stringlengths 74
| positive
sequencelengths 1
| negative
sequencelengths 9
public IPv6Address getIPv6Address(IPv6AddressSegment segs[]) {
IPv6AddressCreator creator = getIPv6Network().getAddressCreator();
return creator.createAddress(IPv6AddressSection.createSection(creator, segs, this)); /* address creation */
} | [
"Create an IPv6 mixed address using the given ipv6 segments and using this address for the embedded IPv4 segments\n\n@param segs\n@return"
] | [
"Visit all child nodes but not this one.\n\n@param visitor The visitor to use.",
"Copies the jdb log files, with additional verification of the checksums.\n\n@param sourceFile\n@param destFile\n@throws IOException",
"Remove contents from the deployment and attach a \"transformed\" slave operation to the operation context.\n\n@param context the operation context\n@param operation the original operation\n@param contentRepository the content repository\n@return the hash of the uploaded deployment content\n@throws IOException\n@throws OperationFailedException",
"Convenience method to escape any character that is special to the regex system.\n\n@param inString\nthe string to fix\n\n@return the fixed string",
"Save the values to the bundle descriptor.\n@throws CmsException thrown if saving fails.",
"compares two snippet",
"Requests that the given namespace be started listening to for change events.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to listen for change events on.",
"Used to populate Map with given annotations\n\n@param annotations initial value for annotations",
"Marks the start of a query identified by the provided correlationId\n\n@param query - Query data\n@param correlationId - Identifier\n@return Start event to pass to the Events systems EventBus"
] |
public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout) {
this.client = this.client.newBuilder()
.connectTimeout(connectTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
} | [
"Sets the underlying connect timeout in milliseconds.\nA value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout.\n@see okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder#connectTimeout(long, TimeUnit)"
] | [
"the 1st request from the manager.",
"a useless object at the top level of the response JSON for no reason at all.",
"Creates a householder reflection.\n\n(I-gamma*v*v')*x = tau*e1\n\n<p>NOTE: Same as cs_house in csparse</p>\n@param x (Input) Vector x (Output) Vector v. Modified.\n@param xStart First index in X that is to be processed\n@param xEnd Last + 1 index in x that is to be processed.\n@param gamma (Output) Storage for computed gamma\n@return variable tau",
"Check if this applies to the provided authorization scope and return the credentials for that scope or\nnull if it doesn't apply to the scope.\n\n@param authscope the scope to test against.",
"Generates a module regarding the parameters.\n\n@param name String\n@param version String\n@return Module",
"Check the document field's type\nand object\n@param lhs The field to check\n@param rhs The type\n@return Expression: lhs $type rhs",
"Run through the map and remove any references that have been null'd out by the GC.",
"Use this API to fetch tmtrafficpolicy_tmglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"Enables lifecycle callbacks for Android devices\n@param application App's Application object"
] |
public ResultSetAndStatement executeQuery(Query query, ClassDescriptor cld) throws PersistenceBrokerException
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("executeQuery: " + query);
* MBAIRD: we should create a scrollable resultset if the start at
* index or end at index is set
boolean scrollable = ((query.getStartAtIndex() > Query.NO_START_AT_INDEX) || (query.getEndAtIndex() > Query.NO_END_AT_INDEX));
* OR if the prefetching of relationships is being used.
if (query != null && query.getPrefetchedRelationships() != null && !query.getPrefetchedRelationships().isEmpty())
scrollable = true;
final StatementManagerIF sm = broker.serviceStatementManager();
final SelectStatement sql = broker.serviceSqlGenerator().getPreparedSelectStatement(query, cld);
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
final int queryFetchSize = query.getFetchSize();
final boolean isStoredProcedure = isStoredProcedure(sql.getStatement());
stmt = sm.getPreparedStatement(cld, sql.getStatement() ,
scrollable, queryFetchSize, isStoredProcedure);
if (isStoredProcedure)
// Query implemented as a stored procedure, which must return a result set.
// Query sytax is: { ?= call PROCEDURE_NAME(?,...,?)}
getPlatform().registerOutResultSet((CallableStatement) stmt, 1);
sm.bindStatement(stmt, query, cld, 2);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("executeQuery: " + stmt);
rs = (ResultSet) ((CallableStatement) stmt).getObject(1);
sm.bindStatement(stmt, query, cld, 1);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("executeQuery: " + stmt);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
return new ResultSetAndStatement(sm, stmt, rs, sql);
catch (PersistenceBrokerException e)
// release resources on exception
sm.closeResources(stmt, rs);
logger.error("PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of the query: " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw e;
catch (SQLException e)
// release resources on exception
sm.closeResources(stmt, rs);
throw ExceptionHelper.generateException(e, sql.getStatement(), null, logger, null);
} | [
"performs a SELECT operation against RDBMS.\n@param query the query string.\n@param cld ClassDescriptor providing JDBC information."
] | [
"Delete with retry.\n\n@param file\n@return <tt>true</tt> if the file was successfully deleted.",
"Use this API to fetch all the nsspparams resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Perform the given work with a Jedis connection from the given pool.\n\n@param pool the resource pool\n@param work the work to perform\n@param <V> the result type\n@return the result of the given work\n@throws Exception if something went wrong",
"Checks to see if the specified off diagonal element is zero using a relative metric.",
"Connect and register at the remote domain controller.\n\n@return connection the established connection\n@throws IOException",
"Given an array of variable names, returns an Xml String\nof values.\n\n@param dataMap an map containing variable names and their corresponding values\nnames.\n@param dataMap\n@return values in Xml format",
"Writes the torque schemata to files in the given directory and returns\na comma-separated list of the filenames.\n\n@param dir The directory to write the files to\n@return The list of filenames\n@throws IOException If an error occurred",
"Launches the client with the specified parameters.\n\n@param args\ncommand line parameters\n@throws ParseException\n@throws IOException",
"Executes a query using the given parameters. The query results will be added to the\nExecutionResults using the given identifier.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier to be used for the results when added to the ExecutionResults\n@param name\nThe name of the query to execute\n@param arguments\nThe arguments to be used for the query parameters\n@return"
] |
protected Date getPickerDate() {
try {
JsDate pickerDate = getPicker().get("select").obj;
return new Date((long) pickerDate.getTime());
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
} | [
"Get the pickers date."
] | [
"Overridden to do only the clean-part of the linking but not\nthe actual linking. This is deferred until someone wants to access\nthe content of the resource.",
"Adds a parameter to the MIMEType.\n\n@param name name of parameter\n@param value value of parameter\n@return returns a new instance with the parameter set",
"Set the values using the specified Properties object\n\n@param properties Properties object containing specific property values\nfor the Coordinator config",
"Gets the automaton by id.\n\n@param id the id\n@return the automaton by id\n@throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"Adds an individual alias. It will be merged with the current\nlist of aliases, or added as a label if there is no label for\nthis item in this language yet.\n\n@param alias\nthe alias to add",
"Creates a new Collaboration Whitelist for a domain.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param domain the domain to be added to a collaboration whitelist for a Box Enterprise.\n@param direction an enum representing the direction of the collaboration whitelist. Can be set to\ninbound, outbound, or both.\n@return information about the collaboration whitelist created.",
"Log long string using verbose tag\n\n@param TAG The tag.\n@param longString The long string.",
"Use this API to update gslbsite.",
"Emit a string event with parameters and force all listeners to be called asynchronously.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see #emit(String, Object...)"
] |
public static void write(File file, String text, String charset) throws IOException {
Writer writer = null;
try {
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
writeUTF16BomIfRequired(charset, out);
writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, charset);
Writer temp = writer;
writer = null;
} finally {
} | [
"Write the text to the File, using the specified encoding.\n\n@param file a File\n@param text the text to write to the File\n@param charset the charset used\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 1.0"
] | [
"Use this API to count dnszone_domain_binding resources configued on NetScaler.",
"Expands the directories from the given list and and returns a list of subfiles.\nFiles from the original list are kept as is.",
"Use this API to update appfwlearningsettings resources.",
"Creates a new InternetPrintWriter for given charset encoding.\n\n@param outputStream the wrapped output stream.\n@param charset the charset.\n@return a new InternetPrintWriter.",
"Ends the transition",
"Load a cubemap texture asynchronously.\n\nThis is the implementation of\n{@link GVRAssetLoader#loadCubemapTexture(GVRAndroidResource.TextureCallback, GVRAndroidResource, int)}\n- it will usually be more convenient (and more efficient) to call that\ndirectly.\n\n@param context\nThe GVRF context\n@param textureCache\nTexture cache - may be {@code null}\n@param callback\nAsynchronous notifications\n@param resource\nBasically, a stream containing a compressed texture. Taking a\n{@link GVRAndroidResource} parameter eliminates six overloads.\n@param priority\nThis request's priority. Please see the notes on asynchronous\npriorities in the <a href=\"package-summary.html#async\">package\ndescription</a>.\n@return A {@link Future} that you can pass to methods like\n{@link GVRShaderData#setMainTexture(Future)}",
"Use this API to apply nspbr6.",
"Register a new PerformanceMonitor with Spring if it does not already exist.\n\n@param beanName The name of the bean that this performance monitor is wrapped around\n@param registry The registry where all the spring beans are registered",
"Gets an item that was shared with a password-protected shared link.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the shared item.\n@param sharedLink the shared link to the item.\n@param password the password for the shared link.\n@return info about the shared item."
] |
protected void registerValueFormatter(DJGroupVariable djVariable, String variableName) {
if ( djVariable.getValueFormatter() == null){
JRDesignParameter dparam = new JRDesignParameter();
dparam.setName(variableName + "_vf"); //value formater suffix
log.debug("Registering value formatter parameter for property " + dparam.getName() );
try {
} catch (JRException e) {
throw new EntitiesRegistrationException(e.getMessage(),e);
getDjd().getParametersWithValues().put(dparam.getName(), djVariable.getValueFormatter());
} | [
"Registers the parameter for the value formatter for the given variable and puts\nit's implementation in the parameters map.\n@param djVariable\n@param variableName"
] | [
"Inserts a Bundle value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing value\nfor the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a Bundle object, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls",
"Returns an iterable containing the items in this folder and specifies which child fields to retrieve from the\nAPI.\n\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable containing the items in this folder.",
"Unpause the server, allowing it to resume normal operations",
"Given the key, figures out which partition on the local node hosts the key.\n\n@param key\n@return",
"Retrieves a string value from the property data.\n\n@param type Type identifier\n@return string value",
"Emit status line for an aggregated event.",
"Sets a default style for every element that doesn't have one\n\n@throws JRException",
"Retrieves a specific range of child items in this folder.\n\n@param offset the index of the first child item to retrieve.\n@param limit the maximum number of children to retrieve after the offset.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return a partial collection containing the specified range of child items.",
"You can register styles object for later reference them directly. Parent\nstyles should be registered this way\n\n@param style\n@return\n@throws DJBuilderException"
] |
public final Jar setAttribute(String name, String value) {
if (jos != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Manifest cannot be modified after entries are added.");
getManifest().getMainAttributes().putValue(name, value);
return this;
} | [
"Sets an attribute in the main section of the manifest.\n\n@param name the attribute's name\n@param value the attribute's value\n@return {@code this}\n@throws IllegalStateException if entries have been added or the JAR has been written prior to calling this methods."
] | [
"Returns the temporary directory used by java.\n\n@return The temporary directory\n@throws IOException If an io error occurred",
"This static method calculated the vega of a call option under a Black-Scholes model\n\n@param initialStockValue The initial value of the underlying, i.e., the spot.\n@param riskFreeRate The risk free rate of the bank account numerarie.\n@param volatility The Black-Scholes volatility.\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity T.\n@param optionStrike The option strike.\n@return The vega of the option",
"Write a priority field to the JSON file.\n\n@param fieldName field name\n@param value field value",
"Parses the query facet configurations.\n@param rangeFacetObject The JSON sub-node with the query facet configurations.\n@return The query facet configurations.",
"Returns the first 24 photos for a given tag cluster.\n\n<p>\nThis method does not require authentication.\n</p>\n\n@param tag\n@param clusterId\n@return PhotoList\n@throws FlickrException",
"Delivers the correct JSON Object for the target\n\n@param target\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Delete old jobs.\n\n@param checkTimeThreshold threshold for last check time\n@return the number of jobs deleted",
"Handles incoming Send Data Request. Send Data request are used\nto acknowledge or cancel failed messages.\n@param incomingMessage the request message to process.",
"Sets the character translator for all cells in the row.\nIt will also remove any other translator set.\nNothing will happen if the argument is null.\n@param charTranslator translator\n@return this to allow chaining"
] |
private String buildAliasKey(String aPath, List hintClasses)
if (hintClasses == null || hintClasses.isEmpty())
return aPath;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(aPath);
for (Iterator iter = hintClasses.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Class hint = (Class) iter.next();
buf.append(" ");
return buf.toString();
} | [
"Build the key for the TableAlias based on the path and the hints\n@param aPath\n@param hintClasses\n@return the key for the TableAlias"
] | [
"Adds the given some-value restriction to the list of restrictions that\nshould still be serialized. The given resource will be used as a subject.\n\n@param subject\n@param propertyUri\n@param rangeUri",
"Returns the compact tag records for all tags in the workspace.\n\n@param workspace The workspace or organization to find tags in.\n@return Request object",
"Create a new Date. To the last day.",
"Record the checkout wait time in us\n\n@param dest Destination of the socket to checkout. Will actually record\nif null. Otherwise will call this on self and corresponding child\nwith this param null.\n@param checkoutTimeUs The number of us to wait before getting a socket",
"Most complete output",
"Returns all the deployment runtime names associated with an overlay.\n\n@param context the current OperationContext.\n@param overlayAddress the address for the averlay.\n@return all the deployment runtime names associated with an overlay.",
"Split string content into list\n@param content String content\n@return list",
"Record the resource request wait time in us\n\n@param dest Destination of the socket for which the resource was\nrequested. Will actually record if null. Otherwise will call this\non self and corresponding child with this param null.\n@param resourceRequestTimeUs The number of us to wait before getting a\nsocket",
"Removes an accessory from being handled or advertised by this root. Any existing Homekit\nconnections will be terminated to allow the clients to reconnect and see the updated accessory\nlist.\n\n@param accessory accessory to cease advertising and handling"
] |
public BUILDER addAccessConstraint(final AccessConstraintDefinition accessConstraint) {
if (accessConstraints == null) {
accessConstraints = new AccessConstraintDefinition[] {accessConstraint};
} else {
accessConstraints = Arrays.copyOf(accessConstraints, accessConstraints.length + 1);
accessConstraints[accessConstraints.length - 1] = accessConstraint;
return (BUILDER) this;
} | [
"Adds an access constraint to the set used with the attribute\n@param accessConstraint the constraint\n@return a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition"
] | [
"Calculate the pointer's coordinates on the color wheel using the supplied\nangle.\n\n@param angle The position of the pointer expressed as angle (in rad).\n\n@return The coordinates of the pointer's center in our internal\ncoordinate system.",
"Converts any string into a string that is safe to use as a file name.\nThe result will only include ascii characters and numbers, and the \"-\",\"_\", and \".\" characters.",
"Initialize the style generators for the messages table.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all service_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"This could be a self-extracting archive. If we understand the format, expand\nit and check the content for files we can read.\n\n@param stream schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Use this API to fetch appfwpolicylabel_binding resource of given name .",
"Find the current layout and extract the activity code order and visibility.\n\n@param phoenixProject phoenix project data",
"Most complete output",
"Gets the element at the given index.\n\n@param index the index\n@return the element\n\n@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range (<tt>index < 0 || index >= size()</tt>)"
] |
public String getStatement()
if(sql == null)
StringBuffer stmt = new StringBuffer(128);
ClassDescriptor cld = getClassDescriptor();
FieldDescriptor[] fieldDescriptors = cld.getPkFields();
if(fieldDescriptors == null || fieldDescriptors.length == 0)
throw new OJBRuntimeException("No PK fields defined in metadata for " + cld.getClassNameOfObject());
FieldDescriptor field = fieldDescriptors[0];
appendWhereClause(cld, false, stmt);
sql = stmt.toString();
return sql;
} | [
"Return SELECT clause for object existence call"
] | [
"Returns this applications' context path.\n@return context path.",
"No need to expose. Client side work.",
"Returns an attribute's map value from this JAR's manifest's main section.\nThe attributes string value will be split on whitespace into map entries, and each entry will be split on '=' to get the key-value pair.\nThe returned map may be safely modified.\n\n@param name the attribute's name",
"Called by implementation class once websocket connection established\nat networking layer.\n@param context the websocket context",
"Updates the options panel for a special configuration.\n@param gitConfig the git configuration.",
"Establishes a thread that on one second intervals reports the number of remaining WorkBlocks enqueued and the\ntotal number of lines written and reported by consumers",
"Generates required number of placeholders as string.\n\nExample: {@code numberOfPlaceholders == 1, result == \"?\"},\n{@code numberOfPlaceholders == 2, result == \"?,?\"}.\n\n@param numberOfPlaceholders required amount of placeholders, should be {@code > 0}.\n@return string with placeholders.",
"Notifies that an existing content item is moved to another position.\n\n@param fromPosition the original position.\n@param toPosition the new position.",
"Creates all propertyvfsbundle files for the currently loaded translations.\nThe method is used to convert xmlvfsbundle files into propertyvfsbundle files.\n\n@throws CmsIllegalArgumentException thrown if resource creation fails.\n@throws CmsLoaderException thrown if the propertyvfsbundle type can't be read from the resource manager.\n@throws CmsException thrown if creation, type retrieval or locking fails."
] |
public static void scaleCol( double alpha , DMatrixRMaj A , int col ) {
int idx = col;
for (int row = 0; row < A.numRows; row++, idx += A.numCols) {
A.data[idx] *= alpha;
} | [
"In-place scaling of a column in A\n\n@param alpha scale factor\n@param A matrix\n@param col which row in A"
] | [
"Return true only if the specified object responds to the named method\n@param object - the object to check\n@param methodName - the name of the method\n@return true if the object responds to the named method",
"Get a new token.\n\n@return 14 character String",
"Parses command-line and synchronizes metadata versions across all\nnodes.\n\n@param args Command-line input\n@param printHelp Tells whether to print help only or execute command\nactually\n@throws IOException",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all appfwprofile_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Internal initialization.\n@throws ParserConfigurationException",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all gslbdomain_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Convenience method which locates the first P3 database in a directory\nand opens it.\n\n@param directory directory containing a P3 database\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Updates the polling state from a PUT or PATCH operation.\n\n@param response the response from Retrofit REST call\n@throws CloudException thrown if the response is invalid\n@throws IOException thrown by deserialization",
"compute Sinh using Taylor Series.\n\n@param x An angle, in radians.\n@param nTerms Number of terms.\n@return Result."
] |
public static dnspolicylabel get(nitro_service service, String labelname) throws Exception{
dnspolicylabel obj = new dnspolicylabel();
dnspolicylabel response = (dnspolicylabel) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch dnspolicylabel resource of given name ."
] | [
"Extracts the column from a matrix.\n@param a Input matrix\n@param column Which column is to be extracted\n@param out output. Storage for the extracted column. If null then a new vector will be returned.\n@return The extracted column.",
"Search for the attribute \"id\" and return the value.\n\n@return the id of this element or null when not found",
"Implement the persistence handler for storing the group properties.",
"Read the role definitions from a GanttProject project.\n\n@param gpProject GanttProject project",
"Save page to log\n\n@return address of this page after save",
"Returns the plugins classpath elements.",
"Calculates the tiles width and height.\n\n@param code\nThe unique tile code. Determines what tile we're talking about.\n@param maxExtent\nThe maximum extent of the grid to which this tile belongs.\n@param scale\nThe current client side scale.\n@return Returns an array of double values where the first value is the tile width and the second value is the\ntile height.",
"Get the target file for misc items.\n\n@param item the misc item\n@return the target location",
"Get the URI for the given statement.\n\n@param statement\nthe statement for which to create a URI\n@return the URI"
] |
public static appfwprofile_crosssitescripting_binding[] get(nitro_service service, String name) throws Exception{
appfwprofile_crosssitescripting_binding obj = new appfwprofile_crosssitescripting_binding();
appfwprofile_crosssitescripting_binding response[] = (appfwprofile_crosssitescripting_binding[]) obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch appfwprofile_crosssitescripting_binding resources of given name ."
] | [
"Provide array of String results from inputOutput MFString field named url.\n@array saved in valueDestination",
"Return the array of field objects pulled from the data object.",
"Emit information about all of suite's tests.",
"Sets top and bottom padding for all cells in the row.\n@param padding new padding for top and bottom, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Apply content type to response with result provided.\n\nIf `result` is an error then it might not apply content type as requested:\n* If request is not ajax request, then use `text/html`\n* If request is ajax request then apply requested content type only when `json` or `xml` is requested\n* otherwise use `text/html`\n\n@param result\nthe result used to check if it is error result\n@return this `ActionContext`.",
"Given the comma separated list of properties as a string, splits it\nmultiple strings\n\n@param paramValue Concatenated string\n@param type Type of parameter ( to throw exception )\n@return List of string properties",
"Creates the database.\n\n@throws PlatformException If some error occurred",
"Checks the foreignkeys of all collections in the model.\n\n@param modelDef The model\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the value for foreignkey is invalid",
"Clear the selection of all items.\n@param requestLayout request layout after clear selection if the flag is true, no layout\nrequested otherwise\n@return {@code true} if at least one item was deselected,\n{@code false} otherwise."
] |
protected boolean isStoreValid() {
boolean result = false;
String requestURI = this.request.getUri();
this.storeName = parseStoreName(requestURI);
if(storeName != null) {
result = true;
} else {
logger.error("Error when validating request. Missing store name.");
"Missing store name. Critical error.");
return result;
} | [
"Retrieve and validate store name from the REST request.\n\n@return true if valid, false otherwise"
] | [
"Set the main attribute \"Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment\" to the given\nvalue.\n\n@param bree The new value",
"Lift a Java Func1 to a Scala Function1\n\n@param f the function to lift\n\n@returns the Scala function",
"Given a HTTPResponce, process it, throwing an error if needed and return a Token for the next\nrequest.",
"Add classes to the map file.\n\n@param writer XML stream writer\n@param jarFile jar file\n@param mapClassMethods true if we want to produce .Net style class method names\n@throws IOException\n@throws ClassNotFoundException\n@throws XMLStreamException\n@throws IntrospectionException",
"Handles the cases in which we can use longs rather than BigInteger\n\n@param section\n@param increment\n@param addrCreator\n@param lowerProducer\n@param upperProducer\n@param prefixLength\n@return",
"Convert moneyness given as difference to par swap rate to moneyness in bp.\nUses the fixing times of the fix schedule to determine fractions.\n\n@param moneyness as offset.\n@return Moneyness in bp.",
"Await a state.\n\n@param expected the expected state\n@return {@code true} if the state was reached, {@code false} otherwise",
"Check whether the URL end with one of the given suffixes.\n\n@param uri URI\n@param patterns possible suffixes\n@return true when URL ends with one of the suffixes",
"note that for read from file, this will just load all to memory. not fit\nif need to read a very large file. However for getting the host name.\nnormally it is fine.\n\nfor reading large file, should use iostream.\n\n@param sourcePath\nthe source path\n@param sourceType\nthe source type\n@return the content from path\n@throws IOException\nSignals that an I/O exception has occurred."
