public void update(int number) { byte[] numberInBytes = new byte[ByteUtils.SIZE_OF_INT]; ByteUtils.writeInt(numberInBytes, number, 0); update(numberInBytes); }
[ "Update the underlying buffer using the integer\n\n@param number number to be stored in checksum buffer" ]
[ "Removes all commas from the token list", "Reads a single record from the table.\n\n@param buffer record data\n@param table parent table", "Deletes a specific, existing project status update.\n\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param projectStatus The project status update to delete.\n@return Request object", "Gracefully stop the engine", "Update the value of an embedded node property.\n\n@param executionEngine the {@link GraphDatabaseService} used to run the query\n@param keyValues the columns representing the identifier in the entity owning the embedded\n@param embeddedColumn the column on the embedded node (dot-separated properties)\n@param value the new value for the property", "Look up the playback state that has reached furthest in the track, but give playing players priority over stopped players.\nThis is used to choose the scroll center when auto-scrolling is active.\n\n@return the playback state, if any, with the highest playing {@link PlaybackState#position} value", "Retrieves a timestamp from the property data.\n\n@param type Type identifier\n@return timestamp", "Requests the beat grid for a specific track ID, given a connection to a player that has already been set up.\n\n@param rekordboxId the track of interest\n@param slot identifies the media slot we are querying\n@param client the dbserver client that is communicating with the appropriate player\n\n@return the retrieved beat grid, or {@code null} if there was none available\n\n@throws IOException if there is a communication problem", "Executes the API action \"wbsetclaim\" for the given parameters.\n\n@param statement\nthe JSON serialization of claim to add or delete.\n@param bot\nif true, edits will be flagged as \"bot edits\" provided that\nthe logged in user is in the bot group; for regular users, the\nflag will just be ignored\n@param baserevid\nthe revision of the data that the edit refers to or 0 if this\nshould not be submitted; when used, the site will ensure that\nno edit has happened since this revision to detect edit\nconflicts; it is recommended to use this whenever in all\noperations where the outcome depends on the state of the\nonline data\n@param summary\nsummary for the edit; will be prepended by an automatically\ngenerated comment; the length limit of the autocomment\ntogether with the summary is 260 characters: everything above\nthat limit will be cut off\n@return the JSON response from the API\n@throws IOException\nif there was an IO problem. such as missing network\nconnection\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns an error\n@throws IOException\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException" ]
public void updateSequenceElement(int[] sequence, int pos, int oldVal) { if(models != null){ for(int i = 0; i < models.length; i++) models[i].updateSequenceElement(sequence, pos, oldVal); return; } model1.updateSequenceElement(sequence, pos, 0); model2.updateSequenceElement(sequence, pos, 0); }
[ "Informs this sequence model that the value of the element at position pos has changed.\nThis allows this sequence model to update its internal model if desired." ]
[ "Choose from three numbers based on version.", "Creates an object instance according to clb, and fills its fileds width data provided by row.\n@param row A {@link Map} contain the Object/Row mapping for the object.\n@param targetClassDescriptor If the \"ojbConcreteClass\" feature was used, the target\n{@link org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.ClassDescriptor} could differ from the descriptor\nthis class was associated - see {@link #selectClassDescriptor}.\n@param targetObject If 'null' a new object instance is build, else fields of object will\nbe refreshed.\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException if there ewas an error creating the new object", "Loads the rules from files in the class loader, often jar files.\n\n@return the list of loaded rules, not null\n@throws Exception if an error occurs", "Deserializes a variable, checking whether the datatype is custom or not\n@param s\n@param variableType\n@param dataTypes\n@return", "Get layer style by name.\n\n@param name layer style name\n@return layer style", "Provides the scrollableList implementation for page scrolling\n@return {@link LayoutScroller.ScrollableList} implementation, passed to {@link LayoutScroller}\nfor the processing the scrolling", "Create an ephemeral node with the given path and data. Create parents if necessary.\n@param zkClient client of zookeeper\n@param path node path of zookeeper\n@param data node data", "Get a View that displays the data at the specified\nposition in the data set.\n\n@param position Position of the item whose data we want\n@param convertView View to recycle, if not null\n@param parent ViewGroup containing the returned View", "This method maps the resource unique identifiers to their index number\nwithin the FixedData block.\n\n@param fieldMap field map\n@param rscFixedMeta resource fixed meta data\n@param rscFixedData resource fixed data\n@return map of resource IDs to resource data" ]
public CompletableFuture<Void> stop() { numPendingStopRequests.incrementAndGet(); return startStop.stop().thenRun(numPendingStopRequests::decrementAndGet); }
[ "Stops the server. This method does nothing if the server is stopped already." ]
[ "Set the association in the entry state.\n\n@param collectionRole the role of the association\n@param association the association", "Updates the polling state from a DELETE or POST operation.\n\n@param response the response from Retrofit REST call\n@throws IOException thrown by deserialization", "Attempts to checkout a resource so that one queued request can be\nserviced.\n\n@param key The key for which to process the requestQueue\n@return true iff an item was processed from the Queue.", "Remove a role from the list of defined roles.\n\n@param roleName - The name of the role to be removed.\n@return A key that can be used to undo the removal.", "Constructs a new FastEvent instance\n@param type the event type\n@param manager the bean manager\n@param notifier the notifier to be used for observer method resolution\n@param qualifiers the event qualifiers\n@return", "B tensor is ignored for CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_SQRT, CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_NOT.", "Resolve the given string using any plugin and the DMR resolve method", "Overridden method always creating a new instance\n\n@param contextual The bean to create\n@param creationalContext The creation context", "Convert a Planner time into a Java date.\n\n0800\n\n@param value Planner time\n@return Java Date instance" ]
public List<MapRow> read() throws IOException { List<MapRow> result = new ArrayList<MapRow>(); int fileCount = m_stream.readInt(); if (fileCount != 0) { for (int index = 0; index < fileCount; index++) { // We use a LinkedHashMap to preserve insertion order in iteration // Useful when debugging the file format. Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); readBlock(map); result.add(new MapRow(map)); } } return result; }
[ "Read a list of fixed sized blocks from the input stream.\n\n@return List of MapRow instances representing the fixed size blocks" ]
[ "Validate ipv4 address with regular expression\n\n@param ip\naddress for validation\n\n@return true valid ip address, false invalid ip address", "Clears all scopes. Useful for testing and not getting any leak...", "Increases the maximum number of columns in the matrix.\n@param desiredColumns Desired number of columns.\n@param preserveValue If the array needs to be expanded should it copy the previous values?", "Sends a request to the API with the given parameters and the given\nrequest method and returns the result string. It automatically fills the\ncookie map with cookies in the result header after the request.\n\nWarning: You probably want to use ApiConnection.sendJsonRequest\nthat execute the request using JSON content format,\nthrows the errors and logs the warnings.\n\n@param requestMethod\neither POST or GET\n@param parameters\nMaps parameter keys to values. Out of this map the function\nwill create a query string for the request.\n@return API result\n@throws IOException", "Load the properties from the resource file if one is specified", "Use this API to add nsacl6.", "Use this API to renumber nspbr6 resources.", "Read one collection element from the current row of the JDBC result set\n\n@param optionalOwner the collection owner\n@param optionalKey the collection key\n@param persister the collection persister\n@param descriptor the collection aliases\n@param rs the result set\n@param session the session\n@throws HibernateException if an error occurs\n@throws SQLException if an error occurs during the query execution", "Processes the template for all column definitions of the current table.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"" ]
public void deleteFolder(String folderID) { URL url = FOLDER_INFO_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.api.getBaseURL(), folderID); BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.api, url, "DELETE"); BoxAPIResponse response = request.send(); response.disconnect(); }
[ "Permanently deletes a trashed folder.\n@param folderID the ID of the trashed folder to permanently delete." ]
[ "Returns all headers with the headers from the Payload\n\n@return All the headers", "Returns the orthogonal U matrix.\n\n@param U If not null then the results will be stored here. Otherwise a new matrix will be created.\n@return The extracted Q matrix.", "The metadata cache can become huge over time. This simply flushes it periodically.", "Use this API to enable Interface resources of given names.", "This method returns the length of overlapping time between two time\nranges.\n\n@param start1 start of first range\n@param end1 end of first range\n@param start2 start start of second range\n@param end2 end of second range\n@return overlapping time in milliseconds", "Use this API to fetch the statistics of all appfwprofile_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.", "Sets number of pages. If the index of currently selected page is bigger than the total number\nof pages, first page will be selected instead.\n@return difference between the previous number of pages and new one. Negative value is\nreturned if new number of pages is less then it was before.", "Calls the specified Stitch function, and decodes the response into an instance of the specified\ntype. The response will be decoded using the codec registry given.\n\n@param name the name of the Stitch function to call.\n@param args the arguments to pass to the Stitch function.\n@param requestTimeout the number of milliseconds the client should wait for a response from the\nserver before failing with an error.\n@param resultClass the class that the Stitch response should be decoded as.\n@param <T> the type into which the Stitch response will be decoded.\n@param codecRegistry the codec registry that will be used to encode/decode the function call.\n@return the decoded value.", "Returns angle in degrees between two points\n\n@param ax x of the point 1\n@param ay y of the point 1\n@param bx x of the point 2\n@param by y of the point 2\n@return angle in degrees between two points" ]
public static base_response unset(nitro_service client, snmpmanager resource, String[] args) throws Exception{ snmpmanager unsetresource = new snmpmanager(); unsetresource.ipaddress = resource.ipaddress; unsetresource.netmask = resource.netmask; return unsetresource.unset_resource(client,args); }
[ "Use this API to unset the properties of snmpmanager resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array." ]
[ "Get the TagsInterface for working with Flickr Tags.\n\n@return The TagsInterface", "Counts a single pair of coordinates in all datasets.\n\n@param xCoord\n@param yCoord\n@param itemDocument", "Creates a curator built using the given zookeeper connection string and timeout", "a small static helper to set the image from the imageHolder nullSave to the imageView\n\n@param imageHolder\n@param imageView\n@param tag used to identify imageViews and define different placeholders\n@return true if an image was set", "Inverts an upper or lower triangular block submatrix.\n\n@param blockLength\n@param upper Is it upper or lower triangular.\n@param T Triangular matrix that is to be inverted. Must be block aligned. Not Modified.\n@param T_inv Where the inverse is stored. This can be the same as T. Modified.\n@param temp Work space variable that is size blockLength*blockLength.", "Creates AzureAsyncOperation from the given HTTP response.\n\n@param serializerAdapter the adapter to use for deserialization\n@param response the response\n@return the async operation object\n@throws CloudException if the deserialization fails or response contains invalid body", "Processes an index descriptor tag.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\"\[email protected] name=\"documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation on the index\"\[email protected] name=\"fields\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The fields making up the index separated by commas\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The name of the index descriptor\"\[email protected] name=\"unique\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the index descriptor is unique\" values=\"true,false\"", "Get the list of active tasks from the server.\n\n@return List of tasks\n@see <a href=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/active_tasks.html\">\nActive tasks</a>", "Use this API to delete linkset of given name." ]
@Override public com.flickr4java.flickr.Response get(String path, Map<String, Object> parameters, String apiKey, String sharedSecret) throws FlickrException { OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.GET, buildUrl(path)); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : parameters.entrySet()) { request.addQuerystringParameter(entry.getKey(), String.valueOf(entry.getValue())); } if (proxyAuth) { request.addHeader("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic " + getProxyCredentials()); } RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getRequestContext(); Auth auth = requestContext.getAuth(); OAuth10aService service = createOAuthService(apiKey, sharedSecret); if (auth != null) { OAuth1AccessToken requestToken = new OAuth1AccessToken(auth.getToken(), auth.getTokenSecret()); service.signRequest(requestToken, request); } else { // For calls that do not require authorization e.g. flickr.people.findByUsername which could be the // first call if the user did not supply the user-id (i.e. nsid). if (!parameters.containsKey(Flickr.API_KEY)) { request.addQuerystringParameter(Flickr.API_KEY, apiKey); } } if (Flickr.debugRequest) { logger.debug("GET: " + request.getCompleteUrl()); } try { return handleResponse(request, service); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | SAXException | IOException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException | ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new FlickrRuntimeException(e); } }
[ "Invoke an HTTP GET request on a remote host. You must close the InputStream after you are done with.\n\n@param path The request path\n@param parameters The parameters (collection of Parameter objects)\n@return The Response" ]
[ "Use this API to fetch all the nsacl6 resources that are configured on netscaler.", "Creates a random Hermitian matrix with elements from min to max value.\n\n@param length Width and height of the matrix.\n@param min Minimum value an element can have.\n@param max Maximum value an element can have.\n@param rand Random number generator.\n@return A symmetric matrix.", "Try to reconnect to a started server.", "Abort and close the transaction. Calling abort abandons all persistent\nobject modifications and releases the associated locks. Aborting a\ntransaction does not restore the state of modified transient objects", "This method extracts predecessor data from a Planner file.\n\n@param plannerTask Task data", "A specific, existing tag can be deleted by making a DELETE request\non the URL for that tag.\n\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param tag The tag to delete.\n@return Request object", "Gets the top of thread-local shell stack, or null if it is empty.\n\n@return the top of the shell stack", "Calculate start dates for a monthly recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param frequency frequency\n@param dates array of start dates", "Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.\n\n@param v1\nleft-hand vector\n@param v2\nright-hand vector" ]
public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object args) { Object val = null; if (args != null && Object[].class.isAssignableFrom(args.getClass())) { Object[] arr = (Object[]) args; if (arr.length == 1) { val = arr[0]; } else if (arr.length == 2 && arr[0] instanceof Collection && arr[1] instanceof Closure) { Closure<?> closure = (Closure<?>) arr[1]; Iterator<?> iterator = ((Collection) arr[0]).iterator(); List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { list.add(curryDelegateAndGetContent(closure, iterator.next())); } val = list; } else { val = Arrays.asList(arr); } } content.put(name, val); return val; }
[ "Intercepts calls for setting a key and value for a JSON object\n\n@param name the key name\n@param args the value associated with the key" ]
[ "Use this API to fetch linkset resource of given name .", "Assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named speed.\nNote that our implementation with ExoPlayer that pitch and speed will be set to the same value.\n@param newValue", "Extract the generic type from the given Class object.\n@param clazz the Class to check\n@param source the expected raw source type (can be {@code null})\n@param typeIndex the index of the actual type argument\n@param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type\n@param currentLevel the current nested level\n@return the generic type as Class, or {@code null} if none", "Determines if the queue identified by the given key is a regular queue.\n\n@param jedis\nconnection to Redis\n@param key\nthe key that identifies a queue\n@return true if the key identifies a regular queue, false otherwise", "Create and return a new Violation for this rule and the specified import className and alias\n@param sourceCode - the SourceCode\n@param className - the class name (as specified within the import statement)\n@param alias - the alias for the import statement\n@param violationMessage - the violation message; may be null\n@return a new Violation object", "Split a module Id to get the module version\n@param moduleId\n@return String", "Sets the replacement var map.\n\n@param replacementVarMap\nthe replacement var map\n@return the parallel task builder", "Returns a description String based on the defined command and options.\nUseful when printing \"help\" info etc.", "Use this API to create ssldhparam." ]
public ItemDocument updateTermsStatements(ItemIdValue itemIdValue, List<MonolingualTextValue> addLabels, List<MonolingualTextValue> addDescriptions, List<MonolingualTextValue> addAliases, List<MonolingualTextValue> deleteAliases, List<Statement> addStatements, List<Statement> deleteStatements, String summary) throws MediaWikiApiErrorException, IOException { ItemDocument currentDocument = (ItemDocument) this.wikibaseDataFetcher .getEntityDocument(itemIdValue.getId()); return updateTermsStatements(currentDocument, addLabels, addDescriptions, addAliases, deleteAliases, addStatements, deleteStatements, summary); }
[ "Updates the terms and statements of the item document identified by the\ngiven item id. The updates are computed with respect to the current data\nfound online, making sure that no redundant deletions or duplicate insertions\nhappen. The references of duplicate statements will be merged. The labels\nand aliases in a given language are kept distinct.\n\n@param itemIdValue\nid of the document to be updated\n@param addLabels\nlabels to be set on the item. They will overwrite existing values\nin the same language.\n@param addDescriptions\ndescription to be set on the item. They will overwrite existing values\nin the same language.\n@param addAliases\naliases to be added. Existing aliases will be kept.\n@param deleteAliases\naliases to be deleted.\n@param addStatements\nthe list of statements to be added or updated; statements with\nempty statement id will be added; statements with non-empty\nstatement id will be updated (if such a statement exists)\n@param deleteStatements\nthe list of statements to be deleted; statements will only be\ndeleted if they are present in the current document (in\nexactly the same form, with the same id)\n@param summary\nshort edit summary\n@return the updated document\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns errors\n@throws IOException\nif there are any IO errors, such as missing network connection" ]
[ "these are the iterators used by MACAddress", "Compare the supplied plaintext password to a hashed password.\n\n@param passwd Plaintext password.\n@param hashed scrypt hashed password.\n\n@return true if passwd matches hashed value.", "Clears the dest ColumnBuffer and inserts all entries in dest where the timestamp passes the\ntimestampTest.\n\n@param dest Destination ColumnBuffer\n@param timestampTest Test to determine which timestamps get added to dest", "Return the list of licenses attached to an artifact\n\n@param gavc String\n@param filters FiltersHolder\n@return List<DbLicense>", "Configures the player whose current track waveforms and status will automatically be reflected. Whenever a new\ntrack is loaded on that player, the waveform and metadata will be updated, and the current playback position and\nstate of the player will be reflected by the component.\n\n@param player the player number to monitor, or zero if monitoring should stop", "Used to create a new indefinite retention policy.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created user.\n@param name the name of the retention policy.\n@return the created retention policy's info.", "Method to service public recording APIs\n\n@param op Operation being tracked\n@param timeNS Duration of operation\n@param numEmptyResponses Number of empty responses being sent back,\ni.e.: requested keys for which there were no values (GET and GET_ALL only)\n@param valueSize Size in bytes of the value\n@param keySize Size in bytes of the key\n@param getAllAggregateRequests Total of amount of keys requested in the operation (GET_ALL only)", "Use this API to fetch nd6ravariables resource of given name .", "Creates and caches dataset info object. Subsequent invocations will\nreturn same instance.\n\n@see IIM#DS(int, int)\n@param dataSet\ndataset record number\n@return dataset info instace" ]
public ParallelTaskBuilder setReplaceVarMapToSingleTargetSingleVar( String variable, List<String> replaceList, String uniformTargetHost) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(uniformTargetHost)) { logger.error("uniform target host is empty or null. skil setting."); return this; } this.replacementVarMapNodeSpecific.clear(); this.targetHosts.clear(); int i = 0; for (String replace : replaceList) { if (replace == null){ logger.error("null replacement.. skip"); continue; } String hostName = PcConstants.API_PREFIX + i; replacementVarMapNodeSpecific.put( hostName, new StrStrMap().addPair(variable, replace).addPair( PcConstants.UNIFORM_TARGET_HOST_VAR, uniformTargetHost)); targetHosts.add(hostName); ++i; } this.requestReplacementType = RequestReplacementType.TARGET_HOST_SPECIFIC_VAR_REPLACEMENT; logger.info( "Set requestReplacementType as {} for single target. Will disable the set target hosts." + "Also Simulated " + "Now Already set targetHost list with size {}. \nPLEASE NOT TO SET TARGET HOSTS AGAIN WITH THIS API.", requestReplacementType.toString(), targetHosts.size()); return this; }
[ "Sets the replace var map to single target single var.\n\n@param variable\nthe variable\n@param replaceList\n: the list of strings that will replace the variable\n@param uniformTargetHost\nthe uniform target host\n@return the parallel task builder" ]
[ "Use this API to delete systementitydata.", "Init after constructor", "Adds the deploy operation as a step to the composite operation.\n\n@param builder the builder to add the step to\n@param deployment the deployment to deploy", "Adds a class to the unit.", "Set the color resources used in the progress animation from color resources.\nThe first color will also be the color of the bar that grows in response\nto a user swipe gesture.\n\n@param colorResIds", "Guesses the best set to use at the specified index by looking at the surrounding sets. In general, characters in\nlower-numbered sets are more common, so we choose them if we can. If no good surrounding sets can be found, the default\nvalue returned is the first value from the valid set.\n\n@param index the current index\n@param length the maximum length to look at\n@param valid the valid sets for this index\n@return the best set to use at the specified index", "Checks that the targetClass is widening the argument class\n\n@param argumentClass\n@param targetClass\n@return", "Given a filesystem, path and buffer-size, read the file contents and\npresents it as a string\n\n@param fs Underlying filesystem\n@param path The file to read\n@param bufferSize The buffer size to use for reading\n@return The contents of the file as a string\n@throws IOException", "Checks if a newly created action wants to write output to stdout, and\nlogs a warning if other actions are doing the same.\n\n@param newAction\nthe new action to be checked" ]
public List<ProjectFile> readAll(InputStream is, boolean linkCrossProjectRelations) throws MPXJException { try { m_tables = new HashMap<String, List<Row>>(); m_numberFormat = new DecimalFormat(); processFile(is); List<Row> rows = getRows("project", null, null); List<ProjectFile> result = new ArrayList<ProjectFile>(rows.size()); List<ExternalPredecessorRelation> externalPredecessors = new ArrayList<ExternalPredecessorRelation>(); for (Row row : rows) { setProjectID(row.getInt("proj_id")); m_reader = new PrimaveraReader(m_taskUdfCounters, m_resourceUdfCounters, m_assignmentUdfCounters, m_resourceFields, m_wbsFields, m_taskFields, m_assignmentFields, m_aliases, m_matchPrimaveraWBS); ProjectFile project = m_reader.getProject(); project.getEventManager().addProjectListeners(m_projectListeners); processProjectProperties(); processUserDefinedFields(); processCalendars(); processResources(); processResourceRates(); processTasks(); processPredecessors(); processAssignments(); externalPredecessors.addAll(m_reader.getExternalPredecessors()); m_reader = null; project.updateStructure(); result.add(project); } if (linkCrossProjectRelations) { for (ExternalPredecessorRelation externalRelation : externalPredecessors) { Task predecessorTask; // we could aggregate the project task id maps but that's likely more work // than just looping through the projects for (ProjectFile proj : result) { predecessorTask = proj.getTaskByUniqueID(externalRelation.getSourceUniqueID()); if (predecessorTask != null) { Relation relation = externalRelation.getTargetTask().addPredecessor(predecessorTask, externalRelation.getType(), externalRelation.getLag()); relation.setUniqueID(externalRelation.getUniqueID()); break; } } // if predecessorTask not found the external task is outside of the file so ignore } } return result; } finally { m_reader = null; m_tables = null; m_currentTableName = null; m_currentTable = null; m_currentFieldNames = null; m_defaultCurrencyName = null; m_currencyMap.clear(); m_numberFormat = null; m_defaultCurrencyData = null; } }
[ "This is a convenience method which allows all projects in an\nXER file to be read in a single pass.\n\n@param is input stream\n@param linkCrossProjectRelations add Relation links that cross ProjectFile boundaries\n@return list of ProjectFile instances\n@throws MPXJException" ]
