stringlengths 74
| positive
sequencelengths 1
| negative
sequencelengths 9
public void pause(ServerActivityCallback requestCountListener) {
if (paused) {
throw ServerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.serverAlreadyPaused();
this.paused = true;
listenerUpdater.set(this, requestCountListener);
if (activeRequestCountUpdater.get(this) == 0) {
if (listenerUpdater.compareAndSet(this, requestCountListener, null)) {
} | [
"Pause the current entry point, and invoke the provided listener when all current requests have finished.\n\nIf individual control point tracking is not enabled then the listener will be invoked straight away\n\n@param requestCountListener The listener to invoke"
] | [
"Notifies that multiple header items are changed.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count.",
"digest message with MD5\n\n@param source message\n@return 32 bit MD5 value (lower case)",
"Adds a port that serves the HTTP requests. If unspecified, cleartext HTTP on port 36462 is used.\n\n@param localAddress the TCP/IP load address to bind\n@param protocol {@link SessionProtocol#HTTP} or {@link SessionProtocol#HTTPS}",
"Format the date for the status messages.\n\n@param date the date to format.\n\n@return the formatted date.",
"Creates a date from the equivalent long value. This conversion\ntakes account of the time zone.\n\n@param date date expressed as a long integer\n@return new Date instance",
"Add a single header key-value pair. If one with the name already exists,\nboth stay in the header map.\n\n@param name the name of the header.\n@param value the value of the header.\n@return the interceptor instance itself.",
"Write the summary file, if requested.",
"Record a prepare operation.\n\n@param preparedOperation the prepared operation",
"Adds the List of Lists of CRFDatums to the data and labels arrays, treating\neach datum as if it were its own document. Adds context labels in addition\nto the target label for each datum, meaning that for a particular document,\nthe number of labels will be windowSize-1 greater than the number of\ndatums.\n\n@param processedData\na List of Lists of CRFDatums"
] |
public <T> T getOptionValue(String name)
return (T) configurationOptions.get(name);
} | [
"Returns the configuration value with the specified name."
] | [
"Assigns a list of nodes in the cluster represented by this failure\ndetector configuration.\n\n@param nodes Collection of Node instances, usually determined from the\nCluster; must be non-null",
"This method is called to format a time value.\n\n@param value time value\n@return formatted time value",
"Acquire the exclusive lock allowing the acquisition to be interrupted.\n@param permit - the permit Integer for this operation. May not be {@code null}.\n@throws InterruptedException - if the acquiring thread is interrupted.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permit} is null.",
"Sets the final transform of the bone during animation.\n\n@param finalTransform The transform matrix representing\nthe bone's pose after computing the skeleton.",
"Read filename from spec.",
"Returns a row matrix which contains all the elements in A which are flagged as true in 'marked'\n\n@param A Input matrix\n@param marked Input matrix marking elements in A\n@param output Storage for output row vector. Can be null. Will be reshaped.\n@return Row vector with marked elements",
"Returns the text for the JSONObject of Link provided\nThe JSONObject of Link provided should be of the type \"url\"\n@param jsonObject of Link\n@return String",
"Converts a tab delimited string into an object with given fields\nRequires the object has setXxx functions for the specified fields\n\n@param objClass Class of object to be created\n@param str string to convert\n@param delimiterRegex delimiter regular expression\n@param fieldNames fieldnames\n@param <T> type to return\n@return Object created from string",
"Use this API to update responderparam."
] |
public static void setPropertySafely(Marshaller marshaller, String name, Object value) {
try {
marshaller.setProperty(name, value);
} catch (PropertyException e) {
LOGGER.warn(String.format("Can't set \"%s\" property to given marshaller", name), e);
} | [
"Try to set specified property to given marshaller\n\n@param marshaller specified marshaller\n@param name name of property to set\n@param value value of property to set"
] | [
"a small static helper to set a multi state drawable on a view\n\n@param icon\n@param iconColor\n@param selectedIcon\n@param selectedIconColor\n@param tinted\n@param imageView",
"Produces the Soundex key for the given string.",
"Retrieve the default mapping between MPXJ task fields and Primavera wbs field names.\n\n@return mapping",
"Notifies that multiple footer items are inserted.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count.",
"Executes the API action \"wbremoveclaims\" for the given parameters.\n\n@param statementIds\nthe statement ids to delete\n@param bot\nif true, edits will be flagged as \"bot edits\" provided that\nthe logged in user is in the bot group; for regular users, the\nflag will just be ignored\n@param baserevid\nthe revision of the data that the edit refers to or 0 if this\nshould not be submitted; when used, the site will ensure that\nno edit has happened since this revision to detect edit\nconflicts; it is recommended to use this whenever in all\noperations where the outcome depends on the state of the\nonline data\n@param summary\nsummary for the edit; will be prepended by an automatically\ngenerated comment; the length limit of the autocomment\ntogether with the summary is 260 characters: everything above\nthat limit will be cut off\n@return the JSON response from the API\n@throws IOException\nif there was an IO problem. such as missing network\nconnection\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns an error\n@throws IOException\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException",
"Gets a string attribute from a json object given a path to traverse.\n\n@param record a JSONObject to traverse.\n@param path the json path to follow.\n@return the attribute as a {@link String}, or null if it was not found.",
"changes the color of the image - more red and less blue\n\n@return new pixel array",
"Calculates the world matrix based on the local matrix.",
"Utility method to remove ampersands embedded in names.\n\n@param name name text\n@return name text without embedded ampersands"
] |
public HttpConnection setRequestBody(final String input) {
try {
final byte[] inputBytes = input.getBytes("UTF-8");
return setRequestBody(inputBytes);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// This should never happen as every implementation of the java platform is required
// to support UTF-8.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} | [
"Set the String of request body data to be sent to the server.\n\n@param input String of request body data to be sent to the server\n@return an {@link HttpConnection} for method chaining"
] | [
"Connect to the HC and retrieve the current model updates.\n\n@param controller the server controller\n@param callback the operation completed callback\n\n@throws IOException for any error",
"Sets a string that will be prepended to the JAR file's data.\n\n@param value the prefix, or {@code null} for none.\n@return {@code this}",
"Get a fallback handler.\n\n@param header the protocol header\n@return the fallback handler",
"Set the diffuse light intensity.\n\nThis designates the color of the diffuse reflection.\nIt is multiplied by the material diffuse color to derive\nthe hue of the diffuse reflection for that material.\nThe built-in phong shader {@link GVRPhongShader} uses a {@code vec4} uniform named\n{@code diffuse_intensity} to control the intensity of diffuse light reflected.\n\n@param r red component (0 to 1)\n@param g green component (0 to 1)\n@param b blue component (0 to 1)\n@param a alpha component (0 to 1)",
"Carry out any post-processing required to tidy up\nthe data read from the database.",
"Returns the approximate size of slop to help in throttling\n\n@param slopVersioned The versioned slop whose size we want\n@return Size in bytes",
"Returns the parameter key of the facet with the given name.\n@param facet the facet's name.\n@return the parameter key for the facet.",
"Write attributes for an individual custom field.\nNote that at present we are only writing a subset of the\navailable data... in this instance the field alias.\nIf the field does not have an alias we won't write an\nentry.\n\n@param field custom field to write\n@throws IOException",
"Append the text at the end of the File.\n\n@param file a File\n@param text the text to append at the end of the File\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 1.0"
] |
protected boolean isSecureLink(CmsObject cms, String vfsName, CmsSite targetSite, boolean secureRequest) {
return OpenCms.getStaticExportManager().isSecureLink(cms, vfsName, targetSite.getSiteRoot(), secureRequest);
} | [
"Checks if the link target is a secure link.<p\n\n@param cms the current CMS context\n@param vfsName the path of the link target\n@param targetSite the target site containing the detail page\n@param secureRequest true if the currently running request is secure\n\n@return true if the link should be a secure link"
] | [
"Destroys the internal connection handle and creates a new one.\n@throws SQLException",
"Reports a given exception as a RuntimeException, since the interface does\nnot allow us to throw checked exceptions directly.\n\n@param e\nthe exception to report\n@throws RuntimeException\nin all cases",
"Gets a first data set value.\n\n@param dataSet\nIIM record and dataset code (See constants in {@link IIM})\n@return data set value\n@throws SerializationException\nif value can't be deserialized from binary representation",
"Use this API to fetch appqoepolicy resource of given name .",
"Use this API to fetch Interface resource of given name .",
"Creates the DAO if we have config information cached and caches the DAO.",
"Sets the first occurence.\n\n@param min the min\n@param max the max\n@throws ParseException the parse exception",
"Map custom info.\n\n@param ciType the custom info type\n@return the map",
"Resumes a given entry point type;\n\n@param entryPoint The entry point"
] |
public void displayUseCases()
for (int i = 0; i < useCases.size(); i++)
System.out.println("[" + i + "] " + ((UseCase) useCases.get(i)).getDescription());
} | [
"Disply available use cases."
] | [
"Obtains a Julian local date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Julian local date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"To populate the dropdown list from the jelly",
"Generate a sql where-clause for the array of fields\n\n@param fields array containing all columns used in WHERE clause",
"Starts the animation with the given index.\n@param animIndex 0-based index of {@link GVRAnimator} to start;\n@see GVRAvatar#stop()\n@see #start(String)",
"Extracts a duration from a JAXBElement instance.\n\n@param duration duration expressed in hours\n@return duration instance",
"Use this API to add cachecontentgroup.",
"Decode a content Type header line into types and parameters pairs",
"Get the time zone for a specific exchange suffix\n\n@param suffix suffix for the exchange in YahooFinance\n@return time zone of the exchange",
"Read filename from spec."
] |
public boolean isConnectionHandleAlive(ConnectionHandle connection) {
Statement stmt = null;
boolean result = false;
boolean logicallyClosed = connection.logicallyClosed.get();
try {
connection.logicallyClosed.compareAndSet(true, false); // avoid checks later on if it's marked as closed.
String testStatement = this.config.getConnectionTestStatement();
ResultSet rs = null;
if (testStatement == null) {
// Make a call to fetch the metadata instead of a dummy query.
rs = connection.getMetaData().getTables( null, null, KEEPALIVEMETADATA, METADATATABLE );
} else {
stmt = connection.createStatement();
if (rs != null) {
result = true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
// connection must be broken!
result = false;
} finally {
result = closeStatement(stmt, result);
return result;
} | [
"Sends a dummy statement to the server to keep the connection alive\n@param connection Connection handle to perform activity on\n@return true if test query worked, false otherwise"
] | [
"Adds multiple observers using unique integer prefixes for each.\n\n@deprecated since 1.1.0. Replaced by {@link #setObserverProvider(String)} and\n{@link #getObserverProvider()}",
"Add a IN clause so the column must be equal-to one of the objects from the list passed in.",
"Record the resource request wait time in us\n\n@param dest Destination of the socket for which the resource was\nrequested. Will actually record if null. Otherwise will call this\non self and corresponding child with this param null.\n@param resourceRequestTimeUs The number of us to wait before getting a\nsocket",
"Generates a toString method using concatenation or a StringBuilder.",
"Read an int from an input stream.\n\n@param is input stream\n@return int value",
"Gets the index input list.\n\n@return the index input list",
"Save a SVG graphic to the given path.\n\n@param graphics2d The SVG graphic to save.\n@param path The file.",
"We have obtained a waveform preview for a device, so store it and alert any listeners.\n\n@param update the update which caused us to retrieve this waveform preview\n@param preview the waveform preview which we retrieved",
"Set the association in the entry state.\n\n@param collectionRole the role of the association\n@param association the association"
] |
public static base_responses delete(nitro_service client, String Dnssuffix[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (Dnssuffix != null && Dnssuffix.length > 0) {
dnssuffix deleteresources[] = new dnssuffix[Dnssuffix.length];
for (int i=0;i<Dnssuffix.length;i++){
deleteresources[i] = new dnssuffix();
deleteresources[i].Dnssuffix = Dnssuffix[i];
result = delete_bulk_request(client, deleteresources);
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to delete dnssuffix resources of given names."
] | [
"Deletes a product from the database\n\n@param name String",
"Set the String of request body data to be sent to the server.\n\n@param input String of request body data to be sent to the server\n@return an {@link HttpConnection} for method chaining",
"If this address was resolved from a host, returns that host. Otherwise, does a reverse name lookup.",
"Retrieve a map of custom document properties.\n\n@return the Document Summary Information Map",
"Parse a command line with the defined command as base of the rules.\nIf any options are found, but not defined in the command object an\nCommandLineParserException will be thrown.\nAlso, if a required option is not found or options specified with value,\nbut is not given any value an CommandLineParserException will be thrown.\n\n@param line input\n@param mode parser mode",
"Verify that all OGM custom externalizers are present.\nN.B. even if some Externalizer is only needed in specific configuration,\nit is not safe to start a CacheManager without one as the same CacheManager\nmight be used, or have been used in the past, to store data using a different\nconfiguration.\n\n@see ExternalizerIds\n@see AdvancedExternalizer\n@param externalCacheManager the provided CacheManager to validate",
"Appends the key and value to the address and sets the address on the operation.\n\n@param operation the operation to set the address on\n@param base the base address\n@param key the key for the new address\n@param value the value for the new address",
"Returns a source excerpt of the type parameters of this type, including angle brackets.\nAlways an empty string if the type class is not generic.\n\n<p>e.g. {@code <N, C>}",
"Utility function to find the first index of a value in a\nListBox."
] |
public final String optString(final String key, final String defaultValue) {
String result = optString(key);
return result == null ? defaultValue : result;
} | [
"Get a property as a string or defaultValue.\n\n@param key the property name\n@param defaultValue the default value"
] | [
"Set the value for a floating point vector of length 3.\n@param key name of uniform to set.\n@param x new X value\n@param y new Y value\n@param z new Z value\n@see #getVec3\n@see #getFloatVec(String)",
"Read file content to string.\n\n@param filePath\nthe file path\n@return the string\n@throws IOException\nSignals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"This is a convenience method which allows all projects in an\nXER file to be read in a single pass.\n\n@param is input stream\n@param linkCrossProjectRelations add Relation links that cross ProjectFile boundaries\n@return list of ProjectFile instances\n@throws MPXJException",
"Handle exceptions thrown by the storage. Exceptions specific to DELETE go\nhere. Pass other exceptions to the parent class.\n\nTODO REST-Server Add a new exception for this condition - server busy\nwith pending requests. queue is full",
"Determines if a mouse event is inside a box.",
"Adds the content info for the collected resources used in the \"This page\" publish dialog.",
"Searches the Html5ReportGenerator in Java path and instantiates the report",
"Creates a resource key for given enumeration value. By convention,\nresource bundle for enumerations has the name of enumeration class\nand value identifier is the same as enumeration value name.\n@param value the enumeration value\n@return the resource key",
"Register operations associated with this resource.\n\n@param resourceRegistration a {@link org.jboss.as.controller.registry.ManagementResourceRegistration} created from this definition"
] |
public static base_response unset(nitro_service client, lbsipparameters resource, String[] args) throws Exception{
lbsipparameters unsetresource = new lbsipparameters();
return unsetresource.unset_resource(client,args);
} | [
"Use this API to unset the properties of lbsipparameters resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array."
] | [
"Return a string that ensures that no line is longer then 512 characters\nand lines are broken according to manifest specification.\n\n@param input The buffer containing the content that should be made safe\n@param newline The string to use to create newlines (usually \"\\n\" or\n\"\\r\\n\")\n@return The string with no longer lines then 512, ready to be read again\nby {@link MergeableManifest2}.",
"Two stage promotion, dry run and actual promotion to verify correctness.\n\n@param promotion\n@param client\n@param listener\n@param buildName\n@param buildNumber\n@throws IOException",
"Use this API to fetch appfwpolicylabel_binding resource of given name .",
"Use this API to enable Interface of given name.",
"Copies a classworlds file to a temporary location either on the local filesystem or on a slave depending on the\nnode type.\n\n@return The path of the classworlds.conf file",
"Processes the template for all columns of the current table index.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Finds the column with the largest normal and makes that the first column\n\n@param j Current column being inspected",
"Starts or stops capturing.\n\n@param capture If true, capturing is started. If false, it is stopped.\n@param fps Capturing FPS (frames per second).",
"Internal used method to retrieve object based on Identity.\n\n@param id\n@return\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException"
] |
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] s = {"there once was a man", "this one is a manic", "hey there", "there once was a mane", "once in a manger.", "where is one match?", "Jo3seph Smarr!", "Joseph R Smarr"};
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
System.out.println("s1: " + s[i]);
System.out.println("s2: " + s[j]);
System.out.println("edit distance: " + editDistance(s[i], s[j]));
System.out.println("LCS: " + longestCommonSubstring(s[i], s[j]));
System.out.println("LCCS: " + longestCommonContiguousSubstring(s[i], s[j]));
} | [
"Tests the string edit distance function."
] | [
"Creates a spin wrapper for a data input. The data format of the\ninput is assumed to be XML.\n\n@param input the input to wrap\n@return the spin wrapper for the input\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException in case an argument of illegal type is provided (such as 'null')",
"Use this API to fetch filterpolicy_csvserver_binding resources of given name .",
"JSObject will return the String \"undefined\" at certain times, so we\nneed to make sure we're not getting a value that looks valid, but isn't.\n\n@param val The value from Javascript to be checked.\n@return Either null or the value passed in.",
"Adds an option to the Jvm options\n\n@param value the option to add",
"Add the dependencies if the deployment contains a service activator loader entry.\n@param phaseContext the deployment unit context\n@throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException",
"Log long string using verbose tag\n\n@param TAG The tag.\n@param longString The long string.",
"Creates an observer\n\n@param method The observer method abstraction\n@param declaringBean The declaring bean\n@param manager The Bean manager\n@return An observer implementation built from the method abstraction",
"Returns the primary message codewords for mode 3.\n\n@param postcode the postal code\n@param country the country code\n@param service the service code\n@return the primary message, as codewords",
"Use this API to unset the properties of gslbsite resources.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array."
] |
public Photoset getInfo(String photosetId) throws FlickrException {
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_INFO);
parameters.put("photoset_id", photosetId);
Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
if (response.isError()) {
throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
Element photosetElement = response.getPayload();
Photoset photoset = new Photoset();
User owner = new User();
Photo primaryPhoto = new Photo();
primaryPhoto.setSecret(photosetElement.getAttribute("secret")); // TODO verify that this is the secret for the photo
primaryPhoto.setServer(photosetElement.getAttribute("server")); // TODO verify that this is the server for the photo
// TODO remove secret/server/farm from photoset?