] |
void onEndTypeChange() {
EndType endType = m_model.getEndType();
switch (endType) {
case DATE:
case TIMES:
int occurrences = m_model.getOccurrences();
if (!m_occurrences.isFocused()) {
m_occurrences.setFormValueAsString(occurrences > 0 ? "" + occurrences : "");
} | [
"Called when the end type is changed."
] | [
"Use this API to fetch authenticationldappolicy_vpnglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"Note that if there is sleep in this method.\n\n@param stopCount\nthe stop count",
"Determine if a key version is invalid by comparing the version's\nexistence and required writes configuration\n\n@param keyVersionNodeSetMap A map that contains keys mapping to a map\nthat maps versions to set of PrefixNodes\n@param requiredWrite Required Write configuration",
"Use this API to fetch all the systemuser resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Saves changes in properties file. It reads the property file into memory, modifies it and saves it back to the file.\n\n@throws IOException",
"We have obtained album art for a device, so store it and alert any listeners.\n\n@param update the update which caused us to retrieve this art\n@param art the album art which we retrieved",
"Build a Count-Query based on aQuery\n@param aQuery\n@return The count query",
"Entry point for this example\nUses HDFS ToolRunner to wrap processing of\n\n@param args Command-line arguments for HDFS example",
"See if there is an auto-attach cache file that seems to match the media in the specified slot, and if so,\nattach it.\n\n@param slot the player slot that is under consideration for automatic cache attachment"
] |
public int getLeadingBitCount(boolean network) {
int count = getDivisionCount();
if(count == 0) {
return 0;
long front = network ? getDivision(0).getMaxValue() : 0;
int prefixLen = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
IPAddressDivision seg = getDivision(i);
long value = seg.getDivisionValue();
if(value != front) {
return prefixLen + seg.getLeadingBitCount(network);
prefixLen += seg.getBitCount();
return prefixLen;
} | [
"Returns the number of consecutive leading one or zero bits.\nIf network is true, returns the number of consecutive leading one bits.\nOtherwise, returns the number of consecutive leading zero bits.\n\n@param network\n@return"
] | [
"Calculate the value of a caplet assuming the Black'76 model.\n\n@param forward The forward (spot).\n@param volatility The Black'76 volatility.\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity\n@param optionStrike The option strike.\n@param periodLength The period length of the underlying forward rate.\n@param discountFactor The discount factor corresponding to the payment date (option maturity + period length).\n@return Returns the value of a caplet under the Black'76 model",
"Retrieve the integer value used to represent a task field in an\nMPX file.\n\n@param value MPXJ task field value\n@return MPX field value",
"Sets the server groups for the deployment.\n\n@param serverGroups the server groups to set\n\n@return this deployment",
"Interfaces, enums, annotations, and abstract classes cannot be\ninstantiated.\n\n@param actionClass\nclass to check\n@return returns true if the class cannot be instantiated or should be\nignored",
"Normalizes the matrix such that the Frobenius norm is equal to one.\n\n@param A The matrix that is to be normalized.",
"This method extracts predecessor data from a Planner file.\n\n@param plannerTask Task data",
"Assigns the element in the Matrix to the specified value. Performs a bounds check to make sure\nthe requested element is part of the matrix.\n\n@param row The row of the element.\n@param col The column of the element.\n@param value The element's new value.",
"Reads a string from input stream saved as a sequence of UTF chunks.\n\n@param stream stream to read from.\n@return output string\n@throws IOException if something went wrong",
"Sorts the given array into sorted order using the given comparator.\n\n@param self the array to be sorted\n@param comparator a Comparator used for the comparison\n@return the sorted array\n@since 1.5.5"
] |
public Method getGetMethod(final Object object, final String fieldName) {
if( object == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException("object should not be null");
} else if( fieldName == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException("fieldName should not be null");
Method method = getCache.get(object.getClass().getName(), fieldName);
if( method == null ) {
method = ReflectionUtils.findGetter(object, fieldName);
getCache.set(object.getClass().getName(), fieldName, method);
return method;
} | [
"Returns the getter method for field on an object.\n\n@param object\nthe object\n@param fieldName\nthe field name\n@return the getter associated with the field on the object\n@throws NullPointerException\nif object or fieldName is null\n@throws SuperCsvReflectionException\nif the getter doesn't exist or is not visible"
] | [
"Extent aware Delete by Query\n@param query\n@param cld\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException",
"Extract data for a single resource assignment.\n\n@param task parent task\n@param row Synchro resource assignment",
"Prints the plan to a file.\n\n@param outputDirName\n@param plan",
"Are these two numbers effectively equal?\n\nThe same logic is applied for each of the 3 vector dimensions: see {@link #equal}\n@param v1\n@param v2",
"Reopen the associated static logging stream. Set to null to redirect to System.out.",
"The default User-Agent header. Override this method to override the user agent.\n\n@return the user agent string.",
"Classify the tokens in a String. Each sentence becomes a separate document.\n\n@param str\nA String with tokens in one or more sentences of text to be\nclassified.\n@return {@link List} of classified sentences (each a List of something that\nextends {@link CoreMap}).",
"Close the store.",
"Use this API to update dbdbprofile resources."
] |
public IndexDescriptorDef getIndexDescriptor(String name)
IndexDescriptorDef indexDef = null;
for (Iterator it = _indexDescriptors.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
indexDef = (IndexDescriptorDef)it.next();
if (indexDef.getName().equals(name))
return indexDef;
return null;
} | [
"Returns the index descriptor definition of the given name if it exists.\n\n@param name The name of the index\n@return The index descriptor definition or <code>null</code> if there is no such index"
] | [
"Format a date that is parseable from JavaScript, according to ISO-8601.\n\n@param date the date to format to a JSON string\n@return a formatted date in the form of a string",
"Clear all overrides, reset repeat counts for a request path\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param clientUUID UUID of client\n@throws Exception exception",
"Two stage distribution, dry run and actual promotion to verify correctness.\n\n@param distributionBuilder\n@param client\n@param listener\n@param buildName\n@param buildNumber\n@throws IOException",
"Create a JMX ObjectName\n\n@param domain The domain of the object\n@param type The type of the object\n@return An ObjectName representing the name",
"Curries a procedure that takes three arguments.\n\n@param procedure\nthe original procedure. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code procedure}.\n@return a procedure that takes two arguments. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Use this API to fetch authenticationvserver_binding resource of given name .",
"build the Join-Information for Subclasses having a super reference to this class\n\n@param left\n@param cld\n@param name",
"Adds title and subtitle to the TitleBand when it applies.\nIf title is not present then subtitle will be ignored",
"Gets an enhanced protection domain for a proxy based on the given protection domain.\n@param domain the given protection domain\n@return protection domain enhanced with \"accessDeclaredMembers\" runtime permission"
] |
public OperationBuilder addInputStream(final InputStream in) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("in", in);
if (inputStreams == null) {
inputStreams = new ArrayList<InputStream>();
return this;
} | [
"Associate an input stream with the operation. Closing the input stream\nis the responsibility of the caller.\n\n@param in the input stream. Cannot be {@code null}\n@return a builder than can be used to continue building the operation"
] | [
"Returns a collection of all profiles\n\n@return Collection of all Profiles\n@throws Exception exception",
"Returns the corresponding mac section, or null if this address section does not correspond to a mac section.\nIf this address section has a prefix length it is ignored.\n\n@param extended\n@return",
"Determines the constraints relating to a task.\n\n@param row row data\n@param task Task instance",
"Returns all the persistent id generators which potentially require the creation of an object in the schema.",
"Gets a collection of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'read' permission.\n\n@param dates\nAn array of dates, denoting the periods to return counts for. They should be specified smallest first.\n@param takenDates\nAn array of dates, denoting the periods to return counts for. They should be specified smallest first.\n@return A Collection of Photocount objects",
"Tokenizes lookup fields and returns all matching buckets in the\nindex.",
"Use this API to fetch snmpalarm resources of given names .",
"Clones the given reference.\n\n@param refDef The reference descriptor\n@param prefix A prefix for the name\n@return The cloned reference",
"Creates a resource key defined as a child of key defined by enumeration value.\n@see #key(Enum)\n@see #child(String)\n@param enumValue the enumeration value defining the parent key\n@param key the child id\n@return the resource key"
] |
public static RgbaColor fromHsl(float H, float S, float L) {
// convert to [0-1]
H /= 360f;
S /= 100f;
L /= 100f;
float R, G, B;
if (S == 0) {
// grey
R = G = B = L;
else {
float m2 = L <= 0.5 ? L * (S + 1f) : L + S - L * S;
float m1 = 2f * L - m2;
R = hue2rgb(m1, m2, H + 1 / 3f);
G = hue2rgb(m1, m2, H);
B = hue2rgb(m1, m2, H - 1 / 3f);
// convert [0-1] to [0-255]
int r = Math.round(R * 255f);
int g = Math.round(G * 255f);
int b = Math.round(B * 255f);
return new RgbaColor(r, g, b, 1);
} | [
"Creates a new RgbaColor from the specified HSL components.\n\n<p>\n<i>Implementation based on <a\nhref=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV\">wikipedia</a>\nand <a\nhref=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#hsl-color\">w3c</a></i>\n\n@param H\nHue [0,360)\n@param S\nSaturation [0,100]\n@param L\nLightness [0,100]"
] | [
"Populate time ranges.\n\n@param ranges time ranges from a Synchro table\n@param container time range container",
"Add BoxMetaDataFilter to the JsonArray boxMetadataFilterRequestArray.\n@param @param bmf accepts a filter that has templateKey, scope, and filters populated.\n@return JsonArray that is formated Json request",
"Reads the header data from a block.\n\n@param buffer block data\n@param offset current offset into block data\n@param postHeaderSkipBytes bytes to skip after reading the header\n@return current BlockHeader instance",
"Output method responsible for sending the updated content to the Subscribers.\n\n@param cn",
"Find the path to the first association in the property path.\n\n@param targetTypeName the entity with the property\n@param pathWithoutAlias the path to the property WITHOUT the alias\n@return the path to the first association or {@code null} if there isn't an association in the property path",
"Function to perform the forward pass for batch convolution",
"Enables or disables sound.\nWhen sound is disabled, nothing is played but the\naudio sources remain intact.\n@param flag true to enable sound, false to disable.",
"Get the Operation metadata for an MBean by name.\n@return the {@link Map} of {@link String} operation names to {@link MBeanOperationInfo} values.",
"Checks the second, hour, month, day, month and year are equal."
] |
protected CompletableFuture<JsonObjectBuilder> makeBuilder(int instanceId) {
CompletableFuture<T> futureValue = getValue();
if (futureValue == null) {
logger.error("Could not retrieve value " + this.getClass().getName());
return null;
return futureValue
t -> {
logger.error("Could not retrieve value " + this.getClass().getName(), t);
return null;
value -> {
JsonArrayBuilder perms = Json.createArrayBuilder();
if (isWritable) {
if (isReadable) {
if (isEventable) {
JsonObjectBuilder builder =
.add("iid", instanceId)
.add("type", shortType)
.add("perms", perms.build())
.add("format", format)
.add("ev", false)
.add("description", description);
setJsonValue(builder, value);
return builder;
} | [
"Creates the JSON serialized form of the accessory for use over the Homekit Accessory Protocol.\n\n@param instanceId the static id of the accessory.\n@return a future that will complete with the JSON builder for the object."
] | [
"Convenience method that returns the attribute value for the specified attribute name.\n\n@param attributeName the name of the attribute\n@return the value of the attribute or null if no such attribute exists\n@since 1.9.0",
"Use this API to add tmtrafficaction resources.",
"Use this API to fetch cmppolicylabel resource of given name .",
"Should be called after all rows have been created\n@param headerStyle\n@param totalStyle\n@param totalHeaderStyle\n@return",
"Sets the global setting for this ID\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param global True if global, False otherwise",
"Implements get by delegating to getAll.",
"Creates an instance of a NewEnterpriseBean from an annotated class\n\n@param clazz The annotated class\n@param beanManager The Bean manager\n@return a new NewEnterpriseBean instance",
"Use this API to flush cacheobject.",
"Create the OJB_CLAZZ pseudo column based on CASE WHEN.\nThis column defines the Class to be instantiated.\n@param buf"
] |
public BufferedImage toNewBufferedImage(int type) {
BufferedImage target = new BufferedImage(width, height, type);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) target.getGraphics();
g2.drawImage(awt, 0, 0, null);
return target;
} | [
"Returns a new AWT BufferedImage from this image.\n\n@param type the type of buffered image to create, if not specified then defaults to the current image type\n@return a new, non-shared, BufferedImage with the same data as this Image."
] | [
"Read relationship data from a PEP file.",
"Creates a file logger in the current thread. The file is in XML format, suitable for interpretation by Eclipse's Drools Audit View\nor other tools. Note that while events are written as they happen, the file will not be flushed until it is closed or the underlying\nfile buffer is filled. If you need real time logging then use a Console Logger or a Threaded File Logger.\n\n@param session\n@param fileName - .log is appended to this.\n@return",
"Record a device announcement in the devices map, so we know whe saw it.\n\n@param announcement the announcement to be recorded",
"Gets the object whose index is the integer argument.\n\n@param i the integer index to be queried for the corresponding argument\n@return the object whose index is the integer argument.",
"Returns a new instance of the given class using the constructor with the specified parameter.\n\n@param target The class to instantiate\n@param type The types of the single parameter of the constructor\n@param arg The argument\n@return The instance",
"Computes the MD5 value of the input stream\n\n@param input\n@return\n@throws IOException\n@throws IllegalStateException",
"Read a list of fixed size blocks using an instance of the supplied reader class.\n\n@param readerClass reader class\n@return list of blocks",
"Performs the closure within a transaction using a cached connection.\nIf the closure takes a single argument, it will be called\nwith the connection, otherwise it will be called with no arguments.\n\n@param closure the given closure\n@throws SQLException if a database error occurs",
"Returns true if this Bytes object equals another. This method doesn't check it's arguments.\n\n@since 1.2.0"
] |
private static void parseChildShapes(ArrayList<Shape> shapes,
JSONObject modelJSON,
Shape current) throws JSONException {
if (modelJSON.has("childShapes")) {
ArrayList<Shape> childShapes = new ArrayList<Shape>();
JSONArray childShapeObject = modelJSON.getJSONArray("childShapes");
for (int i = 0; i < childShapeObject.length(); i++) {
if (childShapes.size() > 0) {
for (Shape each : childShapes) {
} | [
"creates a shape list containing all child shapes and set it to the\ncurrent shape new shape get added to the shape array\n@param shapes\n@param modelJSON\n@param current\n@throws org.json.JSONException"
] | [
"Generate a string with all selected checkboxes separated with ','.\n\n@return a string with all selected checkboxes",
"Gets an item that was shared with a shared link.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the shared item.\n@param sharedLink the shared link to the item.\n@return info about the shared item.",
"Sends a normal HTTP response containing the serialization information in\na XML format",
"Updates the store definition object and the retention time based on the\nupdated store definition",
"Convert a Java String instance into the equivalent array of single or\ndouble bytes.\n\n@param value Java String instance representing text\n@param unicode true if double byte characters are required\n@return byte array representing the supplied text",
"Convenience method which allows all projects in the database to\nbe read in a single operation.\n\n@return list of ProjectFile instances\n@throws MPXJException",
"Returns a Span that covers all rows beginning with a prefix.",
"Adapt the size of the tiles so that we have the same amount of tiles as we would have had with maxWidth\nand maxHeight, but with the smallest tiles as possible.",
"Constructs a new FastEvent instance\n@param type the event type\n@param manager the bean manager\n@param notifier the notifier to be used for observer method resolution\n@param qualifiers the event qualifiers\n@return"
] |
private static JSONArray parseChildShapesRecursive(ArrayList<Shape> childShapes) throws JSONException {
if (childShapes != null) {
JSONArray childShapesArray = new JSONArray();
for (Shape childShape : childShapes) {
JSONObject childShapeObject = new JSONObject();
if (childShape.getTarget() != null) {
return childShapesArray;
return new JSONArray();
} | [
"Parses all child Shapes recursively and adds them to the correct JSON\nObject\n\n@param childShapes\n@throws org.json.JSONException"
] | [
"Returns the directory of the URL.\n\n@param urlString URL of the file.\n@return The directory string.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if URL is malformed",
"Returns the full workspace record for a single workspace.\n\n@param workspace Globally unique identifier for the workspace or organization.\n@return Request object",
"Returns the right string representation of the effort level based on given number of points.",
"Get distance between geographical coordinates\n@param point1 Point1\n@param point2 Point2\n@return Distance (double)",
"Retrieves state and metrics information for all nodes in the cluster.\n\n@return list of nodes in the cluster",
"Creates a bridge accessory, capable of holding multiple child accessories. This has the\nadvantage over multiple standalone accessories of only requiring a single pairing from iOS for\nthe bridge.\n\n@param authInfo authentication information for this accessory. These values should be persisted\nand re-supplied on re-start of your application.\n@param label label for the bridge. This will show in iOS during pairing.\n@param manufacturer manufacturer of the bridge. This information is exposed to iOS for unknown\npurposes.\n@param model model of the bridge. This is also exposed to iOS for unknown purposes.\n@param serialNumber serial number of the bridge. Also exposed. Purposes also unknown.\n@return the bridge, from which you can {@link HomekitRoot#addAccessory add accessories} and\nthen {@link HomekitRoot#start start} handling requests.\n@throws IOException when mDNS cannot connect to the network",
"Creates a collection from the given stream, casting each object to the\nprovided listener class. The returned collection must not necessarily be\nmutable.\n\n@param <T> Type of the listeners in the given list.\n@param listenerClass The class of the objects in the provided list.\n@param listeners The stream to obtain the listeners for the resulting\ncollection from.\n@param sizeHint Expected size of the input stream.\n@return A typed copy of the list.",
"Detect and apply waves, now or when the widget is attached.\n\n@param widget target widget to ensure is attached first",
"Determines if the queue identified by the given key can be used as a delayed queue.\n\n@param jedis\nconnection to Redis\n@param key\nthe key that identifies a queue\n@return true if the key already is a delayed queue or is not currently used, false otherwise"
] |
public void run()
System.out.println("Welcome to the OJB PB tutorial application");
// never stop (there is a special use case to quit the application)
while (true)
// select a use case and perform it
UseCase uc = selectUseCase();
catch (Throwable t)
} | [
"the applications main loop."
] | [
"add trace information for received frame",
"Sends the error to responder.",
"Deletes a redirect by id\n\n@param id redirect ID",
"Here the lambda in the implicit step is determined dynamically. At first\nit selects zeros to quickly reveal singular values that are zero or close to zero.\nThen it computes it using a Wilkinson shift.",
"Set default values for the TimeAndSizeRollingAppender appender\n\n@param appender",
"Informs this sequence model that the value of the whole sequence is initialized to sequence",
"Set brightness to eg. darken the resulting image for use as background\n\n@param brightness default is 0, pos values increase brightness, neg. values decrease brightness\n.-100 is black, positive goes up to 1000+",
"Processes the template for all column pairs of the current foreignkey.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Adds tags to the If-Match header.\n\n@param tag the tag to add, may be null. This means the same as adding {@link Tag#ALL}\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if ALL is supplied more than once, or you add a null tag more than once.\n@return a new Conditionals object with the If-Match tag added."
] |
public static String getSolrRangeString(String from, String to) {
// If a parameter is not initialized, use the asterisk '*' operator
if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(from)) {
from = "*";
if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(to)) {
to = "*";
return String.format("[%s TO %s]", from, to);
} | [
"Returns a string that represents a valid Solr query range.\n\n@param from Lower bound of the query range.\n@param to Upper bound of the query range.\n@return String that represents a Solr query range."
] | [
"Extract a list of exception assignments.\n\n@param exceptionData string representation of exception assignments\n@return list of exception assignment rows",
"Use this API to update nsip6 resources.",
"A smoothed step function. A cubic function is used to smooth the step between two thresholds.\n@param a the lower threshold position\n@param b the upper threshold position\n@param x the input parameter\n@return the output value",
"Curries a procedure that takes two arguments.\n\n@param procedure\nthe original procedure. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code procedure}.\n@return a procedure that takes one argument. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Sets the specified many-to-one attribute to the specified value.\n\n@param name name of the attribute\n@param value value of the attribute\n@since 1.9.0",
"Converts a date to an instance date bean.\n@return the instance date bean.",
"Get the service name of a top-level deployment unit.\n\n@param name the simple name of the deployment\n@param phase the deployment phase\n@return the service name",
"Curries a function that takes two arguments.\n\n@param function\nthe original function. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code function}.\n@return a function that takes one argument. Never <code>null</code>.",
"add a join between two aliases\n\nTODO BRJ : This needs refactoring, it looks kind of weird\n\nno extents\nA1 -> A2\n\nextents on the right\nA1 -> A2\nA1 -> A2E0\n\nextents on the left : copy alias on right, extents point to copies\nA1 -> A2\nA1E0 -> A2C0\n\nextents on the left and right\nA1 -> A2\nA1 -> A2E0\nA1E0 -> A2C0\nA1E0 -> A2E0C0\n\n@param left\n@param leftKeys\n@param right\n@param rightKeys\n@param outer\n@param name"
] |
public void racRent() {
pos = pos - 1;
String userName = CarSearch.getLastSearchParams()[0];
String pickupDate = CarSearch.getLastSearchParams()[1];
String returnDate = CarSearch.getLastSearchParams()[2];
this.searcher.search(userName, pickupDate, returnDate);
if (searcher!=null && searcher.getCars()!= null && pos < searcher.getCars().size() && searcher.getCars().get(pos) != null) {
RESStatusType resStatus = reserver.reserveCar(searcher.getCustomer()
, searcher.getCars().get(pos)
, pickupDate
, returnDate);
ConfirmationType confirm = reserver.getConfirmation(resStatus
, searcher.getCustomer()
, searcher.getCars().get(pos)
, pickupDate
, returnDate);
RESCarType car = confirm.getCar();
CustomerDetailsType customer = confirm.getCustomer();
, confirm.getDescription()
, confirm.getReservationId()
, customer.getName()
, customer.getEmail()
, customer.getCity()
, customer.getStatus()
, car.getBrand()
, car.getDesignModel()
, confirm.getFromDate()
, confirm.getToDate()
, padl(car.getRateDay(), 10)
, padl(car.getRateWeekend(), 10)
, padl(confirm.getCreditPoints().toString(), 7)));
} else {
System.out.println("Invalid selection: " + (pos+1)); //$NON-NLS-1$
} | [
"Rent a car available in the last serach result\n@param intp - the command interpreter instance"
] | [
"This is a temporary measure until we have a type-safe solution for\nretrieving serializers from a SerializerFactory. It avoids warnings all\nover the codebase while making it easy to verify who calls it.",
"Creates a binary media type with the given type and subtype\n@throws com.tngtech.jgiven.exception.JGivenWrongUsageException if any of the given arguments is {@code null}",
"Transform the given bytes into an object.\n\n@param bytes The bytes to construct the object from\n@return The object constructed",
"Search down all extent classes and return max of all found\nPK values.",
"Checks to see if the submatrix has its boundaries along inner blocks.\n\n@param blockLength Size of an inner block.\n@param A Submatrix.\n@return If it is block aligned or not.",
"Read leaf tasks attached to the WBS.\n\n@param id initial WBS ID",
"Checks if two claims are equivalent in the sense that they have the same\nmain snak and the same qualifiers, but possibly in a different order.\n\n@param claim1\n@param claim2\n@return true if claims are equivalent",
"get the type signature corresponding to given class\n\n@param clazz\n@return",
"Stop Redwood, closing all tracks and prohibiting future log messages."