[ "Checks if a new version of the file can be uploaded with the specified name and size.\n@param name the new name for the file.\n@param fileSize the size of the new version content in bytes.\n@return whether or not the file version can be uploaded.", "Adds all fields declared in the object's class and its superclasses to the output.\n@return this", "Returns the total count of the specified event\n@param event The event for which you want to get the total count\n@return Total count in int", "Set the value for a custom request\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param customRequest value of custom request\n@param clientUUID UUID of client", "Use this API to convert sslpkcs8.", "add a FK column pointing to the item Class", "Apply content type to response with result provided.\n\nIf `result` is an error then it might not apply content type as requested:\n* If request is not ajax request, then use `text/html`\n* If request is ajax request then apply requested content type only when `json` or `xml` is requested\n* otherwise use `text/html`\n\n@param result\nthe result used to check if it is error result\n@return this `ActionContext`.", "Finds the preferred provider for the given service. The preferred\nprovider is the last one added to the set of providers.\n\n@param serviceName\nThe fully qualified name of the service interface.\n@return\nThe last provider added for the service if any exists.\nOtherwise, it returns <tt>null</tt>.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if serviceName is <tt>null</tt>", "Subtract a complex number.\n\n@param z1 Complex Number.\n@param scalar Scalar value.\n@return Returns new ComplexNumber instance containing the subtract of specified complex number with a scalar value." ]
public void downloadRange(OutputStream output, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd) { this.downloadRange(output, rangeStart, rangeEnd, null); }
[ "Downloads a part of this file's contents, starting at rangeStart and stopping at rangeEnd.\n\n@param output the stream to where the file will be written.\n@param rangeStart the byte offset at which to start the download.\n@param rangeEnd the byte offset at which to stop the download." ]
[ "make it public for CLI interaction to reuse JobContext", "Adds each required substring, checking that it's not null.\n\n@param requiredSubStrings\nthe required substrings\n@throws NullPointerException\nif a required substring is null", "Loaders call this method to register themselves. This method can be called by\nloaders provided by the application.\n\n@param textureClass\nThe class the loader is responsible for loading.\n\n@param asyncLoaderFactory\nThe factory object.", "If needed, destroy the remaining conversation contexts after an HTTP session was invalidated within the current request.\n\n@param request", "Merge two ExecutionStatistics into one. This method is private in order not to be synchronized (merging.\n@param otherStatistics", "Retrieve the \"complete through\" date.\n\n@return complete through date", "Creates custom Http Client connection pool to be used by Http Client\n\n@return {@link PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager}", "Gets a legend graphic with the specified metadata parameters. All parameters are passed as request parameters.\n\n@param layerId\nthe layer id\n@param styleName\nthe style name\n@param ruleIndex\nthe rule index\n@param format\nthe image format ('png','jpg','gif')\n@param width\nthe graphic's width\n@param height\nthe graphic's height\n@param scale\nthe scale denominator (not supported yet)\n@param allRules\nif true the image will contain all rules stacked vertically\n@param request\nthe servlet request object\n@return the model and view\n@throws GeomajasException\nwhen a style or rule does not exist or is not renderable", "Move the animation frame counter forward.\n\n@return boolean specifying if animation should continue or if loopCount has been fulfilled." ]
public static hanode_routemonitor6_binding[] get(nitro_service service, Long id) throws Exception{ hanode_routemonitor6_binding obj = new hanode_routemonitor6_binding(); obj.set_id(id); hanode_routemonitor6_binding response[] = (hanode_routemonitor6_binding[]) obj.get_resources(service); return response; }
[ "Use this API to fetch hanode_routemonitor6_binding resources of given name ." ]
[ "Use this API to fetch dbdbprofile resource of given name .", "Sets Idle max age.\n\nThe time, for a connection to remain unused before it is closed off. Do not use aggressive values here!\n@param idleMaxAge time after which a connection is closed off\n@param timeUnit idleMaxAge time granularity.", "Generates a usable test specification for a given test definition\nUses the first bucket as the fallback value\n\n@param testDefinition a {@link TestDefinition}\n@return a {@link TestSpecification} which corresponding to given test definition.", "Each string item rendering requires the border and a space on both sides.\n\n12 3 12 3 12 34\n+----- +-------- +------+\nabc venkat last\n\n@param colCount\n@param colMaxLenList\n@param data\n@return", "Add working days and working time to a calendar.\n\n@param mpxjCalendar MPXJ calendar\n@param gpCalendar GanttProject calendar", "Creates a random Hermitian matrix with elements from min to max value.\n\n@param length Width and height of the matrix.\n@param min Minimum value an element can have.\n@param max Maximum value an element can have.\n@param rand Random number generator.\n@return A symmetric matrix.", "Runs the record linkage process.", "Returns a matrix of StatisticsMatrix type so that SimpleMatrix functions create matrices\nof the correct type.", "This method extracts task data from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param project Root node of the MSPDI file" ]
@Override public void setDraggable(Element elem, String draggable) { super.setDraggable(elem, draggable); if ("true".equals(draggable)) { elem.getStyle().setProperty("webkitUserDrag", "element"); } else { elem.getStyle().clearProperty("webkitUserDrag"); } }
[ "Webkit based browsers require that we set the webkit-user-drag style\nattribute to make an element draggable." ]
[ "returns a collection of Reader LockEntries for object obj.\nIf now LockEntries could be found an empty Vector is returned.", "Get a property as a boolean or default value.\n\n@param key the property name\n@param defaultValue the default", "note, this just logs an error and doesn't throw as its only used to remove old configuration files, and shouldn't stop boot", "Get DPI suggestions.\n\n@return DPI suggestions", "Create a request for elevations for multiple locations.\n\n@param req\n@param callback", "Adds a step to the steps.\n\n@param name {@link String} name of the step\n@param robot {@link String} name of the robot used by the step.\n@param options {@link Map} extra options required for the step.", "crops the srcBmp with the canvasView bounds and returns the cropped bitmap", "Returns the adapter position of the Child associated with this ChildViewHolder\n\n@return The adapter position of the Child if it still exists in the adapter.\nRecyclerView.NO_POSITION if item has been removed from the adapter,\nRecyclerView.Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() has been called after the last\nlayout pass or the ViewHolder has already been recycled.", "Log a string.\n\n@param label label text\n@param data string data" ]
public static FreeMarkerOperation create(Furnace furnace, String templatePath, String outputFilename, String... varNames) { return new FreeMarkerOperation(furnace, templatePath, outputFilename, varNames); }
[ "Create a FreeMarkerOperation with the provided furnace instance template path, and varNames.\n\nThe variables in varNames will be provided to the template, and a new ReportModel will be created with these variables attached." ]
[ "Use this API to fetch cmppolicylabel_cmppolicy_binding resources of given name .", "Given the byte buffer containing album art, build an actual image from it for easy rendering.\n\n@return the newly-created image, ready to be drawn", "Re-maps a provided collection.\n\n@param <T_Result>\ntype of result\n@param <T_Source>\ntype of source\n@param source\nfor mapping\n@param mapper\nelement mapper\n@return mapped source", "Set the String of request body data to be sent to the server.\n\n@param input String of request body data to be sent to the server\n@return an {@link HttpConnection} for method chaining", "Sets the specified many-to-one attribute to the specified value.\n\n@param name name of the attribute\n@param value value of the attribute\n@since 1.9.0", "Deserializes a variable, checking whether the datatype is custom or not\n@param s\n@param variableType\n@param dataTypes\n@return", "Registers a BeanNameAutoProxyCreator class that wraps the bean being\nmonitored. The proxy is associated with the PerformanceMonitorInterceptor\nfor the bean, which is created when parsing the methods attribute from\nthe springconfiguration xml file.\n\n@param source An Attribute node from the spring configuration\n@param holder A container for the beans I will create\n@param context the context currently parsing my spring config", "Gets a JavaMail Session for given server type such as IMAP and additional props for JavaMail.\n\n@param setup the setup type, such as <code>ServerSetup.IMAP</code>\n@param mailProps additional mail properties.\n@return the JavaMail session.", "Creates a random diagonal matrix where the diagonal elements are selected from a uniform\ndistribution that goes from min to max.\n\n@param N Dimension of the matrix.\n@param min Minimum value of a diagonal element.\n@param max Maximum value of a diagonal element.\n@param rand Random number generator.\n@return A random diagonal matrix." ]
public JsonNode wbSetAliases(String id, String site, String title, String newEntity, String language, List<String> add, List<String> remove, List<String> set, boolean bot, long baserevid, String summary) throws IOException, MediaWikiApiErrorException { Validate.notNull(language, "Language parameter cannot be null when setting aliases"); Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("language", language); if (set != null) { if (add != null || remove != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot use parameters \"add\" or \"remove\" when using \"set\" to edit aliases"); } parameters.put("set", ApiConnection.implodeObjects(set)); } if (add != null) { parameters.put("add", ApiConnection.implodeObjects(add)); } if (remove != null) { parameters.put("remove", ApiConnection.implodeObjects(remove)); } JsonNode response = performAPIAction("wbsetaliases", id, site, title, newEntity, parameters, summary, baserevid, bot); return response; }
[ "Executes the API action \"wbsetaliases\" for the given parameters.\n\n@param id\nthe id of the entity to be edited; if used, the site and title\nparameters must be null\n@param site\nwhen selecting an entity by title, the site key for the title,\ne.g., \"enwiki\"; if used, title must also be given but id must\nbe null\n@param title\nstring used to select an entity by title; if used, site must\nalso be given but id must be null\n@param newEntity\nused for creating a new entity of a given type; the value\nindicates the intended entity type; possible values include\n\"item\" and \"property\"; if used, the parameters id, site, and\ntitle must be null\n@param language\nthe language code for the label\n@param add\nthe values of the aliases to add. They will be merged with the\nexisting aliases. This parameter cannot be used in conjunction\nwith \"set\".\n@param remove\nthe values of the aliases to remove. Other aliases will be retained.\nThis parameter cannot be used in conjunction with \"set\".\n@param set\nthe values of the aliases to set. This will erase any existing\naliases in this language and replace them by the given list.\n@param bot\nif true, edits will be flagged as \"bot edits\" provided that\nthe logged in user is in the bot group; for regular users, the\nflag will just be ignored\n@param baserevid\nthe revision of the data that the edit refers to or 0 if this\nshould not be submitted; when used, the site will ensure that\nno edit has happened since this revision to detect edit\nconflicts; it is recommended to use this whenever in all\noperations where the outcome depends on the state of the\nonline data\n@param summary\nsummary for the edit; will be prepended by an automatically\ngenerated comment; the length limit of the autocomment\ntogether with the summary is 260 characters: everything above\nthat limit will be cut off\n@return the JSON response from the API\n@throws IOException\nif there was an IO problem. such as missing network\nconnection\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns an error\n@throws IOException\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException" ]
[ "Unchecks the widget by index\n@param checkableIndex The index is in the range from 0 to size -1, where size is the number of\nCheckable widgets in the group. It does not take into account any\nnon-Checkable widgets added to the group widget.\n@return {@code True} if {@code checkableWidget} is a child of this {@code CheckableGroup} and\nwas not already unchecked; {@code false} otherwise.", "create partitions in the broker\n\n@param topic topic name\n@param partitionNum partition numbers\n@param enlarge enlarge partition number if broker configuration has\nsetted\n@return partition number in the broker\n@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs", "read data from channel to buffer\n\n@param channel readable channel\n@param buffer bytebuffer\n@return read size\n@throws IOException any io exception", "This method dumps the entire contents of a file to an output\nprint writer as ascii data.\n\n@param is Input Stream\n@param pw Output PrintWriter\n@return number of bytes read\n@throws Exception Thrown on file read errors", "Displays a sample model for the report request.\n@return A string describing the structure of a certain report execution", "Unlinks a set of dependencies from this task.\n\n@param task The task to remove dependencies from.\n@return Request object", "Returns the current version info for a provided remote document.\n@param remoteDocument the remote BSON document from which to extract version info\n@return a DocumentVersionInfo", "Removes the supplied marker from the map.\n\n@param marker", "Returns the ReportModel with given name." ]
@Deprecated @Override public File fetch(String source, String dest, long diskQuotaSizeInKB) throws Exception { return fetchFromSource(source, dest, null, null, -1, diskQuotaSizeInKB, null); }
[ "Used for unit tests only.\n\nFIXME: Refactor test code with dependency injection or scope restrictions so this function is not public.\n\n@deprecated Do not use for production code, use {@link #fetch(String, String, voldemort.server.protocol.admin.AsyncOperationStatus, String, long, voldemort.store.metadata.MetadataStore, Long diskQuotaSizeInKB)} instead." ]
[ "Checks whether the specified event name is restricted. If it is,\nthen create a pending error, and abort.\n\n@param name The event name\n@return Boolean indication whether the event name is restricted", "Triggers the building process, builds, creates and starts the docker container associated with the requested\ncontainer object, creates the container object and returns it\n\n@return the created container object\n\n@throws IllegalAccessException\nif there is an error accessing the container object fields\n@throws IOException\nif there is an I/O error while preparing the docker build\n@throws InvocationTargetException\nif there is an error while calling the DockerFile archive creation", "1.5 and on, 2.0 and on, 3.0 and on.", "Returns the raw class of the given type.", "Internal method which is called when the user has finished editing the title.\n\n@param box the text box which has been edited", "Populate a Command instance with the values parsed from a command line\nIf any parser errors are detected it will throw an exception\n@param processedCommand command line\n@param mode do validation or not\n@throws CommandLineParserException any incorrectness in the parser will abort the populate", "Get a bean value from the context.\n\n@param name bean name\n@return bean value or null", "Create the actual patchable target.\n\n@param name the layer name\n@param layer the layer path config\n@param metadata the metadata location for this target\n@param image the installed image\n@return the patchable target\n@throws IOException", "Pause between cluster change in metadata and starting server rebalancing\nwork." ]
public synchronized ModelNode doCommand(String command) throws CommandFormatException, IOException { ModelNode request = cmdCtx.buildRequest(command); return execute(request, isSlowCommand(command)).getResponseNode(); }
[ "Submit a command to the server.\n\n@param command The CLI command\n@return The DMR response as a ModelNode\n@throws CommandFormatException\n@throws IOException" ]
[ "Populate time ranges.\n\n@param ranges time ranges from a Synchro table\n@param container time range container", "Parses a type annotation table to find the labels, and to visit the try\ncatch block annotations.\n\n@param u\nthe start offset of a type annotation table.\n@param mv\nthe method visitor to be used to visit the try catch block\nannotations.\n@param context\ninformation about the class being parsed.\n@param visible\nif the type annotation table to parse contains runtime visible\nannotations.\n@return the start offset of each type annotation in the parsed table.", "IS NULL predicate\n@param value the value for which to check\n@return a {@link LuaCondition} instance", "Emit a string event with parameters and force all listeners to be called asynchronously.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see #emit(String, Object...)", "Add a mapping of properties between two beans\n\n@param beanToBeanMapping", "Make a copy of JobContext of current thread\n@return the copy of current job context or an empty job context", "Core write attribute implementation.\n\n@param name attribute name\n@param value attribute value", "When using a map rotation, there might be tiles that are outside the rotated map area. To avoid to load\nthese tiles, this method checks if a tile is really required to draw the map.", "This method processes a single deferred relationship list.\n\n@param dr deferred relationship list data\n@throws MPXJException" ]
public void installApp(Functions.Func callback) { if (isPwaSupported()) { appInstaller = new AppInstaller(callback); appInstaller.prompt(); } }
[ "Will prompt a user the \"Add to Homescreen\" feature\n\n@param callback A callback function after the method has been executed." ]
[ "Delete all enabled overrides for a client\n\n@param profileId profile ID of teh client\n@param client_uuid UUID of teh client", "Checks if the dependency server is available\n\n@return true if the server is reachable, false otherwise", "Reads any exceptions present in the file. This is only used in MSPDI\nfile versions saved by Project 2007 and later.\n\n@param calendar XML calendar\n@param bc MPXJ calendar", "Return a key to identify the connection descriptor.", "Add image with a exception message in the PDF document.\n\n@param context\nPDF context\n@param e\nexception to put in image", "running in App Engine", "add a foreign key field ID", "Retrieve the next available field.\n\n@return FieldType instance for the next available field", "Construct an InterestRateSwapLegProductDescriptor from a node in a FIPXML file.\n\n@param leg The node containing the leg.\n@param forwardCurveName Forward curve name form outside the node.\n@param discountCurveName Discount curve name form outside the node.\n@param daycountConvention Daycount convention from outside the node.\n@return Descriptor of the swap leg." ]
public GVRMesh findMesh(GVRSceneObject model) { class MeshFinder implements GVRSceneObject.ComponentVisitor { private GVRMesh meshFound = null; public GVRMesh getMesh() { return meshFound; } public boolean visit(GVRComponent comp) { GVRRenderData rdata = (GVRRenderData) comp; meshFound = rdata.getMesh(); return (meshFound == null); } }; MeshFinder findMesh = new MeshFinder(); model.forAllComponents(findMesh, GVRRenderData.getComponentType()); return findMesh.getMesh(); }
[ "Finds the first mesh in the given model.\n@param model root of a model loaded by the asset loader.\n@return GVRMesh found or null if model does not contain meshes\n@see #loadMesh(GVRAndroidResource.MeshCallback, GVRAndroidResource, int)" ]
[ "URLDecode a string\n@param s\n@return", "Read a text file into a single string\n\n@param file\nThe file to read\n@return The contents, or null on error.", "Add all the items from an iterable to a collection.\n\n@param <T>\nThe type of items in the iterable and the collection\n@param collection\nThe collection to which the items should be added.\n@param items\nThe items to add to the collection.", "Converts a byte array to a hexadecimal string representation\n@param bb the byte array to convert\n@return string the string representation", "Initializes the queue that tracks the next set of nodes with no dependencies or\nwhose dependencies are resolved.", "Removes all pending broadcasts\n\n@param sessionIds to remove broadcast for (or null for all sessions)", "Returns a copy of the given document.\n@param document the document to copy.\n@return a copy of the given document.", "Converts the given list of a type to paged list of a different type.\n\n@param list the list to convert to paged list\n@param mapper the mapper to map type in input list to output list\n@param <OutT> the type of items in output paged list\n@param <InT> the type of items in input paged list\n@return the paged list", "Throws an exception if at least one results directory is missing." ]
public void applyTo(Context ctx, GradientDrawable drawable) { if (mColorInt != 0) { drawable.setColor(mColorInt); } else if (mColorRes != -1) { drawable.setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(ctx, mColorRes)); } }
[ "set the textColor of the ColorHolder to an drawable\n\n@param ctx\n@param drawable" ]
[ "Constructs and sets the layout parameters to have some gravity.\n\n@param gravity the gravity of the Crouton\n@return <code>this</code>, for chaining.\n@see android.view.Gravity", "Allows testsuites to shorten the domain timeout adder", "Copy a single named resource from the classpath to the output directory.\n@param outputDirectory The destination directory for the copied resource.\n@param resourceName The filename of the resource.\n@param targetFileName The name of the file created in {@literal outputDirectory}.\n@throws IOException If the resource cannot be copied.", "generate a message for loglevel WARN\n\n@param pObject the message Object", "Sets a header per-request\n\n@param key Header key\n@param value Header value\n@return The request itself", "Gets the end.\n\n@return the end", "Reload a managed server.\n\n@param permit the controller permit\n@return whether the state was changed successfully or not", "Ask the specified player for a Folder menu for exploring its raw filesystem.\nThis is a request for unanalyzed items, so we do a typed menu request.\n\n@param slotReference the player and slot for which the menu is desired\n@param sortOrder the order in which responses should be sorted, 0 for default, see Section 6.11.1 of the\n<a href=\"https://github.com/Deep-Symmetry/dysentery/blob/master/doc/Analysis.pdf\">Packet Analysis\ndocument</a> for details\n@param folderId identifies the folder whose contents should be listed, use -1 to get the root folder\n\n@return the entries in the folder menu\n\n@throws Exception if there is a problem obtaining the menu", "Returns the resolution of resolving the conflict between a local and remote event using\nthe given conflict resolver.\n\n@param conflictResolver the conflict resolver to use.\n@param documentId the document id related to the conflicted events.\n@param localEvent the conflicted local event.\n@param remoteEvent the conflicted remote event.\n@return the resolution to the conflict." ]
public int getBoneIndex(GVRSceneObject bone) { for (int i = 0; i < getNumBones(); ++i) if (mBones[i] == bone) return i; return -1; }
[ "Get the bone index for the given scene object.\n\n@param bone GVRSceneObject bone to search for\n@return bone index or -1 for root bone.\n@see #getParentBoneIndex" ]
[ "Initialize; cached threadpool is safe as it is releasing resources automatically if idle", "Sets the protocol.\n@param protocol The protocol to be set.", "The method determines if the type can be resolved and if not, will try to guess the qualified name using the information from the imports.", "Sets the current switch index based on object name.\nThis function finds the child of the scene object\nthis component is attached to and sets the switch\nindex to reference it so this is the object that\nwill be displayed.\n\nIf it is out of range, none of the children will be shown.\n@param childName name of child to select\n@see GVRSceneObject#getChildByIndex(int)", "Process an individual work week day.\n\n@param data calendar data\n@param offset current offset into data\n@param week parent week\n@param day current day", "Get a System property by its name.\n\n@param name the name of the wanted System property.\n@return the System property value - null if it is not defined.", "Marks a given list of statements for insertion into the current document.\nInserted statements can have an id if they should update an existing\nstatement, or use an empty string as id if they should be added. The\nmethod removes duplicates and avoids unnecessary modifications by\nchecking the current content of the given document before marking\nstatements for being written.\n\n@param currentDocument\nthe document with the current statements\n@param addStatements\nthe list of new statements to be added", "Use this API to fetch gslbsite resources of given names .", "Return the number of days between startDate and endDate given the\nspecific daycount convention.\n\n@param startDate The start date given as a {@link org.threeten.bp.LocalDate}.\n@param endDate The end date given as a {@link org.threeten.bp.LocalDate}.\n@param convention A convention string.\n@return The number of days within the given period." ]
@Override public final Integer optInt(final String key, final Integer defaultValue) { Integer result = optInt(key); return result == null ? defaultValue : result; }
[ "Get a property as an int or default value.\n\n@param key the property name\n@param defaultValue the default value" ]
[ "This methods enhances the objects loaded by a broker query\nwith a JDO StateManager an brings them under JDO control.\n@param pojos the OJB pojos as obtained by the broker\n@return the collection of JDO PersistenceCapable instances", "Return the Renderer class associated to the prototype.\n\n@param prototypeClass used to search the renderer in the prototypes collection.\n@return the prototype index associated to the prototypeClass.", "Replace HTML entities\n@param content Content\n@param map Map\n@return Replaced content", "Import CountryList from RAW resource\n\n@param context Context\n@return CountryList", "Configures a RequestBuilder to send an RPC request when the RequestBuilder\nis intended to be returned through the asynchronous proxy interface.\n\n@param <T> return type for the AsyncCallback\n@param responseReader instance used to read the return value of the\ninvocation\n@param requestData payload that encodes the addressing and arguments of the\nRPC call\n@param callback callback handler\n\n@return a RequestBuilder object that is ready to have its\n{@link RequestBuilder#send()} method invoked.", "Convert a string value into the appropriate Java field value.", "Performs a get operation with the specified composite request object\n\n@param requestWrapper A composite request object containing the key (and\n/ or default value) and timeout.\n@return The Versioned value corresponding to the key", "Builder method for specifying the stack an app should be created on.\n@param stack Stack to create the app on.\n@return A copy of the {@link App}", "Invokes a JavaScript function that takes no arguments.\n\n@param <T>\n@param function The function to invoke\n@param returnType The type of object to return\n@return The result of the function." ]
