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1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Unfortunately, I wrote a reply which then disappeared! UGH Only he can take down the walls, you can be patient, stay the course, be you! However, he sounds young. The INTJ I dated when I was...|||Communication is the key! I can't think of any type better to shoot ideas off of, the back and forth INTJ/ENFP banter is intoxicating! The chemistry between myself and my INTJ partner apparently is...|||I will try to clarify, here in general I do not think much, at all. I surrender to sensation. He on the other hand seems to think a lot. I have asked my other sexual partners and they don't really...|||I/ENFP here- How to flirt with an ENTJ? I feeling a little clueless here, which sounds funny, however my usual natural flirtiness seems to go out the window when I am encountering someone I am...|||INTJs - do you think a lot during sex?|||The level of dedication and thoroughness that the INTJs have put into this situation and thread is quite endearing. I absolutely find the type of logical sentimentality that you all have expressed...|||I have wondered about that, when I have mentioned my concern that my level of intensity might seem to some as needy, my INTJ gives me that playfully snarky look and says bring it on. :) I think...|||Wow, this thread is exhausting! Pinky, do not be afraid. You are strong enough to deal with any of the outcomes. Plus, you are very young. People tend to regret the things the didn't do more...|||Love, love, love, my INTJ! I am bursting with love right now and just want to sprinkle the universe with glitter! Sunshine and rainbows people! Joy and completeness!|||I probably already replied to this thread. Complete nympho here...however I prefer sex in a relationship/sex with some level of emotional intimacy. At least a friend. ;) Pleasing my partner and...|||I really do pick my battles, issues of empathy, health and safety are the most importabt. School is also an important thing. I allow then to have a lot of flexibility and creativity with their...|||In a relationship with an INTJ...wow. I have never felt so understood in my life. We are so incredibly alike in so many ways, it's like we have the unique ability to look at concepts and ideas from...|||It is about being compassionate, leading by example. The golden rule. We are so loving and compassionate with our children, they see respect and guidance They want to live within our guidelines...|||I am swimming in a sea of love. The most wonderful feeling is meeting and getting to know someone who understands you! I am with an INTJ with just a slight T over F preference and the level of...|||It seems like only the most personally secure and self confident women are my female friends in groups. Except I do have an INFP friend who struggles with that. Although I am friendly to everyone, ...|||Now if that does not sound smothering! Wow! Did you ask them both to take personality tests?|||when you get up to get something from the bathroom and on your way see a sex toy on the bed and decide to masturbate. I still can't remember what I wanted to get from the bathroom either...? But,...|||I was not looking for a relationship when I realized that I had feelings for a friend (who happened to be an INTJ). Although I had been sending signals out I had to tell him directly that I had...|||The only thing that makes up for it a bit is the amazing relationships I have developed with the kids. If it wasn't for that I probably would have greater regrets. I have prioritized my...|||I love my kids, but one kid would have been a much easier choice for me. I have lost a lot of my freedom, it would not be so difficult except my ESTJ husband works all the time so I feel like a...|||I have only seen my friends twice in the last couple of weeks, and for not a long time. I know it sounds stupid, but at home with my family I can sometimes still feel lonely I am yearning to be with...|||I think I have fallen in love with an INTJ. Actually had him take tests, and it seems I was correct in my original assessment of his personality type. The way we communicate is wonderful, the sex...|||Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh wait...there was a question involved? ENFP in relationship with INTJs...very sexual!|||We are both well into middle age territory. ;) For certain he has matured a bunch. I think I was always more mature than most due to some unusual life experiences, I have never been flighty like...|||My experience with INTJs: They always find me -- and it is just from being myself. As a social butterfly I am out there conversing, finding out about people, etc. At first I think they write me...|||Update of sorts-- He has proclaimed me to be his girlfriend. I guess the intense pleasure fest we shared made quite the impression on him. Us ENFPs are known for out sexual enthusiasm, and I...|||Cool... :)|||Falling in love with an INTJ. Will he know before I say it? ;)|||Falling in love with an INTJ. It is a beautiful thing...|||I don't know that our growth is stifled, however different cognitive functions are probably developed. There is a school of thought which considers ENFP/ISTJ duality. All that being said, married...|||I have had my first wanting to bang my head on the wall moment with my INTJ (I am not calling him a boyfriend yet as it has only been a few months). We talked about love, and he basically told me...|||Anyone here in a long term ENFP/INTJ relationship? I am a middle aged woman who has had a relationship going with a very well rounded, mature INTJ now for several months. All I can say is WOW! ...|||INTJ-INFJ....we seem to understand each other so well. I am so amazed by them!!!|||My ESTJ husband is smothering me. Completely. I hate living in this mad state of domesticity. I am not meant to live like this. It is one thing to work, it is another thing to make work your...|||LOL...I agree. I think I make him feel like an all powerful sex God...and he *is* panty dropping hot. I think he realizes that I truly accept him for who he is, all of him and want him to be his...|||At this point I think I did the right thing. I already presented myself as someone he can call to talk or whatever, he knows I am open minded, nonjudgmental. I am just going to let it go. I have...|||How do I help an ESTP in a bad place? Sounding very depressed, kind of hopeless? He opened up to me deeper than he has, ever. Not superficial, just brutal honesty. I reached out and told him that...|||I think I saw this over on the INTJ thread. I would just maybe shoot off an email. I am thinking of you, but giving you space to figure out what you want. Then leave it up to him. Don't...|||Be the best you that you can be! The right person will find you... :)|||OK, maybe I can help you...not sure. I an ENFP in a 20+ year relationship with an ESTJ. However I am an ENFP woman...so I am not sure if it is exactly the same dynamic. If you are prepares to...|||As an older ENFP here are my thoughts. Just be you, live in the moment more when you are with him and just try to have fun. Talk and get to know each other. Don't worry about sex at all, have...|||Thanks and I absolutely agree. One thing I have noticed is that the INTJs in my life seem to find me. It is like they sit back and kind of observe me for a while and then realize there is so much...|||Hey, absolutely not rude at all, I will explain. As an ENFP I tend to be very social, bubbly and outgoing. Some might see me (attractive and kind of colorful) and assume that I am kind of...|||Met a supercool INTJ...known him for a few months but he just sort of noticed me a month ago and there is some sort of connection. No just want to swim in his thoughts right now!|||Emailing an INTJ and for the first time I think that I found someone who can keep with me mentally. I always wondered if I would find someone like that, and now I have had two INTJs find me this...|||Nympho who loves emotional intimacy!|||I wonder if he just gave and gave to make all those around him happy and neglectred himself and his own needs. I feel like sometimes I do that, and I can get how someone can do all of that yet not...|||So Mr. ESTP opened up. In fact, dropped a lot of deep, personal, info on me. We talked a lot over a few days. I was excited to really get to finally see him show some vulnerability. But then I...|||Thank you for clarification... We are continuing to email and I will say I am incredibly impressed with his thought processes! We can take the same general idea, discuss it from two opposite angles...|||I don't think you could 'fake it'...or at least not this person. Because I had seen him talk on multiple occasions and we talked previously even. This is the first time we had the opportunity to...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Self-deprecating humor is always fun, isn't it?|||Do you know what I have to tolerate in Wyoming? People think it is humorous to hang large fake testicles from their trailer hitch of their truck or SUV. I kid you not. I'd like to go around town and...|||I love this response, spot on for me! I dislike summer with the heat and the sun beating down on you. Give me a cloudy cool fall day and I'm a happy camper.|||Mostly sarcastic and dry for me. My humor isn't always obvious, it sometimes takes a few seconds for you to realize what I said if they ever get it all. I think I'm clever as hell and it is...|||Lux, welcome, I hope you enjoy it here! I consider myself to have some of this ability as well. I cannot think of a single specific example I can give you. I think it really helps me in my profession...|||I would be HORRIBLE at poker. Regardless of the type of emotion I am experiencing, I cannot hide it.|||Being late is a huge one for me. People who interrupt during conversations People in audiences who are not attentive and distract others Laziness Gossiping People who are generally...|||Get grocery shopping and cleaning done. Do stuff around the house and try to enjoy the peace and quiet of being home. But it is something I actually need to change. As my 2 y/o gets older, I want to...|||I like to debate, but I think you are right on. So many people are black and white or close minded, that they refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a viewpoint other than their own. Thus, debating...|||What a fun question. Now I'm trying to scan my memory for all of these past crushes....|||Interesting thread. I'm a probation officer with a criminal justice degree. My original plan was to become a cop, but I fell into this profession. As in ANY profession, there are good and bad....|||I love handing candy out to kiddies. Need to carve our pumpkin this weekend. We'll take our 2-year-old to some family member's homes in his costume then come home and give out candy. A live in a...|||LMAO...heaven help you if that libido becomes unrepressed!|||Great thread. I have three things: 1) Go into the kitchen of a restaurant and cook my own hamburger....haha 2) I'm definitely anal when it comes to driving. When people speed, make illegal...|||I feel like part of my purpose is to help others and make a difference. I've never thought of it as my destiny, but they are probably one in the same anyway. Despite being an introvert I cannot sit...|||This is interesting. I'm fortunate to live in Wyoming and live in the valley of a mountain range. I grew up in the mountains and love going up there. I don't have to go up to do anything other than...|||I think the concept of revenge in unhealthy. I am against the death penalty. I do believe in punishment, but not eye for an eye revenge. Wanting or needing revenge builds anger and only leads to...|||Detective Goren (Vincent D'Onofrio) from Law & Order: Criminal Intent seems like an INFJ to me.|||http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s41/wyo1234/n905970286_4953666_1047.jpg It just don't get any sexier than that......HAHAHA :shocked: ...|||There are sure some attractive INJFs here. You ladies are GORGEOUS!|||I was so painfully shy around girls in high school it took all I had to find the muster to ask someone out on a date my senior year. Never went to any of my proms. Didn't date in two years of college...|||2004 blue Ford 4-150 crew cab. My wife just got an '09 Toyata Venza that I enjoy driving. Pretty sharp, sporty car.|||I absolutely love politics. Not crazy about the overwhelming majority of politicians at the moment, but that's another story. I consider myself a moderate who identifies more with Republicans. I lean...|||Has to be an empathy test of some sort. Maybe throw everyone in a large crowded room. If you don't feel awkward and leave in the first thirty minutes, you are outta here!|||I knew it was a joke and thought it was funny. Sorry if you misread my tone Zomboy, I did not mean for it to come across that way at all. My sarcasm and self-deprecating humor might cause that...|||Do us puny minded simpletons not deserve a chance to continue on in this universe?|||I love challenging popular notions that people have, especially when talking about politics or political issues. Sometimes I might even agree with someone's point of view, but I will debate then on...|||The mother ship is on its way! :laughing:|||For the last year or two I have had this growing sense of pending doom. Washington is in shambles. The economy is a mess. The Middle East is a powder keg. I have a sense that in the next few years,...|||HAHA....that is awesome. Though I'm new and haven't been here long, I'm greatly impressed with how supportive and polite is to everyone.|||OHHHHH!!! VERY interesting to me that you said that. Almost all of my friends are females. I would say I have two good guy friends. In comparison, I probably have about ten good women friends. The...|||I was bullied most of school years for being overweight. Started in elementary school and still occurred in high school. It had a profound impact on my trusting of people and my self-esteem. I also...|||I really don't care about birthdays. Maybe I did when I was younger, but I just don't care anymore. I hate being the center of attention at anything. I also hate surprises. My first wife threw me a...|||My Sunday school teachers in church did not like me. While everyone else was learning Bible verses, I was asking questions like....why is there not mention dinosaurs in the Bible...and....if there...|||I have not.....please explain?|||I'm more spiritual than religious. I've kind of lost my way and don't know what I believe anymore. I want to believe there is something out there, I just don't know what it might be. I am a strong...|||Oopsie.....I put an album up on my profile page if anyone is interested! : )|||I do the same thing at times. As well, I've been searching for the same answer.|||That is interesting. I think I would fall into that category. It is much more comfortable for some of us to communicate behind a computer than will an actual person. While I'm typically pretty quiet...|||In this economy, I almost think any of us with jobs should just be glad we have one.|||Pardon my self-indulgence for a bit here. Since I very recently found out I'm an INFJ, I wanted to talk about some of my habits and such and get some input from folks on whether or not I appear to...|||I fear... ...never finding a way to successfully deal with my stress ...never being able to accept myself ...never being able to enjoy and love my life|||I'm glad for you that you aren't selling anymore. That had to be incredibly difficult. I couldn't imagine having to deal with all of the unpleasantries that you must hear from rude people.|||When I need comforted by someone close to me, I just want to hold them and have them tell me they understand or that it will be okay. That's it.|||That is just such a difficult question that probably only you can answer. I know waiting for me was horribly difficult. Each person has to examine their own values and beliefs on whether or not we...|||I work as a probation officer. Started doing it at 28 and have done it for 11 years. It is a difficult job for me at times. It does enable the social worker in me to empathize and try to help those...|||Hey, that's MUCH better than Jabba the Hut! : )|||Today I forgot to do something before I left work early and my wife repeatedly tells me.....stop beating yourself up over that mistake. Ummmm thanks....that helps. Okay, maybe not so much.|||I obviously need to do some reading on this so I understand it better. Does your cognitive processing change over time or is it more fixed?|||Yeah, I'm afraid of being mocked or scoffed at for announcing this. That is why I was wondering if validating it somehow might give it more credibility to those who might not understand. |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'In a sense, yes. But it's more involved than that. The INTJ knows what they know, but more importantly, they know what they DON'T know. Within that, the INTJ will have this internal guiding that...|||Think of it this way: Ne is allowing you to intuit the external world, seeing how things connect to each other externally. Making connections between different subject matter and experiences. This...|||Not a bad idea! Is there any way you can point me in the right direction, and then maybe a mod (mods, this is for you) can change the title and remove that first part? x01660|||That this is a healine: Kim K's post-baby body a mystery : x01660|||I am planning on writing a series of articles, and that will make it easier for me to search for it here, and on the internet once Google's web crawlers cache the page. :) x01660|||It's so true!!! Though it's interesting that I am sort of in the middle... I'd be the guy to make it perfect, sit back and watch it for a while and marvel at it's perfection, then purposely sabatoge...|||Introduction: Hello to all!!! It has been a long time since I was on here, and I think Ix92m due for another article!!! The focus of this article will be to explain the differences between INTP/...|||It was an in depth conversation with a true INTP (one of my house mates) that really made me realize that I only research and learn things as much as I need to know in order to apply it. We were...|||Alas, it has been a long time since I was on here, and I just wanted to say hi to all of the folks who were on here before I took my hiatus. There is much I intend on writing about, including my...|||That two against One video... Wow... That was moving... Thank you. :) x01660|||trippy...|||hehe... ;) <3 x01660|||Riding my motorcycle or seeing the look of amazement on kids eyes when I give planetarium shows and they learn something new for the first time... :) x01660|||YAY!!, waitwut? :p x01660|||Hello everyone!!! Long time not on here. I just ingested a BUNCH of psilocybe cubensis. So give me cool stuff to see and read... ;) x01660|||<--- ;) x01660|||Xbox, music, or a HARD motorcycle ride... x01660|||I really like this.... Though I am of the opinion that the best system (in theory) would be a benevolent dictatorship, where the leader was truly benevolent... If you haven't read Starship Troopers...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G1lj8MBRpQ Take this seriously... It's really true, and one of the few things from South Park (and I have ALL the seasons in mkv) that resonated with me... ...|||I sometimes will put on The Matrix, while playing Halo CE Anniversary in Retro mode, while listening to No Doubt... Or 2-3 hour long listening sessions playing only music made before 1999... ...|||I'd rather play Halo Wars; at least that time waster forces you to think and plan tactically; i.e. you are actually using your brain... Guess what I'm doing right now... :dry: x01660|||That's some passion right there!! :proud: x01660|||Hey @[I]LeaT and @gingertonic, can I be a member of the MBTI Biker Gang as well since I actually have a bike? http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt272/x01660/IMG_6023.jpg :tongue: Ok, I'm...|||I'm copying my post from another thread here because the highlighted part is extremely relavent to this discussion: Just add Facebook to this list... It's what happens when dumb people have...|||There is something else you must realize: since the advent of social media and technology that is EASY (that is VERY important),a lot more average (I'm being PC here :dry:) people have the ability...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV8grPJvs3o <3 x01660|||No need to apologize. Glad I was able to help, for what it's worth. :) x01660|||This... Life is a never-ending series of lessons. And you will fail at some of them. And that's ok. My father has a saying: Experience isn't what you've gone through; it's what you've learned from...|||As an INTP (and I'm speaking for myself here, but I'm sure some others as well), I do not place value on things that most people hold as important; I don't care about having a big house, or lots of...|||Yes, and your age explains it. I'm just a few years older (23) and I have meaning so to speak, in my life. I want to be a psychologist and help people. And it's what is driving me to get through...|||!جيد جدا، يا سيدي x01660|||Existential nihilism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In my case, finding myself is finding what meaning life has. It is up to each individual to give his/her life meaning. For some people,...|||Dude, I like you. No homo. :) x01660|||Is she now? :wink: x01660|||I have 7 people I consider true friends. 5 of them are girls. And most of my acquaintances are girls. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm not trying to get in their pants every two seconds......|||It's funny reading all of these posts: I love counseling... I am a counselor for almost all of my friends... As was mentioned before, INTPs are good at reading people for the most part... And doing...|||So just because I'm not doing what everyone else is makes me a psychopath? You know who else took a similar stance? The Catholic Church. During the Inquisition. Look at how that turned out... ...|||The world sucks; as an INTP all I want to do is makes things better; more efficient. And I get frustrated when I see people making stupid ass mistakes because they were careless or just didn't give a...|||The responses are funnier than the OP, lol. Keep it comin'!!! :laughing: x01660|||I just got TL;DR'd. hehe... x01660|||I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I just owned this guy. You guys be the judge. It's long: Levett Michael Washington Had a good time last night, almost a little too much fun! I wish this...|||Yeah, straight up. I was Muslim. I'm now an agnostic/existential nihilist. You need to take a close look at the contradictions in Islam (and Christianity and Judaism and all the other monotheistic...|||I listen to everything except country, but my favorite by FAR is trance... :) x01660|||I really don't need much from life; All I want is enough money to pay rent in a small place, money for gas and to work on my motorcycle, a cell phone, a fast internet connection, food, a computer,...|||Yeah, fuck California. :dry: x01660|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOqP3wj2x14 :cool: x01660|||How did you know?!?!? :laughing: x01660 :wink:|||I'm with ^. TOTALLY down for a group date... And group dating leads to group... :laughing: x01660|||The socionics ILI is me to a T. Like spot on. Kinda scary... x01660 EDIT: And I just contributed to reviving a 2 year old thread... :dry: Annie Gravity, take a look at the last post date in...|||As alexande said, intellectual stimulation. Talk to him about one of his interests. Just start talking about it and he'll light up like a Christmas tree. At that point, you won't even be able to talk...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I can relate to this. ENFJs are great, but they can be a little too...rigid? I eventually start to feel like I'm walking on eggshells. Like I can't be myself. But ENFPs seem to magically put me at...|||Hi! I'm new here, and just discovered MBTI about a year ago. I can say with certainty that I am an INFP...I know that MBTI says our natural parters are either ENFJ or ESFJ, and I used to believe...|||I've been friends with this particular ENFJ for around 8 years now. We used to be best friends, but lately, we've been drifting. Having a real conversation with her feels like pulling teeth, and it's...|||I've spent the longest time believing that I am ISFP, but the more I think about it, I'm really not sure. I am certain that I am IxFP, but the S and N difference is confusing me. How do you tell...|||I personally love INFPs! They're so chill. That's what I love the most about them. Absolutely no drama! The great thing about sharing the Fi-dom is that we both try to make the relationship as...|||I can really relate to this, especially the magnetic thing. ESFJs just seem to understand me like no other type, except for other ISFPs. I really wish it was easier to find an ESFJ guy!|||I can find something good with almost anyone, but for the most part, I seem to be attracted mainly to other SF types. ESFJ, in particular. Communication just flows so easily. But lately, I've had...|||I have an ESFJ friend who cannot and will not stop asking me for my opinion. She just moved into a new house, and she's constantly asking me what color she should paint the walls, which furniture she...|||I've never dated one. It's kinda hard to find an ESFJ male, and the ones that I do know are already taken. :dry: I've been friends with a lot of them, and they're great. Of course, the immature...|||That's another thing I love about INFPs. No drama. Obviously, there are going to be disagreements, but I've found that with the Fi dom in common, we both want to keep things as peaceful and happy as...|||I've been thinking a lot about this particular type. I'm finding that I get along pretty well with INFP guys...they're so laid back and easy to talk to. I really like them a lot. :) I always thought...|||I agree completely. I really don't see a lot of introversion in her. She's so open and expressive with her emotions, and that's not a trait that a typical introvert would have, especially ISFPs. I...|||Ha, I also thought about ESFP.|||I've been thinking about this a lot, and I've come to the conclusion that she is an ESFJ. Loves to perform, has said before that she never gets tired of being around people, always has to talk to...|||I have several close friendships with ESFJs. They are my favorite of all the types. However, they are absolutely terrible at picking up on hints. There are days when I'm exhausted from work or life...|||I don't know very many INFJs, but one of them is a co worker of mine...Most of the time, I feel like I'm typically pretty good at concealing my true emotions. I was going through something terrible...|||Or psychic. Or both. Sometimes I feel like I can't friggin hide anything from you guys. IT'S LIKE YOU'RE INSIDE OF MY HEAD. :dry:|||It's funny you should mention that. I have also considered teaching English as a second language!|||Well, thanks. You mentioned a lot of things I never thought of before. I never thought of it, but our creativity and intuition really would help with the older ones. Thanks for the encouragement. :D|||I'm a sophomore in college and I am seriously considering becoming an English teacher. I would really love teaching the middle school or high school levels, but everyone I've met seems to think that...|||I personally love ESFPs. I don't think I could ever be in a relationship with one, but they are AWESOME as friends!|||The types that have always attracted me the most have been the SF types. I just feel so completely understood and at ease when I'm with them.|||gosh, thanks for making me tear up. all of that sounds like my mom...I honestly think anyone with an ESFJ mother or just parent in general is incredibly lucky. And you should totally start that...|||My mom is also an ESFJ and that sounds exactly like something she would do. I agree, ESFJ moms are the best...or just ESFJs in general. :)|||I agree entirely. ESFJs and ISFPs usually don't have an in between. The thing about ESFJs though is that they make it all worth it! At least that's how I've experienced it.|||See, I've tried. I don't usually like being blunt with people, but it seems like the only way to get through to her. And when I do, she just shrugs it off and makes up some excuse about being too...|||I'm sure that I've met more than one ISTJ in my life, but I can only confirm one, and she is one of my closest friends. However, there are times when I just want to shake her because she frustrates...|||Yes, there is a personal reason attached. But I will deny that I don't really struggle with a lot of the things I listed. I don't manipulate people (at least, not intentionally), and when I do, I...|||Okay...I admit, I was being a little harsh. :unsure: Apologies if I hurt anyone's feelings.|||ENFPs are the one N type that I can actually talk to without wanting to ram my head into a wall. They're a lot of fun! :)|||Oh, I could go on for hours about this. My experience with the ENFJ clan has been less than pleasant. 1. They always think that everyone loves them and they are genuinely shocked when someone...|||I hate that it takes me so long to open up to people, and I hate that I'm the biggest procrastinator of all time. -_-|||People always seem to think I'm in a bad mood. It's usually because I don't always have a fake smile plastered to my face. I'm not a natural smiler, I guess. It's very frustrating. This happens...|||Some of my favorite people are ESFJs. I genuinely don't understand why they have such a bad reputation. I've never met one that I didn't like. Mind you, I've only been around ESFJs who were raised in...|||I tend to be very touchy-feely with the people that I care about. I like giving them hugs and stuff like that. Another big thing is just spending quality time with them. If I love someone, I usually...|||Someone who lets me be myself 110%...I don't know what else to say. Someone who is just completely and totally okay with who I am and someone who I can talk to without judgment. Honesty and...|||I do have a very good ENFJ friend! :) We hang out all the time, and yes, when I am with her, I do tend to smile a lot more and act a little more extraverted.|||Yeah, that's happened to me, too. I've had one of my best friends admit that she thought I hated her at first. She didn't like me either, until she found out I was just shy. I think this is the...|||Apparently, it's a stereotype, and it makes no sense to me. I understand how different personality types have different strengths and weaknesses, but how can you blame a person's level of...|||This has happened to me more times than I can count. It's hard for me to be myself with someone right away. I guess I'm kind of shy and awkward until you get to know me. A few months ago, I...|||I kind of go into list-making mode. This happens when I've accidentally bitten off more than I can chew, which happens way too often. I procrastinate a LOT. Like you, I try to organize everything and...|||I love ESFPs. I dated one in high school, and he was extremely outgoing and lots of fun to be around. He knew how to have a good time, that's for sure. :)|||I've seen this happen too! One of my best friends is ENFJ, and there have been several times when she's been in a relationship, and after it's over, she admitted to knowing from the beginning that...|||I agree completely. NFJ types are great as friends and usually give awesome advice. They're loyal and typically pretty good at getting things done...But as far as a romantic relationship? I would run...|||Does trust really have to do with what type you are? Any one of the 16 types can have difficulties with trust. I'm an SF type and I can count on one hand the number of people I truly feel comfortable...|||CAN WE BE BEST FRIENDS? That was so perfect. Fe doms are hard to trust because you never know what they're truly thinking or feeling. I actually find it funny that MBTI says that ENFJs and ISFPs are...|||Yes, exactly! They do feel and they are empathetic, but instead of trying to work out the issue at hand, it's like they sidestep it and cover it up with optimism.|||One of them I suspect might be an ISFJ, but I can't be sure. And I don't mean that they aren't compassionate. I just mean that, from what I've seen, they tend to brush their problems under the rug....|||This is just something I've noticed. My mom, my older brother, my best friend, and all of the other ESFJs I know can't seem to handle negativity at all. Sometimes I will really need to talk about...|||Yes, I've noticed this about Fe dominants as well. They tend to conceal their own suffering because they believe someone else is suffering more than they are. And there's nothing wrong with that, but...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | '11Words of Affirmation 10Quality Time 6Physical Touch 3Receiving Gifts 0Acts of Service|||Khan academy can teach math to anyone who has a desire to learn. Otherwise, I'd rather save my money and use it towards something more meaningful, like a can of Dr Pepper 10. Public education,...|||yes this happens frequently|||I have friends and family that are ESFP, INFJ, INFP, and ESFJ - those of which don't bother me too much. The ENFJ that I know really does bother me though. I don't know why the ENFJ bothers me...|||Words of Affirmation Quality Time that's how I can feel loved Great question, I love love. Love is a wonderful thing. It's not something that you can entirely wrap your mind or heart...|||I like to test people to see if my own theories on their behavior patterns are correct. It's sad that 90% of my tests (which I'm sure other INTJs have found too) show that people are pretty...|||I usually tap my tongue to the top of my mouth in some kind of rhythm if I'm thinking - or grit my teeth in the same fashion. This behavior effects my breathing as I use it to produce a secondary...|||INTPs are interesting enough to get me talking with them past the simple niceties. Most have a lot that you can learn from - most of my INTP friends have taught me some valuable lessons in life.|||I don't know if Fs are blind to neutrality or not - this thread simply emphasized that they scare me (especially Fe's after someone posted Extraverted Feeling ).|||Just found this to be very wise. Very well said.|||I think he was referring (albeit very abstractly) to degrees, equal degrees in 3 directions (2 to x dimensions) suggesting equal pulls of thought in various directions of motive. That or he has...|||<3 my ISTJs Remember - they act boring, but their feelings are unscathed. Break through and you'll be the only one to truly understand them.|||Which is why I think most INTJs don't really care if people call us an asshole. At least we're independent to say what we think and feel (when we do feel).|||Some things in life just don't seem as important anymore as they did when I graduated college - and not just the obvious things, but the large picture priorities and goals. The funny thing is I...|||I'm ADD (previously named ADD w/o) and I hate myself 99% of the time - which apparently is a result of just being ADD. Being INTJ, it's hard for me to meet my own standards and lead others when I...|||I feel awkward explaining to you (a woman) that being friends and dating are different. (They are, right?) I don't start dating and make the plunge to marriage (or sex) unless I know 100%. ...|||Bottom Line: No, I don't wait and I didn't wait to see if it would work. Once I see something I absolutely want and have a generally good probability of success, I move in for the kill. INTJs...|||I love it when my ISTJ wife get's all serious about a topic/argument - it's quite attractive. :crazy:|||On a very rare occasion - when intuition/logic, research, talking, working things through simply fail and I'm really really pissed off frustrated, I give my wife a big gentle hug and sit or stand...|||I don't disagree. TheMorrigan replied suggesting that it wasn't hard for all INTJs to be accepted as is, insinuating TheMorrigan has a experienced the contrary either personally or from other...|||I'd say seemingly emotionally cold and removed as to give the feeling of independence - but is strategically involved behind the scenes in their kids lives, and the kids keep finding evidence of the...|||Way too much text in the full quote to read, fully process, and agree to everything with. However, the above statement within the quote is spot on. If I'm 100% truthful on what I think 100% of...|||The abstract 'us' was understood (meaning exceptions taken into consideration).|||Not clothes - please... if I wanted THAT style, I'd be wearing it already Not tools - I buy things I need Not movies - I don't buy movies, and I don't like most movies people like Not books - I've...|||Because we're smart, driven, sexy, and serious - plus we make it look good :wink:|||Pure evil only has an appetite for souls and uses all that is consumed for nutrients - there is no waste thus no need to use the restroom.|||INTJ replying to another INTJ on this is probably just throwing gasoline on the flames to put it out.... but... here I go =P It appears that many feelers either don't know they want this or very...|||As long as you don't act like you know something you don't or make grand (all inclusive/exclusive) statements - you should be alright. Nothing fires us up like talking with someone who clearly has...|||The ISTJ's I'm friends/family with like true/real friends or none. The amount invested for a true and real friend to their standards is quite high and have troubles making friends (unless they meet...|||I love ISTJ family/friends. They have a hard time understanding that I use devil's advocate and argue till I'm blue in the face to understand their point of views. 2 INTJs in a room is called...|||Conservative Libertarian INTJ (Christian) Afganistan: Should leave as soon as possible but only when the country is stable and the Taliban destroyed. Military Spending: Efficient spending,...|||1) What do you think (or know for certain) are your parents' types? ISTJ ESFP 2) How are your relationships with your parents? Great 3) How have their types affected your own life (education,...|||When the relationship is a choice, you don't see the differences as frustrating as you do when your parents are a different type. My dad is ISTJ as well. Somehow it was way different and...|||Yes, I think that's a J thing - maybe a TJ combination. By definition, useless information is information I can't use. INTJs and ISTJs love life applicable information - albeit we may define...|||First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your posts - I've read them over several times. The overall message I'm getting is: Step 1) Beginners Book: Provides an initial knowledge base....|||I'm still passionately in love with my wife (ISTJ). I just find you guys so interesting - how can you memorize so much information and be so humble? I also love how ISTJs try so hard to always do...|||If I like them romantically and are interested in pursuing a romantic relationship: 1) If they show that they like me, and it's a high probability of a positive response, I simply ask. 2) If...|||My wife (ISTJ) has expressed a very serious interest to get her graduate degree in Bioinformatics. She already has an undergrad in Biology and needs to learn software development as it will be...|||Nah - your resistance just makes us more interested. :wink:|||All the ENFPs in my life I think are awesome. At first - when they go on their wacky random explosion I'm a little taken back - but then it's just so awesome that I can't not pay attention. It's...|||She's not talking about what you think she is I'm thinking. It's not about the content of what you're saying or doing but rather the way in which you say/present it. Remember, it's about how she...|||I like to be the hug distributer I hate getting hugs or being felt like I have to hug someone - at least initially.|||It's a shame the OP asked such an insulting question. A thread labelled Do INFPs have the capacity to be logical? would probably go over just as well in the INFP section. Do INTJ's have the...|||This is spot on - I hate being asked this question because I don't want to discuss what I'm doing AND the presumption that I'm angry actually pisses me off. INTJ :frustrating: Thinking...|||Great analysis Elwood. Feasible: capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are We are just as enthusiastic at discussing and debating feasible ideas/solutions as you...|||Haa haa - I ask this to my ISTJ wife all the time (and she asks me too). Indeed do we misread each other frequently!|||Some people can't stand certain medicine, among them is reality - which we provide in spades. No sugar for you - this medicine is going down now! We think it's being nice actually - it's not...|||Code Geass was just that interesting, the fan service almost killed the anime imo but the story and character development was what kept me coming back for more. I guess you could say that T&A is fan...|||You don't Have to do anything - especially pay for a test. With that said, you really do sound like an ISTJ.|||http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/7568/cgrr07.jpg Checkmate Because chess is indeed fun with human lives.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I grew up with copious amounts of physical contact, so I'm used to it and I actually need it at times. However, I've found that I'm more scant with my hugs and whatnot than I used to be. If I don't...|||I would probably want a T female, although if I found an F chick that I really like, I would have zero problems with it. That being said, I'm single because the GLBT community in my area is sooo...|||This is for posting your thoughts on everything romantic. For example, what do you guys think about sex before marriage? I mean, I'm pretty sure all of you will say, HELL YEAH! But idk. ...|||^ This. Except, I try to not be a bitch -all- the time, although sometimes I'm just like, BE LESS STUPID!|||I love learning languages. I honestly haven't put much time or effort into it, being as I've had more pressing issues, but I'm going to study English in college and major in it. Also, I'd love to...|||i love jesus and music - The plot line is gripping and the music is powerful. Everything is so twisted so you have to watch it more than once to fully understand it. I still watch it and go, Ah ha!...|||The Phantom of the Opera! <3 <3 <3 I can sing (not well) every single song in that whole movie. I've almost got it completely memorized, beginning to end. :D|||I mirror people. I do this not on purpose, but as a defense mechanism, I believe. There's some small part of me that yearns for the acceptance of people I care about. Coupled with the large part of...|||Do you wear a lot of makeup? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes I'm a bit of a minimalist, too. It depends on my mood. Do you spend a lot of time on your hair in the morning? Sometimes. It depends on...|||Welcome, welcome! :) We're all fairly evil here.|||Anime = <3 =D|||So. Hot. ...Justsayin'...|||I like it! =D|||Religion - Good in moderation. It's alright, just don't try to force it on me Abortion - I don't necessarily agree, but it should be legal Affirmative action - Was once necessary, not so much...|||1. When I shower you with attention, it's to cover my own insecurities. 2. I only love a few people, and chances are, you're not one of them. So stop putting me in situations where the only...|||3, 7, and 21 because 3x7=21 Multiples of fives Even numbers, except anything-six I dislike 17 and 19 immensely.|||This, exactly ^|||*sits down and begins conversation with Ormazd*|||*talks herself into going and talking to Ormazd* Hello (:|||I still dislike myself, but I'm moving away from hate. I say I love you, to people I don't love, and it kills me a little inside every time. Soon, there will be nothing left to kill and I'll be...|||Oooooh looovely (:|||jack london - Oh? Hmmm. Okay! Wait. What type is she? xD|||I used to do this really badly, but then I became exhausted and quit. Edit: I quit to an extent. I still do it subtly, but not nearly as obviously as I used to.|||In a less derailed post, I don't know who I'd room with. I've not formed any relationships with anyone on here, yet.|||Hm. *finds room with a good view of the crazy neighbors* That's better.|||*quietly walks into apartment building, finds room that hasn't been devastated by leopard-print fire and unpacks clothes whilst listening to the outrageous neighbors*|||Hallo! Welcome to this lovely place. It's a lot of fun. :)|||*sips drink and watches the door for someone my age* <thinking>I highly doubt that anyone my age will be here. And if they are, they probably won't talk to me because they're IXXXs. This is a...|||Which is a bummer, but I don't think anyone here will tell or let the cops in. xD|||Thank you! (: Yesss. Dying my hair has become an addiction. xD|||Peace, my friend! Plus, if my hand was just hanging there, it would've looked dumb. =P Ooooh, awesome! And thank you. (: In my opinion, short styles are much more work than long styles. =P...|||*sips drink and says matter-of-factly* Cops aren't allowed here.|||Bwahaha. Thank you. *smiles sweetly and takes a sip* You're lovely. (:|||http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk1/sammy-jo-boyd/Foto009.jpg I just dyed my hair red. Does anyone else just loooove dying their hair?|||*gets up from the table and walks to the bar* Err... Water, please? *grumblegrumble*underage*grumblegrumble*|||Hey! Welcome to PerC! The first thing I did was read what other people were writing, and then I started commenting on stuff, too. :)|||I dreamed that I had a lover that I could only meet in my dreams and that my internet flirtations were cheating on him. I felt extremely bad for it and when I woke up, I still had that sense of...|||What I do is this: I get a text message or email or something, and if it's someone I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to talk to, I'll answer immediately. If not, then I read it and it gets put on the back...|||*looks at everybody else* Err. *tugs at dress and finds a place to sit at an abandoned table*|||My dad was an avid drug user and fucked up my family because of it, and he added incredibly to my mental problems because of it, so I have no major want to try out those drugs. I get curious...|||117051170611707|||The equivalent of nothing is nothing. I've been laying here for quite some time now, trying to figure out a way to disprove that statement, but I can't think of anything. If somebody doesn't do...|||I'm extremely curious as to whether there is a correlation between mental disorders and personality types. Feel free to tell me also your Enneagram type and cognitive style (Perceiver, Teacher,...|||So, we think you've become too reliant on the internet. We're sending you to Internet Rehab.|||Currently, I am sitting with my left leg under my right leg which is moving around, picking up a box under the desk and playing with it, and swinging back and forth. Every so often, I have to change...|||Hmmm. Yes, maybe. My recent work isn't that great though. When I find my favorite piece I've written, I'll post it. (:|||I like that idea! Rofl. xD But yes, I understand what you mean about both the drawbacks and the benefits. My conclusion? I'd date an INTP, for sure. (:|||I don't know if there's been another thread about this, but I figured I could open discussion anyway. So, would you date someone else who is also an INTP? What do you think the problems would be?...|||Hallo! Sorry, I can't give you any advice about making friends... I'm rather socially inept myself. Welcome to PC, though! (:|||Cool to me is entirely subjective. To me, anime, MBTI, and generally being a nerd is cool. However, some people think that is the epitome of nerdiness and being uncool. Whatever. I like being uncool....' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Paris! If not, then a city in Italy. Also, I thought you're in love with Mozart.|||Happy 19th, Megan!! Thank you for thinking about us and making confetti even when you feel like shit. I hope you get well soon! :fat: I has four questions 4 you: How did your finals go? What...|||It's referring to intuition, a combination of Ne and Ni (though more heavily on Ni as Aristotle was an Ni user). Ne witnesses a plethora of objective thoughts and outside ideas from everywhere....|||I agree with the context being conveyed, but the categorizing seems off to me. Yes, guys who have high relationship values tend to have more dry spells but end up with more stable partners. Guys who...|||Lovely test, it's pretty spot on :) though slightly dismayed that everyone so far is opposed to being enterprising. I wonder how other ENTPs fare... ...|||1) XTXX 2) XXXP 3) XNXX, Fe > Fi, Ti 4) T, low Fi 5) XNTX 6) low F, high N, low Se 7) Super low Se, Si > Se 8) XXXP -> XNTP 9) XXXP -> XNTP 10) Ti -> XNTP|||ENFJ - they are extremely goal oriented. though second guess would be ENFP (unlikely, since she's a serial J-type) definitely NOT infj and doubting ISFJ (since she's also a serial N-type). ...|||Yes. Intuition is subconscious understanding. Greater understanding leads to glimpses of the future that no one else can comprehend - often even unexplainable by the knower.|||vhaydenlv I actually brought up zootopia with my infj friend. Although, Judy is an enfj, the typing is still close and the whole animal shazzam appeals to infjs. (plus the movie is actually reaallly...|||you should feel offended|||This is SO true. I told a companion that I valued her very highly as a close intimate friend. She replied with: but you never share your secrets with me anymore. (In which we both established...|||If I had a proper loving family growing up I would probably be ENFP. Are you emotionally and physically 'close' to your Family, or are you a bit distant in your interactions with them? Distant....|||Howdy Dreamuur, so glad to hear about your admiration of ENTPs :) ENTPs enjoy socializing at parties but are not party animals. The majority of the people there will be sensors, so it won't be...|||During my first dab I hallucinated. As I was driving back home at 12 am a surge of cars appeared out of no where. My mind could only form one conclusion: I was in an alien survival simulation...|||This question may seem simple, but its implications go pretty in depth with functions: Do you enjoy eating meat? No? Then INFJ. PS: In the case you said yes, then you're more likely...|||ENTrePreneur freedom, creativity, innovation, adventure, BIG picture, $$$$$$$ 10/10|||This. It's cool to call us obsessive. We see the end- the big picture. Even if it's not there. Usually if I find something or someone interesting, my imagination goes berserk. I start to think of all...|||I believe that long distance is a big test to see if two people are able to sustain a relationship. It's clear that the gf couldn't handle the distance and needed a physical presence. She prioritized...|||I started my own business at age 19. Now a year later, I'm netting a profit of ~$8000 a month. The only reason I've capped around this is cause I've been taking 18 E&C engineering credits a semester...|||Yep, it's ENTPs that jump the gun haha. INFJ / INTJ (Ni) is focused planning, patience, coherence, convergent. ENTP / ENFP (Ne) scattered thinking, broad, quick, fluid, divergent. ie: shiny...|||sloft is 100% estp, the excessive smiley faces gave it away along with other estp traits lol.|||was a pretty interesting and intricate read. I'd also like to add from personal experience that not jumping to conclusions is a must for infjs. we tend to assume a lot, so always try to ask for...|||Haha, i think college is a scam. Education is not. Think of your tuition as a long term investment. By developing higher level skills you're going to be able to use that to make loads of money in...|||Howdy friends, I've been struggling with my housing decision for my senior year in college. I have to choose between on-campus apartments or an off-campus house. The apartments will allow me...|||Whoa, I'd imagine the military would be interesting if you have your freedom. Unfortunately, that's the exact opposite in the military. The order, the restriction of freedom, the slavery, the ranking...|||Seems like you're talking about the push pull method (pull = omega, push = alpha). When you pull someone towards you and then push them away it creates attraction. I'm assuming that you're...|||no, ENTPs only bring breakfast to their partners outside of the hood or else it's impossible for them to be ENTP.|||Yeah. That mask where people think you have a bitch face but are actually just pondering something. That mask you hide behind while you smile and nod politely to others instead of speaking your mind....|||music is very subjective, but I'm sure rap attracts ENTPs because we enjoy analyzing lyrics. I would definitely enjoy me some Kendrick, Lil Dicky, Childish Gambino, Logic mainly because they can tell...|||From the top of my head, I'm pretty sure that others share this same view point: 1. Death is good -> Pro-death penalty, pro-abortion = good efficiency for population control. 2. Valuing...|||What if the person who's interested barely knows the real you. What if they say they're into you when all they can see is the surface of who you are. Won't that bother you a bit? Won't you question...|||You don't become an ENTJ. ENTJs are very confident, diligent, sociable, and successful. However, ENTJs can also be very domineering, controlling, ruthless, stubborn, impatient, narrow minded, and...|||No, at least not in your current mindset. You have a lot of negativity towards socializing. You hate it. Everything that I've read from gaming to eating. You prefer to do it alone and dislike the...|||Quick summary for others that are TL;DR: OP has a pleasant day and returns to his apartment to find out his brother had sex with a beautiful lady at OP's own place. With the fact that OP is a 26...|||It seems like you're lonely and have plenty of time on your hands. Get busy. You won't have time to mull over things that happened a year ago. Then go out and flirt with other women. You have to...|||First, be happy he's not your boss and that your boss is a chill dude. Next are your options. Option 1: Keep being defensive at him. Pros:- You keep your ego. - You get to piss him off....|||Tire your brain out with: 1. Meditation (hard to do daily) 2. Therapy (it can be a friend) 3. Benzos (not a good long term solution) 4. Productive distractions (read a book before bed)|||Sure, I created a thread a year ago about the first female INFJ I got to befriend in person. Our chemistry was mesmerizing and I was obsessed. When she told me that she had a boyfriend I became...|||It's been a sausage fest in engineering/computer science. I find it tad annoying too, it adds pressure to go to parties and join Greek life. You should try to attend some tech events and make guy...|||http://i.imgur.com/3K4n1zU.jpg And Drunk Parrot http://i.imgur.com/r40ywcO.gif?1|||Well this seems like a difference in levels of attachment. With all this free time on your hands you end up thinking about him a lot more than he has time to think about you. To alleviate this, get...|||Oh yeah, an existential crisis is a huge buzzkill. But I think it's a good wake up call . . . if you act on it that is. I don't suffer from chronic depression so I can't fully relate to your...|||NewMango brings up some excellent points, but it's also good to see the pros of both sides. This is especially beneficial if you are still going to try drugs despite what Mango said. It's good to be...|||they reside in that place beyond the rainbow and in the clouds, Marv even took a picture of it.|||Seems like the general consensus is no and I have to agree. Although in theory, a FWB deal sounds awesome - the process takes too much of a toll on the soul. I believe NTs value intellectual bonding...|||1. After significant relationships end I feel lost/abandoned. 2. The first incident popped up in my head was when I had to leave my mom. My parents were divorced since I was born and I only got to...|||#3 Mmm yes, I'm terribly sorry but the fellow in the green cardigan just purchased our last cotton candy toupee. However, we do have some freshly made fondue that would look great on that dashing...|||1. Extroverted (obviously) - > EXXX 2. Low feeling with dominant Fi (Money >> feelings & His feelings > other people's feelings) -> EXTJ Make's sense: J's like order and familiarity. P's like...|||A good argument, but there's a big flaw in your reasoning. If one was truly innovative and high quality AND wanted the job - one would manipulate one's answers to match that of the desired behavior....|||#2 Please sir, I sincerely apollengize for growing on your lawn. This won't happen again, I swear! http://i.imgur.com/bLWR0uR.jpg?1 This is awesome. Keep up the funny cartoons! |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLnYeIADVhM :mellow:|||xdOllie|||IM FAST AS FUCK BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.....WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE *Neck snap*|||Buttstuff|||I'm doing very well. I've managed to re-connect with my artistic side and got back into drawing again. It's so relaxing and keeps me focused, I love it :).|||I have a 9 fix, i'm a core 7 though.|||Oookay....I never claimed to be a 9 though so not sure what you're talking about.|||Not very SP, sure. Not understanding how it's not SX, though.|||I desire to be a motherfucking millionaire so I can buy shit for myself this lovely holiday season, instead of saving and skrimping to get by for Christmas. I also desire for Anastasia Beverly Hills...|||Thank you Kalei, this means so much right now. https://media.tenor.co/images/bb0de620a0f5ee58c2256642a524a01d/raw|||I really wish people would listen to me when I try and open up to them, because feeling like you're being ignored time and time again sucks. I already have a strange...relationship (I guess?) when it...|||https://m.popkey.co/572153/bqZpW.gif|||So fed up with SJW's and their bullshit. You try and be respectful of other people's opinions, yet they can't offer you the same curtsy. K, sound bro. Ugh, get a fucking grip. Words are just words,...|||Panic attacks are really stressful and horrible, and I'd never wish it on anyone. Even when you finally managed to calm yourself down, you still feel really shit. You can't just bounce back from it...|||To not be in pain, period you are a dick.|||Squid-diddly-dandy.|||[IMG]https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/-fVs3IuYkfBNWHLn3hbHifMyonU/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2015/11/18/839/n/1922153/2eb670e7ad365237_Screen_Shot_2015-11-1...|||Are you trying to race me? Does something happen if I reach the 5,000 mark? DO I BECOME A NEW COLOUR? :kitteh: Fuck you treehouse, I'm finishing first xD.|||https://img.ifcdn.com/images/8b0edd36c31e33a1c882f19fa122a79620f987dc604447d231b7e0f55ab53f7a_1.gif|||Chinese food, and a new series (anime preferably) to obsess over. I need a new obsession, I miss the feeling :(|||When you want to do everything, but end up doing nothing. #LiteralDefinitionOfAllOrNothing #ThereIsNoInbetween Trying to motivate myself. I have all this internal energy that is so fierce and...|||This just in: I look pretty damn good with a tan. And I hope I can land this job I've applied for. Money and everything is much better. GIMME HOPE GOD, I'VE BEEN GOOD. Make this worth mah while. ...|||Hmmm, idk. I don't really understand the question, and I feel like people are sheeping others answers (e.g. being ignored) because of the strange way the question is worded? Like, I'm not saying...|||Lol, I'm a lazy moody cunt xD. #7&4Ftw|||I'm feeling dank. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/102/474/a6c.jpeg|||Can I be Memestar?|||Laughing at this cringey fucker xD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHjmJmZMHN4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpmJh2CjSIA Kito Tagging you because this was in your sig for ages:tongue:, and omg I've fell in love with bring me! (at least with their newer stuff) :proud:.|||I'm on my phone and can't go into detail, but the ones that really relate to me are: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Which clearly means I am mistyped. NO! CURSES!!!|||Me. Bow down peasants, I have arrived. Quick, gather round and I'll let you observe me (for science):proud:!|||Cool thread idea! Shame I have no clue who I relate to xD. Fuck it, I'm claiming the most badass character, and if you don't agree with this you can all die, cause I said so *clocks gun*. Fuck...|||Very strong:proud:. It's been suggested to me a few times that I am a type 6 because my wing is so noticeable. I'd say that my 6 is by far superior to my 8, although I have my 7w8 moments. However,...|||Ah, shit. Was I doing it again!? Holy crap. Apologies. Next time, when I make another one of my lengthy posts bragging about how awesome my life is with my rich sugar-daddy (who, btw, totally saved...|||My boyfriend is, in honest to god's truth, one of the best people I've ever known. He jokes that he's okay, and says he's a a bit of a cunt at times, but honestly...he's just wonderful. ...|||http://media.collegetimes.com/uploads/2014/06/tumblr_lu3v2tuuks1qem0bjo1_500.gif|||http://reactiongifs.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/no-no-no-very-bad-man-Babu-Bhatt-seinfeld-gifs-finger-wag.gif|||http://cdn-media-2.lifehack.org/wp-content/files/2014/12/giphy-21.gif|||I feel like shit. I've been having a really shit time lately. I'm losing confidence, and becoming more insecure again. I wonder if it's because I've not told myself nice things in a good...|||Things will get better, time is an amazing healer. I know this won't help much right now, and it's probably not what you want to hear, but it's true. I've been there too. Once you get through that...|||We got a new puppy :kitteh:!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, a dog in the family!!! Fuck cats, man. His name is Jethro, and he's precious. I love him already. This is him sleeping on me :).|||I feel like shit. PMS-ing, cramping, anxious (which is making me feel ill) and freezing. And, to top it all off, I have an 8 hour shift to look forward to. Yay.|||OMFG. I'm actually reading fanfiction right now, and I'm going to search for this. It sounds amazing:laughing:. My boyfriend has recently became a GOT fan, I'll make him read it with me too. ...|||I'm in the middle of writing a chapter to a new story I'm planning on publishing o/. It's nothing real, I'm just returning to fanfiction after like a 6 year hiatus xD. I'm really happy. I used to...|||https://media.giphy.com/media/DYcR7Htap1Guc/giphy.gif|||I want to read a decent NaLU fanfic, not these piles of shit that I keep stumbling across. DAMN, IS IT SO HARD TO ASK FOR SOMEONE WHO LIKES THE SAME SHIP AS ME TO WRITE ABOUT IT AND POSSIBLY (LOL OK...|||I just fell in love with this song all over again xD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-zpOMYRi0w|||You know what's a good time? Playing super smash bros while high. You know what's not a good time? Thinking you hear footsteps in the darkness and you, your boyfriend and his friend all freak the...|||Playing mafia, high. Do not recommend lol.|||Current Mood: :rolleyes:. Just...stfu, please.|||Can't be fucked with anything or anyone.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'How do you deal with Dr doorslam that are overreactive ones? Someone in my life is a depressed enfj and has now cut off all contact with family and friends and stopped doing things they love. ...|||I am naturally very serious. I do take things too seriously, as my estp dad says haha I used to be extremely serious, forgot how to have fun for most of my teen life and college. But I've...|||The next best movie in history.|||Question: What do I do, how do I fix this mentally? What is going on? Please be kind. (it's long because I'm thinking of all of the different aspects I can to include so people will...|||Just for funsies! :P Even though Kylo Ren is super evil, I love shipping him with Rey. haha Check it out! :) 10 Reasons Why Rey Is What Kylo Ren Wants|||writing Reylo fanfiction. :P I looooove kylo ren, too bad he's evil haha|||LOL this is why I think I'm having issues...lots of extroverts and sensing or lots of Se....like my weakness is their biggest strength and they look down on me for not being able to keep up with...|||I agree, I usually shy away from people that might be considered cool unless it's because of a good quality, like being nice etc. The issue is that these people are nice.....but also not....One...|||^Think* (you'd THINK I'd spell the title right....) Today I was told by a friend who's popular in the community that I'm in what people think about me. Not the positive stuff though. I did ask...|||Hiiii! Welcome to the forum! :D:D|||hmm something about me? I love cheesecake! :D love reading this thread. :) good idea!|||OH MY GOSH IM NOT ALONE IN THIS!!! LOL I felt so crazy cause I could predict things like this. I could sense if people would break up or stay together. I could tell if people were right for...|||when they STARE at you. lol....|||thank you both! :D|||oh no that's not good. I really don't like him T__T baaah|||I know an ENTJ that liked me but I didn't like him back. He got kinda weirdly silent, and awkward and nervous around me and looked at me a lot. lol compared to his usual talkative loud self xD He is...|||lol that's a great question because it's the question that would be very defining if I were at one end of the scale or another. I'm really liking not rocking the boat, unless it needs to be rocked...|||Why do you think you must be INFJ or any type close to it? As you have said, you might not be as aware of yourself as you think you are, right? So, why not be more open-minded? True! Okay I'll be...|||woah wait what? hahaha wow that was cool! thanks!! :D :D :D And I got it on my birthday! that's awesome, it was a fun goal I had that I wanted to get to. What a perfect day to get it on! :P|||tell me how you got to that conclusion please :)|||I have thought about ISFP too, but it has completely different functions than INFJ so it's not as possible as maybe ENFJ would be or INTP|||I don't think that the books I'm reading are unknown quite the opposite really. Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill 3 feet from Gold-Napoleon Hill Foundation Really amazing!!! :D apply the...|||Really really really really really interesting......:P|||yep, sadly I do it a lot because people mistake my niceness as flirting. And sometimes if I do flirt for fun people take it too seriously..... so yes I've had lots of nerdy guys like me and realize...|||at first I laughed. lol but then I was like, yeah true. :) Sometimes the churches are so elaborate you'd think they'd spend it on the poor instead of it looking gaudy. (no issues against churches...|||So his guess was 90% sure im infp :D any other guesses? :D|||yeah I want to be healthy, I feel like I haven't been for a long time. and yes I'll send you a pic, I do agree it's probably easier to tell by what I look like, but my pictures do send out...|||1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? -I might not be as aware of myself as I think I am. -I believe I'm INFJ, but I've gotten plenty of other personality types (INFP,...|||___@ I'm just so confused lol Okay I found out that the reason he doesn't text me back sometimes (and he didn't even notice he was doing this) he is thinking about a good answer to reply but it...|||I totally know what you mean. :) I still deal with this, but I've noticed what the OP said earlier in the fact of finding the right type of person feels like there would only be a handful of people...|||Give me some examples of straight male ENFJ's and what they would do to flirt? :) I have this male ENFJ that I am slightly interested in, I assume that he's just being nice but there's times that...|||Hey! Just curious if male ENFJ's can read people like books as well, if they can instantly tell if someone likes them or not? Also a few questions. What attracts you male ENFJ's? Do you send...|||elsa could be ISFJ or INFJ or INTJ anna could be ESFP or ENFP....I was also thinking ENFJ but she seems too impulsive? :D I think the story was too short for me to really tell, if they did more...|||haha you guys dealt with this guy with such kindness i love it! lol xD kill em with kindness as i always say :P|||INFP's would be...hmm...a pug. I dunno why, cause they're round and cute. :P cause I can't really think of a real animal that can describe an INFP... I always start thinking of unicorns or something....|||See, you can have determination and focus....I think that it's your fear that's stopping you from succeeding. Why are you so afraid of yourself? Are you afraid of success or something? You...|||oh my gosh yes! wow I really needed to hear that today haha thank you! :) it makes so much sense....huh, okay thanks for helping me fix a mind blowing problem with just a small statement. lulz xD|||What are you afraid of?|||I have an ENTJ friend and he likes me. lol He's a pretty nice person and no he's not evil haha quite the opposite, but he's very driven. We get along fairly well I'm an INFJ, but yeah he's pretty...|||LOL you keep writing all of the stuff I was going to write sheesh copy cat xP lol jk What helps keep you in the now? well try to have a set amount of time you can completely focus in the...|||I love driving around too! :D good with money? yes and no. It's just like you said, I can keep it for a while but occasionally i'll have that oh i want this! mode and I'll go buy it on impulse,...|||lad's post is pretty much the answer. :P I think that INFJ's tend to be more in their head than in the moment which can lead to depression by thinking too much about negative things. :) INFJ's...|||hmmm well I've now found out lots of people talk about me behind my back...I think it's in a positive way though I'm not sure lol but what people have told me in front of my face is that I'm...|||LOL yes. :P XD well think of all the tough guys out there that can't show they're scared or happy or whatever ahaha I'm in ROTC right now and people in it...lets just say that being...|||Mac n Cheese :3 whenever I eat that stuff it reminds me of my childhood haha|||I have a list I'd like to start cause I don't see too many people trying to type these people so lets start! :D Steve Irwin: Jeff Corwin: Mike Rowe (dirty jobs): Buddy Valastro (cake boss):...|||to me it seems like there's more of a lean towards texting and not phone conversations for our generation. though I have met extroverts that do like to use skype. I'm still training myself on how...|||Well actually I've been researching this lately and found that you don't have to be manipulative to trump the manipulator. You have to talk assertively, not passively or aggressively. Many if not...|||such a cool article! thanks! oh dang I wish they had INFJ in that too. shoot. :P oh well|||oh my gosh I have the same problem! but I found these really great articles about the roots of loneliness (how you can be with other people and still lonely) and types of lonliness :D pleaaase read...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | '@Wat I'm very confused about your position. You constantly attack studies under evolution using uninformed opinions. Most of these problems have already been explanation if you read them. If you...|||Obviously science can't proof. When scientists use that word informally, it means very conclusive evidence. BTW: creator conflicts abiogenesis not evolution. Unless you mean a creator created...|||First of all, science by definition cannot prove. I will from this point forth assume you mean convincing evidence when you say prove. It's unreasonable to expect science to prove any historical...|||I thought everyone does that. I for one absolutely enjoy it.|||If that's not convincing (I assume you know the science behind it too) then you probably don't trust anything that you haven't seen then too (e.g. history books, fossil records, etc). Otherwise you...|||Did we see God create the universe? Is our observation even reliable? You are touching things outside of the scientific axiom. If you want the answer to if birds grew wings, please do research the...|||So you think a great proportion of emotions come from a non-physical source? What might that be?|||Ok......|||It's a bad habit I got into since childhood. Too many let downs, why bother?|||Mutation is a driver of evolution. There is no narrow parameter in which mutation can only occur. There is simply a probability associated with magnitude of change. Tracing back, our evolutionary...|||Where is the proper 7?|||You7 kills you4. How did you7 travel back in time without the existence of you4? The fact that you travelled back in time becomes logically impossible from both your perspective and the perspective...|||I'm not trying to force my opinion on others. I couldn't care less what they do. I simply desire reasonable explanations for my own intellectual curiosity. If you can't provide that, I won't mind. ...|||Considering you think it will kill your feeling mojo, I presume you see the truth in science. In this case you willingly embrace ignorance to not get hurt, interesting, but not something I can...|||If you do anything that prevents the 7th year you to time travel in that precise instant, you have created a paradox. A paradox by definition cannot 'exist' and the universe will alter probability to...|||What?... so you are claiming that generally emotions are controlled by a physical mechanism except you?... What?...|||What?... What circumstance? I'm pretty sure the claim that you denied implied a general rule, I did not specify a circumstance. Time wont tell you anything unless you do something with that time...|||There is nothing stopping you from going back in time to change an event which is not in direct violation of your own observation. E.g. -If your left arm gets cut off, going back in time will not...|||I find it strange for you to outright deny association between feelings and brain function, yet at the same time claim reasonable. Why don't you believe a physical basis for emotion? There are...|||5288252883|||Two scenarios: 1. You go back in time. 2. You rearrange matter/energy/everything and reverse entropy on our universe to mimic the past. This is practically omnipotence. In scenario 1, going...|||I wonder if your emotions/feelings have anything to do with neurotransmitters and different brain compartment's structure. E.g. amygdala and fear. Hmm, better read some of that.|||Funny how that's exactly what values and emotions do too! Except in the case of emotions, you are doing it unconsciously. Believe it or not, statistics is far more reliable in an objective sense than...|||When I discovered the critical thinking/philosophy forums, 80% of it was filled with the crow's delusions. So I took 2 weeks out and constantly debated/taught him how critical thinking actually...|||Yep. And you aren't doing anything to time.. just spending a lot of energy to rearrange space and somehow reverse the effect of entropy. Where did this energy come from? I don't know. There are...|||He got banned for raging too much.|||Yes it will. Because the normal concept does not require reconstruction (i.e. reverse entropy change) of the universe.|||You might want to read some newer neuroscience/psychology papers.|||The crow. The dude with a crow as his avatar and was named the crow. I highly doubt he was ENFP.|||I didn't take it seriously at all. I don't argue seriously until someone proves to be a worthy opponent. I tend to also leave minor errors occasionally in my reasoning to allow for rebuttal...|||Claiming that you know the precise, objective definition of a word is insulting to epistemology. This is a direct violation to the scientific approach to knowledge and hence hypocrisy. If...|||All sciences are derived from philosophy. The whole point of science is to find the truth. It makes assumptions that there is an objective truth, a physical reality and that observations are...|||What is the objective of science? What is the objective of law? Both have a predefined essence (axiom) and was rationally built on from that. Science is not the practice of questioning......|||I know law obviously means I know the guidelines/rules/structure of the law system. It doesn't mean I have omniscience in everything law aims to explain. Likewise I know science means I know how...|||Does the same principle exclude me from saying I know law because I have yet to review all cases and implications of law?|||Well science (as in the scientific method/axiom, i.e. the definition of science these days) actually doesn't change nor question itself... If I said I know how the universe works!, then THAT'S...|||But... I know science!|||So you propose that time travel is more like rearranging all the atoms/energy/everything back into what they were n years ago with the only difference being you exist as your now relatively future...|||The only reason you think that is because actions are easier to interpret. In reality, the combination of everything you say, do, think, etc, define you.|||What is there to gain from ruling the world?|||INTJs don't waste time talking to people they don't want to talk to. If it was a change of opinion, you would simply be ignored or avoided. If I did what he is doing, it's obviously a social...|||You are correct, which is why I said that discussion would be meaningless. It was only to serve as a simple analogy to show distinction to what he thought I said and what I actually said.|||And if you manage to list out what that food is with a few supporting arguments we could have a proper discussion. Although for the food example, I don't think it will be too meaningful. The same...|||@Pete The Lich There is a difference between: Do you know a food that taste better than chocolate? If not, then don't complain about chocolate. and Chocolate is the BEST food.|||Do you need to be an expert in physics to get 100% in a high school physics test? Your link is completely irrelevant to the discussion.|||No. When did I say that?|||You have even not justified why the problem is even a problem (objectively). That just makes it double as pointless, because now you are asking for an infeasible change which potentially isn't even...|||How will you achieve that?|||Do you have a better suggestion? As much as everything being not perfect, I do not believe people have the rights to complain if a better alternative does not exist.|||No, but you need to be slightly realistic. People need to eat (among other things) to survive, and being good at procrastinating or anything else that doesn't offer society this need is NOT required....' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'I know what you mean. The way I'm acting at the moment is the result of doing what you said and it serving no benefit whatsoever. Well, I tried my hardest anyway. I have no problem showing...|||Yes. :blushed:|||Neither have I. I know fine well she'll end up sending me another email in a few days. The way she thinks is just so blatantly obvious to me it's not even funny, maybe that's why she gets...|||It's actually quite funny, since I just had an email conversation with said girl that went like this: I consider my Fi side to be quite developed for an INTJ. But anyone that can put up with that...|||No comment. :unsure: :wink: :tongue: :cool:|||Yeah... :sad: My real name is Den or some pish. Real unfortunate. :unsure:|||Steven. :unsure:|||I'd start a Fight Club. Or completely screw with every legal system in the world by always having a 100% perfect alibi.|||I am currently in a place I should not be with a girl I strongly suspect of being an ENFP (almost certain). All I can say is - it CAN work. But not easily. Not at all. Mainly because YOU GOD...|||Steven. [10 characters]|||Ah. Yeah. That's just weird. :tongue:|||I get the impression some people just enjoy chatting for no reason other than that they enjoy it. :unsure: It's never made sense to me... and I've always been dead suspicious of it to be honest. :dry:|||Black. Usually 3-4 teaspoonfulls of coffee. :confused:|||Definitely. The idea of limiting myself to an extremely small niche of human knowledge sickens me. Unfortunately however there are harsh realities that come in to play, like there not being enough...|||Informatics - a collective degree in computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computational linguistics... the works. :unsure: Although I have an interest in everything to be...|||Until I met you Shai, no. But then everything changed.|||Never. But I might be going to a gig in a few months with a girl I met online (through someone I know IRL). Nothing romantic or that, and gigs aren't usually my thing, but she lives on the other side...|||Vampiric romanticisms turn me on. <3 :blushed:|||I haven't been here long enough to get to know you, but simply based on your ridiculous Fulfillment score in the arcade I'm sad to see you go. :sad:|||I am shamed to admit it but at the behest of a friend I'm actually off to read Twilight. :tongue: Time will tell whether it is time well spent or not. The sad thing is I am actually halfway...|||To be honest I'm just glad most of the people on this site clearly have more sense and know when to shut up and leave the ballpark. Like now for instance. I bet after the next person posts I won't...|||Honestly it is. Like when someone keeps talking for no reason whatsoever. Just to keep something going.|||I don't. Although I know a girl who does, and it makes me feel like putting my fist through the monitor when having arguments with her. I say monitor because in general it's harder for people to...|||Sounds like someone who likes the idea of being an INTJ just a little bit too much. Entertaining as hell nonetheless. :tongue:|||I like winning, and I've never understood those who don't. I think the source of this inherent competitiveness is very simple - human nature. It's an animalistic instinct. To win, to prove that you...|||I've noticed that this has often held true for me. Although I'd argue it's simply the generalised wording of the predictions that give the appearance of accuracy. Combined with you wanting it to be...|||Sounds like someone I know, and from experience I've learned not to try to understand or make sense of people like this. They don't follow any logical pattern, they're just idiots. Ignore her. If...|||Most likely in the library (but not doing a lot) or in my dorm on the PC/360.|||No one beats Charlize Theron. http://www.ecorazzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/vexadecom_000009-02_charlize-theron.jpg|||http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/4472/desktopan2.th.jpg I recently discovered the calming effects of the colour blue.|||Welcome to the fold Anne Nominous (my computer science teacher cracked that one many moons ago). Hope you enjoy your stay here. :wink:|||Hey Natasha, welcome to the forum. :happy: I'm a new hand myself, seems like a nice place here though so I hope you see fit to hang around. Have fun. :laughing:|||I realised I was the greatest of all types, and thereby more intelligent and superior than all 15 others. :cool: Nah, I started to feel a sort of... belonging as such. A sort of yay let's go make...|||I've always been great with kids and at making them laugh, understanding their problems and responding to them at a level they can relate to. So for sure I really want to have kids at some point....|||Silence peon. :dry: :mellow:|||I like this skin a lot to be honest. It's simple, clear, suits the theme of the site and above all is neat and consistent. :happy: Sure there are lots of flashy skins available for vBulletin, but...|||Just another new member. :cool: I understand INTJs can be somewhat under-represented on websites such as these, so I would like to take this time to clear any doubt concerning how lovely,...|||Hmm... during its time one of my less frequented websites I must admit. I'm sorry to disappoint. :tongue:|||Those who hate hearing or refuse to listen to the truth. I'm talking truth without debate. Especially when they themself know what you're saying is true. I have many bad experiences of this,...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'Nah I'm like 5'7/5'8, I wasn't emotional when I lost weight (not like in sad way). On the contrary I was happy that I had done something tangible. I'm just annoyed that I've gained most of it back...|||over the past 5 years i've gone from 14 stone to 8 and a half and then back to 14. ( For my cowboy hat wearing brethren that's roughly 200 pounds to 120 pounds and then back again) I'm a fat cunt...|||Had two weeks holiday, still not finished my assignments. Stayed up till 3AM, still not finished my assignments. Bunked off college to finish them, still haven't fucking done my assignments.|||Why do ISTP's hate commitment? Why don't you fuck off you clingy prick? it's a joke boi|||does anyone have a shovel im thinking of digging a tunnel?|||Racism is always like that. Enter Germans The ARYAN RACE IS SUPREME *loses both world wars* Enter black racists: WE ARE SUPERIOR TO OUR TOILET SEAT COMPLEXION COUNTERPARTS|||Can you get up? Can you walk?|||I think I'm finally losing any semblance of sanity I had.|||thanks bro.|||too many thinks, not enough do's, need some sleeps.|||i think therefore i think therefore i think therefore i think therefore i think therefore i think therefore i think therefore i think therefore i think therefore i think therefore i think therefore...|||no.|||chilled chicken bits are also yum|||Soup is good food.|||Very small rocks.|||Same applies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kuqOWLg3Tc|||I can't stop listening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbxgYlcNxE8|||There is a scary amount of people praising Fidel Castro as a human rights advocate. They are insane.|||I have an inclination to believe that within the next few years the world will go to shit. I hope I'm wrong. On a positive note, I've began reading the Walking Dead comics. Good to begin with but...|||Ezio's trilogy is so fucking great. It's immense. And it has an excellent soundtrack to boot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztTjQB89v6U&index=5&list=PLu6_FOgZp3egY2d7orpjP6b8-kw0uiR37|||Bloody Serb Cunts.|||1-0 gareth bale smashes it right in the middle yes boys|||Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, selfies, all this social media stuffs. I have a facebook a youtube and a this. I have no desire to have anything else. Music in the charts, the radio etc, there's...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyknBTm_YyM|||Can we just sort out the American election with a jousting tournament or something?|||Would Sanders be Tullius? xD|||I am now legally an adult. what the fuck do I do now?|||I'm thinking about running away. It's a terrible life to live and one shouldn't romanticise it. I can only ponder if it's better than the situation I am currently in.|||Teletubbies & Clown Porn jks Depression and the death of a parent. fun topics.|||5 kids with three different girls He's got seven cars and not a friend in the world.|||nah dude i don't believe in black people lmao|||Your score was 47 of 100. This puts you in the category of the low Machs, people who will hold out for the goodness of the world and avoid manipulation. Not the people Machiavelli would approve...|||im the funniest person alive 600482|||Horrible Histories was fucking lit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA5abHKvUBQ|||Christ fisting.|||If you work for it...|||Ice fishing|||Jokes aside, I'm with my hands around Hitler. This is around two years ago.596522|||Rare with very little mince sauce. You like lamb right, Sweetpea?|||Come on Scoob, let's sort this shit out!|||Insight by Dead Kennedys is at least 12% me Who's that kid in the back of the room? Who's that kid in the back of the room? He's setting all his papers on fire He's setting all his papers on...|||You are not FUCKING BEAUTIFUL.|||What do you care what the weather is? You look shit in all your clothes.|||Yr hen iaith, wrth gwrs. Also Russian and Latin have peaked my interest. I'ma do a Cato the Elder Carthago delenda est|||Fuck it, We'll have the whole thing. It's an excellent song from an excellent album from a masterclass of a band. BATTLE OF EVERMORE - LED ZEPPELIN The Queen of Light took her bow, And then...|||The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath, The drums will shake the castle wall, The ring wraiths ride in black, ride on.|||Username: Old XBOX Live name I had when I was twelve. Avatar: Generic image of BOOP BOOP BOOP because I was changing everything I had on the internet because I realised we put a lot of information...|||king eric ggmu|||euphoria|||tubular dude.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Thanks for the reply! Anyways, I can really recognise myself in Fe as in wanting to be accepted and adapting to meet people's needs, but I'm not very helpful or socially active, that's why I'm not...|||Woah, I didn't fill this thing for nothing did I?|||Dad: INTP Mom: ISFJ Brother: ISFJ Me: INxP I can go along with my dad better than with my mom.|||ESxP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=updoMIHMBbU|||Reading all your stories has been a very interesting experience! For me, it was two years back, when I first joined Tumblr and everyone had their type in their blog's bio, so I decided to take a...|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||Interesting! I think I'd be a type 1 and 4, but can also relate to 3 and 5.|||Tumblr is a lot of unhealthy Fi, yup. I'm also quite sure the different types of blogs have different MBTI, but ever since I don't know a lot about other sections than Fandoms, I won't judge. About...|||I'm an ectomorph too. 5'10 and 125 lbs / 1 meter 78 and 57 kilograms.|||INFJ (mom) + INTP (dad) = INFP (brother) + ISTJ (me) I feel kind of divergent in my family, hehe.|||I don't hate a certain MBTI type, but in general I can't get along with ESTJs very well... They're a lot like me, causing some sort of battle between our Te/Si to evolve. They usually win this...|||1. Isfj / istj 2. Enfp / esfp 3. Infp / infj 4. Esfj / enfj 5. Estp / entp 6. Infp / isfp 7. Esfj / isfj|||APs are extra courses, aren't they? APs don't exist here, but when I was in high school, I had extra courses in English, Music, Biology and Globalisation.|||This is exactly where I got stuck analyzing myself. I personally don't think I'm ENFP, because I can't relate to inferior Si. I remember a lot, really. All ideas I save in my head, I remember. I...|||woogiefox, thanks for your reply! What is bothering me most is that if I'm on the Te-Fi axis and a Si-dom, my Te is auxiliary. I don't think it is that strong, is it?|||I took the first test: ideal type - ENTJ, real type - ISFJ I've taken the second one before, I believe I scored: real ISTJ, preferred ENFJ, attracted ENTP.|||I believe my functions to be: Si > Fi > Ne > Ti > Fe > Te > Ni > Se Is this possible? Or do I just not know myself? It obviously doesn't match a type, maybe ISTJ or INFP, but I can't figure it out...|||I also guess INTP, because of the same reasons as the user above me :)|||*Bump*|||ISTJ Don't waste your time or time will waste you Do whatever you want, people are going to judge you anyways.|||Yeah, they're weird... But Chris is almost never in interviews because he's the shy one... makes me think he's introverted, but that can also just be a stereotype...|||GhostShadow Yeah, I agree with Matt as INFP, I have had some serious doubt between INTP and INFP before making this thread. What makes you think Chris is an ENFJ?|||Which type do you think Muse are? Here are my best guesses: Matt: INTP Chris: ISTP Dom: ESFP|||Hi everyone! So, it's me (again...), xForgottenOne, and I am making this final thread to find my type. I decided to fill the scenario questionnaire, because I've seen the regular ones too many times...|||I have a lot of different ones: At college (in class): INTJ At college (not in class): INFJ At college (with best friends): ENFP Meeting new people: ISFJ In 'professional' settings: ESTJ|||I think that this might be a little true, but that everyone is different and you can fall in love with any type. Also, people probably mistype their partner a lot, if they don't use cognitive...|||I kinda like the music, especially when it becomes a bit more upbeat after approx 2:30. I don't really like the voice and the lyrics... Okay, what should I put in here? Muse? No, that's too...