] |
public boolean canUploadVersion(String name, long fileSize) {
URL url = CONTENT_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "OPTIONS");
JsonObject preflightInfo = new JsonObject();
if (name != null) {
preflightInfo.add("name", name);
preflightInfo.add("size", fileSize);
try {
BoxAPIResponse response = request.send();
return response.getResponseCode() == 200;
} catch (BoxAPIException ex) {
if (ex.getResponseCode() >= 400 && ex.getResponseCode() < 500) {
// This looks like an error response, menaing the upload would fail
return false;
} else {
// This looks like a network error or server error, rethrow exception
throw ex;
} | [
"Checks if a new version of the file can be uploaded with the specified name and size.\n@param name the new name for the file.\n@param fileSize the size of the new version content in bytes.\n@return whether or not the file version can be uploaded."
] | [
"Prints the results of the equation to standard out. Useful for debugging",
"Computes an MD4 hash for the password.\n\n@param password the password for which to compute the hash\n@throws NoSuchAlgorithmException\n@throws InvalidKeyException\n\n@return the password hash",
"Log a info message with a throwable.",
"Use this API to add dnsaaaarec resources.",
"Use this API to fetch linkset resource of given name .",
"Use this API to fetch all the appfwprofile resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"I pulled this out of internal store so that when doing multiple table\ninheritance, i can recurse this function.\n\n@param obj\n@param cld\n@param oid BRJ: what is it good for ???\n@param insert\n@param ignoreReferences",
"This is a convenience method used to add a calendar called\n\"Standard\" to the project, and populate it with a default working week\nand default working hours.\n\n@return a new default calendar",
"Returns the orthogonal U matrix.\n\n@param U If not null then the results will be stored here. Otherwise a new matrix will be created.\n@return The extracted Q matrix."
] |
public boolean remove(long key) {
int index = ((((int) (key >>> 32)) ^ ((int) (key))) & 0x7fffffff) % capacity;
Entry previous = null;
Entry entry = table[index];
while (entry != null) {
Entry next = entry.next;
if (entry.key == key) {
if (previous == null) {
table[index] = next;
} else {
previous.next = next;
return true;
previous = entry;
entry = next;
return false;
} | [
"Removes the given value to the set.\n\n@return true if the value was actually removed"
] | [
"decodes the uriFragment\n\n@param res the resource that contains the feature holder\n@param uriFragment the fragment that should be decoded\n@return the decoded information\n@see LazyURIEncoder#encode(EObject, EReference, INode)",
"If the column name is a dotted column, returns the first part.\nReturns null otherwise.\n\n@param column the column that might have a prefix\n@return the first part of the prefix of the column or {@code null} if the column does not have a prefix.",
"Creates a new Box Developer Edition connection with App User token levaraging BoxConfig.\n@param userId the user ID to use for an App User.\n@param boxConfig box configuration settings object\n@return a new instance of BoxAPIConnection.",
"Reads a markdown link ID.\n\n@param out\nThe StringBuilder to write to.\n@param in\nInput String.\n@param start\nStarting position.\n@return The new position or -1 if this is no valid markdown link ID.",
"Extracts assignment baseline data.\n\n@param assignment xml assignment\n@param mpx mpxj assignment",
"Convenience method that returns the attribute value for the specified attribute name.\n\n@param attributeName the name of the attribute\n@return the value of the attribute or null if no such attribute exists\n@since 1.9.0",
"A write through put to inner-store.\n\n@param keyBytes : keyName strings serialized as bytes eg. 'cluster.xml'\n@param valueBytes : versioned byte[] eg. UTF bytes for cluster xml\ndefinitions\n@throws VoldemortException",
"Use this API to fetch tmsessionpolicy_binding resource of given name .",
"Gets a SerialMessage with the WAKE_UP_NO_MORE_INFORMATION command.\n@return the serial message"
] |
private void writeUserFieldDefinitions()
for (CustomField cf : m_sortedCustomFieldsList)
if (cf.getFieldType() != null && cf.getFieldType().getDataType() != null)
UDFTypeType udf = m_factory.createUDFTypeType();
} | [
"Add UDFType objects to a PM XML file.\n\n@author kmahan\n@date 2014-09-24\n@author lsong\n@date 2015-7-24"
] | [
"Used to set the complex value of a matrix element.\n@param row The row of the element.\n@param col The column of the element.\n@param real Real component of assigned value\n@param imaginary Imaginary component of assigned value",
"Returns the number of consecutive trailing one or zero bits.\nIf network is true, returns the number of consecutive trailing zero bits.\nOtherwise, returns the number of consecutive trailing one bits.\n\n@param network\n@return",
"This method retrieves a String of the specified type,\nbelonging to the item with the specified unique ID.\n\n@param id unique ID of entity to which this data belongs\n@param type data type identifier\n@return string containing required data",
"This is the main entry point used to convert the internal representation\nof timephased cost into an external form which can\nbe displayed to the user.\n\n@param projectCalendar calendar used by the resource assignment\n@param cost timephased resource assignment data\n@param rangeUnits timescale units\n@param dateList timescale date ranges\n@return list of durations, one per timescale date range",
"Tests the string edit distance function.",
"Use this API to delete appfwlearningdata resources.",
"Update artifact provider\n\n@param gavc String\n@param provider String",
"Process the given batch of files and pass the results back to the listener as each file is processed.",
"Method will be executed asynchronously."
] |
public static String encodePort(String port, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return HierarchicalUriComponents.encodeUriComponent(port, encoding, HierarchicalUriComponents.Type.PORT);
} | [
"Encodes the given URI port with the given encoding.\n@param port the port to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded port\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported"
] | [
"Build and return the complete URI containing values\nsuch as the document ID, attachment ID, and query syntax.",
"Reads a data block and adds it to the list of blocks.\n\n@param text RTF data\n@param offset current offset\n@param length next block length\n@param blocks list of blocks\n@return next offset",
"Finishes the current box - empties the text line buffer and creates a DOM element from it.",
"Sets the locale for which the property should be read.\n\n@param locale the locale for which the property should be read.",
"Gets the name for the getter for this property\n\n@return The name of the property. The name is \"get\"+ the capitalized propertyName\nor, in the case of boolean values, \"is\" + the capitalized propertyName",
"Handle the serialization of String, Integer and boolean parameters.\n\n@param param to serialize\n@return Object",
"Put a new value in map.\n\n@param key id of the value for looking up.\n@param value the value.",
"Checks if a Zip is valid navigating through the entries\n\n@param file File to validate\n@throws IOException I/O Error",
"response simple String\n\n@param response\n@param obj"
] |
public static List<File> listFilesByRegex(String regex, File... directories) {
return listFiles(directories,
new RegexFileFilter(regex),
} | [
"Returns list of files matches specified regex in specified directories\n\n@param regex to match file names\n@param directories to find\n@return list of files matches specified regex in specified directories"
] | [
"Updates the statements of the item document identified by the given item\nid. The updates are computed with respect to the current data found\nonline, making sure that no redundant deletions or duplicate insertions\nhappen. The references of duplicate statements will be merged.\n\n@param itemIdValue\nid of the document to be updated\n@param addStatements\nthe list of statements to be added or updated; statements with\nempty statement id will be added; statements with non-empty\nstatement id will be updated (if such a statement exists)\n@param deleteStatements\nthe list of statements to be deleted; statements will only be\ndeleted if they are present in the current document (in\nexactly the same form, with the same id)\n@param summary\nshort edit summary\n@return the updated document\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns errors\n@throws IOException\nif there are IO problems, such as missing network connection",
"Returns the given text with the first letter in upper case.\n\n<h2>Examples:</h2>\n<pre>\ncapitalize(\"hi\") == \"Hi\"\ncapitalize(\"Hi\") == \"Hi\"\ncapitalize(\"hi there\") == \"hi there\"\ncapitalize(\"\") == \"\"\ncapitalize(null) == null\n</pre>\n@param text the text to capitalize\n@return text with the first letter in upper case",
"Merges two lists of references, eliminating duplicates in the process.\n\n@param references1\n@param references2\n@return merged list",
"After cluster management operations, i.e. reset quota and recover quota\nenforcement settings",
"Analyses the content of the general section of an ini configuration file\nand fills out the class arguments with this data.\n\n@param section\n{@link Section} with name \"general\"",
"bind attribute and value\n@param stmt\n@param index\n@param attributeOrQuery\n@param value\n@param cld\n@return\n@throws SQLException",
"Stops the current debug server. Active connections are\nnot affected.",
"Parse the URI and get all the parameters in map form. Query name -> List of Query values.\n\n@param rawQuery query portion of the uri to analyze.",
"Perform a module dependency graph of the target and return the graph as a JSON\n\n@param moduleName\n@param moduleVersion\n@param uriInfo\n@return Response"
] |
private void setTasks(String tasks) {
for (String task : tasks.split(",")) {
if (KNOWN_TASKS.containsKey(task)) {
this.tasks |= KNOWN_TASKS.get(task);
this.taskName += (this.taskName.isEmpty() ? "" : "-") + task;
} else {
logger.warn("Unsupported RDF serialization task \"" + task
+ "\". Run without specifying any tasks for help.");
} | [
"Sets the RDF serialization tasks based on the given string value.\n\n@param tasks\na space-free, comma-separated list of task names"
] | [
"Retrieve a duration in the form required by Primavera.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@return formatted duration",
"Removing surrounding space in image. Get trim color from specified pixel.\n@param value orientation from where to get the pixel color.\n@param colorTolerance 0 - 442. This is the euclidian distance\nbetween the colors of the reference pixel and the surrounding pixels is used.\nIf the distance is within the tolerance they'll get trimmed.",
"Specifies an input field to assign a value to. Crawljax first tries to match the found HTML\ninput element's id and then the name attribute.\n\n@param type\nthe type of input field\n@param identification\nthe locator of the input field\n@return an InputField",
"Obtains a Symmetry454 zoned date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Symmetry454 zoned date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Returns all the dependencies taken into account the artifact of the module that will be removed from the dependencies\n\n@param module Module\n@param producedArtifacts List<String>\n@return Set<Dependency>",
"Fill the buffer of the specified range with a given value\n@param offset\n@param length\n@param value",
"Account for key being fetched.\n\n@param key",
"Retrieves the parent task for a Phoenix activity.\n\n@param activity Phoenix activity\n@return parent task",
"Collapse repeated records, using exact string match on the record.\nThis is generally useful for making very verbose logs more readable.\n@return this"
] |
public void setDuration(float start, float end)
for (GVRAnimation anim : mAnimations)
} | [
"Sets the duration for the animations in this animator.\n\n@param start the animation will start playing from the specified time\n@param end the animation will stop playing at the specified time\n\n@see GVRAnimation#setDuration(float, float)"
] | [
"Initialize the connection with the specified properties in OJB\nconfiguration files and platform depended properties.\nInvoke this method after a NEW connection is created, not if re-using from pool.\n\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms.PlatformFactory\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms.Platform",
"Build a Count-Query based on aQuery\n@param aQuery\n@return The count query",
"Set the featureModel.\n\n@param featureModel\nfeature model\n@throws LayerException\nproblem setting the feature model\n@since 1.8.0",
"Return the NTSC gray level of an RGB value.\n@param rgb1 the input pixel\n@return the gray level (0-255)",
"Process data for an individual calendar.\n\n@param row calendar data",
"generate a prepared UPDATE-Statement for the Class\ndescribed by cld\n@param cld the ClassDescriptor",
"Renders a time period in human readable form\n\n@param time the time in milliseconds\n@return the time in human readable form",
"Use this API to fetch responderpolicylabel_responderpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Parses the equation and compiles it into a sequence which can be executed later on\n@param equation String in simple equation format.\n@param assignment if true an assignment is expected and an exception if thrown if there is non\n@param debug if true it will print out debugging information\n@return Sequence of operations on the variables"
] |
public Collection<QName> getPortComponentQNames()
//TODO:Check if there is just one QName that drives all portcomponents
//or each port component can have a distinct QName (namespace/prefix)
//Maintain uniqueness of the QName
Map<String, QName> map = new HashMap<String, QName>();
for (PortComponentMetaData pcm : portComponents)
QName qname = pcm.getWsdlPort();
map.put(qname.getPrefix(), qname);
return map.values();
} | [
"Get the QNames of the port components to be declared\nin the namespaces\n\n@return collection of QNames"
] | [
"Convert a Java date into a Planner date.\n\n20070222\n\n@param value Java Date instance\n@return Planner date",
"Retrieves the formatted parent WBS value.\n\n@return formatted parent WBS value",
"Constructs and sets the layout parameters to have some gravity.\n\n@param gravity the gravity of the Crouton\n@return <code>this</code>, for chaining.\n@see android.view.Gravity",
"why isn't this functionality in enum?",
"Use this API to unset the properties of gslbservice resources.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Creates the parents of nested XML elements if necessary.\n@param xmlContent the XML content that is edited.\n@param xmlPath the path of the (nested) element, for which the parents should be created\n@param l the locale for which the XML content is edited.",
"Creates a ServiceCall from an observable object and a callback.\n\n@param observable the observable to create from\n@param callback the callback to call when events happen\n@param <T> the type of the response\n@return the created ServiceCall",
"For each node in specified zones, tries swapping some minimum number of\nrandom partitions per node with some minimum number of random partitions\nfrom other specified nodes. Chooses the best swap in each iteration.\nLarge values of the greedSwapMaxPartitions... arguments make this method\nequivalent to comparing every possible swap. This may get very expensive.\n\nSo if a node had partitions P1, P2, P3 and P4 and the other partitions\nset was Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 The combinations that will be tried for\nswapping will be the cartesian product of the two sets. That is, {P1,\nQ1}, {P2, Q2}...{P2,Q1}, {P2,Q2}, in total 20 such swap pairs will be\ngenerated. The best among these swap pairs will be chosen.\n\n@param nextCandidateCluster\n@param nodeIds Node IDs within which to shuffle partitions\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerNode See RebalanceCLI.\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerZone See RebalanceCLI.\n@param storeDefs\n@return updated cluster",
"Adds an additional site link to the constructed document.\n\n@param title\nthe title of the linked page\n@param siteKey\nidentifier of the site, e.g., \"enwiki\"\n@param badges\none or more badges"
] |
public void seekToDayOfMonth(String dayOfMonth) {
int dayOfMonthInt = Integer.parseInt(dayOfMonth);
assert(dayOfMonthInt >= 1 && dayOfMonthInt <= 31);
dayOfMonthInt = Math.min(dayOfMonthInt, _calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
_calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonthInt);
} | [
"Seeks to the given day within the current month\n@param dayOfMonth the day of the month to seek to, represented as an integer\nfrom 1 to 31. Must be guaranteed to parse as an Integer. If this day is\nbeyond the last day of the current month, the actual last day of the month\nwill be used."
] | [
"Use this API to update nsrpcnode.",
"Initialize the local plugins registry\n@param context the servlet context necessary to grab\nthe files inside the servlet.\n@return the set of local plugins organized by name",
"Gets external resource for an HTML page in the setup-resources folder.\n\n@param context the context\n@param name the file name\n\n@return the resource for the HTML page",
"Wraps a StatisticsMatrix around 'm'. Does NOT create a copy of 'm' but saves a reference\nto it.",
"Start a task. The id is needed to end the task\n\n@param id\n@param taskName",
"If the HttpRequest is valid and handled it will be sent upstream, if it cannot be invoked\nthe response will be written back immediately.",
"Report on the filtered data in DMR .",
"Set the draw mode for this mesh. Default is GL_TRIANGLES.\n\n@param drawMode",
"Look up a shaper by a short String name.\n\n@param name Shaper name. Known names have patterns along the lines of:\ndan[12](bio)?(UseLC)?, jenny1(useLC)?, chris[1234](useLC)?.\n@return An integer constant for the shaper"
] |
public boolean merge(final PluginXmlAccess other) {
boolean _xblockexpression = false;
String _path = this.getPath();
String _path_1 = other.getPath();
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_path, _path_1));
if (_notEquals) {
String _path_2 = this.getPath();
String _plus = ("Merging plugin.xml files with different paths: " + _path_2);
String _plus_1 = (_plus + ", ");
String _path_3 = other.getPath();
String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + _path_3);
_xblockexpression = this.entries.addAll(other.entries);
return _xblockexpression;
} | [
"Merge the contents of the given plugin.xml into this one."
] | [
"Commit an upload session after all parts have been uploaded, creating the new file or the version.\n@param digest the base64-encoded SHA-1 hash of the file being uploaded.\n@param parts the list of uploaded parts to be committed.\n@param attributes the key value pairs of attributes from the file instance.\n@param ifMatch ensures that your app only alters files/folders on Box if you have the current version.\n@param ifNoneMatch ensure that it retrieve unnecessary data if the most current version of file is on-hand.\n@return the created file instance.",
"Plots the MSD curve with the trajectory t and adds the fitted model for free diffusion.\n@param t\n@param lagMin Minimum timelag (e.g. 1,2,3..) lagMin*timelag = elapsed time in seconds\n@param lagMax lagMax Maximum timelag (e.g. 1,2,3..) lagMax*timelag = elapsed time in seconds\n@param timelag Elapsed time between two frames.\n@param diffusionCoefficient Diffusion coefficient\n@param intercept",
"Ensures that the primary keys required by the given collection with indirection table are present in\nthe element class.\n\n@param modelDef The model\n@param collDef The collection\n@throws ConstraintException If there is a problem with the fitting collection (if any) or the primary keys",
"Verify that all OGM custom externalizers are present.\nN.B. even if some Externalizer is only needed in specific configuration,\nit is not safe to start a CacheManager without one as the same CacheManager\nmight be used, or have been used in the past, to store data using a different\nconfiguration.\n\n@see ExternalizerIds\n@see AdvancedExternalizer\n@param externalCacheManager the provided CacheManager to validate",
"Adds the task to the specified project, in the optional location\nspecified. If no location arguments are given, the task will be added to\nthe end of the project.\n\n`addProject` can also be used to reorder a task within a project or section that\nalready contains it.\n\nAt most one of `insert_before`, `insert_after`, or `section` should be\nspecified. Inserting into a section in an non-order-dependent way can be\ndone by specifying `section`, otherwise, to insert within a section in a\nparticular place, specify `insert_before` or `insert_after` and a task\nwithin the section to anchor the position of this task.\n\nReturns an empty data block.\n\n@param task The task to add to a project.\n@return Request object",
"Prepare the baseURL to make a request.\n\n@param matrixId matrixId\n@param row row\n@param col cold\n@param layerParam layerParam",
"Used to read the domain model when a slave host connects to the DC\n\n@param transformers the transformers for the host\n@param transformationInputs parameters for the transformation\n@param ignoredTransformationRegistry registry of resources ignored by the transformation target\n@param domainRoot the root resource for the domain resource tree\n@return a read master domain model util instance",
"Adds a new floating point variable. If one already has the same name it is written over.\n@param value Value of the number\n@param name Name in code",
"Computes the WordNet 2.0 POS tag corresponding to the PTB POS tag s.\n\n@param s a Penn TreeBank POS tag."
] |
private static void renderFreemarkerTemplate(Path templatePath, Map vars, Path outputPath)
throws IOException, TemplateException
if(templatePath == null)
throw new WindupException("templatePath is null");
freemarker.template.Configuration freemarkerConfig = new freemarker.template.Configuration(freemarker.template.Configuration.VERSION_2_3_26);
DefaultObjectWrapperBuilder objectWrapperBuilder = new DefaultObjectWrapperBuilder(freemarker.template.Configuration.DEFAULT_INCOMPATIBLE_IMPROVEMENTS);
freemarkerConfig.setTemplateLoader(new FurnaceFreeMarkerTemplateLoader());
Template template = freemarkerConfig.getTemplate(templatePath.toString().replace('\\', '/'));
try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputPath.toFile()))
template.process(vars, fw);
} | [
"Renders the given FreeMarker template to given directory, using given variables."
