stringlengths 74
| positive
sequencelengths 1
| negative
sequencelengths 9
public static void touch(final File folder , final String fileName) throws IOException {
final File touchedFile = new File(folder, fileName);
// The JVM will only 'touch' the file if you instantiate a
// FileOutputStream instance for the file in question.
// You don't actually write any data to the file through
// the FileOutputStream. Just instantiate it and close it.
try (
FileOutputStream doneFOS = new FileOutputStream(touchedFile);
) {
// Touching the file
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to the find file." + e);
} | [
"Creates a file\n\n@param folder File\n@param fileName String\n@throws IOException"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch a rewriteglobal_binding resource .",
"Filter for public tweets on these languages.\n\n@param languages\nValid BCP 47 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) language identifiers,\nand may represent any of the languages listed on Twitter's advanced search page\n(https://twitter.com/search-advanced), or \"und\" if no language could be detected.\nThese strings should NOT be url-encoded.\n@return this",
"Answer the SQL-Clause for a BetweenCriteria\n\n@param alias\n@param pathInfo\n@param c BetweenCriteria\n@param buf",
"Validations specific to GET and GET ALL",
"Get DPI suggestions.\n\n@return DPI suggestions",
"Adjusts all links in the target folder that point to the source folder\nso that they are kept \"relative\" in the target folder where possible.\n\nIf a link is found from the target folder to the source folder,\nthen the target folder is checked if a target of the same name\nis found also \"relative\" inside the target Folder, and if so,\nthe link is changed to that \"relative\" target. This is mainly used to keep\nrelative links inside a copied folder structure intact.\n\nExample: Image we have folder /folderA/ that contains files\n/folderA/x1 and /folderA/y1. x1 has a link to y1 and y1 to x1.\nNow someone copies /folderA/ to /folderB/. So we end up with\n/folderB/x2 and /folderB/y2. Because of the link mechanism in OpenCms,\nx2 will have a link to y1 and y2 to x1. By using this method,\nthe links from x2 to y1 will be replaced by a link x2 to y2,\nand y2 to x1 with y2 to x2.\n\nLink replacement works for links in XML files as well as relation only\ntype links.\n\n@param sourceFolder the source folder\n@param targetFolder the target folder\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong",
"Check given class modifiers. Plugin with resources plugin should not be private or abstract\nor interface.",
"Retrieves a CodePage instance. Defaults to ANSI.\n\n@param field the index number of the field to be retrieved\n@return the value of the required field",
"Hide multiple channels. All other channels will be unaffected.\n@param channels The channels to hide"
] |
public static final BigDecimal printRate(Rate rate)
BigDecimal result = null;
if (rate != null && rate.getAmount() != 0)
result = new BigDecimal(rate.getAmount());
return result;
} | [
"Print rate.\n\n@param rate Rate instance\n@return rate value"
] | [
"Set the default styles. the case of the keys are not important. The retrieval will be case\ninsensitive.\n\n@param defaultStyle the mapping from geometry type name (point, polygon, etc...) to the style\nto use for that type.",
"The handling method.",
"MOVED INSIDE ExpressionUtils\n\nprotected JRDesignExpression getExpressionForConditionalStyle(ConditionalStyle condition, String columExpression) {\nString fieldsMap = \"((\"+DJDefaultScriptlet.class.getName() + \")$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getCurrentFields()\";\nString parametersMap = \"((\"+DJDefaultScriptlet.class.getName() + \")$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getCurrentParams()\";\nString variablesMap = \"((\"+DJDefaultScriptlet.class.getName() + \")$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getCurrentVariables()\";\n\nString evalMethodParams = fieldsMap +\", \" + variablesMap + \", \" + parametersMap + \", \" + columExpression;\n\nString text = \"((\"+ConditionStyleExpression.class.getName()+\")$P{\" + JRParameter.REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP + \"}.get(\\\"\"+condition.getName()+\"\\\")).\"+CustomExpression.EVAL_METHOD_NAME+\"(\"+evalMethodParams+\")\";\nJRDesignExpression expression = new JRDesignExpression();\nexpression.setValueClass(Boolean.class);\nexpression.setText(text);\nreturn expression;\n}",
"Appends the query part for the facet to the query string.\n@param query The current query string.\n@param name The name of the facet parameter, e.g. \"limit\", \"order\", ....\n@param value The value to set for the parameter specified by name.",
"Remove an active operation.\n\n@param id the operation id\n@return the removed active operation, {@code null} if there was no registered operation",
"Tests that the area is valid geojson, the style ref is valid or null and the display is non-null.",
"Returns the time elapsed by the user on the app\n@return Time elapsed by user on the app in int",
"Extract all operations and attributes from the given object that have\nbeen annotated with the Jmx annotation. Operations are all methods that\nare marked with the JmxOperation annotation.\n\n@param object The object to process\n@return An array of operations taken from the object",
"Returns the specified range of elements in the sorted set.\nThe elements are considered to be ordered from the lowest to the highest score.\nLexicographical order is used for elements with equal score.\nBoth start and stop are zero-based inclusive indexes. They can also be negative numbers indicating offsets from\nthe end of the sorted set, with -1 being the last element of the sorted set.\n@param start\n@param end\n@return the range of elements"
] |
protected void populateTasksByStealer(List<StealerBasedRebalanceTask> sbTaskList) {
// Setup mapping of stealers to work for this run.
for(StealerBasedRebalanceTask task: sbTaskList) {
if(task.getStealInfos().size() != 1) {
throw new VoldemortException("StealerBasedRebalanceTasks should have a list of RebalancePartitionsInfo of length 1.");
RebalanceTaskInfo stealInfo = task.getStealInfos().get(0);
int stealerId = stealInfo.getStealerId();
if(!this.tasksByStealer.containsKey(stealerId)) {
this.tasksByStealer.put(stealerId, new ArrayList<StealerBasedRebalanceTask>());
if(tasksByStealer.isEmpty()) {
// Shuffle order of each stealer's work list. This randomization
// helps to get rid of any "patterns" in how rebalancing tasks were
// added to the task list passed in.
for(List<StealerBasedRebalanceTask> taskList: tasksByStealer.values()) {
} | [
"Go over the task list and create a map of stealerId -> Tasks\n\n@param sbTaskList List of all stealer-based rebalancing tasks to be\nscheduled."
] | [
"Loads the script from a text string.\n@param scriptText text string containing script to execute.\n@param language language (\"js\" or \"lua\")",
"Prepare a model JSON for analyze, resolves the hierarchical structure\ncreates a HashMap which contains all resourceIds as keys and for each key\nthe JSONObject, all id are keys of this map\n@param object\n@return a HashMap keys: all ressourceIds values: all child JSONObjects\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Generates a full list of all parents and their children, in order. Uses Map to preserve\nlast expanded state.\n\n@param parentList A list of the parents from\nthe {@link ExpandableRecyclerAdapter}\n@param savedLastExpansionState A map of the last expanded state for a given parent key.\n@return A list of all parents and their children, expanded accordingly",
"Get the number of views, comments and favorites on a collection for a given date.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@param collectionId\n(Required) The id (from the URL!) of the collection to get stats for.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getCollectionStats.htm\"",
"Assign target number of partitions per node to specific node IDs. Then,\nseparates Nodes into donorNodes and stealerNodes based on whether the\nnode needs to donate or steal primary partitions.\n\n@param nextCandidateCluster\n@param numPartitionsPerNodePerZone\n@return a Pair. First element is donorNodes, second element is\nstealerNodes. Each element in the pair is a HashMap of Node to\nInteger where the integer value is the number of partitions to\nstore.",
"Creates the stats items.\n\n@param statsType\nthe stats type\n@return the sorted set\n@throws IOException\nSignals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"Retrieve from the parent pom the path to the modules of the project",
"Finds an Object of the specified type.\n\n@param <T> Object type.\n@param classType The class of type T.\n@param id The document _id field.\n@param rev The document _rev field.\n@return An object of type T.\n@throws NoDocumentException If the document is not found in the database.",
"The digits were stored as a hex value, thix switches them to an octal value.\n\n@param currentHexValue\n@param digitCount\n@return"
] |
public Info getInfo(String ... fields) {
QueryStringBuilder builder = new QueryStringBuilder();
if (fields.length > 0) {
builder.appendParam("fields", fields);
URL url = DEVICE_PIN_URL_TEMPLATE.buildWithQuery(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), builder.toString(), this.getID());
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "GET");
BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
JsonObject responseJSON = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
return new Info(responseJSON);
} | [
"Gets information about the device pin.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return info about the device pin."
] | [
"Returns true if the predicate is true for all pixels in the image.\n\n@param predicate a predicate function that accepts 3 parameters - the x,y coordinate and the pixel at that coordinate\n@return true if f holds for at least one pixel",
"A callback that handles requestComplete event from NIO selector manager\nWill try any possible nodes and pass itself as callback util all nodes\nare exhausted\n\n@param slopKey\n@param slopVersioned\n@param nodesToTry List of nodes to try to contact. Will become shorter\nafter each callback",
"Sets object for statement at specific index, adhering to platform- and null-rules.\n@param stmt the statement\n@param index the current parameter index\n@param value the value to set\n@param sqlType the JDBC SQL-type of the value\n@throws SQLException on platform error",
"Join the Collection of Strings using the specified delimter and optionally quoting each\n\n@param s\nThe String collection\n@param delimiter\nthe delimiter String\n@param doQuote\nwhether or not to quote the Strings\n@return The joined String",
"Use this API to add tmtrafficaction.",
"Sets the node meta data.\n\n@param key - the meta data key\n@param value - the meta data value\n@throws GroovyBugError if key is null or there is already meta\ndata under that key",
"Finds and returns the date for the given event summary and year within the given ics file,\nor null if not present.",
"Tests the string edit distance function.",
"Register the given Converter objects with the given target ConverterRegistry.\n@param converters the converter objects: implementing {@link Converter},\n{@link ConverterFactory}, or {@link GenericConverter}\n@param registry the target registry"
] |
private void addFoldersToSearchIn(final List<String> folders) {
if (null == folders) {
for (String folder : folders) {
if (!CmsResource.isFolder(folder)) {
folder += "/";
} | [
"Adds folders to perform the search in.\n@param folders Folders to search in."
] | [
"Add an order on the given column\n\n@param columnName the name of the column\n@param ascending whether the sorting is ascending or descending",
"Detect new objects.",
"Helper method to add a parameter without having to create it explicitely. The created parameter should be persisted afterwards.\n\n@param key\nname of the parameter to add\n@param value\nvalue of the parameter to create\n@return the newly created parameter",
"Deletes specified entity clearing all its properties and deleting all its outgoing links.\n\n@param entity to delete.",
"Makes this pose the inverse of the input pose.\n@param src pose to invert.",
"Use this API to renumber nspbr6.",
"Gets the numeric codes. Setting it to -1 search for currencies that have no numeric code.\n\n@return the query for chaining.",
"Creates a namespace if needed.",
"This method is called to alert project listeners to the fact that\na resource assignment has been written to a project file.\n\n@param resourceAssignment resourceAssignment instance"
] |
public static base_response update(nitro_service client, cacheselector resource) throws Exception {
cacheselector updateresource = new cacheselector();
updateresource.selectorname = resource.selectorname;
updateresource.rule = resource.rule;
return updateresource.update_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to update cacheselector."
] | [
"Get the target file for misc items.\n\n@param item the misc item\n@return the target location",
"Create a new queued pool with key type K, request type R, and value type\nV.\n\n@param factory The factory that creates objects\n@param config The pool config\n@return The created pool",
"Clear JobContext of current thread",
"Returns an Organization that suits the Module or null if there is none\n\n@param dbModule DbModule\n@return DbOrganization",
"Aggregate results to see the status code distribution with target hosts.\n\n@return the aggregateResultMap",
"Retrieve the default mapping between MPXJ task fields and Primavera task field names.\n\n@return mapping",
"Use this API to delete nsacl6 resources of given names.",
"Validates the wrapped value and returns a localized error message in case of invalid values.\n@return <code>null</code> if the value is valid, a suitable localized error message otherwise.",
"Gets a SerialMessage with the MULTI CHANNEL CAPABILITY GET command.\nGets the capabilities for a specific endpoint.\n@param the number of the endpoint to get the\n@return the serial message."
] |
private static int getTrimmedYStart(BufferedImage img) {
int width = img.getWidth();
int height = img.getHeight();
int yStart = height;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
if (img.getRGB(i, j) != Color.WHITE.getRGB() && j < yStart) {
yStart = j;
return yStart;
} | [
"Get the first non-white Y point\n@param img Image in memory\n@return the trimmed y start"
] | [
"private multi-value handlers and helpers",
"Builds a new instance for the class represented by the given class descriptor.\n\n@param cld The class descriptor\n@return The instance",
"Returns the names of the involved fields when post processing.\n\n@return the names of the involved fields",
"Use this API to add systemuser resources.",
"Get result report.\n\n@param reportURI the URI of the report\n@return the result report.",
"Get the JSON string representation of the selector configured for this index.\n\n@return selector JSON as string",
"Registers a BeanNameAutoProxyCreator class that wraps the bean being\nmonitored. The proxy is associated with the PerformanceMonitorInterceptor\nfor the bean, which is created when parsing the methods attribute from\nthe springconfiguration xml file.\n\n@param source An Attribute node from the spring configuration\n@param holder A container for the beans I will create\n@param context the context currently parsing my spring config",
"Presents the Cursor Settings to the User. Only works if scene is set.",
"Mark objects no longer available in collection for delete and new objects for insert.\n\n@param broker the PB to persist all objects"
] |
public static String chomp(String s) {
if(s.length() == 0)
return s;
int l_1 = s.length() - 1;
if (s.charAt(l_1) == '\n') {
return s.substring(0, l_1);
return s;
} | [
"Returns the supplied string with any trailing '\\n' removed."
] | [
"To sql pattern.\n\n@param attribute the attribute\n@return the string",
"Add a file to notify the script that asked to stop the print that it is now done processing the remain\njobs.",
"Get the possible beans for the given element\n\n@param resolvable The resolving criteria\n@return An unmodifiable set of matching beans",
"Returns an iterable containing the items in this folder and specifies which child fields to retrieve from the\nAPI.\n\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable containing the items in this folder.",
"Use this API to fetch sslpolicy_lbvserver_binding resources of given name .",
"Opens a JDBC connection with the given parameters.",
"is ready to service requests",
"Calculate the signature by which we can reliably recognize a loaded track.\n\n@param title the track title\n@param artist the track artist, or {@code null} if there is no artist\n@param duration the duration of the track in seconds\n@param waveformDetail the monochrome waveform detail of the track\n@param beatGrid the beat grid of the track\n\n@return the SHA-1 hash of all the arguments supplied, or {@code null} if any either {@code waveFormDetail} or {@code beatGrid} were {@code null}",
"Helper method for getting the current parameter values from a list of annotated parameters.\n\n@param parameters The list of annotated parameter to look up\n@param manager The Bean manager\n@return The object array of looked up values"
] |
<P extends PatchingArtifact.ArtifactState, S extends PatchingArtifact.ArtifactState> PatchingArtifactStateHandler<S> getHandlerForArtifact(PatchingArtifact<P, S> artifact) {
return handlers.get(artifact);
} | [
"Get a state handler for a given patching artifact.\n\n@param artifact the patching artifact\n@param <P>\n@param <S>\n@return the state handler, {@code null} if there is no handler registered for the given artifact"
] | [
"Formats the value provided with the specified DateTimeFormat",
"Returns the value of an optional property, if the property is\nset. If it is not set defval is returned.",
"Creates a collection from the given stream, casting each object to the\nprovided listener class. The returned collection must not necessarily be\nmutable.\n\n@param <T> Type of the listeners in the given list.\n@param listenerClass The class of the objects in the provided list.\n@param listeners The stream to obtain the listeners for the resulting\ncollection from.\n@param sizeHint Expected size of the input stream.\n@return A typed copy of the list.",
"Invokes the observer method immediately passing the event.\n\n@param event The event to notify observer with",
"A specific, existing task can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the\nURL for that task. Deleted tasks go into the \"trash\" of the user making\nthe delete request. Tasks can be recovered from the trash within a period\nof 30 days; afterward they are completely removed from the system.\n\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param task The task to delete.\n@return Request object",
"Find a given range object in a list of ranges by a value in that range. Does a binary\nsearch over the ranges but instead of checking for equality looks within the range.\nTakes the array size as an option in case the array grows while searching happens\n@param <T> Range type\n@param ranges data list\n@param value value in the list\n@param arraySize the max search index of the list\n@return search result of range\nTODO: This should move into SegmentList.scala",
"Create an index of base font numbers and their associated base\nfont instances.\n@param data property data",
"Fills the week panel with checkboxes.",
"Returns the Java command to use.\n\n@param javaHome the Java Home, if {@code null} an attempt to determine the command will be done\n\n@return the Java executable command"
] |
public static String getOperationName(final ModelNode op) {
if (op.hasDefined(OP)) {
return op.get(OP).asString();
throw ControllerClientLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.operationNameNotFound();
} | [
"Returns the name of the operation.\n\n@param op the operation\n\n@return the name of the operation\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the operation was not defined."
] | [
"Add the option specifying if the categories should be displayed collapsed\nwhen the dialog opens.\n\n@see org.opencms.ui.actions.I_CmsADEAction#getParams()",
"Read custom property definitions for resources.\n\n@param gpResources GanttProject resources",
"we only use the registrationList map if the object is not a proxy. During the\nreference locking, we will materialize objects and they will enter the registered for\nlock map.",
"Creates a Sink Processor\n\n@param dataSink the data sink itself\n@param parallelism the parallelism of this processor\n@param description the description for this processor\n@param taskConf the configuration for this processor\n@param system actor system\n@return the new created sink processor",
"Lookup the username for the specified User URL.\n\n@param url\nThe user profile URL\n@return The username\n@throws FlickrException",
"Returns the x-coordinate of a vertex position.\n\n@param vertex the vertex index\n@return the x coordinate",
"Use this API to clear nspbr6.",
"Use this API to fetch all the nspbr6 resources that are configured on netscaler.\nThis uses nspbr6_args which is a way to provide additional arguments while fetching the resources.",
"Makes it possible to uniquify a collection of objects which are normally\nnon-hashable. Alternatively, it lets you define an alternate hash function\nfor them for limited-use hashing."
] |
private void readRelationships()
for (MapRow row : getTable("CONTAB"))
Task task1 = m_projectFile.getTaskByUniqueID(row.getInteger("TASK_ID_1"));
Task task2 = m_projectFile.getTaskByUniqueID(row.getInteger("TASK_ID_2"));
if (task1 != null && task2 != null)
RelationType type = row.getRelationType("TYPE");
Duration lag = row.getDuration("LAG");
Relation relation = task2.addPredecessor(task1, type, lag);
} | [
"Read relationship data from a PEP file."
] | [
"Returns true if the input is a vector\n@param a A matrix or vector\n@return true if it's a vector. Column or row.",
"Generate a VideoCollection with random data obtained form VIDEO_INFO map. You don't need o\ncreate your own AdapteeCollections. Review ListAdapteeCollection if needed.\n\n@param videoCount size of the collection.\n@return VideoCollection generated.",
"Processes the template for the comma-separated value pairs in an attribute of the current object on the specified level.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"level\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The level for the current object\"\nvalues=\"class,field,reference,collection\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The name of the attribute containg attributes (defaults to 'attributes')\"\[email protected] name=\"default-right\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The default right value if none is given (defaults to empty value)\"",
"Sets a header per-request\n\n@param key Header key\n@param value Header value\n@return The request itself",
"Use this API to update snmpuser resources.",
"append normal text\n\n@param text normal text\n@return SimplifySpanBuild",
"Parse a currency symbol position value.\n\n@param value currency symbol position\n@return CurrencySymbolPosition instance",
"Examins the structure of A for QR decomposition\n@param A matrix which is to be decomposed\n@return true if the solution is valid or false if the decomposition can't be performed (i.e. requires column pivots)",
"Return an artifact regarding its gavc\n\n@param gavc String\n@return DbArtifact"
] |
public AreaOfInterest copy() {
AreaOfInterest aoi = new AreaOfInterest();
aoi.display = this.display;
aoi.area = this.area;
aoi.polygon = this.polygon;
aoi.style = this.style;
aoi.renderAsSvg = this.renderAsSvg;
return aoi;
} | [
"Make a copy of this Area of Interest."