|||I will lie when I don't trust someone, when I want to make sure I'm safe. I guess that's not uncommon for a six.|||xForgottenOne, I think I'm an introvert. TyranAmiros, I blame myself a lot, even when there's really nothing I can be blamed for... -_-|||Istp.|||I'm not sure if you're Fe/Ti, Te/Fi can also be possible, so you're xSxJ or xNxP. Because your Ne and Te don't come across as very strong, I'd remove ESTJ, ENTP and ENFP from the list. That leaves...|||Thanks Pinina! I can relate to most aspects of the ISFJ personality, except that I'm not that reluctant to change and caring, but I guess everyone is different ^^. Do you know anyone who might...|||No one?|||I don't know my type, probably INTx, I love alternative/progressive rock ^^|||So, hi! Every time I take a MBTI test, I get a different result, so when I bumped into this forum I figured I wanted to give this a try. 1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer...|||Would there be a correlation between your MBTI type and the music you like?|||ISTJ - Chemical and Physical Biology undergrad.|||Hmm... interesting. I don't think the naming system is bad, because the fourth letter defines the way you deal with the world, and IxxJs use J rather than P, but I should think about this... I'll...|||I wouldn't say ExxJ for the Netherlands, we're often seen as a very cold and impersonal country. I'd say we're IxTP, but not sure though.|||I also see a lot of Fi in your answers, and quite some Si, so I'd say INFP too, but I'm not completely certain. I'll keep following this thread, just in case I come up with something to find out your...|||I think this is possible, definitely with social phobia. Try focusing on the people who you can be around without experiencing social phobia signs? Do you also find it exhausting to be with them?|||Dads dad: ISTP 7w8 Dads mom: died before I was born, so I don't know. Dad: INTP 5w6 Moms dad: INTP 5w4 Moms mom: ENFJ 2w1 Mom: INFJ 9w1 Brother: INFP 9w8 Me: ISTJ 6w5 My dads dad died too,...|||I'm sure there are work books available, like high school methods but meant for people who want to learn a language in their spare time? If you want to focus on vocabulary more, try using a program...|||www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN8PKcNGcuI Video doesn't work?...|||My dad is definitely a 5, probably with a 6 wing, but not that strong. He acts like a typical type 5, he is quite often withdrawn from the rest of the family and he gathers a lot of knowledge. I...|||ISTJ here: Why? How does this work? How can I improve this? Why are you doing it like that? It's not efficient What did I do the previous time I got in this kind of situation?|||My best friend always tried to pull me out of my comfort zone, haha.|||Yeah, of course your MBTI and Enneagram have some kind of correlation. I'm a type 6, probably most common in xSFJs, but I think that my tritype (136) is a lot more common to be ISTJ.|||Yup, a lot of people judge by stereotypes. Image what happens when you tell people you're ISTJ... That's why I usually tell people who don't know a lot about MBTI that I don't know my type, haha.|||For me, mirrors don't work out. At all. I tend to strongly dislike ESTJs, probably because I really value my independence and because I'm not used to dealing with another person who has got strong Si...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 'I'm not an INFP, so I hope no one minds if I crash the party. (Only making this note on the fact that the thread is specifically deemed INFP family types. Though I'm sure no one will actually...|||I actually really like parties. (And when I say parties I'm really only referring to family gatherings. Not that I wouldn't like to go to regular parties, I just don't have a ton of friends and...|||I'm pretty certain that my mom is ISTJ. And I'm guessing my dad might be an INTP (I'm not very confident in that typing though.).|||I'm a female INFJ. My results: You scored 26.667 out of 100 masculine points, 67.5 out of 100 feminine points, and 70 out of 100 androgynous (neutral) points.|||It's okay. I've read more about cognitive functions and I'm 99% sure that I'm Fe now. I actually meant to close this thread, since I'm pretty certain that I'm INFJ now. But thanks anyway. :)|||I'm far from organized, I've never been on time a day in my life, and I procrastinate everything. All of my perfectionism goes into oddball things. Like my looks, for example. I spend waaayy too...|||Alright, will do. Here's the thread: http://personalitycafe.com/cognitive-functions/724938-cant-decide-if-im-se-si.html|||A while back, I posted a thread hoping to find some insight onto what my MBTI type might be, and I guess the information I provided didn't give the clearest idea because after studying into cognitive...|||I'm special.. :sadcloud:|||Now they're just asking for it: http://personalitycafe.com/entp-forum-visionaries/720842-i-dont-see-whats-so-special-about-infjs-6.html . We need to strike soon.|||you feel guilty for not totally fitting your stereotypes.|||There are INFJ foods? .-. I thought these things only applied to people. xD|||Well, for one, I'm extremely sensitive to other peoples' opinions. A lot of times, I actually find myself avoiding people in order to keep from anything that could possibly have a negative impact on...|||A self deprecating INFJ? Wow, really original.|||Omg, I love dressing up for Halloween! I do it every year! ^u^ I honestly think I'm the only girl my age that dresses up because she honestly likes it, rather than as an excuse to look sexy or...|||INTPs are more like robots than humans.. Couldn't you try being compassionate for once?|||haha, yeah. I'm in too!|||One warning label wouldn't be enough.|||I can fucking vouch for that. :rolleyes:|||Heh, I'm still trying to decide if I'm an INFP or an ENFP, but tbh I don't think I'd rather be any other type. Imo, the NFPs are the most interesting (although this opinion may be biased). I can see...|||lol, I swear it changes by the week. Rn it's magenta. ^u^|||I was told to smile abnormally often as a teen. Sometimes even by random strangers in public. I haven't so much in the last couple of years though, so maybe I'm happier now? Idk.|||I usually think about how quickly the year went by and whether or not I lived it to it's fullest. This year was especially hard because I turned 20, and I feel like I spent too much of my teen years...|||Your personality type is: INFP Preference Clarity Categories: (Slight, Moderate, Clear, Very Clear) Clear Introversion: 19/21 Moderate Intuition: 19/26 Very Clear Feeling: 23/24 Clear...|||I took quite a few MBTI tests online, and tested as an INFP every time. The description almost eerily fit me to a T, but lately as I've been reading more about cognitive functions, I've been...|||So.. 8 pm, London time would be like... 3 pm here.. Yeah, I think I can do it. So this may be a dumb question, but how do I join? Where are we gonna do it at?|||I might be up for it as long as I'm free. I don't like video or audio chatting though. And tbh that sounds kind of fun, but I'm afraid I'm too awkward to even feel comfortable PM'ing someone...|||I have a horrible temper. Even though I hate admitting it, even the smallest irritation can get me boiling.|||Talking to people. :bored: INFP.|||(I realize there's a typo in the title ^, but it won't allow me to fix it.) I'm thinking that I'm most likely an INFP. The description fits me almost to a T. I've also taken quite a few MBTI type...|||Never. xD ENTJ, can you open up you mind just a little bit for once and accept that not everyone is always going to have the same opinion as you?|||Ugh, I meant to quote FluffyTheAnarchist.|||My problem is my parents will ask me what I want for Christmas and I'll have no clue. I usually just end up throwing a last minute list together with a few things I need and let my mom try her best...|||I'm that way too. The only cases where socialization actually leaves me feeling energized rather than drained are when I'm with 1 or 2 very close family members or friends, and I actually annoy the...|||Well, I do like the company of other people. I just prefer to talk to them as little as I can. Like, I enjoy sitting in a group, but I prefer to just listen and let others do most of the talking....|||ENTPs could do just about anything they set their minds to. It's a shame they're too lazy to do anything about it.|||ESFP, even if you don't drink, you're the classic insensitive asshole.|||I saw a picture that said this, and it got me thinking that maybe it's true in my case. I was very outgoing and far from shy when I was younger. I was that kid whose desk was always in the front of...|||I like to write, and I find the cemetery down the street from my house a very peaceful quiet place to do it.|||Thank you so much for posting this. It's nice to know I'm not the only one, lol. This post reminded me so much of myself it's crazy. Just like you, I had a lot of problems in school and left to be...|||I'm pretty sure I'm an INFP and I'm a Scorpio.' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 'I don't know, how about Graphic Design? And then you could work designing for hospitals and healthcare.|||Please let me ask something~ Is it common that you are so absorbed in your thoughts that you stare at one point in space for a relatively long time? And has it been the case that that point happens...|||When just getting to SIT after a long day feels like heaven~|||I think it would probably be my case if I didn't have to go to work. Sleeping during day is so nice because it's warmer.|||Maybe he is afraid your friendship will be ruined if he asks you out and he will lose one of the few good friends he has?|||It's been a month, sorry :sad: But anyway, it happens all the time, but we really feel it after intense emotions and the rest of the time it remains unnoticed. I hope things are going well with...|||I heard in a psychology class that we normally go through an emotional homeostasis. Supposedly after experiencing strong, intense, positive emotions, our body tries to balance itself by making us...|||Don't let your mother take you on that trip. Tell your father about it now. Also, get your eyebrows done by a professional, don't just pluck them yourself.|||when you are hanging out with your friend and she is screaming with excitement and melting with love while reading her boyfriend's text, then shows it to you expecting a reaction and you just say I...|||Guilty :sentimental: I don't know if it counts, but I really enjoy listening to love songs.|||A little rant: Does anyone else feel this? I think at some point I got so tired of feeling dissapointed of people, that I started to low my expectations bar. So everytime someone says...|||Just some vegan ginger cookies I baked for christmas. 453097|||I have an ISTJ father. We have a lot of communication problems, we don't really have an emotional connection and he has the habit of belittling me. Nonetheless, he has always fulfilled his duty as...|||Well, it's his IDEAL partner (and it will be only that forever).|||When it comes to an ideal partner, I think mostly I have a mental list of NOTs. For a start, physically they don't have to be super attractive, but I can't date someone who is not appealing to my...|||I'll give it a try. Happy: Perfection. Efficiency. No worries. Relaxation. Sad: Feeling small. Feeling useless. Angry: Impotence.|||Talking about feelings, or even puting my feelings into words. ISTJ|||ISTJ with ENFP mother here. She's acts more like a little sister than like my mom, 'nuff said :laughing:|||Sorry for the quality. Some weeks ago my ISTP friend and I baked this vegan cake for another friend's birthday. Unfortunately we didn't take a picture of the inside, but it was a Black Forest...|||Hi! I'll just get to the point and try to give you some advice I think might be useful from my perspective: -Do not try to force the situation. Usually the sense of desperation puts people off. I...|||MBTI Type: ISTP Gender: Female Quality 1: We have so many interests in common and spend so much time together (according to me) that we can sometimes read each other's mind. It's so...|||That's not what we are talking about now. Don't change the subject Answer the QUESTION first. THEN, you can add whatever you want (from my father) Wait, I'll write it down first I'll...|||Rant... (sounds ridiculous, but well...) My little pleasure is... washing my face with this particular soap -the product is not tested on animals or has any animal ingredients, which I love-. I...|||When you meet someone for the first time one night, and the next you are offering to take that person to their house since no one else can go with them. (maybe that last explanation does show I...|||http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/3584/39348928457062157336118.jpg I am the one at the right. It's a convention in my country about anime, manga, videogames, science fiction, etc.|||...when even your friends tell you what you did was awesome and beautiful, you still think it had a lot of mistakes and could have been better.|||So it will become an 'almost perfect' plan... (to me)|||When you think (KNOW) that a detail missing will RUIN THE WHOLE PERFECT PLAN.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIBMssft7pg I love songs with made up languages.|||RANT: I reached my limit today... I could not take it all. After letting some out, I feel now like an automaton. Which sucks since I need my brain tonight to write a paper for tomorrow. I'll just do...|||This semester it is Linguistic analysis, Contemporary Linguistics' Topics, Sociolinguistics, Latin 1 and Contemporary Hispanic-American theater I am so full of work...|||Been there. Done that. Was a nice person, but suffocated me. Also was too loud and acted more like a servant than a partner.|||There are people who prostitute themselves for food. And also people who suffer awful pain everyday. Just get over it.|||I speak my native language, Spanish, then English and Japanese. Also learned a little of Quechua (Cuzco's variety), and now I am currently studying Japanese and Latin. I plan to study Translation in...|||...You find it uncomfortable to look to someone at the eyes for too long.|||If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.|||It's possible when you have good body control and have phobia to the sensation of vomiting... My rant: does not matter. There is so much suffering in the world, what the hell would I complain...|||(sorry if someone feels disgusted) RANT: Tamare... I feel like crap... My head won't stop hurting, and I feel so weak... Just when I have exams the other week!! I swear I won't fill myself with...|||RANT: I realized... I'm bored. It sucks when you don't have time to do some proper exercise... Feels like wanting to scream. Just some bike once a week is not enough!|||Funny you mention this tipping subject. Here in my country -and I think generally in South America-, we use to give tips only when it's a fancy restaurant (now that I think about it, it doesn't make...|||Everything went grate. I enjoyed more watching my friends live prepare everything in my honour (that gives me a very good impression of them, makes me appreciate them more). Really? I...|||You just said that WTF, why are you dancing? ANSWER THE QUESTION Are you listening?|||...when you sabotage your own surprise party successfully.|||It's not that I am ungrateful... I just don't appreciate material things as much as pleasant times. Why is thank you not grateful enough? Also, why does some persons like to show themselves as...|||Hi ISFPS, you are great|||I would keep in touch with my ex, because to be in a relationship in the first place, I need to be a close friend with the other person. Then, if the relationship stops, the friendship does not...|||Well I'm a vegan, I don't eat any animal products since more than a year now. Let's see, I love PASTA with redsauce, rice and beans, vegetables from my country: potato, camote (sweet potato), yuca,...|||The husband and the wife's responsability should be the SAME: To bear each other and to try to live in symbiosis.|||That was not me! Sorry|||Living in a 3rd world country, where all this degradation is more visible, it makes you more conscious about it. But still, like you say, people with indifferent attitude exist, and when you talk to...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I'm in High School still, but I'm hoping to go for a psych major and become a Therapist or Psychologist or Psychiatrist or which ever one you get to help people out the most in. Understand people.|||Sixteen. One month into a four month relationship. I felt great about it afterwards, kept on doing it with her until the the end (and a bit after) of the relationship. After I ended the relationship...|||The period of time where it was cool to sit in coffee shops and read Earnest Hemmingway and F. Scott. Fitsgerald in France.|||Yes, both are usually dominated by Jungian archetypes in some form. Also, a religion is an overlying group of beliefs that people follow, while a mythology can either be stand-alone or part of a...|||When helping someone, I try to validate their feelings. I want to make them feel normal, I also try to help solve whatever is bothering them step by step, maybe asking questions to figure out exactly...|||But i am so alone. EDIT: That was supposed to be in all caps to make it humorous. Now it looks sad. BUT I STILL MEAN IT|||It wouldnt be 'real' if there were two people. In any case, the INFP in question probably wouldnt even believe they were with two people at once. They'd rationalize it somehow I think, or feel...|||a;fdjga;dnf;b sup.|||It can be a little overwhelming at times, but you guys rule so it's ok haha.|||I never said that, nor even tried to imply it in any way. I was just wondering WHY is all. There are just so many questions pertaining to god that I would really like to know the answers to, I really...|||I've done this too. I met a boy a while back, and things just clicked. Within a half an hour of talking, we were sharing our secrets and concerns with eachother. This lasted about a week, then there...|||I was very sensitive as a child. I have a big, loud, Italian family, so whenever we'd have a get together I'd just want to GET OUT of there. I also ended up breaking down at a lot of birthday parties...|||No matter what type the Joker is, he probably had Borderline, Sadistic, and Anti-Social personality disorders. I'm not sure why I typed this...|||INFPs vs INFPs in arguments. What would come about if two INFPs infringed on eachothers deepst values? Does anyone know this experience, and if so, what happened to each person or party?|||But is your view of god teaching us or experimenting with us? I'm not sure what you meant. What would he be teaching us if the garden of eden was so great? After all, we could have just stayed there....|||I would LOVE to go to one of those Westborrow Baptist Church protests with a sign that says GOD HATES FIGS. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face in front of all those crazies.|||I'm an INFP, what is logical analysis?|||The dark side of the forc-- er... INFP beckons...|||I can be cynical too, you're not alone.|||Here's something I've always wanted to know... Why did Jesus hate fig trees so much? I mean seriously, I like figs! He just went ahead and cursed a fig tree just because it wouldn't give him...|||INFPs probably had a part in the creation of all the great RPGs the world knows.|||Thank you OP :D Almost everyone I know is an ENFP, you guys rule! I probably would never do anything exciting with other people if it weren't for you guys, and the emotional sharing is great too. ...|||I'm always afraid of approaching people for help and stuff too, don't worry about it, I think it's a shy thing. As for contacting people first but they never contact first in return, that's probably...|||I always RREEAAALLLYY want to express my feelings, but I never do. Is it shyness? I don't know. Is it being afraid of attachment? Maybe? Probably not. I don't know, but I guess I like keeping things...|||Well, I mean, outside of popular behaviors seen in most INFPs... I think it would be very easy for an INFP with its morals shattered and their dom Fi to become a cynic and hate everyone. Haha, not...|||My dad is an ENFP, almost all of my friends are ENFPs, so I was just wondering.... What do you guys think of your INFP friends or parents or anything? What do you notice about them?|||I originally just put the number 2, but the site told me my post was too short. 1 + 1 = 2 in a math sense. In any other sense, you'd have to know the context and what you're adding together in...|||Not really, depression and such usually just leaves me braindead creatively. Oh well, I'll come around|||Music. I think I'll just take the whole experience and others like it and put them into the creative blender.|||I read a bit about limerence on Wikipedia. Seems about right, but maybe mine is not as sexual as it is emotional. I don't know...|||Many of you have probably experienced this, but I want to know how you feel afterward/end up dealing with it. So, I became infatuated with this girl recently and kind of flirted with the idea of...|||Oh man, I get lost in my own head all the time. I try to help other people as much as possible, but it's hard when I have to balance with keeping my emotional integrity stable >_<'' Sometimes when...|||Atmosphere rules. He has to extroverted though.|||Xbox Live- CrimsonxIrony I play lots of stuff, Halo: Reach, Call of Duty, Need for Speed, Sims 3, GTA 4.|||Procrastinating on my homework. Gay. Painfully single. Listening to post-rock. Apathetic towards school. Wanting deeper friendships than I have now. Wanting perspective. Using this to...|||My Mom is an INFJ and my Dad is an ENFP. Don't really remember much of my early childhood with all of us together because they divorced when I was 10, but I turned out pretty well haha. Me and my dad...|||Preceptions of sexuality are quite false in most cases. There isn't just gay, bisexual and straight, but there's an entire spectrum from one side to the other. In fact, the group of people who...|||Blargh, let me try again... Here you go: Manners Demo.zip|||I don't think people should consider race a factor for anything anymore. Seems kind of outdated to me...|||I make Karl Marx look like Karl Marx. That test pretty much told me I was an anarchist. Up the pvnx.|||^My brother took the same route, but as a musician lol|||Scientist. I didn't know what kind as a kid, but I just couldn't stop asking questions and learning. I had this insatiable appetite for knowledge.|||Is there one? For example, I am an INFP, and I grew up in a houshold where my mom was an INFP and my dad was an ENFP. My brother turned out an ESFP. Any correlations with you guys? My parents are...|||I grew up in a very musical setting, my dad being an avid guitarist. I took up percussion in 5th grade band after my brother had been doing it for four years, and I've been a drummer ever since. Took...|||swingbeatnik I should really look into it. It'd be a great way to stick it to my step-dad haha :P|||Here's an awesome article on archetypes and pretty much on self-expansion and finding the true self through understanding those functions. ...|||Really, any type can go with any type. My understanding of types is that they don't dictate how people act, they dictate how people see the world. A good analogy I've heard is that type is a colored...|||Oh jeez, my attention span is not this long. Will check it out though. EDIT: REALLY interesting stuff! I had to stop at 17 minutes because the Daily Show will be on soon, but I'll be sure to...|||Wait, so they really have CCTV surveilence in the UK? That's really fucked.|||Oh damn. That's pretty ironic.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Take the C.|||then you must hate me...because i'm all about those woman's wrongs...too bad it doesn't matter|||women? lt ain't no man tryna compete with women. yes, a man thinks he is better than you...even if you are a man, especially if you are a man. that's not chauvinism, men don't compete with women...no...|||technology has always played a key role in (some forms of) evolution. postbiological evolution..sounds like a fancy term for an already established concept. when humans first settled and formed...|||Well, from a different angle... I have siblings, and though I'm ready to put my childhood behind me...they aren't. And, now that I have allowed a place for my father in my life...my father is...|||The Godfather, part 1 is the best movie of all time.|||I was 20, moved away to college. Moved back in at 25, for like 6 months...couldn't stand it, so I moved out as soon as I could. Now I'm traveling, visiting family in Africa...so I guess I haven't...|||Well, what happened was...there's this girl (seriously, it's always some girl with me..) Anyway, I expressed interest in this girl and for reasons unclear to me he seems to be opposed to my...|||So, long story short..my father was an absentee father..in and out of my childhood until I purposefully sought him out in my adulthood to mend a broken relationship, to help my own self..not his....|||You know how I know I'll get this girl? Because I don't even want her to be honest. Not as much as I want WW3. I've long been angry. I rather go off to war. I've been up and down the U.S. for the...|||Well, the pain is definitely getting worse and I can't sleep through it. I just took some Tylenol so hopefully that helps me. I have a problem. I am supposed to be travelling in 36 hours. I...|||Painkillers+Alcohol=Death. Why are you trying to kill me? Can you imagine someone putting pliers in your mouth and yanking a tooth out? I'm going to cry. I'm really scared. Just give me some...|||Humptity Bumptity, this is critical. Let us call it, a national state of emergency. I been drinking lots of vodka, that's my medicine. Also, potatoes are like..awesome. Im a huge fan of potatoes. ...|||Help a sore man out. That wisdom tooth is being born and my jaw line now a killer. I know go visit the tooth man but the exchange is low and life is short. I also want the last one, I think this is...|||Relatively, the answer is no. The US economy won't ever be as prominent as it once was. The global marketplace is evening things out. But, in isolation, things will get better, sure...albeit more...|||You want to go to the first one but you should go to the last one...|||Statistics and economics..(which is basically statistics).. Formal education helps and I'd never speak against it but to be honest this is one field in which you don't have to have a degree to be...|||Superman could fly into space, get an astroid, and chuck it at earth. Even if batman could beat superman, superman could simply reverse time by running real fast around the earth, and spoil his...|||On occasion ive been known to exchange round metal pieces and pieces of cotton paper for one...|||I dont think youre supposed to be actively conscious of a person's race..well, Im not. I mean, I know but its not like something I focus on.. If asians are the new white people, then I think...|||I hope to remember this and then check to make sure...to ease the nerves beforehand. Some comic relief.|||As an intp guy, what is most appealing about us, I feel, is that we leave women to be who they are..without real judgement or criticism. In that sense, if we are to be with a woman, we know her...|||I quite enjoy my seonsor associates..and recently I have learnt to pick up their sort of conversation. They aren't horrible. It helps a lot that I am a bit of a sports buff, so I can hold my own in...|||You know, this is the problem. Now that I see that I am capable of more or less taking over the world, I am becoming rather bored with the idea. Classic intp behaviour. Theoretically, I see how it...|||What are these steps? I am traveling to Africa soon and this is my concern. I'm not looking for a hostile transition. I do believe in peace, love and unity..there is absolutely no reason as to why...|||No, libraries are good fun. You can never get bored at a library..|||You know, I'm bored and there's not much to do and at least this would pass the time til death..and why lie, it wouldn't be hard, but it would be challenging, especially maintaining it. I'm nearly...|||This site? I was just on reddit...compared to that this might as well be gop hq *wink*|||Catch 22. A bit convoluted. Rais Anampenda Mke Wangu (Swahili for; The President Loves My Wife). Not horrible for a Swahili novel, though a bit circular. 2016: The Last Independence Day. It sucks....|||This is exactly what I want to ask my father, but I don't know how. Maybe he is trying to keep me from her? I mean, he knows...so why is this so urgent? At the same time, he says it's just for a...|||Im binational, mother is American, father African. Born and largely raised in Africa, I came to the States at 17. 8 years ago. To pursue an education, I dropped out of High School...we couldn't...|||People should trust I know what I am doing more. I may not always be right in my actions, I know I am not, but I am right in my intentions. People around me, always, try to dictate how I am to live....|||Probably understanding. Im always motivated to understand people and things...systems.. People call me nice, but Im not that nice. Im more understanding. Like, a couple weeks ago an old guy stole...|||Of course I'm not a book snob, I hardly read fiction anymore, but Twilight was ok. Umm, that's one way of looking at it...|||You women just think with your vaginas don't you?|||To be honest I've only recognized him in the HP movies. I think he was the best actor in the movies, one of the few who portrayed the character..correctly..forgive me JKR|||Well, I can buy tickets now...who knows about November? That's a long ways away! I wish they would just shut up and take my money..I'd even account for deflation, hmph. I'm not too good at the...|||I guess it is just me. In related news, the actor who played Severus Snape passed away a couple days ago. Much to may dismay, though I was surprised to discover he was nearly 70. How time flies....|||Michelle Obama wore marigold yellow recently, everyone said she looked good. Yellow is ok, I'm neutral. I like red, blood red, dark red, or maroon. Sunflowers are yellow. The sun is yellow. What's...|||I haven't out and out cried because my team lost..ok maybe just a couple times..but I have cried many times because I lost. I remember I was on a basketball team as a kid, and one day the opposing...|||I'm a sports and game enthusiast. There is no sport or game I wouldn't try. As a kid I'd spend a lot of time developing my own games. You play to win. I like winning. I like feeling I am better...|||That I'm more patient than I realize.|||Life isn't over until you are dead.|||I graduated at 23...so slightly late, but most of my friends were older. It's not even a thing.|||Women aren't going anywhere relax|||1/2 Bantu African (Black..from Kenya), 1/2 white American (mostly German, some English, Welsh..). It sucks. I don't like being mixed. I grew up half in Kenya, half in America and in both...|||Chernobyl.|||I hope you return the favor...|||You definitely should. It will change your life and give meaning to your otherwise futile existence. Highly recommended.|||Fair enough, I will defer to your experience. I still think it's a good idea to wash vs wipe.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I want to be less apathetic, hopeless, and fearful of failure. I want to be more thoughtful, more knowledgeable, and more open-minded. And I want to sleep with my neighbor. Constantly.|||I'm not sure. I'm just so used to zero tolerance being the hugest lie of the countless lies public schools spout. EDIT: I wish there was more I could say, but I just start furiously ranting.|||Not.|||Ah! I see. I get what you mean here, and I've always found family dynamics interesting especially because people make it out to be such an important thing, but so many families are just groups of...|||I assume that most people actually have depth, but personal depth isn't really something you share with strangers which is why you might think it doesn't exist. I think that to see the depth and...|||:3 Welcome to the INFJ forum, where the feels run wild, free, and strong!||||: I'm not welcoming you unless you're an INTJ.|||Me and my SO. A corgi and a german shepard. One or two cats. Maybe a snake.|||I'm listening to nothing more often than I'm ever listening to something.|||I'm sure you're making the right call here, but I do feel the need to say that in time you'll probably need to forgive her for your own sake. Not in the sense that you ever take her back or try to...|||I was accidentally induced and born a week early as a result. OOPS I don't know if it was easy, but my mom always says it was the easiest pain to forget.|||It took a second, but this title really made me laugh.|||Not sure if I'm disgusting or just absolutely terrible. Tough call.|||Yep. I used to be all up in arms about how you drop a cheater like a bad habit. I was raised this way. I heard about people staying together after they cheated/were cheated on, and I just thought...|||Thanks for the post. XD And as someone that used to be Mormon (currently an atheist), I know quite well that there are just a ton of Mormons everywhere. EVERYWHERE. e_e Your aunt sounds perfectly...|||Obligatory Sartre Quote|||I can be and often am super silly, but I have to work my way into it as I get more comfortable with people. As I meet new people I'm very quiet and reserved, and then I devolve (or maybe evolve?)...|||The older I get, the less I like them. I can't stand getting together with anyone beyond my mother, father, and sister. I'm not sure if it's just because I'm in a phase, or if this is how it will...|||Firstborn. Older by about nine years. lewl. Capricorn.|||My SO and I sort of struck out into a really good path since this post (after a few hard knocks), and I feel like we're both a little better at accepting that the other person means what they say/we...|||One of my favorite INTJs|||If I go to bed at 9 or 10 is pretty easy to get up at 4. And strangely rewarding.|||Night owl. It's the only way I can happily function. If I have to wake up early I prefer to be up by 4 AM.|||I look damn good with a goatee.|||Occasionally. I'm 5'2, so when someone is intimidated by me it lights up my fucking day. I LIVE for those moments.|||Top 5 Characteristics: 1) Quiet Confidence 2) Ability to express emotions, doesn't need to be good at it, just needs to be able to do it 3) Intelligent 4) Good sense of humor 5) Works hard when...|||There were two specific things he mentioned, but I only remember the bit about practicing medicine. Perhaps the other was just general big business. To my understanding the sort of job he was talking...|||I'm majoring in Theatre Design and Technology, so LOL I'm sort of useless on providing info for good majors over here in my dinky little theatre corner. But I'll try to help. History and...|||I screwed up royally recently, and it haunts me. I've been doing things, but at some level they all feel like a distraction. However, I've been catching strong glimpses of how beautiful life can...|||I'm 19 and about to move in with three 24 year olds trying to figure out just the same thing. I'll let you know if they find us any shortcuts or some such.|||I dunno how I feel about the idea of needing to be friends first. Before my relationship there was a period of getting to know you, courting I guess you could call it, but we both went into it...|||I think that's a pretty spot on estimation of the best way for an INFJ to seduce someone. I'm all about trying to understand people, and I think I would say I have a particular knack for appearing...|||Well, can you blame me for trying?|||Fuck if I know. I am as alluring as a box of rocks. I talk like a dishwasher, walk with way too much tension held in my shoulders, and any attempts to be seductive always ended up with me feeling...|||Seriously? Neither is more important. You choose which is more important to you and that makes you who you are. I will say this, being happy is a choice. It might be a hard choice sometimes, but...|||This, man. This|||I'm too lazy to look into studies and all that, but I will say that I feel the system works against my introverted tendencies, so whether it's healthy or not is sort of a non-issue to me. I will...|||Well, fuck. Don't tell her that, because she will be all up on that shit. But yeah. She's gonna just have to deal. She knows herself, and she knows she will live. If you WANT you can tell her...|||Fo sho', OP. Just admit who you really are and she'll probably run for the hills. Problem? SOLVED.|||Actualize one of my many ideas. Ideas are for sure my thing, but I'm shit at creation, which is disheartening.|||I dunno if it's the same boat, exactly, but my boat is headed to the same destination all the same, I guess.|||Oh, oh. Do me next. Is my avatar NF-y?|||We'll call you Dr. Badass|||.-. Ain't fillin' in for nobody who is out drinkin' unlessin' you're providing drinks.|||Why do you always double post? Because fuck the police, that's why.|||No way, man. I banish you from these lands and curse you for daring to call yourself whatever you feel most comfortable calling yourself. A pox upon you and your kind. Don't call us; we'll call...|||No worries, bro. I have way less posts than you.|||I can't remember when or why it happened, but a few times since I started high school and maybe once since I graduated I've felt like I'm completely separate from my body. It was like I was a...|||I'm good at thrusting, which is an awesome thing to be good at.|||The INTJs I know are actually more of the video game type.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Well, herex92s the story. I met this girl, and I fell for her. Now I have come to a conclusion that she is a ENTJ, in fact a very unhealthy one. She hates most of the society, she doesnx92t want to...|||should I wear protective gear? People have no idea how anything works nowadays and they are scared to even see circuit boards. Jesus. But I know what you should do - check this youtube tutorial...|||Being alone and cycling a very long distance for days seems pretty addictive. It hurts the but as well.. but still, I continue.|||http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2LiwE4cKIkA/TKFN4UnXfmI/AAAAAAAAAgQ/LtwxYYPIKYo/s600/Universal_Monsters.jpg bit smaller and clearer. couldn't find anything else. tip: learn to use images.google.com...|||INTj here, mine would be: Galvenais ir neiespringt! Or The key is keeping calm! in English|||I found this: Wikipedia:Unusual articles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Then I kept on reading.|||Friend ex girlfriends. Then bad things happen. Do not ever break the Bro Code.|||I think it has quite a lot with personalities, because for me and all my NT friends smoking weed is like a different world, because it activates the sensing and feeling bit we don't have that much,...|||That is so ENFJ! As an INTJ I am the kind of person who thinks that there is not such a thing as just friendship between male and female unless one does not respect one another as their gender should...|||I was thinking about that all the ISFPs I've met in my life have no or barely any effect from smoking pot. Is it so with you as well or is it just a consequence in my life knowing such rare people?|||Well I'm latvian studying in the UK. And I doubt I would like the Stan Smith stuff, but leather handles is the idea, matching with my honey Brooks saddle in colour.|||Trumpet, guitar, and a bit of piano. Obviously in a short period of time I could learn any other brass or guitar type instrument, but I definitely need to learn some drum instrument for a full set of...|||Absolutely. Just getting a useless piece of paper so my parents could be calm that all kids got their higher education. And then they will want me to find a highly paid job. I want to paint...|||That is going to take a while. Now I am supposed to write my thesis and I am just procrastinating it with different tasks like thinking about what color I will paint my bike in two months.|||But it is good to know that tastes actually match. ;) It is probably going to be black or brown, or blue. Combined with striping around the lugs. Maybe British racing green would do.|||It has really nice lugwork, that will be pinstriped.. It can will look like this maybe: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5015/5641498558_f29d113e84_b.jpg|||Darn, that was a long post.|||So this is my very old 1951. Claud Butler road bike and I am going to restore it, but I can't decide what colour. Since you are the ladies I am supposed to impress in any sort of way, what...|||I would accept lucid dreaming as a great thing to do while asleep, but daydreaming is just ridiculous compared. No matter what I think people enjoy real things and feeling them with all senses...|||I soooo LUV the musik they makn nowadajz! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6j4f8cHBIM&ob=av2e|||I used to think about the future way too often and that didn't really make happy at all. You wait and wait for something to happen and suddenly it happens and then it is gone. Once I hitchhiked a man...|||I think going to high school was the best thing that ever happened to me, because living in a society where everybody knows everyone isn't as good as it might seem. I lived my entire life in a small...|||I have a strange feeling that Ian Mackaye [musician, Straight Edge `founder`] is an INTJ. I read somewhere that he is a ENTJ, but I guess he might be a INTJ as doesn't seem that social to be an E. ...|||ESFPs That's the worst thing out there. Yesterday I realized that one of my coworkers is an ESFP and before I didn't know why I hated that idiot so much. I work at a bar and he has no idea about...|||Road bicycle (if distance is up to 70km) or hitch-hiking if further or abroad. In the city and in winter while commuting I ride a fixed gear bicycle. I abandoned public transport years ago and that...|||Generally I hate variety. Lately I have given all my unused clothes to charity. Actually I buy most (like all 7 pieces) of my clothing from charity shops (I dislike paying more than 5$/piece of...|||Saw this coming..|||Title says it all. I am just getting into this MBTI stuff and would like to know how useful/usable this tool is. Interested only in INTj answers so asked just here. Regards|||Is it for the spelling mistake in the title? Or any other spelling mistake?|||Today I wen't to my University to work on my thesis, after working a bit and printing some drafts I suddenly thought I should go to the universities atrium and just try to play the piano which is...|||I would say I prefer NP's in a relationship, but in work an NJ is quite a lot better as a person to communicate to just because of the way decisions are made; then discussions flow in a great tempo....|||Will it slowly dissolve different type personalities through the skin? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!|||Thanks. I personally dislike the process of eating itself, it is quite boring, and killing to do something I dislike seems even worse than simply killing. I can easily make rice that will taste like...|||I am a logically thinking person and logic tells me it is indeed stupid to do something bad for yourself, environment or others around me. I chose to simply not do all that because it all seems bad....|||I do understand your ignorance to difference. All that I am saying about you is an assumption about how would a regular British citizen react to this situation. I do not know you you see, but I...|||from wiki: An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person. And my words are not conclusions, but assumptions. I might be wrong, but I can bet you still haven't even given it a though....|||Couldn't agree more. When i get a compliment from my ENTJ mate about my knowledge, it seems really honoring.|||We are born equal, the way life treats us makes us different. I know you find this quite funny, you think I am an idiot. Fair enough! But think about it, just simply think about it. Believe me,...|||I know you are scared and a bit angry, but one day hopefully you will understand. From my own life experience I can tell, I used to be just like you, thinking rationally, but in the conventional...|||As you said about mp3 players, it is just escaping reality, I like to face the reality and all these things no matter what are just tools for coping with life. I know some of those things are...|||First of all, I'm INTJ type 3. That explains quite a lot, I subconsciously wan't to be better than others. All these things have just let civilization down and If I am willing to change others, I...|||I think mine was when I graduated high school, my Latvian language teacher said well done. Latvian language was the only subject I had a 3/10, because I just couldn't care about it less. I was the...|||Why thanks for the posh language..|||You know what really pisses me off? INTJs who don't know that they are INTJs and think that they are so special. I was there once though.|||Thanks. I prefer cycling, even if it is raining, snowing, ice cold or the distance is like 60km. If further, than hitchhiking. Good to know, I guess I can moderate this. Seems like good clean...|||I just started around here and I can say, this is going to become addictive. People actually understand my INTJness here. I am a person who generally hates addictions. In the last year I quit...|||Even being French I am supposed to know the spelling in English. I am Latvian and in Latvian voila would spell vuala, that's why the quote I guess.|||Now knowing MBTI I at least know what to look for. I have my Alzheimer grandmother for that I guess. Not a bad idea though. I surely have to look up slightly older people. Weirdly I just...|||Now I have to consider widening my vocabulary. Anglophone - damn that's sweet!|||It's alright, English is not my mother tongue.' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'Just put them in front of the tv or give them a tablet to play with. (Kids nowadays). Make them some grilled cheese sandwiches, throw in some broccoli and a little bourbon in their juice and ur set.|||ENFJs like verbal affirmations. Tell him/her that you like their clothing style and how it's different from most people.|||Alaskan Husky|||Super late, but here's my response nonetheless. I actually had a woman try to do the French thing with the kisses. I got through about 2 cheek kisses then I just felt ridiculous and simultaneously...|||Really? 3 years later|||Fairies? I always thought of INFPs as unicorns. Very rare almost to the point of mythicism, but I know almost instantly when Im interacting with an INFP. I know because I always want to hug them mid...|||Ah so true. If a girl is playing too many games especially early on, I will quickly lose interest.|||What motivates me? When I look in the mirror and I don't like what I see. Time to exercise! It also helps if there's a specific goal in mind ie marathon, strong man competition, something.|||I feel your pain bro. I'm in the same boat, but I can only feign interest for so long. When I speak to people, I can tell that they can tell I'm a little off socially as I care little for social...|||I have 2 ENFP sisters. ENFPs are ok, they just talk too damn much. And they ALWAYS want to talk ALL THE TIME.|||Got one at 24 before my auto. I live in an area where a car isn't really necessary, but if you have a moto it's a lot easier and more fun to get around. Totally worth it.|||A manager where i work said i looked like I'd slit his throat in his sleep. Made me lol. My previous military background is well known, so I really could do it, which makes it funnier. Well, funny...|||Kinda late to the party but whatever I'll add my 2 cents. My self confidence comes from things I've done. Military and hobbies. I know my shit and more importantly i know I'm the shit so i don't...|||In my experience, the best way to answer a question is to avoid it. How old are you? -grown. -old enough to rent a car, but not old enough to collect social security. -ladies first (if she does...|||INTP + INTJ: GTF away from me ENTP: cool ENFP under the age of 25: emotionally unstable, needy, clingy INFP: cool ENTJ + ENFJ: nothing for, nothing against|||Aye. Thanks for your input.|||So maybe I should send her a fb message and find out whats what?|||You guys and your crazy ideas always contradicting yourself|||Took a nap, woke up, scratched my balls and went back to sleep. (Say with a straight face for maximum effect). They wont ask you this question ever again.|||It's not a crime, bit sometimes it definitely feels like it is. Most people i talk to think there's something wrong with people who don't want to transfer their legacy to their heir. My parents...|||I understand that but she put her first and last name in my phone. Most girls just use their first name. Maybe it was the alcohol.|||Got a girl's number at a bar Saturday night. Called it today and turns out it's a fake number. The kicker is that when i got her number, she entered her full name. I mean who does that. Ran her name...|||I'd say the major difference is theory vs doing. Wheb I thought I was an intp, my coworkers would come to me with projects, and my first instinct was to try it first; i wanted to put it into action;...|||Im not in a trade per se, but im in the security industry. I have military training in personal security during my time in Iraq. I can't really use the deadly tactics I've learned, but i carry that...|||Idk. My only loss of of control is in the form of anger in which the level of bullshit exceeds the maximum alloted limit where I lose all faculties and release my vengeance upon my inteded target....|||I wanted to become a soldier, and I did that so I guess my life is complete.|||I never have and I never will. After a breakup I go no contact, delete everything and unfriend on all social media sites. I essentially cut the person out of my life, thus making it nearly impossible...|||Where's the drink option. I like to have a couple then listen to music and sleep. Talking with the stranger next to me isn't really something I'd do, but I'd keep it cordial and perhaps engage in...|||How are you What's wrong Are you okay You look pissed So today i... Blah blah blah -people who get really excited about stupid stuff just to get my attention -people who ask me a question but...|||I use my Ni as a gut instinct in dealing with people and situations. Sometimes to determine whether or not I will be compatible with a person, which happens almost instantaneously. I also use it in...|||I learned how to drive in the army. There wasn't any official training; they just put me behind the wheel and said drive. :D lol, just the way i like it.|||Hell yea i would!!|||- when someone thanks me for something I do what I can, when I can. - when someone mentions they don't like me I cannot express in words how little I don't give a shit. -someone tried to...|||I know this is incredibly late, but im the one who's second from the left in both photos. Now that I realize I'm actually ISTP, my clothing option makes more sense.|||ENTP. Looking back, throughout my adventures, both drunken and sober, most, if not all of them have been ENTPs. Theyre down for shenanigans and have crazy ideas, which im down for too.|||1) Would you read philosophy to understand yourself or the world better? I once tried to read a philosophy book. I got 2 pages into it and got bored. 2) Do you find science interesting and what...|||Well, sensing in general is not about conformity. I think you are confusing the rest of us with SJs. Sensing is about interacting within your environment while intuiting is about taking in your...|||Depends. I work as a bouncer / doorman and I usually have to choose my words carefully based on the clientele. People i work with usually think I'm polite, but that's only because I want to maintain...|||I wouldn't say i shun things because they're not popular, i just shun things i dont like. Im not going to listen to a song or an artist i dont like because it's popular. Nor will i wear clothes that...|||Krazy. I've been here 4xs as many years and have less than 10% of your posts. (And yes, I eyeballed the math to make sure).|||So. I've recently made a discovery. Apparently, if you're someone who is considered cool or attractive and if you don't speak to anyone, you are considered to be stuck up or full of yourself. On the...|||I had literally the same problems in school which is why i hated it so much. In elementary, half of school is academic while the other half is academic. I had one friend outside of school, and...|||Ask yourself how badly u wanna get laid|||The avatar was of a female. You're a male...|||So your dark side is a transexual?? I'm just saying.|||I pretty much fail at anything that requires eye hand coordinator. Probably why i suck at fighting and rts games and prefer rpgs. I know what i want to happen, but somewhere between the thought...|||All about the eyes. I saw a girl today... prettiest fuckin eyes I've seen in awhile. Mesmerizing green eyes... had to compose myself|||As Tupac said, We tired of being scapegoats for this capitalistic drug dealin/ how hypocritical is liberty/ that blind bitch aint never did shit for me/|||Coffee. Energy drinks make me unnecessarily anxious|||This pretty much sums it up for me. Also include the fact that I don't like to always wear a mask. When I'm alone i don't need to pretend for anyone.' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRGlPtNfwNqie4gg7w2rShB2RvSqs3Npc8vecBiBxZo4o1jp2KVcg :P|||Name a meal, a dessert and anything you feel like. And... If you could have one thing everyday what would it be??|||My mums, ISFP and dad's ISTJ. I want to see if my parents' types were influential of my type. lol I think my mum definitely contributed a lot to the 'feeling' aspect of my personality.|||https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS0IqOwBXWu69j2LKD0cwYRXp6oBk3bM0ydTDEL-WdQYk_p4qn0eDH901Vx ;)...|||https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS0IqOwBXWu69j2LKD0cwYRXp6oBk3bM0ydTDEL-WdQYk_p4qn0eDH901Vx...|||My INFJ best-friend is a leader. She doesnt mind following tho. :)|||I thought Hitler was ENFJ. Thats what I read on one of the ENFJ threads. idk. Hitler had good intentions in that he wanted to kill everyone but the Aryan race, including himself. Jesus? XNFX ?|||How do Istps have crushes? When they see eye candy? lol Not necessarily. ;) Some one attractive. or intelligent. preferably both, if you are thinking of keeping them. =P but the real answer is:...|||Thanks! Completely off topic but, @AverOblivious How should one behave around a person with OCD, so they can feel more comfortable with unclean things. If you happen to know? lol|||Since I finally have some spare time I thought I might answer some of your questions/confrontations. Again, if someone doesn’t like my expression, they can close the browser and feel free to...|||I usually say what comes to mind, HOWEVER I ensure that I am not offending anyone. So most of the time, yes I have a filter.|||I get along with ESTPs pretty well. While we are both humorous and crack each other up, I feel they can be a bit too blunt in their responses to people. This annoys me. Otherwise, they are pretty...|||university. Will be taking a break and travelling soon. :) I dont understand how exercising my Fi is gonna help. I was thinking of developing my Te a bit more? Oh well, maybe I'll start paying...|||I do. My ISTJ dad. We are never on the same page due to our differences. :(|||Thanks! Funny how I spotted them all in one go after about a minute of staring and yelling: hey, they are the same!!|||I have terrible Si. While I can recall past memories really really well, - I sometimes run into trees/poles. I dont take in the details of my surrounding...at all. I would often realise what things I...|||Rule #1 addendum 1. Do Not Make Personal Attacks Posts that serve no purpose other than to flame users annihilate the quality of discussion. Do not make personal attacks. You may critique or...|||I'll pm you. not today tho, I'm about to go offline. :)|||Bahahahaha. :)|||Making you lot happy is my number one priority. Never forget that. ;)|||Ouch? thanks guys. I'm not stupid tho. I happen to work, with an amazinggg bunch of INTJs and they happen to think I'm very smart(well I am). I dont really express much feeling but, when I do -...|||You are very welcome. :)|||I dont force things upon anyone, I dont conform to things myself you see.|||Was not referring to my personal life or yours (sorry if you didnt get that, I understand, tertiary Ni :P)|||I usually keep my heart handy for the elite classes with inferior feeling. I wanna show them what it is like to love and be loved. ;) and get my heart torn apart in the process. (not really...|||do you think that you'd get bored with an introvert? No freaken way. I honestly cant stress that enough. ENFP+INTJ = perfect.|||Yes!! Me. I am very dramatic, and overly sarcastic when angered. And you would notice dramatic changes in tone/speech..very funny.|||Tips to get better, if you are an unhealthy ENFP. I might be one. no dont think so. I could be idk. I never admit it. dammit. Any help is greatly appreciated. How can I stop believing the...|||If he's gawking at me do you think he has feelings for me? BAHAHA. And funny enough he doesnt even realise it. It was wayy too obvious, to anyone standing near. lol Era was probably right. :'( ...|||Stop mentioning me guys, I have truly given up(or rather I dont want people to get annoyed when I am very indecisive). You are all correct on the theorising bit. I cant help it. But I love...|||Sorry things got a bit out of hand. I am no longer interested in replying please delete this thread. :/ *feeling awkward*|||He should steal it. Or better, the government should come up with a way to hand-out free medicine to those who cant afford it. Or maybe he could work harder and earn that money thus not breaking any...|||No. no. and no. Please stop replying everyone. I cant help but reply you all back. :) And last but not least I want to thank everyone for their perspective and helping me understand ISTPs a bit...|||Oh dearest lord. Dont take that seriously!! I'm sure no one cares that I changed the font. lol *edit* - I was going to say OMG but ended up sounding frustrated. sorry.|||Nubb and @Permeate and all other annoyed souls aha. sorry. I always reply to people. :')|||wow. wasnt expecting that. How am I judging you? How were you trouble in anyway? I wasnt asking for difference between anything. Are you attempting to conjure a conflict? If you are you may not be...|||.|||I couldnt have said that better. But how exactly can you be sure of your type? I am also trying to determine what enneagram I belong in, any help in how I can determine this is much appreciated!!! ...|||Care-free, child-like, unique bundles of awesomeness? :D Poetic, yet vibrant souls.|||haha. I like your example! :) This is exactly how I feel, so I've decided to cut him out of my life. I wish he would stop staring though, it makes me think that he actually gives a poodle. I...|||Why would we find that hard to believe? *confused* :s [/QUOTE] I dont think many ISTPs pay much attention to their own feelings, let alone place themselves in another's shoes and try to...|||I picked rejection, helplessness and not feeling loved. </3|||Let me put that in my schedule. Where's the manual? We are not doing anything till we find the manual? You have to write a list before we go shopping, what if we forget something|||.|||@Kore I dont really know how to explain it. It comes naturally to me. There are times I wish I wasnt so Ne dominant. :) @nicoloco90 I did get the same vibe! But, she does hang out with an...|||Really? Well at least one counts. How about: All [insert stereotype here] are like that Lets settle down. I am thinking of a small cottage in the country side, flowery picket fences, two...|||Ignorant, narrow-minded, self absorbed individuals of our society that we unfortunately run into from time to time.|||Soury|||When I stub my toe.|||- I really like you, we should hang out all the time! - I need a hug. - I never get bored of routine. - Can you help me? I really need your help. - I wish I could collect every cat in the world...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'As a psych student, going to uni is not the end of the road and not the beginning either. It is a great place to network and find a job that you are passionate about and love to do. But only if...|||Tell her to be honest to herself and honestly evaluate the situation. I think people tend to make up lies and fantasies about things to stop themselves from getting hurt. It is a measure of health to...|||1. Get a job (Talk to people, be honest about your situation because it's dire. 2. Find support from someone in the community (like social services/homelessness prevention, etc). 3. Seriously...|||These friends you talk about, are doing what's in their own best interest. It's called the self-serving bias, we learn this in psychology. For example, are these friends also friends with the guy?...|||Despite the controversies by certain people on this thread, the real answer is often not as controversial, and it is not up to us. Again, it is up to the State or the courts, to decide what is right...|||That is a misinterpretation and miscommunication on my part. Sorry. If anything I meant, 'don't turn into a codependent' . Which can become a problem, for anyone who has gone through abuse or a...|||Why talk to this person again? That's like being codependent. Answer this, would you ever do that to someone else, if you were in his position? The thing is he is exactly like you, grew up with...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFIH7yGoRW8 This is still sexual assault, even if arguably not rape (although, from what I am hearing from you and sexual intercourse did happen - it is rape)|||You are a responsible person. You admit that it is rape, and that it is beyond reasonable doubt. In criminal law, that is enough to suggest that a crime did happen. Whether you want to act on it or...|||Answer the following and you will come to a legal/ethical understanding of this complex situation: 1) What would the reasonable person have done in the position of the guy who you slept with?...|||Yeah, I've done a course in criminal law, and if I remember correctly, Rape and sexual assault are malicious acts which happen as a result of one individual not obtaining consent for a sexual act on...|||Well, that is very much the same as others. There are many others who are also finding difficulty making sense of all these political events, being so disconnected from each other. You are very much...|||That is very unique I think. to think that far ahead, a lot of people do not think that far ahead about what they will do with their life. Alongside that, it is very caring and also committed to want...|||That's good because that is very loving to want to 'let someone in', and you are a very caring and loving person. Also, looking at the situation in terms of 'growing a relationship' is very...|||In the particular context, the poster wanted to help a friend who was having difficulties with a variety of personal, work and interpersonal issues. His friend begins to say something like I tried...|||Okay before we go into this, you do have some control over whether or not you will make the situation better or worse. Words have weight in this manner. However, it is good that you want to help...|||Oh and that's very intellectual, to have such interests as organizing, planning, etc What career do you think would match up to or most closely incorporate the 10 things you've listed? The degree...|||I can't give you a whole fits all solution, though I can try as I have with others on these threads. You are more experienced than I am in many of these things. You are also very unique person, and...|||I would also say the second choice is Political Science or even, International Relations. (although the second is more related to the UN, and international law/political organizations, etc) ....|||Okay ask yourself the two questions (like I did), what are five things you love doing ? What are five things you are good at? Do what is in between the answers of these two questions, because later...|||lol I am not a dream interpretation service, but sure I will do yours... :proud: The hiking is related to achievement, every step, symbolically relates to getting to a higher position than...|||Your dream and the enneagram type have common themes, and the drive that I've found in your dream analysis, matches up to the drive for satisfaction that is commonly experienced by type sevens....|||That is good because you are open to new experiences and are a keen-eyed and enthusiastic person. I do not have links which can elucidate psychoanalysis, but I do have some materials which can...|||Say it is true, and you do scare them and then 'don't like you', what could you do then? What would happen afterward? (Answer this question). What could you possibly do next time? An individual...|||That is very interesting. Actually, that is somewhat similar to what many other university students experience, they all have problems with voice tone, starting conversations, and issues with...|||I have experience with picking apart psychoanalytic themes in a people's thinking, and what I've noticed is that, dreams often convey that 'wish or resolution of the wish' as stated by Freud. By...|||Thank you for listening.|||First I'll have to get her to follow through with hanging out again. That's a lot of clarity. Oh no, read it again, I was saying something else (about my perception of her and how...|||Listen to a lot of pessimistic music and get the bad feelings out , and listen to some dark yet uplifting music, and cry, and acknowledge it is like a phase (a temporary attitude), and you will get...|||You're inadvertently telling me to explain why I love someone that I held very close to my heart (erm not the girl in question this time lol) There is nothing that is more attractive to me than a...|||Well, that is important to 'drop all communications' sometimes, because that means you are self-sufficient and know when to take care of yourself and your own needs as well. And that's also...|||Hey there, It's my first post here so go easy on me. Having being attracted to all things 9, and having a lot of crushes on girls of this type, I've always had difficulty knowing what the type 9...|||I would say 6. Always looking for support in some form everywhere he goes, whether that is in his family or his house, or any other system. and a 6w7 at that, that's why he's so concern with...|||I have OCD (mostly recovered). and it doesnt worry me as much anymore, and it does get better. Hang in there. Seek help and counseling. Particularly what helped me was ACT (acceptance and...|||I particularly like this thread, and think you are a genuinely caring person, as this whole thread is regarding someone other than yourself. Adding to that, you are already looking at the 'us',...|||....|||He's lost a lot. The best thing I can imagine, as a friend of your position to do, is to help him practice a level of self-love. If he went through something tough, he is going to have difficulty...|||I came to reply to your thread, but something stopped me. Now I am back, and I want to tell you that you really do love this guy. You wrote a post about him, if you didn't love him then you wouldn't...|||I've also had this experience, I was diagnosed with many different illnesses, OCD, and Autism. Once almost admitted in a psychiatric hospital for psychosis - was on antipsychotics, and labelled a...|||For someone who has worked through trauma through CBT, i can say it's not the end of the road. there are better techniques. Can you please PM me or write here a few questions for further analysis,...|||I find authenticity is important, and that you are being very authentic with yourself: now, what would you do that you have this 'weird PTSD' thing? What are your plans? I think it will be best, to...|||Sorry this is late, I just got back from watching the Walking Dead premiere. Bawling my eyes out. Crying like a baby, like never before. Seriously, wtf. xD I would chart this all out simply. This...|||It is acceptable. Actually I think it's very observant and intuitive, to have been aware of how you're coming off to this individual in this circumstance. And that is very calming actually,...|||I hope you are sorting things out. If you need any further help, just post here again. I think it's quite supportive of you, and caring of you, to have someone else in your mind all the time.|||Values, self-love and self-awareness. Though I will need to step you through the third one. This will help you get through to a more actualized fluid version of yourself, I hope, and I think it...|||Meteoric Shadows That's okay but I never said you were a teenager, I know that you are in your 20s. Hence, why I was saying you were so strong, having been a 20 year old and managing despite not...|||I think you are very strong, because you seem to know how much prejudice you've been dealing with but still managed to set limits for how long you will stay with that same prejudice in the future....|||I think it is important that you are being very authentic about yourself. However, I think you also need to see the situation of your parents. They are not authorities. They went through the same...|||I am surprised to hear you are being so authentic and insightful. As from your last thread, which I was following, I saw a really angry individual, who stated he wanted to go to a 'separatist part of...|||And I think that shows that you understand yourself well, that you know that you value knowledge. Plus, you are egalitarian and don't believe that people should be treated unfairly, where you stated...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'You can't. Transfer to a position where he is not your supervisor or get a job somewhere else entirely. I had an ESTJ supervisor for many years and there was just no getting to him. ESTJs are Te>Si...|||To meet my INFJ :happy:|||I am as well in support of a Personal Finance sub-forum!!|||I have done no such thing... maybe twice but only because my scent wasn't already on it. Cat. What brings you here? Would you like a smoke? I have an extra pipe.|||My best friend is an ESTP. We look for new adventures and just do a bunch of different things in general. We debate a lot and try to one up each other all the time. Lot's of fun. He does get more...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYxun5p3UEM|||Don't mean to derail the thread, but I have an INTJ dad, and he too has a bad sense of style. However, it applies to personal appearance and coordination. He's very conservative when it comes to...|||That makes a lot of sense. Spot on.|||Yes I do :happy:|||Women just get more attention in general. Studies have shown that people are more openly receptive to females. Take for example automated phone messages. They're mostly women's voices. This is not...|||This is not personality type dependent. I haven't seen any research supporting such a correlation. Personally, I drink sometimes. And that's a big sometimes. I don't easily become addicted to...|||I have an ESTP friend that isn't a big talker and sometimes (as in very few times) feels good being alone. This makes him believe he's an introvert. Everyone around him he's extroverted and doubly so...|||I explain a lot of what seems random and tie it back to MBTI. I see her arrange things in a neat order fashion to the point of almost OCD and she says she might be OCD. I explain to her that ESFJs...|||Absolutely no ENTPs I've known in person have had that 'in your face i'm super awesome' bravado that shows up here on Personality Cafe. We know we are awesome but I think it really only comes out on...|||I have an ESFJ friend and she likes it when I talk about MBTI. It's probably because I explain things in a way that she could walk away with and apply. She definitely won't study it on her own...|||Both kids must go or both kids don't go. I think the kid that gets left out is going to have some serious self esteem issues as he gets older.|||Like I said before, it's just a thought. A hypothesis bouncing around my head that can easily be disproved The only reason I said all that is because it's my first and immediate interpretation of...|||Accidental repost|||Infjlady26 Can we get an update? I'm really curious as to what has developed.|||Vexed If you're looking for just friends, I would recommend meetup.com. It's a place where people gather together for a certain topic or activity. I'm a member of a few meetups including the...|||Vexed It's all a matter of comfort levels and what risks you're willing to take. You have to define for yourself what you're willing to post and at the same time realizing that risks will have to...|||This is actually an extroverted trait. Extroverts tend to speak more quickly and it appears rushed. Introverts have a slower, more controlled rate of speech. There's a book called The Art of Speed...|||I kinda always look for vibes. I've come across people that I just got a bad vibe from. Sometimes I can't pinpoint why and some times I can (text book behavior traits, etc.). For the times I can't...|||I'm an ENTP and I run out of talking batteries real quick. I much prefer to listen.|||I would say just list what's true for you on your own profile and avoid those that say just friends. I also have an assumption that these people can't be honest with themselves or others about...|||I chose knowledge because that's what I naturally strive. I'm addicted to it. However, I do believe love is more important,|||I find it odd. Maybe even hypocritical for some that list that as an option. Finding friends and activity partners shouldn't be entirely hard where you resort to a dating site. Even for people who...|||Squirrel demand is high these days and they know it too. I had to give mine a pay raise and medical benefits. I've been thinking of outsourcing.|||As someone that used frequent said Chat, I fifth this!|||This right here is super important. If two or more strengths fall into a theme, then it is a strong asset you bring to a team environment. A lot of people tend to be strong in two themes, even though...|||I was in my college cross country and track and field team. I absolutely love it and even though I don't run every single day like I used to, I try to squeeze in a good thirty minutes to an hour...|||This! This right here! As an ENTP I feel the same way. I've been on dates where I did the whole open the door/ pull out her seat/ buy her a flower/ etc. and knew I was being measured on social...|||Nothing can hold my interest for too long. I'm interested in a lot of things and can focus for maybe and hour or two on a subject. However, any more focus after that becomes excruciatingly difficult...|||I have tried to use calendars and planners but always forget after a few days. I think the longest I've gone writing out my days was three weeks. And that's because it was a required assignment.|||Wait. Hold the phone. I see what's going on here. I saw your other post about this guy not being on a date until recently. As a late bloomer, I can relate to your INFJ man. He doesn't know what...|||Definitely. I feel guilty about disappointing those close to me and also feel that I have failed to live up to a certain standard as a human being. Keyword is close people, or fairly close. ...|||This is your dream. Your deepest thoughts. I am your subconscious asking you to run away with me. I am asking you to run away with yourself. Are you up to the challenge? That. was....|||To everyone on this thread: What if I told you you weren't really here. That you're not really awake as you read and post on this thread. Instead, you're dreaming that you're here and posting...|||So we are only number 2 in your book? Who do we have to kill in order to move up a notch?|||My answer applies to any ENTP that finds it hard to finish something: Do projects/assignments with other people. We're so used to studying under the traditional structure in which we've been...|||Welcome OokySpooky. You'll have a lot of fun here. And no need to worry about squirrels distracting you, us ENTPs have sent them away on secret missions.|||This is fantastic! I was just talking about MBTI and strengths finder correlation at an MBTI meetup last Sunday. I had no idea that a study had already been done! What I don't get is how you got my...|||!!!!!! I remember this!!! Small world we live in! :happy:|||I'm a Thank whore. That's why.|||I came here to write exactly that. Have a lawyer sign the agreement. Make sure both parties have a method for compensating in case either one does not perform as defined in the contract. i.e. If a...|||I'm known to be exceptionally well in a crisis situation. I love to explore and have gotten myself into some frightening situation because of it. Early on I discovered my ability to keep calm...|||Yes. After a while I got fed up and started mentioning other people who think too much. Einstein, Hawking, and any other famous scientist/ceo/respected political leader. Then I calmly suggested...|||Hey jenecis, If you live in the Los Angeles area, then it's super easy to find an INFJ male. There's an mbti meetup held twice a month at a coffee shop in Pasadena. In fact, there's one tomorrow...|||LOL! I do that too. One time a co worker got pissed off and was cursing at his computer because some program wasn't working. I said the good old Emperor Palpatine quote and he began slamming his...|||That all sounds like me. I always had a low GPA because I just didn't do the work in high school. Yet I could out perform just about anyone whenever I gave a damn. Check on the remedial program....' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Forever by Pete Hamill|||Second that.|||I agree. I had a similar experience....I went into Nursing because it has good job prospects, but I didn't really feel like it was my calling. 3/4 of the way to my degree, I switched to Graphic...|||78462 my eyes. maybe it's all B.S., but I've always been told I have very intense, soulful eyes. Food for thought.....Scientists discover that eyes really are 'the window to the soul' | Mail...|||Sooo agree :) ENFPs are my favorite for that very reason.|||37% infj 26% infp 7% enfj 7% enfp 6% intj|||Yeah well, no one up here likes that senator. at all. just curious...how do you consider it like CA? after living in both places, it seems like night and day to me. To answer your questions, it's...|||I would ask yourself this - if you don't go, will you always wish you had? If the answer is yes, then do it. You can be settled anywhere with a bit of leg work. I relocated to LA from NYC in two...|||I am a Nevada native, so I'm probably highly biased, but....I love it here. (I live in northern Nevada - Reno- NOT Vegas, which is a hellhole in my humble opinion). Anyway, Reno is a mix of liberal...|||Daft.|||I struggle with this all the time. The tiniest bit of criticism about subjects I feel strongly about can send me into depressive/perfectionist nuclear mode. Over time, I've tried to first take a step...|||::::prepares noose:::: .... just kidding :) I tend to agree with you, unfortunately. I think most of the organized systems (religion, economy, government, etc.) are pretty fucked at this point....|||We're inside everyone's head. After we've thoroughly dissected our own psyche, we move on to more interesting things.....like yours :)|||I wouldn't say I'm sad, exactly.....weary, though. I feel like I spend most of my time trying to cheer up those I love & help them figure out their problems. Meanwhile, I have no idea what to do...|||You are nearly done conquering this world and have set your sights on Mars. I am not one, but know a few...|||Undoubtedly :) I love weird people. The normal ones are so....ugh. My brain feels like it's being strangled when I'm with them.|||What a pretty video! Hitler, Pol Pot, Gandhi, and Mother Teresa......dang. At least we're a passionate bunch :D|||76216 Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany|||Without really knowing your circumstances, it's hard to know what to say. But, as someone who ran away (like, 2500 miles away) when I was a teenager, I would just say to please make sure you know...|||Fight Test - The Flaming Lips|||Haha. you sound just like an INTP friend of mine :)|||what he said.|||Oh no! Those ones are freaking scary. I saw them a couple times in the subway in NYC, and they seriously were the nastiest things I've ever seen. Yes, I did break my lease in LA. I moved to a...|||So, I can't believe this is part of my vast array of largely useless knowledge, but most roach baits on the market use one of two active ingredients....fipronil and some other one I can't remember...|||Good point.|||My best friend is an INTJ, and though we are both girls and just friends, I have similar experiences with her. When she's there, she's amazing....but she frequently disappears for days or weeks and...|||Hmm, for me.... my adorable pets my lovely sweet little sister whose sarcastic sense of humor always makes me laugh the many hilarious T-shirt designs I got to see at work today.....my favorite...|||I am an INFJ, and these are all common traits for the INFJ type as far as I know. The obvious care for others, but enjoying being a wallflower, and our eyes practically boring holes through people's...|||Watching house of cards while I wait the allotted time for hair dye to set........and admiring my pets playing together (chihuahua and a cat).|||My parties are always intimate affairs.....quiet, with good but soft music, plenty of wine or beer, and 15-20 very close friends at my house.|||Yes! It's three letters; it's not that difficult, people. Also, people who are overly concerned with what others (not specific others, just the general they) might think.|||ISTPs remind me of porcupines.|||[QUOTE=KateMarie999;3821575]I always got the idea that we were irritating and annoying.[/QUOTE ENFPs are far from irritating or annoying. I don't know how other INFJs feel, but I am like a moth...|||ENFPs are definitely my favorites. But then, I haven't dated many Ts.....so they could be just as nice?|||I dreamed that I was drunk driving a sports car around (I assure you this is not one of my waking activities! :) and mowing over stop signs and the like. I was going from one place to the next trying...|||Yes! I get this from people too, frequently. I'm not sure why I find my own misfortunes (and, yes, sometimes others' misfortunes) so funny, but I do. And not in a mean way. I think some people think...|||pretty lights - can't stop me now and no, i'm not high ;)|||To answer your questions.....the hookers really aren't so bad. It usually just involves frequent awkward, sideways-glance-filled elevator rides. Although one time the police came up and started...|||Walking that line of Misanthrope and Therapist is my daily struggle. Like some others have posted, I seem to do better when I am helping other people just by listening or helping them get through the...|||Amen to that.....I'm in a similar situation. The elevators (when they work) smell literally like human urine, the neighbors frequently have hookers over (yes, hookers), and there are bums living in...|||I agree. I always find it surprising and a little puzzling that so many other types don't seem interested in hearing others' stories. I feel like most conversations (especially the ones over dinner,...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'I hate bars anyway, but loud bars are the worst. I can stand classical music concerts, but not much else. I was once driven out of a classical music concert by the sound of loud music and heavy...|||It's okay, realizing it is half the battle. And most people are screwed up in some way. Almost no one has it all together. Some books I recommend are What Do You Say After You Say Hello,...|||I'm not sure they have any purpose, since we can (I can) neither change them nor even remember them. If you want to give them a purpose, then I propose this right here, that they are evidence (such...|||Based on my own experience, I believe your fate is NOT fixed but alterable, but based on both my own experience and science, I believe your future has already been written. Starting with the former,...|||I have a variety of thoughts on this. A) Rationals are an oddity in a world of feelers, so naturally they are going to seem odd to regular people. B) Introverts are an oddity in countries where...|||This is five plus years old now but I just discovered it. And I have to say The Onion almost NEVER makes me laugh. This has a few cringe-worthy moments, but overall it's pretty darn funny. ...|||Yes, yes, yes! I have noticed the same thing, that the women that I have to spend the MOST amount of effort on in a relationship end up being the ones who break up with me, while the ones that I...|||I laughed my ass off at this pic for the longest time. My gf at the time didn't get it. I honestly cannot tell you why I think/thought it was so hilarious, but I did. I couldn't find it on-line...|||I would argue JFK was not an INTJ for the simple reason that he disliked thinking and emphasized action. JFK feared and was suspicious of what he called eggheads, very bright people. Arthur...|||I have, but I only took pictures of birds, landscapes, and inanimate objects like buildings and cars. Never tried it with people. I managed to get about half a dozen good pictures out of thousands...|||Oh, gawd, yes, I hate that with a passion. And these people who have to have a TV running all day long, no matter what program is on, just to have some kind of background noise. When you ask them,...|||Okay, I have the mother dying thread saved in four pages. I know who you are now, the rabbit with the pope hat. If I get around to it, I'll try saving some of the other stuff. Send me your e-mail...|||Okay, let me throw my two cents in here since I am still a member in good standing on INTJ Forum. My view is just the opposite of the OP's: that political debate has been squelched there for a while...|||Having read a great number of your posts, Vinnie, you should probably get a mod warning from God. I've been banned from Facebook for not using my real name. At least I THINK that's why I was...|||I've mentioned this before, I met a female mirror image of myself in a chatroom once. We were delighted at first, but then realized we both needed to be in charge of the relationship and broke it...|||I'm with Nephandus on this one, dogs are inherently untrustworthy, particularly other people's dogs. The only exception I'm aware of is/are basset hounds. You can trust 99.9% of all basset hounds...|||I think my 1 a.m. jaunts are about equally divided between actual strolls and going for a drive. Thing is, no one is invited, so I'm not sure how that would work in the theme park, unless it's a...|||But then how would you post on PerC? :wink:|||That is the most vulgar piece of shit I've ever heard. This is what passes for music among blacks today? Louis Armstrong must be spinning in his grave. Paul Robeson, too. Clearly I'm not INFJ...|||What Do You Say After You Say Hello? by Dr. Eric Berne. It changed my life and made me realize that my life can be changed.|||Ummmm... no. Don't have this problem. Crowded hallways, yes, God help me. I'll go around the freaking building to get to the other side to avoid a crowded hallway. But one person in a hallway? ...|||A+ for that one ^^^^. I laughed multiple times.|||https://www.truity.com/test/personality-type-love-match Note: Retaking it gave me very different results, so who knows.|||Hint: When he's acting, he's overacting. When he's not overacting, he's being straight.|||MBTI. From what I have seen of INTP's, they really aren't into the world domination thing. I don't know anything about the socionics version. I took this from the web, but my INTP nephew and I had...|||You'll have to be more specific. Disproportionate in what way? Who left? What result? Why did you expect an explanation? Has anything ever been explained to you about why it happened? I'd be...|||Asking as both an unbeliever and former believer, isn't that what happens when you don't believe in God, that there is no meaning to life, that you're here merely to eat, drink, shit, fuck, and die? ...|||You're a horrible person if you don't like Bach AND Escher. (For what it's worth, I hate fugues.)|||First off, spiders are not insects. Spiders are arachnids, and except for a very few (unless you live in Australia), they are beneficial to humans. Second, it doesn't pay to be kind to insects...|||Not sure how I feel about group brainstorming, but I know the evidence says group brainstorming is less effective and less productive than individual brainstorming and then coming together to discuss...|||I can agree with that, too. I hate jazz, love classical. But if you're just stating what's on your mind right now, that's not thinking at all. That's just talking out of your hat. Hence my...|||I kind of agree with you here. Introverted people have to have an extroverted persona to interact with the outside world, while extroverts don't (necessarily) have to have any introverted persona in...|||Hello, all. I took that MBTI matching test the other day and according to that, my best match would be an ESFJ. Who knew? So I'm stopping by to say hello. Any single, attractive ESFJ ladies...|||While I agree with you in principle that there isn't just one person out there that is right for you, that there are thousands or perhaps millions of people who would fit each person's basic criteria...|||Interesting. I would be willing to be in a relationship with someone who wasn't the one if it was relatively pleasant. I have broken up with a woman (not many relationships in my life) for not...|||This is how law school was for me. I'd come to an instant conclusion based on the relevant data and cases, but the professors weren't interested in my conclusion, only my arguments. I felt like...|||I'm both of these, so not exactly opposite ends of the spectrum, but I'm working on it. According to Kevin Leman in The First-Born Advantage, talking about first-borns rather than INTJ's, the reason...|||Isn't that how all INTJ's look? I agree with the previous post, a manipulative INTJ would look friendly. If you're not of the opposite sex and an INTJ smiles at you, RUN.|||In my best relationship (didn't get married for various reasons), we were very sympatico, there wouldn't have been any need for her to adapt to my views on anything. I think you're missing out on...|||I didn't think so, but I've had two experiences that make me wonder. One, watching The Mask, in which Jim Carrey suggests that reading comic books and watching cartoons as an adult makes you a...|||This is essentially what I was going to say. Seriously, though, I have a good idea of what kinds of errors I make, like I don't remember names and faces, but I do remember conversations, so if you...|||It became easier to understand and appreciate myself mainly. I used to think I was the only one like me, and therefore there was something wrong with me. It's still a relief to go back and re-read...|||I don't know you, but I'm guessing this was dripping with sarcasm.|||He was probably referring to this: I'm not going to define anything and I dislike, when people ask to define obvious things (not this one, just talking in general way). Seriosly people, is it hard...|||As a former Christian, yes, I can tell you a better way... Get an evil look on your face, rub your hands together gleefully, and say something like, I'm a Satanist, I've always wanted to convert...|||I've been feeling particularly unloved today/yesterday, so this thread was a blessing, even if it wasn't aimed at me in particular.|||Former believer, now atheist. I came to the conclusion, through trying to prove that God exists logically, that God, at least the God we in the West imagine, could not possibly exist. I could not...|||First sentence, no, he pushed her away, and INTJ's aren't known for playing relationship games like that. Last sentence, could work, but could backfire if he's not ready to give an answer. He may...|||Bumping this up for wiser heads than mine... Hard to judge from this distance and the limited amount of information, but here's my advice: Start looking around for someone else in an oh, well, I...