest ENTP Careers and why?|||Thank you for that, it was beautifully written and brought a tear to my eye...:laughing:|||I appreciate that. To what corporeal extent could you possibly conceptualise someone on this site though? Isn't that part of the beauty of it? That you can achieve a basic insight of a person from...|||If robots constantly have things to say that I find interesting enough, I would still be willing to listen. It's all about 'hitting the right spots' in a manner of speaking. I agree with what you...|||I saw it in the same light to be honest with you. Although there were parts open to interpretation, so I thought I would act on that and come out with something to say. I quite enjoy stirring the...|||Not being funny mate, but does one explicitly need an avatar or an about me section to express ideas and opinions? Surely you've just elevated yourself to a mental state of superiority by now having...|||If you would structure all of your writing and ideas in the exact same way as a very famous writer, maybe you should try writing. You might have a bit of a hidden talent ;)|||Good question. I would rather persuade someone else to do it for me though ;)|||Hi everyone, I'm the new kid. since this is a Cafe; I want you all to know that in my personal value system, Hazelnut lattes are pretty damn high. :) I suppose the only natural thing to say, is...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I am fooled by them all the time. They have an uncanny ability to hide all feeling to the point of conveying the opposite of what they feel...and i find this extremely offputting.|||To answer the question: No....IMO.|||Good plan, Susanna. I know exactly how you feel. i pick up everything...like a fly strip. and just a yukky. I just want to be simple and sane and in the company of someone who is also simple...|||I'm definately TOO intense. People feel me 15 miles away. It's not fun knowing I'm sticking out like a neon sign while all the while trying to be invisible. My emotions are so intense I have to...|||Hi Maddsmar, Thanks for the response. It's so nice to get a response. Most of the world does not respond, is irresponsive, ir-respons-able. I would focus on my strengths if i could locate...|||Lost in space as mentioned unless someone ropes my heart (not hard) by their simply connecting in an authentic way. Trite, fake, pushy.....are easily detectable and instant turn offs. Authentic, no...|||This sounds EXACTLY like the person who I have been attracted to ....who is constantly leading me to a certain point then WHAM>.....GONE.|||...............................................still thinking.............|||Not rude at all....realistic. I appreciate the feedback and help. I'll have to rid myself of the habit of falling for people who are not interested at all. My wiring is not in...|||Hi Red Riding Hood, I think it's totally INFJ to be a 'devout Catholic girl'. We are all 'devout' in our inner search and your is as valid as the rest. In fact, you're not getting caught in the...|||I also get dizzy...but I think, for me, it always seems to coincide with having too much salt or too little blood sugar.|||Mind Marauder is right on. It's being extremely sensitive to vibes on a feeling level.....not really a power so much as a curse in most cases. We (humans) are far more transparent then we care to...|||From what I've perceived, ISFP's are very pragmatic and sensible and in the moment. They are not into inner implications or scenarios, just really present to what is actual. A quality I...|||I can tell you that he is hurt. I would do that only because something wounded me (we INFJ's get deeply wounded over what might seem inconsequential to another type sometimes). In fact, it's so...|||Blamed for being the very opposite of what we are...because our facial expressions are so quietly plain...mistaken for aloof or even more ironic 'cold'....hahah...what a joke!!!|||Not always my favorite music but it is definately by and INFJ......me. Music page of reckless gents - MP3 music page on SoundClick Songs about being a hypersensitivefoolishdoomed lover. I...|||Hi reu, Someone to connect to....bingo. It's not as easy as I'd wish. I go on crying binges from loneliness...it wreaks havoc in my self absorbed soul. Thank you for making me feel less...|||Yes. Both you and dizzygirl are right. I'm content to play it slow as long as it has forward movement. She is dead set, it seems, against hanging out in any way with me. I don't want romance..i'll...|||YES. Your words I highlighted in blue hit the nail dead on. Only there's also the fact of being in a tired stale relationship and also, being excluded from others because of it...along with the...|||The BFD about being normal is that I wouldn't be CRUSHED by feelings, incapacitated, paralyzed....from feeling rejected or snubbed....(common occurance). normal folk are thicker and bounce back....|||I think I suffer hellishly because I am so narcissistic. I am self absorbed always feeling others and how they react to me...always worried I'm disliked or under appreciated. Makes me puke. I...|||It's your purse....it doesn't match those shoes....:crazy: Just kidding...i can't for the life of me give an intelligent answer as to why a male with at least half a brain and one eye would not lie...|||I'm wondering if there's any token, gift, gesture that 'works' for an ISFP woman. Probably stupid question as we're all a bit different in the details but i'm wondering if there's a nice...|||YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuckin saps that we are!:laughing: I mean it is beautiful but damn, my hearts desires are rarely met...and i'm soooooooo self centered because i'm soooooooo damn introverted...|||I thank you, sincerely, for your prayers. I seem to have lost faith also but God is good and will not let my stupidity ruin the big party...i hope. :dry:|||Hello and thanks for writing your honest feelings here. No need to BS as time is short in this place. You resent the implication? Are you that invested in the type to actually feel resentment?...|||Hello and thank you for your insight. I think you are missing the essence of my angst or i have not expressed it clearly. I don't like being INFJ because I am miserable. I am miserable because I...|||ster, I'll get the response to you as soon as i have my 15. gracias! w|||That's just what I mean...you say you wish more ppl would just understand you...i say THAT is the problem....why can't i just not give a blither what they think and go on enjoying life. WAY TOO...|||What I'm saying is that I don't think these finer sensitive qualities are actually good. They are out of balance and far too self indulgent IMO....i want to let go of myself and what I feel and just...|||yes, I try to adapt....it's one step up three back. I'm a social invalid. I hate it. i want to not give a hoot about what people feel or say. I want to feel EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. Thank...|||Not sure i agree that it's the 'me-est' part of 'me' but i guess i do hate myself most of the time as i see myself imprisoned in this personality that overwhelms and limits me TREMENDOUSLY. Why...|||Hello, I'm sorry that this will be a most unpopular thread but i have to say it. I hate being and INFJ....I hate it. I am most definately one and am sick and tired of being so damn useless,...|||I'm afraid my intense awkwardness has ruined the whole thing. SHe is most definately not interested. :bored: Thanks for all the insights anyway.|||ster, Make friends first is great advice. I'm trying. I'm afraid I scare the #$%& out of her though. She gives the impression that she's interested then WHAM...brushes me off like bird...|||Is this a recipe for doom or zoom?:shocked:|||Chelleblu, Thanks for the response. 'Concrete' is good to know. Straightforward is what i was sensing was scaring person away but it's more likely my apprehension coming through. Haha...I've no...|||Greetings, This is to ISFP women. :happy: I see you are VERY reserved with feelings (that's cool). I see you are VERY big on freedom and not being imposed on (that's cool). I see you are VERY...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'ISFP and I got *drumroll* Neutral Good! Who's surprised!?!|||You scored 59.167 out of 100 masculine points, 88.333 out of 100 feminine points, and 70 out of 100 androgynous (neutral) points. ISFP Biological sex: Male|||Yeah. I'd definitely recommend that, although I think everyone should see a therapist on a regular basis. Up-keeping mental health is extremely important for everyone. But it definitely sounds like...|||It's good to see you again! Tbh, I've only been online sporadically for the last year.|||Is there any particular reason for that? Something making you question it or making you confused about it? I find I spend enormous amounts of time deliberating about my self-identity and...|||He's a pretty stereotypical ISTP but in the best possible way. Yeah. Immense wisdom in what he says. But he got the idea from much older chinese wisdom and philosophy. Of course, that's not new:...|||And, since y'all are Fi-doms who probably do a lot of what I said in the above post already and ISFPs who are masters identity experimentation, here's a trick: Be Like Water. Supreme good is...|||Remaining calm is a huge value of mine. I find it morally meaningful to maintain calmness and show only gentleness, patience, and understanding towards others. So basically I focus on doing it...|||My little sister is an ESFJ and we used to get into screaming matchs when we were kids about philosophical and religious subjects. Nowadays there's very few people I admire as much and I'm pretty...|||Sharing emotional intimacy and physical intimacy are two of the most important things for me. But you asked for specifics so some specific ways to share emotional intimacy: Talk about whatever we've...|||See. I totally get where you're coming from. Especially considering how rare really well developed female characters are in fiction. But, on the other hand, I also just plain LOVE it whenever there...|||i have had one, but mostly because I was trying to be nice and provide a place to stay and the person thought it was more than that and then I felt guilty when they were disappointed... I can...|||Sorry, you do realize that all of those descriptions were intentionally bias, right? That I was pointing out a lot of the bias shit people say about us that isn't true? I'm not saying that I think...|||Yeeeaaaaah... a lot of that comes from people associating all qualities of the Fi-dom with INFP and mistaking a lot of them for Ne. There is very little different between ISFP and INFP. The majority...|||Basically, for you, as an INTJ, it shouldn't be hard at all. You actually don't have to adopt any sort of weird perspective or try to do anything unusual. We share the same internal functions as you...|||Angelo I'm finally listening to that playlist and it's kinda awesome. Totally different feel than the one I posted but I love it.|||Yeah, regions with lower quality of life and lower quality healthcare, i.e. less developed regions, have sky-rocketing populations. The result of being provided with higher quality healthcare and...|||Well, we've got condoms. And education about safe sex generally reduces rates of unintentional child birth. On top of that increasing peoples job opportunities and education, access to health care,...|||I was going to say that it wasn't that simple. That we're all dying, just slowly. Resources are stretched thin and getting thinner constantly. Our entire world economy is built on fossil fuels that...|||I'm surprised you know that (and impressed). Most people don't. But you're entirely right. It could. However, that's with the best technology we currently know how to produce being implemented...|||That's a really interesting statement. You find all of the different genders people talk about these days stupid? You know that gender and sexual orientation are different right? Are you saying that...|||Our internal world operates on somewhat long terms perspective paradigms that change every so often. Basically, this means that we'll be one way for somewhere between a couple of weeks to a couple of...|||Angelo I'm excited to give it a listen! I'll do it tomorrow at work!|||Well you certainly don't have to listen to it if you don't want to. I made it for myself and am sharing it because learning about myself via MBTI helped me discover certain aspects of myself that the...|||Librarylady is right. They're Fe-aux. Ni > Fe > Ti > Se. Of the Ni-dominant personalities INTJ uses Fi as their tertiary and INFJ uses Fe as their auxiliary. You can do a quick Google search for...|||Me to. I got so good at it that it became second nature and I emotionally isolated myself by habit from meaningful connection with other people. Although in the last eight years or so I've been...|||I've noticed a lot of other forums have music threads. We may, I don't know, I didn't look. = Anyways, I made myself a youtube playlist that speaks to my Fi (and sometimes Se and Ni in the context...|||24 That's freekily close...|||Socionics ISFp and MBTI ISFP aren't the same. 1: in socionics the P vs. J describes dominant function (P indicating a dominant perceiving function and J indicating a dominant judging function),...|||Something is making me feel like 31 is the right answer.|||As with most places, the INFP profile focuses on Fi and it's strengths, with notes about Ne creativity. And The ISFP profile amounts to Like the INFP, but Se instead of Ne. And I think you can...|||Well, besides the fact that manual and oral sex are more than sufficient for most adults to have sexual satisfaction, and indeed some adults prefer manual or oral sex, are you aware that anal...|||If I've got the emotional energy to I look for reasons to like them, things we have in common, ways I can relate with them. I try to understand them better. If they're intentionally mean to me then...|||As with all things, I think it depends on the individual. I've seen plenty of ESTPs who were kinda bullies, or just way to rough for me to be comfortable around. But I've also seen plenty of ESTPs...|||Weighing 150lbs or less, trimming my beard back to the one week mark, washing/combing my hair, a really nice pair of jeans, really soft sweaters, a nice leather jacket, running (particularly through...|||I was about to ask a question but I got distracted by your signature and how much I love it and now I can't remember. Anyways. I love that Jonathan Safran Foer quote.|||It's interesting. I've been thinking about the consistent thread of people saying it's hard for an ENFJ to have a conversation with an ISFP because we're S types and unlikely to talk about N-type...|||Interesting. You're saying it's Se without Ni to temper it. That makes sense from the perspective of an Ni-dom, where Se is sort of your rowdy child inferior function. But I'd actually say that it's...|||Correction, it's not Se. It's the Ni of an Se-dom.|||INFJ at first. Then INFP. Then INFJ. Then INTJ. Then INFJ. Then my INFJ best friend suggested ISFP and I looked it up, read a description, related deeply and intensely, and carefully re-analyzed my...|||I so need to hear your thought process that led to this question...|||Mocking disabled people is exclusive to bullies. No matter who you are or how consistently you bully or do not bully people, the moment you mock a disabled person you're being a bully. Mocking a...|||That's an interesting and important point. I think, maybe, there are three levels of personal(ish) stuff: 1) Stuff that really shouldn't qualify as on this list and I share freely or publicly 2)...|||Yeah, I do it bff style with women and then forget that we were ever friends shortly after. I don't find nearly as many men that are both a) interesting to do it with, and b) interested in doing it....|||Mantra, try to find another way / refuse to accept the scenario. But since that's not really answering the question or playing the morality question of weighing those two things against eachother: I...|||I'm an intimacy slut. Particularly online.|||ISFPs often like breaking social taboos and are extremely sensual people so, while we are often very private when it comes to sex, we also often really... umm... well... you get the picture. Anyways,...|||Learn to draw. Or paint. Any sort of artistic skill you can use to play with the aesthetics that periodically inspire you. Do it while you're young. Put in half an hour every day. On days that you...|||I'm going with yes.|||After many education and public relations/communication courses, as well as a lot of research into listening skills, and cognitive biases, just general therapy issues... Yeah. I do. Everyone does it...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Luck?...Hopelessly impossible to answer. Think of anything you regret doing, you regret it because of a change in perspective. This change is highly unpredictable. Very hard to please your future...|||Yeah i get that, not sure exactly what does it. Do you know of transaction analysis? im no expert by any means, but it's a theory that describes how people interact in terms of adult, child...|||Modern money transactions are so dissociated from the feelings that should be associated with them. When you get a paycheck, it comes printed by a computer, and transferred into an account, you never...|||I was pretty bitter, and was out of line, but i cant deny it felt good at the time. Could you explain why it't not Fi? I had preconceived feelings that i dont normally share, they are shared...|||Lol, oh protect your freedom! Don't let them have it! Protect your rights! uunnnnnhhhhhhhh... Presumably you have to pay taxes, obey licensing and regulations, can only vote for 1 of 4 parties at...|||Drummer INFP, in a band. I mostly drum as a hobby, like someone said earlier, its like dancing. I like just drumming along to random songs, or playing without much thought. There is no expression in...|||TOUGH QUESTION! I voted nay... not too sure though. I've clearly spent less time than you looking at this argument, but from my quick glance... I'd call myself a rational deontologist, so by the...|||Hmm, im satisfied now that we appear to be arguing about the definition of the word bigot. In the sense i care about talking about, the emotional reaction to challenging argument, im glad some...|||Thats just the thing, what you appear to be arguing against in this post is discrimination, a political/ethical/... view you clearly don't hold. But there is a tone of that animosity wikipedia...|||Wow i lit a fire! If you care to watch the video, bigotry has nothing... nothing to do with race, equality, religion or capitalism. It is an feeling you get when you have to deal with opposing...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=054Sp3kk9cA Provocative title! I am a bigot and it seems the natural position for someone Fi dominant. We have strong opinions. Sometimes after a lecture with...|||Civil engineering, will focus on structural engineering. I wont lie, some of it is horrible and i often wonder why i continue, but structural theory (newtonian mechanics taken too far) is like a...|||First, 2 consolations: you dont write like someone i would consider dumb, also IQ 100 (as far as im aware) is the definition of average. By that i mean IQ scores are adjusted such that the average of...|||Impossible to know relative to not being an infp... all other answers i hereby declare invalid :P. Not so much about being an infp, but discovering it... An introduction to cognitive functions has...|||I dont quite jiggle around, but sometimes i head-orgasm, whilst losing some control over my face (mostly smiling, not some weird contortions). Also as a drummer ill often go into some not natural...|||Ive done this with people in class who ive never met... Ive done this with people ive never even seen! let alone met! Ive fantasised whole people from just the noise the neighbours make, ive never...|||There are many politics threads in this forum. All of them attract zealots like me who have Fi attached to this. I always find them pretty ugly, i'm very defensive. Ill be in the extreme bottom right...|||When im walking down the street and see things, my Ne will make something in the moments after i see them... fine... then my face reacts to my thoughts and i could be expressing a completely...|||loll, no thats Spazz the rabbit would you believe, from a game called jazz jack rabbit, old platform game. This post wasnt really looking for help on how to not smell, now that im aware, i think i...|||20 yr old male student, lives in a ...hole, i can imagine ... IN HINDSIGHT ... i, that i might smell . But after this semester, when i came home everyone in my family told me that i smell......|||People thought the telegraph would change the world, would end all wars. I would put too much hope out on a prayer for just 1 year. I have never considered paying attention to the zeitgeist...|||If i were to explain mine, i know i would only want to change that explanation later... Similarly i have never adopted an imaginative username and stuck with it.|||nahnahnahnah nahnahnahnah BATMAN! I find it hard to identify with one song, maybe a song can epitomise a memory, mood or viewpoint of mine. I dont think i could ever pick a theme tune though......|||in response to the title, yes, i do feel the toilet is an integral part of my life|||I feared this thread would descend into debate, politics is almost the epitome of Fi after all. Luke if you are actually interested in my political philosophy pm me.|||No! What about the freeeeedoooom? I'm a libertarian. I think SenhorFrio 's prediction of mostly socially liberal is a good one, but im always surprised by social conservatism.|||Hah, no! being a non-conformist INFP is probably mainstream! i could never do that.|||Ive been playing a game recently, this -may- only apply to men, and its incredibly difficult. Normally in conversations between 2 men the man with the lower voice is considered the dominant one...|||Crying to this sort of thing is the most emasculating thing i could think of doing in public. Im glad im not alone, even when im crying alone.|||oh man... that annoying click sound... it ruined the whole thing for me... :P|||Become one|||Freedom. Call me cliche'.|||Razare You'd like venetian snares :P There's no reason not to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PBeKzVhWHY|||I certainly know the shame of a political U-turn, fortunately i have my age at the time to blame, i dont think i did any real harm on that account. I wonder if one day ill U-turn again, but you know...|||oh well id say half that literature is wrong half the time if theyre not following what i said, but thats because im stubborn. :D smith plural: smiths belonging to one smith: smith's belonging to...|||Boring reply. A, apostrophes denote ownership or missing letters. sorry for patronising (because im sure you already knew that >.< That's the manager's car. Im pretty sure someone will come...|||Id think it more nervous to submit to a group will that is not your own. We are members of groups, those groups can act collectively, but they cannot think collectively. Their acts are driven by...|||It seems most media effort is making men more feminine and women more masculine in terms of traditional roles. We could have an argument about what masculinity and femininity are, but im referring...|||Your grand scheme is your own. What makes your big picture ideals any more or less valid than the ideals of other people. Nothing. You necessarily view your ideals as right, but dont discount that...|||Im struggling with this sort of question too, but im not so depressed about it i dont think. What to do with my life? ive just come off 4 months of doing nothing about to go back to uni, so maybe...|||Internalizing and exploding, give me space and attempt understanding... only once ive cooled down, if you get it wrong when im angry you're not doing yourself any favours. I agree it doesnt happen...|||hmm, on re reading my previous post seems a little nihilistic. There are probably tons of people out there who have become successful entrepreneurs of their own lives, with happy memories and many...|||The profit motive is here to stay, people will always want something more valuable to them, otherwise it wouldn't be more valuable. I dont think long term profit really exists. If i start collecting...|||... you meddling kids... Scooby dooby doo!!|||i know, i was being dramatic in response to the flood of leftedness in this thread, thanks for the support though|||Economic Left/Right: 8.62 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.54 yeah thats right, right. i guess that pretty much makes me a nazi in your eyes doesn't it Leninternet. im happy on my own in my...|||Anarchy in the fullest extent of capitalism, the state inhibits free trade. If the state is emergent i'm a libertarian in the american use of the word: constitutionally limited minarchy. I come in...|||The slightly bemused/suppressing a smile look of your avatar is a suitable response to this wiseass answer ....... *trollface* i have nothing to contribute to this discussion except to share that i...|||Cool question, never really thought about it. Made me remember Peter's law: everyone gets promoted to their level of incompetence and its only people working up the ladder that do any work. I don't...|||A Moral principle to me is a criterion to gauge if something is immoral or not. I only have one that ive come across: dont force anyone to do anything. So if i want to gauge the morality of an...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Traveling is probably one of the activities where my INFP-ness most comes out and I feel dreamy and fascinated by everything. I think it's because everything feels so much more vivid when you're in a...|||Hmm, I'm not sure if I like tumblr anymore, but I do still use it regularly. I've been on it since 2010 (and it's changed a lot since then), and I kind of like that I still have a blog from so...|||I tend to have dreams where I am trying to get to something/somewhere, and spend most of the dream stressed out. Last night for example, I was for some strange reason in Kenya (I love Kenya so maybe...|||I've overlooked many sensible opportunities because I was not super passionate about them, hanging onto the faith that there is a specific and perfect place for me that I'll eventually find. But I...|||I'm Christian as well, and actually most Christians I know do believe you shouldn't date someone who isn't a Christian. It doesn't seem like a question of choosing religion over love for me though,...|||I fee like escaping to get lost in the woods, making friends with animals, and falling in love with someone who's different are exactly the sort of things I would have done if I'd been in Pocahontas'...|||LOL. I wear foundation almost every day because it's pretty hassle-free- literally takes me three minutes while driving into work. I have tried to wear more (like eyeliner or blush) because...|||I did back in high school for a few months but it didn't take long for me to realize that was a terrible decision. To be honest, I was just afraid to say no and I didn't want to hurt anyone's...|||At first glance, I find charisma very attractive, but only superficially. I don't tend to consider it of much more value than that, so I wouldn't say I'm captivated by it. However if someone like...|||Definitely a favorite of mine too. I've also always loved 1 Corinthians 1:28, For He chose the lowly things, and the despised things and the things that are not to nullify the things that are. :)|||I used to hate driving when I started because it made me really nervous. But as I've gotten used to it, I now enjoy the alone time to think. I turn the radio off often so I can just process stuff....|||Geometry for sure. It's intuitive for me in a way that algebra never was.|||That is a really interesting questionnaire, thanks for sharing. I got 21, and a lot of them were things Ix92d already associated with how sensitive I can be. That's the very reason I avoid watching the...|||I really like running outside, though it's been awhile since I did it. The gym can be nice too though, as long as I'm in a nice, not-crowded, women's only section (getting hit on at the gym just...|||I wouldn't change it either. I'm sure life would be easier if I was an ESXX or something but I like the way I look at the world. It's rare maybe, but it's necessary to have people who think...|||I am doing some volunteering in the morning and then going to a conference- nothing Valentine's Day related. I do look forward to getting free chocolate though. :) I don't really get sad about...|||I can't in any way justify killing 2 billion people just to save a few that are closest to me, but I'm trying to really look at this as if I had to make that decision and I know I wouldn't be able to...|||I met an INTJ awhile ago and we've gotten along great so far. He is very intuitive and direct, so it's easy to talk about things that really matter to us instead of floating in small talk. Honestly...|||Interesting. I'd always assumed that not having a hard time (usually) taking orders was an INFP-thing. If I respect someone, or if they are my boss or something like that, I never really feel...|||First let me just say I know how uncomfortable it can be to break out of something like this. It's very similar to what I'm going through right now. I've definitely gotten better at it over time, but...|||Quality time Physical touch Words of Affirmation Acts of service and Gifts were tied for last Quality time is pretty obvious. Maybe it's because I can be so quiet and avoid talking about...|||I definitely need to watch more movies. But a recent one I loved was the Help.|||The reason I don't like being seen as cute or fragile is because often when people say those things to me I feel that they are patronizing me, that they only see my relaxed, calm outside and...|||This is a very fascinating conversation. As an INFP I don't think I've ever struggled with understanding exactly what I am feeling in a moment, but I do have a difficult time expressing those...|||Haha you're right, in that case it can get tricky. Especially if it's a person you can tell is manipulating others but they're unaware of it. Then it's very difficult not to manipulate them right...|||Listening to other people share their stories and dreams. Having a deep conversation with someone. People-watching at a coffee shop. Reading a good book. Watching a good movie. Waking up from a vivid...|||You can sense people's insecurities and weaknesses when no one else can, but you try not to treat them any differently or use it against them. You feel incredibly affectionate towards some people...|||Honestly, I could not see myself being part of a religion that is simply a system of traditions. I am a Christian, but I almost recoil at the word religious. Not to sound weird, but to me...|||Honestly I haven't interacted with all of the personality types (not while being aware of it anyway) so I don't think I can do the question justice. But lately I've noticed spending time with NT...|||I don't think that birth order is much of a determining factor, but more the family environment. I could easily see a youngest child as an INFP because they spend a lot of time unobserved by their...|||Even as a teen when I would sometimes read those dating advice columns in girl magazines, I couldn't believe they put some of that stuff in there. It was like the art of manipulation to get a guy...|||I think my favorite way is for someone to just tell me. I always have the urge to tell people how much I appreciate them even if it's through a small note or text but I tend to back away because I'm...|||New to the conversation, but this is a great article. Thanks for sharing. I think this was my favorite line, If your ego is what assembles your personality and manages your identity, then your...|||One thing that helps me is getting around more disciplined people (my sister for example). You can't really getting away with staying distracted if you study/work/work out with someone like that.|||It makes it hard to get practical things done sometimes because my mind would rather endlessly think about things. Sensors seem to be more lighthearted when they are happy. I think it takes more for...|||I really like grocery shopping and book shopping because they're peaceful. I could never say the same about shopping for clothes though. Malls are usually overcrowded and I always get the feeling...|||1. What does your introspection involve? I get introspective about the way my mind works sometimes. About how my personality has helped me or hindered me from doing certain things, and how my...|||Yes, I am definitely sensitive. It's hard for me not to get my feelings hurt sometimes because I just want people to like me, and it really hurts me when they seem not to. But I am trying to work on...|||You're monopolizing the conversation. Don't you have a conscience? You're so easy to read.|||I wandered from home a little bit and started lurking in other type's forums and it's fascinating to see how differently the Fs and Ts respond to the same question. Take the ENFJs on how they show...|||I think what the OP said is so true. What people assume about the quieter ones says as much (I would say more) about them as it does about us. Things people have assumed about me vary so widely based...|||Guitar and photograph. I'm trying to slowly get into both but I'm impatient...|||You are as constant as the tide that comes in every night. As fickle as the rain that comes and goes without a word. You are the eye and the destruction of the hurricane. But I am caught...|||Pumpkin is one of my favorite smells. Also (if you are a vegetarian and/or animal rights activist don't read this!) the smell of leather- journals or boots, anything made of leather. (I'm sorry :( )...|||I think one of my top sources of frustration is that people often assume things about what I'm like and what I want simply because I do not go around advertising my wishes to everyone. Sometimes it...|||What do you tend to write about? Usually realistic fiction, with main characters around my age. I write fantasy almost as often though. I love stories that work as metaphors to a greater idea, or...|||It definitely depends. People that I've known for awhile are usually very easy for me to read, even if I'm not super close to them. But I'm still wary of assuming things because that's not really...|||When I see people who are usually really professional and well put together do something kind of dorky or awkward I find it adorable. It just makes me see that there is a real, flawed person under...|||My inner world is the peaceful place where all my ideals are met. People are kind to each other, everyone is intuitive enough to know that just because I am reserved doesn't mean I don't like them,...|||This. My favorite band (and one of the few I listen to) is the Fray because of the emotion in their songs. There's a lot of similar bands to them out there but I don't know, no one else has that...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'How should someone with low self esteem deal with an ENTJ? My ENTJ is getting tired of my lack of confidence and tells me its because I'm not applying myself efficiently. I'm trying to get my life...|||Whenever I see something on this forum I don't relate to or care for, I wonder if I mistyped myself. :s|||ISFPs can do anything they want...as long as they're invested in it. I think ISFPs have a hard time doing a job they don't care for. As far as the 3D stuff goes....I think modeling is probably...|||I never had issues with school...I came from a pretty good public school system. Then again, I was also so obsessed with how I'd look on a college application that it probably wouldn't have mattered...|||sometimes I do things without thinking of the consequences more.... also, my voice is very high pitched but that's a personal thing.|||Are we talking real, physical cheese or the sentimental corny kind? But yes, I do like eating cheese mmm.|||I took a real MBTI test once and I actually didn't find the questions all that different from the better online MBTI tests out there? (Then again, I don't remember the questions too well at the...|||Eating gummy bears....I tend to bite them into separate parts so I can frankenstien them into new tricolor bears. Yeah, I know... its gross to play with your food.|||Yes, its pretty involuntary too. :c I'd like to be able to pay attention to class instead of zoning out.... XD Most of my daydreams are about whatever is happening at the current moment and...|||I like pretty silly, somewhat innocent humor. I like sarcasm, but only when its done well. It can get pretty dumb if its a cheap shot... then they look like they're trying too hard. I don't...|||Yeah...especially if its a spur of the moment kind of thing, I am pretty intelligible. If its something I had awhile to think about, it might come out a little better but not much.|||Don't have a ton of experience but I'll try to answer... Kind of. I'm really horrible at replying to texts or emails...if its something that I can do later then...I'll probably do it later. ...|||Most ISFPs I know seem pretty healthy/happy to me...I dunno. What do you mean by healthy? Like free from psychological disorders or like just generally happy with their lives? Or is it not being...|||I can sympathize, my dorm is such an unholy mess. I usually end up cleaning it when I can't take it anymore (I have a pretty high tolerance for mess) or when someone sees it and comments on how...|||Not entirely sure if I get what you're saying... Are you talking about when someone says certain things that sounds accusatory? Like, Why haven't you done this yet?/What have you been doing all...|||Maybe it'd help if you filled out one of those questionnaires on the What's my type? forum? You're just listing a bunch of things about why you think you're an ISFP but you haven't really said...|||I don't like kids and don't trust myself to be responsible enough to take care of them. Animals are cute but I have the tendency to oversmother them....they tend not to like me.|||I don't really want to have anything to do with marriage right now. I'm still in college and I don't feel confident enough to make that kind of decision. That said, I do find the idea of weddings...|||Well, girls in general appreciate guys that are honest, confident and have a sense of humor. And maybe you're just really fun to talk to, I dunno? The pessimistic view is that they're not that...|||I just want to spend the rest of my life looking at puppies.|||Something along the lines of being a failure. It doesn't bother me too much if someone calls me mean...mostly because I feel like its some kind of misunderstanding and everything will be okay once...|||No because I like the way the body looks without any tattoos. But I'd consider it if I had some sort of ugly scar that I wanted to cover up.|||did I take too many advils (no) XD|||I'm okay I guess? I mean I work with computers a lot for my major but its more on the artistic side of things rather than technical. I know how to get about doing what I want, but if the software...|||When I do my laundry and find out I didn't check all my pockets. So many blown up mints, oh man. XD I dunno, I don't actually get mad at anything/anyone unless they have really, personally done...|||I'm definitely watching Tamako Market, that bird is hilarious. Well, anime generally isn't the highest quality animation so I can see why it comes out so quickly. XD Also, I imagine a lot...|||Do Oujia boards count?|||Only if its sincere. Sometimes I feel like people apologize because its good social protocol and not because they actually want to. I suggest you talk it over with your friend, it'll really show...|||I get stressed out pretty easily by school, but that's because I care a lot about it. If its like, the current state of my closet, then no I don't really give a crap. XD If its really bad, I'll...|||I prefer play-dough. I think its because I'd always lose my lego pieces and end up stepping on them later. :(|||I don't think there's anything wrong with childish hobbies. If you're an independent adult (by this I mean a job and own place to live), then they shouldn't give a crap about what you do with your...|||I didn't watch the video but I'd imagine a mean ISFP would look like some sort of unhealthy ISFP with an Fi gone terrifyingly wrong. Something along the lines of taking any kind of criticism really...|||I wouldn't really ignore them, but I'd try to avoid them if I have to. That said, I don't really dislike a lot people.|||I feel like this could get really complex since I don't think there is really any surefire way to calculate intelligence. But that isn't actually the topic, haha. XD Anyhow, yeah type doesn't cover...|||Haha, this getting too deep for me. I'm pretty sure I'm an ISFP soo I guess I don't relate to this as much... I don't believe everyone has to fit in MBTI categories, it just happens that I do. XD...|||Give him a neck massage, he'll love it. ;)|||I have the opposite problem... I don't feel different enough. XD (when I mean different I don't mean, for the sake of being different, but rather being talented enough to stand out from the crowd) ...|||I don't really think either would effect my respect from him because hey, its furniture. I guess it might affect my respect for his aesthetic taste in scenario A, if the furniture is particularly...|||974 The Gentle Spirit Looking at that article gave me a headache. XD|||No, I think its because I watched it a lot with my parents when I was really young. All the movie did for me was instill a fear of riding cruise ships. ;(|||Torchlight 1 because I'm cheap and don't want to buy Torchlight 2 just yet. ;o;|||I think Miyazaki peaked at Spirited Away. Howl and Ponyo are amazing to look at but have really weird/hard to understand storylines, even by Miyazaki standards. It's really frustrating since...|||The New Years show...which... I have no idea whats going on.|||You guys are so adorbs. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmcva2A4pQ1qafrh6.gif Happy new year everyone!! :)|||I enjoy it as an excuse to celebrate! Just enjoy the festivities! I don't really think too deeply about the whole starting anew thing because you can pretty much do that anytime in the year if you...|||Spent it pretty much alone, but got a lot of nice phone calls. Honestly I think its nicer than being in a room full of people screaming! :)|||Yeah, you really shouldn't be giving her boyfriend advice. It doesn't benefit you in any way and its better if she realizes sooner that he's an awful boyfriend. If he constantly needs advice about...|||When I have a crush I usually tend to like replay my every interaction with them in my head. It's really quite silly. :blushed: fretterfet Therese C When someone says friend crush I think of...|||Someone told me I'm an orange once. :0|||Watching the New Years Eve show, who is this Jenny McCarthy lady and why is she allowed on TV?!? Jeez she's annoying.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Here are some: Benny & Joon The breakfast club Scott Pilgrim vs the world What's eating Gilbert Grape Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Napoleon Dynamite Inception Alice in wonderland...|||Jeff Buckley Brandon Flowers (the killers) Daniel Johns (silverchair) Douglas Robb (hoobastank) Norah Jones Fran Healy (travis) :happy:|||Vincent Law (ergo proxy) Kenzo Tenma (monster) Also, I identify with Eren from SnK but not sure if he's an infp, same goes for Mirajane from fairy tail|||few more things to add: -she's kinda rebellious -likes to observe people and talks less -makes schedules but rarely ever follows through -leaves tasks unfinished -neither too idealistic nor too...|||yeah she could be a J btw She mostly likes collecting and experimenting with it but she's not into clothes and stuff...she also says she doesn't care too much about her appearance all the time,...|||why do u think so? she says she saw a video on youtube about ENFP vs ESFP and didn't identify with the ESFP description much, I also made her read a description, but still it doesn't click.|||My younger sister has taken many MBTI tests and always gets different results, even if taken the same test twice! :frustrating: Though I think she is an ENFP, neither she nor I am sure about...|||Anime: Roronoa Zoro Portgas D Ace Levi from 'shingeki no kyojin' L from 'death note' Vash the Stampede TV: Sam Winchester|||86815 Daniel Johns 86816 Gerard Way 86817 Jared Padalecki 86818|||I haven't watched a lot, only got into them this year and wondered why hadn't I before :P but out of the ones I've watched till now, I love: One Piece :D Trigun Cowboy Bebop Shingeki no kyojin...|||I personally think he's an ENFP, I believe he uses Ne and Fi a lot but I'm not sure :S (and I don't think he's an ISFP as I've written in the original post :P shouldn't have written that) anyhow...|||my first thought: oh this reminds me of that picture I once took :D|||Pakistani here :)|||welcome! nice intro :D|||welcome to the forum! :D|||welcome! :D|||Can anyone type Daniel Johns of Silverchair? I can't really put my finger on it, is he an ISFP, ENFP or what?! :confused: u200b|||Catcher in the Rye, Hunger Games, Nineteen Eighty-Four|||Music Artists The Killers My Chemical Romance Adam Lambert Keane Muse Songs 'Broken Open' by Adam Lambert 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by MCR|||Come into my eyes, and look at me through them, for I have chosen a home far beyond what eyes can see. -Rumi|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYgBoJRi9uk|||http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOa8_Dz_5-4&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOa8_Dz_5-4&feature=player_embedded|||INTP maybe? :S|||ENFP I think|||INTJ maybe? :S|||My mother tongue is Urdu =)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxTHluPNMt4|||Jeff Buckley - Grace http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3adFWKE9JE Ivy - Edge of the ocean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL3ZbNRH1Wc Ratatat - Loud pipes|||1.Tongue-tied - Aqualung 2.Smooth criminal - Alien ant farm 3.Read my mind - The Killers 4.Hot n cold - Katy Perry 5.Spiralling - Keane 6.Mad World - Adam Lambert (cover) 7.Good enough -...|||Katniss: ISTP Peeta: ENFP <3 Gale: ENTJ Finnick: ESFP I LOVE that book! <3 :D|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL3ZbNRH1Wc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd1cI5Lqv8E&feature=related|||ok yeah, she never goes against her values, that was stupid of me to say.......and anyway, who am I to judge anyone like that?! :||||im one hundred percent sure that Adam Lambert is an N, not an S type ....most probably ENFP...|||I loved him too =( and even though he wasn't given enough time, he did have a strong presence cuz of his character......I feel like I want to know more abt him...lol I know he's just a character...|||I hadn't gone thru all th three books when i made this thread, now tht i have i can see tht your guesses are pretty accurate....Thanks fr replying! =) (though I still don't think Cinna's INFP, but...|||Hmmm yeah I think Gale is an ENTJ......thanks! =)|||I'm not that good at guessing types but I'll try: Katniss: ISTJ Peeta: ISFP Gale: ENFJ Cinna: ENFP Finnick: ESFP|||Pakistan =)|||Is Bloo from Foster's home for imaginary friends an ENFP??|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WhplQTNbKo|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjP2EX1mLi8|||I don't post random stuff for the same reason! =)|||HAHAA YES!!! but i hate it when my statuses or comments are ignored :'( must get a reaction!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNftO3-_sxQ&feature=fvst http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phf0WWlfbF8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PchpXNm9tWo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlyctMzdsGw|||actually all of them are NFs X) ......THANKS for replying! =) 1.ENFP 2.INFP 3.INFJ 4.INFP|||Okay this is just for fun! :crazy: I know these people's personality types but I want you to make a guess at what they might be based on their sun,moon & rising signs. (they fit their astrological...|||And also if you Love this thread! :happy: Thank you GBer8721!|||You know you're an INFP when: Sometimes you're too careful & worry too much And other times you're too careless! You're interested in Psychology!:crazy: And also if you feel blessed that there...|||If Johnny Depp is one of your favorite actors :crazy:' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Sounds like you are in one sided relationships. They should equally be trying to sweep you off your feet. Cheating should never be allowed. It's not so much that it shouldn't be allowed, as it shows...|||I am 30 years old, so I've thought about it, more recently than in my 20's. I do try to have my life open to the possibility of. I recently bought a 3 bedroom house. I am in a pretty solid...|||I definitely get the depressive part. I have learned not drink when I'm pmsing or on my period. I'm already pretty emotional then and it doesn't help. And if I'm feeling down I don't drink. I pretty...|||Haha Probably a bit annoying.|||I think, if the person is a right fit, and the feeling is mutual it should be easy to get together. If it isn't easy, it probably is just not going to work out. You should both be making it easy to...|||Yes, I stress eat! I will eat after a stressful night (at the crisis unit). I'll buy burgers and milkshakes, and bacon cheddar fries. I also stress work out so it balances out. I'm tall and work out...|||Right now, my fantasy is to hike around Mount Rainier. 2017 lottery hopeful! I find out in April! It's a huge undertaking. I guess my fantasy life is to always be able to have the time and money, to...|||I'm a 6w5 INFP. It helped a lot to learn about that aspect of myself. I think it was just as important as learning that I was an INFP. What helps me regulate my anxiety is sports (like hiking or...|||I'm an INFP he's an INFJ Are you dating/married/living together? We are engaged and we live together. We just bought a beautiful house together. How long have you been together? Nearly 6...|||A lot of people apologize to me after saying a vulgar joke or not. I think I just appear like I am all manners, no personality, and no vices unless someone knows me super well. It's probably because...|||Mostly, solo hiking photography. https://500px.com/maryannlee|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5axbaGBVto|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7nekCeeRyg|||Put yourself in places where you'll meet like minded people. If you have certain hobbies go to gatherings with people who share the hobbies. You'll already have something to talk about. Plus, the...|||Life is pretty good right now. I got a loving, stable relationship. I just bought a dream home (remodeled 1940's) with arched doorways, and beautiful tile work. I have a dream job (working in mental...|||My fiance is an INFJ. We've been together for almost 6 years. I think we compliment each other so well. I always liked INFP men too. I think I've met less INFPS to be honest or maybe they are that...|||Thanks, for posting! I must say your comment on INFPs and INTJs getting a long because an INFP will take the time to get to know an INTJ, is so true. I think to some extent they are good at giving...|||I like silence. I find this hyper quiet state in power yoga when I'm super focused and when I'm hiking/walking. Usually, I seem to have to be moving to have that kind of silence. I've found it when...|||I am with a INFJ and very happy. We are buying a house right now and are engaged to get married. I have admired other INFJs as well. I feel a little more grounded with them. I have liked INFP...|||I guess one shadow is a wanderer/thru-hiker. I would be someone who doesn't want much to do with their family or friends, except if it's part of the journey and if I felt tied down, I'd just let go,...|||sigh...just another weekend at work. A deep scratch mark on my left hand and my right hand. Sore ribs, chest, and stomach, from being kicked multiple times. Oh, and attempted arm bites. They got my...|||Tired....so tired. So, much time working at the Crisis unit. Two 46 hour work weeks, back to back, and then driving to Thanksgiving. Then working 72 hours. The holidays and supermoon have been tough!|||I think if inspired, then I like cleaning. Right now, I am living in a basement/mother in law apartment and am totally uninspired. I was really good at cleaning, but the closer we get to getting a...|||I guess white-knuckle means doing something that causes excitement or tension. I think it's used when you're talking about a plane taking a nose dive and correcting it, and the white-knuckle part is...|||I am working as a mental health therapy technician and love it. I work in like a mini mental hospital (group home) and in intensive crisis situations. I wish I could elaborate but some of it's like...|||I love this TV show. I used to watch the episodes that were on youtube late at night in bed. Lol yes sometimes I fall asleep to this kind of stuff. This is probably my most favorite TV show involving...|||Do what you love and are passionate about. :)|||The next hike/climb I have my sights on. Time to buy some crampons, an ice ax, and learn self arrest skills. I'm already watching videos on self arrest skills. My sister climbed Mount Rainier so...|||I am trying really hard to not have a crush on my coworker. It's hard because I just like their energy and I'm trying to be their friend but must say I just like being around them. It couldn't have...|||I saw a murmuration of starlings today. That was beautiful. I was folding laundry and realized I needed to get outside and experience it before they were gone. I'm happy I did. Just mesmerizing.|||I need my time away from others to process my hurt feelings. Living in a house with thin walls and a big family (10 kids) made it hard to do this. As a kid when I lived in the city I climbed a maple...|||I feel like hiking. I miss night hiking.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1tAYmMjLdY|||596266 I'm tired. Enjoyed a good hike, today. I feel like a smoke, big time. This was a good hike today with my friend and her fiance's dog (pictured above). I'm stressed out about interviewing...|||Plan ahead. Use Uber. Or get an experienced stoner to be the designated driver. I've always dated guys that don't drink and smoke their regular amount of weed that they always smoke and are just fine...|||I hate talking on the phone. I'd rather be on a walk and talk.|||I love Twilight. I think my favorite are the first two movies. I love the music and the scenery. I am an INFP that loves, love stories. It's the good things in life. I was older when I first watched...|||It's legal where I live and legal in the last state I lived in. I am a government employee and the program I am in relies on federal funding so anything the state says, doesn't matter. I even went to...|||Thoughts on type 6 and 6wX INFPs plus life for us? I think it helped for me to be aware that I was an INFP type 6. Learning about my personality type probably saved me from being on medications and...|||Confidence is being comfortable in your own skin. It's okay to be an introvert and be confident, you don't have to fake it. I think it gets hard for me as an INFP in terms of wanting to have...|||I agree. The more money into mental health the better. I worry that the new healthcare laws and distribution of such funds have affected the money that should be going to the disabled, medically...|||Working at the crisis unit tonight. Darn Hipaa if only I could vent!! :)|||haha ENTJ. I have dated/lived with an INTJ and heck maybe it would have been better if he was socially aware. My INTJ sometimes acted like a homeless person, he was that erratic/unaware. I mean, he...|||1. Drive-ins! There are still a few left, but the one I grew up with shut down. I miss the old super long swings at the drive-ins, sneaking in extra kids, to get a better deal, and always falling...|||Oh, I'm sorry. Not what we expect from an intuitive feeler but can happen. I am an INFP but have developed a strong J side. I still feel flexible on the rules because I think they are subject to...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxmUAhmTErE|||A recent magical rainy day I experienced was in the wilderness with some mountain goats on a ridge top on my hike into an alpine lake. They were coming down the ridge top because of an impending...|||It was the first job I didn't walk out on. lol I was quitting and getting jobs like crazy until I started caregiving/C.N.A. work. Did that for years, then care management, and now I'm a mental health...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts7FQaVULRs|||Yeah, I am definitely a romantic. I also like stability and am not a fan of the dating world or what it has become for so many people. I definitely, like to be deeply in love (who doesn't want to... |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Alright how about this one. It might be small! But it smells like a big one :P|||Masturbation is great... until you realize you are just fuckin' yourself.|||Thats a scary invitation! Hmm alright I'll oblige. Do you want to have good sex? No Oh good! Come to my place then!|||The Person Above|||Is it sexy?|||I put the STD in stud, all I need is U.|||Sometimes I wear a fur jockstrap. Sometimes I kiss feet. Sometimes I dance on a stripper pole.|||TypO|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gaid72fqzNE Cheer up!|||All these single INFJ's in one place! Jackpot!|||I tend to get along just fine with INTP's. Although sometimes I drive them a little crazy or push them out of their comfort zone. Generally I get along well enough for a bimonthly quiet dinner...|||Odd you don't an appreciation for clever and insightful linguistics. To each his own I guess. Perhaps you prefer family guy fart jokes :P|||Nonsense! this is our theme song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yqGSwE7uNk|||Hmm well this now explains why I was asked to introduce myself, I thought I was the ENTP Sexuality page... Must have clicked to the next thread on accident. Was waiting for people to get kinky!|||Oh I don't doubt I am an ENTP, I just don't believe you should let your type define who you are. My whole family has been typed, the people I date etc. I just don't think one should think just...|||Oh I used to just read articles going on a few years now. About a year or two ago I joined just to reply to a post that really pissed me off. I have read a lot of Carl Yung and find the study of...|||There is your intro, you happy now bromigo?|||I am too lazy to copy the questions so I shall just type my answers. 1. 24 2. USA 3rd gen (German/Polish) 3. From crazy wild get togethers to locking myself in my room for hours. 4. Trust...|||Exactly, make the illusion a reality.|||Hmm I like dating the Intuitives more, for instance when I enter and I am dating a sensor she always asks, is it in yet? I can't feel anything. The perk about dating an intuitive is she can just...|||I personally prefer INFJ's, they are entertaining and if you give them time can even give you a run for your money in a debate. (as long as they have loosened up a bit and are comfortable) Plus it's...|||@ ENTJ's and INTP's. Normally in the what I have observed the ENTJ pushes the INTP too hard annoying the poor turtle and the INTP frustrates the ENTJ with their placid nature. I am sure it differs...|||Psh, I was just having an entertaining read and then skipped ahead to a very depressing ending! It took all the motivation to write something away from me :( Personally I have only had success with...|||I started reading from page one, skipped to page 23. It went from interesting and sexy talk to cleaning? WTF! Lets get back to the sexy talk!|||If you wanna play ad Tribagasm|||ENTP D4 Mid/top. My favorite role is mid, but when I was getting close to master last season I wasn't able to compete with the other high elo mid laners in part do to the fact I play champs that...|||I think I'd give up my T, at least I'd still be dominant Ne|||haha it was just funny, I don't give a fuck though :P I hate clothes anyway.|||After months of absence and I return to see johnnyyukon still posting topless pics :P Things don't change much here hahaha|||Observer Nice penis|||If the answer is yes as I would guess, I shall confirm that you are an INFJ.|||I think INFJs are allowed to hate stupid people as well :P Hmm I shall administer a simple test, have you ever imagined yourself riding a Unicorn?|||It really depends on my mood, If I am drunk you probably can go for it. Otherwise if you aren't dating me its goina make me really uncomfortable. I can't really hug family, the last time I hugged...|||PillowtopMermaid Well you caught me :P I've been guilty of dating INFJ's almost exclusively so I have a little experience with them! hmm I like that hobby, sounds much better than sneaking onto PC...