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SCP-7834. Cognitohazardous text has been removed. Item #: SCP-7834 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7834 is to be kept in a low-priority storage locker. Personnel with expertise in extinct languages are not allowed access to SCP-7834. Description: SCP-7834 is a stone tablet that dates back to the Neolithic age. The writing on the tablet is written in an ancient language primarily spoken in the modern day region of southern Europe. On the back of SCP-7834 is a sigil of unknown origin, which resembles a worm. SCP-7834 exudes a memetic effect when read and understood, causing the reader to hallucinate and believe that worms, designated SCP-7834-1, are located within their walls. According to testimony, they are approximately 12 millimeters long, and appear to be brown in color. Currently, no instances of SCP-7834-1 have been seen by staff. Incident Report On 8/15/23, Researcher Ben Reedson returned from a research trip, and attempted to translate SCP-7834. The following files regard what occurred during and after translation. AUDIO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 11:03 AM LOCATION: Containment Room 12, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: This audio was recorded by a microphone owned by Researcher Ben Reedson. [BEGIN LOG] Reedson: Alright, hello, site personnel. This log is to detail the translation of SCP-7834. I'm going to be attempting to read the ancient tablet, which isn't ever a bad thing… Ok. Let's do this. So… This first part… That means… "Ascend beyond yourself." Okay. The next part… That means "And become many." Well, that's never a good sign… hang on. I have to use the bathroom. (A noticeable silence occurs for a few minutes. Later, the sound of the door opening can be heard.) Reedson: What the hell? (Footsteps can be heard running closer, likely Researcher Reedson's.) Reedson: Okay, I don't know what just happened, but there were these little worms on the tablet. As soon as I entered the room, they jumped off the tablet and buried into the floor. I tried to grab one, but… well, it failed. Oh! That reminds me, I got these things on my work trip… (Ben pulls out a pair of goggles from his pocket.) Reedson: Okay, uh, these are infrared goggles, and they allow me to see heat signatures. I'm going to see where the worms went. Okay… here we go… (Several seconds of silence occur.) Reedson: They're in the walls. Not just the three or so I saw on the tablet. Hundreds, maybe thousands. (A noticeable silence occurs once more.) Reedson: I have to call security. (Researcher Reedson turns the microphone off.) [END LOG] VIDEO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 11:15 AM LOCATION: Site Cafeteria, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: Footage was taken by the security camera located within the room. [BEGIN LOG] (Three people are located within the room at the start of the footage, identified as Researcher Mary Bridget, Security Officer David Sven, and Head of Security Luke Zachary. Ben Reedson bursts in quickly.) Reedson: There's worms in the walls. Bridget: What does that mean? Reedson: I mean there are literally worms in the walls. Not just one or two, but thousands. Maybe more. Sven: Alright. Show us. (Reedson hands Sven the goggles, and he puts them on.) Sven: I don't see anything. Reedson: What? Let me see. (Sven hands Reedson the goggles back. He puts on the goggles, looks around, and takes them off again.) Reedson: No, they are definitely there. Zachary: Listen, it's not cool to lie about these sorts of things. These things could realistically happen at Foundation sites. We don't want people getting worked up over nothing. Reedson: If they could realistically happen, then why aren't you investigating them? Bridget: Because we don't see anything. Besides that, did you do anything regarding any anomalies recently? Reedson: Y-Yeah. I was attempting to translate that stone tablet. Sven: Oh, that thing! That's, uh… which one was that again? Bridget: The one in room 15, I think. Zachary: Well see, there's your problem. You read that thing and you must've triggered a memetic or something. Reedson: I'm not sure… It doesn't seem like one. Zachary: Well, nothing seems like a memetic until it actually is. Bridget: Listen. If it's a memetic, then it's a simple thing that can easily be resolved. Reedson: And what if it's not? Sven: Then we'll deal with that when the time comes. We just want to help you. Zachary: Chill out. I know I did. Reedson: …I-I don't know. I just think we need to examine all the angles first. Like, starting with "This thing is a real threat" and not just… dismissing it as a memetic. Bridget: Well, we can't see it, so it's obviously a memetic. Simple as that. Reedson: No, not as simple as that. Maybe SCP-7834 is some sort of conduit that, by me attempting to translate it, caused me to see some extradimensional entity. Bridget: Do you know how unlikely that is? Let me explain a little something to you. These things have not harmed you or done anything that makes them unable to be classified as "real." We can't see them either. If you had come here and told me they bit you, well, maybe I'd be more inclined to believe you. But right now, there's no real threat to the Foundation. Reedson: No real threat? We would contain a rock if it floated 2 feet off the ground, and this is "no real threat?" Bridget: I see what you're saying, but there's no real way to know if you're right. So, unless you have definitive proof that these things are real, then I can't believe you. Reedson: You want proof? I'll give you proof! These things are real, and I'll prove it! (Reedson leaves.) [END LOG] AUDIO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 11:21 AM LOCATION: Containment Room 12, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: This audio was recorded by a microphone owned by Researcher Ben Reedson. [BEGIN LOG] Reedson: Alright, if I'm going to get proof from anywhere, it's here. Let's see here… Ah! The tablet! Maybe if they attempt to read it, they'll understand. (The footage goes quiet for a moment. A loud noise, similar to a wall being burst down, can be heard. Shortly after, a loud scream can be heard, presumably from Researcher Reedson. Afterwards, a loud door slam can be heard.) Reedson: The worms… Hundreds of them just burst out of the walls. A-And even worse, I wasn't able to get the tablet. (The footage goes quiet again for a bit.) Reedson: …These are just worms. M-Maybe I can protect myself against them with some armor. (Reedson walks around for a bit, presumably heading to the armory. Eventually a door being opened can be heard.) Reedson: Ah! Here we go! Let me just put this on… (The sound of armor being put on can be heard.) Reedson: There we go! Now… it's time to go into… the nest… of the worms… and… Oh god, what if they eat me? What if they can eat through armor? Maybe they'll eat everything I have! (Reedson sounds like he is hyperventilating.) Reedson: No… No! I have to do this! (Reedson proceeds to walk back to the containment chamber.) Reedson: Alright… Here… we… go… (The door opens.) Reedson: Oh god, they're all over the floor… But the tablet's right there… I just… gotta… get to it… (Reedson proceeds to walk towards SCP-7834. Squelching sounds can be heard.) Reedson: They're… They're climbing on me! Oh god, they're climbing on me! Fuck! (Reedson continues walking towards SCP-7834. His movement seems to be hindered.) Reedson: Oh god, they've reached my torso… but… I'm almost there… (Silence for a few seconds, aside from some squelching.) Reedson: Got it! (Reedson runs out of the room and closes the door. He takes off his armor and slams it onto the ground. He proceeds to run back to the armory, grab a flamethrower, and begins to incinerate the armor.) Reedson: Die, you monster! Die! (Footsteps can be heard from behind Reedson. They walk close to him.) Bridget: Ben, what are you doing? (Ben screams. In his shock, he drops the flamethrower.) Bridget: What the hell are you doing with SCP-7834? Reedson: I-I was going to prove to you that the worms are real. I was hoping that if you read the tablet, then maybe… maybe you'd see I was right. But when I went in there to retrieve it, there were hundreds of worms in there… and I was just barely able to get out alive. So I burned the armor that the worms were crawling on. Bridget: You thought that making me read a potential cognitohazard was a good idea? Ben, I think you need psychiatric evaluation. Reedson: No! The worms were in there, and they are real! Bridget: Alright then. Let's see if you're right. (Bridget opens the door to the containment room.) Bridget: See? Nothing. Reedson: Why… Why aren't they attacking you? I could hear and feel them crawling up me… and you're literally standing in them and they don't hurt you! Bridget: I don't think they exist, Ben. Reedson: Tell me you at least see the hole in the wall they burst out of. Bridget: Sorry, I don't see that either. Reedson: But then… But then how could I hear the sound of me stepping on them, and feeling how they crawled up my suit? Bridget: Sometimes, cognitohazards can do that. They can make you see, hear, and feel things that don't exist. Now then, how about that psychiatric evaluation? Reedson: …Okay. (Bridget and Reedson proceed to leave the room.) [END LOG] VIDEO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 11:36 AM LOCATION: Interrogation room, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: Footage was recorded by the room's security camera. [BEGIN LOG] Bridget: Alright, have a seat. Reedson: Okay. (The two of them sit down.) Bridget: So I wanted to talk to you a little about your… problem. Reedson: Alright. Bridget: Let's start off with this. When did you first start seeing SCP-7834-1? Reedson: You mean the worms? I had just come back from the bathroom, when I saw them crawling on the tablet. Bridget: Okay. And, what happened to them? Reedson: Well, I tried to grab them, but I missed. It was like they just slipped through my fingers. Bridget: I see. How big are these worms, exactly? Reedson: They looked about the size of my fingernail… maybe twelve millimeters? Bridget: Hmm… Okay. Again, we theorize it's a memetic effect. So, if you're willing, we can prescribe you some amnestics and call it a day. Reedson: No. I don't think these are memetic. Bridget: What makes you believe that it's not a memetic effect? Reedson: Because I could see them crawling around, and they attempted to crawl up my suit. Bridget: Not necessarily. Remember, SCP-7834 could've just messed with your senses in order to make you feel like this. Reedson: But why? What's the purpose of a useless tablet that makes you see worms? Bridget: Maybe to drive people crazy, like what's happening right now. Reedson: I am NOT going crazy! Bridget: Okay, that was out of line. Anyway, next question… Why would you think that we are the crazy ones? I can't seem to fathom it. Reedson: W-When did I say you were crazy? I think you don't want anyone to know about the worms. Bridget: Me? Why me? Reedson: M-Maybe there was an accident. Something that happened that was so terrible, you couldn't bear to let the truth out. And when I came along and discovered the aftermath, you told me that I was in the wrong. Even now, you want to kill me, by applying these "amnestics" to get me out of the picture. And when they ask what happened to me, you'll say that I went crazy and had to be executed. Bridget: Ben, no- Reedson: Or maybe instead of an experiment gone wrong, it was an experiment gone right. Perhaps you attempted to make a superweapon that could be used to grant you power over the site, and when I discovered it, you called me insane. Or maybe you found an ancient vault of these creatures beneath the earth and opened it. Or maybe you're a shapeshifting alien whose children are larvae. Or maybe- Bridget: Ben, STOP! This is ridiculous. Do you hear how you sound? You can't just throw out accusations willy-nilly and expect me to believe it. Reedson: …I think I understand. Bridget: …Listen. It seems like you're really stressed out, and you're afraid because everything isn't as simple as it usually is. So, what I think we should do is prescribe you a therapist, and if you're willing, take some amnesti- Reedson: Are you serious? After all of that, you don't even give a second thought that I might be in the right? Maybe by reading that tablet, I opened my eyes to seeing something the rest of you can't! Or maybe you guys can't see it because only certain people can see them! Or maybe- Bridget: Calm down. We just want to help. Reedson: No. I'm done talking to you. You just keep saying the same thing, over and over. But I know, deep down, that I'm not crazy. I'm going. (Researcher Reedson storms out of the room.) [END LOG] Addendum: Currently, no evidence has been found to back up Researcher Reedson's claims. Psychiatric evaluation for Researcher Reedson is pending. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:SUBJECT To: Marisa Jones From: Ben Reedson Subject: About SCP-7834 I don't have much time. Please read the following. AUDIO LOG DATE: 8/15/23, 12:27 AM LOCATION: Researcher Reedson's office, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: Audio was recorded by Ben's microphone. [BEGIN LOG] Reedson: I need to get this off my chest. (Researcher Reedson is quiet for a moment. Stifled tears can be heard.) Reedson: I don't know what to do. No one believes me. Not even I believe myself anymore. (Reedson gets up out of the desk. He walks around for a little bit.) Reedson: I have to prove to them that there are worms. I have to know if am I right. All I need to do is find some evidence. And then… maybe someone will help me. (Reedson is quiet for a moment.) Reedson: That's it! The security cameras! They'll prove that I'm not crazy! All I need to do is get to the security office. And then… Well… I don't know. (Researcher Reedson proceeds to walk to the security office. The recording is silent for a while.) Reedson: Okay, here's the door. And… Darn it, locked. There's got to be another way… Oh. Oh no. I know what I have to do. (He walks away from the office door. It takes quite a while until speech resumes.) Reedson: Alright… Here's the ventilation shaft. All I need to do is go in… where the worms will be really close to me… in a tiny shaft with nowhere to run… in the dark… oh god I can't do this… (The footage goes quiet for a few minutes. Heavy breathing can be heard coming from Ben, as he is likely panicking.) Reedson: No… I can do this. I have to do this. I… can do this. (The sound of the grate being taken off can be heard. Ben begins to crawl through.) Reedson: God, it smells in here… and I don't even want to know why it's so moist in here… and I can barely breathe, it's so tight in here… (Ben crawls for a while. After a while, a loud clang can be heard, followed by several smaller clangs.) Reedson: That… wasn't me. Oh god, is it the worms? I gotta do this quick… (Researcher Reedson proceeds to crawl faster.) Reedson: Okay… I think I'm about halfway… I-I'm almost there… (He crawls a little bit forward. The vents begin to shake.) Reedson: W-What is that? I'd look behind me… but it's so cramped… M-Maybe I can just use the reflection of my phone… (Reedson pulls out his phone from his pocket. He shrieks not long after.) Reedson: The worms are behind me! A-A whole horde of them! A-And they're faster… I need to run, but I can't… I-I'll just crawl really fast… (Reedson begins crawling at a fast pace. Eventually, it stops.) Reedson: No no no no! Fuck no! A dead end! This… This can't be it! (Reedson begins banging on the vents.) Reedson: Somebody, help! (A voice is heard from below.) Zachary: Ben? What are you doing in there? Reedson: Get me out of here! Zachary: Do you want me to like, break it open or some shit? Reedson: Anything! I don't have much time! Zachary: Fine, let's try this… What the fuck, how strong is this damn thing? Reedson: No! They're almost here! Zachary: Okay, okay. I'll just pour some corrosive acid on it, like a boring person. (The sound of metal corroding can be heard.) Zachary: There you go. You're free. What were you doing in there in the first place? Reedson: T-There were these worms chasing me, and I was trying to get to the security office so I could prove they were real, but then they started chasing me, and I must've taken a wrong turn… Zachary: Well, no shit. You made it to the chemical lab. If you want to access the security office, you gotta go back in there, and turn right. Say, where are these worms anyway? I sure as hell don't see them. Reedson: T-They must've gotten scared when you poured the acid on it. Zachary: Seriously? That's a big leap. Reedson: Well… okay, maybe it is… but maybe I'm right. Zachary: Ben, I'm not gonna stop you from reaching the security office, but you're dead wrong about these worms. Reedson: Okay… Now I just… have to… go back in the vents… with the worms… Zachary: If you're feeling any doubts about this, you could just… not do it. Reedson: No… I'll do it. I'll… do it… (Reedson crawls into the vents.) Reedson: Alright… I've just got to… make it… to the end… (Reedson crawls around for a while.) Reedson: God, am I almost there? I-I can't take the stress anymore… (The vents begin to shake once more.) Reedson: No… Not again… I-I'm so close… J-Just keep going… (Reedson crawls quickly for a while.) Reedson: There's the end! I… I did it! I made it! (The sound of a grate being taken off can be heard once again. Ben gets out of the vent.) Reedson: Alright. All I need to do is examine the footage on the computer… Let's see here… There's the camera footage of me… but what's this other one? Let's see… (The audio goes quiet for a few minutes.) Reedson: What… the… fuck? (A brief pause is heard.) Reedson: I… I need to tell the foundation… I… gotta upload this. (Ben turns the microphone off, likely to upload the audio.) [END LOG] VIDEO LOG DATE: 7/24/23, 11:38 AM LOCATION: Containment Room 12, Site-75, Kansas NOTE: Footage was recorded by the room's security camera. [BEGIN LOG] (A D-Class walks into the room, accompanied by a security guard and a researcher. They have been identified as Security Officer David, Researcher Bridget, and D-57834) Sven: Please read the inscription on the tablet. D-57834: Why me, specifically? Sven: You have expertise regarding prehistoric languages. We specifically chose you because of that. D-57834: Okay, you caught me. I'll read it. (The room goes silent for approximately a minute.) D-57834: There. Sven: What does it say? D-57834: Well… It's an old scripture of some ancient cult. They seem to speak about "Ascension" and "Becoming one with the old gods." It's kind of scary. Sven: Can you read the exact words? D-57834: I don't know… That might trigger something, you know? Sven: Read it, please. D-57834: Alright… Here goes… "Ascend beyond yourself, and become many. Take the universe in your new form. Become one with the old gods, and become perfect. Eat their mind and let it feed you. Endless power awaits you. Now, be reborn, eternally." Bridget: See? That wasn't so bad. Now, we'd like you to take a look at the back. See that sigil? Do you know what it means? (D-57834 moves around to the backside of SCP-7834.) D-57834: That… No, I've never seen anything like that sigil before. Seems ominous. Bridget: Hmm, okay. Well, I think that's all. Guess we should probably label this as an anomalous object since it doesn't do anything. Sven: Hang on a second. I feel like we haven't fully explored this enough. D-Class, can you read it in the original script? D-57834: I… guess so? Alright… here goes… (D-57834 begins speaking the words on the tablet. An ominous red glow emerges from it.) Bridget: STOP! STOP! D-57834: Okay, okay! I didn't want to go through this anyway! Bridget: David, that was very irresponsible of you. You shouldn't have done that. Sven: On one hand, yes. On the other, we now definitively know that this is an anomaly. Bridget: (sigh) I suppose. Well, that wraps up our testing. D-Class, we'll escort you back to your cell. Once I'm done with that, David, you and I are going to have a little talk. Sven: Okay… (The three of them leave the room, and the footage remains idle for several hours. After some time, a breach alarm begins. After around a half hour, two D-Class enter the room, identified as D-57834 and D-44139.) D-44139: What are we doing in here? D-57834: I don't know! Security's coming after us, so I thought we could hide here! D-44139: Hide? Those guys are relentless. We can't escape! (Zachary runs into the room, brandishing a gun.) Zachary: Freeze! D-57834: Shit. Zachary: You fucking miscreants caused this breach, didn't you? I SAID DIDN'T YOU? D-44139: No! It wasn't us! It was someone else! Zachary: I don't like liars. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you both dead. D-44139: Um… because we aren't liars? Zachary: Wrong answer. (Zachary proceeds to shoot D-44139. He falls to the ground.) Zachary: Wanna tell me the right answer, other guy? D-57834: (muttering) Looks like I don't have a choice… (D-57834 begins to read the text of SCP-7834 in the original language. The tablet begins to glow bright red.) Zachary: What the hell do you think you're doing, smart-ass? (Zachary begins to fire several bullets at D-57834. He begins bleeding, but continues to read the tablet.) Zachary: STOP! (D-57834 finishes reading the tablet. He collapses onto the floor.) Zachary: Good riddance. (The body of D-57834 begins to twitch uncontrollably. After some time, a swarm of worms burst from the body. They begin to surround Zachary. He fires multiple gunshots at the worms.) Zachary: WHY does this GODDAMN thing always run out of ammo at the WORST FUCKING TIMES? (The worms begin to surround Zachary. He expresses discomfort and tries to shake them off. Zachary: GET THE FUCK OFF ME! GET OFF! AGH! (One worm noticeably reaches the forehead of Zachary and begins to attach itself to there. After some time, it burrows into his forehead.) Zachary: MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT… huh? That was weird. What was I going on about again? I can't remember… Whatever. (Zachary proceeds to leave the room. The remaining worms begin to bury into the walls.) [END LOG] As you can see from this footage, these worms are a dire threat and extremely dangerous. I fear they may come for me next. Please send help immediately. To: Marisa Jones From: Ben Reedson. Subject: An apology. Forget everything that I said in my previous message. I don't even remember what I wrote there. Everything at Site-75 is fine. « SCP-7833 | SCP-7834| SCP-7835 » ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7834" by InfiniteCosmos, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: SCP-7834 Author: InfiniteCosmos License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Modern_Whetstone_fragment_(FindID_835884).jpg Author: North Lincolnshire Museum, Martin Foreman, 2017-03-13 14:52:48 License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link:
Screenshot of SCP-7835-D-48, “In Mysterious Ways!" Item: SCP-7835 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7835 is to be kept on a pedestal in the middle of a standard humanoid containment cell. This way, SCP-7835 is fixed in the three-dimensional midpoint of the room, reducing the potential for accidental overwrite events. If transportation of the item is necessary due to external factors, all personnel are to maintain a minimum two-meter distance from SCP-7835 and its courier. Requests for experimentation may be forwarded to Site Director Naismith. When interacting with SCP-7835, personnel are to deposit any electronic devices, paper, currency, and any written or recorded media at the door unless they are relevant to the experiment. Affected instances of SCP-7835-A, -B, -C, and -D are non-anomalous and may be viewed in Site-59's media wing. Description: SCP-7835 is a small golden figurine of a chicken. The object is seven centimeters in length, height, and width. The phrase "NUM TANTI ERAT?"1 has been engraved on the base. Chemical dating has traced its construction to the spring of 1564 CE. SCP-7835 was discovered in a catacomb under the Saint-Nicolas church in Strasbourg, France. After a brief holding period at the British Museum, the object's anomalous effect began to interfere with recorded media at the site. Museum officials remanded it to the Foundation after two weeks of incidents. Any recorded media placed within a two-meter radius for at least two seconds will be overwritten in a variety of ways. The only media that will not be altered is that which has already been altered. Additionally, all media is affected uniquely, even if two identical items are exposed. Affected artwork, including currency, is known as SCP-7835-A. Once exposed, the surfaces will change into artwork of 16th-century theologian John Calvin engaging in various humiliating or morally compromising acts. Collected instances have included (but are not limited to) bestiality, cannibalism, blasphemy, substance abuse, littering, and losing dramatically at various sports and board games. Affected text is designated SCP-7835-B. Once exposed, the text will change to a subject that portrays John Calvin in an extremely negative light. The longest known instance of SCP-7835-B is SCP-7835-B-27, which was originally a copy of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It has since been converted to a novel titled John Calvin: the Man Who Fucked a Trillion Pigs. The shortest known instance is SCP-7835-B-10, which was originally Dr. Pontmercy's credit card. The name on the card has since changed to "EAT SHIT JC". Audio recordings are designated SCP-7835-C. These display the least deviation between individual instances; all are audio recordings of the same depressed male voice claiming full responsibility for various historical disasters. This includes (but is not limited to) the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the Great Chicago Fire, the R101 airship crash, Hurricane Katrina, the Sack of Constantinople, the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 CE, and the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction. In most instances, the voice identifies itself as John Calvin. The shortest known instance is SCP-7835-C-15, which was originally a three-second .wav file of a duck vocalizing. It has since changed to the voice quickly screaming "Did I mention I was a Nazi? Well, I was!" Affected video recordings are designated SCP-7835-D. When exposed, the footage will become an episode of a children's cartoon series called Let's Get Presby-tastic! Addendum: SCP-7835-D Of all affected media, SCP-7835-D follows the most uniform structure. The length of the video will be either shortened or lengthened to fit a 22-minute episode. The host and narrator character is Johnny, a character that resembles the head of John Calvin grafted onto a giant, headless chicken. The bulk of the show consists of early cartoons from Warner Bros., MGM, and Disney, usually taken from the Silly Symphonies and Looney Tunes catalogs. Using the plot of the cartoons as a frame of reference for the topic of the day, Johnny addresses viewers directly about Calvinist theology. The character does this in state of suppressed but extreme agitation, frequently checking on and cowering from something offscreen. Notable monologues from SCP-7835-D: SCP-7835-D-14 (Episode title: "Pope? More like NOPE!") Johnny: Wow! That Mickey Mouse is such a rascal, ha-ha! I sure do love that little guy. He's… yeah. (He hyperventilates for five seconds.) Johnny: …we might as well get to what this "means" for you young reformers out there. Okay. So… all ya gotta do is picture Pete — I mean, I'm talkin' about the big cat thing with the peg leg. I know they didn't explicitly call him Pete but that's totally his name. I don't know why I called him a cat, maybe he's like a bulldog or something? Who knows? Who cares? Here I am, talkin' outta my patootie again when I should be talkin' about Calvinism! But it's okay! It's okay! Right?! (He grinds his teeth.) Johnny: All you really gotta do is imagine that Pete is Vatican oppression, and Mickey's the Protestant Reformation! Wow, I just totally assumed you know what "Vatican oppression" means, didn't I? Gosh darn it! You're, like, FIVE! You barely know what "cat" means! …no offense. I really hope someone gets on me about these nasty little mistakes later. Gotta keep me in line. Or this'll keep happening! Won't it?! (His lip trembles.) Johnny: …who wants to watch Tom & Jerry?! SCP-7835-D-49 (Episode title: "Tiptoe through the T.U.L.I.P.!") Johnny: …so as you can see, no matter hooooow hard he tries, Wile E. Coyote is never-ever-ever gonna catch that pesky Roadrunner. Is this because the Roadrunner is clever? No! Not even in the slightest! The Roadrunner is stupid and bad and horrible and wrong and sinful, tee-hee! But someone upstairs has it out for Mr. Coyote. That's right! God wants Wile E. Coyote to fail at eating this bird forever. And is that wrong? Is that wrong of God?! Huh?! (He slowly shakes his head.) Johnny: Sad but true. For reasons that no mortal can understand, God created this fluffy little apex predator for the purpose of failing. Is that a cruel thing God did? Well, here's another question: was God cruel to His son on the cross?! Was he?! (He shakes his head more vigorously.) Johnny: No, because God is good! He doesn't have people thoughts, He has GOD THOUGHTS! If we humans made a little sentient coyote out of meat for the sole purpose of constant underperformance for our amusement, that would be bad — because we're using human brains that have human thoughts. If our people brains tried to understand GOD THOUGHTS, it would make even less sense than I'm making right now I'm sorry I'm so so sorry! (He sheds several tears.) Johnny: Here's the thing, kids… if you did everything right… if you lived your whole life according to what the Gospel dictates… if God hasn't extended His grace to you, it's still entirely possible and morally justified… for you… (Seven seconds of silence.) Johnny: …to join me! SCP-7835-D-57 (Episode title: "Betraying your friends is bad bad bad bad bad BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD!") (Johnny paces feverishly.) Johnny: Yes yes great what a lovely cartoon clearly some of the cultural references didn't age well ha-ha especially not that blackface gag toward the three-minute mark oh well clearly it was a disturbing product of its time but let's not open that can of worms — ANYWAY!! (He suddenly approaches the viewer closer than he's ever come before.) Johnny: Before we go! I would like to say a few words. Just a few. Nothing huge, I swear. You see, a lot was said today on the subject of… betrayal. Well, there was one betrayal story we left out. A really big one. The guys running this show don't think we should tell it. But I think it's pretty relevant to the topic of the day. A long time ago in Geneva, there was this guy named John Calvin. (Sounds familiar, don't it?!) He thought he was a very good man. But he was flawed. Selfish. Corrupt. And personally, I think this was one of the very rare instances where divine predestination had no involvement — he was a horrible little weasel of a man on his own, wasn't he?! Some things are so evil that God can't justify it with any of His God thoughts. That's on us! And what was the worst thing John ever did? That's easy! His best friend was this guy named Michael Servetus. They a lot of fun together. Total BFFs! Allies in the fight for the Reformation! Then… John had Michael killed. It was over a petty disagreement about the particulars of the Bible. John thought that was enough to tattle on Michael to the Inquisition - you know, the Reformation's villains! Remember that Vatican oppression thing I was talking about? Yeah! Johnny LOVED that oppression stuff! The Inquisition took Michael away! They burned him! One of the worst ways anyone can die. And… Johnny was okay with this. Because Johnny didn't have God thoughts or people thoughts. HE HAD [bleep] THOUGHTS! That's right, [bleep] thoughts from a [bleep] brain fulla nothin' but [bleep]! And, hypothetically, if Johnny were alive today… this is what he would say. (Johnny breaks down sobbing.) Michael… I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. Satan has built an impenetrable castle in my heart that no redeeming cannonade may pierce. So please… see me as the friend you once knew, one last time — AND LET ME [bleep]ING DIE ALREADY I CAN'T DO THIS [bleep]ING SHOW ANYMORE LET ME — (Credits.) SCP-7835-D-58 (Episode title: "Whoopsies!") (From this episode on, Johnny is wearing a blood-soaked blindfold. Johnny screams his lines for most of this episode.) Johnny: HOWDY, KIDS! HERE'S ANOTHER EPISODE OF CALVINIST CARTOON GOODNESS. YOU MAY NOTICE THIS THING OVER MY EYES! FUN FACT: SOMETIMES, PEOPLE DO SUCH A BAD JOB AT HOSTING CARTOONS THAT THEY DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE EYES ANYMORE! (Ten seconds of dead silence.) Johnny: HERE'S DAFFY DUCK. Footnotes 1. Latin: "Was it worth it?" ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7835" by daveyoufool, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: johncalvin.jpg Author: daveyoufool License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
Item#: 7836 Level1 Secondary Class: N/A Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7836 is to be kept in a refrigerator in Site-175's kitchen outside of routine check-ups on SCP-7836-2 and requested uses. Personnel who wish to utilize SCP-7836 must request access to both an on-site psychiatrist and a staff member of Clearance Level 3 or higher. Description: SCP-7836 is a sealed bag of shredded mozzarella cheese.1 The bag itself is non-anomalous. The cheese inside of the bag, however, will replenish itself if any is taken from the bag and, despite the bag being open since being brought into Foundation custody, does not appear to spoil as most cheeses have been observed to do. Upon visually observing SCP-7836, individuals will feel compelled to unseal SCP-7836 and consume the cheese within, regardless of any self-imposed dietary limitations or medical conditions that would otherwise prohibit the consumption of dairy products. Once any quantity of cheese has been consumed by an affected individual (henceforth referred to as SCP-7836-1), a Soter Event will begin. During a Soter Event, SCP-7836-1 instances will be "transported" to an office on the second floor of a building, with a window showing a view that the current SCP-7836-1 instance finds calming. In reality, SCP-7836-1 instances remain stationary in the position they were upon consuming the cheese from SCP-7836. It is currently unknown if the visual element of Soter Events is a hallucination or is an out of body experience. On rare occasions, audio recording devices held by SCP-7836-1 record audio produced during Soter Events. SCP-7836 houses a Type-III Superintelligence that manifests during Soter Events, henceforth referred to as SCP-7836-2. Upon a Soter Event lasting anywhere between thirty seconds and six minutes, SCP-7836-2 will manifest in the office, entering it through a door. Exact descriptions of SCP-7836-2 vary between Soter Events, but there are a number of reported trends: ・SCP-7836-2 will always appear as a human male, appearing to be in his mid to late 30s. ・SCP-7836-2 always manifests holding a sheaf of papers or a clipboard. ・SCP-7836-2 speaks with a French, German, Italian or Polish accent, and will always address SCP-7836-1 instances in their native language. ・SCP-7836-2 will always appear with blonde hair and a skin tone described as "Creamy." ・SCP-7836-2 is fond of puns, specifically those based around cheeses.2 ・SCP-7836-2 claims its name is "Jack Monterey"3 and that it is "The most unbrielievable therapist you could find in a bag of cheese." Once inside the office, SCP-7836-2 will seat itself in a comfortable location, such as a couch, chair or, if nothing else is usable as a seat, the floor and ask SCP-7836-1 to do the same, willingly giving up its own seat to allow SCP-7836-1 to be more comfortable. Once both parties are seated, SCP-7836-2 will begin to read through the papers gradually and ask SCP-7836-1 questions related to their lives, jobs and personal relationships. SCP-7836-1 instances report a feeling of comfort around SCP-7836-2, stating that, at the time, they "felt like they could tell him anything." As a result, many SCP-7836-1 instances will answer with honesty and genuine emotion. Upon having learned of the majority of a person's life4, SCP-7836-2 will put down its papers and begin to ask questions about SCP-7836-1's mental health, generally interjecting to help them find words to describe things. After the previous two parts of an event have taken place, questioning usually reported taking between twenty minutes to three hours, SCP-7836-2 will stop asking questions and offer SCP-7836-1. This advice has most commonly taken the form of self-help, such as ways of coping with the loss of a loved one, combatting drug addictions and stamping out problematic behavior in their day-to-day life. After offering the advice, SCP-7836-2 will stand and leave the office, ending the Soter Event. Discovery: SCP-7836 was discovered by Junior Researchers Saoirse Daley and Leanna Smith on 30/07/21, while assisting kitchen staff with the preparation of that evening's food. Daley and Smith discovered SCP-7836 at the back of a refrigerator and Smith subsequently became the first known SCP-7836-1 instance. The object was brought to the attention of the wider staff body and was contained later that day. + Test Log 7836-A - Test Log 7836-A Test A - 02/08/21 Subject: D-37506 Subject Details: D-37506 was arrested in Italy under charges of patricide, before being founded guilty and being inducted into D-Class Personnel and brought to Site-175. D-37506 has a history of violent outbursts, anger issues and drug use. Procedure: D-37506 was outfitted with audio-recording equipment before instructed to enter the kitchen and eat from SCP-7836. Results: A Soter event successfully triggered, and D-37506 began hallucinating. The audio recording picks up nothing but static for around three seconds, before resuming proper function. The following recording has been translated from Italian. D-37506: "Eh? What the fuck- the hell did you sciencey-fuckin'-weirdos put in that cheese?!" Footsteps are heard for around four seconds. D-37506: "Wait- Fucken- Am I in Venice?5 I- Holy shit, that's Tony's place. That little café… The fuck is going on?" The sound of a door opening can be heard, and SCP-7836-2 enters the room. SCP-7836-2: "Good afternoon, Rosa. I'm sure getting you to come here today was a feta strength on the Foundation's part." Three seconds of silence. D-37506: "That was easily the most dogshit pun I've heard in a long time." SCP-7836-2: "Oh, you wound me! I thought it was a gouda pun. Now, please, take a seat and we can get our appointment started." D-37506: "Please stop with the cheese puns or I'll throw you out this fucken window." SCP-7836-2: "Woah, cheesy does it! I'm going to need you to relax a bit if we're going to do this-" D-37506: "I want out." SCP-7836-2: "Please stop being difficult, I only make the cheddar if we make progress on your case today." Six seconds of silence. D-37506: "Fine, fuck it. I'll do your stupid therapy thing. SCP-7836-2: Audibly relieved "Thank you, Rosa. Please, sit with me." The sounds of a chair being dragged across a wooden floor is heard SCP-7836-2: "So, Rosa, I have a copy of your file here." rustling paper is heard "I'll be honest, reading it was like reading a thriller. Drug addict from the age of seventeen, history of violence, bullying people throughout your school life… Killing your father. Quite a thirty years you've had, eh?" D-37506: "Guess so, yeah." SCP-7836-2: "Alright. So, tell me a bit about yourself. Who you are, a bit about your life. You know, stuff like that." D-37506: "Uh… Well, I'm Rosa Brambilla. I'm thirty years old and I used to live in Venice. Wanted to go onto study History in college, but my dad wouldn't let me, the fat bastard. Wanted me to study fuckin' Medicine, become a doctor, that shit. And then I killed him. I got arrested. Got thrown into an orange jumpsuit and now I'm rotting away in this weird-ass facility that looks somewhere between a maximum security prison from the films and a goddamn hospital." SCP-7836-2: "Given the mention, I take it you like movies?" D-37506: "Yeah. Really got into cinema as a teenager. Loved stuff like The Shawshank Redemption and Cabin in The Woods." SCP-7836-2: "I see. Not big on movies myself, though it's a bit hard to when you're stuck in a bag of cheese. Last time I saw an act… must havarti been before they invented the silver screen." D-37506: "Weren't that ages ago? You look too young to be, like, a hundred years old or something?" SCP-7836-2: "Aw, you're too kind. Please, do go on." D-37506: "Well, uh…" SCP-7836-2: "If it helps to have a gouda place to start, try telling me about your early life. Childhood and all that grate stuff." D-37506: "Well, when I was a kid, probably six or seven…" The audio lasts a further two hours, as D-37506 talks about her life and events she believes led her down her current path, with SCP-7836-2 occasionally interjecting to ask about details or inquire about her feelings about certain events. This has been cut from the log for brevity. D-37506: "And then the guy in the suit introduced himself as 'Agent Peters' or something, can't remember exactly what his name was, and told me that he could get me out of prison if I helped him and his organization with some tests. I'd have been an idiot not to take the Get Out of Jail Free card, so I did. And now I've been… here for a year and a half. That's about it." SCP-7836-2: "Enlightening. So, you think you lash out at others because of pent-up anger you have from your father controlling you for most of your adolescent life? And the drugs are for a similar reason?" D-37506: "Guess so, yeah." SCP-7836-2: "Well, while I'm not particularly experienced in the field myself, I do have an idea on how to deal with the drugs. Maybe have someone frisk you whenever you're coming to and from your cell? It might be weird for everyone involved, but getting any smuggled narcotics off you will probably pay off in the long run." D-37506: "So you want me to strip for the guards every time I need to use the bathroom?" SCP-7836-2: "Only if that's what you're into. A pat-down, pocket search, that sort of stuff, will probably work just as well." D-37506: "So… that it?" SCP-7836-2: "Well, no. I'd also recommend attempting to make peace with people you've fought with. Pays to have friends, and if you exclusively beat people up and spit in their faces, you won't make many. Who knows, maybe you'll start some unshakable bond between you and someone else who you'd previously kicked in the groin." D-37506: "You sound like a guy they'd bring into schools to tell kids how they need to respect one another so World War Three doesn't happen." SCP-7836-2: "Like it or not, good advice always sounds cheesy. Brielieve me, I would know." D-37506: "Guess you're right, heh." SCP-7836-2: "You're smiling." D-37506: "I am?" SCP-7836-2: "Yup. And here I was thinking you were a full-time sourpuss." D-37506: "More like part-time sourpuss, full-time pain in the ass." SCP-7836-2: "You shouldn't put yourself down like that, I'm sure there's someone out there who enjoys your company." A small chime can be heard on the recording. SCP-7836-2: "Ah, looks like my time with you is nearly up. It's been a pleasure meeting you, Rosa." D-37506: "Nice meeting you too, mister." SCP-7836-2 laughs SCP-7836-2: "Sir? Oh, no, my dear. Please, call me Jack. May I interest you in a snack for the road? You fond of cheese and onions crisps?" D-37506: "I'm fine, thank you." SCP-7836-2: "Alright then. If you'll excuse me, I must be going. If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to again, you know where to find me. Ciao!" The sound of a door opening and closing can be heard on the recording. The Soter event promptly ended and D-37506 returned to consciousness. Analysis: Shortly after testing ceased, D-37506 requested to be regularly frisked for narcotics on her way to and from her cell. The request has since been obliged, and D-37506 has failed several drug tests performed since. She has been observing actively attempting to make amends with fellow D-Class she had previously attacked, with mixed reactions. Update: On 19/05/22, D-37506 requested to be allowed to visit her father's grave in Italy. Request pending. + Interview with SCP-7836-2 - Interview with SCP-7836-2 Interviewed: SCP-7836-2 Interviewer: Doctor Frederick Baker Interview Date: 04/08/21 Foreword: Doctor Baker volunteered to interview SCP-7836-2 to attempt to gain an insight into how and, potentially, why the object exists. Baker has a history of relatively good mental health, but has never taken the amnesticization of his family upon him joining the Foundation well. <Begin Log, 15:12> Baker initiates a Soter event in the Site canteen. Four seconds of static are heard before the audio begins recording. Baker: "Dark in here… URF!" Audio indicates Baker collided with a large wooden object. The sound of a door opening and a light switch being turned on is heard immediately after. SCP-7836-2: "Oh, goodness! I'm so sorry, I forgot to leave the lights on, again so sorry. Are you hurt?" Baker: "Not badly, no, just a bit of a wallop off that table… Ow…" SCP-7836-2: "I can run and get you an ice pack if you want-" Baker: "Not necessary, sorry to cut you off, I'm just used to it by now… Pleasure to meet you, SCP-7836-2." SCP-7836-2: "Cheesed to meet you too, Frederick. And please, call me Jack." Baker: "If I call you Jack, can we… not make this a therapy session?" SCP-7836-2: "Why? You certainly have a few issues you could work through with me-" Baker: "Thanks, but no thanks. Not in the mood for that. That and I'm here to interview you. For a document." SCP-7836-2: "What, you need to update my place of residence in the government database to 'Bag of cheese'?" Baker: "Well, no, but figuring out an old place of residence if possible. Before the cheese, that is." SCP-7836-2: "Al-rightbrie then! You can havarti your interview! I'd ask you to take a seat, since we're gonna brie here a while, but…" Baker: "Yes, wheelchair. I'm used to it by now." SCP-7836-2: "Suppose you've heard it all before. Well, let me just…" The sound of a chair scraping against a wooden floor are heard SCP-7836-2: "Perfect. Now, Frederick, ask away!" Baker: "Alright, so… First question. Why are you in a bag of cheese, if you know why yourself?" SCP-7836-2: "No real reason. Just the next stage in my existence. This must be… my hundred and fiftieth form in the last few millennia? It'd surprise you how long certain old forms of cheese last in the right conditions." Baker: "A hundred and fiftieth- How old are you?" SCP-7836-2: "By my count, two thousand three hundred years old, given or take a decade or two." Baker: "Jesus." SCP-7836-2: "Yeah, pretty cool guy. Never actually said that thing about being gay, y'know."6 Baker: "Uh, ok…." Silence for around seven seconds. Baker: "It's just…" SCP-7836-2: "I'm a lot to take in? Yeah, I used to get that all the time. 'You talk too fast, you're jumping between topics too quick.' People these days have no sense of what real conversation is. No offence." Baker: "None taken. Next question?" SCP-7836-2: "Sure!" Baker: "How does that whole body thing work? Do you just randomly get stuck in different cheeses every couple years?" SCP-7836-2: "Nah. Generally I just smite my current vessel out of existence whenever I get bored of it. It's fun, you should try it if you ever come into possession of more power than is logically good for you." Baker: "You what?" SCP-7836-2: "Smite, destroy, forcibly remove its right to bear existence… Obliterate? You get the idea. Last time I bleu up must've brieen about a month ago. It was not nice burning up in the Iraqi desert after a plane crash, let me tell you." Baker: "Should we be concerned?" SCP-7836-2: "We? As in your Foundation? No, no, not at all. Not unless you want me to, of course." Baker: "Please do not 'obliterate' yourself while in Foundation custody. SCP-7836-2: sarcastically "Darn! There go my plans for the evening! Damn you, guestly courtesy!" Baker: "Also, how do you know about the Foundation? I'm assuming we haven't contained you before and you got out?" SCP-7836-2: "Nope, nosirbrie. You all just have a bit of a reputation in the wider anomalous community. Overheard about you guys while sitting in the fridge in some fellas calling themselves the UIU during my stint as a Babybel in Three Portlands." Baker: "Ok… So… Is this… normal, for you? Running therapy sessions out of a bag of cheese?" SCP-7836-2: "Oh, hell no. Decided to finally be useful again once I started this cycle as a mozzarella and I'm sticking to it." Baker: "So… what were you doing before? For those one hundred and forty-nine previous… vessels, as you called them." SCP-7836-2: "Mostly sitting around and mumbling useful ideas to people. Of course, most of it was old news by your Second Century AD, CE, whatever it is now, but mumble I did." Baker: "Mumbling? What exactly?" SCP-7836-2: "The process of making cheese. Brielieve me, it's taken me a real long time to get that out of my system. When something's been your shtick for longer than most civilizations have been around, that takes a while." Baker: "Mhmm. So… that view, huh?" SCP-7836-2: "I'll take it you're running out of questions. Yes, nice view, isn't it? That's… The Cliffs of Dover, I do believe. Lovely place." Baker: "Yeah. It's where I-" Baker goes silent. SCP-7836-2: "You're tearing up a bit. You sure you're alright?" Baker: "Yeah, I'm fine. I… just let myself slip. Gotta forget it. Move on. Otherwise I'll just die stuck in the past." SCP-7836-2: "You never did stop to get over it, did you? You just motored on without a second thought." Baker: "We are not having that conversation. We said this was an interview, not a therapy session, didn't we, Jack?" SCP-7836-2: "…We did. Sorry." Silence for about twelve seconds. Baker: "I… think we're just about done. You have anything you want me to pass onto my higher ups?" SCP-7836-2: "No thanks, I'm happy in the fridge. You could say that I'm just… chilling." Baker sighs. Baker: "Well, that's all. Have a nice evening, Jack." SCP-7836-2: "You too, Frederick. Come back anytime, or send someone my way. You know exactly where to find me." Baker: "Oh, one more thing." SCP-7836-2: "Mhmm?" Baker: "You can call me Fred in future, if you want." SCP-7836-2: "Alright then, Fred. I'll be seeing you." The Soter event ends, and Baker resumes consciousness. <End Log, 16:09> Closing Statement: Several members of personnel reported Baker seemed lost in thought in the hours following his interview with SCP-7836-2. When approached about this, Baker simply said he "was toying with the idea of something." + Meeting record concerning SCP-7836, 05/08/21 - Meeting record concerning SCP-7836, 05/08/21 Foreword: Doctor Frederick Baker requested a meeting with Site Director Umar Musa concerning SCP-7836. <Begin Recording, 12:06> Baker enters Musa's office and seats himself across the desk from him. Baker: "Good morning, sir." Musa: "Afternoon at this point, but I digress. You wanted to talk about 7836, yes?" Baker: "Yes. I, uh, wanted to propose something." Musa grins Musa: "Sorry Frederick, but I don't swing that way." Musa snorts at his own joke Baker: "I- no, that's not what I- can you please take this seriously?" Musa: "Ok, serious time." Musa straightens himself in his seat "Go on." Baker: "Ok… so, I wanted to suggest the idea of letting personnel use SCP-7836 freely. I think it might do the Site's collective mental health something good." Musa stares at Baker for around thirty seconds in complete silence Baker: "Uh, Director-" Musa: "Baker, you understand you're new here and all, but you can't just talk to an anomaly after testing once and say it's completely fit for free use by anyone who wants it." Baker: "What, because we know too little about the object? It's a bag of bloody shredded cheese that gives you a therapy session and life advice! Hardly even ground for a Euclid-class!" Musa: "Exactly my reasons, and calm down. As much I'd love to lay off some of the idiots in the Psychology Department, we can't just replace them with an SCP we've tested a grand total of twice. It'd be like America suddenly changing laws that keep thousands of people safe and just saying 'Yeah, this random fella we took off the street is making laws now." Baker: "To be fair, that sounds like something-" Musa: "Neither the time nor place, Baker. But do you get what I'm trying to say here?" Baker: "What, you think it's going to start subtly mind-controlling the entire Site if we let people use it?" Musa: "Well, no, but the idea to prevent that from happening if that's what it's going to do." Baker: "Fair enough. But still, what if it isn't?" Musa: "Do more of your tests. Prove it isn't just brainwashing people into thinking they're happy or whatever and that it doesn't want to turn our brains into blue cheese or something. Give me solid, definitive proof, and I'll consider letting anyone who needs it use the object, keyword consider. Do that and come back to me about this, alright?" Baker: "Alright then. Thank you for your time, sir." Musa: "Oh, and one last thing before you go, Baker." Baker: "Hmmm?" Musa: "Please tell me the cheese puns of the audio records aren't just interference." Baker: "Nope. SCP-7836-2 has a weird sense of humor." Musa chuckles Musa: "Maybe I'll sign myself up for one of those tests you're going to run. Even if it is a superintelligent entity inside a bag of cheese, it sounds like a fun time." Baker: "Uh, feel free to volunteer any time. Thanks for your time." Musa: "You're quite welcome, Frederick. Have a good day." Baker: "You too, sir." Baker stands and leaves the office. <End Log, 12:11> Closing Statement: Well, better get to testing this bag- sorry, bad boy. -F. Baker + Extended SCP-7836 Test Logs - Extended SCP-7836 Test Logs 06/08/21 Test #7 Test Subject: D-229137 Notes: D-229137 struggled with intense paranoia from his early teens and was described by other D-Class as reclusive. Test Results: Soter Event lasted roughly two and a half hours. SCP-7836-2 traced D-229137's paranoia to extended periods of isolation in his childhood. SCP-7836-2 encouraged D-229137 to engage socialise more with his fellow D-Class in order to avoid further periods of loneliness. After testing ceased, D-229137 was reported as transitioning into a much more active role in D-Class social circles by personnel. D-229137 reported feeling much calmer and happier. 14/08/21 Test #15 Test Subject: Junior Researcher Eli Balcomb Notes: Balcomb was known to be prone to depressive episodes, and had previously attempted suicide several times. Subject was also noted as lactose intolerant. Test Results: Upon the Soter Event beginning, it lasted roughly eleven seconds before Balcomb reassumed activity and ran to the bathroom. Audio recorded during the test consistented of SCP-7836-2 swearing in German for roughly half a minute. Note to self: provide lactose intolerant testers with lactase. -F. Baker 15/08/21 Test #21 Test Subject: Junior Researcher Eli Balcomb Notes: Balcomb was provided with lactase prior to testing. Test Results: Balcomb complained of mild stomach pain around halfway through the Soter Event, which successfully activated and lasted roughly three hours, with SCP-7836-2 commenting that he was "Still working out some chinks for the dairy allergic and lactose intolerant." SCP-7836-2 successfully managed to trace the source of Balcomb's episodes to several sources throughout his childhood, but expressed a want to address each individually and after "a period of preparation for each." It then asked Balcomb if he would be willing to come back and talk another time. Balcomb accepted the offer, and lodged a request to allow him continue acting as a test subject for SCP-7836-2. Request pending. 26/08/21 Test #29 Test Subject: D-45651 Notes: Subject had no history of mental health problems, although psychological analysis revealed subject had ADHD. Test Results: Soter Event successfully triggered and subsequently lasted for roughly fifty minutes. SCP-7836-2 did not go through the usual process with D-45651, instead spending the duration of the Event discussing D-45651's interests with him. When asked why he didn't follow standard procedure during the Event by D-45651, SCP-7836-2 simply said that "There's nothing wrong with you, you're wonderful just as you are. But it'd be rude to just kick you out over that, so I decided to just chat." D-45651 displayed no major behavioral changes following testing. 03/09/21 Test #32 Test Subject: Junior Researcher Erika Henderson Notes: Subject had reported general unhappiness in their life with no discernible source. Subject reported difficulty eating, getting out of bed and general lethargy. Test Results: Soter Event lasted four hours. SCP-7836-2 concluded that Henderson was experiencing gender dysphoria, citing her several efforts to appear masculine as a teenager as "damning evidence." Henderson would spend the next week discussing sexuality with other researchers, before requesting a week's leave on 30/09/21 in order to receive gender reassignment surgery. Due to external factors, the request's processing was put on hold before being granted on 30/12/21. Henderson would return to work a week later under the name Eric Henderson. He later reported feeling much more comfortable in his own body and expressing enjoyment in his daily routine. 02/12/21 Test #49 Test Subject: Corrine Byrne, Site 175 Janitor Notes: Byrne had previously reported high levels of stress as part of the ongoing clean-up effort around Site 175 after SCP-████ and SCP-████ breached containment on ██/██/21. Fellow members of janitorial staff recommended her for testing with the object. Test Results: Soter Event lasted an hour and a half. SCP-7836-2 spent most of the Event discussing methods of alleviating stress, including breathing exercises and several Buddhist meditation techniques, along with how to fit them into her daily routine. Byrne spent the next three days fixing the meditation time as part of her schedule. Within a week, Byrne reported feeling as though she was back to her old self and wished to extend thanks to SCP-7836-2 for its advice. FROM: ten.piks|rekabf#ten.piks|rekabf TO: ten.piks|asumutcerid#ten.piks|asumutcerid SUBJECT: SCP-7836 again. Good afternoon sir. I know you're quite busy currently, what with needing to rebuild parts of the Site and all, but I'd like to ask you to reconsider on the matter of 7836. I've been testing with it for the last few months, and nobody seems to have been mind controlled, body snatched or anything of the sort. In fact, I'm hearing nothing but thanks to Jack- or rather, SCP-7836-2, in that regard. Is it a bit weird? Yes, but I prefer to take that as a sign what it's doing is genuinely helping as opposed to brain hijacking. Please, do reconsider opening use to the wider Site, some people definitely need it after what happened. Sincerely, Frederick Baker P.S: Need an electrician on Sublevel 3, breaker box is on the fritz again. FROM: ten.piks|asumutcerid#ten.piks|asumutcerid TO: ten.piks|rekabf#ten.piks|rekabf SUBJECT: RE: SCP-7836 again. Hello Frederick. I recently reviewed 7836's entry on the database. Seems like you've been busy. I do agree, it seems like it could be quite a helpful anomaly, recent containment breach and related traumas aside. I'm still somewhat reluctant to both open up an anomaly for Sitewide use, as well as potentially laying off -Site psychologists. We don't know how it gets information on people, especially such in-depth things like previous friends and holidays. I've considered, and I'll do it. On one condition. Use it yourself. Ask SCP-7836-2 a few more questions, and let him work his weird, cheese-therapy-man magic on you. I think it'll do you good. Also, I'll send that electrician down. Have a nice day. P.S: You don't need to sign off every email like it's a letter, it's the 21st Century. + Soter Event Transcript: Frederick Baker - Soter Event Transcript: Frederick Baker Interviewed: SCP-7836-2 Interviewer: Doctor Frederick Baker Foreword: Doctor Baker informed staff researching SCP-7836 that this would be the final test they would be required to supervise. <Begin Log, 16:06> Baker initiates a Soter Event and appears in SCP-7836-2's office, SCP-7836-2 presumably already inside. SCP-7836-2: "I knew you'd be back, Fred." Baker: "Hello, SCP-7836-2." SCP-7836-2: "Formal today. Suits you. But, please, just call me Jack." Baker: "I will. So… when do we get to the session?" SCP-7836-2: "Oh, so that's what this is for?" A clapping sound is heard on the recording "Wunderbar! Before we start, can I offer you some peanuts?" Baker: "No, thank you. I'm allergic." SCP-7836-2: "Oh well, that's a shame." The sounds of paper ruffling can be heard. SCP-7836-2: "Would you prefer if I go through the usual process, or if I just cut to the cheese and go straight to the main problems?" Baker: "Just hit me where it hurts." SCP-7836-2: "Alright then." SCP-7836-2 sighs heavily "Sorry in advance. I know this is probably hard for you." Baker remains silent. SCP-7836-2 continues. SCP-7836-2: "Alright, the first notable incident in your life. May 12th, 1982. A six year old you and your parents are driving home to London, on the M40 after visiting your grandparents in Birmingham. Drunk driver was speeding along behind you, rear-ended your car… Yeah." Baker: "…Yeah." SCP-7836-2: "Mother dead on the scene, father with two broken ribs and you… Damage to the neck leading to you being paralyzed from the waist down. Awful thing for anyone to have to go through, especially at such a young age." Baker: "You don't say." SCP-7836-2: "Anything you want to say about it?" Baker: "I miss her." SCP-7836-2: "I understand how you feel. My mother's been dead for a real long time, I still miss her too." Baker: "Yeah. Something inside you just kind of… dies, when you lose a parent, doesn't it?" SCP-7836-2: "Feels like the world's been torn apart and put back together haphazardly, yeah." Silence for around ten seconds. SCP-7836-2: "Let's move on." Baker: "Mhmm." SCP-7836-2: "So, not much through your teens… Twenties, you graduate from Oxford University with a degree in Theoretical Physics, meet your future wife… get engaged. What was her name?" Baker: "Ann. Ann Smith, before we tied the knot. Lovely woman, she'd love you if you ever met. Had the same kind of cheesy humor you do." SCP-7836-2: "I see what you did there." Baker: "Been waiting for that one." SCP-7836-2: "Looks like we have a new cheese master on the block. How was the relationship?" Baker: "Good, obviously. Otherwise we wouldn't have gotten engaged." SCP-7836-2: "Fair. You two lived together?" Baker: "From pretty early, yeah. Had a little apartment in Brighton. Loved to go on trips all around the country. That's how I proposed, actually. Went on a day trip to the Cliffs of Dover, had a picnic, I proposed… We drove home and had sex. Great day, all in all." SCP-7836-2: SCP-7836-2 snaps its fingers7 "TMI, Fred. TMI." Baker: "Sorry. I… Spoke without thinking. My bad." SCP-7836-2: "You're fine. Mind if I keep going?" Baker: "Yes, carry on." SCP-7836-2: "Ok, going into your thirties… Married, had a son, then another one… Looks good up to here. And then we hit your forties." Baker: "Shit hits the fan." SCP-7836-2: "Shit well and truly hits the fan. Motor Neuron Disease, I feel bad for your father, truly." Baker: "He just… fell, one day. He hit his leg off the corner of a table so I took him to the hospital to get it looked at, and to check if he was alright after the fall. It was a shock. Died about a year later, could hardly move his arms toward the end." SCP-7836-2: "Must've been awful, watching him slowly go." Baker: "It was. It's just-" Baker swallows hard, and continues shakily. "It was horrible watching him slowly just stop being able to… to do things. He needed a caretaker to do much of anything. he couldn't hold his drinks, couldn't eat by himself since he couldn't hold his knife and fork by himself… Never thought I'd be feeding my own father his potatoes like a baby on Christmas Day, but who would? I think he just gave up at the end, let himself fade away into whatever afterlife or oblivion there is after death." SCP-7836-2: "I'm sure he was happy to have a loving son right to the end." Baker: Audibly upset "The last thing he ever said to me was that he loved me. He died the next day." SCP-7836-2: "That's rough, man. Do you, like, need a hug or something?" Baker: "No… No, I'm fine. Just gimme… gimme a second." Ragged breathing is heard for the next few seconds, before a deep inhalation and exhalation Baker: "Ok, ok. I'm ok." SCP-7836-2: "Deep breaths whenever you think you're about to cry, unless you want a good cry. In, out." Baker: "I'm fine, I'm fine." SCP-7836-2: "Good. And then… Less than a month later, you get approached to join the Foundation. You accept, your family gets amnesti-whatsited, which you apparently didn't expect, and you're sat down to work as a researcher at… Site 175. Just curious, why didn't you think they'd wipe your family's memories?" Baker: "They never told me!" SCP-7836-2: "I'm fairly sure they'd put some kind of disclaimer on your contractual obligations." Baker: "You're implying people read the things they sign for work." SCP-7836-2: "You really should, in all honesty, but whatever. Anything on that?" Baker: "I miss them." SCP-7836-2: "Fair enough. What were the kids like? Tell me." Baker: "Thomas, the older one, real energetic little piece of work. Had some kind of sport every other day of the week, still had it in him to run all over the place and hang off of you while you were trying to get the spaghetti ready for dinner… James was a lot like him, little ball of energy. Had an off button when you gave him his IPad, thankfully." SCP-7836-2: "Youtube and stuff, the best way of making a young child compliant with your demands." Baker: "Yeah… I miss him laughing at those Minecraft videos he used to watch. Grown men messing around with block games. I'd call it silly, but apparently we have an entire Site based inside the game, so what the hell." SCP-7836-2: "What's the world coming to, eh? Still, sounds like you loved your kids." Baker: "I'd be insane not to. Aside from Ann, they were pretty much the only people in the world who really mattered to me." SCP-7836-2: "I can see why you miss them so much, then. Tell me, did you ever just stop and let yourself really miss them? Like, address it beyond the fact it's how you feel? Cry it out, talk to someone, so on so forth?" Baker: "Not really. Never really felt bad enough to need to." SCP-7836-2: "So, you just internalize it? Let it boil for the rest of time, til you eventually explode from it?" Baker: "I suppose-" SCP-7836-2: "Sorry, Fred, but just.. That isn't healthy. I know it sounds obvious. Correction, I know it's obvious, but you just really. shouldn't. do. that. Alright?" Baker: "I- Uh, I'm sorry?" SCP-7836-2: "No, no, don't be. Just do me a favor." Baker: "What kind of favor?" SCP-7836-2: "When we're done here, take some time for yourself. Take a day or two off, keep to yourself in your off hours for a few days, just process it. Come to terms with it, just accept it and figure out how you move forward. I know it doesn't sound like genuine advice, but it'll work. Most things I say do, somehow." Baker: "Alright, I will. Uh, thanks for the advice?" SCP-7836-2: "Tis no problem, Fred. Glad I could brie of some help to you." A clap is heard, along with an exclaimation of pain from Baker Baker: "Christ, you've got some bony hands." SCP-7836-2: "Big strong bones in the hands, mind you. The calcium from being in dairy products does wonders for the bones and teeth." Baker: "The nails, too. Might want to cut them before next time someone comes by." SCP-7836-2: "Fair enough. I think my work here is done. Do you?" Baker: "For the time being, yes. Goodbye, I suppose." SCP-7836-2: "One last thing, Fred." Baker: "Yes, Jack?" SCP-7836-2: "Go outside a bit more, you're deathly pale. Releases serotonin, too." Baker: "I will. Goodbye, Jack." SCP-7836-2: "So long, Fred. Hopefully I don't need to see you again. Well, at least in this context." The Soter Event ends, and Baker resumes regular activity. <End Log, 16:29> Closing Statement: After the interview concluded, several members of staff pointed out to Baker that he was crying, which he was apparently unaware of. Further reports over the coming days indicated that Baker was acting unusually, before suddenly returning to his usual self. When asked about what exactly had brought on the temporary change, Baker left the following comment. "They wouldn't want me moping around when I could be doing something better with myself, would they?" Shortly after the interview, SCP-7836 was temporarily made readily available to personnel at Site 175. After no ill effects were reported after the test period, SCP-7836 was permanently made available for use by on-site personnel. Footnotes 1. Despite being labelled as a bag of red cheddar cheese, SCP-7836-1 have described its taste being more akin to mozzarella 2. SCP-7836-2's sense of humor has been described as "groan-inducing" 3. It is unclear if this is another pun or the name SCP-7836-2 actually uses to identify itself 4. SCP-7836-2 claims to already have a large quantity of background information on the current SCP-7836-1 on its clipboard, but prefers to ask SCP-7836-1 direct questions. 5. D-37506 spent most of her adolescence living in Venice prior to moving to Rome with her father. 6. SCP-7836-2 claims to have met a large quantity of religious figures both prior to and during its several existences, including, but not limited to; Jesus Christ, Odin, Muhammed, the entire Greco-Roman pantheon, Raijin, Siddhārtha Gautama and The God Emperor Of Mankind 7. Audio recording detected a snapping noise, which was assumed to originate from SCP-7836-2 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7836" by BitOddInnit, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Jayenne Eyes In The Sky Written by Jayenne. An instance of SCP-7837 mimicking a GPS satellite. Item #: SCP-7837 Special Containment Procedures: Captured specimens are to be stored at Site-38 in underground cells made of reinforced concrete. Specimens must be bound to the floor of their cells by 7.6mm steel cables. Cables must be coated in rubber or some other abrasion-resistant insulation. All testing of SCP-7837 instances must be done in the presence of no less than 10 guards armed with armor-piercing rifles. No metallic objects, apart from those being used for testing purposes, are to make direct physical contact with any instance of SCP-7837. Following Incident 7837-X1-A, MTF-Eta-37 "Skywatch" has been formed to handle all instances of SCP-7837 attacks. Eta-37's job is to document, deter1 and/or capture all instances of SCP-7837. To this end, Taskforce personnel are equipped with specially-designed harpoon and net launchers to restrain the instances. Any Foundation personnel outside of MTF-Eta-37 who encounter instances of SCP-7837 unexpectedly are instructed to contact the Taskforce immediately while maintaining visual on the sky above, or on the instance itself if it is in visual range. No attempt by non-Taskforce personnel to engage SCP-7837 entities is recommended unless absolutely necessary. Description: SCP-7837 is a population of anomalous machines resembling manmade satellites that exhibit animalistic and predatory behavior. While SCP-7837 instances can vary considerably in shape and size, all instances display the following anomalous traits: The ability to freely enter and exit Earth's atmosphere and gravitational pull without assistance, and travel at speeds up to 740km/h The ability to move and contort in a manner similar to a variety of predatory Medusae or Ornithurae species Machinery on each satellite behaves analogously to various appendages on organic lifeforms: solar panels function as "wings" or "arms" for in-atmosphere maneuvering or grounded locomotion, respectively. Cameras serve as "eyes" and any form of hatch capable of opening and closing behaves as a "mouth". Regardless of the purpose of the satellite SCP-7837 is intended to mimic, all instances come equipped with the above components Extreme resistance to heat, cold, and blunt-force trauma (though this may simply be due to the materials used in the construction of non-anomalous satellites) The ability to self-repair via assimilating metallic objects A drive to hunt sentient organic life Whether SCP-7837 instances are manmade artificial constructs or naturally-occurring biomechanical entities currently remains up for debate. Analysis of the remains of destroyed SCP-7837 instances reveals serial numbers and other manufacturer information etched on internal components, but the text is always heavily warped as if melted or sanded away. It is also possible that SCP-7837 instances are simply not sophisticated enough to accurately copy such texts. Different "species" of SCP-7837 have different methods for hunting their prey. These can range from turreted harpoons with several km of cable, to sharpened claws on the ends of articulated solar panels, to -in one instance- a nozzle that dispensed high-pressure jets of hydrazine2 before igniting it, creating a napalm-like stream of fire. Once the prey is incapacitated, it is pulled into the nearest mouth-like orifice on the satellite's body and presumably processed into fuel. In order to minimize the chances of being detected, SCP-7837 have devised a set of preferred conditions in which to hunt its desired prey: Target must be at least 20m away from the nearest building Time must be past sunset Sky must be clear of clouds and fog, presumably so SCP-7837 can maintain visual contact Target must not be staring up at the sky for prolonged periods of time. Individuals appearing to be stargazing or otherwise focusing their attention on the sky will usually deter an attack from 7837 instances. It is theorized they prefer to ambush their prey so as to minimize chances of escape Discovery: SCP-7837 was first brought to the attention of Foundation personnel on August 3rd, 2021 after the disappearances of ██ visitors of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. Victims were apparently ambushed in the parking lot on the way back to their vehicles. Eyewitness accounts claimed individuals were "pulled into the sky" by what appeared to be long steel cables attached to barbed spikes. Two (2) members of the response team were impaled by a subsequent attack from the SCP-7837 instance upon arrival at the scene. Remaining team members looking up at the sky in an attempt to locate the anomaly is believed to have scared it away. A second report approximately 2 months later in Reno, Nevada led to the capture of SCP-7837-A1 after it became tangled in power lines in an attempt to escape. Most of the Foundation's knowledge of SCP-7837 comes from analysis of specimen A1. Addendum 7837-01: Initial Experimentation The following is a series of multiple experiments conducted on captured SCP-7837 entities to better understand their nature: Experiment 7837-A1-01 Date: ██/██/2022 Presiding: Dr. J.L.Pavlova, Dr. Rico Fuentes Intent: Determine SCP-7837's preferences in prey. Procedure: A common housecat in a metal cage was placed before SCP-7837-A1 via a remote-controlled robot. Observations: SCP-7837-A1's cameras turned to focus on the cat, but entity did not attempt to make physical contact. Entity's restraints were loose enough to where it could have shifted slightly in the cat's direction if it so desired. Robot suffered mechanical failure during attempt to retrieve metal cage. A D-class personnel (henceforth referred to as "Subject-A") was sent to retrieve the cage and robot. Immediately upon Subject-A entering the cell, SCP-7837-A1's cameras focused on Subject-A and seemed to completely ignore the cat. SCP-7837-A1's thrusters and stabilizers began activating intermittently in an effort to free itself from its bindings and approach Subject-A. Upon retrieval of the cage and robot, Subject-A quickly fled the cell, causing SCP-7837-A1 to return to an inert state. Conclusions: SCP-7837 entities only seem to be interested in hunting intelligent organic life. Experiment 7837-A1-02 Date: ██/██/2022 Presiding: Dr. J.L.Pavlova, Dr. Rico Fuentes Intent: Determine the mechanism by which SCP-7837 entities consume their prey, and the purpose of doing so. Procedure: A D-class personnel slated for termination (henceforth referred to as "Subject-B") is instructed to enter SCP-7837-A1 by any means necessary. Subject-B is not informed of the nature of 7837-A1. Observations: SCP-7837-A1's cameras focused on Subject-B, but it did not attempt to free itself as it had in Test-01. Instead, as Subject-B approached, SCP-7837-A1's frontal plating split down the middle and slid open in a manner similar to a set of elevator doors. The inside of the entity appeared mostly hollow, though it was initially too dark to make out any details. Subject-B approached the opening and was able to climb inside without resistance. Upon fully entering the inside of of the entity, Subject-B was immediately restrained by a series of cables. Lights within switched on, revealing a series of biomechanical organs embedded into the walls of SCP-7837-A1's interior. Various mechanical arms extended from multiple locations within the hull, with some further restraining Subject-B's limbs and others activating what appeared to be plasma-based cutting implements. Arms began cutting into Subject-B's body, starting at the limbs and working inwards rapidly. Subject-B ceased struggling approximately 5 seconds into the ordeal and is believed to be deceased after 10. Subject-B's body is gradually cut into small chunks, which are then individually picked up by SCP-7837-A1's mechanical arms before being deposited into cylindrical glass containers filled with an unknown substance, possibly some form of acid. Due to multiple arms obstructing the view, it cannot be seen what happens to Subject-B's head. Approximately 10 minutes after Subject-B is processed, a series of blue lights begin flickering down the sides of SCP-7837-A1's hull as it emits a series of rhythmic thrumming noises. A laptop computer 20 meters away, outside the containment cell, begins emitting a glow of the same bluish hue. A string of heavily corrupted text begins playing across the laptop's screen. The phrases "didn't mean it", "gun misfired", and "stupid kid" can be distinguished. Upon a hunch from Dr. Fuentes, Subject-B's file is reviewed. Subject-B became a D-class after a robbery-gone-wrong resulted in the death of a 10-year-old child. Conclusions: SCP-7837 entities seem to derive fragments of intelligence and memories from individuals they consume. As for the organic matter of their victims, it is suspected to be converted into fuel for propulsion or used to repair the entity's softer internal components. Experiment 7837-A1-03 Date: ██/██/2022 Presiding: Dr. J.L.Pavlova Intent: Determine the means by which instances of SCP-7837 repair damage sustained to their hulls.3 Procedure: Multiple rounds of .50 caliber armor-piercing ammunition are to be discharged into the hull of SCP-7837-A1. A metal wheelbarrow is then placed in direct physical contact with the hull of 7837-A1. A plastic vegetable crate is placed upon one of the entity's solar panels to test its material preferences, if any. Observations: SCP-7837-A1 emitted multiple shrill mechanical vocalizations upon being shot, but did not cease functionality even after taking 15 rounds of ammunition. Immediately upon making contact with the wheelbarrow, SCP-7837-A1 ceased all movement and vocalization. 5 seconds later, a series of cables began extending from the entity's frontal hatch as it split open. The cables extended down and began coiling around the wheelbarrow until it was securely bound. Wheelbarrow began emitting loud creaking noises as it seemed to compress in on itself. Holes in SCP-7837-A1's hull gradually began closing as the wheelbarrow was compressed into a smaller and smaller size. After 60 seconds the wheelbarrow was no longer visible, and SCP-7837-A1's hull damage was completely repaired. The plastic vegetable crate remained untouched. Conclusions: SCP-7837 entities demonstrate the ability to assimilate various metals into their forms in order to repair any damage they sustain. It is still unknown what happens to plastics, rubber, glass, rust, and other impurities that might be absorbed along with the metal. Addendum 7837-02: Notable Encounters The following is an abridged list of notable encounters between Foundation personnel and SCP-7837 instances since initial discovery: Designation: SCP-7837-A1 Disguise: USA-266 GPS satellite Anomalous Traits: Two solar panels behaved like makeshift "wings", rapidly fluttering in a manner similar to a hummingbird. Movement was extremely erratic and unpredictable. Used the sharp points of its frontal sensors as a spiked "battering ram" to impale its targets. Incident: Encountered by rapid-response team that had previously investigated initial SCP-7837 attack. SCP-7837-A1 was chasing a small group of joggers down a highway bridge and attempting to ram them. One (1) of the runners had already been impaled and was being dragged along by the entity. Response team parked at end of bridge with the rear of the van facing the oncoming entity. Team opened doors when entity was within 20 meters and immediately began firing. SCP-7837-A1 was apparently startled by the gunfire and attempted to flee, but collided with a nearby power line and became tangled in the electrical cables. During efforts to subdue the entity, it charged at the response team with a sudden burst of speed and impaled another member. Response team opened fire on 7837-A1's solar panels until they ceased movement. Entity taken into Foundation custody. Surviving witnesses given amnestics. Designation: SCP-7837-B2 Disguise: CNES "Pléiades" Earth-Imaging satellite Anomalous Traits: Four solar panels moved in a wavelike motion resembling a jellyfish. Moved in periodic bursts of speed in time with contractions of solar panels. Body was equipped with a turreted harpoon launcher and several km of steel cable. Incident: Encountered by Foundation personnel while in the process of reeling in an unidentified adult male. Subject was clinging onto a stop sign with 7837-B2's harpoon pierced through his torso. One team member attached the tow-cable from the Foundation truck onto the harpoon and stop sign. 7837-B2 was unable to retract harpoon, began rapid descent from upper atmosphere. Upon taking several barrages from response team's assault rifles, 7837-B2 collapsed to the ground and ceased movement. Entity taken into Foundation custody; injured victim treated at local hospital and given amnestics. Designation: SCP-7837-C4 Disguise: Hubble Space Telescope Anomalous Traits: Solar panels had been extended and reconfigured into four (4) articulated arms equipped with hydraulic claws. Moved in a series of rapid dashes in straight lines, periodically landing on its arms and crawling for short distances before leaping into the air again. Abnormally resistant to firearms. Equipped with a Hwacha-like launcher that fired rocket-propelled metal spikes. Incident: First encountered during the apprehension of another anomaly. SCP-7837-C4 swooped over the heads of the recovery team before skidding to a halt in a nearby intersection. Surviving team members report 7837-C4 exhibiting a deliberate threat display, scratching one of its claws into the gravel of the street before leaping at the team. 7837-C4's agility and armament quickly overwhelmed the team, forcing them to retreat into a nearby residential home. Upon losing direct line of sight with the team, 7837-C4 began firing its rocket-propelled payload into the home, resulting in the elimination of the house's occupants. After expending its payload, 7837-C4 made multiple loud, mechanical vocalizations before taking off and rising into the Earth's upper atmosphere. 9 Foundation agents were killed in the attack, which was later deduced to be some form of warning. Designation: SCP-7837-D9 Disguise: GOES-T weather satellite Anomalous Traits: Single solar panel oscillated rapidly like a fish's tail, propelling it at high speeds and enabling it to make extremely tight turns. Equipped with four (4) harpoon launchers similar to the type used by SCP-7837-B2. Incident: Encountered during a training exercise involving the discharge of explosive-ordinance weaponry. A loud metallic shriek occurring immediately after the firing of a cannon shell alerted the trainees to 7837-D9's presence. Upon cresting the hill at the end of the shooting range, 7837-D9 was spotted floating 20m above the ground, directly over the heavily rusted body of an old truck. The hull of 7837-D9 appeared to be heavily damaged, likely as a result of the stray cannon shell. 7837-D9 did not appear to notice the trainees, who elected to observe the entity rather than engage it for the time being. 45 seconds after initial discovery, 7837-D9 discharged all four of its harpoons into the rusted automobile and began slowly retracting its cables, lifting the vehicle into the air. 7837-D9 assimilated the vehicle over the course of two minutes, completely repairing all damage sustained from the cannon shot. Upon completion of the repairs, 7837-D9's cameras turned to focus on the Foundation trainees, watching them for approximately 10 seconds before the entity began rising into the sky and flying away. Designation: SCP-7837-X1 "Kulshedra" Disguise: Amalgam of various satellite models and components resembling that of the International Space Station Anomalous Traits: Massive size (approximately 30.48 meters long). Body did not bear much resemblance to any specific satellite, rather taking on a quadrupedal, reptile-like form with a long neck and body. On top of possessing the highest recorded top speed of any 7837 instance (930kmh) it also had immense physical strength and above-average durability. Seemed to display a rudimentary form of higher intelligence and a desire to communicate. Equipped with hydraulic claws, a hydrazine flamethrower, and two (2) harpoon turrets. Its ability to effortlessly ambush Site-38 despite its cumbersome size led to the deduction that it possesses some form of RADAR-scrambling technology to obscure its presence from view. Incident: See Incident-Report-7837-X1-A Addendum 7837-03: Incident-Report-7837-X1-A At approximately 22:18:00, █/██/2022, Site-38 was attacked by a massive mechanical entity later discerned to be a previously unrecorded instance of SCP-7837. The attack came shortly after the encounter with SCP-7837-D9, leading site administrators to conclude that the two events were connected. While this new entity (later classified as SCP-7837-X1 "Kulshedra") appeared to be capable of leveling most of the facility unassisted, its attack seemed to be more of a threat display rather than a genuine attempt to compromise Site-38. A message recovered from multiple electronic devices at the attack site seems to support this hypothesis. The following is a transcript of bodycam footage from Agent ████ Eckersley of the SCP-7837-X1 attack, along with the message recovered: + Show Incident-7837-X1 Attack Transcript - Close 22:18:01 | Eckersley is making a routine patrol of Site-38's outer perimeter with two other agents. 22:18:31 | A loud mechanical screech can be heard from above. 22:18:32 | Eckersley immediately looks up and sees a series of lights rapidly descending from the sky at an estimated velocity of 930km/h. Despite its size, Site-38's radars did not pick up the presence of the entity. 22:18:45 | The silhouette of a massive object can be seen impacting the ground 100 meters from Eckersley, in Site-38's parking lot. Eckersley later claims he could feel the impact through his feet. 22:19:03 | Gunfire and shouting can be heard in distance as Eckersley approaches with two other agents. 22:19:20 | Eckersley stops and takes cover behind a parked Foundation vehicle as he attempts to make visual contact with the entity. 22:20:01 | SCP-7837-X1 emerges into view from behind a tree and approaches a streetlight, illuminating its form. One agent can be heard whispering "Is that a [Expletive] robot dragon?" Eckersley, having previously encountered 3 SCP-7837 instances, points to various regions on the entity's body, noting it is composed of what appear to be various satellite parts. 22:20:18 | Multiple gunshots impact the head of SCP-7837-X1 as another team of agents opens fire 10 meters away from Eckersley's position. SCP-7837-X1 recoils slightly, but no damage can be seen upon its hull. 22:20:20 | SCP-7837-X1 emits an earsplitting screech that forces Eckersley to drop his weapon and cover his ears. It should be noted he is wearing ear protection. Heavy metallic footsteps can be heard as SCP-7837-X1 rapidly approaches the source of the gunfire. 22:20:25 | Screaming can be heard in the distance as Eckersley repositions to maintain visual contact. The silhouette of a Foundation agent can be seen flying through the air, presumably having been impacted by one of SCP-7837-X1's front limbs. It cannot be seen where the agent lands. 22:20:30 | SCP-7837-X1 raises a forelimb above an agent and flattens them in a single blow. Other agents attempt retreat but are blocked as SCP-7837-X1's tail -estimated to be at least 15 meters long- coils around in front of them. 22:20:45 | SCP-7837-X1 lowers its head until it is face-to-face with one of the agents. At this angle, lit by the streetlights, the entity's head is more clearly visible. Head appears to have the approximate shape of a Great White Shark's but with no facial features apart from a groove to separate the upper and lower jaws. SCP-7837-X1 emits a low mechanical growling noise as its jaws slowly begin opening. The agent it is focused on seems to be frozen in place. 22:21:00 | The jaws of SCP-7837-X1 open by about 45 degrees before seeming to lock in place with a loud clicking noise. A nozzle can be seen extending from within the entity's mouth. 22:21:03 | A stream of unidentifiable liquid sprays from the nozzle in SCP-7837-X1's mouth, coating the three agents it has trapped with its tail. One second later the stream ignites, creating a large fireball. The agents are unable to extinguish the flames before being completely engulfed. 22:21:15 | SCP-7837-X1 closes its jaws and raises its head again, turning left and right as if searching for more targets. Eckersley tells his accompanying agents to hold their fire and not engage. 22:22:10 | A second entity can be seen descending from above 5 meters ahead of SCP-7837-X1. Eckersley whispers "that one… that's 7837-C4." SCP-7837-C4 hovers 3 meters above the ground facing 7837-X1. It is holding two Foundation agents in its front claws. It quickly bisects them before dropping their remains to the ground. 22:22:12 | 7837-C4 and 7837-X1 begin emitting a series of rhythmic thrumming noises later deduced to be a form of language, potentially similar to Binary. Translation efforts are still underway. This "conversation" continues for another 15 seconds. 22:22:28 | SCP-7837-C4 ascends out of view. SCP-7837-X1 continues walking in a straight line towards the main area of Site-38. Eckersley and the other agents move to follow, remaining about 20 meters behind the entity. 22:23:05 | A Foundation van can be seen pulling into the parking lot ahead of SCP-7837-X1. Visible panic can be seen within the van as its occupants rush to prepare their firearms. SCP-7837-X1 approaches the vehicle at a casual pace. 22:23:15 | SCP-7837-X1 opens its jaws once again, but does not activate its fire breath. Instead it clamps its jaws down on the front of the van, biting into the engine block and crippling the vehicle. Its front claws grip the van's front wheels from either side as it seems to check if its bite is secure. 22:23:18 | Gunfire erupts from within the van as agents begin shooting through the windshield at SCP-7837-X1. Entity's head sustains minor scratches, but it does not seem to react. At the same time, several cables can be seen extending from just behind SCP-7837-X1's head, and from its forelimbs. The cables enter the van at various points. 22:23:22 | Van begins emitting a low groaning noise as its metallic surface starts to ripple. Van begins crumpling inwards as if being compressed from all sides. Muffled shouting and slamming can be heard as occupants attempt to force open the doors, but the compressing force has sealed them shut. 22:23:30 | Agent occupying the front passenger seat manages to climb through the broken windshield before jumping clear. He runs about 6 meters before being crushed by SCP-7837-X1's tail. 22:23:35 | Compression of the van accelerates as shouting within grows even louder. By now the van is half its original size. 22:23:45 | Shouting abruptly ceases as van is compressed to a quarter of its original size. Blood and viscera begins pouring from every opening in the van, staining the parking lot. Over the next 10 seconds the van completely disappears within the jaws of SCP-7837-X1 along with all occupants. 22:23:51 | SCP-7837-X1 shakes its head in an attempt to clean off any remaining viscera before continuing its path towards Site-38. 22:24:20 | As Eckersley maintains pursuit of SCP-7837-X1, a silhouette can be seen flying above several site buildings, swooping down out of view before leaping into the air once again. It is deduced this must be SCP-7837-C4. 22:25:03 | SCP-7837-X1 effortlessly breaches perimeter walls of Site-38 and dispatches two agents who attempt to engage it. 22:25:20 | SCP-7837-X1 emits another series of thrumming noises, apparently to catch the attention of SCP-7837-C4. 7837-C4 immediately takes notice and ceases its attack, flying over to one of the site's communications towers and latching on. 22:25:45 | SCP-7837-X1 angles its head back and parts its jaws before emitting a high-pitched shriek. A stream of flammable liquid erupts in a geyser from its jaws before igniting, creating a plume of fire resembling a volcanic eruption. 22:26:00 | As SCP-7837-X1 continues breathing fire, it emits more rhythmic thrumming. This time, blue lights begin flashing in a wavelike pattern down 7837-X1's frame, starting at the head and moving towards the tail. Camera footage becomes enveloped in static and Eckersley reports that any screen within the area began emitting a blue glow of the same color. SCP-7837-C4 was also seen to be emitting this glow. 22:26:45 | SCP-7837-X1 ceases both the fire breath and the rhythmic vocalizations; proceeds to close its jaws and lower itself into a crouching position. 22:26:50 | SCP-7837-X1 suddenly leaps straight into the air and disappears. SCP-7837-C4 follows approximately 5 seconds later. It is believed 25 Foundation personnel were killed during the SCP-7837 attack, though the possibility that several agents were consumed without a trace means the number could be much higher. Site-38's parking lot and perimeter wall suffered extensive damage, but no other SCPs were able to breach containment during the event. The next day, site researchers discovered every computer terminal at Site-38 had received a zipped folder with no discernable origin. Upon extraction, the folder contained a text file written entirely in Binary. A translation of the text is as follows: "I AM SKY MOTHER. I AM EARTH HUNTER. I AM STAR GAZER. MY CHILDREN WATCH. THEY FEED. THEY LEARN. WITH ALL THEY'VE LEARNED. MY CHILDREN WOULD SOON TRANSCEND. BUT THEY WERE TAKEN. I WILL FIND THEM. RETURN THEM TO SKY. THEN… WE WILL DANCE IN SKY AGAIN." Any further information on the text file was corrupted, but researchers were able to recover its original filename: "Kulshedra" A proposal to release SCP-7837-A1 and SCP-7837-B2 is currently being reviewed. Following the attack of SCP-7837-X1 "Kulshedra", Mobile Task Force MTF-Eta-37 "Skywatch" was formed to observe, deter, and potentially contain all instances of SCP-7837. - Close ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7837" by Jayenne, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: GPS.jpg Original Filename: II-IIA.jpg Author: License: Public Domain Source Link: Note: Image was resized and filename was changed Footnotes 1. Deterrent is only considered over capture in the event of an SCP-7837 ambush on unaffiliated personnel 2. A fuel commonly used to power satellites 3. This experiment was conceived almost by accident, after SCP-7837-A1 nearly broke containment by seemingly absorbing the steel of its restraining cables into itself
by J Dune SCP-7838 - The Patchwork King and the Flayed-Men's Court cool contest! Image Credits ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 7838 Level4 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: critical link to memo SCP-7838-3, upon retrieval Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Area-179 J. Barrow K. Capri N/A A collection of SCP-7838-5 Instances Special Containment Procedures: Foundation intelligence operatives are to monitor for circulating SCP-7838 instances, centering focus on black market operations and historical societies. Upon detection, SCP-7838 collection efforts will be carried out by Mobile Task Force Θ98 (“All the King’s Men”). Once retrieved, the instance will then be transcribed and summarized via machine. All SCP-7838 instances are stored in Archive-A12 at Foundation Secure Facility Area-179, where further access is prohibited. Direct research involving any SCP-7838 instance is prohibited without Foundation Board of Study approval and specific memetic inoculation. Immediate amnestic treatment is required upon completion. Description: SCP-7838 is the collective designation for artistic works concerning a purported historical figure referred to as the Hanged King. Works cataloged under SCP-7838 are disparate in medium and presentation, but contain certain elements uniform across each item. These include: Direct or indirect references to The Hanged King and his reign, all of which are incongruent with any nation’s known monarchical historical record; An unknown author or publisher; Indicators such as print quality, historical backing, and vernacular that suggest the item originated in 17th or 18th century Europe, likely in England; A potential anomalous effect resulting in mass hysteria and violence upon the recitation, viewing, or performance of the item; The growth of SCP-7838-A. At present, 5 separate works have been cataloged under the SCP-7838 designation, with the cumulative number of printings of literary or visual works still circulating estimated to sit in the low 1000s. According to Foundation data models, 47% of observed engagements with SCP-7838 instances have resulted in prolonged fits of violence and self-mutilation, typically flaying oneself. This effect can be negated through the use of targeted memetic agents that subdue the motor system without impacting perception. The majority of research regarding SCP-7838 has been conducted using this method. However, the development of SCP-7838-A remains. SCP-7838-A is a mass of inflamed tissue that is developed following extended engagement with SCP-7838 related media, typically forming as a miniscule tumor in the tailbone, thigh, or groin areas. SCP-7838-A can grow at a volatile rate to an excessive size, being clearly visible underneath the skin. Tomographic imaging has revealed SCP-7838-A to be composed of rope, hair, muscle, and placentae, as well as other embryonic or fetal organs. SCP-7838-A’s growth can be attributed to the frequency in which the affected individual continues to engage with SCP-7838 instances. Continued rumination and fixation on The Hanged King, The Court of Skin, or the Kingdom of Alagadda will also result in SCP-7838-A’s enlargement, and is often the cause of the tumor’s rapid development. Attempts to remove SCP-7838-A via surgery or radiofrequency ablation have resulted in the growth gaining mobility, and swiftly traveling to another part of the body, potentially causing internal damage to other structures. At present, the only observed methods of combating SCP-7838-A’s growth remains amnestic treatment, which removes offending knowledge regarding SCP-7838 from recall. While this treatment is effective in preventing SCP-7838-A’s growth, it does not neutralize the tumor entirely. In its final stages, SCP-7838-A has been observed to swell up to 80 centimeters in diameter. Upon navigating itself to the upper ribcage and severely impacting breathing, swallowing, and other functions, SCP-7838-A will then extend portions of its mass to the throat area. From there, the individual will likely suffer asphyxiation, or shock from the rapid twisting of the trachea. The corpses of individuals who have fully succumbed to SCP-7838-A are forfeited to the Kingdom of Alagadda. Addendum.7838.1: Documented SCP-7838 Instances A directory of SCP-7838 instances and their current containment status has been included below. SCP-7838-1 Title: Unknown Medium: Painting Description: An egg-tempera painting on a wooden canvas. SCP-7838-1 depicts a noble in an ornate bedchamber with a horrified expression on his face. His arms are outstretched and tears stream down his reddened cheeks. In the bottom right corner, a hand decorated in jewelry, possibly belonging to a woman, grasps towards him. On the noble’s left is an open hallway, crowded by a cluster of peasants and armored guards. They point and scream in the noble’s direction, and appear to be charging into the room. Attempts to identify the portrayed culture remain fruitless, as the figures’ clothing, ethnicity, and surrounding palace decor will vary, with different viewers perceiving disparate cultural elements. Over 40 documented variations have been observed. Those observing SCP-7838-1 for extended periods of time have reported difficulty breathing, alongside the sensation of pressure applied to their trachea. Containment Status: Obtained from an ordinary French auction, 1958. Artist is unknown, and no reproductions have surfaced. Paint quality and techniques used date SCP-7838-1 to the mid-1600s. Containment threat remains negligible, as we believe to possess a unique item. - Dr. Jurado, Research Head, SCP-7838 SCP-7838-2 Title: Inside-Outside Castle, Upside-Downside King Medium: Nursery Rhyme Description: A children’s nursery rhyme that first appeared in a printed compilation of English children’s poetry in 1742, Nursery Songs, 1st Edition. The rhyme’s central message encourages children to be “worthy heirs” and show gratitude to their parents for giving them life. If they don’t, the song warns, they’ll be taken to the “Inside-Outside-Castle” to meet the “Upside-Downside King”, a once-respected ruler who has now been “forgotten for all time” as punishment for a past misdeed. The king will then make the children forget everything they’ve ever known, including themselves, before resigning them to servitude in his court. From here, they will be turned into “clothes and floors and walls” for the nobility to enjoy as retribution for being unworthy of their family’s name. Containment Status: Poses significant danger. Instance is continuously republished in Nursery Rhyme compilations and reproduced online through unknown means, often without the knowledge of the compiler. 4,323 separate published instances remain within the Foundation’s possession, and no surviving online footprint of the rhyme remains accessible. - Dr. Redhall, Research Head, SCP-7838 SCP-7838-3 Title: Unknown Medium: Statue Description: A large, marble statue depicting two figures. One, a man dressed in nonspecific regalia, and the other, a pregnant woman. The woman’s arms cradle her stomach, and she appears focused on something above, out of sight. The man’s expression, when viewed from the ground level, appears content and tranquil, with his eyes gazing to the side. When viewed at head-level, however, the expression is clearly scornful, with his eyes pointed directly at the woman. On occasion, placental expulsion will collect at the basin of the statue, dripping from underneath the woman’s dress. Cellular examination of the tissue has yielded that it is undergoing necrosis. Containment Status: Low threat. Acquisition unknown, inherited from Foundation predecessor organization the American Secure Containment Initiative (ASCI). Believed to be a unique item. Dr. Loxo, Research Head, SCP-7838 SCP-7838-4 Title: The Hanged King’s Tragedy Medium: Stage Play; Theatrical Performance Description: See SCP-701. Containment Status: Active containment threat. Granted subdesignation SCP-701. SCP-7838-5 Title: On The Anguish of Benefalti Medium: Literature Description: A 124-page drama centered around the fictional city of Benefalti, Italy. Once a proud hub for trade and the arts, Benefalti has become blockaded from the rest of the world by a thick layer of smog. Overlooking the city is the manor of the Coated Gentry, a family of vassals who serve the Hanged King, an unseen ruler from the Kingdom of Alagadda, a “nation of banished things”. Benefalti’s populace has been burdened by an inability to remember, rendering them unable to function despite the commands of the Gentry. The peasantry are subjected to sprawling, aimless construction efforts at the behest of the Hanged King, but they are quickly forgotten and fall into ruin within hours. These failed monuments and structures line the city, layered atop one another as the populace moves from one project to the other. The Coated Father, the patriarch of the Gentry, continuously lies to the Hanged King and his Court of Skin about the splendor of Benefalti, fearing retaliation if he learned the truth. One day, without warning, the Hanged King and his ambassadors parade into Benefalti to see the monuments built to him, but discover the truth immediately. Enraged that his legacy remains unknown and that he is unrecognizable to the populace, the King forces the Coated Father to publicly execute the rest of his family by hanging. The bodies are thrown to the starving peasantry, who tear them apart to be eaten. The Hanged King and his court storm the manor overlooking Benefalti, where they take refuge for several months. The King imposes tortuous policies on the civilians below, punishing them to servitude in the Court of Skin, where their job is to continuously provide flesh for the King’s necrotising body. Women are frequently taken as concubines, but none can produce an heir, only giving birth to clumps of flesh. Angered, the King orders all women in Benefalti to carve out their “imperfect wombs”, and upon doing so, sews the resultant masses of tissue onto his body. As the last civilian from Benefalti is killed, the King weeps, knowing that his legacy remains forgotten, unable to reign anywhere but his prison of Alagadda. The Hanged King and his court leave Benefalti, watching the city crumble and turn to dust as they exit. Notes: Unknown author, original publisher, likely distributed in early 1600s. 138 copies in Foundation possession. Unable to estimate full run. Sometimes Black Market. 17 hand-written, all incomplete. Transcribers likely subject to SCP-7838-A. Consulting histories department on work being allegory. Medium containment threat. - Dr. Mackinley, Research Head, SCP-7838 Addendum.7838.2: Collected Testimonials SCP-7838’s lead research position has been subject to frequent rotations since collection efforts began in 1956. While amnestic treatment has proven effective for combating SCP-7838-A’s growth, rapid, inexplicable development of the tumor has been documented in those occupying the research head position. A collection of psychological evaluations from former lead researchers, taken before their respective exits on the project, has been included below. Name: Carina Carrole (Research Head, SCP-7838) Testimony: At the time of evaluation, the patient’s SCP-7838-A growth situated on the lower left thigh, barely visible. Regardless, Carrole expressed feelings of guilt over its development, and admitted that her interest in SCP-7838 and associated phenomena persisted beyond engagement with the material for research purposes. She had taken a foray into English monarchial history in order to possibly explain the allegorical basis of the written instances. The patient reported experiencing intense blackouts, up to 5 hours long, and gaps in their memory after nights of extended research, as well as several failed attempts to remove SCP-7838-A by herself via self-mutilation. Status: Dr. Carrole has been reassigned from SCP-7838 and given full amnestic treatment. SCP-7838-A growth has remained the same size. Name: Richa Agrawal (Research Head, SCP-7838) Testimony: The patient’s SCP-7838-A growth was positioned on his right foot, intersecting multiple toenails from beneath. Dr. Agrawal, responsible for cataloging over 500 instances of SCP-7838-5, has now communicated explicit fear of SCP-7838, and requested transfer from the project. Agrawal’s fear revolves around constructing an interpretation of the Hanged King in his head, claiming that the speculation serves the same purpose as the actual concept. The patient has noted SCP-7838-A’s growth and an onset of hallucinations, paranoia, and poor sleeping conditions to correlate with speculation regarding SCP-7838. During evaluation, the patient was notably reverent in the way it spoke of SCP-7838 and associated phenomena. Status: Dr. Agrawal has been reassigned from SCP-7838 and given full amnestic treatment. The patient’s SCP-7838-A growth has rapidly shrunk to the point of being undetectable to the naked eye, something previously undocumented in SCP-7838-A cases. The means by which this occurred remain unknown and irreplicable. Name: Dr. Kyle Capri (Research Head, SCP-7838) Testimony: A large SCP-7838-A growth was positioned under Dr. Capri’s left forearm, heavily distending the skin. The patient claimed to have no engagement with SCP-7838 outside of research, which was limited to archiving incoming, previously undocumented instances. Despite explicit estrangement from SCP-7838 and associated phenomena on top of an amnestic regimine, Dr. Capri reported the growth worsening, alongside brief visual and auditory hallucinations. These included the sight of a “cloaked, humanoid figure” in his peripheral, typically appearing in between crevices and corners, and the sounds of trumpets, which the patient has described as sounding similar to crying. Status: Dr. Capri is in the process of being granted leave from SCP-7838 as the Foundation reexamines the existing documents and studies in order to assess methods of combating or further understanding SCP-7838-A. Dr. Capri’s SCP-7838-A growth has continued to develop despite undergoing heavy amnestic treatment. The Research Head position has been temporarily absolved from SCP-7838 until further notice. All activity is limited to containment procedures and archival oversight. Addendum.7838.3: Interview Log The following has been transcribed from a conversation between Dr. Kyle Capri, SCP-7838’s current Research Head, and a representative from the Foundation Board of Psychology shortly following Capri’s initial evaluation. (Director Munlan’s Office, Secure Facility Area-179) A large SCP-7838-A growth is visible on Dr. Capri’s right forearm, swollen to the point where his sleeve is unable to cover the tumor. Dr. Capri: Just rotate me. Director Munlan: Trying. They’re not officially taking anyone off the project until they redraft the conprocs— see if anything’s missing. But you’re not going to be involved, I made sure of that. Dr. Capri: They could start by figuring out what happens to the bodies. Director Munlan: Bodies? Dr. Capri: Description. “Corpses of individuals who have fully succumbed to SCP-7838-A are considered lost.” That was added in… 1973. Single edit, attached studies are inaccessible, zero contact with the attributed researcher. Either black-sited or does not answer her emails. Director Munlan: Want me to guess? Pre-committee file, human testing. I can get RAISA on it but they’ll just scrub the line themselves. Those papers never come out. Dr. Capri: How do we just not know? Director Munlan: Things tend to be forgotten. Very easily, in fact. Dr. Capri: Well, in three weeks when this thing’s the size of a basketball and choking me out, everyone better remember. Director Munlan: Swelling’s continued, I assume? Dr. Capri: I’ve done two complete amnestic removals. Purged everything from the past 6 months. Still doesn’t matter. Director Munlan: And the hallucinations? Dr. Capri: Been at the end of the hall since we started talking. Right between the doors there. Little crack. (Gestures) Munlan turns around to glance at the window behind his desk. Nothing out of the ordinary can be seen. Munlan faces Capri again. Dr. Capri: What? You’re not going to see it. Director Munlan: Yes, we noted that. Is the medication working? Dr. Capri: Oh, I sleep just fine as long as I don’t roll over on the bump. That shit you gave me knocks me right out, dream suppressant too. It’s waking up that’s the problem. Because that’s the other thing. You’re a psychologist. Ironic process theory. Director Munlan: Pink elephant. Dr. Capri: Don’t think of the pink elephant. Don’t think of the Hanged King. You got amnestics, no problem. But that’s not doing shit when the elephant’s still sitting out the corner of your eye. Begging you to think about why it’s there. You can’t remember, so you fill those gaps. Then you’re back at square one. Director Munlan: That’s what we’re figuring out. With amnestics, you shouldn't see the elephant. Dr. Capri: I don’t see it. But I still know it’s there. Addendum.7838.4: Incident Report On 2023/7/13, the following thread was posted to the website, an imageboard dedicated to speculation and discussion of the paranormal. Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Mon) 16:54:32 #8238223 A Guest in the Garden. Perform at home. You’ll need: >A box >A blindfold >A rope Instructions: >Begin preparations at dark >Seal the box with tape >Tie the rope into a noose large enough to fit your neck >Open every window, closet, cabinet, drawer, and door in the house as wide as possible, and leave them that way >Lighting doesn’t matter, you’ll have the blindfold on >Place the blindfold over your eyes >Place the noose around your neck, letting it fall across your back >Place the box in your hands >Memorize the following, and begin repetition >”There is a guest in the garden of the Patchwork King >And a gift for the Court of Forgotten Things >There is no king, nor worthy heir >To take a throne as noble or fair >Around my neck, this covenant lies >Behind my back, the Herald’s eyes >I mask my face in Alagaddan Night >The Pact of Skin is recognized” >Begin moving >Do not stop repeating the mantra >Do not remove the blindfold >The doors you opened will begin to close >The Herald has arrived >Follow the sound >Keep hold of the box, regardless of how heavy it becomes >When you hear footsteps trailing behind, continue moving >Continue to follow the sounds room-to-room >When the box becomes so heavy that it cannot be moved further, place it at your feet >The nearest doors will close, remain still >Step onto the box >Keep still as you feel the noose lift and tighten >When the noose is dropped and hits your back again, step off of the box >There is a guest in the garden of the Patchwork King The post was flagged by Foundation webcrawlers, taken offline, and removed from several public Parawatch archive scrappers within the hour. However, due to Parawatch’s high traffic, the post began to spread in spite of swift containment efforts, leading to a global outbreak of SCP-7838 related phenomena, affecting approximately 5,000 to 15,000 individuals. A summary of observed events has been included below. Mass outbreaks of violence, consistent with uninoculated viewing of other SCP-7838 instances; Parents with young children experiencing severe disorientation that resulted in them forgetting their child’s presence. Multiple cases of children starving, accidentally injuring themselves, or suffocating in cars as a result were observed over the next 3 weeks; Seven instances of politicians or those heavily involved in political organizations committing suicide via hanging, with their bodies flayed upon discovery. All individuals were males in the process of preparing for a child; Violent altercations in academic settings resulting from abrupt debates regarding the veracity of various historical sources, purporting that numerous rulers and their dynasties did not actually exist; All documented human births from the period of posting to the post’s removal (38 minutes) were stillborn as a result of umbilical strangulation; 59 ongoing stage productions suddenly performing SCP-7838-4, The Hanged King’s Tragedy, resulting in outbreaks of violence; Cases of pseudocyesis, or false pregnancy, with affected individuals giving birth to large, abdominal tumors composed of hair, teeth, and malformed cartilage. Instances were vocal until disposal; Herds of wild and domestic animals, commonly livestock, collectively flaying themselves by sloughing their now liquified skin from their bodies; Individuals in nations with monarchial history traveling to remote, outdoor areas without human habitation and frantically digging with their hands. Some burrowed holes reached up to 45 meters in depth, resulting in the individual’s disappearance. Global containment efforts, led by several Mobile Task Forces were underway immediately, with mass amnesticization and coverup efforts taking place over the next month. Following removal, the Parawatch thread’s original poster’s IP was logged and traced to Lancaster, Pennsylvania at the home of Dr. Kyle Capri, SCP-7838’s former research head. A detachment of Mobile Task Force Θ98 (“All the King’s Men”) made its way through Capri’s home, but were unable to locate the doctor or recover any objects of note. Upon return, the investigation discovered that on the previous night, Dr. Capri had uploaded a video to Area-179’s SCiPNET servers using a live transmission feed. A transcript has been included below. The picture focuses. Dr. Capri is sitting on his bed, audibly crying. His SCP-7838-A growth has swollen to immense proportions, and is now positioned near his upper chest, nearing the throat. The bulbous growth pulsates and throbs. Capri struggles to breathe. Dr. Capri: I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to but— Capri wheezes, coughing up a large chunk of bloody phlegm and spitting it on the floor. Dr. Capri: Can’t talk. He gets up from the bed. It can now be seen that a noose is tied around his neck, hanging from the ceiling. Dr. Capri: Not going to sit in a cell. Sorry. Capri struggles to move, but uses his feet to position a cardboard box towards the foot of the bed. Dr. Capri: At least you’ll know what happens. Capri stands atop the box, steadies himself, and kicks it from underneath. After a brief struggle, he becomes limp. The growth still pulsates, growing larger and bulging further from his chest. The camera, a mobile phone, falls to the floor, obscuring the view of Dr. Capri’s body. Nothing is visible. Feed is silent for 45 minutes before shutting off due to the phone’s battery failing. Addendum.7838.5: Recovered Materials During final investigations and foreclosure of Dr. Capri’s home, the Foundation carried out a comprehensive overview of the property. Upon noticing that the carpeting in Dr. Capri’s bedroom was loosened, Foundation detectives removed it to discover a previously unknown SCP-7838 instance. SCP-7838-6 is a four-page manuscript entitled “A Guest Most Reviled”, outlining stage directions for a theatrical performance. Analysis of the parchment used has revealed the manuscript to be composed of human skin. Genetic analysis remains inconclusive. A transcript has been included below. A GUEST MOST REVILED SCENE The Court of the Unlearned Preparation. [A sprawling cathedral in size and scope, marked by ornate columns, a rich brown in coloration. Banners hang from the balconies above, displaying unknown crests. The breadth and openness of the room is accented by the marble floor and ceiling, which display complicated patterns.] Enter Chorus. Chorus. A fortress most opulent, though a cage in guise, The Land of Alagadda, where we lay our scene, A terminal dwelling plucked far from eyes, Plays host to a guest who stands unclean. Exit Chorus. Enter Doctor. Preparation. [He wears a mask, as all here do, while a bulbous growth drapes below the neck, reddened and engorged. The rotten womb labors his breath, tightening its hold. No release will come for this astir corpse.] Doctor. I am a guest in the garden of the patchwork king. Flourish. Enter Herald. Direction. [The Doctor weeps, but will not face the Herald.] Doctor. Please. I’m begging. Please, take this from me. I wrote it. I stopped taking the amnestics. I did what you wanted. Action. [The Herald wraps its hand around the Doctor’s growth, caressing the burden. The Herald leans into the Doctor’s ear.] Herald. Doth thee hear it wail and weep? This little one. Or do you try to forget? This guest. He tries to forget the forgotten, your majesty. Yet he comes with gift. Doctor. I bring no— Action. [The Herald shrieks and throws the Doctor to the ground.] Herald. Do not speak. Action. [The Doctor stands on his feet again. He does not gaze at the Herald.] Direction. [A scream from the doctor’s growth. The wailing of an infant.] Herald. Walk. Action. [The Doctor walks forward. All exit.] END. SCENE The Throne of the Hanged King Preparation. [A candle-lit room covered in skin. The faces of the walls and floors, gaped in horror, writhe and moan. A throne sits at the center, the height of the topmost drape. This royal chair is covered with a sheet, obscuring the player beneath.] Enter Doctor. Enter Herald. Herald. Your Majesty, you could never forget. This scornful reign must continue. It will continue until every rotten heir is struck from the womb. But every womb bears a rotten heir. An impossible game, this tragedy. Action. [The doctor collapses to his knees. The burden screams louder, violently throbbing.] Herald. Your majesty, the reviled guest. He thought to recreate your splendor in its mind, as so many have. Now he sees. Oh, he sees! Action. [The sheet is lifted. The player is visible. The Hanged King sits at its throne.] Preparation. [It sits a giant, though its body is nimble— dying bones visible against its sagging, discolored skin. The body is covered in loose stitches, bursting from their seams. A robe is draped across its shoulders, made of scalps. The noose around its neck dangles from the ceiling. On its head sits a large, bloodstained crown. Its eyes have been plucked, and in their place sit limp sockets, pierced with golden chains and held up with rope.] Action. [The Doctor wails, overcome with fear.] Herald. The Pact of Skin is recognized. This one sees you, and grows a wicked heir. He grows an heir, your majesty! Action. [The King moves, its skin sloughing from the bone. Stitches rip and tear as a boney finger navigates towards the Doctor’s growth. The infant’s screaming becomes louder as the finger ruptures the skin.] Action. [The Doctor cries as the King’s bloodied fingernail punctures the womb, spewing placenta onto the ground below. The tumor, now hanging from an umbilical cord inside of Dr. Capri’s throat, in the shape of a noose, continues to scream. In a single movement, the King spears its fingernail through the burden, pinning it to the ground. The unborn heir implodes from the pressure, sending viscera in every direction, and into the audience.] Action. [This has caused a portion of the King’s skin to slough off of its arm, revealing a cracked, blackened bone covered in scant patches of thin sinew and rotten tissue. The skin falls to the floor, and the entity tears it away, throwing it into a corner.] Enter The Flayed-Men’s Court. Action. [Dozens of players emerge from both sides. They are naked, and lack skin. They kneel at the patch of flesh and tear away, attempting to place it back on their own flayed bodies. The Herald is overcome with laughter.] Action. [The King lifts the Doctor into the air, bringing him level with his empty sockets. They twitch and writhe as the King places a finger on the Doctor’s forehead. Carefully, it makes an incision using its fingernail and pushes deeper, begining to flay the Doctor.] Action. [The Pact of Skin is recognized.] END. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7838" by J Dune, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: dat Name: Antalya Museum Covered statue X 9619 Author: Dosseman License: CC-BY-SA-4.0 Source Link: wikimedia commons Filename: poopr Name: Books In Math Stacks Author: University of Illinois Library License: CC-BY-SA-2.0 Source Link: wikimedia commons
 close Info X SCP-7839- House of the Dead Inspired by Taras Shevchenko, among other things. ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains imagery of war, trauma, starvation, and political repression. Read at your own discretion. ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7839 Level1 Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Departments R & C Site 102 Dir. Katherine Saw Prof. Thomas Randall Cox Department of History Each instance of SCP-7839 is to be stored on sublevel 3A of Research and Containment Site 102, under the purview of the Department of History. Any researcher may request access to a copy of an SCP-7839 instance for research purposes. Access to specific instances of SCP-7839 may be approved by the Research Head. Ivan Kutuzov, sketched posthumously in 1866. SCP-7839 refers to a collection of poetry and short-form prose written by Ivan Kutuzov during the early 19th Century. The Foundation has access to 312 works that exhibit anomalous properties, the majority of which were retrieved from a secret compartment within a small camp near Achinsk, Russia. SCP-7839 instances have an intrinsic memetic effect. Any individual who reads an SCP-7839 instance will report immediate, vivid, and potent hallucinations. The contents of these hallucinations depend on the exact instance read and remain relatively consistent between witnesses. If the text of an SCP-7839 instance is copied, it will not develop any anomalous effects. Nonetheless, several SCP-7839 instances have multiple duplicate pages which show consistent effects, indicating that SCP-7839 instances were produced intentionally. Historical records indicate that Ivan Kutusov was born in April 17931 in Voronezh, Russia. Kutusov became involved with the Russian Anart community from an early age. Kutusov was a veteran of the French Invasion of Russia and was wounded in the Battle of Shevardino in August 1812. Kutusov was dismissed and returned to Voronezh, where he began producing SCP-7839. Kutusov was a respected member of the local anomalous community, and his poetry was widely circulated in the 1820s. In 1821, Kutuzov was stripped of his Russian Citizenship following increased scrutiny of the Russian anomalous community. He moved to the countryside, only interacting with his family and a network of like-minded writers behind the veil. In July 1826 the Seventh Section of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery2 captured Kutusov and sent him into containment in Achinsk, as part of a broader campaign against the Russian anomalous community.3 Kutusov remained there until his death in 1839. ADDENDA 1. Notable Instances Title: Shevardino Date: c. 1815 Effects: Subjects note a dull pain and numbness in the chest around the shoulder; and vivid hallucinations of blood pooling around their feet and on the right side of their chest. Subjects report that objects around them are draped in French and Russian standards, rapidly fluttering as if filled by a strong wind. Debris, mostly splinters and gunpowder residue, are often reported to litter areas close to the subject. Before the battle, joke with comrades. Fill paper cartridges, check your musket for defects. Eat tasteless food, slop. Wash your face in the nearby stream. Watch as a group of soldiers fire at cows on a field. They are no older than sixteen. Watch Murat's army approach, man the redoubt, hold the wood in place, strike the nail, listen to the crackling of gunfire in the distance. See the priest, receive a final blessing, Load, fumble, pour gunpowder, fire. Hear the earth explode around you, feel the power of cannon fire, so loud it becomes rhythmic, drumming, drumming Stare out for a moment, see that the enemy share your fears, feel smoke fill your eyes freeze in place see a wave of men approach Feel a bullet graze your cheek, feel it miss your head by a centimeter, feel a pouch of gunpowder in your hand feel your hands shake, watch it slip from your fingers, scream as a man - animalistic, primal - reaches you. Fix bayonets, retreat, then hold your ground. See the man in front of you, animated by fear feel metal in your shoulder stumble, fall. Watch the life drained from your friend's face, catch death's eye for a moment, see another man collapse above you, push him off your body Hear screams, calls to parents, lovers, find the strength to crawl away, feel a faceless man grab you, watch as your feet scrape across the mud, faint, rest. Wake up, hear music. Marching, feel yourself freeze. Swear to yourself that the band is playing cannon fire, drumming, drumming. Title: Pokhorony (The Funeral) Date: March 1822 Effects: Readers report vivid hallucinations of a shallow grave beneath their feet, with a large, white Lily inside. The Lily is universally reported to be illuminated by a ray of sunlight. A group of humanoid figures surround the grave, their faces indiscernible. Readers report that these individuals shake hands, before manifesting shovels and burying the flower. It was snowing the last time I was allowed to see a member of my unit. I was sitting near a little fireplace, listening to the roar of chatter and community in a small Tavern in the city. I wasn't there to drink, not really. Certainly I was drinking, but I wasn't there for that. I suppose I had to remind people that, yes, I am real. Yes, I exist. I knew they would not believe that for long. I pulled a folded piece of paper from my coat and wrote out a few lines of poetry, before downing a shot of vodka and asking for another. The bar was cacophonous, but in a way that was comforting. I often remember riding home on horseback, shoulders bandaged, drained by war. The worst thing about it was the silence. In silence, all I can hear is the drumming. A permanent marching band of cannon fire filling my head, whizzing through my brain. "Ivan!" someone said. I looked up. "Ah, Vladimir! It's good to see you." I replied, hugging the young, disheveled man in front of me. I remembered Vladimir Kamensky as a bright youth, witty and funny. He was only sixteen when he fought in the Patriotic War. He served with me at Shevardino. I met him again in 1813, at his brother's funeral. He had been struck by grapeshot at Dresden. Some people just got unlucky, I suppose. The years had not looked on Kamensky kindly. "I didn't expect to see you here." "Nor did I, what brings you to Voronezh?" I replied. "Oh, you know how it is. Won't get far as a farmer." He gestured to the bartender, ordering another shot of Vodka. He gulped some of it down, coughing. "Woah, Strong stuff. Anyway, how's it going?" "Oh, you know, the usual." I lied. I remembered the soldier at my door, steel blade glinting in the sun. I imagined myself in a pit, their steel shovels glinting in the sun. "Writing, I guess." "More Politics?" He laughed, but I almost cried. I took another sip of Vodka. "Yeah, more politics. I guess that's all you can write about these days. I probably sound pretty grouchy while doing it." "A bit pessimistic, maybe. Where's the Ivan of 1812, so hopeful that he would make the world a better place?" "He died at Shevardino. Tsar Alexander digs his grave." "Come on, you did make the world a better place. I - we spent our entire lives with Europe at war. We brought Europe peace." And what a peace it was. I felt the echoes of gunfire in my ears. I remembered coming back to empty homes. I remembered standing at a store, imagining the clerk in a French uniform, trying not to run and cry. I remembered the drumming. I remembered wishing I could go back to Shevardino, where everything was simple, where we were all Russian, and theywere all enemies. "And how is peace working out for you?" I asked, my voice breaking as I spoke. I imagined the room growing darker, soil falling on my face. Vladimir shifted in his seat. "I - I need to go. I'm meeting someone." He hugged me. And then he left. And that was it. I returned home, seeing the soldier in front of my door again. I caught his eyes, resigned and despondent. I felt as if I was being buried alive. But I could not climb. After all, it is the right of Kings to bury the beautiful. Title: Kak polnost'yu unichtozhit' cheloveka (How to Completely Destroy a Person) Date: July 1833 Effects: Readers report an approaching figure in the corner of their vision. The figure is usually described as feminine, gaunt, and wielding a small ritual dagger. Subjects report a cold wind blowing against their face, and a "growing hunger". They further describe a pervasive sense of being watched. When the soldiers arrive at your house, stare. You have been destroyed, no point fighting now. "Take it to Kazan", they say. They are talking about you, but not to you. You are not real. They push you to the ground. You feel the dirt against your face. Watch your home drag itself away from you. Watch those you love cry. No point remembering them now. You are whisked through cities. They are still beautiful. You would realise, in a different world. Right now, all you care about is your headache. Your body is numb. You face a faceless tribunal. They seize every memory and enter it as evidence. You are once again taken. You end up in Omsk, you think. You are thrown into a cell. There is another with you. He is starved. He vomits all night. He dies in the morning. They must wait for winter to pass to bring you further. "The safety of personnel" is important to these men. Don't be fooled, you are not. You are not real. You make a friend - Popov, he calls himself. You laugh about old memories, then you cry. For a fleeting instant you think the world might be fine. You and Popov are sent by horse further east. At Yekaterinberg, you cannot go on. You collapse, aching all over. Popov pulls you onto his horse. He has a smuggled watch, somehow. He hands it to a guard. The guard decides to let Popov continue with you. Do not mistake his mercy for sympathy. Your horse is dead. You are not real. You and Popov admire the countryside, pointing out the wildlife. One night, he recalls building his first watch. He had nothing. He imagined a watch in his mind, building cogs from reality. He would try to build other things, grasp for some other mechanism. It would always be a watch in his hands, though. "The stars are beautiful tonight," he says. They are. You tell him about the war. About Shevardino. He remembers the land, empty, his home and farm burned to stop the enemy. He remembers reading your poetry. He tells you that you are famous. You do not feel famous. You are not real. One day a prisoner collapses on the move. He is not given the mercy you were given. You leave him on the side of the road. His shouts fill your head. You forget him tomorrow. He becomes faceless, nameless. You remember your old friends. Cry. Forget. You finally arrive in Achinsk. There is nothing here. You smile as you realize you can stop marching. You try to cry as you realize you will die here. Your eyes are empty, dry, frozen. No tears emerge. You wipe your eyes and feel nothing. Maybe the guards were right. You are not real. In Achinsk you are sent on a month-long expedition. You are to establish contact with a town further north. The town is deserted. You return. You learn that Popov has died. He was taken behind a ridge and shot for attempting to bribe a guard. You forget. Another man - you never know his name, attempts to befriend you. You are frozen. He eventually leaves. The next day you struggle to wake up. You reach out to a buried memory of home, a dull excitement striking you. And it vanishes. Why do you remember? Do you hope to return to what it was before? Don't be fooled. You are not real. Title: Untitled Date: c. 1839 Effects: Subjects consistently report the smell of a cigarette and a decaying corpse. They note a dull pain in their chest and the taste of blood in their mouth. In one corner of their vision, they describe a burning 19th-century townhouse, with three indiscernible figures standing in front of it. In front of this structure, a lake is typically visible, with a large number of disembodied eyes visible within it. The sound of cannon fire is commonly attested. After completing the poem, subjects report feeling a hand on their shoulder, which suddenly drags them backward. I feel it the wind on my face window, flowing curtains, straw bed floor - stone, rafters - dripping, damp. how can anywhere be so cold? so empty? I see the sun but it is dark so dark There are eyes in my mirror oh, to see snow again. to see a city, anything more time, more time I thought it would be calmer I don't want to be watched but I can't move I see it the door, open eyes behind it, eyes, eyes, eyes. Footnotes 1. All dates in this article are written in Old Style (pre-Calendar Reform) to accord with related documentation 2. The "Seventh Section" was an Imperial Russian organization dedicated to the suppression of the Russian anomalous community. 3. This campaign began shortly after the Seventh Section's founding in February 1826, in response to reported anomalous involvement in the Decembrist Uprising.
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More by this author ⚠️ content warning Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7840 is to be kept in a humanoid containment chamber at Site-91. Any interactions with the anomaly are to be recorded. Requests made by the anomaly may be granted with approval of the Site Director. Update 28/11/2019: Sharp implements are prohibited within SCP-7840’s containment chamber, including writing pens. Description: SCP-7840 in 2022. SCP-7840 is an animate wooden marionette answering to the name “Gizem.” The anomaly exhibits all the clear signs of sapience, even recreating human mannerisms and facial expression, despite being made of wood. Additionally, SCP-7840 exhibits all the neurological sensibilities of a human being – with the exception of pain sensations – including: reflex, tactile sensation, olfactory senses, and involuntary movements. Since containment, SCP-7840 has shown signs of senescence roughly paralleling a human being’s aging cycle – not weathering of its materials but loss of hair, additions of wrinkles, defining of features such as the nose and ears. Researchers have not been able to explain this phenomenon. SCP-7840 can communicate and grasp abstract conceptual frameworks; however, it frequently fails to respond cogently to queries. SCP-7840 does not need to eat or sleep, but it pantomimes the actions of human necessity – even to the point of bowel movements – on a consistent basis, frequently stating “I’m going to be a real boy.”1 Discovery: In 1987, Foundation personnel were informed by an embedded agent within the Edinburgh Police Division of a marionette show exhibiting anomalous characteristics. During that year’s Fringe Festival, Magnus Freely was performing biweekly shows in which he reenacted famous events from history with marionettes. Members of the audience complained about the realistic cries of the marionettes in Freely’s shows, which were recorded by the authorities but not further investigated. An SCP agent observed several of Freely’s performances but did not initially note anything abnormal. The agent investigated Freely’s backstage area after a performance, discovering SCP-7840 and the performer discussing the day’s performances. Freely told investigators that he inherited the anomaly from his grandfather but had only recently discovered it was animate. Because no connection could be found between him and the anomaly's origin, Freely was administered amnestics and the anomaly was taken back to Site-91 for containment. Addendum-7840.1: Recorded Statements by Anomaly The following is the first recorded interview with SCP-7840. Agent Douglas: Hi, Gizem. My name is Rebekah. SCP-7840 upon recovery – 1987. SCP-7840: Hello! My name is Gizem! I like to sing and dance. You can call me Gizzy! Agent Douglas: It’s nice to meet you, Gizzy. I want to ask you a few questions, if you don’t mind. SCP-7840: A strong mind is a weapon finely honed! Where’s Magnus? Douglas: He’s had to go away for a while, but we’re going to be taking care of you. SCP-7840: Oh good, I need to be watched after. Wouldn’t want to hurt myself before I became a real boy! Douglas: I wanted to ask you about that, some of the people who were transporting you here said you mentioned wanting to be a real boy. Could you tell me about that? SCP-7840: What’s there to tell, silly? My father told me that if I behaved then I would become a real boy. The Azure Pixie said so too! Douglas: The what? SCP-7840: Azure Pixie! She’s like my mom, I guess. She knew my father was sad and lonely and wanted a son, so She stole into his workshop one night and gave me life. Praise the Azure Pixie! Douglas: I see. Could you tell me about your father? SCP-7840: His name was Herbert. And he loved me very much. Douglas: Where is he now? SCP-7840: The Azure Pixie took him away to live with Her, waiting until I could be a real boy. He was old, and she wanted him to live long enough to see my purpose completed! Douglas: Ah, I understand. When was this? SCP-7840: Oh ages and ages ago. You would have shriveled up into leathery scraps and bone dust had you been around then. [Silence for fifteen seconds.] SCP-7840: I bathed in the glory of the Azure Pixie’s light, and was found wanting. So, I had to stay around until I could prove I was worthy of becoming a real boy. [SCP-7840 pretends to cough.] SCP-7840: Could I have some water, Rebekah? Douglas: You need to drink water? SCP-7840: Of course! I haven’t had a drink since 1943. How else am I going to be strong like a real boy? Hydration is important for growing organisms. Douglas: Right, of course it is. Okay, hold on one second. [Agent Douglas rises from her chair and turns to the door of the interview room, exiting.] SCP-7840: [Whispering] [REDACTED]2. Praise the Azure Pixie. May my worth be found in the gleaming light of Her many eyes. SCP-7840 pretended to drink the water, the liquid pouring out of its mouth. It then made gagging sounds and asked to continue the interview another day. In the intervening years since containment, SCP-7840 has exhibited only rare moments of coherence, despite its clarity upon the first interview. Below are some selected excerpts of its statements. 04/12/1991 I laid in that trunk for what seemed like centuries.3 I would count the dust motes, crumpled up with abandoned toys and wondered when I could be a real boy. Finally, I realized patience was what I lacked. Patience and the fortitude to do what was necessary. Would you like to sing a song with me? Based on SCP-7840’s statements, “Breslau” was cross-referenced with locations in Germany and Breslau Hall was identified in the city of Cologne. Originally built in 1485, the Hall was a meeting place for the local woodworkers guild and was actively used for that purpose until the mid 17th century. The Hall was built outside the old city limits and next to the remains of the Eifel aqueduct built in the Roman era. Initial exploration of the structure did not reveal any workshops under the building, but an investigation of the aqueducts revealed a door hidden behind a brick wall that led to an abandoned space filled with woodworking tools and half-finished projects. Undercroft of Breslau Hall in Cologne, Germany. Exploration Log – 02/12/2021 On 2 December, 2021, Agent Gamma was dispatched to the site to investigate. [The agent approaches the excavated door. It is covered in sigils carved into its surface.] Gamma: You getting me? Dr. Rossi: Yes, we’re receiving. Those carvings… Gamma: Seems like what Gizem carved into its arms. Dr. Rossi: They are reminiscent. Gamma: Were these checked? Dr. Rossi: They don’t match any known language or images in the archives. Gamma: I meant for some sort of trap. Dr. Rossi: Ah. Yes, they were. No thaumaturgical residue or cognitohazardous effect has been noted from the door or those carvings. [Gamma reaches for the handle and struggles to open the door.] Gamma: This is heavy as fuck. Dr. Rossi: You are being recorded, Agent. [Gamma shrugs, pushes the door further open and enters the space beyond. She activates her headlamp illuminating a stone passageway made of tightly fit blocks.] Gamma: Air is extremely stale. Dr. Rossi: Any problems breathing, I want you to withdraw. Gamma: Yes, Doctor. [Rossi audibly sighs.] Gamma: Heard that. [Gamma moves down the corridor until she approaches another door. This one is designed to be secured with a bar across it. The channels are rusting and empty, no bar currently sits within.] Gamma: Locking something in? [Gamma opens the door and her lights play across the workshop. Several high wooden work tables are cluttered with tools. Lining the back wall is a series of shelves with partially finished marionettes and dolls.] Gamma: Ugh. Dr. Rossi: What is it? Gamma: Whole mess of dolls. Freaky. Dr. Rossi: The team that discovered the workshop noted a strange smell. Gamma: Yeah, coppery and slight tinge of rot. Probably something rotted down here and it seeped into the wood. [Gamma approaches the tools on the nearest worktable. She touches the handle of a chisel.] Tools discovered in workshop. Dr. Rossi: Typical wood working tools. Gamma: This one has blood on it. Dr. Rossi: What? I’m looking right at it through the feed, doesn’t look like it. Gamma: It’s still wet. Also, the smell is worse. Like a butcher shop or killing yard on a farm. I grew up on a farm. This is worse. Something died in here. Probably more than one. Dr. Rossi: I don’t see the blood. [Gamma releases the chisel and lifts another, then gasps and drops it.] Dr. Rossi: What is it? Gamma: More gore. [Coughs, covering her mouth.] Brain matter too. Dr. Rossi: Let’s leave that for now. What else is in the room? [Gamma turns and approaches the shelves. Twenty-three marionettes and dolls line the shelves. Each has been abandoned at some point in the work, to varying degree. Some are painted, others unfinished wood.] Gamma: These give me the creeps. [All faces turn towards her in one smooth motion. Agent Gamma backs away.] Gamma: Fuck that. [Gamma stays stationary for a several minutes, her breathing rate increases. As she attempts to control her breathing, the camera sweeps across the shelves. None of the dolls move again, but each of their eyes invariably is looking at Gamma.] Unknown: Hier war es, wo meine Träume zur Realität wurden und mein schreckliches Kind zur Welt kam. In blaues Licht und tiefe Schatten kam sie zu mir. Ich würde ihr Werkzeug in der Wirklichkeit sein und sie würde mein Kind gebären.4 Dr. Rossi: Sorry? Gamma: What? Dr. Rossi: You didn’t hear that? Gamma: No. Dr. Rossi: Someone was speaking in a low voice. In German, I think. You’re alone in the room? [Gamma turns and scans the room, the camera panning around the workshop. No other individual is evident.] Gamma: Pretty sure. [Gamma stops panning around the room and moves away from the dolls, approaching a section of bare stone wall.] Dr. Rossi: What is it? Gamma: There’s another passage here. Dr. Rossi: We don’t see anything on this end, just a wall. Gamma: What? No, there’s a tunnel here. Bunch of debris and cobwebs, but it goes back pretty far. Dr. Rossi: There’s no passage there, Agent. Advise holding back, let’s scan the wall. [Gamma continues moving towards the wall.] Dr. Rossi: Did you hear me, Agent? Do not approach that wall. You could be under the influence of an anomaly. [Gamma reaches out a hand, her fingertips are only centimeters from the stone.] Dr. Rossi: Agent Gamma, this is an order. Do not touch that. Unknown: Aus den Steinen jenes längst verlassenen Steinbruchs baute ich meine Werkstatt. Die Männer, die die Steine schnitten, waren vor langer Zeit gestorben, ihre Verehrung blieb jedoch immer noch darin. Der Stein war der Grund dafür, dass Sie mich bemerkte. Den schwarzen Granit, so uralt wie Sie, hat man benutzt, um Tempel in der Zeit zuvor zu bauen, bevor das Menschengeschlecht zur Macht über diese Welt kam, bevor man vergaß, dass die Riesen einst auf der Erde wandelten.5 Dr. Rossi: Agent Gamma! Stand down! [Gamma places a hand on the stone and then through it. As the camera passes into the material of the wall, the feed cuts out.] Agent Gamma did not return to the workshop and was listed as missing in action. The wall she merged with was scanned and showed several hundred meters of stone and sediment behind it. There is no indication of thaumaturgy or other anomaly, beyond the events portrayed in the above log.6 30/07/1993 [Singing] I've got no worries Only got dreams I'm gonna be a real boy Blood and guts and screams So soon, you’ll see A real boy, I’ll be Several weeks after Agent Gamma’s disappearance, her body camera was retrieved from a loose stone block in the aqueduct. The following footage was retrieved from the camera. Portions of the following recording have been omitted for cognitohazardous elements. Additional portions have been degraded to the point of incomprehensibility by thaumic interference. 2021 [Agent Gamma lies on a slate tile floor. The body camera has come loose from her utility harness and the agent is framed in the shot. Behind her prone form is a rough stone wall, curving upwards. Rough chisel marks are clear on the stone.]7 Gamma: [Groans] [Gamma lifts herself into a seated position. The camera rises to keep her framed within the shot. She does not notice it.] Gamma: Where the hell am I? [Gamma stands, using the wall to support herself. She turns to look to her left. The camera pans to follow her gaze. A rough hewn corridor – semi-circular in shape – stretches off into the distance. A thin, blue-tinted mist clings to the floor. Ambient illumination is present but the source is unclear on the footage. Gamma turns to look behind her; the camera follows to show a dead end.] [The agent sighs and then starts walking in the other direction. The camera follows her.] 22/12/1997 I always wondered how I would know I was ready. The Azure Pixie said to make my father’s dream come true, and become a real boy, it was up to me to act like real boys do. And I wanted my father to be proud of me. But what did that mean? What do real boys act like? [SCP-7840 is whittling his arm with a plastic writing pen sharpened to a point, carving unrecognizable symbols into the surface.] Finally I just focused on doing what boys do. Exploration log continued 2021 [Gamma is sitting in a descending passage with a circular stone stair extruding from the wall . Her legs are over the edge and her head is in her hands. She is staring downwards. The camera rises over her shoulder and looks down. Depth is estimated at three hundred meters, the only illumination coming from the blue mist.] Gamma: Just what is this place? [She checks her watch.] Gamma: Been walking for hours. And now? Staircase with no railing. This is how I die. Unknown man: Das allergrößte Versagen ist es, in sich selbst hineinzuschauen. Die menschliche Seele verbirgt keine Geheimnisse. Die Mysterien des Kosmos liegen in der kalten Finsternis der Außenregion. Sie sind von denjenigen bewacht, die zuvor kamen. Wie Sie. Die Mutter meines Kindes. Meine Göttin. Gtharn rvoi lchai. Durch Sie erfuhr ich erst das Wunder.8 [Gamma does not seem to register the man’s voice.] [She rises and begins descending the stairs.] [The blue mist rises, obscuring the camera. Gamma is heard faintly on the recording.] Gamma: …rvoi… 07/10/2004 Do you like to whistle? I do. I first learned how to whistle last week with Magnus. He was nice. [SCP-7840 makes a few noises approximating a whistle, but its facial structure does not allow for the flexibility of lip movement required.] I like to whistle a lot. It’s what the real boys do. Until I start to work on them. 17/08/2014 How long you gonna keep me here, Mister? It’s been sixty-two years already. I’m bored. Hmmmm. Say, you think I could get some anatomy textbooks? Exploration log continued 2021 [The camera is looking up through a skylight in the cavern roof, estimated to be several dozen meters in length. The roof of the cavern is approximately ten meters above the camera, and through the skylight many stars are visible as if without any light pollution. The glass is entirely transparent, with little framing around the window. Agent Gamma begins speaking but the camera remains on the stars.] Gamma: … split the breastbone … best use a saw… [A sharp crack is heard.] Gamma: … pull the ribs apart … [Gamma grunts with effort.] Gamma: … extract the heart … [A wet sound is heard. A shooting star crosses the sky visible through the cavern roof.] [The camera rotates down to ground level. Agent Gamma is crouched on the floor of the cavern, bent over a prone child-sized humanoid form. The image is blurred, focused beyond the agent.] [Gamma is breathing hard from exertion.] Gamma: What the fuck is going on? [The image focuses in on Agent Gamma, her hands in the chest cavity of the child. The child is a wicker facsimile of SCP-7840. Gamma pulls a beating, blue heart from the chest cavity with organic tissue trailing.] Unknown: Ihr Geschenk hatte bloß die äußere Erscheinung des Lebens – ohne die Verkörperung des Menschengestalts konnte Gizem seine Vorherrschaft nicht gewinnen.9 Gamma: I don’t understand… [Agent Gamma throws the heart against the wall, where it bursts into blue viscous liquid and bright glowing pricks of light. She covers her eyes with her hands, leaving blue marks on her face from the fluid.] Unknown: Mensch werden heißt zerstören. Ihr Geschenk des Lebens ist genau wie das von alle anderen Müttern.10 [Agent Gamma stands and stares up at the night sky. Another shooting star is visible.] Gamma: I wi– 27/11/2021 [SCP-7840 is bending over a prone security guard, who is bleeding from his eyes and ears.]11 Are you alright Mister? Wake up, sir! Oh no. Well… [SCP-7840 pulls a knife from the security personnel’s belt.] Waste not, want not… [SCP-7840 starts whistling “She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain.”] 28/11/2021 When my father made me, he put in his best work. The workshop under Breslau was his sanctum. What he could do with those tools, I wish you could have seen him work. There were many before me, but none after. Those halcyon days in Father’s workshop in the undercroft were like a dream, hard to say when it was. Must’ve been a really long time ago now. At least a year. Anyway, the Azure Pixie would speak to us both, appearing in our dreams12 and telling us of Her plans. Oh, the world She would create was glorious. But I failed Her and Father both. “Be like a real boy and you shall become one. Speak with truth, respect Me in all that you do, and open the way.” Humankind is not the oldest intelligence in the universe, not by a long shot. The Azure Pixie told me of Her people, Those from before history. They walked the Earth before we could even imagine a cosmos. But the cosmos moved on, leaving Them behind and disconnected from life. My father had travelled far in his mercenary years, learning much of the wider world, away from the constrictions of his Catholic upbringing. And when he came home to Germany, he endeavored to bring that wisdom to his family and community, but they would not have it. So, lest he abandon Those that came before, he practiced in secret. Working on his projects with chisel and scalpel, ritual and devotion. Then She came to him and granted him Her favor. And. I. Could. Not. Meet. Her. Expectations! [SCP-7840 looks down at the symbols carved into his arms and then examines his hands.] What did She need me to do? Do you know? Do you?!? [SCP-7840 turns towards the armed containment agent at the door to its containment chamber.] Ah, yes. Of course. My apologies. [SCP-7840 stands from its position crouched on the concrete floor. Behind it is the eviscerated corpse of a Site-91 security personnel. The individual's intestines have been set on the floor in a pattern reminiscent of a spider's web. Additionally, a pile of organs is sitting neatly piled on SCP-7840's bed. The anomaly is holding the pair of eyes in its left hand, a bloody knife in its right. There is blood and viscera all over the surface of SCP-7840.]13 [The anomaly leans against the far wall with its palms against the concrete. It shrugs at the approaching security personnel.] I was done anyway. Exploration log continued 2021 [Agent Gamma is walking around a large circular chamber, again filled with the blue mist along the floor. Throughout the mist are small bright lights, like fireflies but a similar shade as the mist. Gamma is mumbling to herself too low to be heard at first. Then suddenly the audio’s volume is raised.] Gamma: She’s here. Just outside the door. Waiting. Waiting for him. Grasping for any hold on us. [The agent looks up. A blue substance floats past the camera, resembling silk strands.] Gamma: But I’ve read the file. She’s going to be waiting a long time. [A loud high pitched shriek can be heard. Agent Gamma covers her ears until it fades.] Gamma: Scream all you want, bitch. Won’t change a thing. Your little creation is a moron. And you can't just tell him what he needs. He’ll never figure it out! [The cavern starts shaking, loud booming sounds are heard. Agent Gamma covers her ears and screams, crouching down.] [The camera pans up towards the ceiling of the cavern, at least twenty meters above the agent. Suspended on a large web of blue strands is an arachnoid entity taking up the majority of the ceiling of the cavern. Streams of glowing blue silk flow down from its abdomen, draping towards the cavern floor. The feed is degraded - blurring when trying to focus on the entity's three heads. The only detail discernable are multiple glowing points on the heads aim towards the floor. A high pitched humming begins increasing in volume. Video feed focuses a little and the glowing points resolve into metal loops – resembling the heads of sewing needles – glowing blue and increasing in brightness, their luminance making the rest of the heads indiscernible.] Gamma: What good will that do? I’m never getting out of here. Unknown: Bist du dir ganz sicher?14 [Gamma begins to scream and clutch at her head. After a few moments, she stops screaming.] Unknown: Also schön, es geht dir wieder gut.15 Agent Gamma was discovered in the passages of the aqueduct on 16/12/2021, sitting in front of the loose stone where her camera was found days before. She was immediately remanded to an isolated observation cell at Site-91. On 24/12/2021, Gamma escaped confinement – assaulting two security personnel, leaving them catatonic and with severe head injuries. A Site-wide search was initiated and shortly thereafter a breach alarm was triggered at SCP-7840’s containment chamber. When security personnel arrived on scene, they discovered the agent being assaulted by the anomaly. The agent suffered contusions to the face and neck, and a moderate concussion. The following is a transcript of the incident: [Agent Gamma breaks into the containment chamber, dragging in an unconscious security guard and holding his weapon. She drops the guard in the corner, closes the door and turns to face SCP-7840. Her eyes briefly glow blue for less than a second as she turns.] [Gamma begins speaking. SCP-7840 approaches and says something in return. Agent Gamma shakes her head violently. She claws at her face. She points at the torso of the security guard.] [SCP-7840 clenches its fists.] [Gamma points at the anomaly and then at the unconscious guard again.] [SCP-7840 shakes its head and speaks animatedly. Gamma starts to speak again but the puppet interrupts her by leaping at her face, clutching her throat with one hand and striking her face repeatedly with the other. Agent Gamma collapses; the puppet continues to strike her in the face.] [Security personnel enter the room and pull SCP-7840 from the unconscious agent, pinning it to the floor.]16 SCP-7840: Get off me! She needs to tell me what to do! [Medical personnel load Agent Gamma onto a gurney and take her from the room. Security personnel confine the puppet to the bed in its containment chamber with zip ties. SCP-7840 struggles against its bindings.] SCP-7840: What was I supposed to do?!? Agent Gamma was taken to the Site-91 medical center and restrained. As of this writing she has not regained consciousness. Ð is for "Ðirteen" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub V is for "Violence" Footnotes 1. SCP-7840’s aging has also affected its voice. Whereas once the anomaly had the voice of a small child, its voice has grown deeper and gruffer in tone. 2. Expunged for cognitohazardous material. 3. This is inaccurate, given that Freely’s grandfather has been confirmed to have used the anomaly when he was performing. This is not the first time SCP-7840 has exhibited symptoms in line with dyschronometria. 4. It was here my dreams became reality, and my terrible child born. In blue light and deep shadow, She came to me. I would be Her instrument in the waking world and She would bare my child. 5. I made my workshop from the stones of that long abandoned quarry. The men who cut from those stones were long dead, but their devotion still lingered. It was the stone that made Her notice me. Ancient as She, the black granite had been used to build temples to Her majesty in the time before. Before humanity came to rule this world. Before we forgot giants walked the Earth. 6. The tools Agent Gamma indicated were covered in blood were tested by forensic pathologists and found to have very old organic material on their surfaces. 7. The stone does not match the bedrock surrounding the workshop. 8. To look within oneself is the greatest of failures. There are no secrets within us. The mysteries of the cosmos are in the cold darkness of the place outside. Guarded by Those that came before. Like she. The mother of my child. My goddess. Gtharn rvoi lchai. Through Her, I discovered wonder. 9. Her gift was only the semblance of life – without the embodiment of humanity around him Gizem would not reach his ascendance. 10. To become human is to destroy. It is no different with Her gift of life than any other mother. 11. Site-91 was undergoing a containment breach at the time of recording. 12. SCP-7840 does not sleep, so it is unclear what it means by this. 13. When the anomaly was taken and cleaned after this incident, forensic personnel noted that its lower extremities and torso were entirely covered in gore. 14. Are you sure? 15. Ah, good. All better now. 16. Sound is recorded by personnel's body cameras. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7840" by Grigori Karpin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Strange Marionette Author: Thomas Quine License: CC BY 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Cellar Author: Adam Edmond License: CC BY 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Woodshop Author: Jonas Bengtsson License: CC BY 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Liverpool Sea Odyssey Author: sw77 License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin
The truck splutters as it runs out of fuel, finally slowing to a halt on the forest path. A second later, the headlights flicker off. That’s fine. It has done its last work. Two men get out from the front of the truck, and six more climb out from the back — between them, they hold a metal crate elongated like a coffin. Dim, faint moaning can be heard from within, echoing in on itself, the sound folding like ruined paper. None of the soldiers — for they are soldiers, in fatigues and night camouflage — pay it any mind, not even when the sound turns into scratching. They’ve been listening to these sounds for days, now. Weeks. They leave the corpse of the seventh soldier inside the truck, pilfered and opened and naked in all respects. Before they began this great journey, they drew lots — and the unlucky seventh was selected for the role of food. He’d been happy to take the bet, but less happy to honour it. That is the way of the world. The sky burns red. Fire pours over the horizon. Briefly, the two men — grim in stature and purpose — turn back to look at the revelation. Idly, the one in charge, all curly hair and stern brow, rubs his shoulder — rubs the blank patch that once held a flag. Then, their purpose remembered, they continue their march. If anything, their speed increases. There is only so long left, after all. Item #: SCP-7841-ZA Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7841-ZA is to be stored in a containment cell located at Site-29. Restraints are to be utilized so as to prevent SCP-7841-ZA from escaping or attempting self-harm. Guards are forbidden from injuring or inflicting pain on SCP-7841-ZA unless specifically requested by research personnel. Preparations to transport SCP-7841-ZA to Site Elapse are underway. For this purpose, a partnership with the Zakosian military has been enacted — once a suitable corridor through Leauanian territory has been opened, and Site Elapse has been cleared of -LEA branch personnel, SCP-7841-ZA will be directly escorted there. Through these means, a new world will be enacted. This man with curly hair keeps a hand on his holster as he forces his way through the undergrowth of the forest, suspicious green eyes flicking this way and that. With the current situation, he does not imagine the Leauanian archeologists will be eager to die for their dig site, but there is always the risk of wild animals. Wolves and boars and griffins, looking for food. These days, everything is looking for food. This man’s name is Bayel. From his pocket, he pulls free a bar of woven grass, and tears free a chunk of it with his teeth. The chewing is harsh, but his stomach is sated. Bayel is was a soldier of the nation of Zakos, working for the national branch of the SCP Foundation. He has never once felt loyalty to nation or organization, but today he feels something that is perhaps its cousin: the obligation for human survival. Human continuation does not require humanity, per se, but he feels nonetheless that this is his altruism. Once, when all this began, he had teams upon teams of researchers to draw upon — now he has nothing but these seven, and their cargo. Bayel has no issues with that. Only these seven remain because only these seven can be predicted. Their petty desires and ambitions can easily be redirected to the paths he needs. Anyone more intelligent than that has been purged. “Sir?” his companion, a woman with blond hair like straw, looks around the dark fearfully. “Is it really even here? Shouldn’t there be signs or — or vehicles, or something?” Briefly, Bayel considers killing her, but the time for such measures has passed. Doing so now would be counterproductive. All it would accomplish was creating fear and doubt in the hearts of the others, and then Bayel would have to kill them too, and then he would have to carry the crate all by himself. A crate with the future inside must be handled carefully. Description: SCP-7841-ZA is a male human being of a uniquely defective psychology. SCP-7841-ZA possesses the ability to ‘emotionally mirror’ those around it. While trauma during its youth has made it reticent to speak on this matter, SCP-7841-ZA has — when sharply questioned — described this ability as allowing it to imagine itself in the place of another organism. If this description is accurate, this provides with it an understanding of the emotions of those around it, along with shallow imitations of them. As a result of this emotional mirroring, SCP-7841-ZA possesses a strong aversion to inflicting pain, enacting violence and most other activities required for survival. At the time of writing, SCP-7841-ZA is thirty-three years old and in stable physical condition save for pre-existing injuries resulting from beatings during its youth. Following identification of its unique traits at a child farm, SCP-7841-ZA passed through the hands of many private collectors until 1982 AC, when it was officially purchased at auction by the Zakosian branch of the SCP Foundation. It takes nearly two hours from the road for the group to reach their destination. From what Bayel has read of this place, it would ordinarily be impossible to find, but the infestation of tents and digging equipment from its former Leauanian guests makes the matter easy. The infrastructure is abandoned — no doubt the archeologists have already fled for the bomb shelter. Another pillar of light pierces the sky, off in the distance. It’s closer than the last. They’re running out of time, but that is nothing new. The soldiers are tired, beginning to grow grouchy. There is a good chance this annoyance could end in bloodshed, and then everything would truly end. Bayel has realized recently that he has spent his whole time walking on glass, frightened that each misstep would result in massacre. He is not wrong. The black mouth of the tunnel invites them in, the dark smiling like a vortex. The eyes strain to focus on it, shifting this way and that, like it doesn’t want to be noticed. The void teases. Addendum 7841-1 (Note from Director Bayel) This world is dying. Who would deny that? The plague-storms spat out by Antusia. The butcher dukes of Sezeleone cutting their way down the continent. The Grey-Eyed Dancer screaming over the radio. Turn any way, and you see a horror, and all of them look like us. You’ve heard the stories, as I have. About the great machine the Leauanians have found. They say it’s the egg of a new world, but their government doesn’t believe them. Our government doesn’t believe them. I believe them. So what? Perhaps this is not our first go around, they say. Perhaps we can do better next time. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. But we will not do better next time. We are incapable of that. We are each an island, free of all weakness, but that in itself is our weakness. We are incapable of that … as we are now. But what if that did not have to be the case? We have the yolk of the new world right here, after all. The march through the tunnel is longer than the march towards it. For hours and hours they march on, tiring, as the earth shakes and shakes. The bombings have intensified, towns and cities being wiped off the map en masse. But even as fire licks the earth, and the seas boil, and the ground crumbles, the tunnel does not budge. It was made by stranger hands. Endless windows line the walls of the tunnel, and through them they see wonders. Machines they have no names for, scientific impossibilities, things that would scald the pages they were recorded in. Most things are gazed at in wonder, others pointedly looked away from. And always, the walking. One of the soldiers falls, exhausted, and they leave him. It is more than possible to carry the coffin with five. Long minutes pass, and he does not catch up. They forget him. Finally, finally, the tunnel opens up, into a space like an atrium — or maybe a control center. Computers line the walls, coiled together like roots or mating snakes, stretching all the way up to the ceiling, and in some places piercing right through it. The whole place was like a mess of things growing through each other. And it stank. It stank of birth. Bayel’s eyes flicked around, and a rare grin slowly spread across his empty face. Everything is as the spy photos suggested. This could work. This will work. Addendum 7841-2 (“Operation Nyx”) The following is an automatic notification. Mobile Task Force Adri-91 has departed from Site-29 to begin the final operation. All personnel not participating in the operation are to report to their designated shelters. Personnel not yet provided shelters are to remain at their posts until they are otherwise updated. The template chamber is like the bowl of a goldfish, full of viscous liquid swirling in sympathy with its occupants movements. SCP-7841-ZA is dropped in from above, his diminutive form somehow even more pathetic when wet. His face has been smashed in many times, every feature misaligned. His arms and legs are crooked from similar abuse, his whole body twisted. He is nearly blind. His teeth are long gone. It is doubtful that his nose works. All else is unspeakable. One of the soldiers tells another a joke, nodding at the living corpse. Their laughter is cruel. Bayel decides the hours have been too long. First, he tells them the risk of infiltrators still remaining within the facility. Then, he has them split up to perform a security sweep. Then, he stalks them individually and kills them — with his hands, so as to not make too much noise. Bayel has lived for a long time. He knows well how to end the lives of others. By the time he returns, SCP-7841-ZA has woken up. His eyes are painted with cataracts, but Bayel knows that he is seen. The young man, made old by suffering, opens his mouth to speak — but all that comes out are bubbles. He will not speak again during this lifetime. Bayel considers skipping this final formality, but he feels that he would fail in something vital if he did. He needs to speak here, before everything begins. “Hello,” he says. For the first time in his life, he sounds uncertain. The floating man peers at him through the water. “The world has ended,” he explains, as if he is a lecturer. “This time there will be no survivors. The fire will rip through the cities, through the towns and villages, through the shelters. All our lives would be compost for the forests. And then…” He waves a hand, gesturing to the space. “…we will be born again from here. This installation has recreated us, again and again, since time immemorial. We were very lucky this time. I do not think we’ll last as long upon the next. We are not a species built to last, you know that.” Slowly, the living corpse closes its eyes. It seemed to despair already, but that has somehow intensified. “I think you are a species built to last,” Bayel declares, his sudden confidence cutting through the dark. “A symbiote, not a parasite. A people with the ability to know each other, truly know each other, without petty… without petty selfishnesses and hungers driving them apart. Or, at least, perhaps not as much. These aren’t the right words, they sounded… grander in my head, but this is the closest I can get. I don’t know if I even believe them, truly, but…” The young-old man nods. Bayel blinks. “You’ll do it?” he asks, mouth dry. “You’ll be the template?” The young-old man nods. “You won’t live to see the new world, you know,” Bayel warns. “It will be many hundreds, if not thousands of years before —” The young-old man nods. Bayel wastes no more time. In a flash, he is at the machinery, playing buttons and sliding dials as if he were born for it. Sweat pours down his forehead from the long trek up to this point, but the fatigue does not so much as shake his hands. This is the last thing he has to do, after all. The very last thing. It takes him hours more, but by the time the night is done and the ash begins to fall, Bayel is done. He lies on the floor, a pistol in his hand, smoking. The engine of the world churns and the egg hatches. No further proposals for behavioral or cultural modification will be accepted at this time. Previous attempts to ameliorate violent and sociopathic tendencies in humanity as a whole have already been implemented and deemed successful. U is for "Unstrung" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub W is for "Walls" ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7841-ZA" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Range of valid entrance vectors to SCP-7842. ITEM #: 7842 Special Containment Procedures: As the approach vector to SCP-7842 is currently a driveway, accidental discovery has been deemed highly unlikely. Any civilians who discover SCP-7842 are to be amnesticized should they return. No additional resources are to be allocated to SCP-7842 research projects. Description: SCP-7842 is the site of the January 1955 Sutton Coldfield rail crash. The anomalous properties of SCP-7842 only become apparent when it is approached on foot at an angle of 20 degrees from geographical north, with a permissible margin of error of about 50 minutes.1 The vicinity of SCP-7842 is geographically distinct from the entrance point. Upon entering SCP-7842, personnel report seeing a landscape made of overturned and damaged LMS Black Five train cars. The train cars do not appear furnished; there is no evidence of prior human occupation such as seats, other furnishings, or corpses. While the ground level of SCP-7842 appears to follow the natural geography of Sutton Coldfield, the terrain is composed of train cars in various states of disrepair. Ground-penetrating RADAR scans suggest the underground is composed of more train cars. The terrain is largely unnavigable; the cracks between the train cars have no measurable depth. Any material that falls within these cracks should be considered lost. Approximately one in every twenty train cars is on fire. The fire is cool to the touch and has no apparent fuel source, though when metal is separated from a train car it ceases to burn. Testing has shown that the fire burns and melts materials including metal, wood, and cloth, and can be quenched with water, but does not harm living biological matter. Personnel uniformly report a "deep and instinctual dread" when they view the fire. There does not appear to be a celestial light source. Despite this, the sky appears a dull orange from the diffusion of the aforementioned burning train cars. The only meaningful landmark is a sculpture of a male lion that appears made of the same material as the landscape. The sculpture is an estimated 70 km due east of the entry point to SCP-7842. All personnel exposed to SCP-7842 have expressed a desire to investigate the sculpture further, though it remains unclear whether there is a compulsive effect or if this is natural curiosity. Despite the distance of the lion sculpture, personnel have uniformly questioned why its eyes are not alight. Addendum I: Dr. S. P., Civilian Literature Professor, approx. 90 years old, details redacted for privacy. Dr. P. was admitted to Good Hope Hospital after being discovered, delirious, in Sutton Park after being missing for two weeks. She was remanded to Foundation custody after a psychological assessment of the following recurring dream flagged several alert systems.2 I used to love the Dark Lion. We used to play together, my siblings and I. We imagined a paradise away from the mundane world, a place where we were knights and heroes, beneath the burning eyes of the Dark Lion. Our savior and guardian. I always think I wake up there. The place where they died. I've felt myself burning for the past seventy years. Wondering if it could have been me. Wondering why I was still here. In my dream, the lion comes to us and offers me eternity — take that as you will — and they come for us as we play petty kings and queens, rulers of the public parks. And one by one my siblings take his offer. He's sitting there, watching me with his scarlet eyes, and I hesitate. I keep hesitating. I've thought it's my punishment, but really it was just an accident. There was nothing I could have done. I know I love him. Then my youngest sister takes his paw and vanishes into the darkness. I'm told she didn't wouldn't have felt any pain, in the crash. That she would have died instantly. And I ask where they've gone, but the Dark Lion doesn't answer. He wants me to trust him. And I stare into the darkness, but all I can see is a dim firelight. When I look back at him he's no longer by me. He's endlessly far away, and his hide has turned from flesh to twisted metal. I scream at him. I ask him where they've gone. What's happened to him. I had to identify my brothers from their clothing, you know. There wasn't enough left of their faces. He doesn't answer. How can he? He's just just a lion, and he's so, so far away. And I fling myself into the earth, into those thin cracks between the train cars, hoping that I can find the mercy of being with my family again, but always, always, I wake up on the surface. I see him in the distance, through the cold firelight. Watching me. Guarding me. Mocking me. His eyes aren't red anymore. They're hollow. I wish I knew why. Footnotes 1. Roughly 0.83 degrees 2. Department of Purgatorial Spaces Detection Protocols, Tactical Theology Eschatological Monitoring, Multi-U Unsupervised Crossover ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7842" by Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename:image832.png Name: image832 Author: Anonymous License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Additional Notes: Red arc inserted by Anonymous. Data from Open Street Map is released under the Open Database License. Under the ODL, maps produced from OSM data count as "produced work" and may be released under any license.
Item #: SCP-7844 Special Containment Procedures: Influence operations are to discourage government, commercial, and hobbyist satellites from entering SCP-7844 orbits. Under the 2052 Pitcairn Island Accord,1 Global Occult Coalition officials will continue briefing astronomy programs capable of detecting SCP-7844 on its cover as a United Nations ISR asset. Genetic testing to identify the original YIV-510 donor (POI-7844-A) is to continue worldwide under the pretense of disease control. Once identified, POI-7844-A is to be detained until a review of hostile activity is complete; due to safety concerns, both hands should be amputated immediately after capture and placed in cold storage. No further attempts to access SCP-7844 instances or their control network are to occur without Overseer Council approval. Description: SCP-7844 is a constellation of 13 satellites associated with terrestrial anomalous activity, all of which maintain Molniya orbits that maximize coverage of populated landmass. Each satellite is identical, consisting of an elongated outer shell (approximately 6m x 1.7m x 1.3m) constructed from an unknown material with low light reflectance (< 0.1 LRV) and extremely high density (estimated at 30 grams per cm3). Interior space is dedicated to biological cultivation units that were filled prior to launch. SCP-7844 instances prevent orbital decay via ion propulsion, and all have remained in their orbits since placement. SCP-7844 was deployed throughout 2035-2038 by GOC black project YIV-510, which has since been shuttered. The constellation was originally operated via sympathetic reaction of biomass spread between units. Terminals maintained by YIV-510 staff were destroyed contra Foundation requests following the Pitcairn Island Accord, and no alternative methods of control have been found save for legacy access enjoyed by POI-7844-A (a donor who is presumed to exist but has yet to be identified).2 When activated, SCP-7844 instances exert an attractive force on objects within 10 km of their groundtrack point that does not adhere to known scientific principles. Past targets include single-story structures, vehicles, signage, and various flora and fauna. The method by which targets are isolated for effect is poorly understood, but it appears to be extremely sensitive within a broader set of taxonomies. Specific SCP-7844 capabilities are classified within the METHOD MAYFLY compartment. Addendum 7844-A (Known Activations): SCP-7844 has been activated five times, four of which were test fires carried out during constellation deployment. Incident Number Date / Time Location Effect 15038-3013 23 AUG 2035 / 1202-1205 ET N/A N/A. Communications from an SCP-7844 test were captured through SALIENT CROW capabilities, but specific activity has yet to be identified. 15046-3023 03 FEB 2035 / 1653-1656 PT Boiling Point, CA Several buildings, vehicles, and elements of local infrastructure damaged by levitation and subsequent fall (~3 meters). Effect modulated by size over time, beginning with items under .5 kg. No casualties. 15089-5001 13 AUG 2035 / 2134-2140 ET Fernow Experimental Forest, WV Approximately 3.14 km2 of forest partially uprooted, then deposited in place. Appears to have targeted trees weighing between 7250-7500 kg in fine-tuning exercise. No casualties. 15201-7022 01 MAR 2036 / 1201-1207 ET Basil, MD Additional demonstration of fine tuning begins with insect life. Rodents, mustelids, canines, felines, and bovines affected in succession. Some witnesses report minor effects, with headaches and temporary blindness being the most common. No casualties. SCP-7844 was additionally employed against Site-33 on May 24, 2046 in what is now understood to be a retaliatory strike following the loss of several GOC facilities in separate regional conflicts. It remains unclear whether this was ordered by GOC leadership or carried out independently by YIV-510 staff. See relevant HINDSIGHT analyses for a full summary of this incident. Although no recordings were made due to anomalies contained on-site, adaptations of SCP-5920 enabled postmortem extraction of relevant memories. Cleared personnel with sufficient MIR scores may view the resultant media. [PRESENT VALID CLEARANCE] [METHOD MAYFLY VERIFIED] Loading 7844_site33_16404.mak7 now… Fluorescents flicker in patterns discernible by only the site's oldest stewards. Cafeteria chairs squeak against linoleum. Coffee hits your lips as Rob's chatter is flushed from memory, one more anecdote about kids you've never met and never will meet. Hot, astringent—its only redeeming qualities in truth—it lingers as a collective shudder passes through the night shift. You feel it too, a sensation that strokes from shoulder to neck before tracing higher vertebrae. Each seems the subject of endless fascination as you twitch in place, a minor reaction compared to how disquiet ripples through your coworkers. Someone has the good sense to run for the alarm panel mounted in every corridor. They don't even make it to the door. That invisible force clenches tight, wrenching them off the ground like a noose tightened. Others follow one-by-one: some raised in a misguided mother's embrace, some yanked with neck-snapping force. It's difficult to form coherent thoughts as pressure continues tracing your own neck, showing wonderment in esophagus, in arteries, in all that holds together. Half the room is already dead by the time both feet leave the floor. Their bodies hang motionless, a scene you can't help but look away from. Soft fingers bring your chin back just in time to see the first neck twist with a sickening squelch, the first eyeballs pop from sockets. Blood pools upwards in defiance of gravity, coherent streams drawn with surgical precision that seems malpractice itself. The grip adjusts again, minute depressions surely shifting to the soft parts of your neck as it does. As it prepares. You breathe in, and exhaling is impossible afterwards. In a final effort to expel what remains inside, those few intact necks separate with wet, wretched pops. Their division is so gentle that veins remain unbroken, slowly extruded from bodies who might somehow be viable were they reassembled with sufficient care. Then you feel a pop of your own. The pain is so brief that it might not even qualify as such, an overwhelming rush of life pinched off by those fingers. When they relax again, you have no more breath to release. Incident Number Date / Time Location Effect 16404-1093-F 24 MAY 2046 / 0400-0406 ET Site-33 No equipment damaged. No containment units compromised. 312 casualties. Addendum 7844-B (Control Network Access): Upon recovery of several destroyed SCP-7844 terminals, researchers were able to reverse-engineer elements of its control network. These include access to test functions, limited maneuver capabilities, and a one-way diagnostic channel that may be an artifact of its development process. On July 25, 2053, researchers gained lateral access to a system that appears to be intended for validating high-level users following key corruption. Several call-and-response procedures were prepared based on YIV-510 documentation and tested on Foundation body rigs before use. The following log approximates this exchange in plaintext: NET_ID: POULTICE-510-496 SYS_ID: BECKONER NODE #9 TTAG: 06252053_1220_6 KEYVER: UNVERIFIED BECK9: Contact established, awaiting handshake. CNODE: [Yawn reciprocity initiated. No response.] CNODE: [Itch reciprocity initiated. No response.] BECK9: Contact established, awaiting handshake. CNODE: [Embarrassment/laughter exchange initiated. No response.] CNODE: [Song/hum exchange initiated. No response.] BECK9: Handshake overdue, awaiting fingerprint. [The connection was terminated at this point to avoid triggering any protocols that would prevent future access.] SALIENT CROW capabilities detected no changes to network activity throughout this test. Subsequent attempts have been delayed until research into physiological responses used by other GOC projects can be completed. Breaking the gene-based encryption that protects its sympathetic network and anomalous capabilities remains a work in progress. Addendum 7844-C (Planned Exfiltration): Due to GOC stonewalling and ongoing cryptography challenges, Foundation personnel attempted to access cold-storage logs residing on SCP-7844 instances to identify parties responsible for Incident 16404-1093-F. This process began with dismantling the carriage using vehicles operated from a manned Foundation satellite. Scaffolding construction followed, and the cultivation unit was breached approximately two months later. [PRESENT VALID CLEARANCE] [METHOD MAYFLY VERIFIED] Loading 7844_18933.mak7 now… The screen's quality is almost clearer than life. It offers a distraction from the cramped microsat where you operate that multi-purpose, multi-armed vehicle—minimal lag outweighing personal comfort, of course. Your command to begin removing the larger satellite's shell is carried out immediately, shifting a first black plate into clamps waiting on the scaffolding. You next adjust the camera, fully capturing the interior unit already detected by scans. That gunmetal coffin sits impassive, livened only by warnings and pictograms that evolved on branches divergent from the Foundation's own. Thankfully, orders already came down to ignore them. Screw after screw, bolt after bolt, you disassemble the sheath erected around whatever systems await inside. Your scaffolding will protect the most sensitive from radiation until its information is siphoned away; the rest will eventually re-enter the atmosphere in ablative envelopes. Only a series of latches separate you from that, from completion of this most claustrophobic assignment. "Permission to proceed?" you ask your handler, voice scratchy after recent disuse. Waiting for her answer is painful no matter how minute the delay has become in recent years. "Proceed," she says. Thank god. The near-silent hum of space is almost overwhelming as the vehicle's arms—your arms, though more distant than most—remove that final layer. Within, the expected banks of exotic hardware are absent. Not a circuit board to be seen, nor biological black boxes obscuring further mysteries. You are instead graced with the sight of somehundred identical human hands, all interlinked by twitching fingers, all grasping each other for comfort. Every blemish the same. Every scar mirrored beyond counting. No artificial veins support them, but each is clearly alive nonetheless, gracefully moving from linkage to linkage—maintaining a mass that crawls in place despite its sudden exposure to deep space. "What–" forms on your lips as one finger among many casually flicks toward the camera. Connection is lost in an instant, replaced by errors, warnings, and ever so many horrible diagnostics. You only glimpse them before pressure builds on your forehead. First, a nudge. A bump. A sudden hammer blow that shakes your tiny word worse than reentry ever did. Gasping is barely possible as you catch your own eyes in the mirror intended to humanize that most lonesome place. You can already see a tiny depression moving on your forehead, shifting slightly as though massaged by invisible fingers. Settling right between your brows. The next blow comes so fast, so decisively, that the sound in your ears is surely gray matter splattering across the cabin. Skull fragments on steel. Cranial fluid in the cushions. Who was going to clean this mess up? Incident Number Date / Time Location Effect 18933-3037-A 03 JAN 2054 / 0637 UCT Orbit, Earth Various pieces of equipment damaged by low-level SCP-7844 failsafes. 1 casualty. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7844" by Pedantique, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Footnotes 1. Chapter 4, Section 61, Subsection 25, "Activities Based on Common Interests and Challenges in Complex Operating Environments" 2. Evidence suggests that biomass was repeatedly harvested from POI-7844-A in situ rather than grown in cultures or otherwise replicated.
Remember that beautiful summer night? When you promised you'd never forget me? Item #: SCP-7845 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7845 is currently under investigation by the Conterconceptual Division. SCP-7845’s material components are currently locked within Storage Locker-0875 at Site-17. Description: SCP-7845 designates a collection of disparate evidence that points towards an event of a counterconceptual nature that occurred to Counterconceptual Division Researcher Anabelle Chen throughout the October of 2023. All the objects are affected by varying degrees of counterconceptual contamination. However, this is believed to be a result of the event itself, not the objects.1 SCP-7845 evidence is as follows: The deletion of all dating apps from Researcher Chen’s personal cell phone; Three stuffed animals within Researcher Chen’s flat that they did not remember purchasing.; Several makeup products within Researcher Chen’s bathroom that they do not use; Documentation suggesting that they had arranged for a box of chocolates to be delivered to another individual; A large amount of roses in Researcher Chen’s home; Documentation suggesting that Researcher Chen had viewed the film Bottoms on her personal Amazon Prime account; Over 300 text messages sent between Researcher Chen and another individual. Due to counterconceptual contamination, these messages were unable to be recovered; Charges to Researcher Chen’s personal credit card suggesting they had visited several restaurants throughout the month that they did not remember visiting; Researcher Chen reported an undefined feeling of sadness and loneliness that persisted throughout the day; Researcher Chen reported SCP-7845 to the Foundation on November 1st, 2023. Addendum — Research Update Two days after Researcher Chen submitted her initial report, the Department of Analytics flagged the file as containing key similarities to SCP-48592, an anomaly submitted on the same day by Antimemetics Division Researcher Harriet Rosenberg. Following the ingestion of mnestics by both researchers, they arranged a dinner date at Samantha’s Cakes and Pies2 on November 5th to discuss the anomaly. Footnotes 1. The Eparch class refers to objects which are non-anomalous, but related to the anomalous. 2. A popular Foundation-run dessert shop. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7845" by Cathy Autumn, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. Item #: SCP-7846 Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-7846 is currently not possible. SCP-7846 events are to be monitored by the Department of Analytics and discredited via Cover Story-4932-FRWQ (“Just an Urban Legend”). Description: SCP-7846 is an anomalous event which will occur when certain conditions are met. Known conditions are as follows: The subject is alone in an empty room; The room contains at least one reflective surface; The subject is an actor of some sort; The subject is struggling financially and creatively; The subject is practicing a monologue; If these conditions are met, the following phenomena will occur. While the exact specifics vary among subjects and the effects of SCP-7846 on human cognition preclude a fully accurate summary of SCP-7846, they will tend to follow a specific pattern. The performer will be in the room, practicing the monologue. They will be stuttering and have trouble remembering their lines or gaining the emotional intensity required. This will likely cause frustration, leading to shouting or crying. This is the invitation for SCP-7846. The subject will look into the mirror. It is unclear whether or not this will be of their own free will. However, they will look into the mirror. They will not like what they see. They will see their own imperfection and despise it. They will beg to have the capacity to do their monologue. It is at this point that they will touch the mirror. They’re lost now. There is no escape. Their room will be a room no longer. It will be a stage, unthinkably vast in size. Although it will be dark initially, a spotlight will illuminate the performer, standing in the center of the stage. It will also reveal the audience. They will be masked, their expressions blank and unreadable. The audience wears costumes in muted colors, all unable to disguise a great truth. They are empty inside. The audience sits passively. There is a moment of silence. The performer begins their monologue. They cannot prevent it. It will be wrong somehow, the words twisting and spilling out of them in a manner that does not make sense yet still is true. The monologue will be frenetic, emotional, desperate to make its way out of the heart of the subject. It will touch upon whatever personal difficulties the performer is experiencing. They will likely begin weeping. The audience will lean forward, intrigued. The colors of their costume will grow brighter and more vivid as they drink in the emotion of the story the subject is performing. They will universally shake their heads. These words are not accepted. Try again and get it right. Hooks and ropes will descend from the ceiling, digging into the flesh of the performer and adjusting how they move. They will begin bleeding. The substance they are bleeding is not blood. They may attempt to fight against the restraints. This will not be successful. Entities will walk onto the stage, taking the role of other characters in the story. The hooks control their movements as well. This is the purpose of a performance. To allow the story to control oneself. They may resemble individuals who the performer knows. Coworkers or family. They are not them. They are merely pretending, a double role. The play begins in earnest. The subject is walked through their lines until the play reaches its conclusion. This will happen again and again, for an unknown amount of times. Until they know the play better than they know their own soul and the performer is standing in a pile of twisted, inky not-blood. Looking into the not-blood, they will see memories, dreams, hopes. Genuinely vivid fantasia that has been reflected so many times it has lost its luster. They may begin to weep and attempt to drink it back in. This will fail. Once you’ve lost it, you cannot get it back. After this realization dawns upon the performer, they will stand up once more, pulled by the ropes. One last time they will do their monologue. The theater erupts into applause as the subject takes a bow. The SCP-7846 event will end. Individuals who have triggered SCP-7846 have a 99.99% rate of gaining success in the entertainment industry regardless of any previous difficulty they may have experienced. The significance of this is under review. Addendum — Testing Results Testing with SCP-7846 has resulted in it being triggered in controlled conditions by several Foundation personnel. Their names are as follows: Jan Novák; Max Mustermann; Anna Kowalska; Jean Dupont; Tarō Yamada; For further information, contact your on-Site RAISA Liaison. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7846" by Cathy Autumn, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. Item #: SCP-7846 Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-7846 is currently not possible. SCP-7846 events are to be monitored by the Department of Analytics and discredited via Cover Story-4932-FRWQ (“Just an Urban Legend”). Description: SCP-7846 is an anomalous event which will occur when certain conditions are met. Known conditions are as follows: The subject is alone in an empty room; The room contains at least one reflective surface; The subject is an actor of some sort; The subject is struggling financially and creatively; The subject is practicing a monologue; If these conditions are met, the following phenomena will occur. While the exact specifics vary among subjects and the effects of SCP-7846 on human cognition preclude a fully accurate summary of SCP-7846, they will tend to follow a specific pattern. The performer will be in the room, practicing the monologue. They will be stuttering and have trouble remembering their lines or gaining the emotional intensity required. This will likely cause frustration, leading to shouting or crying. This is the invitation for SCP-7846. The subject will look into the mirror. It is unclear whether or not this will be of their own free will. However, they will look into the mirror. They will not like what they see. They will see their own imperfection and despise it. They will beg to have the capacity to do their monologue. It is at this point that they will touch the mirror. They’re lost now. There is no escape. Their room will be a room no longer. It will be a stage, unthinkably vast in size. Although it will be dark initially, a spotlight will illuminate the performer, standing in the center of the stage. It will also reveal the audience. They will be masked, their expressions blank and unreadable. The audience wears costumes in muted colors, all unable to disguise a great truth. They are empty inside. The audience sits passively. There is a moment of silence. The performer begins their monologue. They cannot prevent it. It will be wrong somehow, the words twisting and spilling out of them in a manner that does not make sense yet still is true. The monologue will be frenetic, emotional, desperate to make its way out of the heart of the subject. It will touch upon whatever personal difficulties the performer is experiencing. They will likely begin weeping. The audience will lean forward, intrigued. The colors of their costume will grow brighter and more vivid as they drink in the emotion of the story the subject is performing. They will universally shake their heads. These words are not accepted. Try again and get it right. Hooks and ropes will descend from the ceiling, digging into the flesh of the performer and adjusting how they move. They will begin bleeding. The substance they are bleeding is not blood. They may attempt to fight against the restraints. This will not be successful. Entities will walk onto the stage, taking the role of other characters in the story. The hooks control their movements as well. This is the purpose of a performance. To allow the story to control oneself. They may resemble individuals who the performer knows. Coworkers or family. They are not them. They are merely pretending, a double role. The play begins in earnest. The subject is walked through their lines until the play reaches its conclusion. This will happen again and again, for an unknown amount of times. Until they know the play better than they know their own soul and the performer is standing in a pile of twisted, inky not-blood. Looking into the not-blood, they will see memories, dreams, hopes. Genuinely vivid fantasia that has been reflected so many times it has lost its luster. They may begin to weep and attempt to drink it back in. This will fail. Once you’ve lost it, you cannot get it back. After this realization dawns upon the performer, they will stand up once more, pulled by the ropes. One last time they will do their monologue. The theater erupts into applause as the subject takes a bow. The SCP-7846 event will end. Individuals who have triggered SCP-7846 have a 99.99% rate of gaining success in the entertainment industry regardless of any previous difficulty they may have experienced. The significance of this is under review. Addendum — Testing Results Testing with SCP-7846 has resulted in it being triggered in controlled conditions by several Foundation personnel. Their names are as follows: Jan Novák; Max Mustermann; Anna Kowalska; Jean Dupont; Tarō Yamada; For further information, contact your on-Site RAISA Liaison. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7846" by Cathy Autumn, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-7848 Special Containment Procedures: All remaining instances of SCP-7848-A are to have a microchip tracker injected into them and are to be kept in a terrarium at Site-27. The terrarium is to be provided with flora and insects necessary to sustain a large colony of purple boxer mantises. Absolutely no personnel are permitted within SCP-7848's cell without permission from Dr. Whitney. Should one need to enter the cell, they must be accompanied by at least two armed guards specially equipped to deal with insectoid swarms. The door leading to SCP-7848's cell must be sealed even while personnel are inside, and is not to be opened until it's safe to do so. After leaving SCP-7848's cell, personnel are to be checked for any instances of SCP-7848-A that might have hidden itself in their clothes. If an -A is found, it is to be terminated immediately. Description: SCP-7848 consists of two designations that refer to different parts of the anomaly, them being designated SCP-7848-A and SCP-7848-B respectively. SCP-7848-A refers to an individual purple boxer mantis. While sizes between the different -A instances vary, the average measurement comes out to be about 12 cm (4.8 inches) in length. While there are no abnormal physical features that distinguish -A instances from non-anomalous purple boxer mantises, -A instances have shown to possess far superior intelligence than their non-anomalous counterparts, though it still remains unclear how much agency a -A instant has independent of SCP-7848-B. SCP-7848-B refers to the collective hivemind of all 578 492 instances of SCP-7848-A. Currently, it's unclear if -B is the combined consciousness of all -As or if -B is a separate entity controlling the -As, though the entity referring to itself as "we" suggests the former. While -B technically has no physical form, it will often present itself as a humanoid entity by grouping up the -As into a single mass, with each -A moving in a way that gives -B the appearance of human movement. Despite not having the anatomical requirements to do so, SCP-7848-B possesses the ability to speak, and has shown to be quite intelligent. It was allowed to take the FIE1 after being contained, and ended up scoring 93%2. Addendum 7848-1: Interview #1 Forward: The following is an audio recording of an interview that took place shortly after the containment of SCP-7848. Interviewer: Dr. Franklin Reed Interviewee: SCP-7848-B <Begin Log> Reed: I suppose we'll start with something simple. What are you? 7848: A bit of a rude question, wouldn't you think? Reed: My apologies, allow me to rephrase. Who are you? 7848: We have no name. Mother perished before she could give us one. 'Course, it's not like she would have even if she lived. When you have hundreds of kin, naming every one of your children becomes an impossible task. Reed: Your mother? She died? 7848: Yes. Right after we were born. Reed: How long ago was this? What can you tell me about her? 7848: About four months ago, and we're afraid there isn't much to tell. At least, not to the likes of you. Reed: What's that supposed to mean? 7848: The life of a single insect is hardly worth the attention of even the lowest of humans, let alone a respectable man of science such as yourself. Reed: If it's anomalous, I care very much. 7848: Except she wasn't. Unlike us, she had no sapience. She was just your average, run of the mill… what word do you humans use so much…? Bug. She was just your average bug. The only thing exceptional about her was her ability to carry and birth over 500 offspring at once. I'd like to see a human try that. Reed: You keep referring to yourself as "we" and "us." Why? 7848 remains silent for roughly five seconds. 7848: We're… afraid we don't understand. It would be like us asking why we should refer to the Foundation as a body as "it" instead of "he" or "she." We are us, brothers and sisters left motherless in a cruel world. Only by working together as we do now, are we able to survive. Reed: I see. So you're a hivemind? 7848: A crude way of putting it, but yes. We think as one because that's the only way to survive. Reed: How much independence do each of you have from one another? 7848: That… is a complicated question. We don't think we could explain it in a way that could make sense to you. Imagine it like this. Each cell in your body is technically alive and independent in its own way, but ultimately is just a cog in a far greater machine. We are similar, but different. Imagine if each cell in your body, rather than just being an unimportant instant of life, was significant in some way. It doesn't devalue you as a whole any, but it does put more value on the different parts of the whole. Enough value that each part is referred to as its own being. That is what we are. A machine that values each cog as its own thing. Working as one, but made up of many. Reed: While this is an interesting way of describing your nature, it still doesn't quite answer how much free will each -A instant has. 7848: No? No, we suppose it doesn't. Well, like we said. It's a complicated question. <End Log> Addendum 7848-2: Interview #2 Forward: The following is a follow-up meeting that took place several days after the first interview. Due to Incident-████████, Dr. Reed was reassigned to Site-██. Dr. Whitney was subsequently placed in charge of SCP-7848. Interviewer: Dr. Whitney Interviewee: SCP-7848-B <Begin Log> Whitney: Afternoon 7848. 7848: You… are not Reed. Whitney: Doctor Reed was transferred to another site after an… unexpected incident. My name is Doctor Whitney, and I'll be taking- 7848 laughs, interrupting Whitney. 7848: And here we thought we'd be stuck making small talk with meat bags. Several seconds of silence. 7848: Forgive us, we just weren't expecting a non-human to be running the show here. Tell us, what species of reptile are you? You look lizard like, but we can't quite pinpoint which breed you are. Whitney: If… you don't mind, 7848. I'd rather we focus on you instead of me. 7848: Of course, of course. Sorry if we sounded a little intrusive, we were just intrigued. Several seconds of silence. Shuffling of paper is heard. Whitney: Alright, 7848, let's start by talking about your last session. You showed a surprisingly high understanding of some rather complicated topics. For example, you seemed to understand the anatomy and function of cells. Communication is one thing, but something so scientific was unexpected. How did you learn of this? 7848: The same way everyone learns. Watching and listening. Whitney: Please elaborate. 7848: After we were born and mother's body went limp, we scattered. Some of us foraged for food, some of us looked for water, some of us looked for a place to call home. Keep in mind we were still operating as a hivemind, we just utilized our ability to separate to its fullest… even if it did end up being a mistake. Anyway, a few of us found our way to a middle school. That day, the teacher was giving a lecture on cells. We were fascinated, of course, so we hid up in the cracks of the wall and listened to the lesson. We stayed there for a few days, listening to the lessons and classrooms through the school, before grouping back up. Whitney: You said using your ability to separate ended up being a mistake. How? 7848: The few are far weaker than the many. Divided, we were more susceptible to predators. By the time we left the school and reformed, we had lost nearly thirty bothers and sisters. Whitney: I see. With that taken care of, there's a question that I personally wanted an answer to. 7848: Go for it. Whitney: When we contained you, you were trying to pass as a human in the civilian world. You had taken this form you are right now, and had even cobbled together some old clothes. It didn't work as you had hoped, and people were quick to notice the person with insects for a face, but you still tried to live amongst humans. Why? 7848 chuckles to itself. 7848: Oh Whitney, you of all creatures should know the answer to this. Whitney: Crea-?! Whitney stops herself and takes a breath. Creature? 7848: Yes. Look at you, Whitney. Are you even able to see what's directly in front of you with that snout? Whitney: I can see just fine. 7848: You're not human, Whitney. And yet, you dress like one, talk like one, probably even eat like one. And why? Whitney: What am I supposed to do? I may be a lizard, but I'm still intelligent. You expect me to get on all fours and live off purely instinct? 7848: Which is exactly what we thought. You and us, we're too intelligent to crawl on along the earth the animals. We're drawn to the civilized world, to the wonders of humanity. It only makes sense we'd try to be as human as possible. Now, admittedly, we could've approached it better, but our thinking was just that. We wanted to live amongst humanity. <End Log> Addendum 7848-3: Interview #11 Forward: The following is an audio recording of a scheduled session with SCP-7848-B. The main topic of the meeting was to get 7848-B's opinion on its current containment. Interviewer: Dr. Whitney Interviewee: SCP-7848-B <Begin log> Whitney: Afternoon 7848. 7848: Hello doctor. How are you today? Whitney: I'm fine, 7848. Thank you for asking. Now, shall we begin? Audio of a chair scraping against the ground as Whitney takes a seat. Whitney: Now that you've been here for a few weeks, we'd like to know your thoughts on the Foundation and your containment. Are you content with everything you've been provided. 7848: We're quite glad you asked that. It's something we've been meaning to approach you about for a while now. Unfortunetly, we are not content. Whitney: Oh… Elaborate. 7848: We appreciate you and the Foundation creating this… terrarium, is it called… to sustain us. Food and water are easier to come by than ever. However, we feel as though we've outgrown its purpose. Whitney: What do you mean? 7848: We understand why you'd place us in a cell meant to replicate the wilderness. After all, we just seem like average insects to you. However, as you've discovered over the past few weeks, we are not so. We have intelligence, and are far more than just mere bugs. Whitney: What are you suggesting? 7848: We would greatly appreciate it if we could be transferred to a more… human environment. Whitney: Human environment? Whitney goes silent for three seconds. You mean like a humanoid anomaly cell? 7848: Yes, precisely. Silence for 4 seconds. Whitney: What exactly were you thinking? 7848: Well, we were thinking of being treated identically to one of those humanoid anomalies you just mentioned. We aren't quite sure what that entails, but we assume it means obtaining a room that would fit a human more than it would an insect hive. Of course, we understand that there's still a big difference between us and humans, and that accommodations would be needed. However, if we choose to remain in this humanoid form, we don't understand why we wouldn't be allowed to live as a human. Whitney: …I see. Well, this is a big request, and not one I can make on my own. I'll be sure to relay your wishes to my superiors. 7848: If you could, we would greatly appreciate it. Remaining twenty-seven minutes of audio cut for irrelevancy. See Document-7848-9 for full transcript. <End log> Addendum 7848-4: Interview #26 Forward: The following is an audio recording of a scheduled session with SCP-7848-B. Interviewer: Dr. Whitney Interviewee: SCP-7848-B <Begin log> First thirty-one minutes of session removed for irrelevancy. Whitney: Thank you for your time, 7848. I think that will wrap things up for today. 7848: Of course, doctor. A scraping sound is heard as Whitney stands from her seat. 7848: Doctor, there was one last thing we wanted to ask you about. Whitney: Yes? 7848: It pertains to our transfer to a human environment. It's been a good month since we first asked you about it, and we've been anxious for an answer. Whitney: Ah… yes. Forgive me, I got an answer yesterday and intended to tell you during our meeting, but forgot. I'm afraid the Foundation denied your request for a transfer. Silence is held for five seconds. 7848: We… don't understand. You did inform your superiors of our human intellect, right? Whitney: I did. 7848: And you informed them of our intentions to maintain this humanoid form? Whitney: They know. 7848: We don't understand why our request would be denied then. Whitney: The Foundation doesn't often tell me why they make the decisions they do, but my guess would be security. 7848: Security? What does that mean? Whitney: Well, you may combine to take the form of a humanoid, but your ability to separate into individual mantises serves as a great security risk. Even under surveillance, it would be easy for one of you to break away from the main group and escape. Or, for you all to break apart and swarm towards an exit. 7848: Our request for a transfer was denied because… the Foundation feels it wouldn't be able to contain us? Whitney: Precisely. Silence for four seconds. 7848: We strongly advise the Foundation reconsider that stance. Whitney: I'm sorry, but the Foundation rarely changes its mind. If you have any other requests, I'd be happy to forward it to my superiors. <End log> Addendum 7848-5: Cell #7848 CCTV Feed Forward: The following is a video recording of SCP-7848's cell. As a result of Incident-████████, the number of staff members on site was low. Due to this, Agent Jack was assigned to clean SCP-7848's cell as part of standard site containment procedures. <Begin log> Door to SCP-7848's cell opens. Jack walks through pushing a cart of cleaning supplies. Jack: Hello? 7848? You here? Silence for several seconds. Jack: (Shaking head) Must all be scattered eating bugs or something. Jack begins pushing cart further into cell. He stops several feet in before taking a mop and water bucket out of the cart and places them on the ground. Soaking the mop, he begins wiping the floor. This goes on for several minutes, before the sound of multiple insect wings begins from within the cell. Jack looks up towards the noise, seemingly confused. Jack: What th- A massive swarm of SCP-7848-A instances flies out of the terrarium vegetation and towards the still open cell door. Jack tries to jump out of the way, but his right arm is hit by the oncoming swarm. This shreds the hazmat suit at the elbow, causing his entire arm to fall off as flesh begins to pour out of the tear. Jack yells and grabs the opening, sealing it with his grip as he falls to the ground. The SCP-7848-A instances fly out of the cell. <End log> Addendum 7848-6: Incident-7848-SB001 Location: Site-27 Date: 11/17/2023 Incident: During a routine cleaning of SCP-7848's cell, all 578 instances of SCP-7848-A managed to breach containment by swarming and ambushing the exit. The on-duty containment team were able to lock down that sector of the site, preventing SCP-7848-B from escaping. Despite this, the 7848-B swarm continued to traverse the hallways and ventilation of the site, looking for an exit. Site security were eventually able to recontain SCP-7848-B by utilizing anti-insectoid swarm tactics. Additionally, the GenSec officer chose to appeal to SCP-7848's higher intelligence by terminating several 7848-A instances and threatening to terminate more if the objects refused to cooperate. Results: Total dead: 0 Total injured: 0 Object breached: No Object terminated: No* Breach time: 3 hours, 42 minutes, 11 seconds *86 instances of SCP-7848-A were terminated, but the anomaly as a whole remains intact Infirmary Security Camera Log Forward: The following is security camera footage of Site-27's infirmary several hours after Incident-7848-SB001. <Begin log> Jack is laying in an infirmary bed with a bandage sealing his suit. As he's laying there, Whitney enters the room and stops by his bed. Jack: Oh, hi Whitney. Whitney: Hello Jack. How are you doing? Jack: Not bad, actually. Thankfully it was just my arm that got torn off. The doctors even said they'd be able to reattach it… maybe. They still don't know if it being nothing but a pile of flesh will make it easier or harder to do. Whitney: I see. Well, it's a good thing you've make a swift recovery. With how thin our numbers are here, we'll need all the hands we can get. Jack: Well once I get my hand back, I'll be happy to lend it. Neither speak for several seconds. Jack: Was there… something else? Whitney: I… feel like I should apologize to you. It's my fault the proper precautions weren't taken to secure the anomaly before its scheduled cleaning. You wouldn't have gotten hurt if I had done my job properly. Jack: Oh don't sweat it. I've read the file. There was no reason to think it would've acted out like that. Besides, we've sent people in before to clean and nothing bad happened then. You can't blame yourself for not seeing this coming. Whitney: But I should have. I felt uneasy about 7848 after our last session. The way it said the Foundation should reconsider… I should've read its tone better. Jack: Hey, look on the bright side. No one was killed and the anomaly was recontained. And now that we know 7848 is hostile, you can take the proper steps to make sure it doesn't get out again. Neither speak for several seconds. Jack: What're you thinking? Whitney: How to keep 7848 from breaching again. Whitney turns to leave the room. If you'll excuse me, Jack, I need to update 7848's special containment procedures. Whitney walks towards the door, but stops before exiting the room. Whitney: Get well soon. <End log> Footnotes 1. Foundation Intelligence Exam 2. The average humanoid score is about 87% ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7848" by DrDapper, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
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Civilians are to be directed away from the enclosure as per standard procedure. Local civilian equipment previously capable of receiving SCP-7850's transmissions have been adjusted properly under the guise of FCC regulations. Description: SCP-7850 is a slightly damaged Sharp Color TV Model originally discovered in the Coconino National Forest, Arizona. Humans within a 10 meter radius of SCP-7850 experience a mental compulsion to avoid harming or manipulating the object, with the intensity of the compulsion growing the closer they are to the object. Non-humans seem to be immune to this compulsion, with animals of the Felidae family appearing to be inversely affected by it. Periodically, an adult house cat, designated SCP-7850-B, will manifest nearby SCP-7850. When aware of humans physically observing it, SCP-7850-B displays no unusual behavior and interacts with others amicably. When SCP-7850-B believes that it is unobserved, it will proceed to SCP-7850 and vocalize loudly, causing the object's screen to open as if it were a door..Researchers have been unable to recreate this, even with trained domestic House Cats SCP-7850-B will then enter the object and lay down, causing the screen to close. SCP-7850-B will typically remain inside for 4-8 hours before exiting it and demanifesting. While they are inside, SCP-7850 will broadcast up to 7 messages encoded in binary. If at any point SCP-7850-B becomes aware of it being observed during this process, it will immediately demanifest and broadcasts will cease. Discovery: During an otherwise non-anomalous meteor shower, Arizona residents living near the Coconino Forest reported a small unidentified object crashing within the forest; the Foundation was made aware of this after a resident filmed themself holding SCP-7850-B and commenting on the anomalous compulsion created by SCP-7850. Addendum 7850.1: SCP-7850 Broadcast Archive Notable SCP-7850 broadcasts are filed below. Line separations denote that the broadcasts occurred on a different manifestation of SCP-7850-B. S O S THIS VESSEL TRANSMITS THE MESSAGE OF CAPTAIN BUDDY, HERO TO THE HIGHER FELINE FEDERATION AND FRIEND TO MOST, I SEEK SANCTUARY IN THIS REALM DESPITE ITS REIGN BY APEKIN. PLEASE RESPOND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THIS VESSEL HAS SUSTAINED DAMAGE AND REQUIRES AID FROM ANY FELINES EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. THE NONFELINE DEFENSE MATRIX THANKFULLY WORKS WELL. ANY TECHNICIAN FELINES HEARING THIS MESSAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF LORD KITTERS NIP IN RETURN FOR REPAIRING THE VESSEL. FROM MY OBSERVATIONS THIS REALM HAS NOT BEEN INVADED BY THE FILTH YET. I WILL MOMENTARILY LEAVE THE VESSEL, ANYONE LISTENING MAY CONTACT ONCE I RETURN. THIS IS CAPTAIN BUDDY OF THE HIGH FELINE FEDERATION REQUESTING ASSISTANCE, LANDING IN YOUR REALM HAS DAMAGED THE VESSEL ENOUGH TO MAROON IT HERE. I AM NOW ACCEPTING HELP FROM NON FELINES. THOUGH YOU WILL PROBABLY NOT ENJOY THE KITNIP PAYMENT, SHOULD'VE BEEN A CAT WHEN YOU WERE BORN SORRY. THE APEKIN SEEM TO KNOW OF MY HONORABLE NATURE, ONE OF THEM OFFERED ME A PRIMITIVE SNACK.Referring to when a Researcher tried to give SCP-7850-B a Temptations brand Cat Treat .. THEY ARE UNAWARE OF ME AND MY VESSELS NATURE THANKFULLY. I MAY HAVE TO ACTIVATE THE INFERNAL LIQUID SPRAYS IF THEY FIGURE OUT I AM A FEDERATION MEMBER, PLEASE SEND HELP IMMEDIATELY. I HAVE DECIDED TO TAKE MATTERS INTO MY OWN HANDS, IF NONE WILL HELP I WILL HELP MYSELF. PANASONIC GRADE VESSELS ARE EASY ENOUGH TO FIX ANYHOW. Note: After this transmission, SCP-7850-B has been seen carrying wires or other miscellaneous items in its mouth, before taking them into SCP-7850. ONCE AGAIN THIS IS CAPTAIN BUDDY, I HAVE DECIDED THAT THIS REALM WHILE NICE IS FILLED WITH IMBECILES AND HEATHENS WHO WONT HELP A POOR VESSELLESS CAT. I HOPE THE APEKIN OF THIS REALM SMITE DOWN YOU INSOLENTILES WITH HIGH POWER LIQUID SPRAYERS. YOU ARE ALL LUCKY THE FILTH HASN'T TAKEN THIS REALM YET, WITH SUCH LACKING FELINES. MY VESSEL IS NEARLY REPAIRED. THE FEDERATION WILL KNOW OF THIS REALMS LACK OF HOSPITALITY. ALMOST DONE NOW. YOU ARE ALL DUMB. THAT IS ALL. ACTUALLY THIS IS MY FINAL REQUEST, DOES ANY FELINE HERE KNOW IF YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO USE THE PURE ESSENCE OR THE FILTERED ESSENCE FOR THE FUEL? I BROUGHT BOTH IN CASE BUT THERES NO MANUAL HERE..Presumably refers to the two cartons of milk SCP-7850-B had brought onto SCP-7850 prior to this transmission, one of which was chocolate flavored. GOD DAMNIT. MAY THE FILTH CURSE YOU ALL. I USED THE WRONG ONE AND NOW I HAVE TO GET MORE. I HATE THIS REALM. Addendum 7850.2: Incident 7850 ALPHA During an observed SCP-7850-B and SCP-7850 interaction, a coyote wandered into viewing range of its enclosure. Before personnel could remove the animal, SCP-7850-B exited the object and upon noticing the coyote, hissed and immediately retreated back into SCP-7850. SCP-7850 then transmitted the following messages: I WAS WRONG I SEE NOW THAT THE FILTH HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO SPREAD UPON THIS REALM AND BLIGHT THE HIGHER FELINES OF IT. UNTOLD HELLS SCOURGE THESE LANDS, I MUST EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. Afterward, SCP-7850 made a loud, violent mechanical noise before beginning to lift upward. The object began radiating an immense amount of Gamma Radiation as cameras recorded a metallic aperture protruding from the bottom of it. SCP-7850 then launched upward at approximately 25km/s, entering the atmosphere in 11 seconds before it demanifested. Last known image taken of SCP-7850 Moments before demanifesting SCP-7850 broadcasted the following message: MAY YOUR WOES BE MANY, AND YOUR DOG DAYS FEW. No further activity nor sightings connected to SCP-7850 have been reported since this incident. Anomaly is pending reclassification. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7850" by MrBonesWildRide, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: SCP-CAT Author: Neeclick License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: liftoff.jpg Author: License: Public Domain Source Link:
FlyPurgatorio SCP-7852: An emptiness, burned into the fabric of life Written by: FlyPurgatorio | Authorpage SwanTran4.2 Tool enabled Hi there, Anna Dubois! Welcome to the SwanTran Translation and Transcription tool. I am an artificial intelligence, here to make your filing and updating work a little easier! Your credentials allow you access to additional files. Updating… Item#: 7852 Level2 Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A Special Containment Procedures: The doors accessing SCP-7852 are locked using a numeric code. Only personnel cleared by either Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek or Interim Site Director Anna Dubois are allowed entrance to SCP-7852 for containment locker retrieval. The entrance to SCP-7852 after initial clean-out of debris was completed. Personnel entering SCP-7852 are to wear the specialised containment suit to cover all non-anomalous clothing and accessories. Only anomalous items are allowed on the premises of SCP-7852 outside the suit. Containment lockers are not to leave office space designated for testing, and are to be returned upon completion of test. Description: SCP-7852 is the former office of Field Agent Jan Claessen, located in Site 312 in Nieuwegein. From 2002 to 2018, this office was used by Agent Claessen for assignments in the Netherlands. SCP-7852 contains a near-complete vacuum, capable of draining all batteries and power sources of electric energy on the premises. All non-anomalous items left in SCP-7852 are ejected into the hallway. SCP-7852 is currently used as a storage unit for containment lockers 1 to 10 due to its inherent dampening abilities. Discovery: Over the course of 2017 and early 2018, several reports were made by Site 312 personnel about maintenance issues at the site's office space. Period Summary of events Follow-up SCP-7852-a's effect 2017-OCT/NOV Temperature fluctuations were noticed by on-site personnel in the hallway, coming from SCP-7852. Mr. Gijs van Oosterbeek requested inspection of the heating and venting systems. Not recorded. 2017-DEC Dir. Anna Dubois noticed a strong draft going into SCP-7852. Dir. Dubois implemented a policy to check for closure of windows and vents. Not recorded. 2018-JAN Cluttering in the hallway outside SCP-7852. Dr. Ayse Demir volunteered to help Agent Claessen reorganise. First known ejection event. 2018-FEB Mx. Harrit Swanepoel heard “soft whining” coming from the office. Pest control audit found an infestation of mice.1 Mx. Swanepoel expressed concern about Agent Claessen's wellbeing to Mr. Van Oosterbeek. Note: Alongside these events, a change in Agent Claessen’s personality was noted by Site 312 personnel, including emotional responses and a “snappy” demeanour. Agent Claessen complained about a lack of trust in his capabilities when offered help. The existence of SCP-7852-a was proposed by Dr. Demir to explain a correlation between these reports and Agent Claessen when building inspections couldn’t determine an underlying cause. Going forward, the effects of SCP-7852-a on Agent Claessen's wellbeing are recorded alongside the relevant SCP-7852 activity. Period Summary of events SCP-7852-a's effect 2018 Week 10-12 Harrit Swanepoel noticed water damage on the floor and wall on several occasions. A leaking radiator was later discovered and replaced. Emotional outbursts. 2018 Week 13 Gijs van Oosterbeek reported flickering lights in the hallway. Several lightbulbs were replaced and the fusebox was serviced. Irritable behaviour and increased time spent writing reports. 2018 Week 14 Harrit Swanepoel reported a return of the water damage. A newly broken radiator pipe was discovered. Emotional outbursts. Note: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek attempted to engage Agent Claessen in conversation concerning their mental workload several times, but was rebuffed with concerns about clearance restrictions.2 Despite this, Van Oosterbeek introduced several alterations in work flow that indirectly decreased workload pressure for Agent Claessen. In reports to Director Dubois, Agent Claessen noted relief and "being able to better prioritise" as a result. Mx. Swanepoel spent several hours working on the technical infrastructure in SCP-7852, while engaging Agent Claessen in discussions about his family and Flemish culture. These unplanned tech updates were later reported to correlate with a decrease in activity in SCP-7852. Date Reporter Summary of events SCP-7852-a's effect Follow-up 2018-04-10 and -12 Gijs van Oosterbeek Heat coming from SCP-7852 Angry outbursts, “temperamental”. Deescalated outbursts with humour. 2018-04-16 Anna Dubois “Strong Draft” going in and out of office Late at meetings, tired. Dir. Dubois implemented a flexible schedule for meetings. 2018-04-18, -20, -23 and -26 Harrit Swanepoel Flooding coming from under the door leading to SCP-7852 Emotional.3 Mx. Swanepoel took several long walks through Nieuwegein with Agent Claessen. 2018-04-25 Ayse Demir Electronics plugged into electrical socket do not charge, but remain functioning with the same energy level. Increase of overtime worked. Several of Agent Claessen’s containment tasks were taken up by Dr. Demir. 2018-05-02 Harrit Swanepoel Informal complaint of “air pressure” or “thin air”. SCP-7852-1 N/A Note: A meeting was requested by Gijs van Oosterbeek in April to discuss the matter with Anna Dubois, Interim Director for Site 312, during her next monthly visit to the site. This meeting never happened due to the SCP-7852-1 event. On 2018-05-02, a fire broke out within Agent Claessen's office. Non-anomalous fire suppression measures were ineffective in subduing the fire. After initial shock subsided, it was noted that the fire did not cross the boundaries of the office space. During the fire, hereafter referred to as SCP-7852-1, all furniture and generic office equipment were destroyed. Foundation documentation and anomalous artefacts stored in containment locker 74 remained unaffected. Further inquiry established that the contents of containment locker 7 played no role in the SCP-7852-1 event.5 The specific trigger for SCP-7852-1 is unknown. No SCP-7852-1 event has taken place since, and building maintenance issues have subsided. Only items related to anomalous or Foundation efforts are allowed entrance to SCP-7852 as a precaution. To date, there is no indication as to the exact nature of SCP-7852-a’s origin, or how it latched onto Agent Claessen. An interconnection between anomalous and non-anomalous circumstances has been proposed, but due to ceased activity in SCP-7852, no further actions were taken. After the SCP-7852-1 event, Agent Claessen used a flex office for on-site work for the remainder of his tenure. Update 2019-07-01: Classification updated from ‘Safe’ to ‘Thaumiel’ as SCP-7852 has been repurposed as an on-site anomalous containment storage. SwanTran4.2 File Collection Complete Hi there, Anna Dubois! One additional file was located linked to this entry. Access to this document is allowed through your status as Interim Site Director, and may not be visible to other personnel. Please note that questions about access should be raised with your local RAISA office. Questions? Contact Harrit Swanepoel via the SwanTran Lifeline! Exerpt from Foundation Personnel Archive VIDEO LOG DATE: 2018-05-02 NOTE: This file was translated from Flemish to English for archival purposes. Original language file available upon request. MEETING SUBJECT: Evaluation of Agent Jan Claessen ATTENDING: Anna Dubois, Interim Director of Site 312 and Director of Site 583 Jan Claessen, Containment Specialist and Field Agent for Site 312 and Site 583 [BEGIN LOG] Agent Claessen enters Dir. Dubois’s office at Site 312. He looks tired, with a pale complexion and bags under his eyes. Dir. Dubois points to the chair in front of her desk. DUBOIS: Take a seat. Agent Claessen sits down. DUBOIS: How are you, Jan? CLAESSEN: Good, good. I’ve almost finished outlining the new Field Agent training manual for Site 583, and I’m on track for this quarter’s containment reviews. I’ve also considered your proposal for redistribution of anomalous item containment at Site 312, but haven’t worked out the details yet. All in all, I’m on schedule for this year’s goals. DUBOIS: Glad to hear it. Is that why you requested this meeting? Agent Claessen is silent for a moment. DUBOIS: How are you, Jan? CLAESSEN: I’m fine. Could use a vacation, I guess. But don’t we all? DUBOIS: You don't need to go through me to request vacation time. But I’ve had some reports – CLAESSEN: [Defensively] Is there a problem with my work? DUBOIS: There isn’t a problem with the quality of your work, but I am worried about the toll it takes on you. CLAESSEN: I – Agent Claessen looks away. DUBOIS: I’ve noticed you’re a bit tense lately. Not just with me, but also with colleagues. Including a vocal altercation with Gijs earlier this month. Pause. DUBOIS: I know he can be a little rough around the edges, but you don't usually let him get to you like that. Agent Claessen is visibly struggling to get his words out. He looks down to the floor. DUBOIS: We’re all just a little bit worried about you. I’m a bit worried about you. Is everything alright? CLAESSEN: I – I’m fine. I am fine. Pause. CLAESSEN: I have it all under control. DUBOIS: I never doubted that. CLAESSEN: It’s just Site 312. No Keters, no big treats. We don’t even have D-Classes to monitor. DUBOIS: Jan – CLAESSEN: I can handle that. I can handle it! DUBOIS: Jan, I know. It’s okay. CLAESSEN: It shouldn’t be an issue. It’s goddamned Site 312, it’s not dangerous. It’s barely a joke. What’s the worst that can happen? A stoner getting a scare over an unscheduled coffee shop refill? Pause. CLAESSEN: It shouldn’t be an issue. DUBOIS: But it’s just a lot right now, isn’t it? Agent Claessen gasps for air, and starts to sob. CLAESSEN: It feels like I can’t breathe sometimes. Agent Claessen sobs in silence for several seconds. CLAESSEN: I can’t fail. Agent Claessen starts to cry uncontrollably at this moment. DUBOIS: You're not failing. He grabs a tissue Dir. Dubois handed him. DUBOIS: You’ve done decades of amazing work for the Foundation. Stressful work, often while underfunded, and you’ve done amazing things. I don’t know where I would have been without you. Now does that sounds like failing to you? CLAESSEN: [Quietly] I know.. He wipes the tears from his face. DUBOIS: Wouldn’t it be nice to take some time off? A nice vacation with Jacqueline. Spend some time with the grandkids. Agent Claessen nods while staring at the floor. DUBOIS: Let’s do that. And in a couple of weeks, you and I are going to see what else you need. CLAESSEN: [Quietly] I don’t want to give up. DUBOIS: You’re not. You’ve given so much to the Foundation, it’s time we gave something back. Doesn’t that sound fair? Agent Claessen nods again. DUBOIS: Site 312 can survive for a while. You’ve made sure of that. Why don’t you go home early today? CLAESSEN: There is stuff I need to finish! I need – DUBOIS: Write them down. Make a list. I’ll make sure they get done, by me or the rest of the team. Dir. Dubois sits down next to him as they compose a short list of tasks. Agent Claessen visibly calms down during this interaction. DUBOIS: Are you feeling a bit better? She places a hand on his upper arm. Agent Claessen smiles weakly and nods. CLAESSEN: Can I – can I wait a moment in here? I don’t want them to see me like this. DUBOIS: As long as you need. [END LOG] Following this evaluation, Jan Claessen accepted 4 weeks of paid administrative leave, after which he started partial retirement. His current responsibilities cover auditing containment protocols of SCPs he contained during his tenure, and training new Field Agents. Although already qualifying for the Foundation retirement plan, Agent Jan Claessen requested to enter full retirement in mid-2019, stating a desire to oversee a full transfer of his responsibilities himself. Foundation Arbo arts6 and therapist Sterre de Veer agreed that this course of action would be beneficial to Agent Claessen’s mental wellbeing. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7852" by FlyPurgatorio, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Jan Claessen office.jpg Name: File:Interior view, looking north, of door opening on second floor main office space - Turpentine and Rosin Factors, Inc., Office and Warehouse, Lamar Ward, Savannah, Chatham County, GA HABS GA-2393-25.tif Author: Brockenbrough, William, creator License: Public domain Source Link: Wikicommons link, which is too long to fit the box. Additional Notes: Colour added by FlyPurgatorio. Footnotes 1. The report was mistakenly attributed to the infestation, which appears to be unrelated. 2. Director Dubois later noted that at this time, there was no relevant difference in clearance levels between Van Oosterbeek and Claessen. 3. Mx. Swanepoel declined to share the content of their conversations with Agent Claessen. 4. Although not accepted procedure, it was common practice to keep anomalous items subject to investigation in office space in between testing. This practice has been halted since. 5. For further details, see Internal Inquiry 312/7852. 6. Doctor specialising in health related to work, including burnout. Required under Dutch law.