|||Depends on whether you like dry sarcastic humor or not. Once in a while you'll find a non-INTJ who appreciates it, but it's rare.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'True, but how often does that happen? That occasional exception to the rule, and personally I think it is a pretty clear trend that environment has the biggest impact. But I do understand where you...|||That professor is really good! I know what I will be watching for the next couple days! Thanks for the link!|||GREAT PROFESSOR!! I love you! no homo lol|||By predisposed I can only assume you mean genetically. I agree that some people who are born with a certain personality trait will tend to be more good or more evil; but I feel that nurture i.e....|||By predisposed I can only assume you mean genetically. I agree that some people who are born with a certain personality trait will tend to be more good or more evil; but I feel that nurture i.e....|||This is EXACTLY how I feel. I think it may SEEMS inherent only because it happens at such an early age.|||So would you believe that if a person was never taught to help some one in need they will still help? Idk I guess I just believe that someone has to be taught either by example or told to help for...|||Does anyone out their believe that people are inherently good? I feel that people have to be trained (if you will) to be good. No one is born good when it comes to morals and beliefs. Even...|||I agree with clockman and reeper. Nothing... No one is truly awesome. Only varying degrees of suck. I suck a lot less then some people while a lot of people suck a lot less then me. No one is truly...|||I get tired of it. Mainly because it's not that I'm smart, they are just really stupid.|||I sympathize with them while i'm there then I avoid them at all cost.|||Genetic suicide may be a needed. People are living longer these days, and we face overpopulation because survival of the fittest no longer applies as it should.|||Touche my good man. My advice to you is live your life the way you want. Being a INTP is only a general category in which your personally fits. It's not good to try to change your life to fit in a...|||Really????? Are you really asking if you live your life right??? So if I were to say no would you change your life to the way I dictate??? Pointless thread is pointless.|||I am good at reading people's personality but if you ask me any details about how they look I wont be able to tell you, even if I see them everyday.|||Oh yeah. Onomonopia|||I agree with the n word. I'm black and I hate it even when my own say it!|||- I wish I knew what to say when people cried. - I wish I remembered what happened in my childhood. - I sometimes like talking to certain people.|||Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sushigasim Pumpernickel|||There is an invisible man in the sky that controls everything. Prove that there isn't.... see you can't do it. By your comment you are saying that is ok. Belief with out proof is ignorance in my...|||No specific reason why i picked this username. And I picked Gir as my avatar because I like Invader Zim. I'm quite simple.|||The original question never specified how much money we start with. It only asked how many people... so if we have to get a loan there are a lot more people involved. This question is impossible to...|||I would just like to point out some things you can rely on. In science these things are call Laws Such as the law of gravity and Newtons laws of motion. These things can be relied on; and maybe...|||Actually the reason the bulb goes out is because the filament breaks correct? So if there was a way to open the bulb, and reattach the filament then there would never be a reason to change a light...|||I type this fast.... did you see me?|||So is this a ceiling light or a lamp?|||Even though Socrates was a little too..... passionate about his statement, I have to say I agree. There is far more proof for theories that we stick by than there are for the Bible.|||Agnostic. I used to go to church when I was young, but it was only because I was forced to.|||Those were my exact thoughts as I was talking to her. Is it weird to be talking to someone and all the while thinking I wonder what her personality type is? Instead of being interested in the...|||I wonder why people like me everyday! I am very boring in my opinion, with a sarcastic sometimes plain mean sense of humor. I never want to go out and do anything with people but they still invite...|||I understand where you are coming from. In my last relationship I used to say I love you all the time because the girl I was with would always be expecting me to say it. After a while it lost all...|||Even back 100's of years ago gender roles were different. But that was mostly because America was not that evolved. We were still very into farming at the time, so the women had to work hard on the...|||I can hardly remember when there was music on MTV.|||I went to class yesterday. And in commemoration of the day I decided to talk to a complete stranger who I thought was cute. Overall the interaction wasn't to bad I enjoyed meeting her. She was more...|||Hey I just give credit where credit is due. That comment made my day.|||I love this site. I thought I was the only one with a grim outlook on V-Day!! I feel better now!|||antiant you are awesome.|||It is a nice feeling to truly be at peace. But then the part comes where u start to think about depressing stuff and then peace= gone!|||Wait whaaa??|||= Love... no homo|||I don't really have any links, but I can tell you that you can see it by looking at things in everyday life. For example, the workforce. There are many women doing what would have been considered...|||Happiness comes and goes. Seems like is going more than is coming now days. Igonorance is bliss; and when you see the world for what it really is it becomes hard to be happy. BUT I digress; I am...|||You sound like me. I start to read, then I read something that I think is cool then my mind starts to think what if this happened instead? Or i start to think about other little details. Then I...|||I concur. Genders roles are slowly changing too.|||I don't have anything like that. So I can't really contribute. I just want to say good luck staying str8.|||It is a way to get money from people, just like every other emotion. If you can exploit an emotion or feeling you can make a lot of money. Look at amusement parks, they charge for happiness. Just...|||This is an awesome.|||*coffee house snaps*|||And land on the spikes from mortal kombat.|||I pretty much do the same thing. Then I start to think don't i need to cope with this? Then I am back to square one.' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'There are some really awesome ENFJ facebook group pages! It is so awesome! I have already talked to a ton of people on the pages, I have been on a high about this for days. On facebook are: ...|||Siberian Fox 282746|||Greetings. You have come to the right place. This is the land of ENFJ's :) Are you good at the guitar? I believe Jimmy Hendrix was ISFP.|||I am going to look that up, that is fascinating. Great article. I would say that in general I have been very satisfied with my relationships with everyone EXCEPT intimate relationships. I simply...|||Do you have any friends that are ENFJ's?|||I am sure a lot depends on their Ennegram type and instinct type, along with lifestyle. One of my friends is ENFJ type 4 (striving to be unique) and it is always really fun talking to her. I talk...|||I have not been in a relationship with another ENFJ, I am curious to know how it would work out too.|||I prefer talking to people when I can, but if that is not an option, I listen to music, do light repetitive exercise, or create strategies to eliminate or avoid the stress. I should start...|||From the friendzone, how hard is it to get out?|||You have officially died and gone to ENFJ heaven! I feel that INFJ's and ENFJ's can learn a lot from each other.|||I guess that since the character is fictional, he can be given any qualities. Homer may have started to give him qualities of an ENFJ, but then gave him some ESTP qualities when it fit better into...|||The probably with typing characters is that they are created by the authors. They may pick and choose attributes that are consistent with certain types. What about Odysseus?|||What about Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird?|||272810|||I like my clothes a like more comfy...If you know what I mean. Here is my teddy..... 272794|||[QUOTE=radu;14967106]That's because we can get you to do whatever w.. Hey! Did I mention you look really nice today ? :) Are you a model? I have never met a model before! Muhahahaha|||“A Dog Has Died” by Pablo Neruda all his sweet and shaggy life, always near me, never troubling me, and asking nothing.|||I would consider it excellent manipulation/strategy because there is the overt and subtle part. Did you catch the subtle part?|||It is a constant battle! And you have to BE many different people and play many different roles. This is something that is very hard for other types to understand. What if someone desperately...|||I will admit, there are some things that are sneaky that I throw in once in a while. Sometimes when I am arguing with someone else, I throw in comments or questions that I know will throw them off....|||The idea of causal sex always sounds nice, but there has to be some sort of meaningful connection or I just feel guilty. I love having sex, but I definitely do not think it is life-changing. I...|||I do not know about ENFJ....I would say that he is a Type 7 Enneagram though, which explains the charisma. Other than the charisma, he does not seem to use Fe as a dominant. He is just a little...|||I am not sure what to think when people say that ENFJ's are manipulative.... In what ways can you be manipulative? I will admit that I have used social pressure to crush conflict. By that,...|||Hahaha, I laugh because... It is true! I feel the same way.|||Now I take criticism as an advantage. Regardless of whether it is meant as advice or just to tear me down, it is an opportunity to test for insecurities. For example, if someone said You are...|||Hahaha, I never thought of 'givers' as sluts! I like the suggestions: Catalyst And ones using idealistic and guidance in the name|||ENFJ's, What do you consider to be the toughest part of being an ENFJ? For me, it is sensitivity to criticism. It hurts much more when I am not prepared for it.|||The Standard ENFJ treatment is precisely how I would put it if that ENFJ was ME. I always text people back regardless of who they are, just because: - I think it is rude to not respond. - I...|||I recommend doing something hands-on that you love, especially a sport. I started kicking boxing and Krav Maga (Israeli martial art) and it really helped my Se. I always write in a journal and...|||I would say that I take a leadership position in about everything. That is just because no one else wants to truly lead. I think that we give as a way to establish harmony, which in a way is...|||It can apply to other types.....but then it might also not be included in their strategy. Sometimes people become so routine and limited in their strategy that they do not have much of a range of...|||I am testing out the idea of the Enneagram types for dating. If a girl does not fulfill my need for excitement at all, I just feel depressed and want to run away. Maybe couples are more like to...|||That is dead on. The amount of neediness and petty quarrels in dating do feel like a devolution of my life. The worst is when girls go through a strong testing phase as they let all of their...|||Accuracy relates to the objective. Perspective relates to the subjective. For example: Searching to explain the meaning of life might be important. But it is not important, because it...|||Type 6: Striving to be Secure Richard Pryor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV9KvOvmb7g Type 7: Striving to be Excited|||Here are some examples that I have found of different ENFJ Enneagram types through celebrity videos. Type 1: Striving to be Perfect Brene Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYRtdoBMQyk|||I am going to explain each system first as explaining them all together is something that continuously confuses people. Instead of the 7w8, 1w2, and 3w2..... Think of it as 713 for now. ...|||Instead of dominant, let us call it a lead cognitive function. For instance, for INTP it would be ACCURACY (supported by EXPLORATION). PERSPECTIVES - Finding the metaperspective or the superior...|||Yes. But casual in a way that I do spend time with them and do like being around them. And we do go on casual dates. I just assume that it may never go anywhere. I do think of long-term...|||I am trying to see how Enneagram types can help out with compatibility for dating. I am ENFJ type 7 and I often find dating to be very unfulfilling because it is so BORING. I just want some...|||You explained that beautifully, thank you! I find it frustrating trying to explain/teach this material to others. It is so crystal-clear to me but other people seem to have all these different and...|||Great recommendation. I am trying to figure out a way to frame that so people realize that their types are permanent.|||You have to go for it.|||It is completely missing the point. If you were creating a human race, would you make them all the same type of person? Would that make any sense? Psychological types exist to balance out...|||I understand how the shape-shifting tendencies weird people out. As a ENFJ type 7, I play all sorts of parts and it baffles people.|||I am VERY particular. And I have not dated certain girls because I did not want to lose them as friends. I have never had a casual friendship turn into a significant relationship. I have a ton...|||Could you not tell the guy was INTP? Is that not logically consistent? Is it not logically consistent that psychological types exist?|||I cannot speak for all ENFJ's, but I am hard-wired to read emotional reactions and states. The INFP's that I have met are REAL, they act true to who they feel as a person. It is amazingly easy to...|||Of course you do not see the point of the video. You probably did not even watch it. That IS the point.|||The types fit because the way they use their cognitive functions fit perfectly with the functions. They act in ways that fit almost all of the clusters of data written about them, even though those...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Change my username name to XZ9|||There are multiple tri-type combinations. Each gives you a personality. 8-6-3 The justice fighter This is really typical of ESTJ description. Others may know this type as a old school military...|||I wanted to add that there are certain types of ESTJ I find more attractive. The most I find attractive is the old school military general type.|||This pairing is recommended because INTP and ESTJ have dominate Ti and Te who share the same view of the world. https://www.personalitypage.com/INTP_rel.html...|||I find myself attractive to the idea of an ESTP. However, I think this pairing is horrible in the long run. I can't image this working out all. The reason why I'm drawn to ESTP is because of their...|||I have heard your idea that ESTJs are less likely to come out of the closet before due to their masculinity.|||The question asks how common are lgbt ESTJs. Given the fact that ESTJ are a numerous personality type by 10%, 3% of the population are homosexual. Doing simple probability statistics, there are 21...|||There were studies showing how people's brains get pleasure equivalent to receiving money or buying food when ask to talk about themselves. You can just ask people to talk about themselves which is...|||My family member who is an INFP broke up with her ENFJ boyfriend who have been dating for one year. My relative said the reason was that he kept on getting domineering and aggressive like our mom...|||INTJ and ESTJ are suppose to be illusion relations. Illusionary, or mirage, relations, like semi-duality, are similar to duality in that many of each partners' functions directly correspond to...|||I wouldn't misrepresent your Myers-Briggs type. That'd be like changing your gender.|||I wanted to add that descriptions are a poor way to type people. My ISTP relatives sounded a lot like the description on personality page. I had a hard time typing my other ISTP relatives. He...|||uhhh So how did you confuse yourself for ESTJ when you're INFP?|||In response to the ESFP and ESTJ pairing, this is suppose to be a Benefactor-Beneficiary relationship. Benefit, or request, is an asymmetric relation in which the type with the higher status is...|||Why don't you guys approach this from a biological perspective. The need for partying is for people who have a high simulations and high socialization. I don't think those things are exclusive to...|||That's your opposing argument. That doesn't exactly refute why XSTJ and XNFP is a bad pairing because everyone is a little different. Correct, you can fall in love with any type, however,...|||That's a fooling thing to say. INFP and ENFP paired up with ESTJ and ISTJ had a low satisfactory rating. They rated each other 43%. NF paired with NF had an 80% positive rating. I think you're...|||Quiet Minute Cognitive functions are a flawless way of typing people. INFJ- Ne-Fe-Ti-Se ENFJ- Fe-Ni-Se-Ti|||ehhhe make your post have paragraphs so I can read it better.|||I know a few INTPs that acted like types 8 and came off like businessmen. It all depends on the individual.|||You should like at the romantic style for ISTJ and ESTJ. Pretty different if you ask me despite being introverted and extroverted types. Conquerors: SLE (ESTp) LSI (ISTj) These are assertive...|||ISTP or INTP are suppose to be your best matches, however, I suppose any pairing is possible. Be warned that INFP and ENFP reported low satisfactory rate when paired up with ESTJ or ISTJ. I find...|||Well what exactly don't you like about the function? What are some real life examples? Ti- Analyzing, categorizing, and evaluating according to principles Te- Segmenting, organizing for...|||I have never heard of Ti and Te clash. That's ridiculous. Here's why ISTP's and INTP's are suppose to be ESTJ's pairings. You may be interested in understanding how we came to the conclusion...|||I'm curious too. Thoughts?|||My sister has been with her ENFJ boyfriend for a year and a half. They appear to be happy. I think ESFJ's can be a good couple too. Fi-Ne-Si-Te INFP's Fe-Si-Ne-Ti ESFJ's|||Every time an NF walks in the room, music of idealism starts playing. The stars! the moon! I think of ENFJ's as somebody who is mysterious.|||ISFP or INFP because they have introverted feeling to line up with your extroverted feeling. Basically Fe-Ni-Se-Ti Fi-Se-Ni-Te Fi-Ne-Si-Te|||Yeah you don't have to marry ISTP or INTP who is suppose to be ESTJ's ideal partner. However, you want to end of with somebody who cares about your cognitive functions.|||ISTP's or INTP's are your best match because their Introverted thinking lines up with your Extroverted thinking. However, you may pick which ever partner you want including a second ESTJ like...|||Sokka was ENTP.|||It appears INTJ and INTP are similar on the surface being both quiet types who are into science and the abstract concepts. The downside of two introvert relations is that it can get stagnant. You'd...|||I read The Hunger Games. I believe the main character was ISTP and her possible romance partner was ENTJ which is why I'm so interested. I'm really INTP.|||I read The Hunger Games. I believe the main character was ISTP and his love match was ENTJ which is why I'm so interested. I'm really INTP.|||You can't articulate your thoughts well. You're probably an INTP.|||So what about ISTP's?|||I think they are four romantic types for INTP as a pairing. ESTP- I've been attractive to ESTP's before but I would never consider for a long term relations. ESFP- ESFP's are a bit more...|||This is suppose to be business relations. Communication isn't that attractive. Fe and Te is their the 8th function of these types which is neglected and poorly used. Partners never care into each...|||How good are ESTJ's at theory and abstracts?|||What do you guys think of ISTP's for relationship?|||This is suppose to be business relations according to socionics as posted on the first page. Commutation isn't that attractive. Partners are similar but there's enough physiology distance that they...|||Is it hard interacting up close to each other?|||I'm curious of there's any ENFJ's or ESTP's that live together. What is the relation like? Is it hard doing chores and errands around each other?|||There was a study showing that 50% old people who lost their partner showed normal behavior after one year. Death is often over exaggerated. You shouldn't feel bad for not acting a certain way....|||edit|||How well is your knowledge at science as an ENFJ?|||This is relationship of Supervision+Supervise. ENFJ's are the Supervision and INTP's are the supervise because of Fe+Ni. Probably the worst thing INTP's in the eyes of ENFJ's is disregard how other...|||Yes, they do exist. I've meet an INTP girl as a counselor and her tri-type was 5-2-1. Her type two made her caring. This, however, can apply to any type in Myers-Brigg whereas people with type 2 vibe...|||Your function will never be romantically attractive to sensors.|||INFJ's are attractive to our Ne. That's the reason why they fall for INTP's. However, INTP's may not feel the same way.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Angelfisf Paradigm I can relate! Healers just seem very appealing to play, it feels like a whole different game of playing. Was just wondering what classes people like to play, probably...|||Immolate Hmm I was recently typed as more 6 than 9 (cause of my super ego) so this is confusing for me now. I believe 9 would be my second type in my tritype possibly. I chose the rose cause...|||https://i.imgur.com/HeaCDq2.png|||I have some ideas. Rick appears to be type 5. Morty I believe is a 6 (6w5?) with his skeptical self and how he is ruled by his super ego. I dont realky see him as a type 1 as he is very...|||Thanks! Yes, I should've trusted myself a bit more. I chose type 9 mostly cause of how it was what I was typed before and was getting the two mixed up. I just needed further justification of which...|||Title. Currently wondering between whether a guardian or a ranger with a pet you can trust would be a better fit.|||Signorina Misteriosa Thank you. Its just I dont feel like fitting into the mold of a type 6. Type 6 are often seen as these people who are motivated by security and stability I dont really think...|||To be honest I have always been so indecisive and so skeptic about who/what I want or am. So I relate to both these types extremely well. Types 9 passiveness but I also really relate to how a 6...|||Would really love help. Currently wondering what is my enneagram and currently stuck between 6 and 9, but I am open to other typings. ...|||daybreak Let me get this out of the way first: I have never claimed ISTJ are incapable of doing abstract art so I believe you are getting your emotions get the better of you. Alright. Let this...|||I have commonly seen her typed as an ISTJ but I never understood that. Its more obvious that its due to how she always took things logically which is why she thought pearls were inferior cause that...|||The issue lies in how he absolutely does not use Fi. I have been reading the manga after the anime I can tell you that he really relies on other people. He shows this sense of how he really does not...|||Has anybody watched Mob Psycho 100? Arakkun I trust your typings alot haha Currently at the third ep and liking it so far. Currently thinking the protagonist (Mob) is a IxTP. Bottling up his...|||Sve I don't think we can ever type Bard. We literally don't know anything about him except how he goes around preventing the annihilation of something. For enneagram because we don't why he does...|||Zenyatta from Overwatch I am pretty sure he is a type 9 but not sure about his wings. I definitely lean towards w1 more than w8 though. Probably 'so' instict but I honestly am not sure.|||I know I am very late for this show but just finished watching Death Parade and absolutely loved it! u200bDeath Parade ...|||Just want my old name back :) 'Xzcouter'|||Sorry for this late response got caught up with some real life stuff. Anyways would just love to first thank you for the detailed response it convinced me :) Anyways regarding the bolded line I...|||Would love to hear why you think Bismuth is an ESTP. Won't ESTJ fit a bit better? Te to reflect her objectivity and how determined she is with 'Breaking Point'?|||Love this show as I grew up with it! Finn- ESFP Jake- Unsure stuck between ENTP and ESTP BMO- ENFP Princess Bubblegum - ENTJ. Objective and cold. She does things for her kingdom and has a...|||This is going to be a somewhat short post but would love some feedback. I have been typed as an INTP quite often. Link to my old 'type me' thread:...|||I am pretty confident in Peridot being an INTP She has a need to connect with people and yet can't. Socially awkward but lovable. Logic and relies way too much on gadgets and gizmos as she thinks...|||Hmm alright fair enough on Shouta. Recovery girl def screams Fe. Lets just leave Momo for now. I don't really wanna come down to any wrong conclusion, but I do see your point. I never implied...|||Hmm I could see All Might being INFJ. Will look into it. For Shouta I am not about Shouta being IxTP as he is known for expelling students if they don't perform well enough on the first day...|||Yeah been thinking ISTP for Karma too. Will write up a post soon :D Oh btw did you watch Boku no hero academia? So far I really love the large cast but we got limited information on most of the...|||Arakkun Hey! Remember me? :D Haven't done mbti in quite a while and coming back cause I am bored xD. Might retype some of the Ansatsu Kyoushitsu (Assasination Classroom) characters but need some...|||Haha I am actually an atheist. Used to follow a religion but found way too many inconsistencies, don't get me wrong though I respect your belief :) No I don't actually write just alot of math xD,...|||Aha alright. If Pi another number that is not equal to ours then thats completely fine! If 1+1 does equal 4 concept wise in another universe that is STILL completely fine! As we just have to adapt...|||I understand what you mean but pi isn't defined as 3.14... that is the numerical value of pi. Pi is defined as the ratio of the circumference and the diameter of a circle whose diameter is equal to 1...|||Haha. I love philosophy but really prefer math over it. Godel's incomplete theorem is actually a philosophical math theorem that uses the universal sets and some well defined rules of maths to...|||Nope not at all actually. Its because of how logical it is. The better question is how can it be wrong. Sure it may be a construct of the human race BUT like any other science it goes through alot...|||Sorry for the late response. Hmm INxx. Care to elaborate the difference between INTP and INFJ? I used to get xNTP before but the thing is I am somewhat attuned to my feeling side too. Like I care...|||Hello, My name is Mark. Haven't done this MBTI business in a long time and wanted to know my MBTI type once more. Just to reconfirm and all that good jazz. So you know the drill. I would be...|||I see. Do you think I am an INTP? What exactly did I say to make you think I am ISTJ Won't it be kind of illogical for me to be at crossroads od ISTJ and INTP due to Te-Fi vs Ti-Fe? So if you...|||Care to elaborate? Cause I used to be typed as a xNTP before and am just curious.|||Hello, My name is Mark. Haven't done this MBTI business in a long time and wanted to know my MBTI type once more. Just to reconfirm and all that good jazz. So you know the drill. I would be...|||Just would like to comment that this completely negates the meaning of Ti. If we consider Ti being subjective logic. Then no they do not think in black and whites. Te thinks in black and whites as Te...|||Yeah...creating an idea with a almost always having a purpose in mind....not me. I just create ideas for either for the hell of it, for the experience/I just want to do it or maybe something that I...|||Sorry for this late response. Finding myself way too busy and all that :/ Anyways. I see... Ok this is probably the last thing: I find that I am a kind of person who loves to work on ideas...|||Fried Eggz Oh I see. Yeah probably so. Yeah. Victim sounds familiar, but honestly I don't find myself trusting this all too much. If you ask me why, well its because I think its...|||Fried Eggz So...good thing, bad thing, are you now skeptic I am Ti dom/aux? Okay this is kind of an embarassing one. I chatted with a couple of friends of mine on the topic of if I...|||Sorry I know this thread should be over but I don't think it would be a good idea to make another thread. I again aplogize for replying but I just need a doubt to be clarified. Over the past month...|||You are both right and wrong at the same time. Read my original post again, the one that started the thread. Feelings is values sure but its not only that! Its this gut feeling sensation! And yes...|||I know this from somewhere but don't remember where. Anyways no that is false because this is a more or less philosophical question. The two are the same but different. For the first one it...|||Was just thinking about identity and all that fun stuff and thought about this. So which animal do you think you would most likely be or you would most relate with? I definitely find myself as...|||But Math IS Art! And Math cab be used to make art! Check my signature for my deviantart acc and check out my fraactal art! Those pieces of art are mathematical figures! Why do I like math you may...|||Thanks for the beautiful response xD. Oh frick frack fro! XD what was I thinking xD. Sorry it was late at night and have no idea what was going in my head. Yes I do know that Ti does dismiss...|||Do take it as a metaphor when I say it lies in the head. Of course every judgement based things lies in the brain but what I mean is that logic is using the brain while feelings (metaphorically) lies...|||Thinking lies in the head. We think through math problems. We think through things that do not have any moral 'weight' or problem. By what I mean when we value logic is that we rather take what...|||I commonly find people always putting out forward that F types are caring, nice and to an extent of Fi dom/aux types 'individualistic', and that T types are cold,logical and to an extent of Ti... |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | '1.Any social feeler with good intensions. They may do a lots of harm while saving the world from decline (Hitler), saving the world from Satan (Osama bin Laden), prevent western countries stopping...|||But he connected west and east. Also without him there would be no artillery as we know so soon.|||I have hyperlexia. It was noticed when taking final test (matr.exam.) in high school. My esseys were returned to school with full points given and with a mention student has hyperlexia(dyslexia.|||Never assume!|||Or many INTP are misinterpreted as aspergers?|||hogward? what direction is that?!|||I know all that, it is not sociality. I don't buy energy thing, it says actually nothing. Question is not about description but why introverts need time alone to recharge. Why...|||Well, I have become suspicious on them as co´gnitive functions, actually the whole jungian consept rings some alarm in my spine (yeah I know I am intuitive). Are I/E real thing or is this just...|||Or you can complain and find solution. Some complain to have fun, letting air out or something. Shutting them up won't make them try harder. You also forget those who does not complain and are not...|||Don't be so hard for yourself.|||What just read about ENTP I can understand this: observing things and ruminating them inside - maybe I misunderstood that as an introversion, but actually it is, even with ENTPs. Maybe I am just...|||That is hilarious, and confusing... I have always considered myself as an INTJ or maybe even more INTP. Those are results what I got in tests. I have been tested by a professional psychologist 4...|||observing a detail...;)|||Kids know how to have fun|||Which you choose: 1) being hit by an axe 2) being hit by a hammer|||No matter who will win, finally Clowns will come with their Volkswagen bubble fleet and crush them.|||mother Esfj or isfj, father istj.|||Introversion/extroversion are only tested by side effects, not by themselves. Mostly questionnaires refer to social behaviour but these are not actually related one-to-one to E/I. Studying modern...|||If you claiming that science and religion are as much true, please find out definitions of religion and science. If you are claiming that science should replace religion as a religion-then it won't...|||In theology terms there's facts (proven to be true), no-facts (proven to be false), theories (not tested), and 'dogma'. Theism is one of the last. It is a claim no meant to be a theory, so it cannot...|||Hi, I have been tested as an INTJ mostly, even by a professional. Sometimes got ISTJ, ISTP or INTP. But never macthed really, like being INTJ/INTP mixure. So I did this Keys 2 Cognition -...|||My son will be probably an ISTP (or INTP) ;) We were playing and I had to leave for 5 minutes. When I came back he was relaxing by lying on the top of sofa backrest (!) after building one his miracle...|||If you believe it, it admit that it is not true. Otherwise belief would be unnecessary.|||You could argument better than that.|||Anarchists are partly correct: there should be no power (power requires authority, dogma, ideology-who needs them). But they are wrong in sense of control, no power does not mean no control or...|||I think some of them cannot fix their need to take care with reality check. Which leads to situation where an immature ESFJ use you for his/her needs instead giving you support (they think they are...|||When he speak let him finish, don't interpret his message because you cannot do it, you'd get it all wrong. Only way to make communication to work is speak out literally and listen truely.|||two weeks. I didn't need it but it made me no harm.|||Pessimism and optimism are attitudes. For me it depends but none, but trying to be realistic.|||This was in some early novel by Arthur C.Clark: No machine may contain any moving parts|||I am kind today so I would intp to have sudoku book and I'd watch. I have always interested in human anatomy.|||Yes. It is funny sometimes. When among people, most of them will escape, some will come to me like I was showing them my middle finger. And all I have done is to stand there, thinking and watching...|||I don't type anybody, but sometimes things pop up into my mind when meet a person. Some persons are enigmatic and I want to learn more about them. It can be fun, but I don't let it bother me and...|||I/E: there so much misunderstanding considering them, mostly confusing I/E with sociality issues.|||Overdose will take care of that.|||I have been typed as an INTJ (officially), not only test but an interview. Afterwards a psych who doing the test explained that he figured that I was really INTJ not ISTJ by questions, which two I...|||That's why I don't read morning papers in the morning, to have something done in a day...|||I wiped out this message|||Raised as an evancelic-lutheran, been atheist since I was 14.|||Facebook is useless so I don't use it.|||It might be personal privacy needs. It works in both ways: keep your privacy with yourself and respect mine!|||Yes, it is equal to drawing figures and patterns to help thinking. Thank the hands free, it can be done in public without embarrassment.|||-Romantic: By stabbing a knife to my heart -Realistic: Get a rented cottage or similar. Set a timer to ignate building. Take as much sleeping bill as I can, then shoot myself. Shooting is not...|||How they are defined?|||I am scared of snakes.|||I was blind to notice.|||Usage slash ('/') in text like: he was/was not an idiot. It is 'or' but writers use it because they cannot decide and push responsibility to the reader.|||No. But I am not aginst it. Also it is useful, especially because not being part of social community is normally seeing as a thread by social community and it will cause you problems later, no matter...|||Applying some is insecure inside or has low self-esteem when he is aggressive or behaving badly. This somehow just accepted way of ad hominem and I hate it. It just show me that person who does this...|||Aspergers lack ability read emotional/social/nonverbal communication. Traits does not count if you don't meet required mandatory diagnose criteria. MBTi cannot be used for any level of mentally...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'from the little that you offered, sounds exactly like me. and just to be clear, i dont think im making up for the fact that im not a feeler rather than i simply express things this way because thats...|||again, dont take this personally, but its much more likely for confirmation bias to be affecting your perception than empirically constructed/double blinded/triple blinded/numerously...|||I don't mean to be offensive but high intelligence is Empirically Not correlated to mental disorders in general. what I forgot to add is that mental disorders correlated with high intelligence is a...|||Please reject these two premises because they are arbitrary abductions/inductions. If those are your experiences, focus your above-average intelligence on working through them, have some discipline...|||so when your friends took the mbti test, what measures did you take to counter-balance confounding?|||man, this thread is so juicy. i'd call myself an 'anti-theist' (rip hitchens) yet i would never make such a contentious thread, its pointless. but since im here...The idea of religious pluralism...|||im betting there was once an intj-like person that made an enfp-like person feel very inferior. it happens a lot. also, many people secretly want to be cold and calculating like House. this...|||you are right. i had actually meant to make an edit to that mistake (but edit function wasnt working at the time) to say that religion was the first form of philosophy lol. edit: didnt realize...|||one year i went to alaska to hunt wolverins with my uncle. we used 12 gauge shotties and blasted upwards of 50 wolverines. they kept attacking my cousins lol!|||btw dont miss chinese philosopher Lao Tzu|||philosophy is considered to be the first form of science. Ii think it is a very good supplement to a possible expertise and/or your own character. If you like it that much by all means major in it,...|||it doesn't happen just from negative instances either...|||happens all the time, i try to just accept it and move on|||ask exactly what you suspect? OR 1. gather info 2. create hypothesis 3. test hypothesis (ask a science teacher for ideas if need be) 4. gather data 5. analyze 6. conclude|||omg, i use to love pharcyde. this was the first song i ever heard from them.|||doesnt sound like an intj to me, but thats not much info to go off of anyways. on the other hand, i have a friend that use to try to get me to hangout all the time and wouldnt really respect the...|||so glad you said that for me. you smart intj you.|||im trying to reconcile your post with the yin yang symbol in your sig lolol|||something like sitting up straight can have a profound effect on aesthetic. which is to say, pics or liezzz....|||pics please|||i second what bast said, im in a similar position and currently looking for some new people whom i can relate with. that said ive spent a lot of time in the past with xSxJ. they are fun but i usually...|||this seems too late but this is too fun 1) Do you like tea? Specifically hot tea Yezzzz. early grey, darjeeeeeling, green tea (no matcha), jasmine green tea 2) Do you often think about...|||Feist Currently: Joan as Policewoman Marina and the Diamonds My Brightest Diamond Kings of Convenience First Aid Kit & Feist|||curiosity, thinks before talking, and sits on face|||i think you did okay. its what i probably would have done. moments like that i do not have the capacity to think of something polite yet assertive. i just start fitting an essays worth of character...|||i prefer Morgan Freeman to narrate but this is pretty accurate and affirming, thank you|||LOL yea, run something tragic on your system. crash it. really hard.|||ah i see, maybe it will ease the transition from ME to Vista?|||your introverted intuition is using too much processing power. set 3-4 priorities, scrap all other processes. your quad-core processor sounds like it can only handle maximum of four tasks on each...|||no i meant role reversal for venting. however, that does remind me of something i always do for fun with my mom. you know moms always has 'sayings' that she always repeats? sometimes ill quote...|||try a role reversal. do you ever vent to her? sometimes when we see a person go off on something we feel the same about, we naturally go the other way.|||1) I'll tell her I bought the textbooks. I would also like to add that I would not have spent it on other things in the first place lol Is rejecting the premise of your question an option? 2)...|||everyone should be free to define their own version of a soul-mate. a friend of mine likes to bring up a good point in the harry potter world. harry and hermoine are quite the match for each...|||im going to try pigeonholing what some of us has said. i am really turned on when someone can talk and relate in a self-exploratory kind of manner, treating one as an object to itself. Sort of...|||mmm what is there to say that hasn't already been said... its definitely not just an INFJ thing. I think all types can fall victim to the extremely rigid romance pathology that Disney princess...|||the hardest drug i have done is coke, twice. my lowest point in life was when i was smoking weed for 2 years 24/7. your thread makes me wonder if i would have even tested out to be an INFJ if i did...|||wow...and I thought I ask for a lot. I only look for a couple of things now-a-days besides a basic physical attractiveness. 1) Feeling strongly about issues that concerns other people 2)...|||Like a couple of people have mentioned above, I too become a little more cheery and joyous when I drink. Sober, I tend to have more filters in my expressions. A huge factor in my drunk behavior has a...||| Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain I do this^ very well. what I don't do very well is: not letting my quest for individuality...|||you missed the part where i expressed that i am different from most of the people in my social circle and that changing friends is hard. if you feel that you and the girls you know are contrary to...|||thanks for resonating. but now you got me thinking of the two ENTJs that i have dated whom were too underdeveloped. And then this INFJ whom I had a chance with but seems to be incapable of...|||well, why i would want to keep someone i am attracted to in the friend zone is to see if our companionship can withstand the test of time. Also, things like values, beliefs, and life goals are not...|||Forgive me but your questions seem a bit vague. It sounds like you are asking out of a personal premise yet the wording is very broad. Therefore, I'm going to offer a meta point here. I don't like...|||I practically pull my hair-out sometimes/all-the-time because i feel like in social situations i can be so dysfunctional, awkward, judgmental, and most of all, self-conscious. Ironically, i have...|||There's gossip, and there's analytic sympathetic gossip.|||back in high school i would only listen to indie hip hop, and given the nature of indie music, i shared the same music taste with VERY few people. to vent this frustration, i would memorize an entire...|||the giver, in the most literal sense, is always in such a power position that allows one to exert energy. the benefactor in turn have a power position in the sense that there is an affect on the...|||I have a fear of people taking things I say the wrong way. For example, I like to say sure in the affirmative and in a serious tone. People often think I am being sarcastic which bugs the hell out...|||This is a bit vague of a question for me. I dated two bisexuals. Its irrelevent to me whether they are straight or bi. That being said, both of the them had strong emotional issues. << Does...|||This is my bane right now, ive made a little progress though. I have a coffee shop that I frequent where I am familiar with a few regulars and employees, I go there to read but it also serves as an...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'OMG my sister is such an ENFP! She just found out, and I can't believe I never shared the Meyers- Briggs thing with her (I thought I did... maybe she forgot, LOL) This explains why she was always...|||I've heard that it's common for INFPs to be addicted to ESFPs. I wonder why this is...|||We are a lot like cats, aren't we? (Which also means we're awesome) :kitteh:|||Can't thank you enough for this. And I love your avatar! :)|||When your hub is talking for a surprising length of time (for an ISTJ) on a serious subject (the budget), and you say I have such a craving for green beans. Mind if we stop at the grocery store on...|||Ah! I get it now! (Takes me a while sometimes) Hehehehe! :crazy:|||I think maybe I'm an xNFP... I agree to do stuff when I'm feeling extroverted, and then when it's time to prepare to go do the thing, I'm like Why did I ever decide to do this??? It's going to be a...|||Yep!!!|||Wow, this is so much like me/us. I'm glad he's in therapy, and I'm glad you have a good couples therapist. My ISTJ sort of feels like been there, done that about couples therapy and probably will...|||Hang in there! :kitteh:|||LOL - Yep, I get that :)|||Hugs to all just because! :kitteh:|||Feeling lonely, and at the same time want to go on a religious retreat (alone). Must be an INFP thing.|||Aw, sorry.... I honestly don't remember. It happens often, unfortunately, so I can't remember the particular time. It was probably about something to do with school. We're both anxious about the kid....|||Gosh, this sounds like me... except I'm too much of a doormat/people pleaser to be scary (LOL)|||Yeah - I wondered that too.|||MANY thanks for this. Very well said. I'm tempted to quote it elsewhere, and I will give credit. Who do I give credit to? Thanks -- an often-depressed person with depressed friends|||...when you're kept awake at night by worst-case scenarios, usually involving people ...when you stay awake even later trying to figure out how to prevent these worst-case scenarios (and create...|||Someone came up with a word for that???? You're right, that is TOTALLY AWESOME - or at least this INFP thinks so. :) Remember Rachel Carson's The Sense of Wonder?|||Aw, thank you! I needed the boost and reassurance. You INFJ's really are awesome, you know. :-)|||I can tell my hub is a very Atypical Gemini 3, because he's also INFP and a very steady, responsible person. But a surprising number of Gemini 3 things fit him. He's definitely the type of person...|||As you can see, I haven't read very far in this thread, but I still have to say (ENFP-like) I'm really wowed by this post! I sound like an ENFP but I'm actually INFP... Gemini 2, though, with Pisces...|||Aha! That makes sense. Thanks! :kitteh:|||I was brewing up a little essay in praise of ISTJs, or at least my ISTJ husband, bc I've really been learning how to appreciate him through learning more about the MBTI types. A lot of his best...|||Good point! Aw, hang in there! There's always this forum!! :) Another little question: Is my INFJ friend likely to get scared if I ask him too much about how he's feeling?|||I have to vent just a little more..... My bestest friend in the whole wide wide world (LOL) is having a terrible time and now doesn't even want to talk to me. Meanwhile everyone else in my life is...|||Thank you - that's awesome and a relief. It's complicated - we recently met in person, but his whole family was there, so the sort of meaningless banter was during the in-person time (except when he...|||Can I ask a question again? One of my best friends (not an SO), the INFJ I've mentioned here before, seems to have stopped responding to my emails. I wonder if he's just had to put shields up...|||Ugh... I need to stop being such an INFP on a mission... it's just the vent thread, Yam... And in real life my people are being extremely difficult right now, and I feel like Im screwing up....|||Awesome!!! Best of luck!!!! :happy:|||Hang in there... Trust me, I can relate... Something that helped me is just believing that there are far more possibilities than I can see. Good luck!! We're rooting for ya (edited to remove my...|||Wow, I looked thru the 24 types and not sure I want to find out which one I am, LOL :crazy:|||yep.|||You have no idea how much I can relate, based on occurrences in the past. (I guess I'm not allowed to say...lol) HUG Hang in there.|||I have something similar: For more than 2 decades, whenever I'm extremely anxious about something social or interpersonal, I get a vision in my head of wrecking something. Not doing violence to a...|||And then when you're supposed to be studying about the meaning of life, you get this sudden idea about a scarf that you could knit with all your scrap yarn and start planning it... and then you start...|||Good luck!!!!! :proud:|||Ah. Yep, I hear you. It's a weird situation to be in. LOL - sometimes I try to meditate, and that's when I guess I'm supposed to be in the .... state, so therefore I can't. Grass is always...|||You're very insightful. Having recently been at a funeral as part of the family of the deceased, I've noticed that the people who make me feel better are the ones who just show up, and, like you,...|||That's not going to bug us! We're INFPs, remember? :wink:|||LOL! Watch out for people that never get annoyed -- they're just smoldering and one day they'll erupt. Then everyone in their path better run or get carbonized. That's my experience anyway. I'm...|||I hear ya. This thread ought to be somehow linked up with the Hug Thread. Anyway, *hug* - and that goes for anyone else with frustrations here.|||OMG so exhausted. Did a lot this morning involving music performance and people and being on time and not forgetting stuff. All went well except I dropped a couple of things (nothing damaged tho). ...|||I second that!! Monsieur Melancholy, I wish you were in the local Celtic band where I live. They'd be really glad to have you!!|||Well, Hi! :) Forgive me if I'm obtuse, but... do I know you, or are you making a joke, like about yams, or was there someone before me called Yam and now I have that username? *confused* :confused: ...|||mM, those are very true words. Have you ever thought of submitting poems like this as lyrics to possible new songs? I don't know what genre you like, but I can totally see this poem as lyrics to a...|||P.S. Facebook makes all these worries worse. Therefore Facebook is the root of all evil. But I don't wanna leave -- then I'll never see pictures of friends and family! :crying:|||Good point.|||*sigh* Is it a typical INFP thing to be constantly focusing on my failures with people, rather than how wonderfully well I get along with most of my friends? And then to be anxious because my...|||Found this on Facebook! (Facebook is good for something, then....) 81411 (except it wouldn't let me copy the url... well, little is better than none)' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | i dont mind if ppl do sleep whit socks , when i was young just a little boy i did that to . but later on i found it to warm in my bed to be whereing socks or clothing at all , i now only sleep in my...|||istp's ussaly dont lie , we just formulate things diffrently , or just conviegant forget to mension certain things ^^ we dont like to lie , and we are no good at it . istp's are ussaly the most...|||you do know we istp's are all big fans of 2 and a half man , we seen allan so no chiropractichioner plzz , do i spell that right ? dont know maby , dont care ...|||im whit ya on this ^^|||Wel i do have shades , not always where them . but when i do i mostly do it to look cool , cause those shades make me look so cool . but who knows maby one day i might need them for some reason ?|||Your welcome :)|||well if that is wat you want , but personaly from wat i gould see on that photo i still would say you look great :)|||well from wat i can see on that picture , i would say you look great :)|||i agree , just dont tell others it would ruin or rep ;)|||agree , we istp's dont mind if we die , as long as its quik and painles ^^|||true , but if the way to death might be long and painfull instead of quik and painless , we istp's might think twiche ;)|||ISTP's are not afraid of death / to die , we are afraid of how we die .|||most of the clothing one sees at a fasion sow is nothing more then a indicator or guidline of wat fabrics , collors , styles will be trendy upcoming season . its not clothing ment to wear other then...|||buy a gun and bite the bullet !|||i vissit pornsites the most for educational reacearch , and sure i can make reconmendationds ;) pornhub , it also has a pornhub app for phones and tablets . xvideos , xhamster . whit google...|||first of all , they are in deniel . they just dont realized it yet ;P|||find a cannadian and you hafe half of the work already done :)|||high waisted shorts , trousers or jeans , yes plz ^^ i dont need to see annyones undees , i dont have such intrest !! only time i dont mind seeing undees , if im chanching into my clothes or out of...|||brownies exist so that consuming the canjis tast better ;P|||i hate instagram , its full of fakers and attention seeking ppl !!|||if your a man , dont do it . if you are a girl , pleas do it makes you look so hot ;)|||Becaus we men know wat we like to see on a girl/women .|||how do we push it into mainstream , how about we dont !! to much of weird mentaly ill styles already out their !!|||im from holland , and i can tell you most of wat you mensiond as dinner is not even dutch !!|||i ussaly shafe if i hafe to go out of the door , going out , or know im being lucky . i ussaly use just old fasion razorblade .|||i dont listen to others , i go my own way . i dont care wat others whear , its their choice to look ridicules . wel sometimes i go to millitary depo's to buy m-65 clothing and millitary boots ,...|||no i dont like it , im all natural .|||smoking , coffee , booze , girls/woman ;)|||i preffer a combination of both wel ballanced :)|||when meeting some one giving kisse on eithaters cheeks , or shaking hands . who said we on friendly terms get away from me whit those kisses and touchy hands ):(|||i preffer both and ad to it reebok pump :)|||maby because they are confused , thinking make up is a synoniem for the meaning of beuty . not realizing the meaning of beuty is the state of ones mind and charakter ;)|||and while you at it , make us a sandwich , we are hungry ;P|||wich of the 2 you mentiond you want to detect ?|||i dont forget , i dont forgive , i hold grudges .|||trust me you can get cheap mercedeses if you buy second hand , porshe to and so on especaly if you buy older models :)|||wat about maonist ? dont like them to ?|||i almost replied whit the ymca song , but then relized your not a man ;P|||ISTP , 64 mustang cherry red black leather seats and black leather cabrio top .|||Wel i gould bin in a relationship now , if i hadent srewd up whit the girl(s) And whit that i mean , i had a chance by a girl . to be precice i had chanches by multible girls .Even if i dont exaly...|||sure its wat i always do ^^|||i tryd searching on that name , does not exist in skype sry ...|||ppl hate me for me just being me , i have my own idees perspective and views of life . ppl dont like that , i also have my own induvidual mentality that does not stroke whit rest of ppl . so ppl just...|||no not blow up dolls , i preffer real dolls ^^ much higher quality ^^ and feels even beter ^^|||ISTP Enagram 6 wing 7 and yea i have fantasies about violence all the time .|||wel i dont consider myself as charming or flirtasuos , but i have bin called that by other ppl .|||1 ISTP . 2. Eum w-whute ?? eum p-pleasing .. h-how ... ?? 3. eum .. l-lets s-stick to e-explaining #2 f-first ok .. ;P|||being more accurate in detecting lies and deception is a istp thing , we can see true every ruse ppl pull on us .|||[QUOTE=sometimes;34539585]Mbti and enneagram if you know them in comments. And add any further information on it if you want obviously.[/QUOT ISTP Enagram 6 wing 7 , i somewat live by the rule(s)...|||Wel i try , but there are 3 skype profiles diffrent names but whit the entry jetplane48 in it , wich one ? |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Tan lines! Or a overall tan! :DD I like girls with a little substance to them, not too fat but on the other hand not too skinny, extremely skinny girls feel like they're gonna break any second D:...|||This is mine! :D Extroversion (E/I)||||||||||||||||||78% Emotional Stability||||||||||32% Orderliness (J/P)||10% Friendliness (F/T)||||||||||||||||66% Openmindedness...|||Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: High Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Moderate Dependent: Moderate|||Yeah, I think we ENFPs have a pretty high tolerance for anything but if you push us too far we'll rage on you. :P Most recently I just raged on a teacher who was being really ridiculous and was...|||OOOOHHH!!! I love pretending living in times where men in suits dance along to swing music!! :DDDDD|||I do like to talk to more quiet and reserved people more because, I noticed that they're kinda nice when you get to know them properly and they aren't as loud and as obnoxious. And like what...|||Wow!!!! The forum's totally changed!!!! Shiny!!|||Tired Bored Left out Sad ><!|||I just put the roll on top of the water containing thingy that puts out water when you flush, whenever I need it I just take it from there rip off a couple of sheets. Why waste time hanging it...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YDryzaVNqo REV UP THOSE FRYERS|||Spongebob!:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD|||Coookieeeee? For meee??? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD|||Cream of mushroom with toast! :D|||It's like a crush after crush after crush for me, sometimes I even crush on someone else whilst still crushing on a person. Saying crush over and over in my head makes the word feel weird XD|||Yep! Totally feel you on that one man, sometimes my over friendlyness backfires and causes some people to be a little afraid of me D:|||I wish that people wouldn't retire from PerC , it's like so sad!!! I'll never see you again... Why would someone want to retire!!! D|||I am Yam's roots.... Yams gotta have roots ya know? Else we'll like, die. D: Jk! XD I really don't know, I wanna be my eyes, they inspire a person to go somewhere or do something, well not...|||I do this all the time in stressful situations, I always refer to facts and whatnot like how exactly you said it. It's like, I'm not complaining, I'm just stating the facts! :blushed:|||Hmmm, I invite friends to tell me my errors so that I can change my ways. I don't like it but I take it in so that I can better myself.. That's how I deal with it I guess...|||Sorry, can't really relate.. but I love Katy B tho... Here's a song I can sorta relate with.. Magnetic Man - Perfect Stranger (f/ Katy B) (Video) on Vimeo Both really really awesome songs...|||Is it working?!?!|||My INTJ friend in my room : DUDE! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?! Naah, it's not that bad, but it's bad, it's really awfully messy, but I seem to know where most of my things are. Or I think I do. :tongue:...|||I know right!! XD hahahahahahah I drew windows and stuff on that castle and everything was so nice and pretty, I always wished that I had a princess to live with me in that castle, it even had a...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsNLiKqL_ls Fits me this morning. Woke up in my hotel. In the mountains, fresh cold air. Birds tweeting, it's really beautiful :D|||1. Before you came to this 'ere site - Were you happy with your life? Did you think you were happy, but on reflection, probably weren't? Where would you be now if you hadn't discovered MBTI? I was...|||With WMDistraction's correct technique I ran a amazing 0 meters! I must train more! XD This is the weakest Olympic player I've ever seen! Aaaand I just realized this game was made back in 2008!...|||Hahahahahha glad you enjoyed it :P I've tried running, if you could call that by my knees.. I've made it as far as 20 meters when my dude bent over and faceplanted the ground! XD Really hilarious...|||I was bored today so I discovered this game. Would be really funny if everyone recorded their voice commentary as they played this XD QWOP I'll add mine as soon as I get my mic problem solved|||I was craving so much of a tropical island retreat this afternoon that I was all up for living there my entire life until I realized that it would get boring and lonely soon... But yeah it would...|||Also, people who insist they are right when it's the opposite, you try telling them that and they dismiss or ignore you or even worse get angry.|||I prefer living by the sea. Preferably a private island with my future wife... The sea makes me feel so calm. Would also be cool if I had my friends staying on that island with me.|||Yes. Exactly. That is correct. Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately I don't feel much of in an intellectual mood today, you've expressed what I've wanted to express so well.|||OMG we're like the same with the asian raising and the super authoritarian type of raising! :DDD|||Mankind are people who are kind. Thus. Man -kind Those who are not kind towards each other are not Man - Kind We're loosing man - kind these days. Too much war and horror I need to ponder more...|||I remember I didn't like how the current school system teaches people so much that when I was 13 I developed a new method for schooling and education, I had a really thick book of everything planned...|||I figure it's going to get worser and worser, we have already CCTVs popping up all over my residential area.. They claim it's for traffic monitoring but I don't see any installed on frequently...|||Wow! It's like we're all similarly minded or something.. All that I could say has already been said here... Sometimes I wonder if really any of my friends I know are actual true friends. You know...|||We all have crushes that don't show much interest in us. THEY HAVE YET TO SEE THE POWAH OF ENFPs! XD|||Yeah!!! People like them!!! hahahahahahaha I once was helping my club write a opening speech for something... I was trying to keep the atmosphere fun and cheery and this girl who was the VP was so...|||People who hate fun 95% of the time :P|||I don't know... Sometimes I feel that INTPs have a mild sociopathic behaviour. Can't say much, only met one and he's my friend I shouldn't be talking about him like this.. But I do seem to...|||As a kid, I used to collect big refrigerator boxes and made a castle out of it :DDDD ITS GIRLISH I KNOW! YOU CAN'T JUDGE MEEE!|||Not developed emotionally... Like When I shared a piece of childhood with a friend of mine, specifically a cartoon... All I get was a response that hit my in the gut. WTF dude. Lame. You got...|||Hahahaha. Thanks! Fun fact! I had the same exact pose as you in my previous video thumbnail before I changed it :D I realized what the buzzing was, I had a coiled up ethernet cable beside me that...|||OH! So income had something to do with the results! I just randomly pressed a selection. :P|||Kuroyi ? | Facebook This. It's sorta like a culture among certain youngsters here in Malaysia. Girls who want attention take pictures of themselves and create a fanpage for themselves... ...|||She has a boyfriend. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DDDDD:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8ksX9fnhrA Yeaaah my first attempt at a lame vid... I apologize for the english and the audio quality :P|||Your serious face in the video's thumbnail! XD|||When I first saw the thumbnail for this vid I was like Nawww this guy can't be ENFP! And then I clicked play. And then I was D:' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Only now do I realize I made the fatal error of calling a side a crosswalk. Thanks for catching me on that guys. There is no wrong side of the crosswalk.|||I dislike them. They're the type of people that will usually be tremendously rude by honking at me for not walking on the sidewalk side of the road. Ya not following the regulations, so I'm gonna be...|||I'll skype you. I'm a little more extroverted than you're average INTP though, I'm an ENTP with enough rest and a good cup of coffee.|||I think this thread just went to the bathroom to get some viagra.|||I love how we're all lonely neckbeards that can't comment on this thread because we have no friends.|||Astronaut 6-8 Race car driver 8-10 Lawyer 10-13 N/A 13-14 Truck driver 14-15 Graphic designer 15-16 Cashier Late 16 ( Don't ask, I was just severely depressed) Detective Now(17)|||You have no right to question authority you sheep. Authority is unquestionable. If I say I'm authority I am, even if I operate our business in a stupid and inefficient fashion. Your opinion is of no...|||ESTJ are always so bossy and hate when you question their authority. And just love it when their istj sheeples kiss up to them.|||Oh. I got kind of horny off this. And making an INTP horny is quite the feat. You got this in the bag.|||Well it's not her mothering that gets on my nerves. It's more just our conflicting ideals. If I were to hate a type because they're my parent I could just as easily say I hate INTP (Dad is INTP),...|||Yes, but many ratings doesn't neccesarily mean that it's not one person rating in excess. I personally beleive that it is one person voting in excess, because the jump from practically no ratings to...|||Introduce an INTP to an INFJ I know. My mother is an INFJ and she annoys the hell out of me.|||I just channel my rage into one long stream of logic. Then I look back at my logical rant and think Hey I'm a hypocrite and boom I calm down, because hypocrites have no right to be angry at others...|||I don't think anyone really rates the threads anyways. So it could very well just be one vote from one person that always gives you one star.|||I think S just has to do with how practical you are. Not necessarily how well you use your senses. More like just focusing on objective realities instead of potential possibilities.|||Reverse psychology only works once. You do it twice and it's like multiplying two negatives.|||This is the place to dump anything stupid you've seen someone do or say recently that just cannot go unspoken of. Example: Today I saw a lady try to go through one door and it said on the front...|||Am I the only one who gets the joke|||An immense amount of sarcasm|||Why you need to follow social norms.|||You tell me not to do something and I'll do it. Sorry but this INTP is here to stay :tongue:|||I think it's indirectly saying that we are the thinkers because of the stereotpyes that say we have a tendency not to act. And if you don't act you only think. Thinkers though is a very broad...|||I think some just have it for the shits and giggles. I can't say why INTP in particular would partake in such a practice, but I can say that in general it's to fit in with the otaku community.|||Well. I guess I can't say I haven't learned much about myself by the age of 17, but more so that there hasn't been enough consistency in my personality to actually define it or even grasp the...|||If you were to meet me your first impression would be INTP.|||I'm still confused on my type. I don't fully trust the myer briggs results due to the fact that as I said I don't know myself that well so my precision is quite poor. But if I were to go by thise...|||I wish I was one tbh|||Thanks for clarifying. I've been somewhat disuaded by what I've seen on here, due to the fact that most if not all people in their respective forums tend to be very archetypal on this site. It's no...|||Ahem... *I have bad social anxiety *I hate being around people *I'm fairly cold and shallow *I sit in my recliner all day ESFP? Doesn't sound like it.|||ESFP? Well I wouldn't really say I'm the life of the party or a bubbly ball of happiness. Actually quite the opposite.|||0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||I'm Yamol, and I live in lala land. I'm a NEET that lives in a basement, and spends his time plotting against his mother's iron fist, watching anime, staring off into space, and talking about...|||1. The vivid contrast of light and dark, especially the contrast of tress with the underbelly of the cliff. 2. I don't know why I focus on the things I do to be honest, but if I were to make an...|||1. The vivid contrast of light and dark, especially the contrast of tress with the underbelly of the cliff. 2. I don't know why I focus on the things I do to be honest, but if I were to make an...|||Correction %3 are psychopaths.|||That's just a stereotype. Not all INTP disregard what others think of them.|||Finn doesn't think enough to be an intp.|||Intp - Kuroki(from watamote)|||INFP Most likely to be too self-righteous|||Eh, I'm pretty unstructured, aimless, inconsistent as well. I can relate. Ask me how I'd react in any given situation and I'd likely be undecided.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'You are not alone. I am always aware of decisions I make, what could go wrong and what I've done to bring it about. It's always in the back of my mind, creeping up to the front every so often.|||How can you tell if someone's a vegan? Don't worry, they'll f***ing tell you! Vegans are generally the most pretentious and annoying folks I've come across. Always trying to push their agendas...|||INTPs are hilarious, what do you mean? A magic tractor went down the road and turned into a field Thankyouverymuch! :dry:|||You could change it to Frankenstein! 66407|||Currently reading The Anubis Gates, The Quantum Zoo, The Inescapable Self and The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart|||I'll echo Omniblade, Earl Grey and Blueberry tea.|||Just saw these guys the other night. I'd never heard them before and they kicked my balls up into my throat! The lead singer is Max Cavalera's(Sepultura, Nailbomb, Soulfly) stepson and he is one hell...|||Uprooting myself at 18 and moving to Montana to join the Smoke Jumpers...I didn't do it and I've regretted it ever since. Now, 20+ years later, I'm heading to Alaska for an adventure this summer!|||I guess not?|||Many thanks! I've heard stories about the mosquitoes, so now that I have corroboration, I'll look into the repellent clothing! I never go anywhere without my shades and I drink water obsessively,...|||A friend went to work in one of the resorts up there and I decided I should pack up and go! Check the web for seasonal resort jobs at the beginning of the year.|||I think jealousy can definitely be used in a relationship as a tool for motivation. When used properly and without malice or ill-intentions, it can get someone who may be stuck in a rut into a more...|||I've heard this love spoken of before. From what I gather, it Bites, it Hurts and it Stinks among other things.|||Twice baked.|||Definitely both, although I lean slightly towards certainty.|||Pretty spot-on, in my humble opinion: Big Five Test Results Extroversion |||||| 26%|||I almost pissed myself.|||Can you fit in my suitcase?:tongue:|||I've recently been offered employment at a resort in Alaska. Has anyone here ever done a summer tour up in the Last Frontier? I'm really excited about it and am looking forward to the natural...|||Hey, I support the troops like I support any other profession. They signed up for it, they shouldn't get any special considerations because of their choice of occupation.|||I trusted someone emotionally once, never again. I am convinced that no one can possibly appreciate, understand or deal with the complex nature of my inner workings. I guess I am destined to be...|||I saw the Daniel Pearl video a few years back. I ended up curled into the fetal position on my bed for 45 mins hyperventilating and nearly passing out. I can say it will fade in due time, although...|||For a personality type that is supposedly capable of objective, rational thought and values knowledge, there sure are a lot of closed-minded, judgmental containers of vinegar and water on this...|||Since I dumped FaceBook, I only know my parents', sister's, kids', best friend's and 2 exes birthdays. Really, do I need to know more than that?|||Welcome and don't be afraid to chime in!|||I tested(professionally) in 2001 as INTP at 26 and forgot all about it until I took it again this year(2013) and typed INTP again. My ex still has the paperwork from my previous test. I remember the...|||Why would anyone want to be something they're not?|||My inability to get things done on time.|||OMG, how could I forget Maury Muehleisen? With Jim Croce, the guy wrote some of the most heart-wrenching music and lyrics ever. (and they put Simon & Garfunkel to shame, with all due respect) ...|||Ditto David Gilmour Also: Yngwie Malmsteen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS_IYe5JTZ4 Randy Rhoads http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTR5dWhZjtY|||Bad English and worser English.|||Feast - GREAT horror/comedy movie! The best and most applicable critic's review is: Fucking awesome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgys3pi2eN0|||I think it's more a culture thing than an INTP specific trait. Personally, I like very little rap that has come out in the last 15-20 years(since illmatic), but I'm a pretty big fan of the...|||Quit school and got my Getting Even Dumber certificate at 16|||Great idea!|||I'll echo the above sentiment: Great idea and I'm no artist!|||Welcome! :happy:|||I can't really make an accurate assessment based on this limited info. Why are you nervous? What type of important stuff will you be talking about(no need for details, just a generalization)?|||Oatmeal with a little cinnamon and brown sugar. That reminds me, its time to eat again!|||Just finished Into the Wild, currently reading One Man's Wilderness: An Alaskan Odyssey and The Anubis Gates.|||Just because I like a little Adele with my Slayer? No way!|||Bound was a pretty great movie. Very tense flick!|||One of these days, I'm gonna beat CafeBot in replying...|||I always click on threads with the possibility of boobs, however remote.|||I'll try to narrow it down...with the exception of songs, I could replace mort of these at any time. Top five movies: 1) Godfather II 2) Supertroopers 3) The Matrix 4) The Warriors 5) The...|||I think this is an excellent analogy that doesn't require expansion.|||I'll second, or third, or fourth this idea!|||All of my fish have individually thought out names, my cat's name is Kitty.|||Not at all, although I DO have a tendency to become negative:wink: at times. I'm merely stating my experience in having relationships with INFJs that encompassed almost half of my life. I have...|||You know why you'll never see a Latino or Indian Batman? Because the character of Bruce Wayne is WHITE. When are they gonna start putting more white people in Bollywood movies? See how...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH6bRd4s_kU umm, so this is not about me or anything, just my voice and such :DD a tried to do this technical video about encoding, but i wont make it public xDD ...|||so i thought about writing a blog ... heres two example posts i did some time ago One Breath Deeper any thoughts ? worth reading ? worth trying to be a blogger ?|||Lets say (and simplify) that there are two paths of career growth and dealing with employment. 1) One standard, official - study at institution, boost up CV with lot of half-fake certificates of...|||something is missing|||to all christians (and Dreamer777) ... stop being so invadive, just please, never! give atheists/agnostics advices on how they should try to listen to the voice of a Lord, etc. ... i am tolerant open...|||id say it would need a lot of development and self-control for INFP to be trully like that ... i know about it, but still i involve too much myself when helping others, too much of my ways, too much...|||dunno about you, but i dont know any INFP that is purely good, healer as you say ... many of them are kinda chaotic, neutral, messy in terms of morale ... i know many that enjoy their shadow sides...|||I dont think Jesus could ever be INFP, we are masters of neverending questioning of our surroundings and therefore we are pretty unstable ... unlike INFJs that decide upon some cause and then they...|||Joker is mostly indentified as ENTP|||well when he met reality (out of his shelter and plans) he got beat up easily by Captain Hammer ... he was practically bullied by Captain Hammer ... also when the time came when he could have kill...|||http://images.wikia.com/drhorrible/images/a/ae/Dr._Horrible.jpg I would say unhealthy INFP villian. I would say unhealthy coz hes somewhat emotinaly childish in his romance for the girl and...|||Deus Ex 1 Fallout 2 Mafia 1 there are many others, but theyre just ... games ... i have no emotional bonds with|||Thank you all, i would like to pinpoint now my personal faves. one slowly forgots about this as he grows up, good point i came to this conclusion earlier myself, just didnt payed enough...|||Loneliness ... not being able to connect ... not being able to share deep personal thoughts ... being constantly overlooked even for a hard effort/work.|||Iam not highly depressed guy with suicidal thoughts or anything like that. Its just that even if iam overall pretty ok ... i lack reason to live. Reason to get up in morning. Aim. Goal. Dream. Faith....|||Made for local band. (Youtube) Flash The Readies - My Enemy [HD] http://i.imgur.com/03Nso.jpg|||Which MBTI types suffer most from unhappiness, depression, lonelines ? Which type you think is most needed to get helped in today's society ? I dont mean this as contest of whoever is most something...|||Actually i must thank all of you now properly ... ive never read that much usefull info in one thread. I must admit it was a bit of rant ... i actually cracked up a bit cos of my new work ... its...|||yep thats true ... i didnt meant to fake personality for outside world ... just to be strong for outside world ... which i think is struggle for INFPs ... and again by strong i dont mean showing of...|||well its not about what i think ... its about what society thinks ... and i can blame society whatever i like :D but this doesnt change the fact that i fail hard at life ... its either become a man...|||Discuss this - Is There Anything Good About Men One of best explanations about men x women ive ever read ... explains a lot for me as male INFP ... ie. explains why i fail as man in society :D...|||u complain SC2 is SC1 with better graphics ... but thats it ... there is nothing else to improve ... OMFG realize that SC1 is allover best RTS game ever ... not just personal statement ... all those...|||Sleep = Loosing Consciousness ... I procrastinate on that choice, also i wanna things just right now, not to put myself in coma for hours and woke up tomorrow with blank mind again. Now that i...|||I think that Inception is more INTPish ... i got brainfucked logically, iam lucid dreamer, so iam gratefull for bringing that up (even when 99% people dunno about that and consider it all fully...|||Iam starting to thinking that iam really a lot absorbing characters from movies, tv shows whatever .. and just chameleon them, behaving like them ... I thought its was normal when faced with...|||I named my cats Kimi (originally Kimiyo) and Suki.|||Dreamer i dont like dreamer ...... sure i daydream from time to time ... but i also tend to do the opposite like being totally numb, unaware of everything, not even thinking ........... i think...|||well iam INFP but also feel alot like INTP sometimes ... also have one pure INTP friend iam not sure INTP would be great idea as girlfriend ... well yes theyre clever and special and whatever ......|||to figure out my main life quest ... what the hell to do in life ... what main activity job/university/whatever to choose and dedicate myself to it didnt cared about it that much till the end of...|||scored 42 ... also that Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) sounds totally like me|||Diverse ...|||well ... a lot has been said x) thing is ... a think i was misunderstood a little ... youre all talking lot about not bothering about such a external stuff and making sense for myself by myself ......|||it comes from big 5 ... but its cross-computable ... it estimated me right as INFP if you wanna get more information (lists of compatibility are: US States, Country, College Major) then get tested...|||Consider this ... society is one big living organism ... that has certain amounts of people with certain talents. I dont believe in personality inheritance, INFPs would be extinct LOL ... instead i...|||Czech Republic x)|||ultimate knowledge or at least to know some higher truth about life/earth/space on more realistic level ... to develop with someone very deep connection, preferably with loving/loved person x)|||1. well i have this problem ... when i manage to pull of some sucess (in career way) ... i dont wanna tell anyone about it ......... thing is everyone around me is pushing on me to do something ......|||Theres a lot of crap stuff in mysticism etc. ... but maybe because of that iam drawn to it ... because majority of people suffer from prejudice and not many sane, intelligent people are into these...|||well i dunno if i can call it nightmares coz i really didnt cared about that ... but i had same themes occuring in my dreams for years ... it was always about killing ... in some dreams something...|||i got loled :crazy: Your in-depth results are: Gryffindor - 10 Hufflepuff - 10 Ravenclaw - 10 Slytherin - 10|||I was lately thinking about what should i do with my life ... or better to say what i want to do with my life. My current status is: 21yrs old, my friends are studying 1st year on college ... and i...|||Important note: INFP certainly isnt wrong or broken ... INFP just doesnt fit that easily in its surroundingss. INFP has to get through more stuff in a life ... leave more of it ... to be able to...|||I found this online test - http://www.politicalcompass.org/test ... and iam curious if there is a correlation between MBTI and political view. From my results ... looks like there is -...|||well ... i think there is a one huge paradox in every loner INFP topic ...... lot of us are alone ... some are fine, though somewhat empty ... some are desperate and sad ... some of us are...|||unfortunately ... yes|||Thats awesome ... i made a PDF for print http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3358708/Places_where_you_can_find_INFPs.pdf|||how do you maintain it ? ... your general well being, your confidence in yourself, your inner strenght ... simply your happiness i recently started to feel some changes, but i dont want them to...|||same here ... i like a lot INFJ girl ... she also likes me, but only as friend ... still dunno if this is dead end in relationship chances, coz iam not really INFP in front of her ... it actually is...|||i believe in something higher, energy, power, whatever ... something complex for atheist ... i dont think its that simple ... we dont know that much about things that are beyond our planet and...|||no ... but there is one fact though ... at high school times ... i rarely went outside partying ... especially on those rubbish (more dangerous) places like many people did ... yet ... i got punched...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Mentally wrap it up, put it in a box and leave it in the past. Move on to the next project. :D|||I keep a small, but diverse group of friends. The INTP, INTJ, INFJ are my favorites. Also close with an ENTP, ISTJ and INFP. Very choosy about who I let into my inner circle, but the few that make...|||Curious, thanks for your thoughts. I was INTP (high school)>INTJ (college)>ENTP (post-grad). I believed that my cognitive preferences were Ne-Ti, but having just taken a test to confirm it, I'm...|||Become more independent, and less needy of assurance. Your ideas are great! Just follow through without needing pat on the back every 5 minutes.|||Hello ENTP brethren/comrades. After typing as INTJ throughout my college years, and INTP in high school, I feel that I've finally discovered another part of myself that really makes me feel... whole....|||This describes my relationship with an INFP guy to a T!|||I also eat a plant-based diet, low-carb, modified paleo, decent amount of lean protein (I try to do cardio/body weight exercise 2-3x a week). Love my eggs and almond milk. Green smoothies once or...|||I dated an INFP. While I appreciate the empathy and the fact that they're so willing to hear what's on our mind, they seriously have trouble with the I need my space thing. Not all are like this,...|||INFJs, ISTJs, ENTPs, INTPs, and INFPs. Sometimes I also click well with ESFPs, on the rare occasion that we're mutually amused by each other's company.|||I explain to them why I'm not able to extend the friendship, and leave it at that.|||Miss them, realize I miss them, decide if making contact is worth it, move on to bigger things.|||I supplement if I feel my immune system taking a dip. I'll take a multivitamin and bolster with some probiotics. Usually though, I prefer to stay away from meds as much as possible. I pay extra...|||You're not alone! I notice trends, but don't always have time to follow them. I tend to stick with the essentials and classic pieces with a pop of colour. If you have a fashion blog, please share! I...|||22 Problems All People With Resting Bitchface Will Understand I’m not mad, but my face is. http://www.buzzfeed.com/erinlarosa/problems-all-people-with-resting-bitchface-will-understand|||I'm a 3w4 INTJ sx/so and am quite positive my INFJ friend is 4w3. We're on the same frequency. Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can...|||Am I the only INTJ who considers micronutrient profiles when eating?|||Absolutely. We give fair warning about our triggers, but once that line is crossed we can very easily close the door.|||2. Anymore than that, like 4ish is entering dangerous territory. Hence my ex-INFP significant other, who could not seem to respect my need for alone time to recharge.|||...mildly attractive and a little bit awkward.|||re: sponges Try living with housemates who leave it soaked and face-down on the sink counter? It's nasty. Maybe an OCD, but I like to rinse it in hot water, wring it out before adding dish soap. I...|||Hi FreeBirdfood, did you know MIT publishes all it's courses online? ...for free? I'm no software engineer, but I'm willing to bet you'll find some interesting topics on there. MIT OpenCourseWare...|||Thank you for your thoughtful response! Perhaps a review of cognitive functions is in order; I've overlooked this in my efforts to organize behavior. There's just something appealing about the neat...|||Another INTJ raised in a Catholic home here. I switched to Agnosticism purely because some of my personal efforts were often credited to the work of God. Prayer was the solution for unanswered or...|||So it's been a few years since I've known my type; a good year or so since I've started exploring Meyers-Briggs in depth. Call it maturity, an enlightened Fe, or a less edgy J, but I felt like I've...|||Rule number 1: DO NOT SMOTHER HER. Let her come to you. If she likes you, you'll know. Rule number 2: Keep up with your own hobbies and interests. Share this with her if she cares to explore them...|||Try Vipassana. Really, it works. I attempted meditation before and failed miserably. I just feel like I had to be in the right state of mind and at peace with my surroundings for the process to take...|||Oh no, it does. For the most part I feel like social customs and public expectations do a decent job of taming Fe folk. But when their feelings come, it arrives in a gushing, seemingly potent...|||My Fi has blossomed quite recently, and I'm finding it rather delightful being able to use it and interact with other Fe users. Feels less alien being in a crowd where Fe is the dominant function...|||Yes, them. Our polar opposites on the MBTI spectrum. Do you look forward to seeing them? Interacting with them? I know we are introverts, but human contact is inevitable. As a fledgling INTJ I...|||Did you ever attend, apply, or drop out from an Ivy League? Just curious. Personally, I was aware of my own shortcomings as a student but submitted an app to Stanford anyway. I'm still fortunate...|||Future husband would probably appreciate this: 5 Benefits Of Having A Smart And Successful Wife | Post Grad Problems|||A well prepared meal. Rain. Being on a warm beach. Really good music. Aesthetics & design. Having dynamic conversations with people who can keep up with me. Watching athletes perform at their...|||@chaosagogo If you want to keep him as a friend, respect his wishes. INTPs are brilliant, but they can often jump from one idea to the next, resulting in classic analysis-paralysis rather than taking...|||I've been trying to get in touch with my inner Fe... and pinch me, it actually happened. My subconscious ran on NF over my usual NT tonight. it's scary. I feel like I've no control in that my...|||Stage 5, baby! :cool:|||INFJ and ENTP pour moi. TJs are some of the most straightforward, no-bull people I know. Even the introverted ones will speak their minds if asked to.|||I love my INFJ friends. Have you ever seen/heard of an animal that has both turtle-like defense, with unintentional abilities to inflict pain at people's cores? NFJs are master maipulators of...|||So accurate.|||...if I intern with a butcher, I'll become really adept at identifying and preparing cuts of meat.|||Also do INTJ males participate in the rituals of bromance?|||I wonder what would happen if you handed the keys to a shop full of power tools to a male INTJ? Part of me wants to say that they'd use the space to advance their current projects, with the...|||I'm curious, do any NTs here find yoga or meditation useful for clearing your thoughts? I've tried plain ol meditation and found it more irritating than helpful. A quiet hike in the outdoors has...|||Please thank your partner in my behalf, for sharing their lucid observations. I've always felt trapped by the way my mind works... My ENFJ friend who is drawn to crowds, once asked if I suffered from...|||Helen from Bridesmaids. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzxmppS28j1qd5tz2o1_250.gif http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyofrkIX2p1qkjsuxo1_500.gif ...|||Took the 144Q practice test this morning and scored with 92% accuracy. Licensing exam tomorrow, here I come! (I didn't cram for this one)|||lol, I always enjoy reading your posts. Mine is the same way, sans the lecturing and journalist part.|||I have just three nuggets of advice for the undecided: 1) Explore. Delve into and learn the inner workings of a niche environment you enjoy. You may discover something novel in the process. Bonus:...|||Allow me to echo that! I too, am physiology junkie. Neuroscience, immunology, cell bio, genetics... I'll vouch for diseases too, ha. I'm quite adept at linguistics which makes the medical lingo all...|||Perfect. <3|||INTJ female here; Is arrogance a dealbreaker for you ladies?' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'That's probably cause I have high Fi. (sounds like a disease hahaha)|||ESTP http://likegif.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Trainspotting-quotes-4.gif ISFP http://media.giphy.com/media/lEdvWk58gvoys/giphy.gif ESFP|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjpbWJpvGkA Beautiful.|||28, INTJ, not diagnosed.|||I hate surprises most of the time. But I really like it when someones gets me a gift out of nowhere that just really really encompasses who I am. Something personal. Sadly that almost never...|||The physical aspect is only a dimension of who you are. It's going to help you to get on the right track, but you are multi-dimensional. I think that if you want to feel balanced there are at least a...