|||It was a blast ;) I loved it haha, she had a free pass to sleep with women as long as they were disease free. I had to move away for work, life happens!|||Sometimes I forget who I am, and who I act like I am. I don't usually introduce friends to other friends as I seem to have a persona for each group. I sometimes wonder if I am a sociopath, then...|||My ESTP ex was so efficient she could do two people at the same time :D|||Now I have a weird image of an INFJ and INFP dating and I just imagine two people hugging for an incredible long time in the comfort of their home.|||I will admit I barely read anything, but pillow top mermaid sounds like an infj name, plus you got those weird anime porn guys in your pic! You type too nice to be an intj imho! The fact you seem...|||Haha, Um I recommend hanging out with the ESTP's they are the only ones who can keep me in shape and photogenic! For that pic I recommend a double shot of vodka, take off some clothes then...|||I challenge you to a needle fight :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::flushed::scream::smiling_imp::imp:|||*Gasps* Bookmarks link to share with all my ENTP friends. I can make a fortune selling this link to find the elusive INFJ's|||Which I thoroughly enjoyed :D I was tempted to send you a picture of my bedroom when you asked for bedroom pics, sadly I wasn't at home at the time ;)|||Oh I am not Holy I got sin stick and a hell hole like the rest of the male population! But we can't choose what we are attracted to, right?|||What about latex???|||You are right, though there are not very many gay entps, but there are a lot of bisexual entps. Particularily the women. We go to strip clubs and have a blast! I personally am not, but with a...|||Hehe I have never Taken it before, but I imagine I wouldn't be the worst straight lay out there :P|||Yes! Apparently ISTP's do not live on treadmills and eat dumbbells which was a disappointment! We are actually forming a Skype group for people who need a little more human interaction! If you are...|||I thought ISTP's lived at the gym>>?? And hello all I am a lost ENTP who invaded this form to see what types are lonely!|||Why does my Sin stick point at things that I like?' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Wow, can't believe this thread is still alive! Don't you guys have anything else to talk about? :) Anyway, yeah it was super great. My final choice: I had to think about it for several...|||LiS2? Well f-word yeah! :D I hope it will be with different characters though and in a different town. Not that I didn't love the characters or the setting for this one, I really did, but I feel like...|||Cool! I will check them out! Glad you liked it too :)|||Yupp, that's it.|||Yes, people who are very concerned about portraying a certain image and who can sense that you are a kind of person who sees through that. But fortunately I don't meet too many of them.|||Well yeah I hear what you're saying and it's fair criticism in a way. But I think you need to keep in mind that it would be impossible to make a game where the story truly tangents off in a...|||Yes! You should totally play it for yourself! It feels super INFJ-ish in lots of ways, just the mood, the scenery, the story, and the protagonist has a pretty INFJ-ish personality, which I think is...|||I just finished playing a game called Life is strange, and it really blew me away. I'm trying to contain my excitement and keep my cool, but honestly, IT WAS AMAZING OMG OMG OMG :) Seriously!...|||I loved this! Thank you so much for it! For me, it is absolutely dead-on in basically every regard. I especially loved the part about how INFJ relationships are pretty much doomed from the start...|||I've been sitting here for about 15 minutes now thinking about how to say this and I can't think of a really good way, so here it is rather bluntly: Desperation comes from want, so what I'd do is to...|||So I didn't completely read all of this through, but I saw some things about INFJs not being able to be alpha males and I just have to say that I completely disagree with that. Yes, INFJ males will...|||I think you already know the answer to this one, maybe it's just not what you want it to be?I think you need to open up a bit, dare to show a little love and vulnerability to people around you. If...|||Guys, this is the most depressing thread I've read in a long while.... :) The only advice I can give is to ask yourselves if you feel free. I've mentioned this before on this forum, but the only...|||Hell yes and hell no! I had a very hard time believing someone could love me all through my childhood/adolescence, because I didn't love myself.Today, I can't really see how any woman who's even...|||Just ask him straight out what's going on and how he feels. In my experience it's the only way to really know. Trying to read 'signs' can be totally misleading, because you never know what's true and...|||I was going to write something about how we're not really that hard to identify, but then I thought about it and kind of changed my mind :) Ni is probably easy enough. I think the best giveaway...|||I've never really felt any 'calling' to a particlar job either. Maybe some people do, but I think that for a lot of people it's not that simple. Personally I like to do a little bit of this and a...|||Well, this is going to seem really bleak compared to all the awesome advice and stories in this thread, but I just wanted to say that I've found out that the times that I feel depressed is basically...|||I'd say definitely no, and I'm amazed by the amount of people who do think it is something changeable. The type you TEST as can of course vary wildly.Everything I've read so far about Jungs work and...|||The writing thing. Everyone keeps saying that all INFJs love to write, well I don't, I kind of hate it. I'm not too bad at it, but it's not something I enjoy.|||I'm not sure where to begin here... ah fuck it I'll just make a bullet list, I like lists :) * Someone once said (can't remember who) with much contentment: I've made some FINE mistakes in my...|||@JaySH Yeah what I meant is that sex CAN be symbolic, but casual sex isn't (for me). Although I think for lots of people casual sex IS symbolic in the way that it provides them with external...|||Sex is just sex. I don't have a problem at all with casual sex, but I'm not interested in it myself. Rubbing genitals is simply not very interesting. The only thing which makes sex exciting is...|||Wow, did I touch upon some sort of taboo here?|||Just out of curiosity, which function would say is your least developed one? For me, it's probably Si.|||I'm not really getting anything out of enneagram either. My tests always comes up with an equal number of points in like 5 different types. Anyhow, I don't think that enneagram would really give...|||I agree with a lot of the lists here, I'd just like to add this: Another Earth|||I can relate. I think I used to be praise-junkie as you call it in a way as well, and I used to care A LOT about what other people thought. But you can grow out of it, and you're on the right path...|||Yes you are good enough, but us telling you so doesn't really help you. You need to work on this until you yourself know you are good enough, even if other people for some reason should tell you the...|||Wow, great stuff, thanks everyone! @Gettingacrossthebridge, unfortunately I don't remember where I read it, I just seem to recall reading it in at least one description (and wondering what was...|||Thanks for replying adverseaffects, I see what you're saying, but I've just never heard anyone refer to a quiet (but opinionated) person as being intense...|||So I have a pretty simple question, I hope. I've seen in some descriptions of INFJs that we may come off as intense, I'm having some trouble actually understanding what is meant by that though....|||Are we talking about bullies as in school here? Been a while since I was in school... and I have grown enormously since then, but trying to think back, I think the feeling I had mostly was just being...|||No you're not god damnit. A pushover by nature that is. Stop telling yourself that, it's not true, nobody is weak by nature. If you feel that way then all that means is that you have some growing to...|||I was just making a stupid pun out of lemondropg's post, no harm intended! :) Everyone is always so damn dead-serious on these forums, but it's okay, I like you guys anyway :)|||First let me apologize for posting here since I'm not female, but I think this applies to males as well. What I'm thinking of this at the moment is that I'd actually love to be everyone's good...|||I don't know, the start of the thread was promising, but then it all became a lot of bla bla without any action. The plot was easy enough to follow, but the characters was kind of dull and...|||Well, this will be a shamelessly self-promoting post, but fuck it, if it helps any of you then it doesn't really matter what you think of me. I'm not in leadership position at my work, yet...|||* Follow the uneasy feeling, it's a sign that something's not 'right'. You're not happy about something in yourself, you'll feel like drowning it out by watching TV or playing video games or doing...|||I have nothing to say really, I just want to give you a figurative pat on the back, say 'well done' and wish you luck on your journey.|||To be honest I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. I don't know enough about the jungian functions to really have an opinion. It's just that when I'm in that extroverted mood the resemblance...|||I wonder if it's really Fe though, or more Se/Ti, because I always feel like I become very much like my ESTP brother when I'm in that mode, and in a way perhaps even more extreme in that way than he...|||Yes. I know exactly what you're talking about and it's exhausting. At the same time I love doing it and wouldn't want to stop, but I may have to learn to step it down a bit somehow.|||This may not be useful to anyone else, but a few things I would have told my child-self: * Learn to accept and love everything you are, without reservations. * Everything is about balance; an...|||Hello INFJs, I just wanted to say that I had a profound realization today - of something which I used to know but forgot about - it is that INFJs are awesome. No really, I mean AWESOME. You are all...|||Hi Daithi, I just have to say that your topic title cracked me up - did my environment while growing up discourage my strengths? Haha - that's the understatement of the day! :) Back on topic...|||Definitely Fe-INFJ, while still being a heavily introverted person... oh the internal conflicts... oh woe is me, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda (getting sick of the self-pity lately)|||I just want to say that I think I know what you mean by this. I have also heard of the 'shield'-based approaches and like you I don't think it feels right for me. It's like you say - it seems that it...|||When the forum you frequent has threads about happy things with puppies and rainbows right next to the equally popular thread about suicide.|||I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I find that the times that I go 'dark' is when I've been pushed too far. Not so often because someone has insulted me (I think I have learned to handle various...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Sorry for the late answer...I'm very busy. The wing means that my enneagram is mixed between two types. I say that Enneatypes are like types of energy and I think this explain well the point. Let's...|||How can I help my INFJ hun when he falls in a loop? Sometimes, in the most inconvenient moments (like while we are making out), he start asking me questions about about...well, random things...|||Personally, I disagree, and I am ok in typing him as an INFJ. Here's why: What's the first thing about Rasputin? He is a mystic. People read his speeches and feels that this man has got a plan,...|||Hi guys. I strongly need help: my INFJ hun had been sexually harassed (and even raped, even if I'm not sure about it) for years by bullies. Things had stopped from not more than two days when we...|||Actually? Yes...if it's worthy. I put a facade of being straight whit my parents, because discussing and trying to make them understand me is worthless. I put a facade in front of my mate's...|||I've never cared too much about my own happiness, I must say: I've always sacrificed my own need to the others. If my boyfriend would tell me that he loves another guy...I'd be more tendent to kill...|||Me: ENFJ 2w3 (215) so/sx Dad: ESTJ 9w8 (936) sp/so Mum: ISTJ (in loop) 8w7 (836) sp/sx Still wondering if I'm adopted, my sister is an ENTJ 3w4 (378) sx/so XD|||Everything is Ok. I've nothing against you. Against my sister a lot, but against you nothing :3|||Yeah, I think ESTP is good for you too: Se is basically you: you're apparent and charming. Se is basically like a big firework. Apparence, looking good, being present. For more, I excluded an high...|||I'm an ENFJ 2w3 and mated with an INFJ 2w1. And I basically say that the only thing I miss is that I sometimes feel he is too secretive, too trying to show me something he is not just for get my...|||Ne is getting excited by plurimous sources, an extreme curiosity from what is different. For more, you watch old things, but only for fun. Higher Si would still do it, but more compulsively. For...|||Hmm....I can yet feel some Ne-Fi...but I may be wrong... tell me, sweetie: do you like about being different from the others? Are you sometimes selfish? And, If I can tell, you really look...|||Actually, spitting on functions is something very stupid to do, because for how much unhealthy examples you know, you will always find at least ten more healthy examples. My last ex was an INFP. He...|||Hnmmm, something very odd must have come on his way: normally we LOVE to talk. I suggest to respect her silence. There are things that ENFJ's HATE to talk about, because they think other people will...|||I was thinking about the pure disney Characters. I mean: Mickey Mouse, Minnie... I've reached some points, especially on the furious five (Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy), and some...|||I talked to him and he wants only me. He loves me. It seems to be that he percieves my love for you and he loves me...but he thinks that being in an open relationship will be more popular. For...|||My mate wants to be in an open couple, because he thinks that doing this way he will be popular. That's since some popular guys in the furry fandom are in open couples. Little problem: I won't. I...|||Cut everything, I've wrong! I've always been an ENFJ, since childewood. Only I made two terrible mistakes: first of all, I've ignored that functions develop thorough the whole life. So I tried to...|||My brother in law is an ISFJ and he's in relationship with my INFJ brother. They get on wonderfully and I feel ok with both. Oddly enough, after I've talked with one I need to talk with the other....|||Simply I can't access to it so much since I've got some hot contacts on it. I'll make a new account that I can use more often :3|||I have problem using skype in this days...|||Hi, my friends. I've got a big mess with my ENTJ sister. She's very very blunt. She treats me as an idiot and she is always insulting me. She also insults my parents but she is ready to lick...|||Except for diapers, I will. I just can't get excited to have sex with a guy with a diaper. It's my faul...but I could try to change my mind. I may try to force myself in it.|||Hello there :3 my hun has been victim of sexual harassment. Very hard, as I know. He is afraid of being abused, let's tell the tale. That's right. He just...well...come up with odd things. he...|||You got the point, pal :3|||Generally, ENFJs ask just for recognition and praise. All we want is to just have our sacrifices rewarded. That's something everyone with Fe want: feel that other people like what you do and don't...|||I am a poet. I adore poems. Here's a poem I wrote for my mate: I'm here with my poor treasure with billions nobler billions richer billions better. Oh, how I'd wish to be the one your sweet...|||Can I not censure swearing now? Thanks. BTW, forgive my very proud appearence: I feel insulted. Fe is something more fucking comples that just picking up a gutless smile. It's smell the emotional...|||(merry Xmas, btw) You are more interested into verify possibilities around one single thing or to know the much you can?|||Well, it sounds me very Ne-Ti. So INTP or ENTP...|||You have said a interesting quest. First of all: what stimuli most excite you? Extroverted are more reactive to external stimuli, Introverted are more reactive to internal stimul. Example: my...|||ENFJ male on the way XD So, hun, you situation is very odd, but I can quietly say that he has perceived it. rarely ENFJ can't understand situations. They may mess up trying to solve them, but that's...|||Thanks for substaining me. Well, I've nothing to say: my conception of the single functions is totally different by yours. So I absolutely dunno how to express what I see different from you... on...|||I'm sorry i've not specified it enough. Sorry, I'm in a bad moment... Si is valuing thing in our personal vision, right? I thought it was clear since I've said that my parents are very...|||Welcome little flower :3 My mate is also an INFJ. I just ADORE INFJ's, they are amazing! *growls and rolls on his back* cuddle if you want, I'm half cat ^^|||I was thinking about Si and I remembered that, if I don't have it now, I had in the past. I mean, when I was a 12 yo. In fact, I loved to read, and basically read everything. I had surely higher...|||*hugs* You can also send me messages, I'm online :3|||Sorry hun. I'm at the eight mate so I know what do you mean. Personally, I've never had a problem with it. I've always put politeness and respect before my pain. Even with my first break up, I had a...|||It depends of what you mean. If you say that a natural ESTJ can become an ENFJ if his parents are (let's say) ISFJ and ENTJ...no. I'm a son of an ISTJ and an ESTJ. I'm an ENFJ, obviously. Now:...|||I actually dunno. I can say that's because we are able to just feel the mood of people and so get linked to them. I can easily get in touch with strangers and people are seduced by me. The odd is...|||Wrong. I've got an ISFP friend but she blamed my ex, who was equally ISFP. My mum is an ISTJ but approves my Science's professor Ruthless...and he is an ESFP. Or an ENTJ, but not at all an ISTJ. I...|||I've suggest a type for you. What do you think?|||Thanks for clarifying the whole group position, my friend.|||Actually I'm a FJ but I can take my own responsabilities. Just to say.|||Thats a wonderful analisis. Even thought my own way of see the things is different, I find this view very logic and interesting.|||That's true, it wouldn't be happy. Still we talk about one single error. ONE. Mediocre, forgive if I don't understand the true significance, means someone who is always doing big errors. That's what...|||Well, but he wouldn't have fired you, called you mediocre or similiar. My boss never complained that half of my group didn't continued. In fact, I am the only one who finished it. She never...|||Strong disagreement: my supervisor at my summer stage was an ENTP. She wasn't so focused about productivity. She was very laid back on my ideas and very euforic when I solved problems. She was...|||Ehm...you're both wrong: actually intuition is less concerned about details, if we don't speak about contestualization. And his analisis about differences between INFJ and ESTJ is ultimately true. ...|||Look, milady: I actually have an ESTJ dad and have had an ESTJ latin teacher. That's a big misfortune...because ESTJ has got not other solution that do as they want. Or, if you are a bit of a...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'youtube.com cracked.com dorkly.com My Little Brony Transformice.com Explosm.net - Home of Cyanide & Happiness|||This reminds me of the time the news blew up with LEIK ZOMG THIS WOMAN PAINTED HER KID'S TOENAILS PINK ZOMFG ZOMFG!!!!11 J.Crew ad controversy: Jennifer Lopez paints her son's toenails; 'Today'...|||Mark me as an IN?J.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm2XC7YmygE|||Dashwood said it perfectly.|||I already told him to shut the **** up, I told him I was gonna stab his eyes out with a pen, I threatened drawing a penis on his face while he was asleep for school, I ignored him. His response is...|||*she... 8 9 10|||I love my bro, I really do, but his vocabulary seems to be made of only three words lately: gay, derp, and pedobear. I am so tired of minding my own business and him coming up behind me and...|||*shudder* Here, my solution is to poison his coffee with laxatives. Or murder him. Whichever.|||79. insist something is wrong with anyone is isn't smiling like a maniac|||*Looks at your avatar* :dry: anyway though great list. Maybe I'll add some.|||Yep...only two non-family members are gifted with chocolate in my life.|||Food is my friend. You know I care about someone when I share chocolate or the likes.|||Another one: Aw, now that's just B.S.! Cause I'm not allowed to say bullshit ya know :D|||Forget I even entered this thread, then.|||*facepalm* right. Did I ask for a definition of sci-fi and fantasy? Um. No.|||I'm so confused!|||*sigh* It's TV. Does it have to be realistic?|||*slaps* Your attitude is pissing me off! - Exploding Messenger Robo|||Part of it is that the internet is faceless, and we have more power to say bitter and angry things at people who set us off at the moment.|||But my shit doesn't smell because I am healthy. :unsure:|||*pokes with stick* you're not real, are you?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4DUupQ4ldA&list=FLljVhvCTCVWE&index=1|||I dig the INTJ's. Yummy. But of course, ANY personality types can work it out, I'm sure.|||I daydream 24/7. When it comes to music I am all over the place, depending on my mood; it's either country, rock/hard rock, pop rock, techno, emo, jazz, rap. Pretty much anything, really|||I must be too dumb to figure this stupid thing out. WTF.|||Alphas is great.|||This is the best I've got, on my third or fourth try. Question to discuss: Sonic or Mario? Stranger 1: mario is a faggot Stranger 1: sonic by default|||Yes so what are you obsessing over lately? I just realized how obsessed I am with my favorite game series. I sometimes hate myself for it. Hehehe. Muwahahahaaa. MUWAHAHAHAAAAA. Oh. Sorry. :confused:|||I'm counting down the days till school. Also trying to finish Sonic Heroes.|||Ditto. But instead of tennis shows I like flip-flops. Hehe.|||You know it's funny, recently I was asked if I could live anyway I wanted, beyond the reason of reality, where I'd go and how I'd live. I'd live just like my favorite video game character, thinking...|||Cyan or purple.|||:unsure: *sneak sneak sneak*|||Why are you trying to fix someone who's not broken? Would you like it if she tried to fix you? There's nothing wrong with her and it bugs me that you're trying to push her into something she's not....|||I'm... just a human. Trying to survive in a fucked up world and trying to ease others' pain if I can.|||Dude I was SO just playing Chrono Trigger a sec ago...goddamn bits keep replacing the main Lavos core though T_T And did somebody mention cookies?|||Why won't this thread die? T_T|||INFP's are cute but I like people who can make a plan and stick to it...none of the INFP's I've known can do that and it drives me [fucking] crazy.|||Could you guys stop thinking that ALL INFJ's are offended at the drop of a hat?|||^THAT. Yes. You're over thinking this. Just approach her CAUSALLY and try to strike up a conversation. But don't push too hard or you'll freak her out.|||What is this I don't even|||It irritates me when people make broad statements that don't apply to everyone, and state it as a fact.|||the Mother series the Donkey Kong Country series Chrono Trigger Portal 1 & 2 Minecraft Sonic the Hedgehog series, most notably the original Sega Genesis ones.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZzOhp5fYGA&feature=related|||Trust me church is not like that at all. Maybe a home church, MAYBE, but definitely not the mainstream ones. Lol, I remember one home church turned out to be, uhh, rather creepy/terrifying. :unsure:...|||Yes that is one thing with me, I score either INFJ or INTJ, depending on how angry or upset I am with people, LOL.|||Ditto. Just thinking about them makes me rather ill.|||You forgot, the INTJ's did it to.|||Let's not spam the thread now :tongue:' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'INTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7h9X2l9lF0|||ISFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_cikTgwMXY|||Vocals: Eddie Vedder ($7) Guitars: J Mascis ($6), Thurston Moore ($7) Bass: Mike Watt ($4) Drums: Dave Grohl ($10) I'd imagine they'd sound kinda similar to Mike Watt's first solo album,...|||0+2=1 Race that to the finish line in a dead run Life is short and love is fleeing Before these masks halos with snakes Hissing like rain on the pavement The blind are deafened And the lame are...|||INFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4oQECb6Viw|||Shia LaBeouf|||ISFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ssoBUb2cJk|||Tears make the best lube.|||Babies give the best head.|||6. He gets a hard on when you're diddling him up the butt.||| // // // // //|||They can't read this thread, so who could possibly get offended? :cool:|||Larry the Cable Guy rules!|||girl girl|||INFJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbhc9GhHjZ4|||The way my brother sometimes gets annoyed from me talking too much and my mom gets annoyed from me not talking enough.|||Cringe because the Internet has swiftly redefined it to how dare people enjoy something I don't.|||taters|||An INTP with a friend? I suppose there's a first time for everything.|||Bumping this because of a song I just thought about for the first time in years and has been stuck in my head for a while now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m0bI82Rz_k|||Yeah, Unknown sounds about right.|||People I know finding my post history here because I have admitted some pretty embarrassing stuff on here. Doesn't worry me that much anymore though.|||I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.|||Your favorite movie.|||I came in to rave about Superunknown as well. I'm not usually Mr. Drums, but Matt Cameron really stands out to me on that album. I really love the Sabbathy riffs and bizarre lyrical imagery of 4th...|||I think ESTPs may be more likely to be class clowns in the traditional sense, but ENTPs have their own version of being one. After all, I was nominated for that superlative, so I at least had a...|||Have you tried getting an ENTP to sit down and shut up for 7 hours?|||This. My brother's an INFP and a bit of a conspiracy theorist but I'd imagine his schizophrenia has more to do with it than his type.|||No I don't and my balls are huge.|||I'm admittedly a little new to the recording/mixing side of things, myself, so someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think multicore only really matters if you're doing something like recording...|||I've recently gotten back into learning Japanese. Kanji's kinda overwhelming but at least the grammar is straightforward enough. I dunno, I've always found language in general an interesting subject....|||The only reason I identify as N is because of my weaknesses. I'd much prefer to be an S, but to be honest with myself, N seems more likely.|||Cramming is too overwhelming. I find I memorize things better with a lot of short sessions as opposed to one huge one. Not to mention it's a lot less mentally exhausting. I'm not sure how to...|||I haven't listened much to dream pop, but I definitely like some bands that are considered shoegaze or post-rock. I'm also into related genres like noise rock and psychedelic music in general. I've...|||ISTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9OF0GBZp_8|||Replace eating with drinking and you've got yourself an old school punk rock song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcf3F-hepas|||ISFJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6P70jLhfL0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAoh_yteKkc|||ISTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-tUXR_ekBA|||Absolutely beautiful http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0219/8812/products/urinals_negcap_1024x1024_cee30e29-c7b5-4651-8a17-ce243d0700a6_1024x1024.jpg?v=1421444364|||ISTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VdkoQAyMOw|||wu tang|||ISFJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnIXXe83fe4|||The Sopranos. Disclaimer: I have not watched Breaking Bad.|||I didn't realize we could type artificial intelligence. :cool:|||I have constructed a simple flowchart to help explain my rationale. Marvel or DC? ---> Which one has Watchmen? ---> DC|||Infinite Jest. :cool:|||ISFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukapS7WrOC0|||Jaywalked right in front of a police officer. :cool:|||INFJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUros3SqE4I' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I was wondering as an INFP how do you react to 'likes'? When you post content do hope that people will 'like' your responses? Or, do you feel indifferent? Perhaps, you dislike 'likes' altogether? ...|||I struggle with this as well! When someone asks me to pick a favorite it's like a switch flips in my brain; All of a sudden, my mind will be flooded with reasons as to why I like or dislike certain...|||My father is also an ENTJ. For the most part he is a total workaholic. However, once he deems that's it's time for him to relax watch out! He does not appreciate people trying to solicit something...|||I get complimented the most for being nice as well. I think this is because I make a point not to gossip or talk poorly about anyone and that seems to continually baffle people, haha. x)|||I was able to witness Tibetan Monks create/destroy a Mandala! It was amazing! :crazy:|||This made me smile. Thanks for that, hohum. :)|||I used to be really into video games as a kid. Now that I'm somewhat older *still a kid at heart* I will occasionally play games that I find compelling on the Nintendo Wii or Steam. The 'Wanderer'...|||I fear that I'll never find true stability in my life.|||I really appreciate everyone who took the time to respond to this thread. Thank you for your input. :) Overall, I think I'm still immature when it comes to relationships of any kind so I apologize if...|||I really love nighttime flights! If I'm lucky enough to get a window seat I'll spend a majority of my time looking down at city lights below imagining that they're galaxies, haha.|||Tina Belcher Perhaps, I do tend to idealize things. However, I never once thought that I 'knew' him. I could relate to his work but that never translated into me believing that I fully understood...|||I'm currently 21 and attend a small close knit college. Most people just assume I'm a freshman.. Even students who are younger than me, haha. Actually, The other day my younger brother had to get...|||wuatenigenu I believe that played a large roll in what happened. In those moments there was a worry that he wouldn't value the things I've harbored within as preciously as I do.. I also think the...|||Verity3 I suppose it could be a possibility. When we were talking he actually brought up MBTI and stated that he was an INFP. He also told me that he had been attempting to type me before and had...|||bigstupidgrin You're right. Now that I'm a little more centered I'm realizing it was a little silly to think we could mesh so deeply right away. I blame my hopeless romantic tendencies, haha. I'll...|||Thank you Angelfish; your response actually makes me feel a lot better. :) Now that I've actually taken more time to reflect I think I was being a bit to hard on myself.|||Whoops the above post was directed at attic! :P|||Unfortunately, no. I usually don't discuss things that are close to my heart because I can't bear the thought of them being ridiculed. Though, I believe you're right. I wasn't prepared to jump into...|||Hello! Right now I'm in my junior year of college and although I've had lots of fun on my journey through it I must admit I've been struggling with my sense of self quite a lot this semester....|||390378 <- self portrait using chalk pastels :) 390394 <- charcoal drawing that was supposed to display a crime of sorts. *how you chose to convey the crime was open ended :P*|||I haven't been in love before. Though, I have had experiences of intense but brief infatuations. I'm currently attending college and would like nothing more than to have a fun and loving partner at...|||UnicornRainbowLove Hmm. Indeed. *puts on sweater drinks coffee and runs 10 miles under a sweltering sun* Holy mother... IT WORKED. Thank you UnicornRainbowLove Now i'm in a wonderful...|||Shameless Nation Ah yes, I don't want to find myself in a relationship that I feel was forced from the very beginning. Pressure from others is definitely a factor. My friends, my cousins and...|||ElliCat You're right. I think I tend to get a little to caught up in my romantic ideals at times. Though, I hope I don't come off as a predator. xD Actually the idea of coming on to strong or acting...|||:crazy:Hello! :D So I'm 20 now and have never been on a date. I... I actually haven't even had my first kiss yet.:unsure: This is a problem because i'm a huge hopeless romantic. I want very badly to...|||Bloop, Blip, Hubble, Bubble, incandescent, implicit, relinquish, eclair, bon bon, canoodle, eleoquent, ecstasy, mundane... to name a few xD|||In regards to tv shows I find The Office, Futurama, and South Park make me laugh the most. Hmm, and the comedian Eddie Izzard is super funny as well. Oh... and funny animal videos....yeah.....|||hahaha :laughing: gosh darnit you're making me blush :kitteh: btw i love your profile pic, SOA is awesome! :D|||aw shucks xD thank you! :tongue:|||i haven't been on this site in a while but i've always wanted to reply to this thread x-p anyway here's my picture xD 312154 I.. I think i uploaded it correctly? <-- *is not very tech savvy*|||opps! i'm sorry :p i had to stay relatively quiet or else i'd run the risk of waking my family up xD I agree, it would probably make billions! :D I also think that many of these voices would be...|||Dear ENTJ, Please stop treating me like i'm your coworker. You need to chill. :p Love, INFP|||I think I may be to late for this but here goes... ermmm xP I'm apologizing for my awkwardness in advance :/ <object width=148 height=44><param name=movie...|||I find death an interesting concept. It could be so many things or it could be nothing at all. In one way death scares me. You could disappear completely, be eternally punished, or potentially be...|||For the most part I'm just chilling and surfing the web. Although, I do occasionally remember that I should stop procrastinating and just do my homework. :P Oh! I'm also listening to the band...|||Yes completely! People who don't know me very well think I have never had a negative thought in my life. lol XD|||You check to make sure your alarm correctly.... more than 3 times. You often wonder about what animals are thinking. You tend to feel awkward when walking with a group. You forget verbal...|||hmmm.. Most of the time, yes. At least On the calm and comforting part that is. I wouldn't call myself cute though! xD The only exception would be when i'm feeling particularly vulnerable. Although,...|||When I'm comfortable with someone I'm usually not afraid to ask what's wrong. It depends though. Every person and situation is different. When i'm not comfortable with an individual but I have a...|||hmm... maybe the library? :/ I always like to spend time leafing through books in the library. xD|||So many things! I love when people have shared moments of happiness together... Always brings tears to my eyes lol. xD I also love my friends, my pets, and my odd yet very lovable family. Hmm. I...|||For me physical contact is very special. I feel like getting hugs from people that you like is awesome. It's a way of letting people know you care for them without words and to me, that's truly...|||Most of the time yes, I do have trouble expressing my ideas clearly. Although if I'm super confident in what i'm saying. *like i know all the facts or i'm extremely passionate about the subject* I...|||I'm not sure whether it was depression or just a phase but I have had many down periods in my life. In particular anxiety tends to be the catalyst to all my negative thoughts and actions. Is...|||It depends. In regards to people yes, my intuition is usually correct. In regards to certain situations.... ehhh not so much. My anxiety tends to get the better of me when i'm not careful to keep it...|||- 19 - female - straight - non applicable - 0 - I'm so shy that it's hard for me to strike up a conversation with a boy i'm interested in :P I'm going to keep working on it though! :)|||Sahara - SEAWAVES :D You should look them up on soundcloud. :) They are amazing!|||it appears it's a bit taboo to say pink :P BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? I can't help it. I just like the color pink. :) I also like orange and red :D|||It happens to me occasionally. However, when it does occur there is usually some sort of trigger. :P|||Personal ~ * Name: Maybe when i feel a tad more comfortable. :) - Any nicknames? I prefer to be called Whoop. :D * Male/Female/Trans? -------->Female' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Ask him to take a quick look at this: https://7chan.org/lit/src/Robert_Glover_-_No_More_Mr_Nice_Guy.pdf|||I think we'll have to wait for someone with a J to do all this.|||Emasculation can be in many forms: constantly telling a man that he is incapable of something, or that he is too confident, or his plans will never take shape. Yes I knew I was on to something.|||Just narrowing it down from the previous poll.|||Sister poll to: http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/562074-unscientific-poll-were-you-eldest-did-you-have-dominant-mother-figure.html|||Video games work on very tight deadlines and the entire project revolves around timely completion of tasks in music, art/graphics, tools, physics, AI etc. Games need to be released on a timely basis...|||I was only modeling this from a male standpoint, I believe females INTPs might have some other influences...maybe they are more pure as INTPs?|||I think ideas are easier to deal with because in the case of failure or rejection, you can always start over. In contrast, reality is irreversible.|||basically I was interested in knowing who had the most influence on your thinking abilities. Strong mother or several females could be equivalent. Still its just a theory, might refine it more.|||Yep must be a joke.|||I have a (politically incorrect) theory that if you're a man, a female dominated household suppresses your ability to take risks, and introduces P in your INTP-ness. And similarly, to cope with...|||Just testing a theory: 1. Were you the eldest child? 2. Did you grow up a female dominated household?|||In the Indian spiritual text Bhagavad Gita it is said that timing of death can determine your afterlife: Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 8 Verse 26|||Angry and Hungry?|||This is it. Basically, the only way a conversation or connection can happen is if they provide something, and I keep feeding off it. My only contribution is to dissect what they said.|||I think this is the clue to improving such behavior. When I'm low on energy, I try to get a grip on reality by quizzing someone, and its easy to ask questions, but there is nothing to be gained from...|||I've noticed, when my own energy level is low (due to lack of sleep or something), my interest in finding out facts becomes even more powerful and ignores social norms. My curiosity about another...|||Will try this tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.|||Thanks for this. I don't have social anxiety, only thing that often makes me lose steam is the total pointlessness of most social interactions.|||Church and friends, you didn't need a disclaimer.|||this is a useful feedback.|||the thing is, sex is not my main interest. I'm interested in finding out if the entire mechanism of meeting a stranger and doing something with her is possible in a few hours.|||Finally|||Yeah that's how I do it too. Sometimes the pleasure comes from unrealistic hope, like the value of a lottery ticket.|||I think its sad undertones come from my longing for human touch. Haven't had sex in 8 months, not even a kiss ;) And realizing that its easy to get some fulfillment through other people who want the...|||I've found a great way to get over it. Find a club with good music, and focus on the music. Forget the people and even how you're dancing. It gets better with practice. Then when you're in the music,...|||Can you elaborate on what its so glorious? I've never been into the club scene for all the reasons mentioned in the INFJ forum thread...|||The impression I get is that my nightclub-averse behavior during my 20s is definitely an INTP behavior..... Still, think of this as an experiment, its a bit of a hunt. The thrill of finding out if a...|||This is a sequel to another thread I've created in the INFJ forum (http://personalitycafe.com/infj-forum-protectors/531073-do-you-go-nightclubs.html). What is the best way for INTPs to get one night...|||I'm in my 30s and have started exploring nightclubs. During my 20s I never liked it much, too much noise, pointlessness, and I used to not drink. But now, I've learnt to let go and dance whatever way...|||Just do what you need to do to fulfill your desires. That's one way of listening to your heart. When you doubt it, that's where overthinking begins. Get what you want and forget the right or wrong or...|||This is just perfect!|||A million justifications, excuses, shifting of blame doesn't change the fact that you're responsible for your actions.|||Show some respect for your previous relationship. It's good karma even if it means putting your hormones in the freezer for a few months. A rebound won't help you in the long run.|||Read my previous reply.|||Let me add a more straightforward reply: the problem doesn't appear to be him but you. It seems to me that you want to have some fun with him without taking responsibility for it, and to have some...|||Sounds like you're looking for some kind of justification to like this guy.|||They are not mistakes if you trust your heart.|||Don't overthink about what part of you is responsible. Just follow your heart, and live in the present moment.|||I didn't mean to hurt your sentiments.|||In my experience with an ENFJ, I've noticed not so much that she became logical but that she became open to accepting logical solutions to whatever was bothering her. The concept of overthinking...|||You don't like being controlled?|||Yes! This! Its like walking while cuddling. Feels great. On the surface it looks very mellow and calm but internally between the two partners it can be a turbulent ocean.|||Look, sex is the most powerful source of personal energy that we have, and often we don't know how to find an outlet for it. We have the source of this energy, but many times we have nobody to...|||Its normal to feel lonely due to lack of physical affection. If I may suggest, why don't you try taking up some dance classes, like Tango or Rumba? I've discovered that sometimes my need for a hit...|||I suggest this with a disclaimer: maybe you'll find happiness in this but if not, maybe you can find something beautiful in it. Indian Spirituality and Yoga revolve around the concept of being...|||Yes visit it. Its a dense city with much going on. Much of what Hollywood portrays is the bits of NYC which are unique to it, and Wall street is one of them. Best idea, stay at a hostel like...|||SATAN|||This is true. For example its difficult for me at times to focus on reading a book in a cafe or a bar because of the chitter chatter around me. I'd rather be away from everyone and focus on my...|||Thank you. This helps. Although I've not been verbally critical with any of my S/O's in the past, my only wish was that they'd understand me, and thats a tall order given how complicated people like...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I definitely like what you had to say.|||It's not you, and don't ever let yourself think it's you. Maybe after much more time with you, he'll become more positive. But like you said, a negative person is likely to stay that way. It's...|||There is nothing wrong with being selfish in certain cases. But this is selfish on a high magnitude, because you'd be taking the easiest way out because you're too scared to work through it, and...|||Yes, it is definitely a defense mechanism. I don't know what advice to give you, but hopefully it will alleviate itself.|||It also breaks my heart to read all of this. But it's reality. I agree with whoever brought up the car thing. I find myself quite often walking down the road and imagining myself just.. lightly...|||I know this was supposed to be a slight joke, but, I know a male INFJ, and I'd agree with a lot of this. Maybe it's just cos I love INFJs so much, but, it all seems quite accurate. Except for number...|||You seem super interesting. Welcome to the forum!|||Welcome! Hope to see you post some excerpts from your novel!|||Rofl! I always let people know that I rarely make sense to anyone but myself. And that sometimes I don't even make sense to myself! But whatever. xD|||Awh! This made me feel so good. Yeah, I can definitely see a LOT of potential, and things are going well so far. The only snags I see are just petty arguments we'll both get over quickly.|||Thanks guys. I don't think selfishness is an issue for me. Well, we're all selfish to a certain degree, but, I'll usually put him before myself. But... How so? I know people tend to think INFPs...|||Kisses aren't for just anybody, though. Random interwebz hugs are fine. But kisses? Must be EARNED!|||I don't think it's something that will ever be alleviated, either.|||I feel this way quite often. Someone asked me once if I thought life would be better and easier if we all didn't have emotions. I though, better? No. Easier? Yes. I'm glad I at least have emotions...|||I've built up a lot of anger for the system as well. I think it's one of those things you have to endure for as long as possible, until you get out.|||^^^^ /Agree|||..Perfect.|||I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. It left me speechless. I very much so identify with your friend, I suppose.|||This is one of those things that made my stomach drop, and my mouth open, ready to spit something out, but... nothing.|||In all honesty, there will be no telling if he likes you without putting yourself out there. As an INFP, even I think we're probably the hardest to read. Couldn't have said it better myself....|||Weeeeee. That's being INFP, for ya.|||You're completely correct. I don't disagree in the least. When I said I've come to accept it and live with it, I was referring to how some people just don't care, and some do. That's something...|||My brother is an INTJ, and he has one tattoo currently. It's a saying that he lives by, on his forearm. Something about how the wise are completely full of doubt. He told me once that when he gets...|||See, not that people who say things like this aren't funny, they are. It makes me smile, and I envy you. I just don't understand how you can say things like this so well. It feels, for me anyway,...|||Haha! It's a couple months old but it made me smile. Good thing you're cute, too. I'd welcome it. Hugs for all! I will only accept hugs where chest is on chest, though. Must be close. No...|||I really have no idea how to put pictures in here. Just attach them with the little paper clip? Whatever. I'm fascinated by tattoos and piercings. Such an interesting way to express one's self....|||Wow, sweetie, I must talk to you. There is NOTHING wrong with you, at all. Don't let school get you down, I tell people all the time that grades do not measure intelligence. They measure the ability...|||Thanks! I put a lot of thought into my tattoos. Usually once I'm very certain on a tattoo, I don't change my mind on it for a while. A lot of people don't get tattoos because they change their mind...|||I was suffering from hardcore depression for about two years. Apparently had a form of psychosis, too. But I also have recently gotten over it, or, I'm still moving up, and I'm starting to be much...|||I just started dating an ISFP, and I can already tell he is very dedicated and monogamous and very caring. He just likes to take care of ones he loves, and he's picky about who he will go after. A...|||I'd love to help out! I want to get a big pheonix on my back as soon as I can. Wings wrap around my rib cages, tail go down and around my thigh. Pretty sweet. Represents new life, I think it'll be a...|||I'm wondering some ISFP and/or INFP opinions on how a relationship between the two works out. My new boyfriend is an ISFP, and he and I seem to work very well, so far. Anything I should be worried...|||I couldn't read through all of this either, but I'm eager to share. :D I like it getting rough. I like biting, and getting bitten. Pulling hair and having my pulled. I like being thrown around,...|||Haha, well, I wasn't saying when I smoke I don't get high, I do. I was saying it's not really like I smoke to get high, I just smoke to put a smile on my face. Helps me get through the days...|||I wanna thank all of you guys, a lot. :)|||Hon, some guys just can't pull it off, they feel silly and therefore look goofy, like you probably did. :) Do whatchu do, and they'll like you. I actually have never dated a guy who wears a leather...|||In all honesty, weed puts me in a good mood, and when I'm in a good mood, I'm relaxed. So, I tend to be a lot more friendly, and open. I agree with not smoking to get high. I smoke to lighten my...|||I don't necessarily agree. I don't think experiences shape us, they're catalysts to who we really are. Everything I've ever gone through didn't make me who I am, it showed me who I am, you know? So I...|||I've definitely seen that you ENFP males are very drawn to us INFP females. :tongue:|||Personally, I like the guys who are badass, but who can be sweet when needed. I love the badass look, I always say, I like 'em dirty. But in the end, I need a sweetheart to care for me.|||Why do I let my heart beat to the same drum of cliches? Being a mere pedal on the daisy on the wall... Letting my ears drown in the monotonous tsunami of tones... Feeling my eyes visibly show...|||Me, tooooo! Which is why I also hate it sometimes. I think people tend to understand us so much more one on one, but in groups of people we seem like the weird ones. I enjoy being different, and...|||From personal experience, I know going into a situation constantly saying, This isn't going to work out, this isn't going to work out, this isn't going to work out, you psyche yourself out until it...|||Wow, I think I'm completely different than most INFPs. I make sure to let a person know I'm interested, by asking them questions. One of the first things I asked my current boyfriend was, What...|||I want you to know, I've read some of your posts, and you're brilliant. I love this. Personally, I can't express my love to someone until I know they love me first. I only recently started...|||You guys make me feel less cool. I don't see colors when I hear music, I feel feelings in my stomach, like a watermelon is growing inside. Don't think that's the same thing.|||Man, dude. Is there any hope? Haha.|||I think humans are just naturally fearful of opening up to a certain degree. It takes the right people to be the catalyst to our hearts. It is difficult, especially with the whole showing emotion...|||It's astonishing how much I have the ability to love and hate the same traits about myself. I don't know if it's just an INFP thing, or people in general, but I am constantly ripping my hair out....|||I definitely had a very similar experience recently, and I can completely see this and agree with this. Well, most of it. The ISFPs feel for people very similarly to INFPs, they just go about it in a...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I've driven off-road since I was about 12 or so...I grew up in the Sierra Nevada mountains, so we went wood cutting every year for fire wood for the winter, fond memories of those days... =) So,...|||Water...I'd want to keep water for sure... I mean, it's a key component to so much beauty...waterfalls, mist, rain, splashes and drips, mud puddles, lakes, rivers, rain, clouds, snow, ice, and rain....|||hints|||Tired, Chaos, Headache..|||Too Much Work >.<|||Those of you that have never been drunk, believe me...you're not missing anything... I can't think of anything I've ever done drunk that wouldn't have been more fun slightly buzzed or sober...but I...|||I really only isolate myself when I really just don't want to be around people... The underlying reason could be just about anything from just being mad at the world to stress to too much contact or...|||ROFL it looks like the pig character from one of those kid cartoons that has farm animals in it... don't remember the name though... I'll prolly remember the name at some completely random time in...|||I hate war, but people can't seem to figure out how to make peace without fighting over it...so we fight... Kinda seems stupid to me... I will gladly fight to protect the people I love...though...|||Life is NOT a box of chocolates...it's more like a flea market... some times you find exactly what you're looking for, some times you look around and ask yourself WTF?! Don't spend money you...|||Hate my family|||lol as a child I didn't even need to hide to be forgotten about... When I was two years old I was left at the ice skating rink, my parents didn't even notice I wasn't there until they got all the way...|||Depends mostly what I'm shopping for... I'm tall and slender, so a lot of places don't have clothes that fit me well... for jeans it's usually wranglers from walmart =p, for my darker moods I go to...|||32808 me, being a dork, at work... lol =p|||3280332804328053280632807 The 1st, 3rd and 4th are my and my youngest just after he was born, the 2nd and 5th are me and my oldest... =) In the first one I was like are you really gonna freakin...|||here's a couple pics I dug out of the archives... =p 3279832799328003280132802 Me and my best friend at Yosemite are numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5... #3 is me and another friend out hiking near half...|||Mother - ESFJ Father - ENTP Older Brother - ISTP Younger Brother - ESFP Sister - ENFJ|||ok, as promised... I dug up my old High School art portfolio... here are two of my watercolor's... I was 16 or 17 when I painted these. 3246932470 They got a little hammered over the years...my...|||I had to lay my camera to rest today... =.( one of my kids (I don't know which one) broke it...it was a very sad day... but on the bright side, while cleaning my cabin I found my old art portfolio...|||29784 I don't have the greatest handwriting, but it works.. =p sorry for the large pic, I don't have any program installed at the moment to re-size the picture...guess I need to download and...|||I think I understand what you're trying to say, but you can have imagination and ambition without selling the soul of what makes your culture what it is. Ambition that is blind to consequences is...|||wait, ...huh? ...so...what are you saying? and you're too nice for your own good|||I let my anger simmer and then wait till I can explode on someone who desperately deserves it...or I vent to my closest friends... occasionally I'll go blow off some steam at the gym or go...|||lmao ...awesome!!!|||The best way to get to know an INFP, in my experience =p, is to just be casual about it... hang out with him, truly get to know him, appreciate him for who he is, that will make him feel special and...|||The biggest problem I see with the pairing in question is when things become very personal. Both INFP's and ENFP's in general are prone to take things very personally...they're also very prone to be...|||No, I don't think it's cheating... I agree with others here that if you're masturbating instead of engaging in sex with a willing partner then you're creating other problems and perhaps you should...|||The day my ex wife told me she slept with a friend of mine... betrayal from two people at once. The enormity of it still nearly crushes me when I think of it, even to this day...and that was nearly...|||I love to travel... I haven't been anywhere near as many places as I'd like to go though... so far only Mexico, Korea, stopped in Japan for a layover, and visited about 22 or 23 states here in the...|||I have always loved the exploration of new ideas especially where it deals with flight and/or space flight... I love science, and theoretical science... I guess you could say I've always been far...|||Pandora - Solo Piano Radio...and it's playing Opus 23 by Dustin O'Halloran =)|||Army...Instructor at the moment. I teach and work with Radio's and Computers. I enjoy most of it, it's relatively non-repetitive (something I couldn't stand about working in a factory, the...|||Have him take the MBTI test... better yet, have him take several... then you'll know for sure. if he's an INTP or INFP just tell him a little about what it's all about and he'll be intrigued enough...|||The only advice I can offer, from my own experiences, is this. Don't get caught up in the trap of thinking you have to do it all.. if you can, delegate... It will help you keep your sanity. Any...|||For some reason, when I talk with people, I look at them and they just start talking..somehow I manage to acknowledge at all the right moments and they keep talking...and I keep listening (sometimes...|||I know for sure I'm not right in the head... =p all too often I'll be lost in thought, think of something funny, and just start laughing out of the blue...everyone in earshot starts just looking at...|||I was a total daydreamer as a child... my parents had to fight with the school to keep them from holding me back a year in 2nd grade...because I daydreamed so much... but my Mom tells me that of all...|||Almost all the ENFJ's I know are cool as hell... I really don't have much negative to say about the type... Some individuals are a different story, so it makes it a very difficult thing to...|||Absolutely. Don't know when, but it's gonna happen. My view on it all, though, is that since we won't know the day or the hour, all I can do is live a good life and just take it one day at a...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tuf61OjvoPQ|||I got a black wool coat and some cocktail flavored jelly bellies... =) Merry Christmas all =)|||Merry Christmas all!|||Yes no good at -yes, desire to do - no for math yes for science yes and no - depending on circumstances. if there was nothing I was supposed to do, a week or two of absolutely nothing to do is...|||I have to say that most of the time I don't post on someone else's wall because I don't want to bother them... and I don't visit everyone's profiles because I don't want to look like a stalker...|||Hey, I'm on board, my wall has plenty of room on it... =) and I don't bite either...well, not hard anyway... =P|||I'm looking forward to: Another year of watching my kids grow. Sending my son off to his first day of school. (I'll be so proud of him) getting out of debt. getting my car 100% fixed...or...|||I have two boys, Michael and Meric. I don't think I'm going to have any more children, but if I did... Girl names: Melinda, Kaitlin, Kaileigh Boy names: Eliot or Collin|||Sorry it took me so long to reply, I was TDY for training and off the air for a bit there.. =p I view my position as one of being able to help a lot of others, to stand up for what's right, and to...|||In my experience, living in a world where aggressiveness and leadership skills are demanded (military), I've found out that turning off the emotion/sensitivity side is highly counter productive and...|||Very well put! My experience as well.' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Random band I just found. I dig it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YowBbNH1p8|||Any recommendations on how to get into a freelance style of work like this? I play music as well, but not professionally; at the moment, I have the advantage of going to school for free while honing...|||So, I was having a problem with this. I haven't been on here in awhile because I've been going to school. This semester has been, by far, my most social, and it's really driven home the fact that I'm...|||What about Sargon of Akkad? I'm leaning toward T and P, but I'm not sure whether or not he's an I or an E, nor am I sure whether or not he's an N or S. If I had to guess, I'd say he's an N, but I...