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'I'm finding the lack of me in these posts very alarming.|||Sex can be boring if it's in the same position often. For example me and my girlfriend are currently in an environment where we have to creatively use cowgirl and missionary. There isn't enough...|||Giving new meaning to 'Game' theory.|||Hello *ENTP Grin* That's all it takes. Than we converse and they do most of the flirting while I acknowledge their presence and return their words with smooth wordplay and more cheeky grins.|||This + Lack of Balance and Hand Eye Coordination.|||Real IQ test I score 127. Internet IQ tests are funny. I score 140s or higher. Now, like the former responses of this thread I will mention that I don't believe in the IQ test. Before you banish...|||You know you're an ENTP when you vanish from a site for a year and a half, return, and find people are still commenting on your posts and liking your ideas/thoughts. You know you're an ENTP when you...|||||||||I over think things sometimes. I go by the old Sherlock Holmes quote. Perhaps, when a man has special knowledge and special powers like my own, it rather encourages him to seek a complex...||| So is I :D|||400,000+ post|||Not really; I've never thought of E/I or J/P as real functions. I judge myself on what I use. I use Ne and Ti as my dominates. Fe for emotions and rarely Si. I also use Ni due to me strength...|||You know though. That was ingenious. After saying it I really want to try it and see what happens with me playing a first person shooter in the back while we drive around. I want to see the look on...|||out of all of them the rock paper one is the best. It makes me lol. You guys are lucky :D I'm really high up on the tumblr system.|||So did you hear about that new first person shooter game? I've been rocking the hell out of the soundtrack on my auto sound equipment that will shake the heavens. We managed to put a couple PS3's in...|||No; The way he connected things was very Ne. Ne dominates are just as aware of their environments as Se dominates. Example: Shawn Spencer or Patrick Jane; Both ENTPs.|||Well charlie I will be the first to admit I do get jealous like you do. I chalk it up to my 4w3 heart mixed with my dominate 7w8. 7s and 8s both like to be noticed. 4's like to be known (not the same...|||;D I'll upload the same clip with the mic away from my mouth. Than you won't hear anything. Ninja Assassin style but with splatter.|||Tik Tok is a really great song. As long as you can mental block out the singer. I love the beat it makes me bounce.||| v1swck0 :D Mic really close to my mouth and smokin aces: assassins ball playing in the background.|||Sociable =/= extrovert; I'm an extrovert and I'm not sociable. :)|||Sherlock in the movie was an ENTP. Normally he's played as a EXTJ. In the books he's an ESTJ. As I said. The movie looked good except for it being called sherlock holmes.||||||Oh, I never had fear of kissing a guy. I will kiss an animal too. So there was nothing to vanish. Just personal taste and me not liking it. The guy I kissed didn't know me. It was one of those...|||Sounds pretty much like my area and what I'm going through right now trying to figure out which way I want to take my life. I want to do so many things. The biggest problem is that I know if I don't...|||;D I was operating under the impression that you were female. I never looked at your boxy. Okay, I help out my gay friends all the time and one of them has developed a little crush on me. I get red...|||T_T You just described me and I'm living the worst nightmare. I'm trapped in one place with one one around. Only dull woods. If I was a serial killer this would be the perfect place but sadly I'm...|||TBH, and biased, sounds like a shadowed INFP. I think maybe he was hurt and turned ESTJ. I can tell because he has some of the typical INFP traits left over.|||*Checks list* I'm sorry. It seems that you have came at a bad time. We've already reached our quota of INFJs. However, being you're female and I like females I will make you a deal. I will kick one...|||I'm ANTP (Leaning toward E). I'm easy for both ENTPs and INTPs to identify with. :)|||I also imagine ENTP's interrogations would go a little bit like Jack's from 24 except more mechanical. Rigging up shock treatment equipment in an abandoned building out of an old car batty, jumper...|||It was a compliment :) Trust me. I'm just as psychopathic :D except I have emoticons. They're just weird ones. Like laughing when I get hurt or at people running themselves over with their lawn mower...||||||No. It's like a theme for where I live and that is why I know it by heart.|||and I usual don't leave until the thing ends. But in the mean time. In between times. You work your thing. I'll work mine :D ;D I'm the MBP; Pleasure to meet you.|||Damn, need to trust my instincts more I would have been closer I was going to say INFP.|||EXFP? Leaning toward S with the way she responded. :D My friends, even my gay and lesbian ones, always come to me for advice.|||I bow to my entp masters ENTPs are so great. If it wasn't for ENTPs I wouldn't have been able to build what I'm building Duck Duck Duck Shotgun|||What? Me? I never do that >.> <.<|||Because its hard to be sad about losing someone you like when you knew you were right and give yourself a big pat on the back because you're awesome and always correct.|||Oh, you don't have to tell me that most of them are stupid. I know this. That is why I play with them and it makes me laugh. :D As I'm going to take Neuropsychology and I have a few psychologist...|||:D I'm a Nightowl. I wake up between 6-7pm and stay awake till 10-11:30am.|||Personal opinion backed by theory would suggest that INTPs are the most socially difficult. While INTJs can be socially indifferent but they will also use social situations if the the need arises....|||Personal stocks that I have on my desktop that I've downloaded from random stock sites and stock photobuckets.|||I'll tell you when I open photoshop. :) Glad you like it static.|||:D Thanks.||| Made for a friend. Several hours of work. I constructed every line by...|||:) Static: I'll have to get to your avatar later if one of my fellow teammates doesn't.|||Psychologist don't keep me around long enough to diagnosis me. I like to toy with them. What I have diagnosis myself with and had a few psychologist friends (+ a few other friends) tell me I have is...'
'You're fired.|||That's another silly misconception. That approaching is logically is going to be the key to unlocking whatever it is you think you are entitled to. Nobody wants to be approached with BS...|||But guys... he REALLY wants to go on a super-duper-long-ass vacation. C'mon guys. His boss just doesn't listen or get it. He even approached him logically and everything.|||Never mind. Just go on permanent vacation.|||Two months? I wouldn't be crazy about the idea. If you are really his best employee, then that's what may be cooking him. Who wants their most reliable asset gone for that long? ENTJ employer...|||Lol. Its not like our views were unsolicited. What a victim.|||Sometimes I just really like impoverished rap music.|||I probably would have lost it too. His stonewalling was insignificant. He was being an idiot over semantics that didn't have any impact on anything. It's one thing to stone wall on critical shit, but...|||I would have just taken the project and gave them something later.|||The court deposition wasn't a skit. That actually happened. It was a verbatim reenactment.|||And her ass.|||I'll flirt a woman for a piece of candy at the grocery store. Of course. I use whatever I have at my disposal to get what I want in the most efficient manner possible. If that means flirting that...||||||Yes. In the comments she gave more info, then was shut down because she went from having a crush on her boss and wanted to know how to impress him, to her boss is married and she wasn't interested. I...|||What's this we thing about?|||Callaendia are you the same INFP girl who was on the ENTJ Facebook forum with this similar question? I just have to ask because the times are so close together, and the scenario is so similar.|||3X|||11/25 I do not modify myself to suit others, however I do like the spotlight.|||I think the easiest and most efficient approach is a tarp, jigsaw, and mulcher. But that's just my personal preference. Not all ENTJs are the same.|||Just don't hump my leg...|||What are you like a chihuahua or some shit?|||I once dumped a girl in college who I was having a 6 month romp with over making me late for class. She said I was petty for it.|||DEAD XD|||MBTIPC perfect. I don't like dealing with middle men either. You can talk directly to me. ;)|||I can sell you the dream...|||LOL DEAD. Ha!|||The point is that when you are making a point of thinking critically but not thinking beyond common sense, you aren't using your brain. A little bit of effort now to have an understanding of the...|||That's just common sense No, that's just a value judgement backed by popular opinion from social stupidity/laziness. That's only doing what works instead of pushing harder and doing what is...|||When it comes to children, they either cry or climb all over me. There is never a gray area.|||I don't drink, but when I drank: Beer: Hardcore ciders and sweet brown ales. Liquor: VODKA chased with cran or water. < my preferred drink Wine: Anything dark, dry and sweet. There are so...|||Well that escalated quickly.||| You deal with them.|||tl;dr fuuuuu|||Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do IA|||@Darth Alpha I would never claim it to be healthy either. Just in my best interest.|||On loyalty: I am loyal to the vision. I am loyal to those who share the vision. I am not into co-dependency in terms of the vision cannot be accomplished without others involved. I stay on course,...|||Your answer was worth more time to entertain than the OP.|||Hey @MsBossyPants are you down for a debate on Ayn Rand vs Marx? Maybe we should talk about our poor Fi? Oh I know- let's try to correlate testing ENTJ with being sociopathic. :laughing:|||Hitler was no exception- this concept has, is and always will be a principle, tenet, and rule. Politics, ideology, religion, eating, shitting usual. And if it's not ,then there is nothing to...|||Hitler thought he was doing great things. Stalin thought he was justified. These guys thought they were uncorrupt. They viewed any heretic to their dogmas as morally bankrupt, and so did many of...|||Meh. There were plenty of evil people who did good things, and plenty of good people who got blood on their hands achieving and attaining higher goals. Bad situations that had good long term effects,...|||You would have to ask the OP. He is asking ambiguous questions. I would go with whatever is more efficient/effective vs what is perceived as good every time in the good vs evil dichotomy. It in my...|||Good vs Bad =/= Good vs Evil One is an objective positive vs negative dichotomy, the other is a subjective interpretation of characteristics. NameUser So to be evil may be a better solution and...|||I think they are for sure idiots, but I also think these people went out of their way to fuck their lives up. Did they expose themselves on the internet? Yes. Does this warrant or validate a reason...|||I really REEEEEEAAALLLY hate rigidly PC thumb sucking nanny bitches. They remind me of five year olds who are trying too hard to gain their parents approval by taddling. These are the same people,...|||I think people need to get some skin. Even if these people are wrong or racist. That's just a waste of time, energy, and resources. These people end up being the focus for being petty and overboard...|||||||||I'm not trying to be condescending when I tell you- all those things you have mentioned people saying and have written off as all I have been met with are legit arguments. They don't need to be...|||The brevity of my posts is because you don't take much to refute. Just because you aren't acknowledging what people are saying doesn't mean they are saying nothing.'
'No, I can't draw on my own nails (haha). Those were done by professionals on my nails. And yes, those are all gel. You mean those you posted were done by yourself on your own nails? Awesome!|||Probably the Electronic Screen Syndrome. With the advent of technology and social media, we all suffer from overstimulation on a daily basis. I'm guilty as well. In the past, I can be happy just...|||I love nail arts too! These are some of mine: 718282 718290 718298 718306 718314|||This is the first time I'm hearing this - about menstruation and church. Thanks for sharing but yeah, it's crazy. I thought only Taoists have such a belief.|||Dear very bad person, Not trying to get in between your arguments but I'm copying down that sentence for future use. :tongue:|||*Speaking from a bomb shelter* So which Christian values do you still hold? I agree that people can still be good in the absence of religion and people also do bad in the name of religion but the...|||I never really thought about my childhood experiences until I was much older when my brothers and I talked about the past and we all agreed that we had suffered physical and verbal abuse. It wasn't...|||My ISFJ friend almost always instantly shuts down and becomes upset whenever someone disagrees with her POV or the way she does things. She can't seem to understand why a certain behaviour, though...|||These two questions seem unrelated. If people know my real thoughts, they may or may not like me better, it depends on whether they like my thoughts to begin with. I have bad thoughts but some...|||BS?I don't BS.|||I think INFJs sometimes need to be kicked out of our comfort zones, for the sake of our emotional wellbeing. -- I can relate to this and it actually helps when friends pull me out of my rut. I...|||Haha... sorry if I offended anyone. I don't mean for this to be a dirty jokes thread. I've amended the original. That was a funny one you shared, btw. I recalled a similar situation which...|||LOL, can I pay that in instalments?|||Yes, and this is a double edged sword. I think mental health awareness and education are important, and what's more important is people need to know where to get help. On the flip side, I'm also...|||Haha, hopefully? :proud:|||I'm not calling out recent posts specifically, just the general overall. Some posts may have been made several years ago but their remarks still stand.|||I'm creating this as a stress-reliever as I think all of us can use a good laugh once in awhile... :tongue: Perhaps I'll start off with this funny conversation between two friends who were...|||I have a thinking... that many INFJs think they suffer from trauma but a lot times it's actually just us torturing ourselves in our minds because we're so good at that. I talk it out with...|||So many stereotypical statements here. The way you guys describe the girly girls are like a princess. Pls label them as princess instead.|||Mental health is such a in-thing nowadays a lot of people are slapping labels on themselves to look cool. I'm not saying all of you are doing that... I'm just saying don't do that.|||Researchers are always coming up with new studies and BBC is hardly a reliable source. Even if you identify with a few symptoms on the checklist, it doesn't necessarily make you a psychopath. It's...|||I think this sucks and you have my sympathy. Personally, I hate it when a guy dumps me for another gal and then tells me he wishes me happiness when he's the exact source of my unhappiness. Don't buy...|||EveJ, I agree with the INTJ who says other people's expectations are other people's problems. I'm quite sick of meeting people's expectations simply because they feel entitled. The truth is, when the...|||Ashton Vern This may help you further -|||Only once. I confessed to him. He loves me back. We were together for 7yrs, then we broke up. :crying: Unbreak my heart, pls.|||fabi, OMG, I finally found someone who also love these morbid subjects! :blushed: I don't know if this is caused by Ni-Ti and if other INFJs also generally love such topics because my INFJ friend...|||Green, orange, white, yellow or red?|||I must say that this is by far the first religious thread I've read that didn't erupt into a war (lol) :joyous: so I feel safe posting here. I grew up as an atheist and later became a believer of God...|||Above ground or underground?|||What I mean by realistic is when we use Ti to analyse a situation. When I get into high Ti mode, I can really zoom in on the facts and question everything that's happening - happening in real life,...|||xtctr Have you done a MBTI test or you just think you're an INFJ because you feel lonely? Because you said you didn't feel this way up until this year... So why is it that you suddenly feel...|||For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11|||I don't think trauma makes an INFJ or all INFJs must have experienced trauma. This is like saying other types don't experience traumas and it sounds rather snobbish. When we experience trauma, we...|||You're right that INFJs can be very idealistic, but those with a strong Ti can also be very realistic as well, especially if we go into Ti overdrive. After reading this, I still don't think...|||Hi Ashton Vern I doubt your friends are INFJs. See my point-by-point below... -------------------------------------- Characteristics of Friend A: - very friendly and caring. She cares for her...|||Transition. Anxiety. Prayers.||||||IDontKnowMe When did you have your first relationship (<20, 20-25, 26-30, >30)? <20 What do you look for in a partner?I like guys with boyish good looks, :wink: with a good heart and good...|||I want people to understand me but I won't bother telling them my type because most of the people around me don't seem too bothered with MBTI. :dry:|||Comfortably 2 hrs, maximum 3 hrs and then the full army of Ni barges in and I'm not paying attention anymore. Depends on how interesting the conversation is... shut down can happen earlier.|||Gotterdammerung My brother had night terrors when he was young. He would wake up EVERY NIGHT at the EXACT SAME TIME and cried about someone trying to catch him. It was traumatising just watching...|||There was a period I had dreams of ghosts and when I woke up in paralysis mode I saw them in my room/outside my window. Another time I dream of a ghost in my room and then my spirit self saw myself...|||Yes, I also read that everyone dreams. At one time I did quite a bit of research on dreams because I was dreaming so much and some were rather supernatural. Lucid dreaming is interesting but...|||More or less... but what I don't fit is some people think INFJs will never go to a club or anywhere noisy. This is untrue of me. I love music festivals, concerts, dancing to my favourite songs in a...|||How do you lucid dream on purpose?|||I like all the badass quotes: 712170 712178 712186 712194|||It is said that the INFJ minds don't switch off. I believe mine doesn't switch off even when I sleep which is why I'm such a prolific dreamer. My dreams are also often vivid, prophetic or sometimes...|||Emotional connection to me is to be able to relate our feelings (sadness, anger, joy, love) with one another. Sometimes I can feel an instant emotional connection with a friend over a particular...|||Not very good at doing romantic things... perhaps the most romantic thing I've done is folding a bottle of wishing stars for my boyfriend?|||Are you collecting MBTI types? LOL Perhaps you can learn to spot them: 1. The one sitting in a crowded room quietly but observing everyone like a hawk (or creep). :ninja: 2. The one who looks...'
I'm not sure, that's a good question. The distinction between the two is so dependant on perception. To quote Robb Flynn, ''The hate you feel is nothing more, than love you feel to win this war.''|||Good question! It's tough to say for sure but I loved Winona Ryder as Lydia in Beetlejuice...|||||||||I've been lonely for much of my time. For a while now I've been working on changing ''how to think'', and one way is trying to find the positive in everything, no matter how bleak it might seem. I...|||I hope I can look back at this current stretch of time and think, ''Thank God I'm not there anymore and things are so much better''. What an ass-kickin' I'm taking.|||Help or a voice of reason, other than my own distorted, in my life. I'm completely frusterated and feel like I'm on the brink. I'm carrying the weight of everything negative I've ever had in my life...|||Think I posted this before but I'm still feelin' it....|||Fleeting thoughts of acknowledging and getting lost in the depth love that we share for one another. It could be the most mundane thing but every now and the simplest act will make me appreciate the...||||||I've been told that I'm OCD and I'm aware of it. For me it's more than just obsessive cleaning and things of that nature. I've come to understand how it affects things such as obsessing on a thought...||||||I'm working on a song I've been trying to learn for just about a year. Was hoping to finish it before the New Year but still have a ways to go.|||Sons of Anarchy is the first TV series I've followed since The X-Files WAY back in the day.||||||Fleeting|||I'm not a big book person but every now and then I go through stages and force myself to read more than I normally do. One book that always stands out in terms of interest while reading was ''Venus...||||||Frustration got the best of me today, and has been a lot lately. Having a couple Heinekens right now and feel a bit better. :) This is a difficult time, and is going to be for a bit, gotta maintain.|||Find balance, get more in harmony with life and position myself to capitalize on any opportunity that presents itself. Within that lies the path to a more fulfilled life, at least I'm hoping. ;)||||||I'm not a touchy-feely person and don't care for folks I don't know feeling up on me. My response depends greatly on the person doing it. Some people are just naturally affectionate and it's their...|||||| ...Very frusterated, wrestling with thought, and not winning.|||Escape From Alcatraz|||||||||I'm grateful to still have a little time to make good of all the things I've learned the hard way through countless mistakes and wrong turns.||||||A great song to start the day...|||Joints hurt a little, other than that I feel the same old usual indifference. :P|||An early 90's style Ford Mustang GT with the more square body. In all reality, one can be found for a few thousand dollars which makes this dream car very attainable. :)||||||It was kind of intended to have a dark, terrible to feel about it. Depression has many depths, and those levels vary from person to person. I've dealt with serious depression my whole life and it...|||||||||Comfort food - Pizza and chicken wings, cheesecake or pumpkin pie Comfort drink - Redbull, Guinness or Red Wine|||Still grinding out this song on guitar, it's coming along but slowly and most certainly not easily.|||Some vague advice I can give is this, it can always be worse and in most cases it probably will be someday. So it works to look at any current situation like this, it helps to appreciate what you...|||Content, not happy but more content than I've been in a while, a LONG f'n while. I'll take it.|||For breakfast I had a piece of grilled chicken and a Guinness.|||-Seven -The Decent -Rocky -Heat -Silence of the Lambs||||||Robb Flynn of Machine Head, Michael Amott of Arch Enemy, Jerry Cantrell of AIC. Edit: Forgot to include Zakk Wylde, a musical genius.|||Pucca...That shirt could be a lot of fun indeed. :)|||....Watching a video of Megadeth live on the Big Four Tour.||||||JungleDisco...Takin' it back with Silk. Great Stuff.|||Rockin' some Down right now.....|||....I currently desire for July 20th to roll around so I can finally see Machine Head live at this years Mayhem Festival. F**k yeah.