|||We like to show off how smart we can be. This is a competition. WE MUST WIN But seriously. I don't know. I like being serious. I don't have many opportunities to dive deep into subjects in...|||What they think of us doesn't matter a lot. A little, but not enough to be that upsetting. It contributes to the fascination/hatred I guess.|||Hello, Try to read about cognitive functions, maybe that'll help you figure out your type better. An INFPs cognitive functions are nothing like an INFJs so try to learn about it more and you'll be...|||Welcome :)|||I don't hate anyone. I'm mildly annoyed by everyone though. But It's actually never personal, I don't like a certain behavior in a certain context, but I get over it pretty quickly. You might have...|||Gender: undetermined Age: 21-31 Intelligence: gifted Openness: early-adopter MBTI personality profile: ESTP Closest alternative we found: ESFP LOL|||When you realize that you're going to die *DRAMATIC SOUND*|||She seems like a Te-dom to me to be quite honest. And I know too many ENTJs to think she's one. But really you can't know. Some things like how introverted you are are not very easy to guess if you...|||It can never be true for anyone really. Sorry to break it to you.|||She always struck me as an xSTJ ... But who knows right.|||I keep my opinions to myself unless I'm asked to do it, that way it can't be held against me. But in general, I'm my friends go-to person when they want to hear it like it is. I came up with...|||Lol my mother once told me that I was an autist. Great parenting skills But yeah I think we share the sensory overload thing with autists but it's very mild compared to them. Also we function...|||I look like a teenager. I'm not very tall and I have big eyes that make me look like a freaking toddler. But I'm sure I'll be happy about it 10 years from now.|||You can't talk about the cheese experience. You can only live it.|||Respect Individuality Integrity Open-mindedness I'd say Individuality and Integrity would be first on my list because the thing that I dislike the most is group-thinking, especially when it...|||Maybe it's just me, but what impresses me is mostly when people stand up for me and have my back, much more than the exchange of materials. When I feel like a guy actually cares about what I do and...|||Yeah talked about that in my first answer. The part where I said that paying the first few times is nice. And the one where I said that after a while money is shared. Human level - emotional...|||507938 I'd advise everyone to read it.|||I distance myself from the offering. The money. All I end up with is a very clear vision of the person in front of me and what they have to offer on a human level. There still is a courtship, it's...|||I'm not like that at all. I like to share responsibilities. When I pay half of my share, I actually distance myself from the fact that someone is offering me something and wooing me : I am actually...|||I'm thinking INFP|||I forget to eat when I get caught up with work and I reach a point where I would eat my mother if she's in a sandwich. I don't really mind veganism, but frankly it's impractical for me. Also I love...|||It's not the content of the conversation that matters, it's how it's conveyed. Everyone can be smart and interested in science or philosophy, it's just that some are not going to be interested in...|||Maybe the people you live with are just not the people you are supposed to live with, you know ? Living with someone is quite a commitment and has a huge impact on your well-being. If anything, this...|||Superiority complex.|||Respect is not to be earned in my opinion. It's better to give it freely at first, and it has to be taken away when people are not worth it. It doesn't even have to be taken away in fact. You can...|||I don't even know if this is serious or not, but here's a hug.|||Patriotism is dumb. It's being proud of something you didn't achieve. It's like being proud of having freckles. And carrying a freckled flag everywhere. And bombing people because, freckles.|||Just throw it all out of the window when it gets too overwhelming.|||In a parallel universe, famous wants to become you. Sorry. I don't know. Kill your neighbor. Here's your 15 minutes of fame. I should not be giving people advice.|||You guys are awesome ! It's a shame you feel like you can't express your insights because the world would really benefit from it ! I know that in my experience it's actually the opposite : I can...|||It's always stimulated really. But there is this weird thing that happens to me, I dream about solutions to my problems . I think It's Ni in action. I have to create a packaging for a product and I...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDsqpeiTqg8&nohtml5=False|||Yes, but it's not a detailed plan. It's a general idea like : I want to work in X field later, or I want to be in a monogamous relationship/never have kids or whatever. Immuable guidelines. Then...|||Type : INTJ Believe : I don't know. Why : Because nothing has proven their non-existence, and nothing has proven their existence either. Therefore it's open to discussion, debate and research. ...|||Only if forced to be honest|||It seems like a fun Idea for a book series. I would read it.|||Yeah I know I personally have a hard time forgiving people. The other INTJ I know is even worse than I am. The INTP I know doesn't care much. Both of them are my best friends so I know them pretty...|||absurd and sarcastic, more on the absurd side. I would say that they get my sense of humor easier than other types and I find it refreshing when what I say don't go over peoples heads. Also great...|||INTJ or INFJ. In both cases, if she's closed off to you, it's because she doesn't trust you in some way. You probably hurt her many times and she decided to shut the door and only interact with you...|||Hi, I'm a J so I'll tell you what I do and I hope it helps here's my advice : - Make lists - Make playlists that go with the project that you're working on, to influence your mood (I'm dead...|||General coolness thirst for knowledge low-maintenance same sense of humor|||ISTP or ISFP Maybe ?|||Yes I do. When I'm close to someone I do value them greatly and If someone attacks them, I'm not gonna let them do so. And I hate people who try to humiliate others. But sometimes ... When I feel...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ISFP :This one doesn't doesn't bother me. and INTP as I have 55% F and 45% T, which is way more problematic for me. It is really, really hard to take day to day decisions even sometimes career...|||I tend to think self-centeredness, selfish preoccupations, are enhanced in overly urbanized cities. I planned to move to countryside this year.Don't have this impression when going there. When i'm...|||I don't want to be this fatalist ! Even if there is no doubt that she will access to second tour.|||You made me curious to see a picture of you ! To be honest, I hesitate too because of really badBad stalking experiences (that are still accurate). But soon will come the day of adding my...|||I am so afraid of it but still have hope. What frightens me is that she's the most plebiscited by the youngest voters (18-25). Saw some Iranian an Lebanese people commenting favorably about Marine...|||Hi Vtype Came totally randomly. So tell me, I'd be really curious to know : - how can you be so sure, that you know everything life has to offer (which appears to be nothing, apparently from...|||Hell or Lesser hell ? I'll choose the grocery. Could be a fun human experience at least. Dry mandarin or rotten banana ?|||@OdinsVardogr More please ! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f1/dd/ef/f1ddefa4ac9594e4ee456fce2fac3807.jpg ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84RxK4N1wfE|||Find amazing traits of ISFP when observing bird and picturing landscapes I've seen earlier. and INTP in me when theorising, and doing humor. I cherish the idea that our personality is complex.|||ENFP are quite that big dope making this world go round, sane and fantastic and showing the way ! You are so charming that it is nearly insane. I am pretty sure you guys are hiding a big something....|||Ah and if you like Bastille, you'll maybe like Asgeir : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn9AndffqVM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4U19zwFENs Trip Hop's Finest. And if you want something more abstract / indie / buddhist / rnb / soul / nature crazy jam, this mix is perfect to chill out : ...|||I see your point and can totally relate. Thought it has to do with experience a little bit. I have a theory : I think that INFP friendship experience is based on the memory of feelings. We...|||I am eating tartiflette And it feels damned good !|||crash|||Bared|||Let's see what we've got there ... - A Holga camera - A lipbalm - An amazing drawing from a 3 year-old - An empty notebook - An earset - A simple black pencil - A brush comb - A book : The...|||Hey Lyna Yoga and writing ... that rings a bell to me ! Looking forward to read you through the forum and the INFP threads :)|||Wow, sorry for you man, this guy seems to be a huge dick. I think he must have a pretty shitty life, having the need to act like this towards you. When I have hard times like that, I just make...|||Depends of periods. For a long time, I could remember my dreams every single morning. Then, for a couple of years, because of invasive issues, I wasn't able to remember a single of them. A few...|||Greetings, INFP mate !|||Haha interesting thread ... Regarding my childhood memories, I used to think for a long time that I was a rebellious kid. As I asked my parents, they told me that I was the more normal child in...|||Good job done here. What's your next move ?|||Hey Alesis Read your update. I have never experienced this girl's situation myself, , not in this exact way, but I can totally relate to it and what she could possibly feel. She just seems...|||Yeah ! It is definitely Poland. Colombian Girls aex aequo ! Don't agree with France... maybe it is because french girls represent no mystery to me. (for the Boys, I'd say England. But...|||I am a big can of black paint. I am in a white room and I pour myself all over the floor. Then I'm empty. Now that I am empty, I can only dream about my next use. I know I'll be recycling...|||Hey Daiz ! Nice to read you. Jumped on your thread as I saw this, as I have had the same questions as you for a long and hard time. I am not sure that it has anything to do with type, even if...|||I'm not sur if fully understanding the sense of your question. Are you talking about being more commited than ever to your relationship with someone, like, giving anything to someone before...|||When you make a brand new playlist for your own pleasure. BUT it can't just be some random songs you like. It has to : - make perfect sense, - represent the atmosphere you want to be in -...|||Random Workmate : I'm going to South Korea this week ! INFP : Oh, great ! *thinks about South Korea, how great it would be to go there, thinking about great lansdcapes, thinking about seoul,...|||Doing a landscape puzzle while cuddling a trusty pet. Amazonian forest or great lakes of Canada ?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwSMbm1F31g|||Cookie. Tons of cookies. Photographing landscapes and objects, or photgraphing daily life and people?|||Music lessons ! attempting to save your hometown from a future bacteriological disaster, with the risk not achieving your mission successfully, or taking away every one you love and care for and...|||Haha ! Love your enthusiasm ! Crottin de Chavignol is The. Best. Thing. On. Earth. - Not smelly at all, very solid one, but strong and really salty condensed taste. - Consistency allows you to...|||- No sense of orientation - Born and raised by the sea - Always lost in thoughts - Born 91 - And, a grammar Nazi Wow, you just described me as well. New here too. Warm welcome to you from a...|||That we are forgetful. Many other types lose as much thing as us. But only because we always seem to be in our thoughts, because we often look spacey, and we lose things from time to time, like...|||Well, Just read in some post, about what ESFJs think about INFPs. I read things like, the fact that they look unhappy most of the time, spacey, and that it's interesting discussing with them, but...|||Short term / at a very first sight / in a social event : I only attract extroverted people, as introverted pals has problem starting a conversation with me. Reason : My appearance, clothing...|||Just watched Coherence, a psycho thtriller movie. It's all about a comet, and a group of grown-up close friends dining in their house. As the night (and the comet) passes by, weird things happens....|||Escaping quicksand - no chance to survive. Then Facing the rogue Rhino and hoping to discover that i'm a Rhino with big guts too. Taking a shower only once a week, or brushing teeth only once a...|||Hey For this particular example of practicing sport, you have to ask yourself, what are you searching for ? Seems that your main goal at the moment is to stay in shape, not so much running, right...|||Common days off as an INFP : it's 10.00 AM, you read a bit, think a bit, take a brief shower, you sit a minute and think again about random things (but only things that matters) ... An then...|||Tunts.|||When it's 6.00 PM and you haven't drunk a single ounce of water yet. Dangerous life we're living !|||INFP, 58/80 Such gaps between people of the same type ... surprising and interesting at the same time. By the way, can cognitive factors be used as a measure for empathy? Just wondering......|||Hi, and first of all, loads of love on all of you. I'm a 26, bleach headed, French INFP, nature wanderer, enjoying creation, writing, reading, playing indie games, composing, running, surfing.... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I always found him quite irritating. Don't like his humor at all. It always seemed so forced. He irritates me in the same manner as Jim Carrey. As far as his type is concerned, I'd say Ne-Si...|||Going by Sun sign is way too simplistic. Introverts have their Sun in the water houses, i.e. 4th, 8th and12th. The 6th house Sun also points more to an introvert (Jung, for example). Moon in the...|||I'm pretty sure about Scott. Yeah, with Gaz it's a bit trickier but I don't know what else beside ENTJ could fit.|||Gaz ENTJ Scott ESFP|||If I flirt with someone, it's because I really like the guy. I don't flirt with random people just to boost my ego, it's so meaningless. Yet sometimes you fall for someone who is not available and...|||I don't think it's an Americanism but ignorance. The sentence doesn't even make sense without the negation. If one could care less, then this would mean that there is a degree of importance of the...|||I'm surprised no one has mentioned lose and loose yet. I see this one very often. Even people like Beyonce or 50 Cent used it in their songs (Single Ladies, for example).|||What type is he? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qfGt2ulyWU|||ISTP and INFP?! Where is cyamitide...|||What about people with multiple personality disorders, disassociation? Maybe they indeed switch types. It would be interesting to see brain scans of those people.|||Interesting. I think those differences are not such a problem in a friendship. In a romantic relationship I think those problems are most obvious during the courting phase. An INFJ likes to be...|||Out of all the types in relations of benefit the INTP-INFJ combo seems one of the better ones. Not necessarily always in a romantic sense but INTPs are mentally stimulating to INFJs and what is even...|||LadyD Thank you for sharing! This part stood out to me the most, it is one of the things I was trying to explain:|||It's not so much being objective as it is being an observer. Having Ni as dominant function is defaulting to observing most of the time. I'd expect an INFJ to be more interested in understanding...|||In that particular dull thread the question was whether all INFJs were dull. Some people reacted this way: someone says INFJs are dull > I am an INFJ > this hurt my feelings > I will attack OP ...|||The other day I saw a thread here where the OP asked whether INFJs were dull and he got so many butthurt responses, one would think he had cussed out their entire family or something like that. I...|||The Madman Doesn't sound bad. I would just substitute 'memories' with 'impressions'.|||I'm not sure if I'm the best person to decide whether someone else is an INFJ, ha ha. If a person doesn't pass my INFJ-eyes-test then I completely dismiss the possibility that they could be an...|||Ha ha, I'm like that too. My father taught me to play chess when I was about ten years old. He would always beat me but I would always play to the bitter end. I would always take a long time to make...|||The opinions are split on this matter. Lewis got penalized a lot of times that season and many thought the penalties were undeserved (see the Spa controversy) and that FIA was handing them to him in...|||QFT! I also like to interrogate Si doms, their reasoning for some things ranges from weird, mysterious to batshit crazy but in everyday life you wouldn't notice because they don't stick out and they...|||But Kimi, for example, is doing pretty well this season as far as tyre management is concerned. And look at the fights he had with Schumacher last season, that was great overtaking. There is a lot...|||Pep = FP of some sort Fergie=ISTP And again, I don't think Mou is ENTJ. Just look at his overall approach, it's very ETP. He is nowhere longer than 2-3 seasons. He has no interest in...|||Really? He always seemed ISF something to me. His driving style is aggressive but in interviews he is always politically correct, polite, soft spoken etc. He has the same vibe to him as Michael...|||I've seen slightly greenish/brown eyes in Fe users but something tells me that green shades usually correlate with Fi/Te. The first one is probably xNFP, the second could very well be ENTJ. The...|||I think it depends on the different categories of fashion. I would bet that the haute couture magazines and shows are exclusive IxxP territory. The look is a mix of androgynous, miserable,...|||Alex is überhot! :) And, honestly, he has that endearing xNTP goofiness.|||What's the problem?|||I don't think he is an ENTJ. I don't even think he is a J.|||. What am I supposed to find? Post something specific. Point out where Jonathan expressed his values via Te and contrast it to how an IxTP would go about the same topic. That would be more...|||José Mourinho, also called the Special One is one of the most successful managers and charismatic figures in the history of football and he is one of my favorite sports people ever. So I'm curious...|||PsycheType Well, I usually agree with their (or should I say your) typings, except the one for Adymus. Was it in spite of what the Pod'Lair people did to you two or do you genuinely believe/firmly...|||Gotta love Adymus! So fierce! :laughing:|||It is bad communication to an extent but that's not the biggest problem for me in dealing with ESTJs. I understand where they are coming from, it's just that I don't see much value in their...|||That bold part alone should tell you that you are most likely a Ne dom and not a Fi dom. If you are an ENFP then you are most stimulated by gathering information from the outside world and exploring...|||I'd say ENTJ but don't ask me why.|||Bruce is the typical ISTP. Technically inclined and likes spending most of his time alone working on some mechanical stuff. In the entire family he is the one who has the hardest time to socialize...|||This^ part is based on the premise that every person in each of the respective fields to be tested has been typed correctly. And there is no such method yet. There is no reliable method for...|||Open-mindedness, I'd say. It seems to be the source of all other good human qualities. The more one considers and is willing to consider, the humbler one gets. Which puts a lot of things in...|||ExTJ. And I can't believe how much she resembles Vicki from Geordie Shore. They talk the same way and have the same mannerisms. Whatever type Jesse is, Vicki is the same.|||I truly believe that we are born with our type and I also believe that everything from type, physical appearance to persona is interconnected . The persona each person employs is still created within...|||I thought for a while that my mom was an ENFJ but I am pretty sure now that she's an ESFJ. Definitely a Fe dom.|||http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4838625164198323&pid=15.1&H=160&W=106 http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4751007839225779&pid=15.1&H=160&W=130 It's funny how Georg has always reminded me...|||I went on astrotheme.com and found three celebrities born the same day as I, which means we all have the same natal chart aspects (only the Moon will vary a few degrees depending on the exact time of...|||Introverted appearing ENFP. :)|||I wouldn't take Weezy's lyrics to type him, after all he has stolen lines, even whole verses from other artists.|||This one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYpYB-PK_LM|||At InterPersonality (Danielle Durland) they type William as ENFP, Harry as ESFJ, Kate as ESTJ, Prince Phillipe as ESFJ and the Queen as ISTJ. I'd agree on each one except Harry. I'm not quite...|||ISFP, a lot of mainstream artists are.|||I can't see Lil Wayne being any other type but ISFP. It's that laid back swagger, sort of miserable, I-don't-give-a-f***-attitude and the little quirks that come with this variation of the ISFP. ...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'A whore on crystal meth or ecstasy has probably literally drowned in cum.|||Far above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reason.|||What the fuck are you talking about? The word offensive is not in an INTP's vocabulary.|||Who's your daddy?|||I don't forgive because I don't even get mad. I just build contempt to the point where I start to see you as just something that needs to die.|||It's just lazy and cliche.|||Does this really impress you? Horrible. It doesn't even make sense.|||First I park my car, then I fuck your bitch.|||Exactly half? There's no way to possibly know that.|||The entire time I'm falling asleep, I'm fixated on the pov porno I'm writing and living out in my mind.|||Jesus fucking Christ you are such a pussy.|||I would've already removed the mask by the time the tape is played and you have no proof it was me. Would you hit me?|||What if I never showed my face to the camera and instead of hijacking the projector, I, while wearing a mask, approach and bribe an attendant with 1 million dollars to play the video. Despite having...|||New scenario: Your mom is dead. You're at her funeral. I hijack the projector and play a video of me raping her corpse then pissing on her face. Would you hit me?|||If I punched you in the face, what would you do? Even if I didn't, if we were in the same room together right now, I guarantee I could make you hit me. There's nothing worse than PC regressive...|||Oh, please. Violence in some cases is perfectly justified as long as you're not the instigator. Assholes who go around picking fights will never change until they get their ass beaten to the ground.|||Trailer trash who pump out 10 babies should have their vaginas sewn shut.|||It's not the prime justification, but it's the cherry on top. These broads are giving me no respect. At least run away so I know that you know that you fucked up. Fighting violence with violence is...|||Except that sentence is preceded by the condition that they hit you first or do something else insane like break your computer or say some horrific shit like they're happy your mum's dead.|||If a woman does some shit that would justify a man getting hit, and if they don't even have the common decency to step back or take a defensive stance after doing so, you should be able to blast them...|||There's no difference between what you're saying and someone who has fallen in love legitimately thinking that no one has loved as deeply as he has or that he has found the only person in the world...|||Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?|||Nobody reads magazines anymore, grandpa.|||I would like to cum so hard that my dick explodes and I bleed out in bliss.|||In my bed when I'm 80 with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock.|||Their tits.|||Why does using social networks award points? All social networks are filled with swag-fags and exhibitionist, attention-seeking idiots. Scored a 70.|||I have over 2000 tabs saved in Onetab and over 3000 bookmarks.|||That's an easy choice since I only ever take cold showers anyway.|||11. They're dumb.|||I'm 21 and still haven't started, nor am I ever likely to.|||No and yes.|||People who have used ATMs thousands of times in their life yet still stare at the screen like morons for 10 seconds at each option before pressing a button, holding up the people behind them. I can...|||I broke my brother's phone when he was on it talking really loudly for close to an hour past midnight while I was trying to sleep, despite the fact that I had yelled at him to stfu at least 20 times....|||laugh emojis, gold stickers and animal gifs. It's a style over substance trifecta. I win. I win. I win. I win. I win. And I still can't believe your taking me 100% seriously and caught...|||You basically told me to get a life. You caught feels. So.... I win.|||I can only read the comment, not your mind. Next time you mean to say something, put it in your post. Don't write something completely different and rely on the fact that others will have to parse it...|||i feel really bad that your so stupid enough to think i was being serious the first time and that it took you 13 hours to parse a simple word in an elementary sentence learn to read both text and...|||shut your'e ass i won the spelling bee over here at harvard so i think i know how to spell|||Why do INTPs like their rooms? Extrapolate to cats. Boom. Next question.|||wow your dumb|||10/10. Not bragging, but this was far too easy. I finished in 2 minutes.|||You're all so fucking incredibly lame.|||Dear INTPs, Yes, I would like fries with that.|||Dear ESFJ mother, Stop forcing me to vacuum the entire house under threat of pain every time you see a single strand of hair on the floor. Sincerely, Your future killer.|||It's scary how spot-on this is.|||No. I smoke crack.|||To think, for instance, that the CIA doesn't do top secret, illegal and immoral shit, especially given all we now know from leaked documents and what can be logically deduced from their set-up and...|||Do you make an exception for Scientology?|||I don't see how any of this pertains to my post. I never said that transexuality and transgenderism isn't a thing. Transexuals themselves understand that sex is binary, as they want to be identified...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I agree with you so much!! :proud:|||sry gotta bail mayb nxt tme Let Your Smartphone Deliver the Bad News - NYTimes.com I just finished the above article, which is about how younger people tend to regard social plans as fluid, meaning...|||This afternoon on the way back from the gym, I bought one of the few romantic comedies I like, The Five-Year Engagement, and Midnight in Paris, which I haven't yet seen but have been told is...|||I miss @Sea_cucumber. I always enjoy posts and replies by @LiteratureNerd, who so often makes me smile. I deeply appreciate ElinorDashwood's wise replies. LadyLullaby sends the nicest emails.|||I feel completely the same way. I've tried, but enneagram just doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe certain tests are more insightful for certain people. These tests are largely measuring the same...|||I'm actually pretty bad at recognizing faces, especially out of context. My sister, and ISTJ, is extraordinary at recognizing them, though. Even with actors playing very different roles, she can spot...|||I LOVE this site! This is Why... is my absolute favorite post.|||One of my favorite websites is Not Always Right, a site where people send in funny stories of customers and customer service-related incidents. Have worked various retail and fast food jobs, I can...|||Personally, I like quiet guys. I know society tells us alpha males are tops, but I really hate being around them. Give me a quiet, introspective guy any day of the week. (No, really, if you have one,...|||Ganesha, the Indian elephant god who is the remover of obstacles and the Patron of Letters|||This hits the nail on the head for me. I like to observe people--the guy sitting across from me in class, the guy who works the same shift as me, etc.--and get to know people when they're not trying...|||I've received some nice messages. There are guys who read my profile and their messages refer to something I've said I enjoy or some shared experience we have, like having gone on vacation to the...|||I think you're right. I thought I'd find other quiet people who are interesting, but just not into the club scene. Instead, I found weird people who lack social skills, or people trolling for sex....|||Scarlet|||I replied to this a few years back, but now my response is different, so I'm replying again. Some of you know that I decided to try online dating. I thought this would be an easy way to quickly...|||I do think my response was definitely dangerous. But the bar we were at was secluded and it was just me, my friend, and those five guys. It wasn't good. But I took them by surprise and showed I...|||You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take...|||You could be a highly sensitive person. I just recently found out about this and some of what you're describing fits symptoms. Highly sensitive person - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia|||I usually hate romantic-comedies, but loved The Five-Year Engagement. I also recently saw this fab French film called The Intouchables. That was one of those rare films that as I was watching it,...|||She just walked on politely and ignored them. I think she figured they were just being guys and, while it wasn't what she wanted, that it was nothing to get upset over. She's a lot more experienced...|||That's a good way of putting it. It boils down to respect, doesn't it? You have to respect what the other person is comfortable with.|||You sound like a gentleman, Northcrest. :)|||I haven't been on much of late, @Elinor Dashwood. It's good to hear from you! I've missed you and your wisdom. You worded it well. I don't mind being approached, but I hate when it seems like...|||Last night I was at a bar with my friend. To be honest, I wasn't especially comfortable with the setting; this bar wasn't my scene, and if it wasn't for pleasing my friend, I wouldn't have been...|||Not sure if I'm really mad, but yesterday one of my students was criticizing me for not explaining the software that students are required to use at our school. That's not my job. Students have a...|||This one's kind of weird, but I regularly have people come to me to talk about their sex lives or problems with their partners/spouses. I've had roommates ask me about birth control, the pill,...|||This one might be weird, but noises really bother me. Sometimes little noises, like people eating or whistling, just really, really bother me. There's this woman who works in my office and she sucks...|||I kind of relate to bears. Usually I'm solitary and quiet. I love eating fruit and berries. When life gets rough and wintry, I hibernate. And if you mess with those important to me, I will rip your...|||When I was younger (in my teens), I was petrified by any guy I liked. Now, if I like someone, I make an effort to talk to him, especially regarding things he likes. I just enjoy his company as much...|||You look familiar. You're just so quiet! You're just so smart! And my least favorite, You're so cute! (This last always comes from women or men who are unavailable.)|||I would wake up naturally (no alarm clock), blow off work, walk in the park, read for a while, play with my kitties, eat something delicious, cuddle with someone I love, and go to bed early. :)|||Aww, you're making me blush. But really, this is related to my master's thesis, so you really just hit on a topic I feel pretty comfortable with. Thanks for posting; this was fun to read and talk...|||To me, what's interesting about this article is its parallels with early feminist writing in the late 1800s. Feminist writers argued that men would rise to whatever moral standard women required of...|||I definitely do this. I took a tour of the British Isles this past summer, and each place I went, I adopted the accent. Locals were constantly asking me where I was from. I didn't realize I was doing...|||I got a 58.|||I struggle with this a lot. All the time. Sometimes it's even ridiculous the lengths I go through to not inconvenience others. But a friend of mine asked me recently, Why are you not worth the...|||It's strange, but something similar has happened to me within the last two or three months. I don't think so much about sex, but just about the emotional connection and the bond between people who...|||You bring up an excellent point. There are more non-active young people than we're led to believe. Also, the numbers can greatly vary by region in the U.S. (I assume the same is true for much of the...|||I'm 25 and (as far as I know) the only one of my friends who is still a virgin. But then, I'm a stereotypical INFJ in that I've dated very little. Overall, I believe people have to find their own...|||One thing I realized recently is exactly what you said--I have to be able to laugh with people. If I can't laugh with a person, it's going nowhere, regardless of whether it's romantic or platonic. I...|||I wish I lived closer to some of the people who post on this forum. I think it would be really interesting to meet some of you in person. Like you say, I can't fully connect with someone until I've...|||It's not a matter of getting replies. Lots of people have contacted me. I've even met some in person. The problem is, I just feel nothing. No spark. No interest. It makes me feel emotionally dead.|||Yes, this is how I've been feeling--like the more I try to connect, the less successful I am, and with each failed attempt, I close myself off more.|||Lately I'm having a lot of trouble connecting with people. I've been trying the online dating thing and had hoped to come out with a few friends if nothing else, but I've been woefully disappointed....|||I find I need someone who kind of pulls me out of myself, so if not an extrovert, someone less introverted than myself? I want someone who can be practical, but can also be fun. He must make me laugh...|||I do fluctuate between INFJ and INTJ. In fact, I've sometimes tested as a T rather than an F. However, the INFJ description definitely fits me better overall, and the T is something that has...|||Thanks, Sassy. I think you're telling me what I already knew but needed someone to affirm. People tell me I don't give guys enough of a chance, that I'm being too picky, that my expectations are...|||Yay! I nice, happy, humorous thread. Well chosen, Vaan. I've been told this a lot. My friends often tell me I mother them, and sometimes they'll say things like, Won't Brittany make a wonderful...|||A couple of weeks ago, someone posted a thread about online dating, specifically in reference to OKCupid.com. After reading everyone's posts, I decided to give the site another try. I've been talking...|||We do? Where are mine? :sad:' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 'Can't decide between Te and Ne. Inferior Te is ok, but as Dom-inant..... it's kinda Dom-ineering. Dominant Ne is pretty annoying. And as inferior it is also annoying because of all the anxiety...|||I daydream A LOT. But like johnson.han.3 said, it's mainly about concrete things...|||Well, I think Fe is great. I seem to be realising more and more that people don't like it because they think it's fake or whatever. Well, I just won't bother going out of my way to show it then....|||I'm sorry. Can I be forgiven?|||Actually, let me rephrase : When I first saw Spiderman III (with Tobey Maquire), I thought it was quite good. But eight years later, and after having read comments on IMDB about why it is not...|||Australia (city of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales).|||Hey, just wondering if this ever happens to anyone else: Do you sometimes do things that are not quite right (like, you are 60-80% sure that it's not right), but you go ahead and do it anyway,...|||8:30pm - I'm in my room, still sweating it out... They're predicting a cooler weekend - Oh, yes please!!|||I just want to let y'all know that, according to sources, it's gonna be really, really hot tomorrow (Friday 20th).|||Do tell!|||Yes, I am goofy. And awkward. And I also love trolling.|||Yes, ISFJs do want others to be happy!!! Sorry, had nothing significant to add there - just wanted to affirm.|||Well, you're an ISFP so..................... perhaps you belong over there. On the ISFP forum. It's a start ? :)|||I'm not an INTP (I'm a female ISFJ) but I also have some trouble making / keeping friends.|||Yeah. They can be pretty scary, but so cool too.|||Oooh, interesting, why the INTJ thread? (I have two family members who are INTJs, hence my interest :).|||Stogicery iswery lupidery.|||Stoic gis dulip.|||Mine are:» You have 80 Posts and 10 Threads. » You have 0 posts per day (2 posts today). » You own 0.00% of the forum's posts. » You are most active in General Chat with 26 posts. » Your Activity...|||lol. But I still think they look the best on Elizabeth I.|||Spam. For when my Ne needs to do some (respectable) trolling :) And General chat.|||Egypt and France (no, I have not been to France even though everyone else around me has). I would also say London, but I've already been there :)|||depression / manic depression / anxiety / avoidant personality disorder / paranoia / OCD but I don't think I have ENOUGH of any one item to warrant therapy or counselling... but I feel that the...|||...something happened that turned things around (i.e. it was a real breakthrough) ?? If so, could you describe? Thanks.|||I read your post with keen interest. Thanks for sharing.|||Sure! I love the stuff!|||Good point!|||:laughing: ...If 'tis true, then, if it pleases you my lord, may you excuse me from this undertaking? (After all, nobody wants an inferior fridge, do they??!)|||Oh I wasn't being sarcastic; was just genuinely curious. lol. What would I do for love? Well, hopefully many good deeds :)|||Thanks for that!|||In the song, when he says but I won't do that, what exactly is he talking about? (Sorry, I haven't actually read the lyrics; too lazy).|||I have inferior Ne.... does that count?|||I've never seen tails with fairies on them. That would be, like, awesome!!!!|||Jafar from Aladdin....I think Q: What's your favourite line/quote from a Disney film ?|||Hehe, thanks :)|||This is totally how I feel sometimes. And just for the record, I worry A LOT.|||Awww, you sound like such a nice husband Goliath!! I have an older sister who is an INTJ; when I first entered the workforce about 10 years ago she used to give me some great counselling when I...|||No one has responded to this yet, so I’ll respond. If I see a cockroach or spider I will yell and scream until my dad gets rid of it. So not much 'reasoning' there I'm afraid. Ok, seriously:...|||On behalf of myself, I know nothing about music theory. Had some violin lessons when I was little, but that's about it.|||I was afraid that someone was going to suggest that. Guess there's no way around it: I'll have to start mehing. I'll try blerging as per Wellsy's suggestion (I mean, he's an optometrist, so...|||Yay! My birthday = 1st August (one day after Harry Potter's birthday).|||Yes, Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds is the BEST! (for women, that is). I like her Black Pearls too. Cologne on men? Sure, why not! :)|||Cool!!|||I'm sorry, I'm not a professional music composer.|||Ah! Well, you know all about it then!|||No, I haven't tried blergh blerghing. Only blahing. Do you think blerghing could work???|||I didn't take no test, but I'm pretty sure I have a low IQ. Someone said that ISFJs have no objective logic (or somefin like dat), and I think I'll just believe it. University is getting too...|||Lovely advice! thank you.|||It's ok, managed to upload them here. Sort of corporate stuff mainly. There's a fashion company in Australia called Cue. Ideally, I'd like to work for them. Their designs are becoming more and more...|||366074366082' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I don't like casual sex. I wish I did, but my instincts about sex tell me that it is a profoundly emotional and event spiritual act, rather than a truncated encounter with another person's body. ...|||I love jewelry, partly because I like to make jewelry! I wear my own designs.|||g_w, it is certainly a violation of the lease. I could get into quite serious trouble. There is, in fact, a way to make toast with our stove, which uses natural gas. We have a small pan that...|||The legal terms of campus housing state that no one other than the leased tenants may reside in the apartment.|||When I was about thirteen I started emailing a Dutch girl and so became interested in the language. Studied it for a little while - can't remember as much as I would like to, but it was one of my...|||Wow, this is way too much fun. freckleface, I adore the Dutch language. Facts about me: 1. I'm a religious studies major at an Ivy League university. 2. I have three younger brothers but no...|||I had no choice; it's a college apartment and I have to deal with whoever ends up here.|||I am, but it's hard for me to admit to it. I hate this part of my character. The ironic thing is that most of the criticism comes from me.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WNrx2jq184|||Sometimes it's hard to tell whether type emerges from mental illness. Personally, while I believe in the MBTI quite strongly, I also think boundaries are difficult to discern: I am definitely an INFP...|||Yes, I do suffer from panic attacks but have become relatively good at controlling my reaction to the symptoms: I tell myself they will pass shortly. I tend to experience them in large, open...|||Hi everyone, I have a roommate dilemma. A new girl recently (in the middle of January) replaced my old roommate and has been causing a lot of problems, but I'm not sure how to handle them. I find...|||My pastor himself is an excellent source of wisdom and safety, but he's on sabbatical. This was a different priest, and I can't say I'll ever take anything this serious to his attention again!|||You guys are so helpful. Thank you!! I confessed to one of my fellow parishioners, who I think is also an INFP (she writes novels!), that I was being harassed, and she was all like, OH HAAAYYYYL...|||EDIT: I've just realized this is posted in the wrong place; I'm now waiting to see if it might be taken down, since I intended to post only in the INFP forum! Oops! There's an old man at my church...|||I don't give a f*** how much the world wants you to stop dreaming; don't even think about listening!|||1. Failure 2. Throwing up 3. Certain body types. Like, for some reason thin men terrify me 4. Getting fat 5. A lot of cartoons - there's something otherworldly and disturbing about them|||So here's the thing: I am definitely an INFP and simply tend to obsess over being perfect ALL the time. Grades, friends, weight, anything. It's not unusual for INFPs to be perfectionist. Also, I do...|||Who else worries incessantly about having perfect grades in school? I just got a B+ and an A- for two of this past semester's courses and feel quite sad about it, even though I do have an A+ as well...|||I really don't like being touched. Ever. At all.|||I hate phone conversations. It's, like, awkwardness amplified times a bajillion. And I mean I hated it before texting or emailing or anything.|||Dude, being an INFP in kindergarten was a freaking NIGHTMARE for me!|||Complete with cartoon sound effects.|||BAHAHAHA, I used to study Dutch!!|||Ahahahaha, I love knowing that I'm not alone in my spaciness!|||My body: 23. My brain: roughly 95.|||Share your awkward INFP moments from childhood! Many of us were classic INFP children. Here's one: On the bus home from kindergarten, the bus drove right by my house. I was lost in a daydream but...|||Nope, but perverts think it means I'm easy prey.|||I sometimes like myself too, but, like you, I rather doubt the positive things I hear from others because I have become so accustomed to censoring those parts of myself that others don't seem to like...|||me too!|||1. You have a baby face so you must be super innocent! Do you know what a condom is? 2. Hey, you don't have the Rhode Island accent! Do you hail from Minnesota? 3. You must be an...|||I have Type 1 diabetes - it can be such a nightmare, and as if I didn't feel different from everybody around me to begin with!! And I HATE having so little control over my physiology. So you're...|||Showing off my freaking epic hand-me-down lizard-ring. 414802|||Anybody else feel like they constantly need praise or reassurance in order to feel worthwhile or productive? I try to remain somewhat detached about it, reminding myself that most (not all!) of...|||Forgot my insulin more than a few times ... head in the clouds ...|||I'm logical enough in day-to-day interactions, and in academics, that many people think I fall into the INTP or INTJ category. Which is cool with me, but if only they could get into my head!|||Yes, as I said, I don't think all of these fourteen people are intuitives. I think some of them mistyped themselves.|||Geometry. Directions. Anything mechanical or spatial. INFP.|||Makes sense. As I said, it does depend a lot on the company one keeps! Also ... not sure if they've all taken the test, or if they've educated themselves much about the types. Honestly, I don't know...|||My closest friend says she is an INFJ, and I think she is speaking the truth. Interesting that you think INTJ is a common mistype; I suppose I can imagine why people would (want to) think of...|||I type ALL my professors ...|||Ahahaha, my ISTJ professor almost NEVER smiled, even when telling a joke to the whole class.|||I recently asked a group of my friends to tell me their MBTI types if they knew them. The responses were as follows: 1. INFJ 2. INFJ 3. ENTJ 4. INFP 5. INFJ 6....|||408562|||Indeed; I should be quite surprised at myself if I laughed.|||Same to you! I feel exhausted today as well, but I think tomorrow might be better.|||I wholeheartedly agree.|||Can't wait to start that new 9:00 to 5:00 job as an auditor ...|||I find this so weird; I always WANTED to be more of a sensor!!! After discovering how people view N versus S, I was totally perplexed.|||I hear you!!! I feel this way often. I've wondered before if I might have Asperger's but feel relatively confident that I don't. Don't worry; there's nothing wrong with you. You're just an INFP.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Have you ever considered it? Yes. In that cold practical way that INTPs conteplate everything. Not many non-INTPs can accept that you can look at something horrific dispassionately to evaluate it....|||https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xX0RmxWIGrU/maxresdefault.jpg|||My girlfriend is an ENFJ, and that F part is to an extreme. She literally talks and remembers feelings, emotion. Not facts. Almost never facts. She can say something to me, that I repeat back to...|||10 currently, often more, but then I usually have 3 or more SSH terminals open, each running screen with 5 more screens each, on 3 different machines other than the one I'm using. I don't have...|||Actually yes, they do have those things in common.|||Regarding 'bossed around': No, no INTP likes that. However, I think that how an INTP tends to deal with a situation is often perceived as him being bossed around by others, including the one doing...|||Taken concretely, I don't agree with much of the book. But taken conceptually, I agree with it entirely. I see the impact of being able to love your partner in a way that they understand, they...|||Fumetsu You have exellent points there :) Not all Ti doms hate change though. I thrive on change. If you want to see me miserable and complaining, stick me in a stagnant environment I can't get...|||We can be really positive. Just ask us for how we would do it. If you want to see negative, give us someone else's method and ask us to find the problems with it. Or don't ask, because will do...|||I'm a social recluse, said the turtle, I'm looking for other social recluses to be social with face to face. File under inconsistency.|||I liken the MBTI traits more to having a bunch of buckets, one bucket for each of the traits. Life gives you sand to put in them, maybe a few ounces at a time, every event in life. With a few...|||My INTP sister said that the easiest distinction between J and P that she found was: The stronger your J, the better able you are to be proactive in your environment. The stronger your P, the...|||See? I mentioned this :) What is going on in the life of that real person at the moment a post or thread is created always impacts not only whether or not it is created, but the content within...|||Motorsports sees all sorts of crazy unlikely stuff to happen, often caught on video. Other things start becoming entirely believable. A pair of examples that immediately come to mind: ...|||I think the article is one aspect of something that could be replicated. Why Introverts should fall in love with an Extrovert Why Sensors should fall in love with an Intuitor (what are we...|||Some basic real rules of internet forums as they might apply to your threads: - If you post something, someone will disagree with it, someone else won't understand it - Not everyone who reads a...|||I remember one years ago... Y2K Bug Planted by Russians. It still remains the hallmark tabloid headline in my mind.|||Keep in mind, people that don't really have a good idea of who they are get imprinted by other people around them. This is hugely rampant in pre-adult years. I'd bet that a large number of those...|||I'm glad someone pointed it out :) In a twisted logic way ... misspelled titles are one of the greatest attractions, because it's something we find repulsive that we can fix. I like being a...|||The first several points are good, but pointing it out to him is a bad idea. I know you want to make sure he notices, but you won't need to point it out and pointing it out would seem like...|||I didn't. It's not something I can easily pinpoint and say with clear definition, but for an initial flare of interest and connection, INTPs seem to generate that for ENFJs and INFJs rather...|||That's quite a different question all together :) My opinion for that then is to look for an ENFJ or INFJ.|||While there are some types that work better than others, picking and choosing based on type across all types is just as prone to failure as picking and choosing based on INTP. Blunt honesty: No...|||I've never found anything that works. Only things that conceal how bad I am at it.|||That's a tragedy. :( I would suspect that what you felt with that wasn't actually accurate to reality. It was responding to a fabricated reality. Unfortunately, that's the big trip-up possible, and I...|||From my perspective ... There is another person inside my head. My great array of mentally spidering down possibilities no longer starts with a single root of ME, it starts with a root of US. It...|||Honestly, the fog isn't a good sign. I know precisely what you mean by the 'fog'. It's a word I have often used internally. It sounds like you could make it work with him, but the fact that you...|||If I take over the world ... I'll have to manage it.|||Sure. I only know some of the details of some of my ENFJ's past relationships. She will answer any questions I put to her about them, but frankly I don't care about them enough to go digging...|||My ENFJ feels the same way. She is constantly expressing how strange but amazing it is that someone can approach a relationship completely different than anything she has ever been exposed to. ...|||Most non-INTP atheists I have met display an extraordinary degree of emotional foundation for their atheism. I don't think INTPs have this same piece, and INTP atheists might be the only true...|||I do this. Actually just did it on the phone when my ENFJ called while I was typing my response above and took a break from replying. She was in a crabby pissed off mood because of her roommate's...|||dessertlife There is a lot of your story that resonates with me (INTP) and my ENFJ girlfriend :) The short answer is: Don't stress out about this, it's going good. The areas you are...|||Yup. Definitely. I've slowly learned how to avoid the paralysis of drama-fear with my ENFJ, though much of it is just a matter of her really recognizing my small ways of affection ... and those...|||Yup, I totally agree. Belief in and of itself is incredibly strong, how it is used is different from it's existance. Not quite. You can have faith in science, for example, without ever actually...|||Something to consider, though I expect it will be rejected. :) There are laws that govern when chemical reactions occur that produce energy in the form of light. Entirely science. Where is the...|||I am not an atheist or agnostic. However, I am not religious either. I have a set of beliefs that I have seen far too much evidence to ignore the existance and validity of. However, I entirely...|||You aren't reading too much into it, you are understanding his attention. What you aren't understanding is how he is dealing with what he is feeling. He is struggling with what he is feeling MORE...|||Totally possible. But you have indicated consistently that a relationship with him is what you are looking for, or did look for, so that is what we are addressing. You came to a group of people...|||Sinister Magick I think the basis of your conclusion is faulty. It assumes that romantic compatibility is something that is intrinsic to you, rather than intrinsic to the connection between...|||chelon I believe that INTPs struggle with handling emotion in large part because of how when we do try to deal with them in the open as kids produces a painful reaction from those around us. It...|||Avoiding emotion, avoiding facing emotion, avoiding expressing it, avoiding being around it being expressed. INTPs make a habit of these things, a habit that is very very hard to overcome (some never...|||I personally have an extreme aversion to committing to anything unless I am 100% solid on the accuracy of my information, my judgement of that information, and the conclusion I came to. However, once...|||I don't mean to get all philosophical on you, but the level of your loneliness is essentially up to you. I don't mean that harshly, but rather as encouragement. That reaching out ... it is what eases...|||No judgement here. It's really rough to deal with. You will find that peace though, and without burying it all.|||Lonewaer and HighSteaks Rough. I've been there, though for a different reason ... (#2 in the questions) and then coming to terms with the level of pain I had been hiding from. Massive currents of...|||We will all just be nobody together :)|||This is going to seem contradictory, suggesting being direct at them as well as avoiding that focus on them, but it really lies in the quiet but critical distinction for us... When you want to...|||This isn't going to work. I'd be as straight with them as possible, as gently as possible. If I can't do both of those, I'd prefer being blunt over being gentle. If they turned it into a big deal,...|||Most of my close friends share several deep interests with me, that's 4 people. I haven't really added too many friends in the last 20 years. Finding other people that share enough of them to really...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'ENFP maybe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLsBJPlGIDU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od5w-cXfr1g I'm wondering about Pewdiepie. I used to think about him as an ENxP... But, in this video he admits he's an introvert, socially awkward and quite...|||What type is each character of the novel Shadow of the Wind written by Carlos Ruiz Zafon? My guesses: Daniel-IxFP Fermin- ENTP Julian Carax- INFJ Fumero- INTJ Bea- INxx Dad- ISFJ|||INxJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJOrJn23dUI|||ISFP* We all share the same functions, but in reversed order. Their relationship...well it's toxic symbiosis. My mother is completely overwhelmed by father, and yet dependent on him. He seems to...|||I'm an only child of an ENTJ father and ISFP mother, so i don't get on well with them- because i am too different from my mother, and too similar to my father (Two xxTJs with different visions of...|||Do you think that you're born with certain MBTI type? Because i think that rather our experiences shape our personality. When i was young, i had potential to become an extrovert, most probably...|||Thanks for reccomendation, i'll try it.|||So, you mean ILI?|||Does anyone have an idea?|||Arctic Monkeys has Ni+Fi vibe in my opinion. 1. Se 2. SeFi 3. not type releated 4. Introvert. 5. Se. xSFP 1. I enjoy interpreting the meanings behind the pieces of art, i don't really like...|||1. INxx. Weak Si. 2. Ne/Si 3. i'm not sure if it's type related, sounds like unhealthy Ni/Se 4. weak Si. 5. Maybe Fi. INxx. 1. I argue not for the sake of the discussion, but to prove I'm...|||ISTJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5vZovv8cPk|||Ni|||1. Introvert, intuitive. 2. Te 3. NeFi or SeFi 4. Ne 5. Ekstrovert ENFP 1. I constantly loose objects like umbrellas, gloves, sunglasses etc. I'm often diving in my own fantasies, and don't...|||INTx, I can see Ne and Ti, but you also seem more J than P. 1. I express my opinions directly, and some sensitive people confuse it with insulting them, or their taste, or their worldview, despite...|||To me: Tom INTJ Polly INTJ also Campbell ESTJ Ada ESFP Arthur- ISFP Grace- ISFJ Freddie Thorne- INFP What about the characters from Season 3?|||xNTP 1. Sometimes i not only not avoid conflict, but i cause it- because i believe that if something is wrong, you should point it out loud, otherwise you let others continue with their...|||You still seem ENxP to me, maybe ENTP, i spotted Fe. Again- since nobody answeared: 1. I express my favourite aesthetics through the way i dress- although i don't do it in very literal way- it's...|||ENFP maybe? 1. I express my favourite aesthetics through the way i dress- although i don't do it in very literal way- it's more subtle and symbolic. 2. People assume that i'm smart because i like...|||2. Introvert. 3. Fi 4. Fi 5. evil 6. not Fe. Sounds like Se, i don't know why. IxFP maybe? 1. I avoid people who follow the rules just because it's the right thing to do, without...|||Those things made me think that.|||ENTP? 1. I consider world as a cruel place, so you either have to adapt or let it swallow you. 2. I don't make first step, usually. 3. I have my head in clouds 90% of the time. 4. I wish people...|||ExFP 1. I am overwhelmed and sometimes even repulsed by activists who can't sit still, socialize way too much and try to be everywhere. 2. I feel awkward when i'm in the centre of attention,...|||ExFP 1. I am overwhelmed and sometimes even repulsed by activists who can't sit still, socialize way too much and try to be everywhere. 2. I feel awkward when i'm in the centre of attention,...|||ExFP 1. I am overwhelmed and sometimes even repulsed by activists who can't sit still, socialize way too much and try to be everywhere. 2. I feel awkward when i'm in the centre of attention,...|||ExFP 1. I am overwhelmed and sometimes even repulsed by activists who can't sit still, socialize way too much and try to be everywhere. 2. I feel awkward when i'm in the centre of attention,...|||ExFP 1. I am overwhelmed and sometimes even repulsed by activists who can't sit still, socialize way too much and try to be everywhere. 2. I feel awkward when i'm in the centre of attention,...|||ExFP 1. I am overwhelmed and sometimes even repulsed by activists who can't sit still, socialize way too much and try to be everywhere. 2. I feel awkward when i'm in the centre of attention,...|||ISxJ? I got Si and J vibes. EDIT: That was for Wisteria. Witch of Oreo- INTx vibes. 1. I hate small talk. 2. I'm attracted to symbolism, always trying to find a hidden meaning of the message,...|||Cool! I'm happy that he found his type (And i'm glad that i was right about it :> ) Yeah, i'm probably in the same group- but i need time to think and do my research to be 100% sure.|||I can do both, but i would accede to nr 2. Looking at one idea from different angles- this is what i usually do.|||Red ones- 100% me. Bolded ones- sometimes me. Depends. I get bored easily, but if we talk about something that fascinates me, is important to me, or can bring me benefits- i'll go the distance....|||1. Ne 2. Intuitive Perceiver? 3. Feeler, maybe an introvert. 4. Feeler 5. Fi. INFx, more INFP than INFJ i guess. 1. I'm almost completely detached from the reality. 2. I enjoy analysing...|||Thanks Xen, you're great :D As a child, i was 100% tiger from Winnie the Pooh. Now i'm somewhere between the first ENTP gif and the last one from INTJ gifs- but it depends on what people we are...|||I can come up with many explanations- as i said before, i'm not a fairy ;) but i usually don't see those explanations as evidences, because some of my observations/ analysis could lead to other, more...|||My pro's are about what's reasonable, what can bring more benefits (or less harm), what i consider right. So, more like pragmatism- but it depends on the situation. According to my mother (IxFP),...|||Emerl98, thanks! I can see myself in the description of unhealthy Se, but i'm going to read carefully once again both descriptions, just to be sure.|||Thanks for the tips. Lol, i know that just having hunches doesn't make anyone an intuitive. However, i have a question about that: This seems to contradict with a statement from the most popular...|||Yup, intuitive functions are hard to explain, but i'll try to describe them as i understand them: Ne is like a domino- one idea leads to another, this leads to another- an endless course. Or, even...|||I know, i meant quite visible (for me) or significant influence. I guess that it resonates somehow with me- but the same happens with the description of Ti in the IxTJs. So, in that moment i am...|||Well, it makes sense. What about Ni and not-so-low Fi? Can those functions have influence on INTP?|||Thanks. Yennefer from the Witcher is sexy, indeed ;) It's easier for me to function when i'm organized; however, being scattered comes more naturally to me. Really? Always thought that N-users...|||Hard to say, depends on the situation. I intent to focus on positive possibilities and use them, but also have tendency to overthink the negative ones. I know, it probably didn't clarify anything. ...|||Firstly i got Owl (INTP), and then Chimpanzee (ENTP). Well... I'm more confident around people than a stereotypical INTP, but i hate speak in public (always get stressed-out) for a stereotypical ENTP...|||Yup, i considered them and rejected as an option due to a low Fe (that makes for me being an INFJ improbable) and decision making process that is not limited only to Fi (because you mentioned...|||3)Things that inspire(d) me (then)? Calmness of the sea, sounds of the guitar, sadness. 4)Well, its hard to tell why i act like this, but i guess i unconsciuosly try to show my best side- and then...|||Hi! I already did this what's your type questionaire, but i'm still not so sure about my type. You suggested that i may be an INTJ, and i would love to be one, but i still have some doubts. ...|||Tommy Shelby is an INTJ for me. He's an introvert, and his Fi is quite visible- from time to time. Chuck Bass ENTJ? :O|||Ni: burgundy Ne: all the shades of grey Te: dark green Ti: dark blue Fe: salmon pink Fi: pastel blue Si: black and white Se: orange' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I have jeans older than most of you, and they still fit.:tongue:|||One thing I learned from MBTI is that they may not be boring, simply introverted. IMO, humor makes them come out to play.|||I've lived in 3 EU countries for 20+ yrs, have you? I've also lived in US and Canada for another 20+ yrs. Do I really need Fox news or some kid in a forum to explain the world to me?|||EU is the only truly democratic superpower, what makes you think its demise is imminent? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)|||Nature produces only as many as it needs.|||x93Assad has weapons of mass destructionx94, have we heard this before? So now the US is bombing both sides of the conflict, Assad and ISIS. Does anybody remember Bush's strategery? Trump...|||I have a resting mischievous smirk|||On PerC pages there are more than a dozen domains trying to run scripts, including Facebook, it's dog-eat-dog. If you're sure Flash is the problem you can simply disable the browser plugin.|||It shouldn't be a struggle unless you have many tabs loaded. But it is spooky to see CPU usage while you're doing nothing.|||In Firefox CPU usage is in Firefox Plugin-Container module, not FF itself. It is most likely an interaction between Flash ads re-loading continuously, and NoScript & Adblock blocking them.|||You write very well, and if you're French it all adds up. My wife used to talk like you, very inspiring, though she died very young in her 40s, I'm guessing she was ISFJ. Perhaps your sexual...|||You just shot down your own sexual attraction theory. Your attraction filter is down to a backup plan of shared hobbies? Or maybe you're turned on by short, fat, wrinkly men?|||You make a very compelling argument. What happens when she gets fat, sick, wrinkly or loses interest in sex?|||Ignorance is not a valid argument.|||I can't tell people's types IRL, I bet reading other's thoughts in a forum is different than meeting them in person. In written form INTJs come across humorless & serious. But then, barking dogs...|||What do you mean inexpressive, few words or cold fish in general? Just from reading forum, INTJs come across as very serious & boring, though very persistent and competent with detail.|||Same here, 2-5% CPU usage on i7-6700. Perc must have a badly written script that tries to load flash advertisements. NoScript blocks all ads but the script keeps running in the background. You can...|||Happy now? :tongue:|||OK I see. Try the cognitive functions test I linked above and post your results. Then we will troubleshoot you.:tongue:|||I didn't trust MBTI test initially so I took all different tests I could get my hands on. It always comes up ENTP, except ENFP 10% of the time, like here. ...|||A day with you of course :tongue:|||Here's a famous jack of all trades: astronomer, historian, geographer, philosopher, poet, theater critic, mathematician, librarian. Being multidisciplinary is the ultimate weapon, hope that inspires...|||Maybe it had a smiley face.|||I've noticed IN_Js in the forum do that -- pattern dead end. They do a lot of internal Ni processing without fetching new facts that may confirm or refute the pattern. Reality check people!...|||ENxP party would look like this? 658906 meh, animated GIF not working|||True for me. Make it into a poll to see if the numbers hold up.|||I don't own a TV, what's the story? Are they trying to convince people to be 20% gay?|||Kinsey was a pervert and a pedophile, trying to convince people that there's a pedophile in all of us. Today he'd be in jail. Reminds me of this: The Fox Without a Tail an Aesop's Fable|||I thought the panic button on my car keys was for that. http://personalitycafe.com/enfp-forum-inspirers/1026698-what-inferior-si-like-you.html#post34788890|||That's like asking, how gay are you?|||I was completely unaware of Si until I read this forum, still am. Inferior SI may be the reason I can never find my car in parking lots. I'm not good with too much sensory input, and my brain is...|||I'd say an ENFP is more easily hurt, an ENTP is rather immune to verbal assault, at least I am. He seems more F than T, but comes on very strong and not as sensitive as you'd expect of an NF. I'd...|||There's always some bias in these videos, though ENFPs seem more sensitive to me. This is how I think of ENFP -- this story moved me, almost to tears. Are ENFPs here moved by this woman?...|||How do you explain Russel Brand? http://personalitycafe.com/enfp-forum-inspirers/150621-russel-brand-enfp.html|||What do you guys think of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hSQU--1laY|||I do it, I was trying to get a couple of ladies in wheelchairs at Walmrt to race down the aisle, I almost convinced them. Too many people with guns around here. If you want genuine human...|||It's not that they like people, they're just curious, nosy, bored, boring, they'll talk to you long enough to check if you're dangerous.|||Well then don't get a job as a Santa. How do you do with women? Do they all think you're a serial killer?|||I read the forums to see if different types have something in common, I can't tell people's type IRL. You people are too serious. Is there anything that makes you ROFL?|||From reading INTJ forum I noticed they're very serious. Why are you people so fucking serious?|||People use the word rationalize, when people resolve things in their mind, but feeler types do that as well, so maybe not an NT thing. I'm classic ENTP but lean towards ENFP in social settings,...|||39% ENTP 21% ENFP 15% INTP 8% ENTJ 5% ESTP So I'm 5% Donald Frump|||@desire machine We've all had some bad experiences, in childhood or later. Instead of the avoidance/escape explanation, I'd say we use mostly our most competent part, simply because it's easier...|||Eyebrows are very revealing, but you think they're useful is lie-detectors? For me it's mostly aesthetics, many over-pluck them because they think it's more feminine, but it makes them look silly...|||Yes and you can roll in it too:tongue:|||Me too. Do you find that women pluck their eyebrows too much? It changes their whole face expression.|||I agree, us guys want pics.:tongue: So here's misogyny in video from last week's news, though I will defend his right to speak. And sometimes truth is revealed. ...|||I grew up in Montreal GO HABS GO Not an INFJ though Does that rhyme al all?|||Not that it matters, but he doesn't sound ENTP. None of your descriptions of him resonate with me. I'm averse to conflict, and have no emotional tantrums. ENTP like solving problems, does he do that?...|||Congratulations, your degree is in nursing? Why doesn't he have a job?' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I'm an ENTP mother with an ENFP daughter. Arguing with her is like trying to persuade a lamp-post to bend. I'm happy to talk alternatives and if there is a difference of opinion, to find a third...|||Your scores are: Care 77.8% Fairness 83.3% Loyalty 38.9% Authority 30.6% Purity 47.2% Liberty 63.9% Your strongest moral foundation is Fairness. Your morality is closest to that of a...|||It's about preferences, and the strength of your preference indicates mostly how you would respond in any situation. I can use Si...I think...but almost never do. Helps to understand how you...|||MBTI ENTP (E 56%; N 100%; T 85%; P 60% on full test) Enneagram (with wing) 6w7 but suspect Enneagram is bollocks. Alignment ...|||I'm not sure my cognitive type was made by anything around me. I think I've always been this way. At least, have always been NT. Possibly the E/I and J/P bits have shifted around a little over the...|||When you... oh, hang one a minute. What was the question again?|||When somebody brings you an emotional problem wanting support and you explain the motives of all of the people involved, and look at them as if to say ta-da! there, I sorted it out for you and they...|||mmmm that doesn't describe me. Does describe INFP though. I relate a lot to other posts here about symbolic thinking. And I talk in metaphor a LOT. I jump off conversations with surreal leaps...|||Agreed. Happens occasionally. Doesn't need any fancy personality typology thinking, just know yourself. Know it passes. You're having an off day, go easy on yourself. That's it, really. I get less...|||Can affect: yes. Can as the sole agent cause dangerous rises in intra-ocular pressure, no. You should perhaps get a second opinion from another eye specialist as you are seriously concerned. Or,...|||Well, why would they? Intra-ocular pressure is a function of production and outflow. Unless you have a blockage to outflow (glaucoma) then pressures are unlikely to rise high enough to be a problem,...|||I've been working in healthcare for 30 years. I'm bored, but pension and mortgage. I wasn't always bored, but it's been a long time.|||The only way in which I could use my ears to subvert others was if they were so large I could trip people up with them.|||Seems there is a lot of overthinking going on here. Men are simple beasts, and ENTP men (guessing here, as I'm female) are very simple beasts. If you like him and he's available, say so. But if he's...|||My personal values are dictated by rational thought. So it isn't a dilemma for me.|||No idea what the links are for, but the answer to your question is a simple No.|||Never been diagnosed with any psychological disorder. Had a short bout of depression in late teens related to OCP, resolved when I stopped it, have had overwork-related anxiety, resolved when I took...|||The starting premise is faulty, there is no evidence really that 'ENTPs are at the bottom of society. All it shows is that on average they are associated with a slightly lower household income. ...|||I have trouble remembering where I parked the car, and if you ask me what I did yesterday it takes me around two full minutes to remember it. I can't remember lists very well. In fact I need that...|||Well, INTJ daughter dealt with it. I sent her back home to talk with her parents the night before the party, her Mum welcomed her and said they'd all talk when Dad got home. He did, and was just...|||ENTP extraversion is not social, it's about ideas. How do you solve problems, do you lock yourself in a room until you have figured it out, or do you bounce ideas off people? Do you think up cool...|||Your insights are spot on. Your approach is ISTJ's. The dispute is that ISTJ forbids INTJ to attend said party and she intends to go. In the event that she goes, ISTJ has told her she is not welcome...|||Hi I wonder if I could ask the hive-mind for some insights on how a conflict could be managed between an ISTJ woman and her 17 year old INTJ daughter. Things have reached the point where the...|||Hi all I find myself as the go-between in a dispute between my ISTJ sister in law and her 17 year old INTJ daughter. This has reached the point where the daughter is threatened with eviction, and...|||OP, don't stop being you. Nothing wrong with being honest with people. But some people will misinterpret it, and either love you or hate you for it. Their problem. You sound just fine as you are. ...|||I think that parenting is a three-way process (if you are lucky enough not to have to be parenting on your own, then it's a two-way process) and depends on the combined types. So for what it's...|||Sometimes this is a subliminal message: do you REALLY want to do this? Does it REALY matter? If you can answer that question objectively and the answer is yes, then I find the timer method works...|||I think the Extrovert thing is more about how you problem solve. I behave like a social introvert, hate small talk, often silent in gatherings (years of letting people see the content of my head as a...|||I'm rubbish at competitive sport, and bored by the gym. I run off-road, when I can find the energy (goes in bursts) and do Pilates because it is Good For Me. That's it.|||I suspect morality has as much to do with learned values than personality type. I would say that I approach moral decisions logically. But my values would lead me to make decisions that do not...|||You know you're a mature ENTP when....people tend to assume you're an introvert, and when you think about it you realise that you've been very quiet in gatherings for quite a while now, simply...|||- Personality type of your partner: ENFJ - Your age: (approximation is OK) 52 - Length of your relationship (is it still going on?): (approximation is OK)23 years (married 20) - Did you find a...|||David, you don't sound all that well, to be honest. Hard to say from what you've posted, but it comes across like you have been over-thinking yourself into an anxiety state. Suggest a visit to your...|||Ezzackly. Most standup revolves around either shocking/surprising people or generating a feeling of nostalgia. You might use the surreal to get subject matter for your set, but that's what you...|||Ne is good for standup. However your average standup audience won't get the degree to which you use it, you might have to tone it down. It's also...standup is highly scripted, you can't just stand...|||Honesty is important. Truth is important. If I HAD to choose between being truthful (according to your own perceptions, of course, truth is relative) and being kind, I would have to be truthful....|||Han Solo isn't?|||Loki does chaos because he is hurt. He doesn't like it, except in a revenge sort of way. His sense of self has been attacked and it is NOT ok. Speaks of unhealthy Fi to me. He doesn't think very far...|||Loki is INFP, I reckon. Too much resentment of past wrongs to be INTP. Tony Stark is ENTP. Black Widow...ISTP. Captain America ESTJ. Thor...agree, ESxP. Bruce Banner I think INTP. He and Tony...|||You are all too kind. We have a great and supportive (for a fee, of course) bunch of accountants. I'm being as supportive as I can. I think it will get easier.|||I'm not sure it's that easy to file any type as understood. I think we might be more difficult than many types. Look for paradoxes.|||Aye well, at the end of the day the mood is much more upbeat than at the beginning...as if the beginning never happened. After all these years, I still find myself surprised by this...that the kind...|||Hmm. My husband of 20 years. Anchored into a business lease on premises for at least 3 years. Lots of money tied up. Think crash and burn is really an option. That's my current strategy, but it...|||Hi folks. Can I pick your brains for advice on stopping my ENFJ from drowning in anxiety? He's just started a new business, everything is new and difficult, and as with many startups, he is...|||I dunno, how long have you been together? Needing a couples therapist after only a few months...whatever type he is, do you really want to be with him? You can't select someone based on type and make...|||There isn't a direct correlation with enneatype and MB type, they are looking at different aspects. Neither system really takes into account values, beliefs, shared history etc so I'd be wary of...|||There isn't a direct correlation with enneatype and MB type, they are looking at different aspects. Neither system really takes into account values, beliefs, shared history etc so I'd be wary of...|||Interesting thread. From the other side, in general I can sometimes struggle with xNxJs as their certainty that they are right (the Ni thing) is just not consistent with the several other...|||Thanks. I was interested to know how it might go in a work environment.|||Do you two types get on well? How would you balance out, if you had to work together? This may be related to another thread I have posted here. But just wondering.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Im a little bored and wanted to start a random thread, hope you dont mind. 1) Any artsy-fartsy INTJ's out there? I dont think Ive seen much on this topic, but do you think that INTJ's have the...|||Maybe we could come up with some technology to alter other types into INTJ's? Too inhumane? I guess cloning works too... :/|||@MissJordan I was wondering about the name too.... And I haven't really met too many INTJ's in person so I'm not sure I can answer the question well. I can tell you though that a few people have...|||Text, play video games, surf the web, facebook.... that's about it. haha. :)|||ListnToo Welcome to PerC! Admros ... you're avatar reminds me of a rapist. As for us getting a bad rap... I don't feel like we do, people just don't understand how our minds work. I feel like most...|||When I was typed a few years ago I almost always got INFJ. When I retested a while ago though, I kept finding that I always got INTJ. The descriptions for an INTJ fit my personality quite well and I...|||Don't the younger two play games using their imaginations? My middle brother (10 years old) still does and he can occupy himself for hours playing war games or teacher and what-have-you.|||(*sadness*). and useless tasks are.... well, USELESS.|||Today is my last day of school before break. Do you always feel stressed out with the kids at home all day? (In my family we have 6 kids that ALL go to school. It's so chaotic during the summer when...|||@Mynameisnick Seeing as how you've contributed 4 out of the 6 posts on this thread so far, it seems you don't need anyone else; you keep a conversation going all by yourself, don't you? JUST SAYIN......|||I seriously almost started a thread just like this yesterday. ALMOST.|||Well said. :) and, catniss.... why ferrets??|||Can I give my input, even though I am a girl? The relationship between my parents and I are both kind of bad. My mother lives in her own little world and doesn't bother communicating with me and my...|||Is that a good or a bad thing??? :O|||@lirulin and @Antiant wooooow guyz, feelin the love on this thread, feelin tha looove. Now lets all give eachothers a big hug!|||So only if they had small blowholes?? (And wtf kinda magazine...?)|||Lawls. Do you think if dolphins were self-conscious about their appearance that they would dislike their blowholes? Juss curiouss.|||yeah... im juss jealous. im self-conscious that i aint gotta blowhole (this sounds verrry perverted) and can be squeekers all tha times (i dont think theres any way to make this sentence NOT sound...|||ZOMG! that sounds sooo kewl! i would watch that! lol! wanna see it wit me? ;P haha! jk. When I lived in florida we had this tiny itty bitty lizards and when you tried to catch them THEIR TAILS CAME...|||In my art class we were watching a parody of a song by Rebecca Black. They were riding in a convertable and one of the girls was making her arm swim in the air and said MY HAND IS A DOLPHINNNN!!....|||Wow, I did NOT mean to come across that way. I apologize. Thank you for pointing out I said that though; I sometimes have difficulty not sounding like a snob because of the way I talk and I have to...|||I usually refer to myself as a jack of all trades, master of none. If I find something even slightly interesting I usually obsess over trying to learn more and more about it until I find something...|||HarpFluffy, my Chinese Zodiac animal is a rooster. And besides, they have more attitude than chickens do. Peter, I'm not offended you called me a HE. I just thought it was funny, so yeah, I...|||Like, OMG. I swear, I have had, like THE worst day ever! My french teacher was totally wearing a black dress with BROWN shoes! How GA-ross is THAT? Ohmiigood! There is this cute guy in my art class...|||Oh! Make me one too! I'd wear it.|||Hey, I'm a girl, not a HE. ;P And yeah, I suppose what you say is true.|||Can you give me an example so I can better understand what you mean? I don't want to misconstrue your question.|||But you have to think, how often do I get excited over my conversations with people? Small talk or gossip doesn't excite me, so my voice wouldn't get louder over that, would it? I just feel that...|||It's possible. When I get excited I sometimes have people telling me to quiet down.|||That does sound dirty. :P And I don't think I just tweaked. I full out changed myself. I look back at how I used to act towards other people and it frightens me how twisted I was. I was kind of...|||Growing up, I had never really thought about how I treated people or why I would act a certain way. A few years ago though, I became really depressed and suicidal. Thinking back, I'm not even really...|||Mei, that was a wonderful post. I think I'm beginning to understand my sister now; before I was always in the dark about why she would react a certain way to things I said or did. We'll see how...|||I always thought that if I were a male I would want a deep, commanding voice. Would it be weird if I said I were jealous? I have a naturally high-pitched voice that I have conditioned to sound lower...|||Thanks for that, but I don't deem myself attractive enough to silence a roomful of people.|||I want to hear your stories of when you were completely objective in a stressful/ hazardous situation. I'll even give my own anecdote to get us started. I had been cooking something over the...|||Thank you for this response, it was very insightful. I will give her some more time, but I feel like if she does not feel better soon that seeing a professional would be best. Getting an objective...|||1. Observe, observe, observe. If I see a person I'm interested in being friends with, I usually just observe them for a while to see if they're worthwhile. 2. Once a person first meets me or we...|||Thank you, everyone, for your responses. FunkDragon75, she is young (13), but she's been like this her whole life; I don't think it's teenaged angst. mintyphoenix, she likes to draw cartoons, and...|||Witty? Don't think so. And I tried having her take the test, but she was fed up with it (and me) before she even finished. Also, she is very indecisive, so she would ask me for my opinion on most...|||I want to know what an INFP gone bad is like. I'm asking this because I tried typing my sister, and the only type I can seem to come up with is INFP, but she is probably the most volatile, depressed,...|||If I'm a vegetarian, can I say neither?? (IF I had to pick though, it would be the beetles...)|||Tell you what, I'll make my next art project a self portrait then I'll post it for you. Sound good? And how would an x-ray/mri prove what I look like?|||If I told you I hated cameras with a passion, then what? I think the most recent picture of me was from about 5 years ago.|||Ha! I just imagined that, how smelly. I know someone who always smells like copper, I think it's gross. I like lavender, rose, and cherry blossom. And I absolutely hate coconut and vanilla and...|||I guess I could be considered cute... if you get past my cold and detached personality. People don't really seem to notice how I look most of the time. (Im not going to post a picture) I'm short...|||I get a lot of books from the library. Also, I spend time there occasionally because I don't have internet access in my home. I probably only go once every two weeks or so.|||If I get excited about something I tend to talk loud (not loud enough to be annoying though [I hope]).|||I've noticed that as soon as I start to say something (no matter where I am) the room automatically gets quieter as if everyone is listening to me talk. I don't know if this is me being paranoid or...|||umm, I think thats called BLINKING. :P and im right handed but i raise my left eyebrow.|||A lot of people seem to drain me (including my father, sister, and brother). It tends to be people who are either too emotional and have mood swings, or people who have to repeat themselves a...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | '622082 prom, make-up, dress...the whole 9|||499762 ok, ok... last one-this should work for the next 5 years or so...|||499754 I have to say, I've only seen one black INTJ on here in the last few dozen pages of this thread...interesting...|||499746 spirit of Hatshepsut|||499738 what kind of INTJ enjoys taking pics?|||:laughing:499730|||me again 499722|||sorta smiling :dry:499714|||I posted 5 years ago...weird that I keep coming back here every few years...499706|||81990819918199281993819948199081991[ATTACH=CONFIG]81992[New pics...feeling less and less INTJish...|||-when you read through 597 pages of a thread to be sure you don't duplicate a thought -and realize you're bored now and don't want to post anything...|||I think we loathe it because it is a thinly vieled attempt to say I don't care! or I'm cool or some other notion of I can make a ridiculously ugly face because I am self-confident, all the...|||Thought it was just me! My family doesn't even bother anymore-they just wait for me to do it!|||lol-yes!|||638156381663818Becasue I like looking at me...|||oh-wait-yes it did...that was wierd|||oops...3rd one didn't post )-:|||Been a year or so...bored... let's see...1st one-trying to figure out the webcam for a web interview (I was interviewing him in Jamaica-VERY early in the morning in August) 2nd one-day of my...|||some say it is us vacating our bodies for a few moments...others say those with extremely high intelligence are more likely to do this and the like- (e.g. sleep walk) don't know what the...|||To help the oppressed/poor.|||Absolutely. What are you living for anyway? Maybe it's my fundamentalist upbringing...I've always thought we were all supposed to die to self and fulfill a great purpose. Common good isn't rocket...|||...and then I come back to my senses and realize I rock! (whew! :blushed:almost had a vulnerable moment! that was close!)|||I do feel a bit...um...naked...|||:wink: sure you can...think how superior a person has to be to be able to manipulate the English language in a manner that elicits just the desired result from the reader/audience...think of the...|||Aaaah! More! More! Vanity’s Prayer Father Skin and Holy Body, I come to you on bended knee. Lips and eyes and Righteous Beauty All praise and honor belongs to thee. Face and hair and...|||hate it for y'all...I'm just getting started! Seeking I sought and found I must keep on seeking Not a place that’s bound but a way of thinking.|||okaay...you have NO idea what can of worms you just opened!!! 1st up.... So How Did You Come to the Truth? So how did you come to the truth? Did it slowly trickle down a seemingly...|||wow...no one?!|||WOoooow! It was supposed to be FUNNY!!! :laughing: I'm always thinking...:blushed: How ironic...the INTJ that didn't even know when someone was joking on her! Now that's funny!|||Am I understanding this topic? Do INTJ's breathe?!?! I feel like I'm missing something... -something I find interesting/odd- I often find myself inadvertently holding my breath--especially when...|||-definitely one of the most entertaining threads I've read so far! The more I read these, the weirder I feel! I thought this would have made me feel part of some misunderstood group-not like an...|||hemoglobin, ok|||ha ha ha!!!|||[QUOTE=jbking;1032342]My Top 10 Lessons in Life - Sources of Insight would have some examples as I did post a couple of comments on there about some patterns in my life that I've identified and so...|||um...okay!:dry:|||Daria? I act like her...did more when I was here age. I loved that cartoon!:happy:|||Great! 2 of ...what...100?!|||There are lots of all types...I think the ones that would step outside therir comfort zone to befriend you would most likely be extroverted-so it would skew your cross-section of the group. We, as a...|||:shocked: not a smile in sight!!! I've looked through all my pics! Talk about self-discovery...I thought I was different...|||Ok...finally got to 15 posts! Whew! That is exhausitng when you loathe saying things that are not super meaningful!!! Wow-picking a pic has been tiring too...never noticed that I hate smiling...|||silence my favorite! heard of it?|||its only a theory cuz no one lives to show it as a law:crazy: by definition, it can't be proven (brought to light) because folks are secretly plotting... there are SO many devious and covert...|||Thanks! I would love to hear about everyone's most impactful philosophies too! I feel a new thread coming...!:wink:|||Hey! Welcome!|||I think our personalities are not WHO WE ARE (forgive me for waxing spiritual, but...) Our personalities are our lower nature-our default when we are not intentional about what we think, say and...