|||The advantage is to switch, but I wouldn't have told you that by default. I had to take three coins and a cup and physically execute this scenario before the switch made sense to me. The key is that...|||It gave me inspiration to write a song, so that's all well and good. The song's called Silly Little Monkeys, and it was inspired by my gut reaction when I read the news. Essentially, humans are...|||Here's the thread: http://personalitycafe.com/debate-forum/624442-why-arent-ethicists-better-people-4.html#post20673865 I know that SnowyLeopard replied to me, yet I can't access the fifth page,...|||Yeah, I figured that's how that would go. You speak one seriously hard language!|||My mistake, fixed it. I'm making another one as well, so that'll be up soon.|||Edit: Forgot to do my country of origin and all of that. I'm from North Carolina in the U.S.A. I can speak a touch of Spanish, but that's all, and I've never heard any languages in reality outside...|||I will be posting... But I don't have enough focus to do them all at once. I got the Swedish and the Norwegian done, and I sound like a Russian-Mexican-American in both of them (which makes sense, as...|||Same to you I suppose.|||Zero and infinity are funny things, almost like yin and yang. One can say that everything is meaningless, but, equally, one can say that everything is meaningful. As a human being, with a brain...|||I'm starting to wonder if Christians have the Bible all wrong... I need to read the damn thing again and take notes, but I'm beginning to wonder if the whole thing is a complex metaphor... Hmm... ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO2-hIFaciA|||Unfortunately, my macro thinking tends to overlook a lot of micro issues.|||Definitely Sanders. I've taken the quiz and got somewhere around 90% with him. Don't expect that he won't win though; the people want a revolutionary, and he's getting ready to pass Clinton in NH...|||Well, you guys were no help with the traditional drum suggestions. I found some anyway though. :tongue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9QmJJjRRJM&list|||So, in reading the Wiki, it would seem that Hegelian dialectic is centered on focusing in on the positive attributes of a particular thesis, if there are any, while eliminating the negative through...|||JPS I was just being facetious, just in case you aren't being sarcastic. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with what you're talking about, so I don't get the connection. Any reading suggestions? To...|||So... are we focusing on statements made by suicidal people? If so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyalPi1GeDY Seung-Hui Cho was a mass murderer. In reading about him, it seems that he was...|||Apparently, a lot of people in my neighborhood think I'm elitist because I invest my time in my hobbies and don't bother to talk to anyone around. Inside, it's not that I'm elitist, it's that I don't...|||After awhile, mess starts to eat at me. Oddly enough, I never dust though... I'm more for preventing mess from ever occurring. I use few dishes or use the same dishes repeatedly, I throw trash...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXV39pybgJU Does anyone have any traditional drum suggestions similar to the above? I've been looking, but most of the stuff is dressed up with sound effects, which...|||I just add flashcards to Anki as I go along. It's free, and flashcards have been proven to improve learning in many different ways.[1] Here's the download for anyone that's interested: Anki -...|||¿Que?|||Yeah... or I could compete and destroy all of you! When is the language competition thing going to be anyway, within a week? I found your performance above to be reminiscent of the sound of whales...|||WikiRevolution Sure! I'm just a regular English speaker though. Edit: American English if you guys are doing dialects. The fact that I speak American English will also allow me to make extremely...|||This isn't necessarily a bad sign. Sexually, women value emotions and emotional attachment over simple sensation. Her saying she wants to build up a friendship first could indicate one of two...|||I'm really, really glad that I wasn't drinking anything when I read this.|||A little bit of metal and a little bit of my own thoughts. Here's the metal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEsmxJvgcjU Skip to 18:58 for a pretty solid song. I personally prefer Winter's...|||Yeah, Washington slipped my mind. I suppose reluctant leaders are at least feasible, then... How could one make this a consistent process though? I have an idea for a political system that involves a...|||Hmm... interesting idea that I'm probably going to steal. This does beg the question though: Can an individual that doesn't wish to lead, well, lead?|||For, according to the first of the Ten Tenets of Culinary Purity, the Society is to eliminate any infidels that choose to wrap the Holy Bacon around anything; thus, The S.O.C.P. sent a group of...|||You could try... Rise Against (for the lyrics and the pep): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8X3ACToii0 Weezer (for the lyrics and the spacey mood): ...|||INTP I took this in the INTJ forum as well. I got Skeptic then.|||Why Clinton over Sanders?|||Clutch rocks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8cmbmwFAl8|||Yeah, I get what you're saying somewhat. It's kind of like playing with the least likely possibility. Yeah, the tea leaves in the bottom of my cup could be shaped like a wolf through sheer...|||I think that, when combined with Ne, Ti tends to cause one to be very indecisive at a very deep level. It leads to the true Socratic stance of I know nothing. Is this a downside? I think it can...|||I would argue that an imperfect Utopia is, by definition, impossible. A Utopian society would take pain and suffering into account to assure sustainability. A Utilitarian Utopia (the one you're...|||If you're in your late teens to early twenties you could just be an ENTP that is beginning to further develop his/her Fe. The putting on a mask thing seems more tertiary Fe to me than auxiliary......|||Time to clean. :rolleyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvXnb0cTwio|||I can definitely relate. For quite a few years now I've felt obligated to do something amazing. I've looked at the world and watched it rot, and that anger and passion has fueled my recent endeavors....|||I'm starting to wonder if, given enough training and concentration, one could create a conscious being that lives within one's subjective experience. A being with its own personality and...|||Apparently by going half insane in an attempt to develop a comprehensive, objective morality... Really, though, I just realize that other people are people and that I'm a people as well and just...|||Estj|||I haven't drawn anything all summer, but I thought I'd give it a go just for this thread. I don't have a phone, camera or scanner at the moment, so I had to take a picture via webcam: 364146 I...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jxKIHW7fPQ|||I think that this song reflects the INTP mentality pretty well. That desire to push knowledge to the edge is kind of an INTP hallmark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tcW-j7KFgY Over...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'What is your opinion on them? Their side effects? It's getting to the point where I can't handle this life anymore.. these people and problems. I don't enjoy life, haven't for a long time. I know at...|||ENTJ now? You must be on one hell of a roller coaster ride to self discovery.|||I feel the need to say that lifting heavy weights , isolating muscles and going about your weight training the typical way is very dangerous and extremely flawed. It's a weird thing that people...|||It's fairly simple, some people need social interaction and emotional support more than you do. It's hard to understand, but sooner or later you'll have to realize that not everyone is like you and...|||This is pretty much the way I go about it.|||Homo Sapiens have managed to piss me off more than any other animal.|||I am an ISTP and I am thinking too much!|||The whole Ti-Ni loop is a mystery to ISTPS. Generally though amongst ISTPs it's fairly accepted that something happens to us, we are not sure what or how exactly it works but we accept it as a sort...|||Deleted Facebook account, Have no need for social media what so ever.|||Superficial people be intrigued by ISTP yo.|||Aggressive and patient, depends on if I'm late for something or not. I don't particularly feel emotion when I'm driving because it gets my full concentration. Winter driving scares the shit out of...|||Some people have absolutely no idea how important a healthy diet is, as I'm just now finding out. Eat right, get sleep and exercise. They are all equally important. A healthy body creates a healthy...|||Well, I'm addicted to porn and I masturbate constantly.. Just joking lol.. Umm, lately I've been exercising quite a bit, bought an exercising bike and I love it. Will probably get down to about...|||Insecurities...If I'm sarcastic with you I am better, I am right. If I don't do what she asks I am still in control. Maybe if I make her look stupid in front of others they won't think of her as...|||ESFPS are the friendliest people I've ever met, socially gifted... There will never be an awkward moment with them. ENFPS seems to be crazy in an intriguing way. They remind you anything is...|||This. I thought it was funny :laughing:|||ISTPS in a neutral mood carry a passionless facial expression, often confused as anger which is understandable. In our case however it does not apply as it would to most other types. Dominant...|||Sorry for not being perfect. Dick.|||Last summer there was a big storm in my city with really high winds, it took out a ton of trees. Me and my drunk buddies decided it would be a good idea to go cannoning. We went down a river in the...|||Maybe not on topic.. I've found neat little way of controlling my anger, because when I get angry I go into heavy thinking mode and start being extremely critical. I've recognized that it was one...|||Your a good person :proud:|||Haha, same here! I won't get in my car unless I have my ipod, there's something about driving and listening to music that's so enjoyable. Thanks for the reply's :happy:|||This will change in time as your Fe develops, you'll become way more aware of your feelings.|||Someone likes a girl :laughing:|||Music is probably one of the most important things in my life :tongue: I love it, all kinds of music especially if it has a good beat :cool: I find it lately helping a lot with feelings too! Any...|||Deleted Facebook Youtube PercC xvideos bbc.co.uk theweathernetwork warez-bb Constantly searching through personality forums too..:rolleyes:|||No I'm not from the states... if your trying to take a cheap shot at Americans like a lot of people do well then that's sad... what I said was a joke. I honestly don't understand your reply...|||No I'm not from the states... if your trying to take a cheap shot at Americans like most countries do well then that's sad... what I said was a joke. I honestly don't understand your reply though......|||I can't help but wonder why man tits are allowed in avatars but women tits aren't.. Seems sexist to me...|||Post is meant for zynthax. Is it just me or is this forum fucking buggy lately.... can't click the thanks button or edit posts..|||Do you have any idea how awesome you are?!:laughing:|||twenty, From Quebec. . . Time goes by too fast..:shocked:|||Not sure if I understand, you mean the Ti Ni spiral? The negativity that comes with it? Simple solution. Spend less time thinking about the world and more time experiencing it.|||Ti = nerdy Se = Jock That's why were such a fucking mystery to people, were one of the types that have extremely contradicting traits.|||What do people think of me? Honestly, I'm not sure. I had a good friend tell me I'm unpredictable and honestly it hurt my feelings because of the way he said it and the fact that it's true. I would...|||So ISTPs... where do I start... man :confused: It's so odd, I never thought an internet forum could help me so much in life. I never thought you as an ISTP posting in this forum could help me so...|||ISTP friend of mine that I rarely see anymore is extremely stubborn, no convincing him unless you have proof. Say something that might not be 100% accurate and he'll call you on it, always needing...|||No such thing as normal when it comes to the thought process of an ISTP|||ENTJ just fucked up... haha:cool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbgj8HjZg0U|||In my opinion this is the classic push away since you mentioned its been 3 months. I doubt very much he's no longer interested in you. Really hard to explain, We don't fully understand it ourselves...|||Some ISTPS are better at that warm ISTP look than others, not too hard to do though. I suspect it's easy for those who have strong Se but an easy way to achieve it is when in conversation with...|||In my personal opinion, when it comes to personality type. There is no such thing as most, best or worse. It's all a matter of opinion. Even if 90% say a certain type what does it really mean? It...|||Huh? Wait a minute. You know you're in an ISTP forum right? Being introverted or extroverted has absolutely nothing to do with thrill seeking or adreneline. . . .:confused: Only flaw I found in these...|||What do you mean more of a J thing I'm curious? My thoughts are pretty simple. Regardless of type, if Someone enjoys a sport for instance. If they excel at it & want to get better and you put them up...|||I think extroverted sensors to some degree do things like this. Your going to notice ESTPS love this type of stuff, They love awkward moments and confrontation and picking at people to see who they...|||Fe... Oh fml is it ever hard to understand the way you feel about people and especially people close to you. I'm trying desperately though, as at this point in my life I have no choice. Best of luck...|||Mine is of The thousand yard stare I'll just quote Wikipedia The thousand-yard stare or two-thousand-yard stare is a phrase originally coined to describe the limp, unfocused gaze of a...|||We learn by doing, Take the hands on approach and try to fit the pieces together. I've never really read instructions unless it was a last resort. We also tend to jump into things right away in order...|||I have an ENTP friend that I get along with pretty well. Actually I get along with most ENTPS pretty well as there seems to be an admiration of sorts. My ENTP friend seems to value my Ti Pure...|||What do you think makes us so mysterious? Or are you mysterious? A friend the other day mentioned that I was pretty unpredictable but I never realized it. The more I think about it people must think...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'debating if i should eat or sleep T.T|||Hi! Sluts!|||ill take that as a yes! my valentine :D|||something more when you join me xoxo|||who says im showering alone?|||Its okay!! it always happens when im around, let me get a towel for you.|||Well, i am what i eat. Thank you for pointing that out. get a little wet yet?|||You got the right idea|||Oh!!! thanks for taking initiative!! ill join you xoxo sits in the corner with laZerus with a bucket over his head, by the way! lets hold hands! it adds to the immersion.|||lol thats no fun! how else do you propose to spend the last hours with me?? :))|||a game to make anyone blush!! *pulls out board game* Shouts, TWISTER!!!|||dont listen to what haldir says. he speaks for himself. by the way, over here, valentines day isnt over yet. want to make the most of what time we have left? ^^|||i forgot how good coheed was!! i havent listened to them since highschool. I like the more pop, sides lol it seems like that's all i listen to anymore. hahahaha kiss sorry, you excited me o.o|||owlet i gotta admit i am pretty out of practice with coheed. Could you guide my hands to new horizons? by the way, i like tall girls :wink:|||I can give you the P and the D, not too sure what you mean by the h.|||I am waiting!! the most gracious of hosts! who said anything about going to your place, i just want to get to know you :P|||Lets go on an adventure together!!|||Already there, waiting for you.|||oh let me join you babe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OIsXRW6NVs|||laZerus I want to dance with you.|||Its okay babe, i run at the speed of light, lets cross time together|||it could either be a small bird or the love of your life! the odds are in your favor|||awww... are we having our first fight?! thats so cute, lets make up and cuddle :))|||it grows bigger the closer you get to it babe|||You could always help us re-position ourselves to suit your needs.|||Oh girl...|||What ever you want, we aim to please|||Oh?! planning your escape so we can be together!!|||With me and you sharing the afternoon together babe.|||So, I cant promise that i wont tell you your theories are confuzzling, but i could always listen to them and try to understand them ^^|||That wont be the only thing you will be cursing with me ^^|||i love piña colada's. would you like to lay with me while we watch the sunset together?|||ill show you a star ^|||I cant say it would get romantic but, today would be really fun with me around you.|||Ready to steal some hearts!|||Intp!|||How old are you now? at 3 years old. is rather extremely ambiguous, as your personality develops over time, and as you adapt to your surroundings, environments, social and psychological experiences....|||if you start crying while sex. sure enough. you are an INFP|||Upstream Color (2013) One of the most Emotionally satisfying, thought provoking films I have seen in 2016.|||sooooo cute|||can people look at this pls!! bump|||Deep.|||i thought they were trying to hard.|||How much i need to work but every time i accidentally click a link, i spend 15 minutes on something completely irrelevant. John Olsen to Shaun white, to personality cafe.|||Dont be a cunt.|||Give them more work! but let them know there is room for improvement.|||it scares me more if they say yes|||Who is the most awesome person today?? YOU ARE!! You are such a treasure of a human being. I hope you never die.|||The only thread for on Drunk Parrot can give advice. anyone can post, support Drunk Parrot's advice, expound on his advice, and refuel his narc supply. Dear, Drunk parrot. i need advice for...|||I wish i Could teleport and disappear.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Noumenon, your plan sounds quite acceptable.|||It's very easy, if I mean it.|||Op: nope. Have apparently had a couple of girls really like me but me being me, I never noticed... :D|||Yes. There are matters which I accord a great deal of significance and weight. They might not be other people's ideals but then again...they're wrong. :laughing:|||Wrong, a war is a state of affairs. A tool is an object.|||Or rather look at it typologically. The iN is the superior function - the Te is as a matter of course less well developed. It is also not an introverted (i.e. radicalised) function, so it is not...|||War is a necessary part of statecraft. It can be horrendous or glorious as it is an act of human nature. Rimbaud is right - we cannot tackle war as a logical problem to be solved. We exist as...|||You've got it in one! I think what happens typologically is that we have an unconscious idea of who we love and when we meet someone close enough to that archetypal image, the Fi jumps up and waves...|||My sister is INFP and one thing I have learnt is that NO ONE can emotionally rip into you like an angry or resentful INFP! :laughing:|||Fi is the quiet voice that says, Yes, that's just right in your mind when you solve a problem, realise a beautiful idea or meet the woman with whom you are about to fall in love. It comes out of...|||I voted Quality Time but I would also add Physical Touch and Words of Love. When I feel able to express my feelings, I can. But chiefly, if I'm around you constantly and listening, you've got me... :)|||Lots of things but at the moment, Gilbert & Sullivan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqG7iDCxgqc|||YouTube - Ralph Vaughan Williams: Tallis Fantasia|||Standpoint (magazine) Jung, Aspects of the Feminine John Ellis, The Sharp End of War.|||Agreed. I can't be like other people, I can only be true to myself.|||In order of likelihood: 1. Walk away. 2. Walk away and never speak to them again. 3. Rip into them verbally. (Not good, makes enemies and leaves me shaken) 4. Physical violence (very very very...|||Introverted Intuition. You know it if you have it.|||When under severe emotional distress or watching The English Patient or King Lear.|||I think it is theoretically possible, though I remain slightly sceptical as to extent. However it is a valid possibility. It also depends on if Leonore Thomson is right about different sections of...|||Scientist might work better as a descriptive model rather than as a concrete comparison. Science isn't the question so much as a sceptical and questioning approach to the world combined with a...|||With regard to Jung, the two central letters are key since these allude to functions. Jung's opinion on functions was that the more a function was suppressed/repressed, the more negative its...|||When INFPs become unhealthily neurotic, they become obsessed with living out their personal values. The difference is inner vision. The INFP has a direct (extroverted) relationship with Intuition...|||Peter is right here. Fe is a judging or decision making function. Your Ni is absorbing information all the time, but subjectively filtering on the basis of relevance to the inner vision. Your Fe is...|||Light blue.|||Jesus would likely have looked something like this: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3381/3662020379_a66a45816f.jpg|||Fiction - Non-fiction? Both.|||I retain strong doubts as to a genetic determination. Though I'm only going on anecdotal evidence for this, I cannot observe any pattern in MBTI distribution in adults based upon family background. I...|||ChanceyRose - you've got it in one! I like the idea of marriage but hate weddings. Boring and overblown. For me, I would have it as simple as possible. And I wouldn't go anywhere near a...|||I'd argue for Hitler as a corrupt INFJ. What is most evident in Hitler's personality is the emergence of his vision of Germany and of the war against the Jews. People commonly mistake Fe for...|||Dark blonde.|||Interesting post, though I retain some doubts, especially over this idea of switching between types. I think I understand your point as you link into the Jungian/MBTI concepts of most comfortable...|||I find the most appealing type of woman for me to be the INTP/INTJ spectrum - too much good taste... Though I do like INFP's because you never know where you stand - like living with a magical...|||For me, it is to be attacked on factual argument with emotion substituting for logic. It is the most infuriating experience because instead of being able to engage with an argument, the substance of...|||Interesting points, Isis, but I suspect that variability in the test scores results more from problems with inner-truthfulness than a possibility of type-shifting. I fear the latter is an example of...|||Cursive with a distinct tendency towards Doctor if I'm in a rush. I'm obsessive in my choice of pen - 0.4mm graphics pen because I have a very fine and small hand (in writing).|||Ref: OP. I don't think that juggling functions is possible in MBTI/Jungian theory. I would go further into detail but it is 06:11 in the morning and I need to sleep!|||I've actually been watching Ran (Akira Kurosawa, 1985) but the music has kept going round my head! Partly inspired by Gustav Mahler... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyTF2LHs1Cg At one minute in...|||Username - Wien1938 is one of my old webnames and one which I have stuck for years. It is a military history reference from my younger days and refers to the reformation of the 2nd Panzer Division in...|||hemogoblin, I think you would. I'd suggest starting with a good edition of Pride & Prejudice. If you wanted to start with a film, the best adaptation is the 1995 Persuasion with Amanda Root as Anne...|||It is more about where the perceptive part of the brain/mind is focused. An intuitive user will be constantly aware of possibilities whereas a sensate user will be constantly aware of the immediate....|||I would issue a word of warning: the real MBTI test is one not many of us will really have taken. We've taken facsimiles online, so we have no guarantee of the quality of the question-structure. ...|||To the OP: Yes. She was one of the most screwed up people, I've ever had the misfortune to meet. Appears normal until you begin to realise how much of a weirdo and liar she is.|||curious0610, just ask him if he has a girlfriend... If needs be, do it by email or remote communication. If he doesn't, ask him out. The others are right: classic research and stalk pattern has...|||Don't worry about EHarmony. That site's got a reputation for failure!|||It is also a question of geographical distribution. I think that Lenore Thompson and others are right in the general assertion that one INTJ may well be the only one in the classroom until...|||I'd suggest reading at least the Wiki material. Narcissism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Narcissism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free...|||Mantis: Apocalypse Now - M16's. Yes, there were! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx7XNb3Q9Ek: 3:05, good shot of M16s in use.|||There is also an interesting point made by Bashantenko that INTJs are not afraid of accepting chaos because the function of Ni means that they fundamentally view the world as chaotic. Order is...|||INTJ because the ENTJs can be blindsided by conventional logic and fail to pay attention to the inner voice of Ni.|||Agreed. I want a personal library!' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Me on a computer tech forum: How can I do XYZ? Moron 1: Oh, I wouldn't recommend doing that. You might break something. Moron 2: Why would you want to do that? My cousin's friend's roommate...|||For me, all cities pose the same problem... lots of people congregating in one area. How nice it is depends on your economic means. If I could buy myself an oasis of escape, like a sprawling...|||No rational people are religious? Okay ...then that means there are no rational people, because all of us have faith in something.|||Hilarious. I want to see an old toothless redneck man on his front porch singing Can't Hug Every Dog ...or a psycho cat hater singing Can't Kill Every Cat. Why are there no good parodies?|||You can give aid to poor countries until you're blue in the face, but you can't stop it from being re-routed into the pockets of corrupt officials and cartels until you do something about the...|||I liked his explanation of the functions, but at the end when he said pretend to be an extrovert ...I said WTF!? Imagine locking an extrovert in a dim room for 2 days and telling them to...|||What are those? :-) Seriously though, the art of debate includes knowing when to avoid them, so I agree with you that we should pick our battles carefully.|||...every trip to Wal-mart (or large marketplace where you live) provides clear evidence for your theory that humanity is doomed and the end is approaching at an exponential rate.|||I spent my younger years building a wall around myself. Now I'm over 40 now and here is what I've come to realize: Relationships are like campfires. - The flames are bright when the fire is...|||My rules for debate: 1. If you have to raise your voice, it means you're losing. 2. If you have to stoop to a lower level than your opponent, it means you're losing. 3. As long as you don't...|||I didn't know INTJs wrote poetry ...except for dirty limericks.|||Thanks for the replies. Getting Things Done is a book that changed my life too. It's the ultimate organize-your-life book. Its guidelines are now my habits.|||I tried reading The Power of Positive Thinking when I was younger and I couldn't get through it. It seemed like just a bunch of touchy-feely, illogical anecdotes. Now that I've learned much more...|||Satanic couple targets of hate crime? - Crimesider - CBS News The irony is killing me! You can't make this stuff up. The real life drama of actual idiots is the funniest thing in the universe! ...|||I find myself constantly searching the internet for new, life-altering information. Of course I almost never find it, so I snap back to reality for a short while until the next irrational wave...|||I disagree with all you you who disparage online dating. I've been married over 20 years and when I started dating the internet didn't exist. When I consider the opportunities for meeting that...|||That is sad. I still think the vast majority of random strangers (men included) are good however, and when walking in safe places you should not live in fear. In the US, rapes happen to about 18% of...|||Undocumented statistics. I might add that to the What pisses off INTJ's thread. :tongue:|||Yes. Because I'd rather be uncontrollably horny than uncontrollably cranky. Just joking. In both posts. :tongue:|||http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/88/CagedHeatWOWchamps.jpg Please be gentle, ladies. You really don't understand how men think do you? :-) If you had to experience the...|||I get the sense that everyone here hates Hallmark Gift Cards as much as I do. Worst gift ever. I have actually contemplated taking them back and asking for a refund so I could have the cash...|||Reminds me of James Gregory: My uncle heard that most car accidents happen within a mile of your house. So that dumbass moved.|||I would say yes too. Is it wrong that I don't feel sorry for you one tiny bit for being constantly ogled by members of the opposite sex? I am a man after all.|||Yes. ......|||Autism is a full spectrum of behaviors. Any of us who rely more on logic over emotions, or who has trouble reading the emotions of others (all INTJs) is showing autistic tendencies. Big deal....|||Thanks for the replies. I get the sense that you guys are just as reserved with thank you as I love you because you don't want it to become overused and meaningless. I can respect that. This is...|||Questions for ESTPs: Are you always late? If that causes problems for other people, do you care at all? If so ...and if those people really need you to get this under control, what is the best...|||Confidence is the belief in your own abilities. Arrogance is the ignorance of your own inabilities. INTJ vs ENTJ is a contrary relationship type. (Contrary relations between psychological...|||But you HAVE to learn how. Arguing with him is as illogical as talking to a brick wall. You need to move away and get out from under his control as soon as possible. You may have a much better...|||But Christmas is celebrated by 95% of Americans. Christmas Strongly Religious for Half in U.S. Who Celebrate It Not really. That's just some politically correct feel-good bullshit propaganda forced...|||Oh c'mon, where's your thrill-seeking sense of adventure!? Although it adds a whole new dimension to there's a hair in my food. :shocked:|||Yep. My friends call me Mr. Selfish. I enjoy robbing others of their joy so much I won't even say happy National Potato Day or happy National Pie Day. I agree with the OP 100%. You're not...|||No, you've got it wrong. Sarcastic comment about holidays [over explanatory one liner for the dim-witted] Rant Trivial knowledge-seeking curiosity|||Very straightforward and logical reason :) - I was including Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years ...Probably the most obligatory socializing INTJs will do all year. I celebrate Christmas and...|||Don't you just LOVE getting together with big groups of family, friends, and co-workers for the holidays? ^^Sarcasm^^ Getting together this past Thanksgiving in a large family gathering was...|||Surroundedbyspaniards, you know you can't just leave us all hanging. You have to report back here at least within 30 days and give us an update.Puh-leeeez. It drives me CRAZY when girls say things...|||C'mon now, don't sell yourselves so short. My wife is an INFP and being a mother is her greatest joy in life. There is not a better mother on the planet. And marriage is as natural to her as...|||I've always thought Zoey was an ENFP. Such a perfect female I could almost faint watching her.|||I dunno, a slave would come in pretty handy around the house.You're over idealizing and romanticizing. Some slaves would have refused to go with you. Some had good masters and stayed for almost no...|||Oblivious people!!! The ones who linger in doorways. Get the fuck outta the way you clueless sacks of shit! The ones who stand in line with the door open, on a freezing cold night, waiting to...|||There's no way you can say what you would or wouldn't do. When you meet the person you want to marry ...you'll want to get married. Duh. If you're able to take a wait and see, I'm too young right...|||There, I started it for you. An ESTP that I know doesn't laugh at the same things as me. I love deadpan humor, sarcasm, Spongebob, Mr. Bean, Monty Python, etc. I can be dying laughing and she'll...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIaORknS1Dk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krb2OdQksMc Almost anything from Life of Brian is hilarious. I would think this especially funny to INTJs because we...|||When I was in college (before internet) it was just as bad. A ten story library full of books that I would never have time to read. Pure torture. And I would always get distracted from the boring...|||Stop it. You're hurting my feelings. I'm not asking for help. I'm asking for information. Whether it helps or not is up to me. When I was younger I was a lot more autonomous (a hard-headed...|||I'd like to hear from other INTJs about your thoughts on self-discipline. Is it something you struggle with? How do you cope? What has worked for you? I struggle daily. My need to absorb knowledge...|||Your own existence requires faith in the reality you perceive, so reality itself is a self-delusion. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. ~ Einstein Faith and religion...|||I have found that direct confrontation rarely has the intended consequences, so I avoid it. Letting others see that I am annoyed is a weakness I refuse to expose. Allowing other people to control me...|||I didn't make many friends growing up. School was boring and depressing. Home life was rushed because both parents worked so much. Time spent at my grandparents, outdoors riding my dirt bike,...|||This describes me to a T! I dated a girl in high school for 2 years (first love). No guy has ever treated their girlfriend better. We could not have been happier. I would have married her...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Oh shit, he actually talks -_- I'm disappointed that you don't listen to Tyler the Creator Everyone else likes it/agrees with me, therefore it's better than (whatever you say) Why don't you...|||Looking back, I think I've had so many opportunities with girls. Just yesterday, at walmart in the magazine/book aisle, this chick was whispering to her sister and looking at me and then walked all...|||I never make friends. I always let them befriend me... I have quite a lot for not ever initiating conversations. Now girlfriends are another story.|||In this capitalist society in which we live in, the boy with the most toys wins.|||When I was younger, around 11 and below I would always try and point every flaw in their logic and try to make them look bad in front of my fellow pupils because I was teh sh1t. Now I just sit...|||INTP here :) Haha though I am pretty good at math, I am no mathalete! But I was a secret stoner... people did not expect it when they found out. And I used to fall into more of the skater kid but...|||I wanna be an ENTP! Too much Ti here! >< I used to be really talkative at 10 years old and under but I know everybody thought I was annoying. Maybe I might be ENTP... I read somewhere that they go...|||1.People - People Are People - Depeche Mode 2.Color - That childrens book where this girl eats a lima bean... It's called A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon. That book scared me as a little...|||Ahaha, that sucks. Haha sorry, I guess try to have a debate with her involving many studies? Or show her the documentary called The Union: The Business Behind Getting High. I showed that to my...|||Hmmm not in the mood ehh... I used to read up on NLP and stuff of that matter and there was this method which involved anchoring your thoughts and feelings to a certain word or movement like snapping...|||241 I see it everywhere in random places for some reason.|||Ehhh, introvert here. I like the day better. Early morning when it's nice and cool does it. Between you and me, I get paranoid at night....|||Hmmmmmmm..... Compliments :) Nice Weather :) Good Tunes :) Usually if the song goes with the weather and my mood, everything is in perfect synchronicity. ... Maybe I'm a closet INFP.......|||I get called cute by girls and sexy by guys :/ But both say I have a baby face.|||The real you looks wayyyy better imo.|||True true, but even the psych said it was pretty severe. I just needed to concentrate and I didn't have the willpower... I don't think I would've made it through all my AP/honors classes...|||Haha no it's actually quite the opposite! I was having trouble focusing in school (And have been since forever) and I did my research... (even looked in my mom's psychology/pharmacology books) and...|||I get told that I am arrogant (intellectually) often by my parents and some kids at school I have to work with in group projects... I don't really understand why though.|||I think that I was born an ENTP but I gradually become more introverted and full INTP by age 14.|||Well actually, I did go about 8 months ago and was diagnosed with ADD. My parents were soooo pissed haha they tried to do everything they could to try and tell the psychologist that I didn't have it...|||http://www.intergate.com/~rpurcell/mazda/mazda6_1.JPG Mazda 6 minus the spoiler. I get my license in October so I can't drive it alone yet...|||Because I asked them why people say please and thank you and why they get so mad at me when I don't tell the store clerk I'm leaving, thank you for your help when he tried hard to make me buy some...|||I mean I love thinking and philosophizing about life and exploring theories but I also like watching and doing extreme sports. I'm creative and always come up with new ideas for my friends...|||Yep, you are for sure an INTP. I think the only way you'd be an INFJ would be if you were more future oriented/system building and place an importance in getting along with people and people getting...|||Agreed. I like sobriety. It's so... undiluted.|||I used to smoke it a lot and I loved how it made me creative and enhanced my senses. (muchiesssss) It makes me a lot more introverted though and I tend to think a lot more and a lot more...|||Incredibly failed puppy eyes from 4 months ago http://personalitycafe.com/attachments/intp-forum-thinkers/18262d1309071750-intp-photos-img_9105.jpg Typical candid thinking mode.... with the...|||you look like an istp... Haha people say an istp may look serious and angry while an intp will look more lost or victimized.|||You sound like you have a fun life. Haha I've tried to produce in FL Studio but I always get lazy. And I wish I could seduce women in order to find out how they function :P|||Well if your goal is to have a love life but give up, forever, in trying to attain one then that makes you a loser. Because you lost... However, that is not your goal so you're not a loser. You...|||Haha that's crazy! You might be my twin or something...|||-The reason I had As on some classes was because I cheated on every test... the subject matter was incredibly boring and required a lot of data memorizing. -I kissed every girl in Pre-School...|||When random people ask you if you're high or sad when in reality you're just thinking about something.|||I think the word Stairwell is hilarious... whenever I hear it, I start laughing and people think i'm weird.|||I think low self esteem in social situations for an INTP is from lack of exposure to those situations. Awkwardness is not knowing what to say or how to act in situations. Ne allows an INTP to just go...|||I think Peter Parker from Spiderman is in INFP. He is usually late to class (P), he is driven by his emotions to protect his friends/lovers/family, and because he is more nerdy as most intuitives are...|||Have you looked at the cognitive functions of each type? If you are an INTP, you would be Ti dominant meaning that you are usually in your head analyzing things. If you are an ENTP, you would be...|||Well this guy, Davesuperpowers in his video Sensing vs Intuition (my post count isn't high enough to post youtube links) says that sensors, when they talk to you, will usually have an S Stare where...|||INTP Weed makes me quiet but gives me some crazy ideas about life and makes me creative when I make music on FL Studio. Adderall (prescribed) makes me angry and quiet but a lot more productive....|||Hi, I'm Sean, 16 years of age... Been lurking here and other forums for a while. I think I am 98% sure I am an INTP. The other 2% is the chance of me being an ENTP because of my past (Ages 12 and...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'You've had your coffee already right? No...? Then why are you acting like that??? - My brother, a couple of mornings ago :D|||For some reason I always have the perverse desire to break out my loopy side in front of SJs, ISTJs in particular. Their reactions always crack me up, without fail. I don't know why I find that...|||Wow this thread's interesting... for the simple fact that I've always had questions, doubts, uncertainties about religion. I'm a born Christian, with a family that's heavily involved in church work,...|||Very well put. I believe that we have a right to choose whom we're close to - as long as we're true to our principles in making these decisions, I don't see how it's necessarily a bad thing to choose...|||Oh definitely. It's not so much that I can't be myself - it's more like my brain-tongue communication is sometimes short-circuited and I say things before my brain catches up and either tells me HOW...|||From my ISTp friend: You're my emotion translator! :D|||... you get distracted by other things for a few months, come back and feel like you never left :D *been feeling nostalgic about my fellow ENFPs lately :)*|||Never too late for pasta! :D Does having pasta for supper constitute a confession? :D|||ENFP_of_Pasta Confession: LOVE your username. ENFP and Pasta together. Divine! ('scuse me, it's lunch hour, I'm hungry and I happen to love pasta lol).|||Lilsnowy Yea, if I guy is staring at you and doesn't even realize you've noticed, chances us are he WAS looking there. I'd have done what your relative wanted to do as well!! Ooh - you know...|||That's how we know we're on track! Hehehe ;)|||You know you're an ENFP when you rip your trousers and immediately convert a shawl into a makeshift wraparound and pretend you're starting a fashion trend... and everyone buys it without realizing...|||I find emotional people who aren't ENFP irritating. LOL. Double standards? I don't know. Hee. Btw, loving this: ey3prohrfoeufyvds8&(&*@YI! :D|||When asked to describe me in a word: ... um... *blank stare*.. er.. Yea. Sad. :D|||You know you're ENFP when your mouth overshoots your brain and you say something really stupid and afterwards wish cussing at yourself was more satisfying and if you could beat yourself up you would...|||Or worse (better? :P) - Phantom of the Opera, complete with awful high note at the end! :D :D :D|||Please tell me this really happened! :D :D :D :D|||Camellia Haha, me too! I always have to look when a guy smells good :D But bad smells turn me off just as quickly - I don't think I could be with a guy with BO.. not unless I was head over...|||I do this too, somewhat. It's a defense mechanism coz we know how emotionally vulnerable we are, I think. I can intellectualize any emotionally charged situation so as to diffuse the impact it has on...|||When you give people you care about the benefit of the doubt until such a time when they break your trust so badly that you feel betrayed enough to either get really mad and confront them (*shock!...|||And you find that they can steady you when things get emotionally overwhelming by simply, matter-of-factly, getting to the heart of the matter :) I guess you know you're an ENFP when INTJs are just...|||Coffee shop, with a good book, laptop and good vantage point so I can make random observations about complete strangers while reading, watching videos and enjoying a completely awesome macchiato (mmm...|||You're TOO nice - learn how to say no! (Me in head: What's no? :confused:) And just two minutes ago: Are you high?!!? Get down from there!|||Haha! I cried when my mum got rid of my old bed when I was seven - did the whole dramatic you served me well, you brave old bed routine, too! :laughing: But it's decreased a little since then. I...|||Stop drinking so much coffee! ... Oh. You haven't had any.|||Loving it! :laughing: Don't know if I've taken it as far as accidentally killing everybody (I might've though! :tongue:), but this random train of thought is SO on! Right down to the feeling sad...|||I know what you mean! Do what makes you feel good, though - if exercising does that, great :) But just remember, there will always be people who find you attractive just the way you are - we just...|||I have a BIG problem saying no to people AND I fall for emotional blackmail sooo easily. This makes me incredibly unhappy, but I don't know how to broach the issue because I don't want to hurt the...|||Difficult to say if he deserved it (only you'd know that), but I can relate to this 100%. Sometimes it seems disproportionate because the trigger isn't necessarily the issue to begin with, but there...|||Speaking as a girl, and not just an ENFP (although I suppose that does add to the huggable criteria!), I'd rather be with a huggable guy than a skinny one - just saying! :)|||I agree - I get that way sometimes too, but you always know you're gonna be back to your old people loving self again soon :) Also you know you're ENFP when you feel like hugging perfect...|||Haha - this is exactly the kind of thing that gets my ISFJ mum in a snit :P I call it organized chaos - I can find anything I want in a heart beat :D|||Hey hey! Welcome from a fellow newbie :D And yes, smileys are AWESOME! But my INTP brother can never understand why I use them so often :P Hehe.|||Hehe - guilty as charged! But I did rather like wyndmere8's post coz so much of it is bang on the stuff I would do :) And I also obsessively re-read my posts and edit them, to make sure they make...|||Oh yes, most definitely. I think it all boils down to how much even us ENFPs put in the effort to develop our thinking functions. Most ENFPs I know are capable of being perfectly rational and logical...|||These two I get all the time! :D|||Weren't you supposed to be doing...? HUH? No, that WASN'T that funny. Really. *insert WTF look here* And the jumping from conclusion A to B with seemingly no real logical pathway...|||Totally classic! :D|||Yea, most definitely! I also love autocorrect fails sooooo much - unexpectedly hilarious moments are the bomb! :D|||There are times when I feel self-conscious about being myself because I know people expect me to behave a certain way... So I go through the motions but feel darn awkward inside lol. Is there any...|||:) Figured it probably wouldn't, but it was worth a shot! :)|||Haha, most people who know me superficially are usually shocked to find out I'm such a goof (dork's a good word too :D) when they really get to know me because when I'm in professional mode, the...|||Haha, most people who know me superficially are usually shocked to find out I'm such a goof (dork's a good word too :D) when they really get to know me because when I'm in professional mode, the...|||This actually made me laugh out loud :) Are you referring to the stuff we laugh at, or the expression? :P If it's the expression then the answer is quite simply, the expression :) I think...|||Because they can't and never will be able to get the joke. Heehee. Poor dears :D|||This is precisely what happens to me :D The INTJ's quizzical look almost always sends me into more hysterics :D|||The blank stares that go along with the crickets are priceless :D|||Haha, too funny! :) My colleagues always ask me who I'm talking to - and then I get weird looks when I say myself or the laptop (I do this sometimes lol). Thank goodness they're also my friends!...|||Even in public! :D You jump from doing one thing to another because spending hours on one is just... dull. And you can also multitask and still produce a good piece of work! :) In fact I find my...|||Tell me about it! I think I'm also partly afraid of the consequences of venting - I always regret my outbursts because I ultimately end up hurting the person back. I am SO bad at the whole eye for an...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Like zippy, I err between agnostic and pantheist as well. I'm a biology grad student. After years of immersion in that, years of accumulating information, you can't help but marvel at the...|||I'm not sure I see the issue with just asking if she has a boyfriend or if she's single. It's really not that awkward if you're casual about it. Yeah, it's obvious, but so what? If she's single,...|||I'm a female ENTP dating a male INTJ. INTJ is probably my best match. I think we just relate to each other really well, and also compliment each other well. They are more organized and structured,...|||I'm with an INTJ and its by far the most natural relationship I've had. Any communication problems come not from type, but maturity and proper development of Fe/Fi. Despite being cold, hard...|||Taking a programming class, learning C++ and having an issue with a very simple program involving a for loop. I think the issue is with the counter. It compiles fine, it just doesn't do what I want...|||I had this problem as well. I was picking things I didn't fully agree with because I had to...I don't see some issues as either black or white the way the quiz presented it. Generally I consider...|||I got the same thing. Post-modern.|||I tend to get annoyed/bored in the long run, though I agree they can be quite interesting and cute. Gotta have my NT though for the long term.|||Sometimes I wonder if a male ENTP with a female INFJ is a better match than a female ENTP with a male INFJ. Idk. Seems like most of the ENTP girls here swoon over INTJ's, including myself.|||Haha I think I ran into another ENTP on omegle once. We were both trolling each other and ended up having a whacky conversation about time machines.|||I just accept the things I cannot change for what they are. Death is a part of life...I wouldn't necessarily call it bad. It just unknown and mysterious, which can make it a bit frightening...Not to...|||ICU I didn't catch how long you've known him, but you can probably bring up deeper topics if you wish, if you feel comfortable doing so. Any NT will thrive off conversations like that. Just be aware...|||I just think its stupid. I have better ways to spend money than on a $5 pack of cigarettes.|||If you like him, go for it. I dated an INFJ, but have found better compatibility and an amazing connection with an INTJ. We also have 5 years difference...I'm 21, he's 26. But honestly, if it...|||Its hard to tell with politicians anyway because they lie and are manipulative. His speeches and desires may not reflect his actual take on the matter one bit, its just what sounds good and appeals...|||I finally found me an INTJ. Yep, gonna make pretty much every female ENTP on here jealous. My INTJ is a sweet jerk, it's very cute :tongue:|||What would it take for an INTJ to get super emotionally attached to someone in a romantic fashion? A certain kind of person that just clicks with you immediately or spending a lot of time with one...|||Well, you do use all 8 functions. You may be Ne dominant, but the more mature you become, the better you are able to use other functions and appreciate them and see the value in using them. So that...|||Well if she's not interested in the theory, you can't force her into it. It's generally NF temperaments that try to use the theory to find themselves or discover themselves. To most NT's, its a...|||Thanks guys :happy:|||Dear dog enthusiasts of the world, particularly those who post on dog forums, It is not MY responsibility to make sure my neighbors crap doesn't get destroyed by my dogs if it finds its way into...|||Just laugh it off usually or make fun of myself.|||Sounds pretty much like me. I'm very picky and have high standards. And once I get comfortable with somebody, I'm very loyal. You must be special though because not many people get to see that...|||My suggestion is to first ditch the stereotypes, then look at functions. No, J's aren't always organized and yes, T's can be emotional too, and not just during that time of the month. ENFP...|||I think for me, it's necessary that somebody recognize their error. So I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... or I'm sorry, I was a total jerk. Just own up to what you did and take responsibility for it....|||None/other. I'm more or less Libertarian.|||NT's feel just as much as every other type does. They just don't often place a lot of importance on it and/or know how to process what they feel. It's generally a naive individual that expects other...|||I'm good at visual/spatial things. Whenever I go somewhere new, I never take a map with me. I just study it for a couple minutes and memorize it and then go and I get there fine. Sorta goes hand in...|||Nothing like perpetuating the stereotype I guess.|||I was bad at algebra. I had to take algebra 2 three times. Twice in highschool, then in college I got put in a remedial math class which was algebra 2 all over again. But I took a calculus...|||Some would describe me as a jack of all trades. And I guess that's sort of true. But mostly I stick to science, which is my natural subject. Although it's a broad subject so I guess we have a jack...|||ENTP's do tend to be optimists. I'm probably more cynical than idealistic, but I do like it when people are happy. But either way, just because you do something that might not be stereotypically...|||Ah just what the ENTP forum needs, another thread bragging about ourselves.|||Yeah, that's definitely important. Boundaries must be set in any relationship, especially in a marriage.|||1) The ends. I might have fun with the means, but the end is definitely more important. 2) My biggest flaw: My difficulty in getting close to people and trusting people. Especially when it comes...|||You know, honestly, I think instead of trying to be a guy, or be a girl, just be yourself. The most important thing when it comes to being treated how you want to be treated by your guy friends...|||I think there may be less of a difference if little girls and little boys weren't conditioned into certain rolls by their parents. You still have hormones, which will have an effect that cannot be...|||Youngest of 3, but we have such large age gaps that I've never even met my oldest brother and the brother closest to me in age left to college when I was 4. So it's more like I'm an only child.|||If somebody seriously criticizes you for being too intelligent, then obviously the issue is with their insecurity, not your IQ. Find new friends.|||It can sometimes be hard for me to make friends because my interests tend to be pretty far out there and most people I meet tend to be shallow and care about things I think are stupid. But I do have...|||I'm actually pretty laid back. I don't feel the need to debate all the time and if somebody verbally abuses me, I'm more likely to just roll my eyes and walk out of the room and leave them to yell...|||Fail. ENTP has Fe as a tertiary.|||That happens with me and INTP's. I've met a couple and never felt much of a connection with them. We get along really well and we relate to each other and think similarly, but the INTP guys I've met...|||Are you getting a BS or BA? My nephew wants to get into psych research and apparently not many schools offered the BS in psych. BA is more common as it deals with counseling/therapy.|||I'm in science. You are not likely to get very far in the field of science without at LEAST a BS; the average salary goes up as education level does. It's only going to be a waste if you get a degree...|||Really, I think maturity overall is a development of not just the functions in the line up, but the other 16 too. We use them all and they're all important in daily functioning. In a mature ENTP,...|||Yeah looking at his room and comparing it to mine...I think hiring a maid would be in our best interest if we lived together : But I think of the two of us, I'm the one with the most self discipline...|||Yeah I don't really post on PerC much because there is a lot of immaturity and typism, I think my IRL experiences with different types have been better than what i encounter here. It is the...|||It could just be a you thing! Just because it's not a typical ENTP thing doesn't mean you're fucked up :tongue: We all have our quirks. And I do think we sort of change to a degree based on...|||A lot of ENTP's are enneagram type 7's. 7's tend to be very centered around physical pleasure and self gratification. There may be a connection there.' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Yeah forums have a weird way of keeping you coming back every few years. I guess it's a good escape from life.|||20 turning 21 in may. How about you? I used to use forums all the time since I was 11 up until I was 17. I took a bit of a break from forums in general but it's so refreshing to see the old...|||Damnnnn I felt really nostalgic tonight, so I decided to come here and log in. I've been reading some of my old posts, I used to be crazy obsessed with myers briggs in 2013/2014. Can't believe its...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__H8S_4Zk8o I want to find the background song in this video so badly, but I just don't know what it is. I tried to put it into song deciphering websites, but they...|||Oh no I'm not doing this to try and win girls or whatever if that's what you guys are thinking. I'm interested in the whole topic in general. Such as when a person is crossing their arms, they have a...|||Recommend me some great body language books guys. I'm trying to get into it. However there is a lack of great books these days in the libraries I go to. Any one know of any great ones that cover a...|||Love your avy btw ^ Rocky all the way!|||Yes I did start it, thanks a lot :D Yeah I definitely have future plans on advertising. Don't have much cash on me at the moment though so I need to spend wisely. I started it because I used to have...|||I love you guys <3 FUck yeah internet hugs.|||I've had a bad day, I cried infront of all my friends and just felt like the biggest loser ever. Can someone give me a hug :)?|||This is done amazingly well! So abstract yet easy to grasp. Awesome work.|||I really really like this! I can relate so much. Thanks for sharing :p!|||I feel like the biggest loser ever. I don't know why I'm getting so insecure about stupid shit. But lately it's because I don't have my drivers licence yet. I am 18 years old and I travel by public...|||Hey fellow enFP's, just here with an important question which i would appreciate answering. What do you guys think of the business industry? I posted a thread about my personal questioning in the...|||Hey guys, basically I'm not going to go into detail about my current situation. But i'm living by without parents (Having to pay rent with two other housemates, only on government money funding atm),...|||Hey persC, I come with a request for help. I come to you with a job question. I recently got a crappy crappy job, a full time job, 6 days a week working as a Door-to-Door salesman/Lead Generator....|||Know that feel haha :p|||SJ's, and other ENFP's. I swear two other enfp's who are good friends (One male and one female) annoy the absolute shit out of me and I hope to god that I am not that annoying to other people, they...|||My way of talking is odd. I am only good at talking to people when I am acting eccentric and super funny + talkative. When I try to have a normal conversation and act normal per say (In societal...|||I love you too <3 Reply to me because I'm lonely and want to post on forums :(|||ENFP is definitely not one of the most common types, I've never met anyone else who is one. I'd say the majority of the world consists of SP's and SJ's, mainly extroverts. Well here in Sydney...|||Welcome Cher-ry pie, good thing your ENFP this is a master race!