] | [
"Start the actual migration. Take the version of the database, get all required migrations and execute them or do\nnothing if the DB is already up to date.\n\nAt the end the underlying database instance is closed.\n\n@throws MigrationException if a migration fails",
"Process task dependencies.",
"Check real offset.\n\n@return the boolean",
"This method sends the same message to many agents.\n\n@param agent_name\nThe id of the agents that receive the message\n@param msgtype\n@param message_content\nThe content of the message\n@param connector\nThe connector to get the external access",
"Performs an efficient update of each columns' norm",
"Use this API to fetch authenticationtacacspolicy_systemglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"Creates a random symmetric matrix whose values are selected from an uniform distribution\nfrom min to max, inclusive.\n\n@param length Width and height of the matrix.\n@param min Minimum value an element can have.\n@param max Maximum value an element can have.\n@param rand Random number generator.\n@return A symmetric matrix.",
"Attempt to shutdown the server. As much shutdown as possible will be\ncompleted, even if intermediate errors are encountered.\n\n@throws VoldemortException",
"Serialize specified object to directory with specified name. Given output stream will be closed.\n\n@param obj object to serialize\n@return number of bytes written to directory"
] |
private long interpolateTimeFromUpdate(TrackPositionUpdate lastTrackUpdate, CdjStatus newDeviceUpdate,
BeatGrid beatGrid) {
final int beatNumber = newDeviceUpdate.getBeatNumber();
final boolean noLongerPlaying = !newDeviceUpdate.isPlaying();
// If we have just stopped, see if we are near a cue (assuming that information is available), and if so,
// the best assumption is that the DJ jumped to that cue.
if (lastTrackUpdate.playing && noLongerPlaying) {
final CueList.Entry jumpedTo = findAdjacentCue(newDeviceUpdate, beatGrid);
if (jumpedTo != null) return jumpedTo.cueTime;
// Handle the special case where we were not playing either in the previous or current update, but the DJ
// might have jumped to a different place in the track.
if (!lastTrackUpdate.playing) {
if (lastTrackUpdate.beatNumber == beatNumber && noLongerPlaying) { // Haven't moved
return lastTrackUpdate.milliseconds;
} else {
if (noLongerPlaying) { // Have jumped without playing.
if (beatNumber < 0) {
return -1; // We don't know the position any more; weird to get into this state and still have a grid?
// As a heuristic, assume we are right before the beat?
return timeOfBeat(beatGrid, beatNumber, newDeviceUpdate);
// One way or another, we are now playing.
long elapsedMillis = (newDeviceUpdate.getTimestamp() - lastTrackUpdate.timestamp) / 1000000;
long moved = Math.round(lastTrackUpdate.pitch * elapsedMillis);
long interpolated = (lastTrackUpdate.reverse)?
(lastTrackUpdate.milliseconds - moved) : lastTrackUpdate.milliseconds + moved;
if (Math.abs(beatGrid.findBeatAtTime(interpolated) - beatNumber) < 2) {
return interpolated; // Our calculations still look plausible
// The player has jumped or drifted somewhere unexpected, correct.
if (newDeviceUpdate.isPlayingForwards()) {
return timeOfBeat(beatGrid, beatNumber, newDeviceUpdate);
} else {
return beatGrid.getTimeWithinTrack(Math.min(beatNumber + 1, beatGrid.beatCount));
} | [
"Sanity-check a new non-beat update, make sure we are still interpolating a sensible position, and correct\nas needed.\n\n@param lastTrackUpdate the most recent digested update received from a player\n@param newDeviceUpdate a new status update from the player\n@param beatGrid the beat grid for the track that is playing, in case we have jumped\n\n@return the playback position we believe that player has reached at that point in time"
] | [
"Populate time ranges.\n\n@param ranges time ranges from a Synchro table\n@param container time range container",
"Perform construction with custom thread pool size.",
"Uniformly random numbers",
"If converters are set on a table, this function tests if these can convert a cell value. The first\nconverter, which claims that it can convert, will be used to do the conversion.",
"Register this broker in ZK for the first time.",
"Sets the protocol.\n@param protocol The protocol to be set.",
"Computes the null space using QRP decomposition. This is faster than using SVD but slower than QR.\nMuch more stable than QR though.\n@param A (Input) Matrix\n@param totalSingular Number of singular values\n@return Null space",
"Use this API to enable snmpalarm of given name.",
"to avoid creation of unmaterializable proxies"
] |
public void setAcquireRetryDelay(long acquireRetryDelay, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
this.acquireRetryDelayInMs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(acquireRetryDelay, timeUnit);
} | [
"Sets the number of ms to wait before attempting to obtain a connection again after a failure.\n@param acquireRetryDelay the acquireRetryDelay to set\n@param timeUnit time granularity"
] | [
"Use this API to restore appfwprofile.",
"Guess whether given file is binary. Just checks for anything under 0x09.",
"Initialize the metadata cache with system store list",
"Retrieve the calendar used internally for timephased baseline calculation.\n\n@return baseline calendar",
"Use this API to fetch appfwpolicylabel_binding resource of given name .",
"Prints dependencies recovered from the methods of a class. A\ndependency is inferred only if another relation between the two\nclasses is not already in the graph.\n@param classes",
"Sets the duration for the animation to be played.\n\n@param start the animation will start playing from the specified time\n@param end the animation will stop playing at the specified time\n\n@return {@code this}, so you can chain setProperty() calls.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nIf {@code start} is either negative value, greater than\n{@code end} value or {@code end} is greater than duration",
"Fires given event for non-web modules. Used for @BeforeDestroyed and @Destroyed events.",
"List the indexes in the database. The returned object allows for listing indexes by type.\n\n@return indexes object with methods for getting indexes of a particular type"
] |
public static void startTimer(final String type) {
TransactionLogger instance = getInstance();
if (instance == null) {
instance.components.putIfAbsent(type, new Component(type));
} | [
"Start component timer for current instance\n@param type - of component"
] | [
"Process stop.\n\n@param endpoint the endpoint\n@param eventType the event type",
"Use this API to fetch snmpalarm resource of given name .",
"Use this API to delete lbroute.",
"Use this API to save nsconfig.",
"Log error information",
"Makes http GET request.\n@param url url to makes request to\n@param params data to add to params field\n@return {@link okhttp3.Response}\n@throws RequestException\n@throws LocalOperationException",
"Writes data to delegate stream if it has been set.\n\n@param data the data to write",
"Return the index associated to the Renderer.\n\n@param renderer used to search in the prototypes collection.\n@return the prototype index associated to the renderer passed as argument.",
"Acquire a calendar instance.\n\n@return Calendar instance"
] |
public boolean toggleProfile(Boolean enabled) {
// TODO: make this return values properly
BasicNameValuePair[] params = {
new BasicNameValuePair("active", enabled.toString())
try {
String uri = BASE_PROFILE + uriEncode(this._profileName) + "/" + BASE_CLIENTS + "/";
if (_clientId == null) {
uri += "-1";
} else {
uri += _clientId;
JSONObject response = new JSONObject(doPost(uri, params));
} catch (Exception e) {
// some sort of error
return false;
return true;
} | [
"Turn this profile on or off\n\n@param enabled true or false\n@return true on success, false otherwise"
] | [
"This method performs a series of permissions checks given a directory and properties file path.\n\n1 - Check whether the parent directory dirPath has proper execute and read permissions\n2 - Check whether properties file path is readable and writable\n\nIf either of the permissions checks fail, update validFilePermissions and filePermissionsProblemPath\nappropriately.",
"Writes a number to the specified byte array field, breaking it into its component bytes in big-endian order.\nIf the number is too large to fit in the specified number of bytes, only the low-order bytes are written.\n\n@param number the number to be written to the array\n@param buffer the buffer to which the number should be written\n@param start where the high-order byte should be written\n@param length how many bytes of the number should be written",
"Configures a RequestBuilder to send an RPC request.\n\n@param <T> return type for the AsyncCallback\n@param responseReader instance used to read the return value of the\ninvocation\n@param requestData payload that encodes the addressing and arguments of the\nRPC call\n@param callback callback handler\n\n@return a RequestBuilder object that is ready to have its\n{@link RequestBuilder#send()} method invoked.",
"This is private because the execute is the only method that should be called here.",
"Determines the component type for a given array type.\n\n@param type the given array type\n@return the component type of a given array type",
"Execute blocking for a prepared result.\n\n@param operation the operation to execute\n@param client the protocol client\n@return the prepared operation\n@throws IOException\n@throws InterruptedException",
"Get the present keys of all entries with a given type, checking hereby if assignable.\n\n@param type The attribute type, not null.\n@return all present keys of attributes being assignable to the type, never null.",
"Removes all the given tags from the document.\n\n@param dom the document object.\n@param tagName the tag name, examples: script, style, meta\n@return the changed dom.",
"Use this API to fetch sslcertkey_sslocspresponder_binding resources of given name ."
] |
public static void closeWindow(Component component) {
Window window = getWindow(component);
if (window != null) {
} | [
"Closes the window containing the given component.\n\n@param component a component"
] | [
"Send Identify Node message to the controller.\n@param nodeId the nodeId of the node to identify\n@throws SerialInterfaceException when timing out or getting an invalid response.",
"Function to perform backward activation",
"Initialization method.\n\n@param t1\n@param t2",
"The ARP is additional request parameters, which must be sent once\nreceived after any HTTP call. This is sort of a proxy for cookies.\n\n@return A JSON object containing the ARP key/values. Can be null.",
"Adds a member to this group with the specified role.\n@param user the member to be added to this group.\n@param role the role of the user in this group. Can be null to assign the default role.\n@return info about the new group membership.",
"Creates a new GridLines instance.\n\n@param data data block\n@param offset offset into data block\n@return new GridLines instance",
"Pop the record number from the front of the list, and parse it to ensure that\nit is a valid integer.\n\n@param list MPX record",
"Sets a custom configuration attribute.\n@param attributeName the attribute name. Names starting with\n{@link #JDBC_PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX} will be used (without the prefix) by the\nConnectionFactory when creating connections from DriverManager\n(not used for external DataSource connections). Names starting with\n{@link #DBCP_PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX} to Commons DBCP (if used, also without prefix).\n@param attributeValue the attribute value",
"Reads a markdown link.\n\n@param out\nThe StringBuilder to write to.\n@param in\nInput String.\n@param start\nStarting position.\n@return The new position or -1 if this is no valid markdown link."
] |
public Object extractJavaFieldValue(Object object) throws SQLException {
Object val = extractRawJavaFieldValue(object);
// if this is a foreign object then we want its reference field
if (foreignRefField != null && val != null) {
val = foreignRefField.extractRawJavaFieldValue(val);
return val;
} | [
"Return the value from the field in the object that is defined by this FieldType. If the field is a foreign object\nthen the ID of the field is returned instead."
] | [
"Checks that the targetClass is widening the argument class\n\n@param argumentClass\n@param targetClass\n@return",
"Remove all the existing links of the Declaration.\n\n@param declarationSRef the ServiceReference<Declaration> of the Declaration",
"Returns the counters with keys as the first key and count as the\ntotal count of the inner counter for that key\n\n@return counter of type K1",
"Invokes a closure passing it a new Sql instance created from the given JDBC connection URL.\nThe created connection will be closed if required.\n\n@param url a database url of the form\n<code>jdbc:<em>subprotocol</em>:<em>subname</em></code>\n@param c the Closure to call\n@see #newInstance(String)\n@throws SQLException if a database access error occurs",
"Loads a PDF document and creates a DOM tree from it.\n@param doc the source document\n@return a DOM Document representing the DOM tree\n@throws IOException",
"Allocates a new next buffer and pending fetch.",
"Loads all localizations not already loaded.\n@throws CmsException thrown if locking a file fails.\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException thrown if reading a file fails.\n@throws IOException thrown if reading a file fails.",
"Stops all streams.",
"Returns the text for the JSONObject of Link provided\nThe JSONObject of Link provided should be of the type \"copy\"\n@param jsonObject of Link\n@return String"
] |
public static Thread newThread(String name, Runnable runnable, boolean daemon) {
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable, name);
return thread;
} | [
"Create a new thread\n\n@param name The name of the thread\n@param runnable The work for the thread to do\n@param daemon Should the thread block JVM shutdown?\n@return The unstarted thread"
] | [
"Stop the drag action.",
"Does the headset the device is docked into have a dedicated home key\n@return",
"Use this API to update systemcollectionparam.",
"Most complete output",
"Use this API to update nsrpcnode resources.",
"Performs a HTTP PUT request, saves an attachment.\n\n@return {@link Response}",
"Saves the current translations from the container to the respective localization.",
"Generates timephased actual costs from the assignment's cost value. Used for Cost type Resources.\n\n@return timephased cost",
"Stores an new entry in the cache."
] |
@SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked" })
public static <K1, K2> TwoDimensionalCounter<K2, K1> reverseIndexOrder(TwoDimensionalCounter<K1, K2> cc) {
// they typing on the outerMF is violated a bit, but it'll work....
TwoDimensionalCounter<K2, K1> result = new TwoDimensionalCounter<K2, K1>((MapFactory) cc.outerMF,
(MapFactory) cc.innerMF);
for (K1 key1 : cc.firstKeySet()) {
ClassicCounter<K2> c = cc.getCounter(key1);
for (K2 key2 : c.keySet()) {
double count = c.getCount(key2);
result.setCount(key2, key1, count);
return result;
} | [
"Produces a new ConditionalCounter.\n\n@return a new ConditionalCounter, where order of indices is reversed"
] | [
"Add server redirect to a profile, using current active ServerGroup\n\n@param region region\n@param srcUrl source URL\n@param destUrl destination URL\n@param hostHeader host header\n@param profileId profile ID\n@return ID of added ServerRedirect\n@throws Exception exception",
"Returns the curve resulting from the local linear regression with discrete kernel.\n\n@return The regression curve.",
"Read the optional row header and UUID.\n\n@param stream input stream\n@param map row map",
"Adds a module to the modules that should be exported.\nIf called at least once, the explicitly added modules will be exported\ninstead of the default modules.\n\n@param moduleName the name of the module to export.",
"Retrieve the relative path to the pom of the module",
"Returns the first number available, starting at portNumberStartingPoint that's not already in the reservedPorts\nlist.\n\n@param portNumberStartingPoint first port number to start from.\n@param reservedPorts the ports already reserved.\n@return first number available not in the given list, starting at the given parameter.",
"Make sure that we have some reasonable defaults available. These would typically be provided by the rulesets\nin the real world.",
"Used when setting the \"visible\" field in the response. See the \"List Conversations\" docs for details\n@param filters Filter strings to be applied to the visibility of conversations\n@return this to continue building options",
"Return a new client that may be cached or not. Given properties are always use when not cached, and only used at creation time for\ncached clients.\n\n@param name\nif null, default client. Otherwise, helpful to retrieve cached clients later.\n@param p\na set of properties. Implementation specific. Unknown properties are silently ignored.\n@param cached\nif false, the client will not be cached and subsequent calls with the same name will return different objects."
] |
Map<String, EntityDocument> getEntityDocumentMap(int numOfEntities,
WbGetEntitiesActionData properties)
throws MediaWikiApiErrorException, IOException {
if (numOfEntities == 0) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
return this.wbGetEntitiesAction.wbGetEntities(properties);
} | [
"Creates a map of identifiers or page titles to documents retrieved via\nthe APIs.\n\n@param numOfEntities\nnumber of entities that should be retrieved\n@param properties\nWbGetEntitiesProperties object that includes all relevant\nparameters for the wbgetentities action\n@return map of document identifiers or titles to documents retrieved via\nthe API URL\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\n@throws IOException"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch aaapreauthenticationpolicy_binding resource of given name .",
"Transforms an input file into HTML using the given Configuration.\n\n@param file\nThe File to process.\n@param configuration\nthe Configuration\n@return The processed String.\n@throws IOException\nif an IO error occurs\n@since 0.7\n@see Configuration",
"convert a param object to a multimap.\n\n@param objectParams the parameters to convert.\n@return the corresponding Multimap.",
"Wait for the template resources to come up after the test container has\nbeen started. This allows the test container and the template resources\nto come up in parallel.",
"Delivers the correct JSON Object for the target\n\n@param target\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Check if this request is part of the specified request. This is the case if both requests have equal properties\nand the specified request is asking for the same or more paint operations than this one.\n\n@param request another request\n@return true if the current request is contained in the specified request\n@since 1.10.0",
"Retrieve the set of start dates represented by this recurrence data.\n\n@return array of start dates",
"Redirect standard streams so that the output can be passed to listeners.",
"Retrieves the work variance.\n\n@return work variance"
] |
private static final double printDurationFractionsOfMinutes(Duration duration, int factor)
double result = 0;
if (duration != null)
result = duration.getDuration();
switch (duration.getUnits())
case HOURS:
result *= 60;
case DAYS:
result *= (60 * 8);
result *= (60 * 24);
case WEEKS:
result *= (60 * 8 * 5);
result *= (60 * 24 * 7);
case MONTHS:
result *= (60 * 8 * 5 * 4);
result *= (60 * 24 * 30);
case YEARS:
result *= (60 * 8 * 5 * 52);
result *= (60 * 24 * 365);
result *= factor;
return (result);
} | [
"Print a duration represented by an arbitrary fraction of minutes.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@param factor required factor\n@return duration represented as an arbitrary fraction of minutes"
] | [
"Returns a flag indicating if also unreleased resources should be found.\n@return A flag indicating if also unreleased resources should be found.",
"Update the given resource in the persistent configuration model based on the values in the given operation.\n\n@param operation the operation\n@param resource the resource that corresponds to the address of {@code operation}\n\n@throws OperationFailedException if {@code operation} is invalid or populating the model otherwise fails",
"A slop is dead if the destination node or the store does not exist\nanymore on the cluster.\n\n@param slop\n@return",
"In-place scaling of a row in A\n\n@param alpha scale factor\n@param A matrix\n@param row which row in A",
"Capture stdout and route them through Redwood\n@return this",
"Process normal calendar working and non-working days.\n\n@param calendar parent calendar",
"used for encoding url path segment",
"Decide which donor node to steal from. This is a policy implementation.\nI.e., in the future, additional policies could be considered. At that\ntime, this method should be overridden in a sub-class, or a policy object\nought to implement this algorithm.\n\nCurrent policy:\n\n1) If possible, a stealer node that is the zone n-ary in the finalCluster\nsteals from the zone n-ary in the currentCluster in the same zone.\n\n2) If there are no partition-stores to steal in the same zone (i.e., this\nis the \"zone expansion\" use case), then a differnt policy must be used.\nThe stealer node that is the zone n-ary in the finalCluster determines\nwhich pre-existing zone in the currentCluster hosts the primary partition\nid for the partition-store. The stealer then steals the zone n-ary from\nthat pre-existing zone.\n\nThis policy avoids unnecessary cross-zone moves and distributes the load\nof cross-zone moves approximately-uniformly across pre-existing zones.\n\nOther policies to consider:\n\n- For zone expansion, steal all partition-stores from one specific\npre-existing zone.\n\n- Replace heuristic to approximately uniformly distribute load among\nexisting zones to something more concrete (i.e. track steals from each\npre-existing zone and forcibly balance them).\n\n- Select a single donor for all replicas in a new zone. This will require\ndonor-based rebalancing to be run (at least for this specific part of the\nplan). This would reduce the number of donor-side scans of data. (But\nstill send replication factor copies over the WAN.) This would require\napparatus in the RebalanceController to work.\n\n- Set up some sort of chain-replication in which a single stealer in the\nnew zone steals some replica from a pre-exising zone, and then other\nn-aries in the new zone steal from the single cross-zone stealer in the\nzone. This would require apparatus in the RebalanceController to work.\n\n@param currentSRP\n@param finalSRP\n@param stealerZoneId\n@param stealerNodeId\n@param stealerPartitionId\n@return the node id of the donor for this partition Id.",
"Get a property as a boolean or null.\n\n@param key the property name"
] |
@Override public void setID(Integer val)
ProjectFile parent = getParentFile();
Integer previous = getID();
if (previous != null)
parent.getResources().mapID(val, this);
set(ResourceField.ID, val);
} | [
"Sets ID field value.\n\n@param val value"
] | [
"Use this API to update ntpserver resources.",
"Calculate the signature by which we can reliably recognize a loaded track.\n\n@param title the track title\n@param artist the track artist, or {@code null} if there is no artist\n@param duration the duration of the track in seconds\n@param waveformDetail the monochrome waveform detail of the track\n@param beatGrid the beat grid of the track\n\n@return the SHA-1 hash of all the arguments supplied, or {@code null} if any either {@code waveFormDetail} or {@code beatGrid} were {@code null}",
"Convert from a DTO to an internal Spring bean definition.\n\n@param beanDefinitionDto The DTO object.\n@return Returns a Spring bean definition.",
"Read custom fields for a GanttProject task.\n\n@param gpTask GanttProject task\n@param mpxjTask MPXJ Task instance",
"Retrieve a duration in the form required by Primavera.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@return formatted duration",
"Sets the left padding for all cells in the row.\n@param paddingLeft new padding, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Log a message at the provided level.",
"Sets an attribute in the main section of the manifest.\n\n@param name the attribute's name\n@param value the attribute's value\n@return {@code this}\n@throws IllegalStateException if entries have been added or the JAR has been written prior to calling this methods.",
"Hardcode a copy method as being valid. This should be used to tell Mutability Detector about\na method which copies a collection, and when the copy can be wrapped in an immutable wrapper\nwe can consider the assignment immutable. Useful for allowing Mutability Detector to correctly\nwork with other collections frameworks such as Google Guava. Reflection is used to obtain the\nmethod's descriptor and to verify the method's existence.\n\n@param fieldType - the type of the field to which the result of the copy is assigned\n@param fullyQualifiedMethodName - the fully qualified method name\n@param argType - the type of the argument passed to the copy method\n\n@throws MutabilityAnalysisException - if the specified class or method does not exist\n@throws IllegalArgumentException - if any of the arguments are null"
] |
public static authenticationnegotiatepolicy_binding get(nitro_service service, String name) throws Exception{
authenticationnegotiatepolicy_binding obj = new authenticationnegotiatepolicy_binding();
authenticationnegotiatepolicy_binding response = (authenticationnegotiatepolicy_binding) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch authenticationnegotiatepolicy_binding resource of given name ."