// It's rather related to the primaryPhoto, then to the photoset itself.
photoset.setTitle(XMLUtilities.getChildValue(photosetElement, "title"));
photoset.setDescription(XMLUtilities.getChildValue(photosetElement, "description"));
return photoset;
} | [
"Get the information for a specified photoset.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@param photosetId\nThe photoset ID\n@return The Photoset\n@throws FlickrException"
] | [
"Get the URL for the user's profile.\n\n@param userId\nThe user ID\n@return The URL\n@throws FlickrException",
"Add a '>=' clause so the column must be greater-than or equals-to the value.",
"Converts a duration to duration time units.\n\n@param value duration value\n@return duration time units",
"Remove a management request handler factory from this context.\n\n@param instance the request handler factory\n@return {@code true} if the instance was removed, {@code false} otherwise",
"Use this API to save cacheobject.",
"Extract resource type from a resource ID string.\n@param id the resource ID string\n@return the resource type",
"Setter for property value. Doesn't affect entity version and doesn't\ninvalidate any of the cached entity iterables.\n\n@param localId entity local id.\n@param value property value.\n@param oldValue property old value\n@param propertyId property id",
"Prepare all tasks.\n\n@param entry the patch entry\n@param context the patch context\n@param tasks a list for prepared tasks\n@param conflicts a list for conflicting content items\n@throws PatchingException",
"Process an individual UDF.\n\n@param udf UDF definition"
] |
protected LayoutManager getLayOutManagerObj(ActionInvocation _invocation) {
if (layoutManager == null || "".equals(layoutManager)){
LOG.warn("No valid LayoutManager, using ClassicLayoutManager");
return new ClassicLayoutManager();
Object los = conditionalParse(layoutManager, _invocation);
if (los instanceof LayoutManager){
return (LayoutManager) los;
LayoutManager lo = null;
if (los instanceof String){
if (LAYOUT_CLASSIC.equalsIgnoreCase((String) los))
lo = new ClassicLayoutManager();
else if (LAYOUT_LIST.equalsIgnoreCase((String) los))
lo = new ListLayoutManager();
else {
try {
lo = (LayoutManager) Class.forName((String) los).newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("No valid LayoutManager: " + e.getMessage(),e);
return lo;
} | [
"Returns the export format indicated in the result-type parameter \"layoutManager\"\n@param _invocation\n@return"
] | [
"Load a configuration in from a text file.\n\n@return A config if any of the fields were set otherwise null on EOF.",
"Adds descriptions to the item.\n\n@param descriptions\nthe descriptions to add",
"Compute the A matrix from the Q and R matrices.\n\n@return The A matrix.",
"Takes the file, reads it in, and prints out the likelihood of each possible\nlabel at each point.\n\n@param filename\nThe path to the specified file",
"Try to obtain the value that is cached for the given key in the given resource.\nIf no value is cached, the provider is used to compute it and store it afterwards.\n@param resource the resource. If it is <code>null</code>, the provider will be used to compute the value.\n@param key the cache key. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param provider the strategy to compute the value if necessary. May not be <code>null</code>.",
"Returns the number of rows within this association.\n\n@return the number of rows within this association",
"Checks if a parameter exists. If it exists, it is updated. If it doesn't, it is created. Only works for parameters which key is\nunique. Will create a transaction on the given entity manager.",
"Creates an object instance from the Groovy resource\n\n@param resource the Groovy resource to parse\n@return An Object instance",
"Calculate the value of a caplet assuming the Black'76 model.\n\n@param forward The forward (spot).\n@param volatility The Black'76 volatility.\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity\n@param optionStrike The option strike.\n@param periodLength The period length of the underlying forward rate.\n@param discountFactor The discount factor corresponding to the payment date (option maturity + period length).\n@return Returns the value of a caplet under the Black'76 model"
] |
public static clusterinstance[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
clusterinstance obj = new clusterinstance();
clusterinstance[] response = (clusterinstance[])obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the clusterinstance resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Sets the specified boolean attribute to the specified value.\n\n@param name name of the attribute\n@param value value of the attribute\n@since 1.9.0",
"Use this API to fetch a appfwglobal_auditsyslogpolicy_binding resources.",
"Add all elements in the iterator to the collection.\n\n@param target\n@param iterator\n@return true if the target was modified, false otherwise",
"Read configuration from zookeeper",
"Add a partition to the node provided\n\n@param node The node to which we'll add the partition\n@param donatedPartition The partition to add\n@return The new node with the new partition",
"Sets the scale value in pixel per map unit.\n\n@param pixelPerUnit\nthe scale value (pix/map unit)",
"Use this API to fetch nstrafficdomain_binding resources of given names .",
"Compute Cholesky decomposition of A\n\n@param A symmetric, positive definite matrix (only upper half is used)\n@return upper triangular matrix U such that A = U' * U",
"Set the String-representation of size.\n\nLike: Square, Thumbnail, Small, Medium, Large, Original.\n\n@param label"
] |
public boolean attachComponent(GVRComponent component) {
if (component.getNative() != 0) {
NativeSceneObject.attachComponent(getNative(), component.getNative());
synchronized (mComponents) {
long type = component.getType();
if (!mComponents.containsKey(type)) {
mComponents.put(type, component);
return true;
return false;
} | [
"Attach a component to this scene object.\n\nEach scene object has a list of components that may\nbe attached to it. Only one component of a particular type\ncan be attached. Components are retrieved based on their type.\n\n@return true if component is attached, false if a component of that class is already attached.\n@param component component to attach.\n@see GVRSceneObject#detachComponent(long)\n@see GVRSceneObject#getComponent(long)"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all nspbr6_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Get a misc file.\n\n@param root the root\n@param item the misc content item\n@return the misc file",
"Normalizes the matrix such that the Frobenius norm is equal to one.\n\n@param A The matrix that is to be normalized.",
"A convenience method for creating an immutable list\n\n@param self a List\n@return an immutable List\n@see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableList(java.util.List)\n@since 1.0",
"Sets a listener to inform when the user closes the SearchView.\n\n@param listener the listener to call when the user closes the SearchView.",
"Sets the underlying write timeout in milliseconds.\nA value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout.\n@see okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder#writeTimeout(long, TimeUnit)",
"Build filter for the request.\n\n@param layerFilter layer filter\n@param featureIds features to include in report (null for all)\n@return filter\n@throws GeomajasException filter could not be parsed/created",
"Execute for result.\n\n@param executionContext the execution context\n@return the result\n@throws IOException for any error",
"Adds the index input to list.\n\n@param name the name\n@param in the in\n@param postingsFormatName the postings format name\n@return the string\n@throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred."
] |
public int getShadowSize() {
Element shadowElement = shadow.getElement();
return shadowElement.getScrollTop();
} | [
"Returns the size of the shadow element"
] | [
"Mark for creation all newly introduced dependent references.\nMark for deletion all nullified dependent references.\n@return the list of created objects",
"Create a deep copy.\n\n@param bindAddress overwrites bind address when creating deep copy.\n@return a copy of the server setup configuration.",
"Gathers the pk fields from the hierarchy of the given class, and copies them into the class.\n\n@param classDef The root of the hierarchy\n@throws ConstraintException If there is a conflict between the pk fields",
"Returns the name of the directory where the dumpfile of the given type\nand date should be stored.\n\n@param dumpContentType\nthe type of the dump\n@param dateStamp\nthe date of the dump in format YYYYMMDD\n@return the local directory name for the dumpfile",
"Execute JavaScript in the browser.\n\n@param code The code to execute.\n@return The return value of the JavaScript.\n@throws CrawljaxException when javascript execution failed.",
"Get a random pod that provides the specified service in the specified namespace.\n\n@param client\nThe client instance to use.\n@param name\nThe name of the service.\n@param namespace\nThe namespace of the service.\n\n@return The pod or null if no pod matches.",
"Read the metadata from a hadoop SequenceFile\n\n@param fs The filesystem to read from\n@param path The file to read from\n@return The metadata from this file",
"Bean types of a session bean.",
"Saves messages to a propertyvfsbundle file.\n\n@throws CmsException thrown if writing to the file fails."
] |
public Object getProxyTarget(){
try {
return Proxy.getInvocationHandler(this.connection).invoke(null, this.getClass().getMethod("getProxyTarget"), null);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("BoneCP: Internal error - transaction replay log is not turned on?", t);
} | [
"This method will be intercepted by the proxy if it is enabled to return the internal target.\n@return the target."
] | [
"Returns the text content to any HTML.\n\n@param html the HTML\n\n@return the text content",
"Returns the connection that has been saved or null if none.",
"Takes a numeric string value and converts it to a integer between 0 and 100.\n\nreturns 0 if the string is not numeric.\n\n@param percentage - A numeric string value\n@return a integer between 0 and 100",
"Used internally to find the solution to a single column vector.",
"Returns all the dependencies taken into account the artifact of the module that will be removed from the dependencies\n\n@param module Module\n@param producedArtifacts List<String>\n@return Set<Dependency>",
"Returns a CmsSolrQuery representation of this class.\n@param cms the openCms object.\n@return CmsSolrQuery representation of this class.",
"Get the OAuth request token - this is step one of authorization.\n\n@param callbackUrl\noptional callback URL - required for web auth flow, will be set to \"oob\" if not specified.\n@return the {@link OAuth1RequestToken}, store this for when the user returns from the Flickr website.",
"Returns the end time of the event.\n@return the end time of the event.",
"Checks to see if a handler is disabled\n\n@param handlerName the name of the handler to enable."
] |
private Month readOptionalMonth(JSONValue val) {
String str = readOptionalString(val);
if (null != str) {
try {
return Month.valueOf(str);
} catch (@SuppressWarnings("unused") IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Do nothing -return the default value
return null;
} | [
"Read an optional month value form a JSON value.\n@param val the JSON value that should represent the month.\n@return the month from the JSON or null if reading the month fails."
] | [
"Encodes the given URI scheme with the given encoding.\n@param scheme the scheme to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded scheme\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported",
"Draw a rounded rectangular boundary.\n\n@param rect rectangle\n@param color colour\n@param linewidth line width\n@param r radius for rounded corners",
"Generate a map file from a jar file.\n\n@param jarFile jar file\n@param mapFileName map file name\n@param mapClassMethods true if we want to produce .Net style class method names\n@throws XMLStreamException\n@throws IOException\n@throws ClassNotFoundException\n@throws IntrospectionException",
"Gets all checked widget indexes in the group. The indexes are counted from 0 to size -1,\nwhere size is the number of Checkable widgets in the group. It does not take into account\nany non-Checkable widgets added to the group widget.\n\n@return list of checked widget indexes",
"Sets the fieldConversion.\n@param fieldConversionClassName The fieldConversion to set",
"Cause the container to be cleaned up, including all registered bean\nmanagers, and all deployment services",
"Throw IllegalArgumentException if the value is null.\n\n@param name the parameter name.\n@param value the value that should not be null.\n@param <T> the value type.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if value is null.",
"Log a warning for the resource at the provided address and the given attributes. The detail message is a default\n'Attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host.'\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param attributes attributes we are warning about",
"Returns the header with the specified name from the supplied map. The\nheader lookup is case-insensitive.\n\n@param headers A <code>Map</code> containing the HTTP request headers.\n@param name The name of the header to return.\n@return The value of specified header, or a comma-separated list if there\nwere multiple headers of that name."
] |
public static base_response delete(nitro_service client, dnstxtrec resource) throws Exception {
dnstxtrec deleteresource = new dnstxtrec();
deleteresource.domain = resource.domain;
deleteresource.String = resource.String;
deleteresource.recordid = resource.recordid;
return deleteresource.delete_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to delete dnstxtrec."
] | [
"Use this API to unset the properties of systemuser resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Render a zero Double as null.\n\n@param value double value\n@return null if the double value is zero",
"Gets the value of the task property.\n\n<p>\nThis accessor method returns a reference to the live list,\nnot a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the\nreturned list will be present inside the JAXB object.\nThis is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the task property.\n\n<p>\nFor example, to add a new item, do as follows:\n<pre>\ngetTask().add(newItem);\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>\nObjects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list\n{@link GanttDesignerRemark.Task }",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all systemmemory_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Populate the constraint type and constraint date.\nNote that Merlin allows both start and end constraints simultaneously.\nAs we can't have both, we'll prefer the start constraint.\n\n@param row task data from database\n@param task Task instance",
"Create the image elements for the banners tha goes into the\ntitle and header bands depending on the case",
"Get a list of referrers from a given domain to a user's photostream.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@param domain\n(Required) The domain to return referrers for. This should be a hostname (eg: \"flickr.com\") with no protocol or pathname.\n@param perPage\n(Optional) Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.\n@param page\n(Optional) The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getPhotostreamReferrers.html\"",
"Sets the top padding character for all cells in the table.\n@param paddingTopChar new padding character, ignored if null\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Get unique values form the array.\n\n@param values Array of values.\n@return Unique values."
] |
public void logWarning(final String message) {
messageQueue.add(new LogEntry() {
public String getMessage() {
return message;
} | [
"Log a free-form warning\n@param message the warning message. Cannot be {@code null}"
] | [
"Clones the given collection.\n\n@param collDef The collection descriptor\n@param prefix A prefix for the name\n@return The cloned collection",
"refresh all primitive typed attributes of a cached instance\nwith the current values from the database.\nrefreshing of reference and collection attributes is not done\nhere.\n@param cachedInstance the cached instance to be refreshed\n@param oid the Identity of the cached instance\n@param cld the ClassDescriptor of cachedInstance",
"Adds a row for the given component at the end of the group.\n\n@param component the component to wrap in the row to be added",
"Gets the index input list.\n\n@return the index input list",
"Use this API to update Interface.",
"if any item in toCheck is present in collection\n@param <T>\n@param collection\n@param toCheck\n@return",
"Checks if the date is a holiday\n\n@param dateString the date\n@return true if it is a holiday, false otherwise",
"Add profile to database, return collection of profile data. Called when 'enter' is hit in the UI\ninstead of 'submit' button\n\n@param model\n@param name\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Answer the SQL-Clause for a LikeCriteria\n\n@param c\n@param buf"
] |
private BufferedImage getOriginalImage(String suffix) throws IOException, FlickrException {
StringBuffer buffer = getOriginalBaseImageUrl();
return _getImage(buffer.toString());
} | [
"Get the original-image using the specified URL suffix.\n\n@deprecated\n@see PhotosInterface#getImage(Photo, int)\n@param suffix\nThe URL suffix, including the .extension\n@return The BufferedImage object\n@throws IOException\n@throws FlickrException"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch appfwwsdl resource of given name .",
"Sanity check precondition for above setters",
"Parses the given XML doc to extract the properties and return them into a java.util.Properties.\n@param doc to parse\n@param sectionName which section to extract\n@return Properties map",
"Extracts the column of A and copies it into u while computing the magnitude of the\nlargest element and returning it.\n\n<pre>\nu[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2 ] = A.getReal(row0+i,col)\nu[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2 + 1] = A.getImag(row0+i,col)\n</pre>\n\n@param A Complex matrix\n@param row0 First row in A to be copied\n@param row1 Last row in A + 1 to be copied\n@param col Column in A\n@param u Output array storage\n@param offsetU first index in U\n@return magnitude of largest element",
"Returns an array of all the singular values",
"Internal method which performs the authenticated request by preparing the auth request with\nthe provided auth info and request.",
"This method finds the start of the next working period.\n\n@param cal current Calendar instance",
"Update the currency format.\n\n@param properties project properties\n@param decimalSeparator decimal separator\n@param thousandsSeparator thousands separator",
"Mark the given child resource as the post run dependent of the parent of this collection.\n\n@param childResource the child resource"
] |
public boolean applyLayout(Layout itemLayout) {
boolean applied = false;
if (itemLayout != null && mItemLayouts.add(itemLayout)) {
// apply the layout to all visible pages
List<Widget> views = getAllViews();
for (Widget view: views) {
applied = true;
return applied;
} | [
"Apply the layout to the each page in the list\n@param itemLayout item layout in the page\n@return true if the new layout is applied successfully, otherwise - false"
] | [
"Use this API to add nssimpleacl.",
"Sets the SCXML model with an InputStream\n\n@param inputFileStream the model input stream",
"Start listening for device announcements and keeping track of the DJ Link devices visible on the network.\nIf already listening, has no effect.\n\n@throws SocketException if the socket to listen on port 50000 cannot be created",
"Scroll to specific page. The final page might be different from the requested one if the\nrequested page is larger than the last page. To process the scrolling by pages\nLayoutScroller must be constructed with a pageSize greater than zero.\n@param pageNumber page to scroll to\n@return the new current item after the scrolling processed.",
"Do not call this method outside of activity!!!",
"Extract data for a single predecessor.\n\n@param task parent task\n@param row Synchro predecessor data",
"Adds a data source to the configuration. If in deduplication mode\ngroupno == 0, otherwise it gives the number of the group to which\nthe data source belongs.",
"Calculates a md5 hash for an url\n\nIf a passed in url is absent then this method will return absent as well\n\n@param url - an url to a soy template file\n@return - md5 checksum of a template file\n@throws IOException - in a case there is an IO error calculating md5 checksum",
"Set a range of the colormap to a single color.\n@param firstIndex the position of the first color\n@param lastIndex the position of the second color\n@param color the color"
] |
static ChangeEvent<BsonDocument> changeEventForLocalDelete(
final MongoNamespace namespace,
final BsonValue documentId,
final boolean writePending
) {
return new ChangeEvent<>(
new BsonDocument(),
new BsonDocument("_id", documentId),
} | [
"Generates a change event for a local deletion of a document in the given namespace referring\nto the given document _id.\n\n@param namespace the namespace where the document was inserted.\n@param documentId the _id of the document that was updated.\n@return a change event for a local deletion of a document in the given namespace referring\nto the given document _id."
] | [
"Sets the initial MoificationState of the wrapped object myObj. The initial state will be StateNewDirty if myObj\nis not persisten already. The state will be set to StateOldClean if the object is already persistent.",
"If a text contains double quotes, escape them.\n\n@param text the text to escape\n@return Escaped text or {@code null} if the text is null",
"Validates given external observer method.\n\n@param observerMethod the given observer method\n@param beanManager\n@param originalObserverMethod observer method replaced by given observer method (this parameter is optional)",
"Obtains a database connection, retrying if necessary.\n@param connectionHandle\n@return A DB connection.\n@throws SQLException",
"Sets the value for the API's \"sitefilter\" parameter based on the current\nsettings.\n\n@param properties\ncurrent setting of parameters",
"Generic method used to create a field map from a block of data.\n\n@param data field map data",
"Use this API to fetch csvserver_cspolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Transform the operation into something the proxy controller understands.\n\n@param identity the server identity\n@return the transformed operation",
"Close tracks when the JVM shuts down.\n@return this"
] |
public ClassNode addInterface(String name) {
ClassNode intf = infoBase.node(name);
return this;
} | [
"Specify the class represented by this `ClassNode` implements\nan interface specified by the given name\n\n@param name the name of the interface class\n@return this `ClassNode` instance"
] | [
"Returns an array of all the singular values",
"Summarizes balance for the given nodeId to PartitionCount.\n\n@param nodeIdToPartitionCount\n@param title for use in pretty string\n@return Pair: getFirst() is utility value to be minimized, getSecond() is\npretty summary string of balance",
"Use this API to fetch all the route6 resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Gets Widget layout dimension\n@param axis The {@linkplain Layout.Axis axis} to obtain layout size for\n@return dimension",
"A find query only given as criterion. Leave it to MongoDB's own parser to handle it.\n\n@return the {@link Rule} to identify a find query only",
"retrieve a collection of type collectionClass matching the Query query\nif lazy = true return a CollectionProxy\n\n@param collectionClass\n@param query\n@param lazy\n@return ManageableCollection\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException",
"Removes all resources deployed using this class.",
"No need to expose. Client side work.",
"returns the abstract method from a SAM type, if it is a SAM type.\n@param c the SAM class\n@return null if nothing was found, the method otherwise"
] |
public static Collection<MonetaryAmountFactory<?>> getAmountFactories(MonetaryAmountFactoryQuery query) {
return Optional.ofNullable(monetaryAmountsSingletonQuerySpi()).orElseThrow(() -> new MonetaryException(
"No MonetaryAmountsSingletonQuerySpi loaded, query functionality is not available."))
} | [
"Returns all factory instances that match the query.\n\n@param query the factory query, not null.\n@return the instances found, never null."
] | [
"Executes all event manipulating handler and writes the event with persist\nhandler.\n\n@param events the events",
"Get a list of modules regarding filters\n\n@param filters Map<String,String>\n@return List<Module>\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException",
"This method take a list of fileName of the type partitionId_Replica_Chunk\nand returns file names that match the regular expression\nmasterPartitionId_",
"Await a state.\n\n@param expected the expected state\n@return {@code true} if the state was reached, {@code false} otherwise",
"Report all Java ClassFile files available on the class path within\nthe specified packages and sub packages.\n\n@see #detect(File...)",
"Answer the orderBy of all Criteria and Sub Criteria\nthe elements are of class Criteria.FieldHelper\n@return List",
"Get the sub registry for the domain.\n\n@param range the version range\n@return the sub registry",
"Returns an Organization\n\n@param organizationId String\n@return DbOrganization",
"a specialized version of solve that avoid additional checks that are not needed."
] |
private void postProcessTasks()
List<Task> allTasks = m_file.getTasks();
if (allTasks.size() > 1)
int taskID = -1;
int lastTaskID = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < allTasks.size(); i++)
Task task = allTasks.get(i);
taskID = NumberHelper.getInt(task.getID());
// In Project the tasks IDs are always contiguous so we can spot invalid tasks by making sure all
// IDs are represented.
if (!task.getNull() && lastTaskID != -1 && taskID > lastTaskID + 1)
// This task looks to be invalid.
lastTaskID = taskID;
} | [
"This method is called to try to catch any invalid tasks that may have sneaked past all our other checks.\nThis is done by validating the tasks by task ID."
] | [
"Adds the allowed values. Override for attributes who should not use the allowed values.\n\n@param result the node to add the allowed values to\n@param validator the validator to get the allowed values from",
"Str map to str.\n\n@param map\nthe map\n@return the string",
"Returns the name of the bone.\n\n@return the name",
"Function to perform the forward pass for batch convolution",
"Write a date field to the JSON file.\n\n@param fieldName field name\n@param value field value",
"Set an attribute of this node as Object. This method is backed by\na HashMap, so all rules of HashMap apply to this method.\nFires a PropertyChangeEvent.",
"Returns the association row with the given key.\n\n@param key the key of the row to return.\n@return the association row with the given key or {@code null} if no row with that key is contained in this\nassociation",
"Tell a device to turn sync on or off.\n\n@param deviceNumber the device whose sync state is to be set\n@param synced {@code} true if sync should be turned on, else it will be turned off\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem sending the command to the device\n@throws IllegalStateException if the {@code VirtualCdj} is not active\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code deviceNumber} is not found on the network",
"Updates the indices in the index buffer from a Java char array.\nAll of the entries of the input char array are copied into\nthe storage for the index buffer. The new indices must be the\nsame size as the old indices - the index buffer size cannot be changed.\n@param data char array containing the new values\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if char array is wrong size"
] |
private void enforceSrid(Object feature) throws LayerException {
Geometry geom = getFeatureModel().getGeometry(feature);
if (null != geom) {
getFeatureModel().setGeometry(feature, geom);
} | [
"Enforces the correct srid on incoming features.\n\n@param feature\nobject to enforce srid on\n@throws LayerException\nproblem getting or setting srid"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch lbmonitor_binding resources of given names .",
"Use this API to fetch a vpnglobal_appcontroller_binding resources.",
"Converts the provided javascript object to JSON string.\n\n<p>If the object is a Map instance, it is stringified as key-value pairs, if it is a list, it is stringified as\na list, otherwise the object is merely converted to string using the {@code toString()} method.\n\n@param object the object to stringify.\n\n@return the object as a JSON string",
"Return the factor loading for a given time and a given component.\n\nThe factor loading is the vector <i>f<sub>i</sub></i> such that the scalar product <br>\n<i>f<sub>j</sub>f<sub>k</sub> = f<sub>j,1</sub>f<sub>k,1</sub> + ... + f<sub>j,m</sub>f<sub>k,m</sub></i> <br>\nis the instantaneous covariance of the component <i>j</i> and <i>k</i>.\n\nWith respect to simulation time <i>t</i>, this method uses a piece wise constant interpolation, i.e.,\nit calculates <i>t_<sub>i</sub></i> such that <i>t_<sub>i</sub></i> is the largest point in <code>getTimeDiscretization</code>\nsuch that <i>t_<sub>i</sub> ≤ t </i>.\n\nThe component here, it given via a double <i>T</i> which may be associated with the LIBOR fixing date.\nWith respect to component time <i>T</i>, this method uses a piece wise constant interpolation, i.e.,\nit calculates <i>T_<sub>j</sub></i> such that <i>T_<sub>j</sub></i> is the largest point in <code>getTimeDiscretization</code>\nsuch that <i>T_<sub>j</sub> ≤ T </i>.\n\n@param time The time <i>t</i> at which factor loading is requested.\n@param component The component time (as a double associated with the fixing of the forward rate) <i>T<sub>i</sub></i>.\n@param realizationAtTimeIndex The realization of the stochastic process (may be used to implement local volatility/covariance/correlation models).\n@return The factor loading <i>f<sub>i</sub>(t)</i>.",
"This internal method is used to convert from a Date instance to an\ninteger representing the number of minutes past midnight.\n\n@param date date instance\n@return minutes past midnight as an integer",
"Returns the compact records for all teams in the organization visible to\nthe authorized user.\n\n@param organization Globally unique identifier for the workspace or organization.\n@return Request object",
"Uploads a new file to this folder with custom upload parameters.\n\n@param uploadParams the custom upload parameters.\n@return the uploaded file's info.",
"Resets the handler data to a basic state.",
"Calculate a threshold.\n\n@param x first string.\n@param y second string.\n@param p the threshold coefficient.\n@return 2 maxLength(x, y) (1-p)"
] |
public StitchUserT getUser() {
try {
return activeUser;
} finally {
} | [
"Returns the active logged in user."