] | [
"Creates and populates a new task relationship.\n\n@param field which task field source of data\n@param sourceTask relationship source task\n@param relationship relationship string\n@throws MPXJException",
"Load the windows resize handler with initial view port detection.",
"Set day.\n\n@param d day instance",
"This method recursively descends the directory structure, dumping\ndetails of any files it finds to the output file.\n\n@param pw Output PrintWriter\n@param dir DirectoryEntry to dump\n@param prefix prefix used to identify path to this object\n@param showData flag indicating if data is dumped, or just structure\n@param hex set to true if hex output is required\n@param indent indent used if displaying structure only\n@throws Exception Thrown on file read errors",
"Use this API to fetch appfwprofile_crosssitescripting_binding resources of given name .",
"Parses command-line and checks if metadata is consistent across all\nnodes.\n\n@param args Command-line input\n@param printHelp Tells whether to print help only or execute command\nactually\n@throws IOException",
"Joins the individual WBS elements to make the formated value.\n\n@param length number of elements to join\n@return formatted WBS value",
"Called when a previously created loader has finished its load.\n\n@param loader The Loader that has finished.\n@param data The data generated by the Loader.",
"Searches for pairs of parentheses and processes blocks inside of them. Embedded parentheses are handled\nwith no problem. On output only a single token should be in tokens.\n@param tokens List of parsed tokens\n@param sequence Sequence of operators"
] |
public void setRegistrationConfig(RegistrationConfig registrationConfig) {
this.registrationConfig = registrationConfig;
if (registrationConfig.getDefaultConfig()!=null) {
for (String key : registrationConfig.getDefaultConfig().keySet()) {
dynamicConfig.put(key, registrationConfig.getDefaultConfig().get(key));
} | [
"The mediator registration config. If it contains default config and definitions,\nthen the dynamic config will be initialized with those values.\n\n@see org.openhim.mediator.engine.RegistrationConfig\n@see #getDynamicConfig()"
] | [
"Converts a string from ISO-8559-1 encoding to UTF-8.\n@param value ISO-8559-1 value\n@return UTF-8 value",
"Checks the preconditions for creating a new IsIncludedIn processor with a Set of Objects.\n\n@param possibleValues\nthe Set of possible values\n@throws NullPointerException\nif possibleValues is null\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif possibleValues is empty",
"Use this API to update gslbservice.",
"Use this API to fetch all the dospolicy resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Constructs credentials for the given account and key file.\n\n@param serviceAccountId service account ID (typically an e-mail address).\n@param privateKeyFile the file name from which to get the private key.\n@param serviceAccountScopes Collection of OAuth scopes to use with the the service\naccount flow or {@code null} if not.\n@return valid credentials or {@code null}",
"Creates a new row with content with given cell context and a normal row style.\n@param content the content for the row, each member of the array represents the content for a cell in the row, must not be null but can contain null members\n@return a new row with content\n@throws {@link NullPointerException} if content was null",
"Gets a SerialMessage with the SENSOR_ALARM_SUPPORTED_GET command\n@return the serial message, or null if the supported command is not supported.",
"Executes the rebalance plan. Does so batch-by-batch. Between each batch,\nstatus is dumped to logger.info.\n\n@param rebalancePlan",
"Returns the getter method associated with the object's field.\n\n@param object\nthe object\n@param fieldName\nthe name of the field\n@return the getter method\n@throws NullPointerException\nif object or fieldName is null\n@throws SuperCsvReflectionException\nif the getter doesn't exist or is not visible"
] |
public static boolean zipFolder(File folder, String fileName){
boolean success = false;
return false;
if(fileName == null){
fileName = folder.getAbsolutePath()+ZIP_EXT;
ZipArchiveOutputStream zipOutput = null;
try {
zipOutput = new ZipArchiveOutputStream(new File(fileName));
success = addFolderContentToZip(folder,zipOutput,"");
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
try {
if(zipOutput != null){
} catch (IOException e) {}
return success;
} | [
"Utility function to zip the content of an entire folder, but not the folder itself.\n@param folder\n@param fileName optional\n@return success or not"
] | [
"Fall-back for types that are not handled by a subclasse's dispatch method.",
"Use this API to fetch all the snmpmanager resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Filter events.\n\n@param events the events\n@return the list of filtered events",
"Loads configuration from File. Later loads have lower priority.\n\n@param file File to load from\n@since 1.2.0",
"Returns true if the default profile for the specified uuid is active\n\n@return true if active, otherwise false",
"Load the given class using a specific class loader.\n\n@param className The name of the class\n@param cl The Class Loader to be used for finding the class.\n@return The class object",
"Creates an temporary directory. The created directory will be deleted when\ncommand will ended.",
"Retrieve a child that matches the given absolute path, starting from the current node.\n\n@param nodePath The path from the object root to the requested child node.\n@return The requested child node or <code>null</code>.",
"Draw a rectangle's interior with this color.\n\n@param rect rectangle\n@param color colour"
] |
public static List<DomainControllerData> domainControllerDataFromByteBuffer(byte[] buffer) throws Exception {
List<DomainControllerData> retval = new ArrayList<DomainControllerData>();
if (buffer == null) {
return retval;
ByteArrayInputStream in_stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer);
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(in_stream);
String content = SEPARATOR;
while (SEPARATOR.equals(content)) {
DomainControllerData data = new DomainControllerData();
try {
content = readString(in);
} catch (EOFException ex) {
content = null;
return retval;
} | [
"Get the domain controller data from the given byte buffer.\n\n@param buffer the byte buffer\n@return the domain controller data\n@throws Exception"
] | [
"Load the avatar base model\n@param avatarResource resource with avatar model",
"Use this API to fetch vlan_interface_binding resources of given name .",
"note this string is used by hashCode",
"Return the list of actions on the tuple.\nInherently deduplicated operations\n\n@return the operations to execute on the Tuple",
"Process hours in a working day.\n\n@param calendar project calendar\n@param dayRecord working day data",
"Return a key to identify the connection descriptor.",
"This method retrieves a double value from a String instance.\nIt returns zero by default if a null value or an empty string is supplied.\n\n@param value string representation of a double\n@return double value",
"Sets top and bottom padding for all cells in the row.\n@param padding new padding for top and bottom, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Parses command-line and verifies metadata versions on all the cluster\nnodes\n\n@param args Command-line input\n@param printHelp Tells whether to print help only or execute command\nactually\n@throws IOException"
] |
public Vector3Axis delta(Vector3f v) {
Vector3Axis ret = new Vector3Axis(Float.NaN, Float.NaN, Float.NaN);
if (x != Float.NaN && v.x != Float.NaN && !equal(x, v.x)) {
ret.set(x - v.x, Layout.Axis.X);
if (y != Float.NaN && v.y != Float.NaN && !equal(y, v.y)) {
ret.set(y - v.y, Layout.Axis.Y);
if (z != Float.NaN && v.z != Float.NaN && !equal(z, v.z)) {
ret.set(z - v.z, Layout.Axis.Z);
return ret;
} | [
"Calculate delta with another vector\n@param v another vector\n@return delta vector"
] | [
"Given a binary expression corresponding to an assignment, will check that the type of the RHS matches one\nof the possible setters and if not, throw a type checking error.\n@param expression the assignment expression\n@param leftExpression left expression of the assignment\n@param rightExpression right expression of the assignment\n@param setterInfo possible setters\n@return true if type checking passed",
"Use this API to disable clusterinstance resources of given names.",
"Set up arguments for each FieldDescriptor in an array.",
"Sets the color for the big total between the column and row\n@param row row index (starting from 1)\n@param column column index (starting from 1)\n@param color",
"Used to determine if a particular day of the week is normally\na working day.\n\n@param mpxjCalendar ProjectCalendar instance\n@param day Day instance\n@return boolean flag",
"Add hours to a parent object.\n\n@param parentNode parent node\n@param hours list of ranges",
"Obtain newline-delimited headers from response\n\n@param response HttpServletResponse to scan\n@return newline-delimited headers",
"Clean up the environment object for the given storage engine",
"Factory method that returns an Identity object created from a serializated representation.\n\n@param anArray The serialized representation\n@return The identity\n@see {@link #serialize}.\n@deprecated"
] |
public void writeNameValuePair(String name, Date value) throws IOException
internalWriteNameValuePair(name, m_format.format(value));
} | [
"Write a Date attribute.\n\n@param name attribute name\n@param value attribute value"
] | [
"Return all scripts of a given type\n\n@param type integer value of type\n@return Array of scripts of the given type",
"Recurses the given folder and creates the FileModels vertices for the child files to the graph.",
"Places a connection back in the originating partition.\n@param connectionHandle to place back\n@throws SQLException on error",
"Sets an Integer attribute.\n\n@param key the key, non null.\n@param value the value\n@return the Builder, for chaining.",
"Reads all sub-categories below the provided category.\n@return The map from the provided category to it's sub-categories in a {@link CmsJspCategoryAccessBean}.",
"Ensures that every path starts and ends with a slash character.\n\n@param scriptPath the scriptPath that needs to be normalized\n@return a path with leading and trailing slash",
"Finds the parent group of the given one and returns it\n\n@param group Group for which the parent is needed\n@return The parent group of the given one. If the given one is the first one, it returns the same group",
"This method retrieves ONLY the ROOT actions",
"This method returns the length of overlapping time between two time\nranges.\n\n@param start1 start of first range\n@param end1 end of first range\n@param start2 start start of second range\n@param end2 end of second range\n@return overlapping time in milliseconds"
] |
public List<String> getServiceImplementations(String serviceTypeName) {
final List<String> strings = services.get(serviceTypeName);
return strings == null ? Collections.<String>emptyList() : Collections.unmodifiableList(strings);
} | [
"Get the service implementations for a given type name.\n\n@param serviceTypeName the type name\n@return the possibly empty list of services"
] | [
"Returns the URL of the class file where the given class has been loaded from.\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif failed to determine.\n@since 2.24",
"Updates the story and returns the full record for the updated story.\nOnly comment stories can have their text updated, and only comment stories and\nattachment stories can be pinned. Only one of `text` and `html_text` can be specified.\n\n@param story Globally unique identifier for the story.\n@return Request object",
"Sets the header of the collection component.",
"Emit an event object with parameters.\n\nThis will invoke all {@link SimpleEventListener} bound to the event object\nclass given the listeners has the matching argument list.\n\nIf there is no parameter passed in, i.e. `args.length == 0`, then it will\nalso invoke all the {@link ActEventListener} bound to the event class.\n\nFor example, suppose we have the following Event defined:\n\n```java\npublic class UserActivityEvent extends ActEvent<User> {\npublic UserActivityEvent(User user) {super(user);}\n}\n```\n\nAnd we have the following event handler defined:\n\n```java\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void logUserLogin(UserActivityEvent event, long timestamp) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(UserActivityEvent, Object... args) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void foo(UserActivityEvent event) {...}\n```\n\nThe following code will invoke `logUserLogin` and `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts` methods:\n\n```java\nUser user = ...;\neventBus.emit(new UserActivityEvent(user), System.currentTimeMills());\n```\n\nThe `foo(UserActivityEvent)` will not invoked because:\n\n* The parameter list `(UserActivityEvent, long)` does not match the declared\nargument list `(UserActivityEvent)`. Here the `String` in the parameter\nlist is taken out because it is used to indicate the event, instead of being\npassing through to the event handler method.\n* The method `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(UserActivityEvent, Object ...)` will\nbe invoked because it declares a varargs typed arguments, meaning it matches\nany parameters passed in.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see SimpleEventListener",
"Creates a producer method Web Bean\n\n@param method The underlying method abstraction\n@param declaringBean The declaring bean abstraction\n@param beanManager the current manager\n@return A producer Web Bean",
"Retrieve a UUID in the form required by Primavera PMXML.\n\n@param guid UUID instance\n@return formatted UUID",
"Returns a UTMDetail object which consists of UTM parameters like source, medium & campaign\n@return The {@link UTMDetail} object",
"Used internally to find the solution to a single column vector.",
"Called when remote end send a message to this connection\n@param receivedMessage the message received\n@return this context"
] |
public static vlan[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
vlan obj = new vlan();
vlan[] response = (vlan[])obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the vlan resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Uniformly random numbers",
"Get FieldDescriptor from Reference",
"Returns the compact project membership records for the project.\n\n@param project The project for which to fetch memberships.\n@return Request object",
"Build the operation transformers.\n\n@param registry the shared resource registry\n@return the operation transformers",
"Returns the names of the involved fields when post processing.\n\n@return the names of the involved fields",
"Read a field into our table configuration for field=value line.",
"Get a writer implementation to push data into Canvas.\n@param type Interface type you wish to get an implementation for\n@param oauthToken An OAuth token to use for authentication when making API calls\n@param <T> A writer implementation\n@return A writer implementation class",
"The mediator registration config. If it contains default config and definitions,\nthen the dynamic config will be initialized with those values.\n\n@see org.openhim.mediator.engine.RegistrationConfig\n@see #getDynamicConfig()",
"If the DefaultActionInvocation has been executed before and the Result is\nan instance of ActionChainResult, this method will walk down the chain of\nActionChainResults until it finds a non-chain result, which will be\nreturned. If the DefaultActionInvocation's result has not been executed\nbefore, the Result instance will be created and populated with the result\nparams.\n\n@return a Result instance\n@throws Exception"
] |
private static void listAssignmentsByResource(ProjectFile file)
for (Resource resource : file.getResources())
System.out.println("Assignments for resource " + resource.getName() + ":");
for (ResourceAssignment assignment : resource.getTaskAssignments())
Task task = assignment.getTask();
System.out.println(" " + task.getName());
} | [
"This method displays the resource assignments for each resource. This time\nrather than just iterating through the list of all assignments in\nthe file, we extract the assignments on a resource-by-resource basis.\n\n@param file MPX file"
] | [
"This method writes data for a single resource to a Planner file.\n\n@param mpxjResource MPXJ Resource instance\n@param plannerResource Planner Resource instance",
"If the workspace for your project _is_ an organization, you must also\nsupply a `team` to share the project with.\n\nReturns the full record of the newly created project.\n\n@param workspace The workspace or organization to create the project in.\n@return Request object",
"Cleans up a extension module's subsystems from the resource registration model.\n\n@param rootResource the model root resource\n@param moduleName the name of the extension's module. Cannot be {@code null}\n@throws IllegalStateException if the extension still has subsystems present in {@code rootResource} or its children",
"Use this API to add lbroute.",
"Stop finding signatures for all active players.",
"Initialization that parses the String to a JSON object.\n@param configString The JSON as string.\n@param baseConfig The optional basic search configuration to overwrite (partly) by the JSON configuration.\n@throws JSONException thrown if parsing fails.",
"Returns the active logged in user.",
"Use this API to fetch dnspolicy_dnsglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"Use this API to add vpnsessionaction."
] |
public static BufferedImage createImage(ImageProducer producer) {
PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(producer, 0, 0, -1, -1, null, 0, 0);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Image fetch interrupted");
if ((pg.status() & ImageObserver.ABORT) != 0)
throw new RuntimeException("Image fetch aborted");
if ((pg.status() & ImageObserver.ERROR) != 0)
throw new RuntimeException("Image fetch error");
BufferedImage p = new BufferedImage(pg.getWidth(), pg.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
p.setRGB(0, 0, pg.getWidth(), pg.getHeight(), (int[])pg.getPixels(), 0, pg.getWidth());
return p;
} | [
"Cretae a BufferedImage from an ImageProducer.\n@param producer the ImageProducer\n@return a new TYPE_INT_ARGB BufferedImage"
] | [
"Add a path to a profile, returns the id\n\n@param id ID of profile\n@param pathname name of path\n@param actualPath value of path\n@return ID of path created\n@throws Exception exception",
"Returns the docker version.\n\n@param serverUrl\nThe serverUrl to use.",
"Gets the SerialMessage as a byte array.\n@return the message",
"Use this API to Import sslfipskey.",
"Retrieve the index of the table entry valid for the supplied date.\n\n@param date required date\n@return cost rate table entry index",
"Generate a placeholder for an unknown type.\n\n@param type expected type\n@param fieldID field ID\n@return placeholder",
"scroll only once",
"Use this API to enable snmpalarm resources of given names.",
"Connect and register at the remote domain controller.\n\n@return connection the established connection\n@throws IOException"
] |
public static DMatrixRMaj symmetricWithEigenvalues(int num, Random rand , double ...eigenvalues ) {
DMatrixRMaj V = RandomMatrices_DDRM.orthogonal(num,num,rand);
DMatrixRMaj D = CommonOps_DDRM.diag(eigenvalues);
DMatrixRMaj temp = new DMatrixRMaj(num,num);
return D;
} | [
"Creates a new random symmetric matrix that will have the specified real eigenvalues.\n\n@param num Dimension of the resulting matrix.\n@param rand Random number generator.\n@param eigenvalues Set of real eigenvalues that the matrix will have.\n@return A random matrix with the specified eigenvalues."
] | [
"Use this API to update callhome.",
"Get list of replies\n\n@param topicId\nUnique identifier of a topic for a given group {@link Topic}.\n@return A reply object\n@throws FlickrException\n@see <a href=\"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.groups.discuss.replies.getList.html\">API Documentation</a>",
"adds a value to the list\n\n@param value the value",
"Returns iban length for the specified country.\n\n@param countryCode {@link org.iban4j.CountryCode}\n@return the length of the iban for the specified country.",
"Sets the text alignment for all cells in the table.\n@param textAlignment new text alignment\n@throws NullPointerException if the argument was null\n@return this to allow chaining\n@throws {@link NullPointerException} if the argument was null",
"Designate the vertex attribute and shader variable for the texture coordinates\nassociated with the named texture.\n\n@param texName name of texture\n@param texCoordAttr name of vertex attribute with texture coordinates.\n@param shaderVarName name of shader variable to get texture coordinates.",
"Retrieve a Synchro Duration from an input stream.\n\n@param is input stream\n@return Duration instance",
"Acquire the exclusive lock, with a max wait timeout to acquire.\n@param permit - the permit Integer for this operation. May not be {@code null}.\n@param timeout - the timeout scalar quantity.\n@param unit - see {@code TimeUnit} for quantities.\n@return {@code boolean} true on successful acquire.\n@throws InterruptedException - if the acquiring thread was interrupted.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permit} is null.",
"Performs a null edit on an item. This has some effects on Wikibase,\nsuch as refreshing the labels of the referred items in the UI.\n\n@param itemId\nthe document to perform a null edit on\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns errors\n@throws IOException\nif there are any IO errors, such as missing network connection"
] |
public static DocumentBuilder getXmlParser() {
DocumentBuilder db = null;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
//Disable DTD loading and validation
//See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/155101/make-documentbuilder-parse-ignore-dtd-references
dbf.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/nonvalidating/load-dtd-grammar", false);
dbf.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/nonvalidating/load-external-dtd", false);
db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
db.setErrorHandler(new SAXErrorHandler());
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
System.err.printf("%s: Unable to create XML parser\n", XMLUtils.class.getName());
} catch(UnsupportedOperationException e) {
System.err.printf("%s: API error while setting up XML parser. Check your JAXP version\n", XMLUtils.class.getName());
return db;
} | [
"Returns a non-validating XML parser. The parser ignores both DTDs and XSDs.\n\n@return An XML parser in the form of a DocumentBuilder"
] | [
"This method is called if the data set has been changed. Subclasses might want to override\nthis method to add some extra logic.\n\nGo through all items in the list:\n- reuse the existing views in the list\n- add new views in the list if needed\n- trim the unused views\n- request re-layout\n\n@param preferableCenterPosition the preferable center position. If it is -1 - keep the\ncurrent center position.",
"Retrieve a calendar exception which applies to this date.\n\n@param date target date\n@return calendar exception, or null if none match this date",
"Handler for month changes.\n@param event change event.",
"Constructs a valid request and passes it on to the next handler. It also\ncreates the 'Store' object corresponding to the store name specified in\nthe REST request.\n\n@param requestValidator The Validator object used to construct the\nrequest object\n@param ctx Context of the Netty channel\n@param messageEvent Message Event used to write the response / exception",
"Compute morse.\n\n@param term the term\n@return the string",
"Get an exception reporting a missing, required XML child element.\n@param reader the stream reader\n@param required a set of enums whose toString method returns the\nattribute name\n@return the exception",
"Add a metadata profile.\n@see #loadProfile",
"Execute a request through Odo processing\n\n@param httpMethodProxyRequest\n@param httpServletRequest\n@param httpServletResponse\n@param history",
"Set whether we should obtain color versions of waveforms and previews when they are available. This will only\naffect waveforms loaded after the setting has been changed. If this changes the setting, and we were running,\nstop and restart in order to flush and reload the correct waveform versions.\n\n@param preferColor if {@code true}, the full-color versions of waveforms will be requested, if {@code false}\nonly the older blue versions will be retrieved"
] |
public synchronized ControlPoint getControlPoint(final String deploymentName, final String entryPointName) {
ControlPointIdentifier id = new ControlPointIdentifier(deploymentName, entryPointName);
ControlPoint ep = entryPoints.get(id);
if (ep == null) {
ep = new ControlPoint(this, deploymentName, entryPointName, trackIndividualControlPoints);
entryPoints.put(id, ep);
return ep;
} | [
"Gets an entry point for the given deployment. If one does not exist it will be created. If the request controller is disabled\nthis will return null.\n\nEntry points are reference counted. If this method is called n times then {@link #removeControlPoint(ControlPoint)}\nmust also be called n times to clean up the entry points.\n\n@param deploymentName The top level deployment name\n@param entryPointName The entry point name\n@return The entry point, or null if the request controller is disabled"
] | [
"Return SELECT clause for object existence call",
"This method takes an integer enumeration of a priority\nand returns an appropriate instance of this class. Note that unrecognised\nvalues are treated as medium priority.\n\n@param priority int version of the priority\n@return Priority class instance",
"Increase the priority of an overrideId\n\n@param overrideId ID of override\n@param pathId ID of path containing override\n@param clientUUID UUID of client",
"This method is called by the client to load the most recent list of resources.\nThis method should only be called by the service client.\n\n@param result the most recent list of resources.",
"Save page to log\n\n@return address of this page after save",
"Helper for parsing properties\n@param p The properties object\n@param key The key to retrieve\n@param defaultValue The default value if the key does not exist\n@param used The set of keys we have seen\n@return The value of the property at the key",
"Processes all entities in a Wikidata dump using the given entity\nprocessor. By default, the most recent JSON dump will be used. In offline\nmode, only the most recent previously downloaded file is considered.\n\n@param entityDocumentProcessor\nthe object to use for processing entities in this dump",
"Split a module Id to get the module name\n@param moduleId\n@return String",
"Do the set-up that's needed to access Amazon S3."
] |
private void readCalendar(Gantt gantt)
Gantt.Calendar ganttCalendar = gantt.getCalendar();
ProjectCalendar calendar = m_projectFile.addCalendar();
String workingDays = ganttCalendar.getWorkDays();
calendar.setWorkingDay(Day.SUNDAY, workingDays.charAt(0) == '1');
calendar.setWorkingDay(Day.MONDAY, workingDays.charAt(1) == '1');
calendar.setWorkingDay(Day.TUESDAY, workingDays.charAt(2) == '1');
calendar.setWorkingDay(Day.WEDNESDAY, workingDays.charAt(3) == '1');
calendar.setWorkingDay(Day.THURSDAY, workingDays.charAt(4) == '1');
calendar.setWorkingDay(Day.FRIDAY, workingDays.charAt(5) == '1');
calendar.setWorkingDay(Day.SATURDAY, workingDays.charAt(6) == '1');
for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
Day day = Day.getInstance(i);
ProjectCalendarHours hours = calendar.addCalendarHours(day);
if (calendar.isWorkingDay(day))
for (Gantt.Holidays.Holiday holiday : gantt.getHolidays().getHoliday())
ProjectCalendarException exception = calendar.addCalendarException(holiday.getDate(), holiday.getDate());
} | [
"Read the calendar data from a Gantt Designer file.\n\n@param gantt Gantt Designer file."