|||It seems like you are more introverted then said people, correct?|||INTJ because I got the most assholic INTJ older brother ever invented.|||Come on guys, Eren is a definite NF (Assuming ENFP). He's ideals scream NF. He wants to kill all the titans for humanity's sake, even before his mum died he was very against people being selfish and...|||I'm guessing ESFP? Sorry for the bump but I'm curious about this too.|||Infj's are needy? Legit, guys serious question.|||It's funny because we really aren't that 'weird'. I mean yes we are fucking weird, but definitely not in a weird/creepy/grotesque way. We are weird in the way that we express nearly all our internal...|||I got doorslammed by an INFJ who i loved Online. Ever since then I've been skeptical of INFJ's haha...|||I'm always shirtless at home, always. Sometimes pantless too olol, i perfer walking around naked. Also fuck I love you guys haha made my night this thread, oh yes it did <3 lol|||I know that feel bro :(|||I can relate on so many levels... fucking sucks!|||I'm very competitive, but like everyone else said more of a fun and to better myself. I take weightlifting very seriously too and like to be the alpha out of my friends, but I like to keep it fun...|||You don't sound whiny and petty, if I were you I'm pretty sure I'd be wondering too. Here is a reason that I'm assuming MIGHT be the reason: He could be releasing lots of bottled up emotions. I...|||INFJ - I got two online INFJ mates, Sherry and Sharpo, and omg they're such funny lovely people. They're really mature on the outside but on the inside if they open up to you, they're just as...|||I've been told ISFJ by members here, or read that. I think it suits her right, if you read the ISFJ description it kind of sounds like her. Although she's obviously a very confident performer so she...|||Oh man don't get me started, I get insanely, I repeat INSANELY nostalgic about this stuff haha. Even watching old movies like Ice age and stuff from my past makes me cry. I always smile that the...|||OMG, I can relate to everything in your post. Literally every damn point you mentioned. It all relates so much... My parents never ever ever EVER appreciated me. My dads a very unhealthy ESFJ...|||I bottle up everything, I think I have low self esteem when it comes to my emotions around people. I don't feel comfortable releasing all my emotions, or expressing them truly at the right time. ...|||I don't want to grow up :Your post is part of the reason!|||Welcome, read the rules and hope you enjoy the forums. If you need anything, I'm sure you can PM one of the dedicated Moderators and Administrators of this site. Try not to flame or insult too much,...|||Hello, first time greeting someone :D I only joined a couple months ago but everyone hre is really cool and funny :D! Whats your type? Enjoy the forums!|||I wish I knew an ENFJ :(...|||Wait, all bodybuilders have joint problems? I think not! I agree a lot of gym excercises can be dangerous for joints and ligaments if NOT DONE PROPERLY. However only that. If people properly...|||I've never really had a proper committing relationship. I mean, I've had those stupid boyfriend girlfriend High school relationships but to me that means nothing. Just an ego trip for guys at school...|||Everyones different though ^ For instance if someones bodyfat is above 10 percent (Give or take lol) then running would help a lot. However some people (Even uber skinny) can't see their abs because...|||So he proceeded...|||3 Words each! (Apologies if there is already a thread like this, but meh) One day a...|||I win, it's impossible to post after this.|||Yes, my abusive older brother :(... But as a friendly ENFP, I see the truth. It's not about acting back and beating the shit out of him. My theory is that if I leave it, do nothing and eventualyl...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'When you read a post... read a few more pages in, then decide to go back and thank that post.|||I'm glad you posted this actually, because I over-think my Fi when it comes to deciding where a relationship is going... my go-with-it Ne just kinda puddles out, and I question whether my value...|||you crack me up do that one voice you are always happy [that is because there are always people around when you see me... (you are people)] always so polite :) You are talking really...|||I don't even know what I do, but people say I crack them up. :) I get away with things a lot because of my cloud of innocence. :) :) it is interesting. People assume I am ALWAYS happy... but that...|||I am an ENFP, and I didn't take the time to figure out this new version yet, and this is the first time I have logged in... in like a MONTH! I am almost at a point where I am between obsessive...|||today I said something like I seems like I am always somewhere... which is interesting then the INFP I was with started laughing, and said that is a very *my name* thing to say! .... I have heard...|||you know you are an ENFP when you are trying to explain that it IS possible to love everyone, and that disliking/hating (gross word hate) is pointless! sigh.... :) oh well I don't blame them.|||Poetry in short Seven is a number that only nine can love.|||once I lost my class ring... apparently I left it at a hotel, and if eventually came back to me via the mail more recently I lot my phone... I had dropped it outside of my church, and a week...|||Does blue float? on the top of water is blue up in the sky there is blue I have tasted blue. It is hollow and bland. red is much more piercing. But yellow, I can't stand.|||Times like this (at home) I forget that feeling I get every eye roll, and comment... that feeling of but... I wasn't even acting THAT strange. ... thank you for reminding me... I think it is just a...|||VERY true :)|||:/ when it said what kind I used adjectives... ummm 1) Group people 2)fluffy! 3)aw! *duck dow* *hold still* *run at it!* *keep walking* [so spaz out really] 4) Magical and surreal 5)no...|||Big cats? ... just more to hug!|||ENFP used hyper beam! Critical Hit! WHAT? ENFP is evolving... never mind.|||Sounds like something my brother would say.... :crazy:|||I am an ENFP, and I was trying to explain to my mom how I see grades in school... I use a green arrow, red arrow... she asked me where is this green arrow, what are you talking about? .... I...|||see the wrench with User CP it is in there somewhere, and you need a Youtube URL. :)|||I recently realized a new [guilty pleasure?] for Jersey shore.... it allows me to watch people the likes of whom I never get to watch.|||... yea, brief. :happy:|||WHOA! I'm almost two separate people, only I'm actually more reserved at home, because EVERY here is introverted except for me :/ ... but there are certain groups of people around which I am 100%...|||My mom calls me a dork ALL THE TIME!!!|||Big welcomes to EVERYONE! :D whooo! enjoy the forums and stuff. :D|||you're so VEIN, you probably think this song is about YOU don't you? :) sorry... name pun. :laughing: but, these people are all really nice... complimenting an entire group of people at once....|||I am an ENFP, and I wish I owned a shirt that says Hug me :/ but I don't|||Actually, one of the major critisisms of the MBTI system as a whole, is that people who test close to the cut of between any of the letters (like I/E) my not feel adequately represented. the...|||I am an ENFP, and I responded to someone today: My smile is not unending... It goes from HERE to.... HERE. :) ... then told a couple of my friends about the whole thing.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdlfr_5TM78|||I like ducks too.|||then do it! :D|||May - Taurus :proud: (and 1993, so the Rooster) meaning... My life is pretty much a cock and bull story... (Rooster/Taurus) :frustrating: *sigh*|||If you were an animal [not like a party animal or anything]... which animal would you be? Are ENFP's those little scurrying things, or those things with flapping bits? or those wierd...|||Mika - Happy Ending Mika - Love today Cake - (well almost anything cake) Matt and Kim - Daylight The Fratellis - chelsea dagger and... The Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack|||The Resolution by Jack's Mannequin There's a lot that I don't know. There's lot that I'm still learning, but I think I'm letting go. Find my body it's still burning.:proud: (I'm also...|||I would love a cupcake :tongue: :laughing:|||You are looking at logic all the wrong way. the logic YOU expect is highly linear... A-B-C-D-E ... where you HAVE to pass through C to get from A to E... but ENFP's being highly intuitive......|||That is slightly totally awesome... :)|||I'm an ENFP ... and I wish there was a way that I could love this thread more, but there isn't. ... [indescribable feeling emoticon here]|||:sad: I'm an ENFP, and I wish... that veingogh didn't have reason to feel down and unhappy. :sad:|||I don't necessarily dress differently than others, but whatever I wear looks different on me, because I wear things differently... posture and junk. :)|||Goku is not JUST happy go lucky though... yes, he is always smiling and happy, but there are CLEARLY the other ENFP aspects to him... and those are the ones that really make a difference... Drawn in...|||It is ok, I was just looking for typing based on textual evidence. :) ... not theological viewpoint.|||Wow. I know what you mean... one time I was REALLY HAPPY that this song on the radio was annoying me... because this meant I was forming a negative opinion without trying! ... which makes me feel...|||Sigmund Freud once said, Time spent with cats is never wasted. He also thought everything links back to a repressed sexual desire for your parent, so take that with a grain of salt. (which is a...|||I understand the fun atmosphere that loud dancey music brings, but I don't understand the other bits to it. there are ways to have fun without hooking up with strangers. :frustrating: *sigh* I...|||I like things you say. :) I do find myself to do things like plan out how I will do things ahead of time... one night while trying to fall asleep I was figuring out how to make envelopes of paper......|||1) be artistic daily 2) FOCUS! 3) GO TO COLLEGE!!! get there! :shocked:|||:O I am always reading books for English IV, and then end up being assigned essays... and do well on them... some how. :)|||I Ardently agree with EVERYTHING you are saying. :)|||no no, it was ok. I made it sound worse than it was haha.' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I am overwhelmed with misery and frustration. I feel powerless to control my life and trapped in a role I never wanted. I wish to live, but I feel that is a luxury reserved for the rich.|||The Postman by David Brin really made me rethink my anticipation of a cataclysm, and made me realize how much life means because of other people and kindness and interactions with them. Stranger...|||Wait - as a model or as a consumer? I haven't modeled for them, but I FAR prefer chaturbate. It's much less of a quid pro quo attitude there. The people come and go as they please, and the filters...|||Definitely not here in the US. ...|||I feel amazing. Cheerful, upbeat, optimistic.|||Yeah, that'll work. I wish I could afford and properly house a dog. Not that my house is bad for a dog, but the hours I work can be crazy.|||It's annoying to deal with it and it's something I think I should address so we can get back to what I care about.|||The neediness stems from the length of time that I've gone without basically any actual intimacy or affection. When I have a girlfriend, I'm a much more stereotypical ENTP. As for the T/F...|||Hello there Perc-ers. I'm dying here. Well, it feels like it. I'm trapped in a shitty area where pseudoscience abounds and drugs are the activity du jour for most everyone. There's a university...|||I met more people volunteering and joining clubs than I did anywhere else. One that I joined was all about helping teach at-risk youth about the outdoors, and I grew close with a LOT of the...|||My experience with dating sites is that if women aren't interested, they do not reply at all. Congrats on the date though. 2 years on okcupid here and I just deleted my account. I got 1 date in all...|||Ok. Didn't mean to say you're mistyped, as I can't really know that. It just seems that I see the sort of deep-thoughts that can't be expressed because language amont INTPs a lot. Maybe they have...|||This so much.|||Sounds more like an INTP problem, maybe.|||If you do something with better pay, will you gain (enough) more time to pursue something creative? For example, if you can go from working 5 days a week for x money to working 3 days a week for the...|||Ohhhhhh nooooeees. This isn't the sex confession thread >.> Just needed to edit the language a bit here... Long story short, I'm an ENTP Sx/So. I used to be the jealous type. I've had a couple...|||To get this jackass mooch boyfriend of my roommate's to move back out. He got back here from a seasonal job after she kicked him out months ago and hasn't done anything but play xbox all day (like...|||To fix my Flippin car. It's only been down and out of action for like 4 months now... >.<|||I'm having a really lonely couple weeks and would love to find a way to connect with an NF. :/ Merp.|||HellooOOOooooo... Welcome to PerC!|||I think it's a lot more accurate. A lot of the things I do are done because other people make me, not because it's how I'd prefer to do it.|||Let me answer this simply: YES! The only caveats I have to offer are this: 1) Answer each question that says I usually... as thought it says I'm happiest when I..... It makes the test more...|||Depressed as hell for some reason.|||Love. And financial security. Still working on tier 2 and 3 of the hierarchy of neeeds, much to my dismay.|||I understand, and I can relate a lot. I've spent most of the last 5 years incredibly lonely. The only thing that's helping is getting used to and happy to being alone. Therapy helps a lot too,...|||My throat hurts. But only on one side. And I have an extremely important interview I haven't prepared for much. I should be fine, but still. I would have started myself on some antibiotics I had...|||*ENTP here* thought I'm an more of an ambivert... Trailer parks are pretty bad. Jails and courthouses are a close second. Those sad bedraggled petting zoos too and, last but not least, those...|||Jeez, where did you all go to school? The largest class I've ever been in was a combined lecture of ~90 students and that was split into 3 lab times and classes.|||The word narcotic is a very fuzzy term. Like most words, definitions and usage of it vary from population to population. The original usage meant any drug that makes you sleepy. Marijuana is...|||Can we end this debate about whether or not a college degree is valuable right now? http://www.census.gov/prod/2012pubs/acsbr11-04.pdf Obviously, and with hard science to back it up, a degree...|||Marijuana doesn't fit into one class of drug. It's a stimulant, depressant, and lastly a hallucinogen. It also has quite the opiod-like effect on most people. B3LIAL My only advice is to have...|||I should have also mentioned that my #1 like is telling me a story I haven't heard before.|||Actually, that is a recent development. A lot of people who started in the engineering field 40 years ago don't have a degree - electrical engineering among them. Can we agree to this - Having a...|||You're assuming that a college degree is a requirement. This is basically propaganda. There are lots of semi-skilled jobs that you can train for and get into within a year that pay around $20 an...|||I used to think that, but I've found that, like there are no translations for certain words from another language (schadenfreude for example), there are no concise ways to convey some ideas expressed...|||Like: Novel ideas, witty conversation, conversation written in italics and without names when it's clear who's speaking, plot twists, the unexpected, characters who are logical but still human,...|||I can't tell you exactly what the job market is like, but I think pure math actually has an employability advantage over applied math because it's more theoretical and less technical. I know a lot of...|||This might be why ENTPs get along with INFJs so well...|||170074 This redwood was exceptionally soft.|||No :) I could find a balanced and safe place for any number of things in my life. Like parasailing, knitting, running backwards, baking bread, and so on. But I don't feel the need. Now, I'll...|||A welder so I can fix my car. And a shop to use it in. And a bunch of money. Uh. That's all I can think of for now. Oh, and a wonderful affectionate strong intelligent woman to love me.|||Weed has withdrawals too. They're not life-threatening seizures, but they're enough that numerous (like twenty) people who I know who are heavy smokers(I know about 100) told me they tried to quit...|||Welllll then. I got a nice surprise when I got to work today! 1) The smug idiot who I was working with got canned for erratic behaviour. (Though that means he can't cover my shifts for #2) 2)...|||Rules (and laws) are for people who can't think for themselves and exercise judgment.|||Wow. You could say the same thing about every other drug used. It's on the same level, if not worse than alcohol, if you ask me. True, you won't die if you OD on pot, but you can psychologically...|||InB4 means Someone is about to say it, so I'm going to put my mark right here before anyone does. It's a prediction. I know you can get addicted.|||InB4 can't get addicted.|||If I had the money, I would already be gone.|||So, I graduated with a BA in Applied Math in December, and through some being dicked around didn't end up moving out of my podunk isolated community. There has been exactly 1 job I've seen come up...|||Not taking care of your responsibilities - like taking care of your kids, pets, home, etc - because you're couchlocked is neglect. (Not you specifically.)' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Welcome back! You've been missed.|||Oh good. My day is not complete until I've crushed a few dreams. :kitteh:|||I actually think it would be fun to make a compendium of all the INFJ pairings that are supposedly magical, like: ENFP/INFJ (moth-flame, mirrors, mouse and cheese, take your choice :laughing:)...|||I got a new hair toy today and had fun trying the braid it in my hair. Kinda messy but I think it should work once I get the hang of it. At any rate, given my username, I figured it was about time to...|||Some of the freebies you get in using polynomial-time curve reductions: minimal position representatives, computing tight geodesics in the curve complex associated to the surface, and its topological...|||*sigh* LOVE that protective streak. So sweet :octopus:|||:perc3:|||I wanted to ask a few questions to help clarify the situation: Did you make any of these requests while you were in the relationship? What was her response? In terms of depth, is sharing...|||5w6, tritype is 5-9-2.|||Hehehe. Writing prompts for murderous cognitive functions. Ne is the self-driving car that goes berserk, a skilled hacker that cleverly disguises murder for a simple programming error. Ni is the trap...|||Saw your response and immediately clicked on your profile to see if you were a fellow type 5 (:laughing: although I think your random thoughts entries independently confirmed that!). But that's the...|||Last anniversary, we got a set of bands engraved with this line: She had blue skin, And so did he. It's from the Shel Silverstein poem Masks. It's a reference to how grateful we are that we were...|||As a friend? Yes. Probably not a super close friend, because being attached at the hip and then falling out of my life for months would be hurtful. But I think it's pretty easy to cultivate a...|||I'm curious in precisely what context you mean 'untethered.' I could understand it in a couple very different ways. I'll try to explain both and hopefully one of them is in the ballpark. In...|||Well I've only got some of the qualifications you're looking for...so take this with several grains of salt...but here goes: My husband is an ENTJ 3w2, I'm an INFJ 5w6. We knew of each other for...|||I think it's lovely you're looking to become the healthiest version of yourself. I can't tell you how many times I've cringed when I read the What do you think of XXXX type? threads, and the people...|||Sorry, I'm not the best at the back-of-the-head selfie thing, but I had my hair up in a braided bun today and tried to snap a photo of it. ...|||If you think I'm nice, you haven't been on my bad side yet Why talk about my issues when I can pretend they don't exist? Leadership: I don't really want to be in charge, but everyone else is an...|||Actualized type: INFJ (who you are) Introverted (I) 68.57% Extroverted (E) 31.43% Intuitive (N) 65% Sensing (S) 35% Feeling (F) 59.38% Thinking (T) 40.63% Judging (J) 63.64% Perceiving (P)...|||:laughing: Don't give up hope yet. According to my extensive research of having shamefully watched all of the Tobey Maguire movies, you've got to make a series of derpy faces to activate it. ...|||warweasel Wishing you well on your job prospects. Every school would be improved by a few war-mongering weasels grumpy deductive doctors. Ah well, you get the picture. :tongue:|||Awwww. I'm sorry that it bothers you. You have every right to feel however you like about it. But it's likely these reactions were in no way directed at you and weren't meant to upset you. I've...|||Neil Gaiman had some interesting commentary about children's books vs. adult books. He'd written a novel that could have been classified in either genre. Once the publishers decided to market it to...|||That's awesome! What sort of writing do you do?|||A lot of it comes down to revising your narrative. You're a newer worker, and as such, your skill set isn't fully developed. There's nothing shameful about that...we don't shame students for being in...|||Time with myself+my SO vs. myself+SO+others is completely different. I can spend nearly endless amounts of time with him without feeling drained. I think part of it is that we're both fans of the...|||Waist length, with the goal of hitting tailbone eventually. It grows fairly quickly, but I've got to get back into better habits, like sleeping with it braided. I'm allergic to PPD dyes, so it's dyed...|||Road trips are about what you find when you get lost: three days, 1400 miles, and one endless conversation later, we found ourselves in love.|||Great idea! I'm also curious about how much overlap there will be in the results. 1. Imagination (19 votes) 2. Intuition (18 votes)|||Self-selected samples are non probability samples. You can't actually pull valid statistical inferences from them.|||I'm so sorry for your loss. Wishing you comfort and strength.|||Thank you for sharing that. I'm so sorry it didn't work out for you, but it sounds like you learned a lot about what is important to you and what you need and deserve. So much better to figure that...|||Curtains Scarlett Henna Hair Waterhouse Circe Odyssey Sirens Pearl Jam|||I picked ENTJ (I married one :octopus:) but to put it in broader terms, I always clicked with NTs. I've been mentally voracious for as long as I can remember. Finding a good match wasn't about just...|||Yeah, I definitely feel like that's an element that has to be there. Especially if you're looking for a long term relationship...it isn't just about being on the same page in the moment, you've got...|||There needs to be an element of balance to it. After all, it isn't a journey you're on alone; you're asking the other person to constantly work on themselves, too. Does the other person understand...|||I don't write songs, primarily just short stories and novels, but there does seem to be a progression to the process. I start with a vague concept (sometimes it's more complex, sometimes it's...|||Your explanation reminded me of one of the alternative ways I've heard to explain the introversion/extroversion dichotomy (typically I see the energy gathering explanation): for an extrovert, the...|||Eyes stars poesy ashes angela office tea perfume|||Guilty confession...I love watching maths lectures. There's something very relaxing about it, and if the lecturer has a good technique or explanation, I'm not above stealing it. But I'm not gonna...|||x93Ix92m boredx92 is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that youx92ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you...|||*sigh* Back to work tomorrow. Summer flew by way too fast.|||Absolutely! I've heard Ni described as a system builder function, and I can see how that framework fits. NiTe is simply captivating, close enough that their system is understandable, far enough away...|||INFJ, description of Ni/Fe processing. Unfortunately my thoughts aren't really tied up with a bow, so I'm just going to hit a bunch of disparate elements with bullet points and hope for the best:...|||I think we're able to type ourselves based on the root and the emergent (we know our inner mental wiring + the behavior that arises from this wiring) vs. others, where we're simply judging by the...|||I'm definitely a fan of fictional universes. It's a soft way of being able to examine myself and my relationships. Of course, I'm also a fan of consciously examining such things, but there's a...|||I just ran across a typology thread on the long hair forum I frequent, and it was funny to note how many people typed out to INFJ. I'm not entirely sure why there is a correlation, but there did seem...|||Cupcake Angel Haha, I love it! Definitely sounds like there's a good amount of overlap between our parents. The matter-of-factness of Te contrasted with Fe makes me laugh every time.|||Narrow at any given moment, broad over time. I tend to find a few connected interests and fall down the rabbit hole. Once I feel a satisfactory sense of having grasped the topic (usually not mastery,...|||Mother, ESFJ You're such a hippie. Said anytime she thinks I'm being weird. When I was younger, she used to do like @Cupcake Angel's mother and tell me something was different. Either...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFzDaBzBlL0 You know you want to try it. I do.|||I'd watched the TED talk before, but did again for good measure. He mentioned in a slide that scientific knowledge is tested by observation, not derived from it. Useful distinction to make (that in...|||The cannot assumes a 1:1 conversion between the two systems works. Sometimes a conversion method is accurate, but not all the time - which means that it is not actually accurate across the board...|||He certainly wasn't a garden variety version of whatever type he might've been. Looking for all the factors to consider, to narrow down what his type might've been, has proven interesting. Thus...|||First off, there is currently no consistent way to convert between MBTI and Socionics. I've tried to find such a method (and posted an attempt in the musings thread a little while ago), but...|||For an ISTP, the 'I love you' talk would've been close to stating some universal constant. We don't say it all the time simply because, to us, there hasn't been anything (within our field of...|||http://i.imgur.com/pLRGZvL.png Latest addition to people who I think are/were an ISTP. Initially thought he would've been an NT, but the more I considered various factors the more that ISTP...|||When an ISTP says that they're sick and tired of the bullshit, this is basically what we're talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q362H-xg0ZA|||Clear manifestation? You (and a few others) think I'm an INTP. :tongue: You might be right of course, but I examined back into my teenager days, pre-teen years, and a whole host of other factors...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otgjdSa6ceA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrmCyADNhe0|||A note on Socionics/MBTI: I did more conceptual testing of a conversion method, received some feedback, and come to the same conclusion that most people have been saying for years: there's currently...|||Raise your hand if this has ever happened to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSrwwN28YWY My group of friends has that ESFJ, the INTJ, and even a guy who represents Lois. At one point...|||To me it seems a bit related to the way some people feel a relationship needs to be constantly maintained, and for other people years can go by without talking and they can pick up right where they...|||The ISTP likely just finished constructing the great wall of China, a pyramid, or another similarly scaled structure in their mind - which is why it takes so long to get those few words out of them...|||http://i.imgur.com/hyyB8Pw.png When you realize exactly what brand and type of ammo you've been stockpiling all those years, as well as the appropriate 'tool' to deliver it to a target. When...|||It really sounds like you're describing ESFP rather than ESFJ. If you're uncertain of your type, I'd try the test at this website: Personality Types | 16Personalities It should get you...|||Batman - INTJ Superman - ESFJ Somehow, it just seems to work out.|||Haha, yes. At roughly 20k words it is a rather long read. Especially since there's a fair amount of piecing stuff together, rather than being a flat, simplistic read (well, it looks rather...|||It strikes me that MBTI focuses on the core components of personality types. The solid, static, unchanging foundation. Socionics seems to mainly focus on the forefront of the psyche, the portion...|||A possibility, yes. According to my Mom's 'who is related to who' reconnaissance, we're actually distantly related to the bride somewhere up at the great-grandparent level, so I can just be that...|||Enlisted Stephen's help for another edit for three reasons. 1. I deleted an entire section in the first edit I asked him to include for me, because I'm super skilled like that. 2. It gave me...|||Had to get Stephen to edit my Article (link in sig) again for three main reasons: As for the MBTI/Socionics conversion method mentioned in point two: Technically, there's also a...|||Found this in the related videos. Japanese quietly being badass, as usual. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7708E1bmoxc I'll probably listen to that one more than once. Has a lot of...|||Got to some related video's off of the ones JB posted and came across this video from 07. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hkCcoenLW4 Followed by this video from 2012. ...|||http://i.imgur.com/NnuZkrL.png?1|||http://i.imgur.com/5itYDJt.png?1|||http://i.imgur.com/o449DKU.png?1 The last punchline to a thread I just posted here: http://personalitycafe.com/infj-forum-protectors/617778-wedding-gift.html|||I recently helped out at a wedding and decided to give the new couple a small gift. The groom told me that I didn't have to do that, as I'd already done enough. Not to worry, I didn't break the...|||Interesting. I'm still working on learning about the the main behaviors/thinking styles that stem out of the foundational components that typology has identified/described thus far. Have to wander...|||The very long reasoning that led me to eventually think he's an ENTP (rather than the popular view of him being an INTP) can be viewed in the link for those who care to examine it, but I'm open to...|||I did say virtually everything Miracle of Sound puts out. Here's his latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2Wi0XWIdXA I am their knight. May want to keep that thought in your head...|||http://i.imgur.com/bVAKkJ4.png Albert Einstein was actually a highly developed ENTP! More good news, everyone! Michio Kaku, the co-founder of string field theory, is also an ENTP! ...|||Upon further reflection about the two typology theories, I believe had this backwards. Function 3 (role function) is the same preference as the tertiary and function 4 (vulnerable function) is...|||For those that read the post when I first made it, I have since done some revisions (particularly to the type by type development path), fine tuning, and polishing. The admin Stephen kindly edited...|||From here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socionics#Nature_of_functional_positions Figuring out what these two are should help determine type. What sets a person off. Whether that be anger,...|||Close INFP friend worked in a pharmacy for quite awhile before health issues caused some personal problems that her employer was less than understanding about. Might find some INFPs as the...|||A good article to caution against the tendency to categorize behaviors as 'a person did/is doing this because they're type X.' Definitely an easy trap to fall into early on in MBTI knowledge. The...|||INFJ is also Ni dominant. They just have a different variant of awesome sleeping inside. I can't currently help too much in regards to 'why' someone is Ni focused. Aka, why is someone born (or...|||This thread got properly necro'd, but whatever. When pissed off, the two types behave a bit like the other type. Especially early in life when temper problems are easiest to notice/hardest to...|||Are they open to new possibilities, even if they may be skeptical? Yes/No|||I read through a significant portion of the thread awhile back and found it very helpful - both for understanding and putting a real story to the INFJ type and also because I learned a few things...|||http://i.imgur.com/Z7CAw2n.png Generally, a developed ISTP male will look something akin to this. There are some ISTPs that won't quite resemble it depending on personal progress, but there's...|||If you could see what I see, and I could see what you see, we could discuss things and logic it all out like proper mechanics, haha. For now, how about my view on typology and MBTI? I wrote a...|||I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite song on the Citadel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiRDJLcYua0 Reaches of space - NT Asari grace - NF Battle worn Batarians - SJ|||It's true what they say. After experiencing success my mind's immediate reaction seems to be That was awesome... can I do it again? What might I be interested in troubleshooting next? This...|||Before I begin, I would like to take a moment to introduce one of the greatest musicians of our age: Miracle of Sound, aka Gavin Dunne. Even though he and I have never met or spoken, he's been a...|||Grew up having ISTJ+ISFJ parents that are very religious. My Dad still sometimes gets mail with 'Rev' in front since he was a pastor for a little while before kids were born. Parents are the kind...|||Takes time and effort to put information together. Gotta put food on the table and all that. I'm still not very good at the determining value/haggling side of life myself. It wasn't as hard to...|||Well, the below website was my first introduction to MBTI. It doesn't even mention functions, and instead provides very broad (yet rather accurate) descriptions of each type without going to...|||Fe and Fi aren't really next to each other in terms of strength. Their combined strength represents the F preference. Weaker than the combined T preference, but is has to keep up or things get too...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmbas8J7fOc|||Well I basically identified as an ISTP 5w6-9w3-3w2 for about four to five years and the thing was that I was very confident with those results. Over time lingering doubts about my thought processes,...|||Is this the local ISFP lounge? The Meat Locker is quite the fancy title. Just thought I would pop in. Newly woke ISFP. (at least for now, heh) Hello!|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||I've been hearing a lot of complaints about gaming forums and threads, just lately. I just find it quite interesting to find them brought up again elsewhere. I personally don't venture into gaming...|||:laughing:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QkiYicwnbE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V4IEV8l-gA|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey3Bqog52rQ|||https://41.media.tumblr.com/d7d8b9acbad5b7a3dcf74cf1a3cef210/tumblr_o1yow8N6Ng1v5do5bo1_1280.png From Link: Stryfenstorm@Tumblr|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0vf8StozhM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKIn3b0Lk5A|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp0Otjh8HRw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-7mLTACibM|||Steam Profile :: Rainquility Anyone can throw a request my way as well. Most of what I play is off Steam otherwise you can catch me on Team Fortress 2. Behold my teeny tiny library. :cool: ...|||DO IT, YOU WON'T! :proud:|||http://media.comicbook.com/2016/01/886920-765087290291856-2152640163077693403-o-166304.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zDdheW8s_I|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAlAsDDGWh0|||http://i.imgur.com/VbpFPxD.gif|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qylxk4pTcno|||:laughing:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0by2jwqe62s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG1NrQYXjLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T1c7GkzRQQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNIMuvbiZcc|||I'll send my Ninjas to take care of this person. Do not worry. Just be ready and wait for the signal. :ninja:|||Seagoat was best goat. Those days are long gone.. Now we are stuck with this Saturnian such and such person. What did you do with our Mechanic City mascot you vile fiend? :laughing: (I...|||Hm, I thought this anime One-Punch Man was okay in my book. Just, okay. It was no doubt entertaining and I believe it also works as some applicable entry level material. I think I kind of preferred...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwIoBrq-Emc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4zHax0bvk8|||Just got back from the movies and I must say the Hateful Eight is pretty damn good movie. At least in my opinion. Surprisingly funny too. Felt like the film had a lot of this going on, aha. ...|||Today was the last day of work at my seasonal job and I will not lie when I say I caught the feels as I left. I think I might just brush them off with a movie tonight. I know fairly little about...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnhjWUepaE8|||You are all missing a fairly integral character to the whole Force Awakens narrative. What is Stormtrooper TR-8R's type? He takes great pleasure in punishing traitors. ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dJdT_WgAaE|||Hm, this is one movie I really want to type characters for but feel quite uncertain even after watching it. I never felt like I got anything definitive from anyone new but maybe Kylo. Although I do...|||One more shift, just one more shift and I'll be free for the entire week. I really give our sales floor staff a lot of credit at every opportunity I get because these past few weeks have been a...|||1. Intrapersonal 2. Kinesthetic 3. Spatial :wink:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0lnheungwM|||What a beast. :wink:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VrHKSPfXec|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YlX2uItv_s :cool:|||My prior results some time ago were True Neutral Human Ranger/Sorcerer (2nd/1st Level) Some Mystical Hunter or Arcane Ranger of sorts, I presume. http://i.imgur.com/Yrqqc.jpg Love...|||:laughing: https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlp1/v/t1.0-9/12346359_1270660256284892_7437513245322223048_n.jpg?oh=304b912e47985da0a742b825e02f974a&oe=571E02BE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfXAbUSoAdk|||Creed was a pretty spectacular film. An afternoon well spent for sure. I've got Star Wars in my sights next for this month.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DodDXnrKVDE|||I'm getting more and more used to the work grind, slowly but surely. This is good.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDk1MQU0n1o|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9O2Rjn1azc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41tIUr_ex3g|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlCmdCY-as4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFOND8HIfjk|||Thanks, I appreciate that. I'll do my best. Although I might need to start from the bottom up. I apologize for the elaborate breakdown. As far as I am now, episodically, I believe most of...|||Hm, mine went a little like... Jessica: ISTP Kilgrave: ENTP Malcom: INFJ Hogarth: ENTJ Trish: ENFJ Luke: ISFJ Simpson: ISTJ Hope: N/A|||This is good, I'm getting a lot more comfortable in my new job. I'm starting to walk around like I own the place, which I clearly don't, but it is definitely my job to protect it. :wink:' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'No offence but, (insert extremely offensive comment) As if saying that makes the following words any better or acceptable. You're too nice|||I think you were the victim of a depressed INFJ with his Fe suppressed. His actions make him sound like he was dealing with a lot of stress that caused him to hold back his feelings. A healthy INFJ...|||Perhaps he just wants to catch up with you? I wouldn't go into it expecting anything more than dinner with a friend. Don't over think it and make it into something huge. Master your feelings and...|||This is such an accurate description of INFJ- INTP romance. I thought for a long time that I needed an extroverted partner to bring me out into the world but what I really needed was someone...|||I'd say you're an INFJ. Your Ni/Se is spot on for being an Ni dom, but your Fe is far too high for there to be any chance that you're an INTJ. Your depressed/stressed state is what really gives...|||The functional issue with having Fe and Se as an INFJ is that we tend to mould ourselves to our surroundings. The Chameleon stereotype is definitely real as our responses become tailored and our...|||ESTP or ENTJ|||hf11 I think all is good and you're on the right track with your relationship. I agree with what Vivid Melody said about being good friend and also on goodbyes. Being a good friend is...|||I find that I don't like doing things alone not because I'm afraid of going out alone but rather I want to share the feeling and experience with someone else. It feels emptier and less enjoyable to...|||I've run into this problem as well. People tend to meet me in my Fe-Se mode but don't realize that that's how I am all the time. I get mistaken for an extrovert and other extroverts expect me to...|||My INTP wife zanah0dia says that she enjoys sharing theoretical situations that she has no intention of actually realizing outside of her mind. It's the thought that counts - The Wife|||Sometimes I think I'm far too polite at times, then I remember how much it stings to stir up emotions, so I hold my tongue. `````````````````````` Shouldn't you be wearing deodorant? ...|||I grit my teeth and tell myself not to let it take over. I've let sadness take over too many times and it only leads to falling into a dark pit. Instead of thinking about why I'm sad I try to think...|||Maybe I'm trying to help you with the seduction of our kind? I'm not suggesting you chase after me XD|||The problem is we're well aware of what's going on and it kinda ruins the mood, eh? ENTP should try to find common topics that the INFJ like so that they can start a discussion. Once started the...|||I have plans for a counter attack, beware. It'll happen in your own backyard. :ninja: Flirting is an lovely awful thing with an ENTP, you guys have such great chemistry but your...|||Welp, I'm a little miffed that Drunk Parrot didn't give me a seductive invite to this party. I missed a lot of it! ENTPs are really fun friends for an INFJ. Your humor leaves us laying on the...|||Fi doms have issues with ignoring their Te and relying on their Fi too much. Without Te there's no way of getting fresh values into their mind to refresh their Fi. This makes it very hard for them to...|||No idea what the thread is about but I don't like JB. He's a terrible person for spitting on his fans, street racing and other disgusting acts.|||If MBTI is ever to be taken seriously as a part of psychology this type of thinking needs to stop as it breeds confusion and mistyping. What's the point of MBTI if everything is wide open and...|||Maybe you could explain this in a little more detail but from what I am understanding, you're talking about having difficulty talking about emotions with others? I've often found it hard to...|||When you patiently listen to Te rants waiting for them to get to the point, whilst also trying to silently predict the rest of what they have to say. I have to stop myself from finishing others...|||Souls with a side of fries.|||Ti/Fe users will tend to think that objects are tools for their, (or others) use, otherwise there's little to no interest in said object. It took me a little while to come to this realization and it...|||It's some where in those walls of text >< Here's the short version... Fi-Ne doesn't require the extra step of interacting with a mental fabrication like Ni-Fe. The Ni-Fe user is logically aware...|||Just to make it clear, I have nothing against XNFP having sympathy towards objects. If it makes you take care of the object I can't see it as a bad thing. What ever your personality type is I hope...|||I'm not being lazy I'm being respectful to the original intentions of the thread. You obviously were unaware that the conversation was derailing the thread and posted yet another reply. The proper...|||Can it be measured in your case? This is getting off topic and your arguement is litered with flaws. Start another thread in general discussion and I will join you there.|||Eh? I don't think your definition of Science is accurate. You should take your theory to the NTs and ask them what they think.|||What did I just read?|||This made very little sense to me. Physical objects do not retain memory or feelings. They are inanimate objects lacking emotion, thought or even a nervous system. Being nice to an object does not...|||I'm not sure? As far as I can see gender effects the places we commonly frequent very little. The places we frequent are there because the satisfy our functions in some way. So if you strip away the...|||Seems like a good business to go into as cannabis is finally being legalized in North America. There should be a massive market opening up for it. If I don't end up producing these for sale I'll...|||I have a small spacecase 4 piece titanium, it's been working for 3 years now with no faults besides getting gummed up too fast and knocking off the goodies from the material. Plastic won't be...|||I'm currently into designing my own herb grinder. It's being built like a tank and shouldn't have the short falls of other designs. I finally picked up pokemon X again and I've been loving it so...|||I feel more comfortable with introverted intuitives than feelers. INXX are by far the easiest to get along with for me since it's easy to find common interests.|||Ni is constant. It makes up the very fabric of my inner world, something I cannot escape, for it is me and we are one. It's like a dream world, where fantastic things come to life and are killed...|||Yeah, SPs... I have the worst conversations with SPs as I typically have little or no knowledge on the subjects they're interested in. They also have a habbit of poking at you to test you and...|||Sensors have a hard time with intuitive ideas, it makes them use their inferior and tertiary functions. Beyond it being hard for them, they just aren't intrested in it as their Se/Si functions point...|||As a more Ti biased INFJ my reading is mostly technical. I spend hours and hours on forums discussing/reading different technical topics. I do also do a lot of ficition reading when I'm into it,...|||The video is meant to make you question your thinking/feeling processes. Do you truely feel for the little lamp, or is it just your imagination creating a mental illusion? I really don't see it as...|||This is what I was trying to get at with my posts, it's just not something that an INFJ would do regularily. We're aware of our thoughts so trying to fool ourselves into emotionaly reacting to an...|||I agree with this, but I feel like the emotions generated by Ni-Fe are not as intense as those that have been generated by Fe-Se. The knowledge that I've fabricated the entire thing in my head breaks...|||Step one: Place person infront of you Step two: Stare into person's eyes Step three: ????!!!!??? Step four: Person feels as though you've stripped them naked to the core.|||Emotionally unavailable? I'm with an INTP right now and she has plenty of emotions for me. Her lack of emotional extremes and tilt towards Ti logic makes for a stable partner I can relax around....|||Ni-Fe can project into the world but it's not the same as when you have a genuine emotional response to a person, is it?. You might have a partial feeling towards the inanimate object through...|||You felt sorry because someone else could use the apple, you thought that it's wasteful for someone to throw away an apple. You're reacting to the actions of people, but not actually generating...|||I explained things with an edit just as you posted To me this is an Fe motive to help someone out, not so much to help the lamp out. If you wanted to save the lamp because you felt it was a...|||Relationships are about communicating your feelings to the other person. If you don't tell them how you feel then how can there be any relationship? ~8/10 relationship questions that pop up on this...|||I don't have any feelings for inanimate objects at all. They're just objects, they have no feelings. This commercial sums up everything nicely. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dBqhIVyfsRg If...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Journalist with a master's in mass comm. The MA is overkill but I wanted to get it out of the way so I have the option of teaching college classes later. It's an incredible job but also...|||Yes. Yes it is. And the polar bear in space.|||I grew up with TNG and Voyager. I liked them both quite a bit, and I've seen all the movies. It's good scifi. I really like Abrams' take on it too, though I wish they hadn't whitewashed the villain...|||No. I hate being mean or even blunt and when I feel I have said something mean, I feel terrible and am quick to apologize. I can't get away with being mean, my conscience kicks my butt about it.|||I live in a perpetual state of seeking the next experience, the next way to make a difference, the next thing I will love or enjoy. I have left a swath of interests, pastimes, causes and hobbies...|||There's a spider in a web around it and you are deathly afraid of spiders. Every time you try to get the spider, it runs into a tiny crack in the ceiling and you have to put your hand close to the...|||Keyoke In any event I plan to adopt (*cough* steal *cough*) the phrase when describing myself because it is quite accurate in my case, fwiw. :) Also I edited my post after your quote in case...|||Okay, I will retract the unintended implication that *all* INFJs are precisely described by that. I really wasn't trying to speak for all people of this type, and I am sincerely sorry if I offended...|||Keyoke That's one of the best things I have heard in describing INFJs, ever. I love it, bravo.|||It involved what amounted to a fake suicide note written for the purpose of manipulating me and that's all I am comfortable saying. No, they are not allowed back in my life.|||Try reading about the cognitive functions. :) That should clear it up. Functionally the two are very different, even though in outward expression they might seem similar. INFP is Fi, Ne, Si, Te...|||As an INFJ I am afraid I am already friends with Ista because I like you, Ista, and people I like are my friends. It's okay, you don't have to be my friend back. In this thread you are clever and...|||The old bulb broke off in the socket and you have no idea how to get it out without electrocuting yourself.|||Yes. Yes we are, and the e1s are going to win. With our trebuchet. :D Why thank you for the kind reception! My sincerest regards to our compatriots, the e6s. But seriously. To be honest...|||Let's build a trebuchet and invade something! No but really. We're almost certainly outnumbered by the other E-types... but if the world is against an INFJ Type 1, it's only fair odds. ;) ...|||I can't be around my mother for five minutes without wanting to punch something, apparently.|||But it's so interesting in here. :(|||I do feel shame... it's a shame I'm so awesome.|||I do, and deeply, and I would love to talk about it, but I can't find the right words right now. I will ponder this and come back to it.|||I put 4s because I am generally quite happy, but if I rate it 5 I don't leave room for improvement and there's always room for improvement. :)|||Yes, yes we are always right. I'm so glad others are starting to recognize this, it will make life so much easier. *polishes halo* Call your mom, she worries.|||Had an INFP friend, she was an incredible writer with a fantastic sense of style. She was incredibly talented with words, and she was also very intelligent. Creativity is the INFP birthright. I think...|||I honestly would try not to take it too seriously, though I know that's really hard when it feels like someone is insulting not only you but others you associate with. I feel really badly for the...|||Love the analysis! I squeaked by stats but I think I get the gist of what this means.|||Not stupid, just a hazard of stereotypes, unfortunately. Best of wishes to you in your new endeavors!|||I could not live without books. I would literally lay down and die. Or at least lay down and roll around sobbing and exclaiming loudly that I was. I am not picky about the format, if I can get a...|||I have the pleasure of having spoken with an adult, mature, male INFJ with Enneagram 5w4. He gives proof to the theory that well-developed INFJs can hold their own when they hang out in the science...|||I know what you mean, and I don't think it's so much an issue with self-righteousness as it is with self-confidence. Seriously, I think a large majority of people express themselves and their...|||I have a very long fuse but being a 1, I also have some issues with anger. I am the calmest person you're likely to meet, but I do have a bad tendency to bottle up what I'm feeling x96 sometimes I have...|||This is very much me. It takes a bolt out of the blue to get me to properly understand what I'm feeling.|||This was actually interesting. Thanks!|||I do read people, yes. I don't consider it an unusual thing or related to any kind of psychic woo-woo, as I saw someone on here say. It's more like empathy on overdrive in my view.|||The closest I have been to being depressed was after a Category 5 hurricane destroyed the city where I was living. I basically sat on my mother's couch for five months and played video games....|||Doc, you shouldn't be trying to diagnose anybody with anything over a message board. I'm not sure you're actually a doctor at all. And if you are, what you're doing here is taking advantage of...|||I think it's a theory with positive applications possible for anyone who seeks them. I don't consider it an issue of truth or untruth. If it helps you grow, it's worthwhile. Some people just...|||Kind, funny, likes books and animals and is always curious. That’s my type. :)|||I'm secretly another type just invading the INFJs to learn their ways. In fact I am not actually human. I am an alien. Now if you will please look at this bright light for one second? *FLASH* ...|||kotor 5ever.|||Engage the Se. Engaaaaage the Seeeeeee. Canoeing. Hiking. Horseback riding. I don't care, whatever they will try. That goes for all INFJs. Feeling down, engage your Se (in a healthy way).|||That makes a lot of sense to me. Imperfection is beautiful. Once you learn to forgive yourself, it becomes easier to forgive others too. It helps you be happier and less stressed. It's a huge...|||Windu was INTJ! Jedi can be all types and so can Sith.|||I had an INFP friend in school and she was great, imaginative and creative, always interesting and very clever. Unfortunately she also got down really easily and often seemed to be pessimistic and...|||Well then just consider my post a right back at you. ;)|||Darling, you are too wonderful as you are to waste time being something you're not. INFPs are the gentle and lyrical ones of the NF family. You're the seafoam heart to the ENFP's red-blooded abandon,...|||I'm dull as dishwater, I have certainly never done anything like break into a cemetery at 3 a.m., leave pinwheels in people's mailboxes, or yarn bombed a city landmark. Nope.|||@elvis2010 So let's skip everything where you talk about me/my type/etc. 'cause it's not really relevant. :) This is your thread and it exists, therefore you are responsible for it and any...|||When I'm alone and I burp, I rate my burps on a scale of 1-10. I haven't gotten above an 8 yet.|||I am most definitely complimenting you, especially now that I know you have seen Mean Girls. Allow me to make us a cake made of rainbows so we can all eat it and be happy. So it's true, I am...|||I don't know what made me more amused, your avatar (all I can think is FOR THE HORDE!) or your sig line about serving man. Four for you Glen Coco, you go, Glen Coco. I am starting to think ENTPs...|||I love being around people, especially when they’re my minions in an evil plot to overthrow the government and seize power. Those guys are the best. Otherwise I enjoy small groups or one on one...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Okai!~ So I have sorted them into three categories for ya! Friends: INTJ, ISTP, ISTP, ENFP, ESFJ, ENFJ Close Friends: INFJ, INFJ Boyfriend:INFJ My ISTP friend has lots of different...|||Hello, For the past while I have had a notification saying that I have '1 Unread Visitor Message' when I have no such thing. I have clicked the notification and looked at all of my messages yet...|||I am an ENFP and I am in L O V E !|||*starts to drool* I love Ni... gah INFJs and INTJs are the best... after smoothies *wipes her drool and carries on* Well it enabled me to protect my delicate Fi... so I am happy with that typo XD...|||I am pretty bad at practical things... I always wished I was a more practical person ;(|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZVjKlBCvhg I prefer cake or death. (I am really sorry... this is a serious conversation/things you have shared but I was reminded of this video...) But I can...|||Well every Brain needs a pinky! In order to complete your quest for world domination I suggest you find an extraverted perceiver as quickly as possible! ...|||Is there such a thing as fake cheese for those who can not partake of the glories of normal cheese?|||Haha! INFJs are the only seducers for this ENFP ;) They are a 'Nike trap'... have you invaded them yet? That would be most humorous to watch. Heck I would probably tag along for that. On a side...|||Whoho!~ You are a type 7 too!!! Yeah I know what you mean... I especially find wit, word plays and hidden / subtle innuendos to be very attractive.|||I like cheese, but generally not by itself! For example... cheese on tacos or pizza is simply exquisite since the flavours combine and the cheese slightly melts and becomes a nice soft and warm...|||That is a nice idea! hmmm have you found out anything interesting about yourself while interacting with the different users?|||Hiya! I thought as an ENFP I might be able to suggest a couple of things... if that is okay :unsure: Sorry if none of this is helpful Have you ever tried communicating with this person how it...|||it is an amazing song... one does not simply ignore it. So are you ENTPs trying to take over all of PerC atm? :p|||*Nike pokes her head into the chat, looks around and munches on some popcorn* Love eh? Well first you are gonna have to define love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkr77jE5GFY *Starts...|||I was not implying that you suggested either of those things :) I am glad we agree on at least that. I will agree in the sense that it is effective, it made me very obedient to my parents. But,...|||My parents did not use that particular tool, but something similar. Anyways, in the long run all it has done is produce more damage than help unfortunately. To the extent where I actively disagree...|||Thanks!~ :kitteh:|||GAH!!! *collapses into a pile of feelings, love and cuddles*|||*squeals a bit* Don't peer into our souls!!! >_<|||Depends on what you mean by confidence :P I can be confident, I can also be shy or nervous... I can be many things|||whooooaaa! talk about controversial! XD I was diagnosed with ADHD at 9 years old, I am not a boy, my parents never allowed me to have many sweet things since they considered it to be unhealthy, I...|||Hello my fellow ENFPs!!! It has been so long since I last poked my head into this thread :P I was wondering how many of you are in a relationship with an INFJ? I am using 'relationship' to mainly...