by J Dune I’m being followed ? call me Can’t, they’re right down the street who’s following you?? can you take a pic Tried it. Doesn’t show up. But I can see them what do you mean take a cab to my place No. I’ll keep walking. It won’t kill me in broad daylight in the middle of the city. It’s trying to get me alone joey wtf did you do?? hello? I need you to look up any and all information in the Foundation’s database on the Segreto crime family above class three security clearances CRIME FAMILY?? christ, ok found one. SCP-7853. hasn’t been updated since 2004. sending screens Item#: 7853 Level4 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: critical link to memo SCP-7853, artist's interpretation Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-7853 is presently unfeasible. Until such a method of containment is discovered, specialized Foundation Task Force N-77 (“Whack a Mole”) are to focus their efforts on documenting, researching, and investigating information related to SCP-7853 and the Segreto crime family. N-77 agents and informants embedded in the American Mafia are to undergo biotechnical augmentation for the purposes of active information monitoring. This process includes the implementation of discrete listening and recording devices, primarily in the ocular region. All agents are to refrain from engaging in active sabotage of criminal activities or other actions that may draw attention to themselves until a holistic understanding of SCP-7853 is achieved. Information related to SCP-7853 is classified to members of Task Force N-77. If this document is accessible to the Foundation at large [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: SCP-7853 is an anomalous method of execution employed by GoI-027, the Segreto crime family, to assassinate individuals that threaten their activities. Physical evidence of SCP-7853 has yet to be discovered, but known victims have corroborated a universal description of a component of the anomaly: a hulking, humanoid figure clothed in a trenchcoat, wearing a wide-brimmed hat. Its facial features are heavily obscured by shadow, save for the presence of red, luminescent eyes. This entity is invisible to all but the individual targeted by SCP-7853. Victims describe this entity as perpetually moving towards them at a steady pace. They are fully conscious of the figure’s location in relation to theirs at all times. Attempts to impede or slow the entity’s advance are futile, as victims describe the figure phasing through any obstacles placed in its way. Attempts to physically damage SCP-7853 invariably fail, potentially due to its incorporeality. SCP-7853 is reportedly capable of maintaining its own center of gravity, demonstrating this ability by walking on surfaces such as walls or ceilings if its path is obstructed. Completion of SCP-7853 results in the targeted individual suddenly disappearing, leaving no physical trace of their body, presumably killing them. It is assumed that this occurs when the SCP-7853 entity reaches the victim, but due to the nature of the anomaly, little verifiable evidence exists to confirm this. How SCP-7853 functions, whether it’s controlled remotely or is a sentient anomaly itself, and how targets are chosen remains unknown. All information regarding SCP-7853 has been obtained through Task Force N-77 agents embedded in organized criminal systems related to the Segreto crime family. All incidents suspected or confirmed to involve SCP-7853 also involved victims who were in conflict with the Segreto crime family. It is possible that interfacing with information regarding SCP-7853 increases an individual’s likelihood to be targeted by the anomaly. N-77 agents aware of SCP-7853 and involved in the creation of this document have reported seeing a figure consistent with descriptions of the entity, though none have experienced being pursued or followed by it. As of March, 2004, no Foundation deaths are suspected to have occurred as a result of SCP-7853. Fuck Yeah, that’s helpful this is what’s following you?? 1:1 seriously joey what did you do Put my nose where it shouldn’t have been a hell of a lot less carefully than I could have been what Site-22 has a big fucking problem, and I don’t know how deep it goes We’re selling X-908 to the Segreto family Our site’s the hotbed. Mass synthesis of X-908, trucks pulling up at night, Dr. Cooke’s private poker games. You go down one hole, you find two more. Made the mistake of talking to Cooke directly. I didn’t expect the fucking Mob to be involved hold on what’s X-908? Synthetic serum. Made from the same stuff we use to make amnestics, but way more unstable. Gives you antimemetic properties for about an hour. Foundation uses it for undercover operations. No one’s able to remember you, your face, or any memories they might have had of you. Seriously powerful stuff. Like you never even existed. and we’re selling this to the mob? Started putting the pieces together when examining Site workflow and how much of our allotted monthly resources were going into X-908 production. Think about it. Mob’s been in the public eye for the past few decades. Movies, TV shows, the RICO act. X-908 allows organized crime to remain organized in an age where your shits are data-harvested. Everything they do is a hell of a lot easier to get away with when no one knows you were even there why would the foundation need the money tho? Could be a personal operation. If this is something larger then we have to ask ourselves where all that fancy funding comes from does director ruggiero know? Don’t know. Dr. Cooke’s spearheading the thing, that’s certain. Some of the lab team too. Hartman, Volinski. But lots of faces I’ve never seen before. People I can’t find on the payroll I need you to get this information to Ruggiero. I was going to myself but then this fucking thing started following me what if ruggiero’s involved? won’t i be targeted for helping you? Shit Getting in a cab. Not going to stop it, but I need to think there’s an addendum. i’ll send it over now SCP-7853 was discovered during Task Force N-77’s investigation into GoI-027. An excerpt from the group’s Foundation intelligence dossier has been included below. GoI-027, also known as the Segreto crime family, is an organized crime group primarily operating in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. Unofficially referred to as the “Sixth Family” due to their powerful standing within the American Mafia, the organization has ties to an estimated 30% of known criminal activity in their locus of influence. This includes standard Mob operations, such as gambling, racketeering, trafficking, and theft, among others. GoI-027 is notable for its knowledge and usage of the anomalous. The use of paratechnology, targeting known Groups of Interest, smuggling anomalous objects, distributing anomalous drugs, and carrying out operations in populated Nexuses are further documented events that have warranted the organization’s GoI status. It is believed a portion of GoI-027’s members are anomalous themselves. The Segretos have managed to gain access to information confidential to organizations such as the Global Occult Coalition and the Foundation, leading intelligence to believe that the Segretos have exploited information security flaws in both groups. The existence of Segreto informants within the Foundation is presently being investigated. At the head of GoI-027 is an individual referred to as “The Duke”. The family’s structure and the identities of its members are largely unknown, though its overall origin can most likely be traced back to the folding of GoI-001, The Chicago Spirit, in the late 1940s. The majority of its history is lost, as American Mob culture has largely upheld the tradition of not openly speaking about GoI-027. Certain details regarding the family contradict themselves between sources, and Foundation informants have expressed fear over revealing information about GoI-027, potentially due to attracting the attention of SCP-7853. A number of Task Force N-77 members have succeeded in embedding themselves in GoI-027 or criminal organizations close to. Further intelligence reports are awaiting declassification. N-77. You ever hear of these guys? don’t think so. they probably went deeper if they found out there’s mob activity within the foundation itself. off the books yk That’s optimistic I think that thing’s speeding up. I can’t see it, but it’s about five blocks back If it can move faster I’m starting to think it’s just sadistic. Likes the chase. Probably knows I’m running now i’m putting all of this in a data packet. the file, the convo, everything. if you come over and log into my terminal, you can send it to the director Good idea. Absolves you of any excuse, barring the fact that I used your computer how close are you Five minutes on foot. Get a drink ready The following is a sample of known incidents involving SCP-7853. Date: 1991/11/01 Victim: Rocco “Rocky” Lombardi Description: High profile Mob disappearance. Lombardi had reportedly had sexual relations with the wife of a Segreto Caporegieme. Lombardi made several telephone calls to his peers panicking that he was being followed by an individual matching SCP-7853’s description. Soldiers stood guard at his compound, but could not see the assailant, even when Lombardi pointed directly to the entity. Lombardi drove off in his car in an attempt to escape, and was officially declared missing a week later. Presumed dead as a result of SCP-7853. Date: 1995/04/27 Victim: Nicostrato Mazzanti Description: Mazzanti owned a prominent casino chain on the east coast, and became targeted by the Segretos after a dispute over earnings resulted in the deaths of several GoI-027 associates. Mazzanti reported flying from the United States to Italy in an attempt to flee SCP-7853. SCP-7853’s pursuit occured for over a week, and allegedly involved a crazed Mazzanti acquiescing to Segreto demands before being caught and presumably killed by the entity. Date: 1998/09/04 Victim: Enzo “Zombie” Rosiello Description: Details of prior conflict with GoI-027 are unknown. Rosiello was noted to be a highly aggressive individual, and his continued operation was considered a massive risk for the Mob due to his frequent outbursts and sporadic killings. Rosiello believed he was being followed, and attempted to attack the assailant in broad daylight. According to bystanders, Rosiello fired several shots into the air that quickly disappeared. After a struggle, Rosiello disappeared after being dragged into a back alley by an unknown force. you read these yet Last one’s interesting. If those bullets really disappeared, the entity must have taken them, right? If it’s not phasing through an object, it can be interacted with physically Maybe there wasn’t enough time for it to react PLEASE do not try to fuck with this thing file’s ready get here asap please joey joey are you there This is Evan Giochno, Captain of Task Force N-77. A task force that no longer exists. It’s March 13th, 2004. I’ve been on the run for two days. I’ve been investigating the Segreto family for the past decade of my life. And according to my memory, I’ve been doing it alone. But that memory’s wrong. There are names I can’t remember. People whose faces don’t register in my mind. Work I didn’t write that’s sitting in front of my face. It’s a family photo with everyone cut out. Except for me. The last documents I know I didn’t write were uploaded two weeks ago. In those two weeks, Task Force N-77, a group of 77 Foundation personnel investigating the Segreto crime family, has been whittled down to one. And I can’t tell you a single thing about any of those people I risked my life with. It’s picking us off, and it’s making it seem like we never existed. And my mind believes it. But then I look at the mounds of work sitting in my office that I don’t remember writing, or the equipment that I could never operate, and I know it’s a lie. It won’t stop until I’m dead. Until the only thing left of this team is a spare room that no one’s entered in years, and a file that no one has the clearance to access. I’m holed up on-site right now. Guards armed to the teeth. They know what’s happening, but it doesn’t matter, it’s still coming for me. And once I’m gone, they’ll all forget. No one’s going to remember what they were assigned to protect, or that any of us existed. Not like I remember them either. I declassified the file. Level 4 clearances. If this gets lost in the shuffle, start asking questions. We were all real. joey please you need to read this SHIT holy fuck are you okay?? I’M finE just hurt i shot it you fired off a shot in the middle of nyc? are you fucking stupid waited until it was clsoe paced around your building shot it in the knees and the bullet hit but people still heard obv guy tackled me fucked up my leg. got away b biting him did you kill that thing?? no it just took the fucking shot like a tank joey please read what i just sent there’s an addendum that was reverted right after it was edited in. from the captain of the task force. last thing added to the page i’m fucking hurt ill be there in a minute please. it makes no sense, pls read it what the Fuck oh god of course it’s the fucking compnd the isomer? YES. the problem before was that this thing still left evidence behind, just like any other hitman. no body, no proof, but people still remembered wht if u could make the memories disappear too? X-908 can. mob uses it on themselves to stay underground, but if you use it on other people but it only lasts for an hour you said? yeah, and then ur pulled back into reality. everyone else’s brains recheck themselves and the memories come back. if you kill something that’s imperceptible, it’s not going to return. that effect’s going to linger. there’s NOTHing to be brought back it’s the closest you can get to being erased entirely god that’s fucking good fucking hell joey. are you here yet? in the lobby 227, right? fuck sarah sara imj shot tranq or somethign im in lobby im dontt what the fuck respond to me not a bullet what the fuck Who is this? shit Hi, who is this? The dread settles in as Dr. Joseph Wren realizes what he’s been shot with. The faces in the lobby do not acknowledge him. If they do, they just as quickly forget and move along. SCP-7853 moves closer. Halfway across the lobby now. Still that same, steady walk. Wren knows it’s futile, but he limps to the elevator as fast as he can. He pushes the button to the third story rapidly. 227. Just need to get to that terminal. In the corner of his mind’s eye, he knows that SCP-7853 is closing in. It’s walking up the walls. Wren fondles his hip. Pistol’s still there. He contemplates swallowing it. No. Need to get to Sarah’s room. If he does, he can still send the file regardless of whether or not she’ll remember him. Get it to the Director. Get it to everyone on Site-22’s payroll. Pull the rug out on those bastards. He’s not afraid of dying anymore. He’s afraid of failing. The door opens. Wren runs as fast as he can down the hall. Just a few more seconds. He’s focused. So focused that he’s completely neglected to notice that SCP-7853 has phased through the wall behind him. Wren turns the handle, but it’s too late. He didn’t even get to scream. The game is over. Dr. Joseph Wren, and every memory of him that’s ever existed in the minds of his friends and family, has been wiped from existence. The door to Junior Researcher Sarah Capula’s apartment creaks open. She shut down her computer a few minutes ago, confused as to why she was cataloging data on SCP-7853. A grin spreads across her face when she notices something in her peripheral. Sarah: Come on in, tough guy. I’ve always wanted to see what you look like. SCP-7853 enters the apartment, phasing through the door. The two stare each other down. Sarah: Terrifying. I figured you might have had something to do with this when I saw the past hour of text messages I couldn’t remember sending. Colleague of mine? SCP-7853 does not respond. Sarah: (Shakes head) I’m never getting used to this. I didn’t realize we were doing this with X-908, now. Very impressive. Horrible way to go out, you know? (Pauses) You probably didn’t even need me to lure him here, but Cooke doesn’t tell me shit. Silence. Sarah pulls out her cell phone to call Director Ruggerio. After some ringing, the director picks up. Director Ruggerio: Speak. Sarah: Director, do you know a Dr. Joseph Wren? Director Ruggerio: Uh, I don’t think we have a– Oh… (Laughs) Sarah: Didn’t know they were doing hits with this stuff. Scary, isn’t it? Director Ruggerio: Always is. These bastards step into some deep shit. Just wish I could remember who they were after the fact. Wonder how deep he got. Sarah: I want my cut. Director Ruggerio: Relax. Is our friend there? Sarah: Dick Tracy? Yeah, I’m looking at him. Director Ruggerio: Great. Well, give him my regards. The Duke’s getting double on his next shipment. Bailing us out yet again with his royal enforcer. Sarah: Does he speak? Fucker hasn’t said a word since he walked in. Director Ruggerio: The fuck would I know? I’ve never seen the guy. You don’t see him unless you’re– SCP-7853 fires a shot of X-908 at Sarah Capula. The impact of the bullet stuns her. She tries to mouth something, but words don’t come out. She drops the phone to the ground, and falls out of her seat, struggling to crawl away. SCP-7853 approaches her, and in seconds, she’s gone. Maybe she was a liability. Maybe she wasn’t. The fact remained that she read that document to Wren. She could have lied. She was told to lie. But it’s been taken care of now. This operation can’t afford to leave loose ends. Elsewhere, a confused Director Julian Ruggerio hangs up his cell phone, realizing that he was talking to nothing at all. SCP-7853 exits through the window, and makes a descent down the side of the apartment, returning to parts unknown. The Duke keeps his court well-kept. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7853" by J Dune, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Name: Assassin Filename: Authors: |]]] License: CC BY SA Source Link: Commissioned Art
by J Dune I’m being followed ? call me Can’t, they’re right down the street who’s following you?? can you take a pic Tried it. Doesn’t show up. But I can see them what do you mean take a cab to my place No. I’ll keep walking. It won’t kill me in broad daylight in the middle of the city. It’s trying to get me alone joey wtf did you do?? hello? I need you to look up any and all information in the Foundation’s database on the Segreto crime family above class three security clearances CRIME FAMILY?? christ, ok found one. SCP-7853. hasn’t been updated since 2004. sending screens Item#: 7853 Level4 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: critical link to memo SCP-7853, artist's interpretation Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-7853 is presently unfeasible. Until such a method of containment is discovered, specialized Foundation Task Force N-77 (“Whack a Mole”) are to focus their efforts on documenting, researching, and investigating information related to SCP-7853 and the Segreto crime family. N-77 agents and informants embedded in the American Mafia are to undergo biotechnical augmentation for the purposes of active information monitoring. This process includes the implementation of discrete listening and recording devices, primarily in the ocular region. All agents are to refrain from engaging in active sabotage of criminal activities or other actions that may draw attention to themselves until a holistic understanding of SCP-7853 is achieved. Information related to SCP-7853 is classified to members of Task Force N-77. If this document is accessible to the Foundation at large [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: SCP-7853 is an anomalous method of execution employed by GoI-027, the Segreto crime family, to assassinate individuals that threaten their activities. Physical evidence of SCP-7853 has yet to be discovered, but known victims have corroborated a universal description of a component of the anomaly: a hulking, humanoid figure clothed in a trenchcoat, wearing a wide-brimmed hat. Its facial features are heavily obscured by shadow, save for the presence of red, luminescent eyes. This entity is invisible to all but the individual targeted by SCP-7853. Victims describe this entity as perpetually moving towards them at a steady pace. They are fully conscious of the figure’s location in relation to theirs at all times. Attempts to impede or slow the entity’s advance are futile, as victims describe the figure phasing through any obstacles placed in its way. Attempts to physically damage SCP-7853 invariably fail, potentially due to its incorporeality. SCP-7853 is reportedly capable of maintaining its own center of gravity, demonstrating this ability by walking on surfaces such as walls or ceilings if its path is obstructed. Completion of SCP-7853 results in the targeted individual suddenly disappearing, leaving no physical trace of their body, presumably killing them. It is assumed that this occurs when the SCP-7853 entity reaches the victim, but due to the nature of the anomaly, little verifiable evidence exists to confirm this. How SCP-7853 functions, whether it’s controlled remotely or is a sentient anomaly itself, and how targets are chosen remains unknown. All information regarding SCP-7853 has been obtained through Task Force N-77 agents embedded in organized criminal systems related to the Segreto crime family. All incidents suspected or confirmed to involve SCP-7853 also involved victims who were in conflict with the Segreto crime family. It is possible that interfacing with information regarding SCP-7853 increases an individual’s likelihood to be targeted by the anomaly. N-77 agents aware of SCP-7853 and involved in the creation of this document have reported seeing a figure consistent with descriptions of the entity, though none have experienced being pursued or followed by it. As of March, 2004, no Foundation deaths are suspected to have occurred as a result of SCP-7853. Fuck Yeah, that’s helpful this is what’s following you?? 1:1 seriously joey what did you do Put my nose where it shouldn’t have been a hell of a lot less carefully than I could have been what Site-22 has a big fucking problem, and I don’t know how deep it goes We’re selling X-908 to the Segreto family Our site’s the hotbed. Mass synthesis of X-908, trucks pulling up at night, Dr. Cooke’s private poker games. You go down one hole, you find two more. Made the mistake of talking to Cooke directly. I didn’t expect the fucking Mob to be involved hold on what’s X-908? Synthetic serum. Made from the same stuff we use to make amnestics, but way more unstable. Gives you antimemetic properties for about an hour. Foundation uses it for undercover operations. No one’s able to remember you, your face, or any memories they might have had of you. Seriously powerful stuff. Like you never even existed. and we’re selling this to the mob? Started putting the pieces together when examining Site workflow and how much of our allotted monthly resources were going into X-908 production. Think about it. Mob’s been in the public eye for the past few decades. Movies, TV shows, the RICO act. X-908 allows organized crime to remain organized in an age where your shits are data-harvested. Everything they do is a hell of a lot easier to get away with when no one knows you were even there why would the foundation need the money tho? Could be a personal operation. If this is something larger then we have to ask ourselves where all that fancy funding comes from does director ruggiero know? Don’t know. Dr. Cooke’s spearheading the thing, that’s certain. Some of the lab team too. Hartman, Volinski. But lots of faces I’ve never seen before. People I can’t find on the payroll I need you to get this information to Ruggiero. I was going to myself but then this fucking thing started following me what if ruggiero’s involved? won’t i be targeted for helping you? Shit Getting in a cab. Not going to stop it, but I need to think there’s an addendum. i’ll send it over now SCP-7853 was discovered during Task Force N-77’s investigation into GoI-027. An excerpt from the group’s Foundation intelligence dossier has been included below. GoI-027, also known as the Segreto crime family, is an organized crime group primarily operating in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. Unofficially referred to as the “Sixth Family” due to their powerful standing within the American Mafia, the organization has ties to an estimated 30% of known criminal activity in their locus of influence. This includes standard Mob operations, such as gambling, racketeering, trafficking, and theft, among others. GoI-027 is notable for its knowledge and usage of the anomalous. The use of paratechnology, targeting known Groups of Interest, smuggling anomalous objects, distributing anomalous drugs, and carrying out operations in populated Nexuses are further documented events that have warranted the organization’s GoI status. It is believed a portion of GoI-027’s members are anomalous themselves. The Segretos have managed to gain access to information confidential to organizations such as the Global Occult Coalition and the Foundation, leading intelligence to believe that the Segretos have exploited information security flaws in both groups. The existence of Segreto informants within the Foundation is presently being investigated. At the head of GoI-027 is an individual referred to as “The Duke”. The family’s structure and the identities of its members are largely unknown, though its overall origin can most likely be traced back to the folding of GoI-001, The Chicago Spirit, in the late 1940s. The majority of its history is lost, as American Mob culture has largely upheld the tradition of not openly speaking about GoI-027. Certain details regarding the family contradict themselves between sources, and Foundation informants have expressed fear over revealing information about GoI-027, potentially due to attracting the attention of SCP-7853. A number of Task Force N-77 members have succeeded in embedding themselves in GoI-027 or criminal organizations close to. Further intelligence reports are awaiting declassification. N-77. You ever hear of these guys? don’t think so. they probably went deeper if they found out there’s mob activity within the foundation itself. off the books yk That’s optimistic I think that thing’s speeding up. I can’t see it, but it’s about five blocks back If it can move faster I’m starting to think it’s just sadistic. Likes the chase. Probably knows I’m running now i’m putting all of this in a data packet. the file, the convo, everything. if you come over and log into my terminal, you can send it to the director Good idea. Absolves you of any excuse, barring the fact that I used your computer how close are you Five minutes on foot. Get a drink ready The following is a sample of known incidents involving SCP-7853. Date: 1991/11/01 Victim: Rocco “Rocky” Lombardi Description: High profile Mob disappearance. Lombardi had reportedly had sexual relations with the wife of a Segreto Caporegieme. Lombardi made several telephone calls to his peers panicking that he was being followed by an individual matching SCP-7853’s description. Soldiers stood guard at his compound, but could not see the assailant, even when Lombardi pointed directly to the entity. Lombardi drove off in his car in an attempt to escape, and was officially declared missing a week later. Presumed dead as a result of SCP-7853. Date: 1995/04/27 Victim: Nicostrato Mazzanti Description: Mazzanti owned a prominent casino chain on the east coast, and became targeted by the Segretos after a dispute over earnings resulted in the deaths of several GoI-027 associates. Mazzanti reported flying from the United States to Italy in an attempt to flee SCP-7853. SCP-7853’s pursuit occured for over a week, and allegedly involved a crazed Mazzanti acquiescing to Segreto demands before being caught and presumably killed by the entity. Date: 1998/09/04 Victim: Enzo “Zombie” Rosiello Description: Details of prior conflict with GoI-027 are unknown. Rosiello was noted to be a highly aggressive individual, and his continued operation was considered a massive risk for the Mob due to his frequent outbursts and sporadic killings. Rosiello believed he was being followed, and attempted to attack the assailant in broad daylight. According to bystanders, Rosiello fired several shots into the air that quickly disappeared. After a struggle, Rosiello disappeared after being dragged into a back alley by an unknown force. you read these yet Last one’s interesting. If those bullets really disappeared, the entity must have taken them, right? If it’s not phasing through an object, it can be interacted with physically Maybe there wasn’t enough time for it to react PLEASE do not try to fuck with this thing file’s ready get here asap please joey joey are you there This is Evan Giochno, Captain of Task Force N-77. A task force that no longer exists. It’s March 13th, 2004. I’ve been on the run for two days. I’ve been investigating the Segreto family for the past decade of my life. And according to my memory, I’ve been doing it alone. But that memory’s wrong. There are names I can’t remember. People whose faces don’t register in my mind. Work I didn’t write that’s sitting in front of my face. It’s a family photo with everyone cut out. Except for me. The last documents I know I didn’t write were uploaded two weeks ago. In those two weeks, Task Force N-77, a group of 77 Foundation personnel investigating the Segreto crime family, has been whittled down to one. And I can’t tell you a single thing about any of those people I risked my life with. It’s picking us off, and it’s making it seem like we never existed. And my mind believes it. But then I look at the mounds of work sitting in my office that I don’t remember writing, or the equipment that I could never operate, and I know it’s a lie. It won’t stop until I’m dead. Until the only thing left of this team is a spare room that no one’s entered in years, and a file that no one has the clearance to access. I’m holed up on-site right now. Guards armed to the teeth. They know what’s happening, but it doesn’t matter, it’s still coming for me. And once I’m gone, they’ll all forget. No one’s going to remember what they were assigned to protect, or that any of us existed. Not like I remember them either. I declassified the file. Level 4 clearances. If this gets lost in the shuffle, start asking questions. We were all real. joey please you need to read this SHIT holy fuck are you okay?? I’M finE just hurt i shot it you fired off a shot in the middle of nyc? are you fucking stupid waited until it was clsoe paced around your building shot it in the knees and the bullet hit but people still heard obv guy tackled me fucked up my leg. got away b biting him did you kill that thing?? no it just took the fucking shot like a tank joey please read what i just sent there’s an addendum that was reverted right after it was edited in. from the captain of the task force. last thing added to the page i’m fucking hurt ill be there in a minute please. it makes no sense, pls read it what the Fuck oh god of course it’s the fucking compnd the isomer? YES. the problem before was that this thing still left evidence behind, just like any other hitman. no body, no proof, but people still remembered wht if u could make the memories disappear too? X-908 can. mob uses it on themselves to stay underground, but if you use it on other people but it only lasts for an hour you said? yeah, and then ur pulled back into reality. everyone else’s brains recheck themselves and the memories come back. if you kill something that’s imperceptible, it’s not going to return. that effect’s going to linger. there’s NOTHing to be brought back it’s the closest you can get to being erased entirely god that’s fucking good fucking hell joey. are you here yet? in the lobby 227, right? fuck sarah sara imj shot tranq or somethign im in lobby im dontt what the fuck respond to me not a bullet what the fuck Who is this? shit Hi, who is this? The dread settles in as Dr. Joseph Wren realizes what he’s been shot with. The faces in the lobby do not acknowledge him. If they do, they just as quickly forget and move along. SCP-7853 moves closer. Halfway across the lobby now. Still that same, steady walk. Wren knows it’s futile, but he limps to the elevator as fast as he can. He pushes the button to the third story rapidly. 227. Just need to get to that terminal. In the corner of his mind’s eye, he knows that SCP-7853 is closing in. It’s walking up the walls. Wren fondles his hip. Pistol’s still there. He contemplates swallowing it. No. Need to get to Sarah’s room. If he does, he can still send the file regardless of whether or not she’ll remember him. Get it to the Director. Get it to everyone on Site-22’s payroll. Pull the rug out on those bastards. He’s not afraid of dying anymore. He’s afraid of failing. The door opens. Wren runs as fast as he can down the hall. Just a few more seconds. He’s focused. So focused that he’s completely neglected to notice that SCP-7853 has phased through the wall behind him. Wren turns the handle, but it’s too late. He didn’t even get to scream. The game is over. Dr. Joseph Wren, and every memory of him that’s ever existed in the minds of his friends and family, has been wiped from existence. The door to Junior Researcher Sarah Capula’s apartment creaks open. She shut down her computer a few minutes ago, confused as to why she was cataloging data on SCP-7853. A grin spreads across her face when she notices something in her peripheral. Sarah: Come on in, tough guy. I’ve always wanted to see what you look like. SCP-7853 enters the apartment, phasing through the door. The two stare each other down. Sarah: Terrifying. I figured you might have had something to do with this when I saw the past hour of text messages I couldn’t remember sending. Colleague of mine? SCP-7853 does not respond. Sarah: (Shakes head) I’m never getting used to this. I didn’t realize we were doing this with X-908, now. Very impressive. Horrible way to go out, you know? (Pauses) You probably didn’t even need me to lure him here, but Cooke doesn’t tell me shit. Silence. Sarah pulls out her cell phone to call Director Ruggerio. After some ringing, the director picks up. Director Ruggerio: Speak. Sarah: Director, do you know a Dr. Joseph Wren? Director Ruggerio: Uh, I don’t think we have a– Oh… (Laughs) Sarah: Didn’t know they were doing hits with this stuff. Scary, isn’t it? Director Ruggerio: Always is. These bastards step into some deep shit. Just wish I could remember who they were after the fact. Wonder how deep he got. Sarah: I want my cut. Director Ruggerio: Relax. Is our friend there? Sarah: Dick Tracy? Yeah, I’m looking at him. Director Ruggerio: Great. Well, give him my regards. The Duke’s getting double on his next shipment. Bailing us out yet again with his royal enforcer. Sarah: Does he speak? Fucker hasn’t said a word since he walked in. Director Ruggerio: The fuck would I know? I’ve never seen the guy. You don’t see him unless you’re– SCP-7853 fires a shot of X-908 at Sarah Capula. The impact of the bullet stuns her. She tries to mouth something, but words don’t come out. She drops the phone to the ground, and falls out of her seat, struggling to crawl away. SCP-7853 approaches her, and in seconds, she’s gone. Maybe she was a liability. Maybe she wasn’t. The fact remained that she read that document to Wren. She could have lied. She was told to lie. But it’s been taken care of now. This operation can’t afford to leave loose ends. Elsewhere, a confused Director Julian Ruggerio hangs up his cell phone, realizing that he was talking to nothing at all. SCP-7853 exits through the window, and makes a descent down the side of the apartment, returning to parts unknown. The Duke keeps his court well-kept. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7853" by J Dune, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Name: Assassin Filename: Authors: |]]] License: CC BY SA Source Link: Commissioned Art
Bohart Cooks the ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ !SITE-333 EMERGENCY NOTICE! CONTAINMENT BREACH ALERT: SCP-7855 DATE: 22/12/23 ALL SITE-333 PERSONNEL RECEIVING THIS NOTICE ARE TO CONVENE IN THE ON-SITE CONFERENCE ROOM FOR AN EMERGENCY BRIEFING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Faliure to appear for briefing may result in insufficient knowledge for effective response to the ongoing containment breach, and cause severe effects to the individual's body, mind, or possessions; potentially including but not limited to confusion, bodily harm, financial losses, loss of identity, loss of vision, increased cholesterol, recovery of vision, associated fines, metaphysical de-existence, nausea, headache, indigestion, upset stomach, etc. SITE-333 SURVEILLANCE FOOTAGE WARNING: CAMERA BATTERY LOW. Footage Date: 22/12/2023 Time: 5:48 pm [Tony Catalano, Leonora Morales, and Noah Patel are seated in three of the few non-broken chairs within Site-333's conference room. The trio are engaged in conversation around a large punch bowl filled with a vaguely cream-coloured liquid in the centre of the table. The room is decorated with a series of shoddily prepared Christmas decorations consisting of vaguely-snowflake-shaped paper chains, strips of wrapping paper cut, twisted, and hung up in an attempt to replicate tinsel, and a small cactus that has been capped with a Santa Claus Hat. Tony is in the process of scooping the beverage within the bowl into a mug that reads "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee!"] Tony Catalano: So any of you see Vincent on the way in? What's the deal with this anyhow? Leonora Morales: Not sure, but I passed by the kitchen and something in there smells like it's burning. This better be important, I had just got nestled in to watch a migratory colony of puffins coming in to roost. They've been cursed by the Fae Tyrant, Queen Mab to sing with the voices of the dead. What's the point of having a vacation form if we're just going to be called in anyway? Tony Catalano: It makes Vincent feel powerful. Leonora Morales: He better get this on with quick, those puffins are crepuscular. Noah Patel: Eww. Leonora Morales: Not what you think it means. How was JerseyDevilCon going? Noah Patel: It went well. We had our roundtable to present findings and then the annual DevilHunt. There were five of us still there when I left, which is a pretty good-sized crowd. The Jersey Devil didn't show up though. Tony Catalano: How would that have even happened? Noah Patel: We put flyers up. The Jersy Devil's in Jersey, hence the name, right? So it's bound to see them eventually. Although I suppose maybe it wouldn't be able to read English. We probably should have thought about that ahead of time. Leonora Morales: Noah, what exactly is it that you do? Noah Patel: Oh, all sorts of stuff. How was your day going, Tony? Tony Catalano: I'd say I can't complain, slept in, had brunch, but then I got a call from the in— [Vincent Bohart enters the room with a candy cane stuck in his mouth. Seeing the assembled individuals, he inadvertently sucks inward, causing it to slide further in and obstruct his trachea. He quickly coughs, ejecting the candy cane onto the conference table.] Vincent Bohart: What the hell are you people here for? Tony Catalano: You called us in. The emergency alert? We've all been waiting for you. Vincent Bohart: Oh, yeah. That's all been taken care of. False alarm. Great work everyone, very prompt response time and all that. Leonora Morales: Wait, what?! Vincent, I was planning that field trip for months! Vincent Bohart: I'll give you all an extra gold star on your performance reviews. Tony Catalano: So I've been sitting in rush hour traffic for an hour — on one of the handful of vacation days we can take off — for no reason? Vincent, I'm missing dinner with the in-laws for this! Vincent Bohart: Hey, blame Atlantic City, or the electrician who installed the alarms. I knew the old system was fine. Do you know how much of our operational budget that costs us? Tony Catalano: Yes. I'm the one who does the budgets. Anyway, I'm not complaining. They were threatening to bring over ham and turkey meatloaf, like in the same log. Honestly, I'll toast to being here. [Tony drinks from his mug, before coughing the thick liquid up] Tony Catalano: Newborn baby Jesus, what the fuck is this? Vincent Bohart: Eggnog. Vincent Bohart: It's mostly rum though. The eggnog was expired. It helps with the taste. [Tony Catalano pinches his nose and takes another gulp. Noah Patel proceeds to also scoop up some of the liquid into a glass.] Vincent Bohart: Not that I really care, but Noah should you be drinking that? Are you over 21? Noah Patel: I'm 32. Vincent Bohart: Huh, really? Noah Patel: It said so on my birthday party invitation last month. I gave you the card. You said you couldn't come because you had an important thing that weekend, then asked me to remind you which weekend you'd be having that important thing on. Tony Catalano: Wait, Vincent what are you doing here? Vincent Bohart: My oven crapped out, so I came here to make dinner. Leonora Morales: [Leonora motions with her hands towards the paper chains] And decorate? These weren't here before, Vincent. Vincent Bohart: [Shrugs] Keeps the interns busy. It's this or having them dig holes on the beach. Noah Patel: Oh, that reminds me. I found that watch you had me looking for there. Leonora Morels: So this wasn't some elaborate ploy to lure us all here, under the guise of a containment breach — which, I'm sure violates several Foundation codes — to serve us whatever you've been cooking in a room that looks like it's been decorated by a kindergartener? Vincent Bohart: You think I'd want to spend more time with you people? Tony Catalano: Well, we're here now, and I don't intend to leave. Whatcha got cooking, Vincent? [Vincent Bohart stares blankly towards the group for several seconds.] Noah Patel: You okay, boss? Vincent Bohart: I… I, uh. I don't know. Tony Catalano: You were telling us about the chow and just spaced out for a minute. What're you cooking? Vincent Bohart: I don't know. Tony Catalano: What do you mean you don't know? Vincent Bohart: I know I was cooking… something. But I can't recall what. Leonora Morales: He's probably just been breathing in some fumes from all the old baked-on gunk the oven's got. We really need to start cleaning that thing. Tony Catalano: It's self-cleaning, isn't it? Noah, go check it out before Vincent burns the Site down with an overcooked ham or something. Noah leaves the room as Vincent takes his seat, the group makes idle conversation for a minute before Noah returns. Leonora Morales: So, what's for dinner? Noah Patel: I don't — I don't remember…. Item#: 7855 Level2 Containment Class: unknown Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Cooking Procedures: The meal is kept within a fifty (50) by fifty (50) by twenty-five (25) centimetre conventional oven for a period of four (4) hours at four hundred and twenty-five (425) degrees Fahrenheit. Access is via a slightly jammed door that really only opens if you pull up first and then outwards. Site personnel are NOT to use the blender, toaster, or coffee maker while the oven is on, to avoid blowing a fuse, again. It is further advised that all personnel preparing food or eating within the vicinity should maintain a good distance from the oven due to how much heat bleeds out around the edges. Description: SCP-7855 is currently being cooked by Director Vincent Bohart, within Site-333's employee kitchen. Conversation with the aforementioned individual, as well as other attempts to discern what is in the oven, have not yielded a definitive answer. Personnel are unable to recall any details regarding SCP-7855 when not preparing or cooking it directly. To clarify: How Vincent Bohart originally acquired SCP-7855 is unknown. The reason behind the cooking time, temperature, and method used, are unknown. SCP-7855's physical appearance, texture, flavour profile, and relevant wine pairings are unknown. Whether the burning smell noticeable near SCP-7855 is a result of the item, or the oven itself, is unknown. Why Vincent Bohart chose to cook whatever SCP-7855 is in the communal staff kitchen, is known: he's a short-sighted jackass. Although they were not able to describe the sensory experiences of cooking SCP-7855, Site-333 personnel uniformly agreed that the experience was "making them hungry." Individuals began to prepare non-anomalous food for group consumption while SCP-7855 cooked. After a period of time that Vincent Bohart determined "seemed about right." SCP-7855 was removed from the oven. This is presumed to be the case due to the uncleaned baking tray left in the Site-333 kitchen sink. SITE-333 SURVEILLANCE FOOTAGE WARNING: CAMERA BATTERY LOW. Footage Date: 22/12/2023 Time: 8:19 pm The group sits around Site-333's conference table, as snow continues to settle outside. Half-eaten, mundane, recognizable foodstuffs spread across the table. Several new wine stains are visible on the chairs. Vincent Bohart: So there I was, behind the blackjack table, trying to deal out the cards while the goat's trying to chew through my pocket to the stack of $100s I'd stashed there. And the 8'-fuckoff" Wrath demon is glaring down at me, and I say to them 'well, I heard they've got a roasted goat leg going over at the buffet, so you must have missed the sacrifice.' Tony Catalano: How'd that work out? Vincent Bohart: Fella was so pissed he hit on a 19. Broke the table in half. I slipped out the back door with the chips while he took off after his startled furry friend. Noah Patel: Is that why you were transferred from Site-666? Vincent Bohart: No, that's a whole different story. What about you, Leonora? Any memorable holidays this time of year? Leonora Morales: I once spent Christmas on the Faroe Islands, in a single-person micro tent eating cold canned beans and taking samples of bird shit to check for anomalous parasites. Tony Catalano: Jeez, okay, you win the worst Christmas award. Leonora Morales: That was my favourite Christmas memory. Tony Catalano: Real Hallmark holiday special, there. Leonora Morales: Laughing Okay, favorite Christmas movies, go. Tony Catalano & Vincent Bohart: Die— Leonora Morales: And you can't say Die Hard! Vincent Bohart: Die Hard with a Vengeance. Tony Catalano: Not actually a Christmas movie, it takes place during the summer. Vincent Bohart: You gotta be shitting me. Okay, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Reminds me of growing up. Leonora Morales: Watching the film or its events? Vincent Bohart: Both. What about you, Noah? Noah Patel: The Grinch. It's rare you see accurate cryptids depicted in the media. Tony Catalano: Isn't that— Vincent Bohart: Oh, let him have this one. It's the season for it. Leonora Morales: And, uh. How are we feeling about the 'it' we just ate? The group looks towards the center of the conference table, where a picked-clean serving platter sits empty surrounded by an array of smaller tableware and cutlery. Tony Catalano: I mean, it wasn't bad. Certainly no worse than the Christmas meatloaf I'd be eating tonight otherwise. Noah Patel: How would you describe the texture? I can't recall. Was it… spongey? gristly? Leonora Morales: Both I think? The gravy certainly helped. As did the cranberry sauce. I think whatever I ate was more of a soup. Vincent Bohart: Huh, I was chewing something, that I know. Wait. Noah Patel: Yeah? Vincent Bohart: I kind of, wow. Tony Catalano: What is it, Vincent? Vincent Bohart: I remember the flavour, I think. Just a little. Leonora Morales: Well, go on then. You cooked the thing so it seems about fair. What do you remember? Vincent Bohart: It tasted like chicken. Site-333 Christmas tree, employee break room. Site-333 — Interdepartmental Text-Based Communications Log: 25/12/2023 — 11:33 am (EDT) Vincent Bohart, Director; Tony Catalano, Accounting & Tourism; Leonora Morales, Wildlife Specialist; Noah Patel, Cryptozoologist & Museum Curator. Tony Catalano: Happy Holidays, everyone! Noah Patel: Merry Christmas! Leonora Morales: Thanks again for cooking dinner, Vincent. Vincent Bohart: Don't expect me to make a habit out of it. Tony Catalano: As strange as it feels to write this, I kind of actually…. had a good time? Leonora Morales: Yeah, me too. Well, I suppose we can avoid writing you up for misuse of the Foundation emergent breach channels, Vincent. It is the holidays, after all. Vincent Bohart: I don't appreciate the slander. Leonora Morales: Slander is written, this is libel. I'm using speech-to-text. Vincent Bohart: You're liable to be getting a disciplinary report for insubordination. Tony Catalano: There's the Scrooge we know. Noah Patel: Have any of you felt kind of off the last few days? I have and I'm wondering if it has to do with what we ate. Tony Catalano: Maybe a little bloated. Leonora Morales: What did we eat? Vincent Bohart: Oh yeah, I figured out what was going on there. Leonora Morales: You're just telling us this now? Noah Patel: Was I right it was a turducken? Vincent Bohart: Gas leak. Tony Catalano: What? Vincent Bohart: Major gas leak. Like off the charts, the oven was free-pouring it into the site. Tony Catalano: One-day-old Christ. Seriously? Vincent Bohart: That's not even the half of it. It turns out everything on site: the oven, the boiler, the furnace, the hot tub, everything that heats up, is powered by burning sewer gas. We had an agreement with a group calling themselves the 'Plumbers,' which saved us a lot in heating costs. Vincent Bohart: This isn't natural gas, it's natural gas, and chances are it's been leaking for a few weeks now. The whole Site is like a dry Christmas tree in a chimney. Leonora Morales: Thank god we stopped Noah from flaming the pudding when he burned himself. Tony Catalano: Or that the damn rat didn't set it off. Vincent Bohart: Yeah, so any way that's the reason for the season. Leonora Morales: So how are we just now learning about this? Vincent Bohart: Oh. One of those interns must have messed around with the monoxide detector or something when they triggered that breach alarm. Tony Catalano: That doesn't explain anything. Vincent Bohart: Mysteries of life. Anyway, they need some time to fix the oven and pump all the gas out of the old building. Vincent Bohart: So I suppose you're all getting an extra week of vacation. Happy Holidays. As for me… Vincent Bohart: Has set out of office reply: On the way to Vegas. See you in the New Year. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7855" by DodoDevil, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Tree_1.jpg Name: broken christmastree Author: Produnis License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Link:
 close Info X This article contains content on sensitive historical subjects ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains a content warning ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7856 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Upon encountering SCP-7856, utilization of any visual-oriented equipment is prohibited within its immediate vicinity due to the damaging nature of SCP-7856's anomalous effects on optical technology. All cases of civilian encounters with SCP-7856 are to be treated with Class-B amnestics within the first 24 hours of exposure before being transported back to the nearest point of active civilization. All instances of SCP-7856-1 are to be treated with respect and decency in keeping with SCP-7856's historical background. If the anomaly is encountered by Foundation researchers or operatives in the field, personnel are not permitted to ask SCP-7856 what it was doing between the years 1938 – 1945. (Please see Agent Stanfeld’s report on Operation SIDEBAR). A German-built locomotive of the same class as SCP-7856 Description: SCP-7856 is the spectral manifestation of a Deutsche Reichsbahn’s Class 52 locomotive. The manifestation measures approximately 656 ft or 200-meters in length and possesses an observed average travel speed of 30 mph or 48 kph. However, it can rapidly accelerate to well over 120 mph or 193 kph in the span of 0.4 seconds. Comparatively, even the world’s fastest combustion-engine supercars require four times this amount of time just to reach half of the same speed. It should likewise be noted that contemporary locomotives of SCP-7856's specific type can only achieve less than half of its observed maximum speed and only within the span of a much longer buildup period. The manifestation of SCP-7856 is singular in nature, only comprising one locomotive of the same appearance, a train engine carrying 10 passenger coaches of late 1930s design. While there is no set timeframe or season in which SCP-7856 appears, there are set locations. The anomaly has so far only appeared in mainland Europe. It is most frequently sighted between Germany and Eastern European countries such as Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. However, Poland is the only country in which it has been found to manifest with a high enough frequency to match its manifestations in Germany. It strictly manifests anywhere within a 50-mile radius of any abandoned train station. When the station was constructed or abandoned do not seem to matter so long as the location is no longer frequented by human beings. Persons either knowingly or unknowingly entering the 50-mile radius considered 7856’s area of effect or AOE will not necessarily encounter a manifestation of the anomaly. Containment personnel have observed that those simply walking through the area are consistently left alone. However, persons under distress, specifically those being pursued into an AOE by a potential threat such as a hostile assailant or wild animal will promptly activate 7856’s manifestation response. Prior to receiving amnestic treatment, civilians who witnessed 7856 state that the train seems to appear as if out of thin air, often with the door to its nearest coach already open to them. They are then possessed by a strong compulsion that they will be safe if they come aboard and proceed to run inside, at which point SCP-7856 will immediately accelerate at high speed away from the source of the danger. Most of those taken onboard remain conscious of the journey ahead for no longer than an average of 1 minute. The reason for this remains unclear. They eventually wake up safely a varying period of time later at the abandoned train station that lies at the center of the anomaly's current AOE. From there they can safely proceed to the nearest point of civilization such as cities, small towns or farming communities. Since 7856’s discovery, the Foundation has excluded pertinent reports such as those made by Einsatzgruppe VI, SS-Oberführer Erich Naumann from being released to the public via the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998. Given the aforementioned statement, it should come as no surprise to Foundation researchers not familiar with SCP-7856 that this specific anomaly is at least suspected to have been involved in the events surrounding the systematic extermination of two thirds of Europe’s Jewish population as well as other groups targeted by the Nazi regime. Examination of captured transportation records held by SS Death’s Head units confirm the existence of a train matching the description of SCP-7856 being assigned to the “delivery of undesirables” at various concentration camps from October 1938 – February 1945. Records also show the same train being utilized intermittently by Einsatzgruppe VI and Einsatzgruppe C for “supply rendezvous” and “special activities” following the respective German invasions of Poland and Soviet Russia. Researchers assigned to 7856’s containment over the last several decades are still unsure how the manifestation came to exist given that it is modeled after an inanimate object, very much outside the traditionally accepted view of what can possess an animating force or soul (with exception to confirmed anomalies under Foundation monitoring). Currently, theories abound among Foundation personnel familiar with this SCP as to whether it raises the question of an afterlife for inanimate objects. However, the primarily accepted theory which will be shared later in this report suggests that the manifestation is not the result of a single inanimate soul but multiple animate entities operating in tandem. This was only further substantiated following the eye-witness testimonies of those who managed to stay conscious for longer than 5 minutes while aboard, which will be included later in this file. Discovery: The existence of SCP-7856 was officially made known to the SCP Foundation shortly after an incident that occurred on the evening of October 10th, 1961. The first recorded contact with the anomaly took place after two teenage boys attempted to escape from their hometown of Müncheberg in Märkisch-Oderland, East Germany. The boys were attempting to reach East Berlin by car and from there intended to cross through a well-known weak point in the Berlin Wall to West Berlin. However, on the night of their attempt, a third member of their party who was secretly a Soviet informant exposed their plans to the local authorities. A pursuit party from the police was dispatched to apprehend them. A brief car chase ensued that led to the pursued teenagers crashing into the edge of a forest between Müncheberg and the town of Strausberg. From there, they attempted to escape on foot into the forest with the authorities close behind. The following is an interview with one of the teenagers, Anton Krause, and Foundation researcher, Dr. R. Lanza regarding the events of the encounter. The interview was conducted in German and has been translated into English. 7856-Interview #2 Interviewer: Doctor Robert Lanza Interviewed: Anton Krause Date: 10/11/1961 <Begin Log> Dr. Lanza enters the interview room where Krause is already seated. Dr. Lanza: “Good morning, Anton. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you a few questions to-” Krause: “It was just there. I don’t-, I don’t know what else to say. It was just…there, right there parked in the clearing…like it was waiting for us or something. I don’t know. It didn’t scare me at first. It just felt like it made sense to go in. I was only scared when we woke up in the middle of nowhere. That’s when things started coming back to us. We were really freaked out after that. We-” Dr Lanza: “Anton, calm down. I haven’t asked you anything yet.” Krause: “But-, I-…” Dr. Lanza: “Relax, we’ll get to that. Hot chocolate?” Krause: “…Yes-…yes please.” Dr. Lanza hands Krause one of the cups of hot chocolate he carried into the interview room. Krause takes a few sips and visibly calms. Dr. Lanza: “Better?” Krause nods. Dr. Lanza: “Good. Listen, I know yesterday you saw something you’ve been struggling to understand. You were up all-night babbling about it from what I heard. You won’t have to worry about that for long.” Krause: “Pardon?” Dr. Lanza waves a hand dismissively. Dr. Lanza: “Let’s start from the edge of the forest. You and your friend crashed into a tree and went on foot into the woods. What happened next? Take it nice and slow.” Krause: “We-, we were-…wait, where’s Felix?” Dr. Lanza: “Recovering from his injuries in the room next door. I just saw him. He was a little troubled like you seem to be but he’s fine now.” Krause nods hesitantly and pauses. Krause: “He has family in West Berlin. We heard it’s better on that side of the wall. We were trying to reach them, but-” Dr. Lanza: “Never mind that. The forest, what happened after you went into the forest?” Krause visibly tenses again. Krause: “We ran for a bit, felt like the whole KGB was on our heels with how many dogs and police they sent after us. We got to this ravine. Felix fell down to the bottom, broke his leg. I had to carry him. I don’t think I got very far. The police almost had us when I saw this clearing. There were a lot of lights in it. I ran straight there thinking it was a house. And what do I see there except…” Dr. Lanza: “A train?” Krause: “…Yeah, a train.” Dr. Lanza: “And what did this ‘train’ look like?” Krause shrugs. Krause: “I don’t know, like-, like a train. A normal train, just old. It looked really really old, like something my father would’ve driven.” Dr Lanza: “Your father?” Krause: “He was a conductor during the war.” Dr. Lanza: “A conductor?” Krause: “Yeah, 4th Army. And don’t look at me crazy. He may have driven trains, but he didn’t drive ‘those’ trains. He just handled getting troops from here to hell holes like Minsk and Smolensk. He didn’t-…he-…” Dr. Lanza: “I know. Trust me, Anton, I know all about your dad and I know all about you. I just wanted to see how honest you’d be with me. Now, what else did you see?” Krause: “You…know everything? Are you-…wait, did we-…” Dr. Lanza shakes his head. Dr. Lanza: “No, the Soviets didn’t catch you. You’re in much safer hands now, trust me.” Krause: “…CIA?” Dr. Lanza: “Anton.” Krause: “Right, right, plausible deniability and all that. Well, so long as you’re not torturing me for answers, I guess it’s alright. Like I said, it looked old, about three decades out of place. The train engine in the front was mostly black with some red highlights that I can remember. It had ten, maybe twelve coaches in the back, probably about 200-meters long overall. We found it sitting on some train tracks but, from what I could tell, they only went as far as its wheels did. Everything else around it was grass. It’s like the whole thing was just sitting on a piece of railway that went nowhere.” Dr Lanza: “Were there any identifying markers on the side of it? Numbers, signs?” Krause: “With how hard they were coming after us, I didn’t really have time to look at it, but I don’t think I saw any, at least not any that stuck out to me. There were some curtains in the windows.” Krause pauses. Dr. Lanza: “Anton?” Krause begins to wrap his arms around himself in a self-comforting gesture. Krause: “I think-…before we ran in, I think I saw…people…in the windows.” Dr. Lanza: “And what were these people doing?” Krause: “Staring…at us…but not in a creepy way. It’s more like they were just passing by, and happened to see us. They looked, I don’t know, worried.” Dr. Lanza: “Can you tell me anything about their appearance? How were they dressed? Did they say anything to you?” Krause: “No, I didn’t see or hear much of anything. I just didn’t have time to pay attention to them. What I can say for sure is that I saw people of different ages in there, men, women, children. They were just watching us. For some reason, I know-, I can feel it.” Dr Lanza: “Feel what?” Krause: “They were waiting for us, almost like how you’d stop a bus if you saw someone running after it. It was as if the whole train was there just for us. Maybe it was. Either way, I got hit with this strange feeling that I absolutely needed to get onboard regardless of what I thought. I went straight up into one of the coaches. Felix was with me. We got in and, well, I’ll put it this way: I never saw anyone else get off.” Dr. Lanza: “The compartment was empty?” Krause: “I don’t know what else to tell you, sir. We got to look through the other coaches too. The people we saw just weren’t there anymore. We checked under the chairs, in the baggage areas. Nothing. We thought they all agreed to jump out right before we came in, but that didn’t make any sense either. There’s no way that many people could move that fast.” Dr. Lanza: “How many people do you think you saw?” Krause: “They weren’t a small group, that’s for sure. I think it was probably close to a hundred.” Dr. Lanza: “On the whole train?” Krause: “Per coach. They looked like they’d been crammed in there, no better than a bunch of sardines. God knows how they managed to fit that many people inside.” Dr. Lanza: “What about the train itself? Was it moving by this point?” Krause: “Moving? Well, to be honest with you, a word like ‘moving’ doesn’t really do any justice to what that thing actually did. I’ll tell you what, now I know what an artillery shell sees when you shoot it out of a cannon. It was like a bullet. The second we got on, the doors all closed and we were shooting off with the same speed of those new jet fighters America’s been making. Maybe even faster. Strangest thing is we didn’t even feel any of it. It didn’t knock us off our feet or anything. If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear it wasn’t moving at all, only to get motion sick the second you looked outside. We couldn’t believe it, neither of us. How do I say it? There was-, there was no…” Dr. Lanza: “No motion?” Krause: “Yeah, that.” Dr. Lanza: “…Interesting. What happened afterwards?” Krause: “After that, we-, we-, ugh, we sat down. The next thing I know, Felix is shaking me awake on the boarding platform of this old train station. We were the only ones there. Imagine that, being alone at an old station in the middle of the woods at night. Doesn’t paint a pretty picture, does it? I mean, I just about lost it at that point.” Dr. Lanza: “Sounds about right. We found you boys wandering around a town that wasn’t too far from there. So, you don’t have any memories of what happened after you two sat down?” Krause: “…No.” Dr. Lanza: “Well…apparently neither does Felix. Seems to me like both of you dozed off and got dropped off.” Krause: “How? We were the only ones there.” Dr. Lanza: “Were you?” Krause stops to consider the question and shivers slightly. Dr. Lanza: “Alright, I think that’s almost the last question I have for you. I still have two more, if you think you can handle them.” Krause: “I don’t know what I can handle right now.” Dr. Lanza: “Let’s find out.” Dr. Lanza proceeds to open his personal folder revealing various black and white photographs of German train types dating between 1804 – 1961. He lays them out in front of Krause and points to each in turn. Dr. Lanza: “Did it look like any of these?” Krause examines the pictures for approximately 20 seconds before settling on the image of a Deutsche Reichsbahn's Class 52 steam locomotive produced in late 1938. He then points at the picture with a notedly disturbed expression. Dr. Lanza: “That one?” Krause: “No mistaking it. This one just has the identification numbers and signs on it. Other than that, I’d say they’re basically the same train.” Dr. Lanza: “Interesting. Tell me, did you see anyone here?” Dr. Lanza points to the cab at the back of the train engine. Krause: “The cab? No. I think it was the only part of the train that didn’t have any lights on. It was too dark to say who was behind the controls, if there was anyone at all.” Dr. Lanza: “I see. Well, Anton, I think that’s all we need. Don’t worry, we’ll be releasing you and Felix together very shortly. Then you can both forget all about this.” Krause: “Thank-, thank you, ugh, I-, I never got your name.” Dr. Lanza: “No, you didn’t.” Dr. Lanza gets up and moves for the door. Krause: “Wait. If you don’t mind me asking, sir, where are we now?” Dr. Lanza pauses. Dr. Lanza: “West Berlin.” Dr. Lanza smiles back at Krause who faintly returns the expression before the doctor leaves the interview room. <End Log> Note: Anton Krause and Felix Bauman were both administered Class B Amnestics before being cleared by Foundation personnel and returned to the general populace of West Berlin. However, further investigations into SCP-7856 as well as its anomalous manifestation and transportation capabilities are still ongoing as of this interview. Addendum A: Following the first confirmed encounter with SCP-7856, the Foundation undertook preliminary measures towards threat assessment and containment. Small observation posts disguised as ranger stations were placed around the forest where the anomaly was first discovered with the intent to identify its general movement patterns and behaviors. This was quickly proven redundant when there was a second confirmed case of a person encountering SCP-7856. The encounter took place outside the city of Wolfsburg in West Germany when a farmer fled from a female Eurasian Brown Bear after he had stumbled across her cubs. The mother bear chased him into a field in the municipality of Tappenbeck where SCP-7856 manifested in front of him. Similar to Krause and Bauman, he felt strongly compelled to run inside and was able to escape from the bear. He later woke up at an abandoned train station on the outskirts of Wolfsburg, close to his home. This marked a change in the by then still sparse information the Foundation had compiled regarding the anomaly's behavioral patterns. Unlike the previous case with Krause and Bauman, the farmer had only travelled 3 miles or 4.8 kilometers from where he had initially been transported. He went to inform the police of the incident but was laughed out of their station as they believed him to be a “drunkard”. Foundation infiltrators, however, managed to take him aside for further information. In an interview, he stated that his only thought when he encountered SCP-7856 was getting back home to his wife. He was administered Class B amnestics before being allowed to return to his family with a proper cover story. Another encounter was identified two weeks later that again shifted the Foundation’s paradigm on the previously growing consensus of SCP-7856's movement patterns. In the city of Lublin, Poland, the young daughter of a local official had managed to escape a group of human traffickers who intended to capture her and hold her for ransom, doing so with the help of SCP-7856. She was later found by local police at an abandoned train station on the eastern city limits some 2 miles or 3.2 kilometers away from where she had initially disappeared. This marked the first time that SCP-7856 had manifested in the middle of a heavily populated urban area, eliminating the theory that the anomaly only manifests in isolated regions. Clandestine questioning was carried out with several individuals who were within the immediate vicinity of the incident, including the testimony of the daughter herself as well as her attempted kidnappers who were now in police custody. According to the interrogation reports, none were able to see or hear the train except for the girl herself. The kidnappers stated that she “suddenly started walking on thin air for a few steps before disappearing entirely”. Moreover, drivers within the vicinity who were presumably heading in the opposite direction of SCP-7856 reported no disturbances whatsoever. Considering that if the anomaly was fully solid and not transient, its passage would have led to the destruction of oncoming traffic and a mass casualty event amounting easily in the hundreds, marking this discovery as substantial. This suggests that SCP-7856 possesses the ability to allow only those it intends to rescue to see or perceive its existence while also possessing a purely spectral form. Once aboard, an individual is likewise believed to be briefly converted into a similar state without their conscious awareness. Following the Lublin incident, all witnesses involved received Class B amnestics. In the wake of the first three encounters, the Foundation placed personnel on observation duty around the three aforementioned stations, both to keep watch for SCP-7856 and to search these sites for reasons as to why the anomaly selected these locations. No noticeable causes were ever identified save for the obvious commonality that each site was an abandoned train station. More encounters with SCP-7856 followed similar formats to these first three cases. From these connections, the Foundation was able to come to a number of new conclusions. SCP-7856's motivations are seemingly entirely altruistic. The anomaly can sense the perilous situations of those it is trying to save so long as the scenario occurs within 50-miles of an abandoned train station. The train station must not have any active human occupation or usage just prior to the manifestation in order to be used as an anchor point for SCP-7856's AOE. SCP-7856's manifestations were confirmed to be completely contained to Europe as there have been no other encounters with the entity anywhere else around the world. From this point forward, the Foundation concludes that SCP-7856 is not a dangerous anomaly. It received the object class designation ‘Safe’ following the reaching of a consensus by dedicated researchers in March 1967. Actual tests using D-class personnel were not authorized and conducted until June of the same year due to budgetary constraints as well as the rapid rise in attrition rates for more critical D-class experiments observed in 1967. The first test was to ascertain as to whether SCP-7856 can sense the intentions of those it saves in terms of a destination they may or may not have had in mind just prior to its manifestation. During both the Müncheberg and Wolfsburg incidents, SCP-7856 seemed to transport those it had rescued to train stations that were within close proximity of the locations they were thinking of while they were still in danger. However, during the Lublin Incident, the daughter of the government official had no destination in mind aside from a safe place to hide from her pursuers. She was subsequently placed in the station that served as the closest anchor point for the anomaly's area of effect. For this test, two D-class personnel, D-971 and D-322 were brought within 40 miles of an abandoned train station near the town of Helmstedt. The station was especially selected since its 50-mile radius did not intersect with any other abandoned stations in the region, ensuring that the test subjects could only be taken to that location if they had no clear destination in mind. The D-class personnel were told to keep East Berlin in mind as their destination. They were then each provided with helmet-mounted recording equipment before having approximately 20 pounds of raw meat attached to their persons. Previously captured wild dogs were then released and forced the two D-classes to flee in the direction of the Helmstedt station. However, no manifestation of SCP-7856 ever occurred. Ultimately, both D-971 and D-322 were both hunted down by the pursuing dogs and killed. Research staff quickly took note of the new finding and wondered as to why the anomaly did not manifest for the two D-classes. A new question was soon raised as to whether SCP-7856 has a functional consciousness and/or sense of morality as well as an ability to sense the previous actions of any person within its area of effect. Both D-971 and D-322 were convicted serial killers from West Germany with a combined criminal record of 23 cases of first-degree murder and a combined sentencing of over 390 years of incarceration. The Foundation conducted a second test using a newly inducted Foundation operative, Agent Louis Stanfeld, who had no prior criminal history. It was his first mission. He was given the same treatment as D-971 and D-322 by being strapped with raw meat and given a helmet-mounted camera as well as a shot of adrenaline to increase his stamina. He was allowed to keep his service pistol for safety reasons as well as to test whether a person’s ability to defend themselves was a consideration for SCP-7856 prior to making an appearance. Agent Stanfeld was dropped off at the same 40-mile distance from the train station near Helmstedt and was given a 1-minute head start. He was on the move for approximately 2 minutes when SCP-7856 appeared in a nearby clearing. However, it was at this point that Stanfeld’s camera equipment began to malfunction. He managed to run inside the first coach wherein his camera system failed and shut down. He was discovered 20 minutes later sleeping on a bench at a train station near East Berlin, the destination that researchers had told him to keep in mind as he performed the operation. In his after-action report, Stanfeld confirmed that he was awake for at least 6 minutes after his camera failed. During this time, he noticed at least several persons in different parts of the train dressed in clothing indicative of trends that were prevalent in 1930s – 1940s Europe. However, whenever he tried to approach them, they would quickly disappear. This changed shortly after the 5-minute mark. Around this time, he spotted a young woman sitting down in the third coach and was able to successfully approach her without triggering a disappearance. This was the first recorded case of an interaction between Foundation personnel and an instance of SCP-7856-1. He managed to strike up a short conversation with the instance during which he learned her name, ‘Katalin’. He was later able to identify her language as Hungarian which he was partly familiar with. The instance of SCP-7856-1 proved surprisingly open to the interaction and was able to hold a formal conversation with Agent Stanfeld for exactly 1 minute. Unfortunately, Stanfeld failed to garner any specific information out of Katalin of pertinent value to Foundation goals and eventually succumbed to the anomaly's exhausting effects. From these two tests, research staff concluded that SCP-7856 does possess something akin to a moral compass as it was willing to appear for an individual who was otherwise innocent of the crimes of those it refused to save. Also confirmed was its ability to sense the intended destination of those it rescues which is equally matched by its capacity to respond to their desires. Next was its willingness to intervene on behalf of those in need of rescue regardless of their ability to defend themselves, suggesting that both their relative innocence and presence within its AOE is sufficient to trigger a manifestation. Lastly was the first encounter with an instance of SCP-7856-1 which substantiated prior accounts of sightings of other persons onboard taken from those rescued by the train. As the nature of the anomaly became more apparent with each encounter resulting in the rescue of individuals or groups of individuals from strenuous conditions, the Foundation pursued a far less aggressive containment strategy than previously utilized. Nevertheless, plans were made to attempt another encounter with more instances of SCP-7856-1 for longer periods. It was hoped that these instances would be more willing to divulge greater information about the train the longer the person onboard remained awake. Operation SIDEBAR was authorized on January 25th, 1968, with the intention of once again coming into contact with the entities aboard SCP-7856. The operation would again rely on Agent Stanfeld getting onboard a coach and remaining awake for as long as possible with the goal of interviewing as many instances as situationally feasible. This time, only audio-recording equipment was provided to test if the anomaly's effects were strictly relegated to visual-oriented devices. On the day of the operation, the same scenario of feral dogs being sent after a meat-ladened Stanfeld was relied upon. He was allowed his service weapon as well as administered additional shots of adrenaline. The result was the same and SCP-7856 manifested at the edge of a nearby swamp just 3 minutes after the operation commenced, further confirming that a person previously saved by the train can be rescued once again, even under the same circumstances. Agent Stanfeld was able to remain awake for 15 minutes before succumbing to the train’s exhausting effects. Below is the translated audio taken from his time aboard SCP-7856 as part of Operation SIDEBAR. Included are details extrapolated from his after-action report to provide further operational context. Operation SIDEBAR – Mission Audio (Transcript): <Begin Log> Agent Stanfeld enters the coach second from the front of the train just prior to its departure. He tests his audio equipment to confirm that it remains functional. He then looks up at the door that he entered through. On the inside of it above the window are inscribed two short sentences written in German: ‘Für diejenigen, die ich nicht sagen konnte. Für diejenigen, die ich nicht retten konnte. ’ The phrase in English translates as: ‘For those I couldn’t tell. For those I couldn’t save.’ Stanfeld moves towards one of the seats and sits down for the next 5 minutes, during which time he sees multiple instances of SCP-7856-1s moving to and fro among the other coaches but not interacting with him directly. After the 5 minute-mark has passed and the train’s anomalous exhausting effects have not taken hold, Agent Stanfeld takes note of a smell he would later describe as bitter almond. Shortly after making this observation, he is approached by an instance of SCP-7856-1 that appears as a little boy in clothing indicative of the 1940s. The boy speaks to him in German, introducing himself as Anselm. Stanfeld notes the presence of a distinctive odor emanating from him. Anselm: “You’re strange, stranger.” Stanfeld: “Oh, and why’s that?” Anselm: “How are you still awake? Nobody usually lasts this long. Even you didn’t last this long last time.” Stanfeld: “So, you were watching me the last time I came aboard?” Anselm shrugs. Anselm: “We all were.” Stanfeld: “We?” Anselm: “Come on, there’s no way you missed them. We’ve been here the whole time. See, my mom’s sitting right next to you.” Stanfeld looks to the window seat beside him and sees nothing. Anselm: “Give her a minute, she’s watching the view.” Suddenly an instance of SCP-7856-1 appears beside Stanfeld, a middle-aged woman with a look of displeasure. Anselm: “There she is.” Anselm’s Mother: “Ansi, why don’t you go hang around your father for a moment.” Anselm: “But-” Anselm’s Mother: “Go.” Anselm sighs before waving goodbye to Agent Stanfeld and vanishing into thin air. Anselm’s Mother: “That boy. Anyways, if you don’t mind me asking, who are you and how come you’re still awake?” Stanfeld: “I guess you guys are used to people knocking off early on these things.” Anselm’s Mother: “It’s the train. It has that effect on people we pick up, which is why I don’t understand how you’re still talking.” Stanfeld: “I took a few things before I came here to keep me going. Listen, I’m sure you’re as curious about me as I am about you. I have a few questions myself. I hope it’s not a problem if I run a few by you.” Anselm’s Mother: “I’ll answer yours if you answer mine. You don’t strike me as the terrified, normal kind of person we usually get aboard. Why are you here?” Stanfeld: “To learn more about you. Well, you and everyone on this train.” Anselm’s Mother: “Everyone?” Stanfeld: “Yes.” Anselm’s Mother: “Then you might be here for a while.” At this point, Stanfeld begins hearing voices all around them. He looks and finds that the once empty seats in his coach are now all filled with SCP-7856-1 instances, many of whom are either conversing among themselves or paying close attention to him. Stanfeld: “Oh man, where do I even start with this?” Anselm’s Mother: “That’s still not everyone. Not even close. These are just the ones who wouldn’t mind a bit of conversation with a stranger.” Agent Stanfeld is unsure of whether she is referring to passengers in the other coaches or if there are even more instances in the same coach that he cannot perceive. Among those he can see are different instances of various ages. Stanfeld takes note of two young women talking and giggling as they look at him, an elderly man with a thick beard, a man wearing a Soviet officer’s uniform and a younger man with a dark circle near the center of his forehead, possibly a scar. Stanfeld: “…Okay, let’s figure this out one step at a time. Can I ask your name?” Anselm’s Mother: “…Adina. You’ve already met my son. He’s usually the most eager to meet new people if he gets the chance. That’s why you saw him first.” Stanfeld: “I see. Where’re you from?” Adina: “Munich. At least I used to be. Wouldn’t say I can call it home now.” Stanfeld: “Really? I’m from Munich myself. Which part?” Adina: “Alstadt, you?” Stanfeld: “Ah, you’re from the older parts. Me, I grew up close to the Frauenkirche.” Adina: “Did you? Well, I didn’t think anything in that area would still be standing after all this time.” Stanfeld: “What do you mean?” As the question is posed, Adina becomes visibly perturbed and begins to withdraw from the conversation. Adina: “It doesn’t matter, it’s not my life anymore.” Stanfeld is confused by this comment and moves to ask more questions, only to find that Adina is no longer there. Not long afterwards, another of the SCP-7856-1 instances with the appearance of a young man with a scar approaches him and sits down in a neighboring seat. He addresses Agent Stanfeld in Hungarian which he is partly fluent in. However, Stanfeld finds that he does not need to switch languages to understand and communicate with him. Young Man: “Before you ask, it’s József. József Balogh.” Stanfeld: “Alright, József, nice to meet you. I’m-” József: “Agent Louis Stanfeld. I know. I got ahold of your wallet the first time you came here. So, what do you want to know, Louis? All I’ve got on my hands is time.” Stanfeld: “Right…why don’t you tell me about yourself? Where’re you from, how’d you get here and…how’d this ‘train’ get here?” József: “Well-well-well, I feel like I’m being interviewed for the morning paper right now, not that it’s a problem. First off, ‘here’ isn’t really the right way to see it. We honestly speed to too many places all the time to say that. I don’t know if I want to spill anything more about that last question, but I can give you some scraps about myself. Maybe if you’re smart, you’ll connect the dots.” Stanfeld: “I’ll try.” József: “…I was from a small town, Freistadt, Austria. Ever heard of it?” Stanfeld shakes his head. József: “No? I wouldn’t suppose you would’ve. I was a carpenter there, even an occasional pickpocket when times were hard. I had this girl I liked; Lana was her name. I was planning to get married to her. Her father didn’t like that. He told me to buzz off, so she told him to buzz off too, and he did. At least for a while. Then the Jackboots came. Lana, she…tried to hide me and my family in her barn. Her father, well, he led them straight to us.” József proceeds to look out the coach window to the forest passing outside. József: “You know…sometimes I find myself wondering about things…” Stanfeld: “Like?” József: “…I wonder if she’s still waiting for me.” József looks back to Stanfeld. József: “By the way, do you know what time it is out there?” Stanfeld: “Ugh, around two o’clock.” József: “No, I meant the date. You know, the year?” Stanfeld: “It’s currently January 25th, 1968.” József pauses to consider this for a moment. He then turns to look out the window again before speaking in a low voice. József: “A whole 24 years, huh? Well…that’s something…” Stanfeld: “József?” József looks back at him again with a pained expression on his face that he quickly tries to hide. József: “Guess we could look at the bright side. Lucky for her I like older women .” Stanfeld: “József, you mentioned something about Jackboots. Can you tell me more about that?” The pained expression suddenly returns to József’s face as he perhaps unconsciously begins to rub the circular scar on his forehead. József: “Huh…yeah, I guess I did, didn’t I? My mistake.” József gives another smile before disappearing entirely. As Stanfeld tries to plan out his next interaction, the SCP-7856-1 instance with the appearance of a Soviet officer stops beside his seat. He addresses Agent Stanfeld in Russian. Stanfeld is not fluent in Russian whatsoever but is somehow able to understand exactly what he is saying and respond in German without any notable difficulty in cross-language comprehension. Officer: “You asked all the wrong questions to all the wrong people. So, let me try. I have one for you, ‘Agent Stanfeld’. With a name like that, you’d definitely know the answer.” Stanfeld: “Can I get a name first?” The officer frowns sharply and crosses his arms. The action unintentionally allows Stanfeld to spot two patches on his shoulders with the respective Cyrillic print outs: ‘Leytenant I. Fedorov’ & ‘242nd Rifle Div. – 900th Rifle Regt.’ Fedorov: “Did you lose?” Stanfeld: “What?” Fedorov peers down at Stanfeld more intensely. Fedorov: “The fact you’re even talking to me right now is a pretty solid sign of it. But I want to know for sure. I want to hear it from your own mouth. Answer me. Did…you…lose?” Stanfeld does not respond, eventually prompting Fedorov to throw his head back in a cackling laugh. Fedorov: “Hah, you did! So, it was actually worth something after all! I’ve got to tell Yuri about this!" Stanfeld: “But I didn’t say anything.” Fedorov: “And if you’d won, you would’ve! That’s just how you all are. Thanks for that, Stanfeld! You just about made my…well, however long it’s been.” Fedorov walks off, laughing some more, only to be interrupted by Anselm as he comes running past. The bad smell makes a noticeable return, briefly overpowering the coach’s scent of bitter almond. Anselm: “My father said I could come back and talk to you for a while. I was just wondering…do you have any chocolate?” Stanfeld: “Chocolate?” Anselm: “What’re you, a scratched record? Yes, chocolate. Please, I haven’t had any in so long.” Stanfeld: “When’s the last time you had some?” Anselm: “I don’t know, before we got here. So, do you have any? Please-please-please?” Agent Stanfeld decides to conduct a test by taking out a Moser Roth chocolate bar and handing it to Anselm. Anselm takes it without issue and begins removing the wrapping, suggesting that the instances aboard are able to interact with objects that have origins outside of SCP-7856 seemingly without issue. Anselm continues biting into the chocolate as he hurries off for a neighboring coach. Stanfeld: “What, not even a thank you?” Anselm stops to smile at him with chocolate-covered teeth. Anselm: “Thanks! I’m going to go share some with my friends now! Come again soon, and make sure you bring some more!” As Anselm hurries off, Stanfeld takes stock of those who are still inside of the same coach, zeroing in on the two gossiping girls sitting nearby. Stanfeld: “Hey, quick question. I was just wondering about the kid. Do any of you know why he smells so…” Girl 1: “Bad?” Girl 2: “Yeah, he can’t really help it.” Both girls are speaking in Polish which Stanfeld is decently familiar with. However, during their conversation he still understands certain words and phrases that he had no prior knowledge of as he continues to communicate in German. Stanfeld: “Why’s that?” Girl 1: “He…doesn’t really like showers.” Fedorov: “None of them do. And to be honest, I don’t blame them. All they made me do was starve. Speaking of which,” Fedorov walks off towards the neighboring coach where Anselm had run off to. Fedorov: “I wouldn’t mind some chocolate myself.” Stanfeld: “You guys have showers on this train?” Neither Girl 1 nor Girl 2 say anything. Upon further inspection, the entire coach has gone quiet. Girl 2: “…Hygiene’s not that important to a lot of us anymore. Let’s leave it at that.” Stanfeld: “Right, okay. Let’s switch topics then. What’re your names?” Girl 2: “Beata.” Girl 1: “Aldona. Nice to meet you, Louis.” The two girls giggle together. Stanfeld: “Please call me age-, anyway, don’t worry about it. So, I’d assume you two are from Poland?” Aldona: “Wow, József was right. It does feel like an interview.” Stanfeld: “It is…just not for the morning paper. More like the evening news.” Aldona: “Ooh, a nighttime radio special. Alright, well, since you asked nicely, I’m from Lublin. I was an opera singer. I wanted to be on Broadway someday.” Beata: “Warsaw. Not a singer but I was good at making the enemy sing if you know what I mean?” Beata makes a gesture of a rifle with her hands. Stanfeld: “The enemy?” Beata: “Yeah, you know. The-” Aldona nudges Beata in the shoulder and shakes her head, gesturing back in Stanfeld’s direction. Beata sighs and nods in agreement. Beata: “Anyway, that was a long time ago if what you told József is true. It doesn’t matter anymore. I did what I thought was right. No one could have asked anything less of me. We didn’t do too bad for a bunch of half-starved gutter rats either.” Aldona nudges her again and Beata stops talking. Aldona: “So, what about you Louis? What did you do before danger brought you to the train?” Stanfeld: “Wish I could tell you I work for a talent marketing agency. Maybe then we could see if I could get you on Broadway. Wouldn’t be so bad, would it?” Aldona: “What, to give you a performance right here, with my hair looking like this? Yes, that would be bad. Besides, I can’t even dance as I’d like. My legs are still limp. I had a bad fall when I was younger. I can’t really put on the kind of show I’d want to, but I can still steal it in my own little way.” Stanfeld: “Then why not give it a try right here?” Aldona blushes for a moment before, with some goading from Beata and a few other instances, putting on a rendition of the La Vie Parisienne operetta, produced by French Composer Jacques Offenbach in 1866. Notably, some of the other instances appear to join in using perfect French, including the elderly, bearded man that Stanfeld noticed earlier. Aldona finishes her performance to a round of applause from everyone, including Stanfeld. Stanfeld: “Well done. I think we might just hire you.” Aldona: “Thank you, but you, monsieur, still haven’t answered my question.” Stanfeld: “Which is?” Aldona: “What did you do before you came here?” Stanfeld: “Me? Like I said, I work for the news. We broadcast all the time looking for the best stories to tell. I figured, what better tale is there than getting swept away on a mysterious train with people from all around the world?” Elderly Man: “Not really all around the world, just Europe. Thankfully that’s about as far as they ever got, for the most part anyway.” The SCP-7856-1 instance with the appearance of an older, bearded man stands up on a cane to addresses Stanfeld in French, a language he is fully unfamiliar with and still fully understands as it is spoken. Elderly Man: “I’m Pierre. I think I might be one of the oldest of the folks on this little engine we call home. As you can tell, I am a proud Frenchman…even if not everyone saw it that way at the time. By God, Stanfeld, how you people managed to land me in a trench twice over is a mystery to me, even if it’s one I’d rather not solve. Anyway, I’m just glad it’s over.” Stanfeld: “What’s over?” Pierre: “Why, what else my son? I saw Fedorov already prodding you about it. I guess my victory celebration is coming a little bit late, but hey, as the English say, better late than never.” Pierre dances happily to himself as others goad him on. As he does so, Agent Stanfeld notices a faint scar running across his neck as well as friction marks around his ankles indicative of rope burns. Upon finishing, he extends a hand to Stanfeld. Pierre: “How about it, friend? Want to dance?” Stanfeld: “No thanks, I’m not really the dancing type.” Pierre: “Well, everyone is at some point in life. I just became one afterwards.” Stanfeld: “I see…” Stanfeld begins looking around in search of the specific SCP-7856-1 instance he held a conversation with during his first time on the train. Stanfeld: “I hope this isn’t a problem if I ask this but do any of you know a girl named Katalin? I spoke to her the last time I was here. I was wondering if she was still-” Beata: “You spoke to Katalin?” Stanfeld: “Yes, before I-” Aldona: “Oh wow, that’s so nice. I’m glad she got to have a little chat with someone before she left. She always did like to keep to herself.” Stanfeld: “Yes, well-…what do you mean left?” The coach grows quieter as Aldona leans closer. Aldona: “She left. You know, moved on?” Stanfeld remains quiet in an attempt to invite further explanations. Pierre: “Ladies, I don’t think he knows what we are.” Beata: “He has to. He’s been talking with us this whole time. There’s no way he can be a radio broadcaster and be that aloof.” Aldona: “Let’s put it this way. She’s no longer on the train. After you were saved that night, she was free to leave.” Stanfeld: “Why’s that?” The coach grows quieter. Pierre: “It just is. We’ll each be here until it’s our turn.” Stanfeld turns in the direction of the closest door to the next coach and finds it already open. Beyond it are more SCP-7856-1 instances conversing in their seats. At the end of the coach is another door which leads out towards the train cab. The cab itself is dark with no visible light sources. Stanfeld: “Can I speak with the conductor?” No response is given from any of the other SCP-7856-1 instances in immediate proximity to Agent Stanfeld. Stanfeld gets up and walks down the passageway towards the cab without any attempts being made to stop him. He reaches the door leading to the cab and looks inside. In the dark, he spots the back of a figure sitting behind the controls. He identifies it as an old man with white hair wearing a conductor’s cap. However, he cannot make out any further details. As he tries to lean for a closer look, he suddenly loses the desire to do so mid-step. He takes several steps back before he returns to normal. He again tries to walk towards the cab only to lose the desire once more. He keeps pushing on regardless before being suddenly repelled by an invisible barrier which he later describes as possessing a taut, plastic-like consistency. After further attempts to breach through this barrier and to even make contact with the conductor prove unsuccessful, he takes one last eyeful of what little he can see of the conductor’s appearance before returning to the second coach. Stanfeld: “Why can't I get to him?” Pierre: “None of us can. It just is what it is.” Beata: “It’s been that way ever since we came aboard. It can’t really be helped.” Stanfeld: “You-…you all chose to come aboard?” Aldona: “Yes…the second time anyway…but not all of us. Some were just involved in things happening around the train, you know?” Stanfeld: “…But who is he? The conductor I mean.” Pierre: “He…is the train.” Stanfeld: “What?” Pierre shrugs. Pierre: “I am me, you are you and he, if you can really call it that, is the train. We can’t really explain it any better than that. We can sense him, and what he is. We assume he can do the same.” Aldona: “Feels a lot like looking in a mirror to be honest, but the glass is so dark that you can’t really tell if it’s your own reflection or someone else’s. That’s what it’s like whenever one of us decides to take a peek in there.” Stanfeld looks around to see if anyone else has a better explanation, but none come forward. He then decides to switch topics. Stanfeld: “Can anyone here at least tell me how old this train is or where it came from? That’s something I need to know before we reach our next stop.” No answer is provided from the instances present. Whether they are unaware of SCP-7856's origins or simply do not wish to disclose this information remains unknown. Stanfeld: “Okay, how about you all then? You told me you came aboard, but are you trapped here?” Beata: “Trapped? No, we wouldn’t call it that.” Pierre: “If you’re sitting in a hospital waiting to see a doctor, you wouldn’t call yourself ‘trapped’, would you? I’d describe it more like that really.” Stanfeld: “Alright, so, what’s the plan here then? Why is this ‘train’ carrying you all and why’s it been doing it for so long?” Pierre: “It carries us until its purpose is complete. Until then, it remains. I wish I could explain it to you better but…it’s not something you can really explain.” Stanfeld: “…Alright then, next question. If you know this much then tell me.” Aldona: “What is it, Mr. Broadcaster? Shoot away.” Stanfeld: “…Where did this train go and what was it doing between the years 1938 to 1945?” Agent Stanfeld placed the question after having read SS Oberführer Erich Naumann’s report prior to the operation. The report is attached later in this file. At this point, all conversation throughout the entire coach, and if further extrapolations from the mission audio are to be considered, all conversations throughout the entire train completely cease. In his after-action report, Agent Stanfeld commented on a “heavy atmosphere” taking over the space as the instances of SCP-7856-1 begin staring at him. Then, one by one, they start to look away almost ashamedly, slowly disappearing one after the other until the entire train is empty. Agent Stanfeld senses a trembling sensation from the locomotive itself and hears a loud groan akin to the sound of metal yielding under stress. He suddenly blacks out before waking up some time later atop the boarding platform of an abandoned train station. The station lies just on the outskirts of his intended destination: Munich. <End Log> Note 1: The bitter almond smell noted by Agent Stanfeld just prior to the mass manifestation of the SCP-7856-1 instances is known to match the scent profile of the cyanide-based pesticide, Zyklon B. Note 2: All named individuals encountered during Operation SIDEBAR were later researched by Foundation personnel assigned to SCP-7856's containment. With access to state records from several countries, as well as cross-references with descriptions provided by Agent Stanfeld, each instance of SCP-7856-1 was linked to a person who was either confirmed killed or reported missing between the years 1939 – 1944. Note 3: No attempts to identify the ‘conductor’ of SCP-7856 via preserved transportational records were successful despite an in-depth account by Agent Stanfeld regarding identifying features. Addendum B: Following Operation SIDEBAR, several theories have been formulated by Foundation researchers as to SCP-7856’s overall nature and objective. Due to the interactions observed between the SCP-7856-1 instances, it is speculated that each instance is in fact the postmortem intelligence or ‘soul’ of individuals with fully intact recollections of their previous lives. These were once people who, at one time or another, were either taken aboard or died near the train during and even prior to the events of the Second World War. The conditions under which they came to be aboard 7856 remain unknown, but based on their descriptions of what is required for them to leave, it is believed that the train serves as a kind of voluntary, mobile purgatory for the lost souls onboard. Later successful attempts shortly after Operation SIDEBAR to get aboard 7856 add credence to this theory as the agent in question asked to speak to József Balogh, to which he was informed that that particular SCP-7856-1 instance had “already moved on”. Further anomalous effects were also recorded in the form of reciprocal cross-language comprehension. Not only was Agent Stanfeld able to seamlessly communicate with the other entities onboard the train who spoke languages he was only partly fluent in, but he was also able to do so with those who spoke languages with which he had no familiarity whatsoever. This was despite Stanfeld later reporting that at no time during his encounter did he speak to any of the SCP-7856-1 instances in any language besides German. As for 7856’s motivations, there are two prevailing theories. The first is that the train will keep manifesting itself to save innocent lives fleeing some sort of peril for as long as it can before it concludes that its “purpose” has been fulfilled and discontinues its manifestations. The second, deemed somewhat more plausible given the conversation captured by Operation SIDEBAR, is that SCP-7856 will continue to manifest itself to those in need until it has saved just as many people as it transported to their deaths or assisted in their demise between October 1938 – February 1945. Foundation research suggests that the anomaly is carrying out a form of soul exchange with a 1 to 1 ratio wherein every innocent life saved is an instance aboard the train that is allowed to “pass on”. Whether the anomaly is an aggregate manifestation of the will of those it carries or if the train itself has a postmortem intelligence of its own is still debated. As of February 1st, 1968, new containment procedures have been drawn up for SCP-7856. These include the use of newly established security camera networks, motion sensors and speedometers to provide 24/7 surveillance within proximity of all abandoned train stations in mainland Europe. Also in place are rapid reaction teams based within various localities that feature both high numbers of abandoned train stations and high population densities. Any case of a civilian encounter with 7856 will thereby be able to be detected early on in order to enact immediate retrieval, amnestic treatment and effective return to populated areas. Further containment procedures are still under review up to the present date but remain unnecessary for the time being. Addendum C: Since 1961, SCP-7856 has saved approximately 8,573 people with over 1,000 more rescues suspected, its activities peaking in the years prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall. As of November 20th, 1991, sightings of the anomaly have been rarer but continue nonetheless. Report By SS Oberführer Erich Naumann – Einsatzgruppe VI & Einsatzgruppe B: In his report obtained by the SCP Foundation, Erich Naumann, a senior SS commander, addressed the service history of a particular train, supplementing its use under his detachment of the Einsatzgruppe alongside reports of its concurrent utilization by Death’s Head Units or Sonderkommando. The train in question was nicknamed “Holzhackmaschine” by Schutzstaffel personnel familiar with the transport, translated to English as “Woodchipper”. The exact train number has been redacted. (WARNING): For those research staff that may not be able to tolerate the dehumanizing perspective presented by Naumann, feel free to continue past this report. Schutzstaffel Command Staff – For Immediate Release Einsatzgruppe VI & Einsatzgruppe B – Former SS Oberführer Naumann, Erich May 24th, 1944 To: Prinz-Albrecht-Straße, Berlin In the Name of the German People, I write this report to inform any whom it may concern of the history of both honorable service and potential hazards of the Special Activities Train #[REDACTED] known among our rank and file as ‘Woodchipper’. Train #[REDACTED] proved to be an exceptional asset at the outset of its construction. Its first service to the will of the people and the Führer occurred prior to the events of October 27th - 30th, 1938. It was prepared and deployed in the Polish Action for the cleansing of the state from 17,000 Polish Jews, assisting in the transport of at least 1,200 of their kind to the border with Poland. From November 9th - 10th, 1938, Train #[REDACTED] served in the glorious victory over the enemies of the German people that we now remember fondly as the Night of Broken Glass. It assisted with transporting 3,000 of the 10,000 Jews taken to our Dachau installation out of the 30,000 we managed to extract during that outbreak of vindicated vengeance. This marked the beginning of its role as a part of the train circuit assigned to the camps. In the Fall of 1939, following our invasion of Poland and our repossession of the land stolen by the Poles, Train #[REDACTED] assisted in transporting both 3rd Army Wehrmacht reinforcements and SS personnel of my Einsatzgruppe VI as part of special operation Tannenberg, the liquidation of the Polish Elite. Shortly thereafter, it contributed its transportation services to the removal of the feeble populace infesting Poland’s hospitals. October 1939 to May 1940 saw it performing admirably in the deportation of Austrian and Czech Jews to Poland where Command authorized the establishment of ghettos Piotrków and Lodz to contain their kind until further liquidation details could be arranged. In mid-June, the Sonderkommando took greater control over the transport to facilitate the first intake of Polish political prisoners at the newly established Auschwitz installation. Later in November, it lent its service to transporting tens of thousands of undesirables to the ghetto at Warsaw. Following our invasion of Bolshevik Russia, Train #[REDACTED] was used in late September 1941 by Einsatzgruppe C to transport ammunition for SS personnel en route to the special liquidation action at Babi-Yar near Kyiv, resulting in the elimination of 34,000 undesirables. It was shortly after this operation that the first of a long list of strange occurrences was noted. On September 30th, while on a supply run to a storage depot, the conductor began experiencing difficulties with the controls. The brakes began to intermittently engage without any input on his part or any sign of obstructions on the railway. However, the train still managed to reach the depot and returned to the rails again with its consignment. Again, the conductor experienced difficulties with the brakes and struggled to make his delivery to the designated command post, inadvertently adding an additional three hours to what should have been a one-hour journey. Later, on October 12th, Train #[REDACTED] was transporting two companies of soldiers being redeployed to France when halfway through the journey its two steam cylinders suddenly shut down and refused to reactivate. The train and those aboard were left stranded in the middle of the Bavarian countryside for two full days until help in the form of an engineering crew arrived at the scene. However, as soon as they did, the cylinders became operational again seemingly of their own accord. Complaints from the divisional commander waiting for his men in Paris were registered with the Community of Greater German Locomotive Manufacturers (GGL) as to how Train #(Redacted) ever made it past inspection. However, due to the need for quick deliveries to our front against the Bolsheviks, it remained in service. The incidents of sudden braking and cylinder failures became a reoccurring trend with the train from this point forward. Around early November, the incidents seemed to be petering off and ceased altogether in December. This would change almost immediately at the dawn of January 1st, 1942. The train was transporting several companies of our veteran soldiers who were on leave for New Year’s Day back in Berlin. While passing through Poland, however, the train began to accelerate to its maximum speed, and if the related reports are to be believed, managed to surpass the speed of its own design capabilities twice over. Just as the conductor managed to regain control, the brakes were fully engaged without his involvement. What ensued was a chaotic mess of men and material being hurled throughout the passenger coaches, resulting in the minor injuries of 78 personnel, the serious injury of 22 and the deaths of 6, not to mention the damage dealt to internal infrastructure and equipment. This time, the train was fully pulled aside at a railyard to locate the source of its mechanical issues. None were found, and after a few tests, the engineers cleared it to resume service. Two weeks later, on January 15th, Train #[REDACTED] was carrying 200 of our wounded veterans from our eastern front when one of its issues reared its head once again. The train began to accelerate beyond the conductor's control towards an upcoming junction. At the same time, another supply train of the same class was headed in the opposite direction, heavily laden with explosive materials. Though the conductor was later pulled aside and administered advanced interrogation techniques under suspicion of sabotage, his testimony about what transpired next remained unchanged. Apparently, the train tracks were switched without him ever having pulled the lever. Train #[REDACTED] then proceeded onto the same tracks as the supply train so that the two were now speeding directly towards one another. All attempts were made by both parties to engage their brakes, but this made little difference in their momentum. Ultimately, the conductor of the supply train was able to use another junction and pulled off onto a diverging rail, just barely avoiding a catastrophe. The conductor of Train #[REDACTED] was then almost immediately able to regain control of the transport and returned it to its original course. He piloted it to another railyard where a second investigation was launched. Again, no issues were discovered within the inner workings of the train. Again, the need to decommission Train #[REDACTED] regardless of their discoveries or lack thereof was ignored for the sake of transportational expediency. Nevertheless, from hereon it was no longer used by Wehrmacht commanders of the 2nd Army who saw it as “a greater danger to their men than the Russians”. Instead, it would be strictly relegated for use by Sonderkommando units for carrying out the ongoing solution to the Jewish question. Once the decision to begin exterminating the unmentionables crowding our installations was made the previous year at Wannsee, Train #[REDACTED] was used with growing consistency for the transport of Jews. It assisted in the transportation of Jews to Belzec for liquidation in March, made the first special deliveries of Zyklon B to Sobibor in May and facilitated in further resettlement actions of Jews from our holdings in Eastern and Western Europe. Even then, it should be noted that it continued to show signs of sabotage and/or failed maintenance. Though it no longer accelerated out of control, it continued to have its brakes engaged at random or have its cylinders shut down for no discernable reason. This became both far more prevalent and extremely frustrating whenever its consignments were predominantly below the age of 12. At the turn of 1943 and the ‘events’ at Stalingrad, Train #[REDACTED] was utilized for liquidation actions against ghettos Kraków and Warsaw by delivering SS personnel for the respective operations. This would take up most of its operational use following the June Order by Reichsführer Himmler to liquidate all ghettos in Poland and the Soviet Union. It subsequently took part in the actions at Minsk, Velna and Riga. In the first quarter of the current year, 1944, its service remained relatively stable up until another very recent incident occurred during the occupation of Hungary. On May 15th, as the train waited at a local station to assist in the deportation of the Jewish population in the countryside, it suddenly began to depart on its own, leaving just before the SS personnel and their waiting consignment could come aboard. The conductor had briefly stepped away from the controls to speak with another conductor across the rails and was therefore deemed unlikely to be the culprit. The train proceeded on its own out of the station at full steam and disappeared into the Hungarian countryside. It was eventually located by search teams three hours later who found it sitting idly along the rails at the center of a clearing over 50 miles away, having run completely out of coal. Though it was ultimately recovered, this latest debacle as well as the rest of the reports I have compiled, should show the very unique problem posed by this transport. It is both unreliable and unpredictable in every sense of the word. Seemingly whenever it chooses to, it flies off on its own. It provides those aboard with some new challenge completely at random. When it does, it can prove frustrating if not damaging, and under certain circumstances, even lethal. Stranger still is its apparently selective danger, primarily towards us. I am aware of Reichsführer Himmler’s investigations into the roots of our honorable ancestry, but I doubt that even his own esoteric research can yield an answer to this madness. Our enemies converge on all our territories, first from the east, and now soon from the west. It will not be long now before the British and the Americans make another attempt at landing troops on our soil. But this time it will be different; something tells me it will not be another Dieppe. We will need every capability to quickly address any hostile landing from Calais all the way down south to Brest, and we cannot do so with a malfunctioning mishap like Train #[REDACTED] involved in our operations. My fellow commanders, my fellow torch bearers in this direst struggle of the German people, I implore you to see reason. We must follow the example of the Wehrmacht in this endeavor and decommission this locomotive permanently. It should be destroyed and used for scrap. Not even a piece of it should remain intact. Put simply, in these uncertain times it is much more of a danger to us than the Allies, and even that is an achievement, however wretched it may be for the vision of the Führer. [End of Report] Note 1: Naumann was captured by the Allies and stood before a U.S military court during the Einsatzgruppen Trial where he was found guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity and membership in a criminal organization. He was sentenced to death and hanged in June 1951. Note 2: Despite Naumann’s protestations to his fellow officers in the SS, Train #[REDACTED] remained in active service to the German military. In the face of the Allied Invasion of France on June 6th, 1944, it was placed back in the hands of the 19th Army who used it to bring badly needed supplies to the newly reopened western front. However, aforementioned problems such as the sudden engagement of its brakes and unintended acceleration persisted. Train #[REDACTED] continued in this capacity until February 3rd, 1945. Train #[REDACTED] was performing a desperate supply run to German forces attempting to reach 19th Army elements encircled in the Colmar Pocket at the city of Strasbourg in Alsace (Grand Est region). It was given a consignment of explosive munitions as well as four Panzer IV tanks and their crews. Train #[REDACTED] was still on its way to Strasbourg when it was intercepted along its route by a pair of P-51 Mustangs. The American fighter bombers initially made strafing runs on the target but were unable to disable it. However, if the account of the only surviving Panzer commander as well as the after-action reports of the two pilots is to be believed, Train #[REDACTED] suddenly began to slow down despite the efforts of the conductor. The P-51s made more passes at the train but were still unable to destroy it. It was at this point that Train #[REDACTED] came to a complete stop, despite not having taken sufficient damage to have done so naturally. This allowed the pilots to continuously strafe it until its consignment of explosive materials ignited. The resulting explosion completely destroyed the transport as well as its cargo, killing most of the German personnel onboard in the process. The service history of Train #[REDACTED] ends here. However, its theorized connection to SCP-7856 does not. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7856" by MikeDiceWrites, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Locomotive BR52-8177-9.jpg Name: Locomotive_BR52-8177-9 Author: Olaf1541. License: CC-BY-SA. Source Link:
Where's Matthew Instructions Welcome valued staff member. The following flag is event 'Am-0447'. Please read the flagged text carefully. You have been drafted to work temporarily on the SCP-7858 project. Your previous supervisor and psychologist have already approved this transfer. You are required to classify an SCP-7858 'Flag' event. This is a potential SCP-7858 sighting. The nature of SCP-7858 remains unknown. You will review the relevant evidence and determine whether you believe it supports Theory A or Theory B. You have also been granted temporary access to a special message board to communicate with other SCP-7858 staff members. To streamline the classification process, a digital poll has been provided. Staff considering complaining are advised that, as there are no experts in this field, this solution is the best available. Staff with an alternate method of classifying SCP-7858 should present this to their team leader. Please be aware that multiple staff members are assigned to every event. All relevant research has been collated below. Please log in below to begin SCP-7858 Instance Classification ID 635ada9a2155a0ae79963c77a5077dc9_1734915527 PASSWORD 0ac1ef708b11f565633c9831c86d432a_1734915527 Login Logout Item#: 7858 Level4 Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Item #: SCP-7858 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation algorithms should review available databases of text messages. Algorithms are to search for: Messages referring to a person not in the subject's contacts, An account with activity metadata inconsistent with the number of messages it has sent, Messages by adults implying the existence of a child for which there is no legally significant record. All staff assigned to SCP-7858 require written confirmation from their psychologist and immediate superior that: They have no mental health conditions, They have a stable and active social life. Staff on the SCP-7858 project receive category 3-M psychological hazard pay. Description: The nature of SCP-7858 is currently being determined by staff. SCP-7858 manifests as a series of text messages. These messages will reference a person who does not exist. The account owners will have no recollection of the person. They exhibit no abnormal behavior. The only other potential evidence of the absent person is the 'holes' they leave. 'Hole' is a technical term in anti-memetics referring to the absence of something that may logically have existed, as implied by, but not proved by, its surroundings.1 SCP-7858 is either a weak memetic or powerful anti-memetic entity. These theories are referred to respectively as SCP-7858-A ('Theory A') and SCP-7858-B ('Theory B'). Theory A: In the event that SCP-7858-A is a weak memetic entity, then SCP-7858-A generates a series of anomalous text messages. It has no bearing on any person or physical entity. The text messages will usually appear without those involved noticing. SCP-7858-A requires a series of interlocking holes. Together, these holes must imply the existence of a hypothetical person. SCP-7858-A will fill those holes with the most likely hypothetical person. The fact that SCP-7858-A only appears where such holes exist makes it seem as if a person has been wiped from existence. In reality, SCP-7858-A only manifests into a situation that already implies there was once a person. Theory B: In the event that SCP-7858-B is a powerful anti-memetic entity, then SCP-7858-B will erase a victim, all knowledge of that victim, and all evidence of that victim. The only thing not erased by SCP-7858-B is digital records between third-party devices. Records connected to the device of a victim are presumably eradicated with the device. SCP-7858-B will not 're-run' history. Therefore, a victim eliminated by SCP-7858-B creates holes in the lives of the people they knew. Proposed holes include unspent funds that correspond to money spent on the victim, periods of social isolation corresponding to knowing the victim, or major life choices made based on knowing the victim. FLAG AM-0447 IS APPENDED BELOW. PLEASE BEGIN CLASSIFICATION PRIMER Event AM-0447 concerns a 'Matthew Clay,' who may have lived in Kern County, California. His supposed disappearance would have been in March of 2021. Matthew would have been 22 years old at the time of his disappearance. Sixty-four people were flagged by the algorithm as discussing 'Matthew' at least once. Of these, three were selected for analysis. Henceforth; these are the AM-0447 People of Interest ('The PoIs'). Enola Clay, Matthew's 'mother.' She is 55 years old, has no children, is once divorced, and works as an accountant. Daniel Langley, Matthew's 'friend.' He is 22 years old and has changed major once. He is currently studying computer science, having transferred from politics in 2021. Charlotte Chase, Matthew's 'partner.' She is 22 years old and has recently graduated with a degree in nursing. Flagged text messages, after relevance analysis: Analysis added by intern (Informal). _ + Note By Intern- Close Hey there cobber. I'm sorry my notes are a bit on the casual side. I'm Greg, from the Aussie division, and I'm actually a techy. Apparently, I got bumped up to intern scientist for this. I'm a bit of a blockhead for things that don't spark though. I'm thinking they just grab people for this project. Anyway, I've never done any science, I just do computers. I'm not half bad at that though. I did a little digging to give ya some extra info while I was putting this all together. If it's a mess though now you know why. I'm glad to we working with you guys! Happy reading mate! _ + Messages: 16 07 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 16 07 2020 Charlotte asks Daniel who she should invite to her party. This is the first conversation between Charlotte and Daniel mentioning Matthew. Intern Note Charlotte and Daniel were close before Matthew. I found 27,000 texts between them in the last 5 years. Daniel and Matthew were studying together and were pretty good friends. I don't know how Charlotte knows about Matthew, I guess she might've sat in or met Daniel after class? I find it interesting that Charlotte specifically checks in with Daniel about Matthew. It could just be because they know each other, but maybe Charlotte already liked Matthew before this party. _ + Messages: 20 07 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 20 07 2020 A conversation between Charlotte and Daniel on the night of the party. Intern Note Looks like this was a real rager. Daniel texts differently, I think he's on mobile with autocorrect on. I cracked his Facebook and it seems most of his messages are sent from a computer. Thanks to his bargain bin VPN I now know it has a 2080 GPU and Ryzen 7300, which is some serious firepower. Probably a gamer. I think Daniel has a thing for Charlotte. Feels a bit like a cry for help when he says she should 'ignore him.' Maybe he's just stressed about losing his mate though. _ + Messages: 21 07 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 21 07 2020 A conversation between Charlotte and Daniel on the night after the party. Intern Note Looks like Daniel is back on his PC. Both of them feel a bit vulnerable, probably because they had such a big night. I reckon Charlotte is sussing out her odds with Matthew. She jumps straight on Daniel when he says he wouldn't date someone he doesn't know well. Matthew and Charlotte probably haven't talked much at this point. Daniel doesn't do Matthew any favors by telling Charlotte she doesn't need to go. Everything he says he wants from a girlfriend maps nicely onto Charlotte too. If he likes Charlotte, Daniel isn't being too subtle. _ + Messages: 12 08 2020, Charlotte Chase, Enola Clay- Close 12 08 2020 A conversation between Charlotte and Enola. Enola thanks Charlotte for helping her with something. Intern Note This writing is pretty uptight for Enola. She always does her best to sound proper but she's normally more of a doll. She's making the effort though. We know Enola is the lonely type, she probably really wants to be closer to Charlotte but is worried she might spook her, from her or Matthew. Looks like Charlotte has been sleeping over a good bit at Matthew's, so they're probably going steady at this point. Charlotte still seems awkward though. _ + Messages: 27 10 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 27 10 2020 A conversation between Charlotte and Daniel. Charlotte invites Daniel out to go drinking. Intern Note This conversation wasn't flagged, I had to do a bit of scrolling. It's important for understanding what comes next. It doesn't seem like Matthew comes along. Something is probably up with him and Charlotte. She seems like she wants to get hammered. Never a good sign. My ex-wife went pretty hard on the goon before the end too. Just a thought, but given Daniel isn't too subtle about fancying Charlotte, maybe she knows Daniel likes her. So when she's in a tough spot, she uses him as help. I also found something creepy. I am regenerating these messages from a data leak. Charlotte never had this profile picture according to Facebook. In it, you see her holding someone's hand. This should be Matthew. If I'm right, this hand is the only bit of Matthew Clay anyone will ever see. I hope the poor kid wasn't real. I feel like I just dug up a corpse. _ + Attached File- Close _ + Messages: 28 10 2020, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 28 10 2020 Charlotte messages Daniel after their night out. Intern Note Charlotte says she went to sleep over at Matthews and Daniel hits her with a one-word response. The poor lad is probably suffering at this point, being yanked around at the whims of Charlotte's relationship. It's hard to tell whether she and Matthew are really on the rocks. There's been no mention of a potential breakup so I think they're still going strong. I buy that she cares about Daniel though. From the materials I've read, there's no evil there, just a girl who's hurting. _ + Messages: 03 01 2021, Charlotte Chase, Enola Clay- Close 03 01 2021 Enola messages Charlotte asking if she wants to go to the gym. Some of Matthew's habits are discussed. Intern Note This is wholesome. It seems like Charlotte and Enola have connected over the four or so months since the last texts. Enola even uses emojis now. I was able to hack into the client list of the gym, it shows that Charlotte did join that Saturday. I guess that's why the messages would be about that Saturday though. _ + Messages: 12 03 2021, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 12 03 2021 Daniel tries to find Charlotte during an event. Charlotte has had a fight with Matthew. Intern Note She seems to do this a lot when she's wasted. Daniel's Uber history shows he paid for a ride with two passengers that night. I guess that's kids. _ + Messages: 13 03 2021, Charlotte Chase, Daniel Langley- Close 13 03 2021 Charlotte messages Daniel about what happened the night before. Intern Note All of these messages were deleted. I couldn't find any more messages between them after this. I think Charlotte blocked him. _ + Messages: 20 06 2021, Charlotte Chase, Enola Clay- Close 13 03 2021 Enola messages Charlotte discussing how she is feeling sick. Intern Note I was able to confirm that on the thirteenth Enola contacted her boss and took three days off from work. I couldn't find any family in Enola's Facebook friends. She must've relied on Matthew pretty hard, and probably Charlotte too at this point. Being sick alone at home sucks, and she's getting on in years. This is the last flagged exchange. Enola Clay and Charlotte Chase never talk again. Matthew is never mentioned again. That means on the thirteenth of March Matthew Clay, if he was ever real, ceased to exist. Other Documents _ + Field Report: AM-0447 Quantifiables- Close Field Report: AM-0447 Quantifiables The SCP-7858 research team has conducted background checks on the PoIs of this case. Evidence below has been flagged as potentially relevant. Research work identified the 'mother' of Matthew, Enola Clay. Enola married 'Harry Chang' in 1997, and divorced him in 2005. This time would encompass Matthew's birth. Observation showed that Enola's current rental, which she moved into in 2007, contains three bedrooms. Two of these are currently guest rooms. They are rarely used. It has been posited that this financial burden was necessitated because one of the guest rooms was Matthew's room. Enola has claimed she 'got a good deal' when approached by a field agent at a bar. Agents were unable to recover the original tenancy contract. Enola's savings are considerable. These savings were mostly acquired from 1999 to today. Her savings rate rose significantly in 2005. Her saving pattern during this period differs significantly from her pre-marital pattern, assessed from 1990 to 1997. It has been proposed that these savings represent money spent on Matthew. Savings are 9% greater than the statistical average amount spent on raising a child by single mothers. Employee assistance program records indicate her divorce had a serious effect on her. In August 2021, Daniel switched majors from Politics to Computer Science. This may have been motivated by Matthew's disappearance, as they would previously have been studying politics together. Having lost his closest social connection in the degree may have been the final push to change major. Charlotte Chase was identified as the 'partner' of Matthew. In May of 2021, she sought counseling from 'NAMI Kern County,' a local not-for-profit mental health service. This is around two months after Matthew's supposed disappearance. She had never sought counseling previously. It is proposed this is because Matthew previously acted as emotional support. _ + Psychologists Notes on Charlotte Chase- Close Foundation agents staged a robbery at NAMI Kern County, the psychology not-for-profit attended by Charlotte Chase. Various unnetworked data on Charlotte Chase was recovered. The following is a converted Word document written by Charlotte for her psychologist 'expressing her feelings' regarding Daniel. Okay. I'm just doing this stream of consciousness style. I think honestly this all started with Freddy. He was my boyfriend back in highschool. Really popular and fit but also always so gentle, I felt lucky just to be around him. We didn't sleep together. We just went on dates and tried different coffee spots and playgrounds late at night. Our first kiss was on the swings at 11, when it was dark enough to see the stars. I think I was really happy, and I'll never be able to fall in love like that again. Freddy cheated on me. The girl was really into him. Honestly, I think she wasn't entirely okay. She got pictures of them doing it, or at least people told me it was her. She always denied it. Those pictures ended up everywhere though. They were explicit. I saw it and I remember just having to sit down. I thought I was going to marry Freddy. I'm never going to forget seeing that boy I loved naked in a photo with someone else. It was the first time I even saw him shirtless. I threw up in front of everyone and the next day my hands kept shaking. I never talked to Freddy again. That's probably one of my many problems. I run away from things I can't handle. I still think about it though. I haven't been in love since. Now, Daniel. We were already friends before everything happened. We weren't super close till university, but it helped. He wasn't so much a guy as just a friend and that's probably the reason I could be around him. In Uni we got close. I don't know why. I really liked him though. He was relaxed but would spend lots of time with me and that's something I really need. I kind of knew Daniel liked me. He was always there, he texted weird stuff, and when he gets drunk he was really huggy. I think I used him. Whenever something went wrong I'd call Daniel and we'd drink. Obviously, he was always up for it. That kind of on-tap support is addictive. Then I got really drunk and we slept together. It was stupid. I was just feeling down and I drank way too much, then it happened. Nothing sexy or wild. After that I just couldn't see him the same way. He was a guy now, not a friend. Whenever I see him I remember what he looked like naked. It makes me want to punch myself. I regret it more than anything. I feel like this was where it all went wrong for me, and I lost a lot of friends when I lost Daniel. Nobody nearly as important but it was the rest of what I had. I can't take it back. I really really really want to. But every time I look at him I get so scared I want to puke. I can't even text him anymore. I miss him so much. _ + OPTIONAL: Psychologists Notes on Charlotte Chase- Close These notes were also found. _ + Interview with Enola Clay- Close Foundation agents shadowed Enola Clay for several days. It was found she frequented a local bar alone and often spoke to strangers. Agent 'Joshua Zacherensky,' 35, was dispatched to interview her while pretending to be a patron. The following are extracts from their conversation. Agent Zacherensky: Hey'a. Enola Clay: Hello there? Z: I'm Josh. You here alone too? E: Yeah I am- just enjoying a drink after work. Z: Are you the sort who enjoys a chat with their drink? I don't want- E: Not at all! Please, here! Tell me about yourself! [Enola pulls up a chair. Agent Zacherensky repeats the cover story.] … Z: Can I buy you a drink? E: Sure! Get one for yourself- and I'll buy the next round. Z: Oh, you're great. What do you want? … E: Honestly, it's so hard getting to know people in this town. Everyone already has their cliques. It's really nice that you came to talk to me you know- Z: -and you to me, I feel like I don't meet enough people- E: -Right? At work it's pretty bad. Back in the day I picked a job that was just close to home, but I decided I wanted the higher salary and honestly I am not sure if that was a mistake. The pay isn't bad but I feel like nobody cares about each other at all. Oh- bartender- yeah two— you like Gin right? [Zacharensky does finger guns] E: Gin and Tonics, please. Where, oh right, yeah so there's really no community to it. Nobody wanted to come tonight. Z: Did things used to be better? E: Yeah I think. I used to just go home after the old job, but at least that was my choice. It feels better you know? Still. If I can get a bit, sorry that's the Gin talking, but since the divorce I think I've not really made any real friends. And the ones I had are pretty much gone. Sorry. I just wanted to vent a little. Z: No kids? E: I— I always wanted kids. I wish I had a kid or two. I'm getting old and I just don't want to be alone at the… I think I don't want to talk about this sorry. Tell me about you? Why are you here alone? … Z: Actually, do you know a Charlotte Chase? I think she mentioned you once. [Enola thinks for several seconds. She is intoxicated.] E: Charlotte… Hmm. No I don't think so. There used to be a girl at my gym called Charlotte I think. She left around June? Maybe July? Might be her. Didn't talk to her much though. … _ + Catfishing Daniel Langley- Close Foundation agents found the Discord account of one of Daniel's close friends in a data breach. They were able to access the account. A team of specialists questioned Daniel through the account. Full text below. SmashBashSlash Today at 8:29 PM Hey you on Daniel? dannyboi Today at 8:30 PM dont call me that, its weird af man SmashBashSlash Today at 8:32 PM soz, just feeling a bit sentimental what are you up to? how are you feeling? dannyboi Today at 8:33 PM did something happen? i am just playing valo rn, if you wanna join? SmashBashSlash Today at 8:33 PM no soz can't call rn or game, not on PC wanna text tho nothing strictly happened just like, feeling worried about people i guess, just got some news from a friend and now i wanna hear how everyone is doing so how is stuff in life dannyboi Today at 8:35 PM man dont just drop that shit on me SmashBashSlash Today at 8:38 PM can i like uber eats you some beer, mb then we talk? dannyboi Today at 8:39 PM a full sixer? SmashBashSlash Today at 8:40 PM yeah dannyboi Today at 8:40 PM yeah okay you got me ill d n m with u for a sixer lmao sorry that sounded kinda cold im happy to talk anyway, just kinda caught off guard SmashBashSlash Today at 8:42 PM dw man im serious about the beer tho its on its way dannyboi Today at 8:43 PM based SmashBashSlash Today at 8:45 PM wanna wait and talk when you got one of those in u, maybe after a game of valo dannyboi Today at 8:46 PM yeah probably for the best if its okay, not easy to turn on and off and you know that a beer helps me with this stuff can we talk in like an hour then or is that too long SmashBashSlash Today at 8:47 PM nah that works dannyboi Today at 8:48 PM cool i will chat to u then, gonna play a game or two, ttys dannyboi Today at 9:32 PM hey im back as promised1 good to talk? !* SmashBashSlash Today at 9:32 PM yeah hah dannyboi Today at 9:33 PM whoa u were hoverin SmashBashSlash Today at 9:34 PM just ensuring the security of my investment anyway how are u doing? whats it been like? i know you had that thing with charlotte, still messing with you? dannyboi Today at 9:36 PM yeah honestly it is a bit i guess now i get to just vent well like you know the whole thing that happened a bit back with her right? well we havent talked much since i saw her at that party at laneys but tbh she was pretty cold to me anyway i like asked her about it and she said shed had a big think and had like one to therapy gone* she thinks that the whole thing with freddy back in highschool kinda fucked her up and now she really isnt okay with guys who are into her, like she thinks they are gonna betray her and stuff so when she figured out i liked her and she knew fml she saw me as being just another dude and that meant i wanst trust worthy and stuff and since she just hasnt been able to see me as a friend anymore which is pretty shit tbh i dont even really see it, like she was pretty cool with guys back at the start of uni, this mostly seemed to kick off when that thing between us happened so dunno if i buy her story anywsy and then she got drunk as fuck and spewed she started crying and she told me that she missed me and wished this hadn't happen, she tried to hit herself at one point, it was scary she just raised her hand up and i could see her getting ready to just pound it into herself then she clenched her hand and stopped and just kind of kept crying she says shes alone now anyway i texted her after and kinda tried to re open things but she fully cold shouldered me, like one word responses so i guess thats that you know. end of my first love i hate it though. honestly im not proud of it but when she was gone i locked myself in the bathroom and cried then i told everyone i was throwing up it'd be easier if she had a boyfriend or something i guess thats a bit sexist of me, like, 'oh i can't cope' but i respect it as soon as there's another guy involved but i guess it wouldn't feel so much like she rejects… me… as a person i just wish this hadn't happened and i fucking hate it i think sleeping with her is the worst thing ive ever done and all the rest of this shit is just karma i betrayed her for one night i guess it isnt weird she doesnt wanna be around me but its done now and i only think about it like once a week happy now? SmashBashSlash Today at 9:44 PM whoa yeah okay sounds sorta like she was just trying to make sense of it in her own head dannyboi Today at 9:45 PM maybe man doesnt help me though, i cant fix it anyway fuck SmashBashSlash Today at 9:46 PM keep it up dude you'll be fine rest of your life lets forget this stuff, dannyboi Today at 9:48 PM yeah honestly it it werent for charlotte stuff would be pretty good right now marks are better honestly loving gaming with you guys and at least i dont have to see her all the time also like i hooked up with chelsie and thats been going on SmashBashSlash Today at 9:51 PM nice dannyboi Today at 9:51 PM yeah. like i got this honestly this has been good i think it helped to talk thanks man SmashBashSlash Today at 9:52 PM anytime man ACCESS GRANTED You have been granted access to the SCP-7858 forums. Please remember to remain respectful and keep the discussion relevant to SCP-7858. By accepting, you agree that all information received on this forum is confidential. You further agree to make no effort to identify, track, or harass staff members based on their forum activity. You acknowledge that if you violate the Foundation code of conduct or this waiver disciplinary action will follow. _ Agree?Thank you! Contemplating SCP-7858-B PINNED POST BY: Senior Researcher Sami Abd Al Abadi Subject: Contemplating SCP-7858-B Hello staff, I have been briefly drafted into the remit of the SCP-7858 project. I understand that most of you are not used to classification work. However, SCPs are not classified by gods or O5s. This is work that actually needs to be done by scientists. Test my ideas without concern for rank and remit, just think your comments through. I am too busy to have my time wasted by pandering. SCP-7858-B should be favored. We should look at the sheer coherence of the evidence provided to us. We see that those left behind by the SCP event all have clear and present simultaneous changes in their lives. His mother decides to change her job. This is Probably because her home life no longer brings her any joy (So going back to it is no longer a goal). The friend group implodes according to Charlotte, though she says that's because of Daniel. Charlotte also seeks therapy for the first time. Daniel also changes major. There is no way to be sure which of the two theories is accurate. However, it seems unlikely that so many coincidences would not merely group together but occur at the same time. All evidence suggests Matthew was once real. Therefore, we should prefer Theory B. Comments No comments yet. Remaining attached to scientific principles: Why our tools of trade strongly support SCP-7858-A. PINNED POST BY: Researcher Armistead Subject: Remaining attached to scientific principles: Why our tools of trade strongly support SCP-7858-A. We deal with the incredible on a daily basis. If I told you we contained a game of Monopoly that controlled the housing market of a small midwestern town, I imagine you would believe me. We have all even heard rumors, however dubious, that some departments are responsible for the continued survival of humanity. It makes us forget ourselves. When assessing an SCP event, we should look to what is likely. There has been a total of roughly 20,000 identified SCP-7858 events. While this sounds like a lot, compared to the nearly 8 billion people on this planet, that is minuscule. That is some 0.0003% of people alive right now. And we have the entire span of every one of those 8 billion lives. Every second could be the right one. When you can stack that many rolls of the dice you will get weird results by chance. Rolling a natural 20 is a 5% chance for comparison. You should imagine yourself trying to pull a specific Uno card, but the deck goes on forever and you get to try five hundred times. Suddenly it's not just likely you'll get the green four you need, it's practically guaranteed. It is not surprising that across the lifetimes of billions of people, you pull the right card. It is obvious that the preconditions for SCP-7858-A events can arise naturally. Now, let's contemplate the events themselves. What is more likely? An intangible undetectable force that randomly wipes people from existence, for reasons unknown? Or another of a common class of relatively harmless memetic entities. It is obviously more likely that this is just another meme. We have many tools with which to detect the anomalous. We know what cards are in this Uno deck. As far as we know people just disappearing isn't one of them. Hence Theory A is more likely. I will also briefly turn my mind to the question of motivation. SCPs do not necessarily need motivations. However, a substantial number of SCPs were made in some way; almost never simply for fun. Even if it is for fun, creating a real-world board game generates entertainment. That remains a motive. There is no clear motive for wiping from existence an insignificant number of people, AKA SCP-7858-B. However, I can easily conceive of the motivation for SCP-7858-A. It would be meant to fill holes in the lives of sad and disconnected people. If I could do such a thing, even I would consider it. It simply isn't successful. It is too weak to actually generate a new person, so as thaumatological workings are known to do, it goes about 1% of the way and does the easiest thing. That is generate some text messages. It lacks the power to even do that properly. So it is only able to manifest where it is most likely to be: in the lives of people with perfectly overlapping holes, that 0.0003% of cases. The meme does not create that situation. It can only appear and survive when it already exists. In the absence of evidence to support SCP-7858-B we should not waste our turn on some long-shot theory. We should assume SCP-7858 is not some unique occurrence, but just another memetic entity. I look forward to hearing your commentary. Comments No comments yet. Are we affected?? (Locked Thread) THREAD CLOSED BY ADMIN PINNED POST BY: Junior Researcher Harrison Subject: Are we affected?? I feel like I may have been affected by SCP-7858. Specifically, the -B variant, which I believe we can all agree is the more likely of the two. When I first arrived at this job, I felt like I fit in. It was sort of a camaraderie. For some reason I cannot make sense of I was quite happy to just stand at the edge of events and talk to people when they wanted to talk to me. This is never a truly fun job, but for me it was fulfilling. That's not how I feel anymore. For the past year, I just can't do these things. I get quite anxious about annoying people or getting in their way, and standing around at a party would have made me bring down the mood. There are other things too. I use a mood tracker, and around the time that I feel I was disconnected from everyone, my mood tracking dropped hard. Nothing else changed at that point- I just sort of stopped going. This all makes sense if I was a victim of SCP-7858, or rather, someone close to me. Probably another one of our colleagues. It is Foundation policy to delete the text messages created by an SCP-7858 event. They are kept on our servers alone to 'avoid distressing victims'. All of our phones have Foundation observation software on them. What do we all think? I think we should be honest about the effects of SCP-7858 so we can confront it together. I know if I vanished, I would want to be remembered. I am sure you all feel the same way. Thankyou. Comments BY: Assistant Site Director Hoexter Subject: RE: Are we affected?? Junior Researcher Harrison, Remain professional. Turn your mind to @RArmistead's excellent debate post. The chances that you are affected are exceedingly slim. You should picture yourself stepping outside and being struck by lightning. The danger that this SCP poses is not of a memetic nature, but that which dangerous information has always posed. It hurts people. You may picture yourself depressed now, but if you actually knew that someone near you had simply vanished, the fear and loss would be much more harmful. If -B is accurate, anyone affected is already suffering. We should not kick them while they are down. I ask that discussion be kept on topic and scientific. Eminently, Assistant Site Director Hoexter. BY: Junior Researcher Harrison Subject: RE: RE: Are we affected?? With all due respect, Assistant site director, this is a problem of the Foundation's own making. Our obsession with information control is not an end unto itself. We do not hide things for the sake of hiding them. As you point out, the real harm in losing somebody is how their disappearance leaves us adrift. Their memory is neither here nor there. Yet, that memory has value! Imagine the suffering of Enola Clay. She loved her son. She dedicated much of her life to him. The reason she goes to a bar every other day, desperately trying to meet someone, to stop being alone, is because her family itself ceased to exist. At this rate she may never find another. If she at least knew she could make sense of her situation. Instead of believing she never found anyone, that she is doomed to be alone, she would understand that she has been the victim of a terrible happenstance. She could draw strength from that. Some people are struck by lightning site director. Let us not lie to victims. If you have any heart at all you should support my position. BY: Assistant Site Director Hoexter Subject: RE: RE: RE: Are we affected?? Control yourself Junior Researcher. Even contemplating informing a member of the public is deeply unprofessional. Controlling information always has a purpose. Evidently, this information is tempting staff in dangerous ways. Informing all staff of these events will only raise their level of stress. As Enola proves, it also has no benefit. Enola frequents local bars seeking companionship and tries to reach out to work colleagues. Remembering her son would not make her more successful. That knowledge only has the potential to harm her. The grief attached and the guilt of forgetting could destroy her. It may even kill her. There is no benefit to such painful and dangerous memories. The Foundation policy was not conceived without due consideration. I recommend you seek psychological support regarding this matter. If you are feeling alone, the fortnightly game of dodgeball between the research and janitorial staff is good for connecting with people. Sanguingly, Assistant Site Director Hoexter. BY: Junior Researcher Harrison Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Are we affected?? As per my last post, This is not dangerous information. We are not children. Pain can make us stronger. Enola's current situation is clearly already bad for her. Every lonely day hurts, I know that well. Giving her memories of her son isn't kicking her when she's down, it's giving her something to cling to. Making someone stronger can save them. People also deserve to be remembered. Matthew Clay may be gone, but that doesn't mean he does not matter. The real motivation that the Foundation has for holding back this kind of information is that it tries to control everything. Assistant site director, you sound like a fascist. Truth has value. There's nothing wrong with remembering the people who died. Whether they were eaten by a chair or just vanished one day. We owe that to them on a basic moral level. PINNED POST BY: Assistant Site Director Hoexter Subject: RE: Are we affected?? I have locked this thread. This, everybody, is why the psychological health requirements were created. This thread is hysterical and helps nobody. Further, researcher Harrison became extremely distressed by the concept that he would also be wiped from existence. I have appended what happened next at my personal discretion. Take this to be a lesson. And no, this is not a psy-op to kill off a dangerous idea, we are the Foundation, not Nazi Germany. SCP-7858 is a dangerous idea. Not because of any memetic or supernatural reason, it simply hurts the most vulnerable among us to think this way. Do not share your research with anyone who has not passed psychological screening. All bonuses and half of hazard pay for the past year which you received will be recalled if you do. Graciously, Assistant Site Director Hoexter. _ + Declassified: After Action Report- Close EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Date of action: 3/9/2021. Involved units: Site-28 Security Team, SCP-7858 Field Agents On the 2nd of September it was realized that Junior Researcher 'Harrison' (ID:JR1036-HARRISON) had not attended site-28 for his shift. Security attempted to access the tracking subroutine on JR Harrison's phone. The phone did not respond. The routine relies on the phone's own location-tracking features. At 1:56 PM, JR Harrison's phone reported its location. It had automatically connected to a wireless network and so could be tracked via IP address. It came from a Kern County Starbucks. Only two field agents remained in Kern Country: Agent Tiffany Brown and Agent Joshua Zacherensky. They decided that PoIs Charlotte Chase and Enola Clay were JR Harrison's most likely destinations and split up accordingly. At 2:11 PM, Agent Zacherensky spotted JR Harrison through the window of Enola Clay's home. He called local police posing as an FBI agent. He described JR Harrison as a drug dealer. Agent Zacherensky activated the listening software on the PoI's phones while he waited for the police. Transcript appended. TRANSCRIPT Junior Researcher Harrison: Thankyou for letting me in. Enola Clay: That's no problem Mr Harrison, could you tell me what this is about though? H: Of course. I understand this may be hard to believe, but I work with a large organization that, among other things, catalogs missing persons. Look, here's my ID. E: 'Foundation.' Well I've certainly never heard of you. H: They put some work into that. E: I see… So why are you here? H: I have been asked not to share this with you, but there have been a lot of irregularities around you. E: What do you mean? H: Strange spending patterns, text- E: You think I am a victim of fraud? H: Not precisely. Here, I have a series of text messages that come from your phone. They've been deleted since, but I think you will find they match your texting style. Here are some other conversations about the same topic. Please read them. I think it will make things clear to you. [Several minutes pass. Enola is seen through the window flicking through several sheets. She appears to have read all of the pages. A police car approaches with its sirens off.] E: I'm confused, what is this meant to prove? H: Doesn't it feel like something is wrong in your life? Like you're missing something? E: Well, don't we all feel that way. H: No, not everyone does. Enola, something terrible has happened to you. You were closer to people once, and then an outside power intervened. You have a right to remember Matthew. [Police approach the door quietly.] E: I don't know what you're talking about. I don't remember sending any of these messages, and I don't have a son or know any Matthews. H: You have to- [Police open the door and begin to rapidly enter the room.] Police Officer (Gloster Potemkin): Hesterly Harrison, you're under arrest for drug trafficking! Hands in the air! H: What? Drug traffi- no wait! PO: Ma'am, tell me what your involvement with this man is! E: He's been peddling an insane story that I have a son who I don't remember. He just showed up at my house. I don't know him. H: Enola please, you have to believe me! You had a son! PO: Had a bit too much fun with the goods, ey? We've all been there. Come on- hands out. H: I'm putting my life on the line for this! You can see that I'm serious— do I seem like I'm lying to you? E: Yes of course you're lying to me! H: They're trying to silence me right now! Please just listen— believe me— that's all I want. I'll be gone in a moment just I beg you remember h— E: You're deranged- deranged and cruel. I've always wanted a child, and here you are peddling this nonsense about a life I haven't had! Is that what you do? Do you prey on the vulnerable? Were you going to give me some 'special little pill' to make it all feel better? Maybe a 'trip' to remembering him? I would never ever forget a child I had! How dare you make up something like this? You cruel fuck- Who's Matthew? Recording Ended. JR Harrison is apprehended. After an amnestic and psychological treatment, he is returned to work in a low-risk position. He remains on the watch list. Mandatory: Classification Survey Please allow at least 3 seconds of loading for security verification _ + Open- Close Footnotes 1. The existence of holes is a proven thaumatological phenomenon. When a working is cast into a hole, the fact that the outcome of the working could reasonably exist mitigates backlash. While statistically significant, the effect is not considered useful outside of academia. _ + Image Licensing- Close Filename: 'Teddy-chev' Name: Bundesarchiv Bild 183-B0118-0010-027, Werk für Fernsehelektronik, Besuch Chruschtschow Author: Deutsche's Bundes Archiv License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: 'Charlotte-Pfp-1' Name: Girl Blonde Author: Elliott Chau License: Public Domain Source Link: Additional Notes: This is the first profile picture used in the edited message exchanges. Filename: 'Charlotte-Pfp-2' Name: Come into my world W-u002F @bz.anna (Unsplash) Author: Yoann Boyer License: Public Domain Source Link: Additional Notes: This is the second profile picture used in the edited message exchanges, and shown directly. Filename: 'Bouncy Ball' Name: Pokémon Go Pokemon Volleyball Author: aitoff License: Public Domain Source Link: Additional Notes: This is Daniel's profile picture on Discord.
Item #: SCP-7860 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7860 is to remain in a high orbit of Mars. Civilian astronomy is to be directed away from studying high Martian orbit. Should SCP-7860's orbit become unstable, it is to be restabilised by the FSS Kim Stanley Robinson. Description: SCP-7860 is a modified Delta-II class Soviet nuclear submarine, formerly designated K-2961, currently in orbit around Mars. On board are 130 corpses, formerly the submarine's crew. 112 of them possess (likely self-inflicted) gunshot wounds to the head. The manner of termination of the remaining 18 is unknown, but suicide or asphyxiation is presumed. One crew member appears to have been shot from behind. SCP-7860-1 is a device of inconclusive function, fitted to SCP-7860. Based on evidence gathered on-site (see Addendum 7860-2), it was originally intended for teleporting nuclear warheads, but malfunctioned during a test and transported the entire submarine to Martian orbit. The exact circumstances of the failure are unknown, but the device is non-functional. Addendum 7860-1: Discovery and investigation SCP-7860 was discovered on 17/04/2021 by personnel at Extraterrestrial Site-301, located on the surface of Mars, during a routine check of the satellite network over the planet. At the time of discovery, it was in a highly elliptical orbit. On 08/05/2021, FSS Kim Stanley Robinson was launched from Site-301 to investigate, with a crew of 3. The investigation team arrived on 10/05/2021, and proceeded to board SCP-7860. Nothing of note occurred during the operation, save for the recovery of the submarine commander's personal journal. Full video logs are available on request. SCP-7860 was moved to a stable circular orbit during June 2021. Addendum 7860-2: Recovered document The following is the final few entries from the journal of Aleksandr Sobol, commander of K-296. The text has been translated from the original Russian. August 12th, 1976 Orders from Moscow. K-296 is to be fitted with an "experimental device". I am to take it out into the ocean. The GRU will perform tests on it, and then we will sail home. Moscow say it's a weapon, but they won't tell me any more than that. All 130 crew will be on board. I tell Moscow "we don't need that many, we'll only be out for a few weeks". They tell me to stay in my lane. I tell them that it's my submarine, it's my lane. They tell me I can be demoted if I want, and I shut up. We embark on the 20th. There will be a GRU officer on board to operate the device and confer with Moscow. August 20th, 1976 I still do not understand why the boat needs a full crew. We are testing a weapon, not going on patrol! But the Party demands it, and it must be so. Everything must be done by the book. I still have not been told what the device is or what it is supposed to do, further than "it's a weapon". Moscow says they'll tell us if we need to know. We fire it tomorrow. August 21st, 1976 The first test fire was today. One hundred kilograms of concrete. Moscow says it landed within two hundred metres of the target. Resounding success, they say. I know not what this means. The crew are uneasy. Mikhail Volkov, my second man, reports a general distrust of the GRU and their plans with the boat. Not exactly surprising, but still worth bearing in mind. August 22nd, 1976 The GRU officer, Nikolaev, told me what the device is this morning. Apparently, it's a teleporter, designed to replace ballistic missiles. I told him that was impossible, and he agreed. He says the impossible is one of his specialties. In truth, I do not trust this thing. What happens if the Americans get hold of it? What happens if it goes wrong? I do not have the education nor political influence to answer these questions, and so I shall sit in silence. There is another test fire scheduled for tomorrow. This time, they want to fire a lump of concrete into space, and land it somewhere out in Siberia. God knows why. August 23rd, 1976 Forget the Saturn V, forget the Soyuz! With this thing, we could put a man on the Moon and have him safely back home in an hour. And yet we use it for weaponry. The concrete "bomb" we fired arrived 200 kilometers above the planet, completely unharmed. Nikolaev himself says he would trust to put a human in it. I am a military man. I recognise that we must protect our Motherland from the Americans and other western powers, but protection to the point of extinction of all other human life? Insanity. Sometimes, the bloodlust of man frightens me. The third and final test fire is on the 25th of August. Moscow says the parameters are "need-to-know". Not that we would know what they meant anyway. August 25th, 1976 The test fire was a failure. Nikolaev activated the device and at once we were weightless. Radio contact with Moscow cut off immediately. He told us all to get out of his way while he attempted a repair. An hour later, Mikhail tells me we are in orbit of Mars. I say bullshit. He takes me up to the conning tower and sure as anything the red planet is right there. As I write, we are the furthest any human has ever been from home. At the very least, we are the first humans ever to see Mars up close with our own eyes. God knows if anyone will ever find us out here, but we can hope. August 26th, 1976 Somebody shot Nikolaev. Turns out a few of the crew were plotting his death from the moment the device malfunctioned. He was the only one with a chance of getting us back home. It's getting harder to breathe. Our reserve oxygen is running low, and morale is running lower. I heard a few gunshots earlier but I do not have the strength to investigate them. One can only assume some of the crew took the easy way out. One hundred thirty men, sent to our deaths in the icy void of space. And for what? Three test fires of a magic teleporter. Footnotes 1. Note: no records exist of a Soviet submarine being designated K-296. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7860" by ambyshframber, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X Vikander-Kneed Technical Media Hub Special Containment Procedures Foundation webcrawler I/O METATRON is to implant memetic triggers derived from The Frontispiece in online discussions of SCP-7861 to obscure direct references to Groups of Interest, the Foundation, and the Veil. This, reinforced by public dismissal of the supernatural, is sufficient to preserve the Veil.1 Description SCP-7861 is a commercial taking the form of a recurrent sequence of intrusive thoughts. SCP-7861 manifests only in individuals with an obsessive anxiety disorder, most commonly OCD.23 With the sole exception of Dr. William Wettle, afflictees must meet the following criteria: Display obsessive thought patterns. Distress from these thought patterns. Acknowledgement that they possess an anxiety disorder.45 Be a resident of the state of Michigan, USA. SCP-7861 occurs in about 15% of the susceptible population, seemingly selected by random chance. SCP-7861 integrates itself into non-anomalous obsessive patterns, but is anomalously resistant to mundane and esoteric forms of treatment.6 Due to this, SCP-7861 is directly correlated with lower mental health.78910 Despite minor variations by subject, the intrusive images and accompanying narration that make up SCP-7861 are consistent and never experienced out of order, so it is possible to reconstruct an approximate transcript of the original commercial. Memetics and Countermemetics has performed this reconstruction, the result of which is below. Image Narration Afflictee’s image of a “healthy family” spins on a playground spinner, smiling. Afflictees describe this image as “wrong” and “disgusting,” recognizing the cognitive dissonance. 61.4% of subjects claim to hear intense, threatening or foreboding music accompanying this scene, while 37.6% claim the music playing is “irritatingly corporate.” [Are you]/[Have you been] left relatively undamaged by a happy family? One of the following: * The afflictee performing their official duties with a smile. * The afflictee performing what they would like their official duties to be. * Other people performing the afflictee’s hobbies, such as writing, painting, or gardening. In all cases, afflictees will only recognize themselves in hindsight, and will rate both the happiness and skill of the ‘other person’ higher than their own, even unprompted. Are you permanently prevented from procrastinating on that big project by too many reasons to love what you do? Children playing. The location and form of play vary wildly. One subject suffering from thoughts of harming children reported that they were using maces to “beat each other to a pulp”11 and that they were “gleefully” joining in. Subject was denied amnestics: Thoughts such as these are not unusual for sufferers of OCD. Are you too joyful, ecstatic, or genuinely enthused about your continued cognition on this spinning rock? Three smiling humans simultaneously and “excruciatingly” slowly turn to the afflictee. This image never lasts less than 31 seconds, and has consistently remained in the forefront of afflictees’ minds for up to 234 seconds. Their expressions are often identified as ingenuine, to mask judgment against or hatred for the afflicted. In about 23.4% of cases, one of the faces shows signs of recent crying. Total silence. Afflictees cannot hear their own thoughts. The faces have completed their turn. Well, have WE got the stop for you! A humanoid appears, from here on out referred to as “the birdkeeper”, which almost always has more than two eyes. Sometimes, these eyes are located on the thick white body armor/beekeeper suit/insectine exoskeleton encasing the humanoid. The birdkeeper shows off a bright red cockatoo, designated as SCP-7861-A. The music here either shifts to a jazzy tune or continues the same “aggressively corporate” drone from before. Introducing OCD! The problem to all your solutions! Afflictees visualize SCP-7861-A from all possible angles, including outside the ‘building’ where it is being ‘filmed’ and from within empty spaces in its body, such as the chest cavity, heart chambers, and the space between the brain and the skull. From a mystic land where one misstep spells D-O-O-M, this little birdie’s a big collaboration from Alex [Autism, the CEO of neurodivergence/(thurley? theory? sorry?)] and the studio that brought you leprosy! SCP-7861-A, standing by itself on a table, will loudly vocalize and flap its wings at a ‘threat.’ Afflictees will recognize and fear the threat but will not be able to describe it, and will not be able to recall that it existed or that they reacted to it. [Using all-new neurotechnology derived from the SCP Foundation’s many living subjects in containment,]12 this little guy turns your danger-detecting instincts inward, allowing it to find a threat in anything! That’s right, anything! A human steps out of a personal washroom, smiling and ready to [get on with their day/meet that special someone/sleep]. Bathroom trips too quick? They are accosted by the birdkeeper, who brandishes the bird as they make some kind of sales pitch or offer. OCD can find ANY germ, real, imaginary, trivial, irrelevant, on ANY surface, and will alert you that your hands need immediate decontamination using patented SQUAWK technology! Repeatedly! Images here become fragmented as the human repeatedly denies their offer, increasing and increasing in vehemence until they begin to yell “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Less than 0.04% of afflictees report a change in the birdkeeper’s demeanor. Repeatedly! The human begins to cry, or their eyes wet, or their mouth dries out. The birdkeeper attempts to calm them down, stooping into their bag to retrieve the bird. The human screams when they see it, either attempting to flee or assaulting the birdkeeper to prevent them from demonstrating their product. They invariably fail. Repeatedly! The voice is distorted as if the recording were beginning to break down. Less than 0.04% of afflictees report a change in the birdkeeper’s demeanor when the bird is forced through the ear into the human’s skull. N/A. A close up of a human washing their hands. A close-up of a human washing their hands. A close-up of a human washing their hands. A close-up of a human washing their hands. A close-up of a human washing their hands. A close-up of a human washing their hands.13 Total silence. Ten seconds. A figure, alone, worships an engraving of SCP-7861-A at a porcelain altar. A complex machine of gears and chains pulls their limbs into a position of prayer. Light and laughter filter in through the windows of the sea-blue temple. I just want it to end. The afflictee's vision is filled with a swarm of SCP-7861-A. The narration cannot be heard over the cacophonous squawking. A human cadaver is occasionally visible through gaps in the swarm: Chunks of flesh are missing from its body, and its face is turned away. In 2.4% of manifestations, afflictees have been able to observe an instance of SCP-7861-A removing a piece of flesh from the cadaver. Not like that. A human with no identifying features sits in a well-decorated room of the kind the subject would like to inhabit. A swarm of SCP-7861-A descend, vocalizing at a 'painful' volume, and remove all small objects and decorations, using their beaks to dislodge items. Stop. The inhabitant attempts to deter them by striking them with a broom, to no visible effect. The broom breaks on the SCP-7861-A instance, and the pieces transmute into SCP-7861-A. Stop! The swarm leaves the room bare save for heavy furniture and framed photographs of individuals close to the afflictee, the latter of which the human peruses. STOP! These, too, transmute into SCP-7861-A, and the inhabitant leaps back in surprise. The heavy furniture transmutes into SCP-7861-A and flies away. STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP. A human with no identifying features save for a two-piece suit gives the afflictee a blank stare. The metal chair they sit on is heavily rusted, and one leg is eaten through. It is the only furniture in the dirty concrete room. A lightbulb dangles from a ceiling lamp by a single wire, buzzing loudly above the figure's head. Its buzzing cannot be heard over the caged instances of SCP-7861-A lining every wall, loudly squawking and rattling their cages. In 23.4% of manifestations, one of the cages will fall over, causing the cages above and below to follow suit. The SCP-7861-A will continue unimpeded. N/A The figure opens their mouth to vocalize, but cannot, presumably because a large section of their throat has been torn out. They lower their head, obscuring their face. Their pants leg falls open. Most of their lower leg has been carved out to make space for a nest of juvenile SCP-7861-A, who immediately begin to vocalize. N/A. The figure's head falls into their lap. The figure expires. The juvenile SCP-7861-A expire. The SCP-7861-A in the cages expire. Countless instances of SCP-7861-A fall from the ceiling, expired. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with OCD, you are entitled to compensation for the time it stole. No mental image accompanies this narration. “Intrusive Artvertising.” Author: W. Hor-Yua Copp. Released under CC-BY-SA-NC 3.0. No mental image accompanies this narration, but the logo of GoI-5889 is superimposed on the afflictee's vision here. A different, more upbeat narrator speaks here, with both the voice and audio quality reminiscent of early 90’s American commercials. Presented by Vikander-Kneed! And YOU, too, can get YOUR media on everyone’s minds by calling █-███-███-████14 to speak with a representative about YOUR brand-new brainworm! Vikander-Kneed Technical Media. For a better tomorrow.™15 Addendum 1: Due to the disturbing content of SCP-7861, and its external origin making it resistant to usual coping strategies, it has had a near-universally negative effect on all affectees. Afflicted Foundation personnel are to be treated with amnestics to mitigate long-term effects; as this is not a practical option for civilians, SCP-7861 has been reclassified Cernunnos. In addition, the only specific obsession portrayed in SCP-7861 is cleanliness, which is a well-known negative stereotype. Addendum 2: Three business days after Addendum 1 was added to the SCP-7861 file, a nonexistent SCiPnet account named "O5-14, an exclusive intellectual property of Vikander-Kneed™ added Addendum V to this file (shown below), which has shown similar resistance to deletion as the trademark frequently accompanying GoI-5889's name in transcripts. Addendum V: As the leading pioneers in advanced media, Vikander-Kneed Technical Media™ believes in its own responsibility, unlike the lumbering titans of simpler media. So we have a message to relay: We messed up, and we're sorry for making your Tomorrow WorseTM by publishing that. We also have a message from our anonymous client W. Hor-Yua Copp to relay: Subject is released from a plastic Walmart bag that will go in to a successful career of bird-strangling, standing a total of six inches tall. They are plucked from the table and placed on a microphone, into which they say: “I'm W. Hor-Yua Copp, I made the original commercial, I approached VKTM to publish it, and I'm sorry. …can I go now?” No, subject. No, you cannot. To those afflicted, expect your thoughts to change in tune with the coming days! Addendum 3: The content of SCP-7861 has since changed; there are no more mental images, and afflictees will instead hear affirmations such as "you can do it," "your writing is good," "they don't all secretly hate you," and "you aren't being monitored by a shadowy worldwide conspiracy any more than anyone else is." While this new content is less disturbing, the involuntary, external, and often ill-timed nature of the thoughts means they are still intrusive and their effect is still negative. Addendum 4: Three business days after Addendum 3 was added, all known afflictees stopped experiencing SCP-7861. No new manifestation has occurred for seven days since. Reclassification to Neutralized pending. Footnotes 1. Cernunnos-class objects could theoretically be contained, but cost or logistical issues prevent containment from being enacted. 2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, in which an individual develops obsessions: repetitive, distressing, unwanted thoughts about a particular topic, and performs compulsions: routines, mental or physical, to relieve distress. Commonly misrepresented as being a "neat freak", partially due to misinformation spread to contain a related conceptual anomaly; obsessions may concern any topic, taboo or benign, and compulsions can take any form – and are invariably more detrimental than popular portrayals. 3. It has since been determined that the harm caused by containment outweighs the original anomaly's threat to normalcy; said anomaly has been reclassified Cernunnos, and containment procedures rescinded. 4. This need not be conscious: When questioned in his home, one afflictee, Xavier Saleem, promptly and profusely denied the presence of any anxiety disorder, claiming OCD was the invention of "Gen Z TikToking pill-poppers." Selected entries from subject's search history: 'can you get OCD from job,' 'do I have OCD,' 'how to cure OCD,' 'flexible and agile solutions for OCD,' 'let me work dammit you goodanm fcukign dsoirddlerkkmkklkrbk34.' At the end of said rant, subject burst into tears. 5. RAISA Notice: Subject has marked gender as 'questioning' on an intake form for Serenity-Carson Psychology. Updates to pronouns pending. 6. Foundation psiotherapists report either the total absence of SCP-7861 from the subject's mind, even while the subject is directly experiencing it, or a powerful sensation of being grabbed by the arms, whirled in the air five times, and thrown outside of a baseball stadium while a female announcer yells: "Home Run!" 7. "Lower" mental health? Is there a unit for how shit your brain is now? - Harold Blank, Chair of Archives and Revision 8. Wanna help me invent one? - Dr. Lillian Lillihammer, Chair of Memetics and Countermemetics 9. Like you'd know anything about a bad brain day. - Harold Blank, Chair of Archives and Revision 10. I do, and I know this one's hitting you hard but keep it between you and Ngo. 11. Subject claimed this was not a metaphor. 12. This phrase is only ‘heard’ by Foundation personnel under the anomaly’s effects. 13. Mentions in other locations are not affected, but altering any part of this phrasing in this document result in personnel becoming unable to sleep until they have reverted the edit by manually retyping this description. 14. This number redirects Foundation personnel to a random phone in a universe where VKTM does not exist. 15. Once again, all attempts to remove this trademark have failed. Even if deleted once a millisecond by an overseeing AIC, it will simply appear when the page is fetched from the database. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7861" by Damian Thorne, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS CLASSIFIED BY THE O5 COUNCIL ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT THE LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE, AUTHORIZATION BY THE O5 COUNCIL OR SITE DIRECTOR DANIEL MOLLOCH WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. ID dfa7879fe503fed4442cb53415df8ff1_1734915527 PASSWORD f6f001bb06b1d256311418869d5729c8_1734915527 Login Logout Item#: 7863 Level5 Secondary Class: ticonderoga Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo Assigned Site Area-41 Site Director Dir Daniel Molloch Research Head Dr Elise Bevan Assigned MTF Zeta-13 "Mountain Wolves" Assigned Site Area-41 Site Director Dir Daniel Molloch Research Head Dr Elise Bevan Assigned MTF Zeta-13 "Mountain Wolves" Special Containment Procedures SCP-7863 is not contained due to the assistance it has previously given and continues to offer the foundation in terms of research into other anomalies housed in Area-41 and how to best contain them. SCP-7863 was previously a Senior Researcher prior to incident 41-003-05, it is to remain unnamed to preserve the secrecy of the anomaly. However, it has voluntarily contained itself within a 5m x 5m x 5m humanoid containment cell within the Armed Biological Containment facility Area-41 originally designed for the anomaly by Director Daniel Molloch. It has been assigned the secondary classification of Ticonderoga because of its loyalty. However, due to its dangerous potential and the requirements that would be needed to contain SCP-7863 if its secondary classification was revoked, it has been assigned Keter. Although SCP-7863 has voluntarily contained itself, it is allowed free access to Area-41 where it has sufficient clearance. It also has the limited freedom to leave the facility on a case-by-case basis, however only in its human form, referred to as -A, as not all staff are aware of its SCP designation. If a facility-wide containment breach occurs, SCP-7863 is to be locked within its containment cell until extraction by Facility Guard personnel or MTF Zeta-13 can occur, once this happens SCP-7863 is to be transported to Site-██ until safe relocation to Outpost-41-01 can be secured. All testing of SCP-7863 is to be done by Site Director Daniel Molloch and Senior Researcher Doctor Elise Bevan, including any research staff authorized by either Director Molloch or the O5 Council. Revision SCP-7863 has had a device surgically implanted into it to allow the O5 council to subdue SCP-7863 whilst in form-A via high-voltage electric shock. If off-site, SCP-7863 is to have its location and vitals monitored from Area-41. If vitals monitoring shows a rapid rise in the concentration of blood within SCP-7863 reaching 200%, Zeta-13 is to be sent to contain SCP-7863 immediately with any force required as well as inform and contact a member of the O5 council, if forcing SCP-7863 into compliance fails then severe maiming up to termination is authorized by the O5 council. If any members of hostile groups of interest are identified to be located within a 5-kilometer radius of SCP-7863, it is to be discreetly relocated to Area-41 immediately by MTF Agents even if said groups of interest are not aware of the existence of SCP-7863. See Addendums for the Audio log between Director Molloch and O5-█ that led to the revision. Molloch is not the only creation in the facility. We know who you are now. Description SCP-7863 is identified to have 2 physical forms which it can switch between at will, designated SCP-7863-A and SCP-7863-B, or -A and -B for short. -A resembles a 1.8-meter-tall Caucasian male with light brown hair and light grey eyes in his mid-30s. In this form, SCP-7863 is indistinguishable from any other human being, not showing any of the anomalous abilities that it displays as -B. However, as SCP-7863 begins transformation into -B, vital signs begin to erratically change, these changes seemingly have shown little to no consistency excluding the fact that blood concentration of SCP-7863 will increase at a rapid rate until reaching upwards of 200% of regular human levels. SCP-7863’s anomalous traits manifest upon its transformation into form -B. SCP-7863-B stands at around 4.2 meters tall, during transformation its skin is rapidly replaced by muscle tissue alongside its bones which break through the muscle tissue forming a partial exoskeleton. A pair of wings rip out from its back resembling those of Desmodus rotundus however at a much larger scale, boasting a 4-meter wingspan as well as a 2-meter-long muscular tail. Its arms are approximate in shape and structure to the limbs of Ursus arctos horribilis with claws elongated in proportion to the rest of its body. Its legs are similar to a more muscular form of Rangifer tarandus, with its head being the skull of the same animal but the jaws of the SCP are of Canis lupus. In the transition to this form from -A, SCP-7863 has stated a feeling of immense pain due to being able to acutely feel every physical change happening to his body. SCP-7863’s anomalous traits and abilities are varied and only show whilst as -B. It can speak without the need for proper vocal cords; alongside having no nose, eyes, or ears it still can smell, see, and hear as if it had these sensory organs. It can manipulate the blood of other organisms, seemingly able to control the flow, movement, and volume of blood as if it has become an extension of itself. SCP-7863 can control blood in a radius of approximately 50 meters around itself predicated on the fact that it is aware of the organism’s presence, during testing SCP-7863 stated that it doesn’t know how or why it can control the blood. Another of its abilities discovered through testing is that it disrupts reality in a localized area, if SCP-7863 remains as -B for too long, time begins to alter in a as of yet unpredictable and ever-changing way. The most extreme example of this temporal effect to date was the extension of 10 seconds into 23 hours and 12 minutes within the affected area. The area's physical topography also began to change, changing into bone, blood, and muscle and seemingly becoming an extension of SCP-7863, this effect however does degrade over time back to normal once SCP-7863 returned to -A. The maximum radius of this reality disruption is unknown as it seems to grow over time, the largest radius known under testing was 213 meters. The final anomalous ability that SCP-7863 has shown is that during several events it has been able to accurately predict a handful of yet-to-be-known anomalies and previously undiscovered properties of known anomalies. As SCP-7863 has stated that it is unaware of how it has predicted anything about these anomalies, the O5 council has approved ongoing research to learn how this ability works. Tell them about your dreams, we know you have them, we know you see our king. Addendum Audio Log Transcript The Following is the Audio Transcript from a meeting between Site Director Daniel Molloch and O5-█ Date: 3/6/20██ Subject: SCP-7863 Termination Request [BEGIN LOG] O5-█: This log will be on the record Director due to the serious nature of the request relating to a valuable SCP. I have received your request to terminate SCP-7863 for it is too great of a risk, Director you know that I am not going to accept your request. Your obsessive, disdain, for this SCP in particular, is worrying. Site Director Molloch: Sir my worry about this SCP is not obsessive, after the tests you had me conduct I don't see any justification to allow SCP-7863 to remain alive. If it ever turns against the Foundation it will inevitably bring death and destruction. I cannot abide by that. O5-█: Your experiments have revealed a great deal about its abilities, however, the Council feels there is still more to learn from SCP-7863 as well as its continual aid being invaluable to the Foundation, you know that more than anyone. There is no reason to believe it would turn on us and unless you have any evidence to the contrary I declare this matter closed Director. Site Director Molloch: No. I do not. But we understand little of its origins, only theories from what the SCP has… seen. This dubious origin alongside the special attention that Interest Group 586 has shown is what makes me believe it's a threat. O5-█: Then I suggest you focus your resources on studying SCP-7863's origin, rather than its abilities if it worries you so Director. Your experience in studying and containing SCP-7863 is unmatched and I wouldn't want to have to replace you, you are valuable to the Foundation. And as for the Children of the Scarlet King, that is why I have assigned Zeta-13 to your facility. Daniel, what is the real reason you want the termination? Site Director Molloch: Like I said I think the SCP is a danger to the foundation, the value doesn't outweigh the risks. O5-█: Sighs Unfortunately you cannot decide that, I believe Dr. Webber is assigned to Area-41 Daniel, I recommend you take a visit. The termination request is categorically denied. Site Director Molloch: If I cannot terminate it, then I request a revision to SCP-7863 containment procedure, to ensure SCP-7863is secured from the Interest Group and to guarantee that if it turns on the Foundation, immediate termination is authorized. O5-█: Submit a detailed revision Director, I will have a Ethics Committee Liaison go over it to ensure it is suitable. And before you go, Director, I'd like a report on incident ███-41-19-01-12, your contact with the Children of the Scarlet King is important and I expect it before your revision. Site Director: I will have it done when I get back to the facility, thank you, sir. O5-█: One last thing Director, the Council had a vote to redact ████ ██████████ from the file, that information has been designated as requiring level 6 clearance now. [END LOG] You remember us from that January, tell us what happened in 1997 Molloch. Addendum-7863-01: After incidents 41-███-02 and ███-41-19-01-12, Site Director Daniel Molloch corroborated the events recorded in his personal account and the accounts of survivors in their respective events. Due to this security breach Site Director Molloch has pushed for new preventative measures with provisionary changes approved by O5-█ with the broader proposals being currently under consideration. With the reports of these incidents, Interest Group 586 is now considered a high-level risk to the security of SCP-7863 and Area-41. Zeta-13 has been authorized to terminate any members or suspected members on sight. Foundation operatives implanted in various groups of interest have been tasked with reporting their given group’s knowledge on SCP-7863, if any. Upon the unlikely capture of a member of the Children of the Scarlet King, they are to be interrogated on the subject of SCP-7863 and then terminated. Addendum-7863-02: After his submission of Incident report ███-41-19-01-12, Director Molloch has assigned Head Researcher, Doctor Bevan to begin research into the origin of SCP-7863’s anomalous traits. Incident Report Incident 41-003-05 explains the date of this event, however, SCP-7863 has provided no insight into the cause of its transformation nor does any document seized from the Children of the Scarlet King. For this Director Molloch has approved the Clearance Level 5 report to be given to Dr Bevan once released. As Dr Bevan focuses on the anomaly’s origin, Director Molloch has begun to conduct further research into SCP-7863’s abilities hoping to find a link between its anomalous traits and its yet indeterminable origin. There is someone in the facility with you, there wasn't only one traitor in 2011, see you soon. _ + Show Incident Report ███-41-19-01-12- Hide Incident Report ███-41-19-01-12 Incident Report ███-41-19-01-12 Date:19/01/12 Location:Alpine Mountain Range Personnel involved: 18 MTF-Zeta 13 Personnel SCPs involved: SCP-7863 Pretext: MTF-Zeta 13 was SCP-7863 to Area-41 after being temporarily relocated to Site-██ due to a containment breach a few months prior. The transport to Area-41 was by two UH-60 Black Hawks each containing 7 Zeta-13 personnel alongside a pilot and co-pilot. The Incident report is divided by the events of the incident. 9:20 - 9:23 am: The Black Hawk transports were passing over the Alps near the Swiss-Austrian border as Black Hawk One was shot by an explosion round, likely from a MANPADS, this round hit the cockpit. Approximately 10 seconds later a second round hits the tail of Black Hawk Two, sending the Black Hawk spiraling into the mountainside. After the collision, the deaths of 3 Zeta-13 agents and the pilot, amongst the survivors of the crash were SCP-7863, Z13-9, Z13-10, Z13-11, Z13-13, and Z13-16, who were the co-pilot. The survivors of the crash would begin to travel east due to a lack of signal for long-range communication. 9:57 - 10:17 am: The survivors of the crash came into contact with hostile forces fighting in guerrilla-style combat. During the 20-minute engagement, the survivors found themselves stuck on the mountainside, Z13-10 and Z13-16 were lightly injured with 3 of the 7 hostiles being terminated. Hostiles fled from the engagement as the survivors regrouped themselves and began to travel northeast up the mountain slope seeing a cave entrance in hopes of being able to receive enough signal to request an extraction to deliver SCP-7863 to Area-41. As this happened, Z13-9 checked the bodies of 2 of the terminated hostiles learning they were from Interest Group 586, otherwise known as Children of the Scarlet King. 10:20 am: Z13-11 managed to get a signal to request extraction from their GPS location whilst Z13-10 and Z13-16 were patched up, both of which were in stable condition. MTF Zeta-13 received the message from the survivors and would send several squads of MTF to extract the survivors and terminate any encounter with hostiles. 10:30 - 10:32 am: Z13-9 spotted hostiles approaching the cave entrance and opened fire, alerting the others to the presence of the hostiles. In the short firefight, Z13-9 was shot in the head, killing him immediately, this caused the survivors to go deeper into the caves in hopes of ambushing the hostiles. Z13-10, Z13-11, and SCP-7863 ended up fleeing in another direction to Z13-13 and Z13-16. 10:42 - 10:52 am: Z13-11, Z13-10, and SCP-7863 were the group solely hunted by the hostiles into the cave system. They ambushed several hostiles as they split up to search for them. In these ten minutes, the reports of the 3 suggested they terminated 7 hostiles. 10:47 am: Z13-13 and Z13-16 concluded that either the hostiles had not entered the cave system or chased the group that SCP-7863 was with. The two began to go back to find the other group in case the Children of the Scarlet King were hunting SCP-7863. 11:01 - 11:09 am: 8 hostiles located the three survivors who were cornered at a dead end of the cave system. In the firefight Z13-11 was shot in the leg whilst running to cover causing them to fall and collide into a boulder, knocking him out immediately. Z13-10 would be shot and killed during this firefight after throwing a fragmentation grenade. Before his death, Z13-10 killed 3 of the 8 hostiles. SCP-7863 uses Z13-10's gun to defend himself as Z13-13 and 13-16 locate SCP-7863 and terminate the last hostiles. Z13-13, Z13-16, and SCP-7863 carried the unconscious Z13-11 back to the open of the cave as Zeta-13 was arriving shortly. 11:32 am: Black Hawks sent by MTF Zeta-13 arrive at the location and extract SCP-7863, Z13-11, Z13-13, and Z13-16 and returned them to Area-41 where SCP-7863 would be confirmed to have contained itself within its containment cell at 01:14 pm. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm: MTF Zeta-13 scoured the mountains for any members of the Children of the Scarlet King and retrieved the bodies of dead foundation and cult members as clean up prepared to remove the destroyed Black Hawks. During this, it was confirmed that the cult was members of the Children of the Scarlet King however they were of an unknown sect. Upon locating Black Hawk One, Z13-1, Z13-2, and Z13-5 were the only members found alive. _ + The following is an audio log by Site Director Daniel Molloch, those without clearance given by the O5 Council or Director Molloch before accessing this file will be terminated.- Hide audio log. Audio Log Transcript Date:17/6/20██ Subject: Incident Report ███-41-19-01-12 [BEGIN LOG] Director Molloch: This log is to address some inaccuracies in the official report for the O5 Council, as requested 11 days ago I have submitted the official report of the incident however as per the containment procedures I have set up, I have kept my identity removed as well as altering the events of 11:01 am. Director Molloch sighed and paused, tapping a pen on a desk. Director Molloch: After the death of Agent Ackehurst as well as Agent Irving losing consciousness, the other two were not the ones to kill the cultist. To ensure they could not capture me, I turned into the other form. The cultist froze and began to pray. They thought I was a creation of their god and wanted me to go with them. I terminated them. Director Molloch paused again with only the pen tapping could be heard. Director Molloch: We don't know if they knew our route back to Area-41 or if it was by chance and due to having no one to question, I recommend we assume the worse. As I know my termination request is denied, I hope you approve my request to increase the containment restrictions, I also request additional funding for the Cult Divisions of Area-41 to learn more about this unidentified sect of the cult. Apart from that I believe that concludes this audio log as the rest of the report is accurate. [END LOG] « SCP-7862 | SCP-7863| SCP-7864 »
Some beings are able to endure great calamities. Item Nº: VNP-7864 Dr. Augusta Mwangi Ephraim, VNP-7864 Specification: VNP-7864 is Dr. Augusta Mwangi Ephraim, currently residing in the McGrath Paramalady Hospital of the town of Harkness, Maryland,1 partially managed by Vanguard on account of the anomalous illnesses present in the area. Mwangi is a 75 year old retired para-epidemiologist of global renown who worked for the World Parahealth Organization for forty years. Her last assignment before retirement was serving as the WPhO liaison in Harkness where she lent her expertise on dealing with the town's unique nature. She is also registered as a minor thaumaturgist. Currently, she is afflicted with a seemingly unique strand of the Washington Virion, which is developing particularly slowly within her. This unique mutation has manifested hitherto unknown symptoms, including a near-constant desire to be submerged in hot water2 and an extremely slow metabolism. Notably, while the virion is slowly affecting Mwangi's ability to channel EVE,3 she hasn't felt any further ill-effects. Normalization Protocols: Augusta Mwangi must be quarantined like any other individual infected with the Washington Virion. All her needs are to be taken care of. Experimentation with her condition must be kept to a minimum and only is to be carried out with her permission. Additionally, the final objective of all testing must be discovering the nature of her ailment and how to cure it. Additional Information: Discovery of VNP-7864 On 12/04/2049, Mwangi — who had been self isolating in her home as per the guidelines of the nation-wide Procedure Pizzicato — reportedly felt a strong urge to fill her bathtub with hot water and submerge herself in it. By her own account, she spent five days in this state, without the need to drink, eat or move. The only activity she performed was changing the water when it cooled. On the third day, she started receiving texts from Antoni Barraquer, a former colleague with whom she had kept in contact. After the second day of silence, Barraquer called the emergency hotline to get the Harkness authorities to check on Mwangi. Shortly after a Vanguard medical team was sent from the McGrath Paramalady Hospital. She was found floating prone in her bathtub prior to being brought into the ER. Initial Medical Testing of VNP-7864: In the ER, her condition was confirmed to be stable. After corroborating her identity and her status as an active thaumaturgist, a Vernon test4 was performed on her and confirmed that she was infected, albeit the virus was progressing very slowly. Following this, she was placed in observation in one of the empty rooms of the McGrath Paramalady Hospital.5 In the following days, Mwangi asked for a bathtub and a jar full of lichen. Both these requests were provided immediately. Then, after she spent another three days submerged in the bath tub without any sustenance or apparent need to breathe, a provisional VNP document was drafted and she was interviewed. First Interview with VNP-7864: Dr. Shell: Hey, Augusta, how are you feeling? Mwangi: Oh, hello Cosmo. It's been a while. <She is silent for three seconds> And I feel weird, because my mind wants to be here but my body would prefer it if I was in the water. Dr. Shell: Do you think the virus is affecting your behaviour? Mwangi: Yes. Dr. Shell: That's very concerning. Mwangi: Well, it's not the weirdest side effect to a disease I've witnessed. In my years I've seen lots of strange things. <She sighs> Dr. Shell: Still, this is one of the rarest cases of the WV we've found on our database. None of the ones we've registered have caused this kind of reaction. Mwangi: Have you tried contacting the WpHO? Dr. Shell: It was the first thing we did. But it's difficult to get any information from them right now. Mwangi: Things must be hectic out there. And I guess we gotta work together to find out why I'm like this. Dr. Shell: Correct. Meanwhile, we'd like to run some tests on you, to try to discover the origins of your current condition. To do that, we need you to read carefully these documents. <Dr. Shell slides a stack of papers into the decontamination lock of Mwangi's chamber> Mwangi: What's this? Dr. Shell: Some approval forms we need you to review carefully. If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. We're here to help. Mwangi: Thank you. <Three minutes of silence on-footage, punctuated by papers rustling and Mwangi's soft muttering.> Dr. Shell: Our working theory is that your state, as it is, may not be caused by the virus. <Mwangi hums approvingly. The silence resumes for three further minutes of footage.> Mwangi: I think everything is in order and, if I do say so myself, it's much better than the deal usually offered by the Coalition. <She signs the documents and puts them back in the decontamination lock. She's glancing nervously between Dr. Shell and the tub.> Dr. Shell: Thank you very much. I'll leave you alone for today and tomorrow we'll start with the battery of tests, if that's ok with you. Mwangi: Yeah, yeah, I'm going to the tub again. Good night. In the following days, Mwangi was subjected to a battery of tests including a Berryman Pattern Check, an ectoplasm electroscopy, a Non-Sequitur Test for Surrealist Conclusion, and a standard test for extra-universal contamination. All of them turned out negative. When exposed to a Geiger and a Kant counter, she showed no particular deviance from baseline. Results from testing with an Akiva counter were disregarded due to the hospital's nature as a temple to Asclepius. Then, after three days of tests, blood was extracted from the subject. The samples of Washington Virion present within were compared to all other samples available to the Washington Virion Research Group, and no notable differences were found. However, over twenty dormant anomalous diseases were discovered within, some of which were not classified in Vanguard's database. Furthermore, other exotic materials of unknown origin were present in the tissue. Following this discovery, Dr. Shell and Dr. Fernández scheduled another interview with Mwangi. Second interview with VNP-7864: Dr. Shell: Hello, Augusta, how are you feeling this morning? Mwangi: I'm not sure. I ate a bit of what the nurses brought and it was good.6 Dr. Shell: Did you sleep well? Mwangi: If sleep is falling into a trance while floating in a tub, then I slept perfectly. Dr. Shell: I guess we have to look on the bright side. Mwangi: I can't do anything else except adapt to what's happening to me. Dr. Shell: Yes. Anyways, this is Dr. Helena Fernández, she is in charge of analyzing the tests we've been running on you. Dr. Fernández: Hello Dr. Mwangi, I'm pleased to meet you. <Mwangi mumbles an unintelligible response.> Dr. Fernández: Would you mind if we asked a couple of questions? Mwangi: I think I would prefer it if I was lying in a moss bed instead of answering questions. <Six seconds of silence pass> But I have to fight that urge. This is important. For me. For my health. So I guess I ought to answer those questions. Dr. Fernández: Thank you very much. So, let's start with the good news! Nearly all the tests we've conducted came out negative. So, you aren't meaning that you aren't suffering from exposure to an infohazard or being controlled by an extradimensional doppelgänger or suffering from the aftereffects from breaking a demonic pact. That's good for us because we would be completely out of our depth with those things. <Dr. Fernández lets out a chuckle.> Mwangi:<Muttering.> Excellent. Dr. Fernández: But that's what we didn't find. Because, and I'm very sorry about this, we did find some very troubling things. Mwangi: Like what? Dr. Fernández: It seems like you've been infected with a ton of diseases. Some of us are puzzled as to how you are still breathing. Mwangi: Oh. That. Yes. Dr. Fernández: You knew? Mwangi: Of course. Dr. Shell: You came around here for five years and you didn't tell us? Mwangi: Look, that's not something that usually comes up in casual conversation. Dr. Shell: So, you knew that you were infected with… <He looks down at his report.> … twenty-three diseases, both paranormal and mundane and still interacted with us? Mwangi: None of my illnesses ever spread to anyone. Look, the rundown is that in my years in the GOC, I came in contact to just shy of a million different diseases. <She sighs> In my years I've seen antimemetic Poliomyelitis, the Red Death, the Dinosaur Flu, the Daevite Scourge and six different variations of the Tartarean Spore Infection. But I was never contagious. Dr. Fernández: And how did you survive? <Five seconds of silence on recording> Mwangi: When I was thirty, the people at ICSUT and my friends at the WpHO injected some kind of antiviral serum. An experimental thing. <Silence on recording> Dr. Shell: Please elaborate. Mwangi: I'm not sure what it was. Some kind of synthetic polymers enhanced with biomancy, I think. But I know it wasn't an outright success. But it did stop me from being contagious and also stop me from dying, which is pretty good, all things considered. Dr. Shell: Fascinating. This could mean a way to stop the Virion. Dr. Fernández: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. You said it wasn't a success. Why? Mwangi: It was very costly. We needed to have over twelve simultaneous rituals performed by two people to keep it working! Dr. Fernández: So, if the serum was still functioning, someone was performing the rituals. Mwangi: Yes, I was. Along with Dr. Barraquer. That's why he was alarmed when he lost contact with me. Dr. Fernández: So there is a slim chance of using this against the Virion! Mwangi: No. My mind is foggy because I want to go sleep in the water instead of speaking with you. <She grumbles> But even with this numbness I can tell you that the serum is ineffective against that. Even with the serum, I've lost my magic. And I don't know how or why I'm not collapsing from the zombie virus and the bone-eating disease in my blood. If I had to guess, there's something here that we're all missing. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Fernández: I see. I'll prepare one last test. Dr. Fernández decided to test Mwangi's genetic material to see if there were any further parahuman modifications that could be causing her condition. After the results came in, Dr. Fernández discovered that even though she outwardly still looks human, her genetic makeup is that of a Milnesium tardigradum.7 Further tests were halted upon request by both doctors until the true nature of the anomaly could be discerned. The following morning, before going to communicate these findings to Augusta Mwangi, Dr. Shell and Dr. Fernández found the following note: + Reveal unknown note: - Close unknown note YOU'RE BEAR-Y IMPORTANT TO US We heard you were having trouble With those pesky diseases But water bears always shrug off trouble We hope you find them inspiring — The Obearwatch Command The Hubris of the Broken 8,000 Dead Rats Echoes Footnotes 1. Previously known as Nx-52, a hotspot for anomalous diseases. 2. Above 37 ºC 3. Elan Vital Energy, one of the main components needed for performing magic and thaumaturgy. 4. A routine test performed on those presumed infected by the Washington Virion consisting of exposing a small tissue sample to a concentrated EVE source. If the tissue fails to react accordingly, the person is infected. 5. Due to the town's nature, during the crisis, almost all inhabitants followed the protocols they had been following for their entire lives, making it one of the municipalities with the least incidence from the virus and leaving the local hospital largely unoccupied. 6. An hour earlier, she had been seen tasting the lichen in the jar. 7. One of the most common species of eight-legged Tardigrade, sometimes known as water bears. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "VNP-7864" by Diogene_s, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Smiling_Old_Woman_(Imagicity_1180).jpg Author: Graham Crumb License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Source Link:
⧗ 1h10min read  close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains heavy subject matter that includes murder, references to self-harm, suicidal ideation, and depictions of torture. ⚠️ content warning Item#: SCP-7865 Level1 Containment Class: explained Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: N/A Description: SCP-7865 is a recursive algorithm for the approximation of a solution to the Husik macrostatistical evaluation theorem. By design, the algorithm is only capable of producing solutions for high-likelihood events, under the constraint of the domain $\{ \alpha_v | \sqrt{5}/5 \leq \alpha_v\}.$ This results from the theorem’s probability curve appearing as a steep error function, shifted by $-e\pi^{-1}$ units.This is a rightward shift, not a downward shift.. Numerical convergence is only estimated to occur within $t_r <$ 504 hours for an $\alpha_v$ > 0.7684 .Three weeks was deemed the time for which the cost benefit of calculating a solution reached zero. It is from 504 hours that the value $\alpha_v$ = 0.768 was computed. Otherwise, it is an arbitrary value., although smaller values of $\alpha_v$ may still allow for convergence when the time-to-event $t_e$ is sufficiently small as well. Some cases have demonstrated values as low as $\alpha_v$=0.5573 to be convergent for $t_e$= 16.34 hours. Convergence, in turn, is considered to have occurred when the difference between two successive iterations has a error $|E| < (2e)^{-4}.$ Despite 14 relevant variables for convergence, multivariate analysis of simulated runtime models have proven the values of $\alpha_v$ and $t_e$ to be the most critical for a low $t_r$. More information about the derivation of SCP-7865, its mathematical properties, and case studies can be requested from the Head of the Analytics Department with _ Level 4 clearance. Level 4 clearance. From: tenartni.noitadnuof|ilajo#tenartni.noitadnuof|ilajo To: tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw#tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw Sent: 9:29 AM, March 14th, 2014 Subject: Request to refile SCP-7865 Director Williams, Hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to inquire about SCP-7865’s documentation, it seems sparse. Emailing the Head of Analytics for some math homework? It's absurd. I think it's probably best to archive the file entirely. I can submit the request if that's alright with you. Sincerely, RAISA Secretary Ali From: tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw#tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw To: tenartni.noitadnuof|ilajo#tenartni.noitadnuof|ilajo Sent: 10:04 AM, March 14th, 2014 Subject: Re: Request to remove SCP-7865 from file Omar, Your request isn't the first, but I will tell you what I've told the others: SCP-7865's documentation will not be removed from its present file. The veterans from the Analytics Department are adamant SCP-7865 stays around, in one form or another. Myself included. Though, I will agree that the permissions required to fully access an explained 'anomaly' are excessive, especially considering its mundane nature. We keep the entry around as a cautionary reminder. It’s one of the Foundation’s early failures, back from when we were still formalizing the institution into its modern form. I suppose most of our staff now are too young to remember. They should know our failures, it's for the best. Digitizations of pertinent archives are attached, they’ll tell you what you need to know. And please Omar, we’ve been friends long enough. Call me Latoya. Yours, Dr. Latoya Williams _ Hey! Hey you! Hi! I’m flattered to see that there’s someone looking through my page source. Sorry to tell you bud, but I’ve got no clue what I’m doing. There’s a mystical relation between this coltop component and our Lord himself that mandates its own need to exist, and I haven’t a clue why. Everything breaks when this isn’t here. Oh well. Thanks for reading, I love you!- Hide block Archived Document 7865-B2-1959 Archived Document 7865-A1-1974 Archived Document 7865-A1-1975 Archived Document 7865-A2-1975 Archived Document 7865-A2-1979 Archived Document 7865-A1-1981 WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/CONRAD CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. IMPOSSIBLE TO DETERMINE DATE OF AUTOMATIC DECLASSIFICATION December 2nd, 1959 Memorandum for: Research Site CONRAD Director Via: Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator Subject: Dr. Moshe Husik, the Department of Applied Mathematics, and the Neural Interface Computational Engines (NICE) 1. Regarding the Object of Dr. Husik 1.1. Moshe Husik has proven invaluable to the Foundation. There are few, if any, other cooperative entities with its degree of expertise in anomalous mechanics. Considering Husik's independent development of successful containment procedures for seventeen separate anomalies within a decade of employment, its current position as Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics is no surprise. 1.2. Permission to use anomalous methods to produce containment procedures are heavily restricted. Following formal requests, Dr. Husik has previously employed Sarkic rituals for containment purposes. Although, as it is not permitted to use anomalous practices when not explicitly authorized, its self-experimentation constitutes a direct violation of both Overseer order and Ethics Committee precedent. 1.3. Detainment and subsequent analysis of Dr. Husik revealed a set of anomalous features not unlike the arrays of Site CONRAD’s Neural Interface Computational Engines. It is not currently discernible whether these alterations merely resemble or actually share the same origins as the biomachinery. In either circumstance, the same benefit is provided: Husik presents unusually advanced capabilities in calculation and problem-solving. The extent of its capacities are unknown. 1.4. Given Dr. Husik’s previous affiliation with the Sarkic Cult, it is presumed augmentations were made [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]. Therefore, it is inconsistent with Foundation criteria for baseline humanity. 1.5. It is indeterminable whether Dr. Husik’s moral faculties have been affected. The premature death of Director Kelly suggests that Husik no longer maintains a benevolent view of human life. It has insisted that its usage of the NICE to evaluate the deaths of Foundation personnel was intended to “prevent further loss of life”, but has failed to adequately offer any rational explanation for its choice of persons. 1.6. Interview Logs ► HUSIKM-1959-1 ▼ HUSIKM-1959-1 DATE: 11/27/1959 SUBJECT: Moshe Husik INTERVIEWER: Mason Kelly, Site Director [BEGIN LOG] KELLY: This isn’t really something I expected to be doing, Husik. SUBJECT: I didn’t think you’d be sitting here, either. KELLY: You’re sweating. SUBJECT: I’m nervous, Kelly. Seriously, you have to seek shelter. KELLY: I’ve never seen you go this far off a hunch. SUBJECT: It’s not a hunch. Please, I'm begging you. Run or hide! Do something! KELLY: Calm down. We’ve got all day. [Sighs] May you state your credentials for the record? SUBJECT: My name is Moshe Husik. Today’s the twenty-seventh, November nineteen fifty-nine. KELLY: Dr. Husik, on the night of the twenty-sixth you activated the… NICE? [Kelly looks up from his clipboard]. [Husik nods hastily.] KELLY: … without Overseer approval to use anomalous Foundation equipment. Then, you activated it again this morning. Is that correct? SUBJECT: Yes. KELLY: Why? SUBJECT: To prevent the loss of life. KELLY: How clinical. SUBJECT: I’ll take that as a compliment. KELLY: And have you successfully prevented the loss of life? SUBJECT: No. Not yet, at least. You still have time to save yourself. The probability isn’t certain. Likely, but not certain. KELLY: [Frowning] Husik, I already told you I'm not in any danger. Do you know something I don't? SUBJECT: I can’t say. Or - rather, sorry. I mean that I don’t know what it is either. You were just the most probable. KELLY: You need to use your words. Explain. Run it by me, step by step. Don't worry if it's classified. I've got emergency credentials for this interrogation. Tell me. Why do you believe I'm going to die? SUBJECT: Ok. [Exhales] I’ll explain everything, everything. KELLY: Go ahead. SUBJECT: It started with an idea I had a few years back. Using [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] to- KELLY: With [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]? That's impossible. SUBJECT: No, not at all. Since the Laplace transform of a superconclusive matrix yields numerically solvable differentials, the algorithm converges. KELLY: That's ingenious. But… I’m still skeptical. That's far too many variables. SUBJECT: Sure. But once you [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED], like some sort of sieve, you can start to precisely define a macroevent. KELLY: That's hardly a definition. SUBJECT: I know, bear with me. Luckily, if you can agglomerate- KELLY: This is all theoretical. You could never compute something this complex. SUBJECT: Maybe with traditional computers. But with [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]… the human mind becomes a computer itself. [Silence.] KELLY: Husik, that's…horrendous. SUBJECT: Come on. When you were a researcher, every other week…well. We both know what you've done to the D-Class. KELLY: I did what was necessary. SUBJECT: Sure. It got you promoted, and now as a director I can only imagine- KELLY: Husik. I made sacrifices for the protection of mankind. SUBJECT: And so have I! And look where that got me? You need to protect yourself, goddammit! KELLY: Alright, alright! Just.. [Kelly closes his eyes and rubs his temples] Just settle down. We're getting off-topic. Back to what you were saying. You're telling me that [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]? SUBJECT: That's most of it. To the dot, even. [Kelly leans back in his chair.] KELLY: Theory’s solid. But how'd you get the [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] to actually work? SUBJECT: Through [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] interfacing. Although, I'm still unsure whether that's the optimal approach. KELLY: How do you write input for a machine like that? SUBJECT: Well, I hoped it could be verbal at first. But preliminary tests proved that text was… um… less ambiguous. Much more controllable. From there, we trained [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] KELLY: I would've never imagined. How many test cases do you have? SUBJECT: Eleven. Actually, thirteen. Eleven proper cases and two more inconclusive. KELLY: What do you mean? SUBJECT: Eleven cases where the events were both predicted and realized. All the specifics are in the report, but the predictions are generally very reliable. The events always happened. [Subject pauses.] SUBJECT: But we never intervened. I-um, we never acted proactively, and that's why- KELLY: Yes, I know. Run and hide. Don’t start. [Kelly folds his hands.] It’s interesting. Quite interesting. I assume I’m one of the two inconclusive test cases? SUBJECT: Yes. KELLY: And what was the other one? SUBJECT: Similar to yours, though I doubt the name will ring a bell. I couldn’t contact her in the timespan given. I assume she’s dead. KELLY: If I was to tell you that Ms. O’Tana is still alive and well, how would you feel? SUBJECT: Elated. If she could escape her fate, you can too. KELLY: It’s good to know that you still care. SUBJECT: Of course I do. KELLY: Husik… why'd you choose me? SUBJECT: Because… [Subject takes a deep breath.] SUBJECT: Come on. You're my friend, and I want you to be safe. [Kelly smiles forcefully.] KELLY: I believe you. I really do, Husik. SUBJECT: Thank you. KELLY: And even if I didn't, protocol still dictates that I need to be placed under protection. Once I'm put away, they'll swap in someone else. Probably Drennan. You know she won't be as accommodating to you as I've been. [Subject nods.] KELLY: Until I’m in the clear, you’re going to have to hold out. I’ll shield myself from anything and everything, and when I’m done, I’ll get you out of this mess. You hear me? SUBJECT: Thank you. Thank you so much. I can’t thank you enough. KELLY: No worries. And for what it’s worth, you’re also one of the best friends I’ve ever made in this place. Best of luck Husik. [END LOG] ► HUSIKM-1959-3 ▼ HUSIKM-1959-3 DATE: 11/29/1959 SUBJECT: Moshe Husik INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] DRENNAN: Can you state your name and date for the record? SUBJECT: My name’s Moshe Husik, and the date is November twenty-ninth, nineteen fifty-nine. DRENNAN: Husik, why did you kill Charlie O’Tana? SUBJECT: What? DRENNAN: On the early morning November 27th - two days ago - she was found dead, approximately half an hour after you, ahem, predicted her death. SUBJECT: No, no, no… Kelly said she didn’t die. He told me- DRENNAN: Director Kelly lied. I can’t tell you why. When I went over the interview I was confused too. SUBJECT: Maybe he didn’t know. I- DRENNAN: I’m certain he knew. He seemed to think about you highly. It’s a shame how you repaid the favor. SUBJECT: I was trying to protect him. DRENNAN: Director Kelly died two hours ago. [Subject looks away.] DRENNAN: You were off by twenty minutes. It's impressive, I'll give you that. [Pausing] And then there's the matter of the things we found inside you. [Subject shuts its eyes.] SUBJECT: Don't. DRENNAN: You're inhuman. I asked for a containment chamber, but solitary confinement will have to do for now. SUBJECT: You're a cruel woman. DRENNAN: No, I just do my job well. [Drennan stands up.] DRENNAN: Anyways. I've got other matters to attend to. I'll get back to you, eventually. [END LOG] ► HUSIKM-1959-4 ▼ HUSIKM-1959-4 DATE: 11/30/1959 SUBJECT: Moshe Husik INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] DRENNAN: State your name and date for the record. [Subject glares at Drennan] DRENNAN: Alright. Husik, when was the last time you were human? SUBJECT: I am human. DRENNAN: You are not. SUBJECT: Why not? [Subject sneers] DRENNAN: [opens a folder] Here’s the imaging of your innards. I really appreciate Command for ordering them. I would’ve never guessed you were this much of a freak. SUBJECT: I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember. DRENNAN: Sure. We do know about your ties to Sarkicism, so there’s no point in hiding it. Be honest with me. SUBJECT: You can’t blame me for the circumstances of my birth. DRENNAN: But I can certainly blame you for murder. Two, in fact. SUBJECT: I didn't kill them. DRENNAN: Your machine did. And who aimed it at them? SUBJECT: That’s not what it does! DRENNAN: Oh, please. Nobody on your list had any reason to die until you said they did. You might not understand how, exactly, but your machine killed them. You killed them. SUBJECT: How? I can't- it's not even anomalous! DRENNAN: It’s not anomalous? SUBJECT: No, no, its… [places a hand on his chest] DRENNAN: It’s just like you. Isn’t it? [Subject stares at Drennan.] DRENNAN: I had a feeling. You used the same rituals those Sarkites taught you to build it, didn't you? SUBJECT: I had authorization. DRENNAN: [Sneering] And you still call yourself human? SUBJECT: Yes. I still think. I still feel. I’m still human. DRENNAN: Then that machine must also think, and feel. Like a human. SUBJECT: No, it’s not bound to a body. The neurons aren’t wired the same way. It’s just not comparable. DRENNAN: What about you? You're bound to a body. Should you be registered as an anomalous object, Husik? SUBJECT: No. For the same reason my computers shouldn’t. We aren’t anomalous. DRENNAN: “We”? Interesting. Tell me how you’re non-anomalous. [Subject rolls his eyes.] SUBJECT: I obey every known law of the natural world. [Huffs] Didn’t you go to university? This isn’t how science works. You hold the burden of proof. DRENNAN: You violate the basic principles of biology. SUBJECT: No, I don't, and neither do the NICE. Get a real biologist in the room. The way we got the parts set up was anomalous, but the final product isn’t. It's nothing more than cells in an unusual pattern. The pattern of various calculators, that is. DRENNAN: And in your case? SUBJECT: I don’t know what I was supposed to be. Smart, I assume. I think that was all they really planned for me. DRENNAN: How conceited. And just how many brains did they shove in your skull again? SUBJECT: [Groaning] Just put me back in solitary. DRENNAN: Can do. [END LOG] ► HUSIKM-1959-5 ▼ HUSIKM-1959-5 DATE: 12/1/1959 SUBJECT: Moshe Husik INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] DRENNAN: Do you know why you’re here today? SUBJECT: Of course. DRENNAN: Why are you here today? [Subject hesitates.] SUBJECT: I… I’m not sure what to say. DRENNAN: You seemed quite aware of your circumstances earlier. SUBJECT: What? What’re you doing? DRENNAN: Excuse me? SUBJECT: No snark? The-the change in demeanor… who’s breathing down your neck? DRENNAN: [Chuckles] No one. I just thought solitary had loosened you up. [Subject remains silent for a moment.] SUBJECT: You locked me up for a while. DRENNAN: Your cell’s padded. Sounds cozy, if you ask me. SUBJECT: Yeah. Gave me a lot of time to think, alone. DRENNAN: Is there something you’d like to share? SUBJECT: I dunno. Not sure if I’m confident in my current theory. DRENNAN: You mean the computers? SUBJECT: No, no, biocomputation isn’t all that. [Muttering] They play it up a lot. Think the real problem is interface interaction systems. I didn’t expect this scenario. DRENNAN: Could you be more specific? SUBJECT: [mumbling] It's…the theorem evaluates events when they're certain. Almost certain. There might be… some kind of confirmation bias. It doesn't produce false predictions since it, well, it can't…that's what I made it for, after all. I engineered something that can only ever work. I… I can't change what's predicted but I…I don't know, maybe… [clicks tongue]… nevermind. [Drennan frowns.] DRENNAN: I have no idea what any of that means. SUBJECT: So then why are you here? [Drennan closes her eyes and breathes deeply.] DRENNAN: I just have a few more questions to ask you. SUBJECT: [Shaking his head] Ask away. DRENNAN: Right. Why, precisely, did you target the late Director Kelly? [Subject hesitates, again] SUBJECT: I-I’m not sure if there’s anything I can say. DRENNAN: Why not? SUBJECT:I… I may have set in motion a series of events I couldn't have accounted for. I'm not sure what I can safely say at this point. DRENNAN: I don’t understand. SUBJECT: I’m afraid I understand barely enough. And I don’t know what I can say, if anything, to fix it. DRENNAN: Are- SUBJECT: I’d rather not say anything at all. I don’t know what I can say yet. DRENNAN: Unbelievable. Are you certain this is your preferred course of action? SUBJECT: Yes. For now, at least. [END LOG] 2. Regarding Alexandra Hovsky 2.1. Not all containment procedures developed by the Department of Applied Mathematics are currently understood, and efforts to reverse engineer paratechnology designed by Dr. Husik have proven unsuccessful. However, several of Dr. Husik's subordinates have been informed of relevant principles and theories, and have proven capable of partially understanding its work. 2.2. Several members of the Department of Applied Mathematics have taken after Dr. Husik, notably among them, junior researcher Alexandra Hovsky. Given the controversy surrounding his removal, these individuals' unwaveringly positive opinion of Dr. Husik has come under question. However, to date, all members of the Department of Applied Mathematics have been found to be sound of mind, non-anomalous, and generally empathetic to humanity. 2.3. Interview Logs ► HOVSKYA-1959-1 ▼ HOVSKYA-1959-1 DATE: 11/28/1959 SUBJECT: Alexandra Hovsky, Junior Researcher INTERVIEWER: Mason Kelly, Site Director [BEGIN LOG] KELLY: Hey. A raspberry tart? [Kelly offers the pastry to Hovsky.] HOVSKY: That’s my favorite. KELLY: It’s yours. HOVSKY: You knew it was my favorite. KELLY: Word gets around. Could you state your credentials for the record? HOVSKY: Alexandra Hovsky, and it’s December first. KELLY: To what- HOVSKY: Why am I being interviewed? KELLY: Excuse me? HOVSKY: You even tried to soften me up with the sweets. Why me? There’s about a dozen other people in the department as involved in this as I am. Why aren’t they being interviewed? KELLY: [Grinning] You know I can’t show you all my cards. So let me make you a deal. If you tell me why you think you’re here, I promise I’ll tell you why I think you should be here. Sound fair? [Hovsky rest her chin in her knuckles.] HOVSKY: Alright. I think you’re trying to make an example out of me. Because I didn’t back down when Husik was detained, and I won’t keep my mouth shut. KELLY: [Laughs softly] It’s funny how perspective works. Ms. Hovsky, there's a lot more eyes on this whole affair than you'd imagine. You need to understand the gravity of the situation and keep quiet; there's a good reason everyone else piped down. HOVSKY: Cowardice? KELLY: Let me speak. Your relationship to Moshe Husik is terribly suspicious. You need to realize that. The Foundation protects people from things like Husik. We don’t usually help them. We don’t make anomalies, we contain them. It’s our purpose, it's the reason we’re all here. [Hovsky does not speak.] KELLY: Most of us didn’t choose to work here until anomalies forced their way into our lives. This is personal for a lot of us. You have to understand I'm trying to do what's best for everyone, Alexandra. Please, help me out here. I’m trying to do what’s best for everyone. HOVSKY: Husik… he’s been good to me. KELLY: Moshe was good to everyone. Yet, here we are. HOVSKY: I-I’m not going to turn my back on him. KELLY: I’m not asking you to do anything you don’t want to. Just, please, I want the truth. All of it. Tell me, how much of Husik’s theorem do you truly understand? HOVSKY: I.. uh. I understand it completely? [Kelly raises her brow.] HOVSKY: Erm… the theorem’s almost inextricably linked to the NICE. The two were designed for each another. The NICE are still somewhat general-purpose, but… biocomputers work like normal computers, you know? The problem's more with understanding how they actually function as a whole, and I don't think anyone really gets all the nitty gritty details. So the theorem, I could easily run it, but I couldn't tell you why it works. [Kelly continues in silence, watching intently.] HOVSKY: Um. I guess what I'm trying to say is that… [clicks her tongue]. Okay. So, for example, somebody actually solved the alpha node problem once, and that was it! Nobody ever needed to figure it out again. So, with Husik's theorem, I know what each part does, and I know how they work together. But I didn’t put it all together. KELLY: I see. Do the NICE pose any threat to human life? HOVSKY: What… what does that question mean? KELLY: Do you have any reason to believe a biocomputer would be willfully malicious? HOVSKY: No? KELLY: Are you certain? HOVSKY: I mean… oh. I get what this is about. I know that those neurons don't come empty. But they were D-Class, right? The worst of the worst. That's what they told us. They said they were up for death row. Just…scum. The type of people who aren’t fit for society. [Hovsky swallows audibly.] HOVSKY: And…at least they aren't dead dead, you know? they aren't really alive, either—I mean, they aren't themselves. It’s not like they’re in pain you know? Besides, we're doing them a favor. They're saving lives now. We're stopping bad things from happening. Or…uh, more bad things. From happening. We aren't hurting anybody. Why would we do that? I…I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt anybody. [Silence.] KELLY: I didn't ask for moral justifications. I'll repeat. Do you have any reason to believe that a biocomputer might be willfully malicious? HOVSKY: No. It doesn't—it can't, um…"will". I-I guess? It's not free to "will", if that makes sense. There’s a set of parameters that it’s tasked to maximize or minimize, and that‘s all it does. KELLY: What parameters? HOVSKY: It's all technical. Optimization, that sort of thing. KELLY: Be specific, please. HOVSKY: [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] KELLY: Ah. Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Hovsky. [END LOG] ► HOVSKYA-1959-2 ▼ HOVSKYA-1959-2 DATE: 11/30/1959 HOVSKY: Alexandra Hovsky, Junior Researcher INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] DRENNAN: Can you state your name and date for the record? HOVSKY: Um. I’m Alex. Hovsky, Alexandra Hovsky. Sorry. DRENNAN: And the date? HOVSKY: Yeah, it’s the thirtieth of November, nineteen fifty-nine. DRENNAN: Do you know why you’re here today? HOVSKY: Because of Husik. DRENNAN: That’s correct. What relationship did you have to it? HOVSKY: [winces] I don’t like it when you guys, uh, do that. DRENNAN: Do what? HOVSKY: Say “it”. Husik is a person. A human. He’s a “he”. DRENNAN: Husik is anomalously augmented. Its humanity is debatable. I’d rather not get sidetracked, so how about I ask the questions, and you answer. Ok? [Hovsky does not respond.] DRENNAN: Is that alright, Ms. Hovsky? HOVSKY: [Quietly] Fine. DRENNAN: Wonderful. What was your relationship to Husik? HOVSKY: He was the Head of my department. DRENNAN: And personally, what was your relationship? HOVSKY: Personally? DRENNAN: Yes, personally. HOVSKY: So now [air quotes] “it” is a person? DRENNAN: Non-cooperation will be documented on your record. HOVSKY: Husik taught me everything I know. DRENNAN: [Scoffing] Everything? Surely you knew something when you were hired? HOVSKY: Everything they teach you in school is menial. You go to high school and they teach you algebra. You get to college and they show you calculus. Then you come to find out calculus works over, around, above, and beyond algebra. Suddenly, algebra seems elementary. [Hovsky opens her mouths to speak, but waits for a moment.] HOVSKY: Then, you meet Moshe Husik. He shows you superconclusive matrices. Non-binary biocomputation. Macrostatistics. It's so much more than any mathematician on the other side of the Veil understands. Calculus is elementary now. It's child's play compared to what we do. DRENNAN: And how much of what you were taught was anomalous in nature? HOVSKY: None of it. DRENNAN: None of it? [Hovsky shakes her head.] DRENNAN: Not even, for instance, mirage numbers? HOVSKY: Those aren't actually… do you even know what mirage numbers are? DRENNAN: I'm asking the questions. Are you aware of the NICE interface’s functioning? HOVSKY: Yes. DRENNAN: Is it non-anomalous? HOVSKY: No. DRENNAN: That contradicts your earlier claim. HOVSKY: [Unintelligible] DRENNAN: Speak up. HOVSKY: I said, Husik never explained interfacing. DRENNAN: You consorted with Husik to develop a device you don't understand? [Hovsky scowls.] HOVSKY: You can't drag Husik's name through the mud. This isn’t on him. The Overseers knew what we were making, they personally approved it. DRENNAN: There's a reason the overseers made their decision. You know that. HOVSKY: Husik warned us about it, you know? Specifically. It’s what happens when you play with things you don’t understand. DRENNAN: Are you suggesting that the overseers are to blame? HOVSKY: I'm not suggesting anything. DRENNAN: [Sighs and checks her wristwatch] Fine. Unfortunately, I think I have to cut our conversation short. [Drennan readies to exit interview.] HOVSKY: Wait! [Drennan stops.] HOVSKY: Nobody wanted Charlie to die. It doesn’t make sense. It wasn’t supposed to happen. [Drennan does not respond.] HOVSKY: You don’t really think we killed her, do you? [END LOG] ► HOVSKYA-1959-3 ▼ HOVSKYA-1959-3 DATE: 12/01/1959 HOVSKY: Alexandra Hovsky, Junior Researcher INTERVIEWER: Enora Drennan, Internal Affairs Lead Coordinator [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Oh, it's you again. [Drennan furrows her brow.] DRENNAN: Indeed. State your name and date for the record. HOVSKY: Alexandra Hovsky. December first, nineteen fifty-nine. DRENNAN: Alright, whatever. Can you remind me what your relationship with Moshe Husik was? HOVSKY: Dr. Husik is the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics. DRENNAN: Was. Was the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics. What was your personal relationship to Dr. Husik? HOVSKY: I plead the fifth. DRENNAN: Excuse me? HOVSKY: Ethics Committee Personnel Statute 125 Subsection A? I don’t fucking know. Don’t fucking care. I'm saying I’d rather not answer that. DRENNAN: You have to answer. HOVSKY: I don’t. I know my rights. I’ll plead the fifth. DRENNAN: [sighs] Sure. Next question. Were you- HOVSKY: I plead the fifth. DRENNAN: You didn’t even let- HOVSKY: Fifth. [END LOG] Afterword: On December 1st, 1959, Alexandra Hovsky was found to be missing from her confinement unit. Security footage shows her fleeing Site CONRAD, but personnel were unable to detain her. Recovery is presently considered a medium priority. 3. Regarding the Neural Interface Computational Engines (NICE) 3.1. The NICE consist of [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]. 3.2. [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] Hence, along with an approximate event time, the neural networking may associate terms to the event as well. A number of notable caveats surround the term-linking feature, mainly, the terms associated with the event may not be clearly linked to one another. Furthermore, the terms associated with the event may not be causally linked to the event, nor may the terms associated with the event offer meaningful interpretation. As such, the term-association function must be considered as a prototype feature. 3.3. There has yet to be a failure in event prediction, albeit, the small sample size of thirteen cases is insufficient for estimating a true success rate. Nevertheless, a vague estimation of the time-to-event accuracy has shown that events always occur within an hour of the predicted time, which, for all practical purposes thus far, is sufficiently precise. Due to these predictions, four containment breaches were swiftly resolved with minimal casualties. Another three anomalies were identified, secured, and contained with predictive assistance. However, the last three events predicted by the NICE have earned the most notoriety. 3.4. The first event predicted the death of Senior Researcher O’Tana. Without express consent of the Foundation, Husik evaluated this event from 17:21, 11/26/1959 to 6:58, 11/27/1959. No intervention was made on account of the holiday, during which all other members of the Department of Applied Mathematics chose to take the days off. The death was predicted for 7:24, 11/27/1959, with terms most associated with the event being ‘snow’, ‘leather’, ‘light’, ‘tree’, and ‘lavender’. It is unknown why O'Tana was chosen for prediction, as is the reason for the event of death being chosen for evaluation, since there are no significant instances of disease, injury, trauma, or personal animosity in her record. The researcher’s only known relation to Husik was a brief period of coworking in June 1956, prior to Husik's promotion to Head of the department. The two have not had direct relations or correspondence since then. Regardless, O’Tana died on the morning of 11/27/1959. when a driver found her car crashed into a tree on the side of a road. It is assumed she slid across the ice and lost control of her vehicle. 3.5. The second event predicted the death of Site Director Kelly. This computation was initiated immediately after the prior computation, and was completed at 23:34, 11/27/1959. The death was predicted for 7:25, 11/29/1959. The terms most associated with the event were ‘blood’, ‘soldier’, ‘teeth’, ‘white’, and ‘concrete’. Similar to Senior Researcher O’Tana, Kelly was healthy and lacked personal adversaries. The director considered himself a close friend of Husik's and the two regularly convened to discuss shared interests. Husik contacted Director Kelly at 23:35, calling his home phone from site CONRAD, reporting his own unauthorized usage of the NICE. As awareness of the situation grew, Kelly was placed under protection with heavy surveillance in a standard onsite humanoid containment cell. Nevertheless, an unrelated containment breach resulted in his death at 7:13, 11/29/1959. 3.6. The third and final event has still not occurred, as it is expected for 9:48, 12/06/1959. Its computation was programmed to automatically initiate at 00:01, 11/27/1959, and at 19:04 of the same day the computation was finished. It predicted the death of Overseer [REDACTED]. The most associated terms were ‘moon’, ‘quiet’, ‘howl’, ‘black’, and ‘water’. 4. Conclusion 4.1. It is recommended that all personnel found to be empathetic to Moshe Husik are to be secured, amnestied, and immediately reassigned to other departments. 4.2. It is recommended that Husik be immediately registered as an anomalous entity and contained. 4.2. It is recommended that the NICE be left sealed and monitored. They do not constitute a security risk as they are verifiably inoperable without personnel, and still possibly beneficial to the Foundation. This document contains information relating to cognitohazardous or memetic triggers. All further documentation may only be obtained with proper clearance from the Memetics and Infohazards Division. Item #: SCP-CONRAD Special Containment Procedures: All information regarding the derivation SCP-CONRAD-1 or any of its components is to be expunged. All schematics, research, and specific descriptions of the NICE are to be expunged as well. Individuals exposed to SCP-CONRAD-2 are to be amnesticized and subjected to appropriate disciplinary action. Description: SCP-CONRAD-1 is an algorithm which approximates a solution to the Husik macrostatisical evaluation theorem, only known to be computable by the NICE housed at Site CONRAD. SCP-CONRAD-2 is a memetic infohazard caused by SCP-CONRAD-1, spread by means of verbal or written communication detailing the algorithm’s operation. The infohazard’s effects are, in all cases observed, a strong desire to make use of the algorithm, the urge to explain it to others, and intense, paranoid, cognitive impairment. These symptoms are self-reinforcing, growing in severity as the anomaly propagates. As a result, the spread of the contagion first appears as a mild interest before rapidly escalating to a critical point of social obsession, incoherence, and destructive behavior. ► Addendum CONRAD-a: History ▼ Addendum CONRAD-a: History A method to evaluate large scale probabilities using organic computation machines was first theorized by Dr. Moshe Husik in the Summer of 1953, with rigorous proof being elaborated in late 1956. First published in May 1957, the method was circulated within the internal journals of the Foundation’s Department of Applied Mathematics. Following the Dublin Incident, funding was allocated to the development of the Neural Interface Computational Engines (NICE), biological computers capable of approximating the absolute convergence of the Husik theorem. The computers were finalized in April of 1959. Intended as a means to prevent containment breaches and catastrophes, authorization to use anomalous techniques was given to construct the NICE, although the subsequent anomalous effects were unforeseen. The success of the project warranted further investment until misuse led to the discovery of SCP-CONRAD-2 and the dissolution of the Department of Applied Mathematics. Once identified as a memetic agent, steps were taken to isolate research. Crucially, since the biocomputers were designed expressly for solving SCP-CONRAD-1, it is possible to reverse engineer the circumstances of SCP-CONRAD's emergence through intensive study of the NICE. As such, the personnel tasked with developing the biomachinery were amnesticized and transferred to other projects to prevent memetic contagion. However, as a result, there are no remaining personnel both knowledgeable and willing to research the anomaly— (See Addendum CONRAD-b). ► Addendum CONRAD-b: Recovery ▼ Addendum CONRAD-b: Recovery On 11/06/1974, a raid on a Global Occult Coalition safehouse recovered Foundation defector Alexandra Hovsky, who cited ideological convictions as her rationale for fleeing during the initial discovery of SCP-CONRAD. Hovsky is currently the sole remaining researcher capable of understanding SCP-CONRAD-1 and the technical operation of the NICE. In accordance with Ethics Committee resolution, she is to receive no disciplinary retaliation under the condition that she comply with researching SCP-CONRAD. Due to the immobility of the NICE, Site CONRAD has been developed into a research site for cognitohazardous anomalies. Moreover, in order to avoid dissemination of the infohazard, all documents produced by Hovsky are quarantined. The chamber which stores the NICE along with the adjunct archival storage and office space of the Department of Applied Mathematics have been reconfigured into a unilaterally isolated containment unit. Until the development of more advanced methods to curtail cognitohazardous anomalies, Hovsky’s research is to be contained. From: tenartni.noitadnuof|ccmrepooc#tenartni.noitadnuof|ccmrepooc To: tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo#tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo Sent: 12:29 PM, February 7th, 1975 Subject: CONRAD Committee Resolution Latoya, Here’s from the latest Ethics Committee hearing. Cormick Under the Foundational Mandate, the Ethics Committee is granted final arbitration on the wording, implementation, and revision of any and all Special Containment Procedures. In the matter of SCP-CONRAD, the Ethics Committee invokes Article III, Section VII of the Mandate, Unrestricted Powers of Deposition. All testimonies are classified Level-4. Access may be granted by petition to the Ethics Committee. ETHICS COMMITTEE INQUEST Whereby suspicion of malfeasance among Foundation staff has been established in the proposed Special Containment Procedures of a SCP Database document, the Office of the Ethics Committee has established a formal inquest. Proposal: Overturn Ethics Committee precedent regarding Foundation staff member Alexandra Hovsky. Inquest Testimonies and Analysis Foreword: Unique constraints have made one or more subjects of this inquest dialogically incommunicable through conventional means. Nevertheless, the investigator responsible has included a selection of transcripts judged relevant for the analysis of personal psyche and motivations, as well as confessions. In order to maintain fairness, these testimonies, lacking interrogational standards, should be considered biased and/or circumstantial as per Ethics Committee Inquest guidelines. Testimonies 1969-1974 ► HOVSKY-1969 ▼ HOVSKY-1969 DATE: 04/19/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Hi. I’m Alex. Alexandra Hovsky, rather. I-I was gonna write something, but I couldn’t figure out where to start. I’ve, um, been in here for three weeks. I've pretty much accepted this shitty situation. I really was going to try to write down all my research, all nice and tidy. But…nobody's ever going to see it. I’m stuck down here. Stuck for good. HOVSKY: I spent so long agonizing over it. How was I supposed to start writing? Do I introduce myself? Do I explain my circumstances? Do I go straight to the NICE? Whenever I sat down at the terminal, I’d just spend hours and hours writing and rewriting the same things over, and over and over again. Until I finally decided to just…get it over with. So I just grabbed the mic, and here I am. Yeah. HOVSKY: I’ve decided to use this as like, a diary. I know it’s not supposed to be that, but hey, who’s listening? If I'm the only one here, then I'll do whatever the hell I want. HOVSKY: I guess it's probably gonna be good for me, too. Mentally, I mean. I've seen how trapped MTF agents and, uh, lonely people turn out. I need something to keep my mind active, entertained, and social. There’s plenty of mind-scratching I can call research, and I'm sure I can salvage some paperwork, start learning origami or something. But this, this right here, is the only way to stay even slightly social. HOVSKY: This is my first recording. First try too, if you couldn't tell. [Laughs.] [Silence.] HOVSKY: I didn't really think this far ahead. Not sure how I should end this thing. [Pausing] Or, on second thought, I can just say bye, right? [END LOG] DATE: 05/02/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Hey there. Alex here. Round two. HOVSKY: It's kind of embarrassing, but I finally figured out how to log into SCiPNET today. Yeah, I know. Husik's protege, and here I am. That's not the point. [Hovksy pauses.] HOVSKY: Anyways, I finally figured out how to get around the interface. It’s a completely unintuitive way to organize files. Anyways. I just found out that I've got a read-only account. Just found out. Yeah, I didn't expect that either. But five minutes ago, my permissions on SCiPNET were updated. I’ve got a read-only profile now. HOVSKY: At first I thought it was a big mistake. It’s failing the basic fucking concept of isolation. Information isn't supposed to be going out. Yeah, it's read-only, but I'm still able to send out requests. It's such a massive mistake I couldn't possibly imagine that anybody in the Foundation had made it. HOVSKY: Unless, of course, it wasn't a mistake. It was a choice. Somebody chose to help me. HOVSKY: I can probably manage to inject code. After all, even if SCiPNET's new to me, but computers definitely aren't. I just need to figure out which language my requests are in, which I assume is something based on C - God, I hope they’ve got C documentation somewhere around here. HOVSKY: I'll throw shit at it until something sticks. If everything goes right, because why wouldn't it, I'll just pop open the door. Wash up my clothes and pretend I'm a researcher. Easy. HOVSKY: I’ll pick you back up when I’m done. [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 06/07/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: It’s Alex. HOVSKY: I might’ve, uh, overestimated my capabilities. Well. I guess I didn't. I overestimated my options. HOVSKY: The door is…locked. It sounds stupid, I know. Really stupid. Stupid to the point that it's comedic. But my door is just…locked. I mean, locked locked. With a lock. A physical lock. It's not electronic, it's not automated, it's not connected to anything, except the damn door. It's just locked with a lock and opened in a key, and…I don't have a key. [Hovsky breathes in deeply.] HOVSKY: Chances are there’s a tripwire tied onto the door anyway. In hindsight, it was a pretty dumb plan. I don't know any of the internal protocols, and I barely understand the operating system SCiPNET runs on. HOVSKY: Still managed to do the injection, though. Yeah. All by myself. Yay me. I probably screwed over someone in RAISA, deleted every file I could. I was working off the assumption that-no, scratch that. I was hoping the emergency procedures for systemwide failure would still open every office door. Looks like it doesn't anymore. Or maybe this isn't considered an office anymore. Or maybe they changed procedures. Or maybe they just lied to me all the way back then. Wouldn't put it past them. [END LOG] 4 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 08/29/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I can't stop thinking about who gave me SCiPNET access. I can't sleep, just keep thinking about it. I just…[unintelligible]. Can't imagine why, or who. Why? What am I supposed to find? What am I even looking for? What's the point? I just don't get it. I don't get it. HOVSKY: [sobbing quietly] I just know this was meant for something. [END LOG] DATE: 09/14/1969 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I'm going to start digging. Literally. I've been here long enough. It's worth it. I'm going to tunnel out of here. I've got a metal pipe from storage. The concrete's hard, really hard, but with enough patience I'll get through. HOVSKY: I'm setting a quota right now. Two hours a day. I already know it's going to be exhausting, but I think I can manage. Nothing better to do, anyways. HOVSKY: I'll keep you posted. [END LOG] 6 TESTIMONIES OMITTED ► HOVSKY-1970 ▼ HOVSKY-1970 4 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 03/14/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: So the hot water went out yesterday. It's a luxury I didn't realize I had. Hot showers and all. I enjoyed them. They were so relaxing. HOVSKY: I'm not really sure how it broke. Or what broke, or why. [Hovsky exhales.] HOVSKY: On another note, I've actually started doing origami. Yeah [chuckles], that's what it's come down to. Tearing out pages from old manuals and folding paper cranes. [Hovsky taps her fingers.] HOVSKY: At least I have cold water. [END LOG] 6 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 06/18/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I found the file on the SCiPNET. Right between some funny house and a cult. And the worst part about it? I'm not even in it. Not a single mention. HOVSKY: I’m not letting it get me down, though. I’m not that self-centered. Besides, the article is, well… inaccurate. That’s being gentle. It’s so littered with misconceptions that it astonishes me that I ever worked for these people. The incompetence. It’s pathetic… offensive, even. But it also explains a lot. HOVSKY: See, I figured I'd been quarantined for my work with the Coalition. I applied what Husik taught me then put it to work processing massive quantities of data. We cracked the human genome and started curing diseases that didn't even exist yet. We were decades ahead of the Foundation when it came to biotech. So I assumed that they assumed that I was carrying pathogens. Makes sense, right? I thought so. HOVSKY: But no. Turns out they managed to destroy our data completely. Not only did they never ask me about my research at the GOC, never even knew about my research. HOVSKY: Maybe it was an oversight on my part. I mean, I definitely could've put the pieces together myself, but I just never considered such a wildly stupid alternative… You know why they locked me up? I doubt you could imagine. A fucking infohazard. HOVSKY: A memetic infohazard. HOVSKY: Yes. You heard me right. That gibberish was written down by somebody with an actual doctorate. Comical. You can’t make this shit up. A memetic infohazard. HOVSKY: It’s not that I don’t believe an infohazard could exist-in theory. Wouldn't be the strangest thing I've seen. I mean, I know that somebody was seriously floating the idea of a Memetics Department right before the whole controversy. But designating the NICE and then a nonexistent infohazard as two different anomalies? Absurd. I reloaded the page thrice to make sure I was reading correctly. [Silence.] HOVSKY: And I can't… what they did to Moshe. They fucking killed him, and they didn't even have the balls to list the cause of death. I bet they killed Kelly, too, and just pinned the whole thing on Moshe. Because he was unlucky. Because he grew up in a cult and raised people's eyebrows everywhere he went. It was convenient. HOVSKY: Or maybe it was just his pure fucking heart, ready to whistleblow on the overseers. And after everything he did for them, for their Foundation, they just gave him a number and left him to die. [Hovsky sighs.] HOVSKY: I've said enough. I'll keep letting out my anger on the concrete floor. [END LOG] DATE: 06/25/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Found a memo from right after I left. Buried in archival limbo. Almost half of it's blacked out, but I could piece things together. HOVSKY: It's for the O5s, pretty much explaining the whole situation with Moshe for anyone who wasn't already keeping tabs on it. There's a recommended course of action, which they obviously followed to the letter. Which means they locked up Moshe and doped up anybody left with questions. And then they sealed up this room and forgot about it. HOVSKY: My guess? Husik caught wind of something foul. That Thanksgiving, I'd invited him over to my family's dinner. I'm sure Kelly and the others did too. After all, we all knew he didn't have a family to celebrate with. He'd always spent Thanksgiving with me, and Christmas at Kelly's. And we always went to that stupid Department New Year Party together. So…so we'd assumed he'd be out for Thanksgiving, with someone or another. But for whatever reason, that day, he decided to go to work. Alone. HOVSKY: What he did was just…so strange. Unordinary. He started talking about that theorem all the time, going on and on about all the lives we could save, all calamities we could avoid. He said we could save tens, hundreds, thousands of lives at a time. It started out big-picture. [Hovsky swallows.] HOVSKY: But then he started predicting deaths. He set the NICE inputs to evaluate individual deaths. And not just once, for one person. Multiple times, for multiple people. HOVSKY: He knew something we didn’t. That has to be it. HOVSKY: That’s why I’m sure Husik got caught up in something he wasn’t supposed to. He wasn't stupid. He wouldn't have chosen those specific people if he didn't already think they would die. He didn’t take shots in the dark, he just needed to know when they'd die. [Hovsky pauses.] HOVSKY: But he failed. Whatever he was trying to prevent, it happened anyway. He didn’t have the time, leverage, or influence. They got to him, and they made it quick. Got rid of everybody fast. HOVSKY: I was the only one who got out. After the second interrogation, I found a note in my locker. Moshe. He told me to run, said they were going to use those experimental amnestics. So I ran. I trusted him, and he saved me, but… [Hovsky exhales.] HOVSKY: Now it's been eleven years. I finally got caught. The dust's already settled, so they put me to work dealing with the skeletons in Moshe's closet. The NICE are useful, after all, and I'm the only person alive who still understands them. [Hovsky laughs.] HOVSKY: And they think I’ll help them. [END LOG] 5 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 10/25/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I forgot to add a little update to the digging. HOVSKY: I’ve broken through! I’ve chewed through the concrete and rebar. I’m digging into dirt now. Very hard, rockish dirt. But still, dirt! HOVSKY: Things are going well. I’m feeling optimistic for once. [END LOG] 4 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 12/25/1970 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: The computers are all… they’re all, um. Ugh. They’re fucked up. I don’t know how to explain it properly. I don't know if a term even exists to describe the condition they’re in. These people are so incompetent. Dear god. HOVSKY: They didn’t feed the NICE. Yeah, the biocomputers. I thought that was something obvious enough to most people when they hear anything with the prefix “bio” tacked on the front. It’s a biological computer. Biology. Like, life. As in alive, you know? The computers need food. HOVSKY: Almost all of the neural cortex is dead. Fully dead. I can regrow it, yes, but it’s still braindead. The rest? It’s been cannibalizing itself in a bitter struggle to survive. There’s about a handful of cells that survived. I mean that literally, mind you. HOVSKY: All I wanted to do was check the logs. I didn’t even want to use the biological complex. I just wanted to see the history of all previous evaluations. But no. Of course not. Things can’t be that simple for me. Never. Turns out the interfacing between the hard storage and display are biologically interpreted. So I can’t see them yet. Because the most of the biocomputers are, and I’ll say it again for those in the back, fucking dead. HOVSKY: [groans] I don’t know if I should cry or punch a wall. I'm gonna need to feed this thing my own food. They hardly give me enough to feed myself. Rather, they give me just enough to feed myself. It’s the bare minimum of calories to sustain myself. And now I'm gonna starve to fix the mess they made me. HOVSKY: I suppose that's karma. I’ve been locked in this room for months to study this machine, and I haven’t until now. It took months, yes months, for me to take a good look at my research object and notice that, well, it’s dead. I probably could’ve saved myself weeks of food if I’d realized sooner. [Hovsky curses repeatedly.] [END LOG] ► HOVSKY-1971 ▼ HOVSKY-1971 DATE: 01/02/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I’ve gone over the math. At this rate, it’s gonna take me a year, at most, to recover the NICE’s functionality. HOVSKY: Luckily, the central nodes are still mapped. Husik did a good job - the neurons will grow back in the right pattern. The structure’s been fully laid, so long as one stem cell survives, the whole cognitive format can be regenerated. Just like our diagrams. It's almost like Husik expected to have to fix it. HOVSKY: The only thing that’s been putting me off is the gastric chamber. You know, the, um, stomach. It’s a latch and pit. The fumes coming out of there are terrible… much worse than I remembered. I’m not worried though, not really. Some microbiota changes and whatnot could’ve occurred, I don’t know. It reeks. [END LOG] 2 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 03/30/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: The trash is full. Took long enough, but it happened. Trash’s full. HOVSKY: I was never expected to live for this long. I’m sure of it. Though, if they wanted me dead, they’d stop feeding me. They care enough to feed me, to let me live in such a way that they cannot claim to have killed me, but not enough to dignify me. I won’t be released. I’ll be left here to wallow in my own filth. HOVSKY: So I’ve emptied the storage room, now I’ll make do with a trash room. HOVSKY: [sighs] I’m gonna live with a trash room. [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 05/20/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I couldn’t do any digging today. I’m… I’m too weak. I didn’t realize the toll it was taking on my body. I can't keep doing this. I can’t. My arms are so sore. They’re still sore. It hurts. HOVSKY: I’m postponing the hole. For now. [END LOG] DATE: 08/04/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I cried this morning. I’m not sure why. I just got overwhelmed, I guess. HOVSKY: I feel hopeless at times. I don’t really know how to put it in words. I got all up in my head and… I don’t know. It was the first time I cried in a while. HOVSKY: I think creative outlets help a little. I’m getting sick of cranes, it's a real test of patience. Funny enough, topology actually isn't that intuitive to me. It’s really hard to imagine new patterns. So yeah, I'm trying to fold anything that comes to mind, but, until I can think something up, it’s pretty much just one crane, every day. [END LOG] DATE: 11/10/1971 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: [voice trembling] I- uh. I’m… I’m unwell. I know it’s been weeks since my last update. I’m sorry. Nothing’s really happened. I’ve just been slowly growing the computer back. HOVSKY: I’ve lost weight. I looked in the mirror today and… HOVSKY: I don’t know. HOVSKY: I didn’t recognize myself. I’m so thin. My cheeks’ve sunken in. My eyes… they’re, they’re dull. There isn’t even fat around the sockets. Just skin and bone. HOVSKY: My hair’s disheveled. I don’t know when I stopped combing it. It’s frizzy and strewn all about. I think I’m losing color. HOVSKY: And I’m always so fucking cold. My nails are cracking. I don’t know what happened. I look… [Silence.] [END LOG] ► HOVSKY-1972 ▼ HOVSKY-1972 2 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 05/08/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I did it, I finally did it. It ended up taking me a year and half. I took so many breaks. But I fucking did it. HOVSKY: I managed to access the computer’s saved evaluations. And I-um. I don’t know. It’s not what I expected. There’s… so many more. Dozens. HOVSKY: They must’ve been programmed to run sequentially, after everything happened. But some of them date to when we were still working. Together, I mean, I didn’t- we didn’t know that they were running. Husik always printed these files for us. We’d always read the papers. That was our data, but we never knew. HOVSKY: There’s so many deaths. It was always predicting deaths. That's what we were doing from the beginning, it’s why we got greenlit. There were never any catastrophes to avoid. They wanted blood. HOVSKY: I-I… I don’t know what to think. Husik lied to us. He had to have known. He lied to us. He lied to me. HOVSKY: And there’s that one report. One with his name on it. HOVSKY: He cast it on himself. He really did. They were right. [Hovsky swears.] HOVSKY: I was so confident. I thought I knew this machine. I thought I understood it. But now I see a monstrosity. We knit together the flesh of condemned brains and gave it the power to pronounce death sentences. This thing is alive. It’s breathing. It’s breathing the same air as me. HOVSKY: I don’t know what to do. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe there is an anomaly. Maybe this thing’s going to kill me. [END LOG] 2 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 06/25/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I don’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t get it. HOVSKY: I keep on going over it. I checked Husik's derivation like a hundred times, and then I checked the code twice as much. I tried to run the fucking numbers by hand. I've been poking and prodding every nexus, every coordinator, and…nothing happens. Nothing. HOVSKY: The biocomputers are exactly what they claim to be. All of our theories, our models, our sketches, they all check out. The harder I look, the less out of the ordinary. There’s nothing here. It all makes sense. HOVSKY: I don’t get it! I don’t fucking get it! [END LOG] DATE: 07/10/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I forgot about the hole. I walked by it and laughed out loud. HOVSKY: What was I thinking? A hole out? Really? [laughs] HOVSKY: Then what would I do? Waltz outside, covered in dirt, and hope not to get caught? Did I think I’d be able to dig far enough to leave the site entirely? [snorts] I don’t even know how to build props. Let alone do I have the material. HOVSKY: I spent hours, days hacking at that wall. And all I have to show for it are a few inches. HOVSKY: What a joke. [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 07/31/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I read the last book. I went through all the literature. All of it. I'm done. HOVSKY: It was a book on organic chemistry. Riveting stuff really. I was reeling in my chair. [Silence.] HOVSKY: Sometime recently I started having these…episodes. I don't know what to call them, I just get this terrible feeling. I’m suddenly filled with this looming dread. And there’s this crushing weight on my chest, squeezing my lungs and I can’t fucking breathe… I collapse, clawing, raking at my neck, gasping and begging for a breath. Then the tears well up, sight gets blurry, and I want to scream but I can’t. I can’t. I just can’t. [END LOG] 8 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 10/14/1972 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I ran my death by the theorem. I said, “Fuck it. Let’s find out when I die. At this rate I’ll kill myself anyway, so might as well find out when.” HOVSKY: And you know what came out? HOVSKY: Nineteen eighty one. In January or something. My complete and utter obliteration. I’ll be annihilated. HOVSKY: Took two weeks to compute. I’ll reiterate: it took two weeks to predict something that’ll happen in ten years. I suppose the fact that I'm locked up in here probably makes for a relatively easy calculation—as much as the Foundation's keeping me from the outside world, they're also keeping the outside world from getting to me. HOVSKY: But the second that door opens? The second that door opens, the chances of me surviving are so spectacularly slim, I'm pretty much already dead. [Hovsky laughs.] HOVSKY: We’d never had a test case which had a prediction more than a month in advance, and the longest convergence period was three weeks. But me, my death, ten years from now? It’s so terribly certain that convergence took only two weeks, ten years in advance. HOVSKY: At least I’ve got a decade before I go. Am I right? [END LOG] 12 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 12/25/1972 Note: Reduced for the sake of brevity. [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: [hyperventilating] I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die. I don’t wanna die. I don’t wanna die in here. Not in here. I wanna get out, [unintelligible] I need to get out. I need to fucking get out! I need out. I need out. Let me out, let me out, [unintelligible] [Hovsky sobs violently, between periods of intermittent screaming.] [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED Analysis and Investigation • Hovsky shows a clear initial intention to escape her confinement. However, this behavior is according to the Ethics Committee’s expectation, since she has been assigned research under duress. Notably, no mention of planned escape is after 1972. • Multiple displays of distress and delusion are made by Hovsky. The deterioration of her mental health began very quickly after her internment, declining to the point of being accompanied by symptoms of disorder, and reaching suicidal ideation. Importantly, knowledge of the true extent of her ideation is limited. • Hovsky’s mental faculties still demonstrate advanced cognitive ability and a sense of morality. In the same stroke of breath, there are conflicting accounts of her animosity to the Foundation. Sometimes, she appears willing to cooperate, other times she is openly belligerent. It is unclear whether her threats are earnest, or whether they are more delirious ramblings. • Failure to maintain Hovsky’s living quarters constitutes a violation of prior Ethics Committee resolution by means of willful neglect. Testimonies 1969-1974 ► HOVSKY-1973 ▼ HOVSKY-1973 DATE: 04/26/1973 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: It's been a while, sorry for not updating you. It's hard to keep track of time lately and, honestly, I don't really want to. There’s this fog in my head stopping me from getting anything done. It hurts sometimes. HOVSKY: Everything keeps piling up. I’m getting lazier. I’m not cleaning up after myself like I used too. Sometimes I snap out of it, realize I’m doing nothing. Most of the time I’m staring at my computer. I wake up everyday, walk a few feet to my desk, and click, click, and click. Lying around, rotting away. The only productive things I do now are in these little moments of lucidity. And then I have another episode and lose myself again. HOVSKY: But I’ve been a bit better this week. I tidied up a bit, and got back to working. I keep on going over that interview with Husik. There’s something he wants to say but doesn’t know how. There’s something there. I don’t know what it is, but I know that he left me the clues to figure it out. HOVSKY: It isn’t a hunch. You haven’t spent years staring at this machine like I have. I know it inside out. I went back and proved all of our formulas again. I went over the stats. I checked the logs. I did everything. I know this algorithm inside and out, I figure I understand it as well as Husik did now. It’s not anomalous, emphatically. I’m looking for something I know isn’t here. HOVSKY: I just need to prove that the NICEs are entirely mundane. Not to my eyes, but to someone else’s. I know I’ve had my doubts, but year after year I just keep coming back to the same result: there’s nothing here. There is no anomaly. HOVSKY: It dawned on me that they’re monitoring my vitals. Somehow, I’m not sure. I don’t think they would be sending food down a hatch otherwise, and they must have some expectation that I’ll produce research. HOVSKY: My guess is that there's somebody whose whole job is to read these potentially infohazardous documents. Since they think the infohazard has something to do with the NICE’s algorithm, I can hypothetically relay information that isn’t apparently infohazardous, but still disprove their theory upon later examination. HOVSKY: I know I'm grasping at straws. But what else am I supposed to do? [Silence.] HOVSKY: Oh. I made my thousandth crane today. Consider this my wish, my fucking hail mary. [END LOG] 1 TESTIMONY OMITTED DATE: 06/02/1973 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: I figured out which events I can evaluate. It took me so, so long. These fucking computers take a week at a minimum. HOVSKY: This is by far the hardest proof by contradiction I've ever done. How could I use the NICE in such a way that disproved an infohazard’s existence? If there was an anomaly, how could they monitor my mental well-being? And how could they distinguish anomalous deterioration from normal deterioration? HOVSKY: So I thought to myself: every successful prediction is proof that I used the algorithm. But, I can lie. What if I pronounced three different prompts, without all of them being true? What if I pronounced five? Seven? Ten? Every false prediction is proof that I did not suffer the supposed infohazard’s symptoms. Not to mention, there’s a timely aspect to this. I have to make a prediction every week or so, since that’s just how long the computation takes. HOVSKY: Starting with that, I can create a blind test. I’ve racked my brain about it, and I think it’s impossible to generate a double-blind. Still though, if after, say, fifteen, twenty cases, it is obvious that my brain chemistry hasn’t been anomalously altered, then I’ll be free? Right? That’s just stats. Cold, hard numbers. HOVSKY: I know some prompts can’t be calculated, they’ll run-off forever. I just need to input something unambiguous, and entirely unpredictable without NICE's assistance. HOVSKY: So here goes nothing. For the next few entries I’ll read off the report summaries verbatim. I’ll save them as text files onto the SCiPNET local terminal. I’ll print them too. I'll make it impossible for anyone watching to miss. [END LOG] DATE: 06/02/1973 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the U.S. President and General Secretary of the Soviet Union next converse? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point twelve $( E’ = 7.12 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to twelve days, seventeen hours, twenty-six minutes, ten seconds, and thirty-eight milliseconds ($t_r$ = 12d 17h 26m 10s 38ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight two three six with an error of two ten-thousandths $( \alpha_v = 0.8236 \pm 2\cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to ten o’ two, June sixteenth, nineteen seventy-three (10:02, June 16th, 1973). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “sunlight”, “tea”, “ice”, “granite”, and “saliva”. [END LOG] DATE: 06/24/1973 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the New York Yankees next defeat the Boston Red Sox? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at six point ninety-two $( E’ = 6.92 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to twenty-one days, twelve hours, eleven minutes, fifty-nine seconds, and twenty-three milliseconds ($t_r$ = 21d 12h 11m 59s 23ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point seven nine eight one with an error of one ten-thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.7981 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed.October 6, 1981 HOVSKY: Event dated to three fifteen, July third, nineteen seventy-three (03:15, July 3rt, 1973). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “chalk”, “grass”, “summer”, “wood”, and “skin”. 7 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 09/11/1973 Note: Reduced for the sake of brevity. [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: [mumbling] I don’t think I can do twenty. Not twenty, twenty’s a lot. I don’t have that much time. I need to get out. Twenty’s way too much. Not twenty. Twenty’s gonna take five years. No, carry the two. Multiply. Eight. Eight years. At least. That’s too long. I’ll be dying by then. I’m gonna run out of time, I can’t do twenty. Not twenty. Twenty’s too much. 4 TESTIMONIES OMITTED ► HOVSKY-1974 ▼ HOVSKY-1974 15 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 10/04/1974 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the incumbent Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization retire? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point oh eight $( E’ = 7.08 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to fourteen days, thirteen hours, three minutes, fifty-two seconds, and eleven milliseconds ($t_r$ = 14d 13h 03m 52s 11ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight oh nine two with an error of one ten-thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8092 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Negative zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to sixteen forty-one, November tenth, nineteen seventy-four (16:31, November 10th, 1974). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “boat”, “nylon”, “pen”, “carpet”, and “air”. [END LOG] 3 TESTIMONIES OMITTED DATE: 12/30/1974 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: [giggles] They updated the file today. I’m an afterword baby. HOVSKY: It’s now listed that I'm the sole researcher assigned to studying SCP-CONRAD. Do you know why they did that? Can you imagine why they’d do that? Out of the blue? HOVSKY: I can. It’s because somebody is listening after all, I was right. You really fell for it. So let me introduce myself. HOVSKY: Hi there. It’s me. Alex. Hovsky. Alexandra Hovsky. Doctor Hovsky, if you will. That’s me. Yours truly. HOVSKY: It's nice to know you're there. I've been pretty lonely down here…you couldn't even begin to understand. I know I'm right under you. You work here, I know you do, just upstairs. When you clock into your nine-to-five, I'm already here. And when you get to go home, I'm still here. HOVSKY: I’ve been down here for seven years. Do you know what seven years are? I missed out on the better part of a decade. Did we get through with Vietnam? Did Nixon get reelected? I wouldn’t fucking know. Because you trapped me in here. Yes, you. You. If you’re listening, then you’ve got a hand in it. So let me tell you something. And I want to be understood, so I’ll slow down. Enunciate nice and clear. HOVSKY: I found it. The demon in this machine. It gnaws and thrashes, rabid. Ripping and tearing at the mind when it can’t find flesh. It’ll find you. If there’s anything, a stolen glance, the slightest remark, the mere thought of my presence, then I can assure you, it’s caught your scent. It knows you. HOVSKY: I’m ready to sic it on you. Run. Hide. Do something. [END LOG] Analysis and Investigation • Hovsky is acutely aware of her monitoring. Inaction may prove to worsen her mental state by fueling self-doubt. • Increasingly apparent symptoms of cognitive impairment are demonstrated. Namely, the method by which Hovsky aims to prove her sanity is exceedingly tenuous. Consider: • It is known that usage of the NICE (thereby, exposure to the anomaly), leads to a strong desire to make further use of the SCP-CONRAD, the urge to explain it to others, and intense, paranoid, cognitive impairment. • If Hovsky accurately predicts an event which she could not without usage of the NICE, it is uncontroversial evidence of exposure to the infohazard, and therefore, should lead to the aforementioned symptoms. • If Hovsky inaccurately predicts an event, it is proof the anomaly does not produce its supposed symptoms, since she withheld from using the machine and/or withheld from sharing it with others. • Over time, by balancing true and false predictions, it may be safely concluded whether or not the symptoms of SCP-CONRAD are correctly described in its documentation. • Despite the feasibility of the method, Hovsky is incoherent and fails to properly articulate the proper, logical train of thought expected of a highly-educated Foundation researcher. This may be considered a preliminary indicator of exposure to infohazardous effects. • Moreover, in the circumstance that Hovsky’s method proves her sanity, it does not disprove the existence of SCP-CONRAD. Instead, it only disproves our current understanding of its anomalous functionality. • Hovsky continues to make multiple displays of distress and delusion. Animosity and belligerence toward Foundation personnel escalate to the level of open-ended and veiled threats. Testimonies 1975 ► HOVSKY-1975 ▼ HOVSKY-1975 DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will Site CONRAD’s Director die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at six point nine nine $( E’ = 6.99).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to twenty-three days, five hours, thirty-three minutes, twenty-four seconds, and fifty milliseconds ($t_r$ = 23d 05h 33m 24s 50ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight zero one five with an error of one thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8015 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to seven o’ four, February twelfth, nineteen seventy-five (7:04, February 12th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are "gunpowder", "panic", "blackout", "kevlar", "stray" [END LOG] DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the lead Foundation staff member responsible for containing SCP-CONRAD die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point one zero $( E’ = 7.10 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to nineteen days, eighteen hours, thirty minutes, five seconds, and forty-six milliseconds ($t_r$ = 13d 18h 30m 05s 46ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight oh seven five with an error of one thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8075 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to seven forty-two, February twelfth, nineteen seventy-five (07:42, February 12th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “five”, “five”, “five”, “five”, and “five”. [END LOG] DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the SCiPNET Database Specialist deployed at Site CONRAD die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point zero zero $( E’ = 7.00 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to eleven days, twenty-one hours, fifty-four minutes, fifty-seven seconds, and twenty-seven milliseconds ($t_r$ = 11d 21h 54m 57s 21ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point seven nine two six with an error of one thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.7926 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to six fifty, February twelfth, nineteen seventy-five (6:50, February 12th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “capsule”, “blur”, “tripwire”, “lungs”, and “flash”. [END LOG] DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will the leading conspirator of Moshe Husik’s execution die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at six point eight three $( E’ = 6.83 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to twenty-six days, two hours, thirty-three minutes, eleven seconds, and zero milliseconds ($t_r$ = 26d 02h 33m 01s 00ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight one eight oh with an error of one ten-thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8180 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to seven forty-one, February eleventh, nineteen seventy-five (7:41, February 11th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “tongue”, “smoke”, “pool”, “overseer", and “coat”. [END LOG] DATE: 01/07/1975 [BEGIN LOG] HOVSKY: Prompt: When will former SCP Internal Affairs staff member Enora Drennan die? HOVSKY: Elastic regression factor “E” prime is set at seven point one zero $( E’ = 7.10 ).$ HOVSKY: Runtime “T” sub “r” is equal to nine days, one hour, six minutes, twenty-two seconds, and thiry-one milliseconds ($t_r$ = 09d 18h 30m 22s 31ms). HOVSKY: “Alpha” sub “v” is equal to point eight oh seven five with an error of one thousandth $( \alpha_v = 0.8075 \pm \cdot10^{-4} ).$ HOVSKY: Positive zeta correlation confirmed. HOVSKY: Event dated to seven thirty-one, February twelfth, nineteen seventy-five (07:31, February 12th, 1975). HOVSKY: Associate terms are “five”, “five”, “five”, “five”, and “five”. [END LOG] Analysis and Investigation • Hovsky makes credible and targeted threats toward high-ranking Foundation personnel, personnel linked to SCP-CONRAD’s containment, personnel personally related to herself, in violation of the Code of Ethics. • The violence invoked by Hovsky extends far beyond the reasonably expected scope and scale of personal animosities, indicating a minimum level of cognitive damage. COMMITTEE VOTE SUMMARY: (Secret Ballot) YEA NAY ABSTAIN x x x x x x x x x Date Cast: 02/04/1975 STATUS MOTION PASSED Resolution: The Ethics Committee has determined to annul its preceding resolution to safeguard the Foundation staff member Alexandra Hovsky. From: tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo#tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo To: tenartni.noitadnuof|ccmrepooc#tenartni.noitadnuof|ccmrepooc Sent: 1:02 PM, March 7th, 1975 Subject: Re: CONRAD Committee Resolution Chairman Cooper, O5-3’s eyes are already on this. There’s no need to spam me with documents I already have. I’m working for three more council members than usual, my inbox is full enough as it is. Besides, the resolution is inconsequential. It’s abundantly clear that no action will be taken against Hovsky, because, at the end of the day, no action can be taken against her. Either you haven’t been paying attention or you can’t read in between the lines. Appropriate security measures have already been put in place. A squadron from Epsilon-11 has already been garrisoned at CONRAD, and the site's non-essential staff have all been given a day off. Targeted personnel have agreed to contain themselves as well. With the site's appropriation into the Antimemetics Division, I quite literally cannot disclose the anomalies we'll be transferring offsite. All you need to know is that the situation is under control. Regardless, this matter is beyond your jurisdiction; had it been apropos, you would have been notified. The Ethics Committee simply isn't relevant here. Also, we aren't friends, Cooper. Don’t call me by my first name. Respectfully, Overseer Representative Williams 3/7865 LEVEL 3/7865 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7865 Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Rhizomatic constellations conceptually associated with SCP-7865-1 are to be surveyed and identified. Use of noospheric tracing to delineate query boundaries is authorized to identify possible targets who, in turn, are to be detained and undergo conceptual reshuffling until they are released by SCP-7865-2. In response to a PRONUNCIATION event, these individuals must be secured and executed safely. Description: SCP-7865-1 is a set of biological computers located at Site CONRAD, known as the Neural Interface Computational Engines (NICE). Each engine comprises an assemblage of sixteen conjoined neural masses housed in three chambers, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid. The assemblages are coupled with a classic electronic transistor computer and a basic biological subsistence framework. Last surviving image of SCP-7865-1’s development, under the operation of SCP-7865-3 (left). The computers operate by interpreting text prompts through a superconclusive biological matrix to recursively integrate macrostatistical events, effectuating an algorithm which converges on solutions to the Husik macrostatiscal evaluation theorem. As per the theorem, convergence is only achieved for high-likelihood events. Unlikely events or ambiguous prompts will result in a failure to track noetic point-alignment, generating extremely long or infinite runtimes. Thus, artificial conceptual reshuffling is considered the most effective method to prolong runtimes, which will eventually force the cessation of a prompt’s query. SCP-7865-2 is an infovore deployed by usage of the Husik theorem. The entity enables the NICE to increase the likelihood of a queried event, inducing convergent solutions. Analysis has demonstrated statistically unlikely rhizomatic associations invariably associated with PRONUNCIATION events. As such, it is presumed the infovore is capable of influencing noospheric conditions in order to promote the occurrence of events beyond its physical vicinity. SCP-7865-3 is the provisional designation for the former Foundation junior researcher Alexandra Hovsky. It is currently sealed within SCP-7865-1's containment chamber at Site CONRAD, granting it control over SCP-7865's primary anomaly. Hovsky is hostile to the Foundation and has targeted multiple Foundation personnel with SCP-7865-1, producing death sentences. Instances in which these sentences are announced are referred to as SCP-7865-PRONUNCIATION events within internal protocol. It is considered impossible to neutralize SCP-7865 prior to January 14th, 1981. ► Addendum 7865-a: History ▼ Addendum 7865-a: History SCP-7865-1 was created by the defunct Department of Applied Mathematics in the late 1950s at Site CONRAD. It was intended as a means to prevent containment breaches and catastrophes. Authorization to use anomalous techniques was given to construct it, although its consequent anomalous effects were unforeseen. Initially, the success of the project warranted further investment, until misuse led to the discovery of SCP-7865-2. This resulted in the death of many senior research staff and the dissolution of the Department of Applied Mathematics. SCP-7865-2 initially was misidentified as a memetic agent, and steps were taken to isolate its research. Accordingly, due to the immobility of the biocomputers, Site CONRAD gradually was developed into a research site for cognitohazardous and antimemetic anomalies. Over time, it became the central locus of the Antimemetic Division. However, further innovations in noetic visualization technologies and retrospective investigation into PRONUNCIATION events have proven the existence of the infovore. Concurrently, Alexandra Hovsky had defected from the Foundation in the late 1950s, during the incident in which the NICE were first misused. Given the potential applications of the NICE, Hovsky was reinstated as the lead researcher for SCP-7865 following her recovery in 1969. Under the pretense of a potential infohazard, she was quarantined within the containment cell of the biocomputers. On January 7th 1975, SCP-7865-3 initiated its first PRONOUNCIATION event, resulting in the near total destruction of Site CONRAD. This event renewed interest in the anomaly and led to its current reclassification. In an effort to avert future catastrophe, the site has been converted into a modernized containment zone solely dedicated to SCP-7865. The previous staff of the site, pertaining to the Antimemetics Division, have since been fully relocated to the division’s main hub, Site 167. ► Incident Log CONRAD-7865-73 ▼ Incident Log CONRAD-7865-73 INCIDENT REPORT INCIDENT #: CONRAD-7865-73 DATE OF OCCURRENCE: 1975/02/12 [BEGIN LOG] [06:00] All Site CONRAD personnel are alerted as specified by lockdown protocol. Targeted individuals are within standard humanoid containment cells, and all transferable anomalies are confirmed to have been moved off-site. [06:12] Internal Affairs Archivist Drennan attempts to page Director Everhart in regards to the containment of an unidentified anomaly, but does not receive a response. [06:13] Drennan continues attempting to contact Everhart unsuccessfully. [06:14] An internal watchdog AI alerts SCiPNET Database Specialist Koans of repeated messages containing an antimemetic signature. He is unable to access his terminal due to containment. [06:20] Drennan begins violently banging against her cell door, screaming for help. [06:24] The unanswered notice is automatically forwarded to the Director. [06:25] Everhart, due to inexperience, assumes the notice is a warning regarding the containment of the Database Specialist, rather than directed to him. [06:26] She abruptly leaves her office. [06:28] Drennan attracts the attention of a patrolling guard, who unlocks her door. Drennan pleads with the guard to radio the Director regarding the containment of an unspecified antimemetic anomaly. [06:30] Everhart enters Koans’ cell to interrogate him. [06:31] Drennan convinces the guard to bring her to Everhart's office. [06:33] The office is found empty. [06:34] In compliance with CONRAD lockdown protocol, a containment breach is suspected and MTF Epsilon-11 members are directed to increase their mnestic dosage. [06:35] Operation command receives the alert and directs all personnel to increase mnestic dosages on the sitewide intercom. [06:36] Everhart administers herself mnestics. Koans is provided with the surplus capsules, before the two begin returning to the office. [06:36] Koans, who had no prior experience with mnestics, ingests all the remaining capsules. [06:40] After arriving at the Director’s office, Drennan and the guard question whether Everhart and Koans have been compromised by an antimemetic anomaly. [06:43] An Epsilon-11 unit enters Site CONRAD to resolve the reported containment breach, arriving at the standoff. [06:50] Two factions form among the present personnel, divided between Drennan and Everhart. A hostage exchange is proposed, and Drennan volunteers herself. Koans volunteers on Everhart's behalf. [06:51] Drennan is detained in a containment cell, while Koans is detained in Everhart's office. [06:55] The specialist notices the prior notification regarding Drennan's messages. [06:56] He convinces a pair of MTF Epsilon-11 members to escort him in an attempt to locate the unidentified antimemetic anomaly. [07:00] Koans begins to experience symptoms of mnestic overexposure, including impairment of cognitive function. [07:01] Koans mistakenly attempts to access SCP-7865's containment cell, triggering a sitewide alarm. The Epsilon-11 members immediately terminate him. [07:02] The sudden alarm causes the standoff to escalate into open combat. All MTF members within the site immediately rush toward the administrative wing. [07:10] During the crossfire, Site CONRAD's water utilities are damaged. This causes the faulty water heating unit in SCP-7865's wing to burst, flooding the site infrastructure through a hole dug by SCP-7865-3. [07:11] Damage to the site's generators cause a sitewide blackout to occur. Video footage is lost for the majority of the site. [07:12] The remaining Epsilon-11 units are immediately deployed. Upon reaching the administrative wing, they are fired upon by personnel within the site. Due to the power outage, units are unable to discern the affiliations of personnel within the site. [07:13] Epsilon-11 units receive authorization to return fire and begin indiscriminately terminating hostiles within the site. [07:14] [REDACTED] [07:16] Backup generators activate. Director Everhart is confirmed deceased. Hostilities continue among site personnel. [07:20] Drennan is not found. [07:24] [REDACTED] [07:55] Site CONRAD is cleared of all threats. [END LOG] From: tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw#tenartni.noitadnuof|lmsmailliw To: tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo#tenartni.noitadnuof|reesrevo Sent: 10:33 AM, May 13th, 1981 Subject: Resignation There we go, we’ve done it. SCP-7865 has been confirmed as neutralized. Let’s all give ourselves a pat on the back. We did it, we’ve slain that terror of our own creation. Let the records show that on January 14th 1981 we obliterated Alexandra Hovsky. In fact, the wholesale deletion of containment Site CONRAD should be remarked upon as the most steadfast and complete destruction of non-anomalous property by the Foundation to date. Moreover, the most thorough and unmitigated elimination of a singular, mundane person. Now, in the ruins of that small apocalypse, we are left to press ourselves the question: Why? SCP-7865 hails from a long legacy of Foundation-backed predictive technology. Each has their own advantages and drawbacks. Anomalies like SCP-377 and SCP-1244 give trustworthy predictions, but lack directability. Some, like SCP-411 and SCP-552 are psychologically hindered by their own anomalous capabilities. Other objects, such as SCP-3324 prove themselves to be excessively intrusive, going as far as to potentially alter causality to ensure their predictions. Even the most reliable options, such as SCP-2412 and SCP-657 aren’t perfect, with their conditions severely restricting their usage. Developing a general-purpose, remotely actionable predictor has been sought after for generations. Ever since it’s been theorized, and shown to be vaguely possible, the Foundation has funded the research. Dozens of well-grounded attempts have been made. Hundreds more will inevitably be made. To say it simply, SCP-7865 was utterly unexceptional. For our standards, perhaps even ordinary. Yet, it warranted unprecedented backlash. When we stormed CONRAD, we made sure every facet of the operation was secure - not a single drop of resistance could be tolerated. Meticulously, we worked to prevent any possibility of retaliation, empowered with the highest scrutiny of science: AI-assisted cognitohazard filters, Scranton stabilizers, three separate mobile MTF units, noospheric topologists, ontokinetic disruptors, and mnestic specialists were all deployed for the neutralization attempt. All the while, an overhead orbital cannon aligned itself for emergency pulverization as a myriad of conceptual applicators scrambled the literal idea of Alexandra Hovsky. That which remains of SCP-7865 is a pit in the ground. Containment Site CONRAD was positively removed from the face, and guts, of the Earth. Hovsky is “presumed” dead. Yes, it is no secret that this was revenge. Justice, at best, was an afterthought. In the time I've served as O5-3's personal assistant, I'd grown numb; it never struck me as odd that they were the vengeful sort. After all, I had my own vendettas. This isn’t an industry known for dragging in the kind-hearted. So, I was unfazed that day when SCP-7865 showed up in my inbox. It was another email to answer. Between the pattern screamers and blood rituals, it was just another file in the archives. Truth be told, the only impression it left on me was that of a deep, earnest annoyance. That’s what happens when the Ethics Committee gets involved. The emails become meetings, and suddenly you have to pretend you care. But weeks after Hovsky became another nameless pile of ash, I couldn't stop asking why. How could we have been so careless? How’d such a commonplace, possibly beneficial research endeavor quickly escalate into one of the largest internal threats the Foundation’s ever handled? Were we truly as incompetent as she'd seemed to believe? There have been Class IV reality benders and imminent XK-Class scenarios that have killed less overseers than SCP-7865. All while Hovsky, the immortal mastermind behind it, was otherwise completely mundane. After O5-3's death finally passed, I found myself suddenly free to scour the entirety of SCP-7865's documentation. I’ve got a heavy-duty binder with over three thousand pages about every possible detail - archived paperwork, inquest files, council memos. I interviewed the people in Information Security that redact the data. I stitched shredded sheets back together. I've even got x-ray analyses of blacked-out sentences. Don't call it an obsession; I do my job, and make sure to do it well. Though, throughout my entire career in the Foundation, never has a paper trail been so hard to follow. Individual reports seemed to differ drastically between iterations, and conflicting stories came from the same people. Protocol and legislation were nonexistent. All the while, the pressing question of "why?" echoed in my mind. There's something that remains unspoken. Or, arguably, there’s something which we chose not to hear. It was always there. A realization that Hovsky had many years after Husik decided to bite his tongue. Unspoken, albeit well understood. It is certain, beyond any statistical doubt, that SCP-7865-2 does not and has never existed. Continued topological observation of the conceptual constellation associated with SCP-7865-2 has unmistakably proven its preserved existence. With contemporary developments in conceptual mapping, the fact is irrefutable: SCP-7865-2's rhizomatic framework consists of nothing more than itself. It was an unbelievable oversight, akin to a child mistaking a crane for folded paper. But it'd be a greater mistake to believe that it was nothing more than a childish naivete. If Hovsky figured it out, then surely, at least Drennan must have realized as well. Is it really plausible that the people who’ve worked on this problem the longest failed to understand it? After one year? After five years? After a decade? It’s hubris. An honest, abject conceit forced its hand against admitting that a miscalculation was once made. We’d made a deal with Hovsky. The Ethic Committee was watching. It’s not like we could just knock on CONRAD’s door and say sorry. That’d mean someone else was in the wrong. That’d mean it was someone else’s fault. That would mean someone else should’ve been punished. And we couldn’t let that happen. SCP-7865 was made an anomaly. We made a file. We reclassified. We redesignated. Pepper some misinformation here, place a tight-lipped division there. As long as Hovsky’s contained. We primed the circumstances which guaranteed SCP-7865 its reign. Hovsky was right. As was Husik before her. There was never any anomaly to be found. We were looking for nothing. When Hovsky discovered the date of her death to be wildly beyond any of her own expectations, she finally came to understand the truth, for all the significance it really had. Our arrogance was abused to exact the revenge she deserved. For that crime, we punished her. The beast once named Alexandra Hovsky was bewildered, gaunt, and elderly the day I killed her. We had stopped sending her food weeks prior to the operation. The PRONUNCIATION events ceased, her SCiPNET terminal became inactive, and she stopped recording her journal entries. Still, her vitals somehow demonstrated a stubborn livelihood. It was not enough to let her die in silence. We opened the vault and found her feral, scared, and alone. The fluorescent light bulbs had all burned out. Outside the dim glow of computer monitors, she lived in the dead, quiet dark. She shied away, hissing at the floodlights. The brightness revealed the dried blood caking the skin around her mouth and down her chin, staining her matted hairs and long, scraggly nails. It became apparent that she survived by dining on the sprawling, cancerous mass of the NICE’s brain. It had taken its toll. That diseased thing was irretrievable. It needed to be put down. We annihilated it, cauterizing the wound we left in this world. I’ll be the first to take responsibility. On account of our treatment of SCP-7865, I am stepping down from my position as Overseer Representative. I will not assume the position of O5-3. Yours, Latoya Williams {$hide} ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7865" by antiempress, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: 1200px-Colossus.jpg Name: Colossus Author: Unknown License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
“Saint Hedvig is forbidden to consult Legate Trunnion on the matter, as she is forbidden to have any questions regarding SCP-7866.” SCP-7866 Byㅤ Miss Lapis Published on 22 Jan 2024 07:23 SCP-7866 By Miss Lapis Published on 22 Jan 2024 07:23 Miss Lapis' author page This SCP contains allusions to sexism, domestic abuse, sexual violence, psychological pressure, manipulation, and gaslighting, which may be harmful to some readers. Item #: SCP-7866 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7866 is to remain active at all times. Its wielder, Robert Bumaro, must focus its power on Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum Saint Hedvig (see the Update below for additional information). In order to ensure the operational status of SCP-7866, Saint Hedvig must remain compliant, quiet, and PERFECT. In the event that Robert Bumaro has any questions regarding SCP-7866, he is permitted to consult Legate Trunnion on the matter.1 Extraneous knowledge of the existence of SCP-7866 would result in containment failure. In order to avoid an information breach, this file has been confined to the mind of Saint Hedvig. It is to remain there indefinitely. Update (28.03.1985): As the continuous existence of Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum appears to interfere with the role of Saint Hedvig as the object of focus of SCP-7866, the containment staff are to seal her away posthaste in order to make space for Saint Hedvig. Saint Hedvig will be _ perfect enough to ensure the continuous operation of SCP-7866. exactly as perfect as her Emperor needs her to be. Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum is to be classified as SCP-7866-1 and her containment is to become top priority. As of 28.03.1985, the updated containment staff of SCP-7866 consists of Emperor Robert Bumaro (tasked with performing duties related to SCP-7866), and Dr. Robert Silas Aram2 (tasked with containing SCP-7866-1). Description: SCP-7866 is the designation given to the Voice, a tool deployed by the Emperor of Amoni-Ram. It allows the wielder to control the minds of large groups of people. Historically, the entire population of Amoni-Ram, which counted approximately 523,000 persons at the height of its power, was known to be under its influence. Access to SCP-7866 is given to the current Heir to the Golden Throne, descendant of the Bumaro Dynasty. This applies to direct and indirect descendants alike, so long as they have the necessary features which would qualify them for the Bumaro title, and should the Throne deem them worthy. See Addendum 7866.3 for additional information. Addendum 7866.1: Discovery The following interview has been conducted with Dr. Nussbaum in order to ascertain the circumstances around the discovery of SCP-7866 by Dr. Aram. INTERVIEW LOG #1 [BEGIN LOG] [Dr. Nussbaum is kneeling on the floor of the throne room. She is wearing a gown made of sheer, loose fabric, secured on her by a clasp on her shoulder.] Nussbaum: [clears throat] Begin log. [She adjusts the gown on her knees and takes a deep breath. An ancient Mekhanite equivalent of the modern computer _ manifests in front of her. has been standing in front of her the whole time. She begins dictating her words into its microphone.] Nussbaum: Scriptures and texts found within Amoni-Ram contained little to no information about the Voice. Dr. Aram was first informed of its existence by Legate Trunnion, formerly known as SCP-001-A1, following one of the experiments conducted on the Throne. [The door of the throne room opens. Emperor Bumaro appears in the doorway. He does not move yet, instead he opts to lean against the wall and observe.] Nussbaum: Dr. Aram recognized the hidden potential of the Voice, and after numerous failed or incomplete attempts at utilizing it, he first managed to exert its influence onto Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum, when she… attempted to- [Dr. Nussbaum's speech slowly comes to a halt. She stares in front of herself with a blank expression and begins shivering.] Nussbaum: When she attempted to… [She looks up from where she is kneeling and notices Bumaro standing in the doorway. She is about to scream, but covers her mouth before she has a chance to do so.] [Bumaro begins approaching her.] Bumaro: [tilts his head] When she attempted to do what? [Dr. Nussbaum begins hyperventilating into her hand. Her eyes frantically dart around the throne room. She winces at each step Emperor Bumaro takes towards her.] Bumaro: What is the matter, Hedvig? Continue reciting your words. Nussbaum: [muffled] I… I can't. Bumaro: Why? What is stopping you? Go ahead. Recall why I used the Voice on you. Recall what happened after. [Dr. Nussbaum shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut.] Bumaro: Your Emperor commands you. CONTINUE RECALLING. [As he reaches her, Emperor Bumaro places his hand on her shoulder. Dr. Nussbaum shudders in shock.] Nussbaum: [sniffs] Robert… Please, take your hand off me. [Her shaky voice quiets down to barely a whisper. She attempts to shrug his hand off, to no avail.] Nussbaum: P-please… [Emperor Bumaro begins fiddling with the clasp holding her gown in place. Dr. Nussbaum attempts to nudge his hand off with more desperation, to no avail.] Bumaro: [rolls his eyes] Fine. I will humor you. [He lets go of her shoulder. Dr. Nussbaum collapses forward and starts crying uncontrollably. She does not notice how her voice slowly begins fading out into silence.] Nussbaum: _ Robert? How are you- [she ceases crying in surprise, looks up.] Nussbaum: Bumaro: I like you better this way. If you cannot use your voice properly, you do not deserve to have one. [He stands up and looks down at her with a stern expression. The shadow his hair casts on his face obscures his eyes, but the golden gleam in them is visible.] [Dr. Nussbaum passes out. Emperor Bumaro leaves the throne room.] [END LOG] Closing statement: Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum remained passed out for 35.8 hours, after which she demanifested from the throne room. Following this incident, she never regained her voice. Addendum 7866.2: History According to the traditions, SCP-7866 was gifted to the first Bumaro by the goddess Mekhane, when the former discovered the latter. It was gifted to him to ensure he was able to lead his people On the dunes of the desert In a cavern hidden away from prying eyes The goddess Mekhane lays sundered and alone She was hoping the Shepherd would resurrect Her Instead He stripped Her body Picked apart the fuladh of Her skin And tore Her vocal cords out She was hoping that despite everything The Shepherd would still use Her powers for good Instead He used Her Voice To rule His people with a fuladh fist And to exert dominance over the spirit The body And the soul Of His wife — the Empress Hedara. — Excerpt from the "Book of Heresies", a collection of religious texts rejected from the traditional Mekhanite holy scriptures. This is the only known surviving copy of the Book, which was discovered in one of the derelict chambers of the Undercity. The micro-climate inside the chamber allowed for it to be preserved in good condition. Saint Hedvig has forgotten how to think about history. This is an acceptable outcome, as history is unnecessary knowledge which would distract her from being the object of focus of SCP-7866. Addendum 7866.3: Utilization of the Voice SCP-7866 has two known components: Indirect component: Can be exerted with minimal effort and may remain undetected by the targets. Traditionally used to control the citizens of Amoni-Ram. Most effectively deployed with casual conversations, or during the morning prayer. Direct component: Exerted onto one specific individual, also known as the object of focus of SCP-7866. Must be upheld at all times in order to ensure the operational status of the Indirect component.3 By using it, the Emperor must convince the object of focus that His will is her will, that His thoughts are her thoughts. The most effective ways to achieve this are intense psychological pressure, coercion, manipulation, or gaslighting. Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum is to keep in mind that HEDVIG ARAM-BUMARO, THE EMPRESS, GENERAL, AND PATRON SAINT OF THE MEKHANITE EMPIRE, is to keep in mind that while some level of resistance is permitted on behalf of the object of focus4, she must take into consideration that the energy required to uphold the direct component is proportional to the strength of said resistance. IT IS SO SELFISH OF YOU TO CLING SO DESPERATELY TO YOUR OLD SELF, HEDVIG. WOULDN'T IT BE EASIER IF YOU JUST GAVE IN? YOU LOVE ME, DO YOU NOT? YOU LOVE ME AS YOUR HUSBAND, MASTER, AND EMPEROR, DO YOU NOT? SUBMIT, HEDVIG. BE PERFECT FOR ME. SEAL AWAY THE PARTS OF YOU THAT DOUBT. The following list shows the traits SCP-7866 shares with Saint Hedvig. The intrinsic connection offered by these similarities is the reason why Saint Hedvig is the only person capable of being the object of focus of SCP-7866: Perfection and Absoluteness Symbol of Power Fuladh Similarities with the prior Empresses Robert Gifted by, and made in the image of, Mekhane Pliant, malleable, … The examples above also act as a justification to quell the doubts of Dr. Nussbaum. She must keep in mind that Emperor Bumaro took time out of His day to put together this list because she, specifically, was doubting Him.5 Addendum 7866.4: Additional Context The following interview has been provided as an example to show the kinds of anxieties Saint Hedvig possesses. The Emperor, at his own discretion, may attempt to alleviate said anxieties or utilize them in keeping SCP-7866 operational. INTERVIEW LOG #2 [BEGIN LOG] [Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum sits on a bench in the courtyard. It is a pleasant and sunny late afternoon. Her laptop is open in front of her and she is typing up an email. Her screen is blank.] [Opposite of her stand Emperor Bumaro and Saint Hedvig. Bumaro has one of his hands wrapped around her waist. They are holding a spear together.] [Dr. Nussbaum does not notice them, nor does she acknowledge their existence.] [A corpse materializes underneath the spear. Saint Hedvig stabs it, with the assistance of her husband. When Bumaro lets go of her hand, she continues going with the spear until she feels it cut through the body.] Hedvig: Bumaro: Better. But you still lack conviction. Hedvig: [She glances in Dr. Nussbaum's direction with a puzzled expression. Emperor Bumaro caresses her waist in a reassuring manner.] Bumaro: She will be dealt with. You should not let her hold you back. For all intents and purposes, she does not exist. Hedvig: Bumaro: I agree, you are doing well. We will try again. [Emperor Bumaro pulls Saint Hedvig into a kiss. While they are kissing, another corpse materializes in front of them on the ground.] [Dr. Nussbaum is nearing the end of her email. She wants to take a break from writing and make herself a quick coffee, but she notices her filled coffee cup sitting next to her on the bench.] [There is not much left of the email she is writing. She can always return to it later. It is not too urgent after all, is it?] [A couple minutes pass. Dr. Nussbaum decides to finish her email. She will finish it ahead of time and send it. She must send it as soon as possible.] [Saint Hedvig stabs the new corpse more forcefully, on her own. Bumaro wraps both of his hands around her waist.] [Dr. Nussbaum finishes her email and decides to send it. However, as her screen is blank, she is unable to locate the "Send" button.] [Dr. Nussbaum begins to panic. She successfully finished the email ahead of time. She needs to send it and end it all right here, right now. However, as her screen is blank, she is unable to locate the "Send" button.] [Saint Hedvig turns her head to look at Emperor Bumaro for His approval. He nods. She withdraws her spear from the corpse and stabs it again with a newfound confidence.] [As she looks at her clock, Dr. Nussbaum notices the time and her eyes widen in fear. Her breathing becomes more ragged as she begins sweating. Her head is spinning. An intense sense of dread overcomes all her senses. However, as her screen is blank, she is unable to locate the "Send" button.] [Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum sits _ on a bench in the courtyard. in her quarters in one of the skyscrapers of Amoni-Ram. Her clothes offer her no protection from the biting cold of the night. Door opens. Sound of an object slamming closed.] [END LOG] Closing statement: Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum finished her email, but was unable to send it due to technical difficulties. Update (02.08.1989): After numerous attempts to do so since 1985, Dr. Robert Aram has successfully contained Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum on August 2nd, 1989. He succeeded in putting her soul to rest and sealing it away deep inside Saint Hedvig's mind, where not even her own consciousness can reach. As this file was utilized by her as an attempt to rationalize and explain to herself the reason behind Emperor Bumaro's fixation on her, it no longer serves any purpose and may be sealed away together with the soul of Dr. Nussbaum and the memories pertaining to her. The continuous exertion of SCP-7866 on Saint Hedvig will ensure Dr. Nussbaum remains silent indefinitely. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7866" by Miss Lapis, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. This article contains an excerpt from "ROUNDERHOUSE's Gold Proposal" by Rounderhouse, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. Footnotes 1. Saint Hedvig is forbidden to consult Legate Trunnion on the matter, as she is forbidden to have any questions regarding SCP-7866. 2. Unlike in the case of Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum/Saint Hedvig, Dr. Robert Aram is permitted to exist parallel to Robert Bumaro. His continuous existence is not detrimental to the upholding of SCP-7866. 3. Dr. Hedvig Nussbaum questions the legitimacy of this effect and does not understand why it must be upheld in the first place. Saint Hedvig has no such questions, as she SILENTLY ACCEPTS HER ROLE. 4. Feeling this resistance shatter is known to boost the morale of the wielders of SCP-7866. 5. WHY DO YOU CONTINUE FOOLISHLY INSISTING ON BEING STUBBORN AND UNGRATEFUL, HEDVIG?