] | [
"Computes the QR decomposition of A and store the results in A.\n\n@param A The A matrix in the linear equation. Modified. Reference saved.\n@return true if the decomposition was successful.",
"Print a resource type.\n\n@param value ResourceType instance\n@return resource type value",
"Returns the accrued interest of the bond for a given time.\n\n@param time The time of interest as double.\n@param model The model under which the product is valued.\n@return The accrued interest.",
"Returns the output path specified on the javadoc options",
"Find out the scrollable child view from a ViewGroup.\n\n@param viewGroup",
"Set new front facing rotation\n@param rotation",
"This returns all profiles associated with a server name\n\n@param serverName server Name\n@return profile UUID\n@throws Exception exception",
"Emits a change event for the given document id.\n\n@param nsConfig the configuration for the namespace to which the\ndocument referred to by the change event belongs.\n@param event the change event.",
"Checks if a given number is in the range of an integer.\n\n@param number\na number which should be in the range of an integer (positive or negative)\n\n@see java.lang.Integer#MIN_VALUE\n@see java.lang.Integer#MAX_VALUE\n\n@return number as an integer (rounding might occur)"
] |
public void fire(TestCaseFinishedEvent event) {
TestCaseResult testCase = testCaseStorage.get();
Step root = stepStorage.pollLast();
if (Status.PASSED.equals(testCase.getStatus())) {
new RemoveAttachmentsEvent(AllureConfig.newInstance().getRemoveAttachments()).process(root);
} | [
"Process TestCaseFinishedEvent. Add steps and attachments from\ntop step from stepStorage to current testCase, then remove testCase\nand step from stores. Also remove attachments matches removeAttachments\nconfig.\n\n@param event to process"
] | [
"Returns number of dependencies layers in the image.\n\n@param imageContent\n@return\n@throws IOException",
"this method is basically checking whether we can return \"this\" for getNetworkSection",
"Whether the address is IPv4-mapped\n\n::ffff:x:x/96 indicates IPv6 address mapped to IPv4",
"Splits switch in specialStateTransition containing more than maxCasesPerSwitch\ncases into several methods each containing maximum of maxCasesPerSwitch cases\nor less.\n@since 2.9",
"Use this API to unset the properties of nsconfig resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"This method is used to initiate a release staging process using the Artifactory Release Staging API.",
"Registers your facet filters, adding them to this InstantSearch's widgets.\n\n@param filters a List of facet filters.",
"check if MessageID exists in the message, if not, only generate new MessageID for outbound message.\n@param message",
"This method is called to format a task type.\n\n@param value task type value\n@return formatted task type"
] |
public BoxCollaborationWhitelistExemptTarget.Info getInfo() {
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, HttpMethod.GET);
BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
return new Info(JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON()));
} | [
"Retrieves information for a collaboration whitelist for a given whitelist ID.\n\n@return information about this {@link BoxCollaborationWhitelistExemptTarget}."
] | [
"Emit a string event with parameters and force all listeners to be called asynchronously.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see #emit(String, Object...)",
"Determine the enum value corresponding to the track source slot found in the packet.\n\n@return the proper value",
"Get a boolean value from the values or null.\n\n@param key the look up key of the value",
"Use this API to fetch a vpnglobal_appcontroller_binding resources.",
"Common method for creating styles.\n\n@param template the template that the map is part of\n@param styleRef the style ref identifying the style\n@param <T> the source type",
"Log a warning for the resource at the provided address and a single attribute. The detail message is a default\n'Attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host.'\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param attribute attribute we are warning about",
"IN Criteria with SubQuery\n@param attribute The field name to be used\n@param subQuery The subQuery",
"Control whether the Virtual CDJ sends status packets to the other players. Most uses of Beat Link will not\nrequire this level of activity. However, if you want to be able to take over the tempo master role, and control\nthe tempo and beat alignment of other players, you will need to turn on this feature, which also requires that\nyou are using one of the standard player numbers, 1-4.\n\n@param send if {@code true} we will send status packets, and can participate in (and control) tempo and beat sync\n\n@throws IllegalStateException if the virtual CDJ is not running, or if it is not using a device number in the\nrange 1 through 4\n@throws IOException if there is a problem starting the {@link BeatFinder}",
"Appends to the statement table and all tables joined to it.\n@param alias the table alias\n@param where append conditions for WHERE clause here"
] |
public void run() {
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxClients);
try {
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port, maxClients);
while (!shuttingDown) {
try {
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
debugConnection = new DebugConnection(socket);
} catch (SocketException e) {
// closed
debugConnection = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
debugConnection = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
} | [
"Runs the server."
] | [
"Factory for 'and' and 'or' predicates.",
"Get PhoneNumber object\n\n@return PhonenUmber | null on error",
"Answer the orderBy of all Criteria and Sub Criteria\nthe elements are of class Criteria.FieldHelper\n@return List",
"Used to map from a var data key to a field type. Note this\nis designed for diagnostic use only, and uses an inefficient search.\n\n@param key var data key\n@return field type",
"Creates typed parser\n@param contentType class of parsed object\n@param <T> type of parsed object\n@return parser of objects of given type",
"Deploys application reading resources from specified InputStream\n\n@param inputStream where resources are read\n@throws IOException",
"This method converts a node to text.\n\nLeading and trailing text from hidden tokens (whitespace/comments) is removed. Text from hidden tokens that is\nsurrounded by text from non-hidden tokens is summarized to a single whitespace.\n\nThe preferred use case of this method is to convert the {@link ICompositeNode} that has been created for a data\ntype rule to text.\n\nThis is also the recommended way to convert a node to text if you want to invoke\n{@link org.eclipse.xtext.conversion.IValueConverterService#toValue(String, String, INode)}",
"Get all views from the list content\n@return list of views currently visible",
"Load a table configuration in from a text-file reader.\n\n@return A config if any of the fields were set otherwise null if we reach EOF."
] |
public String name(Properties attributes) throws XDocletException
return getDefForLevel(attributes.getProperty(ATTRIBUTE_LEVEL)).getName();
} | [
"Returns the name of the current object on the specified level.\n\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@return The property value\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\"\[email protected] name=\"level\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The level for the current object\"\nvalues=\"class,field,reference,collection\""
] | [
"Assembles the exception message when the value received by a CellProcessor isn't of the correct type.\n\n@param expectedType\nthe expected type\n@param actualValue\nthe value received by the CellProcessor\n@return the message\n@throws NullPointerException\nif expectedType is null",
"Checks to see if an Oracle Server exists.\n\n@param curator It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure the curator is started\n@return boolean if the server exists in zookeeper",
"Print an accrue type.\n\n@param value AccrueType instance\n@return accrue type value",
"Iterates over the elements of an iterable collection of items, starting from\na specified startIndex, and returns the index values of the items that match\nthe condition specified in the closure.\n\n@param self the iteration object over which to iterate\n@param startIndex start matching from this index\n@param closure the filter to perform a match on the collection\n@return a list of numbers corresponding to the index values of all matched objects\n@since 1.5.2",
"Calculates the LatLong position of the end point of a line the specified\ndistance from this LatLong, along the provided bearing, where North is 0,\nEast is 90 etc.\n\n@param bearing The bearing, in degrees, with North as 0, East as 90 etc.\n@param distance The distance in metres.\n@return A new LatLong indicating the end point.",
"do the parsing on an JSONObject, assumes that the json is hierarchical\nordered, so all shapes are reachable over child relations\n@param json hierarchical JSON object\n@return Model with all shapes defined in JSON\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Bessel function of order n.\n\n@param n Order.\n@param x Value.\n@return J value.",
"Gets the specified SPI, using the current thread context classloader\n\n@param <T> type of spi class\n@param spiType spi class to retrieve\n@return object",
"Get a fallback handler.\n\n@param header the protocol header\n@return the fallback handler"
] |
public BufferedImage getBufferedImage(int width, int height) {
// using the new approach of Java 2D API
BufferedImage buf = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) buf.getGraphics();
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR);
g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height, null);
return (buf);
} | [
"Resize and return the image passing the new height and width\n\n@param height\n@param width\n@return"
] | [
"Makes an ancestor filter.",
"Adds a new child widget to the panel, attaching its Element to the\nspecified container Element.\n\n@param child the child widget to be added\n@param container the element within which the child will be contained",
"Split string content into list\n@param content String content\n@return list",
"Sets the protocol, hostname and port to connect to.\n\n@param protocol the protocol to use\n@param hostname the host name\n@param port the port\n\n@return the builder",
"Removes all elements in the sorted set with a score in the given range.\n@param scoreRange\n@return the number of elements removed.",
"Get a property as a boolean or throw exception.\n\n@param key the property name",
"Use this API to disable clusterinstance resources of given names.",
"Checks if the date is a holiday\n\n@param dateString the date\n@return true if it is a holiday, false otherwise",
"Collects all the fields from columns and also the fields not bounds to columns\n@return List<ColumnProperty>"
] |
public static base_response disable(nitro_service client, Long clid) throws Exception {
clusterinstance disableresource = new clusterinstance();
disableresource.clid = clid;
return disableresource.perform_operation(client,"disable");
} | [
"Use this API to disable clusterinstance of given name."
] | [
"Creates builder for passed path element\n\n@param elementName name of xml element that is used as decorator\n@return PersistentResourceXMLBuilder\n@deprecated decorator element support is currently considered as preview\n@since 4.0",
"Writes a WBS entity to the PM XML file.\n\n@param mpxj MPXJ Task entity",
"Use this API to fetch vpnvserver_responderpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Checks if the given group of statements contains the given value as the\nvalue of a main snak of some statement.\n\n@param statementGroup\nthe statement group to scan\n@param value\nthe value to scan for\n@return true if value was found",
"if any item in toCheck is present in collection\n@param <T>\n@param collection\n@param toCheck\n@return",
"Registers a handler and returns the callback key to be passed to\nJavascript.\n\n@param handler Handler to be registered.\n@return A String random UUID that can be used as the callback key.",
"Get the original image URL.\n\n@return The original image URL",
"Checks whether a built of the indices is necessary.\n@param cms The appropriate CmsObject instance.\n@return true, if the spellcheck indices have to be rebuilt, otherwise false",
"Counts the coordinates stored in a single statement for the relevant\nproperty, if they are actually given and valid.\n\n@param statement\n@param itemDocument"
] |
public static String keyVersionToString(ByteArray key,
Map<Value, Set<ClusterNode>> versionMap,
String storeName,
Integer partitionId) {
StringBuilder record = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<Value, Set<ClusterNode>> versionSet : versionMap.entrySet()) {
Value value = versionSet.getKey();
Set<ClusterNode> nodeSet = versionSet.getValue();
record.append(storeName + ",");
record.append(partitionId + ",");
record.append(ByteUtils.toHexString(key.get()) + ",");
record.append(nodeSet.toString().replace(", ", ";") + ",");
return record.toString();
} | [
"Convert a key-version-nodeSet information to string\n\n@param key The key\n@param versionMap mapping versions to set of PrefixNodes\n@param storeName store's name\n@param partitionId partition scanned\n@return a string that describe the information passed in"
] | [
"Adding environment and system variables to build info.\n\n@param builder",
"Use this API to fetch tmtrafficpolicy_lbvserver_binding resources of given name .",
"Pushes a class type onto the stack from the string representation This can\nalso handle primitives\n\n@param b the bytecode\n@param classType the type descriptor for the class or primitive to push.\nThis will accept both the java.lang.Object form and the\nLjava/lang/Object; form",
"Returns the value of the primitive type from the given string value.\n\n@param value the value to parse\n@param cls the primitive type class\n@return the boxed type value or {@code null} if the given class is not a primitive type",
"Removes a design document using DesignDocument object from the database.\n\n@param designDocument the design document object to be removed\n@return {@link DesignDocument}",
"Opens a JDBC connection with the given parameters.",
"Instantiate Service Locator client. After successful instantiation\nestablish a connection to the Service Locator server. This method will be\ncalled if property locatorClient is null. For this purpose was defined\nadditional properties to instantiate ServiceLocatorImpl.\n\n@throws InterruptedException\n@throws ServiceLocatorException",
"Computes the final list of versions to be stored, on top of what is\ncurrently being stored. Final list is valuesInStorage modified in place\n\n\n@param valuesInStorage list of versions currently in storage\n@param multiPutValues list of new versions being written to storage\n@return list of versions from multiPutVals that were rejected as obsolete",
"Find and read the cache format entry in a metadata cache file.\n\n@return the content of the format entry, or {@code null} if none was found\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem reading the file"
] |
public int getShort(Integer id, Integer type)
int result = 0;
Integer offset = m_meta.getOffset(id, type);
if (offset != null)
byte[] value = m_map.get(offset);
if (value != null && value.length >= 2)
result = MPPUtility.getShort(value, 0);
return (result);
} | [
"This method retrieves an integer of the specified type,\nbelonging to the item with the specified unique ID.\n\n@param id unique ID of entity to which this data belongs\n@param type data type identifier\n@return required integer data"
] | [
"This method is called to format a percentage value.\n\n@param value numeric value\n@return percentage value",
"The list of device types on which this application can run.",
"Use this API to add sslocspresponder.",
"Method called to indicate persisting the properties file is now complete.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Use this API to update vlan.",
"Perform the entire sort operation",
"Removes a value from the list box. Nothing is done if the value isn't on\nthe list box.\n\n@param value the value to be removed from the list\n@param reload perform a 'material select' reload to update the DOM.",
"Log a message at the provided level.",
"Invoked periodically."
] |
public ConverterServerBuilder requestTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
assertNumericArgument(timeout, true);
this.requestTimeout = unit.toMillis(timeout);
return this;
} | [
"Specifies the timeout for a network request.\n\n@param timeout The timeout for a network request.\n@param unit The time unit of the specified timeout.\n@return This builder instance."
] | [
"This method populates the task model from data read from an MPX file.\n\n@param record data read from an MPX file\n@param isText flag indicating whether the textual or numeric data is being supplied",
"This function looks for files with the \"wrong\" replica type in their name, and\nif it finds any, renames them.\n\nThose files may have ended up on this server either because:\n- 1. We restored them from another server, where they were named according to\nanother replica type. Or,\n- 2. The {@link voldemort.store.readonly.mr.azkaban.VoldemortBuildAndPushJob}\nand the {@link voldemort.store.readonly.fetcher.HdfsFetcher} are\noperating in 'build.primary.replicas.only' mode, so they only ever built\nand fetched replica 0 of any given file.\n\nNote: This is an implementation detail of the READONLY_V2 naming scheme, and should\nnot be used outside of that scope.\n\n@param masterPartitionId partition ID of the \"primary replica\"\n@param correctReplicaType replica number which should be found on the current\nnode for the provided masterPartitionId.",
"Process a calendar exception.\n\n@param calendar parent calendar\n@param row calendar exception data",
"Generates a vector clock with the provided values\n\n@param serverIds servers in the clock\n@param clockValue value of the clock for each server entry\n@param timestamp ts value to be set for the clock\n@return",
"Checks to see within the flags if a reload, i.e. not a full restart, is required.\n\n@param flags the flags to check\n\n@return {@code true} if a reload is required, otherwise {@code false}",
"Checks if user exists.\n\n@param userId the user id, which can be an email or the login.\n@return true, if user exists.",
"Check if the given class represents an array of primitive wrappers,\ni.e. Boolean, Byte, Character, Short, Integer, Long, Float, or Double.\n@param clazz the class to check\n@return whether the given class is a primitive wrapper array class",
"Set the permission for who may view the geo data associated with a photo.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'write' permission.\n\n@param photoId\nThe id of the photo to set permissions for.\n@param perms\nPermissions, who can see the geo data of this photo\n@throws FlickrException",
"Tries to guess the packaging of the archive - whether it's an EAR, WAR, JAR.\nMaybe not needed as we can rely on the suffix?"
] |
private void readTasks(Integer id)
Integer currentID = id;
Table table = getTable("WBSTAB");
while (currentID.intValue() != 0)
MapRow row = table.find(currentID);
Task task = m_projectFile.getTaskByUniqueID(row.getInteger("TASK_ID"));
readLeafTasks(task, row.getInteger("FIRST_CHILD_TASK_ID"));
Integer childID = row.getInteger("CHILD_ID");
if (childID.intValue() != 0)
currentID = row.getInteger("NEXT_ID");
} | [
"Read leaf tasks attached to the WBS.\n\n@param id initial WBS ID"
] | [
"Returns the resolution of resolving the conflict between a local and remote event using\nthe given conflict resolver.\n\n@param conflictResolver the conflict resolver to use.\n@param documentId the document id related to the conflicted events.\n@param localEvent the conflicted local event.\n@param remoteEvent the conflicted remote event.\n@return the resolution to the conflict.",
"Adds an object to the Index. If it was already in the Index,\nthen nothing is done. If it is not in the Index, then it is\nadded iff the Index hasn't been locked.\n\n@return true if the item was added to the index and false if the\nitem was already in the index or if the index is locked",
"Performs a Versioned put operation with the specified composite request\nobject\n\n@param requestWrapper Composite request object containing the key and the\nversioned object\n@return Version of the value for the successful put\n@throws ObsoleteVersionException",
"Get stream for URL only\n\n@param stringUrl URL to get content\n@return the input stream\n@throws IOException I/O error happened",
"Calculates the column width according to its type.\n@param _property the property.\n@return the column width.",
"Save the changes.",
"Fetches the contents of a file representation with asset path and writes them to the provided output stream.\n@see <a href=https://developer.box.com/reference#section-x-rep-hints-header>X-Rep-Hints Header</a>\n@param representationHint the X-Rep-Hints query for the representation to fetch.\n@param assetPath the path of the asset for representations containing multiple files.\n@param output the output stream to write the contents to.",
"Use this API to fetch transformpolicy resource of given name .",
"Create a new Time, with no date component."
] |
public static appflowglobal_binding get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
appflowglobal_binding obj = new appflowglobal_binding();
appflowglobal_binding response = (appflowglobal_binding) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch a appflowglobal_binding resource ."
] | [
"Read phases and activities from the Phoenix file to create the task hierarchy.\n\n@param phoenixProject all project data\n@param storepoint storepoint containing current project data",
"Determines whether or not two axially aligned bounding boxes in\nthe same coordinate space intersect.\n@param bv1 first bounding volume to test.\n@param bv2 second bounding volume to test.\n@return true if the boxes intersect, false if not.",
"Creates a list of placeholders for use in a PreparedStatement\n\n@param length number of placeholders\n@return String of placeholders, seperated by comma",
"The user making this call must be an admin in the workspace.\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param workspace The workspace or organization to invite the user to.\n@return Request object",
"Get a compatible constructor\n\n@param type\nClass to look for constructor in\n@param argumentType\nArgument type for constructor\n@return the compatible constructor or null if none found",
"Checks to see within the flags if a reload, i.e. not a full restart, is required.\n\n@param flags the flags to check\n\n@return {@code true} if a reload is required, otherwise {@code false}",
"Create a container in the platform\n\n@param container\nThe name of the container",
"Apply all attributes on the given context.\n\n@param context the context to be applied, not null.\n@param overwriteDuplicates flag, if existing entries should be overwritten.\n@return this Builder, for chaining",
"Get the hours difference"
] |
public final void visit(final Visitor visitor)
final Visit visit = new Visit();
visit(visitor, visit);
catch (final StopVisitationException ignored)
} | [
"Visit this and all child nodes.\n\n@param visitor The visitor to use."
] | [
"This method retrieves a Duration instance representing the amount of\nwork between two dates based on this calendar.\n\n@param startDate start date\n@param endDate end date\n@param format required duration format\n@return amount of work",
"Computes execution time\n@param extra",
"Connect to the HC and retrieve the current model updates.\n\n@param controller the server controller\n@param callback the operation completed callback\n\n@throws IOException for any error",
"Modify the tranform's current rotation in quaternion terms, around a\npivot other than the origin.\n\n@param w\n'W' component of the quaternion.\n@param x\n'X' component of the quaternion.\n@param y\n'Y' component of the quaternion.\n@param z\n'Z' component of the quaternion.\n@param pivotX\n'X' component of the pivot's location.\n@param pivotY\n'Y' component of the pivot's location.\n@param pivotZ\n'Z' component of the pivot's location.",
"Sets the replacement var map node specific.\n\n@param replacementVarMapNodeSpecific\nthe replacement var map node specific\n@return the parallel task builder",
"perform the actual matching",
"Returns the JSON String representation of the payload\naccording to Apple APNS specification\n\n@return the String representation as expected by Apple",
"Writes the data collected about properties to a file.",
"checkpoint the ObjectModification"
] |
public static long count(nitro_service service, String ciphergroupname) throws Exception{
sslcipher_individualcipher_binding obj = new sslcipher_individualcipher_binding();
options option = new options();
sslcipher_individualcipher_binding response[] = (sslcipher_individualcipher_binding[]) obj.get_resources(service,option);
if (response != null) {
return response[0].__count;
return 0;
} | [
"Use this API to count sslcipher_individualcipher_binding resources configued on NetScaler."
] | [
"Register an active operation with a specific operation id.\n\n@param id the operation id\n@param attachment the shared attachment\n@param callback the completed callback\n@return the created active operation\n\n@throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if an operation with the same id is already registered",
"Assigns retention policy with givenID to the enterprise.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created assignment.\n@param policyID id of the assigned retention policy.\n@return info about created assignment.",
"Clears the dest ColumnBuffer and inserts all entries in dest where the timestamp passes the\ntimestampTest.\n\n@param dest Destination ColumnBuffer\n@param timestampTest Test to determine which timestamps get added to dest",
"Returns the user records for all users in the specified workspace or\norganization.\n\n@param workspace The workspace in which to get users.\n@return Request object",
"Deletes this collaboration.",
"Deletes data associated with the given profile ID\n\n@param profileId ID of profile",
"Picks out a File from `thriftFiles` corresponding to a given artifact ID\nand file name. Returns null if `artifactId` and `fileName` do not map to a\nthrift file path.\n\n@parameter artifactId The artifact ID of which to look up the path\n@parameter fileName the name of the thrift file for which to extract a path\n@parameter thriftFiles The set of Thrift files in which to lookup the\nartifact ID.\n@return The path of the directory containing Thrift files for the given\nartifact ID. null if artifact ID not found.",
"Cause the container to be cleaned up, including all registered bean\nmanagers, and all deployment services",
"Use this API to fetch all the callhome resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public void append(float[] newValue) {
if ( (newValue.length % 2) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < (newValue.length/2); i++) {
value.add( new SFVec2f(newValue[i*2], newValue[i*2+1]) );
else {
Log.e(TAG, "X3D MFVec3f append set with array length not divisible by 2");
} | [
"Places a new value at the end of the existing value array, increasing the field length accordingly.\n@param newValue - the 2 floats making the new SFVec2f appended to the MFVec2f array list"
] | [
"Use this API to add sslcipher resources.",
"Read string from url generic.\n\n@param url\nthe url\n@return the string\n@throws IOException\nSignals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"Calculates the text height for the indicator value and sets its x-coordinate.",
"Given a list of store definitions return a set of store names\n\n@param storeDefList The list of store definitions\n@return Returns a set of store names",
"Determines if this value is the default value for the given field type.\n\n@param type field type\n@param value value\n@return true if the value is not default",
"Add a raw SQL \"GROUP BY\" clause to the SQL query statement. This should not include the \"GROUP BY\".",
"Sets object for statement at specific index, adhering to platform- and null-rules.\n@param stmt the statement\n@param index the current parameter index\n@param value the value to set\n@param sqlType the JDBC SQL-type of the value\n@throws SQLException on platform error",
"Checks if a given number is in the range of a float.\n\n@param number\na number which should be in the range of a float (positive or negative)\n\n@see java.lang.Float#MIN_VALUE\n@see java.lang.Float#MAX_VALUE\n\n@return number as a float",
"Sets the request type for this ID. Defaults to GET\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param requestType type of request to service"
] |
public double getAccruedInterest(LocalDate date, AnalyticModel model) {
int periodIndex=schedule.getPeriodIndex(date);
Period period=schedule.getPeriod(periodIndex);
DayCountConvention dcc= schedule.getDaycountconvention();
double accruedInterest=getCouponPayment(periodIndex,model)*(dcc.getDaycountFraction(period.getPeriodStart(), date))/schedule.getPeriodLength(periodIndex);
return accruedInterest;
} | [
"Returns the accrued interest of the bond for a given date.\n\n@param date The date of interest.\n@param model The model under which the product is valued.\n@return The accrued interest."
