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8888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ88888888888888888888888888888888 |
Since I could not seem to improve the face, I decided to try and |
experiment with shading to see if that could help. Well, it did |
not turn out the way I thought it would: the shading was too pale. |
So I ended up losing half an hour to get to this stage: |
_______ |
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II888888888' 8888888I888888888888888b |
Later, I decided to give line drawing another chance and started |
working on the face with no shading. I managed to get a decent |
looking nose in about 5 minutes so I continued and slowly but |
surely the rest of the face took on a new look that was much better |
than anything obtained so far. It took about half an hour of trial |
and error to get to this: |
_______ |
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