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རྡུལ ཕྲན is derived from རྡུལ. |
སྦྱོར is related to practice. |
བརྡ སྤྲོད is derived from བརྡ. |
butter tea is a synonym of བོད ཇ. |
འཁོར is related to transport. |
ནད is related to disease. |
སྐུ བརྙན is related to འདྲ སྐུ. |
ཧེ ལེ ཀོབ ཊར is a synonym of ཐད འཕུར གནམ གྲུ. |
མཛེ ནད is related to leprosy. |
斗 is etymologically related to འཆུ. |
ཚོགས ཞིང is derived from ཞིང. |
ཁང ཀྲོང is a synonym of ཁང པ མཐོ པོ ཀྲོང ཀྲོང. |
ཉི ཤུ is related to twenty. |
འབོལ གདན is related to cushion. |
འདྲ སྐུ is related to སྐུ འདྲ. |
ash is a synonym of གོ ཐལ. |
བླུགས is related to བཤོས. |
གློག སྨན is derived from གློག. |
གློག ཞུ is derived from གློག. |
མེད is etymologically related to ཡོད. |
འཐུམ is related to wrap. |
འགྲིམ འགྲུལ ཁང is derived from ཁང. |
dryer is a synonym of དུག སློག སྐམ ཡག འཕྲུལ འཁོར. |
འོན པ is related to deaf. |
བྱེ རྡོ is derived from རྡོ. |
༧ is related to seven. |
སྣེ ལེན པ is derived from ལེན. |
འབྲས ལྗོངས is related to འབྲུག ཡུལ. |
sew is a synonym of བཙེམས. |
རྩོམ པ is related to writer. |
སྒྲོག གདུང is a synonym of ལག གདུབ. |
ལག པ is related to hand. |
གློག རྫས is related to གློག སྨན. |
ཕྱི is etymologically related to འཕྱི. |
རྫས འགྱུར རིག གནས is derived from རྫས འགྱུར. |
སྤྲུལ པའི སྐུ is derived from སྤྲུལ པ. |
bet is a synonym of རྒྱན. |
ཁ ར ཁ སི is related to venezuela. |
རྡུལ ཕྲན has context of physics. |
ཇ is related to tea. |
གསོད is related to slaughter. |
ཁོ ཕི is related to ཁ ཕེ. |
prayer wheel is a synonym of མ ནི ཆོས འཁོར. |
drunk is a synonym of སྨྱོ བ. |
མེ མདའ བརྒྱབ is derived from མེ མདའ. |
རྩ བ is related to foundation. |
སྒེའུ is derived from སྒོ. |
འགྲིམ འགྲུལ ཁང is derived from ཁང. |
རྒྱ སྐད is derived from སྐད. |
དུག སློག སྐམ ཡག འཕྲུལ འཁོར is etymologically related to སྐམ ཡག འཕྲུལ འཁོར. |
ཆུ བོ is related to ཆུ ཆེན. |
རང བྱུང ཁམས is derived from རང བྱུང. |
ཀླུང has context of see ཀླུང མ. |
རྣ སྤབས is derived from རྣ. |
འགྲོ བ is related to rebirth. |
སྤྱང ཀི is related to སྦྱང ཀུ. |
སྐྱེ གཡོག ལས ཀ is derived from ལས ཀ. |
དཔའ དམ is related to sword. |
ལྷ ཆོས is related to religious. |
ཚེ སྲོག is related to human. |
ཆང is related to སྦི རག. |
vandalism is a synonym of གཅག གཏོར བྱེད ཡག. |
འཁོར བ is etymologically related to འཁོར ལོ. |
གོ རེ is related to steamed. |
རྡོ is related to rock. |
རྩི ཤིང is related to vegetation. |
གཞིས ཆགས ལ ཡོང is related to immigrate. |
རྒྱ is related to vastness. |
གདུགས is related to midday. |
དགའ པོ བྱེད ཡག is etymologically related to ཡག. |
sect is a synonym of ཆོས ལུགས. |
ལྟ is etymologically related to ལྟད མོ. |
ཁྱོན ནས is related to always. |
mold is a synonym of ཧམ འབུ. |
རྨ ཁོག is derived from རྨ. |
རིག is related to understand. |
སྦྱིན is related to supplement. |
སྤྲུལ སྐུ is derived from སྤྲུལ. |
ཚིལ བཞུ is related to ཡང ལཱ. |
རྩོམ རིག is derived from རིག. |
གངས རུད is derived from གངས. |
than is a synonym of ལས. |
ན བ is related to illness. |
dzongkha is a synonym of འབྲུག སྐད. |
༧ is related to 7. |
པུ ལི སི is related to police. |
འཁོར is related to perfect. |
རྒྱ ནག is related to རྒྱ གར. |
དག ཆ བྲིས is related to spell. |
པུས མོའི ལྷ ང is related to kneecap. |
ག རེ is related to what. |
མཁའ འགྲུལ is derived from འགྲུལ བ. |
སྐུ སྤུར is derived from སྐུ. |
འགོག is related to resist. |
མེ མདའ བརྒྱབ is etymologically related to བརྒྱབ. |
wet nurse is a synonym of ནུ སྦྱིན མ ཚབ. |
མཀ སིའི རིང ལུགས is etymologically related to རིང ལུགས. |
象 is etymologically related to གླང. |
ཁྲུས ཁང is a synonym of གསང སྤྱོད. |
ལྷན ཅིག སྐྱེས པའི དགའ བ has context of buddhism. |
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