|||I AM! *strikes a crazy pose* University and some other stuff has made my life slight more complex and have less time :p how are you doing? *cuddles*|||This song reminds me of ENFPs Ne soo much XD 'We live on fascination!~' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3RjCiq1ICY ESFP... a good time... a party... living in the present moment...love......|||Hmmm... I think ISFPs are very very intriguing! My sister is one, and she doesn't mind following my Ne everywhere :P in fact she loves have deep conversations with me|||Can this be about friendship relationships or only romantic? :unsure: My two closest friends are INFJs... One who I have known for 6 years... the other 1 year :P For those ENFPs who have been...|||You can talk to an introvert for almost every day for over six months... and consume almost none of their energy!|||Hmmm you know you are an INFJ when you can read the mindset, emotions and mood which your ENFP friend is in... and freak her out :P darn you INFJs! So scary, yet loving! See if you guys used your...|||ah! The age-old dilemma for introverts! The 'I want to meet that special someone, but I don't want to have those boring conversations and have my energy used up!' ;) Hmm, I would propose that...|||*hugs* I am sorry this happened to you and the Opossum.|||why does this look like a mix of mafia and karaoke... But with a dictatorship judge panel which has more perceives that judges???? :shocked: :frustrating: :unsure: :dry: :confused: *runs and...|||*nike pokes her head in and looks confused* Did I miss anything? What was this...? Why... Why would you want me to sing?|||*stares at the persons head* Were they there before? I can't remember....|||Theobroma How could I not compliment such a great friend? Moreover, how could I not compliment such a good influence? :p|||If you didn't know a language... What would your thoughts be? >_> (knows there is probably a simple answer)|||Oh yes... Lord Voldemort is very appealing :laughing: Well, you have many different types of people within one type, so I wouldnt say I am attracted to all INTJs in fiction or in real life....|||Wow. I would simply sit down and talk about it... I mean, just say I think I am developing feelings for you. I know that is difficult but honesty is really important since there is no real way to...|||Sick >_< But getting better so that is a positive|||Socionics - the16types.info - MBTI: Descriptions of cognitive functions from various sources Oh... Huh not bad :wink:|||Welcome!! Perhaps I would be able to help you out since I know both INFPs and ISFPs : ) I hope you enjoy discussing your thoughts here and discovering you self! If you have any questions don't...|||And ate some popadecorn.|||:crying: why you gotta be so rude?|||For math, practice a lot. Ask lots of questions till you get it, stay focused on the main thing you are trying to solve.|||Hmm I take the information and put it into a different format; like a mind map, pictures, fact file... Anything which is different. I don't find studying with others effective since I get distracted.|||You are adorable Awwwwww That was cute!|||Hmm why is this thread so quiet? :shocked:|||Cuddles!~ http://media.giphy.com/media/QlFyrikSI01Fe/giphy.gif|||:laughing: hahaha You are hysterical! But always be careful with stereotypes, since using words like 'all' since it is not true for everyone all the time :p 1. I am a pretty touchy feeling person...|||Same >_< I wish I had like 10 me to compile information together :p' |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | '54586 Adelaide Labille-Guiard is my favorite painter. Anne Vallayer Coster is my next favorite artist. 54587 I'm guessing they were both isfp's type 3's.|||ENTJ, INTJ, and ESFJ|||I started being a vegetarian when I was eleven. It was something I cared a lot about. I taught myself how to cook. I am still almost vegetarian, but I recently changed and started taking cod liver...|||6w7 3w2 1w2 sx/so I'm very fearful of people but at the same time I really like and enjoy connecting with people. Sometimes I feel like a three and sometimes I feel like a two, but I am primary a...|||Both the best and worst things about being an isfp for me have to do with being sensitive. The best thing about being an isfp is my ability to appreciate beauty and the worst thing is finding...|||I am also high on words of affirmation, but highest on Quality Time. A person can give me affirmation, but if they don't care about trying to spend any time with me, then I don't take their...|||Frenetic Tranquility I'm sorry if I haven't helped find a way to help your girlfriend. She sounds kind of fragile, like me. I'm less fragile than I used to be, but I am still that way a lot. I...|||There have probably been other threads like this but I wanted to know from other isfp's what your love language is. I just learned that my love language is Quality Time. I try to give people my...|||Actually don't ask about that. I've had trauma in my life like a lot of people, mainly from my dad like I mentioned. That's why I go to therapy. As for inventing reasons not to trust people, I'm...|||I do get elated when I feel like I can trust people. I get a lot of enjoyment out of being able to trust someone and I idealize them a lot if I like them. I have a funny story: I told the entj I...|||The way I feel when I'm stressed is I have to have (blank) or I will die, (or be in a lot of pain.) It's always that I want something that I think will make me feel safe. My mom is also a six, a...|||I'm 100% certain I'm 6w7, 3w2, 1w2 That's what I meant about my three part. Sometimes I feel like a three. I actually used to think I was a three. But the combination of 6 and 3 isn't as fun. ...|||I wish I was a 3, not a fearful 6. Part of me is a type 3, but I'd rather just be a plain 3. Well, I hate that I come across like I'm in bliss. Gives most people a false impression of me. I...|||I realized I was describing the cycle I go through as a type six with people: I come across as really trusting, then I feel vulnerable that I came across as so trusting, then I am scared away by...|||People don't understand being so emotional. I either have people feeling protective of me or repelled by me. I guess how emotional I am makes others feel like being emotional and that repels some...|||This discussion brought up a lot of questions for myself. Are isfp's the most misunderstood type? I sometimes feel that way. I think I have a split between my Te and Fi, or my thoughts and...|||This question kind of hit a note in me. I know I can come across this way too, simultaneously wanting space and being treated unique with people not understanding me. I have fear behind it, maybe...|||I don't know if this will help you at all or not. I was thinking about how you keep mentioning infatuation, and it made me think of something I've heard: Loving someone else is kind of like loving...|||I never knew this hornet. That's very interesting. This discussion led me back to thinking what this discussion is about: isfp's being led on. Another think for an isfp or for myself anyways is...|||I guess I can't answer your question with knowledge. I have never been in a relationship. My dad was very abusive, physically and sexually and I've had a hard time trusting men or knowing what they...|||That makes more sense. Don't want any pressure for a relationship unless it's for sure, for sure, for sure. Pressure for having a relationship does sneak up on me and I don't know what to do.|||I don't really relate to wanting to date ten people. It's just that a person will have to be worth all my obsessive thinking and worrying otherwise it's better to just avoid relationships...|||I think I read that isfp's usually go about never thinking about relationship's and then when they do it is the only thing they can think about. This is true for me. It is hard to not get obsessive...|||Purple, Pink, and Brown (together.) I like colors that look bright and delicate at the same time. ( I love the Rococo period for that.)|||My three favorite chefs are I think two istp's and an istj. (And all type One's.) I like more just getting a good feeling with cooking, like having a family feeling and I like entertaining but I...|||I taught myself to cook starting when I was eleven and I decided I wanted to be a vegetarian. I don't think I would ever be good a cooking professionally, but I like it as a hobby. I don't enjoy it...|||I only put things in categories as a last resort when things get too overwhelming for me. If I'm not overwhelmed I don't do it. It's not my first impulse. An example is I collect hundreds of...|||I think my ni shows itself in that I question my feelings a lot or what the meanings behind my feelings are. I think probably that esfp's don't question their feelings as much as isfp's. I seem to...|||I do believe that if you have been abused it makes it harder to tell if people are genuine. I know from experience. You could got for the first person who gives you affirmation even if they are...|||I like some Christina Rossetti poems, and The Memoirs of Madame Vigee Le Brun. I think it might be too sad for other people though. I consider Christina Rosetti a genius for some of her poetry, and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=LLnoCs44STCISQJ3Pdb_RarQ&feature=player_detailpage&v=-N4hRGk5ZK8|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=jQTRHKFAZ1s|||Thanks for sharing. I haven't really looked at Baroque art that much compared to Rococo. My favorite painter is Adélaïde Labille-Guiard, who was also known for painting silk: 37128|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=X3MVyrCkQMY|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=FLnoCs44STCISQJ3Pdb_RarQ&feature=player_detailpage&v=spyF7ZoLB48|||Fancy gowns in museums! I love looking at fabric patterns and embroidery too. 36891 36892 36893 Anna Netrebko's voice. She has such a unique voice that doesn't sound shrill compared to some...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=GSgx1jwAdJ8|||Agent Blackout--I see what you mean, but still, when I tell it to myself, I feel like I feel what I sense, like I feel the environment---sorry if I've confused anyone. Didn't mean to. It's just the...|||Enormous Hatred--this is a list from another post I made kind of talking about the same thing: And here is my re-edited list, if anyone wants to say which they like more:|||Fi-Se definition? Put feelings/internal values in experiencing. (I mean experiencing in a literal concrete taking things in kind of way.) This leads isfp's to express themselves through action...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=FLnoCs44STCISQJ3Pdb_RarQ&feature=player_detailpage&v=JLeS7nOOpXw Here is an actual serenade song.|||B positive. I've heard of this idea. I wish I could find out why some countries in asia believe in it. Also from what I've heard about type B, it seems somewhat like enneagram type 6 to me. My...|||I am a Libra, born on the cusp of beauty. Beauty has been a big theme of my life. I'm very sensitive about it. I relate to these descriptions, found from the site Pluto's Child. (I would put the...|||I felt this way all the time throughout junior high and high school. Their is a little section on alienation in the book Psychological Symptoms, by Frank Joe Bruno, PhD. I really like this book. ...|||I knew an entj who was a really big influence on me. I looked up to him a lot as a father figure/authority figure. He gave me a lot of confidence in myself. Even though he's studied psychology,...|||marzipan01--what do you think a healthy integrated 4 would look like? (Since I am trying to integrate to 1 with ocd, but it is in an unhealthy way.)|||I admit you've convinced me I'm a 4w3! Your posts were very interesting. I thought your statement about 4's reaching for security at 1 (ocdness) and falling apart more at 2 was very insightful. I...|||marzipan01--I've been trying to think over what you said more, but right now I'm confused. I'm going to show my therapist your message next time I see her and ask her what she thinks too next time I...|||Well, I was trying to sleep and I can't sleep so I might as well reply to your message. I think I am such an abnormal 3w2 because of my childhood. I don't think I'd be so reflective and withdrawn...|||marzipan01--thanks for your message. I am more than willing to talk over my enneagram type with you. I'm afraid it might take a while though! I will write in more detail why I'm thinking I am a...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'I will probably do my best to avoid them. When I am around them, though, I would likely be as neutral as possible. I might be very direct to them when talking to them, but never rude. I would not...|||I could absolutely start to talk on the phone and clean my apartment at the same time in an effort to minimize downtime on a busy day. The focus would probably be on the conversation though, so it's...|||I work in IT and study computer engineering. For me, programming is almost an art form. It gives me a chance to build a perfect world without having to actually interact with the physical world....|||Very close friends 5. These are people I might actually make an effort to initiate contact with. I love them very much, though I'm never quite sure if they know what they mean to me. I would drop...|||In myself? Any time something I do isn't perfect. In others? Very rarely. I don't put high expectations on others unless I'm confident they will live up to them.|||I've never experienced love at first sight, although the idea is appealing to me. It would make life so much simpler to have clear distinctions. Mostly, though, I see everything as some sort...|||Most of what you mention could probably go either way. When I was trying to figure out my dom function I looked at my childhood. There is likely a fairly big difference between an EFJ and INJ...|||I study computer engineering. I've always been interested in technology and computers, so it was kind of a natural choice. I'm a fairly heavy Ti user, and I found the Ni-Ti combo very useful for...|||I have a fairly complete and very complex world that I've worked on for something like 20 years now, that's always ticking in the background. Typically I'll just land somewhere in it and explore for...|||Usually, I find Ne very exciting to interact with. While Ne seems to produce a ton of really crazy stuff that I usually want to kill instantly, I really need someone with strong Ne around me to not...|||A few choices are fetal position, starfish position, soldier position, kicking in your sleep, movements in your sleep, face up, face down. Fetal, sometimes starfish. Do you like the sheets tucked...|||I really don't think he is. When I get that close to someone I don't typically get mad at them, for anything. Having said that, I have never, in my life, said a real and emotional goodbye. And I...|||Hrm. This is actually a pretty difficult topic, because decisions is not really a thing for me. Either I already know what to do, because that's what's going to lead me where I want to be in [5...|||I don't embarrass myself, or at least I will work hard to avoid it. If it does happen anyway I will go to great lengths to cover it up if possible. I'm afraid it will otherwise give away a crack or...|||If I'm actively seeking someones company, that means the person is either one of my very few closest friends or someone I am interrested in. So yes, I would say he is. Typically, I run into a few...|||I disagree. While some feelings may seem foreign enough for you not consider them valid, it does not make them any less valid for the person experiencing them. Hitler was brought up as an example....|||It's just one of those days where everything seems to be going against me, not to mention everyone I meet seems to be working hard on trying to trigger me. I have so much frustration I don't know...|||1. Could you explain your situation? (e.g., I'm a full-time student or I work full-time, et cetera). I'm a half-time student and work full-time, and heavily engaged in the Student Union at my...|||I study and work in computer engineering, so my mind is often occupied by abstract and fairly complex architectures and systems. When tryiong to build something or figuring something out, I mostly...|||1) Taking a walk, during quite hours if possible, just letting the mind flow. 2) Watching TV series. 3) Planning for a project of some sort, without necessarily actually committing to carry it...|||I consider physical contact an important part of creating mutual trust. I can't get truly close to anyone, friend or otherwise, without some sort of physical contact. For me, a hug is an easy way to...|||Personally, I'm always very aware with what I share, even with my closest friends. I will typically share ideas and opinions quite freely, but if I share personal problems or emotions then we're...|||I love my Ni, but a lot of the times I feel life would be easier as an extravert. So I guess ENJ types.|||While I do thrive in a stable environment, I could never be satisfied with just a job and a partner. I want to inflict change, I want to affect others. I want to leave a mark. Though, I suppose, if...|||While this may be possible, I find it to be a fairly simplistic and one-sided view of things. I have never opened up 100% of myself to anyone, but this is not an active decision. Every part of myself...|||I always try to maintain eye contact with the person who is speaking to me, and that's usually easy if the conversation is not too complex. If I'm not careful I'll start drifting away thinking about...|||1. I just put together a bunch of new IKEA furnitures in my living room. 2. Since I haven't had time to throw them out, I'm stacking all the packaging in my bedroom. 3. I am also storing several...|||What I really need from an ending is closure, preferably with some sort of peek into what happens after. I like emotional endings, but it will also affect me a lot. If there's a powerful sad ending...|||1. This one always takes me by surprise, even though I know I should expect it. It's not just that it's insanely open-ended, there's also the expectation (at least there is in my mind) from the...|||Argh. It works a lot better if I am consulted before decisions are made that involve me. I hate having to replan a whole week.|||I also wouldn't be so sure INFJs actually are the rarest. It could just as well be that they are just the most mistyped. I find the points in INFJ or INFP? a closer look very interesting as well.|||Cheese. Cheese on cracker, cheese on a cookie, cheese with fruit or just plain cheese. The word even tastes good...cheese...|||I actively try very, very hard not to do this because I know I can sit hours with a single post and then just never send it. And afterwards I always feel it was such a waste of time. I almost never...|||Surprised about the upbeat mood on the 7:10 tram on my way to work. On a Saturday. What are all these people doing up, and why are they all so talkative?|||As an Ni dom, when I program I almost always have a very complete picture in my head of how the different parts of the program will interact with each other and what the purpose of every part will...|||I have a lot of trouble focusing on something without drifting away in my mind, even if it's something I'm really interested in. I find that I focus a lot better if I hold on to something physical,...|||Winter. I love the cold, I love the snow, I love being able to hide inside a large winter jacket hood. And I love how there are no bugs.|||I'm not sure controlling is the exact word I was looking for, maybe manipulating is a more correct term :tongue: I think this comes from having a very clear idea of where I want the world around...|||This was kindof hard. Since my memory tends to be crappy I did this based on my last couple of years of interactions. 1. Observing, distant, cold 2. Careful, suspicious, polite [for as long as...|||Dear ENFJ, I don't think anyone has ever managed to wipe out my defenses that quick before. Please don't hurt me. Sincerely, Me|||After weeks of being stressed to the point where I'm having trouble sleeping (and I NEVER have any trouble sleeping) I finally did a smart thing and stayed in my apartment for the entire day just...|||I love walking around town during night, as long as I stay away from the more intense nightlife areas. Either alone or with a good friend. Life would be so much better if there were more coffee shops...|||Hi! I'm a 27 year old computer engineering student from Sweden. I started reading about MBTI a few months ago and I can't really understand now why I didn't look into this earlier. The reason I...|||I've never actually considered SJ since no tests have indicated anything in that realm, but maybe I should take a closer look at that anyway and see if I can relate. I generally don't feel Si is...|||Thanks a lot for all the replies! It's really interesting to see how you guys reason around it (not to mention I've probably learned more about myself by just writing this down, which I don't think I...|||Hi! I'm fairly new into MBTI, and I find it really facinating. However, I have some trouble identifying completly with a type. I have a couple of different types that I am looking at - but there...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Thank you all for the replies I really appreciate the incite. I also did the enneagram for me and well still comes out ENTJ, with subs as follow. Type 1 Orderliness||||||||||||||||66%...|||So I had the test done professionally and web test and all of the says ENTJ. 2 of my friends that is really into the 16 personality types agree with this assessment. That's the basis, however i...|||Hmm I use to do martial arts till I got inv to international competitions.. Now I just do gym and probably some causal competition fighting in the future... I work a full time job and do dance...|||That was a very interesting read... Other ENTJ women do you have the same experiences overall? I am also wondering about ENTJ guys what their experience is over all ....but ill maybe make...|||It did make me smile...|||For me as a person yes.|||Could not finish past 1 min ... just too much ...|||I am Type 6 with a 7 wing: The Loyal Friend Your trifix is 6w7, 3w2, 8w7.|||I just like Moriarty in the show ..... but it is more because of his acting.|||Well yes I am ... and the following video I am posting will completely negate the sentence.... http://youtu.be/U6-zi25GgVE http://youtu.be/Z1BzP1wr234|||So your in a shop and they show the latest PS4 or xbob one, or picture what ever you are into Girls? At that moment that you say to your self you want it, that is how emotional people think. Ok...|||Try one of these if they are what you are after. Famous ENTJs - CelebrityTypes.com|||In the organization I work it is almost impossible to get fired. So this person was hired and have had more training then any of the rest of the people working on the same things. He just does not do...|||I understand what you mean, no they are a team member I work with. I did not give enough information to comment on that sentence as it was a side note. That was not the question I was aiming for at...|||This relates to personal and business life. I have been reading a lot of how to talk to people better communicator those types of book. I believe I communicate great with people, I know what...|||Fair call.|||Yes might be a downside, but honestly women usually like men with power and drive. So if a attractive women starts flirting with you at work, you would say this is not the place for it ? It is...|||Np :) Well I rarely like being touched, and most ENTJ's i know is more or less the same, but when we like some one we let them get that close. This is a generational on my part as well.|||There was a post like this more or less a while ago most of us seemed to be. Physical Touch from memmory http://personalitycafe.com/entj-forum-executives/173739-what-your-love-language.html Link...|||Flirting or charming? Saying that I often compliment people, if I think what they do or have is worth complimenting. I complemented a women and her earrings the other day because i think it...|||100% agree with this. I don't see the point of manipulating people that can do nothing for me, but there is always a long term lookout if it is possible they can be useful in the future.|||(20/25) It also depends on if I am at work and want something from some one. I am happy to manipulate people to get what I want.|||depends on the day but makes me smile at least ... http://youtu.be/zIyeNRbbKBw|||^^ I would be so annoyed if I was one of those people, wasting my time...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kbSfFFEvxw&list=UUduKuJToxWPizJ7I2E6n1kA&feature=share&index=4 and http://youtu.be/QSKBoO5hBHk|||Don't backtrack now, once you made a decision stick to it and move forward ;)|||Wow you must be the nicest ENTJ or even person.|||Unless you are professional sports person that needs to be in a weight class? i Do not see what other reason there will be?|||Don't use absolute statements.|||Only important indicator is a mirror IMO. Screw scales.|||Yes always have to be health conscious at least.|||I would not say in the world....|||Well I acknowledge my parents are there and they say hello when we talk that is about it. We never had a need to really say anything. Told my dad one thanks for raising me and looking after me,...|||In our day and age old line, it would appear that narcissism is a good thing. In work and personal life it is almost a must these days. Narcissism is only dangerous IMAO when you lie to your self...|||Narcissism -3.2 -74 Machiavellianism - 3.2 -74 Psychopathy - 2 - 20|||I assume most people here know about the dark triad test. ( I can not post link but Google will find it easy enough) This test is used for numerous government jobs along with some other tests. I...|||I get told by people I know that i always seem pissed of and if people look at me in the street they might cross it .... In reality I am hardly ever pissed off, unless people are useless and do...|||Gym, reading, dancing...|||Cuddling is fine if I want to, but really it is very rare.|||So my question is if this is standard personality type trait (I assumed it is) or not. I can watch movies and TV shows with people, but when i watch it on my own i find my self forwarding or...|||Well I agree with most what is said, but over time I learned not to stare all the time in peoples eyes as they say it makes them feel uncomfortable or intimidated. When i was younger this bothered...|||physical Touch - 10 Quality Time - 7 Acts of Service - 6 Words of Affirmation - 2 Receiving Gifts - 1 I hate it when strangers touch me, even when it is my mom or dad or sisters. My kids can...|||My name is Leon and was looking into some stuff about ENTJ and found this place. I am from South-Africa but life in Australia now. Hello all.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Se/Ni Fi Fi|||narcissistic Hey, can I ask how you came to the conclusion of ENTP? I'm just wondering where you saw Ti-Fe more so than other stacking possibilities.|||I've seen lots of examples for enneagram 7 or 8 being an isfp thing, but haven't seen anything of those numbers being related back to the infp side of things. If there are any 7w8s, do you know how...|||Do you play Overwatch? It's a really enjoyable game. A funny and common pattern I've noticed with those that play overwatch is they diss you and you end up going on a full on touch typing fest where...|||Thats okay, im really just looking at the top 3 not necessarily for their order. What's your fourth type? If that keeps appearing there, its probably as near to third as any.|||Hi! So, I've done a thread before asking people of Perc of what they thought their top 3 MBTI types were. I did this because in my opinion, not everyone has qualities of one type per se, but a...|||Ha-ha! Unfortunately? I like the new website better too the only problems I see with it that can irritate me compared to the old one are results from search engine aren't alphabetised but organised...|||I would only really do that if this goes on for too long, because I can't do this for like 50 pages, it gets tiring. The last typing thread I did went on for about 15 pages or so I think. I had to...|||Istj|||Hahaha, thank you. I like your name- it makes me think of it's opposite- EVIL BITCH CUPCAKE. Hahaha..INTP btw|||Hahha, I know your type btw, I'm just playing a little game which calculates your type according to my own little criteria.|||Intj|||Enfp|||Infp|||10.55 enfj|||Entp|||infp|||Estp|||It's really up to people to know themselves. I mean, I wouldn't mind explaining to you why cognitive function typing method seems to work more efficiently from my own understanding (which I then used...|||HAHAHAHAH! Oh what, I wanted to like this, but it wouldn't let me. If you named my type, I wouldn't feel offended, I would've laughed. It's funny. Typerism does exist though (like feminism, but for...|||The more questions you ask you can get closer to knowing someone's type-I'm guessing that's what those people do those chat things for. The thing is though, it is just a theory. You're not meant to...|||Hahaha! what's the worst option?|||-infj|||Maybe you are. I don't really know you, but the intj i met only truly validates possibilities which are supported by externalised evidence...kind of ironic but still. Asking whether or not my methods...|||If you're looking at it from Myers Briggs understanding of the individual letters then yes, p and j can be very close. You can have people who are borderline P or J. Standing between the definitions...|||Sorry, updates can make sequential responding hard on this thing. ISTP|||You can't really doubt my method if what I'm doing got three of the same letters which you identify as. It could just as easily be four letters which are correct if you were sure of J or P thing for...|||infj|||What type do you think you are? I'm curious now. I could do that after I abandon the thread? Wait how is that having faith in logic? Also, and this applies to everyone trying this out, this is...|||estj|||What about let sleeping dogs lie though? Hahhaa, honestly, I would give away what I was doing and the logic behind it therefore making my contribution to my thread pointless if I wasn't bored and...|||Intj|||infp|||Okay...I don't see any reason to do that, other than to point out your own knowledge and somehow defeat the point of this thread. Not everybody knows about the functions necessarily. I know that a...|||Hi! So, I wanted to fully see if my understanding of MBTI actually works. I've used my understanding of it to type people I've actually met and usually end up only one letter off. But I've never...|||Thanks. The old site was better :||||If any of you know and use this website, you'll know it's been down these last couple of days. The website completely can't be accessed from any part of it. Does anyone know if it's permanently down...|||Oh I didn't read into the sarcasm in your first post. Haha, that can be hard when there's no voice expression to go off. Uh, i mean wrong on an intuitive level, you have the feeling that something is...|||What would you narrow it down to?|||I don't see how any of this is stereotypes, it's too specific and...-it's friggin true!! I can see it|||Pauses, confused, knows the thinking is wrong subconsciously but doesn't know why, thinks about it, tries to locate the reasoning. Finds reasoning Who does this?|||Enfps and Infps thought process can seem quite similar if you were to just look at it from the cognitive standpoint. One of the most defining qualities from an Mbti perspective would be the...|||It sounds to me like you've got Te, but it seems lower than Dom or Aux. Usually when Te is Dom or Aux, they hunt down reasons to believe in something and make a verdict and then they elaborate based...|||provided.|||Hm, well I've talked to some INTJs and I can definitely see the way their Te shows. Let me think of some questions. 1. Do you believe that things are possible if there hasn't been any proof? For...|||Crap, its hard because I can't think of an algorithm. But this in itself: Ti likes to take apart mechanisms or ways of thinking, whereas Te focuses on efficiency and usually on learns with an...|||Any type can be quick at problem solving. Not even necessarily the T functions, also the F functions. I wouldn't condition the two together (Ti and problem solving I mean). I think Te and Ti is more...|||Are you an NT? Just wondering which one since your profile is still stuck on ISFP.|||A simple question for simple people. I think I chose the right place. No, no I didn't. What do you think about the whole idea around living honestly and the existence of this concept. Do you...|||For example, if you're trying to describe a celebrity to jog someone's memory and you use the word fat. People react a bit funny. It doesn't even have to be you, it could be someone else. ...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Yeah. I think he's more of an ENTJ. I think an actual INTJ would really reflect internally more before he starts spouting out all sorts of facts. If he were an INTJ, he would say more consistent...|||I'd also like to add another note that conductor Alan Gilbert (the conductor of the New York Phil) mentioned in an interview. One interviewer asked him a question about relating modern day music to...|||Hello to everyone who is reading this! I was going to ask this for all of the INTJs since this is a video only for the INTJ, but if you aren't one, that's okay too (I'm not an INTJ). Does anyone...|||Sins aren't a bad thing at all. In fact, they can be really good teachers. Lust - too much carnal desire Gluttony - too much desire for food Greed - too much desire for anything Wrath - too...|||Hello Peripheral_Idiots, and welcome to PerC! :) I wouldn't get so discouraged about being stuck with a bunch of theologists and philosophers. There are plenty of INTJs out there who are not...|||I am currently fluent with... English, Mandarin, Fujianese (a dialect in the Chinese language), French I am currently in the process of learning... Japanese, Russian, German, Italian,...|||You know you're an introvert when you enjoy the sound of silence. So relaxing........|||When I was little, I used to literally believe that whenever people said, It's raining cats and dogs! there were literally cats and dogs falling from the clouds in the sky. Meh.... it was really...|||u200b http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54LdoKi8I3k&feature=g-vrec|||1. I took ballet lessons as a little girl. 2. I absolutely love tomatoes. 3. I owned a pet fish who died after I got it for a little over a month. '-.- 4. I don't watch TV. 5. I take walks that...|||I had Chicken w. Broccoli from a Chinese take-out restaurant with BBQ ribs... it was good. :3|||Listening to a song by Rei Kagaya (awesome Japanese composer) called One Night from his album, The Celestial Railroad.|||Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage - no mere veneer of vanity - is a vestige of the vox populi, now...|||Take a Bow - by Madonna (It's not a well-known song, unfortunately) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDeiovnCv1o|||Finished In This Month Fortissimo by William Murray North River by Pete Hamill The Devil in White City by Erik Larson Reading Right Now Bag of Bones by Stephen King A Midsummer's Night...|||I think ESTJs are great people. They know what's efficient and what's not, and they also know how to be assertive (in a good way). :)|||Harry Potter is awesome. :) Welcome to PerC! It's nice to meet another fellow INFJ!|||Welcome to PerC! :D|||Hey! I hope you find a home here in PerC! :D I'll see you around the forum!|||Hi there, slightly different ENFP! :D Welcome to PerC.|||Welcome to PerC! I like your introduction. :D I'll see you around the forum!|||Hi there! Welcome to PerC. :) Like you, I'm a fellow New Yorker ^o^ I'll see you around the forum!|||There was a funny story about that. In NYC, there was a production of Gershwin's Porgy and Bess earlier this year. The director wanted four synthesizers instead of a full orchestra so that there...|||It is. The reason why we call what we call classical music classical music today is because scholars, historians and musicologists needed to group music into separate time periods. And then within...|||Well, I wasn't expecting this much of a response... It is interesting to see everyone's opinions, though. :) Classical music is a beautiful genre, one that I think can be appreciated by anyone...|||I'm pretty sure many people have heard of classical music dying in this world... but I like to always question what people say. Is classical music really dying? ...|||There is an amazing YouTube channel where you can learn a lot of good lessons from. Violin Lab Channel - YouTube I highly recommend this. It actually helped me improve my violin playing! I...|||I liked it. :D I thought it was insightful, in a way where there is always someone you miss out on, no matter how well you think you know other people. In other words, you might think you know...|||I really like Brian Greene's books. He is a professor of physics at Columbia University. He's quite a writer. Brian Greene - The Elegant Universe, The Fabric of the Cosmos, The Hidden Reality ...|||I love JPop/JRock! I didn't know it could be called JMusic. ^o^ Sukima Switch - Ice Cream Syndrome, Akatsuki no uta, Marine Snow, Zenryoken Shounen, Golden Time Lover.... Utada Hikaru - For You,...|||The Last Unicorn by Peter Beagle is really good. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman was absolutely amazing. :D Loved it. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis (though you may have already read...|||My suggestion is that whenever you're in any argument of some sort, or if something is wrong (i.e., if they have a problem), I wouldn't push too hard into making them tell you what's wrong. It takes...|||To begin with, I feel that any type can get along well with any type as long as you avoid the misunderstandings. But for ESFJs specifically, I don't feel anything bad toward them. When I think of...|||Yeah, that's what I meant. ^^' Thanks for clearing that up.|||I play classical piano, violin, and viola. I also sing classical pieces for voice. Strangely enough, my favorite keys are A-flat minor and B major. Playing instruments is an amazing experience. :D|||The movie A Beautiful Life is Italian. It's one foreign movie I highly recommend. It's about a Jewish father who gets sent to a concentration camp during the Holocaust with his son, and he has to...|||I love Fullmetal Alchemist (both the original and Brotherhood)! It's so good and there are so many endless and insightful messages on human nature! Soul Eater is wicked awesome too. ;3|||It's interesting to see all of the responses. In my experience for all of my life, I can't really complain. I've been surrounded by many people (including my mother and my friends) who have Si as...|||Oh wait, never mind. The problem was solved! Forget that I asked. '-.-|||Thank you guys for your responses. :) PerC is a fun place to hang around. But I've had some really weird things happening to my profile. Apparently, it says that I've stayed on PerC for a year on my...|||I often see Ni as something that your subconscious mind gathers. Your subconscious mind gathers the most seemingly random things, like a bush, a table, a car, a violin, and it will come up with an...|||July 6, 2012 Dear Fellow Typology Scholars, This is an awkward introduction... but I decided to start this introduction by saying how I found out my true type. :D Hopefully, it won't go so...|||Yes, thank you for some sense! Now I'm starting to meet people that actually make sense. DaveSuperPowers FTW! (Plus, I can't wait for iNtuitiveTime.com) Thanks to DaveSuperPowers, he has proven to me...|||I also want to add that ISTP men usually come across as strong and silent individuals. Besides that, I can say that ISTPs are the people who will play around with mechanical objects and toys just for...|||I once read somewhere that INFJs just happen to be the most logical out of all the NFs. I'm not saying it's true, because when I first read it, I really doubted it. However, I'm in the same boat...|||I've never been to a therapist/psychiatrist. If I ever had a problem, I ranted it out by writing in my journal or making a voice memo to myself. Sometimes, I turn to music to release my problems, and...|||I second that. My thinking is slightly different, as I believe your first function and possibly your second function help develop you psychological type. My mom is an INFP while my dad is an ISTJ....|||Thank you to those who have made sense! Yes, MBTI never changes. You are born with certain functions that make up your four letters. I'd also like to remind that your four letters do not make up your...|||To begin with, intuitives are rare. I know a lot more extroverted intuitives than introverted intuitives. And I know waayy too many sensors. :P Still, I think introverted intuitives would know when...|||This is exactly what happens to me! I smile whenever I see something so small like a mother and daughter holding hands together walking home from school or something! To top it off, I live in NYC and...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Who are your favorite outdoor writers or which are your favortie books?|||Tea!!!! Love the smell of coffee and drink it in the morning, but when I want to relax I'm all about the Tea. Rishi Tea has my favorite blends thus far! Rishi Tea: Organic Fair Trade Tea|||I think it depends on the passion. It is very difficult to be engulfed in one passion all day, every day, all year. I think there are career passions and recreational passions. I think I would rather...|||I too am considering this field of work. I've been working at a retail store for the past 5 years as a Customer Service/Sales Associate and have recently been promoted to department supervisor after...|||What is your job/ career? -Tech Center Supervisor @ Gander Mountain, an outdoor store, but I'm at Gunworld Gander Mountain, selling guns and hunting equipment...which I have no interest in....|||My girlfriend typed out as ESFJ, though she is kinda ISFJ too. She is amazing, to start, and we've been together for 8 years ever since high school. I'm going to be 26 soon and she will be 24, and...|||Haha, ya, me too! Gotta try meditating in the nuuude, it's relaxing and refreshing. Something about sleeping out in the fresh air also makes me frisky! haha Anyone want to go camping? haha JK! I'm...|||Sweet!! I can't wait for ski season here! I mostly XC ski, but I want to get an action camera this year so that I can take cool vids of the trails! telepariah: your picture looks like a kick ass...|||Thank you for your response! It isn't healthy, but it was before all of the changes. I've been there fore 5 years and it is difficult to leave because I love the people I work with and I am...|||How do we, as people who care about others as well as being introverts, develop leadership skills and skills that will help us to deal with difficult coworkers or bosses in a proffessional...|||Have any of you Outdoorsy INFP's ever used an action camera to record your adventures? I just became a Tech Center Supervisor at the Gander Mountain that I work at, and these action games look...|||Well, I got the supervisor role. Heres the thing, my store changed during its remodel. It used to be fishing, camping, outdoor apparrel, and hunting equipment, but now it is strictly hunting...|||So, now I have a dilemma on top of my previous dilemma. The machine job is still open to me, but at my outdoor retail job I was offered a supervisory position in a remodeled store close to where I...|||Thank you so much for the posts! My current job is full time with benefits but pays about $1.50 less than the new option and may not lead to anything greater with the company. I've been after...|||I could really use an INFP's advice on my current job situation. I would really really appreciate any advice that you guys might be able to offer: I currently work for an outdoor retailer in a...|||Parks and recreation=the right and accessability to health and happiness in every city for every person NRPA - National Recreation and Park Association|||Are you in the human services (i.e. Counseling, public service, socal science, recreation management, librarian, non-profit, humane services etc...) field where you strive to do better for society? ...|||Thanks for your post! Glad I was able to bring in a new INFP to the site! Any time with nature is worthwhile. That is why I'm interested in this sort of career. Nothing spells INFP more than...|||Has any INFP tried this career? Landscape Design, Architect, or Horticulture? I'm really thinking about a career in this field.|||I agree! I'm hoping to work at a nature center soon. Watching kids explore the outdoors brings out that young boy in me that used to go searching for frogs in the ponds! Oh, I'd so love to be a...|||Awesome! I'm an Eagle Scout as well! I loved being a part of Boy Scouts! I traveled all over the U.S. Did you get to travel anywhere special?|||So, how do you (as an infp) deal with the speech part of communications? I have no doubt in my one-on-one communication abilities, but I'm very shy and nervous in the oral commuication area. I think...|||I am not an overly religious person. I would call myself agnostic, but some part of me wants to believe in a higher power. Having said that... I've been depressed lately about life and college....|||I made a mistake with college. I've spent 6 years in college thus far with not much to show for it. I've changed my major 6+ times. I took a break last year and then decided to get back into by...|||Funny, I was just thinking about this today while I was at the mall with my girlfriend. We were in a Gap store and I got this overwhelming feeling of anxiety from looking at the photos of the models,...|||Hello my friends, I am wondering if any of you are studying Liberal Arts, Journalism, or Communications and what that is like for you. If you are in a Journalism or Communications career, what is...|||So, I've now been offered an events planning position within my company, but it doesn't come with compensation or benefits which I am currently without. The company is moving in a new direction, but...|||Yeah, I've been part time ever since I left my first college after one semester (to far from home). I have an Associate's Degree of Arts and Science with an emphasis in Cultural Studies (Geography,...|||Would any of you use volunteering as a substitute for gaining experience to get a job or going to college? I've been doing the college thing for the past 10 years and it is just not working out....|||Hey everyone, I was just wondering if any of you volunteer? If you do where do you volunteer and how often? And, have you ever been offered a job based on your volunteer work? Thanks!...|||Well, I didn't get the Supervisor position, but that's not a bad thing. This opens me up to the opportunity to possibly take on some summer work within the area that I'm most interested: parks and...|||That is by far the best advice and the best post anyone has ever replied to my post with! Thank you so very much for responding! You gave me some great insight. I'm starting to develop some of my...|||Hello Everybody! I am a part time student and currently working part time in retail. I have an opportunity to advance within my company from sales to managment which would give me full time pay...|||To all of you INFP's that celebrate Thanksgiving today, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! I hope that you enjoy the time with friends and family!! :happy::happy::happy::happy::happy::happy:|||Some more pics from the same trip. Can you tell I was playing the part of an amateur photographer with a cheap digital camera? haha Wish I had a nice $1000 Canon! *writes on Christmas wish list* ...|||A few pictures from Minocqua, Wisconsin from this past September. A) The White Pier, notice the low water from the drought we are facing in that area. B) Me and a 22 Largemouth Bass, the biggest...|||Well, I made my choice. My heart and my head came to a compromise. I'm going to study Organizational Leadership (non-profit management in other words) with a minor in Environmental studies. I want to...|||Tomorrow I am going to my college to sign up for classes. I am returning back to this school after a semester break to try and figure out what I should study, but I still can't decide if I want to...|||It's complicated. I'm the only INFP in my family. My brother's are very down to earth and hands on types of people (working in carpentry and automobiles). They are careless, egotistical, and redneck....|||I'm pushing myself to commit to a major in English and minor in Environmental Studies/Geography. My alternative is Organizational Leadership major and Environmental Studies/Geography minor. I can't...|||Definitely visit each college that you have applied to and are accepted to. After 6 years of college between 4 different universitys, I can attest to the advice that an academic counselor gave me...|||DUDE! Awesome picture! I wish I had a decent camera to do outdoor photography! Glad to hear you're getting better! There is nothing worse than not being able to get outside! It's hard for me to...|||Anyone studying Organizational Leadership/Management or Non-Profit Management? What is it like and what do you want to do with your degree? I'm considering studying Organizational Leadership so...|||It's a high of 50 today here in SE Wisconsin, and I can't wait until the snow flies! I'm REALLY looking forward to cross country skiing this year! I just started last year, but only mid-way through...|||Wow! I just saw a glimpse of my future in your career change decision! First of all, CONGRATS! For making a well informed decision and sticking to it! Indecision is ruining my life and I'm only...|||I'm a Sales Associate at an outdoorsy store (hunting, fishing, camping) working full time hours w/out benefits for now. I dislike the corporate policies and working weekends, but I do like helping...|||Have you ever watched the movie Powder? He was in tune with feelings and was very intuitive and intelligent! I think Powder was an INFP! Someone completely different from the rest of the world. ...|||Absolutely!!!!! I usually can't go to bed without reading, writing, or watching a movie. Netflix is a miracle! I have such a big list of movies in my movie queue! I average around two movies a...|||Anyone recommend a good Christmas read?|||I mainly journel to get all of the thoughts out of my head. While journaling, I listen to music that suits my mood. Other than that I get away for a bit. I go for a walk/hike or take a drive. When I...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Whats your instinctual variant in enneagram?|||do you do this often ?|||I meant not so as titillation but only expression.|||I hate jeans, softer fabrics are more preferable if i must wear pants and I dislike socks,shoes,bras.|||beautiful!!! And so colourful!|||:O erase my writing?|||i know what you mean..i am so scared of going away from him because i being the ENFP am more emotional and sentimental and i need him near me because I have been in a long distance relationship...|||I am an ambivert definitely. Enfp sx/xp type4w3. Run run! I am the most volatile of the lot. :P Today I am just happy and hyper. so :cool: I am the coolest of the lot too. ahh! random rants. anything...|||a lot of times! i thought i was the only one and it was some disorder. apparently it was only ENFP-ness.|||abstract tan,yellow,crystal.|||I am using you, INFJs and I am very sorry for that. I come to you when I am in trouble, stressed, frustrated and in your warm embrace I have always found solace. *that rhymed* Coming to the point, I...|||This too is a lot like me except I am forced to read the books in my course. Studying literature is the worst decision I ever took because I cant love reading the way I used to anymore. Also, I move...|||This is so with me as well. About this too. When I started dating my bf we were spending time with each other at his place cooking, having sex all the time and now that he hardly invites me over. We...|||Earlier in my life when I went through something like this I took solace in the much cliched outlet, spirituality. Somehow even faith in a higher power doesnt tempt me anymore. Its like I have lost...|||I have lately been avoiding close contact with anyone. For an SX Type 4 this comes off as a weird behaviour. I have always wanted new relationships, friendships to get intense and when it has been a...|||I have a friend who used to so close to me but she has been so emotionally dependent on me that just thinking of a conversation with her irritates me now. And she is hurtful when I dont reply back by...|||i would hug all of you right now.. but for that my hands need to really long and stretchy like Mr.Fantastic's.|||How do you get rid of that disease called procrastination ?|||damned exam prep getting in the way.|||I am up for this.|||I fall down a lot or bump into things.|||Haw!! :unsure:|||F1 is formula 1.|||I did back my disagreement with reason. But I could have expressed it more politely but I didnt because it was just my status message and I assumed I can express in anyway I want. I wasnt really...|||Because its debate. And debate should be reasonable. firstly I did not get personal when making a remark whereas they insulted me. So I had to defend my choices and pay them back for the unnecessary...|||I really thought its an ENFP thing to run away from conflicts.|||So i was arguing for arguments sake. I didnt like F1 when i got a chance to see it and publicly denounced it as boring. so these engineering students who were in my school start going on and on about...|||Thats my dilemma too. I want to make grand gestures all the time. I love being generous with my time and love but I NEED the same response or I quit and run.|||How do you drop a friend? Simply stop talking,calling,texting? Ignore that person completely ?|||Oh dear God! You said everything that I am feeling right now and I never figured it out that I am like this because of my sx dom. I finally understand. Reading what you said just lit a bulb in my...|||49978 the picture is sombre but i am not !!! XD:tongue:|||no shoes ^_^|||lets do a poll if intuitives are less religious?|||it would be....complex. pretty much covers everything.|||Thank you so much for the concern. We talked it over and he seems so much more sensible when he and I are not upset. He has no problem anymore about me talking to my ex's if they are decent to me. He...|||abusive ???? how ? i cant wrap my head around it.|||this has already begun. no matter how much I am with him or talk to him I am not caring enough and he says I disappointed him. He sounds soo much like my father when he does this.|||so...my bf of almost 5 months has a serious issue with me talking to my ex's. also he doesn't give me space..i have to call him every 2-3 hours to check in..now we had a serious fight.. i feel...|||a random question....i was watching an episode of suburgatory and george just goes up to alicia silverstone and asks her to coffee in the middle of a vegetable market...is that normal in US? to just...|||3676136762367633676536766|||here goes some pics i took last year with my then new DSLR 36441|||The effects are really nice.|||when you see your old school friends tag friends in a status update saying i miss you guys!! and wonder if you could have been on that list of people she misses but arent in it because you changed...|||your imagination has the ability to make you sad just by building up a story in your head about the future.|||can you teach me what you did to get this colour tone?|||yes. i find women attractive but i have never dated a woman.|||Simple My words will be simple today. No jargon. Here. Today. Just an expression. I have traveled. Not very far. Not very long, But I have traveled. An adventure it is, an adventure it...|||College happened!!!|||i LOVE them!|||Someone called me Queen Latifa on one day and on the next day she called my Jigglypuff from Pokemon. |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 'Sorry, but there's a chance you're the one having the problem. I put myself in other people's shoes all the time, and after I do, I come to a decision. Once I have all the info, and I decide, if...|||I learn from it, and get over it. If it's on my end. If it's on her end, I'm not wasting my time on her baggage. I've got more important things to do with my precious time and energy.|||Dude, you're a horrible friend. You need to hang out with assholes like yourself. Nobody wants to be around someone like you, and a quick apology solves nothing. How distasteful.|||Excellent post! Thank you!|||Either it works or it doesn't Why Please explain What the hell On a scale of 1-10... Are you still talking? Oh, that's not the point? What IS the point then? That's what I thought|||ISTJ's can be horrible or excellent communicators. But a shy ISTJ doesn't say enough. A cocky ISTJ is super-sarcastic. An angry ISTJ's words can sting worse than a nail-in-the-foot.|||I am a jaguar, not a wolf.|||My hypothesis is: No. Your job/career does not reflect your personality. However, how you feel about the job, and how well it works/doesnt work... is definitely a reflection. How you go about...|||We are ISTJ's. We're duty-fulfillers, investigators, and problem solvers. When there are problems to be solved, we seem like workaholics. When there are no problems, we seem lazy. Or, we start...|||I just started a relationship with an ISTJ girl, and I am ISTJ. First of all, I love it so far. Im used to ENFP and INFP so this is a real relief. Regarding affection, she's so closed off. If I...|||As an ISTJ I am very selective about who I get close to. But, also, we read people very well, and some people are terrified to be judged, so that naturally scares people off. I'm definitely...|||Oh, no. Please... Stand by your statement.|||If you only talk and don’t listen, you only learn what you already know.|||Was interesting to see. Thanks|||Hear Hear|||Jobs I enjoyed: -Teaching -Tech Support -Quality Control -File Clerk Jobs I despised: -Waiting tables|||Let's get a great idea of what careers/jobs work well for us, and which ones we just don't fit into. I've read articles and lists, but I want to hear from real people's experience. Let's...|||For sex, yes. For long-term trust and plans, no.|||We are duty-fulfillers, so: We accomplish a lot that goes unnoticed, so appreciation is priceless. Ask us questions. We have a vast storage of useful knowledge, just waiting for someone to show...|||How much is in the glass? What's in the glass? How large is the glass compared to the volume of its contents? What kind of glass is it? How did the contents get into the glass, and what happens...|||This seems to be the case with my new ISTJ girlfriend. She's opening up more and more, and we haven't cuddled yet, but she says she really wants to. I can tell by the way she holds my hand and...|||Sure, I was tempted to quit the video after it started, but I like a good challenge sometimes. While the person posting the video apparently has some self-esteem issues that we can't accurately...|||I've found it interesting how ISTJ's have responded to the threat of having the ugly gene. I see a lot of rationalizing going on, which, while is typical of ISTJ, I was expecting to see more...|||I agree, physical attractiveness can be subjective. There's no doubt about that. It can also be scientific, and there's no doubt about that either. I think it's a matter of how, according to...|||As an ISTJ we're known to be very loyal and to the extent of personal sacrifice. How do you handle making boundaries and feeling like you're not abandoning your post and being selfish? Move your...|||I've had enough relationship experience to be considered an expert at this point. We ISTJ's MUST have good communication, I mean excellent. If you're not getting this with her now, you'll want it...|||Guilty. I know in my experience, I'm often told that I'm handsome, but never by women I'm interested in. Women I'm interested in look at me like I'm gross, or there's something wrong with me, or...|||Honesty can hurt. Rudeness comes from intentional disharmony, or neglect. If one speaks the truth in order to make an improvement, I don't see how that could be generally considered rude, although a...|||So, there's a video on youtube, pretty easy to find, of a blue-haired chick claiming that ISTJ's have the ugly gene. I'd like to hear what everyone else has to say about that. I'll be honest,...|||Also, regarding priorities: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey, esp the chapter Put First Things First and Lead the Field, by Earl Nightingale, ... well, I cant...|||Now that I read the previous posts, it looks like I'm not the only one who notices :) Happy researching!|||Dave Ramsey - Financial Peace Best book on financial stability ever written that I'm aware of. He does a radio show too, maybe it airs in your area. But the book is what you need. I'm sure there's...