] | [
"Pad or trim so as to produce a string of exactly a certain length.\n\n@param str The String to be padded or truncated\n@param num The desired length",
"Remove a previously registered requirement for a capability.\n\n@param requirementRegistration the requirement. Cannot be {@code null}\n@see #registerAdditionalCapabilityRequirement(org.jboss.as.controller.capability.registry.RuntimeRequirementRegistration)",
"the transaction id are generated as unique timestamps\n\n@param timeMs in milliseconds\n@return a unique transactionId",
"Return the class's name, possibly by stripping the leading path",
"Verify that all OGM custom externalizers are present.\nN.B. even if some Externalizer is only needed in specific configuration,\nit is not safe to start a CacheManager without one as the same CacheManager\nmight be used, or have been used in the past, to store data using a different\nconfiguration.\n\n@see ExternalizerIds\n@see AdvancedExternalizer\n@param externalCacheManager the provided CacheManager to validate",
"Update the context session to mark a user logged in\n\n@param userIdentifier\nthe user identifier, could be either userId or username",
"Print a task type.\n\n@param value TaskType instance\n@return task type value",
"Validate the JtsLayer.\n\n@param name mvt layer name\n@param geometries geometries in the tile\n@throws IllegalArgumentException when {@code name} or {@code geometries} are null",
] |
public static <T> T splitEachLine(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern, @ClosureParams(value=FromString.class,options="List<String>") Closure<T> closure) throws IOException {
final List<String> list = readLines(self);
T result = null;
for (String line : list) {
List vals = Arrays.asList(pattern.split(line));
result = closure.call(vals);
return result;
} | [
"Iterates through the given CharSequence line by line, splitting each line using\nthe given separator Pattern. The list of tokens for each line is then passed to\nthe given closure.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@param pattern the regular expression Pattern for the delimiter\n@param closure a closure\n@return the last value returned by the closure\n@throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs\n@since 1.8.2"
] | [
"Forceful cleanup the logs",
"Geta the specified metadata template by its ID.\n@param api the API connection to be used.\n@param templateID the ID of the template to get.\n@return the metadata template object.",
"Examines the list of variables for any unknown variables and throws an exception if one is found",
"Sets the texture this render target will render to.\nIf no texture is provided, the render target will\nnot render anything.\n@param texture GVRRenderTexture to render to.",
"Get the class name without the qualified package name.\n@param className the className to get the short name for\n@return the class name of the class without the package name\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the className is empty",
"Handles the deletion of a key.\n@param key the deleted key.\n@return <code>true</code> if the deletion was successful, <code>false</code> otherwise.",
"Returns the given text with the first letter in upper case.\n\n<h2>Examples:</h2>\n<pre>\ncapitalize(\"hi\") == \"Hi\"\ncapitalize(\"Hi\") == \"Hi\"\ncapitalize(\"hi there\") == \"hi there\"\ncapitalize(\"\") == \"\"\ncapitalize(null) == null\n</pre>\n@param text the text to capitalize\n@return text with the first letter in upper case",
"Post a license to the server\n\n@param license\n@param user\n@param password\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException",
"Delete a photo from flickr.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'delete' permission.\n\n@param photoId\n@throws FlickrException"
] |
public void remove(RowKey key) {
currentState.put( key, new AssociationOperation( key, null, REMOVE ) );
} | [
"Removes the row with the specified key from this association.\n\n@param key the key of the association row to remove"
] | [
"Determines total number of partition-stores moved across zones.\n\n@return number of cross zone partition-store moves",
"This method extracts the XML header comment if available.\n\n@param xmlFile is the XML {@link File} to parse.\n@return the XML comment between the XML header declaration and the root tag or <code>null</code> if NOT\navailable.\n@throws MojoExecutionException if anything goes wrong.",
"Selects the specified value in the list.\n\n@param value the new value\n@param fireEvents if true, a ValueChangeEvent event will be fired\n@see #setAddMissingValue",
"handles when a member leaves and hazelcast partition data is lost. We want\nto find the Futures that are waiting on lost data and error them",
"Sets allowed values for attribute\n\n@param allowedValues values that are legal as part in this attribute\n@return a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition",
"Pause the current entry point, and invoke the provided listener when all current requests have finished.\n\nIf individual control point tracking is not enabled then the listener will be invoked straight away\n\n@param requestCountListener The listener to invoke",
"Gets a design document using the id and revision from the database.\n\n@param id the document id (optionally prefixed with \"_design/\")\n@param rev the document revision\n@return {@link DesignDocument}",
"Copy the data from an InputStream to a temp file.\n\n@param inputStream data source\n@param tempFileSuffix suffix to use for temp file\n@return File instance",
"Assign an ID value to this field."
] |
private Integer getIntegerTimeInMinutes(Date date)
Integer result = null;
if (date != null)
Calendar cal = DateHelper.popCalendar(date);
int time = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60;
time += cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
result = Integer.valueOf(time);
return (result);
} | [
"This internal method is used to convert from a Date instance to an\ninteger representing the number of minutes past midnight.\n\n@param date date instance\n@return minutes past midnight as an integer"
] | [
"Returns the address for the operation.\n\n@param op the operation\n\n@return the operation address or a new undefined model node",
"Calculates the bounds of the non-transparent parts of the given image.\n@param p the image\n@return the bounds of the non-transparent area",
"Converts a DTO attribute into a generic attribute object.\n\n@param attribute\nThe DTO attribute.\n@return The server side attribute representation. As we don't know at this point what kind of object the\nattribute is (that's a problem for the <code>FeatureModel</code>), we return an <code>Object</code>.",
"Get a unique reference to a media slot on the network from which tracks can be loaded.\n\n@param player the player in which the slot is found\n@param slot the specific type of the slot\n\n@return the instance that will always represent the specified slot\n\n@throws NullPointerException if {@code slot} is {@code null}",
"Used to get PB, when no tx is running.",
"Enables a custom response\n\n@param model\n@param custom\n@param path_id\n@param clientUUID\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Load the view port execution.\n\n@param then callback when the view port is detected.\n@param fallback fallback when no view port detected or failure to detect the given\n{@link Boundary} (using {@link #propagateFallback(boolean)})",
"Validates that the data structure at position startEndRecord has a field in the expected position\nthat points to the start of the first central directory file, and, if so, that the file\nhas a complete end of central directory record comment at the end.\n\n@param file the file being checked\n@param channel the channel\n@param startEndRecord the start of the end of central directory record\n@param endSig the end of central dir signature\n@return true if it can be confirmed that the end of directory record points to a central directory\nfile and a complete comment is present, false otherwise\n@throws java.io.IOException",
"Create constant name.\n@param state STATE_UNCHANGED, STATE_CHANGED, STATE_NEW or STATE_DELETED.\n@return cconstanname as String"
] |
public VALUE get(KEY key) {
CacheEntry<VALUE> entry;
synchronized (this) {
entry = values.get(key);
VALUE value;
if (entry != null) {
if (isExpiring) {
long age = System.currentTimeMillis() - entry.timeCreated;
if (age < expirationMillis) {
value = getValue(key, entry);
} else {
synchronized (this) {
value = null;
} else {
value = getValue(key, entry);
} else {
value = null;
if (value != null) {
} else {
return value;
} | [
"Get the cached entry or null if no valid cached entry is found."
] | [
"Fires the event and waits for a specified time.\n\n@param webElement the element to fire event on.\n@param eventable The HTML event type (onclick, onmouseover, ...).\n@return true if firing event is successful.\n@throws InterruptedException when interrupted during the wait.",
"Build the operation transformers.\n\n@param registry the shared resource registry\n@return the operation transformers",
"Blocking function which completes the migration of one store\n\n@param storeName The name of the store\n@param adminClient Admin client used to initiate the copying of data\n@param stealInfo The steal information\n@param isReadOnlyStore Boolean indicating that this is a read-only store",
"Transforms a list of Integer objects to an array of primitive int values.\n\n@param integers\n@return",
"Create a Renderer getting a copy from the prototypes collection.\n\n@param content to render.\n@param parent used to inflate the view.\n@return a new renderer.",
"Read a single duration field extended attribute.\n\n@param row field data",
"return a prepared Insert Statement fitting for the given ClassDescriptor",
"Check the variable name and if not set, set it with the singleton variable name being on the top of the stack.",
"A convenience method for creating an immutable list\n\n@param self a List\n@return an immutable List\n@see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableList(java.util.List)\n@since 1.0"
] |
public boolean setUpCameraForVrMode(final int fpsMode) {
cameraSetUpStatus = false;
this.fpsMode = fpsMode;
if (!isCameraOpen) {
Log.e(TAG, "Camera is not open");
return false;
if (fpsMode < 0 || fpsMode > 2) {
"Invalid fpsMode: %d. It can only take values 0, 1, or 2.", fpsMode);
} else {
Parameters params = camera.getParameters();
// check if the device supports vr mode preview
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(params.get("vrmode-supported"))) {
Log.v(TAG, "VR Mode supported!");
// set vr mode
params.set("vrmode", 1);
// true if the apps intend to record videos using
// MediaRecorder
// set preview size
// params.setPreviewSize(640, 480);
// set fast-fps-mode: 0 for 30fps, 1 for 60 fps,
// 2 for 120 fps
params.set("fast-fps-mode", fpsMode);
switch (fpsMode) {
case 0: // 30 fps
params.setPreviewFpsRange(30000, 30000);
case 1: // 60 fps
params.setPreviewFpsRange(60000, 60000);
case 2: // 120 fps
params.setPreviewFpsRange(120000, 120000);
// for auto focus
params.set("focus-mode", "continuous-video");
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(params.get("ois-supported"))) {
params.set("ois", "center");
cameraSetUpStatus = true;
return cameraSetUpStatus;
} | [
"Configure high fps settings in the camera for VR mode\n\n@param fpsMode integer indicating the desired fps: 0 means 30 fps, 1 means 60\nfps, and 2 means 120 fps. Any other value is invalid.\n@return A boolean indicating the status of the method call. It may be false due\nto multiple reasons including: 1) supplying invalid fpsMode as the input\nparameter, 2) VR mode not supported."
] | [
"Always returns the original proxy object that was serialized.\n\n@return the proxy object\n@throws java.io.ObjectStreamException",
"B tensor is ignored for CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_SQRT, CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_NOT.",
"Return true only if the node has any of the named annotations\n@param node - the AST Node to check\n@param names - the names of the annotations\n@return true only if the node has any of the named annotations",
"Use this API to update responderpolicy resources.",
"Compose src onto dst using the alpha of sel to interpolate between the two.\nI can't think of a way to do this using AlphaComposite.\n@param src the source raster\n@param dst the destination raster\n@param sel the mask raster",
"removes all data for an annotation class. This should be called after an\nannotation has been modified through the SPI",
"Replaces an existing metadata value.\n@param path the path that designates the key. Must be prefixed with a \"/\".\n@param value the value.\n@return this metadata object.",
"Returns the user records for all users in the specified workspace or\norganization.\n\n@param workspace The workspace in which to get users.\n@return Request object",
"Walk project references recursively, adding thrift files to the provided list."
] |
public <T extends ReportModel> T getReportByName(String name, Class<T> clazz)
WindupVertexFrame model = this.getUniqueByProperty(ReportModel.REPORT_NAME, name);
return (T) model;
catch (ClassCastException ex)
throw new WindupException("The vertex is not of expected frame type " + clazz.getName() + ": " + model.toPrettyString());
} | [
"Returns the ReportModel with given name."
] | [
"Initialize the random generator with a seed.",
"Builds a batch-fetch capable loader based on the given persister, lock-mode, etc.\n\n@param persister The entity persister\n@param batchSize The maximum number of ids to batch-fetch at once\n@param lockMode The lock mode\n@param factory The SessionFactory\n@param influencers Any influencers that should affect the built query\n@param innerEntityLoaderBuilder Builder of the entity loader receiving the subset of batches\n\n@return The loader.",
"Retrieve a table by name.\n\n@param name table name\n@return Table instance",
"Generates and writes the sql for inserting the currently contained data objects.\n\n@param model The database model\n@param platform The platform\n@param writer The output stream",
"Checks to see if the submatrix has its boundaries along inner blocks.\n\n@param blockLength Size of an inner block.\n@param A Submatrix.\n@return If it is block aligned or not.",
"Compares two fields given by their names.\n\n@param objA The name of the first field\n@param objB The name of the second field\n@return\n@see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)",
"Gets the index of a ExpandableWrapper within the helper item list based on\nthe index of the ExpandableWrapper.\n\n@param parentPosition The index of the parent in the list of parents\n@return The index of the parent in the merged list of children and parents",
"Converts the permutation matrix into a vector\n@param P (Input) Permutation matrix\n@param vector (Output) Permutation vector",
"Use this API to disable clusterinstance resources of given names."
] |
protected void doLinking() {
IParseResult parseResult = getParseResult();
if (parseResult == null || parseResult.getRootASTElement() == null)
XtextLinker castedLinker = (XtextLinker) getLinker();
} | [
"Overridden to do only the clean-part of the linking but not\nthe actual linking. This is deferred until someone wants to access\nthe content of the resource."
] | [
"Execute a HTTP request\n\n@param stringUrl URL\n@param method Method to use\n@param parameters Params\n@param input Input / Payload\n@param charset Input Charset\n@return response\n@throws IOException",
"Extracts out a matrix from source given a sub matrix with arbitrary rows and columns specified in\ntwo array lists\n\n@param src Source matrix. Not modified.\n@param rows array of row indexes\n@param rowsSize maximum element in row array\n@param cols array of column indexes\n@param colsSize maximum element in column array\n@param dst output matrix. Must be correct shape.",
"We have received an update that invalidates the waveform preview for a player, so clear it and alert\nany listeners if this represents a change. This does not affect the hot cues; they will stick around until the\nplayer loads a new track that overwrites one or more of them.\n\n@param update the update which means we have no waveform preview for the associated player",
"Triggers a replication request.",
"Utility function that creates directory.\n\n@param dir Directory path\n@return File object of directory.",
"Get a list of referrers from a given domain to a collection.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@param domain\n(Required) The domain to return referrers for. This should be a hostname (eg: \"flickr.com\") with no protocol or pathname.\n@param collectionId\n(Optional) The id of the collection to get stats for. If not provided, stats for all collections will be returned.\n@param perPage\n(Optional) Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.\n@param page\n(Optional) The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getCollectionReferrers.html\"",
"Create a new collaboration object.\n@param api the API connection used to make the request.\n@param accessibleBy the JSON object describing who should be collaborated.\n@param item the JSON object describing which item to collaborate.\n@param role the role to give the collaborators.\n@param notify the user/group should receive email notification of the collaboration or not.\n@param canViewPath the view path collaboration feature is enabled or not.\n@return info about the new collaboration.",
"Sets a parameter for the creator.",
"Indicates if this file represents a directory on the underlying file system.\n\n@param directoryPath\n@return"
] |
private Calendar cleanHistCalendar(Calendar cal) {
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
return cal;
} | [
"Put everything smaller than days at 0\n@param cal calendar to be cleaned"
] | [
"Moves a calendar to the nth named day of the month.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param dayNumber nth day",
"Syncronously creates a Renderscript context if none exists.\nCreating a Renderscript context takes about 20 ms in Nexus 5\n\n@return",
"Escape text to ensure valid JSON.\n\n@param value value\n@return escaped value",
"Implement the persistence handler for storing the user properties.",
"Adds a measure to the crosstab. A crosstab can have many measures. DJ will lay out one measure above\nthe other.\n\nA measure is what is shown on each intersection of a column and a row. A calculation is performed to\nall occurrences in the datasource where the column and row values matches (between elements)\n\nThe only difference between the prior methods is that this method sets \"visible\" to false\n\n@param property\n@param className\n@param title\n@return",
"Similar to masking, checks that the range resulting from the bitwise or is contiguous.\n\n@param maskValue\n@param segmentPrefixLength\n@return\n@throws PrefixLenException",
"All address strings are comparable. If two address strings are invalid, their strings are compared.\nOtherwise, address strings are compared according to which type or version of string, and then within each type or version\nthey are compared using the comparison rules for addresses.\n\n@param other\n@return",
"Use this API to fetch all the responderhtmlpage resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Prints the error message as log message.\n\n@param level the log level"
] |
public List<ServerGroup> getServerGroups() {
ArrayList<ServerGroup> groups = new ArrayList<ServerGroup>();
try {
JSONObject response = new JSONObject(doGet(BASE_SERVERGROUP, null));
JSONArray serverArray = response.getJSONArray("servergroups");
for (int i = 0; i < serverArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonServerGroup = serverArray.getJSONObject(i);
ServerGroup group = getServerGroupFromJSON(jsonServerGroup);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return groups;
} | [
"Get the collection of the server groups\n\n@return Collection of active server groups"
] | [
"Checks if the given operator code is a valid one.\n\n@param operatorCode an operator code to evaluate\n@throws IllegalStateException if operatorCode is not a known operator code.",
"checks if the 2 triangles shares a segment\n@author Doron Ganel & Eyal Roth(2009)\n@param t2 - a second triangle\n@return boolean",
"Sets the body filter for this ID\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param bodyFilter Body filter to set",
"Initialize the various DAO configurations after the various setters have been called.",
"Runs a Story with the given configuration and steps, applying the given\nmeta filter, and staring from given state.\n\n@param configuration the Configuration used to run story\n@param candidateSteps the List of CandidateSteps containing the candidate\nsteps methods\n@param story the Story to run\n@param filter the Filter to apply to the story Meta\n@param beforeStories the State before running any of the stories, if not\n<code>null</code>\n@throws Throwable if failures occurred and FailureStrategy dictates it to\nbe re-thrown.",
"Read custom property definitions for resources.\n\n@param gpResources GanttProject resources",
"symbol for filling padding position in output",
"Sets the path name for this ID\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param pathName Name of path",
"Converts a sequence of Java characters to a sequence of unicode code points.\n\n@return the number of code points written to the destination buffer"
] |
public void writeStartObject(String name) throws IOException
if (name != null)
} | [
"Begin writing a named object attribute.\n\n@param name attribute name"
] | [
"Finds and returns the date for the given event summary and year within the given ics file,\nor null if not present.",
"Configs created by this ConfigBuilder will use the given Redis master name.\n\n@param masterName the Redis set of sentinels\n@return this ConfigBuilder",
"Adds a collection of listeners to the current project.\n\n@param listeners collection of listeners",
"Calculates the bar width and bar margin based on the _DataSize and settings and starts the boundary\ncalculation in child classes.\n@param _DataSize Amount of data sets",
"Retrieves the Material Shader ID associated with the\ngiven shader template class.\n\nA shader template is capable of generating multiple variants\nfrom a single shader source. The exact vertex and fragment\nshaders are generated by GearVRF based on the lights\nbeing used and the material attributes. you may subclass\nGVRShaderTemplate to create your own shader templates.\n\n@param shaderClass shader class to find (subclass of GVRShader)\n@return GVRShaderId associated with that shader template\n@see GVRShaderTemplate GVRShader",
"Unlink the specified reference from this object.\nMore info see OJB doc.\n\n@param obj Object with reference\n@param ord the ObjectReferenceDescriptor of the reference\n@param insert flag signals insert operation",
"Return the raw source line corresponding to the specified AST node\n\n@param node - the Groovy AST node",
"Sets the left padding character for all cells in the table.\n@param paddingLeftChar new padding character, ignored if null\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Use this API to add onlinkipv6prefix resources."
] |
public void generateOutlineNumber(Task parent)
String outline;
if (parent == null)
if (NumberHelper.getInt(getUniqueID()) == 0)
outline = "0";
outline = Integer.toString(getParentFile().getChildTasks().size() + 1);
outline = parent.getOutlineNumber();
int index = outline.lastIndexOf(".0");
if (index != -1)
outline = outline.substring(0, index);
int childTaskCount = parent.getChildTasks().size() + 1;
if (outline.equals("0"))
outline = Integer.toString(childTaskCount);
outline += ("." + childTaskCount);
} | [
"This method is used to automatically generate a value\nfor the Outline Number field of this task.\n\n@param parent Parent Task"
] | [
"Invoke to tell listeners that an step started event processed",
"Post a module to the server\n\n@param module\n@param user\n@param password\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException",
"Get the root build which triggered the current build. The build root is considered to be the one furthest one\naway from the current build which has the isPassIdentifiedDownstream active, if no parent build exists, check\nthat the current build needs an upstream identifier, if it does return it.\n\n@param currentBuild The current build.\n@return The root build with isPassIdentifiedDownstream active. Null if no upstream or non is found.",
"Returns all found resolvers\n@return",
"Sets a quota for a users.\n\n@param user the user.\n@param quota the quota.",
"Returns the maximum magnitude of the complex numbers\n@param u Array of complex numbers\n@param startU first index to consider in u\n@param length Number of complex numebrs to consider\n@return magnitude",
"Converts from RGB to Hexadecimal notation.",
"Curries a function that takes four arguments.\n\n@param function\nthe original function. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code function}.\n@return a function that takes three arguments. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Get a View that displays the data at the specified\nposition in the data set. In this case, if we are at\nthe end of the list and we are still in append mode, we\nask for a pending view and return it, plus kick off the\nbackground task to append more data to the wrapped\nadapter.\n\n@param position Position of the item whose data we want\n@param convertView View to recycle, if not null\n@param parent ViewGroup containing the returned View"
] |
public static String getChildValue(Element element, String name) {
return getValue(getChild(element, name));
} | [
"Get the value of the fist child element with the given name.\n\n@param element\nThe parent element\n@param name\nThe child element name\n@return The child element value or null"
] | [
"Checks to see if the two matrices have the same shape and same pattern of non-zero elements\n\n@param a Matrix\n@param b Matrix\n@return true if the structure is the same",
"Main method for testing fetching",
"Use this API to add gslbsite.",
"Find the the qualified container port of the target service\nUses java annotations first or returns the container port.\n\n@param service\nThe target service.\n@param qualifiers\nThe set of qualifiers.\n\n@return Returns the resolved containerPort of '0' as a fallback.",
"Creates a new status update on the project.\n\nReturns the full record of the newly created project status update.\n\n@param project The project on which to create a status update.\n@return Request object",
"Handles an initial response from a PUT or PATCH operation response by polling the status of the operation\nasynchronously, once the operation finishes emits the final response.\n\n@param observable the initial observable from the PUT or PATCH operation.\n@param resourceType the java.lang.reflect.Type of the resource.\n@param <T> the return type of the caller.\n@return the observable of which a subscription will lead to a final response.",
"Should this request URI be compressed?\n\n@param requestUri request URI\n@return true when should be compressed",
"Generates an artifact regarding the parameters.\n\n<P> <b>WARNING:</b> The parameters grId/arId/version should be filled!!! Only classifier and type are not mandatory.\n\n@param groupId String\n@param artifactId String\n@param version String\n@param classifier String\n@param type String\n@param extension String\n@return Artifact",
"Adds the given value to the set.\n\n@return true if the value was actually new"
] |
public void clearSelections() {
for (CheckableViewHolder vh : mCheckedVisibleViewHolders) {
} | [
"Animate de-selection of visible views and clear\nselected set."