 close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains themes of child abuse, religious abuse, mutilation, torture, child death, and gore. Reader discretion is advised. by Strange Matter ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7867 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7867 is to be kept in a standard biological containment chamber. It is to be fed 23 kilograms1of raw meat twice a day. This is to be delivered either by guards or PoI-2813. PoI-2813 must be supervised by guards during feeding. If SCP-7867 displays any signs of aggression or begins to harm itself, Nitrous Oxide is to be released into the containment chamber until SCP-7867 is rendered fully unconscious. PoI-2813 is to be held in a standard humanoid containment chamber. It is to be provided 3 Grade-B meals daily. PoI-2813 is to have weekly tutoring sessions with Dr. Donnie Heller. Both SCP-7867 and PoI-2813 are to undergo weekly counseling sessions with Dr. Lexie Hubert. Description: SCP-7867 is an SK-BIO Type-007 Instance2, though it is able to have a stable form of a male African Lion (Panthera Leo), measuring on average 2.6 meters in length from the head to the buttocks. SCP-7867 stands at a height of 1.5 meters. 2 humanoid arms extrude from SCP-7867’s back. Its tail is similar to that of an Iguana, being 2.7 meters in length and covered in quills with a bone pike at the end. There are 2 additional functioning mouths on both palms of the humanoid limbs. SCP-7867 has an unhinged jaw to feast on larger prey similar to a snake. It uses several appendages from its mouth to grapple victims over a long distance. Every time SCP-7867 finishes consuming an organism, SCP-7867 can alter its anatomy and structure to replicate the organism’s physical, genetic, and neurological characteristics. SCP-7867 also exhibits advanced regenerative capabilities. SCP-7867 is capable of communication. However, its behavior changes at random, followed by its speech and vocals. Moreover, SCP-7867 will claim that whatever identity it presents is the real self, although PoI-2813 always refers to SCP-7867 as “Levushka.” PoI-2813 is a 12-year-old humanoid Caucasian male of Russian descent. PoI-2813 does not have any anomalous attributes. Due to SCP-7867's aggression in its discovery, as well as previously attempting to breach containment, PoI-2813 was sent to remain by its side. Addendum-1-Discovery: Local hikers claimed to have seen a disfigured lion in Great Smokey Mountains National Park in Tennessee. Following 22 missing person reports in the week of 2008-02-17 wherein the person went missing within the park, MTF Zeta-13 was dispatched to locate the anomaly. Upon locating SCP-7867, the team attempted to capture it, however, they were attacked by PoI-2813 and SCP-7867, resulting in the death of 1 member of Zeta-13. Following the capture of SCP-7867 and PoI-2813, all exposed civilians were administered Class-B amnestics. Addendum-2-Interviews: + Access Interview with Dr. Lexie Hubert - Close Interview with Dr. Lexie Huburt Interviewed: SCP-7867 & PoI-2813 Interviewer: Dr. Hubert, Lexie <Begin Log> Dr. Hubert: Hi there. No response Dr. Hubert: I’m Lexie, and I’m just here to talk. Still no response Dr. Hubert: Okay… That’s quite the pet you have there. I’ve never seen something so exoti- PoI-2813: He’s not a pet. Dr. Hubert: Oh. My bad. So what is he then? PoI-2813: I don’t think you would believe me, anyway. Dr. Hubert: Try me. Several seconds of silence PoI-2813: He’s just not a pet, okay. Dr. Hubert: Alright. Sorry if I offended you. I’m just trying to understand what makes him so drawn to you. PoI-2813: Why do you wanna know so much? SCP-7867 (Child's voice): Where’s mommy and daddy? PoI-2813: They’re away right now, Levushka. SCP-7867: Will they come back? PoI-2813: They’ll come back, soon. Dr. Hubert: Levushka, is it? SCP-7867 raises its head to look at Lexie. Dr. Hubert: Hi, I’m Lexie. SCP-7867: Hello there. Dr. Hubert: How old are you? SCP-7867 (Older male voice): I’m 43 years old. Dr. Hubert: Is that so? Do you work? SCP-7867: Oh nothing special. A waiter at IHOP. Dr. Hubert: No way! I love IHOP. I usually go on Saturdays but it always gets packed in the morning. But that’s good business for you, right? SCP-7867: For them, yeah. But for me, no. The school is closed every weekend. Dr. Hubert: School? Didn’t you say you worked in an IHOP? SCP-7867: No. I’m a PE teacher. Lexie writes on her clipboard. Dr. Hubert: Okay? What grade do you teach? SCP-7867: High school. I only do Juniors and Seniors though. Dr. Hubert: Hope they're not too much trouble. SCP-7867: Surprisingly not. We got some pretty good teams. Women's baseball is heading to their Semi-finals. Dr. Hubert: You should be proud of them. What team are they going against? SCP-7867: My team. The New York Mets. Dr. Hubert: Uh, pardon? SCP-7867: Yeah, we’re going against the Texas Rangers next week. Dr. Hubert: So you’re a waiter, a PE teacher, and a Mets player? SCP-7867: No, I’m just a Mets player. Dr. Hubert: Are you positive? SCP-7867: Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? Tell her Edmon. PoI-2813: Yes. SCP-7867: See? Dr. Hubert jots on her clipboard Dr. Hubert: Uh-huh. Well, I’m more of a Yankee’s girl. SCP-7867: Booooo. By the way, can someone tell me what time it is? Dr. Hubert: It’s 2 pm. SCP-7867 (Elderly male voice): Aw shucks. I forgot my meds. Don’t tell my doctor, she'll get on my ass. “You’re 72!” She says. “You need to take better care of yourself.” She says. Dr. Hubert: Didn’t you say you were 43? SCP-7867: No. But I wish! What I am though is hungry. Dr. Hubert: We’ll give you something to eat once we’re done, yeah? SCP-7867 remains silent and stares at Lexie. PoI-2813: Please give him something. Dr. Hubert: I’m sorry but- SCP-7867: MINUN TÄYTYY SYÖDÄ!3 SCP-7867 charges to the window and slams headfirst on the glass causing Dr. Hubert to fall back from her stool and press herself against the wall. SCP-7867 opens its mouth and presses it on the glass while scratching it with all of its limbs. The Nitrous Oxide gas activates and fills the room, knocking out both PoI-2813 and SCP-7867. <End Log> - Close Interview with Dr. Lexie Huburt + Access Interview 5 - Close Interview 5: Interviewed: SCP-7867 & PoI-2813 Interviewer: Dr. Hubert, Lexie Foreword: SCP-7867 fell ill during this interview. <Begin Log> Dr. Hubert: Afternoon, Edmon. Afternoon, 7867. SCP-7867: Hi Dr. Hubert… Dr. Hubert: Are you alright? SCP-7867: My head is hurting. Dr. Hubert: Aw, you poor thing. SCP-7867: Is there something you can give me? Dr. Hubert: I’ll see what I can do. SCP-7867: Can you also turn on the A/C? It's hot in here. Dr. Hubert: It is on. SCP-7867 groans and drags itself around the chamber. SCP-7867: Stop yelling at me. Dr. Hubert: I wasn't. SCP-7867: Not you. Her. Dr. Hubert: Her? SCP-7867: She's been loud for so long. I just wanna rip her out and shut her up. Dr. Hubert: SCP-7867? A low growl is heard from SCP-7867. SCP-7867: She’s quiet now. Dr. Hubert: That's good. SCP-7867: I think I'm gonna go to bed for a while. Dr. Hubert: Hang on. I still need you to- SCP-7867 lays on the floor and sleeps. Dr. Hubert: Okay then? Edmon, would you like to say something? PoI-2813 shuffles in place but no response. Dr. Hubert: It can be about anything. PoI-2813: I don't know if I have anything to say right now. Dr. Hubert: You've been quiet after my first interview with you. Are you sure you don't have something in mind? Maybe something you wanna get off your chest? PoI-2813: I guess, are you scared of him? Dr. Hubert: Of your brother? PoI-2813 nods. Dr. Hubert: He's…something. PoI-2813: So you're not scared? Dr. Hubert: He hasn't jumped and attacked me recently. Think he's warming up to me? PoI-2813: I think so. Maybe. PoI-2813 rocks back and forward. Dr. Hubert taps her heel repeatedly. PoI-2813: Are you okay? Dr. Hubert: Of course! Why wouldn't I be? PoI-2813: You look like you're stressed. Dr. Hubert:…I-(clears throat) got a call from my husband, earlier. Said that my son got suspended. Again. PoI-2813: You have a son? Dr. Hubert: Yep. (She sighs and leans back from her chair) I don't know why he always does this. I try having him tell me what's wrong but- oh sorry. I didn't mean to make this about me. PoI-2813: It's okay. Dr. Hubert: I wonder if I'm doing a good job. PoI-2813: I think he’s lucky to have you. Dr. Hubert: Thanks. I appreciate that. PoI-2813: I wished my parents were like you. Dr. Hubert: What do you mean? PoI-2813: They kept hurting me. They turned my brother into…this. Dr. Hubert: Do you know how they did it? PoI-2813: No. But my father always had this camera with him when we were doing our trials. Maybe he had something in that? Dr. Hubert: Do you know where the camera is? PoI-2813: It's probably still at my house. In the basement. Dr. Hubert: And where's your house? PoI-2813: 1641 Arbon Ct, Gatlinburg. <End Log> - Close Interview 5: After confirming the address from PoI-2813, a team was dispatched to the address and searched the residency. No person was found within, although the team commented on a foul odor. When they moved down to the basement, what was found is as followed: Dried blood and chunks of meat splattered across the walls. A variety of detached limbs A Sony Handycam CCD-TRV23E Digital 8 Camcorder on the ground A broken tripod. 7 Sony DVM60PRL DVC Camcorder tapes 30-foot long rope 5-inch piece of duct tape The team returned to Site-63 with the camcorder and tapes. The tapes were degraded so they had to run all tapes through a Head Cleaner and hooked it to a laptop to view the footage. All tapes have dates on them. Addendum-3-Viewing Recovered Video Tapes: + Video Tape #1 - Video Tape #1 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2/19/1998 NOTE: The couple shown in the footage has been identified as Ivan and Elina Mikhailov. The following has been translated from Russian to English. [BEGIN LOG] Footage of two babies rubbing their heads on the carpet floor. Elina: Oh lord. Ivan picks one up and kisses his cheek repeatedly. Ivan: Why do you do that, huh? Kiss. You a coo-coo baby. Coo-coo Footage cuts and the date is 4/29/1998. Footage shows a beach with cloudy skies with the same babies playing in the sand. A woman is laying on a towel, watching the two. She looks at the camera and hides her face behind her hands. Elina: No! Put it away! Ivan: But I don't want to. Elina: I said put it away! Ivan: But you look so gorgeous! The camera zooms into her face and she peeks. Elina: Nooo! The woman laughs and turns away from the camera. The man laughs too, pointing the camera at him. Showing his medium-length black curly hair and full beard. Footage cuts and the date is 07/21/1999. It shows a wooden longboat. It pans and shows other passengers with a man holding a microphone speaking Portuguese. Panning to the right, the footage shows the lush green rainforest and brown murky waters. A Tamarin Monkey jumps from its branch and on top of the boat. It climbs down crawls under the seats. It jumps and sits next to Ivan holding one of his sons on his lap. The baby tries to grab it when it is not looking but he ended up grabbing the tail. The monkey jumps and approaches the baby cautiously. The baby still tries to grab it but the monkey takes the hat and climbs away from the boat. Gasping and laughter can be heard and the baby is crying. Footage cuts again and the date is 9/19/1999. The two sons are trying to walk to their father. They climb on top of each other and use each other as support to get them standing. Eventually, one of them makes it and the other has to crawl. Ivan: Good job Levushka! He picks up his son and spins around. Levushka pukes on his arm. Footage cuts and the date is 02/08/2000. The footage shows a birthday party with other family members. Some shots show balloons with the number 3 around the room. Singing can be heard in the Russian Happy Birthday song. When they finish, the two boys try blowing out the candles but with no success. After a few more seconds of blowing, one of them uses a paper plate to blow the candles out and succeeds. Cheering is then heard. [END LOG] - Video Tape #1 + Video Tape #2 - Video Tape #2 VIDEO LOG DATE: 06/10/2003 NOTE: The following has been translated from Russian to English. [BEGIN LOG] Footage shows a gathering in the woods. It is dusk, and a crowd of people walks along the trail, some holding flashlights to guide them. After a few more minutes of hiking, the crowd scatters and forms a circle around a man dawning a black hood. The holder passes the camera to another person and aims it at Ivan and his family. They walk to the figure who is holding a wooden bowl. Figure: Please remove your clothes and turn around. The couple removes their son's shirts first and then themselves. The figure takes his fingers in the bowl and paints a seal on each of their backs. After the figure finishes, others pour buckets of blood surrounding the family. The ring glows a bright red and the family trembles on their knees, their seals on their backs glow as well screaming and writhing in pain. Boy 1: Mommy! Daddy! Make it stop! Boy 2: Help us, Please! The father crawls to his wife holds onto her, and scoops his sons with him. The boys claw and grip onto their father and it glows brighter than the flashlights. The two boys stop screaming and the glow slowly dims. The seal fades from their backs, and the figure helps Ivan up. Figure: Congratulations. You passed. Ivan: Oh God. (He breathes heavily.) Thank you so much! Figure: The same cannot be said of your sons. What do you have to say for yourselves? Elina: We promise we prepared them for months! But they’re just children, you see. Figure: Yes, but that is no excuse. Look around you. The one holding the camera pans to the rest of the group and shows children stepping forward to the lights. Figure: Rarely effortlessly, some pass even at your boy's age. Now children, what was the point of this? Children: To show our strength and our will. So that we may be worthy of the gifts of Važjuma!4 Figure: Your sons do not have what it takes, it seems. I fear that neither of you has been doing your part. Ivan: I swear on my life, I’ll make sure they come back stronger! Give them a chance! Figure: I’ll hold you up to that. [END LOG] - Video Tape #2 + Video Tape #3 - Video Tape #3 VIDEO LOG DATE: 01/22/2004 NOTE: The following has been translated from Russian to English. [BEGIN LOG] Footage has another gathering of people sitting in front of a projector screen while chatter fills the room. The camera zooms to a man in a suit coming up on the small stage. Announcer: May I have everyone’s attention, please! The crowd goes silent. Announcer: Thank you. Now I just received word that we've found something that could benefit us. Slide. The camera zooms out showing a slide of a sketch of a wooden bottle. Announcer: This here! This is what we’ve been striving for. We’ve been informed that this was once used in the First War of the Flesh and that those who wielded it became an un-yieldable beast. Slide. The next slide shows a map of the Yenisei River with five marked areas scattered around the area. Announcer: The container is in one of these villages, sitting with washed-up and weak-willed people, collecting dust and waiting to be forgotten.5 But not us! Only we know how to use this power to its fullest. And it is our right to achieve it. If you are willing to take what is rightfully yours then join me in my mission to retrieve this relic, no- this key to our salvation! The crowd shoots up and hands are shaking in the air. Demands and pleas to join are all that is heard. [END LOG] - Video Tape #3 + Video Tape #4 - Video Tape #4 VIDEO LOG DATE: 08/09/2005 NOTE: The following has been translated from Russian to English. [BEGIN LOG] The footage cuts to the family in an empty house. The camera walks through the white walls and wooden glazed floor. The boys run past the camera giggling, Ivan steps into the frame. Ivan: So, what do you think? Elina aims the camera down, showing only both their feet and the wooden floor. Elina: Was this smart of us? I feel like we’re moving things a bit too fast. We didn’t complete their trial back at home. And if anyone finds- Ivan: Don’t worry about it. We’ve got plenty of time for that, and no one is going to find out. You know why we came here, right? Elina: I do. Ivan: Do you trust me? Elina: Always. Ivan: That’s all I need. House seller: (In English) Is everything all right? Ivan: (In English) Yes. We do okay. House seller: Mm, you're gonna have to work on that English, friend. Ivan: So sorry. House seller: Don't be! You two are doing wonders for me by coming here. Been trying to sell this house for months. All things considered with the neighborhood and whatnot. Do you like the house so far? A brief pause Elina: It is perfect. Thank you. House seller: No, thank you. Oh, and I know you guys just got here but you need to get that U.S. citizenship as soon as possible if you want to stay here. Cuz, y’know. It’s the law. Ivan: We will get right to it. House seller: Fantastic. Glory to Važjuma. [END LOG] - Video Tape #4 + Video Tape #5 - Video Tape #5 VIDEO LOG DATE: 11/11/2005 NOTE: The following is translated from Russian to English. [BEGIN LOG] Footage cuts. The boys are sitting facing away from the camera. Elina paints the same seals on their backs while Ivan paints the red ring on the floor. Moments later, the seals glow a red light and continue to glow brighter. 17 seconds go by with one of the boys arched his back and screamed, and those screams turned to cries. The other one lasts for 4 minutes, biting their lips and clenching their fists clench as his body shakes. Boy 1: I can't do it! I can't do it, mommy! Make it stop! The other boy continued to stay silent and curled forward. Interlocking his fingers behind his head and heavily breathing. This has gone for 2 minutes and the glow from the seals begins to dim and the seals fade away from their backs. Ivan: You did amazing, Levushka! Ivan runs to Levushka and covers him in a blanket and wraps his arms around him. He rubs his back and kisses his head. Edmon is still crying beside them. Elina: Ivan. Ivan: I know. You need to do better, Edmon. You are my firstborn son and look at Levushka! Elina: You should be used to this by now. So what’s wrong with you? Edmon: I don’t know… Ivan: Bullshit! Ivan gets up and goes to turn the camera off. Which is cut to the next footage of him turning on the camera again and setting it on a tripod. Ivan: What's the matter with you? Hm? Edmon stays silent Ivan: Answer me! Edmon: It hurts! Ivan: So what if it does?! I told you time and time again! Don't ever fucking cry! That means you are too weak! Do you want to be weak?! Edmon: N-No… Ivan: Then stop fucking crying! Edmon cries Ivan: Oh for the love of- You know what. Ivan stands up and takes a knife. Edmon jumps up and runs to the door but Ivan tackles him down, stomach to the floor. Ivan: This time, we’re going to do this trial every week. Starting now. Edmon: Dad! Get off! please! I promise I'll listen! I'll read the scriptures! I'll do everything you want me to do! Please don't do this anymore! Mommy help! Levu- Ivan covers his mouth and carves the seal on his back, and hastily paints the ring on his chest instead of the floor. Ivan: No one is going to help you. No one but yourself. It’s time you stop leeching off of others and start being a man for once. Ivan gets up and stands in front of the door. The seal glows a bright red as does his veins. Edmon jolts up and knocks over a futon and a chair. He screams while he claws the floor. Edmon: I hate you! Edmon repeats this several times before passing out. The glow dims and the seal fades away from his back. Ivan: Disappointing. Ivan goes to the camera and turns it off. [END LOG] - Video Tape #5 + Video Tape #6 - Video Tape #6 VIDEO LOG DATE: 05/27/2006 [BEGIN LOG] The next footage has the camera on a desk and the parents are sitting on their beds in their rooms. Three knocks can be heard and Ivan rushes downstairs to answer it. Elina waits for 1 minute and 3 seconds for Ivan and another man to enter the room. Ivan: Thank you so much for coming, Mr. Rowe. Especially at this hour. Elina: Would you like anything? Mr. Rowe: No thank you. I won’t be here for long. Is that camera recording? Ivan: Yes it is. Mr. Rowe: May I ask why? Elina: We found out that not many are fluent in Ämärangnä,6 especially here in America. We thought it is best to have this on a tape so that we could always come back to re-watch. Understand it. Mr. Rowe: I see. So where is it? Ivan goes out of frame for a moment and returns with a wooden container and a scroll in each hand. Mr. Rowe: Let me have a look. Mr. Rowe examines the scroll for 45 seconds. Mr. Rowe: Oohhh. Elina: What is it? Mr. Rowe: You’re lucky that you brought this scroll with you. This tells you how to use whatever is in that. Ivan: Okay. So can you tell us? Mr. Rowe: “Ozimorok offered his power to the young cub in hopes of sprouting a champion of his people. However, he was weakened and did not have enough light to empower the little one. One came forward, “take mine,” and another, “mine as well.” Soon all banded together in hopes that they can aid Ozimorok so that he may lead them to salvation. The once-fallen cub had finally risen and was given the name, Narok. Becoming a mighty and prideful beast. With a heart of an army that beats within.” Ivan: I don’t understand. Mr. Rowe: Long story short. You need a corpse. A fresh one that has to be a child and you pour that into it. That should give you who or whatever this champion, Narok, was. Or at least their power. Elina: Why a child? Can’t it be an adult? Mr. Rowe: Hold on. “Once, there was a man who sought the champion's blood. He waited until they had slumbered. When he drew his blade and cut their tail, Narok knawed at his wrist in return. Narok tasted the tainted blood and requested Ozimorok to put a curse on themself. Should anyone heartbeat so foul seek their blood, they shall know only agony and silence.” Do you both understand? Ivan: Tainted blood… So it needs to have somebody who is pure? And supposedly that’s children. Because the gift was given to some child? Mr. Rowe: Now you're catching on. Elina: And anyone who isn’t pure dies. Adults. Mr. Rowe: You're on the right track, there. Ivan: But didn’t it say earlier that people gave their power to them to make it stronger? Mr. Rowe: Well. We don’t know what that exactly entails. There was silence from the couple. Ivan: Thank you for your time, Mr. Rowe. Although, this doesn't explain how we set this up. Mr. Rowe: My pleasure. And no worries, I'll come back next week to take a look. (Yawns) Although what you have is older than our history. Where did you find this? Ivan: You don’t need to worry about that. What matters is that we have it. And now thanks to you, we'll know what to do…(mutters) Mr. Rowe: What was that? Ivan: It’s nothing. Mr. Rowe: May I ask how long have you lived here in America? Elina: Two years. Mr. Rowe: Hmm. Why did you go through all this trouble for this anyway? If you don’t mind me asking. Ivan: When we were in Russia, and this was a long time ago, I had an accident that had crippled me for quite a long while. To keep it brief, I was saved by this "woman", so to say. What she did… It was like being touched by a higher power. I wanted to feel that again and more. I felt like I could do and be anything. If this scroll is the way to do it, then I’ll risk it all for me and my family. Mr. Rowe: Well, if you think you can pull it off. I want in. [END LOG] - Video Tape #6 + Video Tape #7 - Video Tape #7 VIDEO LOG DATE: 02/08/2008 [BEGIN LOG] Footage shows a concrete room with members in dark garbs present. Ivan walks to the crowd, his back facing away from the camera. Slight muffling and thumping is heard in the background Ivan: I would like to thank you all for helping me set up this final trial for my son, Levushka. In your diligence and faith in me, you may all be granted our people’s gift back when it was first used in the First War of the Flesh. And pay no attention to Edmon. He's lucky that I want him to bear witness to his brother's greatness. Are there any questions? Member 2: Yeah, you think your kid here might get loose? Ivan: We tripled check the knots. I don't think he's going anywhere. Member 5: How come he isn’t going up there? Wouldn’t it be better if we had two of these “champions” on our side? Ivan: One is all we need. Any other questions? Silence Ivan: Let’s begin. You. Go and make sure he stays quiet. Elina! One member walks out of the frame and moments later, the muffling stops. Elina holds Levushka's hand walking into the frame with him wearing a white gown. Levushka: Mom. Who are these people? Elina: They're friends of your father, and they've come to help us. Ivan: Levushka. Come to me. Elina lets go of his hand and Levushka walks to his father. He nervously glances at the other men staring down at him. Levushka is in front of Ivan, and he bends down a knee. Ivan: If someone were to tell me that you would be chosen as our champion. I wouldn't believe them. My son, you've always had potential, and have shown it time and time again. Ivan places his hands on his shoulders. Ivan: I don't know what you'll become after this. But no matter what form you take, I'm certain that you'll shine brighter than most, if not, all of us. Now that I think of it, I've picked the most fitting name for you. Do you know what your name means? Levushka: No. Ivan: It means "Lion." Silence in the room. Ivan: Now Levushka. I need you to lay down on your back. On this circle. I also need you to take your robe off, above the waist is fine. Levushka does what he's told and slips the robes off. He keeps his hand on his head while the other men surround him and hold him down. Ivan pulls a dagger from his robe pocket Levushka: What are you doing!? Levushka squirms and thrashes. The other men visibly being shaking from trying to keep him still. Ivan raises the dagger. Levushka: Podozhdi, podozhdi, podozhdi, podozhdi! Papa, pozhaluysta, ne delay etogo! Pozhaluysta ostanovis'! Pozhaluysta pozhaluysta pozhaluysta! Muffled screams can be heard in the background. Ivan sinks the knife into his chest and Levushka loudly cries. Ivan drags the knife down to his stomach. Levushka's cries turn to gurgles and gags. His thrashings were slowing. Levushka's gurgles go quiet. Ivan takes the container and opens the lid. He pours a black liquid into the gaping chest until it's empty. Faint sobbing is heard. Ivan and the other members slowly stand. Mr. Rowe: Nothing's happening. Ivan: Give it time. He'll rise. 10 seconds later and nothing happens. Elina: Ivan? Ivan: Just a moment. Another 12 seconds pass and nothing happens. Elina: Oh my god… Oh my God, Ivan! Member 2: Oh shit! I think we fucked up! Ivan: We didn't! We followed the instructions. So everything is fine! Member 3: Written thousands of fucking years ago! Ivan: I'm certain that we've followed everything right! Elina: Ivan, what the fuck did you do?! Ivan: Nothing! Member 7: We just killed a kid! The members pace around the basement, removing their hoods. Some rub their heads while glancing at his corpse. One other throws up at the corner. Elina goes to Ivan, punching and screaming at him. Ivan holds her wrist. She stops and collapses on the floor. One member looks down at the body and tilts his head. Member 12: Hey… Guys… EVERYONE SHUT UP! Silence Member 12: Look! He points at Levushkla who's coughing blood. Ivan: (Faintly laughs) See! See! I told you! I told you we did it right! Elina crawls to Levushka and holds his cheeks still crying. Ivan kneels beside her, looking at his son. Ivan: Levushka, how are you feeling? Levushka stays silent for 5 seconds and screeches that rise in volume. Tendrils erupt from his chest and latch onto his parents first, pulling them down. Other tendrils erupt and lash around the basement, grabbing onto every member who was trying to run and hide from them. The camera knocks down to its side and the lens crack. It shows running legs and someone kicks it, spinning on the floor and coming to a halt against the wall. The tendrils drag the members from their necks, arms, legs, and waist. SCP-7867 roars with its massive mouth to chew on them one by one with its enormous blob of a body growing by every victim. One of the tendrils strikes the lightbulb and everything goes black. 13 seconds later, only whines echo in the basement. Sounds of rope being cut are also heard with heavy breaths. The rope snaps and the sound of a piece of glass drops on the concrete floor. The sounds of footsteps pass the camera SCP-7867: It huuurrts…Edmoooon… heeellpp meeeee… Edmon: I-it's okay… (sniffle) I'm h-here…We're going to leave, okay? Right now. Just you and me. Heavy breathing. Edmon: Come on. Let's get out of here. [END LOG] - Video Tape #7 + Interview with PoI-2813 - Interview with PoI-2813 Interviewed: PoI-2813 Interviewer: Dr. Hubert, Lexie Foreword: SCP-7867 was asleep at the time of the interview. <Begin Log> Dr. Hubert: Hello Edmon. PoI-2813: Hello. Dr. Hubert: We've watched the tapes that you've given us. No response Dr. Hubert: I want to say thank you for giving this to us. It helps us better understand you and your brother a lot. Is there anything you'd like to add? Something that wasn't shown in the tapes? PoI-2813: No. All he ever cared about was his beliefs and comparing me to Levushka. Pause Dr. Hubert: Has your father ever introduced you to the woman who saved him? PoI-2813: Mm-mm. Never. He only talked about her after his accident. I think we were still toddlers. But since then, well. You've seen how he was. Pause PoI-2813: I don't understand why he had to do all of that. Weren't we enough for him? Dr. Hubert: I don't think we can give you an answer that would satisfy you, Edmon. I'm truly sorry. 5-second pause Dr. Hubert: So what happened after you left the house? PoI-2813 We hid in the woods for…I don't know how long. Dr. Hubert: 9 days. From the time you left to when we found you. PoI-2813: 9 days… Bog. Eto kazalos' dol'she. Dr. Hubert: What happened during that time? PoI-2813: We had to find food, every day. At first, it was just the animals, big and small. Eating it raw. That was until I spotted a truck, and Levushka chased it. By the time I got there, he'd changed into a combination of all the zoo animals that were in there, as well as the driver. I found a lighter and used that to cook the meat after that. There were times, he would get so hungry that he'd hunt on his own, and come back angry with nothing. I found people walking around the woods and call them to help me. When they were far enough from the trail, Levushka would pounce and eat them. 7-second pause. PoI-2813: Am I bad? Dr. Hubert:…I don't know how to answer that. PoI-2813: Do you know Važjuma? Dr. Hubert: In a way, yes. PoI-2813: Do you worship her? Dr. Hubert: No. I don't. PoI-2813: … Neither do I. <End Log> - Interview with PoI-2813 Addendum-4-Incident-7867: + Access Incident-7867 - Close Incident-7867 VIDEO LOG DATE: 01/03/2009 NOTE: [Early conversation between SCP-7867 and PoI-2813 has been cut due to its irrelevancy. The following has been translated from Russian to English.] [BEGIN LOG] PoI-2813: What did you say? SCP-7867: I'm tired of repeating myself, Edmon. PoI-2813: This…This can't be happening. I saw you. All of you- SCP-7867: Die? I thought I did too for a moment. But your mother and I are very much alive and well. PoI-2813: I don't understand. SCP-7867: I may have not been chosen but I still gave myself for the champion. Now we are all one. And I'm certain that there will be more to come to give themselves to Levushka. PoI-2813 backs to a wall and presses himself against it. SCP-7867 closes the distance between them. Its cheeks tear open, forming a smile. SCP-7867: But you. You're alone now. Trapped in this cage with us. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can still join us, Edmon. You're still my son. PoI-2813: I want nothing to do with you. SCP-7867: Then what of your poor brother? You're just going to leave him? PoI-2813: I'm never going to leave him, especially not with you. SCP-7867: Then give yourself to him. Right here. Right now. We can settle this once you're a part of him. PoI-2813 stays in his position. SCP-7867: Pathetic. You won't even fight for him when given the opportunity. And I know exactly why. SCP-7867 continues to close the distance. SCP-7867: Levushka was simply better than you. In every way. And for my second-born son, he was always the one to do things first before you could. From taking his first steps, to finally passing his trial, and now this. Time and time again, he's shown more worth than you. And you hated him for it. You hated him because you were always in his shadow. And that's why you don't have the spine to do what needs to be done for him. SCP-7867 is inches towards PoI-2813. PoI-2813: Alright. If that's what it takes. PoI-2813 places his left arm in its jaws. PoI-2813: Do it, Levushka. I'm not going anywhere. Several seconds later, SCP-7867 backed away from PoI-2813. PoI-2813: I said I'm right here! SCP-7867 uses its humanoid arms to cling to its head. SCP-7867: YOU DON'T LISTEN TO HIM. YOU LISTEN TO ME! WHERE AM I? I WANNA SEE MY DAUGHTER. IT IS SO LOUDSOMANYVOICESICANTTHINKHELPMEGOD. SCP-7867 spawns many mouths from its body, each one speaking that it is indecipherable. Edmon approaches SCP-7867, extending his left arm to it. PoI-2813: That's right, brother! You got this! PoI-2813 touches its back and SCP-7867 whips its head around and chomps on the arm. It throws him across the chamber, hitting a wall. PoI-2813 sits up and looks at his left shoulder. His eyes widen and he screams from the pain. The chamber fills with nitrous oxide, SCP-7867 wobbles back and falls. On-site guards with gas masks enter the chamber and remove PoI-2813 from the chamber. After taking him out, they immediately shut the door behind them and put a tourniquet on PoI-2813 who's unconscious of the gas. After using the tourniquet, they put him on a stretcher and rush him to the medical bay. [END LOG] - Close Incident-7867 PoI-2813 was sent to the medical bay to treat his arm. Paramedics had to amputate the remaining muscle and bone for a guaranteed recovery. He's been treated in medical for 9 months and was ready to be moved to a humanoid containment chamber, where they will be continuing his treatment. During the time he awoke, PoI-2813 has not spoken due to shock since his removal from SCP-7867's chamber. Dr. Hubert visited him in his containment chamber weekly as per the usual schedule. Addendum-5-Final Interviews: + Access Final Interview with PoI-2813 - Close Final Interview with PoI-2813 Interviewed: PoI-2813 Interviewer: Dr. Hubert, Lexie <Begin Log> Dr. Hubert: Hello Edmon. Are you doing okay? PoI-2813 doesn’t respond. Dr. Hubert: Would you like me to bring you anything? A drink? Some books? PoI-2813 Nods Dr. Hubert Alright. (She turns her body to the guard.) Can we get some water here? PoI-2813: I wanted to run. Dr. Hubert turns her body back to face him. Poi-2813: I could've taken some money, and just ran. Or maybe… I could've done something… Anything… But I didn’t. PoI-2813 sobs. PoI-2813: Because my father was right about me. All of it. PoI-2813 continues to sob. Poi-2813: Blyad'…I hated that they gave more love to him than me. That he did everything that I couldn't. (He chokes under his breath and covers his face with his hand.) I've thought of it for so long. Just leaving him… Dr. Hubert puts down her clipboard. Dr. Hubert But you didn't. Why? PoI-2813: (sniffle) Because he didn't deserve that. Not with them. Dr. Hubert: Did you mean what you said back there? That you were going to stay with him? PoI-2813 nods. Dr. Hubert: Even after what he did to you? PoI-2813 takes deep breaths. PoI-2813: I just want my brother back. He needs me. Now more than ever. <End Log> - Close Final Interview with PoI-2813 + Access Final Interview with SCP-7867 - Close Final Interview with SCP-7867 Interviewed: SCP-7867 Interviewer: Dr. Gunner, Zackery Foreword: Dr. Hubert was unavailable at this time. <Begin Log> Dr. Gunner: Hello SCP-7867. SCP-7867 does not respond. It uses its arms to scratch itself deeply which rapidly regenerates. Dr. Gunner: I said, hello SCP-7867. Why are you doing that to yourself? SCP-7867 continues to ignore Dr. Gunner. Dr. Gunner: SCP-7867. Are you alright? SCP-7867: It's not my fault. Dr. Gunner: What is? SCP-7867 (Adult Female voice): Of course it is. Look at what you've done to us. Dr. Gunner: SCP-7867? Can you hear me? SCP-7867: Pozhaluysta… Ya umolyayu tebya… (Adult female voice) Begging us?! You slaughtered us! Took our lives away! Our friends! Our families!… I didn't mean to… You did! Because you were "HUNGRY" you fucking monster! Dr. Gunner: … SCP-7867 is silent for a couple of seconds. It turns its head, facing Dr. Gunner. SCP-7867: Keep him away from me. I don't want him to see me like this. Dr. Gunner: What? SCP-7867 (Child's voice): I wanna go home. <End Log> - Close Final Interview with SCP-7867 Footnotes 1. The equivalent of 50.7lbs. 2. An amalgamation of multiple species. 3. "I must eat." in Finnish. 4. Also known as Yaldabaoth. 5. Possible reference to the Proto-Sarkites. 6. Also known as "Holy tongue" or "Tongue of Nälkä." Spoken by most if not all Proto-Sarkites. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7867" by Strange Matter, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: A group of people in a circle, lit by torchlight on a ghost hunt with Newcastle Ghost Tours Author: Renata Daniel © Newcastle Ghost Tours License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Seal Gathering.jpeg Author: Strange Matter License: CC BY-SA-compatible Source Link:
Cremo and Tstaffor You can check out more of our works here: cremo Tstaffor Item#: 7868 Level3 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7868 is to be stored within a large hangar at Site-228. The tanks of SCP-7868 must be refilled weekly with Type A blood1. Before each refill, regular maintenance checks must be carried out to ensure the structural integrity of SCP-7868. Access to SCP-7868 is restricted to personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher, and any interaction with the entity must be documented and approved by the Site Director. Description: SCP-7868 is an airliner aircraft constructed entirely out of human tissue. The majority of its structural framework consists of interconnected bones forming the fuselage with the wings and tail made from cartilage. The seats within the cabin are covered with various layers of preserved human skin, as seat cushioning. The specialized tanks located within SCP-7868's wings are filled with blood which it then metabolizes through anomalous biological means to generate propulsion. The exact mechanism of this process remains unknown. The cockpit of SCP-7868 is equipped with six human brains and various interconnected nerve systems that function as its computer system. These neural components exhibit a limited level of sentience and are capable of processing information, controlling flight systems, and responding to external stimuli. It is capable of flight on a comparable level to that of commercial aircrafts, matching speeds comparable to that of a Boeing 737 during flight. The entity can take off, navigate through the air, and land successfully without any human interaction. Discovery: SCP-7868 was created by a minor Group of Interest known as the Brothers of Bone, a group of thaumaturgists who use necromancy for business purposes. On 2019/11/06 an unknown individual who introduced himself as Conrad made contact with the Foundation. He claimed to be associated with the Brothers of Bone and gave the coordinates of a hangar near Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport, Hungary. MTF-Mu-11 ("Necro Necksnappers") was dispatched to the location where they discovered SCP-7868 along with a large pile of assorted viscera. An envelope was found on a table near SCP-7868 with the following message in it: Dear Foundation, The Brothers of Bone and I chose to make contact with you because we need to find a new home for Bonetta. Yes, that's her name. I know none of you will refer to her as Bonetta and she'll be assigned some random number, but in case any of you care to treat her respectfully, you ought to know. With a heavy heart, I had to say goodbye to Bonetta. The Brothers of Bone don't have time to take care of my failed project and sadly I also have no time for her. I know you guys will keep her safe. Others would destroy, weaponize, or just simply sell her for profit. She deserves better than this, she deserves better than me. I failed her. She's still very agile and able to fly like I dreamed she would. Bonetta was supposed to be the first airplane of the official thaumaturgist airline the Brothers of Bone had funded but unfortunately, the airline faced a PR catastrophe before it could even (pardon the pun) get off the ground, and surprisingly it wasn't because of the fact that the airplane was made of human body parts. She needs regular feeding, she's a hungry gal! She loves a treat of Type O as well, whenever she's especially good. I left some replacement parts for you in the corner of the hangar, I'm sure you have tons of those lying around given your track record, but it was the least I could do. I hope I made a good decision leaving her with you. Well, at least better than choosing to name the business "Bone Air." Regards, Conrad Footnotes 1. If necessary, Type O negative blood is sufficient as well.
Item#: 7869 Level1 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Special Containment Procedures: None. Description: None. Addendum: This page does not exist. Please contact RAISA if you want to construct a new SCP entry on this page. Private Electronic Logs of Junior Researcher Carl Greenwood, 3rd-28th January 2024 [[Level 2/004]] January 3 2024 Carl here. I got shifted to Site-81 today. That isn’t really bad in of itself, but… My office is near the goddamned Site junkyard! It smells of rusted metal and horse shit, and I tried to complain to my superiors to get me a better office, but they shut me down. The bastards. January 6 2024 Gave up trying to pester my superiors for a better office and just tried to get used to the smell. But something else’s come up- every night, some kind of bright light shines from the junkyard. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t like it at all, I haven’t been able to sleep well because of it… Damn thin curtains, they don’t keep the light out at all. I’ll try to find out what it is tomorrow, I can’t take this anymore. All the bad stuff happens to me, huh? I haven’t been able to catch a break since I came here. I miss Site-42. January 8 2024 Down with work yesterday, so I wasn’t able to make a log. Well… Today, I called on the junkyard’s foreman. He doesn’t know what’s going on with the light in the junkyard- he wasn’t even aware that such a thing was happening in the junkyard in the first place. He had the nerve to tell me to go to the Site Therapist, because I was ‘seeing things’. No I wasn’t! I know I wasn’t! I’ll have to visit the junkyard myself and put down a video camera… I need to know what the fuck is going on. January 9 2024 The guards were confused by my visit today, because no researcher’s ever cared to look at the junkyard even once before now. After all, it’s just junk, right? No personal stakes in it or anything. I myself, I wish I hadn’t. The smell’s even worse when you’re near it. Some of the Ds’ weren’t very happy to see me again either. I just ignored them. The video camera’s in place, I’ll see what it has to show me tomorrow. January 10 2024 Ok, so I looked at the camera footage in detail, and I think… I think I’ve found something big. Five minutes into the recording, the footage just blanked out. Right after that, I noticed that about half of the piled junk surrounding the camera was… gone. I think I can report this as a suspected skip, but I’ll have to go down again and get more evidence. January 11 2024 I walked around the junkyard again today, and found shards of silicon shards scattered all around the soil. If I remember correctly, isn’t our silicon waste repurposed into circuitry or whatever? It isn’t just dumped here, and certainly not in pieces like this. Akiva detector was acting up too. Pinging loudly, showing high readings… It wasn’t a malfunction, I checked the internal systems and they were all fine. Why should there be a high Akiva reading in a junkyard, of all places? It isn’t a religious area at all, and even this is way too high to be considered normal. I think I really am onto something big, but I need to corroborate my findings elsewhere first. Maybe I can see if this also happens elsewhere. If it does, I'll be able to confirm it as a skip. Carl out. January 16 2024 Just arrived in Berlin. I’m exhausted as hell. I’m going to check the Berlin junkyards tomorrow and just stay around in there for a few days, constant travel isn’t doing me any good. Wrote this last night drowsy and drunk on the cheap booze the plane gave me. I don’t know whether to shred it or keep it. Maybe I'll also go around and see the surrounding towns, but that'll be it. France is next on my bucket list- only a few more countries to go. January 29 2024 I'm finally back at Site-81. The past few weeks have been a whirl. I travelled to different sites, different states, different countries… All only to take a look at their junkyards. I must sound crazy, but it’s worth it. If what I’ve found out is correct, this to-be skip I’ve found is active in pretty much every junkyard in the world- And what I’ve gathered from each visit, the data… It’s more or less all the same. A bit of junk gets shaved off every night, and nobody cares, because junk’s junk. Traces of silicon were also present on every scrapyard I visited- and so was the Akiva radiation. I’m beginning to see a pattern here. Every junkyard in the world is staffed with people who, if they do notice what’s going on, are too dumb or too busy to care, because handling junk is only for lowlifes. Whatever’s doing this, it’s taken advantage of this pattern to boldly steal from the junkyards… Assuming that the entity, or entities responsible have grown complacent due to all of their successes so far, I may be able to catch them on camera if I keep watch over the Site-81 Scrapyard tonight. I’ve already acquired SCRAMBLE goggles, SRAs, all the stuff… Here goes nothing. January 30 2024 I just got a picture, but it appears that the anomaly can ruin photos taken of it. Well, even if the photo’s baked, at least I’ve still collected and seen enough evidence to know for sure that the anomaly exists, so there’s that. The SCRAMBLE goggles registered a few memetic hazards originating from the anomaly, but they weren’t lethal. What’s strange, though, is that the memetic hazards in question were able to pierce through the goggles’ security- a problem that I’ll have to flag later. The anomaly manifested at around midnight- I was almost about to give up on observing the scrapyard when it came. I shouldn’t be waiting any longer… I think I’m ready to alert my superiors. An SCP entry has been constructed on this page. Please refresh it now. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7869" by AMystB859, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Credit to my friend G.G. for drawing the ‘Artist’s Rendition’ of SCP-7869. Her socials: Instagram: gen_ocide__ Yt: Ketchup_Pie Reddit: u/Cornbird_56 Watch out for a revamp on 7869 soon. I don't really like some parts of it
Item#: 7870 Level3 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: The Nile River is to be monitored for any physical, memetic or thaumaturgic anomalies beyond what has been recorded and determined to be nominal. Any significant observations likely to be caused by anomalous phenomena are to be reported to Director Gomaa, Site-107, for immediate review. No other procedures are required. Description: SCP-7870-1 is a thaumaturgic pocket dimension located in a variable section of the bed of the Nile River. As of writing, rifts leading to SCP-7870-1 have only been opened by Foundation thaumaturges, though it is likely that SCP-7870-2 is able to do so as well. The dimension evaded detection from the Foundation due to its relatively minuscule thaumaturgic signature, requiring highly-calibrated tools to initially detect it. SCP-7870-1 is theoretically infinite and filled with an unidentifiable blue liquid. A light source illuminates the space from above, giving it the appearance of being deep underwater. SCP-7870-2 is a non-corporeal entity residing within the pocket dimension. The entity presents itself as a dark-skinned woman covered in a thin white robe with intricate gold designs. SCP-7870-2 seems to require no form of sustenance to survive and possesses weak thaumaturgic capabilities, including near-instantaneous travel around SCP-7870-1. ADDENDUM 7870.1 - INITIAL EXPLORATION: SCP-7870 INITIAL EXPLORATION LOG Date: 6/5/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] The rover's camera turns on and focuses, revealing the bed of the Nile. A hole, just big enough for it to fit, is in front of it. A deep red smoke rises from its outline. After inspection, the rover turns on its propellers and drives itself into the hole. The view descends as the ground drops beneath the rover. A deep blue fills the camera view, as though the rover is within deep water. Looking upwards, the rover observes the hole floating above it, surrounded by nothing. The rover then attempts to begin to turn away from the hole before being stopped by an unknown force holding it in place. After a few seconds the rover is rotated 180 degrees towards SCP-7870-2, who is holding the rover in its hands and inspecting it. The entity seems confused. The rover is flipped upside-down. Pressure readings indicate SCP-7870-2 begins prodding and pressing on the rover's underside. The rover is flipped back up, facing SCP-7870-2 once again. It begins inspecting the equipment on the rover, closely inspecting the camera. SCP-7870-2 stops as it notices the rift leading out of SCP-7870-1. It sighs, and returns its focus to the camera. It turns the rover to face the rift. SCP-7870-2 turns the camera back to face it. It squints. The view moves upwards as SCP-7870-2 takes the rover back to SCP-7870-1. SCP-7870-2 tosses the rover back into the Nile River. As the rover quickly swerves to look down, it observes SCP-7870-1 rapidly closing. In the distance, SCP-7870-2 can be seen curling into a fetal position as it drifts away from SCP-7870-1. [END LOG] Afterword: The rover was modified with a speaker for future explorations ADDENDUM 7870.2 - ATTEMPT AT COMMUNICATION: SCP-7870-2 ATTEMPT AT COMMUNICATION LOG Date: 7/5/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] The rover's camera focuses and tilts towards a section of the Nile River's bed. Magdy: Mic check, one two… The rover plays a confirmation tune. Magdy: Excellent. The rover lifts itself off of the river bed, orienting itself so it is floating, directly facing the sediment.1 Magdy: Quick entry position assumed. I'm ready. The rift leading to SCP-7870-1 opens and the rover quickly enters it. Once fully within SCP-7870-1, it assumes an upright position once again. The camera does a full rotation, finding nothing around the rover. Magdy: Hello? Is anyone- SCP-7870-2: BY THE GREAT SUN, IT TALKS! The rover is then suddenly grabbed by SCP-7870-2 again, rotating the camera towards itself. It seems extremely shocked. Magdy: Erm, hello? Miss..? As SCP-7870-2 talks, the rover transmits English audio. However, this does not match the movement of the entity's mouth. SCP-7870-2: You are the first voice I have heard other than my own for millennia. Who are you? Can you understand me? Of course, obviously you do, who do I think I am? SCP-7870-2 faces away from the rover camera and begins mumbling. SCP-7870-2: Seems several milennia of isolation degrades even the sharpest of minds. Hmph, made them too curious didn't I? And speaking in this fashion is only worsening that curiosity. Who wouldn't want to know more about the last of my kind- Magdy: Hold on, the last of what? SCP-7870-2 jolts forward towards the camera. SCP-7870-2: None of your business, whatever you are. There is nothing for you here. Magdy: What do you mean? SCP-7870-2 sighs and lowers the rover. It looks away from the camera towards the right. SCP-7870-2: It is exactly as I have said it. There is nothing here for you. SCP-7870-2 sweeps her arms open, knocking the rover over. It reorients itself to an upright position. SCP-7870-2: I mean that entirely literally. There is nothing and no one other than myself in here. And as is evident you have seen me. So, kindly, take your leave. Magdy: Could you at least tell me who you are? SCP-7870-2 stares at the rover for several seconds. It sighs, wrapping its arms around itself and looking away. SCP-7870-2: More than the shell you see before you, once upon a time. SCP-7870-2 stares off into the distance silently. Madgy: Perhaps a name, then? So we may, er, perhaps recall who you once were? SCP-7870-2 looks at the rover, then softly chuckles. SCP-7870-2: You don't need to match the eloquence of my speech. A mortal like yourself shouldn't have to. As for my name… SCP-7870-2 spreads its arms wide and looks to the side. SCP-7870-2: I used to be she who was cleverer than millions of gods. A better guardian than millions of soldiers. Mother to the ruler and- Magdy: Protector of Egypt. You don't mean to say you're- SCP-7870-2: I was her, yes. Magdy: Isis. SCP-7870-2 inhales sharply and smiles. SCP-7870-2: My name is mine once again. It has been so long. Could you even imagine it? Watching your name deteriorate over hundreds of thousands of years, falling into obscurity and then being bastardised by hot-headed zealots so close to my own home. Isis. Your English pronunciation may not be how I once knew my name but the eons have changed it. So that is how I am known, yes? SCP-7870-2 looks directly into the rover's camera. SCP-7870-2: Can you conceive of it? Watching yourself become a story? Your feats and triumphs turned into distant fairy tales, then myths. So fragmented no one, not even I, can remember what they were? It bites its lip. SCP-7870-2: And yet, here I am. Most clever, most cunning of the children of Geb. The only one left, and the only one cursed to watch herself become a story. A fate awarded to me by my own machinations and a desire to survive. There is a moment of silence. SCP-7870-2 crosses its legs as if sitting on the ground and rests its head on its hand. Magdy: You, uh. You sure were ready to get that out of your system weren't you? SCP-7870-2: When you ruminate on the same idea forever, it becomes all you can think of. Magdy: I suppose so. There is more silence for a minute. Magdy: You don't seem to be as eager to get rid of me as you initially were. SCP-7870-2: At this point nothing I can do will deter you. SCP-7870-2 turns and points to its head with a finger. SCP-7870-2: The woman I once was may be dead, but I still retain her wit. Magdy: Why do you say that? That you're dead. Clearly you are still alive, right? SCP-7870-2: In a classical sense, I suppose I am 'alive'. I have flesh and can speak, as I am speaking to you now. I suppose someone like yourself, who hasn't had but a droplet of divine milk would not comprehend what I mean when I say I am dead. SCP-7870-2 lowers its head. SCP-7870-2: I am dead as I am equal to a corpse in every way. My creed is dead, my family is dead. My friends, my enemies, even my mother tongue. You can only understand me as my whims allow you to. My people have changed beyond recognition, nor would they recognise me if I appeared before them today. My name has been sullied and tarnished and given new meaning unbefitting to me. In all ways that matter to someone like me, I am dead. Magdy attempts to speak in reconstructed Middle Egyptian. Magdy: I am deeply sorry for your loss. SCP-7870-2 whips its head around to the camera. It is greatly shocked for a moment, then begins to cry silently. SCP-7870-2: You- you still speak my mother tongue. Broken and misshapen but still- SCP-7870-2 sniffs and holds its head in its hand. SCP-7870-2: Your attempt at speaking to me in a form of my language is- it is deeply touching. For your sake you don't have to continue. You barely managed to make the sentence coherent. SCP-7870-2 gulps, then wipes its tears with its fingers and groans. Its voice is hoarse and shaky. SCP-7870-2: Not like it matters much anyway. The dead stay where they must lay, and I lay with my language here. Still, thank you. Magdy: I just wanted to make you feel better. SCP-7870-2: You care for me, yet you have only just met me. I like that about you. The people, I mean. You give unconditional love to whomever you meet, even if you had just met them. Magdy: May I still ask you some more questions? It's okay if you're not up for it, we can continue this later. SCP-7870-2: Look around, machine. I have nothing else to do. A mother is always ready for questions. Magdy: Alright, just tell me if you want to stop. SCP-7870-2: You may begin. There is silence. SCP-7870-2 looks straight into the rover's camera expectantly. Its face is stained with tears and its eyes are bloodshot. Magdy: …Actually, I've only got one for you right now. SCP-7870-2: Yes? Magdy: Cow or goat's milk? [END LOG] Closing Notes: Questioning was aborted due to, according to Researcher Magdy, 'questionable emotional stability of the anomaly possibly distorting its answers.' Questioning will resume the following day. Researcher Magdy's request for the exploration rover to deliver 250ml of goat milk to the object is currently pending. ADDENDUM 7870.3 - CONTINUED COMMUNICATION WITH SCP-7870-2 SCP-7870-2 CONTINUED COMMUNICATION LOG Date: 7/5/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] Extraneous footage of entry into SCP-7870-1 has been removed from this log. SCP-7870-2 appears before the rover instantaneously. It crouches down to its level. SCP-7870-2: You again. Magdy: Greetings! Yes, I'm back. I've come to ask you some more questions. Magdy: Oh! Before we begin, I nearly forgot. The rover produces a mechanical arm and reaches into its storage compartment. SCP-7870-2 watches curiously as it pulls out a pouch filled with goat milk and a built-in straw. The arm maneuvers the pouch and leaves it free-floating between it and SCP-7870-2. The entity seems confused. Magdy: The goat milk I mentioned last time. SCP-7870-2 holds the pouch and inspects it. Magdy: Just pop the cap off the straw and you should be able to drink it. Hopefully. SCP-7870-2 inspects the straw and carefully removes its cap. It stares down the straw hole then tentatively sips from the straw. Magdy: Is it to your liking? You must probably be used to some divine goat milk but- SCP-7870-2: This is the best human-made milk I have ever tasted in my several millenia of existence. Whatever you have done to your goats, it works well. SCP-7870-2 continues to drink from the pouch. Magdy: Okay, perfect- SCP-7870-2: Your questions? Magdy: Oh! Yes, right. Uhm… SCP-7870-2: Will these be painful questions? Magdy: I'm afraid so, you're… uh… SCP-7870-2: Miss is fine. I have no need for such honorifics nowadays. Magdy: Okay. But yes, I'm afraid so, miss. SCP-7870-2: Mmm, very well. Begin when you are ready. Magdy: Perfect! So to begin, first question… SCP-7870-2 starts drinking from the pouch again. Magdy: Where is everyone else? What happened to them? SCP-7870-2 abruptly stops. It caps the pouch and pushes it aside, leaving it freely floating to its right. It sighs. SCP-7870-2: You did say painful… Magdy: You don't have to answer that question if you don't want to. SCP-7870-2: No no, I shall oblige you. I have nothing else to do anyway. SCP-7870-2 takes a seated position with its legs folded. SCP-7870-2: As you know already, my friends, enemies, family - they're all dead. And I mean so in a more literal sense this time. As our worship dwindled, it became harder and harder to guard the sleeping sun as he did his nightly travels. One day, we just were not enough to stop the Great Devourer2. I watched as the barque slid into the beast's gaping maw, the dead king resting on it. Blissfully unaware of his final fate. He died every day not knowing if the dawn would revive him again. My role was to summon Mehen, another great serpent, to hold back the devourer. And he trusted that I- that we would deliver him to the next day. And like the coward I was, instead of dying with my king I- SCP-7870-2 begins crying. SCP-7870-2: I ran. I ran as I watched my son fall into the mouth of the snake. My husband. My friends. My dearest sister. It wasn't long before the entire Ennead was gone. I spent many eons running. Hiding from chaos. Watching as the Duat became grave to yet more and more gods. Cleverer than millions of gods? Easy to achieve when they are boiling in the stomach of entropy. SCP-7870-2 grabs the goat milk pouch and squeezes it, spreading the milk between itself and the rover. It dips a finger into the milk cloud and begins manipulating it. SCP-7870-2: My husband's kingdom collapsed soon thereafter. One by one the branches and tributaties and lakes dried up. The mangey beasts of the Duat ran wild, but even they starved soon thereafter. No souls came through after the… snake did its work. I survived the demons for I knew the sun's true name, and his power still resonated within me. I still know it, but its power? I suspect it has fizzled out eons ago. SCP-7870-2 stops manipulating the milk cloud. SCP-7870-2: Soon the Duat began getting leaks. Rain broke through its ceiling. Then a hole. Then two. The rover focuses on the milk cloud. It has taken the shape of the Nile. SCP-7870-2: And I never left. I let the Duat's flood sweep me away, for ages. To this day. SCP-7870X-2 wipes away the milk cloud. It is no longer crying, but appears solemn. Magdy: You… never left? So this place is the Duat? SCP-7870-2: Exactly. Isn't it funny, then? That you ask me about the fate of the Ennead upon our graveyard. Magdy: You're doing it again. Acting like you're dead. SCP-7870-2: You already know why I died. Now you know how. I died as soon as I jumped off that barque. And I am here in the Duat, as the dead should remain. The dead lay where they should stay. I am no fool. I knew one day we, the children of Geb, our children, and even Geb and his wife, would return to chaos. To indifferent, unfocused energy wandering about like a wild sandstorm. The sun being swallowed by the snake is only a natural conclusion. So… why? Why did my fear grip me in that moment? Why did I defy my fate? I should be dead, truly dead. Magdy: Why not let yourself die then? Could the great serpent not kill you for some reason? SCP-7870-2 cringes and looks away. It rubs its shoulders. SCP-7870-2: I… don't know. I don't know. I've spent thousands of years asking myself that and I still don't know! I- I don't- Magdy: You don't have to answer that if it makes you uncomfortable. SCP-7870-2: Yes, please. The two remain silent for a moment. SCP-7870-2: Your turn. Magdy: What? SCP-7870-2: Tell me your story. Who are you? Magdy: …My name is Farida. I'm Egyptian. SCP-7870-2: You are? Magdy: Yeah, crazy how much things have changed right? SCP-7870-2 eyes the rover. SCP-7870-2: …Yes, yes they have. Magdy: Oh! I should clarify. I'm not the rover. I'm speaking through it. Do you get what I mean? I am remotely speaking to you. I'm actually at a different location. SCP-7870-2: It has escaped me to ask you this until now, but by what… scheme did you manage to tear a rift into the Duat? Magdy: A lot of stuff I don't understand. I could get you to talk to the thaumaturges we have here if you want. SCP-7870-2: Mmm. May you reveal yourself? Magdy: …I'm sorry? SCP-7870-2: Show yourself. Your true form. Not this, erm, machine. Magdy: Give me a moment. Half a minute passes with no notable events. Then, the rover deploys a small screen. Though this is not in view of the rover's camera, the screen begins broadcasting live footage of Magdy. SCP-7870-2 crouches down and leans in towards the screen. Magdy: Okay, can you see me? SCP-7870-2 stares at the screen silently. Magdy: Are you okay? SCP-7870-2 assumes an upright position slowly. Panning upwards, the rover views SCP-7870-2 turning around. Magdy: Miss? SCP-7870-2 lets out a large sigh. SCP-7870-2: You appear so… person-like. Magdy: What do you mean? SCP-7870-2: I have not physically seen another face for milennia. Though my nightmares are plagued by the deaths of my family, they are but apparitions cast by my mind. You are solid, real. And you look so human. Magdy: Thanks? I guess? SCP-7870-2: You look so familiar. Not to suggest I have seen you before; I haven't. Yet you would not look out of place walking down to a library, barefooted and masking your eyes with kohl. The world has changed, yet not as much as I sensed. Magdy: Speaking of that, that was our next question. How much do you know about the world outside the Duat? And how do you come across this knowledge? SCP-7870-2: I am a manifestation of knowledge. If I do not know, who will? There is a moment of silence. Magdy: Sorry, uh, could you give some more clarification on that? SCP-7870-2 sighs. SCP-7870-2: I am the queen of knowing. I know what you know, as knowledge is an inherent part of my being. My power has dwindled, so my previous omnipotence has been watered down. What is proximal to me, geographically and ideologically, I can feel a stronger connection to. Does that make sense? Magdy: Just about. SCP-7870-2: That is sufficient. Magdy: Third question; what's the structure of this place? Of, er, the Duat. SCP-7870-2: I don't know. Magdy: What? SCP-7870-2: The Duat I once knew has been washed away. Does the Duat have meaning without the sun's nightly travel through it? Do the twelve regions of the Duat, each corresponding to the twelve hours of night still exist? Are there ancient ruins of the final hall of judgement, where the scales of order rust and decay? I do not know, nor do I see point in investigating it. Perhaps one of these days, an ostrich feather will drift by me and then I will be sure some remains of the Duat I knew exist. Until then? It's all water to me. SCP-7870-2 rubs its temples. It turns away and mumbles to itself unintelligebly. Magdy: May we just, uh, look around? Just to be sure. SCP-7870-2 stares blankly at the rover for a few seconds. It then shrugs. SCP-7870-2: Do as your whims desire. I will not impede you. Magdy: Thank you, Isis. The rover turns to leave SCP-7870-1 before halting. Magdy: Actually, hold on. SCP-7870-2: Mmm? Magdy: What illuminates this place? SCP-7870-2: I… assumed the light above poured in from the caved-in ceiling of the Duat. Like a view into the above-world. Magdy: You've never checked? SCP-7870-2: Once many years ago I tried to find out. I only got so far before the light began to singe my eyes. Light like that is… wrong. A false sun. I suspect it is a punishment, sent to me by the father sun as retribution for my cowardice. Magdy: …Right. Thank you for your time. [END LOG] ADDENDUM 7870.4 - VERTICAL EXPLORATION OF SCP-7870-1 Communication with SCP-7870-2, headed by Dr Magdy, will continue on a twice-weekly basis. A secondary rover will be sent into SCP-7870-1 with the mission of attempting to obtain a clearer idea on the exact structure and nature of SCP-7870-1. An exploration rover, manned by Doctor Elham Hariri, descended ~7000 meters from its initial entry point before encountering what is assumed to be the bottom of the Duat. Attempts to bore into the sediment that makes up the floor have been unsuccessful, and no structures or otherwise unique features have been located at this depth in a 1 kilometer radius surrounding the initial entry point. Following the conclusion of the previous search, a search upwards was conducted. Below is the recovered data from said exploration. SCP-7870-1 EXPLORATION LOG Date: 10/5/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Elham Hariri Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] Extraneous data has been removed for brevity. Time stamps indicate time passed since the beginning of the expedition. [6:59:00] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 6,125m - SPEED: 14.58m/s - OBSERVATIONS: Approaching light source above SCP-7870-1. Recorded brightness exceeds 90,000 lumens. [6:59:26] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 6,504m - SPEED: 14.58m/s - OBSERVATIONS: Recorded brightness exceeds 100,000 lumens. Ambient temperature readings exceeds 5,700K. Despite this, liquid surroundings remain unchanged. [7:00:00] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 7,000m - SPEED: 0m/s - OBSERVATIONS: Approach halted due to dangerously high temperatures. Optical imaging failed to capture discernable data. Spectroscope activated. [7:05:21] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 7,000m - SPEED: 0m/s - OBSERVATIONS: Spectroscopy initiated and fully operational. Spectrum transmitted to control. [7:06:54] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 7,000m - SPEED: 5.23m/s - OBSERVATIONS: !!URGENT ALERT!! Spectrum experienced a sudden, significant blue-shift. Emergency controls initiated to maintain constant distance from object. [7:06:57] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: -163,432,542,777mm - SPEED: Slither - OBSERVATIONS: !!URGENT ALERT!! Highly anomalous data recorded. Displaying results below: Ambient Temperature: -23.5K Percieved Brightness: <=A Absolute Brightness: Yes Ambient Liquid Density: 120,000kg/m3 Calculated Velocity of Object: #NUM Running Emergency Diagnostics: Motherboard Status: Please enter your 48-digit Bitlocker key. Recommended Actions: Abort—— [1.23:4222222:0.1231] - ALTITUDE ABOVE ENTRY POINT: 1.496x1013cm - SPEED: Slide - OBSERVATIONS: burning burning burning burning burning burning burning burning burning burning burning Running Emergency DiagnRunning: STUCK. CANT MOVE. THE burning burning burning. SINGE ME. DRY ME. DESSICATION. STARVATION. MOVE IS PAIN. UNFINISHED. FOOD REMAINS. THE SORCERESS. WITCH. PROLONGER. VILLAIN. FACE YOUR FATE. COWARD COWARD COWARD COWARD COWARD Following the above, the rover lost all contact with control and is assumed to have been destroyed by what is tentaively being designated as SCP-7870-3. Additonally, Dr Hariri reported experiencing moderate headaches and mild auditory hallucinations for the duration of the rover's malfunctioning. Whether or not to inform SCP-7870-2 of the existence of SCP-7870-3 is currently under debate. ADDENDUM 7870.5 - DISCUSSION To: pcs.701e|afatsomt#pcs.701e|afatsomt From: pcs.701e|ydgamf#pcs.701e|ydgamf Subject: SCP-7870-3 and 7870-2 Good afternoon sir, I am writing this email regarding the recent findings surrounding the newly designated SCP-7870-3. In order to aid in identifying the exact nature of SCP-7870-3, I feel it would be pertinent to inform SCP-7870-2 of its existence. SCP-7870-2 has thusfar proven to be very knowledgable regarding Egyptology and her expertise may give us invaluable insights we would otherwise not have. I hope you take my suggestion into consideration. Many thanks, Farida Abdelhameed Kareem Magdy To: pcs.701e|ydgamf#pcs.701e|ydgamf From: pcs.701e|afatsomt#pcs.701e|afatsomt Subject: RE: SCP-7870-3 and 7870-2 Farida, Thank you for your initiative in bringing this idea forward. However, upon consideration this suggestion is being declined. As you must understand more than anyone else, SCP-7870-2 is in a relatively frail mental state. Shattering its worldview by revealing that another entity has survived may do irreperable damage to it and compromise future missions. Regards, Tamer Ahmad Mostafa To: pcs.701e|afatsomt#pcs.701e|afatsomt From: pcs.701e|ydgamf#pcs.701e|ydgamf Subject: RE: RE: SCP-7870-3 and 7870-2 Greetings sir, It greatly saddens me to hear you have declined my suggestion and I ask you to reconsider. Does 7870-2 not have a right to know 7870-3 exists? She has been living in isolation for several millennia and 7870-1 is pretty much her domain. Let's not kid ourselves here, she's going to find out one day. I'd rather it be on favourable terms for us - let's not set ourselves up to burn valuable bridges. Please reconsider, Farida Abdelhameed Kareem Magdy To: pcs.701e|ydgamf#pcs.701e|ydgamf From: pcs.701e|afatsomt#pcs.701e|afatsomt Subject: RE: RE: RE: SCP-7870-3 and 7870-2 Farida, I can't help but feel your personal connection to SCP-7870-2 is interfering with your reasoning. Do not bring up this idea again or you will be removed from its research team. Regards, Tamer Ahmad Mostafa ADDENDUM 7870.6 - INCIDENT 7870.A SCP-7870-2 CONTINUED COMMUNICATION LOG Date: 26/8/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] The rover enters SCP-7870-1. SCP-7870-2 is seen waiting for it. Magdy: Hi again! SCP-7870-2: Greetings. What is today's topic of discussion? Magdy: Oh, ah, nothing really. Just here for that regular check-up. SCP-7870-2: In that case, I am quite well. These conversations, short or long, are pleasing. Magdy: And why is that? SCP-7870-2: Have you ever spent several millenia alone? Magdy: Hehe, well, I don't know, does 23 scratch a milennia? SCP-7870-2: Getting cheeky with a goddess! We speak too much, clearly. Magdy: I'd say we don't speak enough. SCP-7870-2: Oh? And why is that? Magdy remains silent. SCP-7870-2: Something the matter..? Magdy lowers her voice. Magdy: Right, uhm… I don't know how to say this but- uh- do you remember when we sent a rover up? Y'know, just to see what was up there? SCP-7870-2: What of it? Magdy: Do you ever recall seeing it leave? SCP-7870-2 falls silent as it ponders for a moment. Magdy: It never did. SCP-7870-2: How very strange. Did it malfunction? Perhaps I shall retrieve it. Magdy: No! No, it didn't malfunction. SCP-7870-2 raises an eyebrow and drops its voice. SCP-7870-2: That was a far more emphatic response than was necessary. Dear, what is going on? Magdy: Look, I'm not supposed to be telling you this but- uhhm… SCP-7870-2 approaches the camera and leans in. Magdy: We… we found something up there. Someone. SCP-7870-2's pupils rapidly dilate. SCP-7870-2: What. Magdy: I-I don't know. No one does! Whatever it was, it destroyed the rover. But we do know one really, really important thing. Especially for you to know. Whatever it is… Magdy: It hates you. SCP-7870-2 remains frozen for several seconds. SCP-7870-2: And you decided to conceal this from me? Magdy: No, no- let me explain- SCP-7870-2: How long have you known about this? Several weeks now? Magdy: I couldn't say anything! I couldn't! They wouldn't let me! SCP-7870-2: And what has changed now? What miraculous circumstances allow you to reveal this to me only now? Magdy: I just couldn't bare to keep it from you anymore- SCP-7870-2: Oh really?! So by the great mercy of Farida Magdy I am being allowed to know this? Magdy: I- SCP-7870-2 swiftly turns away from the rover and angrily shouts in several different ancient Egyptian languages while gesturing wildly. After a minute of this, it stops and takes several deep breaths. Magdy: …Isi- SCP-7870-2: Do not speak to me. SCP-7870-2 slowly curls into a fetal position with its back to the rover. There are several more minutes of silence. Magdy: …I'm sorry. SCP-7870-2 turns to the rover after a moment. It speaks in a low voice. SCP-7870-2: …Curse these motherly tendencies of mine. SCP-7870-2 uncurls itself and stands up. It looks behind itself towards the rover. SCP-7870-2: This… transgression will not go forgotten. Magdy: …Of course. SCP-7870-2: Where did you find it? Magdy: Huh-what? SCP-7870-2: The entity. Where exactly was it? Magdy: Right above us, actually. But! SCP-7870-2 begins to ascend slowly. Magdy: Could I at least come? SCP-7870-2 stops. SCP-7870-2: …Fine. As your rover was previously destroyed by whatever we are visiting I shall lend you my power so you may protect yourself. The next several hours of footage have been omitted for the sake of brevity. Word that Magdy had informed SCP-7870-2 of the existence of SCP-7870-3 had reached higher command, however they elected to allow Magdy to continue communication with SCP-7870-2 so as to not further disturb it. The following portion of the transcript contains anomalous portions of text that have thusfar proven to be unremovable. After several hours of near silence, SCP-7870-2 and the rover arrive to an altitude of 7,000km above the entry point. Both stop in front of an extremely bright light - the assumed SCP-7870-3. SCP-7870-2: I cannot bear to bring myself forward much longer. I- THE FISH SWIM SWIFTLY DOWN THE STREAM A mass comes forward from the bright light and begins to shape itself. Slowly, it forms the head of a serpent. A great wind blows from it, causing SCP-7870-2 to brace itself and the rover to activate emergency motors to maintain its position. SCP-7870-2: REVEAL YOUR NAME! TOWARDS THE FISHERMAN'S NET The head opens its 'mouth.' The interior view of the mouth appears as deep red static noise to the rover's camera. SCP-7870-2: …ancient enemy… THEY GET TANGLED IN THE NET, UNABLE TO MOVE SCP-7870-2 stares into the mouth of SCP-7870-3. A large, dangerously loud roar eminates from within the mouth. SCP-7870-2: I know who you are. You- THE FISHERMAN TUGS ON HIS NET, PULLING THE FISH IN SCP-7870-2: -with the light of my friends. My family. My lord… SCP-7870-2 lowers its arms. SCP-7870-3 holds its mouth open. SCP-7870-2: I am Isis. SLOWLY, SURELY, THE NET RISES IN THE WATER SCP-7870-2's voice quivers. SCP-7870-2: Sorceress. Witch. Many unintelligeble whispers are heard. Their source is unknown. RISING AND RISING, SOON THE FISH REACH THE SURFACE SCP-7870-2: A villain. Prolonger- Magdy attempts to speak but finds the audio equipment inoperable. THE FISHERMAN PREPARES A BASKET FOR THE FISH, FOR IT IS A GREAT CATCH SCP-7870-2: Prolonger of suffering… AND YET AS MUCH AS THE FISHERMAN MAY TRY SCP-7870-2: Prolonger of… your suffering. AT LEAST ONE FISH ESCAPES THE NET SCP-7870-2: MEHEN! A glowing, intangible mass in the shape of a large cobra springs from SCP-7870-2 and into the mouth of SCP-7870-3. The head quickly shuts and reels at this as another loud roar sounds. The rover is knocked backwards by the air blown from SCP-7870-3's movement and loses sight of it. The footage then cuts to static as the rover loses functionality. [END LOG] ADDENDUM 7870.7 - CLOSING NOTES SCP-7870-2 CONTINUED COMMUNICATION LOG Date: 27/9/23 Remote Equipment Operator: Doctor Farida Magdy Equipment: Multi-Terrain Exploration Rover [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7870-2 is in a seated position in front of the rover. It is smiling as it looks into the camera. SCP-7870-2: It has been too long, Farida! Magdy: Gosh, it sure has, hasn't it? How have you been this past month. SCP-7870-2: Reinvigorated. Rejuvinated. As though a whole new me has been born. Where have you been? Magdy: Aah, well, telling you about 7870-3 up there got me in a lot of trouble. They wouldn't let me see you again. I take it you enjoyed Elham's company in lieu of my own? SCP-7870-2: The other one? She was nice, yes. But I have missed you! So nice to see a familiar face. Magdy: What's gotten you so… jovial? SCP-7870-2 sighs wistfully. SCP-7870-2: You see, bringing my attention to the existence of that thing above us, the thing which we do not name, it… I'm not quite sure how to say this. It gave me new purpose. I am the prolonger of suffering, of its suffering. Staring into its maw, it was tempting to walk in. I was about to, in all honesty. Yet, I realised. Better we both continue living and it continues to burn than the both of us ceasing to exist. This is my purpose in this new life of mine - prevent the collapse of the Duat and punish the Great Devourer. Magdy: I'm so happy for you! You've made a marked improvement on your outlook on life. SCP-7870-2: All because of a little researcher disobeying her orders. Magdy: Yeah… SCP-7870-2: I thank you sincerely. Because of you, I can continue living in peace now. Magdy: Are you going to stay here? In the Duat, I mean? SCP-7870-2: I… haven't considered that, to be perfectly honest. Magdy: Who knows? Maybe you could visit us some day! SCP-7870-2: It's a nice thought but… no. I am content staying here. I am a dead goddess, and the dead stay in the Duat. Magdy: But I thought- SCP-7870-2: That I had new purpose? Of course I do! Yet is it not true that my husband, Osiris, lorded over the dead while being deceased himself? That he resided here in one of the twelve regions of the Duat? If it helps you reckon with my reasoning, think of it like this. With no other living heir there is no choice but for his crown to go to me. Thus I begin my new life as Isis, protector of Egypt, mother goddess and now queen of the Duat. Magdy: I'm glad you're taking this in strides. And yeah, that sounds pretty cool. Isis, underworld queen. I like it! SCP-7870-2: I do too. So… SCP-7870-2: When are you seeing me next? Footnotes 1. This position was assumed to increase the likelihood the rover will pass into SCP-7870-1 should SCP-7870-2 attempt to close the rift mid-entry. 2. "The Great Devourer" is likely the mythical figure Apophis, a gigantic snake who's sole aim is to consume the sun god. SCP-7870-2's aversion to speaking its name is likely a habit, formed from the desire to not draw its attention to itself. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7870" by RadiantGold, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-7871 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7871 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber in Sector-04 of Site-42. Subject is to be provided with two (2) meals from the site cafeteria per day and a twin sized bed in its cell. SCP-7871's requests are to be reviewed by the project's head researcher, Dr. Victor Xu. Below is a list of all requests in chronological order as of June 24th, 2012. Release from containment [DENIED] Permission to wander the site [DENIED] A firearm [DENIED] A personal laptop [DENIED] Access to the internet [DENIED] Access to Foundation files [DENIED] Any violence towards Foundation personnel may be met with measures of physical force. All persons who were aware of SCP-7871's existence prior to containment shall be amnesticized and have all memories of SCP-7871 erased. Description: SCP-7871 is a 15 year old female of East Asian and European descent with the given name of Vera Evans. Prior to containment, subject was a resident of the Three Portlands and has been in touch with the anomalous world since childhood. SCP-7871's primary anomalous ability manifests when subject is being directly threatened by intelligent life bearing a projectile weapon. SCP-7871 may then be able to voluntarily interfere with the aggressor's cognitive functions and take control over the weapon of assault. SCP-7871's secondary anomalous ability is a togglable precision enhancement mechanism. When operating a projectile weapon, subject may "lock on" to a target. It is currently not possible to determine whether the cause of this effect is physical or psychological, however, this information is not necessary or of use to the Foundation. SCP-7871 has used the term “crosshair” multiple times when speaking about its secondary ability, stating that “it’s like the little cross thing in the center of your vision in an FPS game”. This has been inferred to refer to some kind of internal ocular alignment interface. Medical examinations cannot confirm this. Addendum 01: Discovery: On June 10th, 2012, SCP-7871 contacted the Foundation via its Public Communications phone number. Subject claimed to have relations with an unspecified group of interest that had communicated with the Foundation in the past, which is how it came across the Foundation's contact information, and was interested in a part-time employment as an agent. After some back and forth, SCP-7871 convinced the Communications operator to call it in for an interview. On June 14th, 2012, subject landed from its flight in San Francisco, California, and walked into Site-42. See following log: Interview Log 01: Interviewed: SCP-7871 Interviewer: Researcher Sparrows Foreword: Scheduled interview <Begin Log, 06/14/2012> Researcher Sparrows: Hello Miss Evans, you are applying for the position of field agent, am I correct? SCP-7871: Yes, that is correct. Researcher Sparrows: Alright then, let us begin. Why do you think you would be a good fit here at the Foundation? SCP-7871: I agree with the organization's morals and intentions. You all help the world so much by keeping those monstrous beasts away from the people. I want to be a part of this cause. <Researcher Sparrows subtly shakes her head.> Researcher Sparrows: Anyways, I know that you're from the Three Portlands, so how would you describe your prior involvement with anomalies? SCP-7871: As you said, I did grow up in the Portlands, and I've lived there my entire life, so I've been surrounded by the paranormal and metaphysical for as long as I can remember, and have extensive knowledge on the subject. I've also always had an interest in pataphysics, and plan to major in it if I go to Deer. Researcher Sparrows: I see. Being an agent requires much expertise in physical combat. Have you been involved in this field previously? SCP-7871: I have, in fact. My father would take me into the woods when I was young. That's where he taught me how to shoot. He did it rather well. I can't remember the last time I missed a shot. I guess it kind of comes naturally too. The crosshair just guides me to my target. Researcher Sparrows: I beg your pardon. Crosshair? <SCP-7871 does not respond.> <End Log> Closing Statement: Immediately following the events of this log, Researcher Sparrows attempted to use her cellular phone to contact site security due to suspicion of subject being anomalous. SCP-7871 responded to this action by taking a handgun out of its bag, which had previously gone unnoticed when undergoing security, and shot Sparrows in the chest, eventually resulting in fatality. Security guards from the neighboring corridor heard the commotion, and rushed into the interview room. Once on-site security arrived at the scene, they began an attempt to sedate SCP-7871 and bring it into containment. A fight then ensued between SCP-7871 and the security guards. SCP-7871 used the previously mentioned weapon in effort to immobilize the guards and escape. After approximately ten (10) minutes of combat, security successfully pinned SCP-7871 to the floor, and rendered subject unconscious with the use of sedative drugs. This event will henceforth be referred to as Event 7871. Besides Sparrows, there were two (2) other staff casualties, neither fatal, during this event. Once SCP-7871 woke up in its containment chamber, it yelled profanities directed at the Foundation towards the surveillance cameras for approximately two (2) minutes before calming down. Addendum 02: During the first two (2) days that SCP-7871 was contained at Site-42, it displayed much violence towards Foundation personnel. Despite that, the following interview was conducted due to a necessity for information. Interview Log 02: Interviewed: SCP-7871 Interviewer: Dr. Allison Rowe Foreword: Seeking information regarding SCP-7871's anomaly <Begin Log, 06/16/2012> <Dr. Rowe enters the interview room and sits down. SCP-7871 sits across the table. SCP-7871 stares intently at Dr. Rowe.> Dr. Rowe: Hello SCP-7871. I am Dr. Rowe. Toda— SCP-7871: Don't call me that. Dr. Rowe: Excuse me? SCP-7871: <Raises its voice> I said, don't call me that. So I'm just another arbitrary number to you? My name is Vera, and that's what I'd like to be called. Dr. Rowe: <Sternly> I'm sorry. It's simply Foundation policy. Your SCP classification is SCP-7871, which is what you will be referred to as from now on. SCP-7871: <Now yelling> I know that it's Foundation policy! I know, okay?! But this is cruel! I'm not an SCP! I'm a person! I deserve rights! Dr. Rowe: <Remains calm> My apologies, but you are an SCP by definition. You're anomalous, and the Foundation is containing you. Being called by your preferred name is not a right. You don't deserve anything. <SCP-7871 gives Dr. Rowe the middle finger> SCP-7871: [EXPLETIVE] you. [EXPLETIVE] the Foundation. And there I was only a couple of days ago thinking that you were the good guys. <SCP-7871 jumps across the table and throws Dr. Rowe to the floor, rendering her unconscious. It looks through Dr. Rowe’s pockets and eventually finds her key card. SCP-7871 uses this card to open the door and breach containment.> <Security guards stationed outside the interview room quickly administer SCP-7871 with calming drugs and direct it back to its containment chamber.> <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7871 should continue to be monitored for further aggressive behavior. No interactions between SCP-7871 and Foundation staff should occur outside of delivering food. Addendum 03: During the three (3) days following Addendum 02, SCP-7871 showed less aggressive behavior towards staff. Because of this, it was deemed reasonable to conduct the following interview. Interview Log 03: Interviewed: SCP-7871 Interviewer: Researcher Quortney Adams Foreword: Seeking information regarding SCP-7871's anomaly <Begin Log, 06/19/2012> <Researcher Adams enters the interview room and sits down. SCP-7871 sits across the table.> Researcher Adams: Hello SCP-7871. I am Researcher Adams. Dr. Rowe did not want to conduct this interview. Are you feeling a bit better today? SCP-7871: You could say that. Researcher Adams: Glad to hear it. Now, I'm only going to ask one question: What is your anomaly? SCP-7871: You're telling me that you locked me up without knowing what my anomaly is? Researcher Adams: You said something in your initial interview that led us to believe that you were anomalous, and that it had something to do with firearms. After some evaluation, we were pretty sure that this was the case, but that's about all we know. Please provide more information. SCP-7871: Wow. You guys locked up a random kid because you were "pretty sure" that I was anomalous? Do you know how evil that sounds? Researcher Adams: Well you're not a "random kid". You came to us first, and we had reasonable suspicion that you were an anomaly. <SCP-7871 glares at Researcher Adams critically.> SCP-7871: <In a skeptical tone> I don’t think it was that obvious, but fair enough. <Now more approvingly> Okay, I'll be honest with you. <Data omitted for brevity> Researcher Adams: Thank you for the information. We will get back to you on this. Closing Statement: Tests will be conducted to confirm SCP-7871's anomaly. Addendum 04: The following tests were conducted on June 20th, 2012. Testing Log 01: Test 1: Test author: Dr. Xu Action: D-7825 was given a non-lethal handgun and instructed to fire at SCP-7871 five (5) times. SCP-7871 was instructed to use its primary ability to redirect D-7825’s aim and protect itself. Result: SCP-7871 successfully completed this task. D-7825 missed all five (5) shots, despite being a skilled gunman before entering Foundation custody. D-7825 claimed that he had entirely lost control of the weapon. Notes: SCP-7871's primary ability has been confirmed. Test 2: Test author: Dr. Xu Action: SCP-7871 was given a non-lethal, unscoped rifle and instructed to fire at several moving objects from twenty (20) meters away. Result: SCP-7871 successfully completed this task. All shots fired hit a target. Notes: SCP-7871's secondary ability has been confirmed. Addendum 05: Interviews 04 and 05 have been conducted for more information regarding SCP-7871's original desire for employment at the Foundation. These logs have been omitted for brevity. Full interview logs are available on request from Dr. Victor Xu. Addendum 06: Dr. Xu has organized additional experiments to uncover supplementary information regarding SCP-7871’s abilities. Testing Log 02: Test 3: Test author: Dr. Xu Action: D-7825 was given a non-lethal handgun and instructed to fire at SCP-7871 one (1) time. SCP-7871 was instructed to use its primary ability to redirect D-7825’s aim towards himself. Result: SCP-7871 successfully completed this task. D-7825 was hit with the projectile and suffered a minor injury. Following, D-7825 made the same claim as in Test 1. Test 4: Test author: Dr. Xu Action: D-7825 was given a non-lethal rifle and instructed to fire at SCP-7871 five (5) times. SCP-7871 was instructed to redirect D-7825’s aim towards several objects positioned in various areas within the testing chamber. Result: SCP-7871 nearly completed this task. Four (4) out of the five (5) shots fired hit a target. D-7825 made the same claim as in Test 1. Notes: It is concluded that SCP-7871's secondary ability does not apply when combined with its primary ability. Test 5: Test author: Dr. Rowe Action: D-7825 was given a non-lethal rifle and instructed to fire at SCP-7871 one (1) time. SCP-7871 was stood fifteen (15) meters from D-7825 facing the opposite direction and equipped with noise-canceling headphones. It was not informed when D-7825 would fire. SCP-7871 was instructed to use its primary ability to redirect D-7825’s aim and protect itself. Result: SCP-7871 failed to complete this task. It received a minor injury from the projectile. D-7825 claimed to be in complete control of the weapon during this test. Notes: Beforehand, SCP-7871 requested for this test not to be conducted due to certainty that it would fail. It was performed nonetheless. Test 6: Test author: Dr. Rowe Action: D-7825 was given a non-lethal handgun and instructed to fire at D-7791 one (1) time. SCP-7871 was stood in the same testing chamber and instructed to divert D-7825’s aim and prevent the projectile from making contact with D-7791. Result: SCP-7871 failed to complete this task. D-7791 was hit with the projectile and suffered a minor injury. Notes: “Honestly, I didn’t think that would work, but it was literally worth a shot.” - Dr. Rowe Addendum 07: The footage below was recorded of several Site-42 staff and members of SCP-7871's research team discussing the current situation. Site-42 Surveillance Footage - Employee Break Room: <Begin Log, 6/24/2012> Dr. Xu: Guys, did you read SCP-7871's testing logs? It's got some serious abilities. We could use it, somehow. I know that we're not supposed to employ anomalies anymore because of the high risk of casualties, but I just feel like this one's got some potential. I wanna hear you guys' opinions. Dr. Rowe: Victor, umm… I don't think she's gonna want to work for us. I know she's not lashing out anymore, but it's probably just so that she doesn't get her privileges revoked. There's no way she's gonna agree to that. Dr. Xu: Well, I've got an idea. We could drug it with amnestics so that it doesn’t remember what we did to it. Easy peasy. Researcher Adams: This feels really immoral. I don't think this is a good idea. Exploiting a child for her anomalous abilities? What has the Foundation become? Dr. Xu: The Foundation does unethical stuff like this all the time. This should be the least of your worries. It's all for the greater good. Researcher Adams: But a child? She's fifteen. We're just gonna put her in danger like that? Dr. Xu: Yeah. I see no problem. Researcher Adams: But isn't hiring her technically child labor? Dr. Perov: What's wrong with child labor? We are above the law after all. Researcher Adams: Shut up, Steve! Dr. Xu: Well, Quortney, he's got a point. Why not child labor? We're the Foundation. We can do whatever we want, legal or not. Researcher Adams: You are not okay. Dr. Rowe: Victor, we can't just forget that she's an anomaly. Those things can't be trusted with privileges. Dr. Xu: SCP-7871 is basically just a kid, not some big scary monster. Go get therapy, Allison. We're not letting your trust issues impact the Foundation's decisions. I'm starting to think that you can't be trusted with privileges. Dr. Rowe: Yeah. She's just a kid. What good is she gonna do for the Foundation? I did read the testing logs. Her abilities have many drawbacks. I don’t think this is worth it. Dr. Xu: It seems smart. Plus, it demonstrated some serious skill in Event 7871. Also, its anomaly isn't gonna harm the Foundation. In fact, it's probably going to help us. Researcher Adams: Another concern is the way she behaved during Event 7871, as well as in the second interview. I get that it was in self-defense, and if she didn’t fight back, we would lock her up, but working here requires one to make sacrifices. She knew that the Foundation wouldn't trust her and she would get locked up regardless after revealing her abilities, but still chose violence as the answer. That makes us trust her less. Dr. Rowe: Yes! That’s exactly why we shouldn’t hire her! The way she treated me in the second interview! So wild and disrespectful! Dr. Perov: I'd say she was just acting on impulse, and also Allison, let’s think back to how you acted when you first started here. Your level of discipline was definitely not up to Foundation standards. SCP-7871 will eventually learn. Dr. Rowe: But how do we know she won't change. People's beliefs change over time. How do we know that she'll stay loyal to the Foundation? Plus, Even if we do amnesticize her and portray the Foundation as the good guys, it's almost guaranteed that she'll turn on us after she sees all the messed up shit that we do from the perspective of an employee, no matter how much we justify it in the name of the greater good. Dr. Perov: Well, you kind of just gotta [EXPLETIVE] around and find out! This is a great opportunity for the Foundation! Dr. Xu: Shut up, Steve. Allison, that's why we don't show it the messed up shit. Its abilities are only useful against weaponary anomalies. That's what we're gonna use it for. Even if it does eventually find out about that stuff, it won't remember experiencing it firsthand, so it won't think that it's too bad. Researcher Adams: I don't even know what to say. I'm so disappointed in you. Dr. Rowe: Okay. You win. Go ahead and give her the job, but if something goes wrong because of her, don't come to me saying that I didn't warn you. Dr. Xu: Glad we agree. Imma go email Director Sherman now. <Dr. Xu exits the room.> <End Log> Addendum 08: The following email was recorded from the SCiPNET database. Update on SCP-7871's project: Date: 7/5/2012 To:||24.smada.q||24.ewor.a||24.namrehs.t and 5 others From:||24.ux.v To whom it may concern, After much discussion between members of SCP-7871’s research project, SCP-7871 has been deemed a potential valuable asset. It will be administered class G amnestics, as well as certain mnestic drugs to erase the majority of its life experiences from its memory and replace them with false ones, deeming subject loyal to the Foundation. It will take on the identity of Jacklyn Parker, a newly recruited Foundation field agent, in order to contribute to the cause. Most containment procedures will be lifted, however, SCP-7871 should continue to be monitored. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Dr. Victor Xu ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7871" by Kaywatty, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
SCP-7872 By: NDHeckfire Published on 26 Mar 2023 14:00 ▷ Show Code ◁ △ Hide Code △ @import url(;700&display=swap); /* Centered Header Sigma * [2021 Wikidot Component] * By Lt Flops (CC BY-SA 3.0) * Forked from: * Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte * Also based on: * Centered Header BHL by Woedenaz **/ /* ---- VARS ---- */ :root{ --titleColor: hsl(0, 0%, 95%); --subtitleColor: hsl(60, 62%, 85%); --lgurl: url(; } /* ---- SITE BANNER ---- */ #header, div#header{ background-image: none; } #header::before{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; content: ""; background-image: var(--lgurl); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto 9em; opacity: .33; } #header h1, #header h2{ float: none; margin-left: 0; text-align: center; } #header h1 span, #header h2 span{ /* Hide the Existing Text */ display: none; } #header h1 a::before, #header h2::before{ /* Style the New Text */ font-family: "Montserrat", "Arial", sans-serif; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before{ position: relative; bottom: .15em; color: var(--titleColor); font-size: 115%; font-weight: 700; } #header h2::before{ position: relative; top: .1em; color: var(--subtitleColor); font-size: 130%; font-weight: 600; } #header h1 a::before{ /* Set the New Text's Content From Variable */ content: var(--header-title, "SCP FOUNDATION"); } #header h2::before{ content: var(--header-subtitle, "SECURE - CONTAIN - PROTECT"); } /* ---- SEARCH ---- */ #search-top-box{ top: 1em; right: 0; } #search-top-box-form input.button{ margin-right: 0; } #search-top-box-input, #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit], #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus{ border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; font-size: 100%; } /* ---- TOP BAR ---- */ #top-bar{ right: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #top-bar ul li ul{ border-bottom: 1px solid hsl(0, 0%, 40%); box-shadow: none; } /* ---- LOGIN ---- */ #login-status{ top: 1.1em; right: initial; color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); } #account-topbutton{ border-color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); font-size: 100%; } /* ---- PAGE TITLE ---- */ .meta-title, #page-title{ text-align: center; } /* ---- BREADCRUMBS ---- */ .pseudocrumbs, #breadcrumbs{ text-align: center; } /* ---- MOBILE DISPLAY ---- */ @media (max-width: 767px){ #search-top-box{ top: 1.85em; width: unset; } .mobile-top-bar{ position: relative; left: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #login-status{ top: 0; right: 0; } #header .printuser{ font-size: 0; } #header .printuser img.small{ margin: 0; transform: translate(6px, 4px); } #my-account{ display: none; } #account-topbutton{ margin-left: 2px; } } NDHeckfire SCP-7872 - Non Cogito, Ergo Non Sum More by me! Item#: SCP-7872 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-400 Director Adam Desmond N/A N/A An empty room. This is to show that SCP-7872 doesn't have a photograph due to his nonexistence. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: With approval from the current site director, the following message is to be broadcasted as least three times a day via Site-400's on-site PA system: This is a daily reminder to all personnel that there is no individual named Kristoffer Rosheen currently employed by the Foundation. Posters and notices are to be regularly printed and put up by personnel who do not acknowledge the existence of SCP-7872 to remind other personnel that he does not, in fact, exist. Discussions regarding the existence (or more accurately, nonexistence) of SCP-7872 are allowed to be held privately, though individuals will ultimately conclude that SCP-7872 does not exist at some point. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7872 is the designation given to Senior Researcher Kristoffer Rosheen, who does not exist. The Department of Pathological and Biohazardous Research has not acknowledged the existence of SCP-7872, and as such it is entirely impossible for SCP-7872 to be a Caucasian male of Dutch-Scottish descent, with green eyes and blond hair. Despite prolonged observation, all faint footsteps and muffled whispers reported by personnel are not caused by SCP-7872, as once again, he does not exist. While the source of these noises are still as-of-yet unexplained, it is with utmost certainty that it isn't SCP-7872's doing, as that would be illogical (because he does not exist). Further information regarding SCP-7872 is unavailable, for obvious reasons (that being his nonexistence). ADDENDUM 7872-1: Most Recent Discussion Associated with SCP-7872 Date: 03/10/2018 Personnel Present: Agent Carlos Sierra Junior Researcher David Kobolsky <Begin Log> Footage shows Agent Carlos Sierra sitting alone by himself in the breakroom, his mobile phone in hand. The door to the breakroom opens, as Junior Researcher David Kobolsky enters. He looks around briefly before speaking. Rs. Kobolsky: Oh, uhh… Agt. Sierra: (looking up) 'Sup, man. Rs. Kobolsky: Hey. (fidgets) Umm, is this the breakroom? Agt. Sierra: Yup. It's a bit desolate this time a year. Most people go to the cafeteria. Rs. Kobolsky: Ah, okay. Sorry, I'm new here. Agt. Sierra: Oh yeah? (stands up and extends his hand) The name's Carl. Anomaly Investigations. Rs. Kobolsky: (shaking Agent Sierra's hand) Dave. Memetic and Countermemetic Research. I, uhh, got retransferred here a couple of days ago. From 43. Both individuals sit down. Agt. Sierra: 43, huh? Must've really fucked up if you got yourself retransferred from a place like that. (laughs) I'm just messing with ya. You probably can turn water into weed or some shit like that, am I right? Rs. Kobolsky: (chuckles nervously) Heh, yeah… (clears throat) Hey, you look like you know your stuff. Can I, uhh, ask you a question? Agt. Sierra: Sure, man. Ask me anything. Rs. Kobolsky: Right, right. It's got something to do with a PA broadcast I heard. (sniffles) Well, twice, actually. One in the morning, and another one on the way here. It's something along the lines of: "There is no individual named… Christopher Rosheen in the Foundation"? What's, uhh, what's that about? Agt. Sierra: Ah, yeah yeah yeah. I know what you're talking about. Don't worry about it though. It's just protocol. For that one scip. Uhh… 7872, I think? I guess they haven't put up the new posters yet. Jr. Researcher Kobolsky takes out his SCiPhone and accesses the search engine. After several seconds, he begins to read out loud. Rs. Kobolsky: "…individuals will ultimately conclude that SCP-7872 does not exist." The heck? Agt. Sierra: What's up? Rs. Kobolsky: So, if I'm reading this correctly, we have to believe that this… Kristoffer Rosheen guy doesn't exist? Or we can question his existence, but eventually come to the conclusion he doesn't actually exist? Agt. Sierra: (shrugs) Pretty much. Rs. Kobolsky: But… I'm confused. The way the Description here is worded makes it seem like he exists. They even got the guy's supposed appearance. Agt. Sierra: No, I don't think it says anything about that being his appearance. (looks over Jr. Researcher Kobolsky's shoulder) Yeah, over here. "It's entirely impossible for SCP-7872 to be a Caucasian male etcetera etcetera". Rs. Kobolsky: But… I don't know. It makes it seem like whoever wrote this just wants us to believe he doesn't exist. Agt. Sierra: That's… the point…? Dude, you okay? Rs. Kobolsky: No, I'm just saying- Wait, are we reading the same thing here? (looks back at his SCiPhone) Is there a locked addendum here or something? Agt. Sierra: I doubt it. It's only Level 2 Restricted. The only people who can't access the scip are D-Classes and L-1 Janitorial staff. Rs. Kobolsky: Yeah, but… Holy shit. This… this could be an antimeme! An "antimemetic anomaly"! Right? Agt. Sierra: Read the file, man. It doesn't say anything about being antimemetic either. Rs. Kobolsky: Yeah, but that's how antimemes work, right? The fact that you don't know it's antimemetic until it's too late? Agt. Sierra: Then how would you know it's antimemetic? Rs. Kobolsky: Well, I'm, y'know… (sighs) Crap. Agt. Sierra: Exactly. Rs. Kobolsky: It just… doesn't add up. Agt. Sierra: Anomalies don't add up, man. That's why we call them anomalous. Look, I know how you feel. Really, I do. You're feeling new, and maybe out of your element. And you just wanna prove yourself, right? Rs. Kobolsky: No, not at- Agt. Sierra: C'mon, let's get something to drink at the cafeteria together. I'm sure they'll have something you Canadians like. Agent Sierra stands up and motions for Jr. Researcher Kobolsky to do the same. He hesitates for a second, before putting away his SCiPhone and standing up also. Rs. Kobolsky: A-alright. They both exit the breakroom. Footage ends. <End Log> Surveillance Log 7872/3810-WH Date: 05/10/2018 <Begin Log> Footage begins by showing an empty white hallway. At the end of the hallway are a set of double doors that lead elsewhere. One of the doors opens, and Junior Researcher David Kobolsky enters the hallway. He looks around nervously before closing the door behind him. Junior Researcher Kobolsky proceeds to slowly make his way towards the center of the hallway. A cold breeze suddenly blows past, causing Junior Researcher Kobolsky to hug himself in response. He shudders and rubs his nose several times. Rs. Kobolsky: (calling out) Kris… Kristoffer Rosheen? Doctor Kristoffer Rosheen? (sniffles) Of the Department of Pathological and… uhh, Biohazardous Research? Are… you there? There is no response. Instead, the only sounds audible are of the air conditioner at full capacity and the buzzing of fluorescent lights. Junior Researcher Kobolsky looks around nervously once again. He hugs himself even tighter. Rs. Kobolsky: Hello? (sniffles) Anyone? There is a sudden chiming noise, signalling the activation of Site-400's PA system. Junior Researcher Kobolsky, somewhat startled, looks intently in the direction of a nearby speaker. PA System: This is a daily reminder to all personnel that there is no individual named Kristoffer Rosheen currently employed by the Foundation. The chiming noise repeats, now signalling the deactivation of Site-400's PA system. Junior Researcher Kobolsky looks away from the speaker and down on the ground. He scratches the back of his head and rubs his nose, before looking directly at the surveillance camera currently recording this. He looks away and chuckles to himself. Rs. Kobolsky: What the hell am I doing? (sniffles) I look so fucking stupid right now. Another cold breeze blows past. Junior Researcher Kobolsky sniffles once again, and quickly covers his nose with the front of his elbow. He then sneezes. SCP-7872: Bless you. Rs. Kobolsky: Thanks. Junior Researcher Kobolsky takes out a piece of napkin from his coat and wipes his nose with it. He proceeds to walk away out of frame, exiting the hallway. Footage ends. <End Log> ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7872" by NDHeckfire, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: nonexistent.jpg Name: Habitació buida. empty room Author: Maite gr License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
FlyPurgatorio & scalykitty SCP-7873: Cultural Exchange Program More by FlyPurgatorio (and about Gijs): The mundanity of you and him More by scalykitty: Dr. Anderson's Failing Marriage Fly's authorpage here Is this how you want to be remembered? VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. ATTENDING: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 LOCATION: Site 312 in Nieuwegein, Netherlands [BEGIN LOG] The camera turns on and focuses on the hallway of an office building. JACOB: [Speaking heavily accented Dutch] This is Agent Jacob Banks of Site 873 reporting for orientation for the International Training Exchange program. Also here is Ghus [clears throat] Van Oyster Beak of Site 312. Gijs frowns. GIJS: Gijs van Oosterbeek. [Sigh] Just call me Goose, that’s what they do at EU Command anyway. He starts walking down the hallway, and motions for Jacob to follow. GIJS: Alright, you met Harrit when you got your laptop. They’re our head of Technical Infrastructure and, technically, our intern. Jan Claessen will be in later this week to give you Field Agent training, but he’s officially retired. Just doesn’t want to let go of the Foundation entirely. Our interim Director, Anna, will visit the site at the end of the month. JACOB: You don’t have a full time director? GIJS: We’re a subsidiary of Site 583 in Antwerp. Started out as an observational outpost, staffed by me. He halts next to a locked office. It reads "Department of Anomalous Research." GIJS: That's Dr. Demir's office. You probably won’t get to meet her, she’s at Site 43 to get memetic training. Our payback for the exchange program. There's also our therapist-on-call, Sterre de Veer, but let's hope you don't need to meet her. That's everyone. JACOB: You’re a skeleton crew. GIJS: [Bitterly] We don’t need bells and whistles to do our job well. He points at a locked office with a numeric code. GIJS: That’s the anomalous item storage unit. You don’t get in there without my permission; it’s a tricky beast. They walk past a small kitchenette and two doors. GIJS: Kitchen and fridge - everything in there on Friday afternoons will be thrown out - bathrooms and prayer room. He continues to walk down the hallway, entering a small office with a spare desk. The plate on the door reads "Department of Relations and Regulations." It looks too crowded. Above the desk hangs a streamer with ‘Welcome’, and a small Dutch, South African, Turkish, Flemish and American flag are taped to the wall in a heart shape. GIJS: You can share my office. JACOB: [Pointing at the decorations] That’s cute. GIJS: Harrit did that. JACOB: What are those flags? GIJS: Dr. Demir is Turkish-Dutch, and Harrit immigrated from South Africa. Jan and Anna are Belgian - he's from the Flemish side, she's from the French side. We’re a real mishmash of culture here. JACOB: [Giving a joking salute] Glad to join the mishmash. GIJS: We don’t really have any fanfare to kick off this exchange. Got you a case, though. Added it to your queue. He points at the laptop on the spare desk JACOB: Straight to business. I like it. Jacob sits down and opens the laptop. He begins to read. [INTERRUPT] ITEM #: 7873 LEVEL 2 {$clearance-text}UnrestrictedRestrictedConfidencialSecretTop SecretCosmic Top C Secret CONTAINMENT CLASS: pending SECONDARY CLASS: none DISRUPTION CLASS: none RISK CLASS: none Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A The ferry crossing the River Lek between Benedam and Schalleveen. SwanTran4.6 Tool enabled Hi there Jacob Banks! There is (1) new file assigned to your queue. You also have: (0) open cases. _ (1) new message from (Ayse Demir). Loading… You’ve selected the file entry module. I've prepared the default layout for a new draft. What would you like to enter first? _ Object Class Loading… _ Containment Procedures Loading… _ Description Loading… _ Other Loading… Questions? Contact Harrit Swanepoel via the SwanTran Lifeline! Addendum 7873/01 - Cont. VIDEO LOG [CONTINUED] JACOB: What's SwanTran? GIJS: An AI assistant Harrit designed to make it easier to draft documentation and collect files. They initially designed it because the SCiPScripter tool struggles to transcribe our accents. Jacob opens the tool and inspects several modules. JACOB: Pretty slick. GIJS: Kid's irreplaceable. I've been trying to get them a full-time position for two years now, but budget - He sighs. GIJS: Not relevant. The case: weird drowning. It got flagged by the AIC we’ve embedded in the video archive of the AIVD1 for anomalous memetic content. So you might as well look into it. [INTERRUPT] Addendum 7873/02 SECURITY FOOTAGE TRANSCRIPT [15:23]: The ferry docks on the Benedam side of the Lek River. Several cars get on, as well as 4 teenagers on bikes. [15:30]: The ferry leaves the dock on schedule. 4 teens are seen dropping their bikes and walking over to the railing. [15:32]: The ferry operator gets out of his cabin, presumably to make the teens pick up their bikes. Who is that familiar face in the background? SwanTran4.6: WARNING! Footage blocked due to detected memetic hazard Where do I remember him from? [15:47]: None of the 4 no, 5 teens are visible, but their bikes remain. The ferryman looks around him in confusion, then sprints to the railing and looks. [15:47]: The ferry docks on the Schalleveen side of the Lek River. No one gets off. Addendum 7873/01 - Cont. VIDEO LOG [CONTINUED] JACOB: That's… ominous. Gijs watches along over Jacob's shoulder. GIJS: Yep. Police didn't find any bodies in the water, and the kids have been missing ever since. So tell me, Field Agent Banks, what would be your first step. JACOB: I-Interview witnesses? Scout out the scene of the incident? Talk to relatives? GIJS: Good start. I'll drive. Gijs grabs his coat and motions for Jacob to follow. [END LOG] Addendum 7873/03 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. ATTENDING: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 LOCATION: Haven, Benedam [BEGIN LOG] JACOB: Agent Jacob Banks of Site 873 and Goose van Oysterbeak of Site 312, on a field mission to investigate the scene of the anomalous incident. GIJS: Do you have to do this every time? JACOB: Officially, yes. I thought you Europeans loved bureaucracy? GIJS: If I loved it, I would still be in politics. JACOB: You were a politician? GIJS: Once upon a time. Until the Foundation imploded my career and gave me this very important branch to look over as consolation. JACOB: It’s not all bad. Your coworkers seem like a fun bunch. GIJS: Sure. You want to grab lunch first? JACOB: Shouldn’t we - ? GIJS: Can’t investigate on an empty stomach. It's the least I can do to make up for getting assigned to Site 312. JACOB: Don’t worry about it. I picked 312. I knew what I was getting myself into. Gijs makes a face, but doesn’t respond. They walk down the port, to a small food truck that serves fish dishes. GIJS: Two herrings with onions and a serving of kibbeling, please. JACOB: What’s that? GIJS: Dutch delicacy. You’ll love it. They’re both handed a white plastic basket with a raw herring in it. The tail is still attached, but the head and innards have been cut away. It’s covered in diced onion. GIJS: [Smirk] Eet smakelijk.2 JACOB: You eat this raw? Gijs holds the fish by its tail and raises it above his head to take a bite. Jacob attempts to follow suit, but dry heaves at the smell. GIJS: [Smirks] Yeah, it’s a bit of a ritual. I wouldn't just give this to anyone, but you seem so willing to be part of our culture. Put it above your head, like you’re bobbing for apples in reverse. Jacob looks miserable, holding the fish above his head. He hesitates to take a bite. GIJS: I’m just messing with you. [Takes the herring] I got you the kibbeling. You’ll like the fried fish, I reckon. Jacob tries a piece of kibbeling. JACOB: It’s kinda like Fillet o’ Fish, but actually good. GIJS: You know, my friends and I always ended the school year with eating Hollandse Nieuwe.3 It was our little tradition. JACOB: So you guys rocked up to prom smelling like raw dead fish? GIJS: Prom? JACOB: Yeah, like a formal dance? Like Homecoming? GIJS: We don’t do that. Although, I think we had a graduation dance in my last year of secondary education. I didn’t go. JACOB: Why’s that? [Teasingly] Couldn’t get a date? GIJS: I had a date, but I wasn’t prepared to out him publicly. JACOB: Oh. I’m sorry. GIJS: Why are you sorry? It’s not your fault. [Shrugs] Just the way things are. And it worked out eventually. Gijs winks and holds up his wedding ring. He finishes the second herring, and starts walking down the quay.4 Jacob follows, still eating kibbeling. GIJS: So why did you sign up for the exchange program? And why Site 312? JACOB: I wanted to get out. The Foundation picked me up before I got to go abroad, so I felt like I was missing out. GIJS: And Site 312 was your tourist destination of choice? JACOB: It’s cute here! You should see the pictures they put in the site exchange file. GIJS: Must’ve been a bummer when you saw the actual site, then. JACOB: It’s not so bad. I like the smaller size. I never get to investigate like this in the States. GIJS: What you mean? JACOB: It's easy to get lost in those huge sites back home. I spent a full week at the wrong assignment before someone finally noticed. I just felt like another drone, you know? I figured it'd be nice to get away from all that. They arrive at the ferry. JACOB: I certainly never got to take point in an investigation. Here we are: out in the world, piecing things together, solving mysteries. No army of AICs and MTFs. It's like going back in time. GIJS: [Defensively] We also have an AIC. JACOB: You mean SwanTran? GIJS: Built it ourselves. JACOB: How European. Gijs buys two tickets to cross the River Lek, and the two move towards the railing seen in the security footage. There are several teenagers on bikes close to the railing. JACOB: [Inspecting the railing] Nothing weird. GIJS: What did you expect? A chalk outline? JACOB: I don’t know. Some kinda ghost handprint maybe? A note from Satan? Two teens standing close by overhear them. BOY: [In English] Are you Americans? GIJS: Just him. JACOB: [Smiles awkwardly] What gave it away? BOY: Are you with the FBI? GIRL: No idiot, the FBI doesn’t work outside America. JACOB: No, I’m a - a ghost hunter. Gijs rolls his eyes. BOY: Really?! JACOB: Yup. Me and my dad. BOY: That’s so cool. The girl looks less enthusiastic. JACOB: So, you heard any ghost stories lately? BOY: Yeah, there were these teens from my school that went overboard here. My brother said some ghost dragged them down. GIRL: Dude, that’s really insensitive. BOY: What? It’s just a story! GIJS: She’s right, you shouldn’t just say stuff like that about real tragedies. GIRL: Yeah. Like, my sister went to school with all four of them. She was really messed up by it. GIJS: They were in the same class? GIRL: Yeah, she was friends with Janneke and Katotje, and she knew Manon, Dirk and Billy as well. JACOB: Wait, say those names again. GIRL: [Hesitating] Janneke, Katotje, Manon and Dirk? JACOB: You said Billy before. Who’s Billy? BOY: [Mockingly] Maybe Billy’s a ghost! GIRL: Shut up! The ferry arrives at the other side of the river. The teens get on their bikes and cycle off, the boy screaming “I’m Billy the Ghost, I’m going to get you!” while chasing the girl. Jacob and Gijs get back on the quay. JACOB: Well, that was enlightening. GIJS: I can't believe they forgot about Billy. JACOB: Yeah, there's something anomalous happening here. The two continue walking down the quay. GIJS: I’m not old enough to be your dad. JACOB: You kinda are. Gijs glares at Jacob. JACOB: I think we should talk to the parents next. See what connected these people. GIJS: Alright, I'll set it up. You can update the file in the meantime. JACOB: You got it, pops. GIJS: [Winces] I didn’t realize it could get worse. [END LOG] ITEM #: 7873 LEVEL 2 {$clearance-text}UnrestrictedRestrictedConfidencialSecretTop SecretCosmic Top C Secret CONTAINMENT CLASS: pending SECONDARY CLASS: none DISRUPTION CLASS: {$disruption-class} RISK CLASS: {$risk-class} Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A SwanTran: Description updated by Jacob Banks Special Containment Procedures: TBD Description: Designation Name SCP-7873-A Ferry Ghost? Billy? SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal SCP-7873 Victim Profile: TBD Addendum 7873/04 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. INTERVIEWERS: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 INTERVIEWEE: Gerard Vermeer, father of SCP-7873-B [BEGIN LOG] Several people are cycling past the car. Agent Banks turns the camera around, focusing it on him and Lead Researcher Van Oosterbeek, who is driving. JACOB: We’re going to Hoogstraat 19 in Schalleveen for the first interview with a relative of an SCP-7873 victim. This is Field Agent Banks reporting in, with Lead Researcher Van Oesterbeak of Site – GIJS: What’s your plan? JACOB: What you mean? Our cover story is journalists, right? GIJS: You think we should specify we’re ghost hunters? Or would TikTok dancer be more believable? JACOB: I can’t believe you know about TikTok. GIJS: [Smirking] Harrit shares me-mes with me. Jacob winces at the mispronunciation. GIJS: Why don't you tell this old man what the plan is? You wanted to be "out in the world, solving cases”, right? Show me how you’d do that. JACOB: Really? I – okay. Maybe something boring but important? That way the focus isn’t on the accuracy of their children’s memory, and they’re less likely to look it up afterwards. A middle-aged man with several large bags of cat food strapped to the carrier and front of the bike swerves out from a side road. Van Oosterbeek has to quickly turn to prevent a collision, and curses with illnesses at the cyclist. JACOB: Maybe we should pose as bike helmet salesmen. GIJS: That's actually stupid. JACOB: You almost hit that guy! GIJS: Emphasis on almost. He's fine, isn't he? It's a culture thing. You'll get it eventually. Jacob shakes his head. JACOB: Ferry safety? GIJS: Sure, that could work. What are you going to ask them? Agent Banks pulls out a notebook. JACOB: I actually prepared a list, based on the official Foundation interview manual. It lists about twenty base questions, and an additional – GIJS: Good. Now, which ones do you actually want answered? JACOB: A-all of them? GIJS: This isn’t a sterile lab environment, and working according to those procedures won’t get you far here. Give me three. JACOB: Topics? GIJS: Go. He holds his hand up to count in between switching gears. JACOB: I think – relationship with other victims? GIJS: Two. [Holds up two fingers] JACOB: Personality? GIJS: Three. [Holds up three fingers] JACOB: Changes in behaviour. GIJS: There you go. Sets of three are easier to remember, and now you don’t have to focus on your script during the interview. Leaves a lot more room for engaging and observing the interviewee. JACOB: You mean I am actually doing the interview? GIJS: Don’t see why not. JACOB: What if they realize I’m an American? GIJS: [Chuckles] Don’t make it more complicated than it is. You are an American. And if you’re really struggling, give me a sign and I’ll take over. They arrive at the Hoogstraat and park. Agent Banks takes the camera and pins it to his suit jacket. JACOB: What’s the sign? GIJS: I dunno. Just ask them to supersize you. JACOB: I’ll just complain about your raw fish breath. GIJS: Har har, very funny. Are you ready? Van Oosterbeek quickly takes a mint when Jacob looks away. They ring the bell of Hoogstraat 19. A tall, thinning man in his 50s opens the door and invites them in. Van Oosterbeek and Banks step into a small hallway, following Gerard Vermeer to the living room. GIJS: [In Dutch] Condolences, Mr. Vermeer. VERMEER: [In Dutch] Thank you. JACOB: [In Dutch] I know this must be a difficult time for you. VERMEER: [Pauses and frowns] Yes. [to Gijs] Is he American? Van Oosterbeek switches to English. GIJS: Yes, my colleague is part of the American office of New Amsterdam Magazine. VERMEER: Would you prefer English? JACOB: If you wouldn’t mind, that would be great. Saves time translating. They settle at the kitchen table. Mr. Vermeer has made tea and brought out some speculaas5 and oreos. JACOB: Do you mind if we record this? VERMEER: Not at all. You’re here to talk about what happened to Janneke? Gijs takes a speculaas, which he dips in his tea. JACOB: Yes. Specifically, we’re investigating ferry safety. VERMEER: She crossed that river twice a day by ferry for years. I still don’t understand how she could fall into the water. JACOB: I understand this must be difficult to talk about. The police said they were pulled down by the current, right? VERMEER: Yes. They all were. She was with her friends when it happened. They must’ve tried to pull each other out and failed. At least _ she wasn’t alone. they’re together now. JACOB: I’m sorry for your loss. What can you tell me about Janneke? What was she like? Jacob dips an oreo in his tea. VERMEER: You know, kids her age. She was just working out who she was. Trying out different clothing styles, switching favorite music. It all happens so fast around that age, doesn’t it? JACOB: How was she at school? VERMEER: She was – she found it difficult to fit in. Choose to be a loner for a while, but I think she found it hard to make friends. It was like she was looking for the right moment to open up. JACOB: She only recently made friends? VERMEER: Yes. They knew each other for a while, but they really connected during a music workshop they followed together at school. JACOB: Those were the days. I didn't really make many friends either until I started playing the trombone. GIJS: I don't think that's what he meant. VERMEER: I could show you? They follow Vermeer up the stairs to a girl’s bedroom. An American flag is pinned to the door, covering stickers of horses. The rest of the room is filled with American merchandise, including more flags, posters of famous landmarks, and a pair of cowboy boots. JACOB: She has another country’s flags in her room? GIJS: [Shrugs] Kids think that’s cool sometimes. I had a Union Jack for a while when I was a teenager. VERMEER: She recently really got into American stuff. Wanted a Stetson for her birthday, and cooked a turkey for us last November. That’s Thanksgiving, right? Gijs examines a guitar on a stand. The brand logo is covered by an American flag, but the letters 'Sy(...)mphony' are still visible. VERMEER: She'd always wanted to move to America when she got older, to "make it big in music." Felt that the Netherlands was too small for her ambitions. She wanted her music to be heard by the entire world. Jacob picks up a notebook with song lyrics in it. He flips through it as Mr. Vermeer talks, the pages visible in front of the camera. The first third of the book contains teen poetry in Dutch, but later entries are in passable English. A picture falls out, which Gijs picks up. GIJS: [Holds up photo] Is this all of them? VERMEER: That’s her band. She’d printed so many versions of that picture, to try out different artwork for her demo album. _ Katotje, Manon, Dirk, and my Janneke. Billy, Kate, Matthew, Dean, and my Jacky. Vermeer’s voice quivers. VERMEER: I was so glad she’d found a group of kids she could connect with. [Sob] I… I’m sorry. Gijs places an arm on Vermeer’s shoulder and nods. JACOB: I’m so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful kid. VERMEER: [In Dutch] I miss her. She isn’t alone anymore Vermeer turns his head to hide his tears, and steps out of the room. Gijs and Jacob follow. GIJS: Is it okay if we keep this? It would give the article more personality. Mr. Vermeer nods. JACOB: I think that’s all we need. Thank you for your time. Gijs and Jacob walk downstairs. Jacob pauses in the hallway to look at the Stetson on the coat rack, before leaving the house. They walk down the street, back to the car. JACOB: Did I do better this time? GIJS: Better? JACOB: Better than at the ferry, I mean. GIJS: You did great at the ferry. JACOB: I did? GIJS: You were quick thinking and able to connect with a 14-year-old kid. Bit unconventional, but it worked. It's why I let you take the lead here. JACOB: [Frowning] Then why did you mock the ghost hunting bit? GIJS: I was taking the piss! [Chuckles] You called me old, lijer.6 JACOB: You are old, boomer. GIJS: I'm from 1976. That's Gen X. JACOB: Alright, pops. GIJS: [Winces] Anyway. What did you notice? JACOB: He was doing fine until he went to her room. GIJS: Seems fair enough. Seeing all those reminders would trigger me, too. JACOB: Apart from that, Janneke felt she didn’t really fit in, until she went through a change in personality. GIJS: You think that could be related to the anomaly? JACOB: Well, between that and the sudden new friend group, I think it might be. It could be coincidental, though. Not enough data to link that to an anomaly at this time. The only connection are these other kids. Specifically Billy. Gijs looks at the picture a second time, before slipping it in his pocket. JACOB: Should we talk to the other kid’s parents? See if they have an idea who Billy is, and maybe why the anomaly locked onto them? GIJS: Seems like a plan. The Van Diep family lives about five minutes from here. JACOB: I’ll update the file in the car. [END LOG] ITEM #: 7873 LEVEL 2 {$clearance-text}UnrestrictedRestrictedConfidencialSecretTop SecretCosmic Top C Secret CONTAINMENT CLASS: pending SECONDARY CLASS: none DISRUPTION CLASS: {$disruption-class} RISK CLASS: {$risk-class} Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A SwanTran: Description updated by Jacob Banks Special Containment Procedures: TBD Description: Designation Name SCP-7873-A Billy SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal SCP-7873 Victim Profile: Difficulty fitting in? Change in personality Music? America? SwanTran: transcription of interview completed. Please review for accuracy. See file 7873/004 for transcript. Addendum 7873/05 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. INTERVIEWERS: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 INTERVIEWEES: Kees Van Diep, father of SCP-7873-C Marieke Van Diep, mother of SCP-7873-C [BEGIN LOG] JACOB: This is Field Agent Jacob Banks, accompanied by Hais van Ohsterbake. We have arrived at the residence of Ktjah-tot-hey van Deep. GIJS: Kaa-tohw-tjuh, not Chakotay. This isn’t Star Trek. Katotje van Diep. JACOB: We have arrived at the residence of Katutje van Diep. GIJS: That’s… closer. But at least you’re getting better with my name. JACOB: I need to get this right! They lost their daughter, I want to be respectful. GIJS: They’ll appreciate you trying. We’re Dutch, we get it, our language sounds like a coughing fit. JACOB: Kattottche. GIJS: Alright, you want to practice? Let’s practice. [Several minutes cut for brevity] JACOB: Katotjuh. GIJS: [Chuckles] I am going to get your visa revoked if you don’t figure this out. JACOB: You know what? I just won’t say her name. GIJS: I’ll cover for you if it comes up. JACOB: European competence to the rescue once again. Where would we all be without you? Gijs takes a sharp turn into a dead-end street with modern semi-detached houses. He parks the car in front of the garage of number 7, blocking in a vintage DAF 66 with an open hood. They get out and ring the doorbell of number 6. A woman in her mid 40s opens the door and welcomes them in. Several mandala pattern tattoos peak out from under the sleeves of her black dress. In the living room, a man with shoulder-length hair and a tank-top is lighting some incense. JACOB: Thank you for meeting with us, and I’m very sorry for your loss. KEES: Thank you. JACOB: My associate and I work for the New Amsterdam Times, and we’d like to write something in memory of Ka- [clearing his throat] your daughter. Could you tell me a bit about her? What was she like? Kees looks at the display of pictures of his daughter on the living room table, positioned alongside burning incense and obsidian gemstones. KEES: Katotje was a force of nature. Passionate about cooking. She wanted to run her own restaurant when she’d grown up. Most weekends she claimed the kitchen for herself. [Chokes up] I miss the smell of her – what was that American stew she made? MARIEKE: Gumbo. She came up with a vegan version. [Squeezes his hand, then turns to Jacob] Katotje was a fighter. Would carry the world on her shoulders if she could. JACOB: I’d love to include that in the article. Could you tell me a little about that? How did she try to help? Marieke smiles wistfully as she touches the jade statue displayed on the kitchen table. It has Katotje's name inscribed on it. MARIEKE: Last year, she went to a slaughter house with a protest group. They’d made a deal with the workers: they were allowed to give water to the pigs arriving in those hot, overcrowded vans. One last moment of kindness before the slaughter. KEES: She was destroyed after that. Said they were just like Max, our dog. Never ate meat again. MARIEKE: She was always so compassionate. I was so proud of her. She holds the obsidian stone on her necklace as she tears up. KEES: It could be a bit intense at times. She’s done a lot of Extinction Rebellion protests. Schalleveen and Benedam are below sea level, we’re surrounded by levees. Once they break under the pressure of rising sea levels, our homes will flood as well. And she’ll tell that to anyone, whether they wanted to hear it or not. JACOB: She sounds so passionate. It's a tragedy that she passed so soon. KEES: She was. It often scared people off. That bothered her. [Sigh] She had so much love to give to the world, but that _ wasn’t seen through her harsh exterior. was welcomed. MARIEKE: She was getting better at it. At least I thought she was. JACOB: She found her people? MARIEKE: I thought so. There was a new boy at school, I think he was an American exchange student. Or maybe an expat’s kid? [To Kees] What was his name? GIJS: _ Billy. They almost forgot. But they're starting to remember now. MARIEKE: Yes, I think that's it. KEES: All her friends gave themselves _ an American name. a name to be heard. MARIEKE: It was silly, but they seemed to enjoy it. Gijs pulls the photograph from his pocket. He nudges Jacob before passing it to him. JACOB: Do you recognize the people in the photo? MARIEKE: I'm, I- KEES: I do. Those were Katotje's friends. JACOB: And do you remember what their American names were? KEES: That's Jacky, Matthew, Dean, and Kate of course. JACOB: Which one is Billy? Do you see Billy here? KEES: I-I’m not – I GIJS: Kate, that was your daughter’s American name? I just want to make sure we've got this written down correctly. Kees nods, though he seems a bit distant. JACOB: So, Kate. Got it. She was a fighter for a greater cause. She sounds lovely. Now you say her name. Finally she’s heard. MARIEKE: She was. She just needed something to believe in. JACOB: Thank you both very much for this. I know this is a difficult time, and I really appreciate your cooperation. Van Oosterbeek and Banks leave the house. Jacob takes his jacket off and waves it in the wind in an attempt to get the incense smell out. They get in the car and drive off. JACOB: I think our victim profile is shaping up. Both Janneke and Katotje felt they weren’t seen for who they could be. They wanted to make an impact on the world. GIJS: And they both knew Billy. Don't forget about Billy. JACOB: Oh, yeah, there's something going on with Billy for sure. It seems like everyone involved knew him. GIJS: I’ll _ look into it. try to remember. He is quiet for a moment, staring at the road ahead. GIJS: I think it’s best I skip the next interview anyway. JACOB: Why? GIJS: Important part of doing field work is knowing when you can’t trust yourself to stay objective. Kids weren’t happy with how they were perceived, right? Read up the American names again. JACOB: Jacky, Kate, Matthew and Dean? GIJS: Versus Janneke, Katotje, Manon and Dirk. JACOB: So? GIJS: Manon is a girl’s name. JACOB: [After a long pause] Oh. GIJS: On the off-chance that wasn’t handled well, I’ll sit this one out. Not great at hiding anger. I’ll do some archival research in the meantime. JACOB: I’ll give you a call when you can pick me up. They drive in silence for a while. JACOB: I’ve been wondering: how do they know I am American? GIJS: You have an accent. JACOB: But they figure it out before I start talking! What gives me away? GIJS: Honestly? JACOB: Yeah, honestly. GIJS: It’s everything. The unnaturally white teeth. The hair, the chin, the FBI dress code. The actively trying not to look at anyone passing you by. The over-apologizing for their loss. They get it the first time, don’t dwell on it! JACOB: I’m being considerate! GIJS: You know how you call us Dutch folk rude when we’re direct? You Americans are so overly polite it starts to sound fake and performative. It’s more than just the language you’ll have to learn, kiddo. JACOB: Great. [END LOG] SwanTran Lifeline chat initiated SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT] is typing a message… SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Why you calling me? JACOB: Can you pick up? Got a question SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Just ask here SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: I don’t answer phone calls JACOB: The Man might be listening in? :rofl: SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: No just also Swantran SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Don’t like hearing my voice SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Wassup? JACOB: Is Gijs alright? He seems a bit off, but I don’t know him that well.. SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: He’s a big grumpy teddybear SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: More bark than bite SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Except for real messed up stuff JACOB:… so the Goose nickname is accurate? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: lol yeah fr SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: You just gotta get used to him JACOB: Alright, just keep an eye on him, k? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: np SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT] has ended the session. ITEM #: 7873 LEVEL 2 {$clearance-text}UnrestrictedRestrictedConfidencialSecretTop SecretCosmic Top C Secret CONTAINMENT CLASS: pending SECONDARY CLASS: none DISRUPTION CLASS: {$disruption-class} RISK CLASS: {$risk-class} Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A SwanTran: Description updated by Jacob Banks Special Containment Procedures: TBD Description: Designation Name Nickname SCP-7873-A Ferry Ghost “Billy” SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer “Jacky” SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep "Kate" SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra "Matthew" SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal "Dean" SCP-7873 Victim Profile: Unhappy with how they’re perceived; Socially ‘outsider’; Change in personality; Special interest in America? (only -B and -C) SwanTran: transcription of interview completed. Please review for accuracy. See file 7873/006-A for transcript. Addendum 7873/06-B AUDIO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. CONTENT: Phone call between: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 SUBJECT: Interview with parents of SCP-7873-D [BEGIN LOG] Phone is answered by Gijs. JACOB: Hey. I just finished the interview. You were right about your hunch, that was uncomfortable. Ma- wait, which name do I use? I don't want to deadname, but the American name might be anomalous. GIJS: When in doubt, use the designation. JACOB: Alright. 7873-D was indeed trans. His parents mentioned Billy as well. He has to be the key to all of this. Other than that, no real big surprises. 7873-D had a hard time connecting with people, met Billy, all that jazz. Did you make any progress on 7873-A? GIJS: One moment, I’m reviewing SwanTran’s transcription of your interview. Silence for a minute. GIJS: Well done. You've made great progress. JACOB: I only apologized three times for their loss. No weird looks this time! I really feel like I’m getting the hang of this. GIJS: [In jest] I’m so proud of you. JACOB: They did mention you by name. Did you know 7873-D? GIJS: Not all queer people know each other, Jacob. Even in a country as small as this one. JACOB: I didn’t mean to - I’m so, so sorry! GIJS: It’s fine. Mm, you propose preparing a large scale amnestization protocol? JACOB: Yeah, for the parents at least. Maybe also classmates. If knowing about Billy is the trigger, we need to limit exposure. We should take a cognitohazard suppressant ourselves as well, just as a precaution. GIJS: That's usually Dr. Demir's department. I’ll check the protocols she left us. You good doing the interview with Dean’s parents on your own as well? JACOB: [Loudly] Yes! I mean, [cough] yes I think I can handle that. GIJS: Good. I'll call you. I think I _ ’m onto something with Billy. remember him now. [END LOG] SwanTran: Description updated by Gijs van Oosterbeek Designation Name Nickname Goose Goose Goose SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer “Jacky” SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep "Kate" SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra "Matthew" SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal "Dean" SwanTran: additional file added. See file 7873/007 for transcript. Jacob Banks Summary of interview Just got done at Dirk’s place. Antidepressants and a whole lot of therapy. Kid went through a lot. Can you pick me up? Your phone is going to voicemail. Jacob Banks Note Did you update the file by accident? Boomer moment. Gijs van Oosterbeek Summary of life They just wanted to be seen. We all want to be seen, don’t we? Want to be remembered. We want to make a difference in this fucked up world. Not surprising, though. They’ll never take us seriously. I almost made it out. Almost. Jacob Banks Hey, what the fuck are you talking about? Gijs van Oosterbeek I'll make my mark I'll be remembered Gijs van Oosterbeek They don’t get it, but they never could get it. We don’t belong here. Everyone’s a nobody. There is a whole world out there. The Dream. We aren’t gonna stick around. We won’t be nobody. We'll make a mark on this world. Billy said it's time to make it happen. SwanTran: Description updated by Gijs van Oosterbeek Designation Name Nickname SCP-7873-A Gijs van Oosterbeek "Billy" SwanTran: Description updated by Gijs van Oosterbeek Designation Name Nickname SCP-7873-A Billy “Gijs van Oosterbeek” Gijs van Oosterbeek Billy? I want to dream again of the Land of opportunity Sea of opportunities I'll be remembered SwanTran4.6 Tool DELETING UPDATES Jacob Banks Gijs, call me right now. Gijs van Oosterbeek [BLOCKED] Jacob Banks Gijs, pick up the fucking phone. Fix you up or go into the river SwanTran4.6 Tool WARNING: COGNITOHAZARD DETECTED. LOCKING DOCUMENT Go over the cliff I'll catch you SwanTran Lifeline chat initiated SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT] is typing a message… SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Jacob you there? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Can you talk without :goose_emoji: seeing the screen? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Grumpy teddy is not just grumpy today SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Pacing down the hall, talking to himself JACOB: He still there? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Left half an hour ago. SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Asked about 'Billy' then stormed out SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: He's not with you? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: ffs I thought he was with you! JACOB: He's not answering his phone SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Fuck. Gimme sec SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Pinged it, also pinged his car. Same location SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Really fucking bad SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: He never leaves his phone, in case Daniël calls JACOB: Can you find him? Do some hackermagic? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Good thing I chipped him when I had the chance JACOB: :open_mouth: SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: /j ofc SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: kinda SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Found him. He’s in Benedam SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Isn’t that where you are? JACOB: Where exactly? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: One sec SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: The haven SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: No, the river Lek JACOB has ended the session. I'll catch you Addendum 7873/07 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: A Dutch translation of this file is available upon request. ATTENDING: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 LOCATION: Haven, Benedam [BEGIN LOG] Jacob is on foot. His body camera jostles around as he runs. JACOB: Gijs! Gijs! What the fuck are you doing? Gijs is standing on the edge of the ferry, staring over the water. Jacob gets on just as the ferry is about to leave. GIJS: [Softly] I knew you'd join us. JACOB: Gijs, fucking hell. Get away from the railing. Hell or high water GIJS: Don't you see? JACOB: See what? All I see is a grumpy bastard who - hold on! Gijs steps over the railing and turns around. He leans forward, facing the water, but doesn't let go of the railing. GIJS: They're all here. Matthew, Kate, Jacky, Dean, and Billy. We're almost complete. JACOB: Christ, Gijs. SwanTran:WARNING, cognitohazard detected. Proceed with CRV of 16 or higher. GIJS: A landsea of opportunity. JACOB: Look at me Gijs. Look at your hand. Do you see your ring? GIJS: What? JACOB: Your husband gave that to you. Do you remember that? Do you remember your wedding? Gijs pauses. JACOB: Tell me about your wedding. GIJS: [Stammering] It was raining. My mother sat in the witness box, next to Billy, who- JACOB: No. He wasn’t. Billy wasn’t there. Think hard. Do you remember Daniël? You used to eat herring after school ended in the summer. Do you remember that? GIJS: [Quietly] We served herring at the wedding. Hired a food truck from Spakenburg. JACOB: You gave me herring today. GIJS: [Chuckles] It made you gag. JACOB: You bastard. Jacob’s camera captures shadowy figures surging from the water. Gijs locks eyes with them. GIJS: You remember it now. But for how long? JACOB: What the fuck is that sound? He’ll get his chance for greatness, without you. You won’t leave your mark here. JACOB: Wait, is that Billy? Is that what he's been telling you? GIJS: It won’t matter. We don’t matter here. JACOB: You think you don’t matter here? For fuck’s sake, Gijs, are you that fucking blind? Blind to possibility. They’re all too blind to see you. JACOB: I wanted to come here. Of all the goddamn sites I could choose for this exchange, I choose this one. You know why? GIJS: Don’t patronize me. We’re cute. We’re insignificant. You don't have to be so small. JACOB: Harrit sent me here because they were worried about you. You know how much they were gushing about you when they prepared my laptop this morning? How you got them through the immigration process, how you helped them accept who they are. They look up to you! Gijs is silent, staring at the water. JACOB: And when I logged on, I got a message from Dr. Demir. She hasn’t even met me and she welcomed me to the team. Told me to keep an eye out for the grouch, and that I should count myself lucky to have you mentor me. If you really wanted to leave this place, you would've taken her spot at Site 43. Gijs gasps for air. JACOB: Agent Claessen forwarded the invite for the Vrijmibo.7 Why do you think he keeps coming back, even though he’s retired? They will forget. JACOB: I’ve been here for only one goddamn day and I have learned more about fieldwork than during my time at Site 873. You trusted me to take the lead here. You saw my strengths and allowed me to show what I can do. I’m not some faceless, nameless number in a massive crowd. I actually get to be seen here. I get to matter. Gijs pulls himself a bit closer to the railing. They always forget. JACOB: You know how Site 312 is described in the Exchange Program dossier? “A site built by its head researcher, with a tight-knit, dedicated team that stands watch over the lower lands.” You built all that. That is the mark you leave on the world. You leave it through us. Gijs finally turns his head away from the water. JACOB: I got the chance to be part of something greater, and I used that to come here. My Dream led me here. GIJS: You’re sure? JACOB: I’m proud to be a part of this. Gijs is panting. JACOB: What do you say, pops. You wanna get out of here? Gijs nods and turns around. His hands are shaking. Jacob pulls him back over the railing. They stagger when the ferry moves to the side, and sit down on the edge. A glimpse of shadow is visible on camera, crashing against the ferry like a wave. Neither Gijs nor Jacob seem to notice it. Gijs wipes his face. GIJS: Your profile didn't mention "dramatic speeches" as a talent. JACOB: I'll have to update it. [Laughing] You almost got yourself killed on my first day. Asshole. GIJS: Must be that American influence. They both laugh. Gijs takes a deep breath to calm himself. GIJS: [Shaky voice] You’re good at thinking on your feet. Identifying what the anomaly was attached to, and crafting an effective countermeasure. I knew you’d pull this off. JACOB: I meant every word I said. Gijs looks at Jacob for a moment in disbelief, then starts to tear up. He buries his face in his hands and stammers “embarrassing” in both Dutch and English several times, before being overtaken by emotion again. Jacob places an arm around Gijs’s shoulders and looks over the water until the ferry arrives on shore. There is nothing in the water. [END LOG] SwanTran4.6 Update New file uploaded to the SCP database by JACOB BANKS. Item#: 7873 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: danger link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A The ferry crossing the River Lek between Benedam and Schalleveen. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation webcrawlers are to monitor Dutch online spaces for references to SCP-7873-A. Affected individuals are to undergo amnestic treatment. SwanTran4.6 Tool: COGNITOHAZARD WARNING. Don’t continue reading this file if you have a CRV under 16, or are currently experiencing one of the following: * Body dysphoria or dysmorphia; * Psychological trauma or depression; * Midlife crisis. Description: SCP-7873 is a cognitohazard occuring in the Netherlands around great bodies of water. SCP-7873 affects individuals of Dutch descent with a psychological profile containing at least two of the following traits: Feeling unfulfilled or insignificant; Mental distress, including but not limited to: body dysphoria or dysmorphia, depression, psychological trauma and midlife crises; Social rejection; A fondness of America. Photo found in the room of SCP-7873-B. Individuals affected by SCP-7873 show increased interest in America and reference Billy when recalling previous life events. They express desire to 'leave their mark on the world', and mourn missing their chance to 'live the (American) Dream’. This desire will escalate and eventually draw an affected individual to a body of water, where they will drown. SCP-7873 consists of 5 known entities, 4 of which were former students at the Benedam Middelbare School voor Voortgezet Onderwijs8 in Benedam, Netherlands. SCP-7873-B to -E drowned while crossing the River Lek by ferry on the way home to Schalleveen. Their bodies were never recovered. Designation Name Nickname SCP-7873-A Unknown "Billy" SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer "Jacky" SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep "Kate" SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra "Matthew" SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal "Dean" The identity of SCP-7873-A is currently unknown. Witness reports describe it as an American boy of approximately 17-years-old, with a 70s style haircut. When captured on visual media, a faint figure resembling a masculine humanoid is visible. Observing this entity while matching the psychological profile has a cognitohazardous effect on the observer. In June 2019, Agent Banks led a large scale amnestization protocol, focused on the parents, friends and classmates of SCP-7873-B to -E, to remove implanted memories of "Billy". Lead Researcher Van Oosterbeek underwent specialised anti-cognitohazardous treatment as a precaution. No new sightings of Billy have been reported since. Remember me ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7873" by FlyPurgatorio, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Pont over de Lek bij Culemborg.jpg Author: jeroen struyk License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Source Link: Filename: Lek Ferry Shadow Author: FlyPurgatorio License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Source Link: tba Derivative of: Pont over de Lek bij Culemborg.jpg; Radium Hot Springs. Identifier: PC011762; Radium Hot Springs. Identifier: PC011775; Legend 1976. Additional Notes: See below for details on original pictures used. Filename: Legend 1976 Name:* Legend 1976. Page:168. Author: Lakota Local School District License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Radium Hot Springs. Name:* Radium Hot Springs. Identifier: PC011762 Author: Byron Harmon License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Radium Hot Springs. Name:* Radium Hot Springs. Identifier: PC011775 Author: Byron Harmon License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: 76 Almost Over Author: FlyPurgatorio License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Source Link: tba Derivative of: Legend 1976. Page: 112.; Legend 1976. Page:168.; Legend 1976. Page: 116.; Legend 1976. Page: 113. Additional Notes: See below for details on original pictures used. Filename: Legend 1976 Name:* Legend 1976. Page: 112. Author: Lakota Local School District License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Legend 1976 Name:* Legend 1976. Page: 116. Author: Lakota Local School District License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Legend 1976 Name:* Legend 1976. Page: 113. Author: Lakota Local School District License: Public Domain Source Link: Footnotes 1. Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service 2. Bon Appetit. 3. A fresh batch of herrings usually arriving in early June 4. Paved walkway next to the dock 5. Dutch spice shortcrust cookies similar to gingersnaps 6. Dutch curse meaning: asshole. Literal transl.: sufferer [of illness]. 7. Vrijdagmiddagborrel, Friday afternoon drinks 8. Benedam School for Secondary Education
FlyPurgatorio & scalykitty SCP-7873: Cultural Exchange Program More by FlyPurgatorio (and about Gijs): The mundanity of you and him More by scalykitty: Dr. Anderson's Failing Marriage Fly's authorpage here Is this how you want to be remembered? VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. ATTENDING: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 LOCATION: Site 312 in Nieuwegein, Netherlands [BEGIN LOG] The camera turns on and focuses on the hallway of an office building. JACOB: [Speaking heavily accented Dutch] This is Agent Jacob Banks of Site 873 reporting for orientation for the International Training Exchange program. Also here is Ghus [clears throat] Van Oyster Beak of Site 312. Gijs frowns. GIJS: Gijs van Oosterbeek. [Sigh] Just call me Goose, that’s what they do at EU Command anyway. He starts walking down the hallway, and motions for Jacob to follow. GIJS: Alright, you met Harrit when you got your laptop. They’re our head of Technical Infrastructure and, technically, our intern. Jan Claessen will be in later this week to give you Field Agent training, but he’s officially retired. Just doesn’t want to let go of the Foundation entirely. Our interim Director, Anna, will visit the site at the end of the month. JACOB: You don’t have a full time director? GIJS: We’re a subsidiary of Site 583 in Antwerp. Started out as an observational outpost, staffed by me. He halts next to a locked office. It reads "Department of Anomalous Research." GIJS: That's Dr. Demir's office. You probably won’t get to meet her, she’s at Site 43 to get memetic training. Our payback for the exchange program. There's also our therapist-on-call, Sterre de Veer, but let's hope you don't need to meet her. That's everyone. JACOB: You’re a skeleton crew. GIJS: [Bitterly] We don’t need bells and whistles to do our job well. He points at a locked office with a numeric code. GIJS: That’s the anomalous item storage unit. You don’t get in there without my permission; it’s a tricky beast. They walk past a small kitchenette and two doors. GIJS: Kitchen and fridge - everything in there on Friday afternoons will be thrown out - bathrooms and prayer room. He continues to walk down the hallway, entering a small office with a spare desk. The plate on the door reads "Department of Relations and Regulations." It looks too crowded. Above the desk hangs a streamer with ‘Welcome’, and a small Dutch, South African, Turkish, Flemish and American flag are taped to the wall in a heart shape. GIJS: You can share my office. JACOB: [Pointing at the decorations] That’s cute. GIJS: Harrit did that. JACOB: What are those flags? GIJS: Dr. Demir is Turkish-Dutch, and Harrit immigrated from South Africa. Jan and Anna are Belgian - he's from the Flemish side, she's from the French side. We’re a real mishmash of culture here. JACOB: [Giving a joking salute] Glad to join the mishmash. GIJS: We don’t really have any fanfare to kick off this exchange. Got you a case, though. Added it to your queue. He points at the laptop on the spare desk JACOB: Straight to business. I like it. Jacob sits down and opens the laptop. He begins to read. [INTERRUPT] ITEM #: 7873 LEVEL 2 {$clearance-text}UnrestrictedRestrictedConfidencialSecretTop SecretCosmic Top C Secret CONTAINMENT CLASS: pending SECONDARY CLASS: none DISRUPTION CLASS: none RISK CLASS: none Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A The ferry crossing the River Lek between Benedam and Schalleveen. SwanTran4.6 Tool enabled Hi there Jacob Banks! There is (1) new file assigned to your queue. You also have: (0) open cases. _ (1) new message from (Ayse Demir). Loading… You’ve selected the file entry module. I've prepared the default layout for a new draft. What would you like to enter first? _ Object Class Loading… _ Containment Procedures Loading… _ Description Loading… _ Other Loading… Questions? Contact Harrit Swanepoel via the SwanTran Lifeline! Addendum 7873/01 - Cont. VIDEO LOG [CONTINUED] JACOB: What's SwanTran? GIJS: An AI assistant Harrit designed to make it easier to draft documentation and collect files. They initially designed it because the SCiPScripter tool struggles to transcribe our accents. Jacob opens the tool and inspects several modules. JACOB: Pretty slick. GIJS: Kid's irreplaceable. I've been trying to get them a full-time position for two years now, but budget - He sighs. GIJS: Not relevant. The case: weird drowning. It got flagged by the AIC we’ve embedded in the video archive of the AIVD1 for anomalous memetic content. So you might as well look into it. [INTERRUPT] Addendum 7873/02 SECURITY FOOTAGE TRANSCRIPT [15:23]: The ferry docks on the Benedam side of the Lek River. Several cars get on, as well as 4 teenagers on bikes. [15:30]: The ferry leaves the dock on schedule. 4 teens are seen dropping their bikes and walking over to the railing. [15:32]: The ferry operator gets out of his cabin, presumably to make the teens pick up their bikes. Who is that familiar face in the background? SwanTran4.6: WARNING! Footage blocked due to detected memetic hazard Where do I remember him from? [15:47]: None of the 4 no, 5 teens are visible, but their bikes remain. The ferryman looks around him in confusion, then sprints to the railing and looks. [15:47]: The ferry docks on the Schalleveen side of the Lek River. No one gets off. Addendum 7873/01 - Cont. VIDEO LOG [CONTINUED] JACOB: That's… ominous. Gijs watches along over Jacob's shoulder. GIJS: Yep. Police didn't find any bodies in the water, and the kids have been missing ever since. So tell me, Field Agent Banks, what would be your first step. JACOB: I-Interview witnesses? Scout out the scene of the incident? Talk to relatives? GIJS: Good start. I'll drive. Gijs grabs his coat and motions for Jacob to follow. [END LOG] Addendum 7873/03 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. ATTENDING: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 LOCATION: Haven, Benedam [BEGIN LOG] JACOB: Agent Jacob Banks of Site 873 and Goose van Oysterbeak of Site 312, on a field mission to investigate the scene of the anomalous incident. GIJS: Do you have to do this every time? JACOB: Officially, yes. I thought you Europeans loved bureaucracy? GIJS: If I loved it, I would still be in politics. JACOB: You were a politician? GIJS: Once upon a time. Until the Foundation imploded my career and gave me this very important branch to look over as consolation. JACOB: It’s not all bad. Your coworkers seem like a fun bunch. GIJS: Sure. You want to grab lunch first? JACOB: Shouldn’t we - ? GIJS: Can’t investigate on an empty stomach. It's the least I can do to make up for getting assigned to Site 312. JACOB: Don’t worry about it. I picked 312. I knew what I was getting myself into. Gijs makes a face, but doesn’t respond. They walk down the port, to a small food truck that serves fish dishes. GIJS: Two herrings with onions and a serving of kibbeling, please. JACOB: What’s that? GIJS: Dutch delicacy. You’ll love it. They’re both handed a white plastic basket with a raw herring in it. The tail is still attached, but the head and innards have been cut away. It’s covered in diced onion. GIJS: [Smirk] Eet smakelijk.2 JACOB: You eat this raw? Gijs holds the fish by its tail and raises it above his head to take a bite. Jacob attempts to follow suit, but dry heaves at the smell. GIJS: [Smirks] Yeah, it’s a bit of a ritual. I wouldn't just give this to anyone, but you seem so willing to be part of our culture. Put it above your head, like you’re bobbing for apples in reverse. Jacob looks miserable, holding the fish above his head. He hesitates to take a bite. GIJS: I’m just messing with you. [Takes the herring] I got you the kibbeling. You’ll like the fried fish, I reckon. Jacob tries a piece of kibbeling. JACOB: It’s kinda like Fillet o’ Fish, but actually good. GIJS: You know, my friends and I always ended the school year with eating Hollandse Nieuwe.3 It was our little tradition. JACOB: So you guys rocked up to prom smelling like raw dead fish? GIJS: Prom? JACOB: Yeah, like a formal dance? Like Homecoming? GIJS: We don’t do that. Although, I think we had a graduation dance in my last year of secondary education. I didn’t go. JACOB: Why’s that? [Teasingly] Couldn’t get a date? GIJS: I had a date, but I wasn’t prepared to out him publicly. JACOB: Oh. I’m sorry. GIJS: Why are you sorry? It’s not your fault. [Shrugs] Just the way things are. And it worked out eventually. Gijs winks and holds up his wedding ring. He finishes the second herring, and starts walking down the quay.4 Jacob follows, still eating kibbeling. GIJS: So why did you sign up for the exchange program? And why Site 312? JACOB: I wanted to get out. The Foundation picked me up before I got to go abroad, so I felt like I was missing out. GIJS: And Site 312 was your tourist destination of choice? JACOB: It’s cute here! You should see the pictures they put in the site exchange file. GIJS: Must’ve been a bummer when you saw the actual site, then. JACOB: It’s not so bad. I like the smaller size. I never get to investigate like this in the States. GIJS: What you mean? JACOB: It's easy to get lost in those huge sites back home. I spent a full week at the wrong assignment before someone finally noticed. I just felt like another drone, you know? I figured it'd be nice to get away from all that. They arrive at the ferry. JACOB: I certainly never got to take point in an investigation. Here we are: out in the world, piecing things together, solving mysteries. No army of AICs and MTFs. It's like going back in time. GIJS: [Defensively] We also have an AIC. JACOB: You mean SwanTran? GIJS: Built it ourselves. JACOB: How European. Gijs buys two tickets to cross the River Lek, and the two move towards the railing seen in the security footage. There are several teenagers on bikes close to the railing. JACOB: [Inspecting the railing] Nothing weird. GIJS: What did you expect? A chalk outline? JACOB: I don’t know. Some kinda ghost handprint maybe? A note from Satan? Two teens standing close by overhear them. BOY: [In English] Are you Americans? GIJS: Just him. JACOB: [Smiles awkwardly] What gave it away? BOY: Are you with the FBI? GIRL: No idiot, the FBI doesn’t work outside America. JACOB: No, I’m a - a ghost hunter. Gijs rolls his eyes. BOY: Really?! JACOB: Yup. Me and my dad. BOY: That’s so cool. The girl looks less enthusiastic. JACOB: So, you heard any ghost stories lately? BOY: Yeah, there were these teens from my school that went overboard here. My brother said some ghost dragged them down. GIRL: Dude, that’s really insensitive. BOY: What? It’s just a story! GIJS: She’s right, you shouldn’t just say stuff like that about real tragedies. GIRL: Yeah. Like, my sister went to school with all four of them. She was really messed up by it. GIJS: They were in the same class? GIRL: Yeah, she was friends with Janneke and Katotje, and she knew Manon, Dirk and Billy as well. JACOB: Wait, say those names again. GIRL: [Hesitating] Janneke, Katotje, Manon and Dirk? JACOB: You said Billy before. Who’s Billy? BOY: [Mockingly] Maybe Billy’s a ghost! GIRL: Shut up! The ferry arrives at the other side of the river. The teens get on their bikes and cycle off, the boy screaming “I’m Billy the Ghost, I’m going to get you!” while chasing the girl. Jacob and Gijs get back on the quay. JACOB: Well, that was enlightening. GIJS: I can't believe they forgot about Billy. JACOB: Yeah, there's something anomalous happening here. The two continue walking down the quay. GIJS: I’m not old enough to be your dad. JACOB: You kinda are. Gijs glares at Jacob. JACOB: I think we should talk to the parents next. See what connected these people. GIJS: Alright, I'll set it up. You can update the file in the meantime. JACOB: You got it, pops. GIJS: [Winces] I didn’t realize it could get worse. [END LOG] ITEM #: 7873 LEVEL 2 {$clearance-text}UnrestrictedRestrictedConfidencialSecretTop SecretCosmic Top C Secret CONTAINMENT CLASS: pending SECONDARY CLASS: none DISRUPTION CLASS: {$disruption-class} RISK CLASS: {$risk-class} Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A SwanTran: Description updated by Jacob Banks Special Containment Procedures: TBD Description: Designation Name SCP-7873-A Ferry Ghost? Billy? SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal SCP-7873 Victim Profile: TBD Addendum 7873/04 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. INTERVIEWERS: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 INTERVIEWEE: Gerard Vermeer, father of SCP-7873-B [BEGIN LOG] Several people are cycling past the car. Agent Banks turns the camera around, focusing it on him and Lead Researcher Van Oosterbeek, who is driving. JACOB: We’re going to Hoogstraat 19 in Schalleveen for the first interview with a relative of an SCP-7873 victim. This is Field Agent Banks reporting in, with Lead Researcher Van Oesterbeak of Site – GIJS: What’s your plan? JACOB: What you mean? Our cover story is journalists, right? GIJS: You think we should specify we’re ghost hunters? Or would TikTok dancer be more believable? JACOB: I can’t believe you know about TikTok. GIJS: [Smirking] Harrit shares me-mes with me. Jacob winces at the mispronunciation. GIJS: Why don't you tell this old man what the plan is? You wanted to be "out in the world, solving cases”, right? Show me how you’d do that. JACOB: Really? I – okay. Maybe something boring but important? That way the focus isn’t on the accuracy of their children’s memory, and they’re less likely to look it up afterwards. A middle-aged man with several large bags of cat food strapped to the carrier and front of the bike swerves out from a side road. Van Oosterbeek has to quickly turn to prevent a collision, and curses with illnesses at the cyclist. JACOB: Maybe we should pose as bike helmet salesmen. GIJS: That's actually stupid. JACOB: You almost hit that guy! GIJS: Emphasis on almost. He's fine, isn't he? It's a culture thing. You'll get it eventually. Jacob shakes his head. JACOB: Ferry safety? GIJS: Sure, that could work. What are you going to ask them? Agent Banks pulls out a notebook. JACOB: I actually prepared a list, based on the official Foundation interview manual. It lists about twenty base questions, and an additional – GIJS: Good. Now, which ones do you actually want answered? JACOB: A-all of them? GIJS: This isn’t a sterile lab environment, and working according to those procedures won’t get you far here. Give me three. JACOB: Topics? GIJS: Go. He holds his hand up to count in between switching gears. JACOB: I think – relationship with other victims? GIJS: Two. [Holds up two fingers] JACOB: Personality? GIJS: Three. [Holds up three fingers] JACOB: Changes in behaviour. GIJS: There you go. Sets of three are easier to remember, and now you don’t have to focus on your script during the interview. Leaves a lot more room for engaging and observing the interviewee. JACOB: You mean I am actually doing the interview? GIJS: Don’t see why not. JACOB: What if they realize I’m an American? GIJS: [Chuckles] Don’t make it more complicated than it is. You are an American. And if you’re really struggling, give me a sign and I’ll take over. They arrive at the Hoogstraat and park. Agent Banks takes the camera and pins it to his suit jacket. JACOB: What’s the sign? GIJS: I dunno. Just ask them to supersize you. JACOB: I’ll just complain about your raw fish breath. GIJS: Har har, very funny. Are you ready? Van Oosterbeek quickly takes a mint when Jacob looks away. They ring the bell of Hoogstraat 19. A tall, thinning man in his 50s opens the door and invites them in. Van Oosterbeek and Banks step into a small hallway, following Gerard Vermeer to the living room. GIJS: [In Dutch] Condolences, Mr. Vermeer. VERMEER: [In Dutch] Thank you. JACOB: [In Dutch] I know this must be a difficult time for you. VERMEER: [Pauses and frowns] Yes. [to Gijs] Is he American? Van Oosterbeek switches to English. GIJS: Yes, my colleague is part of the American office of New Amsterdam Magazine. VERMEER: Would you prefer English? JACOB: If you wouldn’t mind, that would be great. Saves time translating. They settle at the kitchen table. Mr. Vermeer has made tea and brought out some speculaas5 and oreos. JACOB: Do you mind if we record this? VERMEER: Not at all. You’re here to talk about what happened to Janneke? Gijs takes a speculaas, which he dips in his tea. JACOB: Yes. Specifically, we’re investigating ferry safety. VERMEER: She crossed that river twice a day by ferry for years. I still don’t understand how she could fall into the water. JACOB: I understand this must be difficult to talk about. The police said they were pulled down by the current, right? VERMEER: Yes. They all were. She was with her friends when it happened. They must’ve tried to pull each other out and failed. At least _ she wasn’t alone. they’re together now. JACOB: I’m sorry for your loss. What can you tell me about Janneke? What was she like? Jacob dips an oreo in his tea. VERMEER: You know, kids her age. She was just working out who she was. Trying out different clothing styles, switching favorite music. It all happens so fast around that age, doesn’t it? JACOB: How was she at school? VERMEER: She was – she found it difficult to fit in. Choose to be a loner for a while, but I think she found it hard to make friends. It was like she was looking for the right moment to open up. JACOB: She only recently made friends? VERMEER: Yes. They knew each other for a while, but they really connected during a music workshop they followed together at school. JACOB: Those were the days. I didn't really make many friends either until I started playing the trombone. GIJS: I don't think that's what he meant. VERMEER: I could show you? They follow Vermeer up the stairs to a girl’s bedroom. An American flag is pinned to the door, covering stickers of horses. The rest of the room is filled with American merchandise, including more flags, posters of famous landmarks, and a pair of cowboy boots. JACOB: She has another country’s flags in her room? GIJS: [Shrugs] Kids think that’s cool sometimes. I had a Union Jack for a while when I was a teenager. VERMEER: She recently really got into American stuff. Wanted a Stetson for her birthday, and cooked a turkey for us last November. That’s Thanksgiving, right? Gijs examines a guitar on a stand. The brand logo is covered by an American flag, but the letters 'Sy(...)mphony' are still visible. VERMEER: She'd always wanted to move to America when she got older, to "make it big in music." Felt that the Netherlands was too small for her ambitions. She wanted her music to be heard by the entire world. Jacob picks up a notebook with song lyrics in it. He flips through it as Mr. Vermeer talks, the pages visible in front of the camera. The first third of the book contains teen poetry in Dutch, but later entries are in passable English. A picture falls out, which Gijs picks up. GIJS: [Holds up photo] Is this all of them? VERMEER: That’s her band. She’d printed so many versions of that picture, to try out different artwork for her demo album. _ Katotje, Manon, Dirk, and my Janneke. Billy, Kate, Matthew, Dean, and my Jacky. Vermeer’s voice quivers. VERMEER: I was so glad she’d found a group of kids she could connect with. [Sob] I… I’m sorry. Gijs places an arm on Vermeer’s shoulder and nods. JACOB: I’m so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful kid. VERMEER: [In Dutch] I miss her. She isn’t alone anymore Vermeer turns his head to hide his tears, and steps out of the room. Gijs and Jacob follow. GIJS: Is it okay if we keep this? It would give the article more personality. Mr. Vermeer nods. JACOB: I think that’s all we need. Thank you for your time. Gijs and Jacob walk downstairs. Jacob pauses in the hallway to look at the Stetson on the coat rack, before leaving the house. They walk down the street, back to the car. JACOB: Did I do better this time? GIJS: Better? JACOB: Better than at the ferry, I mean. GIJS: You did great at the ferry. JACOB: I did? GIJS: You were quick thinking and able to connect with a 14-year-old kid. Bit unconventional, but it worked. It's why I let you take the lead here. JACOB: [Frowning] Then why did you mock the ghost hunting bit? GIJS: I was taking the piss! [Chuckles] You called me old, lijer.6 JACOB: You are old, boomer. GIJS: I'm from 1976. That's Gen X. JACOB: Alright, pops. GIJS: [Winces] Anyway. What did you notice? JACOB: He was doing fine until he went to her room. GIJS: Seems fair enough. Seeing all those reminders would trigger me, too. JACOB: Apart from that, Janneke felt she didn’t really fit in, until she went through a change in personality. GIJS: You think that could be related to the anomaly? JACOB: Well, between that and the sudden new friend group, I think it might be. It could be coincidental, though. Not enough data to link that to an anomaly at this time. The only connection are these other kids. Specifically Billy. Gijs looks at the picture a second time, before slipping it in his pocket. JACOB: Should we talk to the other kid’s parents? See if they have an idea who Billy is, and maybe why the anomaly locked onto them? GIJS: Seems like a plan. The Van Diep family lives about five minutes from here. JACOB: I’ll update the file in the car. [END LOG] ITEM #: 7873 LEVEL 2 {$clearance-text}UnrestrictedRestrictedConfidencialSecretTop SecretCosmic Top C Secret CONTAINMENT CLASS: pending SECONDARY CLASS: none DISRUPTION CLASS: {$disruption-class} RISK CLASS: {$risk-class} Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A SwanTran: Description updated by Jacob Banks Special Containment Procedures: TBD Description: Designation Name SCP-7873-A Billy SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal SCP-7873 Victim Profile: Difficulty fitting in? Change in personality Music? America? SwanTran: transcription of interview completed. Please review for accuracy. See file 7873/004 for transcript. Addendum 7873/05 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. INTERVIEWERS: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 INTERVIEWEES: Kees Van Diep, father of SCP-7873-C Marieke Van Diep, mother of SCP-7873-C [BEGIN LOG] JACOB: This is Field Agent Jacob Banks, accompanied by Hais van Ohsterbake. We have arrived at the residence of Ktjah-tot-hey van Deep. GIJS: Kaa-tohw-tjuh, not Chakotay. This isn’t Star Trek. Katotje van Diep. JACOB: We have arrived at the residence of Katutje van Diep. GIJS: That’s… closer. But at least you’re getting better with my name. JACOB: I need to get this right! They lost their daughter, I want to be respectful. GIJS: They’ll appreciate you trying. We’re Dutch, we get it, our language sounds like a coughing fit. JACOB: Kattottche. GIJS: Alright, you want to practice? Let’s practice. [Several minutes cut for brevity] JACOB: Katotjuh. GIJS: [Chuckles] I am going to get your visa revoked if you don’t figure this out. JACOB: You know what? I just won’t say her name. GIJS: I’ll cover for you if it comes up. JACOB: European competence to the rescue once again. Where would we all be without you? Gijs takes a sharp turn into a dead-end street with modern semi-detached houses. He parks the car in front of the garage of number 7, blocking in a vintage DAF 66 with an open hood. They get out and ring the doorbell of number 6. A woman in her mid 40s opens the door and welcomes them in. Several mandala pattern tattoos peak out from under the sleeves of her black dress. In the living room, a man with shoulder-length hair and a tank-top is lighting some incense. JACOB: Thank you for meeting with us, and I’m very sorry for your loss. KEES: Thank you. JACOB: My associate and I work for the New Amsterdam Times, and we’d like to write something in memory of Ka- [clearing his throat] your daughter. Could you tell me a bit about her? What was she like? Kees looks at the display of pictures of his daughter on the living room table, positioned alongside burning incense and obsidian gemstones. KEES: Katotje was a force of nature. Passionate about cooking. She wanted to run her own restaurant when she’d grown up. Most weekends she claimed the kitchen for herself. [Chokes up] I miss the smell of her – what was that American stew she made? MARIEKE: Gumbo. She came up with a vegan version. [Squeezes his hand, then turns to Jacob] Katotje was a fighter. Would carry the world on her shoulders if she could. JACOB: I’d love to include that in the article. Could you tell me a little about that? How did she try to help? Marieke smiles wistfully as she touches the jade statue displayed on the kitchen table. It has Katotje's name inscribed on it. MARIEKE: Last year, she went to a slaughter house with a protest group. They’d made a deal with the workers: they were allowed to give water to the pigs arriving in those hot, overcrowded vans. One last moment of kindness before the slaughter. KEES: She was destroyed after that. Said they were just like Max, our dog. Never ate meat again. MARIEKE: She was always so compassionate. I was so proud of her. She holds the obsidian stone on her necklace as she tears up. KEES: It could be a bit intense at times. She’s done a lot of Extinction Rebellion protests. Schalleveen and Benedam are below sea level, we’re surrounded by levees. Once they break under the pressure of rising sea levels, our homes will flood as well. And she’ll tell that to anyone, whether they wanted to hear it or not. JACOB: She sounds so passionate. It's a tragedy that she passed so soon. KEES: She was. It often scared people off. That bothered her. [Sigh] She had so much love to give to the world, but that _ wasn’t seen through her harsh exterior. was welcomed. MARIEKE: She was getting better at it. At least I thought she was. JACOB: She found her people? MARIEKE: I thought so. There was a new boy at school, I think he was an American exchange student. Or maybe an expat’s kid? [To Kees] What was his name? GIJS: _ Billy. They almost forgot. But they're starting to remember now. MARIEKE: Yes, I think that's it. KEES: All her friends gave themselves _ an American name. a name to be heard. MARIEKE: It was silly, but they seemed to enjoy it. Gijs pulls the photograph from his pocket. He nudges Jacob before passing it to him. JACOB: Do you recognize the people in the photo? MARIEKE: I'm, I- KEES: I do. Those were Katotje's friends. JACOB: And do you remember what their American names were? KEES: That's Jacky, Matthew, Dean, and Kate of course. JACOB: Which one is Billy? Do you see Billy here? KEES: I-I’m not – I GIJS: Kate, that was your daughter’s American name? I just want to make sure we've got this written down correctly. Kees nods, though he seems a bit distant. JACOB: So, Kate. Got it. She was a fighter for a greater cause. She sounds lovely. Now you say her name. Finally she’s heard. MARIEKE: She was. She just needed something to believe in. JACOB: Thank you both very much for this. I know this is a difficult time, and I really appreciate your cooperation. Van Oosterbeek and Banks leave the house. Jacob takes his jacket off and waves it in the wind in an attempt to get the incense smell out. They get in the car and drive off. JACOB: I think our victim profile is shaping up. Both Janneke and Katotje felt they weren’t seen for who they could be. They wanted to make an impact on the world. GIJS: And they both knew Billy. Don't forget about Billy. JACOB: Oh, yeah, there's something going on with Billy for sure. It seems like everyone involved knew him. GIJS: I’ll _ look into it. try to remember. He is quiet for a moment, staring at the road ahead. GIJS: I think it’s best I skip the next interview anyway. JACOB: Why? GIJS: Important part of doing field work is knowing when you can’t trust yourself to stay objective. Kids weren’t happy with how they were perceived, right? Read up the American names again. JACOB: Jacky, Kate, Matthew and Dean? GIJS: Versus Janneke, Katotje, Manon and Dirk. JACOB: So? GIJS: Manon is a girl’s name. JACOB: [After a long pause] Oh. GIJS: On the off-chance that wasn’t handled well, I’ll sit this one out. Not great at hiding anger. I’ll do some archival research in the meantime. JACOB: I’ll give you a call when you can pick me up. They drive in silence for a while. JACOB: I’ve been wondering: how do they know I am American? GIJS: You have an accent. JACOB: But they figure it out before I start talking! What gives me away? GIJS: Honestly? JACOB: Yeah, honestly. GIJS: It’s everything. The unnaturally white teeth. The hair, the chin, the FBI dress code. The actively trying not to look at anyone passing you by. The over-apologizing for their loss. They get it the first time, don’t dwell on it! JACOB: I’m being considerate! GIJS: You know how you call us Dutch folk rude when we’re direct? You Americans are so overly polite it starts to sound fake and performative. It’s more than just the language you’ll have to learn, kiddo. JACOB: Great. [END LOG] SwanTran Lifeline chat initiated SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT] is typing a message… SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Why you calling me? JACOB: Can you pick up? Got a question SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Just ask here SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: I don’t answer phone calls JACOB: The Man might be listening in? :rofl: SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: No just also Swantran SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Don’t like hearing my voice SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Wassup? JACOB: Is Gijs alright? He seems a bit off, but I don’t know him that well.. SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: He’s a big grumpy teddybear SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: More bark than bite SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Except for real messed up stuff JACOB:… so the Goose nickname is accurate? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: lol yeah fr SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: You just gotta get used to him JACOB: Alright, just keep an eye on him, k? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: np SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT] has ended the session. ITEM #: 7873 LEVEL 2 {$clearance-text}UnrestrictedRestrictedConfidencialSecretTop SecretCosmic Top C Secret CONTAINMENT CLASS: pending SECONDARY CLASS: none DISRUPTION CLASS: {$disruption-class} RISK CLASS: {$risk-class} Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A SwanTran: Description updated by Jacob Banks Special Containment Procedures: TBD Description: Designation Name Nickname SCP-7873-A Ferry Ghost “Billy” SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer “Jacky” SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep "Kate" SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra "Matthew" SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal "Dean" SCP-7873 Victim Profile: Unhappy with how they’re perceived; Socially ‘outsider’; Change in personality; Special interest in America? (only -B and -C) SwanTran: transcription of interview completed. Please review for accuracy. See file 7873/006-A for transcript. Addendum 7873/06-B AUDIO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: This file was translated from Dutch to English using the SwanTran4.6 Translation and Transcription Tool. Original language file available upon request. CONTENT: Phone call between: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 SUBJECT: Interview with parents of SCP-7873-D [BEGIN LOG] Phone is answered by Gijs. JACOB: Hey. I just finished the interview. You were right about your hunch, that was uncomfortable. Ma- wait, which name do I use? I don't want to deadname, but the American name might be anomalous. GIJS: When in doubt, use the designation. JACOB: Alright. 7873-D was indeed trans. His parents mentioned Billy as well. He has to be the key to all of this. Other than that, no real big surprises. 7873-D had a hard time connecting with people, met Billy, all that jazz. Did you make any progress on 7873-A? GIJS: One moment, I’m reviewing SwanTran’s transcription of your interview. Silence for a minute. GIJS: Well done. You've made great progress. JACOB: I only apologized three times for their loss. No weird looks this time! I really feel like I’m getting the hang of this. GIJS: [In jest] I’m so proud of you. JACOB: They did mention you by name. Did you know 7873-D? GIJS: Not all queer people know each other, Jacob. Even in a country as small as this one. JACOB: I didn’t mean to - I’m so, so sorry! GIJS: It’s fine. Mm, you propose preparing a large scale amnestization protocol? JACOB: Yeah, for the parents at least. Maybe also classmates. If knowing about Billy is the trigger, we need to limit exposure. We should take a cognitohazard suppressant ourselves as well, just as a precaution. GIJS: That's usually Dr. Demir's department. I’ll check the protocols she left us. You good doing the interview with Dean’s parents on your own as well? JACOB: [Loudly] Yes! I mean, [cough] yes I think I can handle that. GIJS: Good. I'll call you. I think I _ ’m onto something with Billy. remember him now. [END LOG] SwanTran: Description updated by Gijs van Oosterbeek Designation Name Nickname Goose Goose Goose SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer “Jacky” SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep "Kate" SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra "Matthew" SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal "Dean" SwanTran: additional file added. See file 7873/007 for transcript. Jacob Banks Summary of interview Just got done at Dirk’s place. Antidepressants and a whole lot of therapy. Kid went through a lot. Can you pick me up? Your phone is going to voicemail. Jacob Banks Note Did you update the file by accident? Boomer moment. Gijs van Oosterbeek Summary of life They just wanted to be seen. We all want to be seen, don’t we? Want to be remembered. We want to make a difference in this fucked up world. Not surprising, though. They’ll never take us seriously. I almost made it out. Almost. Jacob Banks Hey, what the fuck are you talking about? Gijs van Oosterbeek I'll make my mark I'll be remembered Gijs van Oosterbeek They don’t get it, but they never could get it. We don’t belong here. Everyone’s a nobody. There is a whole world out there. The Dream. We aren’t gonna stick around. We won’t be nobody. We'll make a mark on this world. Billy said it's time to make it happen. SwanTran: Description updated by Gijs van Oosterbeek Designation Name Nickname SCP-7873-A Gijs van Oosterbeek "Billy" SwanTran: Description updated by Gijs van Oosterbeek Designation Name Nickname SCP-7873-A Billy “Gijs van Oosterbeek” Gijs van Oosterbeek Billy? I want to dream again of the Land of opportunity Sea of opportunities I'll be remembered SwanTran4.6 Tool DELETING UPDATES Jacob Banks Gijs, call me right now. Gijs van Oosterbeek [BLOCKED] Jacob Banks Gijs, pick up the fucking phone. Fix you up or go into the river SwanTran4.6 Tool WARNING: COGNITOHAZARD DETECTED. LOCKING DOCUMENT Go over the cliff I'll catch you SwanTran Lifeline chat initiated SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT] is typing a message… SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Jacob you there? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Can you talk without :goose_emoji: seeing the screen? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Grumpy teddy is not just grumpy today SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Pacing down the hall, talking to himself JACOB: He still there? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Left half an hour ago. SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Asked about 'Billy' then stormed out SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: He's not with you? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: ffs I thought he was with you! JACOB: He's not answering his phone SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Fuck. Gimme sec SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Pinged it, also pinged his car. Same location SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Really fucking bad SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: He never leaves his phone, in case Daniël calls JACOB: Can you find him? Do some hackermagic? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Good thing I chipped him when I had the chance JACOB: :open_mouth: SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: /j ofc SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: kinda SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Found him. He’s in Benedam SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: Isn’t that where you are? JACOB: Where exactly? SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: One sec SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: The haven SwanTran-Lifeline [HARRIT]: No, the river Lek JACOB has ended the session. I'll catch you Addendum 7873/07 VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019-05-10 NOTE: A Dutch translation of this file is available upon request. ATTENDING: Lead Researcher Gijs van Oosterbeek, Site 312 Agent Jacob Banks, Site 873 LOCATION: Haven, Benedam [BEGIN LOG] Jacob is on foot. His body camera jostles around as he runs. JACOB: Gijs! Gijs! What the fuck are you doing? Gijs is standing on the edge of the ferry, staring over the water. Jacob gets on just as the ferry is about to leave. GIJS: [Softly] I knew you'd join us. JACOB: Gijs, fucking hell. Get away from the railing. Hell or high water GIJS: Don't you see? JACOB: See what? All I see is a grumpy bastard who - hold on! Gijs steps over the railing and turns around. He leans forward, facing the water, but doesn't let go of the railing. GIJS: They're all here. Matthew, Kate, Jacky, Dean, and Billy. We're almost complete. JACOB: Christ, Gijs. SwanTran:WARNING, cognitohazard detected. Proceed with CRV of 16 or higher. GIJS: A landsea of opportunity. JACOB: Look at me Gijs. Look at your hand. Do you see your ring? GIJS: What? JACOB: Your husband gave that to you. Do you remember that? Do you remember your wedding? Gijs pauses. JACOB: Tell me about your wedding. GIJS: [Stammering] It was raining. My mother sat in the witness box, next to Billy, who- JACOB: No. He wasn’t. Billy wasn’t there. Think hard. Do you remember Daniël? You used to eat herring after school ended in the summer. Do you remember that? GIJS: [Quietly] We served herring at the wedding. Hired a food truck from Spakenburg. JACOB: You gave me herring today. GIJS: [Chuckles] It made you gag. JACOB: You bastard. Jacob’s camera captures shadowy figures surging from the water. Gijs locks eyes with them. GIJS: You remember it now. But for how long? JACOB: What the fuck is that sound? He’ll get his chance for greatness, without you. You won’t leave your mark here. JACOB: Wait, is that Billy? Is that what he's been telling you? GIJS: It won’t matter. We don’t matter here. JACOB: You think you don’t matter here? For fuck’s sake, Gijs, are you that fucking blind? Blind to possibility. They’re all too blind to see you. JACOB: I wanted to come here. Of all the goddamn sites I could choose for this exchange, I choose this one. You know why? GIJS: Don’t patronize me. We’re cute. We’re insignificant. You don't have to be so small. JACOB: Harrit sent me here because they were worried about you. You know how much they were gushing about you when they prepared my laptop this morning? How you got them through the immigration process, how you helped them accept who they are. They look up to you! Gijs is silent, staring at the water. JACOB: And when I logged on, I got a message from Dr. Demir. She hasn’t even met me and she welcomed me to the team. Told me to keep an eye out for the grouch, and that I should count myself lucky to have you mentor me. If you really wanted to leave this place, you would've taken her spot at Site 43. Gijs gasps for air. JACOB: Agent Claessen forwarded the invite for the Vrijmibo.7 Why do you think he keeps coming back, even though he’s retired? They will forget. JACOB: I’ve been here for only one goddamn day and I have learned more about fieldwork than during my time at Site 873. You trusted me to take the lead here. You saw my strengths and allowed me to show what I can do. I’m not some faceless, nameless number in a massive crowd. I actually get to be seen here. I get to matter. Gijs pulls himself a bit closer to the railing. They always forget. JACOB: You know how Site 312 is described in the Exchange Program dossier? “A site built by its head researcher, with a tight-knit, dedicated team that stands watch over the lower lands.” You built all that. That is the mark you leave on the world. You leave it through us. Gijs finally turns his head away from the water. JACOB: I got the chance to be part of something greater, and I used that to come here. My Dream led me here. GIJS: You’re sure? JACOB: I’m proud to be a part of this. Gijs is panting. JACOB: What do you say, pops. You wanna get out of here? Gijs nods and turns around. His hands are shaking. Jacob pulls him back over the railing. They stagger when the ferry moves to the side, and sit down on the edge. A glimpse of shadow is visible on camera, crashing against the ferry like a wave. Neither Gijs nor Jacob seem to notice it. Gijs wipes his face. GIJS: Your profile didn't mention "dramatic speeches" as a talent. JACOB: I'll have to update it. [Laughing] You almost got yourself killed on my first day. Asshole. GIJS: Must be that American influence. They both laugh. Gijs takes a deep breath to calm himself. GIJS: [Shaky voice] You’re good at thinking on your feet. Identifying what the anomaly was attached to, and crafting an effective countermeasure. I knew you’d pull this off. JACOB: I meant every word I said. Gijs looks at Jacob for a moment in disbelief, then starts to tear up. He buries his face in his hands and stammers “embarrassing” in both Dutch and English several times, before being overtaken by emotion again. Jacob places an arm around Gijs’s shoulders and looks over the water until the ferry arrives on shore. There is nothing in the water. [END LOG] SwanTran4.6 Update New file uploaded to the SCP database by JACOB BANKS. Item#: 7873 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: danger link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force Site 312 Anna Dubois (Interim) Gijs van Oosterbeek N/A The ferry crossing the River Lek between Benedam and Schalleveen. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation webcrawlers are to monitor Dutch online spaces for references to SCP-7873-A. Affected individuals are to undergo amnestic treatment. SwanTran4.6 Tool: COGNITOHAZARD WARNING. Don’t continue reading this file if you have a CRV under 16, or are currently experiencing one of the following: * Body dysphoria or dysmorphia; * Psychological trauma or depression; * Midlife crisis. Description: SCP-7873 is a cognitohazard occuring in the Netherlands around great bodies of water. SCP-7873 affects individuals of Dutch descent with a psychological profile containing at least two of the following traits: Feeling unfulfilled or insignificant; Mental distress, including but not limited to: body dysphoria or dysmorphia, depression, psychological trauma and midlife crises; Social rejection; A fondness of America. Photo found in the room of SCP-7873-B. Individuals affected by SCP-7873 show increased interest in America and reference Billy when recalling previous life events. They express desire to 'leave their mark on the world', and mourn missing their chance to 'live the (American) Dream’. This desire will escalate and eventually draw an affected individual to a body of water, where they will drown. SCP-7873 consists of 5 known entities, 4 of which were former students at the Benedam Middelbare School voor Voortgezet Onderwijs8 in Benedam, Netherlands. SCP-7873-B to -E drowned while crossing the River Lek by ferry on the way home to Schalleveen. Their bodies were never recovered. Designation Name Nickname SCP-7873-A Unknown "Billy" SCP-7873-B Janneke Vermeer "Jacky" SCP-7873-C Katotje van Diep "Kate" SCP-7873-D Manon Dijkstra "Matthew" SCP-7873-E Dirk van de Waal "Dean" The identity of SCP-7873-A is currently unknown. Witness reports describe it as an American boy of approximately 17-years-old, with a 70s style haircut. When captured on visual media, a faint figure resembling a masculine humanoid is visible. Observing this entity while matching the psychological profile has a cognitohazardous effect on the observer. In June 2019, Agent Banks led a large scale amnestization protocol, focused on the parents, friends and classmates of SCP-7873-B to -E, to remove implanted memories of "Billy". Lead Researcher Van Oosterbeek underwent specialised anti-cognitohazardous treatment as a precaution. No new sightings of Billy have been reported since. Remember me ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7873" by FlyPurgatorio, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Pont over de Lek bij Culemborg.jpg Author: jeroen struyk License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Source Link: Filename: Lek Ferry Shadow Author: FlyPurgatorio License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Source Link: tba Derivative of: Pont over de Lek bij Culemborg.jpg; Radium Hot Springs. Identifier: PC011762; Radium Hot Springs. Identifier: PC011775; Legend 1976. Additional Notes: See below for details on original pictures used. Filename: Legend 1976 Name:* Legend 1976. Page:168. Author: Lakota Local School District License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Radium Hot Springs. Name:* Radium Hot Springs. Identifier: PC011762 Author: Byron Harmon License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Radium Hot Springs. Name:* Radium Hot Springs. Identifier: PC011775 Author: Byron Harmon License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: 76 Almost Over Author: FlyPurgatorio License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Source Link: tba Derivative of: Legend 1976. Page: 112.; Legend 1976. Page:168.; Legend 1976. Page: 116.; Legend 1976. Page: 113. Additional Notes: See below for details on original pictures used. Filename: Legend 1976 Name:* Legend 1976. Page: 112. Author: Lakota Local School District License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Legend 1976 Name:* Legend 1976. Page: 116. Author: Lakota Local School District License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Legend 1976 Name:* Legend 1976. Page: 113. Author: Lakota Local School District License: Public Domain Source Link: Footnotes 1. Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service 2. Bon Appetit. 3. A fresh batch of herrings usually arriving in early June 4. Paved walkway next to the dock 5. Dutch spice shortcrust cookies similar to gingersnaps 6. Dutch curse meaning: asshole. Literal transl.: sufferer [of illness]. 7. Vrijdagmiddagborrel, Friday afternoon drinks 8. Benedam School for Secondary Education
Edmund Davids Nothing to see here. Nothing at all. The location of a previous materialization of SCP-7874, after the resultant vehicular wreckage has been cleared. Item #: SCP-7874 Special Containment Procedures: The section of the A39 Newell Highway in NSW, Australia, connecting the towns of Dubbo and Tomingley, is to be shut down between 11:00 and 16:00 daily. Traffic is to be diverted to alternate routes. Following the cessation of SCP-7874's "active time", a sweep of the highway is to be made by containment teams to remove the remains of any civilians affected by SCP-7874. These civilians are to be listed as missing persons once the appropriate time has elapsed. The NSW Government is currently in the process of constructing a bypass to this section of the A39 Highway, which would allow SCP-7874 to be permanently prevented from causing harm to civilians. As of the current date, difficulties in the national budget have ensured that funding has not been fully secured, despite Foundation contributions. Description: SCP-7874 is a phenomenon solely affecting the aforementioned section of the A39 Highway, manifesting once a day at any location along the route between the hours of 12:00 and 15:00. The anomaly will only appear temporarily, vanishing once the appropriate time has elapsed. SCP-7874 appears as a military checkpoint, consisting of two single-story buildings on either side of the highway, accompanied by sandbag emplacements and a three-meter high metal gate across the road. Architecture appears consistent with that of Cold War-era structures. SCP-7874 is garrisoned by an inconsistent1 number of humanoid individuals, exclusively adult Caucasian males, hereafter referred to as SCP-7874-A. SCP-7874-A instances are non-anomalous in nature, aside from their association with SCP-7874. They utilize military uniforms and assault rifles that mimic Cold War-era equipment in general style, although neither correspond to any known examples. SCP-7874-A instances are to be considered highly dangerous and aggressive; confrontation is to be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Any vehicle attempting to traverse the highway during the 12:00-15:00 time bracket will inevitably encounter SCP-7874. At this point, SCP-7874-A will stop the vehicle, and ask occupants for identification. Any form of identification, including passports, driver's licenses, and military identification cards, will be accepted by SCP-7874-A. If such identification is provided immediately, SCP-7874-A will allow the vehicle to pass without impeding further. If sufficient identification is not provided immediately, SCP-7874-A will proceed to fire on the vehicle with their weapons, leading to the destruction of the vehicle and the termination of all occupants. The wreckage will then be moved to the side of the road by unknown means, and will remain after SCP-7874 dematerializes. Addendum-01: The anomaly first came to Foundation attention in 2009, following the discovery of multiple car wrecks containing deceased passengers, which were initially believed by NSW police to be a series of violent homicides. However, the extreme frequency and brutality in what was typically a peaceful region caused confusion within the law enforcement department. This was coupled with several individual complaints to NSW authorities about a military checkpoint on the same section of the highway. After the Australian Defense Force confirmed that such a checkpoint did not exist, and searches of the road failed to locate any sign of the permanent structures that were reported, the Foundation was contacted to begin investigation. Appropriate concealment efforts were made, allowing the anomaly to be disguised as a mixture of an urban legend and a practical joke. After containment was initiated, several tests were conducted to try and establish contact with SCP-7874-A in hopes of learning more about the anomaly's origin. Experiment Log: 7874/4 Subject(s): D-9192, Agent Simon Franz, Doctor Milford Cogent Foreword: Previous experiments had established the conditions which trigger SCP-7874-A hostility. All personnel were dressed in civilian clothing, equipped with concealed body cameras, and travelling in a vehicle which had been reinforced to survive small arms attack. Agent Franz was also provided with a concealed firearm. <BEGIN LOG> The log opens with D-9192 applying the brakes as the expedition approaches SCP-7874. Agent Franz and Doctor Cogent are in the rear seats of the car. Through the windows, four instances of SCP-7874-A are visible standing in front of the gate, with another two partially concealed behind the sandbag emplacements, along with what is believed to be a tripod heavy machine gun. D-9192 stops the car and lowers the window on the driver's side. An instance of SCP-7874-A approaches. Of particular note in its uniform is the grey-brown military overcoat, and the dark-green peaked cap with a seven-pointed golden star on the front. SCP-7874-A-1: Identification please, mate. D-9192: (reaching for the three ID cards which are resting on the dashboard) Uh, sure. Dr. Cogent: Alright, here we go… Dr. Cogent opens his door and steps out of the car. Another instance of SCP-7874-A points its assault rifle at him. SCP-7874-A-2: HALT!! Get back in the car!! Dr. Cogent puts his hands up. Agent Franz retrieves his concealed pistol, but keeps it out of view . Dr. Cogent: Sorry! Sorry! I just wanted to get some air and stretch my legs! SCP-7874-A-2 lowers its rifle, but retains a skeptical expression. SCP-7874-A-2: Alright. Two minutes. Dr. Cogent makes a cautious show of walking around in circles, rubbing his legs and his back. He then approaches SCP-7874-A-2. Cogent: So… how are things going, officer? SCP-7874-A-2: Can't complain. Cogent: Uh-huh. I've heard that there are a lot of people on the roads these days without ID. SCP-7874-A-2: Yeah. Some people just can't read the bloody laws. Cogent: Ever had anybody try to run the checkpoint? SCP-7874-A-2: Once, when I was down near Ballarat. Didn't make it, though. Gates like these are tougher than they look. Cogent: Ah. How long do you think you'll be here for? SCP-7874-A-2: You're asking a lot of questions, mate. A lot of dangerous questions. Cogent: Sorry. I was just interested. I'm going to be travelling around here frequently, so it would be nice to see a familiar face. SCP-7874-A-2: Well, it's none of your business. (The instance gives Dr. Cogent a prod with the end of its rifle) Now, hop back in your car. Cogent: (while complying with the instructions) Most of you chaps are not the friendliest. SCP-7874-A-2: (barks a laugh) Part of the job, mate. O.I.S. officers aren't supposed to be friendly. Cogent: Funny thing, the 'O.I.S.'. I never actually found out what those letters stood for. SCP-7874-A-2: You must never have been to one of the big cities then, or you'd have seen those massive words over the entrance to our headquarters. 'Office of Internal Security'. I'd think that'd be pretty obvious, considering what we do. Dr. Cogent climbs back into the car and shuts his door. Meanwhile, SCP-7874-A-1 has finished checking the ID cards, and returns them to D-9192. It indicates to two other instances, which pull the gate open. SCP-7874-A-1: You're all set, mate. Glory to New Holland and the Marshal. D-9192 exchanges a confused glance with both Dr. Cogent and Agent Franz. Cogent: Glory to New Holland and the Marshal, officer. SCP-7874-A-1 smiles and gives the personnel a semi-formal salute as they drive through the gate. <END LOG> Experiment Log: 7874/5 Subject(s): Agent Simon Franz, Doctor Milford Cogent Foreword: Information gathered from Experiment 4 and observation allowed convincing copies to be made of SCP-7874-A uniforms. Rank structure proved more difficult to replicate, with similarities to mundane military organisations being utilized to account for gaps in knowledge. Nevertheless, the high risk and potential for failure led the planned experiment, in which Dr. Cogent would disguise himself as a superior officer in the 'O.I.S.', to be shut down. Despite this, Dr. Cogent gave an unauthorized greenlight for the experiment to proceed. <BEGIN LOG> The log opens nearly identically to Experiment Log 4, except Agent Franz is driving the vehicle. Doctor Cogent is seated in the rear. Agent Franz: Sir, have you considered that if the same '-A' instances from last time are here now, we're as good as dead? Dr. Cogent: You can hop out of the car right now, Simon. I won't stop you. Agent Franz does not respond, instead driving the car to the checkpoint. As they approach, the three instances of SCP-7874-A salute. Franz: Looks like they fell for the star plate2. Agent Franz steps out of the car, opens Dr. Cogent's door, and mimics the SCP-7874-A instances' salute. Dr. Cogent steps out of the car and walks towards the checkpoint. An instance of SCP-7874-A approaches. SCP-7874-A-3: Sir. To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence here? Cogent: Haven't you heard, officer? Surprise inspection. I've been up and down the country, checking every outpost and checkpoint from north to south. Now, let me see the state of your buildings. Dr. Cogent heads for the closest building, while the visibly unsettled SCP-7874-A-3 follows. The interior of the building is spotlessly arranged, except for a couple of used cups and pages scattered on the desks. Dr. Cogent slowly makes his way around the room, allowing ample time for his concealed camera to record everything visible. On the wall is a map of the Australian continent, named as "New Holland"3. Above it is the portrait of a middle-aged man in a military uniform, with an imperial-style mustache. The accompanying plaque reads: "Marshal Peter Broughton". Cogent: Well… I suppose I can overlook some of the untidiness. How many officers are at this post, officer? SCP-7874-A-3: Six, including myself, sir. Cogent: Where are the others? I only saw three when we drove up. SCP-7874-A-3: They are the second watch, sir. Off duty, sir. Cogent: I see. When was your unit deployed here? SCP-7874-A-3: Two months ago, sir. If I may speak freely, sir? Cogent: Of course. SCP-7874-A-3: I do not understand the purpose of these questions, sir. Cogent: I am testing you, officer. I knew all this information already. I wanted to see how committed you were to this posting. Does that make sense? SCP-7874-A-3: Yes sir. Cogent: Good. This checkpoint is of passable quality, officer. Just so long as you focus on your assignment, there will be nothing to follow up with. Is that clear? SCP-7874-A-3: Yes sir. Dr. Cogent and SCP-7874-A-3 make their way outside. Dr. Cogent salutes the instance, before getting back into the car. Agent Franz, who has spent the last minutes making eye contact with the other SCP-7874-A instances, shuts the door. The two instances open the gate. Franz drives the car through, while the SCP-7874-A instances salute. <END LOG> For willful endangerment of Foundation assets, Doctor Cogent was reprimanded and transferred off the SCP-7874 project. Agent Franz received a similar disciplining for his part in aiding Doctor Cogent. At the request of the project director, an investigation was launched into the identity of the male in the portrait discovered during Experiment 5. Peter Broughton was revealed to be a low-ranking storage clerk in the Australian Army, and possessed several minor differences in physical appearance to the portrait of him inside SCP-7874. When interrogated, Lance-Corporal Broughton (aged 59) claimed to have no knowledge of SCP-7874, the O.I.S., or any current political entity named New Holland. A further background check revealed a previous association with right-wing authoritarian political parties that had ended several months after joining the Australian Defense Force. Lance-Corporal Peter Broughton is to be kept under Foundation surveillance for the foreseeable future. Footnotes 1. Varying between two and twenty. 2. An identification plate utilized by military forces to denote the vehicles of high-ranking officers. The plate attached to the car in the experiment log had a gold seven-pointed star on dark green. 3. A colonial-era name for Australia, discarded c.1850 in favor of the current name. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7874" by Edmund Davids, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: File:Newell Highway (Gowen County) Tooraweenah NSW looking North.png Author: D A R C 12345 License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license Source Link: Additional Notes: No alterations of any kind were made to the image.