|||Just curious...which law(s), theory(ies), theorem(s), or any overarching pattern(s) has/have most impacted your life? A few have changed mine and I was wondering about you all... Tell me which...|||The funny thing is-at 33, I'm just NOW caring less about how I appear, and allowing myself to EXPLORE being girly. I always thought girly was synonymous with vapid, obsessed with appearance,...|||wow. my sister used to call me Daria...and I took it as a compliment:happy:|||I hate having to explain myself-and I hate the need I feel TO explain myself. I guess I generally hate being misunderstood-you would think an INTJ wouldn't care...meh|||I hate self-hate-its SO unattractive.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I used to be an organist; Bach is probably my #1 favorite composer, followed by Mendelssohn. Playing music like this sets your hair on fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHKC3IB2jXY|||I was utterly gobsmacked to discover that this woman I'm attracted to is ISFJ... she's a sci-fi/fantasy geek and grammar nazi, and I totally didn't associate those things with that type. It's really...|||Borrowing/lending books with a book buddy when you're INTP is like sex, only hotter|||http://s.quickmeme.com/img/4b/4bd9e6ed60492dd27ed4dddbb45c987bb643e0cd87022e3cb467f5dda83d0a78.jpg|||Interrupt Wut|||Meeting another INTP http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120805113552/memoryalpha/en/images/3/34/Minuet.jpg Meeting someone you thought was an INTP, and then realize is an ISTP ...|||Throwback pre-Thursday... me in college, 1999 http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj565/yitznewton/2.jpg http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj565/yitznewton/1.jpg|||Through the ages http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj565/yitznewton/yitzA_zps23b793a7.jpg http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj565/yitznewton/yitz9_zpse04e64e7.jpg...|||Generally no, except for elegance. I don't like nail paint, period. Jewelry and makeup, tastefully for special occasions. A small amount can go a long way.|||LOL, hey baby, u wanna be a pawn in my game?|||removing duplicate post|||Youthful INTP: ages ~11 and 18 778997790077901|||http://webtrax.hu/myfacewhen/faces/movies-videos-cartoons-series/futurama-fry-not-sure-if.jpg|||No prob, we'll stop now.|||He's either hiding, or very, very small.|||While shampooing your hair, you routinely wonder if you're going to be standing naked in another dimension when you open your eyes.|||If yer tryin to anonymize that, you may want to get rid of the EVP's name 8^!|||So much for novelty; from Google: /v/ - Video Games desuchan.net/v/res/2442.htmlShare gfG/jZIKRk 09/08/06(Thu)05:01 No.2444 [Delete] [Edit]. I tried this one a few months ago. Got past the first...|||Very true.|||I've been away. When did they eliminate view count from the forum topic list?! Jerks.|||I totally did this with French back in high school. Translated half of The Hobbit, and pwned the school in French knowledge by the time I was satisfied and gave up.|||In contrast to ragequit, this sounds like mehquit|||Any coders here? I'm a web developer. Considering joining a pair shop. Pair programming is basically what it sounds like: a set of two developers working together in realtime to... well, program....|||Faith The trust That when you hurl yourself from habit's precipice The shattered bits, reconstituted Will form a better semblance of you Than what you are today|||http://www.jewornotjew.com/img/people/s/screech_powers.jpg|||Faith The trust That when you hurl yourself from habit's precipice The shattered bits, reconstituted Will form a better semblance of you Than what you are today|||Dis is my mug 58305|||Caffeine fr... whhuuuttt??? :shocked:|||I never justified the rage, just sayin' what happened. And the milk truck wasn't the trigger, it was the principal's cavalier attitude to the fact that he was blocking the street. He looked like he...|||* 95% of multi-post threads here are about relationships * Relationships are about chemistry * QED|||So, somebody finally did it: pushed my Fe rage buttons. I live on the same block as the private school I send my kids to. I know to avoid carpool time coming up the street on that side, so I was...|||Welcome aboard!|||The current Thirsty Thursday social hour at work confirms what is already known: there are few things I despise as much as parties. Get a drink, eat a tomato, walk back and forth amongst the...|||Bazoonga. http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj565/yitznewton/pac.jpg|||Comic Sans, nooooooo|||I had an INTP I was chasing when we were 18 and 19; that was the first time I was really in this situation. I had a very hard time reading my INTP's signals. The whole thing went up in a colossal...|||Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Poor Unfortunate Souls (Little Mermaid) Once Upon a Dream (Sleeping Beauty) Brazzle Dazzle Day (Pete's Dragon) Every Little Piece (Pete's Dragon) Bill of Sale...|||http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj565/yitznewton/703518_4490003621846_739582728_o.jpg|||Heh, NTPs is bustin. INTPs are just as blunt, except more often it remains in our heads, unless we're riled up. Oh, speaking of blunt NTPs “Your criticisms are completely wrong”:...|||Heh, Harry Potter meets GoT /offtopic|||How would you pictorialize your ideal relationship? I started this over in INTP, but I think relationships are where my Fi gets its groove on, so I decided to start a parallel thread here. ...|||How would you visualize your ideal pair bond? I'll start. 52702|||No, I mean in the instances where I would pursue a girlfriend (ick) relationship, it's driven by the souly reasons. I have friendly friendships with women where there are no soulmate implications.|||I'm going to use the above post as a jumping-in point, though what I'm going to say doesn't necessarily relate directly/only to the above. When I've pursued women in an at all serious way, the...|||LOL, INTPs|||Heh, my next-door neighbor growing up was a nurse who smoked. She died of lung cancer.|||The neighborhood stray cat got run over today. S/he was aloof and kind of annoying, but I'm still sad. I love cats.|||http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj565/yitznewton/tilt.jpg|||Couldn't resist... http://blogs.ocweekly.com/heardmentality/Weird_Al.jpg|||1997: notice that acquaintence's 12-year-old sister is quiet but cute 2012: she looks exactly like my mom Thanks, Facebook.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Hey I am not a huge fan of the whole personality cafe chatroom its very laggy so I made a skype chatroom that I thought it'd be great to have a bunch of you join so we can have some great discussion...|||Hey everyone I've just created a chat group through skype ... you don't have to have a skype account or anything to join the chat just click this link [edited] and it will take you to the group page...|||Hello, I have created a skype chat group if anyone is interested in joining this group for conversation with other mbti types then click this link [Edited] it will take you to the skype conversation.|||Observe the feelings and gain wisdom from them... (detachment from feelings doesn't mean that we suppress, repress or avoid such feelings in any way) it means that we do not emobody them or fully...|||I am an INFP enneagram 4w3 tritype 469. I was homeschooled (that set me up for some complications in my life) since I became very socially awkward as a result of that, developing this complex that I...|||Haha that's what I said... what the fuck? I am so not a church person... that would be my least favorite place to go.|||It's not that INFPs aren't logical it's just that their feelings usually appear before the logical and then they analyze those feelings whereas INTP being a thinking dominant person suppresses those...|||I just learned about tritypes ... I want to know: First of all is it a valid theory? Secondly who started this theory? Thirdly what does this theory bring to the table? Fourthly more about the...|||I am INFP and in love with an ESFJ we've been friends for 6 years on and off... and he is my bestest best friend. I agree with this statement that ESFJ goes well with INFP there is a lot of mutual...|||Yeah I guess I have just been waiting and hoping that somehow he will learn how to love me how I need to be loved... but Idk how long I can wait for this to happen? It's so hard because I love him so...|||It's tough because it seems like he thinks everything in our relationship is fine and he is still very satisified with our relationship and I don't want to be the bad guy and say he just isn't enough...|||Why do you say this? Are they just more detached when they are less matured? Do they not know how to connect with people?|||Also, he's too cold and aloof it makes me so anxious like I'm doing something wrong or that he doesn't want to be with me. Yes, I know it probably has nothing to do with me but I fucking hate feeling...|||Yeah... exactly but when someone is not willing to talk about said needs or doesn't even understand his own needs or how he operates or how to even help me understand then yes we are in trouble. The...|||Because I thought we've had a semi-long distance relationship for these past 2 years and I thought the loneliness and distance that I felt between us was just that distance but when we got together...|||There's a difference between successful relationships and relationships where one person has to sacrifice to make it work and with any thinking and feeling dominant pairing there will have to be a...|||I am in a relationship with an INTJ we've been together for 2 years. As an INFP I was intrigued by his confidence and intelligence. He said he was attracted to my thinking and reasoning skills and...|||According to MBTI ENFJ is the most compatible type to the INFP so what is it like to be in a relationship with an ENFJ and where do you find them?|||I've had many recurrent dreams ... and visions of myself in past life situations.... and they all seem to relate to the way I see things to this day. They also make a lot of sense as to my current...|||I've had many recurrent dreams ... and visions of myself in past life situations.... and they all seem to relate to the way I see things to this day. They also make a lot of sense as to my current...|||Thank you so much for all the information, once again. I amazed on how much you know about this stuff. Sometimes, it can be so confusing with so many people out there with their information... that...|||reckful So, after reading through and testing through the dichotomy type tests. I would have to say I have a slight more lean towards P than J only because of the fact that I prefer to see the...|||So, basically you're heartless?|||So...Cheesy?|||Wow don't try to school me on how life is hard and I'm a worthless piece of shit. I'm not a worthless piece of shit and hardely ever blame anyone for my problems ever! Like this is the first time I...|||Yeah, the more I observe my behavior the more I am convinced at being an INFP even though I don't want to admit it because I don't like being an INFP. But thank you for helping me understand myself...|||The world should give a shit about everyone ... because we are all human and we are in this life thing together. We should be kind because it just makes more sense.|||Thank you for your comment... this is more what I had in mind when I posted this vent haha. I wasn't really looking to start a war with anyone and I honestly thought people wouldn't get so offended...|||Haha so true !|||I'm sorry if you can't handle a little friendly banter ;)|||Well, great that just again verifies that they have no social intelligence because they can't get over themselves enough to realize someone is hurting... but it's fine I get it... people don't give a...|||If you had any social intelligence whatsoever... you do realize that the whole point of a vent is to receive emotional support not judgement. Another example of extraverts completely sucking at...|||Exactly! I get this I am very angry at myself for not standing up for myself... but I'm just bringing this up because it is so damn hard a lot of times for introverts to do that. And some times we...|||Well, I suppose it just depends on context ... because what I am referring to is like a standard business type meeting not a open friendly gathering where everyone knows each other and is comfortable...|||Wow thank you for being so understanding. *sarcasm* Apparently you don't give a shit about how challenging it is for introverts to defend themselves....it's not like we aren't ever trying to defend...|||Thank you! The part about we live in what I'd describe as a culture of dominance and speaking more and/or louder is often associated with being right in my social situations, unfortunately. ...|||Actually, I know an extensive amount about the functions and I also know there is quite a bit of debate on their validating especially there place in MBTI verses Keirsey verses the original Carl Jung...|||Just because I use my Fi function sometimes doesn necessarily mean that I am dominant in Feeling... I'm actually a very rational person who has learned to vent for my own good... getting things off...|||Interesting insight, thank you. I guess it would make sense that I's might post more personal things.|||[QUOTE=Xcopy;33704841]Really? You do? That's good, but that must get a bit dull at some point, doesn't it?[/QUOTE Quite the contrary ...|||Wow, I know this all too well.|||My favorite type of humor to use is sarcasm. My god! I use so much sarcasm. What kind of humor do you all use?|||I'm curious what you all think.|||Thanks, this was very helpful. I've taken dichotomy type tests and I tested as INTJ the first 2 times and then 4 years later after I had been involved with significantly higher Feeling type functions...|||I'm sorry that may have been out of line ... but I was caught up in my frustration in the moment of which I'm sure you can understand. I know that introverts aren't necessarily more intelligent but I...|||Well, I did say at the end of my comment that I know that not all extroverts dominant conversations but a lot of them do... and I suppose some introverts do as well. Regardless of introvert or...|||When then stop ... for god's sake.|||Excellent point ... but I would say I am probably the most self reflective person that I know. I self analyze so much and I am damn good at it. I know myself very well.|||I am a 4w3 most definitely... I identify with it perfectly. When I first took the MBTI test I came up as an INTJ that was 5 years ago. Then I started studying more right brained stuff I went to...|||Te (Extroverted Thinking) (70%) your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods Ti (Introverted Thinking) (80%) your valuation of / adherence to your own...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I only really know of two INFJs and I dated both of them, though both were the longest relationships I've had. There were differences between the two to make them different enough, but some...|||Sorry, you've thoroughly mistaken me for someone who gives a shit. I just find it ripe that while you post that you are 'done with' ENFPs, here you are browsing and posting where? Obviously, you...|||Eh, you guys suck. :laughing: But seriously, I think people are using MBTI to serve an agenda and reinforce their own negative feelings based on interactions with specific individuals by applying...|||Cool. Well take your little typist generalizations and roll the fuck on out then, please. Or are you just hanging around the ENFP forum to chime in to let us all know what bastards we are? Either...|||I actually think this might be a common enough trait amongst ENFPs. I definitely have times where I just need a battery recharge and I'm not really into having a conversation just to have a...|||It applies to males. I sort of see what Dingpin was saying and it relates to what I said. You can't expect someone to just jump into a relationship and become your best friend the second they meet...|||I think most of the emphasis here seems to be of the variety that people underestimate you because you lack focus in terms of life plans. I'm assuming most of the people with this issue are in high...|||What I see here are speculations by non-ENFx types on ENFx types. First off, ENFJ and ENFP are two very different types if you look at the underlying functions. It's often repeated that ENFPs are...|||No. Usually it's more like the other person has moved on to the point that you're not even visible in their rearview mirror and you're asking yourself, Where did they go?|||How old are you again? I wouldn't be so quick to paint with a broad brush.|||Pot, kettle, black.|||...and this ENFP is going to go make some popcorn now.|||Yup. I think that introversion and extroversion with NF types confuses people. I think I explained before that NFs, by their nature, have the ability to understand people and we focus a lot on...|||Actually, yes I would relate to this behavior. I think people approach the whole aspect of 'typing' people by using a lot of assumed generalizations about that type. In this case, the assumption...|||Is that sarcasm in order to make him feel better? Really, as an INFP, I'd use my superpowers to move mountains for people I care about especially those people who I've built up long term...|||I wouldn't say it's so much gender roles as accepting of the idea of roles. More linear thinkers would tend to want to categorize and organize people into broad generalizations. My mind tends to...|||You're supposed to bust through a wall and say, OH YEAH!|||I kind of drift in and out of the forums here depending on what's going on in my life. It's kind of funny to go back through this thread having just met someone when I least expected to who just so...|||Check the library lately? There's an INFP in the post.|||I'm feeling the need for a group hug.|||*tosses you the prize from the bottom of the cracker jack box he's been eating out of* Therein lies the problem, I'm just reacting the common thread that other INFJs have articulated in response...|||Um, I love the whole 'INFP is passive' archetype. I tend to be pretty laid back and understanding and extend that to people who do the same in kind. Furthermore, I generally want to give people the...|||Also, since the discussion came up, I'm a 4w5 in relation to my Enneagram type. There was a very funny post someone made that further sub-divided INFPs into various types and I believe mine was the...|||I wasn't being contentious as I fully noted that I meant not to offend. I was being blunt in pointing out and correcting the contention that an ENFP (or any xNFP) would 'run' from the 'darkness' of...|||Bingo! We have a winner! The fact is that a lot of other people have skeletons in the closet and 'dark sides' to their personalities. Sometimes life hands you a bunch of baggage to sort out and...|||Sorry, I have had a few to drink. One time, when I was an infant, my parents took a picture of me bare ass naked. These pictures exist buried in a photo album. Perhaps my parents should be charged...|||I'm a P and I'm not particularly flighty, especially not with close friends or people I'm dating. I think at the very worst I used to have my own internal clock, but I've gotten much better in that...|||I've gotten to the point where if someone is manipulative, I simply cut them out of my life. If I'm forced to be in the same room as them, I can easily pretend they don't exist. Furthermore, if...|||I'm going to answer this for you all, so you don't have to debate it further: me. :cool:|||Is that whole I'm complex thing supposed to scare people? I'm not saying that to be patronizing, it's just that maybe there are people who are drawn to complexity and, given the chance, might...|||Then I worship at the alter of Satan. HAIL SATAN!|||I've read through the socionics relationships and am slightly baffled at how the whole duality relationship pans out in reality. It seems to follow the logic of 'opposites' completing or...|||https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/249530_1996056733857_1016616660_2295733_3888674_n.jpg Critique this one. :P|||I was going to echo sentiments and I honestly feel like if you are driven to get a tattoo and someone would be 'turned off' by you having a tattoo, should you really be all that concerned with their...|||I'm actually pretty selective in my desires to hug people.|||INFPs just spell better and practice better grammar. Key example is my writing and that of the post by the ENFP I've quoted.|||How old are you? I'm going to say this as someone who never dated in high school and had friends who were likely people that also never dated during that period, but have had extensive relationships...|||Right, my point is that sometimes there is an intangible 'something' that has to be there in order for us to have a connection that makes a relationship with a person seem like the right one....|||I'm going to formulate a brief response about relationships and how they evolve. Obviously, there's something to be said for a spark and sometimes you meet someone and feel an instant intense...|||Alright, just making sure here. You did use a smiley face to punctuate the statement, but figured I could perhaps provide some INFP perspective if there was an apparent misunderstanding. I was...|||Runescribe: You seem to have an issue with us INFPs? What's up with that?|||Here's the solution: 1) Find INFP. 2) Lay out bait for INFP and lure them into your trap. 3) ??? 4) Profit. Unfortunately, people can't change their histories and I'd argue that there are...|||Speak for yourself, breeder!|||Woah dude! You need to step off and not project your INFJ romantic, lovey dovey bullshit onto us INFPs. I will fucking cut you! :crazy: In all seriousness, reading through this thread, and...|||I think someone got confused when we told them that we were New Romantics and assumed we were into exchanging boxes of chocolate, candlelit dinners, long walks along the beach while holding hands,...|||This thread is pretty amazing and mirrors a lot of thoughts I had about my issues with relating to people or people having problems understanding me as a person. I've explained to people that I'm...|||I think there's a perception that INFPs will get along with types that people will classically refer to as the strong/dominant types. In all fair honesty, I think people tend to want to exaggerate...|||Exactly! There is no concrete example given, only a blanket generalization. The last time I got into a debate with an ENTJ, he had written something about 'FP' types being flakes. I pointed out...|||I don't know how many ENTJs that I've put in their place when it came to actual rational arguments. My problem with ENTJs is that they often allow their own personal ego get in the way of the...|||I have this sort of obsession with the art and culture of my hometown and I'm going to go out on a limb and defend it: 1) Los Angeles is the most multi-cultural city in the US, which means there's...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'When you have to wait on someone for something and they intentionally draw it out to keep your attention for as long as possible. This is probably the thing for me which has the biggest discrepancy...|||I'm actually not against small talk, as long as it's more of a bridge to real talk and not extended. Tips: ask a lot of questions, especially about whatever you're interested in. Think of...|||Hmmm, kind of... not really a stranger though. I do compartmentalize my emotions, so that although they can affect me, they're not part of me. I personify my emotional side, that part of me isn't...|||Yeah, I actually used to be really into writing in my late teens/ early 20s (nothing I'd really like published, just interesting things to kind of get practice for things I actually do want...|||Guys, It's important to be unique! And different! Don't worry about others, just be yourself*! Stand out! *Unless a part of who you are resembles anything common. Then you should be someone else-...|||Well apparently I'm the only non-modest INTP! Because if it's an sincere compliment, without any ulterior motives, that I agree with, I usually respond with some version of Why thank you! And yes,...|||Intp-infp-estp.|||ENTP, I'm rather attached to my functions. Wouldn't mind being an INFP or an ISTP either. It seems exhausting to be an INTJ though... or any J for that matter, it just sounds like soooo much work...|||Oh wow, this makes me feel really unobservant. Because I probably wouldn't notice if someone displayed zero emotion. I mean in any case I kind of just assume that peoples' facial expressions are what...|||Nothing? Anything I can think of that would stop me pursuing him would mean he didn't fit perfect criteria :P|||I can kinda relate but kinda not. I'm actually coming to a point in my life where I'm becoming less egotistical and more empathetic, and as a result I'm less depressed, although it took a long time...|||fears: not being able to provide for myself and my daughter, corruption (of myself), cockroaches, public vulnerability.|||I was a manager for two years at a movie theater. And yeah, it was hard at first for me to tell people what to do. Tips: Don't ask them if it's not actually an option. A way I found to do this,...|||I mean I don't care if there's a bunch of type me threads or anything it just seems more convenient to sticky one typing thread.. A benefit of stickying it is that the OP could mention some basic...|||Well I can't speak for everyone but I'm not against the popular opinion or doing what everyone else does. I have my own values, morals, standards, opinions, etc. but whether they happen to coincide...|||It depends on how much the way people perceive you affects your life. If meeting new people all the time is a big part of your life, keeping up with current fashion is important. But if I'm a writer...|||No man I can't handle this on my own Well just based on this you seem to have a slight perceiving preference but are better organized than most perceivers. It's kinda hard to tell for sure based...|||GUILTY! Well not the grammar nazi part, I actually hate it when people correct other peoples' grammar. As long as you understand what they're saying, why call them out on not following rules? But...|||We need the ENTP to come up with the overall goal, and to make people think they want to be taken over. They'll also help to keep the alliance working together rather than against each other. Their...|||Name: Yorisen Astrological sign: Aquarius Personality type (MBTI, duh): INTP Age: 27 No, I don't think astrology affects your personality. I don't really know that much about each sign so I...|||probably like a 3.5, I feel like I understand all of the cognitive functions really well and to the point where I can try typing people by their personality as a whole rather than adding up the...|||Ok here's some questions as a starting point, these are questions I thought of when I was trying to type everyone I knew when they weren't sure of something. You're going on a trip. Which would...|||I often imagine what it would be like if I lived in a time and culture where I was expected to wear things like that. I mean I like them it's just... you know... I also like taking about 2 minutes...|||To get him to open up: be direct, but not aggressive or critical. Ask him questions about himself in a way that glamorizes him a bit, but NOT in a flattering/ manipulative way. for example, tell him...|||Yeah articles like that should really be called If you're a man/woman exactly like a typical man/woman portrayed in the media, you should realize that the opposite gender, if they're exactly the way...|||Yeah supposedly the best matches are Ti-doms with Te-doms, Si-doms with Se-doms, etc. with the same perceiving function. Extraverted judgers tend to stress me out a lot, but in good cases it's...|||Well, just for funzies: Gryffindor: SPs Slytherin: NTs Ravenclaw: SJs Hufflepuff: NFs|||I only spend like an hour on the internet a day. I finally figured out how to keep my dishes washed, laundry washed/folded/put away and house not messy a little less than a year ago. It's still...|||I think less in terms of my society and more in terms of the world. I wouldn't mind living on someone else's dime if by supporting me they were investing in my future contribution to the world, ex....|||I'm the same way, I wouldn't necessarily say I have social anxiety but I definitely get a bit keyed up and stressed in social situations. I'll do things like ignore people in groups so I can talk to...|||Ahahahaha! But do you jaywalk all hunched over and awkward trying to hide it? It doesn't matter what you say because my mental image is of a guy with the same posture and expression as your avatar.|||1. Willing to commit to lifetime monogamous partnership 2. Willing to (eventually) discuss most relationship issues objectively and with overall relationship happiness as a goal 3. Honest and at...|||I used to be able to remember things really well... When I was younger I had OCD and around the time I was 10 it was getting to point where it was interfering with my life. Over a period of 2ish...|||Of course, Bill knew that the feelings of peacefulness and security weren't simply a a by-product of watching the lights; it was a command, sent through the light patterns and into his brain, that...|||This is somewhat vaguely related to the topic, hope you don't mind- I've only read the first two but I have to mention something that really bugged me. It seems like a theme was that, if you have...|||Aww, thanks! :blushed: My original intent was for it to be only funny but shit kinda got real accidentally. Sneaky poetry...|||No, but here's a haiku just for you that I've been working on for quite some time: Anarchitektur Probably has a penis Because he's a male.|||When I see you... What happens in my head Reminds me of the origin of the universe Because I don't understand it I mean there are theories of course, I understand those But there's not enough...|||It starts off as something positive: I'm going to just accept the things I can't change and ends with something negative: ...so I don't care anymore.|||UGHH! Why did I teach my 4-year-old daughter critical thinking skills! :P|||1) Are there any non-pet lovers out there? If so, why? I love pets, don't have any right now though. I have not the resources :( 2) Which non domesticated animal are you most interested in and...|||Lol! I mean I realize that they can't exactly control their emotional reactions, just how they respond to them, but yelling at someone who can't hear you? Or my favorite is when people will yell at...|||My mom asked me recently if I actually never get angry or if I internalize it, because I was the chillest kid growing up, and the chillest adult now. I really just hardly ever get angry. My younger...|||I think INTPs like talking about ideas with other people and redefining, clarifying, adjusting those ideas. The best medium for that is typing on the internet to other people- when you're talking,...|||I think that innate intelligence isn't all that important to survival of the species nowadays because, here's the thing, dumb people can still learn and do intelligent things. You can't teach someone...|||ahahaha.. and here I was thinking I knew things properly. I wonder what would happen if they did that to a baby?|||you simply CAN'T activate all neurons in your brain at the same timr. It's physically impossible- I don't know but it seems like people who claim this don't realize that much of the brain controls...|||My mouth gives it a 10/10|||Measure? I'm not claiming to be able to measure achievability of standards. But for example, I would never marry someone who wants to say, murder my daughter. That's a pretty easy standard for most...|||From all the information I've garnered, most humans use around 100% of their brains, though obviously not all at once. The vast difference between humans is what they use their brains FOR, and how...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Thank you as well for accepting my thoughts. I like that you responded to my post, even though the quote was taken out of context, because it prompted good discussion. And your point on its own was...|||What you are proposing isnt possible. it wouldnt be possible to be happier if you could not be sad. nobody can love who cant be hurt. if you take away all of the low emotions(guilt, hurt, remorse,...|||i really dont mean this as aggresively as it sounds, and i totally respect your response, but you took that quote from what I said completely out of context. my entire point, if you read the rest of...|||Even when I know that I am right and that someone has wronged me/is treating me terribly, I wont say anything if I know that that person loves me. I am so afraid of hurting other people's feelings...|||To the extraverts who think that introverts need to be more social, and talk to people more, etc., no offense, but, quite frankly, no, we dont. you need to understand that not wanting to be...|||Math. grammer. Its not that theyre hard, just so tedious! ive never seen the point. I hate any classes that are overly controlling and stifling like that. I love literature(reading/creative...|||I have idealistic views(shocking I know) that I apply to my life, and often, because I stick to them so concretely even when it isnt the most obviously practical thing to do, people will tell me...|||lmao before you said that I totally thought that you were a woman!|||just go with the crowd. it is better to submit to whatever the majority would have you do, instead of what you want to do, so that you do not suffer any repercussions. sacrifice your personal beliefs...|||haha I just got asked this yesterday! I will tell you what I told Matchbook: I guess I mean it in different ways. Litterally, I mean that I dont plan on revealing who I am/making any face-to-face...|||I don't make weird faces as much, but I do this weird thing where I press my hands together whenever I get nervous. When I was a little kid(like up to 7ish years old) i would clasp them together with...|||My ideal world:There would be extreme good and and extreme evil- and all levels in between. And each person would act to completely fulfill their nature(of good/evil/in between) and they would be...|||hahaha! archeologist. unearthed. good pun. lmao|||This was inspired by amaurosis's post about what time in the past you would choose to live in if you could. It got me thinking... what if you could choose a world where you could live in the future?...|||I would probably want to live in Athens in Ancient Greece. They had democracy, made amazing works of art/ literature, made amazing discoveries, and it was the best time to be a creative...|||In general, I like ESTPs a lot. They are great people to debate with(they are intelligent have great thoughts, but they contrast mine greatly. Its interesting to hear and argument for a point of view...|||I can do this too.My real problem is apologizing when it just isnt necessary. I dont do it all the time, but sometimes ill get in a mood and I start to say sorry to pretty much everything. I do it...|||I usually wear a little(like a quick swipe of mascara and some lip balm) but sometimes I just dont feel like putting any on. I wear it for special occasions. I enjoy playing with it actually, it can...|||I disagree. I think that it makes more sense that INFPs are actually becoming more prominent as evolution continues and allows us(the human race) to develop more human qualities and separate further...|||I think that the reason that ESTJs are so prominent is because they are the best worker-type people, and on an animalistic, evolutionary level that is a good thing. In nature, the goal of a species...|||Introversion and Extroversion are just preferences, not rules for how you live your life all of the time. What I mean, is that you may be naturally drawn to introverted tendencies, but you can rise...|||I am still in school, but I am going to be a crisis interventionist(or at least some other similar, social worker type job). Which obviously is not paid well. BUT it is the only thing I have ever...|||I dont think that there is anything wrong with having casual sex if your into that. I mean if youre safe and responsible and both people are into it, by all means do whatever you want. But just me...|||well, we live in different countries(I'm assuming you live in Canada), so I dont think that would be very realistic. but I do appreciate the offer. :)|||This happens to me cnstantly, especially with my sisters. We are really close, and I just know if something is wrong with them. I always anticipate what somebody will say when talking about how they...|||I've always adored figure skating. It has been my favorite olympic event since I was a little girl. There is just something so beautiful about it. I love the way that they can express emotions so...|||haha I know right? I feel the same way(except about the guys).|||My best friend is an INTJ, and she is currently dating an INFP. They also started out as friends first, but they took the leap of faith and its working out for them! I think that their is a natural...|||I'm single, single, single myself. Unfortunately.|||In real life, I am attracted to INFP males. My previous post sounded a bit hypothetical because I have never actually had a relationship with one, which was what I was talking about for most of my...|||I like a sensitive guy, and I like someone who knows what they believe. I like any NF really. SFs too, but I think I would personally like to be with an NF better, because it is easier for me to...|||I think it is important to make the distinction between opposing someone's views and dissing them, as you put it. As you said, ISTJs consider their beliefs to be very important. If anything, they...|||I believe that my father is an ISTJ also, and we too have a strained relationship. He is black and white about EVERYTHING(indeed, he often describes himself this way), and he sees anyone who...|||I'm not like obsessive or anything. In fact quite often I don't really care about certain pop culture trivia type stuff. But I do find it interesting to hear good, moving stories about them, but...|||I think it is possible that very small aspects of personality all combine create the parts of your bigger, recognizable personality(example: millions of mimi preferences in genes combine in such a...|||justice/reparations/penance(though those arent really the right words) - basically I'm trying to say that I think having to pay extensively and feel guilty and suffer for some wrong is overrated. I...|||My best friend is an INTJ, and I would have to say that the best way I can think to describe her would be original.|||I agree. The freedom to have the opportunity to be different, diverse individuals is in my opinion the best option. Of course some people will be better or worse off than others, but that is just the...|||It saddens me that there are people who are starving or homeless or anything else, and I personally want to help them in any way i can, and would give the money in my pockets to anyone who really...|||Well this is a list of 9, and its only of things that I value, but I gave a reason/description for each. close enough for me. :) empathy - because being being able to feel an understanding for...|||My mother is an ENFP. Well she is, except that shes not much of a mother. Shes more of a child. She picks HUGE fights with you over nothing when shes in a bad mood and then trys to blame them on you,...|||I'm an INFP and I often feel misunderstood. Not in an angsty way, I just genuinely think that people quite often do not understand what I am trying saying. I have a hard time expressing verbally what...|||I am an INFP, and while i do have some practicality in my ideals, I also love abstract reasoning, and i find that it is actually rather important to my way of thinking. I know that personally, a lot...|||I dont think its about wanting to hear about ourselves in the looking-for-an-ego-boost-because-i-am-amazing way that you mean. Its just nice to hear other peoples opinions and experiences, and its...|||First I'd like to say that I'm sure you're not being annoying all the time! you seem to have a really fun, sweet energy to me :) But anyway to answer your question: I think its hard to pinpoint...|||i do this sometimes too. A lot of the time its because i just use it as sort of a way to get attention off of myself because i dont want to go into a long, involved answer. Maybe even more often i do...|||May be extremely sensitive to any kind of criticism. May perceive criticism where none was intended. May have skewed or unrealistic ideas about reality. May be unable to acknowledge or hear...|||I agree completely that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. When having a discussion, I don't try to tell people they are wrong, I just express what my opinion on what I personally feel is...|||haha me and your friend sound very similar. I also get very loud when I'm excited. My famiy and I jokingly refer to it as a volume control issue The point you made about getting impatient when...|||I'm not attacking your beliefs, I'm just stating mine. I'm not stupid, I'm just not practical. I'm not useless, I'm just not meant to be used for your average purposes. I'm not giving up,...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Pretty much somewhere close to absurdism. Sometimes moments holds value and meaning but to long time alone and in a negative state Ti will pick that shit apart need to keep surfing in the absurd...|||Things like this calms the brain :rolleyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zORUUqJd81M|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgVxQ5uo6Jc|||Oh noes I'm seeing patterns here INTP's can master anything cus there is logic to small talk if you do it long enough. Point being try to stop caring how you come of as weird and try to understand...|||Imagine if you got paid for as many times you asked yourself the question, hmmm what if? I imagine INTP's be billionaires yo :rolleyes:|||Look fat in that dress, they will even fill in the you part by themselves ;)|||It feels like a death by a thousand strokes, relating is getting harder by each day that passes to the ignorant masses but then again I think I spelt the E in ENTP wrong last I fixed my profile...|||Juup seems clear now that I have mistaken Fi for Ti on many aspects and prefer to use Fe over fi thanks alot Kitty :)|||Ehm back to square one hmm... but this description fits me the best of any I've found on the Internet Bob's Personality I would say the INTP but taking apart a machine has never rly interested me...|||1 Ni something about natures that calms me down I guess 2 Ne 3 Ne 4 Ne 5 Ni ( way to many to try them all xd ) 6 Ne 7 Ne 8 Ne 9 Ne first but can easily switch over to go deeper if I find any...|||1 Ti 2 Ti 3 Ti 4 Te 5 Ti 6 Ti 7 Ti 8 Ti 9 Ti 10 Ti ehm but half of the Te stuff also as I'm used to be the best planner in my family/group|||So for the last years 2 I've been under the influence of mary to the j 80% of my free time at least where my view of things sure changed abit and scored mostly INFP but as I quit 4 month ago and I...|||No no mate shout it out loud..... on the internet where nobody can hear your except the CAPS LOCK! :D like this 15 News Stories from 2015 You Should Have Heard About But Probably Didn't|||Same question I asked myself earlier in this thread, theorists says genes and upbringing but you know its easier to say NO than take abit from astrology, mbti, enneagram and what else system of...|||True dat using everything we got to move forward with this rock in space we call home. But you sentence kinda nailed it not much more to contribute to it than I hope your helping people to wake up...|||We can agree that we need an evolution and not a revolution yes absolutely but out of graphs and statistics we only divide and conquer all day long its when we wake up from this as a human species we...|||You must be trolling its your way or the highway what did you mention about narcissistic before? Your posting from an article that says assumptions and calling that science. The human kind have not...|||Oh so that is where your mind is narrowed outside the box thinking doesn't apply to you and when someone else does its a lie, well than we are not going to get anywhere in this discussion as I...|||So you posted an article with someone trying to debunk astrology that you yourself did our did not read where the writer than pointed fingers to another article which I posted the summary of and its...|||But the article was rubbish and you posted it anyway so yes that could get me going sure. The word truth was a miss by me as I interpreted it that way sure.|||So you posted and article as your truth, I read it and the writer pointed out that he got his thoughts from another more extensive report and that was his summary of that article that I posted. Ah I...|||Depends on how you develop as a human having parents and what not. Just as mbti and enneagram goes to tri types / so/sp/sx etc etc but would they be similar in some ways more than others. But...|||Why would you choose and article that starts with this? People who diligently follow their horoscopes may claim that it's all just good fun Does that says astrology or horoscope to you? The...|||Thats beeing naive if it doesnt feel right dont do it. I often called myself a scientist before but made myself the subject under the glass in all aspects of life. Recollect your thoughts and sit...|||Oh no a INTJ said that you guys always comes and rescue me in this world time and time again :P|||I understand what you are trying to prove but I dont trust scientists and that video actually made me grin. Time and time again they are always trying to debunk what they cant prove to be something....|||We know nothing yay :D thnx for explaining what I didnt have the patience to do today.|||Im again posting a video in this thread which has nothing to do with astrology nor mbti again and for that I'm sorry but I felt that with that kind of critical thinking you should watch the following...|||Well your question was aggressive so I took you for a spin. No I was not joking but my own research told me I was right soo I took my case to the court aka INFP forum and I guess just like with...|||If people used logic we would not have been in this mess to begin with. But with provoking words you do get the fastest answers The basis is how the stars were aligned in the sky at birth but...|||No jokes intended, shit storms created and pigs do fly half of their living time this is the Internet welcome! But than again I'll guess you got abit mad that someone could make a thread which you...|||Alright thats fair :)|||Ofc to each their own but you know I do believe that haven't understood it all completely though. Nothing is set in stone but you know I see the debunking comments here just lols :)|||12 signs? you forgott the houses my dear read more :) horscopes is nothing that ring true for me atleast But get the 12 signs understand them than go and watch which signs were in the houses when you...|||Nope Sun in Aquarius moon in virgo rising in sagittarius i got no cancer anywhere in my chart pisces i got in asc nod. Ppl that already bashed havent learn enough just like im an infp im an...|||So after a year of reading threw mbti, enneagram, socionomics and how they and some other personality tests came to be I checked the time I was born and started studying astrology and wow were I...|||Ive experienced this alot of times with different Intjs. They can tell so fast if your stupid or going to have something of value to say and if you get them exchanging ideas oh boy now the connection...|||Ah yes true I almost never go completly Fi. Te always pull me back I noticed that especially during shroom trips. Anyway I got ADD so I might jump abit more into the Fi completly at times..........|||I've chased many false Fi goals during my teenage and early adulthood, but I guess fi reaches new conclusion about reality when new information is consumed/experienced. Over the years it develops and...|||oh yes we do, just google infp 5w4 description and you will find some information or feel free to ask.|||Everything seems to have its pros and cons nothing is completely green yet. But I dont know if you watched the whole documentary but if I remember correctly they are saying they got nuclear power...|||Whaaaaaaat tha younger generation also want to save the world! AWESOME everything you just said rings true ride the storm bud weather changes ;)|||Watch the documentary Pandoras promise where ever you can find it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDw3ET3zqxk|||Yes dear you are on the money now :) Enneagram 5w4 perhaps? I've come to the same conclusions lately, or somewhat that my view on thing seems to be more correct and as a Fi-dom user that is logic...|||People got a problem with dropping their ego that is why ppl get scared. Sure First couple of times with cannabis can be abit strange but if you just laugh it of and relax even though ur heart is...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vACEHB557k|||I dont know if someone mentioned the enneagram, but so far in my life the INTJ's I've met have enjoyed the company especially while we change information about the same interests. I usually think...|||Have had a good INTP friend for the last 15 years. - Lazy, stubborn, cold(not against me) manipulative, forgetful But it doesnt matter :P + Funny, silly, thoughtful, deep, and the gaming...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APAuhoWawH0|||The world today is a repetition of madness that we got a solution for but that isn't being brought up! all the problems have basic and simple solutions based on human common knowledge that it...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I feel like i'm readng a crappy scenario from a fictional book.....doesn't sound ENTJ-ish at all, more like an ESTP if anything.|||I feel the same here.I'm just trying to forget about everything and create my own world.|||Not surprising at all.As an ENFP I always analyze people's life really well without reading much into psychology.I just know.It's very easy to pinpoint what people feel and direct them back.But it's...|||I do the same thing too..I find it very normal, make up off at home and make up on at whatever place you work in, I mean you have to look good to be presentable obviously.Dressing up is a way of...|||Awww that's cute =) idk, good morning sunshine? *hug* anything really, it's the fact that you siad something sweet haha|||But you're so cute how could I not say it! :tongue: ( Totally not scared of ENTJs!) This post put a smile on my face :kitteh: Talking about nerdy passions is the most awesome thing ever, it's...|||Hmmm I say this depends on culture ( Type of affection) like wrapping my hand around another a girl's waist rarely happens but in high school I used to go around the class in the morning and give...|||Lol is this your inner INFP? I know that INFPs use this all over social media :proud:|||How about you and the other INTJs come out of the box? :tongue: Me and my INFP bestie often joke that my INTJ soulmate her lost bestfriend is hiding somewhere in an underground library, swimming...|||He's an ENTP not an ENFP....|||You didn't make a theory..But you're trying to explain something people don't really pay close attention to.I think people just go and try interacting with their ideal type without considering how...|||Hello, sweetie! Welcome to PerC!! :tongue: hmmm I'm sure I know a lot but I can't seem to remember..I know that sense8 has all intuitive 8 main actors (NFs) all my intuitive friends liked it, sensing...|||ENTP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aWtrEFfS4E|||Hey guys, What do you think about an ENTJ 3w4 and ENFP 7w6 compatibility? I used to like only introverts, but I feel like ENTJ 3s are the only extroverts I'd like.8 seems to overwhelm me which is the...|||I hate to tell you to get an abortion but this is what you have to do..you're too young to raise a child especially the fact that you're still in university and have a future ahead of you..Also, I...|||That sounds out of an INFJ character to me...What are you going to do now?|||Definitely an INFP|||So what if he turned out to be an ENTJ rather than an INTJ? I don't see the problem with debating, I think you don't like the fact he's criticizing a lot of the things you do.Like not posting certain...|||I don't know you but i'd be excited to know you as not much ENTJs are left..so welcome back I guees! :tongue:|||I don't get it as ESTPs drain me so much and i'm an extrovert...I just got that you don't like Ne type of enthusiasim if we are going to be specific.|||You say you can't stand a person who's enthusiastic yet you can handle ESTPs..That's very funny.|||LOL, that is just a stereotype that's not gonna end anytime sooner sadly. Or I can apply that for underdeveloped ENFPs ( I'd hate to say immature) In theory, they're supposed to be the best match if...|||LOL there are a lot of INTJ wannabes, they read the description of an INTJ being so smart and leader-like, you know the mastermind and they just assume it's them when it's what they want to be. ...|||That Sherlock character is an INTJ 5w6 unlike the movie where he's an INTP and INTJs aren't the only ones obsessed about him..Benedict is also an INTJ in The Imitation Game, just unhealthy.He himself...|||How about the ENFP forum? :p Aren't we cute enough to be mentioned? :tongue:|||LOL that was funny.. I wonder why is this thread dead, I thought someone would react..|||I was recently crushing on an ISTP untill i've found that he's taken :dry: and now an ENTJ seems to be crushing on me and I won't deny that he's quite hot...Tbh if there's any personality i'd really...|||Dude, I always call my INTP friends but they barely call me :| and i'm always the one checking up on them and trying to engage them in interesting disscutions..|||Hehe sounds like my conversations with my INFP bestie! :tongue: I bring out her Ne a lot and Fi because she's a type 5 and 5s are very detached so recently she'd get angry and express Fi like I...|||LOL i'd be surprised if any intuitive can share thoguhts freely with a sensing type, it just never works! I tried with different types everytime i'm just like I can't seem to work this out so...|||YES.Finally someone said it!! someone who's an INTJ and not another type that you would probably attack cause it's not coming from the same type.|||LOL tbh I couldn't ever know how to irritate them while they irritate me on the smallest things :dry:|||Well..I've never reached a high-level math to know yet lol..But I've never seen an intuitive that was completely fine with math, there're a lot of sensory things I struggle with and it's so annoying...|||EXACTLY.Just simply lots of practice in engineering. I don't have a say in this topic but I've actually noticed that ISTJs are the ones that are math geniuses not INTJs..a lot of them will tell...|||Why? You should be confident about yourself.The thing is not with INTJs really, it's with being intuitive.Some kind of blessing and curse at the same time : Imagine me attracting guys that always...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thpsmZiDv6U Better than your sad songs XD|||Dear, you'd be wasting your money cause those INTJs would be escaping the second day LOL|||I think he's not ready to meet but won't say it straight cause it might hurt you : So the question can go like: Can we meet up soon if you're comfortable with it? if not, it's fine =) It has to come...|||Rather than correcting the poor girl, what is exactly 5w5? :laughing: I mean you're either 5w6 or 5w4, my enneagram book didn't tell me about 5w5..lol|||Arabic :togue: I think if you show emotions more often than you don't show then I would say you're generally expressive.Like, for example, I'm very expressive, you won't have trouble telling what I...|||This was a typo, I meant she especially wanted to make Riley happy, she was her main concern. I'm an intuitive dominant and I make patterns on how functions work, I've studied people just to...|||I don't see Fe at all, she's optimistic and warm and wants to make her happy which perfectly fits an ENFP. She's not making anyone happy, she's making Riley happy, it's Fi cause she's connected to...|||Joy ENFP with a developed Te before anyone argues she's a judger Sadness INFP Anger ESTJ Fear ISFJ Disgust ESFJ Dad ISTJ and mom ESFJ probably And you guys Riley has no character, she's...|||If only she knew English I would've gotten her over here..I sometimes translate some MBTI stuff for her, she likes it and I'm certain she is an INTJ though I think she's a 9w1 and 9s are usually...|||But my INTJ cousin really shows good emotions :| Does this have to do with Fi?|||But you're already trapped the moment you enter this thread ;)|||Your voice would suit a narrative voice for a Disney movie! :laughing: You're cute btw :3|||Goooosh don't take my words literally :nonchalance: Because they might not like them :laughing: You're way too cute, I think it's because you're Asian :tongue:|||Chill, I was just being playful :tongue:|||No I have a proof it's not XD My INTJ cousin shows nice emotions, she's like an INFP in family gathrings, it's cute :tongue: But do you know what would make you show an exprssion? Posh eagle...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 'What I'm talking about, is a position where you are sort of SUPPOSED to be empathetic and emotionally involved. My future clientel can consist of people who have just found out that they may never be...|||When looking at occupations that our personality type will be successful, usually jobs that require a lot of people interaction, empathy, and strong social/emotional skills aren't high up on the...|||When I first started dating my INTJ, for an entire month and a half we were sort of in this weird phase, where we were both excluaively dating one another, however no words were spoken about it....|||I'm not an INTJ, but I am with one, and he claims our relationship is the best he's ever had, and he's the happiest he's ever been with me. I'm an ISTJ.|||If you don't make goals that are concrete, how can you work towards them, then? Improving your life doesn't just happen, you have to have a plan to get to an end result you desire. Perhaps this is...|||I've read many things saying that Intuitives often have thoughts that are more future focused and oriented, where sensors focus their thoughts more to the present and the past. I'm wondering how much...|||In the distant (but coming up quickly) future, I have plans to move 16 hours away to another state to live in my boyfriend's home town. From research I've done, it has better job prospects, better...|||Just some late night musings... I have met a couple of my SO's exes/past love interests, and a couple others he had described to me. I would say many of them have the same personality type, though...|||Why do INTJs all seem to dislike ISTJs? We're pretty awesome. You all seem like you'd rather eat shit than be typed as one of us!|||Thank you for all the replies! Most of you missed the 3-5 sentence blurb bit, but I'll see what I can do!|||I'm an ISTJ and I experience the feeling of love rather deeply. It's not something you need to question or analyze, when you feel it you know. Like trying to describe a color to a blind person, it...|||So, I notice on facebook quite a bit, lots of girls posting articles, pictures, memes, and the like, of why their certain personality types are awesome. Usually it isn't MBTI related, but it's almost...|||* I see so many negative things said about this pairing. When there are threads made what's the most/least compatible type to you? ISTJs are usually near the bottom, or the top, respectively. I...|||I'm an ISTJ in a beautifully healthy and happy long term relationship with an INTJ. We are actually moving in together in June! I'd say the best feature of this relationship is our ability to talk...|||We are not married! We are seriously and exclusively dating, however, for about a year and a half now. He was living with her when I met him! I in no way want to control what he does. Thank you to...|||* I'll try to keep this as short as possible. My SO moved up to where I live now in order to help out a friend, who's husband passed away in a tragic accident a few years ago. She was struggling...|||I'm still in the process of beginning my career, at my first year in Occupational Therapy Graduate program. I chose this profession for the security and benefits it will bring, but I also hope that...|||I'm a female ISTJ and have always had a hard time fitting in with my female peers, or even any feeling type. I've always been attracted to more masculine roles, especially when I was younger, in...|||I'm definitely not assuming the relationship would fail, I definitely don't want it to fail, everything is great. I just know that there is a very realistic possibility of it failing, because, well,...|||I was having a discussion with my INTJ boyfriend today, about cosigning an apartment lease with him. In the past, I've had an ex use my social security number to put a ton of bills in my name that I...|||Hey! Thanks for your reply. I don't know much about enneagrams, I tested at a 6w5 and he's a definite 8, slight wing 7. Thanks!|||Thank you for your replies, it gives me some hope that things may work out.|||Quality time (4) Then, physical touch (5) and acts if service (2) are tied for second.|||I'm an ISTJ, and I've been dating an INTJ for about eight months now. We are absolutely smitten with each other, and have been since pretty early on in the relationship. It is the most healthy,...|||I'm an ISTJ, and I've been dating an INTJ for about eight months now. We are absolutely smitten with each other, and have been since pretty early on in the relationship. It is the most healthy,...|||So basically, I have one friend. I've known her for seven years, and she's probably the person I'm closest to other than my significant other and family. I care for her deeply and would never want to...|||I like you and I think we would do great in a relationship together. Would you like to date exclusively? Try that...!|||Thank you for all of your replies! And yes, he calls me dear. I've taken to calling him hon. I'm an ISTJ myself, and he actually comes off as more affectionate than I, more verbally affirming...|||I am an ISTJ female completely smitten in a seven month long relationship with an INTJ male, who has expressed very mutual feelings. Right from the beginning I've always been honest with him that I...|||The reason I ask is, I am currently dating an INTJ who has a giant circle of good friends, even though he does spend most of his time alone. I am an ISTJ who is extremely introverted, and I have one...|||How would you view/place judgement on a person after just finding out that their social life is lacking, meaning, they have no, or perhaps just one friend. Would it matter? What about in a...|||I did say something along these lines. Not the same, but something like Look, I'm really bad at figuring this kind of stuff out, so if you are upset with me about something, you have to tell me or...|||I did! Multiple times. Three times to be exact. After that, I realized he wasn't going to talk. He simply dismissed my question. Nothing is wrong. Even though something obviously was.|||I definitely didn't dismiss him. His feelings are important to me, whether or not I agree with them. I apologized, genuinely. But in my head, I did feel like He went through all of that, for that?....|||Yes, because I pissed him off on purpose, and plan on repeatedly pissing him off just for my own jollies.|||I didn't say or do anything to intentionally piss him off. Like I said I was unaware that I even did. It was trivial and silly for him to be that angry. And I didn't deserve the silent treatment when...|||Thank you so much! Your post has been very helpful. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few questions. I've numbered some things you've said to reference my questions to! 1.) In this situation, I...|||My boyfriend (INTJ) and I have gotten into one of our first spats, sort of. Basically, he became angry at me because of something I said, but instead of being angry at me, he just sort of got pissy...|||Just boyfriend! No hubby! But, I've always felt this way. Long before I met him!|||I've noticed this huge gap in type myself, the T/F difference is one of the ones that most definitely stands out to me the most in people. It is difficult for me to get along with most F's myself, so...|||I actually love dressing up and having a job that requires me to do so. I act professional, it seems to be my default personality, sometimes even in leisurely settings, so the workplace feels like...|||Wow, that was really negative! I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences with SJ's. I can assure you, we are not all simple, bitchy, and air headed!|||Sure! I'd love to. I'm currently dating an INTJ, so my answers might be a little biased toward them instead of NT's in general. 1.) What annoyed you most about any NT'S you've known? Perhaps...|||The response I've seen from the NT community regarding SJ's has seemed to gear towards the negative. My boyfriend is an INTJ, and he seems to adore me. Just wanted to narrow the general feeling down...|||Oh, yes! Definite yes to both of those things, heh.|||I have a few close friends, and while I do enjoy their company, I also find maintaining the friendship to be exhausting for me. My ideal friend would hang out maybe once or twice a month, and keep...|||I am quite fascinating! Despite the ISTJ stereotype of being boring!|||Eating a delicious meal until you are full. Back scratches Music, cranked up and loud (good music...) Sex|||It isn't that we don't have ideas of our own, or daydream about possibilities, because I do, it is that we would rather put our faith in systems and routines that have been shown to work, proven time...|||I have snagged myself an NT, and it has been the most exciting, fulfilling, drama-free, happy and committed relationship I have ever taken part in. I think they are pretty great.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'The replies in here are gross and probably why you a lot of you nerds don't get consistent play and can be spotted as creeps. Try thinking of women as actual humans.|||I'm an INTP and have plenty of female friends. They're all cool as hell too.|||I don't think a lot of INTPs are interested in learning or developing people honestly.|||this is more along the lines of what i was thinking|||ahhh i think this is more of a guy thing, or maybe strong-intp thing|||i have no background in biology or physiology, so i really didn't see fit to respond to the legitimate responses cause most of them are talking in scientific terms that i am not familiar with, or...|||have heard this a few times....its really not that interesting|||still a little unsure of this sensor vs intuitive thing, but what y'all think?|||lmao please bring out yugioh cards!!!!!!!!|||As far as like transgender folks, I'm good with that. If you were born a male, and identify as a woman, then there you go. Its not that difficult or interesting enough for me to really contemplate....|||I think INTP type of women probably have a harder time keeping a man's interest. A lot of men are selfish sorry but its true. They want to be taken care of, have their ego stroked to some degree....|||It depends on the person and mutual interests. I was in the car with my boss's boss the other day for an hour. I asked the right questions to literally have him going the entire time while I nodded...|||I'd rather be happy personally but you can have both. balance is key. Some people OD on living in the mind which is not only probably an obstacle of happiness but an obstacle of searching for...|||I actually have a chance if going into the fashion industry doing cool things but I'm effing nervous because it will be sooooo many women and I'm just not like most of them (not like most men either...|||I like this thread.... chameleon effect and external factors have a lot to do with it obviously. I think society expects men to be more selfish in their intellectual pursuits. People want me to be...|||Me telling a white person such as yourself that you basically have no place trying to understand black issues was not politically correct at all. HA. The opposite actually. I would never do that in...|||Just going back to this again to say that not everyone is afraid of being called racist. White people might be concerned with that but it's really not necessary for white people to explore whats...|||This thread is disappointing, kudos to Caged Within and Effy and others though for making real sense ;)|||You kind of implied that it didn't by saying victimhood is self imposed. How can a victim mentality be self-imposed if you are in fact a victim of racism? I think you choose to place too much...|||LOL. :wink:|||Hmm.....this was very informative. maybe I'm more extroverted than I thought. woo.|||Jesus, come on you're better than this. It has NOTHING to do with political correctness. As a rule, I generally do not engage in trying to convince white people racism is a real thing, but I just...|||Again how much time, how much of your life is spent in black communities? The few blk ppl u met are not a good sample sorry.|||This is what im talking about. How much of your time is spent in black neighborhoods socializing with black people? Where did you get this idea of the victim mindset? From speaking with black people...|||I call myself Christian and I want to believe for real, but I'm just not really interested in developing a relationship with God. Like, I pray when I am in situations that call for prayer, but...|||What is it like, to be thinking oriented but yet still derive energy from others? I guess I just don't get it. I enjoy a few people & going to social events occasionally but i cherish my downtime so...|||I actually think this is a weakness of INTP, you see a slight pattern and the need to analyze it into some truth comes too hastily|||Most of the people on the internet as much as we are on the internet shouldn't really complain about not being able to generalize and the PC crowd. Be honest...you barely even talk to people so are...|||I think if you have real exposure to the group you're making assumptions about, then its not bad. The problem with stereotypes often is that people don't know what/who they're talking about.|||It doesn't have to but it does.|||Welp. This was very informative....I didn't realize how selfish I was until I related to all the selfish stuff y'all were saying. And I'm always attracted to similarly selfish NT assholes so my kids...|||Everyone dies. Everything is real.|||I agree, i don't want to use my sexuality as a tool. But my sexuality is also still apart of me. I also think the gender stereotypes are bullshit to begin with whether I try to look good or not,...|||Agreed, like homie said up top there is value in being attractive, and that value is 10 fold when you're a woman. Sometimes its conscious for me. Like I'm correcting myself.|||LOL that's great. I am going to start doing this.|||like what sort of cues....|||Omg I'm seriously dying @ this description and how much this is me bahahahaha|||I 'm better at speaking to an audience than having a conversation with someone I'm just meeting or only acquainted with.|||I think nihilism is shortsighted. Just because you don't see meaning doesn't mean there isn't meaning...|||Basically: “There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy” -Nietzsche|||Crazy. It was between 4th-5th grade that I became a full fledged INTP. I think I started ENTP, maybe even ENFP. But the world that I lived in forced me to turn introverted (going to a white schools...|||1. How do you react to flirting when it's directed at you? Are you flattered? Does it make you uncomfortable? Do you even realize it's happening in the first place? I usually act like I didn't...|||Truly inspiring story. I definitely agree this is a starting point. I want to reach my full potential as a human being and not shortchange myself on the whole experience. Thank you again!!! ...|||Too true.|||Awesome, thanks for sharing.|||How did you get out of it?|||Word, the effort is killer. Luckily, I only really venture outside with the intention of impressing people a few times a month so I'll binge with making myself attractive then :)|||YES!!!! I think thats why this whole thing has me a bit dejected because as much as I enjoy thinking, I know that anyone can rationalize anything. Human thinking is flawed, and my challenge now is...|||I am. I hope/like to appear hot and different and almost unattainable :blushed: I'm also pretty superficial when it comes to guys. Looks are important to me in regards to whether we can physically...|||I think you have a lot of great points actually. But I'm not a predator... I am having fun and also am not sure how to see completion either.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Thank you, and it does! :) I'm so glad that you understand where I am coming from. I especially appreciated these parts you pointed out: ...your empathy surpasses cognition and becomes...|||Wouldn't life be great if we all could go somewhere beautiful and enjoy the rest of our days relaxing in simplicity? This is my favorite picture. It makes me smile just imagining being there! :) ...|||*hugs* Thanks EVERYONE expects me to be super woman. Lol. Sigh. I'm pretty much the one bringing in the income. (My husband is black and our city is extremely racists, especially when handing...|||No, I absolutely wasn't. That was me bringing my own age into it and asking if that may have something to do with it. :) That's interesting and it does actually scare me since I like who I was...|||It would definitely help. Maybe I'll go for a walk since I don't have a license to drive myself anywhere. ha! Another amazing fact.|||I mean it in literal terms. I don't own my own home. What do you mean becoming someone else? I am going on 26. You think this is semi age associated too? I feel like I'm too young to be crabby.|||Thanks, friend.|||I'm aggravated. I don't even feel like writing this. The idea of having to explain myself is exhausting to me and I don't want to spend a lot of time trying to get other people to understand...|||Never-mind.. You wouldn't understand.|||I'm transitioning constant soft box lights to strobes I JUST purchased a set of old Novatrons. I am so new to strobes. I am taking them back today. Too bright, outdated. I'm looking for...|||I'm in the same boat right now. I actually came on here to vent and I saw your post. I haven't reached total breakdown yet, though I have in the past. I'm so very close though. I can usually...|||I think you're right :)|||I heard this out & I don't think you understand my perspective. But I expected that so I'm not even mad. As far as being a real INFJ. I'm not even going to indulge in that. That would just be awkward...|||Can't say I agree|||I do PLENTY of useful things :) Original poster? Not sure, but okay.|||Are you black or mixed?|||Okay, so not ACTUALLY! Because I'm very connected to my white-ness :) But now that I have your attention, I'm actually going to talk about this topic. As INFJ's, we tend have problems relating...|||94150|||I BADLY want to know mine! :(|||entj. 89472|||LOL! I laughed pretty good at this! :)|||I thought this was a new an interesting topic because being an INFJ usually means being very sentimental. We're known to collect objects from experiences in our life, and keep them forever for...|||http://youtu.be/pa14VNsdSYM I basically live in this video. ;)|||Hi Skypers! I've created a new group on skype by the name of 'INFJ Married Christian Ladies' If you fall under that category - Leave your skype name or message me for an invite! We will more...|||All you 4's!!! :-)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoRuapZ2rU4 Awesome Video. I've learned this to be true, and it's fairly easy.|||Wondering if there's any of ya'll around... Any females?|||Share your Gospel/Christian music xoxox http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pM0hO8Jh7o|||It means 'Hope For the World'|||My own perception of you. enjoy :-) http://i49.tinypic.com/zwgsx0.png|||Yeah. I've done some CD designs that are in Walmart right now! (woot) Are you looking for something random? LOL|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmp6zIr5y4U New Year.... New ME! The show goes on!|||-Get this HOUSE! -Restore family -Lose weight (background lady scream: ahhhh!) -Enjoy life a little more <3|||I will probably NEVER get one because of my beliefs. But I've always fantasized about what it would be like. Where i'd put it...etc. I always wanted something small and discreet. Like a tiny symbol...|||@Thanketernity Happy about Nothing.|||I'm bored, usually ;-) So I used to have Graphic Design shops on other sites. Usually art request threads. But my patience with specific designs is LOW right now. So I'd like to create...|||Random Thoughts|||http://www.luxuryhomes.com/blog/gallery/|||http://towardsbeing.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/steel_puzzle_sphere_1.jpg|||Aww thanks man! *fistbump*|||proudtobeme & Dynamitetalks Can you take this to the PM's or eachother's page comments,Thanks!|||Quintessential.|||I love you guys! <3 But can we move the chatting over to PM or page comments! I don't want people to feel like they have to go through countless pages of misc stuff to get the Requests! ...|||We about to turn this thread out! baha!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QuW6G6z3sY Dauntless This is the song that came to mind because of your comment! haha|||It's okay, *pat on the back* My breakfast was Speghetti... LOL Just a boring ole' Christmas.|||Am I the only one that will be without seeing family this year? for me it's not by choice, but what can you do? No presents to give (not that that matters) No one to visit. I'm not even going to...|||I'm a prisoner in my own jail. Reach out, take a chance and set fire to the rain! (w/e that means) ...haha!|||http://images.sodahead.com/polls/001114849/Family_Guy_Sarcasm_Navy_Shirt_answer_4_xlarge.jpeg Would you like a consultation?|||*opens door* Well, come on in miss lady...! :-)' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Naw it's pretty subjective to the past with relationships. For example, there are things I won't move past particularly with Romantic Relationships - things like: Abusive behaviour. That they'd...|||Hi all, I have been thinking on something lately, and wanted to see what fellow INFP's thought on this topic. I have a friend who won't pursue a relationship with a girl because, in his...|||Welcome to the forums! And this is often an awesome place to learn new things about yourself. Sorry if it was a somewhat confrontational start... We're friendly here, I promise. :proud:|||I think this was a response to me...? Sorry if it wasn't, but no quotes so: I don't see how you could ever explain consensual sex as being the other party's fault; no matter how worded. Sorry....|||Maybe, lets have a look... How can you make the judgement that one party ONLY in this case had strong feelings at all stages of this relationship? I'm genuinely curious. Even if he was just...|||You sound like a wannabe victim, to be blunt. Though TBH you haven't really said much about what he's actually done wrong, other than he keeps coming back, and you keep giving into him when you're...|||It's downright scary; and it's wrong that we have the threat of our livelihood held over us when all we want is a chance to do what we're paid for... Erg, sounds like you've had a particularly...|||You're very brave Amethyst...! Well done on finding the courage to stand up for yourself. Most of us encounter someone like this at some point in our lives, but it's hard to find you voice when...|||It's morning in Australia; and you've made my day. :tongue: Regardless of if you're a troll... (likely) or there actually exists someone that unreasonably sensitive in this world (less likely)...|||That's a confusion of the issue. The issue is if you will likely cause heart-ache to him; and in turn feel guilty yourself with the thought of stringing him along, if I'm not mistaken? The...|||Forget it; It's wandering off topic and I'm apparently hopeless at delivering a concise point in a debate type thread... :proud:|||In Australia and other western countries; that's also illegal. Tasers, peppers spray, possesion of a knife without a reasonable excuse (usually has to be work related, self-defense not considered...|||It's off topic but... ...In any society governed by a democracy; the people are governed by (or are supposed to be, given how democracy works...) Majority Opinion Rules. Majority opinion is...|||This is a useful thread for basic overview. Hope it helps...! :proud: ...|||...that and a hug button. :proud: It feels odd to Thank a post where someone's pouring their gut-wrenching, pain-riddled story out on the forum. I get a distinct image of a crazy person getting off...|||If you watch the show and haven't seen the Episode / Read the books / Care about spoilers don't open this. Oh man, I've been waiting like a gleeful little troll for what the audience uproar would...|||I was never one to hold a grudge. My father; HE held grudges... ...I'll always hate him for that.|||Dear INFJ, Just, sigh. I hate your stupid Fe. :P (Jokes; I know that's not all that's responsible for her viewpoints...) If we have IDENTICAL viewpoints and standards on morality and...|||I'm about two thirds of the way through at the moment, and I don't think I've ever related to a book character as much as Levin. (Read: A very socially flawed, confused, fantasy prone human being,...|||Flashback: Scrubs, Molly sings to her chicken salad sandwich... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEl88KeeuLk|||That was really interesting, thanks for sharing that mate! There's actually a lot on INFP's in there... Some parts I found interesting, if it's too long for others to watch all of it: 00:13:11...|||I've often wondered if I'd have the nerve to use this, if it ever did become an eventuality. The common idea of the teleport is the breaking down of solid objects to a microscopic size, projecting it...|||Belua = Disfigurine. Some of the others I haven't seen in a long while. Quote: (He was coming up on Super Member:) Interesting that you mention the big 3000, I was actually thinking about...|||Thanks for keeping things fresh Happy. :) Just one more thing on the mobile surfing; would it be possible to make embedded video posts to also automatically include the url hyperlinked beneath the...|||You're sad; but you smile! It not in your eyes...! Your eyeballs won't change; It's the muscles around your eyes... You're dreams are sweet and obsessed, And you're overworked... You're...|||Confession: I've been waiting longer than I'm proud of to make the 10,000th post in here... ;) Happy 10,000 - to one of the most interesting threads on PerC!|||And the ground beneath them did shift; and they felt the awakening of an ancient evil, one long thought dead. The original participants having scattered or fallen into legend, there was seemingly...|||I love this movie. But I also love a good Community send-up... :wink: (I don't know if this will link right being on iphone but here goes...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4WTkG4s0tU|||When I'm off in my head, musing about something totally separate to what's happening around me, I enter something of an auto-state where I'm actually very susceptible to things like this. Things...|||What a beautiful face, I have found in this place: That is circling all around the sun... And when we meet on a cloud - I'll be laughing out loud... I'll be laughing with everyone - I see......|||:unsure: No-one replied! We're a rude bunch arn't we? :rolleyes: Struth, they sound Aussie as! Guess I have to watch it... :happy: Naw, thanks for the recommend mate; I'ma watch tomorrow!|||Completely agree with what rbgj said, and to an extent I have the same issues with dealing with grief of others myself. For me it's that I can often put up a wall around potential emotional areas...|||...Has the background in this shot been altered in any way, or is it just a natural blur? Reminds me of the vortex-effect dolly-zoom shot in FOTR, where Frodo feels the approach of the...|||No pun intended, right...? :P Girl: Avalon, as a girl's name, I've always liked. Boy: Thinking purely of him, I'd probably want to go something short and sweet, fairly traditional. Oliver,...|||Internally. A freaking, mute opera...|||I probably wouldn't believe them. Because for me it's engrained to account for peoples feelings, and it would be paramount to saying Your life-long inhibition no longer counts. Pretty enough to say...|||As a person with shameful hours of discussion on zombie invasions under his belt I'd have to say the answer varies, dependant on an important factor; We talking something like Original Dawn of...|||Two very different answers to mine already, but I'll give my perspective. I think this is CAN be pretty accurate of a healthy INFP. I can't speak to the NF temperament as a whole. I would say, for...|||It's how it comes across in my mind is all. If I were to talk about a situation like this and seek advice; I seek a balanced answer by listing redeeming qualities and reasons why I'd want to stay...|||If you read through this, can you see that youx92ve literally not said ONE thing you like about her? Not ONE redeeming factor thatx92s making you stick by her? If this is really a fact finding mission...|||Ahh, Eponine, you tragic minx... :) I would say Marius Pontmercy shows a lot of INFP characteristics... The language he uses in his songs smack of idealistic, romantic love... ;) Had you been...|||Depends if you want a straight up Kangaroo ride or a sled pulled by Wallabies...|||Objection your Honor! Assumption of motive! :happy: That Lad also made a thread recently with various assorted moral conflicts; should I gather he's typing from his Iphone, whilst looking...|||I'd just like to say first up: I really hate people having a go at OP's... It's a pet peeve. While I'm sure Lad can hack it, it discourages other, shyer people from starting subjects if they feel...|||Q1. Concentration Camp -- help kill your own child, or watch your child + an innocent man die as well. Wouldn't take any part in killing of my child. The man is trying pull the mentality that the...|||Hey mate. Really sorry you're feeling down... :sad: I know what it's like to be restless within yourself in life, while seemingly successful on the outside. I would straight off give the...|||:rolleyes: (I do hope those who are feeling down in here feel better soon. :happy: ) In the sprit of what I think the OP's after here: - being compassionate, through an advanced form of...|||No. Not anymore. I used to inwardly bemoan the tendencies of my head and my heart but Ix92m over that now. Ix92ve seen too many pricks out there to want to be anything like them, no thanks. They donx92t...|||Benevolent Altruist|||Are there any concerns that you're aware of, either cuturally or with religion on his families part? That would be my first guess as to why his father is interfering. (Or do you know the reason...?)...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I'm planning on double majoring in Philosophy and Psychology and minoring in Creative Writing. Then I'm going to use my major in Psychology to become an adolescent therapist. :)|||I'm actually currently watching 21 Jump Street. It's freaking hilarious!|||Their love for conflict and their disregard of other's feelings.|||http://youtu.be/n_S8M5R01NM|||You're too young to be worrying about finding your true love. Now get back to studying!|||53126 I look so young. T^T|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSluRcBkhAE|||One of my friends happens to be an ESTJ and we get along famously. Beware, though, when things get sour RUN!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjDojEOiMcE|||I'm not an ESTP but this seems like an interesting thread. What happened? I was underage at the time and was stupid enough to try to smoke cigars. I ended up getting very hooked on them. Soon...|||I love being in relationships with SF's, ESFPs to be exact. I love their simplicity and joyfulness in the small things. It really cheers me up when I'm down, and their child-like, pure happiness is...|||Maturity isn't something you can simply gain over night. It takes going through a lot of different challenges, bumps in the road, pain, and experience in order to gain that more cultivated state of...|||It's very natural to feel self-conscious and very awkward around someone you have your eye on, especially if you're not sure whether or not they're got their eye on you. Before I learned how to deal...|||Well, ISTJ forums are really interesting if you'd like to check them out. ^.^|||I've never played Ezio before. What's that like?|||Thank you very much. ^_^|||Username:u200b My username is actually a reference to my favorite band's song King for a Day. One of their lyrics is You need a martyr; I'll be one and it has stuck with me since I first heard the...|||As an extrovert, I love to communicate any way I can, however I prefer face-to-face communication so I can observe their nonverbal communication (facial expressions, hand movements, posture. etc.). I...|||As a proud bookworm, I absolutely love to read. But as of lately I've been a tad bit low on reading material. Any suggestions? I'm very open-minded and can get into anything really. :)|||Thanks, hon! :)|||Hello one and all! As you can tell from the title, I'm a new ENFP here and am curious as to what advice you experienced members have for a piece of fresh meat such as myself. I'm more than happy to...|||As of lately, I've been feeling as though there's a hole inside me that just can't be filled no matter how hard I try. It's been driving me up the walls and making me stress. I can't think...|||I have OCD, depression, ADHD, and anxiety, and therapy has really helped with my problems. I used to be very uptight, distant, unfeeling, and just like a cold clam that refused to open. Therapy has...|||I hate not being able to have a decent, intellectual conversation with anyone my age. It seems as though they're too focused on how the guy in their English class has a cute butt, or how drop-dead...|||I've been feeling like quite the sourpuss lately and I think it might be due to a lack of an emotional connection with someone. I'm not referring to a romantic emotional connection (although, I...|||Thanks to my ADHD, about fifty trillion different things are currently going through my head (mostly personal things that associate with my life), but the thought that keeps bothering me is: Why have...|||Dear ESFPs, I seriously love being in a relationship with your type! You guys are so fun and bubbly. :) Sincerely, ENFP|||While my friends were performing a play at the theater I work at, my ADHD-infested mind was tremendously bored and dying for some entertainment. An idea suddenly popped in my head. I was wearing the...|||Damn You Look Good and I'm Drunk by Cobra Starship. It's a catchy song.|||Assassin's Creed, FTW! :D|||Second Chance Summer Sorry, I'm too lazy to get up and check who the author is. xD|||Don't be sad, hon. In fact, my upraising is mostly the reason why I'm so friendly and encouraging with others. I know what it's like to be neglected and put down so I try my very best to make sure...|||Sadly, it was the first thing to pop in my head! xD|||I think my struggle with a lack of self esteem comes from the way I was raised. I come from a family that never really encouraged me, let alone paid much attention to me, so I constantly put myself...|||I'm not sure about all you other ENFPs but I, for one, tend to argue with myself a lot, especially when it comes to whether or not I should work on an assignment that's due next week or wait until...|||You know you're an ENFP when your ISTJ mother is your best friend and your biggest headache. xD|||I am an ENFP and I love it when you call me Big Poppa.|||I have very horrible abandonment issues. I've been struggling with them for a while, and I think they're the reason why I distance myself from those I know, especially when I'm in a relationship....