] | [
"Save map to file\n@param map Map to save\n@param file File to save\n@throws IOException I/O error",
"Returns the value of the identified field as a Long.\n@param fieldName the name of the field\n@return the value of the field as a Long\n@throws FqlException if the field cannot be expressed as an Long",
"This could be a self-extracting archive. If we understand the format, expand\nit and check the content for files we can read.\n\n@param stream schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Attempts to add classification to a file. If classification already exists then do update.\n\n@param classificationType the metadata classification type.\n@return the metadata classification type on the file.",
"Set the week of month.\n@param weekOfMonthStr the week of month to set.",
"Accessor method used to retrieve a Boolean object representing the\ncontents of an individual field. If the field does not exist in the\nrecord, null is returned.\n\n@param field the index number of the field to be retrieved\n@return the value of the required field",
"Convert this object to a json array.",
"Pass the activity you use the drawer in ;)\nThis is required if you want to set any values by resource\n\n@param activity\n@return",
"Convert from a DTO to an internal Spring bean definition.\n\n@param beanDefinitionDto The DTO object.\n@return Returns a Spring bean definition."
] |
protected AbstractBeanDeployer<E> deploySpecialized() {
// ensure that all decorators are initialized before initializing
// the rest of the beans
for (DecoratorImpl<?> bean : getEnvironment().getDecorators()) {
containerLifecycleEvents.fireProcessBean(getManager(), bean);
for (InterceptorImpl<?> bean : getEnvironment().getInterceptors()) {
containerLifecycleEvents.fireProcessBean(getManager(), bean);
return this;
} | [
"interceptors, decorators and observers go first"
] | [
"Gets the a singleton reference to the SPIProvider returned by the SPIProviderResolver\nretrieved using the default server integration classloader.\n\n@return this class instance",
"Copies entries in the source map to target map.\n\n@param source source map\n@param target target map",
"Record the checkout wait time in us\n\n@param dest Destination of the socket to checkout. Will actually record\nif null. Otherwise will call this on self and corresponding child\nwith this param null.\n@param checkoutTimeUs The number of us to wait before getting a socket",
"Throws an exception if at least one results directory is missing.",
"Samples with replacement from a collection\n\n@param c\nThe collection to be sampled from\n@param n\nThe number of samples to take\n@return a new collection with the sample",
"Converts to a link-local Ipv6 address. Any MAC prefix length is ignored. Other elements of this address section are incorporated into the conversion.\nThis will provide the latter 4 segments of an IPv6 address, to be paired with the link-local IPv6 prefix of 4 segments.\n\n@return",
"Cleans up the given group and adds it to the list of groups if still valid\n@param group\n@param groups",
"Sets a custom configuration attribute.\n@param attributeName the attribute name. Names starting with\n{@link #JDBC_PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX} will be used (without the prefix) by the\nConnectionFactory when creating connections from DriverManager\n(not used for external DataSource connections). Names starting with\n{@link #DBCP_PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX} to Commons DBCP (if used, also without prefix).\n@param attributeValue the attribute value",
"Remove a part of a CharSequence by replacing the first occurrence\nof target within self with '' and returns the result.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@param target an object representing the part to remove\n@return a String containing the original minus the part to be removed\n@see #minus(String, Object)\n@since 1.8.2"
] |
public String convertToReadableDate(Holiday holiday) {
DateTimeFormatter parser = ISODateTimeFormat.date();
if (holiday.isInDateForm()) {
String month = Integer.toString(holiday.getMonth()).length() < 2
? "0" + holiday.getMonth() : Integer.toString(holiday.getMonth());
String day = Integer.toString(holiday.getDayOfMonth()).length() < 2
? "0" + holiday.getDayOfMonth() : Integer.toString(holiday.getDayOfMonth());
return holiday.getYear() + "-" + month + "-" + day;
} else {
* 5 denotes the final occurrence of the day in the month. Need to find actual
* number of occurrences
if (holiday.getOccurrence() == 5) {
holiday.setOccurrence(numOccurrences(holiday.getYear(), holiday.getMonth(),
DateTime date = parser.parseDateTime(holiday.getYear() + "-"
+ holiday.getMonth() + "-" + "01");
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
int count = 0;
while (count < holiday.getOccurrence()) {
if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == holiday.getDayOfWeek()) {
if (count == holiday.getOccurrence()) {
date = date.plusDays(1);
return date.toString().substring(0, 10);
} | [
"Convert the holiday format from EquivalenceClassTransformer into a date format\n\n@param holiday the date\n@return a date String in the format yyyy-MM-dd"
] | [
"Creates a new block box from the given element with the given parent. No style is assigned to the resulting box.\n@param parent The parent box in the tree of boxes.\n@param n The element that this box belongs to.\n@param replaced When set to <code>true</code>, a replaced block box will be created. Otherwise, a normal non-replaced block will be created.\n@return The new block box.",
"Write flow id to message.\n\n@param message the message\n@param flowId the flow id",
"Create the voldemort key and value from the input Avro record by\nextracting the key and value and map it out for each of the responsible\nvoldemort nodes\n\n\nThe output value is the node_id & partition_id of the responsible node\nfollowed by serialized value",
"Find the scheme to use to connect to the service.\nUses java annotations first and if not found, uses kubernetes annotations on the service object.\n\n@param service\nThe target service.\n@param qualifiers\nThe set of qualifiers.\n\n@return Returns the resolved scheme of 'http' as a fallback.",
"Replaces the translations in an existing container with the translations for the provided locale.\n@param locale the locale for which translations should be loaded.\n@return <code>true</code> if replacing succeeded, <code>false</code> otherwise.",
"Returns an iterator over the items in this collection.\n@return an iterator over the items in this collection.",
"Generate JSON format as result of the scan.\n\n@since 1.2",
"Add a user by ID to the list of people to notify when the retention period is ending.\n@param userID The ID of the user to add to the list.",
"Handles Multi Channel Encapsulation message. Decapsulates\nan Application Command message and handles it using the right\nendpoint.\n@param serialMessage the serial message to process.\n@param offset the offset at which to start procesing."
] |
public void modified(ServiceReference<S> declarationBinderRef) throws InvalidFilterException {
} | [
"Update the BinderDescriptor of the declarationBinderRef.\n\n@param declarationBinderRef the ServiceReference<DeclarationBinder> of the DeclarationBinder"
] | [
"Use this API to add dnstxtrec.",
"Treats the object as iterable, iterating through the values it represents and returns the first non-null result obtained from calling the closure, otherwise returns the defaultResult.\n\n@param self an Object with an iterator returning its values\n@param defaultResult an Object that should be returned if all closure results are null\n@param closure a closure that returns a non-null value when processing should stop\n@return the first non-null result of the closure, otherwise the default value\n@since 1.7.5",
"Gets a document from the service.\n\n@param key\nunique key to reference the document\n@return the document or null if no such document",
"Converts a standard optimizer to one which the given amount of l1 or l2 regularization.",
"Promote a module in the Grapes server\n\n@param name\n@param version\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException",
"Use this API to fetch a tmglobal_tmsessionpolicy_binding resources.",
"Generates a change event for a local update of a document in the given namespace referring\nto the given document _id.\n\n@param namespace the namespace where the document was inserted.\n@param documentId the _id of the document that was updated.\n@param update the update specifier.\n@return a change event for a local update of a document in the given namespace referring\nto the given document _id.",
"Validates operations against their description providers\n\n@param operations The operations to validate\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if any operation is not valid",
"Gets the currency codes, or the regular expression to select codes.\n\n@return the query for chaining."
] |
public double getSpread(double bondPrice, Curve referenceCurve, AnalyticModel model) {
GoldenSectionSearch search = new GoldenSectionSearch(-2.0, 2.0);
while(search.getAccuracy() > 1E-11 && !search.isDone()) {
double x = search.getNextPoint();
double fx=getValueWithGivenSpreadOverCurve(0.0,referenceCurve,x,model);
double y = (bondPrice-fx)*(bondPrice-fx);
return search.getBestPoint();
} | [
"Returns the spread value such that the sum of cash flows of the bond discounted with a given reference curve\nwith the additional spread coincides with a given price.\n\n@param bondPrice The target price as double.\n@param referenceCurve The reference curve used for discounting the coupon payments.\n@param model The model under which the product is valued.\n@return The optimal spread value."
] | [
"Resolve the given string using any plugin and the DMR resolve method",
"Change contrast of the image\n\n@param contrast default is 0, pos values increase contrast, neg. values decrease contrast",
"Places a disabled marker file in the directory of the specified version.\n\n@param version to disable\n@throws PersistenceFailureException if the marker file could not be created (can happen if\nthe storage system has become read-only or is otherwise\ninaccessible).",
"Use this API to fetch wisite_accessmethod_binding resources of given name .",
"Create a random permutation of the numbers 0, ..., size - 1.\n\nsee Algorithm P, D.E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2, p. 145",
"Use this API to fetch cacheselector resources of given names .",
"Sets all padding to the same value.\n@param padding new padding for top, bottom, left, and right, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"rollback the transaction",
"Instantiate Service Locator client. After successful instantiation\nestablish a connection to the Service Locator server. This method will be\ncalled if property locatorClient is null. For this purpose was defined\nadditional properties to instantiate ServiceLocatorImpl.\n\n@throws InterruptedException\n@throws ServiceLocatorException"
] |
public static final String printBookingType(BookingType value)
return (Integer.toString(value == null ? BookingType.COMMITTED.getValue() : value.getValue()));
} | [
"Print a booking type.\n\n@param value BookingType instance\n@return booking type value"
] | [
"Gets the global and adds it ot the BatchExecutionresults using the alternative outIdentifier.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier of the global\n@param outIdentifier\nThe identifier used in the ExecutionResults to store the global.\n@return",
"Called to update the cached formats when something changes.",
"Deregister shutdown hook and execute it immediately",
"If needed declares and sets up internal data structures.\n\n@param A Matrix being decomposed.",
"Removes an audio source from the audio manager.\n@param audioSource audio source to remove",
"Returns all the persistent id generators which potentially require the creation of an object in the schema.",
"Returns the negative of the input variable",
"Clean wait task queue.",
"Facade method for operating the Telnet Shell supporting line editing and command\nhistory over a socket.\n\n@param prompt Prompt to be displayed\n@param appName The app name string\n@param mainHandler Main command handler\n@param input Input stream.\n@param output Output stream.\n@return Shell that can be either further customized or run directly by calling commandLoop()."
] |
public Map<String, String> resolve(Map<String, String> config) {
config = resolveSystemEnvironmentVariables(config);
config = resolveSystemDefaultSetup(config);
config = resolveDockerInsideDocker(config);
config = resolveDownloadDockerMachine(config);
config = resolveAutoStartDockerMachine(config);
config = resolveDefaultDockerMachine(config);
config = resolveServerUriByOperativeSystem(config);
config = resolveServerIp(config);
config = resolveTlsVerification(config);
return config;
} | [
"Resolves the configuration.\n\n@param config The specified configuration.\n@return The resolved configuration."
] | [
"Creates an attachment from a given array of bytes.\nThe bytes will be Base64 encoded.\n@throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if mediaType is not binary",
"Use this API to fetch nd6ravariables resources of given names .",
"Drops a driver from the DriverManager's list.",
"Resets all override settings for the clientUUID and disables it\n\n@param profileId profile ID of the client\n@param clientUUID UUID of the client\n@throws Exception exception",
"Ensures that the specified fields are present in the given class.\n\n@param classDef The class to copy the fields into\n@param fields The fields to copy\n@throws ConstraintException If there is a conflict between the new fields and fields in the class",
"Obtains a British Cutover zoned date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the British Cutover zoned date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Retrieve table data, return an empty result set if no table data is present.\n\n@param name table name\n@return table data",
"legacy helper for setting background",
"List the photos with the most views, comments or favorites.\n\n@param date\n(Optional) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day. If no date is provided, all time view counts will be returned.\n@param sort\n(Optional) The order in which to sort returned photos. Defaults to views. The possible values are views, comments and favorites. Other sort\noptions are available through flickr.photos.search.\n@param perPage\n(Optional) Number of referrers to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.\n@param page\n(Optional) The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.\n@throws FlickrException\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getPopularPhotos.html\""
] |
public boolean classifySentenceStdin(DocumentReaderAndWriter<IN> readerWriter)
throws IOException
BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in, flags.inputEncoding));
String line;
String text = "";
String eol = "\n";
String sentence = "<s>";
while ((line = is.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.trim().equals("")) {
text += sentence + eol;
ObjectBank<List<IN>> documents = makeObjectBankFromString(text, readerWriter);
classifyAndWriteAnswers(documents, readerWriter);
text = "";
} else {
text += line + eol;
if (text.trim().equals("")) {
return false;
return true;
} | [
"Classify stdin by senteces seperated by blank line\n@param readerWriter\n@return\n@throws IOException"
] | [
"Returns the compact task records for all tasks within the given project,\nordered by their priority within the project.\n\n@param projectId The project in which to search for tasks.\n@return Request object",
"create a broker with given broker info\n\n@param id broker id\n@param brokerInfoString broker info format: <b>creatorId:host:port:autocreated</b>\n@return broker instance with connection config\n@see #getZKString()",
"Find the collision against a specific collider in a list of collisions.\n@param pickList collision list\n@param findme collider to find\n@return collision with the specified collider, null if not found",
"EAP 7.1",
"Select the default currency properties from the database.\n\n@param currencyID default currency ID",
"Makes object obj persistent in the underlying persistence system.\nE.G. by INSERT INTO ... or UPDATE ... in an RDBMS.\nThe ObjectModification parameter can be used to determine whether INSERT or update is to be used.\nThis functionality is typically called from transaction managers, that\ntrack which objects have to be stored. If the object is an unmaterialized\nproxy the method return immediately.",
"Retrieve the default number of minutes per year.\n\n@return minutes per year",
"Prints dependencies recovered from the methods of a class. A\ndependency is inferred only if another relation between the two\nclasses is not already in the graph.\n@param classes",
"Renames this file.\n\n@param newName the new name of the file."
] |
private void setup(DMatrixRBlock orig) {
blockLength = orig.blockLength;
dataW.blockLength = blockLength;
dataWTA.blockLength = blockLength;
this.dataA = orig;
A.original = dataA;
int l = Math.min(blockLength,orig.numCols);
Y.original = orig;
Y.row1 = W.row1 = orig.numRows;
if( temp.length < blockLength )
temp = new double[blockLength];
if( gammas.length < orig.numCols )
gammas = new double[ orig.numCols ];
if( saveW ) {
} | [
"Adjust submatrices and helper data structures for the input matrix. Must be called\nbefore the decomposition can be computed.\n\n@param orig"
] | [
"Adds a new Matrix variable. If one already has the same name it is written over.\n\nWhile more verbose for multiple variables, this function doesn't require new memory be declared\neach time it's called.\n\n@param variable Matrix which is to be assigned to name\n@param name The name of the variable",
"Get the first controller of a specified type\n@param type controller type to search for\n@return controller found or null if no controllers of the given type",
"Reads a line from the input stream, where a line is terminated by \\r, \\n, or \\r\\n\n@param trim whether to trim trailing \\r and \\ns",
"Checks whether the given class maps to a different table but also has the given collection.\n\n@param origCollDef The original collection to search for\n@param origTableDef The original table\n@param classDef The class descriptor to test\n@return <code>true</code> if the class maps to a different table and has the collection",
"Converts an integer into a time format.\n\n@param format integer format value\n@return TimeUnit instance",
"Validates aliases.\n\n@param uuid The structure id for which the aliases should be valid\n@param aliasPaths a map from id strings to alias paths\n@param callback the callback which should be called with the validation results",
"Fetch flag resource by Country\n\n@param country Country\n@return int of resource | 0 value if not exists",
"build the Join-Information for Subclasses having a super reference to this class\n\n@param left\n@param cld\n@param name",
"Parses an RgbaColor from an rgb value.\n\n@return the parsed color"
] |
private synchronized Constructor getIndirectionHandlerConstructor()
if(_indirectionHandlerConstructor == null)
Class[] paramType = {PBKey.class, Identity.class};
_indirectionHandlerConstructor = getIndirectionHandlerClass().getConstructor(paramType);
catch(NoSuchMethodException ex)
throw new MetadataException("The class "
+ _indirectionHandlerClass.getName()
+ " specified for IndirectionHandlerClass"
+ " is required to have a public constructor with signature ("
+ PBKey.class.getName()
+ ", "
+ Identity.class.getName()
+ ").");
return _indirectionHandlerConstructor;
} | [
"Returns the constructor of the indirection handler class.\n\n@return The constructor for indirection handlers"
] | [
"Set to array.\n@param injectionProviders\nset of providers\n@return array of providers",
"Pause between cluster change in metadata and starting server rebalancing\nwork.",
"Write a Byte Order Mark at the beginning of the file\n\n@param stream the FileOutputStream to write the BOM to\n@param bigEndian true if UTF 16 Big Endian or false if Low Endian\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 1.0",
"Send an announcement packet so the other devices see us as being part of the DJ Link network and send us\nupdates.",
"Set new point coordinates somewhere on screen and apply new direction\n\n@param position the point position to apply new values to",
"Sets the size of a UIObject",
"Creates a new ServerDetails object for deployer, this will take URL and name from the oldDeployer ServerDetails",
"Use this API to rename a gslbservice resource.",
"set the Modification state to a new value. Used during state transitions.\n@param newModificationState org.apache.ojb.server.states.ModificationState"
] |
public static int cudnnRestoreDropoutDescriptor(
cudnnDropoutDescriptor dropoutDesc,
cudnnHandle handle,
float dropout,
Pointer states,
long stateSizeInBytes,
long seed)
return checkResult(cudnnRestoreDropoutDescriptorNative(dropoutDesc, handle, dropout, states, stateSizeInBytes, seed));
} | [
"Restores the dropout descriptor to a previously saved-off state"
] | [
"An extremely simple method for identifying multimedia. This\ncould be improved, but it's good enough for this example.\n\n@param file which could be an image or a video\n@return true if the file can be previewed, false otherwise",
"Here we start a intern odmg-Transaction to hide transaction demarcation\nThis method could be invoked several times within a transaction, but only\nthe first call begin a intern odmg transaction",
"Split a module Id to get the module version\n@param moduleId\n@return String",
"Returns a reference definition of the given name if it exists.\n\n@param name The name of the reference\n@return The reference def or <code>null</code> if there is no such reference",
"we only use the registrationList map if the object is not a proxy. During the\nreference locking, we will materialize objects and they will enter the registered for\nlock map.",
"Invoke an operation on an MBean by name.\nNote that only basic data types are supported for parameter values.\n@param operationName the operation name (can be URL-encoded).\n@param parameterMap the {@link Map} of parameter names and value arrays.\n@return the returned value from the operation.\n@throws JMException Java Management Exception\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported.",
"Append Join for non SQL92 Syntax",
"Adds OPT_N | OPT_NODE option to OptionParser, with multiple arguments.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional",
"Write the domain controller data to an S3 file.\n\n@param data the domain controller data\n@param domainName the name of the directory in the bucket to write the S3 file to\n@throws IOException"
] |
private void notifyIfStopped() {
if (isAcceptingNewJobs() || !this.runningTasksFutures.isEmpty()) {
final File stoppedFile = new File(this.workingDirectories.getWorking(), "stopped");
try {
LOGGER.info("The print has finished processing jobs and can now stop");
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Cannot create the {} file", stoppedFile, e);
} | [
"Add a file to notify the script that asked to stop the print that it is now done processing the remain\njobs."