] | [
"Sets the bean store\n\n@param beanStore The bean store",
"Returns the complete record for a single status update.\n\n@param projectStatus The project status update to get.\n@return Request object",
"Deletes an organization\n\n@param organizationId String",
"Collect the URIs of resources, that are referenced by the given description.\n@return the list of referenced URIs. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Method to declare Video-VideoRenderer mapping.\nFavorite videos will be rendered using FavoriteVideoRenderer.\nLive videos will be rendered using LiveVideoRenderer.\nLiked videos will be rendered using LikeVideoRenderer.\n\n@param content used to map object-renderers.\n@return VideoRenderer subtype class.",
"Constructs a new ClientBuilder for building a CloudantClient instance to connect to the\nCloudant server with the specified account.\n\n@param account the Cloudant account name to connect to e.g. \"example\" is the account name\nfor the \"example.cloudant.com\" endpoint\n@return a new ClientBuilder for the account\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified account name forms an invalid endpoint URL",
"This function computes which reduce task to shuffle a record to.",
"Read the leaf tasks for an individual WBS node.\n\n@param parent parent task\n@param id first task ID",
"Registers the parameter for the value formatter for the given variable and puts\nit's implementation in the parameters map.\n@param djVariable\n@param variableName"
] |
public static int getHostSegmentIndex(int networkPrefixLength, int bytesPerSegment, int bitsPerSegment) {
if(bytesPerSegment > 1) {
if(bytesPerSegment == 2) {
return networkPrefixLength >> 4;
return networkPrefixLength / bitsPerSegment;
return networkPrefixLength >> 3;
} | [
"Returns the index of the segment containing the first byte outside the network prefix.\nWhen networkPrefixLength is null, or it matches or exceeds the bit length, returns the segment count.\n\n@param networkPrefixLength\n@param byteLength\n@return"
] | [
"Obtains a Ethiopic local date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Ethiopic local date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Get a property as a double or throw an exception.\n\n@param key the property name",
"Loads a classifier from the file specified. If the file's name ends in .gz,\nuses a GZIPInputStream, else uses a regular FileInputStream. This method\ncloses the File when done.\n\n@param file\nLoads a classifier from this file.\n@param props\nProperties in this object will be used to overwrite those\nspecified in the serialized classifier\n\n@throws IOException\nIf there are problems accessing the input stream\n@throws ClassCastException\nIf there are problems interpreting the serialized data\n@throws ClassNotFoundException\nIf there are problems interpreting the serialized data",
"Creates a new status update on the project.\n\nReturns the full record of the newly created project status update.\n\n@param project The project on which to create a status update.\n@return Request object",
"Gen error response.\n\n@param t\nthe t\n@return the response on single request",
"Configure the HTTP response to switch off caching.\n\n@param response response to configure\n@since 1.9.0",
"Create an MD5 hash of a string.\n\n@param input Input string.\n@return Hash of input.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code input} is blank.",
"Curries a function that takes four arguments.\n\n@param function\nthe original function. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code function}.\n@return a function that takes three arguments. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Remove write.lock file in the data directory to ensure the index is unlocked.\n@param dataDir the data directory of the Solr index that should be unlocked."
] |
public List<Ticket> checkTickets(Set<String> tickets) throws FlickrException {
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("method", METHOD_CHECK_TICKETS);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Iterator<String> it = tickets.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
Object obj = it.next();
if (obj instanceof Ticket) {
sb.append(((Ticket) obj).getTicketId());
} else {
parameters.put("tickets", sb.toString());
Response response = transportAPI.post(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
if (response.isError()) {
throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
// <uploader>
// <ticket id="128" complete="1" photoid="2995" />
// <ticket id="129" complete="0" />
// <ticket id="130" complete="2" />
// <ticket id="131" invalid="1" />
// </uploader>
List<Ticket> list = new ArrayList<Ticket>();
Element uploaderElement = response.getPayload();
NodeList ticketNodes = uploaderElement.getElementsByTagName("ticket");
int n = ticketNodes.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Element ticketElement = (Element) ticketNodes.item(i);
String id = ticketElement.getAttribute("id");
String complete = ticketElement.getAttribute("complete");
boolean invalid = "1".equals(ticketElement.getAttribute("invalid"));
String photoId = ticketElement.getAttribute("photoid");
Ticket info = new Ticket();
return list;
} | [
"Checks the status of one or more asynchronous photo upload tickets. This method does not require authentication.\n\n@param tickets\na set of ticket ids (Strings) or {@link Ticket} objects containing ids\n@return a list of {@link Ticket} objects.\n@throws FlickrException"
] | [
"Try to fire a given event on the Browser.\n\n@param eventable the eventable to fire\n@return true iff the event is fired",
"Register capabilities associated with this resource.\n\n<p>Classes that overrides this method <em>MUST</em> call {@code super.registerCapabilities(resourceRegistration)}.</p>\n\n@param resourceRegistration a {@link ManagementResourceRegistration} created from this definition",
"Returns all accessible projects of the given organizational unit.\n\nThat is all projects which are owned by the current user or which are\naccessible for the group of the user.<p>\n\n@param cms the opencms context\n@param ouFqn the fully qualified name of the organizational unit to get projects for\n@param includeSubOus if all projects of sub-organizational units should be retrieved too\n\n@return all <code>{@link org.opencms.file.CmsProject}</code> objects in the organizational unit\n\n@throws CmsException if operation was not successful",
"Sets the replace var map to single target single var.\n\n@param variable\nthe variable\n@param replaceList\n: the list of strings that will replace the variable\n@param uniformTargetHost\nthe uniform target host\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Generate the next available field for a user defined field.\n\n@param <E> field type class\n@param clazz class of the desired field enum\n@param type user defined field type.\n@return field of specified type",
"Prepares a statement with parameters that should work with most RDBMS.\n\n@param con the connection to utilize\n@param sql the sql syntax to use when creating the statement.\n@param scrollable determines if the statement will be scrollable.\n@param createPreparedStatement if <code>true</code>, then a\n{@link PreparedStatement} will be created. If <code>false</code>, then\na {@link java.sql.CallableStatement} will be created.\n@param explicitFetchSizeHint will be used as fetchSize hint\n(if applicable) if > 0\n\n@return a statement that can be used to execute the syntax contained in\nthe <code>sql</code> argument.",
"Set the serial end date.\n@param date the serial end date.",
"Search for rectangles which have the same width and x position, and\nwhich join together vertically and merge them together to reduce the\nnumber of rectangles needed to describe a symbol.",
"Creates a new Box Developer Edition connection with enterprise token leveraging an access token cache.\n@param enterpriseId the enterprise ID to use for requesting access token.\n@param clientId the client ID to use when exchanging the JWT assertion for an access token.\n@param clientSecret the client secret to use when exchanging the JWT assertion for an access token.\n@param encryptionPref the encryption preferences for signing the JWT.\n@param accessTokenCache the cache for storing access token information (to minimize fetching new tokens)\n@return a new instance of BoxAPIConnection."
] |
public Collection<HazeltaskTask<GROUP>> call() throws Exception {
try {
return this.getDistributedExecutorService().shutdownNowWithHazeltask();
} catch(IllegalStateException e) {}
return Collections.emptyList();
} | [
"I promise that this is always a collection of HazeltaskTasks"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch sslvserver_sslciphersuite_binding resources of given name .",
"Writes one or more String columns as a line to the CsvWriter.\n\n@param columns\nthe columns to write\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif columns.length == 0\n@throws IOException\nIf an I/O error occurs\n@throws NullPointerException\nif columns is null",
"Register the given mbean with the platform mbean server\n\n@param mbean The mbean to register\n@param name The name to register under",
"Whether the given grid dialect implements the specified facet or not.\n\n@param gridDialect the dialect of interest\n@param facetType the dialect facet type of interest\n@return {@code true} in case the given dialect implements the specified facet, {@code false} otherwise",
"Returns the Class object of the Event implementation.",
"Split input text into sentences.\n\n@param text Input text.\n@return List of Sentence objects.",
"Convert an object to another object with given type\n\n@param <T>\n@param source\nobject to convert\n@param typeReference\nreference to {@link java.lang.reflect.Type}\n@return the converted object if conversion failed\n@throws ConverterException",
"This methods enhances the objects loaded by a broker query\nwith a JDO StateManager an brings them under JDO control.\n@param pojos the OJB pojos as obtained by the broker\n@return the collection of JDO PersistenceCapable instances",
"Get a list of destinations and the values matching templated parameter for the given path.\nReturns an empty list when there are no destinations that are matched.\n\n@param path path to be routed.\n@return List of Destinations matching the given route."
] |
public synchronized long skip(final long length) throws IOException {
final long skip = super.skip(length);
this.count += skip;
return skip;
} | [
"Skips the stream over the specified number of bytes, adding the skipped\namount to the count.\n\n@param length the number of bytes to skip\n@return the actual number of bytes skipped\n@throws java.io.IOException if an I/O error occurs\n@see java.io.InputStream#skip(long)"
] | [
"Allows to access the names of the current defined roundings.\n\n@param providers the providers and ordering to be used. By default providers and ordering as defined in\n#getDefaultProviders is used.\n@return the set of custom rounding ids, never {@code null}.",
"All the indexes defined in the database. Type widening means that the returned Index objects\nare limited to the name, design document and type of the index and the names of the fields.\n\n@return a list of defined indexes with name, design document, type and field names.",
"1-D Forward Discrete Hartley Transform.\n\n@param data Data.",
"Get the element at the index as a json array.\n\n@param i the index of the element to access",
"Skips the given count of bytes, but at most the currently available count.\n\n@return number of bytes actually skipped from this buffer (0 if no bytes are available)",
"Gets the specified SPI, using the current thread context classloader\n\n@param <T> type of spi class\n@param spiType spi class to retrieve\n@return object",
"Method must be invoked upon completion of a rebalancing task. It is the\ntask's responsibility to do so.\n\n@param stealerId\n@param donorId",
"Add the currentSceneObject to an active Level-of-Detail",
"Returns the property value read from the given JavaBean.\n\n@param bean the JavaBean to read the property from\n@param property the property to read\n\n@return the property value read from the given JavaBean"
] |
private List<Pair<Integer, Double>> integerPixelCoordinatesAndWeights(double d, int numPixels) {
if (d <= 0.5) return Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(0, 1.0));
else if (d >= numPixels - 0.5) return Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(numPixels - 1, 1.0));
else {
double shifted = d - 0.5;
double floor = Math.floor(shifted);
double floorWeight = 1 - (shifted - floor);
double ceil = Math.ceil(shifted);
double ceilWeight = 1 - floorWeight;
assert (floorWeight + ceilWeight == 1);
return Arrays.asList(new Pair<>((int) floor, floorWeight), new Pair<>((int) ceil, ceilWeight));
} | [
"Operates on one dimension at a time."
] | [
"Obtain collection of headers to remove\n\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"May have to be changed to let multiple touch",
"Set the depth of the cursor.\nThis is the length of the ray from the origin\nto the cursor.\n@param depth default cursor depth",
"Adds a qualifier with the given property and value to the constructed\nstatement.\n\n@param propertyIdValue\nthe property of the qualifier\n@param value\nthe value of the qualifier\n@return builder object to continue construction",
"Find out which field in the incoming message contains the payload that is.\ndelivered to the service method.",
"Add hours to a parent object.\n\n@param parentNode parent node\n@param hours list of ranges",
"Writes triples which conect properties with there corresponding rdf\nproperties for statements, simple statements, qualifiers, reference\nattributes and values.\n\n@param document\n@throws RDFHandlerException",
"Turn json string into map\n\n@param json\n@return",
"Set default value\nWill try to retrieve phone number from device"
] |
public static List<String> getCommaSeparatedStringValues(String paramValue, String type) {
List<String> commaSeparatedProps = Lists.newArrayList();
for(String url: Utils.COMMA_SEP.split(paramValue.trim()))
if(url.trim().length() > 0)
if(commaSeparatedProps.size() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Number of " + type + " should be greater than zero");
return commaSeparatedProps;
} | [
"Given the comma separated list of properties as a string, splits it\nmultiple strings\n\n@param paramValue Concatenated string\n@param type Type of parameter ( to throw exception )\n@return List of string properties"
] | [
"Return all Clients for a profile\n\n@param profileId ID of profile clients belong to\n@return collection of the Clients found\n@throws Exception exception",
"Try to get a system property for obsolete keys. The value is automatically converted - a runtime exception may be thrown during conversion.\n\n@return all the properties whose system property keys were different in previous versions",
"Use this API to unlink sslcertkey.",
"Returns the nested object definition with the specified name.\n\n@param name The name of the attribute of the nested object\n@return The nested object definition or <code>null</code> if there is no such nested object",
"Adds format information to eval.",
"Classify stdin by senteces seperated by blank line\n@param readerWriter\n@return\n@throws IOException",
"Write resource assignment.\n\n@param record resource assignment instance\n@throws IOException",
"Encodes the given URI authority with the given encoding.\n@param authority the authority to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded authority\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported",
"Set the value of the underlying component. Note that this will\nnot work for ListEditor components. Also, note that for a JComboBox,\nThe value object must have the same identity as an object in the drop-down.\n\n@param propName The DMR property name to set.\n@param value The value."
] |
public Object getCurrentVersion(Serializable id, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) throws HibernateException {
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace( "Getting version: " + MessageHelper.infoString( this, id, getFactory() ) );
final Tuple resultset = getFreshTuple( EntityKeyBuilder.fromPersister( this, id, session ), session );
if ( resultset == null ) {
return null;
else {
return gridVersionType.nullSafeGet( resultset, getVersionColumnName(), session, null );
} | [
"Retrieve the version number"
] | [
"Displays a localized warning.\n@param caption the caption of the warning.\n@param description the description of the warning.",
"Vend a SessionVar with the default value",
"If provided with an AVRO schema, validates it and checks if there are\nbackwards compatible.\n\nTODO should probably place some similar checks for other serializer types\nas well?\n\n@param serializerDef",
"Launch Application Setting to grant permission.",
"Readable yyyyMMdd int representation of a day, which is also sortable.",
"Handler for week of month changes.\n@param event the change event.",
"Convert Collection to Set\n@param collection Collection\n@return Set",
"Remove an read lock.",
"This method will return a list of installed identities for which\nthe corresponding .conf file exists under .installation directory.\nThe list will also include the default identity even if the .conf\nfile has not been created for it."
] |
public static String buildDynamicCapabilityName(String baseName, String ... dynamicNameElement) {
assert baseName != null;
assert dynamicNameElement != null;
assert dynamicNameElement.length > 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(baseName);
for (String part:dynamicNameElement){
return sb.toString();
} | [
"Constructs a full capability name from a static base name and a dynamic element.\n\n@param baseName the base name. Cannot be {@code null}\n@param dynamicNameElement the dynamic portion of the name. Cannot be {@code null}\n@return the full capability name. Will not return {@code null}"
] | [
"Counts additional occurrences of a property as the main property of\nstatements.\n\n@param usageStatistics\nstatistics object where count is stored\n@param property\nthe property to count\n@param count\nthe number of times to count the property",
"Sends the error to responder.",
"Build the tree of joins for the given criteria",
"This method extracts resource data from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param project Root node of the MSPDI file\n@param calendarMap Map of calendar UIDs to names",
"Pick arbitrary copying method from available configuration and don't forget to\nset generic method type if required.\n@param builder",
"the applications main loop.",
"This method retrieves a byte array containing the data at the\ngiven index in the block. If no data is found at the given index\nthis method returns null.\n\n@param index index of the data item to be retrieved\n@return byte array containing the requested data",
"Create a standalone target.\n\n@param controllerClient the connected controller client to a standalone instance.\n@return the remote target",
"Add fields to the text index configuration.\n\n@param fields the {@link TextIndex.Field} configurations to add\n@return the builder for chaining"
] |
void updateFromResponseOnDeletePost(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws IOException {
String responseContent = null;
if (response.body() != null) {
responseContent = response.body().string();
this.withResource(serializerAdapter.<T>deserialize(responseContent, resourceType));
withStatus(AzureAsyncOperation.SUCCESS_STATUS, response.code());
} | [
"Updates the polling state from a DELETE or POST operation.\n\n@param response the response from Retrofit REST call\n@throws IOException thrown by deserialization"
] | [
"Store the versioned values\n\n@param values list of versioned bytes\n@return the list of versioned values rolled into an array of bytes",
"Adds a column pair to this foreignkey.\n\n@param localColumn The column in the local table\n@param remoteColumn The column in the remote table",
"Sets the provided filters.\n@param filters a map \"column id -> filter\".",
"Gets the data by id.\n\n@param id the id\n@return the data by id\n@throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"Extracts project properties from a ConceptDraw PROJECT file.\n\n@param cdp ConceptDraw PROJECT file",
"Check whether the URL start with one of the given prefixes.\n\n@param uri URI\n@param patterns possible prefixes\n@return true when URL starts with one of the prefixes",
"Extracts the postal code, country code and service code from the primary data and returns the corresponding primary message\ncodewords.\n\n@return the primary message codewords",
"Instantiates a new event collector.",
"Update artifact download url of an artifact\n\n@param gavc String\n@param downLoadUrl String"
] |
public SerialMessage getNoMoreInformationMessage() {
logger.debug("Creating new message for application command WAKE_UP_NO_MORE_INFORMATION for node {}", this.getNode().getNodeId());
SerialMessage result = new SerialMessage(this.getNode().getNodeId(), SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.Low);
byte[] newPayload = { (byte) this.getNode().getNodeId(),
(byte) getCommandClass().getKey(),
return result;
} | [
"Gets a SerialMessage with the WAKE_UP_NO_MORE_INFORMATION command.\n@return the serial message"
] | [
"Given a resource field number, this method returns the resource field name.\n\n@param key resource field number\n@return resource field name",
"Remove any overrides for an endpoint\n\n@param pathValue path (endpoint) value\n@param requestType path request type. \"GET\", \"POST\", etc\n@return true if success, false otherwise",
"Use this API to fetch crvserver_policymap_binding resources of given name .",
"Checks if the provided artifactQuery is valid\n\n@param artifactQuery ArtifactQuery\n@throws WebApplicationException if the data is corrupted",
"Shut down actor system force.",
"Obtain the path ID for a profile\n\n@param identifier Can be the path ID, or friendly name\n@param profileId\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Generate an IKVM map file.\n\n@param mapFileName map file name\n@param jarFile jar file containing code to be mapped\n@param mapClassMethods true if we want to produce .Net style class method names\n@throws IOException\n@throws XMLStreamException\n@throws ClassNotFoundException\n@throws IntrospectionException",
"Validate the consistency of patches to the point we rollback.\n\n@param patchID the patch id which gets rolled back\n@param identity the installed identity\n@throws PatchingException",
"Build the key for the TableAlias based on the path and the hints\n@param aPath\n@param hintClasses\n@return the key for the TableAlias"
] |
private void setSiteFilters(String filters) {
this.filterSites = new HashSet<>();
if (!"-".equals(filters)) {
Collections.addAll(this.filterSites, filters.split(","));
} | [
"Sets the set of site filters based on the given string.\n\n@param filters\ncomma-separates list of site keys, or \"-\" to filter all site\nlinks"
] | [
"Command to select a document from the POIFS for viewing.\n\n@param entry document to view",
"Install the installation manager service.\n\n@param serviceTarget\n@return the service controller for the installed installation manager",
"Associate a name with an object and make it persistent.\nAn object instance may be bound to more than one name.\nBinding a previously transient object to a name makes that object persistent.\n@param object The object to be named.\n@param name The name to be given to the object.\n@exception org.odmg.ObjectNameNotUniqueException\nIf an attempt is made to bind a name to an object and that name is already bound\nto an object.",
"Convenience routine to return the specified error's\nunderlying SyntaxException, or null if it isn't one.",
"Returns the latest change events for a given namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to get events for.\n@return the latest change events for a given namespace.",
"Adds OPT_F | OPT_FILE option to OptionParser, with one argument.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional",
"Throw IllegalArgumentException if the value is null.\n\n@param name the parameter name.\n@param value the value that should not be null.\n@param <T> the value type.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if value is null.",
"Returns the start position of the indicator.\n\n@return The start position of the indicator.",
"Convert an ObjectBank to corresponding collection of data features and\nlabels.\n\n@return A List of pairs, one for each document, where the first element is\nan int[][][] representing the data and the second element is an\nint[] representing the labels."
