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danemark is a synonym of ཏན མེ. |
སྦྱོར is related to meditate. |
དཀྱིལ is related to centre. |
དངུལ ཁང is related to bank. |
ཤོར is the opposite of ཐོབ. |
clean is a synonym of གཙང མ. |
ཤེལ སྒོ is a synonym of མེ ལོང. |
ཅིག is related to a. |
house is a synonym of ཁྱིམ. |
ལག པ has context of anatomie. |
གོང ཆེན པོ is the opposite of ཁེ པོ. |
འཁྲུ འཁོར is derived from འཁོར. |
སྐྲན ནད is related to cancer. |
ཕྱག is related to arm. |
build is a synonym of བཟོས. |
གཏམ is related to news. |
གནམ གྲུ is derived from གྲུ. |
रक्सी is etymologically related to རག ཤི. |
river is a synonym of གཙང ཆུ. |
གྲང ཉུང མི རིགས is related to nationality. |
འགྲུལ བཞུད བྱེད མཁན is etymologically related to འགྲུལ བཞུད. |
སྒེའུ is related to door. |
སྣ ཚོགས ཚོང ཁང is related to department store. |
ལང is related to get up. |
བདུན is related to seven. |
སྔ དྲོ བདེ ལེགས is derived from བདེ ལེགས. |
སྐས འཛེག is related to སྐས འཛེགས. |
ཞལ ཅོར is related to towel. |
menu is a synonym of ཁ ལག ཐོ. |
jomo is etymologically derived from མཛོ མོ. |
གཏིང རྡོ is related to anchor. |
བྲོ བ ཆེན པོ is related to delicious. |
ཆུ རྐྱལ རྒྱག is related to swim. |
རབ བཀྲམ is related to trillion. |
འཛུད is etymologically related to འཚུད. |
གཞས བཏང is etymologically related to བཏང. |
ཡལ ག is related to branch. |
རིང མདའ is derived from མདའ. |
ཡང པོ is related to light. |
gruel is a synonym of ཐུག པ. |
བཀའ ཤག has context of historical. |
རང དབང is derived from རང. |
འབྲོག ཁྱི is related to འདོགས ཁྱི. |
སྤྲིན བལ is derived from སྤྲིན. |
འགྲོ is related to turn. |
bag is a synonym of སྣོད ཕད. |
བྲོ བ ཆེན པོ is related to བདའ བ. |
grass is a synonym of རྩྭ. |
ཐེབས is related to hit. |
ཡུལ is related to domain. |
ཨ མདོ is related to ཁམས. |
རྡོ རྗེ is derived from རྗེ. |
འབྲས is related to riz. |
coffee is a synonym of ཇ ཀོབ པི. |
ལོ རྒྱུས is related to history. |
dream is a synonym of རྨི ལམ. |
honeycomb is a synonym of སྦྲང ཚང. |
ལྟ ད has context of grammar. |
དམར པོའི རིང ལུགས is derived from རིང ལུགས. |
རྡོ རྗེ སེམས དཔའ is related to वज्रसत्त्व. |
painkiller is a synonym of ན ཟུག འཇགས སྨན. |
ན ཟུག འཇགས ཡག གི སྨན is related to painkiller. |
བོན is related to express. |
རྡོ རྗེ སེམས དཔའ has context of buddhism. |
མགྲོན ཁང is related to hotel. |
འཐག is related to conquer. |
ལྗོངས is related to province. |
politics is a synonym of ཆབ སྲིད. |
འཛུད is related to འཚུད. |
ten thousand is a synonym of ཁྲི. |
སྤྱང ཁྱུ is related to wolf pack. |
འཆུ is related to draw. |
མི གཟུགས འཕྲུལ བྱད is related to robot. |
འཇའ ཚོན is related to rainbow. |
མི is related to person. |
རྒྱུ མ བརྒྱངས པ is etymologically related to རྒྱུ མ. |
རྩོམ རིག is derived from རྩོམ. |
གཞུག གུ is related to tail. |
མཁོ བ is related to desirable. |
སེངྒེ is etymologically derived from सिंह. |
རྒྱ ཆེན པོ is related to large. |
རྡེའུ is derived from ེ འུ. |
འཆད is related to discarded. |
སྐད ཡིག རིག གནས is related to linguistics. |
འགོག is related to take away. |
བོད ལྗོངས is derived from བོད. |
ས མཐོའི ཐང ཆེན is etymologically related to ཐང ཆེན. |
ü is etymologically derived from དབུས. |
སྡུར is related to make. |
རྒྱ སེར is derived from སེར པོ. |
ལག ཆ is derived from ལག. |
ཆབ སྲིད is related to politics. |
serf is a synonym of མི སེར. |
yummy is a synonym of བདའ བ. |
རྒྱ is related to extensiveness. |
ཕྲག གོང is related to upper arm. |
སྦྱོར བ is related to reasoning. |
ཁྱགས པ མངར མོ is etymologically related to ཁྱགས པ. |
meltwater is a synonym of གངས ཆུ. |
མཛའ བརྩེ is related to affectionate. |
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