] | [
"Retrieves a vertex attribute as an integer array.\nThe attribute name must be one of the\nattributes named in the descriptor passed to the constructor.\n@param attributeName name of the attribute to update\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if attribute name not in descriptor vertex attribute is not <i>int</i>\n@see #setIntVec(String, IntBuffer)\n@see #getIntArray(String)",
"Reads a line from the input stream, where a line is terminated by \\r, \\n, or \\r\\n\n@param trim whether to trim trailing \\r and \\ns",
"Attaches a pre-existing set of hours to the correct\nday within the calendar.\n\n@param hours calendar hours instance",
"Used to locate the first timephased resource assignment block which\nintersects with the target date range.\n\n@param <T> payload type\n@param range target date range\n@param assignments timephased resource assignments\n@param startIndex index at which to start the search\n@return index of timephased resource assignment which intersects with the target date range",
"In Gerrit < 2.12 the XSRF token was included in the start page HTML.",
"Inserts a marshalled endpoint reference to a given DOM tree rooted by parent.\n@param wsAddr\n@param parent\n@throws ServiceLocatorException",
"Sets the maximum time to wait before a call to getConnection is timed out.\n\nSetting this to zero is similar to setting it to Long.MAX_VALUE\n\n@param connectionTimeout\n@param timeUnit the unit of the connectionTimeout argument",
"Use this API to enable the feature on Netscaler.\n@param feature feature to be enabled.\n@return status of the operation performed.\n@throws Exception Nitro exception.",
"Send a metadata cache update announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param slot the media slot whose cache status has changed\n@param cache the cache which has been attached, or, if {@code null}, the previous cache has been detached"
] |
private void readUnread(CommitData cd, Consumer<Entry<Key, Value>> locksSeen) {
// TODO make async
// TODO need to keep track of ranges read (not ranges passed in, but actual data read... user
// may not iterate over entire range
Map<Bytes, Set<Column>> columnsToRead = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<Bytes, Set<Column>> entry : cd.getRejected().entrySet()) {
Set<Column> rowColsRead = columnsRead.get(entry.getKey());
if (rowColsRead == null) {
columnsToRead.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else {
HashSet<Column> colsToRead = new HashSet<>(entry.getValue());
if (!colsToRead.isEmpty()) {
columnsToRead.put(entry.getKey(), colsToRead);
for (Entry<Bytes, Set<Column>> entry : columnsToRead.entrySet()) {
getImpl(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), locksSeen);
} | [
"This function helps handle the following case\n\n<OL>\n<LI>TX1 locls r1 col1\n<LI>TX1 fails before unlocking\n<LI>TX2 attempts to write r1:col1 w/o reading it\n</OL>\n\n<p>\nIn this case TX2 would not roll back TX1, because it never read the column. This function\nattempts to handle this case if TX2 fails. Only doing this in case of failures is cheaper than\ntrying to always read unread columns.\n\n@param cd Commit data"
] | [
"Returns the value of a property of the current object on the specified level.\n\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@return The property value\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\"\[email protected] name=\"level\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The level for the current object\"\nvalues=\"class,field,reference,collection\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The name of the property\"\[email protected] name=\"default\" optional=\"true\" description=\"A default value to use if the property\nis not defined\"",
"Look for a child view with the given id. If this view has the given\nid, return this view.\n\n@param id The id to search for.\n@return The view that has the given id in the hierarchy or null",
"Returns the difference of sets s1 and s2.",
"Filter that's either negated or normal as specified.",
"Creates a combined list of Entries using the provided mapping file, and sorts them by\nfirst by priority, then the number of tokens in the regex.\n\n@param mapping The path to a file of mappings\n@return a sorted list of Entries",
"Drop down selected view\n\n@param position position of selected item\n@param convertView View of selected item\n@param parent parent of selected view\n@return convertView",
"Generate a map file from a jar file.\n\n@param jarFile jar file\n@param mapFileName map file name\n@param mapClassMethods true if we want to produce .Net style class method names\n@throws XMLStreamException\n@throws IOException\n@throws ClassNotFoundException\n@throws IntrospectionException",
"build a complete set of local files, files from referenced projects, and dependencies.",
"We have received notification that a device is no longer on the network, so clear out all its waveforms.\n\n@param announcement the packet which reported the device’s disappearance"
] |
protected void notifyBufferChange(char[] newData, int numChars) {
synchronized(bufferChangeLoggers) {
Iterator<BufferChangeLogger> iterator = bufferChangeLoggers.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
iterator.next().bufferChanged(newData, numChars);
} | [
"Notifies all registered BufferChangeLogger instances of a change.\n\n@param newData the buffer that contains the new data being added\n@param numChars the number of valid characters in the buffer"
] | [
"Creates new row in table\n@param broker\n@param field\n@param sequenceName\n@param maxKey\n@throws Exception",
"Use this API to delete route6 resources.",
"The full path of a jrxml file, or the path in the classpath of a jrxml\nresource.\n\n@param path\n@return",
"Extracts the zip file to the output folder\n\n@param zipFile ZIP File to extract\n@param outputFolder Output Folder\n@return A Collection with the extracted files\n@throws IOException I/O Error",
"Adds all items from the iterable to the Collection.\n\n@param self the collection\n@param items the items to add\n@return true if the collection changed",
"Update a feature object in the Hibernate session.\n\n@param feature feature object\n@throws LayerException oops",
"Samples without replacement from a collection.\n\n@param c\nThe collection to be sampled from\n@param n\nThe number of samples to take\n@return a new collection with the sample",
"Determines if a token stream contains only numeric tokens\n@param stream\n@return true if all tokens in the given stream can be parsed as an integer",
"Fetch the outermost Hashmap as a TwoDHashMap.\n\n@param firstKey\nfirst key\n@return the the innermost hashmap"
] |
private void registerInterceptor(Node source,
String beanName,
BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
List<String> methodList = buildMethodList(source);
BeanDefinitionBuilder initializer =
initializer.addPropertyValue("methods", methodList);
String perfMonitorName = beanName + "PerformanceMonitor";
initializer.addPropertyReference("serviceWrapper", perfMonitorName);
String interceptorName = beanName + "PerformanceMonitorInterceptor";
registry.registerBeanDefinition(interceptorName, initializer.getBeanDefinition());
} | [
"Register a new SingleServiceWrapperInterceptor for the bean being\nwrapped, associate it with the PerformanceMonitor and tell it which methods\nto intercept.\n\n@param source An Attribute node from the spring configuration\n@param beanName The name of the bean that this performance monitor is wrapped around\n@param registry The registry where all the spring beans are registered"
] | [
"The Baseline Duration field shows the original span of time planned\nto complete a task.\n\n@return - duration string",
"return a new managed connection. This connection is wrapped around the real connection and delegates to it\nto get work done.\n@param subject\n@param info\n@return",
"Produce an iterator over the input values in sorted order. Sorting will\noccur in the fixed space configured in the constructor, data will be\ndumped to disk as necessary.\n\n@param input An iterator over the input values\n@return An iterator over the values",
"Calling EventProducerInterceptor in case of logging faults.\n\n@param exchange\nthe message exchange\n@param reqFid\nthe FlowId\n\n@throws Fault\nthe fault",
"Returns the effective batch size. If the dialect is multiget capable and a batch size has been configured, use\nthat one, otherwise the default.",
"Resolves a path relative to the base path.\n\n@param base the base path\n@param paths paths relative to the base directory\n\n@return the resolved path",
"Initialize an instance of Widget Lib. It has to be done before any usage of library.\nThe application needs to hold onto the returned WidgetLib reference for as long as the\nlibrary is going to be used.\n@param gvrContext A valid {@link GVRContext} instance\n@param customPropertiesAsset An optional asset JSON file containing custom and overridden\nproperties for the application\n@return Instance of Widget library\n@throws InterruptedException\n@throws JSONException\n@throws NoSuchMethodException",
"We need to make sure the terms are of the right type, otherwise they will not be serialized correctly.",
"Generates a unique signature for an annotated type. Members without\nannotations are omitted to reduce the length of the signature\n\n@param <X>\n@param annotatedType\n@return hash of a signature for a concrete annotated type"
] |
private void readFieldAlias(Project.ExtendedAttributes.ExtendedAttribute attribute)
String alias = attribute.getAlias();
if (alias != null && alias.length() != 0)
FieldType field = FieldTypeHelper.getInstance(Integer.parseInt(attribute.getFieldID()));
} | [
"Read a single field alias from an extended attribute.\n\n@param attribute extended attribute"
] | [
"This method lists any notes attached to resources.\n\n@param file MPX file",
"Ignore some element from the AST\n\n@param element\n@return",
"Writes resource baseline data.\n\n@param xmlResource MSPDI resource\n@param mpxjResource MPXJ resource",
"Create a temporary directory with the same attributes as its parent directory.\n@param dir\nthe path to directory in which to create the directory\n@param prefix\nthe prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name;\nmay be {@code null}\n@return the path to the newly created directory that did not exist before\nthis method was invoked\n@throws IOException",
"Validates a favorite entry.\n\n<p>If the favorite entry references a resource or project that can't be read, this will return false.\n\n@param entry the favorite entry\n@return the",
"checking availability of ClassInfo.setFlags method is just workaround for JANDEX-37",
"mark a node as blacklisted\n\n@param nodeId Integer node id of the node to be blacklisted",
"Creates a general purpose solver. Use this if you are not sure what you need.\n\n@param numRows The number of rows that the decomposition is optimized for.\n@param numCols The number of columns that the decomposition is optimized for.",
"Creates a curator built using Fluo's zookeeper connection string. Root path will start at Fluo\nchroot."
] |
public ItemRequest<Task> dependents(String task) {
String path = String.format("/tasks/%s/dependents", task);
return new ItemRequest<Task>(this, Task.class, path, "GET");
} | [
"Returns the compact representations of all of the dependents of a task.\n\n@param task The task to get dependents on.\n@return Request object"
] | [
"Upload a photo from a byte-array.\n\n@param data\nThe photo data as a byte array\n@param metaData\nThe meta data\n@return photoId or ticketId\n@throws FlickrException",
"Return a list of the top 100 unique places clustered by a given placetype for a user.\n\n@param placeType\nUse Type-constants at {@link Place}\n@param woeId\nA Where On Earth (WOE) ID. Optional, can be null.\n@param placeId\nA Flickr Places ID. Optional, can be null.\n@param threshold\nThe minimum number of photos that a place type must have to be included. If the number of photos is lowered then the parent place type for\nthat place will be used. Optional, can be null.\n@param minUploadDate\nOptional, can be null.\n@param maxUploadDate\nOptional, can be null.\n@param minTakenDate\nOptional, can be null.\n@param maxTakenDate\nOptional, can be null.\n@return A PlacesList\n@throws FlickrException",
"Pops the top of the stack of active elements if the current position in the call stack corresponds to the one\nthat pushed the active elements.\n\n<p>This method does not do any type checks, so take care to retrieve the elements with the same types used to push\nto them onto the stack.\n\n@param <T> the type of the elements\n\n@return the active elements or null if the current call stack did not push any active elements onto the stack",
"Restore the recorded state from the rollback xml.\n\n@param target the patchable target\n@param rollbackPatchId the rollback patch id\n@param patchType the the current patch type\n@param history the recorded history\n@throws PatchingException",
"Should the URI be cached?\n\n@param requestUri request URI\n@return true when caching is needed",
"Use this API to delete cacheselector resources of given names.",
"Adds a patch operation.\n@param op the operation type. Must be add, replace, remove, or test.\n@param path the path that designates the key. Must be prefixed with a \"/\".\n@param value the value to be set.",
"Given a filesystem, path and buffer-size, read the file contents and\npresents it as a string\n\n@param fs Underlying filesystem\n@param path The file to read\n@param bufferSize The buffer size to use for reading\n@return The contents of the file as a string\n@throws IOException",
"Returns this bar code's pattern, converted into a set of corresponding codewords.\nUseful for bar codes that encode their content as a pattern.\n\n@param size the number of digits in each codeword\n@return this bar code's pattern, converted into a set of corresponding codewords"
] |
public void setFileProtocols(String fileProtocols) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileProtocols)) {
this.fileProtocols = TextParseUtil.commaDelimitedStringToSet(fileProtocols);
} | [
"File URLs whose protocol are in these list will be processed as jars\ncontaining classes\n\n@param fileProtocols\nComma separated list of file protocols that will be considered\nas jar files and scanned"
] | [
"Adds a module to the modules that should be exported.\nIf called at least once, the explicitly added modules will be exported\ninstead of the default modules.\n\n@param moduleName the name of the module to export.",
"Generates the Base64 encoded SHA-1 hash for content available in the stream.\nIt can be used to calculate the hash of a file.\n@param stream the input stream of the file or data.\n@return the Base64 encoded hash string.",
"Initializes a type\n\n@param name The name of the class\n@return The instance of the class. Returns a dummy if the class was not\nfound.",
"Make a copy of JobContext of current thread\n@return the copy of current job context or an empty job context",
"Acquire a permit for a particular node id so as to allow rebalancing\n\n@param nodeId The id of the node for which we are acquiring a permit\n@return Returns true if permit acquired, false if the permit is already\nheld by someone",
"Set the start time.\n@param date the start time to set.",
"Obtains a local date in Symmetry454 calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Symmetry454 era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Symmetry454 local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code IsoEra}",
"Extract a duration amount from the assignment, converting a percentage\ninto an actual duration.\n\n@param task parent task\n@param work duration from assignment\n@return Duration instance",
"Adds position noise to the trajectories\n@param t\n@param sd\n@return trajectory with position noise"
] |
public static int cudnnConvolutionBackwardBias(
cudnnHandle handle,
Pointer alpha,
cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc,
Pointer dy,
Pointer beta,
cudnnTensorDescriptor dbDesc,
Pointer db)
return checkResult(cudnnConvolutionBackwardBiasNative(handle, alpha, dyDesc, dy, beta, dbDesc, db));
} | [
"Function to compute the bias gradient for batch convolution"
] | [
"Process the hours and exceptions for an individual calendar.\n\n@param calendar project calendar\n@param calendarData hours and exception rows for this calendar",
"Write exceptions in the format used by MSPDI files prior to Project 2007.\n\n@param dayList list of calendar days\n@param exceptions list of exceptions",
"Remove a misc file.\n\n@param name the file name\n@param path the relative path\n@param existingHash the existing hash\n@param isDirectory whether the file is a directory or not\n@return the builder",
"Specifies the list of enrichers that will be used to enrich the container object.\n\n@param enrichers\nlist of enrichers that will be used to enrich the container object\n\n@return the current builder instance",
"LV morphology helper functions",
"Possibly coalesces the newest change event to match the user's original intent. For example,\nan unsynchronized insert and update is still an insert.\n\n@param lastUncommittedChangeEvent the last change event known about for a document.\n@param newestChangeEvent the newest change event known about for a document.\n@return the possibly coalesced change event.",
"Make this item active.",
"checkpoint the transaction",
"Zeros an inner rectangle inside the matrix.\n\n@param A Matrix that is to be modified.\n@param row0 Start row.\n@param row1 Stop row+1.\n@param col0 Start column.\n@param col1 Stop column+1."
] |
private boolean applyRemoteDomainModel(final List<ModelNode> bootOperations, final HostInfo hostInfo) {
try {
HostControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Applying domain level boot operations provided by master");
SyncModelParameters parameters =
new SyncModelParameters(domainController, ignoredDomainResourceRegistry,
hostControllerEnvironment, extensionRegistry, operationExecutor, true, serverProxies, remoteFileRepository, contentRepository);
final SyncDomainModelOperationHandler handler =
new SyncDomainModelOperationHandler(hostInfo, parameters);
final ModelNode operation = APPLY_DOMAIN_MODEL.clone();
final ModelNode result = operationExecutor.execute(OperationBuilder.create(operation).build(), OperationMessageHandler.DISCARD, ModelController.OperationTransactionControl.COMMIT, handler);
final String outcome = result.get(OUTCOME).asString();
final boolean success = SUCCESS.equals(outcome);
// check if anything we synced triggered reload-required or restart-required.
// if they did we log a warning on the synced slave.
if (result.has(RESPONSE_HEADERS)) {
final ModelNode headers = result.get(RESPONSE_HEADERS);
if (headers.hasDefined(OPERATION_REQUIRES_RELOAD) && headers.get(OPERATION_REQUIRES_RELOAD).asBoolean()) {
if (headers.hasDefined(OPERATION_REQUIRES_RESTART) && headers.get(OPERATION_REQUIRES_RESTART).asBoolean()) {
if (!success) {
ModelNode failureDesc = result.hasDefined(FAILURE_DESCRIPTION) ? result.get(FAILURE_DESCRIPTION) : new ModelNode();
HostControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.failedToApplyDomainConfig(outcome, failureDesc);
return false;
} else {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
} | [
"Apply the remote domain model to the local host controller.\n\n@param bootOperations the result of the remote read-domain-model op\n@return {@code true} if the model was applied successfully, {@code false} otherwise"
] | [
"Parse a string.\n\n@param value string representation\n@return String value",
"Attaches a pre-existing set of hours to the correct\nday within the calendar.\n\n@param hours calendar hours instance",
"Use this API to unset the properties of snmpalarm resources.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Get the OAuth request token - this is step one of authorization.\n\n@param callbackUrl\noptional callback URL - required for web auth flow, will be set to \"oob\" if not specified.\n@return the {@link OAuth1RequestToken}, store this for when the user returns from the Flickr website.",
"Writes long strings to output stream as several chunks.\n\n@param stream stream to write to.\n@param str string to be written.\n@throws IOException if something went wrong",
"Creates a real agent in the platform\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name that the agent is gonna have in the platform\n@param path\nThe path of the description (xml) of the agent",
"Fires the event and waits for a specified time.\n\n@param webElement the element to fire event on.\n@param eventable The HTML event type (onclick, onmouseover, ...).\n@return true if firing event is successful.\n@throws InterruptedException when interrupted during the wait.",
"Prints dependencies recovered from the methods of a class. A\ndependency is inferred only if another relation between the two\nclasses is not already in the graph.\n@param classes",
"Returns the classpath for executable jar."
] |
public ResourceIterator<Node> findEntities(GraphDatabaseService executionEngine) {
Result result = executionEngine.execute( getFindEntitiesQuery() );
return result.columnAs( BaseNeo4jEntityQueries.ENTITY_ALIAS );
} | [
"Find all the node representing the entity.\n\n@param executionEngine the {@link GraphDatabaseService} used to run the query\n@return an iterator over the nodes representing an entity"
] | [
"Use this API to delete nsip6 resources of given names.",
"Counts a single page of the specified gender. If this is the first page\nof that gender on this site, a suitable key is added to the list of the\nsite's genders.\n\n@param gender\nthe gender to count\n@param siteRecord\nthe site record to count it for",
"Initializes the fields on the changes file with the values of the specified\nbinary package control file.\n\n@param packageControlFile",
"Returns width and height that allow the given source width, height to fit inside the target width, height\nwithout losing aspect ratio",
"Performs a HTTP GET request.\n\n@return Class type of object T (i.e. {@link Response}",
"Use this API to update gslbsite resources.",
"Convenience method to allow a cause. Grrrr.",
"Add calendars to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param file calendar container",
"Executes a query using the given parameters. The query results will be added to the\nExecutionResults using the given identifier.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier to be used for the results when added to the ExecutionResults\n@param name\nThe name of the query to execute\n@param arguments\nThe arguments to be used for the query parameters\n@return"
] |
public void viewDocument(DocumentEntry entry)
InputStream is = null;
is = new DocumentInputStream(entry);
byte[] data = new byte[is.available()];
catch (IOException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} | [
"Command to select a document from the POIFS for viewing.\n\n@param entry document to view"
] | [
"why isn't this functionality in enum?",
"Gets the site label for the entry.\n\n@param cms the current CMS context\n@param entry the entry\n@return the site label for the entry",
"Create content assist proposals and pass them to the given acceptor.",
"Sort and order steps to avoid unwanted generation",
"Remove duplicate Strings from the given array. Also sorts the array, as\nit uses a TreeSet.\n\n@param array the String array\n@return an array without duplicates, in natural sort order",
"Decide which donor node to steal from. This is a policy implementation.\nI.e., in the future, additional policies could be considered. At that\ntime, this method should be overridden in a sub-class, or a policy object\nought to implement this algorithm.\n\nCurrent policy:\n\n1) If possible, a stealer node that is the zone n-ary in the finalCluster\nsteals from the zone n-ary in the currentCluster in the same zone.\n\n2) If there are no partition-stores to steal in the same zone (i.e., this\nis the \"zone expansion\" use case), then a differnt policy must be used.\nThe stealer node that is the zone n-ary in the finalCluster determines\nwhich pre-existing zone in the currentCluster hosts the primary partition\nid for the partition-store. The stealer then steals the zone n-ary from\nthat pre-existing zone.\n\nThis policy avoids unnecessary cross-zone moves and distributes the load\nof cross-zone moves approximately-uniformly across pre-existing zones.\n\nOther policies to consider:\n\n- For zone expansion, steal all partition-stores from one specific\npre-existing zone.\n\n- Replace heuristic to approximately uniformly distribute load among\nexisting zones to something more concrete (i.e. track steals from each\npre-existing zone and forcibly balance them).\n\n- Select a single donor for all replicas in a new zone. This will require\ndonor-based rebalancing to be run (at least for this specific part of the\nplan). This would reduce the number of donor-side scans of data. (But\nstill send replication factor copies over the WAN.) This would require\napparatus in the RebalanceController to work.\n\n- Set up some sort of chain-replication in which a single stealer in the\nnew zone steals some replica from a pre-exising zone, and then other\nn-aries in the new zone steal from the single cross-zone stealer in the\nzone. This would require apparatus in the RebalanceController to work.\n\n@param currentSRP\n@param finalSRP\n@param stealerZoneId\n@param stealerNodeId\n@param stealerPartitionId\n@return the node id of the donor for this partition Id.",
"Use this API to update snmpmanager.",
"Return a list of 'Files' of downloaded or uploaded files. Filters build files without local and remote paths.\n\n@param buildFilesStream - Stream of build Artifacts or Dependencies.\n@return - List of build files.",
"from IsoFields in ThreeTen-Backport"
] |
public static systementitydata[] get(nitro_service service, systementitydata_args args) throws Exception{
systementitydata obj = new systementitydata();
options option = new options();
systementitydata[] response = (systementitydata[])obj.get_resources(service, option);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the systementitydata resources that are configured on netscaler.\nThis uses systementitydata_args which is a way to provide additional arguments while fetching the resources."
] | [
"Notifies all listeners that the data is about to be loaded.",
"handles when a member leaves and hazelcast partition data is lost. We want\nto find the Futures that are waiting on lost data and error them",
"This method is called to format a percentage value.\n\n@param value numeric value\n@return percentage value",
"Returns the arguments as a list in their command line form.\n\n@return the arguments for the command line",
"Returns a list of the compact representation of all of the custom fields in a workspace.\n\n@param workspace The workspace or organization to find custom field definitions in.\n@return Request object",
"Shut down the input manager.\n\nAfter this call, GearVRf will not be able to access IO devices.",
"Set the url for the shape file.\n\n@param url shape file url\n@throws LayerException file cannot be accessed\n@since 1.7.1",
"Converts an image in RGB mode to BINARY mode\n\n@param img image\n@param threshold grays cale threshold\n@return new MarvinImage instance in BINARY mode",
"Retrieve a table of data.\n\n@param type table type\n@return FastTrackTable instance"
] |
public Set<Tag> getAncestorTags(Tag tag)
Set<Tag> ancestors = new HashSet<>();
getAncestorTags(tag, ancestors);
return ancestors;
} | [
"Returns all tags that designate this tag. E.g., for \"tesla-model3\", this would return \"car\", \"vehicle\", \"vendor-tesla\" etc."