'|||I'm in this position where I have to actually let go of the person, due to a various reasons. Unfortunately I'm having trouble mustering enough strength to actually pull through it. Sometimes,...|||WHAT A YEAR, MAN. WHAT A YEAR. I am just utterly bewildered with my 20s at this point.|||my laundry. as long as i've got clothes left to wear i'm fine. and then the time comes that i DO run out, and i'm left to contend with The Mountain that is my laundry pile. Sent from my Apollo...||||||going back to the office in a few hours. back to being dumbstruck and confused by your presence, back to being on the edge 90% of the time, back to feeling duplicitous, and hopelessly despicable,...|||i followed Scott Disick on instagram and so far i'm not regretting it lol. douchebags amuse me to no end. Sent from my Apollo using Tapatalk|||you are SO quiet! you have beautiful hair. you're too damn logical, i like it. you make me feel like a lesbian at times|||i miss the beach so badly, that vacation was definitely not enough. i don't want to work yet i need a longer breather i wanna go baaaaaaaaccckkkk|||i've waited so agonizingly long for this moment and now that the chance is here my indecision and procrastination has decided to present their Amazing Super Powers in the worst way possible. i...|||do i text her or not do i text her or not do i text her or not do i text her or not do i text her or not do or do not. there is no think|||Natalie Dormer literally looks like a cat sometimes.|||i find scars fascinating to be honest. our bodies' own version of short stories. i have a nice collection myself, mostly from bike accidents when i was a kid.|||that would make quite an awesome scar though. i hope it doesnt hurt too much.|||galumphing on the net, drowning myself in music, relationship issues, overthinking in general + i feel fine/nothing||| apart from the hardcore yeehaw country songs, i absolutely love True Detective's soundtracks.|||i feel like i want to just eff it all up and break up with my SO just because i'm too distracted with this other person right now. i cannot stomach my own burgeoning dishonesty.|||lol. my SO always seems unnerved by that look. he's commented before that i look like i'm planning a murder in my head or envisioning the edges of the matrix, when i was really only calculating the...|||most social media words like trending, viral and selfie whenever i hear those words i suddenly transform into this barmy-old luddite codger and bemoan how excruciatingly vacuous and fleeting...|||i cannot remember the last time i was this attracted to anyone and it absolutely terrifies me; how i lose concentration, how everything is heightened by the sense of your presence, how every possible...||||||or sometimes, just dispense with the apologetic message altogether. i find that goodbye to be more effective, though i have no idea how many lives i've managed to ruin in that process :mellow: ...||||||i can be so damn full of sh!t sometimes.|||this. oh my god. it just can't be helped. whenever i'm sitting in a relaxed position tapping a beat just happens automatically, and my patterns tend to reflect whatever mood the immediate surrounding...|||sometimes patience really is a curse.|||i've learned to control my disdain for such types, since my job involves me explaining things all day round to people with absolute-zero comprehension, requiring inhuman levels of patience. what...|||sometimes it just makes so much sense, it scares me.|||ohhh i'm with Emma on this one. she pushed the song so hard i actually ended up youtubing the entire thing, only to realize i like her lipsync version better :kitteh:|||life would be so damn easier if we all harbored ESTPs in our heads and would let them out whenever there's a social situation. i cannot count the number of times i froze out of a conversation i...|||i wish the whole MBTI system had some sort of vitamin-juice merchandise going on, like an inversed polyjuice potion wherein it'll be your attitude to change, not your facial countenance. god...|||ikr! i hope they play with it more, i wouldn't even be against it if they turned it into a full fledged movie. although if ever they do, i hope they don't blow it all out of proportion.|||stepping on dry leaves and hearing the crunch cup of coffee while browsing the internet the latest episode of your favourite tv show finally uploaded in torrent the fresh feeling after taking a...|||oh god this show was so, so good. one of the best sci-fi shows to date. i love how the writers seem to backstab technology by emphasizing the repercussions of having said advancement. and i'm still...||||||Orphan Black, people. Orphan Black. season 2 just started last night, and there are only 10 episodes from season1 to catch up on. i binged it last summer and it ruined my life. the lead actress...|||considering going back to tumblr just to be up to date with all the Orphan Black posts. how can i be so obsessed with a damn tv show???|||default feeling: i feel fine/nothing. althought if you can equate contentment to being happy, then yes, i am happy sometimes. but it never really lasts. lol INTPs are such a cheerful bunch|||you need to be very patient with INTPs, so just stay put. most likely she's still rationalizing her feelings for you, which is normal INTP thought-(feeling)-process, hence the confusing interactions....|||i prefer anything mystery or with a sci-fi undertone, dark films with plenty of things to mull about. i will watch anything by Nolan, Haneke, Almodovar or Fincher. as a rule i avoid action films and...||| right now she's got to be one of the most judged artists in the pop scene, what with her gloomy look and fashion association and drug problems. i just...|||my 6 year old niece always says the most absurd things like she's some hipster on an acid trip: i want flying bread it tastes like atmosphere *random japanese-sounding words to assimilate an...|||^ the series does require patience, but i suggest you try stick to it as much as you can because the pay-off is immense. or, watch the show to help you understand the plot better. the books can be...|||at this point if walking away from a person is the basis of excellent social interaction, then i'd be a damn socialite.|||from my point of view, for us INTPs love is like a faucet, it won't shut off until you actually turn off the tap. so no matter the circumstance, if he loves you still, then taking your time with...|||i had the same exact moment like this last year, when the faking it part just became a bit too much to stomach. right now i'm in a well-paying job, have my own place, live independently and...|||when someone takes way too long to explain their damn point.|||what house are you? Targaryen who's your favorite character? the Lannister men (Tywin, Tyrion and Jaime), Daenerys Stormborn, Arya Stark best storyline? Dany of course. who can beat rearing...|||i suck at math but i'm great at English. words make more sense to me than numbers, unfortunately. thank god my brain compensated.|||definitely Walter White, your most relatable tv psychopath. i'm in awe and at the same time horried of his whole progression from boring old chemistry teacher to master manipulator devil incarnate. i...'
'Joe santagato - ENTP|||ENFJ or ENTP? I'm not too sure of his type yet|||You know you're not INFJ if heavy Fi doesn't make you want to violently bang your head against a wall lol You know you're not INFJ if you don't naturally and helplessly just feel compassion for...|||Yeah, according to the book she's a IxTP. I could relate to the movie character a lot. Coming into a world where Se is so prominent and becoming incredibly self conscious, feeling like the weakest...|||Tris - INFJ (most of shailene woodleys characters are INFx) Four - ISTP Macklemore lookalike - ESTJ Christina - ESxP Kate winslets character - ENTJ I've never read the books. But these are the...|||Her music is very INFx After watching one interview, I'm gonna assume...ISTP|||I can see those Fi eyes|||Cressida comes across as an ENFP 3w4 or 4w3. Hence the bohemian clothing, being seen at multiple music festival and her love of scrunchies lol Harry's ex chelsy davy was an ESFP 7w6 Maybe it's...|||I guess I just have a hard time taking in the fact that she's a 21 year old with the mind of 15 year old and the living/school/work conditions of a 18 year old. It ok, call me a bitch. I know I'm...|||Wanted traits - non judgemental/understanding - smart - modest - independent - logical Turn off traits - insecurity - immature jealousy|||She's 21. Let's just say she's not as emotionally or mentally mature as some would expect 20-something year olds. But I have faith in her, she'll get there some day.|||As an Fe user, I understand Fi and sympathize with it but I don't necessarily agree with it. I find it annoying when people put their emotions first or are insensitive towards other peoples emotions...|||I never saw it as daddy issues. I always saw it as her being too nice but with a hidden agenda.|||That part never bothered me until other people brought it up. It was kinda like, yeah, you're right. It was the fact that she made me listen to all her hardships but I could never get in a word...|||That part never bothered me until|||Emotionally slutty INFP friend (that's needs a good punch in the face IMHO lol) She's not an actual slut, she just has the tendency to throw her feelings at every male who decides to give her the...|||She's not an actual slut, she just has the tendency to throw her feelings at every male who decides to give her the time of day. And as a cold hearted INFJ, it just irritates the fuck out of me lol ...|||wow doesn't sound like a very healthy INFJ.|||Isn't angelina an introvert too? Maybe it's because jennifer was an SJ lol|||I haven't thought about it much but I'd say ENTP|||I never understood why she got so much hate. It annoys me when people use her dads richness against her, it's fucking stupid and immature. I do think she puts on an act but what artist trying to...|||I think derek is ISTP. I've just started watching teen wolf but is derek supposed to be such an asshole? The way he treats basically everyone on the show is pretty shitty...|||Dear istp Thanks for being the only person in the world who indulges in the same activity as me: doing dumb shit Sincerely infj|||Its the other way around. ISTP is supposedly ISTj in socionics. So your dual is the ENFj. The last letter only changes only for introverts|||IxFP 4w3|||Because they want others to see them as they seem themselves. My INFP friend sees herself as unique, special, different, she kinda enforces those ideals on others and a lot of people...|||I like them. Only type that doesn't feel the need to comment on my INFJ stare like I'm some sort of zoo animal. I feel at ease in their presence, which is a huge plus. They don't demand too much...|||Carmelo Anthony seems pretty introverted to me and Russell Westbrook is not an ISTP.|||Dear ISTP You amaze me by being one of the few people who don't buy into my xNFP's fake dramatics and desperate need for attention. Since the rest of the human population seem to fall at her feet....|||That's usually what Fe dom teachers do. I had an ESFJ politics teacher who was just like that. Example: the whole class took a test. She decides to do the whole peer test correct thing...we expect...|||No. He's a male.|||Dear ISTPs Thanks for being the only type (so far) that isn't intimidated, offended, or curious about my INFJ stare. I mean you got a pretty intense stare yourself but thanks for not being a pest...|||ISTPs develop a secret crush on me and when I find out I'm just like, what? Meeee??!!!! Noooo!!!! But he never speaks to me. Lol they're so good at hiding it. I'm use to dudes who are like:...|||Katherine - INFJ Vincent - ISTP Heather - ENFx Nina - ExTJ TJ - ???|||Dear ISTP, Good god do I have the hots of hots for you...if you only knew the clusterfuck of a situation I've been in. Your friend told me that you had...expressed your attraction to me BUT it...|||Some sort of ISxx?|||Lol that reminds me of time when an ENFP boy wanted to talk to me on the phone at 11 o'clock pm. I was like, WTF? I am not gonna have a phone convo this late in the night especially when I hate...|||Lol I was gonna post that then I read yours. I don't care too much what her type is, because she's gonna that type look bad anyways. This yolo persona that she's got going is stupid, especially her...|||An ISTP is like Blake Griffin. Rose started crying when he was talking about his childhood in the ghetto. An ISTP would avoid talking about such things much less using it as a selling point in their...|||I always thought some sort of ISFx.|||Dear ESFP The slightest mistake according to an ESFP could be a big deal or the last straw to an INFJ. Being an INFJ, because we're nice people, others think they can take advantage of us,...|||I always thought diana was INFJ maybe she's INFP. I saw more Fe than Fi. William is probably a phobic 6w5 ISFJ, kate is 2w1 ISFJ and harry is of course ESTP|||Omg this show is horrid and unbearable. They make sports journalism look like a joke. The whole network in general makes me question their quality of work. I was once watching Sportcenter and they...|||ENTJ? No wonder she's got that basketball player by the balls haha|||I know an INFP. Here's what irks me about her: 1. Loves it when people feel sorry for her. Woe is me is her life motto. Today she whined to me about being sick every 5 minutes. When I was as sick...|||I thought she was an English major?|||1. I don't lol I hate that about me. Because I don't trust people it makes me all nervous and I get all frantic an shit. I think it was a series of events, people not showing up when they said they...|||There's a theory that INFJs make ESTPs nicer and more tolerable lol If I had to choose between an INFJ and an ESTP, I'd pick the ESTP. For some reason I like being with people that are different...|||To the poster above me: if you're gonna ask a question like that then I have no idea why you're in this part of personality cafe.guess the type is all about asking about Hollywood personalities and...|||Infp?'
'Basically this...|||Can I has Cheezburgr?|||I am very fond of my top hat too. I certainly did not expect to see a thread about top hats on here haha.|||Streets of Rage 2 for Sega.|||I think incorrectly.|||Senior year of High School I found out my dad is a rapist, I had to do college applications, my sister is insane, I started doing awful in school because of high anxiety and depression because my...|||I believe that Richard is probably ruling a country somewhere and developing a cure for all diseases in existence.|||Ugh, so much procrastination. I started a paper that I had multiple months to do the day that it was due at 3 a.m. and finished it at 6 a.m. even though it had to be 8 pages and be a synthesis of 5...||||||Bucket list 1.) Become immortal.|||Both ENTP and INTP could be considered the Jack of all trades in my opinion. *Cricket sounds*|||Your argument is something that a nazi might say and is therefore wrong (Reductio ad Hitlerum). My other one was an appeal to tradition or if that doesn't work for you there are other fallacies...|||I've read a book with a similar idea except done in a much better way.|||That is adorable.|||INTPs are terrible people.|||I just enjoy ENTPs in general.|||Ideas.|||Another INTP in existential crisis mode...|||I think I heard about this happening once. If I remember the story correctly it generated a new life form, ended the cold war and was about the same as most human to human interactions.|||My room mate is often very annoyed with my sleep schedule and I'm often woken from a nap when he walks into the room.|||Hey guys! Great thread!|||If I post on this thread once that means I'm going to have to post again and then I'll eventually never be able to stop posting.|||If I keep making threads I am eventually due for a good one.|||I'm not sure about social protocol in the area where you live but I've personally never been bothered even in the slightest about asking to go over to other people's houses and I think it's...|||You could try suggesting bonding activities such as playing a board game together. I personally enjoy chess, but there are many two player games or even video games work. Playing games together may...|||Though I wouldn't be able to give you any advice I would say that compatibility with another person is not entirely determined by the personalities of the two people, there are more factors such as...|||In this thread we argue with people only using logical fallacies. Ex: Me: This thread is going to be awesome because I'm awesome. You: No it won't because everyone else is saying that it...|||I enjoy how pretty much every single INTP thread starts off with someone making a joke.|||Procrastination will be perpetrated by the INTP up until the last minute unless the INTP is stimulated by an outside force or the activity being done is being used to procrastinate another project.|||I barely remember to put pants on before leaving my house. That's completely irrelevant to your question just something I felt like sharing. I probably remember my dreams 6-9 times a month. Though I...|||230346|||I enjoy the rainy cloudy weather much more than the cold certainly haha.|||I have nearly walked out the door of my house without putting on pants on multiple occasions.|||I'm going to say yes because those eyebrow movements are fantastic.|||I enjoy that all of the ideal date activities for INTP are games that make us think. Actually I would say that all of the parts on the left hand side were fairly accurate to me. I'm not familiar with...|||Intrinsic value is important but I really don't take any gratification from either outer or inner influences and it's rather depressing.|||I rarely experience them.||||||No really, I got the project done early and didn't procrastinate.|||I was in kindergarten and vomited on the playground. I then decided since I was sick I should go home, so I walked out of the school yard and walked home. I didn't realize that I was supposed to...|||I spend my free time coming up with ideas to take over the world.|||Actually what's going on is that there is a conspiracy that was started by the INTPs to make other people believe that INTPs are actually conspiracy nuts. The truth behind it is that it's actually...|||I have a couple because PerC people are generally pretty awesome in my opinion.|||I believe emotions are a choice that is made by ourselves. We do not feel anything emotionally when a complete stranger, that we have no connection to, dies and if we were to apply the same...|||I'm tired of life, it doesn't seem worth the effort to me. We're all just going to die anyways.|||I didn't like the Great Gatsby.|||Spend all of your allotted time to accomplish something procrastinating and then ask for more time. This works best if you have already asked for more time at least once before.|||What sucks is getting stuck on what the meaning of life is and being unable to come up with an answer and thus entering into a never ending existential crises. Nothing gets you motivated for the day...|||What's the point in asking? It doesn't matter anyways, nothing really matters we're all just going to die.|||Hi I'm human, but mostly human. Nice to meet you.'