] |
public List<CardWithActions> getBoardMemberActivity(String boardId, String memberId,
String actionFilter, Argument... args) {
if (actionFilter == null)
actionFilter = "all";
Argument[] argsAndFilter = Arrays.copyOf(args, args.length + 1);
argsAndFilter[args.length] = new Argument("actions", actionFilter);
return asList(() -> get(createUrl(GET_BOARD_MEMBER_CARDS).params(argsAndFilter).asString(),
CardWithActions[].class, boardId, memberId));
} | [
"FIXME Remove this method"
] | [
"Writes the entire remaining contents of the buffer to the channel. May complete in one operation, but the\ndocumentation is vague, so this keeps going until we are sure.\n\n@param buffer the data to be written\n@param channel the channel to which we want to write data\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem writing to the channel",
"Returns requested content types or default content type if none found.\n\n@return Requested content types or default content type if none found.",
"Registers an image to the images cache, so that it can be captured by the build-info proxy.\n\n@param imageId\n@param imageTag\n@param targetRepo\n@param buildInfoId\n@throws IOException",
"Set the mesh to be tested against.\n\n@param mesh\nThe {@link GVRMesh} that the picking ray will test against.",
"Delete a license from the repository\n\n@param licName The name of the license to remove",
"Update the underlying buffer using the integer\n\n@param number number to be stored in checksum buffer",
"Queries a Search Index and returns ungrouped results. In case the query\nused grouping, an empty list is returned\n\n@param <T> Object type T\n@param query the Lucene query to be passed to the Search index\n@param classOfT The class of type T\n@return The result of the search query as a {@code List<T> }",
"Returns a list of the rekordbox IDs of the tracks contained in the cache.\n\n@return a list containing the rekordbox ID for each track present in the cache, in the order they appear"
] |
public final static String process(final File file, final Configuration configuration) throws IOException
final FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(file);
final String ret = process(input, configuration);
return ret;
} | [
"Transforms an input file into HTML using the given Configuration.\n\n@param file\nThe File to process.\n@param configuration\nthe Configuration\n@return The processed String.\n@throws IOException\nif an IO error occurs\n@since 0.7\n@see Configuration"
] | [
"Add a calendar day node.\n\n@param parentNode parent node\n@param calendar ProjectCalendar instance\n@param day calendar day",
"Sets the node meta data.\n\n@param key - the meta data key\n@param value - the meta data value\n@throws GroovyBugError if key is null or there is already meta\ndata under that key",
"Write a set of fields from a field container to a JSON file.\n@param objectName name of the object, or null if no name required\n@param container field container\n@param fields fields to write",
"Extract the generic return type from the given method.\n@param method the method to check the return type for\n@param source the source class/interface defining the generic parameter types\n@param typeIndex the index of the type (e.g. 0 for Collections,\n0 for Map keys, 1 for Map values)\n@param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type\n@return the generic type, or {@code null} if none",
"Makes a CRFDatum by producing features and a label from input data at a\nspecific position, using the provided factory.\n\n@param info\nThe input data\n@param loc\nThe position to build a datum at\n@param featureFactory\nThe FeatureFactory to use to extract features\n@return The constructed CRFDatum",
"Create a new thread\n\n@param name The name of the thread\n@param runnable The work for the thread to do\n@param daemon Should the thread block JVM shutdown?\n@return The unstarted thread",
"Returns the approximate size of slop to help in throttling\n\n@param slopVersioned The versioned slop whose size we want\n@return Size in bytes",
"Displays a localized warning.\n@param caption the caption of the warning.\n@param description the description of the warning.",
"Use this API to fetch all the ipset resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public Object remove(Object key)
if (key == null) return null;
int hash = hashCode(key);
int index = indexFor(hash);
Entry previous = null;
Entry entry = table[index];
while (entry != null)
if ((hash == entry.hash) && equals(key, entry.getKey()))
if (previous == null)
table[index] = entry.next;
previous.next = entry.next;
return entry.getValue();
previous = entry;
entry = entry.next;
return null;
} | [
"Removes the key and its associated value from this map.\n\n@param key the key to remove\n@return the value associated with that key, or null if\nthe key was not in the map"
] | [
"Handle slop for nodes that are no longer part of the cluster. It may not\nalways be the case. For example, shrinking a zone or deleting a store.",
"Get object by identity. First lookup among objects registered in the\ntransaction, then in persistent storage.\n@param id The identity\n@return The object\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException",
"Queries taking longer than this limit to execute are logged.\n@param queryExecuteTimeLimit the limit to set in milliseconds.\n@param timeUnit",
"Use this API to unset the properties of gslbsite resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Returns a client model from a ResultSet\n\n@param result resultset containing client information\n@return Client or null\n@throws Exception exception",
"Add a point to this curveFromInterpolationPoints. The method will throw an exception if the point\nis already part of the curveFromInterpolationPoints.\n\n@param time The x<sub>i</sub> in <sub>i</sub> = f(x<sub>i</sub>).\n@param value The y<sub>i</sub> in <sub>i</sub> = f(x<sub>i</sub>).\n@param isParameter If true, then this point is served via {@link #getParameter()} and changed via {@link #getCloneForParameter(RandomVariable[])}, i.e., it can be calibrated.",
"Read in lines and execute them.\n\n@param reader the reader from which to get the groovy source to exec\n@param out the outputstream to use\n@throws java.io.IOException if something goes wrong",
"Tests correctness.",
"Returns the coordinates of the vertex points of this hull.\n\n@param coords\nreturns the x, y, z coordinates of each vertex. This length of\nthis array must be at least three times the number of\nvertices.\n@return the number of vertices\n@see QuickHull3D#getVertices()\n@see QuickHull3D#getFaces()"
] |
public List<File> getAutoAttachCacheFiles() {
ArrayList<File> currentFiles = new ArrayList<File>(autoAttachCacheFiles);
Collections.sort(currentFiles, new Comparator<File>() {
public int compare(File o1, File o2) {
return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
return Collections.unmodifiableList(currentFiles);
} | [
"Get the metadata cache files that are currently configured to be automatically attached when matching media is\nmounted in a player on the network.\n\n@return the current auto-attache cache files, sorted by name"
] | [
"Return the list of galleries created by a user. Sorted from newest to oldest.\n\n@param userId\nThe user you want to check for\n@param perPage\nNumber of galleries per page\n@param page\nThe page number\n@return gallery\n@throws FlickrException\n\n@see <a hrerf=\"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.galleries.getList.html\">flickr.galleries.getList</a>",
"Add an additional binary type",
"Sets the Red, Green, and Blue color variables. This will automatically populate the Hue, Saturation and Brightness and Hexadecimal fields, too.\n\nThe RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue.\n@param red strength - valid range is 0-255\n@param green strength - valid range is 0-255\n@param blue strength - valid range is 0-255\n@throws java.lang.Exception Exception if the Red, Green or Blue variables are out of range.",
"Returns the JRDesignGroup for the DJGroup passed\n@param jd\n@param layoutManager\n@param group\n@return",
"Check if the the nodeId is present in the cluster managed by the metadata store\nor throw an exception.\n\n@param nodeId The nodeId to check existence of",
"Creates a new ServerDetails object for deployer, this will take URL and name from the oldDeployer ServerDetails",
"Unmarshals the descriptor content.\n\n@throws CmsXmlException thrown if the XML structure of the descriptor is wrong.\n@throws CmsException thrown if reading the descriptor file fails.",
"Use this API to fetch all the cacheselector resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public void register() {
synchronized (loaders) {
maximumHeaderLength = 0;
for (GVRCompressedTextureLoader loader : loaders) {
int headerLength = loader.headerLength();
if (headerLength > maximumHeaderLength) {
maximumHeaderLength = headerLength;
} | [
"Register a loader with the 'sniffer'.\n\n'Factory loaders' are pre-registered. To load a format we don't support,\ncreate a {@link GVRCompressedTextureLoader} descendant. Then, before\ntrying to load any files in that format, create an instance and call\n{@link #register()}:\n\n<pre>\n\nnew MyCompressedFormat().register();\n</pre>"
] | [
"Sets the node meta data.\n\n@param key - the meta data key\n@param value - the meta data value\n@throws GroovyBugError if key is null or there is already meta\ndata under that key",
"parse the stencil out of a JSONObject and set it to the current shape\n@param modelJSON\n@param current\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Provide array of String results from inputOutput MFString field named string.\n@return value of string field",
"Process a file.\n\n@param file the file to be processed\n@param mode the patching mode\n@throws IOException",
"Returns the input to parse including the whitespace left to the cursor position since\nit may be relevant to the list of proposals for whitespace sensitive languages.",
"Constraint that ensures that the proxy-prefetching-limit has a valid value.\n\n@param def The descriptor (class, reference, collection)\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)",
"To be used with AutoText class constants ALIGMENT_LEFT, ALIGMENT_CENTER and ALIGMENT_RIGHT\n@param aligment\n@return",
"Removes old entries in the history table for the given profile and client UUID\n\n@param profileId ID of profile\n@param clientUUID UUID of client\n@param limit Maximum number of history entries to remove\n@throws Exception exception",
"Use this API to delete clusterinstance resources."
] |
public static final TimeUnit parseWorkUnits(BigInteger value)
TimeUnit result = TimeUnit.HOURS;
if (value != null)
switch (value.intValue())
case 1:
result = TimeUnit.MINUTES;
case 3:
result = TimeUnit.DAYS;
case 4:
result = TimeUnit.WEEKS;
case 5:
result = TimeUnit.MONTHS;
case 7:
result = TimeUnit.YEARS;
case 2:
result = TimeUnit.HOURS;
return (result);
} | [
"Parse work units.\n\n@param value work units value\n@return TimeUnit instance"
] | [
"Use this API to Force clustersync.",
"Sets hour, minutes, seconds and milliseconds to the given values. Leaves date info untouched.",
"Retrieve the jdbc type for the field descriptor that is related\nto this argument.",
"Returns s if it's at most maxWidth chars, otherwise chops right side to fit.",
"Set the scrollbar used for vertical scrolling.\n\n@param scrollbar the scrollbar, or null to clear it\n@param width the width of the scrollbar in pixels",
"Create an image of the proper size to hold a new waveform preview image and draw it.",
"Removes a value from the list box. Nothing is done if the value isn't on\nthe list box.\n\n@param value the value to be removed from the list\n@param reload perform a 'material select' reload to update the DOM.",
"Set whether the player holding the waveform is playing, which changes the indicator color to white from red.\nThis method can only be used in situations where the component is tied to a single player, and therefore has\na single playback position.\n\n@param playing if {@code true}, draw the position marker in white, otherwise red\n\n@see #setPlaybackState",
"Reads a \"message set\" argument, and parses into an IdSet.\nCurrently only supports a single range of values."
] |
public Duration getTotalSlack()
Duration totalSlack = (Duration) getCachedValue(TaskField.TOTAL_SLACK);
if (totalSlack == null)
Duration duration = getDuration();
if (duration == null)
duration = Duration.getInstance(0, TimeUnit.DAYS);
TimeUnit units = duration.getUnits();
Duration startSlack = getStartSlack();
if (startSlack == null)
startSlack = Duration.getInstance(0, units);
if (startSlack.getUnits() != units)
startSlack = startSlack.convertUnits(units, getParentFile().getProjectProperties());
Duration finishSlack = getFinishSlack();
if (finishSlack == null)
finishSlack = Duration.getInstance(0, units);
if (finishSlack.getUnits() != units)
finishSlack = finishSlack.convertUnits(units, getParentFile().getProjectProperties());
double startSlackDuration = startSlack.getDuration();
double finishSlackDuration = finishSlack.getDuration();
if (startSlackDuration == 0 || finishSlackDuration == 0)
if (startSlackDuration != 0)
totalSlack = startSlack;
totalSlack = finishSlack;
if (startSlackDuration < finishSlackDuration)
totalSlack = startSlack;
totalSlack = finishSlack;
set(TaskField.TOTAL_SLACK, totalSlack);
return (totalSlack);
} | [
"The Total Slack field contains the amount of time a task can be\ndelayed without delaying the project's finish date.\n\n@return string representing duration"
] | [
"Extract a Class from the given Type.",
"Opens the stream in a background thread.",
"Analyze all source code using the specified RuleSet and return the report results.\n\n@param ruleSet - the RuleSet to apply to each source component; must not be null.\n@return the results from applying the RuleSet to all of the source",
"Register the given callback as to be executed after request completion.\n\n@param name The name of the bean.\n@param callback The callback of the bean to be executed for destruction.",
"Read the file header data.\n\n@param is input stream",
"Get the sub registry for the hosts.\n\n@param range the version range\n@return the sub registry",
"We have received notification that a device is no longer on the network, so clear out its metadata.\n\n@param announcement the packet which reported the device’s disappearance",
"Convenience extension, to generate traced code.",
"Return all URI schemes that are supported in the system."
] |
public static route6[] get(nitro_service service, route6_args args) throws Exception{
route6 obj = new route6();
options option = new options();
route6[] response = (route6[])obj.get_resources(service, option);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the route6 resources that are configured on netscaler.\nThis uses route6_args which is a way to provide additional arguments while fetching the resources."
] | [
"Returns the value of an option, or the default if the value is null or the key is not part of the map.\n@param configOptions the map with the config options.\n@param optionKey the option to get the value of\n@param defaultValue the default value to return if the option is not set.\n@return the value of an option, or the default if the value is null or the key is not part of the map.",
"Add additional source types",
"Returns whether the given host matches this one. For hosts to match, they must represent the same addresses or have the same host names.\nHosts are not resolved when matching. Also, hosts must have the same port and service. They must have the same masks if they are host names.\nEven if two hosts are invalid, they match if they have the same invalid string.\n\n@param host\n@return",
"Adds a new point.\n\n@param point a point\n@return this for chaining",
"Gets the metadata on this folder associated with a specified template.\n\n@param templateName the metadata template type name.\n@return the metadata returned from the server.",
"Gets the flags associated with this attribute.\n@return the flags. Will not return {@code null}",
"Returns the names of the involved fields when post processing.\n\n@return the names of the involved fields",
"Infer app name from entry class\n\n@param entryClass\nthe entry class\n@return\napp name inferred from the entry class",
"Parses a name into a Region object and creates a new Region instance if not found among the existing ones.\n\n@param name a region name\n@return the parsed or created region"
] |
public void requestNodeInfo(int nodeId) {
SerialMessage newMessage = new SerialMessage(nodeId, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.RequestNodeInfo, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.ApplicationUpdate, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.High);
byte[] newPayload = { (byte) nodeId };
} | [
"Send Request Node info message to the controller.\n@param nodeId the nodeId of the node to identify\n@throws SerialInterfaceException when timing out or getting an invalid response."
] | [
"This method allows a subsection of a byte array to be copied.\n\n@param data source data\n@param offset offset into the source data\n@param size length of the source data to copy\n@return new byte array containing copied data",
"Use this API to fetch vpnvserver_vpnnexthopserver_binding resources of given name .",
"Obtains a Ethiopic zoned date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Ethiopic zoned date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Resolve Java control character sequences to the actual character value.\nOptionally handle unicode escape sequences, too.",
"Creates a new deployment for the file. If the file is a directory the content will be deployed exploded using\nthe file system location.\n\n@param content the file containing the content\n\n@return the deployment",
"Log a warning message with a throwable.",
"gets the first non annotation line number of a node, taking into account annotations.",
"Get the first child element with the given name.\n\n@param element\nThe parent element\n@param name\nThe child element name\n@return The child element or null",
"Exception handler if we are unable to parse a json value into a java representation\n\n@param expectedType Name of the expected Type\n@param type Type of the json node\n@return SpinJsonDataFormatException"
] |
public static void createUsers(GreenMailOperations greenMail, InternetAddress... addresses) {
for (InternetAddress address : addresses) {
greenMail.setUser(address.getAddress(), address.getAddress());
} | [
"Create users for the given array of addresses. The passwords will be set to the email addresses.\n\n@param greenMail Greenmail instance to create users for\n@param addresses Addresses"
] | [
"Sets the SCXML model with a string\n\n@param model the model text",
"Special-purpose version for hashing a single int value. Value is treated as little-endian",
"Convert a key-version-nodeSet information to string\n\n@param key The key\n@param versionMap mapping versions to set of PrefixNodes\n@param storeName store's name\n@param partitionId partition scanned\n@return a string that describe the information passed in",
"Performs a similar transform on A-pI",
"Returns a new color with a new value of the specified HSL\ncomponent.",
"Detect new objects.",
"Finds or creates a ResourceStorageLoadable for the given resource.\nClients should first call shouldLoadFromStorage to check whether there exists a storage version\nof the given resource.\n\n@return an IResourceStorageLoadable",
"Computes the p=1 norm. If A is a matrix then the induced norm is computed.\n\n@param A Matrix or vector.\n@return The norm.",
"Configures a RequestBuilder to send an RPC request when the RequestBuilder\nis intended to be returned through the asynchronous proxy interface.\n\n@param <T> return type for the AsyncCallback\n@param responseReader instance used to read the return value of the\ninvocation\n@param requestData payload that encodes the addressing and arguments of the\nRPC call\n@param callback callback handler\n\n@return a RequestBuilder object that is ready to have its\n{@link RequestBuilder#send()} method invoked."
] |
public <Result> Result process(IUnitOfWork<Result, State> work) {
try {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("process - " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
return modify(work);
} finally {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("Downgrading from write lock to read lock...");
} | [
"Upgrades a read transaction to a write transaction, executes the work then downgrades to a read transaction\nagain.\n\n@since 2.4\n@noreference"
] | [
"Returns the first number available, starting at portNumberStartingPoint that's not already in the reservedPorts\nlist.\n\n@param portNumberStartingPoint first port number to start from.\n@param reservedPorts the ports already reserved.\n@return first number available not in the given list, starting at the given parameter.",
"This method extracts data for a single day from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param day Day data\n@param readExceptionsFromDays read exceptions form day definitions",
"Use this API to add dnsview resources.",
"Extracts location result from intent object\n\n@param intent valid intent object\n@return location result.\n@since 1.1.0",
"Add a creatable \"post-run\" dependent for this task item.\n\n@param creatable the creatable \"post-run\" dependent.\n@return the key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve created \"post-run\" dependent",
"Create an embedded host controller.\n\n@param jbossHomePath the location of the root of the host controller installation. Cannot be {@code null} or empty.\n@param modulePath the location of the root of the module repository. May be {@code null} if the standard\nlocation under {@code jbossHomePath} should be used\n@param systemPackages names of any packages that must be treated as system packages, with the same classes\nvisible to the caller's classloader visible to host-controller-side classes loaded from\nthe server's modular classloader\n@param cmdargs any additional arguments to pass to the embedded host controller (e.g. -b=\n@return the server. Will not be {@code null}",
"Gets the interpolated text of a query from cache. If key does not exist, an exception is thrown.\n\n@param key\nname of the query\n@return the query text",
"Start with specifying the groupId",
"This can be called to adjust the size of the dialog glass. It\nis implemented using JSNI to bypass the \"private\" keyword on\nthe glassResizer."