] | [
"Calculates the squared curvature of the LIBOR instantaneous variance.\n\n@param evaluationTime Time at which the product is evaluated.\n@param model A model implementing the LIBORModelMonteCarloSimulationModel\n@return The squared curvature of the LIBOR instantaneous variance (reduced a possible tolerance). The return value is ≥ 0.",
"Send post request.\n\n@param url the url\n@param customHeaders the customHeaders\n@param params the params\n@return the string\n@throws IOException the io exception",
"Map the Primavera UDF to a custom field.\n\n@param fieldType parent object type\n@param dataType UDF data type\n@param name UDF name\n@return FieldType instance",
"Acquires a read lock on a specific key.\n@param key The key to lock\n@param timeout in milliseconds; -1 means wait indefinitely, 0 means no wait.",
"Tells you if the expression is the false expression, either literal or constant.\n@param expression\nexpression\n@return\nas described",
"Store the char in the internal buffer",
"Looks up and returns the value of the given key in the properties file of\nthe currently-selected theme.\n\n@param code Key to look up in the theme properties file.\n@return The value of the code in the current theme properties file, or an\nempty string if the code could not be resolved.",
"Writes this IIMFile to writer.\n\n@param writer\nwriter to write to\n@throws IOException\nif file can't be written to",
"Creates an instance of a NewSimpleBean from an annotated class\n\n@param clazz The annotated class\n@param beanManager The Bean manager\n@return a new NewSimpleBean instance"
] |
public String getDevicePushToken(final PushType type) {
switch (type) {
case GCM:
return getCachedGCMToken();
case FCM:
return getCachedFCMToken();
return null;
} | [
"Returns the device push token or null\n\n@param type com.clevertap.android.sdk.PushType (FCM or GCM)\n@return String device token or null\nNOTE: on initial install calling getDevicePushToken may return null, as the device token is\nnot yet available\nImplement CleverTapAPI.DevicePushTokenRefreshListener to get a callback once the token is\navailable"
] | [
"Finds the first Field with given field name in the Class and in its super classes.\n\n@param type The Class type\n@param fieldName The field name to get\n@return an {@code Optional}. Use isPresent() to find out if the field name was found.",
"File URLs whose protocol are in these list will be processed as jars\ncontaining classes\n\n@param fileProtocols\nComma separated list of file protocols that will be considered\nas jar files and scanned",
"Size of a queue.\n\n@param jedis\n@param queueName\n@return",
"Set the view frustum to pick against from the minimum and maximum corners.\nThe viewpoint of the frustum is the center of the scene object\nthe picker is attached to. The view direction is the forward\ndirection of that scene object. The frustum will pick what a camera\nattached to the scene object with that view frustum would see.\nIf the frustum is not attached to a scene object, it defaults to\nthe view frustum of the main camera of the scene.\n\n@param frustum array of 6 floats as follows:\nfrustum[0] = left corner of frustum\nfrustum[1] = bottom corner of frustum\nfrustum[2] = front corner of frustum (near plane)\nfrustum[3] = right corner of frustum\nfrustum[4] = top corner of frustum\nfrustum[5 = back corner of frustum (far plane)",
"Fires an event on an element using its identification.\n\n@param eventable The eventable.\n@return true if it is able to fire the event successfully on the element.\n@throws InterruptedException when interrupted during the wait.",
"Use this API to fetch dnspolicylabel resource of given name .",
"Get the target entry for a given patch element.\n\n@param element the patch element\n@return the patch entry\n@throws PatchingException",
"2-D Double array to integer array.\n\n@param array Double array.\n@return Integer array.",
"Helper function to bind script bundler to various targets"
] |
public Optional<String> hash(final Optional<URL> url) throws IOException {
if (!url.isPresent()) {
return Optional.absent();
logger.debug("Calculating md5 hash, url:{}", url);
if (isHotReloadModeOff()) {
final String md5 = cache.getIfPresent(url.get());
logger.debug("md5 hash:{}", md5);
if (md5 != null) {
return Optional.of(md5);
final InputStream is = url.get().openStream();
final String md5 = getMD5Checksum(is);
if (isHotReloadModeOff()) {
logger.debug("caching url:{} with hash:{}", url, md5);
cache.put(url.get(), md5);
return Optional.fromNullable(md5);
} | [
"Calculates a md5 hash for an url\n\nIf a passed in url is absent then this method will return absent as well\n\n@param url - an url to a soy template file\n@return - md5 checksum of a template file\n@throws IOException - in a case there is an IO error calculating md5 checksum"
] | [
"Reinitializes the shader texture used to fill in\nthe Circle upon drawing.",
"Deletes this collaboration.",
"Cut the message content to the configured length.\n\n@param event the event",
"Retrieves a specific range of child items in this folder.\n\n@param offset the index of the first child item to retrieve.\n@param limit the maximum number of children to retrieve after the offset.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return a partial collection containing the specified range of child items.",
"Use this API to fetch ipset_nsip_binding resources of given name .",
"Use this API to fetch authenticationradiuspolicy_vpnvserver_binding resources of given name .",
"Use this API to fetch auditsyslogpolicy_vpnglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"Returns an array of non null elements from the source array.\n\n@param tArray the source array\n@return the array",
"Ensures that a String argument is a number.\n\n@param condition\ncondition must be {@code true}^ so that the check will be performed\n@param value\nvalue which must be a number\n@throws IllegalNumberArgumentException\nif the given argument {@code value} is not a number"
] |
private void registerPackageInTypeInterestFactory(String pkg)
TypeInterestFactory.registerInterest(pkg + "_pkg", pkg.replace(".", "\\."), pkg, TypeReferenceLocation.IMPORT);
// TODO: Finish the implementation
} | [
"So that we get these packages caught Java class analysis."
] | [
"Creates a new row representing a rule.\n@param type the type for the rule row, must not be null nor {@link TableRowType#CONTENT} nor {@link TableRowType#UNKNOWN}\n@param style the style for the rule row, must not be null nor {@link TableRowStyle#UNKNOWN}\n@return a new row representing a rule\n@throws {@link NullPointerException} if type or style where null\n@throws {@link IllegalStateException} if type or style where unknown or if type was {@link TableRowType#CONTENT}",
"Method to close the file caseManager. It is called just one time, by the\nMASReader, once every test and stroy have been added.\n\n@param caseManager",
"Add a resource assignment which has been populated elsewhere.\n\n@param assignment resource assignment",
"Create a ModelNode representing the JVM the instance is running on.\n\n@return a ModelNode representing the JVM the instance is running on.\n@throws OperationFailedException",
"Attribute name and value are not escaped or modified in any way.\n\n@param name\n@param value\n@return self",
"Update the currency format.\n\n@param properties project properties\n@param decimalSeparator decimal separator\n@param thousandsSeparator thousands separator",
"Implements get by delegating to getAll.",
"The main entry point for processing graphical indicator definitions.\n\n@param indicators graphical indicators container\n@param properties project properties\n@param props properties data",
"Handles Multi Instance Report message. Handles Report on\nthe number of instances for the command class.\n@param serialMessage the serial message to process.\n@param offset the offset at which to start procesing."
] |
public ItemRequest<Tag> delete(String tag) {
String path = String.format("/tags/%s", tag);
return new ItemRequest<Tag>(this, Tag.class, path, "DELETE");
} | [
"A specific, existing tag can be deleted by making a DELETE request\non the URL for that tag.\n\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param tag The tag to delete.\n@return Request object"
] | [
"Execute the transactional flow - catch only specified exceptions\n\n@param input Initial data input\n@param classes Exception types to catch\n@return Try that represents either success (with result) or failure (with errors)",
"Registers all custom Externalizer implementations that Hibernate OGM needs into a running\nInfinispan CacheManager configuration.\nThis is only safe to do when Caches from this CacheManager haven't been started yet,\nor the ones already started do not contain any data needing these.\n\n@see ExternalizerIds\n@param globalCfg the Serialization section of a GlobalConfiguration builder",
"Get the status of the upload session. It contains the number of parts that are processed so far,\nthe total number of parts required for the commit and expiration date and time of the upload session.\n@return the status.",
"Add parameter to testCase\n\n@param context which can be changed",
"Extract data for a single calendar.\n\n@param row calendar data",
"Mark the given child resource as the post run dependent of the parent of this collection.\n\n@param childResource the child resource",
"Add image with a exception message in the PDF document.\n\n@param context\nPDF context\n@param e\nexception to put in image",
"Creates a Bytes object by copying the data of a subsequence of the given byte array\n\n@param data Byte data\n@param offset Starting offset in byte array (inclusive)\n@param length Number of bytes to include",
"Return a list of unique namespace and predicate pairs, optionally limited by predicate or namespace, in alphabetical order.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@param namespace\noptional, can be null\n@param predicate\noptional, can be null\n@param perPage\nThe number of photos to show per page\n@param page\nThe page offset\n@return NamespacesList containing Pair-objects\n@throws FlickrException"
] |
public void clearProperties(@NotNull final PersistentStoreTransaction txn, @NotNull final Entity entity) {
final Transaction envTxn = txn.getEnvironmentTransaction();
final PersistentEntityId id = (PersistentEntityId) entity.getId();
final int entityTypeId = id.getTypeId();
final long entityLocalId = id.getLocalId();
final PropertiesTable properties = getPropertiesTable(txn, entityTypeId);
final PropertyKey propertyKey = new PropertyKey(entityLocalId, 0);
try (Cursor cursor = getPrimaryPropertyIndexCursor(txn, properties)) {
for (boolean success = cursor.getSearchKeyRange(PropertyKey.propertyKeyToEntry(propertyKey)) != null;
success; success = cursor.getNext()) {
ByteIterable keyEntry = cursor.getKey();
final PropertyKey key = PropertyKey.entryToPropertyKey(keyEntry);
if (key.getEntityLocalId() != entityLocalId) {
final int propertyId = key.getPropertyId();
final ByteIterable value = cursor.getValue();
final PropertyValue propValue = propertyTypes.entryToPropertyValue(value);
txn.propertyChanged(id, propertyId, propValue.getData(), null);
properties.deleteNoFail(txn, entityLocalId, value, propertyId, propValue.getType());
} | [
"Clears all properties of specified entity.\n\n@param entity to clear."
] | [
"Use this API to fetch all the nspbr6 resources that are configured on netscaler.\nThis uses nspbr6_args which is a way to provide additional arguments while fetching the resources.",
"Converts an object to an instance of the target type.\n\n@param mapper the object mapper\n@param source the source to convert\n@param targetType the target class type\n@return target instance\n@see SquigglyUtils#objectify(ObjectMapper, Object, Class)",
"Converts an XML file to an object.\n\n@param fileName The filename where to save it to.\n@return The object.\n@throws FileNotFoundException On error.",
"Retrieve row from a nested table.\n\n@param name column name\n@return nested table rows",
"To store an object in a quick & dirty way.",
"Used to parse the dividend dates. Returns null if the date cannot be\nparsed.\n\n@param date String received that represents the date\n@return Calendar object representing the parsed date",
"Remove a handler from the list\n@param toRemove The handler to remove. Any handler object that\nmatches this class will be removed.\n@return true if this handler was in the list.",
"Parse a list of String into a list of Integer.\nIf one element can not be parsed, the behavior depends on the value of failOnException.\n@param strList can't be null\n@param failOnException if an element can not be parsed should we return null or add a null element to the list.\n@return list of all String parsed as Integer or null if failOnException",
"Get the aggregated result human readable string for easy display.\n\n\n@param aggregateResultMap the aggregate result map\n@return the aggregated result human"
] |
public static void sendMimeMessage(MimeMessage mimeMessage) {
try {
} catch (MessagingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can not send message " + mimeMessage, e);
} | [
"Send the message using the JavaMail session defined in the message\n\n@param mimeMessage Message to send"
] | [
"Retrieves a byte value from the property data.\n\n@param type Type identifier\n@return byte value",
"Parse the given projection.\n\n@param projection The projection string.\n@param longitudeFirst longitudeFirst",
"Processes the template for all collection definitions of the current class definition.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Removes any configured observers.\n\n@deprecated since 1.1.0. Replaced by {@link #setObserverProvider(String)} and\n{@link #getObserverProvider()}",
"Send an ERROR log message with specified subsystem. If subsystem is not enabled the message\nwill not be logged\n@param subsystem logging subsystem\n@param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or\nactivity where the log call occurs.\n@param msg The message you would like logged.\n@return",
"Run a task periodically, for a set number of times.\n\n@param task\nTask to run.\n@param delay\nThe first execution will happen in {@code delay} seconds.\n@param period\nSubsequent executions will happen every {@code period} seconds\nafter the first.\n@param repetitions\nRepeat count\n@return {@code null} if {@code repetitions < 1}; otherwise, an interface\nthat lets you query the status; cancel; or reschedule the event.",
"Deletes the schema of an existing metadata template.\n\n@param api the API connection to be used\n@param scope the scope of the object\n@param template Unique identifier of the template",
"as it is daemon thread\n\nTODO when release external resources should shutdown the scheduler.",
"Get the axis along the orientation\n@return"
] |
public static Method getBridgeMethodTarget(Method someMethod) {
TraitBridge annotation = someMethod.getAnnotation(TraitBridge.class);
if (annotation==null) {
return null;
Class aClass = annotation.traitClass();
String desc = annotation.desc();
for (Method method : aClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
String methodDescriptor = BytecodeHelper.getMethodDescriptor(method.getReturnType(), method.getParameterTypes());
if (desc.equals(methodDescriptor)) {
return method;
return null;
} | [
"Reflection API to find the method corresponding to the default implementation of a trait, given a bridge method.\n@param someMethod a method node\n@return null if it is not a method implemented in a trait. If it is, returns the method from the trait class."
] | [
"Retrieves information for a collaboration whitelist for a given whitelist ID.\n\n@return information about this {@link BoxCollaborationWhitelistExemptTarget}.",
"Use this API to fetch all the vpnclientlessaccesspolicy resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Checks if a given number is in the range of a float.\n\n@param number\na number which should be in the range of a float (positive or negative)\n\n@see java.lang.Float#MIN_VALUE\n@see java.lang.Float#MAX_VALUE\n\n@return number as a float",
"Stop finding beat grids for all active players.",
"Authenticate with the target database using OAuth.\n\n@param consumerSecret consumer secret\n@param consumerKey consumer key\n@param tokenSecret token secret\n@param token token\n@return this Replication instance to set more options\n@deprecated OAuth 1.0 implementation has been <a href=\"http://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/whatsnew/2.1.html?highlight=oauth#upgrade-notes\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">removed in CouchDB 2.1</a>",
"Fill the attributes in the processor.\n\n@param processors The processors\n@param initialAttributes The attributes\n@see RequireAttributes\n@see ProvideAttributes",
"Finds the magnitude of the largest element in the row\n@param A Complex matrix\n@param row Row in A\n@param col0 First column in A to be copied\n@param col1 Last column in A + 1 to be copied\n@return magnitude of largest element",
"Validates for non-conflicting roles",
"Returns an integer between interval\n@param min Minimum value\n@param max Maximum value\n@return int number"
] |
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public List<HazeltaskTask<G>> shutdownNow() {
return (List<HazeltaskTask<G>>) (List) localExecutorPool.shutdownNow();
} | [
"SuppressWarnings I really want to return HazeltaskTasks instead of Runnable"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all gslbservice_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Decode a content Type header line into types and parameters pairs",
"Converts from a Fluo RowColumn to a Accumulo Key\n\n@param rc RowColumn\n@return Key",
"Creates a CostRateTable instance from a block of data.\n\n@param resource parent resource\n@param index cost rate table index\n@param data data block",
"Set the name of the schema containing the Primavera tables.\n\n@param schema schema name.",
"Find the logging profile attached to any resource.\n\n@param resourceRoot the root resource\n\n@return the logging profile name or {@code null} if one was not found",
"Use this API to fetch sslfipskey resources of given names .",
"Count the number of working hours in a day, based in the\ninteger representation of the working hours.\n\n@param hours working hours\n@return number of hours",
"This function compares style ID's between features. Features are usually sorted by style."
] |
public static dnsglobal_binding get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
dnsglobal_binding obj = new dnsglobal_binding();
dnsglobal_binding response = (dnsglobal_binding) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch a dnsglobal_binding resource ."
] | [
"Use this API to fetch statistics of cmppolicy_stats resource of given name .",
"This method extracts data for a single calendar from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param map Map of calendar UIDs to names\n@param baseCalendars list of base calendars",
"Redirect standard streams so that the output can be passed to listeners.",
"Formats a date or a time according to the local conventions.\n\nSince ReadablePartials don't support all fields, we fill in any blanks\nneeded for formatting by using the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).\n\nSee {@link android.text.format.DateUtils#formatDateTime} for full docs.\n\n@param context the context is required only if the time is shown\n@param time a point in time\n@param flags a bit mask of formatting options\n@return a string containing the formatted date/time.",
"Return a list of contacts for a user who have recently uploaded photos along with the total count of photos uploaded.\n\n@param lastUpload\nLimits the resultset to contacts that have uploaded photos since this date. The date should be in the form of a Unix timestamp. The default,\nand maximum, offset is (1) hour. (Optional, can be null)\n@param filter\nLimit the result set to all contacts or only those who are friends or family.<br/>\nValid options are: <b>ff</b> -> friends and family, <b>all</b> -> all your contacts. (Optional, can be null)\n\n@return List of Contacts\n@throws FlickrException",
"Convenience method for retrieving an Integer resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value",
"Remove a child view of Android hierarchy view .\n\n@param view View to be removed.",
"Returns a list of files in given addon passing given filter.",
"Use this API to fetch lbvserver resource of given name ."
] |
public static boolean isTodoItem(final Document todoItemDoc) {
return todoItemDoc.containsKey(ID_KEY)
&& todoItemDoc.containsKey(TASK_KEY)
&& todoItemDoc.containsKey(CHECKED_KEY);
} | [
"Returns if a MongoDB document is a todo item."
] | [
"Creates a Span that covers an exact row. String parameters will be encoded as UTF-8",
"Get the content-type, including the optional \";base64\".",
"appends a WHERE-clause to the Statement\n@param where\n@param crit\n@param stmt",
"Caches the given object using the given Identity as key\n\n@param oid The Identity key\n@param obj The object o cache",
"Starts the scenario with the given method and arguments.\nDerives the description from the method name.\n@param method the method that started the scenario\n@param arguments the test arguments with their parameter names",
"Use this API to fetch sslciphersuite resources of given names .",
"When we execute a single statement we only need the corresponding Row with the result.\n\n@param results a list of {@link StatementResult}\n@return the result of a single query",
"Method indicating whether a day is a working or non-working day.\n\n@param day required day\n@return true if this is a working day",
"GetJob helper - String predicates are all created the same way, so this factors some code."
] |
static Shell createTerminalConsoleShell(String prompt, String appName,
ShellCommandHandler mainHandler, InputStream input, OutputStream output) {
try {
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(output);
// Build jline terminal
jline.Terminal term = TerminalFactory.get();
final ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader(input, output, term);
// Build console
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new ConsoleReaderInputStream(console)));
ConsoleIO.PromptListener promptListener = new ConsoleIO.PromptListener() {
public boolean onPrompt(String prompt) {
return true; // suppress normal prompt
return createConsoleShell(prompt, appName, mainHandler, in, out, out, promptListener);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Failover: use default shell
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(output);
return createConsoleShell(prompt, appName, mainHandler, in, out, out, null);
} | [
"Facade method for operating the Unix-like terminal supporting line editing and command\nhistory.\n\n@param prompt Prompt to be displayed\n@param appName The app name string\n@param mainHandler Main command handler\n@param input Input stream.\n@param output Output stream.\n@return Shell that can be either further customized or run directly by calling commandLoop()."
] | [
"Returns true if the given candidate is a group that is filtered due to rule parameters in the current call graph.",
"Use this API to add sslcertkey.",
"Select item by it's position\n\n@param position int value of item position to select\n@param invokeListeners boolean value for invoking listeners",
"Finds properties of datatype string on test.wikidata.org. Since the test\nsite changes all the time, we cannot hardcode a specific property here.\nInstead, we just look through all properties starting from P1 to find the\nfirst few properties of type string that have an English label. These\nproperties are used for testing in this code.\n\n@param connection\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\n@throws IOException",
"Append the given String to the given String array, returning a new array\nconsisting of the input array contents plus the given String.\n\n@param array the array to append to (can be <code>null</code>)\n@param str the String to append\n@return the new array (never <code>null</code>)",
"Check that the parameter string is not null or empty\n\n@param value\nString value to be checked.\n@param parameterName\nThe name of the user-supplied parameter that we are validating\nso that the user can easily find the error in their code.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nIf the key is null or empty.",
"Adds a measure to the crosstab. A crosstab can have many measures. DJ will lay out one measure above\nthe other.\n\nA measure is what is shown on each intersection of a column and a row. A calculation is performed to\nall occurrences in the datasource where the column and row values matches (between elements)\n\nThe only difference between the prior methods is that this method sets \"visible\" to false\n\n@param property\n@param className\n@param title\n@return",
"returns the total count of objects in the GeneralizedCounter.",
"performs an UPDATE operation against RDBMS.\n@param obj The Object to be updated in the underlying table.\n@param cld ClassDescriptor providing mapping information."
] |
public Collection getReaders(Object obj)
Collection result = null;
Identity oid = new Identity(obj, getBroker());
byte selector = (byte) 'r';
byte[] requestBarr = buildRequestArray(oid, selector);
HttpURLConnection conn = getHttpUrlConnection();
//post request
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
// read result from
InputStream in = conn.getInputStream();
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(in);
result = (Collection) ois.readObject();
// cleanup
catch (Throwable t)
throw new PersistenceBrokerException(t);
return result;
} | [
"returns a collection of Reader LockEntries for object obj.\nIf now LockEntries could be found an empty Vector is returned."