'some of these both excite and calm me: BUTTS bodies brains community gardens camping camping with dogs hiking with dogs chillin with animals|||I would hope that no one engages the INTP's baiting and Christianity 101 b.s. ...... That will go nowhere.|||I hope I am not being misunderstood. Cause and effect is what gives way to life, and then the individual can apply whatever cosmic ontology (religion, mythology, philosophy) and their own...|||Thanks for helping me with my.... Coherence . Cough.|||Oh. For some reason I had it in my mind that Cosmology meant any origin-story and not just the scientific. What I meant was: Cause and effect results in life. Then someone can apply whatever...|||seriously?|||I should show this to all potential friends and suitors. :p And why did I almost cry twice during this? lol. feelings~|||Cause and effect is one simple answer. You can apply the cosmic ontology of your choice.|||A bit of inspiration and truth about spiritual health... How much can you grow in one lifetime?|||My senses are all pretty keen... Over the years I've come across those that 'stand out of the crowd' to me, and I know that pursuing them would be deeply meaningful. They're all different versions of...|||It involved a person that has been a longtime idealized sexual object, as he is someone untouchable that I've had a huge crush on since high school... I got a lot of the physical and metaphysical...|||Interesting. I like this approach and will share it with my NT friends. Do you have resources where I can read more about this? IMO I'm with you up until the point that you assert that the True...|||StElmosDream Always accepted. I just had the beeeest non-sex dream I could have had. Maybe that was a gift of your intention! Kerik_S Happyyy for you! I need to find me one of those.|||tired of talkkkkkinggggg. too many peopppppleeeeeeeeee. just want to cuddleeeeeeeee with someone who isn't gross|||There is a huge problem with white supremacy being the dominant culture in the United States (and arguably abroad). It creates racism, unjust economic and political systems, destroys the environment...|||I don't really ignore or forget anyone. Sometimes my long-distance friends and I go aaages without contacting each other because we're busy living life. Then we send a massive e-mail of updates every...|||Life affirming! Thank you so much for this.|||Yes! I do yoga and that is meditative on its own. It does often lead to a deeper meditative practice! I am a big fan of hindu philosophy and vedantic meditation, but Buddhist philosophy has also been...|||On paper it does seem heartless, but I think I know what you mean. My grandparents lived with me from the time I was a baby until I was about 9 years old. When they moved to another country, I missed...|||Actually I do have a mask where I am more put together on the outside than I am on the inside. No biggie. The ideal version of me that I sometimes put forward is still me... I use it to avoid...|||Koheleth 54-46 ThatsMyNumber (hello reggae fan) Sources of personal growth are hard to let go. I learned a lot from my ISTP in some very challenging ways. I am forever changed! Love that sucker...|||INFJs are pretty skilled at being unseen or instantly forgotten (<--- there's a ninja or samurai term for this-- what is it?!). But why would I ever want to hide?! Unless I am under threat of...|||Yes to all of this!*** I would still encourage OP to give it a try for the experience and maybe come out of it with some friends and/or good stories ;p|||The same constant passive experience and 'limbic indexing' happens to me, too. I often forget I'm doing it. It gets tiring, and I'm trying to learn how to turn it off without completely detaching. I...|||I'd say give it a go! I was on OKCupid several years ago. This was back when I was having a hard time meeting people. With OKCupid, the way you craft your profile will really matter in terms of the...|||Interesting! I may look it up. And I agree. Things just are. Also: Past is prologue. Hope those that are struggling find ideas that resonate and lift them up.|||I won't derail the thread with Zen talk, but I'd never heard of the cinema effect before. Sounds similar to the reason why AUM is considered a four-syllable word. The fourth syllable: the unstruck...|||:hampster: I recently split up with my partner of almost 5 years. It was an opposite's attract scenario (probable ISTP). Five years is a long time. Silly me, I thought we could work through...|||Yes, I love it, too! The overthinker in me is always wary that the ENFP won't know how to moderate or be more selective in what comes out of their mouths, based on their extrovertedness. It's just...|||Disconnectedness isn't strictly type-related, but in the INFJ context I do feel like there's a desire to always have an escape route, too. We may check out of a situation in order to process all the...|||But, yeah, I think it's an INFJ thing... In my experience I have relied on others to extend themselves to me. I got tired of the wrong people extending themselves in the wrong ways. So I've learned...|||Regarding feeling disconnected from the world: Yes, sometimes my mind reinforces the seeming solidity of a 'world I have no place in' with people I 'have no connection to.' It can be quite daunting...|||||||||I think all 'life,' meaning everything that is manifest, is meant to give shape to the unmanifest-- that quality of awareness that everything is soaked in. The material world turns universal, cosmic...|||Lately, yes. When I sleep outdoors (camping) my clock gets reset so that I am a productive morning person :) I should probably start setting an alarm so I can get up earlier and do what I need to do....|||Have you guys seen this? You can now be buried in a biodegradable urn with the tree seed of your choice! (Why wouldn't you simply arrange to do this yourself though?) ----> urnabios dot com (...|||Never used to think about death as a child. Didn't grow up with any pets (besides fish and lizards). Didn't lose anyone close to me until I was in high school. That was a surreal experience. We all...|||Did not realize all INFJs were so adorable and attractive!!!! :)|||I feel a pretty big kinship with first responders (police, firemen, paramedics)! I sometimes work in end-of-life care, and it is indeed really comforting to cross paths with others who confront death...|||Part of my work in healthcare involves end-of-life care, so yeah. I guess so. The #1 reaction I get when people learn what I do is, Oh, that's hard. And yes, it can be. But for a long time I was...|||I've only known a couple confirmed ENFPs, but they've always been observant, inclusive, sensitive and sweet. My INFJ senses make me feel like I may (frequently? being pessimistic) get exhausted by...|||Roughly 30% of my friends that know their types are INFP compared to an estimated 4% of the general population. A decent number of NTs.|||Good stuff, Stephanie... I have had a problem with laziness since middle school (probably as a consequence of traditional academic culture and societal pressures unaligned with my personality). If...|||Oh, I didn't interpret this as a sweeping generalization of the Fe attribute... I interpreted this to be a response to a specific situation. But yeah the sentence Fe gives emptily does not...|||True that, Cagnazzo. I genuinely like the people I work with and I'm frustrated that it isn't easy for me to just frikkin smile sometimes.|||Oh GOD, this. This makes me feel less alone and I'm glad I signed up for an account.... I think Zosio pegged it. In the past I've internalized that response to my personality. But I'm working on...|||Some of these responses were really great. I just vented about this very thing in the Venting Post! I think INFJs are quite comfortable being single inasmuch as it is a 'safe' place to be, and we...|||First post! I need to vent. I've been attracting way too many INTJ and INTP types and they offer me no outlet for spiritual or abstract discussion or the kind of energetic exchange/release I'm...'
'I think we do agree. I personally don't consider myself Alpha, Beta, or Foxtrot (lol at my own joke). People are people. We both agree that having emotions isn't the same as being weak, whiny,...|||Literature... I'd suggest 'Everyday Zen' by Charlotte Joko Beck. It's a solid introduction into mindfulness meditation, what it means to sit, etc. Ch'an Buddhism isn't exactly the same as Zen but...|||Being emotional doesn't automatically make someone not Alpha; every single human being, regardless of his or her type is emotional. We all feel things intensely. But emotions need to be kept in...|||I'm a Ch'an Buddhist, so it's a daily thing for me. Actually, it's an all-the-time thing for me. It has brought more clarity to my life, lowered my stress levels, and eliminated the fits that I'd...|||Glad to know I'm not the only one. I meditate, so I know what the thoughts/feelings are behind all this. I feel like, of all the women I've interacted with (and it's quite a few), she was the best...|||I've resolved this issue, but I appreciate everyone's input. I started taking Yoga classes and I lowered my standards a bit so that what I once called acquaintances are now friends. I still don't...|||I keep trying online dating on and off. I usually disable my account or delete it out of frustration because everyone I talk to just aren't what I'm looking for. I tried it again a little more...|||Agree on all fronts. I don't understand how people can watch a baseball game, much less devote an entire conversation to it. Same goes for football, hockey, boxing (though I have to admit I love...|||Well, I tend to be kind of... over-confident, so negative feedback wouldn't devastate me; it would just give me a better idea of whether I'm too sure of myself or not.|||Financially, I'm in the 250k/yr+ group. Like you, I lead meetings (with clients mostly) and I'm very self-driven because, well, when you're self-employed, you have to be if you're going to be. You...|||When I'm upset, I usually can't help but show it. If it's someone I don't know well or someone who is particularly sensitive and who I don't want to hurt, I'll just be distant and quiet. Maybe say I...|||Just re-read your post. He's definitely interested if he wants to meet you after work for drinks. I'm definitely an Alpha (according to your description of alpha) and I'll tell you that I wouldn't...|||nevermind ;)|||I appreciated that you took the time to offer your opinion. It's just frustrating when people perceive me in a way that is totally opposite the truth. I'm open to friendship with everyone I encounter...|||I find commonalities in a lot of different types of people. I'm social and friendly with pretty much everyone I encounter (unless they're a total ass to me). But, something has to attract me to...|||I knew a guy that was homeless. He was one of the classiest people I knew. You guys are totally, completely misunderstanding where I'm coming from. It has nothing to do with money or superficial...|||Communicate with her, try to understand her, and, if nothing you do resolves the problem, leave. Don't totally cut her out of your life but don't let her have any power of yours. Parents can be just...|||I don't think I'm better; I think I'm different.|||I haven't had a friend since elementary school. In high school, I had acquaintances - likeminded people I got along with well enough but never did anything with after school. Same thing at previous...|||This morning, my mother was still criticizing me. But, when I came back from my 3 mile run half an hour later, I think I entered the twilight zone. She's back to her old happy and uncritical self. We...|||I've changed a lot in the last year. I went from preparing for the Priesthood to being an atheist, from loving hamburgers to being a vegetarian, from being pretty sedentary to being in the best shape...|||Dude, you are awesome! That girl is really lucky to have your attention because most guys (myself included) aren't as wise as you've been toward the whole situation. I'm a little ashamed to say it...|||Thanks for your input Pinion, OldManRivers. Yea, this definitely needs work. I think I'll take some creative writing classes at the college in town. This isn't terribly representative of how I'm...|||Hey CaptainMcMuffin, keep us posted about what you decide and how things turn out. And thanks for saying my post made you feel better. Knowing I helped someone makes me feel awesome.|||I'm the same way. There are times when I'm super social and times when I'm reclusive, and what I want out of any relationship (business, romantic, parent, sibling, etc.) changes depending on which...|||Haha! In any other context, that sounds horrible. Thanks thismustbetheplace.|||Thanks! Hell yea. I'd love a run-through if/whenever you feel up to it. This first chapter was written quite a while ago before I started writing (business copy) for a living, so grammar isn't a...|||The first part applies more in this case. I responded with the truth. I love myself and think I'm great and would be surprised if any *compatible* woman felt an attraction to me. Let me try to put...|||To be honest, I'm just looking for a way to rationalize running like hell from this whole thing. I'm not intimidated by her. It's just that seems so wonderful already and we haven't even started...|||It does absolutely make sense that you start to de-value something that you think you might not be able to get. It's what some kids do when they can't get something they want (and what I do when...|||I could've written that post. Seriously. Yea, I think you need to give it at least a bit more time. If she's smart and emotionally mature, she just wants to be sure she can trust you before she lets...|||Let's say you meet a great gal at a business meeting at a company you do work for. Let's say you give her your card and tell her you'd like to talk to her in a not-so-professional context. Let's say...|||I agree you shouldn't overthink things when you meet someone new and things just start moving in that direction but I don't necessarily think experiencing a relationship with someone who isn't who...|||Sounds like it really isn't all that serious for her. She's definitely *not* head over heels for you. We men have a tendency to think that a woman is hiding her feelings when, in reality, she may...|||I think distracting yourself from your thoughts and emotions is the best way to lift your spirits. For me, it has to be something productive. When I was depressed, I couldn't read novels and I...|||Now I know what to do if a woman kisses the palm of my hand! Haha. See, before this post, I would've thought she wanted a piece of liver. That's what my dog wants when he licks my hand. This new...|||Damn, you sound just like me. I can't seem to withhold a compliment from a woman I notice anything positive about. If she's got nice hair, I have to tell her. If she's got big, beautiful eyes, I'll...|||You guys are awesome! Acey, that's a good suggestion. My first novella, 'Missions of Peter Clark' was a Young Adult historical fiction piece. It was published in 2005 and it was in first person. I...|||FYI, I really don't like the restaurant scene but it's kind of important because George becomes a major player later in the book. That scene establishes George's character as wealthy, influential,...|||Fantastic input and advice, Alyosha! I can see the grandiosity you're talking about (George being super rich and the food being the best Fred had ever eaten) and I can also see the awkward pieces of...|||FYI, making oodles of money is over-rated. Seriously. It's only great when you're making all that money doing something you love to do - which you'd love doing even if you weren't getting paid to do...|||Come on... you're an INFP, so you've got to have some sort of artistic passion. If you love to write, do it for a living. If you love to play music, become a professional musician. If you love to...|||I know. I often spend half an hour in front of the mirror in the morning captivated by my reflection. I'm just so damn sexy! Hey, you didn't have to say that confidence had to be rooted in reality;...|||Haha, I guess Fred isn't a terribly common name in our generation. If you could suggest a name, I'd appreciate it. :)|||Could you read this (somewhat long) first chapter of a Sci-Fi novel I'm working on? I'm seriously thinking about going ahead and sending off the first three chapters to an agent I've worked with in...|||Haha, go for it! Online dating sucks, though, and some guy was just killed in my area by meeting a woman he met online. She picked him up at the mall for their date. Turns out her husband was hiding...|||Yea, I've had that too, where you develop an attraction to someone who you weren't initially attracted to. I don't mean 'love at first sight'; really, I think it's just the subconscious projecting...|||You know what sucks? I'm an introvert. While I'm actually extremely outgoing when I'm out and about in the world (talking to strangers in the line at the grocery store, buying a coffee for the old...|||I don't know if I'm the typical guy but if a woman complimented me, kissed my hand, painted me in the buff, or any of the other things you described, I'd love it - if I liked her. Now, quite a few...|||OMG! You're pushing 35! You're an old fart now. Could you sense the sarcasm there? Old is a 90 year old who had the misfortune of developing dementia. For someone with all of their mental...'
'I fully believe in the power of being a protector, to give a voice to the voiceless. So in that spirit I present this film, and hope it it recieved in the spirit of compassion. Om Mani Padme Hum ...|||Yes, you are quite right. But many times this help has to come from outside the relationship. A partner can be supportive, and helpful but I think getting the right help is critical. Finding a good...|||If he doesn't feel worthy of being loved, nothing you say or do will make a difference.|||Bossy1, I think Jawz is very much on to something here, and further I think this is indicative of much deeper issues that were around long before you two met. It very well might mean your friend...|||LookingGlass, Thanks for making this point. Unfortunately this corrupted Christianity speaks with a very loud voice, so the Still Small Voice has been forgotten. Very few Christians today have...|||This has been my curse as well and I gotta tell you, most people prefer to remain stuck in their own neuroses, with all the excuses that go along with that. Of course in spite of all the scars I've...|||I know this must be very painful Callie, but honestly I think you dodged a bullet here. I'm sure he's a good person but it sounds as if he has some emotional maturing to do. Being involved with...|||You guys are singing my song :) I've been doing some research on heuristics (mental shortcuts) and cognitive biases, that explain a lot of why people do what they do. For some it's the principle of...|||I empathize with the sentiment behind this, but I think truly that while religion contains much of what we need as a society, it can easily be manipulated and used as a control. This is the dualistic...|||I think sometimes we forget that our type is only one part of what makes us a person. Emotional and Social competencies, past hurts and issues, value memes, etc.. I saw an experiment in a crowded...|||I don't feel rare as much as I feel well done.|||Thank you UK, you sound like a reasonable and compassionate person. I think Neitzsche's quote: Beware if you fight monsters lest you become one in the process is appropriate here. Here in Colorado...|||It might surprise you to learn that cognitive brain science has discovered that we humans are actually hard-wired for empathy. Read Goleman's Social Intelligence and it will help you to understand...|||You must understand, Aegis is really not to blame. Yes he seems like an inhuman monster for trying to justify marginalizing another human being, but people like that really don't understand what they...|||You know these ideas of yours are so riddled with fallacy and linquistic manipulation it isn't worth my time to continue this conversation. Hopefully as the years pass by you can learn to think and...|||An elephant swallowed by a boa constrictor! Love that book! I cried a little at the end.|||A thoughtful philosophy to be sure, and I like the line from The Little Prince in your signature block, I used to use it as well :)|||. According to your logic on tolerance we should accept intolerance if we are to consider ourselves tolerant? Homosexuality is not violent behavior, conflating the two is extremely...|||Okay guys, for the record, I think healthy debate can help us all to move forward beyond the simple heuristics and the accompanying cognitive bias that is prevalent in religion. Critical thinking...|||Looks like this has already been explained, and I'm sorry I didn't notice the post, didn't mean to ignore you. The teleological argument definitely has a major flaw in that the conclusion drawn...|||Okay first, you have attributed someone else's quote to me. Second this is what you had a problem with: This post is what you say is a logical fallacy by introducing the straw-man of the...|||No problem, just look into this light for a moment...|||Re-framing the argument. No one introduced the idea of being tolerant of everything. Clever use of the slippery slope though. Don't blame you for not touching gay marriage, there is no good...|||I would not go so far as to say faith and reason are inherently contradictory which is why I worded my post the way I did. You must understand I have spent most of my life studying religion and...|||No one is supposed to know about the Inner Council ! we can't have people aware that we can communicate telepathically with each other, for years we have disguised ourselves as regular folk and...|||So who gets to decide what is good for us? And I wouldn't go around using words like logic where religion is concerned, there is little in religion that can stand up to critical inquiry.|||Old School INFJ theme song: Veteran of the Psychic Wars, Blue Oyster Cult|||Okay, but what with the world being bullshit, I'm gonna have to change my whole frame of reference. Up to this point I've been operating under the thought that the world is a vampire :p|||Define getting older :P For most of my life it seems I tried to squeeze myself into the roles that I thought I needed to in order to get along. I think many people here know what it's like to...|||You have quite a full plate there pardner ;) Pretty typical though, I'll bet there is more stuff going on inside you than you can reasonably articulate. This is what I love about this...|||I like the cards that don't have anything written in them so you can be creative. After an argument with my wife I found one with a little dog on the front, and I wrote: if i ran away, and you...|||Love this thread! :) Over the years I have practiced many religions and philosophies, I think being an INFJ means being an explorer to some extent. During each phase of my explorations I practiced...|||I think I hate that crap because it is meaningless and empty and usually used to make people feel good about themselves. The truth is most people are self-centered and don't understand love and...|||I understand. It bothers me a lot sometimes because I can walk around the store feeling angry and judgmental and that just adds up to sapped energy and a feeling that I don't like myself very much...|||The great sage Linus Van Pelt once said: I love mankind, it's people I can't stand I have always found myself on the other end of that. Individually I love people, but in a group they can be...|||Funny how you can see that coming a long ways off. Sometimes I try to talk myself out of it, like oh man you don't know that for sure give her a chance but it most always comes back to the first...|||According to cognitive brain science, when you are truly in tune with another human being there is a synchrony in our brain waves. With the discovery of Mirror Neurons we can see just how that...|||Looks like you have stumbled upon what Buddhists call the First Noble Truth :)|||Okay, I'm gonna say something that might sound lame, but here goes: You are never going to find out who you are because what that really is keeps changing and growing, this is the nature of...|||Ever try to make friends with a stray cat? The same rules apply, don't chase us, we will run, just provide a safe and friendly harbor and watch how quickly we become affectionate.|||Well, if you really like someone's post you can thank them, un thank them just so you can thank them again!|||Oh and Chazz? That feeling comes and goes, I wouldn't put too much meaning on it. Ever since I can remember I never felt like I belonged anywhere. As a child I had the impression that my presence on...|||Okay, totally agree with your post... but I couldn't help getting a visual on an Intimidating Typist I keep seeing Roz from Monsters Inc.|||It takes a little time to tell the difference between an anxious perception and a clear intuition. That being said, even after all these years I do manage to screw it up royally at times. :P|||Great movies all! I think the movie that still moves me the most is Wings Of Desire This film was done old school style even for the 80s, directed by Wim Wenders and featuring the talent of...|||I'm not sure if you experience this, or maybe because I'm middle aged that I see things this way. I have been a musician, artist, salesman, soldier, nurse (CNA), technician, Christian, Buddhist,...|||I first found out about mirror neurons from reading Daniel Goleman's Social Intelligence though the credit for the research goes to an Italian research scientist whose name escapes me for the...|||Aint it fun to be us? :P I've been doing some reading on mirror neurons and how when we are genuinely engaged with another human being our brains are actually in sync. Now to me that is...|||Has anyone compiled information about linking MB types and Soma types?|||I wonder if our expectations of ourselves are a little unrealistic at times. Sometimes I feel emotionally raw and wounded and need to withdraw. Oddly enough at times like that there is a little...'