|||I never really thought as myself as drop-dead gorgeous but I know I'm not the most unattractive thing around. It just depends on my mood that day, really.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I smoke weed occasionally. It's legal here now.|||And all I know is a thing about my life, I can come and go as I please, And if I want to I can stay, Or if I want to I can leave, Nobody knows me. -Morrissey - Jack the Ripper(original...|||The smell of hot concrete and smog. Reminds me of home.|||I rarely got along with any of my teachers. The only teacher that I got along with was my graphics teacher, Mr. Bailey. He would let me come to his class when I didn't want to be in any of my other...|||I would take up pages writing down all the songs that have made me cry. Music is probably the only thing that can bring out the strongest emotions in me.|||Combining your anxiety and avoidance scores, you fall into the secure quadrant.|||I agree with everything you said. People these days just don't have common decency or manners. I'm the young one and I act more grown up than these people. It's so hard to figure people out these...|||I am so fucking irritated. Why is it that I cannot get along with child-less women over 40? Happens every goddamn time. I always end up getting fucked over by them. They start off really nice. We...|||Iggy & The Stooges - I Need Somebody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPyUXb2QwDM|||Mac Miller - The Spins Love him <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyLyK8rLqPY&feature=related|||Never have I ever gotten chased by mall security after they looked through the steamed windows of our car.......lol|||Quinn as in Harley Quinn. I'm a batman nerd.|||I drink once in a while. I love hard liquor, I drink a lot but I can handle myself really well when I'm drunk. Also smoke weed from time to time, if it's something mellow. I've been way too high to...|||Burberry Brit Noa Ralph Lauren Blue Chanel No. 5 Sensual Amber Victoria's Secret Dream Angel Estee Lauder Pleasures I love perfume. Those are just a few. I switch it up everyday.|||-- Become a bestselling author -- Move back to Southern California -- Get married, have twins -- Travel -- Drive or ride in the Oscar Meyer Wiener-mobile(Always wanted to do this since I was a...|||Lad, go with #1, she can wear it with anything.|||Where can I find the third ring??? That is absolutely gorgeous!|||I absolutely love strange things. Normal things are boring to me.|||So I was browsing around and I didn't find any threads like this. For those of you who watch poetry videos, post them here. I would love to watch them and I'm sure others would enjoy them too. Also,...|||I want new clothes. I need some desperately. And maybe some high heels :)|||Some more... 27334 Matilda <3 27336 27337 My boyfriend, Austin <3 27338|||These are some of my older drawings in ballpoint pen. And these are some pics I took with my phone. 27328 27329 27330 27331 27332|||The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker This book showed me better ways of listening to my intuition, I never not listen to it. Also I can read the signs of danger a lot quicker. I'm more observant. I...|||This guy in the video makes me laugh my ass off every time. They try masking his dorky dancing with half naked women. ...|||I'm excited yet dreading Christmas. It's going to be hard without my mom this year. My dad doesn't want to celebrate now because my mom is gone. My boyfriend and his dad don't like celebrating...|||Bjork vs The Cure - A Hidden Place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0FqNQ520q8&list=FL02r0UX4EZvDJ50dfQJqmeQ&index=254&feature=plpp_video|||I'm going to seek help for the problems I've been having. Ever since my mom passed away, my anxiety has gotten out of control. Also, my best friend thinks I have bipolar, that would make sense. All...|||Things are looking up.|||A kind stranger told me I lost my dad in feb. It does get easier over time. It will get better. Those two sentences changed my whole perspective, I don't feel hopeless and depressed anymore. Things...|||I am going to start writing tonight. Writing has always transferred my pain onto paper. I never even thought about the counseling, I'll look into it. I was going to church for a while but my...|||Reading, drawing, playing video games, music, walking...the usual things I do. I think I might take up writing again. I can't seem to find the proper outlet. I've even talked to numerous people about...|||I have so many emotions coursing through me I just don't know how to rid of them or cope with them. I need to find an outlet but the usual ones don't seem to help.|||The Human Abstract - Patterns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRitJ1m8E1w|||My mom passed away at 3:15 a.m. this morning...|||I'm sorry for your loss. It's hard for me to be in the same room as her. I start getting panic attacks. I'll hold her hand or talk to her. She's on oxygen now and doesn't talk. I have so many...|||I don't want to lose my mom. Even after all the fights we had, I want her to be around. She's never going to be there again and I'm having a horrible time grasping the concept. She wont be there to...|||My mom is dying...She's been battling cancer since 95'. The doctors say they can't do anything for her anymore. They put her on pain management today so she wont be in any pain. Now it's a waiting...|||Oh we have known each other for at least a month. I would normally wait to come to this conclusion. But no one has ever made me feel the way he does. It sounds insane but he has said hmm, maybe we...|||So I am pretty damn sure I have found my soul mate. Our connection is indescribable. It's like a breath of fresh air talking to him. I have been myself 100% of the time with him. And I've never...|||Lol you aren't getting many replies because everyone is lurking and being stalkerish. hahahahaha|||Echoes of Eternity - Garden Of The Gods http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyQsj7k8rxg&feature=related|||I wish you would make the first move. Everything is out in the open. There's nothing to be afraid of.|||The eyes always give it away. For the most part, you can always tell what kind of mood I'm in. I can always tell what kinds of moods other people are in as well, even if they are expressionless.|||I hate being late. If I am, it's because I actually forgot I was supposed to be somewhere, and if I'm more than 10 minutes late, I will not go. I'd rather miss out on what it was than show up...|||I moved from a city to a small town. I've been here for almost 4 years. I feel trapped. Everyone I seem to run into is an alien to me. I feel like an outcast. I feel like they are on AM and I'm on...|||Arkona - Liki Bessmertnykh Bogov http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgXlUxDGFvU&feature=related|||The Violent Femmes - Add It Up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKns87v96qs&feature=related|||Morrissey - Jack the Ripper Type O Negative - IYDKMIGHTKY(Gimme That) GG Allin - War In My Head Blind Guardian - Sacred Worlds The Cure - Fascination Street Depeche Mode - Barrel of a Gun Cold...|||We talked. He wanted to come over to my house the next morning. My room looked like a teenage boys room minus the Batman sheets, I would love Batman sheets. I spent 4 hours cleaning the house. He...|||Absolute favorite games are Fable 1,2,3. :D Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade Assassin's Creed GTA Series Monkeyball Sacred 2 To name a few. I'll try any game once. I've been gaming my...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Yet you do nothing all day, and when you finally decide to do something, the day's already over. You can't save it for the next day either, because you no longer feel like doing it. And when people...|||There's no 'All of the Above' option?|||Awesome! I wonder how well that works for males though, maybe Mooing would sound more masculine|||...when a good song comes on the car radio, so you decide to start speeding just because you.. Eh, I dont really know why I do it, just that it's how I get all my tickets :( ...when you're late...|||...when I'm stopped, and people honk at me if I take longer than usual to go once the traffic light turns green. (I take it personally). ...when people ignore me when I talk to them, because they...|||Hmm.. What do you mean by powerful? Physically or mentally powerful? I usually find myself drawn to people who seem to be misfits in society, perhaps because I can find it easy to relate to them in a...|||Sometimes I feel as if I tend to imitate other people's personalities when I'm around them, like in one-on-one scenarios. For instance, a lot of my friends (I'm pretty sure) are S over N and they...|||Well Dilldough, you are a Doer, so go ahead and do it. OH and I absolutely LOVE your name! I think it suits you very well ;)|||OMG this made me laugh so hard!! This MADE my day@@ When you said sheet-tents i thought you were talking about getting (im not sure how to say this in any sort of non-dirty way).. but then I realized...|||Sometimes I get into situations where I think someone doesn't like me or enjoy my company.. but what I've come to realize is that just by feeling that way, other people can sense my emotions (I guess...|||Like That. NOW WHAT DOES IT MEAN???!!@@@ :D|||I have nothing against being an Introvert. I don't think there's anything particularly bad about being one. But when my social phobias get in the way of what I want to do with my life, that's where...|||Assholes are people that just constantly enjoy busting your balls. I'm not really sure what a douche bag is though. I'm guessing from the pictures that they have to be guido?|||Haha yeah.. I myself think that I'm a victim of every single disorder out there. I remember this one time when I was a Junior in high school; I seriously thought I was schizophrenic because I was...|||I can see why people would make the association between MBTI and Astrology, because they both deal with learning more about yourself whether it be through scientific or spiritual means. Although I...|||Just got Terraria on steam. Looks awesome!|||When I found out the Easter Bunny wasn't real. :(|||I feel that I sometimes subconsciously categorize others according to their looks, even though I wouldn't consider myself a shallow person. I think judging people's exteriors is just inherent in...|||I've been seriously addicted to League of Legends recently. That shit's off da hook!! I like all the different champions you can play as, and it's fun gathering money to collect them :PP Sadly...|||...you accidentally squash a bug and feel guilty about it. ...you feel sorry for all the bugs you've killed while driving down the interstate.|||At times, I feel like I subconsciously put up a sort of visage over my true personality. I guess it's because of my self-esteem issues but I don't really know. I just wish I could be myself around...|||OH EM GEE! Ocarina of Time is the BEST.GAME.EVER!!!|||I took the same test you did and I got Type 7 too :). Although I tested type 2 like a month ago.. oh well.|||I watch around 2-3 hours of TV per week. Some of the shows I like: Cash Cab Jeopardy AMC Series Breaking Bad AMC Series Madmen Law and Order: SVU|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oOd0TxEneI I lol'd hard.|||Meh, I'm kind of indifferent to repetition. If the author absolutely needs to use it to get his point across, whatever, but I'd prefer some good metaphors/similes instead :P|||SHIT!! That's a day after I graduate from high school!! So much for the all-night after party :(|||I don't look at it as bowing before some King or higher authority.. I think of it as believing in something bigger than yourself|||My brother is an INTJ and my father is an ISTJ. When you describe your Ex, it sounds reminiscent of both but it seems to resonate more with my brother. I'd say your ex is an INTJ. Oh, and my brother...|||I think you're an INFP with a developed Te, which is rare I think.|||Funny One Pleasure Green|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaoLU6zKaws|||Just between us.. Type 2 INFPs are superior. Oh yeah and I'm a Type 2 INFP too! (Don't worry, I'm not biased at all )|||So what? That's what I like about him|||I couldn't imagine how dull and colorless life would be if it all depended on what Personality Type you were. You'd see people carrying around signs to showcase their personality to the world and...|||I just realized we were supposed to post poems we wrote ourselves, so here's one I wrote a few years ago about a recurring dream I had when I was around 5 years old: Here I am in the dark by this...|||Here's a poem by Sylvia Plath that I like: Admonition If you dissect a bird To diagram the tongue You'll cut the chord Articulating song.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfsifZ9tFR0 If you were a pig, this would be the best anthem ever!!!|||Being able to run around and brag about being the same type as Shakespeare :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xkh6j7RMqk|||school gym headache|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJl0XuDKSjc|||I have also felt the pressures of society and the conflictions between who you want to be and what they think you should be and how you should act. Because we're generally highly idealistic, I think...|||The Suicide Girl 66% Sexy-Cute, 32% Dark-Light, 28% Artsy-Stylish Cute, Dark, and Artsy, it's the Suicide Girl. A cousin of the Goth Girl, she's a little more on the cute side than the sexy...|||I don't think that people would see you as self absorbed. I definitely wouldn't.. because you take into account the feelings of others.|||Well, looks like I'm moving to Finland. :)|||I feel like I think about myself A LOT, whether I'm doing the right thing or if I'm being the person I want to be or if being the person I want to be is better than being the person I am (I know...|||I want to reach that point so bad, where bonds so finely intertwined between cold reality and warm fantasy shatter and fizzle...disappearing into thin air. But here I am, frozen from now 'til...|||I hate the negative connotations associated with terms like nerd/geek. Some of the coolest people I know are nerds. :)|||I'd be lucky if I could get ANYONE. |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I got eleven. By the questions, a highly sensitive person is someone who can't handle much.|||'Someone pleeeze tell me whooo I aaammm' >> 'Oh, ok, you're a total jerk!' 'Reeely? (silly grin) Oh ok!' Goes away whistling. Jeeeeze.|||That comparing oneself w/others produces a competitive frame of mind, where your ego is either gloating with superiority (I've got a better body/boyfriend/vehicle, strut strut) or cringing in...|||This exactly sums up my present thoughts and feelings. I am a rather extroverted person, and what I crave is precisely that energizing spontaneous dance of words and facial expressions and body...|||hi there, cookie monster! ;)|||Yes! yes! yes! What a mentally underemployed piece of dog - but delicacy has prevented me from proceeding further.|||I loved this post! I wish everyone were in touch w/themselves enough to know when they're wrong and apologize, & actually be able to celebrate being called an asshole! I've got to say, though, that...|||all other things being equal - emotional EQ, that they're equally into me, equally nice, supportive, occasionally mysterious, the other non-intellectual qualities I find attractive... then given all...|||I've gone from squalor to untidy. Laundry is building up less. I threw quite a lot of stuff out in the spring. But I like it untidy. I will say, though, that no matter how bad it gets, the...|||I'm glad someone gets my sense of humour and lightheartedness... we're all just works in progress. Peace love harmony xox etc|||Well the question said really loves which is kinda loaded, cos depending on who you listen to, real love is a lot about doing stuff you don't feel like doing because you want to extend yourself...|||I think you're extrapolating trends you see short run, now, into the long term future, and going: YIKES Whereas just remember that there are plenty of things new that occur, that interfere with...|||Beautiful! Nice to see other intelligent sensitive kids dumpt into the machine. The art class I can really identify with... yeah, we were all supposed to draw this carrot. So everyone was...|||Deeds not words. Joking around playfully. I could see how a sensitive soul might be off-put. Me, I figure I lose interest if the person isn't a little mysterious. It works out well if you...|||I get it, you like to *use* your intuition, like. Whereas I react as oh, that's just an iq test, not the main event, which is about character, funny lines to use in other situations, etc. So we...|||1. Pornography and the eww reaction to body odor are a plot to reduce sexual activity because of HIV. 2. Logical argument is almost always a cover for feelings, un-responibility taken. An ant...|||Yes; I think it's sort of a biological vote for life being more than it seems, a willingness to just believe in some ultimate goodness regardless. Not an intellectual problem, or a God you call up...|||Thirty nine percent. Well, external intuition is supposed to be my stronger suit, anyway. I liked it.|||There is a cute description in Socionics. A bit theatrical or attention-getting clothing, but not impeccably fashionable, that would be too S. Not in super good shape, not a pin-up, that would...|||Warm friendly people who say 'what if' and don't mind changeable plans... yeah, we're out there! Welcome ;)|||Maybe it's my imagination or memory playin tricks but I think the ISFPs get thanked, relative to the number of their posts, pretty darn little. Nobody seems to care. And some groups (ISTJs and...|||It does stand to reason that if you answer the questions accurately, and have enough life experience to know how you react in numerous situations, the descriptions should, on the whole, be accurate,...|||I give people friendly looks, and a surprising number look friendly back. Some of them look snooty and sour back, and I feel sorry for them, like who urinated in your cornflakes, hun? If I'm in a...|||You don't mind it when someone spoils a movie by telling the surprise ending cos with those type movies, you often figure them out early anyway, and the plot isn't the most interesting thing about...|||It made the argument go through, but it is not certain, is it. I've heard INFPs say on another thread that a purely intellectual probe is a good thing, and many Feelers will be overly sensitive and...|||Ok I had to post this. I'm ENFP, no doubt about it... but... I've developed quite an appreciation for this kind of thing. I don't actively seek it out, but I do think a smartass getting it in the...|||How's this one for size? Belief that X is true is a pattern of discharge in brain A. Belief that X is not true is a pattern of discharge in brain B. But patterns of discharge are just facts that...|||I have debated formally in my University days, and was quite successful in convincing a class of a viewpoint that I'd been assigned to uphold - knew the subject thoroughly, kept hitting the opposing...|||I remember reading on this blog, it said that it was more complicated than just sexual pull and divided things up into (1) plain sex attraction, (2) openness to friendship/equality/chat, and (3)...|||Here's a little oldie, then - reel feely, etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvP0uwl3Q6A|||Yeah, let's get away from yellow butterflies in pink mist and all that. This is a nice take on an old U2 song, imo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zybYuIh68XA|||This thread is awesome. A lot of really deep thought here. I think part of it is the prisoners dilemma kind of thing. You know, if I'm the only one to do good, I get burned, even though if...|||Oh, I forgot to include this, my above post makes no sense whatever without it... oopsie|||It's that way by definition. I think the apologetics here is saying - as did C. S. Lewis - that it is not unthinkably unreasonable to suppose God exists & is good. I wish all your co-religionists...|||As the OP, I guess I should have been a bit more careful - when I said totally trust, tell them anything I had mistakenly thought that it would be understood that I wasn't referring to absolutely...|||Yes, I apologize for my insensitivity. I suppose that the thing I'd like to give you is perspective, and really, I can't just give that. I guess what I was trying to get at, was that if you could...|||When I look at my planetary gear avatar just now, and try to read the emotion in its facial expression, and come up with taken aback, but hopeful.|||Yes, that description is really good! I always get thrown off by being interrupted, too, cos it breaks the train of thought completely. Don't interrupt while I'm interrupting - that's really...|||It helped me to realize that other people (who weren't in love with me, or in some other way over-focused on me) spent about as much time thinking about me (not how I affected them but about *me* you...|||oh, here's a link: We have fewer trusted friends, study says - seattlepi.com|||So I was reading that a long-term study shows that since the mid eighties ppl have fewer trusted friends, best friends, confidants. These are the people you totally trust. You'd tell them anything....|||Hey, this thing hasn't even begun to screw you up, babe. You want a real headf**K?? Go check out Sam Vaknin on Malignant Narcissism. Any type can learn to tie their shoes, read a clock, come on...|||Anything by A. H. Almaas. It's so vague and superior at the same time. A spiritual con man, generally, will cause me to throw up. A lot of new age stuff.|||Well just winging it, I'd say that she's ISFP, and the kindf rigidness or non-spontaneity could be a strict catholic background with that pair of thinkers running it?|||If pathological liars (which is not a diagnosis) were a common trait of ENFPs, it would have been long since noted and show up in the profile of the ENFP/unhealthy. When we get unhealthy, we don't...|||Especially in the early dialogues (Ion is a charming little puppy and Soc. is a jerk) - but in the later ones sometimes Socrates gets his come-uppance... I remember I think it was Protagoras, and...|||I have had a very hard time keeping at yoga type sitting, breathing meditation, where I just sit there, and concentrate on the one thing, breathing, but as little as it's progressed, it has made a...|||I remember being in therapy and saying I thought I was a psychopath but the stuff I was thinking was normal enough for someone with imagination. The therapist actually laughed about it with me. And...|||chunky chocolate chip cookies, a whole row of them, with coffee (mmm)|||I looked all this up over a period of a year and kind of ended up here out of curiosity. I liked some of my type's traits a lot, but I's not super displayed, so some of it I didn't entirely relate...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'This is so true for me as well. I think that's because we 'friend-zone' the acquaintances for some particular reason (e.g. people at work) and have decided that it's unlikely/it'd take some effort to...|||1. How can I tell whether she's single and will be receptive to my romantic gestures? If she intends to hide it away from you, you wouldn't know. My point is that there's no way to find out unless...|||I am not an INTJ but please allow me to comment :tongue: I've seen quite a few INTJs on the internet who are great writers. I've encountered a rolerplayer once, who I wrote stories with. It's...|||I'm in a relationship with an ENTJ guy. I find this particularly true. I'm the only one he shows his vulnerability to and he talks about his insecurities with me. That's how I feel I'm trusted and...|||benoticed omg could it be me?? I only have 1~4 close friends (those are people at work and an online friend I've known for years). I've completely cut off other people I knew when I went to school...|||Oh I'm being surrounded by sensors and judgers (mostly sensors) everyday. I wonder if functions could explain this (I'm still quite new to functions, so...) I'm not so much of a miserable ball,...|||My sister is an ISFP and we get along very well. This might not be the same as friendships with them I guess? But well, she never ceases to amuse me lol very intelligent and the way we view things...|||Both situations happened to me before but I somehow don't enjoy the latter anymore... What you said is very true. Hmmm when comes to think about it, it could also be that I've finally accepted that...|||wow spot on! I sometimes feel like I'm drowning in Fi, too, and I've been observing more than I used to. But I can hardly get back to all loud and :DDD even after that particular period. hmm the...|||hmm not really. I've pretty much figured out what I wanna do and I still have lots of hobbies and things I wanna do in my free time. I mostly spend my free time doing things I like now. I'm now...|||I don't know if it's a phrase or it's like that when ENFPs grow up (I'm in mid 20s btw), but I've become more and more introverted that I even got tested as an INFP twice (ok i know tests might not...|||Agree with iemanja. I cut all the connections, including a close mutual friend of us (any possible ways that remind me of that person tbh). Making new friends and focusing on a hobby worked for a...|||I just finished watching Rupunzel and I loooove her omg Sirius is one of my favourite characters but I can never figure him out. I think he's more like NT to me.|||Aww that's so sweet. I don't remember much being sensitive to my parents' distress but I was always next to my mum whenever she cried and I'd cry along with her lol I was real naughty when I was...|||It reminds me of this chart I found. Yeah thanks. I used to have doubts but my friends all told me that it wasn't my fault so it basically doesn't affect me that much now. But it's a bit sad...|||@lenabelle: Thank you so much for the advice and I’m sorry for the late reply as I’m usually very busy during the week x_x It’s really helpful. I now understand more about the reasons behind my...|||I totally agree. I used to be more outgoing and could easily jump from one topic to another in conversations. I've now become more introverted that people even mistake me as an introvert :P I have no...|||It's become so natural to me that I think I do it even without realising it lol So I guess the only time that I'm not daydreaming is when I feel like living in the moment - interacting with friends.|||Oh bless this post. I actually started to doubt if I was an ENFP at all after all these time, and if it was possible to turn from E to I even though I knew it wasn't supposed to do that.|||Hi I'm the daughter of the said ESFJ mum and ISTJ dad. My dad is a bit suicidal after he's been bombarded verbally by my very unhealthy ESFJ mum, and as a daughter, I really hope that I can stop...|||Yes! omg I just hit my head on the corner of someone's open locker door at the swimming pool changing room the other day when I stood up from crouching down. Speaking of not being aware of the...|||I always have the weekend all to myself and do things I enjoy ALONE after working for the whole week and perhaps sometimes socialising with my colleagues in the evenings on weekdays. I'd get all...|||Thanks a lot! It seemed that she was a bit down during that period of isolation and cut herself off. I brought it up to her when she reappeared and she said she wouldn't do it again. ...But I've...|||I made a new friend who I worked out to be an ISFJ. She is surprisingly open in some aspects, like being honest about her feelings;(hm...how should I put it. She'd tell me that she's glad to have...|||Just started off my career as a legal clerk but I'm not sure if I could stay in this field for long once I'm familiar with my work. Well, I'm still in the learning process but I could already see...|||lol this post managed to make it smile when I was a bit down XD Good to know that I wasn't alone though! Let's seeeee - I poked a 10 years old girl's eye (which were really dark and I was kinda...|||The test was long lol All ENFPs for me as well. I don't have any ENFP friends though... I actually quite like Is :D|||I agree with almost everything of what others have posted. There are a few that I wanna add: - people who try to make you jealous - people who take what you said too seriously and be critical -...|||The problem with being an ENFP is that sometimes our Ne sees too many possibilities that we can't really make up our mind to fix ourself into a particular field/thing. I'd say try the things that...|||I'm such a cry baby that I could cry over the silliest movie like Miyazaki's Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea... I also remember Toy Story 3 before they fell into the furnace and Harry Potter DH1 when...|||Excuse me if there is a similar topic on the ENFP forum but I'm not that advanced in searching for posts so I'm not sure... Anyway, ENFPs~ Are there any myer briggs type that you find it difficult...|||Yes. It's changed but she wouldn't know cause we don't really see each other. If it's gonna be superficial, I think it's better to leave it this way :(|||Oh lol I don't think she'll admit her part in this though. Hmm I think it'd be best to wait for her to initiate it (if there'll ever be a chance) so it'd be easy to get things rolling again. ...|||The problem is that I asked her what she wanted upon receiving the present; and once I got the reply that she wasn't changing her mind, I'd also told her straight up that I didn't want her anymore......|||In my opinion, friends aren't something that people could 'find' or come across with so easily when they want to, especially when they desire to know someone with specific qualities. I think some...|||Oh believe me, I've also asked myself the same question and even my friends think that it's a good thing that I now have nothing to do with her. But I think it's because of the good times we shared...|||Yeah, I was also thinking that only time could change the situation as be both become more mature and perhaps be able to realise what we did back then. Do you mind me asking how did your friend...|||I was trying to figure out my career path and I thought why not take a personally test to understand myself more to see what really suits me? So I googled it and MBTI popped up. After confirming that...|||Dogs of course! How can you resist a loyal, sticky, fun, adorable companion? But they require high maintenance...:( What about bunnies?|||The list grows as time goes on but Harry Potter will be my all time favourite. and Inception! Very inspiring.|||Spiderman or Batman?|||... an example of narcissism?|||I understand what you mean, don't worry :) We'd once argued about 'promises' and learned that I had to be careful with my choice of words. If she's really lost her trust in me, I don't see there's...|||I wish I did that... Young ENFPs, Parents' words aren't absolute. Have confidence in yourself and do whatever you think is best for you.|||Oh right. That makes things quite clear. I guess it was probably the present which gave me the wrong signal and left me hanging. Thanks!|||Thanks for pointing it out. So it's best left in the past I guess...|||Yeah, I know...that's the problem. I considered the possibility that it wouldn't work unless she is the one who reaches out first, which is quite unlikely. I've figured out a way to avoid conflicts...|||I didn't agree with the way she treated me and throwing tantrums so I demanded her to stop and she insisted that that was HER and I should just accept her.|||hmmm I see. And I didn't. I was just being demanding. Also, there was something that we couldn't agree on and she disliked me trying to 'change' her...|||Hi INTJs! I'm just wondering how firm do you usually stand by your words? Do you change your decision over time? It's just that there was a fall out between my INTJ best friend and I. I have to...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Yes, please. A pack of 20 per day.. And with a good cup of black coffee. *double guilty* :S I don't know if I will quit someday, it's always a possibility, but not now. Sincerely right now I'm...|||Man, I feel so depressed today. My problem is that I use to keep all the bad things I feel to myself and finally explode when I can't take it anymore. And the trigger can be really stupid things. So...|||I'm a super night owl! To wake up early in the morning was the worst nightmare for me since I was a child. I like to have the night for doing the things I like, but now I'm seriously considering...|||Happens all the time! Specially when it's about something controversial, or when trying to give a compliment (I don't want to get misunderstood). I did it here too as well lol! Now I'm embarrased.. :S|||Yes, sometimes, but I keep that to myself though. And I think the fact that I rather prefer to be alone most of the time than with people is the expression of that, at least partially. But then...|||Hey, if she thinks you're a warm person, that's because you are one! Sometimes we don't see ourselves as one, but I think a very close person can notice this. And you're certainly treating her...|||You're welcome! I'm glad it helped you a little. I found interesting you mentioned that Meyers-Briggs interaction, I don't use to think in that terms when it comes to the dynamics in our relationship...|||Well I'm engaged to a ISTP (been together for 4 years), and so far it has been the best times of my life! I was really surprised at the way he approached to me, very direct but in a subtle way so...|||Great article. I certainly feel this way sometimes, and though I know it's just a phase, I didn't know it was so common. And yes, I think it has something to do with feeling vulnerable, as the...|||Oh I love science! That was one of my best classes in school! I particularly love Geology, Astronomy and Biology. Lately I'm not really interested in poetry and arts in general anymore (well, except...|||OMG I was so bad at sports in school! I've tried volleyball, handball, hockey.. But I always had problems to focus in sports, also a bad coordination lol.. When I was playing, I was more interesting...|||He looks like a nice guy, but it seems to me that he's -unconsciously maybe- 'forcing' you to stablish some kind of compromise too soon. I mean, you can't just say to someone, after a month: You're...|||Hello everyone! I read this thread two days ago, but wasn't sure about write something..lol.. It's difficult to introduce myself, but once I get to know people I talk a lot hahaha!! But I'm feeling...|||It's easier to name awful movies than good ones lol BUT.. If you want to see the worst of the worst you should watch Bruno, with that crazy guy Sasha Baron Cohen.. I mean, WTH??? I saw it just...|||I don't know what's happening to me lately. I mean, I feel good, but I'm more emotional than normal (and I'm not near 'these days' lol). But it happens when I see a movie and it has some scenes that...|||I'm looking forward to go back to my country, at least for a few months (6 would be aaaweesoomee!, but 3 months minimum would be great as well). I want to see so badly my family and my two best...|||Nothing supernatural will happen, but we have to be prepared for any case. Disasters happen when you least expect it. They don't have a specific date. But I don't think things will get better either,...|||LOL This question reminds me a lot of my little sister, when she was 11. We were at home, for New Year's dinner, and I took my (now ex) boyfriend to dinner with us. We were talking but after we...|||Since 9 years ago that I don't really celebrate Christmas. When I was living near my family, I used to go to dinner with them, since they are catholics. I went to catholic schools, but decided to...|||I just finished watching a movie called Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, it's a story set in 19th century China and centered on the lifelong friendship between two girls who develop their own secret...|||That's true.. sadly.. While I think we can learn from other people's experiences, sometimes we are blinded enough with our 'mundane' difficulties that we can't see the whole picture so we keep on...|||Oh - Oh.. LOL! Just kidding.. Well it's good to know you find a good answer to your question and that you're satisfied with your choice. That's the only thing that matters.. Yeah, I know it's a good...|||Oh, yes, sorry, I forgot to answer your question. To be honest, I agree with other posters. That design it's not cool. I also think that tribals are unpersonal and outdated (meaning they were just...|||Sorry, I meant the one *which covers one entire arm, I don't know why but I can't edit my post?|||Hmm, I've never dated anyone with a tatoo, maybe it's just a coincidence. But I kinda like it, it just have to be a good and original one, not to express 'sexyness' in a trashy way (i.e, I don't like...|||OMG.. That was terrible, really..I'm so sorry to hear about it. I had some of those problems as well. I think this thread made me somewhat sad, remembering some things too, well it wasn't the...|||what did u find most difficult in school? Waking up early in the mornings!! OMG How I hated it.. I was the one of those who got their parents called by the teachers several times during my whole...|||Me too! When I was younger I always asked to myself: OMG, when will I be 20 already?! And here I am now, at the doors of my 30s already.. A lot of people agreed that after the 30s life gets better...|||I read an article on Psycology Today about 'Why we procrastinate', and I found some points interesting. For example this one, Procrastinators are made not born. Procrastination is learned in the...|||If there is something I'm pretty realistic about, it's love. So I don't believe in this 'soul mates' thing. I never did. But don't get me wrong, I actually think that is good. I don't believe in it,...|||What can I tell you, I also have the same issue, I tend to left things unfinished. I actually did 2 years' college - to become a paramedic - but I left it mostly because I didn't like it anymore and...|||Whoa, thanks! This is really interesting, I'll check out the site. I've never thought either about what my last words would be, but I just hope I could be able to say it and to a loved one as well. ...|||You're welcome! I like your signature, 'Down in a hole', Alice in Chains.. Loooove that band! :)|||I loved The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. I'm in love with his writtings! And I'm looking forward to read '1Q84' and 'Norwegian Wood' as well. Underground was a non-fiction book...|||Hi everyone! I don't know how to embed images, but this is me under my profile's name..lol I don't know how to use Photobucket or whatever you guys use to post images, my bad :(|||Some of the bands I relate to are Depeche Mode, U2, Alice in Chains, Camouflage, NIN... ^_^|||I love purple, then black and blue. But lately I like gray better. Maybe it's because of the cold weather lol!|||That looks an interesting game.. I've been looking and it seems they don't have for the PSP version yet. I'm all for portables lol, but I'll look for a PS3 version then. I really enjoy puzzle...|||I always loved an Oscar de la Renta perfume, So de la Renta. It was a floral fruity esence. Top notes are clementine, kiwi, gardenia, freesia, mango, watermelon and cardamom; middle notes are...|||Hmm.. I'm not good defining other people's types, but I want to learn more about that. But I really love this 3 bands, they're my favorites too!! Though I liked Nightwish more when Tarja Turunen was...|||Yes, it's great you took your time to ask for wiser teachings from elderly people. I truly respect them. I think it's hard to give an advise regarding the most important things in life, because it...|||Thanks! I like your positive view. And it's real, I've always felt attracted to joyful people. That makes my heart smile too and I feel wonderful, relaxed and like I can let my guards off because I...|||Yes, I can relate to you at that point. And I have the same problem, want to study but don't have money either. I've been quite depressed in the past because of that. But, knowing and accepting that...|||I had 2 crush on highschool. But I never ever approached to them lol! The silliest thing I did for a crush #1 (yeah, I could still die of embarrasment for that lol!!), was following him after...|||LOL Well, it's kinda flattering someone wants to be an INFP too eventhough they're not. Well, not that I should consider weird as a compliment, but at the same time it is? Sometimes I think being...|||Hi everyone! Last days I read something that I liked a lot, it's a testimonial from a nurse who worked for many years taking care of people who were dying. It touched me a lot, and I thought it would...|||Awww, kitties and puppies have the power to melt my heart.. LOL!|||[QUOTE=zBillyz;1920558]This should get some laughs out of you =]/QUOTE] LOL When I read the title of this thread, before clicking on it, I thought posting about this site too!! Yeah, I really...|||Yeah, me too! Strangely as well, the relationships goes on smoothly and great! But I also think it would be good if he was more interested in topics like arts or literature, which I enjoy. It's hard...|||Hi fellow INFP, thanks for reading my post too. Appreciated.. :) I can understand your pain as well, as I had similar issues as you when I lived with my parents. I'm your same age as well, so one...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'Luftkopf I think that ISFPs keep a soft spot for the outliers, all those people on the periphery of society, the downtrodden, the weakest in this world, the people who do it differently, think...|||I think you are suggesting that perhaps I know I've found my values (as opposed to imposed values) by the strength and depth of my emotion in different situations. In a way. I could easily...|||I absolutely HATE driving unless it is on a serine country road with little to no other drivers on the road. I live in a city and get to walk everywhere or take the bus. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I...|||I'm interested in the various ways that people discover their values. I think that some methods are more valued (ha!) than others and that different personality types may have preferences. As I...|||I should also say that I think discovering my values through reflection on my emotions is a process that helped me mature, honor my emotions, and see more complexity in my emotions. Ultimately, it...|||I think you discover your values by witnessing how you respond to situations (this is a good practice to get into anyway). Your strongest values will be somehow associated with your most memorable...|||Oh, I was just thinking too, that it might be a good idea to video tape yourself and watch it until you get comfortable observing yourself in preparation for observing others observe you.|||Making voice is a very intimate act connected to our breathing and intertwined with our basic emotions. When I took a speaking voice class I learned that I first needed to acknowledge and work with...|||I can't imagine getting that upset about that guy's comment. I'm more curious to know why he feels that way.|||I am totally open and accepting to mindful hypocrisy, it's the people who don't even realize it that is irritating.|||Disrespect for my space. Abuse (especially of the weak). Emotional manipulation of superiors for social advancement. Exclusionary, judgmental attitudes about people who are different. ...|||Thanks for sharing! So often I feel that ISFPs are pinned as people having no interest in theory, but it is interesting in terms of it's application or if it makes you think differently (i.e., if it...|||Please say more|||There's so much gravy. I'd say likely a gratifying mixture of contempt and content....|||Since I've been talking to friends and acquaintances about this I'm beginning to think that loneliness in crowds might have more to do with introversion than sensing, and of course the culture of...|||Thanks for this LoyalGirl. As an ISFP, I can talk on theoretical subjects for longer than 30 minutes but they need to have practical applications and include interesting, sensory-infused metaphors...|||I'm 27 and it is the same. Never goes away. Sometimes the failure to get social etiquette is adored and sometimes abhorred. So, I've given up being anything but myself. I try my best to not...|||and @ your brother, iinnffpp: We are stronger together. American businesses have historically pitted groups (based on ethnicity and gender) against each other to create culturally-fierce...|||I totally appreciate your post but need to make a pedantic distinction here - it is not an unintended consequence of liberation feminism that two people in a couple have to work. Rather, shifts in...|||@888www888 I need to spend more time reading your posts - just browsing over now - but I think that a lot of your frustration may be alleviated by moving to a place with a more progressive...|||Lunch or light dinner: Saute delicate flavorful veggies in butter with salt, pepper, thyme, and garlic while boiling angel hair pasta. Throw them together with more butter and lemon or just go...|||For breakfast, you can keep it simple, cheap, and elegant with 2 eggs, sunnyside up - a little butter, salt, pepper, coriander, and rich cheese. For a heartier breakfast, you could add toast with...|||Don't forget your greens!!!! Eat this beautifully textured, nutritious salad. Throw a lemon in the salad bowl to keep it fresh for days (always cut the avocado and put the dressing on just before...|||I'm addicted to hosting short-term foreigners! I love all travelers and avant gardes! Those relationships are exhilarating and nourishing. Those people are closer to the pulse of life, like me. ...|||I read on typelogic that INTJs and ISFPs are supplements to each other. My ex-husband was as INTJ, and it was exactly like that. Nice for a few years, but difficult to create a partnership with. ...|||Some people may dislike our type, but our type is least likely to value external approval. I can imagine how that trait conflicts with other type's traits.|||It's good for any and every person to know what they can and cannot provide in a relationship.|||It hurts . . . so bad I suppose if we also didn't avoid conflict we may be able to see these characteristics and change them. Back to my bubble now!|||no. Can an ISFP sum anything up?|||I like flirting games|||If I have no commitments, my natural sleeping cycle does not align with a 24 hour day and therefore shifts me from being active in the morning to the afternoon to the evening to 3am.|||Yes, I like to demonstrate my feelings because it feels most natural. If I picked flowers and arranged them for you, it means I wanted to spend my time picking flowers and arranging them for you. ...|||My verbal communication gradually improved alongside my writing. Writing helped me translate my spatial, scattered thoughts into a linear narrative. Letter writing is awesome! For romantic...|||Also, if there are personal/social issues going on in your unconscious, it is very difficult to learn anything. It is essentially a prerequisite to deal with these. Moving your body and getting...|||No such thing as studying for me. I have either synthesized information over the course or I have not. I understand when I have viewed something from a couple of different lenses, disciplines,...|||I also cry when I'm angry, but I know that has more to do with my family of origin not accepting directly-expressed anger. I feel stuck and need to release that energy. It comes in the form of...|||I was always very sentimental and emotional. My ex-husband used to affectionately call me cries-all-the-time because I cried from almost every movie, the news, hurt animals, etc. I think these...|||I see your mood is bored :( Often I am bored by the things people talk about, but I still find people so interesting - watching their body gestures, their interaction with other people and the...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAfNuNi1kVk I love this czech film Valerie and Her Week of Wonders! It’s about a receptive, earthy girl’s encounters with archetypal characters who infiltrate...|||On my way to a festival today, I felt centered and energized – a sense of wholeness and pleasure. For a while I felt like I was riding the wave of collective energy there, but as is often (though...|||http://youtu.be/FCrf0QEd6bs|||Yeah, I think the differences are pretty subtle. However, I just started rooming with INFPs and feel that the biggest differences involve: our energy levels and consistency, spontaneity, how much...|||Not from me. You're already an ISFP. Honor your natural subtly of perception, which is devalued, if not forcefully repressed by family and many educational/employment settings. As an...|||Me too. I don't know why you don't see me. Must not be in my neighborhood. Every body in my neighborhood sees me. I'm always out walking at 3 in the afternoon and 3 in the morning, eating pho...|||Thanks for sharing. I, too, have been very touched while on weed or isotropic drugs. However, when my meditations moved beyond breath awareness and became more heart-centered, I could feel...|||Now that I am able to post pics and videos . . . . . . nevermind, I don't have the appropriate security token. Sad because the microcebus lehilahytsara is ultra cute! ...|||Is that bread dough in your hands and flour in the air, BeatrixKiddo? Where have I seen you before?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHK0uFb6Vzw Play your cards right. . . eat whole...|||I think the mind chatters a lot. This is the source of frustration with meditation. There are many goals for meditation but one of them is to be in the present moment because it is assumed to be...|||I've heard Composer used before. As a way of engaging with the world in the mind, I believe the title composer is well suited. Many of the ISFPs on the forums here talk about how their minds...|||This is a common perception I'm afraid, ever since poetry has been hijacked by academics (I'm one, but nevertheless it's true). I do think that it is because poetry has proven to be so powerful for...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Logged in to my account after over a year I was gone. I wonder how long it would take me this time to get bored with computers and find a new obsession :ninja:|||I love foreign languages. I speak Hebrew (native), English and some German & Arabic (<- I can understand and read fine, but I'm not so good at speaking and writing :tongue: )|||66592 That was a beautiful sunset, wish I had my camera with me :happy:|||Not favourite, but off the top of my head... ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9VhD4SccSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHxwCuJrskQ|||I had 2 krav maga lessons that were mandatory for me to participate in, where the instructor just repeated the same 3 positions over and over again.. Does it get any better from here? xD|||I have never done so much nothing in my life, thus far. Even got a weekend home to rest from the effort..|||I think he meant the signature :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM2G70WfRKs Sigh.|||492894929049291 London & Ein Dor ^-^|||That's something I'd want to see ~|||English is not my native language and yet I understand and can speak it rather fluently, not perfectly. I learnt most of the grammar rules in school, and the rest by excessive reading. I lose...|||Taking more time finding the right words and remembering things, low patience and yes, more self-doubtful as I don't fully trust myself when tired|||Light painting, Sherlock'ing my brother https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-tWcLExso8D0/UDaHbTruXPI/AAAAAAAABOI/n5DCb0IBbQM/s576/IMG_0732.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DvGi26V_nA Hebrew Bob Dylan :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgeoYd9dZlI Can't choose just one from my native language... so a random final choice with...|||45272 Religious woman is willing to take care of an elderly woman 24 hours, on condition that she will get her apartment after she passes away. Details on the phone-- , not on a saturday. ...|||Yes I can relate to some extent, happens with old photos as well. :)|||full-length monologues. And a simulated scene/ conversation at times, usually when a real talk would be too predictable for me. This can really detach me from the outside world|||Oh, thank you! :)|||Noticed that not only I can't be 100% sure of some things, or answer questions with always, never and a sure yes or no, I also don't have any one most favourite song, book, colour etc.....|||In my case I would say criticism, rather than punishment. It makes me want to think more and do things in a better way, then getting better results. Rewards don't necessarily motivate me, I see...|||Welcome to the forums! I have never eaten a fish either :P|||Tel Aviv from above :) https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-IRULQnO_y64/UB_GNnlSOuI/AAAAAAAABHE/7UvEY_oioKg/s512/DSC_0110.JPG Mt. Tabor ...|||I tried taking a photo of the moon for some project, still not sure how to do it right. If someone has tips I'd love to hear ^^ 44693|||Intp here. If I could choose, I'd go for something in the intelligence field|||The dark tower... Stephen King? That guy made me hate clowns after reading It. Just looking at the book cover.. *shudders*|||44277 Beatles' Yellow Submarine ~|||Im yesh gan eden (Beaufort) by Ron Leshem|||43859438604386143862|||........ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GweaS_8xcc|||Do you consider birthdays important?|||The 10 Happiest Countries in the World - DailyFinance|||Ah, I know what you mean.. I usually scored high on tests, but I was absent far too often so the final in-school grade was lower than it could have been.. Same with the external tests.. rather...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J-tEArglNQ|||@LeaT my sincere apologies for saying anything. I won't answer to the whole post, but I think you took my statement from before the wrong way. anyway, was all from a good intention, best of luck...|||I hate interfering, but really.. no risk no gain|||Not sure if it's already posted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRsJlAJvOSM|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWerj8FcprM|||Lucky. Summer drought here. Just booked a flight to London. This will keep me happy for the rest of the summer :proud:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjPqsDU0j2I|||Hard to say.. Where I live a lot of people take signs etc mostly as a recommendation. and speed? by looking at the road and conditions.. So sometimes going 100% by law is impossible. (And admit, some...|||tap it and witness magic :)|||I liked this one too. The film version is also good in my opinion :) Currently reading SS-GB by Len Deighton. My father recommended, not sure how I like it yet|||Their music never fails to cheer me up :)|||Sometimes I feel like the individual is being lost on these forums, when some people try so hard to fit themselves entirely into their MBTI type and follow what it says instead of staying true to...|||There are so many.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kyxTdLuH-8|||I like your work, and here: :) http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/104070-intp-art-gallery.html|||I love this book. We need more Mr. Darcy's in the world|||I eat when I'm hungry, unless I'm doing something else or in deep thoughts or simply too lazy to go make food. I go running every other night, but it's not really because I care about my physical...|||Eat and be merry ~|||I love her voice :) (especially in two songs she sang with Andrea Bocelli, Canto della Terra and Time to Say Goodbye ^^) All of the Chinese tunes on this page are just so nice, thanks for...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Woah. Holy crap am I ever glad to know that someone else does this and has written it down so it is easier to explain. I would say that my preference is for that 100% listening mode as you have...|||This was a response I made to a lovely individual looking to find out if they were ENFP or INFP and it focuses more on the structural breakdown of cognitive functions (which make up the letters of...|||Soplar Thank you. Writing stuff like this down in a public forum is not easy and I find the fact that you have done so to be courageous. I have a diary-of-sorts for such thoughts and observations,...|||Emperor (because Couscous immediately mapped to Kuzco from the Emperor's New Grove)|||Heh, I like that you used the word militant, but I think you definition of it is probably pretty different from mine. For me, love and war are usually both a long-fuze high-explosives. Most of...|||Si-ter, for me, is applying these two questions into the Ne-aux web and then spitting out something personally meaningful into the questioned position in the universe to feed my Fi-dom constant...|||OMG. This thread has been fun to read. I am currently dating an ENTP and I like to lick her brain... well, other places too, but the sheer badarsery that is her brain is very, very sexy to me. ...|||Yeah, I'm with ^ entheos ^ on this one. Your GF is also quite young, so I would think that has something to do with it as well - sometimes a large age gap between anyone is hard to overcome,...|||Do you think MBTI and Enneagram theories should be mixed? Why or Why not? I would say that an understanding of both is probably a good idea. Mostly because MBTI seems to focus more on 'how' an...|||hmmm... not an Fe user, but I shall try. I think that it's more that someone with F in general tends to process information about itself and their subjective experiences through a sort of value...|||^I screwed that up and now I can't edit so I'm going to correct myself below 2) The nature of the type's preferred extroverted function In short: The J or P designation comes from the...|||Weird yet complimentary comment incoming: Sometimes Canada sucks as a place where the wind hurts my face, but at least I don't have to deal with that. It sucks that you must, but you are awesome for...|||I think that this is usually very true. Fi seems to govern over all on my other functions like a queen or commander (which I find ironic because those are words usually reserved to describe Te, but I...|||That was a cool read - not sure what to think of it just yet, but will have to ponder... ^^^^THIS BOLDNESS. And I would add that the fully present emotion is usually not necessarily the same...|||D`accord. From what I`m getting from this, I think I have misunderstood the term `shut-down`. To me this meant either Te or Fi is removed from the equation completely when making a judging...|||Emphasis on have because this is most likely your Tertiary Si and not a form of Se. Se is about here and now experience and essential. Si is about the mental impressions that experiences leave on...|||Pretty cool response - I like it. Though that last bit is odd to me. Since the closest Thinking function counter-part in range of preference, so to speak, is usually Te for Fi-doms, why would Te...|||I think that you are on the right bearing, though I have some thoughts to share. First some recommended reading though: Jung’s Basic Categories of the Functions by Michael Pierce The Ti-Fe &...|||Would definitely agree with the first part of this. Trying to use Te without first relying and using Ne more for an xNFP is like trying to take a chainsaw to a complex mental problem instead of using...|||Hmmm... I'm wondering if this is more a question on how the letters work together as opposed to trying to figure out what the difference between Sensing and Perceiving? I.E. What gives someone an S...|||This has happened to me as well, but mostly when I was younger (I want to say teens to early twenties). If I didn't take personally, I thought that it's actually kind of endearing. Nowadays, I am...|||*long whistle* Holy shit, this was a fascinating read from my Fi/Te axis POV. Just didn't think the 'thank button' was enough so: thank you for sharing.|||- Cloud Atlas - Princess Mononoke - Pan's Labyrinth - Star Trek: First Contact - Dragonheart|||A collection of gifs that are better than my words right now regarding this subject: Step 1: Initial realization that I enjoy this person's company. Outside: ...|||Tell me more plz? :D I agree with a lot of what he says, but no one is infallible and I back on the bus typology and wanting to know all of the things from as many perspectives as I can find.|||As an INFP I use my Tertiary Si like a lens that allows me to entertain the ideas brought forward by the ideas Ne has wrought from all sides. It works my memory and imagination into a deep sense of...|||I do not like to talk about my shadows because they are usually... let's go with 'not nice'. There are maybe two that can be mentionable in polite company and only a three that I would actually...|||From what I'm understanding of the data that you have produced on this thread is that you are unsure as to whether or not your dominant function is Ne or Fi. Woosh, alright, I'll give it a stab......|||Reminds me of a quote by Anatole France: Translates to: If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. The trick isn't realizing that the thing is foolish to...|||So, I came across the description of Maladaptive Daydreaming on my wondering and was both intrigued and filled with a profound sense of dread once it explored a little. With a quick search, I...|||HA! I can't say that I completely agree that that may be the best card in the deck to play when the motivation for cleaning is paramount (most of the people that are allowed into my space know me and...|||Both of these description have been given to me by ISFPs that I have known. The shallow description/jab is something that I have a hard time comprehending. ISFPs tend to use that as an insult to...|||No romantic experience, but I find the two that I have worked with were some of the best professional relationships that I have ever had in my life thus far. They were both incredibly dutiful and...|||Holy crap, that made me LOL. On the subject: I would suggest not trying to 'force' the motivation - you'll just get various forms of angry or annoyed or sad. Doing something aesthetically pleasing...|||I would add to the above amazing post by specifying that maybe you shouldn't pick just any degree, but that it may be much more profitable and fulfilling to study something you like/love in the end...|||I find that within Micheal Pierce's INFP video is probably one of my favorite Fi Dom function descriptions I have ever heard/read if you are interested. It may be useful to you too because you seem...|||Morality and ethics are where we live, but I also think that positions within religion and religious people can come off as councillors for the rest of their community. We listen, we feel, we make a...|||^I relate to pretty much all of that quite a bit. I tend to ramble when I post online because it is 'safe'. I can essentially get through the bigger ideas and then edit if I want. I find it more...|||Pretty concerned; I worry about my appearance but it's not something that dictates me is what I answered. My Fi-dom dictates how I look, not the other way around. At home, I am most comfortable...|||Whole dill pickles out of the jar. SO GOOD! What's your opinion on the recent film additions to the Star Wars universe?|||This has been incredibly fascinating and helpful to read through. Seriously: Big thanks to everyone whose responded. I am both less confused and now in full organism-of-patience mode with an ENFP I...|||Make a living from: Canadian Artillery Reserve Wish I could make a living from: Not sure right off the bat. I like my job for the most part. Duty, both to myself and to the men and women I...|||Sensors have attention span related problems depending on the subject just like the rest of human beings in general, but I think the manner in which they space out is very different from the way...|||That was awesome; made me laugh!|||That's the distinction that I find most vexing whenever I have to talk to someone else about me using the spaceout (Ne) to focus on the meaning or deconstruction of the thing that I am thinking about...|||Hopelessness is for those who know without a shadow of a doubt exactly what the future will hold. There is always likely outcome given certain amount of evidence to support it as such, but absolute...|||I fear: That I will cease looking for positive change, teaching, and learning new things. Thus allowing myself to stagnate in ideas and situations that I think are self-relevant and good but are...|||Thinking maybe Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max: Fury Road? Kuvira from Avatar: The Legend of Korra is often typed as an ENTJ and while she is certainly the main villain in the last Book, she...|||This ^ or join the army if you really wanna hit your inferior with a sledge hammer. http://i.imgur.com/XUGAp2G.gif In all honesty, even just exposing yourself to a regimented group dynamic...|||I get this ^. I had (and still have from time to time) a big problem extend(ing) my empathy to quite some extent so much so that I would run out of energy and turn out to be no use at all when it...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | '1- How important is self-expression to you? And how do you go about it? I feel the desire to express my inner world through some kind of art. As I get older it is becoming increasingly rare for...|||Hey :) if you ever would like a male isfp to chat to and learn about I would be happy to oblige|||sp/sx|||My relationships with other ISFPs always feel kind of awkward on my end. Like I want to impress them so I always worry that I'm too boring or too weird or creepy. I'm never really sure what they...|||Great, well that's good to hear at least :happy: thanks.|||I'm a 20yo Australian just getting into the industry, and it's been a dream of mine for years to travel to canada or the states to live for a few years at least and explore. Currently I'm doing some...|||I especially liked the last one. Prone to just making random cold hearted decisions out of nowhere, haha. I think that some of the points made earlier on could lead up to that.. Like the...|||Cool :) thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Oh don't worry, roofs can even be hard for isfp's hahaha. So you would say istp? Are there any other types you think he might fit? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Does anyone else here watch him? I've seen him be typed as ISFP before which I think is wrong. He's very good at the technical aspect of Minecraft i.e, redstone mechanics. At the same time he's...|||ISTJ I'm pretty sure. It has its ups and downs. I often wish I had more like minded friends, I think I would like to be close with an INFP ENFP, or even INFJ. Just someone warm and not so jaded.|||As a fellow Fi dominant person, I just wanted to say I can very well relate to your feelings about the world. We make judgments based on how we feel about things more than most. This puts us in a...|||y'all use more words than necessary|||This sounds eerily similar to an experience I've had recently.. If he's anything like me, he's not very experienced in love/relationships, and might have some emotional maturity to reach before...|||I get this feeling that it's my place, my role to bring art into the world. When I get inspired, I think my being a 4 helps. I see or hear someone's art and think I want to make this!. I want...|||I feel like I should add that I think my mother is an ESFP. She talks a LOT. I really don't like that about her, it's like when she asks me to do something simple, she has to blurt out several...|||I personally can become very talkative with the right person. Yes, it takes a while for me to open up most of the time. If I feel comfortable with you, and feel that you enjoy our conversations,...|||Today I had an interview at a call center and it was depressing just being in that building. Firstly my mother used to work there and has told me many times how shit of a job it is. As part of the...|||212690|||http://38.media.tumblr.com/ebe75e581e96909d3eead69b6a54e4a3/tumblr_mmg8spFCRa1qhzegbo1_500.jpg Please tell me you did this|||My dog barking at his own echo at the beach|||http://youtu.be/YTdCzIduUb4|||http://youtu.be/5PFJoNsGnTA|||Ooh, I want a secret 5% off coupon code :D|||The dark tapatalk theme is so cozy. Dark themes in general are so cozy. I've known this since I was a youngling, and me and my cousin changed the windows theme to a dark one on the household computer.|||I'll drop everything and buy a one way plane ride to Pennsylvania the moment I have the necessary funds. I want your finger tips to stroke my chest, like we talked about.|||Its just so goofy sometimes. And really dramatic. Idk, I'm not a fan.|||Heh, I did the same thing with a game on steam (Banished). I was so hooked, then I couldn't close my eyes without seeing the game happening on the inside of my eyelids. I even dreamt about it. I...|||ugh whyyy? :P|||# Python cheat sheet by Zac a == b # is a equal to b? returns True or False a != b # if a is not equal to b, returns True a <> b # see above^ a > b # is a greater than b? returns True or...|||Just get brave and do it!|||Lately I've been stepping out of my comfort zone a little in an attempt to get good at stuff.. I decided I'd try to further my music theory knowledge and such. I'll admit I do feel like I'm letting...|||Would you attribute it to mbti/enneagram? Is it a challenge that you feel other ISFP fours might also face? As a fellow 4w5, I can relate to the low self esteem. One thing that seems to factor...|||I wish the world had more wilderness, and civilization was tucked away in a little corner somewhere. That would be my utopian world.|||For those of you who are interested in it, what's your enneagram type, and what health challenges have you faced regarding it? Just curious to hear what my fellow ISFPs have experienced with this. ...|||At first I thought I might have been ISFP, spent some time trying to learn the difference between INFP and ISFP, then I realised I was ISFP. I think i got pretty lucky considering the way I first...|||I feel as though I'm finally getting over my sx/sp conflict a little bit. I spent a long time just being comfortable and lazy and it made me miss my sx side. I don't know how long this will last....|||I don't think it's an ISFP thing to have a crush. Having a crush on someone and not being able to approach because you don't want to bother them or seem flirtatious? Possibly :p|||Greetings, fellow isfp! I hope you have a lovely time here and discover lots|||This is a common theme inside my head. I'm always thinking about how things change, change is necessary, movement is life, good is bad, bad is good.|||Usually guilt, I feel like it's my fault more often than not when someone's upset at me. But I do have a tendency to quietly think to myself about how it's not really 100% my fault and that the...|||Haha, I love these http://i.imgur.com/rJVqggI.png|||-snip-|||If I was a female I would be so easy to seduce. Why can't I think for myself during conversation? The moment a fundraiser person engages me from their booth in a shopping centre, I'm either going...|||http://prod.cloud.rockstargames.com/ugc/gta5photo/1624/usZk3xnjEEWVsYhjrgR-EQ/0_0.jpg Took this picture with Snapmatic on GTA online|||Just hang around me and my ISTJ buddy. You would think Te is my primary function. Fuck playing Grand Theft Auto V on xbox, when is the PC version coming out? Nice car I'm sure it's so...|||http://adsoftheworld.com/sites/default/files/styles/media_retina/public/award-posters-final-2_aotw.jpg?itok=5qjsoAyf|||I don't know man.. I hear they're not exactly renowned for their personal hygiene.|||I can't decide which life to lead, should I follow my sx instinct or sp. I believe myself to be sx dominant but now that I've recently acquired a job all I want to do is buy nice things for myself...|||With regard to my music, I often write something that sounds very much like something I've heard somewhere and my brain subconsciously just goes yep that sounds good, let's use that. This may have...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Thank you! I look forward to connecting with others on the forum. It seems like many of the names have changed!|||I've learned to cultivate & appreciate my strengths and to acknowledge & work on my weaknesses. 4 years now. MBTI has essentially shaped my confidence and given me a great appreciation for myself and...|||Your Fi may need a bit more nurturing... but empathy is, imo at least, a key personality trait of any NF really. I have never met an NF that didn't have intense empathy. Fi can sometimes bring...|||I'm going to marry my INFJ gf :wink: we are the same kind of crazy and compliment each other very well in that sense. It's electric!|||This forum saved my life years ago (late 2010/early 2011 to be exact). I found it at one of the lowest points in my life where I considered options that I most certainly can not relate to, but will...|||Thanks|||Yes, tense is ... not even the right word for me. Lol. I was at the airport last week and the girl sitting next to me while waiting for boarding and said... are you okay? she said I was fidgeting...|||Anything that corners me - that could be someone telling me I shouldn't feel a certain way. I will always stand up and defend myself.|||I'm 6 months into a relationship with a beautiful girl - who so happens to be an INFJ as well! Our passion and love is amazing together - it's ecstasy when we're together. We tend to have a lot...|||Happy 420 all - if you are a recreational user that is! I smoked weed everyday for 2 years up til 6 months ago - best decision I ever made to quit!|||I did that with an INFJ girl. It paid off, but I have resentment from it and so maybe its not paying off after all.|||Being who I am is the best thing that's ever hapnd to me. In fact, I think it only gets better as we get older.|||The MBTI is a frame of reference for me - it's proven to be accurate in every turn of my life so far as i've tested it in real life application.|||I know she means well and does not have evil intentions, part of is my fault for putting up with a lot of it. I still continue to put up with a good bit I guess - but it's because I know she doesn't...|||Yeah - I know logically you are right but it's so hard to do that emotionally. It's so hard to just shatter the possibilities. I'm terrified of the regret.|||Well I always told her on the spot that if that's the case, then break up with me. And she would apologize profusely and say she doesn't mean it like that all. So yeah anything is possible. It's...|||Anything is possible. What I told her is she can lead him on... but it will not make him feel better long term, maybe temporary then she make his recovery getting over him that much harder....|||That's just the first bit of it. Some fucked up shit has been said to me. 2 months in she was still talking about being completely in love with her ex. She also told me 2 months in that the ring she...|||22. I will do my best to be there, but I said above that I'm also going thru a really hard time in my life as of 2 months ago so it's just weighing a lot more deeply on me now. I mean, my life...|||She says he has no friends at all and his parents won't do anything about the drug problem, nor his sister - so she feels it's her job to step in only. It is hard. I'm trying to be as selfless as...|||Fair enough. She has more people in her life than I have in mine oddly enough, I am much more selective in who I let in. She used to say fucked up things to me like - if I could move back to his...|||I've been in a relationship for 4 months at this point with an INFJ. I've known her for years prior and we share a lot in common so align on more than one front - culture, values, ideas, interest,...|||Can relate to this entirely!|||Edit: realized my friend is ISFJ not ISFP so the comments are not relevant|||Well I landed myself in a relationship randomly (when I stopped looking - GO FIGURE!) because it felt right and the girl is amazing (INFJ) - it's been only a few months and things have been going...|||My current girlfriend is an INFJ - she's fucking awesome, everything I've ever wanted. She's going thru a hard period in her life but she's worth sticking there for... her negativity does hurt me...|||Well... I will at times (rarely) be extremely hyper focused on someone and work towards helping them improve themselves. I have matured since then and taken a bit of a step back in terms of intense...|||Was addicted to marijuana for 2 years - I smoked anywhere from 1-20 times a day, usually 5-6 lol. I quit (permanently imo) and have not touched it in 3 months now. Amazing to be back to who I am...|||Fair enough - well considering the population is generally full of more uneducated persons more than properly educated persons - there is likely many ENFPs out there who have not developed to their...|||Fair enough :) to each their own! It is a much cooler story your way :P haha. Online dating ended up not having any success for me - but I did meet a heck of a lot of cool girls which is nice.|||1. Does intellect attract you? Yes 2. Do you care if your mate is smart? Have you ever dated down intellectually? It's a requirement. I have never dated down, I need someone who can keep up...|||Well, I thought the purpose of online dating is for it to lead in to an actual date? For example, I met a girl on an online dating (ENTJ) and she was great, we talked online for 2 weeks - then of...|||This thread needs to be stickied - this is the true ENFP, not the damn stereotypical profiles. It's getting annoying now.|||One thing - I question the possibility of few hundred million ENFPs because of there were truly a few hundred million real ENFPs (not all the fake tested ones) then the world would be a much...|||Never been much of a cigarette smoker, I don't even see how it's addicting at all. I've probably had 100 cigarettes+ spread over the past 5 years and only randomly - never really bought any before or...|||ENTPs ENFPs - both are the coolest folk to walk the planet.|||I'd be open to it. I don't live on the east coast but it would be cool to meet other ENFPs so I'd be happy to make the flight.|||Congrats! The first ENFP girl I met was a few months ago and we had electric conversations. We bounced all over the place, it was truly... insane lol. I figured we weren't a good match though because...|||Your Cognitive Functions: Extroverted Intuition (Ne) ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 12.69 Introverted Feeling (Fi) ||||||||||||||||||||||||| 11.94 Extroverted Feeling (Fe) |||||||||||||||||||||||...|||That reminds me of the way my parents described me as a baby. I also didn't have a permanent grin, I tended to cry a lot I was told. And super, super moody and sensitive.|||Personally, I think that's not a good route to take. I think ENFPs can make amazing lawyers - in fact I was going to be one and I had many many lawyers recognize that passion in me. One of the career...|||Viva: 4w3 7w6 8w9 so/sx Ace Face: 7w8, 8w7, 3w2 cue5c: 3w2 so/sp The King of Dreams: 9w1 7w6 2w1 so/sx Alysaria: 7w6, 2w3, 9w8 sx/so MusicBird: 7w6, 9w8, 4w3 Eerie: 7w8-1w2-4w3 sx/sp Finaille:...|||Accounting for inflation, not much has changed: What cost $.10 in 1962 would cost $0.71 in 2010. Essentially, 71 cents today is the equivalent of 10 cents in 1962. :happy:|||Oooh... this is going to be fun!! For the record, I questioned my type and studied the functions in details and I'm an ENFP confirmed. Also, the point is to discover yourself and if you are...|||My mentor of 5 years was an ENFJ - Fe vs Fi clash was more common as he would point out I made everything about me, me, me I'm dating an INFJ girl and it's amazing, when we do clash its Fe vs Fi...|||Everyone has a plan in that sense, this is more about possibilities.... looking at a situation and realizing the potential hundreds of different outcomes. It goes much deeper. If someone asked me...|||I think those test are inaccurate, as I've started working closely w/ people I know on typing them, I am finding out a large # of them are being mistyped. One of my friends received ENTJ. He took...|||For the record, I don't think that most of those test are too accurate - well they are only as accurate as truthful as you are with yourself and everyone tends to project what they'd wish to be more...|||I've been here everyday! I'm not as active in posting anymore as I'm a bit fed up with the mistypes here. I have been talking to many via PM :) including OriginalChris. Send me a PM and let's catch...|||She knows her stuff! Listen to her :)' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Yeah, except I lie a lot, especially to people who don't really matter. I used to make a game out of pretending to be different things at parties, to see if I could be convincing, as a bit of a game....|||How does any of that indicate that she's an 8? The bottom line is her mannerisms and interaction style are radically different from any 8 I've ever seen or met. 8s aren't rigid, aren't usually...|||Lol, Hillary as as 1 as they come. That she's ruthless and power hungry is not something exclusive to other types, and typing her on her political ambitions and career alone is a bad idea. People who...|||There is literally not a single Enneagram author or expert that endorses this. Where on earth did you get this from?|||Just what a serial killer/genocidal/murdering/pillaging/thieving/dictatoral male would say. Go to bed, cannibal Fuehrer Mujaheddin Supreme Leader Adolf Pol Pot Stalin. You may not have done any of...|||If you're going to compare the genders, let's take the empirical approach and see which gender, generally speaking, has the best civil citizens. 1) Violence and criminal activity Men have much...|||Sx/so, and I'm monogamous mostly because I find it easier to connect with a specific individual one at a time, and because I don't like it when unstable relationship arrangements interfere with the...|||Type 9 Linkin Park, 9w8 (Somewhere I Belong & Numb) Disconnect from Self & Attachment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsCD5XCu6CM...|||Type 7 Tove Lo, 7w6 (Habits) Pain Avoidance & Distraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh2LWWORoiM Tove Lo - Habits Lyrics | MetroLyrics Fiona Apple, 7w6 (Criminal) Guilt & Hedonism ...|||Type 6 Nine Inch Nails, 6w5 (The Hand That Feeds) Disdain & Self-Loathing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwhBRJStz7w Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds Lyrics | MetroLyrics The Arctic...|||Type 4 Jack White, 4w3 (Would You Fight For My Love & Freedom At 21) Masochism & Manipulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQOnbp_DspY Jack White - Would You Fight For My Love? Lyrics |...|||The Black Keys, 2w3 (Lonely Boy) Martyrdom & Longing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_426RiwST8 The Black Keys - Lonely Boy Lyrics | MetroLyrics Type 3 Southpaw Swagger, 3w2 (It's...|||Because bands are collaborations and they don't always show the same Enneagram type depending on which member lead the writing of the song, I'm listing specific examples of songs. (That's why a...|||Do you think your self-righteousness impresses people, or are you using it to avoid some truth about yourself that you fear? Because you're buckets of messed up, bro. Probably far more messed up...|||The world is what it is. If you have a problem accepting it and living in it, odds are you are the aberration.|||Lol, considering all three of those are in my tritype I guess it's odd that I've tried a lot of drugs. Not so much these days though. I still use alcohol fairly regularly, every 1-2 weekends, and I...|||No, because I don't like it when people insult me to my face. People were commenting on an oddly glowing description of a type. You backed down on your picture of 1s as powerful figures with...|||That's not the typical use of those terms, but if you want to make that distinction more power to you. There definitely is a gut presence. Comes with the development of a strong sense of ego. ...|||Man, you do realize that you just contradicted yourself in the very same paragraph, right? I've noticed a large number of 2s that seem to like type 1. Something about that type often causes...|||Man, you really need to meet some actual 1s so you can lose those rose-tinted goggles. A good number of 1s are just repressed and tightly-wound. Considerable gravitas? Radiating implicit authority?...|||I don't think Entropic was saying that people don't change or that they're forever trapped by their Enneagram type. When you think of a type, the only thing that distinguishes the types from each...|||Remember that in that scene Harry is supposed to be more reactive and aggressive than usual because he has Slytherin's locket on him. That's written to be atypical for Harry. I'm not surprised...|||Well, she's Chinese so she's not especially familiar with English language popular culture in general.|||I watched Hot Fuzz again with some friends the other day. Simon Pegg's character is like such a perfect cinema example of an Enneagram 1 SLI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faMh6OYfuNE ...|||Haha, I remember that comic. Ran into it several years ago on an image board I used to frequent. Such a simple story can become powerful with the right medium.|||Today I made my girlfriend do this maze. She was ready to choke me afterwards, lol.|||Not really an Enneagram thing. You'll not find a strong enough relationship between Enneatype and political beliefs to describe. There's a noticeable (though weak) one between MBTI type and political...|||Entropic I mentioned this song to you before on Skype but I'm reposting it here for others. It's a great example of the sx 5w6's paranoia. Pay more attention to the lyrics than the video (which is...|||True, but to many 2s, desired means needed, and not always sexually. While there certainly is a sexual streak to type 2 it's not quite as central as you'd think. In a nutshell, this is the type 2...|||Yeah, he could have. But his weakness is he tunes out things he doesn't like. Reconnecting with him as an adult I can understand why he did what he did, but I don't quite forgive it. He should...|||My father is a 9w1 ISFP. He was the second youngest of a family of five sons, born to lower-middle class parents in a working class region centered around the coal mining industry. Of his family,...|||Influence implies one thing has a position of power over some other and directs the behavior of the other. Put another way, for one thing to influence another means a change in the state of one thing...|||Good thread, good points. Nice work. Edit: Something I just thought to add. There's a connection between the mindset you described in your section on resentment and the one on hypocrisy....|||http://medias.unifrance.org/medias/45/7/67373/format_page/media.jpg I've always found Jodie Foster incredibly attractive and fascinating. There's a distance and a depth to the characters she plays...|||Look at the virtue of each type, and you will notice they they all describe traits that are relatively innate to type 9. Calm Serenity Simple Humility True Authenticity Stable Equnamity...|||Honestly, probably type 2. The dishonesty, false behavior, and hidden temper put me on edge. There are few things I resent more than when someone else attempts to manipulate me, and an unfortunate...|||Lol, this thread is hilarious. The funniest part is ae1905 is probably T-aux, to borrow his favorite slur.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qssvnjj5Moo hue hue hue|||So basically this thread is self-pity, self-indulgence and laziness all rolled into one. The world is made by resolute people of action, not whiny people who make excuses for never attempting...|||The main advantage to the MBTI is expanded upon in Socionics. While the Enneagram is good at explaining why people do what they do, Socionics explains the way people process information and how their...|||Proud, entitled, slightly arrogant, disinterested in knowledge for its own sake and confrontational, none of which are anything remotely 5ish. Sexual subtype core 2w3 probably.|||Man, this entire post is like the least 5-like thing a person can say.|||I've been in relationships with three ENFPs, and none of them ended well. Take my personal experiences for what they're worth, which in the end is not a whole lot, but INTJs and ENFPs simply have...|||everybody, this is a permanently standing invitation to all and every to speak if you feel I'm mistyped. On anything. MBTI/Sociotype, instincts, Enneatype and tritype, whatever. Go for it.|||2w3 sx/sp SEE|||Lol classical elements, palmistry, and astrology. Not touching this thread with a 10 foot pole.|||A good behavioral difference is Ne users tend to ramble, continuously talking about things, moving from one topic to the next in a stream of thought. Ni doesn't do that at all -- if anything, Ni doms...|||This argument works better if used to describe problems with type profiles in Socionics/MBTI than it does problems with the Enneagram. I agree that a lot of the description of Se in Socionics is...|||I'm going to bookmark this thread, and six months from now I'm going to bump it and laugh at all the quite sure people that have subsequently retyped into something else.|||Easy. Self-preservation 7w6. Excitement, possibilities, freedom, independence, uncomfortable with structure and routine, uses distraction to avoid negative feelings like stress. Lots of positive...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'INTP, and I much prefer self-teaching. I can't focus well if I'm working in a group. I'm pretty good with abstract, theoretical things, but depending on the subject in question I do like to take what...|||Has anyone said feelings or sunshine yet?|||I don't take it as gospel, but it does help me navigate social and professional situations with more ease than before. Even though it's not a hard science and will never be perfect, knowing basic...|||Hi kids. My close xSFP friend is going through a difficult breakup. Any tips on what I, a clumsy INTP who usually mistakes emotions for physical illness before realizing what's actually happening,...|||SO based on the title and my long-distance-relationship-induced-lack-of-D-gutter-mind I definitely thought this was going to be a to which side do you dress post. Mild disappointment aside, I'm...|||INFJ fiancee has pretty good self control. I have very little. INFP mum and 2 ENTP brothers are also not so good at it. ISTP dad has incredible self control unless food is related and then he has...|||Nah, it's Spock's get up that bugs me. I can mentally fluid and bend the barber's enough that I can be like, hm.... alright. It could work... but there's no way I'd believe that Spock's attire of...|||I've seen this photo before! But when I was originally sleep searching for the answer I was looking for an answer that would be accurate in a totally authentic and real Star Trek universe. McCoy:...|||You guys who is the barber on the Enterprise and why do we never see Spock getting his hair trimmed???? Because I have had Vulcan bangs before and I can tell you they require very regular...|||You took everything I was going to say! To OP, this post is good. Take a look at cognitive functions - it should help clear things up a bit!|||Not a fan of fruity sodas, but I'll have an apple one every once in a while.|||(INTP engaged to an INFJ here!) Ti is your third function but still strong enough that you guys are worthy adversaries and debate partners. We can have intellectual discussions with eachother and...|||When my grandfather died I thought I had the stomach flu until a few months later when I realized I was actually sad. I tend to feel emotions super strongly but I can't properly identify them until a...|||My INFJ fiancee can't enjoy sex if there's no emotional connection.|||I'm laying in bed drinking tea and eating cold pizza watching Star Trek TOS while I knit(making small tea towels with curse words on them) and I can't for the life of me figure out why people like...|||Move on with life. It bothers me a lot for a while but I'll move on. I might question if I'm doing the right thing or not, because a lot of the time I can understand the thought process behind the...|||I love the creative liberties you've taken with the grammar and spelling of the English language! True ISFP artistic sense at its finest! So impressive!