] | [
"Retrieve the fixed data offset for a specific field.\n\n@param type field type\n@return offset",
"Uploads bytes to an open upload session.\n@param data data\n@param offset the byte position where the chunk begins in the file.\n@param partSize the part size returned as part of the upload session instance creation.\nOnly the last chunk can have a lesser value.\n@param totalSizeOfFile The total size of the file being uploaded.\n@return the part instance that contains the part id, offset and part size.",
"Returns the number of vertex indices for a single face.\n\n@param face the face\n@return the number of indices",
"Close the open stream.\n\nClose the stream if it was opened before",
"Gets the event type from message.\n\n@param message the message\n@return the event type",
"Emit a string event with parameters.\n\nThis will invoke all {@link SimpleEventListener} bound to the specified\nstring value given the listeners has the matching argument list.\n\nFor example, suppose we have the following simple event listener methods:\n\n```java\n{@literal @}On(\"USER-LOGIN\")\npublic void logUserLogin(User user, long timestamp) {...}\n\n{@literal @}On(\"USER-LOGIN\")\npublic void checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(User user, Object... args) {...}\n\n{@literal @}On(\"USER-LOGIN\")\npublic void foo(User user) {...}\n```\n\nThe following code will invoke `logUserLogin` and `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts` methods:\n\n```java\nUser user = ...;\neventBus.emit(\"USER-LOGIN\", user, System.currentTimeMills());\n```\n\nThe `foo(User)` will not invoked because:\n\n* The parameter list `(User, long)` does not match the declared argument list `(User)`.\nHere the `String` in the parameter list is taken out because it is used to indicate\nthe event, instead of being passing through to the event handler method.\n* The method `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(User, Object ...)` will be invoked because\nit declares a varargs typed arguments, meaning it matches any parameters passed in.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see SimpleEventListener",
"Mark root of this DAG depends on given DAG's root.\n\n@param dependencyGraph the dependency DAG",
"Read an unsigned integer from the given byte array\n\n@param bytes The bytes to read from\n@param offset The offset to begin reading at\n@return The integer as a long",
"Writes an untagged OK response, with the supplied response code,\nand an optional message.\n\n@param responseCode The response code, included in [].\n@param message The message to follow the []"
] |
public byte getByte(Integer type)
byte result = 0;
byte[] item = m_map.get(type);
if (item != null)
result = item[0];
return (result);
} | [
"Retrieves a byte value from the property data.\n\n@param type Type identifier\n@return byte value"
] | [
"Returns the total count of partitions across all stores.\n\n@return returns the total count of partitions across all stores.",
"Helper method to abstract out the common logic from the various users methods.\n\n@param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.\n@param filterTerm The filter term to lookup users by (login for external, login or name for managed)\n@param userType The type of users we want to search with this request.\nValid values are 'managed' (enterprise users), 'external' or 'all'\n@param externalAppUserId the external app user id that has been set for an app user\n@param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.\n@return An iterator over the selected users.",
"Make a sort order for use in a query.",
"Get the cached ETag for the given host and file\n@param host the host\n@param file the file\n@return the cached ETag or null if there is no ETag in the cache",
"Upload file and set odo overrides and configuration of odo\n\n@param fileName File containing configuration\n@param odoImport Import odo configuration in addition to overrides\n@return If upload was successful",
"Gets the end.\n\n@return the end",
"Checks to see if the two matrices are inverses of each other.\n\n@param a A matrix. Not modified.\n@param b A matrix. Not modified.",
"Gets the argument names of a method call. If the arguments are not VariableExpressions then a null\nwill be returned.\n@param methodCall\nthe method call to search\n@return\na list of strings, never null, but some elements may be null",
"This method extracts data for a normal working day from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param weekDay Day data"
] |
public void check(ModelDef modelDef, String checkLevel) throws ConstraintException
ensureReferencedKeys(modelDef, checkLevel);
checkReferenceForeignkeys(modelDef, checkLevel);
checkCollectionForeignkeys(modelDef, checkLevel);
checkKeyModifications(modelDef, checkLevel);
} | [
"Checks the given model.\n\n@param modelDef The model\n@param checkLevel The amount of checks to perform\n@exception ConstraintException If a constraint has been violated"
] | [
"Joins the given parts to recover the original secret.\n\n<p><b>N.B.:</b> There is no way to determine whether or not the returned value is actually the\noriginal secret. If the parts are incorrect, or are under the threshold value used to split the\nsecret, a random value will be returned.\n\n@param parts a map of part IDs to part values\n@return the original secret\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code parts} is empty or contains values of varying\nlengths",
"Show or hide the options column dependent on the provided edit mode.\n@param oldMode the old edit mode\n@param newMode the edit mode for which the options column's visibility should be adjusted.",
"Performs any needed operation on subreports after they are built like ensuring proper subreport with\nif \"fitToParentPrintableArea\" flag is set to true\n\n@param dr\n@param _parameters\n@throws JRException",
"Session connect generate channel.\n\n@param session\nthe session\n@return the channel\n@throws JSchException\nthe j sch exception",
"Visit an exported package of the current module.\n\n@param packaze the qualified name of the exported package.\n@param access the access flag of the exported package,\nvalid values are among {@code ACC_SYNTHETIC} and\n{@code ACC_MANDATED}.\n@param modules the qualified names of the modules that can access to\nthe public classes of the exported package or\n<tt>null</tt>.",
"Determine which field the Activity ID has been mapped to.\n\n@param map field map\n@return field",
"depth- first search for any module - just to check that the suggestion has any chance of delivering correct result",
"LRN cross-channel backward computation. Double parameters cast to tensor data type",
"Adds OPT_D | OPT_DIR option to OptionParser, with one argument.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional"
] |
public Indexable taskResult(String taskId) {
TaskGroupEntry<TaskItem> taskGroupEntry = super.getNode(taskId);
if (taskGroupEntry != null) {
return taskGroupEntry.taskResult();
if (!this.proxyTaskGroupWrapper.isActive()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A dependency task with id '" + taskId + "' is not found");
taskGroupEntry = this.proxyTaskGroupWrapper.proxyTaskGroup.getNode(taskId);
if (taskGroupEntry != null) {
return taskGroupEntry.taskResult();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A dependency task or 'post-run' dependent task with with id '" + taskId + "' not found");
} | [
"Retrieve the result produced by a task with the given id in the group.\n\nThis method can be used to retrieve the result of invocation of both dependency\nand \"post-run\" dependent tasks. If task with the given id does not exists then\nIllegalArgumentException exception will be thrown.\n\n@param taskId the task item id\n@return the task result, null will be returned if task has not yet been invoked"
] | [
"Builds a instance of the class for a map containing the values\n\n@param clazz Class to build\n@param values Values map\n@param differenceHandler The difference handler\n@return The created instance\n@throws InstantiationException Error instantiating\n@throws IllegalAccessException Access error\n@throws IntrospectionException Introspection error\n@throws IllegalArgumentException Argument invalid\n@throws InvocationTargetException Invalid target",
"Adds a leaf node, which could be a task or a milestone.\n\n@param parentName parent bar name\n@param row row to add\n@param task task to populate with data from the row",
"Removes all elems in the given Collection that aren't accepted by the given Filter.",
"Parse work units.\n\n@param value work units value\n@return TimeUnit instance",
"Decode the String from Base64 into a byte array.\n\n@param value the string to be decoded\n@return the decoded bytes as an array\n@since 1.0",
"Use this API to fetch nslimitselector resource of given name .",
"This method is called to format a task type.\n\n@param value task type value\n@return formatted task type",
"visibility increased for testing",
"Creates the stats items.\n\n@param statsType\nthe stats type\n@return the sorted set\n@throws IOException\nSignals that an I/O exception has occurred."
] |
private static void validatePseudoScopedBean(Bean<?> bean, BeanManagerImpl beanManager) {
if (bean.getInjectionPoints().isEmpty()) {
// Skip validation if there are no injection points (e.g. for classes which are not intended to be used as beans)
reallyValidatePseudoScopedBean(bean, beanManager, new LinkedHashSet<Object>(), new HashSet<Bean<?>>());
} | [
"Checks to make sure that pseudo scoped beans (i.e. @Dependent scoped beans) have no circular dependencies."
] | [
"Creates a list of all permutations for a set with N elements.\n\n@param N Number of elements in the list being permuted.\n@return A list containing all the permutations.",
"Handles an initial response from a PUT or PATCH operation response by polling the status of the operation\nasynchronously, once the operation finishes emits the final response.\n\n@param observable the initial observable from the PUT or PATCH operation.\n@param resourceType the java.lang.reflect.Type of the resource.\n@param <T> the return type of the caller.\n@return the observable of which a subscription will lead to a final response.",
"Get the diff between any two valid revisions.\n\n@param from revision from\n@param to revision to\n@param pathPattern target path pattern\n@return the map of changes mapped by path\n@throws StorageException if {@code from} or {@code to} does not exist.",
"Log a trace message.",
"Create the log if it does not exist or return back exist log\n\n@param topic the topic name\n@param partition the partition id\n@return read or create a log\n@throws IOException any IOException",
"Update list of sorted services by copying it from the array and making it unmodifiable.",
"This is the original, naive implementation, using the Wagner &\nFischer algorithm from 1974. It uses a flattened matrix for\nspeed, but still computes the entire matrix.",
"Returns an input stream that applies the required decompression to the\ngiven input stream.\n\n@param inputStream\nthe input stream with the (possibly compressed) data\n@param compressionType\nthe kind of compression\n@return an input stream with decompressed data\n@throws IOException\nif there was a problem creating the decompression streams",
"Handles the file deletions.\n\n@param cms the CMS context to use\n@param toDelete the resources to delete\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong"
] |
public static tunneltrafficpolicy get(nitro_service service, String name) throws Exception{
tunneltrafficpolicy obj = new tunneltrafficpolicy();
tunneltrafficpolicy response = (tunneltrafficpolicy) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch tunneltrafficpolicy resource of given name ."
] | [
"Find the style filter that must be applied to this feature.\n\n@param feature\nfeature to find the style for\n@param styles\nstyle filters to select from\n@return a style filter",
"Gets the Jaccard distance between two points.\n\n@param p A point in space.\n@param q A point in space.\n@return The Jaccard distance between x and y.",
"Gets the thread usage.\n\n@return the thread usage",
"build an Authentication.\n\nTypes:\n<ul>\n<li>plain:jafka</li>\n<li>md5:77be29f6d71ec4e310766ddf881ae6a0</li>\n<li>crc32:1725717671</li>\n</ul>\n@param crypt password style\n@return an authentication\n@throws IllegalArgumentException password error",
"Creates a ServiceCall from a paging operation.\n\n@param first the observable to the first page\n@param next the observable to poll subsequent pages\n@param callback the client-side callback\n@param <E> the element type\n@return the future based ServiceCall",
"Create and return a new Violation for this rule and the specified values\n@param lineNumber - the line number for the violation; may be null\n@param sourceLine - the source line for the violation; may be null\n@param message - the message for the violation; may be null\n@return a new Violation object",
"Use this API to unset the properties of gslbsite resources.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Determines the number of elements that the query would return. Override this\nmethod if the size shall be determined in a specific way.\n\n@return The number of elements",
"Determines whether the given array only contains unbounded type variables or Object.class.\n\n@param types the given array of types\n@return true if and only if the given array only contains unbounded type variables or Object.class"
] |
public String processNested(Properties attributes) throws XDocletException
String name = OjbMemberTagsHandler.getMemberName();
XClass type = OjbMemberTagsHandler.getMemberType();
int dim = OjbMemberTagsHandler.getMemberDimension();
NestedDef nestedDef = _curClassDef.getNested(name);
if (type == null)
throw new XDocletException(Translator.getString(XDocletModulesOjbMessages.class,
new String[]{name}));
if (dim > 0)
throw new XDocletException(Translator.getString(XDocletModulesOjbMessages.class,
new String[]{name, _curClassDef.getName()}));
ClassDescriptorDef nestedTypeDef = _model.getClass(type.getQualifiedName());
if (nestedTypeDef == null)
throw new XDocletException(Translator.getString(XDocletModulesOjbMessages.class,
new String[]{name}));
if (nestedDef == null)
nestedDef = new NestedDef(name, nestedTypeDef);
LogHelper.debug(false, OjbTagsHandler.class, "processNested", " Processing nested object "+nestedDef.getName()+" of type "+nestedTypeDef.getName());
String attrName;
for (Enumeration attrNames = attributes.propertyNames(); attrNames.hasMoreElements(); )
attrName = (String)attrNames.nextElement();
nestedDef.setProperty(attrName, attributes.getProperty(attrName));
return "";
} | [
"Addes the current member as a nested object.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\""
] | [
"This private method allows the caller to determine if a given date is a\nworking day. This method takes account of calendar exceptions. It assumes\nthat the caller has already calculated the day of the week on which\nthe given day falls.\n\n@param date Date to be tested\n@param day Day of the week for the date under test\n@return boolean flag",
"Normalizes this vector in place.",
"Converts an integer into a time format.\n\n@param format integer format value\n@return TimeUnit instance",
"Returns the default shared instance of the CleverTap SDK.\n\n@param context The Android context\n@return The {@link CleverTapAPI} object",
"Check whether the media seems to have changed since a saved version of it was used. We ignore changes in\nfree space because those probably just reflect history entries being added.\n\n@param originalMedia the media details when information about it was saved\n\n@return true if there have been detectable significant changes to the media since it was saved\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@link #hashKey()} values of the media detail objects differ",
"Sets the target hosts from json path.\n\n@param jsonPath\nthe json path\n@param sourcePath\nthe source path\n@param sourceType\nthe source type\n@return the parallel task builder\n@throws TargetHostsLoadException\nthe target hosts load exception",
"This method reads a six byte long from the input array.\n\n@param data the input array\n@param offset offset of integer data in the array\n@return integer value",
"Read JdbcConnectionDescriptors from this InputStream.\n\n@see #mergeConnectionRepository",
"Returns a single sort option configuration as configured via the methods parameter, or null if the parameter does not specify a sort option.\n@param json The JSON sort option configuration.\n@return The sort option configuration, or null if the JSON could not be read."
] |
private String escapeAndJoin(String[] commandline) {
// TODO: we should try to escape special characters here, depending on the OS.
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
Pattern specials = Pattern.compile("[\\ ]");
for (String arg : commandline) {
if (b.length() > 0) {
b.append(" ");
if (specials.matcher(arg).find()) {
} else {
return b.toString();
} | [
"Try to provide an escaped, ready-to-use shell line to repeat a given command line."
] | [
"Gets the logger.\n\n@return Returns a Category",
"Process the timephased resource assignment data to work out the\nsplit structure of the task.\n\n@param task parent task\n@param timephasedComplete completed resource assignment work\n@param timephasedPlanned planned resource assignment work",
"Log a byte array.\n\n@param label label text\n@param data byte array",
"Merges a list of local and online dumps. For dumps available both online\nand locally, only the local version is included. The list is order with\nmost recent dump date first.\n\n@return a merged list of dump files",
"Stores a new certificate and its associated private key in the keystore.\n@param hostname\n@param cert\n@param privKey @throws KeyStoreException\n@throws CertificateException\n@throws NoSuchAlgorithmException",
"Parses the list of query items for the query facet.\n@param queryFacetObject JSON object representing the node with the query facet.\n@return list of query options\n@throws JSONException if the list cannot be parsed.",
"Load the InstalledIdentity configuration based on the module.path\n\n@param installedImage the installed image\n@param productConfig the product config\n@param moduleRoots the module roots\n@param bundleRoots the bundle roots\n@return the available layers\n@throws IOException",
"Get a list of referrers from a given domain to a user's photostream.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@param domain\n(Required) The domain to return referrers for. This should be a hostname (eg: \"flickr.com\") with no protocol or pathname.\n@param perPage\n(Optional) Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.\n@param page\n(Optional) The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getPhotostreamReferrers.html\"",
"Retrieves a vertex attribute as an integer array.\nThe attribute name must be one of the\nattributes named in the descriptor passed to the constructor.\n@param attributeName name of the attribute to update\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if attribute name not in descriptor vertex attribute is not <i>int</i>\n@see #setIntVec(String, IntBuffer)\n@see #getIntArray(String)"
] |
public static RgbaColor fromRgb(String rgb) {
if (rgb.length() == 0) return getDefaultColor();
String[] parts = getRgbParts(rgb).split(",");
if (parts.length == 3) {
return new RgbaColor(parseInt(parts[0]),
else {
return getDefaultColor();
} | [
"Parses an RgbaColor from an rgb value.\n\n@return the parsed color"
] | [
"Returns the index of the given name.\n\n@param name The name of the index (null or empty string for the default index)\n@return The index def or <code>null</code> if it does not exist",
"Find a toBuilder method, if the user has provided one.",
"Mark content as obsolete. If content was already marked for obsolescenceTimeout ms then it is removed.\n\n@param ref the content refrence to be marked as obsolete.\n\n@return true if the content refrence is removed, fale otherwise.",
"Use this API to fetch responderpolicy resource of given name .",
"Generates an organization regarding the parameters.\n\n@param name String\n@return Organization",
"Parses formatter attributes.\n\n@param formatterLoc the node location\n@return the map of formatter attributes (unmodifiable)",
"Sets the frame pointer to a specific frame\n\n@return boolean true if the move was successful",
"The context returned by this method may be later reused for other interception types.\n\n@param interceptionModel\n@param ctx\n@param manager\n@param type\n@return the interception context to be used for the AroundConstruct chain",
"Create the ResourceIgnoredTransformationRegistry when fetching missing content, only including relevant pieces\nto a server-config.\n\n@param rc the resolution context\n@param delegate the delegate ignored resource transformation registry for manually ignored resources\n@return"
] |
public static int getXPathLocation(String dom, String xpath) {
String dom_lower = dom.toLowerCase();
String xpath_lower = xpath.toLowerCase();
String[] elements = xpath_lower.split("/");
int pos = 0;
int temp;
int number;
for (String element : elements) {
if (!element.isEmpty() && !element.startsWith("@") && !element.contains("()")) {
if (element.contains("[")) {
try {
number =
Integer.parseInt(element.substring(element.indexOf("[") + 1,
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return -1;
} else {
number = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
// find new open element
temp = dom_lower.indexOf("<" + stripEndSquareBrackets(element), pos);
if (temp > -1) {
pos = temp + 1;
// if depth>1 then goto end of current element
if (number > 1 && i < number - 1) {
pos =
getCloseElementLocation(dom_lower, pos,
return pos - 1;
} | [
"returns position of xpath element which match the expression xpath in the String dom.\n\n@param dom the Document to search in\n@param xpath the xpath query\n@return position of xpath element, if fails returns -1"
] | [
"Map Synchro constraints to MPXJ constraints.\n\n@param task task\n@param row Synchro constraint data",
"Select which view to display based on the state of the promotion. Will return the form if user selects to perform\npromotion. Progress will be returned if the promotion is currently in progress.",
"Render json.\n\n@param o\nthe o\n@return the string",
"Returns the value of found in the model.\n\n@param model the model that contains the key and value.\n@param expressionResolver the expression resolver to use to resolve expressions\n\n@return the directory grouping found in the model.\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@link org.jboss.as.controller.descriptions.ModelDescriptionConstants#DIRECTORY_GROUPING directory grouping}\nwas not found in the model.",
"Create a patch element for the rollback patch.\n\n@param entry the entry\n@return the new patch element",
"Scans a set of classes for both ReaderListeners and Swagger annotations. All found listeners will\nbe instantiated before any of the classes are scanned for Swagger annotations - so they can be invoked\naccordingly.\n\n@param classes a set of classes to scan\n@return the generated Swagger definition",
"Updates the file metadata.\n\n@param metadata the new metadata values.\n@return the metadata returned from the server.",
"Notify all shutdown listeners that the shutdown completed.",
"Sets the current collection definition derived from the current member, and optionally some attributes.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"attributes\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Attributes of the collection as name-value pairs 'name=value',\nseparated by commas\"\[email protected] name=\"auto-delete\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically delete the\ncollection on object deletion\"\[email protected] name=\"auto-retrieve\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically retrieve\nthe collection\"\[email protected] name=\"auto-update\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically update the\ncollection\"\[email protected] name=\"collection-class\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The type of the collection if not a\njava.util type or an array\"\[email protected] name=\"database-foreignkey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether a database foreignkey shall be created\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation on the collection\"\[email protected] name=\"element-class-ref\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The fully qualified name of\nthe element type\"\[email protected] name=\"foreignkey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The name of the\nforeign keys (columns when an indirection table is given)\"\[email protected] name=\"foreignkey-documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation\non the foreign keys as a comma-separated list if using an indirection table\"\[email protected] name=\"indirection-table\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The name of the indirection\ntable for m:n associations\"\[email protected] name=\"indirection-table-documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation\non the indirection table\"\[email protected] name=\"indirection-table-primarykeys\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the\nfields referencing the collection and element classes, should also be primarykeys\"\[email protected] name=\"otm-dependent\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the collection is dependent on otm\"\[email protected] name=\"proxy\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to use a proxy for the collection\"\[email protected] name=\"proxy-prefetching-limit\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Specifies the amount of objects to prefetch\"\[email protected] name=\"query-customizer\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The query customizer for this collection\"\[email protected] name=\"query-customizer-attributes\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Attributes for the query customizer\"\[email protected] name=\"refresh\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically refresh the\ncollection\"\[email protected] name=\"remote-foreignkey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The name of the\nforeign key columns pointing to the elements if using an indirection table\"\[email protected] name=\"remote-foreignkey-documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation\non the remote foreign keys as a comma-separated list if using an indirection table\""
] |
public void updateDownLoadUrl(final String gavc, final String downLoadUrl) {
final DbArtifact artifact = getArtifact(gavc);
repositoryHandler.updateDownloadUrl(artifact, downLoadUrl);
} | [
"Update artifact download url of an artifact\n\n@param gavc String\n@param downLoadUrl String"
] | [
"Deletes data associated with the given profile ID\n\n@param profileId ID of profile",
"Use this API to fetch sslfipskey resources of given names .",
"This method is used to configure the primary and alternative\nformat patterns.\n\n@param primaryPattern new format pattern\n@param alternativePatterns alternative format patterns\n@param decimalSeparator Locale specific decimal separator to replace placeholder\n@param groupingSeparator Locale specific grouping separator to replace placeholder",
"Use this API to fetch lbmonitor_binding resource of given name .",
"Clears the proxy. A cleared proxy is defined as loaded\n\n@see Collection#clear()",
"This method writes data for a single calendar to an MSPDI file.\n\n@param bc Base calendar data\n@return New MSPDI calendar instance",
"Validates operations against their description providers\n\n@param operations The operations to validate\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if any operation is not valid",
"Creates metadata on this file in the specified template type.\n\n@param typeName the metadata template type name.\n@param metadata the new metadata values.\n@return the metadata returned from the server.",
"Extracts baseline cost from the MPP file for a specific baseline.\nReturns null if no baseline cost is present, otherwise returns\na list of timephased work items.\n\n@param calendar baseline calendar\n@param normaliser normaliser associated with this data\n@param data timephased baseline work data block\n@param raw flag indicating if this data is to be treated as raw\n@return timephased work"
] |
public ChronoLocalDateTime<JulianDate> localDateTime(TemporalAccessor temporal) {
return (ChronoLocalDateTime<JulianDate>) super.localDateTime(temporal);
} | [
"Obtains a Julian local date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Julian local date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time"
] | [
"Handler for week of month changes.\n@param event the change event.",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of streamidentifier_stats resource of given name .",
"Returns whether the given host matches this one. For hosts to match, they must represent the same addresses or have the same host names.\nHosts are not resolved when matching. Also, hosts must have the same port and service. They must have the same masks if they are host names.\nEven if two hosts are invalid, they match if they have the same invalid string.\n\n@param host\n@return",
"Calculates the distance between two points\n\n@return distance between two points",
"Sets the baseline start text value.\n\n@param baselineNumber baseline number\n@param value baseline start text value",
"Return the list of module that uses the targeted artifact\n\n@param gavc String\n@param filters FiltersHolder\n@return List<DbModule>",
"Returns the service id with the propertype.\n\n@param serviceReference\n@return long value for the service id",
"Show books.\n\n@param booksList the books list",
"Get by index is used here."
] |
public static systemsession get(nitro_service service, Long sid) throws Exception{
systemsession obj = new systemsession();
systemsession response = (systemsession) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch systemsession resource of given name ."
] | [
"Write notes.\n\n@param recordNumber record number\n@param text note text\n@throws IOException",
"Returns the default table name for this class which is the unqualified class name.\n\n@return The default table name",
"Treats the object as iterable, iterating through the values it represents and returns the first non-null result obtained from calling the closure, otherwise returns the defaultResult.\n\n@param self an Object with an iterator returning its values\n@param defaultResult an Object that should be returned if all closure results are null\n@param closure a closure that returns a non-null value when processing should stop\n@return the first non-null result of the closure, otherwise the default value\n@since 1.7.5",
"Pretty print a progress update after each batch complete.\n\n@param batchCount current batch\n@param numBatches total number of batches\n@param partitionStoreCount partition stores migrated\n@param numPartitionStores total number of partition stores to migrate\n@param totalTimeMs total time, in milliseconds, of execution thus far.",
"Prepares a Jetty server for communicating with consumers.",
"Record a prepare operation timeout.\n\n@param failedOperation the prepared operation",
"Validates bic.\n\n@param bic to be validated.\n@throws BicFormatException if bic is invalid.\nUnsupportedCountryException if bic's country is not supported.",
"Login for a specific authentication, creating a specific token if given.\n\n@param token token to use\n@param authentication authentication to assign to token\n@return token",
"Reads a markdown link ID.\n\n@param out\nThe StringBuilder to write to.\n@param in\nInput String.\n@param start\nStarting position.\n@return The new position or -1 if this is no valid markdown link ID."