'That's normal, it happens also to me. If I am in high mood, I can act like a 478. Depressed, like a 468. Satisfied and relaxed, 451. But the real type of mine is 458.|||How do they say? (...) in sheep's clothing. That is the key. Nobody will obey to you till you don't give them the chance to obey you without consciously knowing they are obeying you. Be...|||Society feels a compulsion to shield itself and dissociate itself from, all what falls on a point distant enough from the norm (a synonym for average). That is what is much uglier, and what is...|||The thoroughly INTP person mission in life is deep understanding, and sheer truth. The thoroughly INFP person mission in life is deep understanding, and sheer justice, in the sense of ruth (all 3...|||When you visit this section of the forum, and feel cosiness instead of boredom. Then you are an INTP, or maybe an INFP with a marked thinking facet in your psyche. An offbeat, outlandish, place...|||[From a book I read yesterday. A reminder to not turn into ***Js.] The real meaning of P is: wings. Winged folks, don't give in to flyphobia, albeit, sure, many forces all around us try to...|||:carrot: :brocoli:|||That more or less finds myself in agreement, honey cookie.|||The answer's nature hinges upon two points: 1) How does he rate, on a 0-10 shyness scale? The more shy he is, the more proactive it is reasonable that your attitude be. 2) What is your main...|||*deleted*|||Ne generates suggestions and possibilities. To make the workable ones into ideas, T must come into play. Ni generates solutions, it prepares the ground for solutions, which T then informs. They...|||Sweetheart|||Something I want to share (sad part in red, bolded; happy part in green):|||Something I want to share Here is how you disturb the universe to make meaning. It isnx92t pretty, and therex92s a reason most who are able to do it on a grand scale are above forty. Winning before...|||They require handiness, but also intelligence. Video games are split as follows: some require intelligence, others intelligence coupled with handiness. (In turn, those requiring intelligence can...|||equipoise|||But if your goals were to one day be not a stranger in your soul's territory, and to achieve as much truth as possible, then let me tell you that your condition is the most propitious. Like a...|||Socially, yes (and family belongs in society!). But the best would be to be as honest and open as the intelligence, maturity, and degree of moral development of the other person allows. ...|||I am sorry that you think that. It is obviously an Fe and Te thing. Introverted judging functions are inner-directed feelings and thoughts, only by chance and to some extent they'll happen to...|||Utilitarian, deceptive and self-deceptive, falsely altruistic, societally programmed feeling, and utilitarian, earthbound, robot-like societally endorsed thinking. Fe and Te, of which I'd rather...|||In INTPese, that means: I am in heart-rending love with you, my baby. :adoration: :hearteyes:|||I always test 50% T and 50% F and am an INTP-ish INFP. Maybe that's why my first motion of the mind was: Why is none of them providing reasons for their statements? In the INTP forum, they'd...|||At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said:x93Naked I came from my motherx92s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord...|||To fetch|||Can the wine be transferred from one bottle to another without new oxygen being added incidentally? Is the Cesium test cheaper than the oxygen test? These are the two questions coming to my...|||Hatch|||It's a sly way to assess the test taker's consistency. And when it is not that, the different words import a subtle change in meaning.|||You probably go there with the wrong expectation that it's a place for debate. :smiley-cool13:|||INFPs and coding are destined to entertain a paradoxical relation. They are among the most intelligent people, coding is an ideal outlet for intelligence, therefore a part of their self will...|||INFPs and gymnastics, that would be an interesting research topic :cheers2: :eagerness: ********************** I just came across this, and couldn't help but think of certain Enneagram/MBTI...|||Anybody who understands/relates to my signature is welcome! (Is this a snarky way to say no-one's welcome? I don't know myself.) :welcome: :m0827:|||Well, what if the forgery is a bottle that was filled in, say, 1960? Oxygen content would be low, but there would be Cesium.|||A simple search for MBTI types intelligence will yield enough results: Gifted/non-gifted ratios by type This is a good, to-the-point, resume: Obviously, INFPs would top other charts...|||An INFP may turn J when surrounded by people gapingly less intelligent, rational, self-aware, in other words mentally developed. It is much burdensome, because we'd like to involve ourselves...|||writing desk|||There a lot among the true (non-mainstream, mostly) artists, poets, and so on (even psychologists). It's easier to meet them by reading, watching a good motion picture, ... than directly in daily...|||What would you demand of life, to make you more sensitive without having to pay for it somehow? No good lunch is for free. As for school work, you will always be slower than people of the same...|||!|||In the wake of your post, I read about the 9 types' deadly sins (and virtues). Well, what to say? The Enneagram theory is petty-minded in many places. It's a commercial product, of the...|||Never thought INTPs could be show-offs, occasionally. :eek: Maybe because in real life they are shy at all times.|||Types aren't fixed places for a human. The mind shifts to a neat one, sometimes. Or you keep being the same one, but your % of E and I (or any other pair) vary.|||You don't say! :th_wink:|||harshly shut down others opinions or call them out on their bullshit They have the cheekiness to do it in a real-world setting. We do exactly the same, just in our mind or online... (Although...|||Ah! The ENTJ who knows she is evil and domineering is the only ENTJ I like -- and the least evil and domineering of them. :smile-new: :puffer:|||So today you didn't spam your Fakebook wall with a waterfall of #happy #inlove #loveuallguys ?|||As others said ere, you are an obvious ISFP. You and we INFPs are much alike (screw social norms and, in general, the ability to have an identity of our own, emotional, ...), and at once much...|||ISFPs are among the extremely few types I'd like to be romantically involved with (along with INFPs such as myself and INTPs). :angel:|||As though :emmersed: :winky:|||Nobody has voted for Ni. Looks like a lot of INFPs like strategy games and planning tasks... :suspicion::hampster::tranquillity::rolldeyes::biggrin:|||This doesn't look like strange ENFP behavior at all. I am an INFP, but when in high spirits, I'll act extroverted, and like this. He may be busy pursuing other women to make out with in the coming...'
'Steve Job's was recognized for his striving for efficiency and practicality. His genius is in his systemization of inventions, less so than in invention. This is where claims of Se and Te come from.|||Pencil. Not inf Fe. type ~= emotion, type == what drove emotion|||obvious troll|||But either way, he'd get there by use of his Ni or Te. You can get any behavior with any cognition, all cognition describes is the thought process, which may be prone to develop certain behaviors...|||Every edgy NTP and their mother acts on their off days. The very idea of 'borrowing' types and progressively chameleoning screams Ne and Fe, specifically in that order.|||it's cause you spend all your time irl ignoring your need for expression, so now you're excitedly exaggerating and projecting your weirdness because you get aroused off the image of you it puts in...|||just gonna ignore all your rules. Si - Normal Se - Fighting Ni - Psychic Ne - Electric Ti - Steel Te - Dark Fi - Grass Fe - Fairy|||ixfj must research si vs ni, I suck at those two.|||Well I think it's being used in a more advisory sense, not moral. most people like to be in the group, and it's quite healthy considering the type of animals we are. So people tend to correctly...|||bad quiz, bad link.|||I've experienced a prolonged state of sadness & other emotions as a result of external & internal factors that i've since conquered. I don't think it's reasonable to call this as clinical for the...|||Verbal expression is usually how you open people up to that demonstration. 'I'm good at XX.' 'Oh really? Show me.' Socially antagonizing verbal expression often prevents people from being opened up...|||Grandiosity is an 'unrealistic sense of superiority'. What if my sense of superiority actually isn't unrealistic, and is instead based on logic? I'd imagine you'd say that it's impossible to think...|||That is the reaction most people would have, most people being submerged in a sort of anti-exhibitionist mentality. The expression of any single person's strength always comes with an implicit...|||People misinterpreting Fe for Te somehow. If she's an NT she's an ENTP/INTP. It's most probable that she's an SFJ.|||I think i'm intellectually superior to the average person.|||Ridiculous.|||Um, its perfectly reasonable to instruct a person on what they should ( do ) in order to ( be like them ), just as it would be perfectly reasonable to instruct a person on what they should ( do ) in...|||Take Multiple Intelligences Test|||All perfectionism is being 'hard on your self'. I types.|||[5 yo] A different job for every day of the week cause my interests changed too fast. Architect, Scientist, Musician, Gardener, Painter, Writer and something else.|||Incredibly so. Understanding everyone and my own Fe in particular ( plus a little nietzche, which I only read to figure out Te ) allowed me to destroy my anxiety and general sadness.|||Im a narcissistic conversationalist.|||When you thought about how these words came to be, you didn't consider the purpose of language, or the human pursuit of practicality. A lot of the conundrums you suppose don't actually have a...|||those tests are very blatantly flawed, and anyone who's read jung should see this just by reading the questions and related function. Stop being lazy when you see an inconsistence. Don't alter the...|||It's simple. Do you want to die? A lot of people, due to the structure of our brains, don't wanna die. In order to most effectively preserve our lives, working together in a society is somewhat...|||if you wanna alleviate yourself from a year of traveling through bullshit Classics in the History of Psychology -- Jung (1921/1923) Chapter 10 You listen behaviors. This is a cognitive theory....|||A development: 'Around 100 people killed at Paris Concern Hall'|||You went on a rant about how typology is about the thought process that influences the behavior, not the behavior, then linked socionics descriptions that literally point out behaviors in every...|||ISTPs, give complete reasons.|||well I live in new york, a calm part. In my recent experience if you show complete confidence and look at them directly in the eye while being condescending they'll flock off and cry.|||I'd imagine that the prevailing sterotype is that TJ's, STJ's moreso, are right-winged.|||The feeling function in jung is that which identifies wants. The thinking function in jung identifies true/false. Of course identifying true/false is the means by which we develop values and...|||Each one of them at some point except 7.|||isfp If you end up telling us what your type is, and it's not ISFP, tell me why you disagree with isfp.|||Do Fi-doms just camp this forum?|||The entj's will isn't bound by such pathetic forces such as drowning. The strong entj commands water to move!|||Create the heavens. Then go back and participate in the real world as an immortal being, constantly changing personas each lifetime. The heavens seem boring.|||As many questions as you wish. 1. Well, I already have plenty of NTP friends, so ENTJ + INFJ. The both Ni high-ends create enough contrast to my personality for me to be pretty interested in...|||I don't feel comfortable with changing things that have happened. It's more related to a certain appreciation for the stability of mind and thought. It'd essentially alter the memories of everyone...|||1. I did this some time back and decided it'd be fun to do again. 2. In Perc, the INTP forums and cognitive functions forum. Irl, at my house. 3. Nothing constant. Whatever philosophical notion...|||Im self teaching myself piano, so i can play a bunch of random anime themes. I was doing guitar some time back, but not enough attention span.|||Ask questions, quickly! I may or may not bite.|||You should go on the what's my personality type forum for this. You can do that one if you're willing to...|||Ne - Fe is much better at doing this than Ni - Fi. More likely an INTP quality than an INTJ quality. All N types? Maybe your S function just developed? All N types? Maybe your S...|||looks like we have to purge 15 people.|||We shouldn't imagine that our subjective experiences constitute the experiences of the many, or the reality, unless we perceive a mechanism in our subjective experience that ensures it will be...|||^^|||But first we should ask, are these attributes or aspects you're associating to certain types actually related to those types functionally, or are they gross simplifications outputted by a random...|||If I may ask, what were the contradicting results you got? Your functions seem to be Te-Fi and Ni - Se, I can't really discern anything else definitely.'
'It is very annoying to be misinterpreted. Especially with regards to your core, to your intentions and desires. Like when people keep saying that you're in love with somebody for whom you only had...|||x93Noble naturesx85 are few and far in betweenx94.Nietzsche, Ecce Homo x93A man who leaves the house in bright, festive clothes needs only one drop of mud splashed from under a wheel, and people all...|||what should you do when you walk down the streets and certain strangers stare at you shamelessly? and these same people wear t-shirts with death threats... and later you tell about it and you are...|||what should you do when you walk down the streets and certain strangers stare at you shamelessly? and these same people wear t-shirts with death threats... and later you tell about it and you are...|||what should you do when you're being spied upon and threatened, and all the while done in such a covert way so that you have no way to prove it? and all coming from a person you believed was your...|||x93A man who leaves the house in bright, festive clothes needs only one drop of mud splashed from under a wheel, and people all surround him, point their fingers at him, and talk about his...|||147410|||that one's by Buddha|||I read a quite thorough description of 4s by Claudio Naranjo (link here: It's long and...|||x93I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way.x94 Carl Sandburg|||I think that VAST has a very INFJ vibe|||I also love Anaïs Nin and I think she's INFJ for sure.|||I just saw the film version of OF HUMAN BONDAGE (1934) and I think that Leslie Howard is a very clear example of INFJ.|||I agree that typical INFP writing would be that of Dickens. Also Melville would be a good example. Stylistically, I think that INFPs are vaguer, more roundabout, but also more poetical than...|||From Herman Melville's Mardi: x93Better to sink in boundless deeps, than float on vulgar shoals; and give me, ye Gods, an utter wreck, if wreck I do.x94|||x93When a friend comes up to me in the street, Ix92d give a paolo [money] for him not to speak to me. Merely the sight of someone I know puts me in a bad moodx85 Hence my happiness in strolling proudly...|||x93... She felt that she had learned something, though exactly what it was she did not know. Later she remembered all the hours of the afternoon as happy -- one of those uneventful times that seem...|||I find this short monologue from Trainspotting absolutely brilliant.|||That quote is from Letters To A Young Poet. It's a really great book.|||I concur.|||I don't think Atticus is an INFJ. He's so stern, humorless and self-righteous... I don't think most INFJs are that way.|||If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for to the creator there is no poverty and no poor indifferent...||||||I've never liked science fiction... I've always felt weird as an INFJ for that (since all seem so passionate about it).|||Thanks for answering! I'm an INFJ and I also think that I'm not very expressive of my emotions, so I might come off as cold sometimes. Anyway, there are times when I get overwhelmed and it's...|||Does anyone think that a major difference (or manifestation?) between Fe and Fi is that Fe-users find it hard (or even impossible) to hide their emotions, whereas an Fi-user is able to choose when to...|||I think it's about: 1) Discovering what you really value (what's really important to you) + finding out your true priorities This is difficult because it might contradict 1) Expectations of...|||Jim Jarmusch perhaps? I vacillate between INFJ and INFP...|||Feist?|||I agree with you. This video seems quite INFJ to me...|||Sure, if being rejected didn't matter to you anymore, you wouldn't be shy... But I think that would be somewhat unnatural... I guess that most people do care about being loved and accepted by...|||Because failing is always a possibility (e.g. not living up to the expectations people have on you). No matter how much you rationalize it, it's always there... And that's why I think you will never...|||I don't believe there is a cure for shyness. Shyness is just fear of being rejected, and the painful truth is: rejection is always a possibility. Therefore, shyness is a totally natural emotion....|||From funny or die||||||Like being with someone who doesn't understand you and with whom you don't feel free to do be yourself. At least, I'd much rather be alone than with somebody who can't understand me.|||Morrissey?|||an artifact that makes you feel unhappy when you think about it. x93Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.x94 Ernest Hemingway|||I relate to what you say. I think that diaries and autobiographies are ideal for that, and also more poignant than fiction, as you know that it actually happened. I'm now reading the diaries of Anaïs...|||I also worry about it. I usually try to find a topic that interests me, and hopefully the other person will be interested too, if only because of my enthusiasm for the topic... At least that way I'm...|||I usually have the same problem. If it doesn't catch my interest, it's a pain to plod through it... If you want an interesting read I would recommend The Summing Up by Somerset Maugham, and the...|||Do you think an INFJ would act like this?|||I recently read this passage from Somerset Maugham's The Summing Up. Love passes. Love dies. The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love. Not the least of evils...|||Heard this quote in an interview and wrote it down. It's not reported it verbatim as some expressions sounded quite repetitive in written form. x93Thatx92s like the biggest kick in life that I think...|||Babel - the story of the japanese deaf-mute girl. I think this scene is a great depiction of loneliness|||The Match Factory Girl - Aki Kaurismaki La Vie de Bohème - Aki Kaurismaki Black Swan - Darren Aronofsky|||Darjeeling Limited. The main characters (3 brothers) all seem somewhat like lost in life outsiders to me.|||The Summing Up by W. Somerset Maugham. It's an autobiography in which the author discusses some major events in his life, interspersed with comments on his own personality, which I find...|||The Summing Up by W. Somerset Maugham. It's an autobiography in which the author discusses some major events in his life, interspersed with comments on his own personality, which I find extremely...|||The Darjeeling Limited. The most beautiful film I've seen. 21 Grams.'
'Now I'm interested. But too lazy to go research it, because it's time-consuming :(|||Welcome to the club, mate!|||That profile picture of yours is SOOOOOOOO INFP. Welcome!|||Welcome back!|||Is it a communist party? Sorry, had to ask. Alkhemia Welcome! That's an interesting nickname you've got there BTW. It sounds to be a female name, but clearly has something to do with...||||||Anything that fucks with my mind is a no. I mean, I can drink some red wine just for the taste but that's it. Not sure if this thread is only replied to by (former) drug addicts or if the...|||It's not that much the difference between online and offline, but the difference between talking about serious and non-serious things. I'm the same person IRL and online, but others' perception of...|||That sounds somewhat like me, apart from the gossip thing. And the interesting part is that the love for gossip changes a lot. If it wasn't there, I'd say that he's just a premature ENTJ. But this...|||Nah, I always got away with the things I did. From making smelly smoke bombs in high school to political things like ironically sieg heil-ing a dictator's monument back in my country. You won't...|||INTJ - ISTP ENTJ - ISTJ INFP - INTP ENFP - ESFP INFJ - ISFP ENTP - ESTP ISFJ - ESFJ ESTJ - ESTP ENFJ - unmistakeable and really annoying|||It's free to play :tongue:|||YXZ HAVE A MEME, M80|||:crazy:K N O W . W H E R E . T O . D O W N L O A D:crazy:|||:crazy:P I R A C Y:crazy:|||Did you see Boku dake ga inai machi? Or 91 days? My life is pretty boring too. I'm trying video games at the moment, but they don't really help.|||I know russian well enough to write books in it. :proud: I even tried once, but then got carried away by more obvious everyday problems. Japanese is quite interesting, especially because of the...|||Have you tried playing Unturned? It's a pretty cool voxel survival game made by a 16 y/o canadian guy :)|||I've always known exactly what I want in my life, in several circumstanses, with several outcomes. I have around 26 life plans and every single one of them is updating constantly :wink:|||My first language is russian :laughing: I'm bilingual. Also tried learning german, but I forgot everything because of the lack of practice. Internet helps me remember both english and russian though...|||This was probably a joke I didn't get. Because otherwise I have no idea how exactly would backups of her files help her remove the toolbars. Or you meant that she'd have to do a restore from a...|||The worst case I've had to deal with was a girl who got so many toolbars installed into her browser that it was constantly crashing. I mean, you could expect this from an older person, but from a 16...|||Have you tried telling him that it is extremely stupid to get depressed over a situation he has no control of? I mean, like, literally telling him that, not just saying something other than this and...|||Mistyped myself as an ENTP. I mean, I do love arguments and memes, but... No.|||I'm 20 and I feel like I'm in the 40s already...|||Your prof says you were born in Russia. Do you speak russian? P.S.:|||Welcome!|||narutoooooooooo Sorry, I just had to do this.|||Niceness is often ineffective. I have a rule of treating people the way I'd want to be treated myself, and I don't need people to be nice when we're talking about serious stuff - I need them to be...|||I'm mostly into two completely different games. The first one is Minecraft, which I love for its freedom and style, and the second is The Secret World - an MMORPG set in modern world, that has a lot...|||Damn right, son!|||BOOOOOOOOOIIIIIII I second every fucking word of this! And that OMG CONGRAZ made me actually laugh out loud :laughing: P.S.: Sanders was the only candidate who actually made sense, but he...|||I've got one of them on my profile pic - Raymond Reddington from The Blacklist tv series. The other would probably be Lelouch vi Britannia from the Code Geass anime. I could probably come...|||Now I'm genuinely interested in the number of people who ACTUALLY DID get scared, just so I could know their number compared to the replies and understand human behaviour better... Anyways, I'm...|||WHAT KIND OF GAMES ? Seriously interested. I hope it's some good games, because I've got no one to play with (oddly). Oh, and yes, I forgot to say hello and welcome, so Hello and Welcome!...|||Hey, welcome! So many INFPs here and you're the first male one I saw here :shocked: I hope you have a great day :)|||Hey there! :) Why are plastic soldiers so interesting to you? I'm more into real soldiers. You can't take over the world using plastic, duh! Anyways, welcome. I'm an ENTJ and new here too....|||You guys mean outer space by saying cosmos, right? I believe that is also an ENTP thing. I've known a few who absolutely love astronomy and astrophysics.|||The saddest thing for me is I know exactly what I'm doing wrong and I know exactly what thoughts make me stop progressing, but I can't do anything about it. I've rationalized my behaviour so much...|||Is procrastination a trait of all those who like to think a lot? It seems that most of the actively analyzing people in this world spend so much time on it that they ither no longer have any time for...|||That is one of the most NF-ish things I've heard in my life. Welcome! I'm a newbie too, and I was also reading through threads on this website frequently without being registered :) MBTI is...|||Hello there! How're you doing? offtop: That guy's facial expression is exactly what I look like when I meet my friends' friends.|||Wow. Great, now I know more about Kazakhstan! I'm originally from Azerbaijan and my native language is russian too. Also my azeri is terribly bad :unsure:|||Well, my subjects can't answer either, but they're still alive, so I guess it'll be alright!|||Oh, I love experiments! Is it gonna be a painful one?|||I do remember telling people that I'll send them their family members' body parts :tongue: It's just that I don't think it's scary to joke about that. Either people are too sensitive, or I look...|||Thanks, and you should probably make one too, waylaid. It's fun! Especially fun where there are a ton of INFs replying to it :D And I'm mostly scary because of my jokes of sending someone a part...|||Apart from obvious things like a loved one's death/betrayal (basically the same thing, because if they betray me they're dead for me), I usually get triggered by someone falsely accusing me. Like,...|||Hey Lionfart! Guess I'm gonna shorten you to Lion too, otherwise it sounds weird to call someone a fart... I've never been called Marx before, this is quite funny :laughing: I have a habit of...|||So... Hello! This is new to me, to be honest. Never started an introduction post anywhere before in my whole life. Wow. That is actually surprising! Anyways, I'm happy to be here (at least...'