public String getProfileIdFromClientId(int id) { return (String) sqlService.getFromTable(Constants.CLIENT_PROFILE_ID, Constants.GENERIC_ID, id, Constants.DB_TABLE_CLIENT); }
[ "gets the profile_name associated with a specific id" ]
[ "Parses a type annotation table to find the labels, and to visit the try\ncatch block annotations.\n\n@param u\nthe start offset of a type annotation table.\n@param mv\nthe method visitor to be used to visit the try catch block\nannotations.\n@param context\ninformation about the class being parsed.\n@param visible\nif the type annotation table to parse contains runtime visible\nannotations.\n@return the start offset of each type annotation in the parsed table.", "Provisions a new app user in an enterprise using Box Developer Edition.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created user.\n@param name the name of the user.\n@return the created user's info.", "Authenticates the API connection by obtaining access and refresh tokens using the auth code that was obtained\nfrom the first half of OAuth.\n@param authCode the auth code obtained from the first half of the OAuth process.", "Delete a photo from flickr.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'delete' permission.\n\n@param photoId\n@throws FlickrException", "Convert an array of bytes into an array of ints. 4 bytes from the\ninput data map to a single int in the output data.\n@param bytes The data to read from.\n@return An array of 32-bit integers constructed from the data.\n@since 1.1", "Print a day.\n\n@param day Day instance\n@return day value", "Use this API to clear route6.", "Checks the preconditions for creating a new RequireSubStr processor with a List of Strings.\n\n@param requiredSubStrings\nthe required substrings\n@throws NullPointerException\nif requiredSubStrings or one of its elements is null\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif requiredSubStrings is empty", "Returns angle in degrees between two points\n\n@param ax x of the point 1\n@param ay y of the point 1\n@param bx x of the point 2\n@param by y of the point 2\n@return angle in degrees between two points" ]
@Override public HandlerRegistration addChangeHandler(final ChangeHandler handler) { return getRangeInputElement().addDomHandler(handler, ChangeEvent.getType()); }
[ "Register the ChangeHandler to become notified if the user changes the slider.\nThe Handler is called when the user releases the mouse only at the end of the slide\noperation." ]
[ "Sends a user a password reset email for the given email.\n\n@param email the email of the user.\n@return A {@link Task} that completes when the reqest request completes/fails.", "Load a configuration in from a text file.\n\n@return A config if any of the fields were set otherwise null on EOF.", "Gets the registration point that been associated with the registration for the longest period.\n\n@return the initial registration point, or {@code null} if there are no longer any registration points", "Set up the services to create a channel listener and operation handler service.\n@param serviceTarget the service target to install the services into\n@param endpointName the endpoint name to install the services into\n@param channelName the name of the channel\n@param executorServiceName service name of the executor service to use in the operation handler service\n@param scheduledExecutorServiceName service name of the scheduled executor service to use in the operation handler service", "Get the filters ImporterServiceFilter and ImportDeclarationFilter from the properties, stop the instance if one of.\nthem is invalid.", "Convert an array of bytes into an array of ints. 4 bytes from the\ninput data map to a single int in the output data.\n@param bytes The data to read from.\n@return An array of 32-bit integers constructed from the data.\n@since 1.1", "Given an array of variable names, returns a JsonObject\nof values.\n\n@param dataMap an map containing variable names and their corresponding values\nnames.\n@return a json object of values", "Old REST client uses old REST service", "Checks the widget by index\n@param checkableIndex The index is in the range from 0 to size -1, where size is the number of\nCheckable widgets in the group. It does not take into account any\nnon-Checkable widgets added to the group widget.\n@return {@code True} if {@code checkableWidget} is a child of this {@code CheckableGroup} and\nwas not already checked; {@code false} otherwise." ]
public static int mixColors(float t, int rgb1, int rgb2) { int a1 = (rgb1 >> 24) & 0xff; int r1 = (rgb1 >> 16) & 0xff; int g1 = (rgb1 >> 8) & 0xff; int b1 = rgb1 & 0xff; int a2 = (rgb2 >> 24) & 0xff; int r2 = (rgb2 >> 16) & 0xff; int g2 = (rgb2 >> 8) & 0xff; int b2 = rgb2 & 0xff; a1 = lerp(t, a1, a2); r1 = lerp(t, r1, r2); g1 = lerp(t, g1, g2); b1 = lerp(t, b1, b2); return (a1 << 24) | (r1 << 16) | (g1 << 8) | b1; }
[ "Linear interpolation of ARGB values.\n@param t the interpolation parameter\n@param rgb1 the lower interpolation range\n@param rgb2 the upper interpolation range\n@return the interpolated value" ]
[ "Get a bean from the application context. Returns null if the bean does not exist.\n@param name name of bean\n@param requiredType type of bean\n@return the bean or null", "Use this API to disable Interface resources of given names.", "This method extracts data for an exception day from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param day Day data", "Add a '&lt;&gt;' clause so the column must be not-equal-to the value.", "Adds the given value to the list of values that should still be\nserialized. The given RDF resource will be used as a subject.\n\n@param value\nthe value to be serialized\n@param resource\nthe RDF resource that is used as a subject for serialization", "Sets the RegExp pattern for the TextBox\n@param pattern\n@param invalidCharactersInNameErrorMessage", "Adds a Statement.\n\n@param rank\nrank of the statement\n@param subject\nrdf resource that refers to the statement", "Returns the Class object of the Event implementation.", "Use this API to fetch the statistics of all lbvserver_stats resources that are configured on netscaler." ]
void checkRmModelConformance() { final AmVisitor<AmObject, AmConstraintContext> visitor = AmVisitors.preorder(new ConformanceVisitor()); ArchetypeWalker.walkConstraints(visitor, archetype, new AmConstraintContext()); }
[ "Check if information model entity referenced by archetype\nhas right name or type" ]
[ "Store an Object.\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker#store(Object)", "Returns a factory that vends DelimitRegExIterators that reads the contents of the\ngiven Reader, splits on the specified delimiter, applies op, then returns the result.", "Sanity-check a new non-beat update, make sure we are still interpolating a sensible position, and correct\nas needed.\n\n@param lastTrackUpdate the most recent digested update received from a player\n@param newDeviceUpdate a new status update from the player\n@param beatGrid the beat grid for the track that is playing, in case we have jumped\n\n@return the playback position we believe that player has reached at that point in time", "This method extracts project properties from a Phoenix file.\n\n@param phoenixSettings Phoenix settings\n@param storepoint Current storepoint", "Retrieves a ProjectWriter instance which can write a file of the\ntype specified by the supplied file name.\n\n@param name file name\n@return ProjectWriter instance", "Creates a resource key defined as a child of key defined by enumeration value.\n@see #key(Enum)\n@see #child(String)\n@param enumValue the enumeration value defining the parent key\n@param key the child id\n@return the resource key", "Wait and retry.", "Creates a real valued diagonal matrix of the specified type", "Extracts the column of A and copies it into u while computing the magnitude of the\nlargest element and returning it.\n\n<pre>\nu[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2 ] = A.getReal(row0+i,col)\nu[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2 + 1] = A.getImag(row0+i,col)\n</pre>\n\n@param A Complex matrix\n@param row0 First row in A to be copied\n@param row1 Last row in A + 1 to be copied\n@param col Column in A\n@param u Output array storage\n@param offsetU first index in U\n@return magnitude of largest element" ]
static boolean isEmptyWhitespace(@Nullable final String s) { if (s == null) { return true; } return CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.matchesAllOf(s); }
[ "Returns flag whose value indicates if the string is null, empty or\nonly contains whitespace characters\n\n@param s a string\n@return true if the string is null, empty or only contains whitespace characters" ]
[ "Instantiate Service Locator client. After successful instantiation\nestablish a connection to the Service Locator server. This method will be\ncalled if property locatorClient is null. For this purpose was defined\nadditional properties to instantiate ServiceLocatorImpl.\n\n@throws InterruptedException\n@throws ServiceLocatorException", "converts the file URIs with an absent authority to one with an empty", "Will prompt a user the \"Add to Homescreen\" feature\n\n@param callback A callback function after the method has been executed.", "Utility method used to convert an integer time representation into a\nDuration instance.\n\n@param totalTime integer time representation\n@param format required time format\n@return new Duration instance", "Static method to convert a binary operator into a string.\n\n@param oper is the binary comparison operator to be converted", "Flag that the processor has started execution.\n\n@param processorGraphNode the node that has started.", "This sets the variable with the given name to the given value. If there is already a variable with the same name in the top-most stack frame,\nwe will combine them here.\n\nThis helps in the case of multiple conditions tied together with \"or\" or \"and\".", "Apply clipping to the features in a tile. The tile and its features should already be in map space.\n\n@param tile\ntile to put features in\n@param scale\nscale\n@param panOrigin\nWhen panning on the client, only this parameter changes. So we need to be aware of it as we calculate\nthe maxScreenEnvelope.\n@throws GeomajasException oops", "We have received an update that invalidates any previous metadata for that player, so clear it out, and alert\nany listeners if this represents a change. This does not affect the hot cues; they will stick around until the\nplayer loads a new track that overwrites one or more of them.\n\n@param update the update which means we can have no metadata for the associated player" ]
public boolean setOverrideRepeatCount(String pathName, String methodName, Integer ordinal, Integer repeatCount) { try { String methodId = getOverrideIdForMethodName(methodName).toString(); BasicNameValuePair[] params = { new BasicNameValuePair("profileIdentifier", this._profileName), new BasicNameValuePair("ordinal", ordinal.toString()), new BasicNameValuePair("repeatNumber", repeatCount.toString()) }; JSONObject response = new JSONObject(doPost(BASE_PATH + uriEncode(pathName) + "/" + methodId, params)); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; }
[ "Set the repeat count of an override at ordinal index\n\n@param pathName Path name\n@param methodName Fully qualified method name\n@param ordinal 1-based index of the override within the overrides of type methodName\n@param repeatCount new repeat count to set\n@return true if success, false otherwise" ]
[ "Copies information between specified streams and then closes\nboth of the streams.\n@throws java.io.IOException", "A variant of the gamma function.\n@param a the number to apply gain to\n@param b the gain parameter. 0.5 means no change, smaller values reduce gain, larger values increase gain.\n@return the output value", "Use this API to delete nsacl6 of given name.", "Create a new photoset.\n\n@param title\nThe photoset title\n@param description\nThe photoset description\n@param primaryPhotoId\nThe primary photo id\n@return The new Photset\n@throws FlickrException", "Returns a sampling of the source at the specified line and column,\nof null if it is unavailable.", "Invoke the setters for the given variables on the given instance.\n@param <T> the instance type\n@param instance the instance to inject with the variables\n@param vars the variables to inject\n@return the instance\n@throws ReflectiveOperationException if there was a problem finding or invoking a setter method", "Use this API to fetch nd6ravariables resources of given names .", "Extract where the destination is reshaped to match the extracted region\n@param src The original matrix which is to be copied. Not modified.\n@param srcX0 Start column.\n@param srcX1 Stop column+1.\n@param srcY0 Start row.\n@param srcY1 Stop row+1.\n@param dst Where the submatrix are stored. Modified.", "Returns true if the information in this link should take\nprecedence over the information in the other link." ]
private void writeExceptions9(List<Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay> dayList, List<ProjectCalendarException> exceptions) { for (ProjectCalendarException exception : exceptions) { boolean working = exception.getWorking(); Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay day = m_factory.createProjectCalendarsCalendarWeekDaysWeekDay(); dayList.add(day); day.setDayType(BIGINTEGER_ZERO); day.setDayWorking(Boolean.valueOf(working)); Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay.TimePeriod period = m_factory.createProjectCalendarsCalendarWeekDaysWeekDayTimePeriod(); day.setTimePeriod(period); period.setFromDate(exception.getFromDate()); period.setToDate(exception.getToDate()); if (working) { Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay.WorkingTimes times = m_factory.createProjectCalendarsCalendarWeekDaysWeekDayWorkingTimes(); day.setWorkingTimes(times); List<Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay.WorkingTimes.WorkingTime> timesList = times.getWorkingTime(); for (DateRange range : exception) { Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay.WorkingTimes.WorkingTime time = m_factory.createProjectCalendarsCalendarWeekDaysWeekDayWorkingTimesWorkingTime(); timesList.add(time); time.setFromTime(range.getStart()); time.setToTime(range.getEnd()); } } } }
[ "Write exceptions in the format used by MSPDI files prior to Project 2007.\n\n@param dayList list of calendar days\n@param exceptions list of exceptions" ]
[ "Sets a new image\n\n@param BufferedImage imagem", "Convert a geometry class to a layer type.\n\n@param geometryClass\nJTS geometry class\n@return Geomajas layer type", "Deletes an individual alias\n\n@param alias\nthe alias to delete", "Load all string recognize.", "Sends out the SQL as defined in the config upon first init of the connection.\n@param connection\n@param initSQL\n@throws SQLException", "Provides a reverse view on the given list which is especially useful to traverse a list backwards in a for-each\nloop. The list itself is not modified by calling this method.\n\n@param list\nthe list whose elements should be traversed in reverse. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@return a list with the same elements as the given list, in reverse", "Updates the styling and content of the internal text area based on the real value, the ghost value, and whether\nit has focus.", "Saves a matrix to disk using Java binary serialization.\n\n@param A The matrix being saved.\n@param fileName Name of the file its being saved at.\n@throws java.io.IOException", "get string from post stream\n\n@param is\n@param encoding\n@return" ]
private void writeProjectProperties() { ProjectProperties properties = m_projectFile.getProjectProperties(); m_plannerProject.setCompany(properties.getCompany()); m_plannerProject.setManager(properties.getManager()); m_plannerProject.setName(getString(properties.getName())); m_plannerProject.setProjectStart(getDateTime(properties.getStartDate())); m_plannerProject.setCalendar(getIntegerString(m_projectFile.getDefaultCalendar().getUniqueID())); m_plannerProject.setMrprojectVersion("2"); }
[ "This method writes project properties to a Planner file." ]
[ "Are both Id's the same?\n\n@param otherElement the other element to compare\n@return true if id == otherElement.id", "Creates the event for endpoint with specific type.\n\n@param endpoint the endpoint\n@param type the type\n@return the event", "Converts Observable of list to Observable of Inner.\n@param innerList list to be converted.\n@param <InnerT> type of inner.\n@return Observable for list of inner.", "Use this API to delete sslcertkey.", "Dumps the partition IDs per node in terms of zone n-ary type.\n\n@param cluster\n@param storeRoutingPlan\n@return pretty printed string of detailed zone n-ary type.", "Gets the index of the specified value.\n\n@param value the value of the item to be found\n@return the index of the value", "Destroys dependent instance\n\n@param instance\n@return true if the instance was destroyed, false otherwise", "Convenience method which allows all projects in the database to\nbe read in a single operation.\n\n@return list of ProjectFile instances\n@throws MPXJException", "1-D Backward Discrete Cosine Transform.\n\n@param data Data." ]
public static PredicateExpression nin(Object... rhs) { PredicateExpression ex = new PredicateExpression("$nin", rhs); if (rhs.length == 1) { ex.single = true; } return ex; }
[ "The document field must not exist in the list provided\n@param rhs The argument - one or more values\n@return PredicateExpression: $nin rhs" ]
[ "Creates a resource key with id defined as enumeration value name and bundle specified by given class.\n@param clazz the class owning the bundle\n@param value enumeration value used to define key id\n@return the resource key", "Commits the writes to the remote collection.", "Process a currency definition.\n\n@param row record from XER file", "Adds a perspective camera constructed from the designated\nperspective camera to describe the shadow projection.\nThis type of camera is used for shadows generated by spot lights.\n@param centerCam GVRPerspectiveCamera to derive shadow projection from\n@param coneAngle spot light cone angle\n@return Perspective camera to use for shadow casting\n@see GVRSpotLight", "Get the server redirects belonging to a server group\n\n@param profileId ID of profile\n@param serverGroupId ID of server group\n@return Collection of ServerRedirect for a server group", "Propagates the names of all facets to each single facet.", "Invoke an HTTP GET request on a remote host. You must close the InputStream after you are done with.\n\n@param path The request path\n@param parameters The parameters (collection of Parameter objects)\n@return The Response", "Extract the DatabaseTableConfig for a particular class by looking for class and field annotations. This is used\nby internal classes to configure a class.", "Return a list of 'Files' of downloaded or uploaded files. Filters build files without local and remote paths.\n\n@param buildFilesStream - Stream of build Artifacts or Dependencies.\n@return - List of build files." ]
public void animate(float animationTime, Matrix4f mat) { mRotInterpolator.animate(animationTime, mRotKey); mPosInterpolator.animate(animationTime, mPosKey); mSclInterpolator.animate(animationTime, mScaleKey); mat.translationRotateScale(mPosKey[0], mPosKey[1], mPosKey[2], mRotKey[0], mRotKey[1], mRotKey[2], mRotKey[3], mScaleKey[0], mScaleKey[1], mScaleKey[2]); }
[ "Obtains the transform for a specific time in animation.\n\n@param animationTime The time in animation.\n\n@return The transform." ]
[ "Set the view frustum to pick against from the field of view, aspect\nratio and near, far clip planes. The viewpoint of the frustum\nis the center of the scene object the picker is attached to.\nThe view direction is the forward direction of that scene object.\nThe frustum will pick what a camera attached to the scene object\nwith that view frustum would see. If the frustum is not attached\nto a scene object, it defaults to the view frustum of the main camera of the scene.\n\n@param fovy vertical field of view in degrees\n@param aspect aspect ratio (width / height)", "Get the GroupDiscussInterface.\n\n@return The GroupDiscussInterface", "Type-safe wrapper around setVariable which sets only one framed vertex.", "Stores template parameters for OpenShiftAssistantTemplate.\n\n@param name template parameter name\n@param value template parameter value", "Gets axis dimension\n@param axis Axis. It might be either {@link Layout.Axis#X X} or\n{@link Layout.Axis#Y Y} or {@link Layout.Axis#Z Z}\n@return axis dimension", "Checks if class package match provided list of action packages\n\n@param classPackageName\nname of class package\n@return true if class package is on the {@link #actionPackages} list", "Entry point for recursive resolution of an expression and all of its\nnested expressions.\n\n@todo Ensure unresolvable expressions don't trigger infinite recursion.", "Load the given class using a specific class loader.\n\n@param className The name of the class\n@param cl The Class Loader to be used for finding the class.\n@return The class object", "Adds all items from the iterator to the Collection.\n\n@param self the collection\n@param items the items to add\n@return true if the collection changed" ]
public static Collection<ContentStream> toContentStreams(final String str, final String contentType) { if (str == null) { return null; } ArrayList<ContentStream> streams = new ArrayList<>(1); ContentStreamBase ccc = new ContentStreamBase.StringStream(str); ccc.setContentType(contentType); streams.add(ccc); return streams; }
[ "Take a string and make it an iterable ContentStream" ]
[ "Performs the conversion from standard XPath to xpath with parameterization support.", "Returns a Bic object holding the value of the specified String.\n\n@param bic the String to be parsed.\n@return a Bic object holding the value represented by the string argument.\n@throws BicFormatException if the String doesn't contain parsable Bic.\nUnsupportedCountryException if bic's country is not supported.", "We have received notification that a device is no longer on the network, so clear out all its waveforms.\n\n@param announcement the packet which reported the device’s disappearance", "This method maps the resource unique identifiers to their index number\nwithin the FixedData block.\n\n@param fieldMap field map\n@param rscFixedMeta resource fixed meta data\n@param rscFixedData resource fixed data\n@return map of resource IDs to resource data", "Helper method to add cue list entries from a parsed ANLZ cue tag\n\n@param entries the list of entries being accumulated\n@param tag the tag whose entries are to be added", "Adds a parameter that requires a string argument to the argument list.\nIf the given argument is null, then the argument list remains unchanged.", "Remove write.lock file in the data directory to ensure the index is unlocked.\n@param dataDir the data directory of the Solr index that should be unlocked.", "Use this API to update nsdiameter.", "Converts assignment duration values from minutes to hours.\n\n@param list assignment data" ]
public static appfwlearningsettings[] get_filtered(nitro_service service, filtervalue[] filter) throws Exception{ appfwlearningsettings obj = new appfwlearningsettings(); options option = new options(); option.set_filter(filter); appfwlearningsettings[] response = (appfwlearningsettings[]) obj.getfiltered(service, option); return response; }
[ "Use this API to fetch filtered set of appfwlearningsettings resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object." ]
[ "Redirect URL to the specified profile ID\n\n@param model\n@param profileId\n@return\n@throws Exception", "Performs a similar transform on A-pI", "Returns the rank of the decomposed matrix.\n\n@see SingularOps_DDRM#rank(SingularValueDecomposition_F64, double)\n\n@return The matrix's rank", "This method is used to configure the format pattern.\n\n@param patterns new format patterns", "Returns the index of the first invalid character of the zone, or -1 if the zone is valid\n\n@param sequence\n@return", "Presents the Cursor Settings to the User. Only works if scene is set.", "Returns a OkHttpClient that ignores SSL cert errors\n@return", "Process a single outline code.\n\n@param parentRow outline code to task mapping table\n@throws SQLException", "Calculate start dates for a weekly recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param frequency frequency\n@param dates array of start dates" ]
Item newStringishItem(final int type, final String value) { key2.set(type, value, null, null); Item result = get(key2); if (result == null) { pool.put12(type, newUTF8(value)); result = new Item(index++, key2); put(result); } return result; }
[ "Adds a string reference, a class reference, a method type, a module\nor a package to the constant pool of the class being build.\nDoes nothing if the constant pool already contains a similar item.\n\n@param type\na type among STR, CLASS, MTYPE, MODULE or PACKAGE\n@param value\nstring value of the reference.\n@return a new or already existing reference item." ]
[ "resolves any lazy cross references in this resource, adding Issues for unresolvable elements to this resource.\nThis resource might still contain resolvable proxies after this method has been called.\n\n@param mon a {@link CancelIndicator} can be used to stop the resolution.", "returns a sorted array of methods", "Gets the metadata on this folder associated with a specified template.\n\n@param templateName the metadata template type name.\n@return the metadata returned from the server.", "Add the given pair into the map.\n\n<p>\nIf the pair key already exists in the map, its value is replaced\nby the value in the pair, and the old value in the map is returned.\n</p>\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param map the map to update.\n@param entry the entry (key, value) to add into the map.\n@return the value previously associated to the key, or <code>null</code>\nif the key was not present in the map before the addition.\n@since 2.15", "Moves our current playback position to the specified beat; this will be reflected in any status and beat packets\nthat we are sending. An incoming value less than one will jump us to the first beat.\n\n@param beat the beat that we should pretend to be playing", "Append the bounding volume particle positions, times and velocities to the existing mesh\nbefore creating a new scene object with this mesh attached to it.\nAlso, append every created scene object and its creation time to corresponding array lists.\n\n@param particlePositions\n@param particleVelocities\n@param particleTimeStamps", "Access all currencies known.\n\n@param providers the (optional) specification of providers to consider.\n@return the list of known currencies, never null.", "Set a proxy for REST-requests.\n\n@param proxyHost\n@param proxyPort", "Instruct a query to use a specific index.\n@param designDocument Design document to use.\n@param indexName Index name to use.\n@return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining." ]
private String FCMGetFreshToken(final String senderID) { String token = null; try { if(senderID != null){ getConfigLogger().verbose(getAccountId(), "FcmManager: Requesting a FCM token with Sender Id - "+senderID); token = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken(senderID, FirebaseMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE); }else { getConfigLogger().verbose(getAccountId(), "FcmManager: Requesting a FCM token"); token = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken(); } getConfigLogger().info(getAccountId(),"FCM token: "+token); } catch (Throwable t) { getConfigLogger().verbose(getAccountId(), "FcmManager: Error requesting FCM token", t); } return token; }
[ "request token from FCM" ]