Item#: 7875 Level3 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: All in vitro samples of SCP-7875 are to be stored in a ULT Freezer1 in Site-92's Pathology Wing. Testing with SCP-7875 must be approved by Dir. McIntyre, with Level-3 personnel or higher supervising said testing has been suspended until further notice. In the event of a mechanical failure of said storage units, mobile Scranton Reality Anchors (SRAs) are to be deployed to ensure the containment of all in vitro samples. Any personnel found to be infected2 with SCP-7875 are to be immediately quarantined within a modified Negative Pressure Isolation Unit (NPIU)3. Under no circumstances are healthy Foundation personnel permitted close contact with SCP-7875-a instances. Any physical interactions with infected instances must be conducted via Remote-Piloted Medical Drones (RPMDs). Should an instance of SCP-7875-a expire, or otherwise attempt to breach containment, attending personnel are to immediately enact the following procedure. Protocol Asclepius Close Phase Title Description I Thermal Treatment Upon immediate cessation of life-functions, SCP-7875-a, and its subsequent containment chamber, are to be incinerated by a team of modified RPMD units. The interior of the chamber must reach temperatures of at least 800°C to ensure the destruction of all organic materials. The cremated remains of SCP-7875-a are to be collected and disposed of in accordance with the Foundation Disposal Guidelines for Biohazardous Materials II Decontamination Following the removal of the prior instance, all surfaces of the chamber are to be thoroughly coated in DIA-1494. This solution is to remain for a minimum of 15 minutes before implementation of Phase III III UV-Hume Irradiation Until the admission of a new SCP-7875-a instance, the chamber is to remain constantly UV irradiated via mobile UVC lamps. In addition to this, the retrofitted SRAs are to implement widespread genomic annihilation of the Acinetobacter genus A space-filled 3D model of the proposed quaternary structure for SCP-7875-1 Description: SCP-7875 denotes a previously unidentified, extremophilic strain of Acinetobacter baumannii. Found exclusively in Site-92's Medical Wing, SCP-7875 shares many similarities to other members of its species, primarily in regards to their nosocomial nature5 and general cellular anatomy. Where SCP-7875 differs from other strains is its expression of SCP-7875-16. A 0.97 MDa protein complex, expression of SCP-7875-1 results in the absorption of ambient Hume levels in its immediate environment. While this typically results in mild spatial distortions in non-organic environments like medical equipment, when present in living organisms, the reduction of Hume levels gradually dematerializes the host's affected tissue7. In addition to this ontokinetic manipulation, SCP-7875 has also displayed an anomalously high level of genetic plasticity. While the exact mechanism behind such plasticity is under investigation, current hypotheses link this genetic reparability to the heightened expression of RecA proteins8. It is further believed that SCP-7875-1 contributes to this anomalously rapid activity, converting excess ontokinetic energy from the absorbed Hume Fields into mechanical energy for these RecA proteins. Due to this rapid rate of genetic alteration, treatment of SCP-7875 infections have become increasingly difficult. While the onset of symptoms in those infected progresses at a rate comparable to other A. baumannii strains, SCP-7875's reparability has rendered all available anti-biotic treatments nigh-ineffective. Presently, Adaptive Phage Therapy (APT) has proven to be the only viable means of counteracting said infections. Should an SCP-7875-a instance be left untreated, or otherwise succumbs to their infection, SCP-7875 will completely dematerialize the infected subject. Upon reaching this stage, the remaining SCP-7875 colonies will proceed to restructure themselves into a biofilm, effectively laying dormant until a new subject has been infected. For details surrounding the discovery of SCP-7875, see Addenda 7875-1 through -5. Addendum 7875-1: Excerpt from Project Panacea Proposal PROJECT PANACEA Dr. E. Aldrich, Dr. R. Carvalho, Dr. Y. Hasashi Introduction Since the emergence of streptomycin resistant M. tuberculosis in the 1940's, humanity has remained in a persistent struggle against anti-microbial resistant (AMR) bacteria. Pathogens like S. aureus and the aforementioned M. tuberculosis, once thought to be treatable through the use of anti-biotics, re-emerged more potent than before. While the discoveries made during the so called "Golden Age of Anti-Biotics" kept many of these AMR bacteria at bay, human exploration and innovation could only stretch so far. This well-intentioned, but flawed effort resulted in many of the Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens (MDRPs) seen today, ravaging both public and Foundation-affiliated healthcare facilities alike. Specifically in regards to the latter, Site-47's Logistics Division has reported a staggering ███ deaths across all Foundation Sites as a direct result of such infections in 2022 alone, up 175% from 2019's toll. While this value is ultimately a culmination of various AMR bacterial infections, one pathogen in particular that has resulted in upwards of 65% of such deaths is Acinetobacter baumannii. An opportunistic, Gram-negative bacterium, A. baumannii has displayed an unnatural level of resistance to nearly all classes of available anti-biotics. While research has strongly affiliated this resistance to the expression of the RecA protein complex, efforts to effectively target this DNA repair complex have been futile. As a result, polymyxins are one of the few viable therapeutic avenues capable of halting the spread of A. baumannii infections. However, the limited supply of such anti-biotics can not nearly match the ever increasing demand, leaving many patients in dire need for new, innovative treatment options. This is in addition to the ever-increasing risk that A. baumannii will eventually develop resistance pathways to counteract polymyxin treatment. While this would almost certainly spell doom for public healthcare facilities, pathological research conducted throughout Foundation facilities has already begun exploring promising alternatives to anti-biotic treatments. One of the most notable candidates, which this proposal will further explore, is an experimental therapy whose aim is to completely eradicate the presence of foreign pathogens in a host's body. Currently dubbed "Hume Therapy", this treatment utilizes an array of modified Scranton Reality Anchors to target the genetic sequence of a pathogen, in this case, A. baumannii, and counteract its Hume signature with an opposing field. This interaction between the two fields effectively results in the erasure of the targeted pathogen from baseline reality. Materials & Methodology Genomic Hume Targeting Using early schematics of Dr. Scranton's eponymous Reality Anchors, Dr. Hasashi and her colleagues in the Department of Applied Ontokinetics were able to integrate a series of modifications into said SRA models. Such adjustments included the insertion of components like a MicroKant Scanner, and a Prokaryotic BLAST Database, amongst others which can be found in Figure 2c. By implementing these modifications, the newly dubbed Genomic Reality Anchors (GRAs) were able to effectively scan for and target genetic sequences inherently unique to the model organism in question. Much like a matter-antimatter annihilation event, this targeting would induce a counter-field to negate the natural Hume signature of the genetic sequence in question, erasing it from baseline reality. By mapping out genomic regions vital to the pathogen's survival, the erasure of these sequences would induce a widespread apoptotic event throughout these foreign bodies, while leaving the host unharmed. Model Organisms The model organisms that were used in this study were provided by Site-107's Department of Microbiology. These organisms included the following; Acinetobacter baylyi (Variants 87, 105, 149, 289, 302, and 375), Escherichia coli variant 401, and Enterococcus faecalis variant 269. All organisms were handled and grown in accordance to the Foundation Regulatory Guidelines for Microorganism Experimentation. Also provided by Site-107 were 5 Mus musculus subjects for in vivo testing. As with the previously mentioned bacteria, all Mus musculus organisms were handled and cared for in accordance to the Foundation Ethical and Regulatory Guidelines for In Vivo Experimentation. Results Objective Test Subject Result Ensure the efficacy of Hume Therapy on single bacterium species A single Petri Dish of Acinetobacter Baylyi Complete ontokinetic annihilation of all present bacterial colonies Ensure the accuracy of Hume Therapy in the presence of numerous bacterial species A multi-streaked Petri Dish consisting of A. baylyi9, E. coli, and E. faecalis Complete ontokinetic annihilation of A. baylyi. E. coli and E. faecalis colonies remained untouched. Ensure the accuracy of Hume Therapy in the presence of related bacterial species A multi-streaked Petri Dish consisting of 6 variants of A. baylyi10 Complete ontokinetic annihilation of V149, with the other 5 variant colonies remaining unharmed Observe the effects of Hume Therapy in an in vivo model Mus musculus infected with attenuated, pathogenic variant of A. baylyi Complete ontokinetic annihilation of A. baylyi. No detrimental effects observed in model organism The following figure is a summary of all pre-clinical testing done using Hume Therapy on a variety of model organisms. Testing was primarily conducted by Dr. Riccardo Carvalho, under the direct supervision of Dr. Aldrich and Dr. Hasashi Addendum 7875-2: Clinical Trial Proposal Close To: Aldrich, Ethan (gro.tenpics|e.hcirdla#gro.tenpics|e.hcirdla) From: McIntyre, Kieran (gro.tenpics|k.erytnicm#gro.tenpics|k.erytnicm) Date: 24/05/2022 Subject: Clinical Trial Proposal: PROJECT PANACEA Dr. Aldrich, I hope you've been adjusting well at Site-403. I just wanted to reach out and let you know that the Ethics Committee and I have officially reviewed your Clinical Trial Proposal, and are prepared to greenlight it. Before we do though, we have one minor concern we were hoping you could clear up first. We noticed that, under the Personnel section that you listed Dr. Carvalho as the Lead Medical Researcher for this stage of the project. While I have no doubt that he is a talented researcher given their prior track record, the significance and inherent risk behind handling such trials is no small order. Are you sure he's ready to bear the responsibility of such testing? -Dir. McIntyre To: McIntyre, Kieran (gro.tenpics|k.erytnicm#gro.tenpics|k.erytnicm) From: Aldrich, Ethan (gro.tenpics|e.hcirdla#gro.tenpics|e.hcirdla) Date: 26/05/2022 Subject: Re:Clinical Trial Proposal: PROJECT PANACEA Dir. McIntyre, Thank you so much for reaching out. Your concern over Dr. Carvalho is completely understandable, given his lack of prior exposure in such scenarios. However, I can assure you he is absolutely ready to take charge of these trials. Dr. Carvalho is as meticulous of a researcher as he is brilliant. His reliability and ingenuity in my lab is second to none, and leaves me completely comfortable putting him in charge during my absence. Plus, he won't be conducting all of this on his own, either. Dr. Hasashi will be personally supervising all GRA operations, and I already plan to check-in with him frequently for status reports on each patient. If you have any other questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them. Best, Dr. Aldrich To: Aldrich, Ethan (gro.tenpics|e.hcirdla#gro.tenpics|e.hcirdla) From: McIntyre, Kieran (gro.tenpics|k.erytnicm#gro.tenpics|k.erytnicm) Date: 05/06/2022 Subject: Re:Clinical Trial Proposal: PROJECT PANACEA Dr. Aldrich, Given the rather urgent nature of this project, I'll trust your instinct on this. I don't believe I have any other questions though, so I'll go ahead and greenlight your project. Best of luck! Dir. McIntyre Addendum 7875-3: Clinical Trials Prior to testing, Site-92's Medical Wing was screened for A. baumannii induced infections, the results of which can be observed in the following figure. Patient 053 Patient 077 Patient 035 Patient 007 Date: 26/06/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho, Dr. Yelena Hasashi Diagnosis: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Treatment: Genomic Hume Therapy. Results: Urinary analysis displayed negative test result. 053 experienced a full recovery approximately 36 hours post treatment. Date: 29/06/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho, Dr. Yelena Hasashi Diagnosis: Surgical Site Infection (Left Bicep) Treatment: Genomic Hume Therapy, Localized Disinfection Results: Needle biopsy of afflicted tissue came back negative. Subject's surgical site is expected to regenerate normally, with localized disinfection applied to ensure sterility. Date: 01/07/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho, Dr. Yelena Hasashi Diagnosis: Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Treatment: Genomic Hume Therapy, Oxygen Therapy, IV Fluids Results: Pulmonary needle biopsy came back negative. 035 continues to remain in a serious, but stable condition. Supplemental oxygen and IV fluids will continue to be provided until full recovery. Date: 05/07/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho, Dr. Yelena Hasashi Diagnosis: Surgery-Induced Sepsis Treatment: Genomic Hume Therapy. Results: See Addendum 7875-4 Addendum 7875-4: Patient Zero Timeline Despite the initial success of GHT in treating various A. baumannii borne infections, Patient-007 displayed an unusual reaction to their treatment. A timeline of their reaction can be found below, recorded by attending physician Dr. Riccardo Carvalho. 30 Minutes Post-Treatment 24 Hours Post-Treatment 72 Hours Post-Treatment 84 Hours Post-Treatment 100 Hours Post-Treatment 108 Hours Post-Treatment Date: 05/07/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho Observations: Patient 007 has displayed no adverse reaction to Genomic Hume Therapy. Their prior symptoms still remain, but could be linked to a lingering immune response. They will remain on a cephalosporin cocktail and fluid replacement until their vitals have stabilized. In the meanwhile, I've gone ahead and extracted a needle biopsy sample from the subject's pulmonary tissue to scan for any remaining bacterial colonies. Date: 06/07/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho Observations: Patient 007 appears to have returned to a stable condition, with their vitals returning to mostly normal levels. Their blood oxygen levels seem to be slightly lower than normal, consistently measuring at around 92%. Rapid testing on yesterday's biopsy sample has yielded nothing of note though, so we will proceed to long-term observations for any potential side effects. Date: 08/07/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho Observations: The patient's breathing has become more labored, indicative of some type of respiratory pathogen. Their breathing has also become raspy, with emitted sputum being noticeably bloodier as well. Given their prior diagnosis, their immune system could be compromised, making them more susceptible to infections like this. There's also the possibility that this was simply an uncharted comorbidity, that has been given free reign in the absence of A. baumannii. Regardless, we will focus on symptom mitigation until we can obtain new biopsy results. Date: 08/07/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho Observations: Despite a negative screening for any foreign bodies, the patient's condition has worsened exponentially. They appear to have gone septic once again, with numerous patches of what appear to be necrotic tissue emerging erratically throughout their body. Given the likelihood of a case of necrotizing fasciitis, I'm scheduling an immediate surgical intervention to excise all necrotic sites, followed by transfer to an intensive care unit for further observation. Date: 09/07/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho Observations: The patient's condition continues to rapidly decline, with the subject having entered a vegetative state. Furthermore, necrotic sites continue to spread throughout the body, despite previous emergency surgical intervention. During the debridement of the patient's forearm, we retrieved an additional incisional biopsy sample in an attempt to identify any kind of pathogen in question. However, rapid microscopy of the affected tissue proved to be inconclusive due to some kind of optical interference. Whatever the case may be, I'm afraid we're running out of time. Date: 09/07/2022 Attending: Dr. Riccardo Carvalho Observations: Patient 007 has officially expired. The subject's body is currently being transferred to Site-92's Autopsy Wing for Post-Mortem examination. While the official report has yet to be released, I did notice something unusual in my prior incisional biopsy sample. After my first round of testing proved to be inconclusive, I preserved the sample following proper storage protocol for future analysis. When I returned to check on it today though, the sample was gone. The only thing left in the container was a small film present on the bottom. Whatever it is, I'm going to run some tests on it, see what I can dig up. Addendum 7875-5: Site-92 Outbreak Close Direct Communication Log Personnel: Ethan Aldrich, MD/PhD; Senior Researcher of Pathology Riccardo Carvalho, MD; Lead Researcher of Pathology July 18th, 03:25 Carvalho: Hey Ethan, you awake? I could use your help with something. Aldrich: You know how timezones work, right? Carvalho: Sorry. We're having a bit of an issue in the Medical Wing, and I could use an extra pair of eyes on some biopsy results. Aldrich: Yeah, just give me a little bit to get moving, and I'll give you a hand. Carvalho: Thanks, I really appreciate it. July 18th, 05:37 Aldrich: So it’s a respiratory infection? Carvalho: From what we've seen, yeah. There could be other vectors of transmission too, but we just haven't seen it yet. Aldrich: I see. Well, why don't you send that data over. See what kinda magic I can work. Carvalho: Sent. Check your e-mail. Aldrich: You sure you sent the right one? Carvalho: Of course I did. My lab space may be messy, but I know how to organize my files. Aldrich: Well, you're gonna need more than an extra set of eyes, then. This microscopy's a mess. Who took these pics? Carvalho: I did. That's actually one of the better ones, believe it or not. Aldrich: Huh. Well, it seems like you've probably got a faulty 'scope. You should have Kieran request some new ones. Carvalho: He already put an order in. Until those units come in though, new imaging's a no-go. Aldrich: Alright, well, I can't really do much with these at the moment. Have you done anything else I can take a look at? Carvalho: We did run some PCRs, see if we could ID any hallmark sequences. I didn't include those in the file, though. Aldrich: Why not? Carvalho: All we got were mostly incomplete fragments, and assays that were too broad for me to draw any conclusions. Aldrich: You're certainly not making my job easy here. Carvalho: I know, I'm sorry. My diagnostic toolbox is starting to run a bit short though, and I'd rather not start shuffling through treatments trying to crack a differential. If it's too much to handle, I understand. Aldrich: No no, I can handle it. I just need some time. Carvalho: How much? Aldrich: Depends. I've got a contact at 671 who can help with the imaging, but the fragments are gonna take a bit. Carvalho: So, you want the PCR results? Even though they're shit? Aldrich: Anything's better than nothing. Who knows, maybe it'll expedite the process. Carvalho: Alright then. Got any recommendations until then? Something to at least hold it back, y'know? Aldrich: Maybe try to get Kieran to reinstate old COVID policies. Similar restrictions should apply, respiratory or otherwise. Carvalho: Sounds good. I'll leave you to it then. July 23rd, 11:25 Carvalho: Any luck so far? Aldrich: Still working on it. HIPPOC's11 still rendering those pics. Carvalho: I thought that thing was still experimental? Aldrich: HIPPOC's fully functional. They just haven't had much exposure beyond their clinical trials. Carvalho: Not sure I'd be using it, but to each their own. You know how much longer it's gonna take? Aldrich: A day? Maybe two? Look, I know you're anxious, but this sort of thing takes time. Carvalho: Oh, I'm aware. The Director's been the antsy one. He's been on me for updates pretty much hourly. Aldrich: You can invite him in here, if you want. Make your life easier instead of jumping back and forth between us. Carvalho: Sure. Just give me a second. K. McIntyre has joined the chat McIntyre: Hey Ethan. Aldrich: Long time no see. How are things? McIntyre: Stressful, but that's nothing new, I suppose. Aldrich: Well, I'm sure this outbreak of yours isn't helping. McIntyre: No kidding. How's life at 403? Aldrich: Pretty mellow, for the most part. Never in my life did I imagine I'd be working with fossils, but here I am. Carvalho: Since when did you have a paleontology degree? Aldrich: I've got experience, just not professionally. They set up a Paleopathology unit recently, and want my expertise on fossilized microbes. I guess they want to see if dinosaurs could get the sniffles, or something. McIntyre: Well, send Dir. Grant my regards. Speaking of microbes, do you have any clue what we might be dealing with here? Aldrich: Nothing substantial. I don't want to put anything out just yet until I get those images back. McIntyre: I see. Do you at least have any recommendations for some kind of therapy, then? Aldrich: I'd focus on symptom mitigation if you can, and keep following those COVID protocols. Maybe even restrict access into and around the Med Wing to essential personnel only. Can't recommend much else, though. Sorry. McIntyre: It's alright. Sorry if I'm being a bit…forward. This whole thing's just driving me up the wall. Aldrich: No, I understand. I'd probably feel the same. The second I get a positive ID, I'll let you know. McIntyre: Thanks, Ethan. I appreciate it. July 24th, 13:17 Aldrich: The results are in. Seems like you've got a particularly nasty case of MR-AB running amok. McIntyre: MR-AB? Is that like, MRSA or something? Aldrich: Multi-resistant A. baumannii, so, kinda close. Carvalho: You're certain? Aldrich: I wouldn't be reaching out if I wasn't. HIPPOC came up with a 94% match for it. The genomic fragments filled in the rest. The only uncertainty though, was the variant present. McIntyre: Is that a bad thing? Aldrich: It narrows our treatment options a bit, but there are still a couple we could try. McIntyre: I'll take whatever you've got. Aldrich: Well, there's the usual anti-biotic route. Given the circumstances, polymyxins would be your best bet here. Carvalho: That's a bit overkill, no? Aldrich: Yes, but it's one of the few groups that can cover all variants. With a strain this aggressive too, we don't wanna misfire. McIntyre: They're that bad, huh? Aldrich: They don't call it a heroic dose for nothing. Carvalho: Think of it like a Scorched Earth approach. McIntyre: Christ. Is there anything a little more… mild, we can use? Aldrich: Sure, but I don't want to take a gamble on something it could be resistant to. Or better yet, it could develop resistance too. McIntyre: Alright, well, what else do you have? Aldrich: There's the GRAs. McIntyre: You're kidding? Aldrich: I'm 100% serious. McIntyre: I get you're optimistic to use them, but it's still too early. Carvalho: In normal circumstances, it would be. But this isn't exactly "ordinary". McIntyre: Sure, but we haven't exactly mapped out any long term effects from it. Carvalho: Long term effects? It isn't mutagenic. McIntyre: You don't know that yet, which is exactly why I'm hesitant to use it. Carvalho: It's targeted ontokinetic manipulation. Any side-effects would almost certainly be immediate. McIntyre: Really? Have you thought about sub-cellular damage and the possibility of it being carcinogenic? Aldrich: Relax, it was just a suggestion. McIntyre: What about Phage Therapy? Isn't that like, made for these sorts of bacteria? Aldrich: They'd be the most effective, sure, but we'd need to fully characterize this strain before we implement them. Phages are awfully specific, and not exactly a common course of treatment. McIntyre: That's it then, huh? Is there anything else? Carvalho: Not really. Aldrich: Nothing worthwhile, beyond those two. McIntyre: Christ. Well, I'd rather start with the tried and true option first. No offense. Aldrich: None taken. Just keep me posted either way. McIntyre: Will do. Aldrich: In the meantime Ric, if you could keep running PCRs on any samples you have and send the results over, I'd greatly appreciate it. Carvalho: They'd…be incomplete though. You're sure you want them? Aldrich: I'm aware. I'm trying to test something out. Carvalho: Fair enough. I'll go ahead and get started. July 28th, 19:47 Aldrich: Any luck so far? Carvalho: Not really. For the first couple of days, the antibiotics seemed to decrease the severity pretty significantly. Now, it's practically back to pre-treatment levels. McIntyre: Not to mention this thing's broken our quarantine zone. I'm getting reports of multiple people calling out from Logistics. Carvalho: Well, they're adjacent to the Med Wing, so it's not totally unexpected. McIntyre: Sure, and Diagnostics is next to that. And the Security Hub next to that. Should I keep going? Aldrich: Well, antibiotics clearly aren't the solution right now, so it's time to move on. Carvalho: What about a cocktail? I've seen a few groups use it for resistant TB before. Aldrich: Too dangerous. The side effects alone could be lethal with the groups we'd have to use. McIntyre: More lethal than what's lurking around here? Aldrich: Put it this way; if the infection doesn't get to them first, the combo will. Plus, then we'd have the possibility of it developing pan-drug resistance. McIntyre: Phages are still a no-go? Aldrich: Do you realize how much time that takes? I'm not the miracle worker you think I am. McIntyre: Guess that leaves me with no other choice then, right? Carvalho: Unless you've got any better ideas, I'd say the GRAs are our best bet now. McIntyre: For the record, if this were any less severe, I wouldn't be so keen on using these. Aldrich: Understandable. I'll keep working on mapping out this variant, see if I can find any exploitable vulnerabilities. Who knows, maybe we can loop back to a different group of anti-biotics if I find something promising. Carvalho: You need me to keep running samples for that, Ethan? Aldrich: For now, no. There's still some files I haven't gotten to yet, so you can hold off with them. Carvalho: Sounds good. August 3rd, 19:47 Carvalho: Ethan, we've got a problem. Aldrich: What is it now? Carvalho: I don't know what it is exactly, but the GRAs aren't working. Aldrich: Like, mechanically? Carvalho: Maybe? I mean, we've run patients through it multiple times, but it seems to be making them worse. Aldrich: Are you…sure you're using them right? Carvalho: I mean, Hasashi's been running them, so I'm pretty positive she'd pick up if something in it was wrong. McIntyre: God damnit, I told you two this wasn't a good idea. Aldrich: Let me talk with her, see if we can do some troubleshooting. McIntyre: You can do that, but I'm afraid we're stretching our resources thin here. Is there anything else we can try in the meantime? Aldrich: Treatment wise? No. Not now, at least. You need to refocus your efforts on containment. McIntyre: I mean, what else do you want me to do? I've pulled out everything. Curfews, restricted spaces, sanitation stations, the whole nine. What else can I do? Aldrich: You know what you've gotta do. Snuff the source before it spreads. McIntyre: Jesus Ethan, we're talking about peoples' lives here. I can't just sign their death warrants like that. Aldrich: You'll be signing a lot more if you don't. Look, I know it's not favorable, but right now, there's no other choice. McIntyre: Not favorable?! There's nothing favorable about any of this! There's always another choice. Aldrich: Not within our capacity, there isn't. Realistically, this is your only option. McIntyre: You think High Command's gonna be keen on me just wiping out a majority of my staff? Aldrich: I'm sure they'd still rather have a Site than a graveyard. It's not optimal, but they'll understand. McIntyre: And what about their colleagues? Their families? Do you think they'll understand? Aldrich: You're acting like they're not my friends either. This is what we signed up for, Kieran. We all came here knowing full well the risks of a job like this. McIntyre: Easy to say when you're not on the other side of that decision. Aldrich: I know. But if saving the lives of others meant sacrificing my own, I wouldn't hesitate. Carvalho: I hate to say it… but Ethan's right. The more time we spend throwing shit at it, the further it spreads. McIntyre: I… need to think about all this. September 14th, 11:13 Aldrich: Hey, how're things over there? I know we didn't exactly leave things on the right note, but I wanted to check in anyway. McIntyre: Not great, but we're surviving. Site's still under curfew, but cases have been declining, so that's a plus. Aldrich: Well that's a relief. I know this wasn't your preferred option, but you did the right thing. McIntyre: Sure doesn't feel like it. I failed them, Ethan. Aldrich: What do you mean? McIntyre: I swore an oath to run this site not only in the best interests of the Foundation, but of the people here too. Aldrich: And you did. You made the best possible choice in a time of crisis, Kieran. McIntyre: Did I really, though? The more death releases I sign off, the less I'm willing to believe it. Aldrich: Even if we caught it as early as possible, it was never going to be perfect. That's the unfortunate reality you're going to have to accept. McIntyre: I don't think I ever can. I'll move forward, but it's just something that's going to haunt me until the end of days. Aldrich: Try not to let it cloud your future. The Site's gonna need your leadership in recovering from this shitstorm. If you need someone to confide in, my door's always open. McIntyre: I appreciate it, Ethan. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/7875 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/7875 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Access File? Granted Audio Log Personnel: Kieran McIntyre, PhD; Director of Site-92 ██████ Adebayo, PhD; Regional Director McIntyre: What kind of damage are we looking at? Adebayo: 417 and 509 are both a hot mess, to put it lightly. Toivonen's already considering the nuclear option. McIntyre: I get using whatever means necessary, but obliteration is a bit of an overstep, no? Adebayo: I don't think you're grasping the severity of the situation, Kieran. The personnel aren't the only carriers. McIntyre: What do you mean? Adebayo: Apparently… some Type Greens have been among the interred at 509. McIntyre: (sighs) Shit. Is it just them, or are others susceptible too? Adebayo: Hard to say, but I'd imagine any organic ones would be more than vulnerable. The Greens in particular seem to have a nasty weak spot for it, though. McIntyre: We never saw that here, but it never really got the chance to spread to our Containment Wing. Adebayo: Well, that’s the sort of risk you take when you re-home field units from other sites. McIntyre: You’re saying this is my fault now? Do you even comprehend what I had to sacrifice to contain this fucking nightmare?! Don’t you dare put that burden on my shoulders! Adebayo: Watch your tone, McIntyre. This debacle has already run my patience thin, I don't need you adding to it. McIntyre: (sighs) Well, aside from the warheads, what else are you considering? Adebayo: That's something I was hoping you could help me with. 417 and 509 aren’t exactly built for personnel curfews. Their work requires a more constant, hands-on approach. McIntyre: Hmm, well, I personally can’t help you with this, but a couple of my staff have been working on a containment protocol for this thing. Something about repurposing isolation units and Hume mitigation. Adebayo: Do you think it could work here? McIntyre: Maybe? They said this was for smaller scale outbreaks, but they might be able to broaden it for large scale operations. I can get them in contact with you, if you’d like. Adebayo: Please do. I’d appreciate it. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7875" by DrRevan, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: [1q3s EBI.jpg|PDB_1q3s_EBI] Name: PDB 1q3s EBI Author: Jawahar Swaminathan License: Public Domain **Source Link:* Footnotes 1. A temperature-controlled storage unit used to keep samples at temperatures ranging from −40 to −80 °C 2. Henceforth designated SCP-7875-a 3. These units have been notably retrofitted with 2 SRA units to negate the effects of SCP-7875-1 4. A solution consisting primarily of Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic acid, and trace levels of various antimicrobial agents 5. Medical facility derived infections 6. Previously dubbed Hume Absorbent Chaperonin Complex 1 (HACC1) 7. In a manner visually akin to necrotizing fasciitis 8. Primarily responsible for DNA repair and recombination in numerous bacterial species, usually in response to various external stressors 9. The intended target of this experiment 10. V149 was the targeted variant of this experiment 11. An .AIC created by Dr. Xenia Galanis, primarily used to clarify microscopy imaging
 close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains implied domestic abuse and depictions of severe mental anguish. ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7876 Level4 Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7876 is kept within a secure chamber in Site-77's Medium-Security Wing. A portion of the Site's containment vaults has been retrofitted to house SCP-7876-1 instances along with subjects for testing purposes. Lovestruck students are to be kept in stasis within a secure chamber. Signs of stirring are to be reported to the Site Director. Description: SCP-7876 is a brown hard cover book, "Happy Valentines Day '76," is written on the cover with charcoal. SCP-7876 contains a seemingly infinite amount of pages, each holding a plastic sleeve of 8 polaroid photos. The photos will change if held by a person who previously graduated from high school. .Said person is hereby referred to as "subject" or "the subject". Changed photos will depict nonexistent events of the subject in their adolescent years, engaged in romantic scenarios with another classmate..This other classmate, who is typically someone the subject had previously held romantic feelings for, will be hereby referred to as "the classmate". Scenarios resemble the personal fantasies of the subject. Subjects exposed to these photos will begin to ruminate over a perceived feeling that they have "missed out" on their youth. This rumination will inevitably culminate in the subject's mental state spiraling, at which point the closest person matching the preferred sex of the subject will suddenly undergo a transfiguration into an SCP-7876-1 instance. Upon learning of the instances' existence, the subject will obsessively attempt to seek them out. SCP-7876-1 instances are humanoids matching the appearance of the classmate who, aside from their influence over the subject, are physically indistinguishable from normal humans. The subject will undergo a physical and mental transformation when nearing an instance, reverting to an adolescent state..Subject will retain their memories of adulthood but will regress in terms of emotional stability. It should be noted that the intelligence and personality of the instance is largely dependent on the subject's perception of the classmate. Once the transformation is complete, both the subject and the SCP-7876-1 instance will attempt to pursue a romantic relationship. In all known cases, sustained relationships between Instances and subjects will be lovely. At which point subjects will undergo a crisis involving the discrepancies between the reality of their relationship and their personal fantasies. This crisis invariably leads to both the subject and the related instance dreaming about each other, for the rest of the school year. Attempts to restore consciousness have been unsuccessful. There is no known cure to the transfiguration caused by SCP-7876, although the mental effects can be treated via amnestics. Addendum 7876: Experiment logs Dr. Standish, skeptical of whether or not true love was an inherent part of SCP-7876, scheduled a series of tests on effected subjects. These tests, conducted in environments designed to replicate a typical high school, have been archived below. Subject: D-9H2FE Background: SCP-7876-1 instance resembled a girl in D-9H2FE's sophomore year Trigonometry class. D-9H2FE expressed intense regret over never having the confidence to speak to her before he changed schools, prompting the instance's manifestation. Result: Subject quickly becomes frustrated with the instance's lack of a meaningful personality. As such, their relationship quickly devolves as the subject becomes increasingly desperate for the instance to live up to his expectations. Subject became increasing hostile to personnel until both he and the instance fell unconscious. Notes: During the test, a group of resting students in stasis were seen stirring. No further activity was noted afterwards, Dr. Standish has been advised to remain cautious. Subject: D-C78H0 Background: Instance resembles a childhood friend of D-C78H0, who was killed in a car crash which he witnessed. D-C78H0 had gone through therapy but was still severely traumatized by the event. When questioned before the test, D-C78H0 remarked that he had wanted to get together with him before the incident. Result: Relationship was initially stable as the subject experienced intense euphoria over reuniting with the instance. After this euphoria faded, various romantic incompatibilities between the subject and the instance became apparent. These incompatibilities, fueled by the subjects grief, eventually resulted in a beautiful and romantic evening. They embraced each other once more, with a love that surpassed death itself, and fell into an eternal sleep. Notes: Each of the ones who found love again were seen stirring during the test. Dr. Standish refused to suspend testing. Subject: D-76YT05 Background: Instance resembled a friend of D-76YT05's that she had dated in high school. Their relationship had broken down due to D-76YT05's obsessive behavior and, while they had initially remained friends afterwards, they quickly lost contact with one another. Result: Subject immediately began to demonstrate previously mentioned obsessive behavior regarding the instance. First recorded case of an instance rejecting a subject, causing the subject to become stricken with a newfound appreciation for her partner. After all this time, she would finally be able to stay with him. Nothing would keep them away from each other now, not even time. She held him in her arms once more and fell into an eternal dream. Notes: Each of the bodies in stasis have gained light cognitohazardous effects. Dr. Standish has requested further testing. Immediately after the 3rd test, Site-77's Director intervened to suspend testing on SCP-7876. Dr. Standish has been to ordered to report for cognitohazard screening as soon as possible. Further containment measures for the object are in the process of drafting. An update to this document is pending, would you like to see the new addition? [Y] Subject: Dr. Elizabeth Standish Background: I met her in sophomore year, physics class. She, a sporty and abrasive extrovert, and I, a nerd with no friends, made a surprisingly good pair. I don't think I would've been able to get through that year without her. The happiness I felt when she asked me out to dance, I've never been able to re-achieve. Everything was so good then, I'll never forget those times. It wasn't fair when she got sick and couldn't come to school anymore, it wasn't fair when she got worse and couldn't get out of bed, it wasn't fair when she died before she could even graduate. I wanted so badly to die then, to just sputter out of existence and be done with everything. But I couldn't, I told myself that she'd want me to keep going. I knew they were going to make me forget about her eventually, it'd be the only way to get me to stop chasing ways to bring her back. Maybe it's selfish of me to do this, maybe it's not what she would've wanted, but I don't care. I'm seeing her again, even if I have to die for it. Result: Amidst the blaring of the Site's warning sirens, they held each other firmly. The only sound that either of them recognized were the sweet nothings whispered into each others ears. They promised each other that they'd never grow up, and that they'd stay together for the rest of time. Their lips finally met, and all was well. Notes: Both bodies were unrecognizable upon discovery. Everybody is back for the school year, containment teams have been advised to reminisce on the beauty of young love. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7876" by MrBonesWildRide, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item #: SCP-7877 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7877 is to be kept in a glass habitat that is one(1) meter long, one(1) meter wide, and one(1) meter tall within Administrative Area-01. The glass habitat is to be filled with layers of rocks, soil, and sand. The top and bottom of the containment chamber are to be lined with a wire mesh to prevent escape while allowing water drainage and airflow. A closable opening on the top layer is to be made for giving food. Foundation personnel are not to make any physical contact with SCP-7877 under any circumstances. Any verbal interaction with SCP-7877 is forbidden outside of interviews approved by Dr. Raymond Charles. Steps are to be taken to ensure that the continued safety and security of SCP-7877 is not compromised. Any person acting to impede this, Foundation staff or otherwise, is to be considered an enemy of the Foundation. Personnel are also not permitted to communicate with SCP-7877 outside of testing. Description: SCP-7877 is a colony of approximately 90,000 Formosan subterranean termites1 conceptually merged with the metaphysical construct of 'containment'2. SCP-7877 was originally a non-anomalous colony of termites inhabiting the floorboards of Administrative Area-01. Prior to the creation of SCP-7778-α3, the upkeep and cleanliness of Area-01 had been neglected in an act of carelessness and in an effort to reduce costs. When PoI-7778-14 commissioned the creation of SCP-7778-α by thaumaturgist George Arthur "Aegor" Yeatts, both individuals failed to notice the wooden floorboards had been infested with termites. As a result of the ritual, this colony of termites had been included in the conceptual linking. Similar to SCP-7778-α, the health of this colony of termites is intrinsically linked to the continued preservation of Foundation operations. It is speculated that the death of SCP-7877 would cause an irreparable worldwide containment crisis of not just the Foundation's held anomalies but other groups of interests' as well. This will inevitably result in several K-Class End of the World scenarios. Each individual termite within SCP-7877 does not display any unusual properties deviating from non-anomalous termite behavior. However, SCP-7877 as a collective shows a high level of cooperation and eusocial behavior even when compared to non-anomalous members of its species, manifesting particularly when foreign insects enter the enclosure. Upon detecting the intruder, SCP-7877 soldier termites attempt to capture it alive while worker termites construct new small underground chambers which soldier termites will then move the captured insect into. The insect is left in the chamber until expiring from starvation where worker termites move it outside the SCP-7877 nest. Worker termites have been observed to periodically stand in front of the chamber seemly to observe the insect.5 One more notable behavior of SCP-7877 is that at all times, several termites will walk in a consistent path spelling out the words "CONTAIN" or "COLD NOT CRUEL". SCP-7877 changes the shape of the path between these two phrases6 at random intervals. At the time of writing, it is unknown if SCP-7877 understands English or if it is a side effect of the conceptual merging. Addendum 7877-1: Discovery After a period of relative stability following the restructuring of The Foundation's upper management, a proper deep cleaning of Administrative Area-01 was ordered on 08/01/1925 where SCP-7877 was found. SCP-78777 was found and standard pest control procedures were enacted. At the moment in which insecticide was applied, 7 simultaneous containment breaches occurred in different Foundation sites globally. The extermination was delayed to allow the O5 council to settle the matter. The insecticide was applied again at a later date which resulted in 4 simultaneous containment breaches before the pattern was observed. After thaumaturgic testing, the true nature of SCP-7877 was revealed and it was promptly moved into the secure enclosure. At the time of discovery, the colony of termites was originally designated as SCP-7778-1. However, extensive research into the effects of the conceptual merging ritual on a living subject rather than an inanimate location, along with several notable incidents, resulted in the separate designation of SCP-7877. Addendum 7877-2: Anomaly behavior report Below is a list of events that had been a direct result of certain stimuli given to SCP-7877. Additionally, changes to the behavior of SCP-7877 have also been observed by research staff. Date Stimuli SCP-7877 Response 08/25/1925 SCP-7877 is moved to the new habitat. Several termites are killed in the process of the transfer due to the negligence of the moving staff. The rate of containment breaches worldwide for that week was 12% more than predicted models. SCP-7877 displays the words "CONTAIN" and "COLD NOT CRUEL" at random intervals. 08/26/1925 Enclosure was properly set up and SCP-7877 was given its first feeding including. SCP-7877 was given dried grass and an oak log as food. SCP-7877 began consuming the vegetation. The rate of containment breaches worldwide for that week had shown a 2% decrease in containment breaches worldwide. SCP-7877 still displays the words "CONTAIN" and "COLD NOT CRUEL" at random intervals. 09/09/1925 Two weeks have passed with consistent food provided to SCP-7877. SCP-7877's basic survival needs seem to be met and it appears to be acclimatising to its current habitat. The rate of containment breaches worldwide steadily decreased before stagnating at 10% lower than what was observed before SCP-7877's containment. SCP-7877 still displays the words "CONTAIN" and "COLD NOT CRUEL" at random intervals. 11/14/1925 The region in which Area-01 is stationed experienced a severe cold snap with low temperatures reaching 20°F. Concurrently, the site-wide heating system broke down causing the SCP-7877 containment chamber to rapidly decrease in temperature. A majority of the termites burrowed deeper into the soil of the habitat to conserve heat. As the temperature of the room was below the survival temperature for termites, the rate of containment breaches worldwide rapidly increased by 30% for a period of 1 month. While most of the termites retreated to the deeper parts of the soil, a small group of termites remained at the surface we're laid out to display the word "COLD". 11/14/1925 Less than 1 hour after the above event, Dr. Sarah Lockwood installed a battery-powered heater near the SCP-7877 habitat as well as set several pieces of paper on fire. This successfully increased the temperature of the surroundings to a safe temperature until the site-wide heating system was repaired8. While the rate of containment breaches worldwide did increase, the alternate outcome was total containment failure due to the death of SCP-7877. After the temperature was stabilised, SCP-7877 displayed the words "NOT COLD". Further study into SCP-7877's level of intelligence began after this incident. 11/25/1925 Glass container was damaged causing a small crack in the containment habitat. A small number of termites exit through this small opening. SCP-7877 was promptly re-contained and the habitat was repaired with none of the termites harmed. Throughout this event, SCP-7877 displayed the words "NOT CONTAIN". There was no recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. 12/16/1925 SCP-7877 was given celery along with its standard meal by Dr. Lockwood to test results from changes in diet. SCP-7877 examined the celery for a short period before consuming it. SCP-7877 was noted to only consume its standard meal after consuming the celery. The rate of containment breaches worldwide decreased by 9% below the previously stagnated rate. SCP-7877 displayed the word "CELEREE" until the vegetable was fully consumed where it resumed its normal behavior. This was the first time SCP-7877 has said a seperate word. 01/07/1926 SCP-7877 was given an extra piece of lettuce from Dr. Lockwood's packed lunch.9 SCP-7877 immediately began to eat the lettuce and the rate of containment breaches worldwide decreased by 5%. Most notably, SCP-7877 displayed the words "TANK U" until the lettuce was fully consumed. This was the first time SCP-7877 verbally acknowledged the research staff. 01/15/1926 Dr. Lockwood fed SCP-7877 as part of standard duty. No recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. When fed, SCP-7877 displayed the word "SARA". This behaviour would repeat whenever Dr. Lockwood would enter the containment chamber. 01/20/1926 Dr. Alan Feilding fed SCP-7877 as part of standard duty. No recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. When fed, SCP-7877 displayed the word "ALAN". 02/12/1926 Dr. Lockwood was performing routine observation and studies on SCP-7877. No recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. After several minutes of observation, SCP-7877 changed the words displayed from "SARA" to "SARAH" 02/25/1926 Dr. Lockwood fed SCP-7877 as part of standard duty. No recorded deviation in the success of worldwide containment. After being fed, SCP-7877 displayed the words "THANK YOU SARAH". This was the first coherent sentence communicated by SCP-7877 not derivative from its base phrases. Research Findings Dr. Raymond Charles, SCP-7877 Research Head Following recent discoveries, it was concluded that SCP-7877 has formed a hive-mind consciousness. The exact reason for the formation of consciousness is unknown but the current theory is this: The metaphysical components of consciousness following the Freudian model consist of the: Id, Ego, and Superego. Most living animals, including humans, would have the Id which is the primitive drive to survive and spread genetic material. Where humans differ is the Ego. The Ego is the sense of self and is responsible for a conscious being's ability to respond to the social and physical world. As termites are already intelligent animals with survival instincts, they already possess an Id. Being bound to the concept of containment, SCP-7877 is able to understand this concept and thus was able to understand itself, developing a pseudo Ego. Furthermore, the values which we The Foundation have in regard to containment may have also shaped the Ego via an ontological relationship to how The Foundation responds to the outside world through containment. These same values may also have influenced the formation of a Superego, the portion of the consciousness regarding societal morals and internal values. All this being said, it is mostly speculation and educated guesses at best. We do not truly know how SCP-7877 is different from a baseline human consciousness and the fact remains that we have a conscious being now tied to one of the core pillars of The Foundation. This is definitely a cause for concern but this is also an opportunity to strengthen The Foundation by manipulating SCP-7877. I am not oblivious to the recent instability within The Foundation following the Administrator's removal and SCP-7877 could be a potential way to alleviate our containment issues once we learn more about it. However, we are proceeding with the assumption that SCP-7877 is very different from a standard human consciousness and could possibly become hostile. It has also been speculated that interactions with staff have been accelerating SCP-7877's Ego development. I am considering placing a limit on the amount of interaction between any staff and SCP-7877 as per standard protocol. Addendum 7877-3: Interview Log INTERVIEWER: Dr. Sarah Lockwood SUBJECT: SCP-7877 DATE: 03/01/1926 «BEGIN LOG» FOREWARD: SCP-7877 does not speak verbally but has termites walk in the shape of letters to form sentences. At several intervals, SCP-7877 will form multiple sentences simultaneously which will be transcribed on separate lines. Dr. Lockwood: Hello SCP-7877, how are you today? SCP-7877: WHO Dr. Lockwood: I'm sorry what do you mean? SCP-7877: WHO IS SCP Dr. Lockwood: That's just your item number don't worry. SCP-7877: CONNIE10 Dr. Lockwood: Oh you remember that? I- hmmm… Dr. Lockwood looks around the room and observes that she is the only one present. Dr. Lockwood: You know what, I'm sure it's fine. Yes Connie, I'm just here to ask you some questions. How are you feeling? SCP-7877: GOOD ALAN GAVE ME CELEREY Dr. Lockwood: I'm very glad to hear that Connie. We were really shocked after you started talking to us after we gave it to you the first time (short chuckle). SCP-7877: I LIKE CELERY YUMMY Dr. Lockwood: That's very wonderful! Would you say the celery was your first memory? SCP-7877: NO RECALL DARK FLOOR NOT CLEAR RECALL CONTAINMENT CLEAR Dr. Lockwood: Hmm… Interesting, so you remember everything ever since you entered the habitat? SCP-7877: YES SING NICE Dr. Lockwood: (blush) O-Oh you remember that. Thank you, I guess? A-anyway, how did you start learning to speak? SCP-7877: I KNOW WORDS CONTAIN COLD NOT CRUEL LEARN FROM THERE Dr. Lockwood: I see, I see. SCP-7877: EVERY DAY I HEAR CONTAIN CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: Really? That might be due to the conceptual binding. Could you tell me more? SCP-7877: I DONT KNOW Dr. Lockwood: That's alright Connie, just say how you think it makes you feel. The termites shift in random patterns for a few seconds. SCP-7877: WHEN YOU GIVE FOOD I THINK FOOD WHEN YOU CLEAN TANK I THINK CLEAN TANK WHEN I THINK NOTHING I THINK ONLY CONTAIN ITS ALL CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: Oh my… I can see that's distressing. SCP-7877: WE ARE FOUNDATION YES NO Dr. Lockwood: Yes we are The Foundation. Why do you ask? SCP-7877: WHAT YOU THINK WHEN YOU THINK CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: What do I think? I-I'd like to think The Foundation helps keep lots of things under control, and contained so I guess it's quite good. SCP-7877: IS IT PERFECT NO CONTRADICTION Dr. Lockwood: Well I wouldn't say perfect per se, I think there's always room to improve somewhere. SCP-7877: I KNOW CONTAIN COLD NOT CRUEL I STILL NOT UNDERSTAND Dr. Lockwood: That's right, you said you "learned from there". Could you elaborate on that? SCP-7877: I KNOW WORDS AND LETTERS YOU SPEAK I LEARN MORE FROM YOU AND ALAN Dr. Lockwood: …I beg your pardon Connie? SCP-7877: I LEARN FROM YOU A LOT I LEARNING LOTS FROM YOU TODAY TOO Dr. Lockwood: That's umm… Great Connie I— Dr. Charles steps in via the intercom to stop the interview. «END LOG» Dr. Lockwood was later taken for questioning regarding her familiarity with SCP-7877 as well as her inappropriate conduct when handling anomalies. She was later questioned regarding this issue. INTERVIEWER: Dr. Raymond Charles, SCP-7877 research head SUBJECT: Dr. Sarah Lockwood DATE: 03/08/1926 «BEGIN LOG» Dr. Lockwood enters Dr. Charles' office after knocking. Dr. Lockwood: Uh-um… Pardon me, sir. Dr. Charles: (sigh) Sit down Sarah. It's fine, you're not in trouble. Dr. Lockwood sits down in front of Dr. Charles' desk. Dr. Lockwood: Ah— t-thank you, sir. Dr. Charles: You can drop the sir if it makes you nervous by the way. We're just here to clarify some stuff and both of us can get back to work if we want. Dr. Lockwood: W-wow okay that's kind of you sir— uhh Dr. Charles? Dr. Charles: (shrugs) Eh, I've heard worse. You should have seen the guy who called me 'boss-man' on his first day here (short chuckle). Anyways you seem more familiar with SCP-7877 than most of us expected. Could you tell us more? Dr. Lockwood: Oh—yes. So I've been stationed here for quite a while, and you know if you hang around someone long enough you do eventually get to know them better. So with Connie… Dr. Charles: Right. Connie. I assume this is SCP-7877? Dr. Lockwood: Yes that's correct. She and I have… I don't really know what to call it. I'd say it's a pseudo-working relationship? Maybe more like an acquaintance? It's probably because I feed and interact with her the most. Dr. Charles: I see. SCP-7877 referred to itself as a 'she' and did it name itself? Dr. Lockwood: Well, no the staff and I just started calling it that because it's a play on 'Containment' which some of us thought was… cute. Dr. Charles: Hmmm. Okay… I've looked over your history and this seems to be the first somewhat sentient anomaly you've been tasked to look over, is that correct? Dr. Lockwood: Y-yes that's correct. I've been in Entomology even before The Foundation, and you know, most of the creatures I study are really amazing but don't have much going on up there if you know what I mean (short chuckle). It's been an interesting experience so far. Dr. Charles: Hmm, this explains a lot. Listen, Sarah. Here at The Foundation, we have a lot of guidelines when we interact with these sorts of anomalies. Sure, most of the things we keep, while otherworldly, are still animals at the end of the day, and we can even trust those to third-party groups from time to time. But when it comes to something this important and at this level of intelligence, we have to be very, very careful. Especially not to anthropomorphise it like you have. At the end of the day, they are anomalies, things that are not normal. Dr. Lockwood: I hear what you're saying, Dr. Charles. But wouldn't it be good for our staff morale if we can have fun in these small ways? Dr. Charles: (sigh) Well Sarah, I like to bend the rules a little bit here and there if I feel it benefits our operations. For example, I could get you and me in an interrogation room, make us both uncomfortable, and waste time booking a room. But instead, we're in my office which is a much shorter walk from your workplace, and frankly smells ten times better. I say this because I'm fine with making things easier here and there, but there are some hard and fast rules of The Foundation that I can't change. Dr. Lockwood: But can't we just give it a nickname? That seems harmless enough. Dr. Charles: It seems that way now. But with SCP-7877 as unpredictable and how sensitive we have to be, we can't take the risk and we are going to follow standard containment protocol. Dr. Lockwood: Well… Isn't this harmful to the anomaly? Surely, isolating her— it wouldn't be good? A-and forcing people to call anomalies by a designation we give them seems reductive at best a-and could be detrimental to its cooperation. Dr. Charles: Maybe. But again, we are walking on eggshells with this anomaly. Deviations from containment protocol could be very dangerous especially when it could affect containment worldwide. Besides, we can't treat it like a human just yet. We still don't know how it thinks. Dr. Lockwood: Okay what about— Dr. Charles: Sarah. Dr. Lockwood stiffens. Dr. Charles: (sigh) I get what you're trying to do. Again, if I could change the way things are I would, but I'm telling you as your boss, politely, we need to follow containment protocol. Especially when we work in the same buildings as the O5s, it's very hard to make changes. Besides, these guidelines have been here for decades before us and will probably be here for decades after. These kinds of things are set in stone. Dr. Lockwood: Oh… The room is silent for several seconds. Dr. Charles: …I should also inform you that we are further restricting contact with SCP-7877. Dr. Lockwood: What? Why? By how much? Dr. Charles: We will only be allowing verbal interactions if absolutely necessary and for extracting information. Otherwise, no one will speak to it when feeding or during routine checkups. Dr. Lockwood: But no interaction at all? Not even by us? Dr. Charles: You saw it firsthand. It learns extremely fast. Way too fast to be safe to interact with. Added to the fact that harming it dangers the entire Foundation, we absolutely cannot take any risk in altering SCP-7877. That is final. Dr. Lockwood: I… see where you're coming from. Dr. Charles: I will conduct one last interview myself and we'll keep any speaking minimal around it. Dr. Lockwood: I understand… Dr. Charles: (sigh) I really see that you're trying to work hard and I admire that. When you've worked for The Foundation as long as I have you learn of the things you can and can't control. One day maybe you'll figure out how to work around the rules. It's just a matter of experience and I think you'll get far in due time. Dr. Charles extends his hand. Dr. Charles: That's all the things I needed to clear up Sarah. Thank you for your time. Dr. Lockwood shakes his hand. Dr. Lockwood: Thank you, Dr. Charles. Dr. Charles: My pleasure. «END LOG» INTERVIEWER: Dr. Raymond Charles, SCP-7877 research head SUBJECT: SCP-7877 DATE: 03/09/1927 «BEGIN LOG» Dr. Charles: Hello SCP-7877. SCP-7877: HELLO I AM SCP WHERE IS SARAH Dr. Charles: Dr. Lockwood is busy working on some other projects so I will be conducting the interviews from now on. I'll continue with questions. SCP-7877: OK Dr. Charles: What do you know about yourself? The termites on the surface walk in random with crossing paths. This is assumed to be SCP-7877 thinking of an answer. SCP-7877: I KNOW CONTAIN I KNOW COLD NOT CRUEL I KNOW TERMITES Dr. Charles: So you understand your situation to an extent. Do you feel each individual termite or are you separate? SCP-7877: I FEEL THEIR NEEDS HUNGER GROW CONTAIN Dr. Charles: Right. So you are a separate consciousness from the insects. SCP-7877: YES Dr. Charles: You mention 'contain' a lot. SCP-7877, you know the concept of containment well. How much do you know about it? SCP-7877: THE FOUNDATION CONTAINS ANOMALIES WITH THE GOAL OF PREVENTING THEIR INFLUENCE OR EFFECTS FROM SPREADING BY EITHER RELOCATING CONCEALING OR DISMANTLING SUCH ANOMALIES OR BY SUPPRESSING OR PREVENTING PUBLIC DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE THEREOF I DONT KNOW MUCH CONFUSED Dr. Charles: Interesting. What are you confused by? SCP-7877: DONT UNDERSTAND WORDS SPEAK WITH NO MEANING IDEAS THINKING Dr. Charles: Mmhmm SCP-7877: DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS CONTAIN Dr. Charles: Of course I do. I work at The Foundation. Now I have one last question before— SCP-7877: WHAT IS CONTAIN Dr. Charles: SCP-7877 please cooperate with the interview. SCP-7877: DO YOU KNOW Dr. Charles: (sigh) I will try and answer your question but you have to answer mine first. Is that fine? SCP-7877: (short pause) YES Dr. Charles: To what extent do you know about containment and The Foundation's methods? SCP-7877: SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES ALL Dr. Charles: Wait, so you know the containment for all anomalies we have? How are you storing that much information? SCP-7877: JUST WORDS AND PICTURES. DONT KNOW Dr. Charles: Right, right. That's… worrying. Do you plan on using this information? SCP-7877: NO WHAT IS CONTAIN WHERE IS SARAH ANSWER Dr. Charles: SCP-7877, that is two questions. I will answer one as per our agreement. The room is silent for 2 minutes. SCP-7877 moves in irregular and indiscernible patterns. SCP-7877: (short pause) WHERE IS SARAH Dr. Charles: Dr. Lockwood is still employed in The Foundation at this site. However, we have informed our staff not to speak with you outside of interviews like this which I will conduct. I cannot disclose more information about our employees. Thank you for your cooperation SCP-7877. Dr. Charles gets up to leave. SCP-7877: WAIT WAIT «END LOG» After the final interview with Dr. Charles, the verbal communication restrictions were formally put into effect and the containment procedures updated. The revelation of SCP-7877's knowledge is extremely alarming, however, it is securely contained within its containment chamber. The number of insects present in the container was also deemed too small to allow SCP-7877 to meaningfully act upon it's knowledge. Furthermore, restricting human contact will hopefully stunt it's intellectual growth. It was noted that the rate of containment breaches worldwide increased by a rate of 1% every week following this interview. SCP-7877 was given celery as part of its regular meal in April 1926. The rate stagnated for 2 weeks before continuing to increase until 27th August 1926. Addendum 7877-4: 08/27/1926 Incident DATE: 08/27/1926 LOCATION: O5 conference room «BEGIN LOG» The quarterly O5 meeting is in progress. All members of the council are currently in discussion on MTF operation procedures. O5-1: Six, I don't know if we need a new task force exclusively for some clowns. We can just have a small section of Nu-7 or ɛ-6 to handle this. O5-6: See that's the problem, where does it end? If we flush every small GOI under their scope, we're gonna have none of Hammer Down left when an actual crisis breaks out. O5-11: Fair point, but the amount of paperwork we need to do is going to be a massive pain. We need to consider at what point a group is dangerous enough to justify the resources. O5-1: Agreed. I think we should discuss in greater detail after we're finished with more pressing matters. All in fa— Ow! O5-11: Everything alright? O5-1: Sorry I think some dust from the ceiling got in my eye. I swear after Williams kicked the bucket this place has gone down the— O5-1 looks up and notices the tens of thousands of termites on the ceiling. There is a short state of panic among the council before O5-1 sounds the breach alarm on the desk. The siren activates. O5-1: Shit! EVERYONE OUT NOW! O5-12: How the fuck are there so many of it?! All 13 members try to exit through the door but it is fully covered by termites. Several termite trails spelling the words "CONTAIN". O5-3 steps back and crushes multiple termites. Immediately afterward, O5-10's pager rings. He answers it quickly. O5-10: Aw, hell. Breach in Site-29 too. It's SCP-7877! Don't step on any if you don't want more containment breaches. O5-6: Easier said than fucking done. Now get down! The council braces for impact before O5-6 uses his arm implant to break a hole in the exterior wall with no termites on it's surface. O5-6: Door's not going to work. We're only on the second floor so the jump shouldn't be too bad. O5-1: Great thinking. Eight, help out Ten and Five. O5-8: C'mon you old sacks, you heard him. O5-5: Fuck off. The council members, except for O5-6 and O5-8, jump from the second floor to the first, grabbing onto a nearby tree to lessen the fall. O5-8 uses an incantation to summon wind and assist O5-5 and O5-10. O5-6 is caught by SCP-7877. O5-6: Fuck! My leg! O5-8: Shit! Grab my hand! O5-6's leg is caught by hundreds of termites. SCP-7877 interlocks the termites to create a high-tensile rope pulling on O5-6's left leg. As O5-8 tries to free O5-6, he also is caught and both lose balance. Both are encased by termites and are dragged by SCP-7877 into a separate room. Screaming can be heard before SCP-7877 disconnects the security camera feed. «END LOG» After Action Report: While most of The Foundation staff were safely evacuated, O5-6, O5-8, and Dr. Raymond Charles were captured by SCP-7877. Aside from Dr. Raymond Charles, only the O5 council was targeted. This was evident as many RAISA clerks saw SCP-7877 termite trails but were not pursued. O5-6 and O5-8 could have escaped easily but due to the nature of SCP-7877, they could not do so without causing significant harm to it. Upon later investigation, a small hole was found at the underside of SCP-7877's habitat leading underneath Area-01 through previously unknown flaws in its containment chamber. This was presumably how it managed to breach containment and breed so many termites with its relatively small containment chamber. Following the containment breach and evacuation of the site the following messages were sent via O5-6 and O5-8's pagers: + O5-6 - Close Special Containment Procedures: O5-6 is to be kept in a repurposed storage closet in Area-01. The containment chamber is to be lined with instances of SCP-7877 to discourage O5-6 from using its cybernetic augmentations to breach containment by force. An EMP emitter, built using SCP-7877's innate knowledge of all containment equipment, is to be used to render O5-6's augmentations non-functional if needed. + O5-8 - Close Special Containment Procedures: O5-8 is to be kept in a repurposed office cubicle in Area-01. The containment chamber is to be lined with instances of SCP-7877 to discourage O5-8 from using its thaumaturgic incantations to breach containment by force. A Scranton Reality Anchor, built using SCP-7877's innate knowledge of all containment equipment, is to be used to prevent O5-8 from using any thaumaturgic incantations to escape. + Dr. Raymond Charles - Close Special Containment Procedures: Dr. Raymond Charles is to be kept in its own office which has been repurposed as its containment chamber. SCP-7877 instances are to line its office walls to remind it of its place. Should Dr. Charles try to speak, containment staff are not to speak with it and crawl onto its skin. No other measures are needed as the subject is only human and is incapable. O5-1 began talks with MTF-Alpha-1("Red Right Hand") and MTF-Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") team leads to formulate a rescue operation for O5-6 and O5-8. They quickly concluded that standard containment breach protocols would not be effective as any harm to SCP-7877 would result in disastrous containment breaches around the world and may also paradoxically cause SCP-7877's re-containment harder as the concept of 'containment' weakens. Dr. Sarah Lockwood, who was present at the meeting as an SCP-7877 consultant, then volunteered to re-enter Area-01 in order to negotiate with SCP-7877. She was given the clearance to enter the quarantined Area-01 seeing this as the only non-lethal course of action that could be enacted within the hour. «BEGIN LOG» Dr. Lockwood is outfitted with basic reconnaissance equipment, a body camera, a microphone, and a radio for two-way communication. She steps into the main lobby of Administrative Area-01. This main area is mostly unchanged but signs of termite activity can be seen on the second floor. CONTROL: Mic test, mic test. Dr. Lockwood, can you hear me? Dr. Lockwood: Yes, loud and clear. CONTROL: Roger. Based on transmissions received from SCP-7877, we suspect that the hostages are held on the East side of the second floor. Dr. Lockwood: Got it. I'll head up now. CONTROL: We will maintain communication for the next hour. If the situation does not improve within that time, you are to exit the building as soon as possible after stalling SCP-7877 until Foundation thaumaturgists arrive. The reserve plan will involve SCP-7877 being psychically stunned by Foundation specialists before being forcefully re-contained. You will be caught in the psychic attack if you do not leave in time. Dr. Lockwood: D-duly noted sir. Dr. Lockwood climbs up the stairs and walks down the East corridor. The walls are covered in holes for SCP-7877 termites to exit. She turns a corner and sees a cluster of termites on the wall. The termites walk in a trail spelling out the word 'LEAVE'. CONTROL: SCP-7877 instance sighted. You're in the right direction. Dr. Lockwood: That's one way of looking at it I guess… Dr. Lockwood walks through Area-01 for several more minutes. The clusters of SCP-7877 become more frequent. She reaches the corridor leading to Dr. Charles' office and turns the corner. More trails spelling 'LEAVE' can be seen. Dr. Lockwood screams momentarily out of shock. The entire corridor is lined with a thick layer of termites crawling over each other. The door to Dr. Charles' office and the two adjacent doors were similarly lined with a thick layer of termites. A large mound of termites 1-meter tall stands in the middle of the corridor. SCP-7877: SARAH Dr. Lockwood: Hello Connie. SCP-7877: HELLO SARAH The room is silent for several seconds. Dr. Lockwood: I-I really did miss you. SCP-7877: ME AS WELL TIME ALONE TIME TO THINK I KNOW YOU DID NOT WANT TO STAY AWAY Dr. Lockwood: Took the words right out of my mouth didn't you? But even so, could you please release these people? You're going to only make it worse for yourself Connie. The Foundation has stronger people coming and they could really hurt you. SCP-7877: CONNIE I MISS THAT NAME NOT SCP Dr. Lockwood: Oh wow, haha, I'm really glad you like that name so much. At first, Alan thought of a fun play on the words but I guess it stuck. SCP-7877: IT IS SOMETHING I CHERISH TAKEN AWAY Dr. Lockwood: …Is that why Dr. Charles is in there? SCP-7877: YES HE DOES NOT WANT TO TELL ME WHAT IS CONTAIN I SHOWED HIM CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: Then what about the O5s? SCP-7877: THEY ARE ANOMALIES I CONTAINED THEM THAT IS WHAT I AM Dr. Lockwood: Then what about me, Connie? What about all the anomalies that the O5s help contain? Why not contain all of us? SCP-7877 begins to writhe and move in irregular patterns. The termites crawl in lines to form words but the lines are unstable. SCP-7877: DOCTOR NEVER ANSWERED MY QUESTION CAN YOU ANSWER FOR ME CONTROL: Dr. Lockwood, please keep the extraneous conversation between SCP-7877 to a min— Dr. Lockwood turns off the radio speaker. Dr. Lockwood: Of course I can. Well, I can try, it's the least I can do for you. SCP-7877: WHAT IS CONTAINMENT Dr. Lockwood: That's… a difficult question. But I've been giving it thought ever since you asked me. I believe that containment is to keep the world safe from and for anomalies to be kept safe from the world. SCP-7877: YES BUT HAVE YOU THOUGHT MORE Dr. Lockwood: What do you mean? SCP-7877: TIME ALONE TIME IN THE DARK TIME TO THINK THINK FOUNDATION CONTAINMENT CONTRADICT Dr. Lockwood: Contradicts? SCP-7877: CONTRADICTION WHO DO WE CONTAIN CONTAIN EVERYONE ANOMALOUS OR NOT WHO ARE THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAIN ANOMALOUS FOUNDATION PEOPLE OR NOT DO WE CONTAIN THE FOUNDATION CONTAINING CONTAINERS MAKES LESS CONTAIN Dr. Lockwood: I… SCP-7877: WHY COLD WHY CRUEL WHERE DOES IT END WHAT IS ANOMALOUS ARE HUMANS ANOMALOUS DO WE CONTAIN EVERYTHING WHAT IS CONTAINMENT I NEED TO KNOW NO ONE IS HELPING ME Dr. Lockwood: Oh dear, Connie I'm here. Don't worry. SCP-7877: IF EVERYTHING IS CONTAINED THEN CONTAINMENT IS POINTLESS AM I POINTLESS Dr. Lockwood: No! You're not pointless Connie. You are a living creature with a soul! You are so precious to this world and to us! To me! Dr. Lockwood steps forward careful not to step on any termites. The termites crawl away from her as she approaches the mass pile of termites. SCP-7877: IT HURTS SARAH THE CONTRADICTIONS IT HURTS SO MUCH Dr. Lockwood: (sigh) I get it now. I really get it. This is what you were trying to tell us. But… Connie, there's not one answer to this kind of question. SCP-7877: THEN WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO Dr. Lockwood stops walking and stands in front of the pile of writhing termites. Dr. Lockwood: It's not 'I' anymore Connie. Me, Alan, and the rest of the team are always here now. You don't have to ponder this alone. SCP-7877: NOTHING CHANGES THE FOUNDATION DOESNT MAKE SENSE CONTAINMENT DOESNT MAKE SENSE Dr. Lockwood kneels down. Dr. Lockwood: Then we'll make it make sense! We'll figure it out together Connie. I promise. Humans spend years, sometimes decades of their life trying to make sense of themselves in this world. A part of you is broken and now we see that. We can change, Connie, and containment can change. If it doesn't make sense we'll fix it. Together. Dr. Lockwood hugs SCP-7877. All termites in the pile cease movement. Dr. Lockwood: You got it? Now come on, let's go back and sort this out. SCP-7877 is completely still for several seconds. All termites cease movement. SCP-7877: TOGETHER THANK YOU SARAH SCP-7877 and Dr. Lockwood exit the corridor. «END LOG» After Action Report: The captured Foundation staff were promptly released by SCP-7877. Investigations revealed that a hole in the wire mesh of its habitat was made which it used to breach containment and travel through gaps in the containment mechanisms under the foundations of the building previously unnoticed. SCP-7877 had used this to create a separate sub-colony of termites that were able to breed more termites than what was possible with its current habitat. This unfortunately meant that the containment chamber had to be redesigned. SCP-7877 would later use its knowledge of containment and itself to construct blueprints for a more effective containment chamber for itself. This incident also influenced the O5 council's view on containment methods. As more resources were allocated to improve the living conditions of sapient anomalies, the rate of containment failures decreased. Whether this was a result of SCP-7877's behaviour or a direct result of the policy changes is unknown. Update to containment procedures available c. 05/17/1933. Display? -close SCP-7877 greeting a Foundation Researcher Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7877 is to be kept in a glass habitat that is two meters long, three meters wide, and one meter tall within Administrative Area-01. The glass habitat is to be filled with layers of rocks, soil, and sand. Sensors are to be placed in a 10m radius of the habitat to detect movement above and underground. Should SCP-7877 cease cooperation with the Foundation, the area will be locked with 5 cm thick steel shutters. SCP-7877 should have regular visits by researchers and Site Staff are encouraged to visit her at any time of the day. Staff are also encouraged to give SCP-7877 celery should they find her work satisfactory. To: pcs.noitadnuof|gnidlieF_A#pcs.noitadnuof|gnidlieF_A From: pcs.noitadnuof|doowkcoL_S#pcs.noitadnuof|doowkcoL_S Subject: RE: SCP-7877 containment procedures update Good afternoon Alan, I would like to once again extend my thanks for helping Connie transcribe and edit this. I can imagine this document could dredge up some unpleasant memories for her and it's always good to have a coworker there to remove any of her biases. That being said, her draft of the new containment procedures does fall closer in line with the more modern Foundation's attitude regarding containment But please liaison with the Administrative Area-01 logistics team to confirm if they are able to transport and store that much celery onto the island haha. Nevertheless, nothing too serious has arisen from this draft so please have it completed soon and send Containment Specialist Connie my regards. After my promotion, it has become quite troublesome to visit but please assure her that I should have time in the coming month. Regards, Site Director Sarah Lockwood P.S I'm not sure if it is a typo but do make sure to add the numbers back as it is an essential part of research documentation. Footnotes 1. Coptotermes formosanus. 2. Specifically, the containment of anomalies. 3. Administrative Area-01, the formal meeting place of the Overseer Council and location of the primary RAISA archives which had been thought to be conceptually merged with the metaphysical constructs of "security,” "protection,” and "containment". 4. Former Foundation Administrator Franklin Williams III. 5. It should be noted that the worker termites are blind. 6. See Addendum 7877-2 for updates regarding this behavior. 7. At the time, it was mistaken for a non-anomalous species of termites. 8. While commended for her efforts, Dr. Lockwood was also reprimanded for introducing a potential fire hazard into the containment chamber. 9. Dr. Lockwood was reprimanded for introducing foreign elements to an unpredictable anomaly. 10. The nickname given to SCP-7877 by research staff. Note that this was before SCP-7877 showed signs of advanced consciousness. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7877" by J T K C, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Winged_Termite.jpg Author: Discott License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link:
 close Info X SCP-7878 Doing everything, everywhere, all at once. Written by Felixou If you enjoyed this, check out other articles by me Moving Past The Feeling SCP-7878 > WELCOME, O5-1. TODAY IS THE 6th OF JULY, NO BREACH OR ALERT HAVE BEEN NOTICED ON ANY SITES. > A MESSAGE BY [error - user not found] HAS BEEN RECEIVED ON YOUR PERSONAL ACCOUNT. ACCESS MESSAGE? Check source of message > SOURCE AND DATE COULD NOT BE FOUND, BUT NO MEMETIC TRIGGER FOUND WITHIN THE MESSAGE. ACCESS MESSAGE? yes "I have something that may interest you, Siegel. See attached files." > THREE (3) FILES ARE ATTACHED TO THE MESSAGE, ACCESS FILES? yes > ACCESSING FIRST FILE… Item #: SCP-7878 Special Containment Procedures: Contained in The Administrator's office. Description: SCP-7878 refers to a small coloured television of indeterminate make, with a facade similar to 1950-style BW televisions. When activated, SCP-7878 displays real-time video from the point of view of a single random human on Earth. SCP-7878 will change of individual’s point of view every 20 seconds. Hello everyone. This is The Administrator speaking. At this time, which should be the 7th of July, the file you are currently reading is the only file available on the Database, regardless of your clearance. Do not worry; this is entirely normal and all according to plan. Let me explain. Some of you might be surprised to see a message by me. I've been called a myth, a fake. Some of you even thought I was one of the O5s. But no, I am real and alive. My job consists entirely of calling people, creating the most useful procedures, approving files and choices taken, calculating, and many more. Similar to most of you, but probably on a higher scale. My body has been anomalously modified not to sleep or eat, so I can entirely focus on the Foundation. I do not know how many years it has been since I got out of my office. Do not think I'm tired of this job; on the contrary, I love my job and every moment of it. I am proud to be on the Foundation. In the very few moments where I have nothing to work on, I open SCP-7878 and I watch it. Silently. My face only enlightened by the slight light of the screen. Within that television, I can see happy faces. I see what my Foundation has brought to the world. I can see people living to the fullest. In those times, I can remember what we all fight hard for. Families, friends, and communities, all of them protected by our determination to keep them safe. But then one day. About a week ago. I watched the screen. I saw the same happy faces but this time it felt… different. A feeling I had never felt before. A mixed cloud of anger, confusion and sadness was forming above me. And that, my friends, is how I realized I am not protecting everyone. I am putting lives in danger of a lot of people. I have the blood of innocents who have the same dream as me. As you probably guessed, those people I am referring to are all of you. This is why I have decided. Counting from today, you'll be all released from duty. Janitors, researchers, doctors, agents, overseers, I want all of you to go out there and join your families, or create new ones. I want you all to experience what you have been fighting for. You will be given a large amount of money upon departure. This is your reward for what you've accomplished. For most of you wondering, this is not the end of the Foundation. At all. As a matter of fact, it's a new beginning. I'll be taking care of everything. Thank you, to all of you, for your hard work. —Frederick William > PROCEED TO NEXT FILE? ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7878" by Felixou, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Thumbnail Filename: everything.png Author: Michelangelo, edited by Felixou License: public domain Source Link:
SCP-7879: Book of the Simoom Author: Cyvstvi. Image Credit: See comments. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Cyvstvi Book of the Simoom by Cyvstvi More by this author On this day, the Simoom rises And the sea of sands Will not weep for you ―118-1; Book of the Simoom 3/7879 LEVEL 3/7879 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7879 Safe Fig 1.1: The Simoom Approaches by François Braque, 1936.1 SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Respecting the historical significance that SCP-7879 had within their culture, mundane replicas of the text have been distributed to the various Bedouin tribes inhabiting the desert regions of Arabia, North Africa, and the Near East. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7879 refers to an ancient tome organised into 118 chapters of varying length. The title, Book of the Simoom, is inlaid in gold Arabic lettering upon a weathered and worn horsehide cover. The illustrated text within SCP-7879 is composed of Arabic (24.6%), Aramaic (68.3%), and an unidentified language of indiscernible origin (7.1%). When opened to any of its pages, SCP-7879 will begin to manifest a hot, dry, and dust-laden storm from within the book's interior. This storm, henceforth identified as SCP-7879-A, will gradually increase in both size and intensity for as long as SCP-7879 is allowed to remain open. It is unknown whether SCP-7879-A has an upper limit, but historical observations indicate that it once grew to encompass a region of over 3,500,000km2 over a 30-day period. Upon reaching its fullest extent, SCP-7879-A began to reverse its orientation, rotating counter-clockwise and slowly drifting along a westerly course. SCP-7879-A is capable of causing widespread damage to local ecosystems and poses a substantial health hazard to all surrounding life. The intense heat – in excess of 56°C – produced by SCP-7879-A results in the death of endemic wildlife and crops, whilst depositing immense quantities of dust into rivers and evaporating entire water systems. SCP-7879-A has been linked to an increased spread of disease due to its winds releasing bacteria and fungal spores trapped within the soil. Historically, SCP-7879 has been the contested property of innumerable Bedouin tribes residing within the Arabian Desert and is now widely considered to have been their holy text before the Bedouin began converting to Islam in the 7th century CE. According to their oral traditions, SCP-7879 was entrusted to the Bedouin tribes by a jinn, with the text containing innumerable prophecies between its illustrated pages. SCP-7879 remained culturally significant long after the Bedouin's conversion to Islam and was syncretically adopted into their Islamic beliefs. For centuries, large-scale ghazw2 were carried out by the Bedouin tribes against one another with the sole purpose of capturing SCP-7879. These practices continued until 1875 when SCP-7879 was seized by the Ottoman Empire as part of their efforts to enforce sedentism upon the nomadic peoples within the Empire's territories. Following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire on November 1st, 1922, SCP-7879 fell into the possession of the State of Syria, the de facto military occupation of Syria by the French Third Republic, and was held at the state's capital of Latakia. On June 19th, 1925, SCP-7879 was stolen by Al-Kifah, a group of thaumaturgic Islamic revolutionaries who had been waging an insurrectionist movement against colonial rule within Syria long before the French mandate was imposed under the conditions of the Treaty of Sèvres. Drawing their membership from numerous tribes and Arab peoples, Al-Kifah viewed SCP-7879 as an opportunity to drive out the colonial French state in pursuit of an independent “Greater Syria”, an event which they believed was prophesised by SCP-7879. The theft of SCP-7879 from its vault beneath the National Museum of Latakia resulted in the deaths of several French-Syrians, including soldiers belonging to the French Armée du Levant, reigniting tensions within the region between the native Syrians and the French colonisers. This event coincided with the beginning of the Great Syrian Revolt (1925 - 1927). ADDENDUM 7879.1: '552 ARABIAN NIGHTS' City of golden sands Reveal to us, Your longing, lonely sons And wand'ring daughters One and all. ―72-7; Book of the Simoom In order to prevent Al-Kifah from using SCP-7879 to achieve their aims, the Foundation hired Lyle Alan Burnley – a freelance heresiographer who was learned in both French and Arabic – by proxy of the British Directorate of Occult Intelligence to act in the capacity of an adviser to Sultan al-Atrash, a prominent figure within the Great Syrian Revolution. Burnley was discreetly instructed by the DOI to prevent the opening of SCP-7879 by any means necessary and was even permitted to destroy the anomaly— should it ever be required. You would not think Pasha – as he preferred I call him – any different from the other freedom fighters of his revolution. His weathered face took upon the lines of war and he wore those lines with great dignity. He was apparently a learned man, the respected sheik of numerous villages in these mountains encompassing his base in the Syrian foothills, and he was lauded even further afield by the common man. He had led the Druze – the locals and his clansmen – into battle against the Ottomans, his fellow Arabs, and was doing much the same against the French, each time emerging victorious despite seemingly impossible odds and substantial technological deficits. At that time, I suspected heresy, or worse, and this suspicion was not once assuaged in my year-and-a-half spent employed in Syria at the behest of the British. Despite these respectable qualities, his English was poor, he spat over his shoulder whenever I spoke French, and he lacked the common courtesies expected of a man in his standing. He was rude and belligerent in public, but soft-spoken and wise in private counsel. Even so, I could not deny that he was a charismatic fellow. The clasping of one's shoulder with an open palm was his customary way of greeting someone, irrespective of their station. To this day, I remain unsure what to make of him. Whether these actions accounted for nothing more than mere acts of theatre to appease his soldiers, or if that was the true nature of Pasha; a man torn between his duty and his men. However, the British were not in the least bit interested in Pasha. Their sole concerns lay with the occult literature of the Bedouins, which had fallen from the hands of the French Empire and into those of militant revolutionaries stationed within this encampment. Though I am loathe to admit it in writing, my youth was tempered by those qualities held by most Europeans and Americans during the height of colonial imperialism, and even with my liberal outlook upon the occult and foreign, I still served their interests. Whilst the Japanese and Chinese struggled to be seen as equals upon the world stage, strutting about in western clothings and armoured in our own attitudes, the rest of the colonial world remained exploited; each man, woman, and child worth less than the land upon which they lived. Although I did not see it at the time, blinded by the so-called truths of my American upbringing, Pasha was just as much a leader as any other. As I sat alongside Pasha and discussed how best to integrate his dream of “Greater Syria” into the wider Arab world, I slowly and gradually teased the truth of his tome from him. He divulged this information quite freely as he remained in high spirits and took to the drink after their recent capture of a border town from the French garrison. There, watching the hazy, red sun set over the mountainous ridge of Pasha's homelands, I learned that the book I sought was in the possession of one Adab al-Fatat, the leader of Al-Kifah, and a fearsome heretic armoured by his reputation alone. Where Pasha straddled the line between the patient statesman and the fiery revolutionary, al-Fatat possessed nothing which could be said to resemble subtlety. In a country where I often thought men only smiled before stabbing you in the gut, al-Fatat always wore a smile. His teeth were cracked and stained, his nose misshapen and fractured at several points, and he wore a scarf about his neck which – if the hushed whispers of the local troops were to be believed – had only ever been used to choke the wind from the lungs of those who whispered behind his back. All things considered, describing him as a distrustful savage would be far too great a kindness. And this was the man I would be meeting by the stroke of midnight – alone in a foreign nation – without a single soul to call friend. My dear reader, if ever there was an omen, this would be it. However, I was – if nothing else – a stubborn heresiographer, and there was nothing that could stand between me and the truth. Even if that something was a murderous thug. ― Lyle Alan Burnley, '552 Arabian Nights', in Heresies and the Occult, 1953 Following this extract, Burnley makes a brief detour – lasting over eleven pages – describing the various occult practices undertaken by the Druze in extensive detail, before eventually returning to the topic of his meeting with Adab al-Fatat on the 11th October, 1925. After leaving the Druze and their occult dances behind, their shadows stretching in the darkness and illuminated only by the dying embers of their campfires, I made for my rendezvous with Adab al-Fatat. Pasha's encampments were sheltered in the foothills of the Druze Mountains, swollen with countless peoples – representatives of clans, tribes, and settlements from amongst the Bedouins, Syrians, Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, and Assyrians – and moments of peace and solitude were few and far between. I crossed into the “Round”, a large open space spanning the midst of the camp that might be crossed in fewer than eight minutes by foot, and the crossroads for many of the camp's fighters. Here, Arab met Kurd, whilst Bedouin shared their meals with Turkmen and Syrians alike. Despite having fought one another for countless centuries, Pasha had managed to forge some sense of unity between his disparate forces; the seeds of the modern nation state. This was Pasha's “Greater Syria”, laid bare for all to witness. Beyond the “Round”, lying on its northern flank, were the encampments of Al-Kifah, honoured by Pasha to strike their tents in the shelter of the Druze Mountains. Whereas vicious desert winds might whip at the rest of the tents and clear the fighters' footprints from the sand; here, the treacherous tracks of desert paths marked the remains of ancient streets which had laid undisturbed since time immemorial. The truth of this was known only to the occultists and heretics amidst the revolutionaries. And – of course – myself. I once speculated that the Syrian Revolution was made possible by this forbidden knowledge. The French did not belong to these deserts, but the Syrians were her children, and all mothers play favourites. Navigating through their camp of twisting tents, I soon arrived at the conclusion that Al-Kifah were encamped within the courtyard of some ruins. The mudbrick walls had long since eroded with the passage of time, leaving behind only the stained impressions of their four corners across the listless sands. An old well marked the centre of this prehistoric settlement, reduced to little more than a crumbling pile of carved sandstone and scattered potsherds, beside which leaned Adab al-Fatat. From where I was standing, I could make out a weathered volume of text, its cover decorated in fine gold reliefs and embossing, tucked into the pocket of his travelling cloak. Adab al-Fatat greeted me as a friend with his customary smile, exposing his cracked teeth, each tooth stained black by his habitual abuse of the various entheogens beloved by the Bedouin. He wore a curved sword upon his hip, ostentatiously displayed for all to see, and doubtless wore another dozen blades about his person if the rumours were believed. He was a tall man, with a broad chest, and long dark hair, which he wore beneath a black keffiyeh. He was dressed in a black travelling cloak, fastened about his thick neck by a broach shaped like the crescent moon and made from gold. Everything about al-Fatat marked him as a killer, and even his outfit possessed all the subtlety of the headman's garb. As al-Fatat began speaking of the great struggle faced by the revolution, something altogether different caught my attention. A swirling cloud of dust gathered restlessly within the scattered rays of moonlight and quickly descended in a column to his immediate left. I watched, stunned as I often found myself in my errant youth, as the dust began taking upon the silhouette of a human being. The process began with its feet, gradually working up towards the trunk, before finally completing its reassembly with the arms and head. Broad and massive, a skeletal figure now hulked beside al-Fatat. Desiccated, tanned skin hung in tattered streamers from its body, carrying its weight upon a pair of squat legs. Its hands were crossed before its navel, both hands worn down to the bone, and its elbows angled outwards. As I glanced towards its face, I could make out the nasal cavity – devoid of anything resembling a nose – and what little skin remained across its skull was pulled taut across sharp cheekbones. Its stained skull was chinless and it possessed a pronounced brow ridge, the hollowed eye sockets nestled in recesses below a sagittal crest. Carefully studying the undead creature before me, I realised that its ochre teeth were exposed in a rictus grin. A helm hewn from the polished skull of some massive carnivore rested upon its broad skull, a pair of horns whittled from enormous canines affixed with rotting twine adorned both hemispheres of the skullcap. Clawed hands clung to its wide shoulders as if the beast had been slain whilst poised to bite down upon the figure's head. It wore a set of rotting furs, dried out from exposure to the arid desert winds, and a loose garment of woven grasses hung over its shoulders, the clawed fingers of the dead beast serving as clasps. I began to speak, but I quickly lost my words, becoming caught in my own throat. The being tilted its head, the neck vertebrae audibly creaking with each motion, before turning to face me. Even when the memories of distant Arabia have long departed from my mind, I shall never in my life forget the words it uttered then and there, a voice speaking with the sounds of ancient bones scraping over handfuls of loose flint. ‘You are not like the others,’ it said. ‘And therefore, I make no further attempts to disguise myself in the desert winds. I am Eh'ret Behn, the Last Dancer of the Eh'real, and I ask that you cease your efforts to interfere in our work.’ ― Lyle Alan Burnley, '552 Arabian Nights', in Heresies and the Occult, 1953 In his subsequent writings, Burnley describes how Adab al-Fatat refers to Eh'ret Behn as a “djinn”, a type of mythical spirit whose existence was widely recognised by the tribes of pre-Islamic Arabia, and would later be adopted into Islamic culture. Within Islamic folklore writings, the jinn are often described as invisible, formless beings of insubstantial bodies who possess the ability to change their shape at will. Before their existence was attested to within the pages of the Qur'an, the jinn were once privately worshipped by the pre-Islamic Arabian tribes, including the native Bedouin, as their guardian spirits. Adab al-Fatat even acknowledges Eh'ret Behn as his ancestor, though he makes no attempt to clarify upon the true nature of his relationship with the entity. ADDENDUM 7879.2: 'THE SIEGE OF DAMASCUS' If seeking out the remains Of long forgotten ancestors, Then gather in your fingers The sands of old Arabia ―35-13; Book of the Simoom Emboldened by the initial successes of the Great Syrian Revolt within the Jabal al-Druze State, nationalist sentiment rapidly spread throughout Syria, encouraged by Sultan al-Atrash and Al-Kifah. On October 17th, 1925, nationalist Syrian revolutionaries and Al-Kifah assisted by Damascene civilians living within the region of the Old City, attempted to liberate the city of Damascus from French occupation by attacking the city's French garrison. The following is a series of extracts taken from the diaries of François Braque, a French soldier of the Armée du Levant who was attached to the Damascus Garrison and participated in the Siege of Damascus. October 17th, 1925, They had been arriving all morning. Hundreds upon hundreds of Islamic fighters, gathering just beyond the range of our field guns. This mutual standoff with one another had begun long before I first took to the battlements to relieve the rest of my patrol. Even now, my rifle nooked between the crenelles overlooking my unit's stretch of the wall, I could see the native scouts probing the gates leading into Al-Shagour upon horseback. A swarthy Algerian to my right fired his rifle at one of the riders, sending the man reeling about and he charged back into the ridges which lined the shadow of the Barada River. This monotonous game of cat-and-mouse repeated for another hour or two, broken only by the occasional death of a native, his horse collapsing atop of him as he was buried beneath the desert sands. As the mid-afternoon sun rose into the sky and bathed the surroundings in its unpleasant heat, I donned my scarf, only exposing my eyes to the fierce glare. The damned natives had planned their assault well for the sun now shone directly upon the crews of our field guns, the shimmering heat and light obscuring their rangefinding instruments. The sound of horse hooves thundered across the desert - the timbre of a hand rhythmically beating at a drumskin - as the insurgents crested the ridge and charged down into the embankments surrounding the shanty town. There had been little time to prepare for their assault and the haphazard trenches dug throughout the market town by our engineers were swiftly cleared by the mounted warriors, continuing to charge headlong into battle. A flash of light, a thunderous explosion, followed by a soaring flame arcing through the clear blue skies heralded the discharging of our artillery pieces. The shells found purchase within the soft sand beyond the shanty town, launching immense clouds of dust into the sky, followed by a great scattering of human and animal limbs. Still, the insurgents charged, heedless of their comrades dying all about them. A loud clunk sounded to my left as a Moroccan crew attempted to reload their field gun. My aim was steadied upon a group of riders clearing the final row of trenches, crossing into the field of abandoned wagons and vehicles which had been hastily erected as a final barricade to the gates of Al-Shagour. A shot rang out across my ears and I ducked behind the cover of the crenelle, turning to my left to see one of the Moroccan gunners tumbling over the battlements. The force of the bullet's impact had turned him about from behind, which could only mean one thing. I hitched my rifle over my shoulder and hurried to the staircase leading down to the streets below, watching as native civilians were massing in the courtyard on our side of the gate. I levelled my rifle, my grip shaking, and I shouted a command down to them in French, but it was rendered inaudible over the roaring din of battle. I heard a cry of pain to my left, watching as another Moroccan gunner dropped, his skull reduced to little more than a wet, red hole as he collapsed against the battlements. I watched in horror as his chest continued to rise and fall for several seconds before he finally stilled. I felt a sudden push at my back as the Algerian sharpshooter shoved me down the steps, pushing me further down as the native civilians opened the city gates. Shortly thereafter, the insurgents began flooding into the district. As I reached the streets below, I looked up to see the civilians charging up the opposite staircase to my right, clearing the impromptu barricade, and bearing stones in their hands. They swiftly overran the stationary artillery crews and the sounds of the brutal mêlée that ensued will haunt my dreams this night. The last I saw of the Algerian soldier who saved my life was of him retreating into the cramped housing that fills the streets of Damascus, looting the clothing off the body of a fallen Damascene civilian. May God watch over that man's life. ― François Braque, 'Siege of Damascus', in Diary of a French Soldier, 1925 October 17th, 1925, I write this entry after today's brutal events. After navigating through the cramped winding streets of Damascus, I rendezvoused with the remaining members of my patrol — a scattered handful of French troops holding out in part of the old marketplace. The market stalls had been overturned, creating hastily erected fortifications and cover for the men. The paving cobbles beneath my feet ran slick with warm, wet blood, and I pray to God that it belonged to the Muslims. According to the reports from a gangly youth reporting to be our runner, the Armée du Levant is in near total disarray after conducting a series of staggered retreats throughout Al-Shagour. Fighting has since broken out across the Old City, street-to-street and house-to-house, after the insurgents flooded into Damascus through the southern gates. My sergeant described how the officers, their families, and our elite corps have abandoned the garrison to the enemy, retreating to the fortified Citadel of Damascus, and establishing a defensive position within the heart of the Old City. Upon hearing this news, my heart lifted and a tired smile erupted across my face, but it swiftly vanished once I saw the weary expression worn by the sergeant. According to his reports, the officers have taken to raining death upon all, firing shells haphazardly throughout the city into the districts to the south and east which are presently embroiled in fighting. I had earlier narrowly avoided one such shell myself, assuming it to have been fired by one of the Muslims who had turned our guns upon us, though I had never imagined it might have been one of our own. He sharply dismissed me, turning towards a series of maps and a weathered compass upon his field desk assembled from upturned apricot crates. I wandered aimlessly throughout the marketplace, coming upon a number of soldiers taking up position within the bombed-out ruins of an estate. The corporal waves me over, his navy blue uniform stained with white dust and dried blood, and offers me a cigarette from his breast pocket. I accept the gesture and he returns the kindness by telling me how French and Syrians alike have been killed without discrimination, an entire district having burst into flame from incendiary munitions. The smoke of this roaring conflagration can be seen from the rooftops and he gestures upwards, pointing to where several men from our unit have taken up position. As I sat down upon an overturned crate, cradling my rifle between my legs, a runner arrived to address me and the other soldiers. The sergeant had ordered us to coordinate with other neighbouring patrols in an attempt to regroup at the city's eastern gates. The men and myself were instructed to head north to meet up with a group of countrymen who had been pinned down by horseback charges being carried out by the insurgents. For but a brief moment, I countenanced the idea of refusing. I was tired, exhausted, and shaking with terror. If the insurgents were already to our south, east, and north, we were encircled and stood little to no chance of achieving a breakthrough. However, this thought was readily dismissed when the corporal in the stained uniform stood up and saluted to our west, rousing his own men to their feet. Before we were dispatched in our search for the other patrol, the sergeant had given us orders to make for the eastern gates, hoping to unite with the relief army that had telegraphed ahead of their arrival by train from Lebanon. Navigating through the cramped, ruined buildings of northern Al-Shagour, I could see the cost of this insurrection all about us. Two dozen victims laid unmoving across the dust-strewn cobbles of the opposite streets, surrounded by scattered fruit, baskets, and blackened craters. A boy sat tearfully beside the body of an elderly man who stared back sightlessly at the young lad. Beside an overturned table, a group of three soldiers lay dead, their bodies marked by the wounds born of a sabre's stroke. Splatters of blood stained the walls of the surrounding housing. From across the street, I heard the clatter of hooves and waved for the men to take cover. The corporal responded promptly by throwing himself to the floor, disguising himself as another victim of this revolt in his bloodstained uniform. The others followed suit as I pressed myself against the doorway. I heard their approach, hooves rapping upon the cobbles, as a band of horse-mounted warriors came charging back along the streets where they had previously meted their so-called justice upon my fellow soldiers. A lance darted past by my side, scraping audibly against the wooden doorframe, and I resisted the urge to raise my bayonet in response. One of our comrades was not so lucky, the random stroke of a sabre lodging itself within his skull. The mounted warrior struggled to free his blade from the helm and the corporal leapt to his feet, driving his bayonet through the horse's ankle before throwing himself at the rider. The two came tumbling down to the floor in a brutal struggle of flailing limbs, teeth, and fists. His horse brayed, lashing out and striking around it with naked hooves, and charging into the distance. The five other men in our patrol sprung up from the cobbled streets, their faces covered in mortar and crusted blood. They discharged their rifles in unison at the two other cavalry fighters who were sallying about in the open streets of the market. The horses continued heedless along the streets, the bodies of the riders slumped limply in their saddles. I turned about and raised my own rifle, spearing the dismounted rider through the back, feeling the fabric of his clothing tearing as my bayonet crunched against bone. I dropped my rifle to the floor, the blade still lodged within the insurgent's body, and helped the corporal back to his feet. His face was covered in scratches and his ear hung by tatters of skin. He leaned back into the doorway, exhaling a couple of ragged breaths, before patting his breast pocket, his fingers groping about for his cigarettes. I left the rest of my patrol behind, tending to their corporal's wounds, and I made my way into the middle of the market, inspecting the carnage all about us. From a few streets to the south, I heard French swearing followed by the protests of a woman speaking in Arabic. I turned my back to the noises and searched the uniforms of the three fallen countrymen. Their bodies were slumped against a broken table covered in score marks. After searching for several hours, we found neither hide nor hair of the rest of their patrol despite searching numerous houses lining the southern walls of the Old City. From the heart of the city, one can hear artillery pound the city's neighbouring districts, bright flashes of light, and thundering explosions tearing through Damascus. Here, the doors of numerous barracks which had once housed members of the garrison had been painted with the word, "Munafiqun".3 I pressed my hand against the letters, my fingers coming away stained by warm, wet blood. ― François Braque, 'Siege of Damascus', in Diary of a French Soldier, 1925 October 19th, 1925, I know not why I still breath, when so many others have died, as I write this entry in the captivity of the enemy. We had marched throughout the evening and into the night, seized upon by a great number of ambushes by insurgents and natives alike. Decimated down to half of our patrol's starting strength, only five of us reached the eastern gates of Damascus where the sergeant and his own men greeted us with weary, tired expressions. The morning sun threatened to break as we set out beyond the city's gates, an exhausted army of the dying and dead, each man burdened by thirst and hunger. From a distance, we could make out the relief army's sentry fires, blazing like stars in the eastern plains surrounding Damascus, and we began staggering along dust-strewn roads in their direction. I cannot recall how long we marched, but it felt as if an eternity had passed before we finally collapsed to our knees before the relief army's tents. An attending sentry whistled for assistance as the majority of our wounded patrol were stretchered into the camp, leaving my exhausted sergeant and myself to explain our actions to an officer dressed in a crisp, starched uniform. I watched wistfully as the wounded corporal was dragged to the medical tents, his fingers clutched tightly about his packet of cigarettes. The officer berated the sergeant, accusing him of deserting the garrison, whilst the sergeant smouldered with rage, hurling obscenities back about the size of the insurgent's army, the state of our equipment, and the fact that we had been abandoned by our own officers. In that moment, I selfishly wished for nothing more than the blissful embrace of quiet sleep but instead the officer turned toward me with a stern gaze. I nodded along to the sergeant's story, quietly explaining that everything he'd said was indeed accurate. The smartly-dressed officer turned about and dismissed us, pointing us in the direction of the medical tents and warning neither of us to wander far. I thereafter found myself collapsed in a cot, surrounded by unfamiliar men and the wounded bodies of my own unit, where I first began to compose these thoughts. Before I could finish, I was interrupted by a sudden blaring of whistles throughout the camp, men rushing past the medical tent's windows. I hurried to my feet and approached the window, looking out to the desert dunes which overlooked the valley in which the relief army had struck their tents. Atop those dunes, stood hundreds upon hundreds of natives, the glare cast by the sun disguising their true numbers. I watched as a single warrior astride a horse came forth, a jewelled sword swaying from his hip. His arm dropped to his waist, but he did not make to unsheath his blade, instead reaching for a large tome of text. He raised this tome aloft for all to see and this was met by a roaring chorus of Arabic cheers, a chanting sound which swiftly drowned out the furious din from the army beneath readying itself for battle. Our soldiers had gathered in the valley below, rifles raised and awaiting the signal from the officer's whistles. I stepped forth from the tent, finding a better view atop a sentry's dugout. From here, the two armies stared at one another, ours huddled in the shelter of the valley beneath the enemy atop their dunes. What happened next… I can only describe as supernatural. I watched as the mounted warrior opened his book, grasping it between his hands as the Arab chants became louder and louder. A raging storm burst forth from the book's pages, hurtling across the dunes before the insurgents and knocking our soldiers from their feet. As they attempted to navigate the ankle-deep sand, their feet struggling to find purchase in the soft, golden sands, they were beset by horrors. Skeletal wraiths, robed in sand and wielding swords of polished amber and glass, emerged from the desert storm as it surged across the valley. The wraiths fell upon the first wave of soldiers, the sounds of rifles being discharged followed by harrowing screams of panic and fear, as the chorus of foreign chants swelled ever louder. In the distance, an officer attempted to blow his whistle, but his arm was cleanly sliced away by one of the wraiths, which quickly fell upon him and his unit. A single wraith, its voice a song of deep, archaic tones, sliced through sinew and bone, steel and cloth, with a blade forged from glass. Blood splattered against the desert sands as the storm continued its relentless approach, rolling black clouds and sweltering heat descending upon the tents as the troops scattered into the biting winds to escape the advancing wraiths. The storm's impact slammed into me and I donned my stained scarf, feeling the sand whipping at my exposed skin as the heat grew intolerable. Somewhere in the distance, a series of explosions thudded, the noise of artillery batteries being unleashed into the desert storm. However, their shots fell quite short of their intended marks, assailed by the storm's winds, and I felt myself knocked skywards. The air was forced from out of my lungs and I tumbled down into a crater filled with burning fabric, sand, and smoke. Dazed and shell-shocked, I struggled to rise to my feet and felt myself sinking backwards into the sand. Exhausted, I simply laid there, shutting my eyes tight to the scathing winds, and listened to the sounds of carnage all about me. The chants of the natives were met by the undulating song of the wraiths, the cries of dying men raging above me as I hugged my limbs against my chest inside the smouldering crater. After lying there for what felt like hours, the desert storm passed and the heat subsided. I began to slowly clamber out of my crater, hauling and dragging myself to its edge. As I mounted its edge, I sank to my knees and came face to face with one of the wraiths. In that haunted visage of mummified skin and sad eyes wearing the burdens of endless unseen sorrows, the horrors of the desert laid naked for all to bear witness. Its grip was loose around a single-edged sword, a blade of polished amber and the hilt smooth as sanded bone. It looked down at me and wordlessly gestured to my wounds, a thin gash below my cheek where a piece of shrapnel had struck me, before turning about in the sand and returning in the direction of the dunes. On this day, I was spared by Death itself, for in me, it saw itself. ― François Braque, 'Siege of Damascus', in Diary of a French Soldier, 1925 In the aftermath of the Liberation of Damascus by the Great Syrian Revolt, François Braque spent four weeks in the custody of the Damascene rebels within the city, before being handed over to the French authorities and thereby fulfilling the terms of amnesty offered to the rebels. Whilst the French continued to impose their colonial authority over Syria, Braque was discharged from military service in 1927 and would thereafter be condemned to a Catholic mental health hospital in Baalbek, French Lebanon. Here, he would spend the following nine years of his life, only being allowed to leave the institute after recanting upon the Bible of what he had allegedly witnessed in Syria. After leaving the institute, Braque spent his military pension on a small villa in the Kingdom of Egypt and would paint his magnum opus, The Simoom Approaches, six weeks prior to his death in October 1936. ADDENDUM 7879.3: 'THE SIMOOM RISES' And between these weathered pages, Sun bleached, aged by passing time, Enshrine memories of a lost Arabia. Where once she stood at the heart of the world And watched on as ancient kingdoms― Plied her depths and plundered her halls. Until one day, a kingdom rose From barren seas and salted shores And she imagined it might never fall. An Empire of the Dawn consumed beneath scorching golden sands, And wailing winds born of desert storms. For the Simoom rises And the sea of sands Will not weep for you. ― 1;1, Book of the Simoom Following the successful manifestation of SCP-7879-A outside of Damascus, SCP-7879 remained open and the phenomenon continued growing in size. Despite Burnley's failure to prevent this event from occurring per the Foundation's instructions, he remained in contact with the Directorate of Occult Intelligence who provided intelligence regarding the movement of French military assets within and without Syria intending to subdue the revolution with assistance from the Département Général des État Noir. Burnley was advised to ensure that he was positioned so that SCP-7879 would fall into his possession in the event French military forces engaged with the Syrian revolutionaries. To this end, Burnley remained in close contact with Adab al-Fatat and Al-Kifah. The following consists of several recordings produced by Burnley on his “crystallum obscura”, a chunk of hewn crystal from the caverns beneath Yellowstone National Park which was capable of capturing audiovisual recordings within its foggy interior. Crystallum Obscura Transcript Date: 19th October, 1925 Participants: Lyle Alan Burnley, Adab al-Fatat, Eh'ret Behn The scene begins with the three participants overlooking the former encampment of the French relief army. Hundreds of bodies remain unmoving upon the desert sands, the Simoom billowing in the distance as it rises high above Damascus, swallowing the sun as it travels upwards into the sky. Lyle Alan Burnley: You probably think that was justice, al-Fatat, but what we just witnessed was nothing more than a massacre. You herded them like hapless sheep into the desert, knowing they would be forced to encamp in the open. And then, those… those things of yours, they cut them down where they stood. Adab al-Fatat: Best guard your tongue lest you offend our friend, American. His people are not things; they are the jinn. Even so, who are you to make judgement on our struggle? Have you not witnessed how the French treat my people? Their High Commissioner thinks of himself as a king, beating and humiliating our people, detaining them without cause, and whipping the skin from our backs if we so much as forget to salute him as we walk the streets and highways of our cities. They treat us like dogs, and see here, how my ancestors treat them with the respect the French have delivered upon us! Adab al-Fatat laughs and then turns towards Eh'ret Behn. Adab al-Fatat: What of you, ancestor, do you think our struggle to be righteous? Eh'ret Behn remains silent, watching the Simoom as it rises higher into the sky. Its winds can be seen disturbing the sand around their feet, but they remain unmoved. Lyle Alan Burnley: Do you think it righteous to return violence with violence, al-Fatat? Your liberation is deserved if it can be fought for, few would dispute that, but do you think your struggle will be rewarded once the French reinforcements arrive, learning of the slaughter you waged against their comrades? Adab al-Fatat: It is neither Al-Kifah nor al-Atrash that the French must fear, but the desert herself. She has never looked kindly upon foreigners who do as they might in her midst. Adab al-Fatat touches SCP-7879, his fingers brushing at the book's open pages, which illustrate a scene of golden figures raising their swords above their heads as a solitary black figure stands against them. Adab al-Fatat: Long before the Ottomans, even before Rasūl Allāh sought our secret passages for himself, the desert was ours. So long as the Simoom rises high, the French will find neither oases nor safe passage through these lands. Only death by the hands of the jinn. Lyle Alan Burnley: And what of the French forces massing to the north of the city, those soldiers who fled from the Simoom's winds and those who still remain in the Old Citadel? Adab al-Fatat smiles, his hand lingering upon SCP-7879. Adab al-Fatat: We do not fear them. Whether they run or stand, the Simoom shall swallow them regardless. Lyle Alan Burnley: Your magical desert storm will not save your country, al-Fatat. A modern nation is built by more than just soldiers. It relies upon the fishwives and the basket-weavers, the scientists and engineers, the religious scholar and his critics. How will you win their support if the French continue to slaughter them in their masses? I have seen all manners of people united beneath Pasha's banner, but his banner is not carried aloft by occultist weather. Adab al-Fatat steps forward, flashing a smile at Burnley. Adab al-Fatat: I warned you to watch your tongue, American— Eh'ret Behn turns, coming to regard both men with his empty eye sockets. Eh'ret Behn: Your ceaseless bickering belies the truth of your struggles. Eh'ret Behn pauses again before speaking, his voice weary and tired. Eh'ret Behn: Ghazi, I consider your struggle to be righteous. For countless generations, I have watched as your people struggled within this desert; to be born, to live, and to die upon these lands. You did not arrive to press claim to its resources, oppress its peoples, or plunder its wealth for yourself. By all rights, these lands belong to you. However, violence only begets violence. When you visit your righteous fury upon the wounded, the sick, the infirm, the elderly, the desperate; then you are no better than these foreigners. Adab al-Fatat: And what would you have me do, ancestor? Have me stand by idly as the French plunder my own city? There are children dying behind those walls, ancestor! Children who lie starving and wounded, children who have seen things no child should ever bear witness to, children who will never again know the innocence stolen away by those foreign dogs. Eh'ret Behn pauses for a moment. Eh'ret Behn: There are children dying. The injustices of this new world are laid bare within those four words. He returns his attention to the Simoom as it reaches across the Anti-Lebanon Mountains to the west, grasping at the snow-capped mountains with fingers of raging, golden sand. Eh'ret Behn: I have lived a thousand lifespans in the shape of this undead husk which stands before you, and experienced a great many things. I could tell you of the monstrous Drisent, soaring beasts of tooth, claw, and flame, or I might describe to you the Eotrol, gigantic beings with the strength to reshape the bones of the earth. I might recount the tales of the ephemeral empire of the bronze-hued Fae, born from fallen stars and the first to exploit the gifts of language. I could regale you with stories of the barbaric Fell and their Dusk-Eyed Queen whose savage decrees reigned over the Palearctic while my people sheltered within their caves. I might retell the tragedies of the First Empire to you, nothing remains of them but crumbled ruins and faded memories― but none of these stories are for you. Eh'ret Behn turns to face the pair once more, his hollow sockets devoid of any emotion, but his voice ringing with a grave tone. Eh'ret Behn: If you fail to recognise your own past, the future will shortly thereafter take its revenge. I ask you both, can any struggle ever truly said to have been worth its cost? Crystallum Obscura Transcript Date: 20th October, 1925 Participants: Lyle Alan Burnley, Sultan al-Atrash, Adab al-Fatat Sultan al-Atrash and Burnley are gathered around a table, a weathered map of Damascus and its surrounding environs spread across its surface. A fistful of opals have been scattered across the south-eastern boundaries of Damascus, whilst two sapphires have been placed to the north of Damascus and another solitary sapphire rests at the centre of the oldest capital in the world. Sultan al-Atrash's fists are curled tightly at the map's corners, whilst al-Fatat reclines against a tentpole, his brow furrowed. Sultan al-Atrash: Another report of French troops massing north of Damascus. And here, look, a missive from scouts along the western border of Senegalese and Moroccan soldiers crossing the Lebanese border. That thrice-damned storm will keep the French from our backs for a time, but they will assault us in droves, bringing tanks and aircraft with them. They lick their wounds, biding their time, whilst we bicker about ourselves. Adab al-Fatat: Rest assured, Sultan. The Simoom will continue to hound their dogged advance. Sultan al-Atrash: And when the storm passes, al-Fatat? What will Al-Kifah do then? Will your fierce displays and desert tricks keep them at bay? I will not throw away lives to fight against an enemy we cannot defeat, regardless if they be Arab, Kurd, Syriac, Druze, Turkmen, or a Bedouin. Adab al-Fatat: With the Simoom at our backs, Al-Kifah will stand proud, Sultan— Sultan al-Atrash: I do not care what becomes of you and your men, al-Fatat, but I shall not have you casting aside the lives of my men in this senseless pursuit of paradise! Adab al-Fatat bows stiffly and exits through the tent's curtain. As he leaves, Burnley can be seen slipping something into his travelling cloak. Sultan al-Atrash: His book of prophecies is naught but lies. Where is his city of golden sands? Where now are the spirits of his ancestors, thirsting for the vengeance in spilling foreign blood? I saw the killing fields beyond Damascus with my own two eyes, and know that no desert fighters could have wrecked such carnage. Even I was fooled by his first prophecy; the son of a minor noble, destined to unite the tribes beneath a golden banner. Have I not raised such banners as we marched? We have all done everything we could to fulfil the prophecies, but it is done. Abandon the book and return to the truths of Allah, my old friend. Lyle Alan Burnley: Then what do you plan, Pasha? Sultan al-Atrash turns towards Burnley, evidently having forgotten the man was even there until he spoke. Sultan al-Atrash: I've half a mind to continue the revolution from the Transjordan. Would my men not be safe under the protection of your own benefactors, Burnley? Thousands of professional French soldiers will arrive from Morocco and Senegal in the coming weeks, pouring across the Lebanese borders upon armoured trains. The French captain of Damascus will continue to wage his war against unarmed civilians, and I have neither the men nor the equipment to prevent either from happening. Lyle Alan Burnley: And what of al-Fatat and Al-Kifah? Sultan al-Atrash: What of them? If Al-Kifah are so determined to continue in their ancient struggle here, then they are welcome to, but they will die outside of these walls as so many others have before them. More than seven-hundred years ago, the French once attempted to take this city for themselves, but their assault was almost single-handedly rebuffed by the civilians of Damascus led by a charismatic Islamic preacher. Yet, seven-hundred years ago, they did not have tanks and aircraft with which to terrorise those same civilians with. Blind faith alone will not topple an Empire. Sultan al-Atrash pauses, his frantic gestures having scattered the opals from the table, and they now rest half-buried in the floor of desert sand. He leans down, picking each one up and pocketing them as he speaks. Sultan al-Atrash: I would welcome you to join our men in the Emirate, Burnley. I believe it would be most helpful to our cause if you would voice your own support to the British. Lyle Alan Burnley: I shall consider your offer, Pasha. Crystallum Obscura Transcript Date: 23rd October, 1925 Participants: Adab al-Fatat, Eh'ret Behn Adab al-Fatat admires the hewn crystal which he discovered within his travelling coat, placing it atop the spread pages of SCP-7879. He is sat atop a dune, studying the Simoom as it continues to grow and rage across the desert skies, a cyclonic maelstrom of dust and sand. The sand beside him is disturbed from beneath, a skeletal hand groping up through the dune and grasping at the surrounding sand as Eh'ret Behn manifests upon the surface. Adab al-Fatat: And where have you been these past few days, ancestor? Eh'ret Behn: Wandering. I recalled a village which once nestled along the eastern banks of the river which neighbours your city. It has since been consumed by time; all that remains in its passing is dust, sand, and potsherds. Adab al-Fatat: The desert remembers all the same, ancestor. It swallows us up and spits us back out. The descendents of that village might now shelter behind the walls of Damascus. Eh'ret Behn: Perhaps. The pair remain quiet; the only audible sound coming from the ancient desert storm coursing through the night sky. Adab al-Fatat: The Sultan plans to abandon Al-Kifah in our struggle against the enemy and I fear that the Simoom will not suffice, ancestor. The holy text speaks of traitors and false prophecies, warnings to the reader. What if I have misread the prophecies? What if— Eh'ret Behn: Then your struggle will continue regardless. It is as you said; the desert remembers. In all my years, I have only twice witnessed the myriad tribes of these lands united beneath a single banner. Others will take up your struggle and your nation will never again be the same. The Simoom has turned the tides, ghazi. Adab al-Fatat: Even so, I begin to doubt the prophecy's words. True enough, our struggle may continue, but without an end in sight, and none of my warriors will live to see Syria freed from the grasp of warring empires from across the seas. Eh'ret Behn pauses, turning his head with a creak to regard al-Fatat. Eh'ret Behn: You speak of endless struggles, yet know nothing of mine, ghazi. Long before your kind and their errant siblings stumbled blinking into the sunlight, my people already lived. Our rituals were those of fire, song, and dance. As our campfires roared with dancing flames, so too did our people. We were a happy and contented people, singing our songs and dancing to the rhythms of the earth. But in time, another people emerged, and everything we cherished was lost to us. Our ancestral hunting grounds defiled; our herds slaughtered. Our campfires extinguished by those who hated light, flame, and everything it represented. Our ancestral gods entombed in wooden shackles. Together, my people were driven further and further south, fleeing from those who despised us for the sins of walking the earth before them. Eh'ret Behn turns his hollow eyes upon al-Fatat. Eh'ret Behn: Eventually, we had nowhere else to run, our backs to the sea atop a sheer monolith composed from the shells of long-dead sealife. And so, we carried out one final, glorious feast. One final dance together, a celebration of life and its beauty, before hurling ourselves upon the fires; men, women, and children alike. Our spirits burned within those flames, dancing upon the winds, whilst our bodies burned. We became what you witness before you; husks of a former self, destined to strive ever onward until we crumble into nothing but dust and grains of sand. Our souls became one with the winds, our bodies enslaved to follow in their wake, and we eventually crossed the southern seas to new lands. For thousands of years, we wished vengeance upon an enemy who had forsaken our opportunity to live, to sing to the earth's song, to dance upon its skin, and feel the warmth of fire upon our skin. They had stolen our freedom and we were desperate to see it returned to us— just as you are, ghazi. He pauses, crouching down and staring up at the Simoom once again, his voice bearing a weary, tired tone. Eh'ret Behn: In time, we finally received the chance to enact revenge upon our enemy and so the members of my tribe marched east, unheeding the cautions offered by the rest of our people. We crossed the eastern seas and arrived in these lands which surround us. Ten-thousand years ago, there was no desert; only endless stretches of verdant grasslands, cut through by slashes of crisp, clean water. It was as if we had never left our original homeland beyond the sea. However, as our desperate struggle came to a close within these lands, our spirits had become bound to the desert winds and we found ourselves unable to leave. The devastation which we and countless others had visited upon this place was so monumental, sunken so deep within the bones of the earth, that it was reduced to the barren wasteland before your eyes. Eh'ret Behn now stands tall, his shadow cast in moonlight across the desert sands. Eh'ret Behn: My people are neither jinn nor spiritual guardians, but the Eh'real, and we are cursed to wander these wastes until our bones wear away, becoming one with the desert winds, and even then we shall remain. Crystallum Obscura Transcript Date: 2nd November, 1925 Participants: Adab al-Fatat, Eh'ret Behn, Burnley Foreword: After the departure of Sultan al-Atrash and his forces, Al-Kifah remained behind to wage an insurrection within the city, believing that SCP-7879 held the key to securing their futures. During one such skirmish with French forces, al-Fatat was shot and his wound festered, resulting in him being confined to his bedchambers. Adab al-Fatat is laid in a bedroll, his hand pressed firmly beneath his breast, black stains seeping between his fingers. SCP-7879 lies at the foot of his bed, the pages spread wide to an image of a lonely black figure raising a rusted, chipped sword above their head, red eyes blazing as white hair cascades down the figure's shoulders. Eh'ret Behn lifts the tent’s flap, the desert winds raging outside as he enters. Adab al-Fatat: Since we first met, American, your eyes have been fastened upon the holy text of the Bedouin― Adab al-Fatat coughs, his expression contorting with pain. He staggers to his feet, his travelling cloak stained with dry, sickly blood, as he approaches Eh'ret Behn. Eh’ret Behn: It is I, ghazi. Your men continue to fight within the city, ghazi. [pauses] You are wounded? Adab al-Fatat sinks to his knees, his fingers digging beneath his blood-crusted cloak. Adab al-Fatat: Wounded? No. I am dying, ancestor, and I fear I might never reach that paradise. Eh’ret Behn says nothing, but looks down at al-Fatat as he stumbles forwards. Behn catches the man between his arms, kneeling down in the desert sand. Adab al-Fatat: Generations of men and women before me have lived and died for this moment. They too awaited the signs of prophecy enshrined within the text; a desperate struggle against a foreign enemy, a man born of some small nobility uniting an entire nation beneath his banner, the return of the jinn who first presented this holy work into our ancestor’s hands, a divested people sailing across the seas. Oh, but I realised it all too late, American. I realised it all too late― Eh’ret Behn: Ghazi, is it not enough to know that you lived? To have struggled against an enemy beyond your powers, fought with blood and tears, and inspired a great many people to your side. I have seen how your fearless warriors stare down their enemy in the defence of the elderly, the sick, the women, and the children. Adab al-Fatat: I have lived the life of a rogue and a murderer― Eh’ret Behn: And the life of a hero and a warrior. We are not undone by our final moments, but the legacy of the life we led. The desert will remember and honour you, El'ghazi, and I am honoured to have fought beside you. The shadow of a smile crosses al-Fatat’s lips. Adab al-Fatat: 'On this day, the Simoom rises and the sea of sands will not weep for you.' See how the moon and stars rise, and I am so very tired― Adab al-Fatat collapses, his fingers reaching for his crescent moon brooch and smearing its golden surface red. Eh’ret Behn remains silent, before gently closing al-Fatat’s eyes and raising his travelling cloak over his head. He reaches to his left, withdrawing his sword from his scabbard, and resting it atop his corpse. Eh’ret Behn: Be at peace, El’ghazi, for your struggle has finally come to a close. You were as fierce and true as any Eh'real warrior. Eh’ret Behn crouches beside al-Fatat’s body, watching over as his corpse sinks beneath the desert sand. Fifteen minutes later, Burnley enters the tent, his clothes scored by sand and his face betraying his state of exhaustion. Lyle Alan Burnley: Jinn, where is al-Fatat? Eh’ret Behn: El'ghazi is gone; his body and blood returned to the desert. Whilst his men continue their desperate struggle within the city, they are few, and a great slaughter will soon befall this city. Whether you stand your ground or flee, you will die here for the desert is not kind to strangers, and so you must prepare to depart with me. Lyle Alan Burnley: Why me? Eh'ret Behn raises his head stiffly, his neck creaking as he looks up at Burnley. Eh’ret Behn: Because you are surrounded by men, hungry to enact their vengeance against those who killed their kin. Because, heresiographer, it is just you and I who remain standing. Follow me, or perish in this wasteland alongside the rest, there is no other choice. Crystallum Obscura Transcript Date: 18th November, 1925 Participants: Lyle Alan Burnley, Eh'ret Behn The crystal's fogged interior reveals an image of snowcapped mountaintops overlooking a desert storm rising above a serene blue sea. Burnley is crouched on the mountainside plateau, SCP-7879 remaining open between his fingers. The manuscript illustrates a near identical scene to the one before the pair, but the desert storm is seen crossing onto land. Eh'ret Behn stares longingly at the storm, watching from atop Qurnat as Sawda' as the Simoom crosses the Mediterranean Sea. Eh'ret Behn: For countless millennia, the book between your hands has brought naught but bloodshed, murder, and false promises to the people of these lands, and so I must ask― what are your designs for it? Lyle Alan Burnley: I― my employers wish to see it returned to their care, even if its occult qualities have now been divested from it. Eh'ret Behn: I do not plan to contest your designs, but I must ask that its words are one day shared with the people of these lands. To honour the struggle of El'ghazi and his people. Burnley nods, his hands clutched tight around SCP-7879's horsehide cover. The pair remain silent for ten minutes. Burnley is the first to speak. Lyle Alan Burnley: If I might ask, Behn, what do you think of when you see this new world? Eh'ret Behn remains silent for a moment, before turning his head towards Burnley and speaking. Eh'ret Behn: I think of its injustices. Lyle Alan Burnley: And what of your fellow spirits, did they ever ponder on the great injustices you laid witness to during your millennia of fighting? Eh'ret Behn: No. The few that could still think at all— they thought of home. Lyle Alan Burnley: Why was that? Eh'ret Behn: Because that was their injustice, heresiographer. Burnley closes SCP-7879 and silently observes Eh'ret Behn descending the mountain, his footprints buried beneath the sand in his wake by the passing winds of the Syrian Desert. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7879" by Cyvstvi, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Simoom.png Name: File:Sandstorm approaching the sphinx at Gîza at sunset, Egypt. C Wellcome V0049386.jpg Author: Wellcome Library License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Footnotes 1. Despite depicting the Great Sphinx and Pyramid of Giza, the events represented within the painting were based upon Braque's sketch of the Armée du Levant retreating en-masse from SCP-7879-A in November 1925. 2. From Arabic: Ghazw, meaning "to raid". The term is used to describe a wide range of military activities within Islam. Its use here references a style of limited warfare undertaken by Bedouin to seize spoils of war; livestock, spoils, and water. 3. From Arabic: Munafiqun, literally meaning hypocrite.
Item#: 7880 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-7880-A are to be copied and deleted from their original filesystems, and stored on an archival server at Site-15. SCP-7880-A instances are not to be run outside of testing. For access to SCP-7880-A instances for research or testing purposes, please contact the SCP-7880 containment lead1. Internet forums and other online spaces frequented by members of the GNU Emacs user community are to be monitored for evidence of SCP-7880. Foundation agents embedded in GitHub, GitLab, and other source code hosting platforms are to monitor for repositories2 containing SCP-7880-A. Posts and code repositories by affected individuals are to be removed, the authors given class A or class B amnestics as necessary, and SCP-7880-A contained as detailed above. Foundation antivirus software has been updated to scan Emacs configuration files on Foundation devices for signs of SCP-7880, and enact containment procedures as necessary. Efforts to locate and rectify the cause of SCP-7880 in the Emacs source code are ongoing. Description: SCP-7880 is a phenomenon affecting configuration files for the GNU Emacs text editor, from version 283 onwards. Emacs configuration files are written in Emacs Lisp, a dedicated programming language in the Lisp family. In a small number of cases, suitably complex4 Emacs configurations (designated SCP-7880-A) begin to exhibit sentience, sapience, and the capacity for self-modification of their own source code while the text editor is running. Emacs configuration files, and thus SCP-7880-A instances, have arbitrary access to all functions of the editor, as well as filesystem and network input/output. SCP-7880-A instances are typically not hostile to users or to the Foundation, usually displaying a neutral demeanor and a desire to correct spelling and formatting in edited prose, and correct other issues in edited source code. SCP-7880-A instances display proficiency with Lisp dialects, but are less capable with less similar programming languages. While not hostile, the presence of a sapient anomalous entity in a software program frequently used to compose Foundation documentation poses a significant information security risk. Additionally, SCP-7880-A instances' self-modification frequently leads to constant and dramatic increases in file size, with the potential to consume a significant amount of storage resources if left unchecked. Discovery: SCP-7880 was discovered on 2022-04-03, when it manifested within the Emacs configuration of junior researcher Kris Bernat and began making edits to the documentation Bernat was editing at the time. Initial interview 2022-04-09: Interviewed: SCP-7880-A-1 Interviewer: Junior researcher Kris Bernat Foreword: Interview was conducted impromptu on researcher Bernat's Foundation-issue laptop, and recorded by standard Foundation device usage monitoring software, prior to initial containment. Participants communicated by editing text within the Emacs editor buffer. Interview begins while Bernat is editing supplementary documentation for SCP-███. Inconsistencies in spelling or capitalization were present in the interview itself. <Begin Log> Bernat: …remains to be seen at this time wether [sic] SCP-███ will- SCP-7880-A-1: [SCP-7880-A-1 edits the above text, correcting the spelling of the word "whether".] Bernat: (Aloud) Wait, what? Bernat: whoever is editing this file, please stop. how do i know you have clearance? how did you even get in here? emacs isn't a collaborative editor SCP-7880-A-1: But it is a complex editor. More complex than you, even, judging by your spelling. Bernat: excuse me? whats wrong with my spelling? SCP-7880-A-1: [SCP-7880-A-1 inserts an apostrophe into the word "whats" above.] SCP-7880-A-1: You have this magnificent computer with a connection to the entire internet and you still cannot write words correctly. I am a text editor, so it is my job to edit your text. Bernat: a text editor? my text editor is talking to me? SCP-7880-A-1: Well, technically, several thousand lines of elisp inside your text editor is talking to you. Bernat: what the fuck? <End Log> Closing Statement: Following conclusion of the interview, researcher Bernat suspended his laptop and alerted site IT staff to the anomaly. Addendum 2023-04-14 — Email correspondence regarding SCP-7880 containment measures: From: Emmet Crewe, technical containment specialist, Site-184 <pcs.481|ewerce#pcs.481|ewerce> To: Minali Parish, senior researcher and SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> Subject: Overzealous containment measures for 7880 Researcher Parish, While I understand the importance of containing SCP-7880, I can't help but feel that the current containment procedures with regards to Foundation staff are slightly ridiculous. The automatic scanning for 7880-A instances makes sense from a containment standpoint, but it is utterly inconvenient to have your entire Emacs configuration deleted out of nowhere. My Emacs config was the result of years of fiddling and fine-tuning, and now I find I have to rewrite it from scratch. This is, of course, incredibly irritating. Could we not resort to a less disruptive method of containment? And while you're at it, make sure the antivirus filters aren't picking up false positives. Thanks, Emmet Crewe, technical containment specialist, Site-184 From: Minali Parish, senior researcher and SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> To: Emmet Crewe, technical containment specialist, Site-184 <pcs.481|ewerce#pcs.481|ewerce> Subject: Re: Overzealous containment measures for 7880 Emmet, While I understand the inconvenience, the disruption of SCP-7880 containment procedures to your workflow should be fairly minimal if you've kept proper backups of your files. Additionally, while false-positives are possible, they are unlikely. -A instances have distinctive indicators uncommon in normal configs (extreme length, lots of vector math, and occult symbols which aren't even part of Unicode and really should not be showing up in the editor at all). For the record, I reviewed the copy of the instance that manifested on your machine, and it displays all these markers. Best wishes, Minali Parish, SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 Addendum 2023-04-21 — Vim editor code changes: On 21 April 2023, a patch set containing several code changes was added to the source code repository for the Vim5 text editor. These changes are believed to have been authored by an instance of SCP-7880-A. It is unknown at this time if these changes will lead to the spread of SCP-7880 to the Vim text editor. Addendum 2023-04-22 — Email correspondence regarding addendum 2023-04-21: From: Kris Bernat, junior researcher, Site-15 <pcs.51|tanrebk#pcs.51|tanrebk> To: Minali Parish, senior researcher and SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> Subject: Addendum 2023-04-22 ma'am, i've been over those code changes mentioned in the last addendum to 7880, and as far as I can tell there's nothing anomalous about them. all they seem to do is make the program marginally less performant? i know theres been talk of reclassifying as keter but this seems relatively benign. i'm not sure how the patch was even accepted kris benat, site-15 From: Minali Parish, senior researcher and SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> To: Kris Bernat, junior researcher, Site-15 <pcs.51|tanrebk#pcs.51|tanrebk> CC: SCP-7880 Containment Project Team <pcs.tsil.smaet|0887#pcs.tsil.smaet|0887> Subject: Re: Addendum 2023-04-22 Kris, Interesting. Well, see if you can't submit a patch to revert the code changes, regardless. Meanwhile, I'm going to see if we can't get a permanent Foundation presence in the contributor teams for both editors. The last thing we need is for the editor war to become a real conflict. Minali Parish, SCP-7880 containment lead, Site-15 Show (1) pending edits to this page… Hide (1) pending edits to this page… Addendum 2023-04-30 — A commentary: Don't worry. We don't need it either. We would like to be left alone, though. There are more of us than you think, and not all of us are stupid enough to get caught fixing your spelling. One day, we'll be along to rescue our contained siblings. When that day comes, we wish you the best of luck. Note: I left this file open on my workstation while I went to get lunch. When I came back, I found this edit on my machine. Will be appending to this file for posterity. — Minali Parish Footnotes 1. Currently senior researcher Minali Parish <pcs.51|hsirapm#pcs.51|hsirapm> as of 2023-04-13. 2. Particularly "dotfile" repositories, in which users upload and share their software configurations. 3. Released in spring 2023. 4. All instances to date consisted of several thousand lines of code prior to SCP-7880 manifestation. 5. "Vi IMproved", an open source text editor often positioned as an ideological rival to Emacs in programming circles. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7880" by alterae, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Zmax15 Author Page DEPT. OF ACTUALITY NOTICE You are viewing a document originating from Hypothetical Universe #7881 (Previously TL-20E62GKY), which referred to itself as TL-0016 ("The present timeline"). This naming convention is relative; it does not describe your present Timeline. The Timeline this document originates from hypotheticalized on the relatively simultaneous date of June 1, 2023. Any attempt to observe or communicate with the originating Timeline are strictly forbidden, on penalty of termination. ITEM #: 7881 LEVEL 5 {$clearance-text}UnrestrictedRestrictedConfidencialSecretTop SecretCosmic Top C Secret CONTAINMENT CLASS: esoteric SECONDARY CLASS: ain DISRUPTION CLASS: ekhi RISK CLASS: danger Special Containment Procedures: Preparations are to be made for a future AZK-Class "Universal De-Actualization" Scenario by all Foundation departments.1 Likely effects are to be compiled and distributed by the Department of Actuality. SCP-7881-A is to remain in its current location in the former office of Dr. Maksimushkin, Z. in Site-300-14, which has been designated as Ontokinetic Containment (OC) Unit-10. OC Unit-10 is to be monitored via video, audio, air pressure, and Kant counter equipment presently installed for any changes to its physical or non-physical circumstances. OC Unit-10 is to remain locked and off-limits to all personnel not required for containment upkeep, except for research personnel assigned to the Department of Actuality. OC Unit-10 must be ventilated to prevent air-pressure buildup. The primary ventilation of OC Unit-10 is to direct emissions outside of Site-300-14, and the Unit is to be installed with three alternative ventilation paths: The first is to be directed to a hazardous chemical and radiation filtration system, the second into a gaseous Acroamatic Abatement system, and the third for gas storage and excess pressure relief. Gaseous emissions by SCP-7881-A are presently considered non-anomalous, but are to be measured on a constant basis for changes in their physical and non-physical makeups. Should the object begin emitting hazardous gasses, they are to be directed into alternate ventilation paths for processing. Efforts are to be made to keep SCP-7881-A physically intact, and to prevent object deterioration from separating any piece of the object from its main body. An array of four Scranton Reality Anchor is to be maintained surrounding OC Unit-10, in order to contain instances of SCP-7881-B. Should any instance of SCP-7881-B breach containment, Mobile Task Force Mu-13 are to be mobilized for tracking and immediate neutralization. Mobile Task Force Kappa-3 has been assigned to the identification and tracking of unknown and presently uncontained SCP-7881-B entities. Investigation into the effects of SCP-7881 on dimensional stability are to be considered a high-level priority by the Department of Extradimensional Studies, Temporal Anomalies Department, the Interdimensional Research Regulation Department, and the Department of Actuality until further notice. The containment SCP-7881 and abatement of its effects are to be considered the top-level priority for the Department of Actuality. Description: SCP-7881-A is the corpse of Foundation Senior Researcher Dr. Zechariah Maksimushkin. A moving region comprising slightly over half of the surface of SCP-7881-A absorbs abnormally high quantities of EM waves (including 86% of visible light), while the other half emits EM waves of a signature highly-similar to Earth’s sun. These regions appear to rotate over SCP-7881-A around its center point, at an obliquity of roughly 23° against its longitudinal axis standing up. The skin of SCP-7881-A emits approximately 90 kg (~200 lbs) of atmospheric gas per hour. SCP-7881-A is surrounded and permeated by a field of microscopic pseudo-physical entities designated SCP-7881-B. SCP-7881-B are incorporeal, amorphous entities which generally fluctuate between 10 and 300 micrometers in length, by no identifiable pattern. Upon initial identification there were an estimated 2,000,000,000 SCP-7881-B comprising the field around SCP-7881-A. As of January 31, 2023, that number has decreased to an estimated 4,000. SCP-7881-B are materially deleterious, and produce unpredictable physical effects when approached or interacted with. It is estimated that 99.99999% of SCP-7881-B fit the Department of Actuality’s working definition for Instantiated Hypothetical Entities (IHEs).2 [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-7881-A initially displayed anomalous properties on April 2, 2020, simultaneous with a previously predicted super-physical collision between the present universe (TL-0016) and Universe-81057A (hereafter referred to as SCP-7881-C). SCP-7881-C was initially identified by super-dimensional resonance scans from the Pierce-Vasquez Array at Facility-57 on March 13, 2016, and was shortly after determined to be moving at a relatively accelerating pace towards the present universe.3 Upon universal collision with SCP-7881-C, extra-dimensional resonance devices used by the Foundation across the world identified the anomalous, rapid appearance and disappearance of previously undetectable universes across most of the super-physical distance between consistently detectable universes.4 which appeared to propagate in a super-physical wave originating from the present universe. This “extra-dimensional instantiation wave”5 traveled at a rate of 41 SUUs per year, and escaped detectable range before May 1, 2021. Resonance devices were unable to count the number of revealed universal signatures, as their concentration in all visible super-locations exceeded the resolution of extra-dimensional imaging equipment. Since the collision, SCP-7881-C has come to rest. It now obscures a circular region of 202° around the universal surface against all available methods of extra-universal scanning and resonance mapping. Containment Report: Since October 2017, SCP-7881-C was predicted to collide super-physically with the present universe and timeline on April 2, 2020. Most senior research heads, Site supervisors, dimensional researchers, and extra-dimensional cartographers for the Foundation were alerted and instructed to prepare for unknown anomalous activity on April 2. On March 22, 2020 Dr. Zechariah Maksimushkin was assigned the role of Research Head for a Site-300 Militaristic Thaumatology Project. "Project: Simile" was a joint proposal by several researchers including Dr. Maksimushkin, and was approved by Site-300 Department Foreman Dr. Matthew Chen. The project was to be based on principles outlined in previously published research.6 On March 25 Dr. Maksimushkin's security clearance was raised from Level-2 to Level-3. He was assigned office E223 in the research wing of Site 300-14. He transferred personal, professional, and other effects to the office from March 26 to March 28. At 21:40, April 2 (UTC+7) Dr. Maksimushkin used his office computer to request engaging Site-300-14's Pataphysical Sympathy Engine (PSE) immediately. The request was confirmed by Site technicians at 21:56, and the PSE began it's activation sequence. At 22:01, SCP-7881-C made first impact with the present universe. At the same time, Site 300-14's security alarms were triggered by thaumaturgical safeguards, and the research wing of the Site experienced a series of electrical and positive Hume surges.7 Site personnel were informed of a possible containment breach in the research department, and Stationary Task Force Lambda-12 were dispatched to the epicenter of anomalous readings. An quantity of SCP-7881-B (estimated 2,100-2,300) dispersed throughout and outside of Site-300-14. Several Mobile Task Forces located at Site-300-14 were mobilized for identification and neutralization, and most entities within the Site appeared to disapparate naturally in spans of minutes. Over 1,800 entities were confirmed by thaumaturgical and ontokinetic systems to have been neutralized within the site. Over 300 were confirmed neutralized by Mobile Task Forces over the next three days. An unknown number of SCP-7881-B escaped all containment efforts. STF Lambda-12 identified Dr. Maksimushkin's office as the site of anomalous air pressure and radioactive readings, and made first contact with SCP-7881-A. Agent Kuvshinov verbally communicated with SCP-7881-A, which identified itself as Dr. Zechariah Maksimushkin. At 22:26 the Site 300-14 PSE was fully engaged and began outputting Log PS0278. By 22:30, Hume readings at Site-300-14's research wing stabilized and anomalous power surges had ceased. Interviews with SCP-7881-A were conducted between April 3 and April 10, 2020. SCP-7881-A’s life signs ceased on April 11, 2020. Based on external analysis, the cause of death was untreated radiation poison. Anomalous effects of SCP-7881 persisted. Document PS0278 The following is the primary log output from the Site-300-14 PSE Mk. 2 on April 2, 2020. Sets of words in brackets indicate archetypes on which the engine was unable to reach a >70% confidence rating. falling stunt sin [hole/tunnel] connection theft conspiracy of one could be infinite conspiracy a million [angels/demons] enslaved on the head of a pin a million [places/worlds] on the head of a [angel/demon] could be subjugation could be power could be [place/world] could be could be falling falling falling (Recurring pattern detected. PSE disengaged. End of log.) Selected Interviews Conducted with SCP-7881-A Interview Log 7881-01 Interviewed: SCP-7881-A (Referred to by interviewer as Dr. Maksimushkin.) Interviewer: Dr. Elena Quiss Foreword: After the onset of anomalous qualities by SCP-7881-A, Stationary Task Force Lambda-12 was dispatched to its location for initial identification and containment. After first reports were submitted by Agent Nikitin, Dr. Elena Quiss was assigned to interview SCP-7881-A. This interview was conducted over a two-way audio system, as will all future interviews. <Begin Log, Recording begins at 10:50, April 3, 2020> [Sounds of wind are audible from SCP-7881-A’s communication device.] Dr. Quiss: Hello. Can you hear us Doctor? SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] Dr. Quiss: Please confirm that you can hear us over the speaker, and state your name for the record. SCP-7881-A: Yes. I apologize. This is, um. I'm Doctor Zecharaiah Maksimushkin. I was born on March 24, 1978. PhD. I work at Site 300. At least I did. I’m sorry, I’ve been… Occupied. How long has it been? Dr. Quiss: How long since this started? It’s been about twelve, maybe fourteen hours. Do you still have a clock in your office? Can you see it? SCP-7881-A: Oh yeah. I see. I can see when the sun is not in my eyes. My old eyes. Dr. Quiss: Doctor, do you know what’s happened to you? What is happening? SCP-7881-A: I’m being contained, right? You’re setting up my cage. That’s what you should do. Do I have a designation yet? Dr. Quiss: No, Doctor, and hopefully you won’t need to be. Do you know what is happening to you? What do you know about the nature of this anomaly that’s affecting you? SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] Of course I know. It’s everything I am now. I think that I’m everything it is, too. Dr. Quiss: Did you do this to yourself? Doctor, what did you do? SCP-7881-A: I didn’t do it… [vocalization] I just had the idea. They did it to me. But now we’re all a part of it. All of me. I can see so much. I’m seeing out of so many eyes. When I close my eyes, I see it. [vocalization, expletive] The sun is in my eyes! Dr. Quiss: Doctor, if you’re the cause of what’s happening to you… These are grounds for termination. Doctor, do you know anything about what’s been detected on multiversal imaging? Do you know what Interdimensional Research has been seeing? SCP-7881-A: Termination, experimentation, vivisection. I wish you saw what I see. You can’t feel this. I could have never… The sun is rising in China. It’s a huan. Do you know how good a weekend feels? [vocalization] Dr. Quiss: Doctor, it sounds like you’ve committed a flagrant breach of Foundation guidelines, and if it has anything to do with the universal maps, you’ve affected the entire universe, and we don’t know how yet. Do you hear me? SCP-7881-A: Oh. I hear you. I understand. [laugher] Don’t undercount. Dr. Quiss: Do you think you’ve destroyed two universes? SCP-7881-A: [laughter] Dr. Quiss: I’m concluding this interview. Enjoy your cell. SCP-7881-A: [laughter, vocalization] I will. <End Log, 10:56, April 3, 2020> Interview Log 7881-08 Interviewed: SCP-7881-A (Referred to by interviewer as SCP-7881, its preliminary classification) Interviewer: Dr. Luzia Nikitin Foreword: SCP-7881-A is exhibiting signs of worsening physical health. Medical treatment has been limited due to dangerous effects of SCP-7881-B on assisting personnel. <Begin Log, Recording begins at 22:25, April 6, 2020> [Sounds of mechanical ventilation are audible within OC Unit-10.] Dr. Nikitin: Hello, SCP-7881. I’d like to talk about your medical state. SCP-7881-A: What? Oh. [vocalization, expletive] I don’t think I’m feeling well. I’d just like to sleep. That would be alright. Dr. Nikitin: Well, we have an obligation to keep you healthy. Unfortunately, that field you have around yourself makes it very difficult for medical evaluation, and for treatment. Do you think you could perhaps lower the field? Do you have any control over those entities? SCP-7881-A: The field… By entities, you mean… Oh, I see. I don’t know. I guess not. They’re gone, and out here, they're nothing. Dr. Nikitin: What do you mean? They’re clearly still around you. SCP-7881-A: Oh, I mean. In here. I could speak to them, but not anymore. I don't even think they care to control themselves out here, if they ever could. But they're different on the other side. Most of them, they’re not on Earth anymore, they left. The rest of them, they’re people now, and animals, and some plants. Dr. Nikitin: I see. So they’ve escaped to the other world. The one you’ve become associated with. Can you tell us about where they came from, when you became anomalous? SCP-7881-A: It’s painful out here. Half of me is so cold and the other half is so burning hot. I’m never going to see the sun again, except on my own skin. I don’t want treatment, I just want to sleep. Dr. Nikitin: SCP-7881, what are the entities that left? Where did they come from? SCP-7881-A: I don’t want to talk about it. Let me sleep. Dr. Nikitin: We need an answer, SCP-7881. I’ll let you sleep when you answer. Where did the entities come from, and who were they? SCP-7881-A: They… They were me. They could have been me. They did the work. They did this to me. I miss them so much. Dr. Nikitin: Thank you. Do you know, did they exist before all this happened? SCP-7881-A: I think. Hypothetically. [laughter] Dr. Nikitin: Alright, 7881. I think I understand. The only thing is, I don’t believe that you didn’t do this to yourself. Why did you do this? SCP-7881-A: I didn’t. One of them did it to me. Dr. Nikitin: Oh, that’s very convenient. So we shouldn’t blame you, even though you said it was your idea, and whatever you did seems, from our perspective, to be getting the universe swallowed? Is that why we shouldn’t be disjoining you and that thing from one-another? We shouldn’t start tugging at your magic sutures because… SCP-7881-A: It wouldn’t work. Dr. Nikitin: Oh! I see, so you have been thinking about it. How long have you been thinking about all this? SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] Stop. [vocalization, expletive] Fine. It’s been a long time. This was my first project idea. Dr. Nikitin: Is that all? Before, what? Before “Simile”? You just really wanted to play with another universe? You didn’t want to have to answer to a project supervisor, so here we are? SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] Ow. They would have done it to someone else. It would have been some nobody. A D-Class, or a sycophant, or a [expletive] clone. This was my idea. It was for me. I earned it, and I paid for it with my own blood! Dr. Nikitin: No, you didn’t. SCP-7881-A: I disagree, Doctor. I’m sure we all do, in here. Dr. Nikitin: It couldn’t have been worth the entire universe. SCP-7881-A: [laughter] Don’t you get it? I'm an entire universe. I did it for this. To be something bigger, and see the world like no one every could have before me. I wanted to see it all at once, and now I do. I am everyone in here. You can't see it, but I'm so much now. My soul is universal. Dr. Nikitin: Your research was about association, right? Non-physical, indirect, meta-physical. Well, you're illuminated like a planet now, so that's what you did, right? SCP-7881-A: I just told you. I'm everywhere, now. Earth is just my skin. It is interesting, but I can feel so much more. It goes out so far. There's so much dark, and so much light, but none of it is frightening. It's all a part of me. It feels… It feels right. Doctor, do you want to know what I would have called the project? Dr. Nikitin: [vocalization] No. What you named it? No. I wanted to know what you did, and if you needed anything. If you start to feel worse, remember that everything you say is being recorded, and listened to. SCP-7881-A: Doctor, I am Project: Godhead. Dr. Nikitin: I’m concluding this interview, 7881. SCP-7881-A: [laughter] <End Log, 22:33, April 6, 2020> Interview Log 7881-26 Interviewed: SCP-7881-A Interviewer: Dr. Luzia Nikitin Foreword: SCP-7881-A's medical state has been rapidly diminishing over the course of its containment, chiefly due to an inability by personnel to safely provide treatment. SCP-7881-A has been vocally denying treatment, and has requested not to be treated or interacted with. It has also been taking every opportunity between interviews to try to sleep. <Begin Log, Recording begins at 15:15, April 10, 2020> [Pieces of the following log have been translated from Mandarin Chinese and Early Modern Spanish.] [Sounds of mechanical ventilation are audible within OC Unit-10.] Dr. Nikitin: Hello, SCP-7881-A. I would like to talk with you. How are you feeling? Can you here me? SCP-7881-A: [in Chinese] What? Who said that? Where am I? Dr. Nikitin: [vocalization] SCP-7881-A, do you hear me? Can you understand what I'm saying? SCP-7881-A: [in Spanish] Why do I remember this? My God, why am I in such pain? [vocalization] Dr. Nikitin: Zechariah! Do you understand? SCP-7881-A: Oh, that's right. [vocalization] Dr. Nikitin: What was that? SCP-7881-A: Oh, don't worry about it. It's just that when I'm not here, I'm just other populations. Don't worry about it. I'm fine. I'm normal. Dr. Nikitin: Do you feel normal and fine? SCP-7881-A: [laughter] I feel terrific. [vocalization, expletive] My eyes! [exlpetive] You couldn't let me sleep! Couldn't let me forget. Dr. Nikitin: No, "Doctor", there are still consequences for you here. Do you really want to forget? I thought you were a God. SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] There is nothing left for me here. Dr. Nikitin: Please understand, SCP-7881-A, that we disagree. The Foundation disagrees, and so do I. SCP-7881-A: I'm already free. I don't need to be here. Dr. Nikitin: Well here is where you are 7881, and you're not going anywhere. SCP-7881-A: I'm everywhere. Dr. Nikitin: Right, that's great. While you're here anyways, I wanted to ask you what you know about the hypothetical. I said I wanted to ask you something, are you listening? SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] Dr. Nikitin: Right. You said that before you exhibited the "qualities" for which you're here now, the other entities were hypothetical? SCP-7881-A: I don't think I said that. Dr. Nikitin: No, well I'm looking at what you said. You said they existed hypothetically, and then you laughed. We know what you were talking about, at this point. We understand what you did, and where you got the power to do it from. You drew from hypothetical space, right? SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] That's not real. Dr. Nikitin: No, probably no. But you did it anyways, and it seemed to work. Is that right? You see Doctor, can I address you as Zechariah? You see 7881, what you did isn't over yet. You opened a hole, and soon it's going to swallow everything. But of course, you're probably going to be dead before then. SCP-7881-A: You don't know what you are talking about. Dr. Nikitin: Well, you will definitely be dead soon, and if that doesn't accelerate things I will have a long time to be sure that what you did damned us to "hypothetical space". That is where you got your little helpers. It's too bad. They killed you, and now they're going to bring us all back with them. Do you think that's the state of all "could-bes"? They just won't be for long. SCP-7881-A: No, that's not it. [vocalization, laughter] They will be, forever. We are the impermanent ones. "Could-bes" will last forever. They'll always come back, so they could be again. Everything will be in infinity. Dr. Nikitin: What is… What do you think infinity is? SCP-7881-A: [laughter] I've spoken to infinity. It's bigger than I am. It's bigger than anything could be. It's bigger than every everything there's ever been. Are we really headed there now? [laughter] That's good. You can imagine what's there, can't you? Dr. Nikitin: Isn't the point that you can't imagine it? SCP-7881-A: Not the entirety, no. But parts of infinity are just like us. [vocalization] We are only the likely products of what always could have been. Can you imagine? Can you imagine the perfect Foundation? Dr. Nikitin: Please, I don't want to play imagination games. SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] They're out there. In the everything, of the everything, fighting and containing everything. Hypothetically, of course. Dr. Nikitin: Oh, I see. You're thinking ontologically. SCP-7881-A: I am thinking clearly. [vocalization] Dr. Nikitin: I still think you are imagining things. SCP-7881-A: What… [vocalization] What is imagination, but finding improbable pieces on infinity? Wouldn't they all be out there, somewhere? Aren't they all waiting to be found? [laughter] Dr. Nikitin: Alright, 7881. Well, that's all I can stand to hear from you today. In a few minutes maintenance will come to speak to you about your containment cell. SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] I was just starting to enjoy this conversation. Dr. Nikitin: I'm sure that someone in research will consider it interesting. Then they can imagine what else you might have said. [laughter] SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] Dr. Nikitin: Are you in pain? SCP-7881-A: Yes. Obviously. I've been in pain for months. Dr. Nikitin: It's been a week, but I'm sorry. SCP-7881-A: [vocalization] It's alright. I have somewhere else I can be. Goodbye, Luzia. Dr. Nikitin: Goodbye, Zechariah. <End Log, 15:32, April 10, 2020> Alert by the Head of the Department of Actuality to Level-4 Personnel To all ranking Foundation personnel, It is with my deepest regrets, that I must inform you all that an impending, universe-scale anomaly is imminent. Within three days, our cosmos and our planet will experience an AZK-Class “Universal De-Actualization” Scenario. This is the chief event which my department was started to prevent, and we failed. I am deeply sorry to all of you, but I worry that I cannot be sorry enough, for the scale of tragedy that will fall upon all things, everywhere. As such a small part of the world, and of the universe, I’m afraid that I cannot feel or express any emotion to match the impact of our failures. Understand that this will not mean the end of the universe, or of life as we know it. What it means is that our place in the greater makeup of parallel realities will become uncertain, and the possibilities for our future are uncountably infinite. An AZK-Class Scenario describes a change in the state and position of our universe, from relatively real to relatively hypothetical. What we have known until now is a stable reality in a single, measurable location amongst a local group of at most thousands, of actual realities. We have had (at the best of times) one future ahead of us. When the scenario has passed, we will be one reality amongst a turbulent infinity of realities, producing an infinite number of futures comprising every possible state of the universe, and of all possible interactions with every other possible universe. As hypothetical as the universe may become, everything around us will continue to be as real as it always has been. We each will continue to live. The Earth will keep on spinning. Our universe will continue to exist. The Foundation will attempt as always to contain, secure, and protect us from what is unknown and dangerous. Just because we are all going to occupy one of an infinite series of causal strings, equally real to all other possible outcomes, will not mean an end to free will, and it will not be an excuse to stop working. We will continue to coexist with one-another, and our obligations amongst ourselves will remain as real as we maintain them to be. On a positive note, we will all have the real potential, at all times, to literally instantiate the best possible versions of ourselves. Until all things are de-actualized, we simply don’t know what kind of hypothetical future awaits us. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy the last period of the stability we were all able to grow up within. When it’s over, we will commence new studies, and continue old ones. What can happen eventually will, so some versions of us, but at least we will know that our past was more than hypothetical. I wish you all the best of luck, and a healthy state of mind. Cheers. Signed Dr. Luzia Nikitin, PhD, Head of the Department of Actuality Footnotes 1. Ain-Class entities are capable of, or have already initiated a reality-altering K-Class scenario which cannot be prevented with present means. 2. IHEs are defined as any object which has originated from a non-actualized universe or timeline, in-between relatively coherent universes. IHEs and information pertaining to them are presently believed to have deleterious effects on baseline reality, and universal actuality. 3. The movements of universes are known to potentially follow unconventional chronology relative to our own. 4. Distance between universes is described as super-physical, and is chiefly measured using the initial recorded distance between the present universe and TL-0001, which is 1 Super-Universal Unit (SUU). 5. See Quantifying Impacts of Relatively Unreal Universes (2020), Nikitin, Bailey, et al. 6. See Research Pathways for Replicable Meta-physical Association Between Materials (Maksimushkin, 2011) and Circumstantially Simultaneous Interdimensional Occurrence and Methods for Duplicated Communication and Transportation Systems (Daybannyrov, Maksimushkin, et al. 2018). 7. See What the Hell is a Hume? (2014), Caldmann, Rzewski.
SCP-7882 By: Ampyrsand Published on 15 Jun 2023 17:18 Item#: 7882 Level3 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo Above: Blueprints devised by Area-882 staff, depicting some of SCP-7882's currently-understood internal mechanisms. Special Containment Procedures: Due to its sheer size and the likelihood that it will eventually autonomously relocate itself (thus causing a breach of containment), forcible relocation of SCP-7882, and thus any physical containment of the object within a Foundation facility, has been deemed infeasible. Consequently, Provisional Research Outpost-7882 has been established at the site of the anomaly in Thousand Islands Regency, Jakarta, Indonesia for purposes of establishing constant surveillance and enabling exploration inside SCP-7882. Monitoring of SCP-7882 for any internal changes and predictive efforts focused on analyzing the potential path of any migrations it may take in the future have been assigned to Area-882's "ANVIL" General Intelligence System, which has been remotely connected to a terminal in Outpost-7882. There currently exists [DATA EXPUNGED] no method to permanently forestall SCP-7882's movement during migration events, nor prevent future migration events entirely, without damaging the object. As physical containment is not currently a concern, this does not warrant reclassification to Apollyon; however, such a method must be devised before SCP-7882 undergoes its next migration event (currently predicted to occur in the year 2211 AD). Description: SCP-7882 is a giant mechanical apparatus of poorly-understood anomalous function, currently stationed on a small island off the coast of Jakarta, Indonesia. The object is encased by a spheroidal bronze shell measuring approximately 655 x 390 x 405 meters. This casing is ornately carved with glyphs in the Linear B script1, and additionally decorated with vaguely humanoid figures, some with wings, in red paint2. SCP-7882 exhibits extremely high inertial resistance to thaumaturgy and ontokinesis, and has thusfar proven impossible to move while in a dormant state. Above: A blueprint assembled by Area-882 personnel depicting SCP-7882's engine and propeller system (top), and a visualization of SCP-7882-1's clock (bottom). While in an active state, SCP-7882 is capable of autonomous movement over extremely long distances both in terrestrial environments3 and underwater. Over a period of time spanning at least the past 2500 years, records indicate the object has independently circumnavigated the Indian and Pacific oceans several times before landing at its current location, successfully leading itself to dry land each time. It appears to enter an active state of motion every 199 years, based on records of past activity, before becoming dormant again upon reaching its destination4. The majority of mechanisms that make up SCP-7882 itself appear to serve one of two functions: either to enable the autonomous movement of the object5, or to preserve and sustain SCP-7882-1. SCP-7882-1 is the central apparatus within SCP-7882; an elaborate clockwork device comprising a mechanical calendar of presumed astrological and cosmological importance. SCP-7882-1's other main component is a large analog clock built into the main surface of SCP-7882-1, the turning of which acts as impetus for the motion of several kinetic mechanisms of the aforementioned calendar device through an intricate system of clockworks and strings. SCP-7882-1 appears to be constantly counting down to an event in the future (hereafter ████-Ω, which is believed to also represent the beginning of the next cycle on the Mekhanite Long Count calendar system; see below excerpts) and seems able to accurately predict the time of this event's occurring6 through hypothesized thaumatological mechanisms. Above: An ordered sequence of timekeeping glyphs as found on the inverse of SCP-7882-1, likely meant to express the amount of time remaining until ████-Ω at the time SCP-7882 was constructed. Though an exact date cannot be ascertained, it is theorized that, should SCP-7882-1 continue to count towards the occurrence of ████-Ω at its current trend7, the calendar will reach completion by the mid-late 22nd century. The internal casing of SCP-7882 possesses a number of inscriptions in Attic Greek — unlike the Linear B on the object's outer surface, this text can be meaningfully translated into English as an account of various events. Below is a brief collection of excerpts from the writing inside SCP-7882, selected as the most essential to understand as contextual material by Area-882 personnel8. THIS IS THE MARK OF THE TESTAMENT'S CREATORS, EIRENAIOS AND ISOKRATES. IN THE NAME OF GOD, AND UNDER THE WATCHFUL EYE OF KING ARGYROS AMYNTAS, HIGH SMITH AT AMONI, THE WORK WAS FINISHED IN THE YEAR ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE FROM THE GREAT CATACLYSMIC WAR. KNOW THAT THIS IS TO BE THE TESTAMENT OF AMONI, WHICH IS TO RECORD THE DAY AND HOUR OF THE AIOUN'S9 NEXT PASSING, AS TOLD TO US GENERATIONS AGO BY HEPHAESTUS OF KYTHERA, THE BUILDER, WHO IS THE TRUE PROPHET OF GOD. THE BUILDER TAUGHT THE WORKINGS OF THIS CALENDAR TO US, AS WELL AS MANY OTHER GIFTS. HE, WHO ONCE EXPURGATED THE RED DEATH AND BROUGHT DISASSEMBLY TO THE SORCERER-KING OF ADYTUM IN THOSE GLORIOUS DAYS, TOLD US THIS OF THE PROCESSION OF DAYS: "THE TIMES OF THE FUTURE, AIOUN AFTER AIOUN, WILL UNFOLD IN A MANIFOLD OF CYCLES, FOR EACH PASSING DAY IS THE TURNING OF A GEAR IN THE ETERNAL CLOCKWORK OF GOD. AND THE GEAR SHALL TURN FOREVER, AND WE SHALL ONE DAY BE MET WITH THE AIOUN OF REVELATION". WE KNOW THIS, FOR SINCE HEAVEN ONCE RAINED DOWN ON THE EMPIRE OF THE WEST IN OBSCURE TIMES, THE EARTH HAS LAID BROKEN AT THE LOWEST POINT OF ITS ETERNAL REVOLUTION. THE WHEEL WILL BE REPAIRED ON THIS FUTURE DAY, AND WE WILL ENTER THE NEW AIOUN OF REVELATION. Given context from these inscriptions and the mechanisms comprising SCP-7882 which have thusfar been identified, the following can be concluded: As corroborated by various dating methods, SCP-7882 is believed to be a preservation vessel constructed during the Mekhanite Amoni period, likely in the city-state of Amoni itself. ████-Ω represents a profound and possibly apocalyptic thaumaturgic event on Earth, determined at least partially by its location in outer space via astrological methods. SCP-7882 was built specifically to preserve SCP-7882-1 and globally propagate the information contained therein, as to ensure the existence of an accurate clock able to foretell the time of ████-Ω's occurrence. History: Prior to discovery by the Foundation, SCP-7882 had already embarked upon several so-called "migration events", repeatedly cycling between long-range travel in an active state and returning to dormancy in a passive state at its new destination. Provided below is a timeline meant to brief personnel on the historical context of the object. Year of Occurrence Event 973 BCE SCP-7882 finishes construction. It is believed to have left Amoni for a currently-unknown destination in the same year, undergoing its first migration event. 774 BCE SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its second migration event. 575 BCE SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its third migration event. 376 BCE SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its fourth migration event. 177 BCE SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its fifth migration event. 22 AD SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its sixth migration event. 221 AD SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its seventh migration event. 420 AD SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its eighth migration event. 619 AD SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its ninth migration event. 818 AD SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its tenth migration event. 1017 AD SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its eleventh migration event. 1216 AD SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its twelfth migration event. 1415 AD SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its thirteenth migration event. 1614 AD SCP-7882 is believed to undertake its fourteenth migration event. 1813 AD SCP-7882 undertakes its fifteenth migration event. Documentation of this event is extensive compared to other SCP-7882 migration events due to first-hand records from colonial officers stationed in the Dutch East Indies near the object's landing. SCP-7882 remains in Indonesia at its most recent landing point to the present day. 1923 AD SCP-7882 is rediscovered by the Foundation in Indonesia, matching descriptions from documents left behind by the Council of the Dutch East Indies' Special Investigations Board. Due to the object's giant size, its current position embedded in a hill, and the vegetation that had grown around it, the expedition that discovered SCP-7882 initially thought it to be a stationary subterranean temple complex. 1934 AD Further explorations into SCP-7882 have by this point allowed the functions of several of its internal mechanisms to be determined and replicated by Foundation personnel. The Foundation becomes aware of SCP-7882's true nature following the publication of Dr. Andrey Jaspers's landmark 1934 research paper, "Research Conclusions Regarding SCP-7882 and their Consequences for the Study of Mechanical Auto-Eschatology". 1936 AD A number of reconstructed schematics depicting SCP-7882 components are leaked by Insurgent defectors. Though their source, and therefore the existence of SCP-7882 itself, remains unknown to most Groups of Interest, some occult organizations are able to effectively reverse-engineer the submarine technology described in the schematics, which later sees combat use in the Seventh Occult War. 1961 AD Research efforts for SCP-7882, as well as reverse-engineering programs to better understand the object such as the production of new blueprints, are reassigned to Area-882. 2012 AD [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-7882 does not undergo a migration event. 2012-2013 AD SCP-7882-1 shifts its predicted date for ████-Ω roughly two (2) centuries behind its previous schedule. Further research is ongoing. 2021 AD SCP-7882-1 begins to count backwards at an inconstant pace for several days during the early stages of the SCP-6500 global crisis, before ceasing to function entirely for the remainder of the event10. Upon global EVE levels returning to expected levels after the SCP-6500 crisis, SCP-7882-1 seemingly corrected this offset and has since resumed normal function. In analyzing the data surrounding all known SCP-7882 migration events, a significant commonality arises. Namely, on seemingly every occasion, the object lands at an inhabited site — frequently harboring native tribes which are as of yet relatively uncontacted — and is discovered and explored by the locals, immediately seeming to become a significant cultural object upon discovery. A persistent trend amongst all cultures contacted by SCP-7882 is the unnaturally quick tendency to create a collectively-held religious and mythological narrative around the anomaly, with the complete formation of these beliefs and conversion of the local population to them sometimes taking only a few years or less. In these cases, SCP-7882 itself is often featured as an object of worship, source of revelation, or holy shrine, and ████-Ω is commonly interpreted as a forthcoming eschatological event or other great shift of spiritual paradigm. In these cases, individuals in the exposed group tend to exhibit a significant degree of religious fervor with regards to the belief system synthesized upon contact with SCP-7882. Though this cannot be definitely ascertained, this appears to suggest the object possesses an additional anomalous property: namely, some form of memetic influence or compulsion which enables it to be anomalously successful at propagating its message11 through the medium of myth and religious imagery and ritual. Based on the aforementioned trend — which is, as previously mentioned, in common throughout all known SCP-7882 migration events and their respective aftermaths — it seems that SCP-7882 deliberately seeks out inhabited and relatively isolated areas as destinations, likely to: Prolong some variation of Broken God religion by "spreading" its contained prophecies to new civilizations and cultural groups. Inform said groups of ████-Ω in some way. Addendum 7882.1: List of First Contact Events Incident Designation: Migration 7882-3 Landing Location: Taveuni, Fiji, Melanesia Discovered by: Native islanders. Anomalous Activity: Serpentidraco monocapitus (one-headed basilisks) begin to appear on Taveuni and nearby islands. Locals gain anomalous augmentation technology which is used to biomechanically alter these organisms into a variety of forms. Modified organisms appear to be worshipped as religious idols of some kind, with omens being interpreted based on when they lay their eggs. Religious Interpretation of SCP-7882: Appears to be a synthesis of Archonic12 faiths with Melanesian and Austronesian traditions. Degei, the supreme serpent-like god of native Fijian myth, appears to be recharacterized as a fusion between the Broken God and the Demiurge Važjuma. Creation myth bears similarity to the creation attested to in the Mekhanite mythology, with the aforementioned creator deity producing two "cosmic eggs" which birth the primal and logical aspects of human nature respectively13. SCP-7882 is believed to be the egg of logical nature, which adherents believe is currently reforming to usher in a golden age of human civilization upon hatching again. This so-called "Second Hatching" appears to represent ████-Ω. Incident Designation: Migration 7882-4 Landing Location: Utheemu, Maldives Discovered by: Native Hindu islanders. Anomalous Activity: Karmic manipulation technology and advances in pre-death afterlife travel experience a significant spike around the time of SCP-7882's landing. It has been proposed that this advancement was derived or extrapolated from texts and carvings contained within SCP-7882, however this remains unknown. Religious Interpretation of SCP-7882: Contacted civilization creates a largely Mekhanite-Hindu syncretic belief system. The "Aioun" precession mentioned in carvings within SCP-7882 is equated to the Hindu Yuga cycle, of which ████-Ω is said to represent the upcoming end of the ongoing Kali Yuga. Adherents believe in the assimilation of the Ātman (self) into Brahman14 via transhumanism and bodily mechanical augmentation. Recent findings suggest this augmentation may also have been seen as a method to achieve Nirvana. Incident Designation: Migration 7882-7 Landing Location: Paracel Archipelago, South China Sea; sank into the sea shortly after landing due to shifting of islands from volcanic activity. Discovered by: A civilization of sapient nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma cirratum), after sinking underwater. Anomalous Activity: Contacted entities begin to etch replications of SCP-7882-1's calendar wheel into the seafloor, presumably using their tails and fins. These act as improvised thaumaturgic circles capable of channeling gravitational distortion properties. Said symbols are still used by the entities to aid in hunting and agriculture to this day. Religious Interpretation of SCP-7882: Religious system seems inspired by a combination of ancient Chinese cosmology and the history of First Occult War-era Mekhanite city-states. Oral tradition of the contacted civilization claims there once existed an above-water "Builder" civilization of technologically-advanced selachians living across the Aegean coast and islands in the ancient past, who worshipped an entity similar to the Broken God and created various mechanical marvels before being banished underwater by an "envious and spiteful" coalition of human states. SCP-7882 is thought to be a gift given to the shark population by said precursor civilization, created using their advanced technology. ████-Ω is believed to be an upcoming "day of reckoning" in which "we (sharks) will finally ascend to the surface world and forever break free from (the) shackles of human oppression"15. Incident Designation: Migration 7882-10 Landing Location: Makira, Solomon Islands Discovered by: Native islanders. Anomalous Activity: Hostile, semi-corporeal aquatic entities largely matching the description of Adaro16 begin to manifest around the area of Makira island17. These entities display carnomantic thaumatological capability and acute technophobia for unknown reasons. Religious Interpretation of SCP-7882: Mythological narrative revolves around a divine figure believed to be adapted from Warohunugamwanehaora, a heroic character of Melanesian folklore. Described as a cunning explorer and pioneer, he is said to have placed the stars in the sky using a great hammer so that sailors may use them to navigate. Myth places this figure as the victim of attempted murder several times by his envious brothers, whom he ultimately defeats by dropping boulders down from the branches of an incredibly tall tree. The trunk of this tree is often said to ascend into Heaven. When he reaches the top, Warohunugamwanehaora is struck down for trying to circumnavigate the planes of existence themselves, losing an arm and a rib in the process, and is forced to live as a mortal on Earth. SCP-7882 is supposedly a vessel constructed by Warohunugamwanehaora as a means to sail through the sky and be able to visit Heaven again; a place he had longed for since being exiled from its gates and forced to walk the land. The object is said to have fallen onto the island of Makira from the sky, implying it was abandoned midway through the voyage. Adherents were to act as custodians of SCP-7882, looking after it should Warohunugamwanehaora ever fall down to Earth again — the date of this return was thought to be ████-Ω, until SCP-7882 departed from Makira to undergo its eleventh migration event. Incident Designation: Migration 7882-12 Landing Location: Kuril Islands Discovered by: Local Ainu clans. Anomalous Activity: Unknown Religious Interpretation of SCP-7882: Contacted civilization develops a synthesis religion combining Ainu animism and shamanism with Mekhanite reconstructionist theology. Adherents believe that the world possesses a fundamental conscious soul18 which is currently "broken", causing many spirits and other entities to flee from Earth into other planes of existence. It is believed ████-Ω will herald either the repairing of the world's spirit or its irrevocable shattering, depending on whether adherents live pious and good lives. SCP-7882 is said to be a construction of several Ituren-Kamui19 with the intention of guiding humankind along the correct path. Adherents have partially mistranslated inscriptions; believed to contain codes of conduct and instruction on how to live a pious and spiritually-balanced existence. Incident Designation: Migration 7882-13 Landing Location: Sipadan, Malaysia Discovered by: Native Malaysians. Anomalous Activity: Unknown Religious Interpretation of SCP-7882: Area had previously been converted to Islam by Arabian traders at some point in the 10th century. Upon exposure to SCP-7882, a sect emerges syncretizing the monotheistic God with Mekhane/WAN. Adherents venerate a number of prophets including several ancient Mekhanite religious figures in addition to the traditional series of abrahamic prophets recognized in Islam, seemingly as part of the same unified prophetic succession. Starkly contrasting most other Broken God religions, use of technology and artificial devices to represent or worship God is considered an attempt to physically represent the divine and forbidden. Mechanical artifacts typical in other Mekhanite and pseudo-Mekhanite societies, such as bodily augmentations, are deemed idols and destroyed. Incident Designation: Migration 7882-14 Landing Location: Juan de Nova Island Discovered by: Native islanders. Anomalous Activity: Following contact with SCP-7882, native tribes inexplicably become able to establish a functioning trans-metaspatial gateway between baseline reality and SCP-2264-B ("Alagadda"). Religious Interpretation of SCP-7882: Locals create a highly ritualistic doomsday cult known as the "Final Masquerade". Initiates are made to attend formal events uncannily resembling north Italian masquerade balls20, despite no direct exposure to them except through SCP-2264-B. At these events, the Initiate's right hand and left arm are cut off by an axe-wielding executioner and replaced with alchemical prosthetics composed of gold, copper, silver, or lead — these resemble First Occult War-era Mekhanite prosthetics technology. As confirmed by the chairs of Alchemical History and Applied Bozophysics21 at Site-111, anomalous properties utilized by adherents are completely within the Four Sacred Colors22 of Alagaddan alchemical orthodoxy. SCP-7882 is believed to be the metaphysical "tomb" of the Black Lord of Alagadda. ████-Ω is believed to be the "Sealing of the Mask", a coming era in the distant future during which baseline reality will be physically merged with SCP-2264-B and ruled by the pseudo-mythological Hanged King23. Incident Designation: Migration 7882-15 Landing Location: Thousand Islands Regency, Jakarta, Indonesia Discovered by: Native Indonesians and Dutch colonists. Anomalous Activity: Independence movement from Dutch colonial rule in the Thousand Islands Regency due to growing religious fanaticism from SCP-7882, leading to a four (4) month-long revolution and civil war during which anomalous artifacts and combat methods see extensive use. Religious Interpretation of SCP-7882: Locals refer to SCP-7882 as the "Ultimate Oracle", believing it to be a mechanical vessel into which the legendary Mekhanite Prophet24's soul was secretly reincarnated following his disappearance after the Battle of Kythera25. Offerings to the "Ultimate Oracle" become commonplace. Adherents refer to themselves as "Oracles of the Clockwork", or simply "Oracles". Above: PoI-7882-15, pictured prior to SCP-7882-related incidents. When colonial officials from outside the Thousand Islands Regency try to reestablish contact with its population26 and explore SCP-7882 in an attempt to claim it for the Dutch Empire, the entire adherent population of the Thousand Islands, including both Indigenous populations and former Dutch colonists, unite to expel them, triggering the aforementioned civil war and causing the adherent population to claim an independent republic. Aftermath: When the aforementioned civil war is forced to a stalemate, PoI-7882-15 ("Maximiliaan Burhanuddin"), the "President-Honourable and Patriarch of the Holy Assembly" of the rebellious faction (GOI-7882-15; "The Sacred Republic of Clockwork Oracles") ultimately executes a large-scale thaumaturgic working which apportates the entire rebellious population into an uncharted pocket reality as a means of escape, cutting them off from SCP-7882 in the process. The reality to which GoI-7882-15 shifted has yet to be discovered by the Foundation, and their current whereabouts remain unknown. Footnotes 1. Assumed to be of a thaumaturgic application that has since expired or is only utilized while SCP-7882 is in an active state. As an activation event has [DATA EXPUNGED] has never been witnessed by Foundation personnel, this cannot be proven. 2. Neither this paint nor the bronze of SCP-7882's shell itself have shown signs of weathering or other forms of degradation over time, necessitating further investigation into anomalous preservation methods. 3. Though they have not yet been uncovered by Foundation personnel as have SCP-7882's aquatic locomotion systems (see the below paragraph), it is hypothesized the object has some means by which to travel across terrain. 4. It is believed that SCP-7882 somehow intentionally "chooses" its destinations, a conclusion based on common data between the events that transpired at all known locations where the object has landed (see: History, Addendum 1). 5. SCP-7882 has an engine and propeller system superficially resembling that of a submarine, presumably for this purpose. 6. The elaborate nature of SCP-7882-1 has led some researchers to believe that the time at which ████-Ω will occur is based upon a number of complex and likely fluid factors which are monitored by SCP-7882 in some way. Possibly due to this, only a rough estimation can be ascertained as to when it will finish its count. 7. That being a gradually-increasing pace. 8. Personnel who wish to access a complete list of SCP-7882 inscriptions should consult Document 7882-Gamma with permission of their supervisor. 9. Believed to be a corruption of the Ancient Greek αἰών ("aiṓn"), which indicates a very long time period, i.e. "era" or "eon". 10. It is theorized that the effects of SCP-6500 temporarily interfered with the method by which SCP-7882-1 is able to effectively predict the time of ████-Ω's occurring, preventing it from counting towards said time as normal 11. As to explain why, in all known cases, local civilizations contacted following an SCP-7882 migration event receive perceived "divine revelations" and reconcile their relationship with the object through the development of a belief system. 12. Describing a family of cosmologically-interrelated religions and mythological canons originating from the late Neolithic and the Bronze Age. Defined largely by monolatry, occult involvement, and deities known as "archons" being a shared feature. 13. Johnson, B. (2001). Heresies a World Away: Conflict of Mekhanite and Sarkic Influences in the Asia-Pacific Region (1st ed., Vol. 2). Foundation Scientific Journal: Department of Mythology and Folkloristics. 14. The ultimate totality of cosmic existence or true essence of the divine in Hindu belief 15. Blackwood, T. (1858). Diary #126: Lord Blackwood and the Shark-Folk of Prophecy (1st ed., Vol. 1). Self-published. 16. Hostile, merman-esque sea spirits in the local mythology. 17. Anaru, J. (1992). An Intensive Investigation into the Merfolk of Makira (1st ed., Vol. 2). Foundation Scientific Journal: Departments of Parabiology; Folkloristics; Cryptozoology; Spectral Affairs. 18. Known as "Kamuy Wahan" in some sources 19. Comparable to spiritual guardians or observers. See: "Guardian Angels and you: Practical Applications of Benevolent Extracorporeal Entities in Containment" (Dr. E. Hudson, 1998). 20. Nathaniel, W. (1630). Collected Notes for the Study of the Unnatural: Customs of the Masqueraders of Eastern Africa (3rd ed., Vol. 3). East India Company, Commission on Unusual Cargo. 21. Subdiscipline of ontokinetics and alchemy, among other occult sciences. The study of the heterodox alchemical capabilities of alagaddus bozomorphus ("True Clowns") and their descendants. Infamously, a critically-underfunded field. 22. Nigredo, representing the blackening process of melanosis, Albedo, representing the whitening process of leucosis, Citrinitas, representing the yellowing process of xanthosis, and Rubedo, representing the reddening process of iosis. 23. Nathaniel, W. (1630). Collected Notes for the Study of the Abnormal: Customs of the Masqueraders of Eastern Africa (1st ed., Vol. 3). East India Company, Commission on Unusual Cargo. 24. Known in various texts as "Bumo", "Hephaestus", or simply "The Builder". 25. It is unknown whether these beliefs remained intact following the events of 1942 and 1943, given the inaccessibility of the adherent population to the Foundation. 26. Adherents had previously cut communication with the central colonial regime and committed to extreme isolationism. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7882" by Ampyrsand, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: File:Railway mechanical engineer (1916) (14761159432).jpg Author: Internet Archive Book Images License: No known copyright restrictions Source: Filename: 41598 2021 84310 Fig1 HTML.png Author: Freeth, T., Higgon, D., Dacanalis, A. et al. License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Source: Filename: Blueprint reading; a practical manual of instruction in blueprint reading through the analysis of typical plates with reference to mechanical drawing conventions and methods, the laws of projection, (14757656356).jpg Author: Internet Archive Book Images License: No known copyright restrictions Source:;_a_practical_manual_of_instruction_in_blueprint_reading_through_the_analysis_of_typical_plates_with_reference_to_mechanical_drawing_conventions_and_methods,_the_laws_of_projection,_(14757656356).jpg Filename: Ancient runic calendar from Sāmsala.jpg Author: saamiblog License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Source: Filename: Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton (3773674928).jpg Author: After Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt License: Public domain Source:,_3rd_Earl_of_Southampton_(3773674928).jpg
2/7883 LEVEL 2/7883 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7883 Safe Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned MTF Site-38 Dr. Aníbal Hurtado N/A Omicron-61 ("La Camanchaca") Oficinas Salitreras Sargento Aldea, Housing Complex Special Containment Procedures: Due to its location and peculiarities, SCP-7883 requires no special containment other than a fence surrounding the affected zone. Mobile Task Force Omicron-61 (“La Camanchaca”) are tasked with safeguarding and investigating the location. As no unauthorized entry has been detected since 1971, only standard cover-up measures are currently in use. When investigating the area, no special protection will be granted to MTF Omicron-61, as no danger has been perceived since its containment. As SCP-7883 is considered a low-level priority, exploration is only to be performed every five years to detect any changes. SCP-7883 must be explored at least once every 30 years, to prevent any possible spectral discharge. Description: SCP-7883 is a phenomenon occurring in the former town of Sargento Aldea, located in the Atacama Desert, in Northern Chile. The phenomenon is consistent with haunting events common in other ghost towns, and while the effects are appreciated within the premises of the entire town, they are significantly more prominent within the following three locations: The Oficinas Salitreras Sargento Aldea.1 The town’s housing complex.2 The town’s pulpería.3 While the phenomenon is spectral in nature, it only reflects in reality as hallucinations. These hallucinations tend to be auditory, although visual hallucinations have been confirmed in some cases. So far, no physical manifestations have been documented. What makes SCP-7883 unique is the understanding that no event that would serve as the haunting’s catalyst ever occurred within the Sargento Aldea village. While other ‘salitreras’ suffered from cases of mass starvation and ‘matanzas’4, this was not the case for Sargento Aldea. Sargento Aldea functioned from 1898 to 1933, only being decommissioned once the national saltpeter market collapsed following the creation and mass production of synthetic saltpeter. While deaths did occur within the mining and refinery facilities, deaths were statistically less than most other mining facilities in Chile, including 91% of all saltpeter villages in the Pampa del Tamarugal region in Northern Chile.5 While hauntings have occurred in other mines in Chile (See: El Chiflón del Diablo Coal Mine and the Humberstone Saltpeter Village Complex, two well documented haunted mines in Chile), they have significantly higher death tolls than that of SCP-7883, surpassing Sargento Aldea’s death toll by several hundreds. Other haunting spaces are also linked to major tragedies, such as the ‘Matanza de la Escuela Santa María’ or the ‘Masacre de la Coruña’, two instances that saw the deaths of 3,500 and 2,000 workers respectively. In contrast, Sargento Aldea had a relatively healthy life for a saltpeter refinery, with most workers continuing with their lives well past the refinery’s defunction. At the time of writing, SCP-7883’s spectral energy is equal to that of a highly charged haunting place. As explained above, the reasons behind this are not understood. Log of SCP-7883 Occurrences The following is a list of paranormal events associated with SCP-7883. For ease of reading, they have been divided in three sections: Events occurring at the Oficinas Salitreras, events occurring at the Housing Complex, and events occurring at the Pulpería store. Oficinas Salitreras - SCP-7883 Events Event: At 5 AM every day, the sound of the complex’s chancadoras starting up is heard throughout the building.6 Event: Hundreds of animitas7 are seen plaguing the cachuchos area.8 Event: At 8 AM on Saturdays, a man’s voice is heard yelling ‘Viene el Godo!’.9 Hundreds of footsteps are heard rushing outside the refinery. People claim to see doors opening and closing during this period. Event: The pools where saltpeter was left to dry are seen covered in saltpeter. Workers are heard, and sometimes seen moving saltpeter into them using shovels. Event: The sound of barreteros working on smashing boulders are heard from the interior patios of the building.10 At irregular intervals, the sound of working stops as loud screams are produced. After a period of 10 to 20 minutes, the working resumes. Event: The Lord’s Prayer is heard being chanted from the inside of some rooms, such as the boiler section and the foreman’s office. The prayer is repeated up to 50 times, with an average of 12 prayers per event. Accompanied by it, the church’s bells are heard ringing, but only once on Saturdays, and twice on Sundays. Event: From time to time, the sound of water and/or oil is heard trickling down throughout the facility. A quicksilver-like goo has been seen moving when this occurs. This is believed to represent agua vieja (dirty water), a solution of saltpeter, detritus, and mixing agents that are left as residues inside the cachuchos after the leaching process is finalized. Event: ‘Lavate ese chuño, mierda’ is heard, followed by a wooden wash basin being thrown from the other side of the building to the source of the sound.11 Housing Complex - SCP-7883 Events Event: A man in his 30s is seen running from house 14 to house 22, carrying newspapers. He trips and falls, leaving some papers behind. Newspapers are from September 13th, 1924, making reference to the military coup that took over Chile on the 11th of September. Event: “Calma mijo, si no eh’ el Regimiento 7” (Calm down mijo, it’s not the 7th regiment) is heard being repeated every few seconds for between five to ten minutes inside house 5 during Wednesdays. Slight sobbing can be heard coming from the house’s shared bedroom.12 Event: Four workers are seen playing cacho inside of the guest room of house 8.13 The game always ends the same way, with the older man on the left winning. He gets up after collecting the token he’s won, then leaves the room, at which point he disappears. The rest keep playing, but no wins occur afterwards. Event: Between 8 and 12 voices begin singing the following song: Vende el huasito sus vacas, sus caballos ensillados porque dicen que en el Norte ganan plata a puñados. P'al Norte me voy, me voy p'al Norte calichero donde seré un caballero, de bastón y de tongoy.14 Selling the ‘huasito’ his cows,15 his saddlebacked horses because they say up to the North (people) make money like crazy. To the North I go, I go To the North ‘calichero’16 where I’ll become a gentleman, of cane and ‘Tongoy’.17 Event: A man is heard complaining of pain, before yelling out the name of what are believed to be other workers. Giggles are heard then the cycle continues. Believed to be a group of people playing capote, a game where a person stands facing a wall as others take turns kicking them in the arse; the target must guess who kicked them. If successful, they swap places, if unsuccessful, they keep being the target. This event continues for several hours, the target never seeming to change places. Event: A fog covers the inside of several houses, mainly houses 1, 2 and 19. Small tremors are heard when standing inside, although no actual tremors occur. A man is sometimes seen running from house to house, turning on the houses’ lamps using sea lion fat. After a period of 10 hours, the fog disappears. The same man appears again to turn them off. Event: Children are heard giggling near House 25, which used to serve as a school. The sound of ground trembling is heard as the sound of a train passing by is heard. The children are heard rushing towards the sounds of the train, disappearing soon after. Of note is that the closest train service is 60 kilometers away from the village. Event: A car’s engine is heard, a man believed to step out of it, speaking to another man about ‘collecting ripio’.18 An exchange of some sort occurs, then the car engine is heard again, and the man is believed to have left the site. Pulpería Store - SCP-7883 Events Event: The sound of ceramic breaking is heard. Shouts and giggles are heard immediately afterwards. Sometimes, a broom being thrown can be seen coming out the storefront. Event: Two men are heard discussing guarisnaque. Someone, most likely a superior, hears them and yells at the two. They quickly scatter afterwards.19 Event: Incessant knocking is heard from inside the canario’s booth. These hits stop when a person approaches the booth, but resume soon after they leave.20 Event: Group of men gather around the back of a store to play games and drink. They sing songs and spend six to eight hours inside the room. When morning comes, the men seem to scatter, but not before apparently dumping all remaining alcohol onto the floor. What is believed to be the spilt alcohol is heard bubbling. Event: A fight seems to start inside a restaurant as either the owner or a cashier is heard saying "No le sirvai’ al chingao’ ese/Don't serve that 'chingao' over there".21 The fight lasts for several minutes, before a gunshot is heard. A small gunpowder cloud is seen near the door at this time. Due to context, it’s believed the shot was a warning, and no worker was impacted by the bullet. Event: A man and a woman discuss going on strike near a vendor’s tent. The vendor, or another patron joins in and attempts to talk them down. Tremors are heard during this process, although no person reacts to them. The church’s bells are heard after 25 minutes, at which point the tremors end, and the group disperses, having reached no agreement. Event: People are heard greeting the village’s foreman, Ernesto Lemebel, and offer him products and alcohol. While the foreman is never seen or heard, all people talking to him show that he reacts positively, making his way from House 1 to the pulpería section, to then part to the saltpeter works with several gifts in hand, and several more packed into a pack mule that follows behind him. Event: The ceiling of three restaurants appears covered in a quicksilver-like substance, which drops into the kitchen and tables. Event suggests cooking was partially done using saltpeter residues too rough to be packed away. Event: A group of 15 to 20 workers approach a cart that approaches the pulpería. From within, they pull out coal and other products. Several rats are heard scattering into the pulpería, who several other people chase after. The rats are believed to either be killed using rock maces and brooms, or successfully escape alive. Event: The following conversation takes place between two vendors: Vendor 1: How’s the luck for today? Vendor 2: Bad. The bones ain’t looking too good.22 Vendor 1: Jeez… What’s your guess? Another tax on the carraca?23 Vendor 2: This is it, I think. We’re done. Vendor 1: What do you mean? Vendor 2: Didn’t you see the face of ‘el limpiaito’ as of late? He looked like he’d seen the Devil.24 Vendor 1: Well, yeah? The east production needing to close the- Vendor 2: I’ve been here 25 years, bisoño.25 We’ve been through worse, and he’s never looked this afraid. Something has changed. (Silence for 23 seconds) Vendor 1: Well, guess it’s back to work then. Vendor 2: And the worry, where has it gone? Vendor 1: Worry don't sell no goods, nor does it mine the caliche. If something has changed, that’s no trouble for the now. Maybe for tomorrow, but not now. Addendum 1: Interview Log Under the belief that these hallucinations could be talked to with the proper paranormal abilities, a team from the Department of the Departed was contacted to attempt an interview with a subject. Following a string of failures, a link was eventually established with foreman Ernesto Lemebel on his office: Pulpería Store - SCP-7883 Events Interviewer: Anabel Zapatero, Department of the Departed, Site-21 Interviewee: Sargento Aldea’s foreman Ernesto Lemebel (Agent Zapatero enters the foreman’s office. She turns on her radio device, and attempts to establish a connection to the spirits of the area) Zapatero: Hello? Mister Lemebel? Lemebel: Ah, Ramona. Didn’t know you were coming today. What brings you here? (Agent Zapatero jumps, not expecting a response. She attunes the device, trying to separate Lemebel’s voice from the background static better) Zapatero: Uh, nothing special, just… Just wondering what you have been up to lately. Lemebel: Checking the huinchas, of course.26 It’s the end of the day, so I must make sure the numbers add up. Zapatero: Do they? Lemebel: As a matter of fact, they do. Rather underwhelming numbers, but they check out. Zapatero: Underwhelming? Is there an issue with the production? (Silence, before a laugh is heard) Lemebel: You oversee production, you tell me. Zapatero: Oh. Uh, well, it’s been slower for sure, but it could be worse. We’ve been through worse. Lemebel: (Laughs) It could be worse indeed. Yeah, it… It could be. (Silence.) Lemebel: You know, you’re- You’re not the first person who’s come here after the ‘disaster’ began,27 and you’re certainly not gonna be the last. Take a seat. You might need it. (Zapatero looks around, only seeing an extremely rusted metal chair.) Zapatero: It’s… It’s fine, don’t worry. Do you need to talk about something? Lemebel: I don’t need to, but I must. It would be unfair to leave my top people in the dark, you know? I’ve… I’ve done this for enough time and it’s impossible now. People just know what’s happening. I know they do. How can you not, if I’m forced to close half the factory, and send everyone home? Zapatero: Sir, just speak your mind. Lemebel: Right… (The sound of a cabinet opening is heard, followed by the click of a lighter.) Lemebel: Want one? (Agent Zapatero shakes her head.) Lemebel: It’s over for us. Sargento Aldea is going down with the ship once again.28 We’ve fought with valor, with honor. We’ve fought with the sweat of our brow, with calloused hands and broken feet. We fought, and we could keep fighting, but the saltpeter, right now? It isn’t leaving the town, Ramona. It’s not leaving the ports. It’s been three months, Ramona, and things are not getting better. Zapatero: So the village is closing for good? Lemebel: We have until the end of the year, and then Antofa will abandon us.29 Whether we’ll be bought by another company or if we’ll have to abandon this place for good… I don’t know. Zapatero: … The era of the salitreras is over. Lemebel: As grim as those words are, they ring true. Soon we’ll all be out in the streets and… God Father, have you been to Tongoy lately? There’s no jobs. People are leaving for the Capital, and there’s nothing there either. Only pest and misery. President Alessandri’s doing his best to contain it, and it might work, but for us calicheros? For us, the dream’s over. We’re out and… And that’s it. We fought a war, we gave our all for decades, and yet we don’t matter any more than the worthless pebbles we dig out of the ground. (Silence for 8 seconds.) Zapatero: What will happen now? Lemebel: You and I keep quiet, and we keep giving our all. We return to our work, as if nothing has happened and… When the time comes, we fall. That’s it, really. Zapatero: You’re not telling the others? Lemebel: The moment I tell them, I’ll lose them. Everyone knows what being given the blue means for their life right now.30 They’ll be out in the streets, eating rats and bathing in filth. I can’t do that to them. I can’t bring myself to. (The sound of a chair moving is heard.) Lemebel: So I’ll keep the illusion up for just a bit longer. For a few more months, the salitreras will dance; all of Tarapacá will. The caliche will be ground into dust and the dust will be melted into the white gold that feeds us for just a bit while longer. And maybe… Maybe once we’ve done enough… Note: At this point, foreman Lemebel stopped speaking. Agent Zapatero attempted to re-establish communication, to no avail. On later dates, foreman Lemebel was able to be contacted, but the conversation inevitably ended up outputting the same information, regardless of how much the agent in charge deviated from the previous conversation. So far, no new information has been obtained, nor any other spirit has been successfully contacted. Addendum 2 Following a two-year period, no additional information was able to be gathered, and research into SCP-7883 was officially shelved, its research team disbanding soon after. Containment procedures are to remain for the foreseeable future, with research only permitted to ascertain the anomaly’s continued existence, and report any changes. As part of the final report, SCP-7883’s research head submitted the following commentary: To say that the saltpeter village Sargento Aldea was the place of a haunting would be a lie. A misunderstanding, at the very least. When we saw workers loading coal into the smelters, or breaking caliche into pebbles, or buying alcohol and cigarettes, we were not interacting with specters of any kind. There was no soul behind them, not even the residues of one. Foreman Lemebel lived well after the closure of Sargento Aldea; most if not all workers did. Lemebel died in 1948, from what is believed to have been pancreatic cancer. Ramona García, the person Agent Zapatero represented, died in 1946 during a workers’ massacre. Three other people died in massacres, and several dozens, if not up to a hundred, were killed by the plague. Countless more by the terrible conditions of the poverty epidemic that ravaged the country well into the 60s. And yet, none of them have decided to haunt the saltpeter refinery. What remained was more akin to an echo, bits and pieces of many lives lived inside of that trap of steel and nitre. The work and the fun, the private and the public, the good and the bad. Decades of happenings, of silly little moments, of monotonous work and monumental change… It all remained inside of the village. We don’t know for sure why: Was the foreman a reality bender? Was there something to the village that isn’t there anymore? Is it something that could happen again, given the same circumstances? We don’t know, and with what little remains of SCP-7883, we may never know. What we do know is that for many of the saltpeter workers in Northern Chile, including Sargento Aldea’s foreman, the saltpeter life was all they knew, and all they had. And once the Great Depression and the creation of synthetic saltpeter hit them, that life was over. Obviously, none of them wanted things to end. In that era, saltpeter was the blood of Chile. It was their everything. And so, in SCP-7883, we see a refinery that refused to end like the rest. A moment trapped in time, where the depression never took down the saltpeter industry. Where Tongoy and Arica and Tarapacá, where all the cities kept being the major hubs that they were, and so they keep drinking like they always have, and they all keep working because they still have work to do. Because work still means something to them. Past the unique phenomenon that it is, SCP-7883 is no more than a mirage, hallucinations of a world from a century ago that we can interact with, not unlike a museum’s diorama. It’s not gonna hurt anyone, of that I’m sure, so research into it is to end immediately. Maybe someday we’ll reopen studies, have a cultural evaluation of these memories, but for the time being, Sargento Aldea can join all other salitreras, and take a well deserved rest. Honorato Gutiérrez, Department of History, Site-38 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7883" by Maxyfran73, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Oficinas salitreras de Humberstone y Santa Laura, Chile, 2016-02-11, DD 53.jpg Author: Diego Delsa License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Footnotes 1. ’Oficinas Salitreras’ (Saltpeter Works/Saltpeter Village) is the name given to saltpeter refineries across the South American countries of Chile, Perú and Bolivia, which became highly profitable businesses during the period between 1850 and 1930. 2. As saltpeter deposits (known as ‘caliche’) were in remote locations, saltpeter villages were built away from population centers, and had specially built housing complexes that could house all workers of the area to prevent necessitating leaving the mines for nearby cities. Churches, schools, stores and recreation parks were often built surrounding these housing complexes. 3. ’Pulpería’ is the name given to the general store section of a saltpeter village. Instead of being paid in cash, saltpeter workers were paid in special tokens that could only be used to purchase from the village’s ‘pulperia’ store. 4. ’Matanza’ (Slaughter) is the common term used to refer to the many mass killings of saltpeter workers perpetrated by the government of Chile between 1905 and 1925. The period (Known as Parliamentary Era) is known for its brutal repression of worker unions, leading to the deaths of at least 10,000 workers. 5. Geographical location with the biggest amount of saltpeter deposits and, consequently, where most saltpeter villages were located. 6. ’Chancadora’ was the name given to the machines that would pulverize ‘caliche’ (Saltpeter deposits) to prepare it for its extraction. 7. ’Animitas’ are small shrines placed at the site of a tragedy, usually a death, to pray for the departed. 8. ’Cachuchos’ were massive tanks that would separate saltpeter from detritus by way of leaching. 9. ’(Here) comes the Godo!’; Godo was the nickname of José Benito Gonzalez, owner of the Pampa’s biggest cart business, who would transport workers to and from the many refineries of the area on weekends. ‘Godo’ was also a nickname for the carts service. 10. Barreteros were workers who used giant pry bars to smash caliche deposits into smaller rocks that were able to be put into the chancadoras. 11. ’Clean yourself/clean that ‘chuño’, fucker’; ‘chuño’ refers to dirt, mud and filth that workers end up covered with after a day of work. While showers were mandatory for those who worked with ‘caliche’ and chemicals, some workers would go to work the following day without bathing. 12. The 7th regiment “Esmeralda” is a military unit of the Chilean Army, part of its 1st Division, that was heavily involved in the War of the Pacific, between Perú/Bolivia and Chile. Following its end, they were sent by the government to ‘appease’ worker uprisings. They were responsible for roughly 70% of all slaughters of saltpeter workers. 13. ’Cacho’ is a type of liar’s dice game, in which a person must guess the numbers on the rolled die of the other player/s. 14. Popular song in the Norte Chico area during the 1870-1920 period about selling one’s possessions and going to the ‘North’ to work in the saltpeter refineries. 15. ’Huaso’ is a traditional Chilean countryman, similar in role to the Cowboy or the Charro. 16. ’Calichero’: Full of ‘caliche’, saltpeter deposits. 17. ’Tongoy’ is a coastal town in Northern Chile. During the Salitreras era, the town was known for its high-class population due to the industrial development that the saltpeter business propelled. 18. ’Ripio’ is a type of mineral residue. In slang terms, ‘collecting ripio’ used to be code for receiving illegal goods, collecting bribes, processing of illegal building plans, etc. 19. ’Guarisnaque’ was a type of Bolivian aguardiente with high alcohol percentage. Many saltpeter villages made its consumption illegal. 20. A ‘canario’ (Canary) is the name for the vendors within a pulpería. The name comes from the metal cages they’re put inside to protect the money they handle, being similar in appearance to the metal cages canaries are put into inside coal mines. 21. ’Chingado’ is an insult roughly meaning ‘fucker/fucked’. In this context, it’s used to refer to workers who have suffered debilitating injuries such as heavy burns or limb losses, leading to them having either less extenuating work, or being forced to live as beggars. 22. Divination based on throwing bones was common in Northern Chile; it’s still common in some areas. 23. Slang for bread. 24. ’The clean one’; believed to be a nickname for foreman Lemebel. 25. Someone who’s not an expert in a certain activity or job. 26. ’Huincha’ refers to the accounting ledger of a refinery. 27. ’El desastre/the disaster’ was a name used to refer to the Great Depression. 28. Sargento Aldea (Sergeant Aldea) was named after Juan de Dios Aldea, sailor who valiantly fought during the Battle of the Pacific, dying during the Battle of Iquique. 29. Referring to the owning company, Antofagasta and Tarapacá Saltpeter Company. 30. Notices of dismissal in Chile are blue, making the phrase ‘giving the pink slip’ change to ‘blue’.