|||Okay, that makes more sense. Thanks. Immature ISTJ's can be very manipulative, especially when they dont have the confidence to communicate. He could be upset about something, and if that's the...|||I'm very passionate, and very sensitive. However, I feel as if I have complete control over my emotions. If I'm sad, I know I could change it, but if something sad just happened, I want to feel...|||91002910039100491005|||9099790998909999100091001|||I am ISTJ. I attract ENFP naturally, and more easily than other types. In fact, all of my serious relationships have been with ENFP or INFP. With ENFP and INFP the relationship is strong and...|||Sorry, that doesn't make sense. Can you please rephrase?|||Hobbies: - Reading, although I do it mostly with AUDIO - Martial Arts - Computers - Studying various subjects, particularly those applicable to life/my life - Psychology, sociology, philosophy;...|||That's hilarious. I did consider that, but thought I made it obvious enough in context. Thanks for pointing that out lol We're staying in touch. I'm going to see her again, but I'm not sure how...|||I am ISTJ, and I CONSISTENTLY attract ENFP's, and I'm sick of it. YES, attraction is bangin' in the beginning, and I can think of sooo many reasons why, but when it comes to living and functioning...|||I am ISTJ. I recently met an ISTJ girl online, and that would make her the FIRST for me, even as a friend. We went out on ONE date yesterday, and the chemistry was grrreeeeaaaaaat like Frosted...|||ISTJ here. I recently hooked up with an ESTJ and the chemistry was pretty good. However, she moved away for college, so we don't talk anymore. Since then, however, I've been curious to observe my...|||So long as they follow the Friendship Rules and the respect and cooperation is mutual.... absolutely, yes. But its rare. Our strong sense of loyalty makes us very picky since we plan on devoting...|||......... wow.... Could you say that to my FACE??... What a turn on....|||Shoot me a friend request?|||Voice to text error. Sorry. :)|||I am going through a break up with an INFP as we speak. I second your opinion on that. however I have bad news for you, I normally always attract ENFPs, and they are moderately worse than the INFPs....|||The other way to look at it is... when my lover needs my attention or my affection or my consolation... it is my PRIORITY to give it. However, whenever I ask for those things, or simply try to give...|||To me Aspergers seems like an extreme severe ISTJism. my daughter had autistic tendencies when she was a toddler. but they were just symptoms there was no diagnosis. she is eight now and developing...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'In a sense, yes. There is so much egotism around (esp. online) that just now I feel I'm losing interest in being active on this forum.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc44P-nT_-M Mais perto do que pensas - Closer than you think If there is a Portuguese speaking person here, they could translate the whole lyrics. I would...|||Hey ENTJs, I know this is an old thread I'm excavating, since I didn't want to make a new one. It has something to do with not wanting too much attention. I have found myself asking the same...|||Hello again, inmyeyes. :) Since I read your reply today, my mind was busy with giving you my answer, so I just have to put it out there, for the sake of my ability to think about something else...|||I wasn't quite satisfied with how I wrote this post, so I have taken it down. Maybe it will appear again differently, or maybe not, let's see.|||This song made its home in my heart and mind today for no apparent reason, while I was busy doing something else. I probably heaven't heard it in years, in fact I had to play the notes on a flash...|||That's funny Lady Pirate, I have a dress very similar to the one you posted some pages before. My friend, a fashion designer, made it, and I told her what kind of neckline I wanted, 3/4 sleeve...|||I posted the other one in INFP Porn whoops.. I read only as far as INF hahaha, 'twas meant to be here. However, this one is equally beautiful. ...|||I have two. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human mind has conceived, what God has prepared for them who love him. 1.Corinthians 2:9 He has shown you, oh human, what is good. And what...|||God created this world so beautiful. There is perfection, there is detail, there is purpose. And He made you, He made you too. He created you because He wanted to, not because He had to. ...|||Hmm, I thought about it.. to be honest he seems kind of fishy to me. I also agree with Vivid Melody that women and men most unlikely can be just friends, if they're both single and already enjoy...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGW62zTwfiw|||Countdown to the Six Day War Project | Jerusalem U|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X7jy3ToFRU|||It is a mockery against God, to proclaim that one could remain in sin and still be received by him into eternal life. It is ultimate self-deception. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked: For...|||Naturally, you can only develop what you engage in. And the idea behind 'developing' Se as I understand it, is to engage in it in a healthy way (compared to Se grips) and to have a sort of balance to...|||Oh gosh, I just want my special someone to be with me and hug me right now. I don't feel like crying, I just don't have words to express what I'm feeling. Life can get so complicated or confusing and...|||'And they that are wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever.' Daniel 12:3|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5TMPEfH2eg|||'As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so...|||For Yehovah is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5 ❤ 'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COntBpsoE3s|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z2szmHlckw|||I don't listen much to Bethel Music and I don't like all of it. But the above song is good. It's possible that there are more good ones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBJsK-_RRt8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjF9IqvXDjY|||I love this song. ❤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6LyTE3Cibw|||http://i.imgur.com/YM6vQkv.jpg|||Suddenly, I was thrown into the limelight, forced to act as one of the lead characters in a stage play which I had to invent on the go, without script or rehearsal. Like 'You are here. Now play - for...|||To choose to spend time with people who have a trait or skill which you want to develop is in itself a quite intelligent decision, in my opinion. What I mean by that is seeing them in an environment...|||I kind of disagree with this statement, because we always influence each other. The people you choose to hang around with ultimately affect you, whether you are aware of it or not.|||Congratulations. :)|||Honestly, who cares about Valentine's day? I certainly don't. It's not even on my radar. But for those who do somehow give some importance to that made up 'holiday', don't let it drag you down, be...|||Plus, a subjective value/belief system sounds rather Fi to me. And I exclude him from the idealists. He was a failed artist. Overconfident in his artistic abilities then shocked that he was not...|||I rarely ever drink coffee. But when I do, I regret it later. It only goes straight to my head.|||Sorry to kind of not jump on the bandwagon regarding the Hitler discussion of functions. Whatever personality he was (and I still deem it highly unlikely for him to have been of the INFJ/ENFJ...|||To clear this misunderstanding, I did not judge the whole group of ENTJs. :) There was some interest due to this thread, but I'm not particularly interested in looking at pictures of people anyway,...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MUNywhsZPU|||Thanks. I do not believe in that Hitler=INFJ nonsense either.|||I want chocolate, but there is none here.. and the shops are closed. I want it so much. But I'm still happy. :smile:|||Oh death, where is your sting? Oh grave, where is your victory? 1.Corinthians 15:55|||I'm enjoying this thread a lot. :) Thanks y'all.|||My interest in looking at ENTJ pictures radically dropped to zero. I'm saying this, to answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.|||When you think you figured it all out, I will not talk you out of your fantasy world. Have fun. Still, whatever you think of me, does not excuse bad manners. I don't keep talking with people who...|||And I also feel sorry for your inability to understand my motives (and btw. I did use the search function for ENTJ pictures before writing here).|||Uhm, thanks for being so socially incompetent in return.|||Attractive? Still needs to be proved. Where are the ENTJ pictures?|||I feel like my heater is trying to communicate with me in a secret language.|||I was searching for a good description of what 'being in the grip' looks like. And I found this page (which I already stumbled over some time ago). MBTI: Form of the Inferior Function Please share,...|||I heard this theory that a core type, let's say ENFP, who shows the ENFP characteristics when their mood is stable, and their motivation is good or high, and their stress level is low to medium,...|||@ mjn_the_enfp Sure, here's the link. :) http://personalitycafe.com/infj-forum-protectors/729706-confessions-infj.html?highlight=confession And here's another INFJ confession.. I do believe in...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 'You Are by Charlie Wilson.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6DUwMnDxEs|||The Portable Henry Rollins|||4'8 female|||My ISTP boyfriend's birthday is Dec. 24th and he never makes a big deal out of it.|||I have very few close friends. The ones I have include my boyfriend and our mutual best friend. Since they live far away I don't get to see them very often. I know a lot of acquaintances though.|||I'm talkative around my boyfriend and closest friends, and fear that sometimes I talk too much. They always say they don't mind and I'm doing fine with keeping the conversation going, and...|||Definitely an accurate description for the way my ISTP boyfriend and I are with one another :)|||I'm spiritual with interests in Agnosticism, some aspects of Buddhism, Humanism, and Eastern Orthodoxy. I was raised Roman Catholic and stopped attending church very often somewhere in my mid-teens.|||I'm procrastinating about something right now, in fact...I really need to be more motivated so I can get things done.|||Type: ISFJ Occupation: Student in a Creative Writing program Ideal job: Microbiologist (Unfortunately this is out because I have bad eyesight)|||The Fault in Our Starsu200b by John Green (I saw the movie last Saturday).|||I joke around with my boyfriend and my best friend...occasionally with my family. I don't memorize other people's jokes though.|||Before I met my ISTP boyfriend in person, our mutual best friend informed me of how indifferent he is, but also added that he might be a lot different with someone he loves. It turned out that he...|||My best friend said this to me in late March and I thought it was sweet: The thing I love and notice the most about you is how encouraging you are and uplifting to everyone. You never judge...|||My type: ISFJ Rating: 1/10 (I was voted Most Shy in high school)|||ISFJ. I come from a Roman Catholic family. I attended church every Sunday for years, then stopped. I still find church very boring, so I rarely go. I did like the Eastern Orthodox Church service I...|||Personality type: ISFJ Interests: Classical, rock, oldies, Gregorian chant, Byzantine chant, pop (mainly Backstreet Boys and One Direction), swing, acappella, acoustic, piano, certain movie...|||* Condescending people * Narcissism * Abusive/neglectful people * Bullies * People who are constantly angry * Passive-aggressiveness * People who don't take responsibility for their actions *...|||My top five: 1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2. Amelie 3. Aladdin 4. A Walk to Remember 5. Sense and Sensibility|||Hi, Earworms! It's nice to find another person who has the same combination of personality types (even though they're switched in this case). This is the first time I have seen that thread, so I will...|||Thanks for posting this thread! I'm an ISFJ and my current boyfriend is an ISTP so I'm trying to understand him better. Personality and bonding are important to him.|||Hi! Welcome to PersonalityCafe! :happy:|||Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here. :proud:|||BehindSmile - I can completely relate to the 30-second rush of love you've described. The difference is that I don't say it out loud and simply enjoy the moment. In my romantic relationship, I...|||My mom took the MBTI years ago. I think she was an ENFP. She's an ambitious, friendly, enthusiastic person and constantly encourages me to be more bold and try new things. She is thick-skinned while...|||Great thread! 1. How do ISFJ's view love? Well, I firmly believe two people can have a strong, healthy, happy relationship. My parents' marriage is a great example. My mom and dad are truly...|||Hello! Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your time here.|||Welcome to Personality Cafe! Hope you enjoy your time here. That's neat that you live in Sweden - I've been interested in the country for a while.|||Welcome to Personality Cafe. :) Hope you have a great time here! (And in response to your first post, that's happened to me more than once.)|||Personal ~ * Name - What do you preferred to be called? wistful (on here) - Any nicknames? - * Male/Female/Trans? Female. Location - Where were you originally born? Where do you live...|||Welcome :) Hope you have fun here.|||I'm in a great relationship and I'm happy about it. :)|||I'm like that, too.|||I over-think all the time. My confidence level varies...I'm working on believing in myself more.|||Let's see how this stacks up: follows the rules [most of the time], polite [most of the time], fears drawing attention to self [depends on the situation], dislikes competition [I like some...|||My nephew and I saw this movie and we both enjoyed it. The book is different in several ways (I'll have to ask my nephew what they are).|||Hi, everyone, how are you? *waves* I enjoy learning about personality types, and found this forum a couple of days ago. After taking a plethora of personality tests over the years, I found out that I...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'INFP in denial|||cut|||Cheap notebooks, never again. Second one to bust on me.|||Intp|||I guess so.|||I'ma fan of Idolmaster. And Russian. Put the two together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nssYLgQe7V8|||Sarcastic I'd say.|||INFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZLfasMPOU4|||Quite correct.|||goldensquid2000 Softie is Si-Fe thing, and Fe is one thing Fi users don't like much. From what I can tell, though my Fi is not as strong as that of IxFPs', what is percieved as softeness....|||It just occured to me that I have 1861 thanks - a year when Emancipation reform was started by Alexander II. Looking back, damn, was that half-assed. Add 14:51 - I love how Trump is one letter...|||Lightheaded, very dimly aware of surroundings. World now permanently feels like a grey blur.|||I read pedo-files https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkO2_LdgSas|||Yes! Memememememe!|||I've grown a second pair just from watching.|||http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/037/801/5e8.jpg|||http://pm1.narvii.com/6334/6a1f1b4d87066bde064be83ab2fdeca347e5fd09_hq.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-03Vr0QsFdw|||B-but feelers can't logic! :shocked:|||xNTJ starts @0:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvNAPDk7POg|||Totally correct <3|||INTJ here to welcome you and hurt your precious feelings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stgrSjynPKs|||http://androidnik.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/vosklicatelnyj-znachok-ryadom-s-wifi-na-androide1.png|||THanks. Fucking homophobe. Mhmm. NO, IT WILL BE YOU|||Skip me|||Everyone is invited to celebrate|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSCiMbMVDLI|||Burning KDE Neon to USB drive, hoping this time a .deb distro won't let me down terribly.|||No, we only exist on internets. IRL we are edgy nerds who won't get laid even if you jump into one's bed and spread legs like a ballerina.|||Early to judge, but will say correct.|||Driving around the city in a free taxi for several two-minute visits to courts. Kudos to ditzy secretaries who forget to put stamps where necessary. Without them I'd be rotting away in the office...|||This is probably not going to be helpful, but moving out and cutting all ties helped back in the days with my ESTP father, may he rest in peace. Abusive people, ESTJ or not, are not to be put up...|||Yep, seems right. INTPs seem to have a very distinct vibe.|||I'll have to perform a deep examination of your anal orifice to answer that question.|||https://i.imgur.com/BAopHne.png|||I have balls only. Now, if you are Trump supporter, you need to know that he is a cheap Putin knockoff. Don't settle for fakes. Not eating Oreos at your age is like not losing virginity at...|||You're healthy, just don't get sick. Now if you have something like shitting out of your dick or pissing from your ass, sure, come over. Don't waste my time. Next!|||Free consultation for everyone. I have cure for any disease except gay.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWRkNxpO-l4|||Just... stop|||Really, guys, get a life.|||*something wordy*|||Don't forget me as homewrecker for any ship on here.|||Yo ho ho|||When will you learn?|||Asking INTP for advice on how to approach studies in programming and language was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made. Our learning styles are clearly way too different.|||How about a buumstick up ur bloody arse?|||I won't because I don't like her even now.|||Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Alpha is easily the ISFP poster kid.|||Very accurate' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I'm looking forward to getting some spicy chicken curry when I get paid. MMMMMM How about you?|||Peace|||Guilty. I should probably be sleeping instead of drinking and listening to music, but I keep telling myself I'm spending some me time.|||Stress, alcohol, blankets it actually wasn't that bad, though. (maybe because of the alcohol)|||It's weird that so many straight guys seem to only befriend women they're attracted to. 99.9% of my male friends are attracted to men, but there's a reason they're my friend and not my boyfriend.|||I second this if you're into anime. I haven't been myself, but a friend of mine made loads of friends at conventions! She's not even that into anime, but she loves Doctor Who and of course there were...|||I dated an ENFP once. Mostly he was fun and cute, but every now and then he'd be really cold. He once told me that he wouldn't be sad if all his friends died. Another time he admitted to me that as a...|||I refuse help when I think I can handle it, when I think it's too much to ask of someone, or when I don't want to feel indebted to a person. I probably refuse help more than I accept it to be honest....|||Yesss I finally get to vent about my crush! I think I've maxed out my friend's patience already haha LET'S SEE He's really creative and talented, like much more than me and he makes it look...|||A big fear of mine was realized today when the divide between who I was and who I'm trying to be was breached. I stayed in my bed and cried for a while. I'm feeling a little bit better, but I still...|||I went through similar experiences during school, and now that I'm finally going out and making friends again it's made me realize just how important relationships are to me. It's like I feed on the...|||Proof marrying your teenage idol might not be the dream come true you wanted. Rupert Grint|||This is a huge part of it I think. A few weeks ago I decided to change my perspective by changing my behavior and I've seen a huge improvement. For example I use to let myself get really angry if I...|||Do you guys ever experience mood swings? I experience them a lot. I thought they'd happen less as I progressed out of puberty but that hasn't really been the case. For those who do, do you have...|||You're probably right, I'm sure there are. I don't actually believe in it myself, but I wasn't going to say no to the compliment! Yeah, If I remember correctly there's a long period of...|||Yes, absolutely. It's a problem of mine. Usually it's sort of an unspoken ultimatum when I've felt they wronged me. If when I leave they try to stop me from going, I'll give them another chance. But...|||YUM! It looks so pretty!|||This is kind of interesting because I was born shortly after his death (April 13th) and a friend of mine thinks I'm his reincarnation. I mentioned this to my mom and she looked me dead in the eye and...|||Larch Do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams :wink: (that sounds really good btw!) (sorry, still haven't gotten the hang of replies)|||I'm making friends! I've gotten closer to my crush! My household is pretty harmonious at the moment, money is less of an issue. I cleaned my room the other day and put up my own tree! It's almost...|||It's not even that I dislike it, I just find it really intimate and that intimidates me. I don't know when it's appropriate to touch someone, even my family. When I was in high school I broke down...|||I have never planned on having kids, but I'm really fond of Diah and Rupert.|||https://soundcloud.com/vantagenoise/cocktail-midnight I don't have a youtube link, sadly! My favorite part starts at 1:59 :proud:|||I'm getting better in a lot of ways, but I'm too impatient. I've been lonely for so long, I want this isolation to end. I hope I'll be able to see the light soon. I think I can hold on.|||I'd probably want to be a ghost, have a psychic roommate, live out some quirky light-hearted sitcom about the meaning of life and death.|||I have a crush on an ISTJ sooo....yes I wouldn't be opposed to marrying them. Giving a present or getting a present?|||For me the romantic attraction is there from day one, so I'm not sure how to compare it to a platonic relationship because I never saw them in that light. I see every relationship with anyone I meet...|||I like telling stories, but I find writing frustrating. My skill isn't very high because I stopped developing it as a teen, so that might be why. I've wanted to get back into it, but I feel like my...|||I read somewhere that INFPs can give pretty scathing criticism, which I know has been true for me and something I'm trying to overcome. I can see that sort of maliciousness turning into violence if...|||Snow! I use to love rain until it rained every other day this summer. I don't think I could get sick of snow. Not cutting your finger nails for three years OR not cutting your toe nails for five...|||That's great to hear. I'm sure just being an infp isn't the sole reason he's a good person, but it's nice to see infps value other infps!|||Iipstain Hello friend! -hugs- You're too kind, once again! Your relationship with your father and boyfriend made me so happy to read. You father's love for your mother was too cute! It's interesting...|||Awww, that's really sweet! Not sure if I could go months without talking to my SO, though :confused: But hey, if it works for you then that's great! I'm ok with small absences, I agree that missing...|||Be it romantic, platonic, or family. I've known one other INFP irl, but I never got to know her. The pros seem like they'd be great, but the cons scare me, frankly.|||I think I'm the only person I know who prefers Pepsi! Christmas or Halloween?|||I lick q-tips before putting them in my ear. It sounds pretty gross I guess, but I've met someone else who does it! Oh and to clarify, I don't lick them after I take them out or anything. Just...|||Video games! I get too introspective when I read, it's more fun to do something simple but interactive. Candles or incense?|||That's really weird. If anything I think trying to be MORE of an INFP is fake. How can they be into MBTI and think everyone within the same type is exactly the same? Maybe you should educate them,...|||Thank you for all the responses, it's definitely helped to simplify things. I'm getting the impression it's less about what I do and more about who I am and what I like. I guess that should be pretty...|||There's this ISTJ I met online that I really admire and kind of fancy. We met in a gaming community on tumblr, he had complimented something I'd posted and I quickly messaged him telling him I admire...|||I like using colors in groups, I guess because I play a lot of sims and like to decorate haha Usually orange, green, and blue as major colors accompanied by earth tones and white.|||It took me a really long time to figure this one out. More often than not most people just want you to listen. I'd always try to give advice about how I'd do it, which obviously isn't always helpful....|||OrangeAppled I relate to so much of what you put. Especially this: I feel like I should because it's the only thing I've seen praised about infps. Fairness is a huge thing for me, to the...|||This happens to me, but usually not with people. In both cases it's almost always just overthinking it. I'm so focused on the initial train of thought that everything else completely passes me by. In...|||Iipstain Oh wow, I wasn't expecting such a nice response! :blushed: You're so kind, thank you for being so welcoming! Questioning whether I'm an infp might have been a bit of an exaggeration~ I'm...|||Aries! I relate to it in some ways, but most of the time I boil it down to being a 4w3. I'm a bastard lol|||Hey! New here, so a bit nervous. What typical infp stereotypes have you heard that might have ~momentarily~ made you question whether you're an INFP? Mine is that all INFPs journal/write poetry....' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I mean I get the whole safety thing, but I'd probably raid Ulta and other beauty stores. http://i.imgur.com/IVpdF8x.gif|||Imitation of Life (1959)|||I have a strong dislike of all pseudosciences.|||I think it really depends on the individual. Because to contrast, INFPs are often associated with being good writers, and language is generally associated with the left side of the brain. But I,...|||This chille gone have a fun life I vote for the one that looks like ermergerd but isn't (nickname Emma)|||INFP 1. Marina and the Diamonds 2. Azealia Banks 3. Little Boots 4. Two Door Cinema Club 5. Moko 6. Laleh 7. Janelle Monae 8. Yelle|||It would really depend on the details for me. Like, does his remorse seem insincere? Can I save this drug for a loved one or myself? How do I know he enjoyed killing people? Even then, I'm...|||Part 2: http://41.media.tumblr.com/9b071c2525f76288f55117a296266ce8/tumblr_ns0kktY2gK1tewameo7_1280.png...|||This might be kind of long, but it's worth it! (Star Wars Tales: Extinction) Part 1: http://41.media.tumblr.com/492e748c474e457ece976c12461c48ae/tumblr_ns0kgl7rCe1tewameo1_1280.png...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6SgqYMl5R8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r08xhL0jI1Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx4rsZkCCss ...|||Can NOT find the regular version on youtube or soundcloud... so nightcore it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW5uvx5x5o0 edit: can't listen to the other version now it sounds way...|||Like I should've gone to bed an hour ago...|||My past therapist told me I was very empathetic... So, no? I think, sometimes, I can sort-of ignore the emotions of others, but not consistently.|||I personally have never thought about it. Although, I have thought of running off to somewhere else before.|||americanized fried rice|||Watership Down Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West at least IMO Edit: + McCarthy's The Road|||I think I'm generally a two, but on under stress I quickly turn to something like a six.|||this seems a tad eccentric to me :rolleyes:|||The purpose of this thread is to post some songs that you deeply identify with. It could be the lyrics, the beat, or tone. Whatever suits you. (I wouldn't post all the links if you have 10+...|||*logs onto pcafe* Oh, look. Another self pity thread for INFPs. That's nice :dry:. But really tho If I see one more thread about how inherently incompetent I am, I might just explode.|||I dislike characters that run away from their problems and don't face their emotions. *cough*Ifemelu*cough*Americanah*cough* I'm not normally not upset by callous characters because I,...|||Fleetfoot Loved it. I've added this song to my main playlist and found it to be really enjoyable. The video itself was also really entertaining. ...|||Your Cognitive Functions: Extroverted Feeling (Fe) |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 12.14 Introverted Feeling (Fi) ||||||||||||||||||||||||| 11.85 Extroverted Intuition (Ne) ||||||||||||||||||||| 9.65...|||agwood Thanks for the abstract! Sorry If that came off as argumentative, I was just curious. Criticism-esque ramblings: While this may not be a popular opinion, I feel like it's...|||Where are these studies? And honestly, I feel like this would relate more to enneagram than MBTI.|||Do I fit these? + for yes - for no Supposed 'negative' characteristics: Emo- Loner- Lives in a fantasy world+ Pushover- Writes sad things- Soft-spoken-|||No. http://static.tumblr.com/c0b7873f267ce369c3751da1e1de6b8d/xd7fbu5/TeTmhmxen/tumblr_static_ddddd.gif|||my triscuits are pepper flavored >:( http://media.giphy.com/media/2FazfWOd7WPJuYqHe/giphy.gif|||Well, as far as human evolution goes, the consumption of meat was needed to give our developing brains more protein and energy. But I admit that in modern times, for some, it would be possible...|||I like to name my cats after plants and plant related things. Like clover and rose, not things like Atropa belladonna. Scientific names are too long.|||http://41.media.tumblr.com/1c7ecd1f2644b07cdfa5664fc05f62f9/tumblr_nm7j67rqpw1u96kspo1_400.jpg I'm so fucking mad. This is bullshit and it better not be real. Please excuse me while I go...|||deviantcode hmmmmmmm I have mixed feelings about this song. I liked it more and more as it went on, but I feel like in order to form a definite opinion, I would need to listen to the song a...|||I seem to have brief periods of grace, but I'm generally really clumsy. I hit walls and doors pretty often.|||Well, without graphs, I think that would be around a 4000 word paper. (Probably much less with) I would plan everything out and break up the paper into four even sections that you can finish on...|||pagan astronaut I thought that was really cool. I love the penny whistle. Interesting song, don't know that I've ever heard anything like that before. ...|||GoosePeelings During the intro I was like... http://media.giphy.com/media/JaMGMpZxgAERa/giphy.gif And then realized that this was, in fact, a song. Makes me think of horror-esque films...|||I haven't fact-checked this or anything, but I think it has some interesting points. Keep in mind it's by college humor, in case you're sensitive to crude humor. ...|||one time i skipped half a day of a school camp i ended up hiding in a parking lot with a friend|||1. How do you feel about this or that type questions? (ex: Coke or Pepsi?) I suppose they're ok... I'm pretty indecisive, making most questions like that take quite a bit of time. 2. Do you...|||meh|||china Veni vidi vici. you know this means i am a loser right? learnt it as a kid https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/36/9c/6a/369c6a23c1f9484158e981dc3e0f148f.jpg|||I think your reaction was very reasonable. I think people that behave that way are just trying to reinforce their identities and protect their insecurities. So, in this case, your professor is...|||msmiracleglitter My ears are in pain. But thanks, hun :wink:|||For me, being rich isn't really my end goal. If I turn out to be very successful in my career of choice and I made a good amount of money, then I think that'd be great. But I'm not choosing my...|||In my opinion, there's just a little too much reliance on stereotypes on personality-cafe (myself included). I think this happens because stereotypes can be helpful in grasping the 'gist' of a...|||oraphel I loved this. I listened a couple of times. I really like the bridge(?) at 2:02, especially the 'forms in the hideaway' part. Edit: I was too slow. Next song: Metasentient Not...|||I liked it! Wasn't quite what I had expected from glancing at the cover, as I'd never listened to 'Escape the Fate' before. Really liked the lead vocalist. ...|||Natalie Portman is an introvert...|||I honestly think that it's just too difficult to correctly type someone that's still a child...|||I think this is offensive and extremely close-minded. I honestly don't have the energy to rant about this. MBTI types should be used to help us better understand ourselves and others, not deem...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'This whole argument is useless. I said they deserve the same rights as any other human being. Which doesn't include the right to harm another. As long as they act within the law, and any kind of...|||That match was fake af|||Have you tried hypotenuse?|||This thread is obviously going to end up modded if you don't change it. It is specifically aimed, and arguably an 'attack'.|||I'm basically waiting for someone to take on your view you keep putting out here. Seems like something neither side really would be able to take on without thinking outside of the foundation of their...|||Yes, they do. They deserve the same rights as any other human being.|||Sudoku is not the answer!|||When I refer to racism, I am referring to an attitude or a prejudice. This is the only thing I am referring to here. Once anyone acts upon these attitudes in an illegal way, I think they should be...|||Everyone knows the answer to this question.|||Hope I didn't lose any friends over my political musings lol|||Phlegmatic Melancholic. This shit used to be my proto-MBTI.|||They exist for a reason, they will probably mutate as they have mutated in the past in various ways, and everyone has the right to deviate from them as they please, but they can't force anyone to...|||Personally, I blame the memes. And nanomachines.|||Well she didn't really die for anything. She just happened to die. It sucks yes, but that is how it happened. I didn't know the victim by name, but the way you made it sounds, she was someone who...|||This sounds like media martyrdom to me. Understand that when I hear all these grandiose words, my gut instinct is distrust. I wonder to myself, what is the more boring truth behind this account?...|||Mostly likely being manic-depressive weirdos. Just kidding. Idk, stereotypical downsides to dom Ne?|||Well the same could be said for gender, or height, or nationality, or hair color. Age, or religion. Income or weight. But for half of these things, it is improper to do so.|||The issues with racism are obvious from a social interaction and logic standpoint. But why is racism seen as this ultimate evil rather than the equivalent of someone saying fuck in a job interview?...|||So this is what you guys deal with? Huh.|||ISFP, maybe ISTJ if you can agree to be conscientious to a certain degree. ISFJ, maybe.|||I kind of feel for Shahada I think a lot of the things she talks about are real, and the problems she sees are vile and criminal ones are kind of passe or underrepresented in the current...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI9n2yC14fU|||Why do I suddenly like Stel 1000x more? :octopus: Anyways, this song encapsulates my feelings on all this nonsense recently very well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQfzxrJEIIw|||Very ironically, I wish all these people oozing with violent urges would be purged and allow for a sane society of even keeled people.|||Ehh, in my experience, I just project my own good qualities onto other people and grow to like them over it. Or see them as different than me and shut them out.|||Well yeah naturally. Idealized people normally disappoint when they show their flaws.|||Is this supposed to make me think that both sides are not at fault? Like do we just invoke Trump now any time we want to paint something as bad?|||Oh, I already know which one I want.|||I'm pretty close to 100% at least on mine.|||Just because you have something as a value doesn't make it easy to ever reach your ideal. It is going to be just as far away whether you appreciate something or not.|||I'm not really sure...|||So this is mostly in regards to the countable and measurable awards you get from boards, such as thanks? I feel like invisible impressions have more of a sway and pull on the reputation of people...|||Inferior Fe sounds like the life, man.|||She's alright, but nothing happened to the guy|||What else is there to say? There are common experiences amongst identities based on sex or race or whatever, but this is true for all things that sublimate into a culture, and the only cultures that...|||I'm pretty convinced you are a Fe inferior, my friend lol|||Wrong. ISTP is likely the best stack to inherit.|||I'm on the fence. I think that many other secondary characteristic identities have unique experiences and broad communities, but we would necessarily make an Italian American or Indian culture...|||I was leaning towards INTP, but let me do another once over.|||I am happy to see that ESFJs are in fact in the lead with this. I should try to do more research on them to understand where they are coming from, but they often appear like insatiable militant...|||It is looking like INFP to me, actually. Low conscientiousness, flitting here and there in life, a professed dissatisfaction.|||Tee hee|||This. When people describe it as being traditional, they mean it in a subjective sense. With the overreliance on their subjective memories, they find no reason to do things differently than what they...|||Another observation on Ne. It is shallow, like possibly all extroverted functions? Instead of introverted, I think a better i for Xi functions would be 'iterative'. Extroverted functions take things...|||That's not quite how Si works. You probably are convoluting Si into your Fi, or rather, what you perceive to be Fi is a combination of your Fi and Si. Si is mostly about the impressions you keep with...|||-Apparently some refugee to my friend yesterday|||Oh, I thought they were on this one. I was like Isn't this kind of petty?|||Yeah, I'm not sure where you gathered that from what I said lol|||I feel like there are three or four cliques of types that people tend to cluster into for the most part in the real world based on type. Parenthesis denotes partial membership. The 'Social...|||This is a tangent, but I love how ESTPs might as well have inferior Fe the way they act sometimes.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ':laughing:|||Everything about this screams 5. Your post basically sums up my life, on both a general level and a micro-level (i.e. day-to-day basis). Definitely 5.|||That is pretty accurate. I've done just that on multiple occasions, regardless of attractiveness.|||Yeah, haha. I think what happens (for me anyway) is that I get super intense in the initial stages of conversing with this potential friend/love and then I kind of disappear and withdraw and they get...|||It's only unbearable if it's unreciprocated. (which is all the time, lol). Ugh.|||Short answer: ABSOLUTELY.|||It's kind of ridiculous to be honest. I don't have a 'moderate' switch. I'm either detached and pretty unconcerned with people I know, or I am obsessed as fuck. Same goes for learning and...|||Yep yep yep, can totally relate. The only logic I have for it (because no-one else around me seems to get so obsessive like I do, though, if they did they obviously wouldn't tell me, but just a...|||I agree with more or less everything you have said here. Especially the bold. I don't have much else to add because you have pretty much already summed it up, haha. :unsure: Re: the bold...|||I can relate to this. I yearn for intense relationships, but I rarely put myself in a position to attain them. It is a constant source of frustration. A sense of feeling trapped within...|||A c c u r a t e|||Interesting and unexpected to see 5w4 so high...|||SP/SX 1) How do you typically interact in a group? This is dependant upon a few things: how well I know the people in the group, what sort of setting I'm in etc.. If we define 'group' as...|||l o l|||I don't get it :rolleyes:|||I feel like what we often identify as narcissism is more aptly (simply) referred to as a healthy level of 'self-love' and 'confidence'. I feel like there is a voice in a lot of us that tells us that...|||Type 1: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mez6vk4AAI1ryf8if.gif...|||Great idea. I have often wondered the same thing. I will look forward to seeing the results.|||I would appreciate it if you didn't take screenshots of me whenever I forget to deactivate my webcam. :laughing: But seriously, this pretty much sums it up for me.|||Because you're a decent human being.|||Not insulting people.|||My experience with all the types is limited unfortunately. I have had most irl experience with 9s, 7s, 6s, and 8s. As has already been mentioned on this thread, theoretically, I can understand every...|||Is it a question of saving people or killing people? They are two very different things.|||Perhaps|||I say these things way too often: hmmmm. fascinating how interesting and why's that? hehehehehheh >:)|||Something I find myself saying on a daily basis: Why is everyone so f***ing stupid!!?!? :angry:|||INFP: http://th647.photobucket.com/albums/uu192/lovekakumei/made%20by%20me/th_snl-crying.gif|||This was merely a snippet of the conversation. I gave many hypotheticals, even ones that were relevant to her situation. Still, no progress.... Too close-minded! I hope this isn't indicative of all...|||A recent conversation I just had: INTJ: i think it's possible to be objective when it comes to language in a debate INFP: really, I don't INTJ: detachment ; ) INFP: what do you mean? like i...|||dem INFPs. It never ends well though. Also INFJs I have a definite preference for xNxx over xSxx.|||Woah, my bad, totally didn't even realise that this was in the SJ forum. Honest mistake. I feel like I've already overstayed my welcome. To answer your question, I have an analytical temperament...|||1. English Extension (author, reader, social, textual and philosophical theory behind literature etc) 2. Law 3. Business and accounting are easily learnt, though they don't necessarily hold my...|||2. ENTJ & INFJ to my knowledge.|||Strange, solitary, funny, witty, athletic, reflective, self-centred, very observant, 'abnormal', frequently spotted both crying and heaving from laughter, overly concerned with good manners, polite,...|||Comic Sans.|||1. Before you came to this 'ere site - Were you happy with your life? Did you think you were happy, but on reflection, probably weren't? Where would you be now if you hadn't discovered MBTI? Not...|||I laughed out loud for about 5 minutes. That's hilarious and horrible all at the same time. I love the extent that you go to in order to amuse yourself. :laughing:|||Tater Tot, your theatrics make me laugh (in a good way) :laughing:|||Definitely! I wish you the best in your studies too. I have a couple of hurdles to jump over before I can commence the degree (trying to erase my poor academic history, which was caused by health...|||Sounds like you got in just in time then! ;) It's going to take me about 7 years to become an accredited psychologists and that's assuming I maintain a full-time study load all the way through and...|||Oh, wow that seems a bit easier than here in Australia, or at least more direct. Is it quite competitive getting into the doctorate?|||Oh, sorry to hear that. I've been there many times (failing units due to external issues), so I can understand. You are making me feel more confident in my decision. & yes, that is a very wise...|||Yay! someone else studying this combination. That's unfortunate about your lecturers. They can certainly have a huge impact on how you absorb information and thus, how well you do on your assessment....|||From the people I've spoken to irl, I have a few people saying that it is an unconventional combination and then others saying that they complement each other very well. I am more inclined to agree...|||I don't get embarrassed about my music preferences at all. But I can relate to the pressure of putting on a playlist or something and waiting to see the groups reaction, because I am aware that other...|||Hi all, I have previously dabbled in Law and Commerce, and while I could handle the work load and comprehend everything with relative ease, this simply was not what I was passionate about. I...|||Good idea! I will do just that when I can get access to a computer and keep you posted :)|||You absolutely must watch Hanna, if you haven't already. The Chemical Brothers composed the entire soundtrack and it works with the film so well. I still just listen to the soundtrack by itself. I'm...|||[INTJ intruding here] Great thread. I can agree with a lot of what has already been said. I don't think it so much depends on the specifics of your circumstance any more than it does on how you...|||This thread isn't necessarily exclusive to Enneagram theory, it took me a couple of minutes to decide whether I would post it in the Enneagram forum or the MBTI forum. It is open to all. I want...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'We arent actually taught that much, i noted all of my Law A level in two weeks and honestly i am quite lazy. we are taught a wide range of information we arent going to use because how to do know...|||I agree with what the guy is saying and it does make me feel a certain anger that this ability to think, these many talents such as language, music, divergent thinking were all robbed from me when i...|||Britain hasnt had a civil war since Cromwell. If you mean the riots that was is not a civil war, in fact it is very close to what you were doing back in the 1960s if you are American. Of course we...|||I am British, we have weird standards of humour. We find sitcoms in which the Pope orders the death of 1 million people funny, actually bloody hilarious|||I didnt say you were trying to be funny but it was nevertheless quite humorous. Maybe it is a British thing|||I am lost how i lost you|||Very humorous|||Ask an INTP a question sounds like ask a superior mind a question - the inference is subtle but it is there|||Yes we are kidding, we are all perfectly normal. By the way if you have any information about a woman named Sarah Conners it would very much help....a school project of mine|||Are you saying INTPs aren't human all of the time:P|||The first thing you should do is find a place to work out of, figure out how many hours of work you can realistically do a day and what that will give to the company. It is very likely you will find...|||Perhaps suppression was the wrong word, what i mean is that we are capable of ignoring the urge while we are doing something else so for some time after sex i would be quite happy merely reading or...|||My current theory on that particular personality trait would be a tension between our neocortex and our sex drive. INTPs are very insular people, we stay bottled up and most of the time find our own...|||The lapse in logic is assuming you are succeeding or failing in the same thing. If you aim to fail at being the fastest runner and fail you fail at being the fastest runner but succeed in your...|||Well, because INTP's are passionate, we can be amazing in bed...sorry for being so crude..! As my husband says, I'm extremely passionate and he knew he'd have to put up with the more unpleasant of...|||Misery is analogous to INTPs. It is remarkably how strongly you love this girl and however one views it there is definitely a sense of romanticism about it. I do however sympathise and say with the...|||An ISFJ friend of mine wanted to date an INTP, which frankly i found hilarious because she was not capable of coping with INTPs (based on her endless annoyance at my way of living) I showed her...|||This seems to slowly becoming a british writer thing, or may i need just to stay away from whiskey|||If you can prove we are wrong then i will change my views. If i conceed for another reason i am probably your spouse|||INTPs are naturally messed up, we think of things we really shouldnt|||Non-reciprocal emotions are the greatest fear of INTPs. We cant bear the idea of telling someone they are everything we have been looking for when we know in a minute they will say back we are a...|||I will remember that next time. Dyslexic writer, great punch line at parties|||This thread is for all writers, authors or anyone who has actually got to the point of writing a complete book and everyone not nodding and saying yes it is very good in a sarcastic caring tone. ...|||Surreal isnt the term i would use, i am so introverted it wouldnt be much different. it is quite amazing that you have met so many INTPs since we seem to have great difficulty in finding each other|||I saw this with a caring intent, and i know you wont listen. Stop thinking about this. It is not worth the reward. By the age of 17 i figured out free will doesnt exist. It haunts me for very...|||This post is going to be abstract but that shouldnt be a problem for this forum. How many INTPs have met another INTP long enough to be able to have a proper conversation with them? I enjoyed such...|||Sleep is bloody fantastic it is one of the few times in the day when i dont have to suffer people i dont like. I know quite a few INTPs like sleep too because we tend to have very low moments and it...|||It isnt quite as bad as the two posts above me make it sound, if there is a stunningly attractive woman and a girl who is fair but has an truly exceptional mind, or even just one i can connect to...|||We arent difficult you lot are. If an INTP doesnt like you and shows no interest to you past our normal social awkwardness then dont even try. If we seem even more awkward or wont shut up we like you|||You wont see them, a nurturing caring male is as likely to find as an INTP female. It can be done but it is very hard because those qualities arent wanted in the mainstream for each gender|||people who are intelligent are a must, we cant cope around idiots. Other than that i have a fondness for artists, they are fun, unpredictable, see what we see in things which usually is something...|||I was the one who asked but i will assume it goes the same way for me asking and she saying ok|||This is where i dont understand you lot, going out as a friend does mean something but you dont say it is as a friend so it could mean more but you dont say it means more. You are aware this is...|||This is where i get mixed responses, i know that ISFJs like the tactile and sentimental things but you also take it slow. Which makes it very difficult to judge where anything is with you. Do i go...|||On a side note this is the worse part of being an INTP, being right all the &%£$ing time. To all INTPs who have gone through the long, hard road which is known as trying to get an ISFJ interested...|||Only if you jumped his bones. My first, last and only vulgar post no in all seriousness i am curious about this. Non virgin INTPs (want non bias pool of opinions, scientific method you must...|||he isnt an INTP, i joke about dying when i change political views. It is complicated and boring unless you are an INTP. My step father is so based on tangible things he thought i was saying i wanted...|||I am currently 'courting', which is what it feels like rather than anything seemingly easy, an ISFJ. INTPs are attracted to ISFJs because they dont reject us, something we have a lot of experience...|||Hi, I am an INTP so the equally introverted but highly logical cousin of the ISFJ. I have met a girl whom i like who is an ISFJ, i am certain is a an ISFJ, and i know ISFJs play the long game...|||INTPs are much more protean that we give ourselves credit for; this is probably the reason we are impossible to ever full understand. When it comes to friends, and if you ever end up in that category...|||The question is very personal, i am hugely opposed to the death penatly as a form of punishment because logically it is nonsensical but killing a bear wouldnt bother me in the slightest. I cant...|||If you want the quickest way to figure out if an INTP is interested in you or another person kiss them. We have no idea what to do in that situation unless we want it happen so he will either kiss...|||The quickest way to tell if someone is an INTP is how they react to new people, it is almost sure fire. They will not be too sure but try to make an effort because INTPs are naturally lonely and...|||Most people seem to think that an INTP is only impressed by intellectual ability. Personally I am impressed by anyone who can juggle chainsaws but if I am being serious being impressed doesn't mean...|||Love is a serious of chemical reactions in the brain normally characterised by endorphins, or more specifically this is the beginning of the relationship. love in the long lasting sense is a...|||The antimatter would fall into the black hole, assuming it hit nothing on its way in, once it hit the highly dense core it would create a huge burst of energy that wouldnt be able to escape the black...|||There is nothing wrong with INTPs except we are hard to talk to, impossible to understand unless you know us (catch 22), socially awkward so cant start a relationship, quickly judge people based on...|||If only i could say that in law exams, it would save me so much time and effort|||The day that INTPs are easy to understand nothing will make sense to me anymore, people will actually be able to have a conversation with me without inanely stumbling over themselves|||I am assuming you live in america and if this is the case then I apologise because the British have a very different view on this. First off as long as a woman is hot/attractive/beautiful etc that is...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I gues my problem is the fullness of the smoke. I don't feel the hit as much when I use a vaporizer so I tend to over-inhale. but then again if I had one for regular use... I could go for a nice...|||my friend just got some weird pipe that roasts the weed instead of burning it. makes it smell like hickory or something, kinda turns me off. but interesting! doesn't smell like weed, so he can smoke...|||I's tell me I'm naive and T's tell me I'm immature. but I's are insecure and T's are jerkasses, so nyeh.|||I cannot get along with those who don't understand the concept of FACETIOUSNESS. I'm an ENFP. I happen to have a sense of humour. excuse me.|||this. I have a depressive disorder, so I seem INFP most of the time. and big thumbs up on your avatar.|||it was awful. they had Shatner, Michael J. Fox, and Catherine O'Hara. and they totally wasted them all on bad Canadian humour. even bad fart jokes would've been an improvement... welcoming...|||I used to feel sorry for things I put on the stovetop. I thought I was torturing them. but nuking stuff in the microwave didn't bother me. hmm.|||I didn't think it was getting heated, but okay, I'll lay off hating your entire nation. :crazy: our closing ceremony sucked major balls. I mean, highlights include.... well, Neil Young being the...|||INFP's are typically chaotic neutral, aren't they? you can play a class many different ways, there's no type. I've been a chaotic neutral priest, and a lawful evil bard.|||can't read books either. and I like to start a movie, pause it and listen to some music, make some tea, put the movie on, pause it and go outside for a minute, come back in and read a bit, go have a...|||oh c'mon, if we were happy for both equally there would be no competitive sports. just maypoles and circle jerks. blah. and being Canadian, I naturally hate America and all it's unholy inhabitants....|||the women's hockey game that year was unbelievable! yes, if we'd have lost this, we would've razed Vancouver. :tongue:|||WE WON. FUCK YOU, AMERICA. FUCK YOU. everyone's going insane in the streets. huzzah! I'm getting wasted tonight! I LOVE YOU, CROSBY! HAVE MY BABIES! :laughing:|||yay, legal pot! I mean, tons of people smoke it anyways, and we're not retarded or anything. my life ain't a Cheech & Chong movie, yknow.|||eating a bacon cheeseburger. omnomnomnomnom.|||Two words: Soylent Green.|||whenever I read my type description I feel like I'm the best kind. everyone else's faults are much worse, mine are reasonable. :laughing:|||survive. I like to think I have a chance. if the druglords and crazies don't take over. werewolf or vampire? keep in mind you will die in the light as a vamp and you don't have control over...|||http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d123/WhiteNoiseFlower/563341_45479_front.jpg he has a mafuckin' bewb. where the pec should be. that is all.|||Cthulu's a bitch. http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d123/WhiteNoiseFlower/tumblr_kq4f2brgfa1qa3i8uo1_500.jpg ISFP vs. ENFJ? :crazy:|||this (vaguely) defines a mental disorder. go see a therapist. they are great. get one that isn't quick to pump you with drugs. those people are dead inside. I've dealt with a lot of shit in my life,...|||no colour, of course. black or white? (and it's not a race thing, so don't be an instigator.)|||5BX Plan for Physical Fitness - A scientifically designed approach to physical fitness best exercise program I've ever seen. you can't complain you don't have the time for it, it's 11 minutes....|||some people might not consider me a natural ENFP. a month ago I started taking anti-depressants. the decision wasn't made lightly, believe me, it was the right choice. I could barely leave the...|||one of the best songs of 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSmuzEzeAeY|||I don't feel the need to be INFP. sometimes I'm ESTJ, and most of the time I'm more ENFJ than I used to be. my type's probably changed by now, so I tend not to take the MBTI too close to heart. I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7mPppJYUwI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWdplvcjXd0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AycXWmaG_HM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wlk2equCBXU some people...|||I hate responsibility. let the ST's take care of that junk. human shields.|||sitting in only my undies, listening to Captain Beefheart, burning incense, and playing Super Metroid.|||well, technically it would be every person born at that moment in time. so something like... 1 in every 12 in every 12 in every 12.... and on and on. because there's each planet in each sign in each...|||Libra (sun, moon, and mercury), Chinese earth dragon. INFP: weak I, F, and P.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUgvVAFFzN8 feeling sexy today. and I want to wail this song in someone's ear.|||hahaha, weird thread. I would take all ghost pokeymans. I don't want to see them get eaten. :sad: maybe I'd take a Charizard or something. they can fly right? so flaming death from above. huzzah!|||a hundred million yeses to Hendricks. there is no better woman on TV right now, as far as I'm concerned. I would go straight for her. damned beautiful woman.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-_2QpbXMbw :laughing:|||another INFP. no arguing. good conversations. great one-on-one opportunity. and ENFP. those guys know how to make you feel at home. no matter where you are.|||OrangeAppled, as a fellow Cocteau Twins fan, do you think Liz Fraser is an INFP? I get the sense that ISFP's are more picturesque than INFP's when they write lyrics. INFP's try harder to get an...|||it may be stupid, but it may also be the best 9 seconds of your entire life: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QLSRMoKKS0|||Paris. it's the greatest. 2/3 of the shops are cafes (ALWAYS jam-packed), people are relaxed. the area is beautiful, even in the crummier areas. everything is uber-expensive, but INFP's can make an...|||I like how their chest remains completely hairless while they're stranded on a desert island.|||or I guess any NF's? does anyone here get uncharacteristic periods of HULK RAGE? sometimes I go apeshit at the people I know for a few days, then I'm hippie dippie. it's for good reason though!...|||less angry than yesterday.|||that would explain why she's my favourite. :proud:|||I'm not putting much stock in the MBTI for this, but anythign to bridge the gap is welcome. there are a ton of differences here. ENTJ vs. INFP is one way of putting it. the guy's no control freak...|||I need to know if this is possible. I like the person in question, but I want to know what to expect. I want to hear if it's been done before. :tongue: it might be a disaster, but I'm willing to...