] |
public void hideKeyboard() {
InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getContext().getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(mPhoneEdit.getWindowToken(), 0);
} | [
"Hide keyboard from phoneEdit field"
] | [
"Print a work contour.\n\n@param value WorkContour instance\n@return work contour value",
"Convenience method for retrieving an Integer resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value",
"Formats a logging event to a writer.\n\n@param event\nlogging event to be formatted.",
"Convert a Planner date-time value into a Java date.\n\n20070222T080000Z\n\n@param value Planner date-time\n@return Java Date instance",
"Modies the matrix to make sure that at least one element in each column has a value",
"Method called to indicate persisting the properties file is now complete.\n\n@throws IOException",
"If the not a bitmap itself, this will read the file's meta data.\n\n@param resources {@link android.content.Context#getResources()}\n@return Point where x = width and y = height",
"Verifies that the TestMatrix is correct and sane without using a specification.\nThe Proctor API doesn't use a test specification so that it can serve all tests in the matrix\nwithout restriction.\nDoes a limited set of sanity checks that are applicable when there is no specification,\nand thus no required tests or provided context.\n\n@param testMatrix the {@link TestMatrixArtifact} to be verified.\n@param matrixSource a {@link String} of the source of proctor artifact. For example a path of proctor artifact file.\n@return a {@link ProctorLoadResult} to describe the result of verification. It contains errors of verification and a list of missing test.",
"Returns the value for a given key from the database properties.\n\n@param key the property key\n\n@return the string value for a given key"
] |
public static <T> T callConstructor(Class<T> klass) {
return callConstructor(klass, new Class<?>[0], new Object[0]);
} | [
"Call the no-arg constructor for the given class\n\n@param <T> The type of the thing to construct\n@param klass The class\n@return The constructed thing"
] | [
"This method is called to format a task type.\n\n@param value task type value\n@return formatted task type",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all scpolicy_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Sets top and bottom padding for all cells in the row.\n@param padding new padding for top and bottom, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Obtain the class of a given className\n\n@param className\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Reset the combination generator.",
"Stores template parameters for OpenShiftAssistantTemplate.\n\n@param name template parameter name\n@param value template parameter value",
"This method extracts predecessor data from a Planner file.\n\n@param plannerTask Task data",
"Get a bean value from the context.\n\n@param name bean name\n@return bean value or null",
"Get the element as a boolean.\n\n@param i the index of the element to access"
] |
public String getUuidFromResponse(ResponseOnSingeRequest myResponse) {
String uuid = PcConstants.NA;
String responseBody = myResponse.getResponseBody();
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile(getJobIdRegex());
Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(responseBody);
if (matcher.matches()) {
uuid = matcher.group(1);
return uuid;
} | [
"Gets the uuid from response.\n\n@param myResponse\nthe my response\n@return the uuid from response"
] | [
"Returns the address for the operation.\n\n@param op the operation\n\n@return the operation address or a new undefined model node",
"Returns the current definition on the indicated level.\n\n@param level The level\n@return The definition",
"Convert an integer to a RelationType instance.\n\n@param type integer value\n@return RelationType instance",
"Process the deployment root for the manifest.\n\n@param phaseContext the deployment unit context\n@throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException",
"Set the serial pattern type.\n@param patternType the pattern type to set.",
"Emit a string event with parameters.\n\nThis will invoke all {@link SimpleEventListener} bound to the specified\nstring value given the listeners has the matching argument list.\n\nFor example, suppose we have the following simple event listener methods:\n\n```java\n{@literal @}On(\"USER-LOGIN\")\npublic void logUserLogin(User user, long timestamp) {...}\n\n{@literal @}On(\"USER-LOGIN\")\npublic void checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(User user, Object... args) {...}\n\n{@literal @}On(\"USER-LOGIN\")\npublic void foo(User user) {...}\n```\n\nThe following code will invoke `logUserLogin` and `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts` methods:\n\n```java\nUser user = ...;\neventBus.emit(\"USER-LOGIN\", user, System.currentTimeMills());\n```\n\nThe `foo(User)` will not invoked because:\n\n* The parameter list `(User, long)` does not match the declared argument list `(User)`.\nHere the `String` in the parameter list is taken out because it is used to indicate\nthe event, instead of being passing through to the event handler method.\n* The method `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(User, Object ...)` will be invoked because\nit declares a varargs typed arguments, meaning it matches any parameters passed in.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see SimpleEventListener",
"Get a misc file.\n\n@param root the root\n@param item the misc content item\n@return the misc file",
"Returns the value of an optional property, if the property is\nset. If it is not set defval is returned.",
"Set the menu's width in pixels."
] |
public static void copyRecursively(final Path source, final Path target, boolean overwrite) throws IOException {
final CopyOption[] options;
if (overwrite) {
options = new CopyOption[]{StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING};
} else {
options = new CopyOption[]{StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES};
Files.walkFileTree(source, new FileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
Files.copy(dir, target.resolve(source.relativize(dir)), options);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
Files.copy(file, target.resolve(source.relativize(file)), options);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException {
DeploymentRepositoryLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.cannotCopyFile(exc, file);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
} | [
"Copy a path recursively.\n@param source a Path pointing to a file or a directory that must exist\n@param target a Path pointing to a directory where the contents will be copied.\n@param overwrite overwrite existing files - if set to false fails if the target file already exists.\n@throws IOException"
] | [
"Calculates ATM Bachelier implied volatilities.\n\n@see net.finmath.functions.AnalyticFormulas#bachelierOptionImpliedVolatility(double, double, double, double, double)\n\n@param optionValue RandomVarable representing the value of the option\n@param optionMaturity Time to maturity.\n@param swapAnnuity The swap annuity as seen on valuation time.\n@return The Bachelier implied volatility.",
"Prints associations recovered from the fields of a class. An association is inferred only\nif another relation between the two classes is not already in the graph.\n@param classes",
"Returns the remote collection representing the given namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace referring to the remote collection.\n@param resultClass the {@link Class} that represents documents in the collection.\n@param <T> the type documents in the collection.\n@return the remote collection representing the given namespace.",
"Set sizes to override the generated URLs of the different sizes.\n\n@param sizes\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.PhotosInterface#getSizes(String)",
"Convert a SSE to a Stitch SSE\n@param event SSE to convert\n@param decoder decoder for decoding data\n@param <T> type to decode data to\n@return a Stitch server-sent event",
"Static factory method.\n\n@param targetVariable\nthe variable to find the effective {@code putfield} or\n{@code putstatic} instruction for.\n@param controlFlowBlocks\nall control flow blocks of an initialising constructor or\nmethod.\n@return a new instance of this class.",
"Create an `AppDescriptor` with appName and package name specified\n\nIf `appName` is `null` or blank, it will try the following\napproach to get app name:\n\n1. check the {@link Version#getArtifactId() artifact id} and use it unless\n2. if artifact id is null or empty, then infer app name using {@link AppNameInferer}\n\n@param appName\nthe app name\n@param packageName\nthe package name of the app\n@return\nan `AppDescriptor` instance",
"Returns the value that has to be set for the dynamic attribute.\n\n@param file the file where the current content is stored\n@param value the content value that is represented by the attribute\n@param attributeName the attribute's name\n@param editedLocalEntity the entities that where edited last\n@return the value that has to be set for the dynamic attribute.",
"Return a list of contacts for a user who have recently uploaded photos along with the total count of photos uploaded.\n\n@param lastUpload\nLimits the resultset to contacts that have uploaded photos since this date. The date should be in the form of a Unix timestamp. The default,\nand maximum, offset is (1) hour. (Optional, can be null)\n@param filter\nLimit the result set to all contacts or only those who are friends or family.<br/>\nValid options are: <b>ff</b> -> friends and family, <b>all</b> -> all your contacts. (Optional, can be null)\n\n@return List of Contacts\n@throws FlickrException"
] |
public TaskMode getTaskMode()
return BooleanHelper.getBoolean((Boolean) getCachedValue(TaskField.TASK_MODE)) ? TaskMode.MANUALLY_SCHEDULED : TaskMode.AUTO_SCHEDULED;
} | [
"Retrieves the task mode.\n\n@return task mode"
] | [
"Checks to see if a subsystem resource has already been registered for the deployment.\n\n@param subsystemName the name of the subsystem\n\n@return {@code true} if the subsystem exists on the deployment otherwise {@code false}",
"Creates a descriptor for the bundle in the same folder where the bundle files are located.\n@throws CmsException thrown if creation fails.",
"Mbeans for UPDATE_ENTRIES",
"Update database schema\n\n@param migrationPath path to migrations",
"Build the Criteria using multiple ORs\n@param ids collection of identities\n@param fields\n@return Criteria",
"Returns the setter method for the field on an object.\n\n@param object\nthe object\n@param fieldName\nthe field name\n@param argumentType\nthe type to be passed to the setter\n@param <T>\nthe object type\n@return the setter method associated with the field on the object\n@throws NullPointerException\nif object, fieldName or fieldType is null\n@throws SuperCsvReflectionException\nif the setter doesn't exist or is not visible",
"Cancel all currently active operations.\n\n@return a list of cancelled operations",
"We have an OLE compound document... but is it an MPP file?\n\n@param stream file input stream\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Reads a combined date and time value expressed in tenths of a minute.\n\n@param data byte array of data\n@param offset location of data as offset into the array\n@return time value"
] |
public String genId() {
S.Buffer sb = S.newBuffer();
return sb.toString();
} | [
"Generate a unique ID across the cluster\n@return generated ID"
] | [
"Post an artifact to the Grapes server\n\n@param artifact The artifact to post\n@param user The user posting the information\n@param password The user password\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException",
"Set the group name\n\n@param name new name of server group\n@param id ID of group",
"Recursively inspects the given objects and returns a node representing their differences. Both objects\nhave be have the same type.\n\n@param working This object will be treated as the successor of the `base` object.\n@param base This object will be treated as the predecessor of the <code>working</code> object.\n@return A node representing the differences between the given objects.",
"Makes sure that the operation name and the address have been set and returns a ModelNode\nrepresenting the operation request.",
"We have received an update that invalidates the waveform detail for a player, so clear it and alert\nany listeners if this represents a change. This does not affect the hot cues; they will stick around until the\nplayer loads a new track that overwrites one or more of them.\n\n@param update the update which means we have no waveform preview for the associated player",
"Sets the upper limits for the \"moving\" body rotation relative to joint point.\n\n@param limitX the X axis upper rotation limit (in radians)\n@param limitY the Y axis upper rotation limit (in radians)\n@param limitZ the Z axis upper rotation limit (in radians)",
"Use this API to delete dnstxtrec of given name.",
"Convert an object to a collection.\n\n@param mapper the object mapper\n@param source the source object\n@param targetCollectionType the target collection type\n@param targetElementType the target collection element type\n@return collection",
"A henson navigator is a class that helps a consumer to consume the navigation api that it\ndeclares in its dependencies. The henson navigator will wrap the intent builders. Thus, a\nhenson navigator, is driven by consumption of intent builders, whereas the henson classes are\ndriven by the production of an intent builder.\n\n<p>This task is created per android variant:\n\n<ul>\n<li>we scan the variant compile configuration for navigation api dependencies\n<li>we generate a henson navigator class for this variant that wraps the intent builders\n</ul>\n\n@param variant the variant for which to create a builder.\n@param hensonNavigatorPackageName the package name in which we create the class."
] |
private boolean verify(String key, BoxSignatureAlgorithm actualAlgorithm, String actualSignature,
String webHookPayload, String deliveryTimestamp) {
if (actualSignature == null) {
return false;
byte[] actual = Base64.decode(actualSignature);
byte[] expected = this.signRaw(actualAlgorithm, key, webHookPayload, deliveryTimestamp);
return Arrays.equals(expected, actual);
} | [
"Verifies a provided signature.\n\n@param key\nfor which signature key\n@param actualAlgorithm\ncurrent signature algorithm\n@param actualSignature\ncurrent signature\n@param webHookPayload\nfor signing\n@param deliveryTimestamp\nfor signing\n@return true if verification passed"
] | [
"Check if all cluster objects in the list are congruent.\n\n@param clusterUrls of cluster objects\n@return",
"Decomposes a submatrix. The results are written to the submatrix\nand to its internal matrix L.\n\n@param mat A matrix which has a submatrix that needs to be inverted\n@param indexStart the first index of the submatrix\n@param n The width of the submatrix that is to be inverted.\n@return True if it was able to finish the decomposition.",
"Use this API to Reboot reboot.",
"Start the initialization.\n\n@param id\n@param manager\n@param bootstrap\n@return the initialized Weld container",
"A fairly basic 5-way classifier, that notes digits, and upper\nand lower case, mixed, and non-alphanumeric.\n\n@param s String to find word shape of\n@return Its word shape: a 5 way classification",
"Write the classifications of the Sequence classifier out to a writer in a\nformat determined by the DocumentReaderAndWriter used.\n\n@param doc Documents to write out\n@param printWriter Writer to use for output\n@throws IOException If an IO problem",
"Returns a prefix length for which the range of this segment grouping matches the the block of addresses for that prefix.\n\nIf no such prefix exists, returns null\n\nIf this segment grouping represents a single value, returns the bit length\n\n@return the prefix length or null",
"The grammar elements that may occur at the given offset.",
"This adds database table configurations to the internal cache which can be used to speed up DAO construction.\nThis is especially true of Android and other mobile platforms."
] |
private int getDaysToNextMatch(WeekDay weekDay) {
for (WeekDay wd : m_weekDays) {
if (wd.compareTo(weekDay) > 0) {
return wd.toInt() - weekDay.toInt();
return (m_weekDays.iterator().next().toInt() + (m_interval * I_CmsSerialDateValue.NUM_OF_WEEKDAYS))
- weekDay.toInt();
} | [
"Returns the number of days from the given weekday to the next weekday the event should occur.\n@param weekDay the current weekday.\n@return the number of days to the next weekday an event could occur."
] | [
"Append the given path segments to the existing path of this builder.\nEach given path segment may contain URI template variables.\n@param pathSegments the URI path segments\n@return this UriComponentsBuilder",
"Gets an enhanced protection domain for a proxy based on the given protection domain.\n@param domain the given protection domain\n@return protection domain enhanced with \"accessDeclaredMembers\" runtime permission",
"Checks given permissions are needed to show rationale.\n\n@return returns true if one of the permission is needed to show rationale.",
"Compare the controlDOM and testDOM and save and return the differences in a list.\n\n@return list with differences",
"Copy the given Collection into a Class array.\nThe Collection must contain Class elements only.\n@param collection the Collection to copy\n@return the Class array ({@code null} if the passed-in\nCollection was {@code null})",
"Organises the data from Asta into a hierarchy and converts this into tasks.\n\n@param bars bar data\n@param expandedTasks expanded task data\n@param tasks task data\n@param milestones milestone data",
"Create a rollback patch based on the recorded actions.\n\n@param patchId the new patch id, depending on release or one-off\n@param patchType the current patch identity\n@return the rollback patch",
"Finds trajectory by ID\n@param t List of Trajectories\n@param id ID of the trajectorie\n@return Trajectory with ID=id",
"Adds the default value of property if defined.\n\n@param props the Properties object\n@param propDef the property definition\n\n@return true if the property could be added"
] |
protected Object[] getParameterValues(Object specialVal, BeanManagerImpl manager, CreationalContext<?> ctx, CreationalContext<?> transientReferenceContext) {
if (getInjectionPoints().isEmpty()) {
if (specialInjectionPointIndex == -1) {
return Arrays2.EMPTY_ARRAY;
} else {
return new Object[] { specialVal };
Object[] parameterValues = new Object[getParameterInjectionPoints().size()];
List<ParameterInjectionPoint<?, X>> parameters = getParameterInjectionPoints();
for (int i = 0; i < parameterValues.length; i++) {
ParameterInjectionPoint<?, ?> param = parameters.get(i);
if (i == specialInjectionPointIndex) {
parameterValues[i] = specialVal;
} else if (hasTransientReferenceParameter && param.getAnnotated().isAnnotationPresent(TransientReference.class)) {
parameterValues[i] = param.getValueToInject(manager, transientReferenceContext);
} else {
parameterValues[i] = param.getValueToInject(manager, ctx);
return parameterValues;
} | [
"Helper method for getting the current parameter values from a list of annotated parameters.\n\n@param parameters The list of annotated parameter to look up\n@param manager The Bean manager\n@return The object array of looked up values"
] | [
"Returns the configured request parameter for the current query string, or the default parameter if the core is not specified.\n@return The configured request parameter for the current query string, or the default parameter if the core is not specified.",
"This method allows a resource assignment to be added to the\ncurrent task.\n\n@param resource the resource to assign\n@return ResourceAssignment object",
"Generic method to extract Primavera fields and assign to MPXJ fields.\n\n@param map map of MPXJ field types and Primavera field names\n@param row Primavera data container\n@param container MPXJ data contain",
"Tries to load a the bundle for a given locale, also loads the backup\nlocales with the same language.\n\n@param baseName the raw bundle name, without locale qualifiers\n@param locale the locale\n@param wantBase whether a resource bundle made only from the base name\n(with no locale information attached) should be returned.\n@return the resource bundle if it was loaded, otherwise the backup",
"Creates an internal project and repositories such as a token storage.",
"Instantiates an instance of input Java shader class,\nwhich must be derived from GVRShader or GVRShaderTemplate.\n@param id Java class which implements shaders of this type.\n@param ctx GVRContext shader belongs to\n@return GVRShader subclass which implements this shader type",
"Take a stab at fixing validation problems ?\n\n@param object",
"Entry point for the example.\n\n@param args Command-line arguments for the example. To use samplemachine.xml from resources, send\nno arguments. To use other file, send a filename without xml extension).",
"This method displays the resource assignments for each resource. This time\nrather than just iterating through the list of all assignments in\nthe file, we extract the assignments on a resource-by-resource basis.\n\n@param file MPX file"
] |
public ItemRequest<Workspace> removeUser(String workspace) {
String path = String.format("/workspaces/%s/removeUser", workspace);
return new ItemRequest<Workspace>(this, Workspace.class, path, "POST");
} | [
"The user making this call must be an admin in the workspace.\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param workspace The workspace or organization to invite the user to.\n@return Request object"
] | [
"Set the HomeAsUpIndicator that is visible when user navigate to a fragment child\n@param indicator the resource drawable to use as indicator",
"Removes all candidates from this collection which are not\nassociated with an initialising method.\n\n@return a {@code Collection} containing the removed\nunassociated candidates. This list is empty if none\nwere removed, i. e. the result is never {@code null}.",
"Creates a color item that represents a color field found for a track based on a dbserver message.\n\n@param menuItem the rendered menu item containing the color metadata field\n\n@return the color metadata field",
"Provisions a new user in an enterprise with additional user information.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created user.\n@param login the email address the user will use to login.\n@param name the name of the user.\n@param params additional user information.\n@return the created user's info.",
"Label accessor provided for JSON serialization only.",
"Builds the mapping table.",
"Verify that cluster is congruent to store def wrt zones.",
"Removes the duplicate node list.\n\n@param list\nthe list\n@return the int",
"Within a single zone, tries swapping some minimum number of random\npartitions per node with some minimum number of random partitions from\nother nodes within the zone. Chooses the best swap in each iteration.\nLarge values of the greedSwapMaxPartitions... arguments make this method\nequivalent to comparing every possible swap. This is very expensive.\n\nNormal case should be :\n\n#zones X #nodes/zone X max partitions/node X max partitions/zone\n\n@param nextCandidateCluster cluster object.\n@param greedyAttempts See RebalanceCLI.\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerNode See RebalanceCLI.\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerZone See RebalanceCLI.\n@param greedySwapZoneIds The set of zoneIds to consider. Each zone is done\nindependently.\n@param storeDefs\n@return updated cluster"
] |
private boolean removeKeyForAllLanguages(String key) {
try {
if (hasDescriptor()) {
} catch (CmsException | IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Not able lock all localications for bundle.", e);
return false;
if (!hasDescriptor()) {
for (Entry<Locale, SortedProperties> entry : m_localizations.entrySet()) {
SortedProperties localization = entry.getValue();
if (localization.containsKey(key)) {
return true;
} | [
"Remove a key for all language versions. If a descriptor is present, the key is only removed in the descriptor.\n\n@param key the key to remove.\n@return <code>true</code> if removing was successful, <code>false</code> otherwise."
] | [
"This method returns the string representation of an object. In most\ncases this will simply involve calling the normal toString method\non the object, but a couple of exceptions are handled here.\n\n@param o the object to formatted\n@return formatted string representing input Object",
"Gets the object whose index is the integer argument.\n\n@param i the integer index to be queried for the corresponding argument\n@return the object whose index is the integer argument.",
"Finds the beat in which the specified track position falls.\n\n@param milliseconds how long the track has been playing\n\n@return the beat number represented by that time, or -1 if the time is before the first beat",
"Write the summary file, if requested.",
"Computes eigenvalues only\n\n@return",
"Returns the configured page size, or the default page size if it is not configured.\n@return The configured page size, or the default page size if it is not configured.",
"Get a list of referring domains for a collection.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@param collectionId\n(Optional) The id of the collection to get stats for. If not provided, stats for all collections will be returned.\n@param perPage\n(Optional) Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.\n@param page\n(Optional) The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getCollectionDomains.html\"",
"Deletes and publishes resources with ID conflicts.\n\n@param cms the CMS context to use\n@param module the module\n@param conflictingIds the conflicting ids\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong\n@throws Exception if something goes wrong",
"Register a new PerformanceMonitor with Spring if it does not already exist.\n\n@param beanName The name of the bean that this performance monitor is wrapped around\n@param registry The registry where all the spring beans are registered"
] |
public static String[] copyArrayAddFirst(String[] arr, String add) {
String[] arrCopy = new String[arr.length + 1];
arrCopy[0] = add;
System.arraycopy(arr, 0, arrCopy, 1, arr.length);
return arrCopy;
} | [
"Utility function that copies a string array and add another string to\nfirst\n\n@param arr Original array of strings\n@param add\n@return Copied array of strings"
] | [
"Clean obsolete contents from the content repository. It will first mark contents as obsolete then after some time\nif these contents are still obsolete they will be removed.\n\n@return a map containing the list of marked contents and the list of deleted contents.",
"Reconstructs a number that is represented by more than one byte in a network packet in little-endian order, for\nthe very few protocol values that are sent in this quirky way.\n\n@param buffer the byte array containing the packet data\n@param start the index of the first byte containing a numeric value\n@param length the number of bytes making up the value\n@return the reconstructed number",
"Construct a Access Token from a Flickr Response.\n\n@param response",
"Processes the template for the object cache of the current class definition.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Returns the setter method for the field on an object.\n\n@param object\nthe object\n@param fieldName\nthe field name\n@param argumentType\nthe type to be passed to the setter\n@param <T>\nthe object type\n@return the setter method associated with the field on the object\n@throws NullPointerException\nif object, fieldName or fieldType is null\n@throws SuperCsvReflectionException\nif the setter doesn't exist or is not visible",
"Return the \"common\" configuration set name. By default it is \"common\"\n@return the \"common\" conf set name",
"Produces a string in which the lower 4 bytes are expressed as an IPv4 address and the remaining upper bytes are expressed in IPv6 format.\n\nThis the mixed IPv6/IPv4 format described in RFC 1884 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1884\n\n@return",
"Populates a calendar exception instance.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param calendar calendar to which the exception will be added\n@throws MPXJException",
"bind attribute and value\n@param stmt\n@param index\n@param attributeOrQuery\n@param value\n@param cld\n@return\n@throws SQLException"
] |
public Triple<EObject, EReference, INode> decode(Resource res, String uriFragment) {
if (isUseIndexFragment(res)) {
return getLazyProxyInformation(res, uriFragment);
List<String> split = Strings.split(uriFragment, SEP);
EObject source = resolveShortFragment(res, split.get(1));
EReference ref = fromShortExternalForm(source.eClass(), split.get(2));
INode compositeNode = NodeModelUtils.getNode(source);
if (compositeNode==null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't resolve lazy link, because no node model is attached.");
INode textNode = getNode(compositeNode, split.get(3));
return Tuples.create(source, ref, textNode);
} | [
"decodes the uriFragment\n\n@param res the resource that contains the feature holder\n@param uriFragment the fragment that should be decoded\n@return the decoded information\n@see LazyURIEncoder#encode(EObject, EReference, INode)"
] | [
"Perform the entire sort operation",
"Adds the download button.\n\n@param view layout which displays the log file",
"Create a WebDriver backed EmbeddedBrowser.\n\n@param driver The WebDriver to use.\n@param filterAttributes the attributes to be filtered from DOM.\n@param crawlWaitReload the period to wait after a reload.\n@param crawlWaitEvent the period to wait after an event is fired.\n@return The EmbeddedBrowser.",
"Loads the columns for this table into the alChildren list.",
"Get the URI for the given property in the given context.\n\n@param propertyIdValue\nthe property id for which to create a URI\n@param propertyContext\nthe context for which the URI will be needed\n@return the URI",
"Populate the container from outline code data.\n\n@param field field type\n@param items pairs of values and descriptions",
"Sets the duration for the animation to be played.\n\n@param start the animation will start playing from the specified time\n@param end the animation will stop playing at the specified time\n\n@return {@code this}, so you can chain setProperty() calls.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nIf {@code start} is either negative value, greater than\n{@code end} value or {@code end} is greater than duration",
"Get a collection of public groups for the user.\n\nThe groups will contain only the members nsid, name, admin and eighteenplus. If you want the whole group-information, you have to call\n{@link com.flickr4java.flickr.groups.GroupsInterface#getInfo(String)}.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@param userId\nThe user ID\n@return The public groups\n@throws FlickrException",
"Drives the unit test."