'Still going strong at just over the two year mark. I have made noticeable changes and do not plan on slowing. I have attached my 2 year progress picture, but with my face cropped out, you know to...|||Congrats fellow ENTJ!|||Thats funny, I like it. And... There may be SOME truth to it haha.|||I don't follow trends necessarily, although in a way we all do unless we are making our own clothing. I do like to look nice no matter what the situation though. In the summer just hanging out I...|||For someone who throws such sweeping generalizations around I have a hard time thinking you're not weak, or possibly it's just your general lack of knowledge on personality theory? Either way, I have...|||Congrats Boss!|||Gave up the gym tonight for yard work... And... Beer||| Haha|||Happy birthday to the most talented and intelligent ENFP I have the pleasure of knowing. You truly are an inspirer and I am a better person because of you. Thank you for being you! Love you...|||@Doll I read most of your post and didn't see what position this was you were interviewing for, but I just may have missed it. I'm going to approach this from two ways, one from an interviewee...|||Congrats!|||Not sure what you are saying... to busy noticing the obvious resemblance between me and your avatar. :cool:|||So we should make it a form with some sort of digital signature so we know they have read the disclaimer, otherwise it was all done in vain. Unless everytime someone doesn't understand us, we go...|||What's the need for an advisory claiming that they may be skipped or may be ignored? Just do it and if they don't get any responses... they'll get the idea.|||I think stating that people should be able to post what they want, however they want, just as long as it can be reciprocated is nothing but objective. I know I have posted in the F forums before...|||Who was told how to behave? The format idea is certainly telling people how to behave. I only noticed expression of opinions that couldn't be taken on the chin just as we expect others to be able...|||Monkey King, Irl what do you do when someone asks you a question or makes a statement that you don't understand? Do you stand there and look at them like they are a fool until they simply walk away,...|||I'm not sure that demanding that a question be clear will eradicate any misunderstanding of the question. What makes a question unclear? It seems to me requiring a question be asked clearly alone...|||Out of curiosity, in what format/presentation style do you propose other types ideas to be presented in? And does this format/style apply to the ENTJ's as well?|||I for one enjoy the varying ideas and viewpoints. I don't think anyone or type should be discouraged either through disclaimers or ridicule from posting in our forum. It seems as though we would be...|||Be happy where you are, but never be content to be there. - L. Rogers|||Being fairly new in my position, it felt good to give a member of my team a raise. I am rewarding those that deserve it, and slowly weeding out the dead weight and replacing them with qualified...|||Sore and exhausted... that sums it up.|||I will... thanks again!|||Nothing really comes to mind, my experience with it is too limited. I just know that I like the Indie rock that I've heard so I was curious about others to check out. Thanks for the list. I'll check...|||What other Indie rock bands do you like?|||Yeah, that's what I like most about the video too... But I do like both versions of the song as well.|||Of all the personality types I figured you guys would appreciate this the most... So here you go. This guy is amazing. The video has over 79 Million views so I am sure many of you have seen this...||||||No no no you're doing it all wrong. This is how you do it...|||Here's my point. I find legs and asses and lips and collar bones and many other parts of a woman that can be seen sexy as well, but let me ask you this... if you were given the choice of seeing a...|||If it was the norm for women to walk around topless in our culture, men wouldn't see breasts any more sexually attractive than a pair of legs, because they would be used to it imo. Do I see breasts...|||Big day at the gym today. Full chest workout (new personal max weight), core, and multiple sets of pushups to top it off. I will be ready and will meet my goal.|||^^ This and the whole supreme intelligence thing too... wait... that's true too. We will think of something.|||Never mind|||Thanks I agree. I recently took a how to deal with problematic employees class (mandatory for all department heads to attend). Funny thing is the info I got out of that class was exactly, and I...|||Tuesday: Back, shoulders and core Wednesday: Arms and core Today: It hurts to shift my car... Oh and cardio|||Where is the fire him because he's a jackass option? The test is flawed.|||I am a little skeptical, I'll let you know what I think when it's over. It's emotional intelligence based on Daniel Goleman's book titled Emotional Intelligence. We shall see how it turns out.|||I'm with Benja... she makes that sound so nice haha. The buzz part, not the sunshine and rainbows part.||| Maybe we should all try to ween off coffee as Monkey King suggested and try the half-caf...|||Monday 3/4 I'm taking a class on emotional intelligence... kinda psyched about it.|||It looks like it's made of cheesecloth.|||Haha. Nah, he has nothing on me. Besides Enfpleasantly has it covered. If I felt I needed to step in I would. I've only actually had to step in once or twice and that was after repeated attempts by...|||58551|||This thread reminds me of this haha..|||I always enjoy coming to the gym right after the first of the year... kinda reminds me of when I was in college, you know when everyone would show up... for the first week or two before they quit.|||I like them, I guess, but only certain styles in certain areas on certain people. I tend to see them as a great way to limit your career. I don't necessarily agree that this should be the case, but...|||I am having a hard time with this... as ENTJ's passive aggresiveness isn't our MO.|||Congratulations The King Of Dreams. That's quite an accomplishment.'
'Personally, I was thinking this would be more of an SJ type job in a ways.|||I was having some issues a while back finding a job. Couldn't get a job in the arts and crafts store, which was my ideal. I did get a job interview before, but was not given a call back. I always...|||Personally, I DON'T want astrology, numerology and all that garbage TO be true because I did research on my own personality and I HATE it. It makes me look like I have NO good future in what I...|||Would love to develop more Ne and Ti|||Spiritual intelligence, Emotionally somewhat smart, but intellectually stupid.|||Ah~ I see. You're kinda the theatre version of an anime fan. From what I observe of SJs (and some grown-ups in general, God forbid, though I do not stereotype in any way) they don't know how to be...|||First off, I'm terribly sorry with the straining relationship with your parents. I agree that what chimeric gave is good advice. Though I'm quite curious, what things do you talk about with your...|||Ugh...some of his stuff is good, but some of it is just...yeah, but a lot of ENTPs aren't really my cup of tea. No offense.|||No one controls your life, and don't let others control yours. Nobody is perfect, and you're not perfect. Nobody can live up to your standards and sometimes you fail to live up to your own. It's...|||Thank you all so much for the advice. It may even help to take these ideas as tips for when I get interviewed.|||Well, of course, but I would think they needed a more professional answer and I'm not sure what answer I should give them. I can give them a very emotionally honest answer, but that doesn't fly well...|||I am trying to fill out a position for a kennel assistant at a vet. I have some experience dealing with dogs and some cats. I'm very gentle and sweet with the animals, but I know that reason...|||That sounds about right to me.|||'s more of having issues with being too silent (the unhealthy introverted part) I would like to change, but being a guy for a day is not my idea of a joy ride. ....but I guess I would be a...|||I'd rather change MBTI type than a sex change.|||I don't want to give bad advice, but my opinion is she jumped too quickly and she is in the fantasy fairytale land about you. I was like that in high school, too about my crushes. It was just...|||From what I read so far, he sounds more like he has attachment issues more than just being and ESTJ. Also, the ballet thing: you both have an interest in the arts, but I cannot think a guy would...|||I wonder what it would be like without INFPs? I don't want to sound cynical, so I'll keep my fingers closed.|||62984 O.o OMG! AHHHHHH!|||A Gary Stu then. LOL|||I don't know if this is the right place for this thread, but we shall see. Let's can I explain this. According to a personality quiz I will not give out where it's at because I don't...|||Chili. Better get away from me. I might explode PC.|||Sending up prayers.|||Maybe I read shallowy into this, but oh my goodenss! People actually think like this?|||Have you tried doing any cognitive functions testing? I find what you have written to be a bit foggy. You are definitely a P. I believe I do see an introverted function. I'm having a hard time...|||Cock-a-doodle-doo!|||I did say most didn't I? LOL|||We're not hippies. We're just cultured and down-to-earth common people who don't like a whole lot of labels. We are simple, but we are full of awesome!:cool:|||LINGERIE! :laughing: I'm sorry. I'm joking. But to be honest, I believe an ENFP male likes the flirt, but the problem is most of them have the attention span of a chicken. Keep a little mystery...|||Simple: relationships are all about give and take. Stop thinking about what you can TAKE from the relationship and start GIVING more into it. When the relationships are getting rocky, sit down and...|||Then stop putting people into boxes then. Simple as that. Human beings are complex creatures whether you're using MBTI, color personality, ennegram, Keirsey, the four humors, or whatever. It's...|||I would say go for it, but make sure you set boundaries because of this guy's rep and what you know about him.|||You're crazier than *insert name that has a C or K sound.* Your like a toy that never breaks.|||To be honest, this is one of those back away type situations you don't need to get involved in. That's just my opinion because a friend going in a direction like her sounds like uncharted...|||Well...when it's something that keeps you sane and you can't get excited about a job in the area that you know you can do well enought to stick with it, that's the only piece of hope.|||So is what you believe in by saying that. Now if you excuse me, you are someone I don't have to agree with or believe in.|||Though, I do disagree with that (but in all cases, I was having good fun with you, and not necesassarily meaning bringing up marriage on the first date, which I hope you didn't misunderstand) I was...|||How's about having a few plot bunnies in mind on how that could work out? :D|||There's a little Gollum in all of us.|||Forget dating. How about marriage?|||Nah~ I like to use facebook to say what's on my mind *le gasp* Like, OMG! She's a narcissist! Nah, I like playing some of the games, sharing music I'm listening to, what I'm laughing at, keeping...|||Hello and welcome, darling.||||||It seems to me also that I agree with the people who have pointed out that you may have issues with depression. I think you are also unhappy with your job situation as well as your social life, and...|||I just...I just can't see myself dating a sensor. I would like more intellectual compatibility and mental stimulation to teach me stuff about life and other practical...and someone with an awesome...|||Well, 1. ENFPs are adorable. 2. The things some people come up with for threads. XD 3. MIND EXPLOSIONS!!!|||This thread makes me LOL.|||I'm in the same boat as the OP to a certain extent. However, I'm kinda a bit scared I'm just settling to a certain extent...or I'm just getting older. I think, bottom line, we need a lifestyle...|||Somebody read my blog? O.o|||How do you know she's an ENFP and not an ESFP? Not that I care or anything. *cynical towards teen romance*'
'They paint without numbers|||I'd guess at istp too|||My best bud is ESFP, very funny, entertaining and a big softy. He can be draining, yapping away at everything, and often it's a one way conversation with him, yap yap yap lol. Would not be good to be...|||I used to smoke weed alot, everyday from morning till night for 3/4 years. It screwed my head up even when I stopped smoking it for good. I call it a head f*ck up. I went to docs then was passed onto...|||Jimi Hendrix - The Wind Cries Mary. After all the jacks are in their boxes And the clowns have all gone to bed You can hear happiness staggering on down the street ( My favorite line )...|||Gardening/Landscape designer or environmental conservation. Great practical work, very hands on, varied, rewarding and enjoyable.|||I loved This is England, Lol's a great character! 10/10 :D|||.|||Cogs|||infpaul haha.. erm cheers!|||namiki Well I reckon she trust you enough in private to share her inamost thoughts and opinions. I think the inconsistantcy in how she reacts to people who she's been slating, is more to do with...|||Liontiger Thanks for your input although I'm not seeking answers on the net or from anyone really. I know my own mind and life desires. I just wonderd if any other women were in the same boat and...|||Sensitive enough to pick up on subtle cues. How I deal with them depends, it'll either crush me a little or I think ah bollocks. But yeah I'm sensitive to others.|||@BooksandButterflies You sound totally like a fellow isfp to me :) I'm around the same age as you, and I reckon it's the age of the tertinery function springy out on us..|||Tick tock !|||So are any of you considering this route ? I'm nearing upto to 36.. I'm single n got no potential partner as of yet. Really would love to have a child/ren. Any of you's in same boat?...|||So what you reckon ? Tim possibly one of you boys ? I'm guessing Daisy ENFP Mike ISTP Brian INFP Marsha ESFJ Twist ENFJ Dwane INTJ Colin the dog ISFP lol|||Prince Harry not flipping likey ! Those some say people tut tut to you.|||A cartoonist for The Beano :)|||Howdo ValK have fun ere ! :)|||I'm just watching the morning weather report, gonna rain this afternoon|||ISFJ Coz of yer 6w7|||Moody, Bipolar energy traits, music loving loner.|||Mind, Body and Soul :)|||Edgy isfp|||4/10 Looks like he's squating having a crap lol||| Lissie ( deffo an isfp ) live at Brighton UK with the Kid Cudi cover... Pursuit of Happiness. Excellent :) Worth a gander !|||Yeah I agree with all the posts above. Also I wouldn't want to lose the valuable close connection we have as friends when it all eventually goes tits up.|||F orgiving I ntrospective V ivid E asy - going W anderer O ptimistic R esourceful D impled ( Cheeky ) S implified life|||I totally agree with all the posts, I'm very much like this. It's very selfish in some ways tho.|||Not much if anything to go on for Little Cloud . Based on ya user name I'd say isfj|||British realistic films, drama, pyschologigal, good comedy. Realistic films really, can't stand sci-fi|||Yeah tis true. 'n well i'm abit like ya mum lol each to their own style eh|||I'd be the one to clean up first and I'm isfp. I know an isfj really quite well 'n she is lovely but a right scruffy, dirty bugger, house a right tip.|||Agree with jimmers, but I'm 35|||I like the feeling when my gaff is all spick n span. I can relax more and enjoy my living space. I'm a clean 'n tidy person anyway 'n kinda like cleaning up cause of the end result. Do a room by...|||Depends on what caused the apology. Yeah they prob accepted it, but maybe see your actions and you in another light. Not much you can do about that if that's the case. Just try build up trust again,...|||Opps a dasiey, sorry to be so harsh! Had I known it was yourself I would have not said owt about ya 'tash. You rock the mush fluff ;). Revised score 7/10 for putting yer self out there ! All in...|||N's conversations can go off on extreme tangents, can be hard to keep track with what they're on about . Bit tiring 'n frustrating at times.|||Some dude with dodgy facial idea who he is.. I like the tree 'n if i was sat there, i'd use the rock to steady my pose too. 2/10|||He he maybe soo ! Well with your patter you gotta be a yo- yoing ENTP ! :)|||Your pic is soo istp ! alternative i'd guess for you is intj|||1: What's your MBTI Type? ISFP 2: What's your Gender? female 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? youngest child 4: How do you learn: Hands-on, seeing, or auditory?...|||No not at all, no interest in computers, gadgets n the like.|||You jumped wagon from isfp to infj.....|||You can be whatever you want to be love ! Have ya cake, eat it then go for a dump.|||infp. Based on ya picture of king infp - Mr Cobain. Also ya user name is lyrical :)|||Entp|||Yeah i agree, hence why I apologised in the post above yours. I'm more of a donkey, eeeee-orrr|||amatsuki Yeah I'm sorry reading it back now I was quite harsh. Hope I havn't offended you too much.'
'Basically, my main questions are : What do you believe in ? What are the values that matter the most to you ?* (Sorry if I tend to be confusing)|||Hey, This is my second thread today, but I feel like this is important. Well... Every time we try something new, we are scared, which is normal right ? However, we individually react differently...|||Hey, Well... Personally I don't see myself asking something like Hey girl, are you an INFP ? Let's get compatible ;) , if you know what I mean. No seriously, I think it just depends on the...|||Hey, Well... seems to me like you are an INFP : you are very caring and sensitive, you don't like authority, you are not motivated by money, you are a bit messy and you daydream a lot. However,...|||Hey, Last time, I wrote a thread called INFP men being sensitive and also, how the world of business can influence INFPs. I had quite a lot of responses from a lot of people about embracing (or...|||Did you ever regret making that choice when you were younger ? Did you only realize at an old age that you didn't want to get promoted, or was it always your mindset ?|||Hey, I think that when it comes to dealing with the world, you should hold on to your own values and what it means to you. For people like us, it is indeed different as we are considered as...|||One of the question we all ask ourselves at one point of our lives. The answer seems obvious, but still...|||Hey, Today, I'd like to talk about business and principles. Well... I guess anyone reading this thread would probably be an INFP so I won't dwell on the whole description. Basically, I have gone...|||Looks like everything has been said on that one, thanks for your answers (of course, anyone else is welcome to post). Really appreciate it :)|||There is always a lot to learn from younger people. I gotta say Pangea, you pretty much said it all on this one, well done!|||Hey, I would like to ask you guys something: This is mostly for young INFP adults but everyone is welcome to answer. There is always a point when you grow up and realize some things. Perhaps...|||Seems like everything has been pretty much covered on this one (well anyone is still welcome to post of course ^^). Thanks guys :)|||One of those days when you feel like the world is your oyster :)|||543570|||I think the same actually. It is mostly about your own values and what you think matters the most.|||I agree :)|||Hey, Well... yeah I kinda feel you on this one. The thing is, sometimes INFPs might feel absorbed by extroverts so they want to find a way to defend themselves. I think whatever is the...|||Hey, I would like to ask you something : generally speaking, what makes you smile ? Not necessarly what gives you an hysterical laugh but you know, let's say you had a bad day at work/uni/school,...|||Hey, I personally think that when it comes to starting conversations with anyone, the way you feel can easily determine the way you are going to handle interactions (especially with women, they do...|||Hey, Well... that is a tough one. On the outside, they are pretty much the same. But there are a few differences. INFP tend to take things more personally and be more empathic towards people,...|||Yeah your first sentence was my point, but sometimes I just think so much that I tend to be confusing. Sorry about that.|||Hey, Well... I would say patient, silent, resilient, keen to detail, solitary, ambitious, cautious and observant.|||Hey, I am very sure that a lot of INFP guys are thinking about that one, but since I am in this forum for around a month, I gotta ask you something. When it comes to relationships, men are...|||Hey, Well... As an INFP, I do feel sometimes jaded with life. It is like watching the same thing over and over again. I keep looking across the window, wondering how these people can just fit. You...|||Hey, The last movie I saw was The Neon Demon. Quite creepy if you ask me... Not a movie I would watch twice. But anyway, to each his own.|||Hey, So... what would make an INFP villain ? Well... I would portray him as someone who can shut down his mind. What I mean is that he would eventually this mysterious man in a noisy place, the...|||Hey, I would like to change my username for Jamelin if possible. Thanks in advance.|||Hey, I think that it depends on the company's motive. I mean that if you climb higher, you have to somehow stand up to your own principles. Otherwise, you might have some sort of internal...|||Then, I would like to ask you something : opposed and compared to intelligence, how would you define wisdom ? It is true that people are afraid of what's different. But in a way, we should mostly...|||Hey, Well... I think that sex is mostly how you feel it inside first. It's not like casual hook-ups or FWB. It starts with this look you know... The thing of look and smile that would melt winter...|||Hey, Personally I like playing RPG and watch Japanese Cartoons (you know, Naruto and stuff). I like comedies like Friends and HIMYM. Also, I enjoy listening some music while resting. What I enjoy...|||Hey, I would like to ask you guys something about how intelligence can shape people and its consequences to the world. I recently watched The Avengers (well... Civil War). You know, the...|||I see... Seems like fulfillment is mostly important. It is true that it this century, especially in our twenties, there is this moment when you want to find your purpose. You probably also realize...|||Hey, As someone who was in a same situation in a relationship, I will help you. I think that your friend is somehow fighting his feelings for you. You see, INFPs are the kind of people who...|||Hey, I think that the common success of people is related to money or status (or even sometimes for some people, how your partner looks). But the thing is, success is mostly what you validate as...|||The thing is, I keep wondering if it is better to save money in our mid-twenties despite your well-being being affected, or to work for something that gives you value. The thing is, the common...|||Hey, I think the same as quoted. She took the words out of my mouth.|||Thanks for your response. However, I do have some questions for you if that's fine. First of all, what do you do for a living (after you did engineering I mean)? And second, why do you want to go...|||Hey, I am not sure if INFPs struggle with the same problem, but I have a hard time choosing a job I really want. I have had an engineering degree and 2 years experience as a Customer Service...|||Hey, I really want to thank people who posted on this thread. I am 25, I tried in the past very hard to work for big call centers and fit with everyone else and it didn't work out. I am back home...|||Hey, Personally, I would like to stop caring too much about people's opinion and be more organized with my thoughts. Everything is just random and it is quite disturbing... But despite all this, I...|||Hey, I think that mostly, INFP tend to internalize their emotions a lot. You see, INFPs tend to think a lot about past and/or futures events in their lives and all sorts of feelings are going...|||Hey, Same as Stefan. I would even add that depending on some individuals (particularly introverts), language learning abilities can be easier depending on some people. The best way I think to...|||Hey! You must be lucky with the weather in there! Nothing is a waste of time, there is always something to learn out there (or even on the Internet). You landed there and now you get to know us!...|||Welcome on board, nice to meet you ! I am new here myself as an INFP so I got the feeling. I hope to meet new people as well :) And don't worry : your English is fine ^^|||You are probably right. I should just do what I can do and feel more confident about it. It takes time for everyone to grow up from experiences but we all get there at some point. Thanks for that :)|||Hey everyone! I am Linjo and I am new here. This is my first post. I am a guy and I found out recently that I was an INFP. As a man, I have been trying to figure out if it was a good thing....'