[ "Generates a usable test specification for a given test definition\nUses the first bucket as the fallback value\n\n@param testDefinition a {@link TestDefinition}\n@return a {@link TestSpecification} which corresponding to given test definition.", "If the String argument locatorSelectionStrategy is as key in the map representing the locatorSelectionStrategies, the\ncorresponding strategy is selected, else it remains unchanged.\n@param locatorSelectionStrategy", "Read flow id from message.\n\n@param message the message\n@return the FlowId as string", "Creates a map between a work pattern ID and a list of time entry rows.\n\n@param rows time entry rows\n@return time entry map", "Account for key being fetched.\n\n@param key", "Gets a SerialMessage with the BASIC GET command\n@return the serial message", "Get a writer implementation to push data into Canvas while being able to control the behavior of blank values.\nIf the serializeNulls parameter is set to true, this writer will serialize null fields in the JSON being\nsent to Canvas. This is required if you want to explicitly blank out a value that is currently set to something.\n@param type Interface type you wish to get an implementation for\n@param oauthToken An OAuth token to use for authentication when making API calls\n@param serializeNulls Whether or not to include null fields in the serialized JSON. Defaults to false if null\n@param <T> A writer implementation\n@return An instantiated instance of the requested writer type", "Determines whether the current object on the specified level has a specific property, and if so, processes the\ntemplate\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"level\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The level for the current object\"\nvalues=\"class,field,reference,collection\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The name of the property\"", "Remove a connection from all keys.\n\n@param connection\nthe connection" ]
private void addMembersInclSupertypes(Collection memberNames, HashMap members, XClass type, String tagName, String paramName, String paramValue) throws XDocletException { addMembers(memberNames, members, type, tagName, paramName, paramValue); if (type.getInterfaces() != null) { for (Iterator it = type.getInterfaces().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { addMembersInclSupertypes(memberNames, members, (XClass)it.next(), tagName, paramName, paramValue); } } if (!type.isInterface() && (type.getSuperclass() != null)) { addMembersInclSupertypes(memberNames, members, type.getSuperclass(), tagName, paramName, paramValue); } }
[ "Retrieves the members of the type and of its super types.\n\n@param memberNames Will receive the names of the members (for sorting)\n@param members Will receive the members\n@param type The type to process\n@param tagName An optional tag for filtering the types\n@param paramName The feature to be added to the MembersInclSupertypes attribute\n@param paramValue The feature to be added to the MembersInclSupertypes attribute\n@throws XDocletException If an error occurs" ]
[ "Returns the list of the configured sort options, or the empty list if no sort options are configured.\n@return The list of the configured sort options, or the empty list if no sort options are configured.", "Creates a scenario with 3 different steps classes.\n\nTo share state between the different steps instances use the\n{@link com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.ScenarioState} annotation\n\n@param givenClass the Given steps class\n@param whenClass the When steps class\n@param thenClass the Then steps class\n@return the new scenario", "Read resource assignment data from a PEP file.", "Check if a given string is a valid java package or class name.\n\nThis method use the technique documented in\n[this SO question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13557195/how-to-check-if-string-is-a-valid-class-identifier)\nwith the following extensions:\n\n* if the string does not contain `.` then assume it is not a valid package or class name\n\n@param s\nthe string to be checked\n@return\n`true` if `s` is a valid java package or class name", "Gets the current page\n@return", "Use this API to fetch sslservicegroup_sslcertkey_binding resources of given name .", "Removes a value from the list box. Nothing is done if the value isn't on\nthe list box.\n\n@param value the value to be removed from the list\n@param reload perform a 'material select' reload to update the DOM.", "obtains the internal JDO lifecycle state of the input StatemanagerInternal.\nThis Method is helpful to display persistent objects internal state.\n@param sm the StateManager to be inspected\n@return the LifeCycleState of a StateManager instance", "Determines the field via reflection look-up.\n\n@param clazz The java class to search in\n@param fieldName The field's name\n@return The field object or <code>null</code> if no matching field was found" ]
public static BuildRetention createBuildRetention(Run build, boolean discardOldArtifacts) { BuildRetention buildRetention = new BuildRetention(discardOldArtifacts); LogRotator rotator = null; BuildDiscarder buildDiscarder = build.getParent().getBuildDiscarder(); if (buildDiscarder != null && buildDiscarder instanceof LogRotator) { rotator = (LogRotator) buildDiscarder; } if (rotator == null) { return buildRetention; } if (rotator.getNumToKeep() > -1) { buildRetention.setCount(rotator.getNumToKeep()); } if (rotator.getDaysToKeep() > -1) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -rotator.getDaysToKeep()); buildRetention.setMinimumBuildDate(new Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis())); } List<String> notToBeDeleted = ExtractorUtils.getBuildNumbersNotToBeDeleted(build); buildRetention.setBuildNumbersNotToBeDiscarded(notToBeDeleted); return buildRetention; }
[ "Create a Build retention object out of the build\n\n@param build The build to create the build retention out of\n@param discardOldArtifacts Flag whether to discard artifacts of those builds that are to be discarded.\n@return a new Build retention" ]
[ "Search for the second entry in the second database. Use this method for databases configured with no duplicates.\n\n@param second second key (value for first).\n@return null if no entry found, otherwise the value.", "Returns an text table containing the matrix of Strings passed in.\nThe first dimension of the matrix should represent the rows, and the\nsecond dimension the columns.", "Gets a static resource from a plugin\n\n@param pluginName - Name of the plugin(defined in the plugin manifest)\n@param fileName - Filename to fetch\n@return byte array of the resource\n@throws Exception exception", "Gets the event type from message.\n\n@param message the message\n@return the event type", "Invokes the observer method immediately passing the event.\n\n@param event The event to notify observer with", "This handler will be triggered when search is finish", "Converts the provided object to a date, if possible.\n\n@param date the date.\n\n@return the date as {@link java.util.Date}", "Returns true of the specified matrix element is valid element inside this matrix.\n\n@param row Row index.\n@param col Column index.\n@return true if it is a valid element in the matrix.", "Check all abstract methods are declared by the decorated types.\n\n@param type\n@param beanManager\n@param delegateType\n@throws DefinitionException If any of the abstract methods is not declared by the decorated types" ]
public int getInt(Integer type) { int result = 0; byte[] item = m_map.get(type); if (item != null) { result = MPPUtility.getInt(item, 0); } return (result); }
[ "Retrieves an integer value from the extended data.\n\n@param type Type identifier\n@return integer value" ]
[ "Create and serialize a WorkerStatus for a pause event.\n\n@return the JSON representation of a new WorkerStatus\n@throws IOException if there was an error serializing the WorkerStatus", "Sets the ProjectCalendar instance from which this calendar is derived.\n\n@param calendar base calendar instance", "Prepares this DAG for node enumeration using getNext method, each call to getNext returns next node\nin the DAG with no dependencies.", "Creates the name of the .story file to be wrote with the testcase. The\nname of the scenario must be given with spaces.\n\n@param scenarioName\n- The scenario name, with spaces\n@return the .story file name.", "Return the numeraire at a given time.\nThe numeraire is provided for interpolated points. If requested on points which are not\npart of the tenor discretization, the numeraire uses a linear interpolation of the reciprocal\nvalue. See ISBN 0470047224 for details.\n\n@param time Time time <i>t</i> for which the numeraire should be returned <i>N(t)</i>.\n@return The numeraire at the specified time as <code>RandomVariableFromDoubleArray</code>\n@throws net.finmath.exception.CalculationException Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the <code>cause()</code> method.", "Creates an option to deploy existing content to the runtime for each deployment\n\n@param deployments a set of deployments to deploy\n\n@return the deploy operation", "Invalidate layout setup.", "Sets an Integer attribute.\n\n@param key the key, non null.\n@param value the value\n@return the Builder, for chaining.", "Gets the JsonObject representation of the Field Operation.\n@param fieldOperation represents the template update operation\n@return the json object" ]
public <T> T find(Class<T> classType, String id) { return db.find(classType, id); }
[ "Retrieve the document with the specified ID from the database and deserialize to an\ninstance of the POJO of type T.\n\n@param <T> object type\n@param classType the class of type T\n@param id the document id\n@return an object of type T\n@throws NoDocumentException if the document is not found in the database\n@see #find(Class, String, String)\n@see <a\nhref=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/document.html#read\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">Documents - read</a>" ]
[ "Check the given URI to see if it matches.\n\n@param matchInfo the matchInfo to validate.\n@return True if it matches.", "All tests completed.", "Handles a failed SendData request. This can either be because of the stick actively reporting it\nor because of a time-out of the transaction in the send thread.\n@param originalMessage the original message that was sent", "URL-encodes a given string using ISO-8859-1, which may work better with web pages and umlauts compared to UTF-8.\nNo UnsupportedEncodingException to handle as it is dealt with in this method.", "Print classes that were parts of relationships, but not parsed by javadoc", "Checks if the artifact is dependency of an dependent idl artifact\n@returns true if the artifact was a dependency of idl artifact", "Get a property as a string or throw an exception.\n\n@param key the property name", "Set the url for the shape file.\n\n@param url shape file url\n@throws LayerException file cannot be accessed\n@since 1.7.1", "Resolves the configuration.\n\n@param config The specified configuration.\n@return The resolved configuration." ]
protected void debugLog(String operationType, Long receivedTimeInMs) { long durationInMs = receivedTimeInMs - (this.parsedRequestOriginTimeInMs); int numVectorClockEntries = (this.parsedVectorClock == null ? 0 : this.parsedVectorClock.getVersionMap() .size()); logger.debug("Received a new request. Operation type: " + operationType + " , Key(s): " + keysHexString(this.parsedKeys) + " , Store: " + this.storeName + " , Origin time (in ms): " + (this.parsedRequestOriginTimeInMs) + " , Request received at time(in ms): " + receivedTimeInMs + " , Num vector clock entries: " + numVectorClockEntries + " , Duration from RESTClient to CoordinatorRestRequestValidator(in ms): " + durationInMs); }
[ "Prints a debug log message that details the time taken for the Http\nrequest to be parsed by the coordinator\n\n@param operationType\n@param receivedTimeInMs" ]
[ "Are these two numbers effectively equal?\n\nThe same logic is applied for each of the 3 vector dimensions: see {@link #equal}\n@param v1\n@param v2", "Load and run the OnBrowserCreatedPlugins, this call has been made from the browser pool when a\nnew browser has been created and ready to be used by the Crawler. The PreCrawling plugins are\nexecuted before these plugins are executed except that the pre-crawling plugins are only\nexecuted on the first created browser.\n\n@param newBrowser the new created browser object", "Resamples a trajectory\n@param t Trajectory to resample\n@param n Resample rate\n@return Returns a resampled trajectory which contains every n'th position of t", "Creates a ServiceCall from a paging operation.\n\n@param first the observable to the first page\n@param next the observable to poll subsequent pages\n@param callback the client-side callback\n@param <E> the element type\n@return the future based ServiceCall", "Use this API to fetch the statistics of all service_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.", "Created a fresh CancelIndicator", "Generates the InputValue for the form input by inspecting the current\nvalue of the corresponding WebElement on the DOM.\n\n@return The current InputValue for the element on the DOM.", "Generated the report.", "Use this API to fetch a vpnglobal_appcontroller_binding resources." ]
private void validateAsMongoDBFieldName(String fieldName) { if ( fieldName.startsWith( "$" ) ) { throw log.fieldNameHasInvalidDollarPrefix( fieldName ); } else if ( fieldName.contains( "\u0000" ) ) { throw log.fieldNameContainsNULCharacter( fieldName ); } }
[ "Validates a String to be a valid name to be used in MongoDB for a field name.\n\n@param fieldName" ]
[ "Boyer Moore scan that proceeds backwards from the end of the file looking for endsig\n\n@param file the file being checked\n@param channel the channel\n@param context the scan context\n@return\n@throws IOException", "Visit an open package of the current module.\n\n@param packaze the qualified name of the opened package.\n@param access the access flag of the opened package,\nvalid values are among {@code ACC_SYNTHETIC} and\n{@code ACC_MANDATED}.\n@param modules the qualified names of the modules that can use deep\nreflection to the classes of the open package or\n<tt>null</tt>.", "On host controller reload, remove a not running server registered in the process controller declared as stopping.", "Add tasks to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param parent parent task container", "Creates the server bootstrap.", "Add a clause where the ID is from an existing object.", "Parameter validity check.", "Generates a diagonal matrix with the input vector on its diagonal\n\n@param vector The given matrix A.\n@return diagonalMatrix The matrix with the vectors entries on its diagonal", "Shuts down a standalone server.\n\n@param client the client used to communicate with the server\n@param timeout the graceful shutdown timeout, a value of {@code -1} will wait indefinitely and a value of\n{@code 0} will not attempt a graceful shutdown\n\n@throws IOException if an error occurs communicating with the server" ]
public static <V> V doWorkInPoolNicely(final Pool<Jedis> pool, final PoolWork<Jedis, V> work) { final V result; try { result = doWorkInPool(pool, work); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return result; }
[ "Perform the given work with a Jedis connection from the given pool.\nWraps any thrown checked exceptions in a RuntimeException.\n\n@param pool the resource pool\n@param work the work to perform\n@param <V> the result type\n@return the result of the given work" ]
[ "Use this API to update gslbservice resources.", "Invoke an operation on an MBean by name.\nNote that only basic data types are supported for parameter values.\n@param operationName the operation name (can be URL-encoded).\n@param parameterMap the {@link Map} of parameter names and value arrays.\n@return the returned value from the operation.\n@throws JMException Java Management Exception\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported.", "Validates the return value\n\n@param instance The instance to validate", "Add a line symbolizer definition to the rule.\n\n@param styleJson The old style.", "Generates the body of a toString method that uses a StringBuilder and a separator variable.\n\n<p>Conventionally, we join properties with comma separators. If all of the properties are\noptional, we have no choice but to track the separators at runtime, as apart from the first\none, all properties will need to have a comma prepended. We could do this with a boolean,\nmaybe called \"separatorNeeded\", or \"firstValueOutput\", but then we need either a ternary\noperator or an extra nested if block. More readable is to use an initially-empty \"separator\"\nstring, which has a comma placed in it once the first value is written.\n\n<p>For extra tidiness, we note that the first if block need not try writing the separator\n(it is always empty), and the last one need not update it (it will not be used again).", "Parses a reflection modifier to a list of string\n\n@param modifiers The modifier to parse\n@return The resulting string list", "Set all unknown fields\n@param unknownFields the new unknown fields", "Gets the Chi Square distance between two normalized histograms.\n\n@param histogram1 Histogram.\n@param histogram2 Histogram.\n@return The Chi Square distance between x and y.", "This will check to see if certain configuration values exist from the ConfigurationService\nIf not then it redirects to the configuration screen" ]
public List<String> parseMethodList(String methods) { String[] methodArray = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(methods, ","); List<String> methodList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String methodName : methodArray) { methodList.add(methodName.trim()); } return methodList; }
[ "Parse a comma-delimited list of method names into a List of strings.\nWhitespace is ignored.\n\n@param methods the comma delimited list of methods from the spring configuration\n\n@return List&lt;String&gt;" ]
[ "Associate an input stream with the operation. Closing the input stream\nis the responsibility of the caller.\n\n@param in the input stream. Cannot be {@code null}\n@return a builder than can be used to continue building the operation", "Sets the target translator for all cells in the table.\nIt will also remove any other translator set.\nNothing will happen if the argument is null.\n@param targetTranslator translator\n@return this to allow chaining", "Use this API to fetch authenticationradiuspolicy_vpnglobal_binding resources of given name .", "Returns a new macro resolver that loads message keys from the workplace bundle in the user setting's language.\n@param cms the CmsObject.\n@return a new macro resolver with messages from the workplace bundle in the current users locale.", "Read all child tasks for a given parent.\n\n@param parentTask parent task", "Retrieve the value of a single-valued parameter.\n\n@param key\n@param defaultValue\n@param cnx", "Throw IllegalStateException if key is not present in map.\n@param key the key to expect.\n@param map the map to search.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if key is not in map.", "Recovers the state of synchronization in case a system failure happened. The goal is to revert\nto a known, good state.", "Boyer Moore scan that proceeds backwards from the end of the file looking for ENDSIG\n@throws NonScannableZipException" ]
private void startRelayWithPortTollerance(HttpServer server, SslListener relay, int tries) throws Exception { if (tries >= 5) { throw new BindException("Unable to bind to several ports, most recently " + relay.getPort() + ". Giving up"); } try { if (server.isStarted()) { relay.start(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Can't start SslRelay: server is not started (perhaps it was just shut down?)"); } } catch (BindException e) { // doh - the port is being used up, let's pick a new port LOG.info("Unable to bind to port %d, going to try port %d now", relay.getPort(), relay.getPort() + 1); relay.setPort(relay.getPort() + 1); startRelayWithPortTollerance(server, relay, tries + 1); } }
[ "Reinitializes the shader texture used to fill in\nthe Circle upon drawing.", "Retrieves the overallocated flag.\n\n@return overallocated flag", "Makes a DocumentReaderAndWriter based on\nflags.plainTextReaderAndWriter. Useful for reading in\nuntokenized text documents or reading plain text from the command\nline. An example of a way to use this would be to return a\nedu.stanford.nlp.wordseg.Sighan2005DocumentReaderAndWriter for\nthe Chinese Segmenter.", "Write a Date attribute.\n\n@param name attribute name\n@param value attribute value", "Generates a full list of all parents and their children, in order. Uses Map to preserve\nlast expanded state.\n\n@param parentList A list of the parents from\nthe {@link ExpandableRecyclerAdapter}\n@param savedLastExpansionState A map of the last expanded state for a given parent key.\n@return A list of all parents and their children, expanded accordingly", "Attempts to clear the global log context used for embedded servers.", "Returns a map of all variables in scope.\n@return map of all variables in scope.", "Use this API to update inat.", "Use this API to fetch all the inat resources that are configured on netscaler." ]
public void dumpKnownFieldMaps(Props props) { //for (int key=131092; key < 131098; key++) for (int key = 50331668; key < 50331674; key++) { byte[] fieldMapData = props.getByteArray(Integer.valueOf(key)); if (fieldMapData != null) { System.out.println("KEY: " + key); createFieldMap(fieldMapData); System.out.println(toString()); clear(); } } }
[ "Diagnostic method used to dump known field map data.\n\n@param props props block containing field map data" ]
[ "Print currency.\n\n@param value currency value\n@return currency value", "Return given duration in a human-friendly format. For example, \"4\nminutes\" or \"1 second\". Returns only largest meaningful unit of time,\nfrom seconds up to hours.\n\nThe longest duration it supports is hours.\n\nThis method assumes that there are 60 minutes in an hour,\n60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second.\nAll currently supplied chronologies use this definition.", "Send the started notification", "Extract predecessor data.", "This method maps the task unique identifiers to their index number\nwithin the FixedData block.\n\n@param fieldMap field map\n@param taskFixedMeta Fixed meta data for this task\n@param taskFixedData Fixed data for this task\n@param taskVarData Variable task data\n@return Mapping between task identifiers and block position", "Creates metadata on this folder using a specified scope and template.\n\n@param templateName the name of the metadata template.\n@param scope the scope of the template (usually \"global\" or \"enterprise\").\n@param metadata the new metadata values.\n@return the metadata returned from the server.", "Convert any number class to array of integer.\n\n@param <T> Type.\n@param array Array.\n@return Integer array.", "Returns the squared of the Euclidean distance between this vector and\nvector v.\n\n@return squared distance between this vector and v", "Sets the provided square matrix to be a random symmetric matrix whose values are selected from an uniform distribution\nfrom min to max, inclusive.\n\n@param A The matrix that is to be modified. Must be square. Modified.\n@param min Minimum value an element can have.\n@param max Maximum value an element can have.\n@param rand Random number generator." ]
private ProjectCalendar getResourceCalendar(Integer calendarID) { ProjectCalendar result = null; if (calendarID != null) { ProjectCalendar calendar = m_calMap.get(calendarID); if (calendar != null) { // // If the resource is linked to a base calendar, derive // a default calendar from the base calendar. // if (!calendar.isDerived()) { ProjectCalendar resourceCalendar = m_project.addCalendar(); resourceCalendar.setParent(calendar); resourceCalendar.setWorkingDay(Day.MONDAY, DayType.DEFAULT); resourceCalendar.setWorkingDay(Day.TUESDAY, DayType.DEFAULT); resourceCalendar.setWorkingDay(Day.WEDNESDAY, DayType.DEFAULT); resourceCalendar.setWorkingDay(Day.THURSDAY, DayType.DEFAULT); resourceCalendar.setWorkingDay(Day.FRIDAY, DayType.DEFAULT); resourceCalendar.setWorkingDay(Day.SATURDAY, DayType.DEFAULT); resourceCalendar.setWorkingDay(Day.SUNDAY, DayType.DEFAULT); result = resourceCalendar; } else { // // Primavera seems to allow a calendar to be shared between resources // whereas in the MS Project model there is a one-to-one // relationship. If we find a shared calendar, take a copy of it // if (calendar.getResource() == null) { result = calendar; } else { ProjectCalendar copy = m_project.addCalendar(); copy.copy(calendar); result = copy; } } } } return result; }
[ "Retrieve the correct calendar for a resource.\n\n@param calendarID calendar ID\n@return calendar for resource" ]
[ "A document that is paused no longer has remote updates applied to it.\nAny local updates to this document cause it to be thawed. An example of pausing a document\nis when a conflict is being resolved for that document and the handler throws an exception.\n\n@param isPaused whether or not this config is frozen", "Convert one project file format to another.\n\n@param inputFile input file\n@param outputFile output file\n@throws Exception", "Fancy print without a space added to positive numbers", "Given an array of variable names, returns an Xml String\nof values.\n\n@param dataMap an map containing variable names and their corresponding values\nnames.\n@param dataMap\n@return values in Xml format", "Merge the contents of the given plugin.xml into this one.", "Get the root path where the build is located, the project may be checked out to\na sub-directory from the root workspace location.\n\n@param globalEnv EnvVars to take the workspace from, if workspace is not found\nthen it is take from project.getSomeWorkspace()\n@return The location of the root of the Gradle build.\n@throws IOException\n@throws InterruptedException", "Checks anonymous fields.\n\n@param fieldDef The field descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the constraint has been violated", "Use this API to rename a cmppolicylabel resource.", "Validates a favorite entry.\n\n<p>If the favorite entry references a resource or project that can't be read, this will return false.\n\n@param entry the favorite entry\n@return the" ]
public boolean evaluate(FieldContainer container, Map<GenericCriteriaPrompt, Object> promptValues) { // // Retrieve the LHS value // FieldType field = m_leftValue; Object lhs; if (field == null) { lhs = null; } else { lhs = container.getCurrentValue(field); switch (field.getDataType()) { case DATE: { if (lhs != null) { lhs = DateHelper.getDayStartDate((Date) lhs); } break; } case DURATION: { if (lhs != null) { Duration dur = (Duration) lhs; lhs = dur.convertUnits(TimeUnit.HOURS, m_properties); } else { lhs = Duration.getInstance(0, TimeUnit.HOURS); } break; } case STRING: { lhs = lhs == null ? "" : lhs; break; } default: { break; } } } // // Retrieve the RHS values // Object[] rhs; if (m_symbolicValues == true) { rhs = processSymbolicValues(m_workingRightValues, container, promptValues); } else { rhs = m_workingRightValues; } // // Evaluate // boolean result; switch (m_operator) { case AND: case OR: { result = evaluateLogicalOperator(container, promptValues); break; } default: { result = m_operator.evaluate(lhs, rhs); break; } } return result; }
[ "Evaluate the criteria and return a boolean result.\n\n@param container field container\n@param promptValues responses to prompts\n@return boolean flag" ]
[ "Gets the Jaccard distance between two points.\n\n@param p A point in space.\n@param q A point in space.\n@return The Jaccard distance between x and y.", "Get the content-type, including the optional \";base64\".", "Kicks off an animation that will result in the pointer being centered in the\npie slice of the currently selected item.", "Renames this file.\n\n@param newName the new name of the file.", "open a readable or writeable FileChannel\n\n@param file file object\n@param mutable writeable\n@return open the FileChannel\n@throws IOException any io exception", "Escape a value to be HTML friendly.\n@param value the Object value.\n@return the HTML-escaped String, or <null> if the value is null.", "returns array with length 3 and optional entries version, encoding, standalone", "Use this API to fetch all the nsspparams resources that are configured on netscaler.", "Merges this with the list of sections to produce the smallest array of sequential block subnets, going from smallest to largest\n\n@param sections the sections to merge with this\n@return" ]