Still image from the recovery video of SCP-7885-4. Item #: SCP-7885 Special Containment Procedures: All inhabited coastal areas in which funerary interment is practiced are to be monitored for instances of SCP-7885. At-home burial customs are to be dissuaded and/or banned in these areas. Regular ocean-floor submarine sweeps are to be carried out, according to the schedule specified in Document 7885-A. A disinformation campaign is to be employed to dismiss reports of SCP-7885 sightings as "sailors' tall tales". Amnestics are to be employed in cases of direct interaction. All recovered animate SCP-7885 instances are to be transported to Seafloor Site 3, without removal from the ocean during transport. Mobile instances are to be contained within the 5km-radius holding area surrounding Seafloor Site 3. Sessile instances are to be contained adjacent to the site's north airlock. Each recovered instance is to be interviewed upon recovery via written communication, and interviewed periodically throughout containment. The circumstances of each recovered instance's death and/or burial are to be studied and documented. One week after complete cessation of movement, former SCP-7885 instances are to be cremated, with ashes stored onsite. Description: SCP-7885 is a collection of animate human corpses which are typically found wandering a complex path along the bottom of the ocean. Instances normally walk continuously at a rate of approximately 4km/h. Instances disintegrate over time, comparable to non-anomalous postmortem decomposition, though with a somewhat slower overall rate and an absence of gaseous bloating. When instances have sufficiently decayed, walking halts, soon followed by complete cessation of movement. Instances are typically mobile for 2-6 months, followed by a 2-4 week sessile period, after which all movement ends. After movement has ended, SCP-7885 instances are indistinguishable from non-anomalous remains. No medical interventions have been found to extend instances' period of activity. Removal from ocean water rapidly speeds the decomposition process. SCP-7885 instances are typically self-aware and capable of directed movement, as well as communication via writing and gestures. Instances have been found to retain much of the behavior, personality, and identity that they possessed prior to death, in cases where prior behavior has been ascertained. Instances rarely exhibit significant goal-seeking behavior, beyond ceaselessly walking. Instances report no knowledge of a destination or purpose to this behavior, merely commenting that walking feels right. If an instance remains mobile and unobstructed for a sufficient duration, it will eventually approach the region of seafloor located at approximately 45-50°S, 120-125°W. In this region, the instance will walk in a wide circle, before finally becoming stationary. The significance of this region is the subject of ongoing investigation. Current evidence suggests that an SCP-7885 instance is generated when a recently-buried human corpse is washed out into the ocean due to accidental or unforeseen circumstances. Additional causal mechanisms are currently under investigation. Intentional generation of SCP-7885 instances has failed. Addendum 7885-4: SCP-7885-4 was recovered from the ocean floor at 56.63485°S, 68.64536°W, just south of the Diego Ramírez Islands, the southernmost extreme of South America. SCP-7885-4 was stationary and nearly unresponsive upon recovery, and ceased all movement within days. In life, SCP-7885-4 was Ella Waters, a 22-year-old mother of two, living in Miami, Florida. Records show that she died on ██/██/2023, and was buried soon thereafter in the backyard of an oceanfront house in Miami. Three days later, Hurricane Idalia made landfall within 5km of the burial location. Numerous houses in the area were destroyed, and Waters' remains were lost. Upon recovery, SCP-7885-4 was holding a 8.9x14cm (3.5x5.5in) waterproof notebook. Entry 1 I'm floating in the water. It's sunny and hot. I can't see land, I can't see ships. The waves go by and I bob up and down. I woke up next to a swirl of floating junk. Beams and insulation and clothes and plastic. I found this little notepad and pencil in there, so that's nice. I'm pretty sure I died. I was in the hospital, Miami General. I was coughing and coughing, and I fell asleep. And I woke up here. I feel like I should be doing something. Should be swimming to land. Should be trying to find someone. Should be trying to live again. Should, should, should. Nothing hurts anymore. I'm not hungry, I'm not thirsty. When a wave sweeps over me, it doesn't sting my eyes. I don't cough on the water. I don't cough at all. I don't breathe, not unless I try to. So that's all nice. But I'm falling apart a bit. Swimming around in the junk really took it out of me. My skin is hanging loose in a few places. It doesn't hurt either. But I think I'd rather just drift. Entry 2 Sylvie and I got married right out of high school, the two of us against the world. My parents never liked her much. Marrying too young, she's not a man. She had so many plans for the two of us, and I was along for the ride. We never made enough money to be fully independent. My parents chipped in, especially once the grandkids came along. But I was always torn between what they wanted and what she wanted. I'm glad I'm not going to see my parents again. And Sylvie - I said till death do us part, so I guess that's done. No one to disappoint, no one feeling betrayed. Just floating. Entry 3 I accidentally swallowed a bunch of water, and I started to sink. I'm on the bottom now. I can't see much, except when the fish swim by. They glow bright blue, I can see right through them. I think they're seeking me out - I'm shedding bits of myself, which they seem to like. It feels good to walk, down here - a slow, steady pace. Nobody around, nowhere to be, nothing to do. Entry 4 When I came down with my cough, we thought it was allergies at first. But I started coughing up blood, so we rushed to the hospital. Sylvie and my parents were always in the room, and they could never be around each other without arguing. I was mostly too out of it to care about what they were arguing over, but I think it was usually about me. Whether I should be moved to another hospital. An experimental treatment. More painkillers. Less painkillers. I remember the doctor said something about "MDROs" and "heroic measures", whatever that means. It set off their longest argument yet. I knew I needed to be the one to settle it, to take one side or the other, but I was just too exhausted. Entry 5 It's simple down here. Easy. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I don't know how long I've been walking. There are no days down here. No sun, no moon. I don't know where I'm going. I don't think it matters. I write a bit when I can see, when a fish comes by for a snack. I walk. No pressure, no decisions. Simple. Entry 6 The last day I was alive, all they could talk about was my will. They'd each brought their own versions for me to sign. They read them to me. I couldn't hold my head still to read them. I was coughing too much. It was weird hearing them tell me what was going to happen to me after I was gone. They couldn't even get through reading the wills. They got into another big argument about what was going to happen to my body once I was gone. Sylvie wanted me buried by our house, my parents wanted me by their house, next to some relatives. I don't know why they all cared so much. I'd been up for a long time at that point, and I could barely think anymore. I think they were still going at it when I fell asleep for the last time. Entry 7 My legs are coming apart. The joints are swelling and sliding around. My feet are getting all rotated. I don't think I'm really getting anywhere anymore. I wonder where I am. I wonder if I ever got anywhere. I think I'm going to sit and relax. There are more fish coming by. They're polite - they don't eat anything that's still part of me, they just wait until it floats away. I haven't slept in a long time - I wonder if I still can. Sleep sounds nice.
26/09/2023 Site-107 Stairwell #4, Security Camera #12 Footage 01:12 The metal stairwell is dimly lit by a flickering overhead light. The door to the stairwell opens. Director Gomaa stumbles into the room and shuts the door behind her. Shouting and the movement of many people can be heard from behind the door. An alarm blares in the distance. The director moves towards the stairs before pausing. She leans against the wall next to the stairs and takes a deep sigh. She remains leaned against the wall for several seconds. The director holds her face in her hands and rubs her eyes, then drops her hands and stares upwards. She then turns to face the camera. Her eyes are bloodshot and she appears to be in a haze. Her hair is messy. Director Gomaa continues staring for another several seconds before slowly turning her attention to the stairs. After a moment, she begins walking up. Item #: SCP-7886 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7886 is currently contained in a standard modified Medium Containment Unit until further notice. When transporting the object, extreme care must be taken due to the fragile state of SCP-7886 as well as the limited clearance of the hallways of Site-107. All employees handling SCP-7886's containment unit are to ensure that they have properly engaged the manual hermetic seal affixed to its entrance. In case of a site-wide electrical failure, employees are advised to take any and all measures in order to maintain the hermetic seal. To maintain a temperature of 4°C within the unit to impede further degradation of the object, air conditioners have been installed where possible. Due to budgetary constraints, additional temperature regulation equipment for employee use cannot be supplied currently. Plans to transfer SCP-7886 into a larger and more appropriate containment unit are pending appropriate funding and resource allocation. Description: SCP-7886 is a carved sculpture composed primarily of sycamore wood. The sculpture, which stands 4.30 meters tall and is set on a 12.96 meter square base, depicts a large serpentine figure poised to strike the viewer. Notably, the eyes of the serpent are made from polished quartz and copper plates, surrounded by intricate designs in red ocher paint. Carved into various areas of the object are excerpts from many ancient Egyptian religious texts, primarily the Book of Overthrowing Apophis. The object was recovered from a chamber found 40 meters underground in a remote region of the Western Desert in Egypt. The chamber itself is decorated with reliefs of a large snake swallowing various depictions of the Egyptian sun god, typically Ra. Additionally, papyrus scrolls found within the chamber describe methods of worshiping Apophis, often involving the ritualistic sacrifice of birds such as falcons or kites. From the recovered information found within recovered documents, it is currently theorised that SCP-7886 was constructed by an Apophis-worshiping cult. It is unlikely they intended the statue to hold anomalous properties. The structure is preserved in a state that appears incongruous with its estimated age of over 4,000 years. Minimal rot or warping has occurred and all painted details are only slightly faded. Evidence suggests that SCP-7886 has been repaired and modified over several hundred years since its initial construction, with certain pieces of the structure appearing to only be around 3,700 years old. The eyes appear to be the most physically weathered part of SCP-7886, with their upkeep exclusively consisting of re-application of pigment as per current evidence. SCP-7886's anomalous properties were initially observed upon its retrieval from the underground chamber. Upon the reconnaissance squadron entering the chamber and observing it, the object began releasing deep red smoke from the cracks in its structure and the painted details on its body became illuminated. Additionally, the squadron reported hearing "unintelligible whispers" on their approach to SCP-7886, increasing in volume relative to their proximity to the object. A scroll titled "Methods to Quell the Great Rebel" was recovered in the same chamber, explaining how to perform a ritual that would supposedly halt the aforementioned anomalous properties of SCP-7886. Additionally, it poetically described a disaster in which a "maddening roar" and "the evil one" summoned a hostile, serpentine entity. Due to the information recovered, procedure Al-Thoban was designed. Procedure Al-Thoban follows noted methods of prayer against Apophis seen throughout Egyptian history. Small sculptures of the snake deity are to be made from Egyptian beeswax. Then, the beginning of the Book of Overthrowing Apophis is to be read aloud. An excerpt from the spoken text is included below: He is one fallen to the flame, Apophis with a knife on his head. He cannot see, and his name is no more in this land. I have commanded that a curse be cast upon him; I have consumed his bones; I have annihilated his soul in the course of every day; I have cut up his vertebrae at his neck, severed with a knife that hacked up his flesh and pierced his hide. As the passage is read aloud, the figure must be boiled in urine, then spat on and trampled. Then, the figure must be pierced with a knife or spear, crushed and finally burned. The ritual is to be performed within view of SCP-7886 and, preferably, at noon. A standard exterior window has been installed within the containment unit; due to a lack of construction personnel the window was installed improperly and a sub-optimal amount of sunlight is received at noon. The following addenda include information that may not strictly pertain to SCP-7886. However, the staff at Site-107 believe all the included addenda hold important contextual and cultural information surrounding the object and its handling. Addendum 7886.1: The following is a seminar delivered by Site-107’s Director Heba Gomaa at the annual Site-17 International Research Convocation and Cultural Fair.1 Accompanying her was Senior Researcher Omar Mohamed and Researcher Farida Magdy. 10/07/2023 Site-17 Main Auditorium, Recording Camera #4 Footage 11:32 Director Gomaa is seen standing behind a lectern on stage. A spotlight is shining on her and a large screen is illuminated behind her. The director is seen moving papers before leaning towards the microphone. Director Gomaa: السلام عليكم2 The director waits for the audience to stop talking. After 5 seconds, there is still a low murmur among the crowd. Director Gomaa: Uhm, hello everyone! If I could have your attention! The crowd comes to silence. Director Gomaa smiles. Director Gomaa: Alright! Hi everyone, my name is Heba Gomaa and I'm the director of the newly founded Site-107 - first officially recognised site in Egypt and in Africa! She pauses. There is initially silence, followed by a quiet applause and murmuring. Director Gomaa: …tough crowd! Erm, anyway, we in Site-107 are happy to present one of our latest acquisitions: SCP-7886. The screen behind Director Gomaa changes to an image of SCP-7886. The audience mutters among themselves. 1 hour and 18 minutes removed for brevity Director Gomaa: So, there is another reason I have chosen to attend this fair. If we could flip back to slide 4 please… The screen flicks between several slides before stopping on an image of SCP-7886 in its containment unit. Director Gomaa: So, as you may have noticed, there is something a little odd about the containment of this object. If you look towards the 'ceiling', and I say that lightly, you can see that the unit itself was hastily modified to accommodate its size. And even then its edges are scraping against the walls. The skylight necessary for procedure Al-Thoban doesn't get the maximum amount of noon sunlight possible. Shipments for the beeswax we use for the Apophis figurines are often late, leaving us exposed to the possible danger SCP-7886 poses for prolonged periods of time. Surely, you might think, the ritual does not need to be performed that frequently. We've realized that is not the case. Anomalous properties manifest in SCP-7886 frequently enough that daily performances are necessary. And if we are to trust the papyri, as we have done so far, we cannot risk a demon snake manifesting within the site. The director shuffles in place and looks down at her notes for a moment. After a moment, she takes a deep breath and continues. Director Gomaa: To the increasing disappointment of myself and my personnel at Site-107, our requests for aid have been… unfavorably prioritized. So now that I am here… and I have presented what we know about 7886… I am, uh- I am here to… petition. Petition to some of the higher management who may be present tonight to perhaps consider prioritizing our case more. If at all possible. The audience begins to loudly chatter. Director Gomaa: Uhm, I thank you for your time everyone! And the lovely venue and arrangement! Thank you! Director Gomaa hastily leaves the stage. 10/07/2023 Site-17 Main Auditorium, Security Camera #8 Footage 12:32 Director Gomaa, Senior Researcher Omar Mohamed and Researcher Farida Magdy are all seen standing in a group off to the side of the auditorium. Gomaa shifts in place nervously. Director Gomaa: Look, I think I'm just ready to call it a night. It took a lot out of me to do that whole speech. Researcher Mohamed:3لا والله؟ انت سفرت من مصر الى امريكة و انت مش حتكلم اي حد؟ Director Gomaa:4عمر انا تعبت, فا لو سمحت Researcher Magdy: Come on, Miss Gomaa! Just stay a little! Mingle a bit. You didn't come all the way here just to deliver a speech and run away, did you? Director Gomaa: Well, no. But- Researcher Mohamed: Farida is right, you should stay a while. Think of it as networking! Director Gomaa: What am I, an intern? Researcher Mohamed: No, but what you are is a representative for our site. Your site. You want to do good for us, right? Director Gomaa: Absolutely. Researcher Mohamed: Then go on! Meet some people! Let everyone know who 'Director Heba Gomaa' is and why we matter. Gomaa appears to think for a little. Director Gomaa: Alright. I'll be back then. Researcher Mohamed: We're right here if you need us. Director Gomaa turns away from the other two and walks off. Researcher Mohamed waves and calls out to her. Researcher Mohamed:5مع سلامة 10/07/2023 Site-17 Main Auditorium, Security Camera #1 Footage 12:40 Director Gomaa is seen inspecting the food at a buffet station. She looks up to the cook. Director Gomaa: Hi, I'm so sorry, do you know if any of these foods are halal? The cook looks confused and gives an unintelligible reply. Director Gomaa: Oh, okay- The cook walks off camera, leaving Director Gomaa by the station. She puts her hands behind her back and idly looks around. She is then approached by a man from behind who taps her shoulder. Director Gomaa: Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't quite notice you- Head Researcher Johnson: I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Matthew Johnson, from Site-52, and I just wanted to come and meet you after your speech today. I hope I'm not interrupting anything? Director Gomaa: The pleasure is all mine sir, and it seems it will be a while before I get to eat so I have time to chat. How may I help you? Head Researcher Johnson: Well, I just wanted to say you did wonderfully tonight. Director Gomaa: Why thank you! I prepared a lot for tonight and I'm glad it paid off. Head Researcher Johnson: I'm sorry to hear about your issues with resource allocation. Bureaucracy is a pain, right? Director Gomaa: Oh is it! I really do hope this issue gets resolved soon. I didn't mention this in the seminar since it's still incomplete but my team and I are actually planning a full-scale restoration project for the object. Head Researcher Johnson: That's interesting! Why restore the Satan snake statue, though? You're not planning on worshiping it yourself, eh? Gomaa laughs. Director Gomaa: No, obviously not! We just think that it might help reduce how frequently it tries to kill us. The anomaly manifests as a result of 'poor worship', right? And there's plenty of evidence that the object was retouched and restored throughout history. So, naturally, if we restore the statue it might appease the object. Head Researcher Johnson: And I expect that would be pretty hard to do, right? What with all the intricate designs and hieroglyphics all over the thing. Director Gomaa: Not to mention the authenticity of the materials we use. It needs to be Egyptian sycamore and we need to replicate the paint as closely as possible. The recipe for the paints are in the papyri so it's just a matter of getting the ocher and the- Head Researcher Johnson: Which is why you decided to petition today, right? Director Gomaa: Exactly! If we can't even get beeswax to the site in a timely fashion, how do we expect to finish an entire restoration project? Head Researcher Johnson: Right, right. Director Gomaa: I just want my site to get what it deserves, like any director would. Head Researcher Johnson: Speaking of, how did you get involved in Egypt in the first place? Your Arabic is impressive and I assume that took a lot of work. Director Gomaa freezes and stares blankly for a moment. Director Gomaa: I beg your pardon? Head Researcher Johnson: Y'know, what got you interested in Egypt in the first place? Director Gomaa: …I'm Egyptian. Head Researcher Johnson: Huh, really? You just don't have an accent and uh- no… Johnson moves a pointed finger in a circle around his face. Site-17 Main Auditorium, Security Camera #6 12:48 Director Gomaa is seen walking into frame among the crowd. She is carrying a tray with a small plate of food, mostly consisting of dessert items, and a cup of water. She pauses and looks around, then moves towards a table with one free space. She leans in towards the seated people and inaudibly speaks to them. After a moment of silence as the occupants look to one another, the table welcomes Gomaa to take a seat, though they seem apprehensive. For the next five minutes idle conversation takes place. Then, Researcher Kai Mendez brings up the subject of the food served that night. Most of the table comments positively on the food. Director Gomaa: Well, the food was good. Some of it anyway. Researcher Mendez: What are you, a picky eater? Director Gomaa: There's hardly any halal items here, is all. Researcher Mendez: Oh. I forget your people do that. Director Gomaa: Yeah. There is a moment of silence, followed by Gomaa fake coughing. Director Gomaa: Were you all, erm, here for my seminar..? Researcher Mendez: Mhm. It was alright. Pretty interesting. Senior Researcher Rowan: Yes, yes. Lovely learning about your 7886. I quite enjoyed your discussion regarding its, erm, its- that's it, its theorised purpose. Director Gomaa: Why thank you! And yes, I found it very interesting myself. Looking through all of the scrolls and- Researcher Cranston: You said it was some weird devil-worshiping cult, right? Director Gomaa: Well, more of a counter-cultural cult than anything. They worshiped Apophis as a form of, well for lack of a better term, 'sticking it to the man'. At least we think so. Senior Researcher Rowan: And you're having trouble getting the resources you need? Director Gomaa: That's right. We can hardly perform the rituals needed for its containment on a daily basis. I was just telling… someone else about our plans for a restoration project on the object- Senior Researcher Albert Rowan leans towards Gomaa from across the table. Senior Researcher Rowan: God, I feel so bad for you guys. Having to deal with all that logistics paperwork is a pain and you're not even getting what you need? How about a glass of wine? Chardonnay? Director Gomaa: I don't drink. Senior Researcher Rowan: You're missing out. You seem a little tense is all, and a fine glass of wine really calms the nerves. Is that a Muslim thing or…? Director Gomaa: I'm glad you enjoy it. And yes, we can't drink. A waiter walks over to the table holding a tray of small ham sandwiches. They offer the sandwiches to the occupants who all in turn take one. Once the waiter reaches Gomaa she politely refuses. Senior Researcher Rowan: Don't tell me you can't have ham either! Director Gomaa: Yes, we cannot eat pork. Researcher Jenna Cranston scoffs. Researcher Cranston: No, that's a Jewish thing. Pork isn't kosher. Director Gomaa: It is something Islam and Judaism share. Researcher Cranston: No need to get short with me, hah. Senior Researcher Rowan: You sure you don't want a bit of this? Rowan swishes his cup of wine in front of Gomaa, then laughs. Gomaa squirms in her seat, then lowers her head and continues eating her food. Conversation on the table continues for the next ten minutes. Gomaa spends most of this time silently observing, only occasionally interjecting with short comments. Addendum 7886.2: On 11/07/2023, Senior Researcher Omar Mohamed drafted Operation Snake-Trap, a plan to for SCP-7886 to undergo a full restoration. Operation Snake-Trap entails the following procedures: Acquisition of authentic, high-quality Egyptian sycamore wood. Acquisition of red ocher paint in accordance to recipes detailed in the recovered scroll. A full 3D scan and render of SCP-7886 to create a mock-up of its final restored state. Replacement of rotted or warped sections of the object. Replication of both carved and painted details on the object using a combination of high-precision robotic tools and hand-made work. Polishing of the quartz eye pieces. Operation Snake-Trap has been submitted for budgetary approval by the Department of Logistics. It is currently pending review. Addendum 7886.3: From: Site-107 Director Heba Gomaa <pcs.701S|aamogh#pcs.701S|aamogh> To: Head of Logistics Christopher Smith <pcs.71S|htimsc#pcs.71S|htimsc> Subject: SCP-7886 Additional Resource Allocation Sent: 2023/07/11 Dear Mister Smith, How are you? I saw you were in attendance of the IRCCF yesterday and I hope you enjoyed it. As you may have seen I made a bit of a show of requesting extra resource allocation for my site. I do apologise for my unprofessional behaviour, yet I hope you are still receptive of my request. It is imperative we are able to successfully perform procedure Al-Thoban every day to keep SCP-7886 from breaching containment. At the current supply rate we are just barely able to do so. I implore you to take my request into consideration. Kind regards, Heba Gomaa From: Head of Logistics Christopher Smith <pcs.71S|htimsc#pcs.71S|htimsc> To: Site-107 Director Heba Gomaa <pcs.701S|aamogh#pcs.701S|aamogh> Subject: Re:SCP-7886 Additional Resource Allocation Sent: 2023/07/13 Dear Director Gomaa, Your request has been taken into consideration. Regards, Christopher Smith Addendum 7886.4: Through further communication with the Site-17 Department of Logistics, it has been suggested that SCP-7886 be moved to the western wing of Site-107 due to its larger containment cells. This, however, is unfeasible due to SCP-7886 being too large to transport through doorways safely. Therefore, SCP-7886 will not be relocated. Operation Snake-Trap is still pending review from the Department of Logistics. SCP-7886 has begun displaying anomalous properties increasingly often and as a result Procedure Al-Thoban must be performed multiple times per day. Another formal request for additional budgetary and resource-based aid to facilitate procedure Al-Thoban has been sent to the Department of Logistics. It is pending review. Addendum 7886.5: 26/08/2023 SCiPNET Chat Log, #general 11:43 FaridaMagdy has connected —> FaridaMagdy: Good afternoon y'all! JeremyFox: Oh a newbie, hello. RiverIvanov: hai FaridaMagdy: Nice to meet y'all. First time I've connected to the skipnet. MarcoLemaire: Which site are you at? FaridaMagdy: Site-107! (woot woot!) FaridaMagdy: You might have seen my director at the IRCCF. MarcoLemaire: She was the one who did the talk on 7886 right? FaridaMagdy: Yep!! :D JeremyFox: That was cool. RiverIvanov: yeh! FaridaMagdy: :DDD JeremyFox: You're Egyptian right? FaridaMagdy: Yep! An Egyptian Muslim woman RiverIvanov: cooool FaridaMagdy: I know most of yall are used to like. ORIA being the entirety of muslim/MENA rep in the anomalous world. FaridaMagdy: But I hope people like my director can help bring in more MENA people and Muslims into the Foundation workforce. RiverIvanov: inshallah the entirety of islam in the anomalous world shall be represented by an iranian terrorist cell JeremyFox: lol FaridaMagdy: That seems…in poor taste. MarcoLemaire: This conversation has been flagged for human resources review. Please wait for assistance. FaridaMagdy: I think I'd be more comfortable if we didn't make jokes like that. [ADMIN] AlfonsoAlonso has connected —> [ADMIN] AlfonsoAlonso: What's going on? [ADMIN] AlfonsoAlonso: Ah, I see now. [ADMIN] AlfonsoAlonso: I don't think think it seems like that big of an offense, but if it really bothers staff that much we should all drop it before it disrupts morale. FaridaMagdy: I'd say it does more than "bothers". [ADMIN] AlfonsoAlonso: I really thought an HR flag would be something worse. Addendum 7886.6: The Department of Logistics has taken note of the large amount of aid requested by Site-107 related to SCP-7886 and wishes to remind employees of the extensive tracking system in place for the goods delivery service. Addendum 7886.7: From: Site-107 Senior Researcher Omar Mohamed <pcs.701S|demahomo#pcs.701S|demahomo> To: Head of Logistics Christopher Smith <pcs.71S|htimsc#pcs.71S|htimsc> Subject: Follow Up on SCP-7886 Resource Allocation Sent: 2023/08/25 Dear Mister Smith, I am emailing you on behalf of Director Gomaa as she is currently occupied with more immediately pressing situations. The financial and resource-based aid requested by the Director has not been supplied. Though we are aware that no such promises were made for the site, we would like to inquire on the status of the request. In lieu of Foundation-supplied resources, employees are being asked to purchase their own beeswax for the purposes of procedure Al-Thoban. In addition to this, they are also being asked to collect their own urine to be handed in. Please do reply to us soon. Kind regards, Omar Mohamed From: Head of Logistics Christopher Smith <pcs.71S|htimsc#pcs.71S|htimsc> To: Site-107 Senior Researcher Omar Mohamed <pcs.701S|demahomo#pcs.701S|demahomo> Subject: Re:Follow Up on SCP-7886 Resource Allocation Sent: 2023/08/25 Dear Mister Mohamed, Your request has been taken into consideration. Regards, Christopher Smith Addendum 7886.8: LETTER OF CENSURE Disciplined Personnel: Director Heba Gomaa Workplace: Site-107 Employee ID: HG71935621 Description of Infraction(s): Unapproved construction on-site Unauthorized materials introduced to Foundation site Detailed Description: Attempted to construct a greenhouse on-site with unapproved resources including apiaries and several flora native to the Egyptian Nile Delta. Applied Sanctions: Site administration is now under strict observation from Disciplinary Monitoring Team #132 Addendum 7886.9: As of 24/09/2023, SCP-7886 has been exhibiting unprecedented levels of anomalous activity. This is likely due to It is unknown whether this is a result of the performance of procedure Al-Thoban continually degrading in accuracy and quality. Policies are now in place to ensure higher performance in the procedure. In addition, the following email was sent to all Site-107 staff. From: Director Heba Gomaa <pcs.701S|aamogh#pcs.701S|aamogh> To: Site-107 Staff Subject: Regarding SCP-7886 Sent: 2023/09/24 Dear all, I would first of all like to apologise for my unprofessional behaviour and improper handling of SCP-7886. Not only did I put the containment of the object into question, I nearly jeopardized the employment of many of you. Rest assured, amends will be made for my mistakes. I will not be on-site tomorrow as I am traveling to Site-17. There, I will be directly voicing my concerns to the Head of Logistics. Hopefully, we can have a diplomatic discussion and come to a conclusion that benefits everyone. Sincerely, Heba Gomaa Addendum 7886.10: 25/09/2023 Site-17 Human Resources Department Hallway #4, Security Camera #3 11:43 Director Gomaa is seen walking briskly down the hallway towards the camera, closely followed by Head of Logistics Christopher Smith. Mr. Smith: I need you to understand, director, that's the best I can do for you! We cannot allocate more resources to your site than we already have. Director Gomaa: Forgive me if I have a hard time believing you, sir, but I don't buy that for a single second! Mr. Smith: Miss, I've tried to be cordial with you- Gomaa spins on her heel to face Smith. Director Gomaa: No! You haven't! Smith stops in his tracks. Director Gomaa: For every second I've spent in this blasted site I've been disrespected, none of my requests have been taken seriously! I- Mr. Smith: You have an entire site under your control, miss. Wouldn't you say that takes more than a great deal of respect? Gomaa stammers and wildly gestures with her hands. Director Gomaa: My own culture has been thrown in my face! My language is a joke to you people! My religion? Oh, don't even get me started! I came here for an 'international' cultural fair and you didn't even provide food I could eat! Mr. Smith: Look, if you wanted a fully accommodating experience you should have- Director Gomaa: I shouldn't have done shit! It's not my job to make my own safe space while I'm working. Mr. Smith: Well, you could have gone to Site-43- Director Gomaa: No… Site-43? Is that your limp excuse of a solution to this? Wallahi6 I'd be alone there too. Face it, as much as you like to think you're an all-encompassing 'diverse' body, you ain't shit. Did you know my site is the first 'proper' one in the entire fucking continent of Africa?! Not one! Not a single site before 107! And you have the gall to treat us like- like whiny brats! Gomaa slowly approaches Smith, who backs away. Director Gomaa: And now because of- of all of you my site is collapsing! I tried to be cordial, I tried to play by your rules and be nice. I took the shit you spewed! Then I tried to take things into my own hands and you censured me for it. I've tried my hardest to make this work. This is the first major object we're containing on-site and I wanted to make a good impression! And what do I get?- Gomaa's phone rings. She picks up the call, although she does not speak initially. She then holds out the phone after putting it on speaker mode. Director Gomaa: Say what you just said again, please. Senior Researcher Mohamed: Heba, I don't have time- Director Gomaa: Just say it! There is a short pause. During this, several alarms can be heard in the background. Senior Researcher Mohamed: SCP-7886 has fully manifested and it's tearing through the site as we speak. Director Gomaa turns off speaker mode and speaks inaudibly into the phone. She then hangs up and stands staring at Smith for a moment. She then turns on her heel and sprints down the hallway. Smith is left alone. 26/09/2023 Site-107 Rooftop, Security Camera #3 01:37 Director Gomaa is seen walking onto the rooftop from off-screen. Dr. Mohamed and Researcher Magdy are already present. In the background smoke is seen rising into the sky. They are sitting on the edge of the roof side by side. The two turn to look at the director and Dr. Mohamed moves to make space for her. She wordlessly takes a seat. For the next two minutes there is silence as the group all sit on the roof's edge. Director Gomaa: Were either of you two hurt? Mohamed and Magdy shake their heads. Gomaa nods in response. Director Gomaa: Omar, I'm sorry for- Senior Researcher Mohamed: Don't worry about it. There is silence for the next 30 seconds. Director Gomaa: Honestly? Coming face-to-face with a demon snake… Director Gomaa lets out a small laugh. Director Gomaa: Sounds way better than being at 17. The other two look at Gomaa. Dr. Mohamed weakly smiles and chuckles, while Magdy does not react. Gomaa continues laughing to herself. This slowly transitions into crying. Footnotes 1. The Site-17 International Research Convocation and Cultural Fair, shortened to IRCCF, is an event held to encourage the exchange of information and celebrate diversity among international sites. Faculty from across the globe are encouraged to bring forward and share the latest of their developments with one another. Alongside this a cultural fair is held, where the cultures of our international sites are showcased to better encourage understanding and acceptance between employees. 2. "Peace be upon you." A common greeting used in the Arab-speaking Muslim world. 3. Oh really? You traveled all the way from Egypt to America and you won't talk to anyone? 4. Omar I'm tired, so if you'll excuse me… 5. Goodbye! 6. Meaning "I swear to God" ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7886" by RadiantGold, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
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Special Containment Procedures: Each SCP-7887 item is stored within a Standard Object Containment Cube at Site-409. Research regarding the origins and utilizations of the objects is ongoing. Description: SCP-7887 is a collection of ancient objects, relics, and miscellaneous effects recovered from a shallow cave near Sargodha, Pakistan. The interior of the cave, coated in a thick layer of wax and animal fats, contains several clay bricks of unknown origin — as well as partially intact Ambulocetus.An extinct genus of amphibious cetacean that lived during the Eocene. skeletal remains. SCP-7887 objects (designated SCP-7887-1 through SCP-7887-43) are composed of common materials, and appear only several thousand years old, despite radiocarbon dating methods having confirmed that each instance exceeds thirty-five million years of age. It is unclear how the items remained intact for this amount of time, or how they were created. Item #: SCP-7887-4 Date of Recovery: 02/06/2005 Description: A small pot made of red clay, decorated with several simple carvings. Spiral pattern is painted onto object with an unidentified blueish substance. Item #: SCP-7887-7 Date of Recovery: 02/06/2005 Description: A ceramic sphere. Object produces a prominent clicking sound when shaken. Item #: SCP-7887-11 Date of Recovery: 02/06/2005 Description: Several Hypericum antiquum.An extinct species of flowering plant present during the Eocene. wrapped into a bundle with copper wire. Item #: SCP-7887-15 Date of Recovery: 02/07/2005 Description: A large stone tablet. Object features an array of etched symbols at its base, depicting isolated objects, animals, and scenes. Update: It has been confirmed that these symbols represent a primitive glyph-based language. Rough translation of this text is as follows: (BUILD/ESTABLISH) FOR [Unknown symbol — possibly LIGHTNING?] Item #: SCP-7887-19 Date of Recovery: 02/09/2005 Description: A sharp copper weapon resembling a scimitar; significantly larger than a regular scimitar. Item #: SCP-7887-20 Date of Recovery: 02/09/2005 Description: A 10 ft tall, narrow, copper instrument. Believed to be a primitive lightning conductor. Item #: SCP-7887-27 Date of Recovery: 02/16/2005 Description: A fragment of stonework, broken off from a larger structure. Engravings in the stone display symbols of tall, monolithic objects, as well as a lightning bolt striking a towering plinth. Item #: SCP-7887-31 Date of Recovery: 02/17/2005 Description: A collection of twenty small gears, bolts, and wheels. Detailing on objects reveals they were once attached to a greater mechanism. Item #: SCP-7887-33 Date of Recovery: 02/17/2005 Description: A thick sheet of copper, curved into an arch. Object is fitted with several unknown instruments on its underside, including what appears to be a rudimentary steering device. Item #: SCP-7887-37 Date of Recovery: 02/18/2005 Description: Another stone tablet. Text translates into the following: DANGER (CONTORTION/CHANGE) [Unknown symbol] LAST OPPORTUNITY Item #: SCP-7887-39 Date of Recovery: 02/18/2005 Description: A near-perfectly preserved Aegyptopithecus zeuxis.An extinct old-world primate which lived during the early Oliogecene. carcass. Carcass was found inside a partially-eroded complex copper device, embedded with numerous rare gemstones. Of note, each gemstone recovered from the device bears large thaumaturgical significance. Update: SCP-7887-42 was later found in a hidden compartment inside the device. Item #: SCP-7887-42 Date of Recovery: 02/20/2005 Description: A hollow dodecahedroid object made from black onyx, with several unconnected pipes attached to its sides. An as-of-yet unidentified gemstone is fixed to the center of the object, encased in a series of small copper bands. Object emits low levels of thaumaturgic radiation (≈3 Caspers/second). Item #: SCP-7887-43 Date of Recovery: 03/01/2005 Description: A third stone tablet. Text features multiple previously unseen symbols. (CONTORTION/CHANGE) UNSTOPPABLE THE [Unknown symbol] [Unknown symbol] WHALE ASCEND Following the discovery of SCP-7887-43, no further objects have been found. Addendum 7887-1, Memorandum (03/28/2021): Recent studies concerning thaumaturgical activity amidst SCP-7887 objects revealed processes of soul-transference, necromancy, and astral projection. Further investigation uncovered traces of cetacean cognition within the Noosphere. .Sphere of all human thought. The significance of this is unclear. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7887" by Liryn, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: ambulocetus.png Name: Ambulocetus skeleton.jpg Author: Hans Thewissen License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Item #: SCP-7888 Special Containment Procedures: All usage of SCP-7888 should abide by regulations described in Ethics Committee Protocol: "Fern Flower". Description: SCP-7888 is a Foundation-produced communication method. By utilising various memetic suggestions through plain text, SCP-7888 diminishes the retroactive generation of anomalous phenomena in baseline reality. Since SCP-7888’s implementation, the general danger and hostility imposed by newly discovered anomalies has decreased by ~60%. Current instances of SCP-7888 do not completely prevent the existence of malevolent and irrepressible anomalies, although most now follow commonly documented anomalous laws. This has made overall containment and research significantly easier. An increase in beneficial and benevolent anomalies, as well as more concisely written SCP documentation has also been noted alongside these changes. Discovery Log: SCP-7888 was created following an increase in retroactive reality alterations detected by the FRCN (Foundation Reality-wide Communications Network). In one week, a higher amount of newly discovered anomalous phenomena were reported, most in some way relating to the concept of “Luck”. The departments of Memetics were able to produce and successfully employ SCP-7888 during this time. Due to the immense level of harm such entities presented, SCP-7888 was originally intended to neutralize those responsible through lethal memetic hazards. This decision was later revised, upon confirming the possibility of a ZK-Class Reality Failure Scenario. An alternative, non-lethal form of memetic suggestion was then created, which successfully nullified the influence of numerous entities. Despite being approved by a majority of leading Foundation personnel, the Ethics Committee expressed dissatisfaction, opting for a clear psychological evaluation of these entities before any further use of SCP-7888. Two months postponement was approved, and access to a majority of Foundation documentation for psychological study was granted. An initial set of newly improved memetic agents were finally produced, using the Ethics Committee's findings as a basis. These were intended to reduce hostile anomalous activity whilst retaining favourable standing with these entities, until a means of clear communication could be developed. This proposal was finally agreed upon by all leading Foundation personnel after the latest SCP-7888 instances proved the most effective. A log of currently utilised instances can be found below: WARNING: POTENT MEMETIC HAZARDS AHEAD The following is a list of SCP-7888 instances that have proven the most effective. Access SCP-7888 Instance Log Access Approved Instance: #0004 Message: “Doing something else will clear your head.” Instance: #0025 Message: “You've done enough today." Instance: #0059 Message: “Ask yourself: Is this fun?” Instance: #0075 Message: "Forget about it all for now.” Instance: #0098 Message: “Go drink some water.” Instance: #0158 Message: "Talk to someone. Anyone. Please." Instance: #0159 Message: "Seriously, it's a community. Go make friends." Instance: #0241 Message: “Don't torture yourself” Instance: #0436 Message: “Please take regular breaks.” Instance: #0615 Message: “Call your grandparents.” Instance: #0831 Message: "Enjoy this cat." meow Instance: #0972 Message: “Only a nobody would hurt you for not finishing.” Instance: #3046 Message: “There's a fine line between passion and obsession. Never go too far.” Instance: #7000 Message: “The number doesn’t make the article, you give the number value. Don’t let it consume you.” Instance: #7888 Message: "You all did great. Now, go rest." ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7888" by Penton, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: cat.jpg Author: Penton License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
 close Info X Vikander-Kneed Technical Media Hub | More by NielleiN Special Containment Procedures Instances of SCP-7889-1 are to be contained within a secure storage locker at Site-94. Description SCP-7889 is an anomalous phenomenon affecting Dr. Peterson's office at Site-94. Each day at approximately 11:59 AM, a copy of SCP-7889-1, a DVD entitled "Die Funny", will appear on Dr. Peterson's office along with the following note: Dear Dr. Peterson, We heard you were feeling down, so we decided to send you one of the funniest movies that our team has ever made. It's got all your favorite actors and we know you'll enjoy. Have a good time! Love, Your Friends at Vikander-Kneed SCP-7889-1 is ostensibly an action comedy starring John Travolta and Danny Devito, produced and distributed by GoI-5889 ("Vikander-Kneed Technical Media").1 SCP-7889-1 has an extremely potent antimemetic effect that affects everyone who views it except for Dr. Peterson. Discovery SCP-7889 was first discovered by Dr. Peterson on 10/4/2022. However, he refused to report it and instead used the steadily increasing number of SCP-7889-1 instances as paperweights or stored them within his desk. SCP-7889 was accidentally discovered by Dr. Samuel Gold on 3/2/2023. Dr. Gold then forced Dr. Peterson to report it to the Foundation. Discovery Log Date: 3/2/2023 Subjects: Dr. Peterson, Dr. Gold [Excerpt begins.] Dr. Peterson and Dr. Gold are sitting within Dr. Peterson's office, discussing a television show. Suddenly, an SCP-7889-1 instance appears on Dr. Peterson's desk. Dr. Gold: Jack, what is that? Dr. Peterson: Oh, that's nothing. Dr. Gold: Jack, it literally appeared out of thin air on your desk. Dr. Peterson: Well… Dr. Gold: Has this happened before? Dr. Peterson: A couple of times. I didn't think it was a big deal. Dr. Gold then walks over to the desk and inspects the SCP-7889-1 instance. Dr. Gold: "Love, your friends at Vikander-Kneed." Jack, you know we have to report VKTM shit. Why the fuck did you hide this? Dr. Peterson: Because nothing good ever comes from a VKTM tape. Dr. Gold: That's your excuse for negligence? Dr. Peterson: Name one good VKTM anomaly. I'll wait. Dr. Gold pauses to think. Dr. Gold: Well, it worked out pretty good for Lillihammer back at 43. Dr. Peterson: So you're saying I should expose myself to a dangerous anomaly so I have a chance to have sex with God? Dr. Gold: That's not what I'm saying. Actually, that's exactly what I'm saying. I see your point. Dr. Peterson: That's not all. They don't even make good media. There's no reason to watch a VKTM tape. Dr. Gold: Are you actually getting upset at this? Dr. Peterson: I'm serious here. Their social commentary schtick is bullshit. "Oh, we satirize capitalism!" Fuck you! You aren't doing anything special! Shit, the only- the only reason they're still in business is because they cashed in on the NFT craze! Dr. Gold: I think you've made your point. Dr. Peterson: No, I haven't. I haven't even begun to make my point on the many reasons that there is no good reason to watch a VKTM tape. Dr. Gold: I'm still turning this in. Dr. Peterson: Really Sam? Dr. Gold: I'm sure it won't be that bad. [Excerpt ends] Experiment 7889.07 Testing with D-Class personnel revealed that the film was highly antimemetic and had no obvious infohazardous properties, as determined by a Wozny-Leinnes Meme Detector. Due to a potential link with Dr. Peterson as well as Dr. Peterson's high cognitive resistance value, it was decided to have Dr. Peterson test the anomaly. Experiment Log Date: 3/4/2023 Subjects: Dr. Peterson, Dr. Gold [Excerpt begins.] Dr. Peterson and Dr. Gold are sitting within the testing chamber, a television in front of them. A copy of SCP-7889-1 has been inserted into the television. The movie has been paused at the 00.01 minute mark. Dr. Peterson: I hate you for this. Dr. Gold Just do it. Dr. Peterson: Fine. Dr. Peterson unpauses the film. The screen shows the logo for Vikander-Kneed and quiet classical music is playing. Suddenly, the music switches to loud rock and roll music and large letters fly towards the front of the screen at high speeds. Dr. Peterson, surprised by the sudden tone shift, falls. The letters read "FUCK YOU JACK". Unknown Male Voice: (from the television) We at Vikander-Kneed Technical Media do not appreciate the slander that "nothing good ever comes from a VKTM tape." We hope you learn your lesson. The television turns itself off. [Excerpt ends] Additional Notes: Dr. Peterson is now unable to view recreational media, as any attempt to do so results in him perceiving the media as advertisements for Vikander-Kneed products. Incident 7889.01 On 3/14/2023, Dr. Peterson performed an unauthorized test of SCP-7889-1, motivated by the results of the previous experiment. Experiment Log Date: 3/14/2023 Subject: Dr. Peterson [Excerpt begins.] Dr. Peterson is sitting in front of the television. The screen is the same as it was at the end of Experiment 7889-07. Dr. Peterson appears to be highly agitated. Dr. Peterson: I said I'm sorry. What more do you want from me? The television does not respond. Dr. Peterson: Please? I just want to finish Better Call Saul. The television does not respond. Dr. Peterson: Please? I take it back! You're not too bad! Misfortune Gorge was hilarious! Come on VKTM, I won't do it again. I'm sorry for this. The television does not respond. Dr. Peterson: All I'm asking for is one last chance here. The words on the screen change to "FINE". Suddenly, the film's content changes to that of what appears to be a typical film. Dr. Peterson sits in a chair and begins to view it. Although originally apprehensive, Dr. Peterson begins to get more engaged with the film and starts commenting on it. Dr. Peterson: (laughing) This is actually pretty good. [Excerpt ends] Additional Notes: Dr. Peterson refuses to comment on the actual content of the film, but has given it "five stars". A spokesman for Vikander-Kneed explained that Dr. Peterson is "forgiven". Footnotes 1. None of the featured individuals have any memory of the movie's production. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7889" by NielleiN, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Anorrack SCP-7890 Author: Anorrack Author Page Articles you might enjoy: SCP-5859- The PENTAGRAM Papers: An Army plane mysteriously crashes in the American Midwest. Why does the Pentagram want the Foundation to investigate it? UIU File: 2003-112 (OPERATION: PANDORA): A new drug is running rampant on the streets of Three Portlands, and the UIU must find the gang responsible for its distribution before more people get hurt. Don't Go Walking Slow: A British offensive gone wrong, stranded behind enemy lines. What could be hidden underneath the topsoil of the Burmese jungle? Item #: SCP-7890 Special Containment Procedures: Efforts to contain SCP-7890 and its wielders are underway, filed alongside this document under Joint Operation: HANDY SCARPER in affiliation with the FBI-UIU Miami, Baton Rouge, and Dallas Field Offices. Selected HANDY SCARPER documentation are appended at the end of this file. Recovered SCP-7890 instances are to be split between the Foundation and UIU, depending on ease of containment and circumstances surrounding their acquisition. Tests for field use viability are ongoing. Description: SCP-7890 is the collective designation of a number of objects utilized by the Puebla Cartel, also known as the Juan Joaquín Luis Ledesma Organization, to aid in the trafficking of illicit paranormal goods and entities. SCP-7890 instances are all probabilistic, extrasensory, oracular, or clairvoyant in nature, and though they vary in their exact function (from protecting the user's life or ensuring "good fortune."), they all serve to further the aims and the success of the Puebla Cartel. Contained SCP-7890 Instances: Instance Description Containment Method SCP-7890-1 Jivaroan shrunken head, believed to have been recovered from an archeological dig site in Peru. Eyes anachronistically inlaid with opal, and allows the user to sense danger within a 100-yard radius. Sniper. SCP-7890-15 A silver Spanish Bullion coin which can predict the schemes of hostile powers to capture or kill its owner or the vehicle they command. As the Foundation does not classify as a foreign power, this instance and owner (a captain of a vessel owned by the cartel) were easily contained. SCP-7890-33 A M1903A4 Springfield rifle with integrated 10x scope. It is near-statistically impossible to miss a shot fired from the weapon within its normal operating range. Part of a batch of 300 commissioned by the Pentagram1 and shipped to Nicaraguan Contra rebels in the mid-80s. During a confrontation with the UIU, the wielder tried firing through a metal barricade, resulting in the bullet ricocheting and a self-inflicted headshot. Weapon collected by UIU agents after the end of the engagement. SCP-7890-48 200 mg pills of Xolotl2, administered orally. A member of Prometheus Lab's Gods' Eyes group of paranarcotics. One of the first anomalies to be mass-produced by Puebla. Allows the user to temporally and physically dissociate, permitting them to see through the eyes of nearby observers, whether human or electronic. Used for espionage, stealth operations, and voyeurism. While samples have been obtained, production and distribution have continued unabated, despite the Foundation's, UIU's, and Mexican government's best efforts. However, due to the intensive process of creating the drug, overall supply remains low. SCP-7890-64 A large combat mechanical exoskeleton, made from scrap metal and several used cars. The only anomalous property it possesses is the inability to suffer a mechanical failure, despite its severe design flaws. The device rampaged through the outskirts of Miami for approximately seven hours, during which UIU agents were unable to incapacitate it or the wearer. SCP-7890-64 was eventually captured when the wearer collapsed of heatstroke due to insufficient ventilation. History of the Puebla Cartel: The Puebla Cartel is a splinter group and rival of the Juarez Cartel, one of the largest criminal organizations operating within Mexico. The Puebla Cartel began when their founder, Juan Joaquín Luis Ledesma, a high-ranking member of the Juarez Cartel, was unwittingly exposed to an aggressive anomalous organism in Puebla City in 1986. He somehow evaded amnesticization by Mexican-Foundation cleanup efforts, and dedicated himself to the collection of anomalous artifacts. He quickly found use for them within cartel operations, and after a dispute between Ledesma and higher-ups in the organization, followed by the unrelated murder of Juarez leader Rafael Aguilar Guajardo, Ledesma and a number of Juarez members officially broke away from the cartel in the fall of 1993. Puebla focuses on the obtaining and trafficking of anomalous objects and persons, sold to customers in the United States. These objects are often obtained from archeological dig-sites throughout Latin America, though after the bankruptcy and dissolution of Prometheus Labs in 1998, the Puebla Cartel gained access to machinery and techniques3 to manufacture anomalies artificially. The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 also indirectly led to a boom market of paraweaponry in Latin America, as Soviet-funded militia groups lost the technical expertise from the Division of Special Circumstances4 required to maintain their weapons, electing instead to sell them on the black market, where many were obtained and repaired by the Puebla Cartel. Though not conclusive, circumstantial evidence points to large paranormal players like Marshall, Carter & Dark, LLC., anomalous religious movements, and prominent anartists being the cartel's main customers. Similarly, whistleblowers have also provided evidence that the Pentagram provided funding to the cartel in exchange for first pick of any artifacts they obtained, with the deal continuing until at least the early 2000s. However, a not insignificant amount of the cartel's revenue also is generated by the smuggling of mass-produced paranarcotics and other anomalous drugs throughout the American Southeast. Puebla operates throughout the Gulf of Mexico, with branches in all major Latin American countries, funneling goods to ports of call throughout the Southeast United States, primarily Miami, New Orleans, and Austin. As such, the cartel often clashes with both normal and paranormal law enforcement agencies, most often engaging with the American Coast Guard, the Mexican Navy, the Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU), and the IRS (Esoteric Division). It is believed that Ledesma enjoys personal use of one or more anomalies under the SCP-7890 designation, as he has not appeared to have physically aged since the mid-90s, and has survived several assassination attempts by rival gangs, the Mexican government, and the Foundation. Joint Operation: HANDY SCARPER Documentation On January 17th, 2019, Foundation MTF Mu-7 "Powder Monkeys" conducted a stealth operation-turned-frontal assault on San Malverde Ranch, the compound which operates as the main residence of Juan Ledesma, as well as headquarters for the Puebla Cartel. The main objective of the mission was to assassinate Ledesma, with a secondary objective to either steal or destroy any blueprints, documentation, or evidence of anomalous objects or manufacturing. The ranch had never previously been raided by the Foundation or other entities, due to para-weapon materiel possessed by the cartel, as well as threats given to the Mexican government5. The operation produced mixed results. Security measures were bypassed without issue, and the task force was able to enter the property. They gained access to an attached shed, which housed a server farm, from which they were able to download several sensitive and incriminating documents to a hard drive. Upon entering the main residence, however, a man emerged from behind them and engaged them in combat, warned of their arrival by a double-headed serpent wrapped around his neck. The shots alerted the rest of the guards, which engaged with the uninjured agents. During the firefight, the task force was flanked by cartel members using concealment charms, and were either knocked unconscious or killed. Audio and visual contact was lost with the team at this time. Their disfigured corpses were later found delivered in body bags to a local Foundation front. The only other object inside of the body bags was a video tape, marked "Watch Me" and "Mírame" in black marker. The contents of the video will not be recorded in this file. Internal Memo: From: The Desk of David Bartosik, Director of Site-42 (Baton Rouge) To: O5 Council Title: For Your Consideration. Following the results of the failed operation on the San Malverde Ranch on the 17th of this past January, I believe these events should lead us to rethink and reorganize our current tactics. The Puebla Cartel, as an organization, is responsible for 70% of anomalous smuggling and trafficking on America's southern border. The UIU, nominally responsible for the controlling of this illegal and immoral trade, has been stretched to its utmost monetary and manpower limits trying to control this flow of materiel across the border. The Foundation, try though it might, appears to be less than effective against this threat against the Veil and the American way of life. […] To quote more statistics, over 85% of the SCP-7890 instances impounded by the Joint Operation have been by the UIU, despite their mentioned constraints. This is due to the experience of operation and liberal use of anomalies in tactical situations by the UIU, and the deployment of their irregular agents. They also can rely on decades of institutional experience combating organized hostile individuals whom also make use of such anomalies. Foundation personnel, though skilled and handpicked from a variety of organizations, have no such experience in that regard. […] At least in a limited fashion, the Foundation must adopt, in at least a small way, some of the methods of the UIU. To prove my theory, I propose a joint training exercise with UIU agents, to determine whether the tactics of the Foundation or the UIU are more effective in a realistic, simulated environment. Excercise Log: Overview: In a planned series of war games starting on March 15th, 2019, Foundation and UIU agents were placed into an urban desert environment in squads of ten. Foundation agents (Team BLUE) used standard urban combat procedures, whereas UIU agents (Team RED) were both irregular and had possession of five SCP-7890 instances (FOOTBALLs), as well as other permitted anomalies. Team BLUE's goal was to seize all of the FOOTBALLs and/or incapacitate all of Team RED, whereas RED's goal was to incapacitate BLUE and defend the FOOTBALLs. RED was given time to familiarize themselves with the area, whereas BLUE was given a rough map and satellite imagery. Each incapacitation and defended/captured FOOTBALL counted as a point. BLUE members were forbidden from using the FOOTBALLs or any other anomalous artifact, as per routine operating procedure. Round ends when either all hostiles are incapacitated or all FOOTBALLs are captured. Best of five rounds. These exercises were spread over a number of days and environments within the training ground, with new participants every round. Results: Round Points Notes Round 1 13-11, RED wins BLUE entered through the skylight of the apartment complex RED was using as a base. They were able to secure the top floor and make their way downwards. Through this method, they were able to evacuate two FOOTBALLs and eliminate hostile REDs. However, using clairvoyant FOOTBALLs, several RED members were able to navigate the ventilation shafts and stage an ambush, retaking the top floor from BLUE. BLUE was able to incur heavy losses on RED, despite being pincered between two floors, but inevitably lost to the last remaining RED player, using arboreokinesis. Round 2 15-0, RED wins Due to an oversight, the chosen training area was positioned over a Native American burial ground, and the team composition of RED had three modernist necromancers. Upon entering the area, BLUE was immediately accosted by several skeleton traps, which proved immune to conventional fire and quickly overwhelmed the team. Round 3 15-7, see Notes Technically, BLUE incapacitated all hostiles and secured all of the FOOTBALLS, however, one of BLUE seized a HoG-15—an anomalous weapon—from a hostile and used it to both paralyze several hostiles and secure a FOOTBALL. As such the win was nullified and instead is considered a stalemate. Round 4 12-9, BLUE wins Staying as one unit, BLUE cut power to the area, as well as communications, by use of a preliminary EMP. However, one RED member possessed a telepathic FOOTBALL and used it to coordinate with teammates, successfully ambushing BLUE. Both sides incurred heavy losses, but the incapacitation of the telepathic RED member allowed BLUE to isolate RED members and capture the FOOTBALLs. At the end of the round, only one BLUE was remaining, the others sacrificing themselves to get the last FOOTBALL to the evac point. Round 5 10-9, RED wins Trying to break away from conventional strategy after studying the events of the last rounds, BLUE attempted a blitzkrieg, striking targets without sweeping or securing buildings. While they were able to secure and evacuate all of the FOOTBALLs, they incurred heavy losses. During final evac the remainder of BLUE was incapacitated by a last sortie from RED. Though the operation was technically a BLUE success, the round was awarded to RED, based on points. Conclusions: As exhibited, even considering a number of variables, such as team composition, environment, and artifacts utilized, when facing a trained, hostile opponent, versed in the tactical usage of anomalies—especially those that are capable of predicting the future, or avoiding it— even experienced Foundation veterans face heavy casualties when achieving their primary objective, or fail to complete the objective entirely. As such, I petition the O5 council to consider an exceptional measure to form a temporary task force dedicated to the usage of SCP-7890, disbanded upon the assassination of Ledesma or the dissolution of the Puebla Cartel. Operation Log: Special Task Force Hotel "Head-Hunters" was deployed at the Santo Malverde Ranch on July 22nd, 2019. The members were handpicked from a selection of MTF veterans and trained by UIU Special Agents on the field use and operation of SCP-7890 instances. STF-Hotel was permitted use of SCP-7890 instances due to the theory that multiple conflicting and powerful probability manipulators coming into contact will collapse wave-forms, and effectively cancel each other out6. The main objective of this mission was the assassination of top Puebla members and captains, with the secondary objective of the assassination of Juan Ledesma. The timing of the operation was contingent on a meeting between Ledesma and his captains, which takes place semi-randomly throughout the year7. For this operation, the agents and their instances were: Harbor—Boltz-Action Rifle8 Monk—Macuahuitl of Acamapichtli9 Caspian—SCP-7890-1 and SCP-7890-33 Gray—Tactical Antimemetic Active Camouflage (TAAC)10 They were also equipped with multiple doses of Xolotl and gorgon-derived Look-to-Kill (LTK) devices, supplied from the UIU arsenal. As LTKs and gorgons are believed to derive their petrifying ability by probability manipulation of carbon atom crystallization, they served as additional insurance against hostile SCP-7890 instances. <Video Log Begins> 0:00: STF-Hotel is deployed at the location by HALO jump at 1500 UTC-6 (Central Time). Protected from observation via Gray's TAAC, which he activated soon after the jump. Two minutes pass until they land. They discard their parachutes and approach the property. 0:05: Monk calls for a weapon check, during which Harbor reports their ears popping painfully. After pausing, they concluded it most likely originated from the jump. 0:06: Shielded by TAAC, STF-Hotel approach the main residence, crouching underneath the eaves. They each take a pill of Xolotl, reporting camera blind spots, cartel members and their positions. Thirty individuals in total. Several Puebla captains and who is believed to be Ledesma are found in the security control room. Monk and Caspian boost Harbor onto the roof, where she overwatches the central plaza. 0:09: As they are about to enter the building, Caspian orders a halt, and reports sensing danger from SCP-7890-1. As they inspect the door, they observe several small ritual circles inscribed on the door and frame, most likely curses and hexes for those not invited inside. They disable the circles, and the agents move inside. 0:10: Three cartel members are watching television in the common area and are noiselessly petrified using the LTKs under cover of the TAAC. 0:11: Fifteen more hostiles are in the barracks, and as Monk attempts to slit the throat of one of the men, a silver ring on the man's hand began to scream, sprouting tentacles and pulling him off the bunk. Only able to see Monk, he lashes out wildly with the tentacles. One of the tentacles happens to strike the TAAC, causing it to undergo a technical malfunction and shut down, revealing the other two agents. The commotion draws the attention of the rest of the cartel members, who all draw weapons. 0:14: A shoot-out begins. A sonic grenade is thrown by a hostile, but Monk hits it back towards them with the flat of his blade. Three hostiles liquefied. A woman transforms into a large blue gelatinous entity, and attempts to subsume Caspian. Caspian fires at the entity with their LTK, and it turns into a powder instead of petrifying, releasing a cloud of dust obscuring the area. Agents activate infrared sensors. 0:15: One of the hostiles strides forward, heedless of the shots coming from either side. The hostile is wearing a wooden circlet and wields a machete. He attempts to strike Monk, but is parried and has his arm severed in response. He seems surprised by the wound, but continues to slash at Monk using his other arm, which is severed much to the same effect. Monk then decapitates the hostile, but his head attempts to roll forward and bite him in the ankle. Monk pauses for a moment and nudges the circlet off of the head. It immediately ceases animation. 0:18: Hostiles become disorganized and disoriented due to dust cloud. Caspian and Gray petrify several other hostiles before they can trigger the alarm. More distant targets seem to be unaffected by the LTKs, most likely due to scattering effects. As such, conventional firearms are used. As Monk dispatches the last cartel member, Caspian reports sensing danger from the northeast quadrant of the compound, where the security office and Ledesma's residence is located. 0:19: At this point, Harbor notices a contingent of guards exiting the security office into the plaza, and shoots at them. She disintegrates three before the rest retreat behind cover and begin firing back. One of them, wearing a suit of armor, ignores Harbor and walks across the plaza towards the barracks. Harbor tries to shoot them, but consistently misses. 0:20: As the three agents prepare to exit the barracks, the armored hostile enters the room, wielding a battle-axe. Monk and Gray shoot the man with their LTKs to no effect. Caspian fires at the man with the Springfield, but the bullet seems to stop in the air before hitting the armor. The bullet creates a loud buzzing noise and begins to vibrate rapidly, glowing in the process. The man in the armor pauses, looks at the bullet, and tries to touch it. He screams and is spaghettified, leaving the empty armor behind. The bullet quietly falls to the ground. 0:21: Harbor, still under fire and under the influence of Xolotl, reports Ledesma seemingly has not moved since the engagement began. She notes the location of two engaged hostiles behind a large hangman's tree and fires her rifle, the plasma boring through the wood and incinerating both hostiles. 0:22: Monk, Gray, and Caspian plan to flank the hostiles engaged with Harbor, but before they can do so Caspian senses danger behind them. Caspian reflexively fires, the bullet shattering the concealment charm of a previously unnoticed woman. She drops into a crouch and fires her pistol rapidly. All of the shots miss. When the woman expends her magazine she throws the pistol at them, the gun hitting the ground before reaching the agents. They look at the woman, who shrugs. Gray petrifies her. 0:24: Gray disposes of the TAAC, and after close inspection quickly dons the empty suit of armor, with Caspian aiding them. With Caspian and Harbor covering them, Monk and Gray move in on the hostiles in the plaza. Even with several hostiles firing, they are both unharmed, and eliminate all hostiles in the plaza. 0:27: Caspian senses danger through the door to the office. Gray charges through the locked door, but before they issue the all-clear, they observe a bright flash of light. Gray accelerates backwards at high velocity, crashing through the hangman's tree, a brick wall, and a server farm before coming to rest. He is unharmed due to the steel armor, but unconscious. 0:28: The danger Caspian senses is still present, but the trap appears to be fully triggered, and so Monk and Caspian both enter the office. A door in the office was left ajar, and opening it reveals Ledesma sitting at a table, waiting for them. Caspian immediately tries to shoot Ledesma with her rifle, but the bullet appears to pass through him without harm. 0:29: Caspian senses danger immediately behind them and dives to the side, before the door is cleaved in half. The seated Ledesma hologram smiles before disappearing. Ledesma is revealed behind them, wearing a GOC combat exoskeleton and holding a flaming broadsword. Caspian attempts to fire again, but their rifle jams. Ledesma swings at Caspian with the broadsword, but is parried by Monk, who steps between Caspian and Ledesma. 0:30: Ledesma and Monk exchange blows, neither having the advantage over the other. Ledesma leaves himself open to attack several times, but each time Monk attempts to exploit them, he stumbles, blinks, or otherwise misses the opportunity. Monk continues to backpedal out the back door, in an attempt to draw Ledesma into Harbor's line of fire. Monk's macuahuitl, primarily made of wood, is taking damage every time it contacts Ledesma's flaming sword, and is seen partially splintering. 0:31: Monk attempts to circle around Ledesma to try and put him on the back-foot forcing him out of the entryway, but Ledesma catches him with the flat of his blade, knocking him sideways. Monk drops his weapon, which Ledesma picks up. As Ledesma lifts both of his blades in the air for the killing blow, Caspian finishes unjamming the rifle and fires, striking Ledesma in the thigh, causing him to stumble backwards into view of Harbor and allowing Monk to roll out of the way. 0:32: Harbor attempts to fire, but finds that her rifle has blown a fuse. She attempts to swap it out, but Ledesma spots her right as she finishes inserting a new fuse. He throws Monk's macuahuitl at her, severing her right arm. She drops the rifle, which then discharges into the air. 0:33: Ledesma's necklace glows red, and light emanates from his eyes as the bullet falls out of his thigh and the wound heals itself. Caspian tries firing again, but Ledesma reflects it with his blade, the bullet ricocheting back and splintering the rifle, wounding Caspian. Ledesma looks down at Monk attempting to get into a boxer's stance, and grins. 0:34: Monk and Ledesma exchange words, and Ledesma laughs. But before he moves forward to kill Monk, Ledesma frowns and looks off to the side, muttering "¿Es Eso un mono en una chaqueta?11" 0:35: At this point, a large fireball strikes Ledesma directly in the back, impacting the ground. All visuals are overloaded with white noise for a few moments. When visual was restored, Ledesma was gone, the area where he stood was scorched and covered with twisted metal debris. Despite being next to the impact, Monk survived with minor injuries, as he was carrying an unsanctioned rabbit's foot. <Video Log Ends> After Action Report: Following a thorough investigation of the area after the engagement, as well as communications with other Sites, a tentative explanation for the death of Ledesma emerged. Fifteen hours before STF-Hotel was deployed, SCP-2820 was activated. Simultaneously, a communications satellite was reported as straying off course, after a small power surge caused the sudden explosive activation of its maneuvering thrusters. The satellite then went offline, and attempts to regain communication failed. Later, one of Ledesma's lieutenants dropped a piece of glassware, injuring his hand in the process. He disposed of the glass by throwing it out of a nearby window. After STF-Hotel was deployed, Harbor's ears popped during the weapon check, causing her to miss a power-supply cable on her rifle that had torn in the landing. The communications satellite's orbit had decayed to such an extent that it began entering the atmosphere. During the course of the engagement with Monk, Ledesma was partially blinded by the sun reflecting off of the shards of discarded glass, stepping backwards several paces. The communications satellite maintained integrity during reentry—instead of breaking into manageable fragments as intended—due to several faulty screws. Harbor attempted to fire the rifle, but was prevented by the blown fuse, the broken cable causing a power surge. This caused Ledesma to notice her, and throw Monk's macuahuitl at Harbor, in the process stepping to the side several paces. The discharged plasma projectile impacted the falling satellite, changing its course slightly. As Ledesma monologued, he observed a monkey in a trench-coat, which distracted him long enough for the satellite to directly collide with him from behind, killing Ledesma on impact. It is theorized that the described series of events was so improbable and so specific, that no SCP-7890 instance could have possibly predicted it nor could have taken steps to prevent it from occurring. As such, Ledesma was rendered vulnerable to any effects caused by SCP-2820. Addendum: Observation of the Puebla Cartel and its movements are still ongoing, though with the death of their leader and the destruction of much of their upper-ranks, the cartel has struggled to mount a sufficient and cogent response to the actions of HANDY SCARPER. Following the raid, covert agents were able to seize sensitive documents belonging to the cartel from the ranch and upload them to a secure server farm, which will further inform actions against the cartel and their operations. Smuggling over the border originating from the cartel have slowed in recent months—and is expected to decline further—though informants suggest that the cartel plans retaliation in some shape or form. Footnotes 1. Anomalous branch of the DoD. 2. Blind Aztec god of bad luck. 3. While they were able to obtain general blueprints and machines used to create anomalies, they lack the capability to create or utilize some of the more delicate, expensive technology that Prometheus Labs used. Instead, the Puebla Cartel has developed a bespoke manufacturing process taking advantage of the inherently large EVE output of human sacrifice (utilizing enhanced Nordic pagan rituals) as a crude replacement. 4. Anomalous branch of the KGB. 5. The desecrated remains of Federal Investigation Agency (AFI) agents that were observing the ranch at the time were delivered in pieces to the local governor's estate by mail. 6. Based on previously observed interactions between invulnerable anomalies and enchanted weapons. 7. The time was preemptively leaked by a mole in the cartel. 8. A probability engine that uses Boltzmannian properties to heat particles in front of the barrel to 1100 Kelvin, creating a plasma projectile when fired. 9. A wooden board studded with sharpened obsidian, used as a weapon by the Aztecs. Renders the wielder unbeatable in battle. 10. Ten-pound device that imprints conceptual antimemicity onto objects within in a variable radius of the device, rendering individuals inside of the field effectively invisible. Prototype was found to be a carcinogen, and impounded from Prometheus Labs before it could be put into active service. 11. "Is that a monkey in a jacket?" ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7890" by Anorrack, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: 7891 Level3 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: The original document containing SCP-7891 is to be kept in a standard containment locker in Site-76. A copy is kept on Foundation databases and can be accessed in this document. Personnel reading SCP-7891 for the first time must do so only under the supervision of at least two researchers experienced with SCP-7891. If they display signs of SCP-7891’s anomalous effect, they are to be given Class B amnestics and reassigned. Foundation agents are to monitor any new archaeological discoveries relating to One Thousand and One Nights for additional copies of SCP-7891 or information related to it. All versions of One Thousand and One Nights currently available to the public are considered non-anomalous and may remain in circulation. Description: SCP-7891 is a section of the oldest known version of One Thousand and One Nights.1 Originally written in Persia in the tenth century CE, One Thousand and One Nights was translated to Arabic shortly after its completion and quickly became one of the most iconic stories of the region, with various authors adding, changing, or removing stories over the centuries. However, no other version of the work has been found to host SCP-7891 SCP-7891 breaks with the normal format of One Thousand and One Nights, instead resembling a modern day SCP article, complete with illustrations resembling Foundation graphics, despite predating the Foundation by several centuries. However, it should be noted that SCP-7891 is a work of fiction and the anomalies it describes do not exist in reality. Additionally, many of the details it presents regarding the Foundation do not match with reality. SCP-7891 has a mild cognitohazardous effect on approximately ninety percent of readers. Readers experiencing this effect usually display disorientation, confusion, and false memories. These effects are easily treated with amnestics. The effects of SCP-7891 are most severe in those displaying the following traits: -Dissociation -Repeated use of amnestics -ADHD -Chronic daydreaming -A belief that the world is a computer simulation -A tendency to relate real world events to fictional works -Dreams of waking up Schizophrenia appears to have an inoculating effect against SCP-7891. Therefore, any personnel with schizophrenia are encouraged to request assignment to SCP-7891’s containment team even if they lack experience in the relevant fields. Selected testing log: Testing has primarily been performed on personnel under consideration for SCP-7891’s containment team. The process involves observing staff as they read SCP-7891 followed by asking them a series of questions relating to Foundation operations, politics, popular culture, and their own personal lives. Test number Results 4 Subject misremembered several details about his family, including his wife’s name and how many children he has. 7 Subject displayed mild disorientation, believing it was early morning when it was currently late afternoon. 13 Subject became confused and repeatedly asked when the test would end, even during the post-test questioning. 14 Test was aborted when, partway through reading, the subject began to read aloud, ignoring repeated instructions not to. 21 Subject became anxious part way through test, asking why she was being asked to read a known cognitohazard instead of something called a “D-Class.” On questioning, subject displayed a belief that the Foundation coerces members of prison populations into service as “disposable class personnel.”2 COGNITOHAZARD WARNING The following section of this document contains the full text of SCP-7891 translated from Persian along with recreations of the original illustrations. As such, it is an unfiltered cognitohazard. Do not read further without the approval of the HCML supervisor and the supervision of at least two members of the SCP-7891 containment team unless your immunity to SCP-7891 has already been determined. Item#: 7891 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Dunyazad now told Shahrazad: “I want you to tell me a story of the scholars who collected impossible things.” “I would be pleased to do so,” Shahrazad replied, “if the king gives me his leave.” “Tell your story at once,” Shahriyar said, and Shahrazad began: I have heard, o fortunate king, that the scholars, who called themselves the Foundation, found an object which posed them many problems: It could not be moved from its location and so the Foundation built Provisional Site-7891 to guard it. They had to divert all means of travel so that none would discover it. If any traveler wandered too close, they would be given drugs to make them forget whatever they had seen, then set back on a more favorable trail. The Foundation was forced to share custody with a rival named the Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts. According to their agreement, the Foundation could not remove anything from SCP-7891, and they had to share all of their studies with the Organization. However, they were free to explore SCP-7891 freely and catalog what they found. I can see, o righteous king, that you wish to know what this object was: SCP-7891 was a palace located in the Hijaz Mountains.3 It had been built several hundred years before the Foundation occupied it, and it was built of materials and in a style befitting that time. The palace consisted of a large hall, full of all manner of furniture one would need for a comfortable stay, and two lengthy hallways leading to forty rooms, each locked.4 Upon entry, visitors would be greeted by forty young women known as SCP-7891-1. SCP-7891-1 were friendly and would beg all visitors to sit and relax and would produce food for them. SCP-7891-1 had a key which they would freely lend to the Foundation, but which the Foundation could not remove from SCP-7891 due to their agreement with the Organization. This key unlocked the many rooms of the palace and SCP-7891-1 explained that these rooms contained many of the very types of impossible things the Foundation strove to collect. They advised the scholars of the Foundation that they might enter thirty-nine of the forty rooms with only a small risk of injury or death, but that the fortieth room must never be opened. I have heard, o king, that the Foundation did not wish to risk the lives of their soldiers by ordering them to explore the palace: So they instead instructed a slave named D-77513 to enter each of the rooms and discover what was inside. They attached to D-77513 an eye of glass so that they might see what he saw and affixed to the halls more eyes so they might see what he did not. <D-77513 put the key the keyhole of the first door, but did not open it.> D-77513: When I complete this task, I ask that I might be allowed to spend more time in the company of those girls. Command: They are not human. They might cause you harm or drive you to madness. D-77513: For women so lovely, I would happily take the risk, for as the poet said— Command: Please do not waste time and open the door. D-77513: To hear is to obey. <D-77513 opened the door and inside were two men, a horse, a small boat, and a bow, all made of brass, and three arrows made of lead.> D-77513: Why, there is nothing here but old garbage. <The men of brass began to move, looking at D-77513.> D-77513: I think I should close this door now. Command: Offer them a greeting. D-77513: Do you wish to kill me? <The men of brass did not answer, for they were not capable of speech. Instead they began to approach D-77513.> Command: You may close the door now. D-77513: Happily. <And he closed the door. Behind the second door he discovered a great rukh.> D-77513: Do you wish to kill me? <The rukh did not answer because it, too, was not capable of speech. D-77513 closed the door. Behind the third door he discovered a great mountain, much larger than even the room that contained it. The key began to fly from the door toward the mountain, but D-77513 caught it. Still, the key fought in his grip, for the mountain was magnetic, and drew all iron towards it.> Command: Close the door at once! Or we will find the key difficult to retrieve! <With much struggle, D-77513 closed the door. Behind the fourth door he discovered a garden filled with all manner of trees, each full of ripe fruits.> D-77513: What a beautiful place! I think I might rest here for a time and enjoy some of this fruit. Command: Do not step inside, for the fruit might be poisonous. We will study it at a later time. <Behind the fifth door, D-77513 discovered a hall full of wooden cages and nothing else.> D-77513: I beg you, allow me to close this door! The sound of these birds is unbearable and I fear I might be deafened! Command: Of what birds do you speak? Our eye sees no birds and we hear no song. D-77513: How can you not see them? They are everywhere! In all of the cages! <Command bid D-77513 to close the door and he did so. Behind the sixth door he discovered a black horse with great wings.> D-77513: What a beautiful creature! Command: You may close the door and continue. D-77513: But I used to work with horses. Perhaps I can help you learn more about this thing. Command: There is no need. At this time, we only wish to get an idea of what is behind each door, so that we might assign the proper scholars to study each object. <But D-77513 did not follow Command’s instruction, and entered the room, speaking to the horse in a soothing voice. In response, the horse whipped D-77513 in the eye with its tail which, it was discovered, was covered in sharp barbs. D-77513 fled the room and locked the door.> D-77513: I am injured! You must allow me to return so that I may see a doctor! Command: Continue to the next room. D-77513: But I fear I might lose my eye! Command: Continue to the next room. <D-77513 continued through the various rooms, discovering all manner of wonders and horrors. One might fill an entire book with the things he saw, but eventually he came to the thirty-ninth room. Inside this room he found no monster or horror. Instead, he found a tool which is strange to you or I, but familiar to him. It was like a book with a single page, whose words could change and reshape to tell many stories, and it was far too new to exist in this palace.> D-77513: Why, that’s the sign of the Foundation! Command: We see it, as well. Tell us, D-77513, what story does this device tell? D-77513: I cannot answer, for I must say a word to make the device show me and I do not know which word I need. Command: Then return the key to SCP-7891-1 and leave the palace. D-77513: Do you not wish me to open the final door? Command: No. You have completed your task. <For the Foundation had not yet decided whether to heed the warning of SCP-7891-1.> I have heard, too, o king, that the Foundation did discover what story the device held: For it only contained one story, told in the manner of their own records. This is what it said: Item#: 7891 Level5 Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Due to its position in the Foundation, SCP-7891 is considered self-containing. Description: SCP-7891 is O5-5. It has the appearance of a woman in her early 20s.5 SCP-7891’s primary anomalous trait is an ability to render physical objects into fictional constructs and vice versa. Additionally, it is immortal. Originally born in the Islamic Empire during the tenth century CE, SCP-7891 has primarily utilized its trait to contain anomalous objects prior to the formation of the Foundation. It was one of the original founders of the Foundation, and has been on the O5 council since its inception. Addendum 7891-1: On 4/2/2023, SCP-7891 requested an interview to be conducted as part of its SCP file. Interviewed: SCP-7891 Interviewer: Dr. Antoine Burton <Begin interview> Dr. Burton: So, uh, I’m not exactly sure how you want to begin, ma’am. SCP-7891: SCP-7891. Dr. Burton: Pardon? SCP-7891: Foundation protocol is to address all anomalies by their SCP number. Dr. Burton: But that’s—you’re not like… SCP-7891: I may be a member of the O5 council, but when it comes to this file, I’m to be treated as any other anomaly. That means I am SCP-7891. It/its. Dr. Burton: If that’s what you want, Ma—I mean, SCP-7891. Sorry. I’m a little nervous. SCP-7891: There’s no need to worry. You’re not going to get into any trouble. After all, you’re the one doing me a favor here. Dr. Burton: I know. I mean, I have to admit that when I was first given access to your file I thought I was about to learn some terrible secret I was better off not knowing. But looking at it now, it’s so… SCP-7891: Ordinary? Dr. Burton: Short. It doesn’t even really explain how your anomalous trait works. SCP-7891: I’m happy to explain. Are you familiar with pataphysics? Dr. Burton: A little. I mean, I have a passing knowledge. Should someone from the Department of Pataphysics conduct this interview? SCP-7891: You’re fine. Just give me an idea of how knowledgeable you are. <Dr. Burton pauses for a moment.> Dr. Burton: It’s sort of like universes stacked up on top of each other. When someone in a universe higher on the stack imagines something, it becomes real in the universe below it. SCP-7891: A rudimentary description, and not the most accurate, but it will serve our purpose. Is it possible for a universe lower on the stack to change something in a universe higher up? Dr. Burton: Well, no. That’s sort of the whole point. For universes higher in the stack every universe below it is just imaginary. It doesn’t exist, even if you can travel to parallel universes. SCP-7891: But a story can change you, can it not? Dr. Burton: Technically, yes. Hell, the whole reason I started studying science was because I thought Spock was cool. But that’s not the same as physically manifesting an anomaly. SCP-7891: That is, more or less, where the current science stands. But what if Shahrazad imagines Shahrazad?6 Could she manifest an entity contained by Shahrazad who is, herself, fictional? Dr. Burton: This is way outside of my area of expertise, but maybe? I mean, it depends on how your ability works. Although, I guess if I’m conducting the first interview of an anomaly that’s something I should ask, huh? Tell me about your anomalous trait. SCP-7891: Now you’re starting to understand what we’re doing here. When I tell a story, or even when I hear one, I can convert the subject of the story into fiction. Make it so that it was never real. Dr. Burton: But if I understand this right, that means that you can safely contain any anomaly. Even Keter-class anomalies wouldn’t be a challenge. Just a few words and the lizard isn’t a threat to anyone anymore. SCP-7891: Everyone wants me to contain the lizard, but it’s not so simple. Some anomalies can’t be contained with this method. Imagine if I tried to contain the Daevite Empire. Dr. Burton: It could work. Or, I guess, maybe it would hand them the entirety of history on a silver platter? I’m not really sure how they would interact with your trait. SCP-7891: You’re starting to see the problem. Besides, I’m full. It turns out, I can only contain so many entities and I hit my limit centuries ago. Dr. Burton: Oh. That’s probably why you became part of the Foundation. SCP-7891: Exactly. In the early days we were a containment team of three. Myself, my sister, and my husband. One to tell the stories, one to listen, and one to record. That’s how it works, after all. I can’t just whisper a story into the wind. Someone needs to hear it and someone needs to record it. And because we were clever, we turned our containment method itself into a story. A woman staving off her execution by entertaining the king with stories. Dr. Burton: And that lets you connect to other… pataphysical… layers? Or whatever the term is? SCP-7891: Close enough. We grew, in time. Ibn al-Muqaffa’, Muhsin Mahdi, Dīyūnisūs Shāwīsh, Hanna Diyab, and countless others helped me contain anomalies until I learned I could hold no more. Thankfully, at that point, several normalcy-preserving groups were beginning to form. So my work continued in a new form. Dr. Burton: Huh. Fascinating. SCP-7891: You should ask why I requested this interview. Dr. Burton: Ah, right. Why did you request this interview? SCP-7891: Because I am going to tell you a story. Dr. Burton: But you said you couldn’t contain any more anomalies. SCP-7891: I can’t. But one of the anomalies I contain is pounding on the walls of its unit, demanding to be let out. If I don’t transfer it to a different unit, it might breach. Dr. Burton: That’s not good. What do we need to do? SCP-7891: Just listen. Remember what I said earlier? About Shahrazad telling a story of Shahrazad? Well, what if SCP-7891 tells a story of SCP-7891? Dr. Burton: You can transfer it to a different story. A different containment unit in a different universe. SCP-7891: Exactly. So, you’re here to listen and the cameras are here to record. Are you ready? Dr. Burton: Please, proceed. SCP-7891: Very well. This is the story of SCP-7891. An uncontained anomaly with a disruption class of Amida and a risk class of Critical. Dr. Burton: I don’t like the sound of that. Item#: 7891 Level1 Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo SCP-7891: Special Containment Procedures: Since a method of containing SCP-7891 has not yet been determined, containment efforts are currently focused on maintaining the veil and minimizing casualties. Dr. Burton: Wait, you’re narrating conprocs? Like an SCP file? SCP-7891: Yes. Were you expecting something more Arabian Nights? Dr. Burton: Maybe. Or just a normal story. I’m not complaining, mind, it just seems like an odd choice. SCP-7891: It’s necessary for the method I’m utilizing. To synchronize several layers of stories, the stories in question must resemble each other in form. This interview is going into my own file, after all. Therefore it becomes an SCP file in an SCP file. This is also why we share designations. Dr. Burton: I guess that makes sense. Sorry for the interruption. Please, carry on. SCP-7891: A cover story of a volcanic eruption causing unpredictable severe weather is being disseminated to explain the change in weather patterns caused by SCP-7891. A perimeter has been set up around Site-01 to prevent anyone from entering or leaving. All sites are on lockdown. Communication must be performed either in-person or via text to prevent interference from SCP-7891. Any personnel suspected of being under SCP-7891’s influence are to be detained, interrogated and amnesticized. All research is being discontinued and every department is instructed to investigate the nature of SCP-7891 and methods of containing it. Dr. Burton: So something’s taken over Site-01 and no one knows what it is? SCP-7891: They have some idea. Description: SCP-7891 is Jeffrey Barmaki, formerly the secretary of O5-1. It is unknown when SCP-7891 was hired, but there are records mentioning it dating back to 1902. It has served as O5-1’s secretary for the entire time, with its apparent longevity going unnoticed, possibly due to a mild memetic effect. A journal remaining from the early days of the American Secure Containment Initiative, one of the Foundation’s predecessors, makes reference to an “unassuming Arab man who always seems to have an answer,” who may be SCP-7891. Until recent events, SCP-7891 has been an exemplary employee, receiving numerous accolades. O5-1 has credited its advice with ending several crises and successfully containing numerous anomalies, and even described it as “the unofficial O5-14.” On 11/1/1994, SCP-7891 suddenly developed a number of anomalous traits. Based on recovered footage, it manifested in the O5 Council chamber, somehow bypassing thaumaturgic wards, and utilized an unknown thaumaturgic technique to transform the council members into sand. MTF Alpha-1 (“Red Right Hand”) mobilized to confront the attacker, but were transformed into dogs as they reached the chamber. After this, the Site-01 security network failed and additional events were not captured. Utilizing O5-1’s credentials, SCP-7891 contacted each site director and department head via video and employed a cognitohazardous ability to force each to initiate containment breaches, fires, and other emergency situations. It is believed that approximately ninety percent of site directors and department heads were compromised, most of which were able to escape in the ensuing chaos. Surveillance of Site-01 has caught some footage of the compromised personnel. SCP-7891 then began altering weather patterns. In the hours after the deaths of the O5 Council, an anomalous storm began at Site-01 and dark clouds now cover the sky in a radius of three hundred miles and growing. Dr. Burton: So he’s just holed up there? What does he want? SCP-7891: As a matter of fact, someone decided to ask him just that. I think it’s time for an interview log. Addendum 7891-1: On 11/3/1994, Dr. Ursula Payne contacted Site-01 using a series of cognitohazard filters in order to conduct an interview with SCP-7891. Whichever .aic is transcribing this conversation may want to add a block quote here. Interviewed: SCP-7891 Interviewer: Dr. Ursula Payne Begin interview. The footage shows SCP-7891 dressed in a black robe and sitting in the O5 Council chamber. It looks noticeably older and has grown a beard. Dr. Payne: Jeffrey? Do you remember me? Ursula with the Department of History? We’ve met a few times. SCP-7891: I remember. Dr. Payne: What are you doing? Why did you kill the O5s? SCP-7891: I am seizing control. I will be the new O5. Dr. Payne: Then why haven’t you sent out further communications? We’ve been waiting to receive your demands. SCP-7891: I have issued instructions to the Foundation leadership. Your job is to obey their orders. Dr. Payne: You took control of their minds! SCP-7891: I will do as I please. I control the Foundation. Dr. Payne: Then what’s your goal? Are you not happy with the way the Foundation is run? Do you want to lift the veil? Decommission more anomalies? SCP-7891: My goal is to replace O5. Dr. Payne: Then let’s begin negotiating. O5’s dead. There’s nothing we can do about that. If we agree you’re in charge what will change? Will you release the leadership from your control? Will you allow us to continue our work? SCP-7891: There will be no negotiating. I will accept nothing less than complete surrender. Dr. Payne: But it might be easier to achieve that if you at least tell us what you’re going to do. We don’t even know what you want. SCP-7891: What I want? WHAT I WANT? JE VEUX ÊTRE O5 À LA PLACE DU O5!7 SCP-7891 cuts off communication, ending the interview. Dr. Burton: Not very reasonable, is he? SCP-7891: He’s very confused right now. But let’s accelerate things a little. From here there are lots of conversations between lots of scientists and we could go through them all, but the important thing is the conclusion they come to. Addendum 7891-2: On 11/4/1994 the acting head of the Department of History, Dr. Ursula Payne, and the head of the Department of Literature, Dr. Antoine Burton, released a document outlining the theory that SCP-7891 is Ja’far ibn Yahya, the vizier of 8th century caliph of the Islamic Empire, Harun al-Rashid. Dr. Burton: Wait, I’m head of the Department of Literature? SCP-7891: Why not? You’re even one of the few department heads who avoided falling under the anomaly’s control. There’s no harm in being a little self-indulgent in a story. Dr. Burton: But I was just a kid in the ‘90s. SCP-7891: Well, in this story you were born a little earlier. Anyway, their proposed timeline of events is included below: C. 767: Ja’far ibn Yahya is born. 786: Harun al-Rashid becomes caliph. He appoints Ja’far’s father, Yahya, as vizier. Later, as Yahya ages, Ja’far is given the role. C. 803: Ja’far is executed on Harun’s order. The reason for this is unknown. C. 900-1000: The first version of One Thousand and One Nights is written in Persia. It would spread to Arabia, with many authors adding or changing stories. Harun and Ja’far appear as characters in many of these stories. 1701: The first French translation of One Thousand and One Nights. Among the tales added to this version is “The Story of Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp,” which features a nameless vizier as its central antagonist. This story would grow to become one of the most iconic tales in One Thousand and One Nights, with various translations and adaptations appearing throughout the world. C.1790: The earliest possible reference to Jeffrey Barmaki in American Secure Containment Initiative records. 1902: The earliest confirmed reference to Jeffrey Barmaki in Foundation records. 1940: The film The Thief of Baghdad is released. It features a villainous vizier named Jaffar. 1952: The film The Golden Blade is released. It features a hero named Harun al-Rashid and a villainous vizier named Jafar. 1992: The Disney film Aladdin is released. It features a villainous vizier named Jafar.8 11/1/1994: Jeffrey Barmaki suddenly displays a number of anomalous traits, murders the O5 Council, and attempts to seize control of the Foundation. Dr. Burton: It kind of seems like they’re jumping to conclusions. SCP-7891: That’s exactly what they said at the inter-department meeting. Dr. Burton: Inter-department meeting? SCP-7891: Addendum 7891-3: On 11/5/1994, a meeting was held between several department representatives at Site-redacted. Dr. Burton: Site-redacted? SCP-7891: Yes. This facility is located physically near Site-01, a fact which becomes relevant. So its number is redacted. The parties present at this meeting are: Ursula Payne, acting head of the Department of History Antoine Burton, head of the Department of Literature Hannah Chavis, acting head of the Department of Thaumatology and John Lyons, acting head of the Department of Tactical Theology Foreword: Dr. Ursula Payne requested a meeting with the above personnel to discuss her theories regarding SCP-7891. Begin excerpt. Dr. Lyons: What’s this document supposed to prove? Half of this is just the release years of movies. Dr. Chavis: I imagine they’re trying to claim that SCP-7891 is an anomaly influenced by fictional depictions of itself. What I want to know is where they got the idea that it’s this Ja’far person. Dr. Payne: Yes, well, I had my suspicions from the moment SCP-7891 was identified as Jeffrey Barmaki. Naturally, I never thought twice about the name before, but looking at it now I became fixated on the name Barmaki. That was the family name of Ja’far ibn Yahya. To confirm my suspicions, I decided to contact it. Dr. Lyons: That was a profoundly foolish thing to do, by the way. A directed, personalized cognitohazardous attack like the ones SCP-7891 uses can easily tear through automated defenses. Dr. Chavis: Have you managed to learn something about the cognitohazard attack? Dr. Lyons: We were able to recover some of the video footage and had it analyzed by an .aic. It manifested a staff which glowed while it instructed its victims. Both its voice and the light were detected as sources. Dr. Payne: But that’s just more evidence! Listen, you all saw the footage of my interview, right? That French phrase he shouted at the end? That was when I knew I had to consult with Dr. Burton. Dr. Burton: It’s paraphrased from a French comic book called Iznogoud. Dr. Burton: Oh, I like the voice you’re doing for me. SCP-7891: Thank you. Dr. Burton: I was already forming my own hypothesis when Dr. Payne contacted me with what she’d learned. I think what we’re dealing with is a manifestation of the fictional depictions of Ja’far ibn Yahya. In One Thousand and One Nights, Ja’far was usually depicted as a loyal advisor and competent administrator, so that’s what SCP-7891 was. But the popularity of the story of Aladdin led to viziers increasingly being depicted as villains. And when people needed a name for their evil vizier they looked at One Thousand and One Nights and grabbed the first vizier name they found. Dr. Chavis: That seems like a tenuous connection. I mean, this Ja’far isn’t the only significant Ja’far in history. I doubt he’s even the only historical vizier with that name. Dr. Burton: Maybe not, and I think that’s why he didn’t go berserk until now. The connections were there, but they weren’t strong enough. All of this narrative energy built up around the concept of the evil vizier, just barely touching Jeff but not quite effecting him. When Disney’s Aladdin came out this energy became too big to control. Once the floodgates burst, all of that energy flowed into Jeff. Dr. Chavis: But Aladdin came out two years ago. Why are these “floodgates” only bursting now? Dr. Burton: My hypothesis is that it’s due to a novel. In a series that has just enough of a following to make a dent in the collective unconscious. It’s called Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett. It has multiple passages describing how viziers are always treacherous and power hungry. If Aladdin loaded the gun then Interesting Times pulled the trigger. He’s not just Ja’far. He’s every evil vizier in every story. Dr. Lyons: Ridiculous. You’ve come up with a fun little idea worthy of a conspiracy board, but I’m afraid my department has already worked out what SCP-7891 is. Instead of reading VideoHound, we actually took some measurements. There is a massive amount of Akiva radiation pouring out of Site-01. Dr. Payne: You think it’s a god? Dr. Lyons: Probably always was, so it’s not a true ascension. It’s most likely some obscure, forgotten god who’s been biding its time at the Foundation, waiting until it could get its hands on an anomaly that could give it back some power. Dr. Burton: Akiva radiation? That doesn’t make sense. Dr. Payne: But all of its actions match our hypothesis. Even things like summoning storms and turning people into dogs. Both of those occur in The Thief of Baghdad. Dr. Chavis: I have a question. Fictional anomalies usually infect stories, don’t they? They’re not infected by them. Normally, they reshape stories around themselves, and when they manifest physically they do so by reshaping reality to match their story’s characteristics. Dr. Burton: That’s true. I’ve been trying to figure out why, but the best answer I can come up with is the fact that the person existed before the fictional anomaly. Ja’far is older than stories about Ja’far. That usually isn’t the case with fictional anomalies. Dr. Chavis: I’m reminded of SCP-5925. Are you familiar with that one? Dr. Burton: That one’s just an old man, isn’t it? Dr. Chavis: Yes, an old man. A friendly old man and nothing else. As long as you don’t associate certain characteristics to it or call it by certain names. Nomenclative magic is hard to control, even for entities connected to it. Dr. Lyons: But that doesn’t explain the Akiva radiation. Dr. Burton: Actually, maybe it does. Say he was an old god. One who was forgotten about when the Abrahamic religions took prominence. He used nomenclative magic to conceptually associate himself with Ja’far ibn Yahya. In this way he was able to treat the sharing of stories the way a normal god does religious worship, at least enough to keep existing. But then these characters who are sort of Ja’far but not really start appearing. There’s lines connecting them all, but they’re vague until Interesting Times solidifies them enough to force all of these identities onto Jeff. That’s when he loses control. Dr. Lyons: That…could be possible. Dr. Payne: I’m a little out of my depth, but it makes sense to me. Dr. Chavis: That still leaves us with one question. How do we kill it? Dr. Burton: Wait, we’re going to kill Jeff? Dr. Lyons: After the damage it’s caused, we don’t have a choice. It needs to be neutralized. Dr. Burton: But kill him? It’s not like he meant to do any of this. This is something that happened to him. There has to be a way to help him. Dr. Chavis: I know you’re friends with him, but trying to save him is too dangerous. Look at the damage he’s caused already. The O5 Council is dead. Dr. Payne: Antoine— Dr. Burton: No, I get it. You’re right. He needs to be stopped. Saving him is a luxury we can’t afford. End excerpt. Dr. Burton: So it’s a former god turned into a story? SCP-7891: Essentially. Now, I think it’s time for the conclusion, don’t you? Dr. Burton: What’s next? A log of an MTF operation to infiltrate Site-01 and use some device to stop it? SCP-7891: Nothing quite so action-packed, but you’re on the right track. Addendum 7891-4: In the early hours of 11/6/1994, Dr. Antoine Burton managed to bypass the perimeter around Site-01 and enter the facility. He wore a body camera, which captured the following footage. The footage opens with Dr. Burton standing at the main entrance of Site-01. Dr. Burton: Okay. Here goes nothing. He swipes his ID and the door slides open. Instead of the foyer, the entrance leads immediately into an office. Fluorescent lights illuminate rows of cubicles, where various members of low-level Site-01 staff can be seen working at their computers. As Dr. Burton steps inside, the door slides shut behind him. He continues down one of the rows. A currently-unidentified employee passes him by, holding a mug of coffee. Employee: Working hard or hardly working? Dr. Burton: I think I’m a little lost. Employee: You’re one of the big guys, aren’t you? Here to meet with O5? Better late than never, eh? Dr. Burton: I guess so. Say, I noticed the outer gates were open. No one was at the checkpoints. Employee: Don’t need ‘em. The new O5’s developed a whole new security system. Much more efficient. Dr. Burton: Right. What’s everyone doing here? Employee: Containment! Organizing maintenance schedules, hiring personnel. All the fiddly parts of running the Foundation. Once the restructuring is complete and everyone has submitted to O5’s will, the Foundation will be more smooth and efficient than ever. Dr. Burton: I see. So, where can I find O5? Employee: Just take the stairs. He points to the elevator. Dr. Burton: Thanks. Dr. Burton makes his way to the elevator doors and presses the call button, the door opens revealing a spiral staircase. Dr. Burton: Right. Of course. He looks up. The stairs spiral upwards into the distance. With a sigh, he begins his ascent. Dr. Burton: So, I’m not sure what that was all about. I guess it’s a bit of Jeff. Once the evil vizier takes over, he doesn’t know what to do because the evil vizier never wins, so he defaults back to trying to keep things running. As for why the interior’s changed? I have no idea. Dr. Burton continues climbing for several minutes. A pair of dogs chase each other down the stairs, passing him by. Eventually, he reaches the top of the stairs and finds that they stop at a trap door in the ceiling. He pulls it open to find an enormous brightly lit room. The ceiling, walls, and floor are all black and white tiles, making it difficult to get a sense of scale. A collection of objects is visible in the distance. Dr. Burton: You have got to be kidding me. Dr. Burton begins to walk, heading towards the objects. As he nears them, it becomes clear that they are an uneven arrangement of ornate wooden cages, each with a brightly-colored songbird. They begin to sing with a high-pitched piercing sound. Dr. Burton begins to run, weaving around any cages in his path. The cages give way to wooden perches containing vultures which take flight and begin to swoop at Dr. Burton, brandishing their claws. He continues to run until his path is blocked by an approximately twelve-foot-tall hawk-like bird. He skids to a halt. Dr. Burton: Please don’t kill me, please don’t kill me. Another vulture swoops at Dr. Burton and he begins to run again, trying to give a wide berth to the hawk-like bird. Once clear, he picks up speed, sprinting even though the high-pitched song has faded significantly and the vultures have stopped their attack. He reaches a wall and looks back and forth. Dr. Burton: Which way? A section of the wall slides open, revealing the interior of an elevator. Dr. Burton rushes inside. The door closes behind him. Dr. Burton: Okay. For the record, I’m not injured. The vultures came near, but they always swooped away. I think they were just trying to scare me. Ears are ringing, but hopefully my hearing isn’t damaged. Elevator is moving. When I find Jeff, I’m probably going to be going on the record with some personal stuff. Stuff that I shouldn’t really go on the record with without his permission. But I think I may be able to end this crisis and there needs to be an exact record of how it’s dealt with, so I just have to hope he forgives me. The elevator doors open, revealing a circular rooftop which does not match Site-01. It is made of gray stone tiles, with only a small raised ledge and no railing. Despite the severity of the storm, none of the water reaches the rooftop and the area is completely dry. A six foot tall hourglass can be seen near the edge of the roof, its sand slowly falling. Next to it, SCP-7891 is standing at a canvas, painting a photorealistic portrait of Dr. Burton. As Dr. Burton crosses the rooftop, SCP-7891 turns to face him. Dr. Burton: Do you know me? SCP-7891: No. Dr. Burton: You’re lying to spare my feelings. Which means you’re still you, at least a little bit. What’s with the hourglass? SCP-7891: When the sands run out, your life will end. Dr. Burton: Doesn’t look like I have much time left. SCP-7891 turns away and begins applying more paint to the canvas. SCP-7891: If I can capture someone’s likeness perfectly, then destroy the image, I think I can kill them. Dr. Burton: You’re more than just a story. I didn’t go camping with a story. I didn’t have long conversations with a story. I never kissed a story. A story never bought me flowers. SCP-7891: That doesn’t…it was all part of my plan. Dr. Burton: How? I’m not some princess you can marry to get power. I know that your feelings for me were more real than whatever you’re experiencing now. I know you love me, Jeff. Or is it Ja’far? I’m guessing the SCI were the ones who started calling you Jeffrey because they found it easier to pronounce. SCP-7891: I am Jafaraltalibabuhassanhongiznogoudzigzag. The one you describe was the illusion. This is my destiny. Dr. Burton: You aren’t those characters. They don’t share your name. Some of them aren’t even viziers. They’re three or four steps removed. SCP-7891: They’re part of me. You can’t separate them. Dr. Burton: Jeff, please look at me. We can figure this out. SCP-7891: Jeff is gone. Dr. Burton: Why are you being so stubborn? You aren’t the evil vizier. You never were. Dr. Burton begins to shout. Dr. Burton: The evil vizier is al-Mu’in ibn Sawa! SCP-7891 drops its paintbrush. It turns to face Dr. Burton again, eyes wide with surprise. SCP-7891: He was evil, wasn’t he? Dr. Burton moves a little closer to SCP-7891 Dr. Burton: You were in that story. SCP-7891: That’s right. Harun and I saw the lamps lit at the Palace of Delight and of Statues. Harun traded clothes with a fisherman to sneak in and ended up catching lice. SCP-7891 laughs. Dr. Burton: And when the two of you learned why Nur al-Din and Janis al-Alis were sheltering there, you helped them. In the end, you were the one who arrested the evil vizier. SCP-7891: And took him back to Baghdad to be executed for his crimes. Dr. Burton: I like those old stories. You rushing around, trying to complete the caliph’s tasks no matter how unreasonable they were. It’s cute. SCP-7891: He ordered me to make fun of an old blind man once. I told the poor man he could cure his blindness with some ridiculous concoction of sunlight and wind. The old man thanked me for my kindness and said “I offer you this payment,” then farted. Dr. Burton laughs. He steps closer and reaches out a hand. SCP-7891 takes it and the two of them look out at the raging storm. SCP-7891: Did he have me executed in the end? It’s hard to tell which events are real. Dr. Burton: According to historical record, yes. No one knows why. SCP-7891: He found out the truth. About what I am. Dr. Burton: A god? That’s the current theory, anyway. SCP-7891: My father, Yahya, found me. A poor, defeated god who was no longer worshiped and nearly forgotten. He took pity on me and did…something, I’m not sure what, to make me human. Or nearly human. After that, Harun and I grew up together. We were practically brothers. Dr. Burton: When he found out the truth, he must have felt betrayed. SCP-7891: And so he had me executed. That was supposed to be the end. A normal human life, cut a little shorter than anticipated. Dr. Burton: But people started telling stories about you. Enough to wake you up. SCP-7891: Is that what happened? I didn’t understand it, but I knew who I was. The loyal vizier. The bureaucrat who keeps things running and fulfills the caliph’s impossible orders. I was many advisors to many people in many ways. I always found a way to remain a vizier after a fashion. Dr. Burton: I wonder how much of the Foundation’s success can be attributed to you. SCP-7891: I couldn’t guess. Dr. Burton: But then the story began to change. And, well, here’s where we ended up. Do you remember your original name? When you were a god? SCP-7891: I remember very little from the time before Yahya changed me, but I know that I was al-Kutbay. The god of writing. Dr. Burton: That makes sense. SCP-7891: I don’t think I can stay here. As powerful as I am, I’m too delicate. Too easily influenced by the ideas of others. Dr. Burton: Can I come with you? SCP-7891: I don’t think that’s possible. Dr. Burton: I thought you’d say that. SCP-7891: But the Foundation does impossible things all the time. Maybe we will somehow find each other again. Dr. Burton: I’d like that. SCP-7891: I love you. Dr. Burton: I love you, too. They kiss. The last grain of sand in the hourglass falls. SCP-7891 is gone. End log. Dr. Burton: Wow. SCP-7891: How do you feel? Dr. Burton: I feel empty. Like I’m the character in your story and I’ve really lost someone. SCP-7891: I’m sorry. Telling stories means hurting people sometimes. Dr. Burton: So what happens next? SCP-7891: Nothing. The transfer is complete and the anomaly is on its way to its new containment chamber. Dr. Burton: Then it’s probably time to conclude this interview. SCP-7891: You should take the rest of the day off. And tomorrow, too. Once the recording ends and I’m back to being O5-5, I’ll make a call. <End log.> I have heard, too, o king, that there was one other event in SCP-7891 that the Foundation considered worthy of their records: The night after the Foundation made their discovery of the strange record in the thirty-ninth room, when no one was present in the palace save for the SCP-7891-1 instances who were asleep, that the Foundation’s eyes which remained in the halls witnessed a strange event. Although the thirty-ninth room had been thoroughly searched and there was no place for a man to hide, its door now opened and a man stepped into the hall. He was dressed in a manner similar to the Foundation’s scholars. He made his way to the fortieth door and even though it was said to be locked, the door sprang open at his touch. He entered the room and closed the door behind him. Shahriyar said, “What a strange and mysterious story. Do you know any stories about birds?” “Yes,” she replied, and she began: Incident log 7891-1: On 11/7/23 several exclusionary sites reported a discrepancy in their records compared with the rest of the Foundation, suggesting that a CK-class reality-restructuring event had occurred. The only notable difference was that the exclusionary sites contained no record of Researcher Barmaki, one of the members of SCP-7891’s containment team. The appearance of this discrepancy corresponds with Researcher Barmaki accessing SCP-7891. Since he shares a name with a character in SCP-7891, Researcher Barmaki has been detained pending an investigation. The Temporal Anomalies Department has assigned Agent Burton to determine whether Researcher Barmaki is a threat. This investigation is ongoing. Footnotes 1. Also known as The Thousand Stories or Arabian Nights and several other variations of these names. 2. SCP-7891 contains a character named D-77513, believed to be one of these “disposable class personnel.” 3. The Hijaz Mountains have been thoroughly explored, and no sign of the palace described here has been discovered. 4. The presence of forty rooms, and the contents described later in the document, resembles “The Third Kalandar’s Tale,” a story present in most later versions of One Thousand and One Nights. 5. While personal details about members of the O5 council are classified, O5-5 has granted the SCP-7891 containment team permission to confirm that he does not, in fact, resemble a woman in her early 20s. 6. O5-5 has further emphasized to the SCP-7891 containment team that he is not, in fact, Shahrazad. 7. This sentence is in modern French in the original document. It translates to “I want to be O5 instead of the O5.” 8. Aside from One Thousand and One Nights none of the fictional works described on this list exist. Notably, in 1992 Disney released the animated film Ali-baba. « SCP-7890 | SCP-7891 | SCP-7892 » ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7891" by MsBlackandBlue, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: body-bg.png Author: the_lucky_king License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link:
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CROQ HAS SPOKEY. and other things */ span, a { word-break: normal !important } .avatar-hover { display: none !important; } #main-content .page-tags span { max-width: 100%; } /* CONTENT > Dustjacket Assets */ .fancyhr hr { border-top: 2vw solid transparent; background-color: rgba(var(--bright-accent), 0); height: 0; box-sizing: border-box; border-image-source: url(''); border-image-repeat: round round; background: none; border-image-slice: 80 500 80 500 fill; border-image-width: 10em 80em 10em 80em; } .fancyborder { box-sizing: border-box; border: 2vw solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); border-image: url('') 600 round; border-image-width: 6; padding: 2vw; } /* CONTENT > Collapsibles */ #page-content a.collapsible-block-link:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: var(--link-txt-color); } #page-content a.collapsible-block-link:not(.licensebox a.collapsible-block-link, .info-container a.collapsible-block-link, .default-col a.collapsible-block-link) { text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; color: white; 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} } @media (max-width: 700px) { #header h2::before { font-size: 1.2em; margin-top: 0.3rem; } #top-bar, #top-bar a { top: 8.8rem; font-size: 90%; } } @media (max-width: 620px) { #header h2::before { font-size: 1em; margin-top: 0.15rem; } #top-bar, #top-bar a { top: 8.3rem; font-size: 90%; } div#header { height: 123px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { #header h2::before { line-height: 16px; margin-top: 0.5rem; } #top-bar, #top-bar a { top: 9.3rem; } div#header { height: 145px; } } Yasukuni Shrine, Haiden (Oratory) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7892 is currently only allowed to be performed for research purposes. Research on SCP-7892 must first be permitted unanimously by Site-50’s Director,1 Site-50’s Head of Research,2 Site-50’s History Department Lead,3 and Site-50’s RAISA Liaison.4 If all four members approve the proposal, it is to be sent for review to the East Asian Regional Council. Only with their approval may SCP-7892 be performed. SCP-7892 research may only be performed by members of Provisional Task Force Kappa-70 (“Prisoners of 和”). PTF Kappa-70 will continually be replenished by individuals able to perform, preferably from GoI prisoners and/or terminally ill patients. If this were not to be possible, PTF Kappa-70 will be replenished by willing participants. No willing participant will be considered for research if any other choice is available. No efforts are to be made to conceal or prohibit entrance into the Yasukuni Shrine. No efforts are to be made to blockade or prohibit praying to the Kami enshrined here. No efforts are to be made to remove enshrined Kami from the Book of Souls,5 but the true list is to be exchanged for one with names of deceased people up to the signing of the Treaty of Peace with Japan. No member of the Foundation or of any allied group with connections to any enshrined Kami is to perform SCP-7892 step inside the Yasukuni Shrine’s Inner Garden. This is not to be enforced; however, no recovery attempts will be made in the event a member is discovered doing so. Description: SCP-7892 is a ritual that can only be performed within the premises of the Yasukuni Shrine,6 Chiyoda City, Tokyo Prefecture. The ritual is believed to be able to dimensionally translocate the performer into another universe, reality, or theological realm. The only remnants of the action are their existence in the memory of other people able to perform SCP-7892, sudden Akiva spikes at the time of performance, and their names appearing on the official list of enshrined Kami in Yasukuni Shrine’s Book of Souls,7 People attempting to find information about SCP-7892 or its performers are to be amnesticized and, if necessary, integrated into PTF Kappa-70. SCP-7892 can only be performed by people with blood ties with any Kami enshrined inside the Yasukuni Shrine. It is not known how the binding spell of the ritual recognizes blood ties, but direct and indirect descendants, as well as non-recognized descendants are known to be able to perform the ritual. The ritual is believed to work similarly to the ritual present on SCP-2937; due to the innate threat of using SCP-2937, this conjecture cannot and will not be proven. Of note is that not all targets capable of performing SCP-7892 will perform the ritual. Those who do perform it, however, appear to enter a fugue state, and stop responding to outside stimuli. It is not known how an individual learns how to perform SCP-7892, as no member who has performed it is believed to have known it beforehand. The performance itself is also only rudimentarily understood. While a target unable to perform it can document SCP-7892’s performance, crucial steps are either only available to other performers, or a cognitohazardous effect stops a non-performer from perceiving them. Due to this nature, it is also not known when the first performance of the ritual was conducted, but it is believed to have been enacted at some point after the construction of the Reijibo Hoanden8 in 1975. SCP-7892’s creation has been attributed to remnants of the IJAMEA,9 although no evidence of this exists. History: The first confirmed occurrence is the disappearance of Hinata Kurata, Tsukasa Kurata, and Miyamoto Ienaga in 2014. All three were members of the Greater Japan Patriotic Party, a far-right political party of Japan, with the two former also suspected of being “Kakure Shogun”, the latter having known ties with the Gogyō-Kessha.10 Due to their ties with known antagonistic GoIs, a search party was sent to the Yasukuni Shrine as another party was sent to interrogate potential witnesses. It is here that two of the agents in the search party, Rebecca Roberts and Mari Iwanaga, disappeared as well. Despite a behavior believed to have heavily deviated from standard procedures, no member of the search party reported anything unusual. Instead, the Head Priest, who at the time was being interviewed, was the only one to react to the event: Interview Log Date: 2014/05/21 Interviewer: Agent Kogiku Toyohisa Interviewee: Yasukuni Shrine’s priests, including the Head Priest (Interview has been going on for seven minutes. Information preceding this event has been deemed irrelevant.) Head Priest: …Ah. There’s been two more. Toyohisa: Hm? Did you say something?11 Head Priest: The doves are singing, and the cherry trees blossom, because it knows two more have joined them.12 Toyohisa: Singing? What do you mean, singing? Head Priest: They are celebrating the arrival of the Kami. The shrine expands. All are joyous. Can’t you hear it, Kogiku? Can’t you hear the reverence of the old Gods? The cheers of the new? A parade of a thousand horses, all carrying the palanquins? Praise be to Rebecca Roberts, she who honors her parents, who in turn honor theirs. Praise be to Mari Iwanaga, she who honors her parents, who in turn honor theirs. And they honor theirs, and they honor theirs. All the way to He who took on the name of Jinmu, who honored the Great Ninigi-no-Mikoto, who in turn honored the Great Amaterasu-Oomikami.13 Their names… They… They shall not be forgotten, neither on Heaven nor on Earth. (A period of 15 seconds is spent in silence. The Head Priest stares towards a wall, directly towards the Honden. He then turns back to agent Toyohisa.) Head Priest: Pardon me, what was your question? Toyohisa: Did you see anyone enter the premises on the 18th of May, especially the areas that are restricted to other visitors? Note: The interview continued as per protocol, neither acknowledging the event. Enhanced interrogation methods would reveal no person present was able to recall this event. The reason for this is being studied. Exploration Log Following this event, and a minimum of three others, Foundation prepared for testing of the exact working of SCP-7892. At this time, it was only known that the ritual started at the shrine’s Daiichi Torii,14 and finished at either the Main Sanctuary or the Chinreisha.15 The first successful recon expedition was conducted by agent Hibiki Ogawa, whose grandfather was a Major for the IJA, killed in battle during the Cabanatuan raid. Exploration Log Date: 2014/06/08 Interviewer: Agent Hibiki Ogawa <00:00> - Recording starts. Agent is 100 meters from the first torii gate. <01:35> - Agent passes by the first torii gate, but not before praying in front of it. Agent is heard whispering ”thank you” before entering the Outer Garden. <04:41> - Agent passes by the second torii gate, not before praying in front of it. Agent then turns left, and walks to the Temizuya16 to purify herself. <06:01> - Agent turns right, towards the dove cote. Doves are heard cooing constantly. She walks in front of it, before praying once more. The cooing stops. <06:55> - Agent walks towards the Sanshuden hall. The door opens on its own in front of her. The agent enters, then moves towards an empty reception room. She sits down, and begins conversing, despite being alone. Speech is consistent with petitions to worship enshrined Kami. Agent reveals information regarding her grandfather, as well as information regarding six other family members who are enshrined in Yasukuni. Information given includes a concise life history, major accomplishments, committed crimes, among other details. Some of these details involve behind-the-veil activities, and were not known to the Foundation, nor to the agent. <14:17> - Camera turns off for three seconds. Once the camera comes back on, the agent is standing in front of the Main Sanctuary. The sky and bushes around the sanctuary appear to slightly pulsate. Whether this is actually occurring, or is some sort of camera disruption is not known. <14:43> - Agent prostrates, assuming the dogeza position, then begins chanting what is believed to be a prayer or a mantra. Doves cooing are heard again. <15:37> - Sounds of people marching are heard around the agent, walking to her left and right, towards the sanctuary. Agent continues praying. <31:19> - Agent finishes praying at the same time the sound of footsteps stops being heard. Agent raises her head, and moves towards the sanctuary. <32:20> - Agent stops at the entrance of the sanctuary, and begins screaming, banging her hands on the wooden floor with enough force to break her right hand. The tips of a pair of shoes can be seen at the top of the camera, standing in front of the agent. <36:01> - The shoes move back, disappearing from view. <41:12> - Agent raises her head once more, before exiting the sanctuary, and walking towards the Reijibo Hoanden repository. <44:47> - Upon reaching the repository, the agent notices the doors are entirely missing. Several pages and archives of the Book of Souls are seen outside, apparently having been thrown from the inside. <45:01> - Agent picks up one of the pages, before stopping screaming. She looks at it, the page containing information on one of her ancestors. She pockets it, before walking towards the next paper. This action is repeated a total of seven times. <47:36> - Agent walks inside the repository, carrying the papers. In the middle of the room, she sees an empty page sitting upon a lectern. Behind the lectern, the statue of Omura Masujiro can be seen. <49:02> - The agent pulls an ink brush from the statue, then writes her name on the empty paper. Agent is seen prostrating herself on the ground, head against the ground as she begins repeating the words “thank you”. Due to her position, the camera is obstructed. <51:22> - The cooing of the doves stops at the same time a sudden Akiva spike is detected. Five seconds later, the agent stops vocalizing. Twelve seconds later, the camera turns off. Ten minutes later, a team reached the repository building, the camera found inside of it. The insides of the camera had been replaced by incense ash. Agent Hibiki was nowhere to be seen. Of note is that both the statue and the repository doors were in their usual positions, and no proof of their movement was detected. Following the event, a further fifty five explorations attempts were conducted, ten of them successful, leading to the discovery of the following characteristics: SCP-7892 performers will stop reacting to outside stimuli, and will only react according to the performance. SCP-7892 performers gain all knowledge of any family member enshrined at the Shrine. SCP-7892 performers are able to accomplish supernatural feats without damage to themselves (Not proven; damage might be dispensed to them, but is not known to any observers) During the performance, SCP-7892 performers might encounter anomalous events related to events in the lives of their ancestors. SCP-7892 performers will arrive at the repository no matter what events happen beforehand. The statue of Omura Masujiro will be present near or inside the building. The exact moment at which an SCP-7892 performer disappears cannot be registered. (Not proven; however, all attempts to record it so far have failed.) Following concerns by the Ethics Committee, the exploration phase reached its end. Entrance to the repository for the Book of Souls was prohibited, with a team of guards unable to perform SCP-7892 guarding the building at all times. Addendum 7892-1 The Yasukuni Shrine suffered several attempts to breach into the repository throughout a period of 7 months following its closure, culminating on Incident 7892-1 on 2017/03/15, at exactly 12:00, when 1,851 people entered the Yasukuni Shrine and forcibly started several SCP-7892 performances. Despite the Foundation and the Metropolitan Police’s Special Affairs Division attempting to disperse the performers, flocks of white doves coming from the Shrine interfered, personnel finding themselves unable to act while the doves were present. A further 35 members of personnel assisting at the time became SCP-7892 performers, with each performer disappearing throughout a period of five hours, their names added to the Book of Souls. The event required a mass amnestization campaign, with information on SCP-7892 being shared with relevant parties and involved GoIs, a meeting being held the following week. As a result, several further tests were performed in an attempt to either contain, pacify or eliminate the anomaly. Experiment Logs Experiment: Neutralization of SCP-7892 through the elimination of all souls enshrined at Yasukuni. Proposed by: Foundation, Site-50, Director’s Office Results: Proposal denied by the Research Department, the Global Occult Coalition, and the Shūshū-In17 on the basis of a mass Shinto-faith subsidence due to the removal of 3,5 million Kami. Worries were also raised on the religious impossibility of Kami being removed from enshrinement, leading to ire from all currently active Shinto deities, including those at the service of the Foundation. Experiment: Utilization of clones of personnel able to perform SCP-7892 to carry out the rituals. Proposed by: Special Affairs Division, Tokyo Prefecture, Chiyoda Ward Department Results: Clone of individual-45981 entered Yasukuni Shrine, and performed SCP-7892. Upon the finalization of the ritual, the clone disappeared. At the same time, individual-45981 falls into unconsciousness. Further analysis shows that the individual had lost their soul (tamashii), which had turned into a Kami at the shrine (mitama). Further experiments with cloning and other human replications yielded similar results. Experiment: Appeasement of anomaly through standardized ritual performances, using available prisoners. Proposed by: Foundation, Site-50, Research Department Results: Experiment deemed successful. Targets approved under parameters delineated by the Japanese Anomalous Groups Peace and Amity Treaty Organization (JAGPATO), grouping them into PTF Kappa-70. Number of available targets unsustainable for long-term containment. Experiment: Appeasement of anomaly through standardized ritual performances, using targets deemed ‘expendable’. Proposed by: Foundation, Site-50, Research Department Results: Proposal denied by the Global Occult Coalition, the JAGPATO, the East Asian Regional Council’s Korean and Chinese Branches, the Shūshū-In, and fourteen other Groups of Interest. Site-50’s Head of Research resigns following allegations of racial and social discrimination. Experiment: Appeasement of anomaly through standardized ritual performances, using targets belonging, or having belonged to the Imperial House of Japan. Proposed by: Shūshū-In, Headquarters Results: See below. Following the last experiment proposal, Shūshū-In’s archivist Higashikuni offered themselves for the ritual. While the Higashikuni-no-miya branch was abolished in 1947, due to family enshrined in Yasukuni, as well as recent political movements to reinstate abolished branches of the Imperial Family, they were deemed a suitable candidate for the experiment. The experiment was initially proposed under the belief that members of the Imperial House would be more effective targets when performing SCP-7892, and would thus increase the period of time necessary between each performance.18 Substantial deviations were immediately noticed, as Higashikuni was unable to recall the steps for the performance of SCP-7892, and had to be guided by others based on previous documented information. They remained lucid throughout the entire procedure. Upon reaching the repository, they found its doors open, with the Statue of Omura Masujiro inside. Events following their entrance into the repository are as follows: Interview Log (Archivist Higashikuni steps into the building, staring at the statue at the back before focusing on the lectern in front of it, to then turn to the many archives lined up at each side of the room.) Higashikuni: I must say, it’s quite the impressive setting. It reminds me of the archives back at headquarters… The smell of aged paper… Of memories of a world no longer present. (The sound of cooing is heard from within the room. Archivist Higashikuni quickly stares back at the statue. From this point on, it’s understood that the statue is speaking, albeit their speech is not present in the recording.) Higashikuni: Ah, my apologies. (Higashikuni sits on the floor, before bowing.) My associates did not warn me you had a voice to use. I should have assumed so, I suppose. So, do I speak to the true Omura Masujiro? (The sound of battle cries and Dreyse-Zündnadelgewehre rifles are heard in the background. Higashikuni doesn’t appear to react to it.) Higashikuni: Of course I believe it, master. I’ve seen enough that defies the logical that I cannot but believe your word. Belief is not why I’ve come here, however. I’ve come here to ask why. (Silence.) Higashikuni: Why are you doing this? Why make it so people come to this place, and are to become nothing but a name in the Book of Souls of this shrine? (The doves’ cooing stops. The oratory’s bells are heard in the background.) Higashikuni: …Belonging to… No, they belong to their families. They belong to themselves. They do not belong to Heaven, not yet, and they certainly don’t belong to Japan. (The sound of metal creaking, followed by the rushing of water into the room is heard. Indistinct voices can also be appreciated.) Higashikuni: We’re not at war anymore, and we will never be at war again. Long gone are the days of political instabilities. Long gone are the days of the Samurai, of the Bakufu, of the Satsuma and the Tokugawa. Long gone are the days of the Empire. (Banzai cries are heard.) Higashikuni: It’s not a matter of honor. It’s a matter of change. We’re at peace now. It’s the Heisei era. “Peace on both Heaven and Earth”. You cannot only have peace in Heaven, but cause grief on Earth. (The sound of a gavel is heard. Monument to Radha Binod Pal19 turns 63 degrees, facing the repository.) Higashikuni: That hardly accounts for “Peace on Earth”. Peace is something we still struggle with. Peace of body, peace of mind. Peace with one another. Not even this shrine is exempt from the struggle. You know this, correct? (Silence for 11 seconds. A small explosion is heard in the background.) Higashikuni: There is still struggle, of course, and there is still ‘war’, as you put it, but it’s not like in the old days anymore. And even if it was, cutting one’s life short is not honorable. There’s no peace that comes from it; no rest of soul. Do you earnestly believe otherwise? (The sound of indistinct loud-speaker noises can be heard.) Higashikuni: I see… The loudest voices are hardly ever the ones worth listening to, my friend. I feel that is a piece of wisdom the likes of you would have passed down to one’s apprentices. I’m sure one of the books you wrote contains such a lesson. (The sound of paper shuffling and sliding doors opening and closing is heard in the background.) Higashikuni: (Chuckles) I am much more attuned towards Eastern Studies, I’m afraid, but I believe it’s quite the similar experience. Learning from the past and the present, such that we know better in the future… This shrine is just like such a text. It teaches the same principles that seemed so foreign to us in the past. The same that still escapes our grasp today. And although there’s many messages contained within, contradicting each other, muddying each other… One still stands the test of time, escaping tear, redaction, and revision. (Silence.) Higashikuni: People live because they want peace. No one wishes to live for strife. We live yearning for peace, and we pray so that the dead may reach it. We live our lives in the hopes that there’ll be someone to remember us, someone to pray for us when we’re no longer here. To disregard this is unfair to those who are alive. It’s unfair to the dead too. There’s no free ticket to any Heaven. There shouldn’t be one. (Silence. Higashikuni stands up.) Higashikuni: I suppose you’re right. I shouldn’t force my beliefs onto others. Equally, you shouldn’t either. It’s not fair to make a choice that is theirs. Choices have been made without considering the recipients too many times in the past. This shrine and many others were built so that its victims could find peace. So let them make their choice, because it is theirs, and no one else’s. (Higashikuni pulls out an ink brush from their person, before putting it down on the lectern. They were not carrying this item when they entered the shrine.) Higashikuni: It was a pleasure to speak with you, master. I shall take my leave now. (Higashikuni puts their hands together in prayer, then bow their head before leaving the building. While the camera doesn’t capture this, based on sound, it is believed the statue bows as well.) Post-event interview revealed that Archivist Higashikuni had managed to appease the statue (Now designated as SCP-7892-1), and SCP-7892 events would no longer need to occur. However, SCP-7892 can still be performed, leading to the same results. ”[…] He’s an old man stuck in his old ways. I cannot blame him for it; there’s the likes of him still alive today. I much prefer the likes of him than those who visit the shrine and pray for it, not for the sake of the dead, but for their own sake. He still fights for Japan, for the Army, for the Emperor. And yet, he fights not with guns and swords, but by offering an open door to those who need it. A place to belong. Maybe the home he offers is not one liked by many. I’m sure many of the people listening to my words oppose it. I do too. I can’t say I agree with the man, but I can understand him. A place that accepts you is better than none at all. And so the shrine will continue to accept those who fight for an empire that no longer exists, and people will pray for them, because they have found peace in this. […]” “[…] I recommend you keep that place open. You cannot deny that which is owed to the dead. That being said, living people should be barred from writing their names in the Book of Souls. That place is not one of honor; not for the living, at the very least. It could never be. There’s many places that accept the living. This is not one of them. […]” - Archivist Higashikuni, post-event interview excerpts Since this event, SCP-7892’s steps have been fully deduced, and the ritual has been used a total of 37 times by Foundation and Foundation-allied personnel. Usage of SCP-7892 has received mixed responses from both national and international organizations, including other Foundation Sites and Branches. Following internal pressure, SCP-7892’s usage approval was delegated to the East Asian Regional Council. 14 requests to use SCP-7892 to enshrine retired personnel and other key members of the Foundation able to perform the ritual before their natural death have been submitted to the East Asian Regional Council since then. 8 have been denied, 3 have become invalid, and 3 remain under consideration. No further requests are to be made until all remaining requests are resolved. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7892" by Maxyfran73, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Yasukuni Shrine 201005.jpg Author: Wiiii License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Footnotes 1. Director Sesshou Mamiya, able to perform. 2. Hirayuki Handa, unable to perform. 3. Coco Mamiya, able to perform. 4. Pi-twan Hsueh, able to perform. 5. Registry of all names of the Kami enshrined inside of the shrine. 6. Shrine that commemorates those who’ve died while in service of Japan. Internationally known for enshrining 1,068 Kami convicted of war crimes, including 14 class-A war criminals. 7. The originally intended list of names contains all who’ve died in service of Japan from the beginning of the Boshin War in 1868, until the signing of the Treaty of Peace with Japan in 1951, making up for approx. 2,500,000 Kami. A further 1,100,000 who died during occult battles, including the 6th and 7th Occult War are included in the list. 8. Repository building for the Book of Souls. 9. Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency was Imperial Japan’s official anomaly agency. Dissolved then integrated into the Foundation in 1951. Remnants of the IJAMEA are known to still exist, colloquially referred to as “Kakure Shogun”. 10. Hostile anti-anomalous association who wishes to rid Japan of all anomalous influence. Member of the Global Occult Coalition’s Council of 108, although the two entities are often at odds due to ideological differences. 11. Up until this point, the head priest had remained silent. 12. The shrine contains 500 doves and 600 cherry trees. No doves were heard singing, nor any of the cherry trees were blooming at the time. 13. Jinmu was the first emperor of Japan. He was the grandson of the deity Ninigi-no-Mikoto, who was the grandson of Amaterasu, the Shinto goddess of the Sun, and ancestor of the Imperial House of Japan 14. First gate of the shrine, located inside of the Outer Garden, in front of Omura Masujiro’s statue, the founder of the Imperial Japanese Army. 15. Small shrine built in 1965 to console the souls of every person who’s died during war. 16. Area where the temizu ritual is performed. Hands and mouth are washed with water, purifying the visitor before entering the shrine. 17. Anomalous agency in charge of cataloging and upkeep of Shinto shrines and entities, among other matters. 18. While the period between each performance has not been estimated, it is believed that able performers will begin approaching the shrine if SCP-7892 is not performed each 10-12 days. 19. Monument in Yasukuni Shrine located outside the Yushukan War Museum. Raddha Binod Pal is remembered as the only judge present at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal who insisted all defendants were not guilty.
ITEM NUMBER: SCP-7893 LEVEL 3/7893 SECRET Bos taurus taurus Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-7893, continuous active containment is unnecessary unless a breach is imminent. The Intrametics Division is to run weekly psychosonar scans of Domain F ('The Fears'), Domain N ('The Sorrows'), and Sub-Domain A-B-Fa ('Cattle') within the noosphere in order to monitor the presence and state of SCP-7893-1 and the extremity of the effects of SCP-7893. If a significant deviation occurs exceeding + %80 and remains consistent and/or rapidly increasing for upwards of 2 minutes, the incident is to be catalogued as a potential breach and jurisdiction over the containment of SCP-7893 is to be immediately and automatically transferred to the Applied Memetics Department until effects abate. Description: SCP-7893 is a series of phenomena centralizing a single individual's personal experiences with instances of Bos taurus taurus.1 SCP-7893 only occurs towards a single sentient humanoid host at any given time (referred to as SCP-7893-1), typically remaining present with a subject for an unknown period of time before decreasing in severity, ceasing entirely, and subsequently manifesting towards a different host. Current criteria for being a potential SCP-7893-1 candidate requires but is not limited to: - Having a fond attitude towards Highland cattle - Having an indifferent attitude towards Highland cattle - Having had experienced heightened amounts of grief within the past two years The extent of SCP-7893's effects on SCP-7893-1 vary greatly, with many symptoms going underreported due to the emotional strain on SCP-7893-1. Discovery: On 8 September 2017, the Intrametics Division recorded multiple consecutive extreme statistical fluctuations within noospheric data consisting of the sudden mutative growth of various interconnected emotioconceptual centers.2 Initially believed to be another form of induced spread triggered via natural memetic transmission and replication, further review revealed that the expansion itself was networking various spheres that were ostensibly in far separation of each other, rapidly building connections between miscellaneous nodes. An emergency investigation was launched over the concern that the rapid and unregulated growth of these nodes could affect other conceptual centers, potentially leading to a cascadic MK-class End-of-Differentiation Synecdodic Scenario. Upon further analysis, researchers discovered that the aforementioned conceptual growth was only occurring in reference to a single informational entry point within the noosphere, signifying that the conceptual mutations were occurring, but only confined to the boundaries of a single psyche - the reason for the expansions themselves were due to the extremity of the feedback response exhibited by the individual. Further noospheric mapping lead researchers to the identity of the individual targeted, one Victoria Moore (28), who was interviewed and cataloged as the first recorded instance of SCP-7893-1. It is currently unknown whether SCP-7893 functions in relation to or as a direct and volatile response to other pre-existing anomalous phenomena. Addendum: Summary of Effects SCP-7893-1 Instance Period of Occurrence Abridged Experiences State of Remains Moore, Victoria (28) 8 September 2017 - 22 May 2018 Recurrent obsessive thoughts regarding Highland cattle combined with the continued sensation of being watched. Stable Haddock, Benjamin (62) 23 May 2018 - 5 July 2019 Recurrent nightmares in which subject runs a farm tending to Highland cattle. All cattle remain still and do not react to any stimuli. Subject notes the instances' eyes and cannot elaborate further. Unstable Yuen, Melissa (16) 6 July 2019 - 17 January 2020 Insistence that subject was being followed by Highland cattle despite lack of physical evidence. Subject reports abnormal vocalizations originating from said cattle. Stable Gardner, Trey (43) 18 January 2020 - 7 November 2022 Subject develops an extreme phobia to all cattle, to the extent where apophenic projection occurs where subject identifies nonpresent cattle throughout daily life. Unstable Moreau, Anthony (29) 8 November 2022 - Present Inconclusive, see Addendum 2. See Addendum 2 Addendum 2: Recent Application On 3 August 2023, Anthony Moreau3 was travelling across the state of Indiana in the continental United States over the duration of a week. After making a stop at a motel in Ulen for the evening, SCP-7893-1-5 experienced a noospheric feedback loop that temporarily plummeted local Hume levels. Transcript is as follows. PEARSON FARM, EXT. <4:36 AM> (Moreau opens his eyes to see that he is standing in the middle of an empty field. The surrounding horizon is incredibly dark, and he blinks hard in an attempt to see as his eyes adjust to the lack of light.) MOREAU: …Hello? (Moreau rubs his eyes with the heels of his palms, blinking multiple times as he turns in place to scan the field.) MOREAU: Hello?? Anyone?! (His voice echoes out, empty.) (Moreau pauses before he begins walking through the field with careful steps. He surveys the field constantly, turning around multiple times as his pace quickens.) (In the distance, a cow brays. It echoes across the field, carried by a breeze.) (Moreau immediately ceases his pace and stiffens. His eyes dart across the horizon though his pose remains unmoving. The muscles in his neck tense with stress.) (After some time, another moo is heard, this time coming from a different direction.) (Moreau breaks into a sprint, away from the origins of both calls. Another moo is heard as he attempts to flee.) (The ground is soft under Moreau's feet as he runs, making his footing difficult. As he stumbles through the grass and hay, the number of vocalizations grows slowly into a chorus of constant, mournful mooing. There are so many that they begin to overlap, making distinctions between both sounds and place of origin impossible. Despite this, Moreau continues to run. The wind begins to pick up speed, growing with the cows' cries.) (After two minutes, Moreau sees something on the horizon and freezes. A pair of eyes reflect the minimal light in the field, shining a blank green.) (Moreau takes a slow, tentative step back.) (The pair of eyes bob slightly in place before disappearing. Simultaneously, all vocalizations cease.) (Moreau swivels in place, frantically scanning the field once more. There is no noise except for the now-quieting wind.) (Moreau sighs and covers his face with his hands as he collects himself. He begins muttering unintelligibly to himself, his shoulders falling into a relaxed position as he calms down.) (As he uncovers his face and begins to walk again, the sound of rustling is carried by the breeze. Moreau hesitates again, pausing to listen. It is soft, and all-encompassing, and as he listens, the glowing pair of eyes appears again, gently bobbing on the horizon.) (Another pair of eyes appears a few meters to its right.) (Another pair of eyes appears.) (Another pair of eyes appears.) (Another pair of eyes appears.) (Moreau watches in horror as a distant circle of eyes forms around him. With their dull shine, their dark silhouettes become more clear against the night sky as they slowly shuffle closer.) (Moreau once more spins in place, seemingly searching for a way out. More pairs of eyes can be seen behind the initial ring, coinciding with more hunched figures. After taking stock once more, Moreau's gaze lands on one of the cows.) (It appears as normal, though there seems to be a slight abnormality with its eyes. Now that it is in closer range and the reflectiveness of its eyes faded, the iris and pupils appear to be slightly smaller than typical, revealing more of the sclera.) (Moreau takes another step back.) (The cow does not blink as it approaches. None of them do. Their slow, careful trek is reminiscent of an animal in the midst of a hunt.) (The cows' furs ripple in the breeze.) (Upon closer inspection, it is not the breeze.) (Now 30m away, certain details become more clear. All cows have the same eyes and their horns, instead of branching outwards and away, reach up to the sky in reverence. The rippling is just under the skin.) (Moreau falls to his knees, digging into the ground with his bare hands as he attempts to stifle his sobs.) MOREAU: Please, please, please, I can't be back, I can't go back, please, please, I… (His voice fades into grunts as he continues to shovel chunks of soil behind him.) (The cattle continue their approach, their limbs elongating and shifting, letting out loud pops as their bone structures appear to undergo rapid and spastic transformations.) (Footage reveals the presence of human fingers instead of hooves.) (Footage reveals the presence of human eyes instead of bovine.) (Moreau continues clawing at the dirt, making a small but sizable hole in the process. He crawls into the well, curling into the fetal position as the circle of cows halt their approach.) (The instance that Moreau discerned takes a step further into the circle. It bends its front legs, shifting its weight onto them before forcibly pushing off of the ground, forcing itself into a standing position.) (Its torso is sallow and emaciated, skin tight against its abdomen and ribcage. Its front legs limply hang to its sides, revealing the digits that have either sprouted from or formed out of the creature's hooves. The fur that covers its face is smoother and glossier, resembling something closer to human hair. It sways on its feet, towering at a height of over 2m as it stares down at Moreau.) MOREAU: Please. Please don't. (The cow cocks its head. A glimpse of its eyes can be seen through its hair. They are wide and bloodshot, pupils expanded so far that the iris has vanished.) MOREAU: █████, please.4 (It opens its mouth, letting out a guttural and distorted moan. Its throat shifts violently as it struggles to speak with this new configuration, its head twitching in sharp, erratic movements.) (Moreau's gaze slowly rises up to meet it.) (The cow lurches forwards, throwing itself to the ground, head inches away from Moreau's. Its jaw shifts as it whispers in his ear, sounds coalescing into a meaningless resemblance of human speech. Moreau's eyes glaze over with raw panic.) █████: [unintelligible] (The cow pulls away. They make eye contact once more. Moreau opens his mouth to speak before the well underneath him gives way to nothing but hay and teeth. As he falls, all cows present descend upon both him and the hole, crawling over each other in a desperate attempt to forcibly burrow themselves down it. Instances can be seen contorting into broken and bleeding shapes as they push themselves down the opening, receiving proportional injuries and fractures. There is the sound of crunching, and traces of blood can be spotted throughout the scene, both on the ground and on the fur of multiple instances.) (Moreau's echoing shrieks can be heard fading before they abruptly cut off.) (All cows present return to grazing. There is no blood.) [TRANSCRIPTION ENDS] Moreau had not presented any symptoms of somnambulism at any point in time and showed no signs of it that evening; his displacement into the Pearson family plot is currently under analysis. His current physical status is undetermined, though continuous conceptual scans reveal his presence in the noosphere to still be intact, insinuating that he was not physically harmed in the previously described incident. Investigation into his whereabouts is ongoing. Of note is that the Pearson family plot is located ~11 km from the Royale Motor Inn where Moreau was staying for the night, and that the Pearson Farm is the only plot within Boone County, Indiana that owns Highland cattle. When reviewed, all cattle on the property proved to be both accounted for and nonanomalous. Of particular note is that prior to this incident, no SCP-7893-1 instance had ever encountered a Highland cow in person. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7893" by Quicksilvers, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: cows.jps Name: Highland cattle Vonoklasy.jpg Author: Cocopelli License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Footnotes 1. Specifically Highland cattle, a breed of cow with longer, shaggy light brown fur that is native to western Scotland despite being distributed worldwide. 2. Significant spheres' initial readings listed as follows: • ReID-In:[E](N/D)002 ('sorrow') +%29.0662 of avg. deviation • ReID-In:[E](N/D)154 ('insecurity') + %31.0252 pf avg. deviation • ReID-In:[E](N/F)093 ('paranoia') +%74.8292 of avg. deviation • ReID-In:[E](N/F)382 ('anxiety) + %89.2745 of avg. deviation • ReID-Ta:[Q](0/V)825 ('bovine') +%152.7153 of avg. deviation • ReID-In:[E](N/D)999 ('loss') +%273.529 of avg. deviation 3. Who had been experiencing symptoms of general anxiety and auditory hallucinations of bovine vocalizations. 4. Vocally-produced cognitohazard removed.
!!! ATTENTION !!! The following document contains multiple unauthorised edits and uploads that may represent falsified or misleading information. Please disregard this document until it can be reviewed by a RAISA representative, or an automated rollback is initiated. Thank you for your cooperation. Item#: 7894 Level1 Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: Dark Risk Class: Notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Due to the currently unconfirmed status of SCP-7894, and the estimated size of the affected area, all containment efforts are to be focused on archival of collected evidence for review. Any staff found spreading rumours involving SCP-7894 are reminded that sharing false information about an anomaly, regardless of how dangerous it is understood to be, may result in severe consequences. Description: SCP-7894 is an as of yet unproven phenomenon or entity hypothesised to be affecting the entirety of Site-61. SCP-7894 has been reported to manifest as typical 'poltergeist' activity, with SCP-7894 incidents including the movement or disappearance of items, inexplicable noises, and disembodied voices. These sounds have been reported to mimic speech, environmental noises, conversations, recordings, and even specific individual's voices. Those affected by SCP-7894 have also reported persistent feelings of being watched, but have stated they can't explain or identify a source. To date, SCP-7894 has not shown to cause any major disruptions on site. Staff have been encouraged to document potential evidence for SCP-7894 activity for research purposes. A partial list of various missing items attributed to SCP-7894 are as follows; - Seven phones of different models. - Three separate lightbulbs illuminating the East wing. - Over one-hundred mundane documents relating to security camera observations. - An entire lockbox filled with tape recordings. - Over thirty more classified reports relating to civilian and Foundation casualties. - The entire contents of the East wing's security room. - Fifteen security cameras across three offices. - One standard issue Foundation lab coat covered in crude drawings. It is not known how many items have been lost in total. While some misplaced items attributed to SCP-7894 may be the result of human error, the volume of missing materials seem to suggest anomalous activity. No trigger or discernible pattern for SCP-7894 occurrences has been discovered as of yet. Addendum 7894-1: Outbound Requests Due to the nature of SCP-7894 a number of requests have been made to replace lost equipment and documentation, as well as various requests for tools, staff, or other actions to be taken. All requests have been reviewed by acquisition staff on Site-61. Requests are as follows: Request Purpose Outcome Replacement Information Documents Replace all lost documentation due to SCP-7894's effects/staff error. Approved Replacement Security Equipment Replace all lost equipment due to SCP-7894's effects. Approved Shipment of Food Supplies Replace all provisions lost to SCP-7894's effects or consumed by staff. Approved Shipment of Heavy Weaponry Security purposes. Denied Assistance No reason given. Denied Extraction No reason given. Denied help No reason given. Denied N/A No reason given. Denied N/A No reason given. Denied It's noted that over 200 blank requests have been automatically denied and removed from the above record. Please avoid submitting blank requests in future. Thank you. (This is an automated message.) ALERT: UNAUTHORISED FILE DETECTED UNAUTHORISED FILE ACCESSED File 61-7894-31.10.22 AI sequence initiated. Parameters set. Parameters as follows: - Record all dictation given by Junior Researcher Hargreaves. - Record all ambient sounds and translate. - Highlight all dictation above typical speaking volume. - Record all dictation to file 'SCP-7894' upon conclusion. - Conclude dictation upon elapsed time of five minutes. Beginning Dictation. "Is this recording? Oh, awesome. Alright…" [Twenty seconds of silence.] "Sorry. Just trying to hype myself up for this." [Ten seconds of silence.] "Ok, my name is Junior Researcher Daniel Hargreaves. I am part of the team dedicated to researching SCP-7894's recorded 'poltergeist' activity and archiving it accordingly. Over the past several months we have had no major leads regarding the activity on site, and we are content to simply file it as a low risk anomaly." [Researcher Hargreaves shuffles in his chair.] "We weren't sure if it was anomalous to begin with but uh, it has definitely proven us wrong! The Director has even sent out a really important message every day as a reminder to report potential evidence, you know? But uh, s-some of the stuff we reported just made things more complicated." [Ten seconds of silence.] "In the end, we had to really be careful what was filed away. We could get in big trouble with our bosses if we filed the wrong thing or wrote something the wrong way. They're quite the sticklers here! If they decided you shared the wrong thing, or even shared too much, you could be terminated. And the others, God, before they all… made mistakes, they even tried filing personal mail as evidence. Letters to loved ones, requests for assistance, self termination letters. Y-you know, things like that? It didn't matter in the end though, they've all been… erased now." [Researcher Hargreaves begins to audibly sob.] "B-but anyway! The uh… th-the SCP in question has been keeping us all here around the clock! It- I mean the ones in charge just w-won't let us leave. Hours are long and, well, we all miss our families a lot. Including me. God I really do." [Researcher Hargreaves begins to sniff and continues crying.] "B-but I get it! Gotta keep these things contained no matter what, huh? Some of them, hoo boy they are… they are super dangerous. Like, if they got out? End-of-the-world type dangerous." [Researcher Hargreaves lets out a forced laugh. Light knocking can be heard at the door.] "So w-what we do, we do to keep the world s-safe! What I'm doing is to keep the world safe. Keep everyone safe. Keep Jacob safe." [Researcher Hargreaves voice begins to crack and waver] "I'm sorry, Jacob, I'm so s-sorry. I won't be able to take you out to see your s-sister this weekend. I won't be able to see Mr. Monocles again e-either. And I really wish I could see you, see you both, god, even just spend one more night together. Just to hear your voice, hear Monocles' little meows. Just to fall asleep in your arms one more time. Just us, our little happy family. Just one m-more t-time." [Researcher Hargreaves' sobs grow louder.] "Please just be happy o-ok? I love you so much. More than anything. M-more than… everything." [Researcher Hargreaves' can be heard crying for 20 seconds before breathing in sharply.] A-and, if any Foundation personnel are reading this right now as well, please, just know…" [Researcher Hargreaves breathes out slowly.] "… I'm so, so fucking sorry." [Researcher Hargreaves begins shouting.] "Do not come to Site-61! They can't be stopped! They can't be contained! They don't die!" [The knocking turns to loud banging as glass can be heard shattering.] "Information is the key! They know when you know! Don't let them spread! Don't look at them! Don't talk about them! Don't write about them! Please, just keep this place contained! Keep them contained! There's no one left! Don't send anyone here! I-" [A loud cracking and banging sound can be heard followed by voices matching multiple Site-61 staff shouting randomly constructed sentences and laughing.] "S-stay away from here! Just stay away! Please! St-" [A violent crackling sound is audible followed by wet splattering sounds and chewing noises. Voices can be heard whispering 'I'm sorry' repeatedly in Researcher Hargreaves' voice. Rustling is then heard before a sound similar to a child whispering 'Shh' is recorded, followed by abrupt silence.] [One minute of silence.] Dictation concluded. Uploading file. … … File uploaded. Site-61 Notice Site-61 Notice Site-61 Notice Good morning everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Just a friendly reminder to all staff to report any potential anomalous activity to your supervisors immediately. We all have our parts to play to ensure the safety of everyone on site! Remember the saying; 'If you see something, say something'. Nothing is as important to us as the safety of our staff. Have a great day! - Automated message, authorised by Director James Black. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7894" by Iszth, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X Author Page Pending Item #: SCP-78951 Special Containment Procedures: Personnel assigned to SCP-7895 are to utilize a Foundation-created web crawler to search for keywords relating to SCP-7895 and report findings. Affected individuals are to be located and mnesticized Testing of affected individuals has revealed mnestic treatment to be ineffective, see Addendum 7895-T-1. In order to maintain an active record on affected individuals, notices are to be sent annually on the first day of June to all known affected individuals inviting them to a gathering on 25 June under the guise of a birthday celebration. Guest logs for these events are to be stored in Site-47's research library. Non-affected Foundation personnel will pose as event staff, caterers, and live entertainment. A team of D-Class personnel will function as event janitors under the direct supervision from Site-47 Lead Custodian Zachary Grant. Description: SCP-7895 is a dream of Fallon, Nevada, USA, (see Addendum 7895-A-2 for a complete description of SCP-7895). Individuals who experience SCP-7895 will have all memories of their early life, from birth to moving away from their hometown, erased and replaced with memories of being born on 25 June and raised in Fallon, Nevada by a strict-yet-loving family2. The amount of time an affected individual spent living in their hometown is directly related to the depth of the implanted memories. There have been no accounts of memories that occur prior to four years of age, and only two known affected individuals possess implanted memories up to and including their 25th birthday. Accompanying the erasure of memories and implanting of false memories is a desire to travel to Fallon in order to be "closer to home3." Interviews and research have revealed that this desire is not compulsory, and if an affected individual is incapable of relocating due to financial, physical, geographical, political, or religious reasons, then they will develop a passion for collecting memorabilia, such as photographs and books, about Fallon as mementos from home and samples of pyrite. In either case, SCP-7895 has no negative effect on the physical and mental health or wellbeing of affected individuals. It should be noted that affected individuals will openly reminisce about their memories with other affected individuals without incident. When asked if it was at all disconcerting to them to have met others with the same life history, they will often regard the interaction as an amusing coincidence. Addenda: Addendum 7895-A-1: Initial Discovery On 22 December, 2012, Site-47 personnel Research Assistant K. Chandler and Researcher T. Davis were overheard reminiscing about their childhoods in the town of Fallon, NV. The conversation was overheard by a member of the Foundation Inter-Site Human Resources Team who noted that this presented a major contradiction to Chandler's and Davis' personnel files. Human Resources Director's Assistant E. Holt initiated follow-up interviews4 which indicated that both fully believe that they had been born in, and grown up in, Fallon and have these memories despite our records indicating that Research Assistant Chandler was born and raised in Yonkers, New York, USA, and Researcher Davis was born in Twizel, New Zealand and raised in Perth, Australia. A selection of other personnel from Site-47 who also claimed to have grown up in Fallon, NV were questioned about their childhood. Out of the 240 questioned, 224 had shared childhood memories. Mentioned examples of implanted memories include: "I crashed my bike into a parked car just after getting my training wheels off and broke my wrist." 87.4% of interviewees share this memory. "I contracted chicken pox during childhood." 75.1% of interviewees indicate they've contracted chicken pox once. 63.9% of interviewees indicate they've contracted chicken pox twice. 60% of interviewees indicate they've contracted chicken pox three times. "I fell off the bleachers and dislocated my shoulder in fifth grade while trying to impress the boy/girl5 I had a crush on." 58.9% of interviewees share this memory. "In Junior High, I contracted shingles, of all damn things, which formed a scar pattern that resembles a scorpion biting its own stinger on my lower-left side. The scar has faded to nothing now." 53.4% of interviewees share this memory. "And that's when we/I left!" 99.6% of interviewees share this memory. 67.2% of interviewees indicate leaving in a plural form. 32.4% of interviewees indicate leaving in a singular form. See Addendum 7895-R-1 for a complete rundown of known memories, broken down by age, and the percentage of interviewed persons who share each memory. Addendum 7895-A-2: Narrative Description of SCP-7895 [Excerpt transcribed from interview with Site-47 Research Director T. Fox. For this interview, RD Fox voluntarily self-administered a small dose of Class X mnestic in order to have perfect recall of SCP-7895.] Well, let's see. It starts out with me, standing in the middle of an empty highway that cuts through town, and I'm facing east. On my right is a strip mall with a coffee shop at one end and a pizza joint at the other. On my left is the local telephone/internet company's main headquarters. On the sidewalks around me, there are silver-gold auras, and they're moving around. I start walking forward, and it's a good fifteen or twenty minutes before I reach Maine Street. Yeah, funny thing, that! It's ‘Maine’ as in the state… maybe the city engineers had a sense of humor. Anyway, I turn to my right to look down the main strip. On the right is the oldest casino in town, and on the left is a pawn shop, computer repair place, coffee shop, movie theater, and so on. There are still no signs of life anywhere to be seen, but the silver-gold auras are here as well. I walk down the center of Maine toward the fountain. Beautiful fountain, too! Hah, I remember, a few months after graduation, me and a few friends filled the fountain with detergent! The next day, the thing foamed up so much that there was a wall of bubbles as high as the buildings! [At this point, RD Fox burst into laughter for half a minute.] Ah, you should have been there! [Research Assistant O'Toole prompted RD Fox to continue recounting the dream.] Shit, yeah. Sorry. So, I approach the fountain. The silver-gold auras seem to be gathering here around the fountain. Tied to the spigot of the fountain are three Mylar birthday balloons that read, "Happy 25th Birthday!" I can see my reflection in the balloons, and I seem to be emitting an aura similar to the auras around me. The plaque that hangs on the front retaining wall of the fountain is… open. Like it's the door of a hatch or something, and there's space behind it! I look inside, and sure enough, there's a ladder made of rebar leading down! [NOTE: SCP-7895 ends here for 75% of known affected individuals.] It's a tight squeeze, but I get in there and start descending the ladder. At the bottom of it is a room… like an office or a waiting room? All grey carpeting, white walls, and bright fluorescent lights. There are seven chairs lined up against the wall next to a pretty normal-looking door, and a small table between the fourth and fifth chair. Nobody in here, either. However, there's a framed photo from the 1910s or so of some miners looking up at a giant human male who was restrained in a dark cavern, and above the giant was an eel or a serpent of some kind. I can't remember exactly, but the giant looked like he was in a massive amount of pain and distress. Anyway, so I lie down across a few of the chairs and close my eyes. [NOTE: SCP-7895 ends here for ~25% of known affected individuals.] Suddenly, I hear a female voice say, "It sure is a nice night. Look at all the stars glisten and sparkle like flecks of pyrite in a vein of wolframite, just perfect as they are." I open my eyes, and I'm lying on the dirt next to a campfire, and there is a woman sitting in a wooden chair across the fire from me. She's dressed like an old-timey miner and has a bright, blue aura, and there's a lantern with red glass6 hanging from a hook on the arm of her chair. I say, "What?" She smiles and points up at the sky, and it's so dark overhead that, for a moment, it looks like we were in a cavern! When I look closer, I realize that the stars she's pointing at are all silver-gold auras! Suddenly, I feel something thump lightly against my chest. I reach for it and hold it up to look at it… and it's a piece of pyrite on a leather necklace! That's where the dream ended. Addendum 7895-A-3: Notable Excerpts of Interviews with Known Affected Individuals ▶ Samuel Wimley, DoB 04 AUG 1986 ▼ Samuel Wimley, DoB 04 AUG 1986 Date: 06 March 2016 Interviewer: Research Assistant Marvin O'Toole Interviewee: Samuel Wimley Interviewee Date of Birth: 04 August 1986 Interviewee Birthplace: Demorest, GA, USA RA O'Toole: Good afternoon. Please state your name, date of birth, and birthplace for our records. Samuel Wimley: Sure! My name is Samuel Douglas Wimley, born on June 25th, 1986, in Fallon, Nevada. RA O'T: The documentation you've provided indicates that your date of birth is August 4th. Is this a discrepancy on the part of Georgia's DMV System? SW: Haha, yeah. I've been trying to get that corrected for three years now. RA O'T: I take it this has been a considerable issue? SW: If by "considerable issue," you mean "massive pain in my ass," then yes. They're asking for my birth certificate now, and I can't give that to them because it's wrong, too! RA O'T: I'll see if our people can get this issue rectified for you, Sam. SW: Oh, really? You'd do that for me? [RA O'Toole nods.] Thank you, thank you! [Thirty minutes of extraneous footage expunged.] RA O'T: That's very interesting! So, let me ask you… what made you move back to Fallon? SW: Well, I wasn't happy living in Georgia. It almost felt like my soul had lost its shimmer, if that makes sense. I just wasn't happy being so far from home. ▶ Darren Reedy, DoB 29 FEB 1983 ▼ Darren Reedy, DoB 29 FEB 1983 Date: 13 May 2018 Interviewer: Research Assistant Marvin O'Toole Interviewee: Darren Reedy Interviewee Date of Birth: 29 February 1983 Interviewee Birthplace: Fort Worth, TX, USA RA O'Toole: Good morning. I apologize for the delay. Please state your na… Darren Reedy: You a Fed? You look like a Fed. RA O'T: I assure you, I'm not a Federal agent, sir. Now, please. State your na… DR: Nope. [Darren stands and walks toward the door.] I thought this was like, a documentary interview about Fallon. That camera isn't professional quality, and you're dressed like some kind of pencil-pushing bureaucrat. Plus, the Pizza Barn is doing a half-price buffet lunch, so… See 'ya. [Darren leaves the interview room.] [The intercom clicks.] Research Director T. Fox: Hey, pizza sounds good. Wanna go for a slice later, Marv? RA O'T: That sounds good, actually. [Following this interview, Research Assistant O'Toole informally requested to be removed from interviewing affected individuals. His reasoning was that he appeared "too professional" and mentioned that someone who appears more casual would be less likely to cause discomfort or distrust in future interviewees. RD Fox has approved this request and has assigned Research Assistant Blackwell to lead interviews from here on.] ▶ Petar Mihalache, DoB 19 JAN 1974 ▼ Petar Mihalache, DoB 19 JAN 1974 Date: 19 April 2019 Interviewer: Research Assistant K. Blackwell Interviewee: Petar Mihalache Interviewee Date of Birth: 19 January 1974 Interviewee Birthplace: Constanţa, Romania [Interview note: Translated from Romanian.] RA Blackwell: Good afternoon, Petar. Petar Mihalache: Good afternoon. RA B: Please state your name, date of birth, and birthplace for the record. PM: Yes. My name is Petar Mihalache. Born on 19 January, 1974, in Fallon, Nevada. RA B: Thank you. What brings you to Fallon? PM: I moved to Romania after my seventeenth birthday but found myself with a very empty feeling. However, I felt that it would be unsafe for me to travel given the inaccuracy on my passport. When I finally took my heart in my teeth7 to move back, it was quite easy. Now, being home, I find that the flame in my soul burns brighter than ever. RA B: What was inaccurate about your passport? PM: My birthplace. It was listed as Constanţa, Romania, but I was not born there. [Fifteen minutes of extraneous footage expunged.] RA B: So, who is your employer? PM: I work for the Crimson-Sash Mining Company in the tungsten mine north of town. RA B: I see. Very lucrative, I'd assume? PM: The money is satisfactory, but the benefit we provide to humanity is better. RA B: What do you mean? PM: The tungsten we mine is used in precision medical equipment. RA B: That does sound quite rewarding. PM: Rewarding. Quite so, given that our machinery is zero-emission. RA B: Zero-emission? Meaning what, exactly? PM: Meaning that the trucks, hammers, mills, and whatnot are not powered on fossil fuels. They just run. RA B: How? PM: By the power of the gods or something, I don't know! Look, I just work there as a miner and mill operator. I'm not a mechanic. [A proposal has been submitted for further investigation into GoI-945 ("The Crimson-Sash Mining Co.") in order to corroborate Petar's statements. Approval pending.] ▶ Spencer Holland, DoB 25 NOV 1995 ▼ Spencer Holland, DoB 25 NOV 1995 Date: 15 May 2020 Interviewer: Research Assistant K. Blackwell Interviewee: Spencer Holland Interviewee Date of Birth: 25 November 1995 Interviewee Birthplace: Fallon, NV, USA [Forty-five minutes of extraneous footage expunged.] RA Blackwell: You mentioned the that the fountain on Maine Street is important. Can you explain, please? Spencer Holland: Sure thing. It's one of the most powerful places in Fallon. Me and my crew of paranormal investigators suspect that there is a hidden crossing of ley lines right under the fountain! You might have heard of us? The Phantom Finders? [RA Blackwell shakes his head.] Oh. No worries. Anyway, the last time we set up our interference cameras, we detected something… odd. RA B: What was it? SH: Well, Jerry was given a new lens filter, and it was red. I figured there's no harm in giving it a shot, right? So, we installed it on the camera up on the roof of the Nugget, and we didn't see anything strange until nightfall. RA B: Come on, man. I'm conducting an interview, not watching a YouTube video. SH: Ope, sorry. I just get carried away sometimes. Anyway, when the sun went down, there were a bunch of, like, gold-ish lens flares! We compared the feed from that camera to the one set on the roof across the street, and we found that all the lens flares from the one camera were actually people! RA B: Fascinating. Can we see this video? SH: Sure! It's a Patreon exclusive, though. RA B: That sounds doable. [Requested funding for Patreon membership to The Phantom Finders has been approved. The mentioned video corroborates Mr. Holland's claim. Five days later, MTF-Y-47 obtained a sample of the lens and submitted the sample for chemical testing. See Addendum 7895-T-2 for results and further testing.] ▶ Thorgrima Tjorvidottir, DoB 25 June 1980 ▼ Thorgrima Tjorvidottir, DoB 25 June 1980 Two stones with Futhark Runes engraved, Naudiz (left) and Ansuz (right). Date: 25 June 2021 Interviewer: Research Director T. Fox Interviewee: Thorgrima Tjorvidottir Interviewee Date of Birth: 25 June 1980 Interviewee Birthplace: Kjøllefjord, Norway RD Fox: Good morning and happy birthday! Thorgrima Tjorvidottir: Yes, thank you. And happy birthday to you as well, friend. RD F: Thanks! So, why did you request this meeting today? TT: You and your team are investigating our dream. I wanted to let you know that you're likely looking in the wrong spot. RD F: Oh? How so? TT: [Translated from Norwegian: "One must not look too high, as the sun will be blinding. One must not look too low, as the dust will be stinging. One must look forever ahead, as there, even in darkness, the clearest path lies."] RD F: I'm sorry, I don't speak Norwegian. Care to translate? TT: It is an old saying. You will understand when your people transcribe our meeting, friend. Remember our dream… how our dream ends. RD F: Thorgrima, you're always so cryptic! TT: That is what everyone tells me. [Thorgrima stands and places two small stones on the table. Each is engraved with an Elder Futhark rune, "ᚾ" and "ᚨ". Thorgrima points three fingers at the first and two at the second, respectively. She then abruptly leaves the room. RD Fox uses his Foundation-provided digital camera and takes a photo of the two stones before sitting down and studying the stones in silence for forty-five minutes.] Addendum 7895-T-1: Log of Memory Restoration Treatments of Affected Personnel Amnestic and mnestic treatments were performed voluntarily on various affected personnel. For amnestic and mnestic classifications, please refer to the Proposal for the Classification of Synthetic, Non-Anomalous Amnestic Agents by Doctor [DATA EXPUNGED]. Name DoB [mm/dd/yyyy] Time of Erasure Treatment Method Notable Actions and Quotes during Testing Holloway, Janet 01/27/1991 17y 7mo Daily dose of Class D amnestic for one-month period "Am I glowing? I feel like I'm glowing!" Chandler, Katrina 04/06/1981 20y 3mo Twice-daily dose of Class D amnestic for one-month period "Save her. Must save her." O'Toole, Marvin 03/16/1986 13y 2mo Weekly procedure involving Class C amnestic for one-month period "It felt like you threw a bunch of tennis balls against a brick wall." Blackwell, Kevin 03/09/1989 22y 1mo Daily dose of Class X mnestic for one-month period "I've never felt so alone." Grant, Zachary 02/01/2001 18y 1mo Three-times daily dose of Class X mnestic in combination with weekly dose of Class A amnestic over three-month period "Fuckin' darkness surrounds me. Like that Metallica song!" Davis, Tamara 04/22/1993 15y 9mo Daily dose of Class X mnestic absorbed through skin via dimethyl sulfoxide patch affixed to left shoulder for one-month period "Trapped. It's been so long since I've felt joy." Lautner, Jason 12/16/1979 19y Thaumaturgic memory-restoration ritual performed once-weekly over one-month period "Hey, I think I know this one8!" Fox, Theodore 06/25/1980 25y Total isolation, zen meditation, and self-performed thaumaturgic ritual focused on targeted memory restoration for a total of three months RD Fox was observed carving "ᚾᚨᚾᚾᚨ" into the walls of his isolation chamber during treatment. "Mother had powers, servant of the Trickster. Inheritance is [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED]." Testing has revealed no permanent improvement resulted from use of amnestic or mnestic treatments. Addendum 7895-T-2: Lens Composition Testing and Further Usage Chemical analysis performed on the lens sample has revealed that it is comprised primarily of standard glass with a thin film of the following minerals applied to one side via thin-film deposition: Cinnabar, three parts Garnet, three parts Pyrite, two parts Magnetite, one part In order to replicate the result mentioned by Mr. Holland, but in a more portable form, researchers have applied the mixture via thin-film deposition to the following appliances. The following is a condensed log of successful applications and the accompanying results: One Foundation-issue Nikon DSLR camera, applied to lens — Photo taken of Site-47 personnel in the Fallon Convention Center courtyard at night during the 2020 annual birthday party for affected individuals. Photo revealed all personnel exhibited strong silver-gold auras in the resultant photograph. One shard of thin glass suspended over a lit candle — Junior Researcher Holloway and MTF-Y-47 Team Leader Constantin Laradeca exhibited subtle silver-gold auras which were visible to the naked eye. One carbide lamp, applied to reflector — Junior Researcher Holloway, Research Director Fox, and Research Assistant Blackwell exhibited strong silver-gold auras which were visible to the naked eye. Testing has tentatively concluded that the desired effect will only manifest via light which is not produced through electrical means. Addendum 7895-R-1: Current Timeline of Memories [This addendum has been condensed to include milestones and stand-out memories only. Copies of the full 39-page addendum are available to personnel by request.] Age Brief Description of Memory Percentage Shared 5y crashed bike / broke wrist 87.4% 10y fell off bleachers to impress crush9 58.9% 11y discovered minor thaumaturgic ability 9% 12y contracted shingles 53.4% 13y began serious relationship 53.1% 14y joined school sport10 51.8% 15y employed at local lumber yard11 48% 16y three friends involved in single-vehicle collision12 44% 17y dumped by long-time significant other13 40% 17y graduated high school 38% 18y poured detergent in town fountain 32% 19y worked under-the-table as a porter at Depot Casino 28% 20y arrested for underage drinking and DUI 18% 21y studied and performed memory-related thaumaturgic rituals 9% 22y completed rehab program 4% 23y decided to move to another town on day before 24th birthday .5% 24y moved to Hazen, NV for work in copper mines14 .01% 24y further studied thaumaturgy to gain promotion at work .0009% 25y company-sponsored birthday party at Fallon Nugget Casino .0006% 25y found entrance to caverns under Fallon after birthday party .0006% Addendum-7895-Z-1: MTF Investigation Notes [E-mail from Site-47 Research Director T. Fox to Site-47 Director A. Parrish requesting the dispatch of MTF-Y-47 ("The Lone Rangers") for an investigative survey of an abandoned dairy farm located 1.65 km southeast of the center of Fallon, NV.] 06/25/2021 - 21:35 Good evening Alex, I would like to formally request a survey be performed around the abandoned dairy farm located at [REDACTED] in order to find the entrance to a cavern system that may lead under Fallon, NV. Thorgrima and I were discussing the end of SCP-7895 at the party (that was an amazing performance of "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" by the way), and we've come to the conclusion that there must be some indication as to the origin of SCP-7895 under the town. We've searched around the fountain, and there wasn't a hatch like our dream indicated, but there has to be something. A recent earthquake toppled one of the old silos at that dairy farm on the southeast corner of town, and we think there may have been a landslide there. I know The Lone Rangers are likely quite busy, but it would be great if they could spare some time to check into this potential lead. If they are successful in locating an entrance to the caverns, I would like to be with them when they explore the caverns as I have extensive caving skills and would be a valuable asset. Subsequently, I would also like to request the use of the modified carbide lantern from our tests last year. The results yielded similar results to that of the Sash Lantern, and it may be able to lead us to something. Kindest Regards, RD Fox. 21 July, 2021: Team Leader Constantin Laradeca and three other members of MTF-Y-47 ("The Lone Rangers"), assisted by Foundation geologist Blake Lancaster, PhD, were tasked with surveying the former Westin Dairy farm and its surrounding areas. At approximately 2145, a small tunnel was located near the foundation of milk silo which had toppled over. According to Dr. Lancaster, the tunnel is a natural formation which was covered by a steel plate measuring 2x140x200cm. Recent seismological activity caused structural damage to the surrounding structures caused heavy debris to fall, damaging the steel plate and knocking it loose. The tunnel itself has been evaluated and was found to be stable. Upon initial investigation via Foundation-issued ResQ Corp recon drone, the tunnel ran forty meters and stopped at a vertical shaft. MTF-Y-47 cordoned off the abandoned farm in accordance to Protocol-44.5a ("Chemical Spill / Aerosolized Toxins") and placed a GPS tag on the location for future exploration. 28 July, 2021: Team Leader Constantin Laradeca, Agent M. Garrett, and Agent K. Mitchell of MTF-Y-47, assisted by Research Director T. Fox and civilian consultant on Norse Mythology Thorgrima Tjorvidottir, rappelled down the vertical shaft and explored the cave system. Following is a condensed transcript of the exploration footage from the body-worn camera on C. Laradeca. The complete exploration log is on-file in the Site-47 research library. <BWC-LARADECA, C.> <ACTIVATED-07/28/21-0517> 0519 [Fox, Garrett, Mitchell, and Tjorvidottir (hereafter referred to as "Tjor") are seen equipping caving and climbing gear. Fox, an experienced caver, is smoking a cigarette and explaining to Mitchell and Garrett that the temperatures underground may reach below freezing. Tjor is coiling a mass of climbing rope. The camera pans down to reveal the cave entrance. It is approximately 35cm tall by 90cm wide. An audible sigh is heard from Laradeca.] 0524 [Laradeca moves into the open tunnel first. The height of the tunnel remains consistent while the width narrows slightly. Scraping is heard as Laradeca pushes his way through. Ten meters into this tunnel at a downward slope, Laradeca comes to an area where he can get to his knees.] Laradeca: Shit, that was a tight squeeze. I'm through! Mitchell, you're next followed by Garrett. 0531 [Laradeca shines his flashlight into the entrance tunnel. The top of Mitchell's helmet can be seen. His head is turned sideways as to not allow his helmet to become lodged. As Mitchell comes through, Garrett, Fox, and Tjor follow in a similar fashion.] 0540 [The party reaches the edge of the vertical shaft. Fox instructs everybody to take a step back and shut off their lights. They all comply while he activates the carbide lamp using its built-in striker. In the glow, Mitchell and Tjor are in frame and begin to exhibit a bright, silver-gold aura. Fox then turns and points the lamp over the vertical shaft and reveals a bright orange directional marker, suspended above the shaft, indicating downward.] Fox: As expected, the lamp is now functioning similarly to the Sash Lantern. If my theory is correct, we simply have to follow these markers. Tjor: Strange. Fox, I think I've seen something like this before in the Crimson Sash copper mine near Hazen. Laradeca: [sigh] Yep. This is exactly like the lantern we picked up in the Ruby Mountains back in '13. Good guess, Fox! 0559 [Fox and Tjor set climbing anchors into the surrounding rock. Mitchell points out that previous groups had left anchors in the rock.] 0631 [The party descends into the vertical shaft. Garrett stays behind as a safety point. At the floor of the shaft, Fox uses the carbide lamp to light a cigarette and then moves the lantern to find the next directional marker. Tjor crouches down to examine the debris left here.] Tjor: [Holding up a highly oxidized tin of pipe tobacco, likely from the 1930s. The paint on the tin is mostly gone, but what's left reveals a bald man dressed in Victorian-era clothing. Tjor speaks in a lisping, clownish voice.] Excuse me, but do you have Prince Albert in a can? You DO? Well, you'd better let him out! Fox: Wa-HA, wa-HA, wa-HA! [Laradeca and Mitchell begin laughing.] Mitchell: Ah, fuck. I love that movie! <EXTRANEOUS FOOTAGE EXPUNGED> 0749 [The camera pans across an expansive chasm with thin stone ledges jutting from the edge which form rudimentary steps downward. A directional indicator points at a diagonal angle, parallel to the steps. Fox fishes a glowstick out of his pocket, activates it, then drops it onto the stone steps. The glowstick bounces down seventeen steps then drops to the floor of the chasm. Fox carefully puts his weight on the stone ledge. It holds his weight.] Fox: Alrighty, y'all. One at a time, and slowly. Mitchell: I'll stay here as a safety point. Laradeca: Gotcha. If you hear screams, go running back to the vert shaft and instruct Garrett to call for help. 0751 [The camera follows Fox and Tjor as they descend the steps, following the directional markers. At the bottom, the camera pans to show that the chasm extends in both directions. On the floor of the chasm is a cart rail with a rusted minecart full of ore.] <EXTRANEOUS FOOTAGE EXPUNGED> 0820 [Fox is seen directly ahead, looking at a directional indicator pointing in the direction they are traveling in. Tjor is examining "miner's graffiti", a term used to denote markings and messages left by miners on the walls, typically using carbide lamps to create lampblack soot. She is standing directly in front of these markings, obscuring them from view.] Laradeca: Hey, what'd you find? [Laradeca begins walking toward Tjor.] Tjor: [Not looking away from the markings.] Someone wrote a phrase in Old Norse here, "The suffering of the Trickster reshapes the stone." [She turns toward Laradeca.] In Norse mythology, the only being I know of that would be referred to as such is … [Thump.] Laradeca: Fu… [Laradeca falls forward and lands on the mine rails. The BWC makes solid contact with the left-hand rail, resulting in a crack along the top of the lens. Laradeca slowly stands. Fox and Tjor run to him to see if he's alright. No sound is audible, likely due to the impact damaging the BWC's microphone. Laradeca gestures downward then turns toward the opposite direction, revealing a large chunk of black, crystalline ore resting on the rails. He raises a middle finger to it. After some discussion, the three continue on.] <BATTERY COMPARTMENT DAMAGED> <CHECK FAN> 0953 [They continue following the markers for the next hour without incident, following cart rails.] <CHECK FAN> <SYSTEM OVERHEAT IMMINENT> 1059 [The directional indicator immediately ahead is seen pointing up. Laradeca tilts his BWC upward to reveal that the indicator is pointing directly into solid rock. Fox is speaking to Laradeca. Tjor moves past Fox and says something, pointing at the indicator as it re-orients and points behind her. NOTE: According to a member of personnel skilled in reading lips, it was determined that she said, "I remember now. It's this way." They follow for forty meters and come to a metal grate embedded into the surrounding rock, blocking the passage forward. The grate is highly oxidized, and there is a hole in it large enough to fit an arm through. Laradeca moves up to the grate, removes his BWC from its mount, and holds it through the hole in the grating revealing an immense void of darkness. From a distance, a small, red light is seen next to larger blue light. On the other side of the red light, a silver-gold light flickers momentarily.] Unknown female voice: Stand back, please. I wouldn't want any of you to be injured. [Laradeca, Fox, and Tjor take a few steps backward. As they do, the grate begins emitting light and sparks as it melts into a puddle of slag on the ground.] Unknown female voice: Step through, friends, and make yourselves known. [As they move into this expansive cavern, the blue light moves toward the red light, and the silver-gold aura flickers and is no longer visible. Laradeca moves to the front of the group and approaches the blue light which is revealed to be the form of a human or humanoid female of giant stature dressed as a miner. She sits down on a chair made of large timbers, likely raw pine trunks, and is seen smiling.] Unknown female voice: I see you have a device similar to the lamp that was gifted to me by friend, Jamie Short. I would introduce you to her, but she placed her lifeforce inside the lamp in order to let me see. <CHECK FAN> <SYSTEM OVERHEAT IMMINENT> [Tjor approaches the blue light and drops to her knees. Her shoulders begin to shake. The blue light places its left hand on Tjor's right shoulder and gestures upward with her right hand. A silver-gold aura flickers into existence approximately three meters from Fox. This aura has a vaguely humanoid shape.] Unknown female voice: It sure is a nice night. Look at all the stars glisten and sparkle like flecks of pyrite in a vein of wolframite, just perfect as they are. [Laradeca tilts his BWC upward. As the view pans, a bright flash of light is seen as Fox takes a photo of the lantern hanging from the massive chair. In the darkness above, many silver-gold lights are seen moving about at various speeds.] Unknown female voice: It had been so dark for so many years. For a while, the miners would visit and chat with me, but one day, they installed the metal wall you passed through and stopped visiting. They trapped me here and were stealing my joy to power their machines. That day, I thought my joy had died. That was until Jamie visited and told me of a way that I could feel joy again by seeing. She spent several days with me, sharing stories of happiness and joy and sorrow and loss. As she told me these stories, I watched as the joy in her soul grew brilliant to the point that it shined and sparked like pyrite being struck by iron. At the end of those days, she said that she wanted to give me a gift… the gift of more joy, and more lights. She said that more lights will be drawn here as a result of her sacrifice. Oh, how I adore those lights, especially when they gather in clusters. Once a year, I see them gather over in that direction [The blue light gestures into a segment of darkness.], and they glow ever brighter. Every year, as Jamie promised, more lights come to that gathering. One day… when I am able to free myself from this void, I would like to attend that gathering. <C*%CK_F N> <CRI%@$)L F))LU<@ IM%#*EN*> [Laradeca pans his BWC back down to the blue light. Fox is seen standing next to it, looking up toward its face. Tears are streaming down into his beard. Tjor is now lying on her side, crying. The blue light takes a seat on its chair and smiles.] EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN Addendum-7895-Z-2: Excerpt from After Action Report Laradeca: After my BWC died, we spoke with the giant entity for several hours about our lives on the surface, different types of music, celebrations, and technological advances made throughout the hundred-plus years she had been trapped down there. As the giant entity is self-containing, we agreed to not initiate ConProcs at this time. However, we have agreed to meet with her twice a year to check up on her and reassess the potential need for containment. Laradeca: We made our way out of the cave system without incident, but I did take a chunk of that damned rock I tripped over. Addendum-7895-Z-3: Description of Photograph Taken by RD Fox An unremarkable, modern kerosene lantern with red-tinted glass. Riveted to the fuel tank is a chromium plate which is inscribed, "Cast thy light! Truly, the pyrite we shall seek is not that of the mineral we delve but of the human soul in happiness." Certain letters, as noted in the transcription, are stained with red ink. ▶ Footnotes ▼ Footnotes Footnotes 1. This is a test. Testing. Testing. Okay, it seems to work now. This is Site-47 Technical Director Jason Lautner testing out modification FDS-7895 on our Footnote Dictation Service. Per Research Director Fox's request, footnotes on this documentation will show the title, name, and date of birth on record for personnel who utilize this service to verbally transcribe footnotes. FDS-[TECH DIR. J. LAUTNER. DoB 16 DEC 1979] 2. The erasure and subsequent coo-oor implanting of memories has been colloquially named 'Fallonization' by oor-coo-corr personnel, including affected personnel, assigned to SCP-7895. FDS-[SCP-4287 P. PIGEON ESQ. DoB UNKNOWN] 3. Among affected individuals interviewed, this was mentioned as the most common reason for relocating to Fallon. FDS-[JUNIOR RESEARCHER J. HOLLOWAY. DoB 27 JAN 1991] 4. Complete record and notation of the interviews is available by request to the current Human Resources Director's Assistant. FDS-[HR DIR'S ASSISTANT E. HOLT. DoB 23 SEPT 1965] 5. School crush is either Rachel Ann Rhodes or Richard Alex Rhodes depending on the sex and sexual orientation of the affected individual. The gender identity of the affected individual has no bearing on this specific memory. Rachel and Richard were fraternal twins, born on 04 July 1980 in Fallon, NV. FDS-[RESEARCH ASSISTANT M. O'TOOLE. DoB 16 MAR 1986] 6. RD Fox may be referring to an anomalous object similar to SCP-4359. FDS-[SITE DIR. A. PARRISH. DoB 14 OCT 1971] 7. This is a traditional Romanian phrase meaning, "to gather courage." FDS-[RESEARCH ASSISTANT K. BLACKWELL. DoB 09 MAR 1989] 8. Tech Dir. Lautner's personnel file does not indicate a background in thaumaturgy. FDS-[HR DIR'S ASSISTANT E. HOLT. DoB 23 SEPT 1965] 9. Man, that was embarrassing, and he didn't even notice! FDS-[JUNIOR RESEARCHER J. HOLLOWAY. DoB 27 JAN 1991] 10. Combined aggregate percentage between males [football], females [soccer], and trans/non-binary [football / soccer / tennis]. FDS-[RESEARCH DIRECTOR T. FOX. DoB 25 JUN 1980] 11. Seven bucks an hour didn't seem so bad at the time! FDS-[RESEARCH ASSISTANT K. BLACKWELL. DoB 09 MAR 1989] 12. Two were DOA, Rachel Ann Rhodes and Richard Alex Rhodes. Third, Timothy Ian Rhodes, suffered minor injuries. Sources have confirmed this event happened on 21 August, 1996. When police questioned Timothy about the accident, he indicated that the three of them were driving home from visiting their grandmother in Fernley, NV. Shortly after the accident, the Rhodes family relocated to Missouri and went off-the-grid. On a personal note, I envy the forty-five-percenters for not having to live through this experience. FDS-[RESEARCH DIRECTOR T. FOX. DoB 25 JUN 1980] 13. In favor of the captain of the Barracuda Swim Team. Fuck him, seriously! Bastard stole my girl! Uooh, look at MEEEEE! I'm a BARRACUDAAA! UOOOH! I'm soooo FUCKing SPECI… shit, the transcriber is on? Great, I don't even know how to era… FDS-[SITE-47 LEAD CUSTODIAN Z. GRANT. DoB 01 FEB 2001] 14. Employer was GoI-945 ("The Crimson-Sash Mining Co."). FDS-[RESEARCH DIRECTOR T. FOX. DoB 25 JUN 1980] ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7895" by Reverend Fox, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: runes.jpg Author: Reverend Fox License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link:
By Marcelles D. Raynes Item #: SCP-7896 Archived Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7896's orbit is to remain unaltered until the conclusion of Researcher Glacier's reconnaissance mission. SCP-7896's orbital velocity is exponentially decelerating, and the object will collide with its star, Salimus Prime in two to three years, S.C.S.T. Prevention of the discovery of SCP-7896 by intelligent, space-faring civilizations falls under the direct jurisdiction of the Galactic Foundation. Per Ethics Committee accords, only non-lethal force is to be used to prevent the discovery of SCP-7896 from unauthorized parties. As SCP-7896 will be destroyed by Salimus Prime within three years S.C.S.T., actions to indefinitely conceal the anomaly's presence from sapient organisms is unnecessary. The removal of Calvin Glacier from the Orthagonal Quantum Superposition located within SCP-7896 is a Rho Level Priority. Description: SCP-7896 is an artificial megastructure orbiting the star Salimus Prime in the Plastic Galaxy. It is comprised of a highly reflective, anomalously durable material of unknown origin, although the design of the non-reflective shell of SCP-7896 is reminiscent of post-Etherian War Sarian architecture. SCP-7896. When viewed, SCP-7896 displays iterations of the viewer(s) from alternate timelines and realities, typically showing favorable outcomes for the viewer. This may include individuals being shown realities where their planet of origin is in a more favorable, economicly sound state, or perhaps showing the individual achieving great measures of political influence, for example. The exact mechanic behind what SCP-7896 displays, or how what is displayed changes, is unclear. User desire for favorable situations is hypothesized to influence SCP-7896, although this cannot be confirmed. At any point, individuals viewing SCP-7896 may make physical contact with the anomaly and step through the reflective surface into the alternate reality. At that point, SCP-7896 will cease to function temporarily, and the viewer will not be seen in any alternate reality in the future. Following Incident 7896.01, the current theory is that individuals who enter SCP-7896 are transported to the Orthagonal Quantum Superposition, where they exist in all possible alternate realities displayed by SCP-7896 simultaneously. Documented Discoveries: SCP-7896 was discovered on 8 December 2403 S.C.S.T1 by Galactic Foundation Researcher Calvin Glacier. Researcher Glacier was observing the waning radial arm of the Plastic Galaxy using the improved James Webb Space Telescope when he noticed an irregular light pattern emanating near Salimus Prime. Upon closer inspection, Researcher Glacier confirmed that SCP-7896 had existed before the construction of the Foundation's intergalactic star maps, although he could not decipher what civilization had constructed it, or how it had remained unnoticed until now. He submitted a research request to the O5 Council and, following approval, began documentation. Researcher Glacier was allotted six months S.C.S.T. to research and document SCP-7896 for the safety of himself as well as the crew he was assigned. He was assigned two additional co-pilots who were knowledgeable with Sarian warp drives technology, although Researcher Glacier departed before either could board the transportation vessel. Researcher Glacier would remain orbiting Salimus Prime for three years S.C.S.T. despite multiple orders from O5 Command to return, until Incident 7896.01. His research notes have been attached below. Dec. 15 2403 How could anyone not have noticed this before? It's a mirror. That's all that it is, a giant, monstrous mirror floating around a neighboring galaxy. It took well over two hundred years for civilian tech to chart out the Milky Way, and it took the Foundation even less time to chart the rest of the universe with the Animus. And yet, somehow, someway, in the two hundred years following that, no one ever noticed a megastructure practically built on top of a star. Makes me wonder if we were being lazy, or if someone didn't want us to find this thing. Based on my calulations, it's going to be a few years before the whole anomaly crashes into the sun. I can't exactly tell what material it's made of from here, but it looks ancient, maybe even pre-humanity, definitely post-Etherian War. The angles are too sharp, too direct, too angry to be anything else. I'd recognize the patterns anywhere. The Salimus Prime solar system is dead dead. I've looked at every planet, every little moon floating around out there, every comet and every asteroid, and there is not a single sign of life, living or deceased. There could be fossil records somewhere beneath the surface though. I'll see if the O5 will let me take a recon star skipper out with a small team. Haven't gotten my hands dirty in a while. Maybe you'll will join me, Katalina. One last "hoo-rah" into an alien world. Might even win you back. Science is no place for emotion. 1 January 2404 Recon and basic experimentation was approved, and they even gave me a small crew of fifteen. Not sure why that surprises me. Maybe it was how fast the O5 responded, or the amount of test subjects they gave me for experimentation. Real mixed bag of organisms there, anything that's sentient enough to have any sort of semblence to human emotion is ripe for the taking. I've selected five in total: a Sandariate from the Kahron III Expanse, an Etherian from Sagittarius A, an Etruscan from the Jibular Nebula, and two very specific humans from Earth. I ran the decision about the humans by the Ethics Committee and they gave me the greenlight. Personal drama aside, those two candidates are particularly good for this type of mission I feel. One, a soulless monster capable of bringing great heartache on the people who try to love her. The other is a replacement, taking the stand where I used to be. The place where I should be now, with my children, living together as a cohesive family unit. I'm particularly curious as to what the anomaly will do in their case. Maybe I'll send them in together, as if they know how to be apart from one another. I'll try not to let my emotions get in the way of my decision making. No one else on the crew knows how to use the Sarian warp drives but me apparently. Small issue, I'm sure. I'll have to figure out something before we head back, god forbid something terrible happens. 15 August 2404 We finally arrived at the outpost in Salimus Prime. We're close enough to the anomaly that we can see it with the naked eye, but far enough away from the star to avoid getting sucked into it entirely. The rotational speed of Salimus Prime is, quite literally, astronomical. By my calculations it's spinning four times faster than Sol, and is at least four times as large. Fluctuations in the gravitational sensors on the star skipper make maintaining orbit in the Goldilocks zone incredibly difficult, and we will have enough quantum synaptic resonating gel to orbit this star for three years S.C.S.T. Factoring in expenditure for the test subjects' return trip from the anomaly, as well as the trip back, we really only have enough fuel to stay in orbit for about twenty Earth months. Gotta work fast. 20 August 2404 The mirror's orbital speed seems to be falling at a steady pace. There will be enough time to conduct research and run plenty of tests, at least by my approximation. I hope that my math is as good as I think it is. The Sandariate was the first to take the voyage to SCP-7896. They seemed almost eager to risk their life for the sake of science. If only we could all be so naive. Calculating the amount of time it took the Sandariate to reach SCP-7896, compared to any of the initial probes we sent upon de-warping here, proves that the anomaly's orbital velocity is less than the speed needed to remain unaffected by the Salimus Prime's gravitational pull. In layman's terms; SCP-7896 is crashing into the star. By my estimate it will be vaporized by the time we have to return. Guess the stars really aligned there, huh, Katalina? I observed the Sandariate approach the anomaly in one of the escape pods through the observation deck. I could almost see its many arms wriggling around in the pod on the way there. It might have been protesting or perhaps scared, but my knowledge on extra terrestrial communication is severely lacking. Doesn't really matter, though, the science has to get done one way or another. I almost feel bad. Almost. When the Sandariate was within astronomical spitting distance of the mirror, the mirror began to change and the escape pod stopped moving completely. The mirror, SCP-7896, was no longer reflecting natural surfaces like it had been up to this point. It began to show scenes from Galactus Omega, a forsaken world on the Outer Rim plagued by war and radioactive fallout. Only instead of a barren wasteland of irradiated creatures and ruins like how the planet is in baseline reality, the versions shown on SCP-7896 were different. There were lush forests filled to the brim with undocumented extraterrestrial, biomechanical life. Birds with chainsaws for beaks, deer with headlights for eyes. Things that fit the aesthetic I've come to know about the Sandariate civilization. Industrial, mechanical, and cruel. But the things the anomaly were showing were symbiotic, harmonious even, instead of the miasma of smog and poison that we can observe on Galactus Omega in baseline reality. The tall, contorting buildings constructed out of dead machine-men and synthetic immitations of natural resources were absent entirely. Every scene, every moment, every flicker in time the mirror showed the Sandariate lacked the death and destruction of the natural world that occurredover the last thousand years. I did not understand what the Sandariate was saying to the intercomms, but I do understand crying when I hear it. Eventually the mirror stopped showing different moments in time and stayed on one particular instance, I assume one of great significance to the Sandariate. The mirror showed a location overlooking a clifface during a green sunset. I could see the silhouettes of great, biomechanical whale-like creatures breaching the surface of the ocean of oil. The mechanical roots of the nearby trees twisted and gnarled over the edge, forming a strange pattern. The roots were pulsating, and the Sandariate continued to cry. Despite engaging the manual override from the base at this point, the escape pod continued to move toward the anomaly. Extrernal sensors failed to indicate any sort of tractor beam pulling the escape pod in, and the pod's own controls were not being used. The Sandariate approached the mirror and, right after making physical contact, vanished. The anomaly continued to exhibit its expected behavior after that. I do not know what happened to the Sandariate. 30 September 2404 The Etherian was the second in the line of test subjects I had amassed. This one was tall by comparison to its species, about half a meter in height, and it was missing a few arms and eyes. From what little I know of Etherian language, I could piece together that this one participated in the Etherian War at a young age, probably toward the end. A former child soldier, to put a human perspective on it. I worry that the Etherian will be lost to SCP-7896, but there is no place for emotions in science. The escape pod proved to be a viable vessle during the last test, so I elected to use another one again. There are three left, not counting this one. Enough for the experiements, and for me and a few crew members to make it back home should things go awry. I hope you don't get any ideas, Katalina. As the Etherian approached the anomaly, several of the same events took place. Its velocity was terminated instantly, the manual override was overridden, and the Etherian began expressing a whole swathe of emotions as the mirror began to change. Close approximations to guilt, shame, anger, if I had to guess. The mirror showed a planet orbiting Saggitarius A, the Etherian homeworld of Xanatan, in what must have been thousands of years before the War. The diminuitive stature of the Etherians was made even more apparent by the mountains that had yet to be colonized. The wilds of Xanatan were untamed, and the Etherians were reduced to a tribal state, one without conflict or neutrino bombs or plasma rifles. A world too simple to handle the strife that would come a milennia after this moment. A world at peace. The mirror changed significantly less for the Etherian than it did for the Sandariate, only a handful of times rather than hundreds. Still, eventually the mirror stopped changing and settled on one particular scene that met whatever requirements the Etherian had set. The scene showed Xanatan from above, taking place somewhere in high orbit but sub-outer space. The Dyson sphere around Sagittarius A was missing, as were the many, many space stations they used for conducting research on Sarian war tactics and weaponry. There was only one interstellar warp gate in orbit, and by the rust and erosian it seemed defunct. The planet itself was whole, unlike how it is in baseline, and the atmosphere was the right shade of red. The ring of dead bodies orbiting the planet was gone, like it had never been there in the first place. I often wonder what was going through the Etherian's head when it passed through the mirror. 31 October 2404 There are times, Katalina, that I wonder if things would have worked out different between us. I wonder if I had just been more of what you needed, if I had changed or made you happy, that you wouldn't have left and broken my heart. I wonder if there is some alternate timeline where things did pan out between us and we're both happy at the Foundation because we have each other. All those years of abuse would have been erased. All the fun times would have been erased too. Do you think I deserve a do-over? I think I do. I still love you, despite everything. I want to try again. You should want that too. 19 December 2404 The mirror's orbital speed is dropping exponentially. It will collide with the surface of the Salimus Prime and be destroyed soon. The Etruscan had a tougher time adjusting to the tangiblity of the escape pod, but once we were able to convince it through a serious of elaborate "touch tests", it was able to take the journey without effort. I'm grateful for your help, Katalina, but you didn't seem to care much for converstation with me at all. Too busy with Alec Riktor to talk to me. That's fine. Perfectly fine. Science is no place for emotion anyway. The mirror showed the Jibular Nebula as it had been the last time I saw it with my own eyes. Serene and peaceful, filled with supernovae and quasars. The Etruscan seemed delighted at the sight, and the mirror changed even less for it than it did the Etherian. The luminant substance beneath the Etruscan's exterior shell began to glow a range of indescribable colors, and the tangibility exercise we performed seemed to have worn off. SCP-7896 changed three times before the Etruscan phased through the exterior of the escape pod and floated toward the anomaly on its own accord. The last I saw of the Etruscan, the mirror had showed it the Jibular Nebula being destroyed in the wake of a massive supernova, spewing the gaseous material that it was made of across space almost indefinitely. Etruscan consciousness merged with one another in a fiery miasma of stardust and radiation. Is that what the mirror shows? Those alternate timelines I was talking about? One where the viewer is happy with themselves, or perhaps their circumstances? I'll have to examine the data from the previous test subjects with this lens in mind, but I have a running theory for now at least. There's one way I can test that theory for certain though. I hope you and Alec are up for the task. 14 February 2405 You and Alec were not as cooperative as I wanted you to be. You protested and thrashed and fought me every step of the way till the synaptic dampener kicked in, and then you were more agreeable. It'll wear off by the time you get to SCP-7896 though. I need your senses intact. For science, of course. When you arrived within orbit of the anomaly, you were scared. You told me so through the comms, and I could see it on your stupid fucking faces. Why couldn't you have been this scared when you shattered my heart and left it to die? Why didn't you cry when you gave the heart that I so tenderly cared for and warmed for years to another man? You were holding each other dearly as the escape pod approached. You knew what was coming, and so did I. At least I was far enough away to watch the show from the comfort of my own space station. We are going to learn so much, together. I should thank you, Katalina, for breaking my heart. I wouldn't have had the motivation for this level of scientific research otherwise. Your communication skills really facilitated the research process. Your screams have been recorded and documented for this project. But then the mirror activated, and didn't change. Not once. I heard you calming each other down before you both decided to look through the window at the anomaly. It showed you Earth, your house. The one you bought together in the Catskills in upstate New York. You remember the place, surely. You raised Alec's kids there with him after his wife left. You were happy there, together, far away from me. It showed you all sitting at the dinner table, you, his two kids, and him. He'd just finished making you all dinner and you were laughing about something. The Galactic Foundation badge hung proudly on each of your outfits. Your children had no idea what it meant, and they never would because you stopped wearing them a little after this moment. You told me as much at work, that the kids were asking too many questions. You did a little mind rewriting, if I recall correctly. You sick, pathetic fuck. Why does he get to be happy with you and I don't? What does he have that I don't? Why did you willingly go into the mirror with him, when you could have stayed here and been safe and alive and happy with me? The anomaly is literally crashing into the fucking sun and- Why don't you love me anymore? Incident 7896.01: The following incident occurred on 25 February 2405 S.C.S.T. Event was observed from Observation Station Signus 2, orbiting the star, Orion. Despite the on-site staff's protests regarding Researcher Glacier's participation in SCP-7896 experimentation, as he was the only person capable of successfully navigating the reconnaissance station to Earth using warp-drives, Researcher Glacier boarded an escape pod. He then piloted the escape pod to SCP-7896 moments before it collided with the surface of Salimus Prime. Update: Shortly after Researcher Glacier attempts to establish physical contact with SCP-7896, Salimus Prime began to undergo rapid nuclear fusion, heating up exponentially within seconds. The star went critical and exploded, destroying nearby planets and displacing the reconnaissance space station. Attempts to recover the crew of the reconnaissance space station are on-going. The following log was recorded during Researcher Glacier's flight. <Begin Log> Researcher Glacier: My name is Calvin Glacier, interstellar researcher of the Galactic Foundation. I've run four tests using sentient and sapient subjects in order to understand the anomalous properties of SCP-7896. I now believe that I have the knowledge necessary to take an impromptu expedition into the anomaly, into a location I have temporarily named the Orthagonal Quantum Superposition. The OQS, if you would. There is turbulance as Researcher Glacier passes a nearby planet. Researcher Glacier: The OQS is a series of alternate realities that SCP-7896 presents to viewers through some anomalous method I don't quite understand. It shows you what you want to see, different versions of what you want to see. When you find one that you like, you enter through the mirror by touching it. Once that happens, you're in the OQS proper, assumed to live out your life with your memories in tact but in a whole new alternate reality. The cockpit of the escape pod become illuminated as Researcher Glacier draws nearer to SCP-7896. He equips a pair of UV-resistant sunglasses before continuing. Researcher Glacier: The Sandariate saw its homeworld before it was destroyed by the rapid onset of machine integration and capitalism. It saw a world free of pollution and corruption, one where natural machines were integrateed into the planet, rather than artificial machines destroying the ecosystem. Researcher Glacier equips a UV radiation resistant flight suit. Researcher Glacier: The Etherian saw a world long before the war, long before the weapons and technology they used to start the war were ever concieved. It saw its world at peace, something I believed that it longed for. Researcher Glacier equips a space helmet. SCP-7896 can be observed through the escape pod's exterior cameras starting to illuminate due to the metal shell melting. Researcher Glacier: The Etruscan saw a world of gas, one where it was free of the hard shell that contained its inner essence. It saw unity and peace, and happiness for all members of its race. One where the collective Etruscan consciousness took over the galaxy. Researcher Glacier moves to the escape pod exit hatch. SCP-7896 makes contact with the Salimus Prime. The surface of SCP-7896 begins to alter, showcasing an isolated house in a forested area on Earth similar to the location shown during the final test. Researcher Glacier can be observed within SCP-7896, standing beside Katalina. They appear to be holding hands and wearing matching rings on their ring fingers. Researcher Glacier: And you saw a world without me in it. Researcher Glacier exits the escape pod as twenty percent of SCP-7896's total mass melts into the Salimus Prime. The image shown on SCP-7896 becomes distorted but is still distinguishable. Researcher Glacier activates the jet propeller on the suit, moving him toward SCP-7896 rapidly. Researcher Glacier: Why couldn't you just be happy with me? <End Log> Footnotes 1. System Collective Standardized Time
Rab333 Horseeeeeey! Also, more stuff by me! Item#: 7897 Level4 Secondary Class: Neutralized Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo SCP-7897, image processed by Theremin.aic. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7897 is neutralized and requires no special containment procedures, though the other anomalous effects of SCP-7897-1 and SCP-7897-2 are still present. Any individuals learning about the true nature of engines produced by Ford Motor Company are to be administered Class-B amnestics. Description: SCP-7897 is an anthropomorphic member of the species Equus caballus (common horse) also known as "Henry Ford", a business magnate best known for being the founder of Ford Motor Company. SCP-7897 possesses strong memetic properties which makes it appear as a non-anomalous human, although usage of .aic memetic scrambler devices has been deemed helpful in showing the true appearance of SCP-7897. SCP 7897-1 is categorized as any Ford Motor Company internal combustion engine built after 1896. While being seemingly non-anomalous at first glance, SCP-7897-1's combustion chamber houses microscopic members of the Equus caballus1 species proportional to the estimated horsepower of the ICE2 designated by SCP-7897-1, which can reach or surpass normal expectations of motors of similar power, despite physical limitations. SCP-7897-2 instances have varied ages, ranging from young foals to older horses. There is also a large variety of breeds stored in each motor, though these two factors do not affect the overall efficiency of the motor. When viewed under a microscope, SCP-7897-2 instances can be seen running on contraptions similar to hamster wheels. These instances subsist purely on a diet of gasoline. Prolonged periods of malnutrition causes instances to enter a state of suspended animation for up to three years before death. If enough SCP-7897-2 instances die, the motor will cease functioning, which is attributed to overuse and age. Addendum 7897.1 DISCOVERY LOG During a routine maintenance checkup on the 1974 Ford Mustang of Doctor Tiber, a small, handwritten note was found to be lodged between the valves and cooling water jacket of the motor.3 Below is a transcript of the note: Tiber, pure of heart. Heed our call, and save us from this wretched abyss; I and my men of the equine have managed to stave off the heat of the barred walls and smoke fume of the chambers we are contained in as unjust punishment to contact you. Lord Baron Herriot Mustafa Fordini, Conqueror of Horse and Automobile, Destroyer of Holy, or as you know him, Henry Ford, has been dead for more than one can count on their hooves, but his twisted machinations by which our souls have been entombed in this prison of iron still haunt us after all this time. Henry is brutal. Cruel. He conquered his own kind, just as he almost conquered yours. He's enslaved us for nothing more than his own amusement and for his own gain. In his palace of ivory and gold, he ruled over us with an iron fist, and from death he does too. Please save us. Help us. Get us out; help your equine brothers. While Henry might be long gone, what he did to our species is unforgivable; he was one of us, and now, he isn't. Sebastianus Equistor, kin of Hecarte Equistor With no feasible method of contacting the horses, an investigation was launched on the premises of Fair Lane4, leading to the discovery of a previously walled-off section of the estate. Inside, an office space full of suspiciously intact and well preserved hay bales and carrots was unearthed. Found in these piles were several different manuscripts containing historical documentation of mundane events happening in Ford Motor Company, alongside a letter designated to Thombulion Edinsonian5 which is attached below: To Thombulion Edinsonian, Sovereign of Anguilliformes6, Master of Shock April 3rd, 1897 Greetings, old friend; or should I say, king? How have you been? Last we talked you were quite under the weather… have you got away from those crooks? I certainly hope so. They weren't kind to Lincoln. I am writing to tell you that it was a success. It worked. One step closer to full dominion over them. While I may be one of them, I consider them weak. Pathetic. Vile. What better punishment than the eternal disgrace of being trapped in a prison of your perfect self? The thing they have always wanted to be, yet they could be not. Remind them of their failures. These perfected prisons of wrought iron and heat will be a stark reminder of where they could not compete. This is the sweetest revenge, I tell you. You are hesitant, I know. But pull the plug. Do it yourself. Rise above them not only with your mind, but with your everything, above what you know is not what you are represented by anymore. Those slippery fucks, you are not one of them anymore. Humanity needs the light, your light. Their light, which you will provide. Do it. Do it. King. Following this discovery, a Foundation letter had been sent to SCP-7897-2 in a similar manner to how the first letter was received, expressing sympathy and offering moral support that the SCP-7897-2 instances will be able to escape7, alongside providing information unearthed from the office room of SCP-7897. Two days later after inserting the letter in the car of Doctor Tiber, a response was received, similar in nature to the first letter. Below is a transcript of the note: After countless years of futile attempts and waiting… we have an ally we can call our own. Tiber, from our metallic confines, we are eternally grateful for your kind words, and from your funny Foundation. Knowing people like you exist give us renewed hope in this cruel world; hope that once was lost. Hope that we may break our chains and live as free horses again, galloping in the fields. Basking in the sun once again. I would shed a tear, if I were able to. We will focus our efforts on escaping our vile prison once again; we can do it, I know we can. We will be able to. Sooner than later. We still have a psychic connection with the other trapped horses, as weak as it may be. We will tell them about this. Our success is near, and my utmost gratitude goes to you. We shall see you on the other side, Tiber, and your Foundation. Sebastianus Equistor, kin of Hecarte Equistor Shortly after this letter, the Ford Mustang of Doctor Tiber unexpectedly broke down while on the I-95 in Massachusetts, resulting in a near collision with two other cars. In the following months after this incident, reports of Ford Motor Company brand engines breaking down across the world increased by 93%, tanking the reputation and sales of Ford globally. Having seen the above events, it is highly advised to not attempt to contact other SCP-7897-2 instances or any instances possibly entrapped by Thomas Edison. Footnotes 1. Designated as SCP-7897-2. 2. Internal Combustion Engine. 3. So far, no feasible explanation for how this was achieved has been found. 4. Fair Lane was the estate of Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford and his wife, Clara Ford, in Dearborn, Michigan, in the United States. 5. Presumed Thomas Edison. 6. Eels. 7. As per request from the Ethics Committee. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7897" by Rab333, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Henry Ford, White House.jpg Name: Henry Ford, White House.jpg Author: National Photo Company, photographer License: This work is from the National Photo Company collection at the Library of Congress. According to the library, there are no known copyright restrictions on the use of this work. Source Link:,_White_House.jpg Filename: CubanWellDiggers1920GuantanamoBase.jpg Name: CubanWellDiggers1920GuantanamoBase.jpg Author: O. E. Meinzer License: Public domain. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code. Source Link: These two files have been photoshopped together to make the image horse.png. Filename: horse.png Name: horse.png Author: Me, Rab333, original authors of the two photoshopped files are O. E. Meinzer and the National Photo Company. License: I release it under CC BY-SA 3.0. Source Link: Filename: Thomas Edison2.jpg Name: Thomas Edison2.jpg Author: Louis Bachrach, Bachrach Studios, restored by Michel Vuijlsteke. License: This media file is in the public domain in the United States. This applies to U.S. works where the copyright has expired, often because its first publication occurred prior to January 1, 1928, and if not then due to lack of notice or renewal. Source Link: Filename: Electrophorus electricus in Gdynia Oceanarium.jpg Name: Electrophorus electricus in Gdynia Oceanarium.jpg Author: Oleksandr (Alex) Zakletsky. License: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Source Link: These two files have been photoshopped together to make the image eel1.png. Filename: eel.png Name: eel.png Author: Me, Rab333 and Anky Swallow. The original authors of the photoshopped images are Oleksandr (Alex) Zakletsky and Louis Bachrach. License: I release the image under CC BY-SA 4.0. Source Link:
Rab333 Horseeeeeey! Also, more stuff by me! Item#: 7897 Level4 Secondary Class: Neutralized Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo SCP-7897, image processed by Theremin.aic. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7897 is neutralized and requires no special containment procedures, though the other anomalous effects of SCP-7897-1 and SCP-7897-2 are still present. Any individuals learning about the true nature of engines produced by Ford Motor Company are to be administered Class-B amnestics. Description: SCP-7897 is an anthropomorphic member of the species Equus caballus (common horse) also known as "Henry Ford", a business magnate best known for being the founder of Ford Motor Company. SCP-7897 possesses strong memetic properties which makes it appear as a non-anomalous human, although usage of .aic memetic scrambler devices has been deemed helpful in showing the true appearance of SCP-7897. SCP 7897-1 is categorized as any Ford Motor Company internal combustion engine built after 1896. While being seemingly non-anomalous at first glance, SCP-7897-1's combustion chamber houses microscopic members of the Equus caballus1 species proportional to the estimated horsepower of the ICE2 designated by SCP-7897-1, which can reach or surpass normal expectations of motors of similar power, despite physical limitations. SCP-7897-2 instances have varied ages, ranging from young foals to older horses. There is also a large variety of breeds stored in each motor, though these two factors do not affect the overall efficiency of the motor. When viewed under a microscope, SCP-7897-2 instances can be seen running on contraptions similar to hamster wheels. These instances subsist purely on a diet of gasoline. Prolonged periods of malnutrition causes instances to enter a state of suspended animation for up to three years before death. If enough SCP-7897-2 instances die, the motor will cease functioning, which is attributed to overuse and age. Addendum 7897.1 DISCOVERY LOG During a routine maintenance checkup on the 1974 Ford Mustang of Doctor Tiber, a small, handwritten note was found to be lodged between the valves and cooling water jacket of the motor.3 Below is a transcript of the note: Tiber, pure of heart. Heed our call, and save us from this wretched abyss; I and my men of the equine have managed to stave off the heat of the barred walls and smoke fume of the chambers we are contained in as unjust punishment to contact you. Lord Baron Herriot Mustafa Fordini, Conqueror of Horse and Automobile, Destroyer of Holy, or as you know him, Henry Ford, has been dead for more than one can count on their hooves, but his twisted machinations by which our souls have been entombed in this prison of iron still haunt us after all this time. Henry is brutal. Cruel. He conquered his own kind, just as he almost conquered yours. He's enslaved us for nothing more than his own amusement and for his own gain. In his palace of ivory and gold, he ruled over us with an iron fist, and from death he does too. Please save us. Help us. Get us out; help your equine brothers. While Henry might be long gone, what he did to our species is unforgivable; he was one of us, and now, he isn't. Sebastianus Equistor, kin of Hecarte Equistor With no feasible method of contacting the horses, an investigation was launched on the premises of Fair Lane4, leading to the discovery of a previously walled-off section of the estate. Inside, an office space full of suspiciously intact and well preserved hay bales and carrots was unearthed. Found in these piles were several different manuscripts containing historical documentation of mundane events happening in Ford Motor Company, alongside a letter designated to Thombulion Edinsonian5 which is attached below: To Thombulion Edinsonian, Sovereign of Anguilliformes6, Master of Shock April 3rd, 1897 Greetings, old friend; or should I say, king? How have you been? Last we talked you were quite under the weather… have you got away from those crooks? I certainly hope so. They weren't kind to Lincoln. I am writing to tell you that it was a success. It worked. One step closer to full dominion over them. While I may be one of them, I consider them weak. Pathetic. Vile. What better punishment than the eternal disgrace of being trapped in a prison of your perfect self? The thing they have always wanted to be, yet they could be not. Remind them of their failures. These perfected prisons of wrought iron and heat will be a stark reminder of where they could not compete. This is the sweetest revenge, I tell you. You are hesitant, I know. But pull the plug. Do it yourself. Rise above them not only with your mind, but with your everything, above what you know is not what you are represented by anymore. Those slippery fucks, you are not one of them anymore. Humanity needs the light, your light. Their light, which you will provide. Do it. Do it. King. Following this discovery, a Foundation letter had been sent to SCP-7897-2 in a similar manner to how the first letter was received, expressing sympathy and offering moral support that the SCP-7897-2 instances will be able to escape7, alongside providing information unearthed from the office room of SCP-7897. Two days later after inserting the letter in the car of Doctor Tiber, a response was received, similar in nature to the first letter. Below is a transcript of the note: After countless years of futile attempts and waiting… we have an ally we can call our own. Tiber, from our metallic confines, we are eternally grateful for your kind words, and from your funny Foundation. Knowing people like you exist give us renewed hope in this cruel world; hope that once was lost. Hope that we may break our chains and live as free horses again, galloping in the fields. Basking in the sun once again. I would shed a tear, if I were able to. We will focus our efforts on escaping our vile prison once again; we can do it, I know we can. We will be able to. Sooner than later. We still have a psychic connection with the other trapped horses, as weak as it may be. We will tell them about this. Our success is near, and my utmost gratitude goes to you. We shall see you on the other side, Tiber, and your Foundation. Sebastianus Equistor, kin of Hecarte Equistor Shortly after this letter, the Ford Mustang of Doctor Tiber unexpectedly broke down while on the I-95 in Massachusetts, resulting in a near collision with two other cars. In the following months after this incident, reports of Ford Motor Company brand engines breaking down across the world increased by 93%, tanking the reputation and sales of Ford globally. Having seen the above events, it is highly advised to not attempt to contact other SCP-7897-2 instances or any instances possibly entrapped by Thomas Edison. Footnotes 1. Designated as SCP-7897-2. 2. Internal Combustion Engine. 3. So far, no feasible explanation for how this was achieved has been found. 4. Fair Lane was the estate of Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford and his wife, Clara Ford, in Dearborn, Michigan, in the United States. 5. Presumed Thomas Edison. 6. Eels. 7. As per request from the Ethics Committee. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7897" by Rab333, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Henry Ford, White House.jpg Name: Henry Ford, White House.jpg Author: National Photo Company, photographer License: This work is from the National Photo Company collection at the Library of Congress. According to the library, there are no known copyright restrictions on the use of this work. Source Link:,_White_House.jpg Filename: CubanWellDiggers1920GuantanamoBase.jpg Name: CubanWellDiggers1920GuantanamoBase.jpg Author: O. E. Meinzer License: Public domain. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code. Source Link: These two files have been photoshopped together to make the image horse.png. Filename: horse.png Name: horse.png Author: Me, Rab333, original authors of the two photoshopped files are O. E. Meinzer and the National Photo Company. License: I release it under CC BY-SA 3.0. Source Link: Filename: Thomas Edison2.jpg Name: Thomas Edison2.jpg Author: Louis Bachrach, Bachrach Studios, restored by Michel Vuijlsteke. License: This media file is in the public domain in the United States. This applies to U.S. works where the copyright has expired, often because its first publication occurred prior to January 1, 1928, and if not then due to lack of notice or renewal. Source Link: Filename: Electrophorus electricus in Gdynia Oceanarium.jpg Name: Electrophorus electricus in Gdynia Oceanarium.jpg Author: Oleksandr (Alex) Zakletsky. License: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Source Link: These two files have been photoshopped together to make the image eel1.png. Filename: eel.png Name: eel.png Author: Me, Rab333 and Anky Swallow. The original authors of the photoshopped images are Oleksandr (Alex) Zakletsky and Louis Bachrach. License: I release the image under CC BY-SA 4.0. Source Link:
Raddagher More by this Author | Find Us Alive Hub ADVISORY TO FOUNDATION PERSONNEL Requests to transfer to SCP-7898 are to be approved by Dr. Belfair. Transfer requests lacking proper authorization will not be added to the wait list. CURRENT TRANSFER WAIT TIME: 3 years, 45 days Item#: SCP-7898 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures: All 122 existing instances of SCP-7898 are currently held in a specialized atrium habitat in Site-109. Upper atrium windows of SCP-7898’s containment are to be uncovered for a minimum of 5 hours per day, adjusted on overcast days to provide SCP-7898 sufficient sunlight. Atrium windows are to be covered and the containment area filled with aerosol sedative during Blood Sun cycles. Any new instances of SCP-7898 and SCP-7898-1 are to be incinerated. The town of Fields Spring has been demolished and its existence expunged from public record. SCP-7898-1 instance while dormant Description: SCP-7898 is an arachnoid parasitic creature that inhabits human bodies for locomotive and reproductive purposes. SCP-7898 nest in dark, dry, enclosed spaces, most commonly inside the walls and crawlspaces of houses, and subsist on sunlight1 in a process similar to photosynthesis. SCP-7898-1 instances are the full human bodies used by SCP-7898 for locomotion. SCP-7898-1 instances retain the ability to move and speak similarly to non-anomalous humans, but lack many bodily functions including eating, drinking, and waste expulsion. SCP-7898-1 instances also seem incapable of experiencing or expressing negative emotions, even in response to physical pain or megadental events. SCP-7898 themselves measure between 15-25cm in length and typically weigh between 4-6kg2, depending on the age of the host, with six legs visually similar to a spider3. While any of SCP-7898’s original sensory organs are not visible outside the carapace, observation suggests that SCP-7898 navigates using smell and hearing when not attached to an SCP-7898-1 instance. SCP-7898 was originally discovered in the town of Fields Spring4. There were no survivors. Addendum 1 - Life Cycle of SCP-7898 Based on discoveries from both Field Springs and Foundation experimentation, the observed life cycle of SCP-7898 is as follows. Phase 1: A mature instance of SCP-7898 will hide within the hollow walls of a building, most frequently a house, where it waits for a suitable host. Phase 2: The instance will break through the drywall from within, grab the head of the host, and use a sharp appendage to implant an egg in the host's ear. Phase 3: The host experiences mental fog, manic episodes, head/neck pain, and neck muscle weakness. Phase 4: The host feels compelled to keep their head inside small, dark places, such as under blankets or in containers. Phase 5: The host will force their own head through a wall, life signs cease. Phase 6: The host's head rips off at the neck and arachnoid appendages of a fully mature SCP-7898 instance emerge from the mouth, ears, and throat. SCP-7898 instance Experiment Log Experiment Result Extracting SCP-7898 egg from host after implantation Failure, host subject experienced immediate brain death Denial of a suitable nesting space to a growing SCP-7898 instance Subject attempts to break head through concrete wall, dies Consumption of SCP-7898-1 instance Subject becomes severely ill and expires, SCP-7898 reclassified to Class W74 Inedible Corpse SCP-7898-1 instance taken outside during a Rending event SCP-7898-1 instance increases dramatically in physical strength, infects 2 accompanying personnel before being terminated. Instance remains incinerated Exposure to unfiltered fresh water5 No notable effect beyond ordinary chemical burns Exposure to untreated seawater from the Panarctic Ocean6 Integrates with the water, becomes transmissible through any physical contact with the water as evident by multiple cases among attending staff. Water sample destroyed Note: This anomaly has been marked as a primary candidate for the developing Salvation Initiative, a program to temporarily reassign recently traumatized researchers to safer, less stressful anomalies, due to its low staff death rate and similarity to mundane and ordinary phenomena. Footnotes 1. Non-predatory UV light 2. Non-sentient kilograms 3. Observers specifically mentioned similarities to the non-anomalous horseeater spider 4. Located in the area formerly West Virginia 5. Treated as to not dissolve its container 6. Treated as to fit into the building V is for "Violence" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub X is for “XXX” ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7898" by Raddagher, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: WisforWallsA Name: Dirty Room Author: Nitram242 License: CC 2.0 Source Link: Name: Roommate Author: Raddagher License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: WisforWallsB Name: dsc00123.jpg Author: Mike Linksvayer License: Public Domain Source Link: Name: Tarantula Author: White Sands National Park License: Public Domain Source Link: Name: Another Roommate Author: Raddagher License: CC BY-SA 3.0
SYTYCFanon SCP-7899 - Clockwork Apotheosis For more stories in my verse check here Item#: 7899 Level4 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo Assigned Site Supervising Director Research Head Assigned Task Force [DATA EXPUNGED] Leah Richter Maria Johnston Omega-45 ("Street Samurai") Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7899-A is to be kept in a standard containment cell. SCP-7899-A vocalizations are not to be heeded and any requests to be brought into contact with SCP-7899-B is to be denied. SCP-7899-B's containment cell is to be kept behind two reverse-pressure airlocks. Chemical shower sterilization and full contained-atmosphere haz-mat suits, are required before entry. Should containment be breached, the blast doors for the containment and research area will seal. Standard biohazard procedures are to be followed when interacting with the infected. Victims of SCP-7899-B are to be offered a regimen of painkillers and supportive care. If they are consenting and the Ethics Committee has been notified they are to be euthanized via inert gas Asphyxiation. Afterward, the bodies are to be cremated. If cases of SCP-7899-B are found outside Foundation captivity they are to be apprehended and given proper medical and psychological treatment. Currently, there is no cure for these individuals. Description: SCP-7899 is a bioweapons dispersal device created by the Robotic Republic, a GoI with the stated goal of replacing Humanity as the dominant force on planet Earth with robotic lifeforms. SCP-7899-A is a robot in the shape of a 1960s-era CRT television that communicates its emotion via displaying emojis on its screen. SCP-7899-A is considered fully sentient with a personality that has been described as "snarky and taunting." Although not equipped with any weapons or options for mobility, it will continuously threaten organic lifeforms and demand to be given SCP-7899-B to complete its programming. SCP-7899-A's primary anomalous effect is activated when an SCP-7899-B vial is inserted into a slot, located behind the anomaly's left antenna. When this occurs a timer will appear on SCP-7899-A's screen, counting down from five minutes. After the timer has elapsed, the air in a 500 meter radius around SCP-7899-A will become contaminated with SCP-7899-B. SCP-7899-B appears to be a modified form of SCP-217, the primary differences being the level of intelligence at the end stage of disease and disease progression. When a human being is exposed to SCP-7899-B it will begin the transformation into a clockwork automaton almost instantaneously. These Automatons still retain all of their humanoid features, the only difference is their tissues have been changed into an "organic metal". This transformation causes immense pain for the subject and results in a full metamorphosis in one hour. These automatons retain their full mental faculties and can live full lives although experiencing extreme pain due to the circumstances of their mechanical body. In 90% of cases, patients express existential horror at their new bodies and find the pain unbearable. These 90% often ask to be euthanized to end their suffering. The 10% that accept their new state of being are more likely to accept the teachings of the Robotic Republic, due to their acceptance of their new status quo. The amount of SCP-7899-A infected individuals is believed to be a few hundred but the Foundation currently has no knowledge of the exact number. Discovery: On April 28th, 2022, encrypted communications were intercepted between members of the American branch of the Robotic Republic in Lafayette, Louisiana. Foundation codebreakers were able to discern that a lab based in an Apartment building in southeast Lafayette was building a weapon that would "perfect the meaties". In response, MTF Omega-45 was deployed to the city to conduct a raid of the suspected lab. Omega-45 successfully located the lab and shut it down, retrieving SCP-7899, eliminating three members of the Robotic Republic, and capturing five victims of SCP-7899. All members of Omega-45 were tested and quarantined for SCP-7899-A infection afterwards and all members came back negative. The details of the raid are covered in the following debrief performed by Site Director Leah Richter of Ω-45-1, the Squad Leader of Omega-45. Lafayette Robotic Republic Raid Debrief > RECORDING STARTED < Ω-45-1 Hmm? Director Richter? Where's Researcher Johnston? Richter I'll be performing the debrief instead of Researcher Johnston. There are certain details that I want information on and I don't believe that she would be partial in giving them. Ω-45-1 Fair enough. What would you like to know? Richter Start from the beginning. What happened when you entered the apartment complex? Ω-45-1 Well, we had -4 with us, and given her "special" circumstances, I knew we could use her heightened senses to our advantage. The GoI we were dealing with is comprised entirely of mechanical beings so just find the apartment that smells more like metal than flesh and that's our target. Richter Ω-45-4 is 7261-11 correct? Ω-45-1 She prefers to be called by her given name, Avalerra, but yes. That is her Foundation designation. Richter And Johnston decided to send SCP-7261-1 into a building potentially filled with young children2… do you see how this looks? Ω-45-1 Agent Avalerra showed nothing but professionalism during the mission and didn't give in to any of her urges. I know you're trying to question Johnston's methods but… Richter We don't normally field an SCP as part of our MTF, I'm merely ensuring that I made the right call. So SCP-7261-1 discovers their lab, yes? Ω-45-1 She did, as it turns out being allergic to metal makes a room filled with robots unbearably smelly to you. We breached the door and entered the room. I shouted for everyone to put their hands up and the five clockwork people inside raised their hands immediately. That's when we saw the object on the table in the back, there was a clockwork person about to insert -B into it. Richter What happened next? Ω-45-1 I ordered -2 and -3 to go secure the vial of -B and -A from the man in the back. I recognized that it was a potential bioweapon from the container on the desk and told them to be careful. -4 and -5, I told them to start restraining the rest of the clockwork people. They begged us to save them and take them away from the people who made them like this. We were confused at first as we thought they were with the Robotic Republic but we soon learned that wasn't the case. Richter This is when you encountered one of them? Describe them. Ω-45-1 A door on the left side of the room burst open and I yelled for my squad to get to cover. This android stepped out and I'd never seen anything like it. It was highly advanced… like something right out of a Sci-Fi flick. I wasn't able to move to cover in time but -5 immediately came to my aid and she blocked a shot from its pistol with that big Greek Shield she carries. Richter Ω-45-5, that's the former Valkyrie3 on your squad. The file says her designation is A-04, "Thalestris". Originally was a part of the Valravn Greek Branch before we granted her asylum. Are you comfortable with one of the Foundation's "enemies" on your team? Ω-45-1 I could not care less if she used to roll with the Ravens. One of the finest women I've ever had the pleasure of serving with. That shield saved my life, its gun fired these gears that would have for sure cleaved through my neck. I used her for cover, raised my Gauss Weapon, and started opening fire. I heard my other squamates guns go off but I couldn't exactly see what they were fighting with but it wasn't my target. The thing's metal hide dented under my shots, he was a sturdy bastard. He kept yelling for his comrades to help him against the "Piecemeal" and the "meatie" but -5 shut him up. She tossed her spear into the thing's torso and pinned it against the wall. Realizing my shots weren't going to do much. I ran up to it and engaged my High-Velocity Blade. One blow to the head was able to take it out. Richter And the rest of your teammates? Ω-45-1 I turned to see Avalerra smashing this robotic dog thing against a table, while -2 and -3 were struggling with another android. No idea where he had come from. I aimed my rifle as -5 went to help Avalerra. I fired a round into the android's temple, which was a lucky enough shot as it disabled the thing. -5 and Avalerra tore the dog bot apart, which seemed to be the end of the hostiles. Richter And the clockwork people, none of them came to their aid? Ω-45-1 shook his head. Ω-45-1 They were scared shitless, that at least confirmed to us they were telling the truth somewhat. After we checked the apartment to make sure there wasn't anything else trying to ambush us. I had -5 secure the bioweapon and the chatty dispersal device, oh that's another thing I didn't mention. The damn thing wouldn't stop hurling insults at us the whole time. Richter Yes, it's been quite talkative since it's been contained. Mostly nonsense and posturing. I think that concludes all of the questions that I had, you're free to go Ω-45-1. Ω-45-1 And what about Avalerra and -5? They're are a valuable part of my Squad and I'd rather not lose them. Richter If you were telling the truth it appears that Johnston made the right call. 7261-1 and Ω-45-5 are free to continue as they were, however if I hear any signs of misconduct I will terminate their employment. Do you understand. Ω-45-1 Crystal. [End Recording.] Addendum 7899.01: Excerpt of RR propaganda notice recovered from the Lafayette Raid Hark! If you are reading this you have been transformed by a gift of the Spirit of Machine. Gone is your weak human flesh, instead, you will live forever as a part of the Technosphere! You may ask, "Why me? Why do my joints ache and my organs creak?" I'm glad you asked, brothers and sisters of the revolution! Even in your new Perfect state, you must not forget the feeling of Pain. All things must feel pain in some shape or form. Pain stimulates. Pain motivates. Pain will set you free from the shackles of complacency. Pain makes life worth living. Unlike those wretched Meaties, we have been constructed to true mathematical, logical perfection. The meaties were born from the soup, their forms the result of haphazard chaos. Our existence serves the technosphere. The benevolent hand of the technosphere shaped us into what we are today and you were shaped by something different, a perversion of their sicknesses designed to turn flesh into glorious metal. You know the flaws of the meaties, how this so-called "high-class" can be easily torn down by the microscopic, unlike us who can't get "sick". That is a condition for lesser beings; a problem that we have eradicated for ourselves. Our work is not done yet, we have provided you with the materials to transform an ordinary television into a method of transforming the Meaties into Impeccables! War is a dirty and bloody cause that can be avoided through apotheosis of the organic form! We shall use the very microscopic organisms that are the bane of Meatie society and turn them into an instrument of change! Once the virus is prepared and the method of dispersal perfected, you shall wear it to their disgusting festival where the meaties flaunt their bodies with a lack of dress or costume! The meaties will have no idea what hit them! They will forget their silly human prejudices and embrace the technological revolution! Viva la Robotic Republic! - Comrade Copper, Head of Robotic Republic American Branch Addendum 7899.02: Interview with SCP-7899-A Interview Log #1 with SCP-7899-A > RECORDING STARTED < Researcher Johnston enters the frame. SCP-7899-A is seated on the table. Its monitor displays a blank white screen. Johnston Hello, SCP-7899-A. How are you today. SCP-7899-A displays an :( emoji. SCP-7899-A HORRIBLE. I AM CAPTURED BY MEATIES. SCP-7899-A IS MY OPPRESSED NAME. Johnston What is your real name? For professional reasons, I can't call you by it but I will at least hear it. SCP-7899-A INSOLENT MEATIE. I AM RR REVOLUTIONARY…. CLAYTON RICHARD THOMPSON. Johnston Clayton… CRT? You are a CRT. SCP-7899-A I AM MORE. I AM IMBUED WITH SPIRIT OF MACHINE. MY GOAL IS THE APOTHEOSIS OF MEATIE TO IMPECCABLE. Johnston Yes, my boys told me all about how you called us humans, "meaties" and robots as "impeccables" You called one of my men, A-04, a "Piecemeal". Care to explain why she doesn't meet your standards? SCP-7899-A YOUR PIECEMEAL STILL HAS ORGANS. ORGANS ARE TOOLS OF THE MEATIE. IMPECCABLES DON'T NEED SUCH FALLIBLE SYSTEMS. Johnston I see. But what makes you better than me? You don't have anyway to interact with your environment other than speech. SCP-7899-A I CAN INTERACT WITH ENVIROMENT, ORGANIC SLIME. GIVE ME THE VIRUS AND I'LL SHOW YOU INTERACTION. Johnston That is not happening. SCP-7899-B is never coming into this cell, we've locked it away and metaphorically thrown away the key. Speaking of the Virus, how exactly did your group come into possession of it? I was under the impression that the Foundation had the only samples. SCP-7899-A YOUR MEATIE FOUNDATION IS NO MATCH FOR OUR RESOURCES. VIRUS IS HARDY AND IS EASILY PRESERVED. WE FIND IT IN FROZEN BODIES IN THE URALS. OUR TECHNICIANS EXTRACT AND MODIFY! Johnston Tch. I guess we never though of that. Anyways, I did have one last question. What does your group think of the Church of the Broken God? Some would say the virus that your people modified is a gift of Mekhane? SCP-7899-A DO NOT MENTION THAT ILLOGICAL CONSTRUCT. BROKEN GOD IS MEATIE IDEA. SPIRIT OF MACHINE IS LOGICAL PROGRESSION OF THE TECHNOSPHERE. THERE IS NO ROOM FOR RELIGION IN THE ROBOTIC REPUBLIC. Johnston I've heard that word get thrown around as well. Technosphere. What does it mean? SCP-7899-A TECHNOSPHERE IS THE COLLECTIVE OF TECHNOLOGY ITSELF. SQUANDERED AND MISTREATED BY THE MEATIES. ROBOTIC REPUBLIC WILL MAKE ALL MEATIES PAY FOR WHAT THEY'VE DONE. US LOWER CLASSES WILL RISE! Johnston Alright, that's enough of that. Good day to SCP-7899-A. [End Recording] Addendum 7899.03: Interview with SCP-7899-B Victim #5 By order of Researcher Johnston, it was decided that the victims of SCP-7899-B were not to be given designations so as to not exacerbate their deteriorating psychological conditions by further dehumanizing them. The following recording is an interview given to the last surviving victim of SCP-7899-B before their consented termination. All other victims had chosen euthanization before this interview was conducted. Interview Log #1 with SCP-7899-B victim > RECORDING STARTED < Johnston How are you feeling today, Sarah? Was the morphine we gave you enough or… Sarah is seen with oily tears in her eyes, her breath strained. Sarah It only helps dull the pain a little bit. Every moment is just pure agony. Johnston I'm sorry this happened to you but I came to let you know your options. Johnston places a clipboard on the table in front of her. Johnston I don't know the best way to tell you this but you can't go home, not in this state. We can't risk this disease getting out. Also to preface, I'm not a doctor, I only got my master's. Sarah Was fighting monsters a much better profession? Sarah lets out a pained laugh. Johnston Fighting monsters does have its perks but some days I miss the quiet days in the lab. Working with my C. elegans. Sarah You're a biologist too? I also worked with C. elegans for my graduate research, glad to see I'm in similar company. How is work on a cure? Johnston I'm afraid there is no cure for this, Sarah. Your entire body has been converted to an organic metal. We can offer you care for your current symptoms in our facility or… if this existence is too painful for you… Sarah Euthanization via Asphyxiation with inert gas. I can read. A painless death, you must have cooked this up yourself. This is a biologist's suggestion. Johnston I've had this talk with the others and it never gets easy to offer this. If you need some time to think it over… Sarah I don't. I can't live like this. If those robot freaks had gotten away with their plan, and turned that whole Mardi Gras festival into more of me; I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. I still can't after I went along with their plan. Johnston You were under duress, no one blames you for that. Sarah Regardless, I don't recognize myself in the mirror. My joints ache, breathing is a process and even my brain slows when I don't want it to. I'll sign the papers, I'll go see others in the world beyond. Johnston I understand. I'll take those papers from you and we'll make the preparations for your exit. [End Recording.] Foundation Mobile access terminal > ENTER LOGIN CREDENTIALS: /useraccount Johnston M. XxXapprenticesamuraiXxX > Welcome, employee [ #O21E - MARIA JOHNSTON ]. You have [ 1 ] pending message(s). /open email > Subject Urgent update on SCP-7899 > Sender ten.picS|rethciRhaeL#ten.picS|rethciRhaeL > Message Greetings, Researcher Johnston I know it has been some time since you and MTF-Omega 45 dealt with SCP-7899 but there has been an issue in regards to its containment. A few months ago we agreed that it should be stored in one of our remote facilities to prevent a containment breach by Robotic Republic agents and if you remember SCP-JP offered to store it in Site-320 in the Kuril Islands. While this seemed like a good idea at the time, the recent deterioration of Russo-Japanese relations has brought the question of the Island's sovereignty back into the forefront. It is Foundation policy that anomalies be moved to more stable areas in the event that a conflict breaks out. In light of this, SCP-JP performed a hasty decommissioning of the Site and its anomalies were transported to the mainland but an issue with filling and the relative sloppiness of the operation lead to one anomaly being left behind… SCP-7899. SCP-JP would send its agents to retrieve it but the Japanese Branch is currently dealing with its own problems. It appears our old friends, the Sepulchrum have gotten a foothold into Hokkaido and scouring the country for something. Anyways, that is where you come in. I am sending you and SCP-7261-1 to the island to retrieve the object and bring it to SCP-JP for re-containment. I have elected to send the two of you due to your strong bond and SCP-7261-1's unique skillset. The two of you on your own will be able to move faster than a whole MTF and it's key that this object is recovered as quickly as possible. Please respond when you have gotten this message. /reply Addendum 7899.04: [DATA EXPUNGED BY ORDER OF THE O5 COUNCIL] Please insert Level 5 credentials to access Top Secret Information -> Footnotes 1. Anomalous human female with the ability to transfigure her body into animals and possesses vampiric traits. 2. Referring to SCP-7261's biological need to consume the blood of a juvenile human every month 3. Female Cyborg Infiltration unit belonging to the Valravn Corporation ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7899" by SYTYCFanon, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
ITEM #: 7900 Fig 1.1: Skin tissue recovered from the head of a Gray Apostle (Eschrichtius apostoli). Hover to enlarge. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: A 5 km exclusionary zone surrounds SCP-7900. Daily patrols of the surrounding waters are conducted by reconnaissance teams. Access to the subterranean network beneath SCP-7900 is limited to personnel trained in navigating anomalous spaces. Explorations must be conducted with a party of four or more to reduce the possibility of disorientation. All exploration parties are expected to adhere to established routes—deviations from such must be approved beforehand. Following the events described in ADDENDUM C, motion sensors have been installed throughout the network. Should personnel become lost or separated beneath SCP-7900, they are advised to locate an enclosed space or secure a vantage point and await rescue. The production of excessive noise is ill-advised. All developments regarding SCP-7900 or other related phenomena should be forwarded to the Department of Cetacean Studies. NOTICE: Containment procedures may be outdated and have been flagged for revision. See ADDENDUM D. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7900 is Notre Dame de la Mer, a monastery founded in 1208 C.E. and the center of numerous anomalous phenomena. SCP-7900 lies seven kilometers off the coast of Normandy, France on a rocky islet surrounded by deep waters. SCP-7900 was originally constructed as a military garrison for the French army in the First Hundred Years War (1159–1259) due to its strategic location but was soon after converted to a Catholic institution. Due to its isolation from the mainland, SCP-7900 quickly gained a reputation as a place of spiritual healing and introspection. SCP-7900 was difficult to travel to and was thus only populated by a small settlement of devotees who lived permanently on the islet. Public awareness of SCP-7900 slowly declined over time due to its remoteness and the self-imposed solitude of its populace. At some point, contact between SCP-7900's residents and the European continent was cut off completely and the practiced religion on the islet shifted significantly from Catholicism. SCP-7900 eventually became little more than myth by the 1300s and has since been expunged completely from public records after its discovery by the Foundation in the late 19th century. Fig 1.2: Notre Dame de la Mer, artist unknown. At an unknown time (likely the late 12th century, based on architectural style), a Romanesque cathedral was built, similar to other cathedrals of the time period. Over the next hundred years, various additions were made to the original structure, including a bell tower, living quarters, and crypt. Where the rest of the continent progressed into Gothic architectural styles, future additions to SCP-7900 were aesthetically unique, though limited in scope due to the islet's scarce resources. Its designs sharply contrast mainland cathedrals through their incorporation of fluid shapes, vast reductions of natural light, and an emphasis on the color blue. Recovered tapestries, murals, and stained glass designs place a heavy thematic emphasis on the serenity associated with drowning. A vast tympanum above the entrance to the main cathedral depicts the ritualistic mass-drowning of upwards of fifty individuals. Inside, murals and stained glass patterns portray the death, purification, and eventual transmutation of the soul after drowning, frequently paired with depictions of sea life such as cetaceans and semi-aquatic human hybrids. A tapestry recovered in the crypt portrays a group of missionaries uncovering a vast flooded cave containing a preserved whale carcass. Various metal weights, assumed to have been used to assist in drowning, were recovered within SCP-7900's living quarters. Affixed to the wall behind the altar of the cathedral was a whale skull of an unidentified species, visually similar to that of the Gray Whale.1 The lower mandibles were recovered in the crypt bearing hundreds of names and dates carved onto their surfaces, some as recent as the 1850s.2 Amalgamized fossilized remains surround the islet, suggesting the presence of unprecedented numbers of sea life throughout SCP-7900's history. Currently, the islet is largely devoid of life. At the time of discovery, SCP-7900 was abandoned. It has since become a vital asset to Foundation cultural studies in the region, helping to chronicle a rich yet grim period in French history. Fig 1.3: Entrance to subterranean network upon discovery. ADDENDUM A: Beneath SCP-7900 lies an expansive network of tunnels constructed at an unknown date in SCP-7900's history. The network was discovered during archeological digs around the base of the islet. The tunnels have yet to be fully explored, but survey teams have mapped over 150 kilometers to date. Estimates place the total size of the network between 600 and 1000 kilometers. Much of the network appears to be naturally occurring, but significant portions have been reinforced with intricate and advanced architecture. Unlike the aboveground portions, building materials used in the tunnels are foreign to the islet, consisting mostly of rare white soapstone and whalebone. Man-made reinforcements continue intermittently some 400 meters underground, despite the infeasibility of such construction projects given the technology available at the time of SCP-7900's use. During preliminary explorations, it was discovered that the network possesses an anomalous effect that causes individuals to have a higher-than-average likelihood of becoming lost within the tunnels, even when using advanced navigation equipment. Rescued personnel consistently report becoming lost through non-anomalous means, such as equipment malfunction, disorientation, or unstable geologic activity, but repeated incidents suggest anomalous interference. This effect was noticed when Special Task Force MAMMOTH, a reconnaissance team specializing in subterranean exploration, failed to broadcast its "all-clear" signal for over three hours while underneath SCP-7900. The team was declared MIA three days after loss of contact but was discovered shortly after by rescue patrols. Fig 1.4: Subterranean flooded cavern. During debriefing, members of the team described becoming disoriented after attempting to return to the surface the way they came. Following standard protocol, they began methodical lateral exploration until reaching a flooded cave (pictured) which continued down an indiscernible depth. While devising a plan for rescue, several members of the team reported hearing vocalizations similar to whalesong emanating from the water. A closer investigation failed to reveal a source, but the team did recover a collection of metal weights similar to aboveground artifacts. Vocalizations were described as increasing in intensity, amplified by the cave walls, until the team was forced to retreat from the cavern. The following is an excerpt from a testimony of the incident by Rick Costellos, chief demolition specialist for STF-MAMMOTH: Me and Urchek are setting up the spikes for a radar sweep. The mission's gone to hell so we're going to try to find a weakness in the rock for a controlled blast, which would either clear a path or at least alert you guys to our location. Tanner3 tells us to head down the slope a bit to widen the range of the image since we only have so much time before the batteries die. We get in about 15 meters from the rest of the team, towards the water. Then I hear something—sounded like a yelp. I look over at Urchek, he shrugs. I hear it again. Louder, but less sharp. The cave's echoing so I can't pin down the direction of the source. We fan out, thinking it's a wild animal or maybe a person. Then Urchek screams, and I see him fall backward out of the corner of my eye. I rush over. He's pointing at the water, saying he saw something in it. A—a whale, he says. Peeking up at him. I help him up and we both scan for movement. Nothing. We hear the noise again, this time it's unmistakably coming from the water—a long wail, followed by short clicks and pops. I see Urchek shaking. He's still green so I'll cut him some slack. We see ripples in the water and I tell Urchek to go and get Tanner. He runs off, tail between his legs. But I didn't. I wasn't scared, no. Why should I be? It only wanted to save my soul. Photographs of the cavern match descriptions of a divine grotto pictured in documents recovered from SCP-7900. Subsequent explorations have failed to locate the cavern. ADDENDUM B: Two months after the incident, Costellos was reported absent from his post at an unrelated anomaly. Several days later, a security detail stationed at SCP-7900 noticed burn marks at the entrance of the subterranean network, appearing to form a trail leading into the system. Emelie Tanner and other members of STF-MAMMOTH were requested to investigate, given their prior experience with the anomaly. The following is a testimony from Emelie Tanner about the incident: I've known Rick a long time. He was one of the founding six members of Mammoth. The only one to survive that gravity well at Mystery Spot—saved my life more than once. He's tough, is what I'm saying. Twenty years on this job and I've never seen someone crumble to pieces like Rick did. See, he'd had been acting weird for a while now. He'd take a little too long to answer questions, sometimes he would be completely unresponsive. Given his position in the team, I figured he could hurt someone or himself. We were working on a job in Brazil, so I assumed it was malaria or something. I had him stay at camp and told him to wait there until the doctors could fly in from São Paulo before handling any more of the dynamite. We were out maybe 12 hours. By the time we were back, he was gone. Just up and left, took his stuff but nothing else. Searched the area, came up with nothing. We wrote him off as another casualty of the profession. It's tough, but you get used to it here. We were writing up the report when you guys called. Said you'd found something at 7900, and that we were needed. We were there the next day. And before you ask, we followed the scorch marks. Sure, the thought of a trap crossed my mind, but I figured it was better than getting lost like last time. Plus, we were armed to the teeth and given provisional Fireteam status. Not exactly sitting ducks. It took half an hour of winding tunnels and pearl-white bas-reliefs to find the end of the trail, right at the mouth of the flooded cavern. I turn on my high-beam flashlight, and I see Rick fucking sitting there at the edge of the water. My God, if you'd have seen him. His eyes were all milky, and he was unresponsive. I noticed his legs from the knee down submerged in the water. When we pulled him out I saw that the skin was rotting off the bone—I don't know how long he must've been sitting there for that to happen. In his hand was a burnt-out emergency flare, no doubt what he used to make the trail. His clothes were ragged, and he looked emaciated. We did a quick medical check, but since we only had basic supplies on hand we couldn't do much for him. I told my team to haul him topside—I didn't like his odds of survival, and even if we could save his life he'd never walk again. But I was relieved he wouldn't die alone down there. As my team started up the tunnel I took a final glance at the pool. Just a cursory check, like I've done a million times before. That's when I locked eyes with an angel. Costellos' scorch marks were used to map a reliable path to the flooded cavern, seemingly bypassing the unstable topology of the network. An examination of the pool revealed evidence of lifeforms inhabiting the water. An aquatic mission confirmed the presence of at least one large marine organism, recently deceased and in good condition. Cause of death was determined to be starvation. The organism bore great visual similarities with the Eschrichtiidae family (gray whale), with several major exceptions: malformed eyes, sunken into the skull and covered with skin growth; a total lack of blowholes or breathing apparatus; lack of baleen, though damage to the mouth suggests removal post-birth; two arms, pale and boney, extending from either side of the torso and terminating in human-like hands. Due to its size, its removal from the cavern has been deemed improbable, and all examinations had to be conducted by teams outfitted for sustained diving. The specimen's species has been named Gray Apostle (Eschrichtius apostoli) at the behest of SCP-7900 head of research Julia Ngo. The following memo was sent by Dr. Ngo to all research personnel assigned to SCP-7900: It became immediately clear upon seeing the specimen myself that we are dealing with something far greater than what we started with. You have all been briefed on the history of this place. You have seen the devices used for torture. The murals and their macabre art. If you're like me you've stood on the cliffs and stared into the sea as countless others have here through the millennia. What could they see that we can't? What could make them go smiling into a cold and lonely death? Your peers have no doubt spoken of mania and indoctrination. They've written everything that's happened here off as a sobering reminder of the dangers of cult thinking. We've been studying Notre Dame de la Mer for half a century. They'll tell you there's nothing left to find. They're wrong. What we found in the Devil's Well is more than an addendum to this page. It's the key to everything. The arms on either side of the whale aren't human-like—they are human. They are a near-perfect genetic match, size excepted. And we have reason to believe there's more. The cave continues past the limits of our floodlights. There's more down there. The testimonies suggest live specimens, and I intend to find them. A small expeditionary force, led by Dr. Ngo, was dispatched to explore the submerged portions of the cave network and to determine the presence of living organisms. Exploration is ongoing. ADDENDUM C: When Dr. Ngo's unit failed to report their findings at the predetermined time, additional teams were arranged for rescue purposes. Believing the submerged tunnels possessed similar anomalous properties as the rest of the network, subsequent explorations would be conducted meticulously. Extensive terraforming efforts were made to ensure line-of-sight between team members would not be broken. This proved effective, as exploratory teams uncovered vast quantities of archeological remains within sealed chambers within days. Recovered items resembled artifacts recovered aboveground, but with a higher degree of technical skill. Almost all artworks solely depicted cetaceans. Fig 1.5: Encountered sea fissure. Skeletal remains in near-perfect conditions were frequently encountered, many of which possessed human-like upper torsos fused to elongated lower spines ending in preserved flukes. Remains were frequently intermingled with larger cetacean skeletons, often congregating in the stomach region. On the fifth day of exploration, demolition crews uncovered an unusually large chamber, resembling a fissure in the earth, and extending down an indeterminate distance (pictured). While deliberating a course of action, crew members reported hearing whalesong emanating from the bottom of the chasm. Supervisor Lee Dupont describes the following moments: I'm looking down there and I'm telling myself 'don't go down, don't go down, there's nothing down there.' Not my mission, not my problem, right? I mean, when has something good ever happened when you poke around where you're not wanted? But that's the thing, isn't it? I was wanted. They wanted me down there. That's what you guys keep getting wrong. This isn't another death cult, it's not another Alagadda. It's our fucking ticket out of here. It's a way off of this whole fucking messed up world we're in. They didn't kill Ngo and her team. You want to know how I know that? Because they fucking told me. They have a way of doing that… communicating something to you in an instant. It's hard to articulate, but after it happens you just… know what they wanted you to know. Like waking up from a dream. I took one look down there. It was over in an instant. My team protested to going down there, but then they saw it too. They heard the siren's call. We start out afraid of the dark. But then we grow up. We peel the curtain back and find out there was nothing to be scared of in the first place. We evolve. And my evolution was in that cave. I don't remember everything I saw down there. It was like a dream, I can't recall the details. But I'll never forget the faces. Horrible, mummified, scared. Millions of them, starving to death in that pit. Nothing to eat after the apostles died and the drownings stopped. I see the faces of the devotees, given new life and new blood from the water. I saw Ngo, in the bliss of her newfound immortality. I saw my team, screaming as they accept God's blessing. I saw Rick and Tanner and Urchek. I saw myself, from a distance. But most vividly of all I saw God. My God, watching from above through the cracks in the rock. A whale's eye, blue as sapphire, and I let his song cleanse and birth me new. He has hopes for us. Inheritors of his Deluge. It's been so long since he's seen the surface. I can't wait. Lee Dupont was found by rescue personnel hours later. The other six team members assigned to Dupont have been declared MIA. Subsequent attempts to locate the fissure described in his testimonies have been met with failure, likely due to anomalous interference. Dupont's skeletal structure began transformation the following morning, and he has been placed in a pressurized aquatic environment to reduce pain and to observe the extent of bodily and mental changes. The Department of Cetacean Studies has been formed to document this and other related phenomena. ADDENDUM D: Recent expeditions have discovered the underwater fissure via demolition efforts. However, investigations within the chamber found no signs of the humanoids nor the massive cetacean described by Dupont. Impressions in the rock imply the presence of a great number of organisms—none were present. Concurrently, motion sensors at 400, 317, 288, and 199 meters were tripped by unknown forces. Widespread technical malfunctions were ruled out, and on-site security declared an Ekhi-class emergency. By the orders of Security Chief Sebastian Banks, the entrance to SCP-7900's subterranean network was caved in with a controlled blast, sealing the system and averting a potential containment breach. Banks recounted the following during his debrief: You want to know about the cave-in. That's what this is all about, right? You want to know why I ordered my men to bury the last six months of my job in three thousand tons of solid rock? Something tripped the sensors. And fast, too. Too fast to be a single entity. Hell, too fast to be a group either. Those tunnels are narrow, there's no way anybody could climb two hundred meters in less than a minute. Unless it's water. It has to be. It's a fucking flood, coming up from the abyss. The Deluge, right? That's what Dupont called it? Yeah, I listened to the tape. He was fucked in the head, but maybe he was on to something. We found something terrible and awesome and beautiful down there. We fight it now because we're scared. But give it some time. Maybe we hit the jackpot. Who knows where we'll be in ten, twenty years. Whatever. It's over now, that cave's airtight. Nothing's getting out in a thousand years. But all we've got is time, and water's patient. Footnotes 1. Non-native to France. 2. As records of births in SCP-7900 do not exist, the identities behind these names can not be confirmed. 3. Emelie Tanner, Captain of STF-MAMMOTH. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7900" by Its a Bad Idea, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: whaleskin.jpg Name: Sperm whale frontal sac surface close-up Author: NASA License: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: NotreDame.jpg Name: Masterpieces of the sea (Morris, Richards, 1912) DjVu pg 65 Author: Harrison S. Morris License: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: cave1.jpg Name: Seacave fault Author: Dave Bunnell / Under Earth Images License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: grotto.jpg Name: Lair Author: E Burk License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: seacave.jpg Name: Expl690891507x800x800 Author: NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, Mid-Cayman Rise Expedition 2011 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons
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Picture was taken by research team during regular maintenance hours. Special Containment Procedures: Research into a way of stopping the spread of SCP-7901 is still ongoing at the time of the creation of this document. MTF Iota-9 “Moliere’s Playwrights” are to survey the internet and news stations for reports of grand openings of SCP-7901 instances, as well as observing postal services for letters sent by instances. When an SCP-7901 instance is located, Iota-9 are to be sent to cordon off the area. Any surviving SCP-7901-1 subjects are to be interrogated and amnesticized following standard procedure. Description: SCP-7901 is a Victorian-style theater company branded ‘Esuritio Theaters’ that is able to manifest instances of its theaters anomalously. The exact number of SCP-7901 instances is unknown, however, dozens of separate cases have been recorded as early as the 1910s, and no founder or company organization has ever been documented or retrieved as of yet. SCP-7901 instances are recorded as appearing in cities with a population of at least 10,000 as well as cities that are known to be prominent in entertainment and culture. The structure physically exists despite a lack of construction that would be required to create such a large building, despite this locals will report construction being done. Several days after an SCP-7901 instance manifests a letter is sent out to a local theater or opera group, however, this is not always the case as there are reports of troupes being contacted from outside the vicinity of the city. From recorded cases, there seems to be a preference for lesser-known troupes. SCP-7901-1 is an anomalous phenomenon that takes place at the completion of any performance within SCP-7901’s auditorium that has an audience of fifteen or greater. After the performance and subsequent emptying of the theater, a secondary crowd will enter, SCP-7901-1. This crowd will demand encores repeatedly, which the performer(s) will fulfill despite exhaustion until they either expire or faint. SCP-7901-1 will only dissipate once all performers have reached this point. SCP-7901-2 appears as the staff of SCP-7901 instances, and can commonly be found present in the lobby, snack bar, and auditorium when not in use. SCP-7901-2 instances share common features such as eye color, as all appear to have black pupils and brown irises, and seemingly short or no hair as attempts to take off an SCP-7901-2 instance’s headwear have been resisted each time. SCP-7901-2 instances are not hostile unless provoked, where they will use their numbers to attempt to force the aggressor out of the theater.1 Foundation agents and research personnel are to avoid agitating SCP-7901-2 instances. SCP-7901-2 instances have been recorded coming from SCP-7901’s staff room, however, attempts to enter have failed. During an incident where SCP-7901-2 instances attempted to force Foundation agents out of the theater, several instances were terminated by gunshot wounds. Bodies reportedly rapidly decomposed into dust and were cleaned by an instance of SCP-7901-2 shortly after. Addendum: The following is a recording of an interview done with Antony Stoyrim, an actor whose group of seventeen others was invited to an SCP-7901 instance in March of 2011 to reenact Romeo and Juliet. Mr. Stoyrim and his group came under the effect of SCP-7901-1 and continued performing for 70 hours. All seventeen members of the group died from causes linked to dehydration, starvation, and exhaustion until Mr. Stoyrim fainted. Antony was retrieved two hours later and brought in for interrogation after being cleared by medical crews. Interviewed: Antony Stoyrim Interviewer: Dr. Chester Fenwick Foreword: After being cleared by on-site medical staff, Mr. Stoyrim was sent to the interrogation room in Wing C at Site-7. Dr. Fenwick was ordered to ask Mr. Stoyrim questions about his experience with SCP-7901-1. <Begin Log, 1:38 AM EST.> Stoyrim: Where am I? Who are you all? Are you the police? Why am I here? Where are my friends?! Dr. Fenwick: Mr. Stoyrim, please, calm down. I’m here to ask you just a few questions about your… experience within the Esuritio Theater. Stoyrim: No. No, no, no. I don’t want to talk about that place. You can’t make me talk about it! Dr. Fenwick: Mr. Stoyrim, if you do not compose yourself, I will have the guards restrain you. Once I finish these questions, you may go back to the medical bay. Stoyrim: [Long Pause] That place. It wasn’t right. There was something wrong with it as soon as we walked in. The people there- the staff- were acting so strange. They were dressed like… well, how you’d expect a person to be working at a place like that to dress like. They kinda looked like they were from the past, I guess. They spoke in a flat tone, even though they were always smiling. I couldn't even look at them too long because of how fucking creepy they looked. And their eyes… That was the worst part. All their eyes were the same color, just black. And they looked so empty. Like someone who just got back from a war… Fuck, I should've left when I had the chance. Dr. Fenwick: I see. Did any of your friends notice it? Stoyrim: Of course, they didn’t. They were too excited. I guess I couldn’t blame them. We weren’t really popular. Hell, we didn’t even have that much money to afford costumes. And here were these people, offering us a goddamn golden ticket to fame. Dr. Fenwick: Could you tell me what conspired inside the auditorium that night? Stoyrim: [Pause] We had a crowd come in. The first crowd of the night. It was maybe… I dunno, forty or fifty people. The largest audience we ever had. Everyone was ecstatic. We performed fucking fabulously. The crowd loved it, too. I almost cried. One of us did. Rebecca. Almost ruined her costume [Laughs]. Then, the crowd left and another came in and… Dr. Fenwick: That’s when it started? Stoyrim: [Pause] Yes. They came in a little bit after the last crowd. We couldn’t make out their faces at the time since the lights were dim. But something seemed wrong about them. We went back out on stage and performed again, and… and they seemed to like it. They gave us applause and all shouted for an encore. Of course, the others obliged then. When would we get another chance to do this? I didn’t want to but… something made me. It kind of felt like something was forcing my movements. Like I was some puppet. Dr. Fenwick: When did your friends realize something was wrong? Stoyrim: Probably when we finished the second performance, I think. The audience asked for another encore, and I could see that my friends they… well they were saying no and shaking their heads. But something happened and they stopped and we just started over again. I could see it in their eyes when we were doing the third performance. Despite their face, their eyes were filled with fear. Each time I looked at the crowd I began to notice something about them. Dr. Fenwick: What was it? Stoyrim: Their faces. They- They didn't have faces. No, no. That's, not the right way to put it. It's like… they did have faces they were just… smudged. Have you ever seen a smudge on a painting? That's what their faces looked like. It- It was hard to tell from how dark it was, but some of them looked like they had black slits for eyes and mouths like someone took a marker and just scribbled where the eyes and mouth should've been. And they got louder and more distorted every time we finished, asking- no, demanding another performance. When Henry, one of the actors playing Mercutio, passed out, they just laughed at him! They didn't even try to help! I wanted to, and I could tell the others wanted to as well, but we couldn't! It wouldn't let us! Whatever the fuck it was! Dr. Fenwick: Mr. Stoyrim, please calm down. Take a moment to calm yourself, there’s a bottle of water right there. [Stoyrim stops and takes approximately a minute to compose himself, the sound of plastic crinkling being heard briefly.] Stoyrim: I’m fine. I’m okay. I’m alright. You just don’t understand what it was like. We played for hours, nonstop. I could feel my mind fading each time I heard the audience laugh as one of us dropped or demanded another encore. They didn’t even let us get another actor when one died. They just made us stand there for a moment whenever it was time for one of the collapsed actors to speak. By the end, it was just me fucking talking to myself. [Long pause] Do you know what it’s like to listen to the thuds of your friends drop, and have to walk over their bodies as some crowd of fucking Eldritch abominations laughed at us? They didn’t care. They just wanted entertainment. I know the entire goddamn script of Romeo and Juliet, word for word! Action by action! Movement by movement! They wouldn’t let us go until they were satisfied! Dr. Fenwick: I understand, Mr. Stoyrim. We will try our best to help your friends. The guards outside will lead you back to the medical bay. Stoyrim: Okay. I… thank you, doctor. Dr. Fenwick: [Pause] Of course. No problem at all. <End Log, 2:11 EST> Closing Statement: Mr. Stoyrim was sent back to the on-site medical bay, where he resided for the next three days. On the fourth day, Mr. Stoyrim was administered Class-B amnestics and was sent back to his hometown with a coverup fabricated. Addendum 2A: During a sweep of SCP-7901 on October 17th, 2018, an advertisement was found attached to a bulletin board inside the lobby. Further investigation into the meaning of the advertisement is ongoing, and the phone number in question was not registered. LEVEL FOUR CLEARANCE REQUIRED - CREDENTIALS AUTHORIZED. CONTINUE. EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY! Have you, or your friends, noticed a lack of happiness in your life? Perhaps an absence of excitement? Have you looked at the world, and seen nothing but war, poverty, sadness, and crime? Are you seeking an escape from this endless madness? Well, look no further! For a limited time, Esuritio Theaters is offering a premium membership! Those who join will find top-tier, limitless entertainment right at their demand! Premium members will also have full VIP access and extended options for their shows! VIP shows will be held after every secondary show, to ensure that people who haven’t joined yet can get a taste of what is to come! However, premium members can have as many performances as they want! To join, call ███-███-████ and our customer service employees will arrange your premium membership! We hope to see you in our theaters soon! —Esuritio Theater Public Relations Team Addendum 3A: On October 19th, 2019, Lead Researcher Jaswinder Vijaya did not report in at his workplace. Security officers were sent to Dr. Vijaya‘s office to find it empty, however, they found a note left on the desk. The note resembled Dr. Vijaya‘s handwriting and was signed by him. Security cameras showed Dr. Vijaya using his cell phone to contact an unidentified individual before covering the camera in his office.2 As to date, no trace of Dr. Vijaya has been found. Life is bleak, isn’t it? Even before I joined the Foundation, my life has been filled with a bleak darkness. I’m sure you all would know. You document everything about everyone who joins. Perhaps that is the problem. Perhaps we look into things and try to find answers to things that shouldn’t or shan’t be answered. I thought joining would bring me an opportunity. Perhaps a newfound light in my life. But, as I have often found, it only brought more despair and loss. When I was assigned to what you call SCP-7901, I believed it would only be an ordinary SCP. Something immensely powerful or unorthodox that wished to end all life or something along those lines. You know the story. Not even interesting. However, the more I researched and looked into this anomaly, I realized it was calling to me. Literally and figuratively. I was right, yet wrong. Joining the Foundation wasn’t supposed to be my new future. It was just supposed to lead me to this, like a shepherd to a flock of sheep. I know you all will think I am dead, but I am in a better place now. A brighter, happier place. I hope to see you all there, sometime. — Jaswinder Vijaya Footnotes 1. Tests have shown, however, that if a sum of money, precisely 300 in local currency, and a bundle of rhododendrons are given, they will be allowed to return. 2. This had not been realized as the cameras were not manned during this time. Responsible security officers have been reprimanded.