|||Definitely wasn't expecting it to come out correct, but it did! INTP, owl.|||Both. INFJ dislike conflict, so if they're annoyed or upset, they'll likely internalize it and not say anything for a while. Once it reaches a certain point they might say something, but even that...|||I hope not! We're very open in regards to communication and haven't had any really big fights. Anytime we've had any issues we were able to take a few minutes to calm down and address the issue...|||INFJs lead with Ni, which doesn't do well with our Ne. My fiancee is an INFJ and this has been a bit of a challenge - he has a very one-track mind. I want my hand in every pot and bounce around from...|||I do well with ENxPs. The high Ne makes for a good playmate. I also seem to be pretty successful with the ISTPs I've met. Not really any expectation for emotion from either side, and the ones I've...|||I had no idea this was a thing that existed but now I have a mighty need for one.|||He's got a system rigged up where larger aluminum bits go into a vessel with boron sintered tungsten carbide bead button thingies to be ground into aluminum dust. Makes a terrible noise but it...|||It's actually been suggested by several people that I may be somewhere on the spectrum so I guess the high score should come as no surprise, but I still wasn't expecting it to be quite so easy a...|||Today I really wish I wasn't so damn good at my job. I work in an aggressive retail environment and we don't get commission, but employees who rank highest in sales get the most hours. I started in...|||1) I have to feel considerably sure that the candidate will respect and understand my need for independence, and let me know if they need more attention bc I probably won't pick up on it. 2) I don't...|||48|||INTP, Ravenclaw, Horned Serpent|||Father: ISTP(9) Mother: INFP(6) Brother #1: xNTP(10) Self: INTP(9) Brother #2: ENTP(9) Brother #3: 13 y/o so I'm not sure yet but I see a lot of IxFJ tendencies in him Super Ti-heavy...|||I'm taking two online courses for the summer semester. One is a Psychology of Sport class, which I'm really only taking because it fulfills the mandatory PE requirement and means I don't have to...|||I have Facebook but rarely use it. I made one a few years ago, deleted it because too many people added me, then remade and added only a small number of people whose updates I actually care about and...|||Late to the party and with a long post! (INTP engaged to an INFJ here) (also a warning for potentially TMI but this is a sexy thread so *shrug*) The first bit my INFJ and I were together I...|||Okay. Let's pretend just for a minute that inanimate objects DO have feelings and emotions. The sky is green. My refrigerator is going through a bad breakup. My lamp has anxiety. Etc. What sets you...|||I am certain that I don't experience certainty.|||I work for the company that owns Hello Kitty and all my coworkers are super bubbly, outgoing, ESFx types. Since my natural speech is very deadpan and monotone and can definitely come across as bitchy...|||Mom: psycho Dad: ISTP Brother #1: INTP Me: INTP Brother #2: ENTP Brother #3: idk man he's 12 (something with Fe towards the top, probably)|||Only 8 but I've only been up for about 30 minutes. I usually have around 20-40 but can easily get into the 100+ range when I'm super into something.|||Aw damn I left my popcorn gif in my other pants :/ Congrats on maintaining homeostasis this long, kid, but work on the rest a bit *sneakily cape swishes right back outta this clusterfuck*|||Today at dinner my adolescent brother asked If I would rather fight a bear or a lion. The question gives no hints as to specific species, gender, or age, and all of those will have an influence on...|||I have a close(ish) ENFP friend/coworker. Really fun to be around but I don't think I could ever be in a relationship with one. When we're together it's definitely enjoyable and the Ne storm is very...|||Me: *has gotten stuck in my shoes (again) (this happens with embarrassing and almost alarming frequency) and had to call ENTP brother to untie them and set me free* ENTP: you should look up knot...|||I have people whose company I don't mind but not many whose company I'm likely to actually seek out. There are very few people I would consider friends, and even fewer who I'd consider close friends....|||Sometimes I really despise being a female bc of all the expectations it comes with. I just got in a heated argument with my mother that ended with her angrily washing dishes and giving me the...|||Was the entire house full of water? Or did the shark have legs?|||I don't dislike it but I do usually ask for an explanation. I don't understand a lot of the reasons or things people call cute so I usually probe a bit to try and find out. A longwinded and...|||All the days.|||My coworkers all call me Grandpa. (We're all females aged 19-24 and we work at Sanrio, the Hello Kitty store.) It started out as a running joke about how I'm basically an old man but at some...|||Retail isn't the most ideal, but if you can find a small or family owned shop you might have luck. I work at a shop in our mall that's family owned. We only have 6 staff total and the owner comes in...|||I knew it!!' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'There wasn't really a subforum for music, so I figured this would be the best place to show off my stuff. I make dubstep, but I blend multiple music styles together to make my music. So if that...|||I will enjoy anything that doesn't bore me and has a good sound. This includes everything from various forms of EDM like dubstep or house, death metal, the Beetles, classical music, ect. After...|||I honestly feel that no emotion is wrong, just unreliable, and hence I really wouldn't get rid of any emotion. But if I had to pick, I would say anger, because anger often causes stupidity and...|||Hi, and welcome to the forum. I also found that school sucked, although mostly because I saw no need for it. I think later in life though, you will find that you may need the information you gain...|||Heh, at this point if I could live the life of either I would be happy, although I definitely think myself to be closer to L's personality. But either way, it's awesome to meet another Death...|||It's easy... I just do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVoD1804bkc|||L from Death Note. I thought that he would be everyone's first choice... ...|||I'm sorry man, but people are irrational, even unfortunately us INTP types at times, although we deeply loath it when we are. I also know how you feel, given that you are the same age as me, I also...|||Despite what people say, actual creativity has it's base in logic. The difference is that creativity describes creativity, whereas logic describes everything else.|||My most embarrassing lack of knowledge? I don't have problems, I know everything. That embarrassing enough for you?|||Heh. My favorite idea is just being creative...|||I personally love coding! Unfortunately, I hate bug testing.|||I would have chosen Cabinet B, but... too much work. Having to dig through files all the time would be a pain. If interacting with it could be easier, then I would have definitely chosen B, after...|||What are your IQ's? Do you even believe in the IQ test? Mine is 151, although I don't actually believe it means anything. In fact, I'm pretty sure it doesn't, as it doesn't measure other forms of...|||That sounds really tempting... I really want that robot dinosaur...|||... What swag does Caillou have? Am I missing a hidden joke here? :tongue: Anyway, welcome to the forum!|||Welcome to the forum, and nice to meet you!|||Hi... I think? *bows* :tongue: Um... Welcome to the forum!|||Welcome to the forum!|||Well. That must have really sucked... My own most awkward moment. Heh, well, there was that time I had to play the part of Detective Cluck in a school play that I didn't want to be in the first...|||You don't approach romance in the same way you do math? Heh, no wonder romance never seems to work for me... :tongue:|||Seriously, very few things make me cry. I cry out of frustration, and that's pretty much it. And even that is rare.|||I don't base my life on it. You see, the main reason I trust it at all is because the information it gives you is based on the fact that people who score the same way as you have simular tendencys....|||Strategy games? Now that is my element. Given time to think, I am undefeatable at chess. Although, I do tend to let others win at times, whereas my INTJ friend views it as wrong to let someone win. I...|||This is probably the stupidest riddle I have ever heard. I figured it out, after a long time deliberating over it, because this is NOT A LOGIC PUZZLE. It is just irritating word play. Let me give...|||Yeah, the forest temples were awesome, as well as the final boss fights. Actually, I think my favorite temple in all of the games insofar would have to be the 2nd forest temple in OoT, when you were...|||The Fisher King, no doubt there. A perfect place to be alone with my thoughts, not to mention it said I could invite whomever I pleased to come inside. That would definitely be my perfect life.|||Welcome. Nice to meet a fellow Otaku.|||I have never liked a water temple since OoT, so yeah it's quite possible that they just made them all difficult. Or, maybe Nintendo just doesn't know how to make a good water level :tongue:|||You still have not given enough data to come to a reasonable conclusion, however, if she is an INTP, such trivial things, while they may make her mad for a little while, it should not last long. It...|||That depends. If I am in a large group of people I know, I hate it. If I am in a large group of people I don't know, I feel invisible.|||Yep. I guess so. That water temple was definitely the only part of that game that was not designed well.|||Because of all the puzzles he was constantly solving. Now some will say that a twelve year old could solve them, and they would be (mostly) right. There are two reasons why I think this: 1. The...|||Welcome to the forum. I hope your studies in psychology go well.|||Interesting. I always thought of Link as intuitive.|||Hrm. I sometimes wish I lived in a hamster ball. If I did, it would be much easier to keep extroverted people out.|||Welcome to the forum. Always nice to have a fellow INTP.|||Earthbound huh? I played the one that was released in America, but I never played any of the others. I rather enjoyed it, all though it was a little disturbing at times. But yeah, in general, a good...|||Nice to meet you, and welcome to the forum.|||Welcome to the forum. And may I say, interesting choice of name. Very creative!|||Welcome to the forum. Also, I must say I find it humorous that you recommend personality types like brand names. :tongue:|||Welcome to the forum. Also, while I am bad at writing relationship/character stuff, If you ever need some help with backstory/details that needs doing, I am definitely very proficient at that.|||Awesome, and welcome to the forum. And archery sounds epic.|||Welcome to the forum. And, yes, that is true. Most INTPs don't enjoy any emotional, well, anything. I know from personal experience that navigating the emotions of myself and others is like beating...|||Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it here.|||Ah yes. That happens quite often for me. Although, I am also seen as rude for how quiet I am around other people.|||Ah. Do you ever score as an INTJ? I have never scored as anything but INTP haha|||Lists? That sounds like a novel idea! *starts to write list* I may even finish it one day! :tongue:|||Thinking about a more depressing side of life. I can't seem to finish anything, be it music I'm writing or maybe a project I have been working on. I seem to lose interest in things quickly. Is that a...|||Heh. That the universe cannot be fully understood was never in question. Why? Because, I truly believe that there is only one thing that man, while knowing that it exists, can never fully understand....' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'So do you INFP peeps get jealous often? And by jealous I mean by being overprotective of your significant other? I tend to get jealous real quick since I still have that dumb relationship fairytale...|||<3! http://vimeo.com/22428395 http://vimeo.com/36778012 http://vimeo.com/29017795|||Yesterday I found out that the person I've been in love with since I was 10 is getting married.. Yay.|||http://www.bestwallpapershere.com/wallpapers/sunset_at_lake-1280x800.jpg|||Damn, I thought you were looking for Communist INFPs :P|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sv_Bv1H7BQ|||edit: double post.|||http://vimeo.com/71585910|||http://vimeo.com/48841067|||http://vimeo.com/72407693|||After having found and lost my soulmates twice, I'm convinced I will be forever alone.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgn8Eoh9aSY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT3HrrrHzII http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcPqLGSH_oM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjL6hEBt6_k|||Is it me, or does this band just ooze INFP goo? :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghb6eDopW8I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A76a_LNIYwE|||43 pages of heaven. I love you.|||sad, melancholic, unwanted|||http://yourshot.nationalgeographic.com/exposure/content/photo/photo/1802955_uploadsmember203738yourshot-203738-1802955jpg_yexcr5c6vhdqxuo2udd7ir4uxz6efp7ahougetfp4dbeloye3ueq_2880x4313.jpg|||http://i.imgur.com/hC8wjxV.png|||I'm amazed at how accurate this meme is lol. http://i.imgur.com/4cgjgV8.png http://i.imgur.com/NtTUdpM.png http://i.imgur.com/Zkt1DkQ.png http://i.imgur.com/D3QkLU7.png...|||All of the above, plus sometimes I say nothing at all and pretend I'm just an another stranger. I tend to fall in love at a distance~|||http://vimeo.com/27351574|||http://vimeo.com/25988841 btw, I cant seem to play vimeo on fullscreen on PerC. Click on the vimeo button on the video and it will take you to it's original site where you can play it in full...|||http://vimeo.com/75177597|||Hungry, sleepy and kinda guilty, I should have slept an hour ago, curse you procrastination.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIZJx259Kug|||Do real mustangs count? http://chattahbox.com/images/2009/07/wild_mustangs.jpg|||I'm on my last year of chemical engineering and it has absolutely nothing to do with my personality. But hopefully, I could perhaps specialize more in the pharmaceutical side of things. I dream of a...|||In the end, she was just too perfect to believe in love..|||wasted time... again :/|||http://vimeo.com/16339841|||http://vimeo.com/45858333|||http://vimeo.com/74823283|||http://vimeo.com/56164327|||http://vimeo.com/43338103|||http://vimeo.com/21294655|||Real life can be such a drag so why not escape for awhile? http://vimeo.com/30581015|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VifdBFp5pnw|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKffm2uI4dk|||http://youtu.be/C0RCgNZHeIo?t=27s|||:)|||I get really bored and lonely sometimes : The conventional chat rooms I've tried are uninteresting and just weird. I would like to talk to you guys instead. If anyone's up for it, feel free to come...|||Thank you for the advice! It means a lot.. :). I think I will join a Skype group with other stutters and see where I can go from there, I can already imagine how comfortable I would be talking with...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbNlMtqrYS0 Da lat da Da lat da, da lat da da lat da Da-da-da dun-diddle un-diddle un-diddle uh da-da* :D *mind control mission: in progress|||Being happy and self confident infront of those who mean you harm kills them in the inside..|||Girls are weird like that. Don't even bother asking her about it lest she accuse you of judging her, just go with the flow :).|||Do any of you guys have parents who are INFPs too? I think I inherited my INFPism from my mum. She has a very small circles of friends, doesn't enjoying going out much and draws cute images when...|||Where's the freaking thank button? I enjoyed this alot. :D|||Women like that tend to be cute in a weird way :P|||I'm tired of feeling so freaking clingy after every single heartbreak I go through. I'm done. Not going to think about her anymore. 5 seconds later ...ugh, can't stop feeling clingy :/|||This thread isn't porn. It's much more satisfying than it. :laughing::angry:|||Yay now I will never be lost in choosing new movies to watch, I now have a whole list thanks to my INFP brothers and sisters :P' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15036233_10207744359708729_6359728017186836066_n.jpg?oh=9bf4da87f120d920edd436e3a0650821&oe=58C8CB02|||https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14725668_1620026888291082_61355025563616140_n.jpg?oh=1a5651f3e8b600307761e8984fedc4c6&oe=58A5B748|||https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14591769_10209081068656246_5916720316139640041_n.jpg?oh=a88007389fe54b9228e7cd1e5feb853a&oe=589E1136|||In an age of gender fluid chipmunks this comment is pure gold http://i.imgur.com/CmXr8bB.jpg|||https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13710577_10210112601432682_2637763750354566228_o.jpg|||https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13450737_1709749602609922_1754279860164958964_n.jpg?oh=4755041784e3723e36ebdd3e28c11656&oe=58004C35|||528194|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7kz4uMXFlE|||If Adam and Eve were Cantonese. ...|||I prefer this one:...|||Few words by Carl Jung. I'm not saying it explains Introverted Intuition, but I think it helps understand it a bit more. http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Jung/types.htm|||I would add to this list: Socrates John Locke Adam Smith Friedrich August von Hayek Classical demand is that the state ought to treat all people equally despite the fact that they...|||https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/12615233_1653292768278279_8500905142485402970_o.jpg|||Karma bitch!!!|||No, I hate political correctness because I can be in trouble for posting this: 460018 Shame that I have such low res pic...or is it? :tongue:|||A) Because there are not so many people at this kind of hour. B) Because I can see things like the one captured at the picture and see world wake up from its nightly slumber. C) Because I got used...|||So I like to get up early in the morning and jog, few days ago when I looked at the sky I just had to take a picture. 406738 Shame my phone has crappy camera, what is seen is only fraction of...|||I'm Laissez-faire, I despise any form of authoritarianism, whether is something that is being pushed as liberal point of view on the left or some corporate drivel from the right. PS fact that I...|||What I find most hilarious, about this clip, is that after demise there is a message x92Your park has received an award for being The Safest Park in the Countryx92, it is perfect:laughing:|||TBH, honest cock is worth more than 100 sleazy tampons.|||Well Florida Man segment was part of their early podcasts. They, themselves talk about random stuff in a comedy fashion. I personally, nearly choked myself out of laughter couple of times, due to...|||FYI Florida Man Twitter account was created because of Cox n' Crendor Show. Jesse Cox seems like ENFP and I think Crendor is high all the time.|||The great thing about Schopenhauer’s work is, that if someone is engaging in discussion, to come to objectively truthful conclusion, and know that people are prone to use fallacies and other means of...|||Four pages and no one linked to The Art of Being Right Shame on you, for there is no need to reinvent the wheel.|||http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lselifX3rC1qjihk3o1_500.gif|||http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131001135318/walkingdead/images/0/0c/Double_facepalm.jpg|||Inferior function means it is fourth function so it is least developed of the four used, and since fourth function of INFJs is extraverted sensing we get inferior Se.|||Weird dose not equal weird. Sometimes it means you are fun person to be around as in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uxPurskZs8 But then some people use it as sort of insult, like here: ...|||It is how i look when ignored and in my mind I go FFS it happend again, why do I bother...|||I don't know whole story but if I were you I would start looking for some new job. After I found better place I would resign, from old work, and I would make sure that everyone in old job knew that...|||With in mind, why would you want to know any of us?|||Hmm masochist... good thing i stay clear of you people :dry:|||206 ms first try 186 ms second try 194 ms third try 187 ms forth try 193 ms fifth try However i'm rusty, when I was hardcore raiding in WoW I had ~150-170 ms reaction time.|||It is imperative to note that there are 4 levels of attachment to ones country of birth, they are(in order from least indentification with country to most): Cosmopolitanism ---> Patriotism --->...|||It's not funny, it is called retarded reality :dry:|||There are may people that will tell you, You will fail!. It is only up to you to prove them wrong.|||I don't care about ethical implications of cloning. I'm asking myself what would be the point of cloning entire organism be that animal or human? If we stick to cloning body parts and organs for...|||First thing first, Welcome!!! Second, I think this thread http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/10939-intj-infp-what-about-two.html is relevant to what your asking for.|||http://youtu.be/SY0bKE10ZDM|||http://img.sadistic.pl/pics/bbca26bce8ca.jpg|||Because some people excel at executing plans, but fail at common sense. Or this road was founded from EU development programs.|||119426|||Thats why it fit ENFPs so perfectly.|||The topic you are refering to is http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/62758-photos-intjs-stay-topic.html and it is not what you seem it is, the prase Stay on topic was added by some...|||Mulholland Dr. Requiem for a Dream|||Co-worker on whom i had a crush, told me that im philosopher because i think too much.|||It's form Arthur Schopenhauer's Eristic Dialectic|||Sorry but im usually focusing on the meaning of quoute not on the name of the author.|||The thing with humans is they like to think there in control, so if someone really wants obedience he/she will never say what you quoted, instead they will misled people into thinking that they are...|||Chaos is a system, order is quantifiable part of chaos, thus applying system to a system will change it, but it wonx92t destroy it. And as for second quote x93Tell them you created them; they will...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'To me, to be sensitive is to be human. I have a ton of soft spots. The main thing is that I normally keep all this to myself for one reason or another...primarily since I don't want my emotions...|||Same here. I can be quite loud and talkative and borderline obnoxious in certain situations. But I'm definitely quiet and reserved and alone more often than not.|||Remember playing this a ton in junior high. At least I wasn't the kid who actually broke his hand as a result of administering the beatdown!|||It stops being fun. Something else becomes more fun. I get this horrible feeling that I'm losing touch with everything around me. I wake up out of my own little world and start again from square...|||ISTP INTP ESTP ESTJ The others (aside from ISTP) are states of mind I commonly morph into for small stretches.|||Here's mine. Rawr!http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad115/zarocks/writingsample.jpg|||Cooking is cool...it's just all the dirty dishes afterwards that I absolutely LOATHE cleaning up. If nothing else, cooking (much like gardening) is a great topic for conversation to break the ice...|||You're right most people are pretty f'ing boring. Why is this?|||I feel exactly the same way sometimes as far as killing threads. Much of the time, my postings are so serious and heavy and authoritative that it screams the final authority has spoken. no further...|||As far as I can tell, I have a number of ISTJ's all around me in family and friends. We all get along really well together, as they are generally agreeable and able to go along with whatever ideas I...|||From everything I've read so far, I have to agree with madhatter that you sound more like an ISTP as well. From experience, I definitely have my share of extraverted moments. And sometimes these...|||I planned a week-long roadtrip alone a few years ago to a very desolate but beautiful region. I made it 2 days before I got bored out of my mind and decided to drive back home and relax for the rest...|||Yeah this sounds like me for the most part. I don't like being late, but I don't like being early either. Perhaps just in time would be the best way to describe it. There are many times which...|||Hmmm...I think I have a so-called panic button, but it operates a little differently than for most people. Instead of becoming hysterical and irrational, when the button is pushed I become more...|||Most games (including card games in particular) I play casually with the exception of Magic the Gathering, which I have played competitively for several years. While some of my pro friends...|||Sure, I like making people happy...and most of the time I can do so by doing something for them that they value (for example, fixing their computer or setting up their television) and I try to stick...|||When I see an opportunity with positive EV (expected value), I POUNCE on it and not let it get away. If I was smart, I would have began 'research mode' before said decision, as well as during and...|||I find in sports (and probably everything else), practice and repetition greatly reduce dependence on Ti. Everything becomes second nature and it's no longer necessary to play out scenarios in your...|||Exactly. I'll often use my Ti to put myself in someone else's shoes and play out a scenario in my head. Maybe not the same as true empathy but faking it isn't very hard. I've read where ESTP's...|||In other words, it sounds like what you're saying is you don't sweat about the small stuff. As you mentioned, showing emotion is something that can be learned over time, regardless of type with...|||Can't draw, can't write a song, can't make something out of thin air...so on the surface, creativity is a huge challenge. Where my strength comes is taking an object, song, event, etc. and...|||Roadtrips! Glorious Roadtrips! 3 months seems like a long time -- I tend to get homesick after just a few days but I'm guessing I could sustain the energy if I'm really into something. I'm...|||Earlier this year I came to the realization that I often had the mindset of an ESTJ at times. Very often however, this would result in destructive, repulsive behavior and I could never understand...|||'Smart' people are often labeled as 'N's maybe? I remember reading some statistic where N's were overrepresented in certain academic categories.|||As an ISTP, when I have my moments, I always have people questioning what I've had to drink.|||So here's my deal...I am 29, my day job is working IT for a moderately prestigious organization. Since I've been into computers from day 1 and the bills are paid, I'm very happy with my job. The...|||I guess I'd just be running around doing stuff without any need to reflect and just keep going and going and going in circles until completely exhausted. The world as a whole? Not much...|||I'd say I'm extremely laid back most of the time. The thing about me (and many other ISTP's assumedly) is that there are going to be times where I am very intensely focused on an idea or activity. ...|||All in all I think IT is a very general term which can have a very broad range of duties. For example, those working a call center or monitor servers all day would be considered more white...|||I'm trying to figure out what it means to have an inferior Fe function? Can anyone provide some possible examples? I know a lot of it has to do with the inability to express emotion or respond to...|||From my experiences, I work very well with ESTJ's most of the time. As Alvarez mentioned, we complement each other very well in many ways. While I'm laid back and empowering, the ESTJ is a great...|||Other ISTP's - if we have the same interests, no one else can match our level of intensity ISTJ - willing to do some of the 'dirty work' I despise ESTJ - my 'enforcers' - as long as we're both on...|||As with the other ISTP's, pretty much dead on for me too. Having festivities at my house, or somewhere I am very familiar with helps a lot too.|||I usually try to be very polite and helpful. I guess working in a public service environment forever does that to you. Generally speaking, if the other person is not personable and not judgmental...|||ISTP When comortable: I'm involved in some type of activity or game. The more intensely involved everyone else is, the happier I become. The more isolated the activity is (from the rest of the...|||A good night in? LAN party at my house!|||As expressed by others here -- many, many, many back massages. Intelligent conversations Someone else initiating an activity besides myself Watching a sporting event on TV that interests me...|||My main sports are baseball and basketball, but any physical sport excites me except for soccer. I've had some recent ailments which have restricted my abilities somewhat, but will never stop me...|||I am ISTP Closest to: ISTJ (by far) ISTP ENFP ESTJ ESTP|||First person that comes to mind would be George Carlin. My mind seems to work the same way his does and after reading his autobiography I really wonder if he was also an ISTP. Also on the list:...|||I personally don't go too crazy over them...my ISTP bro definitely does. The difference is likely that our interests differ (sports, computers, music for me) and I just never really had much...|||For starters, I tend to zone out into my own little dream world. I'll start talking to myself a ton (more than usual) and just overthink everything. But sometimes this isn't necessarily a bad...|||I'll speak up if it's something important to me and I feel as though I have the ability to influence them to change their mind. Otherwise, I've got plenty of other opportunities to pursue and I'm...|||I guess I'd have to say I'm a huge fan of Ibuprofen. Always seems to do the trick whenever I've got tendonitis (happens all the time in my Achilles') or when I feel a headache setting in. But other...|||1. how do you like to spend your day? It depends on a number of factors and countless permutations...too many to analyze. Every day needs to be unique in some way. There are some routines that I...|||There are times when I'll go out with friends several times each week, only to follow up by not leaving the house (besides work) for a week or two in a row. This seems to come and go in cycles...|||I've always been a dog person myself. My 2 are like my kids. Now I enjoy certain breeds (agile, athletic) more than others (toy, fat, gigantic) but I still prefer them over cats.|||I can think of a lot of things, but the one that sticks in my mind right now is the ability to enjoy the work I do.|||Manuals are for babies. But if I'm putting something together for someone else, and don't want to mess something up royally and end up camping out at their house for the next 3 days, I'm going to...|||I wonder if ISTP's have the natural ability to morph into other types moreso than others. Perhaps it is our natural inclination to be resourceful and adapt appropriately to the current conditions....' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'A chimichanga.|||Hello, dear fellow café-members. Let´s try to work off the questions. 1. Before you came to this 'ere site - Were you happy with your life? Did you think you were happy, but on reflection,...|||In school, I spent most of my spare time in the library! :cool:|||I´ve only heard that INTP are grammar and spelling nazis...|||I don´t know why, but every time I re-read the characteristics of INTP, i have this image of a Malkavian in mind...|||Eeeh...? You can switch your personality easily... just like that? You lucky one.|||SPYAIR – Just One Life Lyrics & Translation || JpopTime Lol, you said non-edited XD|||Just one life lyrics - to answer to another thread XD|||SPYAIR – Just One Life Lyrics & Translation || JpopTime :)|||Being a hermit but not being cut off of electricity and the internet. I know, contradictory, wishful thinking, huh?|||I´m thinking about why am I 'wasting' my time with gaming, eventhough I could do so much more... But I love gaming though -_-|||An apple and a persimmon. Now I´m feeling bad @_@|||I am an INTP, but I think INTJ are slightly more 'intelligent'. ...I guess? I mean, they are not called Masterminds for nothing :)|||How are you today? I feel ill. And bad. Might have some reflux issues. Pains in the upper torso. Feeling tired and nearly every muscle aches. Especially the back. I hope I don´t suffer of thyroid...|||I have a bad stomach ache, and I don´t know why. I just ate some carrots and drank water. I can´t be possibly allergic to carrots? Damn, the human body is a huge mystery.|||No. No, I don´t like gore at all - neither in movies and video games NOR in real life. (okay, real life would be really drastic). I can´t stomach splatter as well, but I can handle brawls and...|||Standing up against injustice inside our heads is easy. The reality however looks a whole lot different. For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EisZTB4ZQxY|||@Gruvian: Your avatar picture... Gave me nearly a heart attack XD|||109154|||Hello everyone. I´ll be joining your community from now on. Hope, we´ll get along well. :) Personal ~ * Name - Zayel, you may also call me Zay as a nickname * Gender: Female Location...|||I think this explains your question quite a bit... in a funny way :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPfdiMnrbYE|||Too bad it´s german, but I think this is quite an INTP-song, right? (Starting at 2:30) http://youtu.be/YYaRNbzA-lM?t=1m45s|||108402 Explanations here: http://malkavian.wikidot.com/traditions I think it fits quite for an INTP.|||Drawing... And the library :)|||No... I´m just not good with these kind of tests :( Time pressure doesn´t make it any better.|||I love(d) Dexter, Spartacus and V(2003). Game of Thrones will be the next series I want to watch. But I generally don´t watch TV very often. Playing games or watching animes... Well, that´s a...|||Hmmm... The general first impression of me is quite good. People think of me as a reliable and accommodating person, because I tend to talk in a polite and considerate manner during the first...|||I tend to be happy during my alone-time (hobbies, etc.) and in get-togethers with best friends. Apart from these two situations, I am always serious and broody.|||Hmm... I´m terrible at maths... Though my results in the Meyers Briggs Test / 16 personality test / Jungean Test is always INTP.|||I have a very flat nose and have major difficulties to find the appropriate pair of sunglasses, hence - no trendy shades for me :(|||Is it weird to say that an overly huge amount of cuteness makes me laugh?|||Most of the time I wear casual clothes which consist of sneakers (spring/summer) or boots (winter/autumn), blue jeans, t-shirt and cardigan. ... Yes, I guess I´m rather one of the plain people - but...|||I can´t link a video here, since I haven´t reached the 15-posts rule, but well... Right at the moment, I´m listening to Blumenkranz (Kill la Kill OST, artist: Cyua)|||Hahaha... This was also the first thing I had in mind. Second one is ignorance. Third: arrogance.|||Oh, I do like BarCamp, but most of the time there aren´t many issues which peak my interest. Guess it depends on the country and region too, huh?|||I agree with this setup.|||I´m Chaotic Neutral as well (though Chaotic Good is on equal level). Judging from the results of the poll, it may be safe to say, that INTP are generally neutral? Alignment: Lawful Good -----...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'It doesn't really matter people just want to identify with certain characters because it makes the show more enjoyable. Besides just like in real life there are limitations as to what a character is...|||Hiramaru from where?|||He's definitely isfp in my opinion, although the thought of one killing so freely was hard to grasp. I feel that he's definitely isfp but a sociopath as well.|||Gto:ekichi onizuka is an enfp|||Gto:tomoko nomura is an isfp|||Overdrive shinozaki mikoto [image]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/12/60678.jpg[image] isfp|||https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z0TjdAAkx-s&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dz0TjdAAkx-s Shinozaki mikoto is a true isfp to the core....|||2796227961279602795927958allright thats all for now.|||27957279562795527954yup theres a bunch.27953 http://personalitycafe.com/images/styles/AnimatedArena/misc/pencil.png|||27952279512795027948a few more.27949|||27947279462794527944well Oleas heres a few of my pics, tell me what u think. 27943|||sunako from yamato nadeshiko shiki henge is isfp27630|||you know your an isfp when your often misunderstood27629|||Under heavy stress, our Shadow emerges (sort of an evil ISFP) and we can become impulsive, withdrawn or vengeful. When I find myself going there, its time for a vacation. Nothing comstructive can...|||its really nice, but sometimes she uses round about ways of expressing how she feels. (im guilty too though)|||heres a picture 25889|||awesome picture man. u look like zangetsu from bleach in this picture|||whats up everyone, havnt posted in a while25844|||You know your ISFP when you end up being friends again with someone who treated you really badly(Only if they apopogize to you though)|||damn, thats true. Once I lost the remote when I was making breakfast. Long story short after awhile I found it on the fridge.|||Also simon from gurren lagann http://oishiianime.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Tengen-Toppa-Gurren-Lagann-Simon-young-and-older.jpg|||I know right!!! after tha first three sentences it almost looks like another language lol.|||[QUOTE=Le9acyMuse;1425327]I think Yoshimori from Kekkaishi is one. Man, many of the fictional isfps named so far, that I'm familiar with, are characters I've disliked. Except Toki from Metalocalypse...|||nice pics!!!!! if u didnt look so inocent id say u look like a vampire in this picture :P|||you know your isfp when u send out amsg to a new friend or aquaintance, and u start panicking when they take a minute to get back to you. :0 or maybe thats just me|||sadly thats one of my bigest weeknesses. we like to be useful to people. so those who take liberties with us and make it seem like they need us we fall for. not only that but to play on our...|||lol i have an intp brother and we dnt agree on anything XD|||lol nahhh, as an isfp i prefer to express myself through art and little else. my infp friend is very skilled with words|||lets see..............im invisible sometimes.|||hows that lol|||226612266022659|||because, I feel like no one understands me. not only that but my type isnt really suited to survive in this world.|||not really lol, Im just tired of my personality. youve never felt that way? since im your oposite probably not.|||I need an entj friend so I can alter my whole mentality from isfp to entj. is there anyone willing to help me?|||your an interisting one.;) at first glance i was thinking my manerisms and actions were nothing like you, but when I think about it the elongated way u speak and how I cant read anything about you...|||damn theres no doubt to me your an isfp point blank period;)|||when theres only one or two people who really know your true self. My brother is the only person I feel I can talk to from the heart and be undersood.:)|||Well, if im stressed ill usually listen to sad music. It gives me a hightened sence of emotion, and i must say im addicted to the sensation.:p|||even though the songs is for a guy, the lyrics are nice.|||how to love, the message describes me to a t.:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmkuvuEIbmM|||Ps the space thing only applys to people im not intimate with lol;)|||3 things play a factor in how we act twords a person we like: 1 mutual interest in eachother. meaning we show love to anyone who shows genuine interest in us. Kinda common for us to be calm and...|||theres definetly an inocent charm to us when we meet someone we like. I never know what to say so I end up aquard and quiet, and embarasment is a major discouragement for me. so if he gets all serius...|||sounds perfect, dont hesitate, i know hell say yess,but quick question(has he ever smiled uncontrolably around u, or really shy like missing eye contact, or was he calm and colected when you first...|||isfps as guys tend to go with the flow, so the best way to aproach it is to ask him in a direct way for whatever it is you want.(just dont be pushy) were not so good at being forced into things.;)|||ps i think theres about 50 episodes so go crazy lol.:)|||no problem.:) if u wanna see the anime just go to google and type in overdrive episode 1(or what ever episode your on) and you can watch the whole thing on either animefreak or animeshippuden theres...|||today i got into it with my family, so my responce was to walk untill i died of heat deprevation or exaustion.(the other methods of esiside seemed to painful) long story short after 6 miles i tried...|||besides the song at the begining(opening) is bad ass;) boku wa koko ni iru http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dWDSHAv98w|||Hey, we might look ordinary to the eye, but thats not where our beauty and awe lies. it lies in our expression, passion, and attention to everything beautiful. we take those things and express them...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | I'm always for inflating my ego - Energy Drinks. Hallucinations. Rurouni Kenshin The Space Shuttle Endeavor Odyssey Magazine Back to the Future Skies of Arcadia My Car|||Topic title.|||I am very curious about INTPs and dating. So I am left with this question for the INTP women. Assuming we were to go out on a date - 1. Where would we go? 2. Who is driving? 3. Any...|||Body language, facial expression, tone and pitch of voice, expressed or implied intent, words communicated, reaction to my person. All indicators of the person's current frame of mind, how they feel...|||Go here - http://erkie.github.com/ Bookmark the scriptlet on the website. The next time you see an ad, username, or something you don't like on the Internet, load this up. Arrow keys to move,...|||I'll just start with the goods - I'm a very tolerant individual. I've had to learn how to not tolerate certain behaviors. My emotions took me close to two decades to get under control. I...|||Put down the pipe dude, let's walk.|||Angry? Time to walk like a cock. http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/usa/images-3/rooster-crowing-2.jpg|||And here I thought honesty was a dead trait. #1.|||There's a divide on this forum of ISTPs that believe in keeping to themselves, and those that are of service to others. Do you look after the happiness of others or your own happiness? And if so,...|||Thank you for your responses, this puts an end to a mystery I've been wondering about. It seems I am capable of displaying empathy after all, but I refuse to do it if it remains untrue to myself or...|||First off, I do not experience empathy, nor do I show it to others. I believe there was a time I did, but it was a long time ago. I do not remember the exact reasoning why I stopped, but it was...|||I'd like to know what the average is for other types?|||http://bulk2.destructoid.com/ul/121181-wtf_picard-468x.jpg|||Okay, I can pick up my bags and leave if that will make you feel better. I was kind of you know, wanting to toot the ESTP horn a bit, but hey, if you don't like that kind of thing... -sniffle-|||I heard you guys were completely and bodaciously awesome compared to other types. Any truth to this or should I be asking the ENTPs?|||What can you tell me about your personal experience in people that are miserable, low self-esteem, and dragging other people down into that rut? I'd like to know why people do this in the first...|||When an ENFP takes a romp through wonderland, it gets weird. When an INFJ takes a trip through wonderland - http://www.crystalkiss.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Horror-Fairytales1.jpg|||YouTube - Dr. No (1962) - Theatrical Trailer - © United Artists|||YouTube - Top 10 of drugs not to do while driving a car.|||Ambience being out of bounds or other worldly. I may be off base on this, but that's what ISFP strikes me as.|||The cure to your ISTP problems is to club him upside the head a few times. Provided you get his attention tell him he's fucked up. That should do it.|||The answer at least from my realm is a big fat no. [Edit] There is creative, and then there is tasteful. Stuff like Picasso, sure, he was creative, I'll give you that. But half of his art looks...|||Can I tie you down? I don't take too much maintenance, honest. I don't get in the way much, and I'm full of chocolate and [snip].|||Hey Super, I'll show an interest in a cult if you worship me ^_~|||Dev, look, we feel for you in what little Fi we have. But your sick perversions are not ours.|||It's to my understanding a conversation took place and you now have an identity crisis. You use selective reasoning and you base it around other people. You go so far as to base your identity (ego)...|||Sorry, but that really doesn't make any sense.|||Do you always try to rip on people when you are rejected?|||I'm beginning to wonder why the ISTPs on this forum have self-esteem issues.|||1. Grab your favorite drink. 2. Open This in a New Tab 3. Open This in a Second Tab 4. Open This in a Third Tab 5. Enjoy!|||http://atimetoloveandatimetodie.files.wordpress.com/2006/05/pyramid_head.jpg|||No, I don't know at all. I can't understand your half-baked and flawed reasoning. ISTPs have a very high tolerance of whom plays in our sandbox. We don't openly shun them like other types at their...|||I've lost any and all interest in speaking with you. Goodday.|||Heh. You have an identity crisis and you feel the need for attention eh? You can quit pissing and moaning any time. You're not fooling anyone, least of all me.|||Big smelly cow.|||Actually in my INTJ awesomness, I have grinded the gears accordingly. I have observed, I have weighed and I have passed judgement. You specifically as a self contained human are a dumbass. Alas,...|||Quit acting like a dumbass.|||Says the woman that won't leave her coffin!|||BS! It's just more fun to goof off!|||One second. I'm going to play that scene in reverse. Dismissed! *plays scene again* Muahaha.|||Wow, I'm surrounded by people with jobs I don't understand. ... I WORK AT MCD's BAHHAHAHA.|||Guilty! Release the hounds!|||Welcome brother. Will you help maintain the peace of the board from those that would defile it? The battle awaits, come.|||*ZC dons judge wig* ORDER, ORDER, ORDER in the gym. The prosecutor, me, the judge myself, and the defendant I, begin the proceedings. Judge ZC: Judge, hand me the evidence. *The Bailiff...|||There is a difference between evolving and devolving. [Edit] Narrator = Extrovert The Dude = Introvert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO3M60RO7rk&feature=player_embedded|||... ... ... ...|||Funny you mention IQ. I was thinking that a person's intelligence can be seen on their face, and many use that as well as other factors about body language, speech style, whatever, to rank someone...|||So what happens when you use your Ti to press.... ALL OF THEIR BUTTONS?! Only one way to find out.|||I already tried that bit. And it worked for awhile. Now... people don't care. It's like... 'durrrr, let's durrr, and durrr, and durrr.' Maybe because summer is coming to a close xD [Edit] I... |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Maybe the best thing to do would be to stop caring about her grades and just tell her that she can do whatever she wants academically, but if she fails in any way then it's all her own fault and she...|||ESFP because I'm pretty sure Usagi is an ESFP so since she is in your avatar then you must be an ESFP too.|||ISFJ, because your name sounds like that of an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and everyone knows that religious people are SJs with feelings.|||My parents used to say that I eat like someone is about to steal food off my plate. Over the years I've learned the wonders of savoring my food so I eat a pretty slow pace now. Sometimes I multitask...|||I had two ESFP friends in high school that used me for my money (the 30 or so dollars my mom would give me for food every week) and treated me (and everyone else) like trash but claimed I was omg...|||I dunno, man. After almost 2 years of being with an INFJ, I am currently more lost and confused than ever.|||I'm a hedonist in that I intentionally seek out long-term pleasure. Or at least ideally. Like through eating healthy and exercising. Yeah! Except I've been eating tons of ice cream and chocolate...|||I'm pretty sure my mom is an ENTJ or ENFJ (Seriously can't tell if she uses Fe or Te, but I know for a fact that she has the Ni since she somehow knows EVERYTHING ABOUT ME without me telling her.)...|||I failed the driving test 4 times (got disqualified 3 of those times, twice within the first 5 minutes) before finally getting my license on the 5th try, and it only took a year and 3 days. I'm...|||Dear INFJ, You are a crazy motherfucker, but I love you anyway. Now that I am finally be in charge of my own transportation methods, I can say with 100% certainty that you are more than just a...|||I think that what helped me figure out that I have no Fi whatsoever is the fact that when someone I know is feeling upset or any other negative emotion, I can generally figure out how they are...|||As an ENTP, the only word I recognized in all those sentences was breast.|||I've found that pretty much all INTPs that I've been friends with have been very sincere, even if in a seemingly mean or overly blunt way sometimes. I'm guessing that may have to do with the fact...|||5'8 and 120 pounds. Living up to the ENTP stereotype, yet again.|||D'awww so cute. Does she usually comply with that request and let you have a cat-tastic phone chat? I would hope that loving cats would be an ENTP thing since cats are awesome. My cat is a total...|||Because I love kitties and petting cats makes me happy. :3 Unless they have rabies or are a tiger or something. I can't pet tigers with rabies, too dangerous.|||1. Fun. 2. Acquiring knowledge. 3. Petting cats. 4. Maintaining awesome relationships with awesome people. 5. Not sucking at life/school/things. That's pretty out of order though. I think...|||One time I was mad and drunk so I tried beating up my ENTP friend. He wouldn't fight back though so I just went upstairs to calm myself down. I bet he wasn't fighting back because I'm pretty...|||33584 I don't have a picture of my room and am too lazy to take one currently, but this is a part of my room. And my cat. She spends a lot of time in my room, so she counts as a part of it too. If...|||When you've had people tell you I don't think of you as a girl, but I don't think of you as a man either. You're like your own separate androgynous entity or I just think of you as a man with a...|||Being an ISFJ would be cool. I'd actually get things done instead of just thinking about doing them and still retain all my same cognitive functions, just backwards. Would be interesting. I'd...|||ITP. Hmm, I don't think I was ever really an introvert, I was just really cynical and hated associating with about 99.5% of the people at my school, but they were lame anyway. I had about 7ish...|||Oh gosh, psychedelics are so interesting. I don't feel like that doing drugs has really changed me all that much as a person, other than now I'm just myself and in addition to that, I occasionally...|||Overall, I have slightly more male friends than female friends, but the friends that are closest to me are female. None of my female friends are the crazy overly-emotional types though, which is...|||But I thought I was sexy! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS :shocked: All the Js and Ps I associate with are pretty sexy though, but I could just be biased. Or I just have objectively sexy friends. Too much...|||Wow what a weirdo. If you were ENTP you'd be way less weird, but you're INTP and therefore weird. Wait, maybe I got that wrong. Am I just projecting? OH NO! I'M THE WEIRDO!?!?!?|||I find reading about old school freak show acts and serial killers to be pretty amusing. Especially the serial killers. Looking for patterns in how various ones work and the differences between them...|||A few years ago I was crazily obsessed with this one guy and thought he was absolutely perfect, dated him for 7 months, and then went crazy on him because I was too stressed out to be able to...|||Yeah, that happens sometimes when I'm not really paying attention to what I'm saying so I just say whatever is currently in my brain despite the potential consequences. One time I was chilling...|||I have the cutest cat ever. That's brag-worthy, right? Meow. :3|||1. Does intellect attract you? So much. 2. Do you care if your mate is smart? Have you ever dated down? I dated a high school dropout once. He wasn't really that stupid, just really bad at life....|||I'm a giant hypochondriac without the follow-through. I think I have some weird physical problems, like the fact that I throw up after not eating for too long, but I never bothered to go further than...|||Most of my phone calls start with Hey, I'm outside your house, so that's pretty convenient and efficient for me. I much prefer texting for conversational purposes. I think calling should usually be...|||I think the best way to keep all the dishes clean is to allow him to only use one specific plate, one specific mug, one specific fork, etc. I know I have a problem with leaving all my dirty dishes in...|||I'm pretty fond of my INFJ, so I'd have to agree that EVERYTHING THEY SAY ABOUT INFJ + ENTP IS TRUE. I can imagine an ENTP being happy with a person of any type as long as they kept them...|||INFJs are pretty neat, but I could be biased.|||My dad and I are both NTPs and we're super sensitive to all temperatures. I think that must mean that ALL NTPs must be super sensitive to temperature, right? Oh wait except I know some NTPs that are...|||I heard your terrible Fe doesn't allow you to feel very many things, let alone recognize the things you do occasionally feel. Life as a robot must be pretty boring. Too bad you can't cuddle math or...|||I know a few ENTPs that are terrible people that feel no remorse, so I think all ENTPs are likely to not feel any remorse. That's how it works, right? Aww yeah, faulty inductive reasoning. Really...|||I've heard that some ENTPs don't like cats, and I LOVE cats. I love cats so much. I have stuffed cat toys all over my room and I metaphorically pee myself with joy every time a cat shows up. Other...|||It all depends on who I'm talking to and the situation and all that stuff. With teachers or authority figures that I respect (they totally exist, strangely enough), I stare them down so it looks...|||I don't discriminate, I hate all temperaments equally. Just kidding, you're all beautiful. :3 Except NTs. Those guys are crazy overly-logical robotic jerks.|||Jake from Adventure Time. He seems pretty ENTP to me.|||I wanna be best friends with Mal Reynolds from Firefly, if that counts.|||That sounds more like Scooby Doo than Firefly now! Haha. Hmm, I wonder if my friends and I could do that without all of us going crazy and killing each other. I think it could work, except it...|||My family immigrated to American from Russia when I was 7. My dad is INTP and my mom is ENTJ, and they had very few problems adapting compared to other Russians that came here at about the same time....|||I'd think that Ne-dominants would be really good at public speaking since they'd be able to use Ne to seamlessly connect one idea to the next. Also, they tend to be pretty enthusiastic about most...|||My only INFP friend makes me feel awesome. She's one of the few people I can hang out with when I'm sad and not want to jump off a bridge from blocked off bad feelings because she's so understanding...|||I'm too much of a stereotypical, cookie-cutter ENTP for me to think that I'm anything else. Earlier I thought I could be ENTJ or ENFP for a bit, hence the reason I joined this site in the first...|||One time I was taking the train back home. I didn't realize I had arrived at my station at the end of the line until the doors were closed and I couldn't get out, even though there was an...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Here's a fishing rod instead. If you want to do an Internet search, look for eight functions MBTI.|||Aww shucks. :) Sure|||When it's said with pride...ohh the irony. My knee jerk reaction to that person would be to pet their head, and smile gently at them. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. But if it's...|||Because there's someone hiding behind those feathers, there is warmth, protection, and softness in the down. The passage is jagged, but not sharp, and layered, so not a simple entrance. A bird...|||Yaaaay! A much more productive way to go, isn't it? INFP, the way you quest for answers, and refuse to settle inspires me.|||The rule of this thread goes against my principles, so I won't comply. INFP, I like where your P takes you, it takes you to open windows, and ignores open doors.|||Me too. I don't like type casting people. They are all unique. I think your icon is perfect by the way.|||Looks like you have a few volunteers, which is nice to see. :) If you don't find the right match, or could use more insight, might I suggest, you go to the infjs forum. There are some respectable...|||I'm a nurse. I've taken care of a sickening amount of MVA victims. The bereaved included. Your story is very familiar. Driving skills come from experience, which takes time, not plastic. No...|||I forget who said it: There are friends for a reason, friends for a season, and friends for life. You're not meant to sway with everyone. It doesn't mean that they are of no value to you. ...|||Apathy. Stagnation leads to apathy. Things are stale. Time to make a change. A life change.|||It has very little to do with personality type, and very much to do with how well adjusted you are, your health, the strength of your constitution, and how effective your coping mechanisms are.|||It sounds like the cops let their anger get the best of them. Not to defend that, but some times, with the crap they are exposed to, I wonder how they keep a cool head. The good cops, that is. ...|||You only got fined $160? You deserved more. A car is a moving weapon. You had no right to be behind the wheel. You could have called her parents, a cab...Drunk drivers are not the only dangerous...|||Present the truth, but present it with tact.|||INTP's, in general, feel like home to me.|||Infj's are allowed to vent from time to time.|||I wanted a compound cross bow for my birthday. Didn't get it. I got some plants. They were nice though. I don't want for a whole lot though, I prefer to spend my time appreciating. No, let me...|||It cheapens the INFJ pot, or maybe dilute is more accurate. Same goes for all of the other types, who all have their own exemplary features, or tendancies. There is something that is admirable...|||Don't forget, MBTI is just a theory. Gasp. Some people go by the one test they did on the interweb too. The test is only as good as the person writing it (who often suck at it), or the person...|||I only like small talk, if it helps the other person feel comfortable with me, so I comply out of compassion, or respect. Otherwise, small talk is something I study. I assume people don't care all...|||Aren't we all God's gifts? Speaking of which, did you watch the season finale of Fringe? It was all about taking over, and becoming a god. It was very INTJ actually.|||You might get further if you specify which type of infidelity.|||Empathy is not something you show, it's something you feel. You've basically absorbed their emotions, and project it (maybe more quietly, not always). Sympathy, empathy, compassion; they are all...|||Oh no, It's sport to change a neutral face to something else I feel like seeing at the time. It's almost like an empty canvas.|||I shut RIGHT DOWN for a painfully long time to the other person, until they beg for mercy.|||Over stimulation. You're pushing things, and people away, because you are overloaded. Not accepting them because you don't have room. It's a self preservation tactic. If you don't actively...|||Astro physics. I was accepted into an astro physics program, but declined the offer when my engineer brother told me I'd be wasting my talents. I wasn't bullied in school. The cool kids used...|||I think we're good at giving people a sense of hope, and faith in themselves.|||I've been to hell, navigated my way through it, and navigated my way out of it. Tragedy forced me to map out what was latent. As excruciating as it was, it forced me to fortify my very foundation,...|||I just bloody well can't make that stuff matter, no matter how hard I try to care, I just don't. I'm no June Cleaver. Speaking of which, what is her MBTI type? I'm not on speaking terms with her. ...|||Grass, check. Vacuuming, check. I actually get pleasure from seeing the drastic difference. As long as there aren't biohazards around I prefer to do other things, that will contribute more...|||Fall, winter.|||Ooohh, that sounds like an interesting association. Elle vs, I critisize you for not relaying which Camus book to read, only 'cuz I've not read any, and it sounds interesting, and you've left me in...|||Dear Grrrrrrr, you're not dear right now! For the love of God, get your damn car out of my basement! I know I wanted you to keep it, so that you'd have a place to go mid-life crisisy on in 15...|||Now now intj, there must be a place somewhere in your grand scheme, for an infp, isn't there? Think harder!|||You've got me pegged INTP.|||'tis true indeed Prof. song. Gald dang it, can't you be one dimensional? More predictable?|||The sooner they come out with Lous vouitton shirts that say kick me, the better.|||Well hey, I will be critical of you on behalf of...some other type. Your heart is on your sleeve, put it away, or it'll get sliced. Anyone care to slice though, and I'll bring out my claws....|||I'm sorry, you got me, I find it very hard to be critical of INTP's, so INTP, if you wish, you can give me an F. :(|||I do it more with the range in my voice. I'll be more melodic. I've also humoured benign complaints of my loved ones, by softly gigling, and smiling encouragingly, maybe pat them softly on the head...|||As you age, in order to evolve in a healthy direction, you need to develop your 3rd and 4th functions. This is, assuming your first and second are developed. Nobody said it was easy, or...|||If you're therapeutic, you're therapeutic. I don't care how many courses a therapist took to earn, the title, if they aren't therapeutic, they aren't therapists. If poeple come to you as a...|||The ones that drive me crazy, are the one's that I don't understand. I will not have that, that is shameful. Everyone can, and will be understood. Damnit.|||Why is it O.K. intj, to store half of your '67 camaro in my basement, and 454 engine in your mothers front hall?|||Well, if you're anything like my husband, you're so reliably useful, and resourceful with regard to your insight into systems, that it's frustrating, and people flood him, because if he knows how to...|||I trust my irrational moves, they are always my best moves, therefore perfectly rational. Really, I'm not just playing on semantics, it's the frustrating truth.|||Hi. :) Have a nice day.|||It would be very flattering, but I would feel very shy about seeing him after. I souldn't want the next encounter to be lengthy, just consistant, reliable intervals, until I felt I could trust his...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'As soon as I replace a slightly newer model of a smart phone, I will download the app. I just started Pokemon X on the 3DS a few weeks before Pokemon Go, and I'm also excited for Sun & Moon.......|||So far, I think Mad Men is the best show I ever watched. Each episode was written to feel complete.|||I'm somewhere between 5' 3 - 5' 4. I don't have a large build but I'm also not very thin either, I'm more like slender and curvy. The hourglass figure kinda runs in most of the girls/women in my...|||From what I witnessed with a family member and some friends, my overall opinion is not positive.|||I honestly don't care anymore because a lot of people get called cute when they do something that's adorably funny. Some people more than others.|||Because my fiance is in his late twenties and works in a movie theater, a couple of his coworkers talked about him behind his back saying that he has no real goals in life. While we both know that...|||At the moment: 1. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure 2. Hail Caesar 3. Grand Budapest Hotel 4. Anomalisa 5. Inherent Vice 6. Jaws 7. Close Encounters 9. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me|||Because sex has been a process in my experience, I don't think casual sex would be so great for me. When I think of casual sex, I think of that scary mansion scene from Stanley Kubrick's Eyes...|||My eyes are naturally dark brown and I wear contact lenses from time to time, and yes, they're fun to wear. However, if I have to be objective, most blue contact lenses don't look that interesting...|||Gosh, I'm sorry that you got caught up in that mess. I can't decide on Jay's actual intent, but I would still limit my interaction with him for a good amount of time and cut ties off from Paige. ...|||Lately, I've been reading a lot of josei mangas, specifically the office lady and new age romance books. Some of the illustrations are graceful to look at, and I like some of the fashion influences...|||I want to say my sixteen-year-old version of myself, but after reading Meltedsorbet's description of a bad INFP, I don't think I was terrible. The worst thing I did in high school was that I wasn't...|||Haha. Some of the people that I met who are into astrology are convinced that I'm a Capricorn only because I have developed certain professional and academic skills that a lot of people are capable...|||The thing is, I don't like being tied down to music genres or their subcategories. I can go from West Coast Hip Hop to Johnny Cash in one playlist.|||I grew up with an ESTP dad. He was pretty random, easy-going, a goof ball, and laid back. So I guess I was kinda lucky that I didn't grow up with over-controlling parents. I haven't really...|||Still recovering from the cold, can't hang out with anyone. At least there's PersonalityCafe to keep me company, while I cough up phlegm.|||I just finished Earthbound/ Mother 2 game, I am really looking forward to downloading Undertale. <3|||This reminds me of this goth friend in my class who wears dark colors. She's a voluptuous young woman with the face of Elizabeth Taylor, wears sultry makeup, and is very quiet. Yes, you may be...|||Materials: A nice shade of Kat Von D. Lipstick Some cool detachable lenses for a smartphone A game of Hyrule Warriors A self-heating kettle A bell shape pin-up dress. A garden of roses A...|||Oh and if 60s cartoon Batman checked your tests results, you know for sure you're an INFP.|||I just caught the cold and trying to recover. I had to miss school and missed an important lecture on mens haircutting class. On the other hand, it's my birthday today and if I feel good...|||When you take MBTI tests thoroughly and honestly. You have read MBTIs descriptively, and only you would know yourself better than anyone else.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTZa_Puec8k If you're into retro video games, Dancehall, and experimental music...Kero Kero Bonito is a great band to check out! They're a band from a UK and they're...|||Coffee totally helps, or getting enough sleep prior to interacting with extroverts. If you can, find a house pet to play with and that's when your winding-down time starts (during house parties).|||Mostly beauty school, not so much from regular college. I find that when I'm interacting with groups of people almost everyday, they become part of you. Most of my cosmetology classmates are like...|||I treated dating as I would with gambling. I either win a reciprocation of love or win a learning experience, with no regrets. Yeah, it does feel alienating when I did that. However, looking back,...|||I can kind of see why others like them and why it's the perfect tool for them. As for me, I'm not the kind of person who don't think about documenting a lot of moments in one full day. As a...|||It gets pretty good when I get to spend the day with all the people I love. I guess it helps that I grew up with a non-Western immigrant family, so I never dealt with adults who are tied with...|||Most people who interacted me know what I like and I don't ask for anything. They know that I am a collector. Stuff like the Peanuts Gang merchandise, adorable coffee cups, novelties pertaining to...|||During my hormonal years, yes. Now these days, the wind would slam my door. I have to warn everybody around the house that it wasn't me and that I am not angry.|||It felt pretty genuine to me as well. When the camera hits his face to the line about people loving him, I felt like I just saw a bit of his soul through his strong eye contact. For a second, he...|||Well, I ran into some people in my life who are no longer likable and I'm easy-going. Just last week my friend's phone was stolen by a person who we thought was a friend to us. She was not...|||She needs a can of whoop ass.|||For honeymoon, I would like to go to Japan. I want to explore the Shibuya district in Tokyo, and I want to get in touch with old architectures in Kyoto. I think it would be fun to explore London...|||I cut some of my old friends off because I didn't want to deal with their negativity and it didn't help with my emotions at the time. From what I've seen through social media, they seem like they...|||As a cosmetology student, I love getting compliments about my new lipstick shade or how I apply my eye makeup from my peers. Plus, it helped me attract clients that likes my personal style and taste....|||During high school, I lost some old friends and gained new friends. This was all within four years. I know senior year was the best year, because that's when my classmates don't hang out with...|||If you were to work with an INFP movie director, s/he may like to improvise, get caught up in the moment, and are okay changing plans. If you were to work with an INFJ movie director, s/he would...|||The fact he was able to keep in touch with you is still a good sign that means that he's not purposefully trying to avoid you. The guy just need some time to work with himself.|||Yes. Some people just like to feel that they're special snowflakes by believing that they're naturally witty and funny.|||See, the thing is, a lot Disney characters were written to appear one dimensional (not a bad thing). Sometimes, I feel that fictional characters from movies can fall into multiple MBTI because...|||Ehh, I posted a bunch of my favorite movies a few times in this section. My list will probably be slightly different from several months ago! 1. Grand Budapest Hotel 2. Wild At Heart 3. The...|||I've been keeping up with Welcome to the Basement. They're basically two men who watches movies, makes comical remarks and review the movies in depth. I like that they don't just watch criterion...|||I was that kind of person who hated the idea of twitter, until I encountered some of my favorite musicians and artists with twitter accounts. They posted some pretty interesting stuff!|||I blame this on my grandfather, he drank coffee a lot and now I am nostalgic for the smell--and I enjoy the taste of it!|||I'm not an INFJ, but I'd like to share! Because I lived mostly in a rural-suburban neighborhood, I used to be pretty naive thinking that most places in North America is free from racism and the...|||Klingon. It may sound harsh to some people, but can really sound quite beautiful when expressed in poetry and ceremonies. Then again, Michael Dorn has a really beautiful radio-voice, so of course,...|||I just use Facebook to read over George Takei's updates. I hardly update my status on FB. I do a lot of tumblr reblogs, mainly because my boyfriend wants to see my art work and the interesting...|||@ ickle, I read this in Tina's voice. I met my fiance through a friend, who took us both to an indoor rock-climbing place. It turns out that he went to my high school, grew up in the area, and...|||For me, it's like professional wrestling-- knowing that it is not real, but watching them act is magical. I thought Tinkerbell at the Disneyland fireworks show was beautiful.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Screams INFJ for whatever that is worth -- for many of the reasons listed above by others posters.|||No idea hah! Been on a long project away from the forums and civilization really. I have all intents and purposes given up on trying to figure my type out. The help you provided was very welcome...|||Agreed. Se without a doubt is the inferior. If you could describe the issue in as much depth or detail as possible that would be helpful. Still interested in that other topic to about what...|||double post! (deleted)|||I have been on travel! I am back now ---- I had a lot of time to give your assessment thought and my own behavior decision making process I also agree with your assessment that EN for sure -- and Fe...|||Digging back in now -- will update tomorrow morning. :)|||Oh wow.....this is rather enlightening. Bwhaha so much yes. The Innovator does not regulate interpersonal distance in communication very well well; sometimes he is inappropriately familiar and...|||Thanks All! Was away at work was not able to check as frequently as I originally hoped. I have gone around in circles but pretty comfortable with XSTP on the whole.|||Yeah ENFJ -- I still think on some level the STP's is more me.. but eh. Actually I am hanging up the hat on MBTI personality types altogether I think. Either I am too broken -- or the system doesn't...|||I read several description of inferior Fi, and Inferior Ti --- she said inferior Ti fit better. So.. ENFJ :) As for her without a doubt in my mind ISFP. Makes for an interesting dynamic.|||Hah! Thats some great advice. So started searching for ENTJ folks on YouTube, mind blown. Now I am almost certain --- between helpful folks such as yourself and seeing videos like the below --...|||Yeah? Funny I had ENTJ in the above post and edited it to ENTP-- showed my wife the video just now she said ENTJ (of the two) all the way. And laughed that I even debated the other type. ...|||I am still here! And yes I have given it some thought just caught up with work. Though between the three I have no idea -- and in some ways I don't think I am going to find my preference. The...|||myst91 thunder So I just spent the better part of 5 hours (don't ask) reading extensively on the cognitive functions and have had a couple epiphanies..some more obvious than others. Online...|||Excellent! Thank You, reading this now. Update: Interesting! I am going to have to take a look at how Te and Fe operating as a dominant function and how Fi and Ti operate in an inferior capacity.|||thunder All of that was spot on... I have certainly settled on XNTJ and in fact may even edge over into the ENTJ zone give my bias towards action and efficiency above all else. I had originally...|||Both of these make a great deal of sense. I'll see I can address them tomorrow with some examples. Of note is the Ni Se interaction.|||I would say that I think that thinking ahead tactically about something, implies that I am planning insofar as the online quizes are concerned. In all seriousness I am a terrible planner. While I may...|||Well that was interesting took the keys2cognition assessment. I refused to let any of my 'work personas' influence me I tried to focus on the me outside my professional self. Cognitive...|||thunder Really? Awesome. Making progress -- I have been reading up on the XNTJ and ISTP comparisons I would have to say though I am losing confidence to be objective of my own behavior. At a...|||myst91 -- I am in the same boat, crazy busy all the sudden :) that post is coming soon, focus on the best material I can think of -- I want to give it some real thought though and edit thoroughly. I...|||NinjaBladesOfDoom Awesome input.. though I think you meant to put the above responses in the stickied questionnaire post? Or is the intent to compare you answers to mine input into this thread....|||I would say the closest thing I can compare it to a need to make sure things are working in my immediate environment because if this is not the case it otherwise it causes disharmony/tension and I...|||This mean you believe you are on the thinker side of the camp but cant for the life of you determine which one? If so then I would very much agree I have exactly the same issue. I am inclined to...|||Wish I knew frankly --- but officially (company paid assessment) I have consistently tested as an ESTP/ISTP (even ENTP at times) though I don't relate much at all to the ESTP stereotypes (agin they...|||I would say Yes -- only because this reminds me a great deal of myself.|||This is what I get for responding to these late at night, end up missing entire words! You are correct their well-being at risk. I am inclined to agree, whatever the function it is very...|||Hello All, I have gone back and forth for years between ESTP, ISTP, ENTP, INFJ and INTJ and tested formally as an ESTP/ENTP/ISTP multiple times but frankly, I have no clue anymore. Do any of you...|||Essentially I feel that I have to play nice because I don't enjoy conflict at-least not personal conflict -- I can argue an idea on an impersonal thing all day. But the second that takes a turn into...|||Oh WOW. Brain exploded. I have tested repeatedly as ISTP but couldnt quite get over that I seem to identify strongly with Ni (which we have as ISTP), so thought maybe INTJ but this kicked me right...|||As a likely INTJ For what it is worth would have characterized Te in almost exactly the same manner.|||Can you say more on how you get hamstrung by the right thing to do? This is a hard one --- I would say being hamstrung in the sense that I know I should be intervening and in fact many times do so...|||Contributor INTJ This fits me perfectly.... its so tiring. So very very tiring. This was a learned behavior associated with having a career that required me to play nice always or suffer the...|||Mystery solved..beyond the shadow of a doubt I am the contributor category. For those INTJ's out there do you see yourself as putting on a mask as a means to an end? I certainly do though I have...|||Frankly I think I am going to step far far away from the functions --- they seem a bit too vague to understand in practice. Given the function dichotomy only I feel pretty good. I would say I am...|||Hmm did this evaluation http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/505602-short-effective-scenario-questionnaire-2-0-self-type.html posted on front page and with the self scoring felt very...|||Haha! Actually no -- I figured I suck at thinking about myself objectively. So I would just let her rip and see how it came across. I spent the last 10 years being forced into a very cold...|||Thought I would try something different, a straight up random unguided exposition of of how I think I am. Unprompted and without constraints, my assumption is that what I choose to emphasize will be...|||Oh for sure --- I am inclined to believe I don't test well. I cant take the questions at face value. I dont know that I ever have even in academia. I have to admit I didn't actually my wife...|||Ok....I think I officially give up. On whim I took the keys to cognition assessment again in bold, being careful to go with my gut responses.. yeah nothing like the results a page back (not bolded)....|||Yes it sure was --- a military operations position to be as specific as I can. For me I think the kicker is going is again going to be the manifestation of that inferior function. Still if I...|||Can I ask what you consider to be your triggers for stress in general? Anything specific that leaps out to you? You struggle with over-commitment at all? Ie new things, work projects, experiences...|||Hello! At a glance based on what I read above I would say you lead with Ne, which would put you in the ENFP camp. That said take at a look at the below lists which is more true of you under...|||Myst91 Thanks again forgot to mention clarifying the lack of Fi is a big win for me. I feel like at this point I need to dig into the inferior function to get a handle on which of the above types...|||Frankly I would boil the whole experience down to being extremely draining for you. I don't know I would go so far as being shredded though that depends on the country some of the basic training is...|||Thank You Myst91! This was extremely helpful! Lets see if I can address some your questions directly and add a bit of clarity. In great detail, like? Show me what kind of detail you mean....|||My latest thought I that I am an INFJ who spent large swaths of the last 10 years in the grip of my inferior functions -- I was working for the military in a very reactionary role, one that demanded...|||you might find this article very useful, it was for me. personalityjunkie.com/05/introverted-feeling-fi-vs-introverted-thinking-ti/|||Hey folks this conversation is like gold for me --- I appreciate the insights, in particular the articulation of the inferior functions under stress I am leaning heavily that I may in fact be an...|||As a likely INFP -- who just spent the last 10 years working for the military.... Avoid it like the plague. It will play to all your weaknesses and ask you to be someone you are not by using...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Green Girl Excellent - thank you|||- How to get an INTJ to care about people - OR perhaps, what does INTJ care look like? - What is this confusion in new places? - Can you read people (similar to INFJ), depending if you want? ...|||I dreamed you are ENTP|||INFP - If you first accept all opinions here, then shortly after begins a new round of doubts. INTP - If you refuse to accept any opinions here, then shortly after begins a new round of doubts,...|||Sorry to state the obvious company line, and INFP was missing. As Se huge percievers (ESP) you are looking and taking in much more than others. ESFP woman, sitting outside and talking, she is...|||Well that was below the belt|||Quiet and practical - crazy - then back to quiet|||What in the world makes ISFJ - the most likely to become a doormat?|||Such quiet people ... were do you get your explosive and unpredictable RAGE?|||How can Male INFJ make a successful relationship with ISTP Female?|||How can Male INFJ make a successful relationship with ISTP Female?|||Has anybody checked out and confirmed if there is anything to the x93CommunicationWheelx94 by Dr. Dick Thompson?u200e He claims to have built upon Flavil Yeakley who published in 1982, an article in...|||I am surprised! I understand you have emotions - but I thought they played a much lesser role in decision making NTP Thinking, informing, structure focus I am surprised that motives are also...|||I have my values line. Are you describing crossing an intellectual line ie; idiot in conversation, uninteresting, unimaginative etc?|||You sound like my old English lit teacher I was searching for what the person meant by The answer was if the person was considered dangerous they got dropped ... I asked for a cleare...|||Thank you. I seem to get along good with INTP as we open up a number of associated ideas and generally deal with most of them|||Thank you. Do you mean dangerous as in; Ne - boring type? I could pop a few more guesses, but dangerous has connotations which probably differ from my ideas I recall hearing years ago that...|||Do ISFJ get along with ISTJ as they have some things in common, or does their Fe not mix well?|||Perhaps he is like the old cod liver oil, he is practical and could keep your feet on the ground - so its good for you|||Do INTP have a greatter tendancy to drop people For what reason?|||Try a crowbar If that doesn't work try a half Nelson|||True. But, very interesting, is that INTJ/ENTJ INFJ/ENFJ - are the Ni, which is the personalized unseen framework which pops an entire system complete into your mind, with the accompanying...|||Introvert as any of the functions, is a general category of 8 types, often on a gradient, and very often within the same type there will be a big varience of expressed behaviours. 1) As a general...|||But what is your concious motivation for this? Love of knowledge, or hatred of appearing to not know.|||In Dr Quenks book she brings the example of INTJ in a foreign location getting disorientated My observation was how it seems to me an INTJ association especially with their outter projects as...|||If so what is the mechanics of what is going on? I think this interaction accurately describes my love/hate relationship towards INTJ!|||Are you - Itsmyhead haleyraerose the band, or the roadies?|||A big thank you! I seem to hear that a common, or the commonest reason for a lack of confidence by INTJ is related with what they consider by their high standards as a failing in the OUTTER world,...|||1 = 1 makes the math much more simpler|||Generally - Open ended questions|||He is productive in a Ni way. J single-minded Not squelched in school or at home 25 just married (don't tell me THAT is the reason!)|||Try painting instead|||Racheli ___ Truelane Twolayne Raulan Trilli Rue D'Laine|||If you have a long nose, and the next time he calls you Attila - drop him|||I was told by an ENTJ, when I was struggling with Te, that I was being square|||Unbeliveable! In a MB book, brought by Otto Kroeger; She pointed out that the Introverts store and save up their emotions. Extraverts gradually release them, so it does not get to toxic levels. I...|||Do ENTJ always think in answers of three? Most seem to have three fingers ready to count off their 3 catagorized answers|||Do you consciously push Fi away, or ahead of time it just doesn't show up so often?|||Try trading him in for two ESFP|||If you remain on the barbeque, then you will not be rare, rather a job well done.|||You are true! I should have this background basic info - I was trying to help in a-non-involved way|||Thank you Nothing wrong with being a learning machine ... if the kid is also NT, but if he is SP!!!!|||They now have a new test, you have to get from them a stool sample|||Do color-blind people see only a white page here?|||What exactly is bothering you?|||It is so uncommon it would be a waste to discuss it|||If you do not yet monitor your own feelings, forget about others, and until then - only use post-dated cheques|||ISTJ! Only they would go so far as to not remain undefined|||I am sorry, but for some unexplicable - but cogent personal reason, I refuse to speak ANY Scotish. With you or your cassie|||Fine, I conceed that an INTP could be popular with an ENFP and her pet cooie, but otherwise, generally not' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Sam Cooke A change is gonna come|||I can't stand the mainstream western feminist movement. I agree with the basic premise that all females should be granted equal rights to any man in every possible aspect of life and pursuits, but I...|||Haven't posted on here a long time. Got my name changes from Araya to Zegaray. A bit tipsy eating ramen noodles while watching A Dangerous Method.|||Thanks for the name change! I didn't know it was changed for a while and was trying to log in using my old name, lol.|||I was inquiring if I could change my name to Zegaray if the mods don't mind.|||It's times like this that I don't know wehter to cry, brake things, or hurt myself. I feel too emotional today, I'm always alone.|||Lol, at my brother trying to outsmart me. I need a drink badly.|||I want to pack up and move... Forever.|||I always thought that there should be another thread on Stream of Consciousness/Vent Thread. Like Stream of Consciousness/Vent Thread 2.0 or Stream of Consciousness/Vent Thread vol. 2 or something. ...|||I had some saki a little while ago. Didn't even get buzzed. *sadphace* I think next time I need to warm it up to get any benefit out of it.|||Nope. I do not. Northern Hemisphere all the way.|||Woke up late which was 8am. Went online and lurked up some of the forums I frequent. Checked Youtube and my email to see any updates. Went to a dinner for a few hours, had a late lunch and read The...|||Aah! My online banking account blocked me out for forgetting my security pass code login thingy. Now I'm going to have to drive all the way up to the nearest gas station to use the ATM there and see...|||I would be a teacher at the k-12 level if my real career aspirations fail. I would rather be a college professor is I had to teach tho.|||Hello fellow infp, join the club! I hope you feel welcome.|||Drinking Bacardi and coke watching NCIS on tv. I want to change the channel to something else...|||I agree completely. School is what you make of it and how you spend your time while in school. College/university isn't for everyone, but they're different forms of schools like trade schools, and...|||They don't have minors where you live? What country are you from? Here we have majors and minors, or a double major or double minor if you want to. When I transfer I'm going to major in political...|||Met up with a friend yesterday who I haven't seen in a few months. It was hard talking to her since we seem to be going in different directions in life. I wanted to discuss deep intellectual topics...|||I wanted to learn French in specific because I always wanted to work in and live in Europe when I finish school and French would be the best suiting due to INGOs and the UN being in Geneva (the...|||Thanks for your experience! It makes me more excited to transfer, lol. I heard living in the place you are studying the language, makes it much easier to learn. It's always a good thing to learn...|||I am going to transfer next year to another college were I will major in Political Science. I was thinking of a language minor, and was wondering if it would be a good pairing with Political Science...|||Just finished off my bottle of blackberry flavored Merlot. I'm dreading the thought about studying more for my math class tomorrow and finishing up my final research paper that is due online by...|||Gawd, I need some friends and a bf. My life is pretty bland at the moment. No social whatsoever. *goes back to my alcoholic beverage of the afternoon/eveing and sulks* -_-|||I promise not to internet stalk! ...for the time being. I'm too nosey not to, lol.|||I'm not a phone person either. I hate long chats and don't know what to say. I try to be quick and to the point most of the time when I HAVE to speak on the phone.|||I love foreign films. I don't watch nearly as I would like though. Hopefully that will change.|||Never been called cute, but I have been called innocent by one of my cousins.|||It changed every year. It went from actor, singer, astronomer, writer, police officer, FBI, CIA. When I was a teen it was either in a career that travels for a living or interior design.|||I wish my brother would turn his jpop music while I'm trying to listen to Frou Frou.|||I'm on a Simpsons binge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR7m-4Vc3MU|||I agree OP. I have horrible anxiety and I am now seeing an anxiety specialist. She recommended me some anti anxiety meds that also helps with depression. I have an appointment for my Dr. about it...|||Nothing too drastic, I wish I was either born in 1979/80 or 1987. I was born 1990 so it's not too far off. I just wish that I was old enough to appreciate and experience more of the 90s. I only...|||Oops! Didn't know there already was a thread like this. Thanks for the link. I will look into it!