public String[] init(String[] argv, int min, int max, Collection<CommandLineParser.Option> options) throws IOException, SAXException { // parse command line parser = new CommandLineParser(); parser.setMinimumArguments(min); parser.setMaximumArguments(max); parser.registerOption(new CommandLineParser.BooleanOption("reindex", 'I')); if (options != null) for (CommandLineParser.Option option : options) parser.registerOption(option); try { argv = parser.parse(argv); } catch (CommandLineParser.CommandLineParserException e) { System.err.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); usage(); System.exit(1); } // do we need to reindex? boolean reindex = parser.getOptionState("reindex"); // load configuration config = ConfigLoader.load(argv[0]); database = config.getDatabase(reindex); // overwrite iff reindex if (database.isInMemory()) reindex = true; // no other way to do it in this case // reindex, if requested if (reindex) reindex(config, database); return argv; }
[ "These exact lines are shared between three different tools, so\nthey have been moved here to reduce code duplication.\n@return The parsed command-line, with options removed." ]
[ "Process a SQLite database PP file.\n\n@param inputStream file input stream\n@return ProjectFile instance", "Creates the operation to add a resource.\n\n@param address the address of the operation to add.\n@param properties the properties to set for the resource.\n\n@return the operation.", "Get a list of modules regarding filters\n\n@param filters Map<String,String>\n@return List<Module>\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException", "Returns true if the addon depends on reporting.", "Add a new value to the array map.\n@param key The key under which to store the value. <b>Must not be null.</b> If\nthis key already exists in the array, its value will be replaced.\n@param value The value to store for the given key.\n@return Returns the old value that was stored for the given key, or null if there\nwas no such key.", "Counts one entity. Every once in a while, the current time is checked so\nas to print an intermediate report roughly every ten seconds.", "Adds a path to the request response table with the specified values\n\n@param profileId ID of profile\n@param clientUUID UUID of client\n@param pathId ID of path\n@throws Exception exception", "Code common to both XER and database readers to extract\ncurrency format data.\n\n@param row row containing currency data", "Return the next word of the string, in other words it stops when a space is encountered." ]
public long getTimeRemainingInMillis() { long batchTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; double timePerIteration = (double) batchTime / (double) worked.get(); return (long) (timePerIteration * (total - worked.get())); }
[ "Gets the estimated time remaining in milliseconds based upon the total number of work units, the start time, and how many units have been done\nso far.\n\nThis should not be called before any work units have been done." ]
[ "Sobel method to generate bump map from a height map\n\n@param input - A height map\n@return bump map", "Make a WMS getLayer request and return the image read from the server.\n\n@param wmsLayerParam the wms request parameters\n@param commonURI the uri to use for the requests (excepting parameters of course.)\n@param imageSize the size of the image to request\n@param dpi the dpi of the image to request\n@param angle the angle of the image to request\n@param bounds the area and projection of the request on the world.", "Determine whether we should use the normal repaint process, or delegate that to another component that is\nhosting us in a soft-loaded manner to save memory.\n\n@param x the left edge of the region that we want to have redrawn\n@param y the top edge of the region that we want to have redrawn\n@param width the width of the region that we want to have redrawn\n@param height the height of the region that we want to have redrawn", "Checks the orderby attribute.\n\n@param collDef The collection descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the value for orderby is invalid (unknown field or ordering)", "For each node in specified zones, tries swapping some minimum number of\nrandom partitions per node with some minimum number of random partitions\nfrom other specified nodes. Chooses the best swap in each iteration.\nLarge values of the greedSwapMaxPartitions... arguments make this method\nequivalent to comparing every possible swap. This may get very expensive.\n\nSo if a node had partitions P1, P2, P3 and P4 and the other partitions\nset was Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 The combinations that will be tried for\nswapping will be the cartesian product of the two sets. That is, {P1,\nQ1}, {P2, Q2}...{P2,Q1}, {P2,Q2}, in total 20 such swap pairs will be\ngenerated. The best among these swap pairs will be chosen.\n\n@param nextCandidateCluster\n@param nodeIds Node IDs within which to shuffle partitions\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerNode See RebalanceCLI.\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerZone See RebalanceCLI.\n@param storeDefs\n@return updated cluster", "Remember execution time for all executed suites.", "Emits a sentence fragment combining all the merge actions.", "Remove a key from the given map.\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param map the map to update.\n@param key the key to remove.\n@return the removed value, or <code>null</code> if the key was not\npresent in the map.\n@since 2.15", "1-D Integer array to float array.\n\n@param array Integer array.\n@return Float array." ]
public Where<T, ID> in(String columnName, Iterable<?> objects) throws SQLException { addClause(new In(columnName, findColumnFieldType(columnName), objects, true)); return this; }
[ "Add a IN clause so the column must be equal-to one of the objects from the list passed in." ]
[ "Returns a OkHttpClient that ignores SSL cert errors\n@return", "Facade method for operating the Shell.\n\nRun the obtained Shell with commandLoop().\n\n@see org.gearvrf.debug.cli.Shell#Shell(org.gearvrf.debug.cli.Shell.Settings, org.gearvrf.debug.cli.CommandTable, java.util.List)\n\n@param prompt Prompt to be displayed\n@param appName The app name string\n@param mainHandler Command handler\n@return Shell that can be either further customized or run directly by calling commandLoop().", "Use this API to fetch the statistics of all appfwpolicy_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.", "Read data for an individual task.\n\n@param row task data from database\n@param task Task instance", "Deletes the schema of an existing metadata template.\n\n@param api the API connection to be used\n@param scope the scope of the object\n@param template Unique identifier of the template", "Creates an immutable copy that we can cache.", "Gets all of the column names for a result meta data\n\n@param rsmd Resultset metadata\n@return Array of column names\n@throws Exception exception", "Sets an Integer attribute.\n\n@param key the key, non null.\n@param value the value\n@return the Builder, for chaining.", "Responsible for executing file rolls as and when required, in addition to\ndelegating to the super class to perform the actual append operation.\nSynchronized for safety during enforced file roll.\n\n@see org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender#subAppend(org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent)" ]
final void dispatchToAppender(final String message) { // dispatch a copy, since events should be treated as being immutable final FoundationFileRollingAppender appender = this.getSource(); if (appender != null) { appender.append(new FileRollEvent(this, message)); } }
[ "Convenience method dispatches this object to the source appender, which\nwill result in the custom message being appended to the new file.\n\n@param message\nThe custom logging message to be appended." ]
[ "Gets the info for a running build\n\n@param appName See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param buildId the unique identifier of the build", "Initialize the container for the current application deployment\n\n@param deploymentManager\n@param deploymentServices", "Installs a remoting stream server for a domain instance\n@param serviceTarget the service target to install the services into\n@param endpointName the name of the endpoint to install the stream server into\n@param networkInterfaceBinding the network interface binding\n@param port the port\n@param securityRealm the security real name\n@param options the remoting options", "Returns an immutable view of a given map.", "Retuns the Windows UNC style path with backslashs intead of forward slashes.\n\n@return The UNC path.", "Delivers the correct JSON Object for the stencilId\n\n@param stencilId\n@throws org.json.JSONException", "Split string content into list, ignoring matches of the pattern\n@param content String content\n@param ignorePattern Pattern to ignore\n@return list", "flush all messages to disk\n\n@param force flush anyway(ignore flush interval)", "Writes the value key to the serialized characteristic\n\n@param builder The JSON builder to add the value to\n@param value The value to add" ]
public void _solveVectorInternal( double []vv ) { // Solve L*Y = B int ii = 0; for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { int ip = indx[i]; double sum = vv[ip]; vv[ip] = vv[i]; if( ii != 0 ) { // for( int j = ii-1; j < i; j++ ) // sum -= dataLU[i* n +j]*vv[j]; int index = i*n + ii-1; for( int j = ii-1; j < i; j++ ) sum -= dataLU[index++]*vv[j]; } else if( sum != 0.0 ) { ii=i+1; } vv[i] = sum; } // Solve U*X = Y; TriangularSolver_DDRM.solveU(dataLU,vv,n); }
[ "a specialized version of solve that avoid additional checks that are not needed." ]
[ "this method is not intended to be called by clients\n@since 2.12", "Set the color for the statusBar\n\n@param statusBarColor", "Get the parameters of determining this parametric\ncovariance model. The parameters are usually free parameters\nwhich may be used in calibration.\n\n@return Parameter vector.", "Use this API to add vpnsessionaction.", "Use this API to fetch a systemglobal_authenticationldappolicy_binding resources.", "Get the spatial object from the cache.\n\n@param key key to get object for\n@param type type of object which should be returned\n@return object for key or null if object does not exist or is a different type", "Converts Observable of list to Observable of Inner.\n@param innerList list to be converted.\n@param <InnerT> type of inner.\n@return Observable for list of inner.", "Converts a sequence of unicode code points to a sequence of Java characters.\n\n@return the number of chars written to the destination buffer", "Use this API to update autoscaleaction resources." ]
private void updateWorkTimeUnit(FastTrackColumn column) { if (m_workTimeUnit == null && isWorkColumn(column)) { int value = ((DurationColumn) column).getTimeUnitValue(); if (value != 1) { m_workTimeUnit = FastTrackUtility.getTimeUnit(value); } } }
[ "Update the default time unit for work based on data read from the file.\n\n@param column column data" ]
[ "Registers your facet filters, adding them to this InstantSearch's widgets.\n\n@param filters a List of facet filters.", "Marks the given list of statements for deletion. It is verified that the\ncurrent document actually contains the statements before doing so. This\ncheck is based on exact statement equality, including qualifier order and\nstatement id.\n\n@param currentDocument\nthe document with the current statements\n@param deleteStatements\nthe list of statements to be deleted", "Returns all found resolvers\n@return", "Perform the module promotion\n\n@param moduleId String", "Build a stack trace for this path. This can be used in generating more meaningful exceptions\nwhile using Crawljax in conjunction with JUnit for example.\n\n@return a array of StackTraceElements denoting the steps taken by this path. The first\nelement [0] denotes the last {@link Eventable} on this path while the last item\ndenotes the first {@link Eventable} executed.", "creates a point array of all dockers and add it to the current shape\n@param modelJSON\n@param current\n@throws org.json.JSONException", "Records the list of backedup files into a text file\n\n@param filesInEnv\n@param backupDir", "judge if an point in the area or not\n\n@param point\n@param area\n@param offsetRatio\n@return", "Fetch flag resource by Country\n\n@param country Country\n@return int of resource | 0 value if not exists" ]
protected void setColumnsFinalWidth() { log.debug("Setting columns final width."); float factor; int printableArea = report.getOptions().getColumnWidth(); //Create a list with only the visible columns. List visibleColums = getVisibleColumns(); if (report.getOptions().isUseFullPageWidth()) { int columnsWidth = 0; int notRezisableWidth = 0; //Store in a variable the total with of all visible columns for (Object visibleColum : visibleColums) { AbstractColumn col = (AbstractColumn) visibleColum; columnsWidth += col.getWidth(); if (col.isFixedWidth()) notRezisableWidth += col.getWidth(); } factor = (float) (printableArea - notRezisableWidth) / (float) (columnsWidth - notRezisableWidth); log.debug("printableArea = " + printableArea + ", columnsWidth = " + columnsWidth + ", columnsWidth = " + columnsWidth + ", notRezisableWidth = " + notRezisableWidth + ", factor = " + factor); int acumulated = 0; int colFinalWidth; //Select the non-resizable columns Collection resizableColumns = CollectionUtils.select(visibleColums, new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object arg0) { return !((AbstractColumn) arg0).isFixedWidth(); } }); //Finally, set the new width to the resizable columns for (Iterator iter = resizableColumns.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { AbstractColumn col = (AbstractColumn) iter.next(); if (!iter.hasNext()) { col.setWidth(printableArea - notRezisableWidth - acumulated); } else { colFinalWidth = (new Float(col.getWidth() * factor)).intValue(); acumulated += colFinalWidth; col.setWidth(colFinalWidth); } } } // If the columns width changed, the X position must be setted again. int posx = 0; for (Object visibleColum : visibleColums) { AbstractColumn col = (AbstractColumn) visibleColum; col.setPosX(posx); posx += col.getWidth(); } }
[ "Sets the columns width by reading some report options like the\nprintableArea and useFullPageWidth.\ncolumns with fixedWidth property set in TRUE will not be modified" ]
[ "A simple helper method that creates a pool of connections to Redis using\nthe supplied configurations.\n\n@param jesqueConfig the config used to create the pooled Jedis connections\n@param poolConfig the config used to create the pool\n@return a configured Pool of Jedis connections", "Expensive. Creates the plan for the specific settings.", "Used to determine if the current method should be ignored.\n\n@param name method name\n@return true if the method should be ignored", "Accesses a property from the DB configuration for the selected DB.\n\n@param name the name of the property\n@return the value of the property", "Finds all lazily-declared classes and methods and adds their definitions to the source.", "Convenience extension, to generate traced code.", "Add calendars to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param file calendar container", "Get an exception reporting an unexpected end tag for an XML element.\n@param reader the stream reader\n@return the exception", "Handle a value change.\n@param propertyId the column in which the value has changed." ]
private <T extends ProgramElementDoc> List<T> filterByVisibility(T[] docs, Visibility visibility) { if (visibility == Visibility.PRIVATE) return Arrays.asList(docs); List<T> filtered = new ArrayList<T>(); for (T doc : docs) { if (Visibility.get(doc).compareTo(visibility) > 0) filtered.add(doc); } return filtered; }
[ "Returns all program element docs that have a visibility greater or\nequal than the specified level" ]
[ "Use this API to fetch appfwpolicylabel_policybinding_binding resources of given name .", "this class requires that the supplied enum is not fitting a\nCollection case for casting", "Physically close off the internal connection.\n@param conn", "Requests that the given namespace stopped being listened to for change events.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to stop listening for change events on.", "Returns package name of a class\n\n@param clazz\nthe class\n@return\nthe package name of the class", "Add the given person to the photo. Optionally, send in co-ordinates\n\n@param photoId\n@param userId\n@param bounds\n@throws FlickrException", "Generates the context diagram for a single class", "Roll the years forward or backward.\n\n@param startDate - The start date\n@param years - Negative to rollbackwards.", "Write the text to the File, using the specified encoding.\n\n@param file a File\n@param text the text to write to the File\n@param charset the charset used\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 1.0" ]
public BoxFolder.Info getFolderInfo(String folderID) { URL url = FOLDER_INFO_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.api.getBaseURL(), folderID); BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.api, url, "GET"); BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send(); JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON()); BoxFolder folder = new BoxFolder(this.api, jsonObject.get("id").asString()); return folder.new Info(response.getJSON()); }
[ "Gets information about a trashed folder.\n@param folderID the ID of the trashed folder.\n@return info about the trashed folder." ]
[ "Adds search fields from elements on a container page to a container page's document.\n@param document The document for the container page\n@param cms The current CmsObject\n@param resource The resource of the container page\n@param systemFields The list of field names for fields where mappings to should be discarded, since these fields are used system internally.\n@return the manipulated document", "Resolve the subsystem versions.\n\n@param extensions the extensions to install\n@return the subsystem versions", "Create and return a new Violation for this rule and the specified import className and alias\n@param sourceCode - the SourceCode\n@param className - the class name (as specified within the import statement)\n@param alias - the alias for the import statement\n@param violationMessage - the violation message; may be null\n@return a new Violation object", "Post an artifact to the Grapes server\n\n@param artifact The artifact to post\n@param user The user posting the information\n@param password The user password\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException", "Associate a name with an object and make it persistent.\nAn object instance may be bound to more than one name.\nBinding a previously transient object to a name makes that object persistent.\n@param object The object to be named.\n@param name The name to be given to the object.\n@exception org.odmg.ObjectNameNotUniqueException\nIf an attempt is made to bind a name to an object and that name is already bound\nto an object.", "we need to cache the address in here and not in the address section if there is a zone", "Add all elements in the iterator to the collection.\n\n@param target\n@param iterator\n@return true if the target was modified, false otherwise", "Reads the next chunk for the intermediate work buffer.", "Returns an iterator of all direct and indirect extents of this class.\n\n@return The extents iterator" ]
ValidationResult cleanMultiValuePropertyKey(String name) { ValidationResult vr = cleanObjectKey(name); name = (String) vr.getObject(); // make sure its not a known property key (reserved in the case of multi-value) try { RestrictedMultiValueFields rf = RestrictedMultiValueFields.valueOf(name); //noinspection ConstantConditions if (rf != null) { vr.setErrorDesc(name + "... is a restricted key for multi-value properties. Operation aborted."); vr.setErrorCode(523); vr.setObject(null); } } catch (Throwable t) { //no-op } return vr; }
[ "Cleans a multi-value property key.\n\n@param name Name of the property key\n@return The {@link ValidationResult} object containing the key,\nand the error code(if any)\n<p/>\nFirst calls cleanObjectKey\nKnown property keys are reserved for multi-value properties, subsequent validation is done for those" ]
[ "Get the possible beans for the given element\n\n@param resolvable The resolving criteria\n@return An unmodifiable set of matching beans", "Convenience method for retrieving a char resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value", "Return the trimmed source line corresponding to the specified AST node\n\n@param node - the Groovy AST node", "Closes the Netty Channel and releases all resources", "Convert a floating point date to a LocalDateTime.\n\nNote: This method currently performs a rounding to the next second.\n\nIf referenceDate is null, the method returns null.\n\n@param referenceDate The reference date associated with \\( t=0 \\).\n@param floatingPointDate The value to the time offset \\( t \\).\n@return The date resulting from adding Math.round(fixingTime*SECONDS_PER_DAY) seconds to referenceDate, where one day has SECONDS_PER_DAY seconds and SECONDS_PER_DAY is a constant 365*24*60*60", "Adds a child to this node and sets this node as its parent node.\n\n@param node The node to add.", "Dump an array of bytes in hexadecimal.\n\n@param displayOffset the display offset (left column)\n@param data the byte array of data\n@param offset the offset to start dumping in the byte array\n@param len the length of data to dump\n@return the dump string", "Creates multiple aliases at once.", "Answer the orderBy of all Criteria and Sub Criteria\nthe elements are of class Criteria.FieldHelper\n@return List" ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Class<? extends Annotation> annotationTypeForName(String name) { try { return (Class<? extends Annotation>) resourceLoader.classForName(name); } catch (ResourceLoadingException cnfe) { return DUMMY_ANNOTATION; } }
[ "Initializes an annotation class\n\n@param name The name of the annotation class\n@return The instance of the annotation. Returns a dummy if the class was\nnot found" ]
[ "Sets the lower limits for the \"moving\" body rotation relative to joint point.\n\n@param limitX the X axis lower rotation limit (in radians)\n@param limitY the Y axis lower rotation limit (in radians)\n@param limitZ the Z axis lower rotation limit (in radians)", "Generates a vector clock with the provided values\n\n@param serverIds servers in the clock\n@param clockValue value of the clock for each server entry\n@param timestamp ts value to be set for the clock\n@return", "Takes a matrix and splits it into a set of row or column vectors.\n\n@param A original matrix.\n@param column If true then column vectors will be created.\n@return Set of vectors.", "Skips variable length blocks up to and including next zero length block.", "Sets the name of the designated bone.\n\n@param boneindex zero based index of bone to rotate.\n@param bonename string with name of bone.\n. * @see #getBoneName", "Set the value for a floating point 4x4 matrix.\n@param key name of uniform to set.\n@see #getFloatVec(String)", "Sets an Integer attribute.\n\n@param key the key, non null.\n@param value the value\n@return the Builder, for chaining.", "Finds binding for a type in the given injector and, if not found,\nrecurses to its parent\n\n@param injector\nthe current Injector\n@param type\nthe Class representing the type\n@return A boolean flag, <code>true</code> if binding found", "Recursively read a task, and any sub tasks.\n\n@param mpxjParent Parent for the MPXJ tasks\n@param gpTask GanttProject task" ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Type getSuperclassTypeParameter(Class<?> subclass) { Type superclass = subclass.getGenericSuperclass(); if (superclass instanceof Class) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing type parameter."); } return ((ParameterizedType) superclass).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; }
[ "Gets type from super class's type parameter." ]
[ "Use this API to fetch all the bridgetable resources that are configured on netscaler.", "This deals with the CoNLL files for different languages which have\nbetween 2 and 5 columns on non-blank lines.\n\n@param line A line of CoNLL input\n@return The constructed token", "Indicate whether the given URI matches this template.\n@param uri the URI to match to\n@return {@code true} if it matches; {@code false} otherwise", "Parses server section of Zookeeper connection string", "Returns timezone offset from a session instance. The offset is\nin minutes to UTC time\n\n@param session\nthe session instance\n@return the offset to UTC time in minutes", "Retrieves a vertex attribute as a float buffer.\nThe attribute name must be one of the\nattributes named in the descriptor passed to the constructor.\n@param attributeName name of the attribute to update\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if attribute name not in descriptor vertex attribute is not <i>float</i>\n@see #setFloatArray(String, float[])\n@see #getFloatVec(String)", "Logs the time taken by this rule, and attaches this to the total for the RuleProvider", "Add columns to be returned by the SELECT query. If no columns are selected then all columns are returned by\ndefault. For classes with id columns, the id column is added to the select list automagically. This can be called\nmultiple times to add more columns to select.\n\n<p>\n<b>WARNING:</b> If you specify any columns to return, then any foreign-collection fields will be returned as null\n<i>unless</i> their {@link ForeignCollectionField#columnName()} is also in the list.\n</p>", "Escape text to ensure valid JSON.\n\n@param value value\n@return escaped value" ]
public static void checkRequired(OptionSet options, List<String> opts) throws VoldemortException { List<String> optCopy = Lists.newArrayList(); for(String opt: opts) { if(options.has(opt)) { optCopy.add(opt); } } if(optCopy.size() < 1) { System.err.println("Please specify one of the following options:"); for(String opt: opts) { System.err.println("--" + opt); } Utils.croak("Missing required option."); } if(optCopy.size() > 1) { System.err.println("Conflicting options:"); for(String opt: optCopy) { System.err.println("--" + opt); } Utils.croak("Conflicting options detected."); } }
[ "Checks if there's exactly one option that exists among all opts.\n\n@param options OptionSet to checked\n@param opts List of options to be checked\n@throws VoldemortException" ]
[ "Uncompresses the textual contents in the given map and and writes them to the files\ndenoted by the keys of the map.\n\n@param dir The base directory into which the files will be written\n@param contents The map containing the contents indexed by the filename\n@throws IOException If an error occurred", "Build a stack trace for this path. This can be used in generating more meaningful exceptions\nwhile using Crawljax in conjunction with JUnit for example.\n\n@return a array of StackTraceElements denoting the steps taken by this path. The first\nelement [0] denotes the last {@link Eventable} on this path while the last item\ndenotes the first {@link Eventable} executed.", "Print priority.\n\n@param priority Priority instance\n@return priority value", "Alias accessor provided for JSON serialization only", "Create an executable jar to generate the report. Created jar contains only\nallure configuration file.", "Request a scoped transactional token.\n@param accessToken application access token.\n@param scope scope of transactional token.\n@return a BoxAPIConnection which can be used to perform transactional requests.", "Use this API to fetch all the dospolicy resources that are configured on netscaler.", "Computes the likelihood of the random draw\n\n@return The likelihood.", "Set hint number for country" ]