|||this is an anger post: indeed. it does say being gay is sinful, it says eating shellfish is wrong, and that men should have short hair and women should have long hair. all sorts of random,...|||Songs is one of my favourite albums ever. I'm not generally into female singer-songwriters, but she's an exception. Far was kind of a disappointment though. such a long wait for about 4 new songs. ...|||I didn't say anyone was bad. I feel out of place listening to it. but then again, I like The Fugees and Wu-Tang Clan. I guess I am into rap. somewhat.|||I feel like I'm too white to listen to rap.|||I was watching it with someone who had read the book and they were still freaking out, standing up, and yelling at the TV. them being there made the sad scenes easier to watch.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'This should be self-evident. One day, we may be able to simulate a universe with a complex computer. In that simulation, they will also reach that point. If that fractals infinitely, then we are...|||You don't write posts, you write essays. Anyways, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim...|||Disclaimer: I've read like three posts in this thread, but I feel like I get the gist from the intro, and that's what I'm responding to. Also I was planning to not write too much but I'm stupid. ...|||Procrastination is literally ruining your life because of some strange, innate inability to do any mandated errands, even in college, and you search the internet for that one INTP forum you haven't...|||I never understood the notion that this is the natural progression of things; that it must happen lest we simply end because we didn't go down that path. Personally, I can see globalization of...|||I cannot think of a single pro for a globalized government. The very concept is nothing more than a pipe-dream set upon idealism and some belief of the possibility of mass human cooperation for no...|||A gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode. she sed bbz will u luvufeff me 4evr he said NO.. da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine N got...|||I'd say just push through and do it, but of course, easier said than done. We all know that. My only mode is procrastination. I've read more articles and blogs and threads about stopping...|||I'd try to escape to the plane of reality beyond my own.|||Hm, would I take a drug that, in the movie, allows me to become a veritable superhuman, becoming rich and powerful with ease and doing all the things I'd wish to do, such as write novels and create...|||Scored mid conservative on politics, mid liberal on social. This seems kind of primitive. I'm nowhere near socially liberal, just socially libertarian. Motive for thoughts are different. Your...|||1. Rational, and could have discussions about random whatnots without taking things personally 2. Translucency and fairness (share tab, be open about what they want or think, etc) 3. Laid-back; I...|||Happy Birthday, America.|||I experienced something very similar for a few years, and it ended a few months ago, after which I now simply am. I don't really know what to say. It was the worst experience of my life, and my...|||Women have a much stronger in-group bias than men, which facilitates more avenues of extraversion, as well as forces them. If you're part of a group that's more likely to be more open to conversation...|||Indsutrialist Mercantilist Academist Though I'm not trying to win here. Guessing what others would guess would win in order to win sort of defeats the purpose, even if it'd be the better way to...|||You guys think you have it bad? Everyone I know is like this! It's incessant and soul crushing, and whenever I say anything, I'll get one-upped. It's ridiculous. I never just get to say something to...|||Sometimes I'll be able to accurately foresee the ending or plot twist to something, even if it makes no real sense. Other times, I'll find myself completely dumbfounded at the obvious progression of...|||Absolutely nothing. Not dying is one of my top priorities.|||As a kid, I was very shy, quiet, and socially nonfunctional. Nice enough kid, respectful, thoughtful. Didn't really mesh with others my age, still don't mostly. Could be very strange, and my dad...|||Yes and no questions have become probably and probably not for me.|||One. And he is basically my only friend, though there are other people with which I speak, but I guess my standard for friend is higher than most people's would be. Knowing another INTP irl is pretty...|||If I sink to her level, then the terrorists win.|||There's this girl on my bus, you see. And she's my arch-nemesis. However, I must start at the beginning for this all to make sense, so bear with me. I sit in the same spot every day on the bus....|||I am aware of my emotions a lot of the time, when I have them. I'll go, Oh gosh! I'm feeling this way right now. I wonder why. Time to psychoanalyze myself... And, it's gone. 'Till the next time,...|||I moderately like both. I'd more be into wealth for the laziness aspect of it. I have no aspiration for the money, save for maybe pet projects, but to simply allow me to do absolutely nothing but go...|||I lie when it's advantageous to do so, and I don't suffer any backlash of ethical mind personally. I'm a generally truthful person. I don't lie for lying's sake or anything like that. I just lie,...|||Twilight Sparkle master race reporting in. Been a brony for near a year now. Season finale was Disney Tier. I can believe it. The fandom has been all around amazing. I don't go around telling...|||By the title of this thread, I gather others do this then. And by my answer, you gather that I do.|||http://a1.img.mobypicture.com/45c95223fda004c8b0b38f5d0efa8c53_view.jpg See, it's funny because men never get raped in prison, so there's absolutely no harm in laughing at people getting raped...|||I get into bed, and then my mind explodes into thought, as it's wont to do when I'm not doing something that requires my mental exertion to continue doing. Can't stop thinking, so I lie awake for a...|||I am a male, and most of my friends are male. It depends on what you consider a friend, though. I mean, really, I only have one consistent friend, but I also have a girlfriend, so I guess it would...|||Always cheat, always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.|||Myself vs. the stereotype. Well, I am like most INTPs. Bored, unmotivated in school, smart, able to procrastinate and still do well, never studied, not very conversational, etc. To everyone else,...|||This isn't even semantics now. I'm sure you've taken at least a rudimentary Economics class, which would mean that you know what a monopoly is. An actualy, economic monopoly, and not monopoly in one...|||Corporations aren't inherently evil. This line of thought is silly. Corporations are people, in that they're made of people. Therefore, if corporations are psychopaths, then people are. If people are...|||I agree that Capitalism needs to be regulated, but it should be regulated much in the same way that people in general are. We stop the things that harm others, that give unfair advantages, but we...|||Like I said, I don't really fear death. I just, yes, am uncertain. It's not the anxiety and the pain I fear, it's the death part. I really like being. Existing. Pretty swell. When I die, I cease...|||What do I fear? Ceasing to exist. Otherwise known as death. Though, less fear, and more distrust of. I'd really rather not die and all that jazz. Not dying sounds like the better option.|||I used to be incredibly creative. Then public education destroyed my spirit through relentless and monotonous schooling. Yup.|||I wouldn't know, but that definitely sounds like it'd be about right. Also hilarious.|||I think Capitalism is the best system we've come up with, because it plays man's vices against itself for the betterment of the whole of society, but the government has been too involved. Not in...|||Writing, a bit. Video games, though I hardly think that counts as a skill unless you become good enough to play for money. Trivial knowledge. Aside from that, I have no real skills. I range from...|||As a child, I never smiled. When I tried, it was a toothless smile. That was my natural smile. I was always chided for not smiling properly during photos and whatnot. Then I researched on the...|||Big Five Test Results Extroversion |||||| 26% Orderliness |||||||||| 38% Emotional Stability|||||||||||| 46% Accommodation ...|||Any video game movie adaptation, save for a select few. The original MK movie was hilariously cheesy, and therefore good. The Street Fighter movie was crap, but also hilarious in a campy way. ...|||God in the machine. Or rather, universe in the machine. The universe simulation machine. It's only logical. The universe is based on math at its core when it comes to physics Fractal geometry can...|||11Quality Time 8Physical Touch 6Words of Affirmation 5Acts of Service 0Receiving Gifts I've always been a proponent of quality time or whatever, against gifts, and I dislike doing...|||Whelp, I've been alone with my thoughts for too long again. Depression, old friend...|||This reminds me of a song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTQnarzmTOc' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'First, Fi isn't based on feelings, but rather on reasoning that takes into account other people's personal well-being when making a decision. These decisions are also guided by the users values...|||Sorry, not quite my speed ^^. Thanks for including me though <3. daleks_exterminate|||Actually your description here and before both strongly line up with inferior Te and sound quite like an INFP in the grip. I'm willing to believe that she is an INFP, especially due to mentioning...|||I'm not sure how positive you are of your sisters type but it sounds more like some other types I've had less exciting experiences with. That said, assuming she is most definitely an INFP, I would...|||Hello Wolf fellow. I spent a lot of time and effort trying to find someone to love and be loved by. I think it's from putting in so much and receiving so few results, that it caused me to feel a...|||I wouldn't necessarily say the MBTI should be something you use to align yourself with. Aligning yourself seems to imply that you're fitting yourself into something or making yourself come into...|||It's honestly not even a matter of specifically where, so much as how you're most likely to meet them. The best way to meet people is by expanding your search through getting out more and meeting...|||It is free and you write. There are options to taking videos and sending them and such, but it's primarily text based. You'll do fine I'm sure ^^.|||Sure, will you post the group name here or pm it? Fairy Bread Memeophilic ReverieInSight Kik is something of a group chat app which is available (that I know for sure of) for iPhones,...|||The point of the stereotypes isn't so much trying to fit them, but them being a general grouping of commonalities within a specific type of cognitive procession i.e. personality type. Imagine...|||I did forget to mention that, as long as you use your auxiliary function to establish a sense of external reality, then it is very possible that environmental factors can cause you to rely more on...|||Yes, however it would be pretty crippling and more likely to cause someone to live in a grip or loop rather than be able to function adequately. In the case of this happening to an introvert,...|||Hello PerC MBTI community! Alright. So I need help finding information on what I've come to know as distorted types. The basic premiss of distorted types is that some individuals of any type are...|||1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. (What standard do I measure this by?) 8. Yes 9. Yes 10. No|||Regarding your last statement: Such a statement is entirely incorrect. Both Thinkers and Feelers enjoy being well liked and loved by the people around them. They also both equally enjoy being...|||Toward your third comment: The actual retest rate percentage for a second retake is about 98% of people having the same 4 preferences. Third retake being in the lower 90% of same 4 preferences. it...|||Hey Teddy. Whenever I read a material that challenges my knowledge, vocabulary, and ability to comprehend what's happening I usually take it really slow the first few chapters and make sure I...|||reckful had the right idea to point you more towards how the actual Feeling verse Thinking works, but I'll give a slightly shorter version. I would read over his post though if you want some decent...|||Just a thought: I don't believe the Idea Adoption part is talking about your ideals politically. It's more trying to guess who open you are to cultural changes. For example, I got earlier-adopter. ...|||The first one, out of the two, but I meant it more in a deeper sense. Hmm. It's hard to put the entire meaning into a one-word form. What I'm going for is basically Upwelling but in the sense of...|||Somewhat. It is in regards to being people focused, but as far as humanism extends philosophically, no. My emphasis was more that Fi-Ne optimistically and creatively expresses it's concern for...|||Ah, cool then^^. I'd view INFP's more as maybe Expresser or Expression. My reasoning is that, viewing things strictly stereotypically, The INFP would then create/build a view or value and then...|||goodthankyou What is the purpose of this list? I'm not the best judge of whether something is put out only for fun or if it's meant to be serious : /.|||Ironically, the letters are just short-hand for the functions. Here are the rules for understanding the type's functions based off the letters: 1) The middle letters of a type represent the...|||One of my closest friends is an ESFJ. We have a very good relationship and have been friends for years. Other ESFJs I've met have been pretty cool as well and I've found I usually will at least...|||As far as talents go, I can learning basically anything, the trick is keeping me interested for more than a few weeks lol. I've picked up a few different instruments, but never really mastered any...|||Our brains have quite the untold potential, I'm confident that it'll be able to keep up with the rate I'm able to learn at ^^. I doubt I'll ever truly reach the limit of my mental storage within the...|||My life goal is really to learn everything there is to learn, so I can master understanding or at least have a much better understanding of how everything works both individually and together. ...|||I know, I just find Ti to be the better for what I want out of life : P. I'm going to accomplish my goals anyway, it's just going to be done slightly differently and require a little extra effort to...|||In Utero How has knowledge of MBTI/Jungian functions improved your daily life? Learning about the MBTI and Jung's Cognitive Functions have changed how I interact with others and have helped me...|||Ironically, this question is basically about which INFPs have come to not prefer their most preferred function. A very interesting question! After extensively studying Fi and the other...|||At church, my director('boss') is a male ENTJ and our relationship is really good. I don't know him well enough to say what the bigger pitfalls are, but we definitely work together well when...|||Lsjnzy13 I don't really know which specific test you're talking about, but I doubt it matters much. All the test I've taken have placed me as an ISTJ, INTJ, or INTP. This has lead me to...|||Thanks for sharing, though I think you should look more into what the cognitive functions are and how they work within the theory. A few books I'd suggest trying: Personality type: An Owner's...|||Some of my favorite INFP qualities: - The enthusiasm to which an excited INFP has toward and during their exploration of new and fun experiences. - I like the innocence, perhaps even naivety,...|||My fellow Leonians, we must not fail our sign and allow someone to overtake our leading role in the poll!!! We will fight and we will win. For the Pride!!!! ...|||1) Yep, that's it. I then payed the dust mite for the bread carpet and left. 2) I capture the frog in order to dissect it and take skin tissue samples to look at under the microscope I bought...|||Also, I forgot to add: Pay special attention to what Fi is and understand that Fi≠emotion and that you can spend all your time thinking, analyzing, and trying to follow what you see as the logical...|||Though not the same personality system, you sound like an Enneagram 5. As being an INFP and Enneagram 5, logic is a necessity for me. I have an inner desire or 'need' to understand how things work...|||It sure looks like home every time I look in the mirror ∑;3. Maybe home isn't all that far after all ^_^.|||Are you calling me a liar :crying:? You gossip, lie, probably have killed a few people... What are we suppose to do with you? I vote we send you to a behavioral correction facility >:D. You must...|||Lies! You're all serious all the time :shocked:. ^Don't believe her, she must be reported to the nearest authorities :cool:. Sidenote: She sleeps with a saffron rabbit named Mr.Wuggles...|||http://personalitycafe.com/istj-articles/168242-lengthy-subjective-guide-understanding-relationship-me-istj-guy.html#post4308603 This post should help at least a little. Not an ISTJ myself, but...|||ISTJ randomness is cute :wink:. In other news: <3 That is all.|||I ended up not falling asleep till around 5:30am, but all is well lol. Thank you for the article, I'll read it later today when I have a bit more time, but I look forward to it. Usually I just roam...|||Generally, I'd stress just recognizing whether you use Fi or Ne dominantly, but it's up to you if you want to go that deep or not. I've started to accept that it doesn't matter if people believe...|||This sounds like introversion versus extraversion or INFP. As said in my previous post ENFPs are usually(naturally) more able to be smooth in social settings. ENFPs are all about talking to people...|||Basically what generally decides the differences: His constant internal reflection(Fi-dom) versus needing external events to spark internal reflection(Ne-dom); Ne-doms are more people orientated and...|||I've had a few bad experiences with trying to move things from friendships to relationships so I probably won't allow myself to like her in that way unless I have strong evidence that suggests she...|||I haven't, but I'm also a very withdrawn person. I do have moments of being talkative and feeling the need to be around people, but it takes a great deal of effort to sustain my talkativeness and...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | FUUUUUUUCK my group for a project just decided to reschedule our meetup for noon tomorrow instead of at 10 the problem being the guys who rescheduled this decided to alert the group at midnight so i...|||Intp|||what about doing differential calculus in your head :kitteh:|||you don't know what your missing by not getting to use Ni continuesly|||no that's BlackFandango's nickname for Wytch|||and we all squirm uncomfortably but still like that you did it now if you could let go we would like you even more|||all of yall are crazy just so you know:dry:|||yah that might be a good idea your looking allitle pissy right now|||whelp Emologic i just finished reading the rest of this thread and it has first of all made me convinced that you are a young INTP and second of all if it was really a round about way to try to...|||i know by now this has been beaten to death but i decided that i might as well take a crack so lets begin i tend to not really pay attention to who if anybody is the smartest in the room i...|||but you do need harmony in your environment and you know what isn't harmonious is that mad angry fluffy anarchist in the corner staring daggers at you|||oh you know your gong to crack and start groveling at fluffy to forgive you because you feelers can't stand having people angry at you for very long so you might as well get it over with and...|||I don't care unless your one of those sparkly bastards from twilight then your going to burn up in the sun or starve to death in your coffin while i'm outside eating my yummy cat meat wondering which...|||your so thoughtful getting me that snack i love it when their feisty makes the cat meat so much more delicious PS watch your back little miss ISTP i know were your coffin is and i have a feeling...|||no need to be jealous i'm sure that their is another of my kind out their for you too:wink:|||no need to worry i was just continuing the joke sorry i couldn't convey the tone properly|||yes that is what it feels like to finally see an INTJ mad|||more like to full of himself like he could land me psha|||For myself i'd likely be sarcastic about the experience but if it was a while ago i wouldn't actually care to much but i would keep that offence in mind which will factor into whether i drop them as...|||Don't insult my soulmate:angry: FluffyTheAnarchist don't worry my love the mean INFJ can't hurt you now|||yeah i'm getting off this trainwreck|||so hello i'm your new boss and before you begin working for us in huggles galore i have a couple things to say. first of all i request that everybody has at least one cuddle session with me every...|||i forgot to add that i once followed around this group of people in a higher grade than me in elementary school. i would put on a neutral face then simply follow them around staring at them to...|||i tend to use my RBF to stop social interactions. I just look at anybody who decides to interrupt my time and they usually just leave me alone.|||i agree that keeping it from being ridiculously overpriced just so that a amoral company can get more money is a good idea.|||doesn't understand that just because a group of people hurt you when you were young doesn't mean that your allowed to attempt genocide on said peoples:exterminate:|||forgets that clothes go on the body not the floor|||my missions usually come in one of two flavors the first is the why the hell not missions that come into my head at random moments like dancing beside a street in my home town for a half hour in the...|||AWWWW your right i think i'll just decapitate it so that i can hang it on my mantel hope you don't mind :kitteh:|||No i wouldn't save the man since if he enjoyed the murders he might very well kill again but on a more practical note the drug would be more useful by giving it to researchers to find out a way to...|||makes sense that's all INFJ's are good for stealing my cupcakes well guess what you can't have any|||sorry wrong there. I fixed it I meant the men that came to the yard|||when i'm tired i tend to go from being sociable and able to act normal if a little more unfiltered until suddenly i shut down to the outside world and retreat into myself planning to murder everybody...|||it doesn't matter you'll just become bored and leave immediately after they get there|||you change windows on the computer when somebody is coming not because your embarrassed by whats on the monitor you just don't want them knowing when you are having a bad day and have to commute...|||When you have to explain to your feeler friend that you are not angry with them|||So i was just forced to tell a guy i know that i wasn't gay and still had to fend off his advances with a stick for another hour. i just don't understand why people can't use their brains and realize...|||i'm in the same boat as you i was watching and all i could think of is how she reacts to the other family members is so similar to how i interact with my family although i'm holding out on typing her... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'It's kinda mellow.|||Well that was a kick in the head. In a good way. Point taken. Hopefully, I will learn.|||I just realized that my tank top is on backwards.|||I go win a inflatable hammer balloon at a carnival and beat door-to-door solicitors on the head with it repeatedly until my nerves have calmed down. :laughing:|||Do you want to be single? Do you want to be in a relationship? Why does it matter? A lot of it probably has to do with the energy you give off that you are unaware of. I have been told time and...|||You and me both. When I go out and do stuff, just out and about in society, my mind is going a million miles an hour with analysis I can't stop. Everything is a therapy session in my head. :) So...|||On the subject of Joss Whedon, I think if he winds up with the reins, he's going to channel Firefly into it. This would be cool but I would just want Firefly instead.|||I'm feeling like I want to connect with more INFPs!!|||I think that it can work, if you want it to. You both will have to learn how to understand one another's differences. I would think that someone who lives in the moment could be a fun exercise for...|||You've got to check this out! It's a real treat: http://youtu.be/B_RFLoO0Q2E|||Hey everyone! I came up with a question that I thought would be good to ask other INFP folks. What are some thought processes / decision making processes you use to help you narrow down the...|||refugee - hahahaha.. that was quite something.|||Thank you, I really enjoyed your thought there. Yes, there are many things in which art forms have taken the same formula and changed the details. Songs, movies, books; something that breaks away...|||Holy shit. See, this is why I knew I'd feel embarrassed for venting. I should be thankful. I will stop being bitter. I also send you a hug and wish to tell you that my heart is aching after...|||I feel rather guilty that I seem to come here so that I can complain about something. At the moment, this moment, I don't have many alternatives. I just felt like getting this little bit of venom...|||Okay, I guess I better roll with my low, as well. Today has been dower and draining.|||I so very much understand this!|||This made me laugh out loud and give a thumbs up.|||^^ THIS, THIS, and SO VERY THIS! ^^ Except I just posted a love song on what are you currently listening to. :tongue:|||http://youtu.be/DWBYg-ZET-o|||I like how you said that when you were younger all your names sounded like elf names. Do you remember any? Tell me about Twoshoe?|||Don't get me wrong, I love a good looking guy... I love handsome. Handsome to me is someone who has some of the lovely features of hot but with some imperfections that transcend them into works of...|||It's just an answer to the question on how people deal with heartbreak. I figured I would share what I'm learning from the ache. My heart isn't broken, but the same holds true. :proud:|||I didn't at all, I think your advice is sound. Women need to be careful about this sort of stuff. Men, too, really. Discretion is important, standards are important. Thank you again. I will,...|||I know what you mean and where you are coming from. In my case it's of course, a bit more complicated than that. There were circumstances that lead me to believe he and I were slowly working on...|||I agree with you. Part of me is scared that it won't get better.|||*laughing* yeah, you're onto something there. I need to stop keeping the channel open.|||Ouch.. I'm hurting.. I wish my pride could hold out so I don't feel like this, but honesty always wins... damn.|||Oh how ironic. Well, so the guy I still love who I am getting over called me at midnight. About an hour into the conversation, he managed to muster up a new fact: he slept with someone......... I...|||I'm a badass. In other words, I'm safe, courteous, very attentive and drive defensively.|||The only thing I really have to say about this thread is, Souled In, you are funny! I am cracking up with your posts.|||Hi, nosy INFP here who couldn't resist this topic when it popped up on the main page. I hate to say this, but it's quite comforting to read your story and some of the stories of people who replied. ...|||I've gone through a number of heart aches, but I believe that I've only had one true heart break, which was my first encounter with love. I was SO naive and was experiencing the conflicts of eros...|||Well I am printing that baby out and putting it on my wall, thank you, sincerely.|||This.. and I am now in permagrin mode. http://youtu.be/RP4abiHdQpc|||Still on a Cat Stevens kick. :mellow: http://youtu.be/NPazGVuBXmY|||These were both lovely. Perfect for enjoying some coffee. I have heard Trouble before. I love a good many of Cat Stevens' songs and I understand about playing over and over. :)|||Well that gave me a good shoulder shaking chuckle. Thank you.|||http://youtu.be/Q29YR5-t3gg|||Oh my god, I want to keep you in my pocket and carry you around wherever I go. You are so adorable and cute! Just sayin.|||I'm in! ----------- Also here's a nice healthy helping of random: I keep getting wafts of the smell of band aids. Someone I am chatting with is also getting wafts of band aids.. like as if...|||@PerturbedPrufrock - Well that socked it to my heart and my gut. Well said. Well said. I've pondered the idea of spending a day or even a date with the intent of reaching out beyond comfort...|||Match-making: MATCH-MAKING – From LOG To LIGHT | Modern Mechanix In match-making, mechanical fingers have replaced human hands.|||There are too many amazing responses @kaleidoscope @ethylester @infpblog on here for me to really say anything else significant. Y'all are just reaffirming! Thank you!!!|||I sing this: http://youtu.be/y7Gee3THtb8|||You, my dear, are echoing EXACTLY where I am. The figuring out what makes you happy, part. Yeah, this is a total BITCH to figure out right now, I hear you loud and clear. And as @ethylester...|||OrangeAppled - oh snap, that was a gorgeous read for me. Thank you, dearly. -- Apparently I test 50/50 P/J when I am tired. When I am fully present and able to answer more authentically, I...|||Luke, I'm echoing kaychivers here, you're on the money. no homo. :laughing: INFPSweety - I believe I am in a similar stage of life. (33 here.) A lot of assessing, realignment, reviewing the...|||Dude, thanks! I think I do better with my eyes closed because I'm being extra careful not to mess up. *L* Ooo, and a vent thread sounds delicious.|||Ok.. here's a dose of random thoughts for y'all. I'm typing this with my eyes closed and my mind open. I hope that what my gut tells me is true; that I am on the brink of a crucial existential...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'Any 70's muscle car with a hood scoop and awesome paint scheme. Fully loaded Land Rover.|||I would be in the mindset of your ISFP friend. First off, I give him props for even going. I never would because of the intimate setting; I would be very uncomfortable in that situation ;) I do...|||sigh.... I can't draw stick ppl even. I don't have any art skills whatsoever. I'm embarrassed to be an ISFP.|||Cable music channel 934; Singers & Swing ... big band stuff! :) Happy Saturday morning! :)|||What a beautiful voice. Thank you for sharing this. I am not usually one for opera, but she was just lovely.|||Well, funny is life, eh? :) My recent ex (of four months) I caught her with another man after a three-year relationship. There is NO regaining trust there. She frigging DEVASTATED me with that....|||Not to derail the thread, but what suggestions would any of you have to even FIND a creative aspect within me?! I can't play an instrument, I can't draw stick people even, I can't paint, I can't...|||I used to do everything alone. Beach, movies, dinner out, bike rides, walks through the nature park. Long drives in my car to no-where ... admittedly I would take my dog on most of these. I used...|||I have had three dogs personally (growing up as a child, then of my own). We had a German Shepherd and she was so good with us kids. She was a very good watch dog! She lived to age 14. That was...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1bFr2SWP1I|||I have always enjoyed horror movies. I guess here lately ultimately zombies / undead rule! I have always known they (the movies) were not real ... and appreciated the special effects teams that put...|||hahaha!!! :) Nice. I can only take them for a bit myself. I don't own any of their music. But now and then a song or two is good.|||I like ... yes like ... that I am punctual to a fault. I arrive 20 - 30 minutes prior to any medical appointment. I arrive in the general area of a party, early. I will wait in my car, so as not to...|||Wow. My pet peeves seem extraneous when compared to everyone else. ~ driving in the left lane of the highway, holding up faster traffic. Pull the FU***K over into the right lane! ;) ~ Not using a...|||Tchaikovsky - Symphony n.6 Pathétique [1/5, Adagio] - Temirkanov I just saw a local symphony perform this last weekend and I have been fascinated ever since. :happy: (don't watch the...|||I have a list of 10 that I own in all versions and are basically part of me I have watched them so many times (in no particular order): - Heaven Can Wait (Warren Beatty) - Dances with Wolves (Kevin...|||I am closest to my little sister. My parents are both dead, and my only brother, the oldest of our family/kids, died 3 years ago. I was close to him, as we were brothers. But he was 8 years older...|||I have never smoked cigarettes in my entire life. I was the only one in my family who NEVER did. There are some reformed smokers now. Others are deceased. :( I will, however, on a RARE ocassion,...|||Self esteem for me is like the tide, ebbs and flows in my life. Currently, overstating the obvious, finding my gf with another man a month ago, almost 5 weeks out now, kind of crashes and burns any...|||Actually, this has been the song for me the several weeks, when I found her with another man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22zB6Soc2Gk|||The Pink reference brought back some memories. Wow, I thought I would ruin the cassette tape I had back in the day, listening to it over and over and over as I processed all these painful thoughts...|||Has anyone on prior pages mentioned Neo, Trinity or Morpheus from The Matrix trilogy? I was only wondering because I have probably watched that movie, the original, more times than I can count. Also,...|||Not sure how to respond about the drawings as pertaining to personality traits. I don't really understand them myself, as I am brand-spanking-new to all this the last week or so! I'm not even sure...|||ISFP male and I certainly do not feel the need to be macho. In fact, I have often referred to my deceased brother as being a man's man ... he was very outgoing, very loud, fun guy! (God how I...|||I certainly have lately found myself more withdrawn from some of my feelings. This relationship thing that recently crashed and burned made me totally withdraw, to the point of being put out of work...|||Worked at a place for 12 years, knew lots of people, but threatened horrible things to my closest friend/co-worker if they were to throw a going away party for me. I said it would be ok to do...|||Interesting quiz. 42. That is so typically me. Average. And right in the MIDDLE of average, too. /shrugs 33 - 52 = average (most women score about 47 and most {men} score about 42)|||I am an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) technologist. I have been in this field for 17 years. I have an AAS in Applied Sciences, and it took me 4 years to get my 2-year degree. :) I had to work...|||I am new here, today. I was perusing the forums and this thread caught my attention. I grew up in the Episcopal church as a kid, and then teenager, and young adult. I became born-again while I was in...|||:blushed: So here I am new to the forums, new to this personality stuff in general. ISFP. Still trying to discover the meaning. Not the LABEL, not the NAME given to me, but the meaning. I was in a...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Iam not ENFJ, but from what I know not all ENFJ like debating ... some are really talent and ENFJ by nature got public-speaking skill ..|||Thank you so much ... you have no idea how long time I spend looking for this song ... since very long time, the one I was searching about is ; Carlos Varela - Una Palabra ...|||I have question I I really need help in this point, this movie I saw long time a go, the last song stuck in my mind since then and I want to know in which language it is + what it means , it touch...|||I belive in Jesus but in different way ... as messenger sent by God .. To lead his people to the right path after they went astray ... Iam Muslim by the way ..|||Dear summery ... you are not alone , I just want to let you know I went through this before , since 8 years ago ... and Iam still not over from it ... not even healed from it since that time .......|||maybe because he trust you, and he find it ok if he talk to you about what's going with him inside him ( his real feeling about the ones he know ) or outside him ( what happen with him with people...|||interesting Summery, I really would like to know ENFJs point of view about this post , if it is really exactly the way you explained it , it will highlight and explain a lot for me ...|||Iam not an ENFJ , but I can be sure from the ENFJ's I get to know in my life he is not one of them ... But obviously he is introverted ...|||ENFJ , all the time ... I don't know way ... and sometimes I wonder ( why they are the only type who have the ability to attract my attention and make my smile even if it is so hard and I feel them...|||Yes, I get it :)|||Leesie , lucky you then :proud:|||It is very quiet and I started to wonder where are all the other ENFJs , is it Hibernation time !|||This is very true, when ENFJ are really in to someone ... They tend to less flirt or maybe not flirt with them at all in a way they try to avoid them in somehow, i was wondering ; Is it...|||Iam not an ENFJ , and I have something I want you all to know ( maybe not all of you may be that specific ENFJ I know ) .. i really heat you when you give others the feeling of ( it is all about...|||I don't know if Iam wright or wrong , but she looks to me kind of immature INFP ..|||it is really very meaningfull what you mentioned in your post radu. |||I know Iam INFP, but I really wonder, why others can hurt me easily |||agree with what you mentioned here, especially with the last par.. I experience something like that sometime ago ..|||ENFJ ENFJ ENFJ >>>>>>> and ENFJ 😊❤|||Iam O + :)|||The Idiot ~ Dostoyevsky The Idiot ~|||Iam not an ENFJ, though I can see your question is not answered, I hope every thing is going fine with you ...|||What makes me fall in love? People like [ ENFJ ] <3|||you know what? you have explained it perfectly :proud::proud::proud:|||Do you tend to have - Telepathy - connection with those who you love or care about a lot ?? Telepathy definition ; n 1. (Psychology) psychol the communication between people of thoughts,...|||you have already explained it perfectly, very well done :happy:|||The ENFJ, INFP mirror type :tongue::proud: if you have met any ENFJ you would know what I mean:kitteh:|||You know what, you might not know how soooo lucky you are having that number of ENFJ not only in your life, but also in your family, I pray that they all keep being safe all for ever... I...|||Dear Eggsies, it is so nice of you, thanks .. word..|||Dear ENFJ, I feel lonely, as life is passing and Iam getting older, but still we didn't met, you know, as I go in life their are so many occasions coming and I thought one day you will be here...|||Oh, that's hard MrPurpleHayes, and heart broken, Iam really sorry for you... I don't know whether it will be fine if I ask you what you feel about that ? In my situation I love that ENFJ too...|||If ENFJ love someone deeply and that ENFJ know for sure it will never work, what you will do in such situation ...|||did you informed her about your true interest, did you talked both of you and have conversation about the connection you have for each other? How come you thought maybe there r other ppl around...|||In family member maybe my cousin - I am not sure about him, out of family circle in the company I work in recently 1- my previous supervisor, 2 - one colleague in old department , 3- 2 colleague in...|||Iam not an ENFJ , But Iam sure you all are Good and angel .. :proud: Even if evil ENFJ exists , I think they are good in their Origen and something out of them make them appear as evil ..|||Good job LilMissSunshine :proud: , Great idea I love it ❤ and I really wonder, how come this thread was not exists before ! ( The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of...|||I know this was maybe asked before, if possible, I would love to know what ESFJ thinks about INFP, any ESFJ ( male ) in relationship with INFP ( female ) ? Or any ESFJ in relationship with an...|||I know it depend in people and not personality type, BUT still kind of looking for some answer that may help in any way; if I want to attract ENFJ attention from first email, what do you think I...|||- Age : 29 - Gender : female - Sexual orientation : straight - Age when you lost your virginity : still virgint :) - Number of Partners : non - Any thoughts, feelings or stories on...|||Eggsies , hisfavsundress, Robert2928 Seeker. EminentFate I really thank you all from my Heart for the answers, you don't know how much you helped me in completing what I was in to :proud: I...|||Do you like watching moon, stars, planets, and other objects in the sky ?? what if you recive a telescope as gift?? Will you appreciate it and be happy with it or it will be depending on your...|||I think the INFP, iam not an ENFJ, but I have met a great number of ENFJ in my life, the only type i can agree with in 100 % is ENFJ , and those ENFJ who I don't agree with them 100%, I still see...|||:proud:|||But seriously why not ??|||Hi all ENFJ's :) i would like to know, what was the - MBTI - impact in your life, did you have changed after you know you are ENFJ person? and how did the MBTI effect your life? Yes...|||thank you KC for the thread .. I wish you and all the other achieve your wishes ... I wish people in the world stop killing themselves for any reasons.. I wish if their would be no poverty...|||All right, thank you any why, you helped in knowing their are no common thing :), but you know I was thinking in books ...|||I really don't know, that's why Iam asking .. I thought there might be something common between all ENFJ, something you all agree about ..|||any help ?? :proud:|||Hi all ENFJ :) What I can make gift for ENFJ and they really will feel happy ? We have an ENFJ supervisor and she is leaving after about 10 years of working in this company, in fact Iam...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Yep. I'm looking forward to getting through the skill-honing so I can see what it's like to work in the game industry. Right now, it's just an idea. And I know that even if it'll be hard work at...|||Coolcool. I've not been on boards much, mostly gaming and drawing. I'm going back to school to become a game artist. They accepted my portfolio. :kitteh: It's a 16 month consecutive program that...|||It's been awhile, how's it going? :kitteh:|||I've worked as a software technician for Apple products in the past. It really depends on what you're looking for, but honestly, I'm biased. I've never been a fan of Apple products. The reason...|||http://generated.inspirobot.me/047/aXm5615xjU.jpg|||A movie about somebody getting rid of minority groups one by one, leaving investigators wondering why, and guessing at who they'll target next, and why, and preventing it through seeming profiling--...|||The first I went to I went because I had to. The second, I went to because it was what my dad wanted. The third, I went to because I wanted to, but it was a foundations program (1 year). ...|||1) Don't overthink it. It's important to consider these things, but don't hold onto them too tightly. He may be sleeping with other people with benefits, but you may be the only one he's confessed...|||Dialogue is a bit messy and haven't cleaned it up yet, so: 1:Madame Caterpillar, stop eating the mushrooms, and tell me where Alice is! 2:Just wait, Hatter. 3: And look who's talking,...|||My personal project I've been working on. Based off of Alice in Wonderland. I'm not sure if it's a web comic, a graphic novel, or a comic. But, it's something. :kitteh: From a young age,...|||It depends on how long your dream sticks, and what your goals are. And nobody says you have to do that one thing forever. Animation can take you to a lot of lucrative areas-- Being an artist today...|||Harley Quinn onesie. :kitteh:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRpi1NwHOac|||Usedto?|||That awkward moment when you realize that you might be the only happy person... :kitteh: I dunno. Everything's working out for me. I'm enjoying happiness in all respects. Savouring it. Oh,...|||This isn't something that's just going to go away on its own. I know you don't want to do it, but you feel so strongly compelled. I understand this, and it's very difficult to overcome. But,...|||That's why I like to play pretend. I have a companion lynx at my side, his name is Erasmus. Also, mother nature lives in the earth. And I pretend that luck is real, because it sure seems like it...|||This is all playing pretend. A cry for help. An abusive relationship. It's not something to joke about, hey. If you need to get out, you have my support. :kitteh:|||I'm assuming he's talking out his shit for a reason. I have ADHD and often have to do the same. That said, I'd take him aside and say, There's no easy way to say this, and I'm sorry, but you're...|||ALL OF THEM. ISFJ - The happy, homey homosexual. INTJ - The quiet, intellectual homosexual. ISTP - The daredevil, motorcycle enthusiast homosexual. ISFP - The indoor mountain climber, artsy...|||Ah, so the invasion has started. Uhm... Guys, where are the solar panels? Now, you're just getting lazy.|||https://www.vamp.org/Gothic/Images/images/sandman8.jpg http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x273/weissmorningstar/neil%20gaimen/delight.jpg|||Confess. She sounds like she's someone worthy of your love, and will handle it kindly. And if she doesn't feel the same way, that's a loss for her, not for you. :kitteh:|||My suggestion for fortunes is always this: If they ask for money for their services, they are likely not in it for the right reasons, and I will always question their capabilities as a result. I...|||You have every right to be pessimistic. Why not? Plenty of functional pessimists out there. That said-- A happy pessimist is different than a sad one. And, you're on a path right now, even if...|||I don't think I gave a time frame for the 'focused' scenario. But, it's far less time than the 'dark' one. Really, the time differs based upon your outlook and choices.|||Residential fortune teller here, to offer my two cents. Perhaps you don't take stock in this, but take heart. Through life, to become stronger, and perhaps a little bit stranger, we are met...|||I know I cock naked. And cook too. :kitteh:|||How did I end up in a Piers Anthony novel?|||Hey guys... Seems an unusual place to seek advice. Maybe more than advice, I just need to cathartic-ize my experiences by typing them out, but any advice is, of course, embraced. I have a...|||You're allowed to dislike it. You can even tell her that. But, calling it 'ignorant' is inaccurate, in my opinion. The only way in which you explained that her opinion was ignorant, was you said...|||You ask, why be educated? I ask, why not? Learning is fulfilling and can be fun. You can learn new skills and improve yourself. You can do things other people can't. :kitteh: I'm confused...|||There are a lot of different theories on how to move on past pain in culture. But, I think... Acknowledging that you're hurt, and acknowledging all of these experiences and feelings that you're...|||It depends on the person. I tend to be bold and ask questions when there's solid rapport. If there's a certain level of understanding between you, simply saying something like, I'm really open to...|||Why do you feel that you need to forgive them? Unless you're religious in some way and have strong beliefs/faith when it comes to forgiveness and turn-the-other-cheek and all that, you don't...|||You should probably apologize to your dad, for ruining his karting over this discussion, lol. If I'm reading this right. That part was unclear. So, if he didn't get to have his birthday karting...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OWq38TikzU HAHAHAHAHAHA|||It seems we are a world of shamers for not finishing things. But, we are in the booming world of the unfinished-- An era of the unclosed book. There are simply too many potentialities to exploit,...|||OKAY. SO. ISFJ. (olct)|||I often find it odd that quite a lot of people don't see the beauty in certain creatures. I've always loved snakes, and this one is sooo lovely. :kitteh:|||I'd just like to say that I'm glad Maximilian is okay and you found the solution, and also that he is an absolutely gorgeous serpent. :kitteh:|||So, do you love/like yourself? 'Cause you've pointed out your assets in a fairly objective way, but I'm not convinced you necessarily like yourself. And that's a lot more important than you'd...|||Maybe the best thing for you right now is to let him go, and be on your own for awhile. Work on you. If he isn't willing to bridge the gap and understand your own struggles, including how you...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5KmB8Laemg|||Tega1: Psht. You wish. :wink:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UKGeHRr6iY|||Nobody wants to sacrifice me, 'cause I'm too pretty. And I rhyme.|||Nice music! Makes me be jammin'. I always put my threads which I'm not sure where to put them, in spam. Feel free to move it somewhere more appropriate, should it be deserving of promotion,...|||Oh, I see! :kitteh: Well, I've never been drunk. Tipsy, yes, but I think being drunk seems boring and/or wasteful. Now being high, that's where it's at. Or so I would assume-- I still have to...|||Original post seems like it's more geared towards the stereotypical ESTP, but okay. :kitteh: In any case... Hi.' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'There is much debate across the forum as to what Donald Trump's MBTI type is, so I bring this question to the ENTP's to answer. If you are of another type, please do not vote to seek validation...|||If you want to know the answer, poll the ENTP forum. ENTP's are by far the best equipped for reading other people and determining their type. Here, I'll do it for you:...|||ENTP. Primary Preference: INTJ, ENTP.|||http://i.imgur.com/4jhtDxU.jpg|||Infp|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5AZhjhbxf8|||[/B] I've made an analogy to ENTP being a racecar with flat/leaky tires many times. Nice. :laughing:|||I live elsewhere in New York, but this sounds great. Let me know how it goes. :laughing:|||It's too hard to gradient types based on %'s. For instance, if you're 60/40 P/J, what aspects of P you have, and what aspects of J you have would differ from person to person. This is why MBTI is...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7gliZx8tvo|||And the truth comes out...|||That's the joke.|||I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I am always insulted by this concept.|||Gin. Nolet's, and Hendricks are probably my favorite.|||ENTP: http://www.dpccars.com/gallery/var/albums/Supercars-with-flat-tire/Supercars%20with%20flat%20tire%20-%2002.jpg?m=1376184058 It also has about a gallon of gas left, and the closest gas...|||No one wants to commit to a life of the things ESFJ's obsess over.|||Poll ruined by non-ENTP people submitting responses. :bored:|||People are stupid I cannot leave planet earth Sure sucks to be here :bored:|||I am, and I do. You asked why they wouldn't get along and I gave you examples. There are ESFJ's that I get along with, and ones that I don't. The reasons listed above are a cliffsnotes of why I...|||All they ever talk about is superficial bullshit. Any time they agree with any deep thing you say, it's entirely to impress you, and they really have no idea what you're talking about. They're...|||Sorry. :bored:|||I raise you infinity, good sir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI4mQuuyYE8 The internets are mine.|||Estj entj esfj|||I thought this was supposed to be Marry, Fuck, Kill. What adult sits around contemplating what type they want to kiss ? Marry: INTJ Fuck: INTP Kill: ISTJ|||In what scenario?|||You don't have to lie to not tell the truth.|||How is anything going to make them less ugly? How is lying to them improving their confidence in themselves so much as it's removing confidence in you (lying). Did you misread my first post?...|||I never said tell them they are ugly. I said don't lie to them. There is a huge difference.|||Wait, You think I've been mistyped, or the bozo you work with? :laughing:|||This is horseshit. Telling a woman who is moderately attractive at best (and knows it) that she's beautiful all the time because she has no self-esteem is the opposite of helpful. That is not...|||ISTJ unable to understand outside of their own scope. To them, our methods are viewed as some sort of cheating, or laziness. You would think that you'd be praised for finding/using the most...|||What's the difference between a baby and a bag of cocaine? Eric Clapton wouldn't let a bag of cocaine fall out of a window.|||Alright, I'm gonna weigh in heavily on this one because it struck a note with me. When I was a kid, I did the same thing as your brother, and it never helped me in the long run. Your brother may...|||How can I seriously be the first one to notice that the place where it's supposed to say ISFJ says INFJ a 2nd time? :laughing:|||Also: http://i.imgur.com/oQO6SZW.jpg|||Gotcha, I'd agree with that.|||Within the confines of a relationship, not at a highway rest stop. :laughing:|||This is very true, and I find that a lot of women think that I'm interested in them when I'm not for the very same reasons.|||Unless someone is pushy, what's the point of communication ending? Are you easily butt-hurt by women or something? In this case, the guy said all he asked her is if she wants to go out (presumably...|||Are male ESFJ's as obsessed with giving oral sex as their female counterparts?|||My condolences.|||Is it necessary to cut them out, so much as it's necessary to not care when they do what you expect them to do anyways? If you know they're going to do those things, then why do you get mad when...|||515466|||I've had many discussions about compatibility, and quite honestly, I feel like ENTP's are the most versatile yet honest type. I'm not going to lie to someone, but I can find ways to have fun with...|||Sure, the ISFJ would want to settle down forever, but I can't imagine being entertained beyond a year or two. They are too same-same. I also can't schedule almost everything in my life, or handle the...|||Entp|||Every ESFJ I've known would be trying to qualify for the blowjob Olympics if it existed.|||Run far away from ESFJ's. ISFJ's are hit and miss. Female ISFJ's can be quite wonderful in some ways, but I never see long term potential there.|||Sometimes I can't last more than 5 seconds. Facebook is just awful, and is just another reason for your answer to the question preceding it.|||It amazes me how other types don't understand this concept. I had a girlfriend who would intentionally try to illicit this response from me by... Acting like a super fake pornstar. Even though it...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I know why the author of this topic has abandoned it; this is becoming a post your favorite poem thread, I would've preferred if we focused on one poem and discussed it, but that's just me.|||I have theory that Enfps lean heavily on the dominant side of the submissive/dominance spectrum in bed. Can I here from ya'll? Thanks. :D And anybody else, feel free to post/discuss what side you...|||I deny eating in front of my computer! But I just got back from Wendy's, and I really enjoy their Bacon n' Blue(cheese) burger. :wink:|||I've read Infps are the most likely to seek out personality tests. That probably explains your presence on this forum. Seeking reaffirmation!|||Yeah, but us Americans are used to it by now. (seriously you should see how we are portrayed in some foreign films!, its really quite sad:sad:)|||The Japanese are said to be by some the most unique race on the earth. They must be Infj. :proud:|||I think Japan is an nf. St is a more western thing, thinking literally, concretely, whereas in Japan and the East they intuit a lot more. Just compare their video games, and look at anime, does that...|||Volunteer! Do some charity work, look online for how to get involved in your area, it can be very fulfilling. Also, attend some plays or lectures at your local college or nearby.(just a...|||Are you no longer there? I can play whenever now.|||Count me in to any future games as well.:wink:|||XD Zomg this would be soo funny! HA ha ha Ha ha! This is more really cute than really annoying.:tongue:|||Speak to a psychiatrist, they'll be able to assess the depth and potential for violence of these thoughts.|||I've met an evil infp before. Everyone thought he was bipolar(which he probably was). Look for small inconsistencies in their behavior and views on morality. Don't look for large signs, seek small...|||Do Enfps turn into fuzzballs when angry?:shocked: Must... try.... this out. It sounds less like a personality conflict to me though, and more of a personal dislike of each other. I've never...|||Projector on top of a car, so you can have a drive-in movie wherever your are.|||Wow, I wish I didn't click that. (at least it wasn't Rickroll)|||They look kind of like the wood spirits from Princess Mononoke.|||We need more threads like this. http://cuteoverload.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/mick-in-dog-food-560.jpg?w=560&h=462 Cute Overload :D ...|||Wow, that actually doesn't sound so bad. Does that make me gay.:mellow: :unsure: Edit: I'm getting my basket of figs, and a couple of mice. PM if you are interested(and bring some cheese...|||JUST KIDDING:crazy::tongue: Post your thoughts :happy: *waits to see who enters this thread*|||I've been seeing these cartoons around the forum and just found the database of them. Azuzephre's Pon and Zi http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Pon-and-Zi-being-nice-418851_390_474.jpg ...|||English and Epistemology(Theory of Knowledge)|||Is this your house? It's nice.:happy:|||This is probably his master plan to keep his thread going on indefinitely. Near, can you say Just as planned Nobody post!|||Isn't their a Second Life MMORPG. I can't guarantee it will be more interesting though.:sad:|||Yes, I'm big on volunteering. Also if you have guest speakers, plays, visiting music/dance groups to your campus(or even other local colleges) you may want to visit these places also. But really,...|||It's like a band-aid, do it quickly, but then massage them afterwords. Also, ask if they have any questions.|||You have! Thank you. :proud: By the way, Enfp's are my favorite type :wink:|||Oh god would I choose an Enfp. Any volunteers?:laughing:|||I'm pretty sure Obama is an enfj, but I'm definite he is an nf. I can read enfp's very quickly and easily, and he seems more definitely a J to me. I personally do not believe he is fit to lead...|||He's referring to a play called Wicked. ^_^ Good play; I answered yes.|||Two poems of great significance by the famous, German lyricist, Rilke. They're about learning to love the questions of the answers you seek, and becoming those questions and in time they will open....|||In order to be great, a movie or book has to evoke an emotional connection from the audience. The audience has to care about the characters they're watching, and care about the outcome of the story....|||Ah, Wicked right? I answer absolutely!|||Caution! You are about to enter a No Spin zone. :proud:|||I forgot to mention Ponyo! That was such a great movie. *looks starry-eyed into the sky*|||Nobody's mentioned Sherlock Holmes which has yet to be released, but looks really entertaining. I didn't like Up. Haven't seen Avatar but have heard it is revolutionary.|||Yes, I agree with everything you all have said.|||Impressionism Paintings aside, I also like the Confessional Poetry movement largely started by Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath|||One of my favorite recipes, which todos mis amigos se encantan, it's kind of like a cross between french toast and a grilled cheese sandwich. It's simple, but has a fresh quality in their flavor that...|||No offense, but I don't think this is such a great idea. A different person coming up with the setting, the characters, etc? If you want a quality story then these things need to all weave into each...|||The test is only self-declared 75% accurate, and Myers-Briggs said that you are the best judge of your own personality. That being, have you read more descriptions? I scored first as an Enfp, then...|||I take it you've seen the movie Fearless. :tongue:|||Go to Norway(where Dance Dance revolution is an official sport) and compete in DDR! Also, keep your eyes peeled for strange, unexplained light shows. Enjoy the auroboralises, and the long...