] | [
"dataType in weight descriptors and input descriptors is used to describe storage",
"Sets the bottom padding character for all cells in the row.\n@param paddingBottomChar new padding character, ignored if null\n@return this to allow chaining",
"returns a comparator that allows to sort a Vector of FieldMappingDecriptors\naccording to their m_Order entries.",
"Returns the data sources belonging to a particular group of data\nsources. Data sources are grouped in record linkage mode, but not\nin deduplication mode, so only use this method in record linkage\nmode.",
"Creates a ServiceCall from an observable object and a callback.\n\n@param observable the observable to create from\n@param callback the callback to call when events happen\n@param <T> the type of the response\n@return the created ServiceCall",
"Detect bad xml 1.0 characters\n\n@param c to detect\n@return true if specified character valid, false otherwise",
"Apply an XMLDSig onto the passed document.\n\n@param aPrivateKey\nThe private key used for signing. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param aCertificate\nThe certificate to be used. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param aDocument\nThe document to be signed. The signature will always be the first\nchild element of the document element. The document may not contains\nany disg:Signature element. This element is inserted manually.\n@throws Exception\nIn case something goes wrong\n@see #createXMLSignature(X509Certificate)",
"Combines two trajectories by adding the corresponding positions. The trajectories have to have the same length.\n@param a The first trajectory\n@param b The second trajectory\n@return The combined trajectory",
"Remove multiple fields from the map\n@param fields the fields to remove\n@return the number of fields removed"
] |
public static String next(CharSequence self) {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(self);
if (buffer.length() == 0) {
} else {
char last = buffer.charAt(buffer.length() - 1);
if (last == Character.MAX_VALUE) {
} else {
char next = last;
buffer.setCharAt(buffer.length() - 1, next);
return buffer.toString();
} | [
"This method is called by the ++ operator for the class CharSequence.\nIt increments the last character in the given CharSequence. If the last\ncharacter in the CharSequence is Character.MAX_VALUE a Character.MIN_VALUE\nwill be appended. The empty CharSequence is incremented to a string\nconsisting of the character Character.MIN_VALUE.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return a value obtained by incrementing the toString() of the CharSequence\n@since 1.8.2"
] | [
"Updates the information about the user status for this terms of service with any info fields that have\nbeen modified locally.\n@param info the updated info.",
"Log a info message with a throwable.",
"Appends the String representation of the given operand to this CharSequence.\n\n@param left a CharSequence\n@param value any Object\n@return the original toString() of the CharSequence with the object appended\n@since 1.8.2",
"Start the initialization.\n\n@param id\n@param manager\n@param bootstrap\n@return the initialized Weld container",
"Excludes Vertices that are of the provided type.",
"Gets the actual key - will create a new row with the max key of table if it\ndoes not exist.\n@param field\n@return\n@throws SequenceManagerException",
"Checks if a given number is in the range of a float.\n\n@param number\na number which should be in the range of a float (positive or negative)\n\n@see java.lang.Float#MIN_VALUE\n@see java.lang.Float#MAX_VALUE\n\n@return number as a float",
"read messages beginning from offset\n\n@param offset next message offset\n@param length the max package size\n@return a MessageSet object with length data or empty\n@see MessageSet#Empty\n@throws IOException any exception",
"Use this API to fetch responderpolicylabel_responderpolicy_binding resources of given name ."
] |
protected void updateForNewConfiguration(CmsGitConfiguration gitConfig) {
if (!m_checkinBean.setCurrentConfiguration(gitConfig)) {
for (final String moduleName : gitConfig.getConfiguredModules()) {
} | [
"Updates the options panel for a special configuration.\n@param gitConfig the git configuration."
] | [
"Deploys application reading resources from specified InputStream.\n\n@param inputStream where resources are read\n@throws IOException",
"This method lists any notes attached to resources.\n\n@param file MPX file",
"Removes statement ids from a collection of statement groups.\n@param statementIds\n@param claims\n@return",
"Copy a single named file to the output directory.\n@param outputDirectory The destination directory for the copied resource.\n@param sourceFile The path of the file to copy.\n@param targetFileName The name of the file created in {@literal outputDirectory}.\n@throws IOException If the file cannot be copied.",
"Adds the includes of the fileset to the handling.\n\n@param handling The handling\n@param fileSet The fileset",
"return the ctc costs and gradients, given the probabilities and labels",
"Get the features collection from a GeoJson URL.\n\n@param template the template\n@param geoJsonUrl what to parse\n@return the feature collection",
"Write a boolean field to the JSON file.\n\n@param fieldName field name\n@param value field value",
"Store the given data and return a uuid for later retrieval of the data\n\n@param data\n@return unique id for the stored data"
] |
void flushLogQueue() {
Set<String> problems = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
synchronized (messageQueue) {
Iterator<LogEntry> i = messageQueue.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
problems.add("\t\t" + i.next().getMessage() + "\n");
if (!problems.isEmpty()) {
logger.transformationWarnings(target.getHostName(), problems);
} | [
"flushes log queue, this actually writes combined log message into system log"
] | [
"Write an unsigned short to the byte array starting at the given offset\n\n@param bytes The byte array\n@param value The short to write\n@param offset The offset to begin writing at",
"Re-initializes the shader texture used to fill in\nthe Circle upon drawing.",
"Look up the database server port reported by a given player. You should not use this port directly; instead\nask this class for a session to use while you communicate with the database.\n\n@param player the player number of interest\n\n@return the port number on which its database server is running, or -1 if unknown\n\n@throws IllegalStateException if not running",
"Creates the .story file necessary for every Beast Test Case.\n\n@param scenarioName\n- The name of the scenario, with spaces\n@param srcTestRootFolder\n- The test root folder\n@param packagePath\n- The package of the BeastTestCase\n@param scenarioDescription\n- the scenario name\n@param givenDescription\n- The given description\n@param whenDescription\n- The when description\n@param thenDescription\n- The then description\n@throws BeastException",
"Unmarshal test suite from given file.",
"Returns the object pointed by the result-type parameter \"parameters\"\n@param _invocation\n@return",
"Executes the API action \"wbsetclaim\" for the given parameters.\n\n@param statement\nthe JSON serialization of claim to add or delete.\n@param bot\nif true, edits will be flagged as \"bot edits\" provided that\nthe logged in user is in the bot group; for regular users, the\nflag will just be ignored\n@param baserevid\nthe revision of the data that the edit refers to or 0 if this\nshould not be submitted; when used, the site will ensure that\nno edit has happened since this revision to detect edit\nconflicts; it is recommended to use this whenever in all\noperations where the outcome depends on the state of the\nonline data\n@param summary\nsummary for the edit; will be prepended by an automatically\ngenerated comment; the length limit of the autocomment\ntogether with the summary is 260 characters: everything above\nthat limit will be cut off\n@return the JSON response from the API\n@throws IOException\nif there was an IO problem. such as missing network\nconnection\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns an error\n@throws IOException\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException",
"Adds a redirect URL to the specified profile ID\n\n@param model\n@param profileId\n@param srcUrl\n@param destUrl\n@param hostHeader\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Removes obsolete elements from names and shared elements.\n\n@param names Shared element names.\n@param sharedElements Shared elements.\n@param elementsToRemove The elements that should be removed."
] |
public History getHistoryForID(int id) {
History history = null;
PreparedStatement query = null;
ResultSet results = null;
try (Connection sqlConnection = sqlService.getConnection()) {
query = sqlConnection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + Constants.DB_TABLE_HISTORY +
" WHERE " + Constants.GENERIC_ID + "=?");
query.setInt(1, id);
logger.info("Query: {}", query.toString());
results = query.executeQuery();
if (results.next()) {
history = historyFromSQLResult(results, true, ScriptService.getInstance().getScripts(Constants.SCRIPT_TYPE_HISTORY));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (results != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (query != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return history;
} | [
"Get history for a specific database ID\n\n@param id ID of history entry\n@return History entry"
] | [
"Set an attribute of this node as Object. This method is backed by\na HashMap, so all rules of HashMap apply to this method.\nFires a PropertyChangeEvent.",
"Helper method to check if log4j is already configured",
"Get a misc file.\n\n@param root the root\n@param item the misc content item\n@return the misc file",
"A convenience method for creating an immutable sorted map.\n\n@param self a SortedMap\n@return an immutable SortedMap\n@see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableSortedMap(java.util.SortedMap)\n@since 1.0",
"Return the number of rows affected.",
"Gracefully stop the engine",
"Readable yyyyMMdd representation of a day, which is also sortable.",
"converts a java.net.URI to a decoded string",
"Answer the counted size\n\n@return int"
] |
public SimpleConfiguration getClientConfiguration() {
SimpleConfiguration clientConfig = new SimpleConfiguration();
Iterator<String> iter = getKeys();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String key = iter.next();
if (key.startsWith(CONNECTION_PREFIX) || key.startsWith(ACCUMULO_PREFIX)
|| key.startsWith(CLIENT_PREFIX)) {
clientConfig.setProperty(key, getRawString(key));
return clientConfig;
} | [
"Returns a SimpleConfiguration clientConfig with properties set from this configuration\n\n@return SimpleConfiguration"
] | [
"Add all headers in a header multimap.\n\n@param headers a multimap of headers.\n@return the interceptor instance itself.",
"returns IsolationLevel literal as matching\nto the corresponding id\n@return the IsolationLevel literal",
"Scales the brightness of a pixel.",
"Returns the editable columns for the provided edit mode.\n@param mode the edit mode.\n@return the editable columns for the provided edit mode.",
"Get the Query Paramaters to be used for search request.\n@return this.QueryStringBuilder.",
"Invalidate layout setup.",
"Get a discount curve from the model, if not existing create a discount curve.\n\n@param discountCurveName The name of the discount curve to create.\n@return The discount factor curve associated with the given name.",
"Register opened database via the PBKey.",
"Use this API to fetch nd6ravariables resources of given names ."
] |
public Collection<Contact> getList() throws FlickrException {
ContactList<Contact> contacts = new ContactList<Contact>();
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_LIST);
Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
if (response.isError()) {
throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
Element contactsElement = response.getPayload();
NodeList contactNodes = contactsElement.getElementsByTagName("contact");
for (int i = 0; i < contactNodes.getLength(); i++) {
Element contactElement = (Element) contactNodes.item(i);
Contact contact = new Contact();
String lPathAlias = contactElement.getAttribute("path_alias");
contact.setPathAlias(lPathAlias == null || "".equals(lPathAlias) ? null : lPathAlias);
if (contact.getOnline() == OnlineStatus.AWAY) {
return contacts;
} | [
"Get the collection of contacts for the calling user.\n\n@return The Collection of Contact objects"
] | [
"Calculate the finish variance.\n\n@return finish variance",
"Translate the given byte array into a string of 1s and 0s\n\n@param bytes The bytes to translate\n@return The string",
"Set the time and value of the key at the given index\n@param keyIndex 0 based index of key\n@param time key time in seconds\n@param values key values",
"Set the end type as derived from other values.",
"Get the number of views, comments and favorites on a photostream for a given date.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getPhotostreamStats.htm\"",
"Calls the specified Stitch function, and decodes the response into an instance of the specified\ntype. The response will be decoded using the codec registry given.\n\n@param name the name of the Stitch function to call.\n@param args the arguments to pass to the Stitch function.\n@param requestTimeout the number of milliseconds the client should wait for a response from the\nserver before failing with an error.\n@param resultClass the class that the Stitch response should be decoded as.\n@param <T> the type into which the Stitch response will be decoded.\n@param codecRegistry the codec registry that will be used to encode/decode the function call.\n@return the decoded value.",
"lookup current maximum value for a single field in\ntable the given class descriptor was associated.",
"Gets the task from in progress map.\n\n@param jobId\nthe job id\n@return the task from in progress map",
"Searches the type and its sub types for the nearest ojb-persistent type and returns its name.\n\n@param type The type to search\n@return The qualified name of the found type or <code>null</code> if no type has been found"
] |
public static InputStream getContentStream(String stringUrl) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
URL url = new URL(stringUrl);
URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection();
InputStream is = urlConnection.getInputStream();
if ("gzip".equals(urlConnection.getContentEncoding())) {
is = new GZIPInputStream(is);
return is;
} | [
"Get stream for URL only\n\n@param stringUrl URL to get content\n@return the input stream\n@throws IOException I/O error happened"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch aaapreauthenticationpolicy_aaaglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"This method permanently removes a webhook. Note that it may be possible\nto receive a request that was already in flight after deleting the\nwebhook, but no further requests will be issued.\n\n@param webhook The webhook to delete.\n@return Request object",
"Write a duration field to the JSON file.\n\n@param fieldName field name\n@param value field value",
"Check if a given string is a valid java package or class name.\n\nThis method use the technique documented in\n[this SO question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13557195/how-to-check-if-string-is-a-valid-class-identifier)\nwith the following extensions:\n\n* if the string does not contain `.` then assume it is not a valid package or class name\n\n@param s\nthe string to be checked\n@return\n`true` if `s` is a valid java package or class name",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslcertlink resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Get the authorization uri, where the user logs in.\n\n@param redirectUri\nUri the user is redirected to, after successful authorization.\nThis must be the same as specified at the Eve Online developer\npage.\n@param scopes\nScopes of the Eve Online SSO.\n@param state\nThis should be some secret to prevent XRSF, please read:\nhttp://www.thread-safe.com/2014/05/the-correct-use-of-state-\nparameter-in.html\n@return",
"Return the list of module that uses the targeted artifact\n\n@param gavc String\n@param filters FiltersHolder\n@return List<DbModule>",
"Parses and adds dictionaries to the Solr index.\n\n@param cms the OpenCms object.\n\n@throws CmsRoleViolationException in case the user does not have the required role ROOT_ADMIN",
"Returns an integer between interval\n@param min Minimum value\n@param max Maximum value\n@return int number"
] |
public RedwoodConfiguration loggingClass(final String classToIgnoreInTraces){
tasks.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { Redwood.addLoggingClass(classToIgnoreInTraces); } });
return this;
} | [
"Set a Java classname path to ignore when printing stack traces\n@param classToIgnoreInTraces The class name (with packages, etc) to ignore.\n@return this"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch appflowpolicy_appflowpolicylabel_binding resources of given name .",
"Get the configuration for a TMS layer by retrieving and parsing it's XML description file. The parsing is done\nusing JaxB.\n@param layer the tms layer to get capabilities for.\n@return Returns the description as a Java configuration object.\n@throws TmsLayerException\nIn case something went wrong trying to find or parse the XML description file.",
"If this Aztec Code symbol is part of a series of Aztec Code symbols appended in a structured format,\nthis method sets the unique message ID for the series. Values may not contain spaces and must contain\nonly printable ASCII characters. Message IDs are optional.\n\n@param messageId the unique message ID for the series that this symbol is part of",
"Get a collection of recent photos.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.Extras\n@param extras\nSet of extra-fields\n@param perPage\nThe number of photos per page\n@param page\nThe page offset\n@return A collection of Photo objects\n@throws FlickrException",
"Decides what are the preferred credentials to use for resolving the repo keys of the server\n\n@return Preferred credentials for repo resolving. Never null.",
"Cancel all currently active operations.\n\n@return a list of cancelled operations",
"Use this API to fetch auditsyslogpolicy_vpnglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"Reads a PEP file from the input stream.\n\n@param is input stream representing a PEP file",
"Divide two complex numbers, in-place\n\n@param c complex number to divide this by\n@param result complex number to hold result\n@return same as result"
] |
public static DMatrixRMaj symmetricWithEigenvalues(int num, Random rand , double ...eigenvalues ) {
DMatrixRMaj V = RandomMatrices_DDRM.orthogonal(num,num,rand);
DMatrixRMaj D = CommonOps_DDRM.diag(eigenvalues);
DMatrixRMaj temp = new DMatrixRMaj(num,num);
return D;
} | [
"Creates a new random symmetric matrix that will have the specified real eigenvalues.\n\n@param num Dimension of the resulting matrix.\n@param rand Random number generator.\n@param eigenvalues Set of real eigenvalues that the matrix will have.\n@return A random matrix with the specified eigenvalues."
] | [
"Mutate the gradient.\n@param amount the amount in the range zero to one",
"Extracts the words from a string. Words are seperated by a space character.\n\n@param line The line that is being parsed.\n@return A list of words contained on the line.",
"Returns the URL of a classpath resource.\n\n@param resourceName\nThe name of the resource.\n\n@return The URL.",
"Create a list of operations required to a boot a managed server.\n\n@param serverName the server name\n@param domainModel the complete domain model\n@param hostModel the local host model\n@param domainController the domain controller\n@return the list of boot operations",
"Convert an object to another object with given type\n\n@param <T>\n@param source\nobject to convert\n@param typeReference\nreference to {@link java.lang.reflect.Type}\n@return the converted object if conversion failed\n@throws ConverterException",
"We have identified that we have a zip file. Extract the contents into\na temporary directory and process.\n\n@param stream schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Determine whether all references are available locally.\n\n@param domain the domain model\n@param hostElement the host path element\n@return whether to a sync with the master is required",
"Checks whether table name and key column names of the given joinable and inverse collection persister match.",
"Set up the ThreadContext and delegate."
] |
public static cachepolicylabel[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
cachepolicylabel obj = new cachepolicylabel();
cachepolicylabel[] response = (cachepolicylabel[])obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the cachepolicylabel resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Check type.\n\n@param type the type\n@return the boolean",
"This adds database table configurations to the internal cache which can be used to speed up DAO construction.\nThis is especially true of Android and other mobile platforms.",
"Returns the nested object definition with the specified name.\n\n@param name The name of the attribute of the nested object\n@return The nested object definition or <code>null</code> if there is no such nested object",
"Retrieve the value of a UDF.\n\n@param udf UDF value holder\n@return UDF value",
"Use this API to fetch lbvserver_auditnslogpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Produces a new ConditionalCounter.\n\n@return a new ConditionalCounter, where order of indices is reversed",
"Executes a given SPARQL query and returns a stream with the result in\nJSON format.\n\n@param query\n@return\n@throws IOException",
"Retrieve a UUID from an input stream.\n\n@param is input stream\n@return UUID instance",
"Starts closing the keyboard when the hits are scrolled."
] |
private String getNotes(Row row)
String notes = row.getString("NOTET");
if (notes != null)
if (notes.isEmpty())
notes = null;
if (notes.indexOf(LINE_BREAK) != -1)
notes = notes.replace(LINE_BREAK, "\n");
return notes;
} | [
"Extract note text.\n\n@param row task data\n@return note text"
] | [
"Copy the contents of this buffer to the destination LBuffer\n@param srcOffset\n@param dest\n@param destOffset\n@param size",
"Sets the jdbcLevel. parse the string setting and check that it is indeed an integer.\n@param jdbcLevel The jdbcLevel to set",
"Expects a height mat as input\n\n@param input - A grayscale height map\n@return edges",
"adds a FIELDDESCRIPTOR to this ClassDescriptor.\n@param fld",
"Calls the provided metric getter on all the tracked environments and\nobtains their values\n\n@param metricGetterName\n@return",
"Create a new DateTime. To the last second. This will not create any\nextra-millis-seconds, which may cause bugs when writing to stores such as\ndatabases that round milli-seconds up and down.",
"Gets a design document from the database.\n\n@param id the design document id (optionally prefixed with \"_design/\")\n@return {@link DesignDocument}",
"Add a metadata profile.\n@see #loadProfile",
"Returns the key value in the given array.\n\n@param keyIndex the index of the scale key"
] |
private Component createAddDescriptorButton() {
Button addDescriptorButton = CmsToolBar.createButton(
addDescriptorButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
Map<Object, Object> filters = getFilters();
if (!m_model.addDescriptor()) {
} else {
IndexedContainer newContainer = null;
try {
newContainer = m_model.getContainerForCurrentLocale();
m_options.updateShownOptions(m_model.hasMasterMode(), m_model.canAddKeys());
} catch (IOException | CmsException e) {
// Can never appear here, since container is created by addDescriptor already.
LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
return addDescriptorButton;
} | [
"Returns a button component. On click, it triggers adding a bundle descriptor.\n@return a button for adding a descriptor to a bundle."
] | [
"Sum of the elements.\n\n@param data Data.\n@return Sum(data).",
"Gets a design document from the database.\n\n@param id the design document id (optionally prefixed with \"_design/\")\n@return {@link DesignDocument}",
"Returns the result of a stored procedure executed on the backend.\n\n@param embeddedCacheManager embedded cache manager\n@param storedProcedureName name of stored procedure\n@param queryParameters parameters passed for this query\n@param classLoaderService the class loader service\n\n@return a {@link ClosableIterator} with the result of the query",
"Returns the rank of the decomposed matrix.\n\n@see SingularOps_DDRM#rank(SingularValueDecomposition_F64, double)\n\n@return The matrix's rank",
"Returns the latest change events, and clears them from the change stream listener.\n\n@return the latest change events.",
"Increases the internal array's length by the specified amount. Previous values are preserved.\nThe length value is not modified since this does not change the 'meaning' of the array, just\nincreases the amount of data which can be stored in it.\n\nthis.data = new data_type[ data.length + amount ]\n\n\n@param amount Number of elements added to the internal array's length",
"Fetch the next event from a given stream\n@return the next event\n@throws IOException any io exception that could occur",
"Enables lifecycle callbacks for Android devices\n@param application App's Application object",
"Add new control at the control bar with specified touch listener, resource and position.\nSize of control bar is updated based on new number of controls.\n@param name name of the control to remove\n@param resId the control face\n@param listener touch listener\n@param position control position in the bar"
] |
public final boolean getBool(final int i) {
try {
return this.array.getBoolean(i);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new ObjectMissingException(this, "[" + i + "]");
} | [
"Get the element as a boolean.\n\n@param i the index of the element to access"
] | [
"touch event without ripple support",
"Performs a standard QR decomposition on the specified submatrix that is one block wide.\n\n@param blockLength\n@param Y\n@param gamma",
"Notifies that multiple footer items are inserted.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count.",
"Use this API to fetch systemsession resource of given name .",
"Checks whether the compilation has been canceled and reports the given progress to the compiler progress.",
"Is portlet env supported.\n\n@return true if portlet env is supported, false otherwise",
"Sends out the SQL as defined in the config upon first init of the connection.\n@param connection\n@param initSQL\n@throws SQLException",
"Recursively inspects the given objects and returns a node representing their differences. Both objects\nhave be have the same type.\n\n@param working This object will be treated as the successor of the `base` object.\n@param base This object will be treated as the predecessor of the <code>working</code> object.\n@return A node representing the differences between the given objects.",
"Starts recursive insert on all insert objects object graph"
] |
public void update(short number) {
byte[] numberInBytes = new byte[ByteUtils.SIZE_OF_SHORT];
ByteUtils.writeShort(numberInBytes, number, 0);
} | [
"Update the underlying buffer using the short\n\n@param number number to be stored in checksum buffer"
] | [
"Return the AnnotationNode for the named annotation, or else null.\nSupports Groovy 1.5 and Groovy 1.6.\n@param node - the AnnotatedNode\n@param name - the name of the annotation\n@return the AnnotationNode or else null",
"Returns a human-readable string representation of a reference to a\nprecision that is used for a time value.\n\n@param precision\nthe numeric precision\n@return a string representation of the precision",
"Login the user and redirect back to original URL. If no\noriginal URL found then redirect to `defaultLandingUrl`.\n\n@param userIdentifier\nthe user identifier, could be either userId or username\n@param defaultLandingUrl\nthe URL to be redirected if original URL not found",
"Expects a height mat as input\n\n@param input - A grayscale height map\n@return edges",
"Evaluates the animation with the given index at the specified time.\n@param animIndex 0-based index of {@link GVRAnimator} to start\n@param timeInSec time to evaluate the animation at\n@see GVRAvatar#stop()\n@see #start(String)",
"Create a RemoteWebDriver backed EmbeddedBrowser.\n\n@param hubUrl Url of the server.\n@param filterAttributes the attributes to be filtered from DOM.\n@param crawlWaitReload the period to wait after a reload.\n@param crawlWaitEvent the period to wait after an event is fired.\n@return The EmbeddedBrowser.",
"Triggers a replication request.",
"Use this API to add systemuser.",
"Receives a PropertyColumn and returns a JRDesignField"
] |
public static responderpolicy get(nitro_service service, String name) throws Exception{
responderpolicy obj = new responderpolicy();
responderpolicy response = (responderpolicy) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch responderpolicy resource of given name ."