public String getAlias(String path) { if (m_allPathsAliased && m_attributePath.lastIndexOf(path) != -1) { return m_name; } Object retObj = m_mapping.get(path); if (retObj != null) { return (String) retObj; } return null; }
[ "Returns the name of this alias if path has been added\nto the aliased portions of attributePath\n\n@param path the path to test for inclusion in the alias" ]
[ "Gets the attributes provided by the processor.\n\n@return the attributes", "Apply the matching client UUID for the request\n\n@param httpServletRequest\n@param history", "Returns the remote collection representing the given namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace referring to the remote collection.\n@param resultClass the {@link Class} that represents documents in the collection.\n@param <T> the type documents in the collection.\n@return the remote collection representing the given namespace.", "Keep track of this handle tied to which thread so that if the thread is terminated\nwe can reclaim our connection handle. We also\n@param c connection handle to track.", "Create and serialize a WorkerStatus for a pause event.\n\n@return the JSON representation of a new WorkerStatus\n@throws IOException if there was an error serializing the WorkerStatus", "Update a variable name with a date if the variable is detected as being a date.\n\n@param variableName the variable name.\n@param date the date to replace the value with if the variable is a date variable.", "This method opens the named project, applies the named filter\nand displays the filtered list of tasks or resources. If an\ninvalid filter name is supplied, a list of valid filter names\nis shown.\n\n@param filename input file name\n@param filtername input filter name", "Get the PropertyDescriptor for aClass and aPropertyName", "takes the pixels from a BufferedImage and stores them in an array" ]
public void remove(Identity oid) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Remove object " + oid); sessionCache.remove(oid); getApplicationCache().remove(oid); }
[ "Remove the corresponding object from session AND application cache." ]
[ "Use this API to fetch appfwprofile_csrftag_binding resources of given name .", "Returns the master mode's editor state for editing a bundle with descriptor.\n@return the master mode's editor state for editing a bundle with descriptor.", "Compare two integers, accounting for null values.\n\n@param n1 integer value\n@param n2 integer value\n@return comparison result", "Enqueues a message for sending on the send thread.\n@param serialMessage the serial message to enqueue.", "The normalized string returned by this method is consistent with java.net.Inet6address.\n\nIPs are not compressed nor mixed in this representation. If this has a prefix length, that will be included in the string.", "Configures a text field to look like a filter box for a table.\n\n@param searchBox the text field to configure", "Makes a DocumentReaderAndWriter based on the flags the CRFClassifier\nwas constructed with. Will create the flags.readerAndWriter and\ninitialize it with the CRFClassifier's flags.", "Applies the mask to this address section and then compares values with the given address section\n\n@param mask\n@param other\n@return", "get the ClassTypeSignature corresponding to given parameterized type\n\n@param parameterizedType\n@return" ]
public String computeTrackSignature(final String title, final SearchableItem artist, final int duration, final WaveformDetail waveformDetail, final BeatGrid beatGrid) { final String safeTitle = (title == null)? "" : title; final String artistName = (artist == null)? "[no artist]" : artist.label; try { // Compute the SHA-1 hash of our fields MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); digest.update(safeTitle.getBytes("UTF-8")); digest.update((byte) 0); digest.update(artistName.getBytes("UTF-8")); digest.update((byte) 0); digestInteger(digest, duration); digest.update(waveformDetail.getData()); for (int i = 1; i <= beatGrid.beatCount; i++) { digestInteger(digest, beatGrid.getBeatWithinBar(i)); digestInteger(digest, (int)beatGrid.getTimeWithinTrack(i)); } byte[] result = digest.digest(); // Create a hex string representation of the hash StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(result.length * 2); for (byte aResult : result) { hex.append(Integer.toString((aResult & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1)); } return hex.toString(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { logger.info("Returning null track signature because an input element was null.", e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error("Unable to obtain SHA-1 MessageDigest instance for computing track signatures.", e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("Unable to work with UTF-8 string encoding for computing track signatures.", e); } return null; // We were unable to compute a signature }
[ "Calculate the signature by which we can reliably recognize a loaded track.\n\n@param title the track title\n@param artist the track artist, or {@code null} if there is no artist\n@param duration the duration of the track in seconds\n@param waveformDetail the monochrome waveform detail of the track\n@param beatGrid the beat grid of the track\n\n@return the SHA-1 hash of all the arguments supplied, or {@code null} if any either {@code waveFormDetail} or {@code beatGrid} were {@code null}" ]
[ "Reads each token from a single record and adds it to a list.\n\n@param tk tokenizer\n@param record list of tokens\n@throws IOException", "Read custom property definitions for resources.\n\n@param gpResources GanttProject resources", "Extract a slice [from, to) of this buffer. This methods creates a copy of the specified region.\n@param from\n@param to\n@return", "Helper to read a mandatory String value.\n@param path The XML path of the element to read.\n@return The String value stored in the XML.\n@throws Exception thrown if the value could not be read.", "Performs a query to retrieve all the design documents defined in the database.\n\n@return a list of the design documents from the database\n@throws IOException if there was an error communicating with the server\n@since 2.5.0", "Return a list of the top 100 unique places clustered by a given placetype for a user.\n\n@param placeType\nUse Type-constants at {@link Place}\n@param woeId\nA Where On Earth (WOE) ID. Optional, can be null.\n@param placeId\nA Flickr Places ID. Optional, can be null.\n@param threshold\nThe minimum number of photos that a place type must have to be included. If the number of photos is lowered then the parent place type for\nthat place will be used. Optional, can be null.\n@param minUploadDate\nOptional, can be null.\n@param maxUploadDate\nOptional, can be null.\n@param minTakenDate\nOptional, can be null.\n@param maxTakenDate\nOptional, can be null.\n@return A PlacesList\n@throws FlickrException", "Formats the supplied value using the specified DateTimeFormat.\n\n@return \"\" if the value is null", "Color waveforms are represented by a series of sixteen bit integers into which color and height information are\npacked. This function returns the integer corresponding to a particular half-frame in the waveform.\n\n@param waveBytes the raw data making up the waveform\n@param segment the index of hte half-frame of interest\n\n@return the sixteen-bit number encoding the height and RGB values of that segment", "Non-blocking call\n\n@param key\n@param value\n@return" ]
public synchronized void hide() { if (focusedQuad != null) { mDefocusAnimationFactory.create(focusedQuad) .setRequestLayoutOnTargetChange(false) .start().finish(); focusedQuad = null; } Log.d(Log.SUBSYSTEM.WIDGET, TAG, "hide Picker!"); }
[ "It should be called when the picker is hidden" ]
[ "Installs a path service.\n\n@param name the name to use for the service\n@param path the relative portion of the path\n@param possiblyAbsolute {@code true} if {@code path} may be an {@link #isAbsoluteUnixOrWindowsPath(String) absolute path}\nand should be {@link AbsolutePathService installed as such} if it is, with any\n{@code relativeTo} parameter ignored\n@param relativeTo the name of the path that {@code path} may be relative to\n@param serviceTarget the {@link ServiceTarget} to use to install the service\n@return the ServiceController for the path service", "Handles an initial response from a PUT or PATCH operation response by polling the status of the operation\nasynchronously, once the operation finishes emits the final response.\n\n@param observable the initial observable from the PUT or PATCH operation.\n@param resourceType the java.lang.reflect.Type of the resource.\n@param <T> the return type of the caller.\n@return the observable of which a subscription will lead to a final response.", "Use this API to update tmtrafficaction resources.", "Sends a normal HTTP response containing the serialization information in\na XML format", "Convert moneyness given as difference to par swap rate to moneyness in bp.\nUses the fixing times of the fix schedule to determine fractions.\n\n@param moneyness as offset.\n@return Moneyness in bp.", "Calculate the value of a digital caplet assuming the Black'76 model.\n\n@param forward The forward (spot).\n@param volatility The Black'76 volatility.\n@param periodLength The period length of the underlying forward rate.\n@param discountFactor The discount factor corresponding to the payment date (option maturity + period length).\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity\n@param optionStrike The option strike.\n@return Returns the price of a digital caplet under the Black'76 model", "Returns a new color with a new value of the specified HSL\ncomponent.", "Check the given resource back into the pool\n\n@param key The key for the resource\n@param resource The resource", "Set a status message in the JTextComponent passed to this\nmodel.\n@param message The message that should be displayed." ]
private void setMaxMin(IntervalRBTreeNode<T> n) { n.min = n.left; n.max = n.right; if (n.leftChild != null) { n.min = Math.min(n.min, n.leftChild.min); n.max = Math.max(n.max, n.leftChild.max); } if (n.rightChild != null) { n.min = Math.min(n.min, n.rightChild.min); n.max = Math.max(n.max, n.rightChild.max); } }
[ "Sets the max min.\n\n@param n the new max min" ]
[ "Returns the text color for the JSONObject of Link provided\n@param jsonObject of Link\n@return String", "Executed read-resource-description and returns access-control info.\nReturns null in case there was any kind of problem.\n\n@param client\n@param address\n@return", "Transform the given bytes into an object.\n\n@param bytes The bytes to construct the object from\n@return The object constructed", "This method changes package_path into folder's path\n\n@param path\n, as es.upm.gsi\n@return the new path, es/upm/gsi", "Get a list of path transformers for a given address.\n\n@param address the path address\n@param placeholderResolver a placeholder resolver used to resolve children of a placeholder registration\n@return a list of path transformations", "Use this API to unset the properties of clusterinstance resources.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.", "Validates given external observer method.\n\n@param observerMethod the given observer method\n@param beanManager\n@param originalObserverMethod observer method replaced by given observer method (this parameter is optional)", "Adds each forbidden substring, checking that it's not null.\n\n@param forbiddenSubStrings\nthe forbidden substrings\n@throws NullPointerException\nif a forbidden substring is null", "Use this API to fetch sslcipher resource of given name ." ]
public static String urlEncode(String path) throws URISyntaxException { if (isNullOrEmpty(path)) return path; return UrlEscapers.urlFragmentEscaper().escape(path); }
[ "used for encoding url path segment" ]
[ "adds a FIELDDESCRIPTOR to this ClassDescriptor.\n@param fld", "This method returns the existing folder, and if it does not exist, the\nmethod generates it.\n\n@param path\n@param dest_dir\n@return the folder\n@throws BeastException", "Get a property of type java.util.Properties or return the default if\nno such property is defined\n@param props properties\n@param name the key\n@param defaultProperties default property if empty\n@return value from the property", "Checks if ranges contain the uid\n\n@param idRanges the id ranges\n@param uid the uid\n@return true, if ranges contain given uid", "Copies all available data from in to out without closing any stream.\n\n@return number of bytes copied", "Replies the elements of the given map except the pairs with the given keys.\n\n<p>\nThe replied map is a view on the given map. It means that any change\nin the original map is reflected to the result of this operation.\n</p>\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param map the map to update.\n@param keys the keys of the pairs to remove.\n@return the map with the content of the map except the pairs.\n@since 2.15", "Sets left and right padding for all cells in the table.\n@param padding new padding for left and right, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining", "Transforms an input file into HTML using the given Configuration.\n\n@param file\nThe File to process.\n@param configuration\nthe Configuration\n@return The processed String.\n@throws IOException\nif an IO error occurs\n@since 0.7\n@see Configuration", "Checks the given reference descriptor.\n\n@param refDef The reference descriptor\n@param checkLevel The amount of checks to perform\n@exception ConstraintException If a constraint has been violated" ]
public double multi8p(int x, int y, double masc) { int aR = getIntComponent0(x - 1, y - 1); int bR = getIntComponent0(x - 1, y); int cR = getIntComponent0(x - 1, y + 1); int aG = getIntComponent1(x - 1, y - 1); int bG = getIntComponent1(x - 1, y); int cG = getIntComponent1(x - 1, y + 1); int aB = getIntComponent1(x - 1, y - 1); int bB = getIntComponent1(x - 1, y); int cB = getIntComponent1(x - 1, y + 1); int dR = getIntComponent0(x, y - 1); int eR = getIntComponent0(x, y); int fR = getIntComponent0(x, y + 1); int dG = getIntComponent1(x, y - 1); int eG = getIntComponent1(x, y); int fG = getIntComponent1(x, y + 1); int dB = getIntComponent1(x, y - 1); int eB = getIntComponent1(x, y); int fB = getIntComponent1(x, y + 1); int gR = getIntComponent0(x + 1, y - 1); int hR = getIntComponent0(x + 1, y); int iR = getIntComponent0(x + 1, y + 1); int gG = getIntComponent1(x + 1, y - 1); int hG = getIntComponent1(x + 1, y); int iG = getIntComponent1(x + 1, y + 1); int gB = getIntComponent1(x + 1, y - 1); int hB = getIntComponent1(x + 1, y); int iB = getIntComponent1(x + 1, y + 1); double rgb = 0; rgb = ((aR * masc) + (bR * masc) + (cR * masc) + (dR * masc) + (eR * masc) + (fR * masc) + (gR * masc) + (hR * masc) + (iR * masc)); return (rgb); }
[ "Multiple of gradient windwos per masc relation of x y\n\n@return int[]" ]
[ "This method processes a single deferred relationship list.\n\n@param dr deferred relationship list data\n@throws MPXJException", "Process the given key and value. First validate the value and check if there's no different value for the same key in the same source - invalid and\ndifferent values are treated as a deployment problem.\n\n@param properties\n@param key\n@param value", "checks if a bean has been seen before in the dependencyPath. If not, it\nresolves the InjectionPoints and adds the resolved beans to the set of\nbeans to be validated", "Lift a Java Callable to a Scala Function0\n\n@param f the function to lift\n\n@returns the Scala function", "Gets the index of the specified value.\n\n@param value the value of the item to be found\n@return the index of the value", "The method determines if the type can be resolved and if not, will try to guess the qualified name using the information from the imports.", "Generate a call to the delegate object.", "Add a text symbolizer definition to the rule.\n\n@param styleJson The old style.", "Waits for a job V3 to complete\n\n@param cloudFoundryClient the client to use to request job status\n@param completionTimeout the amount of time to wait for the job to complete.\n@param jobId the id of the job\n@return {@code onComplete} once job has completed" ]
public static Chart getMSDLineChart(Trajectory t, int lagMin, int lagMax) { return getMSDLineChart(t, lagMin, lagMax, new MeanSquaredDisplacmentFeature(t, lagMin)); }
[ "Plots the MSD curve for trajectory t.\n@param t List of trajectories\n@param lagMin Minimum timelag (e.g. 1,2,3..) lagMin*timelag = elapsed time in seconds\n@param lagMax Maximum timelag (e.g. 1,2,3..) lagMax*timelag = elapsed time in seconds" ]
[ "Helper to read an optional String value.\n@param path The XML path of the element to read.\n@return The String value stored in the XML, or <code>null</code> if the value could not be read.", "Mark content as obsolete. If content was already marked for obsolescenceTimeout ms then it is removed.\n\n@param ref the content refrence to be marked as obsolete.\n\n@return true if the content refrence is removed, fale otherwise.", "Use this API to update nsrpcnode.", "Handles reports by consumers\n\n@param name the name of the reporting consumer\n@param report the number of lines the consumer has written since last report\n@return \"exit\" if maxScenarios has been reached, \"ok\" otherwise", "compute Sin using Taylor Series.\n\n@param x An angle, in radians.\n@param nTerms Number of terms.\n@return Result.", "Adds an item to the list box, specifying its direction and an initial\nvalue for the item.\n\n@param value the item's value, to be submitted if it is part of a\n{@link FormPanel}; cannot be <code>null</code>\n@param dir the item's direction\n@param text the text of the item to be added", "Writes the message to the specified channel, for example when creating metadata cache files.\n\n@param channel the channel to which it should be written\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem writing to the channel", "Determines how many primary partitions each node within each zone should\nhave. The list of integers returned per zone is the same length as the\nnumber of nodes in that zone.\n\n@param nextCandidateCluster\n@param targetPartitionsPerZone\n@return A map of zoneId to list of target number of partitions per node\nwithin zone.", "Returns the intersection of sets s1 and s2." ]
public String getAuthorizationUri(final String redirectUri, final Set<String> scopes, final String state) { if (account == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Auth is not set"); if (account.getClientId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("client_id is not set"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(URI_AUTHENTICATION); builder.append("?"); builder.append("response_type="); builder.append(encode("code")); builder.append("&redirect_uri="); builder.append(encode(redirectUri)); builder.append("&client_id="); builder.append(encode(account.getClientId())); builder.append("&scope="); builder.append(encode(getScopesString(scopes))); builder.append("&state="); builder.append(encode(state)); builder.append("&code_challenge"); builder.append(getCodeChallenge()); // Already url encoded builder.append("&code_challenge_method="); builder.append(encode("S256")); return builder.toString(); }
[ "Get the authorization uri, where the user logs in.\n\n@param redirectUri\nUri the user is redirected to, after successful authorization.\nThis must be the same as specified at the Eve Online developer\npage.\n@param scopes\nScopes of the Eve Online SSO.\n@param state\nThis should be some secret to prevent XRSF, please read:\nhttp://www.thread-safe.com/2014/05/the-correct-use-of-state-\nparameter-in.html\n@return" ]
[ "Get replication document state for a given replication document ID.\n\n@param docId The replication document ID\n@return Replication document for {@code docId}", "Inserts a String array value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing\nvalue for the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a String array object, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls", "Handles a failed SendData request. This can either be because of the stick actively reporting it\nor because of a time-out of the transaction in the send thread.\n@param originalMessage the original message that was sent", "Use this API to fetch csvserver_copolicy_binding resources of given name .", "Handler for week of month changes.\n@param event the change event.", "This produces a string with no compressed segments and all segments of full length,\nwhich is 3 characters for IPv4 segments.", "Sets the value associated with the given key; if the the key is one\nof the hashable keys, throws an exception.\n\n@throws HashableCoreMapException Attempting to set the value for an\nimmutable, hashable key.", "Processes the template for all reference definitions of the current class definition.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"", "Finds edges based to a specific object reference descriptor and\nadds them to the edge map.\n@param vertex the object envelope vertex holding the object reference\n@param rds the object reference descriptor" ]
boolean isUserPasswordReset(CmsUser user) { if (USER_PASSWORD_STATUS.containsKey(user.getId())) { //Check if user was checked before if (!USER_PASSWORD_STATUS.get(user.getId()).booleanValue()) { // was false before, false->true is never done without changing map return false; } if (m_checkedUserPasswordReset.contains(user.getId())) { //was true before, true->false happens when user resets password. Only check one time per table load. return true; //Set gets flushed on reloading table } } CmsUser currentUser = user; if (user.getAdditionalInfo().size() < 3) { try { currentUser = m_cms.readUser(user.getId()); } catch (CmsException e) { LOG.error("Can not read user", e); } } if (currentUser.getAdditionalInfo(CmsUserSettings.ADDITIONAL_INFO_PASSWORD_RESET) != null) { USER_PASSWORD_STATUS.put(currentUser.getId(), new Boolean(true)); m_checkedUserPasswordReset.add(currentUser.getId()); return true; } USER_PASSWORD_STATUS.put(currentUser.getId(), new Boolean(false)); return false; }
[ "Is the user password reset?\n\n@param user User to check\n@return boolean" ]
[ "Simply appends the given parameters and returns it to obtain a cache key\n@param sql\n@param resultSetConcurrency\n@param resultSetHoldability\n@param resultSetType\n@return cache key to use", "Set the week day the events should occur.\n@param weekDay the week day to set.", "Delete an object from the database.", "Send message to all connections labeled with tag specified.\n\n@param message the message to be sent\n@param tag the string that tag the connections to be sent\n@param excludeSelf specify whether the connection of this context should be send\n@return this context", "Checks whether a character sequence matches against a specified pattern or not.\n\n@param pattern\npattern, that the {@code chars} must correspond to\n@param chars\na readable sequence of {@code char} values which should match the given pattern\n@return {@code true} when {@code chars} matches against the passed {@code pattern}, otherwise {@code false}", "Add a task to the project.\n\n@return new task instance", "Process a single criteria block.\n\n@param list parent criteria list\n@param block current block", "Samples without replacement from a collection.\n\n@param c\nThe collection to be sampled from\n@param n\nThe number of samples to take\n@return a new collection with the sample", "The MapReduce framework should operate sequentially, so thread safety shouldn't be a problem." ]
public static void generateOutputFile(Random rng, File outputFile) throws IOException { DataOutputStream dataOutput = null; try { dataOutput = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile))); for (int i = 0; i < INT_COUNT; i++) { dataOutput.writeInt(rng.nextInt()); } dataOutput.flush(); } finally { if (dataOutput != null) { dataOutput.close(); } } }
[ "Generates a file of random data in a format suitable for the DIEHARD test.\nDIEHARD requires 3 million 32-bit integers.\n@param rng The random number generator to use to generate the data.\n@param outputFile The file that the random data is written to.\n@throws IOException If there is a problem writing to the file." ]
[ "Store a comment based on comment text, gavc and user information\n\n@param gavc - entity id\n@param commentText - comment text\n@param credential - user credentials\n@param entityType - type of the entity", "Log original response\n\n@param httpServletResponse\n@param history\n@throws URIException", "Creates an immutable map. A copy of the given map is used. As a result, it is safe to modify the source map afterwards.\n\n@param map the given map\n@return an immutable map", "Support the subscript operator for GString.\n\n@param text a GString\n@param index the index of the Character to get\n@return the Character at the given index\n@since 2.3.7", "Gets the current user.\n@param api the API connection of the current user.\n@return the current user.", "Delete a database for a given path and userId.\n@param appInfo the info for this application\n@param serviceName the name of the associated service\n@param clientFactory the associated factory that creates clients\n@param userId the id of the user's to delete\n@return true if successfully deleted, false if not", "Creates a copy with verbose mode enabled.\n\n@param serverSetups the server setups.\n@return copies of server setups with verbose mode enabled.", "Returns the ARGB components for all pixels in this image\n\n@return an array containing an array for each ARGB components in that order.", "Set the occurrences. If the String is invalid, the occurrences will be set to \"-1\" to cause server-side validation to fail.\n@param occurrences the interval to set." ]
public static Expression type(String lhs, Type rhs) { return new Expression(lhs, "$type", rhs.toString()); }
[ "Check the document field's type\nand object\n@param lhs The field to check\n@param rhs The type\n@return Expression: lhs $type rhs" ]
[ "Return all valid maturities for a given moneyness.\nUses the fixing times of the fix schedule to determine fractions.\n\n@param moneyness The moneyness as actual offset from par swap rate for which to get the maturities.\n@return The maturities as year fraction from reference date.", "Determine which math transform to use when creating the coordinate of the label.\n\n@param mapCrs the crs of the map, used if the {@link #labelProjection} is not defined.", "Attach a script file to a scriptable target.\n\n@param target The scriptable target.\n@param scriptFile The script file object.", "Try Oracle update batching and call executeUpdate or revert to\nJDBC update batching.\n@param stmt the statement beeing added to the batch\n@throws PlatformException upon JDBC failure", "Wait until a scan of the table completes without seeing notifications AND without the Oracle\nissuing any timestamps during the scan.", "Load the given metadata profile for the current thread.", "Converts a tab delimited string into an object with given fields\nRequires the object has setXxx functions for the specified fields\n\n@param objClass Class of object to be created\n@param str string to convert\n@param delimiterRegex delimiter regular expression\n@param fieldNames fieldnames\n@param <T> type to return\n@return Object created from string", "Utility function that fetches quota types.", "Create a Deliverable inside the database that will track a file created by a JobInstance Must be called from inside a transaction\n\n@param path\nFilePath (relative to a root directory - cf. Node)\n@param originalFileName\nFileName\n@param fileFamily\nFile family (may be null). E.g.: \"daily report\"\n@param jobId\nJob Instance ID\n@param cnx\nthe DbConn to use." ]