it could be pyroluria.. you know.. it is an ongoing tension inside of you.|||Love is when other people think that your man is a garbage, idiot, and dumb, ugly, bad, mean in your eyes he is still your trophy|||well then, how we will show others our existence?|||Hi I just want to ask if other INFJs have the guts to dominate or if no chance be submissive to others. In my case Im always on the submissive side as if I have no chance to control myself or others|||Darnit baby! I want to show myself to others but cant. I want to show my talents. hahahaha. but too shy to do so. And Im so afraid of getting rejected..|||I dont know what to do. I feel incomplete, I dont feel emotionally connected and I always change every time and then. Im tired being surrounded by these people who dominates me and handling my life....|||Why are we so kind individual? I mean why do we always want to help? I think its because we want to be notice. I want to feel that I belong in this world too. Is that so wrong? Grrr.|||I would like to be alone than dealing with people who judge me easily. I enjoy being alone, like this surfing the net, being independent and not relying and bothering other people.|||Hm. In my case I always feel like im inside the shell :((|||Maybe they were just hurt for judging the child personality|||I always daydreaming about me. I am a singer in a concert and the crowds are clapping and enjoying their time listening to my voice. They look like they are really having fun :))) ROFL|||I always feel that I never did anything good. Darn.|||Dont worry guys! Im here for you :)))))|||Darn. Its the same with me. People dont really listen! Hate it!|||Around people? You mean when we are not around of people we can be free? Or we dont let ourselves to get out of this box Im feeling. We cant be who really are because of people judging us.|||Hey everyone! Have you felt that you are inside the box and hiding? I mean Im there and Im around people but why I feel so invisible as if no one really see me.|||Mine is : perlasjean|||I cry when people keeps saying I did not good enough where as I did give my best. And when they blame me on their own mistakes :(|||Hahaha! You are happy? LOL Well I'd love to join a nude party! Wooooohhh!|||Hahaha! You are happy? LOL Well I'd love to join a nude party! Wooooohhh!|||Hahahaha! Maybe I could try living in beaches :)) LOL|||When I do task Im really afraid that I might do something stupid. I felt embarassed when I do it uncorrectly and my body is just shaking. Have you ever felt this way? Or it just happen this past few...|||Hm. Well I think Im a good person enough. And I choose choices between what is right or wrong. Of course I follow the right things.|||Hehehe. I feel the same way. I dont talk to people I know well. I find them boring or even senseless to talk to. I want to be alone and do what keeps me happy. People will just leave, I think they...|||Hm. Yeah. I think I change a lot. I dont know Its just Im being so nice and giving to people whom I really care, yet they dont know how to appreciate me.|||I think you should leave the house. Hehehe. You dont need your family if they dont understand you or even listen to you. There are thousands of people and you are not alone. Just get a life you know....|||You INFPs are always self pitying.|||Yehey! You agree with me! Yes its nudity but not trying to seduce them.|||Yeah I think they should not look.|||What? You think its hot? My parents are telling me to put on clothes. But I really dislike it! Do you think its okay to walk around the house nude?|||Hi everyone! Do you wear clothes? Me, I dont like wearing clothes I feel uncomfortable with clothes that I wear even if they look good on me. I just hate wearing clothes. And I dont wear clothes when...|||Woah ESTPs vulnerable? Really? You guys have a good body which I really admire. Maybe you are strong outside but vulnerable inside|||Are you 594? hehehe. Im 459. Glad to meet you :))|||Have you ever experience that people laugh at us so/sx's? uh. I hate it! Im walking doing my own thing and the people around are smiling and laughing.|||yeah we should all be put to a fucking death I guess|||I find myself talking differently. I mean how I pronounce them.|||Why? Do you hate us that much?|||Im so/sx. how do you guys see us? are we acting different?|||a fucking senseless person.|||I do the same thing. Im an escapist! and I really dont want to be on the spotlight.|||what a face! LOL|||Of course not! you're enneagram type 2. I really have a huge attraction with Enneagram 2 people :D|||you said you're a type 2 right? well i've seen some 2s really afraid of people and as I observe them they really are very very awkward.|||SX/SO SO/SX SX/SP SP/SX SP/SO SO/SP and what stacking do you love and hate the most?|||Hi fellow ISFPs. Do you find yourself lately difficult to deal with the crowd? :confused:|||I really love you guys when it comes to clothing! :d hahahaha!|||the main purpose why people live is to find God and have faith in him|||We are disappearing and we are not the crowds favorite anymoree :( .|||Hahaha! Well yeah you're right. I live in the Philippines. Our country is just copying the culture style of korea. ISFPs here are becoming more rare.|||Hahaha! Well yeah you're right. I live in the Philippines. Our country is just copying the culture style of korea. ISFPs here are becoming more rare.
'I'm seriously considering marriage to my longtime ENFP girlfriend. But do you think she'll be able to give me a little more space when we are settled down in marriage? My two biggest problems with...|||I'll revive this in the rare event anyone else wants to comment.|||While I certainly can agree with the crux of what you're saying in your post, particularly the summary above (and yes, INTPs do question these seemingly meaningless conventions for what they are), I...|||It seems that I can never achieve the kind of satisfaction in my career that other people experience (although my career is solid and does use many of my talents). Not completely sure if it's...|||Nice insight. I totally agree that it seems like a match up destined for clashes.|||Dad: ISTJ Mom: ISFJ Younger brother: ESFP Me: INTP|||sometimes they ask candidates to take the test.|||How big of a role does MBTI play in many HR departments? Are candidates ever eliminated solely by MBTI type?|||Newer show....but Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. yeah, the female feeler is a popular archetype.|||Lol that sounds right.|||Any further analysis on why these two would be good in a relationship?|||Cultural norms and so-called ideals.|||Why in theory is an ESTJ so good with INTP? I've heard this often, and can think of several reasons why, but I'd like to hear further analysis of this.|||Fair enough. :tongue:|||I was positive someone would quickly provide a response of this nature. If you look at my first post, I specified that I was going to focus on the preference of a heterosexual male ESTJ. That's all....|||I thought that disclaimer goes without saying. MBTI is about generalizations and stereotypes by nature.|||Absolutely right. Bad word choice. I will change it.|||As you know, the stereotypical male is a T type--rational and logical--while the stereotypical female is the F type--sensitive and emotional. Considering these longstanding cultural views, when a...|||Let me first provide the disclaimer that this, of course, is not definitive, but my generalized opinion. ESTJs strongly uphold societal traditions. I believe that their faith in these cultural...|||Two of my closest friends for over 10 years are INFPs. I'd say one comical (and well-known) trait they share is their lack of precision in certain statements. They remember the details of past...|||ESTJs are best with other SJs. In my opinion, they have a VERY difficult time with NFs. For a male ESTJ, I believe the best match is a female ISFJ.|||I'm not even sure this is possibly measurable. If so, it would obviously have to be a J or some sort. Perhaps SJ. What do you think?|||I'm absolutely 100% sure that I'm an INTP. But I can sometimes fake being an ENTP socially when I'm out. But I still need serious re-charging time afterwards. I should also mention that these ESFJ...|||An ESFJ is supposed to be a complete opposite of me. Yet somehow I keep becoming attracted to (and eventually dating) these sweet ESFJs. What's going on? And are these relationships sustainable? I...|||That's exactly what I would expect and believe it is generally accurate. Personally, I'm an independent who votes Republican.|||Haha! As an INTP, I find that response is hilarious. Yet so true and familiar for me...|||Yeah it's always seemed like a fairly incompatible group to me. In general, of course, because it depends on the individuals involved.|||INTPs can definitely be goal oriented. In fact, all of them are to some extent. We all set goals and accomplish them (to varying degrees). The intp goals may not be as traditional as those other...|||One of my best friends is INFP, another is ESTJ. They seem to think the opposite on every issue (though they hardly know each other). Do you think these types would conflict as much as just about any...|||As I said in the ESFP area, Don't Stop the Party for ESFPs.|||INTPs are the most mysterious in general. ENTJs are the most mysterious to me.|||Hahaha! Having a best friend for the last 15 years who is an ESTJ, I can say that paraphrase is essentially accurate.|||I have to say that the N/S thing has really been getting to me lately too. I love a lot of S type women at first, but it just doesn't seem workable. I miss that deeper intellectual connection and we...|||Interesting...good point. I know this requires a great deal of knowledge on an artist from a while back now, so not everyone will know WTF is going on. But feel free to chime in if you know the...|||Yeah I know know what you mean. I believe that Neo from the Matrix is a rare lead character INTP. But that has a lot to do with the unusual philosophical nature of the movie and the fact that the...|||Calvin I can see what you mean about your types. Paul I can definitely see as ESTJ. I may disagree on John the apostle being INTP though. Although he does have that kind of calm/detached tendency, he...|||Is it possible that Beach Boys composer legend Brian Wilson is an INTP? I never would have considered this as even a possibility until someone argued for it. In the 60s he achieved autonomy and...|||INTPs are generally big picture logical thinkers. So they would create the architectural ideas and leave implementation to others. Lol.|||Troll thread? It may be a dumb thread, or moronically phrased, but I'm serious about the topic. I have the tendency to get extremely attracted to ESFJs, which never seems to end ideally. And yet here...|||In the case of Solomon I'm not positive whether or not he would be an INTP, but I would probably say he was (if I had to guess). He was certainly motivated by the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge. In...|||I'm not sure that I can explain it better than other resources. So I'll just send a few links: INTP personality | 16 Personality Types Portrait of an INTP A few excerpts: --Accumulated...|||I greatly appreciated your relationship analysis, for the record.|||Interesting thread. I definitely see some truth in it. Not sure if it is completely universal, or effected by T and F as well. But I'd like to hear more opinions..|||You think Solomon was INTP? Was it his interest in knowledge/wisdom that makes you think that?|||Good point. I sometime morph into being perceived as ENTP and feel a certain kinship with that type.|||Yes, this may be kind of theoretical topic. But can you somewhat alter your type if you wanted to? Obviously I don't think you can change your cognitive preferences. But can you transform yourself,...|||Hahaha! Yeah I've honestly thought about giving extremely absurdist answers like that. Frankly they come to my head more often than normal answers. Answering that I'm a CIA special agent and my job...|||Hahaha!|||This may just be a personal quirk and not necessarily an INTP thing. But I always hate having to catch up with casual acquaintances with these type of questions. Do you? One reason I probably...|||Judging by your photo, the INTJ men wouldn't mind getting to know you either. :wink:'
'Sometimes I wonder that too.. the reason being that INFJ's seem so absractly deep that even being one myself I don't understand them all the time ;D|||I was wondering..|||Your GF changes the curtains in your apartment and you wonder the NEXT DAY has something changed.|||I only read this post of yours, but if I think this as an INFJ male I would have probably done the same as your boyfriend. In the same situation I would have thought that when I have this kind of...|||reckful, If you just would be a woman and a beautiful one, I would nail you so hard now ; ) great post!|||Could you show some links about the subject etc?|||Hmm.. interesting, I need to think about this one. Still I am 99% sure that one of my closest friends is INFP. Others have done the test too, but I aren't so sure about them. What does sosionics say...|||Sounds great ;)|||Has anyone else noticed this effect that INFJ's and INFP's attract somehow each other? I don't know should I worry but I already have 3 close INFP friends. The other close ones are ENFP's. Am I...|||I only have experience with one INFP. I'm not so sure if she was ENFP. The sex was sensual and the best I've ever had. I also had pretty strong sexual tension towards INTP, but I'm not so sure if...|||What MBTI type you have had the best sexual chemistry and why you think it is so? And yes.. I mean great, unbeleviable, mind blowing sex ; )|||I've noticed that when I'm angry I blame people. The truth in the end is not that they did wrong and I feel bad thatfore. The truth is I fear that people abandon me and doesn't love me. I think this...|||How have you developed your emotional intelligence? How do you control your feelings? How do you control long term feelings? This video was pretty good. ...|||So, I have this friend who hates personality typing and I love them ;) I wonder what type she is that I would better understand her. What i've noticed of her is that she has strong values and is...|||Haha :D Im fairly nice ;) Don't worry.|||Hey you ENFP girl! Yes, you! I want to get to know you :) I don't really know much about ENFP's so I would love to get to know to an ENFP girl/s. I also wan't so see how we get along and what...|||I just love you ESTP's, your so simple and straightforward which I envy sometimes :)|||What arises shall arise.. I met an INTP girl. We liked each other a lot. Then she signaled mistrust and I asked her why she seems distant. She got...|||I was wondering what are the differences if male is INTP and female is INFJ and vice versa. I think that male INFJ's might annoy INTP woman more because they are clingy, emotional and unstable which...|||God#&*# I need to learn how to use my tablet :P|||Soz, this post|||This seems a major realization for me, because I haven't probably ever even tried to understand people who seems distant. Even though I firmly believe that every person is ultimately good in hearth....|||I need to think this through... but wouldn't that explane the poor internal handling of feelings? So they can't make fast interpretations of things that really needs the Fi, like if someone says I...|||I think that INTP's emotion Fi is so slow to react in the moment and the logic is always slower than emotion so the time is needed.|||What I've found out that INTP's are really stubborn. They cannot be persuaded to do things. Usually even small things might be too much, but when you give time to them they will and they really does...|||I suspect that this has something to do with the appropriate challenge. INTP's seem to have this vulnerable feeling inside which they only show when they trust someone with a special way and INFJ's...|||Yes we can. I can't see it a problem. To INFJ's it's all about who you are ultimately, not how you organize things. The straight forwardness to communicate appeals to me. But INFJ's must understand...|||I see this subject that INTP's can sense some sort of fake behavior in people. I think it is dislike among peoples who try to please. But I also see this as a growing point to INTP's, because it's...|||I'm dating INTP and she says the same thing.. almost.. she says that she usually don't like compliments. But I am sincere and if I can, as I do, I but them into logical words, then compliments go...|||As an INFJ this is a small step to relief ;)|||So did I get this right; it's a turn on for INTP's if someone is real?|||So I was thinking what is the best things to have as INTP in romantic relationships and what are the worst?|||Talking about beliefs wokes some thoughts about the subject. Just the repetition won't make people believe anything. Affirmations won't work just by themselfs. You truely need to find the route to...|||Yes, emotion is energy in motion. Can't see why what I said rules this out. There's no way I can explane hearth. It can only be known internally.|||I've already read that. Still not giving up my fluffy self-help books :) I have really good experiences of bibliotherapy in my life.|||As I see it emotions are thoughts. Thoughts aren't accurate so our feelings aren't accurate. Still, the hearth that is there is the receiver of what is best for us, ultimately trying to give us good...|||My friend said something which resonated: Heart is the source of positive feelings. Still, feelings in their self aren't right. They need this unexplaneable thing called love to be right. And...|||I just became aware of my strongest emotions that when I have them I believe them. Smaller emotions don't bother and mainly I am stabile, like 90% of time. In here, the forum, I may seem unstabile,...|||I was wrong and I am so glad that I was ^^ What a relief to notice that my toughts are wrong :) Not just with her, but my imagination ain't accurate. This is something which I will develope. I...|||At the moment I fear that my intuition is right as it usually is. In fact I've even started to fear that it might be always right. It's crazy.. I dont want it. Lähetetty minun GT-N5110 laitteesta...|||Im starting to think the same way. This has been really frustrating to me. Lähetetty minun GT-N5110 laitteesta Tapatalkilla|||Ok, now my feelings started to do their things again or should I say my thoughts which arise from fear of rejection. 1+1 = she said shes afraid of her ex and might not call me today because this day...|||Yes, she was upset about another person who harrashed her. She didn't say it to me because feared that I might think that she gots feelings for this dude. It was her ex. I saw it from her distance in...|||Soz, double post..|||I've noticed that answering to my questions seems to be really hard for her. Or not hard, she just says plain and simple answers. I can see things before she can. I can read between the lines and am...|||In fact I did what you are suggesting today :) and yes, you are right, it worked like a charm :)|||Yes, thank you a lot :) Very helpful. I noticed that this isn't about my F but this is because of my low self-esteem which popped it's head up when my feelings came for her. This was a automatic way...|||I have this new born relationship with INTP where I've needed more validation than she could give. I now realize this is my problem, because I'm really fast of making decisions based on my...|||I have this new born relationship with INTP where I've needed more validation than she could give. I now realize this is my problem, because I'm really fast of making decisions based on my feelings....|||I think myself as highly accepting person, but sometimes I tend to become fanatic for the higher good. I think I have the ability to see in narrow line where some things go, but sometimes I forget...'