] |
public byte[] toArray() {
if (size() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create byte array of more than 2GB");
int len = (int) size();
ByteBuffer bb = toDirectByteBuffer(0L, len);
byte[] b = new byte[len];
// Copy data to the array
bb.get(b, 0, len);
return b;
} | [
"Convert this buffer to a java array.\n@return"
] | [
"Creates a general purpose solver. Use this if you are not sure what you need.\n\n@param numRows The number of rows that the decomposition is optimized for.\n@param numCols The number of columns that the decomposition is optimized for.",
"Writes an untagged OK response, with the supplied response code,\nand an optional message.\n\n@param responseCode The response code, included in [].\n@param message The message to follow the []",
"Iterate through dependencies",
"Creates a string representation of the given node. Useful for debugging.\n\n@return a debug string for the given node.",
"gets a class from the class cache. This cache contains only classes loaded through\nthis class loader or an InnerLoader instance. If no class is stored for a\nspecific name, then the method should return null.\n\n@param name of the class\n@return the class stored for the given name\n@see #removeClassCacheEntry(String)\n@see #setClassCacheEntry(Class)\n@see #clearCache()",
"Recovers the state of synchronization for a namespace in case a system failure happened.\nThe goal is to revert the namespace to a known, good state. This method itself is resilient\nto failures, since it doesn't delete any documents from the undo collection until the\ncollection is in the desired state with respect to those documents.",
"Method used to update fields with values received from API.\n@param jsonObject JSON-encoded info about File Version object.",
"Gets existing config files.\n\n@return the existing config files",
"Use this API to fetch clusterinstance_binding resource of given name ."
] |
public static responderhtmlpage get(nitro_service service, String name) throws Exception{
responderhtmlpage obj = new responderhtmlpage();
responderhtmlpage response = (responderhtmlpage) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch responderhtmlpage resource of given name ."
] | [
"sets the row reader class name for thie class descriptor",
"Splits the given string.",
"Gets the Chi Square distance between two normalized histograms.\n\n@param histogram1 Histogram.\n@param histogram2 Histogram.\n@return The Chi Square distance between x and y.",
"This is the main entry point used to convert the internal representation\nof timephased baseline cost into an external form which can\nbe displayed to the user.\n\n@param file parent project file\n@param cost timephased resource assignment data\n@param rangeUnits timescale units\n@param dateList timescale date ranges\n@return list of durations, one per timescale date range",
"This method inserts a name value pair into internal storage.\n\n@param field task field\n@param value attribute value",
"Use this API to update clusternodegroup.",
"Compute the offset for the item in the layout based on the offsets of neighbors\nin the layout. The other offsets are not patched. If neighbors offsets have not\nbeen computed the offset of the item will not be set.\n@return true if the item fits the container, false otherwise",
"Don't use input, it's match values might have been reset in the\nloop that looks for the first possible match.\n\n@param pairIndex TODO\n@param result TODO\n@return TODO",
"Filter for public tweets on these languages.\n\n@param languages\nValid BCP 47 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) language identifiers,\nand may represent any of the languages listed on Twitter's advanced search page\n(https://twitter.com/search-advanced), or \"und\" if no language could be detected.\nThese strings should NOT be url-encoded.\n@return this"
] |
public static void dumpBlockData(int headerSize, int blockSize, byte[] data)
if (data != null)
System.out.println(ByteArrayHelper.hexdump(data, 0, headerSize, false));
int index = headerSize;
while (index < data.length)
System.out.println(ByteArrayHelper.hexdump(data, index, blockSize, false));
index += blockSize;
} | [
"Dumps the contents of a structured block made up from a header\nand fixed sized records.\n\n@param headerSize header zie\n@param blockSize block size\n@param data data block"
] | [
"Utility function that pauses and asks for confirmation on dangerous\noperations.\n\n@param confirm User has already confirmed in command-line input\n@param opDesc Description of the dangerous operation\n@throws IOException\n@return True if user confirms the operation in either command-line input\nor here.",
"Convert an Object to a Date, without an Exception",
"Deletes the VFS XML bundle file.\n@throws CmsException thrown if the delete operation fails.",
"Visits a parameter of this method.\n\n@param name\nparameter name or null if none is provided.\n@param access\nthe parameter's access flags, only <tt>ACC_FINAL</tt>,\n<tt>ACC_SYNTHETIC</tt> or/and <tt>ACC_MANDATED</tt> are\nallowed (see {@link Opcodes}).",
"Use this API to rename a responderpolicy resource.",
"Starts data synchronization in a background thread.",
"Use this API to fetch all the dnssuffix resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Report on the filtered data in DMR .",
"Specifies an input field to assign a value to. Crawljax first tries to match the found HTML\ninput element's id and then the name attribute.\n\n@param type\nthe type of input field\n@param identification\nthe locator of the input field\n@return an InputField"
] |
public String convertToPrefixLength() throws AddressStringException {
IPAddress address = toAddress();
Integer prefix;
if(address == null) {
if(isPrefixOnly()) {
prefix = getNetworkPrefixLength();
} else {
return null;
} else {
prefix = address.getBlockMaskPrefixLength(true);
if(prefix == null) {
return null;
return IPAddressSegment.toUnsignedString(prefix, 10,
new StringBuilder(IPAddressSegment.toUnsignedStringLength(prefix, 10) + 1).append(IPAddress.PREFIX_LEN_SEPARATOR)).toString();
} | [
"Converts this address to a prefix length\n\n@return the prefix of the indicated IP type represented by this address or null if this address is valid but cannot be represented by a network prefix length\n@throws AddressStringException if the address is invalid"
] | [
"Resize the image passing the new height and width\n\n@param height\n@param width\n@return",
"Get a loader that lists the Files in the current path,\nand monitors changes.",
"Attempts to clear the global log context used for embedded servers.",
"Calculate the finish variance.\n\n@return finish variance",
"Extract phrases from Korean input text\n\n@param tokens Korean tokens (output of tokenize(CharSequence text)).\n@return List of phrase CharSequences.",
"Register the agent in the platform\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name of the agent to be registered\n@param agent\nThe agent to register.\n@throws FIPAException",
"If a custom CSS file has been specified, returns the path. Otherwise\nreturns null.\n@return A {@link File} pointing to the stylesheet, or null if no stylesheet\nis specified.",
"Validates for non-conflicting roles",
"Closing will only skip to the end of this fixed length input stream and\nnot call the parent's close method.\n@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while closing stream"
] |
public static URL codeLocationFromURL(String url) {
try {
return new URL(url);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidCodeLocation(url);
} | [
"Creates a code location URL from a URL\n\n@param url the URL external form\n@return A URL created from URL\n@throws InvalidCodeLocation if URL creation fails"
] | [
"Open the log file for writing.",
"Select this tab item.",
"disables the responses for a given pathname and user id\n\n@param model\n@param path_id\n@param clientUUID\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Extract the parent WBS from a WBS.\n\n@param wbs current WBS\n@return parent WBS",
"Join N sets.",
"Measure all children from container if needed\n@param measuredChildren the list of measured children\nmeasuredChildren list can be passed as null if it's not needed to\ncreate the list of the measured items\n@return true if the layout was recalculated, otherwise - false",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of lbvserver resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"Gets the visibility modifiers for the property as defined by the getter and setter methods.\n\n@return the visibility modifer of the getter, the setter, or both depending on which exist",
"Add a resource assignment which has been populated elsewhere.\n\n@param assignment resource assignment"
] |
public static ExtensibleConfigurationPersister createHostXmlConfigurationPersister(final ConfigurationFile file, final HostControllerEnvironment environment,
final ExecutorService executorService, final ExtensionRegistry hostExtensionRegistry,
final LocalHostControllerInfo localHostControllerInfo) {
String defaultHostname = localHostControllerInfo.getLocalHostName();
if (environment.getRunningModeControl().isReloaded()) {
if (environment.getRunningModeControl().getReloadHostName() != null) {
defaultHostname = environment.getRunningModeControl().getReloadHostName();
HostXml hostXml = new HostXml(defaultHostname, environment.getRunningModeControl().getRunningMode(),
environment.isUseCachedDc(), Module.getBootModuleLoader(), executorService, hostExtensionRegistry);
BackupXmlConfigurationPersister persister = new BackupXmlConfigurationPersister(file, new QName(Namespace.CURRENT.getUriString(), "host"), hostXml, hostXml, false);
for (Namespace namespace : Namespace.domainValues()) {
if (!namespace.equals(Namespace.CURRENT)) {
persister.registerAdditionalRootElement(new QName(namespace.getUriString(), "host"), hostXml);
return persister;
} | [
] | [
"Total count of partition-stores moved in this task.\n\n@return number of partition stores moved in this task.",
"Retrieve the value of a single-valued parameter.\n\n@param key\n@param defaultValue\n@param cnx",
"Writes a buffered some-value restriction.\n\n@param propertyUri\nURI of the property to which the restriction applies\n@param rangeUri\nURI of the class or datatype to which the restriction applies\n@param bnode\nblank node representing the restriction\n@throws RDFHandlerException\nif there was a problem writing the RDF triples",
"Returns true if the class node represents a the class node for the Class class\nand if the parametrized type is a neither a placeholder or a wildcard. For example,\nthe class node Class<Foo> where Foo is a class would return true, but the class\nnode for Class<?> would return false.\n@param classNode a class node to be tested\n@return true if it is the class node for Class and its generic type is a real class",
"Reconnect the sequence flows and the flow nodes.\nDone after the initial pass so that we have all the target information.",
"Initializes custom prefix for all junit4 properties. This must be consistent\nacross all junit4 invocations if done from the same classpath. Use only when REALLY needed.",
"Gets the Json Array representation of the given list of strings.\n@param keys List of strings\n@return the JsonArray represents the list of keys",
"Check whether vector addition works. This is pure Java code and should work.",
"Test for convergence by seeing if the element with the largest change\nis smaller than the tolerance. In some test cases it alternated between\nthe + and - values of the eigen vector. When this happens it seems to have \"converged\"\nto a non-dominant eigen vector. At least in the case I looked at. I haven't devoted\na lot of time into this issue..."
] |
@RequestMapping(value = "api/edit/repeatNumber", method = RequestMethod.POST)
String updateRepeatNumber(Model model, int newNum, int path_id,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = Constants.PROFILE_CLIENT_DEFAULT_ID) String clientUUID) throws Exception {
logger.info("want to update repeat number of path_id={}, to newNum={}", path_id, newNum);
editService.updateRepeatNumber(newNum, path_id, clientUUID);
return null;
} | [
"Calls a method from editService to update the repeat number for a path\n\n@param model\n@param newNum\n@param path_id\n@param clientUUID\n@return\n@throws Exception"
] | [
"Compares two annotated types and returns true if they are the same",
"Validates the binding types",
"this method will be invoked after methodToBeInvoked is invoked",
"write CustomInfo list into table.\n\n@param event the event",
"Builds a batch-fetch capable loader based on the given persister, lock-mode, etc.\n\n@param persister The entity persister\n@param batchSize The maximum number of ids to batch-fetch at once\n@param lockMode The lock mode\n@param factory The SessionFactory\n@param influencers Any influencers that should affect the built query\n@param innerEntityLoaderBuilder Builder of the entity loader receiving the subset of batches\n\n@return The loader.",
"Adds and returns a document with a new version to the given document.\n\n@param document the document to attach a new version to.\n@param newVersion the version to attach to the document\n@return a document with a new version to the given document.",
"Obtains a local date in Accounting calendar system from the\nproleptic-year, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.\n\n@param prolepticYear the proleptic-year\n@param month the month-of-year\n@param dayOfMonth the day-of-month\n@return the Accounting local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date",
"A tie-in for subclasses such as AdaGrad.",
"prefix the this class fk columns with the indirection table"
] |
private String parseAddress(String address) {
try {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
InternetAddress[] netAddrs = InternetAddress.parseHeader(address, false);
for (InternetAddress netAddr : netAddrs) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
String personal = netAddr.getPersonal();
if (personal != null && (personal.length() != 0)) {
} else {
buf.append(NIL); // should add route-addr
try {
// Remove quotes to avoid double quoting
MailAddress mailAddr = new MailAddress(netAddr.getAddress().replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\""));
} catch (Exception pe) {
buf.append(NIL + SP + NIL);
return buf.toString();
} catch (AddressException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse address: " + address, e);
} | [
"Parses a String email address to an IMAP address string."
] | [
"Calculate the layout offset",
"Generate Allure report data from directories with allure report results.\n\n@param args a list of directory paths. First (args.length - 1) arguments -\nresults directories, last argument - the folder to generated data",
"Add a new column\n\n@param columnName the name of the column\n@param searchable whether the column is searchable or not\n@param orderable whether the column is orderable or not\n@param searchValue if any, the search value to apply",
"Populates data in this Options from the character stream.\n@param in The Reader\n@throws IOException If there is a problem reading data",
"Sets currency symbol.\n\n@param symbol currency symbol",
"returns the values of the orientation tag",
"Normalizes the matrix such that the Frobenius norm is equal to one.\n\n@param A The matrix that is to be normalized.",
"Build a request URL.\n\n@param host\nThe host\n@param port\nThe port\n@param path\nThe path\n@param parameters\nThe parameters\n@return The URL\n@throws MalformedURLException\n@deprecated use {@link #buildSecureUrl(java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) }",
"Read the version number.\n\n@param is input stream"
] |
public ClassNode annotatedWith(String name) {
ClassNode anno = infoBase.node(name);
return this;
} | [
"Specify the class represented by this `ClassNode` is annotated\nby an annotation class specified by the name\n@param name the name of the annotation class\n@return this `ClassNode` instance"
] | [
"Insert syntax for our special table\n@param sequenceName\n@param maxKey\n@return sequence insert statement",
"Returns the text for the JSONObject of Link provided\nThe JSONObject of Link provided should be of the type \"copy\"\n@param jsonObject of Link\n@return String",
"Determines the number bytes required to store a variable length\n\n@param i length of Bytes\n@return number of bytes needed",
"Checks if two claims are equivalent in the sense that they have the same\nmain snak and the same qualifiers, but possibly in a different order.\n\n@param claim1\n@param claim2\n@return true if claims are equivalent",
"Sets the submatrix of W up give Y is already configured and if it is being cached or not.",
"Use this API to update appfwlearningsettings.",
"Method used to extract data from the block of properties and\ninsert the key value pair into a map.\n\n@param data block of property data\n@param previousItemOffset previous offset\n@param previousItemKey item key\n@param itemOffset current item offset",
"Move the SQL value to the next one for version processing.",
"Gets the index to use in the search.\n\n@return the index to use in the search"
] |
public AsciiTable setPaddingBottom(int paddingBottom) {
for(AT_Row row : this.rows){
return this;
} | [
"Sets the bottom padding for all cells in the table.\n@param paddingBottom new padding, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining"
] | [
"Record the details of the media being cached, to make it easier to recognize, now that we have access to that\ninformation.\n\n@param slot the slot from which a metadata cache is being created\n@param zos the stream to which the ZipFile is being written\n@param channel the low-level channel to which the cache is being written\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem writing the media details entry",
"Processes the template for all table definitions in the torque model.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Read one collection element from the current row of the JDBC result set\n\n@param optionalOwner the collection owner\n@param optionalKey the collection key\n@param persister the collection persister\n@param descriptor the collection aliases\n@param rs the result set\n@param session the session\n@throws HibernateException if an error occurs\n@throws SQLException if an error occurs during the query execution",
"Remove a named object",
"Update artifact download url of an artifact\n\n@param gavc String\n@param downLoadUrl String",
"Gets or creates the a resource for the sub-deployment on the parent deployments resource.\n\n@param deploymentName the name of the deployment\n@param parent the parent deployment used to find the parent resource\n\n@return the already registered resource or a newly created resource",
"Write the domain controller's data to an output stream.\n\n@param outstream the output stream\n@throws Exception",
"Get info about the shards in the database.\n\n@return List of shards\n@see <a\nhref=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/advanced.html#-get-database-_shards-\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">_shards</a>",
"Sets the jdbcLevel. parse the string setting and check that it is indeed an integer.\n@param jdbcLevel The jdbcLevel to set"
] |
public static BoxLegalHoldPolicy.Info createOngoing(BoxAPIConnection api, String name, String description) {
URL url = ALL_LEGAL_HOLD_URL_TEMPLATE.build(api.getBaseURL());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(api, url, "POST");
JsonObject requestJSON = new JsonObject()
.add("policy_name", name)
.add("is_ongoing", true);
if (description != null) {
requestJSON.add("description", description);
BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
JsonObject responseJSON = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
BoxLegalHoldPolicy createdPolicy = new BoxLegalHoldPolicy(api, responseJSON.get("id").asString());
return createdPolicy.new Info(responseJSON);
} | [
"Creates a new ongoing Legal Hold Policy.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param name the name of Legal Hold Policy.\n@param description the description of Legal Hold Policy.\n@return information about the Legal Hold Policy created."
] | [
"Convenience method that returns the attribute value for the specified attribute name.\n\n@param attributeName the name of the attribute\n@return the value of the attribute or null if no such attribute exists\n@since 1.9.0",
"Save the values to the bundle descriptor.\n@throws CmsException thrown if saving fails.",
"Adds a word to the end of the token list\n@param word word which is to be added\n@return The new Token created around symbol",
"find the middle point of two intersect points in circle,only one point will be correct\n\n@param center\n@param a\n@param b\n@param area\n@param radius\n@return",
"Returns the maximum magnitude of the complex numbers\n@param u Array of complex numbers\n@param startU first index to consider in u\n@param length Number of complex numebrs to consider\n@return magnitude",
"Given a set of versions, constructs a resolved list of versions based on\nthe compare function above\n\n@param values\n@return list of values after resolution",
"Create and serialize a WorkerStatus for a pause event.\n\n@return the JSON representation of a new WorkerStatus\n@throws IOException if there was an error serializing the WorkerStatus",
"Sets the Base Calendar field indicates which calendar is the base calendar\nfor a resource calendar. The list includes the three built-in calendars,\nas well as any new base calendars you have created in the Change Working\nTime dialog box.\n\n@param val calendar name",
"Reads a single record from the table.\n\n@param buffer record data\n@param table parent table"
] |
protected long buildNextSequence(PersistenceBroker broker, ClassDescriptor cld, String sequenceName)
throws LookupException, SQLException, PlatformException
CallableStatement cs = null;
Connection con = broker.serviceConnectionManager().getConnection();
cs = getPlatform().prepareNextValProcedureStatement(con, PROCEDURE_NAME, sequenceName);
return cs.getLong(1);
if (cs != null)
catch (SQLException ignore)
// ignore it
} | [
"Calls the stored procedure stored procedure throws an\nerror if it doesn't exist.\n@param broker\n@param cld\n@param sequenceName\n@return\n@throws LookupException\n@throws SQLException"
] | [
"Utility method to register a proxy has a Service in OSGi.",
"Obtain all groups\n\n@return All Groups",
"Enable a host\n\n@param hostName\n@throws Exception",
"Calculates a md5 hash for an url\n\nIf a passed in url is absent then this method will return absent as well\n\n@param url - an url to a soy template file\n@return - md5 checksum of a template file\n@throws IOException - in a case there is an IO error calculating md5 checksum",
"Determine if a CharSequence can be parsed as a Double.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return true if the CharSequence can be parsed\n@see #isDouble(String)\n@since 1.8.2",
"Create a buffered image with the correct image bands etc... for the tiles being loaded.\n\n@param imageWidth width of the image to create\n@param imageHeight height of the image to create.",
"Set default values for the TimeAndSizeRollingAppender appender\n\n@param appender",
"Gets the prefix from value.\n\n@param value the value\n@return the prefix from value",
"main class entry point."