] | [
"Convenience method for retrieving an Integer resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value",
"Use this API to clear Interface.",
"Use this API to delete nssimpleacl.",
"Extract resource assignments for a task.\n\n@param task parent task\n@param assignments list of Synchro resource assignment data",
"Use this API to delete route6 resources of given names.",
"This method is called to format a relation list.\n\n@param value relation list instance\n@return formatted relation list",
"Get a writer implementation to push data into Canvas.\n@param type Interface type you wish to get an implementation for\n@param oauthToken An OAuth token to use for authentication when making API calls\n@param <T> A writer implementation\n@return A writer implementation class",
"Do some magic to turn request parameters into a context object",
"Creates a Bytes object by copying the data of the given ByteBuffer.\n\n@param bb Data will be read from this ByteBuffer in such a way that its position is not\nchanged."
] |
public final Map<String, OperationEntry> getOperationDescriptions(final PathAddress address, boolean inherited) {
if (parent != null) {
RootInvocation ri = getRootInvocation();
return ri.root.getOperationDescriptions(ri.pathAddress.append(address), inherited);
// else we are the root
Map<String, OperationEntry> providers = new TreeMap<String, OperationEntry>();
getOperationDescriptions(address.iterator(), providers, inherited);
return providers;
} | [
"Get all the handlers at a specific address.\n\n@param address the address\n@param inherited true to include the inherited operations\n@return the handlers"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch all the nssimpleacl resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Get a list of referring domains for a photoset.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@param photosetId\n(Optional) The id of the photoset to get stats for. If not provided, stats for all photos will be returned.\n@param perPage\n(Optional) Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.\n@param page\n(Optional) The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getPhotosetDomains.html\"",
"Finds the missing value. Seems to lose a degree of freedom, but it\ndoesn't. That degree of freedom is already lost by the sensor.",
"Expands all parents in a range of indices in the list of parents.\n\n@param startParentPosition The index at which to to start expanding parents\n@param parentCount The number of parents to expand",
"Gets all rows.\n\n@return the list of all rows",
"Gets the Kullback Leibler divergence.\n\n@param p P vector.\n@param q Q vector.\n@return The Kullback Leibler divergence between u and v.",
"Attach a script file to a scriptable target.\n\n@param target The scriptable target.\n@param scriptFile The script file object.",
"Use this API to count sslcipher_individualcipher_binding resources configued on NetScaler.",
"Will scale the image down before processing for\nperformance enhancement and less memory usage\nsacrificing image quality.\n\n@param scaleInSample value greater than 1 will scale the image width/height, so 2 will getFromDiskCache you 1/4\nof the original size and 4 will getFromDiskCache you 1/16 of the original size - this just sets\nthe inSample size in {@link android.graphics.BitmapFactory.Options#inSampleSize } and\nbehaves exactly the same, so keep the value 2^n for least scaling artifacts"
] |
private JSONObject getARP(final Context context) {
try {
final String nameSpaceKey = getNamespaceARPKey();
if (nameSpaceKey == null) return null;
final SharedPreferences prefs = StorageHelper.getPreferences(context, nameSpaceKey);
final Map<String, ?> all = prefs.getAll();
final Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<String, ?>> iter = all.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final Map.Entry<String, ?> kv = iter.next();
final Object o = kv.getValue();
if (o instanceof Number && ((Number) o).intValue() == -1) {
final JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(all);
getConfigLogger().verbose(getAccountId(), "Fetched ARP for namespace key: " + nameSpaceKey + " values: " + all.toString());
return ret;
} catch (Throwable t) {
getConfigLogger().verbose(getAccountId(), "Failed to construct ARP object", t);
return null;
} | [
"The ARP is additional request parameters, which must be sent once\nreceived after any HTTP call. This is sort of a proxy for cookies.\n\n@return A JSON object containing the ARP key/values. Can be null."
] | [
"Remove script for a given ID\n\n@param id ID of script\n@throws Exception exception",
"Obtains a local date in Symmetry010 calendar system from the\nproleptic-year, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.\n\n@param prolepticYear the proleptic-year\n@param month the month-of-year\n@param dayOfMonth the day-of-month\n@return the Symmetry010 local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date",
"Demonstrates how to add an override to an existing path",
"Returns true if conversion between the sourceType and targetType can be bypassed.\nMore precisely this method will return true if objects of sourceType can be\nconverted to the targetType by returning the source object unchanged.\n@param sourceType context about the source type to convert from (may be null if source is null)\n@param targetType context about the target type to convert to (required)\n@return true if conversion can be bypassed\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if targetType is null",
"Creates all propertyvfsbundle files for the currently loaded translations.\nThe method is used to convert xmlvfsbundle files into propertyvfsbundle files.\n\n@throws CmsIllegalArgumentException thrown if resource creation fails.\n@throws CmsLoaderException thrown if the propertyvfsbundle type can't be read from the resource manager.\n@throws CmsException thrown if creation, type retrieval or locking fails.",
"Returns the value of the element with the largest value\n@param A (Input) Matrix. Not modified.\n@return scalar",
"Prints a cluster xml to a file.\n\n@param outputDirName\n@param fileName\n@param cluster",
"Retrieve the state object associated with the specified interceptor instance and property\nname on this request context.\n\n@param interceptor the interceptor instance\n@param stateName the name key that the state object was stored under\n@param stateType class of the type the stored state should be returned as\n@param <T> the type the stored state should be returned as\n@return the stored state object\n@see #setState(HttpConnectionInterceptor, String, Object)\n@since 2.6.0",
"Specifies the angle of the effect.\n\n@param angle the angle of the effect.\n@angle"
] |
public void process(Resource resource, int index, byte[] data)
CostRateTable result = new CostRateTable();
if (data != null)
for (int i = 16; i + 44 <= data.length; i += 44)
Rate standardRate = new Rate(MPPUtility.getDouble(data, i), TimeUnit.HOURS);
TimeUnit standardRateFormat = getFormat(MPPUtility.getShort(data, i + 8));
Rate overtimeRate = new Rate(MPPUtility.getDouble(data, i + 16), TimeUnit.HOURS);
TimeUnit overtimeRateFormat = getFormat(MPPUtility.getShort(data, i + 24));
Double costPerUse = NumberHelper.getDouble(MPPUtility.getDouble(data, i + 32) / 100.0);
Date endDate = MPPUtility.getTimestampFromTenths(data, i + 40);
CostRateTableEntry entry = new CostRateTableEntry(standardRate, standardRateFormat, overtimeRate, overtimeRateFormat, costPerUse, endDate);
// MS Project economises by not actually storing the first cost rate
// table if it doesn't need to, so we take this into account here.
if (index == 0)
Rate standardRate = resource.getStandardRate();
Rate overtimeRate = resource.getOvertimeRate();
Number costPerUse = resource.getCostPerUse();
CostRateTableEntry entry = new CostRateTableEntry(standardRate, standardRate.getUnits(), overtimeRate, overtimeRate.getUnits(), costPerUse, CostRateTableEntry.DEFAULT_ENTRY.getEndDate());
resource.setCostRateTable(index, result);
} | [
"Creates a CostRateTable instance from a block of data.\n\n@param resource parent resource\n@param index cost rate table index\n@param data data block"
] | [
"Verifies that the given query can be properly scattered.\n\n@param query the query to verify\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the query is invalid.",
"Curries a procedure that takes three arguments.\n\n@param procedure\nthe original procedure. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code procedure}.\n@return a procedure that takes two arguments. Never <code>null</code>.",
"The user to remove can be referenced by their globally unique user ID or their email address.\nRemoves the user from the specified team. Returns an empty data record.\n\n@param team Globally unique identifier for the team.\n@return Request object",
"Determines whether the specified permission is permitted.\n\n@param permission\n@return <tt>false<tt> if the specified permission is not permitted, based on the current security policy; <tt>true<tt> otherwise",
"Send a sync command to all registered listeners.\n\n@param command the byte which identifies the type of sync command we received",
"Returns the \"msgCount\" belief\n\n@return int - the count",
"Returns a value.\n@param path the path that designates the key. Must be prefixed with a \"/\".\n@return the metadata property value.\n@deprecated Metadata#get() does not handle all possible metadata types; use Metadata#getValue() instead",
"Write a short to the byte array starting at the given offset\n\n@param bytes The byte array\n@param value The short to write\n@param offset The offset to begin writing at",
"Build control archive of the deb\n\n@param packageControlFile the package control file\n@param controlFiles the other control information files (maintainer scripts, etc)\n@param dataSize the size of the installed package\n@param checksums the md5 checksums of the files in the data archive\n@param output\n@return\n@throws java.io.FileNotFoundException\n@throws java.io.IOException\n@throws java.text.ParseException"
] |
public void associateTypeJndiResource(JNDIResourceModel resource, String type)
if (type == null || resource == null)
if (StringUtils.equals(type, "javax.sql.DataSource") && !(resource instanceof DataSourceModel))
DataSourceModel ds = GraphService.addTypeToModel(this.getGraphContext(), resource, DataSourceModel.class);
else if (StringUtils.equals(type, "javax.jms.Queue") && !(resource instanceof JmsDestinationModel))
JmsDestinationModel jms = GraphService.addTypeToModel(this.getGraphContext(), resource, JmsDestinationModel.class);
else if (StringUtils.equals(type, "javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory") && !(resource instanceof JmsConnectionFactoryModel))
JmsConnectionFactoryModel jms = GraphService.addTypeToModel(this.getGraphContext(), resource, JmsConnectionFactoryModel.class);
else if (StringUtils.equals(type, "javax.jms.Topic") && !(resource instanceof JmsDestinationModel))
JmsDestinationModel jms = GraphService.addTypeToModel(this.getGraphContext(), resource, JmsDestinationModel.class);
else if (StringUtils.equals(type, "javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory") && !(resource instanceof JmsConnectionFactoryModel))
JmsConnectionFactoryModel jms = GraphService.addTypeToModel(this.getGraphContext(), resource, JmsConnectionFactoryModel.class);
} | [
"Associate a type with the given resource model."
] | [
"Add a raw statement as part of the where that can be anything that the database supports. Using more structured\nmethods is recommended but this gives more control over the query and allows you to utilize database specific\nfeatures.\n\n@param rawStatement\nThe statement that we should insert into the WHERE.\n\n@param args\nOptional arguments that correspond to any ? specified in the rawStatement. Each of the arguments must\nhave either the corresponding columnName or the sql-type set. <b>WARNING,</b> you cannot use the\n{@code SelectArg(\"columnName\")} constructor since that sets the _value_, not the name. Use\n{@code new SelectArg(\"column-name\", null);}.",
"Sets a listener to inform when the user closes the SearchView.\n\n@param listener the listener to call when the user closes the SearchView.",
"Look for the specified album art in both the hot cache of loaded tracks and the longer-lived LRU cache.\n\n@param artReference uniquely identifies the desired album art\n\n@return the art, if it was found in one of our caches, or {@code null}",
"Installs a remoting stream server for a domain instance\n@param serviceTarget the service target to install the services into\n@param endpointName the name of the endpoint to install the stream server into\n@param networkInterfaceBinding the network interface binding\n@param port the port\n@param securityRealm the security real name\n@param options the remoting options",
"Use this API to fetch all the cachepolicylabel resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Set the pickers selection type.",
"Process a calendar exception.\n\n@param calendar parent calendar\n@param row calendar exception data",
"Add the given pair to a given map for obtaining a new map.\n\n<p>\nThe replied map is a view on the given map. It means that any change\nin the original map is reflected to the result of this operation.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nEven if the key of the right operand exists in the left operand, the value in the right operand is preferred.\n</p>\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param left the map to consider.\n@param right the entry (key, value) to add into the map.\n@return an immutable map with the content of the map and with the given entry.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException - when the right operand key exists in the left operand.\n@since 2.15",
"Use this API to fetch all the transformpolicylabel resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
private BigInteger getTaskCalendarID(Task mpx)
BigInteger result = null;
ProjectCalendar cal = mpx.getCalendar();
if (cal != null)
result = NumberHelper.getBigInteger(cal.getUniqueID());
return (result);
} | [
"This method retrieves the UID for a calendar associated with a task.\n\n@param mpx MPX Task instance\n@return calendar UID"
] | [
"Gets the file from which boot operations should be parsed.\n@return the file. Will not be {@code null}",
"Retrieves from all the Jenkins agents all the docker images, which have been registered for a specific build-info ID\nOnly images for which manifests have been captured are returned.\n\n@param buildInfoId\n@return\n@throws IOException\n@throws InterruptedException",
"apply the base fields to other views if configured to do so.",
"Initialize the connection with the specified properties in OJB\nconfiguration files and platform depended properties.\nInvoke this method after a NEW connection is created, not if re-using from pool.\n\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms.PlatformFactory\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms.Platform",
"Given the histogram of columns compute the col_idx for the matrix. nz_length is automatically set and\nnz_values will grow if needed.\n@param histogram histogram of column values in the sparse matrix. modified, see above.",
"Obtains a local date in Symmetry454 calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Symmetry454 era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Symmetry454 local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code IsoEra}",
"Skips the given count of bytes, but at most the currently available count.\n\n@return number of bytes actually skipped from this buffer (0 if no bytes are available)",
"Use this API to fetch dnspolicy_dnsglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"Returns status message.\n\n@param user CmsUser\n@param disabled boolean\n@param newUser boolean\n@return String"
] |
private void populateDefaultSettings(Record record, ProjectProperties properties) throws MPXJException
properties.setMinutesPerDay(Double.valueOf(NumberHelper.getDouble(record.getFloat(3)) * 60));
properties.setMinutesPerWeek(Double.valueOf(NumberHelper.getDouble(record.getFloat(4)) * 60));
} | [
"Populates default settings.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param properties project properties\n@throws MPXJException"
] | [
"Print an extended attribute value.\n\n@param writer parent MSPDIWriter instance\n@param value attribute value\n@param type type of the value being passed\n@return string representation",
"Apply modifications to a content task definition.\n\n@param patchId the patch id\n@param modifications the modifications\n@param definitions the task definitions\n@param filter the content item filter",
"Used to ensure that the general footer label will be at the same Y position as the variables in the band.\n@param band\n@return",
"Write the given pattern to given log in given logging level\n@param logger\n@param level\n@param pattern\n@param exception",
"Creates the row key of the given association row; columns present in the given association key will be obtained\nfrom there, all other columns from the given native association row.",
"Writes a list of timephased data to the MSPDI file.\n\n@param assignmentID current assignment ID\n@param list output list of timephased data items\n@param data input list of timephased data\n@param type list type (planned or completed)",
"Finds or creates a ResourceStorageLoadable for the given resource.\nClients should first call shouldLoadFromStorage to check whether there exists a storage version\nof the given resource.\n\n@return an IResourceStorageLoadable",
"Not used.",
"Converts a duration to duration time units.\n\n@param value duration value\n@return duration time units"
] |
public void setFileFormat(String fileFormat) {
if (fileFormat.toUpperCase().equals(FileFormat.JSON.toString())) {
m_fileFormat = FileFormat.JSON;
} | [
"Setter for the file format.\n@param fileFormat File format the configuration file is in."
] | [
"Create the work pattern assignment map.\n\n@param rows calendar rows\n@return work pattern assignment map",
"Gets the final transform of the bone.\n\n@return the 4x4 matrix representing the final transform of the\nbone during animation, which comprises bind pose and skeletal\ntransform at the current time of the animation.",
"Creates a map of work pattern rows indexed by the primary key.\n\n@param rows work pattern rows\n@return work pattern map",
"Create a new server group\n\n@param groupName name of server group\n@return Created ServerGroup",
"Use this API to fetch dnssuffix resource of given name .",
"Execute a HTTP request and handle common error cases.\n\n@param connection the HttpConnection request to execute\n@return the executed HttpConnection\n@throws CouchDbException for HTTP error codes or if an IOException was thrown",
"Saves a matrix to disk using Java binary serialization.\n\n@param A The matrix being saved.\n@param fileName Name of the file its being saved at.\n@throws java.io.IOException",
"Updates the text style according to a new text position\n@param bstyle the style to be updated\n@param text the text position",
"Creates the tcpClient with proper handler.\n\n@return the bound request builder\n@throws HttpRequestCreateException\nthe http request create exception"
] |
public static Iterable<BoxUser.Info> getAllEnterpriseUsers(final BoxAPIConnection api, final String filterTerm,
final String... fields) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, filterTerm, null, null, fields);
} | [
"Returns an iterable containing all the enterprise users that matches the filter and specifies which child fields\nto retrieve from the API.\n@param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.\n@param filterTerm used to filter the results to only users starting with this string in either the name or the\nlogin. Can be null to not filter the results.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.\n@return an iterable containing all the enterprise users that matches the filter."
] | [
"If credentials are incorrect or not provided for Basic Auth, then Android\nmay throw this exception when an HTTP 401 is received. A separate exception\nis thrown for proxy authentication errors. Checking for this response and\nreturning the proper status.\n@param ex the exception raised from Android\n@return HTTP Status Code",
"Transforms root paths to site paths.\n\n@return lazy map from root paths to site paths.\n\n@see CmsRequestContext#removeSiteRoot(String)",
"Returns a string describing 'time' as a time relative to 'now'.\n\nSee {@link android.text.format.DateUtils#getRelativeTimeSpanString} for full docs.\n\n@param context the context\n@param time the time to describe\n@param flags a bit mask for formatting options, usually FORMAT_ABBREV_RELATIVE\n@return a string describing 'time' as a time relative to 'now'.",
"Calculate the color using the supplied angle.\n\n@param angle The selected color's position expressed as angle (in rad).\n\n@return The ARGB value of the color on the color wheel at the specified\nangle.",
"Extracts a numeric id from a string, which can be either a Wikidata\nentity URI or a short entity or property id.\n\n@param idString\n@param isUri\n@return numeric id, or 0 if there was an error",
"Count the number of working hours in a day, based in the\ninteger representation of the working hours.\n\n@param hours working hours\n@return number of hours",
"Use this API to clear bridgetable resources.",
"Stops the server. This method does nothing if the server is stopped already.",
"Get a bean value from the context.\n\n@param name bean name\n@return bean value or null"
] |
public static PasswordSpec parse(String spec) {
char[] ca = spec.toCharArray();
int len = ca.length;
illegalIf(0 == len, spec);
Builder builder = new Builder();
StringBuilder minBuf = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder maxBuf = new StringBuilder();
boolean lenSpecStart = false;
boolean minPart = false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
char c = ca[i];
switch (c) {
illegalIf(lenSpecStart, spec);
illegalIf(lenSpecStart, spec);
illegalIf(lenSpecStart, spec);
lenSpecStart = true;
minPart = true;
illegalIf(minPart, spec);
lenSpecStart = false;
minPart = false;
if (!lenSpecStart) {
} else {
if (minPart) {
} else {
illegalIf(!lenSpecStart || !isDigit(c), spec);
if (minPart) {
} else {
illegalIf(lenSpecStart, spec);
if (minBuf.length() != 0) {
if (maxBuf.length() != 0) {
return builder;
} | [
"Parse a string representation of password spec.\n\nA password spec string should be `<trait spec><length spec>`.\n\nWhere \"trait spec\" should be a composition of\n\n* `a` - indicate lowercase letter required\n* `A` - indicate uppercase letter required\n* `0` - indicate digit letter required\n* `#` - indicate special character required\n\n\"length spec\" should be `[min,max]` where `max` can be omitted.\n\nHere are examples of valid \"length spec\":\n\n* `[6,20]` // min length: 6, max length: 20\n* `[8,]` // min length: 8, max length: unlimited\n\nAnd examples of invalid \"length spec\":\n\n* `[8]` // \",\" required after min part\n* `[a,f]` // min and max part needs to be decimal digit(s)\n* `[3,9)` // length spec must be started with `[` and end with `]`\n\n@param spec a string representation of password spec\n@return a {@link PasswordSpec} instance"
] | [
"Method used to read the sub project details from a byte array.\n\n@param data byte array\n@param uniqueIDOffset offset of unique ID\n@param filePathOffset offset of file path\n@param fileNameOffset offset of file name\n@param subprojectIndex index of the subproject, used to calculate unique id offset\n@return new SubProject instance",
"Encodes the given URI scheme with the given encoding.\n@param scheme the scheme to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded scheme\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported",
"Returns only the leaf categories of the wrapped categories.\n\nThe method assumes that categories are ordered in the list, i.e., parents are directly followed by their children.\n\nNOTE: In the complete category tree a leaf of the wrapped tree part may not be a leaf.\n\n@return only the leaf categories of the wrapped categories.",
"Acquires a write lock on a specific key.\n@param key The key to lock\n@param timeout in milliseconds; -1 means wait indefinitely, 0 means no wait.",
"Rollback an app to a specific release.\n@param appName App name. See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param releaseUuid Release UUID. See {@link #listReleases} for a list of the app's releases.\n@return the release object",
"Sets Idle max age.\n\nThe time, for a connection to remain unused before it is closed off. Do not use aggressive values here!\n@param idleMaxAge time after which a connection is closed off\n@param timeUnit idleMaxAge time granularity.",
"Return key Values of an Identity\n@param cld\n@param oid\n@param convertToSql\n@return Object[]\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException",
"Method to read our client's plain text\n\n@param file_name\n@return the filereader to translate client's plain text into our files\n@throws BeastException\nif any problem is found whit the file",
"Add an executable \"post-run\" dependent for this model.\n\n@param executable the executable \"post-run\" dependent\n@return the key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve result of executing\nthe executable \"post-run\" dependent"
] |
public static base_response update(nitro_service client, sslparameter resource) throws Exception {
sslparameter updateresource = new sslparameter();
updateresource.quantumsize = resource.quantumsize;
updateresource.crlmemorysizemb = resource.crlmemorysizemb;
updateresource.strictcachecks = resource.strictcachecks;
updateresource.ssltriggertimeout = resource.ssltriggertimeout;
updateresource.sendclosenotify = resource.sendclosenotify;
updateresource.encrypttriggerpktcount = resource.encrypttriggerpktcount;
updateresource.denysslreneg = resource.denysslreneg;
updateresource.insertionencoding = resource.insertionencoding;
updateresource.ocspcachesize = resource.ocspcachesize;
updateresource.pushflag = resource.pushflag;
updateresource.dropreqwithnohostheader = resource.dropreqwithnohostheader;
updateresource.pushenctriggertimeout = resource.pushenctriggertimeout;
updateresource.undefactioncontrol = resource.undefactioncontrol;
updateresource.undefactiondata = resource.undefactiondata;
return updateresource.update_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to update sslparameter."