'Hey ENFPs. I've posted this thread on the philosophy board too, but I am really curious to reading responses from ENFPs in particular. I've realized that I am quite prone to the following: ...|||I don't believe in any religion. I think religions are a form of control to unify a population under a common spirituality, and give room for love, compassion, and communal growth (although,...|||The reconstruction of a planet once called Earth PART 1 - DARKNESS You are a transparent blob of energy floating, wandering through this planet. The only kingdom that exists now is Plantae,...|||Or merely acceptance? Haha, fuck. Got carried away and pretty much drifted away from the intended topic of discussion, wasn't interested in emphasizing philosophy on this thread, but just to focus...|||Do you cross the line? Perhaps for the sake of humour and freedom interlinked with a degree of honesty. You know what people 'tick' or 'react' too. Methods and reactions... Taboo? Irrational...|||I was singing I'm singing in the rain' by Gene Kelly in the shower quite frequently after having watched Clockwork Orange.|||Finish the game? I basically become the game. I've had plenty of games where I've sat there literally day & night till I've completed it, at which point, I discard the game and never play it...|||We find a hideous looking fish on the beach, whose jaws are clenched tight for some reason, and decide to aid it. I’m with two people, who help me open the fish’s mouth while I brush it with salt,...|||By accepting that he just wants to be happy, I guess. Yeah no doubt it would be hard to get close eh. :rolleyes:|||Haha yeah, but I also feel like an ass for putting that negative spin on and doubting their sincerity, and reacting to it. That's clearly insecure behaviour, no matter if we are right or wrong. Fe-Ni...|||ENFJs are sneaky little bastards.||| Maybe this will give you some ideas.|||Lithium Energizer batteries AA+ right up the butt. Seriously bound to startle you into hyperactivity. ...If you're into that sorta thing. :rolleyes: I'd recommend keeping 'em up there,...|||Described by teachers through the years repeatedly as: Lazy. Full of potential. (Oh boy do I hear this one a-lot) An uncut diamond. (Seriously) :blushed: A druggy. Not serious. Overly focused...|||I don't think she feels the same way you do, and that can make her feel insincere, and thus fake - which can make her lose her sense of self, make her feel empty. Not good. Either that or she's...|||Sometimes I feel like I can read people or situations pretty well with my intuition. Although there are times where I realized that although I thought I could read a significant person, it turned out...|||Well there goes one friend down the drain.|||Then I've given you legit advice, girl. If you continue to accept how it is now (with what you've been happy with and with what has been making your heart race) without trying to push it forward...|||Oh yeah, same problem. Alcohol is the solution. I had this issue just a week ago. A friend of mine had people over at his for a whole bloody week. It was a strange group, but I'm friends with...|||Aye. I agree with that to an extent. I believe a good majority of 'em will end up being too absorbed in their own issues, or just thinking your issues are retarded? Still, I'd like to believe that...|||If he's not interested, then you owe it to yourself to know that he doesn't deserve you. Don't think of this in a superior way. It's really just being true to yourself. You deserve love, if he...|||What do you guys think of going to a therapist in times of distress/depression? Would you deal with it yourself? Would you find it easier to open up to a therapist rather than a close friend,...|||to get jiggy?|||Haha yeah. The brain is so un-predictable... Always puts on a show at the strangest (usually not appropriate) times. *Sigh* I relate to you though. Seems a burst of creative thought comes into...|||You become horizontally taller. Kidding... Kinda. Anyway, I don't want to label it as 'love'. It's just somit you feel. I'd say it's like a drug, which you just can't get enough of. A feeling of...|||Nah, that infection existed a long time ago, my friend. Step 1 is acceptance, not denial. Did I mention how serious I was?|||Haha didn't even think of it as a poem, but I see. It's more in context with the theory of one-consciousness. Yeah, an illusion held in place by fear and ignorance. Thanks man, yeah I did.|||Ripples, waves on an ocean, the source of life, as to matter on pure abstract consciousness, the source of everything. We are manipulated into being trapped and to direct our attention to several...|||I find my beliefs difficult to explain if I'm not clear headed; because I myself can lose touch with them. I'm not clear headed atm, but anyway. I believe in an inconceivable higher power. Within...|||Push ups. Lots of push ups. It might start off to be something like this:|||1. Has anyone been fully engulfed in the present moment? The future and the past wiped clear off the mind. 2. If so, how did it feel? 4. How did you achieve this feeling of presence? 5....|||Yeah, if you want to try the meditation, this will help:|||Time will cure the pain man. Listen to appropriate music, take in the emotion, feel it even if it hurts, let it out. Scream (pillow, under-water e.g. bath) if you need too. Watch comedy stand-ups;...|||Humanity living as one, with love and compassion on every front. Living with nature in a symbiotic relationship with technology producing a self-sustained community where air is fresh and life is...|||In my heart I see no doubt, That life is love forever sung, In the air it flows with dust, Inside everything made of mud Out of time.. and creativity. :sad: EDIT:|||Dreams are just as 'real' as anything else. You experience it, don't you? The same way you experience 'life'. What if dreams are just the imagination, and the creation of ideas. Those ideas get...|||Song I'm currently stuck on, and is giving me proper chills, especially mid way; a surge of emotion just explodes. I really do advise you wear earphones if you haven't heard this song before.. Lyrics...|||Why do ENFPs think they're close to being an INFP? Fallacy. Primary Fi w/ auxillary Ne is very different from Primary Ne w/ auxillary Fi. The auxillaries aim is to support the primary,...|||Ha. What is civilization? Cruelty, injustice, inequality, thievery etc. overshadowed by men dressed in suits and playing with words on live TV? Retail or other industries (food, clothing etc) with no...|||I don't see the issue of being able to watch brutal videos. I can do it quite easily without getting a feeling of utter disgust or cringing. That doesn't mean I don't care about the state of the...|||Yeah at first glance it is ironic. But maybe, it expresses people who love Love telling the haters to fuck off... Fuck you, if you don't, err,|||Oh, I agree.|||Yeah. We emit a certain vibe or energy with our wild and free Ne; so I guess the ladies sense that and are attracted and intrigued. It's funny watching most of my friends make conscious effort to...|||I believe in in consciousness. The idea of universal 'love', a 'oneness', a deep connection with nature - it is self-awareness that has created subjective interpretations of physical matter and...|||Typical ENTP.. Can't help but flirt. Poor guy. I'm sure you can just keep it light and fun - small talk and what not, he'll eventually understand you're not into him.. Yes, it will happen - my guess...|||Shit man, I think when you produce a mental image of yourself in your head, you directly start to think of who you are as a person subjectively, and produce an subjective mental image based on...|||I'm an INTP male, and have more or less been raped by an INTJ female. Repeatedly. I quite enjoyed it.|||^ Probably just the boobs... Or whatever else is 'aesthetically' pleasing. :tongue:|||Why do you think you have potential with her? What age span of lady are we speaking about here?|||Interesting question, of what I'm thinking in the present, is thought linear? Of-course not (Although it seems that is today's civilization's mentality, and you wonder why national happiness or...'
'I got 593. From what I've read about the Enneagram I'm a 953, though. I read somewhere that a lot of 9's mistype themselves as 5's.|||GTFO FEELER!|||A lot of the stuff that you read in the INTP descriptions applies to ISTPs a well. Like you mentioned we share a dominant function. Honestly, I think that even some of the things those descriptions...|||Don't worry about it. You are trying to make sense of the world and it's hard to ask this kind of question without being offensive. Luckily, ISTPs don't usually get offended too easily. I've...|||My mother-in-law is an ESTJ. She is the epitome of an upstanding citizen. She volunteers at her church. She is eager to to any kind of manual labor to help someone out. She is a teacher in one of...|||I'd rather buy my own cheap lawn mower to walk behind 40 minutes a week than have to drive to a rental shop and load up a nice mower every time I wanted to mow my yard. It pisses me off enough to...|||I can't think of any great ones. It may be better to post this question in the cognitive functions forum. They've been helpful for me when I had these kinds of questions. I'd be interested in...|||I have a Facebook account but I don't use it. I do like twitter. I never tweet but it is interesting to see what people are saying about the snl episode or basketball game that I am watching in...|||I experience almost everything mentioned in this 6 page thread but this sticks out to me. I will analyze something to the point that I can't remember all of the reasons that support my argument. ...||||||Interesting. If Clay Aiken tested as an ISTP that is further evidence that the tests don't mean a lot. I think Aiken is an ENFJ. He uses Fe a lot and has an in charge interaction style. He...|||Really rare for me too. I can't even remember a time I've said it to my parents, although I think I have.|||I like ISFJ females. I've been lucky enough to be around a few that aren't overtly emotional. My wife is one and her mom is an ESTJ tyrant. That made her a lot mare logical than I think she would...|||Crap ... now I have to go slower. :laughing: I'm sure it all depends on who is watching and what mood they're in. Also, what kind of car you are driving. Some departments find reasons to pull...|||Maybe it's just me. I love setting how things work like that though, even if it is CGI.|||Thanks. I've been reading this subforums off and on for months now and never noticed if anyone cussed or didn't until after I posted that question. The inner dialog I posted above was highly...|||Netflix and/or Bit Torrent. I love living in the future where we can choose what we want to entertain us.|||You watch and your favorite part is watching Tony Stark's apartment remove his suite. (no homo)|||This. The limit on the main road in my town is 50. If I'm driving my 5 speed, I will be at the limit faster than the guys in the other lanes 95% of the time. After that at least one of them...|||I'm big into a lot of different kinds of Rock. Classic rock was the first kind of music that I listened too that I still consider worth anything. My favorite band from that genre, or any for that...|||People who are physically in my way annoy me. - When people drive slowly and I have no way to get around them. - In the super market, people who stand around and don't give anyone a path to go...|||Hm ... I'm really (mostly) trying to figure out what judging function he uses. If you saw the last episode of The Celebrity Apprentice, Clay Aiken sat him down and tried to have a discussion about...||| Yay for rotary!|||I do that a lot too. Loosely defined, that could be considered customization, as well. At least it is different than the factory settings.|||I thought so too when I first ran into the MBTI. I prefer Se/Ni over Ne/Si for sure, though. My high level of introversion makes me seem more like an NT than an SP. I think ISTPs get a bad rap...|||Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think an Ne user would want to brainstorm about different things that something could be where an Se user would just enjoy actually doing the customization. ...|||I am feeling more comfortable with ISTP now. What really helped tie everything together for me was taking some time to learn about the enneagram. After understanding that I am an enneagram type 9 I...|||Are there any types that like to customize our stuff as much as ISTPs? I tend to (at least want to) customize everything that I own. It is to the point that customizing something is about at the...|||Thanks, allisreal. I haven't put much consideration into typing myself as an ISFJ. I will read and think about it to see what I come up with. I'm still leaning ISTP right now though.|||I think I made this post to see if anyone would look at my answers and say something like you can't be an SP because of this and this. I know I'm an introvert and I use my body too well to be an...|||I realize that I am raising a zombie thread here but screw it. Top Gear is my favorite show. I have put some thought into their types. Clarkson = ENTJ He definitely has an in charge...|||I think he is an ENTP. This doesn't sound very scientific but I think it works pretty well. When I try to decide between iNtuition and Sensing I try to look at the way the guy moves and image...|||1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? I am pretty conscious about hurting people feelings. I don't like to watch someone be an outcast when it is obvious that they would...|||If I understand Se correctly I do think he uses that. I remember listening to him describe the parties that he throws at his house. They sound wild and very Se friendly. He seems like he is up for...|||I don't have anything to add except that I think you are spot on. He is a really interesting guy.|||Are you talking about Penn Point? I used to watch those every once in a while when they were hosted on That is one of the reasons I am interested in typing him. He is still putting...|||Penn's stage personality is loud, animated and a lot of people would say annoying. If you watched his Showtime show, Bullshit, he calls the people he disagrees with Asshole. He is a cast...|||epic, that is a good way to explain it. Thanks for clearing that up. This is what has really helped me as well. Even thought I am not nearly as good at social situations as ESxPs (for...|||My experience with social anxiety has been really similar to what a lot of you have said. I was very socially anxious as a kid. I always felt inferior. As I got older I learned to not care as...|||I looked into day trading for a while. I practiced trading FOREX with some free software that I found that allowed to do make fake trades where no money was involved. I watched a ton of videos on...|||I agree with and experience everything posted so far. These two are things that I do all the time and have always done. I've been wondering if they had to do with Ti or are just a shared...|||I hit my first and second home runs after about 4 years of slow pitch softball on Friday night. I'm the smallest guy that I've seen hit the ball out, so I think that's pretty cool.|||He is crazy but he's a good crazy.|||Here is a video of my dog, Rupp, acting like he does every morning or just any time he is happy or wants something from me. Here he is catching a...|||That argument is really close to the Fermi Paradox. A couple of things I would add to the list: - If Aliens were already here and they have the ability to communicate with us, we would probably...|||Yeah. I wanted to say the best game is one that involves no luck but that isn't really true. The best games are above all else fun to play and/or watch.|||It depends on how you look at it, I guess. If you think it is unfair that someone has more or less skill than his opponent, than you are right. I see games as a chance to find out who has the...|||I saw this show while flipping through channels one night last week and thought of this thread. It's called Alternate History. Wouldn't you know, the first episode was about what would the US look...|||Khys I'm right there with you about the getting old thing. My options, at 55, will be limited in terms of doing what I want. If not because of anything else, my body just won't be the same. After...|||That is the way I see it. Even if you do something nice for someone else, to your own detriment, it is because the psychological reward is greater than what you gave up.'
'Trying not to feel totally worthless... Why do I have to be so sensitive ugh stupid brain. ...Maybe you never actually gave a fuck. You don't know the damage you've done...that I've done,...|||I hate when I buy a new type of toothpaste, and it ends up being that weird, sparkly blue shit...||||||I'm sorry about everything.|||Sometimes you have to take a step or two back to go forward. Sigh... I hope this was worth it.|||Car's in the shop. Forgot my lunch. Accidentally ran a red light... Ready for this day to be over already.|||An old Bimmer 3 series. I really should get rid of it lol. ... Agreed, agreed. Though I don't mind snow so much. I loved all the open road, with basically no speed limit. Just...|||It's the last day of vacation, and I'm about to spend my evening going through everything and getting rid of some stuff. Went to Montana, which is an amazing place, by the way. I want to move...|||Cripes, I'm so sorry for what you're going through.. I can't imagine having to outrun a wildfire, and then it having consume your home place. :sad: I find I shut down all my feels too when...|||Yikes, you live there? Sorry all that's happening :( ... warweasel Happy CO week, mang! (I'll admit, I had no idea it was such a thing, but now I do :happy: )|||I don't understand this whole...'self-esteem' thing...|||Neat! A lot of these speak out to me, but here's a few: Acceptance - Not everyone will understand me, and that's okay. What I really need is for people to just accept that I am the way I am...|||Dude, that's awesome! I'd be crying tears of joy after going a full month haha Glad she's back :cool:|||Yes, it's the same tree I had mourned a while back in the Venting Thread lol :( I'm not sure about the word, though... Except I'm reminded of that Portugese word (one of my favorite words)...|||It stormed today. Afterwards left the most beatiful, vivid rainbow I've ever seen 517682 Picture doesn't really do it justice - I could see it arc across the entire sky, and so brightly too! ...|||Ahh, it feels good to be home after house sitting for a week. I know it's an apartment, and it's not much, but it's my space. I've missed it... Also I feel like I haven't slept well because for...|||Ohh, that sound! Ahh, I might, I might. Can't be any worse than trying to maintain a Bimmer, right? Mine's creeping up on 150k miles and I'm worried it's about to blow up haha. But yeah, I...|||Yessssss! I really wanted to get myself an RX8 but then I heard all the flaws... Maybe if I knew how to rebuild engines I would... I thought I heard somewhere that Mazda was gonna bring the...|||Aaaand weird week continues to get weirder. I'm getting ready to drive to my parents' place from work (because I'm house sitting) and my mom texts me: Hey the alarm went off at the house is...|||That moment when you're terrified of stepping on the scale because you haven't in so long, only to find yourself pleased with the result. I try to eat well but I slip a lot haha. 'Cause, you...|||Yesssss! I love to travel. I can't say I want to do as much of it as humanly possible, though, because I do get tired. It's a very draining experience. But I love it nonetheless. It's mostly...|||So...yesterday I vented to my supervisor about this guy that blows off work all the time. I didn't mean to turn into a fireball...It's stuff that had been building awhile, and when people...|||Almost lost my temper at work today. There's a guy that likes to completely blow off his responsibilities, which ends up fucking people over, including myself. I didn't say anything to him, but I...|||This song makes me so giddy, I can't stop dancing:|||I try not to sit and stew. An aggressive workout usually does wonders for me. Drawing or writing helps. Something about being active helps me think in the background without getting too worked up or...|||Haha yeah, Pops is an INTJ for sure. Which is probably part of the reason why I get along so well with them. My mom took the MBTI too and scored ENFP but I'm not sure still. Either way she's fluffy...|||Hmm depends. Mostly just an open ear/sounding board. If it's some kind of life crisis I'm upset about, generally I can figure it out once I get around all the feels. Venting to non-judgmental ear...|||Had lunch with my Dad. Ugh I got the Ni stare from him - he was giving me the third degree, asking why my SO won't go over with me to visit them. I just kept saying he's busy, he's busy. You...|||Shit. I fucked up.|||Sigh. That moment when you're sitting outside, alone, drawing the world peacefully, and suddenly some completely random yo comes and sits at your table, watching you and blocking your field of...|||Haha Thank you for this. I have so many ball-related questions, and this was one of them. ... My head feels full. Maybe because I haven't gotten anything done. Wasting too much time on...|||Big fluffy hug from me to you <3|||Agh. Sometimes I wish I could keep my mouth shut about my feelings.|||Oof, today was legs day: I might have gone too far haha.. Today is also Friday, so yay for...|||Haha Oh my! And banana splits for dessert?|||Well, usually I'll take a guy out to dinner first, but if you insist...|||Ah, yikes. I think what I need most is some time away, on my own. But where/when can I get that ><|||Hrm, I always had the opposite problem haha. I can't really seem to make friends with lady people. But with my guy friends, it has always been because we've met doing things we share in common. ...|||Ahh, so I have this INTJ buddy with whom I go wayyy back - back to the days of playing World of Warcraft, just after the first expansion came out - he texted me out of the blue today. Made my day...|||The fuck is with people and talking over me all the time? Doing group project. I'll start to say something and then someone will say what I'm saying even louder, Oh yeah, [insert what I'm...|||It's okay, buddy, we've all been there. lol. .... Uh, so I saw that first-person movie last night, Hardcore Henry. A word to the wise: ...|||Never, really haha. Whenever I go out, it's usually because my other half wants to bring me along to something he's been invited to. Oh, and he and I will do a lot of things together, just the two...|||I can't say I'm a fan of me being sarcastic, but it comes out of me when I'm super pissed. Like I can get a bit snarky when I'm in the moment of being hurt by another person. Sort of another way of...|||I had lunch with my mom today. Sometimes she talks about such sad things, and it breaks my heart... A very near and dear friend of the family has been a bit depressed lately because she wants to...|||Ergh. Having to wait on someone else to get back to me so I can do my job. Just send me the damn list already, shouldn't take but two minutes. I also hate how the speed of which someone responds...|||You know what just burns my bread? Whenever someone tries to guilt trip me into going to some kind of function. I'll be really upset if you don't come. Like, really. :dry: That was said to me...|||1. I'm not. When I'm around other people, most times their feelings override what I'm feeling, and it's like I can't even hear my own thoughts. I don't know how I actually, truly feel about things...|||Not really feelings. But what does geek me out sometimes is that everything is made up of atoms. Like, that is just the coolest. And how we're never actually touching anything on an atomic level. ...|||Depends. Probably somewhat average, but I go through these phases when I seem to cry for no reason. Or maybe it's a buildup of small things, I'm not sure. Some days I'm just feeling depressed or...|||Ahh, this. This sounds familiar haha.. ...Never really fitting in anywhere.. One time in high school I walked in on some guys I was friendly with playing Dungeons and Dragons, and I had secretly...'