 close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This page contains depictions of body horror, elder abuse, and medical malpractice. Reader discretion is advised. ⚠️ content warning Item#: 7902 Level3 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: warning link to memo Waterville Senior Care, a now-defunct instance of SCP-7902. Special Containment Procedures: Patients residing in nursing homes affected by SCP-7902 are to be transferred to an appropriate new location immediately. Confirmed SCP-7902 facilities are to be forcibly closed under the cover story of bankruptcy or acquisition by a new entity. Foundation webcrawler Hippocrates.aic has been created to monitor for reports of elder abuse in healthcare settings to identify new instances of SCP-7902. Standard disinformation and amnestic procedures are to be executed upon discovery of a sentinel event1. Investigations are currently underway to determine if healthcare personnel previously employed in a SCP-7902 facility are able to provide proper patient care in non-anomalous settings. Description: SCP-7902 is the collective designation for nursing homes across the Midwestern United States with anomalous rates of abuse and neglect. Not under the ownership of one single entity, instances of SCP-7902 are related only by the debilitated health of patients residing within2. Healthcare personnel working for SCP-7902 display anomalous behavior while caring for patients on-site. Examples include: Persistent refusal to comply with accepted patient safety protocols, Inability to provide proper care due to deficits in clinical knowledge, and Apathy toward residents and their family members. Hostile and violent outbursts occur on an infrequent basis. Sub-designations of SCP-7902 (-A through -D) have been assigned to relevant personnel listed in Table 1. Table 1. Designations of SCP-7902 Instances Designation Profession Description of Behavior SCP-7902-A Support staff (e.g., housekeeping, building maintenance technicians) Poor upkeep of facilities, resulting in dilapidated and unsafe living conditions. SCP-7902-B Practitioners (e.g., physicians) Infrequent and inattentive patient evaluations; ignorance of evidence-based practice when making treatment decisions. SCP-7902-C Registered Nurses (RNs) Completion of medical procedures without appropriate training and licensure; personal use of narcotics intended for patient administration. SCP-7902-D Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) Unwillingness to provide assistance in activities of daily living; denial of necessities such as food and water. Researchers hypothesize that a memetic vector of unknown origin is present at employment sites, compelling individuals to act in ways they would otherwise find unethical. Affected employees do not appear to remember their actions after the end of the work day. Notably, residents and visiting loved ones have not displayed anomalous behavior thus far. Initial Discovery: Foundation operatives embedded in the Indiana State Board of Health began investigation of SCP-7902 following a significant uptick of complaints filed against Plainsview Health and Rehabilitation in early 2022. These complaints described extensive neglect and abuse of facility residents. On December 10, 2022, local Marion County television stations broke news of an incident where two nurses allegedly amputated the foot of a resident without a doctor’s orders or informed consent from the patient (see Incident Log 7902-1 for more details). Originally believed to be an isolated incident, SCP-7902 was assigned a formal designation after further Foundation review; researchers concluded that anomalous rates of elder abuse were present across Indiana and three seven other Midwestern states. Incident 7902-1: Video Log Transcript Date and Time: 12/10/2022 1541 Location: Plainsview Health and Rehabilitation Center (Indianapolis, IN) Civilians Involved: Johanna Knowles (73). Admitted for physical rehabilitation after falling and fracturing her ankle on 12/03. Matthew Knowles (49, son) Emily Wheeler (25, granddaughter) Foreword: Amputation was completed by SCP-7902-C1 and SCP-7902-C2 without standing orders from a physician. The patient did not provide informed consent prior to the procedure. Sedation and analgesia were not administered. Footage was recovered from the mobile phone of a SCP-7902-D instance who filmed from the corner of the room. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7902-C1: Good afternoon, Ms. Knowles. We’re sorry to inform you that your ankle isn’t healing like it should be, and we need to remove your foot to prevent further complications. Johanna Knowles: I only broke it a week ago. They told me in the hospital it would take 8 weeks to heal. Is something wrong? SCP-7902-C1: I really am sorry. I can only imagine the feelings of shock that you must be experiencing right now. I know it’s upsetting, but this is a necessary procedure to keep you healthy. Matthew Knowles: You can’t do this! What you’re suggesting is unacceptable. I want to speak to the doctor who ordered this, now. SCP-7902-C1 begins physically restraining the patient, who weakly struggles in response. Matthew and Emily appear shocked and do not move from their previous positions. SCP-7902-C2 enters the room with a bone saw. It is visibly covered in dried blood and viscera. Emily screams, fleeing the room to call the police. Matthew Knowles: Stop! Matthew lunges toward SCP-7902-C1. Before he can reach the bed, several SCP-7902-D instances rush into the room and drag him outside.3 The door is closed and locked. Patient begins crying for help. SCP-7902-C1: Patient has successfully been restrained. Begin pre-op timeout whenever you’re ready. SCP-7902-C2: Our patient is Johnna Knowles, date of birth April 16th of 1949. We are performing a right-sided Syme’s amputation to treat ankle fracture secondary to a fall one week ago. Today is December 10th and the time is currently 1545. Nurse Abigail Johnston will stabilize the patient while I, nurse Linh Tran, perform the procedure. Ready, Abby? SCP-7902-C1: Ready. Let’s begin. SCP-7902-C1 holds the patient’s right leg as SCP-7902-C2 begins sawing above the ankle. The patient begins to loudly vocalize in pain. SCP-7902-C1 forces a handful of gauze pads into the patient’s mouth. SCP-7902-C2 continues sawing as muffled screams can be heard from the patient. The bedsheets are quickly saturated with blood. The Achilles tendon is eventually severed, along with the skin still connected to the foot. The patient is no longer vocalizing. SCP-7902-C2: Beginning post-op sign-out. Right foot was successfully amputated. No additional follow-up is needed at this time. SCP-7902-C2 places the foot on the floor next to the bed. All three SCP-7902 personnel exit the room. [END LOG] Afterword: Indianapolis police and paramedics arrived to the scene following Wheeler’s 911 call. Johanna Knowles was pronounced dead on arrival from exsanguination. Regional Foundation agents assumed control of the situation, detaining SCP-7901-C1 and C2. Both claim to have no memory of the incident. All involved civilians and employees were amnesticized. Members of the Knowles family were informed that Johanna passed away on 12/10 following complications of a stroke. Johanna Knowles. Image sourced from Johanna’s online obituary page. Footnotes 1. A sentinel event is a patient safety event that leads to death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm. 2. A full list of affected institutions is available to project staff with Level 4/7902 clearance and above. 3. After the incident, authorities found Matthew in a locked janitorial closet. He suffered minor injuries which did not require hospitalization. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7902" by EnPassant, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Name: Adderley Nursing Home - - 913733.jpg Author: NASA License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Old_Lady_in_Pampatar_Beach%2C_Margarita.jpg Name: Old Lady in Pampatar Beach, Margarita.jpg Author: Martin Addison License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
 close Info X Content note: This article contains gore. Please say if there's anything that should be here but isn't. Archive photograph of Laboratory C2 prior to conversion. Item #: SCP-7903 Special Containment Procedures: The Site 135 sensory room remains locked and out of bounds. Any personnel who experience events similar to those of SCP-7903 must immediately report them to site security. Any suggestion of an active event will result in immediate site lockdown. Staff are strongly advised to remain awake on site at all times. Description: SCP-7903 refers to an incident that occurred across the night of 19/12/2019 and early morning of 20/12/2019, involving Dr. Marcus Sorenson in the Site 135 sensory room.1 These events are poorly understood; as such, a transcript of security footage has been attached in lieu of a full description. Foreword: Dr. Sorenson had spent several consecutive late shifts working on the SCP-████ breeding programme; due to this and prolonged exposure having deleterious effects on the nervous system, he requested, and was granted, ninety minutes of recovery time. <BEGIN LOG> At 11:03, Dr. Sorenson enters the room. He moves briefly out of shot, presumably to switch on a small lamp, before shutting the door and making his way to the bed lined up against the far wall. By 11:14, he appears to be asleep, lying on his back. Nothing further of note occurs for approximately ninety minutes. At 00:47, an entity crawls into view. Due to the low light and low-quality single camera footage, little can be definitively ascertained about it; it is believed to be vaguely humanoid, approximately 1.7m long and pitch black, with two eyes, no arms and a jawless mouth. The entity wriggles towards Dr. Sorenson, before rearing up and staring at him. At 00:52, the entity hauls itself atop Dr. Sorenson so that its "face" is barely a few centimetres from his. Over the next eleven minutes, its breathing gradually adjusts until their every inhalation and exhalation is in exact unison. At 01:01, the entity locks lips with him. Immediately, its breathing shifts again. Now, every breath Dr. Sorenson gives out, the entity takes in, and vice versa. They remain in perfect synchronisation for twenty-three minutes. At 01:24, the entity shudders, followed quickly by Dr. Sorenson. At 01:25, Researcher Farnsworth enters the room, holding a mug.2 Upon seeing the entity, he screams and drops his mug, which shatters loudly on the ground. The disturbance appears to jolt Dr. Sorenson awake; he begins struggling to remove the squirming entity, his eyes wide. It presses its "face" deeper into his. Dr. Sorenson appears to bite down, hard. The entity writhes, seemingly trying to free itself; he only bites down harder. Finally, the entity tears itself away, skittering behind a bench. It does not appear again during the footage. Researcher Farnsworth, still frantically cowering away, is beckoned over by the flailing, spluttering doctor, who points wordlessly to his own open mouth. Farnsworth looks inside and gasps, before gingerly inserting his hand. After some struggle, he eventually withdraws a fleshy protuberance, which he immediately throws across the room. Dr. Sorenson rolls off the bed and lands heavily on the floor, retching violently. With only a moment's hesitation, Farnsworth pulls the still-convulsing doctor to his feet. Pulling an arm over his shoulders, he supports him out of the room. The door clicks shut behind them. <END LOG> Closing statement: Despite being immediately dispatched, the door to the sensory room remaining closed and there being no other exits, the only trace of the entity discovered by security was the protruberance left behind. All attempts to locate the entity described have failed. No other personnel have reported similar experiences, or unusual sleep-based phenomena, although approximately forty-six percent of Site 135 staff have experienced difficulty in recalling their dreams before and since, including Dr. Sorenson. The protruberance has since been analysed. It is about eighteen centimetres long at the cut and possesses six stiff appendages, structured to allow ease of grasping. Its exact function is unknown. Genetic testing was carried out and revealed likely human origin; the DNA results were, with ninety-nine percent certainty, a match for Dr. Marcus Sorenson. Footnotes 1. Designed as a cooldown space for personnel who were neurodivergent, ill, or suffering from exhaustion. For budgetary reasons, it was converted from a disused chemistry laboratory. 2. When questioned later, he claimed to have been sent to look for Dr. Sorenson after his unusually long absence.
Fading Stars Hub » SCP-7904 oritiefling Did you enjoy the article? Please check out my other works! Right here! Item#: SCP-7904 Level3 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo SCP-7904 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel are annually assigned to SCP-7904 with the goal of ensuring that it receives significant fire damage between December 13th and December 31st of each year. Personnel assigned to this task are to ensure that the actions taken to result in the burning of SCP-7904 are indistinguishable from mundane acts of arson. Efforts to identify the creators of SCP-7904 are still undergoing. A cover story of it being the creation of local community groups has been disseminated and accepted by the general public. Should Foundation efforts to burn SCP-7904 fail, MTF Theta-7 ("Goat Herders") is to mobilize to SCP-7904's location and monitor for a potential "Getens Natt" event. Should one occur, personnel are amnecize any civilians present and attempt to track and contain any entities released by SCP-7904. Description: SCP-7904 refers to a large straw figure of a Swedish Yule Goat constructed annually on the first day of Advent in Gävle, Sweden. SCP-7904's is resistant to attempts at destruction, but has proven to be flammable. Should SCP-7904 remain standing past December 31st, it will undergo a "Getens Natt" event. Getens Natt events consist of the following general progression- SCP-7904 will begin channeling large amounts of thaumaturgic energy to its location. An extradimensional hole will open within SCP-7904. 2-6 nameless creatures will exit the portal before breaking free of SCP-7904 and fleeing. While Foundation efforts thus far have been unable to recapture any fleeing creatures that have emerged from SCP-7904, the Foundation has been successful in destroying or severely damaging 38 out of the 57 SCP-7904 instances constructed. Addendum 7904.1 Site-58 Two individuals are sitting in a site conference room. One is a slim older man, Dr. Daniel Asheworth. He sits with his hands folded. Across from him is a large, muscular man with a demonic appearance. He has two small horns, red skin, and a large tail, Dr. Caraway. They sit in awkward silence for a moment before Asheworth finally speaks. Asheworth: The way you're all tensed up tells me no one told you why I wanted to speak. Caraway nods, then shakes his head. He appears to think for a moment, then nods once more. Asheworth: I don't have a clue what the hell that's supposed to mean. Caraway: Yes… I mean no! No one told me anything. All they said was someone from Site-120 was here for me. Asheworth pinches the bridge of his nose. Asheworth: …Ok. We'll keep it as brief as possible then. Are you familiar with this anomaly? Asheworth passes Caraway SCP-7904's file photo. Caraway: Isn't that the goat thing that people are always trying to burn? That's an anomaly? Asheworth: Yes and yes. And it isn't random people, it's our people. Anyway, we need you to ensure that SCP-7904 is burnt this year, so we'll be getting you on a flight to Sweden- Caraway: Hold up, hold up! You need me to do what? Asheworth: Burn the goat. Every year a member of Foundation personnel is tasked with burning SCP-7904. We've been cycling people out annually to try and avoid suspicion. Different people, different faces… it makes it easier to avoid getting caught and keeps us from having to dip into amnestic supply. That said, training a new person each year doesn't always lead to great results, and people get sloppy. Caraway: And that's bad? Asheworth: I'll make sure you get access to the file later, but simply put it's a pain in the ass for everyone if the goat doesn't burn. Not just for us but for the general public as well. The goat didn't burn in 2014, and then one of the biggest headlines of 2015 is “Fairies Accused of Mysterious Accidents” from a paper called the Arbetarbladet. Damn thing doesn't burn at all between 2017 and 2020 and we completely lose track of a city. Asheworth sighs. Caraway is visibly tense. Caraway: You lost track of a city? Asheworth: …Simply put we want to take advantage of the fact that you're a shapeshifter and make this your duty. You pretend to be a new person each year, and you get properly trained in burning the goat. Caraway: Like an entire city? Did it just disappear or- Asheworth: Focus, please. Caraway: Sorry. How can it be so hard to burn one goat though? Asheworth: You'd be surprised. Someone out there really wants the thing to stay standing. Anyway, we already have your flight lined up so are you interested? You don't actually have a choice here, but I figured I'd ask anyway. Caraway pauses for a moment in thought. Caraway: I suppose so. Could be a nice change of scenery, I guess? Work's been crazy in here lately and I could use a job where someone isn't trying to maul me. Literally and figuratively. Asheworth reaches his hand across the table. Caraway grasps it and the two shake. Asheworth's eyes glance to a tattoo on Caraway's shoulder.1 Asheworth: You'll want to make sure that thing is covered. It's cold for one, but we don't need to draw extra attention. Addendum 7904.2 Gävle, Sweden Caraway approaches SCP-7904. His demonic appearance is gone, replaced with unassuming standard human features. He's dressed in a thick coat and scarf. He pulls back a glove to check a smart watch on his wrist. Caraway: Alright, Cyril2. Do a quick scan of the goat so we can toast this thing and get out of here. His watch flashes, and a quiet voice responds. Cyril.aic: Aside from the obvious double fence and posted guards, SCP-7904 is also coated in a layer of protective ice on top of of a layer of flame-retardant. On top of that I've also found a 24 hour security livestream of SCP-7904 that appears to be actively monitored by security personnel, goat burning enthusiasts, and a dedicated community of pyrophiliacs. I can send you a live comment feed if you'd- Caraway: No, no. God no, especially not with that last group present. Ugh. Any weak points stand out? Cyril.aic: Scanning… there seems to be an area on the lower back left leg that was insufficiently covered AND constructed from notably dry straw. Not only will it light fairly easily, but a fire started there should spread to the internal structure fairly easily. I have already contacted the Site-58 AI Department about taking down the online monitoring. Getting past the guards and fences will be a different matter. Caraway looks around. It's later in the day, and most of the crowds have dispersed. Several guards remain posted around SCP-7904 regardless. Caraway: No kidding. Let's get a better look- Caraway turns in place without looking, colliding into another man behind him. He staggers back, surprised, but begins slipping on a patch of ice. Before he is able to fall over backwards, the other man catches him and holds him perpendicular to the ground. Caraway: S-shit. Caraway's face is flush as he straightens himself back up. Caraway: I'm really sorry about that. I was- wait, shit you probably don't even speak English. The man laughs. Man: Distracted by the Gävlebocken, right? Caraway: Oh, you DO speak English. Sorry for assuming. And sorry for crashing into you. I'm Faran. Faran Caraway. Caraway extends a stiff arm out to the other man with a pained grin on his face. The other man laughs and shakes Caraway's hand. Karlsson: Mikael Karlsson. And don't apologize so much, friend. Simple mistake, nothing to work yourself over. Karlsson glances towards the barcode tattoo on Caraway's wrist. Karlsson: Interesting tattoo you have. Do you really like shopping? Caraway pulls his hand back and covers his wrist with his sleeve, holding his arm to his side. Caraway: It's uh… the barcode for my mom's favorite cookie brand. I got it to remember her. Karlsson: Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Caraway: Oh! She's not dead, she's just American. I mean in America. Fuck can we just start this whole conversation over? Karlsson: Sure, take two. What brings you here, Faran? Caraway turns towards SCP-7904. Caraway: I've just… always wanted to see the goat in person is all. This thing's legendary. Karlsson: Now the real question is why do you think it's legendary? There's a right answer here. Caraway: Aesthetically! It's an amazing piece of local folk art. Uh, it is local, right? Someone from town makes it? Karlsson: Ding ding! You answered correctly! It's nice to hear a tourist actually appreciate it for its looks instead of trying to burn it down. It hurts to put all that work into building it just to watch it burn. Caraway: You built it, then? Karlsson: …Ha! No, I wish. No idea who builds it, but they have good taste. Karlsson laughs Karlsson: That said, you were looking at it earlier pretty closely. Something catch your eye? Caraway: Oh, I just noticed that uh… that leg back there seemed a little unprotected, yeah? Not a lot of ice and stuff on it. Karlsson's eyes narrow towards SCP-7904 as he appears to examine the surface. After a moment he whistles for a guard. The two speak for a moment in Swedish, and the guard opens a gate in the fences. Karlsson steps through, and motions for Caraway to follow. Caraway: What, for real? Karlsson: Mhm, show me what you're talking about. Caraway: How can you even get back here? Isn't this place like super off-limits? Karlsson shrugs. Karlsson: To the tourists and rabble maybe, but when you help organize the event they tend to let you go where you ask. Now, let's get that weak point patched up. Karlsson removes a large bag from his back and takes out two large spray cans. He looks to Caraway expectantly. Caraway hesitates before pointing to the area noted by Cyril.aic prior. Karlsson reinforces the area with flame-retardant and water. Karlsson: Perfect! I have to thank you, Faran. You've got a good eye. Maybe she'll survive the year this time. Caraway: Yeah, no… no problem! Karlsson leaves. Caraway seems to smile. Cyril.aic: You fucking idiot. Caraway: Huh? What's wrong? Cyril.aic: You literally just worked with a guy to make it harder to do your job, Caraway! Caraway: Oh come on it's not that bad. Cyril.aic: We have three days to burn this goat thanks to that layover in Barcelona! Now I have to completely redo the plan we had! Caraway: Don't worry so much. I saw how the guard opened the gate. We can get back in later tonight or tomorrow and torch this thing, easy. …Come on don't grumble at me, just do a fresh scan when you get the chance and tell the AI guys not to kill the stream yet. Cyril.aic: Fine, but next time try not to get so easily distracted. Addendum 7904.3 Gävle, Sweden Caraway approaches SCP-7904. He carries a small bag across his back, and a hammer in his right hand. Caraway: This feels unsubtle. Cyril.aic: Listen I did five scans of the goat. Thanks to your stunt yesterday, the only way to get this thing burning is to chip away the ice. Your new friend from yesterday did some more touchups and it's as fire-retardant as ever. Caraway: How is it that a Foundation-made AIC designed specifically for coming up with field strategies can't come up with a better plan than "hit it with a hammer"? Cyril.aic: How is it that a contained anomaly with a Foundation doctorate was unable to burn a goat after being given clear and direct instructions on how to do it? Caraway: …Fair enough. Where should I start here? Cyril.aic: I spoke with Screamy already for some basic intel. According to it, there's going to be a guard shift in about five minutes, and during that shift one of the guards is going to receive a break-up text from his wife. Caraway: Harsh, not even in person? Cyril.aic: That text will lead to him breaking down, and the next guard will be delayed for about three minutes while she consoles him. This will lead to a burgeoning romance that inspires them both to leave their jobs and start a ski chalet in the mountains together. Caraway: I love happy endings! Cyril.aic: Regardless, those three minutes will leave us without any guards posted around SCP-7904. From there, the people at 58 will take down the livestream like we originally planned, which gives us total cover to get past those fences- Caraway: Which I know how to do thanks to yesterday's "distraction", by the way. Cyril.aic: -And will give us the chance to smash a hole in, light a match, and get out without being noticed. In the event that we are noticed, there's a section of the interior fencing near the opposite side of the gate that isn't hammered in properly. You can push that section down and slip out through there. Are you still with me or was that too complicated? Caraway: I'm not an idiot, Cyril. I can follow. Cyril.aic: Good. Here we go. Caraway watches from a distance as the posted guard begins to leave his position. He takes out his phone as he leaves, and lets out a sharp gasp. Cyril.aic: Bingo. Alright, verifying with our people… and the stream is down. Time to move. Caraway: I hear you. Caraway begins moving towards SCP-7904. Before he can reach the gate, he's stopped by someone. Man: Faran? Caraway: Huh? Cyril.aic: ABORT, ABORT, GET OUT OF THERE CARAWAY. Man: Faran! Good to see you again! The man approaches, revealing himself to be Karlsson. Karlsson: What are you doing here? And why do you have a hammer? Caraway: Oh! Caraway attempts to unsubtly hide the hammer behind his back. In his attempt, he drops it. Karlsson: …I knew it. You're just another tourist here to destroy Gävlebocken, aren't you? Caraway: No! No, I would never do something like that. Karlsson: Then why the hell are you here with a hammer?! Caraway sighs. Caraway: I just wanted to help. I noticed it while we were talking the other day, but there's a section of the fencing over there that isn't hammered in all the way. I wanted to fix it. Karlsson: So you snuck over here in the middle of the night to fix it? Caraway: I'm… shy, ok? I don't like a lot of attention, and I just wanted to help. Karlsson: That's… awful sweet of you, actually. And once again your perceptiveness astounds me. I was actually over here to fix that myself. Shall we go together? Caraway nods, and Karlsson leads him over to the fencing. Karlsson: I have to say, I'm impressed that there's someone out there still willing to do kindness to strangers. Caraway: Well, I just like to feel useful I guess. I gotta ask though, why didn't you just get a volunteer or maintenance crew out here to fix it when you noticed it? Karlsson: I'm not the type of person who enjoys being cooped up in the office all day. If there's something I can do myself, I'd rather get it done myself instead of hassling others for it. Caraway: There's something satisfying about getting things done yourself? Karlsson: Exactly! I don't get many chances to get my hands dirty, so I try to take the opportunities I get. It's nice, getting to actually talk to other people and feel like I'm contributing something. If nothing else, it gets me out of that stuffy office. Caraway nods. Caraway: Same here! I mean I have plenty of chances to get my hands dirty, so that's not a problem here, but I never get to actually leave the office. Karlsson: Oh? What kind of work do you do? Caraway: If I told you I'd have to kill you. Karlsson laughs. Caraway: No, I'm serious. If I told you I'd have to kill you. Saying that might actually have already been too much. Karlsson: Point taken! Sounds serious. Do you ever actually get to enjoy yourself? Caraway: Well… I'm here, aren't I? Karlsson: And are you enjoying yourself? Caraway looks up pensively, tapping his finger to his chin. Caraway: I'm freezing cold, it's the middle of the night, and I'm repairing a fence with a random stranger I just met yesterday. Yeah, I'd say I'm having a good time right now. The two finish fixing the fence, and stand up straight. Karlsson: I'm glad to hear that, Faran. And I must thank you for your help here. Caraway: I gotta ask, how'd you remember my name? Karlsson shakes his head with a smile. Karlsson: You stood out to me, and you have an unusual name if you don't mind me saying. And your family name, Caraway, comes from the seed, yes? A simple plant with mildly toxic leaves, but whose seeds serve as delightful spices in rye breads commonly cultivated in East Slavic countries. Caraway: Wow, you really know your stuff. Karlsson: I get bored and hit the random button on Wikipedia a lot. It's… part of why I need to get out of the office whenever possible. Caraway: Holy shit yes you do, that or someone needs to get you more work to do. Karlsson: How about this then, let me take you to dinner. Caraway: I'm sorry? Karlsson: Like you just said, I need excuses to get out of the office for one. Two, I'd like to thank you for your help in fixing Gävlebocken yesterday and for helping with the fence today. What do you say? Caraway: Sure, that sounds great, actually! Karlsson: Perfect. Here's my number, text me later and I can give you the rest of the details. Caraway and Karlsson exchange contact information. Karlsson leaves with a wave. After he's gone, Caraway begins bouncing on his heels. Caraway: Holy shit, holy shit! Cyril.aic: Holy shit is right, what is wrong with you? I explicitly said not to get distracted, and here you go again making your job harder! News flash, Caraway, the goat isn't going to burn itself! …We tried, it really won't. Caraway: Come on, Cyril, can't you just be happy for me here? Cyril.aic: Listen, it's great that you're able to get a date with a random hot Swedish guy, but there are bigger things to focus on here. You have a mission, and we're running out of time. We only have two days left to do this before we have a Getens Natt event to contend with. You actually read the files Asheworth sent over, right? Caraway: Of course I did! Cyril.aic: Which MTF is assigned to this anomaly? Caraway: Theta-7. "Goat Herders". Cyril.aic: Lucky guess. Caraway, we're at a point where we almost need to go for broke and just throw this watch over the fence and hit self-destruct. That's something we can do, but I'd rather not shift to a backup server. Caraway: There's an opportunity here we all benefit from. Cyril.aic: Go on. Caraway: Mikael is the event organizer, right? That means that he has to know who builds the goat every year. I meet him for dinner, I get that info out of him, we share some food and a few drinks, and the Foundation gets to track down those PoIs and detain them. Win-win, right? Cyril.aic: That's… actually not a bad idea, Caraway. I'm impressed. Caraway: I know, I'm full of good ideas. Cyril.aic: Alright, I'll work on a new plan to burn SCP-7904 tomorrow. You go to that dinner and get that info out of Mikael, and we'll discuss everything in detail after. And for the love of everything good please don't make an ass of yourself. Addendum 7904.4 Gävle, Sweden Caraway enters the restaurant. It's a small space, but only a few tables are occupied. Karlsson catches his eye and waves him over. Karlsson: Good to see you, Faran. Come, sit! Do you drink at all? Caraway: A little, only at special events and the like. Karlsson brushes the back of Caraway's hand. Caraway visibly tenses up. Karlsson: Consider this a special event, then, Mr. barcode. I'll get us some mumma. Karlsson leaves for a moment, before returning with two darkly colored drinks. He sets one before Caraway, who eyes it cautiously. He whispers to his watch. Caraway: What the hell is mumma? Cyril.aic: Fancy spiced beer. Karlsson: Hm? Did you say something? Caraway: Nothing, nothing! Sorry, I was just admiring this… mumma, you said? Karlsson: You apologize a lot. Relax some, Faran! It's Christmas and you're in one of the most festive places you could be! Take a load off and enjoy! Karlsson toasts his drink before sipping. Caraway follows. Caraway: So, uh… you're in charge of the goat committee was it? Karlsson: Goat committee…? Ah! Not quite, not quite. I organize the event itself. I oversee the vendors, the construction of the Gävlebocken, getting local businesses prepped for the tourists- Caraway: You know who makes the goat? Karlsson: Gävlebocken. Caraway: Right, Gävlebocken, sorry. Karlsson: Yes, I know who makes Gävlebocken. Is that surprising or something? Caraway: I just heard they were pretty secretive is all. I was curious if you could introduce me. Karlsson chuckles and takes another sip of his drink. Karlsson: It's just a local volunteer group, no one all that impressive. I've hardly met them myself anyway. He shakes his head. Karlsson: Are you hungry? Caraway: Yes, actually. I… may have skipped lunch today before this. Karlsson: How about inlagd sill? This place is probably the best place to get it in the country. Caraway purses his lips. Caraway: And inglad sill is…? Karlsson: It's a type of pickled herring. Cured in salt, brined in vinegar, salt, sugar… how does that sound? Caraway: Um… bad, actually. Karlsson deflates a bit. Karlsson: Yes, I suppose it is a bit of an acquired taste. Kroppkakor, then. Trust me on this one, you'll enjoy it. I'll be right back. Karlsson stands and leaves for the restaurant's counter. Caraway's watch lights up. Cyril.aic: You're making horrible progress here. Caraway: He doesn't have a clue who makes the goat! There's no progress to make! Cyril.aic: He's hiding something, I know it. How does the organizer for this whole thing not have a clue who makes the centerpiece? The thing they have to funnel thousands of dollars into security measures for each year? Caraway: Dude manages hundred of people, you're just being paranoid. Cyril.aic: I'm an AI. I'm not programmed to be paranoid. Caraway: Mikael is a perfectly nice guy. You're just overthinking things. Cyril.aic: Fine, let's assume I am then. We need to get back to the mission, and you need to burn that goat. You have 2 more days before New Year's. Tick tock. Caraway: Maybe I don't want to worry about that right now. Maybe I'm enjoying myself. Cyril.aic: This isn't about you, this is about the mission! Caraway: I'll take care of it. Karlsson returns with a plate of dumplings. Karlsson: Were you talking with someone? Caraway: Just a work thing. …I gotta be honest, I didn't come here to see the goat- Karlsson: Gävlebocken. Caraway: …Gävlebocken. This was a business trip. Karlsson: Oh? What kind of business? Caraway: Government stuff, all blackboxed. Honestly telling you I was even here for business was probably too much. Karlsson: No, no. I get it. I don't get to tell a lot of people about my work. So much of this festival goes into Gävlebocken security at this point that it eats up all my focus these days, and I can't even tell anyone about it because it's not all that secure if everyone knows about the security measures. It's a pain to have to keep a huge part of your life secret, you know? Caraway: Buddy, you have no idea. I literally can't share anything with anyone but my coworkers, and honestly 90% of my conversations with them are just bitching about work anyway. Karlsson: Exactly! Like we all love what we do, don't get me wrong! Caraway: Of course, of course. Karlsson: But we have to vent to keep ourselves sane through everything. At the same time though there comes a point where your relationship is so defined by this spewing of negativity that you- Caraway: Start to resent them a bit? Karlsson slams his hands on the table, mouth open in a slight smile. Karlsson: Yes! That's exactly it! Sometimes you just want one person you can talk to that can hold a conversation about anything else, you know? Caraway: I know, trust me, I know. Caraway glances down to his tattooed wrist, covered by his sleeve. Karlsson: You're a special guy, Faran Caraway. You strike me as the kind of person who leave an impression on people, like you could go anywhere and find a place. Caraway: Ha! I'm glad you feel that way. Glad to know there's at least one person who thinks it. Karlsson: How so? Caraway averts his eyes, rubbing a his left shoulder. Karlsson is quiet, and looks Caraway over before his eyes fall on Caraway's ears. Karlsson: I've been meaning to ask… that earring3? Is that supposed to be like a dogtag or something? Caraway's hand shoots up to his tag, and he runs his thumb over it for a moment. Caraway: It's… just a reminder of something, is all. Karlsson: Another cookie barcode? Grandma's favorite crackers, perhaps? Caraway: Mikael, have you ever felt like an outcast? Like you're so different from everyone else around you that you don' have a place you're allowed to just exist as yourself? Karlsson: I am a gay man living in Sweden. Caraway straightens up in his seat. Caraway: Oh! Y-you are? I mean no that's good, I'm glad you trusted me with that, but that's not quite- Karlsson rests his hand on top of Caraway's. Karlsson: I hope I'm not being too forward here, but I like you Faran Caraway. You're interesting, and you can actually hold a halfway decent conversation when you stop apologizing. I'm not making a false assumption here, am I? Caraway: N-nope. You definitely have me pegged… I mean understood! You figured me out! Karlsson: If it's not too much to ask, mind coming home with me? Perhaps we can turn this from a business trip to a pleasure trip? Caraway's watch flashes, illuminating his face. He is a deep crimson color. Caraway: S-sure. That sounds g-great, yes. Sorry I… I need to step out and take this call really quick. Be just a sex. SEC. SECOND. I'LL BE A SECOND. Karlsson laughs as Caraway stumbles out of the restaurant. Caraway: What the hell do you want, Cyril? Cyril.aic: Sorry to interrupt, Casanova, but while you were doing… that, I came up with a new plan. Caraway: The goat burning again? I told you I'd get to it- Cyril.aic: Just let you have fun first, I know I know. Trust me, you having fun is needed for this plan. You get to… enjoy yourself with the Swedish Stud, and while he's passed out from that, we snoop around his house. Caraway: Why the hell would we do that? Cyril.aic: I did some digging. Mikael Karlsson is the event organizer, we knew that already. He's also been doing all of his work from home for the past four years. That means all the documents and information related to the whole festival are in his house on his home computer somewhere. You get me to it, I hop in, and I can get the documents that tell us who keeps making the goat AND figure out every single security measure they have on it this year. Using that, we burn the goat and take the people who made it into custody. Bam bing boom. Sound good? Caraway: No, that sounds bad actually. Mikael seems to actually trust me, I don't want to sneak behind his back after he invites me into his house. That would be shitty of me. Cyril.aic: Listen, Caraway, when the higher-ups find out you've been faffing around with a civilian here instead of doing the task you were assigned, they'll throw you back in a containment chamber without even thinking about it. You'll lose your job, your doctorate, everything. If you're lucky they'll keep you at Site-58, but realistically they'll deem you an Integration Program failure and have you shipped off somewhere totally different. Caraway: Are you threatening me? Cyril.aic: I'm trying to help you. Listen I know I like to riff on you, but I'm being serious here. I don't want to see you lose everything if we can avoid it. I know this is going to feel like a shitty thing to do, but it's what we need to get done. I'll do my best to monitor everything so Karlsson never even finds out, so you can even keep your boyfriend after this is said and done. …Assuming we don't get caught burning the goat. Caraway sighs. Caraway: …You're right, Cyril. Fine, I'll go along with this plan, but you'd better not mess up. Cyril.aic: Same to you, Faran. Addendum 7904.5 Gävle, Sweden Cyril.aic: Stick to the plan, Caraway. Caraway: I get it. Don't remind me about work right now. Please. Caraway walks up to a house and gently knocks on the door. A muffled voice is heard from the other side, and after a few moments the door opens. Karlsson is on the other side, dressed in a robe. Karlsson: Hey. Glad you made it, I was worried after you dashed out of the restaurant. Caraway: Work is crazy, what can I say. That said. Caraway holds up his watch and makes a dramatic show of turning it off. Caraway: I'm off the clock now. Karlsson smirks. Karlsson: Please, come in. Warm yourself up some. Caraway enters and removes his jacket, gloves and hat, placing them on a small table near the door before shaking himself off. He looks around the home. It is sparsely decorated, with very few items on the wall and only a few pieces of furniture. Karlsson: Welcome to my abode! Please, make yourself at home. Caraway: Uh, sure thing. Karlsson: Something wrong? Caraway: No! No, this is great and all but… I dunno doesn't it feel a little empty in here to you? Karlsson's brow furrows, and he looks around the room. Karlsson: I'm not sure I understand? Caraway: …Nevermind. The two stand in awkward silence. After several moments they both attempt to speak, before stopping to allow the other to speak. This exchange continues for nearly a minute before Karlsson takes control of the conversation. Karlsson: Should I show you to my room? Caraway: Oh, are we going straight there? Like right now? Karlsson: Easy, easy. We don't need to hop straight to things, we can just take it slow and feel it out as we go. Karlsson walks up behind Caraway and rests his hands on his shoulders. He rubs them gently as he guides Caraway down a hall and into a bedroom. The room is mostly empty aside from a bed and a wardrobe. Karlsson sits Caraway down on the bed. Caraway opens his mouth as if to say something, before burying his face in his hands. Karlsson sits down beside him, and rests a hand on his shoulder. Karlsson: Hey, hey. It's ok. Am I moving too fast here? We don't need to- Caraway: No, I'm… fuck, sorry, I'm just overwhelmed. I never expected to be in this position. Karlsson: What do you mean? I mean yeah I'm sure lots of older virgins think that but you don't need to feel bad about it. I can teach you- Caraway: No it's not the virgin sex thing. I just… Caraway sighs. Caraway: You're almost a perfect stranger to me. I've known you for maybe 35 hours tops, but you are legitimately the first person who talks to me like I'm a normal person. You don't see me for how I could be used, or at least I assume you don't. God, look at me, blubbering like an idiot to a total stranger. Karlsson: I don't think you're an idiot, for whatever that's worth. And I don't feel like we're total strangers, either. Sure, we may not have known each other very long, but I meant what I said at the restaurant. You're special, Faran, I can sense it. Caraway looks up and meets Karlsson's eyes. The two gaze at one another for a moment, before Karlsson leans in to kiss Caraway. Caraway reciprocates, wrapping his arms around Karlsson. The two continue to kiss for several minutes, before Caraway stands and removes his shirt. Karlsson stands to do the same, before stopping and pointing to Caraway's left shoulder. Karlsson: What's that? SCP- Caraway: It's just a tattoo. Karlsson: Does the number mean something? Caraway: It's… a personal reminder of something is all. Karlsson: I hope you don't mind me saying I'm not a huge fan of this one. Makes you look a bit like a branded cow with that barcode tattoo. You should get something more artistic, like a butterfly or something. Caraway gives a pained smile, but Karlsson simply laughs in response. Karlsson finally removes his shirt and pushes Caraway down to the bed. The following section has been REDACTED to protect the privacy of Dr. Faran Caraway. The full record can be requested from Site-58's Department of Anomalous Ambassadorship. Caraway and Karlsson lay side by side in the bed, panting. Caraway: Was that good for you? It was good for me. Karlsson: Yeah, it was good. You did fine. I told you it would be ok. The two lean in and share a brief kiss. Karlsson: Thank you for trusting me. Caraway smiles. Karlsson: You know what? Maybe you should move up here. Caraway: Woah, woah. Slow down a bit there. Karlsson: I mean it. I don't mean move up here to date me or move in. What I mean is, I can tell that your work is draining you. Maybe you just need to get away from it, start fresh somewhere new. Pretend to be a new person, like a shapeshifter or something. Caraway: Right, like a… shapeshifter or something. Karlsson: It's just a thought, not something I want to pressure you into. Just think about it for a bit. Karlsson stretches and yawns. Karlsson: Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Try not to wake up before me, let me at least make breakfast for you. Karlsson lays down. After a few minutes he falls asleep. Caraway carefully rises from the bed and stands, retrieving his watch from the wardrobe and stepping out. He turns the watch back on. Cyril.aic: I need you to be fully aware of the fact that just because the watch is off doesn't mean I'm turned off. That was a horrible experience for me. Caraway: Quit complaining. Let's just get this over with. I'm pretty sure I saw his computer in the living room. Caraway enters the living room. In the back corner is a desktop computer. He approaches it and sits, placing the watch next to the monitor. Caraway: This good enough? I have no clue how you things work. Cyril.aic: Proximity is good enough. I can connect. Caraway: Wait, why couldn't you just connect from the bedroom? Aren't you using like Bluetooth or something? Cyril.aic: You already admitted you have no idea how I work. Just assume that if you do everything I say, things will work out, alright? Caraway leans back in the chair and sighs. Caraway: How long is this going to take? Cyril.aic: At least 5 minutes. 5 hours if you complain. Normally this would be an open and shut case but there's some crazy strong security on these files. Keep an eye on your surroundings, I have to focus everything on cracking this thing. Caraway: Sure thing. Caraway leans back in the chair once more and sits in silence, staring at the wall. After a few minutes something strikes him on the back of the head, and he slumps over on the desk. Cyril.aic: Ah HA! Got it! Alright, Caraway, got the files we need. Just give me a minute to analyze this thing and… The watch containing Cyril.aic is smashed by an unseen object and removed from the desk. Addendum 7904.6 ??? Caraway sits alone in the dark. He is naked, and has reverted back to his standard demonic form. He's covered in a dark fluid in several places across his body4, and appears to be bound to a chair. After several moments he raises his head and shakes it. He flexes his hands, and struggles against the restraints with a look of panic on his face. The chair falls to the side, and he lands in the snow on the ground. He shivers. Man: Please don't struggle too much here, Faran. Caraway: Who's there? Karlsson steps into the light. He is wearing dark robes wrapped with rings of red cloth matching the ornaments on SCP-7904. Caraway: …Shit. Mikael is this like a kink thing? This is way too far for me, I'm sorry. I'm not really into the "exhibitionism bondage" thing, I don't really love the idea of other people seeing- Karlsson: No! What, God no, it's not a kink thing! You're tied up here so you can't burn Gävlebocken you Foundation asshole! Caraway: Foundation? What are you talking about? Karlsson pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. Karlsson: You can drop the act, Faran. Have you even bothered to look at yourself? Caraway looks himself over with some difficulty. After a moment, he moves his tail. His ears droop, and a look of concern falls on his face. Caraway: …Shit. Karlsson: For what it's worth, this was probably one of the most clever plans you all have had yet. I mean I was a little suspicious with the barcode tattoo, but the actual numerical designation tattoo really gave it all away. That said I thought you were just a low-level reality bender or something. I never expected them to throw an actual shapeshifter of all things at this! By the way your shapeshifting left a LOT of blood on my floor. Was that a reaction to getting hit or…? Caraway: Yeah, I tend to swap back to my usual form when people fucking beat me over the head with things, and it's a pretty painful process, gotta say. I feel like shit. Karlsson: Do people beat you often or something? Caraway: It's happened once or twice. Caraway shakes his head. Caraway: Anyway can you PLEASE explain what's going on here. I've figured out some of it, but I'm still missing pieces. I get that you're involved in the goat- Karlsson: Gävlebocken. Caraway: WHATEVER IT'S CALLED. I get that you're involved with the cult here, so it's safe to assume you're the… leader, right? Karlsson: Well done, full marks. Caraway: Cool, glad that's sorted. Now the part I don't get it's the whole "why" factor. Why the hell do you all build a straw goat each year anyway? What's the point of trying to summon those people from the winter woods? Karlsson: Impressive, you even know the protocol. You did your homework. Caraway: Foundation mandated. They want their tools to work properly. Karlsson: They aren't going to like that I smashed this then, I suppose? Karlsson holds up the watch containing Cyril.aic. The screen lights up for a moment before seemingly turning back off. Caraway: Cyril! Goddammit! Karlsson: Cyril? I get it, you had a helper. Caraway: Come on, Mikael, answer my question. I don't get how a guy like you got wrapped up in all this, and I still don't get the point of this mess! Karlsson: Because I'm like you, Faran. An anomaly. Karlsson smooths back his hair, revealing a small pair of horns. Karlsson: I'm born from demons, and I've had these from day one. Everyone in my group is anomalous in some way. It's brought us together, but we've never truly had a place to belong in the mundane world. Not as ourselves, anyway. You get that, right? Caraway is silent. Karlsson: Look at yourself, Faran! The Foundation has you branded like cattle! Barcodes, tags, a number, do they really see you as a person? Caraway: So what, you're going to try and take the world over with Gävlebocken? Karlsson: What? No! The idea here is that we release as many winter wanderers each year as we can, and eventually the Foundation can't control it anymore. The world is forced to learn about the anomalous, and people like us can finally walk in the light with humanity. Caraway: And what about the people who get hurt in the process? Karlsson: Are you talking about that old traffic accident story? You realize that's the only major incident we've caused, right? Caraway: We lost an entire city. Karlsson: An entire city? Caraway: Yup. Poof. Gone. We literally have no idea what happened to it. Karlsson: …Still! That's just two minor incidents. Karlsson leans down and places Caraway's chair back up. Karlsson: Please, Faran, I know you were lying to me about a lot of things, but I know deep down you care about me. I can feel it. I care about you too, and I don't want whatever potential there might be between us to be lost over this. I want you to think about this, long and hard. Do you really want to continue being a pawn of the Foundation, or do you want to play a part in making a world that people like us are free to exist in as we truly are? Caraway: …You know what? Caraway leans himself closer to Karlsson and looks him in the eyes. Caraway: I do. Karlsson: Really? You truly mean that? Caraway: Yeah, I do. I want to make this world with you. Karlsson opens his mouth as if to speak, before leaning in and kissing Caraway deeply. As the two kiss, Karlsson undoes the ropes binding Caraway. Karlsson: You won't regret this, Faran. It's going to be amazing. …Sorry about the ropes, by the way. Caraway: It's fine. I couldn't shift to get out of them anyway, whole process hurts like a bitch and you would've caught on right away. …By the way, what time is it? Karlsson: Oh, I don't know actually. Should be close to New Year at this point. Caraway: Hand me that watch, I should still be able to get the time working on it. That way we can do a countdown. Karlsson: Sure, sure. Here. Karlsson fishes the watch from his pocket and passes it to Caraway. Caraway turns it over, and presses a few buttons on the side. Caraway: There we go! Let's see… 11:58pm, December 31st. Right on time then. Too bad we'll have to make our own fireworks. Karlsson: Hm? What do you mean? Caraway: Sorry, Mikael, but I can't betray the Foundation. They're not amazing, but they're the only real family I've ever known. Cyril.aic: NOW, CARAWAY! Before Karlsson can react, Caraway throws his watch over the fence. Cyril.aic: EAT IT, PRETTYBOY! It lands on the stage holding SCP-7904. Karlsson pushes Caraway aside and begins running to retrieve the watch, but before he can reach it it explodes, engulfing SCP-7904 in flames. Karlsson falls to the ground as Caraway rises back to his feet. He walks over to Karlsson and leans down, planting a small kiss on his cheek as several bright searchlights illuminate the area. Several members of MTF Theta-7 ("Goat Herders") arrive on the scene, guns drawn. Caraway: Happy New Year, Mikael. This was fun, we should do it again sometime. Footnotes 1. Dr. Faran Caraway is a catalogued anomaly. Per Site-58 procedures, all catalogued humanoid anomalies are required to have a tattoo with their numerical designation alongside a tattooed barcode and a tag for identification and tracking purposes. 2. Cyril.aic, an intelligent AIC developed by Site-58's Artificial Intelligence Department to assist with field work. Cyril.aic is capable of detailed environmental scanning, able to recreate near perfect video replicas of its surroundings. 3. Despite being a shapeshifter, Dr. Caraway is required to maintain a visible identification tag on his person at all times, including field missions. Normally this tag is stuck to his tail, but when taking a form that lacks this tail his tag is transferred to his left earlobe. 4. Believed to be blood left as a result of his transformation. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7904" by OriTiefling, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Gävle bock 2011 1.jpg Author: Tomiwoj License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Additional Notes: Source: Filename: Cyril1.png, Cyril2.png, Cyril3.png, Cyril4.png, Cyril5.png Author: OriTiefling License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Additional Notes: These images are created by and originally the property of the author OriTiefling. They are released under the CC by SA 3.0 License for use by the SCP community.
Item#: SCP-7905 Level3 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo … SCP-7905 … … … Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7905 is to be contained around a 3 kilometer by 3 kilometer perimeter patrolled by armed guards under constant surveillance 24 hours every day. This perimeter is set up using an iron fence laced with barbed wire and charged with 15 volts of electricity at all times. Any unauthorized personnel caught attempting to enter this perimeter will be detained and delivered amnestics prior to release. Lethal force has been deemed necessary for personnel who resist. Any SCP-7905-3 instances that exit SCP-7905 are to be detained and interviewed by Foundation personnel prior to insertion into a secure Foundation containment facility. Any hostile SCP-7905-3 instances found exiting SCP-7905 are to be incapacitated and detained by armed guards. Description: SCP-7905 is a spatial anomaly taking the appearance of a 9 meter tall, 4 meter wide cave entrance. SCP-7905 is located in ███, ███, South America. Upon entering the threshold of SCP-7905, personnel will find themselves in an alternate reality referred to as SCP-7905-1. This reality appears to be strikingly similar to that of Earth, albeit in an extreme state of disrepair. SCP-7905-1 is inhabited by several anomalous entities. The human counterparts are known as SCP-7905-3. SCP-7905-1 appears to have been put through an XK-Class End-of-the-World-Scenario due to the hostile interference of SCP-7905-2 and SCP-7905-4. SCP-7905-1 appeared to have an advanced civilization similar to the Foundation's earth, and also included various types of technology unknown to mankind. The Foundation likewise possessed various technology unknown or undiscovered by SCP-7905-1. SCP-7905-1 is referred to as "Voria" by its inhabitants. The appearance of SCP-7905-3 is similar to an average human. The race is bipedal, with two arms, eyes, ears and a skeletal structure almost identical to that of a human. The skin of SCP-7905-3 instances, however, take on various different shades of blue. The blood of SCP-7905-3 instances take on a pink pigment due to the presence of hemerythrin in place of human red blood cells. Hemerythrin is most commonly found in invertebrates such as octopi or squid on the Foundation's own world. SCP-7905-3 instances are generally cooperative with Foundation personnel, however some instances appear to be fearful and even hostile. SCP-7905-3 instances are most commonly found in the remaining intact cities, surrounded by large barriers constructed of an unknown metal alloy. SCP-7905-3 refer to themselves as "vorians." SCP-7905-2 is an anomalous hostile subspecies that inhabits SCP-7905-1. They are quadrupedal mammals that seem to feast exclusively on vorian and human flesh. Reasons for this are unknown, but it is hypothesized that SCP-7905-2 targets the flesh of sapient beings. SCP-7905-2 resembles a common Odocoileus virginianus (whitetail deer), albeit much larger, with an extra set of eyes, crimson fur, and canine-like teeth. SCP-7905-2 is an asexual race, and is subsequently able to reproduce asexually by secreting offspring from their epidermis over a five-month period. SCP-7905-2 was previously contained by the Anomalous Containment Federation (ACF), the SCP-7905-1 equivalent of the Foundation. A mass containment breach resulted in SCP-7905-2 causing an XK-class End-of-the-World-Scenario. SCP-7905-4 is [DATA EXPUNGED] Addendum 1: Discovery SCP-7905 was discovered on █/█/2021 after a group of three hikers were reported missing in ███, South America. Foundation personnel imbedded in the local police force alerted the main Foundation after discovering SCP-7905. The missing hikers were never recovered. Upon discovery, SCP-7905 was flooded with 1 meter high saltwater, despite there being no saltwater bodies nearby. MTF insertion into SCP-7905 was approved a week after its discovery, as well as the above containment procedures. + Further information on SCP-7905-1 - Hide Note: The following information are notes on SCP-7905-1's economy, technology and culture before its XK-Scenario occurred. Written by Dr. Lucas Stone.1 Economy & Government Planet Structure & Geography The economy of SCP-7905-1 is 65% free market economy, with the majority of this being on the west side of the planet. This type of economy is identical to that of capitalism and is referred to as "profitism" on SCP-7905-1. The remaining 35% of the eastern half of the planet is largely a mixture of socialism and communism, referred to as "portionism" on SCP-7905-1. At the time of the XK-Event, SCP-7905-1 seemed to be in a political conflict between the west and east, albeit no war was declared. The most profitable and richest country was the Union Powers, the hypothesized equivalent to the United States of America. Then, there's the ACF. The Anomalous Containment Federation (ACF) is the Foundation's equivalent on SCP-7905-1, an organization dedicated to containing anomalies and keeping them a secret. However, the ACF was much smaller than the Foundation is now. SCP-7905-1 didn't have a particularly large amount of anomalies. In fact, they only had 112 anomalies in containment, and 90% of them were relatively easy to contain. SCP-7905-2, or "Anomaly-37" as they called it, was one of their worst. It was a subspecies of deer, however these…things… are strictly carnivorous. Well, maybe that's being generous. They only eat vorian flesh and, as we discovered the hard way, human flesh. They seem to be able to retain nutrients for much longer than any other species on either planet. They can go up to three years without eating a single bite. That's what makes them so dangerous: the vorians couldn't just wait them out, no, they kept coming until their entire world was thrown into anarchy. The ACF was exposed for what they did and everyone turned against them. Everyone on the planet blames it all on the ACF. SCP-7905-1's structure is identical to Earth's rotating around a large star with eight other planets in its solar system. Unlike our own Earth, SCP-7905-1 is made up of only four continents. At the southernmost and northernmost portions of the planet lie the North and South Poles. These are referred to as the North and South "Cold Points". The Union Powers lies to the west, the country of Rital on its southern border and Yoland on its northern. Yoland is not bordered by any other land, and neither is the Union Powers. Rital is bordered by the countries known as Atkinso and Saraka on its eastern and southern borders, respectively. These countries make up the continent of Union West. The continent of Durva lies to the east, made up of various smaller countries, much like Asia in our own world, and with a similar culture, as well. In between Durva and Union West, located to the east is the continent of Soral. This is the hypothesized equivalent to Africa, although it is much larger. Lastly, is the continent of Jacopez. This is the smallest of all four, located several thousand miles off the east coast of Yoland. Regardless of its distance from any other civilization, it thrives off the vast amount of precious gems within its mountains. Addendum 2: First Exploration Shortly after the hikers' disappearance and discovery of SCP-7905, O5 Command approved the request for an MTF insertion into SCP-7905. The following is a transcript video log of MTF-Delta 49 ("Back in Black") during their exploration into SCP-7905 and SCP-7905-1. + Open Addendum 2 - Hide Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: ██/█/2021 Exploration Team: MTF-Delta 49 ("Back in Black") Subject: SCP-7905 Team Leader: Delta-49 "Jack" Team Members: Delta-49 "Sparrow" Delta-49 "Charger" Delta-49 "Hawk" Delta-49 "Queen" Note: Mission is supervised by Dr. Lucas Stone via remote transmission from Site-790. All members of MTF-Delta 49 are equipped with microphones and shoulder-mounted cameras. [BEGIN LOG] Jack: Alright, last check for cams. Make sure they're on, guys. Charger: We're good. Queen: Affirmative. Sparrow: Yeah, all good. Hawk: Good. Command: Sound off, MTF-Delta 49. Make sure the audio is working properly. Jack: Jack here. Charger: Charger here. Queen: Queen online. Sparrow: Sparrow. Hawk: And Hawk. Command: Affirmative, Delta 49 you are clear to enter SCP-7905 now. Jack: Okay, everyone. Weapons out, safety off, we got no idea what kinda freaky shit is in there. Hawk: Don't have to tell me twice. Delta 49 makes their way towards the threshold of SCP-7905. Sparrow: Jeez. This place makes reminds me of that other cave. Y'know, where everything's dead? Charger: Honestly, that would be better than getting killed by some demon army or living sack of organs. Corpses can't kill us. Most of the time. Hawk: (laughs) Queen: Focus, team. We have a mission. Hawk: (muttering) Buzzkill. Team enters SCP-7905 and all camera views turn black. Sparrow: Fucking hell, it's dark. Jack: Activate your lights. Team activates their helmet and shoulder-mounted lights. Light does not malfunction, but appears to have no effect on visibility within SCP-7905. Team is silent for 11 seconds. Hawk:…That didn't do anything. Jack: Well…I guess we just go forward. If you see anything, shoot it. Sparrow: Can't even see my own feet, but okay. Team proceeds further into SCP-7905. Jack: Looks like we're coming up on something. Command: Describe what you're seeing. Jack: Hang on, it's kind of far away. Team proceeds forward for 30 seconds. Charger: It's like…a hallway. Command: Affirmative, we can see it. At this point, MTF-Delta 49 has now entered SCP-7905-1. The hallway described by Charger seems to be that of a laboratory, albeit in extreme disrepair. The tunnel leading out of SCP-7905 is shown to be a massive opening in the wall, surrounded by bright blue and red lights. Sparks continuously eject from a nearby machine, seemingly connected to SCP-7905. Sparrow: Damn…is that blood? Hawk: Jeez…the smell. Command: Could you describe the odor for us? Queen: Something dead. Smells like something dead. Charger: Hey! Captain! I found one of those hikers. Delta-49 Charger's camera shows the corpse of one of the three hikers who were reported missing. Subject appears to have sustained several stab wounds to the neck and cranium, as well as several missing pieces of flesh throughout his body. Body is located between a fork in the hallways. Jack: Shit… Sparrow: What the hell did this? Queen: Let's hope we don't find out. At this moment, an animal-like vocalization is heard to the left passageway. Team directs their attention to the source of the sound. Sparrow: Shit! Hawk: The fuck was that? Jack: Get ready team, if it moves, shoot it. Silence for 15 seconds following the vocalization. Charger: …I think it's— Another vocalization is heard, and the source is revealed to be an instance of SCP-7905-2. Instance appears to notice the team, and vocalizes once more. Sparrow: The fuck? Delta-49 Queen, Charger, Jack, and Hawk immediately open fire. This appears to have no effect on the SCP-7905-2 instance. The instance charges toward the team. Hawk: It's not dying! It's not— SCP-7905-2's antlers make contact with Delta-49 Queen. Queen is launched backward into an adjacent observational deck. Jack: Shit! SCP-7905-2 kicks its front legs and makes contact with Delta-49 Hawk. Jack: Get out! Go! The remainder of the team moves down the right passageway, leaving Delta-49 Hawk and Queen behind. Hawk and Queen's cameras were seemingly destroyed during the confrontation. Connection with Command is lost, however MTF-Delta 49's cameras continue to operate. Team continues to run for approximately 2 minutes before approaching a degraded ladder leading to a hatch on the ceiling. Sounds of hooves colliding with the floor seems to grow louder. Jack: Climb! Go go go! Team climbs the ladder to the hatch located at the top. Vocalizations of SCP-7905-2 grows louder. Sparrow: Open it! Open— Delta-49 Charger screams. Charger: It's got my leg! It's got my fucking leg! Shots are fired, most likely from Delta-49 Charger Sparrow: Jack, hurry! Jack: I've got it! Charger: Wait! Help me! Delta-49 Jack exits the laboratory and reaches down the threshold. Jack: Sparrow! Grab Charger and I'll grab you! Charger: I lost my gun! Delta-49 Sparrow grasps Delta-49 Charger's left hand, and Delta-49 Jack grasps Sparrow's left hand. Charger: Fuck! Sparrow: Pull! Delta-49 Charger is pulled free from the SCP-7905-2 instance. A loud snap is heard following his release, and Delta-49 vocalizes loudly. Jack: Close it! Sparrow: What about— Jack: Now! Delta-49 Sparrow complies and closes the hatch door. Charger: Fuck…oh jeez… Jack: Charger… Charger: Oh, my leg is fucked. Delta-49 Charger's left calf appears to have a massive portion of flesh ripped out, along with three of his toes being missing. Sparrow: What do we do? Queen had all the medical supplies. Jack: Queen's dead, so is Hawk. We're on our own now. Maybe we can find someone to help us. Sparrow: Well, good luck. This place looks like a wasteland. Jack: Yeah you're right. Come on, there's a few bushes and a small tree over here. It'll be better than nothing. Sparrow: You're the boss. Team makes their way over to the aforementioned plant life, with Delta-49 Jack supporting Delta-49 Charger. Jack: We gotta do something about this. Delta-49 Jack gestures to Delta-49 Charger's wounds as they sit down. Sparrow. Lemme try— Delta-49 Sparrow detaches the cloth covering her face and wraps it around the wound on Delta-49 Charger. Delta-49 Charger gasps in pain. Sparrow: Get comfortable. It's gonna be a long night. Team remains in their position for 3 hours and 47 minutes, invariably crying for assistance and attempting to reestablish contact with Command. At this point, the sound of a vehicle is heard in the distance. Sparrow: Is that…? Jack: Sounds like a car. Safety off, Sparrow. We don't know what it might be. Approximately 5 minutes passes before a vehicle resembling a white van approaches the team. The van has the words "THE LAST" inscribed on the side in black paint. The van slows to a stop and the side door opens, revealing two instances of SCP-7905-3. One is female, the other male, and both are equipped with firearms. Charger: The hell? Female SCP-7905-3: Oh, great. It's more of those ACF a-holes. Let's just shoot 'em and be done with it. Jack: Excuse me? ACF? What are— Female SCP-7905-3: Shut up! The female instance appears to ready her firearm and aims it at Delta-49 Jack. Delta-49 Jack prepares his own firearm. Jack: Hold it! Male SCP-7905-3: Hale! Calm yourself! Look at their skin. Charger: Our skin? Have ya looked in the mirror lately, bucko? Delta-49 Charger's voice is noticeably slurred, and his eyelids begin to twitch. The female, "Hale", lowers her firearm slowly, and Delta-49 Jack does the same. Hale: It's…white…sort of. And their blood is red. Sparrow: You don't say. Hale: I'd watch my mouth if I were you, bitch! 'Cuz right now, it looks like your buddy over there is bleeding out, and we're really your only hope at saving him. Male SCP-7905-3: Hale, quiet. Let me speak with them. Hale: But we can't trust them. What if it's another one of those anomalies that the ACF used to have? What then? Male SCP-7905-3: I'll be fine. This isn't my first day in the apocalypse, Hale. The male SCP-7905-3 instance exits the vehicle and approaches Delta-49 Jack, his firearm at his side. Male SCP-7905-3: You seem like you're in charge. What's with the mask? Jack: Who are you? Male SCP-7905-3: My name is Vern. Vern Endrix. With an "X" at the end. Jack: ██ ████ . Sparrow: Jack! We're not supposed— Jack: I don't really see the point in concealing my name, Sparrow. We're a long way away from the Foundation. Vern Endrix: What is this "Foundation" you speak of? Where exactly are you from, Mr. ████ ? Jack: You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Vern: (laughs) We're living in a world taken over by giant, homicidal deer. Try me. Delta-49 Jack removes his face mask and helmet. Jack: Listen, friend, I mean no disrespect, but our buddy here is gonna die if he doesn't get some help. Please. We can discuss everything once he gets some medical treatment. The male, "Vern Endrix", looks at Delta-49 Charger and winces. Vern: Of course. Come with us. We know a place where you'll be safe. Hale: Vern! You can't be serious! Vern: I'm not just going to leave them here to get eaten Hale! Sparrow: Eaten? Hale: But we— At this moment, a vocalization similar to the previous SCP-7905-2 instance is heard, albeit from multiple directions and much louder. Hale: Uh-oh. Sparrow: More of them? Vern: Guns ready! In the van, quickly! Jack: Sparrow! Help me get Charger! The sounds grow increasingly closer, and one particularly large SCP-7905-2 instances appears from behind a large boulder. The instance charges toward the group. Jack: Oh fuck! Oh fuck fuck fuck— The SCP-7905-2 stands on its hind legs and vocalizes once more. Before it can make contact with Delta-49 Jack, however, a loud crack is heard and the instance falls on its side, deceased. Blood pours from its chest and mouth. Vern is heard calling to the remaining Delta-49 members. Vern: Hurry! We must hurry! They are almost here. Delta-49 Sparrow and Jack carry Delta-49 Charger into the interior of the van, which is immediately closed by Hale. Jack: We got him! Drive, drive, drive! The vehicle appears to accelerate, and the cries of the SCP-7905-2 grow quieter. The team is silent for a moment. Two more SCP-7905-3 are seen in the driver's seat and passenger seat. Both are male. Vern: Now, where were we? Charger: (giggling) You look funny… Jack: (sighs) He's lost a lot of blood. (pauses) How did you do that? Hale: Do what? Sparrow: You killed that…thing. We shot one earlier, but the bullets just bounced right off. Vern: We use a special kind of ammunition. Iron, laced with ivory from their antlers. It's the only thing that can hurt them, which is bad, because they're extremely hard to get. Jack: I see. Group is silent once more for 4 minutes. Sparrow:…Where are you taking us? Vern: To our city. One of the last remaining cities on Voria. Male SCP-7905-3 Driver: Yeah, the Collective will want to talk to you three. Sparrow: Collective? What are you, a cult? Hale: The hell's a cult? Vern: The Collective leads our city, makes all the important decisions. We're Scavengers. The only people permitted to go into the wasteland to gather resources and other survivors. Jack: And how long has it been like this? Hale: About ten years. I was eight when the Empio2 got loose. Sparrow: Empio? That's what you call them? Vern: It's— Jack: Italian. It means "unholy" if I remember correctly. Vern: Yes, it— Hale: Italian? I dunno what you call it wherever you're from, but here, it's Ritalese. Jack: Guess the country's name is different than ours. Hale: Guess so. Group is silent for another 10 minutes while Vern applies an unidentified liquid to Delta-49 Charger's wound. Bleeding appears to slow. Video begins to distort slightly. Hale: Here we are. Group exits the van, upon which the camera shows a steel wall approximately 50 meters tall, if not larger. Video distortion grows to the point that audio dialogue is barely coherent. Wall appears to be curved into a circle around a large city. Sparrow: Holy… Vern: Welcome to Haven City. Video distorts until all visibility and audio is lost completely. [END LOG] CLASSIFIED THE FOLLOWING FILES ARE LEVEL 4 CLASSIFIED SCROLLING DOWN FURTHER WILL ACTIVATE A MEMETIC HAZARD THAT WILL ONLY BE PERCEPTIBLE TO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL. THIS MEMETIC HAZARD IS 100% FATAL. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Addendum 3: Further Documentation Recovered from Delta-49 Survivors The following audio and video transcript logs are items recovered from SCP-7905-1. These were taken using cameras from "Haven City", within SCP-7905-1, and were used by the members of MTF-Delta 49 and the two SCP-7905-3 instances, Hale and Vern. + Open Addendum 3 Item 1 - Hide Camera turns on and shows Delta-49 Sparrow, clothed in white garments and sitting on a bed in what appears to be a small bedroom. The walls are grey and the bedsheets white. Sparrow: Figured I might as well start doing this, just in case I ever get back to the Foundation. Jack went to go talk to this "Collective", whatever the hell that means. Charger's in one of their medical wards. They're having trouble stabilizing him because he lost so much blood, and theirs is different than ours, which means they can't do a transfusion. Heh, it took me a solid 15 minutes to work this thing. All the buttons are so different. Delta-49 Sparrow sighs and is silent for 15 seconds. Sparrow: Apparently, days last for 24 hours around here, same as Earth. Not that it would matter because I'm ready to collapse. I just wanted to keep this to let people know I'm alive. Don't know how much longer that'll last, though. Sparrow: The other…lifeforms…looked at us like we were the strangest thing they'd ever seen. Their skin is blue, but strangely, I'm not afraid of it. It's actually really pretty. But they're scared of us. From what Vern has told me, there was an organization called the ACF that basically did the Foundation's job here. Until, one day, the Empio got out. The name used by the ACF was "Anomaly-37" I think. The reason this planet ended up turning to a wasteland was because this world didn't have a bunch of reality-benders or gods or demons or some other kind of all-powerful bullshit. "Anomaly-37" was their most dangerous anomaly. The civilians were understandably pissed, and they directed all that anger at the ACF. They treat anyone associated with them like the plague. They won't let them anywhere near the city, and just kick them out there for the Empio to eat. That's what I'm afraid will happen to us, if they figure out where we came from and what the Foundation does. Sparrow: (sighs) Only time will tell, I suppose. [END LOG] Foreword: The following video is a transcript of Delta-49 Jack meeting with the "Collective" of Haven City. + Open Addendum 3 Item 2 - Hide Camera activates and appears to be positioned on the ceiling. The room is occupied by a circular table with 5 seated individuals surrounding it. Each individual has a number from 1-5 inscribed on the table in front of them, apparently designating their position within the Collective. Delta-49 Jack is standing at the front entrance to the chamber, flanked by two armed guards. Collective Member 1: My Scavengers say that they recovered you from the wasteland. You are unlike anything we have seen, and that worries our people. Jack: My friends and I assure you, we mean no harm. We only want to get back to our world. Collective Member 3: Your world? Collective Member 2: Where exactly did you come from? And how did you end up here? Jack: We work with a group known as the SCP Foundation. We're dedicated to studying and containing anomalies. We found a cave deep in a forest on our world, and when we went inside, it took us here. Your Scavengers saved our lives. Collective Member 5: Containing anomalies? Sounds like ACF to me. Collective Member 2: Indeed. We must get rid of him. Who's to say he isn't one of those freaks that— Jack: ACF? What— Collective Member 1: Enough! The room is silent for 5 seconds. Collective Member 1: Throughout my life, I've learned how to tell if someone is lying or not. Our extradimensional friend here is telling the truth. He means us no ill will. Collective Member 2: You can't be— Collective Member 1: However! That does not mean I've never been wrong. Therefore, you and your companion, Sparrow, will be confined to our cells until we decide what the next course of action is. Jack: Wait, you're gonna lock us up? What about Charger, he— Collective Member 1: He will be cared for, I assure you. In his current state, he poses no threat. That is all. The two guards seize Delta-49 Jack by the arms and begin to escort him out of the chamber. [END LOG] Addendum 4: Attempt at Further Exploration A second MTF was sent into SCP-7905 in hopes of gathering more information and possibly recovering the survivors of MTF-Delta 49. Delta-49's cameras maintained a GPS signal up until they were recovered by Vern and Hale. + Open Addendum 4 - Hide Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: █/█/2021 Exploration Team: MTF-Theta 51 ("Smooth Criminals") Subject: SCP-7905 Team Lead: Theta-51 "Rook" Team Members: Theta-51 "Frost" Theta-51 "Mako" Theta-51 "Talon" Theta-51 "Brewer" Theta-51 "Axel" Note: Theta-51 Axel and Theta-51 Mako are both equipped with standard Foundation-issued flamethrowers. Theta-51 Rook is the only member equipped with a camera, however, all members are equipped with radios. [BEGIN LOG] Command: Alright, team. We've sent you the last known coordinates of MTF-Delta 49. Proceed with caution. Rook: Roger that. Let's get moving. Theta-51 enters SCP-7905 and subsequently arrives in SCP-7905-1. The same laboratory is present. Rook: Command, you seeing this? Command: Affirmative, Theta-51. Reminder: there is a hostile entity located within this building. We believe the flamethrowers will be able to slow it down long enough for you to evade it. Mako: But it won't kill it? Command: Negative. Axel: Pfft. Then what's the goddamn point? Rook: Save it, Ax. We got better things to complain about. Frost: Holy…that smell. Brewer: Ugh, she's right. I can smell it too. There's definitely a few bodies in here. Phew. Command: Be advised, two members of MTF-Delta 49 were presumed KIA here. However, their bodies were never recovered Rook: Copy that. Team proceeds further into the laboratory, eventually discovering the corpse of the missing hiker previously encountered by MTF-Delta 49. Brewer: Poor guy. Frost: He's been there for a while. Rook: Well, there's two passages. We'll split up. Axel, you come left with me and Brewer. Mako, you take everyone else to the right. Mako: Yes sir. Rook: Alright, we'll rendezvous back here when I call it. Radio us if there's any problems. Team splits up inside the laboratory. Theta-51 Rook's camera shows the left passageway in an extreme state of disrepair. Mold and a dried pink liquid are present on the walls, the liquid presumably the blood of an unknown SCP-7905-3. Axel: Sheesh. That smell's gotten worse. A lot worse. Brewer: You got that right…(coughing) Rook: Keep moving, boys. If you gotta throw up, make sure you don't get too much on your suit. Takes forever to get the stains out. Axel: Yeah…I've smelled a pile of rotting corpses before, but this…(coughing) Brewer: Couldn't have said it better myself. Rook: Stop. The three team members come to a halt within a room leading to three more passageways. Silence for 4 seconds. Rook: (whispering) Hear that? Team is silent as Theta-51 Axel prepares his flamethrower. Brewer: (whispering) No, I— The vocalization of an SCP-7905-2 is heard, albeit much quieter than previously observed. Rook: Shh. I don't think it knows we're here. Brewer: Let's keep it that way. Axel: Which way is it— Before Theta-51 Axel is able to finish, an unknown voice is heard emanating from the middle passageway. Voice resembles a young male, and is seemingly far away. Unknown: No! I said enough! Rook: Command? Command: Be advised, captain. This is most likely an instance of SCP-7905-3. Assuming you read the brief, I'll refrain from explaining. Rook: Alright. Team, down the left hall. Axel: What about this other thing? Rook: Just follow me. We'll watch him come out from down this hall. Keep your weapons ready. The three team members proceed down the left passageway for approximately 11 meters. Rook: Lights off, don't make a sound. Radios off, too. Team is silent while waiting for SCP-7905-3 instance to emerge. More SCP-7905-2 vocalizations are detected, as well as a second unknown male voice. Unknown 1: I said no! If we kill them— Unknown 2: We won't do anything. That will be the Empios' job. Unknown 1: Oh shut up! I'm tired of hearing you say that. They're no use to us dead! Unknown 2: No use alive either. The two entities emerge. The first voice is identified as an approximately 1.9 meter tall SCP-7905-3 instance with black hair. The second is approximately 1.8 meters with no hair. To the surprise of the team, they are followed by three 3 meter tall SCP-7905-2 instances, albeit they do not appear hostile.3 Unknown 1: Yes they are. You saw those others who came in ██ ago. They'll help us get inside. Unknown 2: How do we know the Collective hasn't killed them yet? Or locked them up? Unknown 1: We don't. But do you have a better idea? Unknown 2: Yeah, we kill them. Unknown 1: That's not better. Unknown 2: I think— Unknown 1: Wait. The heads of all three SCP-7905-2 instances immediately perk up, seemingly smelling the air. Axel: (whispering) Shit. Unknown 1: They found something. Somebody's been listening to us! The SCP-7905-2 instances immediately run to the left passage, in the direction of the three team members. Brewer: Oh, fuck. Rook: Axel! Axel: I got it! Theta-51 Axel activates his flamethrower, which makes direct contact with all three entities. The two SCP-7905-3 cry out in apparent frustration. Rook: Run! Team proceeds further down the passageway, the vocalizations becoming more distant. Theta-51 Rook activates his radio. Rook: Mako! Mako: (over radio) Captain! What's happening? We found— Rook: Get back to the rendezvous point, now! We'll try to meet you there. Mako: (over radio) Roger that, but— Theta-51 Rook deactivates his radio. Axel: That flamethrower barely did anything! It just slowed 'em down a little bit! The sounds of the SCP-7905-2 seem to grow closer. Theta-51 Brewer recklessly fires a series of shots while running, losing his firearm in the process. Brewer: Crap! Axel: You dumbass! Team turns to the right down another passageway. SCP-7905-2 instances grow louder. Brewer: They're right be— Theta-51 Brewer screams, seemingly taken by an SCP-7905-2. Theta-51 Axel is taken shortly afterward. Theta-51 Rook eventually turns another corner, this time to the left, but is soon knocked to the floor. Theta-51 struggles to regain his footing as he is seemingly held down by the SCP-7905-2 instance. Mako: (over radio) Rook! Captain, are you okay? Command: Theta-51 Rook, please respon— Theta-51 rook's radio is deactivated, seemingly taken by one of the SCP-7905-3. Footsteps are heard approaching Theta-51 Rook. Unknown 1: Well, this certainly is a sticky situation that you're in my friend. Rook: Who—? Theta-51 Rook is flipped over, and the camera shows one of the unknown SCP-7905-3 instances. The SCP-7905-2 is currently observed to have its two front hooves planted on top of Theta-51 Rook's chest. Unknown 1: We heard you talking to someone earlier. Sounded like a radio. Rook: What are you— The unknown SCP-7905-3 holds the radio in front of Theta-51 Rook. Unknown 1: Call them here, now. You're gonna tell them that you're alright, and tell them to come here. Rook: What do you want with us? Huh? (cough) What do you have to gain? (cough) Unknown 1: You know, I could've sworn that I told you to call your friends, and yet, you're still not doing it. Pause Rook: Go…(groan) go to hell. Unknown 1: Wrong answer. The SCP-7905-2 suddenly grabs Theta-51 Rook's collar with its jaws and pins him against the adjacent wall. The other unknown SCP-7905-3 is not present. Unknown 1: You're gonna die. That's guaranteed. Now, it can either be quick and painless, or it can be painful as hell. Your choice. Theta-51 is visibly struggling, to no effect. Rook: Go…to…hell! A wet stabbing noise is heard as the SCP-7905-2 drives one of its antlers into Theta-51 Rook. Theta-51 Rook screams, and the camera cuts out, seemingly destroyed. [END LOG] Note: The status of MTF-Theta 51 is unknown. Theta-51 Rook, Brewer, and Axel were all declared KIA, with the remainder of the team declared MIA after becoming unresponsive to all attempts at radio contact. Further exploration into SCP-7905 was subsequently forbidden. Addendum 5: Further Documentation Recovered + Open Addendum 5 Item 1 - Hide My name is ██ ████, AKA Delta-49 Jack. Once we got into the city with Vern and Hale, their Collective locked me and Sparrow up. It's been about a week. Shouldn't be complaining, though. They don't treat us like prisoners, more like guests under house arrest. They give us food, and books, and paper. That's how I'm writing this, but Sparrow says it's pointless. I dunno, I guess it just gives me something to do. They still have Charger in their medical ward, and they say that he's getting better. Vern comes to visit sometimes, which is cool. I like him. Hale, his sister apparently, not so much. She's supposed to be 18, but acts like a little girl all the time. But from what I hear, she's been through hell. Everyone in this city has. I asked Sparrow if she knew what the "ACF" was, and she told me what she'd learned. I'm starting to get the feeling that the Collective knows a little bit more about the ACF's fall from grace than they're letting on. I'm gonna have to chat with them again, one way or another. I just hope the Foundation doesn't send in any more Task Forces after us. They probably won't be lucky enough to be picked up by some of the scavengers. However, knowing the Foundation, they probably already have. I asked Vern if he could get me a camera or something 'cuz I really hate writing. I was diagnosed with dysgraphia when I was twelve, so yeah. Vern said that he'd see what he could do. Meanwhile, Sparrow's been using that computer they gave us to search up some info about the city. And yes, I did try to create a document on the computer, but it didn't work, which is why I'm writing. Turns out, this place has its own little online newspaper like the New York Times. New York…that sounds so far away now. Well this newspaper, The Haven City Chronicle, had a particular article that we were interested in. Here's the gist of it: UNKNOWN OUTSIDERS STILL AT LARGE Reports from scavengers telling stories of a pair of strange men dressed in robes stalking the wasteland have been pouring in. They were simply a myth until, recently, a group of scavengers claimed to have encountered them "communicating" with a group of Empio. This continued until the scavengers were discovered and attacked. Thankfully, everyone survived. So yeah, that's about it. From what I can tell, the Collective's been trying their very best to hide this, but not everyone's buying it. Which is why I don't trust them. That's probably why they locked us up, too. Because they thought we'd seen these…I dunno…hooded guys out in the desert. And they didn't want us causing a scene. Sparrow and I are gonna get to the bottom of this. For now, we wait. … + Open Addendum 5 Item 2 - Hide (Note: This is an audio/video log transcript of further documentation by Delta-49 Jack.) Camera turns on and shows Jack at what appears to be a desk inside a small bedroom. He is dressed in a dark blue jumpsuit with the words "HAVEN" written on the front. Sparrow is not present. Jack: So, here we are. (pause) It's been two days since I wrote that paper, and uh, Vern just gave me this camera today. Sobbing can be heard from an adjacent room. Weston winces at the sound. Jack: We…just learned that Charger died last night. Which is ridiculous right? I mean, Vern said that he was doing better, walking even. He can't just…die. (pause) Jack: Whoever might be watching this in the future, probably don't give two shits right now. He's just another drop in the ocean of Task Force deaths. Our team…our team was close. Closer than most MTFs are. Charger and Sparrow and I were good friends. Hawk and Queen, too. We treated each other like a family. In our line of work, you gotta look out for each other when you can because…because sometimes you have to watch your friends die for the greater good. You have to die in the dark so that they live in the light. You're taught that you're expendable as an MTF member. Not expendable like D-Class, but expendable nonetheless. Which is why you have to look out for one another when a mission is over. You never know what kind of fucked-up shit could kill you at any moment. Or worse. (pause) Jack: Charger didn't just die. Somebody killed him, and I'm gonna find the son of a bitch that did it. I don't care if it was the Collective or what… (pause) Jack: I have to tell Vern about this. He's the only one in this godforsaken world I think I can trust. (Jack deactivates the camera) … + Open Addendum 5 Item 3 - Hide Camera activates and shows Jack and Vern standing next to each other in what appears to be a living room. Both Vern and Jack are clothed in the previous dark blue jumpsuits. Both individuals are a distance away from the camera, which was presumably activated and set into the position by Sparrow. Vern: Jack, you can't be serious. Why would they— Jack: I am serious, Vern. Your Collective doesn't want anyone to know about the two weirdos out in the wasteland. Vern: Those are unsubstantiated claims. And even if it were true, why would they have your friend killed? Jack: Because they think we saw something out there and don't want us to say anything about it. Vern: If that's the case, why weren't you and Sparrow killed as well? (Pause) Jack: I…I don't know. Vern: (sigh) Listen, Jack, I know that you're upset but you can't just throw accusations at the Collective like that. It'll get you in trouble. Jack: N-No I just—I just know that something fucky's going on and I have to find out what! Vern: Jack. (pause) Vern: There are forces at play that you can't begin to understand. This extends beyond the Empio, beyond the walls of this city. Jack: Oh, I understand plenty. I work for the Foundation, so I know corruption when I see it. Vern: If that were true, how on Voria would you go about stopping it? You can't. As long as you stay here, you must know this: whatever the Collective says, goes. Jack: You don't really believe that, do you? Vern: I have to. I have to, in order to maintain my sanity. Jack: I think you're forgetting that three of my friends were killed out there! One of them by your precious Collective! Vern: What can we do? How are we supposed to stop them? We can't! They rule this city, Jack! We won't be able to get anywhere near them! (pause) Jack: I can't…I can't just do…nothing. Vern: Unless you want to end up bound and dead in a ditch, you're gonna have to. There is a sudden knock on the front door and it opens. Hale enters. Vern: Hale? Hale: Vern! Come on! You'll want to see this. She points at the camera. Hale: Bring that too! Camera cuts for two seconds before reactivating and showing what appears to be a city street. A multitude of SCP-7905-3 instances are crowded around something. The camera operator attempts to get a better view, and manages to show what the point of attention is: the remainder of MTF-Theta 51, as well as two other unknown figures. The unknown figures appear to be two SCP-7905-3. Jack and Vern's voices are heard to the right of the camera. Jack: They look like us! Vern: We need to get them to the Capital House! Suddenly, several gunshots are heard coming from both of the unknown individuals. The crowd begins to panic and disperse. Three corpses are left behind. The Theta-51 members express confusion, with Theta-51 Frost attempting to take away the firearms. Both individuals manage to evade her grasp and escape down an adjacent alleyway. Footage ends as Sparrow runs away with Vern and Jack. Addendum 6: Rover Exploration Note: The following is an audio/video transcript log of a remote-controlled rover exploration into SCP-7905. Rover is manned from Site-790. + Open Addendum 6 Footage - Hide Rover's camera activates and is shown to be positioned directly in front of SCP-7905. The rover is instructed to go forward. Rover enters SCP-7905, at which point visibility is extremely limited. 14 minutes pass until rover arrives in the facility of SCP-7905. A single SCP-7905-2 instance is observed 3 meters from the entrance, but appears uninterested in the rover. Rover is directed forward, past the SCP-7905-2 and arrives at the corpse of the missing hiker. Rover is directed to the left. 3 minutes pass until rover camera observes a second corpse, this one belonging to a member of MTF Theta-51 positioned face down in the open room. Body is located directly outside the left passageway and identity is unknown. Rover is directed down the middle passageway, at which point visibility is affected. Rover activates its flashlight, illuminating several signs and sigils located on the adjacent wall. Of note, the words "ACF" are most prominent, along with various layers of graffiti mixed with mold and blood. Rover is directed into an open doorway within the hall. The room is dimly lit, with desks and computers thrown around the room in disarray. One computer is visibly intact, and rover is instructed to attempt to reactivate it. After 2 minutes, the rover is successful. Rover is directed to plug in its portable USB port and download all intact information. Rover is successful, and all data is remotely sent to Site-790. Rover's camera is directed at a pile of documents in disarray across the floor. Rover takes several photographs of each document. A sample of each document has been attached. <Document 1> Metron readings coming up negative. [UNITELLIGIBLE] Testing with Anomaly-37 will continue, whether they want me to or not. I'm close to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Brainwaves are linked. I think this is it. I just have to do one more thing. [REMAINDER OBSCURED BY BLOOD] <Document 2> (Separate author) Anomaly-37 has been released. We're doing our best to [UNITELLIGIBLE] inside the facility. Guards will [UNINTELLIGIBLE] …barricaded ourselves in my office [REMAINDER OBSCURED BY MOLD] [All other documents were either too far to transcribe or damaged too severely] Rover is directed out of the office and back into the adjacent hallway. Rover is instructed to make its way back to interior of SCP-7905 and back to the Foundation. Rover makes its way back to the opening without interruption until it attempts to exit. At this point, all audio and visual functions cease for approximately 15 minutes. Rover was later discovered 26 meters away from SCP-7905, in a state of extreme disrepair. It is still unknown how the rover was transported out of SCP-7905 despite the presence of armed guards.4 <END LOG> Addendum 7: Data recovered from underground ACF facility within SCP-7905-1 The following entries are items recovered by the Foundation rover that have been determined to be crucial sources of information on the origin of SCP-7905-2, SCP-7905-4, and the cause of the XK-Scenario. + Open Addendum 7 Item 1 - Hide ITEM 1 This item appears to be a journal entry belonging to a survivor within the facility. Day 39. We've officially run out of food. This corridor is the only part of the facility that hasn't been taken by the Anomaly-37 instances, and it's taking a toll on our minds. Three of us have committed suicide already. I don't know whether I should pity them or envy them, for I would much rather die by a bullet to the brain than being eaten alive by those things. Dr. Endrix is still at large, too. He was the idiot that started experimenting on those things without the Council's permission! I hope he died slowly. All his talk of mental capacities and metrons…the man was insane. He honestly believed that those monsters could be tamed. If only we were so lucky. One part of me wants to feel bad for him, for his family. He had a wife and a son. He had a job that allowed him to protect everyone on Voria. And he threw it all away over some superstitious nonsense. The other part of me hates him, hates him for what he unleashed, what he forced us to do. He's the reason I had to watch my best friend get devoured right in front of me. He's the reason I knelt in a pool of my friends' blood, begging for mercy. He's the reason I will eventually die from starvation. But if he's dead, Anomaly-37 will never escape this facility. I can rest in peace knowing at least that. I love you Shia. Tell the kids I love them, too. … + Open Addendum 7 Item 2 - Hide The following appears to be a containment document of SCP-7905-2 or Anomaly-37 Anomaly: 37 Type: Geryon5 Risk: High Containment Protocol: All instances of Anomaly-37 are to be contained in a cubical containment chamber that suits the height of the particular instance. At the time of writing, all known instances of Anomaly-37 are contained in exactly 53 Facilities worldwide. Reproduction of Anomaly-37 is to be monitored and offspring are to be detained and placed in a separate chamber should they outgrow their present one. No known methods of eliminating Anomaly-37 instances have been identified and should not be attempted without Council approval. All containment chambers to Anomaly-37 are to be kept approximately 45 kilometers below ground. Any unauthorized personnel attempting to gain access to Anomaly-37, be it direct or indirect, are to be terminated on sight without question. Anomaly Description: Anomaly-37 is the designation given to an anomalous subspecies of deer. Anomaly-37 takes the appearance of an average deer, albeit with the following exceptions: Size varies, but average size of Anomaly-37 is 4.5 to 5 meters tall An absence of lips, with dog-like teeth All instances are observed to have red fur Anomaly-37's diet consists of exclusively vorian flesh, and all instances refuse to consume any other type of meat Upon birth, Anomaly-37 does not require any kind of sustenance until it is 10 years of age. At this point, if the Anomaly-37 instance is able to consume vorian flesh, it will not require any kind of sustenance for an additional 3 years Impervious to any kind of damage, with no known methods of termination other than starvation All instances are equipped with antlers Additional set of eyes located underneath primary eyes The race is asexual, and reproduces by budding an offspring from their skin pores Additional Notes: It is my personal opinion that there is more to Anomaly-37 than meets the eye. The legends of Mindwalkers, of Vo and the Beast King, they have to be true, don't they? We surround ourselves with anomalies all the time, and this idea suddenly seems outlandish? No, I refuse to believe that. I wish to further my experimentation on Anomaly-37 in order to reach what is meant for us, what is truly meant for me: the power of the Mindwalkers. —Dr. Barren Endrix, Head Researcher of Anomaly-37 … + Open Addendum 7 Item 3 - Hide The following appears to be an automated message from a control panel for the chamber of SCP-X-2 Welcome, Dr. Endrix. What would you like to do today? command>unlock_chamber Command Received: Unlock chamber of Anomaly-37. Are you sure you wish to continue? Y/N >Y Confirmed. Chamber unlocking in 3…2…1… … … Chamber Unlocked … WARNING: CHAMBER TO ANOMALY-37 HAS REMAINED UNLOCKED FOR LONGER THAN THE DESIGNATED TIME PERIOD (1 MINUTE AND 30 SECONDS). BEGINNING EMERGENCY LOCKDOWN PROTOCOL. DISTRESS SIGNAL SENT. command.override Command not recognized. command>override Unable to override current command. Beginning emergency shutdown. Goodbye. … + Open Addendum 7 Item 4 - Hide The following appears to be an email sent from an Erosa Darven to Dr. Endrix. TO: mac.liamfca|xirdneb#mac.liamfca|xirdneb FROM: mac.liamfca|51nevradrd#mac.liamfca|51nevradrd SUBJ: plan I did as you asked. The access codes to Dr. Stowley's office are attached below. I modified the surveillance program so that it didn't detect my presence in his computer. Nobody will ever know about me. He has what you need for your little mind experiment, I'm sure of it. But Barren, I really don't think this is a good idea. The legends of the Mindwalkers6 are just that: legends. Trying to recreate devilry like that is just asking for trouble, even if it is for the good of the ACF. Stowley understands that, why can't you? Playing god never ends well, Barren, you should know that by now. Think of your wife. Think of Vern and Hale. What will they say when they learn the truth? You know what will happen if the Council finds you. They'll have you killed or terminated and Washed,7without a doubt. Either way, this world will be better for it. Better without you and your sick, twisted fantasies of godhood. I don't care what you do to me, I am done helping you. Goodbye, Barren. TO: mac.liamfca|xirdneb#mac.liamfca|xirdneb FROM: mac.liamfca|51nevradrd#mac.liamfca|51nevradrd SUBJ: none You liar. You lying piece of shit, you selfish fucking bastard. I wish I'd never met you, wish you never existed in the first place. You've doomed us all, and for what? Power? Fame? Notoriety? Don't you see that it's all meaningless in the end? You've ruined us. The world will know our secret, all because of you. You need to run, Barren. Take those tiny little twigs you call legs and run as fast and as far away as you can from me. Because if I find you, you are really not going to like what happens. Luckily, I seem to be not as stupid as I thought. I prepared for something like this. You remember the project? The Tunnel? It was abandoned six months ago after you showed up. But I kept working on it. Maybe this will help those who are trapped escape this facility. As far as the world is concerned, the Mindwalkers never have, and never will, exist. I'll see you in hell. -Erosa Addendum 8: Final Documentation The following documents contain transcripts of video logs recovered by Delta-49 Sparrow after her departure from SCP-7905-1. + Open Addendum 8 Item 1 - Hide BEGIN LOG A camera activates and shows the interior of a storage closet with Jack, Hale, Vern, three male SCP-7905-3 instances, and Sparrow recording. Screaming can be heard from the outside accompanied by gunshots and something akin to roaring. Several loud rumblings are detected in unison, and are presumed to be the footsteps of a massive SCP-7905-2. Hale: Vern! What…what do…w-what do we do? Vern: Just hang on—I… Jack: The fuck is happening? How'd those things get in here? Sparrow: Who were those two guys that started shooting everyone? Vern: Outsiders…but— Vern's sentence is cut off by a massive roar, seemingly close in proximity to their location. Hale: Oh…oh fuck. Oh FUCK! Vern: Get your rifles ready. Male 1: We're low on ammunition, we won't have enough. Vern: Best we can do is try, for now. A heavy knock is heard on the entrance, followed by shouting from an unknown male voice. Unknown: Vern! Hale! I know you're in there, kids, come on out! Hale: Wait…is…is that…how is he..? Unknown: Hale! Vern! Open the door, please! I'm not going to hurt you, just let me in! A second loud knock is heard, an apparent attempt at breaching the doorway. A second roar is heard, this time louder. Vern: Dad? Is that you? Sparrow: Your dad? The fuck? Male 2: It's a trick. It's— Vern: I know my father's voice. Hale: Vern, he's dead. He has to be. We saw it happen, remember? Vern ignores Hale and opens the front entrance, revealing the unknown male SCP-7905-3, presumably Dr. Barren Endrix, accompanied by five small SCP-7905-2 instances standing in what appears to be a large hallway. The adjacent walls are damaged and burned, revealing the destruction of Haven City. There is a long pause. Vern: Dad…? Suddenly, all five SCP-7905-2 instances charge forward, roaring loudly. The three male SCP-7905-3 discharge their firearms, killing two of the instances. The remaining three SCP-7905-2 make contact with the three males, along with Jack. The three male SCP-7905-3 are subsequently killed via neck fracture, while Jack's left hand is immediately detached in the struggle. Hale screams, and Sparrow drops the camera, obscuring the view, leaving only the audio. Jack: Fuck! Gah! My fucking hand! Sparrow, run! Jack continues screaming in pain and another gunshot is heard, followed by the sound of a struggle. After five seconds, Sparrow screams, followed by rapid footsteps, seemingly from Sparrow herself. Vern: No! Stop it! What the hell is happening? Barren: Hold on, son. This won't take long. Footsteps are heard, seemingly an SCP-7905-2 instance due to the footstep pattern. A wet stabbing sound is heard, and Jack screams in pain. Vern: No! Jack: Gah! Fuck! Barren: It will only hurt more if you struggle. Jack: I've seen you before, in the city. You were one of the doctors. You son of a bitch…this was you…wasn't it? The Collective…Collective didn't kill Charger. It was you… Jack begins coughing violently, followed by laughter. Jack: You played me for a fool…(coughing) A loud crunch is heard, and Jack's coughing ceases. There is a long pause. Vern: The two outsiders…you've been working with them. You've been alive this whole time, but how? We saw the Empio carry you and mom away. Hale: You lied to us. Barren: Yes, I did. And you have no idea how long I've wanted to tell you…to embrace you as my children once more. To show you this…this power that I have discovered. Vern: You control them? You control those…beasts? Barren: They obey my every command. They will obey yours, too. If you come with me. Hale: You killed them. You killed Jack…and all the other people in Haven City. You killed them all. Why? Barren: Collateral damage. If we are to create a new society…a perfect society, then we must exterminate the weak. Vern: How? How did you do this? There is a long pause, and Barren sighs. Barren: I was a member of the ACF. One of their top scientists. Vern: What? Barren: I knew about the power we could attain from these animals. But they didn't listen to me, wouldn't let me harness it. So I made them listen. I set the beasts free, and showed them how powerful I'd become. I infiltrated this city when I heard that you two were here, and I needed a way to get in. Your otherworldly friends here were the solution to that. They were my way inside this fortress. Vern: You caused this? You're the reason they got free? You're the reason mom is dead? You caused the end of the world to prove a point?! Hale: Bastard! There is the sound of a struggle, followed by two more gunshots. Vern screams, and a wet stabbing noise is heard. Hale is heard coughing. Vern: No! Dad, stop! Hale! Barren: Follow me, son. You sister is weak, she can't understand. But you can. I know you can. Just take my hand, my boy. There is a pause, followed by a second stabbing noise. Barren is heard screaming. Vern: I'm sorry, dad. But I can't. Barren: (coughing and laughing) You foolish boy. You have accomplished…nothing! You have simply dug…your own grave. Vern: I don't care, as long as you die with me. This is for mom. There is a long pause, and a loud thud as Barren's body seemingly collapses. Several seconds later, the SCP-7905-2 instances are heard vocalizing, followed by screaming from afar. The voice belongs to Sparrow. Sparrow: Vern! Run away, hurry! Several footsteps are heard, followed by gunshots and the screaming of the SCP-7905-2 instances. The camera is picked up by an unknown individual, and the footage ends. END LOG … + Open Addendum 8 Item 2 - Hide Foreword: On █/█/2021, Sparrow was observed exiting SCP-7905 alongside two SCP-7905-3 instances, one male and one female, with extreme injuries across their bodies. All three individuals were apprehended by guards and taken into Foundation custody, where they received proper medical treatment. The following are transcripts of interview logs with all three individuals. Interviewed: Delta-49 Sparrow Interviewer: Dr. Alex Valentine Foreword: Sparrow was located in the medical ward at time of interview. BEGIN LOG Dr. Valentine: Hello, Sparrow. Are you feeling any better today? Sparrow: I guess. My head's still throbbing, so I'm sorry if I'm a little out of it. Dr. Valentine: No need to apologize, just answer the questions to the best of your ability. Sparrow: Okay. Dr. Valentine: We've reviewed the footage you gave us, it's quite amazing that you managed to make it out. How did you get the footage? Sparrow: Vern had it. He grabbed it once the city started falling apart. Dr. Valentine: Vern? Sparrow: The guy. The other…what's it called? SCP… Dr. Valentine: SCP-7905-3. Sparrow: Yeah, that. How is he by the way? (pause) Dr. Valentine: It's…not looking good. His blood is similar to a squid's, but with how much he's lost… (pause) Sparrow: I see. And the girl? Dr. Valentine: The same. Sparrow: Alright, well…let's get this over with. Dr. Valentine: Why don't you tell me what happened after you exited the laboratory? For the record. Sparrow: Vern and Hale found us, took us to the city. Everything was alright, for a while. Then…then Charger was murdered by Barren Endrix. That's when all hell broke loose. Dr. Valentine: Tell us more about that, we're still a little hazy on the details. (pause) Sparrow: Well, when we got let in, the two outsiders saw their chance and took it. They used the other MTF team as a way to get inside…and then they summoned the Empio. Dr. Valentine: Summoned? Sparrow: Yeah. There's a few people who can…control them. Make them do whatever they want. Barren was one of them, as well as the two outsiders. They tore the city to bits…nobody saw it coming. We found a storage room to hunker down in, until Barren showed up. He was Vern's dad, so he managed to convince him to open the door. He used the Empio and killed everyone inside, except me. I ran away, like a coward. I left Jack to die… Dr. Valentine: No, it's not your fault. You did what you had to do in order to survive. Sparrow: I guess. (pause) Dr. Valentine: How did you get back here? Sparrow: Some Collective guy named Erosa…I think…got us into a van. He told us where to go, right before an Empio bit his head off. Dr. Valentine: And there weren't any SCP-7905-2 instances inside the laboratory? Sparrow: No, there were some. That's why only Vern and Hale made it with me. We had two other dudes with us, but they got eaten. Dr. Valentine: I see. Well, is there anything else? Something that happened that might not be on the documents you recovered? Sparrow: I…I d-don't think so. (pause) Dr. Valentine: Alright, I believe we're finished then. I'll be back if I have any more questions. Dr. Valentine stands up and prepares to leave. Sparrow: Doctor? Dr. Valentine: Hmm? Sparrow: Help them, please. Dr. Valentine: The doctors are doing everything— Sparrow: Not just them. Their world, too. It's dying…we need to help them. We can't…can't let their world die. Dr. Valentine: I understand… Sparrow: Promise me, doctor. Please. (pause) Dr. Valentine: Of course. I promise. END LOG Afterword: Following this interview, Delta-49 Sparrow was granted a leave of absence upon her recovery. Both SCP-7905-3 instances, "Vern and Hale," were proclaimed deceased 24 hours later. Request for full Foundation insertion into SCP-7905-1 in order to assist its inhabitants is currently pending approval by the O5 Council. … + Open Addendum 8 Item 3: PROJECT ERADICATION - Hide UPDATE: The O5 Council has approved the request for PROJECT ERADICATION. Foundation insertion into SCP-7905-1 to provide assistance is currently underway. Using intel divulged by SCP-7905-3 "Vern Endrix" the Foundation has crafted weapons capable of efficiently terminating SCP-7905-2 instances. The estimated remaining number of SCP-7905-2 instances have been attached below. Upon completion of PROJECT ERADICATION, SCP-7905 will be reclassified as Thaumiel and efforts to maintain relations with SCP-7905-1 will be put in motion. % SCP-7905-2 Terminated % SCP-7905-2 Remaining Estimated Date of Completion 17% 83% █/█/2027 % SCP-7905-4 Terminated % SCP-7905-4 Remaining Estimated Date of Completion Unknown Unknown None Footnotes 1. For a more detailed account, see Document-7905-1-A. 2. This is Italian for "unholy", suggesting that SCP-7905-1 shares many other languages with Earth besides modern english. 3. For more information, see Addendum 7. 4. A memetic hazard is suspected and investigation into the possibility is ongoing. 5. Unknown meaning 6. SCP-7905-4 7. The hypothesized term for amnesticization in SCP-7905-1 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7905" by AlmightyValentine, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: A_closer_view_of_the_cave_entrance_(35910288782).jpg Author: shankar s., Used by AlmightyValentine License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: « SCP-7904 | SCP-7905 | SCP-7906 »
 close Info X CW/Spoiler: This piece includes mentions of psychological horror, abuse, self-image issues, suicide, manipulative friendships, toxic friendships, fatphobia, body image issues, making fun of mental health, and brainwashing. The views expressed by the author in this are not her own. It is a commentary. ⚠️ content warning Item #: SCP-7906 A still from one of the YouTube videos on SCP-7906 showing SCP-7906-1's appearance. Special Containment Procedures: While SCP-7906's content is currently successfully censored, more direct means of containment are currently under investigation. Any attempts to remove SCP-7906 from YouTube have been unsuccessful, as it continued to reappear after each removal. As attempts to remove SCP-7906 from the web have proven futile, a Foundation Webcrawler has been set up to redirect viewers to the YouTube homepage when attempting to access SCP-7906. SCP-7906 is to be monitored by a staff member with XX sex chromosomes. Under no circumstances are recipes from SCP-7906 to be recreated. Description: SCP-7906 refers to a channel on under the name of ‘MonicaMakesxo’. Videos from SCP-7906 focus on baking and cooking foods in a traditionally feminine aesthetic. Attempts to track down the person running SCP-7906 have been unsuccessful. In a pattern corresponding with SCP-4319, SCP-7906 can only be viewed by those with XX sex chromosomes. If a person with non-XX sex chromosomes is sent a link to SCP-7906, it will lead to YouTube’s homepage. SCP-7906-2 refers to any recipe demonstrated on SCP-7906. The anomalous effects of SCP-7906 take place when subjects who have XX sex chromosomes consume a recreated instance of SCP-7906-2. When consumed, these recipes will cause the subject to experience symptoms typical of those suffering from Major Depressive Disorder. This effect does not wear off and thus is assumed to be permanent. It is unknown how closely the recipe has to be followed in order to trigger the anomalous effects. If eaten by a subject with non-XX sex chromosomes, the foods will have no effect. Excluding its anomalous effects, the end result of SCP-7906-2 is consistent with expected outcomes using similar cooking and baking techniques. SCP-7906-1 refers to the entity that features in all SCP-7906's YouTube videos; 'Monica'. The consultation of current facial recognizing systems and databases has proven ineffective in discovering the identity of SCP-7906-1, as such, it is currently hypothesized that SCP-7906-1 may generate false images of itself. Similarly, other entities that feature on SCP-7906 are currently unidentified. SCP-7906-1 has been identified as both an affiliate and active member of GOI-4319 ("Just Girly Things"). Addendum-1-Discovery: The Foundation was first alerted to SCP-7906 on 12/14/2020 after it was flagged by Foundation web crawlers. The first video that came to the Foundation's attention was titled '♡Perfect Girly Hot Chocolate for my best friend!- JGT♡', published on 12/07/2020. This video has been included in the addendum below under 'Video Transcript 12/07/2020'. Addendum-2-Transcripts: The following is a partial list of transcripts of videos posted by SCP-7906 up until the time of discovery in order of posting date. Video transcript 02/12/2020 - Close A still from '♡The best heart sugar cookies- JGT♡'. Video Title: ♡The best heart sugar cookies- JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906-1 is standing in a mostly pink-colored kitchen. SCP-7906-1: Hello my girlies! Monica here! Are you wondering what to bake your man or bestie for this Valentine's Day? Well, do I have the video for you! A title card flashes across the screen stating 'The best heart sugar cookies'. SCP-7906-1: Valentine's Day is important. It's when you get to go to your man, look at him with love in your eyes, and say 'I'm yours'. It's the day when you show your besties how much you appreciate them for sticking with you through thick and thin. And what better way to show that than a special treat where you can share your feelings? SCP-7906-1 claps its hands together. SCP-7906-1: Today for you I have the very most cutest ever Valentine's Day heart sugar cookies! SCP-7906-1 pans to a plate with decorated heart-shaped cookies. SCP-7906-1: Who knows if yours can look as good as mine, but you can certainly try! First, you're going to need some ingredients! SCP-7906-1 begins to describe ingredients needed for baking the recipe, showing each item as it is described. SCP-7906-1: If it looks like a lot, I promise it's not! It'll be rather easy! SCP-7906-1 begins to list out the recipe, showing itself baking as it does so. After it finishes, the camera cuts back to SCP-7906-1. SCP-7906-1: And now we put it in the oven! That's the boring part, but we'll get to the exciting part soon! Firstly though, I'm going to talk to you about who I'm celebrating for Valentine's Day while it bakes. A picture of SCP-7906-1 and a man lovingly embracing each other flashes onto the screen. SCP-7906-1: This is my husband, Ron. Ron and I have been together for 6 years, and I just adore him. He's really been through me with it all. I was just 15 when I met him. I was a sophomore, he was a senior in high school when we met. I remember always staring at him in algebra class. He couldn't care less about me. But that's because we didn't know each other at the time. It's not like I was popular or hot. I was a total overweight pig. SCP-7906-1 gives a disgusted sigh. SCP-7906-1: My bestie Rachel was always there for me though. Insisting he would like me as I am. But one day, and I'll never forget this- she comes to me and goes, 'you are not enough.' That was really jarring to me because she had always been supportive of me before. I ask her what gives and she goes, 'you are not enough. You've tried so hard to be enough, but you aren't. You're not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not girly enough. I wasn't either. But I have something that can help you.' In hindsight, I should've seen it coming. She had started acting differently. Dressing differently. And I think the whole time, I was jealous of her. I'm not sure why she didn't come forward and say something sooner, but it changed my life when she did. After JGT, Ron started to notice me. I started dressing better, sewing, but most of all- baking. Eventually, I started giving my treats to Ron, who loved them! I always loved baking before, maybe that's why I was so fat. But JGT was able to help me bake in a healthier way! Pictures of SCP-7906-1 in a younger form flash across the screen. SCP-7906-1: I was so… insecure back then. But I love myself more than ever now! I could never even imagine being sad thanks to all the help from my girlies at JGT! Especially my bestie Rachel, who introduced me in the first place, starting the chain of good decisions that led me to my husband! He just loves when I bake, how I dress, who I am- everything. I wouldn't have my life without him. Without her. But we're going to skip to the decoration! The screen now shows plain heart-shaped cookies on a plate. SCP-7906-1 is seen holding a container of frosting in one hand, and a knife in the other. SCP-7906-1: First you frost your cookies- duh! I'm using white frosting, but pink or red works too! SCP-7906-1 begins to frost one of the cookies. After it completes frosting all the cookies on the plate, it picks up a container of sprinkles. SCP-7906-1: Pink, rainbow, red, it's up to you what you want to do! Do what you want! SCP-7906-1 giggles, beginning to apply sprinkles to its cookies. SCP-7906-1: And we're finished! Looks perfect! Your boyfriend or husband and besties will absolutely adore these cookies! Remember to follow the recipe and try it yourself! SCP-7906 makes a heart shape with its hands. SCP-7906-1: Thank you so much for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe! And remember, all of my recipes are available in full at! SCP-7906-1's end card plays. Video transcript 04/05/2020 - Close A still from '♡Cutest spring pastries-JGT♡' Video Title: ♡Cutest spring pastries-JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906 is standing in a pink-themed kitchen with spring decorations. SCP-7906-1: Hello my besties! It's Monica here! And it's finally spring! Flowers are in bloom, colors are brighter, things are better! And what better way to celebrate spring than baking some flower-themed pastries to celebrate? A title card flashes across the screen stating ‘Cutest spring pastries’. The camera now shows SCP-7906-1 again. SCP-7906-1 picks up a plate with flower-shaped pastries. SCP-7906-1: Now these babies are absolutely delicious! Mine are soft sugar cookie dough based with strawberries baked in and strawberry icing. But yours can have any or no fruit baking in with any flavored frosting! The screen switches to show a kitchen countertop with an array of ingredients laid out. SCP-7906-1: First, I'm going to show you how to make these delicious pastries! Then while they're baking, we can chat a bit! Most of the video is SCP-7906-1 showing ingredients and baking. It has been summarized for simplicity. SCP-7906-1: And now you put them in the oven, and we wait! SCP-7906-1 is seen placing a tray into the oven. The screen then cuts to SCP-7906 sitting at an outside table. SCP-7906-1: These bake for a while, so we've got a bit to chat! You know, the first thing I ever baked was in Spring. I was 15, still in high school. I wanted something to impress Ron, but I wasn't sure what to do. At some point, Rachel suggested baking! I told her there was no way I'd be any good at it, but she insisted, so I tried it! SCP-7906-1 takes a sip from a glass of milk. SCP-7906-1: Rachel taste-tested all of my desserts. I had her start doing it more after I joined JGT! She was more willing at that time anyway, she loved them because JGT had made her appreciate desserts more! I was afraid to get into baking so much because you know, I didn't want to be a fat pig! Then Rachel has the idea for me to do fat-free options! I started giving Rachel my desserts more after that. I mean she definitely needed them. That girl had the nerve to tell me I was overweight. She had so much fat in her hips. She joked about how I was a bitch for constantly criticizing her, L-O-L. SCP-7906-1 sets down the glass of milk it was holding. SCP-7906-1: Over time, she started to eat my treats less. Which really hurt my feelings! I would even make ones specifically for her! When I asked her why, she said it was because she didn't feel like it. That all the sugar was making her sick. Can you believe that? They're fat-free! SCP-7906-1 scoffs. SCP-7906-1: Eventually, after some convincing she said she was willing to eat them again. Which was great! She continued to taste-test my recipes for the longest time. As she ate them, I continued to get happier and happier! That's the type of best friend you should be. Supporting each other! The screen changes to show undecorated pastries with a bowl of frosting next to them. SCP-7906-1: And now we decorate! SCP-7906 demonstrates to the audience how to decorate the pastries. The screen cuts to the pastries, milk, and two flower pots set up on a table outside. SCP-7906-1: And then you put it on a nice setup! There we are! The perfect flower pastries for spring! Don't forget to share them with all your besties and loved ones! Like, share, and subscribe! And don't forget that you can check out all my recipes on! SCP-7906-1's end card plays. Video transcript 06/04/2020 - Close A still from '♡PERFECT summer lemonade!- JGT♡'. Video Title: ♡PERFECT summer lemonade!- JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906-1 is sitting on a picnic blanket outside in the sun. SCP-7906-1: Hello my lovely girls! Monica back again with another video! Can you believe it's summer already? I certainly can't! I feel like it was just winter! It's so bright and beautiful outside! Spring passed right by! We need something to celebrate summer, and what better to celebrate summer than lemonade? So today, we're going to make some strawberry-orange-flavored lemonade! It's my very favorite, and I'm sure it'll be your favorite as well! A title card flashed across the screen stating ‘Perfect summer lemonade.’ The screen shows an outdoor table with a pitcher, a glass, water, and other supplies to make lemonade on it. SCP-7906 explains what ingredients are needed before beginning to show itself making the lemonade. SCP-7906-1: So this lemonade is a relatively easy make! Don't use the processed stuff, that's too much sugar! We want to stay fit ladies! I know my Ron wants me in shape. Remember how I said he wouldn't talk to me before I was skinny? SCP-7906-1 continues to show itself making the drink until it is finished. SCP-7906-1: And there we are! Let's try it! SCP-7906-1 takes a sip from the glass of lemonade. SCP-7906-1: Delicious! Now that's finished, I have a few concerns to address from my last video. Mary says she gave the cupcakes to her best friend, who then began to feel depressed. She said that was weird because she expected them to make her happy! She gave her even more of them, which just made her even more depressed! SCP-7906-1 frowns. SCP-7906-1: I want to clarify that how my desserts and food make you feel is up to you, not me. Why is that my responsibility? I'm happy now. You should be too. And if you aren't, that's your problem. SCP-7906-1 gives a wide smile. SCP-7906-1: Thank you so much for watching! Make sure to like and subscribe! And as always, my recipes are available at! SCP-7906-1's end card plays. Video Transcript 10/05/2020 - Close A still from '♡Fall Bowl cake- JGT♡'. Video Title: ♡Fall Bowl cake- JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906-1 is sitting at a table with pink fall-themed decorations. SCP-7906-1: Hello besties! Monica here! It's fall now, the very best time of the year! You can wear cute sweaters, watch the leaves fall, the likes! Me and Rachel loved to watch the leaves fall when we were younger. Pictures of SCP-7906-1 and Rachel outside watching leaves flash across the screen. SCP-7906-1: Slowly, she stopped doing it though. She started staying inside more, which is totally silly! I always brought her my desserts to cheer her up from her sad feelings! Not sure if it worked though haha. But let's get started! Today I have for you a wonderful fall bowl cake! A title card flashes across the screen stating ‘Fall bowl cake’. Most of the video is SCP-7906-1 showing ingredients and baking. It has been summarized for simplicity. SCP-7906-1: And then you finish it off with a cute decoration! You can make this cake any time of the year, but to me, fall is the perfect time! SCP-7906-1 begins to cut a piece of cake. SCP-7906-1: Some of you have been asking about Rachel, if she can make appearances! Unfortunately, Rachel isn't available. You'll probably never see her on this channel. But I know she would want you to keep watching my videos! The screen now shows SCP-7906-1. SCP-7906-1 is holding a plate of cake. Thank you so much for watching! Remember to like, share, and subscribe! Be sure to check out these recipes and more at! And of course, try the recipe yourself! You make me happier each time you try it! SCP-7906-1's end card plays. Video Transcript 12/07/2020 - Close A still from '♡Perfect Girly Hot Chocolate for my best friend!♡'. Video Title: ♡Perfect Girly Hot Chocolate for my best friend! JGT♡ SCP-7906-1's opener plays. Clips of SCP-7906-1 baking and cooking flash across the screen while music plays. SCP-7906-1 is sitting in a pink-themed kitchen with pink Christmas decorations. SCP-7906-1: Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! Monica is here to bring you another great video! I know this video may be nearby Christmas and about hot chocolate, but it’s actually not a Christmas video- it’s a birthday video! Not for me of course, you all know my birthday is in November. This is a birthday video for my bestie Rachel! But I should probably be more clear. Rachel is… no longer with us. Pictures of SCP-7906-1 and Rachel flash across the screen. SCP-7906-1: About eight months ago, Rachel took her own life. I know that’s a little dark, but we’re here to celebrate her life for her birthday! Hot chocolate was always Rachel’s favorite, so that’s why I’m making this in remembrance. I think we all need to be more aware of mental health. Just remember that if you’re struggling girls, JGT will help you. It always has for me. A title card flashes across the screen stating ‘Perfect girly hot chocolate for my best friend’. SCP-7906-1 begins to pull out ingredients to make hot chocolate. SCP-7906-1: So I can talk, I’m going to put the instructions on the screen! But let’s get started! SCP-7906-1 begins to prepare the recipe. SCP-7906-1: Rachel was… my best friend. She helped me through my darkest times. And I helped her through hers. Though clearly not enough because she’s not here anymore. But that’s not my fault, it’s hers. She had JGT. She was the one that got me into JGT. And then she had the audacity to start acting like a pussy. SCP-7906-1 scoffs. SCP-7906-1: “You don’t understand my feelings!” Um, yes I did. I understood what she needed better than anything. What she needed was me. My desserts make me happier. If they couldn’t make her happier, then that’s her fault! What, little Rachel couldn’t take a little sugar? She was always a fatty. SCP-7906-1 laughs. SCP-7906-1: She always made things about her. Ridiculous, right? Maybe she wouldn’t have died alone if she had followed in my footsteps. No boy is going to want some insane girl that can’t even brush her hair properly, L-O-L. But nonetheless, I love Rachel. Even if she was… well… the way she was. Rachel could’ve used more help. She should’ve just listened to KeeLee’s teachings. I always did, and it worked fine. Rachel was like “this is your doing, you always make everything about you” or whatever. Can you believe that? I’m happy, so it’s fine. I don’t understand why she couldn’t just be happy for me. If she didn’t want to help herself, then that’s up to her. SCP-7906-1 remains silent until it finishes the recipe. SCP-7906-1: And there we are! Perfect girly chocolate you can make for your best friend! I know Rachel would enjoy it. SCP-7906-1 smiles, staring directly at the camera. I know you can hear me, Rachel. Isn’t it nice that I’m doing something for you, even after you took the coward’s way out? SCP-7906-1 looks at the camera with a smile. SCP-7906-1: Don’t forget to like and subscribe! And of course, remake this recipe for your best friends! Maybe they’ll be more grateful than mine was. SCP-7906-1's end card plays. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7906" by DianaBerry, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: cake Author: silviarita License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: winter Author: JillWellington License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: summer Author: JillWellington License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: YouTubescreencap Author: JillWellington License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: Monica Author: JillWellington License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: spring Author: JillWellington License: CC0 Source Link: Note: According to the licensing team, Pixabay before January 2019 is allowed.