] |
public BoxFolder.Info restoreFolder(String folderID, String newName, String newParentID) {
JsonObject requestJSON = new JsonObject();
if (newName != null) {
requestJSON.add("name", newName);
if (newParentID != null) {
JsonObject parent = new JsonObject();
parent.add("id", newParentID);
requestJSON.add("parent", parent);
URL url = RESTORE_FOLDER_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.api.getBaseURL(), folderID);
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(this.api, url, "POST");
BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
JsonObject responseJSON = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
BoxFolder restoredFolder = new BoxFolder(this.api, responseJSON.get("id").asString());
return restoredFolder.new Info(responseJSON);
} | [
"Restores a trashed folder to a new location with a new name.\n@param folderID the ID of the trashed folder.\n@param newName an optional new name to give the folder. This can be null to use the folder's original name.\n@param newParentID an optional new parent ID for the folder. This can be null to use the folder's original\nparent.\n@return info about the restored folder."
] | [
"Attemps to delete all provided segments from a log and returns how many it was able to",
"Retrieve URL without parameters\n\n@param sourceURI source URI\n@return URL without parameters",
"Push docker image using the docker java client.\n\n@param imageTag\n@param username\n@param password\n@param host",
"Split a module Id to get the module version\n@param moduleId\n@return String",
"Waits for the current outstanding request retrying it with exponential backoff if it fails.\n\n@throws ClosedByInterruptException if request was interrupted\n@throws IOException In the event of FileNotFoundException, MalformedURLException\n@throws RetriesExhaustedException if exceeding the number of retries",
"do the parsing on an JSONObject, assumes that the json is hierarchical\nordered, so all shapes are reachable over child relations\n@param json hierarchical JSON object\n@return Model with all shapes defined in JSON\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Calculate the summed conditional likelihood of this data by summing\nconditional estimates.",
"If converters are set on a table, this function tests if these can convert a cell value. The first\nconverter, which claims that it can convert, will be used to do the conversion.",
"Checks for duplicate elements. A is sorted\n@param A Matrix to be tested.\n@return true if duplicates or false if false duplicates"
] |
public static base_responses update(nitro_service client, systemuser resources[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
systemuser updateresources[] = new systemuser[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
updateresources[i] = new systemuser();
updateresources[i].username = resources[i].username;
updateresources[i].password = resources[i].password;
updateresources[i].externalauth = resources[i].externalauth;
updateresources[i].promptstring = resources[i].promptstring;
updateresources[i].timeout = resources[i].timeout;
result = update_bulk_request(client, updateresources);
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to update systemuser resources."
] | [
"Get the group URL for the specified group ID\n\n@param groupId\nThe group ID\n@return The group URL\n@throws FlickrException",
"Return a list of place IDs for a query string.\n\nThe flickr.places.find method is not a geocoder. It will round \"up\" to the nearest place type to which place IDs apply. For example, if you pass it a\nstreet level address it will return the city that contains the address rather than the street, or building, itself.\n\n<p>\nThis method does not require authentication.\n</p>\n\n@param query\n@return PlacesList\n@throws FlickrException",
"Assigns the element in the Matrix to the specified value. Performs a bounds check to make sure\nthe requested element is part of the matrix.\n\n@param row The row of the element.\n@param col The column of the element.\n@param value The element's new value.",
"Merge two ExecutionStatistics into one. This method is private in order not to be synchronized (merging.\n@param otherStatistics",
"Update the plane based on arcore best knowledge of the world\n\n@param scale",
"Returns a pretty printed string of nodes that host specific \"hot\"\npartitions, where hot is defined as following a contiguous run of\npartitions of some length in another zone.\n\n@param cluster The cluster to analyze\n@param hotContiguityCutoff cutoff below which a contiguous run is not\nhot.\n@return pretty string of hot partitions",
"Use this API to fetch aaagroup_vpnsessionpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Validates the data for correct annotation",
"Use this API to fetch responderpolicylabel_responderpolicy_binding resources of given name ."
] |
public static final long getLong6(byte[] data, int offset)
long result = 0;
int i = offset;
for (int shiftBy = 0; shiftBy < 48; shiftBy += 8)
result |= ((long) (data[i] & 0xff)) << shiftBy;
return result;
} | [
"This method reads a six byte long from the input array.\n\n@param data the input array\n@param offset offset of integer data in the array\n@return integer value"
] | [
"Records that there is no media mounted in a particular media player slot, updating listeners if this is a change,\nand clearing any affected items from our in-memory caches.\n\n@param slot the slot in which no media is mounted",
"Creates a CSS rgb specification from a PDF color\n@param pdcolor\n@return the rgb() string",
"On key down we assume the key will go at the end. It's the most\ncommon case and not that distracting if that's not true.",
"Retrieves list of inbox messages based on given userId\n@param userId String userid\n@return ArrayList of {@link CTMessageDAO}",
"Does a query for the object's Id and copies in each of the field values from the database to refresh the data\nparameter.",
"Calculate conversion map.\n\n@param inRange Input range.\n@param outRange Output range.\n@param map Conversion map.",
"Processes the template for all collection definitions of the current class definition.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Use this API to add nsip6 resources.",
"Read task baseline values.\n\n@param row result set row"
] |
public void writeValue(TimeValue value, Resource resource)
throws RDFHandlerException {
this.rdfWriter.writeTripleValueObject(resource, RdfWriter.RDF_TYPE,
this.rdfWriter.writeTripleValueObject(resource, RdfWriter.WB_TIME,
TimeValueConverter.getTimeLiteral(value, this.rdfWriter));
RdfWriter.WB_TIME_PRECISION, value.getPrecision());
} | [
"Write the auxiliary RDF data for encoding the given value.\n\n@param value\nthe value to write\n@param resource\nthe (subject) URI to use to represent this value in RDF\n@throws RDFHandlerException"
] | [
"Sanity checks the input or declares a new matrix. Return matrix is an identity matrix.",
"Find the index of the first matching element in the list\n@param element the element value to find\n@return the index of the first matching element, or <code>-1</code> if none found",
"Creates a new broker instance.\n\n@param jcdAlias The jdbc connection descriptor name as defined in the repository\n@param user The user name to be used for connecting to the database\n@param password The password to be used for connecting to the database\n@return The persistence broker\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF#createPersistenceBroker(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)",
"Parse duration time units.\n\nNote that we don't differentiate between confirmed and unconfirmed\ndurations. Unrecognised duration types are default the supplied default value.\n\n@param value BigInteger value\n@param defaultValue if value is null, use this value as the result\n@return Duration units",
"Writes assignment data to a PM XML file.",
"Computes the product of the diagonal elements. For a diagonal or triangular\nmatrix this is the determinant.\n\n@param T A matrix.\n@return product of the diagonal elements.",
"This method validates all relationships for a task, removing\nany which have been incorrectly read from the MPP file and\npoint to a parent task.\n\n@param task task under test",
"Returns the ARGB components for the pixel at the given coordinates\n\n@param x the x coordinate of the pixel component to grab\n@param y the y coordinate of the pixel component to grab\n@return an array containing ARGB components in that order.",
"Check that each requirement is satisfied.\n\n@param currentPath the json path to the element being checked"
] |
public JsonNode wbRemoveClaims(List<String> statementIds,
boolean bot, long baserevid, String summary)
throws IOException, MediaWikiApiErrorException {
"statementIds parameter cannot be null when deleting statements");
"statement ids to delete must be non-empty when deleting statements");
Validate.isTrue(statementIds.size() <= 50,
"At most 50 statements can be deleted at once");
Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
parameters.put("claim", String.join("|", statementIds));
return performAPIAction("wbremoveclaims", null, null, null, null, parameters, summary, baserevid, bot);
} | [
"Executes the API action \"wbremoveclaims\" for the given parameters.\n\n@param statementIds\nthe statement ids to delete\n@param bot\nif true, edits will be flagged as \"bot edits\" provided that\nthe logged in user is in the bot group; for regular users, the\nflag will just be ignored\n@param baserevid\nthe revision of the data that the edit refers to or 0 if this\nshould not be submitted; when used, the site will ensure that\nno edit has happened since this revision to detect edit\nconflicts; it is recommended to use this whenever in all\noperations where the outcome depends on the state of the\nonline data\n@param summary\nsummary for the edit; will be prepended by an automatically\ngenerated comment; the length limit of the autocomment\ntogether with the summary is 260 characters: everything above\nthat limit will be cut off\n@return the JSON response from the API\n@throws IOException\nif there was an IO problem. such as missing network\nconnection\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns an error\n@throws IOException\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException"
] | [
"Process the response by reporting proper log and feeding failure\ndetectors\n\n@param response\n@param pipeline",
"Retrieves a vertex attribute as a float buffer.\nThe attribute name must be one of the\nattributes named in the descriptor passed to the constructor.\n@param attributeName name of the attribute to update\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if attribute name not in descriptor vertex attribute is not <i>float</i>\n@see #setFloatArray(String, float[])\n@see #getFloatVec(String)",
"Use this API to fetch vpntrafficpolicy_aaagroup_binding resources of given name .",
"This method extracts project properties from a Planner file.\n\n@param project Root node of the Planner file",
"Find the latest task finish date. We treat this as the\nfinish date for the project.\n\n@return finish date",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslaction resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Adds a value to the list if does not already exists.\n\n@param list the list\n@param value value to add if not exists in the list",
"This method attempts to locate a suitable directory by checking a number of different configuration sources.\n\n1 - serverConfigUserDirPropertyName - This value is used to check it a matching system property has been set. 2 -\nsuppliedConfigDir - If a path was specified on the command line it is expected to be passed in as this parameter. 3 -\nserverConfigDirPropertyName - This is a second system property to check.\n\nAnd finally if none of these match defaultBaseDir specifies the configuration being searched and is appended to the JBoss\nHome value discovered when the utility started.",
"Convert an object to a set of maps.\n\n@param mapper the object mapper\n@param source the source object\n@return set"
] |
public static spilloverpolicy[] get(nitro_service service, options option) throws Exception{
spilloverpolicy obj = new spilloverpolicy();
spilloverpolicy[] response = (spilloverpolicy[])obj.get_resources(service,option);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the spilloverpolicy resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Registers the deployment resources needed.\n\n@param deploymentResourceSupport the deployment resource support\n@param service the service, which may be {@code null}, used to find the resource names that need to be registered",
"Creates a ServiceCall from a paging operation that returns a header response.\n\n@param first the observable to the first page\n@param next the observable to poll subsequent pages\n@param callback the client-side callback\n@param <E> the element type\n@param <V> the header object type\n@return the future based ServiceCall",
"misc utility methods",
"Get DPI suggestions.\n\n@return DPI suggestions",
"For test purposes only.",
"Use this API to reset appfwlearningdata resources.",
"Deploys application reading resources from specified URLs\n\n@param applicationName to configure in cluster\n@param urls where resources are read\n@return the name of the application\n@throws IOException",
"Factory method that builds the appropriate matcher for @match tags",
"Use this API to delete dnssuffix of given name."
] |
boolean awaitState(final InternalState expected) {
synchronized (this) {
final InternalState initialRequired = this.requiredState;
for(;;) {
final InternalState required = this.requiredState;
// Stop in case the server failed to reach the state
if(required == InternalState.FAILED) {
return false;
// Stop in case the required state changed
} else if (initialRequired != required) {
return false;
final InternalState current = this.internalState;
if(expected == current) {
return true;
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
return false;
} | [
"Await a state.\n\n@param expected the expected state\n@return {@code true} if the state was reached, {@code false} otherwise"
] | [
"Returns true if the lattice contains an entry at the specified location.\n\n@param maturityInMonths The maturity in months to check.\n@param tenorInMonths The tenor in months to check.\n@param moneynessBP The moneyness in bp to check.\n@return True iff there is an entry at the specified location.",
"Convert a Planner time into a Java date.\n\n0800\n\n@param value Planner time\n@return Java Date instance",
"Use this API to fetch dnsview resources of given names .",
"Helper function to create JsonArray from collection.\n\n@param values collection of values to convert to JsonArray\n@return JsonArray with collection values",
"Return all option names that not already have a value\nand is enabled",
"Simple, high-level API to enable or disable eye picking for this scene\nobject.\n\nThe {@linkplain #attachCollider low-level\nAPI} gives you a lot of control over eye picking, but it does involve an\nawful lot of details. This method\n(and {@link #getPickingEnabled()}) provides a simple boolean property.\nIt attaches a GVRSphereCollider to the scene object. If you want more\naccurate picking, you can use {@link #attachComponent(GVRComponent)} to attach a\nmesh collider instead. The mesh collider is more accurate but also\ncosts more to compute.\n\n@param enabled\nShould eye picking 'see' this scene object?\n\n@since 2.0.2\n@see GVRSphereCollider\n@see GVRMeshCollider",
"Adds the word.\n\n@param w the w\n@throws ParseException the parse exception",
"Remember the order of execution",
"Returns whether this host should ignore operations from the master domain controller that target\nthe given address.\n\n@param address the resource address. Cannot be {@code null}\n\n@return {@code true} if the operation should be ignored; {@code false} otherwise"
] |
public final java.util.Optional<Style> getStyle(final String styleName) {
final String styleRef = this.styles.get(styleName);
Optional<Style> style;
if (styleRef != null) {
style = (Optional<Style>) this.styleParser
.loadStyle(getConfiguration(), this.httpRequestFactory, styleRef);
} else {
style = Optional.empty();
return or(style, this.configuration.getStyle(styleName));
} | [
"Look for a style in the named styles provided in the configuration.\n\n@param styleName the name of the style to look for."
] | [
"Returns an array of non-empty ids from the given list of ids or values.\n\n@param idsOrValues\nlist of ids and/or values\n@return array of non-empty ids",
"This method reads a four byte integer from the input stream.\n\n@param is the input stream\n@return byte value\n@throws IOException on file read error or EOF",
"Use this API to add route6.",
"LRN cross-channel forward computation. Double parameters cast to tensor data type",
"Compares the two comma-separated lists.\n\n@param list1 The first list\n@param list2 The second list\n@return <code>true</code> if the lists are equal",
"Set an attribute.\n\n@param name attribute name.\n@param value attribute value.",
"This method is called from the task class each time an attribute\nis added, ensuring that all of the attributes present in each task\nrecord are present in the resource model.\n\n@param field field identifier",
"Creates a new HTML-formatted label with the given content.\n\n@param html the label content",
"Serialize this `AppDescriptor` and output byte array\n\n@return\nserialize this `AppDescriptor` into byte array"
] |
public static void main(String[] args) {
String modelFile = "";
String outputFile = "";
int numberOfRows = 0;
try {
modelFile = args[0];
outputFile = args[1];
numberOfRows = Integer.valueOf(args[2]);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException | NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("ERROR! Invalid command line arguments, expecting: <scxml model file> "
+ "<desired csv output file> <desired number of output rows>");
FileInputStream model = null;
try {
model = new FileInputStream(modelFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("ERROR! Model file not found");
SCXMLEngine engine = new SCXMLEngine();
DataConsumer consumer = new DataConsumer();
CSVFileWriter writer;
try {
writer = new CSVFileWriter(outputFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("ERROR! Can not write to output csv file");
DefaultDistributor dist = new DefaultDistributor();
} | [
"Main method, handles all the setup tasks for DataGenerator a user would normally do themselves\n\n@param args command line arguments"
] | [
"Convert this path address to its model node representation.\n\n@return the model node list of properties",
"Gets the registration point that been associated with the registration for the longest period.\n\n@return the initial registration point, or {@code null} if there are no longer any registration points",
"Returns the path to java executable.",
"checking availability of ClassInfo.setFlags method is just workaround for JANDEX-37",
"Create a single node representing an embedded element.\n\n@param executionEngine the {@link GraphDatabaseService} used to run the query\n@param columnValues the values in {@link org.hibernate.ogm.model.key.spi.EntityKey#getColumnValues()}\n@return the corresponding node;",
"Read relationship data from a PEP file.",
"Find container env.\n\n@param ctx the container context\n@param dump the exception dump\n@return valid container or null",
"This method writes a resource's availability table.\n\n@param xml MSPDI resource\n@param mpx MPXJ resource",
"Prepares the CmsObject for jumping to this favorite location, and returns the appropriate URL.\n\n@param cms the CmsObject to initialize for jumping to the favorite\n@return the link for the favorite location\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong"
] |
private JSONObject getConvertedResponseAsJson(SpellCheckResponse response) {
if (null == response) {
return null;
final JSONObject suggestions = new JSONObject();
final Map<String, Suggestion> solrSuggestions = response.getSuggestionMap();
// Add suggestions to the response
for (final String key : solrSuggestions.keySet()) {
// Indicator to ignore words that are erroneously marked as misspelled.
boolean ignoreWord = false;
// Suggestions that are in the form "Xxxx" -> "xxxx" should be ignored.
if (Character.isUpperCase(key.codePointAt(0))) {
final String lowercaseKey = key.toLowerCase();
// If the suggestion map doesn't contain the lowercased word, ignore this entry.
if (!solrSuggestions.containsKey(lowercaseKey)) {
ignoreWord = true;
if (!ignoreWord) {
try {
// Get suggestions as List
final List<String> l = solrSuggestions.get(key).getAlternatives();
suggestions.put(key, l);
} catch (JSONException e) {
LOG.debug("Exception while converting Solr spellcheckresponse to JSON. ", e);
return suggestions;
} | [
"Converts the suggestions from the Solrj format to JSON format.\n\n@param response The SpellCheckResponse object containing the spellcheck results.\n@return The spellcheck suggestions as JSON object or null if something goes wrong."
] | [
"Returns a new instance of the given class, using the constructor with the specified parameter types.\n\n@param target The class to instantiate\n@param types The parameter types\n@param args The arguments\n@return The instance",
"Returns the negative of the input variable",
"Sets the top padding for all cells in the table.\n@param paddingTop new padding, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"set the textColor of the ColorHolder to a view\n\n@param view",
"Retrieve and validate the zone id value from the REST request.\n\"X-VOLD-Zone-Id\" is the zone id header.\n\n@return valid zone id or -1 if there is no/invalid zone id",
"Retrieves a timestamp from the property data.\n\n@param type Type identifier\n@return timestamp",
"Restores a trashed folder back to its original location.\n@param folderID the ID of the trashed folder.\n@return info about the restored folder.",
"if you want to parse an argument, you need a converter from String to Object\n\n@param commandLineOption specification of the command line options\n@param converter how to convert your String value to a castable Object",
"Obtain the master partition for a given key\n\n@param key\n@return master partition id"
] |
private void add(int field)
if (field < m_flags.length)
if (m_flags[field] == false)
m_flags[field] = true;
m_fields[m_count] = field;
} | [
"This method is called from the task class each time an attribute\nis added, ensuring that all of the attributes present in each task\nrecord are present in the resource model.\n\n@param field field identifier"
] | [
"This method writes project properties to a Planner file.",
"Builds a instance of the class for a map containing the values\n\n@param clazz Class to build\n@param values Values map\n@param differenceHandler The difference handler\n@return The created instance\n@throws InstantiationException Error instantiating\n@throws IllegalAccessException Access error\n@throws IntrospectionException Introspection error\n@throws IllegalArgumentException Argument invalid\n@throws InvocationTargetException Invalid target",
"Update an existing feature. Made package private for testing purposes.\n\n@param feature feature to update\n@throws LayerException oops",
"Increases the maximum number of columns in the matrix.\n@param desiredColumns Desired number of columns.\n@param preserveValue If the array needs to be expanded should it copy the previous values?",
"Auto re-initialize external resourced\nif resources have been already released.",
"Starts listening for shakes on devices with appropriate hardware.\n\n@return true if the device supports shake detection.",
"Gets a collection.\n\n@param collectionName the name of the collection to return\n@return the collection",
"Construct new path by replacing file directory part. No\nfiles are actually modified.\n@param file path to move\n@param target new path directory",
"Write a resource.\n\n@param record resource instance\n@throws IOException"
] |
private void removeObservation( int index ) {
final int N = y.numRows-1;
final double d[] = y.data;
// shift
for( int i = index; i < N; i++ ) {
d[i] = d[i+1];
} | [
"Removes an element from the observation matrix.\n\n@param index which element is to be removed"
] | [
"Scans all Forge addons for files accepted by given filter.",
"This method is designed to be called from the diverse subclasses",
"Use this API to unset the properties of coparameter resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"This method is used to associate a child task with the current\ntask instance. It has been designed to\nallow the hierarchical outline structure of tasks in an MPX\nfile to be updated once all of the task data has been read.\n\n@param child child task",
"Updates the R matrix to take in account the removed row.",
"Add the given person to the photo. Optionally, send in co-ordinates\n\n@param photoId\n@param userId\n@param bounds\n@throws FlickrException",
"Adds error correction data to the specified binary string, which already contains the primary data",
"Calculates the Black-Scholes option value of a digital call option.\n\n@param initialStockValue The initial value of the underlying, i.e., the spot.\n@param riskFreeRate The risk free rate of the bank account numerarie.\n@param volatility The Black-Scholes volatility.\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity T.\n@param optionStrike The option strike.\n@return Returns the value of a European call option under the Black-Scholes model",
"Complete both operations and commands."
] |
public AddonChange removeAddon(String appName, String addonName) {
return connection.execute(new AddonRemove(appName, addonName), apiKey);
} | [
"Remove an addon from an app.\n@param appName App name. See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param addonName Addon name. See {@link #listAppAddons} for a list of addons that can be used.\n@return the request object"
] | [
"Calculates the smallest value between the three inputs.\n@param first value\n@param second value\n@param third value\n@return the smallest value between the three inputs",
"Type-safe wrapper around setVariable which sets only one framed vertex.",
"Construct an InterestRateSwapLegProductDescriptor from a node in a FIPXML file.\n\n@param leg The node containing the leg.\n@param forwardCurveName Forward curve name form outside the node.\n@param discountCurveName Discount curve name form outside the node.\n@param daycountConvention Daycount convention from outside the node.\n@return Descriptor of the swap leg.",
"Implement the persistence handler for storing the user properties.",
"Returns the configuration value with the specified name.",
"Check that each group is satisfied by one and only one field.\n\n@param currentPath the json path to the element being checked",
"ceiling for clipped RELU, alpha for ELU",
"Truncated power function.\n\n@param value Value.\n@param degree Degree.\n@return Result.",
"This method must be called on the start of the component. Initialize and start the directory monitor.\n\n@param monitoredDirectory\n@param pollingTime"
] |
Subsets and Splits