Painting the world with the colors of my soul. Interpret it as you like - helping others by volunteering, teaching, giving everything you have. Personal growth - learning as much about the universe...|||6 months ago I met this ENTP guy at my university. We are in the same group, so we basically have to be together everyday, and most likely have to study together for the next 6 years. So cutting off...|||1984 all the way|||I don't like people in groups because it's harder to enslave them.|||ESxJ or ISxJ, because I've noticed that ISxJs don't have much trouble with small talk either. I'd say ISTJ.|||secret :)|||I really like the movie, and Alice is my alter ego in internet, since people find my real name a bit weird.|||Sense of smell easily, because my sense of smell has always been kind of weak. I think it's better that way, because I don't feel and suffer from disgusting smells people seem to feel everyday. I...|||I don't think there's a certain type who would tend to do this. I think it depends on other factors and influences throughout the person's life.|||Honey badgers|||ENFP - creative and challenging conversations. Fun to have both small talk and philosophical rambling. ENTJ/ENFJ - adventurous friend who allows me to see things from different perspective. ENTP -...|||Please, change my username to A Clockwork Alice|||dodartt|||I'd say you're an ENFP, possibly an ESFP too.|||Completely agree with everything OP said. I am cautious around new people and usually hold my true-self inside. Because of that people assume that I am a very calm, shy, possibly even slow and...|||Less planning, more random writing. Let the words flow out of you. Try to write in start and add the characters later. Basically do the opposite of what you've done before and see what happens.|||My native language is Latvian. English is my second language, but I have become fluent enough in that. (At least I hope so). I know a little bit of Russian and German, but I have no further interest...|||Basically I ask myself questions which affect me. Those ordinary existential ones - what is the meaning of my life, what am I, where am I going, what could happen and what couldn't, what changes...|||Blind|||I like learning languages, but I'm too lazy to do it. For now, I'm fluent in English and Latvian, but forcing myself to learn Russian. I really want to learn at least one of Scandinavian languages...|||I was definitely an ENFP. Until society broke me.|||Everyday would be sunny, grass would always be green, all people would be smiling for no reason, everyone would go to church on Sundays etc. All of the earth would be just a big suburb full of sensor...|||1) Once 3) 24 h 4) I like to talk like Yoda. Also Doctor Who quotes. (Let's go poke it with a stick!) 6) I wanted to be a scientist or a writer. Hasn't changed much ever since. 7) Sometimes and I...|||In some way communication is probably one of the things that lead to intelligence. Like, for example, someone asks you a philosophical question. This triggers your mind and urges you to think about...|||Yes, this happens to me all the time. But then again, by telling the truth, you get real friends and get rid of those who can't accept you. I think it's the best way of living there is.|||I'm thinking ENTP.|||Not all of them, I bet there are Sensors who have achieved the same thing with hard work.|||Jumping out from the third floor window and breaking a few bones. I was 10 years old and spent 4 h in pain until my parents came home. That's about it. Now that I think about it, definitely UTI|||I see dead people|||I don't have a system. I just write down important stuff in a chaotic way, so I'm the only person who can make sense out of it later. Also idk what I'd do without photographic memory, but I'm not...|||Love both the books and the series.|||OMG SO FREAKING AWESOME. Thank you!|||The Shawshank redemption.|||I've had a similar problem, only I'm the INTP. For example: A person might have hurt me in the past, and I have forgiven him, but I can't stop living in the past, so I bring back the event...|||Can I have one too? :kitteh: If possible, dark green shield, metallic color - grey.|||Something tells me Gatsby is introverted. All those parties he made and never took part in.|||Happens to me very often. When I get into a new class or just meet new people, in start they don't like me (and they show it), so I just ignore them, but after few months they usually warm up to me...|||No there aren't. There are days when I do everything as scheduled, but then I get bored of it and turn back to my normal self.|||Not knowing the answers to everything - yet.|||If I don't know a person very well I'm too busy with the social interaction and I'm not comfortable with expressing my humor, because the person probably wouldn't understand it. Like once I made a...|||Yes, but mostly with people I've known for years. I think it has definitely something to do with Ne. Sometimes I annoy people because I can already tell what they're going to say by their face...|||Procrastinating, trolling people and acting like it wasn't me, reading/watching something. Thinking up weird case scenarios, like when driving by bus I imagine how it would crash and people would...|||People have labeled me as ''socially retarded'', ''introverted freak'' - I'm not very communicative, so I'm comfortable with the labels unless people start to link ''introvert'' with ''ignorant'' -...|||I'm thinking ISFP or ISTP.|||Welcome to the forum! :kitteh:|||Biggest cliché of them all probably is the never-ending fight between good and evil - good always wins. A socially awkward/miserable guy turns into biggest hero of them all and in the end...|||Welcome, fellow ENFP! :kitteh:|||My guess would be ISTJ/ISFJ, somehow I don't see anything from INTJ.|||My Ni-Te is almost as strong as Ti-Ne, so I've had similar problems. Also close people think I'm extroverted, while others think I'm introverted. I sense a lot of Ni, so you might be INTJ/INFJ, but...|||Both, but lately more adapting, because I like a good challenge.
'I'm Type 9 and people in my family (who aren't gut-types) sometimes complain that I 'don't think'. I do feel like I don't really 'think' about certain actions-- I just do them, almost automatically....|||I relate to Anne of Green Gables and Anakin Skywalker. And probably more characters that I can't think of right now. :)|||I am an incredibly slow eater. :'D It's funny, because my mum is the exact opposite. I like to savor my food and avoid choking on it.|||I had a lot of nightmares when I was little. I became scared of sleeping because of them. Luckily now I don't dream anymore (or at least I don't remember if I dream).|||I've recently gotten into Star Wars and I feel like I really relate to Anakin Skywalker (not the Vader persona), for all that he's a walking human disaster. We're both extremely emotional and...|||Temizzle: Sorry but I'm pretty sure they aren't completely separate characters. Their overall personalities may be different, but they are still the same person. I also don't buy that they have...|||Also, it seems like people have considered every enneagram type except type 9 for Anakin. Personally I think he's type 8, but what's the reasoning behind him not being type 9?|||I got Ravenclaw just now... but I was sorted into Slytherin years ago on Pottermore. Can I just be listed as being in Slytherin? I'm quite partial to Slytherin, and the Sorting Hat does take personal...|||I just did an enneagram test for Anakin's personality and got Type 8. I know the tests aren't that accurate but it's a starting point.|||I've been seeing a psychologist to help me deal with some emotional problems I have at the moment, and during one session she suggested that I keep a thought record to help me change the way I think...|||I dream of being a novelist. :) Part of me likes the idea of being famous, but another part shies away from it, because I don't want to be in the spotlight, and I like more the idea of being in the...|||Awesome idea! :) Here's my Goodreads account. Please feel free to add me!|||He's definitely not Fi-dom. I don't think he would've been swayed so easily if he was an Fi-dom.|||I haven't seen the Prequel Trilogy so I'm afraid I don't have much to add to this discussion. But, I do think that he has Fi and is a Sensor, at least in the Prequel Trilogy. Edit: Also, Anakin...|||So, I've gone through your list and I saw a lot of Te and Si, but hardly any Fe and no Ti. Hope this helps! :)|||How are you like when you're stressed? That's when the inferior function can be seen. If you figure out your inferior function then you can figure out your dominant function too. Also, Ne...|||I know I've already typed myself, but I'm really curious to see what someone else might type me as and why. :) 0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example,...|||Yikes... I didn't think a personality typing test would ask anything like this!|||ESFP has the function stack Se-Fi-Te-Ni. Se=Extraverted Sensing Fi=Introverted Feeling Te=Extraverted Thinking Ni=Introverted Intuition|||I think I've seen enough to pin-point a personality type. I'm going with INFP, with ENFP (because they are the most introverted extraverts) and ISFP being possible alternatives. I hope this has...|||You said that you'd be willing to set aside your morals in a grievous situation. Fi-doms would never, ever think of setting aside their morals/values for anything. Maybe you could tell us...|||I agree with UnicornRainbowLove. You're probably ENFP.|||My interpretation is that you're either an ISTP or INTJ. From what I've read I can tell that you definitely have Se and Ni and you're definitely an introvert. I suspect you have high Ni but I'm not...|||I love how complex Clara is, even if her characterization is all over the place. :) Have no clue what her type is though. I think it's probably either ENFJ or ENTP.|||I don't see Se in Rose. And, Rose isn't in the ideas world? She comes up with a lot of crazy ideas, and she improvises a lot of the time. She's also more aware of the consequences of her actions...|||My typings: Rose: ENFP Lissa: ESFJ Dimitri: INxJ Christian: ISxP Adrian: ESFP Victor: xxTJ Tasha: ExxP Eddie: ISFJ Janine: xSTJ|||Okay, I've been watching Anne and I'm starting to question my initial typing of Anne as ENFP. INFP seems like a bigger possibility to me now. But... I'm still torn. Is it possible to be an introvert...|||I'd love to have children one day. I'm not ready for it yet though, so it'll probably happen far into the future, if it happens at all.|||This reminds me of the Twelfth Doctor's am I a good man? question in Season 8 of Doctor Who. His answer: The Doctor: I am not a good man! And I'm not a bad man either. I'm not a hero. I'm...|||I just started watching the new series Anne, via online streaming. So far it's amazing! :D It's an adaptation of Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery and it's overall a more realistic and darker...||| This song from RENT gets me every time. :') The melody is so lovely to listen to and the lyrics are very meaningful and relatable. Overall it's a very...|||My mum's (probably) ENFJ. My sister's INTP. My dad's ESTJ. I'm INFP. We've had some conflict, but never anything major. My mum and sister tend to clash the most, because my sister gets frustrated by...|||I love Life is Strange! :) It's one of my favorite video games. I love how character driven the story is, and how your choices have consequences that can affect you later in the game. I love...|||I just ignore it. It's not personal, it's just something they do to get more likes. It doesn't matter to me either way--I'm just there to watch the video.|||I don't care much about shopping centres, or shopping in general. I'd go if I need to buy something, but I don't like going shopping just for the sake of buying something and I don't like to spend...|||Riddle of the Ages. That's the only title I could come up with at this moment.|||Yeah, I've heard fans say that they weren't as happy with Season 2, mainly because of the lack of intimacy between Jamie and Claire. I wasn't that happy with it either, because of the changes to the...|||I'm INFP 9w1 and I got sorted into Slytherin. :D|||If I were you I'd leave and never look back. This relationship sounds really unhealthy. These lines that you wrote (I hope you don't mind me posting them here) really stood out to me: He just...|||ESFP|||I don't have a favorite character, but I'm really partial to House Stark. :D|||Has anyone else here seen Outlander? I was posting in an INFP thread not so long ago and was so excited when someone posted a recommendation about the series. :) To be clear, Outlander is about a...|||go|||The Chrestomanci series by Diana Wynne Jones is set in a multiverse. It's about a powerful enchanter who is tasked with policing magic. It's considered a fantasy children's series but is suitable for...|||I second the recommendation. :) Outlander is a great series. It's based on a book series by Diana Gabaldon, and involves romance and time-travel and history. However there are graphic depictions of...|||The premise of Orphan Black is intriguing, but I was never able to get into it emotionally. I really love Sherlock though, and would recommend it to anyone. :) The first two seasons are great,...|||Here are my typings for ATLA :) The Gaang Aang: ENFP. Katara: ESFJ. Sokka: ENTJ? Toph: ISTP.|||Here are my typings: Team Avatar Korra: ESFP. People here seem to have typed her as ESTP, but I don't see any Ti in her at all. When in the show's entirety does Korra express interest in how...|||Here are my favourites: Legend of Korra (which I'm binge-watching right now). It's not without its faults, but I really love the world and characters in it. What I found so compelling about it was...|||brightflashes I get your point. I've been rereading parts of Daughter of the Forest and Sorcha as INFP is very possible. I'm not sure yet if she is though. When I type a character, I first...'
Bruce Wayne: INFJ Batman persona: ESFP (moral edition) Alfred: ISFJ Rachel: ESFJ Commissioner Gordon: INTP Ra's Al Ghul: ESTJ (messed-up edition) The Joker: ENTP (messed-up edition) Harvey...|||Age: 16 Gender: Male Country of residence: UK Nationality:|||Best thing: my sheer quantity of mind, which allows me to be creative, perceptive and highly intuitive all at the same time. Worst thing: my laziness, I mean if I had to represent myself in one...|||Jacksepticeye - I love him because he seems so nice, sensitive and chirpy whenever he plays video games, plus his kind of loudmouthed randomness is quite endearing! Superwoman (Lilly Singh) - She's...|||Yeah, I know what you're saying. The media tries too hard to influence our views, and alas the more gullible members of our society (namely the sensors, no offence to any sensors reading this) are...|||Being a male an an INFP, I think that gender stereotypes are total bullsh**. I fit the female stereotype more than the male stereotype, which just goes to show that there isn't much point in gender...|||Ahem! Yes, INFPs do exist in the UK, there's one replying to your message right now! We INFPs are just smothered by the sheer number of ESxx types who live in the country with us!|||I can relate to y'all so much! I've kind of ostracized myself from other people my age because I find it really hard to talk to them. This isn't because of shyness or anything (although I am a HSP so...|||I used to not like INTJs, but now I think that they're pretty cool. Yes, their kind of cold and distant disposition can be quite off-putting, but on the other hand, I think that they can be hilarious...|||For me the question isn't age, its niceness. I mean, I could feasibly get on with someone who's like 13 and person who's 45, provided that they're both nice to me and treat me with the respect I...|||Hahahaha, so true with me! I'm normally an amiable and affectionate guy, but I'm told that when I get angry I can be pretty scary (KING KONG AIN'T GOT SH** ON ME! and all). That's mostly because I...|||Story of my life, although it's nice to have some male friends around, too. I've got a friend called Peter (who's an INTP, I think) and we agree on BASICALLY EVERYTHING, so he's often the receiver of...|||Hahaha, I actually crave both types of affection (I'm an ambiverted NFP, so I seek affection as well as give it!) But alas, people like us never get any because other people are too busy fawning over...|||I'm 16 and a full-time student, but I have to say that I am BLOODY TERRIFIED of going out and finding a job. I mean I am one hell of an emotional wreck, my CV's all over the place, I'm not very...|||Well, it was in government and politics on Friday and one of my friends was talking to another person and made a joke which I didn't find funny, and I told her so. She coldly told me it was a joke....|||Well, where do I begin? - Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and ALL teen drama TV series (because they're all seriously over-rated) - People who post everything about their love life on social media...|||I'm normally an affectionate and caring individual, but I've rejected everybody who has ever asked me out. This isn't because I'm an INFP, it's because I'm a fiercely independent ace/aro who wants to...|||Any of you express your emotions in a totally Fi way all of the time and not care what other people think of it? Oh, god no! I've always been more of an Fe person myself (I'm basically an ENFP, OK,...|||ENFPs: - are optimistic and hopeful (me) - are so crazy that everyone assumes they're on drugs (so me!) - hug EVERYONE they meet (me) - like to keep the mood light (me) - are really open...|||I use Fe more than I use Fi, so I'm cheerful and positive most of the time. I only use Fi when I'm around people that annoy me (so when I'm in philosophy, I'm basically a sociopath!).|||I'm very passive-aggressive with my Philosophy teacher, but that's because she's patronising, condescending, insensitive and judgmental. In my opinion deserves every last bit of it. Alas, school...|||Well, I have an ESFP best friend and we talk about SO much stuff when we're together and we share common tastes in music, but we also compliment each other very well (although he can be quite shallow...|||People are very often at ease when they're around me (I'm more of an Fe than an Fi, sorry fellas!), except my brother and sister. Whenever I say anything they just stare at me like I'm a great big...|||I'm a spiritual person and believe in a supreme intelligent force that shaped the world, but I don't have any religious beliefs. I do believe in angels though as is evidenced by my avatar! ...|||Try everything in the book for about 3 years and then give up.|||Full-Blast Focused: nah, my mind is always wandering. Controlled: nah, I'm very spontaneous and flexible. There is no plan to my life beyond graduating sixth-form, getting a job and maybe buying my...|||Nobody can replicate me. 'nuff said!|||I've never really felt that way about anybody but I guess my advice to you, my friend, is to let him go. My best friend was in a situation like this about a year ago. He was absolutely infatuated...|||I sometimes mistype as either an ESFP or ISFP, and I have no clue why!|||I'm a borderline ENFP, so I guess you're probably right! *under breath* 'It'll be easy,' they said, 'those INFPs won't suspect a thing,' they said!|||I got an above average score on an EQ test, I don't know if that means anything.|||Ways in which I fit the stereotypes: 1. I'm very empathetic and kind 2. I'm a bit of a loner 3. I'm a good writer 4. I often feel lonely and misunderstood 5. I'm not exactly very conventional...|||21 years? That's pretty good going!|||Because I'm an ace/aro, fiercely independent and I like being a virgin (talking about sex makes me uncomfortable). I'm going to stay single and a virgin for the rest of my life (if I still can keep...|||Nah, I just rely on my very good memory.|||I think that kind of intensity is more down to being a J-type than a T-type. I'd probably have her down as an ENFJ because she's quite philanthropic and maternal as well as being stubborn and...|||I'm a very spiritual person, and I do kind of believe in magic.|||I've just finished my first novel, actually! I haven't published it yet, but I'm hoping that after all the reviewing and so on, that someone will probably accept it for publication. As for my...|||My advice to you is two things: Firstly, there's no need to be scared of your sexuality (I think that lesbians are quite sweet), and believe me I know how it must feel to be trapped in a place...|||I don't really want to have children, firstly because we live in such a crappy world, and secondly because it would tie me down (and I value my freedom and independence highly!)|||My best friend is an ESFP, and he is honestly one of the best people I've met in my life. He's outgoing, funny, cheerful, soft-hearted and accepting (he's also quite handsome, so he's quite the...|||*gives a huge hug* Aw, you poor guy, I'm really sorry for your loss! Advice: First of all, you've done the right thing by coming to talk to others of a similar personality to yourself (I know...|||Yes. Sexuality doesn't change according to age. I've never thought sexually about anyone, and even when I do I don't get aroused by it (the thought is usually followed by a thought about cake or...|||My friends (I love them to bits!) My writing Earning enough money to get by|||I'm asexual and aromantic, so sex and dating don't play a big role in my life. I'm quite happy being a single virgin and I'd happily stay one for the rest of my life. I'm also 16 years old, so...|||I usually do one of two things: 1. skip to the next part and wait for an idea to pop up while doing so. 2. go out and have a cup of tea in a cafe or something.|||I am very sensitive and I get quite shaken up by things, but I wouldn't describe myself as naive.|||I've noticed that there are five kinds of INFPs. 1. The gothic ones: these are the people who are really into dark stuff and read Steven King literature as a bedtime story. 2. The wistful ones:...|||My parents have always been going on at me about how I'm eventually going to need to go to university to get better grades and get a good job and get into the system in order to support myself blah...|||I'm 16 and I've given up (and yes, I'm a virgin as well!)!
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