] |
public int getIndex(T value) {
int count = getItemCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (Objects.equals(getValue(i), value)) {
return i;
return -1;
} | [
"Gets the index of the specified value.\n\n@param value the value of the item to be found\n@return the index of the value"
] | [
"Gets the Jaccard distance between two points.\n\n@param p A point in space.\n@param q A point in space.\n@return The Jaccard distance between x and y.",
"Add a console pipeline to the Redwood handler tree,\nprinting to stdout.\nCalling this multiple times will result in messages being printed\nmultiple times.\n@return this",
"Return a new instance of the BufferedImage\n\n@return BufferedImage",
"Returns the invocation handler object of the given proxy object.\n\n@param obj The object\n@return The invocation handler if the object is an OJB proxy, or <code>null</code>\notherwise",
"Main render algorithm based on render the video thumbnail, render the title, render the marker\nand the label.",
"Run a task periodically and indefinitely.\n\n@param task\nTask to run.\n@param delay\nThe first execution will happen in {@code delay} seconds.\n@param period\nSubsequent executions will happen every {@code period} seconds\nafter the first.\n@return An interface that lets you query the status; cancel; or\nreschedule the event.",
"Obtain plugin information\n\n@return",
"A simple helper method that creates a pool of connections to Redis using\nthe supplied configurations.\n\n@param jesqueConfig the config used to create the pooled Jedis connections\n@param poolConfig the config used to create the pool\n@return a configured Pool of Jedis connections",
"Get viewport size along the axis\n@param axis {@link Axis}\n@return size"
] |
public void setSize(ButtonSize size) {
if (this.size != null) {
this.size = size;
if (size != null) {
} | [
"Set the buttons size."
] | [
"Convert a color to an angle.\n\n@param color The RGB value of the color to \"find\" on the color wheel.\n\n@return The angle (in rad) the \"normalized\" color is displayed on the\ncolor wheel.",
"Read data for an individual task.\n\n@param row task data from database\n@param task Task instance",
"Process any StepEvent. You can change last added to stepStorage\nstep using this method.\n\n@param event to process",
"Checks if the given String is null or contains only whitespaces.\nThe String is trimmed before the empty check.\n\n@param argument the String to check for null or emptiness\n@param argumentName the name of the argument to check.\nThis is used in the exception message.\n@return the String that was given as argument\n@throws IllegalArgumentException in case argument is null or empty",
"Creates a replica of the node with the new partitions list\n\n@param node The node whose replica we are creating\n@param partitionsList The new partitions list\n@return Replica of node with new partitions list",
"Removes all children",
"If needed declares and sets up internal data structures.\n\n@param A Matrix being decomposed.",
"Label accessor provided for JSON serialization only.",
"Sets the replacement var map node specific.\n\n@param replacementVarMapNodeSpecific\nthe replacement var map node specific\n@return the parallel task builder"
] |
public void setTabs(ArrayList<String>tabs) {
if (tabs == null || tabs.size() <= 0) return;
if (platformSupportsTabs) {
ArrayList<String> toAdd;
if (tabs.size() > MAX_TABS) {
toAdd = new ArrayList<>(tabs.subList(0, MAX_TABS));
} else {
toAdd = tabs;
this.tabs = toAdd.toArray(new String[0]);
} else {
Logger.d("Please upgrade com.android.support:design library to v28.0.0 to enable Tabs for App Inbox, dropping Tabs");
} | [
"Sets the name of the optional two tabs.\nThe contents of the tabs are filtered based on the name of the tab.\n@param tabs ArrayList of Strings"
] | [
"Convert from a DTO to an internal Spring bean definition.\n\n@param beanDefinitionDto The DTO object.\n@return Returns a Spring bean definition.",
"Use this API to add vpath resources.",
"Converts a tab delimited string into an object with given fields\nRequires the object has setXxx functions for the specified fields\n\n@param objClass Class of object to be created\n@param str string to convert\n@param delimiterRegex delimiter regular expression\n@param fieldNames fieldnames\n@param <T> type to return\n@return Object created from string",
"Update the name of a script\n\n@param id ID of script\n@param name new name\n@return updated script\n@throws Exception exception",
"Log a warning for the given operation at the provided address for the given attribute, using the provided detail\nmessage.\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param operation where which problem occurred\n@param message custom error message to append\n@param attribute attribute we that has problem",
"Determine whether the calling thread is the GL thread.\n\n@return {@code True} if called from the GL thread, {@code false} if\ncalled from another thread.",
"Make this item active.",
"Set the locking values\n@param cld\n@param obj\n@param oldLockingValues",
"Translate a path that has previously been unescaped and unquoted.\nThat is called at command execution when the calue is retrieved prior to be\nused as ModelNode value.\n@param path The unquoted, unescaped path.\n@return A path with ~ and default dir expanded."
] |
public PayloadBuilder resizeAlertBody(final int payloadLength, final String postfix) {
int currLength = length();
if (currLength <= payloadLength) {
return this;
// now we are sure that truncation is required
String body = (String)customAlert.get("body");
final int acceptableSize = Utilities.toUTF8Bytes(body).length
- (currLength - payloadLength
+ Utilities.toUTF8Bytes(postfix).length);
body = Utilities.truncateWhenUTF8(body, acceptableSize) + postfix;
// set it back
customAlert.put("body", body);
// calculate the length again
currLength = length();
if(currLength > payloadLength) {
// string is still too long, just remove the body as the body is
// anyway not the cause OR the postfix might be too long
return this;
} | [
"Shrinks the alert message body so that the resulting payload\nmessage fits within the passed expected payload length.\n\nThis method performs best-effort approach, and its behavior\nis unspecified when handling alerts where the payload\nwithout body is already longer than the permitted size, or\nif the break occurs within word.\n\n@param payloadLength the expected max size of the payload\n@param postfix for the truncated body, e.g. \"...\"\n@return this"
] | [
"Use this API to update dospolicy resources.",
"Returns a specific profile\n\n@param profileId ID of profile\n@return Selected profile if found, null if not found\n@throws Exception exception",
"Creates the stats type.\n\n@param statsItems\nthe stats items\n@param sortType\nthe sort type\n@param functionParser\nthe function parser\n@return the string",
"This method maps the currency symbol position from the\nrepresentation used in the MPP file to the representation\nused by MPX.\n\n@param value MPP symbol position\n@return MPX symbol position",
"Process task dependencies.",
"Before closing the PersistenceBroker ensure that the session\ncache is cleared",
"Checks the preconditions for creating a new RequireSubStr processor with a List of Strings.\n\n@param requiredSubStrings\nthe required substrings\n@throws NullPointerException\nif requiredSubStrings or one of its elements is null\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif requiredSubStrings is empty",
"Use this API to fetch vrid_nsip6_binding resources of given name .",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of gslbdomain_stats resource of given name ."
] |
protected static void safeWriteErrorResponse(final Channel channel, final ManagementProtocolHeader header, final Throwable error) {
if(header.getType() == ManagementProtocol.TYPE_REQUEST) {
try {
writeErrorResponse(channel, (ManagementRequestHeader) header, error);
} catch(IOException ioe) {
ProtocolLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.tracef(ioe, "failed to write error response for %s on channel: %s", header, channel);
} | [
"Safe write error response.\n\n@param channel the channel\n@param header the request header\n@param error the exception"
] | [
"Parse a list of objects from a JsonParser.\n\n@param jsonParser The JsonParser, preconfigured to be at the START_ARRAY token.",
"Recursively update parent task dates.\n\n@param parentTask parent task",
"Return a list of contacts for a user who have recently uploaded photos along with the total count of photos uploaded.\n\n@param lastUpload\nLimits the resultset to contacts that have uploaded photos since this date. The date should be in the form of a Unix timestamp. The default,\nand maximum, offset is (1) hour. (Optional, can be null)\n@param filter\nLimit the result set to all contacts or only those who are friends or family.<br/>\nValid options are: <b>ff</b> -> friends and family, <b>all</b> -> all your contacts. (Optional, can be null)\n\n@return List of Contacts\n@throws FlickrException",
"Formats a double value.\n\n@param number numeric value\n@return Double instance",
"Generate a string with all selected checkboxes separated with ','.\n\n@return a string with all selected checkboxes",
"A property tied to the map, updated when the idle state event is fired.\n\n@return",
"This is an assertion method that can be used by a thread to confirm that\nthe thread isn't already holding lock for an object, before acquiring a\nlock\n\n@param object\nobject to test for lock\n@param name\ntag associated with the lock",
"Use this API to fetch aaauser_intranetip_binding resources of given name .",
"Log column data.\n\n@param column column data"
] |
public void setFileProtocols(String fileProtocols) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileProtocols)) {
this.fileProtocols = TextParseUtil.commaDelimitedStringToSet(fileProtocols);
} | [
"File URLs whose protocol are in these list will be processed as jars\ncontaining classes\n\n@param fileProtocols\nComma separated list of file protocols that will be considered\nas jar files and scanned"
] | [
"Get a property as a json array or throw exception.\n\n@param key the property name",
"Utility to list indexes of a given type.\n\n@param type the type of index to list, null means all types\n@param modelType the class to deserialize the index into\n@param <T> the type of the index\n@return the list of indexes of the specified type",
"Determine the target type for the generic return type of the given method,\nwhere formal type variables are declared on the given class.\n@param method the method to introspect\n@param clazz the class to resolve type variables against\n@return the corresponding generic parameter or return type\n@see #resolveReturnTypeForGenericMethod",
"Computes the square root of the complex number.\n\n@param input Input complex number.\n@param root Output. The square root of the input",
"Iterates over the elements of an iterable collection of items, starting\nfrom a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the last item that\nmatches the condition specified in the closure.\n\n@param self the iteration object over which to iterate\n@param startIndex start matching from this index\n@param closure the filter to perform a match on the collection\n@return an integer that is the index of the last matched object or -1 if no match was found\n@since 1.5.2",
"Sets the options contained in the DJCrosstab to the JRDesignCrosstab.\nAlso fits the correct width",
"Get the int resource id with specified type definition\n@param context\n@param id String resource id\n@return int resource id",
"If needed declares and sets up internal data structures.\n\n@param A Matrix being decomposed.",
"Sets the target hosts from json path.\n\n@param jsonPath\nthe json path\n@param sourcePath\nthe source path\n@param sourceType\nthe source type\n@return the parallel task builder\n@throws TargetHostsLoadException\nthe target hosts load exception"
] |
public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
Object val = null;
if (args != null && Object[].class.isAssignableFrom(args.getClass())) {
Object[] arr = (Object[]) args;
if (arr.length == 1) {
val = arr[0];
} else if (arr.length == 2 && arr[0] instanceof Collection && arr[1] instanceof Closure) {
Closure<?> closure = (Closure<?>) arr[1];
Iterator<?> iterator = ((Collection) arr[0]).iterator();
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
list.add(curryDelegateAndGetContent(closure, iterator.next()));
val = list;
} else {
val = Arrays.asList(arr);
content.put(name, val);
return val;
} | [
"Intercepts calls for setting a key and value for a JSON object\n\n@param name the key name\n@param args the value associated with the key"
] | [
"Sets the character translator for all cells in the row.\nIt will also remove any other translator set.\nNothing will happen if the argument is null.\n@param charTranslator translator\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Set the ambient light intensity.\n\nThis designates the color of the ambient reflection.\nIt is multiplied by the material ambient color to derive\nthe hue of the ambient reflection for that material.\nThe built-in phong shader {@link GVRPhongShader} uses a {@code vec4} uniform named\n{@code ambient_intensity} to control the intensity of ambient light reflected.\n\n@param r red component (0 to 1)\n@param g green component (0 to 1)\n@param b blue component (0 to 1)\n@param a alpha component (0 to 1)",
"Harvest a single value that was returned by a callable statement.\n\n@param obj the object that will receive the value that is harvested.\n@param callable the CallableStatement that contains the value to harvest\n@param fmd the FieldDescriptor that identifies the field where the\nharvested value will be stord.\n@param index the parameter index.\n\n@throws PersistenceBrokerSQLException if a problem occurs.",
"Account for key being fetched.\n\n@param key",
"Extract site path, base name and locale from the resource opened with the editor.",
"get the getter method corresponding to given property",
"Creates an operations that targets this handler.\n@param operationToValidate the operation that this handler will validate\n@return the validation operation",
"Check if this applies to the provided authorization scope and return the credentials for that scope or\nnull if it doesn't apply to the scope.\n\n@param authscope the scope to test against.",
"This functions reads SAM flowId and sets it\nas message property for subsequent store in CallContext\n@param message"
] |
public void setIdleMaxAge(long idleMaxAge, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
this.idleMaxAgeInSeconds = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(idleMaxAge, checkNotNull(timeUnit));
} | [
"Sets Idle max age.\n\nThe time, for a connection to remain unused before it is closed off. Do not use aggressive values here!\n@param idleMaxAge time after which a connection is closed off\n@param timeUnit idleMaxAge time granularity."
] | [
"Called when the layout is applied to the data\n@param container WidgetContainer to access the org.gearvrf.org.gearvrf.widgetlib in the layout\n@param viewPortSize View port for data set",
"Creates a list of all permutations for a set with N elements.\n\n@param N Number of elements in the list being permuted.\n@return A list containing all the permutations.",
"Returns this applications' context path.\n@return context path.",
"Return true if the class name is associated to an hidden class or matches a hide expression",
"This method writes data for a single resource to a Planner file.\n\n@param mpxjResource MPXJ Resource instance\n@param plannerResource Planner Resource instance",
"determine the what state a transaction is in by inspecting the primary column",
"Closes all the producers in the pool",
"Get the short exception message using the requested locale. This does not include the cause exception message.\n\n@param locale locale for message\n@return (short) exception message",
"Loops through all resource roots that have been made available transitively via Class-Path entries, and\nadds them to the list of roots to be processed."
] |
public void setBaselineDurationText(int baselineNumber, String value)
set(selectField(TaskFieldLists.BASELINE_DURATIONS, baselineNumber), value);
} | [
"Sets the baseline duration text value.\n\n@param baselineNumber baseline number\n@param value baseline duration text value"
] | [
"private HttpServletResponse headers;",
"Read an int from an input stream.\n\n@param is input stream\n@return int value",
"Close tracks when the JVM shuts down.\n@return this",
"End building the script\n@param config the configuration for the script to build\n@return the new {@link LuaScript} instance",
"Alternate version of autoGeneratedKeys.\n@param sql\n@param autoGeneratedKeys\n@return cache key to use.",
"Writes long strings to output stream as several chunks.\n\n@param stream stream to write to.\n@param str string to be written.\n@throws IOException if something went wrong",
"Returns all methods for a specific group\n\n@param groupId group ID to remove methods from\n@param filters array of method types to filter by, null means no filter\n@return Collection of methods found\n@throws Exception exception",
"Sets the monitoring service.\n\n@param monitoringService the new monitoring service",
"Given a list of typedDependencies, returns true if the node \"node\" is the\ngovernor of a conj relation with a dependent which is not a preposition\n\n@param node\nA node in this GrammaticalStructure\n@param list\nA list of typedDependencies\n@return true If node is the governor of a conj relation in the list with\nthe dep not being a preposition"
] |
private void addParameters(Model model, HttpServletRequest request) {
for (Object objectEntry : request.getParameterMap().entrySet()) {
Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry = (Map.Entry<String, String[]>) objectEntry;
String key = entry.getKey();
String[] values = entry.getValue();
if (null != values && values.length > 0) {
String value = values[0];
try {
model.addAttribute(key, getParameter(key, value));
} catch (ParseException pe) {
log.error("Could not parse parameter value {} for {}, ignoring parameter.", key, value);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
log.error("Could not parse parameter value {} for {}, ignoring parameter.", key, value);
} | [
"Add the extra parameters which are passed as report parameters. The type of the parameter is \"guessed\" from the\nfirst letter of the parameter name.\n\n@param model view model\n@param request servlet request"
] | [
"Returns the difference of sets s1 and s2.",
"Retrieves a specific range of items in this collection.\n@param offset the index of the first item to retrieve.\n@param limit the maximum number of items to retrieve after the offset.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return a partial collection containing the specified range of items.",
"Start a process using the given parameters.\n\n@param processId\n@param parameters\n@return",
"Gets the SerialMessage as a byte array.\n@return the message",
"Creates a bridge accessory, capable of holding multiple child accessories. This has the\nadvantage over multiple standalone accessories of only requiring a single pairing from iOS for\nthe bridge.\n\n@param authInfo authentication information for this accessory. These values should be persisted\nand re-supplied on re-start of your application.\n@param label label for the bridge. This will show in iOS during pairing.\n@param manufacturer manufacturer of the bridge. This information is exposed to iOS for unknown\npurposes.\n@param model model of the bridge. This is also exposed to iOS for unknown purposes.\n@param serialNumber serial number of the bridge. Also exposed. Purposes also unknown.\n@return the bridge, from which you can {@link HomekitRoot#addAccessory add accessories} and\nthen {@link HomekitRoot#start start} handling requests.\n@throws IOException when mDNS cannot connect to the network",
"Convenience method dispatches this object to the source appender, which\nwill result in the custom message being appended to the new file.\n\n@param message\nThe custom logging message to be appended.",
"Log a warning for the resource at the provided address and a single attribute. The detail message is a default\n'Attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host.'\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param attribute attribute we are warning about",
"Creates the full sentence.\n\n@return the mtas CQL parser sentence condition\n@throws ParseException the parse exception",
"Gets all checked widgets in the group\n@return list of checked widgets"
] |
private static void query(String filename) throws Exception
ProjectFile mpx = new UniversalProjectReader().read(filename);
} | [
"This method performs a set of queries to retrieve information\nfrom the an MPP or an MPX file.\n\n@param filename name of the MPX file\n@throws Exception on file read error"
] | [
"adds all json extension to an diagram\n@param modelJSON\n@param current\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Convenience method for retrieving an Object resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value",
"Retrieve and validate the timeout value from the REST request.\n\"X_VOLD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS\" is the timeout header.\n\n@return true if present, false if missing",
"other static handlers",
"Use this API to update inat resources.",
"Processes an anonymous reference definition.\n\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\"\[email protected] name=\"attributes\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Attributes of the reference as name-value pairs 'name=value',\nseparated by commas\"\[email protected] name=\"auto-delete\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically delete the\nreferenced object on object deletion\"\[email protected] name=\"auto-retrieve\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically retrieve\nthe referenced object\"\[email protected] name=\"auto-update\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically update the\nreferenced object\"\[email protected] name=\"class-ref\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The fully qualified name of the class\nowning the referenced field\"\[email protected] name=\"documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation on the reference\"\[email protected] name=\"foreignkey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The fields in the current type used for\nimplementing the reference\"\[email protected] name=\"otm-dependent\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the reference is dependent on otm\"\[email protected] name=\"proxy\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to use a proxy for the reference\"\[email protected] name=\"proxy-prefetching-limit\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Specifies the amount of objects to prefetch\"\[email protected] name=\"refresh\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically refresh the\nreference\"\[email protected] name=\"remote-foreignkey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The fields in the referenced type\ncorresponding to the local fields (is only used for the table definition)\"",
"Check whether the given is is matched by one of the include expressions.\n\n@param id id to check\n@param includes list of include regular expressions\n@return true when id is included",
"Return a list of 'Files' of downloaded or uploaded files. Filters build files without local and remote paths.\n\n@param buildFilesStream - Stream of build Artifacts or Dependencies.\n@return - List of build files.",
"Used to load a classifier stored as a resource inside a jar file. THIS\nFUNCTION WILL ONLY WORK IF THE CODE WAS LOADED FROM A JAR FILE WHICH HAS A\nSERIALIZED CLASSIFIER STORED INSIDE IT.\n\n@param resourceName\nName of clasifier resource inside the jar file.\n@return A CRFClassifier stored in the jar file"
] |
public boolean load()
java.util.Iterator it = this.alChildren.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
Object o = it.next();
if (o instanceof OjbMetaTreeNode) ((OjbMetaTreeNode)o).load();
return true;
} | [
"Recursively loads the metadata for this node"
] | [
"This method retrieves the UID for a calendar associated with a task.\n\n@param mpx MPX Task instance\n@return calendar UID",
"Print the given values after displaying the provided message.",
"Wrap Statement with a proxy.\n@param target statement handle\n@param connectionHandle originating bonecp connection\n@return Proxy to a statement.",
"Checks the component type of the given array against the expected component type.\n\n@param array\nthe array to be checked. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param expectedComponentType\nthe expected component type of the array. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@return the unchanged array.\n@throws ArrayStoreException\nif the expected runtime {@code componentType} does not match the actual runtime component type.",
"Returns the z-coordinate of a vertex normal.\n\n@param vertex the vertex index\n@return the z coordinate",
"Removes all candidates from this collection which are not\nassociated with an initialising method.\n\n@return a {@code Collection} containing the removed\nunassociated candidates. This list is empty if none\nwere removed, i. e. the result is never {@code null}.",
"Creates a file\n\n@param folder File\n@param fileName String\n@throws IOException",
"Prepare a parallel HTTP PUT Task.\n\n@param url\nthe UrlPostfix: e.g. in http://localhost:8080/index.html.,the url is \"/index.html\"\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Gets the event type from message.\n\n@param message the message\n@return the event type"
] |
public static double diagProd( DMatrix1Row T )
double prod = 1.0;
int N = Math.min(T.numRows,T.numCols);
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
prod *= T.unsafe_get(i,i);
return prod;
} | [
"Computes the product of the diagonal elements. For a diagonal or triangular\nmatrix this is the determinant.\n\n@param T A matrix.\n@return product of the diagonal elements."