] | [
"Convert JsonString to Object of Clazz\n\n@param json\n@param clazz\n@return Object of Clazz",
"Computes the MD5 value of the input stream\n\n@param input\n@return\n@throws IOException\n@throws IllegalStateException",
"Send a device found announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param announcement the message announcing the new device",
"Add a text symbolizer definition to the rule.\n\n@param styleJson The old style.",
"Use this API to update clusternodegroup resources.",
"Parses a single query item for the query facet.\n@param item JSON object of the query item.\n@return the parsed query item, or <code>null</code> if parsing failed.",
"Function to perform forward pooling",
"Checks whether a user account can be locked because of inactivity.\n\n@param cms the CMS context\n@param user the user to check\n@return true if the user may be locked after being inactive for too long",
"Find the earliest start time of the specified methods.\n@param methods A list of test methods.\n@return The earliest start time."
] |
public Set<CoreDocumentSynchronizationConfig> getSynchronizedDocuments(
final MongoNamespace namespace
) {
try {
return this.syncConfig.getSynchronizedDocuments(namespace);
} finally {
} | [
"Returns the set of synchronized documents in a namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to get synchronized documents for.\n@return the set of synchronized documents in a namespace."
] | [
"Save current hostname and reuse it.\n\n@return hostname as String",
"A henson navigator is a class that helps a consumer to consume the navigation api that it\ndeclares in its dependencies. The henson navigator will wrap the intent builders. Thus, a\nhenson navigator, is driven by consumption of intent builders, whereas the henson classes are\ndriven by the production of an intent builder.\n\n<p>This task is created per android variant:\n\n<ul>\n<li>we scan the variant compile configuration for navigation api dependencies\n<li>we generate a henson navigator class for this variant that wraps the intent builders\n</ul>\n\n@param variant the variant for which to create a builder.\n@param hensonNavigatorPackageName the package name in which we create the class.",
"Sorts the fields.",
"Create new logging action\nThis method check if there is an old instance for this thread-local\nIf not - Initialize new instance and set it as this thread-local's instance\n@param logger\n@param auditor\n@param instance\n@return whether new instance was set to thread-local",
"Build the default transformation description.\n\n@param discardPolicy the discard policy to use\n@param inherited whether the definition is inherited\n@param registry the attribute transformation rules for the resource\n@param discardedOperations the discarded operations\n@return the transformation description",
"Use this API to clear nspbr6.",
"Diagnostic method used to dump known field map data.\n\n@param props props block containing field map data",
"Flattens an option into its value or else null, which is not great but is usually more convenient in Java.\n@param option Optional value -- either Some(T) or None\n@param <T> Any type\n@return The value inside the option, or else null",
"Performs case-sensitive depth-first search for a child object and then\nremoves it if found.\n\n@param name name of scene object to be removed.\n\n@return true if child was found (and removed), else false"
] |
public static Command newSetGlobal(String identifier,
Object object) {
return getCommandFactoryProvider().newSetGlobal( identifier,
object );
} | [
"Sets the global. Does not add the global to the ExecutionResults.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier of the global\n@param object\nThe instance to be set as the global.\n@return"
] | [
"Returns a non-validating XML parser. The parser ignores both DTDs and XSDs.\n\n@return An XML parser in the form of a DocumentBuilder",
"Add an appliable \"post-run\" dependent for this task item.\n\n@param appliable the appliable \"post-run\" dependent.\n@return the key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve updated \"post-run\" dependent",
"Populates a resource availability table.\n\n@param table resource availability table\n@param data file data",
"Resets the calendar",
"If the layer transformer has not been prepared yet, do it.\n\n@param transformer the transformer",
"Shutdown the connection manager.",
"Get a property as a float or throw an exception.\n\n@param key the property name",
"Returns details of a previously-requested Organization export.\n\n@param organizationExport Globally unique identifier for the Organization export.\n@return Request object",
"Propagate onMotionOutside events to listeners\n@param MotionEvent Android MotionEvent when nothing is picked"
] |
public static Chart getMSDLineWithPowerModelChart(Trajectory t, int lagMin,
int lagMax, double timelag, double a, double D) {
double[] xData = new double[lagMax - lagMin + 1];
double[] yData = new double[lagMax - lagMin + 1];
double[] modelData = new double[lagMax - lagMin + 1];
MeanSquaredDisplacmentFeature msdeval = new MeanSquaredDisplacmentFeature(
t, lagMin);
for (int i = lagMin; i < lagMax + 1; i++) {
double msdhelp = msdeval.evaluate()[0];
xData[i - lagMin] = i;
yData[i - lagMin] = msdhelp;
modelData[i - lagMin] = 4 * D * Math.pow(i * timelag, a);
// Create Chart
Chart chart = QuickChart.getChart("MSD Line", "LAG", "MSD", "MSD",
xData, yData);
chart.addSeries("y=4*D*t^alpha", xData, modelData);
// Show it
//new SwingWrapper(chart).displayChart();
return chart;
} | [
"Plots the MSD curve with the trajectory t and adds the fitted model for anomalous diffusion above.\n@param t\n@param lagMin Minimum timelag (e.g. 1,2,3..) lagMin*timelag = elapsed time in seconds\n@param lagMax lagMax Maximum timelag (e.g. 1,2,3..) lagMax*timelag = elapsed time in seconds\n@param timelag Elapsed time between two frames.\n@param a Exponent alpha of power law function\n@param D Diffusion coeffcient"
] | [
"Edit the co-ordinates that the user shows in\n\n@param photoId\n@param userId\n@param bounds\n@throws FlickrException",
"Get a boolean value from the values or null.\n\n@param key the look up key of the value",
"Adds custom header to request\n\n@param key\n@param value",
"Mark root of this task task group depends on the given TaskItem.\nThis ensure this task group's root get picked for execution only after the completion\nof invocation of provided TaskItem.\n\n@param dependencyTaskItem the task item that this task group depends on\n@return the key of the dependency",
"Check all abstract methods are declared by the decorated types.\n\n@param type\n@param beanManager\n@param delegateType\n@throws DefinitionException If any of the abstract methods is not declared by the decorated types",
"Retrieves the formatted parent WBS value.\n\n@return formatted parent WBS value",
"Creates a new empty HTML document tree.\n@throws ParserConfigurationException",
"Returns all the dependencies of a module\n\n@param module Module\n@return List<Dependency>",
"Sets up this object to represent an argument that will be set to a\nconstant value.\n\n@param constantValue the constant value."
] |
public static int getActionBarHeight(Context context) {
int actionBarHeight = UIUtils.getThemeAttributeDimensionSize(context, R.attr.actionBarSize);
if (actionBarHeight == 0) {
actionBarHeight = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.abc_action_bar_default_height_material);
return actionBarHeight;
} | [
"helper to calculate the actionBar height\n\n@param context\n@return"
] | [
"Logs an error by sending an error event to all listeners.\n\nError events can be generated by any part of GearVRF,\nfrom any thread. They are always sent to the event receiver\nof the GVRContext.\n\n@param message error message\n@param sender object which had the error\n@see IErrorEvents",
"Set the value as provided.\n@param value the serial date value as JSON string.",
"Validate the header signature.\n\n@param input The input to read the signature from\n@throws IOException If any read problems occur",
"Save page to log\n\n@return address of this page after save",
"Build a request URL using a given scheme.\n\n@param scheme the scheme, either {@code http} or {@code https}\n@param host\nThe host\n@param port\nThe port\n@param path\nThe path\n@param parameters\nThe parameters\n@return The URL\n@throws MalformedURLException",
"Handle http worker response.\n\n@param respOnSingleReq\nthe my response\n@throws Exception\nthe exception",
"Convert maturity given as offset in months to year fraction.\n\n@param maturityInMonths The maturity as offset in months.\n@return The maturity as year fraction.",
"Returns the latest change events for a given namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to get events for.\n@return the latest change events for a given namespace.",
"Attempts exclusive acquisition with a max wait time.\n@param permit - the permit Integer for this operation. May not be {@code null}.\n@param timeout - the time value to wait for acquiring the lock\n@param unit - See {@code TimeUnit} for valid values\n@return {@code boolean} true on success."
] |
public B partialFilterSelector(Selector selector) {
instance.def.selector = Helpers.getJsonObjectFromSelector(selector);
return returnThis();
} | [
"Configure a selector to choose documents that should be added to the index."
] | [
"Initialize the local plugins registry\n@param context the servlet context necessary to grab\nthe files inside the servlet.\n@return the set of local plugins organized by name",
"Provisions a new app user in an enterprise with additional user information using Box Developer Edition.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created user.\n@param name the name of the user.\n@param params additional user information.\n@return the created user's info.",
"We are adding a redeploy operation step for each specified deployment runtime name.\n\n@param context\n@param deploymentsRootAddress\n@param deploymentNames\n@throws OperationFailedException",
"Use this API to fetch cacheselector resource of given name .",
"Clears the handler hierarchy.",
"Extracts the data for a single file from the input stream and writes\nit to a target directory.\n\n@param stream input stream\n@param dir target directory",
"Gets the Correlation distance between two points.\n\n@param p A point in space.\n@param q A point in space.\n@return The Correlation distance between x and y.",
"Determines whether there is an element of the collection that evaluates to true\nfor the predicate.\n@param\tpredicate\tAn OQL boolean query predicate.\n@return\tTrue if there is an element of the collection that evaluates to true\nfor the predicate, otherwise false.\n@exception\torg.odmg.QueryInvalidException\tThe query predicate is invalid.",
"Converts the given string to a clob object\n\n@param stringName string name to clob\n@param sqlConnection Connection object\n@return Clob object or NULL"
] |
public void sendJsonToUser(Object data, String username) {
sendToUser(JSON.toJSONString(data), username);
} | [
"Send JSON representation of given data object to all connections of a user\n@param data the data object\n@param username the username"
] | [
"this remove the linebreak.\n\n@param input\nthe input\n@param patternStr\nthe pattern str\n@return the string",
"Remove a column from the Document\n\n@param entity the {@link Document} with the column\n@param column the column to remove",
"SearchService is a service which shares the information about Persons with the PersonService.\nIt lets users search for individual people using simple or complex search expressions.\nThe interaction with this service also verifies that the JAX-RS server is capable of supporting multiple\nroot resource classes",
"Bulk delete clients from a profile.\n\n@param model\n@param profileIdentifier\n@param clientUUID\n@return returns the table of the remaining clients or an exception if deletion failed for some reason\n@throws Exception",
"Creates a Bytes object by copying the data of a subsequence of the given byte array\n\n@param data Byte data\n@param offset Starting offset in byte array (inclusive)\n@param length Number of bytes to include",
"Iterates over the contents of an object or collection, and checks whether a\npredicate is valid for at least one element.\n\n@param self the object over which we iterate\n@param closure the closure predicate used for matching\n@return true if any iteration for the object matches the closure predicate\n@since 1.0",
"Read a Synchro string from an input stream.\n\n@param is input stream\n@return String instance",
"A convenience method for creating an immutable list.\n\n@param self a Set\n@return an immutable Set\n@see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableSet(java.util.Set)\n@since 1.0",
"A specific, existing project can be updated by making a PUT request on the\nURL for that project. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be\nupdated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged.\n\nWhen using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish\nto change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since\nyou last retrieved the task.\n\nReturns the complete updated project record.\n\n@param project The project to update.\n@return Request object"
] |
public static base_responses unset(nitro_service client, bridgetable resources[], String[] args) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
bridgetable unsetresources[] = new bridgetable[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
unsetresources[i] = new bridgetable();
result = unset_bulk_request(client, unsetresources,args);
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to unset the properties of bridgetable resources.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array."
] | [
"helper extracts the cursor data from the db object",
"Return the coding scheme to IOB1 coding, regardless of what was used\ninternally. This is useful for scoring against CoNLL test output.\n\n@param tokens List of tokens in some NER encoding",
"Constructs credentials for the given account and key file.\n\n@param serviceAccountId service account ID (typically an e-mail address).\n@param privateKeyFile the file name from which to get the private key.\n@param serviceAccountScopes Collection of OAuth scopes to use with the the service\naccount flow or {@code null} if not.\n@return valid credentials or {@code null}",
"Use this API to fetch vlan resource of given name .",
"Remove specified override id from enabled overrides for path\n\n@param overrideId ID of override to remove\n@param pathId ID of path containing override\n@param ordinal index to the instance of the enabled override\n@param clientUUID UUID of client",
"checks if a bean has been seen before in the dependencyPath. If not, it\nresolves the InjectionPoints and adds the resolved beans to the set of\nbeans to be validated",
"Removes an audio source from the audio manager.\n@param audioSource audio source to remove",
"public for testing purpose",
"Convert an object to another object with given type\n\n@param <T>\n@param source\nobject to convert\n@param typeReference\nreference to {@link java.lang.reflect.Type}\n@return the converted object if conversion failed\n@throws ConverterException"
] |
private ProjectFile readFile(File file) throws MPXJException
String url = "jdbc:sqlite:" + file.getAbsolutePath();
Properties props = new Properties();
m_connection = org.sqlite.JDBC.createConnection(url, props);
m_documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
XPathFactory xPathfactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = xPathfactory.newXPath();
m_dayTimeIntervals = xpath.compile("/array/dayTimeInterval");
m_entityMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
return read();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new MPXJException(MPXJException.INVALID_FORMAT, ex);
if (m_connection != null)
catch (SQLException ex)
// silently ignore exceptions when closing connection
m_documentBuilder = null;
m_dayTimeIntervals = null;
m_entityMap = null;
} | [
"By the time we reach this method, we should be looking at the SQLite\ndatabase file itself.\n\n@param file SQLite database file\n@return ProjectFile instance"
] | [
"Sets the set of site filters based on the given string.\n\n@param filters\ncomma-separates list of site keys, or \"-\" to filter all site\nlinks",
"Read the header data for a single file.\n\n@param header header data\n@return SynchroTable instance",
"get the bean property type\n\n@param clazz\n@param propertyName\n@param originalType\n@return",
"Method called to indicate persisting the properties file is now complete.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Creates the default editor state for editing a bundle with descriptor.\n@return the default editor state for editing a bundle with descriptor.",
"Removes the value connected to the given key\nfrom all levels of the cache. Will not throw an\nexception on fail.\n\n@param cacheKey",
"Read JaCoCo report determining the format to be used.\n@param executionDataVisitor visitor to store execution data.\n@param sessionInfoStore visitor to store info session.\n@return true if binary format is the latest one.\n@throws IOException in case of error or binary format not supported.",
"Checks whether the given class maps to a different table but also has the given collection.\n\n@param origCollDef The original collection to search for\n@param origTableDef The original table\n@param classDef The class descriptor to test\n@return <code>true</code> if the class maps to a different table and has the collection",
"Get the Query Paramaters to be used for search request.\n@return this.QueryStringBuilder."
] |
public static Key toKey(RowColumn rc) {
if ((rc == null) || (rc.getRow().equals(Bytes.EMPTY))) {
return null;
Text row = ByteUtil.toText(rc.getRow());
if ((rc.getColumn().equals(Column.EMPTY)) || !rc.getColumn().isFamilySet()) {
return new Key(row);
Text cf = ByteUtil.toText(rc.getColumn().getFamily());
if (!rc.getColumn().isQualifierSet()) {
return new Key(row, cf);
Text cq = ByteUtil.toText(rc.getColumn().getQualifier());
if (!rc.getColumn().isVisibilitySet()) {
return new Key(row, cf, cq);
Text cv = ByteUtil.toText(rc.getColumn().getVisibility());
return new Key(row, cf, cq, cv);
} | [
"Converts from a Fluo RowColumn to a Accumulo Key\n\n@param rc RowColumn\n@return Key"
] | [
"Used internally to find the solution to a single column vector.",
"Creates a field map for tasks.\n\n@param props props data",
"Reads a command \"tag\" from the request.",
"Read the parameters on initialization.\n\n@see org.apache.solr.update.processor.UpdateRequestProcessorFactory#init(org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList)",
"Places a disabled marker file in the directory of the specified version.\n\n@param version to disable\n@throws PersistenceFailureException if the marker file could not be created (can happen if\nthe storage system has become read-only or is otherwise\ninaccessible).",
"Adds the dependencies typical for particular deployment types.\nThis is not accurate and doesn't cover the real needs of the project.\nBasically it's just to have \"something\" for the initial implementation.",
"Retrieve the default mapping between MPXJ resource fields and Primavera resource field names.\n\n@return mapping",
"Redirect standard streams so that the output can be passed to listeners.",
"Get the parameters of determining this parametric\ncovariance model. The parameters are usually free parameters\nwhich may be used in calibration.\n\n@return Parameter vector."
] |
public DefaultStreamingEndpoint languages(List<String> languages) {
addPostParameter(Constants.LANGUAGE_PARAM, Joiner.on(',').join(languages));
return this;
} | [
"Filter for public tweets on these languages.\n\n@param languages\nValid BCP 47 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) language identifiers,\nand may represent any of the languages listed on Twitter's advanced search page\n(https://twitter.com/search-advanced), or \"und\" if no language could be detected.\nThese strings should NOT be url-encoded.\n@return this"
] | [
"Returns the full user record for the single user with the provided ID.\n\n@param user An identifier for the user. Can be one of an email address,\nthe globally unique identifier for the user, or the keyword `me`\nto indicate the current user making the request.\n@return Request object",
"Parse a filter expression.\n\n@param filter the filter expression\n@return compiled nodes",
"Request a scoped transactional token for a particular resource.\n@param accessToken application access token.\n@param scope scope of transactional token.\n@param resource resource transactional token has access to.\n@return a BoxAPIConnection which can be used to perform transactional requests.",
"Sets allowed values for attribute\n\n@param allowedValues values that are legal as part in this attribute\n@return a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition",
"Populates the bean by mapping the processed columns to the fields of the bean.\n\n@param resultBean\nthe bean to populate\n@param nameMapping\nthe name mappings\n@return the populated bean\n@throws SuperCsvReflectionException\nif there was a reflection exception while populating the bean",
"Convert a floating point date to a LocalDate.\n\nNote: This method currently performs a rounding to the next day.\nIn a future extension intra-day time offsets may be considered.\n\nIf referenceDate is null, the method returns null.\n\n@param referenceDate The reference date associated with \\( t=0 \\).\n@param floatingPointDate The value to the time offset \\( t \\).\n@return The date resulting from adding Math.round(fixingTime*365.0) days to referenceDate.",
"Internal method which is called when the user has finished editing the title.\n\n@param box the text box which has been edited",
"A modified version of abs that always returns a non-negative value.\nMath.abs returns Integer.MIN_VALUE if a == Integer.MIN_VALUE and this\nmethod returns Integer.MAX_VALUE in that case.",
"Registers an event handler in the repository shared between Javascript\nand Java.\n\n@param h Event handler to be registered.\n@return Callback key that Javascript will use to find this handler."
] |
public String getName()
GVRSceneObject owner = getOwnerObject();
String name = "";
if (owner != null)
name = owner.getName();
if (name == null)
return "";
return name;
} | [
"Returns the name of the bone.\n\n@return the name"
] | [
"Loads the columns for this table into the alChildren list.",
"Extract a duration amount from the assignment, converting a percentage\ninto an actual duration.\n\n@param task parent task\n@param work duration from assignment\n@return Duration instance",
"Joins the given ints using the given separator into a single string.\n\n@return the joined string or an empty string if the int array is null",
"A write through put to inner-store.\n\n@param keyBytes : keyName strings serialized as bytes eg. 'cluster.xml'\n@param valueBytes : versioned byte[] eg. UTF bytes for cluster xml\ndefinitions\n@throws VoldemortException",
"Returns all the persistent id generators which potentially require the creation of an object in the schema.",
"Returns true if required properties for FluoClient are set",
"Gets a Map of attributes from a json object given a path to traverse.\n\n@param record a JSONObject to traverse.\n@param path the json path to follow.\n@return the attributes as a {@link HashMap}, or null if it was not found.",
"Generate heroku-like random names\n\n@return String",
"create a path structure representing the object graph"
] |
static String md5(String input) {
if (input == null || input.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input string must not be blank.");
try {
MessageDigest algorithm = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] messageDigest = algorithm.digest();
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
for (byte messageByte : messageDigest) {
hexString.append(Integer.toHexString((messageByte & 0xFF) | 0x100).substring(1, 3));
return hexString.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} | [
"Create an MD5 hash of a string.\n\n@param input Input string.\n@return Hash of input.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code input} is blank."
] | [
"create partitions in the broker\n\n@param topic topic name\n@param partitionNum partition numbers\n@param enlarge enlarge partition number if broker configuration has\nsetted\n@return partition number in the broker\n@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs",
"Creates a namespace if needed.",
"Updates a metadata classification on the specified file.\n\n@param classificationType the metadata classification type.\n@return the new metadata classification type updated on the file.",
"RReturns the entity type of the id like \"item\" or \"property\"\n\n@param id\nthe identifier of the entity, such as \"Q42\"\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif the id is invalid",
"Return true if the two connections seem to one one connection under the covers.",
"Get a list of the members of a group. The call must be signed on behalf of a Flickr member, and the ability to see the group membership will be\ndetermined by the Flickr member's group privileges.\n\n@param groupId\nReturn a list of members for this group. The group must be viewable by the Flickr member on whose behalf the API call is made.\n@param memberTypes\nA set of Membertypes as available as constants in {@link Member}.\n@param perPage\nNumber of records per page.\n@param page\nResult-section.\n@return A members-list\n@throws FlickrException\n@see <a href=\"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.groups.members.getList.html\">API Documentation</a>",
"Sanity check precondition for above setters",
"Gets next node in the DAG which has no dependency or all of it's dependencies are resolved and\nready to be consumed.\n\n@return next node or null if all the nodes have been explored or no node is available at this moment.",
"Throws an IllegalStateException when the given value is not false."
] |
Subsets and Splits