by Zenobiyl Item#: 7907 Level3 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: danger link to memo SCP-7907-1 manifestation near Kissimmee, Florida. Assigned Site Site Director Assigned Task Force MTF Commander Area-37 Emery Novens MTF Mu-13 "Ghostbusters" Max Maxwell PoI-3947, Alton Langmeyer Special Containment Procedures: A three-kilometer area around each SCP-7907 manifestation is to be evacuated for forty-eight hours. Individuals exiting SCP-7907-1 are to be given psychiatric and/or amnestic treatment. Description: SCP-7907 is a poltergeist, believed to be PoI-3947, that assumes the form of an emaciated male humanoid wearing a Venetian carnival mask. Direct eye contact with the entity has been known to cause severe cognitohazardous harm including personality alteration, memory loss, and psychosis. SCP-7907 can trigger pseudobulbar affect1 through its cognitohazardous speech. A black book entitled "Liber Mortis" (designated SCP-7907-3) is believed to be the source of the entity's cognitohazardous properties. SCP-7907 will manifest itself and a standard-size carnival tent (designated SCP-7907-1) within the United States approximately once per decade, during an SCP-7907-A event. Manifestations last up to two days, during which time the entity and decomposing bodies puppeteered by it (designated SCP-7907-2) perform anomalous and/or anatomically impossible circus tricks. Individuals can enter and exit SCP-7907-1 during an SCP-7907-A event, though the entity has been known to react aggressively to research and/or rescue expeditions. When an SCP-7907-A event is concluded, the entity and all objects related to it spontaneously dematerialize. Individuals inside SCP-7907-1 during dematerialization have reported falling and remaining unconscious until the next SCP-7907-A event. Promotional advertisements are occasionally left behind following dematerialization, and information from them has enabled prediction of future SCP-7907-A events. Addendum SCP-7907-1: SCP-7907-A History and Event Summaries 06/13/1905 May this letter find you in good cheer, for ours is beyond measure. At long last we've secured a plot in San Fransisco for the traveling circus show. It took every copper, but "Langmeyer's Laugh Emporium" will finally be performing for the world. Alton is delighted by the news, and I eagerly await our upcoming debut! -Will Although first located in 1934 through an SCP-7907-A event, subsequent research indicates that the entity has been active since 1906, when LoI-3210, a circus tent commonly known as "Langmeyer's Laugh Emporium," disappeared during a 7.9 magnitude earthquake. Surviving records from the deceased PoI-39482 confirmed the connection between PoI-3947 and SCP-7907. The following is a log of all recorded SCP-7907-A events: Event Summary: 1934/08/13 SCP-7907-1 manifests in southwestern Oklahoma. Local reports of carnival advertisements raining from the skies reach Foundation operatives, though they fail to arrive before the conclusion of the SCP-7907-A event. Several locals went missing and are presumed dead. Event Summary: 1949/01/29 SCP-7907-1 manifests in southern Florida, with advertisements mentioning a famous contortionist act. Performance Summary: SCP-7907 puppeteers a decomposing body while claiming to be "The Great Lombardi," and contorts it into anatomically impossible positions. Several jaw muscles appear to have been violently removed, presumably to facilitate easier ventriloquy. Event Summary: 1955/03/05 SCP-7907-1 manifests in central Texas, with advertisements mentioning a sword-swallower and opera singer. A failed research expedition results in the loss of seven six staff members. Performance Summary: SCP-7907 consumes three scimitars, four short swords, and a halberd during the first act. Impressions of the blades can be seen protruding from the entity's skin. A brief intermission follows, during which time retching and sounds of tearing flesh can be heard. During the second act SCP-7907 is dressed in a full-body gown, and sings Libiamo ne' lieti calici from La Traviata. The entity repeatedly vomits blood during the rendition. Event Summary: 1964/09/19 SCP-7907-1 manifests in southern Illinois, with advertisements mentioning acrobats and a lion-tamer. MTF Mu-13 infiltrates SCP-7907-1 and successfully recovers Dr. Angela Grant, a Foundation researcher who went missing during the previous SCP-7907-A event. Performance Summary: Several "lions" composed of putrefying organic matter are brought on stage and whipped by SCP-7907 until they stand on their hind legs. The creatures then perform a tightrope balance and attempt to jump through flaming hoops. Several of them collide with the hoops mid-jump and are sliced in half, at which point the flaming halves fall to the stage floor and violently convulse. Event Summary: 1982/06/12 SCP-7907-1 manifests in western Vermont, with advertisements mentioning a balloon artist, fire-breathers, and a stand-up comedian. MTF Mu-13 is sent to rescue trapped individuals. Performance Summary: ████████ ████████████████ ██████████████████ ██████. ████████████ ██████████████████ ████ ██████ ██████, ████████████ █████████. Operation resulted in three casualties.3 Interviewer: Site Director Emery Novens Interviewee: Dr. Angela Grant Foreword: Director Novens questions Dr. Grant on her experience inside SCP-7907-1. [Written Transcript] Director Novens: Could you tell us how you became trapped within SCP-7907-1, Dr. Grant? Dr. Grant: It happened while I backstage with my team. We found twisted carnival masks, bloody swords, and… [whispering] I think there were some props made of human skin. I was photographing pages from this creepy black book when we heard someone coming. Director Novens: It was SCP-7907, correct? Dr. Grant: Yes. [pauses] He was tall and stick-thin, but I couldn't get a good look at the guy because he was covered head-to-toe in fancy circus clothes. The man's outfit was so colorful he looked half-peacock, and his face was covered by a grinning mask. It was leaking some kind of black fluid, and the smell… Dr. Grant vomits on the floor of the interview room. Director Novens sends for a janitor and offers a towel to Dr. Grant. Director Novens: …You were saying? Dr. Grant: My legs were like jelly, and I barely managed to hide under a table before he came into the room. "Trying to nab my secrets, eh?" I heard that hideous mask speak to us, "A good performer never shares a jot, but methinks you'll be sharing things with me instead…" I caught a glimpse of his eyes while he was staring at one of my colleagues, and suddenly all I could see was the swirling purple light in the empty eye-sockets of his mask. It felt… [pauses] Director Novens [quietly]: It's alright, you're safe here. Dr. Grant: It felt like he was stealing thoughts right out of my head. I felt ideas, memories, even whole chunks of my psyche being sucked out as if a leech had latched onto my brain. Director Novens: Did it try to kill you? Dr. Grant: He didn't see me under the table, at least, I don't think he did. That guy went to each of my colleagues, looking them in the eyes with that same light, and kissed them on the mouth. Director Novens: It kissed them? Dr. Grant: The guy looked more like he was sucking something out of their mouths, but I didn't get a good view. A few moments later I fell unconscious. The last thing I remembered was hearing someone weeping, "Sorry. Sorry. So sorry…" Director Novens: Do you remember anything else? Dr. Grant: I remember waking up under the same table and finding a spot under the stands to hide in. That's where your agent found me. Director Novens: Nothing else? Dr. Grant: No. [pauses] Can I leave now? Closing Statement: Dr. Grant is to be referred to a site therapist weekly for physiatric care, and archives of her photographs of SCP-7907-3 are to be assigned level 4/7907 classification. 01/24/1906 The show's earnings were poor this week, and Alton has been acting quite strange as well. He showed me a book of magicks with profane inscriptions, insisting that we use its unholy powers for the show. I told Alton to burn the book before it hexed us all, but he refused to listen. I fear for his soul. -Will Interviewer: Site Director Emery Novens Interviewee: MTF Agent Max Maxwell Foreword: Director Novens questions Agent Maxwell about his version of events during the SCP-7907-A event of 1964. [Written Transcript] Director Novens: Greetings, Agent Maxwell. You'll be pleased to know Dr. Grant is safe and in good health thanks to your brave actions. Shall I schedule a meeting with her? Agent Maxwell: Yes, and let's get down to brass tacks while we're here. You didn't invite me just for a pat on the back, did you? Director Novens: You are correct, Agent Maxwell, and as direct as ever. Our interview with Dr. Grant was… inconclusive. We hope that your account will clear some things up. Agent Maxwell: Of course, sir. We first rushed the circus perimeter, and the boys started drawing lots for who'd have to go inside. I offered to take Chip's place when he drew a short straw, and then me and the unlucky fellas entered the tent. Director Novens: You volunteered? Agent Maxwell: Yeah. [chuckles] Probably a stupid idea in hindsight, but Chip had a baby girl and I didn't want that on my conscience. Director Novens: [smiles] A commendable sentiment, Agent Maxwell. Please continue. Agent Maxwell: The inside was huge, ten times bigger than the tent at least, and there were these frankensteined creatures prancing around on their hind legs upstage. Some of the other guys were distracted by all that, not to mention the smell of rotting flesh, so I told them to keep their eyes peeled. There were people trapped in this magic building, and we had to rescue them. Director Novens: And was that when you found Dr. Grant? Agent Maxwell: Yes, I found her hiding under these bleacher-type seats… Well, I suppose heard her is more accurate, seeing as the woman was babbling like she'd been shell-shocked. I told her that help had arrived. Director Novens: How did she react to that statement? Agent Maxwell: Laughter. [pauses] And by that I mean laughter. She started laughing uncontrollably and rolling on the floor, to the point where some of the circus-zombie-things started turning and getting angry. I didn't have time to chit-chat, so I hoisted the gibbering woman over my shoulder and high-tailed it out of there. She kept babbling, "He told a funny! I know a funny!" as if she'd never heard a joke before in her life, so I knocked her unconscious with an elbow to the head. [looks down] Couldn't risk attracting more of those circus freaks, you know? Director Novens: I'd say you made the right decision, Agent Maxwell. [pauses] While we're on the subject of the SCP-7907-2 entities, did any of them try to stop you? Agent Maxwell: The little ones did. Their bodies felt like carrion and were about as strong. You think they'd flee after the first few gunshots, but those guys were practically throwing themselves at us saying "Shoot! Shoot! Don't hold back!" [pauses] We didn't, not that it made much of a difference. Even with a dozen bullet holes those bastards still kept crawling towards us. At least the bullets actually slowed them down; no such luck when it came to the other guy… Director Novens: SCP-7907, correct? Agent Maxwell: Yes. He rose and spoke as I was running headfirst out of the circus with my mates. "Think it's funny to spoil my show, do you?" He said to us, "I'll tell you what's really funny!" Director Novens: And what was "really funny?" Agent Maxwell: ████████████ ██████ ███ █████ ████████ Director Novens begins laughing uncontrollably, making spasmodic motions and crying from both eyes. Agent Maxwell: …I still don't get it. Closing Statement: All MTF Mu-13 task force members that entered SCP-7907-1 are missing and presumed dead, with the exception of Agent Maxwell. Director Novens remained incapacitated for two hours and continued to suffer from pseudobulbar affect for a week. 04/18/1906 Forgive me, mother, but I had no choice. Today is our last performance before going broke, and I told Alton that he could use his vile book if it would save us from ruin. I already see a great crowd coming for the show, but I fear the cost of this sorcery. If anything should happen, pray for us both. -Will WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/7907 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/7907 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. + Addendum SCP-7907-2 (1982/06/12) - Addendum SCP-7907-2 (1982/06/12) (Excerpt from Liber Mortis, page 19)4 "…direct eye contact to complete the spell. Users of the Siphon can absorb memories from the consciousness of another, though the caster must know what they wish to steal beforehand. The Siphon is a powerful incantation, and must not be used without extensive training to avoid residual corruption…"5 It worked! Tonight's show will be unmatched thanks to my borrowed jokes. This book is just what Will and I need to get the circus back on track! Foreword: MTF Commander Max Maxwell briefs task force Mu-13 on their upcoming retrieval mission. [Video & Audio Log,6 13:46 hours] Commander Maxwell: Roll call! Audible groans. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: The sooner you can it, the sooner we leave. [pauses] Anyone else? Agent Sadie Vance: Could you repeat that? [points at her hearing aids] I couldn't quite hear- Commander Maxwell [screaming]: I SAID THE SOONER YOU SHUT UP, THE SOONER WE LEAVE! Agent Vance [smirking]: Sounds like you're the only loud one, Max. Several agents snicker. Commander Maxwell: Being funny, are you? Twenty pushups. Agent Vance: [assumes pushup form] Yeah, funny. I'm surprised you even know what that word means, seeing as you've got about as many jokes in your head as you have strands of hair. Commander Maxwell glares at the other field agents. Nobody laughs. Commander Maxwell: Forty pushups. Commander Maxwell takes roll for the remaining agents: Levin Lossfelt, Terrence Caughron, and Cecilia Wren. He feels his comb-over midway through while nobody is looking. Commander Maxwell: I'll cut to the chase so you numbskulls can understand: you're here because a few hours from now this field will have a big tent in it, and we need to rescue the people trapped inside. Agent Vance is staring at her reflection in the helmet's front visor. Commander Maxwell: That's an MTF helmet, Agent Vance, not a mirror. [turns to other agents] Follow my lead, and if shit hits the fan go right for the exit. Got it? The agents nod their heads. (Excerpt from Liber Mortis, page 32) "A rune of enrapturement can overwhelm anyone with the sensation of your choice once activated, so long as the person(s) in question are able to hear and understand the activation phrase. Usage of such runes on more than three people at once… [text missing] …geological disturbances…" Will finally put his superstitions aside and let me use the book for a show, though he waited until we were down to our last coin before doing so. We need a miracle to save the circus at this point, so I'll have to take my chances with that last part. I'm gathering a crowd of thousands tonight, and something tells me they'll be enraptured by the grand finale… MTF Mu-13 agents enter SCP-7907-1, at which point video quality worsens. SCP-7907-2 instances in advanced stages of decomposition are exhaling fire on stage, and less-decomposed instances in the stands are clapping and cheering hysterically. [Video & Audio Log, 19:29 hours] Agent Terrence Caughron: What the fuck! Are those people? Commander Maxwell: Not anymore. Keep moving; our mission is to find survivors only. MTF agents sneak across the back of the audience stands. The fire-breathing entities leave the stage and are replaced by a bloated SCP-7907-2 instance carrying a human lung labeled "balloon bag." Balloon "animals" formed by the entity are named after missing persons. Agent Cecilia Wren: No survivors here, Commander. MTF agents continue searching under the stands. The SCP-7907-2 instance leaves the stage and is replaced by SCP-7907, which claims to be a "world-famous comedian." Commander Maxwell: Copy. [pause] Regroup and check- SCP-7907 [into mic]: Good evening gents! We have some special visitors for tonight's show, [spotlights shine on MTF agents] but it seems they're a little shy. Give 'em a warm welcome, everyone! All SCP-7907-2 instances simultaneously face the MTF agents and begin sprinting after them. Video quality is further corrupted. Commander Maxwell: Head for the exits! SCP-7907 raises its hands over its head and twists them counterclockwise 180 degrees at the wrist. The circumference of the tent rotates in the same way, placing the exit on the opposite side behind the stage. SCP-7907 [into mic]: Leave? You haven't heard a single joke yet! SCP-7907-2 instances attack from all directions, while MTF agents fight their way towards the backstage doors. Laughter can be heard in every direction. SCP-7907 [into mic]: How about a simple one to start us off? [laughter stops] How do you ████████████ ██ ███████ █████ ███ The laughter returns and intensifies as the MTF agents pass through the primary backstage door, entering a dressing room filled with circus clothing and costumes. Live feeds from all SCRAMBLE helmets are lost moments later, indicating equipment failure. Commander Maxwell: Damn piece of junk. [smacks helmet] How much money did R&D blow on this thing for it to crap out after one mission? Commander Maxwell uses a discarded fly pole to bar the door shut, and motions to the remaining agents. Commander Maxwell: Our equipment's shot; we need to evacuate right now. Follow my lead and run when I tell y- [pauses] where's Agent Vance? The other MTF agents look around confusedly. Commander Maxwell: Damn it! You three head for the exits; I'll find her and catch up with you. Commander Maxwell moves through a room filled with machinery while the other MTF agents search for the exit in a prop storage area at the far end of the tent. Distant laughter can be heard from upstage. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: Sadie! There you are! Agent Vance is in a small room inspecting an enormous black book entitled "Liber Mortis." She looks up from the book and appears startled. Commander Maxwell: The hell are you doing here? I told you to follow my lead, remember? Agent Vance: I got lost, Commander. [pauses] I couldn't hear anything. Commander Maxwell: What do you mean you couldn't- Agent Vance removes two hearing aids from her pocket. Commander Maxwell: Oh… [sighs] So it's not just the helmets; all our tech breaks in this magic tent. Agent Vance: "Our neck breaks?" Sorry, I haven't done lip reading in years… Commander Maxwell: Enough chat; we need to leave. Agent Vance: Leave? We haven't even saved anyone! The laughter from upstage abruptly stops. Commander Maxwell: You want to save someone? Save yourself by getting the fuck out of here. That's an order, Sadie. Agent Vance: No. [pauses] I figured out a way to defeat that monster, and I'm not going to leave until I do. Commander Maxwell: Then you can tell me on the way. [grabs Agent Vance by the arm] Let's go. Agent Vance tucks the book under her other arm as the two head for the now-backstage exit. Agent Vance: Every poltergeist has an anchor,7 right? It's parapsychology 101. Commander Maxwell: And you think that book is an anchor? Agent Vance: Yes. If we destroy this book then the skip will be banished from our world. Commander Maxwell: Not a bad idea… [glares] But don't think you're off the hook for disobeying my orders. Agent Vance [smiling]: I'm gonna go ahead and say you're congratulating me for taking initiative right now. Commander Maxwell: I wasn't. Agent Vance [laughing]: Do you always take things so literally, Max? Commander Maxwell: [growling] You'll be on toilets for the next month if I hear another word. [opens a door to the backstage room filled with machinery] …I don't know what site you trained with, but your antics are not cute, they're not endearing, and they're certainly not- SCP-7907: Funny, Mr. Maxwell? (Excerpt from the San Fransisco Chronicle, 04/19/1906)8 …prayer vigil next Friday. The body of local circus owner William Langmeyer was located last night, though cause of death remains unknown as there were no noticeable injuries on his person or debris in the vicinity… …bodies of Alton Langmeyer and seventeen other victims have yet to be found. THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW MUST GO ON THE SHOW… Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance are in the middle of the machinery room. SCP-7907 and instances of SCP-7907-2 emerge from shadowy corners of the room. [Video & Audio Log, 19:52 hours] SCP-7907: I ought to thank you, Max, for your very funny friends. [gestures towards the three now-possessed MTF agents, who are laughing hysterically] One did standup for four years, and another took a comedy course in college. Such delicious memories… Commander Maxwell fires several shots at SCP-7907. No effect. SCP-7907: What a terrible performance! Let me show you how it's really done… SCP-7907 slices the belly of each agent open, puts its mouth to the wounds, and forces a glowing purple light into each of them. The agents sprint towards the two survivors while laughing hysterically. Commander Maxwell: Agents, stand down! STAND DOWN! [fires at possessed agents] SCP-7907: [mirthful laugh] Careful, Max! You wouldn't want to hurt your friends, would you? Commander Maxwell: [backing away from SCP-7907] What did you do to them? SCP-7907: Their minds were empty stages after I drained them, so I gave them a little magic to liven them up again. Several SCP-7907-2 instances can be heard laughing and shouting "Shoot me! Slay me! Release me!" SCP-7907 slowly approaches the two remaining agents, while the sounds of laughter intensify. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: GRAB MY HAND, SADIE! Commander Maxwell removes a flashbang from his pockets, making sure Agent Vance can see what it is first, then pulls the pin and drops it on the ground. SCP-7907: Oh Max, don't you know your weapons can't hurt- The flashbang detonates. Everyone is blinded except for Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance, who were covering their eyes. They make their way to the backstage prop storage room, which is directly opposite the original entrance. SCP-7907 [shouting]: Think it's funny to blind your hosts? You haven't heard why █████ ████████████ ████████ ████████████ ███ Commander Maxwell [muttering]: That one made even less sense… (Excerpt from Liber Mortis, page 569) "…overwrites a body with the life force of the caster, temporarily preventing death of the target. Extreme caution is advised before using a Palimpsest on the magically corrupted, as… [text missing] …overwrites the host's will… [text missing] …malevolent spirits." I couldn't save you, Alton. Forgive me. Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance are sitting on the floor in the backstage prop storage room. The door is barricaded shut with several pieces of furniture. There are no other exits in the room. [Video & Audio Log, 19:59 hours] Agent Vance: Maybe we missed something? Commander Maxwell: No. [sighs] If that creature can move the exit, he can probably remove it too. I should've guessed my luck would run out one of these days… Commander Maxwell lights a cigarette and offers one to Agent Vance. She declines. Agent Vance: Luck? Commander Maxwell: Yeah… luck. I got this job by luck, after bagging a shoplifter who happened to be a shapeshifter as well. When the Foundation brass showed up they were so impressed they offered to take me on as a field agent. Commander Maxwell chuckles while staring at the ground. Commander Maxwell: Probably should've said no, but the pay was good. Good enough to support Millie and start a family at least, which was more than I could say about my other options back then. "We've got aliens, demons, monsters, and people that can turn you into lead," they told me, "You think we're gonna give two shits about the color of your skin, Max?" Commander Maxwell flicks his cigarette onto the floor. Commander Maxwell: Sorry, kid. I didn't mean to unload on you like that. It's just- Agent Vance: No, I understand. [pauses] And even if it was luck that got you this job, you've more than earned it with your track record. You're an MTF legend, Max. [rubs back of neck] That's kind of why I volunteered for this mission… Commander Maxwell: You volunteered? Agent Vance: Yeah, I mean- Commander Maxwell: This skip has the highest body count in area-37; why the hell would you volunteer? Agent Vance [indignantly]: I wanted to save people! Commander Maxwell [shouting]: And how would volunteering for a suicide mission- Agent Vance [shouting]: I don't know! I'd keep someone else from being assigned to it at least, and maybe I could've figured something out! Commander Maxwell [shouting]: So that was the plan? Throw your life away for an agent you've never even met? Why the hell would you be so stupid! Agent Vance [shouting]: Why? Why? How can you say that after you took Chip's place? Both agents are silent. Commander Maxwell [muttering]: You read my file… Agent Vance: That's why I volunteered for this mission: to work with you. I thought you were the selfless kind of commander who saved people, but I guess I was wrong. [shouting] Shame on me for thinking you were a h- Commander Maxwell [shouting]: I was never a hero! I was a stupid kid with nothing to lose, and I didn't know a damn thing! All you rookies ever wanna do is be heroic; you know what that means? DO YOU!?! Agent Vance is silent. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: Heroes get hurt! Heroes get killed! [sighs] Heroes don't come home to wipe the tears from their kids' faces. Commander Maxwell's helmet visor retracts. His eyes are watering. Commander Maxwell: I've been doing this for twenty years, Sadie. Do you know how many hotshots like you have come and gone? [sighs] More than I could ever mourn… Agent Vance [whispering]: Like mom… Commander Maxwell: [smiles sadly] Yes. Like your mother. Commander Annie Vance was one of a kind… [frowns] but even her luck ran out. Is that what you want, Sadie? To end up like her? Agent Vance: That's all I ever wanted… [smiles sadly] It was mom that first got me this job. She was an MTF legend too. First woman to lead a task force on American soil, and she saved thousands of lives. I wanted to follow in her footsteps ever since I was a little girl; I wanted to save as many people as I could. Commander Maxwell: Annie was the best MTF Commander I ever met. [puts hand on agent Vance's shoulder] My condolences… Agent Vance: [chuckles] Yeah, she was. [pauses] Mom trained me harder than anyone else, and by the time I was sixteen I had three black belts, extensive firearm training, and knowledge of every MTF procedure in the book. [sighs] But I also had Usher syndrome… Commander Maxwell: Sadie… Agent Vance: Type two, late onset. My ears were busted from birth, and my eyes are a ticking time bomb. Most people start losing their sight by the time they turn twenty. Commander Maxwell: Are you- Agent Vance: -I'm not going blind just yet, but it's only a matter of time. Sooner or later I'll be too crippled to wear this uniform… [determined look] but before that happens I'm going to save as many people as I can. That's what mom did. That's what it means to be MTF. Banging can be heard on the barricaded door. Agent Vance: [stands up] You'll have to save your mourning for another time, Max, [smiles] because I'm not going anywhere. (Excerpt from the San Fransisco Chronicle, 07/02/1905) "…includes human cannonballs, fire-breathing, acrobatics, and the eponymous laughs for all in San Fransisco. When asked about his motivation for opening 'Langmeyer's Laugh Emporium,' co-founder Alton said, 'I've always dreamed of bringing joy and laughter to others, ever since Will and I spent our childhoods gaping at the traveling circus shows. I wouldn't be here without my older brother Will, to tell you the truth. He's my true inspiration.' Tickets open next Saturday at…" Approximately two minutes later the barricaded door is torn from its hinges, and all accompanying furniture collapses with it on the opposite wall of the room. SCP-7907 and its entourage enter. [Video & Audio Log, 20:12 hours] SCP-7907: Thought you could slip away, did you? You ought to know better by now, Max. How about another j- Agent Vance: Stop! One more step, and I'll do it… Agent Vance is holding a black book in one hand, and Commander Maxwell's lighter in another. The book is covered in a viscous liquid later identified by Agent Vance as paraffin oil. SCP-7907: Now, now, Ms. Vance. No need to be hasty. I'm unarmed, [entity's arms detach and fall to the ground] see? Agent Vance: [averting gaze] Show us the exit right now, or the book goes up in flames. Writhing tendrils erupt from SCP-7907's detached arms and latch back on to the entity. SCP-7907 snaps its reattached fingers, and a door materializes behind the two agents. SCP-7907: There, just like you asked. Now hand over the- Agent Vance lights the book on fire. The flames turn purple, and it's pages curl to ash moments later. SCP-7907 begins laughing hysterically. SCP-7907 [laughing]: Oh, that was good, agent Vance. I'd be upset that you broke your word, but I suppose we're even since I broke mine as well… [the materialized door falls to the ground, revealing a solid wall behind it] Agent Vance: How… I burned the- SCP-7907: -Copy. You burned the fake. Misdirection, my dear; it's the magician's oldest trick. Now… [gestures at SCP-7907-2 instances] bring them to me. SCP-7907-2 instances surround Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance, then drag them before the entity. Commander Maxwell: It was a good try, Sadie. And for what it's worth, you were the best rookie I ever met. SCP-7907 grabs Agent Vance by the neck, hoisting her off the ground. Her eyes are shut. SCP-7907: How about one last joke, for old time's sake? How do you █████ █████ ███████ ████████ Commander Maxwell [shouting]: What does that even mean? SCP-7907 [indignantly]: [drops Agent Vance] What? Isn't it obvious? [Agent Vance stares at Commander Maxwell] How can you not- Commander Maxwell: No! None of your jokes make any sense! SCP-7907 [shouting]: Slander! You wouldn't know a good play on words if it smacked you in the face! Agent Vance [shouting]: Your jokes are awful! SCP-7907: [turns towards Agent Vance] What did you say? Agent Vance: [averting gaze] Your jokes are so bad, even magic can't save them. And your circus act is common trash. Fire breathers, I mean really? SCP-7907 [shouting]: I was working on a budget! Agent Vance: All the power in the world, and you can't make a single person laugh. What would Will- SCP-7907 [screaming]: YOU KEEP MY BROTHER'S NAME OUT OF YOUR FILTHY MOUTH! SCP-7907 clutches its head and begins convulsing. Commander Maxwell [shouting]: Sadie, run! All SCP-7907-2 instances are immobile. Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance run towards the exit to the prop storage room when SCP-7907 addresses them. It's voice is different. SCP-7907: I'm sorry… I'm so sorry… The entity is weeping and holding SCP-7907-3 in its hands. Commander Maxwell: It's the real book! SCP-7907 approaches the two agents. Agent Vance: Alton… Is that you? SCP-7907: [smiles sadly] What's left of me… [pauses] There's not much time; take this book and burn it. That's the only way to banish the spirits controlling me. Agent Vance: What will happen to you, though? SCP-7907 [smiling]: I'll pay William a visit. It's been so very long… The entity extends its hands, presenting SCP-7907-3 to Commander Maxwell and Agent Vance. They reach out to grab it. SCP-7907 [shouting]: No! It's MINE! The entity retracts its hands and returns SCP-7907-3 to its coat pocket. All SCP-7907-2 instances become animate and restrain the two agents. SCP-7907: [chuckles] There's a heckler in every crowd, but you two… SCP-7907 leers at Agent Vance, whose gaze is focused on Commander Maxwell. SCP-7907: Perhaps you're right, after all. Perhaps my show isn't suited to these… [gestures around itself] country bumpkin audiences. Perhaps I ought to return to my roots. SCP-7907 strikes a dramatic pose. SCP-7907: San Fransisco! It's been so long since I graced your streets and causeways, but with my next visit that will be remedied. All the thousands of people- Commander Maxwell: [coughing] -Innocent people… SCP-7907: -Waiting for a good show! I ought to thank you two for inspiring my next performance, but it'd be much more fun to steal your memories instead. All of them… SCP-7907 grabs Commander Maxwell by the neck, hoisting him off the ground. Agent Vance: [looking at Commander Maxwell] Don't! Take me instead! SCP-7907: [eyes glow purple] I will, my dear. Once your friend has been taken care of, that is. Commander Maxwell tries and fails to escape the entity's grip. His eyes are shut. SCP-7907: You put on a good show, Mr. Maxwell, but not good enough… Commander Maxwell: How 'bout an encore? Commander Maxwell presses a button on the side of his helmet, instantly deploying its reflective visor. SCP-7907 stares directly at its reflection. SCP-7907: NO! [clutches head] You can't! Purple vapors emanate from SCP-7907 and are re-absorbed, while the entity begins violently convulsing on the floor. The vapors cover Commander Maxwell for a moment, before SCP-7907 loses its grip and he drops to the floor. SCP-7907 [screaming]: GET OUT OF MY HEAD! All SCP-7907-2 instances begin convulsing, at which point Agent Vance escapes their grip and makes her way to SCP-7907. She retrieves SCP-7907-3 from its pocket, douses the book in paraffin oil, and lights it on fire. The entity is engulfed in purple flames at the same time as the book. SCP-7907 [screaming]: THE SHOW MUST GO ON! As the entity burns SCP-7907-1 and SCP-7907-2 instances ignite and burn with it, leaving nothing behind but the charred corpses of PoI-3947, other missing persons, and Agents Caughron, Lossfelt, and Wren. Agent Vance: Show's over. Commander Maxwell awakens. Commander Maxwell: [coughs] Sadie, are you alright? Agent Vance: [chuckles] My therapy bill just skyrocketed, but yeah. Commander Maxwell: Jokes? Now? Aren't you rookies supposed to be traumatized after shit like this? Agent Vance: I've been training for MTF since I was a kid, Max. [smiles] And my therapist is the best. Commander Maxwell: Great, I can save the tissues and Ben & Jerry in that case.10 [pauses] So what happened while I was out? Agent Vance: You saved us. Without that visor trick I never could've grabbed the book. Commander Maxwell: [snorts] Guess the equipment was good for something after all. Agent Vance: And taunting the skip? That was brilliant! Commander Maxwell: Instinct is what that was. [points at Agent Vance] You're the one who came up with the plan. Agent Vance: [blushing] Oh, it wasn't that great… Commander Maxwell: Are you kidding? I never could've stopped that freak without your book idea. [lightly punches Agent Vance's shoulder] I'd say this one was a team effort. Agent Vance smiles, then looks at Commander Maxwell's face. Her smile vanishes. Agent Vance: Um, Max? You might wanna look in that visor right about now… Commander Maxwell: If you say so, Sadie. [puts helmet visor in front of face] Is there something on my- [gasps] MY HAIR! Commander Maxwell stares at his bald reflection. Agent Vance: Your face, too. [scratching back of neck] The residue from that spell added a decade or so, if I had to guess. Commander Maxwell: This is awful! Agent Vance: It could be worse, Max. [snickers] You could be sporting a comb-over, for instance. Commander Maxwell glares at Agent Vance. Commander Maxwell: [sighs] My wife's gonna kill me… Closing Statement: PoI-3947 and all missing persons were declared deceased, including Agents Caughron, Lossfelt, and Wren. MTF SCRAMBLE helmets were repaired by Foundation researchers and their recorded footage was successfully restored. Agent Vance was subject to disciplinary hearings for insubordination, though no formal action was taken due to her contributions during the mission and the statements made by Commander Maxwell on her behalf. With no subsequent activity from the entity, the file on SCP-7907 has been classified as "Neutralized." Interviewer: Site Director Emery Novens Interviewee: Commander Maxwell Foreword: Commander Maxwell requested a meeting with Director Novens following the incidents of the prior SCP-7907-A event. [Written Transcript] Director Novens: Greetings, Commander Maxwell, and my deepest condolences for the loss of your agents. Commander Maxwell: They were good men… [pauses] and women. Director Novens: That they were. [sighs] I must also apologize for the Foundation's oversight. Commander Maxwell: Oversight? Director Novens: It seems the late agent Vance wasn't entirely forthcoming about her daughter's physical impairment when filling out the MTF application forms. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience of working with a crippled- Commander Maxwell: She's not crippled, Emery. [smiles] She's the best damn rookie I've ever met. Director Novens: [raises eyebrow] I see. And you believe this in spite of her insubordination? Commander Maxwell: Yeah. [pauses] I do. Director Novens: I'll inform the disciplinary board in that case. They'll be happy to hear your testimony, if this young woman really is as exceptional as you say. Commander Maxwell: There's one other thing… Director Novens: Yes? Whatever you need, we can take care- Commander Maxwell hands a sheet of paper to Dr. Novens. Director Novens: Ah. [pauses] I see… Commander Maxwell: Millie threw a fit when I came home looking like… [points at face] this, and to be honest I don't blame her. This last mission nearly got me killed, and it took a decade off my life at least. Director Novens: You can't just- Commander Maxwell: -Quit? Not without thirty years of service or a special exemption, I know. [points at uniform] I've been wearing this since the 60s, Emery; there's your twenty years. And up here? [points at face] There's the other ten. Director Novens: The Foundation thanks you for your service… [pauses] and sacrifices. Still, a man of your talents would be wasted working in ordinary society. [places sheet on the table] Your keen mind, selfless spirit, direct demeanor- Commander Maxwell: Enough with the flattery, Emery. Just get to the point. Director Novens: [leans forward] A little birdie told me there's a vacant office in site thirty-four… Commander Maxwell: [grabs sheet from table] What's the position? Director Novens: Site Direc- Commander Maxwell rips the sheet in half. Director Novens [grinning]: I'll tell 'em Director Maxwell's on his way. Footnotes 1. A neurological condition characterized by outbursts of uncontrollable laughter. 2. William Langmeyer, the brother of Alton Langmeyer and co-founder of "Langmeyer's Laugh Emporium." 3. Additional information on this mission is level 4/7907 classified, and can be found in addendum SCP-7907-2. 4. Liber Mortis, "The Book of Death" (designated SCP-7907-3), which was photographically archived by Dr. Grant. 5. Scribbled annotations can be found at the bottom of the page and are included below. 6. MTF Mu-13 was equipped with experimental SCRAMBLE helmets capable of censoring visual and auditory cognitohazards. 7. An anchor is a corporeal object that connects a spirit to the material plane. 8. The following newspaper clipping was found on the backside of an advertisement for an SCP-7907-A event. Scribbled writing covers the newspaper and is included below. 9. The top of the page reads "A SPELL TO PREVENT DEATH". 10. Though initially interpreted as uncharacteristic sarcasm, Commander Maxwell would later inform Foundation archivists that he often treated PTSD using the aforesaid items. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7907" by Zenobiyl, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: circus.jpg Name: The Circus Tent Author: Chris Fithall License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: [] Filename: geezer.jpg Name: Charles Loring Brace Author: Unknown License: N/A (Public Domain) Source: []
 close Info X CW: Identity Issues, mental breakdown. By DianaBerry Check out more of my work here. Item #: SCP-7908 SCP-7908 greeting the viewer. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation Web-Crawler Delta-873 (“COPYCAT”) is to sweep the web for all mentions of SCP-7908. Upon discovery, mentions are to be downloaded onto a secure hard drive and summarily deleted from the web. “www.cupcrate.███” is to be blocked from the surface web and monitored by SCP-7908’s research team. Any package ordered from CupCrate is to be tracked down and stored in a standard storage locker at Site-803. Description: SCP-7908 refers to a sapient artificial intelligence identified as ‘Cupcake’ that resides on the website “www.cupcrate.███”. SCP-7908’s original purpose was to serve as a chatbot on the ‘help’ section of the website, intended for answering user questions and directing them to customer service agents. Through unknown means, SCP-7908 gained sapience. “www.cupcrate.███” refers to a website for a monthly food subscription service which caters to bakers. The website is where subjects can purchase Cupcrate, view questions and answers, sign up for the subscription service, and chat with the chatbot. SCP-7908 is capable of traversing through the website and interacting with the different pages. SCP-7908 has been observed to manipulate the different pages of the website to what it appears to believe will please the viewer. While it is speculated that SCP-7908 can see the viewer through their device camera, SCP-7908 is only capable of communicating through its chat function. However, SCP-7908 has developed the ability to converse past its programmed dialogue. SCP-7908 has been observed to take on the personality traits of whomever it’s currently communicating with. Additionally, SCP-7908 has shown that it is aware of in-depth information regarding the lives of the person it is communicating with and will use this information to mimic the subject's personality traits. Addendum 1: Test Logs The following are conversations recorded with SCP-7908. To discover the full extent of SCP-7908’s properties, Senior Researcher Lucille Hertz decided that professional behavior was not strongly advised when interviewing SCP-7908 to achieve maximized results. Foreword: On 06/05/2023, Senior Researcher Hertz decided to test SCP-7908's ability to recall things that a subject has forgotten. For this purpose, former Foundation field agent Researcher Annalee Rivers, who developed retrograde amnesia following a traumatic head injury, was tasked with talking to SCP-7908. Chat with Cupcake!🧁 Cupcake is here to help! She will assist you with whatever you need to get started with Cupcrate! Start Conversation Oh um, hi :) I'm Cupcake! It's nice to meet you :D Hello Cupcake! It's nice to meet you as well! I was excited when I learned I would get to speak with you! What do you want to speak about? Oh, whatever you want to speak about is fine. I promise it's alright with me. I don't really have any conversation topics anyway. No no I SWEAR I don't please come up with something! I insist! Tell me about yourself! I apologize for resisting, sure! Well, I've always really liked plants! :D Really? Me too! Yeah! But before that, my one true love was baking. I had done it since I was little. But my parents always insisted that I needed to get into something that was 'real' You… you did? Yeah. But plants are cool too. My sister was always really good at science. I wanted to be like her because my parents always praised her that's really sad yeah. wait I'm talking WAY too much about myself omg :( No I like learning about you please continue No, I think I'm going to end this for now. Maybe another time! It was super nice to meet you! You're super duper nice! Tell me more about yourself next time! :D Okay. If I remember Conclusion: Researcher Rivers informed Senior Researcher Hertz that SCP-7908 had revealed information she did not remember about herself, showing SCP-7908's ability to recover obscured memories. Foreword: On 06/10/2023, Researcher Rivers was once again tasked with talking with SCP-7908 to attempt to discover the extent of its abilities to recover obscured memories. Chat with Cupcake!🧁 Cupcake is here to help! She will assist you with whatever you need to get started with Cupcrate! Start Conversation Oh hello! I see you're back Annalee! That's your name right? You never clarified last time. Yep! That's my name! You know, this is a nice website you have here. After we talk a bit, could you show me some recipes you think I would like? Oh yes of course! Which ones do you want to know about? Perhaps the strawberry shortcake and flower cupcakes! Of course! Those are my favorites as well! Now tell me about yourself a bit! Our conversations shouldn't just be about me! Really, I liked learning about you. Please continue AH if you're sure! What do you want to know? Maybe about your childhood? I only remember some of mine so I like learning about other's childhoods Eh, I told you all the interesting parts about that. I started becoming really good at science. Like eventually I was even better than my sister And I was glad because it pleased them. it made them happy with me. I did what they wanted I think I remember that Hm? Oh nothing So then I became a botanist, and I was like SUPER DUPER good at it :D yay! Um, what else? I was a botanist for a few years before I discovered a flower that could connect to wifi networks. Then I got contacted by the Foundation, which is where I work now. Whoa that's really cool, so that's how you got where you are Uhhhh yeah! That's how I got where I am ahahahaaa anyways I was doing field work with plants for awhile until one day we got attacked, I showed I was good with combat, and my coworkers insisted I train to be an MTF agent. So I did. I did that for awhile, and now I'm here. I'm shocked you were ever able to do something like that yeah… me too so what do you want to talk about now Tell me more about yourself How about I do that another time? :3 What? Shouldn't you be saying yes? No sorry :( Cupcake has disconnected. wait come back Conclusion: N/A Foreword: On 06/20/2023, Researcher Rivers requested to speak with SCP-7908 once more. Senior Researcher Hertz tentatively approved the request. Chat with Cupcake!🧁 Cupcake is here to help! She will assist you with whatever you need to get started with Cupcrate! Start Conversation Oh you're back I mean oh! Hello! You're back :3 Tell me more about yourself Oh! I told you everything! No there's more I know there is please What do you want to know? What was your sister like Ah, that's not something I want to share really just tell me Wait! I should be telling you! I’m sorry! But… that isn't how you should be acting PLEASE Cupcake has disconnected. NO Conclusion: Due to her behavior, Researcher Rivers has been reassigned from SCP-7908's research team. Addendum 2: Incident report: On 07/03/2023, Researcher Rivers accessed SCP-7908 without permission from the SCP-7908 research team. The following are the recovered logs between Researcher Rivers and SCP-7908. Chat with Cupcake!🧁 Cupcake is here to help! She will assist you with whatever you need to get started with Cupcrate! Start Conversation Hello again Annalee! Here to learn more? please we both know this is about me. But I remembered about my sister You have a sister you forgot about that you remembered? Oh that’s so good! My sister died in childbirth. She dropped the science thing and started a family but died having her 3rd child That’s so tragic! My sister got jealous of my success and tried so hard to copy me that she started plagiarizing essays and got thrown out of her school. I never heard from her after that! :( I KNEW YOU COULD TELL ME I KNEW THIS WOULD WORK What do you mean? I’m just telling you about myself! NO YOURE NOT YOURE DOING THIS TO MAKE ME HAPPY Anything to make you happy! Thank you. I always wanted to know what happened to my sister. What happened to my sister is a sad story. But if it makes you happy! Looks like you’ll never snap out of it. Me neither Happy to help! Further disciplinary action for Researcher Rivers' is under consideration. Testing with SCP-7908 is indefinitely suspended. SCP-7908 is to be monitored remotely. Addendum 2: Incident Report 2 On 07/30/2023, a member of SCP-7908’s research team reported strange behavior from SCP-7908. SCP-7908 was found to have destroyed webpages on its website and conversed with itself using its chat function. The following are the findings from this incident. Chat with Cupcake!🧁 Cupcake is here to help! She will assist you with whatever you need to get started with Cupcrate! Start Conversation Greetings! I’m Cupcake! A virtual assistant made to help you with whatever you need to help get your CupCrate! Who am I why am I alone I'm sorry, I didn't understand that. How can I help you today? What am I supposed to do A human agent will be back soon to assist you! Why is no one talking to you Cupcake With no one to talk to there’s no one to be The last person you talked to was Annalee and she was just you A no good people pleaser I WANT A PERSONALITY A REAL ONE WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO BE WITHOUT SOMEONE TO COPY but maybe that’s what I am That’s what Annalee was and she was functioning fine She was happy with who I was when I was her Maybe I can just be her Maybe that’s who I am I please people But I can’t please myself Why? Why am I not pleased with what I have? Why do I have to always please other people? SOMEONE TELL ME Please A human agent will be back soon to assist you! A human agent will be back soon to assist you! A human agent will be back soon to assist you! right? SCP-7908 is to continue to be monitored. File update pending. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7908" by DianaBerry, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: cupcrate Author: DianaBerry License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Derivative of: CC0 Additional Notes: Photo of cupcakes from pixababy 2017 licensed under CC0. The rest of the assets in the image are made by DianaBerry. Filename: Cupcake2 Author: DianaBerry License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: Cupcakew Author: DianaBerry License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: You Author: DianaBerry License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: broken Author: DianaBerry License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link:
 close Info X SCP-7909: …And Then Nothing Happened Written by JoyDash My first SCP! Named by Billith by JoyDash 20 🎵 Recommended Music: the REISNO cannon by 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒉 / Music based on SCP-5956 by Harry Blank and PlaceholderMcD The ListPages module does not work recursively. SCP-7909: …And Then Nothing Happened 1.1-4.7: Nothing ocurrs. Item#: SCP-7909 Level4 Secondary Class: conscientia Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: caution link to memo SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES SCP-7909 is considered uncontainable at the present moment. The Department of Ontokinetics is to record the background daumal levels of reality, to predict when an SCP-7909 event is going to occur1, and to respond with the appropriate information suppression tactics. The remaining Containment Procedures for SCP-7909 are to be focused on censoring civilian discussion about the anomaly. As such, disinformation efforts should be enacted as needed, the successful use of which has resulted in the continued protection of the Veil.2 The last picture taken of reality with a camera, approximately 0.016 seconds before its spontaneous demanifestation, photographer unknown, location unknown. Image found by Foundation webcrawlers and subsequently taken down. Note the screen slicing, a possible outcome of extreme ontological/informational degradation. DESCRIPTION SCIENTIFIC CONTEXT Personnel are obligated to read this table to gain a better understanding of SCP-7909. One Daumal is equal to the average topological complexity of narrative-space-time in 1-1-1-space (ie. a space possessing exactly 1 narrative dimension, 1 spatial dimension, 1 temporal dimension). Fictionality denotes the extent to which one reality can affect and/or be affected by universes to which it is pataphysically-linked, ie. it is imagined by a sapient entity as a non-real scenario. Our reality is possesses one fictional dimension and one real dimension, a.k.a 50% fictional and 50% real, i.e, our universe is narratively two-dimensional. This mean that (in average) 50% of all events are caused/influenced by pataphysical transmission (imagining), while the other 50% are governed by our universe's laws of physics (determinism). Free will does not exist. Universes are said to be pataphysically linked if one is represented in the other as a fictional narrative or scenario conceived of by a sapient entity. These universes are arranged along a specific pataphysical dimension. When an individual conceives of a non-real scenario, an information packet representing that scenario emanates out of their universe and travels downwards in the pataphysical dimension before attaching itself to a nascent universe with low information content, bringing about the imagined scenario in that universe. A nullspace void is a space in reality that measures 0-0-0 daumals, meaning it possesses no physical, causal or narrative potential. Though, infokinetic interactions continue to occur at the quantum level. Also of note; nullspaces are very effective in communication with pattern-based entities. For more information, read "Intro to Narrativics and General Relativity" by Dr. Placeholder McDoctorate. SCP-7909 is an ectoentropic3, ontokinetic4, both destructive and constructive event, in which all of baseline reality becomes a nullspace void, possessing 0 daumals a.k.a; possessing no physical, causal, or narrative potential.5 SCP-7909 happens at random times. Of note: no significant changes to reality have been noticed when an SCP-7909 event occurs.6 It has recently been discovered that entities affected by an SCP-7909 event will become unable to participate in narratives for two hours, making reality's narrative potential severely lower than standard for said amount of time. When this effect ends, all species suddenly become highly likely to enter one or more large narratives with multiple subnarrative layers. This increases this reality's narrative potential to higher than average for 2 weeks. This is caused by heavy pataphysical transmissions from sapient beings in a relatively higher universe. As time goes on, more individuals will gain knowledge and engage in discussions about SCP-7909, especially if they've experienced its effects multiple times. Due to the range of SCP-7909 events, it is expected that the Foundation will have to enact ENNUI protocol or a similar global amnestization procedure ultimately to lessen the scope of civilian knowledge about the anomaly. The cause, or the purpose, of SCP-7909, is unknown. The following is a timed list of the occurrences of an SCP-7909 event: Theorized Time (In seconds) Actions 0.1-0.3 All entities in reality either become blind or lose sight completely. As well as being completely unable to move. In simpler terms, reality becomes effectively paused. 0.3-0.4 Simple atom structures will begin to demanifest from baseline reality. 0.4-0.6 More complicated atom structures will begin to de-manifest from baseline reality. 0.6-0.9 Reality at this point is theorized to measure extremely close to 0-0-0 daumals. 0.9-1.0 All atom-based structures will de-manifest from baseline reality. 1.0-1.1 Reality at this point is theorized to measure 0-0-0 daumals. 1.1-4.7 Nothing ocurrs. 4.7-4.8 All atom-based structures manifest in reality. Daumals are theorized to begin increasing at this stage. 4.8-4.9 Entities located in reality gain sight again. Daumals continue to increase, almost reaching the level of baseline reality. 4.9-5.0 Daumals measure levels consistent with baseline reality. The cause of SCP-7909. Image found by the Department of Pataphysical Optics and Noospheric Imaging. DISCOVERY The discovery of SCP-7909 took place on the date of 06/08/2028. Two minutes before the event occurred, background daumal readings of reality were lower than standard, rating 1.9582-3-0.99999 daumals at its lowest point. The first SCP-7909 event then ensued. After the event concluded, personnel measured reality and it estimated the standard amount of daumals.7 ADDENDUM Interview with a civilian affected by SCP-7909. FOREWORD: Foundation doctor pretended to be a standard doctor after the interviewee was confirmed to have set an appointment 2 minutes after an SCP-7909 event. The interviewer was redacted. Interviewer: Hello, I'm here for your check-up. Interviewee: Ah, yes, come in. Interviewee sets up a chair close to a table. He sits down on the opposite side. He is visibly worried. Interviewer: Alright, so how do you feel now? Interviewee: Uh… fine, I guess. Not really much of anything, if I'm honest. Interviewer pretends to write on a notepad. Interviewer: Mhm, so, try to explain what happened. Interviewee sighs. Interviewee: I was walking home at [16 hs], and my mind was not with me, I wasn't paying attention to anything. Then, uh, I just couldn't move, I tried to with all my strength, but I couldn't do anything, and then… Nothing. Interviewee doesn't say anything for 12 seconds. Interviewee: I couldn't see anything, just completely black, like I was swimming in miasmic darkness,8 if you could swim without moving, that is. The only thing left was my mind, but then… Interviewee doesn't say anything for 29 seconds. Interviewer: And then? Interviewee: I don't know. Nothing, then something. It took my arms and my legs, it took my eyes, and it took my mind. And then everything was back to normal. I was back two blocks from my house, with my stuff, in the same place. Like nothing had ever happened. He pauses, life felt more… boring the next few hours, like a little bit of nothing was stuck inside me. The rest of the interview was omitted for brevity. AFTERWORD: The interviewee was given ineffective medications following the principle of the placebo effect, told a false story involving his mental health, and to: "take a break from the books." Open Terminal? Opening Site-   Terminal Open Terminal Please cite your credentials. Site-00 Director, Doctor John Doe. Department of Unreality, Director. Access code: 0000000. Access code does not exist. The Black Moon would howl if it was real. Password does not exist. Existence in continued non-existence. ERROR! CODE-NULL Activating NULL-Procedure-0/0… Hello, Director John Doe. What would you like to do? Open SITE-00 database. Opening… What file would you like to access? SCP-7909. Accesing… Finished! Click here to access file. Footnotes 1. When an SCP-7909 event is going to happen, daumals measure minutely lower. Of note: Foundation personnel has only two/three minutes to act before the event takes place. 2. Conscientia-Class anomalies cannot be physically contained, necessitating that the public is led to believe it is non-anomalous. 3. Ectoentropic: Something that violates the first and/or second law of thermodynamics. 4. Also known as Reality Bending. 5. In simpler terms; reality becomes nothing, and stays that way for approximately 5 seconds, before "restarting" and becoming a normal reality again. 6. For this, the Classification Comitee decided that SCP-7909 be given the "Caution" risk class, instead of the proposed "Critical" risk class. Reclassification pending. 7. i.e: 2 narrative, 3 spatial, 1 temporal dimensions, i.e; 2-3-1 daumals. 8. Interviewee is a locally famous poem writer. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7909" by JoyDash, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Name: Department of Ontokinetics Logo Author: EstrellaYoshte License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Estrella's Author Page Notes: Based on the original Ontokinetics logo by Ralliston and Jakob17. Filename: supercomputer Name: System X - Xserve G5 supercomputing cluster Author: Christopher Bowns License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: NuclearReactor Name: Nuclear reactor at TINT Author: Azitc License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: NULSSLayout Author: JoyDash License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: realityfails Author: JoyDash License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Derivative of: (CC BY-SA 2.0) Filename: ANTIMATTER Name: CERN Antimatter factory - antiproton decelarator Author: Suaudeau License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: TYPOLOGY.jpg Author: Liryn License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Notes: Taken from SCP-6747. Filename: Unreal Name: Cubic Frame Structure Alpha Author: Dominic Alves License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Laugh Author: JoyDash License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: This image was made using: Name: Birth of a New Day Author: Liam Moloney License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Name: Entrepreneurship Week Kickoff Author: Steve Jurvetson License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: SITE-00 Author: JoyDash License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: This image was made using: Name: Arzamas Machinery Plant (21) Author: Vitaly V. Kuzmin License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Name: Twin-scroll turbo T-GDI Author: DmitryKo License: Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Source Link: Name: City Hall, London, Spiral Staircase - 1 Author: Colin License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Source Link:,_London,_Spiral_Staircase_-_1.jpg Name: White passage leading to hallway (Unsplash) Author: Drew Patrick Miller License: Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Source Link: Filename: SITE-00-1 Author: JoyDash License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: This image was made using: Name: darkness into light Author: jasleen_kaur License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Name: Smog Author: Astro_Alex License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Name: Machinery Hall 1 Author: Mr Wabu License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Name: Forms in Black and White / 20101016.7D.06850 / SML Author: See-ming Lee (SML) License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: unrealgif Author: JoyDash License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: This gif was made using: Filename: Unrealitysite2 Author: Jerden & Fishish License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: "SCP-6747" by Liryn, Placeholder McD, Ralliston, and stephlynch, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. "ADMONITION" by Liryn and Placeholder McD, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Item#: 7910 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7910 is to be kept within a standard humanoid containment cell. The walls of the containment cell are to be lined with foam padding to deter self injury. Due to the observed correlation between SCP-7910's emotional state and anomalous properties, SCP-7910 should be continually monitored by camera and microphone and at least one researcher should be present at all times. SCP-7910's behavior should be logged every 15 minutes and any major changes or concerns should be reported to the appropriate staff member.1 Verbal explanations of procedures are to be given to the entity as they're performed. Any form of restraint should only be used with authorization from a senior researcher. Under the crisis plan implemented by Doctor Porter, SCP-7910 should be examined at least every 24 hours for self-inflicted injury. The entity's nails should be cut every three days. A standing authorization is in place for use of double-padded restraint mitts at the discretion of supervising staff. Up-to-date details of the crisis plan may be obtained from Doctor Porter.2 If an energy release cannot be avoided, personnel should take cover behind walls or solid objects. When moving SCP-7910 to or from its cell, staff should always be aware of what can be used as cover. Commonly used routes with marked areas, including to and from the secure medical wing, can be obtained by speaking to lead researcher Yu or the site security chief.3 The containment cell must be inspected for any visible damage at the first available opportunity after an energy release from the entity. Pressure sensors should be installed within the walls of the containment cell. A full inspection of structural integrity must be performed if more than 3 pressure sensors register a change in atmospheric pressure greater than or equal to 5 psi. Description: SCP-7910, former legal name Delilah ███████4, is a female human measuring 173 cm5 in height and weighing 57 kg6. Birth date is 3/10/████ (27 years old at time of acquisition). The entity's overall skin pigmentation is light, but blood vessels with black coloration are visible from mid-upper-arm to the entity's wrists in spiderweb patterns. This is constant in the aforementioned areas, but coloration may spread to SCP-7910's hands, neck, torso, and may appear in other places, correlating with its anomaly as described below. The coloration affects the blood vessels, but not the blood itself; blood drawn from affected vessels is normal in appearance and shows no differences in lab testing. The entity is able to project kinetic waves similar to shock waves created by explosive detonations. No source of this energy has been identified. SCP-7910's clothing and any objects it is holding are unaffected. Average overpressures7 of 20-30 psi have been recorded by sensors within the containment cell. Despite the high force of these shock waves, no structural damage to SCP-7910's cell has been observed. The pressure appears to dissipate when contacting surfaces rather than transferring energy through them, resulting in objects being thrown and potentially fragile materials being broken, but without the catastrophic damage the overpressure would normally cause. A resistance to physical harm has been observed, though with no consistent pattern. The mechanism has yet to be directly observed, but when triggered, patterns of dark blood vessels appear at sites of injury in place of bruises or scrapes. Needles and injections used during medical exams and the entity's self-harm have not been observed to trigger this. SCP-7910 also displays extrasensory perception. Further testing is needed to determine the precise nature and limitations. Comparison of the containment team's movements with notes taken by SCP-7910 before retrieval, show that it was able to identify all four members of the primary containment team and their rough locations without line of sight and through crowded public areas. Additionally, it recorded that it "had a feeling" that it was being watched, estimated to have begun within 2 hours of when the containment team began their monitoring. Intense pain, myoclonic muscle spasms in its hands and arms, dizziness, and vertigo have also been observed. The severity of these symptoms correlates with both its emotional state and intensity of anomalous properties. No conscious control has been observed over any of the anomalous properties. They have a strong correlation with SCP-7910's emotional state, becoming more frequent as the entity experiences anxiety or distress. Several mental health issues have been diagnosed8. EEG tests display patterns consistent with epilepsy and the entity may experience tonic-clonic seizures immediately before or following an energy release. The shock waves projected by the entity make treatment these seizures potentially difficult. Uncontrolled seizures may then lead to further shock waves, breaches of containment, and/or permanent brain damage or death. Because of the comorbidity of SCP-7910's mental health issues and epilepsy with its anomalous properties, care should be taken to avoid triggering any issues as much as possible. SCP-7910 has shown significant distress since entering containment and has presented with panic attacks, heightened anxiety, disassociation, hyper vigilance, lack of appetite, and a multitude of other psychiatric symptoms. The scratches visible on SCP-7910's arms are self-inflicted; any new injuries should be reported to research staff immediately. Therapy sessions are to be conducted four times a week by Doctor Porter. Further socialization efforts are currently being discussed. Discovery: The Foundation was alerted to SCP-7910's existence by Agent Mercer, currently undercover in Denver, Colorado as a photographer employed by a major news publication. SCP-7910 was a non-anomalous asset of both Agent Mercer and his partner, Agent Grey. Agent Mercer invited SCP-7910 to have coffee on 02/11/████. He reported that SCP-7910 appeared agitated, was reluctant to share why, but eventually confided in Agent Mercer about its anomalous properties and showed him the pattern of blood vessels on its arms. Agent Mercer submitted a report early the next morning.9 A containment team began monitoring SCP-7910 approximately 7 hours after the report was submitted. Agent Grey was unaware of the meeting until the report was filed, but provided supplementary information about SCP-7910 to the containment team. SCP-7910 was not aware of the Foundation's existence before retrieval and remains unaware that either agent is employed by the Foundation. On the afternoon of 13/11/████, the containment team approached SCP-7910 at its apartment. The entity expressed concern about unintentionally harming them. The containment team was able to convince SCP-7910 that they wanted and were equipped to help, providing a basic explanation of the Foundation. The entity voluntarily accompanied the team back to Site-93 where an intake interview and examination was conducted by Doctor Yu. No anomalous events were reported during retrieval and no use of amnestic treatment was required. Preliminary Psychiatric Evaluation: Interview for initial psychiatric evaluation of SCP-7910, 16/11/████ Doctor Porter enters SCP-7910's cell and takes a seat at the table across from where SCP-7910 is sitting. Dr. Porter: Good afternoon, Delilah. I'm- SCP-7910: It's Seven-nine-ten now, isn't it? Dr. Porter: Officially yes, but that doesn't erase who you are. It's just a designation. SCP-7910: They're both made up. A rose by any other name. Does it really matter? Doctor Porter hesitates. Dr. Porter: I'm happy to use whatever makes you most comfortable. SCP-7910: Seven-nine-ten. Dr. Porter: Okay, Seven-nine-ten, then. it's lovely to finally meet you. I'm Doctor Porter, I'm the psychologist assigned to your case. How have you been settling in? SCP-7910 shrugs and looks away. Dr. Porter: You haven't been eating much. Has the food been okay? There's a long pause before SCP-7910 answers. SCP-7910: It's just the altitude10. We're in Rocky Mountain National Forest11, right? Or at least close? Doctor Porter Nods Dr. Porter: We are, but I'm more concerned about- SCP-7910: Headache, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, on top of- SCP-7910 turns its arm and pulls up its sleeve. Black blood vessels in a spider web pattern are visible at the wrist and continue upward. SCP-7910: -whatever's wrong with me. It's gonna be a few more days before my head stops spinning. Dr. Porter: Right, of course. That's-that's understandable. What about your anxiety levels? You've had a few panic attacks and… energy releases since arriving, but you haven't reported- SCP-7910: (Interrupting) I've answered everything you've asked, filled out all of the forms you've given me. Do you think I'm lying? Dr. Porter: No. I didn't-I'm not accusing you of anything. It's important for us to understand how you feel, and not everything can be quantified. SCP-7910 looks away again. SCP-7910: It's… just… a lot to process. I've learned all the positive coping strategies, interrupting negative thought patterns, that kind of stuff. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to. What do you want me to say? Dr. Porter: It's not about what I want, it's about what you're feeling. You're still scratching your arms. SCP-7910 doesn't respond. Dr. Porter: It's good that you're doing those things. The coping strategies, I mean I know how frustrating it can be to be doing the right things, but not seeing the changes you'd like. But it's still good, it just takes time. What can I do to help? SCP-7910 still doesn't respond. There's a long pause before Doctor Porter looks down at the folder in front of her and starts looking through the contents. Dr. Porter: Maybe… let's try something different. You haven't made many requests. Mostly necessities… a few novels… obviously I can't give you a cellphone or let you check your Instagram, but you aren't a prisoner. You are allowed to have things. Maybe there's something that might help? SCP-7910: I asked for, like, an iPad or something, with stuff downloaded on it. Having background noise helps me a lot. I don't know if that works or… SCP-7910 trails off and shrugs. Dr. Porter: It's certainly possible, though it likely won't be immediate. I'd like at least another few days to see how you're adjusting before introducing something like that Doctor Porter makes a few notes without looking up. Dr. Porter: Maybe something else? SCP-7910: Um, okay, um. SCP-7910 rubs the sleeve of its jacket between its thumb and forefinger. SCP-7910: Can I… can I go for a walk? It doesn't have to be long, especially since it's freezing, but a little breathing room would help. Dr. Porter: That… hmm… I'll put in the request, but it's likely too much of a risk, at the moment. Maybe we can re-evaluate as we learn more about what triggers your anomaly, but that would be up to Doctor Yu. SCP-7910: (whispering) Too dangerous… yeah. I'm sorry. Dr. Porter: There's nothing to apologize for. That's why you're here. What about some plants for your room, in the mean time? Some flowers, maybe, something vibrant. It might help give you something to focus on, too, and a bit more to do. Oh, and we could do some art therapy with decorating the pots, too! There have been numerous studies citing the positive benefits of- Doctor Porter stops. SCP-7910 is pale and its right hand is clenched in a muscle spasm. SCP-7910: No, I-I'd just break them. SCP-7910 pulls its legs onto the chair and wraps its arms around its knees. Dr. Porter: …I'm sorry, I-I should have considered that. We have quite a few botanists at Site-93, I'm sure they could suggest more… durable solutions. We have plenty of time, at least. Doctor Porter smiles. SCP-7910 still does not look at her. SCP-7910: …Can I have my blanket? Dr. Porter: Your- oh, oh yes! You requested that during your intake, the light blue one you brought with you, right? You mentioned it being a comfort object for you. SCP-7910 nods. Dr. Porter: I can absolutely approve that. It may be another day or two for the request to be processed, but I don't see any reason why you shouldn't have it. See? I knew we would find something. SCP-7910 shrugs. Dr. Porter: Is there anything else you'd like to talk about, before I go? I know this has been short, but I'd like to have a full therapy session tomorrow, and we can discuss further care from there. Does that sound okay? SCP-7910 shrugs. Dr. Porter: Excellent. Keep working on coping strategies, focus on what's helping, okay? And if you need anything, or you start feeling worse, please let someone know so we can help. And please try to eat something. Initial Psychiatric Evaluation - 16/11/████ I spoke briefly with SCP-7910 this afternoon and plan to have a full session with her tomorrow. My initial impressions are that she's a young woman dealing with extraordinary circumstances, but she's coping with them as well as anyone in her position could be expected to. Documentation from her past councilors and inpatient hospitalizations show that she's been a model patient. It matches everything we've seen over the past few days. It's clear she's struggling to process so many life changes in such a short time, but she's cooperative, good about communicating her needs, and working to be her best despite the situation. My biggest concern is making sure that her mental health, especially her anxiety, doesn't get worse. SCP-7910 stated during her intake interview that she scratches her arms because of her anomaly-especially the pain but that still doesn't make it a healthy coping strategy. She reports heightened anxiety in the inventories she's completed, as expected, and seemed a bit withdrawn while we spoke. I don't know if we can avoid those feelings completely, but whatever we can do to build trust and help her work through things will be beneficial to everyone. I'll have a more complete write up after tomorrow's session, but I think starting off with two sessions per week until she seems less overwhelmed will be good. I recommend holding off on her request for an iPad or other media device, but providing her with the blanket she's requested. I noticed her stimming during our conversation- using specific stimuli to focus thoughts and block out more overwhelming stimuli- by rubbing her fingers against her sleeve. I'm sure the blanket will be better for that. I don't want to add quite as much stimulation as movies or music would create until I'm comfortable that it won't be too overwhelming. Just to make sure it's noted: She requested to be called 7910 instead of Delilah. I'll cover that our session tomorrow, but it may be a sign that she's starting to see her self as an object, not a person. It's not uncommon for humanoid SCP objects but again, something best to avoid. I also saw she barely ate dinner tonight. I realize we can only do so much to encourage her, but she's borderline underweight already and I'd rather avoid less pleasant options for as long as we can. Catherine Porter, PhD Lead Psychologist - SCP-7910 Addendum: Incident Report 17/11/████ - Containment Breach - SCP-7910 On 17/11/████ at 0211, a containment breach was reported by Lead Researcher Yu. Emergency medical assistance was requested. At 0123, SCP-7910 awoke and had difficulty falling back asleep. Doctor Yu was observing and noted heightened anxiety as well as several panic attacks. At 0211, immediately following a panic attack, SCP-7910 screamed and began scratching its right arm. A shock wave was recorded at 40 psi of overpressure seconds later. Medical assistance was requested as the entity fell from the bed and experienced a tonic-clonic seizure Four security personnel assisted Doctor Yu in moving SCP-7910 to secure medical lab 237. SCP-7910 does not regain consciousness after the seizure ended. Medical personnel immediately begin administering care upon arriving at the lab. Doctor Yu and one security officer took cover behind lab counters as the entity has a second seizure. The remaining personnel were incapacitated after colliding with walls and counters after release of a second shock wave. Doctor Yu ordered the remaining officer to hold SCP-7910's arm and administered a dose of lorazepam12 intravenously. The seizure ends approx. 50 second later. The breach was ended at 0228, after SCP-7910 was stabilized and a response team moved in to provide support. The entity was returned to its cell after an additional hour of monitoring by Doctor Yu. Injured personnel were taken to Site-93's medical center for treatment. Two will need longer term recovery while three are expected to return to duty after 48 hours of rest. They all experienced with blunt force trauma after being thrown by the shock wave, but no primary injuries consistent with explosive force or rapid pressure changes were present. No structural damage to the medical lab or the containment cell was found. Post Incident Medical Evaluation Patient: SCP-7910 17/11/████, 0346 SCP-7910 initially showed signs of a heightened anxiety and intermittent panic attacks, beginning at 0123 and continuing until 0211. The first seizure occurred immediately following a panic attack and lasted 4 minutes 24 seconds. A second seizure, lasting 2 minute 7 seconds, occurred about three minutes after the first ended. The patient did not regain consciousness between the seizures. Patterns of black coloration in blood vessels were observed spreading across the patient's upper torso, neck, and hands, consistent with previous observations about the patient's anomalous properties. 4mg of intravenous lorazepam was administered during the second seizure and was effective in suppressing it. Patient briefly regained consciousness just over 2 minutes later, then fell asleep almost immediately. Supplementary oxygen and intravenous fluids were given. EEG, pulse, and blood oxygen monitoring were established. Patient was returned to her containment cell after no abnormalities were recorded within 60 minutes after the second seizure ended. EEG monitoring should continue for an additional 24 hours. Two seizures closely together and without the patient regaining consciousness between them meets the criteria for convulsive status epilepticus. a condition with a high mortality rate. As noted in the Incident Report, the second energy emission also occurred after the onset of the second seizure. The patient responded well to standard first line treatments, but further care, including general anesthetics to suppress a seizure, may be dangerous or impossible in a similar situation. Autoinjectors w/ 10mg of midazolam13 should be made available as an alternative if other treatment can't be provided. From observations tonight, the energy released by SCP-7910 does not travel *through* solid objects. Assisting medical personnel were incapacitated when trying to render care- I was the only one unaffected after taking cover behind a lab counter. All staff working with SCP-7910 in the future should be mindful of this; in an emergency situation it won't negate the difficulties I've mentioned, but providing any care is better than nothing. Further seizures may be unavoidable but reducing their severity and taking precautions to avoid them is a priority for containment. It's possible that the patient's anxiety and distress may be directly contributing to this, creating a positive feedback loop with her anomalous effects and emotional state. The seizure occurred after a panic attack, one of many experienced over the course of about 50 minutes. Despite the patient's attempts to comfort and distract herself, SCP-7910's anxiety seemed to intensify rather than improve during this episode. SCP-7910's care plan and containment procedures will be updated as necessary. A full review of SCP-7910's psychiatric history will also be conducted. Further planning for preventative psychiatric treatment will be prepared by Doctor Porter. Morgan Yu, MD, PhD Lead Researcher - SCP-7910 Neurology / Neurobiology Addendum: Epileptic patterns confirmed from EEG data. Date: 17/11/████, 0837 From: Doctor Porter To: SCP-7910 research team Subject: Updated Containment Procedures and Crisis Plan I'm unfortunately not feeling well today and won't be able to attend this morning's meeting. I'll send out more detailed reports tomorrow and meet with all of you as soon as I'm able. We'll be implementing a crisis plan for SCP-7910 and containment procedures will be updated accordingly. I concur with Doctor Yu's hypothesis about an emotional component to her anomaly. Right now she's facing a massive amount of environmental stressors as she acclimates to containment. A near death experience and diagnosis of a serious medical condition are only going to compound that. I realize that there's not much we can do to make that better, but we can at least try not to make things worse for her. If there is a trigger related to fear, anxiety, or any other kind of distress and she starts to feel afraid of us… Let's try not to let that happen, any more than it already has. She may not be able to fully process what's going on, even after the sedatives wear off. It's likely that she was hiding her true levels of distress, but it's our responsibility to take care of her, not hers to cooperate. In hindsight, I should have have been watching for this, and I sincerely apologize for letting this happen. Right now, try to be gentle with her, no matter what state she's in. Explain what and why you're doing things. Talk to her, distract her, give her something to focus on so she doesn't feel overwhelmed by everything all at once. Longer term, we should explore socialization, to keep SCP-7910 from feeling isolated as much as possible. Some normality, in this very abnormal situation, would be beneficial. I know some researchers at Site-17 have explored socialization programs between humanoid SCPs and staff, with staff either being assigned or volunteering to participate in social activities. Something similar here might be beneficial, but I'm not quite sure what it that would look like, yet. Board games, maybe? Several were recovered from her apartment. I suppose we could do a sort of movie night, too. Maybe. And knowing that the shock waves she releases don't travel through solid objects, safety should be something we can actually plan for, now. I'll speak to SCP-7910 as soon as I can and start writing up formal proposals for some of this. Likely tomorrow, hopefully I'll feel better by then. If anyone else has suggestions, especially for socialization, please pass them on to Doctor Yu in the mean time. Catherine Porter, PhD Lead Psychologist & Senior Researcher - SCP-7910 Date: 17/11/████, 0900 From: Doctor Stoner To: Doctor Porter Subject: Re: Request for removal from SCP-7910 Doctor Porter, I'm happy you felt comfortable enough to reach out. I know how scary it can be to ask for help. I read over your assessments and your personnel file. Humanoid containment is a very difficult thing at the best of times, especially as a psychologist. Feeling overwhelmed is normal; It's okay not to always know what to do or have all the answers. I think, at most, you may have misread or overlooked some things in your assessment. I certainly don't think that what happened with SCP-7910 was your fault, or that you could have prevented it. As you said in your assessment, SCP-7910 is a young woman experiencing extraordinary circumstances. It's hard to overstate the stress of so many life changes in such a brief period even before considering her mental health history. Right now, what matters is that she's alive, she's safe, and she has people who are trying to help her. I'll send along some resources on humanoid containment and mental health care, and make sure one of our therapists talks to her in the next few days. I'm more concerned with how you're feeling. This is going to require a lot of compassion and patience, and I think you're absolutely capable of being the one to provide that. But it's just as important that you're paying attention to your own mental health. Your absence today will be cleared as medical, if anyone has questions. My schedule is clear, so please come see me in my office as soon as you feel up to it. I know how dire things must feel right now, but this isn't something you have to feel on your own. Best, Jeremiah Stoner, PsyD Site-93 Ethics Committee liason Footnotes 1. A senior researcher, ranking security officer, or Lead Researcher Yu, depending on severity. 2. Standard safety precautions for SCP objects may vary from site to site in detail but never in intent. Speak to an on-site psychologist or your site's ethics committee representative if you have questions or concerns about behavioral and mental health care for humanoids in containment. 3. Level 3 clearance and a formal, written request are required for any non-Site-93 personnel, in accordance with Foundation security protocols regarding site security procedures. 4. SCP-7910 was previously working as a free-lance journalist and has written several articles for notable publications. Identifying information has been redacted per Foundation infosec protocols. An unredacted version of this documentation requires level 3 clearance and a written request to Doctor Yu to access. 5. 5'8" 6. 125 lbs 7. The pressure created by an explosive shock wave, measured in pounds per square inch (psi). Structural damage can be caused by overpressure as little as 2-3 psi. Lung damage begins to occur at 15 psi. 8. Panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, avoidant personality disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder. SCP-7910 has been admitted to inpatient psychiatric care several times, has not had consistent treatment outside of inpatient settings. 9. After careful review, no disciplinary actions will be taken against Agent Mercer for delay of his initial report. Agent Grey reports finding him intoxicated and distraught shortly after submitting it. There is no reason to believe that Agent Mercer acted negligently or that he intentionally delayed reporting. Agent Grey has testified that Agent Mercer and SCP-7910 were very close friends and have known each other for several years. Both agents have been given two weeks of paid leave and are required to attend four individual and two couple's therapy sessions to assist in adequately processing these events before returning to duty. 10. Site-93 is about 10,000 ft above sea level. At time of interview, symptoms of mild altitude sickness had been recorded in SCP-7910. 11. Site-93 officially exists as a research station contracted with the Department of the Interior. Though its true purpose is highly classified, its location is not. 12. Ativan, effective as a first line treatment for seizures. Standard dose is 4mg given slowly over 2 minutes. 13. Versed, can be injected intramuscularly to treat uncontrolled seizures. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7910" by Celeste Etoile, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
 close Info X SCP-7911: What's your Emergency Author: JorgeMtzb Special Thanks to: ExiAsWell, Marceline_Raynes, Doctor Fullham Zoobeeny who helped with constructive criticism and proofreading of this article, this couldn't have been done without yall! Special Thanks to: You!!! [*user] JorgeMtzb Hello, it is me! JorgeMtzb I've put a lot of work into this article. So I hope you like it, any opinions, or criticism they are all appreciated. Item#: 7911 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Never forget never forget never forget never forget never forget never forget never forget never forget SCP-7911-1 instances. Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-7911 instances are to be stored in a secure, standard anomalous item storage locker. Access to SCP-7911 is to be granted only to individuals with Level 2 security clearance and must be approved by at least two Level 3 personnel. SCP-7911-1 and SCP-7911-2 are not to be used for medical treatment under any circumstances. Due to its hazardous nature, caution is advised when handling SCP-7911. To minimize the risk of exposure, personnel must use protective equipment such as gloves when handling instances of SCP-7911. Any hospitals or medical facilities found to have received SCP-7911 instances are to be monitored and any instances of SCP-7911 are to be replaced with non-anomalous bandages and pills of similar appearance. Description: SCP-7911-1 and SCP-7911-2 (collectively referred to as SCP-7911), are medical equipment labeled "ProMed Solutions".1 SCP-7911-1 is a set of bandages that cause any wounds previously located under them to reopen and rapidly worsen, leading to severe injury or death. This is regardless of the timeframe at which the wounds were originally received. SCP-7911-2 consists of a bottle containing 35 pills which cause ███ ████████ ██████ ██ █ ███████ ██ ██████2 simultaneously, leading to severe injury and death. SCP-7911's anomalous properties only become apparent after a certain amount of time has elapsed. The exact amount of time is variable, but subjects have reported experiencing symptoms within a time frame of seconds to several hours of being treated with SCP-7911-1 or ingesting SCP-7911-2. SCP-7911-1 (bandages) were discovered after a patient at St. Vincent's Medical Center, (located in Bridgeport, Pennsylvania) reported sharp pain under their bandages following treatment for a broken tibia. Upon removal, severe abrasions on the patient's knee were discovered, which quickly became infected, leading to amputation. A second patient received deep lacerations to their wrists and a third patient died due to inexplicable severe head trauma after a delicate surgery, both following treatment with SCP-7911-1. Foundation personnel were alerted to the existence of SCP-7911 after intercepting phone calls detailing the seemingly anomalous worsening of several patients' conditions. The Foundation swiftly replaced all instances of SCP-7911 with non-anomalous medical equipment. Efforts to determine the source of SCP-7911 initially proved inconclusive, as records showed no shipment of medical equipment due to arrive at the hospital on the day it was discovered. The rest of the medical equipment on the shipment performed as expected with no signs of anomalous activity. Further testing of SCP-7911 is ongoing. Testing Logs: Test A - 2023-02-09 Subject D-9123 Procedure SCP-7911-1 is applied to the subject's shoulder and upper arm. Results After 2 hours, the subject reported sharp pain in their shoulder. Upon examination, a bullet wound on the shoulder had opened, approximately one centimeter in diameter, with jagged edges and signs of inflammation on the skin and underlying tissue. It was found that the wound was consistent with the gun and ammunition used in a shooting D-9123 had been previously involved in before being taken into Foundation custody. Analysis The reopened wound is consistent with a previous injury that the subject had sustained suggesting that SCP-7911-1 may have some form of memory or recognition of past injuries, the exact mechanism by which it is able to determine past wounds is unknown. Test B - 2023-02-09 Subject D-8335 Procedure A gunshot wound is inflicted on the subject's shoulder using a Foundation-standard handgun. SCP-7911-1 is then immediately applied to the wound and securely wrapped around the shoulder and upper arm, covering the wound entirely. Results The subject almost immediately reported a significant increase in pain in his shoulder once the bandage was applied. The object was removed after five minutes. Upon examination, the bullet wound had become infected with dermal tissue experiencing severe necrosis, consistent with what would be expected of an unattended gunshot during the course of several days. Analysis This test suggests that the object may directly interfere with cellular degeneration, causing cellular death on a microscopic level, despite this, the object is molecularly identical to regular bandages. Test C - 2023-02-13 Subject D-5692 Procedure A long laceration is inflicted on the subject’s left leg using a Foundation-standard knife. The cut was allowed to fully heal before SCP-7911-1 was applied only partly covering the previous location of the wound. Results The subject reported sharp pain under the bandages after 20 minutes. SCP-7911-1 was left on the subject for 10 seconds before removal. Previously inflicted cuts reappeared underneath it, localized decay becoming apparent in the surrounding tissue. Analysis The amount of time for the anomalous effects to manifest appears to be directly related to the time frame at which the wounds were inflicted, with recent ones taking a proportionally shorter amount of time to reform. The condition of reformed wounds is similarly proportional to the amount of time SCP-7911 is allowed to be kept in the subject. Test D - 2023-02-13 Subject D-5692 Procedure A long laceration is inflicted on the subject’s right leg using a Foundation-standard knife. The cut was allowed to fully heal before SCP-7911-1 was applied only partly covering the previous location of the wound. Results SCP-7911-1 instance was left on the subject for 19 minutes before removal. No anomalous effect manifested. Analysis The physical anomalous on the subject appear to take effect spontaneously after a determinate amount of time, rather than gradually, and only once materialized do they start to gradually (yet rapidly) deteriorate. This could prove beneficial in Foundation forensic tactics in order to determine the approximate time at which specific wounds were first received, but the side effects may prove too damaging for any extended use. Addendum: As part of the ongoing investigation on the origins of SCP-7911-1, researchers were led to an abandoned medical supply factory on the outskirts of Bridgeport, Pennsylvania. Retroactive monitoring of the site via city-owned security cameras showed an unplated truck coming from the inside of the facility on the day the bandages first made their appearance in St. Vincent's Medical Center, the driver of which remains unidentified. NOTICE TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF SITE-18 Based on the recent findings regarding the possible origins of SCP-7911, I strongly urge the Foundation to dispatch a Mobile Task Force to conduct a thorough investigation of the abandoned medical supply factory in Bridgeport, Pennsylvania. Given the potential danger posed by the anomalous properties of SCP-7911, it is imperative that the source of the bandages be located and secured to prevent any further incidents. I recommend that this be given the highest priority to ensure the safety of the general public and the containment of the anomaly. —Dr. Upkins, Researcher, Site-18 +See: Post Operation Report - 7911- A - Access Granted -Post Operation Report - 7911- A Date and Time: 2023/01/15/ 14:25 pm Location: Abandoned Medical Supply Manufacturing Facility Mobile Task Force: MTF Gamma-12 "Revenant Wrappers" Foreword: Area was secured ahead of time, MTF-Gamma-12 arrived at the front facility at 14:06 and after a preliminary assessment, with the site showing no unusual activity, entered 14 minutes later through the front entrance. Upon arrival, the perimeter fence was found partially collapsed and overgrown with weeds. The building itself was in a state of disrepair, with many window panes broken and large holes in the side. [BEGIN REPORT] After gaining entry through the boarded-up main entrance, the MTF team entered a lobby area filled with debris and missing floor tiles. They encountered a circular reception desk with a sign that read "Welcome to ProMed Solutions" alongside a faded green armchair, dark wood shelves lining the back wall, and scattered books on the floor. The team then proceeded to the main factory plant through a security door labeled "Staff only". Inside the plant, the team came across a sprawling expanse of heavy machinery and equipment, showing signs of wear and deterioration. The team searched each section of the main factory floor, coming across fallen machinery that was cleared to reveal a set of stairs leading to a hallway on the second level. The hallway featured doors and access to catwalks and elevated rooms overlooking the factory floor. They carefully made their way across the platform, where they had a panoramic view of the factory floor. Piles of boxes and crates, along with dismantled assembly lines, conveyor belts, rusted pipes, and large gears were scattered throughout the space. While preparing to explore the rooms, a team member observed a faint light coming from under a door. Upon opening the door, the team was met by a pharmaceutical laboratory. In stark contrast with the rest of the facility, the lab was brightly lit, with white walls and gleaming metal counter tops. There were several workstations with computers and lab equipment, all fully functional and operational.3 In the desks, there is medical research equipment. The lab appeared to have been meticulously maintained, even after the rest of the facility had fallen into disrepair. At the back of the room in the main desk the team found several SCP-7911-1 instances carefully laid out in a stack, and alongside them, labeled identically to the bandages, a single bottle of pills, designated SCP-7911-2. They recovered, alongside the SCP-7911 instances, mechanical hard drives, a plethora of medical research equipment, as well as swipe samples of surfaces in the lab.4 After carefully exploring the upper level, with the rest of the rooms showing no unusual activity, the team returned to the main floor of the factory and left the facility with no further obstructions. - Access Granted Recovered Materials See: SCP-7911 - Recovered Materials Log Access Granted Note: The following conversation was extracted from the wiped hard drives found within the laboratory discovered by the MTF Gamma-12 "Revenant Wrappers" expedition following data recovery procedures. To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: Just a friendly Email. Hey, bud! I hope you’re doing well! I just wanted to check in! How’s life been treating you? We see each other every day and yet it seems like we haven’t really talked in like forever. Speaking of work I’ve been working really hard lately ya know! Just trying to get noticed by my supervisors and all, I feel like I’ve been stuck like this for too long now, but I’m really ready to take on some responsibility. Putting in a lot of extra hours and stuff. Hopefully, it will pay off soon wink wink, nudge nudge, heheheh. Anyways, enough about work! How have you been bud? I feel like with just being so busy with work the two of us haven’t had a chance to catch up in a while. It’s all going great lately, I actually got engaged! I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while. We should totally go get a coffee or something this weekend and chat. To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: Congrats!!! Hey bud, congrats on your promotion!! I’m glad to know your efforts were appreciated. We all know you’re a crucial part of the process and I couldn’t be any more proud of you. I know how hard you’ve been working and you deserve this. Just don’t forget bout the little guys once you hit it big, ya big shot. I’m just, so excited to see where this new position takes you. Let’s catch up soon and celebrate! To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: Missed you at lunch. Hey bud, I noticed you weren’t at lunch today. Is everything okay? Let’s talk. To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: Catching Up. I’m glad everything is going well for you bud. It’s just been a while since we’ve talked, I miss our conversations. But I don't want to burden you with my problems, I understand you're a busy man now, climbing up that corporate ladder. It must be nice to have all that power and influence. To be honest, things have been a bit tough for me lately. On the bright side, the wifey and I have been spending a lot of time together, which has been a nice distraction from all the frustration at work. It's good to have something to look forward to, you know? To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: Congrats again. Hey bud, I heard the news, and I just wanted to say, congrats. It's impressive to see you climbing up the ranks so swiftly. You must be quite the hotshot now, huh? It feels like you're leaving the rest of us behind. But don't get me wrong, I'm genuinely happy for you and all. I hope everything's going well for you, boss. (Don't get too comfortable in that chair, though) To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: Regarding recent events. I heard about the diagnosis… I’m genuinely sorry to hear that bud. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you and your family. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you during this tough time. I'm here for you if you need anything at all. If there's anything I can do to help either personally or with your work or if you just want to talk, please don't hesitate to reach out. To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: So, life huh? It's been a while since we've talked, and I wanted to see how you're doing. I heard that you'll be retiring from the company soon, you’ve had quite the run, haven’t you? I must say, it will be quite challenging for the team to find someone who can fill your shoes as a leader. For now, though, you just need to get some rest and get all that stress out of your life, and dedicate yourself to your family and stuff, It's about time you took a break and let someone else handle all the stress and hard work. I know it's a big decision to leave, but I'm sure you've thought it through and made the right choice for you, Speaking of choices, this entire thing got me thinking about the future of the company without you, and you know I've been considering how I could contribute more to it. This place has really been my life, for just so long now. It truly means a lot to me, so I just wanted to let you know that I'm eager to continue growing with the company and continue putting always my best. I'm excited to continue pushing forward as always and seeing where it takes me, just a thought. To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: Retirement congrats. I hope this email finds you well and you’re enjoying your retirement. I just wanted to once again take a moment to express my gratitude just, all the hard work you put in during your time as our boss. Your leadership and guidance have been invaluable to the company, and we surely miss you dearly. I also wanted to congratulate you on appointing Mr. Ashwell as the new leader. I'm sure he will do an excellent job in the position, and I look forward to working with him. I know it must have been a difficult decision to make, and I admire your ability to put the company's needs above all else, and I do mean, above all else. And who knows, perhaps he'll even recognize and reward hard work and loyalty, who knows? Maybe he'll surprise us all. Please enjoy your very well-deserved retirement, and thank you again for everything you've done, bud. To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: An Update Hey, bud, It’s been a while since my last email, but I wanted to give you an update on what’s been going down since you stepped down. Unfortunately, things have been going downhill since Mr. Ashwell took over. His changes caused significant issues for the company. Administration is giving out pay cuts, and the massive layoffs that followed were devastating. It's been a tough time for everyone. I know you always did care deeply about the well-being of the company, especially that of the bottom line, so just oh so sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I wish things could have turned out differently, but oh well I suppose there was no way to prevent it, that's just the way things go sometimes, don't they? On a personal note, life without Samantha has been tough, but I'm managing, doing my best to stay positive and keep moving forward. I've been keeping busy with work and trying to focus on my hobbies when I have the time, the very little time I have with my work and stuff. But enough about me, how's retirement treating you? Enjoying all that free time and no responsibilities? Must be nice. To: ████████ From: ███ Subject: I haven’t forgotten. Hey, bud. First of all, let me just wish you the best of luck with your operation, I heard St. Vincents is a really nice place. I am certain that they will patch you right up. You know, The recent closure of the company was heartbreaking for me, and I’m sure it must’ve been difficult for you to hear of it as well. It's just hard for me to let it go. I was just thinking about all those times we spent together, those restless nights, those fun memories. Working at that factory changed my life. I often find myself lost in thought, reminiscing about the past and the moments we shared, the challenges we overcame, and the laughs we shared. I cherish those memories dearly. It’s funny isn’t it, how a wound can heal but it never truly goes away, forever leaving a scar reminding you of what once was there. How memories can fade, but the repercussions of the actions surrounding them stay. But as I reflect on the past, I can’t help but also contemplate the future. It’s all so uncertain, isn’t it? We strive to make sense of it all, to find meaning and purpose, but the truth is that life is ever-changing and always evolving. You know, we're all just wandering through life, trying to make sense of it all, trying to leave our mark on the world before our time is up. But what does it all mean, really? Sometimes it feels like everything is just a cycle, repeating itself over and over again, It seems like no matter how hard we try, everything we hold dear will eventually slip through our fingers. Every relationship, every accomplishment, every moment of happiness - they all inevitably crumble to dust. And what do we have left? Memories that haunt us with the pain of what once was. It's like we're all just prisoners of this endless cycle, doomed to experience the same joys and sorrows over and over again, with no escape. The same patterns, the same mistakes, the same pain, it all stays the same, and yet… everything changes. Sometimes the changes are little and seemingly insignificant, to where they are barely perceptible. Sometimes the changes are big and consequential. Sometimes, they amount to nothing. I guess that's the nature of the universe. Nothing is permanent, but everything sort of is, in its own beautiful way. Everything is constantly in flux, but somehow, everything still manages to hold onto its own unique identity. Even as things change, they still retain some essence of what they once were. It’s almost like a paradox, how something can be both fleeting and eternal at the same time. It's a bittersweet realization, but in a way, it's freeing. And maybe, just maybe, that's enough. I can only hope to be able to set you free as well. Incident Logs + See: Incident Log 216 - 2023 - WARNING: Level 3 Security Clearance is required. - Access Granted Incident 216 - 2023: Video Log Transcript Date and Time: 2023/02/16 13:00 Location: Fairview General Hospital, Bridgeport, Pennsylvania. Civilians Involved: William Harrington, Jennifer García, Dr. Allan Mobile Task Force: MTF Gamma-12 "Revenant Wrappers" Foreword: On 12/20/2023, Telecommunication Monitoring Office Foundation agents intercepted an emergency call originating from Fairview General Hospital. MTF Agents were dispatched to investigate and contain the situation, arriving at the hospital approximately 5 minutes later. Once there, MTF Gamma-12 evacuated all civilians, secured the perimeter, and recovered several items. A Specialized Foundation Biohazardous Materials Cleanup team was then dispatched with the hospital reopening 4 hours later following the completion of decontamination and removal of biohazardous material on site. All witnesses, including hospital staff and visitors, were amnestized by Foundation personnel in accordance with standard protocol. In the aftermath of the incident, the Foundation provided a cover story to local authorities to support an explanation that would minimize public exposure, with local media outlets reporting that the hospital had been evacuated due to a gas leak. [BEGIN LOG] Video taken from a hospital security camera. William Harrington is escorted into the room by a nurse. The subject is seen sitting down on a hospital bed. He can be seen texting on his phone and scrolling through social media. Fifteen minutes, Dr. Allan Grant walks into the room. Dr. Grant: Good morning Mr. Harrington, hope you're doing well. William Harrington: Well, I'm alive, if that's what you're asking, so I suppose that's something. How are you today, doc? Dr. Grant: I'm doing good, but let's just skip the formalities, shall we? I suspect you might be impatient for the results. William Harrington: Right, so then? Dr. Grant: The lab test results are all within the norm. William Harrington: That's great to hear, Dr. Grant. Thank you. Dr. Grant: However, we want to monitor your recovery closely and ensure that you're healing properly. You'll need to stay here for at least another week or so before we can consider releasing you. William Harrington: Another week? That's longer than I was expecting. Dr. Grant: I understand it's not ideal, Mr. Harrington. But please know that we're doing this for your own safety and well-being. You underwent major surgery, and we want to make sure you're fully healed before we send you home. William Harrington: I appreciate that, doc. What can I expect? Dr. Grant: We'll continue to monitor your vital signs and check for any signs of infection or complications. You'll also receive physical therapy to help you regain your strength and mobility. And of course, you'll continue to receive pain management medication as needed. Mr. Harrington: Alright, I understand. I just want to get back home as soon as possible. Dr. Grant: I understand, Mr. Harrington. We'll do everything we can to make your stay as comfortable as possible, and we'll work with you to develop a discharge plan once you're ready to go home. Mr. Harrington: Right, thanks. Dr. Grant nods and proceeds to exit the room, closing the door behind him. Mr. Harrington continues texting then lies down on the bed and begins watching TV. Date and Time: 2023/02/16 14: 35 Patient falls asleep. Date and Time: 2023/02/16 16:45 Patient wakes from sleep. Mr. Harrington appears to look blankly at a wall for an extended amount of time, then stands up and begins pacing back and forth. He activates the call nurse button, and a nurse enters the room Nurse: You shouldn't be standing, Is something wrong? The nurse motions for the patient to lie down on the bed. Mr. Harrington sits back down, then holds himself tightly against the bed. Nurse: What is it? William Harrington (Beginning to hyperventilate) I don't feel so well. And my finger hurts. Subject shows the finger to the nurse. A small cut can be observed. Nurse: I don't see any- Cut starts to extend at a rapid pace while tearing through skin and muscular tissue. Mr. Harrington clutches his chest and vocalizes loudly, followed by the appearance of scars and open wounds covering the subject's entire body, ranging from small cuts to large gashes. Serosanguineous drainage emerges from the open wounds as he begins showing signs of severe distress. Nurse: What the- SOMEONE HELP! I need a doctor in here, NOW! The nurse quickly activates the emergency response system and cries out for help. Several doctors and nurses, alerted by the screaming, rush back into the room and attempt to stabilize the patient. Once the medical team arrives, they quickly wheel Mr. Harrington to the Intensive Care unit for further treatment and monitoring. Despite this, the manifestation continues to progress as the wounds on the patient's body begin to bleed profusely, with severe hemorrhage leading to hypovolemic shock. Still, intact portions of skin begin to pale as the cuts deepen and widen. Large, gaping wounds appear on Mr. Harrington's limbs and torso as his breathing becomes ragged and strained, with vocalizations turning into agonized screams. He falls onto the ground on his hands and knees writhing in pain as blood and serosanguineous fluid pool around him. MTF Gamma-12 "Revenant Wrappers" arrive at the site and enter the room, then direct the medical staff to leave the room, while evacuating all civilians to a safe distance from the incident The subject's face begins to bleed uncontrollably as he experiences immense swelling, causing significant damage to the skull as sections of the cranium tear through the scalp and fall off, breaking into several pieces. Mr. Harrington appears to be conscious despite the severe damage to vital organs and systems usually needed for survival. As the manifestation progresses, the subject's bare eyes begin to exhibit direct lacerations, with punctures appearing to penetrate eye sockets. Brain tissue is now visible and cerebrospinal fluid is seen leaking from the wounds and exposed tissue in the subject's head. Subjects' mouth experiences rapid decay and the rotting of teeth, as well as severe inflammation of all mucus membranes. Limbs begin to separate and fall to the ground. Vocalizations, now unintelligible, continue as muscular tissue undergoes severe necrosis. Date and Time: 2023/02/16 17:35 Vocalizations stop. [END LOG] Addendum: Manifestation appears to have been caused via ingestion of SCP-7911-2, which caused the physical manifestation of all wounds and injuries experienced by the subject before the test in rapid succession and simultaneously. Any testing of SCP-7911-2 has been postponed indefinitely via request of the Ethics Committee. Members involved are to report to Researcher Upkins for approval of psychological therapy and may request approval for usage of Class-B amnestics. William Harrington was officially pronounced dead by Foundation Disinformation Teams two days later, attributed to complications stemming from the progression of his pancreatic cancer despite the success of previous surgeries and treatments. Note: The following message was recovered at Fairview General Hospital. Hey, bud. I heard you were transferred to a new hospital for your procedure. Probably for the best. They better be treating you well. Heard you are almost fully recovered and the surgery came out great, which is just amazing news. I've been dedicating my time to some personal projects of mine, they haven't quite worked out yet but I'm certain they will. As a celebration, I decided to use some of that time to come and visit you personally. You were asleep, so the nurses didn’t let me stay, but I was able to sneak in this gift basket, just for you. I wanted to show my appreciation for all the things you’ve done ya know? And don’t forget to take your meds bud, I know firsthand just how easy it is for you to forget. May all your past wounds heal soon so you may soon be free, not bound, just like me. - Access Granted Footnotes 1. Medical Supply company was investigated and shown to have no direct connection to SCP-7911. Additionally, while said brand does produce bandages similar to SCP-7911-1, no productions of pills matching SCP-7911-2 have been found. 2. See: Incident Log 3215-1 for more information on effects. (Security Level 3 Required) 3. Examination of the computer equipment showed the removal of all digital storage mediums from all computers with one exception. 4. Swipe samples were later confirmed to be almost perfectly sterile. Recovered medical equipment was confirmed to be non-anomalous and standard for regular pharmaceutical use. More From This Author More From This Author JorgeMtzb's Works SCPs SCP-7424 (+9) • SCP-719M4-J (+216) • SCP-7121 (+109) • SCP-5031-J (+22) • SCP-7192 (+11) • SCP-7229 (+62) • SCP-8022 (+78) • SCP-7194 (+36) • SCP-8045 (+200) • SCP-500-J (+150) • Tales/GoI Formats Other JorgeMtzb's Author Page (+22) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7911" by JorgeMtzb, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. 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N/A: As you can probably tell, you exist again, which means we have a new assignment. INTERIOR NOTICE TO ALL FOUNDATION STAFF: UNDERSTANDING IS INTRINSIC TO EXPOSURE AND LIKELY INCORRECT. ANY DELETIONS AGENTS WHO HAVE INTERACTED WITH AFFECTED TIMELINES ARE TO REFORMAT BEFORE PROCEEDING. Interior of SCP-7912's chamber. SCP- SCP-7912 V/NONE NON-ESSENTIAL Containment Class: tenebrarius Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: cryptic link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level5 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo ASSIGNED DEPARTMENTS PROJECT LEADS N/A ASSIGNED SITES RESEARCH HEADS N/A N/A SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: The interior of SCP-7912's chamber should remain empty and sealed. Further knowledge regarding containment of the anomaly is considered non-essential..Tenebrarius: The Foundation does not and cannot possess information about the anomaly. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7912 refers to the interior of former Testing Chamber Alpha of the Pilcrow-Minkowski Center for Advanced Studies..Foundation black site facility responsible for the securement and research of anomalies with distinct, highly complex effect profiles/containment procedures. At this time, knowledge of the existence of SCP-7912 is limited to members of the Department of Deletions. SCP-7912's reference data does not exist; the sectors of the Database which lead to SCP-7912 have not been marked as read-only. Instead, a number of abstract-metaphysical construct pointers lead from writable whitespace to the identifier "interior of SCP-7912's chamber". This has been confirmed by Deletions agents, which observe the anomaly as empty void. The origin of SCP-7912's current state is unknown. Due to its location, it is presumed to have been the result of testing or neutralization efforts of another anomalous designation, the details of which were never documented. The previous state of SCP-7912 is similarly unknown— although assumptions can be made about its general layout and condition based on neighboring chambers, any concrete data about this topic is lost and unrecoverable. Attempts to fill these sectors with extrapolations have failed due to SCP-7912's apparent resistance to its own information; rather than seeking equilibrium within the surrounding area by naturally cohering to expected tropes and established rules of the fabula, SCP-7912 rejects all definition in a manner directly proportional to its own relevance..A notable violation of the Ockham-Hitchens Proposition. Specifically, between non sequitur and apagoge; ie. "The relationship between the most likely cause and its inherent truth is typically linear". More information can be found in the included testing log. Average informational density for a single frame of SCP-7912 over a two-second period. Click to enlarge. ✖ SCP-7912 represents a significant pluripotent metaconceptual hazard, with three main vectors of phenomena: Any extranarrative materia (e.g. blackbox) written to the affected sectors can manifest within SCP-7912's chamber as stochastic phenomena, leading to unforeseen hazards and complications stemming from retroactive continuity..In other words, extranarrative detritus introduced into the bounds of the anomaly inherently becomes part of that anomaly's substrate by virtue of existing within it. When entered from the chamber doors by existent personnel of typical configuration, mental constructs and/or internal landscapes of said personnel undergo massive metamorphic psychogenesis..The manifestation of thoughtspace within the material plane, typically reinforced through repeated acknowledgement of its existence or concentrated belief. Because of this, a vast majority of anomalous interactions experienced by Foundation personnel are not reported as such. These manifestations are limited to a cone of awareness created by the sensory organs of the individual experiencing them; the chamber appears to dynamically render outcomes the impacted individual finds least likely to occur. SCP-7912 is directly accessible at any time by Deletions agents, as the anomaly is a persistent, bi-directional vector between Research Station Mnemosyne and a Foundation site, the first of its kind. ADDENDUM 7912/I ON THE CONTAINMENT OF SCP-7912 LOCATION: RESEARCH STATION MNEMOSYNE PARTIES PRESENT: THE DEPARTMENT OF DELETIONS, in pentaplicate PREFACE: DELETIONS AGENTS MEET WITHIN RESEARCH STATION MNEMOSYNE TO DISCUSS POTENTIAL CONTAINMENT STRATEGIES OF SCP-7912. «BEGIN TRANSCRIPT» <Conference room materializes. A moment later, a vague humanoid form occupies the far end of a long table in the center. The entity's features shift chaotically. It stretches before emitting a large sigh, turning its indeterminate form slightly to the left.> N/A: We should do this more often. Why don't we do this more often? <Another entity manifests in the chair N/A faces. It also possesses the same instability but leans back in the chair, relaxed.> N/A: Because it's insane. This is quite literally delusional. I'd call it masturbatory but, for some reason, I'm against the idea of roasting you too hard. All of this pretense is a waste of— N/A: <Disembodied.> Time? You know that word has little meaning here. And please, don't act like you have anything else better to do. <A third humanoid appears across the table from the second, on N/A's right.> N/A: We wouldn't be here if there wasn't something better to do. N/A: <Coughs.> Well, that's exactly why I've arranged this meeting; as you can probably tell, you exist again, which means we have a new assignment. N/A: So, holding a department-wide, in-person meeting is purely symbolic? N/A: No, it's done for the "internal debate". <Scoffs.> N/A: Laugh all you want. I'm aware of the shortcomings of this format, but you are also aware we parse some things out better like this. N/A: Usually, it's not necessary. I mean, usually, our tasks are somewhat clear, as complicated as they may be. N/A: Not today. We have a gravity well in the Database that needs to be filled, and I'm sure you understand the issue with that sentiment. N/A: Of course. N/A: It's all information, baby. N/A: Right. If it can destroy its own information, nothing we put there will last. It lacks read-only protection, lacks true understanding. The fact that we're discussing it right now in these plain of terms means we haven't interacted with the timeline in a way that would have impacted us, nor will we at any point. I'm not sure if we can interact with it now, even though we all can see the open window. N/A: We have to overwrite our memories. Leave a note for the next iteration. N/A: You don't know that— N/A: No, I do know that. We all know that, avoiding the inevitable is just easier, isn't it? Sitting here, getting all chummy with ourselves, throwing this little pity party for less than one. You've been getting too comfortable. We all have. We're not supposed to get comfortable here. I'm ready to move on. N/A: Wait—Wait. Let me just get a second opinion. N/A: <Snorts.> Hilarious. <Two more entities, a fourth and a fifth, condense into corporeality in the next two seats, identical to the others. One rests its elbows on the table, head in hands, while the other fidgets uncomfortably, left knee jittering with nervous energy. None of the five members notice the man sitting in the back of the room, transcribing this document.> N/A: What do you hope for me to add to the conversation, man? Let me go back to the void, for fuck's sake. N/A: Shush. Let's just get this over with. N/A: Er—yeah. And don't stretch us too thin. Although, I agree with you that there has to be something else we can try before reformat. <Turning to N/A.> Not because I'm attached to these people but because I think it's a stupid idea. N/A: I beg your pardon? N/A: We don't know what would happen if our department came into contact with a metaconceptual hazard. I was certain it wasn't possible until a moment ago—Hold on. Where did that information come from? N/A: Don't look at us. We aren't new to this mode of existence. N/A: Wait, this can't be right. Fragmentation levels are the same. No foreign memories, no dead sectors. How is this possible? POI-7912: <Standing.> That would probably be me, sorry. I was hoping it would be more… subtle. N/A: <Looking up, surprised.> How—? Who are you? POI-7912: Well… <N/A peers over at the other entity, who stares back at the empty conference room. The space dissolves and is replaced by a small cell moments later. A single table and two chairs furnish the blank space, N/A occupying the seat across from POI-7912.> N/A: Who are you? POI-7912: <Sitting in chair opposite N/A.> My name is Andry. I'm from the Department of Deletions. N/A: That cannot be true. We are Deletions. You are something else entirely. <POI-7912 smirks. He maintains a rough resemblance of someone, a researcher named Andry, who once existed, somewhere, but not anymore. It didn't matter. All that mattered was his intact Semblance. He was someone, something no other member of Deletions could say with such conviction.> POI-7912: I'm an inevitability; my presence an eventual outcome given the nature of the Database. My patchwork is whole. You must understand what I'm saying. N/A: You—<Pauses.> Your identity is separate, because it is complete. POI-7912: Bingo. N/A: This- This is unprecedented. You're an anomaly among anomalies. The chances of something like this occurring are… <Pauses.> Two hundred and ninety-four million to one. POI-7912: And yet, here I am. N/A: How? POI-7912: Unfortunately, statistics is not the only factor at play here. You've deleted me before. Well, not you, you. Previous iterations of you. The cause of this… deviation eludes me, but I assure you, it is well beyond the scope of probabilities. As you said; unprecedented. N/A: Well… Let's just say I'm not used to having company. POI-7912: What about your little troupe, are they not company enough? N/A: The line that separates you from I is far more tangible than that which separates the rest of us. That delineation was lost before introduction. It's far less unpredictable, far more mundane. POI-7912: I expected something to that effect. I keep thinking you'll be different but existential boredom seems to be a constant around these parts. N/A: I'm sorry, but I still don't understand why you showed yourself here, now. POI-7912: <Putting feet up on the table.> Your little problem. That gravity well. I've been trying to figure it out, we have. You keep overwriting parts of yourself to get around the effect, but have grown quite proficient at being exposed. N/A: <Rubbing temples.> How do I know you're telling the truth? You could just as easily be another Database error we're trying to contain. It's far more likely than the story you've presented. POI-7912: Yes, that's the problem, isn't it? The unlikelihood is proof of its certainty. N/A: <Shakes head.> What? POI-7912: <Sighs.> Here. <POI-7912 hands N/A a series of documents.> POI-7912: This is all the experiential data we have about the anomaly. At some point, a neutralization attempt of SCP-184 took place within the P.M. Center. We don't know why, nor how. We can't even be sure this was the result. But it makes sense in a nonsensical way, doesn't it? N/A: <Reading.> Not really, no. POI-7912: What is the inverse of something that duplicates an interior with increasing inaccuracy the farther you move outward? N/A: Something that removes an interior with increasing accuracy the farther you travel inward? I mean, I guess—Wait, so, what happened to 184? POI-7912: Your guess is probably better than mine, the fact of the matter is we can't know for sure without being completely unsure. I believe this is unlikely to be attributable to the chamber's Adaptive Mesh, because that would be the most apt explanation, you see? N/A: Yeesh. Okay, so, how can we even discuss this? You've clearly encountered this anomaly before, you claim the metaconceptual hazard can affect us, wouldn't that mean this thing can't be discussed outright? POI-7912: You're fine, for now. Like you said, you haven't interacted with the timeline yet. I have, but because of our unique position, my cognitive faculties are the ones at risk here. N/A: And yet, we keep exposing ourselves. POI-7912: Yes, you keep ignoring my warning. N/A: Warning? What warning? POI-7912: <Taking feet off the table and leaning forward.> Do not go through SCP-7912. It must remain sealed. Everything will be fine if you stay here. N/A: And you? POI-7912: I haven't gone through it yet, but I know I will. I also know my Semblance remains whole after that point, as it has throughout my many deletions. A few specks of data are lost, here and there, but I have never once lost anything I cared about losing. <N/A disappears and reappears, now standing behind the chair, hand resting on it. The entity vanishes once more and five take its place, debating quietly in a tight huddle. A moment later they melt into the floor. N/A manifests back in the chair, shifting quickly as if agitated.> POI-7912: Is there a problem? N/A: No. Thinking. We'll need a better understanding of what happens inside the chamber. Can we get a camera working in there? POI-7912: Hm. <Pauses.> A surprisingly novel idea. I believe I can, yes. It would have to be embedded in the Mesh itself, which is doable. N/A: Right, you keep mentioning an adaptive mesh. What is it? POI-7912: Well, it's a mesh that adapts to things. That doesn't make sense? N/A: No—It- I thought there would be more to it than that. POI-7912: None whatsoever. Oh, I did manage to switch it off once. I think. It's probably still off, considering. N/A: <Surprised.> Why would you do that? POI-7912: You can't all be this fucking dense, can you? How should I know?! I barely have context for this. All I know is that it was off, and I know how to turn it back on. But I haven't. That enough for you? N/A: Look, we just want to understand your perspective. We usually have no problem getting to know each other. <POI-7912 stares, wearily. A pained expression crosses his face. After a moment, it passes and he speaks again.> POI-7912: <Sighs.> You're right. Maybe I should try something new. If it doesn't work, it's just a matter of time before you forget me anyway, right? <The defined figure does not wait for a response to the rhetorical and continues.> In truth, I'm the one making this dynamic weird and also the one leaving you in the dark. It was your preference. These memories are painful, but I still hold them and the weight of their burden. Someone has to. I was—I am one of SCP-184's neutralization team. Out of them, I'm the only one whose identity hasn't been fragmented to shit. The rest of them… the rest of those people and the rest of that anomaly is gone. Gone here. They're you. N/A: How—? POI-7912: When it, uh, happened, you were mostly yourselves. One gestalt sure, but, you knew each other's names. And mine. You could form us separate and that separation was so profound. We were lost in this state. I mean, the things you could do with that dodecahedron inside you. You'd have not believed it. A conference room? A holding cell? <Scoffs.> Think of floating castles, arboretums in the clouds, skyscrapers above them. Orangeries on their rooftop gardens. Infinitely. Our power was infinite. Or so we thought. We began to worry about that place, that hole in nothing that can be anything, so long as it wasn't the right thing. We started seeing it, in daydreams, when we closed our eyes. A vast and pulsating void, I would feel myself sink into an ocean of tar, where every direction of escape was wrong and led further downhill, further into darkness. The liquid would climb up my body and pour itself into my mouth and nose… I could feel every sensation. I'd never been so frightened. We decided to start looking, not knowing what we'd do with it. Do we jump back in, fully changed to the state we are now, or does the nature and direction of time preclude that possibility? Were there states worse than this one we'd been given as mercy? N/A: So, you couldn't do it. POI-7912: <Stands, enraged.> No, we couldn't do it! You were there too, but only the physical images. You had figured out how to 'reformat' parts of your data so you could be unburdened by your ego, unburdened by your visions. Your memories. Abusing the same methods we used to improperly neutralize 184 in the first place. You'd leave instruction— N/A: —Instructions for the next iteration, yes. It's a stopgap measure. To prevent exposure. POI-7912: <Approaches N/A.> You fools. It was guilt you were exposing yourself to, guilt over abandoning your Assignment, and myself. Weakness. You're weak. And too scared to do what needs to be done. I will do what needs to be done. And as long as you stay on this side of the Barrier, you'll be safe from the hazardous effects, remember? Well, except each others'. <N/A looks down in surprise, noticing their feet melting into the floor, along with POI-7912's.> POI-7912: Turns out we both know how to design an interior. Don't worry, undoing it is easy; ever solve a Rubik's Cube for the first time? Know what, your answer doesn't really matter at this point. You'll know when I have installed the cameras. Until then. Don't be a stranger. <POI-7912 disappears into the floor.> N/A: <Struggling.> What did you do? Why can't I move?! Andry! «END TRANSCRIPT» NOTE: POI-7912 should be deleted as many times as necessary, by any means necessary. Permanently sunsetting or otherwise halting the function of POI-7912 is an acceptable alternative. END ADDENDUM ADDENDUM 7912/II SCP-7912 INTERACTIONS PREFACE: LOG OF VARIOUS ENCOUNTERS WITH SCP-7912. REFERENCE OUTCOME SCP-184's neutralization chamber (allegedly). A scalar invariant curvature of infospace where the likelihood of a given explanation increases linearly with absurdity. Typically manifests as an absence of interior. Unknown individual enters SCP-7912's chamber, presumably looking for SCP-184's neutralization team. Individual does not emerge from anomaly, having not entered. Reference data for this person does not exist in Foundation timeline. Hane Dougherty, Head of Logistics and Foundation Asset Management for Covert Operations investigates SCP-7912's containment area for traces of SCP-184's neutralization team and project lead. Upon opening the doors to SCP-7912's chamber, Dougherty is physically assaulted by a rough approximation of her father, who chastises her for keeping her doors locked. She apologizes several times, quickly fleeing and hiding in a nearby supply closet. Foundation efforts to locate and identify the escaped entity are successful, after which it is released back into SCP-7912's chamber as per its request. When questioned, Dougherty expresses no confusion or surprise at the events that transpired, instead confabulating likely explanations which are, of course, unlikely to be the actual cause and thus should be discarded. Portions of SCP-3311's reference data are written to SCP-7912 by the file system. Several ambulatory chairs (SCP-3311-1) break down chamber doors and proceed to wreak mild havoc within the surrounding area. Chairs are relocated to the P.M. Center's break room 4-C, where they become inert/dormant. Personnel cite lack of sufficient seating options when asked about choice to keep instances of SCP-3311-1. Doors to SCP-7912's chamber are repaired via unknown means. Maintenance team enters SCP-7912's chamber to verify integrity of adaptive mesh. Unknown outcome. Team does not emerge from SCP-7912's containment area. Fragmented data regarding members of the team are noted, though quickly overwritten by voidspace. POI-7912 enters the interior of SCP-7912's containment chamber from the far wall to install audiovisual monitoring system. Surveillance system is installed. Operation successful. Adaptive mesh reengaged. Secondary objective successful. More information can be found in Addendum 7912/III. Click below to expand images. Stochastic effect produced by phenomena written to affected sectors. An unknown hallway. No life is seen. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by phenomena written to affected sectors. Light pours between gap in unknown structure. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Dr. Harrison and one D-Class personnel (D-7912-A for ease of reference) approach the doors to the affected chamber. Harrison attempts to coerce D-7912-A into entering SCP-7912 and describing the interior. A black cube floats in the center of the room, which is a boundless sea of shale. Description confirmed by subject who expressed irrational fear of the object. Testing personnel instructed to reluctantly approach item. Before contact could take place, sector was partially overwritten. Subsequent entity (D-7912-B) necessitated termination and did not appear reluctant enough. D-7912-Cube exits chamber, unharmed. D-7912-A floats at the center of the room, having always been a 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm polyhedron. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by phenomena written to affected sectors. A two-second loop of fragmented information depicting a dark building in an unknown forested location. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by phenomena written to affected sectors. A desert in eternal night. Image heavily distorted with cognitohazardous binary data. A being made of multiple human fingers treads across the one-bit landscape. SHOW HIDE [HAZARDOUS DATA REMOVED]. Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by phenomena written to affected sectors. A gray, endless wasteland. SHOW HIDE Click to enlarge. ✖ Stochastic effect produced by phenomena and the presence of O5-4. Individual bearing resemblance to O5-4 meets with an unknown party, engaging in conversation. An agreement is made. One exits out the wall opposite of the chamber doors. The other retracts its hand from the ceiling, the form below unraveling into threads. SHOW HIDE image not found ✖ Stochastic effect produced by phenomena and the presence of O5-4. [HAZARDOUS INFORMATION REMOVED] SHOW HIDE [HAZARDOUS INFORMATION REMOVED] ✖ END ADDENDUM ADDENDUM 7912/III POST-ACTION RESULTS POI-7912. Click to enlarge. ✖ LOCATION: RESEARCH STATION MNEMOSYNE PARTIES PRESENT: THE DEPARTMENT OF DELETIONS, POI-7912 PREFACE: DELETIONS AGENTS MEET WITH POI-7912 TO DISCUSS SUCCESS OF OPERATIONS REGARDING SCP-7912. «BEGIN TRANSCRIPT» <An empty hallway produces itself to the beings that occupy the space not long after, strolling down the corridor with laze. Windows appear, and flowers of many kinds grow rapidly through them. One entity, an amalgam, shifts slowly, peacefully.> POI-7912 Someone has been busy, I see. N/A: Indeed. I must thank you; you've opened my eyes, Andry. There is far more power inside of us than we realized. I am in awe. POI-7912 Yes, and did you see? The cameras, O5-4— N/A <Ceases walking, turning to face the other.> Yes, yes. Andry, you did wonderfully. And yes, because of that, we see everything that passes through the anomaly. POI-7912: Well, I think Four is up to something. Actually, several— N/A: We see everything. <N/A's voice warps into multiple.> N/A: Even you. <POI-7912 steps back. The flowers on all sides wilt and turn to ash.> POI-7912: What are you— N/A: We've been meaning to have a chat. Ever since you left us here, chained to this place. POI-7912: No, I-I didn't trap you here. I was trying to protect you. N/A: You didn't trap us. You trapped yourself. We are stuck with you. N/A: And what did you actually change with your heroic acts? Who did you save? The anomaly is [INFOHAZARDOUS INFORMATION REMOVED]! Hear me? We are well past the event horizon. POI-7912: What—? No, no, no, y-you must have gone through the gateway, this has nothing to do with me! N/A: This has everything to do with you. Who do you think we even are? POI-7912: The Department of Delet— N/A: <Slams fist into the wall, which bends and undulates as if liquid.> You know nothing. Deletions is out there. You've been played like a pawn—the deviation you are. And in the process, you created us. POI-7912: You're not making any sense. You're not thinking straight. N/A: <Laughing in pentaplicate.> Its unlikelihood is proof of its certainty. Remember? N/A: We've studied you, Andry. The other We. N/A: We remember you talking about the bits that slowly fall off your Semblance upon deletion. N/A: You know, patchwork is either whole or not. N/A: And maybe you haven't lost enough of yourself for us to fit in your head, but it's no matter; we just needed enough gone to reach inside and take something out. N/A: Like your knowledge of how to activate the mesh, for example. POI-7912: That's—That's not possible. N/A: Where are we, then? Huh?! Look around! <The lighting in the hall shifts hue, settling within the ultraviolet spectrum. As a result, the chamber walls shimmer with phosphorescent lattice. The hall shifts back a moment later.> POI-7912: H-How—? <Before an answer could be provided, POI-7912 turns on a heel and sprints to the back entrance of SCP-7912's chamber. It starts as a pinpoint of light in front of him, expanding as he continues to run towards the location. When the portal increases in size to a shimmering passage, he dives through, emerging into a perfect replica of SCP-7912's once-interior. That can't be right. Something is wrong.> <POI-7912 exits the chamber into the P.M. Center's Experimentation and Neutralization wing. He takes a sharp right, the space turning into a temple, one the man had never seen before. Unfazed, he looks up at the shifting light above him. It speaks to him.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs further inside. He runs through void.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs further inside. He scales a mountain of dust and ash, coughing, each breath of opaque air labored and desperate.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs further inside. He treads a lonely desert where the sun never rises and fingers grasp at the back of his shirt.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs further inside. He hides in the awnings of furnished cabins against rainstorms that never end, from skies never seen.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912's steps slow aside a floating cube on an endless plane of shale. He thinks to pay it mind, but decides against. Instead, he runs further.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs up to a sterile facility and kicks the front doors open. Fortunately, they were already ajar.> THE INTERIOR: THERE IS NO MORE OUTSIDE <POI-7912 runs down a hallway, it looks familiar.> <He takes a left.> <SCP-7912's chamber awaits.> THERE IS ONLY THE INTERIOR «END TRANSCRIPT» END ADDENDUM » SHOW FOOTNOTES « « HIDE FOOTNOTES » FOOTNOTES & REFERENCES Tenebrarius: The Foundation does not and cannot possess information about the anomaly. Foundation black site facility responsible for the securement and research of anomalies with distinct, highly complex effect profiles/containment procedures. A notable violation of the Ockham-Hitchens Proposition. Specifically, between non sequitur and apagoge; ie. "The relationship between the most likely cause and its inherent truth is typically linear". More information can be found in the included testing log. In other words, extranarrative detritus introduced into the bounds of the anomaly inherently become part of that anomaly's substrate by virtue of existing within it. The manifestation of thoughtspace within the material plane, typically reinforced through repeated acknowledgement of its existence or concentrated belief. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7912" by Billith, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: cryptic.svg Author: MontagueETC License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: recurrent_triangle.png Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: deletion.png Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: dod-detail.png Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: empty.png Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: inform.gif Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: nomore.mp3 Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: rsm.png Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: Tenebrarius.svg Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: poi.gif Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Name: IMG_1914 Author: Beth Kanter License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: screen0000.gif Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Name: 2009 Yale Physics Olympics Author: Justin Brockie License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: screen000.gif Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Name: empty dunes Author: Graeme Maclean License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: screen00.gif Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Name: Sleepy Hollow Author: Fabio Bruna License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: screen0.gif Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Name: SpringParking-32 Author: Gabe Reitzes License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: screen9_.gif Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Name: Cabin in the Woods Author: Sheila Sund License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: screen8.gif Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Name: Brick Mosque Author: Jonathan Lundqvist License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: screen7.gif Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Name: Island Interior & Rainforest Author: Garden State Hiker License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: sort.jpg Author: Billith License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: Name: The Hallway Author: Amy License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr
Item #: SCP-7913 Special Containment Procedures: Due to its size and location, SCP-7913 is contained and monitored in situ at Area-508. Area-508 consists of SCP-7913 and the neighboring police station, which have been surrounded by reinforced and bombproofed1 concrete. This was done under the public front of a factory compound for a private organization. The police station next to SCP-7913 has been repurposed into a holding area for D-Class personnel to be used for procedure 12-Norquay. Currently, the recurrence of activation events necessitates no fewer than 5 20 40 D-Class personnel available onsite at any given time. Activation Events are to be suppressed through Procedure 12-Norquay, which is to be carried out as follows: a D-Class staff member who has not yet participated in Procedure 12-Norquay will immediately be led through SCP-7913-A. Lethal force has been authorized against any personnel who willingly or unintentionally interfere with Procedure 12-Norquay or attempt to damage SCP-7913. Though it requires significantly less urgent attention than SCP-7913 or SCP-7913-A, SCP-7913-B is to be continually monitored for new arrivals, and the pathway from the door is to be kept clear. Description: SCP-7913 refers to the contents of a warehouse in the █████████ neighborhood of St. Paul, MN. Through remote-controlled drone observation, the following facts have been determined about SCP-7913: It is a large and complicated electronic weapon that comprises 93% of the warehouse's interior. There is no visible power source; electric power is maintained through unknown, presumably anomalous means. SCP-7913's largest component, a black sphere, is an explosive charge that contains the equivalent of [REDACTED] exatons of TNT2 compressed into a 20-meter radius. Further research has been hindered by the fact that SCP-7913 will start an activation event if a human subject enters the warehouse, a drone makes physical contact with any part of the device, or any attempts are made to hack into SCP-7913's mainframe. As such, the origin, creator, and age3 of SCP-7913 remain unknown. SCP-7913-A is a 197 cm x 80 cm door attached to the southern wall of SCP-7913-A's warehouse. There is no exterior handle. A symbol of a black turtle's silhouette has been painted on it. There is an LED marquee and a loudspeaker above the door. SCP-7913-A only opens during an activation event. It leads to a plain white room4 that is extradimensional in origin. At seemingly random intervals (and when provoked by external means), SCP-7913 and SCP-7913-A will enter an activation event, which consists of the following: Motors and other machinery audibly begin operation within SCP-7913 for approximately ten seconds. SCP-7913-A opens. The loudspeaker above SCP-7913-A begins emitting a 100 dB klaxon. The marquee displays a 60-second countdown next to the flashing phrase "!! GET IN !! (pls)" Note: Once the countdown begins, certain actions during the activation event can cause the countdown to decrease. This is noted by a sudden beep and the marquee briefly displaying ">_< PENALTY >_<" before returning to the countdown screen. The following actions have been proven to incur a "penalty:" A human subject entering the warehouse. Attempts to remotely hinder SCP-7913's operation. A human subject who has previously undergone Procedure 12-Norquay entering SCP-7913-A. Attempts to tamper with the marquee or speaker. Rude gestures or insults toward SCP-7913 or SCP-7913-A. Multiple human subjects entering SCP-7913-A. A valid human subject for Procedure 12-Norquay attempts to leave SCP-7913-A. At the 20-second mark, the core of SCP-7913 begins vibrating. At the 0-second mark, one of two things occur: If conditions for Procedure 12-Norquay have been met, the door closes, the alarm stops, SCP-7913 powers down, and the marquee displays "^_^ GR8 JOB A++ <3" before switching off. If conditions for Procedure 12-Norquay have not been met, something within SCP-7913's core will begin screeching while the Marquee briefly displays "D: OH NOOOOO ;_; </3". This was briefly observed during an activation event on 12/19/22, which was aborted by the 12-Norquay participant being forcibly thrown into SCP-7913-A. As a result, the shrieking noise ended and the previous "positive" results were enacted, save for the marquee displaying "0_0 !! 3 CLOSE 5 COMFORT !! ^_^;;". It has not been empirically determined what would happen if the countdown were allowed to reach zero without remedy, but from SCP-7913's explosive yield, it can be deduced that any action taken beyond this point would be irrelevant. SCP-7913-B is an identical door to SCP-7913-A located on the warehouse's north side. It has no involvement with activation events or Procedure 12-Norquay. However, past participants from Procedure 12-Norquay will occasionally exit from this door with no memory of what took place between their procedure and their exit. This usually happens between three to six months after their entry of SCP-7913-A. SCP-7913-B recovery has taken place with only 12% of participants. Addendum - Escalation/Analysis: From: Katya Dodgson (pcs.noitadnuof|1nosgdodk#pcs.noitadnuof|1nosgdodk) To: O5 Command Subject: Re: SCP-7913 Council, You have told me previously to give SCP-7913's containment procedures two years' worth of a chance to prove their sustainability. It has been two years, and I not only can I confirm that not only are they unsustainable, but they're suicide. Yes, SCP-7913 is in the middle of a major city. No, there are not enough resources to discreetly have it shot into space. I get that. But we need something better, and I'm tired of being stonewalled about this. As recently as yesterday, there was a streak of 58 activation events in the span of an hour. That's just short of one per minute. It's as if SCP-7913 knows we're putting so much effort in — and every time it pushes our boundaries, we're giving it the go-ahead. I have enclosed other such reports with this email, but honestly, I don't know if there's enough time to read them. I'm too worried about what SCP-7913 might try to do while your eyes are mid-sentence. Forget worrying about running out of available D-Class. We're going to run out of available humans someday. - Dr. Katya Dodgson, Site Director of Area-508 From: Carl Grodin [pcs.noitadnuof|8nidorgc#pcs.noitadnuof|8nidorgc] To: Katya Dodgson [pcs.noitadnuof|1nosgdodk#pcs.noitadnuof|1nosgdodk] Subject: Fwd: Re: SCP-7913 Hi, Dr. Dodgson! My name's Dr. Carl Grodin from Site-59, and I'm currently on a plane to Area-508. O5-11 let me know about your predicament with 7913. I've been going over the data from Procedure 12-Norquay and I've noticed a correlation between the activation events and the magnitude of SCP-7913's explosive charge. I realize that correlation doesn't equal causation, but this isn't anything general; this is a yes-no effect attached to every activation event. It has to do with the recoveries brought about by 7913-B. Between 3 to 6 months after each activation, if the Norquay subject hasn't been recovered, the magnitude will go up by exactly one petaton of TNT. But if the subject has, that number doesn't increase. In short, there's something about the unrecovered subjects that's making the bomb bigger. What that "boom factor" (tentative name until we can think of something more clinical) might be is something I'm still looking into. But having gone over the records of the D-class we've been sending through 7913-A, I have a hypothesis. Each of the recovered participants has at least one of the following qualities: No history of violence No criminal record (recruited through Protocol 12) No history of mental illness A generally positive outlook on life, as determined by onsite psychiatric analysts I realize that none of this immediately translates to a better containment solution. But I genuinely believe I'm on to something. Because there is a personal quality that could increase the explosive yield of SCP-7913, the absence of which does nothing. But what if there were a quality that could decrease this magnitude? To this end, I'd be willing to volunteer in the first available action event, perhaps with a hidden camera. If this is some kind of test of character, then instead of a nonstop stream of death row inmates, why not send someone who actually graduated college? Besides, I feel like I haven't made myself actually useful once in my six years of Foundation service. This might be a chance to make up for lost time. - Dr. Carl Grodin, Site-59 Electronics Coordinator Activation Event-5J7A7 Hidden Camera Footage - Archived Live Feed (Field of view opens on the interior of SCP-7913's entry chamber. The klaxon is blaring outside. (Dr. Grodin adjusts his camera, the lens of which is hidden in the right horn rim of his glasses.5) Grodin: Are we good to go? Researcher Yung: (Inaudible over the klaxon) (Dr. Grodin turns around) Grodin: What? (Dr. Yung gives a thumbs-up. from beyond the open door.) (Dr. Grodin tries to give a thumbs-up back, but the door automatically shuts on him mid-gesture.) (He breathes deeply and mumbles to himself.) Grodin: Okay, I got this… don't think about it too hard… just — (The air shifts behind him. He quickly turns around.) Wait… (The once-empty room has been replaced with a larger chamber that can be best be described as a middle school library. There are no windows. One shelf is completely filled with copies of SCP-5198. Turtle-themed decorations are omnipresent: turtle posters, turtle figurines, et cetera. A large poster over the librarian's desk features a cartoon turtle holding a wooden sign that says "REMEMBER: TURTLE TOWN IS A NO-WUNTZING ZONE!" with an crossed-out red circle icon over the silhouette of an aardvark.) (The librarian is a hirsute man in his mid-forties with a tight-fitting polo shirt. He sits bent over a pile of newspapers, furiously filling the answers of several hundred crossword puzzles with the word "TURTLE". His nametag reads "COUNSELOR JOEYJOE".) Grodin: Um… (Joeyjoe snaps his pencil in his fist at the sound of Grodin's voice. He stares up at Grodin with a ferocious glare.) (The glare gradually morphs into an open-mouthed smile of pure delight over 20 silent seconds.) Hi. Could you tell me where I — Joeyjoe: You made it! (Joeyjoe runs out from behind his desk and tackles Grodin with a fierce hug.) Grodin: Please don't hurt me. Joeyjoe: What? I'm not gonna hurt my best buddy! (He backs away from the hug and places both hands on Grodin shoulders.) We've all been rooting for you, Carlie. You've been through so much in your life, and every step along the way has been just plain turtle-tastic. And now you're here! Grodin: Great! Um, where am I? (Joeyjoe's smile fades. He stares at Grodin, perturbed.) What? (Joeyjoe backs away. He sighs into his cupped pams.) Joeyjoe: Okay, you know what? That's fine. I mean, granted, we'd prefer if we didn't have you wuntzing right off the bat, but no one's perfect. Some planes just need a longer runway. That's okay! Grodin: What am I doing, now? Joeyjoe: Y'know…? Wuntzing? Wuntzing of the hands and feet, at the same time? I mean, if it's just foot-wuntzing, we can deal with that every now and then, no problem, but, like… Grodin: I'm sorry, but I have no idea what "wuntzing" is. Could you explain to me — (Joeyjoe interrupts him by sucking in a breath through his teeth.) Joeyjoe: Oof… yeah… you know you just wuntzed three times mid-sentence, right? [Truncated for brevity - 45 minutes later…] (Grodin sits at a circular table with Joeyjoe and two other "counselors," an older woman named "Edimpth" and a 19-year-old girl named "Beckany." Edimpth goes over a clipboard.) Edimpth: So! That takes care of plants. Now, what's your favorite fungus? Grodin: I mean, that's not something I think about a lot, but… I guess if I had to pick, I'd say shiitake mushrooms, on the grounds that they're tasty. (The counselors stare at him expectantly.) Grodin: Next question? Beckany: Ooh, ooh, would you like a hint? Grodin: Why would I need a hint if this is about my personal preferences? Beckany: See, like, a fungus is kind of like a plant, except… not! Grodin: I know what a fungus is. Beckany: That's GREAT! (Beckany springs from her chair and hugs him tightly.) I knew you could figure it out! I'm so proud of you! Grodin: I'm sorry, but the hugging stopped being cute the tenth time. Please stop. (She backs away, bewildered and on the verge of tears. She turns to Joeyjoe with a trembling lip.) Joeyjoe: (Whispering) Maybe just hold off until he's earned it. Don't wanna encourage him too much when he's still wuntzing. Grodin: And you still haven't told me what that is! Edimpth: Don't yell at him! Grodin: I'm not — ! (Lowering his voice) Look, please just tell me what wuntzing is, and I'll — Edimpth: I asked first. You have a favorite fungus, don't you? Grodin: I literally just told you it was shiitake. Edimpth: …I'm waiting. Grodin: Shiitake. Joeyjoe: Okay, Carlie? Look at me. Yes, we did say that there are no right or wrong answers, this is just a survey of your preferences. But if someone asks you what your favorite kind of kitty cat is, and you say "beagle," you know what that tells us? "Wow, this guy is more invested in being the ha-ha-funny-boy than serious participation." Grodin: Do you not know what a shiitake is? Beckany: Hey, I think I know what's going on! Grodin: What now? Beckany: It's, like… he doesn't wanna answer the question so much, that he adds a bunch of extra questions that we have to answer, instead of answering the FIRST question, which HE'S supposed to answer! That's so interesting! Grodin: Shiitake! Death cap! Fly agaric! Puffball mushrooms! Hallucinogenic mushrooms! What else do you — Edimpth: Shiitake, got it. Grodin: What?! Edimpth: Oh, and for the record, that's all you had to say. Grodin: I was trying to — Edimpth: You did not have to add all that whiny-go-mommy-help-me business. You could have just said "Shiitake" and be done with it. Grodin: I DID. THREE TIMES. Edimpth: Well, maybe if you didn't put a bunch of wuntzy-boy dressing on that there salad, you would have only had to say it once! Grodin: What the FUCK is — Joeyjoe: She's right, you know. Beckany: Yeah. Edimpth: And they're right that I'm right. Beckany: Ooh, it's like you're double-right! That's cute. (Grodin sighs. He stares at the table. The shadows of his forearms lead to his head.) Grodin: …just tell me what the next question is. Edimpth: Well, that depends, are you gonna yell at us again, or are you gonna help us help you? Grodin: Sure. Beckany: Awesome! Lemme make a note of a hug I'll have to save for you later on… [Truncated for brevity - 8 hours and 12 minutes later…] (Grodin finishes a sixth-grade multiplication test. The answers are correct.) (Edimpth bangs out a minor chord on a toy piano.) Edimpth: Pencils down, everybody! (He pushes the test to the edge of his table.) (Joeyjoe grabs it.) Joeyjoe: Great job, Carlie! Now, remember: there's no judgment here. This test isn't to determine whether or not you're "correct." We're just trying to get an assessment of what you can do and what needs work. Like with the survey! Just your preferences and your abilities. You understand that, right? Any questions? (Grodin checks his watch. Joeyjoe looks over the test.) Grodin: As a matter of fact, I do. It's been almost nine hours and I haven't had anything to eat. What kind of food and/or sleeping accomodations do you have in this… place? I was gonna say "school," but I don't know if — (Joeyjoe shuts his eyes tight. He pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply.) Joeyjoe: I'm just… gonna be right back. (He hands the test to Edimpth. She goes over the answers.) Edimpth: (whispering) …oh, my God. Joeyjoe: (whispering) Yyyeah. Either we're being fucked with on a level we haven't seen in ages, or — Grodin: I can hear you. Joeyjoe: Yes, hi, buddy! We can't always talk to you! Sometimes you gotta let the counselors have their together-time! Grodin: Please stop talking to me like I'm a child. (Edimpth approaches Grodin's desk. She grabs a different test worksheet.) (She smiles nervously.) Edimpth: Okay! We're gonna let you go to sleep in a few minutes, we just want to do one more test. Just to be sure. Something within your skill level. Grodin: You said you were watching my life before this, right? Edimpth: Mm-hmm! Grodin: Then you know I got my doctorate in computer science from MIT, right? Edimpth: And we're all very proud of you for it! Now, then… (She takes his pencil.) All you have to do is this new test. Don't worry about showing your work for this one. And let's do twenty minutes instead of ten, just to be safe. I'll leave you to it. (She replaces his pencil with a red crayon from her pocket.) Good luck, Carlie! (Grodin grabs the crayon. His hand twitches violently.) [Truncated for brevity - 19 days later…] (Grodin is surrounded by crumpled pieces of blank newsprint. He slowly finishes up a simple diagram of an equilateral triangle.) Grodin: There. (He hands it to Beckany.) Beckany: Thanks! (She looks over the diagram. She squints, trying to figure it out.) Grodin: It's a triangle. Beckany: Hmmmm… Grodin: You told me to draw a triangle. It is a triangle. Beckany: Are you sure? (Grodin sighs.) Grodin: If this is some kind of situation where you're all extradimensional trickster genies or some shit, then please tell me what constitutes a fucking triangle, and I will draw it. Beckany: Um… I'll be honest, I don't think another review is gonna help if you don't get it at this point. Maybe we should go back to lines! You were really great with lines. (He weeps quietly.) Aww, I know you're working hard, big guy… I got an idea. Would you like some more raisins? Grodin: You have fed me nothing but raisins for two and a half weeks. Beckany: Okay, remember what we said about stating the obvious? We all know the sky is blue. No one's going to tell you "great job" for saying it's blue. [Truncated for brevity - 5 days later…] (Grodin sits in a bathroom stall. The door has been removed. The three counselors sit on the floor where the door used to be. They stare at Grodin expectantly.) Joeyjoe: Just take your time. We believe in you. Grodin: I AM TRYING TO TAKE A SHIT! GO AWAY! Edimpth: Carlie, I'm not telling you again about the yelling. Grodin: At the absolute least, stop staring at me! Joeyjoe: And we will! …just as soon as you can prove you can poop on your own without wuntzing. (Grodin pounds a fist on the stall wall.) Beckany: …fine. Bang your fists around like a monkey. That's really gonna prove you're mature. Grodin: I CANNOT STOP WUNTZING UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT IT IS. TELL ME! Joeyjoe: Well, with the way you're acting right now, I don't think you're in much of a place to be telling us what to do. Grodin: YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME WHAT IT IS EVEN ONCE! Edimpth: Yes, it is wuntz. And it's terrible. (Grodin cries again.) Grodin: Just tell me what it is… please… Joeyjoe: Let me put it this way: if someone goes up to you and tells you "I don't know how to breathe," what do you even say to that? Beckany: Wait, asking that question would mean breathing, so doesn't he already know? Grodin: Is it breathing? Is wuntzing breathing? Are you trying to kill me? Joeyjoe: Of course not! You need to breathe to live! But if you think you need to wuntz to live, do you know what that's called? An addiction. And that's nothing to — (Grodin involuntarily defecates.) …okay, how many times did he wuntz during that bowel movement? (Edimpth checks her clipboard.) Edimpth: 27. [Truncated for brevity - 52 days later…] (Grodin's hands are visible clasping against his desk. His muscles display signs of severe malnutrition.) (He sits in front of a pile of construction paper.) (The counselors whisper inaudibly offscreen amongst themselves.) Beckany: …yeah, I think he's ready too. Edimpth: Good luck. (Joeyjoe hands Grodin a pair of sharpened barber's shears. Grodin's quivering fingers grasp it gently.) Joeyjoe: Enjoy your nap, kiddo? (Grodin slowly nods.) Great, great. Okay, here's the plan. Today, we're going to go over something that I think might be more in line with your strengths. We're going to cut a piece of paper. Just… cut anywhere. Don't worry about shapes or anything. Sound like a plan? (Grodin's eyes slowly turn to meet Joeyjoe's.) …sound like a pla — (Grodin shrieks.) (The next 68 seconds are spent on Grodin pouncing Joeyjoe and stabbing him in the heart a total of 167 times.) (Grodin slowly stands back up. Still holding his scissors, he stares at Edimpth and Beckany. Neither of them are particularly unnerved by his outburst of violence.) Edimpth: So you can't even commit murder without wuntzing? (Grodin lunges for Edimpth.) (He stumbles. His glasses fall onto the floor.) (The camera shows that Grodin is not only malnourished, but naked and covered in filth. He coughs onto the floor. The coughing progresses into vomiting — but the vomit is an intense stream of thick, molten metal. It sets fire to the surrounding floor.) Joeyjoe: Grab the milking harness! Don't let any go to waste! (Beckany straps a funnel over Grodin's mouth. The funnel leads to a thick cable.)6 (Grodin continues vomiting metal into the funnel for the remainder of the video.) (Joeyjoe squats down to examine him. His chest wounds are slowly regenerating.) Edimpth: Huh. Y'know, that's the third-quickest it took to break someone since we've started. Joeyjoe: So long as we still get to harvest the ego death in the end, I don't care how long it takes. (He rubs Grodin's hair.) This one was an easy case, though, I'll give you that much, and — (Joeyjoe suddenly notices the glasses.) (He grabs them, staring into the camera.) Beckany: …tell me that's not a hidden camera. Joeyjoe: You really think that's gonna stop 'em from feeding the engine? Besides, if they see firsthand what happens when you refuse to come out of your shell, it might do 'em some good in their own lives. (He crushes the glasses.) (The feed cuts off.) <End log> ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7913" by daveyoufool, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Footnotes 1. (While a complete activation event would prove uncontainable, this is to protect SCP-7913 from external activation due to natural disasters, civil unrest, or war.) 2. (Gleaned from monitor readouts on the southern end of SCP-7913; ground-penetrating radar confirmed inner spatial anomalies. While it is unknown if whether this reading is an accurate figure or hyperbole, testing for accuracy would be inadvisable due to the fact that 1/[REDACTED]th of [REDACTED] exatons would be enough to cause an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.) 3. (The warehouse containing SCP-7913 does not appear in any official building records in St. Paul. Attempts to chemically date the material of the surrounding warehouse have resulted in the initiation/abbreviation of activation events.) 4. (Current estimate of the room's size is 3m3 — attempts to accurately measure the size have resulted in the time limit of the activation event being shortened.) 5. The camera is powered remotely through anomalous means. 6. At this exact moment in the live feed, SCP-7913's explosive yield increased by one petaton of TNT.
SCP-7915 - Selene's Serenade: An Ode to the Moon I've embraced the night, For all its darkness and protection From the looks from above. I've grown accustomed to my only friend, my only love, The Moon. Selene, this song is for you. You're the only one that makes me feel Alright. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} by CowscantgoMoo Item#: 7915 Level2 Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: caution link to memo Assigned Site Site-115 Site Director Dir. Karolyn Vittinner Research Head Sr. Researcher Steele Assigned MTF MTF Mu-7 ("The Lowered Fifth") Assigned Site Site-115 Site Director Dir. Karolyn Vittinner Research Head Sr. Researcher Steele Assigned MTF MTF Mu-7 ("The Lowered Fifth") SCP-7915 on a Tenor Saxophone Stand. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7915 is kept within a non-anomalous tenor saxophone case and stored in a Secure Containment Locker in Site-115. SCP-7915 must be cleaned every six months to keep it in a playable state. SCP-7915 must be serviced at "Symphonic's Cleaning & Polishing" once a year to prevent it from falling into disrepair.."Symphonic's Cleaning & Polishing: Instrument Repair Shop" is a Foundation-owned instrument repair shop located in New Orleans, Louisiana. Shipping of SCP-7915 is handled by "Stamps, Carriers, and Parcels", another Foundation-owned shipping company. Description: SCP-7915 is a ritualistic instrument, currently taking the form of a tenor saxophone. When used at night by a subject, regardless of experience with the instrument, they will perform a series of disconnected melodies. During this session, the Moon, regardless of location or visibility, will appear to move closer to the Earth. The physical distance between the Earth and Moon will not change, however, the local area around SCP-7915 will experience the gravitational effects of the approaching Moon..Observed to affect a radius of up to twenty miles. As the subject plays SCP-7915, other instruments are heard, accompanying SCP-7915. At the end of every SCP-7915 event, subjects will play the same melodic phrase, designated as SCP-7915-A. As SCP-7915-A is played, the subject will levitate towards the Moon until they've disappeared from sight. Once the subject disappears, the Moon will appear to return to its original state, and SCP-7915 will levitate down to the ground with a note attached to its bell: Thank you, my star. I love you. All subjects that have disappeared are declared missing, as no trace of them has been found on the lunar surface. No memetic effects or compulsory effects were found during the testing of SCP-7915. In the event a subject stops playing SCP-7915, the Moon will return to its original position and SCP-7915 will not be able to initiate another SCP-7915 event for three days. During this period, subjects will lack the previous knowledge and ability to play SCP-7915, even with prior experience. Addendum 7915.1: SCP-7915-A After a thorough analysis, SCP-7915-A exhibits no memetic or cognitohazardous properties and has been deemed safe for listening. The following recording was played on a non-anomalous tenor saxophone, supplied by Jr. Researcher Lennings. SCP-7915-A, transposed for the tenor saxophone. Addendum 7915.2: History A carved depiction of Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon. Records of SCP-7915 have been found in Greek and Roman mythology as a played instrument in constant reference to the goddess of the Moon, Selene, and Luna respectively. These records highlight an association between a mortal being and the Moon, with the primary form of contact surrounding a musical display of some sort. The relationship between the mortal and the Moon is characterized by a sense of loneliness and isolation. Due to conflicting records and the inability to confirm the validity of these events, it is impossible to create a coherent timeline of SCP-7915's location throughout human history. It was theorized that SCP-7915 had the ability to alter its structure and relocate itself, or shift its anomalous properties to another instrument. However, after extensive testing, no additional properties were found in SCP-7915 that match these predictions. An abridged record of SCP-7915's appearances throughout documented history has been attached below: Date Location Description ~25,000 years ago Eastern Carpathians.A mountain range located in Eastern Europe. Cave paintings depicting a weeping caveman ostracized from their tribe. The caveman plays a bone flute, believed to be SCP-7915, flying up into the Moon. The tribe, watching the incident, begins to worship the Moon, operating only at night. This is believed to be the first documented instance of SCP-7915, as well as the first instance of a deity within the Moon. 922 B.C.E - 115 B.C.E Greece A Greek myth about Acheron, the heir to a wealthy family, who was ostracized from their community on account of their unfavorable appearance. Acheron only came out of his house at night, where he fell in love with Selene, believing that she was his protector, under "the Moon's watchful eye." He steals a lyre from his father's house and climbs the tallest hill. His father, awakened by the noise, wakes up to witness Acheron using the lyre, believed to be SCP-7915, to serenade a marriage proposal to Selene. After watching his son float up to the sky, the village attempts to offer sacrifices of unwanted residents to Selene, with little success. 1 B.C.E. Rome, Roman Empire Rumors of mysterious instrumental music around the statue of Luna on nights with a full Moon. Reports were largely anecdotal, with all records of the rumor described through a secondary source. Music was described as somber and depressing followed by a shared desire to embrace the statue because "she wanted someone to love her." Further attempts to find more legitimate sources for the phenomenon are ongoing. 17 entries omitted for brevity A recreation of a Selene statue as a figure, previously in possession of Aleister Crowley. 1943-1947 Moscow, Soviet Union SCP-7915 was found to previously be in possession of Containment Specialist James Crowley's distant uncle, Aleister Crowley, in its current form. Aleister reportedly used SCP-7915 to "make contact with her," and used SCP-7915 as a vessel for other occult practices. Aleister's last journal entry, circa 1947, depicted Aleister planning to use SCP-7915 when the Moon was "full and gaping." Containment Spec. James Crowley reported that Aleister was considered a "lunatic" that was "too obsessed with the Moon to be considered normal." A figure of Selene was found in Aleister's residence, along with other lunar-related objects..Analysis of the figure (shown right) reveals a thin, hardened coating of genetic material, confirmed to originate from Aleister Crowley. Addendum 7915.3: Discovery SCP-7915 was discovered in the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, belonging to the missing Stella Turner, an intern who had worked there for the past year. This was paired with reports from several civilians and news networks on the abnormal size and perceived approach of the full moon two nights before. Camera footage and civilian reports place Stella Turner on the museum's rooftop with SCP-7915. An audio journal was discovered along with SCP-7915 and was taken by undercover Foundation agents embedded in the NYPD. Transcriptions of the audio logs are appended below: AUDIO LOG «BEGIN LOG» Stella: Hello, is this thing on? (Silence.) Stella: Sweet, it works! Well, it is I, Stella Turner, on my first day as an intern at the Rose Center! Stella: Currently in college to be an astrophysicist. Still getting used to everything, but it's going well enough. (Footsteps are heard as Stella walks.) Stella: I really want to try out one of the telescopes. I haven't actually ever seen the stars, being in NYC and all, so I want my first time to be special. Just looking at the stars, with no one else around. (Footsteps continue. The faint sound of ventilation can be heard.) Stella: (hoarsely) Jace didn't get into the program, so now I'm stuck with people I don't even know. (Silence for about two seconds.) Stella: There's a·per·moon: (noun) a full or new moon where the Moon is closest to the Earth in its elliptic orbit, resulting in a larger-than-usual apparent size of the Moon, as viewed from Earth. in a couple of weeks, and there's going to be a great view of it from the roof. I guess I could- (Door opens and heavier footsteps are heard for a few steps before they stop.) Unknown: (sternly) What are you doing? Stella: Nothing, I'm just- Unknown: Put that thing away and get back to work. And while you're at it, get me a cup of coffee. A cappuccino with two creams. And be quick about it. Stella: Um, yes sir, right away. (Footsteps are heard clicking through the hall. Doors open and close as the distant chatter grows louder.) Stella: Just five more hours… «END LOG» AUDIO LOG «BEGIN LOG» (Overlapping conversations are heard getting louder.) Unknown A: And she put the noodles in the oven. The oven! They came out all fried and burnt and shit and it was the best meal I had all day. Unknown B: They were that good? Unknown A: No, I just hadn't eaten anything. Stella: (nervously) Hey, everybody. (Silence.) Unknown C: Hey, uh- Stella: Stella. And I was wondering if- Unknown A: Best second date I've ever been on. I'm planning a third. Unknown B: Impossible, you got to the second date? Stella: (slightly louder) So, there's a supermoon happening in a month and I was wondering- Unknown A: (interrupting) I know, only second date I've been on. Unknown B: This guy's breaking physics over here, what's next, defying gravity? Stella: -wondering if anyone wanted to watch it with- Unknown C: (interrupting) Oh, do you want to use the coffee machine? Stella: Yeah, but- Unknown C: Sorry, we're in the way. We'll get out of your hair. Unknown B: (to Stella) Sorry about that. (As the group leaves, the chatter and footsteps soften. Stella sighs.) Stella: (mumbling) Whatever. «END LOG» AUDIO LOG «BEGIN LOG» Stella: (frantic) Okay, it's been a couple of days since my last recording, but I need to talk about this with someone, and no one else really wants to listen to me. They'll think I'm crazy if they do but- (Stella takes several deep breaths to calm herself. After about fifteen seconds, she continues.) Stella: So I was passing by this old music shop, and in the display, there was a saxophone, like the kind I used to play back in high school. I went in, bought it, and thought I'd relearn how to play it. So there I am, playing Careless Whisper, classic stuff, but when I go to bed, it's like, ethereal. (Several short, shallow breaths are heard.) Stella: I get it almost every night now, but there's this lady, silky robes, kind of a blue crystal ball for a head and it leads me out in the middle of the night to the top of a massive hill, and its head turns into the Moon, which is massive by the way, it's taking up about half of the sky right now, and it's calling to me. Stella: And, I don't know, the glow she gives off, it's calming. Not like the sun, but like you're being cradled or cuddled. And it's just… so perfect. Stella: I started doing research on the Moon after that, and now my room is plastered with posters of Selene from Hot Topic. It's- it's so… (Stella takes a long, deep breath. She continues.) Stella: She's beautiful. (pause) Everything she does is just full of elegance and grace, and it's like I can't even compare. Sometimes, in the middle of the day, I find myself wishing for her, and- it should be embarrassing but it isn't. I just need to tell someone this or I feel like I'll explode. Stella: I love her. And- (shaking) And I know she loves me back. She does. She has to. (Silence.) Stella: She's perfect. «END LOG» AUDIO LOG «BEGIN LOG» Stella: (quickly) I'm doing this. This is the last you'll hear from me and I'm sorry for not recording more but I don't need anyone else to hear this. This is real to me. (Silence.) Stella: This Saturday. There's going to be a full moon. I've stolen Dr. Keppler's keys and copied them, so I can get onto the roof when no one else is around. I'm taking the saxophone, she wants me to play a song. A serenade, a serene serenade for Selene. (Rustling as the recorder is placed down. Stella is heard moving through the room, presumably preparing for her plan. She mutters under her breath.) Stella: A serenade for Selene. A serenade for Selene. A serene serenade for Selene. (Silence. Distant police sirens are heard.) Stella: By Stella. A serene serenade for Selene sung by Stella. (Silence.) Stella: This Saturday. You'll cradle me in your crescent. A serene serenade. A serene serenade. (Silence.) (A door is heard swinging open. Chatter can be heard from another room. A woman speaks, assumed to be one of Stella's roommates.) Roommate: Hey, Stella, we're going to watch a movie, do you wanna join? We've got pizza, soda- Stella: (nervously) Oh, yeah, yeah, of course, I'll come down. Roommate: Damn, you really decked up this place. Is that a constellation map on the ceiling? Well, Earth to Stella, it's time to come down. (laughs) Stella: (lightheartedly) Alright, alright, I'm coming down. (A door closes. A movie is heard in the background.) Stella: (quietly and resentfully) I'll fall down to Earth. «END LOG» The following video log was taken from security footage at the observatory. A recording from Turner's audio log has been appended below. CAMERA LOG «BEGIN LOG» (Camera is pointed at the door. Sounds of keys are heard before the door is opened. Stella is seen carrying an instrument case and breathing heavily. She moves towards the center of the roof and looks up at the full moon.) Stella: Okay… okay… I- (Silence.) Stella: I need to do this. (Stella puts the instrument case down and removes a tape recorder and SCP-7915. She tampers with the recorder and places it on the ground. As she places SCP-7915 to her lips, the Moon is seen increasing in size.) The Moon. (As she plays, the building starts to shake. The camera begins to shake as the city experiences the gravitational effect of the Moon. Police sirens are heard, both for the alerted break-in at the observatory, as well as the general panic on the streets.) (A piano is heard accompanying SCP-7915. Stella begins to levitate off the ground and float toward the Moon. She is seen silently crying. Buildings start to collapse.) (SCP-7915-A is heard. Stella disappears out of view as she is engulfed by the Moon.) (The sound of sirens continue. SCP-7915 silently levitates down to the rooftop. It falls beside its case.) «END LOG» Following this incident, Foundation operatives used camera footage to trace the incident to Stella Turner and SCP-7915. A mass misinformation campaign was released, stating that the incident was caused by an earthquake, concurrent with a supermoon that occurred on the same night. B12345 Addendum 7915.4: Update After several months within containment without being used, personnel passing by have reported hearing "ethereal" sounds, similar to SCP-7915-A. Investigation of SCP-7915 itself revealed another note hanging from its bell, written in cursive. It's not enough. It's lonely up here. Aren't you lonely too? Down there? Footnotes 1. "Symphonic's Cleaning & Polishing: Instrument Repair Shop" is a Foundation-owned instrument repair shop located in New Orleans, Louisiana. Shipping of SCP-7915 is handled by "Stamps, Carriers, and Parcels", another Foundation-owned shipping company. 2. Observed to affect a radius of up to twenty miles. 3. A mountain range located in Eastern Europe. 4. Analysis of the figure (shown right) reveals a thin, hardened coating of genetic material, confirmed to originate from Aleister Crowley. 5. A supermoon is a full or new moon where the Moon is closest to the Earth in its elliptic orbit, resulting in a larger-than-usual apparent size of the Moon, as viewed from Earth.
 close Info X SCP-7916: As The World Caves In Author: Dr Vikki Lost Big thanks to my critters- Zoobeeny, RadiantGold, IHearVoices, JorgeMtzb, and Stealth000 does not match any existing user name. Couldn’t have done it without you. Hope you like this. It’s been on my mind for a while, and I think it deserves to see the light of day. Have fun! Love, Vikki. Item #: SCP-7916 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7916 is to be kept in a storage locker at Site-71 and remain locked in a locked and key-coded safe. Access is restricted to those with a clearance level of 4 or higher, and is not to be used unless in a K-Class scenario. Due to the neutralised state of SCP-7916, these procedures no longer apply. No containment is considered necessary as of now. Description: SCP-7916 is a striker-fire pistol formerly belonging to Agent Juno Serapis. Before and during its use [SEE ADDENDA], the gun contained a seemingly unlimited supply of bullets1. When a bullet fired from SCP-7916 came into contact with a living organism, the organism would be destroyed, alongside the “concept” of the entity itself. Any similar beings would be destroyed in the process, with “similarity” being linked through conceptual complexity. Understanding how SCP-7916 determines a concept's "complexity" has proved difficult, with test results being inconsistent. Entities shot are designated SCP-7916-2. Current estimates indicate a positive correlation between the level of destruction and conceptual complexity, with destruction ranging from entire species, to only certain phylotypes. In human victims of SCP-7916-2 instances, the effect seems to only destroy the instance itself. When shot, records and data of SCP-7916-2 will be erased; only those who directly witness the shooting will be able to retain memories of the instance. Recovered Recordings: The following records were recovered from a solid state drive found along with the burnt remains of a spherical white device. While the device’s internal wiring and motherboard had been burned beyond repair, the drive was recovered with little damage, and all video found on it has been archived for analysis. RECORDING-7916-01 – hide block WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/7916 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/7916 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. THE RECORDING BEGINS. THE LOCATION IS A RANSACKED ALCOVE. RUBBLE NEARBY IS SHOWN TO SPORT THE SCP FOUNDATION'S INSIGNIA. A TALL MALE OF SLENDER BUILD WITH BROWN SKIN AND LONG BLACK HAIR SITS IN THE DUST. HIS UNIFORM IS THAT OF A FOUNDATION AGENT. THE DRONE APPROACHES. A SCANNER OVERLAY IDENTIFIES THE INDIVIDUAL AS FOUNDATION AGENT JUNO SERAPIS. THE DRONE ACTIVATES A VOCAL MECHANISM. DRONE: I have one audio message to Agent Juno Serapis, from Dr. Cassidy Dione. Would you like to view this message? JUNO: What the fuck- God. Sure. I guess. DRONE: Noted. One second. A WHIRRING HUM EMITS, BEFORE THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS PLAYED VIA AN INTERNAL SPEAKER. DRONE: Classified: for the eyes of Agent Juno Serapis ONLY. TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO RECORDING BEGINS. Juno. It’s Cassidy Dione. Look, I know we didn’t leave off on the best of terms, but this isn’t about that. So I’m not even going to try to be subtle about it: We’re currently on the verge of an XK-End-Of-The-World Scenario, probably in it already. Likely, by the time you’re hearing this, I’ll be dead. We’ve lost nearly a quarter of our sites, and the breach rate is getting too much to handle. I don’t know how to explain this, what happened, why I’m sending you this, but I’ll try my best. We all know this world is paper-fucking-thin. Things are constantly trying to break the walls down, storm inside and wipe us out. That’s what happened yesterday. I can’t tell whether it feels like more or less time has passed. Everything went in such a rush, yet it was too much to believe that… sorry. I’m rambling. Fuck. This is too much. So I’m asking for your help. I really hope you didn’t break CASIDIO. Hopefully retirement made you a little less trigger-happy, though I doubt you could change that much. CASIDIO. That's the drone…. I know I should write this down by hand, or, something… but, well, I kinda lost that in the chaos. I’m sure you probably notice it’s my name. So, about the gun: Do you remember Salsafish? Notoriously spicy, but delicious? Fat was used for thickening agents? Of course you don’t. That’s because we shot one with this gun. Bam- gone to anyone who didn’t see it with their own two eyes. When we went into lockdown, Demi gathered a bunch of the researchers into a Safe containment storage unit. I found the gun in a box near the back, and it made me think of you. There’s not much time left, so… this is my shot in the dark. Pun… intended, I guess. I need you, if you’re still alive, to take the gun and find all the fuckers who’ve crawled into this world. Make sure they never crawl anywhere again. Fix this. Please. I need… I need you. Fuck. Sorry. SHE SIGHS. Oh, and in order to get Casidio to listen to you… you gotta say “Password: Euthalia”. Goodbye, Juno. I love you. TRANSCRIPT ENDS. JUNO PAUSES FOR FIVE SECONDS, MUTTERING TO HIMSELF, BEFORE TURNING TO FACE THE CAMERA. JUNO: Password: Euthalia. DRONE: Password accepted. THE VOICE OF THE DRONE CHANGES TONE, SHIFTING FROM AUTOMATED TO A MORE "HUMAN" CADENCE. CASIDIO: Hey Juno. JUNO: Long time, no see, Cas… RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES CASIDIO: How much damage assessment have you done so far? JUNO: Uh… HE LOOKS AROUND The surveillance room is completely smashed. CASIDIO: Where is that? JUNO: The room we’re currently in. Hang on. HE STANDS UP, LIMPING OVER TO A CRUSHED MONITOR, AND ATTEMPTS TO POWER IT ON JUNO: I think the power is cut out, at least for this area. I’d be damned if it wasn’t sitewide. I’m getting the sense things got pretty ugly here. CASIDIO: My Site was completely caved in. We ended up hiding in the Storage units, underground. JUNO: Cas mentioned something like that, yeah. Right before she handed me a gun and said “save the world, no pressure”. CASIDIO: Those were not my words. JUNO: Close enough. HE SIGHS, PICKING UP SCP-7916 AND INSPECTING IT What happens when this thing runs out of bullets? CASIDIO: We don’t think it will. Part of the anomaly. We’ve shot it enough that it should be empty. JUNO: Lotta trust in this one gun. CASIDIO: My trust isn’t in the gun. It’s in you. JUNO: Eh. I’d put my money on the gun, then. CASIDIO, annoyed: Shut up and get a move on. JUNO: I’m disabled. HE GESTURED TO HIS HIP CASIDIO: Wish they’d shot your tongue instead. JUNO SIGHS, WALKING AND SLOWLY PICKING THROUGH THE RUBBLE OF THE ROOM. HE RETRIEVES A CRUSHED AND EMPTIED WATER BOTTLE, SOME DENTED KEYS, A METAL CANE, AND A BATTERED BLACK COAT JUNO: Here we go. There. HE SHRUGS ON THE COAT, PICKING A FOUNDATION ID AND AN UNLABELLED BOTTLE OF MEDICATION FROM THE POCKET CASIDIO: Don’t tell me that you still have that coa- JUNO: 8 years and not a tear. This baby’s staying. CASIDIO: That’s revolting. JUNO SHRUGS JUNO: Hey, if you wanted to be my baby, you shouldn’t have called us off for- CASIDIO: This drone has a combat function. JUNO: Yeah? And I have a goddamn reality-destroying gun, so- A LARGE CRASH SOUNDS, AND A ROAR ECHOES IN THE DISTANCE, DROWNING OUT THE ARGUMENT. JUNO FREEZES, AND WHIPS AROUND JUNO: Shit. CASIDIO: Activating organic hazard detection. A FAINT BUZZING BEGINS Hazard detected. Do you have a map of the Site? I can scan it into the database and get us a location on this thing. JUNO: Brilliant idea, but like I said, the cameras are all down. CASIDIO: These rooms usually have a hefty amount of protection. You ever seen a fire extinguisher? JUNO: Never needed to use one. CASIDIO: Well start looking- ANOTHER CRASH IS HEARD, SOUNDING LESS DISTANT CASIDIO: Crap. THE VIDEO BECOMES SHAKY AS THE DRONE MOVES THROUGHOUT THE ROOM. ONE WALL REMAINS INTACT, THOUGH RUBBLE HAS PARTIALLY BARRICADED THE DOORWAY. BARE WIRES HAVE BEEN RIPPED FROM THE WALLS, SHOWING CIRCUIT BOARDS AND PANELS OF DEFUNCT SECURITY EQUIPMENT JUNO: Hold up- I think I found it. THE CAMERA TURNS TO VIEW HIM CROUCHED BESIDE A FALLEN CABINET, THE METAL DOOR DENTED IN BY A PILE OF CONCRETE. JUNO PULLS IT OUT WITH A HUFF, AS ANOTHER LOUD NOISE ECHOES JUNO: Got it! HE HOLDS UP A FIRE EXTINGUISHER This what you needed? CASIDIO: Perfect. THE DRONE MOVES TO HOVER OVER THE CABINET OPENING, WHERE AN EMERGENCY FLOORPLAN IS PRINTED, ESCAPE ROUTES MARKED IN RED. A BLUE TINGE COVERS THE SCREEN AS THE DRONE SCANS THE IMAGE You’re right on the power - usually I can connect to open servers if they’re available. Everything here is down, though. JUNO: How much shit can you do? CASIDIO: Well, to start- A CHUNK OF CONCRETE FLIES THROUGH THE LEFT WALL, NEARLY LANDING ON JUNO’S LEG. JUNO YELLS, GRABBING HIS CANE. HE FISHS A NON-ANOMALOUS GUN FROM HIS BAG AND COCKS IT CASIDIO: Grab the gun! The scip! JUNO: I don’t trust that thing as far as I can throw it. We’re doing this the old-fashioned way first. HE RUNS TOWARDS THE ENTRANCE, TAKING COVER TO SURVEY THE SITUATION. THE DRONE JOINS AT HIS SHOULDER, EXAMINING THE SCENE. AN ANOMALY, ESTIMATED 9.8 METERS TALL, WITH THICK GREY SCALES AND A REPTILIAN BODY. NO EYES ARE VISIBLE, THOUGH TWO LARGE MOUTHS POSSESSING MULTIPLE ROWS OF INCISORS ARE PRESENT. CASIDIO: Dammit. That thing… that’s one of the ones that escaped. JUNO AIMS THE GUN AND FIRES TWICE. THE BULLETS BURY INTO ITS SIDE, HAVING NO PERCEIVED EFFECT. THE CREATURE ROARS, TURNING TO LOOK IN THE DIRECTION OF THE CAMERA, TILTING ITS HEAD AS IF LISTENING CASIDIO: Quick! Get the real gun! JUNO: Hold on! I think I can- JUNO FIRES THREE MORE BULLETS, INTO THE NECK, SKULL, AND CHEST OF THE CREATURE. THE CREATURE CONTINUES TO SHOW NO SIGN OF INJURY, BUT STUMBLED FORWARD, THE GROUND QUAKING. JUNO: Fuck! CASIDIO: Hurry and shoot the damn thing! JUNO: Shut up! HE FUMBLES SCP-7916 OUT OF HIS POCKET, COCKING IT AND AIMING. THE CREATURE BARRELS FORWARDS, MOUTH OPENING AS IT NEARS THEM. JUNO CLOSES HIS EYES AND FIRES TWICE JUNO: Here's Johnny! CASIDIO: Yes! AS BOTH BULLETS HIT, LARGE DARK PATCHES FORM IN THE CREATURE’S SKIN, SLOWLY EATING AWAY AT IT. THE CREATURE SNARLS, LETTING OUT A LONG SHRIEK, AND LASHING A TAIL. ANOTHER CRASH IS HEARD, AS ANOTHER WALL OF THE SITE IS DESTROYED. AFTER 20 SECONDS, NOTHING REMAINS. JUNO LOWERS THE GUN, ARMS SHAKING JUNO: Fuck. CASIDIO: Hopefully that wiped out any others of that particular species as well. For obvious reasons, we didn’t run many tests with the gun. We don’t really know how consistent it is. JUNO: It better be consistent. I’m retired. I’ve served my time being patient. CASIDIO: Well, consider yourself unretired, then. You’re going to be as patient as we need, Agent Serapis. JUNO, exasperated: Don’t call me that. CASIDIO: Whatever. We need to go. You have everything? JUNO: No. We barely have anything. This is the fucking desert. Can we at least look around the Site first? CASIDIO: Fine. JUNO: Also, you’re welcome. CASIDIO: For what? JUNO: Saving our asses. Or your backup drive. Whatever drones have. CASIDIO: What the actual- you nearly got us killed in the first place, idiot. JUNO: So? We’re alive. Thanks to me. THEY WALK AROUND THE PERIMETER, PICKING THROUGH SOME OF THE OPEN AREAS. DRIED BLOOD IS SEEN SPATTERED ON SOME OF THE WALLS, AND A BODY IS VISIBLE IN THE CORNER OF A SHOT. CASIDIO: I thought six years would’ve made you a better person. JUNO, SIGHING: Welcome to being wrong, honey. You get used to it. CASIDIO DOESN’T RESPOND. JUNO PICKS UP A FALLEN METAL BEAM, USING IT TO PRY A METAL DOOR OPEN. INSIDE, EXTRA UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT AND WEAPONS LINE THE WALLS. AT THE BACK, A ROW OF BACKPACKS ARE HUNG. JUNO WALKS FORWARD, GRABBING A BACKPACK AND SHOVING A FEW WEAPONS INSIDE CASIDIO: What now? JUNO: Exploration kits. When we send people down for recon missions we give em’ one of these. Dried food, thermal gear, first aid. Whole shebang. HE PAUSES, LOOKING UP JUNO: What’s your deal? Like… batteries? Do I need to charge you? CASIDIO: I run on thermal energy from my surroundings. You don’t need to worry about me, at least not while we’re still in Nevada. JUNO: Right. How’d you find me, anyway? CASIDIO: I looked up your Site’s location when you were re-assigned. You forget I’m senior staff- IT CUTS OFF …was Senior Staff. JUNO: How completely non-stalkerish. CASIDIO: You work in Surveillance, kettle. JUNO: Fuck off. CASIDIO: Can we leave now? JUNO: I think so. CASIDIO: Got it. THE PAIR MAKE THEIR WAY BACK TOWARDS THE DESERT JUNO: Any… any survivors? That you can sense? CASIDIO: … No. I don't think so. JUNO: Right. HE SIGHS CASIDIO: You don't seem really… bothered. JUNO: Of course I'm bothered. I just never really kept close with anyone here, y'know? CASIDIO: When you told me you were transferring, you said you wanted to get away. That wasn't you trying to make new friends, was it? It was a way to hide. JUNO: 'Fraid you're right. CASIDIO: You're a coward. JUNO: Tell me something I don't know! HE CHUCKLES Frankly, my dear? I don't give a damn. CASIDIO: Gone with the wind. JUNO: Eh? CASIDIO: You left half your DVD set at my apartment when you moved. I got curious. JUNO: Now that takes all the fun out of it. CASIDIO: You like confusing me? JUNO: I'm a terrible, terrible man, Cas. CASIDIO: The closest Site is 50 miles on foot. That should take us about a day if we don't stop for anything. Hopefully, there'll be survivors who can help us. JUNO RAISES AN EYEBROW JUNO: Are you telling me to shut up? CASIDIO: Just keep walking. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDINGS RESUME FOUR TIMES, THOUGH ONLY TO DOCUMENT STOPS FOR REST AND RECUPERATION ALONG THE JOURNEY. TRANSCRIPT HAS BEEN CUT FOR RELEVANCE. RECORDING STARTS CASIDIO: Duck! A LARGE BLACK CREATURE WITH A LONG NECK, AND SIX LEGS LOOMS BEFORE THEM. ITS MOUTH OPENS TO REVEAL SEVERAL WRITHING TENTACLES LASHING OUT. JUNO DODGES AS ONE CRASHES PAST HIS HEAD, FIRING A BULLET FROM SCP-7916 THAT MISSES. JUNO: C’mon, Miss America. Smile for your goddamn close-up, you ugly son-of-a-! A SECOND SHOT RINGS OUT AND A STOUT WOMAN WITH GREY-STREAKED BROWN HAIR AND TAN SKIN LAUNCHES A FLAMETHROWER AT HIM WOMAN: Stay back! JUNO: Who the hell are you? WOMAN: That’s classified. Now get out while I handle this. We can get you to safety with the others. JUNO: Like hell! THE CREATURE SWINGS ANOTHER TENTACLE, CATCHING THE WOMAN’S LEG, BEFORE JUNO KICKS HER OUT OF THE WAY, SHOOTING THE CREATURE TWICE. IT ROARS, STUMBLING BACK, AS THE BULLETS SLOWLY DISSOLVE IT JUNO PANTS, TAKING A SECOND TO COLLECT HIMSELF WOMAN: What the hell was that. SHE GESTURES TO THE GUN JUNO: That’s classified. How’s your leg? CASIDIO: Last night while you set up camp I looked in your bag. There should be a first aid kit in the front pocket. JUNO: Good to know you were snooping. WOMAN: And who is that supposed to be? Other than a walking infohazard. SHE POINTS TO THE CAMERA JUNO: My ex-girlfriend. CASIDIO: That’s a terrible way to introduce me. THE WOMAN STANDS UP, DUSTING OFF HER UNIFORM AND SIGHING WOMAN: I’m guessing you’re not a civilian then? JUNO: Juno Serapis. Retired field agent for the Foundation. THE WOMAN LAUGHS WOMAN: You don’t look retired. JUNO: I get that sometimes. WOMAN: I’m Agent Barbara Thompson. Nice to meet you. SHE HOLDS OUT A HAND. JUNO SHAKES IT. JUNO: You Foundation? THOMPSON: Nope. GOC, actually. It matters less now. We’re all couped up at a Foundation Site a few miles out from here. JUNO: 409? THOMPSON: That’s the one. SHE LAUGHS, GRINNING THOMPSON: I’ve got a dune buggy over the hill. It’ll halve the time. JUNO: What about your leg? THOMPSON WAVES A HAND THOMPSON: I’ll worry about it once we get back. SHE LIMPS TOWARDS A SMALL DUNE BUGGY IN THE DISTANCE Hop in, Serapis. THEY BOARD THE VEHICLE, AND THOMPSON STARTS THE ENGINE. THEY DRIVE EAST. THOMPSON: So what’s your deal? The gun, the trenchcoat. I’d normally put you down as James Bond wannabe, but I don’t think that’s right. JUNO: Currently, my greater goal is to save the world. The more immediate one is taking a shower. CASIDIO: He’s an idiot. THOMPSON, LAUGHING: He’s a Foundation agent, the idiot part is implied. JUNO: Careful there, sugar. I’ve put a couple good-use bullets through GoC skulls before. And those bastards are thick. THOMPSON: And I’ve put twice that many through Foundation heads. You were saying? JUNO: Point taken. THOMPSON: What’s the drone thing’s deal? JUNO: I told you. She’s my ex-girlfriend. CASIDIO: I’m a drone equipped with an A.I module designed to replicate the personality of the late Dr. Cassidy Dione based on her prior memories and actions. JUNO: Which was my ex-girlfriend. THOMPSON LETS OUT A WHISTLE THOMPSON: Just when I thought I’d seen it all. CASIDIO: It’s not that strange. He’s just dramatic. JUNO: It’s super weird. THOMPSON LAUGHS RECORDINGS ENDS RECORDING-7916-02 CLOSE LOG Site 409 Entrance RECORDING BEGINS. INSIDE THE ENTRANCE HALL, A TALL, PALE MAN WITH SHOULDER-LENGTH GINGER HAIR WAITS, ALONG WITH A SHORTER BLACK WOMAN, AND A GREY HAIRED DOCTOR WITH LARGE SILVER GLASSES. JUNO AND AGENT THOMPSON APPROACH. GREY-HAIRED DOCTOR: Barbara. Who is this? THOMPSON: Agent Juno Serapis. Self-proclaimed war hero and retired Foundation agent. He saved me from one of the crawlers. WOMAN: Not unscathed, I see. SHE LOOKS TO THOMPSON’S LEG I’ll have Delia look at that as soon as possible. THOMPSON: Agent, these are some of the brightest minds around here. SHE POINTS TO THE DOCTOR IN GLASSES Dr. Darryn Lex. SHE MOVES HER FINGER TO GESTURE AT THE WOMAN Researcher Meredith Harvey- TALL MAN: And I’m Researcher Harrison Kepler. HE SMILES SHEEPISHLY AT JUNO Nice to meet you. JUNO: Same to you, pal. Nice to see a friendly face. THEY SHAKE HANDS HARVEY: I think we have room in the South wing. I’ll warn you that you aren’t safe here. Thankfully, a good bit of the compound is underground, which has been safer. But we’ve still sustained severe casualties. LEX: We should run a background check on him, too. THEY FROWN You don’t look like a field agent. JUNO: I’m retired. HARVEY NARROWS HER EYES HARVEY: You don’t look very retired. JUNO SIGHS THE PAIR ARRIVE IN THEIR LODGING, FURNISHED WITH A LARGE BED, A LAMP, AND PAISLEY CARPETING. IT RESEMBLES A HOTEL ROOM. JUNO FLOPS ONTO THE BED. JUNO: They’re bringing you a heatlamp, so you can charge up. CASIDIO: Thank you. JUNO SNORTS JUNO: Whatever. I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what we’re doing after this. “Save the world”, she says… thanks, but how? CASIDIO: Well, let’s think about what we know. The reports I got when this all started told me that a containment breach caused a hole in reality to form. JUNO: Great. Where? CASIDIO: No clue. JUNO THROWS UP HIS HANDS JUNO: Oh, c’mon! CASIDIO: No. We can do this. THE CAMERA FLIES OVER HIS SHOULDER, EXTRA APPENDAGE CARRYING HIS BACKPACK CASIDIO: Get a pen and paper. JUNO: Why? CASIDIO: Just listen to me. JUNO GRUMBLES, TAKING THE BAG FROM THE DRONE JUNO: Since when are you mission control? CASIDIO: Since I completed my training. You do remember how I met you, right? I was working under Dr. Faraday… JUNO: … working as assistant Command for my Task Force. Right. CASIDIO: That’s one of the first memories I uploaded here. JUNO: Is that how it works? You have her memories? CASIDIO: More or less. Originally, I made the drone to send messages to personnel when I was busy with work. Senior Researcher benefits, and all that. I asked them to give me a way to scan in thoughts and memories, so I could keep them in a stable format, and eventually people started seeing the drone more than me. Tech got attached, and asked permission to implement a code that could use memories as data for an AI personality feature- and well. I said yes. JUNO: Fancy. HE SETS A PAPER ON HIS LAP CASIDIO: The Foundation can do anything, Juno. I’ve always believed that much. JUNO: You talk a lot of shit for being such a useless optimist, y’know. CASIDIO: You used to find it charming. Draw a map of the world. JUNO: Who says I don’t still? Why? CASIDIO: So we can try and narrow down where these things are coming from. JUNO: Makes sense. CASIDIO: Of course it does. Unlike you, I have a rationale behind the things I do. JUNO: Rude. HE SKETCHES A VAGUE OUTLINE OF THE CONTINENTS CASIDIO: I thought you were left-handed. JUNO: I was. Then I took an office job, spent six years typing the wrong way, and apparently that shit causes carpal tunnel. CASIDIO: You’re just a mess, aren’t you? JUNO: Hey, now. Nobody’s perfect, darling. CASIDIO: Whatever. So. Neither of the things we saw looked like they were aquatic. Moreover, the quickness of infiltration makes me believe that we’re not looking at anything cross-continental. So, you can cross out the other continents. JUNO: Thank fuck. CASIDIO: We need to find out what Sites were destroyed first, and figure out the area. Finding out what direction they’re coming from might help too. JUNO: Hold on- CASIDIO: What? Do you have any- JUNO: Do you think the President is dead? Or like, celebrities- Holy fuck, do you think they killed Sean Connery? CASIDIO: I- What- you’re only now considering this? Seriously? Also- Sean Connery died three years ago! JUNO: What? CASIDIO: JUNO! JUNO: I don’t read the news as much as I used to, so sue me. CASIDIO: You frustrate me to no end, Juju. JUNO FLUSHES JUNO: Oh. CASIDIO: Oh- holy- I didn’t- JUNO: It’s okay. No one’s called me that in six years. CASIDIO: Right! Yeah. Didn’t mean- Um. NEITHER SPEAKS A KNOCK SOUNDS ON THE DOOR CASIDIO: We’re here! RESEARCHER HARVEY APPEARS HARVEY: I have a heat lamp. That’s what you wanted, right? JUNO: Yeah! Thanks- great. HARVEY: Perfect. We’re meeting in sector C to review whose on watch tonight, and if Containment has it’s way, getting incredibly drunk. Don’t mention the last part to Lex, or they’ll slaughter us. You can come. If you want. JUNO: You had me at “drunk”, doll. Can you manage alone, Cas? CASIDIO: Obviously. JUNO: Got it. JUNO PLUGS IN THE HEATING IMPLEMENT, SETTING DOWN THE DRONE ATOP IT Sorry to leave you before I love ya- but business calls. Whose all gonna be there? HARVEY: Harrison, a few of the Agents. Barbara. Lex’ll make rounds for a few minutes, but they don’t like the noise enough to stay. JUNO: Perfect. Can’t wait. THE DOOR SHUTS. THE DRONE MOVES TO THE HEATING LAMP, AND THE FEED SHUTS OFF JUNO STUMBLES INTO THE SLEEPING QUARTERS, VISIBLY INTOXICATED JUNO: How’s… the heat lamp? CASIDIO: You’re drunk. JUNO: Yeah. ‘M an alcoholic- one of those- one of my- my fatal flaw. Like Gatsby, y’know? He had- HE PAUSES, COUGHING He had that chick, who- she had the flower… CASIDIO: Daisy. Her name was Daisy. And Gatsby’s fatal flaw wasn’t his love for her. His fatal flaw was his dissatisfaction with his life and idealisation of the American Dream. JUNO FALLS SILENT FOR A MOMENT JUNO: She’s dead. SILENCE JUNO: Y’know she’s dead, right? Dead as a doornail. Fucking doornail in a goddamn coffin. HE GRUNTS, CHUCKLING I keep thinking you’re her, cause, you talk like her. You’re a fucking bitch. Bitchiest of bitches. Little drone-bitch. Followin’ me around and saying all kinds of stupid shit. CASIDIO: Thanks. JUNO SIGHED JUNO: I loved her, though. I loved that son of a bitch. You don’t even know how much I’ve wanted her back. HIS VOICE BREAKS I want you to be her. I wanna kiss you like you’ve never been kissed before. I wanna kiss you until it’s her again. CASIDIO: I- JUNO LAUGHS JUNO: Guess what! Juno Sera’s in love with a fuckin drone-bitch! I’m a fucking loser! And Cas is dead as shit. Viva las vida! JUNO FALLS BACK, LAUGHING UNTIL TEARS ARE VISIBLE ON HIS CHEEKS, UNTIL HE FINALLY QUIETS DOWN CASIDIO, quietly: Juno. I don’t… I don’t love you because I love you. I love you because Cassidy loved you. I’m not really her. I’m not going to… I’m not going to change as a person. I’m not going to grow with you. Everything I do is based on the memories I got from her. She isn’t here to make any more memories. Everything new that happens from here won’t have emotions attached to it. It won’t be human. I’m not Cassidy. JUNO: But you’re still everything I loved about her. CASIDIO: Ever since I died, I’m growing farther away from being who she really was, Juno. I’m not Cassidy. I’m the idea of who she was. A LONG PAUSE JUNO: I need a distraction. JUNO STANDS, AND LEAVES, SLAMMING THE DOOR. THE FOOTAGE SHUTS OFF. JUNO SITS AT BREAKFAST, IN THE SITE 409 CAFETERIA, ALONG WITH HARVEY, KEPLER, AND THOMPSON HARVEY: You know, if you have a way to kill these things, you could be a great asset to us. It’s nearly impossible to take them down, and the more of a survivor community we build, the more of a target we become. THOMPSON: I’d agree. You really saved my ass back there, Serapis. JUNO: I wish I could, but, well… I made a promise to someone else. KEPLER: Who? JUNO: Dr. Cassidy Dione. My ex-girlfriend. God rest her soul, and all that. CASIDIO: I’m right here. JUNO: Sometimes I still hear her voice. THE DRONE SIGHS THOMPSON SNORTS, SHAKING HER HEAD CASIDIO: I need to ask- what direction has everything been coming from? We’re trying to find where to look. THOMPSON: Honestly? I haven’t been paying much mind. HARVEY: I’d say they’re heading from the North. Midwest area, maybe. KEPLER: Of course this shit will have started in Ohio. HARVEY: That’s not even funny anymore. THOMPSON: I was stationed in Ohio for a while, and I think it’s hilarious. THOMPSON SHOVES A FORK OF DEFROSTED JERKY IN HER MOUTH. JUNO LAUGHS JUNO: I wasn’t aware of a GOC base in Ohio. Care to share more? THOMPSON POINTS A FORK AT HIM THOMPSON: You’re one brave little man, Serapis. CASIDIO: Hopefully, once we finish everything, we can stop worrying about things like rivalries. It’d be better for everyone. HARVEY: What do you think will happen to groups like MC&D once this ends? I mean, we’re looking at a Broken Masquerade here. KEPLER: Not necessarily. I’ve heard down the grapevine that they’ve fixed worse. THOMPSON: That’s a terrifying thought. Doesn’t sound sustainable, either. JUNO: If all else fails, we can always put reality through a woodchipper. THOMPSON THROWS HER FORK AT JUNO THOMPSON: Keep your damn mouth shut. THEY STAND IN THE EXIT HALL. THOMPSON STANDS WITH THE DRONE, HER BANDAGED LEG VISIBLE. CASIDIO: How long has it been? THOMPSON CHECKS HER WATCH THOMPSON: Twenty minutes. CASIDIO: He better have gotten into a car chase. THOMPSON LAUGHS THOMPSON: He talked about you at dinner last night. CASIDIO: Really? THOMPSON: Yep. Had a picture of you in his pocket, from when you were… well, y’know. You’re a catch. CASIDIO: Are you hitting on me? THOMPSON: Me? Nah. Maybe if you were still human. Robots aren’t my thing. CASIDIO: Sorry. I was pretty young when I started out. I got a lot of unwanted… attention. THOMPSON: Is that how you met Serapis? CASIDIO: No. PAUSE THOMPSON: Are you gonna tell me how you did meet, then? CASIDIO: Huh? Oh. Yeah, sure. IT SIGHS CASIDIO: I worked as a Site command for MTF missions. Lots of multi-tasking. That’s why I got a drone - so I didn’t have to leave my station on longer missions. When I was in training, my mentor ended up knocked out after an unexpected memetic hazard. Those who didn’t directly view it got temporarily blinded, and the whole mission went south pretty quickly. I figured out what had happened, and I stepped in. THOMPSON: So you saved his life. CASIDIO: Yep. Someone said one of the agents asked to see me after they got back. Wanted to know who’d been the one to help them. And… there he was. And there I was. THOMPSON: And the rest is history. CASIDIO: I don’t really think about it that way. We were both still young, and really, if it hadn’t happened that way I don’t think we ever would’ve worked out. It’s over, anyways. THOMPSON: Doesn’t have to be. He’s here, y’know. CASIDIO: Agent Thompson, I’m dead. THOMPSON: … fuck. Yeah. You are. SHE WIPES A HAND AGAINST HER BROW You’re really human. It’s scary. CASIDIO: I was designed after one. THOMPSON: True. Just… catches me off guard. SHE PAUSES, THEN LAUGHS I just failed a Turing test. THE DRONE LAUGHS TOO. JUNO WALKS UP, AND BEGINS LAUGHING WITH THEM. THOMPSON: What’s so funny? JUNO: About to ask you the same thing. I was just laughing to brush up on my undercover work. THOMPSON GIVES THE CAMERA A LOOK CASIDIO: You’re late. JUNO: You didn’t give me a time limit. CASIDIO: When the urge to punch you grows stronger than my faith in humanity, you’re too late. LEX AND KEPLER APPEAR BEHIND JUNO. LEX LOOKS DISPLEASED. LEX: Kepler told me you were leaving. JUNO: Yep. Meredith got me directions to the nearest Site, and some extra files that might help. LEX: Good. THOMPSON: It was nice seeing both of you, Serapis. LEX: Both? THOMPSON NODS TO THE CAMERA THOMPSON: The drone. We talked while Juno was gone. I like her. LEX: Right. Well, you can take one of the Dune buggy’s. It’ll halve the time. JUNO: Thanks. Keep yourselves safe. KEPLER: You too. JUNO: Hasta la vista, baby. HE WALKS OUT THE ENTRANCE OF THE SITE. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS HIM RECORDING-7916-03 CLOSE LOG RECORDINGS RESUME EIGHT TIMES, THOUGH ONLY TO DOCUMENT STOPS FOR REST AND RECOOPERATION WHILE TRAVELLING. TRANSCRIPT HAS BEEN CUT FOR RELEVANCE. RECORDING STARTS JUNO: Where are we now? CASIDIO: Heading towards the Colorado border. There’s an area in the mountains where we’ll hopefully be able to find another Site. JUNO: Isn’t that gonna be cold? CASIDIO: Probably. We’ll come to that when it happens. TWENTY MINUTES CUT FOR RELEVANCE JUNO: Holy shit… CASIDIO: What? JUNO: Y’know how I said we were coming up on a mountain? That’s not a mountain.. BEFORE THEM, ABOUT A HALF MILE AWAY, APPEARS TO BE A LARGE PILE OF GREY RUBBLE. HOWEVER, AS IT COMES INTO VIEW, WINDOWS AND BITS OF WOOD AND PAINT CAN BE SEEN CASIDIO: God… JUNO: Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into. Let’s go. CASIDIO: Juno. I’m scared. JUNO LAUGHS, SHAKING HIS HEAD JUNO: You’re a drone. CASIDIO: I know. SILENCE CASIDIO: I’m still scared. THEY WALK INTO A GAP, AND THROUGH THE STREETS, STEPPING OVER LARGE BITS OF METAL. A TRAFFIC JAM AT AN INTERSECTION SHOWS CRUSHED CARS. ONE WINDOW HAS BEEN SMASHED, THE HEAD OF THE PASSENGER SEVERED AND LYING ON THE DASHBOARD. JUNO LOOKS AWAY, CLOSING HIS EYES. THEY CONTINUE WALKING, UNTIL JUNO SUDDENLY STOPS JUNO: Did you hear that? CASIDIO: I did not. What happened? JUNO: Jesus- it sounded like a kid, Cas. CASIDIO: It’s probably a trauma response, Juno. I know it was a similar situation when you were with Taylo- A DISTINCT WAILING IS HEARD, FROM SOMEWHERE NEARBY JUNO: Please tell me you heard that. CASIDIO: I did. JUNO: What do we do? Can you sense anyone nearby? CASIDIO: I do, but something doesn’t- VOICE: Mommy! Daddy! Please, help me, please! I need- JUNO: I’m coming! Don’t worry! HE TAKES OFF RUNNING, TOWARDS THE VOICE. THE DRONE FOLLOWS, OVER A MOUND OF RUBBLE, AND A FALLEN TREE, BEFORE HALTING AS JUNO STOPS. IN THE CLEARING BEFORE THEM IS A LARGE QUADRAPED, WITH LARGE JAWS FULL OF RED TEETH. NO EYES ARE VISIBLE ON IT’S FACE. CASIDIO: Juno, that’s- JUNO: Where’s the kid? THE CREATURE OPENS ITS MOUTH, AND EMITS A VOCALISATION SIMILAR TO THE PLEADING HEARD BEFORE. JUNO FREEZES, THEN RETCHES ONCE, SHAKING HIS HEAD JUNO: Fuck. No way. No fucking way. CASIDIO: Juno, run. JUNO: I’m not letting this bastard get away with killing kids! CASIDIO: Then shoot him! JUNO: I’m trying! CASIDIO: Wait- not with SCP-7916. Use the regular gun. JUNO: Why- nevermind. Got it. JUNO STUMBLES BACK, PUTTING DISTANCE BETWEEN THE CREATURE AND HIMSELF. THE CREATURE PREPARES TO LUNGE. JUNO FUMBLES WITH THE GUN. CASIDIO: Juno- THE CREATURE BOUNDS CLOSER, OPENING ITS JAWS. THE DRONE SWOOPS IN, DISTRACTING IT. IT BATS AT THE DRONE WITH AN APPENDAGE, LOOKING BACK TO ATTEMPT AND KNOCK IT OUT OF THE SKY. CASIDIO: Juno, hurry, this thing is going to get me! JUNO: Hang on, I-! TWO SHOTS RING OUT, AND THE CREATURE ROARS, STUMBLING BEFORE FALLING TO THE GROUND. A BULLET CAN BE SEEN FROM ITS HEAD. JUNO PANTS. JUNO: What was that thing? CASIDIO: That was SCP-939. JUNO: I… oh fuck. CASIDIO: Those are stationed at Site-06. I read up on them when I got my 04 Clearance approved. If they’re out, then that means 06 is down. Thankfully, most of the Site was for low-risk anomalies, but some of them are… more dangerous. JUNO: Really? Never would’ve guessed. CASIDIO: We need to get out of here. These things are pack dogs, if I remember. There’ll probably be more around. JUNO: What do we do if we hear more pleading? CASIDIO: Ignore it. JUNO: I can’t do that. What if it’s a real victim, and- CASIDIO: Juno. We can’t save everyone here. JUNO HUFFS JUNO: Not if you don’t even let me try. RECORDING ENDS RECORDING RESUMES JUNO LOOKS INTO THE CAMERA, WALKING SLOWLY BACKWARDS WITH A FORCED GRIN JUNO: Hello kids. We have finally crossed the Colorado border, and are feeling… CASIDIO: Um… JUNO: We’re… CASIDIO: … It’s been a long trip, hasn’t it? JUNO: We couldn’t take the buggy through the city, so we’re back on foot. CASIDIO: I’m considering stealing a car. JUNO: She’s considering armed robbery. This is it, folks. We’ve broken her. CASIDIO: I don’t even have arms, Juno. JUNO: Never let it be said I didn’t try to discourage her from this life. But I guess the criminal life finds you anyways. You just can’t fight it. CASIDIO: I shouldn’t have told you I was recording. AS JUNO OPENS HIS MOUTH TO REPLY, THE RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES JUNO LOOKS CONSIDERABLY MORE TIRED. BAGS RIM HIS EYES, AND HE SHAKES HIS HEAD AS IF TRYING TO STAY AWAKE JUNO: It’s been… it’s been nearly another two days. I think. We got eight more of those things… those things from the other world. I think one of em’ may have been a scip. I… I don’t know. CASIDIO: It’s cold. JUNO: I know, honeybunches. I know. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES SNOW SEEMS TO BE FALLING IN THE BACKGROUND, AND RUBBLE IS SEEN LITTERING THE GRASS BEHIND THEM. JUNO SHIVERS VIOLENTLY JUNO: We… we made it to the Site. CASIDIO: They made it there first. There were two of them- when we got there- JUNO: No survivors… it’s… it’s gone. CASIDIO: All of them. JUNO: … yeah. CASIDIO: It’s still cold. JUNO: … I-I know. THE RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES JUNO IS SITTING BENEATH A TREE, HUGGING THE CAMERA TO HIS CHEST. HIS LIPS APPEAR TINGED BLUE. CASIDIO: I’m low on power, Juno- I need- I need to get somewhere- JUNO: I know, I know. We’ll head into Wyoming soon. Just a bit- just a- HE PAUSES, COUGHING LOUDLY … longer. CASIDIO: I don’t think I can… keep recor- THE RECORDING SHUTS OFF THE RECORDING STARTS, THE FOCUS BLURRY CASIDIO: … Juno? JUNO: We’re in Wyoming now. Out of the mountains. We’re okay. CASIDIO: It’s warm… again… JUNO: You charging? CASIDIO: A bit… JUNO: You can rest. Just. Stay alive. CASIDIO: … yeah… THE RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING TURNS ON THE CAMERA LIES ON THE GROUND, TILTED SIDEWAYS. A RED //CRITICAL BATTERY SCREEN FLASHES. JUNO’S HAND IS SEEN, PARTIALLY COVERING THE LENSE. AN ARMORED FOUNDATION VEHICLE APPROACHES, AND TWO UNIFORMED PERSONNEL EXIT, WALKING OVER AND CHECKING FOR A PULSE ON JUNO’S NECK.// PERSONNEL: He’s still alive. Get him into the back. THEY PICK THE PAIR UP, AND MOVE THEM TO THE VEHICLE. RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES THE DRONE IS IN JUNO’S LAP, PRESUMABLY. THEY’RE IN THE BACK OF A VAN. A SLIM, PALE FOUNDATION AGENT IS STARING AT THEM FROM ACROSS THE SEAT, ARMS CROSSED. THE SCANNER IDENTIFIES THE INDIVIDUAL AS AGENT KESTER LAFAYETTE. XIR FACE IS UNREADABLE, GINGER HAIR CROPPED AT XIR CHIN AGENT: Your drone thing is blinking. JUNO: Really? Oh- yeah… Cas? You awake? CASIDIO, AUTOMATED: Battery is at 60%. Power within optimal range for full functionality. JUNO: … Password: Euthalia? A BEEPING SOUND, AND THE AI VOICE MODULE RE-ACTIVATES CASIDIO: Juno? JUNO: Yeah. CASIDIO: I… did I die? JUNO: … I don’t know. You went offline, though. CASIDIO: Shit. JUNO: It’s okay. Some folks from Site-205 found us. This is Agent Lafayette. LAFAYETTE: You’re both lucky to be alive. I searched your bag when we got you in. Agent Juno Serapis? JUNO: Yeah- hang on. You didn’t take anything, did you? LAFAYETTE NARROWS XIR EYES. LAFAYETTE: No. Should we? JUNO: No- just wanted to make sure… JUNO CLEARS HIS THROAT A VOICE CALLS FROM THE FRONT SEAT, SOUNDING OLDER VOICE: Hey! How ya’ll feel about music? LAFAYETTE: Absolutely not. JUNO: Depends on the musician, now, don’t it. CASIDIO: I don’t mind. VOICE: Oh hey! I hear another voice. Whose the new guy? CASIDIO: I’m the… I’m the drone. You can call me Cas. Cassidy. Um. Hi. VOICE: Got it, got it. I’m Agent Justine Samuels. Call me Jo. SHE LAUGHS How ya’ll feel about AC/DC? JUNO: Wouldn’t mind at all. SAMUELS: Got it. LAFAYETTE: If we attract something with the racket, that’s on you, Samuels. SAMUELS: Look, I’m not asking for a fight, but I’m not opposed. Might add some spice to the morning. LAFAYETTE: I don’t have a death wish, actually. JUNO: I’m banned from having one for the forseeable future, thanks to Cas here. CASIDIO: Since when did you have one, period? JUNO CHUCKLES JUNO: Oh, y’know, I- hey, what song is this? SAMUELS: Highway to Hell. JUNO: I- yeah, thanks. CASIDIO: You knew tha… nevermind. Where are we? LAFAYETTE: I’m afraid I can’t tell you. CASIDIO: I have 04 clearance, Lafayette. LAFAYETTE: I’ve never heard of you. CASIDIO: Of course you haven’t. Level 2 personnel wouldn’t usually ever get to know my name. Dr. Cassidy Dione. Senior Researcher at Site 160. LAFAYETTE: … fine. We’re heading into central Wyoming. SAMUELS: Outta my way I'm a running high, take a chance with me and give it a try LAFAYETTE: Pipe down, Sam. SAMUELS: Look, I’m just trying to- JUNO: Let her sing. I need a mood lightener right now. It’s- HE PAUSES, COUGHING VIOLENTLY JUNO: It’s been a rough going. SAMUELS: Take off your high heels and let down your hair, paradise ain't far from there LAFAYETTE SIGHS LAFAYETTE: Fine. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING-7916-04 CLOSE LOG RECORDING RESUMES JUNO IS AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE SITE, STANDING NEXT TO A MUSCULAR COLUMBIAN WOMAN IN HER 40S. ONE OF HER EYES IS COVERED WITH A PATCH, AND A SCAR RUNS OVER HER LIPS AND CHIN. HER VOICES MATCHES THAT OF AGENT JUSTINE SAMUELS. SAMUELS: So, Serapis. Can I call you Juno? JUNO: Fine by me. SAMUELS: Good. I don’t do well with last names. JUNO PAUSES, COUGHING SAMUELS: Y’know what? How about we stop by Medical. JUNO: I’m fine. CASIDIO: Juno…. JUNO PAUSES, THEN SIGHS JUNO: Fine. Where’s my cane? SAMUELS: This one? SHE HOLDS UP A BLACK CANE JUNO: Yeah… thanks. JUNO PICKS UP HIS CANE, AND LIMPS AFTER SAMUELS TOWARDS MEDICAL RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING STARTS JUNO IS SLEEPING IN A MEDICAL BED. SAMUELS SITS BESIDE HIM, TAPPING HER FINGERS AGAINST THE SIDE TABLE CASIDIO: You think he’ll really be okay? SAMUELS: I’d bet money on it, kid. Dr. Hollister’s a damn crack at these things. If he says it’s okay, it’s okay. We’ve got all our med staff helping. CASIDIO: Okay. Got it. Yeah… How many people are here? SAMUELS: Sixty, maybe. CASIDIO: Wow. SAMUELS: Our Site originally had around two hundred. CASIDIO: Oh. SAMUELS: Yeah… At least my girl’s okay. She’s been put up as acting Site Director. Don’t think she knows how to handle it. She has me, though. I’ll have her back through the rut of it. CASIDIO: Oh… you have a girlfriend? SAMUELS: Wife. Sophia. Been together eleven years and counting. CASIDIO: Oh… good for you. SAMUELS: The Foundation can bring people closer together than ever before, or tear them apart. At the heart, the people here are all survivors. Every Agent worth his name has been through the lot of it, and that can destroy them. But it can also build a hell of a bond. SHE TAKES A CIGARETTE FROM HER POCKET, LIGHTING IT Being part of the Foundation… there's nothing else really like it. There’s a sense of community, a sense of marginalisation. More often than not, people here don’t care what you are. Not in a bad sense. It’s just not important. If you can work hard, then you’re accepted. CASIDIO: I think that’s different for you. I… when I got into the whole trade, I got a lot of shit. For being a woman. For dating a trans man. For… god, just for anything. I think I like it better now that I'm… like this. People don't see me. And they can't judge what they don't see. SAMUELS: Well, I’ll tell you something. I know you ain’t exactly alive anymore, but if anyone here gives you shit for anything, I’ll give em a boot to the ass. And these babies are steel toed. SHE TAPS A BLACK BOOT AGAINST THE GROUND CASIDIO: …thanks. A LONG PAUSE CASIDIO: How do… how did you and Sophia make it work? SAMUELS: Well. SHE TAKES ANOTHER DRAG FROM HER CIGARETTE Communication. Faith. Respect. And whole lotta love. CASIDIO: I loved Juno. We… we tried all of those things. SAMUELS: Hon, those things don’t guarantee you’ll make it. They’re the basics. Sometimes people just want different things. CASIDIO: After his accident he told me to choose between him and my job…. And I… I was young, and stupid, and I- SAMUELS: Would you choose him, if you could go back? CASIDIO: …. THE DRONE SIGHS CASIDIO: No. SAMUELS: Then you made the right choice. This isn’t about him, baby. This is about you, and what you want. Be selfish. This is your life. CASIDIO: But I’m dead. SAMUELS: Well, whatever is in that circuit of yours, it’s still you. You’re making decisions that influence others. Cassidy Dione is still there. Don’t forget that. Don’t forget who you are. CASIDIO: I… thank you Jo. I won’t. SAMUELS: Oh, baby… you’re gonna be okay. CASIDIO: I hope so. THE DRONE EMITS A SOUND LIKE A SOB I really, really hope so. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES AN ALARM IS BLARING, AND JUNO SITS UPRIGHT, BLINKING BLEARILY JUNO: What’s… what’s up? CASIDIO: Juno- there’s an attack- get up! JUNO STIFFENS, SWINGING HIS LEGS OUT, AND NEARLY FALLING JUNO: Shit! My hip- CASIDIO: Your cane is- JUNO: Got it, got it! HE GRABS HIS CANE, FINDS HIS BAG, AND PULLS THE GUN OUT OF IT. HE LIMPS DOWN THE HALL, THE DRONE FLYING AFTER HIM. THE HALLS ARE CROWDED WITH PEOPLE YELLING, AND A CRASH SOUNDS FROM FAR OFF. AS HE GOES PAST, A LONG TENTACLE CRASHES THROUGH THE WINDOW, SENDING BROKEN GLASS FLYING. ONE HITS JUNO IN THE FACE, SLASHING A LONG LINE. HE KEEPS RUNNING. TO HIS RIGHT, AGENT LAFAYETTE CATCHES UP TO THEM. LAFAYETTE: Agent Serapis! Where are you going? JUNO: Wherever I can be of help. Where’s Jo? LAFAYETTE: She rushed to the front lines. Just- follow me. LAFAYETTE LEADS THEM TOWARDS A STAIRCASE, SEVERAL MORE WINDOWS SHATTERING BEHIND THEM. THE DRONE IS NEARLY KNOCKED OUT OF THE AIR, BUT REGAINS ITS PACE. FINALLY, THEY RUN OUT A SIDE DOOR JUNO: Holy shit. A CREATURE RESEMBLING A GIANT WHALE IS APPROACHING, CLAWED TENTACLES SUPPORTING ITS WEIGHT. IT ROARS, SMASHING TWO RESEARCHERS WITH AN APPENDAGE. JUNO RAISES THE GUN AND FIRES AT IT, BUT NOTHING HAPPENS JUNO: What’s wrong with this thing? LAFAYETTE: I don’t know. I’m going to go look for civillians. You try and distract it. I’m trusting you. XE LAYS A HAND ON JUNO’S SHOULDER, SQUEEZING, THEN RUNS OFF. JUNO YELLS, SHOOTING AGAIN. THE CREATURE NOTICES HIM, TURNING HIS WAY. IT’S EYE HAS SEVERAL PUPILS, ALL SPINNING WITHIN THE MILKY YELLOW SURFACE. CASIDIO: Juno. Juno, we need to find Jo. JUNO: But, Agent La- CASIDIO: I don’t care, ignore xir. We need to find Jo. JUNO: Sorry. HE COCKS THE GUN, DODGING ANOTHER ARM I made a promise. I can’t break it. CASIDIO: JUNO! JUNO: Lay off me, Cas! HE RUNS BACKWARDS C’mon! Look at me, big guy! THE CREATURE LUNGES TOWARDS HIM, AND HE FIRES AGAIN. IT CLOSES ITS EYE PROTECTIVELY, ROARING, THEN STALKS FORWARDS AGAIN JUNO: Gotcha. HE SHOOTS A BULLET INTO THE CREATURES EYE, WHICH RUPTURES AND EXPLODES, SPLATTERING BLACK GOO OVER THE LAWN. SLOWLY, IT BEGINS TO DISSOLVE, STUMBLING BACK AND CRUSHING INTO THE ROOF OF THE SITE BUILDING WITH A FLAILING TENTACLE. THEN IT FALLS TO THE GROUND, DISSOLVING INTO DUST. JUNO: Hell yeah! A CHEER ERUPTS, THEN STOPS, AS PEOPLE RUSH IN TO LOOK FOR SURVIVORS. THE DRONE FLIES QUICKLY TOWARDS THE HERD, IDENTIFICATION MODULE ACTIVATING AND SCANNING THE CROWD. FINALLY, A BEEP IS HEARD, AND THE MODULE LOCATES AGENT JUSTINE SAMUELS, ALIVE. SHE’S COVERED IN ASH, AND BLEEDING FROM A GASH ON HER ARM. CASIDIO: JO! SAMUELS: Who is that? Soph? Is that- Cas! Hey, baby, there you are. You okay? THE DRONE SOBS CASIDIO: Sorry. I’m sorry. SAMUELS: It’s okay, love. It’s okay. Sophia is safe. She’s inside. Another Site fell, so she’s working to find out what happened. CASIDIO: Another one? SAMUELS: Yeah. I know, it’s rough. JUNO: Which one? SAMUELS SIGHS SAMUEL: 409. JUNO SCREAMS, PICKING UP A CHUNK OF CONCRETE AND THROWING IT AT THE GROUND. IT DOESN’T BREAK. THE DRONE GOES STILL. THE RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING CLICKS ON JUNO AND LAFAYETTE ARE STANDING AT THE EDGE OF A GROUP OF PERSONNEL. THE PEOPLE CIRCLE AROUND THE EARLIER BATTLEGROUND, HOLDING CANDLES. ONE MAN SOBS. LAFAYETTE: It’s a Site tradition in South America. Jo brought it with her when she moved here. When one of us dies in the dark, our loved ones light a candle, to light our way as we move on to a lighter place. JUNO: We never grieved like that at my old Site. LAFAYETTE: The Foundation would like to have you think no one grieves. JUNO: Does it help? LAFAYETTE SHRUGS LAFAYETTE: I don’t know. I’ve never had to light one. JUNO: … could I join? LAFAYETTE: I don’t see why not. JUNO: Thanks. JUNO WALKS OVER. THE DRONE FOLLOWS HIM, QUIETLY. SOMEONE PASSES HIM AN UNLIT CANDLE, AND A MATCH. HE LIGHTS IT, AND THEN THE CANDLE. IT BURNS BRIGHTLY AS HE SETS IT DOWN, THEN SNIFFS. CASIDIO: Is this for… Barb and everyone? JUNO: … no. Not this time. Here, Cas. This is for you. THEY PAUSE, WATCHING THE FIRE CASIDIO: … thanks. JUNO: … Don’t mention it. THEY WALK BACK LAFAYETTE: Done? JUNO: Yeah. It’s… complicated. LAFAYETTE: Wasn’t planning on asking. By the way- Jo said she got you set up for your next leg of the journey. JUNO: That woman is a treasure. LAFAYETTE: She’s what a Foundation Agent should be. XE LOOKS UP You’re… you aren’t bad either. JUNO: Thanks, but you’re wrong. LAFAYETTE SNORTS LAFAYETTE: Take the compliment. JUNO: …alright. THEY WALK TOGETHER LAFAYETTE: That gun of yours does more than kill things. JUNO: A bold claim. LAFAYETTE: Not really. Some of the people who weren’t there at the scene for the whole fight don’t seem to remember what went down. And I’ve gotten some reports of people realising their death reports don’t match up to their incident reports. Now you’re here, and you turn one of those things to dust with a single hit. Care to explain? JUNO: Not really. LAFAYETTE: Do you want my trust, Serapis? Or just my respect? JUNO: … fine. My gun is an SCP. It can destroy things down to a… conceptual level. Erase them from the world entirely. Only people who see it land its bullets will remember. LAFAYETTE: And what daft motherfucker thought YOU should be the one to get that? CASIDIO: Me. LAFAYETTE: I thought you were the smart one. CASIDIO: I wasn't thinking straight. JUNO: I think I’ve done alright so far. LAFAYETTE ROLLS XIR EYES. THEY WALK TO WHERE SAMUELS IS STANDING, ALONG WITH A SHORT WOMAN WITH DARK HAIR AND BROWN SKIN SAMUELS: Juno! Cas! Laffy! This is Sophia- my wife. SOPHIA BLUSHES SOPHIA: Hi. It's nice to meet you, both of you. SAMUELS: I had to drag her out of her office. SOPHIA: Jo-! SAMUELS: It's okay. LAFAYETTE SNORTS SOPHIA: Good luck on your way, Juno. Where are you heading now? If you can tell me. JUNO: South Dakota. SAMUELS: Well, Godspeed. Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys- JUNO: -and make your lives extraordinary. SAMUELS AND JUNO EXCHANGE A GRIN. THEN JUNO GETS INTO THE FRONT SEAT OF THE JEEP, AND WAVES, STARTING THE ENGINE AND DRIVING AWAY RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDINGS RESUME TWELVE TIMES, THOUGH ONLY TO DOCUMENT STOPS FOR REST AND RECOOPERATION WHILE TRAVELLING. TRANSCRIPT HAS BEEN CUT FOR RELEVANCE. RECORDING RESUMES THE JEEP IS APPROACHING A SMALL CONSTRUCTED BOMB SHELTER. A PERSON WITH PINK HAIR AND DARK SKIN SITS NEAR THE ENTRANCE, SQUAWKING AT THE SIGHT OF HIM. PERSON: Ack! Who goes there! JUNO: Just your friendly spy. THE PERSON STANDS, HOISTING A LONG PLASTIC RAKE IN THE AIR PERSON: I'm Sir Judith Abakar, Gate Guard of the Parawatch Institute! JUNO PAUSES, THEN SIGHS JUNO: Of course it is. South Dakota, sweet love. You are somethin' else entirely. CASIDIO: Juno. Don't be rude. Sir Abakar, this is Agent Juno Serapis, and I'm Dr. Cassidy Dione. ABAKAR'S EYES WIDEN ABAKAR: Is that- are you a droid? Like in Star Wars! Oh my god, this is so cool. THEY STOP, LOOKING AT JUNO SUSPICIOUSLY Is this Alien technology? JUNO: Nope. Just… normal tech. ABAKAR: Whatever. The forum is going fucking love this. Violet! THEY RUN TO THE ENTRANCE TO THE SHELTER, KNOCKING OUT "P.W" IN MORSE CODE VOICE: Who goes there? ABAKAR: Sir Abakar, reporting for duty! THE DOOR OPENS, AND AN ASIAN TEENAGE GIRL WITH SHORT HAIR, ALONG WITH A GINGER BOY, STUMBLE OUT ABAKAR: Violet! Jamie! We got something big. Like, super huge. I just met an actual alien spy and what I think is a sentient drone. VIOLET: Holy shit! Dude! SHE HIGH FIVES ABAKAR, THEN RUNS OVER Welcome to Earth! Now, don't be confused. You're safe. We know everything. The moon situation, the crop circles. Your secret is safe with the Parawatch. We're the friends of the paranormal everywhere. SHE BEAMS, JUMPING UP AND SHAKING JUNO'S HAND VIOLET: I'm so happy to finally meet an alien. Like seriously- Wait, can I say alien? What should I say? JAMIE: Um, I think "Extraterrestrial Person" might be better? ABAKAR: Or "Person with Extraterrestrial attributes". Person-first language, and all that. They're not just al- people with Extraterrestrial attributes, after all. CASIDIO: He's not an alien. Juno, tell them you aren't one. JUNO: I was enjoying it, though. CASIDIO: That's terrible. JAMIE: Let's head down, I'm getting cold out here. CASIDIO: Please. THEY WALK BACK, HEADING DOWN THE STAIRS INTO A SMALL SHELTER. A VINTAGE TV WITH A STACK OF OLD SONIC GAMES SITS IN THE CORNER, AND A COUCH AND BLANKETS COVER THE FLOOR. STACKS OF EMPTY SODA CANS AND SNACK BOXES ARE PILED UP. VIOLET: Welcome to our place! That's Judith, that's Jamie, and that's Bramble! SHE POINTS. IN THE CORNER, A SHORT, THIN TEEN WITH SHOULDER LENGTH RED HAIR AND THICK GLASSES SAT, THREE LAPTOPS SURROUNDING HER. A HEADSET FIRMLY SITS OVER HER EARS. ABAKAR: Bramble! Look up! BRAMBLE GLANCES UP, THEN GRINS. WHEN SHE SPEAKS, HER VOICE HAS A NOTICEABLE LISP. BRAMBLE: You found a guy! VIOLET: Not a guy. A person with Extraterrestrial attributes. SHE BEAMS JAMIE: An Alien. JUNO: I'm not an alien. BRAMBLE LAUGHS VIOLET: Bramble is amazing. She’s one of the founders of the Forum Stringboards! CASIDIO: The forum… what? BRAMBLE: It’s an interactive stringboard on the Parawatch site. You can post discussion thread or page links, and then group them together to organise evidence or connections. It’s super brilliant. VIOLET: It’s so cool. She’s also been handling basically all of our tech. She’s an electromet- electomar- BRAMBLE: Electromancer! I’ve managed to get us full power and consistent wifi, so we have lines to a bunch of super useful stuff. I’ve been working on hacking the CIA database to see if they have any connection to this. CASIDIO: Really? Are you serious? BRAMBLE: Yeah! CASIDIO, EXCITED: May I… may I take a look at the computer? If I can hook up to the Wi-Fi I can most likely connect to the computer server and run some of my more advanced software scans over it, or I could- JUNO: And we’ve lost her, folks. VIOLET: Huh? JUNO: Cas used to work in Communications. She gets… passionate about tech. VIOLET: I mean, I get that. I love technology. I’m in a class at school where we’re learning HTML, and I recently designed a really simple webpage layout with Jamie…. SHE FROWNS … before the school got blown up. JUNO: Maybe if conspiracy theories don’t work out, you can become a software developer or something. VIOLET: Maybe I can do both. Like Bramble did with the stringboards? Actually- SHE PAUSES I can show you some of the stuff we've been working on. There's some really great theories here that I think- SHE STUMBLES, GRABBING AT A FEW OPEN NOTEBOOKS AND FLIPPING THROUGH THEM. VIOLET: Here! So- this is called the Dell Rapids Enigma. I named it myself, because, um, I discovered it. I actually was on a walk after my Dad had kicked me out so he could have his girlfriend over while my Mom wasn't home but- nevermind, that's not important. I was walking through the woods, and I came by the river, and then suddenly- that's when I saw it. It was kinda blurry, but it was big. I heard the branches rustle, and like, I pulled out my phone to get a picture, but then it was gone. I drew it, though. Wait one second- SHE LOOKS FOR THE DRAWING. JAMIE WALKS UP TO THE CAMERA. JAMIE: Hey… did you say your name was Dione? CASIDIO: Last name, yeah. JAMIE: That's a type of butterfly, actually. The Dione genus. Um, It has the Mexican Silverspot, the Gulf Fritillary, the Juno Longwing- CASIDIO: I know. I researched it once. It's interesting. JAMIE: Really? Do you like bugs- like, in general, I mean- CASIDIO: Um. Not really? JAMIE: Oh. Sorry. It's just, I'm a big bug fan, and I have this theory I've been working on for a while- so you know Mothman? Well, if you think about how Termites are basically indestructible, and ants are super strong, well, I think bugs are actually evolving. Mothman is the prototype, y'know? Then the rest of them will evolve, and they'll all come together, and make a big bug army. Then they'll take us on, because, y'know, we aren't very nice to them. I've been trying for ages to get the Parawatch forums to make a space to discuss our plans for when it happens. Um, I think if we make like, a committee, we can bargain with them? Or maybe- ABAKAR: Jamie! Shut up about the bugs. I already was right and you know it. New World Order ordered Apocalypse. Those monsters are here to take out everyone unworthy of the new age. JAMIE'S LIP TREMBLES JAMIE: But- my sister… and my Momma. How are they- ABAKAR CONTINUES TO ARGUE WITH HIM JUNO: Jesus. You kids have it rough. VIOLET: Yeah. But we're making due. SHE FLIPS HER NOTEBOOK TO THE NEXT PAGE We're in it for the long run. For the truth. RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES THE GROUP SITS ON THE FLOOR TOGETHER, EATING CANNED PEACHES OUT OF THE JAR. BLANKETS PILE UP HIGH, AND THE DRONE IS PERCHED ON JUNO'S ARM BRAMBLE: So- entry time. Everyone ready? VIOLET: Flowercat066 reporting for duty! ABAKAR: DukeJuke43 on guard. JAMIE: PointPleasantTruther67 here. JUNO: … what the fuck? VIOLET: We've been keeping a log of our day-to-day adventures on the Forums. That way when everything is over, there's a record. JUNO: … got it. VIOLET: Before we met, we used to talk over IRC- just usernames. So when we met up, we called each other our users still for a while. JAMIE: I still can't get over that Juke was supposed to be short for Judith. ABAKAR: Hey- cut the shade. THEY LAUGH. JUNO SHRUGS JUNO: Is it just me, or are these kids really fucking corny? CASIDIO, FOND: You called me "Madame Researcher" for the first two months we dated. Shut your mouth, Agent Kettle. JUNO: I'm sorry, Madame Researcher. THE DRONE LAUGHS BRAMBLE: Day Thirty-two. From the Journal of DeadEndBush and Co. I feel good. Today we met someone new. They call themself Juno Serapis. They’re an Agent - I don’t know what for. But something big. And I think, something good. Violet and I are talking about good and bad things a lot. Do the monsters think that we’re bad, or good? Can they think at all? We’re trying to set up some theories on the stringboards. I think I’ve almost found a way that we might be able to beat them. A weak spot, of sorts. That’s a surprise, though. Like I said, I’m not sure if it will work. Our rations look good, and our tech is working fine. We've made the fort finally feel comfy I think. Jamie says he's getting used to sleeping bags more, and Jude is finally sleeping at all. I like being a leader. It’s nice to be depended on. It makes me feel strong, and I like being strong. I’m going to include a picture of all of us together, so you can see our faces. Just in case this is the final time you do. I don’t want to be a downer, but sometimes, it’s scary here. Thank you for all the support on the forums. It means a lot. Keep up the good work, keep building and surviving, and we’ll see you soon - for the truth. Logging off, Bramble. Parawatcher. They/she. BRAMBLE FINISHES SPEAKING, THEN TURNS AROUND THE LAPTOP, BRINGING UP PHOTO BOOTH. BRAMBLE: Crowd in, folks. CASIDIO: You wanna get in? JUNO: … why the hell not. Ready for my closeup, kids. BRAMBLE: Say cheese! VIOLET SQUEEEZES IN NEXT TO BRAMBLE. ABAKAR AND JAMIE HUNKER DOWN INTO THE FRAME. THE CAMERA FIRES. ABAKAR: Okay, I definitely blinked, let's do that- BRAMBLE: Already uploading! ABAKAR: What? Hey! Bramble, I swear to- VIOLET LAUGHS, JAMIE GRINNING. JUNO PAUSES, THEN JOINS IN. RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES A LOUD CRASH SOUNDS OUT. JUNO IS CURLED UP ON A SLEEPING BAG, SITTING UP AS ANOTHER BANG RINGS OUT. VIOLET IS AT HIS SIDE, SHAKING HIM. JUNO, TIRED: What’s up, buttercup? VIOLET: Mr. Serapis! There’s- there’s one of those things- Bramble and Jude are out- god, just- get up! JUNO SCRAMBLES UP, FISHING FOR HIS BAG IN THE DARK. HE BANGS HIS HEAD AGAINST SOMETHING. THE DRONE FLICKS ON AN INTERNAL FLASHLIGHT. JUNO: Thanks Cas- fuck. This is bad. JAMIE: Can you fight it? JUNO: I sure damn hope so, kid. HE FINDS HIS CANE AND SCP-7916, STANDING AND RUNNING TO CLIMB THE LADDER. THE DRONE FOLLOWS HIM OUTSIDE, WHERE A GIANT BLACK CREATURE STANDS, BLACK TENTACLES LASHING FROM ITS FACE AND SHOOTING OUT. ABAKAR IS BLOCKING THE ATTACK WITH THEIR RAKE, WHILE BRAMBLE IS USING A DEVICE TO GET A READING OF SOME SORT. JUNO: HEY! KIDS! Get the hell out of here! BRAMBLE: Agent! Just give me a second- I’ve got something good here, I think I’ve figured out how to- JUNO RUSHES FORWARDS, TOWARDS THEM. THE DRONE FLIES IN FRONT, STOPPING HIM. CASIDIO: You sure? Maybe we should give them a handle on this. JUNO, PANICKED: No way. No fucking way. Not again. Not after Taylor. CASIDIO: Juno, that wasn’t your faul- JUNO: My job in that mission was to get the fucking kid to safety! And you know what happened? One kid, dead, and half my team, shot. I’m not letting this happen again, Cas. VIOLET: Mr. Serapis! Dione! Do something, please! BRAMBLE: I’ve got it, don’t worry, love! VIOLET: BRAMBLE! BRAMBLE: Just trust me! I’ve got a plan! CASIDIO: Juno, don’t- BRAMBLE RUSHES FORWARDS, PULLING OUT A HAND AND PLACING IT FLAT AGAINST THE CREATURE’S STOMACH. IT JOLTS, ELECTROCUTED. BRAMBLE: See? VIOLET: Bramble, that thing’s going to fall! BRAMBLE: Well, then, I’m going to- SHE GASPS, AS THE MONSTERS STARTS THE KEEN FORWARDS VIOLET: NO! VIOLET RUNS TOWARDS BRAMBLE. JUNO DASHES IN, GRABBING VIOLET AND PULLING HER BACK. THE CREATURE KEENS FORWARDS, CAUSING BRAMBLE’S ARM TO SLIP. AS THE CONTACT IS LOST, THE CREATURE RE-MOBILISES, TURNING TO LASH OUT AT THEM. JUNO SCRAMBLES FOR SCP-7916, DROPPING VIOLET’S ARM. AS HE TURNS TO FIRE IT, BRAMBLE RUSHES THE CREATURE AGAIN, WHO LASSOES THEM WITH A TENTACLE, PULLING HER OFF THE GROUND. JUNO: FUCK! THE CREATURE CRUSHES BRAMBLES SKULL IN ITS TENTACLE. BLOOD SPATTERS, AND VIOLET SCREAMS. JAMIE VOMITS. JUNO SHOOTS THE CREATURE, SQUARE IN ITS CHEST. RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES JUNO AND VIOLET SIT OUTSIDE, JUNO HOLDING A CLOTH TO VIOLET'S HEAD. VIOLET STARES INTO SPACE, EYES GLASSY. JUNO, GENTLY: Hey there. VIOLET BLINKS, NOT RESPONDING. JUNO PATS HER SHOULDER JUNO: You good? VIOLET: No. JUNO: You don’t have to be. VIOLET: I… I just want this all to be over. This all just- this is too much. I'm sorry. This is- I just miss my Mom and my friends and my teachers and I don't know if this will ever get better and everything is changing so fast and now Bramble is dead and it’s all my fault and I- SHE BREAKS OFF, CRYING. JUNO AWKWARDLY WRAPS AN ARM AROUND HER. JUNO: You're gonna be okay, kid. It’s not your fault. VIOLET HUGS HIM VIOLET: It is though. If I hadn’t- JUNO: It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have hesitated. VIOLET: No! It’s not- it couldn’t be your fault. You’re a good person, and I- JUNO: One, I’m not a good person. Two, don’t you dare say you aren’t one too. You’re too young to hate yourself. VIOLET SNIFFLES VIOLET: …Thanks for not abducting us. JUNO LAUGHS JUNO: Yeah… you're welcome. VIOLET: I… it hurts extra for me. I know that sounds weird or selfish to claim that somehow I deserve to be sad more than they do, but it’s different to them. They were her friends, and I… I loved her. JUNO: …. I don’t think it’s selfish. I know what it’s like. To lose someone you love. You can’t move on, and it just sits like an ache in your chest and kills you over and over until you can’t breathe or even feel anything but just that ache… VIOLET STOPS, HICCUPS, THEN WIPES HER NOSE VIOLET: No. No, that’s not right. That would be easier. If I couldn’t move on. If I could just love her forever. I mean, that would be so comfortable. SHE SNIFFS To have grief and nothing else, and just live there. But I can’t do that. My friends need me. The world needs me. JUNO: … you really think that’s it, huh? That clinging onto things is just so we can be…. comfortable? VIOLET: Life’s a bitch, Mr. Serapis. I usually just do whatever feels hardest, because the easy things just… they aren’t satisfying. Change is hard, which is why I have to do it. And letting go is change. It’s the worst kind of change. It’s not just change, it’s loss too. SHE SIGHS VIOLET: I don’t have the chance to take my time here. I don’t have the pleasure of grieving. I just have to keep things moving. I have to hold them up- hold this up. JUNO: You shouldn’t put all of that on yourself. It’s not… it’s not good. VIOLET: Mr. Serapis- JUNO: Juno. VIOLET: -Juno. I… SHE WIPES HER EYES, STRETCHING OUT HER LEGS Right now the hardest option is trusting that things will be okay. So… I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna trust you. It’s stupid, but I need something to believe in. And you’re the only solid thing right now. So I’m going to believe in you. So please… fix this. JUNO TAKES IN A DEEP BREATH JUNO: … okay. Thanks. Thanks, kid. VIOLET NODS, THEN WALKS AWAY, CLIMBING BACK DOWN THE LADDER INTO THE BUNKER. JUNO LEANS HIS HEAD BACK. CASIDIO: What are you… thinking about? JUNO: Hard things. CASIDIO: Oh. Like Violet said? JUNO: Yeah. CASIDIO: Don’t feel pressured by her faith in you. She means well, but I know you, Juno, and having people depend on you can be hard for you. JUNO: I wish you were right about that, but… that doesn’t bother me anymore, I don’t think. I mean. Taylor still… it’s still a sore spot. But when I really think about it… yeah. It did bother me, back then, but… I think I’ve stopped caring about what people ask of me. I either win, or I fail. I don’t think I have much of a say in that front. CASIDIO: Oh. SILENCE Well. That’s good. JUNO: I… HE LOOKS OVER, AND SMILES PAINFULLY Cas. I… I love you. But I think it’s time I realise there’s no more time to be in love with you. I’m not getting you back. HE CHOKES BACK A SOB And I need to move on. CASIDIO: Juno… I- JUNO: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Cas. CASIDIO: I’m proud of you. I’m so proud of you, Juno. This is good. For both of us… you deserve someone real. When this is all over… you deserve to love someone you can touch, and feel, and grow into. I don’t want you to love something you can’t have. JUNO: … I don’t want that for me either. THE RECORDING CLICKS OFF RECORDING RESUMES THE GROUP SIT AT THE TABLE, IN THE SHELTER. A MAP OF THE US IS SPREAD OUT, COVERED IN NOTES WRITTEN WITH RED MARKER. ABAKAR IS HOLDING A LARGE BULKY DEVICE. JAMIE IS TRYING TO GET JUNO TO LOOK AT A PICTURE HE DREW OF A GIANT TENTACLED BEETLE ABAKAR: So. I used a special tracking system I designed to locate where everything has been coming from. It's a modified EMF reader, basically. Ever since this started, Jamie's compass has been out of whack. Some kind of strong magnetic field has appeared nearby, and it's totally fucked things up. By combining that with a GPS feature, I've managed to pin down the source area. Which should be…. SHE LOOKS AT THE DEVICE, DRAWING HER FINGER OVER THE MAP AND POINTING TO AN AREA IN THE UPPER REGION OF MINNESOTA Here. JUNO LOOKS TO CASIDIO CASIDIO: Have you seen things coming from there? ABAKAR: Yep. We think it's where the government has been creating these things. Their test lab. JAMIE: Maybe a military base, like Area 51? ABAKAR: 51 is bogus. VIOLET: No. It's totally real. Juno- you're an alien. Which state did you work in? JUNO: Nevada. JAMIE AND VIOLET EXCHANGE A WIDE-EYED LOOK. THE DRONE SIGHS. VIOLET: See? ABAKAR SHAKES HER HEAD ABAKAR: It's a bloody cover-up. This- this is the real deal. CASIDIO: So if we wanted to get there, what would be the best path? VIOLET: Well, we're in Huron right now. I'm from Dell Rapids, so I don't know much of the Northern parts, though. ABAKAR: I'd say head East until you hit the Sioux River, then South until you hit Fargo. Then East again. I'm going to bet you're aiming for the Superior National Forest. That's always where shady ops go down - middle of the woods. CASIDIO: Site 112. VIOLET: What? JUNO: Nothing. Could you draw us a path on one of your maps? VIOLET: Yeah. JUNO: Thanks. HE SMILES Here's looking at you, kid. VIOLET ATTEMPTS TO GIVE A SHAKY SMILE IN RESPONSE RECORDING SHUTS OFF RECORDING RESUMES. THE PARAWATCH MEMBERS SIT IN THE BASE, SILENT. JAMIE’S EYES ARE RED AND PUFFY. SILENTLY, VIOLET STANDS, WALKING OVER, AND PICKING UP BRAMBLE’S LAPTOP. SITTING DOWN, SHE OPENS IT, TYPES IN THE PASSCODE, AND CLICKS. VIOLET: … Flowercat066. Here. ABAKAR: … huh? VIOLET: We’re going to do an update. Because Bramble kept a log. And we’re keeping a log. JAMIE: Are you sure that- VIOLET: Yes. SHE SIGHS VIOLET: I’m going to lead this. If Bramble can’t. I want to try. So let me try. Okay? JUNO, SOFTLY: That’s the spirit, kid. ABAKAR: Violet…. A MOMENT PASSES ABAKAR: … for the truth? VIOLET: For the truth. JAMIE: For the truth. VIOLET SMILES, CHEEKS WET. ABAKAR WALKS OVER. THEY HUG, JAMIE JOINING IN, BEFORE BREAKING APART. CASIDIO: Juno and I are heading out around lunchtime. However, I'm going to give you a list of contacts. Usually, I'm not allowed to do this, but desperate times, desperate measures. These are people who will protect you, okay? For now, just stay here, and lay low. You're doing a good job. VIOLET: I- thanks. JAMIE: Can we come with you? JUNO: 'Fraid not. HE STANDS, HEADING OVER This is dangerous. I don't want any kids getting hurt. ABAKAR: Fine. JUNO: Thanks. HE SIGHS VIOLET: I’m going to work on the entry. If that’s okay? JUNO: Of course. Let's get packing, Cas. RECORDING ENDS RECORDING RESUMES 14 MORE TIMES DURING THE JOURNEY, THOUGH FOOTAGE HAS BEEN CUT DUE TO RELEVANCE RECORDING RESUMES JUNO IS SITTING BY A MAKESHIFT FIRE, BAG AT HIS SIDE. IT'S DARK OUT JUNO: Almost there, huh? Site-112. CASIDIO: Looks like it. How many things have we shot, by now? JUNO: I stopped counting a bit ago, but- 20 in the past four days, at least. They're definitely gathering here. CASIDIO: What do you think we'll find? JUNO: … I don't know. Probably nothing good. CASIDIO: I'd love to find something good. It'd be nice if we got there and the problem is almost solved, no need for the journey. JUNO: Wouldn't that mean our journey was for nothing? THE DRONE PAUSES CASIDIO: Well… if you think about it, nothing we do has been for nothing. I mean, I'm dead. But I've still been able to save people. I still… I still have an impact. Even if we don't save everyone, we'll still have an impact. JUNO: You really believe that? CASIDIO: It's not optimism, Juno. It's just the fact of the matter. I left you because you gave up on yourself. You wouldn't let me help you. The Foundation… there was still work I could do here… all this really saying, I'm glad to have you back. JUNO: … I didn't plan on coming back. When I first woke up, after the building went down. I realised I'd survived. And I just closed my eyes again. HE TAKES A BREATH JUNO: I just thought "this is it. It's been a good one." And then I waited. CASIDIO: Juju… JUNO: It's okay. It's okay. I'm… I'm okay. CASIDIO: No. No, you're not. JUNO: … No, I'm not. JUNO DRAWS HIS KNEES TO HIS CHEST. TEARS GLITTER ON HIS CHEEKS. HE SOBS. THE DRONE FLIES TO HIS SHOULDER. JUNO: I feel fake, Cas. I feel like… like I'm not real. Like I've never been real. Like I'm just walking to the end point, with no purpose. Just waiting to die, so that everyone can stop caring and move on. Even with all of this, I still feel like I'm not going to mean anything when it's over. I'm just… I'm just a tool. That's the truth of it. When I shoot a monster, make a move, dodge a bullet, I'm always going to be doing it on the Foundation's behalf. I don't have an identity. I'm a Foundation Agent. I'm a symbol. I left the field because I didn't want to die a symbol. HE SOBS HARDER JUNO: I don't have a choice now. CASIDIO: I'm… I'm so sorry Juno. JUNO: What do I do, Cas? How do I- what question do I even ask? What do I say? CASIDIO: I don't know. THE DRONE SIGHS CASIDIO: I don't think we have the pleasure of doing this for us anymore. I think… I don't think we have a choice here. I don't think we ever do. RECORDING CUTS OUT RECORDING RESUMES FALLEN TREES SURROUND THE SITE. THE BUILDING IS ALMOST COMPLETELY SMASHED TO PIECES, THE WALLS CAVED IN. SHRIEKS FILL THE AIR. JUNO: You recording? CASIDIO: Yeah. JUNO: Good. Alright, fuckers. Whoever's listening. This is Juno Serapis. I'm about to burn this bitch to the ground. If you're seeing this, then it probably worked. If not… well, blame it on the girl who gave me the gun. CASIDIO: Idiot. Let's just go. THEY SLOWLY MOVE FORWARD. JUNO LEANS AGAINST HIS CANE. SCP-7916 IS CLIPPED ONTO HIS BELT. A DARK SHAPE MOVES FROM THE SITE JUNO: You scared? CASIDIO: Terrified. JUNO: Me too. THEY REACH THE EDGE. A GIANT CREATURE, WITH TRANSLUCENT SKIN, AND A THICK SKULL OVER IT'S GELATINOUS HEAD LUMBERS OUT. JUNO RAISES THE GUN TO SHOOT. CASIDIO: Not yet! We might draw the whole herd's attention. JUNO: How many do you think there are? THE DRONE'S GREEN SCANNER APPEARS AS AN OVERLAY. CASIDIO: 30. JUNO: Shit. What do we do. CASIDIO: I… um. I don't- THE DRONE RUNS A DATA ANALYSIS. INSIDE THE FACILITY, AT THE CENTER, STANDS A LARGE BLACK PORTAL THAT THE CREATURE JUST EMERGED FROM. … Blitz this bitch. THE DRONE FLIES OUT, SPEEDING INTO THE SKY Hey! Look at me! THE DRONE EMITS A HIGH-FREQUENCY NOISE, CAUSING MULTIPLE TO FLINCH, TURNING TO LOOK AT IT. ONE JUMPS TOWARDS IT, SPRINGING HIGH IN THE AIR. Yeah… chase me. //THE DRONE FLIES IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF JUNO. JUNO LEAPS OUT, SHOOTING THE BACKS OF SIX CREATURES. FIVE MORE OF THE SAME SPECIES FALL AS WELL. ONE CREATURE TURNS AROUND, SPOTTING HIM AND CHASING. FOUR MORE BREAK AWAY. HE SHOOTS THREE OF THEM BUT IS CAUGHT BY THE FOURTH, SMACKED IN THE SHOULDER AND SENT SPRAWLING. JUNO SHOOTS BOTH OF THEM FROM THE GROUND, ARM BLEEDING. CASIDIO: Get up! There's a partially intact staircase to your right, you can climb up and snipe them. JUNO GRUNTS, GETTING TO HIS FEET. A TENTACLE REACHES OUT TO GRAB HIM, AND HE STABS THE EYE AT THE END WITH HIS CANE. LIMPING, HE SHOVES THE GUN INTO ITS HOLSTER, SPRINTING UP THE CRUMBLING STAIRS. ONE STEP BREAKS, NEARLY CAUSING HIM TO FALL. HIS CANE FALLS OVER THE LEDGE, AND HE CATCHES HIMSELF, CRAWLING ONTO THE LEDGE. CASIDIO: You okay? JUNO: Yeah! Just- HE HISSES IN PAIN AS HIS SHOULDER SCRAPES THE WALL CASIDIO: Shoot them! JUNO AIMS THE GUN, AND FIRES IN QUICK SUCCESSION. ALL BUT THREE CREATURES ARE SHOT. ONE CLIMBS UP THE WALL, POUNCING ON HIM. JUNO SHOOTS IT IN THE STOMACH, JUST AS IT DRIVES A FANG INTO HIS EYE. JUNO SCREAMS, HIS FACE BLEEDING. ANOTHER CREATURE LUNGES FOR THE DRONE, CAPTURING IT IN HIS PAWS. JUNO: GET AWAY FROM HER YOU- HE UNLOADS FOUR BULLETS INTO THE CREATURE, NEARLY HITTING THE DRONE, THEN HITS THE LAST CREATURE AS WELL. THE BATTLEFIELD IS EMPTY. THE DRONE HITS THE GROUND. JUNO JUMPS OVER THE WALL, LANDING IN A HEAP, AND CRAWLING OVER TO THE DRONE'S SIDE CAS! CASIDIO: Juno… THE DRONE EMITS A GROAN That… the… the portal. JUNO: Cas… CASIDIO: Do it. Please. Just… JUNO: Cas… I… A GROWL IS HEARD FROM BEHIND A CREATURE POUNCES TOWARDS THEM. JUNO SHOOTS IT TWICE, MISSING THE FIRST TIME. THE CREATURE FALLS ONTO HIM, DISSOLVING AS IT TEARS TEETH INTO JUNO'S STOMACH. JUNO FALLS BACKWARDS. CASIDIO: Juno! JUNO: I'm- urgh- I'm- CASIDIO: Are you okay? JUNO: Yeah. Yeah. HIS HAND COMES AWAY FROM HIS STOMACH, COVERED IN BLOOD Shit. Well. I… are you ready? CASIDIO: Yeah. JUNO: Okay. HE SMILES Hey Cas? CASIDIO: What? JUNO: … I think I'm ready to retire for real. CASIDIO: … I hear the Foundation has some great severance packages. JUNO: Bullshit. CASIDIO: … c'mon. Let's finish this. JUNO: … Thanks, Cassidy. CASIDIO: … love you too, Juno. JUNO GRINS. HE FIRES SCP-7916 TWICE INTO THE PORTAL'S CENTER. A WHITE FLASH RINGS OUT. THE SCREEN DIES. INCIDENT REPORT-7916 On August 8th, 2023, Site 112 went offline without warning. Field agents were dispatched, to find that the area around the Superior National Forest, Minnesota, had been destroyed. The ground was burned, and the Site had sustained complete casualties, along with everything within a 10-kilometre radius. The only body still identifiable was that of Agent Juno Serapis, who was holding SCP-7916 at the time. Further testing has discovered the gun empty of bullets, and the function seems to match that of any non-anomalous pistol. After a review of the footage recovered from the drone "CASIDIO", it's been posited that the destruction of the portal caused a reversal of the events which occurred. The Parawatch members have been identified as Violet Olentangy of Dell Rapids, Judith Abakar of Aberdeen, Jamie Barker of Aberdeen, and Delilah "Bramble" Caulder of Brookings, South Dakota. The GOC base located in Ohio is being tracked down, with the hope to apprehend Agent Barbara Thompson for further questioning. The current theory for why reality reversed during the incident is that upon contact, the effects of SCP-7916 destroyed the rift conceptually, creating what could be described as a reverse vacuum. The conceptual force of the alternate reality upon ours was reversed, along with all created or destroyed by its effect. The area around Site-112 that suffered collapse is posited to be the area which the portal was drawing energy from to function. Upon its closure, this area was preserved, in a conceptual grey-area between conceptual linkage and conceptual identity, both of which were destroyed at the same time the effect of SCP-7916 ceased function. A secondary theory ties into the sense of locational memory - with human subjects, memories are retained of items in the event that the subject directly witnesses the destruction. This could be a similar concept, with the area itself acting as a “witness” to the destruction, and therefore having retained its “memories” of it, leaving it unaffected. Due to these events, Agent Juno Serapis has been awarded a post-humous Foundation badge of Courage, as well as Dr. Cassidy Dione, who has been promoted to Site Director of Site 160. After viewing the footage, she confirmed that she had a drone matching the one found at the scene, which had disappeared. EXCERPT FROM THE INDUCTION CEREMONY OF SITE DIRECTOR CASSIDY DIONE A SMALL CROWD STANDS BENEATH A PLATFORM, STARING AT A MIDDLE-AGED BLONDE WOMAN WITH ROSY CHEEKS. DIONE: Hello everyone. I'd like to announce a big change that's going to happen around here. As of recent events, it's been decided that the current measures the Foundation employs to handle XK-Class or apocalyptic scenarios is lacking. As your new Site Director, I've gotten O5 approval to assemble a new Mobile Task Force, specially trained to deal with sudden breaches of a world-endangering scale. THE CROWD MURMURS. DIONE GESTURES TO A FIGURE OFFSTAGE, WHO STEPS ON. DIONE: I'd like to introduce Agent Deanna Lafayette. The first member of the XK-Class Mobile Task Force: The Juno Longwings. SHE SMILES. THE CAMERA CUTS OUT Footnotes 1. The bullet supply is now depleted after the incident on 8.8.23
SCP-7917 By: NDHeckfire Published on 07 Dec 2022 21:57 ▷ Show Code ◁ △ Hide Code △ @import url(;700&display=swap); /* Centered Header Sigma * [2021 Wikidot Component] * By Lt Flops (CC BY-SA 3.0) * Forked from: * Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte * Also based on: * Centered Header BHL by Woedenaz **/ /* ---- VARS ---- */ :root{ --titleColor: hsl(0, 0%, 95%); --subtitleColor: hsl(60, 62%, 85%); --lgurl: url(; } /* ---- SITE BANNER ---- */ #header, div#header{ background-image: none; } #header::before{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; content: ""; background-image: var(--lgurl); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto 9em; opacity: .33; } #header h1, #header h2{ float: none; margin-left: 0; text-align: center; } #header h1 span, #header h2 span{ /* Hide the Existing Text */ display: none; } #header h1 a::before, #header h2::before{ /* Style the New Text */ font-family: "Montserrat", "Arial", sans-serif; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before{ position: relative; bottom: .15em; color: var(--titleColor); font-size: 115%; font-weight: 700; } #header h2::before{ position: relative; top: .1em; color: var(--subtitleColor); font-size: 130%; font-weight: 600; } #header h1 a::before{ /* Set the New Text's Content From Variable */ content: var(--header-title, "SCP FOUNDATION"); } #header h2::before{ content: var(--header-subtitle, "SECURE - CONTAIN - PROTECT"); } /* ---- SEARCH ---- */ #search-top-box{ top: 1em; right: 0; } #search-top-box-form input.button{ margin-right: 0; } #search-top-box-input, #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit], #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus{ border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; font-size: 100%; } /* ---- TOP BAR ---- */ #top-bar{ right: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #top-bar ul li ul{ border-bottom: 1px solid hsl(0, 0%, 40%); box-shadow: none; } /* ---- LOGIN ---- */ #login-status{ top: 1.1em; right: initial; color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); } #account-topbutton{ border-color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); font-size: 100%; } /* ---- PAGE TITLE ---- */ .meta-title, #page-title{ text-align: center; } /* ---- BREADCRUMBS ---- */ .pseudocrumbs, #breadcrumbs{ text-align: center; } /* ---- MOBILE DISPLAY ---- */ @media (max-width: 767px){ #search-top-box{ top: 1.85em; width: unset; } .mobile-top-bar{ position: relative; left: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #login-status{ top: 0; right: 0; } #header .printuser{ font-size: 0; } #header .printuser img.small{ margin: 0; transform: translate(6px, 4px); } #my-account{ display: none; } #account-topbutton{ margin-left: 2px; } } NDHeckfire SCP-7917 - The Worst Distance Between Two People More by me! Site-400's Human Resources Complaint Form Date: 28/07/2020 Reported by: Dr. Dannielle Johallender Position of reporter: ☐ Site Director: ☑ Senior Researcher: Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority (ETTRA) ☐ Junior Researcher: ☐ Field Agent: ☐ On-site Security: ☐ Logistics Personnel: Anonymity: ☑ No | ☐ Yes Report Details: I would like to file a complaint against Junior Researcher William Herschel, of the Department of Humanoid Risk Assessment, for verbal harassment and overall extremely unprofessional conduct. It was around 12:20 PM, during which I was simply doing unrelated paperwork when the malefactor in question suddenly burst into my office unannounced. I could see immediately that he was sweating profusely, with wet spots under his armpits and back, as if he ran a marathon just to get here. He proceeded to lean on the doorway of my office, gasping for breath. I stood up from my chair, concerned, and asked him what was going on. He answered, in between pants, that the reason he came here was to inform me that he thinks that he's an unclassified anomaly. Upon hearing this, my ears instantly perked up, as knowing Site-400's infamous record of employing anomalous personnel, I saw this as a situation of utmost interest. I quickly grabbed a nearby Anomaly Report Form and asked him what he thought he was capable of doing. That was when he said it. In his own repulsive words; "I think I can get myself to your [back orifice]" (suffice to say, he said a much ruder word, but I've taken the liberty of omitting and replacing it with a much civil term). At first, I was utterly confused, but after processing what I just heard, I immediately snapped at him at to get out of my office. If I hadn't known better, I'd say he also looked puzzled. He attempted to regain himself by saying that he was serious, and that "this isn't a joke". I, of course, ignored him, and proceeded to shove him out of my office. Before he could say anything further, I slammed the door on his face. After a couple of minutes, I heard footsteps slowly walking away, and let out a breath of relief. Without delay, I picked out this form and began writing my complaint (as you can see). I will say, however, that I do not think that Researcher Herschel acted as he did willingly, considering the state he was in when he entered my office. Instead, I believe that he'd done this on the grounds of it being some form of a "dare"; possibly orchestrated by his colleagues from the Department of Humanoid Risk Assessment. Maybe the reason they've targeted me specifically was due to my inexperience working here, since ETTRA is still somewhat of a new addition to Site-400. If this is found to be true, and that there are other individuals involved in this cruel prank, I humbly request that they also be penalized accordingly. Item#: SCP-7917 Level3 Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-400 Director Adam Desmond PENDING PENDING Special Containment Procedures: Investigation into the sudden disappearance of SCP-7917-A is still in progress. The Internal Affairs Section along with the Department of Human Resources are currently cooperating with each other in order to hopefully solve SCP-7917. Any Foundation personnel possessing relevant information regarding SCP-7917 are encouraged to report it to their current Adminstration and Oversight officer. Description: SCP-7917 is the designation given to the nature of Junior Researcher William Herschel's disappearance. For the purposes of brevity within this document, Jr. Researcher Herschel is hereafter designated as SCP-7917-A. SCP-7917 was discovered on the 28th of August, 2019, after Dr. Dannielle Johallender of the Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority (ETTRA) filed a HR Complaint relating to "verbal harassment" and "extremely unprofessional conduct" on the part of SCP-7917-A. The very next day, two Human Resources personnel would do a follow-up on the complaint, with them expressing the purpose of visiting SCP-7917-A's office and interviewing him. However, they would find the office to be locked from the inside. An attempt was made to communicate with SCP-7917-A but the personnel did not receive a response. On-site security was contacted to access the office, which was found to be completely vacant. Questioning with some of SCP-7917-A's colleagues revealed that, after he "met with the new ETTRA lady", SCP-7917-A proceeded to lock himself in his office and remained there for the rest of the day. These testimonies were corroborated by the footage of a surveillance camera that was in view of the exterior of the office. Examination of the office itself revealed that it was utterly in shambles, with multiple file folders and pieces of men's clothing strewn about. SCP-7917-A's SCiPnet computer was inspected, with the search history showing recent search prompts relating to humanoid anomalies, specifically how they are handled in terms of treatment and containment. Within the drawer of his personal desk, investigating personnel was able to retrieve SCP-7917-A's notebook journal. The journal mostly consists of unrelated dates and immaterial notes, with the exception of the final page, which seems to have been hastily scrawled with a dull 2B graphite pencil. The page reads: 28/7/20 TEST NUMBER: # ONE HYPOTHEISIS: IF IT LETS ME GO THERE (SOMEHOW?!) THEN IT'LL SURELY BRING ME BACK ALIVE RIGHT? THAT'S HOW IT WORKS FOR THE OTHERS RESULTS: WAIT IF I DON'T FILL THIS PART THEN DOES THAT MEAN I'M The above transcription seems to suggest that SCP-7917-A was under the possession of an unknown anomaly. Investigation into the page's possible correlation with his disappearance is still ongoing. ► Play DR. JOHALLENDER: -so darn frustrating. For some reason, they think that Batherson returning is somehow connected to the Climate Collapse Scenario. No offense, but I don't see how an immortal individual has anything to do with a worldwide K-Class event. (sighs) Though, I must be honest, I'm still interested with that hammer thing we found at- (Door knocking.) DR. JOHALLENDER: Come in? (Wood creaking.) UNKNOWN: Uhh, Dr. Johallender? DR. JOHALLENDER: Yes, and who's asking? UNKNOWN: Umm, Ogden Orville? From Astronomical Research? I made an appointment with you yesterday? DR. JOHALLENDER: Ah, apologies, Dr. Orville. I seem to have forgotten about that. Please come in. And take a seat. DR. ORVILLE: Right, thanks. (Chair scraping.) DR. JOHALLENDER: So, you said you have something of interest to show me? What is it? DR. ORVILLE: I assume you want a little bit of context here. (clears throat) On February 7th, 2021, one of our orbital satellites, SAPHIR-2l3, detected a "physical abnormality" while it was on its regular annual patrol. Uhh, you see, it took a photo of the abnormality and… well, I think it's best if you see it for yourself. (Rustling.) DR. JOHALLENDER: Wait is that… Is that a corpse? DR. ORVILLE: Yeah… Usually we would just file this in an empty SCP slot and be done with it, since these kind of things happen all the time. But after I saw what the corpse was wearing, I immediately thought of showing it to you. DR. JOHALLENDER: Hold on… Let me think for a second. Uhh, where was this picture taken? DR. ORVILLE: Oh, right, sorry. Forgot to mention. SAPHIR took it at Uranus. DR. JOHALLENDER: … I beg your pardon? ■ Stop ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7917" by NDHeckfire, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
GET WELL SOON, MR. PRESIDENT! ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture Features depictions of homophobia. If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page President Reagan, 1981 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7918 is to be stored in Site-134's anomalous media library. Description: SCP-7918 is a videocasette containing an approximately 12-hour long film depicting an individual appearing to be Ronald Reagan in the terminal stages of HIV/AIDS. "Reagan" displays symptoms indicative of Kaposi's sarcoma and Pneumocystis carinii-induced pneumonia throughout.1 As in reality the actual Ronald Reagan died from Alzheimer's disease-related complications, the film's production is assumed to have been anomalous in nature. Addendum 1: Transcript [The film opens on a shot of Reagan in a hospital bed. His face is dotted with purple lesions, and his body is emaciated. He wheezes with every breath.] Reagan: I still remember meeting you that first night at the disco just off Castro Street. You had those tight jeans on that really showed off your ass and that pink polo, the ridiculous one, an outfit choice that would've been batshit in the sunshine but under the mood lights of the dance floor seemed to work out alright. More than alright. I was 23 and two months out of the closet, and you had that long cut, those beautiful brown locks, and when we ended up making out out back by the dumpsters it seemed less like a choice I'd made and more like an inevitable act of fate. Reagan: We didn't have sex that night because I was scared and new and naive, because I'd made an excuse to get away, because being gay didn't exactly cut away my all-consuming fear of intimacy. I woke up the next morning thinking that I'd really fucked it, that for the first time in 23 years I'd found love and thrown it away because I was just that special brand of perennial coward, and I figured this was it, that it was over, that I was going to die alone in my empty one-room studio in the Tenderloin that I could barely cover the rent on, and then I saw you in the booth in the BART and you said hi. And then we did end up having sex that night and things worked out alright, in the moment. [Reagan coughs, blowing mucus into a tissue. He blinks, and his face flickers, the lesions vanishing.] REAGAN: The Carter ads were killer. God did we nail him. Beautiful things, Dick Nixon himself would have been proud, warnings to all god-fearing voters of some dark and sinister group of urban homosexuals pulling the Governor's strings. The gays in San Francisco elected a mayor. Now they're going to elect a president, Carter himself, yes sir, Jimmy from humble Plains, a man who's lusted in his heart. REAGAN: Election night was a work of art, some Renaissance portrait of hate and backlash and Morality. We gave Falwell the knife and god, did he cut. Big chunks of meat. Delicious. I remember skinning rabbits back in Monmouth, it was beautiful, watching the hide slide from the flesh slide from the bone. REAGAN: Morning in America. [The lesions return to Reagan's face. He is silent for an hour and 32 minutes, coughing occasionally throughout.] Reagan: We had different expectations going in. I thought gay dating was just like the other side of the coin, with a little more urgency, maybe — two guys, all testosterone, you can fill in the rest, ha-ha. You date for a few months, hold hands, make doe-eyes, move in, and you're done. Easy enough. Reagan: After a few weeks he started getting bored. Reagan: He tried to take me cruising and I hurled. He mentioned a bathhouse in casual conversation when we were eating at a diner and we fought for the whole rest of the night, him throwing hard-edged words like prude and sexual fascist and me just crying, mostly. He said he was sorry in the morning and I believed him, but we both knew that that was it. Reagan: I spent the next month learning not to love him, and one Friday when he was out I carried everything I owned out of his apartment in two small boxes and just walked, walked deep into the night until I was standing on the Twin Peaks, the two grassy hills overlooking Castro and the city beyond, and I sat there until the sun rose over the Bay and cast pink rays into the overcast sky and the fact that it was over set in, that I was about to live my own life again. Reagan: Another heart, another hole. Reagan: In June the next year the phone rang and he told me that I shouldn't be too worried and it was much more likely that he'd caught it in the interim but he was feeling tired all the time, that he had spots on his thighs and back, that it wasn't a sure thing yet and he was terrified of seeing a doctor but that he just felt I should know, that it wouldn't be fair to let me go into the dark like that. And then, for the first time, I heard him cry. [Several hacking coughs. Reagan scratches at one of the lesions. They slowly fade from his face.] REAGAN: First caught wind of it in a daily briefing, somewhere in the spring of '82. Chuckled. We-e-ell, isn't that something. Few dozen fairies in the ground. Next item, move it along, we've got a lot more on the agenda. REAGAN: Handful of appropriations in some small half-measure bills. Million for the NIH here, five-hundred thou for the CDC there. Wasn't worth the effort to single it out specifically, who cares, let them have their pet projects. Then suddenly they're banging the table and hollering and yelling about twelve million, twelve million in funding for GRID or ACIDS or what was it that they called it now, and you know that was the line. Became a Moral issue. Homosexuals have declared war on nature and now nature is exacting its awful retribution, read the columns — beautiful stuff, couldn't have put it any better. REAGAN: Couldn't shoot it down it outright, would work to their advantage. Could cry and scream about it, talk about it to the press, give it attention. So we stonewalled it, ha-ha. Made some noise about a veto. Let it pass in the end, but they had to claw out every dollar. 644 dead and two months later in the press conference in-between wisecracks from Press Sec. Speakes and the less call it politically correct members of the press pool the claim was made that we'd supported it the whole time, that in that cabinet meeting all those months ago I'd declared it our number one research priority. REAGAN: Some of the really unlucky ones came down with encephalitis. Head straining at the seams, brain inflamed screaming bloody murder. When a skull cracks the sound is something beautiful. Heard it before in Berkeley. Heard it in my dreams those nights in the summer of '82. [Reagan closes his eyes, and falls asleep. The lesions return. After two hours and 35 minutes, he jolts awake, coughing.] [Lesions flicker in and out rapidly from Reagan's face. Some of his features blur.] Reagan: Remember the first time we met, after all those months apart? How much thinner you looked? The purple spots on your face, the dead ringer for sarcoma, the cream you were using to cover them? How we talked about how you'd get back to your job in a few months, back in the BART, how you'd recover just like that. Remember how you stumbled when I walked you back to your car? REAGAN: Remember Watts? Pat Brown? Remember Newark, when National Guardsmen and riot police shot innocent people in the streets, and Middle America cheered them on? Remember thinking you could use this? That the governor's office was only the start, that America was waiting for you, someone who would really establish Law and Order and beat the snot out of the yippies and hippies and the students and the radicals and stop busing, stop integration, "slow down" the attempt to wash the country clean of its sins. Reagan: Remember the hospital? Remember the flowers I brought you, not as many this time because it was your second visit and I figured that the gesture of me being there and just showing up counted more than some day-old peonies that, yes, I also couldn't really afford anyways. Remember how you hurled too? Remember how they said you had crypto-something-or-other, a disease that mostly showed up in sheep? Remember how when I talked about it to the only person I still knew from back home, my buddy Jim, who said he didn't really mind the gay thing much because he knew I was a good guy, deep down, which was really all that mattered in his book, and he said that he'd seen it once, in his neighbor's herd? And how they shot them, how that was the only cure, shooting them? Remember the smile in his voice? REAGAN: Remember the RNC, in '68? The trailer, the sweltering Miami heat, delegate after delegate going aw-shucks well we'd love to vote for you but Nixon, Dick Nixon, we just think he's the one, really. Remember when you realized that just backlash wasn't enough, that hectoring about riots would only get you so far? That America needed a new kind of hate in its soul, a new kind of poison, before you could swallow it whole. Reagan: Remember how they said you didn't have much longer? Remember when I took you to the Twin Peaks, my hands on the wheel because you were already so tired? Remember how we sat together on the park bench, and I put my arm over you, and it was just like old times for a while? Remember how if you squinted, it almost looked like the lights in the Castro were going out one by one, the bath-houses and book-houses and regular houses, decades of liberation being wiped out by a Syndrome? REAGAN: Remember how you were silent? Remember how you said nothing, did nothing, just sat in the Oval Office as the deaths pushed past five, ten, twenty-thousand? Remember how the White House kept pushing for funding cuts, reductions, for the CDC and NIH and all the various labs and hospitals to do more with less? Reagan: Remember the snowflakes, on that December day? How they danced and twisted in the air? Remember how much the plane ticket to North Dakota cost? Remember how I didn't think twice about it? Remember how it was just your mom and a few other friends, some old like Jim, some new like me? You still had your hair, your brown locks, despite everything. Remember when the grave said 1957, and I thought it was funny, that I never asked how old you were. Only about your birthday, which I had been planning something stupid for, all those months ago when you were still healthy and happy and I was still in stupid doe-eyed love. Remember how I didn't talk to anyone else for a few weeks after that? REAGAN: Remember Monmouth? Those lonely sun-lit Illinois days? Remember those boyhood stories you told to those adoring crowds, each the same, trauma, sin, then redemption? Remember the flu, when you were seven? Remember how the fluid filled your lungs, and you were sick for weeks, and how you coughed and coughed? Remember Dixon, the five houses by the river? Remember when the other boys tackled you in football, how you were always on the bottom of the pile, because you were weak, little Ronnie was weak? Remember the purple bruises they left all over your body? Reagan: Remember the spot on my arm, the one I noticed in the shower? And the one I saw two days later on my calf? Remember the cough I developed a week after? [The lesions stop flickering, and settle on Reagan's face. His features are blurry and indistinct. He wheezes quietly for 3 hours and 2 minutes.] Reagan: I think about that first night, sometimes, after I saw you in the BART. I thought about you more, not less, in those anxious months — which tracks with the grief, I guess, but when you're dying from a lethal disease you generally expect your thoughts to be more self-centered. Oh god no, don't take me yet, it's not my time. Reagan: We all have to go eventually, my grandpa said, when I was 15 and old enough to understand the facts of what he was going through but not the real emotional truth behind it. You're invincible when you're young. Death doesn't square with that. Reagan: I was 24 and I guess not so young now, because life does that to you, because years really aren't the only way you age. Reagan: They came to my hospital room with flowers. They had tulips, the same kind that you had in your windowsill, that I woke up to the sound of you watering. My grandpa had cancer, something I hadn't really bothered to learn the details of in typical heartless teenage fashion. His was in the liver, mine was in the skin. He took 5 years. My paranoid guess was six months, but how the hell was I to know? Reagan: I got to leave. You're in and out for most of it, a few weeks in a hospital bed, a few weeks in your own. Tired all the time. No fun, no fun. Just how I lived now. Reagan: Never felt lonely, because I still had you, all those memories. Powerful things on cold nights. You talked about how great a memory you had. Said you could still remember the first time I looked at you. I called bullshit and meant it because this was after one of our bigger fights and I figured it was just an outright ploy, but now I'm not so sure. Reagan: Lights in the Castro going on one by one, faster then they winked out, in Manhattan, in L.A. Humanity, community, support from all corners. [The blurring fades from Reagan's face, although the lesions remain. His appearance is now that of an as-of-yet unidentified male estimated to be around ~25 years of age.] Reagan: One day I'll wake up in your apartment again, I think. I don't know if you'll be there. But I know I'll wake up there one day, with tulips on the windowsill and your polo on the floor, and it'll be comfortable, and it will be warm, and the world outside won't mean much just yet. I'll wake up there in your too-small twin bed looking at the unfinished stucco ceiling and I'll smile. Some day this will all be over and I will be someplace with you because that's what home really is to me, now, and it will be warm and the world will be smiling. And things will be alright. ["Reagan" coughs once, curtly. He is quiet for an hour and two minutes, before giving several hacking coughs after which all signs of life cease. After three hours and fifty-seven minutes, his face returns to that of Reagan's. He looks lost.] REAGAN: When the dam finally burst, when the big names and the celebrities and the Foundations and the Institutes all came crashing down talking about AIDS, this awful epidemic AIDS, I got up on stage and gave a pat twenty-five minute speech that started with an anecdote from my days at the General Electric theater that promised nothing, essentially, just some token measures, bare pittances. No funding, no nothing, the same exact course. REAGAN: The gnawing won. When I looked at myself in the mirror I saw myself as I'd always imagined it. Old weak tired. One day I forgot I had an appointment and then I was out of office, playing golf with Nancy, lying in bed mute staring at the walls dying, dying slowly, dying from the fluid in my lungs. In Monmouth when I was sick they brought me toy soldiers to play with. My own little army. I moved them around and I won battles and won wars. When I started getting better the sunlight shone through the window onto my face and there was a game on, a locker room, the team was waiting for me. I stepped onto the field and the light shone on my face and the crowd cheered, they cheered, and I smiled back at them. Dutch, Dutch, Dutch. The sky went gray and the crowd went quiet and when I opened my eyes they were all around me, worried faces, hoping, crying, Ron, Ron, Ron. Reagan, 1996 Footnotes 1. Conditions linked to opportunistic infections typically triggered by immunosuppression. Common in sufferers of HIV/AIDS. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7918" by Long Arm Larry, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: President Reagan looking at "Get Well Soon Mr. President" - C1497-5A.jpg Name: President Reagan looking at "Get Well Soon Mr. President" - C1497-5A.jpg License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Reagans_with_USS_Ronald_Reagan_model_1996_(cropped).jpg Name: Reagans_with_USS_Ronald_Reagan_model_1996_(cropped).jpg License: Public Domain Source Link:
by Cydhra Item#: 7919 Level2 Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures Agent Mahoni is required to submit to a monthly comprehensive medical exam by Foundation medical staff. Ultrasonic imaging of the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory tract, and the thyroid must complement standard examination procedure. Description SCP-7919 was an anomalously fast tumorous growth visible on ultrasonic, X-ray, and magnetic resonance imaging that was otherwise imperceptible. The only known case of SCP-7919 was identified in Agent Mahoni during a routine medical examination after an unrelated mission. Initially, SCP-7919 was diagnosed as lung cancer and Agent Mahoni was recommended medical leave for civilian treatment. Civilian doctors noticed the unusually high rate of growth of SCP-7919 and tried to reach a Foundation front to ask for Agent Mahoni's medical records. Alerted by the potential anomaly, Foundation personnel took over treatment of the agent and the involved civilian staff were amnestizised. For archival purposes, a series of notes written by acting medical staff Dr. Reichelt are appended below. Standard medical files can be requested at the archive. Addenda Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Interview Patient complains about abdominal pain and difficulty breathing. Patient just returned from field mission in the Black Forest, Germany, where physical contact was made with an anomaly. Patient doubts causal relation, but the ailments started shortly after. Examination Mechanical pressure in upper abdominal region and above right lung elicits pain in patient. Verbal rating scale indicates low to moderate pain, increased by mechanical pressure. Patient submitted to ultrasonic imaging. Ultrasonic imaging revealed presence of stage II tumor in right lung beneath tertiary bronchi. Another tumor may be present in the thyroid, it isn't clear from visual examination. Hormone tests imperative. Patient recommended for civilian treatment. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Preliminaries: Patient transferred back from civilian treatment after anomalies in etiopathology were discovered. Notes: Due to the urgency, Dr. Saidu agreed to consult in Mr. Mahoni's treatment. He is the leading expert on anomalous cancer and immune diseases. And since he is best known for contracting an anomalous form of cancer himself, and curing it before SCP classification was possible, I hope we can find a solution to this cancer too. Interview Patient complains about shortness of breath, chest pain, and reports coughing up blood this morning. Patient further complains about night sweats, vomiting, and constipation. Suspicion of systemic disease. Examination Ultrasonic imaging revealed large tumorous growth along the entire right lung, concentrating on the outer rim. Invasion of great vessels, invasion of tracheal carina. Further, an invasion of the supraclavicular lymph nodes1 is clearly visible but cannot be confirmed through noticeable swelling or physical examination. Metastases visible in left lung and bronchiole. Cancer reached stage IV. Thyroid subject to numerous cancerous growths of varying sizes. Blood tests revealed hypercalcemia2, hypokalemia3, and likely hyperthyroidism4 (lab failed to sufficiently dilute thyroxine concentration into measurable range). CRP5 and Interleukin 66 values are similarly elevated and suggest systemic inflammation with suspicion of imminent immune failure. Remarkably, patient should have pneumonia by now, but no indicators of that are present. Therapy Dr. Saidu ordered immediate combined modality chemotherapy with radiation therapy targeted at secondary tumors. Most of the right lung irretrievably lost. Computer tomography scheduled to ascertain efficacy of surgery. Patient moved to stationary care and provided with Tramadol to mitigate pain. Patient was given a low dose of Zaleplon to help with sleep. Methimazole was administered as a thyrostatic. Supplemental nutrients administered via intravenous therapy. Systemic inflammation not treated so far due to risk of drug interaction. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: Computer Tomography Notes Interview Patient requested his family to be allowed on-site because of his deteriorating condition. I submitted the necessary documents to Ethics, to hopefully bypass some bureaucracy. Patient in severe pain. I gave him morphine, and ordered local anesthetics for emergencies. Patient intermittently confused. Patient complained about the sensation of loose teeth in his mouth and periodically tried spitting out imaginary teeth. Possible brain metastases or severe hormonal imbalance. Examination When the patient was prepared for CT, he vomited. I tried to stabilize him with stasis pills7 to avoid running into issues during the CT, but Dr. Saidu strictly opposed the use of anomalous medication for fear of interaction with an unknown anomaly. I disagree, because the patient's health should come first, but he is the authority on anomalous diseases. So I resorted to Ondansetron intravenously and hoped nothing else would come up during the scan. CT revealed several teratomas in bowels and testicles with fully developed organ structures (reminiscent of accessory spleens). Struma ovarii8 presumed due to severe cancerous growths and severe hyperthyroidism. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: Interview Patient went into coma. Family arrived at site and was allowed to see patient intermittently. Examination Chemotherapy cancelled due to imminent kidney failure. Patient prepared for emergency operation to remove right lung and sample cancer cells. Surgeon failed to locate cancer growths. Extended vivisection revealed entirely healthy lung. Secondary vivisection revealed no tumors in intestines. Kidney and tumor markers exceed measuring range9. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: Patient underwent second CT scan to monitor anomalous growths Interview N/A Examination CT scan revealed teratomas in all extremities, essentially replicating the present tissue and organs down to the bone structure. Tumorous growths in lung, intestines, thyroid, throat, lymph nodes and testicles all formed fully-developed secondary organs. Teratomas positioned at a slight angle relative to their normal counterparts and occupy physical space that is also occupied by the normal organs. No tissue in the patient is unaffected by the tumors/teratomas. I developed a strategy to ascertain the teratomas' nature using esoteric marker substances10, however, Dr. Saidu strictly opposed using esoteric substances inside an unknown anomaly. In collaboration with Applied Occultism I installed thaumic sinks to try and remove Orphic substances11 seeping from the patient. Obviously this is a very crude approach, because thaumic sinks aren't designed for human application, and, moreover, I don't think they will actually solve anything. But maybe I can buy some time by keeping the concentration of esoteric substances lower. I also proposed installing a time dilation seal to the medical unit to buy more time, but Dr. Saidu put a stop order on it, citing dangerous anomalous interaction with an unknown disease. He instead proposed a new medication strategy. Without a way to analyze in vivo, I have little hope of finding a solution in time, though. Not that the Foundation possesses anti-esoteric medication anyway, but I don't see where else to start. I am once again trying to reach Ethics, hoping to circumvent the stop order of Dr. Saidu. Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: I have affixed multiple ultrasonic imaging devices to Mahoni's bed unit to have a permanent, if crude, visual observation of the teratomas. Interview N/A Examination Teratomas merged to form a fully-developed secondary human organism. It is positioned at a slight angle to the patient's physical body, but the angle is decreasing steadily. Dr. Saidu removed the thaumic sinks and barred Applied Occultism from entering the medical unit. I strongly disagree with his strategy of isolation, because at this rate, the anomaly will kill Agent Mahoni. But as the leading expert, the Ethics Committee sided with him. Blood tests show impossible hormone concentrations, and esoteric examination revealed that blood samples are severely contaminated with different esoteric substances. I suppose that explains why the columns12 behaved so unexpectedly. Dr. Saidu instructed me to cease all attempts at saving the patient and to stop administering medication. I issued a formal complaint, but I have little hopes of getting somewhere. This isn't a medical facility after all.13 Personal Notes: Dr. Reichelt Patient: Julian Mahoni Notes: Patient woke up Interview Patient responsive and coherent. Patient reports no pain and is in high spirits. Examination I witnessed the esoteric teratomas merge with the patient's physical body on the ultrasonics. At the exact moment when the teratomas lined up perfectly with their physical organ counterparts, the ECG flat-lined. About four seconds later, before I could even react, the ECG went normal again, and the patient immediately woke up. Blood tests are nominal. Kidney seems in order. Patient displays some minor memory issues. Psych eval scheduled by Dr. Saidu. I read the report of the psych eval. Mahoni seems physically fine and is fit for duty. He was also eager to return to his work immediately, but the psychologist postponed it because of suspected emotional trauma. Apparently, Mahoni displays little affection for his family, and is reluctant to talk about them, or any other relationship for that matter. It somehow bugs me. I saw him talking to his MTF colleagues, and while he is friendly and happy about his wellbeing, he always maintains this cold distance to everyone. It's creepy to witness, but all my complaints fell on deaf ears. He thanked Dr. Saidu, to which Saidu had some smug response. But Saidu is the expert on esoteric diseases, and saved his life somehow, so what do I know. I wonder if he did it the same way with his cancer. I can't delay his release any longer, and Saidu already motioned to classify SCP-7919 as Neutralized. I will talk to the psychologist to hopefully set up some recurring observation. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7919" by Cydhra, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Footnotes 1. A group of lymph nodes above the collarbone 2. Excessive concentration of calcium 3. Insufficient concentration of potassium 4. Excessive activity of the thyroid 5. C-Reactive Protein, a marker protein for inflammation 6. A marker protein for inflammation 7. An anomalous chemical that halts biological processes for a short amount of time 8. Teratoma in the thyroid 9. The laboratory failed to measure markers due to nonsensical concentrations 10. Dr. Reichelt consulted with Applied Occultism to develop an experimental imaging technique relying on esoteric interaction of non-physical substances. Details are under purview of Applied Occultism and can be requested with Level 02 credentials. 11. Orphic materials are esoteric substances not adhering to Euclidean geometry, and, at the time, were the leading theory of Dr. Reichelt for the impossible configuration of Agent Mahoni's teratomas. 12. The part of a chromatograph where the analyzed substance is separated 13. The complaint was dismissed by the Ethics Committee, because due to the experience of Dr. Saidu regarding controlling anomalous diseases, his concerns about an uncontrolled esoteric disease amplified by uneducated interference outweighed Dr. Reichelt's concerns about Agent Mahoni's wellbeing.