public void releaseAll() { synchronized(this) { Object[] refSet = allocatedMemoryReferences.values().toArray(); if(refSet.length != 0) { logger.finer("Releasing allocated memory regions"); } for(Object ref : refSet) { release((MemoryReference) ref); } } }
[ "Release all memory addresses taken by this allocator.\nBe careful in using this method, since all of the memory addresses become invalid." ]
[ "Update properties for a specific client id\n\n@param model\n@param profileIdentifier\n@param clientUUID\n@param active - true false depending on if the client should be active\n@param reset - true to reset the state of a client(clears settings for all paths and disables the client)\n@return\n@throws Exception", "Should use as destroy method. Disconnects from a Service Locator server.\nAll endpoints that were registered before are removed from the server.\nSet property locatorClient to null.\n\n@throws InterruptedException\n@throws ServiceLocatorException", "Send a sync command to all registered listeners.\n\n@param command the byte which identifies the type of sync command we received", "parse the stencil out of a JSONObject and set it to the current shape\n@param modelJSON\n@param current\n@throws org.json.JSONException", "Get the output mapper from processor.", "Load model from file\n\n@param gvrContext Valid {@link GVRContext} instance\n@param modelFile Path to the model's file, relative to the {@code assets} directory\n@return root object The root {@link GVRSceneObject} of the model\n@throws IOException If reading the model file fails", "Returns true if the input is a vector\n@param a A matrix or vector\n@return true if it's a vector. Column or row.", "Gets the favorite entry for a given row.\n\n@param row the widget used to display the favorite\n@return the favorite entry for the widget", "Remove a bean from the context, calling the destruction callback if any.\n\n@param name bean name\n@return previous value" ]
public static configstatus[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{ configstatus obj = new configstatus(); configstatus[] response = (configstatus[])obj.get_resources(service); return response; }
[ "Use this API to fetch all the configstatus resources that are configured on netscaler." ]
[ "Is the transport secured by a policy", "Computes the eigenvalues of a 2 by 2 matrix using a faster but more prone to errors method. This\nis the typical method.", "Log a message with a throwable at the provided level.", "Retrieves a thumbnail, or smaller image representation, of this file. Sizes of 32x32, 64x64, 128x128,\nand 256x256 can be returned in the .png format and sizes of 32x32, 94x94, 160x160, and 320x320 can be returned\nin the .jpg format.\n\n@param fileType either PNG of JPG\n@param minWidth minimum width\n@param minHeight minimum height\n@param maxWidth maximum width\n@param maxHeight maximum height\n@return the byte array of the thumbnail image", "Adds all fields declared in the object's class and its superclasses to the output.\n@return this", "Byte run automaton map.\n\n@param automatonMap the automaton map\n@return the map", "Add working days and working time to a calendar.\n\n@param mpxjCalendar MPXJ calendar\n@param gpCalendar GanttProject calendar", "Initialize the class if this is being called with Spring.", "Returns true if conversion between the sourceType and targetType can be bypassed.\nMore precisely this method will return true if objects of sourceType can be\nconverted to the targetType by returning the source object unchanged.\n@param sourceType context about the source type to convert from (may be null if source is null)\n@param targetType context about the target type to convert to (required)\n@return true if conversion can be bypassed\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if targetType is null" ]
private void setUserFieldValue(UDFAssignmentType udf, DataType dataType, Object value) { switch (dataType) { case DURATION: { udf.setTextValue(((Duration) value).toString()); break; } case CURRENCY: { if (!(value instanceof Double)) { value = Double.valueOf(((Number) value).doubleValue()); } udf.setCostValue((Double) value); break; } case BINARY: { udf.setTextValue(""); break; } case STRING: { udf.setTextValue((String) value); break; } case DATE: { udf.setStartDateValue((Date) value); break; } case NUMERIC: { if (!(value instanceof Double)) { value = Double.valueOf(((Number) value).doubleValue()); } udf.setDoubleValue((Double) value); break; } case BOOLEAN: { udf.setIntegerValue(BooleanHelper.getBoolean((Boolean) value) ? Integer.valueOf(1) : Integer.valueOf(0)); break; } case INTEGER: case SHORT: { udf.setIntegerValue(NumberHelper.getInteger((Number) value)); break; } default: { throw new RuntimeException("Unconvertible data type: " + dataType); } } }
[ "Sets the value of a UDF.\n\n@param udf user defined field\n@param dataType MPXJ data type\n@param value field value" ]
[ "Removes a parameter from this configuration.\n\n@param key the parameter to remove", "Add a Opacity bar to the color wheel.\n\n@param bar The instance of the Opacity bar.", "Get an exception reporting an unexpected end tag for an XML element.\n@param reader the stream reader\n@return the exception", "Use this API to fetch all the systementitydata resources that are configured on netscaler.\nThis uses systementitydata_args which is a way to provide additional arguments while fetching the resources.", "Get the metadata of all tracks currently loaded in any player, either on the play deck, or in a hot cue.\n\n@return the track information reported by all current players, including any tracks loaded in their hot cue slots\n\n@throws IllegalStateException if the MetadataFinder is not running", "Sets the access token to use when authenticating a client.", "Determine the color to use to draw a cue list entry. Hot cues are green, ordinary memory points are red,\nand loops are orange.\n\n@param entry the entry being drawn\n\n@return the color with which it should be represented.", "called periodically to check that the heartbeat has been received\n\n@return {@code true} if we have received a heartbeat recently", "Called when the pattern has changed." ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addParameters(Model model, HttpServletRequest request) { for (Object objectEntry : request.getParameterMap().entrySet()) { Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry = (Map.Entry<String, String[]>) objectEntry; String key = entry.getKey(); String[] values = entry.getValue(); if (null != values && values.length > 0) { String value = values[0]; try { model.addAttribute(key, getParameter(key, value)); } catch (ParseException pe) { log.error("Could not parse parameter value {} for {}, ignoring parameter.", key, value); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { log.error("Could not parse parameter value {} for {}, ignoring parameter.", key, value); } } } }
[ "Add the extra parameters which are passed as report parameters. The type of the parameter is \"guessed\" from the\nfirst letter of the parameter name.\n\n@param model view model\n@param request servlet request" ]
[ "Checks whether this notification is from CleverTap.\n\n@param extras The payload from the GCM intent\n@return See {@link NotificationInfo}", "Support the range subscript operator for GString\n\n@param text a GString\n@param range a Range\n@return the String of characters corresponding to the provided range\n@since 2.3.7", "Use this API to fetch the statistics of all servicegroup_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.", "Retrieve the default number of minutes per month.\n\n@return minutes per month", "Sets the replace var map to single target from map.\n\n@param replacementVarMapNodeSpecific\nthe replacement var map node specific\n@param uniformTargetHost\nthe uniform target host\n@return the parallel task builder", "Writes this JAR to an output stream, and closes the stream.", "cleanup tx and prepare for reuse", "Sets the replacement var map.\n\n@param replacementVarMap\nthe replacement var map\n@return the parallel task builder", "Determines if the queue identified by the given key is a regular queue.\n\n@param jedis\nconnection to Redis\n@param key\nthe key that identifies a queue\n@return true if the key identifies a regular queue, false otherwise" ]
private void writeProjectProperties(ProjectProperties record) throws IOException { // the ProjectProperties class from MPXJ has the details of how many days per week etc.... // so I've assigned these variables in here, but actually use them in other methods // see the write task method, that's where they're used, but that method only has a Task object m_minutesPerDay = record.getMinutesPerDay().doubleValue(); m_minutesPerWeek = record.getMinutesPerWeek().doubleValue(); m_daysPerMonth = record.getDaysPerMonth().doubleValue(); // reset buffer to be empty, then concatenate data as required by USACE m_buffer.setLength(0); m_buffer.append("PROJ "); m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getStartDate()).toUpperCase() + " "); // DataDate m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getManager(), 4) + " "); // ProjIdent m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getProjectTitle(), 48) + " "); // ProjName m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getSubject(), 36) + " "); // ContrName m_buffer.append("P "); // ArrowP m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getKeywords(), 7)); // ContractNum m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getStartDate()).toUpperCase() + " "); // ProjStart m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getFinishDate()).toUpperCase()); // ProjEnd m_writer.println(m_buffer); }
[ "Write project properties.\n\n@param record project properties\n@throws IOException" ]
[ "Read an unsigned integer from the given byte array\n\n@param bytes The bytes to read from\n@param offset The offset to begin reading at\n@return The integer as a long", "Get the authentication for a specific token.\n\n@param token token\n@return authentication if any", "Checks the given model.\n\n@param modelDef The model\n@param checkLevel The amount of checks to perform\n@exception ConstraintException If a constraint has been violated", "Get the configured hive.execution.engine. If not set it will default to the default value of HiveConf", "Use this API to fetch all the vridparam resources that are configured on netscaler.", "Use this API to fetch the statistics of all nspbr6_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.", "Print priority.\n\n@param priority Priority instance\n@return priority value", "Use this API to restore appfwprofile.", "Starts all streams." ]
public void removeValue(T value, boolean reload) { int idx = getIndex(value); if (idx >= 0) { removeItemInternal(idx, reload); } }
[ "Removes a value from the list box. Nothing is done if the value isn't on\nthe list box.\n\n@param value the value to be removed from the list\n@param reload perform a 'material select' reload to update the DOM." ]
[ "Handles incoming Application Update Request.\n@param incomingMessage the request message to process.", "This method will return a list of installed identities for which\nthe corresponding .conf file exists under .installation directory.\nThe list will also include the default identity even if the .conf\nfile has not been created for it.", "Whether this section is consistent with an EUI64 section,\nwhich means it came from an extended 8 byte address,\nand the corresponding segments in the middle match 0xff and 0xfe\n\n@param partial whether missing segments are considered a match\n@return", "Invoke an operation on an MBean by name.\nNote that only basic data types are supported for parameter values.\n@param operationName the operation name (can be URL-encoded).\n@param parameterMap the {@link Map} of parameter names and value arrays.\n@return the returned value from the operation.\n@throws JMException Java Management Exception\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported.", "Want to make arbitrary probability queries? Then this is the method for\nyou. Given the filename, it reads it in and breaks it into documents, and\nthen makes a CRFCliqueTree for each document. you can then ask the clique\ntree for marginals and conditional probabilities of almost anything you\nwant.", "A safe wrapper to destroy the given resource request.", "Creates a block matrix the same size as A_inv, inverts the matrix and copies the results back\nonto A_inv.\n\n@param A_inv Where the inverted matrix saved. Modified.", "Convenience method for retrieving a Map resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value", "Handles the response of the getVersion request.\n@param incomingMessage the response message to process." ]
public void add(T value) { Element<T> element = new Element<T>(bundle, value); element.previous = tail; if (tail != null) tail.next = element; tail = element; if (head == null) head = element; }
[ "adds a value to the list\n\n@param value the value" ]
[ "Create the navigation frame.\n@param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s).", "Set the TimeSensor's cycleInterval property\nCurrently, this does not change the duration of the animation.\n@param newCycleInterval", "Uninstall current location collection client.\n\n@return true if uninstall was successful", "Generates the context diagram for a single class", "Set the TableAlias for ClassDescriptor", "Only return tools with a name matching this partial string\n@param searchTerm Tool name to search for\n@return This object to allow adding more options", "why isn't this functionality in enum?", "Retrieve from the parent pom the path to the modules of the project", "Manually set the breaker to be reset and ready for use. This\nis only useful after a manual trip otherwise the breaker will\ntrip automatically again if the service is still unavailable.\nJust like a real breaker. WOOT!!!" ]
public static String formatConnectionEstablishmentMessage(final String connectionName, final String host, final String connectionReason) { return CON_ESTABLISHMENT_FORMAT.format(new Object[] { connectionName, host, connectionReason }); }
[ "Helper method for formatting connection establishment messages.\n\n@param connectionName\nThe name of the connection\n@param host\nThe remote host\n@param connectionReason\nThe reason for establishing the connection\n@return A formatted message in the format:\n\"[&lt;connectionName&gt;] remote host[&lt;host&gt;] &lt;connectionReason&gt;\"\n<br/>\ne.g. [con1] remote host[] connection to ECMG." ]
[ "helper to calculate the actionBar height\n\n@param context\n@return", "Parse the XML for a collection as returned by getTree call.\n\n@param collectionElement\n@return", "Perform the entire sort operation", "Term prefix.\n\n@param term\nthe term\n@return the string", "Returns true if this instance has the same config as a given config.\n@param that\n@return true if the instance has the same config, false otherwise.", "This method retrieves the calendar hours for the specified day.\nNote that if this is a derived calendar, then this method\nwill refer to the base calendar where no hours are specified\nin the derived calendar.\n\n@param day Day instance\n@return calendar hours", "Returns a new created connection\n\n@param jcd the connection descriptor\n@return an instance of Connection from the drivermanager", "Prints one line to the csv file\n\n@param cr data pipe with search results", "Returns screen height and width\n\n@param context\nAny non-null Android Context\n@param p\nOptional Point to reuse. If null, a new Point will be created.\n@return .x is screen width; .y is screen height." ]
public ArtifactName build() { String groupId = this.groupId; String artifactId = this.artifactId; String classifier = this.classifier; String packaging = this.packaging; String version = this.version; if (artifact != null && !artifact.isEmpty()) { final String[] artifactSegments = artifact.split(":"); // groupId:artifactId:version[:packaging][:classifier]. String value; switch (artifactSegments.length) { case 5: value = artifactSegments[4].trim(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { classifier = value; } case 4: value = artifactSegments[3].trim(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { packaging = value; } case 3: value = artifactSegments[2].trim(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { version = value; } case 2: value = artifactSegments[1].trim(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { artifactId = value; } case 1: value = artifactSegments[0].trim(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { groupId = value; } } } return new ArtifactNameImpl(groupId, artifactId, classifier, packaging, version); }
[ "Creates the final artifact name.\n\n@return the artifact name" ]
[ "Compute pose of skeleton at the given time from the animation channels.\n@param timeInSec animation time in seconds.", "Get a prefix for the log message to help identify which request is which and which responses\nbelong to which requests.", "Copy values from the inserted config to this config. Note that if properties has not been explicitly set,\nthe defaults will apply.", "Use picasso to render the video thumbnail into the thumbnail widget using a temporal\nplaceholder.\n\n@param video to get the rendered thumbnail.", "Checks that all the qualifiers in the set requiredQualifiers are in the set of qualifiers. Qualifier equality rules for\nannotation members are followed.\n\n@param requiredQualifiers The required qualifiers\n@param qualifiers The set of qualifiers to check\n@return True if all matches, false otherwise", "Adds an object to the Index. If it was already in the Index,\nthen nothing is done. If it is not in the Index, then it is\nadded iff the Index hasn't been locked.\n\n@return true if the item was added to the index and false if the\nitem was already in the index or if the index is locked", "This method take a list of fileName of the type partitionId_Replica_Chunk\nand returns file names that match the regular expression\nmasterPartitionId_", "Returns the field descriptors given in the the field names list.\n\n@param fieldNames The field names, separated by commas\n@return The field descriptors in the order given by the field names\n@throws NoSuchFieldException If a field hasn't been found", "Calls all initializers of the bean\n\n@param instance The bean instance" ]
private EventTypeEnum getEventType(Message message) { boolean isRequestor = MessageUtils.isRequestor(message); boolean isFault = MessageUtils.isFault(message); boolean isOutbound = MessageUtils.isOutbound(message); //Needed because if it is rest request and method does not exists had better to return Fault if(!isFault && isRestMessage(message)) { isFault = (message.getExchange().get("org.apache.cxf.resource.operation.name") == null); if (!isFault) { Integer responseCode = (Integer) message.get(Message.RESPONSE_CODE); if (null != responseCode) { isFault = (responseCode >= 400); } } } if (isOutbound) { if (isFault) { return EventTypeEnum.FAULT_OUT; } else { return isRequestor ? EventTypeEnum.REQ_OUT : EventTypeEnum.RESP_OUT; } } else { if (isFault) { return EventTypeEnum.FAULT_IN; } else { return isRequestor ? EventTypeEnum.RESP_IN : EventTypeEnum.REQ_IN; } } }
[ "Gets the event type from message.\n\n@param message the message\n@return the event type" ]
[ "Gets the info for a running build\n\n@param appName See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param buildId the unique identifier of the build", "Checks if this service implementation accepts the given resource path.\n@param resourcePath Resource path\n@return true if the implementation matches and the configuration is not invalid.", "Gets the default configuration for Freemarker within Windup.", "Checks if a property's type is valid to be included in the report.\n@param _property the property.\n@return true if the property is is of a valid type.", "Obtain the name of the caller, most likely a user but could also be a remote process.\n\n@return The name of the caller.", "Encodes the given URI scheme with the given encoding.\n@param scheme the scheme to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded scheme\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported", "Reports a dependency of this node has been faulted.\n\n@param dependencyKey the id of the dependency node\n@param throwable the reason for unsuccessful resolution", "Add server redirect to a profile, using current active ServerGroup\n\n@param region region\n@param srcUrl source URL\n@param destUrl destination URL\n@param hostHeader host header\n@param profileId profile ID\n@return ID of added ServerRedirect\n@throws Exception exception", "Creates a new Logger instance for the specified name." ]
public EventBus emit(Enum<?> event, Object... args) { return _emitWithOnceBus(eventContext(event, args)); }
[ "Emit an enum event with parameters supplied.\n\nThis will invoke all {@link SimpleEventListener} bound to the specific\nenum value and all {@link SimpleEventListener} bound to the enum class\ngiven the listeners has the matching argument list.\n\nFor example, given the following enum definition:\n\n```java\npublic enum UserActivity {LOGIN, LOGOUT}\n```\n\nWe have the following simple event listener methods:\n\n```java\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void handleUserActivity(UserActivity, User user) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnUserActivity(UserActivity.LOGIN)\npublic void logUserLogin(User user, long timestamp) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnUserActivity(UserActivity.LOGOUT)\npublic void logUserLogout(User user) {...}\n```\n\nThe following code will invoke `logUserLogin` method:\n\n```java\nUser user = ...;\neventBus.emit(UserActivity.LOGIN, user, System.currentTimeMills());\n```\n\nThe `handleUserActivity` is not invoked because\n\n* The method parameter `(UserActivity, User, long)` does not match the declared argument list `(UserActivity, User)`\n\nWhile the following code will invoke both `handleUserActivity` and `logUserLogout` methods:\n\n```java\nUser user = ...;\neventBus.emit(UserActivity.LOGOUT, user);\n```\n\nThe `logUserLogin` method will not be invoked because\n\n1. the method is bound to `UserActivity.LOGIN` enum value specifically, while `LOGOUT` is triggered\n2. the method has a `long timestamp` in the argument list and it is not passed to `eventBus.emit`\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see SimpleEventListener" ]
[ "Use this API to fetch vpnvserver_responderpolicy_binding resources of given name .", "Add tags to a photo.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'write' permission.\n\n@param photoId\nThe photo ID\n@param tags\nThe tags\n@throws FlickrException", "Create a buffered image with the correct image bands etc... for the tiles being loaded.\n\n@param imageWidth width of the image to create\n@param imageHeight height of the image to create.", "Get the class name without the package\n\n@param c The class name with package\n@return the class name without the package", "Convert custom info.\n\n@param customInfo the custom info map\n@return the custom info type", "Produces all tuples of size n chosen from a list of variable names\n\n@param variables the list of variable names to make tuples of\n@param nWise the size of the desired tuples\n@return all tuples of size nWise", "Retrieves the timephased breakdown of actual cost.\n\n@return timephased actual cost", "Acquires a write lock on a specific key.\n@param key The key to lock\n@param timeout in milliseconds; -1 means wait indefinitely, 0 means no wait.", "Recursively loads the metadata for this node" ]
public long remove(final String... fields) { return doWithJedis(new JedisCallable<Long>() { @Override public Long call(Jedis jedis) { return jedis.hdel(getKey(), fields); } }); }
[ "Remove multiple fields from the map\n@param fields the fields to remove\n@return the number of fields removed" ]
[ "Add all elements in the iterator to the collection.\n\n@param target\n@param iterator\n@return true if the target was modified, false otherwise", "This method reads a byte array from the input stream.\n\n@param is the input stream\n@param size number of bytes to read\n@return byte array\n@throws IOException on file read error or EOF", "Returns a map from a category path to the wrapper of all the sub-categories of the category with the path given as key.\n\n@return a map from a category path to all sub-categories of the path's category.", "Adds a function to the end of the token list\n@param function Function which is to be added\n@return The new Token created around function", "private int numCalls = 0;", "Transforms an input file into HTML.\n\n@param file\nThe File to process.\n@param safeMode\nSet to <code>true</code> to escape unsafe HTML tags.\n@return The processed String.\n@throws IOException\nif an IO error occurs\n@see Configuration#DEFAULT", "Parse the json string to the diagram model, assumes that the json is\nhierarchical ordered\n@param json\n@return Model with all shapes defined in JSON\n@throws org.json.JSONException", "Set editable state on an attribute. This needs to also set the state on the associated attributes.\n\n@param attribute attribute for which the editable state needs to be set\n@param editable new editable state", "Print a duration value.\n\n@param value Duration instance\n@return string representation of a duration" ]
public static <T> T mode(Collection<T> values) { Set<T> modes = modes(values); return modes.iterator().next(); }
[ "Returns the mode in the Collection. If the Collection has multiple modes, this method picks one\narbitrarily." ]
[ "returns the zero argument constructor for the class represented by this class descriptor\nor null if a zero argument constructor does not exist. If the zero argument constructor\nfor this class is not public it is made accessible before being returned.", "read data from channel to buffer\n\n@param channel readable channel\n@param buffer bytebuffer\n@return read size\n@throws IOException any io exception", "Read properties from the raw header data.\n\n@param stream input stream", "Populates date time settings.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param properties project properties", "Send post request.\n\n@param url the url\n@param customHeaders the customHeaders\n@param params the params\n@return the string\n@throws IOException the io exception", "Retrieve the effective calendar for this task. If the task does not have\na specific calendar associated with it, fall back to using the default calendar\nfor the project.\n\n@return ProjectCalendar instance", "Return a named object associated with the specified key.", "Returns the ports of the server.\n\n@return the {@link Map} which contains the pairs of local {@link InetSocketAddress} and\n{@link ServerPort} is the server is started. {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.", "Add a path to a profile, returns the id\n\n@param id ID of profile\n@param pathname name of path\n@param actualPath value of path\n@return ID of path created\n@throws Exception exception" ]
private Storepoint getCurrentStorepoint(Project phoenixProject) { List<Storepoint> storepoints = phoenixProject.getStorepoints().getStorepoint(); Collections.sort(storepoints, new Comparator<Storepoint>() { @Override public int compare(Storepoint o1, Storepoint o2) { return DateHelper.compare(o2.getCreationTime(), o1.getCreationTime()); } }); return storepoints.get(0); }
[ "Retrieve the most recent storepoint.\n\n@param phoenixProject project data\n@return Storepoint instance" ]
[ "Enable or disable the default blank validator.", "At the moment we only support the case where one entity type is returned", "Adds a set of tests based on pattern matching.", "Return total number of connections created in all partitions.\n\n@return number of created connections", "Called when remote end send a message to this connection\n@param receivedMessage the message received\n@return this context", "Sets a default style for every element that doesn't have one\n\n@throws JRException", "Set the start time.\n@param date the start time to set.", "Inserts a Parcelable value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing\nvalue for the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a Parcelable object, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls", "Preloads a sound file.\n\n@param soundFile path/name of the file to be played." ]