|||I would probably be 16 or 17. People think I'm in high school and I get carded everywhere. I have the maturity of a 16 year old too.|||I always wanted to go to one, but the closest one to where I live is about an hours drive away. One do though, lol. It looks like fun! Sounds nice and relaxing. I love those moments of being...|||I was wondering what makes a good hangout spot for INFPs when out in public? Do you have any good hangouts that you frequent, and what are they? I usually go alone to either a library, cafe, or a...|||At the movies, no. I am very quiet and never talk. I do get a bit annoyed when I hear other people talk during a movie at the thearters. At home is another story. I talk a lot and my little brother...|||Yes. By Family, schoolmates, teachers, etc.|||I never dated in my life.|||I always pick on myself, and have obvious self esteem problems. This used to cause a lot of people to not want to hang around me in high school. It's not so apparent these days and I keep it to...|||I can understand what the OP means. This past week as been a perfect example of it. On Monday when I was preparing to take the bus into town for a meeting with my psychiatrist, a women walked up to...|||I could never have casual sex. It goes against my personal morals and comfort level. I'm one of those people that needs to really love the person I decide to sleep with, if there's no deeper...|||Bombed an interview for a position at school yesterday. It was one of the most embarrassing feelings Ive encountered in all of my interview experiences. Girls with fake valley girl voices are...|||Awakenings, but only half way through the movie. The last movie I saw in it's entirety was Young Goethe in Love.|||I'm surprised at al the good math infps there are. I'm shitty at it and always have been. Even now I'm having math problems that are conflicting with graduating school at the time I wanted. I wish I...|||I picked both Wish both my mother and father were different and others I will repeat this from another thread I posted in a few months ago regarding my parents. My mom is a very opinionated...|||Ive been called this a few times online. I keep to myself most of the time irl, so most people don't know how I really am. Even though I am weird, I get a bit offended when someone points it out to...|||The people I am referring are not willing to do much with their lives and I say that they seem unmotivated to me. It is what it is. I think most of my friends went their sepereate ways in life, and I...|||I just noticed that where I live, there's a lot of people I knew from hs that aren't doing much with themselves these days. Although a lot went off to college (and have since graduated this June)...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Working out every day @_@ Gotta keep reminding myself proper form, takes so much work to keep remembering proper form. Going everyday isn't too hard though, which is nice.|||I'm really thinkin troll now. How dare any of you thank a troll, lol.|||If you don't want to change, then stop complaining. You literally made a thread asking for a girlfriend, that's a pretty desperate move. We've all told you have you can change it around, but if you...|||Good luck finding a girl that's so specific, good chance you'll be waiting a long while. There's always something to work on, no one is perfect. Reading how you think girls are broken, in your OP,...|||Shodan's got it right, work on yourself more, build yourself up first to be a guy that you think the girl of your dreams would deserve. Fuck what other people say about you, if they are so callous...|||The President presides over the government, though there's been an expansion of powers since the creation of the position, you basically have to weigh Trump's ambition, tenacity, and goals against...|||That third option is so strong tho|||Good, ESTJ and ISTJ got the most. Fucking takes work to get along with sensors, the variables have to be so right, like if you have good rapport, mutual friends, mutual hobbies, etc.|||Most accurate: INFJs eyes betray what they really think more often than not. Runner-up accurate: INFJs think becoming a hero is possible for everyone. Most inaccurate: INFJs see souls. It's...|||Take time off from dating and work on yourself. It's the best thing to do, especially in doing activities that require a time investment like working out or painting. If it's too much right now,...|||I believe in you fabi, you will english one day!|||The very stylish boy next door|||Lol, you don't help someone by forcing shit on them. Anyone who thinks they're an INFJ and is okay with forcing anything onto another, against their will, put that label on themselves for the wrong...|||You find a way out of this hole or you will never find a partner. To imagine all pairings out there to be based upon looks, sex, and money exclusively just means that you are fixating on those...|||inmyeyes : Good job on actually doing it, pulling the trigger is tough as hell, every time. I'm proud of you, you nebulous internet-person.|||Man, in his arrogance, thinks himself a great work worthy of the interposition of a deity. More humble, and I believe truer to consider him created from animals - Charles Darwin|||We might go after a girl who's hotter than we are, but from what I see, people settle down with people who are of a similar level of attractiveness or outlook on life that they can stomach on a daily...|||I don't fully trust my intuition and the conclusions it draws, I like to fact check, analyze, and be hesitant to any of my reactions cause they just might be wrong, and we definitely don't get it...|||[repost]|||To remedy the problems of conflict and defend those that lose the most, while making lots of money doing it. My INTP friend terms it as me liking killing people, which isn't a wrong way to look at...|||Fuck you, The Notebook. ;_________; They were the old couple! OH GOD.|||Keep your answers short, terse, and emotionless. If he doesn't get this, then it's a real problem. Almost ALL people get this. That's all you can do at this stage to not publicly shame him and...|||Welcome|||Gotta say, I'm in this boat. I just try less, the less I care. Might as well just jackoff, cause that's what I'd be pretty close to doing. Having said that though, I don't need a confidence boost...|||I remind myself along the lines that it's a pretty arrogant thing for an ant to think he is a god compared to bacteria. None of us have everything or everyone figured out. To think like that is how...|||WHAT A BACKHAND, WHAT AN UPSET All the ENTPs I know are memelords and spergheads, and really aggressive for no reason besides not being able to hold it in. Neither good nor bad in my mind. I don't...|||I've read that enough too, but to subject yourself to a fate, written by someone else, like that is not healthy. I'll try and keep trying to find someone compatible until it works out or I tire of...|||4: 2nd girlfriend, 4th girlfriend, an acquaintance/friend, and right now, a really good INTP friend that I'm currently struggling to keep in the close friend + fuck buddy category even though I asked...|||I'm going to take a different angle for this and throw down some activities we're good at or find enjoyment out of, and others can corroborate that with their own experiences: - Enjoying watching...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGnxbWvpueE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5zIDK--kTU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J5oN5Hm4cQ|||It's more like familiarity with social cues moreso than anything else, really. As one of us matures, we generally gain a very good knack for picking up on verbal, non-verbal cues, and everything in...|||I'll be in London on the 7th with nothing to do, I'd be down to meet up|||I leave for the UK in like 2 weeks, for a month, but if any INFJs wanna meet up in Vancouver, BC, I'd be down.|||Green tea icecream with like almond chunks|||In highschool, a wasp crawled into my shoe and bit me. I immediately pulled my shoe off and pounded the fuck out of it way past necessity, swearing and everything. Everyone started coming closer...|||Dark as the metaphors in this thread|||Solitary activities/hobbies in your spare time. Shit'll keep you sane.|||I finally got some alone time after such prolonged emotional turbulence|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J5oN5Hm4cQ|||INFJ-T 35% EXTRAVERTED v 65% INTROVERTED 60% INTUITIVE v 40% OBSERVANT 37% THINKING v 63% FEELING 59% JUDGING v 41% PROSPECTING|||This. It's extremely uncomfortable to lie to someone who wants to fix their situation. I am definitely not a soft hand when it comes to fixing mistakes. I identify it immediately and aggressively and...|||Personally, doesn't matter which mysticism is right, all you can depend upon everyday is what your senses tell you. I hold the definition that a human is an interpretory nexus for sensory...|||In my experience, the easiest way to find me is when friend groups intermingle. I'm the guy who's fine with chilling by himself listening to music/playing with the dog, asking 1v1 what people want to...|||I'd be more violent in bed if we both had a little alcohol and I'm in the mood to *ahem* use you like a whore. It's definitely not the norm though, but I'm personally a fan of experimenting to see...|||Yeah, most people take me as a being extroverted cause it's something I've worked hard on since most people are more receptive to it. I'd say it was either in grade 10 or 11 (North America), when I...|||ESTP I already have the balls to do crazy shit, but they have the NEED to do crazy shit and don't need to think as hard about it. Plus, I'd be a way better fighter by having their stack order of...|||Yeah, I don't have a large enough stomach for exploring completely bonanzas of make-believe scenarios that have no semblance of reality to them. That's pretty much it though, they're pretty peaceful...|||5 years since my last long term girlfriend. I'm in a place where I both am on the lookout for potential partners and being okay with being mateless for the rest of my life. It hasn't happened yet, so...|||We all make our own choices, I won't ever say it to my friends or anyone I know becuse it's radical, but it's your choice to kill yourself. However, it is also true that it doesn't end your pain, it...|||Side bet that it no one bets and this thread goes no where because we've lost the goal due to a lack of tact that devolves to an exchange of personal comments!! Takers?!' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Primeval I know a thing or too about C++ xD|||garee yeah. We grew up learning filipino and english. English is sometimes a determinant of a social class. It's just that I'm more interested in a foreign language.|||WamphyriThrall currently checking the sites you offered. I'll get back on you as soon as I get my results. Imo, I think for ENTPs or someone who thinks like me, a class would be a compulsory. I'm...|||WamphyriThrall I'm now thinking what language will have the biggest importance in the near future. A language that could be an asset for me. I'm now kinda leaning to spanish despite having learning a...|||WamphyriThrall I do this to kill some time. A book sparked my interest in learning this language. Although, I read it in english haha. I've learned a thing or two with an app. But yeah, being...|||@swede thanks! I was having a hard time with listening to the tutorial. Although I have @draculaoverlord giving me some insight, it's still kinda hard. Mind if ask you to lend me a hand? I migt...|||Hey is there any native swedish here? Is the sole difference of glass(ice cream) and glas (glass) the prolonged sound of s? Thanks!|||I've decided I'll ask draculaoverlord to teach me a new language. Shall my attention get caught by some languages I find fascinating, you guys wouldn't mind lending me hand, right? Thanks!|||draculaoverlord I have this habit of setting the bar high. Has its ups and downs but would go with it anyway. Shall we learn swedish the day after tomorrow? Will look forward learning with you :D|||Rala Nihonggo is kinda interesting. I'm quite fond of anime and manga so it kinda sparked my interest. Tbh, anything will do. The only problem I had encounter so far (I tried watching french language...|||Rala oohhh. damn I have to weigh things out now. Will it be hard to learn these two languages at the same time? Are their roots too far from each other to show any resemblance?|||oh. for a second, I thought you're a native speaker. I'll try searching stuff up but I'm gonna start from scratch. Might as well expect to be bombarded with loads of questions. Thanks in advance!|||draculaoverlord you won't mind acting as my tutor then? haha|||Royolis I did have some Nihonggo lessons from schools. But I wasn't paying much attention to that class though. (regrets) draculaoverlord Was actually interested in this language at some point. I've...|||adultchildofalieninvaders I was actually thinking of that too! Our language borrowed some words from the spanish making it easier to learn. Now, would somebody with a good heart help me out?...|||TheEpicPolymath I'm gonna research a bit. But are you willing to be my tutor for free? haha|||I don't even know if this has something to do with this forum but I'll give it a shot. I'm having my summer vacation and I'm pretty much waste my time lying on my bed or surfing the net. So I asked...|||I'll take note of that. Hahaha|||The more varied your interests, the less a chance that you'll find anybody that has the exact same interests and energy levels.. Ladies and Gentlemen, my problem in a nutshell. I always see people...|||Hey. I'm back with my problems. As the title suggests, I'm an ENTP and kinda struggling dealing with other people. I'm outgoing and will be eager to do anything I find interesting. People find it...|||I think I kinda feel good I'm not the only one having the problem hahaha|||Simpson17866 HAHAHAHA. emberfly thanks!|||I got interpersonal|||I know ENTPs tend to jump from an idea to another. This habit ours tend to look as if we're not really giving off our fullest efforts. Right now, I'm actively participating in different sorts of...|||Clyme nah. it's fine ^^|||^Maybe because I don't going to be pregnant. But I always though having children is fun. In other hand, that dream would make me think twice =))|||^this guy know his stuff. Most people tend to mixed those two. Immortality means you won't grow old or die of any natural process. Hahaha|||Hello there. I'm a sending you a pm right now! ^^|||nix1 damn. must not trust anyone. I think there's a movie with the same theme. I just can't remember it.|||stultum great to hear. that I'm not the only one. High five bro!|||I just thought that living in a world with a setting with the likes of Game of Throne's would be freaking bad. You have to bid courtesies to other people just because you're a low born. That's some...|||nix1 Do you look like some freak of natures or do you have the same physique with us humans?|||hannahdonot With regards to dat Ne-Fe loop. The link doesn't work so I hope to find some good materials via google. Thanks for the info!|||Could you elaborate this please? There are times when I can grasp a person's feeling by just looking. Although, I sometimes, blurted out things that might hurt other people without second thought. (I...|||Yo is it normal for ENTPs, (or even for NTs in this matter) to be a little elitist? I've always found myself looking at people like they're in a lower rank or division. I just discovered this...|||nix1 Guess that was a smart move then. Mind if you enlighten me of your planet? lol haha.|||Bishop Come on now. There's nothing to be shy of. Haha|||You know what, I've always wondered how people feel when they go to college. Your country is known to have students who lives in dormitories. In my country, more often than not we still live with our...|||This is kinda boring I agree. Well, I guess my charm doesn't work over the net. haha. see ya|||Deadmanrising HAHAHA didn't notice that mistake 'til you pointed it out. Making people laugh is what I meant. Does that mean I should raise the stake?|||series0 Well, I'm from the Philippines. the former option would be my answer. I was just curious to how other people's lives go on. It's always my dream to go somewhere abroad.|||tanstaafl28 hey! where are you from?|||Deity woah. I never had that kind of money in possession, well yet. hohohoho.|||Deadmanrising I can lend you some books. Though the collection still a small one. I'm good at making people or so I believe. haha|||I've always wondered what is to have a foreigner friend. Would somebody here be kind to be my peer? Hahaha (Even aliens are welcome as well)|||What mental disorders do what types are prone to have? Did I phrase that right? Haha. Thanks for answering just got a little curious about this topic.|||Oh thanks! I'll check the link.|||What's the name of the character that represents ENTP? Thanks!|||Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 89 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 123 of 200 You seem to have both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits ENTP here. I think have this need to...|||^damn. that's a hard life. It's a good thing is not really that bad. I think I'll get by alone.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I play cello, and I'm also a classically trained soprano. I can play piano, but it's mostly functional more so than anything else, haha! I'd say I'm most adept at voice - it's what I majored in at...|||What state do you live in, Heyoka? I looked up the requirements for Texas (to see an example of a state's requirements), and it doesn't seem like it's too difficult, thankfully. As an immediate...|||Ambrosia The main form I encounter in my life is medical woo, haha. I have lupus with organ involvement, so I get presented with lots of new-age health nonsense by well-meaning but horribly...|||Woo - RationalWiki http://www.skepdic.com/woowoo.html That's the context I was using the word woo in - it's a common word used in the skeptic movement for anything new-agey or pseudoscientific.|||I dunno, man. All I'm saying is that in a game with magic, and weird, almost implausible science such as this It seems rather odd to exclude it outside of the realm of possibility because it is...|||Atheist INFJ checking in - not a spiritual or religious bone in my body. I'm not a big fan of woo, or anything that cannot be scientifically validated. I do however, find great beauty in the...|||You haven't played FF7, have you? :P Gaia is not Earth, and being as there is the presence of magic, materia, Chocobos, summons, flying airships, genetically modified super soilders, strange...|||Can I pile the love on @Christie42476, too? I have seen quite a few of her posts around the forums, and I always really enjoy her insights! She does the INFJ personality so much justice; her posts...|||Oh, HumanMetrics... it does seem to have a predilection for giving out INTJ labels like candy! It told me I was an INTJ, and I cry at the end of the Little Mermaid. Talk about inaccurate!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG7vhMMXagQ&list=UUOGeU-1Fig3rrDjhm9Zs_wg&index=46 Down with Pi! Long live Tau!|||Haha, you're not offensive, it's just that this is my actual smile - I happen to quite like my silly grin, quirky and enthusiastic as it is. :) It's a candid photo taken during a webcam chat with a...|||http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbgclodA201riqizno1_400.gif *blushes!*|||Tarantulas are actually venomous, not poisonous! :) (That is your semi-useless distinction of the day.) I feel the Chilean Rose is very INTP like in a number of ways - they are laid back, well-liked,...|||How could anyone hate these cute little guys? They are so tiny, and harmless to humans, too! Plus, they are great at catching and eating bugs that do harm us, such as flies, mosquitoes, and even...|||I'll keep your secret! Here, have a nice crunchy dubia to take with you into your hide. :) INTP would so be a Chilean Rosehair... ...|||Threads about killing spiders make me sad... :( If I were in that situation, I'd leap to save the spider, and then do my best to educate people on spiders. Most people fear what they don't understand...|||There's a 99% chance you have a tumblr, haha. Welcome, Lotty.|||Hello Pataki! I loved Hey Arnold growing up, and I'm assuming you did, too. :) Welcome to the forums!|||You're gorgeous! Do you like tarantulas, too? I'm really into avicularia versicolor and avicularia metallica. (The pink toes, they get to me!)|||Very true! For me, I thought I was a thinker type at first as well, especially for my tendency to withdraw into my mind and ruminate over my things. Little did I know the main way I was thinking...|||So many lovely INFJs in this thread! I love to put a face to a name, so here are some pics of me prior to discovering the joys of the roundbrush + blowdryer, haha. (I'd take new ones, but I've always...|||Faiora: http://media.tumblr.com/0281f85510f2c3cf8e891fe9c618df31/tumblr_inline_mfzga88N801qcn3a6.gif Very well said and insightful.|||I very much agree with this sentiment - for some reason, I've always felt hampered by labels. The second you slap a label on the relationship is the moment I feel smothered and uneasy. I just like...|||EmileeArsenic suggested something funny to watch, and I think that is a brilliant suggestion! Here is something that always makes me smile - one full hour of scenes from a hat from Whose Line is it...|||Wow, I can't even imagine - I didn't even watch it, and I feel distressed just hearing your description. :( OP, just take comfort in the fact that you are one the fraction of good people on this...|||Richard Feynman|||I'm still getting to know the other types, so my answers are up for revision and editing as I gather more data. :) So far, I enjoy the company of INTP quite a bit! I have a close friend who is an...|||INTP http://i.imgur.com/JZAfzwI.gif & http://i.imgur.com/5NkRXHH.gif ISFP http://i.imgur.com/rQNatfy.jpg ISFJ http://i.imgur.com/FMsQGCG.gif INTJ|||Poor bugs, they are so misunderstood! I just adore them, especially spiders. Just look at these sweet little guys: ...|||I'm admittedly not too familiar with ISTJs, but it sounds like perhaps he needs some space to sort out his emotions? Perhaps he was silent because he didn't know how to respond, because he's unsure...|||I'd take it slowly and cautiously; I think trust is something that must be built and earned. It has to grow and continually be nourished throughout the course of the relationship, it's not something...|||For me personally, a good bit of what is in my head thankfully does get out there - but I have the INFJ trait of holding back a lot of aspects of myself, and perhaps the true depths of how feel; only...|||This is a helpful post for me - I'm someone who tends to retreat into the safety of my inner world far too often. Thanks for the good advice. I'd like to be better about actualizing what is floating...|||Going with your analogy - I think the trauma can be repaired, but it's never again like the original mechanism. There's some patch or additional valve or extension tube or lever that helps repair -...|||There is only one thing to do - follow in the footsteps of the great Professor Hojo and conduct strange, demented mating experiments. (Begins at 0:34) http://youtu.be/BoLsvvm1AHM?t=35s (Any FF7...|||Now I'm even more charmed and enamored with you guys - half of it is the adorable self-depreciating humor, and half of it is that we INFJ savor the chase. Show yourselves, elusive INTPs! <3|||I'm an INFJ and I have a boatload of diseases, haha! If any of you have questions about autoimmune diseases, feel free to send me a message or ask me on this thread. I have SLE lupus (badly enough to...|||No need to resurrect it, I stopped adding fuel to the fire on March 7th. :P Let's all take advice from Usher and let it burn~ srsly nao http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/2218439/let-it-burn-o.gif ...|||I really love spiders, especially salticidae (jumping spiders) and tarantulas. :)|||I'm so sorry the date didn't go as planned. :( I'm a little worried about the way you're describing her body language and behavior. Of course, I don't know her and I wasn't there, so my...|||I think you have every right to be frustrated - I think this can be a very negative aspect of the INFJ nature, and for me personally, a big flaw of mine that I need to work on. I'm really glad you...|||I can understand this - this is a very valid criticism. I have a tendency to go into phases where I retreat from the world and my loved ones, and this has often hurt them quite deeply. I can be very...|||I dated an ENFJ, and while it was emotionally intense and flowers and rainbows at first, it fizzled out fast. I found him to be sweet at first, but later, to be very insincere. He had a tendency that...|||I feel you - it's why I gave up pages ago. At this point he's just projecting his own personal issues onto us.|||First of all, can I say that you sound so sweet and wonderful? My heart feels all mushy and gooey just reading about your feelings for her. :) You seem so genuine and sincere. I'm truly rooting for...|||I didn't imply that I'm smarter than any of you; I have my areas of specialty, but there's a tremendous amount that I don't know, too. I'm still learning, and open to learning. I have no doubt that...|||That's what you took from that blip? Your reading comprehension is honestly terrible. I don't need your validation, or the validation of a bunch of random people from an internet forum. You value...|||Naive? Boys and girls? And throwing out condescending pet names? Seriously, now? How utterly condescending. You don't even know me; you have two forum posts to go off of, which is hardly anything...|||I'm the INFJ you quoted, and I have to disagree with you. How can you know someone's motivations for learning and seeking out knowledge? You may be intelligent, but you are not a mind reader; no one...|||No advice to give, just wanted to express my understanding because I am having similar issues with an ENFJ friend right now. He's also a bit smothering and overbearing, and frankly, he sounds SO...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Its more or less based on how YOU experienced things in your own personal life during your teens and early 20's. So this can vary on location, time, & personal assumptions based on other trends. I...|||I will admit the lyrics for the music usually was hit and miss, but I found the atmosphere in general much more fun than a lot of the music today. Here's a few examples: ...|||Yeah I agree I always viewed those born in the mid-late 70's as Gen Xers, hence why I'm not the biggest fan of starting Y in 77', but I wont harp on that subject lol. However I always saw those in...|||Yeah I don't mind!|||Yeah I don't mind!|||Yeah for me early-mid 08' is the end of the core 00's, late 08' was the transition from core 00's to electropop culture, and mid 09 onwards was purely electropop (aka early 10's culture).|||This is pretty accurate. I would also have an additional age group called the 'Youth' period. Basically the cultural zeitgeist of an individual is usually formed during this period and this is...|||Yeah this is VERY good! Although for me I always viewed 1993 borns as the last 100% Pure Y year, with those born in early-mid 94' being the last Pure Ys altogether. Similarly, I tend to start pure Z...|||I'd say anybody 3-4 years older than you and 3-4 years younger is typically your 'main' generation of people. This stays true for most of your life, although as you come of age you start become to...|||Yeah I was unable to un-retire so I decided to make a new one, hopefully nothing bad happens... Welcome back!|||No ones saying they're not important, but they aren't your childhood years both mathematically and (by most people) culturally. Typically ages 3-4/5 is early, 5/6-10 is Core, Age 10/11-12 is Late....|||I think what you meant to ask if those born from 1994-1999 aren't 90's KIDS, and the simple answer to that is because they didn't spend most of their childhood in the 90's. Those born in 1994-1996...|||Yeah OC96 is me, IDK who the other dude is though...|||For anybody whose my age and spent most of their teens in the Electropop era; Late 2008-Early 2013; what were some of the music, fashion, & various other trends you were into during this era? And do...|||Yeah I agree I loved being an Early-Mid 2000's Kid! But I also liked being a teen in the Late 00's/Early 10's, at least when it came to the music and pop culture.|||We got in 2000/2001, didn't start using it regularly till 2005.|||Minus being born in the weird grey area between Gen Y & Gen Z, I like being my age! Although I wouldn't have mind being born in the mid 70's, Gen Xers are way cooler :wink:|||Yeah and us Mid 90's babies are literally in between both worlds lol!|||I've drank alcohol a few times at family events and parties, but personally no I don't see myself ever regularly drinking if that's what you mean.|||Your 'teen' years are when you are between ages 13-19, so wherever you spent most of that time in is the decade or cultural era you belong to. Mathematically speaking, age 16 is in the middle of...|||Yeah I agree that hard cutoffs are purely subjective|||Yeah this is a great analysis Mqg! I agree with you that in terms of variety & quality Powerhouse was the pinnacle of Cartoon Network. CN City was good too! However the YES Era was when variety and...|||March 12: James Taylor Jane Pierce Edward Albee Marlon Jackson|||Thank you for these posts! Its like I have been saying for a while now that back in the 1990's (so 20 years ago) many sources decided to cut off Gen X very short and start Gen Y (aka Millennials)...|||The fact there are kids born in 2000 & 2001 in high school right now is freaky enough, let alone no 90's babies at all in high school lol.|||Yeah I used to think 93ers and 94ers were cups but now that I think about it makes more sense for them to be the last of Core Y, then the start of Late Y. I think the reason why I seemed to included...|||I 100% Agree!|||Yes it would be massively different if I were to claim watching a show like the Flintstones since that show was before my time. However, I actually did grow up watching these two shows amongst other...|||And I grew up watching both of these shows, both new episodes and reruns, so I'm definitely a Millennial in that regard! (Ok maybe that's wishful thinking, but I deserve some cred lol)|||This begs the question do you think coming of age in the Obama or Bush 43' administration is a major Millennial Characteristic? For instance let's use age 18 as an example of coming of age, then...|||Yeah pretty much, I liked Catscratch & Avatar, but the other ones I was never too fond of. Plus the shows are 10 years old, but they still seem very recent in the grand scheme of things|||Definitely the new one! It's more accurate to start Gen Y in the early 80's than the late 70's|||I think the notion with Nickelodeon is that the earlier 2000's, 2000-2004, was mainly targeted at Core Y (SNICK/TeeNick) and Late Y (Nicktoons). The later 2000's, 2005-2009 was mainly targeted at...|||The problem with this is that Generation X and Millennials view the 1990's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. For your average Gen Xer the 1990's meant this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYaqh--Uhx0 ...|||My bad double post...|||Yeah my Mom was born in 1957 and My Biological Dad in 1949. However most of my good friends have parents born in the Late 50's/Early-Mid 60's, heck my step dad was born in 1961!|||Yeah this is true. As early as the 1980's, was when it was common for people to put off marriage and child bearing to late 20's or 30's. Hence why for 80's babies their parents would be core boomers...|||I agree 100%|||Yeah they graduated in 1998, which I agree with is mostly Y, but you can't just forget about their Freshman-Junior Years of High School. Freshman Year: 1994-1995 (Firmly X) Sophomore Year:...|||But how though? Both 1995 & 1996 are Solid X Culture Years, plus 2000 & 2001 are both Solid Y Culture Years. The only one's that more complicated are 1997 & 1998, as both years are cuspy, 1997 seems...|||True but by that definition a 79er could be considered Y as well since their coming of age years were 1995, 1997, & 2000. However I do get where your coming from. I believe that someone's youth is...|||1980 still seems pretty X IMO. They were kids in the 80's, some of the last to have physical memories of the Challenger Explosion, Regan's Presidency, & the Cold War. Also they were in High School...|||Those born in the 80's typically have parents born in the late 40's & 50's, so they would be full blown baby boomer kids. While those born in the 90's typically have parents born in the late 50's &...|||Happy Belated Birthday!|||True this is probably the most accurate way of dividing it. For our cohort born in the mid 90's we are on the borderline when it comes to practically everything. However, I would say I'm a Late Y at...|||I actually made a topic about this in another forum. Personally if you ask me I think she's confusing traits that are identified with Late Gen Y (Children during 9/11, teens in the Great Recession)...|||I'll use myself as an example using school years: Blue=First Half of Childhood Red=Second Half of Childhood Green=Peak of Childhood|||After looking at the image it seems like the age 7-8 category is solidly someone's 'peak' childhood. Its not too early to be considered pre school age as a 6 year old and younger, but not too old to...|||But in all honesty a kid who grew up mostly in the late 00's would have more in common with someone with someone who grew up in the 10's than with someone who grew up in the early 00's. Since the...|||The movie is The Hunger Games XcrashX sorry about that I could've sworn it was working a couple of days ago... |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Socionics picked up on this. They call it visual identification. They have also thought a lot about intertype relations.|||So many agnostics and atheists. It's so boring...so blah. To the OP, the reason for our existence is to be happy. When we die our spirit and intelligence lives on.|||My guess is that his behavior is caused by his upbringing. I'm an INTJ and I tell my kids that I love them and I am affectionate with them despite being fairly cold and rigid with almost everyone...|||It is indeed bullshit. I like ISFJ's. If I was not married to an ESFJ I would probably be married to an ISFJ.|||I think polygamy should be legal but it should include all forms of non-monogamous arrangements. Allowing people to form any sort of complex plural binding is not any worse than serial monogamy. In...|||44977 There is not much happening on this thread so I feel an obligation to contribute. Here is a picture of my wife and I. She is an ESFJ.|||Je me debrouille un peu. Mais je n'suis pas ISFJ.|||I thought you were going to be polyamorous with your INTP boyfriend? My understanding was that you and him were both going to have lovers on the side?...|||The magnetic wankel. 42071|||Not from what I've seen. I think you are a very effective communicator. Also very interesting as well.|||Why do you like ISTJ's? I mean, I respect them a lot, they are dependable, hard working, and solid. But think INTJ+ISTJ would be painfully boring.|||I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I hope that it works out well for you and that you find happiness. Is your INTP going to have part time lovers? What about your extra lovers, is...|||It's interested to see an ISFJ admit this. I don't think monogamy is natural. None of us just stop noticing others after marriage. However, most of us have a need for love and security in our...|||Oh. He sounds like an ass. Sorry.|||This is fascinating coming from an ISFJ. I've always viewed ISFJ's as very monogamous. I can't tell if you have a craving for multiple lovers or if you are just frustrated that your relationships...|||Please don't expect him to figure it out on his own. It's probably best to be blunt and straight forward. Stand up for yourself and your needs by telling him what he said that you didn't like and...|||I'm a type 9 followed closely by Type 5 then 8 and finally 7. I don't enjoy reading about type 9, it's irritating because only about 50% (maybe less) of what I read about 9's applies to me. Common...|||The suspense is killing me. I think he's just chicken shit. He's taking too long, I think you make should make a move since he's too scared.|||I obtained a degree in statistics with a minor in math.|||This is what you call taking control? This is just a story about two mice playing a game about who is going to talk first. It's kind of funny.|||I've never seen anybody act like this IRW. You were a little irritating on my thread but reading this shit on another thread is really taking me over the edge. Seriously?! There is no way you...|||Dating was one of the worst parts of my life. I hated dating. Trying to meet new people and make new conversations, it's tough. The worst part of it for me was when I finally fell in love but she...|||I like ESFPs. I think they are fun and sexy. However, I can't spend too much time with them since they drain my energy and can say things and do things than irritate me. Their method of directive...|||It's just fun to talk about. Some people take MBTI a little to seriously. The MBTI INTJ is kind of an asshole. I'm worried that some of us start acting more like assholes after studying up on...|||The hygiene issue is the main problem with their descriptions. I also don't like messy environments. I really appreciate a clean house. However, I find that their description of the INTJ gait...|||MBTI seems to glorify the INTJ describing us as the most confident, good leaders etc. It's kind of nice to hear that but I think socionics brings us back to reality by describing us as independent...|||I know MBTI is not the same as socionics but many INTJs are also INTj/LII in socioncs. Do these descriptions seem accurate to you? I think these are 90% to 95% accurate for me. I prefer these...|||I work with a confirmed ESFJ man, I think there is another ESFJ in the office too but he has not taken the test. The confirmed ESFJ is quite masculine, he likes to exercise and look good. He...|||What I want to know is if there has ever been and ISFJ who cheated on a spouse. Is the ISFJ capable of doing that?|||It doesn't seem like a big deal to me. This forum engages in typism all the time. Even entire threads devoted to it like this...|||I am INTJ but also INTj in socionics and I married and ESFJ/ESFj. The relationship was difficult in the beginning and it's really quite a miracle that we married. If we had lived together first...|||I know two ESFJ's in successful marriages. One is my wife. We've been together 10 years. It started out difficult with lots of misunderstandings but things gradually got better. We are now very...|||He is crazy but I admit that I am entertained by him. The thing about his type that I think is pretty certain is that he is extroverted and utilitarian. So he's either an SP or NT. He seems more...|||I'm glad it's working out for you.|||I'm not surprised that an ISTP does not think we are emotionless. I agree we are not. I work with an ISTP and he has a reputation for being tactless and brutally honest. The ESFJ and ESTJ here...|||ESFP + INTJ = catastrophic failure! This is coming from an INTJ who has been very happily married to an ESFJ for 10 years. I really like ESFP's but I can only tolerate them for short periods. ...|||I've been told that I'm all or nothing. Maybe it's a common trait in INTJ's. I think we're stubborn in our ideas as well. I'm a believer myself. I firmly believe in God. I can respect the...|||That's not an odd question. Sounds like a valid concern about your health. I've never heard of pinching the breast being super painfull though.|||Okay I concede. People who spend a lot of time on forums are not necessarily weird or awkward. I have to remind myself that most of you are younger and single. That makes a huge difference.|||That's what happens when you are socially impaired AND extroverted.|||Sorry. I'm sure you are smarter than me and much more talented in my ways. Anybody that would pick an avatar like that is obviously very sexy. The crowds are probably lined up by now to have a...|||I really should not say this but I'm going to. This post gave me a boner. Never in my life have I been so flattered.|||Wow funny OP. I loved it. We are only gods on the INTJ dominated internet forums. In the real world we are often geeks and losers, virgins and socially awkward. INTJs flock to INTJ forms on...|||It's good to know I'm not the only one.|||I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned socionics yet. The primary emphasis in socionics is interpersonal relations. If you are INTJ in MBTI then there is a good chance that you are also INTj in...|||Yes. A fresh new start is good. I get bored too. We are moving next year and we are so excited to get out of our neighborhood and start over fresh with new people. Lately I've been dreaming...|||I was bad at math as a teenager. I think that was because I was lazy and never applied myself. Half way through my freshman year of college I quit and took a two-year break, I lived in a different...|||You might be a pederast.|||My #1 frustration is that I think too much and do too little. I want to be more of a doer and I want to be more productive at work and at home.|||I've been married to an ESFJ for 10 years. It's been good, really good actually. |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPDusM-75FE enjoy infps|||okok lets stop at kicking walking sticks tskkk lol blowing up a country ok but not some person with a stick!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGa7Ts-q1lg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ch6L5c_Hwg|||:) Im a Libra to lol|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wvZQ8rZaZ8 feels|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANzb-n1ygXE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPGxYXWhCzM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkYQhY25PIk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHP1EuaHKT0|||hahaha :crazy:|||fuck them fuck em all dont let the robots put ya down friend majority of people are self adsorbed in this heavily narcissistic society...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UvakCMaITs Chill mode INFPs :P|||The Silmarillion is in in my top 3 books such an amazing book.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-cepZ6K7mY|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbRNpei5bMs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHebSAOabkY|||sums it up -----> Cunts :exterminate:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9VA8_lLiWw|||...... .Music. ......|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYX9M9qjYU4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qQky5t3vxM 100th post woo lolol|||tbh the worst is the unhealthy INTP INTJ ENTP types the vile shit they can spew|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxKdq88YdUY|||the only reason I even keep my facebook open is for contacting people with things going on with University work etc other than that I have the app that just blocks the FB feed it is just a pit full...|||another cool thing with tumblr is the vast amount of shit in it some of the gifs for the mbti types can be funny at times have you ever used pinterest ?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJqRBTDsFD8 :happy:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJqRBTDsFD8|||I had no idea there was a book ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pmwndD2EOw|||only for gifs lol|||Just let him come to you in regards to a phone call etc. if he is really wanting to continue with what you guys have then don't put any pressure on him to call you or anything. Hope it works out for...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM7wVNEbL2Q|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nXK_wN2h1M|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in6OYjgTv6k|||http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/3-21-2016/Zsb-X9.gif|||http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/3-21-2016/AjEyUF.gif|||http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/3-19-2016/E2X8jX.gif keeping up with the american elections while not being american like ... taken from tumblr :crazy: lolol|||http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/3-19-2016/5oOhz6.gif http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/3-19-2016/1HYoH0.gif http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/3-19-2016/3oHmOq.gif ...|||496689|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYnZ-3mtf8U|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4wdtB1K1Po|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHep-UR1-QA https://soundcloud.com/helicaworld/unglisten :happy:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT3jnu1yJO0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5s-KLGVcTI|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwpD2BMsBRI|||maybe you could fill us in the mating dance ritual what is this madness? :shocked: lolol|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I6YXDOLYxk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I6YXDOLYxk|||is that you dj? lmfao|||:laughing: Triggered|||trump for the lulz :laughing: |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I think the real question is whether INFJs can be NEAT. Dominant function Ni, focused on the internal world. Main function to do with organization = Si = most far removed function of INFJ....|||I don't know if it's an INFJ thing but I'm always pretty calm in an emergency. If i know how to solve it then i'll 'save the day' If not then i'll find the person who can and 'be the perfect...|||helllloooo. I know the feel of being an extraverted introvert so don't worry, you are not alone. Welcome to the forums :)|||Living life to the fullest would naturally mean different things to different people. If it means chilling listening to music and reading then hell yeah go do it. I, however, am an INFJ who loves...|||Lies ! ESTPs can't exist on the internet ! Internet is for Introverts! :tongue: Welcome though, always a pleasure to have another crazy ESTP with us.|||Welcome to our crazy land :) The more INTJs the merrier.|||Guilty as charged haha. I'll type out the entire thing then I'll be like ...wait...why am I even saying all this? DELETE. Hell, I was half tempted to delete this xD|||Hey that's kinda like me! Except I'm an INFJ but type like Ni Se/Fe Fe/Se Ti , Instead of Ti auxiliary and Se inferior. Hybrids ftw lol.|||Story of my life|||Welcome welcome :), my best friend is an INFP. you guys are crazy but I love you :happy:|||You are aware that Si is the very last function in the INFJ stack right? Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si i.e it is your most unconscious function, which would mean that you are never aware when you use it...|||I don't understand their perspective so I can't love it or hate it.|||Long story short, Can't go from J to P because that would mean all your functions magically changed (Congrats on your psychosis btw). Also INTJ = Perceiving Dom while INFP = Judging Dom. etc etc.|||Happy birthday man, hope it's going well. If you somehow get on here before the day is over, just remember to take everything as it comes. Do the best you can with the opportunities you get. Have fun!|||Sounds like the story of how I got on here lol, welcome my friend. I know how you feel, wish I could just find one other INFJ in real life. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for being an INFJ in the...|||Protector of those who cannot protect themselves. Or maybe I just have too much Fe for an INFJ.|||Another INFJ with an ISFJ mom here. Yeah they don't get Ni and Si probably annoys the living daylights out of you, but it's all about just being a bit above functions and what not. Just understand...|||I recommend Vivaldi be removed from the INFJ list since there is 0 evidence. Still want to know who made that conclusion to begin with.|||Hai newbie :D . Have a nice stay here in our asylum...I mean forums.|||http://data.whicdn.com/images/13196320/tumblr_lpd3sfXpDV1qe31xzo1_500_large.jpg|||Lol at your next party just jump up on stage and wiggle it. They'll invite you to every party then on. For me , people think I'm quiet, then when I go to parties and I'm pwning the dance floor...|||Life without pepsi...must be tough.|||Time to end the great debate once and for all. Pepsi or Coke?|||Lol'd , *Adds this to the to-do list for April 1st 2014*|||Only have one confirmed ENFJ that I actually hang with, and it's usually pretty fun. Get along easily. Probably because I'm more in touch with Se than an INFJ is supposed to be :P|||I'd slap you. :happy:|||You should type by cognitive functions instead of letters 'cause introverted sensing and extraverted sensing definitely aren't the same 'S'. But that's not why I came to this thread. Just came to...|||Can someone explain to me how a Baroque composer (Vivaldi) was even typed to begin with?|||My sentiments exactly. the opinion has gotten about that my method…consists in fitting [people] into this system and giving them corresponding ‘advice.’ This regrettable misunderstanding...|||http://www.jestferfun.com/image7/awwww/hugz.jpg|||Your introverted counterpart welcomes you :happy: I like to talk too , we have so much in common :P|||Been through nihilism then I just decided to create my own meaning and haven't had any depression/despair since. I still have hope in humanity and believe in the cause. Just take everything as it...|||You succeed my friend. Welcome :happy:|||Well anyone who wants to lie to themselves can enter anything they want, although I don't see the point since all personality types are awesome. Where the 'INTJ Scientist' is concerned, that's just...|||Step 1: Get fan Step 2: Get cheese Step 3: Get something tasteless (and vegan) Step 4: Set up the apparatus so that the fan is in front of the cheese which is in front of the tasteless food Step...|||*Now that he is no longer paying attention, I quietly sneak up behind him and knock him out* You cookin' Nobleheart? Ooh an INFP, can I eat it? btw|||They don't count as 'saying yes' would require that they actually had the option to begin with.:happy:|||OOh it's an ENTP! I call dibs.|||Well I haven't found one myself so it would seem that the INFJ doesn't even know where to find an INFJ. I am at school,at some club/charity as a volunteer,hanging with friends at a mall or cinema. ...|||What kind of sick monster wouldn't say yes to cheese ? :shocked:|||http://www.nedhardy.com/wp-content/uploads/images/2012/may/humanity/faith_in_humanity_restored_8.jpg|||Once again don't know if my joke was misunderstood still (since that's the way most of you seem to be replying) but in case you didn't realize, I am very well aware that extraverts do not fall into...|||Was intended to be a bit of a joke but I was genuinely asking a serious question in a feeble Ni-Fe attempt to understand people. Let me rephrase. What is it that interests you enough in these...|||Really, what are you extraverts doing on forums instead of being out partying? I'm honestly curious.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdJ6aUB2K4g :kitteh:|||Oh yes I'm aware of the complexity of the problem. But it is of the highest priority to me because it seems to cause the most suffering. I would love to see the end of all those things as well...|||Poverty is my topic of interest. Have no idea what I'm going to do about it, but I'm going to do something. What about you?|||Is this how a world of ENFJ's would look? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU *runs back into introvert hole*|||Warm welcome to you friend. Sounds like you joined for a very good reason and I can tell you that you will most certainly find what you're looking for and more. Enjoy your stay :)|||Welcome Amber :). If I were you I'd steal one of their jets and fly it to the moon, where I would peacefully live out my remaining 5 minutes of existence. But then again, I'm just a stupid teenager....' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | '-Being alone -Being insensitive -Over thinking out loud|||Social service gerontology|||24|||Ew Socionics|||Women's Earnings and Income | Catalyst http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/apr/09/genevieve-wood/what-pay-gap-young-women-out-earn-men-cities-gop-p/|||Seen any of your ISTP friends in a tense situation? or lose it? For sure just having fun with people you'll never see all sides to them. ISTP's tend to be one of the few type that cut to the...|||Haha no Fe was used that day.|||Haha ISTP with feelings. feeling like a rarity, and proud of what the internet tells him. He seems so delicate. but you are sure... ISTPs can be sensitive, but will fall to logic at the end of the...|||Less thinking more doing. Fake it till you make it. It works.|||My skin is what some would see as the cue to lower the drawbridge as I am one of them, and some would close the door in my face, screaming I don't belong; leaving me at lost on multiple frounts. Well...|||Its not scream its warrior cry|||Forcing ones ideals and expectations is a lot more selfish if you ask me, Defend you? What that mean to you and I I'm sure is not the same? You jump in the fire and by having me jump in with you...|||I take an extreme example to balance out the extreme robot assumption, not to define it as set extreme mediums, ISTPs can come off as normal people right or am I doomed to just be a odd ball? This...|||312281 ISTPs are like robots and have no Fe The declarative statements show no insight for the conclusion or overall depth. anything to analyse for reaching said conclusions is not present,...|||Have you ever seen a ISTP work on something they are passionate about? To me that seems like Lee, how he connects everything to that aspect of his life, how he uses the combination of Se and Ti to...|||To say a group of people are incapable for such a task would normally be really insulting, careful, there are already enough stereotypes. Your statement is too general to the point that it is...|||Due to the type of job I have and the position I play within my family setting I would say I have a well developed Fe. Fe is not my default, but when the setting requires it I am able to...|||I always thought that cause they are close to me, they deserve the truth interesting how you come from the opposite view point, but I see the logic to it. and maybe mentality I can pick it up. hmm I...|||People tell me that all the time, likes its a problem of mine, where I'm not fully convinced it is. in fact I'm kinda doing that right now. Something about not letting go till I have the answers I...|||Are you likely to observe the action of others or lack thereof and attach a significant meaning to it? Be it in the setting of those you do and donx92t know well. How likely are you to mention your...|||Sorry Just to clarify what is upsetting to you? that the brother won't get to play the father figure, or that the mother won't pay for their trip to have fun? or both? Or to you are they one and the...|||Why I dislike talking about theory is due to the fact that someone would read an article or two and all of sudden see them self as an expert; I really do find that those who don’t use their Ti to...|||Fair points, thank your for responding. I guess its one of those things with maturity and a level of understanding ones self.|||Are T types better at reacting to their emotions than F types? Through my experience, F types seem to possess an extreme dislike of conflict. I find that the F types I have come across have all...|||yes|||For me it’s more about normalizing information and understanding it in relation to me. Example A: statement says milk gives a large amount of fat so drinking it is putting one's self at risk of...|||I would argue that younger individuals are by default F types, due to the process of how the brain is developed, and it its not till later in the development that more options are transparent. kinda...|||Like the matter of how much you care for the said person would change the answer. :crazy:|||The ones close to me copy me all the time. even the oddest sayings I have, they kinda normalize it and make it a saying within our group of friends, I don't mind, as long as they know its from me,...|||Arguments that are right but only due to the narrow focus that one chooses to look at information. This gets more difficult when they have hard time accepting new information, and stop looking for...|||general statements in general.|||Looks they do matter, but I like the natural cute ones, Style is cool to have however to much can have the opposite effect on me, you know... Swag, Yolo, but I fall for ones mind all to easy. I...|||juts some habits - When I get bored I start trouble, nothing I can’t handle though. - would think I think outside the box~ - Can talk to people just fine, and I get better at it as long as there...|||Cause all of Sasuke's decisions were bottom line logic... INTJ naw, he was not even good at planning. He was just an unhealthy Idealist I'll give you the I and N but other than that that kid needs...|||OP does this bother you? do you feel left out? aw :blushed:|||Hahaha, Lol Cotillion is the best.|||Very weak logic, and small perception for other outlooks, and shows a lack of interest even though starting topic due to interest... odd, someone needs to grow up, was fun up to page 4. connecting...|||Ti will be my down fall when explaining it in social settings. Ex: ISTP: You know when you do X I see it as Y? and that`s cool as long as you know that X leads to Y. INTJ: I did not mean that at...|||Gamer tag, sounds boss so made it mine. Zen cause I'm often called that, Gecko nocturnal and cool creatures, I think it fits in an odd way.|||admittedly communication can be hard at times to the point where we may even brake off to our respected corners and ignore what we don't understand, however once we regain energy to explain and with...|||What do you want to know about it? I'm in one and for the most part I love. positive - Both Logical, very few arguments and seemingly able to get to a conclusions that satisfy both parties ...|||Good Point, What is the OP trying to find out. also typing someone young can be a difficult task due to the lack of define habits that grow throughout the years, add that onto the cognitive...|||The yin and the yang man the yin and the yang.|||IQ does not equal personality, its how he uses it(and how the information is processed), and yes the fact that he is a ninja plays a part, I would think ISTP are on and off with seeking adrenaline...|||after reading the Shikamaru wiki Intelligence section, I would have to say he is ISTP just by the way they describe it; though he does have an IQ of 200 and that may play a factor but he uses his...|||hyouka - Houtarou Has a good mind but does not get pleasure from the puzzles he solves. His motto If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick. so he has that lazy ISTP...|||pressure is fun.|||I did this Test too and got high Fi.... along with high Ti, Si, Ni at the same time; and was even INFP/ISTJ/INTP at one point. This could mean myers briggs is a bit more complicated then some of...|||ask him, he'll tell you.|||Yup trolls or fools on high horses who care not to read but their own thoughts.' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 'Being assertive and standing up for myself is something I struggle with to this day. The worrying, over thinking, negative thoughts and caring too much about what people think have always gone along...|||It's interesting to note the fairly evenly spread responses among fellow ISFJ's from devout to atheist. Bustin' yo ISFJ stereotypes.|||It depends on the relationship I have with different people and yes, the energy I have with certain friends. The ones closest to me will see my humor because I'm comfortable enough around them to pop...|||I can't read your friends' mind. It's possible she is legitimately busy, or getting in contact with you again has slipped her mind. It sounds like you had to cancel, she had to cancel, for various...|||It's true, people instinctively are going to size you up by appearance first, and next by how you speak and act around them. Make a conscious effort to be relaxed with others, so you appear friendly...|||You mean you aren't a little fairy flying around doing good and making people smile? You have crushed me, and spoiled my stereotypes of NFJ's forever =P|||Honestly, I've always found it bothersome that Sensors are grouped by Keirsey into SP and SJ, SP's having the common element of extroverted Sensing (Se) and SJ's having the common element of...|||Years ago I was let down by a person I thought was a close friend who talked shit about me to our friend group, and ultimately was part of the reason I was evicted from said group. However, if this...|||I had a long distance relationship with a genuinely loving guy that started about 17 years ago. To make a long story short, he moved across the country to be with me about 15 years ago, and we're...|||We have something similar I call the drop. Not quite as final as the door slam, but maybe coming from the same place of getting fed up with an unbalanced friendship, or complaints falling on deaf...|||Here's a rundown of the top 25 causes showing distracted driving to be the numero uno cause of auto accidents. https://seriousaccidents.com/legal-advice/top-causes-of-car-accidents/|||You're right! Sorry for not making that clear.|||Go back to those times when you felt in love with our planet and how awe inspiring it is. Look for a spiritual or metaphysical practice that brings you more in touch with this particular awareness on...|||I worked out a payment plan with a hospital bill that was quite large. If you present your hardship case to billing, they can usually work with you on a repayment plan.|||I'm really surprised no one's mentioned this, but why not look into taking classes from a driving school? Not everyone is innately a good driver, and even good drivers can be better drivers. You'll...|||I got my little LG phone activated for now, while the smartphone is being sent back to Samsung. It's one of those with the little slide out keyboard =) It's like being in the company of an old...|||This is exactly why I treasure my one INTJ friend I'm close enough with to have these kinds of discussions. I had a friendship much like this with someone a few years ago, then the dynamic...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYcWA_RNl1s|||I so appreciate your description of our hidden complexity. I once tried to convey to a friend how I keep a huge part of my thoughts, which aren't always about surface things, private. Also, mulling...|||Your dyed hair looks fanstastic, by the way!! Wow!!|||Do any of you have ISFJ parents you actually get along with? I've been reading multiple stories about terrible relationships with ISFJ moms in particular. I'd like to think if I'd had a kid that...|||These colors can be subtle highlights, nothing so drastic. Hair color is temporary, no big deal. I wonder what mom would say if you wanted some ink!!|||Heh, no. Using a bit of tact =/= coddling. I'm talking about using some tact to cultivate a good relationship. Every type has different strengths and weaknesses. I appreciate my friends' strengths as...|||I know I'm not skilled at looking at all sides of a problem. I appreciate the heck out of any friend who helps me explore options I hadn't considered, and xNTP's are particularly good at it. I...|||So many beautiful ISFJ's here, inside and out!|||I'm familiar with Paul Ekman's work reading the emotional cues of the face, those signs universal to all of humanity. I'm also familiar with Joe Navarro's work reading people's body language...|||Oh, Samsung Edge 6. I'm the only one out of several friends who own this model who is dealing with constant shutdown loops and screen freezes. Every two minutes. Then you shut off. You're my first...|||Why isn't there an in-between option :/ Are you studying ISFJ's in particular, or MBTI types and their tendencies as a whole?|||I think from a Fe user's perspective, honest constructive criticism of self is a rare thing to have, and at least for my type does NOT come naturally. I think it's more the social norm that...|||Excellent and very informative post. Thank you for taking the time to make it!|||The drop isn't so final. It keeps the door open, waiting for you to take the initiative and knock =)|||I know most friendships aren't completely equal as to who's giving more. The best situation is when it's first one person, then the other person, the equalness changing and flowing over time as to...|||540746 I've made plenty of mistakes, but I learned a great deal from them. I'm posting this as a hopefully humorous reminder to myself and everyone else that sometimes we just have to let people...|||I feel like it's an investment for me as well, that's why when I feel like that investment isn't returned, it hurts. I don't know why I take things so personally, but it's an effort for me to detach...|||I think that's typical of most work friendships. Perhaps it's best to keep expectations low and realize that most of these kinds of friendships aren't going to have a life outside of that particular...|||Parrots are the smartest avians with the possible exception of certain crow species. A parrot named Alex could discern colors, shapes, and what an object was made of, wood, metal, or plastic. VERY...|||I'm a big believer in mutual reciprocity and interest in a healthy long term friendship. I wondered if any other ISFJ's have had the experience of being the one who usually initiates contact in a...|||That moment when you wonder if your NT friend is dumbing down the conversation for you. I may not be able to initiate a theoretical conversation, but I am capable of keeping up, and offering my...|||Okay, my eyes were rolling during this video :rolleyes: so much for my placid eyes, lol How does he know the people are typed accurately? It looks to be a collection of yearbook photos loosely...|||Hey, I'd love to see more of your dragonfly avatar. Come for a visit sometime to the ISFJ forums. We are friendly, and we have brownies!|||This photo sums things up rather nicely.|||I doubt idealism is a trait found more in certain types than others. I think it all boils down to the individual and how they choose to see the world, either positively or negatively, or whatever mix...|||Quiet and nerdy, someone who spent hours in the library and browsed the encyclopedia just for the fun of gaining more knowledge. Non-conformist to standards of personal dress and grooming.|||I have a little routine and check the stove and doors and downstairs windows before bed. Anxiety in my life will crank this up a few notches to multiple checks. I've found a spiritual practice that...|||Awwww yeah! It looks great!! Simple and classy :hearts:|||Perspective isn't something you're going to find immediately after a break-up. It takes time and distance to see things truly and to see things clearly. Allow yourself this time to grieve and get...|||Yeah, I used to really overthink situations like this, waiting for the perfect moment to announce my departure or the opportune little pause in the conversation, getting anxious about it...but that...|||Any function of any type has positives as well as negatives associated with it. We are all a mixed bag of strengths and weaknesses. Typology is a useful tool to facilitate understanding the...|||It depends on the beverage. I enjoy having a huge mug of unsweetened black tea in the morning to help start my day. This is high quality stuff, no bargain basement tea. I feel alert but not...|||I've been on the other side, wanting to reconnect but getting no response. I've actually never had a response except for one out of perhaps 10 tries to various different people. The only solution to...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 'Assuming I had a hand in it, I always at least consider the possibility of my own culpability. I like to think that I'm honest enough to admit it, when it's really my fault. But more often than not,...|||Speed Racer was cool, but I think that Johnny Quest was the coolest! Get Smart and I Dream of Jeannie were a couple of faves. I always wanted my own genie, like Barabra Eden.|||Being a Sensor is a double edged sword. Everything gets magnified. When inconsistencies detract from the story or style of a film it's a drag. But, as long as there's more to enjoy on the whole,...|||I can totally relate. I have high expectations for myself and it really sucks not meeting them. Unfortunately, I get more angry with myself than with other people. It seems easier to give others the...|||I think I'm pretty easy to read. However, I'm not the cheery, life of the party kind of guy, and I get a lot of comments like what's wrong? or are you OK? when I'm thinking or trying to focus on...|||As a kid I dreamed of being like Robinson Crusoe, living in the wild. I think I would miss my laptop and my MP3 player now. Hasta la revolucion ;) Zen Bear the reluctant capitalist lackey|||The world would be better off, if more people followed your ecological ways. However, you need to change your avatar. The space craft clashes with your Anarcho-primitivism message. The space shuttle...|||Amen, brother! It really is the only way to move on! It's funny that it's such a hard thing to do sometimes, though. Social faux pas are a breeze for me to overcome, but some early career mistakes...|||Mercer: What the others have said is right, own your mistakes, but don't dwell on the negative stuff. Remember you are an isTj not an isFj. Think about it, are you better off getting emotionally...|||CordiINTJ: What's a unithest? And yes, you do sound a little depressed, but that's not surprising since your Dad sounds like a jerk!|||HelloKittyKat: I think Niss and Darkest have spelled it out for you. Your situation doesn't seem to hold a lot of promise. For whatever reason this guy doesn't seem to want to give you anything...|||Hey Functianalyst: I see what you mean about the type fad. I don't see much of that. I'm new and have spent almost of my time with my follow ISTJs, most of whom don't seem that way to me. ...|||[/LIST] if you assume that type is not genetic, the only thing that follows is that it is a factor of your environment. It's also obvious that we cannot readily change our type. Sorry, I don't...|||Yes, I agree. Our feelings are what motivate us, to do what we do.|||Oh yes, I've been there. The drive for perfection, can have it's downside.|||Interesting. I'm not alone. I'd like to go with the flow a little myself. And, no one has ever called me boring to my face, but I've certainly gotten that sense from some people. It used to bug a...|||No I don't speak French, but I studied it in high school, and I have some relatives and friends who live in Quebec, so I get exposed to it every once in a while. Whether what he said in french was...|||Johnny: thanks for the video. Very funny. What's strange is that I can only understand French spoken by an English transvestite:confused:|||Thanks Dude. I've had a lot of positive feedback on the avatar. I love it when people get it! Your dog seems pretty adorable and bear-like too. And always happy when someone appreciates my humor...|||Wulfdot: Sorry I missed your input last night, there seemed to be a deluge of responses while I was replying to some of the previous posts. Two things struck me about your posts. Firstly, your...|||Yes, I've always thought so. It's true value lies in the time we spend in self evaluation and discovery. It's not a perfect label of who we are. I get the should part, as in a Duty we...|||That was me in my teens and twenties. Nothing like a moon lit stroll through the deserted streets. I'm not as fascinated by the dark side of life, as I was. I could look at it without emotion, but...|||I think that there is no doubt that the younger you are the easier it is to change. And you're right, a total personality overhaul is not very likely. After I wrote the post, I realized that this...|||Thanks for that distinction. Even though I know the proper definition of introvert/extrovert, I still tend to think of extroversion as being the same as being gregarious. I can act very extroverted,...|||I support the death penalty for someone who commits murder or if they show clear intent that can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. AND, this would include anyone who plans to murder someone (e.g....|||When I take a personality test, I frequently second guess myself by thinking, is that how I really am or is that how I would like to be?. Sometimes it's not that clear to me. I'm an introvert,...|||I haven't heard of the first two. Eddy Izzard is fun. I liked his show The Riches. I was weened on Monty Python, so dry, sarcastic and irreverent British funny does strike a chord with me. I don't...|||Sunflower: Your thoughtful reply to all the contributors in this threat show that your heart is in the right place. But, your mind may not be. Maybe I'm just being too semantic, but your phasing...|||Yes, I'm a caterer too, but not as much as I used to be. It was that whole non confrontational thing coupled with the introvert's phobia of dealing with other people's issues. It just seemed a lot...|||I can't say that I miss the old me. Part of me was better: I was a little more carefree. And, part of me was worse: I was more insecure about my abilities. A while back, I read somewhere that if...|||Hi: I don't mean to intrude, but I just had to add my two cents. I'm an ISTJ and I've been into martial arts for about 23 years now. In that time, I think I've seen most types represented. I would...|||Welcome Natalie: I'm new myself, so I can't give you any advice other than just look around and check out some of the threads for your type. I'm a fan of international relations as well. It was...|||Hey Franny Still no avatar, HMMMM:dry: And, what are your interests?|||@willmark I can relate to your story 100%. It's true we're all born with a specific temperament , but your character isn't carved in stone. We can all choose our responses to life. It's easier for...|||@willmark Are you saying that he does not accept you for how you are? Or he's not the father that you want him to be?|||@Hellokittykatt I'm sorry but either he's just not that into you, or he's not an ISTJ. ISTJ's have issues with relationships, but once that door is opened and if the sex is good, we're coming back...|||@Caius20 I didn't expect anyone else to be into MMA, for some reason. Do you participate or spectate?|||Major: political science Work: computer programmer analyst, web developer Interests: psychology, geopolitics, history, economics, philosophy, cooking, mma and fma|||I chose 4, but it doesn't really fit. My Dad was an emotionally scarred guy who didn't have a father, and his mother was a total bitch. He was a WW2 refugee who had a hard time fitting into North...|||I read an article by Stephen Cannell the big time Hollywood and TV writer, he's a dyslexic like me. I was looking for some insight into the creative process. He wrote that early in his career he...|||I second Qadosh. Sarcasm used to be my stock and trade. I couldn't tell a joke well, but I was good a what I would call observational sarcasm. I try :blushed: not to be such a smart-ass these days.|||Thanks Frannyy: My ex wife used to call me that. I kept the name and lost the wife. I stumbled on a picture of an real un-posed bear contemplating Mt. Fuji. How cool was that, I didn't have to get...|||1) Do you get/understand ISTJ humor? Of course 2) Are you amused by ISTJ humor? totally 3) Do you have no idea what I am talking about because ISTJs are boring emotionless people who...|||Words of Affirmation would be my primary language, followed closely by physical touching. Serve that up on a combo platter and you are talking my language!:laughing:|||funny!!!!!!|||Neither a lurker or a shirker be! Welcome fellow thinking introvert.|||Welcome King of Birds: Exactly what kind of Fowl are you? a raptor, a falconiform? :dry:|||I'm a big guy, and I used to intimidate people for some reason. And, I don't think I was arrogant either, but I got that one a lot too, from people who didn't know me. I'm an introvert, who doesn't...|||Hey JC: Welcome! I haven't been around that long but, there seems to be a lot of interesting people on this site, and there are a few you say OMG, it's a good thing they're on the other end...|||Somehow, I don't think that's a unique perspective. I, for one, get those feelings all the time. If making a connection were easy we'd all have thousands of friends and be in love all the time. ...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I find that poster and your facial expression, along with the fact that you are INTP, so ironic. Lmao. 10/10 points|||I can definitely see how this happens. I used to do this too and jump to false conclusions. But I think once the function and the individual mature and develop, this becomes less of an issue. This...|||Gonna have to say ESFJs...|||Reading through your posts coupled with people saying you should seek professional help reminded me of Tate from the first season of American Horror Story. Do you relate to him at all (if you've...|||A) Pick the few you relate to most, and Rank them from most to least, with a brief explanation if you're generous. Unconscious Childhood Messages: Type 1 - It's not okay to make mistakes. Type...|||When you remember small things people mentioned that even they don't remember mentioning -_- When you unintentionally collect little tid-bits about people just cause you pay attention.|||I honestly did not like the first episode. It was really low on the horror factor (both visually and plot wise). I expect that show to leave me psychologically distressed, but it wasn't too bad at...|||I guess I'm not outwardly emotionally moody. If I have turmoil going on outside, I won't ACT moody towards a person so I can't be considered emotionally moody. I dunno. That's what I meant. And...|||The Fi and Fe clash is real.|||I saw those descriptions before and thought the INFJ one was rather negative and exaggerated. Also, me personally, I'm not easily offended at all. But I am easily hurt. There's a difference. If you...|||Alphonse from Full Metal Alchemist Lindsey Lee Wells from An Abundance of Katherines :proud: And Justin from Let's Be Cops. Did anyone watch it yet? I thought he was so INFJ.|||It's simple. Well, no it's not. But I think it's because individual acts of selfishness are rewarded in society. And those rewards are usually tangible which makes all the difference in the world....|||All my suitemates talk about is sex and/or drinking, but mainly sex. It's kind of really annoying. I feel left out by them intentionally because I'm not in to that stuff, even though I can go along...|||Quick! Act like a cool extravert or a psychotic introvert! Divert attention and don't let them figure us out ;)))|||-A few months ago, I was at the mall and saw a man walking in the opposite side. For some reason, I had this strong feeling that he was a specific user from this site. He turned around, and the back...|||No you're totally right. Maybe it's more appropriate for females and/or younger people? I suppose if you have real world issues like career, finance, etc, typing them in a website won't help. But...|||I had to get fancy with the formatting. I'll go first with some really stupid examples. So once I was walking to class and had this cool shirt on. I passed by a glass case with a reflection, and I...|||Because it does much of its work subconsciously, Ni can seem to have a certain magical quality about it. In fact, it is not unusual for INJs to be viewed as having some degree of psychic or...|||Hmm, I see what you mean. Well, I didn't develop those websites so I don't have control over that. I merely described what they are. The incentive for the first one is that it's venting. The music is...|||Well I'm glad you could stop. I've been close to it, but I've never done it. But I understand why people do it and the mentality behind it. It is a sort of addiction for a lot of people. And yeah,...|||Oh man, that's unfortunate :/ Well at least you tried...Why did she do it? I'd never approach her about it, I just wanted to make random conversation. Maybe she's lonely too, idk. But I'll try next...|||Sat next to a girl with scars on her wrists...they weren't new but still, always breaks my heart when I see something like that :( Because sometimes it's people that you'd never guess. And I'm pretty...|||FRIENDZ. HOW? Is there a manual for that|||Trying to rationalize life has only led to logical fallacies in your thinking process. Because really, life can't be rationalized. It's just random chaos. Sometimes we need to stop trying to...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGfhQTbcqmA I guess.|||Ohh, I thought you were performing or something. I tend to get you and bubbleboy mixed up a lot for some reason. Well, that's cool too.|||Everything is fake except for what the cavemen/nomads did. That's how I see it anyways. It's a complex intricate system of man made concepts and things, some decided because we need them to survive,...|||Oh :/ I don't think I could get anything done if I stayed home lol. And yeah, I'm in my third week. I think we get 2-3 smaller midterms, thats why. Thanks!|||Good luck, kill it! Wait, for poetry?|||Yep. It sucks...single+haven't made friends+2 midterms soon...lol. And 4 8 a.ms? God, I feel bad for you. JaySH The weather is the same where I'm at. Just last week it was all 80s, now it's...|||I'm cold, I'm tired....The school stress is starting...Oh, the feelings I haven't missed. oh and lonely but you know, whatever.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8xni3EcIbc|||ISFPs are one of the easiest S types to get along with. I find that a lot of the time, they make great friends because a lot of their interests and their general style is similar to mine. They...|||If anyone uses the websites in the thread, like the Thoughts Room or the Dawn Room, please post what you thought of it. I feel like most people are seeing this thread as another one of those... and...|||I haven't seen the movie but I read the book. I related to Charlie's awareness of things and people around him. Just how deeply he felt everything that was happening and how he analyzed situations....|||THIS ASDFGHJKL (zombie apocalypse) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhhyHOCMl78 after everything ends (victory song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGPD0ZBiMs0 Basically, this whole...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGh0CcbVoPQ nostalgia :(|||Resurrecting Thread - Quality or Quantity? - Compassion or Justice? - Is or Should? - Altruism or Egoism? - Optimism or Pessimism? - Confidentiality or Honesty? - Oppressor or Oppressed?...|||lala~|||LMAOOO I'm sure you'll find a lady. The question is, will you find the right lady? We'll all be tuned in :ninja::laughing:|||In a field that is so technical skill/talent based such as computer programming, having a masters in Economics probably won't help you. Of course it may depend on the company hiring, but most likely...|||What is gained by sacrificing personal beliefs for the sake of collective beliefs? What is gained is peace and an avoidance of conflict. Fe is like a neutral alignment. If something will benefit...|||Gotta find me some intuitives for this crack. Going through withdrawals :P http://31.media.tumblr.com/a7a5a762aa533f32e277de6058d3b86e/tumblr_n7iqejzDY01tbvnyyo1_500.png|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUou-eBxFNE hmph. thank god i'm dorming. i best not come here anymore.|||Yes, I can relate. I went through a long period of not caring and then I just started missing these old friends. There was one period in my life (5th-7th grade) where I had this group of friends....|||Deep philosophical conversation. Blasting music in the car with someone who also loves that music and being able to bond with no conversation or pressure. Literally my favorite thing.|||1) When we say something to you, listen attentively (i.e: nod, comment back, smile, just reply somehow to show that you're engaged!) Too many people don't do this and it makes me never want to speak...|||Yeah, true. I know there are too many labels when it comes to rock/metal but they have a unique sound. And I can't believe that really happened to the drummer, that's rough. Well, SOAD's lyrics...|||189658 Shit, guys. Should I go over to the INTPs for some help? :laughing: It's The Matrix.|||I LOVE them so much. I've been on a SOAD spree. Favorites are Chop Suey!, BYOB, Lonely Day, Aerials & Toxicity. For some reason though, the you don't care about how I feel, I don't feel her...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'leoni I had really bad social anxiety until I took medicine for it. Now, I'm not a huge advocate for medicine, but while I took it, it stabilized me and made me feel way better, because it prevented...|||My bet is ENFP. Don't get too hung up over whether you're really outgoing or not; some just aren't. It's a nebulous thing, but if you feel like the INFP description isn't you and the ENFP is, then...|||If playing flute is really something you're passionate about, that's like, not even a question. Do it. God knows playing music is one of the best things that you can do for yourself|||My dad was drafted into Vietnam. Forgive my outdated anecdotal evidence, but no, I'm gonna have to say that United States soldiers are only held to the standards of their commanding officers|||I'm not saying you'll be fast, but you could do it. Most likely.|||I laughed harder than I should have.|||That's a 4 month MESOMORPH runner's body It would require a very strict diet of homemade food and more than 4 months to get to that. As an endomorph, I gain muscle relatively quickly and...|||I do! I actually like the during part, if I feel like I'm doing really well. Even if I'm not, the runner's high afterwards makes it worth it. apart from extenuating circumstances, it...|||It's hard to stay mad at somebody whose arguments are so poorly constructed. Strip yourself of that INTJ title on your account; any INTJ worth their salt could mop the floor with you in both...|||This made me smile :D You're at least something of a kindred spirit to me, no need for that high horse :)|||Actually, I'm only 17. I didn't even grow up in a religious family. But yes, I've picked up on that myself.|||One of my two closest friends is an INFJ. I never get bored of him, but it's impossible to deal with him when he's upset. Harsh thinking/stubbornness are fine, I'm kinda the same way, but if there's...|||I almost want to say people shouldn't debate ANYTHING unless it's for fun, but no, that's not quite right. besides, BrokenGenius is either trolling, or actually incapable of thinking for themself,...|||I could never see myself twerking, even assuming I was female. I'd be remiss if I said that there is no way to do it without pandering to people sexually, but even still, I can't really imagine it. ...|||>implying it's a waste of time please, think before you speak. Religious beliefs are not incompatible with the free-thinking, cynical mind. I look to religion as a means of support, not as a...|||Theist I used to be agnostic and so I don't see anything wrong with it. Nothing is patently wrong with Atheism by me either, I just know that (for the most part) they're missing out. Religion and...|||(deleted)|||I've never liked his music but he was alright by me until I found out how far the fame has gotten to his head :S Spitting on his fans? What the actual fuck.|||A vibrator. I'll give you 3 guesses.|||This would have disturbed me a lot more before I had gone on /b/ for 4 years. I've stopped browsing /b/ though, because it's just immature anymore. Anyway, my reaction isn't to turn away or to...|||Aquarian, LadyD, and bengalcat, thanks a lot. I want to reply now but it's getting late and I want to be able to devote an appropriate amount of time to my response. I assure you that is not...|||Thanks for the comprehensive reply. I suppose I didn't give very much information in the OP, but you gave me what I'm looking for. I'm no stranger to the assembly line that public education is...|||So, I'm a high school senior, and one of my best friends is an INFJ guy who graduated last year. He's always been scared of growing up, but now that he's 19 and going nowhere fast, I'm a little...|||:( But I also play bass night owls is pretty good though|||I don't think you could have turned out better. You make me feel ways I've never felt before. You can really talk your way out of anything, can't you? I have no idea how you got me on...|||Yeah, I think the term Inspirer is dumb, I much prefer Kiersey's term Champion. I feel like I do champion causes (insert I fight for my friends. here) for the people I love and for what I feel is...|||They aren't mods, that's just the rank you get for having over 3000 posts shoot for 6969, brother.|||Post songs you think are ENFP in nature. I'm absolutely sure this thread has been done before, but I felt was gonna burst if I didn't post this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZNwV-EaG5w ...|||yeah, women are beautiful for the most part white or otherwise I like jewish girls a lot, if I had to pick a type, but it's not important to me|||>True happiness lel (note: the following is very stream of consciousness, and contradicts itself at least twice. I'll fix it up) Trust me dude, assuming you are a middle class suburbanite,...|||Bill's is overrated, I say stick with your tossle unless its something dumb like flies or bolts. Get a track terrorizer for B instead of spooky sleeves|||Do I think I have a tritype? Sure Do I know what it is? No Do I think I'll ever get an objective reading? Not really I'll think about it though. I'm an ENFP type 8, that's cool enough for me to...|||No, I feel ya. Type 8 seems very T-ish, but it is my understanding of myself that I am an 8. I'm much less sensitive than other ENFP's. It's hard to hurt my feelings. I'm not going to bother trying...|||Not even true. We're rare, but it happens. Just because most of the ENFP's are lackadaisical ragamuffins doesn't mean all of us are. hmm, I ought to change that|||You left out me! :@|||I dunno, I'm with [strike]Flame Princess[/strike} Ace Face over there, I think personality assessments are sort of frivolous; sure they can be neato, but it leads to a lot of false positives ...|||Nah, I don't think it would change anything. I personally am entirely accepting of people's strange attractions; one of my closest friends is an INFJ and a zoophile|||I like talking about sex but... really? Salt n pepa? for shame.|||nah, you've got it all wrong, three ESFP's walk into a bar and everyone else goes around it (<3 you, ESFP's) Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Suleyman, (I'm running out of dead politicians that I...|||Here I am, once again trying to return to PerC after getting bored so many times because everybody talks about the same stuff always But I love you guys, so who wants to talk about something...|||So to post again, it's been a very enlightening summer. Gotta thank Swordsman of Mana for giving me a bit of perspective; you're totally right, it's fucking easy as a straight guy to find someone....|||fengshui222 Use your Ne to appear like you know how to enjoy life. You know that phrase, dance like nobody is watching? Live by it. You should be letting it all hang out. Pull it off right, and...|||Smiley, that's a fucking wallll of text.|||Ah, yeah. I lose :(|||Meh. I just like girls. But she was something special, and I am complacent enough to bide my time and masturbate Yeah, I'm lucky, I just have to be confident and charming. It's just that I get...|||Swordsman of Mana sorry to hear that. Getting really attached to somebody isn't that strange. There's this INFJ (apparently she also is a MBTI-user. Dunno if she's on PerC) that I met in a summer...|||... the joke was that you were quoting rarity.|||Might I add that a particularly rare kind of girl would say that?|||Fixed that for ya'|||As far as Avatar is concerned, I'm filled with notions of balance and energy. That's how I prefer to think of it.' |
Subsets and Splits