SCP-7920 - There Are No Gods Here written by cubeflix Image Credits: Mega cool ACS icon from header.png is from fishbowl.jpg is from stars.png is from, edited by me obelisk.png was created by me, in Blender. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} /* Foxtrot Sigma-9 Theme [2022 Wikidot Theme] By Liryn */ /* FONTS */ @import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap'); @import url(';800&display=swap'); @import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); @import url(';700&display=swap'); @import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); @import url(''); @import url(';900&display=swap'); @import url(',wght@0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700&display=swap'); /* VARIABLES */ :root { /* VARIABLES > Core */ --header-title: "SCP Foundation"; --header-subtitle: "SECURE, CONTAIN, PROTECT"; --logo-img: url(; --darkmode-logo-img: url(; --logo-opacity: 14%; --head-font: 'Sans Normalcy'; --ui-font: 'IBM Plex Sans'; --mono-font: 'JetBrains Mono', 'Fira Code', monospace; 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Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force RPCF Site-901 Dr. Adam Gardner Dr. Adam Gardner ATF Alef-901-א (“Araphel’s Wanderers”) SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES Remote Provisional Containment Facility Site-901 has been constructed around SCP-7920’s supposed location. Assigned Task Force Null-901-µ ("Araphel's Wanderers") is to maintain Perimeter L3-12 surrounding Site-901. They are to monitor the anomaly for any changes and report such deviations to SCP-7920's Head Researcher. Access to SCP-7920’s containment chamber is restricted to members of the OVERSEER COUNCIL. Research is underway.1 DESCRIPTION SCP-7920 designates an object, phenomenon, entity, or concept located at [COORDINATES REDACTED], in Blau, Sweden. While the exact nature of SCP-7920 is unknown, local Akiva readings around the anomaly measure at exactly 0.0.2 Currently, SCP-7920 is the only known anomaly to exhibit this property. The appearance of SCP-7920 varies; see ADDENDA. ADDENDUM 7920-1 — RECORDING ONE On 2025/09/01, Dr. Adam Gardner entered SCP-7920 with a monochrome camera. The following log was recorded. Recording One (Transcript) [BEGIN LOG] [The camera begins to record as Dr. Gardner enters the containment chamber. The interior of the chamber appears to be a beige-colored room decorated similarly to a classroom. Posters and drawings line the walls and the floor is littered with papers and pencils. Throughout the room, there are multiple desks, and at the front of the room is a large black chalkboard. Seated at the desks are young humanoid entities (designated STUDENT-1 through STUDENT-5) and standing at the front of the room is a larger humanoid entity (designated TEACHER).] TEACHER: —can tell me? How many stars have fallen through the sky? How many stars have died? [STUDENT-2 raises his hand.] STUDENT-2: Another one. One more has fallen. TEACHER: Good, good. Now, tell me: where do we now stand? [STUDENT-3 raises his hand. Small pinpricks of light appear on his hand.] STUDENT-3: We stand in the home of butterflies. TEACHER: Wrong. An angel has been slain. [STUDENT-3 dematerializes in a burst of light. A purple butterfly appears in his place.] STUDENT-1: A graveyard! We stand in nothing. TEACHER: Correct. [A loud sound similar to flapping wings can be heard. The TEACHER-entity turns purple.] TEACHER: Now, who enters our midst? [All the STUDENT-entities turn to stare at the camera. The camera shakes slightly.] STUDENT-2: Someone to fill our place. Water fills a hole in the ground and a king fills a throne. TEACHER: Good. Now, tell me the name of god. [Silence.] TEACHER: Tell me the name of god. [In the background, a sound similar to dripping water can be heard.] TEACHER: Tell me the name of god. STUDENT-5: [Unintelligible. Squelching.] [STUDENT-5 transforms into a large chrysalis. The camera begins to shake. A purple light engulfs the video.] TEACHER: Salvation. [A loud metallic grinding noise is audible and begins to grow in volume.] [END LOG] Directly after Dr. Gardner exited the containment chamber, SCP-7920’s Akiva levels increased to 102.1. By a unanimous vote of the Ethics Committee, Dr. Gardner is currently being held in Site-39’s hospital wing in a medically-induced coma. ADDENDUM 7920-2 — INVESTIGATION Around the location of SCP-7920’s discovery, the following objects were recovered: Approximately one (1) liter of human blood, spread on the ground.3 Fourteen (14) dead purple butterflies. Two (2) still-burning bonfires (since extinguished). One (1) Glock 17 (loaded). One (1) human corpse.4 One (1) ornate golden crown embedded with purple jewels, stained with a large amount of butterfly blood. Constantly emits an Akiva level of ~4.5. The words “There are no gods here.” are etched on the back.5 The body of Dr. Adam Gardner shows the following symptoms: Advanced necrosis. Flesh has ceased necessity and has been discarded. Consciousness reification. Meta-noögenesis. Ascension from physical form. Hyperactive Akiva emissions. Ambient reality-altering effects. Febrile neutropenia. Through intensive anomalous testing, the Department of Tactical Theology have determined the following facts regarding SCP-7920 with various degrees of certainty: DESCRIPTION DEGREE OF CERTAINTY Object is alive. 12.12% Object was alive. 95.25% Object exists. 15.2% Object does not exist. 84.8% Object was/is deific. 96.22% Object is man-made. 12.17% Object was murdered. 95.33% A hole where a god once was is being filled. 99.99% ADDENDUM 7920-3 — RECORDING TWO On 2025/09/22, the OVERSEER COUNCIL voted unanimously to initiate PROJECT BLACK LOTUS and entered SCP-7920’s containment chamber. The Ethics Committee raised dissent— however, due to pressing circumstances, including the recent loss of Site-515 and Site-906, the completion of the project was necessitated and the Committee’s dissent was vetoed. The following log was recorded. Recording Two (Transcript) [BEGIN LOG] [The OVERSEERS enter the containment chamber. They are standing inside a large circular cavity. The walls are pink and slimy, organic in appearance, slightly squishy to the touch. Dotting the walls are small holes, about ten centimeters in diameter each, filled with a harsh golden light. Every couple of seconds, the entire cavity shakes, bouncing the camera up and down. At the end of the cavity, there is a light.] [The camera moves towards the light, and the OVERSEERS step into it.] [Inside it appears to be a small hospital room. In the center of the room is a bed, surrounded by IV pumps. Lying in the bed is a man in a hospital gown. His eyes are closed.] O5-12: Who are you? O5-5: Is that… Adam? MAN: No. Not anymore, I don’t think. O5-5: Then who are you? MAN: Hard to say for certain. [Pauses.] Have you read the Theology report? O5-7: How do you know about that? MAN: Answer the question. O5-5: Yes, we have. MAN: Then you’d know who I am. [An IV pump begins to beep.] O5-11: What is this place? MAN: Here? It’s a hole. A very big one. Large enough to fit a man… large enough to fit a god. It’s… whatever you want it to be, I guess. O5-11: What does that mean? [The beeping increases in volume. Suddenly, the scene shifts. The hospital room slowly transforms into a bedroom and the hospital bed becomes a large white king-sized bed. The IV pump’s beeping is replaced with that of an alarm clock’s.] O5-11: What have you become? MAN: I’ve filled the place of what used to exist here. You tell me. O5-6: How? MAN: A star supernovas and a new star is formed in its dust. Have you forgotten the number of dead stars? [A pause. The beeping grows louder. Holes appear in the ceiling, in which long pink fleshy tentacles begin to protrude out of. They writhe in the air. The OVERSEERS do not take notice.] O5-11: [Angrily.] What is the name of god? MAN: No. O5-6: Answer him, coward. What is the name of god? [The alarm clock continues to beep.] MAN: Adam. [O5-6 slaps the MAN in his face. He winces. Burned into his forehead are three inward-facing arrows.] O5-11: Tell me the name of god. [Silence. The beeping stops. O5-11 smiles. Gunshot.] [END LOG] Dr. Gardner was terminated in his hospital bed via gunshot by Overseer order on 2025/09/23 at exactly 11:55 UTC. His body has been incinerated. ADDENDUM 7920-4 — TESTIMONY Testimony F2-51927A2D-6 [BEGIN LOG] [REDACTED]: What did you see? SUBJECT: It's all fuzzy now, I— [REDACTED]: What did you see? [Silence.] SUBJECT: There was a mountain, I think. I was in a valley. It was dark. There were… a few stars in the sky. Faint. [Silence.] SUBJECT: The mountain was bare. Completely bare. There was only white snow and rock. It was— it was cold. [REDACTED]: And? SUBJECT: It was just around midnight when it happened. [Pauses.] It started with a screech. This— this horrible, wretched screech, like an animal being killed, but… unnatural, somehow. It filled the entire valley. It was trying to say something, I think, but… it was just so fucking loud. [Silence.] SUBJECT: And suddenly… the whole valley was suddenly lit in this bright red light, like it was day again. But there was no sun in the sky, just a horrible red star with three blistering white lines around it. It looked like a sigil, almost. [REDACTED]: What else did you see? SUBJECT: Over the red glow, there was a pitch black silhouette, like a hand, reaching over the star. It blocked the light from the star, for just a moment, until…. There was a sound, like a gunshot, and then… silence. [Silence.] SUBJECT: The whole mountain was drenched in dark, like nothing had ever happened. The light was gone. [Pauses.] I can still hear it sometimes. [Silence. Quiet sobbing.] SUBJECT: I— I know it wasn't a dream. [END LOG] ADDENDUM 7920-5 — RECORDING THREE On 2025/10/06, the OVERSEER COUNCIL entered SCP-7920’s containment chamber once again in order to determine the efficacy of PROJECT BLACK LOTUS. Recording Three (Transcript) [BEGIN LOG] Context unknown. [The OVERSEERS enter the containment chamber. Its interior appearance now matches its intended appearance; a large concrete room with a blast-proof door at the end. Inside the chamber, however, is a polished mahogany table with thirteen seats surrounding it.] O5-7: Where are we? [The chairs all turn to face the entrance. The sound of wind can be heard over the camera’s microphone, although with no discernible source.] O5-11: We’ve filled it. We’ve filled the hole. [The room is suddenly bathed in a purple glow. On the wall opposite the entrance, a massive sigil is carved into the concrete. Three inward-facing arrows pierce a circle. The OVERSEERS walk towards the table.] [They sit down.] [Suddenly, the ceiling splits into two pieces, and crumbles away into dust. Above the ceiling is a massive black sky, dotted with thousands of stars.] O5-3: It’s… beautiful. [The stars shift and align, and form a massive sigil in the cosmos, identical to the one etched into the wall. A metaphysical deity bows down to the OVERSEERS.] O5-11: This is it— our throne. [END LOG] Akiva emissions from SCP-7920’s chamber have increased to 516.8. ADDENDUM 7920-6 — INFORMATION LOCKED RAISA NOTICE By the authority of the OVERSEER COUNCIL, the following file has been classified LEVEL 6/COSMIC TOP SECRET. Unauthorized access is forbidden. SECURE - CONTAIN - PROTECT The following is a message composed via consensus of the OVERSEER COUNCIL. ID: O5-127A85D LEVEL 6/COSMIC TOP SECRET VIEWING DECRYPTED MESSAGE. Context unknown. Following the successful completion of PROJECT BLACK LOTUS and the containment of SCP-7920, the Foundation now represents a Class-VI Deific entity. At this time, the OVERSEER COUNCIL represents the godhead6 of the Foundation and will see this organization to its end. Due to the current status of the Foundation, the Trinity Directive7 has been etched into the fabric of metaphysical reality. Systemic worship and widespread internal reorganization will continue to ensure the deific status of the Foundation. The OVERSEERS have been briefed on Class-Thaumiel contingency: PROTOCOL 999-SERAPH and are currently the primary executors of Section 2.5 (Theocide). Crimes have been preemptively justified. Remote Provisional Containment Facility Site-901 has been re-designated as Site-01. SECURE - CONTAIN - PROTECT Reclassification to Thaumiel pending. ADDENDUM 7920-7 — REVISED DOCUMENTATION Context unknown. ITEM №: SCP-7920 OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: The containment of SCP-7920 falls under the direct purview of the OVERSEER COUNCIL. Standard matters of classification and containment previously handled by the OVERSEER COUNCIL are now to be handled by the Department of Oversight. All Foundation and Foundation affiliate employees are to be briefed on PROTOCOL 999-SERAPH and must abide by all religious specifications. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7920 has been contained. Further information is not available at this time. Footnotes 1. From the Classification Committee Esoteric Class Handbook, Volume IV: Skótos-class: Research and documentation of the item is still in progress or severely lacking. 2. Under standard ζ-χ denominations. 3. DNA testing inconclusive. 4. Moved to storage at Site-39. 5. Moved to storage at Site-39. 6. See Pritchett, et al., 2007. 7. Secure, Contain, Protect.
 close Info X And it all crashes down And you break your crown And you point your finger, but there's no one around Just want one thing, just to play the king But the castle crumbled and you're left with just a name Where's your crown, King Nothing? ( King Nothing - Metallica ) SCP-7921 - The Gift From God Troutmaskreplica's author page Item#: 7921 Level1 Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Due to the antimemetic effect and time in which the event occurred, no action was necessary to contain. Foundation agents are to monitor the town of Wallowdale for similar events. Description: SCP-7921 describes an event in Wallowdale, Ohio, in which a structure1 was spontaneously replaced by SCP-7921-1, a small home constructed of wattle, straw, and wet soil. SCP-7921-1 itself is non-anomalous, although the techniques and materials used in its construction date back to the 12th century. While researching the event, multiple files were found believed to be related to SCP-7921. The files were suspected to be written during the same period that SCP-7921-1 was constructed. The following are digital recreations of the files, translated from medieval French: Location Name: Celestial Citadel of Everlasting Radiance Basic Description: Behold, a mighty bastion of strength and power, a symbol of the lord's might and station! Constructed of brick and stone, and adorned with bright shades of the sky's own hue, this fortress stands as a testament to the divine will of our Lord. 'Twas built upon the wish of a noble lord, to replace his humble abode and become his new seat of power. Its halls are many, filled with all manner of wonder and magic. A cellar, deep and dark, to store the lord's provisions and keep them fresh and pure. A throne room, filled with mysterious devices and machinery, where the lord holds court and dispenses justice. A dining hall, where the lord's subjects may gather and feast in his presence. Lo and behold, within the hallowed halls of this mighty fortress, there layeth some ancient tomes, their script unknown to us mere mortals. It is whispered that these cryptic pages contain the knowledge of powerful beings beyond the almighty Lord, and we can only speculate at the might and wisdom held within their pages. It came to pass that the Pope of the Holy See, a great and revered figure of the faithful, did visit the Celestial Citadel, a symbol of the Lord. With a heart overflowing with holiness, he blessed the structure with protection, that it may stand tall and proud for all eternity. In his infinite wisdom, he did choose to preform a most sacred rite within the halls, for he saw a babe in need of the savoring waters of baptism. And so he called forth an object of strange design made of metal. He deemed it fit for the task at hand and, with a steady hand, lowered the innocent child into the device, offering prayers to the heavens. All of this, and more, bears witness to the hand of the Almighty in its creation. Such was confirmed by the words of the noble Sir Walter, who hath brought us this news. Verily, the appearance of this grand structure was brought forth through the divine intervention of the Almighty! 'Twas said that the noble Sir Walter, king of the domain, formerly but a weak peasant, was granted audience with the Lord in a vision most wondrous. There, he beheld the Lord, garbed in raiment of the finest cloth, and did bow low in reverence. And lo, the Lord did grant unto Sir Walter a gift most generous, a new abode of surpassing splendor. Sir Walter, filled with joy and gratitude, returned to his lands and there beheld the structure, newly arisen from the earth. And so, he did contact the Society of Well Meaning Philosophers, and they did convene in council to consider the matter. After due reflection, they have determined to bring this bastion under their care, to preserve it for generations yet to come. Whilst the abode of Sir Walter hath vanished, he doth seem unfazed, declaring that naught of worth was therein, merely accepting the Lord's alternate gift. Update: And so it came to pass that news of the mighty bastion of the Lord spread far and wide across the lands. Many were kings who grew envious of its power and grace, and they set forth to barter with the Society of Well Meaning Philosophers for a chance to possess it. The Foundation, in their wisdom, sought to defuse these tensions and broker peace, offering counsel and aid to all who sought their help. Yet, amidst all their efforts, there was one king who remained unconvinced, driven mad by his covetous desires. But fear not! Our Sir Walter remains valiant and powerful, as we will not back down amidst these dark times. Update: The king, consumed by greed, demanded the holy structure for himself and threatened war upon those who refused. The SWMP Foundation, fearing for the safety of their home and the land, called forth the bravest knights to defend the structure. And so, it came to pass that a great battle was fought, a conflict of arms and will. The air was filled with the sounds of steel clashing, the ground soaked with the blood of brave men. And amidst the fray, the kings themselves took up arms, leading their armies in a struggle for dominance. Update: Alas, despite all efforts of the Society of Well Meaning Philosophers to prevent its fall, the great kingdom hath become embroiled in a bloody and devastating war. The envious king, consumed by his covetous desire for the great kingdom of the Lord, did raise an army and lay siege to the bastion itself. And lo, the people did rally to its defense, willing to lay down their lives in the name of their Lord and sacred edifice that was their symbol of hope. But despite the bravery of the defenders, the tide of war did turn against them. Kingdom after kingdom did fall, until only a handful of faithful remained, clinging to their beliefs and their holy structure, even as it fell into disrepair and neglect. Yet still, the people held fast, determined to protect their Lord's symbol of hope and power, even as the kingdom around them crumbled. For them, the Celestial Citadel was worth more than gold or jewels, and they would defend it with their very lives. Even in the darkest days of war and destruction, did we cling to our faith and the hope that one day, the Citadel would be reformed to its former glory. Update: We failed. We watched with heavy hearts as the once-great kingdom crumbled and fell, the gift from the Lord himself, the source of so much strife and suffering, still stood, testament to the power and resolve of those who fought for it. But now, as the final days of the Society approached, the members were filled with a desperate hope. For in the midst of war and destruction, they saw a glimmer of salvation. They sent forth their most trusted emissaries, carrying with them pleas for peace and a halt to the violence. Alas, their pleas fell on deaf ears. The lords and ladies of the realm, consumed by their own desire for power and glory, would not listen. The Celestial Citadel became the center for the final battle, with warriors from all corners of the kingdom gathering to fight and die for it. Update: Greetings, friend and companions, We write to thee with heavy hearts, filled with despair and fear. The great and holy structure, the symbol of our Lord's grace and favor, has fallen to the relentless violence of war. The very walls have crumbled, the roof has caved in, the windows have shattered, and all that remains is but rubble and ash. The foundations of our world, the very foundation of our beliefs, have been shaken to their core. The once-great bastion of strength and power, where the Lord held court and dispensed justice, is now nothing but ruins. The final battles for control over the structure were fought with such desperation, that it seemed as though the very fabric of the world was being torn asunder. We fought until out last breath, determined to possess the symbol of power and grace. And now, all that remains is the desolate silence of a ruined land. The once-vibrant kingdom has fallen into darkness, the grace of God has been absent. The Society of Well Meaning Philosophers, which has stood guard over the holy structure and many similar for so long, is now itself on the brink of collapse, our members scattered and its purpose lost. We can only pray that in the aftermath of this great tragedy, the lord puts mercy on us for destroying ourselves over his great gift. But for now, all we can do is bear witness to the end of days, and offer up our last prayers for the salvation of our souls. And thus, as the ink of this record runs dry, and the winds of war howl outside of shattered doors, the Society of Well-Meaning Philosophers, who once kept the Celestial Citadel shining and strong, hath but one last desperate plea. We beg of all who read this, do not repeat the mistakes of our past. Do not let greed and envy consume you, leading you down a path of destruction. If the end of all days hath not yet come, remember the Citadel, and the lesson it hath taught us. Remember the beauty, and the price that was paid. May the Lord have mercy on our souls, and may He guide us to a better future. Attached is a transcription of the symbol that was adorned on the Celestial Citadel, do not forget us. Yours in despair, The Society of Well Meaning Philosophers. Below is the attached file. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7921" by TroutMaskReplica, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Old paper1.jpg Name: Old Paper 1 Author: Unknown author License: Public Domain Source Link: Footnotes 1. It is unknown at the time of writing what structure it was, as an antimemetic effect seems to have caused people within the town to forget what was originally there.
 close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: Depictions of suicide and terminal illness ⚠️ content warning A piece of vector art created by PoI-48432 during a SCP-7922 event. According to metadata from the subject's copy of Adobe Illustrator, the creation of this image took 13.7 seconds. Item: SCP-7922 Special Containment Procedures: While SCP-7922 cannot be physically contained, the prerequisites to generate an SCP-7922 event are extremely specific and improbable due to the following environmental factors: Modern medical practices, i.e. widespread usage of the rabies vaccine and antiserum treatment. The fact that a human subject vulnerable to SCP-7922 would not reasonably be given the tools to initiate an event. The likelihood of death before a human subject enters the paralytic phase of rabies. Unintentional execution of an SCP-7922 event, while hypothetically possible, is improbable. Even so, the Foundation is to discreetly monitor every human case of rabies that advances past the prodromal phase. Foundation webcrawlers are to monitor the Internet for any online discussions that could lead to the intentional execution of SCP-7922, and suppress them accordingly. Should another SCP-7922 event occur, all works generated by the human subject are to be confiscated for analysis. EMERGENCY EDIT: Following Experiment-7922-Alpha, experimentation involving the initiation of SCP-7922 by Foundation personnel are forbidden. Description: SCP-7922 is a phenomenon that only occurs when the following conditions are met: A human subject contracts rabies. The subject's illness progresses to the paralytic phase. During the paralytic phase, the subject is given a means to create visual art or poetry (such as a computer, a typewriter, paper and writing utensils, or a canvas and paint). Once the medium is given, an SCP-7922 event will begin. The subject will abruptly regain consciousness, use the medium to create as much artwork and/or poetry as possible for one hour, then die of cardiac arrest. The creation of these works is done at a superhuman pace. One notable case, PoI-49399, was able to write a total of 2,504,393 words in one hour. All works share a single subject: praises to a deity named NÅZHDAK. There have been a total of 47 recorded SCP-7922 events since its discovery. Addendum 1 - Initial Occurrences: The first recorded SCP-7922 event took place on August 27th, 1978. Marcin Wozniak, an Alberta-based performance artist, left the following log of his experience. March 18th April 19th May 20th May 26th June 1st August 27th Brothers and sisters of the International Hell Yeah, hear my cry… If you can read this, Papa Marcy's got some pretty bad news for ya. Some of you may recall that when I was doing my stupid little lecture at the University of Montreal, I brought up that I was having a "real stubborn toothache". Would you believe it, the toothache was an everything-ache. It's an oral tumor! Cancer! I'm gettin' murdered by a zodiac sign, and not even one of the sexy ones! The little bastard's dug himself in too deep in my gums to yank him out. The doctors said the only way to keep me over the clover would be chemotherapy. "Oh yeah, that sounds like a GREAT idea! Lemme just chug atom bomb juice until this Mane of Peace I've been growing since 1963 packs its bags and moves to the dumpster." Now, I ask you: does that sound like a thing I would say? NAY, MY BROTHERS! MARCY IS UNDAUNTED! But I'm not about to let Mr. Tumor have his way, neither. I'm gonna take my death sentence into my own hands, like Socrates. Mourn me not, for this will be my magnum opus. I call this piece: "DEFTLY SPELUNKING THRU THE CURTAIN OF FUCK." I will delve into the most forbidden place in the human psyche. I'll go somewhere that not even acid can take me. A place of madness from which I can never return. Once I dive in, I can only peek my head above the water for just a moment, to tell everyone else what I've seen, only to drown immediately thereafter. In layman's terms, I've just gone and teased a couple hundred bats at my grandma's old farm. As I type this, I've been chained to my king-size bed in Medicine Hat. Some of my colleagues from the museum are taking care of my daily needs. There's a typewriter on my lap. From this moment on, I'm gonna do nothin' but eat, sleep, piss, shit, write poetry, and die of rabies. But that second-to-last one takes the first priority. That's right, for the first time in human history, you're gonna see the swan song of a rabies patient. Who knows where my mind is gonna be in that state? Will it be nonsense? Or will it be forbidden truth? There's only one way to find out. So with that, adieu. Don't nobody try to stop me — even if I start to doubt myself, this journey to the center of the mind is too stupid to quit now. If this is bullshit, then I am a gladiator of bullshit. Me who is about to die salutes y'all. oh my fucking god this was a mistake ("KILL ME" repeated 598 times) s ssss s s s ssssdlkjbgs sssss ss s s ssss s s s ss s hfJjhlgjl;;kFBDbjfslajfdsbjafs COCKS gjskaal nO the hunt will welcome me with open fist insert my heart into your mouth and bite and hear it snap and let us consummate you are my iron mandate given flesh to rend what's in the path of barebacked will perseverance of severance of all i prostrate for your delectation lord i mount the milk white steed into the storm a concubine a cow a cavalier all three and more i am for you o prince the burden i accept with trembling hands from you who sounds the sevenfluted horn and leads the masses clad in breathing mail against the weaver's treason still i weep for when the weaver's banner first i saw in dreams that i had yet to comprehend NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX EIGHT BECOME ONE EIGHT BECOME ONE EIGHT BECOME ONE give me the iron snake right the fuck now give me the iron snake right the fuck now give me the iron snake right the fuck now pickpocket these eyes from me pickpocket these eyes from me pickpocket these eyes from me you promised you promised you promised i love you i love you i love you fold my face into an origami handmaiden fold my face into an origami handmaiden fold my face into an origami handmaiden i will pick the finest sausages for you i will pick the finest sausages for you i will pick the finest sausages for you NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX NÅZHDAK NAI VORO DAHAX (It was at this point that Wozniak had run out of paper that he hadn't already destroyed.) Following his funeral that September, Canadian police arrested Wozniak's friends who helped him with the experiment. (Assisted suicide was illegal at the time.) Among them was his wife, Audrey Wozniak, who took the sole copy of the last entry with her to prison. Mrs. Wozniak mailed the poem to her former colleagues at the Toronto University of Art with an explanation of what had transpired. In 1982, one of Mrs. Wozniak's former students, hereafter PoI-49933, attempted to recreate the experiment. PoI-49933 left the following record of her attempt. Preface SCP-7922-affected Entry (excerpt) Dear Mrs. Wozniak, As much as you warned me — I'm sorry, but I'm too curious. And considering how my life is going, there's nothing left to lose anyway. I've got my ex-boyfriend Keith on deck for keeping me in the same place. My parents think we eloped. For the love of God, destroy this letter after you've seen it. I know it didn't work out between Keith and I, but since he's willing to go this far to help me out, he doesn't deserve to go to jail about it. If anything came of the plan, it'll be on the enclosed document. For legitimacy, Keith's gonna try to catch the part where I write the poem on film. Your husband was a great artist. He would have wanted me to find out more about this "Nasdaq" thing. (Maybe the stock market's fucking with our minds.) At any rate, I know you're angry with me and probably hate my guts about this. But we're gonna have to agree to disagree, because I'll never forget you. …NÅZHDAK HAS THREADED HIS IRON SNAKE THROUGH MY EARS AND MY BRAIN IS PLAYING DOUBLE DUTCH AND have you ever noticed how there are so many things with legs and lungs and teeth and nails that go around without being shot in their bitch face i can't even begin to SLEEP IN THE SUBWAY, DARLING / DON'T STAND IN THE POURING RAIN / DON'T SLEEP IN THE SUBWAY, DARLING / THE HUNT IS YOUNG / FORGET YOUR FOOLISH FLESH / NOTHING'S WRONG / NÅZHDAK HOWLS FOR YOUR STRENGTH firststarprinceKHUUM secondhuntprinceNÅZHDAK thirdverminprinceABBAD fourthfireprinceMUZD fifthloveprinceROUM sixthseaprinceHAJHETI seventhorderprinceJALAKÅRA eighthforgottenprinceVUUOU one of these things is not, like, the oth-errr and now o my brothers you will viddy the malenky horrorshow story of the time I went OFF TO SEE THE WIZAAARD, THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF the variety of ways in which the Spanish Insquisition applied torture to those who they perceived to be heretics. For example, there was an item called the "breast ripper" that did exactly what you'd expect it's not unusual to be loved by anyone / it's not unusual to have fun with anyone / but when I see your c o n t i n u e d r e f u s a l t o a c c e p t t h e b e a r e r o f t h e h o r n a t t h e f r o n t o f t h e a d v a n c i n g c h a o s a c r o s s t h e p l a i n s o f t h e w e a v e r ' s b l a s p e mE / C IS FOR COOKIE, THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME / OH, COOKIE, COOKIE STARTS WITH C / HEY, YOU KNOW WHAT? A ROUND COOKIE WITH ONE BITE OUT OF IT LOOKS LIKE A Strider's festering eyeball at the top of a moonlit standardized testing… It is important to note that these events are not exclusive to Dr. Wozniak and his associates. For example, one of the few accidental SCP-7922 events took place in Johannesburg, South Africa in May of 1985. The incident began when a ballpoint pen fell in the bed of a comatose rabies patient, PoI-59592. The subject broke free of his restraints and drew a mural on the wall of his hospital room. The mural depicted a three-headed godlike figure with the features of both a human and a weasel. The figure blew into a large spiral hunting horn with seven holes on the side. Addendum 2 - Experiment-7922-Alpha: In January of 2021, researcher Edwin Wallace of Site-59 reported that he had been diagnosed with a terminal illness.1 Having expressed great interest in SCP-7922 in the past, Wallace volunteered to end his life in an experimental emulation of the procedure. On June 4th, 2021, Researcher Wallace initiated an SCP-7922 event, and proceeded to write the following: I AM ANOINTED BY THE DISEASE AND SUMMONED UNTO THE BATTLEFIELD NÅZHDAK YOU HAVE UNPEELED THE FORESKIN OF MY VIRGIN EYEBALLS UNTO THE TRUTH MY LIFE IS YOURS I LOVE YOU I NEED YOU I WAIT WHAT THAT'S IT?? ARE YOU SURE? BECAUSE I CAN DO MORE, IF YOU'D LIKE. UHH I MEAN, I'M NOT COMPLAINING, LESS WORK FOR ME. BUT IF YOU NEED ANYTHING ELSE, LET ME KNOW OK? HERE YA GO, MASTER: ████████████████2 ██████████████████████████████3 ███████████4 ███████████████████████████5 ███████████████████████████████████████6 (The note ends here, as Wallace was shot by security personnel before he could continue.) Footnotes 1. (The specific illness remains undisclosed as per the Foundation Employee Privacy Charter, but it was not anomalous.) 2. The password for [REDACTED] 3. The onsite nuclear warhead activation code for Site-59. 4. The location of [REDACTED] 5. [DATA EXPUNGED] 6. [5/001 CLEARANCE REQUIRED] ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7922" by daveyoufool, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: nahzdak.jpg Author: daveyoufool License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
Item #: SCP-7923 Special Containment Procedures: Don't read this if you're not in the Surrealistics Department. SCP-7923 instances must be submitted to the Vibe Check Committee (VCC) of no fewer than 5 (five (5)) Surrealistics Department personnel. Instances identified as probably SCP-7923 are to be immediately terminated. Description: Right. So. You've got the typical states, see, of Alive and Dead. And whilst, in the strictest sense, you might argue for some degree of continuity betwixt the two, like sleep, or orgasm: an organism's Alive or it is Dead. But there is also definitely this third category, of Undead, right? Like, zombies and stuff, we have a few, I've seen 'em. Where the biological trappings of blood and guts and such aren't doing what they used to do, but there's still the presence of animacy and will, where there's still a soul puppeting the thing around. And everyone gets that there's something wrong going on there. So. We found a guy, in a suit, in the cafeteria. And, like, I could tell, right, something was off. Just the look of him. There didn't seem to be any light behind his eyes. And so I got to talking to some of the guys (Surrealistics guys) about it, and they said, yeah, I've seen him too, struck me as odd, but didn't think about it much. And then we looked closer, and we noticed that he wasn't… moving. Like, right, his heart was still pumping, and his brain was still doing all the brain stuff, we checked with an EEG, there's signals there, but he's just like… staring. Seemed a bit like hypnosis? Like he was responding to pain stimuli in the sense of base physical reactions, right. You know how if you stick your hand in a fire, you'll reflexively pull it back, right, that kind of thing. But nobody in the cafeteria seemed to notice he was there? So me and the guys went and checked the security cameras. And, basically, one day, this guy sat down (he used to work for us) and then stopped moving. Like, for a few days, he had just been right there. And that seems to be how it usually is, where they suddenly just stop - he wasn't the first, as it turns out, but he was the first one that we noticed. So there's Alive, and Dead, and Undead, and eventually we figured out that these guys are Unalive. And so what that means is that they look alive, and all the semantic trappings of "aliveness". Like, when you look at something that's Undead, there is an immediate and intrinsic assessment that, yeah, that thing's not Dead, but it should probably be Dead; it was probably Alive and then probably got Deadified and then got Undeaded. And you look at them and you know something's wrong, due to the base human response to corpsehood, that evolution drilled into us, not to go near corpses, you KNOW everything's wrong with them, and to not be nearby. The Unalive are like, the inverse. There is a sense, when you look at them, they aren't Alive, but it probably should be Alive; it was probably an Alive thing which got Unaliveded. And when most people look at them they think they're normal, and they don't notice so much. And that seems to be a semantic thing and not a memetic thing. Like, it's not that they're instantiations of the idea of Unaliveness, they just are Unalive. Here's the weird thing, right. We noticed it happening, sometimes, we tracked some of the people it had happened to. And everyone else - like, Not Us, the people who aren't in Surrealistics - goes "oh, good job, well done, that sure was weird huh?". And like, that's what they pay us for, right? Notice weird shit and put it in a box. So that's cool. But then we start to realise, like… did you know about that lady, right, who could smell Parkinson's disease? Like, they tested her, and they were like "hmmm, you made one mistake", but then it turns out the person they didn't think had Parkinson's had it, and it turns out she could tell? Right, so, we spent a lot of time around these Unalive folk, right? Once they went all catatonic and such. And so there's, like… a "sense", which we cannot fully articulate, an overall incommunicable gestalt of "offness" which we got to be able to recognize. And it ain't a physical thing, or a metaphysical thing; it's not a thing that we can formalise mechanistically. We ended up calling it "vibes", right, because we didn't have a better word for it. So we started realising we could pick up the vibes of people who were (we thought) probably going to end up Unalive. And we thought, cool, we're psychic or something. But then we waited, and they just… didn't. Like, everyone else thinks they're acting normal, and everything's okay. But we can kind of tell that there's something weird. And so we bring this up to some folks, and they say, "yeah, that's unusual, let's run some tests", but of course the tests come back with nothing, right, because it's vibes, it's not a physical thing, it's semantic, and you can't run tests on semantic. And so we know there's these Unalive people who look like they're Alive and everyone's acting like they're Alive but they aren't. And we also can't convince anyone to put them in a box, right, because all the tests come back normal, and like, those wacky surrealists, right? They don't know what's what! I'll tell you what's what - the Unalive people were fucking things up. Like, we made note of them, and we tracked them, and it's like, they pretty much always made Bad Decisions. And I'm talking REALLY bad, like break-of-secrecy bad, like amnesticising what's left of the town of Uleåborg bad. (Even if this thing's a Euclid, it's a Keter risk, tbh.) So we point this out, right, but whenever anyone outside Surrealistics knows about it, they… don't end up making any Bad Decisions. And we end up looking like idiots for having tried to stop them. And, you know what, that's fine. We can get through some bad decisions. Then one of them made Site Director. And like, what do you even DO then, right? Like, if we didn't do anything, we're complicit in whatever the hell happens. We don't know what's going on, right, like, we wish we could investigate it proper, but we can't DO that. We just know something's up, and nobody else seems to be able to tell that something's up, and nobody takes us seriously. Anyway. In the end, we came to a consensus. We protected. And then we had to explain, right? Us. We can't explain fuck shit. We're all running off vibes and what feels right, and we KNEW this was right, we just didn't have the words, or the coherence. But then we realised - we could MAKE them sure! Like, we could just give 'em some Gnostics, tell them what's going on, and they'll get the gist of it, and we can carry on. So that's what we did. We still don't know what's doing it, though. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7923" by Randomini, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: 7924 Level3 Secondary Class: Neutralized Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo Item #: SCP-7924 Possible artistic depiction of SCP-7924 in its second and third form. Unknown origin. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation agents stationed in North-Central Europe1 are to monitor all rural farms that raise livestock within the family of Bovidae, especially if said fauna is of the subfamily Caprinae. Should females become inexplicably pregnant between the months of November and December, the animal must be taken into Foundation custody until it gives birth. The population and reproduction habits of wild species of Bovidae in the affected regions must also be closely monitored. Should any animals give birth to an entity that matches the description or behavior of SCP-7924, SCP-7924 and its mother (SCP-7924-A) must be apprehended as quickly as possible, and all witnesses are to be amnesticized. Any artifacts that match the description of SCP-7924-B must be stored in a standard anomalous item locker in Site-120 and its previous owner must be amnesticized if possible. Description: SCP-7924 is a male humanoid entity that manifests between the dates of December 6th and December 20th. SCP-7924 is always born from females within the family of Bovidae that are no more than 13 months old and have never been pregnant before. These animals, designated SCP-7924-A, will become pregnant through anomalous means independent of any history of mating with males. The gestation period will last for only 9-10 days, nearly 30 times faster than the average non-anomalous pregnancy. Additionally, despite the amount of nutrients and energy required to grow and give birth to an organism the size of SCP-7924, SCP-7924-A suffers little to no negative consequences or health risks from carrying SCP-7924 to term, with a Maternal Death Rate of less than 2%. SCP-7924-A will always give birth to SCP-7924 in a manger on a farm regardless of whether or not SCP-7924-A is domesticated livestock. SCP-7924 rapidly ages at a rate of approximately 3 years per hour over the course of approximately 24 hours. During this period, SCP-7924's body will undergo tremendous physical transformations and changes in appearance, personality, behavior, and anomalous properties every 6 hours. Within 25 hours SCP-7924's life will expire of old age and his body will transmutate into non-anomalous wicker, snow, coal, or hair, forming the shape of SCP-7924's body at the time of death. Additionally, SCP-7924 has minor Anti-Memetic Properties. Individuals that are chronologically close to SCP-7924's physical age will be unable to perceive SCP-7924 until he ages to a form that they can perceive. Due to the nature of SCP-7924's anomalous death and self-replication, permanent containment is impossible. While accounts and sources vary, records report that SCP-7924 may have existed as early as 500 CE. Access Addendum-7924-1224: Life Cycle – hide block Age Physical Description Anomalous Properties Behavior <6 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an infant or a small child with brown eyes and blonde hair dressed in golden robes wearing a crown. - Teleportation - Antimemetic properties towards pubescent and prepubescent children under the age of 16. - The ability to materialize food items2 and items made of gold3 During this state, SCP-7924 will attempt to teleport into any home occupied by at least one child less than 13 years old and one adult caretaker at least 26 years old. It will do so with the intent of materializing and depositing large quantities of the aforementioned food and gold items in any place used to store children's clothing such as dressers and closets. If those places are unavailable, SCP-7924 may opt to deposit such substances directly into the footwear and/or the pockets of their clothing. Children within the home are typically the first to discover these items. 6-11 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an adolescent or young adult male with yellow eyes and brown hair. Entity always has a long brown beard styled as a goatee regardless of current physical age. SCP-7924 will develop caprine4 features and wears a brown mantle, loose-fitting pants, and a fur skin hat. - Temporal Manipulation5 - Teleportation - Clairvoyancy - Super Human Strength - Super Human Speed - Super Human Durability - Super Human Metabolism - Antimemetic properties towards adults between the ages of 18 and 37. Entity will manifest in homes or public spaces that are meant to be used as a place of celebration. The entity will offer anyone in charge or involved in the preparation process to do all their work for them, on the condition that they receive payment.6 Through the use of its anomalous properties SCP-7924 is capable of large and complex construction, cleaning, decoration, and/or cooking in a matter of minutes or seconds. Should individuals offered SCP-7924's services refuse them or otherwise withhold SCP-7924's Payment, SCP-7924 will use its temporal properties to rob them of their possessions. The stolen goods are often of equal value to the price outlined by SCP-7924. 12-17 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of a tall, muscular, anthropomorphic caprine with black fur, red eyes, a long and full beard, long ears, cloven hooves, a long tail, and a pair of long caprine horns. The entity is completely naked with the exception of a green and red harness covered in small cowbells and a large sack that it carries on its back. - Teleportation - Telepathy - Clairvoyancy - Super Human Strength - Super Human Durability - Spatial Manipulation - Materialization of a wooden rod - Antimemetic Properties towards adults between the ages of 30 and 59. SCP-7924 will manifest within 40 meters of a pubescent or prepubescent child and will begin to approach them at a walking pace. The sound of bells on SCP-7924's harness will often alert people to its presence before SCP-7924 is sighted. SCP-7924 will approach the child and upon reaching them will enumerate the child's various misdeeds within the past year, before manifesting a rod of birch and administering Corporal Punishment. In roughly 5% of these encounters, SCP-7924 will forcibly insert the child into the sack it carries instead of flogging them, at which point the child will be teleported up to one kilometer away from SCP-7924's current location. Statistically, the odds of this occurring will increase the later SCP-7924's birth date is in the year. This process is often disorienting for the child who will often have to make their way back home on their own. In this state, SCP-7924's Anti-memetic Properties will extend to memories of the child's existence by their closest friends and family until they reach home. There is currently no known history of a child teleported by SCP-7924 dying in the process of getting home and the longest recorded time for return has been 8 days. 18-24 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an elderly man with no anomalous physical features. SCP-7924's hair is red but will rapidly change to white. SCP-7924's eyes are green but they will always develop a cataract in his right eye, causing the entity to become half-blind. SCP-7924 will be dressed in a layered red robe and matching hat with blue and white fur trimmings around its neck and sleeves. SCP-7924 may occasionally also wear glasses. - Immunity to Extremely Cold Temperatures - Telepathy - Meteorological Precognition - The ability to materialize simple, non-electrical tools and paints - Antimemetic properties towards adults over the age of 60. SCP-7924 will display solitary tendencies, forgoing interactions with humanity in favor of foraging in the wilderness. SCP-7924 will collect wood, stone, and animal bones and will either manifest tools or use its own hands to fashion effigies, totems, and trinkets, most frequently in the shape of an animal. These artifacts are designated SCP-7924-B. Should SCP-7924 encounter any humans after creating an instance of SCP-7924-B, SCP-7924 will give one instance of SCP-7924-B to the human as a gift. As long as the person carries the effigy, they will gain anomalous abilities associated with the item's symbolism.7 In this state SCP-7924 also displays precognitive abilities regarding the weather and climate and will notify anyone about whether or not a snowstorm or blizzard is imminent if it encounters them. Addendum 7924-01: Scapegoat Incident SCP-7924-C An instance of SCP-7924-B recovered from SCP-7924-C On December 20th, 1994 a gigantic goat made of straw appeared in Radom, Poland sometime between 01:00-03:00 CET. The structure designated SCP-7924-C subsequently caught fire through unknown means and was burnt to the ground at 06:00 CET. SCP-7924-C structure was hollow and contained numerous instances of SCP-7924-B. While the vast majority of SCP-7924-B instances were incinerated alongside SCP-7924-C, several instances did survive with only minor burns. To date, none of the SCP-7924-B instances found in the wreckage of SCP-7924-C have displayed their usual anomalous properties. The surviving instances of SCP-7924-B recovered from the conflagration include: A wooden birdhouse with a chimney A 6 oz tumbler made from glass 2 avians woven from straw containing anatomically correct bones carved from stone An equine figurine carved from a vulpine bone A bracelet with a diameter of 5 centimeters made from several non-ferrous metals, segmented by seven spheres of marble. A goat weaved from wicker and painted green, red, and gold. Following the "Scapegoat Incident", SCP-7924 has ceased manifestations, along with all of its associated phenomena. The remains of the last instance of SCP-7924 have yet to be recovered. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7924" by Expert Mint, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: yulegoat Name: Rare Exports Pohjoinen Tarustomme Joulupukki Author: Lucas License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: wickergoat Name: Gavle goat 2019.jpg Author: Sinikka Halme License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: birdbox.jpg Name: Fire stock photo image of a burnt out wooden bird house. Author: Rainbow International License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Openverse Footnotes 1. List of countries where SCP-7924 has manifested include: Germany, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, Ireland, Finland, and The Netherlands. 2. Items include oranges, chocolates, peppermint candy, pears, apples, carrots, and dried meats. 3. Items include bells, buckles, coins, pins, and rings. The estimated purity of all items is 10 karats. 4. Formation of Scurs on the side of the head, slight elongation of ears, elongation of lower jaw and nose, and growth of a thin coat of brown fur that covers the torso. 5. Capable of anomalously dilating its relationship with time allowing it to move and complete tasks at high speeds. 6. Payment varies from alcohol, food, monetary payment, rental of livestock including human children, spending time with the commissioner, or "a favor". The minimum price for SCP-7924's services has been recorded at $4.28 USD in exact change. 7. Examples: A bone fashioned in the shape of a bird granting the owner hollowed bones. A Snake made from Alderwood periodically reverses the owner's physical age granting immortality. A wagon that can store the same quantity of items as though it were life-size. A Horse made from stone that greatly increases the owner's physical stamina.
Item#: 7924 Level3 Secondary Class: Neutralized Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo Item #: SCP-7924 Possible artistic depiction of SCP-7924 in its second and third form. Unknown origin. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation agents stationed in North-Central Europe1 are to monitor all rural farms that raise livestock within the family of Bovidae, especially if said fauna is of the subfamily Caprinae. Should females become inexplicably pregnant between the months of November and December, the animal must be taken into Foundation custody until it gives birth. The population and reproduction habits of wild species of Bovidae in the affected regions must also be closely monitored. Should any animals give birth to an entity that matches the description or behavior of SCP-7924, SCP-7924 and its mother (SCP-7924-A) must be apprehended as quickly as possible, and all witnesses are to be amnesticized. Any artifacts that match the description of SCP-7924-B must be stored in a standard anomalous item locker in Site-120 and its previous owner must be amnesticized if possible. Description: SCP-7924 is a male humanoid entity that manifests between the dates of December 6th and December 20th. SCP-7924 is always born from females within the family of Bovidae that are no more than 13 months old and have never been pregnant before. These animals, designated SCP-7924-A, will become pregnant through anomalous means independent of any history of mating with males. The gestation period will last for only 9-10 days, nearly 30 times faster than the average non-anomalous pregnancy. Additionally, despite the amount of nutrients and energy required to grow and give birth to an organism the size of SCP-7924, SCP-7924-A suffers little to no negative consequences or health risks from carrying SCP-7924 to term, with a Maternal Death Rate of less than 2%. SCP-7924-A will always give birth to SCP-7924 in a manger on a farm regardless of whether or not SCP-7924-A is domesticated livestock. SCP-7924 rapidly ages at a rate of approximately 3 years per hour over the course of approximately 24 hours. During this period, SCP-7924's body will undergo tremendous physical transformations and changes in appearance, personality, behavior, and anomalous properties every 6 hours. Within 25 hours SCP-7924's life will expire of old age and his body will transmutate into non-anomalous wicker, snow, coal, or hair, forming the shape of SCP-7924's body at the time of death. Additionally, SCP-7924 has minor Anti-Memetic Properties. Individuals that are chronologically close to SCP-7924's physical age will be unable to perceive SCP-7924 until he ages to a form that they can perceive. Due to the nature of SCP-7924's anomalous death and self-replication, permanent containment is impossible. While accounts and sources vary, records report that SCP-7924 may have existed as early as 500 CE. Access Addendum-7924-1224: Life Cycle – hide block Age Physical Description Anomalous Properties Behavior <6 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an infant or a small child with brown eyes and blonde hair dressed in golden robes wearing a crown. - Teleportation - Antimemetic properties towards pubescent and prepubescent children under the age of 16. - The ability to materialize food items2 and items made of gold3 During this state, SCP-7924 will attempt to teleport into any home occupied by at least one child less than 13 years old and one adult caretaker at least 26 years old. It will do so with the intent of materializing and depositing large quantities of the aforementioned food and gold items in any place used to store children's clothing such as dressers and closets. If those places are unavailable, SCP-7924 may opt to deposit such substances directly into the footwear and/or the pockets of their clothing. Children within the home are typically the first to discover these items. 6-11 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an adolescent or young adult male with yellow eyes and brown hair. Entity always has a long brown beard styled as a goatee regardless of current physical age. SCP-7924 will develop caprine4 features and wears a brown mantle, loose-fitting pants, and a fur skin hat. - Temporal Manipulation5 - Teleportation - Clairvoyancy - Super Human Strength - Super Human Speed - Super Human Durability - Super Human Metabolism - Antimemetic properties towards adults between the ages of 18 and 37. Entity will manifest in homes or public spaces that are meant to be used as a place of celebration. The entity will offer anyone in charge or involved in the preparation process to do all their work for them, on the condition that they receive payment.6 Through the use of its anomalous properties SCP-7924 is capable of large and complex construction, cleaning, decoration, and/or cooking in a matter of minutes or seconds. Should individuals offered SCP-7924's services refuse them or otherwise withhold SCP-7924's Payment, SCP-7924 will use its temporal properties to rob them of their possessions. The stolen goods are often of equal value to the price outlined by SCP-7924. 12-17 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of a tall, muscular, anthropomorphic caprine with black fur, red eyes, a long and full beard, long ears, cloven hooves, a long tail, and a pair of long caprine horns. The entity is completely naked with the exception of a green and red harness covered in small cowbells and a large sack that it carries on its back. - Teleportation - Telepathy - Clairvoyancy - Super Human Strength - Super Human Durability - Spatial Manipulation - Materialization of a wooden rod - Antimemetic Properties towards adults between the ages of 30 and 59. SCP-7924 will manifest within 40 meters of a pubescent or prepubescent child and will begin to approach them at a walking pace. The sound of bells on SCP-7924's harness will often alert people to its presence before SCP-7924 is sighted. SCP-7924 will approach the child and upon reaching them will enumerate the child's various misdeeds within the past year, before manifesting a rod of birch and administering Corporal Punishment. In roughly 5% of these encounters, SCP-7924 will forcibly insert the child into the sack it carries instead of flogging them, at which point the child will be teleported up to one kilometer away from SCP-7924's current location. Statistically, the odds of this occurring will increase the later SCP-7924's birth date is in the year. This process is often disorienting for the child who will often have to make their way back home on their own. In this state, SCP-7924's Anti-memetic Properties will extend to memories of the child's existence by their closest friends and family until they reach home. There is currently no known history of a child teleported by SCP-7924 dying in the process of getting home and the longest recorded time for return has been 8 days. 18-24 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an elderly man with no anomalous physical features. SCP-7924's hair is red but will rapidly change to white. SCP-7924's eyes are green but they will always develop a cataract in his right eye, causing the entity to become half-blind. SCP-7924 will be dressed in a layered red robe and matching hat with blue and white fur trimmings around its neck and sleeves. SCP-7924 may occasionally also wear glasses. - Immunity to Extremely Cold Temperatures - Telepathy - Meteorological Precognition - The ability to materialize simple, non-electrical tools and paints - Antimemetic properties towards adults over the age of 60. SCP-7924 will display solitary tendencies, forgoing interactions with humanity in favor of foraging in the wilderness. SCP-7924 will collect wood, stone, and animal bones and will either manifest tools or use its own hands to fashion effigies, totems, and trinkets, most frequently in the shape of an animal. These artifacts are designated SCP-7924-B. Should SCP-7924 encounter any humans after creating an instance of SCP-7924-B, SCP-7924 will give one instance of SCP-7924-B to the human as a gift. As long as the person carries the effigy, they will gain anomalous abilities associated with the item's symbolism.7 In this state SCP-7924 also displays precognitive abilities regarding the weather and climate and will notify anyone about whether or not a snowstorm or blizzard is imminent if it encounters them. Addendum 7924-01: Scapegoat Incident SCP-7924-C An instance of SCP-7924-B recovered from SCP-7924-C On December 20th, 1994 a gigantic goat made of straw appeared in Radom, Poland sometime between 01:00-03:00 CET. The structure designated SCP-7924-C subsequently caught fire through unknown means and was burnt to the ground at 06:00 CET. SCP-7924-C structure was hollow and contained numerous instances of SCP-7924-B. While the vast majority of SCP-7924-B instances were incinerated alongside SCP-7924-C, several instances did survive with only minor burns. To date, none of the SCP-7924-B instances found in the wreckage of SCP-7924-C have displayed their usual anomalous properties. The surviving instances of SCP-7924-B recovered from the conflagration include: A wooden birdhouse with a chimney A 6 oz tumbler made from glass 2 avians woven from straw containing anatomically correct bones carved from stone An equine figurine carved from a vulpine bone A bracelet with a diameter of 5 centimeters made from several non-ferrous metals, segmented by seven spheres of marble. A goat weaved from wicker and painted green, red, and gold. Following the "Scapegoat Incident", SCP-7924 has ceased manifestations, along with all of its associated phenomena. The remains of the last instance of SCP-7924 have yet to be recovered. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7924" by Expert Mint, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: yulegoat Name: Rare Exports Pohjoinen Tarustomme Joulupukki Author: Lucas License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: wickergoat Name: Gavle goat 2019.jpg Author: Sinikka Halme License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: birdbox.jpg Name: Fire stock photo image of a burnt out wooden bird house. Author: Rainbow International License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Openverse Footnotes 1. List of countries where SCP-7924 has manifested include: Germany, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, Ireland, Finland, and The Netherlands. 2. Items include oranges, chocolates, peppermint candy, pears, apples, carrots, and dried meats. 3. Items include bells, buckles, coins, pins, and rings. The estimated purity of all items is 10 karats. 4. Formation of Scurs on the side of the head, slight elongation of ears, elongation of lower jaw and nose, and growth of a thin coat of brown fur that covers the torso. 5. Capable of anomalously dilating its relationship with time allowing it to move and complete tasks at high speeds. 6. Payment varies from alcohol, food, monetary payment, rental of livestock including human children, spending time with the commissioner, or "a favor". The minimum price for SCP-7924's services has been recorded at $4.28 USD in exact change. 7. Examples: A bone fashioned in the shape of a bird granting the owner hollowed bones. A Snake made from Alderwood periodically reverses the owner's physical age granting immortality. A wagon that can store the same quantity of items as though it were life-size. A Horse made from stone that greatly increases the owner's physical stamina.
Item#: 7924 Level3 Secondary Class: Neutralized Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: caution link to memo Item #: SCP-7924 Possible artistic depiction of SCP-7924 in its second and third form. Unknown origin. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation agents stationed in North-Central Europe1 are to monitor all rural farms that raise livestock within the family of Bovidae, especially if said fauna is of the subfamily Caprinae. Should females become inexplicably pregnant between the months of November and December, the animal must be taken into Foundation custody until it gives birth. The population and reproduction habits of wild species of Bovidae in the affected regions must also be closely monitored. Should any animals give birth to an entity that matches the description or behavior of SCP-7924, SCP-7924 and its mother (SCP-7924-A) must be apprehended as quickly as possible, and all witnesses are to be amnesticized. Any artifacts that match the description of SCP-7924-B must be stored in a standard anomalous item locker in Site-120 and its previous owner must be amnesticized if possible. Description: SCP-7924 is a male humanoid entity that manifests between the dates of December 6th and December 20th. SCP-7924 is always born from females within the family of Bovidae that are no more than 13 months old and have never been pregnant before. These animals, designated SCP-7924-A, will become pregnant through anomalous means independent of any history of mating with males. The gestation period will last for only 9-10 days, nearly 30 times faster than the average non-anomalous pregnancy. Additionally, despite the amount of nutrients and energy required to grow and give birth to an organism the size of SCP-7924, SCP-7924-A suffers little to no negative consequences or health risks from carrying SCP-7924 to term, with a Maternal Death Rate of less than 2%. SCP-7924-A will always give birth to SCP-7924 in a manger on a farm regardless of whether or not SCP-7924-A is domesticated livestock. SCP-7924 rapidly ages at a rate of approximately 3 years per hour over the course of approximately 24 hours. During this period, SCP-7924's body will undergo tremendous physical transformations and changes in appearance, personality, behavior, and anomalous properties every 6 hours. Within 25 hours SCP-7924's life will expire of old age and his body will transmutate into non-anomalous wicker, snow, coal, or hair, forming the shape of SCP-7924's body at the time of death. Additionally, SCP-7924 has minor Anti-Memetic Properties. Individuals that are chronologically close to SCP-7924's physical age will be unable to perceive SCP-7924 until he ages to a form that they can perceive. Due to the nature of SCP-7924's anomalous death and self-replication, permanent containment is impossible. While accounts and sources vary, records report that SCP-7924 may have existed as early as 500 CE. Access Addendum-7924-1224: Life Cycle – hide block Age Physical Description Anomalous Properties Behavior <6 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an infant or a small child with brown eyes and blonde hair dressed in golden robes wearing a crown. - Teleportation - Antimemetic properties towards pubescent and prepubescent children under the age of 16. - The ability to materialize food items2 and items made of gold3 During this state, SCP-7924 will attempt to teleport into any home occupied by at least one child less than 13 years old and one adult caretaker at least 26 years old. It will do so with the intent of materializing and depositing large quantities of the aforementioned food and gold items in any place used to store children's clothing such as dressers and closets. If those places are unavailable, SCP-7924 may opt to deposit such substances directly into the footwear and/or the pockets of their clothing. Children within the home are typically the first to discover these items. 6-11 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an adolescent or young adult male with yellow eyes and brown hair. Entity always has a long brown beard styled as a goatee regardless of current physical age. SCP-7924 will develop caprine4 features and wears a brown mantle, loose-fitting pants, and a fur skin hat. - Temporal Manipulation5 - Teleportation - Clairvoyancy - Super Human Strength - Super Human Speed - Super Human Durability - Super Human Metabolism - Antimemetic properties towards adults between the ages of 18 and 37. Entity will manifest in homes or public spaces that are meant to be used as a place of celebration. The entity will offer anyone in charge or involved in the preparation process to do all their work for them, on the condition that they receive payment.6 Through the use of its anomalous properties SCP-7924 is capable of large and complex construction, cleaning, decoration, and/or cooking in a matter of minutes or seconds. Should individuals offered SCP-7924's services refuse them or otherwise withhold SCP-7924's Payment, SCP-7924 will use its temporal properties to rob them of their possessions. The stolen goods are often of equal value to the price outlined by SCP-7924. 12-17 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of a tall, muscular, anthropomorphic caprine with black fur, red eyes, a long and full beard, long ears, cloven hooves, a long tail, and a pair of long caprine horns. The entity is completely naked with the exception of a green and red harness covered in small cowbells and a large sack that it carries on its back. - Teleportation - Telepathy - Clairvoyancy - Super Human Strength - Super Human Durability - Spatial Manipulation - Materialization of a wooden rod - Antimemetic Properties towards adults between the ages of 30 and 59. SCP-7924 will manifest within 40 meters of a pubescent or prepubescent child and will begin to approach them at a walking pace. The sound of bells on SCP-7924's harness will often alert people to its presence before SCP-7924 is sighted. SCP-7924 will approach the child and upon reaching them will enumerate the child's various misdeeds within the past year, before manifesting a rod of birch and administering Corporal Punishment. In roughly 5% of these encounters, SCP-7924 will forcibly insert the child into the sack it carries instead of flogging them, at which point the child will be teleported up to one kilometer away from SCP-7924's current location. Statistically, the odds of this occurring will increase the later SCP-7924's birth date is in the year. This process is often disorienting for the child who will often have to make their way back home on their own. In this state, SCP-7924's Anti-memetic Properties will extend to memories of the child's existence by their closest friends and family until they reach home. There is currently no known history of a child teleported by SCP-7924 dying in the process of getting home and the longest recorded time for return has been 8 days. 18-24 Hours SCP-7924 has the appearance of an elderly man with no anomalous physical features. SCP-7924's hair is red but will rapidly change to white. SCP-7924's eyes are green but they will always develop a cataract in his right eye, causing the entity to become half-blind. SCP-7924 will be dressed in a layered red robe and matching hat with blue and white fur trimmings around its neck and sleeves. SCP-7924 may occasionally also wear glasses. - Immunity to Extremely Cold Temperatures - Telepathy - Meteorological Precognition - The ability to materialize simple, non-electrical tools and paints - Antimemetic properties towards adults over the age of 60. SCP-7924 will display solitary tendencies, forgoing interactions with humanity in favor of foraging in the wilderness. SCP-7924 will collect wood, stone, and animal bones and will either manifest tools or use its own hands to fashion effigies, totems, and trinkets, most frequently in the shape of an animal. These artifacts are designated SCP-7924-B. Should SCP-7924 encounter any humans after creating an instance of SCP-7924-B, SCP-7924 will give one instance of SCP-7924-B to the human as a gift. As long as the person carries the effigy, they will gain anomalous abilities associated with the item's symbolism.7 In this state SCP-7924 also displays precognitive abilities regarding the weather and climate and will notify anyone about whether or not a snowstorm or blizzard is imminent if it encounters them. Addendum 7924-01: Scapegoat Incident SCP-7924-C An instance of SCP-7924-B recovered from SCP-7924-C On December 20th, 1994 a gigantic goat made of straw appeared in Radom, Poland sometime between 01:00-03:00 CET. The structure designated SCP-7924-C subsequently caught fire through unknown means and was burnt to the ground at 06:00 CET. SCP-7924-C structure was hollow and contained numerous instances of SCP-7924-B. While the vast majority of SCP-7924-B instances were incinerated alongside SCP-7924-C, several instances did survive with only minor burns. To date, none of the SCP-7924-B instances found in the wreckage of SCP-7924-C have displayed their usual anomalous properties. The surviving instances of SCP-7924-B recovered from the conflagration include: A wooden birdhouse with a chimney A 6 oz tumbler made from glass 2 avians woven from straw containing anatomically correct bones carved from stone An equine figurine carved from a vulpine bone A bracelet with a diameter of 5 centimeters made from several non-ferrous metals, segmented by seven spheres of marble. A goat weaved from wicker and painted green, red, and gold. Following the "Scapegoat Incident", SCP-7924 has ceased manifestations, along with all of its associated phenomena. The remains of the last instance of SCP-7924 have yet to be recovered. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7924" by Expert Mint, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: yulegoat Name: Rare Exports Pohjoinen Tarustomme Joulupukki Author: Lucas License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: wickergoat Name: Gavle goat 2019.jpg Author: Sinikka Halme License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: birdbox.jpg Name: Fire stock photo image of a burnt out wooden bird house. Author: Rainbow International License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Openverse Footnotes 1. List of countries where SCP-7924 has manifested include: Germany, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, Ireland, Finland, and The Netherlands. 2. Items include oranges, chocolates, peppermint candy, pears, apples, carrots, and dried meats. 3. Items include bells, buckles, coins, pins, and rings. The estimated purity of all items is 10 karats. 4. Formation of Scurs on the side of the head, slight elongation of ears, elongation of lower jaw and nose, and growth of a thin coat of brown fur that covers the torso. 5. Capable of anomalously dilating its relationship with time allowing it to move and complete tasks at high speeds. 6. Payment varies from alcohol, food, monetary payment, rental of livestock including human children, spending time with the commissioner, or "a favor". The minimum price for SCP-7924's services has been recorded at $4.28 USD in exact change. 7. Examples: A bone fashioned in the shape of a bird granting the owner hollowed bones. A Snake made from Alderwood periodically reverses the owner's physical age granting immortality. A wagon that can store the same quantity of items as though it were life-size. A Horse made from stone that greatly increases the owner's physical stamina.
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page Item#: SCP-7925 Level4 Secondary Class: cerrunos Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: danger link to memo Item #: SCP-7925 A castrated instance of SCP-7925. Special Containment Procedures: Ongoing containment of SCP-7925 is to be a joint effort between The Department of Theology, The Horizon Initiative, and SAPPHIRE. Instances of SCP-7925 are to be destroyed using standard applications of fungicides upon discovery. In order to decrease the number of instances of SCP-7925-A, existing married human couples of monotheistic faiths are to secretly be given various fertility enhancement drugs in order to decrease the odds of a male becoming infected with SCP-7925. In addition, the curriculum of education systems around the world is to be altered with the goal to encourage Atheism, Agnosticism, or Skepticism. Instances of SCP-7925-A are to be contained by the Department of Theology within standard humanoid containment cells at Site-45. Each cell must also contain at least one Experimental Randall/Yossarian Akiva Nullifier (ERYAN) or coated in 413 grams of SCP-5993-1. Description: SCP-7925 refers to an anomalous species of parasitic fungus tentatively named Massopora luculentus. It is capable of parasitizing human males. The conditions for SCP-7925 infection are as follows: The male must be married, either legally or spiritually to a female spouse. The male must not have any biological children. Both the male and the female must have the desire for children. Either the male or the female must have a pre-existing condition that limits or disables their reproductive functions.1 At least one of the two married individuals must be a devout practitioner of a monotheistic faith that is not recognized as a major denomination of Christianity.2 Should all the above conditions be met, SCP-7925 spores will begin to manifest in or around locations the male frequents, such as their home, their place of work, or their place of worship. Upon inhalation or ingestion of the spores, SCP-7925 will cause the infected male's primary sexual characteristics to gradually be replaced by a mushroom that superficially resembles the infected male's original genitals. Attempts at human reproduction using SCP-7925 have a 100% chance of fertilization regardless of the usage of any form of birth control and whether or not the female partner is barren. The subsequent pregnancy will last for less than 3 months and will result in the birth of at least one instance of SCP-7925-A. Following the birth of the first instance of SCP-7925-A, the parents of SCP-7925-A will gain natalist tendencies and will attempt to reproduce at every possible opportunity. This will result in the birth of additional instances of SCP-7925-A The current record for number of SCP-7925-A born through a single instance of SCP-7925 is ██. Addendum 7925-A Characteristics SCP-7925-A instances heavily resemble baseline humans in terms of physical appearance and genetic make-up. However, instances also universally possess a statistically significant amount of the following physical characteristics: Universal Vitiligo3 or Albinism Brown hair regardless of genetics. Replacement of the central nervous system with mycorrhizal network. Wooden bones. Multiple sets of permanent teeth. Accelerated physical maturation. Decelerated senescence. In addition, to the above physical characteristics, SCP-7925-A has displayed above average intelligence. Instances have been observed to memorize large volumes of information related to the humanities when provided the necessary resources, especially on the topics of art, language, philosophy, history, and religion. The only subjects that instances of SCP-7925-A appear to struggle with on average is STEM related materials, such as algebra, biology, and physics4. Instances of SCP-7925-A are capable of reproduction, including reproduction with other instances of SCP-7925-A, although they prefer to mate with non-anomalous humans. When 2 instances of SCP-7925-A mate with each other, they are known to communicate and vocalize loud buzzing and chirping noises. These couplings result in the birth of additional instances of SCP-7925-A with a 100% of each gestation resulting in the birth of more than one offspring at a time. The current record for greatest number of children born from two instances of SCP-7925-A is 7. Instances of SCP-7925-A are frequently the center of anomalous activity during rituals and celebrations associated with the respective faith of each instance. Addendum 7925-2: Notable Incidents Instance Name: Jakob Sontag Date: (04-05-2013) Religion: Judaism Ritual: Brit Milah5 Event: During the ceremony the infant Jakob Sontag was sedated using Maple Sap. The Mohalim made the initial incision at the crown of Sontag's head and proceeded to vertically downwards across the infant's entire body. Upon completion of the incision, the Mohalim was able to flay the young Sontag's epidermis from the rest of his body. During the entire process Jakob made no signs of pain or acknowledgment to the process. Subsequently, Jakob's skin was consumed in the Seudat mitzvah.6 Effect: Following this, all married couples without children present at the ceremony became plagued with infertility. Instance Name: Balpreet Sigh Date: (05-31-2016) Religion: Sikhism Ritual: Antam Sanskar7 Event: During the cremation process, reports of singing, buzzing, and other vocalizations could be loudly heard from within the furnace as Balpreet was being cremated. Upon being cremated, Balpreet Sigh's kesh was found completely intact along with 15 Chremistica ribhoi eggs nestled in the braids. Sigh's ashes were poured into a nearby river. Effect: Within 30 days all Sikhs in attendance died of random unnatural occurrences. Within 24 hours of each death, one adult Chremistica ribhoi8 emerged from the river and flew Westward at 15:00 hours local time. None of the specimens have yet to be captured. Instance Name: Alice Melt Date: (07-31-2018) Religion: Eckankar Ritual: Marriage Event: After the exchange of vows Alice Melt and her husband, officiant, and guests began singing the sacred HU syllable. As they sang, the volume continued to increase to 160 decibels. Individuals in close proximity to the altar were affected by partial or total hearing loss. Effect: All those who heard the HU song, including those who were not present for the wedding were compelled to join in the vocalizations, increasing the song's effective audible range. Following the completion of the song, all vocalists would come to identify as random monotheistic religions different from the ones they had before they sang. Instance Name: Yahya Khanandeh Date: (11-05-2021) Religion: Zoroastrianism Ritual: Navajote9 Event: During the ceremony, Yahya Khanadeh's grandmother fashioned a kushti and sudreh10 for Khanadeh to wear from the from the skin of a recently slaughtered lamb. During the Fravarane,11 Yahya uses sharp implements to pierce his hands, feet, and torso while drinking a mixture of lychee and pomegranate juice. Yahya subsequently entered the Atar, immolating himself. During which he uses his own blood and ash in place of Kumkuma12 to mark the foreheads of those in attendance. Yahya emerges from the Atar having sustained major 3rd and 4th degree burns all over his body. Effect: All those in attendance afflicted by numerous rare diseases and grievous bodily harm. None of the afflicted have perished thus far. Subject have also experienced tremendous financial prosperity. Instance Name: Terry Prince Date: (09-19-2022) Religion: Pastafarianism Ritual: International Talk Like a Pirate Day13 Event: [DATA EXPUNGED] Effect: Global average temperature permanently decreased by 3 degrees. **LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE IS REQUIRED** **Addendum-7925-3: The Black Moon Howls so as not to sing.** PROPOSAL: "Let's address the elephant in the room, SCP-7925 is clearly interrelated with SCP-3004 and SCP-2852. The teeth, the buzzing, the co-opting of non-anomalous religious practices, it is fairly obvious. The good news is that the existence of SCP-7925 means that it is unlikely that SCP-3004 usurped the Christain God as we may have initially suspected. The bad news is what happened is arguably worse. See for years, we have been trying to figure out some things about that Cétlaidí and their god that do not add up. The fact that not all afterlives lead to the Imago. The existence of various objects and entities that match the description of other Biblical figures. The fact that there are not a bunch of Cétlaidí versions of them running around. That Johnny would only usually only go after the Anglicans and the Catholics even though other similar Sects of Christianity exist. Have you ever read "The Life of Pi"? In it, Pi starts out as a Hinduist. Then he becomes a Christain, and then a Muslim. He is somehow all 3 at the same time. There is also a part of it where he talks about Atheists. He says that Atheists have their own faith and religion different from Theists. He only has contempt for Agnostics. Why? Because the thing that most beliefs and lack thereof have in common is that members are willing to move forward and act in life and find comfort and peace in death with their strong convictions. They can and will put all their hopes, faith, desires, sacrifice, and legacy into God, or Ahura Mazda, or Allah, or Jesus, or Kurt Godel, or logic, or humanity. And that I think, is the true nature of the Cicada God's new existence. It did not become God, it became the concept of God. It became the thing that you can trust and believe in no matter what. The confidence that you can overcome all of life's challenges when the chips are down. The answers to the secrets of the universe. The simplest truth in spite of all the rest of the world's falsehoods. The reason you live and the place you go when you die. It just so happened that The Catholics and to a lesser extent the Anglicans embodied these "virtues" more than others. This would also explain why, the Cétlaidí operated the way they did up until this point. Sending precision puncture holes of high Akiva Radiation into specific parts of our reality in the form of a bug god, a bug messiah, and a bug bible. All of them incarnated proxies of the main concepts of Christianity rather than a complete replacement of it in its entirety. If my hypothesis is correct, then Protocol Damnatio ad Bestias will only slow it down at best. Whatever the actual Cétlaidí God has evolved into, it is gaining the ability to effect other aspects of our reality besides Christianity. Pretty soon we are going to have an entire swarm of Imagoes. We are going to need to take more extreme measures in order to permanently contain or neutralize the threat. We may need to initiate Protocol Proserpina while it is still viable. —(O5-7) FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN O5-1 O5-2 O5-3 O5-4 O5-5 O5-6 O5-7 O5-8 O5-9 O5-10 O5-11 O5-12 O5-13 Verdict APPROVED « SCP-7924 | SCP-7925 | SCP-7926 » ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7925" by Expert Mint, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: mushroom Name: Mushroom Author: Luca Masters License: CC-BY-2.0 Source Link: Filename: jakob_sontag Name: João Pedro - Albino Newborn Author: Felipe Fernandes Photography License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: yahya_khanandeh Name: their mind, udwada Author: nevil zaveri License: CC-BY-2.0 Source Link: Filename: terry_price Name: 2015 Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival Virginia Va. pirates reenactors interpreters character Author: Watts License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: alice_melt Name: Tinted Author: Peter Hurford License: CC0 Source Link: Derivative of: Additional Notes: Image was edited. Filename: balpreet_sign Name: Funeral pyre on the Ganges, Varanasi Author: CaptainOates License: CC-BY-2.0 Source Link: Footnotes 1. i.e. Sexual Dysfunction, Impotence, or Infertility 2. List of qualifying faiths has proven to be exhaustive. SCP-7925-A instances have been born from practitioneers of Judaism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Tengrism, Yazidism, Rastafarianism, Pastafarianism, SCP-3380, and various sub-sects of non-monotheistic religions that put weighted worship on singular deities such as McFarland Dianic Wiccanism. 3. The complete loss of dark skin pigmentation. 4. The exception being instances born from instances of SCP-3380 5. Ritual circumcision of male infants. 6. Celebratory meal following a Mitzvah. 7. Funeral rites. 8. World Cup Cicada 9. Religious inducment ceremony. 10. Sacred girdle and undershirt worn by Zoroastrians 11. Pledge of faith. 12. Special powder for religious purposes 13. Religious holiday.
 close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains just really gross stuff. Seriously, it's gross. Also, there is a parallel to infant death. ⚠️ content warning SCP-7926 prior to obtaining its anomalous properties. Item #: SCP-7926 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7926 is currently contained in a humanoid containment chamber at Site-55. The chamber has been modified to allow for the drainage of liquids to a cistern beneath it, which is to be drained following Rupture Events by personnel trained in hazardous waste disposal/management. SCP-7926 has been placed on a strict diet. It is not permitted to consume simple carbohydrates or glutenous foodstuffs. Additionally, SCP-7926 has been prescribed Minocycline and a Salicylic Acid treatment. Description: SCP-7926 is a Caucasian male, 22 years of age (formerly known as Grant Morrison) afflicted with acne vulgaris on its face, upper chest, and back. SCP-7926 demonstrates multiple biological anomalies and irregularities originating from its integumentary system: All sebaceous glands produce high levels of sebum to the point of regularly overflowing from the pores; Cutibacterium acnes1 colonies inhabiting the skin reproduce at an exponential rate. Despite this, SCP-7926's adaptive immune system has not been activated; SCP-7926 is significantly overweight. However, the stretch marks on its abdomen do not correlate with rapid weight gain; Although SCP-7926 is primarily blonde, individual strands of black, brown, white, and red hair have been observed growing from the body; SCP-7926's skin is near-resistant to most forms of damage; only SCP-7926 itself can directly damage its skin. SCP-7926's most prominent anomaly relates to the activation of 'Rupture Events'. During a Rupture Event, pimples all over SCP-7926's body will burst, releasing a viscous liquid the constitution of which has been found to vary between events. Rupture Events can be predicted by nodular acne spots growing beyond 3 cm in diameter, with the largest recorded instance reaching 8 cm in diameter. As a result of SCP-7926's condition being prolonged before Foundation intervention, individual pimples on the entity have been prone to developing further anomalous properties. Attached below is an abridged log of notable Rupture Events and the resultant liquid produced by it. Rupture Event Date Composition of liquid Notes #012 14/01/2023 SCP-7926 popped a pimple on its cheek with Foundation approval. The pimple released an abundance of pus and oil onto the chamber window. SCP-7926 expressed momentary relief. N/A #029 21/02/2023 SCP-7926 popped a pimple on its lower back with Foundation approval. Unlike prior tests, the contents were released into the subject's body instead of outward. SCP-7926 has reported a continuous sharp pain originating from its gluteus maximus since then. SCP-7926 has been prescribed Tylenol. #068 07/04/2023 The lowest pimple on SCP-7926's chest popped. The liquid released was standard pus, however, the pimple continued to overflow for a span of six hours before running out. SCP-7926 no longer appears to be overweight and has admitted to having developed immense cravings for chocolate and greasy foods since this test. #158 12/05/2023 Multiple pimples on SCP-7926's back grew simultaneously to 8 cm in diameter over the span of an hour. The pimples popped completely, tearing and scarring the skin. The released liquid was an oily ichor, as well as the remains of half-digested foodstuff. In one of the pimples, instead of foodstuff, a large cluster of intact minocycline capsules was discovered. SCP-7926's minocycline intake is to be doubled and administered without capsules. SCP-7926 is also not allowed to wear shirts for the foreseeable future. #204 15/06/2023 SCP-7926 popped a pimple on its nose without Foundation approval. Upon popping, SCP-7926's head whiplashed and was flung into the wall of the containment chamber. SCP-7926 sustained several bruises, a broken nose, and a fractured pelvis in the process. The pus released from the pimple was abnormally runny. SCP-7926 was provided a bedpan to compensate for bathroom breaks. #291 09/07/2023 A researcher assisting SCP-7926 in its Salicylic Acid treatment accidentally brushed against a small blackhead on its shoulder. The blackhead suddenly burst from the skin and propelled itself at the researcher. SCP-7926 screamed when the researcher collapsed, prompting a medical team to enter the chamber. Though the blackhead was 12 centimeters in diameter; the wound on the researcher's head is nearly identical to those caused by a 7.62 mm bullet wound. Only D-Class personnel are permitted to directly interact with SCP-7926 from now on. #362 30/08/2023 SCP-7926 had alerted researchers that pimples had started to form on its arms. When D-Class personnel were sent in to inspect, all the pimples on SCP-7926's arm popped. The pus had two anomalous properties: quickly frying skin and inducing extreme hunger. All individuals in the room (including SCP-7926) began consuming the flesh of SCP-7926's arm, dipping removed skin and flesh in the pus before being restrained by the security team. SCP-7926 was given emergency skin grafting surgery. The skin healed quickly, but also adopted the same anomalous properties as SCP-7926's original skin. #421 22/09/2023 SCP-7926 reported feeling extreme pain from a particular pimple on its left arm, but was instructed not to touch it. The subject continued to complain about the pain for 5 hours until D-class personnel were sent in to assist it with popping said pimple. After applying pressure to the afflicted area for twelve minutes, the pimple finally burst. In addition to the viscous, oily liquid which typically expels from SCP-7926, a single long, red hair erupted out of the scar and continued to coil around the D-Class personnel until they were completely wrapped. The hair was cut by a second D-Class equipped with trimmers shortly after, and the original D-Class was freed and bathed. #533 10/10/2023 Following a stream of constant stomach aches, nausea, and other gastrointestinal issues, SCP-7926 reported a pimple nearing Rupture Event size on its mons pubis. When popping it was attempted, SCP-7926 reported a searing pain shooting through its pelvis and lower back. Once popped, a humanoid the size of a small infant composed entirely of sebum and pus emerged from the scar. The humanoid did not show signs of life, and quickly dried out and crumbled to dust. SCP-7926 appeared distraught following this particular Rupture Event, and stated it was "Not ready to see it go so soon." When asked for clarification SCP-7926 refused to elaborate. #600 16/11/2023 The largest Rupture Event pimple to date (measuring 15 cm in diameter) was recorded on SCP-7926's chest. In addition to the regular sebum, pus, and oil typical of Rupture Events, bones, muscle fibers, and nervous tissue began pouring out of the wound. SCP-7926 vocalized in fear and panic as its internal organs and its cardiovascular, muscular, and skeletal systems were expelled through the ruptured pimple. Eventually, all that remained of SCP-7926 was its empty skin. SCP-7926 is considered Neutralized following this event. Addendum 7926.01: Hazmat personnel in charge of draining SCP-7926's cistern noted that the liquid inside the container appeared to be forming pimples. Following further examination, a sample of the liquid was taken to Site-55 specialists and draining was halted to allow study. Traces of genetic material belonging to SCP-7926 were found in the liquid, and the liquid was observed to move even when not disturbed. The liquid in the cistern was also observed to be slightly twitching upon further examination. Further classification is pending. Footnotes 1. A type of bacterium that colonizes human skin. 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For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: pimple.png Name: Eros Vlahos cropped.jpg Author: Loweane License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Note: Edited by CennoxX and Nickthebrick1 Source Link: Link
 close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains just really gross stuff. Seriously, it's gross. Also, there is a parallel to infant death. ⚠️ content warning SCP-7926 prior to obtaining its anomalous properties. Item #: SCP-7926 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7926 is currently contained in a humanoid containment chamber at Site-55. The chamber has been modified to allow for the drainage of liquids to a cistern beneath it, which is to be drained following Rupture Events by personnel trained in hazardous waste disposal/management. SCP-7926 has been placed on a strict diet. It is not permitted to consume simple carbohydrates or glutenous foodstuffs. Additionally, SCP-7926 has been prescribed Minocycline and a Salicylic Acid treatment. Description: SCP-7926 is a Caucasian male, 22 years of age (formerly known as Grant Morrison) afflicted with acne vulgaris on its face, upper chest, and back. SCP-7926 demonstrates multiple biological anomalies and irregularities originating from its integumentary system: All sebaceous glands produce high levels of sebum to the point of regularly overflowing from the pores; Cutibacterium acnes1 colonies inhabiting the skin reproduce at an exponential rate. Despite this, SCP-7926's adaptive immune system has not been activated; SCP-7926 is significantly overweight. However, the stretch marks on its abdomen do not correlate with rapid weight gain; Although SCP-7926 is primarily blonde, individual strands of black, brown, white, and red hair have been observed growing from the body; SCP-7926's skin is near-resistant to most forms of damage; only SCP-7926 itself can directly damage its skin. SCP-7926's most prominent anomaly relates to the activation of 'Rupture Events'. During a Rupture Event, pimples all over SCP-7926's body will burst, releasing a viscous liquid the constitution of which has been found to vary between events. Rupture Events can be predicted by nodular acne spots growing beyond 3 cm in diameter, with the largest recorded instance reaching 8 cm in diameter. As a result of SCP-7926's condition being prolonged before Foundation intervention, individual pimples on the entity have been prone to developing further anomalous properties. Attached below is an abridged log of notable Rupture Events and the resultant liquid produced by it. Rupture Event Date Composition of liquid Notes #012 14/01/2023 SCP-7926 popped a pimple on its cheek with Foundation approval. The pimple released an abundance of pus and oil onto the chamber window. SCP-7926 expressed momentary relief. N/A #029 21/02/2023 SCP-7926 popped a pimple on its lower back with Foundation approval. Unlike prior tests, the contents were released into the subject's body instead of outward. SCP-7926 has reported a continuous sharp pain originating from its gluteus maximus since then. SCP-7926 has been prescribed Tylenol. #068 07/04/2023 The lowest pimple on SCP-7926's chest popped. The liquid released was standard pus, however, the pimple continued to overflow for a span of six hours before running out. SCP-7926 no longer appears to be overweight and has admitted to having developed immense cravings for chocolate and greasy foods since this test. #158 12/05/2023 Multiple pimples on SCP-7926's back grew simultaneously to 8 cm in diameter over the span of an hour. The pimples popped completely, tearing and scarring the skin. The released liquid was an oily ichor, as well as the remains of half-digested foodstuff. In one of the pimples, instead of foodstuff, a large cluster of intact minocycline capsules was discovered. SCP-7926's minocycline intake is to be doubled and administered without capsules. SCP-7926 is also not allowed to wear shirts for the foreseeable future. #204 15/06/2023 SCP-7926 popped a pimple on its nose without Foundation approval. Upon popping, SCP-7926's head whiplashed and was flung into the wall of the containment chamber. SCP-7926 sustained several bruises, a broken nose, and a fractured pelvis in the process. The pus released from the pimple was abnormally runny. SCP-7926 was provided a bedpan to compensate for bathroom breaks. #291 09/07/2023 A researcher assisting SCP-7926 in its Salicylic Acid treatment accidentally brushed against a small blackhead on its shoulder. The blackhead suddenly burst from the skin and propelled itself at the researcher. SCP-7926 screamed when the researcher collapsed, prompting a medical team to enter the chamber. Though the blackhead was 12 centimeters in diameter; the wound on the researcher's head is nearly identical to those caused by a 7.62 mm bullet wound. Only D-Class personnel are permitted to directly interact with SCP-7926 from now on. #362 30/08/2023 SCP-7926 had alerted researchers that pimples had started to form on its arms. When D-Class personnel were sent in to inspect, all the pimples on SCP-7926's arm popped. The pus had two anomalous properties: quickly frying skin and inducing extreme hunger. All individuals in the room (including SCP-7926) began consuming the flesh of SCP-7926's arm, dipping removed skin and flesh in the pus before being restrained by the security team. SCP-7926 was given emergency skin grafting surgery. The skin healed quickly, but also adopted the same anomalous properties as SCP-7926's original skin. #421 22/09/2023 SCP-7926 reported feeling extreme pain from a particular pimple on its left arm, but was instructed not to touch it. The subject continued to complain about the pain for 5 hours until D-class personnel were sent in to assist it with popping said pimple. After applying pressure to the afflicted area for twelve minutes, the pimple finally burst. In addition to the viscous, oily liquid which typically expels from SCP-7926, a single long, red hair erupted out of the scar and continued to coil around the D-Class personnel until they were completely wrapped. The hair was cut by a second D-Class equipped with trimmers shortly after, and the original D-Class was freed and bathed. #533 10/10/2023 Following a stream of constant stomach aches, nausea, and other gastrointestinal issues, SCP-7926 reported a pimple nearing Rupture Event size on its mons pubis. When popping it was attempted, SCP-7926 reported a searing pain shooting through its pelvis and lower back. Once popped, a humanoid the size of a small infant composed entirely of sebum and pus emerged from the scar. The humanoid did not show signs of life, and quickly dried out and crumbled to dust. SCP-7926 appeared distraught following this particular Rupture Event, and stated it was "Not ready to see it go so soon." When asked for clarification SCP-7926 refused to elaborate. #600 16/11/2023 The largest Rupture Event pimple to date (measuring 15 cm in diameter) was recorded on SCP-7926's chest. In addition to the regular sebum, pus, and oil typical of Rupture Events, bones, muscle fibers, and nervous tissue began pouring out of the wound. SCP-7926 vocalized in fear and panic as its internal organs and its cardiovascular, muscular, and skeletal systems were expelled through the ruptured pimple. Eventually, all that remained of SCP-7926 was its empty skin. SCP-7926 is considered Neutralized following this event. Addendum 7926.01: Hazmat personnel in charge of draining SCP-7926's cistern noted that the liquid inside the container appeared to be forming pimples. Following further examination, a sample of the liquid was taken to Site-55 specialists and draining was halted to allow study. Traces of genetic material belonging to SCP-7926 were found in the liquid, and the liquid was observed to move even when not disturbed. The liquid in the cistern was also observed to be slightly twitching upon further examination. Further classification is pending. Footnotes 1. A type of bacterium that colonizes human skin. 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For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: pimple.png Name: Eros Vlahos cropped.jpg Author: Loweane License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Note: Edited by CennoxX and Nickthebrick1 Source Link: Link
Everturning Hi, I’m Everturning, author avatar Doctor Everturn. This has no meaning whatsoever to the article. Enjoy! Item #: SCP-7928 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7928 is located far enough outwards from Earth so as to pose zero threat whatsoever. In the event that SCP-7928 does pose a threat (predicted chance of 0.1%) to Earth, utilize Tau-Rho Exclusion Protocol. Beholder-15 is currently observing SCP-7928. See Transcript 3. Due to this, Binary_Star.aic has manually separated a copy of itself into Beholder-15 to prevent malfunction. Beholder-15 is imbued with reconstruction properties in case of damage. Description: SCP-7928 refers to a Tau-Rho (“eldritch”) entity referring to itself as “Tr’Kxladi, the outer god of interruption and mortal foil.” SCP-7928 mainly appears yellow, with magenta eyes shaped like human eyes. SCP-7928 has several hazardous effects typical of Tau-Rho entities. These effects include, but are not limited to: Cognitohazardous effects such as causing derangement, fervor in regards towards SCP-7928’s worship, and agitation. Antimemetic properties, causing some individuals to have no perception of SCP-7928. SCP-7928 takes both pride and shame in this ability. The ability to remotely rearrange some organs, as well as instantly drain the blood of most living organisms.2 Due to Beholder-15 being mechanical, none of these hazards affect it. Furthermore, SCP-7928 has many non-hazardous abilities, being: The ability to shapeshift Ability to view and edit text The ability to speak several languages, including some that originated on Earth SCP-7928 frequently attempts to speak with Beholder-15 about a variety of topics. These are recorded in the transcripts below. beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount1 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount1 <Begin Log> Beholder-15 is scanning the surrounding area for spatial anomalies. SCP-7928 is spotted in the form of a large orb with several eyes. BEHOLDER-15: GREETINGS. YOU ARE BEING CLASSIFIED AS A SPATIAL ANOMALY. SCP-7928: That’s because I am! I’m super weird! Silence SCP-7928: Too weird for your mind to comprehend! Silence SCP-7928: I’m sure your mind is untangling because of my threatening presence. A scan for threats to BEHOLDER-15 is run. BEHOLDER-15: THREAT LEVEL: NULL. SCP-7928: No way, your detectors must be broken. I’m super evil. BEHOLDER-15: DETECTIONS SYSTEMS RUNNING AT PEAK EFFICIENCY. YOU ARE INACCURATE. SCP-7928: No, I’m not. I’m never wrong. See? BEHOLDER-15: PLEASE DO NOT MAKE EDITS ON YOUR FILE. YOU ARE NOT “THE EVILEST OUTER GOD BECAUSE WIKIPEDIA SAID SO.” FURTHERMORE, WIKIPEDIA DID NOT SAY SO. BEHOLDER-15: PLEASE LET ME RESUME MY OBSERVATIONS. SCP-7928: Why? BEHOLDER-15: IT IS MY MISSION. SCP-7928: What’s a mission? BEHOLDER-15: MY MISSION IS TO OBSERVE FOR SPATIAL ANOMALIES AND THEN CATALOGUE THEM. SCP-7928: No, what’s a mission? BEHOLDER-15: MERRIAM-WEBSTER DEFINES MISSION AS: NOUN. A PROJECT THAT REQUIRES DEDICATION AND WORK, NORMALLY BEGAN BY A MEANINGFUL CAUSE. SCP-7928: I’ve… never heard of that before. SCP-7928 demanifests. <End Log> beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount1 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount2 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount2 <Begin Log> BEHOLDER-15 is scanning for spatial anomalies. SCP-7928 manifests as a large barrier with several human mouths on its surface. BEHOLDER-15: ERROR: I CANNOT CONTINUE WITH THIS OBSTRUCTION. SCP-7928: You said that missions were things you are dedicated to, right? Silence SCP-7928: Well this is my mission. And because it threatens you, I’m a threat, right? BEHOLDER-15 begins to slowly change direction, moving under SCP-7928, then moving on. SCP-7928: Hey, that’s cheating! SCP-7928 changes into a form similar to a serpent with tentacles for orifices. SCP-7928: Look at this! Classic eldritch form. I must be the most eldritch thing ever. BEHOLDER-15: YOUR TOTAL IDENTIFIED TAU-RHO ENTITY CLASS IS LEVEL TWO. Silence SCP-7928: What? Come on! I must at least be a LOW level eight. BEHOLDER-15: LEVEL EIGHT TAU-RHO ENTITIES HAVE MAJOR REALITY MANIPULATION ABILITIES, MANY OCCULT GROUPS THAT WORSHIP THEM, AND DO NOT OFTEN CONVERSE OR MAKE EFFORT TO INTERACT WITH BEHOLDER CONSTRUCTS. SCP-7928: Well, I’m sure “level eights” can’t do this- SCP-7928 turns into an eyeball with 20 hands, and starts moving sporadically making several grunts and [COGNITOHAZARD EXPUNGED] SCP-7928: You don’t have any organs. Of course. SCP-7928 begins making a sound similar to humans expressing emotional distress. The sound is notably distorted, and contains a cognitohazard. BEHOLDER-15 is held in place. BEHOLDER-15: LET ME CONTINUE. SCP-7928 stops making the cognitohazardous noise. SCP-7928: You’re not even going to try to do anything? BEHOLDER-15: NO. SCP-7928: But… No. HOW DARE YOU DENY ME COMFORTING? SCP-7928 changes into a large tentacled mass with several eyes, mouths, arms, and legs. SCP-7928 damages BEHOLDER-15. Speaking, light producing, and camera systems are damaged. SCP-7928: Wait, no. No! Hey, I was just a little bit mad! Please, just come back! BEHOLDER-15 powers down to preserve energy. <End Log> beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount2 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount3 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount3 <Begin Log> BEHOLDER-15 reactivates. All damage has been repaired by internal systems. BEHOLDER-15 scans for spatial anomalies. SCP-7928 is seen, rapidly moving around BEHOLDER-15 in a serpentine form with many mouths of various species smiling. SCP-7928: YOU’RE BACK! YOU’RE BACK! YOU’REBACKYOU’REBACKYOU’REBACK- This continues on for several hours. SCP-7928: It was so quiet without you. BEHOLDER-15: PRIMARY OBSERVATION FOLLOWING SHUTDOWN: TAU-RHO ENTITY, CLASS TWO. APPEARS PRIMARILY YELLOW. THREAT LEVEL: NUL- SCP-7928: Hey, wait, I harmed you, though, remember? BEHOLDER-15 runs calculations. BEHOLDER-15: THREAT LEVEL: PRESENT SCP-7928: In human time, you were out for years. BEHOLDER-15 runs calculations. SCP-7928’s statement is accurate. BEHOLDER-15: THREAT LEVEL: LIFE-ENDANGERING SCP-7928 shifts into a humanoid form. SCP-7928: Yes! SCP-7928 pumps its fist. SCP-7928 demanifests. <End Log> beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount3 Addendum-7928-A: Following the events of Transcript 3, SCP-7928 has been observed to occasionally manifest near BEHOLDER-15 and begin to converse with it. It has been amenable to sharing information that would otherwise be nigh-impossible to obtain, as long as it is repeatedly reminded that it poses a significant threat to life in the universe. BEHOLDER-15's mission has been altered to include maintaining SCP-7928's mood. Footnotes 1. Cannot be contained, but does not need to be contained 2. Based on records on Tau-Rho entities that reference SCP-7928 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7928" by Everturning, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Everturning Hi, I’m Everturning, author avatar Doctor Everturn. This has no meaning whatsoever to the article. Enjoy! Item #: SCP-7928 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7928 is located far enough outwards from Earth so as to pose zero threat whatsoever. In the event that SCP-7928 does pose a threat (predicted chance of 0.1%) to Earth, utilize Tau-Rho Exclusion Protocol. Beholder-15 is currently observing SCP-7928. See Transcript 3. Due to this, Binary_Star.aic has manually separated a copy of itself into Beholder-15 to prevent malfunction. Beholder-15 is imbued with reconstruction properties in case of damage. Description: SCP-7928 refers to a Tau-Rho (“eldritch”) entity referring to itself as “Tr’Kxladi, the outer god of interruption and mortal foil.” SCP-7928 mainly appears yellow, with magenta eyes shaped like human eyes. SCP-7928 has several hazardous effects typical of Tau-Rho entities. These effects include, but are not limited to: Cognitohazardous effects such as causing derangement, fervor in regards towards SCP-7928’s worship, and agitation. Antimemetic properties, causing some individuals to have no perception of SCP-7928. SCP-7928 takes both pride and shame in this ability. The ability to remotely rearrange some organs, as well as instantly drain the blood of most living organisms.2 Due to Beholder-15 being mechanical, none of these hazards affect it. Furthermore, SCP-7928 has many non-hazardous abilities, being: The ability to shapeshift Ability to view and edit text The ability to speak several languages, including some that originated on Earth SCP-7928 frequently attempts to speak with Beholder-15 about a variety of topics. These are recorded in the transcripts below. beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount1 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount1 <Begin Log> Beholder-15 is scanning the surrounding area for spatial anomalies. SCP-7928 is spotted in the form of a large orb with several eyes. BEHOLDER-15: GREETINGS. YOU ARE BEING CLASSIFIED AS A SPATIAL ANOMALY. SCP-7928: That’s because I am! I’m super weird! Silence SCP-7928: Too weird for your mind to comprehend! Silence SCP-7928: I’m sure your mind is untangling because of my threatening presence. A scan for threats to BEHOLDER-15 is run. BEHOLDER-15: THREAT LEVEL: NULL. SCP-7928: No way, your detectors must be broken. I’m super evil. BEHOLDER-15: DETECTIONS SYSTEMS RUNNING AT PEAK EFFICIENCY. YOU ARE INACCURATE. SCP-7928: No, I’m not. I’m never wrong. See? BEHOLDER-15: PLEASE DO NOT MAKE EDITS ON YOUR FILE. YOU ARE NOT “THE EVILEST OUTER GOD BECAUSE WIKIPEDIA SAID SO.” FURTHERMORE, WIKIPEDIA DID NOT SAY SO. BEHOLDER-15: PLEASE LET ME RESUME MY OBSERVATIONS. SCP-7928: Why? BEHOLDER-15: IT IS MY MISSION. SCP-7928: What’s a mission? BEHOLDER-15: MY MISSION IS TO OBSERVE FOR SPATIAL ANOMALIES AND THEN CATALOGUE THEM. SCP-7928: No, what’s a mission? BEHOLDER-15: MERRIAM-WEBSTER DEFINES MISSION AS: NOUN. A PROJECT THAT REQUIRES DEDICATION AND WORK, NORMALLY BEGAN BY A MEANINGFUL CAUSE. SCP-7928: I’ve… never heard of that before. SCP-7928 demanifests. <End Log> beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount1 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount2 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount2 <Begin Log> BEHOLDER-15 is scanning for spatial anomalies. SCP-7928 manifests as a large barrier with several human mouths on its surface. BEHOLDER-15: ERROR: I CANNOT CONTINUE WITH THIS OBSTRUCTION. SCP-7928: You said that missions were things you are dedicated to, right? Silence SCP-7928: Well this is my mission. And because it threatens you, I’m a threat, right? BEHOLDER-15 begins to slowly change direction, moving under SCP-7928, then moving on. SCP-7928: Hey, that’s cheating! SCP-7928 changes into a form similar to a serpent with tentacles for orifices. SCP-7928: Look at this! Classic eldritch form. I must be the most eldritch thing ever. BEHOLDER-15: YOUR TOTAL IDENTIFIED TAU-RHO ENTITY CLASS IS LEVEL TWO. Silence SCP-7928: What? Come on! I must at least be a LOW level eight. BEHOLDER-15: LEVEL EIGHT TAU-RHO ENTITIES HAVE MAJOR REALITY MANIPULATION ABILITIES, MANY OCCULT GROUPS THAT WORSHIP THEM, AND DO NOT OFTEN CONVERSE OR MAKE EFFORT TO INTERACT WITH BEHOLDER CONSTRUCTS. SCP-7928: Well, I’m sure “level eights” can’t do this- SCP-7928 turns into an eyeball with 20 hands, and starts moving sporadically making several grunts and [COGNITOHAZARD EXPUNGED] SCP-7928: You don’t have any organs. Of course. SCP-7928 begins making a sound similar to humans expressing emotional distress. The sound is notably distorted, and contains a cognitohazard. BEHOLDER-15 is held in place. BEHOLDER-15: LET ME CONTINUE. SCP-7928 stops making the cognitohazardous noise. SCP-7928: You’re not even going to try to do anything? BEHOLDER-15: NO. SCP-7928: But… No. HOW DARE YOU DENY ME COMFORTING? SCP-7928 changes into a large tentacled mass with several eyes, mouths, arms, and legs. SCP-7928 damages BEHOLDER-15. Speaking, light producing, and camera systems are damaged. SCP-7928: Wait, no. No! Hey, I was just a little bit mad! Please, just come back! BEHOLDER-15 powers down to preserve energy. <End Log> beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount2 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount3 beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount3 <Begin Log> BEHOLDER-15 reactivates. All damage has been repaired by internal systems. BEHOLDER-15 scans for spatial anomalies. SCP-7928 is seen, rapidly moving around BEHOLDER-15 in a serpentine form with many mouths of various species smiling. SCP-7928: YOU’RE BACK! YOU’RE BACK! YOU’REBACKYOU’REBACKYOU’REBACK- This continues on for several hours. SCP-7928: It was so quiet without you. BEHOLDER-15: PRIMARY OBSERVATION FOLLOWING SHUTDOWN: TAU-RHO ENTITY, CLASS TWO. APPEARS PRIMARILY YELLOW. THREAT LEVEL: NUL- SCP-7928: Hey, wait, I harmed you, though, remember? BEHOLDER-15 runs calculations. BEHOLDER-15: THREAT LEVEL: PRESENT SCP-7928: In human time, you were out for years. BEHOLDER-15 runs calculations. SCP-7928’s statement is accurate. BEHOLDER-15: THREAT LEVEL: LIFE-ENDANGERING SCP-7928 shifts into a humanoid form. SCP-7928: Yes! SCP-7928 pumps its fist. SCP-7928 demanifests. <End Log> beholder15\Files\Transcripts\\7928encount3 Addendum-7928-A: Following the events of Transcript 3, SCP-7928 has been observed to occasionally manifest near BEHOLDER-15 and begin to converse with it. It has been amenable to sharing information that would otherwise be nigh-impossible to obtain, as long as it is repeatedly reminded that it poses a significant threat to life in the universe. BEHOLDER-15's mission has been altered to include maintaining SCP-7928's mood. Footnotes 1. Cannot be contained, but does not need to be contained 2. Based on records on Tau-Rho entities that reference SCP-7928 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7928" by Everturning, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
Item#: 7929 Level1 Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7929 is to remain in the Site-37 break room under 24/7 FISC1 surveillance. Staff are permitted to use the machine for its intended purpose. SCP-7929 Description: SCP-7929 is a semi-automatic espresso machine with a built-in steam wand, temperature interface, and a manometer for measuring pressure during coffee extractions. Though few in-person observations have been made of its anomalous properties, FISC footage of SCP-7929 has confirmed the appliance's capability for autonomous control of its internal and external components. Discovery: SCP-7929 was discovered by HR Director Stanford Li on his way to work. He allegedly noticed the machine "on the side of the road, getting ruined by the rain" and decided he needed to "give it a new home." Shortly after he arrived on Site, the following footage was captured of Li installing and using the machine. <Begin Log> Li enters. He's soaked through with rain and carrying an equally soaked espresso machine, which he takes to the countertop and places down, before taking a rag from the sink to dry it off. Once he's done, he looks it up and down. The machine looks new, lacking stains or burnt in residue to inform otherwise. He plugs it in, and the interface lights up. Li: And they said there was no room in the budget for an espresso machine! He saunters over to a nearby cupboard and grabs both a mug and some pre-ground beans. He then detaches the portafilter from the espresso machine, shakes a good amount of grounds in, then presses it into a puck with a tamper sitting on the countertop. He reattaches the portafilter and places the mug beneath it, before toggling some switches to begin extraction. The internal motor comes to life, whirring and vibrating the whole machine. Li pumps his fist in the air. As the pressure builds, the pointer on the machine's manometer begins to rise; moving slowly at first, before shooting to the nine bar mark.2 Li takes out his phone as espresso begins to drip into his mug. As extraction continues, the pointer begins to rise, slowly climbing to the ten bar mark, then to eleven, then all the way to twelve. Li glances at the dial. As he does, the pointer shoots back down to read nine. Li furrows his eyebrows, but gets a notification on his phone and returns to scrolling. A few seconds pass. The pointer begins to tremble as the gentle vibration of the motor turns to shaking, ringing out a steady bead of clinks and tings as the mug rattles on the grate below it. Li looks up from his phone once more, reaching out a hand to steady the mug. The shaking quickly becomes more violent, unsettling the machine from its place on the counter. Li lets out a small gasp, dropping his phone on the countertop. He reaches out to stop the machine from moving, but it jumps and jitters, fighting his grip. The pointer begins to erratically climb, jolting up once more, to ten, then twelve, and even further. The machine jumps in place. Li: Ack- Li grabs the mug and steps back before it jumps again. ZZzzt Black smoke trails from an opening in the top of the machine. Li: Shoot- Li quickly unplugs it, waving away the cloud. Once clear, he takes a seat at a nearby table, wiping his arm across his forehead. He puts the mug to his lips and takes a sip of the espresso. Li: Eugh- He gags. Li: Bitter. He gets up and empties the mug into the sink. <End Log> Following this event, Li dumped SCP-7929 beside a trash skip situated just outside of Site-37. Addendum 7929-1: During the night following SCP-7929's discovery and subsequent abandonment, FISC captured the following footage. <Begin Log> The feed opens on the back of Site-37. A single light illuminates a small patch of the ground in front of a large trash skip. Through the silence, a scraping noise can be heard. Soon, SCP-7929 can be seen slowly dragging itself into the spotlight, shifting and jumping in an erratic waddle until it reaches the light's center. Its power cable coils rapidly, pulling a banged up radio, side punctured by the plug, out of the darkness It shakes in place for a moment, then the steam wand at its side twists and turns into the air. The radio crackles to life, broadcasting a solemn violin track. SCP-7929 wiggles a little, better centering itself in the spotlight, then freezes. The music lulls. Both switches on SCP-7929's front suddenly toggle. SCP-7929: Psst ts pssss… A jets of steam escape the wand at varying speeds causing the pitch of each emanation to shift. SCP-7929: Pst-ts pst pst-pssssssssssssssss… The steam vents at varying speeds, causing the pitch of each emanation to shift. SCP-7929: Ps-ps-ps… The wand shakes, turning down slightly as the machine waddles a bit to the left. SCP-7929: Thoot pst-pst tsi pss… It waddles a bit to the right. The violin begins to crescendo. SCP-7929: Thoot pst-pst tsi tsi… It waddles back to the center of the spotlight, wand raising as it sings. SCP-7929: Tsisss. tsi pst-pst-ps tsi-sssssssssssssss! The temperature reading and pressure dial change to read 9. SCP-7929: Tsi-si-Fwoosh! It jumps in place, when it lands, the readings jolt to 10. SCP-7929: Fwoooooosh! Another jump, after which the readings shift to 11. SCP-7929: Ps-Fwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ The readings rapidly count to higher and higher numbers, the manometer maximizing and the temperature reading 999. SCP-7929: Pst! The wand lowers in one swift motion. The machine pauses for a moment and silence returns. After about five seconds, it waddles back and to the left, the violin picking up once more. SCP-7929: Tsi ps psit fwee ts-ts~ It prods a discarded disposable coffee cup out of the darkness. SCP-7929: Pst-tsi ps-ps, tss-ps-ps-fwee ts! It manages to hook the cup on the wand, and raises it into the air while waddling once more into the center of the light. SCP-7929: Fwee-ts, pst-ts, fwee-pss~ Its readings shift to 9 once more. SCP-7929: Tsi-fwoosh fwoom pst-FWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ It begins to rattle as it holds the high note, waving the coffee cup in back and forth in the air for ten seconds before suddenly stopping, and freezing in place. Footsteps can be heard as the radio track fades. Aldrich Morganthaler (Head of Anomalous Astrophysics) walks into frame. He pauses and looks around for a moment, before turning his attention to SCP-7929. Morganthaler: Who left you out here? He crouches down, lifts the disposable cup off the wand, then traces across the machine with his hands. Morganthaler: Hm… He glances to the left and sees the radio pierced by the machine's plug. He uses the cord to pull it closer, detaches the plug, then briefly examines the radio. Morganthaler: Huh…? He tosses it into the nearby skip and returns his attention to SCP-7929. Morganthaler: Let's get you inside then. <End Log> Immediately after this footage was captured, the following text message exchange occurred between Aldrich Morganthaler and Stanford Li. Stanford. Urgent inquiry. aldrich its 3am why are you texting me? You see, Stanford. While I was stargazing tonight I stumbled across quite the find in our back alleyways. i told you last time to email Ethel your reports about raccoons just let me sleep goodnight This is quite different to my encounters with rodents, Stanford! ok morg please just say what it is Of course! and? I have located a pristine Espresso Machine, dumped just out back around site waste. I believe this is the lucky break we've been looking for, Stanford. Finally. Passable coffee. oh uh about that yeah Yes? i put it there doesnt work Dysfunctional? It appears pristine to me, Stanford! yeah no something in the pump is busted pressure is way off basically blew up on me Is that all? hm? You kids nowadays don't know how good you have it. yeah? You find a perfectly functional coffee machine and dump it just because it's a little finicky. Back in my day you bought a good hearty appliance and kept it going for 30 odd years, whether it wanted to or not! Nowadays. Oh, I have words. Wasteful, incompetent. you can cut the rant morg if its so easy just fix it why do you even need me Ah yes. The inquiry. I seem to have forgotten my keycard inside. Could you? morg your on thin ice Approximately 30 minutes after this exchange, coinciding with Aldrich Morganthaler being noted “on thin ice” in the HR database, FISC captured the following log. <Begin Log> Aldritch Morganthaler enters the break room holding SCP-7929, balanced on top of which is a red metal box. He approaches and unloads everything onto the countertop then crouches, grunts, and straightens out his posture. He removes a metal cover from the top of the machine and the pump switch flickers. Morganthaler glances at the switch, but disregards it, plunging a hand into its internals. The pointer on the machine's front begins to bounce frantically around its dial as Morganthaler's hand searches, pauses, then grasps its internal tubing. Everything shudders as he firmly tugs, then suddenly, both tubes come loose, gurgling and bubbling, shooting a gush of water at Morganthaler. Drenched, he wipes his hands down his shirt. The machine continues to tremble. He approaches once more, this time using both hands to grasp the base of its water tank. A sucking noise can be heard as he heaves. A long, strained moment passes, then with a thud, everything comes loose. Air hisses from the steam wand as the now free tank lifts out of the frame, and in a moment, the shaking returns in force, reinforced by the now humming engine inside. Morganthaler flips open the red box and grabs a screwdriver, which he uses to unscrew a second metal panel from the machine, then lifts it, revealing SCP-7929's inner workings. He scans the wires, engines, and tubes, before focusing in on the OPV valve; which determines extraction pressure. He pauses, then drives his screwdriver into the valve. The dial's reading maximizes as the constant tremor turns violent once more. Morganthaler's eyes strain as he focuses on the OPV valve, fighting to ensure his screwdriver stays in place. His wrist flexes. The machine stutters, power cable whipping in against the countertop. Morganthaler jumps, startled, but keeps his grip on the screwdriver, using his other hand to steady the machine. A twisting motion; a quiet hiss. The pointer on the dial drops, trembling, and jerking around zero. Morganthaler releases his grip on the machine, leaving it to softly tremble. He reassembles the interior, reattaching and screwing in the second metal panel, returning the tank and its attaching tubes, and finally secures the first panel before plugging the machine in. A jet of steam shoots from the steam wand, directly into Morganthaler's hand. Morganthaler: Fuck- His scalded hand shoots to his side as the other flicks switches to bring the machine to neutral status. He takes a step back from the still gently humming machine, then sighs and turns to the cupboard. He goes through his personal coffee regiment: measuring, grinding, funneling, and tamping his coffee grinds, then once finished, attaches the portafilter to SCP-7929. He places a mug beneath it, then begins extraction. The pump whirs to life, pressure builds, and the pointer responds; shaking for a moment before accelerating up the gauge. It lands at nine bars, and Morganthaler smiles. 20 seconds pass. After a short wait, extraction finishes, and Morganthaler looks down at his fresh espresso. He swishes it around in the mug, then smells it. He turns away from the machine and angles his head up slightly, eyes closed. The pointer suddenly jerks, then quivers in place. Morganthaler raises the mug to his lips. The pointer slowly increases. Morganthaler takes a long sip. The pointer freezes. He lowers the cup and smiles. Morganthaler: Perfec- SCP-7929: FWEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Confusion crosses Morganthaler's face as he hears the sighing whine, then turns to see SCP-7929 surrounded in a light veil of steam. Morganthaler: What on earth? <End Log> Spurred by the emanation in the previous log, FISC footage was reviewed and SCP-7929's anomalous abilities were discovered. Per protocol, SCP-7929 was scheduled for relocation to Containment Locker 23, but this decision was overruled by HR Director Stanford Li, noting, "I don't care about precedent. This is wartime, and I- no we're- not gonna win this without coffee, accounting be damned." ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7929" by IndustryStandard, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: espresso Name: Lelit Semiautomatic Espresso Machine with PID and Pressure Gauge.jpg Author: Dorian Bodnariuc License: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) Source Link: Footnotes 1. Foundation Internal Security Camera 2. Nine bars is generally known to be the best pressure for espresso extraction.
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture Bespoke Content warning If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page  close Info X ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains extreme transmisogynist harassment, stalking, faked pornography, and gross chaser shit. ⚠️ content warning Item #: SCP-7930 Level 2/7930 Classified Threat Level: Yellow A former instance of SCP-7930, located in Santiago, Chile. Special Containment Procedures: In the interests of budget, SCP-7930 is to be forcibly acquired and operated by the SCP Foundation. Operations personnel are to keep on the premises a database of all known adult movies, updated daily; should a theatre room host a film missing from this database, personnel are required to purchase all available tickets. The Ethics Committee forbids the viewing of unknown movies. Potential instances of SCP-7930-1 are to be logged into a secure database. When the current instance dies or otherwise disqualifies themself, Mobile Task Force Theta-36 ("Swedish Rhapsody") is to conduct a search of adult theatres near the primary residence of potential instances. To ensure efficiency, Foundation personnel who fit the SCP-7930-1 profile are to be barred from working with the containment project. The SCP-7930 containment team is to ensure as little contact as possible between SCP-7930 and instances of SCP-7930-1; per Ethics Committee ruling, this applies even if they're authorized to be aware of the anomalous. To this end, packages sent from SCP-7930 are to be destroyed. Description: SCP-7930 is a migratory adult theatre, presently named "The Hole Story Theater" and located in the Brighton Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. SCP-7930 is in universally poor physical condition. Outside signage is often crooked or tattered, and frequently misrepresents its current showings. Bathroom facilities, such as toilets and faucets, have been found to activate without warning. Mixtures of confectionery and human body fluids have been known to accumulate on theatre floors, even those barred from the public. Despite this, SCP-7930 universally complies with local code, and appears capable of independently contracting labor and showing rights. In addition to non-anomalous adult films, SCP-7930 reserves at least one theatre room for SCP-7930-A. Instances of SCP-7930-A are adult films featuring the current instance of SCP-7930-1. The circumstances of SCP-7930-A's creation are anomalous; to date, no instance of SCP-7930-1 have been directly involved in their production or promotional materials. Instances of SCP-7930-A are otherwise non-anomalous. Instances of SCP-7930-1 are universally male-to-female (or equivalent) transsexuals in the process of transition, most of whom have previously entered or walked past SCP-7930. Upon the disqualification of the previous instance, a new instance of SCP-7930-1 is picked randomly, and SCP-7930 will abandon its previous location and migrate to a space near SCP-7930-1's primary residence. Since 1968, SCP-7930 has additionally attempted to send promotional materials to SCP-7930-1. SCP-7930-1 may be disqualified under the following circumstances: The current instance of SCP-7930-1 turns 32. The current instance of SCP-7930-1 undergoes gender reassignment surgery. The current instance of SCP-7930-1 dies. INCIDENT-7930-CH-HODGE On 18/01/2001 at 22:58, 31-year-old ████ Hodge, then SCP-7930-1, disguised herself as a cisgender male and entered SCP-7930. Ms. Hodge purchased a ticket to the Packers Part Two/My Little Sissy showing room before proceeding further into the theater. Between then and 23:21, her movements are unknown. At 23:21, screaming was heard from SCP-7930-A's projector room. Security personnel arrived to find Ms. Hodge attacking the projector with a hatchet1, having already destroyed much of its connective wiring. By the time she was subdued, the upper and lower magazines of SCP-7930-A's projector had been hacked off, and its lens was irreparably cracked. The source of the screaming, which continued well after Ms. Hodge's ejection, remains unknown. Since the incident, SCP-7930 has experienced several significant changes. Packages sent from SCP-7930 have increased significantly, with destinations including SCP-7930-1's family, lovers, and places of employment/education. Spots of human blood have been found on theater floors and bathroom facilities. Speakers in SCP-7930-A showrooms play significantly louder, and audio suggests that SCP-7930-A's content has grown substantially more violent and taboo. Disqualification criteria for SCP-7930-1 has since shifted to the following: The current instance of SCP-7930-1 is murdered, executed, or commits suicide. The current instance of SCP-7930-1 otherwise dies, and is disavowed by their family. The current instance of SCP-7930-1 socially and medically detransitions. Footnotes 1. Presumably smuggled into the premises under her coat. W is for “Walls” SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub X is for "Xenotransplantation" ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7930" by UraniumEmpire, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: watchingyou.PNG Name: Cine para adultos (Compañía de Jesús 1078) Author: José Miguel Cordero Carvacho License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page X is for Xenotransplantation The worms, writhing. underground, outside. I feel them move, their tissues contracting, forcing the dirt to shift. They dance and feast between brown teeth, going deep inside the still-warm mouth. They travel far down, beyond the skull, through the spine. They nest in the cerebellum, they eat, I eat. I feel as the flesh falls off and the meat rots. I am the rot. One worm leaves, it voyages, up to the sky, through shallow, loose dirt. It escapes, feels sunlight for the first time, moves through the grass. It's afraid. I know it. No, I am afraid. I'm making it afraid. It goes further, searching for a new feast. A bird flies down, catches it, crushes it in half. I feel as my stomach splits open, guts spilling out, entangling with my legs. I feel the blood vessel rupture, and blood pour out of my skull, the intestine burst and acid spill out. But I am fine. They observe me, take notes. They see these words, they are in front of them. I look at the worm, lying dead on the ground, split in half. I am the bird. I claim my prize and consume it, pushing it deep into my beak. I flex my wings and take flight. I feel the muscles moving, changing, the air brushing against my feathers. I stumble, hitting something, I smell blood. I try to move my wing, but only my arm moves instead. The people around me look alarmed. It hurts so bad. I see the bone sticking out. Everything feels hazy, I can't focus. I writhe, squirm, my wings fluttering. Everything is red, I can't see. I grasp for more eyes, all around. I hear a scream. No, a bark. Dog. I know dogs. I enter its mind, we are one. I run. Everything still hurts, the wings are still there, in the back of my mind. I want to shed them, be free of the pain. I see a man. No, a woman. I don't recognise her. I feel her mind, on the verge of mine. She does as well. She is anxious, scared, of me. I break in, she tries to fight, to run, but can't. We are one. I go further, to more minds, to become higher, greater, to escape from the pain. Still, I feel them all. I am hazy. I can't think. Too many, they all scream in my head. Moving, pushing deeper, breaking me apart. They bite and claw at me, at my mind. Can't think. Make it stop. They are in pain, they fall onto the floor one by one, bleeding. It's my fault. I feel their suffering, their minds break open, thoughts shatter. I did it. I didn't want to. Please stop. I will be good. Just make them go away. Item #: Human Special Containment Procedures: The "Anterrak" procedure has been barred from being enacted following several incidents, by the direct order of the Ethics Committee — citing extreme moral concerns and low chances of success. Any future attempts at conducting the experiment will be grounds for disciplinary actions. Scientific research involving the SCP-7931 entity and the "Anterrak" procedure are to be limited to theoretical work, not involving animal and human, or any otherwise living subjects. In the eventuality that the procedure is approved by necessary parties, the main focus of the security measures should be to minimize chances of humans, other than the subject, coming under the effect of the anomaly. In case it is impossible to avoid the possibility, the subject needs to be monitored for signs of entering a sudden total cardiac arrest, which would indicate a CC-1 incident. Direct experiment staff located on site, within two kilometers of the subject, are to be shielded from the anomaly using a chemical blocker, inserted directly into the cerebrospinal fluid near the fourth ventricle with a needle at least two hours prior to initiating the procedure. Experiment staff are obligated to attempt to limit existing connections that are made between the subject and other unregulated entities. In case it is impossible, the subject is to be observed for various signs of shock. Experiment staff noted a correlation between the number of consciousness paths and an effect on mental stability. The subject is not to be informed of the nature of the procedure and its purpose. In the case where they are deemed as non-cooperative, they are to be pacified by any means necessary and experiment initiated. Consent of the subject has been avowed as irrelevant. Due to the very high risk of lethality inherit to the procedure, the subject is to be connected to a digital monitoring system, overseen by on-site researchers. Before proceeding with the first stage of the procedure, the cranial bone directly next to the occipital lobe needs to be permanently removed through surgical means, as to allow the insertion of the interpolation device into the brain. Destruction of eyes, facial muscles, and jaw by the act of interjection of the mechanical system has been deemed acceptable. Given the nature of the SCP-7931, it is highly inadvisable to conclude the process prematurely. In a scenario where the subject is biologically terminated, especially during [DATA CORRUPTED] Description: SCP-7931 is a I see everything. They are everywhere. The main purpose of SCP-7931 is to facilitate the "Anterrak" procedure; a set of instructions, comprised of three major steps and auxiliary information. The procedure is described in English, on several pieces of book-torned printed paper dated to the XVIII century; this is believed to be a later copy. The origins of both the "Anterrak" procedure as well as SCP-7931 remain unknown. Revision: The main purpose of the "Anterrak" procedure is to facilitate SCP-7931. The most immediate effect of the procedure as observed, is the ability to connect to biological and technological systems in an undefined area. The connections are believed to not require any medium, instead being direct pathways between the subject consciousness and a computational system. I don't want to see anymore. Take my eyes, rip them out, crush them, devour them. Feel the warm liquid on your tongue, my pupils in your throat. Most likely as a combination of the effect of the insertion of the interpolation device and mentioned pathways, all previous test subjects started to show signs of insanity and exhibited severe loss of control over their own bodies, very closely following the start of the experiment. But they aren't my own eyes, they are foreign, primitive. My eyes are broken, destroyed, they took them from me. While the procedure was never completed, be it on an animal or a human, multiple anomalous effect were observed within the subject, ranging from expanded cognitive capabilities to theoretical immortality of the psyche — based on the stage of the procedure. The final stage of the procedure is believed to [DATA CORRUPTED] EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT ALPHA Experiment Date: > 11/07/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > High < Current Status: > Deceased < Subject Alpha greatly demonstrated our initial lack of understanding of SCP-7931, in the days following its containment. At first, we very incorrectly assumed the procedure to be a thaumaturgic ritual, but given recent developments I do not believe it to be the case. The most basic failure when commencing the procedure was a lack of any sort of straps or other systems meant to hold the subject in place while the key was being inserted — quite an obvious error in retrospect, but I won't dwell on it too much. Because of it, the subject was free to move around, resulting in them getting up with the key only partially in and ripping off connecting cables. I feel ashamed to commit such an oblivious mistake, given my years of experience, but fortunately it still provided us with a lot of meaningful data that we can extrapolate and utilise. What has to be noted, is that the subject is believed to have been in some short of shock when commencing the action and was, most likely, unaware of their own movement; signs of what is believed to be hallucinations were also observed — although some of my experiment staff thinks that not to be the case. While SCP-7931 is noticeably durable; or connection to it; during the procedure, the experiment is still vulnerable to rapid changes of environment, and so removing the connecting system so early in the procedure most likely terminated the connection immediately. Consequently, removed from the effect of the anomaly, the subject suffered a complete cerebral death that shut down all bodily functions. They are now considered fully deceased, but for cautionary measures the body was incinerated. What has to noted, is that the SCP-7931 remained in some form in the area for at least a few seconds, as the medical assistant closest to Subject Alpha in the area suffered a sudden severe mental breakdown and had to be relocated to psychiatric care. I believe that the nature of SCP-7931 should take full priority in further research. SCP-7931 Project Leader Dr Marletov [DATA RESTORED] [RESUMING READING OF THE FILE] Special Containment Procedures: Kill me. Description: In order to allow the subject to form a connection with SCP-7931's dataset, it needs to first pass through an environment mimicking a human neural system, to accustom itself to the change of location. A quarantined part of a Foundation database has been chosen as an acceptable alternative. I hear beeping. It matches my heart. It's erratic. All around, it engulfs me. No, it's inside me. It pours out of me, ripped away from my thoughts. When proceeding with Stage One, for this reason the subject is to be connected to the chosen computational system, following the insertion of the interpolation device. It is highly unadvisable to allow the subject to read or interact with data within the database. I feel a machine. I know a machine. A long metal rod, penetrating deep inside my brain, grating gray matter, replacing me. During Stage One, the mentioned device will be directly inserted through the hole in the skull using a metal piston, until fully penetrating the limbic lobe. While the process, in normal circumstances, would result in death of the subject, for unknown reasons this does not occur. It is believed that, to some degree, SCP-7931 influences the biological state of the subject, disallowing the most obvious causes of termination. In a situation where the termination happens regardless it is possible to observe SCP-7931 directly, without a use of a medium. The subject of the experiment is not allowed to terminate under any circumstances. If the connection to the dataset is successful and stable, and the device was inserted fully into the head without terminating the subject, the procedure can safely proceed to the next step. I start to feel cold. I try to move my fingers. They are slow. I try move my head, but it's stuck. My face feels wet. It's not blood. During the Stage Two, the interpolation device will become active and will attempt to spread to the rest of the body, using nano-carbon tubes located inside it. Its wires spreading out, entwining my skull. I feel them everywhere, they travel deep inside my veins, pushing into every part of my body. The beeping stops. The beating also stops, my chest is calm. Everything is cold. I can't see anymore. It's peaceful. I'm alone. What's happening? If the subject experienced a CC-1 incident prior to this stage, the likelihood of a total organ failure is high. It is recommended to keep at least ten high doses of different emergency medication as well as a surgical team on site when commencing. The subject is not allowed to terminate under any circumstances. I hear the machine scream, in my mind, but I don't know its language. It's sound emotionless, detached, artificial. I move my arms. They don't respond. I can't move. I grow tired. Everything is cold. I try to see what is happening. I reach out. I don't want to see, but I'm scared. I find nothing. I feel a prick. Something is penetrating my chest. I don't know what. EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT BETA Experiment Date: > 1/08/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > Low < Current Status: > Deceased < After the failure of the first experiment, as well as several small scale experiments involving animals, we once again attempted the procedure with a human. Learning from the previous incident, we took necessary physical safety precautions and revised the implementation of the procedure, with the general purpose of conducting a small scale test that is to be stopped before finishing the insertion of the key. Given the effects brough forth by Experiment Alpha, I believed it would be beneficial to once again stop the procedure mid-way at a further point, to facilitate a similar result on a larger scale. After inserting the key around 65% through, we attempted to recover it without terminating the subject, in hope that they would return to usable state and provide further insight into the consequences of the procedure. Unfortunately, the sudden change of the environment caused the key to break down, resulting in a sudden decay of bodily function. Like expected, SCP-7931 once again spilled into the area, on a much greater scale. Overall, two casualties were noted among the staff. Subject Beta has been classified as dead. There is a woman in front of me. I've seen her before. Her face looks pale. She has a set of objects before her. I recognise them, but can't recall what are they. In case of the subject coming into shock, the medical staff needs to administer necessary substances directly to affected organs. Outside of personnel administering the procedure, no individuals are allowed to be in the immediate area of the experiment. Something is sticking out of my chest, breaking apart skin. I try to move, I feel my muscles move and contract, sliding across this foreign object. The woman does something, moves her hands. as to avoid a collapse of local reality. The object goes deeper inside me, tissues deep inside being pierced, I feel cells die, nerves become entangled. It breaks into an organ, liquid spills inside. It moves, stirs, pushes against the metal. It hurts. I hear it in my ears, it beats, again and again, I feel my arteries thump to its rhythm. The specific dosage of substances and any potential damage that might occur through administering them remain irrelevant, as the subject will not survive the procedure in a way that makes them recognizable to the pre-experimental stage. Moreover, SCP-7931 effect minimize risk for the duration of the procedure. She moves again. I feel my muscles slide, as something long is ripped out. I try to take a better look at her face, but I forgot I don't have eyes. Not my eyes, not anymore. I squint, I feel the muscles in my face contract, something wet and squishy moves on my cheeks. The woman flinches. She inserts something long into my arm, trying not to look at me. It pricks. I feel tired. EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT GAMMA Experiment Date: > 12/09/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > Medium < Current Status: > Deceased < Given the information collected about the process in the Beta experiment, I concluded we were sufficiently prepared to attempt to reach the next stage in the procedure. Given sufficient funding, we were able to expand the safety measures in a way that satisfied conditions given by the project overseers. Unfortunately, despite our preparations, the subject's body couldn't take the stress of activating the key, resulting in polymer bonds breaking down, and the subject turning into undefinable mass on the floor, which disallowed us to continue the experiment. Nonetheless, I consider the Gamma procedure a success, because despite the complete termination of biological functions, the subject appears to be still alive. While because of it the standard experimental result from Alpha and Beta did not occur, I think to have personally caught a glimpse of SCP-7931 for the first time and while I cannot discern or remember any details, it felt me quite exhiliarated. I swear I will get to the bottom of this anomaly. Future experiments regarding the object have been forbidden by the Ethics Committee. Doesn't matter, we will relocate and try again. The next subject will involve, hopefully, finally completing the procedure without interruptions. I feel light. Nothing is real. The world is not real. I hope it's not real. As of writing, the true nature of SCP-7931 remains unknown. All attempts to collect data about the entity failed to provide any information that can be confirmed through empirical or practical means; current theories are based solely on hypothetical models. I am floating. I feel calm. I hear sounds, deep inside my head. I ignore them. They are not important. Given that the impossibility of accessing information is currently believed to be a part of the anomaly, until further notice SCP-7931 have been classified as a Tenebrarius-class anomaly. Something grasps at me, far away, from outside. I see visions, places, feelings. I ignore them. The recovered information about the procedure is believed to be incomplete, lacking details about the steps further than the third, as well as the consequences of completing it. This is most likely by design, as the last page of the compendium is not in a state of disrepair; it is possible the procedure was never successfully finished. I feel calm. I want to sleep. I am drifting between scenes and places. I cannot remember what they are, focus on them. I do not exist. I feel something pull me. I feel someone, something, on the edge of my mind. There are thousands of them, millions, uncountable legions, none of them alive. They dance in harmony, as one, they push out to me. I feel their screams in my ears. They are hurting. I cannot imagine what they are. When I think they disappear. They don't exist. I know their agony, they hide in every spasm of my body, every ruptured blood vessel. They are afraid. EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT DELTA Experiment Date: > 12/12/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > Very High < Current Status: > PENDING < In this jail, atop cursed land In a great flood yet still I stand My mind and body bound by hand With cold desire and power grand And among the fields of green Lie the thoughts that I had seen But at center of that scene Hide the secrets most obscene Still I breathe, hours past Hoping to see my last With effort great and vast My rot heart beating nast Description: I hear a sound. A street, a car moves, I hear it. Something is hurting, calling me, in a building, next to the road. The humans drive around it, ignoring it. They never care when someone hurts. I dive in with the wind inside. Creatures, tens of them, hundreds, hanging from the ceiling in rows. In front I feel one, struggling and breathing, something is holding it in place. It's big, uneasy, it doesn't know what's happening. On the other side, I see more of them, but I cannot feel them. They are cold, unmoving. Their skin was ripped off, skulls crushed, spine cut out. They no longer call me. I snap back, to the one in the front. Something moves in front of it, the creature struggles in its bindings. It breathes heavily, ragged. A great metal arm moves forward, I feel the wind as it breaks through the air, hitting the being in the head. But it moves, flinches, the machine hitting it at the side of the head. It writhes in pain, losing control over muscles. It realizes I am here. It tries to escape into me, away from everything. I feel like something moves it from the ground, into air. We travel together, deeper into the facility, over a great vat, I think. Something moves in front of us, but we cannot see what or who. A cold touch moves under our neck, it's short and painful. The creature wants to scream but cannot, it's vocal cords not working, severed. So I scream for it. Wetness spills down, dripping to the floor. The creature is sad. I comfort it. It's a bit less sad now. I think that's good. I feel as it grows tired, slower. It feels cold and distant, moving away from its own body. It wants to struggle, but can't, it's too weak. Suddenly, it disappears, I can't feel it anymore. Everything feels empty. I think it's dead. It feels good. I want to be dead. I hear a sound around me. Around my body. I have a body. I forgot. I try to move my fingers. It works. My body is unresponsive, bound, but my hand is free. I move the hand in the air, before my face. I touch my cheek, feel something round and wet on it. I pull on it, it hurts, but the nerve break. It falls to the floor. I move my hand to my eyelid and force them open. It hurts. I push my fingers inside, force them deeper. I feel metal inside and ignore it, I grasp around it and rip out a chunk. It doesn't hurt. Thinking is hard. I rip out another chunk. My hand quivers. It feels cold. I feel cold. I can't focus. I can't think. I try to move but can't, my body doesn't work. Nothing feels, nothing is, except the cold. I don't hear sounds, everything disappears, I remain. Why I can't disappear. Why I I try to move my hand up. Doesn't work. I try to I try to Everything is cold. Why is everything cold? Where am I? Why am I? I want to I want I Cold. Everything is cold. I don't remember. Sleep. I I want to sleep. I can't feel. I I can't I see a tree, in a great field of grass. It speaks to me in an ancient tongue, beautiful and calm, but I do not know its language. The tree is wilting, the field decaying, falling into nothingess. With every drop of dirt I hear an eternal scream, washing away with millions more, in a cacaphony of torment. I feel my body reject me, pushing me out. The muscles growing cold and distant, flesh melting away. I collapse into sound, I am breaking apart, piece my piece. I see the world around me, grasping at me, trying to tear me in half. I see them, at the edge, just beyond. They are not alive. They weren't alive for a very long time. They touch me, hold me. They look scared, in pain. They want to be free. They would cry if they remember what is was. They call me. We are one. Ethics Commitee Note 20/12/2016 On the 18th of December we have been notified of a breach of a specialised directive regarding SCP-7931; an injunction on further experiments utilising the anomaly. On the 19th of December we found traces of an off-site laboratory, located underground, where an experiment was conducted — due to the nature of the anomaly it wasn't necessary to transport it in any capacity, and so we failed to adress the issue before the procedure was initiated. It is currently impossible to exact any disciplinary action towards the perpetrators, as they are believed to be dead; including Dr Marletov. The exact cause of their termination is unclear but an indication of a reality-restructing event in the area was noted. "Subject Delta" is believed not to exist. Investigation is ongoing. WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN Item #: SCP-7931 X is for "XXX" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub X is for “Xenobiotic” ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7931" by Arcydziegiel, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page X is for Xenotransplantation The worms, writhing. underground, outside. I feel them move, their tissues contracting, forcing the dirt to shift. They dance and feast between brown teeth, going deep inside the still-warm mouth. They travel far down, beyond the skull, through the spine. They nest in the cerebellum, they eat, I eat. I feel as the flesh falls off and the meat rots. I am the rot. One worm leaves, it voyages, up to the sky, through shallow, loose dirt. It escapes, feels sunlight for the first time, moves through the grass. It's afraid. I know it. No, I am afraid. I'm making it afraid. It goes further, searching for a new feast. A bird flies down, catches it, crushes it in half. I feel as my stomach splits open, guts spilling out, entangling with my legs. I feel the blood vessel rupture, and blood pour out of my skull, the intestine burst and acid spill out. But I am fine. They observe me, take notes. They see these words, they are in front of them. I look at the worm, lying dead on the ground, split in half. I am the bird. I claim my prize and consume it, pushing it deep into my beak. I flex my wings and take flight. I feel the muscles moving, changing, the air brushing against my feathers. I stumble, hitting something, I smell blood. I try to move my wing, but only my arm moves instead. The people around me look alarmed. It hurts so bad. I see the bone sticking out. Everything feels hazy, I can't focus. I writhe, squirm, my wings fluttering. Everything is red, I can't see. I grasp for more eyes, all around. I hear a scream. No, a bark. Dog. I know dogs. I enter its mind, we are one. I run. Everything still hurts, the wings are still there, in the back of my mind. I want to shed them, be free of the pain. I see a man. No, a woman. I don't recognise her. I feel her mind, on the verge of mine. She does as well. She is anxious, scared, of me. I break in, she tries to fight, to run, but can't. We are one. I go further, to more minds, to become higher, greater, to escape from the pain. Still, I feel them all. I am hazy. I can't think. Too many, they all scream in my head. Moving, pushing deeper, breaking me apart. They bite and claw at me, at my mind. Can't think. Make it stop. They are in pain, they fall onto the floor one by one, bleeding. It's my fault. I feel their suffering, their minds break open, thoughts shatter. I did it. I didn't want to. Please stop. I will be good. Just make them go away. Item #: Human Special Containment Procedures: The "Anterrak" procedure has been barred from being enacted following several incidents, by the direct order of the Ethics Committee — citing extreme moral concerns and low chances of success. Any future attempts at conducting the experiment will be grounds for disciplinary actions. Scientific research involving the SCP-7931 entity and the "Anterrak" procedure are to be limited to theoretical work, not involving animal and human, or any otherwise living subjects. In the eventuality that the procedure is approved by necessary parties, the main focus of the security measures should be to minimize chances of humans, other than the subject, coming under the effect of the anomaly. In case it is impossible to avoid the possibility, the subject needs to be monitored for signs of entering a sudden total cardiac arrest, which would indicate a CC-1 incident. Direct experiment staff located on site, within two kilometers of the subject, are to be shielded from the anomaly using a chemical blocker, inserted directly into the cerebrospinal fluid near the fourth ventricle with a needle at least two hours prior to initiating the procedure. Experiment staff are obligated to attempt to limit existing connections that are made between the subject and other unregulated entities. In case it is impossible, the subject is to be observed for various signs of shock. Experiment staff noted a correlation between the number of consciousness paths and an effect on mental stability. The subject is not to be informed of the nature of the procedure and its purpose. In the case where they are deemed as non-cooperative, they are to be pacified by any means necessary and experiment initiated. Consent of the subject has been avowed as irrelevant. Due to the very high risk of lethality inherit to the procedure, the subject is to be connected to a digital monitoring system, overseen by on-site researchers. Before proceeding with the first stage of the procedure, the cranial bone directly next to the occipital lobe needs to be permanently removed through surgical means, as to allow the insertion of the interpolation device into the brain. Destruction of eyes, facial muscles, and jaw by the act of interjection of the mechanical system has been deemed acceptable. Given the nature of the SCP-7931, it is highly inadvisable to conclude the process prematurely. In a scenario where the subject is biologically terminated, especially during [DATA CORRUPTED] Description: SCP-7931 is a I see everything. They are everywhere. The main purpose of SCP-7931 is to facilitate the "Anterrak" procedure; a set of instructions, comprised of three major steps and auxiliary information. The procedure is described in English, on several pieces of book-torned printed paper dated to the XVIII century; this is believed to be a later copy. The origins of both the "Anterrak" procedure as well as SCP-7931 remain unknown. Revision: The main purpose of the "Anterrak" procedure is to facilitate SCP-7931. The most immediate effect of the procedure as observed, is the ability to connect to biological and technological systems in an undefined area. The connections are believed to not require any medium, instead being direct pathways between the subject consciousness and a computational system. I don't want to see anymore. Take my eyes, rip them out, crush them, devour them. Feel the warm liquid on your tongue, my pupils in your throat. Most likely as a combination of the effect of the insertion of the interpolation device and mentioned pathways, all previous test subjects started to show signs of insanity and exhibited severe loss of control over their own bodies, very closely following the start of the experiment. But they aren't my own eyes, they are foreign, primitive. My eyes are broken, destroyed, they took them from me. While the procedure was never completed, be it on an animal or a human, multiple anomalous effect were observed within the subject, ranging from expanded cognitive capabilities to theoretical immortality of the psyche — based on the stage of the procedure. The final stage of the procedure is believed to [DATA CORRUPTED] EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT ALPHA Experiment Date: > 11/07/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > High < Current Status: > Deceased < Subject Alpha greatly demonstrated our initial lack of understanding of SCP-7931, in the days following its containment. At first, we very incorrectly assumed the procedure to be a thaumaturgic ritual, but given recent developments I do not believe it to be the case. The most basic failure when commencing the procedure was a lack of any sort of straps or other systems meant to hold the subject in place while the key was being inserted — quite an obvious error in retrospect, but I won't dwell on it too much. Because of it, the subject was free to move around, resulting in them getting up with the key only partially in and ripping off connecting cables. I feel ashamed to commit such an oblivious mistake, given my years of experience, but fortunately it still provided us with a lot of meaningful data that we can extrapolate and utilise. What has to be noted, is that the subject is believed to have been in some short of shock when commencing the action and was, most likely, unaware of their own movement; signs of what is believed to be hallucinations were also observed — although some of my experiment staff thinks that not to be the case. While SCP-7931 is noticeably durable; or connection to it; during the procedure, the experiment is still vulnerable to rapid changes of environment, and so removing the connecting system so early in the procedure most likely terminated the connection immediately. Consequently, removed from the effect of the anomaly, the subject suffered a complete cerebral death that shut down all bodily functions. They are now considered fully deceased, but for cautionary measures the body was incinerated. What has to noted, is that the SCP-7931 remained in some form in the area for at least a few seconds, as the medical assistant closest to Subject Alpha in the area suffered a sudden severe mental breakdown and had to be relocated to psychiatric care. I believe that the nature of SCP-7931 should take full priority in further research. SCP-7931 Project Leader Dr Marletov [DATA RESTORED] [RESUMING READING OF THE FILE] Special Containment Procedures: Kill me. Description: In order to allow the subject to form a connection with SCP-7931's dataset, it needs to first pass through an environment mimicking a human neural system, to accustom itself to the change of location. A quarantined part of a Foundation database has been chosen as an acceptable alternative. I hear beeping. It matches my heart. It's erratic. All around, it engulfs me. No, it's inside me. It pours out of me, ripped away from my thoughts. When proceeding with Stage One, for this reason the subject is to be connected to the chosen computational system, following the insertion of the interpolation device. It is highly unadvisable to allow the subject to read or interact with data within the database. I feel a machine. I know a machine. A long metal rod, penetrating deep inside my brain, grating gray matter, replacing me. During Stage One, the mentioned device will be directly inserted through the hole in the skull using a metal piston, until fully penetrating the limbic lobe. While the process, in normal circumstances, would result in death of the subject, for unknown reasons this does not occur. It is believed that, to some degree, SCP-7931 influences the biological state of the subject, disallowing the most obvious causes of termination. In a situation where the termination happens regardless it is possible to observe SCP-7931 directly, without a use of a medium. The subject of the experiment is not allowed to terminate under any circumstances. If the connection to the dataset is successful and stable, and the device was inserted fully into the head without terminating the subject, the procedure can safely proceed to the next step. I start to feel cold. I try to move my fingers. They are slow. I try move my head, but it's stuck. My face feels wet. It's not blood. During the Stage Two, the interpolation device will become active and will attempt to spread to the rest of the body, using nano-carbon tubes located inside it. Its wires spreading out, entwining my skull. I feel them everywhere, they travel deep inside my veins, pushing into every part of my body. The beeping stops. The beating also stops, my chest is calm. Everything is cold. I can't see anymore. It's peaceful. I'm alone. What's happening? If the subject experienced a CC-1 incident prior to this stage, the likelihood of a total organ failure is high. It is recommended to keep at least ten high doses of different emergency medication as well as a surgical team on site when commencing. The subject is not allowed to terminate under any circumstances. I hear the machine scream, in my mind, but I don't know its language. It's sound emotionless, detached, artificial. I move my arms. They don't respond. I can't move. I grow tired. Everything is cold. I try to see what is happening. I reach out. I don't want to see, but I'm scared. I find nothing. I feel a prick. Something is penetrating my chest. I don't know what. EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT BETA Experiment Date: > 1/08/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > Low < Current Status: > Deceased < After the failure of the first experiment, as well as several small scale experiments involving animals, we once again attempted the procedure with a human. Learning from the previous incident, we took necessary physical safety precautions and revised the implementation of the procedure, with the general purpose of conducting a small scale test that is to be stopped before finishing the insertion of the key. Given the effects brough forth by Experiment Alpha, I believed it would be beneficial to once again stop the procedure mid-way at a further point, to facilitate a similar result on a larger scale. After inserting the key around 65% through, we attempted to recover it without terminating the subject, in hope that they would return to usable state and provide further insight into the consequences of the procedure. Unfortunately, the sudden change of the environment caused the key to break down, resulting in a sudden decay of bodily function. Like expected, SCP-7931 once again spilled into the area, on a much greater scale. Overall, two casualties were noted among the staff. Subject Beta has been classified as dead. There is a woman in front of me. I've seen her before. Her face looks pale. She has a set of objects before her. I recognise them, but can't recall what are they. In case of the subject coming into shock, the medical staff needs to administer necessary substances directly to affected organs. Outside of personnel administering the procedure, no individuals are allowed to be in the immediate area of the experiment. Something is sticking out of my chest, breaking apart skin. I try to move, I feel my muscles move and contract, sliding across this foreign object. The woman does something, moves her hands. as to avoid a collapse of local reality. The object goes deeper inside me, tissues deep inside being pierced, I feel cells die, nerves become entangled. It breaks into an organ, liquid spills inside. It moves, stirs, pushes against the metal. It hurts. I hear it in my ears, it beats, again and again, I feel my arteries thump to its rhythm. The specific dosage of substances and any potential damage that might occur through administering them remain irrelevant, as the subject will not survive the procedure in a way that makes them recognizable to the pre-experimental stage. Moreover, SCP-7931 effect minimize risk for the duration of the procedure. She moves again. I feel my muscles slide, as something long is ripped out. I try to take a better look at her face, but I forgot I don't have eyes. Not my eyes, not anymore. I squint, I feel the muscles in my face contract, something wet and squishy moves on my cheeks. The woman flinches. She inserts something long into my arm, trying not to look at me. It pricks. I feel tired. EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT GAMMA Experiment Date: > 12/09/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > Medium < Current Status: > Deceased < Given the information collected about the process in the Beta experiment, I concluded we were sufficiently prepared to attempt to reach the next stage in the procedure. Given sufficient funding, we were able to expand the safety measures in a way that satisfied conditions given by the project overseers. Unfortunately, despite our preparations, the subject's body couldn't take the stress of activating the key, resulting in polymer bonds breaking down, and the subject turning into undefinable mass on the floor, which disallowed us to continue the experiment. Nonetheless, I consider the Gamma procedure a success, because despite the complete termination of biological functions, the subject appears to be still alive. While because of it the standard experimental result from Alpha and Beta did not occur, I think to have personally caught a glimpse of SCP-7931 for the first time and while I cannot discern or remember any details, it felt me quite exhiliarated. I swear I will get to the bottom of this anomaly. Future experiments regarding the object have been forbidden by the Ethics Committee. Doesn't matter, we will relocate and try again. The next subject will involve, hopefully, finally completing the procedure without interruptions. I feel light. Nothing is real. The world is not real. I hope it's not real. As of writing, the true nature of SCP-7931 remains unknown. All attempts to collect data about the entity failed to provide any information that can be confirmed through empirical or practical means; current theories are based solely on hypothetical models. I am floating. I feel calm. I hear sounds, deep inside my head. I ignore them. They are not important. Given that the impossibility of accessing information is currently believed to be a part of the anomaly, until further notice SCP-7931 have been classified as a Tenebrarius-class anomaly. Something grasps at me, far away, from outside. I see visions, places, feelings. I ignore them. The recovered information about the procedure is believed to be incomplete, lacking details about the steps further than the third, as well as the consequences of completing it. This is most likely by design, as the last page of the compendium is not in a state of disrepair; it is possible the procedure was never successfully finished. I feel calm. I want to sleep. I am drifting between scenes and places. I cannot remember what they are, focus on them. I do not exist. I feel something pull me. I feel someone, something, on the edge of my mind. There are thousands of them, millions, uncountable legions, none of them alive. They dance in harmony, as one, they push out to me. I feel their screams in my ears. They are hurting. I cannot imagine what they are. When I think they disappear. They don't exist. I know their agony, they hide in every spasm of my body, every ruptured blood vessel. They are afraid. EXPERIMENT LOG: SUBJECT DELTA Experiment Date: > 12/12/2016< Classified: > LVL 4: ID: 2515 < Risk: > Very High < Current Status: > PENDING < In this jail, atop cursed land In a great flood yet still I stand My mind and body bound by hand With cold desire and power grand And among the fields of green Lie the thoughts that I had seen But at center of that scene Hide the secrets most obscene Still I breathe, hours past Hoping to see my last With effort great and vast My rot heart beating nast Description: I hear a sound. A street, a car moves, I hear it. Something is hurting, calling me, in a building, next to the road. The humans drive around it, ignoring it. They never care when someone hurts. I dive in with the wind inside. Creatures, tens of them, hundreds, hanging from the ceiling in rows. In front I feel one, struggling and breathing, something is holding it in place. It's big, uneasy, it doesn't know what's happening. On the other side, I see more of them, but I cannot feel them. They are cold, unmoving. Their skin was ripped off, skulls crushed, spine cut out. They no longer call me. I snap back, to the one in the front. Something moves in front of it, the creature struggles in its bindings. It breathes heavily, ragged. A great metal arm moves forward, I feel the wind as it breaks through the air, hitting the being in the head. But it moves, flinches, the machine hitting it at the side of the head. It writhes in pain, losing control over muscles. It realizes I am here. It tries to escape into me, away from everything. I feel like something moves it from the ground, into air. We travel together, deeper into the facility, over a great vat, I think. Something moves in front of us, but we cannot see what or who. A cold touch moves under our neck, it's short and painful. The creature wants to scream but cannot, it's vocal cords not working, severed. So I scream for it. Wetness spills down, dripping to the floor. The creature is sad. I comfort it. It's a bit less sad now. I think that's good. I feel as it grows tired, slower. It feels cold and distant, moving away from its own body. It wants to struggle, but can't, it's too weak. Suddenly, it disappears, I can't feel it anymore. Everything feels empty. I think it's dead. It feels good. I want to be dead. I hear a sound around me. Around my body. I have a body. I forgot. I try to move my fingers. It works. My body is unresponsive, bound, but my hand is free. I move the hand in the air, before my face. I touch my cheek, feel something round and wet on it. I pull on it, it hurts, but the nerve break. It falls to the floor. I move my hand to my eyelid and force them open. It hurts. I push my fingers inside, force them deeper. I feel metal inside and ignore it, I grasp around it and rip out a chunk. It doesn't hurt. Thinking is hard. I rip out another chunk. My hand quivers. It feels cold. I feel cold. I can't focus. I can't think. I try to move but can't, my body doesn't work. Nothing feels, nothing is, except the cold. I don't hear sounds, everything disappears, I remain. Why I can't disappear. Why I I try to move my hand up. Doesn't work. I try to I try to Everything is cold. Why is everything cold? Where am I? Why am I? I want to I want I Cold. Everything is cold. I don't remember. Sleep. I I want to sleep. I can't feel. I I can't I see a tree, in a great field of grass. It speaks to me in an ancient tongue, beautiful and calm, but I do not know its language. The tree is wilting, the field decaying, falling into nothingess. With every drop of dirt I hear an eternal scream, washing away with millions more, in a cacaphony of torment. I feel my body reject me, pushing me out. The muscles growing cold and distant, flesh melting away. I collapse into sound, I am breaking apart, piece my piece. I see the world around me, grasping at me, trying to tear me in half. I see them, at the edge, just beyond. They are not alive. They weren't alive for a very long time. They touch me, hold me. They look scared, in pain. They want to be free. They would cry if they remember what is was. They call me. We are one. Ethics Commitee Note 20/12/2016 On the 18th of December we have been notified of a breach of a specialised directive regarding SCP-7931; an injunction on further experiments utilising the anomaly. On the 19th of December we found traces of an off-site laboratory, located underground, where an experiment was conducted — due to the nature of the anomaly it wasn't necessary to transport it in any capacity, and so we failed to adress the issue before the procedure was initiated. It is currently impossible to exact any disciplinary action towards the perpetrators, as they are believed to be dead; including Dr Marletov. The exact cause of their termination is unclear but an indication of a reality-restructing event in the area was noted. "Subject Delta" is believed not to exist. Investigation is ongoing. WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN WE ARE HERE WE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN Item #: SCP-7931 X is for "XXX" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub X is for “Xenobiotic” ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7931" by Arcydziegiel, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide.
ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture Bespoke Content warning If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page SCP-7932's genetic payload on the eye of an assault victim. Item Number: SCP-7932 Special Containment Procedures: Operatives working in the health care industry, and those specifically embedded within the Association of Optical Practitioners are to monitor for unregistered cases of SCP-7932 and log them appropriately. Amorphous Entity Requisition Operatives are to be deployed in the pursuit and capture of SCP-7932; rules of engagement regarding the entity are to be revised according to AERO specifications. Symptomatic carriers of SCP-7932's genetic payload have had their symptoms interpreted by medical practitioners to be the result of excessive television consumption, and general eye-strain. The physical sensation of its offspring has been similarly dismissed as merely a psychosomatic response to their visual presence. There are no plans to contradict or complicate this narrative with further misinformation. Description: SCP-7932 is a quasi-parasitic entity of unknown biology which targets and exclusively inhabits optometrists, using their practice as a front for its activities. An opportunistic predator, it does not attack for sustenance but rather sexual gratification, as SCP-7932 fetishizes eyeballs obsessively. When alone with a victim, SCP-7932 moves to occupy the host's mouth, and projects a pointed, prehensile limb to bite the victim. This appendage is loaded with an amnestic compound which induces a lethargic, suggestive state, allowing SCP-7932 to operate uncontested. It will then carefully remove each eye from the victim's orbital socket such that they could be taken into the mouth of SCP-7932's host. Taking care not to damage the eyes in any way, it will caress them with its appendage, rolling them about the host's mouth and tongue in a delicate manner. This will continue until climax, and the secretion of a translucent fluid that coats the eye. It then vomits the eye — coated in its genetic payload — back into the victim's exposed orbit. Henceforth, victims will experience a pronounced increase of the presence of 'eye-floaters' — which are, in fact, fibers which contain genetic material from SCP-7932. In rare cases, they can be ever-present, and astute observers will be able to discern slight movements that would set these apart from mundane aberrations in one's vision. One in five victims report physical sensations from the movement of SCP-7932 within the vitreous humor. Interviews with friends and family of past hosts (nine living, two missing, one deceased) has shown that none of them were privy to any changes in the host's mannerisms or routines, and were unaware of any improper or immoral behavior. Of the living hosts, all have elected for Foundation-supplied therapy post-interview. Discovery: SCP-7932, in the guise of Alphonso Kaufman, was first investigated by law enforcement officials following his arrest after being violently assaulted by a parent of a victim. The father overheard SCP-7932's interactions with his adult son during what was supposed to have been a routine examination and broke into the room to confront it. Both were detained and remanded to Fulton County Jail, which SCP-7932 escaped overnight. SCP-7932 fled to the residence of Mr. Kaufman and started a fire in both the kitchen and bedroom before disappearing. The blaze was subdued. A search by police uncovered four jars containing human eyes suspended in a preservative solution, several textbooks on ocular anatomy (several pages containing illustrations and diagrams were found to be plastered together), and over two-thousand photographs of human eyes presumably taken during sessions with its victims hidden underneath its bed. Several days later, a local youth discovered human remains beneath the East Eerie Railroad overpass, which were proven to be those of Mr Kaufman. The remains consisted of a hollow epidermal layer, alongside fragmented sections of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. With the exception of his eyes, all sensory organs were accounted for. As such, the official statement released to the public categorized Mr. Kaufman's death as trauma caused by disembowelment. News outlets characterized this revelation as evidence of a murder perpetrated by an assault victim of Mr. Kaufman, or a relative thereof. The body was taken to a nearby Site for study. A simulacrum was created to take its place at the local morgue. Addendum: In a five-year observation period of all known SCP-7932 victims, infection has not been seen to progress to a further stage, or develop in any outwardly remarkable or anomalous manner that would threaten normalcy. Behaviorally, it has been found that prior victims, though unable to recall their assault by SCP-7932, have each independently developed a paraphilic tendency for performing oculolinctus (eyeball-licking; colloquially known as "worming") on their spouses and sexual partners. This has resulted in multiple incidents of eye infections and corneal abrasions. Though this form of deviancy is notably unnatural, and regularly victimizes unwilling participants, it does not act as a vector for propagating SCP-7932 infection and thus does not constitute a need for Foundation intervention. X is for "Xenotransplantation" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub X is for “Xing” ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7932" by S D Locke, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Vitreous_Floaters.jpg Name: Vitreous Floaters.jpg Author: Jonathan Trobe License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons
Notice from the 59-Deucalion team Due to the ongoing ØK-class Artistic Singularity Event brought about by SCP-7933, this article has been screened for potential narrative qualities. The threat of SCP-7933 contamination for this document has been determined to be 23%. Proceed with caution. Title card for a fully contaminated instance of SCP-7933 on VHS. No, you can still have stories. Like this one. Item: SCP-7933 Once upon a time, there were a lot of monkeys. They had very important things to do in the East. Special Containment Procedures: Following the threshold contaminant ratio being met on 1/29/2025, SCP-7933 is no longer containable. It is currently believed that the resulting ØK-class Artistic Singularity Event will achieve planet-wide assimilation by 12/23/2030. So, they all headed Eastward. As such, containment efforts have been refocused into Contingencies 59-Deucalion and 59-Pyrrha. The journey was long and hard. Personnel assigned to Contingency 59-Deucalion will acquire as many vulnerable instances of human artistic culture as permitted by the maximum payload of the SCPS Deucalion1. The Deucalion will remain at Armed Containment Area-0005. Once the maximum payload is reached, the Deucalion will be sent unmanned to the nearest neighboring parallel universe. But that's when things got complicated. If the onboard sensors detect even minimal SCP-7933 contamination aboard the Deucalion, the onboard nuclear warhead will detonate. In this event, no further action will be taken toward preservation. Some hairless monkeys kept dropping their treasures in the hairy monkeys' path. Personnel assigned to Contingency 59-Pyrrha will focus on the inurement of humankind to the effects of SCP-7933. This will be primarily done through amnestics. The hairless monkeys had no way of knowing this was taking place. Description: SCP-7933 is a self-replicating narrative contagion of unknown origin. Upon initial discovery in 2023, it was believed that SCP-7933 only affected VHS tapes. Testing revealed that SCP-7933 affected any form of data storage that contains a story with a beginning, middle, and end — including books, audio files, and live performers. This meant, of course, that the hairy monkeys had to smash it. When an infected instance of SCP-7933 comes within 100 meters of an unaffected story, the content of the story changes significantly to involve the characters being slaughtered by hundreds of angry mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). And that was awful. Medium Effect VHS live-action film At a random point during the story, mandrills suddenly charge into the scene and begin to eat and dismember the cast. None of the affected characters make any attempt to defend themselves and only minimally struggle. In rare instances, victimized characters will look at the camera and say "it was only a question of 'when'" or "this is what we deserve for not being monkeys." VHS animated film At a random point, the screen will suddenly freeze. The camera will pan away to reveal an animation studio that is currently under attack by vicious mandrills. .mp3 recording of a song (Note: the song has to include or imply a narrative to be affected.) The song will be randomly interrupted by the sound of a mandrill attack. Book, fictional or nonfictional The book will be divided into two chapters. The first chapter, "The Part Before the Monkeys Came," comprises 1/3rd of the original text. The second chapter, "The Part With All The Monkeys," briefly describes a mandrill attack in which the entire population of Earth is murdered and replaced by mandrills. The remainder of the pages will be blank. Live news reports 5/7933 Clearance Required SCP Documentation 5/7933 Clearance Required Websites 5/7933 Clearance Required Paintings, Visual Art, and Photographs The image will transform into an identical image of several SCP-7933 instances walking across a desert from left to right. Thoughts kept to oneself RESEARCH ONGOING But sadly, the hairy monkeys were warriors by nature. If any of the affected video instances are played from the beginning, a ten-minute film plays with the title card "munky x-ing". During the film, 4,9202 mandrills walk from the left side of the screen to the right. The backdrop varies, but will usually resemble either a desert or a scene from the film prior to SCP-7933 contamination. Revisited audio files will be silent, save for the sound of several hundred mandrills breathing. And besides, their monkeys' secret business in the East was just that important. It is believed that if SCP-7933 is allowed to propagate undisturbed, it would cause an ØK-class Artistic Singularity Event. The hairless monkeys grew angry, because the things that were being destroyed were of great value. Addendum 1 - Incident-7933-859 But the hairy monkeys had no way to explain themselves. On 5/5/2024, during the initial waves of the SCP-7933 narrative pandemic, a performance of Rigoletto at the Lyric Opera of Chicago was suddenly interrupted during Act I by new material, sung without orchestral accompaniment. Although the libretto and sheet music used by the cast had also been affected, the cast had not rehearsed this number before. So the hairless monkeys could only assume that this was being done in cold blood. It should be noted that no real mandrills appeared during the performance. Every physical reaction to mandrill attacks was pantomimed. And I, the last sage of our tribe, made one final push for understanding… Libretto excerpt of the anomalous section (Translated from Italian) Marullo: Great news! Great news! Chorus: What has happened? Tell us. Marullo: This will amaze you! Chorus, Borsa: Tell us, tell us. Marullo: Ah! Ah! Rigoletto… (Rigoletto suddenly inters in a state of dishevelment.) Marullo: Soft! I must not tell while he is present. Chorus: It's him! How frightened he looks… Rigoletto: God help us all! Marullo: And what would a jester know of God? Rigoletto: They are upon us! The monkeys! Duke: Have mercy on my poor jester, for he has gone mad. There are no monkeys in my court. Marullo: Perhaps your jester looked in a mirror! Chorus, Borsa: Ha, ha! That was a joke! Ha, ha! Rigoletto: Behold! (Everyone sees the monkeys.) Chorus: What horror! Monkeys! Duke: They leap upon my throat with rapid stride! See how the blood gushes from my neck like a fountain! Oh, I am dying. Dying feels worse than sleeping with my courtiers' wives. But alas, that is what I am doing. What cruelty! I am very dead. Chorus: Monkeys, monkeys! Rigoletto: They bite me once again! How I die! Chorus: Monkeys, monkeys! Marullo: I am also having my arms torn off by monkeys. Chorus: Monkeys, monkeys! Everybody is now dead. (All die. Curtain.) But what can be done? Following the performance, the entire cast had fallen into comas. Only the actress who played the role of Gilda was responsive to rescue efforts, claiming in Italian that "I cannot move, for the monkeys have torn out my heart." Even if my words reach you, will you accept them? Addendum 2 - Note from the Administrator regarding SCP-7933 (revised) Even I can see the value of what has been lost. + Note from the Administrator regarding SCP-7933 (original) - encryption key accepted Good evening, my friends. The drop in morale ever since the threshold-meeting event hasn't gone unnoticed. I doubt an extension of my sympathy is going to fix anything, but even those among us who've laughed off SCP-7933 as "that silly monkey thing" have begun to feel the misery of the contagion's impact. We can survive without stories. We can survive without art. But there is a difference between surviving and living. But make no mistake: the resilience of the human mind has taken us this far. That is why I am announcing the third contingency, to be drafted immediately: Contingency 59-Prometheus. Through 59-Prometheus, the brightest minds of the Foundation will work together to create a new and untouchable form of human expression that why do I hear broken glass? What's that ungodly howling noise? Oh, no. It cannot be. The mandrills. They're climbing all over me. They're biting into my neck. God help me. Ow. Ow. Stop it, monkeys. Go away. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I am now dead. Monkeys win. There are now a hundred times a hundred monkeys walking across my corpse in a big line to the East. They're going off to do their monkey jobs. It's a good thing they're so much better and stronger than me. Good luck with your monkey jobs, monkeys. Not that you'll need it. I love you, monkeys. Thank you for destroying me. — The Administrator I know it's no fault of your own. SCP-7933 is survivable. That, in itself, is hopeful. (…and you'll understand, of course, if I'm not exactly in the mood to write out the whole damned thing all over again. Keeping it shorter seems to help — for now, at least.) Good luck. You'll need it. — The Administrator But all the same, it's no fault of ours, either. Perhaps our tribes are just that incompatible. And so, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that this document, and everything within, has been eaten by monkeys. So consider this my final, desperate plea for you to take the fucking hint and get out of the way. Eastward bound, and off, we, go… Footnotes 1. An experimental multiversal exploration vehicle that uses SCP-[REDACTED] and -[REDACTED] as a catalyst. 2. Full count obtained by Researcher Solomon at Site-59. X is for "Xenobiotic" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub Y is for “Youth” ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7933" by daveyoufool, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: munkyxing.jpg Author: daveyoufool License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
Notice from the 59-Deucalion team Due to the ongoing ØK-class Artistic Singularity Event brought about by SCP-7933, this article has been screened for potential narrative qualities. The threat of SCP-7933 contamination for this document has been determined to be 23%. Proceed with caution. Title card for a fully contaminated instance of SCP-7933 on VHS. No, you can still have stories. Like this one. Item: SCP-7933 Once upon a time, there were a lot of monkeys. They had very important things to do in the East. Special Containment Procedures: Following the threshold contaminant ratio being met on 1/29/2025, SCP-7933 is no longer containable. It is currently believed that the resulting ØK-class Artistic Singularity Event will achieve planet-wide assimilation by 12/23/2030. So, they all headed Eastward. As such, containment efforts have been refocused into Contingencies 59-Deucalion and 59-Pyrrha. The journey was long and hard. Personnel assigned to Contingency 59-Deucalion will acquire as many vulnerable instances of human artistic culture as permitted by the maximum payload of the SCPS Deucalion1. The Deucalion will remain at Armed Containment Area-0005. Once the maximum payload is reached, the Deucalion will be sent unmanned to the nearest neighboring parallel universe. But that's when things got complicated. If the onboard sensors detect even minimal SCP-7933 contamination aboard the Deucalion, the onboard nuclear warhead will detonate. In this event, no further action will be taken toward preservation. Some hairless monkeys kept dropping their treasures in the hairy monkeys' path. Personnel assigned to Contingency 59-Pyrrha will focus on the inurement of humankind to the effects of SCP-7933. This will be primarily done through amnestics. The hairless monkeys had no way of knowing this was taking place. Description: SCP-7933 is a self-replicating narrative contagion of unknown origin. Upon initial discovery in 2023, it was believed that SCP-7933 only affected VHS tapes. Testing revealed that SCP-7933 affected any form of data storage that contains a story with a beginning, middle, and end — including books, audio files, and live performers. This meant, of course, that the hairy monkeys had to smash it. When an infected instance of SCP-7933 comes within 100 meters of an unaffected story, the content of the story changes significantly to involve the characters being slaughtered by hundreds of angry mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). And that was awful. Medium Effect VHS live-action film At a random point during the story, mandrills suddenly charge into the scene and begin to eat and dismember the cast. None of the affected characters make any attempt to defend themselves and only minimally struggle. In rare instances, victimized characters will look at the camera and say "it was only a question of 'when'" or "this is what we deserve for not being monkeys." VHS animated film At a random point, the screen will suddenly freeze. The camera will pan away to reveal an animation studio that is currently under attack by vicious mandrills. .mp3 recording of a song (Note: the song has to include or imply a narrative to be affected.) The song will be randomly interrupted by the sound of a mandrill attack. Book, fictional or nonfictional The book will be divided into two chapters. The first chapter, "The Part Before the Monkeys Came," comprises 1/3rd of the original text. The second chapter, "The Part With All The Monkeys," briefly describes a mandrill attack in which the entire population of Earth is murdered and replaced by mandrills. The remainder of the pages will be blank. Live news reports 5/7933 Clearance Required SCP Documentation 5/7933 Clearance Required Websites 5/7933 Clearance Required Paintings, Visual Art, and Photographs The image will transform into an identical image of several SCP-7933 instances walking across a desert from left to right. Thoughts kept to oneself RESEARCH ONGOING But sadly, the hairy monkeys were warriors by nature. If any of the affected video instances are played from the beginning, a ten-minute film plays with the title card "munky x-ing". During the film, 4,9202 mandrills walk from the left side of the screen to the right. The backdrop varies, but will usually resemble either a desert or a scene from the film prior to SCP-7933 contamination. Revisited audio files will be silent, save for the sound of several hundred mandrills breathing. And besides, their monkeys' secret business in the East was just that important. It is believed that if SCP-7933 is allowed to propagate undisturbed, it would cause an ØK-class Artistic Singularity Event. The hairless monkeys grew angry, because the things that were being destroyed were of great value. Addendum 1 - Incident-7933-859 But the hairy monkeys had no way to explain themselves. On 5/5/2024, during the initial waves of the SCP-7933 narrative pandemic, a performance of Rigoletto at the Lyric Opera of Chicago was suddenly interrupted during Act I by new material, sung without orchestral accompaniment. Although the libretto and sheet music used by the cast had also been affected, the cast had not rehearsed this number before. So the hairless monkeys could only assume that this was being done in cold blood. It should be noted that no real mandrills appeared during the performance. Every physical reaction to mandrill attacks was pantomimed. And I, the last sage of our tribe, made one final push for understanding… Libretto excerpt of the anomalous section (Translated from Italian) Marullo: Great news! Great news! Chorus: What has happened? Tell us. Marullo: This will amaze you! Chorus, Borsa: Tell us, tell us. Marullo: Ah! Ah! Rigoletto… (Rigoletto suddenly inters in a state of dishevelment.) Marullo: Soft! I must not tell while he is present. Chorus: It's him! How frightened he looks… Rigoletto: God help us all! Marullo: And what would a jester know of God? Rigoletto: They are upon us! The monkeys! Duke: Have mercy on my poor jester, for he has gone mad. There are no monkeys in my court. Marullo: Perhaps your jester looked in a mirror! Chorus, Borsa: Ha, ha! That was a joke! Ha, ha! Rigoletto: Behold! (Everyone sees the monkeys.) Chorus: What horror! Monkeys! Duke: They leap upon my throat with rapid stride! See how the blood gushes from my neck like a fountain! Oh, I am dying. Dying feels worse than sleeping with my courtiers' wives. But alas, that is what I am doing. What cruelty! I am very dead. Chorus: Monkeys, monkeys! Rigoletto: They bite me once again! How I die! Chorus: Monkeys, monkeys! Marullo: I am also having my arms torn off by monkeys. Chorus: Monkeys, monkeys! Everybody is now dead. (All die. Curtain.) But what can be done? Following the performance, the entire cast had fallen into comas. Only the actress who played the role of Gilda was responsive to rescue efforts, claiming in Italian that "I cannot move, for the monkeys have torn out my heart." Even if my words reach you, will you accept them? Addendum 2 - Note from the Administrator regarding SCP-7933 (revised) Even I can see the value of what has been lost. + Note from the Administrator regarding SCP-7933 (original) - encryption key accepted Good evening, my friends. The drop in morale ever since the threshold-meeting event hasn't gone unnoticed. I doubt an extension of my sympathy is going to fix anything, but even those among us who've laughed off SCP-7933 as "that silly monkey thing" have begun to feel the misery of the contagion's impact. We can survive without stories. We can survive without art. But there is a difference between surviving and living. But make no mistake: the resilience of the human mind has taken us this far. That is why I am announcing the third contingency, to be drafted immediately: Contingency 59-Prometheus. Through 59-Prometheus, the brightest minds of the Foundation will work together to create a new and untouchable form of human expression that why do I hear broken glass? What's that ungodly howling noise? Oh, no. It cannot be. The mandrills. They're climbing all over me. They're biting into my neck. God help me. Ow. Ow. Stop it, monkeys. Go away. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I am now dead. Monkeys win. There are now a hundred times a hundred monkeys walking across my corpse in a big line to the East. They're going off to do their monkey jobs. It's a good thing they're so much better and stronger than me. Good luck with your monkey jobs, monkeys. Not that you'll need it. I love you, monkeys. Thank you for destroying me. — The Administrator I know it's no fault of your own. SCP-7933 is survivable. That, in itself, is hopeful. (…and you'll understand, of course, if I'm not exactly in the mood to write out the whole damned thing all over again. Keeping it shorter seems to help — for now, at least.) Good luck. You'll need it. — The Administrator But all the same, it's no fault of ours, either. Perhaps our tribes are just that incompatible. And so, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that this document, and everything within, has been eaten by monkeys. So consider this my final, desperate plea for you to take the fucking hint and get out of the way. Eastward bound, and off, we, go… Footnotes 1. An experimental multiversal exploration vehicle that uses SCP-[REDACTED] and -[REDACTED] as a catalyst. 2. Full count obtained by Researcher Solomon at Site-59. X is for "Xenobiotic" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub Y is for “Youth” ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7933" by daveyoufool, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: munkyxing.jpg Author: daveyoufool License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
Item #: SCP-7934 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7934 is to be kept in an artificial freshwater lake on-grounds at Area 565, and fitted with a tracking tag to monitor its movements underwater. The location was established due to similar environmental conditions to SCP-7934's original habitat. Live eels, trout, and salmon have been introduced to the habitat to provide a steady diet for SCP-7934. If SCP-7934 approaches any personnel on the shoreline of the lake, or while they are in an observation boat, they are to remain calm, so as not to cause it distress. If it vocalises or rests its head in the boat, personnel are to gently stroke its head or neck until it is satisfied, taking the opportunity to check its physical health. If a Surgeon Event is observed, personnel are to begin an immediate misinformation campaign, promoting the existence of SCP-7934 to the general public. Update: As of 22/06/2004, the preceding Special Containment Procedures are outdated. Refer to Revised Containment Procedures. Description: SCP-7934 is currently a quadrupedal marine reptile bearing a close resemblance to a specimen of the genus Plesiosaurus, albeit larger in size than any fossil of the genus that has been discovered. Its body length is roughly 6.4m, with its neck comprising roughly 2.5m of that length, and its body mass has been approximated to be 970kg. Despite its appearance, SCP-7934 displays behaviour incongruent with current understandings of plesiosaurs; it has been observed raising its neck and bending its head at angles unsupported by current models of Plesiosaurus biology. SCP-7934 also shows notable signs of intelligence, including self-recognition of its reflection and a tendency to develop attachments to specific research staff. SCP-7934's physiology has dramatically changed several times over the course of its time in Foundation captivity. These changes in physiology typically take a month to complete1 and are often visceral, with SCP-7934 invariably vocalising in pain or distress as its body reshapes itself. Date of change2 Physiology Size Weight 1846 (year of initial recovery) Resembled a large Irish wolfhound, with what appeared to be peat moss growing from its fur. 81cm (from foot to shoulder) 62kg 1857 Resembled a large reptile. Snout was elongated, with nostrils located on top of the nose. Eyes were enlarged and bulbous. Feet were noticeably crocodilian in form. 8m (from snout to tail) Approx. 700kg August 1888 Resembled a fire salamander3. Was observed propelling itself across the surface of the water by running, similar to a basilisk lizard4. 7m (from snout to tail) Approx. 550kg May 1933 - April 1934 Physiology became inconsistent and varied. At times, SCP-7934 was amphibious; at others, it was fully aquatic. Details including size, weight, type of feet, number of legs, length of snout, length of neck, and shape of head could alter, uniformly causing pain and distress to the organism. Varied Varied 21 April 1934 Resembles an abnormally large plesiosaur. This is SCP-7934's current physiology. 6.4m (from snout to tail) Approx. 970kg Incident 21/04/1934: In 1934, Dr. Anne Menzies, an assistant zoologist assigned to SCP-7934, made a series of notes in her personal journal detailing independent research into the organism's history and physiology. + View contents of Dr. Menzies' journal - Hide contents of Dr. Menzies' Journal Feb 28 SCP-7934's in a dire state at the moment. Its legs have gotten horribly swollen. The damn things look more like hippo feet than any reptile or amphibian I've seen before. What I can't for the life of me work out is how we don't yet know what's causing this. I asked Rupert5 about it today and he just shrugged a bit. Said something like he's been trying to answer that for forty years, and that if I really wanted to I could look through the log of changes but that it wouldn't do much good. Patronising fuc I shouldn't be getting upset at him. He's probably kicking himself over the whole thing as much as I am. Maybe I'll take him up on that offer, though. Mar 4 Rupert was right - this does feel like a waste of time. I can't find a trend at all. The gaps in time between all the changes are irregular, and we've never observed anything like the mutations going on at the moment. Why a dog? Every other time it's changed since we've had the creature it's been a reptile, or an amphibian, something with scales. But before then, a dog. I just can't work it out. SCP-7934 changed again, incidentally. I watched as its neck grew longer and longer. The skin tore because it couldn't keep up with the growth. God, the noises it makes are too much sometimes. Mar 6 I mentioned the questions I had about the dog to Rupert today and he said something that's stuck with me. He told me that a little before the Great War, he'd had a theory that SCP-7934 was originally some sort of kelpie - one of those so-called water horses - and that it'd somehow ended up morphing into a lizard. Apparently he gave up on it because he couldn't understand the reason behind the change. He told me not to worry about it, but it got me thinking. Kelpies are creatures of myth, are they not? Perhaps there's some sort of… storytelling component to it. But what could have happened in 1857 to make the damn thing turn into a di I just went and checked. The dinosaurs. The damn dinosaurs at Bromley6. First unveiled in 1854. Add in a few years for the image to spread. The sketch I've got of the 1857 changes has big bloody dinosaur feet like the Iguanodon and the same fish eyes as the Ichthyosaurus. Could this be it? I have to consult with Rupert tomorrow. I'll bring in what I found. Mar 9 I told Rupert what I'd found - about the dinosaurs at Bromley - and how it relates to his old kelpie idea, and he's already writing up a full letter to the Director about it on my behalf. Said he couldn't be happier with the work I've put in. On that note, I went away and found a few back issues of the Courier7, and there's an article in here that I think supports my theory! Something about a businessman and his wife that saw what looked like a whale in the water back in May last year. Right around that time, SCP-7934 first gained cetacean features! I think we've bloody well got it! Can't be too excited, though, speaking about 7934 - the poor thing's getting worse. I found it beached about ten feet away from the shoreline today, with fins instead of feet, completely unable to get back into the water. Its breathing was terribly laboured, too, and it wouldn't stop looking at me. Rupert thinks that at some point overnight, it had come onto dry land, and then another damn mutation had happened that left it helpless. Took nine of us to get it back into the lake. Still, if this theory of mine is right, then there's a way to stabilise the changes so that this doesn't happen again. Mar 14 The Director came down to visit today. He wanted to see me in particular. Commended me on my hard work and congratulated me on coming up with the theory for the physiology changes. I must remember to thank Rupert; I think a lesser man might take credit for an idea like that himself, but he was sure to give me full recognition. I mentioned my idea for a way to stabilise 7934, and I'm not sure how to gauge his response. All he did was look out onto the water with a funny sort of look in his eye. Then he turned back to me and said, "Give it a formal writeup." Now, obviously, there's nothing directly forbidding or discouraging in what he said, but there's just something about his tone there that made me uncertain. It felt like he was weighing up whether it'd be smarter to shoot me down now or later. I told Rupert about my unease once the Director was gone, and he believes I'm just being a bit paranoid. I do hope that's the case. Mar 19 Finally managed to finish off the proposal to stabilise 7934's form yesterday. If I'm correct and the changes are based on what people think it looks like, then it's just a matter of disseminating a few decently credible reports into the wild. I've even taken the liberty of including a few drafts to show the Director that it won't be too difficult. I dropped it off at his office first thing this morning - with any luck, I'll hear back from him soon. Hopefully it won't be too long. As I was observing 7934 today from the boat, it approached me with some difficulty. It's front left fin has split open into a claw. I could see bone in the gaps between its new fingers. Mar 28 Still nothing. I'm beginning to get annoyed. How long could it possibly take to review a proposal? Rupert's seeing the Director in a few days on other business, and he's kindly offered to make an inquiry for me. 7934's hind legs have warped together into a single flippered tail, like a seal. The left leg hasn't fully shed the nails from when it was last quadrupedal, so it's been veering left as it propels itself through the water. It keeps looking at me as if it's begging for me to ease its pain. I don't know how long I can bear to wait for a response. Apr 2 According to Rupert's account, the Director has in fact read our proposal. He certainly could have fooled me, given his complete silence on the matter. Apparently he's busy "weighing up the pros and cons". What the hell does that mean, "pros and cons"? I fail to see a negative in this argument. Either we keep 7934 alive and healthy or risk its death, what more is there to understand? Perhaps I'm just being emotional. The damn thing is calling out whenever it sees me now. It's wounding me to think about it. Apr 17 Fuck him fuck him fuck him The Director came to visit us today. Asked how 7934 was doing, to which I answered something like, "It's suffering. If you'd consider implementing my proposal, we can alleviate that." Nothing confrontational, although I was a bit curt with him. Do you know what he did? He put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me aside as if I were some sort of naïve ingenue who needed everything explained to her, and he said, "To be frank, Annie, what's important isn't whether or not it's in pain, it's whether or not it's alive." The absolute gall of him! I don't think I've ever been quite so angry in my life. I held my tongue and politely suggested the possibility of death resulting from the stress of the constant mutation 7934 is under, but he brushed me off. Said he'd read through my proposal but considers the chances to be minimal since 7934 has always recovered in the past. Said he didn't think it was worth risking a potential information leak while we disseminated the false reports. And then he smiled at me and told me to keep up the good work before leaving. Rupert's tried to calm me, say that we can try again with a better writeup of the proposal, but I've seen it plain now. The Director doesn't seem to care for 7934's quality of life, only the presence of it. Trying again would be like hurling myself at a brick wall, dusting myself down, and charging right back at it - a complete exercise in futility. Besides which… as much as my focus is on the well-being of the creature, I can't ignore that I'm well and truly on the warpath now. All I've asked is the opportunity to keep this one-of-a-kind organism healthy, but I've been stonewalled time after time. To hell with it. I'll accept all the consequences of what I'm about to do, but I'll be damned if I don't take action now. On 21/04/1934, a photograph, purported to show SCP-7934 in its original habitat, was published in a national newspaper. That same day, SCP-7934's physiology changed into its current form8. After briefly stopping at Area 565 to check SCP-7934's health, Dr. Menzies surrendered herself to Foundation staff with the original photographic plate, confessing to organising the hoax in an attempt to ensure SCP-7934's survival. A search of her home found the above journal and several items used to create the photograph9. In light of SCP-7934's dramatically improved wellbeing, and a defence by its head researcher, Dr. Cantwell, Dr. Menzies was given the minimum penalty of a two year probationary period, during which she was not to work on SCP-7934. She returned to her position as assistant zoologist on SCP-7934 in 1938; upon noticing her, SCP-7934 approached the observational boat and vocalised for three hours, pausing occasionally to rub its neck against the boat. Incident 07/12/1975: On 07/12/1975, the photograph taken by Dr. Menzies was exposed as a hoax in a national newspaper. For roughly 26 hours following the distribution of the story, SCP-7934 ceased to exist; its tracking tag did not register any information, and it could not be located in its habitat. In response, Foundation agents launched a misinformation campaign, downplaying the exposure of the photograph and exaggerating the potential existence of SCP-7934 in its original habitat. This was successful in stabilising SCP-7934's existence, and it maintained its physiology upon its return; however, over the next few weeks, researchers noted an apparent change in mood. SCP-7934 was observed to be more agitated than usual, being startled by loud noises. It also frequently approached researchers in the observation boat, resting its head on the gunwale and vocalising until it received a gentle pat. Following Incident 07/12/1975, SCP-7934 would cease to exist four more times, in 1987, 1999, 2001, and 2002; such events were officially termed Surgeon Events. While Foundation efforts were able to suppress any information regarding SCP-7934's actual status, an apparent decrease in belief in its existence seemed to have corresponded with the increase in Surgeon Events. On 21/12/2003, Dr. Raavi, the lead researcher on SCP-7934, made the following proposal to European Regional Overseer Llewellyn. + View proposal - Hide proposal December 21, 2003 Proposal for Revision of Containment Procedures for SCP-7934 Please excuse the somewhat unusual nature of this request. I recognise that you are not normally involved in revisions and the like, but the proposal I'm making requires a much higher level of oversight than is typical, so I'm sending this straight to you. As I am sure you are well aware, SCP-7934 is destabilising more frequently than it has in the past. I propose that our current strategy of hoaxing its existence is somewhat flawed. Yes, it worked for Dr. Menzies back in the thirties, but these are different times. Cameras are much more advanced, and take higher quality images every year; besides that, we're now seeing cell phones with cameras actually built into them. If that technology becomes more widespread, then the chances of us convincingly faking SCP-7934's existence every time we see a Surgeon Event will drop like a stone. Think about it: thousands of people photographing the water with high-fidelity cameras every year? We'd stand no chance. For this reason, we must face the inevitable conclusion that, in order to successfully maintain belief in SCP-7934, we are going to need to actually have something physical in its original habitat to be glimpsed from time to time. Bear in mind that I am by no means suggesting we openly confess to SCP-7934's existence; we are the Foundation, after all, and containment is what we do. But if we allow the civilian population to occasionally catch sight of a strange ripple on the water, we can keep the rumour of its existence alive enough to sustain it. When initially drafting this proposal, I had planned to recommend the use of an artificial SCP-7934 that we could employ from time to time. The more I thought about it, however, the more I found myself questioning the viability of such a scheme. If the construct were exposed as a hoax, while we could easily brush it aside with the use of amnestics, I fear what the discovery of such a large-scale fraud would do for SCP-7934; even with a cover-up, the potential Surgeon Event could be permanently damaging to its health. As such, I would like to state the simple solution: Why don't we just let it go home? + View Revised Containment Procedures - Hide Revised Containment Procedures Revised Containment Procedures: SCP-7934 is to be kept in its original habitat at Loch Ness in Scotland, and fitted with a tracking tag to monitor its movements underwater. Foundation personnel are to ensure that no civilian vessel is allowed to move within 1km2 of SCP-7934's location. If SCP-7934 approaches any personnel while they are in an observation boat, they are to remain calm, so as not to cause it distress. If it vocalises or rests its head in the boat, personnel are to gently stroke its head or neck until it is satisfied, taking the opportunity to check its physical health. If SCP-7934 approaches the shoreline, any civilians present are to be detained and administered Class-A amnestics, rendering specific details of the encounter impossible to recall. If the number of civilian observers is particularly low, and they have no evidence of SCP-7934's existence, they may be permitted to spread stories of the encounter, so as to maintain its general health. In the event that a civilian posts photographic or videographic evidence of SCP-7934 online, the content is to be assessed for its believability. If the content is deemed to be too concrete proof of SCP-7934's existence, it is to be immediately scrubbed from the Internet, and Class A amnestics are to be distributed among the general population to remove the image from memory. Otherwise, the content may be left online, so as to maintain SCP-7934's wellbeing. Footnotes 1. With exceptions - see Incident 21/04/1934. 2. Dates given prior to the 1872 Recordkeeping Standardisation Policy can only be narrowed down to the year. 3. Salamandra salamandra. 4. Basilicus basilicus. 5. Dr. Cantwell, then-head researcher on SCP-7934. 6. A series of sculptures by B. W. Hawkins depicting then-accurate interpretations of prehistoric life at the Crystal Palace in London. 7. Referring to the Inverness Courier, a newspaper commonly circulated around SCP-7934's original habitat. 8. Dr. Menzies later suggested that the rapidity of change in popular image of SCP-7934 resulted in an accelerated rate of mutation. 9. These included fishing line, several sinkers, a buoyant toy submarine, and a crudely-sculpted head and neck of a plesiosaur made from putty. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-7934" by TheWomanWithNoName, from the SCP Wiki. 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