private ValidationResult _mergeListInternalForKey(String key, JSONArray left, JSONArray right, boolean remove, ValidationResult vr) { if (left == null) { vr.setObject(null); return vr; } if (right == null) { vr.setObject(left); return vr; } int maxValNum = Constants.MAX_MULTI_VALUE_ARRAY_LENGTH; JSONArray mergedList = new JSONArray(); HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<>(); int lsize = left.length(), rsize = right.length(); BitSet dupSetForAdd = null; if (!remove) dupSetForAdd = new BitSet(lsize + rsize); int lidx = 0; int ridx = scan(right, set, dupSetForAdd, lsize); if (!remove && set.size() < maxValNum) { lidx = scan(left, set, dupSetForAdd, 0); } for (int i = lidx; i < lsize; i++) { try { if (remove) { String _j = (String) left.get(i); if (!set.contains(_j)) { mergedList.put(_j); } } else if (!dupSetForAdd.get(i)) { mergedList.put(left.get(i)); } } catch (Throwable t) { //no-op } } if (!remove && mergedList.length() < maxValNum) { for (int i = ridx; i < rsize; i++) { try { if (!dupSetForAdd.get(i + lsize)) { mergedList.put(right.get(i)); } } catch (Throwable t) { //no-op } } } // check to see if the list got trimmed in the merge if (ridx > 0 || lidx > 0) { vr.setErrorDesc("Multi value property for key " + key + " exceeds the limit of " + maxValNum + " items. Trimmed"); vr.setErrorCode(521); } vr.setObject(mergedList); return vr; }
[ "scans right to left until max to maintain latest max values for the multi-value property specified by key.\n\n@param key the property key\n@param left original list\n@param right new list\n@param remove if remove new list from original\n@param vr ValidationResult for error and merged list return" ]
[ "Mark root of this task task group depends on the given TaskItem.\nThis ensure this task group's root get picked for execution only after the completion\nof invocation of provided TaskItem.\n\n@param dependencyTaskItem the task item that this task group depends on\n@return the key of the dependency", "Returns an integer array that contains the current values for all the\ntexture parameters.\n\n@return an integer array that contains the current values for all the\ntexture parameters.", "Adapt a file path to the current file system.\n@param filePath The input file path string.\n@return File path compatible with the file system of this {@link GVRResourceVolume}.", "Use this API to clear nsconfig.", "Set trimmed value.\n\n@param t Trimmed value.", "Get all the names of inputs that are required to be in the Values object when this graph is executed.", "Returns a flag, indicating if search should be performed using a wildcard if the empty query is given.\n@return A flag, indicating if search should be performed using a wildcard if the empty query is given.", "Get an extent aware RsIterator based on the Query\n\n@param query\n@param cld\n@param factory the Factory for the RsIterator\n@return OJBIterator", "Called on mouse down in the caption area, begins the dragging loop by\nturning on event capture.\n\n@see DOM#setCapture\n@see #continueDragging\n@param event the mouse down event that triggered dragging" ]
@Override protected void initBuilderSpecific() throws Exception { reset(); FilePath workspace = getModuleRoot(EnvVars.masterEnvVars); FilePath gradlePropertiesPath = new FilePath(workspace, "gradle.properties"); if (releaseProps == null) { releaseProps = PropertyUtils.getModulesPropertiesFromPropFile(gradlePropertiesPath, getReleaseProperties()); } if (nextIntegProps == null) { nextIntegProps = PropertyUtils.getModulesPropertiesFromPropFile(gradlePropertiesPath, getNextIntegProperties()); } }
[ "Initialize the version properties map from the gradle.properties file, and the additional properties from the\ngradle.properties file." ]
[ "Use this API to fetch authenticationradiuspolicy_vpnglobal_binding resources of given name .", "Create a Renderer getting a copy from the prototypes collection.\n\n@param content to render.\n@param parent used to inflate the view.\n@return a new renderer.", "Reply used in error cases. set the response header as null.\n\n@param errorMessage the error message\n@param stackTrace the stack trace\n@param statusCode the status code\n@param statusCodeInt the status code int", "Logs all properties", "Put the given value to the appropriate id in the stack, using the version\nof the current list node identified by that id.\n\n@param id\n@param element element to set\n@return element that was replaced by the new element\n@throws ObsoleteVersionException when an update fails", "Process the deployment root for the manifest.\n\n@param phaseContext the deployment unit context\n@throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException", "Adds a new Token to the end of the linked list", "Recursively construct a LblTree from DOM tree\n\n@param walker tree walker for DOM tree traversal\n@return tree represented by DOM tree", "Sets the position of a UIObject" ]
private int getFlagResource(Country country) { return getContext().getResources().getIdentifier("country_" + country.getIso().toLowerCase(), "drawable", getContext().getPackageName()); }
[ "Fetch flag resource by Country\n\n@param country Country\n@return int of resource | 0 value if not exists" ]
[ "1-D Gabor function.\n\n@param x Value.\n@param mean Mean.\n@param amplitude Amplitude.\n@param position Position.\n@param width Width.\n@param phase Phase.\n@param frequency Frequency.\n@return Gabor response.", "Set the given, single header value under the given name.\n@param headerName the header name\n@param headerValue the header value\n@throws UnsupportedOperationException if adding headers is not supported\n@see #put(String, List)\n@see #add(String, String)", "Compute Cholesky decomposition of A\n\n@param A symmetric, positive definite matrix (only upper half is used)\n@return upper triangular matrix U such that A = U' * U", "Create a new service activator for the domain server communication services.\n\n@param endpointConfig the endpoint configuration\n@param managementURI the management connection URI\n@param serverName the server name\n@param serverProcessName the server process name\n@param authKey the authentication key\n@param managementSubsystemEndpoint whether to use the mgmt subsystem endpoint or not\n@return the service activator", "Performs a HTTP PUT request, saves an attachment.\n\n@return {@link Response}", "Add a console pipeline to the Redwood handler tree,\nprinting to stdout.\nCalling this multiple times will result in messages being printed\nmultiple times.\n@return this", "Remove a role from the list of defined roles.\n\n@param roleName - The name of the role to be removed.\n@return A key that can be used to undo the removal.", "Return the current handedness of the Gear Controller.\n\n@return returns whether the user is using the controller left or right handed. This function\nreturns <code>null</code> if the controller is unavailable or the data is stale.", "Set the current playback position. This method can only be used in situations where the component is\ntied to a single player, and therefore always has a single playback position.\n\nWill cause part of the component to be redrawn if the position has\nchanged. This will be quickly overruled if a player is being monitored, but\ncan be used in other contexts.\n\n@param milliseconds how far into the track has been played\n\n@see #setPlaybackState" ]
protected void beginDragging(MouseDownEvent event) { m_dragging = true; m_windowWidth = Window.getClientWidth(); m_clientLeft = Document.get().getBodyOffsetLeft(); m_clientTop = Document.get().getBodyOffsetTop(); DOM.setCapture(getElement()); m_dragStartX = event.getX(); m_dragStartY = event.getY(); addStyleName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.dialogCss().dragging()); }
[ "Called on mouse down in the caption area, begins the dragging loop by\nturning on event capture.\n\n@see DOM#setCapture\n@see #continueDragging\n@param event the mouse down event that triggered dragging" ]
[ "Creates a searchable item that represents a metadata field found for a track.\n\n@param menuItem the rendered menu item containing the searchable metadata field\n@return the searchable metadata field", "Load the given metadata profile for the current thread.", "Creates a new access control entry and stores it for later write out.\n\n@param res the resource\n@param id the id of the principal\n@param allowed the allowed permissions\n@param denied the denied permissions\n@param flags the flags\n\n@return the created ACE", "Operations to do after all subthreads finished their work on index\n\n@param backend", "Call with pathEntries lock taken", "given the groupId, returns the groupName\n\n@param groupId ID of group\n@return name of group", "Look up record by identity.", "Utility function that fetches system store definitions\n\n@return The map container that maps store names to store definitions", "Launch Navigation Service residing in the navigation module" ]
private void readCalendar(Calendar calendar) { // Create the calendar ProjectCalendar mpxjCalendar = m_projectFile.addCalendar(); mpxjCalendar.setName(calendar.getName()); // Default all days to working for (Day day : Day.values()) { mpxjCalendar.setWorkingDay(day, true); } // Mark non-working days List<NonWork> nonWorkingDays = calendar.getNonWork(); for (NonWork nonWorkingDay : nonWorkingDays) { // TODO: handle recurring exceptions if (nonWorkingDay.getType().equals("internal_weekly")) { mpxjCalendar.setWorkingDay(nonWorkingDay.getWeekday(), false); } } // Add default working hours for working days for (Day day : Day.values()) { if (mpxjCalendar.isWorkingDay(day)) { ProjectCalendarHours hours = mpxjCalendar.addCalendarHours(day); hours.addRange(ProjectCalendarWeek.DEFAULT_WORKING_MORNING); hours.addRange(ProjectCalendarWeek.DEFAULT_WORKING_AFTERNOON); } } }
[ "This method extracts data for a single calendar from a Phoenix file.\n\n@param calendar calendar data" ]
[ "Returns the Set of entities recognized by this Classifier.\n\n@return The Set of entities recognized by this Classifier.", "Convert this object to a json array.", "Want to make arbitrary probability queries? Then this is the method for\nyou. Given the filename, it reads it in and breaks it into documents, and\nthen makes a CRFCliqueTree for each document. you can then ask the clique\ntree for marginals and conditional probabilities of almost anything you\nwant.", "Adds search fields from elements on a container page to a container page's document.\n@param document The document for the container page\n@param cms The current CmsObject\n@param resource The resource of the container page\n@param systemFields The list of field names for fields where mappings to should be discarded, since these fields are used system internally.\n@return the manipulated document", "A specific, existing task can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the\nURL for that task. Deleted tasks go into the \"trash\" of the user making\nthe delete request. Tasks can be recovered from the trash within a period\nof 30 days; afterward they are completely removed from the system.\n\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param task The task to delete.\n@return Request object", "Execute a slave process. Pump events to the given event bus.", "Wrapper delayed emission, based on delayProvider.\n\n@param event the event to emit\n@param milliseconds the delay in milliseconds\n@param <T> the type of event\n@return delayed observable", "Remove multiple fields from the map\n@param fields the fields to remove\n@return the number of fields removed", "This method writes data for a single calendar to a Planner file.\n\n@param mpxjCalendar MPXJ calendar instance\n@param plannerCalendar Planner calendar instance\n@throws JAXBException on xml creation errors" ]
private void processRedirect(String stringStatusCode, HttpMethod httpMethodProxyRequest, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws Exception { // Check if the proxy response is a redirect // The following code is adapted from // org.tigris.noodle.filters.CheckForRedirect // Hooray for open source software String stringLocation = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeader(STRING_LOCATION_HEADER).getValue(); if (stringLocation == null) { throw new ServletException("Received status code: " + stringStatusCode + " but no " + STRING_LOCATION_HEADER + " header was found in the response"); } // Modify the redirect to go to this proxy servlet rather than the proxied host String stringMyHostName = httpServletRequest.getServerName(); if (httpServletRequest.getServerPort() != 80) { stringMyHostName += ":" + httpServletRequest.getServerPort(); } stringMyHostName += httpServletRequest.getContextPath(); httpServletResponse.sendRedirect(stringLocation.replace( getProxyHostAndPort() + this.getProxyPath(), stringMyHostName)); }
[ "Execute a redirected request\n\n@param stringStatusCode\n@param httpMethodProxyRequest\n@param httpServletRequest\n@param httpServletResponse\n@throws Exception" ]
[ "If task completed success or failure from response.\n\n@param myResponse\nthe my response\n@return true, if successful", "Creates a new pagination configuration if at least one of the provided parameters is not null.\nOtherwise returns null.\n@param pageParam The request parameter used to send the current page number.\n@param pageSizes The page sizes for the first pages. The last provided size is the size of all following pages.\n@param pageNavLength The length of the \"Google\"-like page navigation. Should be an odd number.\n@return the pagination configuration, or <code>null</code> if none of the provided parameters is not null.", "Obtain the IDs of profile and path as Identifiers\n\n@param profileIdentifier actual ID or friendly name of profile\n@param pathIdentifier actual ID or friendly name of path\n@return\n@throws Exception", "Create an object of the given type using a constructor that matches the\nsupplied arguments.\n\n@param <T> the object type\n@param clazz\nthe type to create\n@param args\nthe arguments to the constructor\n@return a new object of the given type, initialized with the given\narguments\n@throws NoSuchConstructorException\nif there is not a constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws AmbiguousConstructorException\nif there is more than one constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws ReflectiveOperationException\nif any of the reflective operations throw an exception", "Parses the given Reader for PmdRuleSets.\n\n@return The extracted PmdRuleSet - empty in case of problems, never null.", "Returns a new iterator filtering any null references.\n\n@param unfiltered\nthe unfiltered iterator. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@return an unmodifiable iterator containing all elements of the original iterator without any <code>null</code>\nreferences. Never <code>null</code>.", "Construct a new uri by replacing query parameters in initialUri with the query parameters provided.\n\n@param initialUri the initial/template URI\n@param queryParams the new query parameters.", "if you want to parse an argument, you need a converter from String to Object\n\n@param commandLineOption specification of the command line options\n@param converter how to convert your String value to a castable Object", "try to find the first none null table name for the given class-descriptor.\nIf cld has extent classes, all of these cld's searched for the first none null\ntable name." ]
public Map<TimestampMode, List<String>> getDefaultTimestampModes() { Map<TimestampMode, List<String>> result = new HashMap<TimestampMode, List<String>>(); for (String resourcetype : m_defaultTimestampModes.keySet()) { TimestampMode mode = m_defaultTimestampModes.get(resourcetype); if (result.containsKey(mode)) { result.get(mode).add(resourcetype); } else { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add(resourcetype); result.put(mode, list); } } return result; }
[ "Returns the map from resourcetype names to default timestamp modes.\n@return the map from resourcetype names to default timestamp modes." ]
[ "Sets the underlying write timeout in milliseconds.\nA value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout.\n@see okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder#writeTimeout(long, TimeUnit)", "Use this API to delete ntpserver resources.", "Method to get the file writer required for the .story files\n\n@param scenarioName\n@param aux_package_path\n@param dest_dir\n@return The file writer that generates the .story files for each test\n@throws BeastException", "Resolve an operation transformer entry.\n\n@param address the address\n@param operationName the operation name\n@param placeholderResolver a placeholder resolver used to resolve children of a placeholder registration\n@return the transformer entry", "Initialize the style generators for the messages table.", "Wait until a scan of the table completes without seeing notifications AND without the Oracle\nissuing any timestamps during the scan.", "Returns the editable columns for the provided edit mode.\n@param mode the edit mode.\n@return the editable columns for the provided edit mode.", "Creates a db handling object.\n\n@return The db handling object\n@throws BuildException If the handling is invalid", "Check whether the given id is included in the list of includes and not excluded.\n\n@param id id to check\n@param includes list of include regular expressions\n@param excludes list of exclude regular expressions\n@return true when id included and not excluded" ]
@Override public void finish() { if (started.get() && !finished.getAndSet(true)) { waitUntilFinished(); super.finish(); // recreate thread (don't start) for processor reuse createProcessorThread(); clearQueues(); started.set(false); } }
[ "Signals that the processor to finish and waits until it finishes." ]
[ "Start the drag of the pivot object.\n\n@param dragMe Scene object with a rigid body.\n@param relX rel position in x-axis.\n@param relY rel position in y-axis.\n@param relZ rel position in z-axis.\n\n@return Pivot instance if success, otherwise returns null.", "Use this API to add dnspolicylabel resources.", "Generates a diagonal matrix with the input vector on its diagonal\n\n@param vector The given matrix A.\n@return diagonalMatrix The matrix with the vectors entries on its diagonal", "Parses a duration and returns the corresponding number of milliseconds.\n\nDurations consist of a space-separated list of components of the form {number}{time unit},\nfor example 1d 5m. The available units are d (days), h (hours), m (months), s (seconds), ms (milliseconds).<p>\n\n@param durationStr the duration string\n@param defaultValue the default value to return in case the pattern does not match\n@return the corresponding number of milliseconds", "Make all elements of a String array upper case.\n@param strings string array, may contain null item but can't be null\n@return array containing all provided elements upper case", "Get informations about a place.\n\n<p>\nThis method does not require authentication.\n</p>\n\n@param placeId\nA Flickr Places ID. Optional, can be null. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)\n@param woeId\nA Where On Earth (WOE) ID. Optional, can be null. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)\n@return A Location\n@throws FlickrException", "Search down all extent classes and return max of all found\nPK values.", "See also WELD-1454.\n\n@param ij\n@return the formatted string", "Unzip a file to a target directory.\n@param zip the path to the zip file.\n@param target the path to the target directory into which the zip file will be unzipped.\n@throws IOException" ]
public static String getVariablesMapExpression(Collection variables) { StringBuilder variablesMap = new StringBuilder("new " + PropertiesMap.class.getName() + "()"); for (Object variable : variables) { JRVariable jrvar = (JRVariable) variable; String varname = jrvar.getName(); variablesMap.append(".with(\"").append(varname).append("\",$V{").append(varname).append("})"); } return variablesMap.toString(); }
[ "Collection of JRVariable\n\n@param variables\n@return" ]
[ "Helper method to load a property file from class path.\n\n@param filesToLoad\nan array of paths (class path paths) designating where the files may be. All files are loaded, in the order\ngiven. Missing files are silently ignored.\n\n@return a Properties object, which may be empty but not null.", "Gets the JsonObject representation of the Field Operation.\n@param fieldOperation represents the template update operation\n@return the json object", "Adds another scene object to pick against.\nEach frame all the colliders in the scene will be compared\nagainst the bounding volumes of all the collidables associated\nwith this picker.\n@param sceneObj new collidable\n@return index of collidable added, this is the CursorID in the GVRPickedObject", "Creates a statement with parameters that should work with most RDBMS.", "Use this API to unset the properties of snmpalarm resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.", "Gets the actual type arguments of a class\n\n@param clazz The class to examine\n@return The type arguments", "Encode a long into a byte array at an offset\n\n@param ba Byte array\n@param offset Offset\n@param v Long value\n@return byte array given in input", "The transform method for this DataTransformer\n@param cr a reference to DataPipe from which to read the current map", "Log a byte array.\n\n@param label label text\n@param data byte array" ]
public static double diagProd( DMatrix1Row T ) { double prod = 1.0; int N = Math.min(T.numRows,T.numCols); for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { prod *= T.unsafe_get(i,i); } return prod; }
[ "Computes the product of the diagonal elements. For a diagonal or triangular\nmatrix this is the determinant.\n\n@param T A matrix.\n@return product of the diagonal elements." ]
[ "Store some state on this request context associated with the specified interceptor instance.\nUsed where a single interceptor instance needs to associate state with each HTTP request.\n\n@param interceptor the interceptor instance\n@param stateName the key to store the state object under\n@param stateObjectToStore the state object to store\n@param <T> the type of the state object to store\n@see #getState(HttpConnectionInterceptor, String, Class)\n@since 2.6.0", "The main entry point for processing graphical indicator definitions.\n\n@param indicators graphical indicators container\n@param properties project properties\n@param props properties data", "Tests the string edit distance function.", "We have more input since wait started", "Calculate standart deviation.\n@param values Values.\n@param mean Mean.\n@return Standart deviation.", "Creates the request.\n\n@return the bound request builder\n@throws HttpRequestCreateException\nthe http request create exception", "Add a dependency task group for this model.\n\n@param dependency the dependency.\n@return key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve result of root\ntask in the given dependency task group", "Create a counter if one is not defined already, otherwise return the existing one.\n\n@param counterName unique name for the counter\n@param initialValue initial value for the counter\n@return a {@link StrongCounter}", "Returns the flag, indicating if the characters in the query string that are commands to Solr should be escaped.\n@return the flag, indicating if the characters in the query string that are commands to Solr should be escaped." ]
private void onScrollImpl(final Vector3Axis offset, final LayoutScroller.OnScrollListener listener) { if (!isScrolling()) { mScroller = new ScrollingProcessor(offset, listener); mScroller.scroll(); } }
[ "This method is called if the data set has been scrolled." ]
[ "A specific, existing workspace can be updated by making a PUT request on\nthe URL for that workspace. Only the fields provided in the data block\nwill be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged.\n\nCurrently the only field that can be modified for a workspace is its `name`.\n\nReturns the complete, updated workspace record.\n\n@param workspace The workspace to update.\n@return Request object", "Initialize the service with a context\n@param context the servlet context to initialize the profile.", "Obtains a local date in Discordian calendar system from the\nproleptic-year, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.\n\n@param prolepticYear the proleptic-year\n@param month the month-of-year\n@param dayOfMonth the day-of-month\n@return the Discordian local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date", "Remove the sequence for given sequence name.\n\n@param sequenceName Name of the sequence to remove.", "called when we are completed finished with using the TcpChannelHub", "Loops through all resource roots that have been made available transitively via Class-Path entries, and\nadds them to the list of roots to be processed.", "Delete a profile\n\n@param model\n@param id\n@return\n@throws Exception", "Determines the constraints relating to a task.\n\n@param row row data\n@param task Task instance", "Decomposes and overwrites the input matrix.\n\n@param A Semi-Positive Definite (SPD) system matrix. Modified. Reference saved.\n@return If the matrix can be decomposed. Will always return false of not SPD." ]
private void executePlan(RebalancePlan rebalancePlan) { logger.info("Starting to execute rebalance Plan!"); int batchCount = 0; int partitionStoreCount = 0; long totalTimeMs = 0; List<RebalanceBatchPlan> entirePlan = rebalancePlan.getPlan(); int numBatches = entirePlan.size(); int numPartitionStores = rebalancePlan.getPartitionStoresMoved(); for(RebalanceBatchPlan batchPlan: entirePlan) { logger.info("======== REBALANCING BATCH " + (batchCount + 1) + " ========"); RebalanceUtils.printBatchLog(batchCount, logger, batchPlan.toString()); long startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); // ACTUALLY DO A BATCH OF REBALANCING! executeBatch(batchCount, batchPlan); totalTimeMs += (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMs); // Bump up the statistics batchCount++; partitionStoreCount += batchPlan.getPartitionStoreMoves(); batchStatusLog(batchCount, numBatches, partitionStoreCount, numPartitionStores, totalTimeMs); } }
[ "Executes the rebalance plan. Does so batch-by-batch. Between each batch,\nstatus is dumped to logger.info.\n\n@param rebalancePlan" ]
[ "Execute a set of API calls as batch request.\n@param requests list of api requests that has to be executed in batch.\n@return list of BoxAPIResponses", "Get a TokenizerFactory that does Penn Treebank tokenization.\nThis is now the recommended factory method to use.\n\n@param factory A TokenFactory that determines what form of token is returned by the Tokenizer\n@param options A String specifying options (see the class javadoc for details)\n@param <T> The type of the tokens built by the LexedTokenFactory\n@return A TokenizerFactory that does Penn Treebank tokenization", "Searches for brackets which are only used to construct new matrices by concatenating\n1 or more matrices together", "poll the response queue for response\n\n@param timeout timeout amount\n@param timeUnit timeUnit of timeout\n@return same result of BlockQueue.poll(long, TimeUnit)\n@throws InterruptedException", "Read hints from a file.", "Register child resources associated with this resource.\n\n@param resourceRegistration a {@link org.jboss.as.controller.registry.ManagementResourceRegistration} created from this definition", "Open the store with the version directory specified. If null is specified\nwe open the directory with the maximum version\n\n@param versionDir Version Directory to open. If null, we open the max\nversioned / latest directory", "Clear the selection of all items.\n@param requestLayout request layout after clear selection if the flag is true, no layout\nrequested otherwise\n@return {@code true} if at least one item was deselected,\n{@code false} otherwise.", "Use this API to fetch a vpnglobal_appcontroller_binding resources." ]