|||I'm airing with humor:proud: (clips of particularly egregious mastiakes in script-writing, special effects, etc) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIt0VY7Yg2w&NR=1 ...|||Wow! I just gained a new appreciation for the insight of ISTJ's.:shocked: Posted: Looking for a serious relationship *Watches Enfp's run away* ^_^ I think ISTJ's have an accurate opinion...|||Lol, you'll never guess the coincidence. Some organization has begun writing inspirational quotes around campus with orange chalk. I was too late!:shocked:|||Lol! I had gotten through like, half of your post earlier, then saw how much was left and decided to leave.(sry) I'm sure many people here would be happy to give their advice if you kept the...|||Thanks Taro. To elaborate on how people interpret ethics though. While their are many ways to interpret whats good and what's the right thing to do there are typical themes that trustworthy and...|||Lol, posts aern't counted in the spam world. You're still at post 9. Same goes for you Harmony.:tongue:' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I suspect that I'm Lava!|||Honestly, quite often. A daily basis even. It's been a recurring thought in my life for quite some time. Art levels this out for a little bit, but it always seems to come back. To make it, I read,...|||Art. Period.|||Hate.|||Meditation.|||FreeSpirit777 -- I agree. Whole-heartedly. (With all due respect:) those who argue that this perspective needs more pragmatism just aren't seeing the point. Pragmatism asserts that we should put...|||Unfortunately, not particularly. I've read alot of books and haven't exactly kept track of them, because I've only really been fascinated with sections of them as opposed to the whole of the...|||I was a hipster agnostic as a child, prior to any external reading or questioning brought on by studies or teenage angst. However, with studying undergraduate Philosophy, I've started to have...|||Reality bores you to absolute death because it absolutely pales in comparison to what you've previously created on paper, in your head, on a canvas, in spoken word, or on a stage.|||I took the Indicator for a class my freshman year of college. Since then, I've retaken online MBTI tests several times. INFP every time -- though, I've gotten INTP once or twice.|||We're not in a time that is favorable to the INFP, so as a means to adapt (in general), or as a coping mechanism (in times of conflict), we simply deny our unique personhood in efforts to give us...|||Honestly, and I apologize if this comes off harshly, but (in my opinion): higher education isn't really practical at all. Wasn't established that way and no matter how hard we try to make it that...|||INFP, professional theatre director or human rights attorney.|||You're either a theist or a deist. Depending on whether you reject revelation. 1. INFP. 2. Buddhist, spiritualist. 3. Baptist Christian|||Far to sleepy to function.|||Here's a link to the INTJ forum. For future reference, just click the Personality Cafe logo in the top left hand corner of your screen and scroll down -- there's an entire list of all the different...|||When any given movie, TV show, etc. painfully pales in comparison to the beauties that you can easily conjure up in your imagination.|||When you feel and care for people -- strangers, even those who've wronged you.|||Plank.|||Pizza. Please.|||Grace.|||Are you, essentially, saying that you're starting to question your every move? And that this questioning is leading you to believe that every move you make is just wrong? And this notion is making it...|||Hey there. I am also enrolled in college with writing-intensive studies in both English and Philosophy. Writing papers is such a strange game. I'm pretty sure everyone has this problem at some point...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLwccfUjdUk|||Some more freedom, honestly. (Also, your signature is amazing, a1b2c3d4)|||Rehearsal, writing, day-dreaming.|||I stayed up really late to write a Philosophy research paper last night. It's done, it's pretty darn good, and I'm preparing to get some sleeeeeeeep~. Life's great. :happy:|||And so we return to the point I wished to make at the beginning of this post: even where the universe appears to be obeying rational laws, we find that these laws are little more than...|||Dampy.|||The hippies were right.|||Hilariously enough, engrossed in anything other than reality. :tongue: Meditating in nature, acting/singing on stage, listening to music, or reading/writing creatively.|||1. How do you feel about this or that type questions? (ex: Coke or Pepsi?) I'd rather open ended questions, but I don't discriminate. 2. Do you like animals? Indubitably. 3. How do you feel...|||I freakin' love sleeping. It's a bitch to actually fall asleep some of the time though, because I barely have any time during the day to just let my mind wander. So, when I finally do manage to get...|||Thanks for your thoughts. I did a cursory look into this and maybe he's a little bit of both? My only issue with him being a T is that he's a tad melancholic and not exactly honest or straight...|||Existentialism.|||HAIR. Nap. Read.|||Honest.|||I'm a feeler. I have not cried for myself since my Grandfather died as a kid. Since then, I've cried once, and that was after listening to Stay With Me by Sam Smith while under the influence....|||I am currently studying Acting, English, and Philosophy. My outlandish preferences lie in becoming an author, playwright, actor/director, or a travelling professor of the Humanities. My grounded...|||Waaaaaaaay too much.|||Creation is my life, but music takes precedent. Theatre and literature are next. Though I appreciate it all.|||INFP. HIGH -- Schizoid. MODERATE -- Paranoid, Schizotypal, Antisocial. LOW -- Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive.|||What or who is this NE you speak of? I'm interested, haha.|||Some delicious salmon.|||You start to get all too philosophical or theoretical for the people in the group and find yourself no longer speaking, but lecturing everyone in the room with something you thought was so...|||I've always wondered what it was exactly that made one healthy in terms of MBTI. Is it just the fact that they're acting in a way that's functional or is there some other underlying factor that...|||Gotta agree with the above: truth. Pretense and layers are just bullshit and it bores the hell out of us (or me, atleast). Just be honest. Not brutish -- honest. Don't attempt to steer the mood of...|||Whenever people keep asking you what's wrong? in a social outing, but really -- no, really -- you're fine. You're just preoccupied with a hopeful daydream. :tongue:|||I'm starting to think that my existence is a fuck up in the time-space continuum: I should've been born in the 60s.|||Present exchanges.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'So much this.|||Not to over quote you but you've posted some good stuff in this thread. I could easily be a cold-minded calculator but could never be an admin/mod because I dislike people who seek power of any...|||I completely agree the balance is tricky. I always think people will appreciate honestly even if it's negative feed back or a plain go fuck yourself (which earned me my first and only infraction)...|||Blue Ribbon is the most perfect girl (for me) that I've ever met in my life and I love her more than I can describe here. I don't want to sound too corny but it's all true.|||This game should just be named Lose! in this case.|||Without the prisoners explicit permission this would be so highly immoral that the people who are conducting these experiments are the ones who should be on death row for doing it. These people are...|||I like this response so much because I think around 95% is spot on. I only disagree that you need to develop Fe to read people correctly. My whole life revolves around people and I purposely use Fe...|||I wasn't implying that. Obviously someone with severe brain damage could even lack free will. But in a fully functioning brain, like with Asperger's, one's free will can and does affect the structure...|||Only if they're irrational.|||lol. Promiscuous sex with a girl with no rational values is far from a reward regardless of how beautiful she is.|||No they aren't. This is just purely wrong. Humans develop a personality in their early youth for a myriad of reasons and those personalities are constantly changing most of the time slowly and...|||Yes. They are worse because they are actually violating the rights of another via initiation of force, while the promoter of genocide, no matter how evil their ideas are right then, are not yet...|||Women are attracted to a confident man that knows and shows his worth. It's really that simple. A girl that is attracted simply to others that are popular aren't worth anyone's time no matter how...|||The bold is false. Humans possess free will. People with Asperger's are humans. Therefore, people with Asperger's possess free will. A volitional conscious mind can't be programmed.|||Good bye. :dry:|||Eww. Fe must be squashed out of existence. It's the absolute worst function. I could go on and on about this but I won't.|||Although the most accurate phrase for my politics is radical for Capitalism, if people want to use the left-right terminology then I am part of the Liberal Right. Regardless of your political...|||Yeah I always wonder where they are getting all the leftist nonsense from you see here. From what I can tell they must be passively absorbing their values from others as even the simplest analysis...|||I'd have to disagree as I rarely to never see most people say anything I'd remotely consider to be intellectual on these forums.|||Really? Took me like 5 minutes to do.|||Your personality type is: INTP Preference Clarity Categories: (Slight, Moderate, Clear, Very Clear) Very Clear Introversion: 21/21 Clear Intuition: 23/26 Very Clear Thinking: 23/24 Clear...|||Of course personality changes. We aren't born as deterministic robots, nor do our lives develop that way. We are born tabula rasa. A developed preference for cognitive style that develops over time...|||Not a gif but this is close to what us resistor's of Fe represent. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/70/a3/05/70a3050fe611ca5e0029bcb5907698b0.jpg|||Ear's are a weird place to put muffs for sure.|||Naw. We need a gif where everyone else is acting or pretending in every action they take in their live's because they think that's what everyone else wants them to do. While the people with no or low...|||No. A baseball cap is more or less a fashion accessory; it doesn't keep your ears warm.|||It's the result of an evil morality: Altruism. Unfortunately yes. The majority of people believe in the above evil morality, and it leaks everywhere these days. Way to prevalent. As a...|||Check your premises because one (hint: the bolded) is wrong, and leads you to an incorrect conclusion. Individually, intelligence when used correctly, i.e., when reason is consistently applied, is a...|||People don't lack functions. They just naturally fall into a pattern of using some more than others. This is also the reason why personality types are not static.|||I'd say figurative in general. But, I'd like to throw out there that throwing out your own assumption of what is most likely of INTP's in the OP is likely to skew the results of the poll.|||I picked no way, blah, blah blah but would dress up if I were going to some type of party. I'm not completely opposed to the idea but would only do it under the right circumstances.|||Witch of Bitch Switch would be A+ fwiw|||What knowledge are you trying to gain by polling other INTP's on this issue? Either these actions are too much for you and you should break it off or else they aren't. Here's a more accurate...|||I woke up and screamed fuck the world.|||Hi there from a fellow INTP. Hope to see you around on the forums. Are INTP subforum is probably a good place to start unless you see something that interest you elsewhere.|||It depends. Right now I don't want to elaborate but I think that answer is rather obvious anyways.|||I'm definitely an INTP and not an INFP although I always score extremely high in Fi, which I believe if pretty rare for an INTP. I think this happens because these tests are set up on a false...|||When in doubt just eat pizza Ash!|||This is how real romantic love is supposed to be. If you think there is something wrong with it, then there is a chance that you aren't really worthy of it, but he doesn't realize that fact yet.|||Right or wrong is determined by the nature of reality. People can and do have opinions but which they are can only be determined in relation to that.|||Free Stanford physics series, from the basics to string theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyX8kQ-JzHI&list=PLQrxduI9Pds1fm91Dmn8x1lo-O_kpZGk8|||Both Conservatives and Liberals are altruists and statists, one mystical the other social. There is no fundamental difference between the two and they are both wrong.|||Nope you can't do proper science without a proper philosophical underpinning. Science depends on philosophy not vice-versa. Or else the conclusions you will come to will often be wrong. I.e., things...|||There's most certainly a such thing as philosophical error's. If you really want me to unravel your error's until we get to the issue at hand regarding oil you'll have to agree to a few things. 1)...|||Le sigh. I can't get you to accept that higher level abstraction is wrong without knowing exactly where you are making mistakes in knowledge or philosophy that are the lower level concepts that the...|||The above is what I mean I'm not going to cut through hundreds or thousands of completely irrational thoughts and premises such as truth does not exist that MUST exist in a person's mind to make a...|||Absolute nonsense. Do you realize that the bolded statement would also apply to the bolded statement? How can it be true that there is no truth if there is no truth? How could you assert that as a...|||I'm not going to debate when I know without doubt somebody is wrong. The fundamental premises they have accepted to get to that point are not worth all the time I'd have to invest to help correct...|||Ugly hunt for oil lmao It is heroic. https://www.theobjectivestandard.com/2007/08/exploit-the-earth-or-die/|||I generally don't care enough to know the answer to this question.' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'You're able to be both open minded and pedantic simultaneously? lol. At least that seems true of me, at times. I'm sort of annoyed by the sunshine and puppies stereotypes about ENFPs. ...|||Haha stories of evil ESFJs, now THAT is a fun direction to take this thread in...lol... I predict that because ESFJs tend to highly value their niceness such things will be especially offensive...|||Actually, type and intelligence do correlate...unless you are one of those who completely disregards IQ as a measure of intelligence. There have been many discussions on this. INTPs, INTJs, INFJs,...|||I wrote a long, rambling, obvious ENFP-esque post and have sliced off the inessentials... I have noticed that the NFJs seem to have easily hurt feelings just like the SFJs, but in general are more...|||I have very logical reasons to dislike the traits of ESFJs as a group. I also highly dislike the beliefs of Libertarians and find most romantic comedies annoying -- that doesn't mean I hate all...|||Sylvia Plath's case history conforms clearly to a psychosocial model, according to which a severe life-event in the presence of vulnerability factors (negative close relationships and low...|||And I will add, sincerely, I didn't base my initial BPD diagnosis on this article. I analyzed all that I know of Sylvia with my Ne-Fi, and in response to this thread went on a search for some...|||In the case of Sylvia Plath, a diagnostic formulation has to take account both of the clinical features of her second, fatal, depressive illness and of the nature of the underlying predisposition...|||You didn't burst any bubbles, Casablanca. I disagree with you. Sylvia was much more intelligent than Marilyn, but I have no doubts that they suffered from the same illness, Borderline Personality...|||I agree that she was INFJ. She spent a lot of her life in a Ni-Ti loop. I also agree that she was 4w5. That's why so many INFPs relate to her deeply. I am an INFP 4w5, and Sylvia's poetry speaks...|||She does talk a lot about doing physical things. I can buy STP for her. The I or E are harder to determine. It's quite plausible the iNtuition we notice in her is tertiary or inferior Ni. And...|||I think these two men both deserve their own threads. ENTP is fairly obvious for RDJ. Jude Law I have no idea.|||I haven't researched it, but how do we know her stories of being tortured in high school are fabricated? A sociopath is someone who has Antisocial Personality Disorder. Sociopaths are usually...|||Leo DiCaprio seems introverted from the interviews I've seen of him. I have no idea to his type, just that he seems too introverted to by ESFP. As to the characters in the movie, I can see Jack...|||I'm sorry if I seemed to be offended, I was brooding about a fight I had with my romantic interest when I made that post and it probably came out in my response. I hate when that happens. I am...|||I don't buy ESTP. I don't think she's INFJ either. I think she's an Introverted Feeler. ISFP or INFP. So ESTPs are usually manipulative? The ESTPs I've known are very straightforward. I agree...|||I can appreciate you disliking Gaga. But, ESTP? I don't see it at all. She is very calculating and her imagination is wild. I'm not saying S's don't have imaginations, I just don't see ESTP in...|||That is possible. But Angelina was also diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder in her 20s, had an addiction to heroin, and self-mutilated. I don't think that points to someone who is adept...|||As I've mentioned in other posts, sometimes my Ne drives me insane. I can see IFP for Angelina being a possibility. I suppose she does exhibit Fi. ISFP would account for the Se so many people...|||I'm resurrecting another thread. I like this show and I want to discuss it! It's so sad it was only one season. I read an old thread on TypologyCentral in which someone typed the characters...|||Extraverted Intuition would literally be the window through which you see the world, if that is your preferred Perceiving Function. Same with Extraverted Sensation, or Se. It seems your friend...|||I don't believe her that she has zero sense of humor. I've seen her delivery of comedic lines in certain movies, and she has to have a sense of humor to know how to do that perfectly. Anyway. I...|||Sovereign is right in that either ESTJ or ENTJ could fit your bf. I don't think ESFJ does, from what you've said. ESTJs do have Ne as their tertiary function, and that could be a major part of...|||I was just watching a documentary on Ted Bundy, and of course have been thinking about what type he fit most. I finally came down to INFJ and thought that fit best...but thought I would be the only...|||From that conversation you had with him, he sounds like an ENTJ to me. I really enjoyed reading that. :) I would post conversations I've had with my INTP in a thread but they are usually too...|||Mine fluctuates from above average for a young male to extremely high. I've had to relieve myself in the bathroom many times because thoughts of sex with my soulmate were driving me insane. I...|||I don't think of ESFJs as highly logical thinkers. They have Ti, but it's inferior. The ESFJs I have known have been sweet, simple, down-to-earth people. The general description sounds like it...|||The fact that you use a lot of Ne is obvious, and from your post it sounds like you use more Te than Si. Acting is a very common interest/pursuit with ENFPs. I actually am interested in acting too,...|||I think ESFP seems likely. If so, she is like the antithesis of the usual happy-go-lucky image of ESFPs. She does have the flippant buoyancy of an ESFP, though. And she loves attention of any...|||I can agree with that. Though I am really out of the loop regarding popular music so I am sure there are many good acts of which I'm unaware. Among pop stars though, I do feel Gaga is refreshing in...|||I have vacillated with Bjork back and forth between ISFP and INFP. I think both make sense. She seems awfully aware of all the sounds in her environment, which is classically Se, not Ne. But her...|||I realize she isn't in the public consciousness so much lately. But I was really into Nirvana as a teen, and as I've gotten older I've become curious about Courtney Love. I don't think she is a...|||I actually think I am leaning to ISFP now, lol. My Ne drives me nuts. I don't know. I think she is either INFP or ISFP. I will admit that her persona seems more SP. She could be an ISFP with...|||WOW WTF did I just watch?! That was incredible. Suddenly, because of that video, I like Gaga a lot more. She really overloaded my senses with a series of oddly-coalesced symbols. I still am...|||Care to elaborate?|||I think the reason a lot of people have leaned away from ISFP for Kristen is that she comes off as cold and grumpy, and people associate ISFPs with sweetness, gentleness. This of course is another...|||I do think he was ENTP. Even his perceived arrogance is classic of ENTPs, who generally know they are smart and have little patience for stupidity...just like INTPs, but more outspoken about it. ...|||I'm going to read more about Lennon and watch more interviews. I think he is a tough one. I can see the argument for ENTJ, INFP, ENTP, it's all over the map. The only thing we all seem to agree on...|||Her spelling in that tweet is awful, even for shorthand, and all the INTPs I know have normal to impeccable spelling abilities. Still, it would be pretty ridiculous to assume every INTP on Earth is...|||I'm glad that I'm getting decent at typing people, lol...thanks for the feedback. I am going to go with ENFJ for him for now...They all seem to have that intense charm. I think that is a large part...|||I knew an ENFJ with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He used his Fe to manipulate and feign compassion and concern. He was an awful person. I imagine dominant or aux Fe or Te gone awry are often...|||Adrien Brody - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 03/05/03 - Video Clip | Comedy Central There's an interview with Brody on the Daily Show in 2003. I can't say I get a major impression of him from...|||I just watched an interview...I don't know about INFJ, he seems rather animated and enjoys the attention Jon Stewart and the audience are giving him. He seems to relish the attention when I see him...|||I have no idea, but I like his acting enough to be curious what anyone else might think... I should go watch some interviews, as I've never actually seen one with him. He does seem to play some...|||I really don't know, he plays a character. I could see ENFP rather than ESFP, as the ENFPs I've known seem to be more talkative and often ramble, while the ESFPs enjoy entertaining an audience with...|||I'm not convinced he was displaying Fi rather than Ti combined with Fe. I know my INTP beau is extremely compassionate to the suffering of innocent people, and is even opposed to capital punishment,...|||Try answering the typing question template thingie that is in the stickies. Post the template with your answers in this thread, that will give some food for thought to those trying to type you. ...|||The more I learn about MBTI, the more I realize that J and P have little directly to do with one's organizational abilities. Certainly Extraverted Feeling isn't about organizing things, other than...|||I am highly emotionally dramatic. I live in a world of intense feelings. If something moves me, I will obsess over it...whether it moves me to sadness or joy. I've been called melodramatic many...|||Thanks, I am reading those threads. A lot of the reasons I suspected I simply could not be INFP were based on stereotypes. I am not closed off and quiet at all...I am very open about myself and I...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I like to learn more language. I studied english in the school and I practice it everyday I can. I'm hispanic american, so, for me, it's easy to know other romantic languages (such as french,...|||I recently felt myself like this. But I've never felt like the number 1 and 2. So, I don't think it's neccesarily a progression. But it's pretty accurate to be honest.|||Indeed. And also, I want people to not see me as a stereotype man.|||http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/199904_156141664445274_100001483254777_339389_1315300_n.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjodDvDzAJ0&feature=player_embedded|||But the 1 is repeated D;|||(-∞, ∞), excepting some odd numbers|||Why people keeps talking about histories from the Bible as Religion?|||I'm christian, but i don't like religion at all. The science is the best way to get answers about the physical world, the universe, etc. But I can say for sure the science has not the last word.|||I usually go through different ways at time to do math's exercises, and also physic's. But it doesn't come to my mind another example now.|||I just want to say: Thank God for my ENFP mom ;P|||I know we do! I just wanted to extol the fact we have it! xD Anyways, that's my point! With that superpower you'd be able to read other people's minds and whatever you want as fas as can be analized.|||Gabriel Gray a.k.a. Sylar, from the American science fiction television drama series Heroes, is the main villain. He has a super power called Intuitive Aptitude. What's that? It's the ability to...|||I'm a friking genius, any problem? Nah, just kidding. Well, by majority vote, I am intelligent (?). But I don't consider myself as intelligent.|||when you constantly ask what would happen if... in an odd way.|||I feel myself like that usually when I'm walking alone and there are people around, and when I'm in the middle of a social activity. I feel like that people is looking at me and laughing or talking...|||No problem dude, and I understand. By the way, I didn't read the 45 pages neither, there's no reason to read them xD Anyways, I was thinking, the evolutionism shouldn't be considered as the...|||Picture of mine? Why not... http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/4302/will2m.jpg|||Dude, shut your mouth up! You're talking too much. The class can't concentrate.|||- Make a phone call - You reproved the grade - Do you see that group? Tell them... - Sweep your room - You're going to make a speech front all the school|||Research suggests that 75 percent of suicide attempts are attributable to relationship problems.|||Polar bears: their fur is transparent and their skin is black.|||I think you're not interested in hearing why I don't believe in evolution. I think you're interested in making a really long debate, which I don't blame you. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry (I'd not be...|||Your avatar makes your post cool. xD|||Why are you crying?|||You can't judge just for one post. I just made it too simple because I was not going to write all the process of evolution only to say I think that is ridiculous (After all, I don't want to discuss...|||Cool means: (as adjetive) - very good, excellent. - nonchalant. - fashionable. - used to emphasize a large amount of money. - friends, or at least without animosity. - with debts settled. -...|||I already knew that, but thank you anyways.|||OMG! I got a B on my maths test! I'm so happy!!!! ;D xoxo|||I usually ignore those people; it doesn't bother me but, as you said, it's hard to take them seriously. And it is worst in Spanish.|||You're not judging from my view of evolution, you're judging from one post of mine. You can't know how much I know about evolution just for one post, can you? ;O|||I'm so sad D;! A girl just called me idiot! >0<|||Just because I think evolution is just ridiculous are you assuming I don't know about it? Biology teacher? C'mon, who pays attention to school's teacher? Believe me, I don't talk about anything till...|||There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins. - Ecclesiastes 7:20|||I'm telling you that to do not start looking misspellings. Got it? Because I know we, INTP's, tend to emphasize the misspellings.|||I like see discussions between religious (both theists and atheists), because they're so close-minded, which make it interesting. Anyways, personally, I think evolution is just ridiculous: X...|||How to offend me? I have no idea.|||English isn't my first language, but it would be Right.|||Wait, which discussion? xD Actually, you can.|||I know xD I was just playing around. I agree with that. But you should consider the science isn't completly objective, isn't always the best way to know the true and biased judgments are always...|||Ok. ...a method or person is generally considered to be objective when are mind-independentx97that is, not the result of any judgements made by a conscious entity or subject. Between the...|||Which scientific process? ...a proposition is generally considered to be objectively true when its truth conditions are mind-independentx97that is, not the result of any judgements made by a...|||Indeed The science isn't objetive by the way|||Agreed. The existence of God can't be prooved, neither His inexistence.|||In some way, I view some people as inferior, in another way, I view myself as inferior.|||I'm christian, but I'm not a religious.|||Maybe Know how everything works.|||I don't like to read books, unless I want to know something specific from the book. If so, I read quickly until I get what I wanted to know.|||Well, I get between 145 and 150 in the IQ's tests. I always got the best grades in the school without effort. Anyways, I think we're all genius in some way, in some area.|||Yeah. I'm happy' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Please forgive my foolishness Haldir! I wonder if everyone lived by that philosophy, the world might be full of seriously WISE non-communicators. What a world!|||.... i n t e r e s t i n g.|||ew. what's wrong with you? sarcasm? had a bad day?/life? cheer up buddy.|||It depends on the other person.....i have different relationships with different people depending on what works... not everyone can handle the silliness... and others will run away at the first hint...|||Please don't accuse me of not being an ENFP but for the past week I have been doing clerical/admin work and I am (to my own surprise) loving it! I find it so stress-free and it keeps me balanced....|||YOU, my friend, have hit the nail on the head. Every word you just said. We ARE all God. We are. There's no purer truth. You are lucky to have the courage to NOT play 'the game'. I'm still...|||yup. time is a perception. a subjective experience. the society that most of us live in forces us to give this experience more and more importance, with deadlines here and deadlines there... grrr.|||I'm not here to offer an insight into whether time is an illusion or not; i just wanted to remark how weirdly synchronistic it was that i just so happened to be googling this very topic a couple of...|||Synchronicity has occurred with me to such a large degree that i cannot deny its existence. Perhaps it's something which you can only accept if it happens to you personally? For example like sitting...|||Ice cream!|||Thanks milti girl! i have been wanting to try this recently actually, i'll try get my hands on some coconut as soon as i can! thanks :)|||Haa good to know!! thanks for the info :D|||I was in love with someone I believe to be an INFJ. he INFJ-doorslammed me because he thought our relationship got too intense and couldn't deal with the intensity. i also have a couple of INFJ...|||Thank you for your post... i know it's a phase, i know these things don't last, that's what i keep saying to myself to remind me that there's so much beauty and warmth in the world... I don't know if...|||Thanks TheRevaN, i will keep this in mind, and appreciate it :)|||no need to say sorry! to be honest, i don't even know what i meant anymore... =/ it might be extremely masochistic, but maybe, just maybe, someone can only be truly healed after going through the...|||any many many more psycho-problems i'm sure! (at least in my case) :P|||What is wrong with us?! :laughing:|||Ace Face, I really appreciate that. Sometimes, ENFPs are the nicest nicest people in the world.... (i say this also referring to a beautiful ENFP friend of mine who insists that i should confide in...|||I'm generally not a co-dependent person. for about a year and a half i have been extremely solitary and detached in terms of personal relationships. maybe sometimes i have blips in this where i begin...|||I wasn't being sarcastic =/ i've started to believe that intensely feeling whatever you're feeling is a form of catharsis.... i don't know if it works for a fact, but i figured that if you feel...|||OMG the exact SAME THING happened to me!! I had a damn awesome interview with a top company and they had absolutely no negative feedback to give me, yet they couldn't take me on because of their damn...|||There is SO much truth to this. I just realised myself in fact. I think the best way of dealing with something like this is to just let it be free to grow and cause a complete emotional breakdown, at...|||I didn't mean to make it sound like I'm a really service-oriented person or anything cos i'm not! I'm selfish and care about my own feelings the most. I just simultaneously feel the need to make...|||Thank you Ace Face! That saviour complex really does sound like me... I've just been chatting online to a friend who's problems i was trying to sort out (he didn't even want to talk about it after a...|||Oh Gawwdddd. ENFPS! I've heard that quite a few of us get depressed from time to time... Like I am right now. What I would like to know is, do you guys, under your ENFP exterior of...|||That's very interesting, I certainly hadn't heard of those products till now. I'll definitely look into. Thanks :)|||awesomeness ^_^ if you could see how wide i smiled reading your post just then.... and thank you..|||As an ENFP, i believe that ENFPs are incredibly complex creatures.. they have so many layers and choose which layers to show who. ENFPs are very aware of what's going on on a social level, though...|||aahhhhhh this would be my idea of bliss... i think i started thinking about this because i watched a film called 'The fox and the child' today, and it was filmed in a mountainous region of eastern...|||This very thought has been preoccupying me all of today!|||Welcome Khan Sahab! I also speak a little bit of Punjabi as I was born into a Punjabi family. I understand most of it, but my speaking level isn't great! Anyway, hope you find all your answers. And...|||I appreciate you on a virtual level Deathbagel! The love is out there in the ether. And the perfect annoying little xNFP female is waiting for you just around the corner. So smile. =)|||Thanks all for the suggestions, the easier ones i'll try straight away like the head/scalp massage, and it makes sense that it would work. The chemical ones i'll have to research over a bit, but i'm...|||For anyone familiar with the indigo child thing, i just found this thread on an indigo society forum: What are our souls named? funnily enough it fits in with my earlier comment about our name...|||Thanks for sharing Peppertree!! Our INTPs are ever so special aren't they?! :D|||Sometimes I feel like I’m just talking crap. But then I meet people who are talking the same crap as me. =)|||in midst of trying to stop myself from falling in love, this probably isn't the best song to listen to on repeat... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ9kB9CaC80|||People pretend usually for some kind of gain. Maybe if Hawking advocated astrology he would be killed by the people at the top. Because just maybe astrology is so powerful that it must be kept from...|||...And now we know everything. *SCOFF* *palm...face*|||I thank every word of this post. especially the part about gravity. let me just reiterate: Morons. Why do people pathetically bother arguing about stuff they are SO ignorant of?....|||You don't have to be religious to believe in a soul.|||Not possible?? How in hell do you actually know this...? You say it like you ACTUALLY KNOW that it's not possible. Errr... excuse me if I disagree.|||Not that this is off topic or anything... but I often wonder whether the mind is attached to the soul, the brain, the heart or something else...|||Thanks for the info! Yeah i've heard that biotine is good. I like the idea of using natural remedies. Dyou know anything about the impact of zinc? I read that zinc was supposed to promote hair...|||Really? How do you know this? What particular type of yoga? And how would that work.... any more info would be appreciated!|||I wish I could talk like a quantum physicist about these topics but I'm not one, so I will refer you to my post above, with all the links, instead of pretending i'm really clever. I simply like...|||I find your comment ironic considering that the originator of MBTI (Carl Jung) actually advocated astrology ^_^ lolz. Carl Jung&Astrology|||For anyone remotely interested, this could be good to read: The Scientific Evidence Suggestive of Astrology and this: The Science Behind Astrology and Human Design and this: How Astrology...|||If the mind is in the brain.... then that would make sense as our brains are mostly made up of water... (i've read it's about 85%) :) |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'For me it's usually because you (the potential friend/lover/whatever) does something that hurts me and so because you now abandonded my idealistic vision of what the relationship should be, I can't...|||Stop. You don't need to and never believe anyone who tells you otherwise. Your sensitivity is your greatest gift.|||Yeah go for it. What do you wanna discuss?|||Spiritual -> none Emotional -> too repressed Intellectual -> none Physical -> could use slightly more exercise Social -> need to eliminate the tiny rests of my past social anxiety Environmental...|||Pretty sure that some people think it but I don't care.|||Obsessed with creating, exploring new ideas, reading, loving etc etc :)|||I think the main difference between INFPs' sensitivity is that it's generalized and thus harder to hide as opposed to other traditionally male types who might have a sensitive core but are overall...|||I want to be less of a pussy ass bitch.|||Hesse - The Steppenwolf Goethe - Sorrows of Young Werther Salinger - Catcher in the Rye Coincidentally three of my favourite books :P|||The ability to think for herself, have her own opinions etc. (Very rare) Intelligence and wit (can be substituted with)-> Kindness, any other type of charm Authenticity, uniqueness. Physical...|||Just got into Battlefield 4. Anyone playing on PS4? If so add me, wuatenigenu.|||What is the purpose of this post? If you feel so certain and emboldened by your path of Christ, then there's no need to post it here. And if you're trying to advertise your religion then that's not...|||You'll feel awkward for the first few times until you realize that no one is paying attention to you.|||I can't even begin to explain how spot on this is. You hit the nail on the head with your description, thank you.|||Yeah, teachers always thought I was on drugs. I have problems with dissociation though.|||This is totally unrelated, but for some reason I always thought you had a parrot on your head in your profile pic.|||I'm happy for you! Good luck|||Yes I can relate. You're not alone. Paradoxically I can become gregarious and popular under the right circumstances. So give yourself any opportunity to express yourself and be authentic in front of...|||Just want to tell you that I really respect and admire your decision in regards to your view of life. I can relate, I don't care about the conventional, materialistic mode of life that everyone seems...|||Just this morning I stepped out of the house and had to just stand there in awe and breathe in that beautiful, fresh morning air with a hint of spring in it.. I just love it|||Muse! In 2007 when I was 14 years old. Probably one of the top moments in my life.|||Maybe you felt stifled in your expression of these feelings because you thought your friend wouldn't deem them deep enough or wouldn't appreciate them in the way you imagined he would.|||I've seen it about 15 times now (no exaggeration). The way it all comes together in the end is one of the most mindblowing and impactful cinematic sequences I've ever personally experienced. The...|||I've gotten used to it aswell :)|||You just described what I want to be spot on. I've always known that deep down I want to be an inspirational leader who changes the world/people's mindsets. Yes exactly, conformity and...|||So what if it's only a month out? A lot of the 9/10 films on my list I've only seen once and could instantly decide that they belonged in my all time favourites. I felt that way about TFA too. I'm...|||A lot of people on this forum love Donnie Darko and it makes me happy. It's my favourite movie aswell. Mulholland Drive is a close second, along with Inglorious Basterds, Kill Bill 1&2, City of God,...|||Language is a beautiful thing and you are good at using it.|||Loner at the core with a few close friends and some acquaintances. I feel connection and companionship when I'm with my friends but apart from that I feel very much disconnected from the rest of...|||I usually understand where everyone in the group is coming from, the general vibe and what would be the perfect way to engage the group. I just suck horribly at executing on these ideas. So I end up...|||While at the same time thinking they're the absolute shit and know everything.|||Haha I just recently had this with Star Wars. I came out of the theater feeling elated, extatic almost like in a rush and wanting to tell everyone how great the ending and the whole movie was. In...|||double posting sry|||I have the weirdest combination of almost childlike optimism and naivite and a dark, unrelentless cynicism.|||I'm looking forward to that feeling :) Being healthy, not being semi-depressive.|||Very interesting, thanks!|||What spiritual tradition is this based off? Or are these just your own thoughts? If so, I'd be very interested in how you came to that conclusion, of course only if you feel like sharing :)|||Muse Radiohead Nine Inch Nails Queens of the Stone Age Porcupine Tree Tool Tame Impala David Bowie ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead Portugal. The Man|||1. Your Favorite type of Music: Alternative Rock 2. Your favorite artist Muse, Radiohead, Queens of the Stone Age 3. Your favorite Instrument Guitar|||Well I mean just conventional, superficial good looks. Great body, beautiful (yes very subjective but I mean what society considers beautiful) face etc. I'm not talking about their character. I...|||Well you're right, I'm not attracted emotionally to any SJ girls as I find most of them shallow and bland (sorry). That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to have ..romantic encounters... with them though...|||You sure about that? As much as I'd like to believe this, reality seems to say otherwise.|||Love the first track!|||You're right. But I think the INFP has great potential because he can share the depth he finds within himself with others and allow them to explore their own depth. This is an antidote to our...|||Living with one legs because prostethic limbs, and even if there weren't such a thing... Still one leg. Friday or Saturday?|||Breaking Bad Heroes (Season 1) Lost True Detective (Season 1) The Simpsons South Park Malcolm in the Middle Weeds|||I got along fine and was very popular with most people up until the end of high school, what I would mark as the true end of childhood. Although I had already felt extremely different from everybody...|||Can relate so much with the second one. You know, imagine like, how you're always striving towards perfection in your life... - Wait, what? We were talking about which carrots to choose. Or...|||As a kid I thought that when you have sex your testicles enter the woman's vagina and then the kid gets hatched inside the woman. I thought any couple that had more than two kids adopted the ones...|||You just load an old save file in Fallout 4. You try to talk to a girl from one of your classes and wait for her after the class has ended. You smile at her, as she just walks past you.' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'Not even an ENTP, but you're god damn right. There isn't much better than inducing an orgasm for the brain. Though I never could get into paper crinkling as a trigger, personally. Tapping and the...|||From time to time, I have to tell people something along the lines of this is just my face. So just let the muscles in your face relax, look in a mirror, and you'll have the stare of doom,...|||There is a dead pigeon on my fire escape. I feel more inconvenienced than anything.|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e1/e9/76/e1e976e121e7ca6713e3b523fdf78bb1.jpg|||We know.|||Just typed a friend. Time to take them apart and see how they work. Not having a cleaver on hand, I suppose I'll just have to settle for the Internet.|||ISTP: Unwarranted grouchiness. ISTPs need a lot of time to process things internally. And if that time gets interrupted, unhealthy ISTPs have the tendency to respond grouchily towards whoever...|||I have excellent procedural and semantic memory, but poor episodic memory. Of course, I am not an INTP, so my input here is irrelevant.|||Time to find and post a song to which I was not previously listening, of which many here are guilty, I am sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCXg8xo31h0|||We can rebuild him. We have the technology.|||*insertrandomtypeherebecausethreadisn'tevenfollowingOP'srulesanymoreunlesssheactuallyintendedforthistobecomeanothertypetheabovepersonbasedontheiravatarthread*|||My environments tend to be absolute messes, but when it comes to work, programming, crafting, etc...nothing less than perfection is required.|||Dunno. I sometimes find the subreddit more enlightening.|||My most thanked post so far is about challenging someone to post dick-pics. Seems legit.|||ISTPs would wield the lightsaber well. Dunno what side for which they would fight, other than the side that promotes their own ideas. I'd argue they could have an equal chance of turning to the light...|||I heard that ISTPs were considered badasses. And then I knew...|||/signed /thread|||Congratulations, and welcome! How long until you find out that you are a different type again?|||Came in here because I was curious to see how quickly Haddaway had been mentioned; first sentence. I was not disappointed.|||That remark about her dead dog would've scored points with an ISTP. I mean, I chuckled.|||1. Lol helmets...that was a good joke. 2. No, we've never been that excited. Ah, oh well. Usually I'm the first to notice time stamps. Not today, I guess.|||Be happy, never satisfied.|||Apologies, OP, but your calculations are incorrect. The glass is actually completely full; the water is merely in different states.|||Had a brief torrent of rain today; itwas information overload. Just walked outside in shorts and a t-shirt; It was exhilarating.|||It is often the loudest that are noticed most, not the just.|||What you did there... I see it.|||From the site: The question you answered earlier about Bill the fireman checked your Cognitive Awareness, for instance. It tested your ability to override the natural human tendency to focus on a...|||Best part of the post right here. I jest, I jest. Welcome to the forums. Don't hesitate to jump right in to any discussions of interest. For some, the best way to learn is by doing. Hope to see...|||Good ones. /thread|||Damn. The fact that you had managed to make plans that far ahead of time really feels like the nail in the coffin out of those three statements.|||Edible alcohol? That's...actually quite brilliant.|||Party hard? I thought they hardly partied. :rolldeyes: I jest, I jest. I can picture them attempting to research such things as How to party, though, in preparation.|||Sooooooo much this^ It's like some weird secret cleaning compulsion. Or perhaps it is to prove that we are quite capable of the task when we wish, and letting someone discover a clean house without...|||Derp. And to think I just saw an image of him earlier today that was titled ISTP that I already forgot about... :/ Cheers.|||No ISTPs, eh? I cry every time.|||http://mediacdn.snorgcontent.com/media/catalog/product/w/h/wheniwas_fullpic_artwork.jpg|||I would argue that those wielding firearms would be less likely to survive unless you had 1) a silencer, or 2) a very large cache of ammunition. If one is under the assumption that zombies retain...|||Depends on my mood, I suppose. The tests I have taken in different states of mind suggest that I can be anywhere from 69% to 97% introverted. Not that I cannot co-exist with others, it just so...|||The pinnacle of masculinity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwGat4i8pJI|||9/10 ah I love those. Execution could have been a bit better, but hey, I still laughed.|||Well, I suppose answering a question from 5 1/2 years ago couldn't hurt. It can definitely be a job if the person/people with which you are speaking have difficulty understanding your logic, or enjoy...|||As I see it, some emotions are a response which, if one is good at determining their state of being at a given time, can be indicative of a situation. Perhaps one may sense an emotion that indicates...|||Perhaps a bit of specificity is needed: what do you mean by going out. Some of us introverts enjoy going out immensely; I for one enjoy any moment spent doing some physical, potentially risky,...|||So, I took apart an old watch for some reason; it wasn't necessarily broken, it just needed a replacement battery that I didn't feel like replacing at the moment. Really just a drive of curiosity. I...|||Someone managed to find the thread four years later, eh? I suppose it is still relevant to others seeking such information, although I imagine the OP already received her desired answer. :rolldeyes:|||So you're like most introverted thinkers? Well then, you should fit right in! I didn't mean that to sound cheery. Or not as cheery. It's not that I loath welcoming you, I just didn't want to...|||Heh, I don't enjoy any of the movies listed for ISTPs; I rather found INTJs and INTPs to have the best listed so far.|||ISTP: Ravenclaw. I feel my sorting has more to do with my 5w6 and SLI results, though.|||Peter has the right of it. Whenever I've felt my best (read: at peace, not necessarily brimming with happiness), it has been while I was taking something apart, studying it, and reassembling...|||I imagine it is easier for people to adhere to their MBTI stereotypes when they are posting anonymously on the Internet, both incidentally and purposefully.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGelJhg4B9Q|||Dad: INTJ Mom: no idea Sister: INTx Brother: ISTx|||doesn't piss me off as much as it annoys me but when people mistake levelheadedness for apathy. Just because I'm not throwing a tantrum doesn't mean I don't care|||One of my best friends from high school is an ISTJ. We shared a lot of the same stupid interests, and I could always make her laugh. ISTJs are fine as long as they've got a sense of humor. Anyone's...|||Make me laugh. Then laugh at my jokes. That's all there is to it.|||Not very many things bother me. I tend to live in a state of relaxed optimism, acting as a source of emotional stability for many of my friends. Every once in a while something will really upset me,...|||I hate writing, but that's because most of the writing I do is done for school right now.|||Yeah, sports are definitely fun! I haven't played any or competed in any sports in a while, but I still enjoy watching them. Favorites include soccer, football, basketball, track, and tennis. I think...|||Faces first, mostly to see how they react to my presence so I can determine how to carry myself in the room. Do they care? Should I care? Stuff like that. I also might be looking for a friend, and...|||Being accused of lying. If you want to see me visibly furious go ahead and try.|||List of careers I've wanted from Kindergarten to now: Veterinarian/Zoologist Architect Author Indiana Jones Doctor Surgeon Pharmacist Medicine research stuff|||Aside from the occasional one-sided crush that never goes anywhere because I have no spine and can't risk rejection, my love life has been pretty barren. But I'm also 17, so who cares?|||Hello everyone! My name is Avery and my favorite word is wumbo. I heard about the Myers-Briggs Test in 10th grade from my Pre-calculus teacher. She had us take the Myers-Briggs test one day... |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'You missed a good one: How many babies does it take to paint a wall? Depends how hard you throw them.|||Come on over to the INTJ forum some time - I think you'll fit right in. (With the possibble exception of your text-speaky Lol...)|||Strictly for lyrical content (thought the songs don't suck either): Annie by Our Lady Peace Lithium by Evanescence If I Fall by Tara McLean Waiting for the Tide by Melanie Doane At Seventeen...|||No, but I've been ready to murder one on many occasions, if that counts.|||BOOKS! Also, counted cross-stitch patterns, but not so much in the last few years. It's my only vaguely girly hobby, perhaps because it enables me to make neat pictures without actually having...|||What the hell is the point of having a motto? (Yeah, you guessed it, INTJ...)|||This always cracks me up, but no-one I know IRL thinks it's funny. Is it just me, or is it an INTJ thing? Sorry it's low-res.|||Took the words right out of my mouth.|||Oh yeah, YES, I frequently feel like telling people they are idiots, but have found that it is often counter-productive to do this, particularly in the workplace where it can be career suicide. The...|||Bionic, I always enjoy your posts and agree with most of what you write. The only thing that kept me from dropping out of undergrad was getting a summer job in a research lab - loved it, decided I...|||You should probably add some Smilies - the ENFPs seem to love them. Like this, see? :wink::tongue::wink::tongue::wink::tongue::wink:|||Hello ENTJs, Just stopped by from the INTJ forum to comment on this thread: never fear, you ENTJs are not at all boring. You are, however, a little bit scary, at least the two of you that I work...|||Um, yes, my whole life. The only place I truely feel that I belong i.e. where I am normal and fit in and am like other people is here on the INTJ forum. I realize this sounds pathetic, so I must...|||I'm naturally right-handed, but like many people here, have worked in the past on becoming ambidextrous. It's learned, though, not inherent. It's my understanding that the root of the word sinister...|||Sorry, Chris Martin is just too whiney, out of tune and navel-gazing for my taste. The Dandy Warhols had a much better Scientist song, and while the video is crap, the girl looks like she might be...|||Holden Caulfield? Really? Maybe I need to re-read the book. Meanwhile, I will pick Dagny Taggart from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged - the book could be written about me.|||ESFP - my sister is one & we are complete opposites. I find her horribly frustrating, not least because she is utterly unable to participate in (what I would call) a rational conversation - not that...|||Wow, I am friggin' ancient at 29...|||Personally, I think you should just be able to politely tell someone you're not interested in their topic, and then start a new topic. However, experience tells me that this is generally not a...|||WTF??? Please become more rational or leave the INTJ Forum immediately.|||Umm, I am unquestionably an INTJ, and I love dogs. Methinks this invalidates your argument? Here are pics of my dog - I defy you to not like him. ...|||I must concur - I do not fit any of these visual stereotypes of sharp-faced Anime females with sleek, dark hair. I myself look somewhat like a Wuzzle, which is why I am called WuzzleGirl. I'm stocky...|||I had no idea I was cool until I came across this thread. And, hey, if it's on the Internet, it must be true, right?|||When I started my undergraduate degree, it was with the intention of dropping out at Christmas (I hate school) or else majoring in history, English, linguistics or chemistry. I ended up with both...|||INTJ Pet Thread: http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/19758-show-us-intj-pet.html Direct Link to World's Cutest Dog: http://personalitycafe.com/members/wuzzlegirl-albums-intj-pet.html...|||I am an auditory learner. I hate malls, I do not like to do things step by ste unless that is the most efficient way to do them/ Duh, if you want someone to help you solve your problem, you...|||There are so many interesting-sounding books here that I cannot possibly reply to all the posts. Thank-you all for the information - I will be sure to try some of these in the future.|||Same here. Too much navel-gazing introspection and whinging. I guess if you like navel-gazing, it is a good book, but it wasn't my taste - on the bright side, it's pretty short, so you can soon move...|||Funny, The Complete Collection of Sherlock Holmes is also on my to-read list. I tried Gravity's Rainbow a few years ago and it remains one of only a few books that I never finished reading. I mean,...|||Is Tamora Pierce good? I read a book of hers called Alanna: The First Adventure when I was a a kid & absolutely loved it. I didn't locate the subsequent books in the series until years later, and...|||Correct - humans make terrible pets. They whine and complain the whole time, continually try to escape from their cages, and report you to the police once they have broken free. I will, however,...|||Too bad indeed - he is non-negotiable. Check out his picture in the INTJ Pet thread & you'll see why.|||I will begin by acknowledging that I am quite blatantly ripping off the what are you listening to right now? thread. That said, it seems to me that INTJs tend to be voracious readers with a...|||At this exact moment, I cannot stop playing Camille de Saint-Saens Sonata for Violin in D Minor, Opus 75 - I`ve been listening to it for 3 straight days now, and I absolutely love it. I must get the...|||Someone intelligent with a decent sense of humor who has a good sense of who he is, not a malleable twit who just goes with whatever flow is around him at the moment. Kindness, honesty, integrity and...|||I'm interested in a lot of different things, but primarily in understanding how things are and the underlying reasons that they are the way they are. My biggest interest is history, because it has...|||Oh, back to the poll: dogs all the way for me. I hate cats (they are just so indifferent) and I can't warm up to anything that shits in the house (rodents, birds, etc). Fish, meh, I guess they are...|||A word of caution if you or anyone in your house has a musical inclination: Siberian Huskies love to howl along with stringed instruments (violin, viola, cello) and can do so for hours on end. While...|||That goes double for me.|||1. Puzzles (jigsaw, wordsearch, logic, anything in a Variety Puzzles magazine) 2. Stuffed animals (bears, dogs, indeterminate species). 3. Lego. 4. Board games such as Risk, Hero Quest, Mental...|||I want one too!|||So, I voted for athiesm since it was the most accurate term available, except other, which in hindsight might have been a better choice. By which I mean to say that I do not believe in the...|||Err, yes, not to mention the avatar... I apparantly am not a psychopath, earning a score of only 3 on that test (I have never had long-term plans and goals & am slightly prone to boredom/require at...|||I may not be different, but I'm definitely not the same. - William J. Dybus Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it - even if I have said it - unless it agrees with your...|||Umm, the first thing that springs to mind is that if you want people to post on your thread in an INTJ forum, you need a better title for it. We tend to prefer things that have a point, which hello...|||Couldn't agree with you more. If I am my natural INTJ self, I am frequently labelled unapproachable, rude, aloof, perpetually angry, stuck-up or a flat-out bitch, which has impacted me many times in...|||INTJ, got 14.|||Ha! I have met the posting requirement! Here's the link: Global Warming And Climate Change | Cover Story | Chemical & Engineering News|||Another thing to consider is becoming a foster parent - most agencies allow you to choose between taking on short-term (15-60 day) and long-term (months or years) placements. I many cases, a...|||This question is not useful, relevant or intellectually stimulating, so why waste time and energy on it?:wink:' |
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