] | [
"The Baseline Start field shows the planned beginning date for a task at\nthe time you saved a baseline. Information in this field becomes available\nwhen you set a baseline.\n\n@return Date",
"Extract data for a single calendar.\n\n@param row calendar data",
"Unloads the sound file for this source, if any.",
"returns a new segment masked by the given mask\n\nThis method applies the mask first to every address in the range, and it does not preserve any existing prefix.\nThe given prefix will be applied to the range of addresses after the mask.\nIf the combination of the two does not result in a contiguous range, then {@link IncompatibleAddressException} is thrown.",
"returns a sorted array of properties",
"Get an SQL condition to match this address section representation\n\n@param builder\n@param columnName\n@return the condition",
"Creates needed textfields for general label in footer groups.\n@param djgroup\n@param jgroup",
"Read the version number.\n\n@param is input stream",
"Returns a portion of the Bytes object\n\n@param start index of subsequence start (inclusive)\n@param end index of subsequence end (exclusive)"
] |
public void addIn(Object attribute, Query subQuery)
// PAW
// addSelectionCriteria(ValueCriteria.buildInCriteria(attribute, subQuery, getAlias()));
addSelectionCriteria(ValueCriteria.buildInCriteria(attribute, subQuery, getUserAlias(attribute)));
} | [
"IN Criteria with SubQuery\n@param attribute The field name to be used\n@param subQuery The subQuery"
] | [
"Given the comma separated list of properties as a string, splits it\nmultiple strings\n\n@param paramValue Concatenated string\n@param type Type of parameter ( to throw exception )\n@return List of string properties",
"Reset hard on HEAD.\n\n@throws GitAPIException",
"Fancy print without a space added to positive numbers",
"List the greetings in the specified guestbook.",
"Returns the deployment names with the specified runtime names at the specified deploymentRootAddress.\n\n@param deploymentRootResource\n@param runtimeNames\n@return the deployment names with the specified runtime names at the specified deploymentRootAddress.",
"Use this API to add dnssuffix.",
"Checks if the provided duration information is valid.\n@return <code>null</code> if the information is valid, the key of the suitable error message otherwise.",
"Ask the specified player for the beat grid of the track in the specified slot with the specified rekordbox ID,\nfirst checking if we have a cache we can use instead.\n\n@param track uniquely identifies the track whose beat grid is desired\n\n@return the beat grid, if any",
"Called when a ParentViewHolder has triggered an expansion for it's parent\n\n@param flatParentPosition the position of the parent that is calling to be expanded"
] |
public String getTypeDescriptor() {
if (typeDescriptor == null) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(name.length() + parameters.length * 10);
buf.append(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
Parameter param = parameters[i];
typeDescriptor = buf.toString();
return typeDescriptor;
} | [
"The type descriptor for a method node is a string containing the name of the method, its return type,\nand its parameter types in a canonical form. For simplicity, I'm using the format of a Java declaration\nwithout parameter names.\n\n@return the type descriptor"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch all the systemcore resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Sets padding between the pages\n@param padding\n@param axis",
"Set HTTP client\n\n@param httpClient\nAn instance of OkHttpClient\n@return Api Client",
"Peeks the current top of the stack or returns null if the stack is empty\n@return the current top of the stack or returns null if the stack is empty",
"Use this API to fetch vpntrafficpolicy_aaagroup_binding resources of given name .",
"Updates the model. Ensures that we reset the columns widths.\n\n@param model table model",
"remove a converted object from the pool\n\n@param converter\n@param sourceObject\n@param destinationType",
"This method extracts data for a single day from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param day Day data\n@param readExceptionsFromDays read exceptions form day definitions",
"Creates a new RDF serializer based on the current configuration of this\nobject.\n\n@return the newly created RDF serializer\n@throws IOException\nif there were problems opening the output files"
] |
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> join(QueryBuilder<?, ?> joinedQueryBuilder) throws SQLException {
addJoinInfo(JoinType.INNER, null, null, joinedQueryBuilder, JoinWhereOperation.AND);
return this;
} | [
"Join with another query builder. This will add into the SQL something close to \" INNER JOIN other-table ...\".\nEither the object associated with the current QueryBuilder or the argument QueryBuilder must have a foreign field\nof the other one. An exception will be thrown otherwise.\n\n<p>\n<b>NOTE:</b> This will do combine the WHERE statement of the two query builders with a SQL \"AND\". See\n{@link #joinOr(QueryBuilder)}.\n</p>"
] | [
"Retrieve the state object associated with the specified interceptor instance and property\nname on this request context.\n\n@param interceptor the interceptor instance\n@param stateName the name key that the state object was stored under\n@param stateType class of the type the stored state should be returned as\n@param <T> the type the stored state should be returned as\n@return the stored state object\n@see #setState(HttpConnectionInterceptor, String, Object)\n@since 2.6.0",
"Get permissions for who may view geo data for a photo.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'read' permission.\n\n@param photoId\nreqired photo id, not null\n@return the permissions\n@throws FlickrException\nif photo id is invalid, if photo has no geodata or if any other error has been reported in the response.",
"Concat a List into a CSV String.\n@param list list to concat\n@return csv string",
"We have more input since wait started",
"Preloads a sound file.\n\n@param soundFile path/name of the file to be played.",
"Checks whether a user account can be locked because of inactivity.\n\n@param cms the CMS context\n@param user the user to check\n@return true if the user may be locked after being inactive for too long",
"Reads entries from transforms.xml.\n\n@param file the XML file\n@return the transform entries read from the file\n\n@throws Exception if something goes wrong",
"handles when a member leaves and hazelcast partition data is lost. We want\nto find the Futures that are waiting on lost data and error them",
"Finds the last entry of the address list and returns it as a property.\n\n@param address the address to get the last part of\n\n@return the last part of the address\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the address is not of type {@link ModelType#LIST} or is empty"
] |
public void setWeeklyDay(Day day, boolean value)
if (value)
} | [
"Set the state of an individual day in a weekly recurrence.\n\n@param day Day instance\n@param value true if this day is included in the recurrence"
] | [
"With the QR algorithm it is possible for the found singular values to be native. This\nmakes them all positive by multiplying it by a diagonal matrix that has",
"makes object obj persistent to the Objectcache under the key oid.",
"Use this API to delete appfwlearningdata resources.",
"Initialization necessary for editing a property bundle.\n\n@throws CmsLoaderException thrown if loading a bundle file fails.\n@throws CmsException thrown if loading a bundle file fails.\n@throws IOException thrown if loading a bundle file fails.",
"Converts assignment duration values from minutes to hours.\n\n@param list assignment data",
"Tries to load the custom error page at the given rootPath.\n@param cms {@link CmsObject} used for reading the resource (site root and uri get adjusted!)\n@param req the current request\n@param res the current response\n@param rootPath the VFS root path to the error page resource\n@return a flag, indicating if the error page could be loaded",
"Checks the given class descriptor for correct row-reader setting.\n\n@param classDef The class descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is only checked in strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the constraint has been violated",
"Convolve with a 2D kernel.\n@param kernel the kernel\n@param inPixels the input pixels\n@param outPixels the output pixels\n@param width the width\n@param height the height\n@param alpha include alpha channel\n@param edgeAction what to do at the edges",
"Adds a new leap second to these rules.\n\n@param mjDay the Modified Julian Day that the leap second occurs at the end of\n@param leapAdjustment the leap seconds to add/remove at the end of the day, either -1 or 1\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the leap adjustment is invalid\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the day is before or equal the last known leap second day\nand the definition does not match a previously registered leap\n@throws ConcurrentModificationException if another thread updates the rules at the same time"
] |
private static void updateBaseCalendarNames(List<Pair<ProjectCalendar, BigInteger>> baseCalendars, HashMap<BigInteger, ProjectCalendar> map)
for (Pair<ProjectCalendar, BigInteger> pair : baseCalendars)
ProjectCalendar cal = pair.getFirst();
BigInteger baseCalendarID = pair.getSecond();
ProjectCalendar baseCal = map.get(baseCalendarID);
if (baseCal != null)
} | [
"The way calendars are stored in an MSPDI file means that there\ncan be forward references between the base calendar unique ID for a\nderived calendar, and the base calendar itself. To get around this,\nwe initially populate the base calendar name attribute with the\nbase calendar unique ID, and now in this method we can convert those\nID values into the correct names.\n\n@param baseCalendars list of calendars and base calendar IDs\n@param map map of calendar ID values and calendar objects"
] | [
"Removes the duplicate node list.\n\n@param list\nthe list\n@return the int",
"Emit a event object with parameters and force all listeners to be called asynchronously.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see #emit(EventObject, Object...)",
"Try to provide an escaped, ready-to-use shell line to repeat a given command line.",
"Get the URI for the given statement.\n\n@param statement\nthe statement for which to create a URI\n@return the URI",
"Update the installed identity using the modified state from the modification.\n\n@param name the identity name\n@param modification the modification\n@param state the installation state\n@return the installed identity",
"Default implementation returns unmodified original Query\n\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.QueryCustomizer#customizeQuery",
"Updates a path table value for column columnName\n\n@param columnName name of the column to update\n@param newData new content to set\n@param path_id ID of the path to update",
"Check for exceptions.\n\n@return the list",
"remove drag support from the given Component.\n@param c the Component to remove"
] |
public ConverterServerBuilder requestTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
assertNumericArgument(timeout, true);
this.requestTimeout = unit.toMillis(timeout);
return this;
} | [
"Specifies the timeout for a network request.\n\n@param timeout The timeout for a network request.\n@param unit The time unit of the specified timeout.\n@return This builder instance."
] | [
"Flag that the processor has started execution.\n\n@param processorGraphNode the node that has started.",
"Returns the text content to any HTML.\n\n@param html the HTML\n\n@return the text content",
"Create a new Date. To the last day.",
"Finds the maximum abs in each column of A and stores it into values\n@param A (Input) Matrix\n@param values (Output) storage for column max abs",
"Return given duration in a human-friendly format. For example, \"4\nminutes\" or \"1 second\". Returns only largest meaningful unit of time,\nfrom seconds up to hours.\n\nThe longest duration it supports is hours.\n\nThis method assumes that there are 60 minutes in an hour,\n60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second.\nAll currently supplied chronologies use this definition.",
"Add tags to a photo.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'write' permission.\n\n@param photoId\nThe photo ID\n@param tags\nThe tags\n@throws FlickrException",
"Gets the last element in the address.\n\n@return the element, or {@code null} if {@link #size()} is zero.",
"Ensure the current throughput levels for the tracked operation does not\nexceed set quota limits. Throws an exception if exceeded quota.\n\n@param quotaKey\n@param trackedOp",
"Pause the current entry point, and invoke the provided listener when all current requests have finished.\n\nIf individual control point tracking is not enabled then the listener will be invoked straight away\n\n@param requestCountListener The listener to invoke"
] |
protected synchronized void doWriteObjects(boolean isFlush) throws TransactionAbortedException, LockNotGrantedException
if broker isn't in PB-tx, start tx
if (!getBroker().isInTransaction())
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("call beginTransaction() on PB instance");
// Notify objects of impending commits.
// Now perfom the real work
// now we have to perform the named objects
} | [
"Write objects to data store, but don't release the locks.\nI don't know what we should do if we are in a checkpoint and\nwe need to abort."
] | [
"Retrieves an integer value from the extended data.\n\n@param type Type identifier\n@return integer value",
"Should this request URI be compressed?\n\n@param requestUri request URI\n@return true when should be compressed",
"An extension point so we can control how the query gets executed.\nThis exists for testing purposes, not because we believe it will\nactually be used for real.",
"Use this API to add authenticationradiusaction.",
"Set a knot type.\n@param n the knot index\n@param type the type\n@see #getKnotType",
"Add a file to notify the script that asked to stop the print that it is now done processing the remain\njobs.",
"Reconnect the context if the RedirectException is valid.",
"Summarizes balance for the given nodeId to PartitionCount.\n\n@param nodeIdToPartitionCount\n@param title for use in pretty string\n@return Pair: getFirst() is utility value to be minimized, getSecond() is\npretty summary string of balance",
"Convert a string value into the appropriate Java field value."
] |
protected Patch createProcessedPatch(final Patch original) {
// Process elements
final List<PatchElement> elements = new ArrayList<PatchElement>();
// Process layers
for (final PatchEntry entry : getLayers()) {
final PatchElement element = createPatchElement(entry, entry.element.getId(), entry.modifications);
// Process add-ons
for (final PatchEntry entry : getAddOns()) {
final PatchElement element = createPatchElement(entry, entry.element.getId(), entry.modifications);
// Swap the patch element modifications, keep the identity ones since we don't need to fix the misc modifications
return new PatchImpl(original.getPatchId(), original.getDescription(), original.getLink(), original.getIdentity(), elements, identityEntry.modifications);
} | [
"Create a patch representing what we actually processed. This may contain some fixed content hashes for removed\nmodules.\n\n@param original the original\n@return the processed patch"
] | [
"Changes to a new sub-view and stores a report to be displayed by that subview.<p<\n\n@param newState the new state\n@param thread the report thread which should be displayed in the sub view\n@param label the label to display for the report",
"prefetch defined relationships requires JDBC level 2.0, does not work\nwith Arrays",
"Read resource data.",
"Reads OAuth 2.0 with JWT app configurations from the reader. The file should be in JSON format.\n\n@param reader a reader object which points to a JSON formatted configuration file\n@return a new Instance of BoxConfig\n@throws IOException when unable to access the mapping file's content of the reader",
"create a HTTP POST request.\n\n@return {@link HttpConnection}",
"flushes log queue, this actually writes combined log message into system log",
"Adds an index to the table for the given index descriptor.\n\n@param indexDescDef The index descriptor\n@param tableDef The table",
"Performs a HTTP GET request.\n\n@return Class type of object T (i.e. {@link Response}",
"Creates a simple, annotation defined Enterprise Web Bean using the annotations specified on type\n\n@param <T> The type\n@param beanManager the current manager\n@param type the AnnotatedType to use\n@return An Enterprise Web Bean"
] |
public Map<String, MBeanOperationInfo> getOperationMetadata() {
MBeanOperationInfo[] operations = mBeanInfo.getOperations();
Map<String, MBeanOperationInfo> operationMap = new TreeMap<String, MBeanOperationInfo>();
for (MBeanOperationInfo operation: operations) {
operationMap.put(operation.getName(), operation);
return operationMap;
} | [
"Get the Operation metadata for an MBean by name.\n@return the {@link Map} of {@link String} operation names to {@link MBeanOperationInfo} values."
] | [
"helper function to convert strings to bytes as needed.\n\n@param key\n@param value",
"Returns the current revision.",
"Use this API to fetch all the transformpolicylabel resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Output method responsible for sending the updated content to the Subscribers.\n\n@param cn",
"Construct new root step. Used for inspect problems with Allure lifecycle\n\n@return new root step marked as broken",
"If there is a zero on the diagonal element, the off diagonal element needs pushed\noff so that all the algorithms assumptions are two and so that it can split the matrix.",
"Mbeans for SLOP_UPDATE",
"Used to create a new retention policy.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created user.\n@param name the name of the retention policy.\n@param type the type of the retention policy. Can be \"finite\" or \"indefinite\".\n@param length the duration in days that the retention policy will be active for after being assigned to content.\n@param action the disposition action can be \"permanently_delete\" or \"remove_retention\".\n@return the created retention policy's info.",
"Serialize an object with Json\n@param obj Object\n@return String\n@throws IOException"
] |
private void pushRight( int row ) {
if( isOffZero(row))
// B = createB();
// B.print();
int end = N-2-row;
for( int i = 0; i < end && bulge != 0; i++ ) {
// }
} | [
"If there is a zero on the diagonal element, the off diagonal element needs pushed\noff so that all the algorithms assumptions are two and so that it can split the matrix."
] | [
"Kicks off an animation that will result in the pointer being centered in the\npie slice of the currently selected item.",
"Adds another condition for an element within this annotation.",
"Recurses the given folder and creates the FileModels vertices for the child files to the graph.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all nslimitidentifier_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"NOT IN Criteria with SubQuery\n@param attribute The field name to be used\n@param subQuery The subQuery",
"Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a standalone server to start.\n\n@param client the client used to communicate with the server\n@param startupTimeout the time, in seconds, to wait for the server start\n\n@throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting for the server to start\n@throws RuntimeException if the process has died\n@throws TimeoutException if the timeout has been reached and the server is still not started",
"Use this API to clear route6 resources.",
"Returns the export format indicated in the result-type parameter \"layoutManager\"\n@param _invocation\n@return",
"Update the underlying buffer using the integer\n\n@param number number to be stored in checksum buffer"
] |
public static ManagerFunctions.InputN createMultTransA() {
return (inputs, manager) -> {
if( inputs.size() != 2 )
throw new RuntimeException("Two inputs required");
final Variable varA = inputs.get(0);
final Variable varB = inputs.get(1);
Operation.Info ret = new Operation.Info();
if( varA instanceof VariableMatrix && varB instanceof VariableMatrix ) {
// The output matrix or scalar variable must be created with the provided manager
final VariableMatrix output = manager.createMatrix();
ret.output = output;
ret.op = new Operation("multTransA-mm") {
public void process() {
DMatrixRMaj mA = ((VariableMatrix)varA).matrix;
DMatrixRMaj mB = ((VariableMatrix)varB).matrix;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected both inputs to be a matrix");
return ret;
} | [
"Create the function. Be sure to handle all possible input types and combinations correctly and provide\nmeaningful error messages. The output matrix should be resized to fit the inputs."
] | [
"Returns iterable with all folder assignments of this retention policy.\n@param limit the limit of entries per response. The default value is 100.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable containing all folder assignments.",
"Return the \"common\" configuration set name. By default it is \"common\"\n@return the \"common\" conf set name",
"Obtains a Pax zoned date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Pax zoned date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Get the exception message using the requested locale.\n\n@param locale locale for message\n@return exception message",
"Receive some bytes from the player we are requesting metadata from.\n\n@param is the input stream associated with the player metadata socket.\n@return the bytes read.\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem reading the response",
"Maps a transportId to its corresponding TransportType.\n@param transportId\n@return",
"Replaces sequences of whitespaces with tabs within a line.\n\n@param self A line to unexpand\n@param tabStop The number of spaces a tab represents\n@return an unexpanded String\n@since 1.8.2",
"Gets the a singleton reference to the SPIProvider returned by the SPIProviderResolver\nretrieved using the default server integration classloader.\n\n@return this class instance",
"Returns true if required properties for MiniFluo are set"
] |
protected void parseOperationsL(TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence) {
if( tokens.size == 0 )
TokenList.Token token = tokens.first;
if( token.getType() != Type.VARIABLE )
throw new ParseError("The first token in an equation needs to be a variable and not "+token);
while( token != null ) {
if( token.getType() == Type.FUNCTION ) {
throw new ParseError("Function encountered with no parentheses");
} else if( token.getType() == Type.SYMBOL && token.getSymbol() == Symbol.TRANSPOSE) {
if( token.previous.getType() == Type.VARIABLE )
token = insertTranspose(token.previous,tokens,sequence);
throw new ParseError("Expected variable before transpose");
token = token.next;
} | [
"Parses operations where the input comes from variables to its left only. Hard coded to only look\nfor transpose for now\n\n@param tokens List of all the tokens\n@param sequence List of operation sequence"
] | [
"Accessor method used to retrieve an Rate object representing the\ncontents of an individual field. If the field does not exist in the\nrecord, null is returned.\n\n@param field the index number of the field to be retrieved\n@return the value of the required field\n@throws MPXJException normally thrown when parsing fails",
"See also WELD-1454.\n\n@param ij\n@return the formatted string",
"Converts an Accumulo Range to a Fluo Span\n\n@param range Range\n@return Span",
"Removes obsolete elements from names and shared elements.\n\n@param names Shared element names.\n@param sharedElements Shared elements.\n@param elementsToRemove The elements that should be removed.",
"Returns the complete record for a single status update.\n\n@param projectStatus The project status update to get.\n@return Request object",
"Loads configuration from File. Later loads have lower priority.\n\n@param file File to load from\n@since 1.2.0",
"Generates a set of HTML files that contain data about the outcome of\nthe specified test suites.\n@param suites Data about the test runs.\n@param outputDirectoryName The directory in which to create the report.",
"Find the number of Strings matched to the given Matcher.\n\n@param matcher a Matcher\n@return int the number of Strings matched to the given matcher.\n@since 1.0",
"Log table contents.\n\n@param label label text\n@param klass reader class name\n@param map table data"
] |
Subsets and Splits